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Full text of "Tax havens and their use by United States taxpayers : an overview : a report to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, the Assistant Attorney General (Tax Division) and the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury (Tax Policy)"

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JANUARY  12,  1981 


ROOM  5030 

»UG  1 «  1986 

Tax  Havens  and 
Their  Use  By 
United  States  Taxpayers 
-An  Overview 

A  report  to  the 

Commissioner  of  Internal  Revenue 

Assistant  Attorney  General  (Tax  Division) 

and  the 
Assistant  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  (Tax  Policy) 

Submitted  by: 
Richard  A.  Gordon 
Special  Counsel  for 
International  Taxation 

January  12, 1981 

Publication  1150  (4-81) 

Washington.  DC  20224 

January  13,  1980 

Mr.  William  E.  Williams 
Acting  Commissioner 
Internal  Revenue  Service 
Room  3034, 
Washington,  D.C.   20224 

Mr.  M.  Carr  Ferguson 
Assistant  Attorney  General 
Department  of  Justice 
Room  4143 
Washington,  D.C.   20530 

Mr.  Donald  C.  Lubick 

Assistant  Secretary  (Tax  Policy) 

Main  Treasury 

Room  3112 

Washington,  D.C.   20220 

Dear  Sirs: 

You  have  asked  that  I  review  and  advise  you  regarding 

the  use  of  tax  havens  by  United  States  persons  and  present 

options  to  be  considered  for  dealing  with  problems  created 
by  that  use. 

In  response  to  your  request,  I  am  pleased  to  submit  the 
enclosed  report  which  is  based  on  a  study  and  analysis  of 
tax  haven  transactions,  United  States  internal  tax  laws 
applicable  thereto.  United  States  income  tax  treaties,  and 
the  attempts  of  the  tax  administrators  to  deal  with  these 

Richard  A.  Gordon 
Special  Counsel  for 

International  Taxation 


Department  of  the  Treasury        Internal  Revenue  Service 








Submitted  by: 

Richard  A.  Gordon  January  12,  1981 

Special  Counsel  for 

International  Taxation 



Summary  of  Contents 

Introduction 1 

I.  Overview  of  Findings  and  Recommendations 3 

II.  Tax  Havens  -  In  General 14 

III.  Statistical  Data  on  Patterns  of  Use  of  Tax  Havens 32 

IV.  united  States  Taxation  of  International  Transactions 
and  the  Anti-Avoidance  Provisions  -  An  Overview 42 

V.  Patterns  of  Use  of  Tax  Havens.. 59 

VI.  Use  of  Tax  Havens  to  Facilitate  Evasion  of  U.S.  Taxes. Ill 

VII.  Options  for  Changes  in  Substantive  Rules 128 

VIII.  Treaties  with  Tax  Havens 147 

IX.  Information  Gathering 180 

X.  Administration 217 



Table  of  Contents 

Introduction. 1 

I.  Overview  of  Findings  and  Options 3 

II.  Tax  Havens  -  In  General 14 

A.  Characteristics 14 

1 .  low  Tax 15 

2.  Secrecy 15 

3.  Relative  Importance  of  Banking 17 

4.  Availability  of  Modern  Communications 19 

5.  Lack  of  Currency  Controls 19 

6.  Self  Promotion  -  Tax  Aggression 19 

7.  Special  Situations  -  Tax  Treaties 20 

B.  Background 20 

1.  Historical  Background 20 

2.  Modern  Background 21 

3.  Present  Situation 22 

C.  Reasons  for  Use  of  Tax  Havens 22 

D.  Foreign  Measures  Against  Tax  Havens 24 

1.  Unilateral  Approaches 24 

a.  Tax  Legislation 24 

(i)     Provisions  similar  to  subpart  F 24 

(ii)    Transfer  pricing 26 

(iii)   Transfers  of  property  abroad 26 

(iv)    Provisions  relating  to  deductions 27 

(v)     Expatriation 27 

(vi)    Special  provisions 28 

b.  Non-Tax  Measures 29 

c.  Effectiveness 29 

2.  Multilateral  Approaches 30 

III.  Statistical  Data  on  Patterns  of  Use  of  Tax  Havens 32 

A.  Levels  of  Use  by  U.S.  Persons  Through  Tax  Haven 
Companies 33 

B.  Levels  of  Use  by  Foreign  Persons 34 

C.  Levels  of  Use  by  Banks 35 

D.  Levels  of  Use  by  Tax  Evaders 36 

IV.  United  States  Taxation  of  International  Transactions 

and  the  Anti-Avoidance  Provisions  -  An  Overview 42 

A.  Policy  Objectives 42 

B.  Basic  Pattern 46 

1.  General  Rules 46 

2.  United  States  Taxation  of  Property  Held  by 

a  Foreign  Trustee 49 

3.  Taxation  of  Corporations  and  Their  Share- 
holders  50 

-  11  - 

C.   Anti-Abuse  Measures 51 

1.  Accumulated  earnings  tax 51 

2.  Transfer  pricing 52 

3.  Sections  367  and  1491 52 

4.  Personal  holding  companies 54 

5.  Foreign  personal  holding  companies 54 

6.  Section  269 55 

7.  Foreign  investment  companies 55 

8.  Controlled  foreign  corporations 56 

9.  Dispositions  of  stock  of  controlled  foreign 
corporations 58 

10.  Dispositions  of  patents  to  foreign  cor- 
porations  58 

V.     Patterns  of  Use  of  Tax  Havens 59 

A.  Tax  Avoidance  v.  Tax  Evasion 59 

B.  Transfers  to  a  Tax  Haven  Entity 61 

1.  Transfer  Pricing 62 

2.  Transfers  of  Assets  Other  than  by  Transfer 
Pricing 63 

a.  Transfers  to  Tax  Haven  Corporations — Scope 

of  §3  67 63 

b.  Transfers  Not  Reorganizations 66 

C.  Transactions  Through  a  Controlled  Entity 68 

1.  Tax  Planning — Minimizing  Tax  and  Maximizing 

the  Foreign  Tax  Credit 69 

2.  Holding  Companies 72 

3.  Sales  Activities 74 

4.  Services  and  Construction 79 

5.  Transportation 84 

6.  Insurance 86 

7.  Banking 90 

D.  Transactions  Through  an  Entity  which  is  not 
Controlled 91 

E.  Principal  Patterns  of  Abusive  Tax  Haven  Use 
Predominently  by  Promoters  and  by  Individual 
Taxpayers 94 

1.  Background 95 

2.  Patterns  of  Use 95 

a.  Investment  Companies 95 

b.  Trading  Company 96 

c.  Holding  Companies 97 

d.  Shelters 97 

(  i  )     Commodities 98 

(ii)    Movies 100 

(iii)   Foreign  situs  property 101 

e.  Foreign  Trusts 101 

f.  Double  Trusts 104 

g.  Generating  Deductions 105 

h.   Expatriation 106 

-  Ill  - 

F.   Use  by  Foreign  Persons  Doing  Business  in  or 

Residing  in  the  U.S 107 

1.  Banks 107 

2.  Insurance 108 

3.  Entertainment  Industry 109 

4.  Trading  and  Sales  Companies 109 

5.  Aliens  Resident  in  the  U.S 109 

VI.  Use  of  Tax  Havens  to  Facilitate  Evasion  of  U.S.  Taxes....  Ill 

A.  Prior  Efforts  to  Investigate  Offshore  Cases 112 

B.  Narcotics  Related  Cases 116 

C.  Patterns  of  Use  of  Tax  Havens  for  Evasion 118 

1.  Double  Trusts 118 

2.  Secret  Bank  Accounts 119 

3.  U.S.  Taxpayers  Using  a  Foreign  Corporation  - 
Substance  over  Form 120 

4.  Shelters  -  Commodity  Transactions 121 

5.  Income  Generated  Overseas  Deposited  in  a 
Foreign  Bank  Account 122 

6.  Slush  Funds 123 

7.  Use  of  a  Foreign  Entity  to  Step-up  the  Basis 

of  U.S.  Property 123 

8.  Repatriation  of  Funds 123 

D.  Informants  and  Undercover  Operations 124 

E.  Analysis 127 

VII.  Options  for  Change  in  Substantive  Rules 128 

A.  Options  Which  Can  be  Accomplished  Administratively. . 128 

1.  Burden  of  Proof 128 

2.  Section  482  Regulations 129 

3.  Subpart  F  Regulations 132 

4.  Application  of  §269  and  the  Accumulated  Earnings 
Tax 133 

5.  Review  Rev.  Rul.  54-140 133 

6.  Revocation  of  Acquiescence  in  CCA,  Inc. 134 

7.  Captive  Insurance  Companies 134 

8.  Income  of  Foreign  Banks 134 

B.  Options  Requiring  legislation 135 

1.  Expansion  of  Subpart  F  to  Target  it  on  Tax 

Haven  Entities 135 

2.  Adoption  of  a  Management  and  Control  Test  for 
Asserting  U.S.  Taxing  Jurisdiction  over  Foreign 
Corporations 138 

3.  Change  in  Control  Test 139 

4.  Service  and  Construction  Income 140 

5.  Merger  of  the  Foreign  Personal  Holding  Company 
Provisions  into  Subpart  F 141 

6.  Captive  Insurance 143 

7.  Shipping  Income 143 

8.  De  minimus  Exclusion  from  Foreign  Base  Company 
Income 143 

9.  Commodity  Shelters 143 

-  IV  - 

10.  Tax  Haven  Deductions 144 

11.  No  Fault  Penalty 145 

12.  Foreign  Trusts 145 

13.  Expatriation 146 

14.  Residence 146 

VIII.   Treaties  with  Tax  Havens 147 

A.  Basic  Principles 147 

B.  Tax  Haven  Treaty  Network 149 

C.  Third  Country  Resident  Use  of  United  States  Tax 
Treaties  with  Tax  Havens 152 

1.  Forms  of  Third  Country  Use 152 

a.  Foreign  borrowing 153 

b.  Finance  companies 153 

c.  Holding  companies 154 

d.  Active  business 156 

e.  Real  estate  Investment 156 

f.  Personal  service  companies — artists  and 
athletes 157 

2.  Analysis  of  Third  Country  Use 157 

D.  Use  of  Treaty  Network  by  Earners  of  Illegal  Income 

or  for  Evasion  of  United  States  Tax 159 

1.  Methods  of  Use 160 

2.  Analysis  of  Illegal  Use 161 

E.  Administration  of  Tax  Treaty  Network 162 

F.  Options  for  Tax  Haven  Treaties 166 

1.  Administrative  Options 167 

a.  Refund  system  of  withholding 167 

b.  Increase  audit  coverage  of  treaty  issues.. 168 

c.  Periodic  review  of  treaties 168 

d.  Exchange  of  information  article  over- 
riding bank  secrecy 168 

e.  Improve  the  quality  of  routine  infor- 
mation received 169 

f.  Rulings 169 

g.  Coordination  with  ITC 170 

2.  Changes  in  Treaty  Policy 170 

a.  Treaty  network 170 

b.  Source  country  taxation 171 

c.  Anti-holding  company  or  anti-conduit 
approaches 171 

d.  Expansion  of  anti-abuse  provisions  to 
active  business 17  2 

e.  Second  withholding  tax 173 

f.  The  insurance  premium  exemption 173 

g.  Personal  service  companies  --  artists  and 
athletes 174 

3.  Legislative  Approaches 175 

a.  Reduction  of  the  rate  of  tax  on  fixed 

or  determinable  income 175 

b.  Anti-treaty  abuse  rules 176 

c.  Branch  profits  tax 176 

-  V 

IX.     Information  Gathering 180 

A.  Reporting 180 

1.  IRS  Forms 181 

a.  Analysis 181 

b.  Options 184 

2.  Bank  Secrecy  Act  Forms 186 

a.  Transactions  with  financial  institutions. .. 186 

b.  Transport  of  currency 188 

c.  Foreign  bank  account 188 

d.  TECS 188 

e.  Analysis 189 

f .  Options 191 

3.  Penalties  for  Failure  to  File  or  Adequately 
Complete  Forms 192 

a.  IRS  forms 192 

b.  Bank  secrecy  act  forms 192 

c.  Options 193 

B.  Books  and  Records  —  Foreign  Transactions —  In 
General 193 

1.  General  Requirements  for  Maintenance  of 
Adequate  Books  and  Records 194 

2.  Penalties  for  Failure  to  Maintain  Adequate 

Books  and  Records 194 

3.  Powers  to  Compel  Production  of  Books  and 
Records 195 

4.  Analysis 195 

a.  Legal 195 

b.  Administrative 196 

c.  Tactical 196 

C.  Information  Gathering  Abroad 197 

1.  Unilateral  Means 198 

a.  Public  Information 198 

b.  Overseas  Examination 200 

c.  Compulsory  Process 201 

(  i  )     Administrative  summons 201 

(ii)    Judicial  subpoena 204 

(iii)   Letters  rogatory 205 

d.  Tax  Court 206 

e.  Information  Gathering  Projects  and 
Informants 206 

2.  Bilateral  and  Multilateral  Means 206 

a.  Tax  treaties 207 

b.  Mutual  assistance  treaties 209 

D.  Options 210 

1.   Unilateral  Actions 210 

a.  Asserting  the  taxpayer's  burden  of  proof... 210 

b.  Requiring  that  books  and  records  be 
maintained  in  the  U.  S 211 

c.  Venue  Where  a  Party  Summoned  is  Outside 

the  United  States 211 

-  VI  - 

d.  Admissibility  of  foreign  business  records. .. 211 

e.  IRS  review  process  for  mutual  assistance. ...  212 
2.     Bilateral  Approaches 212 

a.  Mutual  assistance  treaties 212 

b.  Limited  tax  treaties 212 

c.  Bilateral  exchange  of  information 
agreements 212 

d.  Revise  exchange  of  information  article 213 

e.  Steps  to  isolate  abusive  tax  havens 213 

X.    Administration 217 

A.  In  General 217 

1.  Examination  Division 217 

2.  Office  of  International  Operations 218 

3.  Criminal  Investigations 220 

4.  Office  of  the  Chief  Counsel 221 

B.  Analysis 222 

1.  Coordination 222 

2.  Coverage  of  Tax  Haven  Cases  -  Availability  of 
Expertise 225 

3.  Providing  Technical  and  Legal  Assistance  to  the 
Field 227 

4.  Simultaneous  and  Industrywide  Examinations 228 

5.  Chief  Counsel 229 

C.  Options 229 

1.  Improve  Coordination  with  Respect  to  Tax  Haven 
Issues  Specifically  and  International  Issues 

in  General 229 

2.  Increase  Coverage  of  Tax  Haven  Cases 231 

3.  Expand  Training  of  International  Examiners  to 
Include  Noncorporate  Issues  and  Expand  Training 

of  Agents  in  the  General  Program 232 

4.  Provide  Additional  Technical  and  Legal  Expertise 

to  the  Field 233 

5.  Expansion  of  the  Simultaneous  Examination  Program 
and  the  Industrywide  Exchange  of  Information 
Programs 233 

6.  Chief  Counsel 234 




This  study  was  undertaken  at  the  request  of  the  Commissioner 
of  Internal  Revenue,  the  Assistant  Attorney  General  (Tax 
Division),  and  the  Assistant  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  (Tax 
Policy) . 

The  purpose  of  the  study  was  to  develop  an  overview  of 
tax  havens  and  the  use  of  tax  havens  by  United  States  taxpayers. 
The  study  sought  to  determine  the  frequency  and  nature  of 
tax  haven  transactions,  identify  specific  types  of  tax  haven 
transactions,  obtain  a  description  of  the  United  States  and 
foreign  legal  and  regulatory  environment  in  which  tax  haven 
transactions  are  conducted,  describe  Internal  Revenue  Service 
and  Justice  Department  efforts  to  deal  with  tax  haven  related 
transactions,  and  to  identify  interagency  coordination 

Our  findings  are  based  on  a  review  of  judicial  decisions 
and  published  literature  in  the  field  of  international  tax 
planning,  research  into  internal  IRS  documents  concerning 
taxpayer  activities,  interviews  with  IRS  personnel,  personnel 
who  deal  with  tax  haven  issues  for  other  Federal  government 
agencies,  and  lawyers  and  certified  public  accountants  who 
specialize  in  international  taxation.   Our  findings  are 
also  based  on  a  statistical  analysis  of  available  data 
concerning  international  banking.  United  States  direct 
investment  abroad,  and  foreign  investment  in  the  United 
States.    While  we  cannot  claim  that  we  uncovered  all  of  the 
methods  employed  to  use  tax  havens,  we  believe  that  our 
inquiry  was  extensive  enough  to  give  us  an  understanding  of 
the  situation  and  to  enable  us  to  develop  options  which 
might  be  useful  in  improving  the  administration  of  the  tax 
laws  as  they  apply  to  tax  havens. 

The  findings  and  recommendations  of  this  report  are 
directed  to  six  main  areas: 

First,  identifying  tax  havens,  the  policy  issues  raised 
by  them,  and  the  concerns  of  other  countries; 

Second,  describing  the  patterns  of  use  by  United  States 
and  foreign  persons  and  presenting  options  for  curbing  that 
use  should  that  be  desired; 

Third,  describing  patterns  of  use  to  evade  united 
States  taxes; 

Fourth,  describing  the  impact  of  United  States  income 
tax  treaties  on  tax  haven  use; 

Fifth,  describing  the  United  States  information  gathering 
capability,  the  problems  caused  by  limitations  on  our  information 
gathering  ability,  and  presenting  options  for  improving 
United  States  information  gathering; 

Sixth,  an  analysis  of  the  administration  of  the  tax 
laws  and  presenting  options  for  improving  that  administration. 

A  number  of  government  professionals  contributed  substantial 
time  and  effort  to  the  study.   These  include,  George  Bagley, 
Clyde  Donald,  Vince  Gambino,  Ross  Summers,  and  Bill  Wells  of 
the  IRS,  Jack  Feldman,  Kenneth  Klein,  Mike  Patton,  and 
Alban  Salaman  of  the  Office  of  the  Chief  Counsel  IRS,  and 
Ron  Cimino  and  Richard  Owens  of  the  Tax  Division  of  the 
Department  of  Justice.   Roy  Richards  served  as  the  research 
assistant.   H.  David  Rosenbloom,  Thomas  Horst,  and  Joel  Rabinovitz 
of  the  Office  of  the  Assistant  Secretary  of  the  Treasury 
(Tax  Policy)  provided  useful  comment  and  criticism  of  the 
report.   One  of  the  most  important  parts  of  the  study  was 
the  effort  to  quantify  the  use  of  tax  havens.   The  effort 
was  directed  by  Berdj  Kenadjian  with  the  help  and  assistance 
of  the  IRS  Unreported  Income  Research  Group  and  the  IRS 
Statistics  Division.   The  special  efforts  of  Marie  Yauss  who 
typed  and  retyped  numerous  drafts  of  this  report  are  gratefully 

The  study  could  not  have  been  completed  without  the 
support  of  former  Commissioner  of  Internal  Revenue, 
Jerome  Kurtz. 

The  statements  of  positions  on  legal  issues  in  this 
report  are  the  positions  of  the  Special  Counsel  for  International 
Taxation  and  are  not  necessarily  those  of  the  IRS  or  any 
other  agency  of  the  Federal  government. 

I.   Overview  of  Findings  and  Options 

International  tax  avoidance  and  evasion,  including  the 
use  of  tax  havens  to  avoid  or  evade  United  States  taxes,  have 
been  of  long-standing  concern  to  the  Congress  and  tax 
administrators.   Numerous  provisions  have  been  added  to  the 
tax  laws  to  limit  such  use,  and  to  limit  the  erosion  of  the 
United  States  tax  base.   In  1921,  the  Congress  focused  on 
foreign  subsidiary  corporations  that  were  used  to  "milk" 
United  States  parent  corporations.   In  the  1930's  the  Congress 
focused  on  individuals  creating  incorporated  pocketbooks  in 
tax  havens  and  transferring  assets  to  tax  havens  to  avoid 
paying  United  States  tax  on  the  appreciation.   In  1962  the 
Congress  focused  on  perceived  abuses  by  multinational 
corporations.   In  1970  the  Bank  Secrecy  Act  imposed  reporting 
requirements  on  transactions  which  were  believed  to  be 
particularly  susceptible  to  abuse.   In  1976  the  Congress 
dealt  with  the  use  of  foreign  trusts. 

The  use  of  tax  havens  to  evade  United  States  tax  has 
been  of  special  concern  to  the  Internal  Revenue  Service. 
Beginning  in  the  mid-1950 's  and  continuing  through  the 
1970 's  the  IRS  conducted  numerous  special  projects  and 
investigations  which  sought  to  identify  taxpayers  using  tax 
havens  to  avoid  United  States  taxes.   Today  the  IRS  devotes 
substantial  resources  to  international  transactions  through 
general  civil  and  criminal  programs  and  through  special 
programs.   The  use  of  tax  havens  to  aid  in  the  commission  of 
nontax  crimes,  including  narcotics  trafficking,  has  also 
been  of  special  concern  to  other  Federal  agencies. 

Foreign  governments  have  also  been  concerned  with  the  use 
of  tax  havens  to  avoid  or  evade  their  taxes.   Some  countries 
have  adopted  legislative  provisions  intended  to  limit  the 
use  of  tax  havens  by  their  nationals.   Many  of  these  provisions 
are  based  on  United  States  law. 

Nevertheless,  legal  and  illegal  use  of  tax  havens 
appears  to  be  on  the  increase.   The  available  data  and 
interviews  with  practitioners,  IRS  personnel,  personnel  from 
other  agencies  and  representatives  of  foreign  governments 
support  the  view  that  taxpayers  ranging  from  large  multinational 
companies  to  small  individuals  to  criminals  are  making 
extensive  use  of  tax  havens. 

The  study  was  limited  to  transactions  involving  countries 
having  (1)  low  rates  of  tax  when  compared  with  the  United 
States,  and  (2)  a  high  level  of  bank  or  commercial  secrecy 
that  the  country  refuses  to  breach  even  under  an  international 
agreement.   Several  additional  characteristics  of  most  tax 
havens  include:   (a)  relative  importance  of  banking  and 
similar  financial  activities  to  its  economy;  (b)  the  availability 

of  modern  communication  facilities;  (c)  lack  of  currency 
controls  on  foreign  deposits  of  foreign  currency;  (d)  self- 
promotion  as  an  offshore  financial  center. 

Today,  many  tax  havens  thrive  largely  because  of  the 
presence  of  foreign  banks.   The  existence  of  this  financial 
business  brings  an  economic  advantage  to  the  tax  haven  in 
terms  of  jobs  and  revenue.   The  resulting  highly  developed 
and  sophisticated  banking  and  communications  infrastructure 
in  the  tax  havens  also  makes  it  possible  to  move  illegally 
earned  income  swiftly  and  efficiently. 

The  decision  of  a  country  not  to  tax  transactions  or  to 
attempt  to  attract  offshore  financial  business  is  a  legitimate 
policy  decision.   When  local  laws  and  practices  deny  information 
to  countries  whose  tax  base  is  being  eroded  or  whose  laws 
have  been  violated,  a  situation  exists  that  attracts  criminals 
and  is  abusive  to  other  countries.   Most  tax  havens  have 
strict  secrecy  provisions  and  will  not  cooperate  with  other 
countries  seeking  to  enforce  their  laws. 

The  data  support  the  perception  that  activity  through 
tax  haven  entities  has  increased,  and  that  tax  haven  entities 
are  increasingly  diverting  capital  away  from  entities  formed 
in  economically  advanced  countries  that  have  highly  developed 
systems  of  taxation. 

In  1968,  according  to  IRS  data,  the  total  assets  of 
foreign  corporations  controlled  by  United  Stated  corporations 
and  formed  in  tax  havens  were  $11.7  billion,  representing 
12.1  percent  of  the  worldwide  assets  of  United  States  controlled 
foreign  corporations.   By  1976  these  amounts  had  risen  to 
$55.4  billion  and  17.6  percent. 

Commerce  Department  data,  while  based  on  a  different 
universe,  confirm  these  trends.   Those  data  show  a  steady 
growth  in  direct  investment  levels  in  Uhited  States-controlled 
tax  haven  businesses  from  $4.7  billion  in  1968  to  $23  billion 
in  1978,  a  five-fold  increase.   For  the  same  period,  direct 
investment  levels  in  nontax  haven  business  grew  from  $57.2 
billion  to  $145.1  billion,  an  increase  of  two-and-a-half 

Over  the  same  period.  Commerce  Department  data  show 
earnings  of  tax  haven  entities  increasing  from  $0.5  billion 
to  $4.4  billion  --  a  nine-fold  increase  —  while  earnings  of 
nontax  haven  entities  were  increasing  from  $6.0  billion  to 
$21.3  billion,  or  by  three  and  a  half  times.   Ownership  by 
Uhited  States  persons  of  tax  haven  subsidiaries  has  increased 
more  than  ownership  of  nontax  haven  subsidiaries. 

The  data  tend  to  confirm  that  some  industries  use  tax 
haven  entities  more  than  other  industries.   For  example,  in 
1976  United  States-controlled  tax  haven  corporations  engaged 
in  the  transportation  business  had  assets  of  $9.0  billion, 
which  represented  74.2  percent  of  the  assets  of  united 
States  controlled  foreign  corporations  in  the  transportation 
business.   The  comparable  figures  for  contract  construction 
were  $2.2  billion  and  41.8  percent.   Assets  of  United  States- 
controlled  tax  haven  companies  engaged  in  finance,  insurance, 
and  real  estate,  including  banking,  were  $20.9  billion, 
which  represented  28.0  percent  of  the  assets  of  Uhited 
States  controlled  foreign  corporations  in  that  business.   In 
1976,  $2.4  billion  or  23  percent  of  the  assets  of  United 
States-controlled  foreign  corporations  engaged  in  providing 
services  were  held  by  tax  haven  corporations. 

Banking  activity  in  tax  havens  has  also  grown.   Total 
deposits  in  banks  in  the  tax  havens  surveyed  were  $385 
billion  in  1978;  deposits  by  nonbanks  were  $89  billion  of 
this  amount.   Comparable  figures  for  year-end  1968  were  $11 
billion  and  $5  billion,  respectively. 

The  extent  to  which  tax  havens  are  being  used  by  narcotics 
traffickers  and  other  tax  evaders,  including  those  earning 
legal  income,  could  not  be  quantified  reliably.   Data  concerning 
illegal  use  of  tax  havens  are  often  soft  or  unavailable. 
The  report  does,  however,  refer  to  a  methodology  that  might 
be  a  first  step  in  making  an  estimate.   Present  currency 
flow  projects  may  also  help.   The  perception  is  that  such 
use  is  large  and  is  growing. 

There  is  a  wide  range  of  use  of  tax  havens  by  United 
States  persons.  While  many  attribute  evil  motives  to  any 
such  use,  this  is  not  the  case.  Some  use  is  for  criminal 
purposes,  but  much  is  perfectly  legal.  In  some  cases  the 
tax  consequences  of  the  tax  haven  transactions  reflect  clear 
congressional  decisions  as  to  the  scope  of  United  States 
taxing  jurisdiction. 

From  a  tax  planning  point  of  view,  tax  havens,  in  and 
of  themselves,  do  not  provide  a  United  States  tax  advantage; 
the  United  States  tax  advantage  is  provided  only  in  combination 
with  both  the  Uhited  States  system  of  deferral  of  taxation 
of  earnings  of  foreign  corporations  and  the  United  States 
system  of  consolidated  worldwide  foreign  tax  credits. 

Often  whether  a  transaction  is  tax  avoidance  or  tax 
evasion  is  difficult  to  determine,  in  part  because  the  terms 
are  not  well  defined,  and  in  part  because  the  law  governing 
the  transactions  is  imprecise  and  the  information  incomplete. 
There  also  are  many  grey  areas.   Tax  havens  transactions  can 
be  loosely  categorized  as  follows: 

(1)  Transactions  that  are  not  tax  motivated  and  may 
have  no  United  States  income  tax  impact.   Such  use  includes 
branch  banking  that  may  avoid  United  States  reserve  requirements 
but  has  little  impact  on  United  States  income  tax  liability. 

A  tax  haven  subsidiary  may  be  used  to  avoid  currency  and 
other  controls  that  may  be  imposed  by  countries  in  which  the 
company  is  carrying  on  business.   It  may  also  be  used  to 
minimize  the  risk  of  expropriation  of  business  assets.   A 
foreign  person  may  use  a  tax  haven  bank  or  nominee  account 
to  shield  assets  from  political  oppressors. 

(2)  Transactions  that  are  tax  motivated,  but  consistent 
with  the  letter  and  the  spirit  of  the  law.   Examples  are 
shipping,  banking  through  subsidiaries,  sales  by  tax  haven 
subsidiaries  not  involving  related  parties  as  well  as  taking 
advantage  of  certain  de  minimis  exceptions  to  anti-tax  haven 
legislation.   While  some  of  these  uses  create  anomalous 
situations,  they  are  legal.   For  example,  a  United  States 
taxpayer  has  sheltered  over  $100  million  in  passive  income 

in  a  foreign  company  the  income  of  which  is  not  taxable 
under  the  anti-avoidance  provisions  of  the  Code. 

One  of  the  most  common  tax  motivated  but  legal  uses  of 
a  tax  haven  subsidiary  is  to  shift  United  States  source 
income  to  foreign  source  income  to  increase  the  amount  of 
foreign  taxes  paid  by  a  inited  States  taxpayer  that  can  be 
credited  against,  and  thus  reduce.  United  States  taxes 
otherwise  payable  by  the  taxpayer. 

(3)  Aggressive  tax  planning  that  takes  advantage  of  an 
unintended  legal  or  administrative  loophole.   Examples  are 
the  use  of  captive  insurance  companies,  the  use  of  investment 
companies,  some  forms  of  service  and  construction  businesses 
being  conducted  through  tax  haven  entities,  as  well  as  a 
wide  range  of  aggressive  transfer  pricing  situations. 

(4)  Tax  evasion — an  action  by  which  the  taxpayer  tries 
to  escape  legal  obligations  through  fraudulent  means. 
Fraudulent  use  includes  marketing  so-called  "double  trust" 
schemes  involving  attempts  by  United  States  persons  to 
transfer  United  States  assets  to  tax  haven  trusts.   It  also 
includes  marketing  tax  shelters,  including  certain  questionable 
commodity  transactions,  to  United  States  persons  through  a 

tax  haven  in  order  to  hide  the  fact  that  the  transactions 
that  are  allegedly  creating  losses  do  not  take  place.   One 
tax  straddle  shelter  may  have  involved  as  many  as  1500 
investors  and  deductions  of  as  much  as  $150  million. 

Fraudulent  use  has  also  included  forming  sales  companies 
that  are  structured  to  appear  to  deal  only  with  unrelated 
parties  but  that  in  fact  are  dealing  with  related  parties, 
forming  corporations  to  appear  to  be  banks,  hiding  the  fact 
of  ownership  of  tax  haven  corporations,  the  use  of  a  Cayman 
Islands  corporation  by  a  United  States  person  to  hide 
corporate  receipts  and  corporate  slush  funds. 

Tax  havens  may  be  used  to  commit  crimes  that  violate 
tax  as  well  as  other  laws.   The  most  serious  fraudulent  use 
of  this  kind  is  by  narcotics  traffickers  to  accumulate  or 
launder  large  suras.   Often  phony  shelter  schemes  violate 
securities  as  well  as  tax  laws.   Shell  banks  established  in 
St.  Vincent  have  been  used  to  defraud  Uhited  States  banks 
and  other  businesses. 

The  provisions  of  the  tax  law  that  apply  to  international 
transactions  in  general  and  to  tax  haven  transactions  in 
particular  are  among  the  most  complex  in  the  Internal  Revenue 
Code.   The  two  most  important  provisions  affecting  tax  haven 
transactions  are  subpart  F,  which  taxes  Uhited  States  shareholders 
of  a  United  States  controlled  foreign  corporation  on  certain 
categories  of  income,  and  section  482,  which  authorizes  the 
Commissioner  to  reallocate  income  among  related  entities  to 
properly  reflect  their  income.   Both  of  these  provisions  are 
primarily  transactional  in  nature,  that  is,  each  separate 
transaction  must  be  analyzed  to  determine  its  tax  effect. 
Also,  the  foreign  personal  holding  company  provisions  and 
the  foreign  trust  provisions  may  apply. 

The  proper  administration  of  subpart  F  and  §482  often 
requires  IRS  access  to  detailed  books  and  records  which  are 
not  always  available.   The  complexity  coupled  with  information 
gathering  problems  makes  the  law  in  this  area  extremely 
difficult  to  administer. 

Income  tax  treaties  with  tax  havens  are  often  used  by 
residents  of  nontreaty  countries  to  achieve  a  reduction  in 
United  States  tax.   The  United  States  has  a  large  and 
growing  network  of  income  tax  treaties  mostly  with  other 
high  tax  countries,  but  about  16  treaties  are  with  tax 
havens.   Many  of  the  tax  haven  treaties  are  the  result  of 
the  extension  of  the  old  United  States-Lfriited  Kingdom  treaty 
to  former  united  Kingdom  colonies.   The  treaty  with  the 
Netherlands  Antilles  is  in  force  as  a  result  of  the  extension 
of  the  united  States-Netherlands  income  tax  treaty.   United 
States  treaties  with  Luxembourg,  the  Netherlands  and  Switzerland 
were  independently  negoiated. 

There  is  significant  use  of  tax  haven  treaties  for 
investment  in  the  Uhited  States.   In  1978,  43  percent  of  the 
gross  income  paid  to  all  nonresidents  of  the  United  States 
was  paid  to  claimed  residents  of  tax  havens.   Forty-six 

percent  of  the  gross  income  paid  to  residents  of  all  treaty 
countries  was  paid  to  claimed  residents  of  tax  haven  treaty 
countries.   Nearly  80  percent  of  all  United  States  gross 
income  paid  to  residents  of  tax  havens  and  reported  to  the 
IRS  was  paid  to  corporations.   All  of  this  indicates  significant 
third-country  use  of  tax  haven  treaties. 

Third-country  residents  use  tax  haven  treaties  primarily 
to  minimize  tax  on  income  from  United  States  investments  by 
a  combination  of  reduced  rates  of  tax  on  income  paid  from 
the  united  States,  the  low  rate  of  tax  in  the  tax  haven  and 
the  low  rate  of  tax  on  distributions  to  the  investor  from 
the  tax  haven.   The  use  of  tax  haven  treaties  includes 
forming  conduits  in  the  tax  haven  to  lend  into  the  United 
States,  the  use  of  holding  companies  engaging  in  back-to- 
back  licensing  and  lending  transactions,  real  estate  investment 
and  finance  companies  established  by  United  States  corporations 
to  borrow  abroad  free  of  the  United  States  withholding  tax. 
There  is  some  evidence  of  use  of  tax  haven  treaties  to  evade 
united  States  tax. 

In  order  to  administer  the  tax  laws  and  to  prosecute 
those  who  evade  their  tax  obligations,  the  IRS  and  Federal 
prosecutors  must  have  access  to  relevant  information.   The 
ability  of  the  IRS  to  gather  information  is  severely  limited 
where  international  transactions  in  general  and  tax  haven 
transactions  in  particular  are  involved.   With  respect  to 
legitimate  business  transactions,  information-gathering 
problems  include  the  existence  of  multiple  overlapping 
forms,  the  sometimes  inaccessabil ity  of  adequate  books  and 
records  of  overseas  entities,  the  uncertainty  of  the  extent 
of  the  United  States  Government's  powers  to  compel  production 
of  books  and  records  maintained  in  tax  havens,  the  ability 
of  taxpayers  to  use  the  court  system  to  delay  the  production 
of  records  and  some  intentional  procrastination  and  delaying 
tactics  by  some  taxpayers. 

Reports  of  currency  transactions  with  domestic  financial 
institutions  have  been  helpful  in  developing  some  criminal 
cases,  but  more  work  is  needed  to  improve  the  quality  of  the 
information  and  the  dissemination  of  the  information. 
Reports  of  transportation  of  currency  into  and  out  of  the 
united  States  and  reports  of  interests  in  foreign  bank 
accounts  have  not  been  particularly  useful  to  date. 

Substantive  laws  are  not  the  direct  impetus  to  illegal 
activity,  although  complicated  laws  are  more  susceptible  to 
abuse.   The  problem  is  getting  information  to  tie  the 
united  States  taxpayer  to  funds  accumulated  in  or  routed 
through  a  tax  haven  so  that  a  prosecution  for  tax  evasion  is 

possible.   lack  of  meaningful  exchange  of  information  is  the 
real  problem  and  that  lack  encourages  abuse.   The  IRS  does 
not  have  available  the  process  of  the  courts  to  command  the 
production  of  records  that  are  in  the  hands  of  third  parties 
in  the  tax  havens.   Even  if  information  is  obtained,  it  is 
rarely  in  a  form  admissible  in  United  States  courts. 

Exchange  of  information  provisions  in  the  existing  tax 
treaties  with  tax  havens  are  simply  inadequate  because  they 
do  not  override  local  bank  or  commercial  secrecy  laws.   In 
any  event,  the  United  States  does  not  have  treaties  with 
most  tax  havens.   The  only  mutual  assistance  treaty  in  force 
to  which  the  United  States  is  a  party  is  with  Switzerland, 
and  it  has  not  been  useful  for  dealing  with  tax  crimes. 

There  also  are  some  administrative  problems  with  the 
international  enforcement  of  the  tax  laws,  such  as  achieving 
effective  coordination  among  international  enforcement 
functions.   Further,  the  volume  of  transactions  with  which 
the  IRS  must  deal  continues  to  grow,  but  the  resources 
devoted  to  auditing  international  transactions  have  not  kept 
pace  with  the  growth  in  international  trade,  and  many  smaller 
cases,  which  can  be  the  most  abusive,  do  not  receive  expert 
attention.   The  international  experts  are  not  trained  in  the 
kinds  of  abusive  transactions  used  by  individuals  such  as 
partnerships  and  trusts.   It  is  difficult  for  criminal  and 
civil  agents  to  get  competent,  expeditious,  technical  help 
in  the  field  without  going  through  a  formal  referral  process. 

The  Chief  Counsel's  Office  also  has  the  problem  of 
diffused  technical  expertise  in  the  international  area. 
Additionally  it  has  no  easily  accessable  central  focus  of 
international  information  gathering  expertise. 

It  can  be  argued  that  the  basic  reason  why  there  continues 
to  be  so  much  tax  haven  activity  is  the  lack  of  effective 
administration  by  all  nations,  coupled  with  taxpayer  awareness 
of  that  lack.   The  central  issue  then  becomes  whether  the 
present  legal  structure  is  administerable  or  whether  it 
should  be  changed  regardless  of  other  policy  concerns 
because  it  is  not  administerable. 

There  exists  the  potential  for  a  serious  abuse  of  the 
LMited  States  tax  system  through  tax  havens.   What  is  needed 
is  a  coordinated  attack  on  the  use  of  tax  havens,  including 
better  coordination  and  funding  of  administrative  efforts  to 
deal  with  tax  haven  problems,  and  perhaps  substantive 
changes  in  United  States  law  and  treaty  policy.   In  order  to 
deal  with  these  problems,  consideration  of  the  options  set 
forth  is  recommended.   While  some  options  can  be  accomplished 


administratively,  others  would  require  legislation  or  changes 
in  existing  income  tax  treaties.   We  recognize  the  existence 
of  policy  considerations  in  addition  to  tax  considerations. 
The  following  options  are  presented  purely  from  a  tax 
administration  point  of  view.   Some  of  them  would  apply  to 
international  issues  in  general,  because  it  does  not  make 
sense  to  limit  them  to  tax  havens. 

The  adoption  of  many  of  the  options  set  forth  in  the 
report  will  require  that  more  resources  be  devoted  to  international 
enforcement  efforts.   Today  the  IRS  does  not  have  the  additional 
resources.   If  decisions  are  made  to  adopt  options  which 
require  additional  resources,  the  Congress  will  have  to  make 
the  resources  available. 

The  United  States  alone  cannot  deal  with  tax  havens. 
The  policy  must  be  an  international  one  by  the  countries 
that  are  not  tax  havens  to  isolate  the  abusive  tax  havens. 
The  United  States  should  take  the  lead  in  encouraging  tax 
havens  to  provide  information  to  enable  other  countries  to 
enforce  their  laws.   For  example,  the  United  States  could 
terminate  tax  treaties  with  abusive  tax  havens,  increase  the 
withholding  tax  on  United  States  source  income  paid  to  tax 
havens  and  take  other  steps  to  discourage  United  States 
business  from  using  tax  havens.   However,  such  steps  taken 
unilaterally  would  place  United  States  business  at  a  competitive 
disadvantage  as  against  businesses  based  in  other  OECD 
countries.   Accordingly,  a  multilateral  approach  to  deal 
with  tax  havens  is  needed. 

The  more  important  options,  summarized  below,  as  well 
as  others,  are  presented  in  more  detail  in  the  following 

.Chapter  VII  -  options  for  administrative  and  legislative 
changes  to  deal  with  technical  problems; 

.Chapter  VIII  -  options  for  changes  for  tax  haven 
treaties ; 

.Chapter  IX  -  options  for  information  gathering; 

.Chapter  X  -  options  for  administration  of  the  tax 

Options  That  Can  Be  Adopted  Administratively.   The 
following  options  could  be  accomplished  administratively: 

1.   To  make  clear  the  obligation  of  taxpayers  to  produce 
the  books  and  records  of  foreign  subsidiaries,  publish 
regulations  requiring  that  books  and  records  of  foreign 


corporations  controlled  by  United  States  persons  be  maintained 
in  the  United  States  regardless  of  foreign  laws,  unless 
those  books  and  records  are  made  readily  available  to  examining 
agents  on  demand. 

2.  To  encourage  agents  to  insist  that  taxpayers  meet  their 
burden  of  substantiating  deductions,  valuations,  or  pricing, 
give  clear  directions  to  the  field  as  to  actions  to  be  taken 

by  agents  to  deny  deductions  or  reallocate  income  where  a 
taxpayer  has  not  met  the  burden  of  proving  the  tax  consequences 
of  a  transaction. 

3.  To  ease  the  administrative  burdens  of  complicated 

and  lengthy  audits,  study  the  §482  regulations  to  determine  ,i 

whether  clearer  more  administerable  rules  are  possible.  i 


4.  To  address  the  problem  of  unauthorized  use  of  ! 
treaties,  change  the  present  system  of  withholding  of  tax  on  j 
payments  of  fixed  and  determinable  income  to  foreign  persons  , 
to  a  refund  system.  • 

5.  To  simplify  reporting  obligations  of  taxpayers,  and  j 
to  make  the  reporting  more  useful  to  the  IRS,  combine  into 

one  form  the  existing  hodge-podge  of  international  forms  I 

that  a  united  States  person  investing  overseas  must  file.  I 

6.  To  improve  coordination  with  respect  to  international 
issues  in  general,  and  tax  haven  issues  specifically,  the 
Assistant  Commissioner  (Compliance)  could  study  ways  of 
improving  coordination  among  the  various  international 
functions  and  could  consider  creating  a  group  to  coordinate 
tax  haven  issues  and  collect  and  disseminate  tax  haven 

7.  To  enable  the  IRS  to  provide  expert  coverage  to  tax 
haven  cases  outside  the  large  case  program,  expand  the  IRS 
International  Examination  program  and  give  the  examiners 
additional  training  in  partnerships,  trusts,  and  tax  treaties. 

8.  To  provide  better  information  gathering  guidance  to 
field  agents  and  to  District  Counsel  trial  attorneys,  designate 
a  person  in  the  National  Office  of  the  Chief  Counsel  as  the 
international  information  gathering  expert. 

Legislative  Options: 

1.   To  relieve  some  of  the  administrative  burdens  and  to 
give  more  certainty  to  transactions  involving  controlled 
foreign  corporations  formed  in  tax  havens,  expand  subpart  F 
to  add  a  jurisdictional  test  that  would  tax  united  States 
shareholders  of  a  controlled  foreign  corporation  formed  in  a 
tax  haven  on  all  of  its  income. 


2.  To  enable  the  IRS  to  deal  better  with  tax  haven 
businesses  that  are  in  fact  run  in  the  United  States,  add  a 
management  and  control  test  to  the  present  jurisdictional 
tests  for  subjecting  corporations  to  Lfriited  States  tax. 

3.  To  simplify  and  rationalize  the  taxation  of  tax 

haven  income,  eliminate  some  of  the  overlap  among  the  provisions 
which  deal  with  tax  havens  by  combining  the  foreign  personal 
holding  company  provisions  with  subpart  F. 

4.  To  emphasize  that  the  burden  of  proving  the  substance 
of  tax  haven  transactions  is  squarely  on  the  taxpayer, 
provide  for  the  specific  disallowance  of  a  tax  haven  related 
deduction  unless  the  taxpayer  establishes  by  clear  and 
convincing  evidence  that  the  underlying  transactions  took 
place,  the  substance  of  those  transactions,  and  that  the 
amount  of  the  deduction  is  reasonable. 

5.  To  discourage  taxpayers  from  taking  overly  aggres- 
sive positions  on  the  chance  that  they  will  not  be  identified, 
provide  for  the  imposition  of  a  no-fault  penalty  of  a  fixed 
percentage  of  a  large  deficiency  resulting  from  a  tax  haven 

Treaty  Options: 

1.  To  deal  directly  with  [Mited  States  tax  treaties 
with  tax  havens,  terminate  the  existing  income  tax  treaties 
with  the  Netherlands  Antilles  and  the  United  Kingdom  extensions 
and  consider  terminating  income  tax  treaties  with  other  tax 
havens,  with  possible  renegotiation. 

2.  To  prevent  future  abuse,  be  selective  in  negotiating 
income  tax  treaties  with  countries  with  which  the  United 
States  does  not  have  a  significant  trade  or  investment 
relationship,  and  do  not  enter  into  full  scale  income  tax 
treaties  with  known  tax  havens.   As  an  alternative,  selectively 
enter  into  limited  treaties  with  tax  havens  that  would 
include  a  nondiscrimination  provision  and  a  competent  authority 
mechanism  and  would  contain  an  exchange  of  information 
provision  overriding  bank  secrecy  laws  and  practices. 

3.  To  ensure  that  information  necessary  to  administer 
the  tax  laws  is  available,  and  to  insure  that  information 
necessary  to  prosecute  those  who  do  not  comply  with  those 

laws  is  available,  insist  upon  a  strong  exchange  of  information 
provision  in  united  States  income  tax  treaties  that  would 
override  foreign  bank  secrecy  laws  and  practices. 


4.  To  deal  with  changes  in  local  laws  and  practices  of 
treaty  partners,  conduct  periodic  reviews  of  treaties  to 
determine  whether  they  are  being  abused  and  whether  they  are 
serving  the  function  for  which  they  were  initially  negotiated. 

5.  To  provide  access  to  information  to  be  used  in 
criminal  prosecutions,  vigorously  pursue  mutual  assistance 
treaties  with  the  more  important  tax  havens. 

6.  To  encourage  abusive  tax  havens  to  enter  into 
exchange  of  information  agreements  with  the  United  States, 
consideration  may  have  to  be  given  to  adopting  measures  to 
discouraging  United  States  business  from  investing  through 
tax  havens  that  do  not  give  information,  such  as  increasing 
taxes  on  payments  to  those  tax  havens. 

7.  To  limit  the  potential  for  abuse  of  treaties  with 
tax  havens,  and  to  limit  the  incentive  for  treaty  partners 
to  adopt  tax  haven  practices,  incorporate  strong  provisions 

to  limit  the  use  of  treaties  to  residents  of  a  treaty  country. 


II.   Tax  Havens  -  In  General 

In  this  chapter,  an  attempt  is  made  to  set  out  the 
principal  characteristics  of  tax  havens,  to  explain  some  of 
the  background,  and  to  present  some  of  the  issues  raised  by 
tax  havens  from  the  perspective  of  the  tax  haven.   The 
concern  of  countries  other  than  the  U.S.  and  some  of  the 
steps  which  they  have  taken  to  deal  with  tax  havens  is  also 
described . 

A.   Characteristics 

The  term  "tax  haven"  has  been  loosely  defined  to  include 
any  country  having  a  low  or  zero  rate  of  tax  on  all  or 
certain  categories  of  income,  and  offering  a  certain  level 
of  banking  or  commercial  secrecy.   Applied  literally,  however, 
this  definition  would  sweep  in  many  industrialized  countries 
not  generally  considered  tax  havens,  including  the  United 
States  (the  U.S.  does  not  tax  interest  on  bank  deposits  of 
foreigners) . 

The  term  "tax  haven"  may  also  be  defined  by  a  "smell" 
or  reputation  test:   a  country  is  a  tax  haven  if  it  looks 
like  one  and  if  it  is  considered  to  be  one  by  those  who 
care.   Many  publications  identify  jurisdictions  as  tax 
havens,  and  the  same  jurisdictions  generally  appear  on  all 
of  the  lists.— 

Most  jurisdictions  which  are  considered  tax  havens  have 
at  least  some  of  the  characteristics  described  below.   All, 
however,  offer  low  or  no  taxes  on  some  category  of  income, 
as  well  as  a  high  level  of  confidentiality  to  banking 
transactions . 

Many  countries  having  tax  haven  characteristics  are 
often  bases  for  minimizing  taxation  on  various  types  of 
perfectly  legal  income  and  activities.   These  same  countries 
provide  anonymity  sought  by  persons  evading  tax  laws. 
Accordingly,  there  is  a  problem  when  looking  at  tax  havens 
of  combining  legitimate  and  illegitimate  activities  and 
confusing  the  former  with  the  latter.   Care  should  be  taken 
to  avoid  this. 

V   See,  for  example,  M.  Langer,  Practical  International 

Tax  Planning,  278,  279  (2d  ed .  1979);  B.  Spitz,  Tax  Haven 
Encyclopaedia  (1975). 


1 .  Low  Tax 

Many  of  the  jurisdictions  that  are  considered  tax 
havens  do  impose  taxes.   All,  however,  either  impose  no 
income  tax  on  all  or  certain  categories  of  income,  or  impose 
a  tax  which  is  low  when  compared  to  the  tax  imposed  by  the 
countries  whose  resident  taxpayers  use  them. 

Some  jurisdictions  do  not  impose  income  taxes,  or 
impose  very  low  rates  of  tax.   In  the  Caribbean,  the  Bahamas, 
Bermuda,  the  Cayman  Islands,  and  the  Turks  and  Caicos  do  not 
impose  any  income  or  wealth  taxes.   In  some  cases  the  tax 
situation  may  be  part  of  a  policy  to  attract  banking,  trust 
or  corporation  business.   In  other  cases  it  may  exist  because 
the  country  never  found  the  need  to  impose  tax. 

Often,  low  tax  rates  are  considered  an  evil.   However, 
many  tax  havens  are  small  less-developed  countries  whose 
residents  are  generally  poor.   In  many  cases,  the  small 
population  of  the  country  makes  an  income  tax  system  impractical. 
Instead,  the  country  will  establish  a  license  or  fee  system 
for  generating  revenue.   Instead  of  imposing  an  income  tax, 
fees  can  be  charged  for  bank  licenses,  commercial  charters, 
and  the  like.   Administration  costs  of  collecting  those 
revenues  are  kept  to  a  minimum. 

Often  jurisdictions,  while  imposing  significant  domestic 
taxes,  impose  low  rates  on  certain  income  from  foreign 
sources,  a  tax  system  used  by  a  number  of  developed  high  tax 
countries  (such  as  France)  as  well  as  by  some  tax  havens. 
Panama  is  an  example.   Accordingly,  a  local  corporation  can 
be  formed  and  managed  in  the  tax  haven  with  no  tax  being 
paid  to  the  tax  haven  on  its  income  from  other  jur isictions. 

Some  tax  havens  impose  low  rates  of  tax  on  income  from 
specific  types  of  business.   Some  jurisdictions,  for  example, 
offer  special  tax  regimes  to  holding  companies,  making  them 
especially  useful  as  financial  centers  or  situs  for  holding 

Some  tax  havens  combine  their  tax  system  with  a  treaty 
network.   This  combination  can  make  them  a  desirable  situs 
for  forming  a  holding  company  to  invest  in  a  treaty  partner. 

2.  Secrecy 

By  definition,  all  of  the  jurisdictions  with  which  we 
are  concerned,  afford  some  level  of  secrecy  or  confiden- 
tiality to  persons  transacting  business,  particularly  with 
banks.   This  secrecy  has  its  origin  in  either  the  common  law 
or  in  statutory  law. 


Conunon  law  secrecy  is  found  in  those  jurisdictions 
which  were  or  still  are  British  Colonies.   It  derives  from 
the  finding  of  an  implied  contract  between  a  banker  and  his 
customer  that  the  banker  will  treat  all  of  his  customer's 
affairs  as  confidential.   If  violated,  an  action  for  damages 
for  breach  of  contract  lies  against  the  banker. 

Many  jurisdictions  have  confirmed  or  strengthed  the 
common  law  rules  by  statute,  and  have  added  criminal  sanc- 
tions for  breaching  secrecy.   In  many  cases  the  law  was 
strengthened  to  maintain  or  improve  the  particular  juris- 
diction's competitive  position.   For  example,  in  1976  the 
Cayman  Islands,  which  had  strict  bank  secrecy  before,  tightened 
its  laws  by  adding  more  substantial  sanctions  against  persons 
divulging  most  banking  and  commercial  information.—  ^,This 
tightening  was  a  reaction  to  United  States  v.  Field,—  in 
which  the  U.S.  court  directed  a  Cayman  resident  to  give 
testimony  concerning  bank  information  before  a  U.S.  grand 
jury,  even  though  the  testimony  would  violate  the  bank 
secrecy  laws  of  the  Cayman  Islands  and  would  subject  him  to 
limited  criminal  penalties. 

Some  level  of  secrecy  is  a  characteristic  common  to 
both  tax  havens  and  non-tax  havens.   Most  countries  do 
impose  some  level  of  protection  for  banking  or  commercial 
information.   At  the  same  time,  however,  many  countries  will 
not  protect  information  from  a  legitimate  inquiry  from  a 
foreign  government,  particularly  where  that  inquiry  is  made 
under  a  treaty.   Tax  havens,  however,  refuse  to  breach  their 
wall  of  secrecy,  even  where  a  serious  violation  of  the  laws 
of  another  country  may  be  involved.   The  distinction  is 
between  unreasonably  restrictive  rules  of  bank  secrecy  which 

2/      Langer  and  Walker,  "The  Cayman  Islands  -  An  Important 

Base  for  Foreign  Companies,"  U.S.  Taxation  of  International 
Operations,  II  8503,  Prentice  Hall  (1978). 

3/   united  States  v.  Field,  532  F.  2d  404  (5th  Cir.  1976); 
cert,  denied,  429  U.S.  940  (1976). 


may  encourage  the  commitment  of  international  tax  and  other 
offenses,  and  those  wh^ch  pay  due  regard  to  the  protection 
of  individual  privacy,-'^  but  which  also  permit  legitimate 
inquiry  in  appropriate  cases. 

Secrecy  is  most  troublesome  when  a  violation  of  U.S. 
criminal  laws  is  under  investigation.   It  also  presents 
significant  problems  to  IRS  when  it  attempts  to  audit  legal 
transactions.   The  secrecy  may  be  used  as  an  excuse  by  a 
taxpayer  not  to  produce  records,  or  it  may  present  real 
problems  preventing  IRS  access  to  records. 

3.   Relative  Importance  of  Banking 

Banking  tends  to  be  more  important  to  the  economy  of  a 
tax  haven  than  it  is  to  the  economy  of  a  non-tax  haven. 
Most  tax  havens  follow  a  policy  of  encouraging  offshore 
banking  business.   This  is  done  by  distinguishing  between 
resident  and  nonresident  banking  activity.   Generally, 
nonresident  activity  will  not  have  reserve  requirements, 
will  be  taxed  differently  (if  at  all),  and  will  not  be 
subject  to  foreign  exchange  or  other  controls. 

One  test  of  the  importance  of  banking  to  an  economy  is 
the  relationship  of  foreign  assets  of  banks  in  a  country  to 
that  country's  foreign  trade.   When  compared  to  foreign 
trade,  foreign  assets  of  deposit  banks  in  tax  haven  jurisdictions 
were  substantially  greater  than  foreign  assets  of  deposit 
banks  in  non-tax  havens.   Special  statistics  developed  to 
measure  the  excessive  holdings  of  foreign  assets  of  tax 
haven  banks  indicate  that  these  excess  assets—  are  very 
large,  and  have^been  growing  at  a  rapid  rate.   For  all  tax 
havens  surveyed—  excess  foreign  assets  grew  from  $16.7 

4^/   See  Recommendation  833  (1978)  on  Cooperation  Between 
Council  of  Europe  Member  States  Against  International 
Tax  Avoidance  and  Evasion,  1M1  4  and  ll(i). 

5^/   Excess  assets  are  those  above  the  worldwide  average 
of  foreign  assets  of  deposit  banks  to  worldwide 
foreign  trade.   The  amount  above  what  this  ratio  would 
yield  was  the  excess  assets  for  that  jurisdiction.   For 
example,  1978  total  foreign  assets  held  by  deposit  banks 
in  the  Bahamas  were  $95.2  billion.   Based  on  the  world- 
wide average  of  deposits  to  world  trade,  $1.8  billion 
was  needed  to  finance  the  foreign  trade  of  the  Bahamas. 
The  difference,  $93.4  billion,  represents  excess  inter- 
national assets  and  is  an  indication  of  assets  attracted 
because  of  the  tax  haven  status  of  the  jurisdiction. 

6^/   For  this  purpose,  Bahamas,  Bermuda,  Cayman  Islands,  Hong 
Kong,  Luxembourg-Belgium  (the  foreign  trade  data  for  the 
two  countries  could  not  be  separated),  Netherlands 
Antilles,  Panama,  Singapore,  and  Switzerland. 


billion  in  1970  to  $272.9  billion  in  1978.   During  the  same 
period,  excess  foreign  assets  in  tax  havens,  as  a  percentage 
of  foreign  assets  held  worldwide  grew  from  12.5  percent  to 
29.1  percent.   When  all  jurisdictions  were  compared,  only 
13  out  of  126  have  foreign  assets  which  are  excessive  relative 
to  the  world  average  in  1979.   These  13  are  the  tax  haven 
jurisdictions  studied  and  the  United  Kingdom  and  France. 
The  U.K.  is  an  offshore  financial  center  itself,  and  its 
data  include  the  tax  havens  of  the  Channel  Islands  and  the 
Isle  of  Man  which  could  not  be  separated  from  all  other  U.K. 
data.   France  has  excess  deposits,  largely  because  export 
financing  aid  is  handled  through  private  banks. 

The  importance  of  U.S.  banks  to  the  major  Caribbean  financial 
centers  is  growing.   For  example,  from  1973  to  1979,  total  assets 
of  U.S.  bank  branches  increased  nine  times  in  the  Cayman 
Islands,  .eight  times  in  the  Bahamas,  and  four  times  in 

The  banking  industry  has  a  significant  effect  on  the 
economy  of  the  tax  haven.   Financial  business  yields  revenues 
in  the  form  of  fees  and  modest  taxes  on  financial  institutions. 
The  tax  haven  also  benefits  from  employment  of  personnel  and 
rental  of  facilities.   The  Bahamas  Central  Bank  estimated 
that  expenditures  of  banks  and  offshore  branches  in  the 
Bahamas  in  1975  was  $32,886,000,  including  $18,330,000  for 
salaries.   Licenses  and  other  fees  amounted  to  $1.5  million, 
and  the  banks  employed  1,890  (1,650  Bahamians)  people.— 
Informed  sources  estimate  that  by  early  1978,  the  banking 
sector  may  have  employed  2,100  people  (1,897  Bahamians), 
paying  them  salaries  in  excess  of  $26  million  per  annum.   An 
additional  10,000  jobs  may  have  been  indirectly  supported. 

A  comparable  survey  of  the  Cayman  Islands  indicates 
that,  in  1977,  total  operating  expenditures  by  Cayman  branch 
banks  were  $10.2  million,  of  which  $5.3  million  were  for 
salaries.   These  branches  paid  $1.6  million  in  fees  and 
employed  433  people,  of  whom  298  were  local  citizens.— 

2/   See  Hoffman,  Caribbean  Basin  Economic  Survey, 

Federal  Reserve  Bank  of  Atlanta,  May/June/July  1980, 
at  1. 

£/   C.Y.  Frances,  Central  Banking  in  a  Developing  Country 
with  an  Offshore  Banking  Centre,  Central  Bank  of  the 
Bahamas  (1978). 

9/   Cayman  Islands,  Department  of  Finance  and  Development. 


4.  Availability  of  Modern  Communications 

Many  of  the  countries  considered  tax  havens  have  excel- 
lent communictions  facilities,  particularly  good  telephone, 
cable  and  telex  service  linking  them  to  other  countries. 
They  may  also  have  excellent  air  service.   For  example,  the 
Cayman  Islands  has  excellent  telephone  and  telex  facilities. 
In  fact,  telephones  in  the  Caymans  can  be  direct  dialed  from 
the  United  Kingdom  and  Canada.   There  are  two  daily  non-stop 
jet  flights  between  Miami  and  the  Caymans,  and  direct  service 
between  Houston  and  Grand  Cayman. 

5.  Lack  of  Currency  Controls 

Many  tax  havens  have  a  dual  currency  control  system, 
which  distinguishes  between  residents  and  non-residents,  and 
between  local  currency  and  foreign  currency.   As  a  general 
rule,  residents  are  subject  to  the  currency  controls;  non- 
residents are  not.   However,  non-residents  will  normally  be 
subject  to  controls  with  respect  to  local  currency.   A 
company,  formed  in  the  tax  haven,  which  is  beneficially 
owned  by  non-residents  and  which  conducts  most  of  its  business 
outside  the  tax  haven,  is  generally  treated  as  non-resident 
for  exchange  control  purposes.   Accordingly,  a  foreign 
person  can  form  a  tax  haven  company  to  do  business  in  other 
jurisdictions.   It  will  not  be  subject  to  the  tax  havens' 
exchange  countrols  as  long  as  it  is  dealing  in  currency  of 
other  jurisdictions  and  is  not  doing  business  in  the  tax 

These  rules  are  adapted  to  facilitate  the  use  of  the 
tax  haven  by  a  person  wishing  to  establish  a  tax  haven 
corporation  to  do  business  in  other  jurisdictions. 

6.  Self  Promotion  -  Tax  Aggression 

Most  tax  havens  seek  financial  business  and  promote 
themselves  as  tax  havens.   Considering  the  potential  advan- 
tages of  attracting  financial  business,  this  is  an  understandable 
activity  from  the  point  of  view  of  the  tax  havens.   Many  of 
these  countries  view  financial  business  as  a  relatively 
stable  source  of  revenue  and  will  actively  seek  it.   Barbados, 
for  example,  recently  passed  banking  legislation  intended  to 
improve  its  competitive  position  as  a  financial  center. 
Many  jurisdictions  conduct  seminars,  and  their  officials 
collaborate  in  articles  extolling  the  virtues  of  the  particular 
country  as  a  haven.   Some  tax  havens  do  not  hide  their 
disdain  for  the  concerns  of  other  countries  in  this  regard. 


7.   Special  Situations  -  Tax  Treaties 

Most  well  known  tax  havens  do  not  have  an  extensive 
network  of  tax  treaties.   There  are,  however,  some  exceptions. 
Knowledgeable  persons  consider  the  Netherlands  to  be  a  tax 
haven,  notwithstanding  its  sophisticated  and  well  administered 
tax  system  and  high  tax  rates.   This  is  because  of  its 
network  of  income  tax  treaties,  its  special  holding  company 
legislation,  and  administration  of  its  tax  laws  to  facilitate 
the  use  of  Netherlands  companies  by  third  country  residents. 
The  Netherlands  Antilles  has  an  income  tax  treaty  with  the 
U.S.,  and  special  Netherlands  legislation,  similar  in  effect 
to  a  tax  treaty,  gives  the  Antilles  a  tax  treaty  relationship 
with  the  Netherlands. 

B.   Background 

Tax  havens,  or  something  like  them,  have  been  used  for 
centuries.   While  some  tax  havens  have  evolved  through  a 
history  of  laissez-faire  economic  policies,  others,  partic- 
ularly those  specializing  in  attracting  corporations,  have  , 
been  created  as  a  matter  of  deliberate  government  policy. — ' 

1.   Historical  Background 

People  have  been  looking  for  ways  to  avoid  taxes  for 
many  years.   Likewise,  governments  have  been  using  tax 
incentives  to  attract  or  maintain  business  for  many  years. 

For  example,  the  ancient  city  of  Athens  imposed  a  tax 
on  merchants  of  two  percent  of  the  value  of  exports  and  imports, 
Merchants  would  detour  twenty  miles  to  avoid  these  duties. 
The  small  neighboring  islands  became  safe  havens  in  which  to 
hide  merchandise  to  be  smuggled  into  the  country  at  a  later 
date. — In  the  middle  ages,  the  City  of  London  (as  well  as 
other  jurisdictions)  exempted  Hanseatic  traders  resident  in 
London  from  all  taxes. — ' 

In  the  fifteenth  century,  Flanders  (now  Belgium)  was  a 
thriving  international  commercial  center.   Its  government 
imposed  few  restrictions  on  domestic  or  foreign  exchange  and 

10/   C.  Smith,  Tax  Havens,  1-4  (1959). 

11/   D.  Wells,  Theory  and  Practice  of  Taxation,  91 
(1900),  (Wells). 

12/   C.  Doggart,  Tax  Havens  and  Their  Uses,  1-5 
(1979),  (Doggart)  . 


freed  much  trade  from  duties.   English  merchants  supplied 
the  needed  raw  materials,  preferring  to  sell  wool  to  Belgium 
rather  ^^^n  to  England  where  they  would  incur  numerous 
duties. — ' 

Holland  (which  some  consider  a  tax  haven  today)  was  a 
tax  haven  during  the  sixteenth,  seventeenth,  and  eighteenth 
centuries,  applying  a  minimum  of  restrictions  and  duties. 
The  commerce  attracted  made  its  ports  important.—'^ 

International  tax  avoidance  is  not  new  to  the  U.S.   In 
1721,  the  American  colonies  shifted  their  trade  to  Latin 
America  , in  order  to  avoid  paying  duties  imposed  by  Eng- 
land.— The  tax  morality  which  developed  from  this  avoid- 
ance of  English  duties  has  been  described  as  follows:   "The 
fact  that  the  colonists  were  constantly  evading  the  naviga- 
tion acts,  and  made  no  pretense  of  paying  the  duties  imposed 
by  England  must  have  had  a  demoralizing  effect,  and  taught 
them  , to  evade  duties  imposed  by  their  own  lawmakers  .  .  . 

2,   Modern  Background 

The  prototype  of  the  modern  tax  haven  is  Switzerland, 
which  developed  as  a  "haven"  for  capital  (rather  than  as  a 
"haven"  from  tax)  for  those  fleeing  political  and  social 
upheavals  in  Russia,  Germany,  South  America,  Spain  and  the 
Balkans. — 

Today,  most  major  havens  are  also  offshore  financial 
centers,  that  is  centers  for  international  borrowing  and 
lending  in  non-local  currency.   International  banking  dates 
back  to  the  Renaissance,  and  modern  international  banking  to 
the  early  nineteenth  century. — Initially,  European  banks 

13   A.  Barton,  World  History  for  Workers,  52  (1922). 

14/  Wells,  at  74. 

15/   Hill,  Early  Stages  of  the  United  States  Tariff  Policy, 

16/   Id.  at  36. 

17/   Doggart ,  at  1. 

18/   This  portion  of  the  report  is  based  to  large  extent 
on  J.  Sterling,  Unpublished  thesis,  John  Hopkins 


grew  and  branched  out  to  finance  the  burgeoning  international 
trade.   The  Bank  of  Nova  Scotia,  Canada's  second  oldest  and 
fourth  largest  chartered  bank,  opened  its  first  office  in 
the  Caribbean  in  1889  in  Jamaica. — ' 

Offshore  financial  centers  really  began  to  grow  in  the 
1950's.   After  World  War  II,  eurocurrency  lending  (lending 
by  a  bank  in  a  currency  other  than  that  of  its  country  of 
residence)  grew  rapidly.   In  the  1950 's  a  European  market 
for  dollars  outside  of  the  U.S.  developed.   The  uncertain 
world  situation,  the  increased  awareness  of  corporate  treasurers 
of  the  advantages  of  depositing  dollars  abroad  (higher 
interest),  and  other  factors  led  to  an  escalating  growth  in 
this  market.   The  imposition  by  the  U.S.  of  the  Interest 
Equalization  Tax  ( lET)  in  1963,  the  increased  sophistication 
of  American  banks,  and  the  increasing  credit  controls  imposed 
by  the  U.S.  helped  the  market  to  grow.   The  web  of  rules  in 
the  mid  1960's,  including  the  voluntary  Foreign  Credit 
Restraint  Program  (VFCR)  in  1965  and  the  Offices  of  Foreign 
Direct  Investment  (OFDI)  regulations,  which  required  U.S. 
persons  investing  abroad  to  borrow  abroad,  really  launched 
the  offshore  market.   It  was  this  latter  provision  which 
most  increased  the  offshore  market.   In  1969,  the  Federal 
Reserve  Board  agreed  to  permit  the  establishment  of  shell 
branches  abroad  so  that  smaller  banks  could  compete  in  the 
international  financial  market.   Most  of  these  shell  branches 
are  in  the  Bahamas  or  the  Cayman  Islands. 

3.   Present  Situation 

Today,  tax  havens  thrive  in  large  part  because  of  the 
presence  of  foreign  banks.   As  described  above,  the  existence 
of  this  financial  business  clearly  brings  an  economic  advantage 
to  the  haven  in  terms  of  jobs  and  revenue.   It  may  stimulate 
tourism  and  attract  wealthy  retirees  who  spend  their  money 
in  the  haven.   The  financial  activities  create  an  infra- 
structure which  can  be  used  by  criminals  to  hide  money  as 
well  as  by  legitimate  businesses. 

C.   Reasons  for  Use  of  Tax  Havens 

Before  describing  the  U.S.  tax  system  as  it  applies  to 
tax  haven  transactions,  it  is  useful  to  attempt  to  understand 
why  business  is  done  there.   Obviously,  the  low  rates  of  tax 
afforded  by  tax  havens  are  an  inducement.   There  are,  how- 
ever, uses  which  do  not  appear  to  have  a  significant 
tax  impact.   These  include: 

19/  See  The  Bank  of  Nova  Scotia  Annual  Report,  1978. 


(1)  confidentiality; 

(2)  freedom  from  currency  controls; 

(3)  freedom  from  banking  controls,  particularly  the 
reserve  requirements. 

(4)  receipt  of  higher  interest  rates  on  bank  deposits 
and  to  borrow  at  lower  interest  rates. 

Often  the  physical  location  is  not  important.   Obviously, 
if  one  is  running  a  hotel  in  the  Bahamas  one  must  be  in  the 
Bahamas,  but  if  one  is  participating  in  the  Eurodollar 
market  one  can  do  it  from  New  York  as  well  as  from  Nassau. 

Today,  most  large  banks  have  branch  offices  in  the 
Bahamas  and  the  Cayman  Islands.   They  are  there  primarily  to 
participate  in  the  Eurodollar  market  free  of  U.S.  control. 
Often  they  take  dollar  deposits  from  foreign  persons  and 
lend  them  to  their  foreign  customers,  who  are  often  subsidiaries 
of  U.S.  companies.   These  transactions  could  be  done  in  the 
U.S.,  but  the  deposits  would  be  subject  to  reserve  requirements 
imposed  by  the  Federal  Reserve.   Under  these  requirements,  a 
portion  of  any  deposit  must  be  held  and  cannot  be  lent  out, 
thus  that  reserved  portion  cannot  produce  income.   Accordingly, 
it  is  more  profitable  to  operate  overseas  where  as  much  of  a 
deposit  as  a  bank  wishes  can  be  lent  or  invested. 

A  stable  tax  haven  might  also  be  preferable  as  a  cor- 
porate situs  if  one  is  conducting  an  active  business  in  a 
potentially  unstable  country.   For  example,  a  U.S.  company 
wishing  to  engage  in  the  heavy  construction  industry  in  a 
less  developed  unstable  country,  could  do  so  by  forming  a 
Bahamian  subsidiary,  which  would  then  make  the  investment 
in  that  unstable  country  and  conduct  the  operation.   Any 
profits  and  assets  which  need  not  be  maintained  physically 
in  that  country  could  be  moved  out  and  kept  in  a  branch  bank 
in  the  Bahamas.   In  this  way,  the  risk  of  an  expropriation 
is  minimized.   By  forming  a  corporation  in  a  tax  haven, 
there  is  no  additional  level  of  tax  on  the  profits,  and 
there  is  little  danger  of  income  being  blocked  by  the 
imposition  of  currency  controls. 

Another  reason  to  use  a  tax  haven  is  anonymity.   Bank 
secrecy  prevents  the  country  in  which  a  tax  has  been  evaded 
or  another  crime  has  been  committed  from  obtaining  the 
documentary  evidence  needed  to  prosecute  the  offender.   The 
huge  volume  of  financial  transactions  conducted  in  a  tax 


haven  also  gives  a  certain  level  of  confidentiality  to 
transactions.   Accordingly,  a  criminal  may  use  a  high  volume 
financial  center  tax  haven  such  as  the  Cayman  Islands  because 
the  Cayman  Islands  will  not  divulge  bank  information,  and 
because  his  transactions  are  indistinguishable  from  and  can 
be  lost  among  other  legitimate  transactions. 

D.   Foreign  Measures  Against  Tax  Havens 

The  use  of  tax  havens  to  avoid  or  evade  taxation  is  a 
problem  which  affects  almost  all  developed  and  developing 
countries.   Problems  of  international  evasion  are  not  new. 
In  fact,  the  first  tax  treaty  signed  August  12,  1843,  was  an 
agreement  concerninq-.administrative  assistance  between 
Belgium  and  France. — '      Attempts  to  deal  with  tax  havens 
have  been  undertaken  unilaterally,  as  well  as  on  a  bilateral 
and  multilateral  basis.   The  concern  about  tax  havens  is 
illustrated  by  a  German-French  Memorandum-,on  Tax  Evasion 
and  Avoidance  on  the  International  Level. — ' 

1.   Unilateral  Approaches 

The  developed  countries  have  taken  steps  to  deal  with 
tax  havens.   Most  have  been  through  tax  legislation;  some 
have  involved  currency  controls. 

a.   Tax  legislation 

Many  of  the  legislative  initiatives  of  other  countries 
are  based  on  U.S.  legislation.   Provisions  similar  to  subpart 
F  (which  taxes  U.S.  shareholders  on  certain  income  of  con- 
trolled foreign  corporations)  exist  in  the  tax  laws  of 
France,  Germany,  Canada  and  Japan. 

(i)   Provisions  similar  to  subpart  F.   Under  the  German 
provision,  the  passive  income  of  a  controlled  foreign  corporation 
is  deemed  to  accrue  to  German  shareholders  if  the  income  is 
subject  to  a  low  tax  rate,  which  is  defined  as  a  total  tax 

20/  Manual  for  the  Negotiation  of  Bilateral  Tax  Treaties 
Between  Developed  and  Developing  Countries,  United 
Nations  Publications,  ST/ESA/94(1979) ,  29.   For  a 
historical  overview  of  bilateral  and  multilateral 
efforts  to  deal  with  international  evasion  and  avoidance 
see  id,  at  29-32. 

21/   14  European  Taxation,  No.  4,  136  (April  1974). 

The  concern  with  tax  havens  was  made  especially  clear. 


burden  of  less  than  30  percent.   The  control  requirement  is 
satisfied  if  the  German  shareholders  have  more  than  one-half 
of  the  control  of  the  foreign  corporation.   The  existence  of 
a  treaty  containing  the  "affiliation  privilege,"  (which 
treats  the  income  from  a  foreign  subsidiary  as  tax-exempt  in 
the  hands  of  the  German  parent  company  if  such  company  holds 
a  participation  of  at  least  25  percent  in  the  foreign  subsidiary) 
prevents  the  application  of  this  provision. 

The  Canadian  provision  requires  that  the  Canadian 
shareholder  of  a  controlled  foreign  affiliate  include  in 
income  "foreign  accrual  property  income"  in  proportion  to 
participation.   "Foreign  accrual  property  income"  includes 
the  affiliate's  income  from  property  and  businesses  other 
than  active  businesses,  as  well  as  capital  gain  which  is 
unrelated  to  active  business  activity.   The  percentage 
ownership  required  for  control,  in  order  to  be  treated  as  a 
shareholder,  is  similar  to  that  under  U.S.  law.   Like  the 
U.S.  and  unlike  the  other  provisions  modeled  after  subpart 
F,  there  is  no  requirement  that  the  foreign  affiliate  be 
located  in  a  low  tax  country,  or  that  the  income  of  the 
foreign  affiliate  be  subject  to  a  low  tax. 

The  Japanese  anti-haven  law  basically  provides  that 
Japanese  income  tax  shall  be  imposed  currently  upon  the  pro 
rata  share  of  the  undistributed  income  of  so-called  "specified 
foreign  subsidiaries"  attributable  to  Japanese  resident  or 
corporate  shareholders  owning,  directly  or  indirectly,  10 
percent  of  the  total  shares  of  the  foreign  subsidiary.   Under 
the  statute,  a  "specified  foreign  subsidiary"  is  defined 
as  a  foreign  corporation  or  other  legal  entity  more  than  50 
percent  of  the  issued  shares  of  which  are  owned,  directly  or 
indirectly,  by  Japanese  residents  or  by  corporations  which 
have  a  Japanese  resident  shareholder  who  owns  or  belongs  to 
a  family  shareholding  group  owning,  directly  or  indirectly, 
10  percent  or  more  of  the  total  shares  issued  by  the  foreign 
subsidiary,  and  which  is  incorporated  in  a  low  tax  country. 
Determination  of  the  latter  is  to  be  made  by  the  Minister  of 
Finance  on  a  case-by-case  basis. 

An  exemption  from  the  Japanese  statute  is  provided  if 
the  foreign  subsidiary:   is  not  a  mere  holding  company;  has 
a  physical  facility  in  its  country  of  residence  necessary 
for  its  business  activities;  has  local  management  and  control; 
engages  in  its  business  activity,  principally  with  unrelated 
parties  or  in  its  country  of  residence,  depending  upon  the 
type  of  activity;  has  not  received  greater  than  five  percent 
of  its  gross  revenues  in  the  form  of  dividends  from  other 
"specified  foreign  subsidiaries."   The  Japanese  provision, 
unlike  the  U.S.  sul-  ■>art  F  provision,  does  not  define  particular 


types  of  activities  as  "tainted,"  but  instead  treats  certain 
companies,  namely  those  incorporated  in  low  tax  countries, 
as  "tainted."   However,  the  activities  of  the  "specified 
foreign  subsidiary"  are  crucial  to  the  determination  as  to 
whether  an  exemption  is  to  be  applied. 

The  French  provision  provides  that  where  an  enterprise 
liable  for  corporate  tax  owns,  directly  or  indirectly,  at 
least  25  percent  of  the  shares  of  a  corporation  based  in  a 
country  with  a  privileged  tax  regime,  the  French  enterprise 
will  be  taxed  on  the  profits  (whether  or  not  distributed)  of 
the  foreign  company  in  proportion  to  its  rights  in  the 
foreign  company.   The  standard  used  in  determining  whether 
a  country  has  a  privileged  tax  regime  is  whether  that 
country's  tax  on  income  and  profits  is  notably  less  than 
the  French  tax.   The  provision  will  not  apply  if  the  enter- 
prise satisfies  the  tax  authorities  that  the  foreign  country 
is  actually  engaged  in  industrial  or  commercial  activities 
predominantly  with  unrelated  parties. 

(ii)   Transfer  pricing.   Most  developed  countries  have 
adopted  transfer  pricing  rules  giving  their  tax  administrators 
the  authority  to  reallocate  income  or  scrutinize  transactions 
between  related  parties  and  disallow  costs  which  are  determined 
not  to  be  arm's  length.   These  provisions  apply  generally, 
and  are  not  focused  particularly  on  tax  haven  transactions. 

(iii)   Transfers  of  property  abroad.   The  United  Kingdom 
taxes  a  United  Kingdom  resident  who  has  the  power  to  enjoy 
the  income  of  a  foreign  person  (including  a  foreign  corporation 
or  trust) .   The  income  is  treated  as  income  of  the  resident. 
For  it  to  be  taxed,  it  must  have  arisen  from  assets  transferred 
out  of  the  United  Kingdom.   The  provision  also  treats  as 
income  of  a  U.K.  resident  any  capital  sum  (including  amounts 
categorized  as  a  loan)  that  a  U.K.  resident  is  entitled  to 
receive  with  respect  to  the  property  transferred,  to  the 
extent  of  income  generated  by  the  transferred  property. 
Therefore,  if  property  is  transferred  abroad  by  a  U.K. 
resident  to  a  foreign  trust  and  the  U.K.  resident  receives 
money  in  the  form  of  a  loan  from  the  foreign  trust,  the 
amount  received  by  the  U.K.  resident  will  be  taxed  to  him  to 
the  extent  of  any  income  of  the  trust.   This  provision 
should  be  compared  to  §  679  of  the  Internal  Revenue  Code, 
which  treats  a  U.S.  person  who  transfers  property  to  a 
foreign  trust  as  the  owner  of  the  portion  of  the  trust 
attributable  to  such  property,  if  for  such  year  there  is  a 
U.S.  beneficiary  of  any  portion  of  the  trust. 


The  Netherlands  has  neither  a  specific  provision  aimed 
at  tax  haven  abuse,  nor  anything  comparable  to  subpart  F. 
However,  the  transfer  of  property  by  Dutch  citizens  to  a 
foreign  corporation  which  accumulates  portfolio  income  is 
treated  as  a  sham  transaction  by  the  Dutch  authorities.   The 
effect  is  that  the  foreign  corporation  would  be  treated  as  a 
Dutch  corporation  or  merely  as  a  collection  of  Dutch  individuals. 

(iv)   Provisions  relating  to  deductions.   Specific  tax 
provisions  denying  deductions  with  respect  to  activities 
carried  on  in  low  tax  countries  exist  under  French  and 
Belgian  law.   The  French  tax  code  provides  that  interest, 
royalties,  or  consideration  for  services  paid  by  a  person 
domiciled  or  established  in  a  foreign  country  which  has  a 
privileged  tax  regime  are  deductible  for  tax  purposes,  only 
if  taxpayers  prove  that  the  expenses  incurred  correspond  to 
actual  operations,  and  are  not  abnormal  or  exaggerated.   The 
definition  of  privileged  tax  regime,  for  purposes  of  this 
provision,  is  a  country  in  which  the  tax  on  profits  or 
income  is  noticeably  less  than  taxes  in  France.   Belgian  law 
contains  an  almost  identical  provision.   Under  both  provisions, 
the  burden  of  proof  as  to  the  deductibility  of  the  payments 
made  to  the  foreign  entity  shifts  to  the  taxpayer.   This  is 
contrary  to  many  other  French  tax  statutes. 

The  purpose  of  the  French  and  Belgian  provisions, 
limiting  or  denying  payments  with  respect  to  low  tax  countries 
is  to  prevent  the  taxpayer  from  deducting  payments  made  to 
persons  in  countries  with  a  privileged  tax  regime  for  facilities 
or  overvalued  services  rendered,  since  the  taxpayer  must 
prove  that  such  operation  is  a  normal  one.   The  French  tax 
authorities  have  found  the  provision  quite  effective. 
However,  it  deals  with  merely  one  part  of  the  tax  haven 
problem.   In  the  normal  situation,  the  aim  is  to  avoid  tax 
on  the  income  generated  by  the  transferred  property,  rather 
than  to  obtain  a  deduction  for  facilities  provided  or  services 
rendered  by  the  foreign  entity. 

(v)   Expatriation.   Under  German  law,  a  provision 
similar  to  §877  of  the  Internal  Revenue  Code  applies  to 
German  citizens  or  former  German  citizens  who  transfer  their 
residence  from  Germany  to  a  low  tax  country  and  who,  for 
five  out  of  the  last  10  years,  were  German  citizens  or 
subject  to  German  tax  as  residents.   If  such  individual 


retains  a  significant  economic  interest  in  the  Federal 
Republic  of  Germany  or  West  Berlin  after  transferring  residence 
abroad,  and  if  the  transfer  is  to  a  low  tax  country  (a 
country  imposing  less  than  2/3  of  the  tax  imposed  by  Germany), 
then  such  individual  is  subject  to  extended  tax  liability  as 
a  nonresident  (which  involves  taxation  of  German  source 
income  but  without  certain  exemptions  available  to  a  nonresident 
who  did  not  emigrate). 

The  United  Kingdom,  under  the  Capital  Transfer  Tax  Act, 
imposes  a  tax  on  the  transfer  of  property  situated  in  the 
united  Kingdom.   The  provision  applies  to  a  domiciliary, 
even  if  he  is  no  longer  resident  in  the  United  Kingdom.   The 
provision  was  enacted  to  prevent  a  domiciliary  from  trans- 
ferring domicile  and  thereby  avoiding  all  tax  on  non-U.  K. 
assets.   If,  however,  the  individual  is  not  living  in  the 
U.K.,  there  is  a  practical  problem  of  obtaining  information 
to  enforce  the  provision,  and  of  collecting  the  tax  unless 
assets  are  still  in  the  U.K. 

Under  Canadian  rules,  an  individual  who  expatriates 
from  Canada  is  subject  to  a  tax  on  the  appreciation  of  his 
property  on  the  date  he  expatriates.   The  tax  is  imposed  on 
an  amount  equal  to  the  value  of  the  property  less  its  basis. 

(vi)  Special  provisions.   France  has  a  specific  provision 
aimed  at  preventing  artists  incorporating  themselves  in  low 
tax  countries  and  performing  services  in  France.   Under  the 
provision,  if  proceeds  are  received  by  a  corporation  ("artist 
corporation")  or  other  legal  entity  which  has  its  seat  of 
management  outside  of  France  in  consideration  for  services 
rendered  by  persons  domiciled  in  France,  the  proceeds  are 
taxed  to  the  persons  domiciled  in  France  if:   (1)  such 
persons  participate,  directly  or  indirectly,  in  the  management, 
control,  or  capital  of  the  foreign  legal  entity;  (2)  if  the 
persons  domiciled  in  France  do  not  prove  that  the  foreign 
legal  entities  are  engaged  in  an  industrial  or  commercial 
activity  other  than  the  rendering  of  services;  or  (3)  in  any 
case  in  which  the  foreign  legal  entities  have  their  seats  of 
management  in  a  country  which  is  not  linked  to  France  by  an 
income  tax  treaty  or  has  a  privileged  tax  regime.   There- 
fore, if  a  corporation  has  its  seat  of  management  in  a  tax 
haven  country  and  receives  payments  for  services  rendered  in 
France  by  a  domiciliary  of  France,  the  income  received  from 
the  rendering  of  the  services  is  taxed  to  the  individual 
domiciled  in  France. 


b.  Non-Tax  Measures 

Control  of  tax  haven  abuse  has  not  been  limited  to  tax 
legislation.   Australia  dealt  with  tax  haven  activities 
through  foreign  exchange  controls.   Under  Australian  law,  a 
transfer  of  funds  overseas  requires  bank  clearance.   Under 
the  Banking  Act,  the  reserve  bank  is  required  to  refer  to 
the  Australian  Commissioner  of  Taxation  any  applications 
made  to  the  bank  for  authority  to  deal  in  any  jurisdiction 
listed  as  a  tax  haven.   The  Taxation  Department  has  the 
authority  to  issue  a  certificate,  and  may  refuse  to  issue 
the  certificate  if  the  taxpayer  does  not  satisfy  the 
Commissioner  that  the  actions  proposed  in  connection  with 
the  application  will  not  involve  the  avoidance  or  evasion 
of  Australian  tax.   The  foreign  exchange  controls  through 
the  banking  system  and  the  requirement  of  a  tax  certificate 
for  transfers  to  tax  haven  countries  are  the  principal 
methods  used  by  Australia  in  controlling  tax  haven  abuses. 

There  is  no  provision  in  Australian  law  comparable  to 
subpart  F;  foreign  trusts  are  not  regulated,  since  transfers 
are  regulated;  and  there  are  no  provisions  restricting 
deductions  with  respect  to  activities  carried  on  in  tax 
haven  countries.   The  Australian  Government  believes  that 
such  provisions  are  unnecessary,  because  the  foreign  exchange 
controls  and  the  requirement  that  a  tax  certificate  be 
obtained  insure  that  only  bona  fide  activities  in  tax  haven 
countries  would  be  permitted  in  the  first  place.   However, 
notwithstanding  the  controls,  circumvention  is  possible  if 
a  transfer  were  made  to  a  non-tax  haven  country  followed 
by  a  transfer  to  a  tax  haven  country. 

France  also  has  exchange  controls  which  regulate  the 
transfer  of  property  outside  of  France,  but  the  controls  are 
general  in  nature  and  are  not  specifically  directed  at  tax 
haven  abuses. 

c .  Effectiveness 

The  effectiveness  of  legislation  against  tax  haven 
abuse  varies  from  country  to  country.   Australian  tax  authorities 
believe  that  foreign  exchange  controls  and  the  elimination 
of  certain  Australian  territories  as  tax  havens  has  been 
very  effective  in  combating  tax  haven  abuse.   However,  it 
was  not  clear  that  this  has  completely  solved  the  problem. 
For  example,  money  could  still  be  invested  in  a  non-tax 
haven  country  and  then  transferred  to  a  tax  haven. 


The  German  experience  with  tax  haven  legislation  adopted 
in  1972  has  been  positive.   Prior  to  its  enactment,  the  German 
tax  authorities  had  to  rely  on  general  principles  of  tax  law. 
This  gave  rise  to  a  great  deal  of  litigation  and  mixed 
success  in  courts.   The  litigation  difficulties  resulted  in 
a  reluctance  of  German  tax  authorities  to  pursue  cases  of 
tax  haven  abuse.   With  the  enactment  of  the  1972  legislation, 
the  tax  administration  has  actively  pursued  cases  of  tax 
haven  abuse.   They  have  noted  an  increased  willingness  of 
taxpayers  to  settle  rather  than  litigate,  and  also  have 
noted  a  decline  in  use  of  holding  companies  in  tax  havens. 
Despite  the  effectiveness  of  the  legislation,  there  remains 
a  significant  problem  of  illegal  transfers  and  the  use  of 
the  secrecy  laws  of  tax  havens  to  conceal  the  transfer  of 

The  French  and  Japanese  provisions  modeled  after  sub- 
part F  are  new,  and  it  is  too  early  to  ascertain  their 
effectiveness.   As  discussed  previously,  France  has  a 
provision  which  shifts  the  burden  of  proof  to  the  taxpayer 
with  respect  to  deductions  taken  relating  to  activities  in 
tax  haven  countries.   France  has  found  this  provision  an 
effective  tool  to  prevent  French  taxpayers  from  deducting 
payments  made  to  persons  in  countries  with  a  privileged  tax 
regime  for  facilities  or  overvalued  services. 

Even  though  the  recent  tax  haven  legislation  enacted 
in  Western  Europe  and  Japan  gives  the  tax  administrations 
the  legal  tools  necessary  to  fight  tax  haven  abuse,  problems 
remain  due  to  the  circumventing  of  the  provisions  by  illegal 
and  fictitious  transfers  and  the  use  of  secrecy  laws  existing 
in  tax  havens  to  frustrate  tax  authorities. 

2.   Multilateral  Approaches 

In  the  past  decade,  the  growing  concern  with  inter- 
national tax  evasion  and  avoidance  in  general,  and  tax 
havens  in  particular,  has  led  to  various  efforts. 

The  only  multilateral  convention  dealing  specifically 
with  international  tax  evasion  and  avoidance  is  the  Con- 
vention on  Administrative  Assistance  in  Tax  Matters  Concluded 
by  Denmark,  Finland,  Iceland,  Norway  and  Sweden.   This 
convention  was  signed  on  November  9,  1972,  and  supplemented 
in  1973  and  1976. 


In  1975,  the  European  Economic  Community  adopted  a 
resolution  on  measures  to  be  taken  to  combat  international 
tax  evasion  and  avoidance.   The  Council  of  the  Community, 
on  December  19,  1977,  adopted  a  directive  concerning  mutual 
assistance  on  direct  tax  matters. 

In  April  of  1978  the  Parliamentary  Assembly  of  the 
Council  of  Europe  adopted  a  recommendation  on  cooperation 
between  Council  of  Europe  member  states  against  international 
tax  avoidance  and  evasion. — '   This  recommendation  recognized 
an  increase  in  international  tax  avoidance  and  evasion,  and 
a  lack  of  efficient  cooperation  between  European  tax  adminis- 
trations.  The  Parliamentary  Assembly  recommended  that  the 
European  countries  conclude  a  European  multilateral  agreement 
on  combating  international  tax  evasion  and  avoidance,  including 
an  exchange  of  information.   It  also  urged  member  governments 
(which  include  Switzerland)  "to  abolish  unduly  strict  rules 
on  bank  secrecy,  wherever  necessary,  with  a  view  to  facili- 
tating investigations  in  cases  of  tax  evasion  or  concealing 
income  arising  from  other  criminal  activities,  while  paying 
due  regard  to  the  protection  of  individual  privacy."   The 
Council  also  recommended  that  member  countries  refrain  from 
enacting  holding  company  legislation  and  take  actions  to  make 
it  more  difficult  for  multinational  companies  to  use  tax 

The  Assembly  of  the  Council  of  Europe  held  a  colloquy 
on  international  tax  avoidance  and  evasion  from  March  5  to 
7,  1980,  in  an  attempt  to  define  international  tax  evasion 
and  avoidance  issues,  which  might  be  handled  multilaterally , 
and  to  define  approaches  to  the  problems.   The  colloquy 
focused  on  the  relative  advantages  and  difficulties  of 
bilateral  as  opposed  to  multilateral  cooperation. 

The  OECD  also  has  addressed  the  problem  of  tax  avoidance 
and  evasion.   The  OECD  Council  adopted,  on  September  21, 
1977,  a  recommendation  calling  upon  member  governments  to 
strengthen  their  powers  to  detect  and  prevent  international 
tax  avoidance  and  evasion,  and  to  develop  exchanges  of 
information  between  tax  administrators.   A  working  party 
of  the  OECD  Committee  on  Fiscal  Affairs  is  presently  con- 
sidering this  problem. 

22/  Recommendation  833  (1978) 


III.   Statistical  Data  on  Patterns  of  Use  of  Tax  Havens 

The  data  relating  to  the  volume  of  tax  haven  use  are 
summarized  in  this  chapter.   The  data  are  not  all  inclusive. 
For  each  of  the  categories  the  available  data  for  the  most 
important  tax  havens  for  that  category  were  included. 

A.   Levels  of  Use  by  U.S.  Persons  Through  Tax  Haven  Companies 

Data  on  direct  investment  in  tax  havens  are  summarized 
below.   The  data  are  taken  from  forms  filed  by  U.S.  share- 
holders of  controlled  foreign  corporations  and  from  surveys 
conducted  by  the  Commerce  Department.   There  are  large  gaps 
in  data  on  the  direct  investment  of  U.S.  persons  which  are 
not  corporations.   Accordingly,  levels  of  investment  through 
tax  havens  is  probably  understated. 

Use  of  tax  havens  by  U.S.  persons  is  large  and  appar- 
ently growing.   The  available  data,  and  interviews  with 
practitioners  and  IRS  personnel,  have  shown  that  taxpayers 
ranging  from  large  multinational  companies  to  small  individuals 
are  making  extensive  use  of  tax  havens. 

Direct  investments  in  particular  are  growing  much 
faster  than  similar  activity  in  the  non-havens.   Commerce 
Department  data  reflected  in  Table  1  show  that  in  1968  U.S. 
direct  investment  levels  in  tax  haven  corporations  was  $4.7 
billion,  which  represented  7.6  percent  of  total  U.S.  direct 
investment  in  U.S.  controlled  foreign  enterprises.   In  1978, 
U.S.  direct  investment  in  tax  haven  enterprises  was  $23.0 
billion,  representing  13.7  percent  of  total  U.S.  direct 
investment  in  U.S.  controlled  foreign  enterprises.   Between 
1968  and  1978,  the  data  show  an  increase  of  almost  five 
times  in  U.S.  direct  investment  in  business  formed  in  tax 
havens  and  about  a  two  and  a  half  times  increase  in  investment 
in  non-tax  haven  businesses. 

Commerce  Department  data  in  Table  1  show  that  the 
earnings  of  U.S.  controlled  businesses  formed  in  tax  havens 
increased  from  $0.5  billion  in  1968  to  $4.4  billion  in  1978, 
an  increase  of  nine  times.   During  the  same  period,  earnings 
of  U.S.  controlled  businesses  formed  in  non-tax  havens 
increased  three  and  a  half  times  from  $6.0  billion  to  $21.3 

These  trends  are  more  pronounced  in  some  of  the  better 
known  tax  havens.   For  example,  direct  investment  levels  in 
foreign  businesses  formed  in  the  Bahamas  increased  from  less 
than  $0.4  billion  in  1968  to  $1.8  billion  in  1976,  approximately 
a  five  fold  increase.   Over  the  same  period,  however,  earnings 
of  those  businesses  increased  seventeen  times,  from  $44  million 


to  $746  million.   In  Bermuda,  direct  investments  increased 
from  $0.2  billion  in  1968  to  $7.2  billion  in  1978,  a  37  fold 
increase,  while  earnings  increased  from  $25  million  to  $959 
million,  or  38  times.   Most  of  the  increases  in  Bermuda 
occurred  between  1972  and  1978,  which  partially  reflect  the 
growth  in  captive  insurance  business. 

IRS  data  in  Table  2  are  limited  to  figures  reported  on 
the  Form  2952  filed  by  corporate  U.S.  shareholders  of  con- 
trolled foreign  corporations,  ,  These  data  show  a  similar 
trend  between  1968  and  1976.—   There  is  also  evidence  that 
tax  haven  jurisdictions  are  increasingly  diverting  U.S. 
capital  away  from  economically  advanced  countries  that  have 
highly  developed  systems  of  business  taxation.   In  1968  U.S. 
controlled  foreign  corporations  formed  in  tax  havens  had 
assets  of  $11.7  billion,  which  represented  12.1  percent  of 
the  assets  of  all  U.S.  controlled  foreign  corporations.   In 
1976,  such  corporations  had  assets  of  $55.4  billion,  which 
represented  17.6  percent  of  the  assets  of  all  U.S.  controlled 
foreign  corporations.   IRS  data  show  an  almost  five  fold 
increase  in  the  assets  of  U.S.  controlled  corporations 
formed  in  tax  havens,  and  a  three  fold  increase  in  the 
assets  of  non-tax  haven  corporations. 

IRS  data  in  Table  2  show  the  industrial  composition  of 
controlled  foreign  corporations  formed  in  the  tax  havens. 
The  data  indicate  that  the  composition  in  tax  havens  differs 
from  the  composition  in  non-tax  havens.   For  example,  assets 
of  manufacturing  companies  as  a  percent  of  assets  of  all 
companies  formed  in  the  tax  havens  was  13.7  percent  in  1976. 
In  non-tax  havens,  it  was  54.8  percent.   In  tax  havens,  the 
combined  total  of  assets  in  finance,  insurance  and  real 
estate,  wholesale  trade,  transportation  (essentially  shipping), 
construction  and  services — typical  tax  haven  industries — was 
81.2  percent  of  total  assets.   For  companies  formed  in  non- 
tax havens,  for  the  same  year,  it  was  37.8  percent. 

1/  1976  is  the  last  year  for  which  IRS  data  are  available. 


Another  indication  of  relative  tax  haven  use  is  the 
pattern  of  growth  in  U.S.  ownership  of  foreign  corporations. 
Data  for  the  period  1970-1974,  and  1974-1979  are  taken  from 
Table  3.   These  data  show  that  for  the  period  1970  to  1974 
the  number  of  wholly  or  almost  wholly  owned  tax  haven  sub- 
sidiaries decreased  by  2.9  percent,  while  the  comparable 
number  of  non-tax  haven  subsidiaries  increased  by  7.6  percent. 
For  the  period  1974  to  1979  this  trend  reversed.   The  number 
of  wholly  or  almost  wholly  owned  tax  haven  subsidiaries 
increased  by  42.7  percent,  and  the  number  of  wholly  owned 
non-tax  haven  subsidiaries  increased  by  26.4  percent. 

The  available  figures  for  U.S.  investment  in  other 
foreign  corporations  have  always  shown  a  great  pro-tax  haven 
bias.   For  the  period  1970-1974,  the  number  of  tax  haven 
corporations  in  which  U.S.  persons  owned  an  interest  of  5  to 
50  percent  increased  164.8  percent,  while  the  increase  in 
non-tax  havens  was  57.8  percent.   From  1974  to  1979  the 
increases  were  36.4  percent  in  the  havens  and  17.1  percent 
elsewhere.   Patterns  of  growth  in  foreign  corporations  where 
the  U.S.  interest  is  from  over  50  to  94  percent,  reflect  a 
similar  pro-tax  haven  bias. 

There  are  other  indications  of  significant  and  increasing 
usage  of  tax  haven  corporations  to  conduct  business  outside 
of  tax  havens.   In  1979  U.S.  persons  owned  five  percent  or 
more  of  the  stock  of  10,400  tax  haven  corporations  and 
52,000  corporations  formed  in  non-tax  havens.   The  relative 
importance  of  those  figures  is  more  meaningful  when  looked 
at  in  terms  of  ratios  of  corporations  to  population.   In 
1979,  there  were  55.1  such  corporations  formed  in  tax  havens 
per  100,000  population,  and  only  1.2  corporations  per  100,000 
population  in  non-tax  havens.   These  represent  increases 
from  32.9  in  tax  havens  in  1970  and  from  0.9  in  non-tax 

The  growth  in  ownership  of  Western  Hemisphere  tax 
haven  companies  is  even  greater.   In  1979  there  were  108.1 
foreign  subsidiaries  of  U.S.  persons  per  100,000  population, 
about  40  more  than  in  1970.   In  non-tax  haven  areas  of  the 
Western  Hemisphere  the  growth  was  negligible,  from  2.0  per 
100,000  of  population  in  1970  to  2.1  in  1979. 

B.   Levels  of  Use  by  Foreign  Persons 

Foreign  investment  in  the  U.S.  through  tax  havens  is 
more  difficult  to  measure.   The  indirect  measures  from  IRS 
data  on  non-resident  alien  gross  income  paid  by  U.S.  payors, 
and  incomplete  data  from  the  Commerce  Department  on  direct 
investments  in  the  U.S.,  indicate  that  the  level  of  inward 


investment  from  the  tax  havens  is  very  high.   In  1978,  U.S. 
gross  dividends,  interest  and  other  income  payments  to 
recipients  in  the  havens  increased  $1.9  billion.   These 
sums  as  a  percentage  of  total  such  payments  to  all  non- 
resident aliens  were  42  percent.   In  1978,  payments  to 
Switzerland  alone  were  about  $1.2  billion,  which  was  26 
percent  of  payments  to  all  non-resident  aliens.   Payments  to 
the  Netherlands  Antilles  was  another  $0.2  billion,  which 
accounts  for  an  additional  four  percent  of  the  total. 
Thus,  there  is  at  least  an  indication  of  third  country  use 
of  tax  havens  for  investment  in  the  U.S. 

A  large  portion  of  foreign  capital  invested  in  the  U.S. 
from  the  tax  havens  is  flowing  through  business  organi- 
zations.  In  1978,  nearly  80  percent  of  all  U.S.  gross 
income  paid  to  the  havens  and  reported  to  the  IRS  on  Forms 
1042S  went  to  foreign  corporations. 

The  use  of  income  tax  treaties  with  tax  havens,  and  the 
relevant  data,  are  discussed  in  Chapter  VIII. 

C.   Levels  of  Use  by  Banks 

The  presence  of  international  banking  facilities  is 
essential  to  tax  haven  use.   Initially,  in  most  instances, 
assets  which  are  to  be  invested  abroad  through  a  tax  haven 
would  move  through  the  international  banking  system.   The 
international  deposits  by  non-banks  held  in  banks  resident 
in  tax  havens  is  a  major  use  of  tax  havens  to  hold  assets. 
Accordingly,  this  study  attempted  to  measure  levels  of 
banking  activity  in  the  tax  havens. 

The  estimates  were  developed  from  national  source  data 
in  the  tax  havens,  where  available,  as  well  as  from  Federal 
Reserve  data.   In  the  few  cases  where  complete  national 
source  data  were  not  available  estimates  were  made. 

Data  for  this  discussion  are  taken  from  Table  4.   These 
data  show  that  total  deposits  in  banks  resident  in  the  tax 
havens  surveyed  were  $385  billion  dollars  at  year  end  1978. 
This  figure  includes  deposits  by  other  banks  as  well  as 
deposits  from  non-banks.   Deposits  by  non-banks  were  $89 
billion  at  year  end  1978.   Comparable  figures  for  year  end 
1968  were  $11  billion  and  $5  billion  respectively.   The  data 
show  a  sustained  very  rapid  growth  throughout  this  period. 
This  growth  occurs  both  before  and  after  the  rapid  escalation 
in  the  price  of  petroleum. 

The  growth  appears  to  be  even  more  rapid  in  the  case  of 
deposits -in  banks  resident  in  the  Western  Hempishere  tax 
havens,-  particularly  in  the  case  of  deposits  by  non-banks. 

2/  Primarily  the  Bahamas,  the  Cayman  Islands,  and  Panama. 


At  year  end  1978  total  deposits  in  these  banks  (by  both 
banks  and  non-banks)  were  $160  billion,  and  total  deposits 
by  non-banks  were  $32  billion.   Most  deposits  in  banks 
resident  in  Western  Hemisphere  tax  havens  are  in  branches  or 
subsidiaries  of  U.S.  banks.   The  Western  Hemisphere  data  are 
particularly  relevant  to  the  U.S.   Since  to  a  great  extent, 
the  data  reflect  U.S.  use  of  tax  haven  banking  facilities. 
This  is  because  of  the  conveniences  of  using  Western  Hemisphere 
tax  havens,  including  the  fact  that  they  are  in  or  near  the 
same  time  zones  as  the  major  money  center  banks  in  the  U.S. 

D.   Levels  of  Use  by  Tax  Evaders 

In  the  course  of  this  study  members  of  the  Unreported 
Income  Research  Group  of  the  Internal  Revenue  Service  attempted 
to  estimate  the  levels  of  use  of  tax  havens  to  further  non- 
compliance with  U.S.  tax  laws.   Because  of  the  lack  of 
available  information,  it  was  not  possible  to  develop  reliable 
estimates.   Currency  flow  projects  now  underway  hopefully 
will  develop  data  that,  when  combined  with  other  information, 
including  data  developed  for  this  study,  will  throw  some 
light  on  illegal  use  of  tax  havens. 

While  the  study  did  not  estimate  the  use  of  tax  havens 
to  hide  evasion  money,  it  did  develop  a  methodology  which, 
given  a  firm  commitment  of  resources  over  a  few  years, 
might  be  extended  to  estimate  noncompliance  as  a  residual 
derived  from  total  tax  haven  funds.   If  this  approach  were 
used,  it  would  first  be  necessary  to  estimate  total  foreign 
assets  in  tax  havens,  including  nondeposit  assets.   (The 
methodology  developed  for  this  study  resulted  in  reliable 
estimates  mainly  relating  to  international  deposits  held  in 
or  through  tax  havens. )   Then,  it  would  be  necessary  to 
subtract:   (1)  funds  invested  in  the  tax  havens  which  do  not 
belong  to  U.S.  persons,  and  (2)  funds  invested  in  tax  havens 
which  are  legally  earned  and  reported  to  tax  authorities. 

Another  problem  with  estimating  the  use  of  tax  havens 
by  tax  evaders  is  that  funds  may  be  "laundered"  by  being 
deposited  in  a  tax  haven  bank  and  immediately  withdrawn. 
The  volume  of  these  kinds  of  transactions  is  almost  impossible 
to  measure  because  neither  data  nor  adequate  methods  to 
estimate  such  flows  are  available. 

The  study  team  did  estimate  important  aspects  of  tax 
haven  use,  but  because  of  significant  data  gaps,  could  not 
develop  a  total  estimate.   Firm  evidence  was  found  that 
total  tax  haven  deposit  assets  were  at  least  $118  billion  at 
the  end  of  1978.   The  findings  on  Swiss  banking  data  give 
some  insight  into  the  use  of  tax  havens  to  achieve  anonymity. 
Swiss  banks  maintain  three  types  of  accounts:   regular 
deposit  accounts,  fiduciary  accounts,  and  security-advisory 
accounts.   Fiduciary  accounts  consist  almost  entirely  of 


deposits  by  non-residents  of  Switzerland  which  are  deposited 
in  banks  outside  of  Switzerland.   The  deposits  are  generally 
in  the  name  of  the  Swiss  bank,  but  for  the  account  and  the 
risk  of  the  depositor.   The  Swiss  banks  charge  a  fee  of 
between  1/8  and  1/2  percent  of  the  amount  of  the  deposit  for 
this  service.   Because  this  deposit  in  non-Swiss  banks  could 
be  made  directly,  it  can  be  assumed  that  a  significant  portion 
of  deposits  in  these  accounts  belong  to  persons  seeking 
secrecy.   It  is  reported  that  as  of  the  end  of  1978  deposits 
in  fiduciary  accounts  totaled  $29.3  billion. 

The  security-advisory  accounts  are  essentially  trust 
accounts  which  are  expensive  to  maintain.   The  proceeds  of 

these  accounts  are  not  usually  deposited  in  other  banks,  but  > 

are  used  to  invest  in  other  financial  or  fixed  assets.  J 

There  are^no  data  for  these  accounts,  although  based  on  i 

estimates—  and  information  provided  by  some  knowledgeable  i 

sources,  it  may  be  estimated  that  total  assets  may  range  0 

between  $60  and  $140  billion.   These  accounts  may  hold  ^ 

bearer  shares,  and  are  recognized  as  an  important  factor  in  , 

the  Eurobond  market.   In  any  event,  such  figures  could  be  » 

used  at  least  to  estimate  the  levels  of  haven  use  to  buy  |J 

anonymity.  ' 

3/   M.S.  Mendelsohn,  Money  on  the  Move,  221  (1980).  , 


















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a.  Ml 
















Table  2 
Assets  of  U.S. -Controlled  Foreign  Corporations  in 
Tax-Haven  and  Other  Areas.  1968  and  1976 

Total  Assets*  in 

Tax  Havens  — 

Other  Areas 


All  Areas  — 

(Amounts  in  Billion  $s^ 


Ml  Industries 




Contract  construction 












Wholesale  trade 




Finance,  insurance  and 

real  estate 










Holding  and  other  in- 
vestment companies- 















)ther  industries 





Wl    Industries 




Contract  construction 












Wholesale  trade 




Finance,  insurance  and 

real  estate 










Holding  and  other  in- 
vestment companies- 
















Other  industries 




Assets  in  havens 
as  a  percent  of 
assets  in  all 

















-  Tax-haven  areas  covered  are  the  Bahamas,  Bermuda,  Costa  Rica,  Netherlands  Antilles, 
Other  British  West  Indies  (other  than  Cayman  Islands^  Panama,  Bahrain  (for  1976 
only),  Hong  Kong,  Liberia,  Liechtenstein,  Luxembourg,  Singapore,  and  Switzerland. 


-  Sum  of  two  components  may  not  add  up  to  the  totals  because  of  rounding. 

-  Excludes  bank  holding  companies  which  are  included  in  Other. 

Source:   U.S.  Department  of  the  Treasury,  Internal  Revenue  Service,  Statistics  of  Income — 
1968-1972,  International  Income  and  Taxes,  U.S.  Corporations  and  Their  Controlled 
Foreign  Corporations,  Washington,  D.C.,  U.S.  Government  Printing  Office,  1979  and 
unpublished  tabulations  on  Controlled  Foreign  Corporations  (from  Form  2952)  of  U.S. 
corporations  with  assets  of  $250,000,000  or  more  (giants)  for  1968,  1972  and  1976. 

^These  were  estimated  for  1976  since  the  actual  data  tabulated  from  Forms  2952  covered  only 
the  assets  of  CFCs  controlled  by  the  giants.   To  include  also  the  assets  of  CFCs  of  smaller 
U.S.  corporations,  the  data  on  giants  were  stepped  up  based  on  observed  ratios  between  total 
CFCs  and  CFCs  of  giant  U.S.  corporations  for  1968  and  1972.   These  ratios  were  projected 
forward  to  1976  by  industry.   (The  step-up  ratio  for  all  industries  for  1976  was  1.128  in 
tax-haven  areas  and  1.118  in  other  areas. 


Table  3 

Patterns  of  Growth  in  U.S. -Owned  Foreign  Corporations 
by  Area  and  Percent  of  U.S.  Ownership,  1970-1979 

(In  Percents) 
























Bermuda         , 
British  Islands 













Costa  Rica 






















Western  Hemisphere 

Tax-Haven  areas 














Hong  Kong 



































Other  tax-haven 








Total  tax-haven 
















CFCs  stands  for  Controlled  Foreign  Corporations,  where  more  than  50  percent 
of  all  the  voting  stock  is  owned  by  U.S.  shareholders. 

To  be  considered  U.S. -owned,  there  must  be  at  least  five  percent  ownership. 

British  Islands  consist  of  British  Antilles,  British  Virgin  Islands,  Cayman 

Islands,  Montesserat,  Anguila,  Nevis,  St.  Christopher  (also  known  as  St.  Kitts), 

Antigua,  Dominica,  St.  Lucia  and  St.  Vincent. 

Source:   U.S.  Treasury  Department,  Internal  Revenue  Service,  unpublished  tabulations 
from  Form  959. 













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IV.   United  States  Taxation  of  International  Transactions 
and  the  Anti-Avoidance  Provisions  -  An  Overview 

The  Congress  has  never  sought  to  eliminate  tax  haven 
operations  by  U.S.  taxpayers.   Instead,  from  time  to  time, 
the  Congress  has  identified  abuses  and  legislated  to  eliminate 
them.   The  result  is  a  patchwork  of  anti-avoidance  provisions, 
some  intended  to  deal  particularly  with  tax  havens,  although 
of  general  application,  and  some  intended  to  deal  with  more 
general  abuse  situations,  but  which  might  also  be  used  by 
the  IRS  to  deal  with  tax  haven  transactions. 

When  dealing  with  illicit  use  of  tax  havens,  the  substantive 
tax  rules  are  rarely  the  problem  (although  lack  of  clarity 
often  encourages  illicit  use).   Rather,  gaps  in  United  States 
evidence-gathering  ability  hinder  attempts  to  prosecute 

The  discussion  below  seeks  to  place  tax  havens  within 
the  context  of  the  U.S.  system  of  taxing  international 
transactions.   When  the  system  is  analyzed,  it  becomes  clear 
that  without  appropriate  anti-abuse  provisions,  the  U.S.  tax 
system  contains  provisions  which  would  encourage  the  use  of 
low  tax  jurisdictions  by  U.S.  persons,  and  that  where  anti- 
avoidance  provisions  are  not  effective,  U.S.  persons  have 
positively  responded  to  this  encouragement.   It  is  also 
clear  that  tax  havens,  in  and  of  themselves,  do  not  provide 
a  U.S.  tax   advantage;  the  U.S.  tax  advantage  is  provided 
only  in  combination  with  both  the  U.S.  system  of  deferral  of 
taxation  of  corporate  earnings  and  the  U.S.  system  of  consolidated 
worldwide  foreign  tax  credits. 

It  cannot  be  emphasized  too  strongly  that  tax  haven 
problems  cannot  be  completely  divorced  from  the  taxation  of 
international  transactions  in  general,  or  from  non-tax 
policy  concerns.   Accordingly,  some  of  the  materials  address 
more  general  problems. 

A.   Policy  Objectives 

Stated  United  States  tax  policy  is  decidedly  against 
tax  haven  use.   However,  in  practice  that  policy  becomes 
ambivalent.   It  reflects  an  unresolved  conflict  between  the 
following  policy  objectives: 

(1)  Maintaining  the  competitive  position  of  U.S. 
businesses  investing  abroad  or  exporting; 

(2)  Maintaining  tax  equity  as  between  investment  in 
the  U.S.  and  investment  abroad; 

(3)  The  need  to  provide  fair  rules  for  taxing  foreign 
investment ; 


(4)  Administrative  efficiency; 

(5)  Foreign  policy  considerations; 

(6)  Promotion  of  investment  in  the  U.S. 

The  result  has  been  policy  ambiguities  and  compromises 
in  legislation  which  have  failed  to  resolve  these  conflicts, 
and  which  have  left  U.S.  law  without  a  clear  focus  with 
respect  to  tax  havens.   Concern  for  administrative  feasibility 
has  been  practically  non-existent. 

The  development  of  U.  S.  taxation  of  foreign  transactions 
shows  a  consistent  tension  between  these  objectives.   For 
example,  Congress  introduced  .the  foreign  tax  credit  as  part 
of  the  Revenue  Act  of  1918.—   They  did  so  not  only  to 
provide  a  "just"  system,  but  "a  very  wise  one,"  without 
which  "we  would  discourage  men  from  going  out  after  commerce 
business  in  different  countries  or  residing  for  such  purposes 
in  different  countries  if  we  continue  to  maintain  this 
double  taxation."— 

Nowhere  is  this  tension  more  apparent  than  when  it  is 
focused  on  tax  havens.   Nowhere  is  the  failure  to  resolve 
the  policy  issues  more  obvious.   Congress  over  the  years, 
while  maintaining  deferral  of  tax  on  the  earnings  of  foreign 
corporations  controlled  by  U.S.  persons,  has  at  the  same 
time  passed  numerous  anti-avoidance  provisions  generally 
intended  to  solve  perceived  tax  haven-related  problems.   All 
have  had  numerous  exceptions,  have  been  complex  and  difficult 
to  administer,  and  all  have  had  gaps  (many  intended,  some 
not)  . 

The  tension  between  the  policies  and  the  ultimate 
attempt  to  deal  with  tax  avoidance  through  tax  havens,  came 
to  a  head  in  connection  with  the  legislative  deliberations 
which  resulted  in  the  Revenue  Act  of  1962  and  subpart  F  of 
the  Code.-/ 


Revenue  Act  of  1918,  §§222(a)  and  238(a). 

-/   56  Cong.  Rec .  677-78  (1918) 
-/   §§  951-964. 


President  Kennedy  in  his  State  of  the  Union  Message  had 
recommended  that  the  tax  deferral  accorded  foreign  corporate 
subsidiaries  of  U.S.  corporations  be  terminated  in  all 
cases.   His  emphasis,  however,  was  on  haven  practices.   He 
stated  that, 

"The  undesirability  of  continuing  deferral  is 
underscored  where  deferral  has  served  as  the  shelter 
for  escape  through  the  unjustifiable  use  of  tax  havens 
such  as  Switzerland.   Recently  more  and  more  enter- 
prises organized  abroad  by  American  firms  have 
arranged  their  corporate  structures  aided  by  artificial 
arrangements  between  parent  and  subsidiary  regarding 
intercompany  pricing,  the  transfer  of  patent  licensing 
rights,  the  shifting  of  management  fees,  and  similar 
practices  which  maximize  the  accumulation  of  profits 
in  the  tax  haven--so  as  to  exploit  the  multiplicity 
of  foreign  tax  systems  and  international  agreements 
in  order  to  reduce  sharply  or  eliminate  completely 
their  tax  liabilities  both  at  home  and  abroad."—^ 

The  President's  recommendation  was, 

"elimination  of  the  tax  haven  device  anywhere  in  the 
world,  even  in  the  underdeveloped  countries,  through 
the  elimination  of  tax  deferral  privileges  for  those 
forms  of  activities  such  as  trading,  licensing,  insurance, 
and  others,  that  typically  seek  out  tax  haven  methods 
of  operation.   There  is  no  valid  reason  to  permit 
their  remaining  untaxed  regardless  of  the  country  in 
which  they  are  located."— 

The  Congress,  however,  refused  to  go  as  far  as  the 
President  recommended.   Rather,  it  singled  out  tax  haven 
devices,  but  did  not  end  deferral  for  operating  companies 
not  considered  to  be  using  tax  haven  devices.   The  reasons 
for  the  transaction  approach  reflected  the  policy  of  maintaining 
the  competitive  position  of  U.  S.  business  overseas.   They 
stated  that  their  bill: 

4/  ... 

— '  President's  Recommendations  on  Tax  Revision;   Hearings 

Before  the  House  Ways  and  Means  Committee,  87th  Cong., 

1st  Sess.  8  (1961). 

-/  Id.  at  9. 


".  .  .  does  not  eliminate  tax  deferral  in  the  case  of 
operating  businesses  owned  by  Americans  which  are 
located  in  economically  developed  countries  of  the 
world.   Testimony  in  hearings  before  your  committee 
suggested  that  the  location  of  investments  in  these 
countries  is  an  important  factor  in  stimulating  American 
exports  to  the  same  areas.   Moreover,  it  appeared  that 
to  impose  the  U.  S.  tax  currently  on  the  U.S.  shareholders 
of  American-owned  businesses  operating  abroad  would 
place  such  firms  at  a  disadvantage  with  other  firms      , 
located  within  the  same  areas  not  subject  to  U.S.  tax."— '^ 

In  fact,  subpart  F  as  finally  enacted  was  a  limited 

response  to  President  Kennedy's  initial  proposal.   Only  the  ) 

most  obvious  tax  haven  issues  identified  at  the  time  were  J 

addressed.  « 

The  evidence  submitted  during  the  1961  and  1962  delibera-  [j 

tions  demonstrated  a  significant  use  and  rapid  growth  of  tax  ^ 

havens  by  U.S.  multi-nationally  based  corporations.—   A  . 

memorandum  and  letter  submitted  by  the  Treasury  described  E 

the  various  types  of  operations  and  the  recurrent  severe  ,  r 

administrative  problems  in  dealing  with  the  operations.—''^  ^ 


Nevertheless,  in  reality,  subpart  F  was  not  drafted  in  g 

terms  of  companies  formed  in  tax  havens.   Rather,  it  focused  n 

on  defined  activities  conducted  abroad  which  were  generally 
considered  tax  haven  devices.   While  the  Congress  repeatedly 
referred  to  the  provision  as  an  anti-tax  haven  provision,  in  ( 

fact,  it  can  apply  in  developed  countries  as  well  as  in  tax  k 

havens.   It  is  transactional,  not  jurisdictional.   The  j 

Congress  also  provided  significant  exceptions  from  the 

application  of  subpart  F  for  certain  businesses.   In  1975  0 

and  again  in  1976,  significant  changes  in  some  of  the  exclusionary         t 
rules  were  made. 




H.  Rep.  No.  1447,  87th  Cong.,  2nd  Sess.  57-58  (1962), 
1962-3  C.B.  405,  461-462  ( H.  Rep.  No.  1447). 

President's  Recommendations  on  Tax  Revision;   Hearings 
Before  The  House  Ways  and  Means  Committee,  87th  Cong., 
1st  Sess.  3522  (1961).   In  1978,  President  Carter  also 
recommended  elimination  of  tax  deferral  in  the  case  of 
foreign  corporations  owned  by  U.S.  persons.   However,  the 
Congress  did  not  adopt  this  proposal.   See  President' s 
1978  Tax  Reduction  and  Reform  Proposals:   Hearings  Before 
The  House  Committee  on  Ways  and  Means,  95th  Cong. ,  2d  Sess, 
19  (1978). 

Proposed  Amendments  to  the  Revenue  Act  of  1954;   Hearings 
on  H.  R.  10650  Before  The  Senate  Committee  on  Finance, 
87th  Cong.,  2d  Sess.  228  (1962). 


In  addition  to  legislative  provisions  the  U.  S.  has  in 
force  a  network  of  income  tax  treaties,  including  some  with 
tax  havens.   These  treaties  also  reflect  a  tension  between 
similiar  inconsistent  policy  objectives  and,  in  addition,  a 
policy  to  encourage  foreign  investment  in  the  U.S. 

While  treaties  are  discussed  in  a  later  chapter,  it  is 
worth  noting  at  this  point  that  their  existence  has  clearly 
attracted  taxpayers  to  tax  havens.   In  fact,  in  at  least  one 
case  (the  Netherlands  Antilles),  the  treaty  may  have  created 
a  tax  haven. 

B.   Basic  Pattern 

The  general  rules  applicable  to  international  trade  and 
investment  apply  to  income  from  tax  havens  as  they  do  to 
income  earned  in  any  foreign  jurisdiction.   While  certain 
provisions  were  added  to  the  Code  to  deal  with  tax  avoidance 
related  to  tax  havens,  there  is  no  provision  which  on  its 
face  deals  specifically  and  exclusively  with  tax  havens  per 

1.   General  Rules 

The  U.S.  taxes  U.S.  citizens^  residents  and  corpora- 
tions on  their  worldwide  income.—'^   The  U.S.  taxes  non- 
resident alien  individuals  and  foreign  corporations  on  their 
U.S.  source  income  which  is  not  effectively  connected  with 
the  conduct  of  a  trade  or  business  in  the  U.S.   They  are 
also  taxed  on  their  income  which  is  effectively  connected 
with  the  conduct  of  a  trade  or  business  in  the  U.S.  whether 
or  not  that  income  is  U.S.  source  or  foreign  source.—'^ 

Income  which  is  effectively  connected  with  the  conduct 
of  a  trade  or  business  in  the  U.S.  is  subjected  to  tax  at 
the  normal  graduated  rates  on  a  net  basis.— ^   Deductions 
are  allowed  in  computing  effectively  connected  taxable 
income,  but  "only  if  and  to  the  extent  that  they  are  connected 
with  income  which  is  effectively  connected  .  .  .  . "_/ 
Deductions  and  credits  are  allowed  only  if  the  taxpayer 
files  a  true  and  accurate  return.—^ 


-'    See  §  1  and  §  11. 

—^    §§871,  881,  and  882. 

—^   §§  871(b)(1)  and  882(a)(1). 

—^   §§  873(a)  and  882(c)(1). 

— '    §§  874(a)  and  883(c)(2);  Brittingham  v.  Commissioner, 
66  T.C.  373  (1976). 


United  States  source  non-ef f ectively  connected  interest, 
dividends,  rents,  salaries,  wages,  premiums,  annuities,  and 
other  fixed  or  determinable  income  received  by  a  non-resident 
alien  or  foreign  corporation  are  subject, to  tax  at  a  rate  of 
30  percent  of  the  gross  amount  received. — '       The  net  U.S. 
source  capital  gains  of  a  nonresident  alien  present  in  the 
U.S.  for  at  least  183  days  during  a  taxable  year  are  taxed 
at  the  30  percent  rate. — '       The  30  percent  rate  on  these 
various  income  items  may  be  lowered  by  treaty. 

Until  1980,  a  non-resident  alien  or  foreign  corporation 
could  elect  to  treat  all  income  from  U.S.  real  property 
(including  gains  from  its  disposition,  rents  or  royalties 
from  natural  deposits,  and  certain  gains  from  the  disposition 

of  timber)  as  effectively  connected  income,  and  thus  have  it 
taxed  on  a  net  basis. — '      Once  made,  an  election  could  not 
be  revoked  without  the  consent  of  the  IRS. — ' 

The  30  percent  flat  rate  of  tax  on  non-resident  aliens 
not  engaged  in  trade  or  business  in  the  U.S.  is  imposed  on 
payments  from  U.S.  sources.   United  States  source  payments 
are  defined  in  §  861  to  include  interest  paid  by  a  U.S. 
person  and  dividends  paid  by  a  domestic  corporation,  with 
certain  exceptions  for  payments  from  persons  most  of  whose 
income  is  from  foreign  sources.   U.S.   source  payments  also 
include  certain  interest  and  dividends  paid  by  a  foreign 
corporation  which  earned  more  than  50  percent  of  its  income 
from  a  U.S.  business. — '       This  gross  tax  on  fixed  or  determinable 
income  is  often  reduced  or  eliminated  in  the  case  of  payments 
to  residents  of  countries  with  which  the  U.S.  has  an  income 
tax  treaty. — ' 

The  30  percent  (or  lower  treaty  rate)  tax  imposed  on 
U.S.   source  non-ef fectively  connected  income~paid  to  foreign 
persons  is  collected  by  means  of  withholding. — The  person 


§§  871  (a)  and  881  (a). 
§  871(a)(2). 

— /  §§  871(d)(1)  and  882(d)(1). 


§§  871(d) (2)  and  882(d) (2) . 

— /  §§  861(a)(1)(C)  and  861(a)(2)(B) 


Treaties  are  discussed  in  Chapter  IX. 


— '    §§  1441  (individuals)  and  1442  (corporations). 


required  to  withhold  is  specifically  liable  for  the  tax  but 
is  indemnified  under  the  Code  against  any  claims  for  the 
withholding  tax  other  than  claims  by  the  U.S. — '  Statutory 
exceptions  from  withholding  are  provided,  including  one  for 
income  effectively  connected  with  the  conduct  of  a  trade  or 
business  within  the  U.S. — ' 

Under  the  regulations,  the  obligation  to  withhold  in 
the  case  of  dividends  depends  upon  the  recipient's  address. 
In  the  case  of  interest  and  royalties,  it  depends  on  a 
certification  by  the  taxpayer.   Thus,  withholding  on  a 
dividend  payment  is  required  if  the  shareholder's  address  is 
outside  of  the  U.S.,  but  not  if  the  address  is  inside  the 
U.S. — '   An  exemption  from  withholding  can  be  claimed  on  the 
basis  of  U.S.  citizenship  or  residence. — 

Certain  exemptions  from  the  gross  tax  are  provided. 
Bank  account  interest  is  defined  as  foreign  source  interest 
and,  therefore,  is  exempt. — '       Likewise,  interest  and  dividends 
paid  by  a  U.S.  corporation  which  earns  less  than  20%  of  its 
gross  income  from  U. S^^sources  is  defined  as  foreign  source 
income  and  is  exempt. — Exemptions  are  also  provided  for 
certain  original  issue  discount  and  for  income  of  a  foreign 
government  from  investments  in  U.S.  securities.   Our  treaties 
also  provide  for  exemption  from  tax  in  certain  cases. 

Worldwide  taxation  can  result  in  double  taxation  of 
foreign  source  income.   The  U.S.  seeks  to  mitigate  this 
double  taxation  by  permitting  a  dollar-for-dollar  credit 
against  U.S.  tax  imposed  on  foreign  source  income.   The 
limitation  to  foreign  source  income  is  computed  on  a  world- 
wide consolidated  basis.   Here  all  income  taxes  paid  to  all 
foreign  countries  are  combined  to  offset  U.S.  taxes  on  all 
foreign  income.   A  credit  is  also  provided  non-resident 
aliens  and  foreign  corporations,  but  only  for  certain  foreign 
taxes  imposed  on  foreign  effectively  connected  income. — 

21/  §  1461. 

— /  §  1441(c) (1). 

— /  Treas.  Reg.  §  1 . 1441-3 (b) ( 3 ) . 

— /  Treas.  Reg.  §  1.1441-5(a)  and  (b). 

— /  §  861(a) (1) (A)  and  (c). 

— /  §  861(a)(1)(B)  and  (a)(2)(A), 

21/  §  906. 


2.   United  States  Taxation  of  Property  Held  by  a  Foreign  Trustee 

For  tax  purposes,  foreign  trusts  in  general  are  treated 
as  non-resident  alien  individuals.   To  qualify  as  a  foreign 
trust,  the  entity  must  be  both  a  "foreign  trust,"  as  defined 
in  §  7701(a)(31)  and  Treas.  Reg.  §  301 . 7701-4^  and  considered 
to  be  a  non-resident  or  foreign  situs  entity. — ' 

Because  it  is  taxed  as  a  nonresident  alien,  a  foreign 
trust  which  has  U.S.  source  income  not  effectively  connected 
with  its  conduct  as  a  U.S.  trade  or  business,  would  be  taxed 
at  the  flat  30  percent  rate  on  certain  passive  income  and 
gains.   Also,  interest  on  amounts  deposited  with  U.S.  banks 
that  is  received  by  the  foreign  trust  is  not  considered  U.S. 
source  income  and,  therefore,  not  taxed  to  the  trust.   If 
such  interest,  however,  is  "effectively  connected"  with  the 
conduct  of  a  U.S.  trade  or  business,  it  may  still  be  taxable. 


A  foreign  trust  which  is  engaged  in  a  U.S.  trade  or 
business  is  taxable  at  the  normal  graduated  rates  on  all 
income  effectively  connected  with  the  conduct  of  that  trade 
of  business,  whether  such  amounts  are  sourced  within  or 
without  the  U.S.—'   Prior  to  1980  legislation,  a  foreign 
trust,  as  a  non-resident  alien,  could  make  the  special 
election  under  §  871(d)  in  the  case  of  "real  property  income" 
as  defined  in  §  871(d)(1). 

A  foreign  trust  which  is  not  a  grantor  trust  can  be 
used  to  defer  U.S.  tax  on  income  from  property,  even  when 
held  for  the  benefit  of  a  U.S.  person.   In  1962,  the  Congress 
first  dealt  with  tax  avoidance  by  the  use  of  foreign  trusts. 
The  beneficiaries  of  foreign  trusts  created  by  U.S.  persons 
were  subjected  to  an  unlimited  throw-back  rule  at  the  time 
of  the  ultimate  distribution  of  accumulated  income. 

In  1976,  the  Congress  passed  legislation  intended  to 
eliminate  the  deferral  privilege  accorded  foreign  trusts 
created  by  U.S.  persons  for  the  benefit  of  U.S.  beneficiaries. 
Ifrider  that  legislation,  a  U.S.  person  who  directly  or  indirectly 
transfers  property  to  a  foreign  trust  is  treated  as  the 

—^   See  Rev.  Rul.  60-181,  1960-1  C.B.  257;  B.W.  Jones  Trust 
V.  Commissioner,  46  B.T. A.  531  (1942),  af f 'd,  132  F.2d. 

914  (4th  Cir.  1943) . 
— /  §§  861(a)(1)(A)  and  861(c). 
— /  §  871(b). 


owner  for  the  taxable  year  of  that  portion  of  the  trust 
attributable  to  the  property  transferred,  if  for  the  year-  , 
there  is  a  U.S.  beneficiary  for  any  portion  of  the  trust.—' 
Therefore,  the  U.S.  grantor  is  taxed  on  the  income. 

3.   Taxation  of  Corporations  and  Their  Shareholders 

The  U.S.  taxes  corporations  and  their  shareholders 
under  the  so-called  "classical"  system  of  corporation  taxation, 
a  system  under  which  a  corporation  and  its  shareholders  are 
separately  taxed.   In  general,  corporate  earnings  are  taxed 
to  the  corporation  and  not  to  its  shareholders,  and  a  share- 
holder is  taxed  only  on  dividends  received. 

The  same  system  governs  the  taxation  of  foreign  corpora- 
tions and  U.S.  persons  who  are  shareholders  of  foreign 
corporations.   In  general,  the  earnings  of  the  foreign 
corporation  are  not  taxed  until  the  shareholder  receives  a 
dividend  from  the  corporation.  Also,  the  general  jurisdictional 
rules  described  above  apply  to  a  foreign  corporation  with 
U.S.  shareholders,  even  if  those  shareholders  control  the 
corporation.   Accordingly,  a  foreign  corporation  controlled 
by  U.S.  persons  is  taxed  only  on  its  income  from  U.S.  sources 
and  on  its  foreign  effectively  connected  income. 

A  shareholder  of  a  corporation  may  also  be  taxed  when 
he  sells  or  exchanges  his  stock  of  the  corporation,  or  when 
he  transfers  property  to  it  or  receives  property  from  it. 
The  Code,  however,  contains  numerous  provisions  providing 
for  nonrecognition  of  gain  in  such  cases. 

A  corporation  can  be  easily  utilized  to  the  tax  advantage 
of  its  shareholders.   In  the  domestic  context,  the  advantage 
can  generally  occur  because  of  the  differential  in  rates  of 
tax  between  corporations  and  individuals.   In  the  foreign 
context  that  differential  may  be  much  larger,  and  if  a  tax 
haven  is  used,  the  rate  of  tax  imposed  on  the  corporate 
earnings  may  be  zero. 

Absent  the  anti-avoidance  provisions  in  the  law,  cor- 
porations can  easily  be  manipulated  by  U.S.  shareholders 
engaged  in  foreign  transactions.   In  the  simplest  case,  a 
U.S.  person  could,  in  a  transaction  which  qualifies  for  non- 
recognition  treatment,  transfer  income  producing  assets 
(such  as  stock  or  bonds)  to  a  foreign  corporation  organized 

— /  §  679(a)(1). 


in  a  zero  tax  jurisdiction.   The  income  earned  by  the  foreign 
corporation  would  not  be  taxed  by  the  U.S.  or  by  the  zero 
tax  jurisdiction.   The  assets  remain  under  the  control  of 
the  U.S.  person,  but  the  income  would  not  be  taxed  until 
repatriated.   The  shareholder  would  be  taxed  on  the  sale  of 
the  stock,  but  at  favorable  capital  gains  rates.   If  the 
shareholder  holds  the  stock  until  he  dies,  it  is  subject  to 
U.S.  estate  tax  but  passes  to  his  heirs  free  of  income  tax 
at  its  value  as  of  the  date  of  his  death.   His  heirs  could 
then  liquidate  the  foreign  corporation  free  of  income  tax 
(because  of  the  step-up  in  basis  by  reason  of  the  shareholder's 
death)  and  return  the  property  to  the  U.S.  to  start  again. 
Or,  they  could  maintain  their  ownership  in  the  foreign 
corporation  and  shelter  the  income. 

Another  manipulation  could  occur  if  a  parent  cor- 
poration selling  goods  overseas  forms  a  foreign  corporation 
in  a  tax  haven  to  make  those  sales.   The  parent  would  then 
sell  the  goods  to  the  subsidiary  at  a  small  or  zero  profit, 
and  the  subsidiary  would  sell  them  to  the  ultimate  customer 
at  a  substantial  mark-up.   The  profit  on  the  sale  would  not 
be  taxed  by  the  U.S.  and  could  accumulate  free  of  tax  in  a 
tax  haven. 

In  order  to  curtail  what  it,  from  time  to  time,  cate- 
gorized as  abuses,  the  Congress  has  periodically  adjusted 
the  system  of  taxation  and  the  non-recognition  provisions  of 
the  Code.   Because  of  the  resulting  anti-abuse  provisions, 
the  simple  manipulations  just  described  are  not  possible. 

C.   Anti-Abuse  Measures 

Since  the  adoption  of  the  income  tax  in  1913,  Congress 
has  incorporated  into  the  tax  laws  numerous  provisions  in- 
tended to  correct  perceived  deficiencies.   Some  were  intended 
to  mitigate  double  taxation,  while  others  were  intended  to 
deal  with  abuse.   There  follows  a  summary  of  the  anti-abuse 
measures.   While  most  are  technically  applicable  to  foreign 
corporations,  those  that  have  not  been  specifically  tailored 
to  foreign  corporations  tend  not  to  be  useful  to  curb  tax 
haven  abuse. 

1.   Accumulated  earnings  tax.   The  accumulated  earnings 
tax  was  the  earliest  anti-abuse  measure. — ^   As  originally 
adopted,  if  a  corporation  were  formed  or  fraudulently  availed 
of  to  accumulate  income,  then  each  shareholder's  ratable 

—'    Revenue  Act  of  1913. 


share  of  the  corporation's  income  would  be  taxed  to  him. 
The  provision  was  amended  in  1921  to  impose  a  penalty  tax  on 
a  corporation  when  it  unreasonably  accumulated  earnings  for 
purposes  of  avoiding  income  tax  of  the  shareholders  by 
permitting  the  earnings  and  profits  of  the  corporation  to 
accumulate  instead  of  being  distributed.   The  operative  test 
is  accumulation  beyond  the  reasonably  anticipated  needs  of^  , 
the  business.   The  1921  structure  continues  in  use  today.— '^ 
The  tax  clearly  applies  to  the  U.S.  source-,  income  of  a 
foreign  as  well  as  a  domestic  corporation. — 

2.  Transfer  pricing.   In  1921,  the  Congress  gave  the 
Commissioner  the  authority  to  "consolidate  accounts  for 
related  trades  or  businesses"  for  the  purpose  of  "making  an 
accurate  distribution  or  apportionment  of  gains,  profits, 
income,  deductions,  or^capital  between  or  among  such  related 
trades  or  businesses." — '       The  provision  was  replaced  in 
1928  by  the  predecessor  of  §  482,  which  provided  for  the 
allocation  of  gross  income  or  deductions  between  or  among 
related  trades  or  businesses. 

In  1968,  in  response  to  Congressional  proding  during 
the  Revenue  Act  of  1962,  the  IRS  published  revised  detailed 
regulations  setting  forth  the  standards  it  will  apply  in 
shifting  income  among  related  entities  to  prevent  tax  avoidance. 

Today,  §482  is  one  of  the  most  important  anti-avoidance 
provisions  in  the  law,  and  is,  along  with  subpart  F,  the 
central  focus  of  IRS  international  enforcement  efforts.   In 
1979  the  tax  value  of  §  482  adjustments  proposed  by  international 
examiners  was  $500  million,  which  represented  36  percent  of 
the  tax  value  of  all  adjustments  proposed  by  the  international 
examiners . 

3.  Sections  367  and  1491.   In  1932,  the  Congress, 
recognizirig  that  the  various  Code  provisions  permitting 
nonrecognition  treatment  for  gains  realized  in  certain 
exchanges  and  reorganizations  involving  foreign  corporations 
constituted  "serious  loophole  [s]  for  the  avoidance  of  taxes,"— '''^ 
enacted  the  predecessor  to  §  367.   That  section  and  its 
successors  have  uniformly  provided  that  a  taxpayer  seeking 
nonrecognition  treatment  for  gains  realized  on  certain 
foreign  transfers  must  show  to  the  "satisfaction"  of  the 


§§  531-537. 

§  532(a) . 

Revenue  Act  of  1921,  §  240(d). 

H.R.  Rep.  No.  708,  72d  Cong.,  1st  Sess.,  20  (1932), 
1939-1  C.B.  (Part  2)  457,  471. 


Commissioner,  that  the  transaction  does  not  have  as  one  of 

its  principal  purposes  the  avoidance  of  Federal  income 

taxes.   Nonrecogni tion  treatment  requires  a  ruling  issued 
under  that  provision. 

Today's  version  of  §  367  distinguishes  between  trans- 
fers from  the  United  States  and  all  other  transfers.   For 
transfers  from  the  United  States,  non-recognition  treatment 
is  not  available  unless,  pursuant  to  a  request  filed  not 
later  than  183  days  after  the  beginning  of  a  transfer,  it  is 
established  to  the  satisfaction  of  the  Commissioner  that  the 
exchange  does  not  have  as  one  of  its  principal  purposes  the 
avoidance  of  Federal  income  taxes.   For  all  other  transfers 
(foreign  to  foreign  and  foreign  to  U.S.)  a  ruling  is  not 
required,  but  the  rules  governing  the  tax  consequences  are 
provided  in  regulations  which  can  deny  non-recognition  to 
the  extent  necessary  to  prevent  tax  avoidance. — ' 

Also,  in  1932  the  Congress  dealt  with  a  second  aspect 
of  the  transfer  problem  and  enacted  the  predecessor  to  § 
1491.   That  section  imposed  an  excise  tax  upon  the  transfer 
of  stock  or  securities  by  a  U.S.  person  to  a  foreign  corporation 
as  paid-in  surplus  or  as  a  contribution  to  capital,  or  to  a 
foreign  estate,  trust,  or  partnership.   The  tax  was  measured 
by  the  difference  between  the  fair  market  value_Qf  the 
property  at  the  time  of  transfer  and  its  basis. — '       The 
difference  is  reduced  by  the  amount  of  any  gain  recognized 
by  the  transferor  on  the  transfer.   Section  1491  was  amended 
in  1976  to  apply  to  transfers  of  any  property  and  to  increase 
the  excise  tax  to  35  percent  from  27  1/2  percent.   The 
excise  tax  does  not  apply  to  a  transfer  described  in  §  367 
or  a  transfer  for  which  an  election  has  been  made  under  § 
1057. — '       In  lieu  of  the  payment  under  §  1491,  the  taxpayer 
may  elect  under  §1057  to  treat  a  transfer  described  in  § 
1491  as  a  taxable  sale  or  exchange,  and  to  recognize  gain 
equal  to  the  excess  of  the  .fair  market  value  of  the  property 
over  its  adjusted  basis. — ' 


=-^'    See  Revenue  Act  of  1932,  §  112(k);  Revenue  Act  of  1934, 

§  112(i);  Revenue  Act  of  1936,  §  112(i);  Revenue  Act 

of  1938,  §  112(i);   1939  I.R.C.  §  112(i). 

—^    H.R.  Rep.  No.  708,  72d  Cong.,  1st  Sess.  ,  (1932),  1939-1  C.B. 
(Part  2)  457,  494. 

— /  §  1492. 

i°/  §  1057. 


4.  Personal  holding  companies.   The  undistributed 
personal  holding  company  income  of  a  personal  holding  company 
is  subject  to  a  penalty  tax  of  70  percent.   This  provision, 
added  to  the  law  in  1934  and  extensively  revised  in  1937  and 
1964,  was  intended  to  thwart  the  creation  of  so-called 
incorporated  pocketbooks  and  the  transfer  of  services  to 
corporations  organized  by  the  provider  of  those  services. 

The  Congress,  in  adopting  this  provision,  acknowledged  that 
the  accumulated  earnings  tax  was  not  working  to  prevent  some 
significant  abuses  in  the  area. 

A  corporation  is  a  personal  holding  company  if  at  least 
60  percent  of  its  adjusted  ordinary  gross  income  is  personal 
holding  company  income  (passive  investment  income  and  certain 
personal  services  income),  and  more  than  50  percent  in  value 
of  its  stock  is  owned  by  five  or  fewer  individuals.   The  tax 
is  imposed  on  the  corporation  (not  the  shareholders),  and 
provision  is  made  for  relief  from  the  tax  to  the  extent  a 
"deficiency  dividend"  is  paid. 

A  foreign  corporation  can  be  a  personal  holding  com- 
pany.  However,  if  all  of  its  outstanding  stock  during  the 
last  half  of  the  year  is  owned  by  nonresident  aliens,  then 
it  is  not  a  personal  holding  company. 

5.  Foreign  personal  holding  companies.   In  1937,  the 
Congress,  in  response  to  a  request  of  President  Roosevelt 
and  the  Report  of  the  Joint  Committee  on  Tax  Evasion  and 
Avoidance  of  the  Congress  of  the  United  States — '  ,  again 
acted  against  incorporated  pocketbooks.   This  time,  it 
focused  on  those  incorporated  abroad  by  U.S.  persons.   The 
result  was  the  foreign  personal  holding  company  provisions. 
It  is  of  interest  that  Congress  focused  on  corporations 
domiciled  in  countries  such  as  the  Bahamas  and  Panama,  which 
had  little  or  no  corporate  income  tax  (at  least  on  foreign 
source  income)  and  which  are  today  considered  to  be  tax 
havens . 

The  U.S.  shareholders  of  a  foreign  personal  holding 
company  are  taxed  on  their  proportionate  share  of  the  cor- 
poration's undistributed  foreign  personal  holding  company 
income.   A  foreign  corporation  is  a  foreign  personal  holding 
company  if  at  least  60  percent  of  the  corporation's  gross 
income  for  the  year  is  foreign  personal  holding  company 

— /  H.R.  Doc.  No.  337,  75th  Cong.,  1st  Bess.  (1937). 


income,  and  if  more  than  50  percent  in  value  of  the  corporation's 
outstanding  stock  is  owned  (directly  or  indirectly)  by  not 
more  than  five  individuals  who  are  citizens  or  residents  of 
the  U.S. 

Foreign  personal  holding  company  income  includes  passive 
income  such  as  dividends,  interest,  royalties,  and  annuities, 
gains  from  sale  of  stocks,  securities,  and  future  transactions 
in  certain  commodities,  income  from  an  estate  or  trust  or 
the  sale  of  an  interest  therein,  income  from  certain  personal 
service  contracts,  compensation  for  the  use  of  corporate 
property  by  25  percent  shareholders,  and  rents,  unless  they 
constitute  50  percent  or  more  of  the  gross  income  of  the 

The  foreign  personal  holding  company  provisions  take 
precedence  over  the  personal  holding  company  provisions, 
thus,  a  foreign  corporation  which  meets  both  tests  is 
treated  as  a  foreign  personal  holding  company. — '      Generally, 
they  take  precedence  over  the  subpart  F  provisions. — ' 

6.  Section  269>  ,  In  1943,  the  Congress  enacted  the 
predecessor  of  §269 — '  ,    which  grants  to  the  Secretary  the 
power  to  disallow  a  tax  benefit  if  the  principal  purpose  of 
the  acquisition  of  control  of  a  corporation,  or  of  the 
acquisition  by  a  corporation  from  another  corporation  of 
property  with  a  carryover  basis,  is  evasion  or  avoidance  of 
Federal  income  tax  by  securing  the  tax  benefit.   This  provision 
applies  to  foreign  corporations  as  well  as  domestic  corporations. 

7.  Foreign  investment  companies.  Despite  the  provisions  j 
described  above,  activities  perceived  as  abusive  continued.  C 
One  of  those  activities  was  the  establishment  of  foreign 
investment  companies  which  sold  shares  widely  among  U.S.  C 
individuals.  * 

In  connection  with  the  1962  Act,  Congress  attacked  the  f 

problem  of  the  foreign  investment  company  which  avoided 
being  a  personal  holding  or  foreign  personal  holding  company 
because  it  avoided  the  shareholder  test  by  selling  shares 
widely  to  U.S.  persons.   These  companies,  often  organized  in 
jurisdictions  which  did  not  tax  their  income,  could  invest 
in  securities  or  other  passive  assets  and  accumulate  income 



§  542(c)(5). 


— /  §  951(d). 

— /  1939  I.R.C.  §  129. 


The  Revenue  Act  of  1962  adopted  §§  1246  and  1247  as  an 
alternative  means  of  attacking  these  companies.   Under  § 
1246  a  U.S.  shareholder  realizes  ordinary  income  on  the  sale 
or  redemption  of  his  stock  in  a  foreign  investment  company, 
to  the  extent  of  his  ratable  share  of  its  earnings  accumulated 
by  the  company  after  1962  and  during  the  time  the  share- 
holder held  the  stock. 

Under  §  1247,  a  foreign  investment  company  could,  prior 
to  1963,  elect  to  have  its  U.S.  shareholders  taxed  substan- 
tially like  the  shareholders  in  a  domestic  regulated  invest- 
ment company.   This  meant  that  the  shareholders  had  to 
receive  a  distribution  of  90  percent  of  the  company's  ordinary 
income,  and  any  capital  gains  realized  by  the  company  were 
taxed  to  the  shareholders. 

8.   Controlled  foreign  corporations.   In  1962  Congress 
enacted  subpart  F  which  taxes  U.S.  shareholders  of  con- 
trolled foreign  corporations  on  their  proportionate  share  of 
certain  categories  of  undistributed  profits  from  tax  haven 
activities  and  certain  other  activities  of  the  foreign 
corporation.   A  controlled  foreign  corporation  is  defined  as 
a  foreign  corporation  in  which  more  than  50  percent  of  the 
voting  power  in  the  corporation  is  owned  by  U.S.  shareholders. 
A  U.S.  shareholder  is  a  United  States  person  who  owns  directly 
or  indirectly  10  percent  or  more  of  the  voting  stock  of  a 
foreign  corporation.  In  contrast,  the  ownership  test  for 
foreign  personal  holding  company  status  is  ownership  by  five 
or  fewer  individuals  of  more  than  50  percent  in  value  of  the 
stock  of  the  foreign  corporation.   There  is  no  minimum 
ownership  threshhold  for  a  shareholder's  interest  to  be 
taken  into  account  for  foreign  personal  holding  company 

The  categories  of  income  subject  to  current  taxation 
under  subpart  F  are  foreign  personal  holding  company  income, 
sales  income  from  property  purchased  from,  or  sold  to,  a 
related  person  if  the  property  is  manufactured  and  sold  for 
use,  consumption  or  disposition  outside  the  country  of  the 
corporation's  incorporation,  service  income  from  services 
also  performed  outside  the  country  of  the  corporation's 
incorporation,  for  or  on  behalf  of  any  related  person,  and 
certain  shipping  income.   The  Code  refers  to  these  types  of 
income  as  "foreign  base  company  income."   Basically,  this 
provision  is  designed  to  prevent  tax  avoidance  by  the  diversion 
of  sales  or  other  types  of  income  to  a  related  foreign 
corporation  which  is  incorporated  in  a  country  which  imposes 
little  or  no  tax  on  this  income  when  it  is  received  by  that 


corporation  since  it  arose  in  connection  with  an  activity 
taking  place  outside  of  that  country.   In  addition,  the  Code 
provides  for  the  current  taxation  of  the  income  derived  by  a 
controlled  foreign  corporation  from  the  insurance  of  U.S. 
risks.   Foreign  base  company  income,  income  from  the  insurance 
of  U.S.  risks,  and  certain  other  income  are  collectively 
referred  to  as  subpart  F  income.   The  Code  also  provides 
under  subpart  F  that  earnings  of  controlled  foreign  corporations 
are  to  be  taxed  currently  to  U.S.  shareholders  if  they  are 
invested  in  U.S.  property. 

In  1976,  subpart  F  income  was  expanded  to  include 
boycott  generated  income,  and  illegal  bribes  or  other  payments 
paid  by  or  on  behalf  of  the  controlled  foreign  corporation 

directly  or  indirectly  to  a  government  official.   Neither  of  \ 

these  later  items  necessarily  involves  tax  havens.  ; 

Subpart  F  contains  certain  exclusions  from  foreign  base  I 

company  income.   Income  from  the  use  of  ships  in  foreign  I 

commerce  is  excluded  to  the^extent  that  the  income  is  rein-  [ 

vested  in  shipping  assets. — ^   Foreign  base  company  income 

also  does  not  include  any  income  received  by  a  controlled  i 

foreign  corporation,  if  it  is  established  to  the  satisfaction  ' 

of  the  Commissioner  that  neither  the  creation  or  organization  ! 

of  the  controlled  foreign  corporation  receiving  the  income  ( 

nor  the  effecting  of  the  transaction  giving  rise  to  the  > 

income  through  the  controlled  foreign  corporation  has  as  one  ^ 

of  its  significant  purposes  the  substantial  reduction  of  j 

income  taxes.  !; 


There  is  also  the  10-70  rule:   if  foreign  base  company  ^ 

income  is  less  than  10  percent  of  a  controlled  foreign  f 

corporation's  gross  income,  then  none  of  its  income  is  •■ 

foreign  base  company  income,  and  if  more  than  70  percent  of  i 

its  gross  income  is  foreign  base  company  income,  then  its  t 

entire  gross  income  is  treated  as  foreign  base  company  i. 

income.   If  the  percentage  is  between  10  percent  and  70  i 

percent,  then  the  actual  amount  of  foreign  base  company  *■ 
income  is  treated  as  such. 


— As  originally  enacted,  shipping  income  was  excluded 

without  regard  to  reinvestment. 


Income  derived  from  the  insurance  of  U.S.  risks  is 
subpart  F  income,  if  the  controlled  foreign  corporation 
receives  premiums  in  respect  of  insurance  or  reinsurance  in 
excess  of  five  percent  of  the  total  premiums  and  other 
considerations  it  received  during  its  taxable  year.   For 
purposes  of  applying  the  insurance  of  U.S.  risks  rules,  a 
controlled  foreign  corporation  in  certain  cases  includes  one 
of  which  more  than  25  percent  of  the  total  combined  voting 
power  of  all  classes  of  voting  stock  is  owned  by  U.S.  shareholders. 

9.  Dispositions  of  stock  of  controlled  foreign  corporations. 
The  Revenue  Act  of  1962  also  introduced  §  1248  to  the  Code. 

That  section  requires  a  U.S.  shareholder  who  disposes  of  his 
shares  in  a  controlled  foreign  corporation  to  report  any 
gains  on  the  disposition  as  a  dividend,  to  the  extent  of  the 
earnings  and  profits  of  the  foreign  corporation  accumulated 
after  1962.   Accordingly,  this  rule  can  be  beneficial  because 
foreign  taxes  paid  or  accrued  by  the  corporation  may  be 
credited  against  U.S.  taxes  of  a  domestic  corporation. 

10.  Dispositions  of  patents  to  foreign  corporations. 
The  Revenue  Act  of  1962  also  adopted  §  1249,  which  requires 
that  gain  from  the  sale  or  exchange  of  patents,  copyrights, 
secret  formulae  or  processes,  or  similar  property  rights  to 

a  foreign  corporation  by  a  person  controlling  that  corporation, 
is  to  be  treated  as  ordinary  income  rather  than  capital 
gain.   The  House-passed  bill  had  included,  as  a  category  of 
subpart  F  income,  income  from  patents,  copyrights,  and 
similar  property  developed  in  the  U.S.  or  acquired  from 
related  U.S.  persons.   The  income  to  be  included  was  royalty 
income,  and  a  constructive  royalty  if  the  foreign  corporation 
used  the  property  itself. — '       The  Senate  rejected  the  House 

approach  because  of  difficulties  it 
constructive  income. — 

foresaw  in  determining 

— /  H.  Rep.  No.  1447,  61,  1962-3  C.B.  402,  465. 


— '    S.  Rep.  No.  1881  87th  Cong.,  2d  Sess.  109-111  (1962) 

(S.  Rep.  No.  1881),  1962-3  C.B.  703,  815. 


V.   Patterns  of  Use  of  Tax  Havens 

The  figures  in  Chapter  III,  and  our  interviews  indicate 
that  tax  havens  are  being  used  by  U.S.  persons  investing 
overseas,  and  by  foreign  persons  investing  in  the  U.S.   Not 
all  of  this  use  is  tax  motivated.   Much,  however,  is.   Some 
of  the  transactions  are  clearly  legitimate,  being  within  the 
letter  and  the  spirit  of  the  law.   Other  transactions  are 
fraudulent,  although  proving  the  necessary  willfulness  to 
establish  a  criminal  case  may  not  be  possible.   An  overriding 
problem  is  that  the  complexity  of  the  law,  the  difficulties 
in  information  gathering,  and  administrative  problems  within 
the  IRS  often  make  it  difficult  to  distinguish  between  the 

This  chapter  begins  with  a  brief  discussion  of  the  ;; 

distinction  between  tax  avoidance  and  tax  evasion.  It  then  « 

describes  how  assets  can  be  transferred  to  tax  havens  in  the  ; 

context  of  the  Code  provisions  which  seek  to  insure  that  the  ! 

transfers  themselves  are  not  abusive.   This  chapter  then 

describes  the  activities  which  are  being  carried  on  in  tax 

havens  within  the  context  of  United  States  tax  laws  which  i 

apply  to  those  transactions.  * 


The  transactions  described  begin  with  corporations  and  f 

multinationals.   They  illustrate  how  existing  rules  are  ', 

utilized  in  a  legal  way.   The  descriptions  also  point  out  " 
how,  in  some  instances,  unscrupulous  taxpayers  arrange  their 

affairs  so  that  they  appear  legal,  but  are  in  fact  fraudulent.  2 

More  abusive  transactions  are  also  described.   In  Chapter  VI,  J 
transactions  which  have  been  investigated  as  frauds  are 

discussed.   In  Chapter  VII,  options  for  administrative  and  I 

legislative  changes  are  presented.   These  might  help  rationalize  i 

the  taxation  of  tax  haven  transactions,  and  make  the  rules  easier  T 

to  administer.  k 

A.   Tax  Avoidance  v.  Tax  Evasion  Q 

Many  consider  tax  haven  transactions  evil  per  se 
simply  because  there  is  a  tax  haven  involved.   Others  look 
at  the  tax  system  as  something  to  be  manipulated,  viewing 
tax  havens  as  a  piece  in  that  game.   They  see  little  wrong 
in  using  a  tax  haven  transaction  to  avoid  taxes  that  they 
know  are  due,  provided  that  transaction  is  reported.   Others 
will  use  the  complexities  of  the  law  to  hide  income  or 
create  deductions.   In  truth,  often  the  question  of  whether 
a  tax  haven  transaction  is  legitimate  or  illegitimate, 
whether  it  is  tax  avoidance  or  tax  evasion,  is  in  the  eyes 
of  the  beholder. 


Whether  or  not  a  tax  haven  transaction  is  tax  avoidance 
or  tax  evasion  or  something  else  depends  in  part  on  how  you 
define  those  terms.   In  fact,  the  terms  have  probably  never 
been  adequately  defined.   The  term  "avoidance"  is  partic- 
ularly imprecise.   Furthermore,  "avoidance"  has  certain 
connotations  which  in  themselves  seem  to  import  evil  doing 
although  not  quite  to  the  extent  that  evasion  does.   The 
problems  with  distinguishing  in  this  area  and  in  using  these 
terms  have  been  described  as  follows: 

The  term  tax  avoidance  itself  has 
unfortunate  connotations;  it  is  con- 
sidered as  referring  to  an  attitude 
of  unethical  and,  indeed,  unlawful 
behavior,  although  it  is  actually  a 
neutral  term.   In  the  pejorative  sense 
the  term  tax  evasion  should  be  used, 
which  indicates  an  action  by  which 
a  taxpayer  tries  to  escape  his  legal 
obligations  by  fraudulent  means.   The 
confusion  arises  from  the  fact  that 
sometimes  taxes  are  avoided  —  by  the 
use  of  perfectly  legal  measures  -- 
against  the  purpose  and  spirit  of 
the  law.   Where  this  is  the  case, 
the  taxpayer  involved  is  abusing  the 
law  and  he  is  blamed  for  it,  although, 
no  penal  measures  can  be  taken 
against  him.— 

Rather  than  attempt  to  define  the  terms  with  any  pre- 
decision,  we  have  identified  four  categories  of  use,  ranging 
from  completely  legal  (from  a  tax  point  of  view)  to  fraud: 

(1)   Non-tax  motivated  use,  transactions  involving  tax 
havens  where  no  U.S.  tax  impact  results.   An  example  is  a 
U.S.   branch  bank  in  a  tax  haven  which  is  fully  taxable  by 
the  United  States  and  where  the  source  of  income  is  not 


J.  van  Hoorn  Jr.,  "The  Uses  and  Abuses  of  Tax  Havens", 
Tax  Havens  and  Measures  Against  Tax  Evasion  and  Avoid- 
ance in  the  EEC,  Associated  Business  Programs  (London, 


(2)  A  transaction  which  has  a  tax  effect,  but  which  is 
completely  within  the  letter  and  the  spirit  of  the  law.   An 
example  is  the  formation  of  a  subsidiary  in  a  tax  haven  to 
conduct  a  shipping  business  or  the  formation  of  a  subsidiary 
in  a  tax  haven  to  conduct  a  banking  business,  where  all  of 
the  necessary  functions  are  performed  by  the  tax  haven 
entity  in  the  tax  haven. 

(3)  Aggressive  tax  planning  that  takes  advantage  of  an 
unintended  legal  or  administrative  loophole.   An  example  of 
this  might  be  establishing  a  service  business  in  a  tax  haven 
to  provide  services  for  a  branch  of  that  business  located  in 
a  third  country.   A  further  example  might  be  the  use  by  a 
multinational  corporation  of  artificially  high  transfer 
pricing  to  shift  income  into  a  tax  haven.   Often,  the  parties 
know  full  well  that,  if  the  transaction  is  thoroughly  audited, 
a  significant  adjustment  will  probably  be  made.   They  rely 

on  difficulties  in  information  gathering  and  on  complications 
to  possibly  avoid  payment  of,  or  at  least  to  postpone  payment 
of,  some  tax. 

(4)  Tax  evasion;  an  action  by  which  the  taxpayer  tries 
to  escape  his  legal  obligations  by  fraudulent  means.   This 
might  involve  simply  failing  to  report  income,  or  trying  to 
create  excess  deductions.   This  category  can  also  be  broken 
down  into  two  subcategories:   (a)  evasion  of  tax  on  income 
which  is  legally  earned,  such  as  slush  funds;  (b)  evasion  of 
tax  on  income  which  arises  from  an  illegal  activity,  such  as 
trafficking  in  narcotics. 

In  this  chapter,  patterns  of  use  of  tax  havens  are 
described.   At  times,  the  transactions  are  so  complicated 
and  the  information  gathering  problems  so  difficult  that  it 
may  not  be  possible  to  distinguish  between  the  various 
categories.   The  lines  become  murky  because  the  law  is  murky 
and  the  information  is  incomplete. 

B.   Transfers  to  a  Tax  Haven  Fntity 

United  States  persons  doing  business  abroad  continue 
to  use  tax  havens  in  traditional  ways.   They  will  form  a 
corporate  entity  in  a  tax  haven  and  use  it  to  carry  out 
their  foreign  operations.   The  use  of  a  tax  haven  company 
has  significant  advantages.   From  a  U.S.  tax  point  of  view, 
it  may  give  the  benefit  of  deferral  or  enable  a  U.S.  parent 
corporation  to  absorb  excess  foreign  tax  credits.   It  may 
also  decrease  the  overall  foreign  tax  burden  of  a  taxpayer 
or  affiliated  group  of  corporations,  and  may  allow  a  company 
to  do  business  overseas  free  of  currency  or  other  controls. 
Generally,  in  order  to  use  a  tax  haven  entity,  property  must 
be  transferred  to  it. 


1.   Transfer  Pricing 

United  States  taxpayers  may  attempt  to  shift  assets  and 
income  to  low  or  no  tax  countries  from  high  tax  countries 
through  transfer  pricing.   Where  this  shifting  is  at  arm's 
length  and  within  the  guidelines  set  by  the  IRS  and  the 
courts,  it  is  perfectly  legitimate.   There  often  are  honest 
disagreements  as  to  what  is  an  appropriate  charge  or  price. 
This  happens  very  often  because  taxpayers  find  the  §482 
regulations  difficult  to  deal  with.   If  the  price  is  too 
high,  the  IRS  can  allocate  the  income.   Transactions  generally 
not  permissible  under  IRS  regulations  and  for  which  an 
allocation  may  therefore  be  appropriate  can  take  numerous 
forms,  as  follows: 

a.  Payment  of  interest  from  the  U.S.  or  another  high 
tax  country  to  a  tax  haven  affiliate  at  above  market  rates. 

b.  Payment  of  royalties  from  the  U.S.  or  other  high 
tax  country  to  a  tax  haven  affiliate  at  higher  than  fair 
market  value  rates. 

c.  Sale  of  property  by  an  entity  located  in  a  high  tax 
country  to  an  affiliate  in  a  tax  haven  at  a  low  price, 
followed  by  a  sale  by  the  tax  haven  entity  at  a  high  price. 

d.  Transfer  of  income  producing  assets,  such  as  stocks, 
bonds  or  other  securities,  or  patent  rights,  from  a  U.S. 
person  or  from  any  affiliate  of  a  U.S.  person  in  a  high  tax 
country  to  an  affiliate  in  a  tax  haven  at  a  low  cost. 

e.  Payment  of  management,  service  or  other  fees  to  a 
related  entity  which  has  not  in  fact  performed  services;  or 
payment  for  services  performed  but  at  a  price  above  fair 
market  value. 

f.  Leasing  of  tangible  property  to  a  tax  haven  entity 
for  less  than  fair  market  value. 

g.  Transfer  of  components  for  less  than  market  value, 
to  a  tax  haven  affiliate  for  assembly,  followed  by  a  sale  of 
the  finished  product  at  a  high  price. 

In  many  cases,  in  addition  to  shifting  assets  to  the 
tax  haven  entity,  the  transactions  will  result  in  deductions 
for  the  high  tax  country  entity  which  is  income  shifting. 
For  example,  the  payment  of  interest  by  a  U.S.  corporation 


to  a  foreign  affiliate  results  not  only  in  the  shifting  of 
the  interest  to  the  tax  haven,  but  in  a  deduction  for  interest 
expense  to  the  tt.s.  company.   Likewise,  if  a  U.S.  company 
develops  technology,  deducts  the  development  expenses,  and 
then  transfers  the  technology  to  the  tax  haven  affiliate 
for  sublicensing  or  for  use  in  its  trade  or  business  without 
adequate  compensation,  not  only  is  income-producing  property 
transferred  to  the  tax  haven  entity,  but  the  U.S.  affiliate 
has  been  able  to  take  deductions  for  expenses  without  having 
to  realize  the  income  that  accrues  from  the  expenses. 

A  somewhat  related  problem  is  the  failure  of  a  U.S. 
company  to  properly  allocate  to  a  tax  haven  affiliate  expenses 
it  incurs  for  that  affiliate.   For  example,  a  U.S.  company 
may  provide  managerial  services  for  a  tax  haven  affiliate, 
and  fail  to  charge  for  them.   In  addition,  it  may  fail  to 
allocate  expenses  which  it  incurs  and  which  are,  in  reality, 
for  the  tax  haven  affiliate.   A  greater  foreign  tax  credit 
may  be  available  because  of  this  failure  to  properly  allocate 

2.   Transfers  of  Assets  Other  than  by  Transfer  Pricing 

Another  method  for  transferring  property  to  a  tax  haven 
entity  is  by  a  tax  free  reorganization  or  other  exchange. 
In  the  case  of  transfers  from  the  U.S.,  the  general  non- 
recognition  provisions  of  the  Code  operate  only  if  the 
transferor  receives  a  ruling  from  the  IRS  that  the  exchange 
did  not  have  as  one  of  its  principal  purposes  the  avoidance 
of  Federal  income  taxes.— 

a.   Transfers  to  Tax  Haven  Corporations--Scope  of  §367. 

Section  367  was  originally  intended  to  prevent  taxpayers 
from  permanently  circumventing  the  tax^ordinarily  payable  on 
the  disposition  of  appreciated  assets.—   When  created,  the 
tax  avoidance  concept  was  thus  of  limited  scope. 

-/  §  367. 

-^   See  H.R.  Rep.  No.  708,  72d  Cong.,  1st  Sess.  20  (1932); 
and  S.  Rep.  No.  665,  72d  Cong.,  1st  Sess.  26-27  (1932). 

To  illustrate  the  loophole  they  sought  to  close,  the 
House  and  Senate  gave  this  example  in  their  report: 

A,  an  American  citizen,  owns  100,000  shares  of 
stock  in  corporation  X,  a  domestic  corporation,  which 
originally  cost  him  $1,000,000  but  now  has  a  market 
value  of  $10,000,000.   Instead  of  selling  the  stock 


The  IRS,  however,  expanded  this  scope  by  looking  to 
other  consequences  of  asset  transferral.   In  addition  to  the 
complete  avoidance  of  tax  on  realized  appreciation  from 
investment  assets,  the  IRS  considered  the  potential  for 
temporary  deferral  of  tax  and  also  the  deferral  of  tax  on 
other  income  produced  by  the  transferred  asset,  e.g. ,  interest 
and  dividends,  in  determining  whether  a  tax  avoidance  purpose 
was  present.   Application  of  the  tax  avoidance  concept  was 
thus  enlarged  to  include  both  the  nature  of  the  transferred 
assets  and  the  nature  of  their  subsequent  use. 

The  breadth  of  this  inquiry  was  reduced  by  the  IRS  in 
1968,  in  response  to  the  1962  enactment  of  subpart  F.-^ 
The  IRS  announced,  in  Revenue  Procedure  68-23,-^  that  its 

outright,  A  organizes  a  corporation  under  the  laws  of 
Canada  to  which  he  transfers  the  100,000  shares  of 
stock  in  exchange  for  the  entire  capital  stock  of  the 
Canadian  company.   This  transaction  is  a  nontaxable 
exchange.   The  Canadian  corporation  sells  the  stock  of 
corporation  X  for  $10,000,000  in  cash.   The  latter 
transaction  is  exempt  from  tax  under  the  Canadian  law 
and  is  not  taxable  as  United  States  income  under  the 
present  law.   The  Canadian  corporation  organizes 
corporation  Y  under  the  laws  of  the  United  States  and 
transfers  the  $10,000,000  cash  received  upon  the  sale 
of  corporation  X's  stock  in  exchange  for  the  entire 
capital  stock  of  Y.   The  Canadian  corporation  then 
distributes  the  stock  of  Y  to  A  in  connection  with  a 
reorganization.   By  this  series  of  transactions,  A  has 
had  the  stock  of  X  converted  into  cash  and  has  it  in 
complete  control. 

When  this  provision  was  adopted,  Canada  was  considered 
to  be  a  tax  haven. 


-  See  J.  Sitrick,  "Section  367  and  Tax  Avoidance:   An 

Analysis  of  the  Section  367  Guidelines"  25  Tax  L.  Rev. 
429  (1970). 

Mr.  Sitrick,  formerly  of  the  Office  of  Tax  Legislative 
Counsel  (International),  states  that 

.  .  .  while  the  importance  of  section  367  was 
reduced  considerably  by  reason  of  the  1962  legislation, 
the  section  retains  importance  in  transactions  with 
which  the  provisions  of  subpart  F  were  not  intended  to 
deal  directly.   [25  Tax  L.  Rev,  at  442.] 

-/  1968-1  C.B.  821. 


concern  would  be  limited  to  the  nature  of  the  assets  transferred, 
i.e.,  to  their  inherent  potential  for  income  and  gain.— 

The  IRS  also  announced  in  Revenue  Procedure  68-23,  at 
§3.02(1),  that  when  the  transferred  assets  are  "  be 
devoted  by  the  transferee  foreign  corporation  to  the  active 
conduct,  in  any  foreign  country,  of  a  trade  or  business... 
[the  transaction  will  ordinarily  receive  favorable  consideration] 
Although  apparently  in  conflict  with  the  new  policy  to  leave 
consideration  of  post-transfer  use  to  subpart  F,  adoption  of 
this  "active  business"  criterion  was  not  intended  to  provide 
a  means  for  determining  whether  tax  avoidance  would  flow 
from  the  post-transfer  activity  itself.   Rather,  it  was 
included  to  test  the  avoidance  potential  of  the  individual 
asset,  the  thought  being  that  property  used  in  an  active 
trade  or  business  would  not  be  transferred  with  a  principal 
view  to  the  realization  of  its  appreciation_or  enjoyment  of 
its  income  outside  the  taxing  jurisdiction.—   Therefore, 
the  active  business  requirement  dpes  not  impinge  on  the 
deferral  permitted  by  subpart  F.— 

In  1976,  the  Congress  amended  §  367  to  remove  the  pre- 
transaction  filing  requirement  .in  all  cases,  and  the  ruling 
requirement  in  certain  cases.—   None  of  the  statutory       ■■»  , 
changes  significantly  clarified  the  meaning  of  tax  avoidance. — '^ 

-'^  See  Rev.  Proc.  68-23,  §§  3.  02  ( 1 )  (  a  ) -(  d  )  (describing 
certain  "tainted"  assets),  §  3.01(2),  and  §  3.03(l)(a) 

-^   See  also  §  3 . 02( 1 ) (a) ( iv)  of  Rev.  Proc.  68-23. 

—     Section  367  clearance  will  not  be  granted  if  property 
transferred  to  a  foreign  corporation  will  be  used  to 
conduct  a  trade  or  business  in  the  United  States.   To 
this  extent,  the  subsequent  use  test  retains  vitality 
under  §  367. 

-'   Tax  Reform  Act  of  1976,  §  1042. 


H.R.  Rep.  No.  94-658,  94th  Cong.,  1st  Sess.  239-40  (1976), 
1976-3  C.B.  (Vol.  2)  931-2;  and  S.  Rep.  No.  94-938, 
94th  Cong.,  2d  Sess.  261-2  (1976),  1976-3  C.B.  (Vol.  3) 


As  presently  construed,  §  367  is  of  limited  utility  in 
tax  haven  related  tax  administration.   While  it  does  prevent 
the  transfer  of  certain  assets  with  income-producing  potential, 
it  will  not  prevent  the  transfer  of  an  active  business  which 
may  then  be  conducted  free  of  subpart  F.   For  example,  a  tax 
free  transfer  can  be  used  to  enable  a  U.S.  manufacturer  to 
take  advantage  of  a  tax  exemption  granted  by  one  country  to 
attract  manufacturing  and  the  low  rates  of  tax  afforded  by  a 
tax  haven  on  passive  investment  income. 

Section  367  can  be  used  only  to  deny  non-recognition 
for  a  transfer  to  a  corporate  entity,  and  therefore  its 
impact  is  limited  to  permitting  a  tax  (often  a  capital  gain 
tax)  on  appreciation.   In  many  cases  it  is  unclear  that 
anything  of  value  has  been  transferred.   For  example,  an 
engineering  company  which  is  to  perform  services  in  the 
Middle  East  may  be  able  to  form  a  subsidiary  corporation  in 
a  tax  haven  without  a  §367  ruling.   Arguably,  under  Revenue 
Ruling  79-288, — ^  no  ruling  would  be  required  if,  before  the 
transfer,  the  parent  had  no  rights  under  the  tax  haven's  law 
to  use,  and  protect  from  unauthorized  use,  the  parent's 
name.   However,  a  ruling  may  be  required  for  the  transfer  of 
the  active  business  or  for  the  transfer  of  goodwill. 

b.   Transfers  Not  Reorganizations 

Section  367  does  not  affect  a  transfer  to  a  trust,  a 
partnership,  or  a  corporation  where  the  reorganization 
provisions  are  not  applicable  in  any  case.   Instead,  the  § 
1491  excise  tax  might  apply. 

Like  §  367,  §  1491  was  intended  to  prevent  taxpayers 
from  transferring  appreciated  property  to  foreign  entities 
to  avoid  United  States  tax  on  the  gain.   Today,  §  1491  is 
broad,  covering  almost  all  transfers  to  almost  all  foreign 
entities.   There  are,  however,  exceptions  which  can  be 
abused.   Further,  like  §  367,  the  IRS  does  not  interpret  § 
1491  as  taking  into  account  post-transfer  use  of  the  assets 
transferred  in  determining  whether  it  operates.   Therefore, 
if  the  transfer  fits  one  of  the  exceptions,  the  §  1491 
excise  tax  does  not  apply. 

Legislative  exceptions  to  the  §  1491  tax  are  provided 
(1)  for  transfers  to  a  tax  exempt  organization,  (2)  if  the 
transfer  is  not  in  pursuance  of  a  plan  having  as  one  of  its 
principal  purposes  the  avoidance  of  Federal  income  taxes, 
(3)  if  §  367  applies  to  the  transfer,  or  (41  ,if  an  election 
to  recognize  gain  on  the  transfer  is  made. — ' 

— /  1979-2  C.B.  139. 
— /  §  1492. 


Attempts  have  been  made  to  avoid  or  evade  §1491  by  the 
following  transactions: 

1.  A  transfer  of  unappreciated  or  slightly  appre- 
ciated property,  or  a  transfer  of  slightly  appreciated 
property  with  respect  to  which  a  §  1057  election  has  been 

2.  A  transfer  to  a  friendly  foreign  foundation  which 
is  a  tax  exempt  organization. 

3.  A  transfer  of  ordinary  income  property  (subject  to 
the  excise  tax,  but  at  a  lower  rate  of  tax  than  the  ordinary 

rates) .  ^ 

4.  A  transfer  at  death  by  operation  of  law  rather  than  ^ 
by  devise.  « 

5.   A  transfer  through  a  conduit,  such  as  a  shell  U.S. 
corporation  which  has  no  assets  with  which  to  pay  the  §  1491 
tax,  or  through  a  friendly  non-resident  alien  to  a  trust  for 
the  benefit  of  the  U.S.  transferor  or  his  family. 

Some  of  these  transactions  are  fraudulent.   The  use  of 
a  foreign  intermediary  to  pass  property  to  a  foreign  trust, 
for  example,  is  a  willful  attempt  to  evade  or  defeat  tax. 
The  willful  failure  to  file  the  required  return  (Form  926) 
is  punishable  under  §  7203.   The  same  is  true  of  the  transfer 
to  a  friendly  foreign  foundation  where  the  real  intent  is 
that  the  property  will  be  used  for  the  benefit  of  the  transferor 
or  his  family. 

To  the  extent  that  the  transactions  described  above  are 
permitted  by  the  Code,  they  reflect  Congressional  policy 
determinations.   For  example,  the  fact  that  §  1491  is 
avoided  by  a  §  1057  election  or  the  realization  of  a  small 
amount  of  income  reflects  a  Congressional  policy  of  protecting 
the  U.S.  tax  on  the  gain  inherent  in  the  property.   Not 
subjecting  to  U.S.  tax  the  income  earned  from  the  property 
after  transfer  is  a  deferral  issue,  and  occurs  because  of 
Congressional  policy  decisions  as  to  the  scope  of  the  trust 
rules  or  other  anti-avoidance  rules. 



Similarly,  §  1491  will  not  apply  to  a  transfer  to  a 
foreign  trust  by  a  non-resident  alien  who  then  becomes  a 
United  States  resident.   Section  1491  can  also  be  avoided  by 
a  United  States  expatriate  transferring  property  after 
renouncing  citizenship.   Both  gaps  could  be  closed  by  legislation 
subjecting  at  least  some  transfers  to  §1491.   Once  again, 
however,  any  problems  are  caused  by  Congressional  decisions 
as  to  the  scope  of  the  United  States  taxing  jurisdiction. 

C.   Transactions  Through  a  Controlled  Entity 

Today,  major  corporations  conduct  varied  activities  in 
tax  havens.   During  consideration  of  the  1962  Revenue  Act, 
the  IRS  described  certain  categories  of  tax  avoidance  devices 
used  by  U.S.  taxpayers  doing  business  overseas.   Some  appear 
to  be  used  today  and  in  some  cases  their  use  has  grown; 
others  have  been  substantially  eliminated.   Corporations 
continue  to  divert  income  to  foreign  subsidiaries  which 
engage  in  no  real  activity  abroad.   They  continue  to  organize 
foreign  subsidiaries  to  carry  on  the  same  type  of  business 
activity  previously  conducted  by  the  domestic  parent  and  to 
divert  income  through  improper  pricing  arrangements  and 
through  the  transfer  of  valuable  income  producing  assets, 
both  tangible  and  intangible,  to  tax  haven  entities.   Diversion 
of  income  through  improper  expensing  also  continues.   Foreign 
transportation  and  reinsurance  still  continue  to  a  significant 

Patterns  of  use  by  industry  groups  is  apparent.   For 
example,  the  petroleum  industry  makes  significant  use  of 
tax  havens.   It  uses  them  by  forming  companies  in  tax  havens 
to  carry  out  the  traditional  functions  of  shipping  and 
refining  and  selling  petroleum,  and  for  newer  activities 
including  transshipping. 

The  insurance  industry  also  continues  to  make  extensive 
use  of  tax  havens.   Foreign  insurance  companies  doing  business 
in  the  United  States  often  have  a  Bermuda  or  Cayman  subsidiary 
through  which  they  reinsure  risks  written  in  the  United 
States.   Many  United  States  multinational  companies  have 
captive  insurance  subsidiaries  located  in  Bermuda. 

The  construction  industry  and  other  service  industries 
are  making  increasing  use  of  tax  havens.   The  growth  in 
these  industries  appears  to  have  been  the  fastest  of  any 
industry  group. 


Tax  havens  are  an  overwhelming  factor  in  the  shipping 
industry.   Many  United  States  companies  own  shipping  companies 
formed  in  tax  havens  (most  often  Liberia  or  Panama). 

Commercial  banks  have  extensive  operations  in  tax 
havens,  operating  there  mostly  through  branches,  although 
some  U.S.  banks  have  subsidiaries  in  tax  havens.   As  the 
data  in  our  tax  haven  levels  estimate  show,  this  use  has 

deal  of 

grown  enormously  in  the  past  .few  years,  with  a  great 
the  growth  in  the  Bahamas. — ' 

The  heavy  equipment  industry  also  tends  to  utilize 
sales  companies  in  tax  havens.   In  a  few  cases  manufacturing 
or  assembly  operations  have  been  conducted  in  tax  havens. 
Most  manufacturing  and  assembly  operations,  however,  are 
conducted  in  low  cost  areas  offering  tax  incentives  to 
attract  industry,  such  as  Taiwan,  Korea,  the  Phillippines, 
Ireland,  and  Puerto  Rico,  which  were  generally  not  addressed 
in  this  study.   At  times,  a  tax  haven  corporation  is  formed 
to  make  the  investment  in  the  manufacturing  tax  haven. 

1.   Tax  Planning  —  Minimizing  Tax  and  Maximizing  the 
Foreign  Tax  Credit 

United  States  taxpayers  use  tax  havens  in  legal  tax 
planning  for  one  of  three  purposes  or  a  combination  of 
them:   (1)  to  minimize  United  States  tax  on  a  transaction  or 
on  investment  income;  (2)  to  increase  foreign  source  income 
free  of  foreign  tax  to  enable  the  taxpayer  to  credit  more 
foreign  income  taxes;  and  (3)  to  minimize  foreign  taxes 
which  might  otherwise  be  imposed  on  a  transaction. 

Tax  haven  entities  can  be  used  to  minimize  taxes.   If 
the  goal  is  to  avoid  U.S.  tax  on  the  income  from  a  transaction, 
the  transaction  would  have  to  be  structured  to  avoid  the 
application  of  subpart  F  and  the  foreign  personal  holding 
company  rules.   It  would  also  have  to  comply  with  the  §482 
pricing  regulations.   Prior  to  1976,  foreign  trusts  could  be 
used  for  this  purpose,  but  this  use  has  been  substantially 
curtailed,  although  not  totally  eliminated.   Avoiding  or 
deferring  U.S.  tax  on  the  income  might  be  accomplished  by, 
for  example,  keeping  within  the  de  minimis  exception  from 
subpart  F,  or  by  conducting  transactions  which  subpart  F 
does  not  tax. 

— ^  See  Chapter  III,  supra.   See  New  York  Times,  Friday, 
March  24,  1977,  at  Al. 


In  some  tax  haven  transactions  may  result  in  U.S.  tax 
liability  under  subpart  F  or  the  foreign  personal  holding 
company  provisions.   In  other  cases,  the  IRS  may  shift 
income  to  or  from  the  tax  haven  entity  under  the  intercompany 
pricing  rules  and  accordingly  minimize  the  tax  avoidance 
potential  of  the  haven  entity.   In  some  cases,  however, 
unless  the  income  is  treated  as  U.S.  source  income,  taxing 
the  tax  haven  entity's  income  to  the  U.S.  parent  under 
subpart  F  has  no  real  U.S.  tax  effect,  because  the  U.S. 
parent  is  in  an  excess  foreign  tax  credit  position  and 
foreign  taxes  imposed  on  non-tax  haven  income  will  in  any 
event  offset  any  U.S.  tax  which  may  be  imposed  on  the  subpart 
F  income.   In  fact,  at  times,  a  planning  goal  is  achieved  if 
income  can  be  shifted  from  the  United  States  to  a  tax  haven 
so  as  to  absorb  excess  credits  from  taxes  paid  to  high  tax 
countries.   Some  practitioners  believe  that  most  large 
multinational  companies  are  at  or  near  an  excess  credit 
position,  and  that  any  changes  to  tax  more  tax  haven  income 
will  affect  small  companies,  not  the  larger  ones.   Nevertheless, 
the  larger  companies  are  using  tax  havens  to  significant 

A    U.S.  taxpayer  can  credit  foreign  taxes  on  a  dollar-for- 
dollar  basis  against  its  U.S.  tax  imposed  on  foreign  source 
income.   The  limitation  is  computed  on  a  worldwide  basis  so 
that  taxes  paid  to  high  tax  countries  can  offset  U.S.  taxes 
on  income  earned  in  low  tax  countries  such  as  tax  havens. 
The  foreign  tax  credit  is  available  up  to  the  U.S.  tax  rate. 
If  the  foreign  taxes  paid  or  accrued  in  a  taxable  year 
exceed  the  U.S.  rate,  the  excess  can  be  carried  back  or 
carried  forward  for  a  limited  number  of  years.   If  they 
cannot  be  used  within  that  period,  they  are  lost. 

Assume,  for  example,  that  U.S.  corporation  X  has  taxable 
income  of  $10  million,  $5  million  from  U.S.  sources  and  $5 
million  from  Country  A.   Country  A  imposes  a  tax  of  50 
percent,  or  $2.5  million  in  this  case.   X's  U.S.  tax  before 


credit  is  $4.6  million  (46%  of  $10  million).   X's  foreign 

tax  credit  limitation  is  $2.3  million  ($5,000,000  ^  $10,000,000 

X  $4,600,000)  which  leaves  X  with  a  $200,000  excess  credit. 

Its  worldwide  tax  burden  is  $4.8  million.   If  this  same 

pattern  recurs  annually  so  that  X  will  not  be  able  to  use 

the  excess  credits  in  other  years,  then  X  has  an  additional 

cost  of  $200,000  per  year. 

Assume,  however,  that  X  can  structure  its  transactions 
to  convert  $1.0  million  of  its  U.S.  source  income  to  foreign 
source  income  in  a  tax  haven  which  does  not  tax  that  income. 
For  example,  X  could  form  a  Bahamian  company  and  sell  through 
it  to  generate  foreign  base  company  sales  income,  or  it 
could  transfer  working  capital  to  be  invested  by  the  Bahamian 
company.   In  either  case,  X  would  be  taxed  under  subpart  F 
on  the  income  of  the  Bahamian  company.   Thus,  X  is  still 
taxed  by  the  U.S.  on  $10  million  and  its  U.S.  tax  before 
credit  is  still  $4.6  million.   However,  X's  foreign  tax 
credit  limitation  is  now  $2.76  million  ($6,000,000  ^  $10,000,000 
X  $4,600,000).   X  can  therefore  credit  its  entire  Country  A 
tax  of  $2.5  million  bringing  its  worldwide  tax  burden  down 
to  $4. 6  million. 

If  the  above  transactions  are  not  conducted  at  arms 
length  the  income  might  be  reallocated  to  the  U.S.  under 
§482.  Also,  the  IRS  may  have  an  argument  for  disregarding 
the  tax  haven  company  under  §269.   If,  however,  the  transactions 
cannot  be  restructured  a  tax  advantage  has  been  gained. 

The  same  worldwide  tax  reduction  can  be  accomplished  by 
reducing  foreign  taxes,  which  is  at  times  easier  than  minimizing 
united  States  taxes.   Often  foreign  laws  are  not  as  well 
developed  as  United  States  laws  and  foreign  tax  administrators 
may  not  be  as  sophisticated  as  United  States  tax  administrators, 
or  have  the  resources  which  are  available  to  the  United 
States.   If  foreign  taxes  can  be  minimized  so  that  they  do 
not  exceed  the  inited  States  foreign  tax  credit  limitation, 
a  cost  of  doing  business  has  been  reduced.   Thus,  an  alternative 
approach  in  the  above  example  would  be  to  try  to  shift 
income  from  Country  A  to  the  tax  haven. 


2.   Holding  Companies 

One  of  the  most  significant  uses  of  a  tax  haven  corporation 
is  as  a  holding  company.   Holding  companies  are  used  to 
control  other  companies  through  stock  ownership,  as  investment 
vehicles,  or  to  collect  income  such  as  dividends,  loan 
interest,  and  royalties  or  licencing  fees.   The  company  will 
either  distribute  the  funds  to  the  parent  or  it  will  reinvest 
the  funds,  in  some  cases  lending  them  to  affiliates. 

Generally,  the  company  will  be  established  in  a  tax 
haven  which  imposes  little  or  no  income  tax  on  the  earnings 
of  the  company,  and  which  imposes  no  withholding  tax  on  the 
distributions  and  payments  it  will  make.   If  possible,  a  tax 
haven  with  a  widespread  treaty  network  will  be  used  so  that 
payments  to  the  holding  company  will  incur  relatively  low 
rates  of  tax  in  the  source  country.   A  country  with  a  special 
tax  regime  for  holding  companies  might  be  chosen.   Thus, 
many  holding  companies  are  established  in  Switzerland, 
Luxemborg,  Liechtenstein,  or  the  Netherlands  (which  becomes 
a  tax  haven  by  reason  of  its  treaty  network). 

The  holding  company  is  formed  in  the  tax  haven,  and 
assets  are  transferred  for  nominal  consideration  or  in  a  tax 
free  reorganization  transaction.   The  company  then  either 
collects  dividends,  in  the  case  of  stock,  or  in  the  case  of 
patents,  relinquishes  these  rights  to  other  foreign  corporations 
and  receives  royalties. 

Initially,  the  Congress  addressed  holding  company  abuse 
by  individuals  and  sought  to  eliminate  that  f^i^se  by  the 
foreign  personal  holding  company  provisions. — '   Widely  held 
companies,  however,  were  free  to  obtain  the  benefits  of 
deferral  by  the  formation  of  a  holding  company  in  a  tax 
haven.   In  1962,  the  Congress  sought  to  prohibit  corporate 
holding  companies  by  including,  as  a  category  of-,subpart  F 
income,  foreign  personal  holding  company  income. — In 
doing  so,  they  recognized  "the  need  to  maintain  active 
American  business  operations  abroad  on  an  equal  competitive 
footing  with  other  operating  businesses  in  the  same  countries", 
but  saw  "no  need  to  maintain  the  deferral  of  U.  S.  tax  where 
the  investments  are  portfolio  types  of  investments  or  where   , ,  , 
the  company  is  merely  partially  receiving  investment  income." — 


§§  551-558. 

1^/  §  954(a)(1) 


H.  Rep.  No.  1447,  87th  Cong.,  2d  Sess.  62  (1962);  S.  Rep. 
No.  1881,  87th  Cong.,  2d  Sess.  82  (1962). 


For  subpart  F  purposes,  foreign  personal  holding 
company  income  is  defined  as  that  term  is  defined  for       ,-.  . 
purposes  of  the  foreign  personal  holding  company  provisions, — ' 
but  with  numerous  modifications,  generally  intended  to 
exclude  actual  business  income  and  income  received  from  a 
related  company  in  the  same  country  as  the  receiving  company. 

There  is  still  significant  use  of  tax  haven  holding  and 
investment  companies.   In  1976,  controlled  foreign  cor- 
porations formed  in  tax  havens  and  classified  as  holding 
companies  and  other  investment  companies  reported  assets  of 
$8.3  billion.   This  figure  represents  more  than  half  of  the 
worldwide  assets  of  such  companies. 

The  foreign  personal  holding  company  provisions  may  be 
circumvented  by  transferring  the  income  producing  assets  to 
an  active  business  rather  than  to  a  holding  company.   Under 
subpart  F,  if  the  foreign  base  company  income  of  a  con- 
trolled foreign  corporation  is  less  than  10  percent  of  gross 
income,  no  part  of  the  gross  income  for  the  taxable  year  is 
treated  as  foreign  base  company  income.   Accordingly,  if  a 
substantial  non-base  company  income  producing  business  is 
being  conducted,  passive  income  can  be  sheltered,  provided 
the  passive  income  is  less  than  10  percent  of  the  gross 
income  of  the  controlled  foreign  corporation.   The  amount 
sheltered  can  be  large.   For  example,  if  a  foreign  subsidiary 
has  gross  income  of  $10  million,  none  of  which  is  base 
company  income,  over  $1  million  in  passive  income  could  be 
shifted  to  it  and  sheltered.   In  fact,  there  are  base 
companies  with  over  $1  billion  in  gross  non-base  company 
income.   Such  a  company  could  shelter  more  than  $100  million 
in  passive  income. 

A  holding  company  can  also  be  used  to  advantage  to 
change  U.S.  source  income  into  foreign  source  income  to 
absorb  excess  foreign  tax  credits.   For  example,  X,  a  U.S. 
multinational  corporation,  has  cash  invested  in  CD's  in  a 
U.S.  bank.   The  income  is  U.S.  source  income  taxable  in  the 
U.S.   The  interest  income  could  be  turned  into  foreign 
source  income  simply  by  placing  the  cash  in  a  foreign  bank. 
However,  there  is  a  separate  foreign  tax  credit  limitation 
for  bank  interest  income  to  prevent  just  such  planning. 
Instead,  X  contributes  the  cash  to  Y,  its  tax  haven  holding 
company.   Y  deposits  the  cash  in  a  foreign  bank.   The 
interest  Y  receives  on  the  deposit  is  foreign  personal 

il/  §  553. 


holding  company  income  taxable  to  X  under  subpart  F,  but  as 
a  dividend  not  subject  to  the  separate  limitation  for  interest. 
Uhited  States  source  interest  income  has  been  converted  into 
foreign  source  income  against  which  foreign  taxes  may  be 
credited.   This  transaction  is  perfectly  legal,  and  is  done 

Some  persons  have  attempted  to  avoid  paying  U.S.  tax  on 
the  personal  holding  company  type  income  of  their  foreign 
corporation,  circumventing  the  personal  holding  company 
income  provisions  by  claiming  that  the  income  of  the  foreign 
corporation  is  derived  from  the  active  conduct  of  a  banking 
or  financing  business,  one  of  the  exclusions  from  foreign 
personal  holding  company  income. — '   In  many  cases  the 
schemes  are  fraudulent.   In  others,  however,  the  issue  is 
not  so  clear  because  the  form  of  establishing  a  bank  and 
engaging  in  the  banking  business  is  followed. 

For  example,  in  an  attempt  to  create  a  colorable  claim 
of  entitlement  to  this  exclusion,  an  individual  or  a  company 
organizes  a  bank  or  finance  company  in  a  friendly  tax  haven 
jurisdiction,  such  as  St.  Vincent,  that  has  little  or  no 
control  over  its  local  banks.   The  bank  may  engage  in  various 
activities.   For  example,  it  m^y  lend  funds  to  related 
parties  and  receive  the  income  free  of  tax.   It  may  also 
engage  in  some  limited  banking  activity,  such  as  selling 
CD's  to  foreigners,  and  then  relending  the  proceeds  for  use 
in  its  controlling  shareholders  business  or  for  use  by 
others.   If  the  taxpayer  is  successful  in  avoiding  audit, 
or,  in  the  unlikely  event  that  he  is  sustained  in  the 
argument  that  his  foreign  corporation  is  engaged  in  the 
banking  business,  the  personal  holding  company  type  income 
can  be  accumulated  in  the  tax  haven  free  of  tax.   St.  Vincent 
shell  banks  have  allegedly  been  used  to  defraud  banks  and 
other  businesses  in  the  United  States.—' 

3.   Sales  Activities 

A  tax  haven  corporation  may  be  used  as  a  sales  company. 
The  sales  company  may  buy  from  or  sell  to  affiliates  or  may 
engage  in  sales  only  with  unrelated  persons.   Transactions 
with  affiliates  will  frequently  be  priced  to  minimize  the 
tax  liability  of  the  affiliated  group.   Generally,  this 
means  that  the  sales  will  be  structured  to  maximize  the 
profit  of  the  tax  haven  affiliate. 

— /  §954{c)(3)(B). 


— '    See  New  York  Times,  Tuesday,  Oct.  21,  1980,  D-5. 


Prior  to  the  Revenue  Act  of  1962,  U.S.  companies  had 
established  a  significant  number  of  sales  companies  in  tax 
havens.   The  Congress  sought  to  limit  this  use  by  including 
in  the  U.S.  shareholder's  income  "foreign  base  company 
sales  income". — '       Foreign  base  company  sales  income  is  the 
income  of  a  controlled  foreign  corporation  derived  from  (1) 
the  selling  of  property  purchased  from  a  related  person,  or 
(2)  the  buying  of  personal  property  for  sale  to  a  related 
person,  if  the  property  is  produced  outside  the  country 
under  the  laws  of  which  the  controlled  foreign  corporation 
is  created  or  organized  and  the  property  is  sold  for  use 
outside  of  that  country. — '       Commission  income  from  those 
sales  is  also  included. 

The  crucial  element  in  foreign  base  company  sales  *J 

income  is  a  purchase  from  or  a  sale  to  a  party  related  to  \ 

the  controlled  foreign  corporation.   If  the  transactions  are  5 

with  unrelated  parties,  there  is  no  foreign  base  company  * 

income.  2 

under  this  provision,  income  earned  by  a  Bahamian  «i 

corporation  from  the  sale  to  unrelated  Italian  customers  of  2 

goods  purchased  from  a  German  affiliate  would  be  foreign  il 

base  company  sales  income.   Income  earned  by  the  Bahamian  2 

corporation  from  the  sale  to  unrelated  Italian  customers  of  » 

goods  purchased  from  an  unrelated  German  supplier  would  not  £ 

be  foreign  base  company  sales  income.  d 


Despite  subpart  F,  some  sales  activity  continues  in  tax  J 

havens.   Attempts  may  be  made  to  circumvent  subpart  F.   A  - 

U.S.  company  can  arguably  avoid  the  foreign  base  company  ^ 

sales  income  provisions  by  licensing  an  unrelated  foreign  J 

company  to  manufacture  goods,  and  having  a  tax  haven  subsidiary  1 

purchase  those  goods  for  sale  to  customers  in  a  third  country.  / 

The  10  percent  de  minimis  exception  can  be  used  to  ;J 

shelter  enormous  amounts  of  income.   Foreign  tax  haven  ^ 

corporations  wholly  owned  by  a  U.S.  corporation  have  had 
gross  income  of  more  than  $1.0  billion  from  purchasing  and 
selling  from  and  to  unrelated  persons.   The  companies  also 
earned  shipping  income  and  had  passive  investment  income. 
There  was  no  subpart  F  income  because  the  sales  activity  was 
with  unrelated  parties,  the  transportation  income  was  exempt, 
and  the  passive  income  was  sheltered  by  the  10  percent  de 
minimis  exception. 

— /  §  954(a)(2). 
— /  §  954(d)(1). 


In  the  petroleum  industry,  trading  companies  have  been 
formed  by  the  major  integrated  companies,  and  also  by  small 
oil  companies  commonly  known  as  oil  resellers,  which  do  not 
have  production  of  their  own.   The  majors  will  often  use  the 
trading  companies  for  dealing  with  unrelated  parties.   If 
the  trading  company  is  actually  engaged  in  this  business, 
the  activity  is  specifically  outside  the  scope  of  subpart  F. 
In  many  cases,  however,  all  of  the  decisions  regarding  the 
purchases  and  sales  by  the  trading  company  are  made  in  the 
United  States.   In  some  cases,  the  business  functions  of  the 
parent  are  duplicated  by  the  foreign  subsidiary.   There  may 
be  two  buying  and  selling  organizations,  one  engaging  in 
domestic  business  and  the  other  in  foreign  with  respect  to 
the  same  oil.   It  is  difficult  to  determine  who  is  really 
doing  what  for  whom.   Similar  patterns  may  exist  in  the 
grain  industry. 

While  trading  companies  are  legitimate  tax  planning 
tools,  fraudulent  arrangements  may  be  structured  to  look 
like  trading  companies.   Often,  information  gathering  problems, 
including  lack  of  access  to  tax  haven  records,  make  it 
difficult  to  prove  criminal  fraud.   Transactions  are,  at 
times,  arranged  with  friendly  third  parties  to  avoid  purchases 
and  sales  with  a  related  party.   For  example,  oil  company  X 
forms  subsidiary  corporation  Y  in  a  tax  haven.   Y  is  to 
engage  only  in  the  buying  and  selling  of  foreign  oil. 
Usually,  Y  buys  foreign  oil  from  an  unrelated  party  and 
sells  that  oil  to  an  unrelated  third  party.   It  is  believed, 
however,  that  at  times  swapping  arrangements  are  entered 
into  under  which  Y  buys  from  an  unrelated  party  and  sells  to 
an  unrelated  friend  at  a  high  price.   The  friend  then  sells 
to  X,  the  U.S.  parent,  at  its  cost  or  at  cost  plus  a  small 
profit.   In  reality,  Y  has  sold  oil  to  X  at  a  price  which  is 
too  high.   If  the  facts  were  known,  the  IRS  could  reallocate 
the  income  to  X  under  §  482,  and  Y  would  have  subpart  F 
income.   Because  of  the  frequency  of  transactions,  the 
fungibility  of  oil,  and  the  lack  of  adequate  records,  it  is 
difficult  for  the  IRS  to  establish  the  substance  of  the 

Trading  companies  were  involved  in  the  so  called  "daisy 
chain"  scheme  that  was  used  to  attempt  to  avoid  the  Depart- 
ment of  Energy  price  control  regulations.   In  one  case,  a 
U.S.  company  bought  domestic  oil  and  sold  it  to  a  tax  haven 
corporation,  which  the  U.S.  company  claimed  was  not  an 
affiliate.   The  oil  was  sold  through  a  number  of  different 
companies,  and  then  the  same  oil  was  purchased  by  the  U.S. 
corporation's  foreign  subsidiary,  which  sold  it  to  other 
parties  and  then  back  into  the  United  States.   The  initial 


sale  by  the  U.S.  company  to  the  tax  haven  company  was  at  a 
low  controlled  price.   The  oil  was  eventually  sold  back  into 
the  United  States  at  the  higher  world  price.   The  substantial 
markup  was  left  in  the  offshore  companies.   The  persons  who 
control  the  U.S.  company  also  control  the  tax  haven  company, 
but  evidence  which  can  be  introduced  in  a  court  is  not 

The  foreign  base  company  sales  income  provisions  may 
be  avoided  by  structuring  an  entity  as  an  assembly  operation 
rather  than  as  a  sales  company.   Foreign  base  company  sales 
income  does  not  include  income  from  the  sale  of  property 
manufactured,  produced,  grown  or  constructed  by  the  controlled 
foreign  corporation  in  whole  or  in  part  from  property  which 
it  purchased. — ^   Property  is  considered  manufactured, 
produced,  grown  or  constructed  by  the  subsidiary  if  it  is 
substantially  transformed  prior  to  sale  or  if  the  property 
purchased  is  used  as  a  component  of  the  property  sold. — ' 
The  substantial  transformation  test  is  subjective.   The 
component  test  in  the  regulations  can  be  met  through  a  cost 
test  or  a  subjective  test.   Purchased  property  is  used  as  a 
component  if  the  operations  conducted  by  the  selling  corporation 
in  connection  with  the  property  purchased  and  sold  are 
substantial  in  nature  and^ace  manufacturing,  production  or 
construction  of  property. — '       In  addition,  the  operations 
of  the  selling  corporation,  in  connection  with  the  use  of 
the  purchased  property  as  a  component  part  of  the  personal 
property  which  is  sold,  is  considered  the  manufacture  of  a 
product  if,  in  connection  with  the  property,  conversion 
costs  of  the  corporatioRc-are  20  percent  or  more  of  the  total 
cost  of  the  goods  sold. — 

1.954-3(a) (4). 

1.954-3(a) (4) (ii)  and  (iii). 

1.954-3(a) (4)  (iii)  . 

For  an  example  of  the  application  of  the  manufacturing 
exception  see,  Dave  Fischbein  Mfg.  Co.  v.  Commissioner, 
59  T.C.  338  (1972),  acq.  1973-2  C.B.  2,  in  which  a  bag 
assembly  operation  was  conducted  by  a  Belgian  corporation 
wholly  owned  by  a  U.S.  corporation.   The  Belgian  company 
bought  components  from  its  U.S.  affiliates,  and  some 
minor  parts  locally,  assembled  them  in  Belgium,  and  then 
sold  them  worldwide.   The  court  simply  disagreed  with 
the  contention  of  the  IRS  that  the  activities  were  not 














•^1  r^ 


A  U.S.  company  can,  therefore,  form  a  subsidiary  in  a 
tax  haven,  sell  components  to  the  subsidiary  which  assembles 
them,  and  take  the  position  that  no  foreign  base  company 
sales  income  is  earned  on  the  sale  of  the  property  which 
includes  the  components.   The  20  percent  safe  harbor  is 
relatively  easy  to  meet.   In  addition,  the  subjective  tests 
in  the  regulations  are  difficult  for  the  IRS  to  deal  with 
because  of  problems  of  access  to  books  and  records,  personnel, 
and  the  manufacturing  plant  itself. 

The  assembly  operations  may  be  subject  to  scrutiny 
under  the  intercompany  pricing  rules.   The  IRS  may  reallocate 
income  from_sales  between  the  haven  subsidiary  and  its 
affiliates. — '       In  addition,  allocations  might  be  made  on 
the  grounds  that  an  affiliate  is  performing  services  for  the 
tax  haven  subsidiary — '    or  that  an  affiliate  has  licensed 
intangibles  (such  as  a_trademark)  to  the  subsidiary  without 
adequate  compensation. — ^   There  are,  however,  information 
gathering  problems  in  applying  these  rules. 

Also  included  in  foreign  base  company  sales  income  is 
income  of  a  branch  of  a  controlled  foreign  corporation 
operating  outside  of  the  country  in  which  the  controlled 
foreign  corporation  is  incorporated,  if  the  use  of  the 
branch  has  substantially  the  same  tax  effect  as  if  the 
branch  were  a  wholly  owned  subsidiary  corporation  of  the 
controlled  foreign  corporation. — '   The  regulations  assume  a 
substantially  similar  tax  effect  if  the  branch  is  taxed  at  a 
somewhat  lower  rate  than  it  would  have-been  in  the  country 
where  the  subsidiary  is  incorporated. — '   Under  this  rule, 
if  a  tax  haven  company  is  organized  in  Panama,  and  has  a 
selling  branch  in  a  low  tax  country,  the  branch  rule  will 
operate,  because  Panama  imposes  a  corporation  tax  on  business 

— /  §  482;  Treas.  Reg.  §  1 . 482-2 (e )( 1 )( ii ) . 

— /  Treas.  Reg.  §  1.482-2(b). 

— /  Treas.  Reg.  §  1.482-2(d). 

— /  §  954(d)(2). 

— /  Treas.  Reg.  §  1. 954-3 (b) (1 ) . 


income  from  Panamanian  sources.   If,  however,  the  base 
company  is  formed  in  the  Cayman  Islands  (which  has  a  zero 
rate  of  tax)  it  can  establish  a  branch^in  a  second  country 
and  not  be  subject  to  the  branch  rule.— ^ 

A  pattern  of  doing  business  has  developed  to  take 
advantage  of  the  branch  rule  and  the  10  percent  foreign  base 
company  de  minimis  rule.   A  U.S.  company  wishing  to  take 
advantage  of  a  tax  holiday  offered  by  a  country  which  is 
trying  to  attract  manufacturing  plants,  forms  a  subsidiary 
in  a  tax  haven  with  which  the  United  States  has  a  tax  treaty 
and  transfers  to  it  the  requisite  capital  and  technology. 
The  tax  haven  company  constructs  the  manufacturing  plant  in 
the  tax  holiday  country  and  its  production  is  exported  and  sold 
to  unrelated  persons.   Assuming  the  initial  transfer  qualifies 
under  §  351,  a  favorable  §  367  ruling  would  ordinarily  be 
issued  because  the  property  will  be  used  in  the  active 
conduct  of  a  trade  or  business.— ^   The  manufacturing  profits 
are  not  taxed  to  the  U.S.  parent  because  they  are  not  foreign 
base  company  income.   The  sales  profits  are  not  foreign  base 
company  sales  income  because  of  the  local  manufacturing 
test.   In  addition,  the  earnings  can  be  reinvested  in  the 
tax  haven  substantially  free  of  tax  if  the  income  from  those 
earnings  is  less  than  10  percent  of  the  foreign  corporation's 
gross  income.   The  tax  haven  entity  is  used  because  while 
the  tax  holiday  country  does  not  tax  the  export  manufacturing 
profits  it  would  tax  the  passive  income  earned  on  retained 
earnings  at  a  high  rate.   The  tax  haven  may  tax  these  earnings 
but  at  a  very  low  rate  of  tax.   The  retained  earnings  of  the 
tax  haven  company  might  also  be  reinvested  in  active  business 
assets  free  of  tax.   The  tax  effect  is  the  avoidance  of  the 
tax  holiday  country  tax,  not  necessarily  U.S.  tax. 

4.   Services  and  Construction 

The  service  and  construction  industries  have  increased 
.their  use  of  tax  haven  entities  enormously.   The  data  demon- 
strate rapid  growth  in  assets  invested  through  tax  haven 
entities  in  both  of  these  industries.   The  growth  greatly 
exceeds  the  growth  in  other  industries,  despite  subpart  F's 
application  to  services  and  the  existence  of  detailed  §  482 
allocation  regulations  applying  to  services. 


— '    Of  course,  if  the  second  country  is  a  high  tax  country, 

then  to  the  extent  that  the  branch  is  subject  to  tax  in 

that  second  country  there  is  no  overall  tax  avoidance. 

However,  by  careful  planning,  some  second  country 

tax  can  often  be  avoided. 

— /  See  Rev.  Proc.  68-23,  1968-1  C.B.  821,  823. 


For  1976,  earnings  of  controlled  foreign  corporations 
formed  in  the  tax  havens  are  estimated  at  $330  million  in 
the  service  industries  and  over  $500  million  in  construc- 
tion.  These  companies  are  estimated  to  have  assets  of  $2.4 
billion  and  $2.2  billion  respectively.   In  1976,  controlled 
foreign  corporations  formed  in  the  tax  havens  held  23  percent 
of  the  worldwide  assets  of  service  companies  and  42  percent 
in  construction.   These  figures  represent  an  increase  from  11 
percent  and  26  percent  respectively,  from  1968. 

Subpart  F  income  includes  foreign  base  company  services 
income.   Foreign  base  company  services  income  is  defined  as 
income  from  the  performance  of  technical,  managerial,  engin- 
eering, architectural  or  like  services  outside  of  the  country 
of  incorporation  of  the  controlled  foreign  corporation,  if 
such  services  are  performed  for,  or  on  behalf  of,  a  related 
person. — ^   Services  which  are  performed  for,  or  on  behalf 
of,  a  related  person  include  (i)  direct  or  indirect  compensation 
paid  to  a  controlled  foreign  corporation  by  a  related  person 
for  performing  services,  (ii)  performance  of  services  by  a 
controlled  foreign  corporation  which  a  related  person  is 
obligated  to  perform,  (iii)  performance  of  services  with 
respect  to  property  sold  by  a  related  person  where  the 
performance  of  services  constitutes  a  condition  of  sale,  and 
(iv)  substantial  assistance  contributing  to  the  performance 
of  the  services  by  the  controlled  .foreign  corporation  furnished 
by  a  related  person  or  persons. — '      A  related  party  provides 
substantial  assistance  to  a  controlled  foreign  corporation 
if  the  assistance  furnished  provides  the  controlled  foreign 
corporation  with  the  "skills"  which  are  a  principal  element 
in  producing  the  income  from  the  performance  of  the  services 
or  the  cost  to  the  controlled  foreign  corporation  of  the 
assistance  is  50  percent  or  more  of  the  total  cost  to  the 
foreign  corporation  of  performing  the  services;  assistance 
is  not  taken  into  account  unless  it  assists  thej-subsidiary 
"directly"  in  the  performance  of  the  services. — ' 

Despite  these  provisions,  little  income  tax  has  been 
collected  from  the  service  or  construction  industries  in 
havens.   According  to  IRS  'statistics,  includable  income  of 
controlled  foreign  corporations  in  the  services  industry  was 

— /  §  954(b) (3). 

— /  Treas.  Reg.  §  1 . 954-4 (b )( 1 ) . 

— /  Treas.  Reg.  §  1 . 954-4 (b) ( 2 ) ( i i ) (b )  and  (e) 


approximately  $5.7  million  in  1975  and  in  the  construction 
industry  was  approximately  $2.6  million. 

The  foreign  base  company  services  income  concept  was 
drafted  with  manuf acturinq-related  services  in  mind.   Congress 
stated  that  "as  in  the  case  of  sales  income,  the  purpose 
here  is  to  deny  tax  deferral  where  a  service  subsidiary  is 
separated  from  manufacturing  or  similar  activities  of  a 
related  corporation  and  organized  in  another  country  primarily 
to  obtain  a  lower  rate  of  tax  for  the  service  income." — ' 
Today,  the  services  which  appear  to  be  making  the  greatest 
use  of  tax  havens  are  independent  construction,  natural 
resource  exploration,  and  high  technology  services,  which 
are  not  related  to  manufacturing.   A  portion  of  a  business 
which  is  conducted  in  the  U.S.  can  simply  be  excised  from 
the  U.S.  business  and  transplanted  to  a  tax  haven.   The 
services  are  not  being  performed  for  a  related  party,  but 
rather  are  being  performed  for  unrelated  parties.  The  income 
is  being  accumulated  free  of  tax. 

The  problems  with  the  service  rules  are  generally  due 
to  the  approach  taken  by  the  Congress,  which,  in  effect, 
mandates  regulations  requiring  difficult  line  drawing.   It 
is  unclear  what  facts  and  circumstances  are  necessary  for 
the  IRS  to  assert  that  substantial  assistance  has  been 
rendered  to  the  foreign  subsidiary.   The  regulations  do  not 
establish  guidelines,  other  than  two  examples  which  are  not 
particularly  helpful.   One  example  indicates  that  if  a 
contract  for  the  provision  of  services  is  supervised  by 
employees  of  the  U.S.  parent  corporation  who  are  temporarily 
on  loan  to  the  subsidiary,  then  substantial  assistance  is 
rendered  to  the  subsidiary  by  the  related  person,  and  the 
income  from  the^oerformance  of  the  contract  is  foreign  base 
company  income. — If,  however,  the  contract  is  supervised 
by  permanent  employees  of  the  subsidiary,  and  the  U.S. 
parent  only  provides  clerical  assistance,  then  such  assistance 
is  not  substantial  and  income  from  the  contract  is  not 

— /  S.  Rep.  No.  1881,  at  84,  1962-3  C.B.  703,  790. 
— /  Treas.  Reg.  §  1 . 954-4 (b) ( 3 )  example  (2). 


foreign  base  company  services  income. — '       The  example  also 

indicates  that  if  permanent  employees  of  a  controlled  foreign 

corporation  oversee  a  contract  with  no  substantial  assistance 

rendered  by  a  related  person,  then  no  foreign  base  company 

services  income  arises  from  the  performance  of  the  contract.—' 

The  determination  of  whether  an  employee  is  permanent 
or  temporary  presents  a  very  difficult  factual  issue.   By  char- 
acterizing employees  as  permanent  employees  of  a  controlled 
foreign  corporation,  a  U.S.  shareholder  can  take  the  position 
that  the  transactions  in  question  do  not  produce  foreign 
base  company  services  income. 

The  factual  issue  of  what  constitutes  substantial 
assistance  has  arisen  in  connection  with  a  number  of  services, 
including  offshore  drilling.   In  a  prototype  case,  a  U.S. 
parent  establishes  a  foreign  subsidiary  in  a  tax  haven  to 
conduct  offshore  drilling  operations  outside  of  the  subsidiary's 
country  of  incorporation.   The  officers  of  the  parent  may 
negotiate  the  drilling  contracts  and  then  enter  into  an 
agreement  with  third  parties  as  officers  of  the  subsidiary. 
The  parent  corporation  is  not  liable  on  the  contracts  and 
does  not  guarantee  performance  of  the  contracts.   The  parent 
may  lease  the  equipment  necessary  to  conduct  the  drilling 
operations  at  the  safe  harbor  arms-length  charge  under  the 
§  482  regulations.   The  day-to-day  drilling  operations  are 
managed  and  performed  by  on-site  employees  of  the  foreign 
subsidiary,  who  are  characterized  as  permanent  employees. 
The  joint  officers  of  the  parent  and  the  subsidiary  perform 
various  managerial  services  for  the  subsidiary.   In  many 
cases,  there  will  be  little  or  no  tax  imposed  on  the  service 
income  by  the  country  in  which  the  services  are  performed. 

Arguably,  the  parent  renders  minimal  rather  than  substantial 
assistance  to  the  foreign  subsidiary,  and  therefore  income 
from  the  drilling  operations  is  not  foreign  base  company 
services  income.   On  the  other  hand,  it  may  be  argued  that 
the  income  received  by  the  subsidiary  is  foreign  base 
company  services  income  because  the  assistance  rendered  by 
the  parent  in  the  form  of  overall  direction  of  the  subsidiary 
drilling  contracts  is  substantial.   The  issue  is  difficult 
to  resolve,  particularly  since  important  facts  may  be  known 
to  employees  of  the  foreign  subsidiary  who  cannot  be  compelled 
to  testify. 

—  '   Treas.  Reg.  §  1 .  954-4  (b  )  (  3  )  example  (3). 
—'    Treas.  Reg.  §  1. 954-4  (b)  ( 3 )  example  (3). 


A  construction  company  will  also  often  use  a  subsidiary 
formed  in  a  tax  haven  to  conduct  its  construction  projects 
abroad.   A  construction  project  generally  will  consist  of 
three  phases:   (1)  a  prospectus  phase  during  which  the  plans 
for  the  project  are  outlined;  (2)  a  planning  phase  during 
which  actual  detailed  plans  will  be  drafted;  and  (3)  a 
construction  phase  during  which  a  construction  manager  is 
placed  on  the  construction  site  to  supervise  the  project. 

The  initial  prospectus  will  often  be  prepared  and 
promoted  by  a  U.S.  company.   If  the  company  is  successful  in 
obtaining  the  contract,  the  contract  will  be  signed  by 
officers  of  the  offshore  subsidiary  of  the  U.S.  company,  who 
may  also  be  officers  of  the  U.S.  parent.   Supervision  of  the 
construction  will  be  conducted  by  the  offshore  company 
through  an  on-site  manager  who  is  an  employee  of  that  company, 
but  who  at  one  time  may  have  been  an  employee  of  the  U.S. 
parent.   He  may  have  obtained  all  of  his  knowledge  and 
skills  from  the  U.S.  parent. 

As  with  the  drilling  rig  situation,  it  may  be  difficult 
to  establish  that  the  services  were  performed  for  or  on 
behalf  of  a  related  person.   Once  the  company  develops 
substance  overseas,  so  that  fewer  of  its  managerial  services 
are  being  performed  by  the  U.S.  parent,  it  becomes  more 
difficult  for  the  IRS  to  make  the  substantial  assistance 

The  Commissioner  may  be  able  to  allocate  some  of  the 
services  income  from  the  services  to  the  U.S.  parent  under 
§  482.   The  regulations  under  §  482  provide  that  where  a 
member  of  a  controlled  group  of  entities  performs  managerial 
or  technical  services  "for  the  benefit  of,  or  on  behalf  of, 
another  member  of  the  group"  without  charge,  an  allocation 
may  be  made  -to  reflect  an  arms-length  charge  for  those 
services. — '      The  test  of  whether  the  services  were  performed 
for  the  benefit  of  or  on  behalf  of  the  parent  is,  as  with 
the  subpart  F  tests,  a  very  difficult  subjective  test  for 
the  IRS  to  apply. 

Agents  believe  that  a  few  of  these  cases  are  in  fact 
abusive.   An  example  of  such  a  situation  might  be  the  nego- 
tiation and  agreement  of  a  construction  contract  by  the  U.S. 
parent  but,  at  the  last  minute,  having  the  contract  signed 

— /  Treas.  Reg.  §  1.482-2(b). 


by  an  officer  of  the  tax  haven  subsidiary.   This  contract  is 
valuable  and  in  some  cases  there  has  therefore  been  a  transfer 
of  assets  and  gain  should  have  been  reported  or  the  profits 
from  the  activity  should  have  been  reported.   Failure  by  a 
sophisticated,  well-advised  taxpayer  to  report  may  be  fraud, 
but  it  would  be  difficult  to  establish. 

Some  companies  have  been  able  to  accumulate  significant 
income  overseas  by  leasing  equipment  to  a  tax  haven  subsidiary 
to  be  used  in  the  service  business.   By  manipulating  the  § 
482  rental  safe  harbor  rule  and  the  fair  market  value  of  the 
equipment,  significant  income  can  be  accumulated  in  the  tax 
haven  company.   This  income  can  be  used  to  create  substance 
in  the  tax  haven  company,  which  makes  the  arrangement  .between 
the  two  companies  even  more  difficult  to  challenge.—^ 

5.   Transportation 

U.S.  companies  are  engaged  in  the  transportation  industry 
in  tax  havens  (primarily  shipping)  to  a  significant  degree. 
As  of  December  31,  1977,  687  foreign  flag  vessels  were  owned, 
by  U.S.  companies  or  foreign  affiliates  of  U.S.  companies. — ' 
Four  hundred  eighty-eight  of  these  were  tankers.   Three 
hundred  eighty-five  vessels  were  registered  in  Liberia,  and 
88  were  registered  in  Panama.   In  1976,  approximately  74 
percent  of  the  assets  of  controlled  foreign  corporations 
engaged  in  the  transportation  business  were  held  by  companies 
formed  in  tax  havens. — '      This  represents  a  substantial 
increase  over  1968  when  50.6  percent  of  assets  were  in 
companies  formed  in  tax  havens.   Most  of  this  use  is  completely 
legal.   While  there  can  be  significant  tax  savings,  the 
structures  are  within  the  spirit  and  letter  of  the  law. 

Two  aspects  of  U.S.  law  encourage  the  use  of  tax  haven 
subsidiaries  for  carrying  on  the  transportation  business: 

(1)  the  reciprocal  exemption  from  U.S.  income  tax  of  foreign 
flag  ships  which  engage  in  traffic  to  and  from  the  U.S.;  and 

(2)  the  deferral  of  tax  on  the  income  of  foreign  corporations 
controlled  by  U.S.  shareholders,  whether  or  not  they  are 
engaged  in  activities  involving  the  U.S.   In  addition,  U.S. 
source  rules  operate  to  minimize  .U.-S.  tax  even  when  the 
vessels  are  shipping  to  the  U.S. — ' 


—  See  safe  harbor  rental  rule  in  Treas.  Reg.  §  1.482-2(c). 


U.S.  Department  of  Commerce,  Maritime  Administration, 
Foreign  Flag  Merchant  Ships  owned  by  U.S.  Parent  Companies, 
April  1979. 


—^'    See  table  2  in  Chapter  III. 


— '    See  §  863,  and  Treas.  Reg.  §  1.863-4. 


Earnings  derived  from  the  operation  of  a  ship  documented 
under  the  laws  of  a  foreign  country  which  grants  an  equiva- 
lent exemption  to  citizens  or  corporations  of  the  United 
States  are  exempt  from  U.S.  tax.— ^   To  qualify  for  the 
exemption,  the  foreign  country  granting  the  exemption  must 
be  the  country  of  registration  of  the  vessel.—' 

Under  a  provision  adopted  by  the  Tax  Reduction  Act  of 
1975,  syl^part  F  income  includes  foreign  base  company  shipping 
income; —  this  is  income  derived  from  or  in  connection  with 
the  use  of  any  vessel  in  foreign  commerce  and  income  derived 
from  or  in  connection  with  the  performance  of  services 
directly  related  to  the  use  of  any  such  vessel  or  from  the 
sale,  exchange  or  other  disposition  of  the  vessel.   Prior  to 
1975,  shipping  income  was  excluded  from  subpart  F.   Amounts 
reinvested  in  the  shipping  business  are  still  excluded. 
Amounts  of  previously  excluded  shipping  income  which  are 
withdrawn  from  investment  in  the  shipping  business  are 
included  as  subpart  F  income  in  the  year  of  withdrawal. 
Accordingly,  a  company  can  continue  to  reinvest  its  earnings 
in  the  prescribed  categories  of  assets,  and  not  realize 
subpart  F  income. 

We  have  been  advised  that  while  it  was  anticipated  that 
most  companies  would  be  able  to  qualify  for  the  exclusion 
through  reinvestment,  in  fact,  because  of  the  glut  of  oil 
tankers,  some  companies  may  be  forced  to  report  subpart  F 
shipping  income  for  lack  of  reinvestment  opportunities 
within  the  next  few  years.   Moreover,  this  provision  may  be 
irrelevant  to  major  petroleum  companies  because  they  are  in 
an  excess  credit  position. 

A  relatively  new  development  in  the  petroleum  industry 
is  the  transshipment  of  oil,  which  originated  in  1972  when 
the  use  of  super  tankers  became  necessary.   The  super  tankers 
load  their  cargo  in  the  producing  countries  and  transport  it 
to  the  Caribbean  where  the  oil  is  unloaded  and  stored  by  a 
related  corporation,  or  by  an  independent  transshipping 
company.   When  needed,  the  oil  is  loaded  on  smaller  vessels 
which  bring  it  to  the  United  States.   A  terminalling  charge 
of  $.13  to  $.17  per  barrel  has  been  paid  by  the  refiner  to 
the  transshipper  for  the  removal  and  storage  of  the  oil. 

— /  §§  872(b)(1)  and  883(a)(1). 

— /  Rev.  Rul.  75-459,  1975-2  C.B.  289. 
47/  §  954(f). 


However,  some  transshippers  have  charged  as  much  as  $.30  a 
barrel,  and  the  Department  of  Energy  has  apparently  permitted 
$.27  a  barrel.   In  the  usual  case,  the  oil  will  remain  in 
the  terminal  for  no  more  than  30  days.   The  terminalling 
company  is  an  offshore  tax  haven  company.   Because  this  is  a 
relatively  new  phenomenon,  the  full  extent  of  use  is  not 
known,  but  it  is  generally  assumed  to  be  significant.   It  is 
known  that  most  oil  imported  from  the  Persian  Gulf  is  transshipped, 
One  tax  benefit  can  be  deferral  of  the  tax  on  the  profit 
from  the  transshipping.   If  the  transshipper  is  an  affiliate, 
overcharging  can  mean  a  shifting  of  income  from  the  U.S.  to 
the  tax  haven  affiliate. 

6.   Insurance 

No  deduction  is  allowed  for  self  insurance.   To  circumvent 
this  rule,  many  companies  find  it  advantageous  to  form  a 
wholly  owned  insurance  subsidiary  known  as  a  "captive  insurance 
company"  to  insure  risks  of  the  parent  or  its  affiliates. 
If  the  company  is  considered  an  insurance  company  for  tax 
purposes,  and  if  it  assumes  the  full  risk  (does  not  reinsure), 
it  can  invest  the  entire  premium  and  realize  income  most  of 
which  would  be  free  of  tax. — ' 

In  the  prototype  case,  the  U.S.  company  forms  a  Bermuda 
company  to  engage  in  the  insurance  business.   The  captive 
must  have  a  minimum  paid-in  capital  of  $120,000.   The  captive 
enters  into  an  insurance  contract  with  its  parent,  pursuant 
to  which  it  will  insure  risks  of  its  U.S.  parent  or  of 
foreign  subsidiaries  of  the  U.S.  parent.   In  most  cases  the 
captive  enters  into  a  reinsurance  contract  with  an  unrelated 
insurance  company.   Under  this  contract,  the  unrelated 
insurance  company  assumes  the  risk  which  had  been  assumed  by 
the  captive.   The  captive  invests  the  premium,  and  then,  at 
the  end  of  the  insurance  period,  pays  over  the  reinsurance 
premium,  retaining  a  small  percentage  of  it.   In  addition, 
it  retains  the  profit  realized  on  the  invested  premiums. 
This  investment  income  is  earned  because,  while  the  insurance 
premiums  are  paid  in  advance  by  the  insured,  the  reinsurance 
premiums  are  not  paid  by  the  captive  until  the  end  of  the 
coverage  period. 


Most  captives  are  formed  in  a  tax  haven.   Some  have 
been  formed  in  the  United  States  in  Colorado,  which 
has  a  captive  insurance  company  law  relieving  captives 
of  many  of  the  reserve  and  other  requirements  normally 
imposed  on  insurance  companies.   A  Colorado  captive 
is  subject  to  Federal  income  tax,  but  at  the  favorable 
insurance  company  effective  rates. 


In  addition  to  significant  tax  advantages,  a  captive 
also  provides  business  advantages.   It  can  underwrite 
insurance  which  is  not  available  in  the  commercial  insurance 
market,  or  i^gavailable  only  at  a  high  premium  or  with  large 
deductibles. — ''^   It  can  be  established  in  jurisdictions 
which  free  it  from  many  State  controls.   Bermuda  has  been 
the  foremost  situs  for  captives,  although  the  Cayman  Islands 
is  attempting  to  attract  captive  business,  as  are  other 
havens. — ' 

The  earnings  of  a  captive  insurance  company  are  potentially 
subject  to  tax  under  subpart  F,  but  only  to  the  extent  those 
earnings  are  from  the  insurance  of  U.S.  risks.   Subpart  F 
income^includes  income  derived  from  the  insurance  of  U.S.  ^^  . 
risks, — '^  which  includes  U.S.  property  and  U.S.  residents.—^ 
If  the  premiums  for  insuring  U.S.  risk  do  not  exceed  five 
percent  of  total  premium  of  the  foreign  company,  then  the 
subpart  F  provisions  do  not  apply. — '       For  purposes  of  the 
subpart  F  insurance  provisions,  a  foreign  corporation  is  a 
controlled  foreign  corporation  if  more  than  25  percent  of 
the  total  combined  voting  power  of  all  classes  of  stock  of 
the  corporation  is  owned  directly  or  indirectly  by  U.S. 
shareholders  on  any  day  of  the  taxable  year. — However, 
the  25  percent  rule,  rather  than  the  normal  50  percent  rule 
for  controlled  foreign  corporations,  applies  only  if  the 
gross  amount  of  premiums  or  other  consideration  in  respect 
of  the  reinsurance  or  the  issuing  of  insurance  on  U.S.  risks 
exceeds  75  percent  of  the  gross  .amount  of  all  premiums  or 
other  consideration  received. — ' 

Subpart  F  has  not  been  useful  in  dealing  with  captives. 
First,  there  is  a  U.S.  tax  advantage  to  being  taxed  as  an 
insurance  company,  and  the  subpart  F  income  of  the  company 
would  be  computed  by  applying  the  insurance  company  rules. 
Accordingly,  a  U.S.  company  may  choose  to  form  a  captive 
even  if  its  income  will  be  taxed. 


— '    See   O'Brien    and    Tung,    "Captive   Off-Shore    Insurance 

Companies,"    31    N.Y.U.     Inst,    on    Fed.    Tax.,    665,    719    (1973). 

— See    "A   Survey   of   Offshore   Captives,"    Tax    Haven    and   Shelter 
Report,    4    (August    1978). 

^/   §    952(a)(1). 

— /   §    953(a)(1). 


^^'    §    953(a). 

— /   §    957(b). 

ii/  Id. 


Second,  the  insurance  company  rules  are  considerably 
narrower  than  the  foreign  base  company  income  provisions, 
and  therefore  apply  in  fewer  cases.   The  provision  is 
limited  to  income  from  insuring  U.S.  risks. — '       The  foreign  \ 

risks  of  affiliates,  therefore,  may  be  insured  without 
generating  subpart  F  income.   The  foreign  personal  holding 
company  rules  generallyj-do  not  apply  to  the  passive  income 
of  the  foreign  insurer, — '    and  certain  amounts  relating  to 
reserves  for  foreign  risks  can  be  invested  in  U.S.  property 
without  being  taxed  to  the  U.  S.  ^.shareholders  as  an  increase 
in  investment  in  U.S.  property. — '       Arguably,  however,  insuring 
the  foreign  risks  of  affiliates  will  generate  foreign  base 
company  services  income. 

The  IRS  has  sought  to  deal  with  captives  outside  of 
subpart  F.   It  has  ruled  that  a  premium  paid  by  a  domestic 
corporation  and  its  affiliates  to  a  captive  insurance  company, 
either  directly  or  through  an  intermediary  independent 
insurance  company  which  reinsures  with  the  parent's  captive, 
is  not  deductible  because  there  is  no  economic  shifting  or 
distribution  of  risk  of  loss  with  respect  to  any  of  the  risk 
carried  or  retained  by  the  wholly  owned  foreign  subsidiary. 
To  the  extent  that  an  unrelated  insurer  retains  the  risk,  or 
to  the  extent  that  the  risk  is  shifted  to  an  unceLated 
insurance  company,  the  premiums  are  deductible. — '       IRS  has 
also  ruled  that  the  so-called  "insurance  premiums"  paid  by 
domestic  subsidiaries  of  a  U.S.  parent  were  to  be  considered 
distributions  of  dividends  to  the  parent,  and  then  as  a 
contribution  to  capital  of  the  foreign  subsidiary  by  the 
parent.   Also,  the  ruling  held  that  the  companies  were  not 
insurance  companies  for  tax  purposes.   This  view  was  upheld 
by  the  Tax  Court  in  Carnation  Company  v.  Commissioner. — ' 



§  953(a) 

— /  §  954(c)(3)(B);  see  §  954(c)(3)(C),  which  excludes  from 
subpart  F  investment  yields  on  an  amount  equal  to  one- 
third  of  the  premiums  earned  on  certain  insurance  contracts, 
provided  they  are  not  attributable  to  risks  of  related 

i^/  §  956(b) (2) (E). 


Rev.  Rul.  77-316,  1977-2  C.B.  53. 

71  T.C.  400  (1978),  appeals  pending  (9th  Cir.  1978). 


Under  the  IRS  view,  therefore,  the  deduction  of  premiums 
paid  to  a  captive  would  be  denied,  and,  in  the  case  of 
premium  payments  for  insurance  by  foreign  subsidiaries  to 
the  captive,  there  would  be  a  constructive  dividend  to  the 
parent  which  would  be  taxable  income,  followed  by  a  contribution 
to  the  capital  of  the  foreign  captive.   The  foreign  captive 
would  not  have  subpart  F  income  because  it  would  not  be 
engaged  in  the  insurance  business.   Because  the  amounts  are 
contributions  to  capital  rather  than  premium  income,  the 
foreign  corporation  does  not  have  any  gross  income  from  the 
purported  insurance  transactions,  hence  it  does  not  have  any 
foreign  source  income  for  purposes  of  the  foreign  tax  credit 
limitation. — ' 

The  IRS  has  ruled,  however,  that  where  the  company  is 
not  a  wholly  owned  captive,  but  rather  is  owned  by  a  group 
of  taxpayers,  premiums  will  be  deductible. — ' 

Despite  IRS  attention  to  this  area,  the  data  show  that 
significant  captive  insurance  business  continues.   In  some 
cases  the  captive  insurance  companies  are  beginning  to 
write  small  amounts  of  insurance  for  unrelated  third  parties. 
In  one  case  a  captive  has  reached  the  point  where  70  percent 
of  the  risk  insured  by  it  is  risk  of  unrelated  parties.   By 
insuring  some  unrelated  risk,  it  is  intended  that  the  company 
will  be  deemed  an  insurer  and  the  premium  paid  by  the  domestic 
parent  will  be  deductible.   Because  income  from  insurance  of 
foreign  (even  if  related)  risk  is  not  subpart  F  income,  it 
can  be  expected  that  captives  will  continue  to  grow  if 
taxpayers  can  avoid  the  holding  of  Carnation.   Captives  have 
also  begun  to  underwrite  open  market  business  by  participating 
in  "pools"  in  order  tp-improve  their  chances  of  being  considered 
an  insurance  company. — '      Because  the  premiums  from  the  related 
and  unrelated  income  are  not  fragmented  for  tax  purposes,  sub- 
stantial amounts  of  income  arguably  can  be  shifted  to  a  captive 
if  it  writes  some  unrelated  risk. 

— See  Carnation  Company,  Id. 



Rev.  Rul.  78-338,  1978-2  C.B.  107,  holding  that  a  foreign 
insurance  company  owned  and  organized  by  31  domestic 
companies  was  a  viable  insurance  company. 

"A  Survey  of  Offshore  DDcation  for  Captives",  Tax  Haven 
and  Shelter  Report,  4  (August,  1978). 


Another  method  of  attempting  to  circumvent  the  Carnation 
case,  and  the  IRS  position,  is  the  use  of  a  so-called  "rent- 
a-captive".   Under  this  scheme,  the  taxpayer  enters  into  an 
insurance  contract  with  an  unrelated  U.S.  commercial  insurer 
that  in  turn  enters  into  a  reinsurance  agreement  with  a 
tax  haven  company  and  cedes  most  of  the  premium  to  it. 
Payments  of  the  reinsurance  premiums  are  made  at  the  time 
the  taxpayer  pays  the  premium  so  that  the  cash  balances  are 
held  by  the  tax  haven  company.   The  taxpayer  then  purchases 
nonvoting  preferred  stock  in  the  tax  haven  company.   The 
shares  have  a  value  equal  to  a  fixed  percentage  of  the 
premium  of  the  primary  policy.   After  a  period  of  years,  the 
taxpayer  gets  a  return  of  the  capital  paid  for  the  preferred 
shares  plus  investment  income  on  the  capital  and  loss  reserves. 
The  taxpayer  can  borrow  an  amount  equal  to  its  capital  and 
pay  interest  to  its  preferred  account. 

The  promoters  take  the  position  that  the  premiums  are 
deductible,  and  that  the  income  of  the  tax  haven  company 
will  accumulate  free  of  tax,  because  the  company's  share 
dispersal  will  be  such  that  it  will  not  be  a  controlled 
foreign  corporation.   In  addition,  they  claim  that  there 
will  be  adequate  risk  shifting  if  properly  structured  so 
that  the  premiums  will  be  deductible.   Finally,  they  point 
out  that  large  multinational  corporations  can  benefit  because 
the  income  realized  when  the  preferred  shares  are  redeemed 
will  be  considered  foreign  source  income  which  will  increase 
allowable  foreign  tax  credits. 

7.   Banking 

united  States  banks  continue  to  conduct  significant 
business  through  offshore  financial  centers.   Generally,  the 
business  is  conducted  in  branch  form  and  the  income  generated 
is  taxed  currently  by  the  U.S.,  subject  to  the  availability 
of  the  foreign  tax  credit  as  limited  by  the  overall  foreign 
tax  credit  limitation.   In  some  cases,  however,  U.S.  banks 
establish  holding  companies  and  other  subsidiary  corporations 
in  the  havens  to  conduct  trust  or  other  businesses.   A  few 
of  the  large  U.S.  banks  have  a  presence  in  most,  if  not  all, 
of  the  tax  havens. 

The  use  of  tax  havens  by  banks  is  large  and  growing. 
Many  major  banks  now  have  trust  companies  in  the  havens. 
These  companies  are  not  subject  to  U.S.  tax  under  subpart  F. 
Wholly  owned  subsidiaries  of  U.S.  banks  in  the  Bahamas, 
Cayman  Islands,  Netherlands  Antilles,  Panama,  Hong  Kong, 
Luxembourg,  Singapore,  and  Switzerland  had  combined  surplus 
and  undivided  profits  of  over  $500  million  at  the  end  of 
1979.   The  total  earnings  of  subsidiaries  of  large  banks  in 
these  tax  havens  were  $96  million  in  1976. 


D.   Transactions  Through  An  Entity  VThich  Is  Not  Controlled 

The  anti-avoidance  provisions  which  apply  to  foreign 
transactions  generally  require  that  the  foreign  entity  being 
scrutinized  be  controlled  by  a  U.S.  person.   Without  control, 
many  of  the  reports  by  which  transactions  with  potential 
U.S.  tax  consequences  are  identified  arguably  do  not  have  to 
be  filed,  and  the  powers  to  compel  production  of  records  are 

The  subpart  F  or  foreign  personal  holding  company 
provisions  apply  to  a  foreign  entity  only  if  that  entity  is 
controlled  by  U.S.  persons.   Income  is  attributed  to  U.S. 
persons  under  subpart  F  only  if-the  foreign  corporation  is  a 
controlled  foreign  corporation. — A  foreign  corporation  is 
a  controlled  foreign  corporation  if  more  than  50  percent  of 
the  total  combined  voting  power  of  all  classes  of  its  voting     ,^. 
stock  is  owned,  or  is  considered  as  owned,  by  U.S.  shareholders. — ' 
A  U.S.  shareholder  is  a  U.S.  person  who  owns  10  percent  or 
more  of  the  voting  stock  of  the  foreign  corporation. — ' 
There  is  no  equity  or  value  test  for  purposes  of  determining 
whether  or  not  a  corporation  is  a  controlled  foreign  corporation. 

The  regulations  make  clear  that  arrangements  to  shift 
nominal  voting  power  to  non-U. S.  shareholders,  when  actual 
control  is  retained,  will  be  disregarded. — '      The  IRS  has 
successfully  defended  this  regulation  in  court.   All  of  the 
litigated  cases  involved  domestic  corporations  attempting  to 
"decontrol"  their  foreign  subsidiaries  through  the  issuance 
of  voting  preferred  stock  to  non-U. S.  shareholders. — ' 

Nevertheless,  if  real  decontrol  can  be  achieved,  subpart 
F  does  not  apply.   A  foreign  corporation  can  be  structured 
so  that  U.S.  persons  own  one-half  or  less  of  its  voting 
stock,  but  more  than  one  half  of  the  equity  in  the  corporation 


§  951(a) . 

^/  §  957(a). 


§  951(b) . 

Treas.  Reg.  §  1.957-1. 

Garlock,  Inc.  v.  Commissioner,  489  F.  2d  197  (2d  Cir. 
1973),  cert,  denied,  417  U.S.  911  (1974);  Kraus  v. 
Commissioner,  490  F.  2d  598  (2d  Cir.  1974),  aff 'g.  59 
T.C.  681  (1973);  Koehring  Co.  v.  United  States,  583  F. 
2d  313  (7th  Cir.  1978).   But  see,  CCA  Inc.  v.  Commissioner, 
64  T.C.  137  (1974),  acq.  1976-2  C.B.  1. 


through,  for  example,  the  use  of  voting  preferred  stock. 
Because  there  is  no  value  test,  the  corporation  (assuming 
that  actual  control  cannot  be  proved)  is  not  a  controlled 
foreign  corporation. 

Moreover ,  a 
as  owning  10  per 
power  of  the  for 
corporation  may 
shareholders,  ea 
stock,  and  it  wi 
subject  to  tax  u 
a  foreign  person 
test  under  those 
individual  share 
a  foreign  corpor 

U.S.  share 
cent  or  mor 
eign  corpor 
be  formed  w 
ch  owning  n 
11  not  be  a 
nder  subpar 
al  holding 

provis  ions 
holders  of 
ation's  out 

holder  must  own  or 
e  of  the  total  comb 
ation.   Accordingly 
ith  its  stock  owned 
ine  percent  of  the 

controlled  foreign 
t  F.   In  addition, 
company  because  the 

is  ownership  by  fi 
more  than  50  percen 
standing  stock. 

be  considered 
ined  voting 
,  a  foreign 

by  11  U.S. 
corporation ' s 

it  will  not  be 

ve  or  fewer 
t  in  value  of 

Methods  have  developed  for  maintaining  actual  voting 
control,  while  achieving  technical  decontrol  for  subpart  F 
purposes.   One  such  method  is  the  issuance  of  "stapled", 
"paired",  or  "back-to-back"  stock.   A  domestic  parent  corporation 
forms  a  tax  haven  subsidiary  and  then  distributes  ratably  to 
its  shareholders  its  stock  of  the  foreign  subsidiary.   The 
shares  of  the  two  companies  are  tied  together  so  that  they 
can  be  transferred  only  as  a  unit.   The  IRS  has  ruled,  in 
the  domestic  context,  that  the  result  is  a  brother/  sister 
relationship  between  the  two  corporations,  rather  than  a 
parent/subsidiary  relationship,  and  that  the  distribution  of 
the  subsidiary's  stock  is  a  distribution  of  property  includable 
in  income  as  a  dividend  distribution  to  the  parent  shareholders. 
The  result  of  the  published  IRS  positions  is  that  controlled 
foreign  corporation  status  is  avoided. 

The  distribution  may  be  treated  as  a  dividend  to  the 
shareholders  of  the  U.S.  company.   If,  however,  the  sub- 
sidiary is  not  valuable  at  the  time  its  stock  is  distributed, 
decontrol  may  be  achieved  at  little  cost.   In  addition,  the 
distribution  may  qualify  as  a  tax  free  reorganization. 

In  one  case  a  U.S.  company  spun  off  to  its  shareholders 
the  stock  of  its  wholly  owned  tax  haven  subsidiary.   Within 
a  few  years,  the  gross  income  of  the  tax  haven  company  grew 
to  well  over  $100  million. 



Rev.  Rul.  54-140,  1954-1  C.B.  116.   See  also  Rev.  Rul . 
80-213,  1980-28  I.R.B.  7.   Stapled  stock  may  also  be 
used  to  avoid  the  boycott  provisions  of  §  999  of  the 
Code,  and  with  a  DISC  to  avoid  taxation  of  DISC  income 
at  the  corporate  parent  level. 


Another  method  for  attempting  to  avoid  the  subpart  F 
provisions  is  to  do  business  through  a  controlled  foreign 
corporation  which  is  a  partner  in  a  foreign  partnership. 
The  foreign  base  company  sales  income  and  the  foreign  base 
company  services  income  rules  apply  to  transactions  with 
related  persons.   The  term  related  person  does  not  include  a  . 
partnership  controlled  by  a  controlled  foreign  corporation.— ^ 
Accordingly,  a  U.S.  person  could  arguably  form  a  controlled 
foreign  corporation  which  in  turn  would  enter  into  a  partnership 
with  ^n  unrelated  person  and  enter  into  base  company  type 
transactions  through  the  partnership.   Even  if  the  other 
person  had  a  relatively  small  interest  in  the  partnership 
(for  example,  10  percent),  the  related  party  status,  and 
thus  subpart  F,  would  be  avoided. — ' 

Promoters  have  sold  decontrol  through  fraudulent  schemes 
which  attempt  to  avoid  all  reporting  requirements  and  thus 
IRS  scrutiny.   For  example,  the  May  1980  issue  of  the  Journal 
of  Taxation  describes  a  scheme  in  which  a  Panamanian  corporation 
establishes  a  British  Virgin  Islands  (BVI)  trust  for  the 
benefit  of  the  Mexican  Red  Cross,  contributing  to  the  trust 
a  nominal  sum  of  money.   The  trust  then  organizes  a  Hong 
Kong  company.   Ninety-six  percent  of  the  stock  is  issued  to 
the  trust  and  four  percent  is  issued  to  the  U.S.  person  who  is 
the  investor.   The  BVI  trust  then  has  the  U.S.  person  assume 
management  and  control  over  the  Hong  Kong  company. 

The  promoters  apparently  take  the  position  that  the 
Hong  Kong  company  is  neither  a  controlled  foreign  corporation 
nor  a  foreign  personal  holding  company,  because  control  is 
in  the  BVI  trust  which  is  a  foreign  trust  created  by  a 
foreign  grantor  and  having  a  foreign  beneficiary  (the  Mexican 
Red  Cross).   Further,  the  promoters  take  the  position  that 
the  U.S.  investor  does  not  have  to  file  a  Form  959  because 
the  U.S.  person  acquired  less  than  five  percent  of  the  stock 
of  the  foreign  corporation.   Under  this  theory,  no  other 
return  would  have  to  be  filed.   The  Mexican  Red  Cross  never 
gets  anything  because  the  company  never  pays  dividends. 
Instead,  its  profits  are  "lent"  to  the  U.S.  investor. 


See  §  954(d) (3). 

— /  See  MCA  Inc.  v.  United  States,  46  AFTR  2d  80-5337  (D.  C. 
CD.  Cal.  1980),  holding  that  a  partnership  consisting 
of  a  controlled  foreign  corporation  and  an  employee 
trust  was  a  corporation  related  to  the  controlled  foreign 
corporation.   Lack  of  separate  interests  among  the 
partners  caused  the  alleged  partnerships  to  be  treated 
as  corporations.   See  Toan,  "Foreign  Base  Company 
Services  Income,"  Subpart  F  -  Foreign  Subsidiaries  and 
Their  Tax  Consequences,  Feinschreiber ,  ed. ,  132  (1979). 


In  another  scheme,  the  50  percent  threshhold  has  been 
combined  with  improper  transfer  pricing  in  a  fraudulent 
scheme  to  syphon  patent  royalties  into  a  tax  haven  holding 
company.   For  example,  U.S.  company  X  wants  to  license  a 
patent  from  unrelated  foreign  licensor  Y.    It  is  anticipated 
that  the  royalties  will  be  $100  per  year.   X's  after  tax 
cost  would  be  $54  ($100  less  $46  tax).   Instead,  X  and  Y 
form  tax  haven  corporation  Z  in  a  treaty  country.   Y  licenses 
the  patent  to  Z  which  sublicenses  to  X  for  $200  per  year.   X 
deducts  the  $200.   While  X's  cost  is  $200,  its  after  tax 
cost  is  $8  ($200  less  $92  less  $100  in  the  tax  haven  corporation) 
Further,  the  $100  X  owns  in  the  tax  haven  corporation  can 
earn  investment  income  free  of  U.S.  and  local  tax.   X  will 
not  have  subpart  F  income  because  it  does  not  own  more  than 
50  percent  of  the  stock  of  Z.   The  scheme  is  fraudulent,  but 
cloaked  in  legitimacy.   The  participation  of  the  unrelated 
licensor  may  make  it  difficult  for  the  IRS  to  establish 
improper  transfer  pricing. 

The  application  of  the  §482  rules  may  also  be  avoided 
through  decontrol.   In  order  for  §482  to  be  applied,  the 
organizations  dealing  with  one  another  must  be  owned  or 
controlled,  directly  or  indirectly,  by  the  same  interests. 
The  regulations  define  the  relationship  broadly,  stating 
that  "the  term  control  includes  any  kind  of  de  facto  control, 
direct  or  indirect,  whether  leqally  enforceable,  and  however 
exercisable  or  exercised...." — '       Nevertheless,  control 
still  must  be  found  in  order  for  a  §  482  allocation  to  be 
possible.   Therefore,  in  cases  where  decontrol  is  achieved, 
arguably  not  only  do  subpart  F  and  the  foreign  personal 
holding  company  provisions  no  longer  apply,  but  allocations 
can  no  longer  be  made  under  §  482. 

E.   Principal  Patterns  of  Abusive  Tax  Haven  Use  Predominently 
by  Promoters  and  by  Individual  Taxpayers 

Individuals  use  tax  havens  in  many  of  the  same  ways  and 
for  many  of  the  same  reasons  as  do  multi-national  companies. 
Thus,  many  of  the  structures  described  above  are  used  by 
individuals.   Promoters,  including  tax  practitioners,  have 
also  been  advising  individuals  to  use  tax  havens  to  abuse 
the  tax  structure.   Some  of  these  uses  are  highlighted 

1.   Background 

The  earliest  anti-avoidance  legislation,  the  predecessors 
of  §§  367,  1491  and  the  foreign  personal  holding  company  and 
personal  holding  company  provisions,  were  intended  to  deal 
with  abusive  tax  avoidance  by  individuals.   In  a  letter  to 


— '    Treas.  Reg.  §  1. 482-1 ( a ) ( 3 ) . 


President  Roosevelt,  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  Morgenthau 
cited  numerous  instances  of  the  abusive  use  by  individuals 
of  holding  companies  in  the  Bahamas,  Panama,  and  Canada 
(then  a  haven).   The  uses  included  creation  of  artificial 
deductions  by  means  of  loans  made  to  individuals  by  their 
personal  holding  company,  removing  assets  (three  million 
dollars  in  one  case)  to  a  Bahamian  company,  with  the  individual 
shareholder  then  filing  returns  in  successive  years  from 
such  diverse  places  as  New  Brunswick,  Maine,  British  Columbia, 
Jamaica,  and  expatriation  by  a  retired  army  officer  who 
immediately  established  Bahamian  corporations  to  hold  and 
sell  his  securities. — ' 

Many  of  the  most  flagrant  abuses  of  holding  companies 
seem  to  have  been  curtailed.   Significant  use  of  tax  havens 
by  individuals,  however,  is  still  possible  and  much  of  it 
does  not  comport  with  Congressional  intent.   There  appears 
to  be  a  growing  use  of  tax  havens  for  small  transactions. 

2.   Patterns  of  Use 

Described  below  are  some  of  the  abusive  schemes  we  have 
seen  by  which  individuals  have  attempted  to  use  tax  havens 
to  avoid  U.S.  tax. 

a.   Investment  Companies 

A  promoter  forms  P,  a  Bermuda  company,  which  in  turn 
forms  a  Bermuda  subsidiary  (S)  to  engage  in  speculative 
trading  in  commodity  futures  and  forward  contracts.   All  of 
the  stock  of  P  is  held  by  U.S.  persons.   All  trading  is  to 
be  done  by  S.   S  receives  a  ruling  from  Bermuda  authorities 
that  it  is  exempt  from  current  and  future  Bermuda  taxes. 
The  promoter  takes  the  position  that  neither  P  nor  S  will 
incur  U.S.  tax  because:   they  are  foreign  corporations;  will 
not  conduct  business  in  the  U.S.;  will  not  have  any  U.S. 
source  income;  P's  share  dispersal  among  U.S.  persons  will 
be  such  as  to  avoid  controlled  foreign  corporation  or  foreign 
personal  holding  company  status;  and  capital  gain  on  the 
disposition  of  P's  shares  will  be  afforded  by  avoiding 
§  1246,  because  the  company  did  not  register  under  the 
Investment  Company  Act  of  1940  and  was  not  engaged  in  trading 
or  dealing  in  securities. 

73  / 

-^'    See  report  of  the  Joint  Committee  on  Tax  Evasion  and 

Avoidance  of  the  Congress  of  the  United  States,  75th 

Cong.,  1st  Sess.,  No.  337  (1937)  at  1. 


The  Congress  adopted  §1246  in  1962  in  an  effort  to 
limit  what  it  considered  an  abuse  which  had  arisen  by  persons 
forming  investment  companies  in  tax  havens  with  shares  being 
sold  to  U.S.  persons.   Prior  to  1962,  the  company  was  not 
taxed,  and  the  U.S.  shareholders  were  taxed  at  the  favorable 
capital  gain  rates  when  the  shares  were  sold  or  redeemed. 
Section  1246,  however,  applies  only  to  a  company  which 
trades  in  securities.   Arguably,  commodities  futures  contracts 
are  not  securities,  and  thus  §1246  does  not  apply.   In 
addition,  the  company  would  not^be  a  personal  holding  company 
because  of  its  share  dispersal. — '       In  any  event,  personal 
holding  company- income  does  not  include  income  from  trading 
in  commodities. — '       Furthermore,  if  the  commodity  transactions 
are  executed  in  the  U.S.  through  a  U.S.  broker,  S  will  not 
be  engaged  in  trade  or  business  in  the  U.S.  and  the  short- 
term  capital  gain  realized  on  the  sales  will  not  be  taxed  in 
the  U.S.  because  it  is  not  fixed  or  determinable  income. 

S  might  be  subject  to  the  accumulated  earnings  tax  on 
its  U.S.  source  income  if  its  earnings  are  accumulated 
beyond  the  reasonable  needs  of  the  business.   In  an  attempt 
to  avoid  this  result,  S  will  distribute  dividends  to  P.   P 
will  not  be  subject  to  the  accumulated  earnings  tax  because 
it  does  not  have  U.S.  source  income.   However,  §  269  might 
apply  to  enable  the  IRS  to  disregard  S,  in  which  case  P 
would  have  to  distribute  the  income  to  its  U.S.  shareholders 
or  pay  the  accumulated  earnings  tax. 

b.   Trading  Company 

A  promoter  forms  a  company  in  the  Grand  Cayman  Islands, 
citing  the  company's  tax-free  status  there.   The  promoter 
purchases  50  percent  of  the  shares  in  the  company,  and  the 
other  50  percent  are  sold  to  20  unrelated  U.S.  individuals. 
Each  person  who  purchases  shares  signs  a  contract  obligating 
himself  to  pay  up  to  $10,000  over  a  period  of  18  months. 
The  agreement  provides  that  the  profits  will  be  split  fifty- 
fifty  between  the  shareholders  and  the  corporation  during 
the  18-month  period.   Afterwards,  all  of  the  profits  will 
belong  to  the  corporation,  with  the  shareholders  receiving 
distributions.   The  promoters  take  the  position  that  there 
is  no  U.S.  tax  because  the  company  is  not  a  controlled 

— /  §  542(a)(2). 
— /  See  §  543. 


foreign  corporation  or  a  foreign  personal  holding  company, 
because  it  does  not  meet  the  "more  than"  fifty  percent 
ownership  test.   The  promoters  also  take  the  position  that 
the  $10,000  payment  is  a  deductible  reimbursement  for  expenses, 
and  not  an  investment  in  assets. 

c.  Holding  Companies 

Foreign  companies  have  been  used  in  an  attempt  to  shelter 
royalty  or  similar  income.   In  one  case  a  U.S.  person  purchased 
the  movie  rights  to  a  series  of  books.   A  Swiss  corporation 
was  formed,  with  a  U.S.  individual  receiving  50  percent  of 
the  stock  and  a  U.S.  distributor  receiving  50  percent  of  the 
stock.   The  individual  transferred  the  movie  rights  to  the 
Swiss  corporation.   The  Swiss  corporation  then  gave  the 
distribution  rights  to  the  film  to  the  U.S.  distributor. 
Royalties  are  paid  to  the  Swiss  company,  which  claims  that 
activities  of  the  corporation  are  conducted  by  the  Swiss 
company  in  Switzerland.   Under  the  U.S. -Swiss  treaty,  the 
royalties  are  exempt  from  tax  by  the  U.S.   The  company  has 
accumulated  millions  of  dollars  and  has  paid  only  limited 
dividends.   The  U.S.  individual  shareholder  has  borrowed 
millions  from  the  company,  and  has  paid  only  interest.   Most 
of  the  company's  retained  earnings  are  invested  in  the  U.S. 
in  CD's,  or  are  invested  in  the  Eurobond  market.   The  company 
claims  that  it  is  engaged  in  an  active  business  and  that 
it  does  not  have  subpart  F  income.   In  fact  the  shareholders 
should  be  taxed  on  the  loans  to  them  under  §  956. 

d.  Shelters 

Abusive  tax  shelters  present  the  IRS  with  one  of  its 
most  serious  compliance  problems.   The  IRS  has  identified 
approximately  25,000  different  shelter  promotions  in  recent 
years.   These  involve  roughly  190,000  returns  and  perhaps  as 
much  as  five  billion  dollars  in  potential  adjustments. 

A  recent,  and  apparently  growing,  phenomenon  is  the 
interjection  of  an  offshore  jurisdiction  into  the  shelter 
scheme.   A  tax  haven  may  be  used  in  an  attempt  to  hide  the 
fact  that  a  transaction  upon  which  a  deduction  is  based 
never  took  place,  to  hide  the  promoter's  profit,  or  to  hide 
the  list  of  investors.   Also,  losses  may  be  transferred  to 
an  investor's  account  in  a  tax  haven  and  the  ownership 
relationship  with  the  account  hidden.   Tax  haven  shelter 
activity  appears  to  have  increased  markedly  over  the  past 
few  years;  and,  in  a  few  cases,  previously  domestic  shelter 
schemes  have  moved  off-shore  in  later  years. 


(i)   Commodities.   We  have  identified  a  number  of  cases 
where  offshore  entities  or  locations  were  used  to  faciliate 
alleged  commodity  transactions.   Generally,  these  are  so 
called  "tax  spreads"  which  seek  to  give  the  investor  a  tax 
advantage  by  generating  large  ordinary  losses  in  year  one, 
and  then  long-term  capital  gain  in  year  two.   The  benefit  to 
the  taxpayer  is  the  difference  between  the  tax  saved  on  the 
ordinary  loss  and  the  tax  paid  on  the  capital  gain.   A 
Treasury  Bill-GNMA  straddle  is  entered  into  to  produce 
ordinary  loss  on  the  T-Bill  leg  and  long  term  capital  gain 
on  the  GNMA  leg.   The  purpose  is  to  convert  ordinary  income 
in  one  year  into  long  term  capital  gain  in  the  immediately 
succeeding  year.   The  taxpayer  liquidates  his  loss  by 
covering  the  short  sale  on  the  T-Bill  leg.   The  taxpayer 
then  borrows  money  to  cover  the  loss  from  a  broker  located 
in  the  Bahamas,  and  locks  in  the  gain  by  entering  into  a 
contract  to  deliver  the  GNMA's  at  the  current  price  in 
twelve  months.   At  the  end  of  the  twelve  month  period,  the 
taxpayer  delivers  the  GNMA's  and  realizes  long  terra  capital 
gain.   There  is  evidence  that  the  transactions  may  never 
have  taken  place.   In  one  case,  a  revenue  agent  estimates 
that  there  may  be  as  many  as  1,500  investors  and  deductions 
of  as  much  as  $150  million. 

Another  scheme  has  been  marketed  over  a  four  year 
period  to  at  least  500  taxpayers.   The  IRS  has  identified 
40  income  tax  returns  for  two  taxable  years  which  were 
involved  with  this  tax  shelter  on  which  losses  were  deducted 
in  excess  of  $4,000,000. 

Salesmen  for  the  taxpayer  will  approach  wealthy  individuals 
and  advise  them  that  they  have  a  perfectly  legitimate  tax 
shelter  device  which  will  allow  the  investor  to  double  his 
money  in  one  year.   It  is  explained  that  the  marketing 
organization  will  set  up  for  the  taxpayer  a  foreign  trust 
which  will  be  located  in  a  tax  haven  jurisdiction.   The 
foreign  trust  will  be  a  grantor  trust  which  will  have  the 
taxpayer  as  its  sole  beneficiary.   The  trust  will  be  formed 
ostensibly  for  the  purpose  of  investing  in  gold  and  silver 
with  the  idea  of  making  a  profit. 

The  investor  puts  up  $20,000  in  cash  which  constitutes 
the  corpus  of  the  trust.   The  trust  subsequently  becomes  a 
limited  partner  in  a  limited  partnership  formed  in  Liechtenstein 
or  another  tax  haven.   The  limited  partnership  is  a  foreign 
partnership  not  doing  business  in  the  United  States  which 
would  not  be  subject  to  United  States  income  tax.   The 
stated  business  of  the  partnership  is  investing  in  gold  or 
silver  with  the  intent  of  making  a  profit. 


Next,  three  simultaneous  contracts  are  entered  into. 
In  the  first  contract,  the  partnership  borrows  from  a  foreign 
bank  $1,200,000  payable  one  year  from  the  date  of  the  loan 
with  interest  at  the  rate  of  10%  per  annum,  so  that  the 
interest  during  the  first  year  would  be  $120,000.   The 
general  partner  is  supposed  to  pay  the  interest.   The  trust 
as  a  limited  partner  would  enter  into  an  agreement  stating 
that  the  trust  would  be  responsible  for  the  payment  of  the 
interest  in  the  event  of  default.   Next,  the  partnership 
purchases  gold  or  silver  valued  at  $1,200,000  which  is 
pledged  as  collateral  for  the  $1,200,000  bank  loan.   Finally, 
the  partnership  enters  into  a  contract  to  sell  the  gold  or 
silver  one  year  from  the  date  of  the  contract  at  a  profit 
of  10%  or  $1,320,000. 

The  taxpayer  is  advised  that  as  a  result  of  these 
transactions  during  the  first  year  the  partnership  pays 
interest  in  the  amount  of  $120,000,  has  no  income,  and  thus 
has  a  loss  in  the  amount  of  $120,000  which  would  flow  through 
the  trust  to  the  individual  investor.   Assuming  the  taxpayer 
is  in  the  50  percent  tax  bracket,  the  $120,000  deduction 
would  be  worth  $60,000  in  tax  savings  to  the  taxpayer. 
Thus,  for  an  investment  of  $20,000,  the  taxpayer  has  recouped 
his  initial  $20,000  plus  he  has  received  a  profit  of  $40,000 
payable  by  the  United  States  Government.   He  has  thus  managed 
to  double  his  money  with  no  risk. 

During  the  second  taxable  year,  the  trust  should  have 
capital  gain  of  $120,000  with  no  offsetting  deductions. 
Thus,  the  ordinary  loss  has  been  converted  into  capital 
gain.   However,  the  taxpayer  may  enter  into  a  similar  arrangement 
during  the  second  taxable  year.   The  trust  will  have  neither 
gain  nor  loss  because  the  $120,000  gain  resulting  from  the 
first  series  of  transactions  will  be  offset  by  an  interest 
deduction  of  $120,000  resulting  from  the  second  set  of 
transactions.   Thus,  by  entering  into  similar  arrangements 
each  year  on  the  anniversary  date  of  the  contracts,  the 
taxpayer  may  postpone  indefinitely  the  recognition  of  gain. 

In  point  of  fact,  none  of  these  transactions  takes 
place,  although  the  taxpayer-investor  is  lead  to  believe 
this  is  a  legitimate  tax  shelter  which  can  be  used  to  offset 
income  taxes. 

In  reality,  the  promoter  of  this  tax  shelter  utilizes 
the  services  of  foreign  attorneys,  accountants,  nominee 
corporations  and  foreign  banks  for  the  purposes  of  creating 
documentation  of  transactions  which  are  not  consummated. 
Thus,  the  investor  will  be  furnished  with  letters  and  a 
contract  from  foreign  attorneys  which  purportedly  establish 


the  validity  of  the  gold  or  silver  transaction  as  well  as 

the  bank  loans  and  interest  payments.   These  documents  will 

then  be  provided  to  the  IRS  upon  audit  to  substantiate  the 
taxpayer's  claimed  deductions. 

The  promoter  uses  the  services  of  a  nominee  tax  haven 
corporation  which  receives  the  investor's  original  $20,000 
investment.   This  money  is  deposited  in  a  bank  located  in  a 
tax  haven  jurisdiction  in  an  account  under  the  name  of  the 
nominee  corporation.   Subsequently,  the  taxpayer  arranges 
through  the  use  of  a  United  States  corporation  to  "borrow" 
money  from  the  bank  in  which  has  been  deposited  the  investor's 
original  $20,000.   The  promoter,  in  turn,  borrows  this  money 
which  he  uses  for  personal  living  expenses. 

A  similar  straddle  was  arranged  through  a  domestic 
trust.   In  order  to  avoid  partnership  reporting,  a  domestic 
trust  was  formed  for  the  benefit  of  the  investor.   The  domestic 
trust  then  becomes  a  beneficiary  of  a  Bahamian  trust.   The 
Bahamian  trust  realizes  the  brokerage  losses,  which  are 
distributed  back  to  the  domestic  trust  and  in  turn  to  the 
U.S.  taxpayers. 

Offshore  commodity  schemes  to  defraud  the  consumer 
rather  than  the  IRS  have  also  been  marketed.   Commodity 
brokers  may  establish  accounts  in  a  tax  haven  and  structure 
commodity  trading  losses  through  those  accounts.   The  broker 
will  deny  ownership  of  the  accounts.   In  some  cases,  such  an 
account  has  been  used  to  defraud  the  investor.  For  example, 
a  Cayman  company  sells  silver  options  to  investors.   If  the 
investor  decides  to  exercise  the  option,  he  is  told  that  the 
silver  has  been  lost  or  that  the  company  is  insolvent.   The 
investor  has  lost  his  investment. 

Both  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  and  the 
Commodities  Futures  Trading  Corporation  are  investigating 
offshore  commodity  schemes. 

(ii)   Movies.   A  U.S.  promoter  forms  a  corporation  in 
Liechtenstein  which  purchases  a  low  grade  movie.   The  movie 
is  then  sold  to  a  U.S.  partnership  for  up  to  fifty  times 
the  purchase  price.   The  consideration  paid  by  the  partnership 
might  be  10  or  15  percent  of  the  inflated  sales  price  in 
cash  and  a  nonrecourse  note  for  the  remainder.   The  cash 
remains  in  the  Liechtenstein  corporation  and  the  note  is 
never  paid.   The  investors  receive  a  statement  from  the 
promoter  showing  the  payment  of  interest  and  other  fees  for 
a  particular  year,  and  take  deductions  accordingly. 


(iii)   Foreign  situs  property.   A  number  of  cases  have 
been  identified  in  which  the  property  which  is  the  shelter 
investment  is  located  in  a  foreign  country  which  may  or  may 
not  be  a  tax  haven.   Even  where  the  property  is  not  in  a 
tax  haven,  the  investment  vehicle  (partnership  or  trust)  or 
the  promoter  may  have  a  tax  haven  address.   One  case  involved 
the  sale  of  an  interest  in  a  South  African  mine.   Each 
investor  paid  a  20  percent  "advanced"  royalty  in  cash  and 
signed  a  non-recourse  note  guaranteed  by  a  Cayman  insurance 
company  for  the  balance.   The  investors  deduct  the  start-up 
costs,  and  the  promoting  entity  (which  it  is  alleged  is 
owned  by  U.S.  persons)  retains  the  advanced  payment.   Revenue 
agents  involved  estimated  that  they  had  identified  $30 
million  in  deductions  through  this  shelter,  and  that  investors 
may  have  taken  as  much  as  $150  million  in  deductions. 

Other  cases  involving  South  and  Central  American  gold 
mines  were  identified.   The  shelter  vehicles  had  in  fact 
purchased  mining  claims  but  their  valuations  were  too  high. 
In  the  case  of  one  promotion,  we  have  identified  a  number  of 
returns  with  deductions  for  "mining  development  costs"  of  as 
much  as  $175,000.   It  would  be  difficult  for  the  IRS  to 
refute  the  valuation,  if  that  were  necessary,  because  of  the 
lack  of  availability  of  expert  witnesses. 

e.   Foreign  Trusts 

Foreign  trusts  have  been  an  important  vehicle  for  tax- 
free  investment  by  U.S.  persons,  in  or  through  tax  havens. 
Prior  to  1962  a  trust  afforded  the  deferral  advantages  of  a 
foreign  corporation,  and  in  addition  could  accumulate  passive 
income  without  foreign  personal  holding  company  consequences. 
In  1962,  Congress  subjected  beneficiaries  of  foreign  trusts 
created  by  U.S.  persons  to  an  unlimited  throv/-back  rule  at 
the  time  of  the  ultimate  distribution  of  accumulated  income. 
The  distributed  income  itself  was  taxed  whether  it  represented 
gross  income  from  sources  within  or  without  the  United 
States.   Unless  distributed,  however,  the  income  could  be 
accumulated  tax  free  in  a  tax  haven. 

In  1976,  Congress  dealt  more  directly  with  foreign 
trusts  by  removing  the  deferral  privilege  for  foreign  trusts 
created  by  a  U.S.  person  if  the  foreign  trust  had  or  acquired 
United  States  beneficiaries.   Today,  a  U.S.  person  who 
directly  or  indirectly  transfers  property  to  a  foreign  trust 
is  treated  as  the  owner  for  the  taxable  year  of  the  portion 
of  the  trust  attributable  to  the  property  transferred,  if 
for  the  year, there  is  a  U.S.  beneficiary  of  any  portion  of 
the  trust.— '^   The  provisions  apply  to  both  direct  and 

— /  §  679(a)(1). 


indirect  transfers,  and  include  transfers  by  gift,  sale, 
exchange  or  otherwise.   An  exception  is  provided  for  transfers 
by  reason  of  the  death  of  the  transferor.   In  addition,  an 
exception  is  provided  for  any  sale  or  exchange  of  property 
at  its  fair  market  value  in  a  transaction  in  which  all  of 
the  gain  to  the  transferor  is  realized  at  the  time  of  the 
transfer  and  is  recognized  either  at  that  time  or  is  returned 
as  is  provided  in  §  453. 

Generally,  a  trust  has  a  U.S.  beneficiary  unless  the 
trust  instrument  provides  that  no  part  of  the  income  or  corpus 
may  be  paid  or  accumulated  for  the  benefit  of  the  U.S. 
person.   Attribution  rules  are  provided  under  which  a  foreign 
corporation  is  treated  as  a  U.S.  beneficiary  if  more  than  50 
percent  of  the  total  combined  voting  power  of  all  classes  of 
stock  is  owned,  or  is  considered  owned,  by  U.S.  shareholders 
under  §  958.   A  foreign  partnership  is  treated  as  a  U.S. 
beneficiary  if  any  U.S.  person  is  a  partner  of  the  partnership 
directly  or  indirectly.   A  foreign  trust  or  estate  is  considered 
a  U.S.  beneficiary  if  the  foreign  trust  or  estate  has  a  U.S. 

The  Tax  Reform  Act  of  1976,  while  significantly  curtailing 
the  ability  of  U.S.  persons  to  use  foreign  trusts,  did  not 
eliminate  them.   Some  practitioners  believe  that  foreign 
trusts  may  still  be  used  to  a  U.S.  tax  advantage,  either  by 
structuring  transactions  to  avoid  §  679  or  by  the  using 
rules  of  §  679  to  achieve  certain  tax  advantages.   Most  are 
abusive,  and  in  any  event  distributions  of  property  from  a 
foreign  trust  would  incur  the  onerous  interest  charge  on 
accumulation  distributions  imposed  by  §668. 

A  foreign  trust  may  be  used  to  avoid  the  corporate 
anti-abuse  provisions  in  some  cases.   For  example,  if  a 
foreign  trust  is  not  a  §  679  trust,  then  a  sale  by  the  trust 
of  stock  of  a  controlled  foreign  corporation  will  not  be 
subject  to  the  ordinary  income  rules  of  §  1248,  because 
§  1248  applies  to  a  U.S.  person  who  sells  or  exchanges  stock 
in  a  foreign  corporation.   Likewise,  gain  on  the  sale  of 
collapsible  corporation  stock  (which  should  be  taxable  as 
ordinary  income)  would  be  deferred  until  the  proceeds  are 
distributed  to  the  beneficiaries.   Some  claim  that  the  stock 
can  be  transferred  to  the  trust  by  a  long-term  installment 
sale  thus  qualifying  for  the  sale  or  exchange  exception. 


Section  679  does  not  apply  to  any  transfer  by  reason  of 
the  death  of  the  transferor,  nor  does  it  apply  to  an  inter 
vivos  trust  after  the  death  of  the  transferor.   Therefore,  a 
foreign  trust  can  still  be  used  as  an  estate  planning  tool. 
Distributions  would,  however,  be  taxed  to  the  beneficiaries, 
and  the  interest  charge  imposed  by  §  668  would  apply  to 
those  distributions.   In  the  alternative,  an  inter  vivos 
trust  can  be  created,  and  property  transferred  to  it.   A 
U.S.  grantor  can  transfer  non-income  producing  property  with 
appreciation  potential  to  the  trust.   The  transferor  is 
subject  to  tax  on  the  income  from  the  property  but,  because 
the  property  is  non-income  producing  he  will  pay  no  tax. 
Further,  if  the  property  generates  losses,  the  grantor  will 
receive  the  benefit  of  those  losses  during  his  lifetime. 
After  his  death,  the  property  can  be  sold  and  the  assets 
invested  in  income  producing  property,  with  the  income 
accumulating  for  the  benefit  of  the  beneficiary.   While 
distribution  will  incur  tax  and  an  interest  charge,  some 
beneficiaries  attempt  to  take  the  income  out  in  the  form  of 
"loans"  which  are  not  taxed  unless  they  are  detected. 

Section  679  does  not  apply  to  a  sale  or  exchange  of 
property  at  its  fair  market  value  in  a  transaction  in  which 
all  of  the  gain  to  the  transferor  is  realized  at  the  time  of 
the  transfer  and  is  recognized  either  at  such  time  or  is 
returned  as  provided  in  §  453.   Accordingly,  a  U.S.  person 
can  purchase  property,  wait  for  it  to  appreciate  slightly 
(to  qualify  for  the  "gain  realized  exception"),  and  then 
sell  it  to  a  tax  haven  trust  which  he  created.   He  will 
realize  gain  but  take  back  a  long-term  installment  note  at 
stated  interest,  thereby  according  current  reporting  of  that 

Some  practitioners  seem  to  be  taking  the  position  that 
§  679  is  avoided  if  a  ,§  1057  election  is  made  for  a  transfer 
to  a  foreign  trust. — '      A  combination  of  these  exception 
provisions  might  then  be  used  in  conjunction  with  a  foreign 
trust  to  accelerate  the  recognition  of  gain  without  disposing 
of  property,  by  transferring  appreciated  inventory  to  a 
foreign  trust,  making  a  §  1057  election  (thereby  recog- 
nizing gain),  and  then,  when  the  inventory  is  needed  back, 
liquidating  the  trust.   The  gain  could  be  used  to  offset 
expiring  net  operating  loss  carryovers.   The  inventory  would 
come  back  at  a  stepped-up  basis,  so  that  sales  of  the  inven- 
tory would  not  generate  income  (unless  the  inventory  had 
further  appreciated). 

— /  §  679(a)(2)(B) 


A  foreign  trust  can  be  used  to  generate  losses  for  the 
benefit  of  the  grantor  (this  can  also  be  done  with  a  domestic 
trust).   One  scheme  which  has  been  described  is  for  a  U.S. 
grantor  to  transfer  property  to  a  foreign  trust  for  the 
benefit  of  foreign  beneficiaries.   In  the  years  when  there 
are  significant  losses,  a  beneficiary  can  establish  residence 
in  the  U.S.,  thereby  flowing  the  losses  through  to  a  U.S. 
resident.   If  it  appears  that  the  trust  will  earn  income  for 
a  year,  the  beneficiary  can  return  to  his  own  country.   It 
is  unlikely  that  such  a  scheme  really  happens  often. 

Section  679  applies  only  to  transfers  by  U.S.  persons. 
A  nonresident  alien  emigrating  to  the  U.S.  may,  prior  to 
assuming  resident  status,  make  a  transfer  to  a  foreign  trust 
with  a  U.S.  beneficiary,  and  not  be  subject  to  §  679  when  he 
becomes  a  U.S.  resident.   Similarly,  a  nonresident  alien 
individual  spouse  who  intends  to  make  a  §  6013  (g)  or  (h) 
election  to  be  treated  as  a  U.S.  resident  could  make  the 
transfer  in  a„year  before  the  first  year  to  which  the  election 
is  to  apply. — '       If  a  foreign  trust  does  not  have  U.S. 
beneficiaries  in  the  year  of  a  transfer  by  a  foreign  person, 
and  if  the  foreign  beneficiaries  become  U.S.  beneficiaries 
at  the  same  time  the  transferor  becomes  a  U.S.  person, 
neither  §  679  (a)  (1)  nor  §  679  (b)  (concerning  trusts 
acquiring  U.S.  beneficiaries)  applies.   Consequently,  the 
§  679  rules  are  avoided  and  income  can  be  accumulated  abroad 
free  of  tax  for  the  benefit  of  a  person  who  is  not  a  U.S. 
resident.   However,  any  distribution  will  incur  the  §668 
interest  charge. 

f .   Double  Trusts 

A  number  of  persons  have  been  promoting  a  fraudulent 
scheme  known  as  so-called  "double  trusts"  or  "triple  trusts" 
as  a  method  for  avoiding  U.S.  income  taxation.   Over  200 
returns  which  appear  to  involve  these  trusts  have  been 

Under  one  such  scheme  the  taxpayer  agrees  with  a  promoter 
to  enter  into  a  "double  trust"  arrangement.   After  payment 
of  a  large  fee  to  the  promoter,  the  promoter  arranges  for  a 
foreign  person  to  create  a  trust  in  a  tax  haven.   The  foreign 
creator  appoints  the  taxpayer  as  trustee  and  the  taxpayer 
transfers  assets  to  the  trust.   The  assets  may  range  from 
real  estate  to  an  active  business.   The  foreign  person  then 
creates  a  second  trust  in  the  same  tax  haven  and  names  the 


— ^  Sections  6013(g)  and  (h)  permit  certain  nonresident 

alien  individuals  married  to  U.S.  citizens  or  residents 

to  make  an  election  to  be  treated  as  U.S.  residents. 


first  trust  as  trustee  of  the  second  trust.   The  beneficiary 
of  the  second  trust  may  be  a  friendly  foreign  "Credit  Union". 
The  trustee  is  given  broad  powers  to  deal  with  trust  property. 

The  first  trust  will  earn  the  income  and  the  trustee 
will  distribute  it  to  the  second  trust.   The  second  trust 
will,  from  time  to  time,  make  distributions  in  the  form  of 
gifts  or  loans  to  the  taxpayer  or  his  family.   If  the  assets 
of  the  first  trust  include  an  active  business  in  the  U.S., 
the  trusts  should,  and  many  of  them  do,  file  an  income  tax 
return.   Many  of  these  returns  eliminate  taxable  income  by 
reporting  the  payment  of  a  "contingent  royalty",  presumably 
to  the  second  trust.   Some  of  the  returns  identified  indicate 
that  the  offshore  entity  is  purchasing  supplies  and  selling 
them  to  the  Uhited  States  party  at  an  inflated  price.   The 
profit  is  being  accumulated  in  the  tax  haven,  or  is  being 
returned  to  the  taxpayer  as  a  gift  or  a  loan. 

Section  679  will  apply  to  these  trusts  if  the  U.S. 
person  (or  any  U.S.  person)  is  a  beneficiary.   The  indirect 
transfer  rule  may  apply  to  the  second  trust  if  the  "expenditures" 
are  fraudulent,  as  may  be  the  case.   In  the  case  of  the 
transfer  of  business  assets,  §679  clearly  applies.   The 
ultimate  beneficial  interest,  which  may  be  shown  by  the 
receipt  of  a  "gift"  or  "loan",  is  owned  by  a  U.S.  person. 
If  U.S.  persons  are  not  the  ultimate  beneficiaries,  then  §   ^g, 
679  does  not  apply,  but  §  1491  should  apply  to  the  transfer. — ^ 

The  double  trust  problem  is  a  compliance  problem — proof 
of  the  existence  of  the  foreign  trusts,  the  U.S.  beneficiaries, 
the  fraudulent  nature  of  deductions,  etc. ,  must  be  obtained. 
Once  obtained,  §  679,  1491,  or  the  grantor  trust  rules 
should  apply.   Identification  of  returns  (if  any)  involving 
double  trusts  is  an  important  step. 

g.   Generating  Deductions 

Tax  haven  entities  have  been  used  to  generate 
deductions  other  than  shelter  deductions.   An  example  of  a 
scheme  is  contained  in  an  article  about  recent  IRS  successes 
in  the  Tax  Court.   The  cases  involved  transactions  planned 
by  Harry  Margolis,  a  west  coast  attorney.   According  to  the 
Wall  Street  Journal,  an  investor  would  arrange  to  "borrow" 
$50,000  from  an  entity  called  Anglo  Dutch  Capital  Co.,  which 
the  government  alleged  existed  only  on  paper.   Then  the 
investor  would  invest  the  loan  proceeds  in  Del  Ceiro  Associates, 
another  entity  the  article  alleges  was  controlled  by  Mr.  Margolis. 
With  $5,000  in  real  cash,  the  taxpayer  would  prepay  a  year's 

— /  See  Rev.  Rul  80-74,  1980-1  C.B.  137. 


interest  on  the  loan  he  supposedly  got  from  Anglo  Dutch. 
But,  according  to  the  Journal,  the  "investment"  in  Del  Ceiro 
would  turn  sour,  and  the  client  would  take  a  total  deduction 
of  $55,000  for  his  loss  plus  the  interest  he  paid  on  his 
loan.   The  Tax  Court  has  found  this  case  and  others  like  it 
to  be  shams. 

There  are  over  800  additional  cases  docketed  against 
clients  of  Mr.  Margolis.   If  each  case  had  to  be  tried 
separately,  it  would  take  years  to  resolve  them. 

h.   Expatriation 

U.S.  persons  can  leave  the  U.S.  and  renounce  their 
citizenship  in  order  to  avoid  paying  U.S.  taxes.   For  example, 
if  a  U.S.  person  owns  appreciated  property,  he  may  move  to  a 
low  tax  haven  such  as  the  British  Virgin  Islands  or  Bermuda, 
establish  residence  and  renounce  his  U.S.  citizenship,  and 
then  obtain  a  British  passport  which  enables  him  to  move 
around  the  world.   In  some  cases,  the  U.S.  person  may  even 
expatriate  to  a  country  such  as  Canada,  which  gives  an 
immigrant  a  basis  in  his  assets  equal  to  their  fair  market 
value  as  of  the  date  residence  is  established. 

United  States  tax  law  limits  the  advantage  of  expatriation 
for  tax  purposes,  by  retaining  .jurisdiction  to  tax  the 
expatriate  in  limited  cases. — ^   Under  the  Code,  the  expatriate 
would  be  taxed  on  his  U.S.  source  income  and  his  foreign 
source  effectively  connected  income.   For  purposes  of  this 
provision,  income  from  U.S.  real  estate,  stock  or  securities 
of  a  U.S.  corporation,  and  debt  of  a  U.S.  person,  would  be 
considered  U.S.  source  income  taxable  to  the  expatriate. 
This  provision  applies  only  to  income  earned  within  ten 
years  of  the  date  of  expatriation.   No  tax  is  imposed  on 
foreign  source  income,  including  income  from  the  disposition 
of  appreciated  foreign  assets. 

In  addition  to  permitting  expatriation  to  avoid  U.S. 
tax  on  foreign  assets,  the  U.S.  law  is  difficult  to  administer. 
Once  the  U.S.  person  has  removed  himself  from  U.S.  jurisdiction, 
various  schemes  can  be  used  to  dispose  of  U.S.  assets  in  a 
manner  which  makes  it  difficult  to  detect. 

In  one  case  a  U.S.  person,  allegedly  to  avoid  U.S. 
capital  gains  tax  on  over  $20  million  in  appreciation, 
expatriated  and  almost  immediately  sold  his  appreciated 
stock  in  a  foreign  corporation. 

10/  §  877. 


F.   Use  by  Foreign  Persons  Doing  Business  in  or  Residing 
in  the  U.S. 

Foreign  persons  investing   in  the  U.S.  or  doing  business 
in  the  U.S.  make  extensive  use  of  tax  havens.   The  most 
widely  publicized  use  is  that  of  the  Netherlands  Antilles 
for  investment  in  U.S.  real  estate.   Much  has  been  written 
on  this  subject,  and  it  has  been  extensively  studied  by 
various  branches  of  the  Federal  Government.   It  is  discussed 
in  Chapter  VIII  dealing  with  treaties.   Legislation  enacted 
in  December  1980  will  subject  foreign  persons  to  tax  on 
their  gain  from  the  sale  of  United  States  real  property.   Often, 
foreign  investors'  use  of  tax  havens  is  connected  with 
treaty  shopping,  which  is  also  discussed  in  Chapter  VIII. 

1 .   Banks 

Foreign  banks  may  use  tax  havens  as  investment  vehicles 
or  otherwise  in  connection  with  U.S.  business. 

Foreign  banks  conduct  business  in  the  United  States 
through  branches,  agencies,  and  subsidiaries  (a  branch  takes 
deposits,  but  only  in  the  form  of  large  denomination  CD's; 
an  agency  does  not  accept  these  deposits).   In  many  cases 
foreign  banks  first  came  to  the  U.S.  to  finance  imports  to 
this  country  and  to  finance  sales  of  raw  materials  to  their 
home  countries.   Today,  many  function  as  full  service 
commercial  banks,  and  some  U.S.  subsidiaries  of  foreign 
banks  are  among  the  largest  commercial  banks. 

It  appears  that  most  large  foreign  banks  have  subsidiaries 
or  branches  in  tax  havens.   While  their  investments  are  not 
necessarily  funneled  through  tax  havens  in  all  cases,  havens 
nevertheless  play  an  important  role  in  their  tax  planning. 
In  a  few  recent  instances,  foreign  persons  have  formed  a  tax 
haven  corporation  to  acquire  significant  interests  in  major 
U.S.  banks. 

For  example,  dollars  may  be  loaned  to  U.S.  customers  or 
to  foreign  customers.   In  either  case,  the  loans  may  be 
"booked"  at  Nassau  or  the  Cayman  Islands,  and  the  interest 
paid  to  the  home  office.   The  bank  often  takes  the  position 
that  there  is  no  U.S.  business  income  from  this  type  of 
transaction,  and  that  any  interest  paid  is  free  of  tax 
because  of  a  tax  treaty.   The  reason  is  that  a  foreign 
corporation  engaged  in  a  trade  or  business  within  the  U.S. 
is  taxable  at  normal  rates  on  its  income  which  is  effectively 
connected  with  the  conduct  of  a  trade  or  business  within  the 
U.S.— ^   Income  from  a  security  (which  would  include  a  note) 

— /  §  882(a). 


which  is  from  U.S.  sources,  and  derived  by  a  foreign  corporation 
in  the  banking  business,  is  treated  as  effectively  connected 
income  QQly  if  the  securities  are  "attributable"  to  the  U.S. 
office. — loans  which  are  "booked"  abroad  are  not  attributable 
to  a  U.S.  office,  and  therefore  , the  interest  from  the  loans 
is  not  effectively  connected. — 

under  the  IRS  regulations,  it  would  appear  that  U.S. 
source  interest  on  loans  booked  overseas  is  not  effectively 
connected  with  the  conduct  of  a  trade  or  business  in  the 
U.S.,  and  therefore  the  interest  is  not  taxable  on  a  net 
basis  by  the  U.S.   If  the  U.S.  has  a  tax  treaty  with  the 
home  country  of  the  bank,  and  the  interest  is  paid  to  the 
home  country,  then  the  treaty  rate  of  tax  (often  zero)  will 
apply.   Accordingly,  there  is  no  U.S.  tax  on  the  transaction. 

However,  in  the  case  of  foreign  source  interest,  the 
IRS  position  is  that  active  participation  by  the  U.S.  office 
is  sufficient  to  make  the  income  effectively  connected. — ' 

The  problems  with  the  foreign  source  interest  rules  are 
largely  administrative.   Lack  of  cooperation  in  supplying 
books  and  records,  and  in  permitting  tax  haven  employees  to 
be  interviewed,  makes  it  difficult  for  the  IRS  to  determine 
whether  the  haven  company  or  the  U.S.  office  negotiated  the 
loan.   In  addition,  the  "booking"  rule  in  the  effectively 
connected  regulations  makes  it  easy  for  a  bank  to  choose  the 
tax  treatment  of  its  U.S.  source  loan  transactions. 

2.   Insurance 

Foreign  insurance  companies  do  business  in  the  U.S. 
through  branches  or  through  U.S.  subsidiary  corporations. 
The  trend  seems  to  be  toward  incorporating  the  branches. 
The  IRS  Office  of  International  Operations  appears  to  have 
no  tax  haven  problems  with  foreign  insurance  companies, 
although  the  companies  do  reinsure  a  part  of  their  domestic 
risk  through  tax  havens  (most  often  Bermuda,  but  in  some 
cases  the  Caymans). 


Treas.  Reg.  §  1. 864-4 (c) ( 5) ( ii  ) . 

—^   Treas.  Reg.  §  1.  864-4  (c)  (  5)  {  iii  )  (  2) . 
— ^  Rev.  Rul.  75-253,  1975-1  C.B.  203. 


3.  Entertainment  Industry 

Foreign  entertainers  appear  to  make  extensive  use  of 
tax  havens  in  structuring  their  U.S.  and  foreign  business. 
An  entertainer  or  a  group  of  entertainers  may  establish  a 
corporation  in  a  tax  haven  with  which  the  U.S.  has  a  treaty 
(most  often  the  Netherlands  Antilles  or  Switzerland),  and 
enter  into  a  long  term  employment  contract  with  that  corporation. 
The  corporation  then  contracts  with  a  U.S.  promoter  to 
arrange  tours  for  the  entertainers.   The  proceeds  from  the 
tour  are  paid  to  the  tax  haven  company,  and  that  company 
then  pays  the  entertainer  an  annual  salary. 

The  corporation  also  contracts  with  a  U.S.  distributor 
for  the  distribution  of  records.   Profits  from  the  sale  of 
the  records  are  paid  by  the  U.S.  distributor  to  the  tax 
haven  company,  and  the  company  takes  the  position  that  the 
amounts  are  royalties  and  that  the  treaty  benefits  apply. 
In  the  case  of  the  Swiss  and  Netherland  Antilles  treaties, 
this  means  that  the  amounts  are  not  taxed  by  the  U.S.   This 
issue  is  discussed  in  Chapter  VIII,  relating  to  treaties. 

4.  Trading  and  Sales  Companies 

A  foreign  corporation  may  invest  in  the  U.S.  through  a 
tax  haven.   The  treaty  shopping  issues  of  this  form  of 
investment  are  discussed  in  Chapter  VIII. 

In  some  cases,  a  foreign  corporation  selling  into  the 
U.S.   through  a  U.S.  subsidiary  will  establish  a  second 
subsidiary  in  a  tax  haven.   The  U.S.  subsidiary  will  sell  to 
or  purchase  from  the  tax  haven  subsidiary,  often  at  prices 
which  are  not  arms  length.   These  transactions  should  be 
subject  to  a  §  482  adjustment.   In  some  cases,  however,  the 
IRS  is  not  aware  of  the  ownership  of  the  tax  haven  entity, 
and  therefore  an  appropriate  §  482  adjustment  is  not  made. 

This  is  a  problem  of  administrative  detection,  which  can 
probably  best  be  dealt  with  by  good  solid  auditing.   In 
addition,  a  schedule  might  be  prepared  to  be  attached  to  the 
Form  1120  filed  by  a  U.S.  subsidiary  of  a  foreign  corporation. 
The  schedule  would  request  information  necessary  to  enable 
the  revenue  agent  to  consider  a  §  482  adjustment. 

5.  Aliens  Resident  in  the  U.S. 

It  is  generally  believed  that  there  are  a  large  number 
of  aliens  living  in  the  U.S.  who  claim  to  be  nonresidents, 
but  who  in  fact  spend  substantial  amounts  of  time  here  and 
for  all  practical  purposes  might  be  considered  residents. 


Many  of  these  persons  own  expensive  apartments  and  have  no 
other  permanent  abode.   An  alien  may  enter  this  country  as 
a  tourist,  advise  Immigration  that  he  will  be  here  for  from 
60  to  90  days,  and  then,  within  the  60  to  90  day  period, 
leave  to  travel  or  to  visit  his  offshore  bank.   He  then 
returns  and  gives  Immigration  the  same  story. 

The  alien  will  often  transfer  his  assets  to  a  holding 
company  or  a  trust  located  in  a  tax  haven.   His  money  will 
be  invested  in  U.S.  bank  accounts,  the  Eurobond  market,  or 
in  other  financial  assets.   The  assets  may  also  be  invested 
in  U.S.  real  estate.   Because  the  alien  claims  to  be  a 
nonresident  alien  and  does  not  consider  any  of  his  income  as 
being  from  U.S.  sources,  he  does  not  report  any  of  this 
income  on  U.S.  returns. 

Aliens  are  able  to  avoid  tax,  and  the  IRS  is  unable  to 
deal  with  them  because  of:   a  lack  of  reporting;  a  lack  of 
information  concerning  payments  to  the  aliens;  a  lack  of 
coherent  information  disseminated  to  the  IRS;  and  the  absence 
of  a  clear  definition  of  the  term  "residence." 

There  is  little  that  can  be  done  about  the  lack  of 
reporting  of  income  or  obtaining  information  on  receipts  of 
income,  unless  a  readily  administerable  definition  of  residence 
is  developed  and  information  concerning  the  comings  and 
goings  of  aliens  is  made  available  to  the  IRS. 

Under  U.S.  law,  a  non-resident  alien  not  engaged  in 
trade  or  business  within  the  U.S.  is  taxed  only  on  his  U.S. 
source  income,  but  a  resident  alien  is  taxed  on  his  worldwide 
income.   Accordingly,  while  the  determination  of  resident 
status  can  have  an  enormous  impact,  thergj-is  no  precise 
definition  of  the  term.   The  regulations — '    define  a  resident 
as  one  "actually  present  in  the  United  States  who  is  not  a 
mere  transient  or  sojourner."   The  length  of  his  stay  and 
its  nature  are  factors  to  be  considered.   No  definite  rule 
is  provided.   The  IRS  has,  however,  ruled  that  presence  igf:/ 
the  U.S.  for  one  year  creates  a  presumption  of  residence. — ' 

— '^  Treas.  Reg.  §1.871-2(b). 

— /  Rev.  Rul.  69-611,  1969-2  C.B.  150. 


VI.   Use  of  Tax  Havens  To  Facilitate 
Evasion  of  U.S.  Taxes 

The  use  of  tax  havens  by  earners  of  illegal  income 
(particularly  narcotics  trafficers)  has  generated  signi- 
ficant publicity  over  the  years.   The  extent  of  this  type  of 
use,  and  the  extent  of  use  for  tax  evasion  purposes  in  general, 
is  not  definitively  known.   The  statistical  study  undertaken 
in  connection  with  the  Tax  Haven  Study  has  not  given  us  an 
estimate  of  the  level  of  this  use  although  the  study  does 
show  enormous  and  growing  levels  of  financial  activity  and 
accumulation  of  funds  in  tax  havens.—^ 

Our  study  has  been  able  to  conclude  that  there  are  a 
large  number  of  transactions  involving  illegally  earned 
income  and  legally  earned  income  which  is  diverted  to  or 
passed  through  havens  for  purposes  of  tax  evasion.   We 
identified  approximately  250  criminal  cases  (either  currently 
active  or  closed  within  approximately  the  past  three  years) 
involving  offshore  transactions.   This  number  of  cases 
is  an  indication  of  a  significant  level  of  use. 

Many  of  the  cases  identified  were  closed  without  prosecu- 
tion, often  because  the  evidence  was  not  available  to  estab- 
lish a  key  element  in  a  case.   Almost  every  case  involved 
either  an  offshore  entity  such  as  a  trust  or  corporation  or 
a  foreign  bank  account. 

A  fair  statement  of  the  problems  in  dealing  with  this 
type  of  activity  is  that  of  Assistant  Attorney  General  (Tax 
Division)  Ferguson  in  his  statement  to  the  Oversight  Com- 
mittee of  the  Ways  and  Means  Committee:— 

"As  you  might  expect,  evasion 
of  United  States  taxes  through  sham 
business  transactions  involving  foreign 
entities  is  difficult  to  detect,  hard 
to  recognize  when  found,  and,  where 
foreign  witnesses  and  documents  are 
crucial,  sometimes  impossible  to  prove 
in  court.   Even  the  most  transparent 

1/   See  Chapter  III,  infra, 

2J      The  Use  of  Offshore  Tax  Havens  for  the  Purposes  of 

Evading  Income  Taxes;   Hearings  Before  the  House  Sub- 
committee on  Oversight  of  the  Committee  on  Ways  and 
Means,  96th  Cong.,  1st  Sess.  18  (1979). 


transactions  are  likely  to  have 
sufficient  documentation  to  satisfy 
a  surface  inquiry  by  an  auditor  and 
enough  complexity  to  discourage  a 
deeper  look.   Furthermore,  being 
dependent  on  form  and  multiplicity 
of  steps,  such  transactions  will 
utilize  entities  in  tax  haven  juris- 
dictions offering  business  and  banking 
secrecy  to  conceal  their  lack  of 
substance. " 

A.   Prior  Efforts  To  Investigate  Offshore  Cases 

Over  the  past  two  decades,  Revenue  Agents  and  Special 
Agents  have  conducted  a  number  of  investigations  involving 
tax  havens. 

During  1957  and  1958,  special  agents  in  the  Manhattan 
District  attempted  to  establish  the  identity  of  persons 
making  large  deposits  of  currency  in  New  York  banks  for 
subsequent  transfer  to  secret  (numbered  or  coded)  Swiss  bank 
accounts.   During  one  three  month  period,  a  New  York  bank 
filed  81  currency  forms  reflecting  deposits  of  $1.1  million 
under  77  different  names  and  addresses.   These  deposits  were 
transferred  to  coded  accounts  in  specified  Swiss  banks. 
Investigation  by  eight  Special  Agents  revealed  that  all  77 
names  and  addresses  given  to  the  bank  by  the  depositors  were 
fictitious;  the  depositors  could  not  be  located. 

Follow-up  investigations  of  other  currency  deposit 
forms  did  locate  depositors  who  had  transferred  funds  to 
numbered  Swiss  bank  accounts.   The  reasons  for  maintenance 
of  the  accounts  ranged  from  engaging  in  complicated  inter- 
national commercial  transactions  to  political  refugee  situ- 
ations.  Although  it  was  suspected  that  some  of  these  trans- 
actions involved  tax  evasion  or  other  violations  of  U.S. 
law — including  narcotics,  securities  law,  and  smuggling--the 
inability  to  secure  information  on  the  accounts  from  Switzer- 
land contributed  to  the  lack  of  success  in  developing  any 
cases  for  prosecution. 

The  investigations  served  to  increase  concerns  of  law 
enforcement  authorities  about  the  potential  for  using  secret 
foreign  bank  accounts  for  illegal  purposes,  and  suggested  a 
need  for  tighter  regulation  or  better  reporting  of  inter- 
national currency  transfers.   Accordingly,  during  the  summer 

3/   Forms  TCR-1  (predecessor  of  Form  4789). 


of  1960,  a  conference  was  held  in  the  National  Office  of  IRS 
to  develop  means  for  controlling  illicit  international  money 
flows.   None  of  the  ideas  put  forth  at  the  conference  was 
implemented,  in  part  because  they  required  legislation.   It 
was  felt  that  the  lack  of  proof  that  secret  foreign  bank 
accounts  were  in  fact  being  used  for  tax  evasion  purposes 
made  prospects  poor  for  legislation  to  require  improved 
reporting  on  international  currency  transfers. 

From  1966  through  early  1967,  IRS  agents  worked  with 
the  U.S.  District  Attorney  for  New  York  City,  who  was  then 
conducting  a  grand  jury  investigation  of  the  use  of  foreign 
banks  by  suspected  "underworld"  figures.   IRS  agents  assisted 
in  examining  bank  records  and  correspondence  of  taxpayers 
who  opened  and  funded  Swiss  accounts  by  making  deposits  in 
U.S.  branches  of  Swiss  banks.   In  early  1967,  a  task  force 
was  formed  to  coordinate  Examination,  Criminal  Investigation 
and  Office  of  International  Operations  activities  regarding 
secret  foreign  bank  accounts.   Although  these  efforts  improved 
IRS  knowledge  of  the  use  of  secret  foreign  bank  accounts, 
audits  of  130  taxpayers  identified  via  grand  jury  investi- 
gation were  disappointing  in  terms  of  taxes  collected,  due 
to  lack  of  adequate  documentation  and  perhaps  also  due  to 
the  inexperience  of  audit  personnel  in  dealing  with  cases 
where  pertinent  records  were  beyond  the  reach  of  U.S.  law. 

As  an  outgrowth  of  these  efforts,  a  project  known  as 
"Swiss  Mail  Watch"  and  later  as  the  "Foreign  Bank  Account 
Project",  was  initiated  to  identify  U.S.  taxpayers  receiving 
mail  from  Swiss  banks.   From  January  8  to  May  2,  1968,  with 
the  assistance  of  the  postal  authorities,  IRS  monitored  mail 
received  in  a  New  York  post  office.   Swiss  bank  mail  was 
identified  by  the  postage  meter  numbers  used  by  the  Swiss 
banks,  and  the  outside  of  envelopes  mailed  by  the  Swiss 
banks  to  individuals  and  firms  in  the  U.S.  was  photocopied. 
From  this  monitoring,  a  list  of  8,500  taxpayers  was  prepared, 
from  which  168  taxpayers  were  selected  for  audit  by  16 
agents  in  two  districts.   The  audits  resulted  in  the  assess- 
ment of  about  $2  million  in  taxes  and  penalties,  less  than  a 
third  of  which  was  attributable  to  the  foreign  bank  accounts. 
The  audits  indicated  that  only  about  a  fifth  of  the  tax- 
payers used  their  Swiss  accounts  as  a  depository  for  unreported 
income  or  to  avoid  the  interest  equalization  tax,  and  that 
the  unreported  income  in  such  cases  was  not  substantial. 
Because  of  the  inability  to  obtain  corroborating  testimony 
and  documentation  from  the  Swiss  banks,  no  prosecutions 


Subsequently,  two  more  mail  watches  were  initiated,  one 
(during  the  period  January  2  through  February  2,  1969,  and 
the  last  from  December  27,  1970  through  February  4,  1971. 
The  1969  mail  watch  identified  about  21,500  taxpayers  who  I 

appeared  to  have  Swiss  bank  accounts,  and  the  1971  mail  | 

watch  identified  another  20,000  to  25,000  taxpayers  who  | 

appeared  to  have  such  accounts.   However,  no  IRS  audit  was  i 

initiated  as  a  result  of  these  later  mail  watches. 

The  Foreign  Bank  Accounts  Project  was  discontinued  for  \ 

a  combination  of  reasons.   A  mutual  assistance  treaty  was 
being  negotiated  with  Switzerland  which,  it  was  hoped,  would         ' 
permit  Swiss  banks  to  provide  bank  account  information  about 
Americans  suspected  of  crimes.   It  was  believed  that  use  of  I 

the  mail  watch  data  would  jeopardize  the  treaty  negotiations. 
In  addition,  a  Senate  Subcommittee  on  Constitutional  Rights 
was  raising  questions  about  the  propriety  of  developing  com- 
puterized files  of  suspected  tax  violators.   Finally,  some 
officials  believed  that  the  audit  results,  and  failure  to 
develop  prosecution  cases,  were  disappointing  in  terms  of 
resources  expended;  staff  costs  were  estimated  at  2,318 
staff  days,  at  a  salary  of  $260,000.   They  also  believed 
that  this  technique  did  not  offer  a  long-term  solution  to 
the  foreign  bank  account  problem.   The  issue  was  also  being 
addressed  by  the  House  and  Senate  Banking  and  Currency 
Committees;  the  result  was  the  enactment  of  the  Bank  Secrecy 
Act—  on  October  26,  1970,  which  became  effective  upon  publication 
of  implementing  regulations  in  July  1972. 

Other  investigative  efforts  were  initiated  during  the 
1960s  and  early  1970s.   One  was  an  investigation  (sometimes 
referred  to  as  the  "Bahamas  Project" )  of  a  West  Coast  attorney 
who  appeared  to  be  promoting  the  use  of  tax  havens  to  evade 
the  taxes  of  well-to-do  clients.   A  lengthy  examination 
resulted  in  criminal  prosecution,  and  a  trial  that  lasted 
six  months.   The  attorney  was  acquitted,  but  hundreds  of 
civil  tax  cases,  involving  over  $100  million  in  taxes, 
resulted  against  his  clients.   Most  of  these  civil  cases 
are  still  pending  in  the  Tax  Court. 

In  another  effort,  a  special  agent  from  the  IRS  Reno 
District  established  liaison  with  a  police  department  official 
of  Grand  Cayman  Island,  who  subsequently  furnished  limited 
information  concerning  bank  accounts  of  U.S.  citizens.   This 
effort,  called  "Project  Pirate,"  was  terminated  in  1975. 

4/   P.L.  91-508. 


Records  do  not  indicate  that  any  successful  audits  or  crim- 
inal prosecutions  resulted  from  this  information.   In  1976, 
the  Caymans  strengthened  their  bank  secrecy  laws,  making  it 
a  crime  for  any  person  to  reveal  information  about  bank 
accounts  in  the  Cayman  Islands. 

The  above  investigative  efforts  were  examined  in  con- 
siderable detail  in  several  Congressional  hearings.   These 
hearings  gave  principal  attention,  however,  to  an  effort 
termed  "Operation  Tradewinds,"  and  to  an  offshoot  termed 
"Project  Haven." 

Operation  Tradewinds  was  an  information  gathering 
effort  by  IPS  agents  in  the  Jacksonville,  Florida  District 
to  obtain  information  from  Bahamian  bank  employees  about  the 
identity  of  U.S.  taxpayers  using  Bahamian  trusts  and  bank 
accounts.   Information  was  obtained  from  informants  passing 
on  the  information  through  Americans  acting  as  intermediaries 
to  IRS  agents. 

Operation  Tradewinds  produced  considerable  useful 
information,  resulting  in  audit  deficiencies  recommended  in 
45  cases,  and  several  criminal  prosecutions,  before  the 
operation  was  suspended  in  January  1975.   It  also  developed 
the  information  which  gave  rise  to  Project  Haven. 

Project  Haven  was  initiated  in  1972  in  connection  with 
an  investigation  of  a  narcotics  trafficker,  who  it  was 
learned  had  dealings  with  a  Bahamian  bank.   A  confidential 
informant  was  used  to  obtain  Bahamian  bank  documents  regarding 
this  individual;  in  the  process  the  informant  learned  that 
the  Bahamian  bank  was  receiving  and  disbursing  funds  on 
behalf  of  U.S.  citizens  whose  identities  were  not  revealed 
to  the  correspondent  U.S.  banks  in  Miami,  New  York,  and 

The  confidential  informant,  having  developed  a  social 
relationship  with  a  Bahamian  bank  official,  learned  that  the 
bank  official  was  planning  to  travel  to  the  U.S.  in  January 
1973,  with  a  stop-off  in  Miami.   At  the  banker's  request, 
the  informant  arranged  a  date  for  the  banker.   While  dining 
out,  the  banker  left  his  briefcase  in  his  date's  apartment. 
She  had  previously  given  the  informant  a  key  to  the  apart- 
ment.  The  informant  entered  the  apartment,  removed  the 
briefcase,  had  it  opened  by  a  locksmith,  and  made  the  docu- 
ments therein  available  to  IRS  agents  for  photocopying. 
After  photocopying,  the  documents  were  replaced  and  the 
briefcase  returned  to  the  apartment,  all  without  the  banker's 


The  documents  identified  over  300  U.S.  citizens  and 
firms  having  accounts  with  that  Bahamian  bank.   A  large 
number  of  civil  and  criminal  investigations  were  initiated 
on  the  basis  of  this  information.   The  criminal  cases  (about 
6  dozen  in  all)  were  initially  investigated  by  several  grand 
juries,  and  were  finally  consolidated  in  1975  under  one 
grand  jury  in  the  Southern  Judicial  District  of  Florida. 
One  of  the  criminal  cases  reached  the  Supreme  Court,—  which 
ruled  that  the  defendent  lacked  standing  to  object  to  admiss- 
ibility of  evidence  obtained  by  the  "briefcase  caper,"  since 
the  defendant's  (as  distinguished  from  the  banker's)  con- 
stitutional rights  were  not  violated. 

B.   Narcotics  Related  Cases 

Much  of  the  concern  with  tax  havens  centers  on  their 
use  by  narcotics  traffickers.   Over  the  past  few  years  there 
have  been  numerous  Congressional  hearings  directed  at 
problems  involving  the  use  of  havens  by  narcotics  traffickers. 
The  press  has,  from  time  to  time,  reported  on  alleged  use. 

Tax  havens  are  ideally  suited  to  the  purposes  of  the 
narcotics  trafficker.   The  trafficker's  goal,  once  he  has 
sold  his  product,  is  to  cleanse  his  money  or  to  hide  it  so 
that  he  can  put  it  to  use  without  it  being  attributed  to  him 
as  unreported  income.   A  tax  haven  facilitates  achievement 
of  this  goal  by  providing  a  veil  of  secrecy  over  parts  of 
the  transaction,  so  that  the  taxpayer  cannot  be  definitely 
tied  to  the  flow  of  funds.   Furthermore,  the  tax  haven's 
infrastructure,  which  often  includes  modern  banking  and  com- 
munications facilities,  serves  to  facilitate  rapid  movement 
of  funds. 

The  problem  can  be  illustrated  by  a  simple  case.   A 
narcotics  trafficker  arranges  for  a  carrier  to  carry  $50,000 
cash  in  a  suitcase  to  the  Cayman  Islands,  where  it  is  deposited 
in  a  small  private  bank.   The  small  bank  then  transfers  the 
money  to  an  account  at  the  branch  of  a  large  money  center 
bank.   The  U.S.  narcotics  trafficker  then  borrows  $50,000 
from  a  Canadian  bank.   Both  the  U.S.  trafficker  and  the 
Canadian  bank  claim  the  loan  is  simply  a  signature  loan  to 
the  individual.   In  fact,  the  loan  is  effectively  secured  by 
the  Cayman  deposit.   The  IRS,  however,  is  unable  to  establish 
the  connection  and  therefore  cannot  prosecute.   The  IRS  may 
be  able  to  identify  the  money  leaving  the  U.S.  by  use  of 

5/   united  States  v.  Payner ,  46  AFTR  2d  80-5174  (1980) 
rev'g  590  F.  2d  206  (6th  Cir.  1979). 


currency  transaction  reports  and  records  of  wire  transfers. 
It  may  see  the  money  entering  the  U.S.   The  veil  of  secrecy 
prevents  tying  the  two  together.   While  Canada  might  give 
the  U.S.  information  pursuant  to  a  treaty  request,  the 
information  may  not  be  sufficient  to  tie  the  taxpayer  to  the 
Cayman  account.   To  a  great  extent,  it  is  the  highly  developed 
and  sophisticated  banking  and  communications  infrastructure 
in  the  tax  haven  which  makes  it  possible  to  move  the  money 
swiftly  and  efficiently. 

In  general,  there  does  not  appear  to  be  much  that  is 
new  or  exceptionally  sophisticated  in  the  methods  used  by 
narcotics  traffickers  to  move  their  money.   For  example,  in 
a  standard  pattern  a  courier  deposits  cash  in  a  U.S.  bank 
and  the  money  is  then  wired  to  a  haven  bank  account.   From 
there  it  can  be  moved  with  relative  ease. 

Many  narcotics  cases  do  not  involve  offshore  trans- 
actions at  all.   In  addition,  in  some  cases  foreign  juris- 
dictions which  are  not  tax  havens  are  utilized.   For  example, 
Mexico  and  Canada  have  been  used  because  of  their  proximity 
to  the  U.S.  and  perhaps  because  of  their  lack  of  taint.   A 
transaction  with  the  Cayman  Islands  is  suspect;  a  trans- 
action with  Canada  is  not.   Our  current  investigations 
indicate,  however,  that  many  narcotics  transactions  do 
involve  offshore  activity.   The  Florida  Cash  Flow  Project 
has  uncovered  some. 

It  would  appear  that  the  most  effective  methods  for 
dealing  with  narcotics  traffickers  have  been  intensive  well 
coordinated  inter-agency  grand  jury  investigations.   These 
investigations  have  the  advantage  of  enabling  one  person 
(the  Assistant  U.S.  Attorney)  to  provide  direction  and 
coordination.   They  also  enable  agents  from  various  agencies 
to  work  more  closely  together  with  a  common  goal.   Further- 
more, a  joint  investigation  brings  together  a  number  of 
different  disciplines  and  expertise.   Finally,  it  enables 
the  IRS  to  avoid  some  of  the  coordination  problems  caused  by 
the  disclosure  rules  of  §  6103.— 

Other  successful  methods  of  uncovering  large  scale 
narcotics  operations  have  involved  the  use  of  informants  or 
undercover  operators  to  launder  money  through  financial 

6^/   See,  for  example,  "Narcotics  Agents  Track  Big  Cash 
Transactions  to  Trap  Dope  Dealers",  The  Wall  Street 
Journal,  November  26,  1980,  A-1. 


Caution  must  be  exercised  in  applying  resources  in  the 
narcotics  area.   The  CID  agent  is  a  highly  trained  financial 
investigator  who  is  capable  of  dealing  with  sophisticated 
cases.   Too  much  pressure  to  apply  resources  without  identi- 
fying adequate  and  proper  cases  could  lead  to  a  waste  of 
these  valuable  people  by  having  them  recommending  term- 
ination assessments  against  low  level  drug  dealers.   This 
kind  of  problem  was  encountered  in  the  early  1970's,  and  in 
the  opinion  of  some  resulted  in  some  overreaching.   The  use 
of  termination  and  jeopardy  assessments  at  one  time  or 
another  became  disproportionate. 

C.   Patterns  of  Use  of  Tax  Havens  for  Evasion 

A  brief  description  of  the  general  categories  of  trans- 
actions which  we  identified  follows.   In  many  of  these 
cases,  the  only  reason  prosecution  was  possible  was  because 
an  informant  was  available. 

1.   Double  Trusts 

The  IRS  has  under  investigation  a  number  of  promoters 
of  so-called  double  trusts  or  family  estate  trust  schemes. 
There  are  at  least  two  grand  juries  and  numerous  civil 
investigations.   The  schemes  seem  to  be  concentrated  in  the 
western  part  of  the  country. 

The  schemes,  while  differing  somewhat  from  promoter  to 
promoter,  generally  involve  having  an  unrelated  party  set  up 
a  trust  in  a  haven.   The  first  trust  then  sets  up  a  second 
trust  which  it  designates  as  the  beneficiary  of  the  first 
trust.   Some  promoters  also  use  a  third  trust.   The  U.S. 
taxpayer  may  appoint  himself  as  the  trustee  of  the  first 
trust,  and  then  appoint  the  first  trust  the  trustee  of  the 
second  trust,  and  so  on.   The  U.S.  person  transfers  his 
assets  or  his  right  to  earn  income,  or  both,  to  the  first 
trust  in  exchange  for  certificates  of  ownership.   The  income 
then  flows  to  the  second  trust,  which  may  make  "gifts"  or 
"loans"  to  the  U.S.  taxpayer. 

Some  of  the  returns  indicate  that  the  offshore  entity 
is  purchasing  supplies  and  selling  them  to  the  U.S.  party  at 
an  inflated  price.   The  profit  is  being  accumulated  in  the 
haven,  or  is  being  returned  to  the  taxpayer  as  gifts  or 

There  is  no  way  of  knowing  how  many  persons  having  an 
interest  in  these  trusts  have  dropped  out  of  the  tax  return 
filing  population. 


2.  Secret  Bank  Accounts 

Generally,  these  cases  involve  unreported  income  being 
diverted  to  a  bank  account  located  in  a  tax  haven.   Many  of 
the  taxpayers  under  investigation  are  alleged  narcotics 
traffickers.   The  money  is  most  often  diverted  from  the  U.S. 
by  physically  removing  it  from  the  country  or  by  wire  trans- 
fers.  If  money  is  diverted  by  wire  transfer  it  must  first  be 
deposited  in  a  U.S.  bank.   A  currency  transaction  report  may 
have  to  be  filed  by  the  bank.   However,  the  depositor  may  give 
a  fictitious  name,  or  may  simply  leave  the  country  before 
a  report  can  be  investigated. 

In  one  case,  the  taxpayer  was  the  sole  shareholder  of  a 
corporation  which  acted  as  a  sales  agent  for  a  major  foreign 
corporation.   The  taxpayer's  corporation  received  commissions 
for  the  sales  activities  performed,  which  were  properly 
recorded  on  the  books  of  the  corporation.   However,  the 
corporation  received  additional  commission  payments  from  the 
foreign  corporation  which  were  not  accounted  for  on  its 
books  and  records.   Pursuant  to  a  direction  by  the  share- 
holder, these  additional  commissions  were  wired  by  the 
foreign  corporation  to  a  numbered  bank  account  in  Switzerland 
maintained  by  the  taxpayer.   The  special  agent  examined  the 
records  of  the  foreign  corporation,  which  indicated  that  the 
wire  transfer  had  been  made,  and  also  interviewed  foreign 
corporate  officials  who  stated  that  the  taxpayer  had  directed 
them  to  transfer  the  funds  into  the  numbered  Swiss  bank 
account.   However,  the  foreign  corporate  officials  subsequently 
refused  to  cooperate,  and  prosecution  of  this  case  had  to  be 
declined  by  District  Counsel  due  to  the  lack  of  available 
witnesses  and  documentary  evidence  subject  to  the  compulsory 
jurisdiction  of  the  United  States  courts. 

In  another  case  recently  prosecuted  by  the  United 
States  Attorney's  office,  the  United  States  was  able  to 
successfully  prove  that  corporate  receipts  had  been  diverted 
to  a  foreign  bank  account.   In  this  case,  a  United  States 
corporation  purchased  machinery  and  equipment  from  a  Puerto 
Rican  corporation.   The  purchase  agreement  and  the  payments 
made  were  properly  reflected  both  on  the  books  of  the  cor- 
poration and  on  the  corporation's  tax  return.   However, 
additional  agreements  had  been  entered  into,  in  connection 
with  the  purchase  of  the  machinery  and  equipment,  which  were 
not  reflected  on  the  corporate  books  and  records  or  on  the 
tax  returns.   These  agreements  provided  that  if  the  machinery 
and  equipment  sold  to  the  U.S.  corporation  were  not  delivered 
by  a  certain  date,  then  the  Puerto  Rican  corporation  would 
be  liable  for  lease  payments  at  a  stated  rental  per  month. 
When  the  Puerto  Rican  corporation  failed  to  deliver  the 
equipment  and  machinery  on  the  specified  date,  it  became 
liable  for  the  rental  payments  which  were  subsequently  paid. 


In  receiving  payment,  the  U.S.  corporate  officials 
arranged  it  so  that  the  proceeds  from  the  payment  were  used 
to  purchase  certificates  of  deposit  in  a  nominee  name  in 
Puerto  Rico.   Subsequently,  the  proceeds  from  these  certificates 
of  deposit  were  deposited  in  a  bank  account  in  the  Cayman 
Islands,  in  the  name  of  a  Cayman  corporation  whose  stock  was 
held  by  nominees.   The  amount  in  the  Cayman  bank  account  was 
eventually  divided  up  among  the  corporate  officials,  in 
proportion  to  their  stock  ownership. 

The  corporate  offical  who  masterminded  the  scheme,  an 
attorney  familiar  with  the  methods  used  by  the  IRS  to 
prosecute  tax  crimes,  advised  the  other  participants  that 
the  money  from  the  bank  account  should  only  be  spent  in  such 
a  way  so  that  it  left  no  trace,  in  order  to  avoid  the  IRS' 
making  a  net  worth  and  expenditures  case  against  the  shareholders. 

Successful  prosecution  in  this  case  was  made  possible 
by  an  informant,  an  uninvolved  corporate  employee,  who 
furnished  the  IRS  with  information  of  the  details  of  this 
scheme,  as  well  as  with  copies  of  bank  statements  for  the 
Cayman  Islands  bank  account  and  with  an  agreement  drawn  up 
by  a  Cayman  Islands  attorney  reflecting  the  fact  that  the 
nominal  shareholders  of  the  Cayman  corporation  were  merely 
acting  as  nominees  for  the  corporate  officals.   Other  corporate 
officials  also  testified  at  the  trial  under  grants  of  pro- 
secutorial immunity. 

Also  involved  in  this  case  was  the  use  of  a  corporate 
jet  to  ferry  cash  secretly  out  of  the  country.   In  this 
scheme,  the  corporation  sold  component  parts  of  heavy  con- 
struction equipment  for  cash,  without  reporting  the  sales  of 
the  components  on  the  books  and  records  of  the  corporation. 
The  pilot  of  the  corporate  jet  would  then  meet  someone  at  a 
U.S.  airport  who  would  hand  him  a  brief  case.   The  pilot 
was  instructed  to  fly  to  the  Cayman  Islands  and  to  give  the 
brief  case  to  an  attorney.   The  brief  case  contained  cash 
representing  the  unreported  sales  proceeds,  and  was  deposited 
by  the  Cayman  Islands  attorney  in  the  secret  bank  account 
mentioned  above. 

3.   U.S.  Taxpayers  Using  a  Foreign  Corporation  -  Substance 
Over  Form 

In  some  cases,  taxpayers  form  corporations  in  tax 
havens,  ownership  is  not  denied,  and  the  required  returns 
are  filed.   Cases  may,  for  example,  involve  sales  subsidiaries. 
In  at  least  one  case,  a  large  company  had  formed  and  used  a 
captive  insurance  company.   Most  of  the  recommendations  for 
prosecution  were  declined  either  by  Chief  Counsel  or  the  Tax 


Other  cases  appear  fraudulent  but  necessary  evidence 
cannot  be  obtained.   In  a  recent  routine  civil  examination 
of  a  return,  it  was  discovered  that  substantial  amounts  had 
been  deducted  as  business  expenses  relating  to  rental  property 
which  was  not  owned  by  the  taxpayer.   Upon  further  examination, 
it  was  discovered  that  the  rental  property  was  owned  by  a 
trust  with  the  trustee  being  a  bank  located  in  a  Caribbean 
tax  haven.   The  taxpayer  was  listed  as  the  United  States 
agent  for  the  trust.   It  was  also  determined  that  the  taxpayer 
was  listed  as  the  agent  for  the  bank,  which  was  the  sole 
shareholder  of  several  corporations  doing  business  in  the 
United  States  with  which  the  taxpayer  had  formerly  been 
associated.   Because  information  was  received  that  the 
taxpayer  had  unreported  consulting  fees,  as  well  as  unreported 
capital  gain  income,  the  case  was  referred  to  Criminal 
Investigation  for  investigation. 

During  the  investigation,  it  was  determined  that  returns 
had  been  filed  by  all  of  the  corporations  and  trusts,  and 
reflected  the  items  of  income  and  expense  involved.   No 
evidence  was  produced  to  substantiate  the  allegations  of 
unreported  consulting  fees  or  unreported  capital  gain  income. 
However,  since  the  taxpayer  refused  to  cooperate,  and  because 
of  commercial  secrecy  laws  in  the  Bahamas,  no  information 
could  be  obtained  concerning  the  trusts  or  the  corporations 
and  their  relationship  to  the  taxpayer.   In  addition,  no 
financial  records  of  any  of  these  organizations  could  be 
examined  to  determine  if  unreported  income  of  the  taxpayer 
was  being  diverted  to  these  entities.   Accordingly,  because 
of  the  lack  of  evidence  to  substantiate  allegations  of 
unreported  income,  and  because,  at  most,  the  case  involved  a 
question  of  substance  over  form.  District  Counsel  and  Crim- 
inal Investigation  agreed  that  the  investigation  should  be 

4.   Shelters  -  Commodity  Transactions 

We  have  identified  a  number  of  cases  where  offshore 
entities  or  locations  were  used  to  faciliate  alleged  com- 
modity transactions.   Generally,  these  are  so  called  "tax 
spreads"  which  seek  to  give  the  investor  a  tax  advantage  by 
generating  large  ordinary  losses  in  year  one,  and  then  long- 
term  capital  gain  in  year  two.   The  benefit  to  the  taxpayer 
is  the  difference  between  the  tax  saved  on  the  ordinary  loss 
and  the  tax  paid  on  the  capital  gain.   A  tax  haven  entity  may 
be  used  in  these  schemes  to  conceal  the  fact  that  transactions 
never  take  place,  or  to  conceal  the  promoter's  profit.   Some  of 
these  transactions  were  discussed  in  Chapter  V,  supra. ,  and 
an  option  for  dealing  with  these  schemes  on  a  technical 
basis  is  presented  in  Chapter  VII,  infra. 


5.   Income  Generated  Overseas  Deposited  in  a  Foreign  Bank  Account 

A  taxpayer  who  was  an  employee  of  a  large  United 
States  multinational  tire  and  rubber  manufacturer,  through 
the  use  of  a  nominee  bank  account  in  Switzerland,  was  able 
to  receive  large  amounts  of  kickbacks,  from  sellers  of  raw 
materials  to  his  employer  corporation,  which  were  deposited 
in  the  Swiss  bank  account  and  which  were  not  reported  for 
federal  income  tax  purposes. 

The  taxpayer  approached  a  seller  of  natural  rubber  and 
suggested  that  the  seller  have  one  of  its  subsidiary  companies 
increase  the  sales  price  paid  by  the  employer  company  for 
rubber  purchased  from  the  subsidiary.   The  increased  sales 
price  would  then  be  partially  kicked  back  to  a  subsidiary  of 
the  employer  corporation,  with  the  difference  between  the 
amount  of  first  kickback  and  the  increased  purchase  price 
being  transferred  to  a  Swiss  bank  account. 

In  order  to  avoid  having  the  Swiss  bank  account  traced 
to  him,  the  taxpayer  persuaded  an  officer  of  the  foreign 
selling  corporation  to  set  up  the  bank  account  in  the  officer's 
name.   The  foreign  corporate  official  made  arrangements  with 
the  Swiss  bank  so  that  the  taxpayer  had  full  authority  over 
the  account.   The  initial  deposit  to  this  account  was  $25,000. 

In  addition  to  this  arrangement,  the  taxpayer  also 
arranged  to  have  kickbacks  paid  by  another  corporation  which 
sold  raw  materials  to  his  corporation.   This  second  kickback 
scheme  was  falsely  recorded  on  the  books  and  records  of  the 
selling  corporation.   Records  of  this  corporation  indicated 
that  the  amounts  which  were  kicked  back  represented  consulting 
fees  paid  to  the  first  foreign  corporate  official  mentioned 
above.   Checks  were  made  in  the  name  of  the  foreign  corporate 
offical  and  were  deposited  to  the  Swiss  bank  account  which 
bore  his  name.   Subsequently,  the  taxpayer  or  an  agent  of 
his  withdrew  these  amounts  from  the  Swiss  bank  account.   The 
amount  of  kickbacks  which  were  deposited  and  withdrawn  based 
upon  this  scheme  amounted  to  $220,000. 

The  foreign  corporate  offical  was  unaware  of  this 
scheme  with  the  second  selling  corporation.   In  point  of 
fact,  he  was  not  a  consultant  to  the  selling  corporation  nor 
had  he  received  any  of  the  monies  in  question,  all  of  which 
had  been  withdrawn  for  the  use  of  the  taxpayer.   This  case 
resulted  in  a  successful  criminal  prosecution.   The  taxpayer 
was  sentenced  to  three  years  imprisonment. 


6 .  Slush  Funds 

Most  of  these  cases  were  identified  in  the  mid  1970's. 
They  generally  involved  large  companies  which  were  facili- 
tating the  payment  of  bribes  or  kickbacks  to  persons  in 
foreign  countries,  who  assisted  in  the  sales  of  products  by 
the  U.S.  company.   Usually,  the  slush  fund  money  was  generated 
by  increasing  the  contract  price  and  having  the  excess  paid 
into  a  foreign  account.   In  most  cases  the  funds  used  for 
the  bribes  were  generated  overseas.   Other  cases  involved 
payments  to  sales  agents  in  a  foreign  country,  with  the 
commissions  being  funneled  to  foreign  government  officials. 

Most  of  these  cases  appear  to  have  been  developed  from 
data  provided  by  the  company  to  the  Securities  and  Exchange 
Commission  as  part  of  a  voluntary  disclosure  program.   The 
IRS  initiated  approximately  200  criminal  investigations. 
Only  about  four  of  these  cases  resulted  in  a  conviction  or 
a  plea  of  guilty. 

7.  Use  of  a  Foreign  Entity  To  Step-up  the  Basis  of  U.S. 

A  number  of  cases  have  been  identified  where  a  foreign 
entity  was  apparently  used  by  a  U.S.  taxpayer  to  step-up  his 
basis  in  property  and  thus  obtain  higher  depreciation 
deductions  on  his  U.S.  tax  return.   In  one  case,  a  shelter 
promoter  allegedly  established  a  Cayman  Islands  company. 
The  promoter  then  purchased  slum  property  and  sold  it  to  the 
Cayman  entity  at  a  low  price.   The  Cayman  entity  sold  the 
property  to  a  U.S.  limited  partnership  at  a  greatly  inflated 
price  in  exchange  for  cash  and  notes.   The  limited  partner- 
ship then  marketed  interests  in  the  slum  property. 

8 .  Repatriation  of  Funds 

One  problem  that  the  tax  evader  faces  is  obtaining  the 
use  of  funds  which  he  has  failed  to  report  as  income. 
Various  schemes  are  resorted  to  so  that  the  taxpayer  can 
justify  his  use  of  the  funds. 

In  one  case,  agents  of  an  alleged  narcotics  dealer 
placed  $2.5  million  in  the  Panamanian  account  of  a  Panamanian 
corporation.   The  Panamanian  company  had  a  U.S.  subsidiary 
which  it  capitalized  by  cash  contributions.   The  U.S.  company 
had  made  major  investments  in  the  U.S.   The  taxpayer  was  a 
salaried  employee  of  the  U.S.  company. 


Perhaps  the  most  common  form  of  repatriation  of  evasion 
money  is  a  loan  from  a  foreign  entity  to  the  taxpayer.   In 
one  case  IRS  was  able  to  track  deposits  into  a  Canadian 
bank  which  had  a  branch  in  the  Cayman  Islands.   The  loans 
were  fully  documented,  but  the  authenticity  of  the  documentation 
was  questionable.   There  was  no  proof  which  would  be  admissible 
in  court  of  the  connection  between  the  Cayman  deposits  and 
the  Canadian  loans.   Without  evidence  from  the  Cayman  Islands, 
we  cannot  refute  the  authenticity  of  the  loans.   In  another 
case,  the  taxpayer's  lawyer  told  the  IRS  agent  that  any  net 
worth  figures  that  they  developed  could  be  explained  through 
fully  documented  loans.   The  agent  was  told  that  the  loan 
papers  would  be  produced  when  the  allegations  were  made. 

Another  pattern  is  for  a  tax  haven  entity  to  make  payments 
to  third  parties  on  behalf  of  the  taxpayer.   Still  another 
method  of  using  the  funds  is  to  make  indirect  payments  for 
the  benefit  of  children  or  relatives  of  the  taxpayer.   This 
is  often  done  through  a  trust  disbursing  the  funds.   In  one 
case  a  closely  held  U.S.  company  owned  a  valuable  asset. 
The  asset  was  sold  to  a  Cayman  Island  trust  which  had  as  its 
beneficiary  the  children  of  the  shareholders  of  the  U.S. 
company.   The  corporation  then  licensed  the  asset  back  from 
the  trust  and  paid  substantial  license  fees  to  the  trust. 
It  was  alleged  by  the  taxpayer  that  an  unrelted  party  controlled 
the  trust.   This  could  not  be  refuted  because  of  the  unavailability 
of  witnesses  and  records  from  the  Cayman  Islands. 

D.   Informants  and  Undercover  Operations 

Informants  are  a  useful  means  of  developing  leads  in 
havens.   Often,  they  are  the  only  vehicle  with  which  to 
breach  the  wall  of  secrecy.   Even  if  an  informant  cannot 
supply  documentary  evidence,  leads  developed  from  information 
supplied  by  an  informant  may  often  provide  the  missing 
pieces  in  an  investigation.   In  the  case  of  a  narcotics 
related  investigation  or  an  organized  crime  case,  an  informant 
may  be  the  only  lead  with  which  to  develop  a  case  worthy  of 

IRS  special  agents  are  advised  that  informants  are 
often  necessary  in  order  to  complete  an  investigation  and 
acquire  .essential  evidence.   This  can  include  "undercover 
work".—   Since  1977  CID  has  held  regional  and  district 

7/   See  IRM  9372.1. 


seminars  on  developing,  handling,  and  paying  informants.   In 
order  to  place  new  emphasis  on  the  need  to  develop  informants, 
CID  has  prepared  a  new  film  which,  after  some  testing,  will 
be  disseminated  nationally.   This  film  presents  the  latest 
techniques  for  identifying  informants,  extracting  information 
from  them,  controlling  informants,  and  making  payments  to 
informants.   It  also  highlights  the  pitfalls  which  must  be 
watched  for  in  dealing  with  informants. 

The  IRS  is  authorized  to  pay  rewards  for  information 
leading  to  the  detection  and  punishment  of  any  person  guilty 
of  violating  the  tax  law.-   The  payments  are  generally 
limited  to  10  percent  of  the  additional  taxo^penalties,  and 
fines  collected  because  of  the  information.— 

In  addition,  the  IRS  can  pay  informants  for  specific 
information  or  to  lay  the-qroundwork  for  the  later  pro- 
curement of  information. — '   The  instructions  to  the  special 
agents  also  provide  for  "confidential  expenditures"  for  the 
purchasing  of  information. — '    They  also  make  clear  that  it 
is  the  policy  of  the  IRS  to  maintain  the  confidentiality  of 
the  identity  of  informants  and  that  superiors,  while  they 
have  a  right  to  know  who  an  informant  is,  will  generally  not  ,„  , 
inquire  as  to  his  identity  unless  the  knowledge  is  necessary. — ' 

Since  1977  the  IRS  has  developed  an  increased  number  of 
cases  by  the  use  of  informants.   The  number  of  cases  initiated 
because  of  information  furnished  by  informants  has  grown 
from  25  in  1977  to  72  in  1979,  and  the  number  of  cases 
opened  because  of  information  supplied  by  informants  has 
grown  from  64  in  1977  to  187  in  1979.   Because  of  procedures 
developed  to  protect  the  identity  of  informants,  the  extent 
of  the  use  of  informants  to  investigate  offshore  cases 
cannot  be  disclosed.   However,  there  are  no  restrictions  on 

8/  §  7623. 

9/  Treas.  Reg.  §301.7623-1  (c). 

10/  See  IRM  9772. 

n/  See  IRM  93  72.2. 

12/  IRM  9373.1. 


the  development  of  offshore  informants,  at  least  if  they  are 
controlled  in  the  U.S.   In  fact,  the  recent  training  film 
dealing  with  developing  informants,  while  not  specifically 
discussing  developing  offshore  informants,  does  use  as  a 
example  a  case  involving  laundering  of  money  through  an 
offshore  jurisdiction. 

The  IRS  has  also  been  involved  in  undercover  operations, 
both  alone  and  in  conjunction  with  other  agencies.   Where 
necessary,  the  IRS  has  made  funds  available  to  use  in  those 

In  one  case  reported  in  the  Dallas  Morning  News,  Miami 
Herald,  and  the  Cayman  Compus,  the  IRS  cooperated  with  the 
Drug  Enforcement  Administration  (DEA)  in  laundering  $50,000 
of  IRS  money  through  a  Cayman  Island  bank.   According  to  the 
press  reports,  DEA  agents  posed  as  drug  dealers  and  approached 
a  Dallas  businessman  who  told  them  that  he  could  supply  them 
with  cocaine  and  hashish  and  could  advise  them  of  a  "fool 
proof  scheme  to  legitimize  the  illegal  profits  and  make  them 
tax  exempt  at  the  same  time".   The  businessman  introduced 
the  agents  to  a  Dallas  attorney  who  formed  a  U.S.  company 
for  them,  took  them  to  the  Cayman  Islands  to  a  phony  loan 
company,  deposited  their  $50,000  in  a  bank  and  then  withdrew 
$46,222,  keeping  a  six  percent  service  charge  and  a  small 
Cayman  Islands  tax.   A  check  in  the  amount  of  $46,222  was 
drawn  on  the  phony  loan  company  and  made  payable  to  the 
U.S.  company.   The  attorney  then  brought  the  check  back  into 
the  united  States.   Once  back  in  the  United  States,  according 
to  the  newspapers,  the  attorney  made  out  phony  records  to 
show  that  the  amount  of  the  check  was  a  loan  to  the  U.S. 
company  from  the  Cayman  company  at  six  percent  interest. 
According  to  the  paper,  the  undercover  agents  were  told  to 
pay  themselves  liberal  salaries,  expense  reimbursements,  and 
annual  bonuses,  and  to  drive  company  owned  cars  and  deduct 
the  loan  interest  from  their  federal  income  taxes. 

The  DEA  and  IRS  agents  then  followed  the  businessman  to 
Miami  where  he  was  eventually  arrested  and  "charged  with 
smuggling  currency  and  with  possession  of  cocaine  with 
intent  to  distribute."   The  attorney  was  also  arrested  and 
charged  with  smuggling  currency  out  of  the  country.   According 
to  an  article  which  appeared  on  December  20,  1977,  in  the 
Cayman  Compus  the  phony  loan  company  was  under  the  manage- 
ment of  a  Cayman  company. 


E.   Analysis 

The  IRS  and  the  Department  of  Justice  encounter  sig- 
nificant problems  when  trying  to  investigate  or  prosecute 
cases  involving  tax  haven  transactions. 

It  is  difficult,  if  not  impossible,  to  obtain  admissible 
evidence  connecting  the  U.S.  taxpayer  with  an  income  item  in 
such  cases.   For  example,  in  the  Canadian  loan  case  described 
above,  there  is  circumstantial  evidence  which  might  tie  the 
taxpayer  to  the  money.   However,  there  is  no  admissible 
evidence  directly  tying  the  taxpayer  to  the  funds.   Often, 
ownership  of  an  entity  cannot  be  proven.   For  example,  in  a 
number  of  the  schemes  described  above,  there  are  transactions 
which  go  through  an  offshore  entity  which  appears  to  be  • 

accumulating  a  significant  amount  of  money.   While  the  money  J 

may  accumulate  for  the  benefit  of  a  U.S.    person  or  be  used  ' 

by  him  in  some  way,  there  is  no  available  evidence  to  connect  j 

him  with  ownership  of  the  entity.   General  information  j 

gathering  problems  and  options  for  dealing  with  them  are 

discussed  in  Chapter  IX.  J 


There  are  also  administrative  problems.   The  level  of  j 

coordination  of  offshore  cases  is  unclear.   In  at  least  one  \ 

case,  promoters  of  a  scheme  were  being  independently  investi-  J 

gated  in  two  separate  districts.   Problems  of  coordination  j 

are  discussed  in  Chapter  X.  < 


Another  problem  is  the  identification  of  cases  for  \ 
investigation.   Many  offshore  cases  are  technically  difficult 
from  a  legal  perspective,  and  the  facts  are  difficult  to             '  .     J 

sort  out.   A  number  of  cases  which  were  thoroughly  investi-  ' 

gated,  after  the  expenditure  of  signficant  time  and  money,  ^ 
turned  out  to  involve  lawful  business  arrangements,  although              '  i 

legal  issues  such  as  pricing  or  allocation  of  expenses  may  \ 

be  present.   This  problem,  and  the  possibility  of  providing  i 

legal  assistance  to  the  agents  during  the  course  of  an  4 
investigation,  are  addressed  in  Chapter  X. 

Options  are  presented  in  Chapter  VII  for  technical  changes, 
both  administrative  and  legislative,  which  might  help  ration- 
alize the  taxation  of  tax  haven  transactions  and  accordingly 
might  limit  some  fraudulent  use. 


VII.   Options  for  Change  in  Substantive  Rules 

Many  of  the  transactions  described  in  Chapter  V  are 
perfectly  legitimate  and  reflect  Congressional  policies  as  to 
Uhited  States  taxing  jurisdiction.   In  many  cases,  decisions 
to  change  those  policies  should  not  be  made  without  thorough 
economic  analysis;  such  analysis  is  beyond  the  scope  of  this 
report.   Nevertheless,  there  are  both  administrative  and 
legislative  changes  which  can  be  made  which  might  help  to 
curtail  some  of  the  tax  haven  use  and  ease  the  government's 
administrative  burdens  in  this  area.   Options  dealing  with 
tax  haven  income  tax  treaties,  with  information  gathering 
problems,  and  with  internal  IRS  structure  are  dealt  with  in 
Chapters  VIII,  IX  and  X,  respectively. 

The  transactions  described  in  Chapter  VI  are  fraudulent, 
and,  in  general,  will  not  be  prevented  by  changes  in  substantial 
rules.   However,  better  administrative  efforts  and  more  rational 
tax  rules  might  discourage  some  fraudulent  use,  and  might  make 
fraudulent  use  easier  to  detect. 

A.   Options  Which  Can  be  Accomplished  Administratively 

While  it  may  be  advisable  to  make  some  legislative 
changes,  decisions  to  change  the  Code  should  be  made  only 
after  thorough  analysis.   Additional  rules  generally  bring 
more  complexity,  and  may  make  the  process  more  difficult 
for  both  taxpayers  and  tax  administrators.   The  options 
discussed  below  could  be  pursued  without  changes  in  legislation. 

1.   Burden  of  Proof 

Many  of  the  cases  described  above  involve  a  U.S.  person 
taking  a  deduction  for  an  amount  paid  to  a  tax  haven  (e.g.  , 
shelter  transactions).   Agents  often  spend  significant  time 
attempting  to  determine  whether  the  taxpayer  has  in  fact 
incurred  an  expense,  or  whether  an  offshore  piece  of  property 
is  correctly  valued.   The  same  problem  occurs  in  pricing 
cases  where  taxpayers  fail  to  establish  that  the  price  which 
they  charge  is  the  proper  price,  or  with  allocation  of 
deduction  issues  where  foreign  taxpayers  refuse  to  produce  home 
office  books  adequate  to  establish  the  proper  allocation  of 
home  office  expenses  to  the  U.S. 

The  burden  of  proof  to  establish  the  tax  consequences 
of  a  transaction  is  on  the  taxpayer.   IRS  agents  should  be 
given  clear  direction  that  they  should  deny  deductions  where 
a  taxpayer  has  not  established  entitlement  to  the  deduction, 
or  where  valuations  or  proper  pricing  have  not  been  established. 
A  series  of  rulings  advising  taxpayers  that  the  IRS  will 
take  this  position  should  be  published.   An  initial  step  in 
this  direction  was  taken  in  Rev.  Rul.  80-324.— 

1/   1980-48  I.R.B.  20. 


2.   Section  482  Regulations 

Consideration  should  be  given  to  establishing  a  regu- 
lations project  to  analyze  the  §482  regulations,  with  a  view 
toward  amending  them  to  ease  some  of  the  administrative 
burdens  placed  on  taxpayers  and  the  IRS,  and  to  achieve 
greater  certainty  in  pricing  international  transactions. 

Section  482  is  one  of  the  most  important  provisions 
available  to  the  IRS  to  deal  with  tax  haven  transactions. 
The  regulations  take  the  position  that  transactions  between 
related  parties  are  to  be  conducted  at  arm's  length.   If 
they  are  not,  and  taxable  incomes  are  thereby  understated, 

the  IRS  can  make  allocations  to  determine  the2t.rue  taxable  , 

income  of  each  member  of  an  affiliated  group.—   The  regulations  ' 

set  forth  rules  for  determining  taxable  income  in  five  • 

specific  situations.—   In  each,  the  method  to  be  used  is  a  j 

price  which  would  have  been  charged  an  unrelated  person.   In 
a  transaction  involving  a  sale  of  goods,  for  example,  this 
is  referred  to  as  the  "comparable  uncontrolled  price".— 

Taxpayers  and  IRS  agents  have  had  difficulty  in  dealing  | 

with  the  §482  regulations,  in  part  because  of  the  dependence  } 

upon  comparable  uncontrolled  prices,  which  often  are  difficult  i 

to  find,  and  in  part  because  of  the  subjective  judgments  * 

which  need  to  be  made.   Some  believe  that  in  a  number  of  I 

cases  IRS  agents  disregard  the  ordering  rules  in  the  regula-  ' 

tions  for  determining  the  method  to  be  used,  and  instead  go  ) 

to  some  more  general  method  sooner  than  they  should.—   The  ) 
Internal  Revenue  Manual  directs  the  agents  to  perform  a 

"functional  analysis"  to  determine  the  relative  values  of  , 

the  respective  functions  performed  by  the  two  related  entities  ! 

involved  in  a  transaction.—  j 

2/      Treas.  Reg.  §1.482-2  (e)  (2). 

3/     Treas.  Reg.  §1.482-2. 

4/  Treas.  Reg.  §1.482-2  (e)  (2). 

5/      See,  J.  Burns,  "How  IRS  Applies  the  Inter-Company 
Pricing  Rules  of  Section  482:   A  Corporate  Survey", 
52  J.  of  Tax.  308  (May  1980). 

6/   IRM  4233,  Text  623. 


The  inconsistency  between  the  two  approaches,  and  the 
problems  caused  both  taxpayers  and  the  IRS,  can  be  seen  by 
contrasting  the  approach  taken  by  the  courts  in  the  Du  Pont 


approach  taken  by  the  courts  in 
U.S.  Steel  case.—   In  Du  Pont  tl 

case— ^  and  the  U.S.  Steel  case.—    In  Du  Pont  the  court 
seemed  to  be  saying  that  the  IRS  failure  to  use  a  pricing 
approach  set  forth  in  the  regulations  was  permissible,  but 
the  taxpayer  was  obligated  to  prove  its  case  under  the 
regulations.-/   In  U.S.  Steel  the  court  seemed  to  be  saying 
that  the  regulations  as  drafted  required  the  IRS  to  use 
comparables, when  they  exist,  even  if  they  are  not  precisely 
comparable. — ^   These  cases,  and  the  cited  articles,  point 
out  significant  problems  which  deserve  attention.   In  both 
cases,  tax  havens  were  involved. 

While  the  §482  provisions  are  extremely  important 
in  dealing  with  tax  haven  problems,  and  while  the  cases 
cited  above  involved  tax  havens,  it  is  beyond  the  scope  of 
this  report  to  recommend  particular  solutions,  because  these 
regulations  present  major  issues  involving  all  international 
transactions,  most  of  which  occur  with  countries  which  are 
not  tax  havens.   Instead,  a  major  study  should  be  undertaken 
to  identify  problems  and  recommend  solutions.   Any  such 
study  should  involve  the  outside  business  community,  which 
will  be  greatly  affected  by  changes  in  the  §482  regulations. 
The  General  Accounting  Office  has  completed  a  study  of  the 
administration  of  §482;  its  report  should  be  published  in 
early  1981.   Also,  the  IRS  National  Office  Examination 
Division  is  in  the  midst  of  a  two  year  study  of  the  adminis- 
tration of  §482.   In  any  event,  the  issues  need  to  be  debated 
and  resolved. 

2/        E.I.  Du  Pont  de  Nemours  and  Company,  608  F.  2nd  44  5 
(Ct.  Cls.  1979). 

^/    Uiited  States  Steel  Corp.  v.  Commissioner,  617  F.2d 
942  (2nd  Cir.  1980). 

9/  See,  Fuller,  "Problems  in  Applying  the  §482  Inter- 
Company  Pricing  Regulations,  Accentuated  by  Dupont 
Case",  52  J.  of  Tax.  10  (January,  1980). 

10/   See,  Decelles  and  Raedel,  "Use  of  Comparability 
Test  in  Inter-Company  Pricing  Strengthed  by  U.S. 
Steel  Case",  52  J.  of  Tax.  102  (August,  1980). 


In  the  course  of  any  such  study  certain  approaches 
might  be  considered.  iFqc  example,  a  profit  splitting  approach 
has  been  recommended. — '       under  this  approach  the  IRS  would 
look  to  functions  performed  by  each  of  the  related  entities 
involved  in  a  transaction  and  would  attempt  to  split  the 
profits  between  them.   In  effect,  this  was  in  part  the 
approach  which  the  court  in  the  Du  Pont  case  seemed  to  accept. 
Whether  such  an  approach  is  feasible,  and  if  so,  whether  it 
should  be  an  alternative  to  an  arm's  length  standard  or 
should  be  applied  only  if  an  arm's  length  price  cannot  be 
found  is  something  that  needs  to  be  considered.   A  disadvantage 
to  this  approach  is  the  need  to  make  subjective  judgements 
and  to  apply  significant  audit  time  in  performing  a  functional 
analysis.   The  IRS  has  particular  problems  today  doing  this, 
especially  where  a  taxpayer  refuses  to  cooperate.  ; 


In  addition,  some  commentators  suggesting  a  profit  | 

splitting  approach  assume  that  intercompany  pricing  really  J 
involves  which  country  gets  to  tax  which  portion  of  the 

profits  from  a  transaction,  and  that  accordingly  profit  • 

splitting  is  the  issue.   Where  a  tax  haven  is  involved,  \ 

however,  this  may  not  be  the  case,  instead  the  issue  may  be  J 

whether  the  profits  are  taxed  at  all.   It  may  be  decided  I 

that  a  profit  splitting  approach  is  not  adequate  where  a  tax  j 

haven  is  involved  and  that  special  rules  should  apply  to  tax  \ 

haven  transactions.  i 

Another  problem  with  adopting  new  §482  rules  which  | 

depart  radically  from  the  present  rules  is  that  the  OECD  has  j 

recently  published  a  report  which  describes  generally  accepted  ' 

practices  to  determine  transfer  prices. — '       The  practices  • 

set  forth  are  very  similiar  to  the  present  §482  regulations.  \ 

The  hope  was  that  the  report  would  encourage  geater  uniformity  ) 

among  OECD  countries  in  transfer  pricing,  and  accordingly  ] 

would  reduce  conflicts.   Changes  in  the  regulations  would  i 

retard  this  process.  3 

Another  approach  is  a  unitary  or  formula  system,  which 
is  used  by  a  few  of  the  states.   However,  such  a  system  would 
completely  violate  the  separate  accounting  concept  under 
which  many  multinational  companies  operate.   It  is  contrary 
to  the  way  most  other  OECD  countries  approach  transfer 
pricing,  and  contrary  to  the  taxation  by  the  U.S.  of  other 
transfer  payments  such  as  those  imposed  on  fixed  or  determinable 

11/   See,  for  example.  Fuller,  supra  at  11. 

12/  OECD,  Transfer  Pricing  and  Multinational  Enterprises, 
Re por t  of  the  OECD  Committee  on  Fiscal  Affairs  (1979) 


A  sense  has  developed  that  foreign  multinational 
coinpanies  are  competing  against  U.S.  businesses  in  the  U.S. 
and  using  tax  havens  to  do  this.   They  are  often  at  a  competitive 
advantage  because  the  §482  regulations  were  not  drafted  with 
foreign  investors  in  mind.   We  have  seen  cases  where  it  is 
even  unclear  that  a  U.S.  company  owned  by  a  foreign  person 
is  dealing  with  a  related  party  in  a  tax  haven,  because  it 
is  often  difficult  to  develop  the  facts  to  indicate  affiliation. 

Obviously,  if  a  decision  is  made  to  revise  the  §482 
regulations,  the  goal  would  be  to  develop  workable  rules 
which  would  enable  a  true  and  accurate  allocation  of  income 
to  be  made. 

Problems  with  income  from  the  performance  of  services 
might  also  be  dealt  with  through  changes  in  the  §482  regu- 
lations, even  if  a  complete  revision  were  not  undertaken. 
Many  of  the  service  income  cases  involve  a  potential  §482 
adjustment,  but  the  subjective  judgments  which  must  be  made 
under  the  regulations  are  difficult  and  time  consuming.   Also, 
the  treatment  of  the  transfer  of  intangibles  in  the  service 
business  context  is  not  clearly  addressed. 

It  may  well  be  that  the  service  income  situation  can  be 
best  remedied  by  statutory  enactment.   However,  in  addition 
to,  or  as  an  alternative  to,  legislative  changes,  a  regulations 
project  could  be  established  to  determine  whether  the  §482 
regulations  could  be  revised  to  develop  clearer  standards, 
particularly  for  allocating  income  attributable  to  "know 
how"  and  other  intangibles  used  by  a  tax  haven  subsidiary 
performing  services  abroad. 

3.   Subpart  F  Regulations 

The  subpart  F  regulations  should  be  reviewed  with  a 
view  toward  eliminating,  where  possible,  the  need  for  subjective 
judgments.   The  subpart  F  regulations,  as  in  the  case  of  the 
§482  regulations,  often  require  that  subjective  judgments  be 
made  to  determine  whether  a  transaction  falls  v;ithin  the 
ambit  of  subpart  F.   This  is  particularly  true  of  the  regulations 
which  interpret  the  foreign  base  company  service  income 
provisions.   For  example,  the  regulations  require  that  in 
order  for  foreiqn  base  company  service  income  to  be  generated, 
substantial  assistance  contributing  to  performance  of  services 
by  a  controlled  foreign  corporation  must  be  furnished  by  a 
related  person  or  persons.   The  determination  of  whether 
substantial  assistance  is  furnished  is  based  on  a  mathematical 
formula,  or  on  a  facts  and  circumstances  test.   The  facts 
and  circumstances  test,  which  it  appears  that  revenue  agents 
most  often  have  to  rely  on,  is  unclear,  and  few  guidelines 
are  given  in  the  regulations.   It  would  be  useful  to  at 
least  provide  additional  guidelines  as  to  when  substantial 
assistance  is  deemed  to  occur. 


4.  Application  of  §269  and  the  Accumulated  Earnings  Tax 

The  IRS  should  determine  the  extent  to  which  §269  and 
the  accumulated  earnings  tax  can  be  applied  to  tax  haven 
transactions,  and  should  publish  a  series  of  rulings  showing 
cases  in  which  §269  or  the  accumulated  earnings  tax  will  be 
applied  to  tax  haven  transactions. 

The  foreign  taxation  area  is  extremely  difficult  to 
administer.  The  audit  of  some  of  the  more  abusive  transactions, 
or  transactions  which  threaten  the  U.S.  tax  base,  might 
require  that  a  new  approach  be  tried.   One  of  these  would  be 
to  apply  §269  more  vigorously.   The  extent  to  which  §269 
would  apply  in  the  foreign  area  has  not  been  adequately 

explored.   For  example,  in  Chapter  V  there  is  described  a  » 

promotion  involving  an  offshore  commodity  company  which  has  • 

an  offshore  parent,  the  stock  of  which  is  owned  by  U.S.  i 

persons.   The  subsidiary  distributes  its  earnings  to  its  j 

parent  in  order  to  avoid  the  accumulated  earnings  tax.   This  j 

transaction  might  be  attacked  by  applying  §269  to  disregard  , 

the  subsidiary.   Then,  unless  the  parent  distributed  its  ' 

income  to  its  shareholders,  the  accumulated  earnings  tax  I 

would  apply  to  the  U.S.  source  income  of  the  parent.   Other  ) 

instances  abound  where  these  provisions  might  be  applied.  } 

Arguably,  both  provisions  are  ideally  suited  to  deal  j 

with  tax  haven  transactions.   Section  269  on  its  face  is  . 

intended  to  apply  where  the  principal  purpose  of  an  acquisi-  I 

tion  is  avoidance  of  U.S.  tax.   By  definition,  tax  haven  I 

entities  are  often  formed  for  just  such  a  purpose.  « 


5.  Review  Rev.  Rul.  54-140  ) 

11/  1 

Revenue  Ruling  54-140— ^  held,  in  effect,  that  a  distri-  ' 

bution  of  stock  in  a  subsidiary  corporation  v/as  a  dividend,  ] 

and  established  a  brother-sister  relationship  between  the  « 

two  corporations.   This  result  has  been  applied  in  the  case 

of  pairing  of  stock  in  Rev.  Rul.  80-213. — '   Accordingly, 

abusive  decontrol  of  foreign  corporations  can  take  place.   (See 

discussion  at  chapter  V. D.  re  "paired"  or  "stapled"  stock.) 

— /    1954-1  C.B.  116. 
— /    1980-28  I.R.B.  7. 


The  IRS  should  reevaluate  its  position  in  Rev.  Rul.  54- 
116.   Although  the  IRS  has  stated  its  position,  the  cases 
are  not  clear— ^,  and  the  result  of  the  ruling  in  the 
foreign  area  has  been  some  avoidance  of  U.S.  anti-abuse 

6.  Revocation  of  Acquiescence  in  CCA,  Inc. 

The  IRS  should  consider  revoking  its  acquiescence  in 
CCA,  Inc.  V.  Commissioner — ,    in  which  the  Tax  Court  held 
that  a  foreign  corporation,  fifty  percent  of  the  voting 
rights  of  which  were  held  by  U.S.  shareholders  and  fifty 
percent  of  the  voting  rights  of  which  were  held  by  non-U.S. 
shareholders,  was  not  a  controlled  foreign  corporation.   It 
is  questionable  whether  the  powers  held  by  the  foreign 
persons  in  this  case  were  significantly  different  than  the 
powers  of  the  foreign  shareholders  in  the  cases  that  the  IRS 
won  in  this  area.   Considering  the  potential  for  abuse,  the 
acquiescence  should  be  revoked. 

7.  Captive    Insurance   Companies 

The  IRS  has  published  a  ruling  and  won  a  Tax  Court  case 
on  this  issue.   Nevertheless,  there  is  significant  activity. 
Taxpayers  are  attempting  to  have  their  captives  write  small 
amounts  of  unrelated  risk  to  avoid  "captive"  status. 

The  IRS  might  consider  publishing  a  ruling  stating  that 
a  captive  can  be  fragmented  for  purposes  of  determining 
whether  premiums  are  deductible.   Under  this  approach,  there 
would  be  no  shifting  or  spreading  of  risk,  and  hence  premiums 
would  not  be  deductible,  if  the  premiums  paid  to  the  captive 
by  affiliates  exceeded  a  certain  percentage  of  gross  premiums 
received  by  the  captive  during  a  year. 

8.  Income  of  Foreign  Banks 

As  described  in  Chapter  V,  foreign  banks  doing  business 
in  the  U.S.  can  avoid  U.S.  tax  by  booking  loans  at  a  tax 
haven  branch. 

— /   See  DeCoppet  v.  Helvering,  108  F.  2d  787  (2d  Cir. 

1940),  Wilkinson  v.  Commissioner,  29  T.C.  421  (1957), 
nonacq.  1960-1  C.B.  7.  Cf.  Spreckels-Rosekrans  Investment 
Co.  V.  Lewis,  146  F.  2d  982  (9th  Cir.  1945). 

— /   64  T.C.  137  (1975),  acq.  1976-2  C.B.  1. 


The  problem  can  be  viewed  as  a  regulatory  problem,  as 
a  treaty  problem,  or  as  an  audit  problem.   The  regulations 
could  be  amended  to  provide  that  income  from  a  loan  negotiated 
in  the  U.S.  will  be  effectively  connected  regardless  of 
where  booked.   In  the  alternative,  the  Code  could  be  amended 
to  give  the  taxpayer  an  irrevocable  election  to  treat  the 
income  as  effectively  connected  or  not.   If  the  taxpayer 
treats  the  income  as  not  effectively  connected  with  a  U.S. 
business,  it  would  also  have  to  waive  any  treaty  benefit 
otherwise  applicable  to  the  interest  payment.   The  audit 
problem  is  one  of  access  to  books  and  records.   This  could 
in  part  be  solved  by  restructuring  transactions  in  cases  where 
taxpayers  do  not  supply  the  necessary  records,  and  putting 
the  banks  to  their  burden  of  proof. 


B.   Options  Requiring  Legislation  | 


The  study  has  shown  a  significant  and  growing  level  of 
tax  haven  use.   Transactions  which  are  attempts  to  evade 
U.S.  taxes,  including  transactions  to  hide  narcotics  earnings, 

appear  to  be  important  elements,  although  legal  use  is  i 

probably  much  greater.   The  legal  use,  particularly  use  by  [ 

multinational  corporations,  includes  many  transactions  which  | 

involve  drains  on  what  would  otherwise  be  U.S.  source  income.  ■ 

The  IRS  has  great  difficulty  in  administering  the  current  ( 

rules.   The  levels  of  use  and  the  potential  for  eroding  the  I 

U.S.  tax  base,  as  well  as  the  administrative  problems  caused  , 

by  current  law,  are  significant  enough  to  warrant  considera-  i 
tion  of  changes  in  the  way  in  which  the  U.S.  taxes  tax  haven 

income.  ' 


1.   Expansion  of  Subpart  F  to  Target  it  on  Tax  Haven  Entities  { 

Subpart  F  could  be  amended  by  adding  a  provision  which  1 

would  tax  all  of  the  tax  haven  income  of  a  controlled  foreign  . 

corporation.   This  could  be  accomplished  by  providing  that  3 

subpart  F  income  would  include  the  income  of  a  controlled  J 

foreign  corporation  formed  in  a  tax  haven,  resident  in  a  tax 
haven,  or  managed  and  controlled  in  a  tax  haven.   In  the 
alternative,  the  provision  could  be  drafted  to  treat  as 
subpart  F  income  that  income  of  a  controlled  foreign  corporation 
which  is  not  taxed  above  some  minimal  level  by  the  country 
where  the  corporation  is  formed. 

The  addition  of  a  targeted  approach  would  be  an  improve- 
ment over  the  present  system  from  an  administrative  point  of 
view.   It  would  provide  a  clearer  focus  than  the  current 
lav/  and  would  eliminate  many  of  difficult  technical  issues 
encountered  in  tax  haven  transactions,  and  accordingly  might 
discourage  some  abusive  tax  haven  use. 


A  targeted  approach  would  require  that  the  term  "tax 
haven"  be  defined.   The  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  could  be 
authorized  to  designate  the  countries  considered  tax  havens. 
In  general,  a  tax  haven  might  be  defined  as  any  country  in 
which  the  tax  burden  on  all  income  or  on  particular  categories 
of  income  is  substantially  lower  than  the  U.S.  tax  rate  on 
that  income.   Countries  designated  as  tax  havens  would  thus 
include  countries  (1)  with  low  tax  rates  on  all  income;  (2) 
with  low  tax  rates  on  income  from  foreign  sources;  (3)  with 
low  tax  rates  on  income  from  specific  types  of  business;  or 
(4)  which  grant  low  rates  of  taxation  to  companies  engaged 
in  "offshore  business".   A  country  with  a  low  tax  rate  would 
generally  be  one  which  imposes  a  rate  of  tax  which  is  one 
half  or  less  than  one  half  of  the  U.S.  coryorrate  tax  rate. 
While  targeting  jurisdictions  can  present  some  difficult 
problems,  Japan,  France,  and  Australia  have  done  so. 

Some  flexibility  could  be  given  to  the  Secretary  by 
making  the  standards  "guidelines,"  rather  than  fixed  objective 
classification  rules.   Thus,  the  Secretary  could  take  into 
account  such  factors  as  the  existence  of  a  tax  treaty  between 
the  U.S.  and  the  other  country  in  determining  whether  or  not 
to  classify  the  country  as  a  tax  haven.   The  availability  or 
nonavailability  of  commercial  or  bank  information,  however, 
should  not  be  a  factor,  as  this  system  would  focus  more  on 
legal  use  than  on  determinations  as  to  whether  a  country  is 
an  abusive  tax  haven. 

An  exclusion  from  U.S.  taxation  could  be  provided  for 
income  earned  by  a  corporation:   (1)  that  has  a  physical 
facility  in  its  country  of  residence  which  is  necessary  for 
its  business  activities  in  that  country;  (2)  that  is  managed 
and  controlled  locally,  and  which  is  engaged  in  its  principal 
business  activity,  principally  with  unrelated  parties,  in 
the  country  of  residence;  and  (3)  that  does  not  receive 
greater  than  a  fixed  percentage  of  its  gross  revenues  in  the 
form  of  holding  company  type  income  (say  five  percent). 

While  this  option  could  subject  some  high  taxed  non-tax 
haven  income  to  U.S.  tax,  a  foreign  tax  credit  would  be 
available  to  offset  any  U.S.  tax  imposed  on  that  income. 

This  option  does  not  address  the  so  called  "runaway 
plants",  which  are  manufacturing  operations  established  by 
U.S.  companies  in  countries  offering  tax  incentives  to 
attract  labor  intensive  investment.   Those  cases  present 
issues  not  addressed  by  this  report. 


As  an  alternative  to  amending  subpart  F  to  add  a  new 
category  of  subpart  F  income  as  described  above,  subpart  F 
could  be  changed  by  narrowing  its  scope  so  that  it  would  be 
targeted  exclusively  on  tax  havens.   A  problem  with  this 
approach  is  that  non-tax  havens  can,  at  times,  be  used  in 
ways  similar  to  tax  havens.   Thus,  it  might  be  wiser  to 
expand  subpart  F  rather  than  simply  to  replace  it  with  a 
narrower  provision. 

If  a  decision  is  made  to  target  subpart  F,  the  issue 
must  be  addressed  of  whether  to  permit  taxes  paid  high  tax 
countries  to  offset  U.S.  tax  on  tax  haven  income.   Under 
present  rules,  the  foreign  tax  credit  limitation  prevents 
U.S.  taxpayers  from  crediting  foreign  taxes  against  U.S. 

taxes  imposed  on  U.S.  source  income.   The  limitation  is  i 

generally  computed  on  an  overall  worldwide  basis,  with  I 

separate  "baskets",  however,  for  certain  kinds  of  income,  I 

including  oil-related  income  and  certain  interest  income. 
Excess  credits  from  one  country  can  be  used  to  offset  U.S. 
tax  imposed  on  income  from  another  country.   At  times, 

taxpayers  attempt  to  convert  U.S.  source  income  to  subpart  F  ' 

income  (which  changes  its  source  to  foreign)  in  order  to  i 

absorb  excess  tax  credits.   This  leaves  some  continued  j 

incentive  to  use  tax  havens.   If  subpart  F  is  amended  to  j 

include  a  provision  targeted  at  tax  havens,  without  any  [ 

change  in  the  foreign  tax  credit  limitation,  the  same  j 

planning  opportunities  would  be  available.  i 

One  alternative  is  to  adopt  a  per-country  limitation  on  . 

the  foreign  tax  credit,  under  which  taxes  paid  to  each 

country  are  in  separate  baskets.   This  method  has  been  used  ] 

before,  and  at  one  time  was  an  optional  alternative  to  the  ' 

overall  limitation.   It  is,  however,  difficult  to  administer.  ' 

Transfer  pricing  and  allocation  of  deductions  between  all  j 

foreign  affiliates,  not  only  between  the  U.S.  and  foreign  j 

affiliates,  would  have  to  be  scrutinized.  i 


An  alternative  would  be  to  create  two  baskets  for 
foreign  taxes,  a  high  tax  basket  and  a  low  tax  basket. 
Taxes  paid  to  all  high  tax  countries  would  be  averaged 
together,  and  taxes  paid  to  all  low  tax  countries  would  be 
averaged  together.   Therefore,  the  excess  credits  from  high 
tax  countries  would  not  offset  U.S.  tax  on  tax  haven  income. 
While  some  administrative  problems  would  exist  because  of 
the  need  to  allocate  income  and  deductions  between  the  two 
baskets,  the  problems  would  be  fewer  than  those  involved 
with  a  per-country  limitation. 


2.   Adoption  of  a  Management  and  Control  Test  for  Asserting 
united  States  Taxing  Jurisdiction  Over  Foreign  Corporations 

Consideration  should  be  given  to  expanding  U.S.  taxing 
jurisdiction  over  corporations  to  include  foreign  corporations 
which  are  managed  and  controlled  in  the  United  States. 
Today,  the  United  States  asserts  worldwide  taxing  jurisdiction 
over  a  domestic  corporation,  which  is  defined  as  a  corporation 
created  or  organized  in  the  United  States. — '       A  foreign 
corporation  is  taxed  only  on  its  U.S.  source  income  and 
foreign  source  income  which  is  effectively  connected  with  a 
U.S.  business. 

Often,  tax  haven  corporations  conduct  substantial 
business  overseas  but  are  in  reality  managed  in  the  United 
States.   That  is,  all  significant  policy  decisions,  as  well 
as  some  day-to-day  management  decisions,  are  made  by  employees 
of  the  U.S. parent  corporation.   Significant  administrative 
support  may  also  be  provided.   In  some  cases,  the  tax  haven 
corporation  has,  at  most,  a  few  clerical  support  employees 
located  in  the  tax  haven. 

In  some  cases,  existing  law  would  permit  the  United 
States  to  tax  at  least  a  portion  of  the  earnings  of  the 
foreign  corporation.   For  example,  at  times  the  IRS  may 
argue  that  the  foreign  corporation  is  doing  business  in  the 
United  States.   In  other  cases,  it  may  be  possible  for  the 
IRS  to  apply  §482  to  allocate  income  from  the  tax  haven 
corporation  to  the  U.S.   Neither  of  these  approaches  is 
completely  adequate.   Prevailing  in  the  trade  or  business 
argument  only  subjects  the  corporation's  U.S.  source  income 
and  its  foreign  source  effectively  connected  income  to  United 
States  tax,  whereas  U.S.  source  income  would  generally  be 
taxed  by  the  United  States  in  any  event.   Section  482  can  be 
extremely  difficult  to  apply  from  an  administrative  point  of 
view.   Developing  the  necessary  facts  can  be  time  consuming, 
particularly  when  the  foreign  corporation  is  located  in  a 
tax  haven  which  restricts  access  to  books  and  records. 

The  management  and  control  test  for  asserting  taxing 
jurisdiction  over  a  corporation  is  used  in  many  countries, 
including  the  United  Kingdom  and  its  former  colonies.   This 

— /  §7701  (a)(4);  Treas.  Reg.  §301.7701-5. 


test  does  have  limitations  as  the  sole  test  of  taxing 
jurisdiction  because  of  the  subjective  judgments  which 
often  must  be  made.   As  an  addition  to  the  present  rule, 
however,  it  would  provide  the  IRS  with  an  additional  means 
of  scrutinizing  many  tax  haven  operations.   At  times  it 
would  be  easier  to  apply  than  §  482. 

Canada  applies  a  dual  test  (having  adopted  the  incor- 
poration test  as  an  addition  to  the  management  and  control 
test),  and  has  found  it  useful  in  dealing  with  international 
taxation  problems. 

3.   Change  in  Control  Test 

A  number  of  cases  involve  attempts  to  decontrol  tax  j 

haven  corporations  to  avoid  subpart  F  and  U.S.  reporting  I 

obligations.   While  case  law  supports  the  view  that  actual  i 

control,  even  without  actual  stock  ownership  control,  leads 
to  controlled  status,  it  can  be  very  difficult  for  the  IRS 
to  establish  the  fact  of  control,  particularly  where  the 
corporation  and  the  other  owners  are  in  a  tax  haven.   At 
times,  side  agreements  are  suspected  but  their  existence  is 
difficult,  if  not  impossible,  to  prove.   There  are  other 
control  problems,  including  pairing  of  stock,  which  could 
become  significant  if  action  is  not  taken.   Furthermore,  the 
10  percent  threshhold  requirement  for  U.S.  shareholder 
status  permits  distortions  and  unequitable  treatment  of 
taxpayers  in  some  cases. 

Consideration  might  be  given  to  reducing  the  percentage 
ownership  test  for  controlled  foreign  corporations  status  to 
a  50  percent  test,  and  to  adding  a  value  test  as  an  alter- 
native test,  as  well  as  to  reducing  to  one  percent  the  level 
of  stock  ownershippfor  determining  when  a  U.S.  person  is  a 
U.S.  shareholder. — '       Adoption  of  these  rules  would  permit 
U.S.  taxation  of  the  growing  number  of  50/50  joint  ventures, 
and  would  eliminate  avoidance  of  U.S.  tax  through  the  pairing 
of  stock.   It  would  also  provide  some  equity  as  between  U.S. 
persons  who  own  10  percent  of  the  stock  and  those  who  do 
not.   Consideration  might  also  be  given  to  dropping  the 
controlled  threshhold  down  to  25  percent,  as  was  done  in  the 
case  of  U.S.  insurance  of  U.S.  risks  for  subpart  F  purposes, 
and  as  the  French  have  done  in  their  tax  haven  legislation. 
A  drop  in  the  threshhold  could  apply  only  to  corporations 
formed  in  tax  havens. 


The  Senate  version  of  the  Tax  Reduction  Act  of  1975 
contained  a  provision  which  would  have  redefined  the 
term  "U.S.  shareholder"  to  include  a  U.S.  person  holding 
a  one  percent  or  greater  interest  in  a  foreign  corporation. 
See  H.  Rep.  No.  94-120,  94th  Cong.,  1st  Sess.  69-70 
1975-1  C.B.  631. 


At  the  very  least,  the  "paired"  or  "stapled"  stock 
problems  should  be  addressed.   One  option  is  to  amend  the 
Code  to  treat  stock  of  a  corporation  which  is  paired  with 
stock  of  a  second  corporation  as  owned  by  the  second 
corporation.   Such  a  provision  would  also  curtail  avoidance 
of  the  anti-boycott  and  DISC  provisions  through  pairing. 

4.   Service  and  Construction  Income 

The  service  and  construction  industries  are  significant 
users  of  tax  havens,  and  present  the  IRS  with  unique  problems. 
Many  of  the  problems  appear  to  involve  the  transfer  of  a 
U.S.  business  to  an  offshore  subsidiary,  and  include  the 
transfer  of  know-how  or  goodwill  from  the  U.S.  parent  to  the 
tax  haven  affiliate.   There  also  seem  to  be  significant 
situations  involving,  for  example,  the  negotiation  of  contracts 
in  the  U.S.,  their  signature  by  officers  of  the  foreign 
affiliate  who  may  also  be  officers  or  employees  of  the  U.S. 
parent  follow  by  the  transfer  of  know-how  without  any  com- 
pensation.  Many  of  these  cases  might  result  in  subpart  F 
income  or  §482  allocations  to  the  parent  if  identified  and 
fully  developed  by  the  IRS.   Considering  the  limitations  of 
resources,  however,  identifying  these  cases  and  fully  de- 
veloping them  is  extremely  difficult.   Moreover,  the  foreign 
subsidiaries  are  routinely  established  in  tax  havens  having 
commercial  secrecy,  which  present  the  IRS  with  additional 
books  and  records  problems. 

A  narrow  approach  to  dealing  solely  with  services 
income  would  be  to  add  a  branch  rule  to  the  foreign  base 
company  services  income  provisions.   A  branch  rule  {which  is 
contained  in  the  subpart  F  sales  provisions)  could  provide 
that  foreign  base  company  services  income  would  include  the 
income  attributable  to  the  carrying  on  of  service  activities 
of  a  branch  of  the  controlled  foreign  corporation,  by  treating 
the  income  as  derived  by  a  wholly  owned  subsidiary  of  the 
controlled  foreign  corporation.   Thus,  if  a  tax  haven  company 
is  performing  services  in  a  third  country  through  a  branch, 
and  the  direction  for  or  support  of  those  services  is  provided 
by  the  tax  haven  company's  home  office,  or  by  employees  of 
that  office,  the  income  would  be  foreign  base  company  services 
income.   An  alternative  approach,  and  one  which  would  be  far 
simpler  to  administer,  would  be  to  treat  all  income  from  the 
performance  of  services  outside  of  the  country  of  incor- 
poration of  the  controlled  foreign  corporation  as  subpart  F 


Two  serious  issues  which  must  be  addressed  in  the  service 
and  construction  cases  are  whether  the  tax  treatment  of 
these  businesses  should  be  left  alone  for  competitive  reasons 
and  whether  we  can  afford  to  continue  to  export  this  kind 
of  technology  without  exacting  a  U.S.  tax. 

5.   Merger  of  the  Foreign  Personal  Holding  Company  Provisions 
into  Subpart  F 

Consideration  should  be  given  to  eliminating  the  foreign 
personal  holding  company  provisions  and  incorporating  their 
substance  into  subpart  F. 

Today,  foreign  personal  holding  company  income  may  be 
taxed  under  either  the  foreign  personal  holding  company 
provisions — or  under  subpart  F.   If  both  provisions  apply 
to  a  particular  foreign  corporation,  then  the  foreign 
personal  holding  company  provisions  will  apply  and  not 
subpart  F. — '   Accordingly,  it  may^be  possible  to  avoid  the 
investment  in  U.S.  property  rules  — of  subpart  F  by  causing 
a  foreign  corporation  to  be  a  foreign  personal  holding  company 
and  to  earn  a  small  amount  of  foreign  personal  holding 
company  income  in  a  year  in  , which  a  significant  investment 
in  U.S.  property  is  made. — 

1^/   §§551  through  558. 
20/   §951(d). 
21/   §956. 

22/   See  Estate  of  iDvett,  1980-1  USTC  9432;  contra.  Estate 
of  Whitlock  V.  Commissioner,  494  F. 2d  1297  (10th  Cir. 
1974),  rev'g  59  T.C.  501  (1972),  cert,  denied,  419  U.S, 
839  (1974),  reh'g  denied  419  U.S.  1041  (1974). 

Further,  the  foreign  personal  holding  company  attribu-  | 

tion  rules  have  never  been  rationalized.   The  provisions  i 

contain  technical  problems.   For  example,  the  foreign  personal  j 

holding  company  attribution  rules  provide  for  attribution  of  . 
stock  ownership  between  siblings.   In  addition,  they  require 

attribution  from  a  foreign  individual  to  a  U.S.  individual.  J 

Accordingly,  the  acquisition  by  a  U.S.  person  of  a  small  ' 
amount  of  stock  of  a  foreign  corporation,  in  which  his 

sister  (who  is  a  foreign  resident)  owns  50  percent  of  the  j 

stock,  could  make  that  corporation  a  foreign  personal  holding  j 

company  and  subject  that  person  to  tax.   Attribution  occurs  J 

even  without  actual  ownership  of  stock  by  the  individual.  < 
A  U.S.  person  may  thus  have  a  technical  obligation  to  file  a 


return  with  respect  to  the  foreign  company,  even  though  he 
owns  no  stock  and  may  not  be  able  to  get  any  of  the  details 
needed  to  complete  a  return.   The  IRS  has  lost  a  case  on 
this  issue. — ' 

Moreover,  the  foreign  personal  holding  company  pro- 
visions do  not  contain  proper  anti-double  counting  rules 
similar  to  those  in  §959. 

Finally,  it  appears  that  few  foreign  personal  holding 
company  returns  are  audited.   If  foreign  personal  holding 
company  issues  are  raised,  they  generally  will  be  addressed 
by  agents  who  are  not  trained  in  those  issues.   Because 
international  examiners  concentrate  on  large  cases,  they 
have  not  developed  practical  audit  experience  in  the  foreign 
personal  holding  company  area. 

The  structure  of  taxing  foreign  corporations  controlled 
by  U.S.  persons  would  be  simplified  by  repealing  the  foreign 
personal  holding  company  provisions,  and  incorporating  their 
substance  into  subpart  F.  Some  technical  changes,  including 
a  change  in  the  subpart  F  stock  ownership  test,  might  be 

In  the  alternative,  §951 (d)  could  be  amended  to  over- 
ride the  Lovett  case.   This  could  be  accomplished  by  pro- 
viding that  a  U.S.  shareholder  who  is  subject  to  tax  under 
§551(b)  on  income  of  a  controlled  foreign  corporation  for 
his  taxable  year,  which  is  also  a  controlled  foreign 
corporation,  will  be  required  to  include  in  gross  income, 
for  that  taxable  year,  any  amount  with  respect  to  that 
controlled  foreign  corporation  invested  in  U.S.  property, 
to  the  extent  of  its  earnings  and  profits,  but  the  amount  so 
included  will  be  reduced  by  the  amount  included  under  §551. 
The  foreign  personal  holding  company  attribution  rules  could 
be  amended  to  incorporate  the  §958  rules. 

These  changes  would  at  least  eliminate  the  loophole 
created  by  the  lovett  case,  and  would  rationalize  the  foreign 
personal  holding  company  provisions  somewhat.   They  would, 
however,  still  maintain  two  parallel  and  possibly  overlapping 
systems  with  all  of  the  attendant  administrative  problems. 

23/   See  Estate  of  Nettie  S.  Miller  v.  Commissioner,  43  T. C. 
760  (1965),  non  acq.  1966-2  C.B.  8. 


6.  Captive  Insurance 

Despite  IRS  rulings  and  a  successful  court  case,  captive 
insurance  companies  continue  to  proliferate  in  the  tax 
havens.   In  f^g^/  aggressive  planning  is  attempting  to  avoid 
the  case  law. —   One  legislative  approach  might  be  to  amend 
subpart  F  to  extend  its  coverage  to  include  the  premiums 
received  by  a  controlled  foreign  corporation  for  insuring 
foreign  risks  of  related  persons.   This  approach  would  be 
consistent  with  the  base  company  concept  found  in  the  foreign 
base  company  sales  and  services  income  provisions.   Another 
approach  might  be  to  clarify  the  application  of  the  foreign 
base  company  services  income  provisions  to  insurance  of 
risks  of  related  parties. 

7.  Shipping  Income 

The  use  of  tax  havens  to  shelter  income  from  shipping  , 

has  been  considered  by  the  Congress.   As  originally  provided,  I 

shipping  income  was  excluded  from  subpart  F.   In  1975,  | 
subpart  F  was  amended  to  include  shipping  income,  but  earnings 

reinvested  in  the  shipping  business  were  excluded.   The  IRS  i 

has  had  little  audit  experience  with  these  provisions  to  j 

date,  but  they  are  technically  complex  and  may  require  some  i 

on-site  audits,  which  as  a  practical  matter  may  be  impossible  j 

to  do.   For  administrative  reasons,  consideration  might  be  • 

given  to  taxing  shipping  income  directly.  I 

8.   De  minimis  Exclusion  from  Foreign  Base  Company  Income 

The  de  minimis  exclusion  from  foreign  base  company  ^ 

income  could  be  amended  to  add  an  alternative  dollar  limitation.  • 

Today,  if  foreign  base  company  income  of  a  controlled  j 

foreign  corporation  is  less  than  10  percent  of  its  gross  ' 

income,  none  of  its  gross  income  is  taxable  as  foreign  base  j 

company  income.   By  using  this  exception,  larger  companies  , 

can  shelter  significant  amounts  of  passive  income. — This  • 

shelter  could  be  removed  by  adding  an  alternative  dollar 
limitation,  so  that  the  exception  would  not  apply  if  the 
controlled  foreign  corporation's  foreign  base  company  income 
exceeds  a  fixed  dollar  amount. 

9.   Commodity  Shelters 

One  solution  to  the  use  of  tax  havens  as  situs  for 
alleged  commodity  shelter  transactions  would  be  to  deal 
directly  on  a  technical  basis  with  tax  straddles.   The  Code 

24/   See  discussion  at  Chapter  V.  C.6. 
25/   See  discussion  at  Chapter  v.  C.2. 


could  be  amended  by  adopting  a  provision  which  would  (1) 
postpone  recognition  of  losses  from  certain  straddle  positions 
during  the  period  in  which  the  taxpayer  holds  offsetting 
positions  plus  the  following  30  days,  and  (2)  suspend  the 
running  of  the  holding  periods  (of  the  assets  comprising  the 
offsetting  positions)  during  the  balance,  plus  the  following 
30  days.   In  addition,  §1221(5)  (denying  capital  asset 
treatment  to  certain  government  obligations)  could  be  repealed. 

Tax  straddles  are  a  significant  and  growing  problem. 
They  are  motivated  solely  by  tax  considerations,  and  offer 
no  opportunity  for  meaningful  economic  return.   As  explained 
in  Chapter  V,  a  tax  haven  situs  is  often  used  as  the  alleged 
situs  for  the  transaction  in  order  to  obfuscate  the  audit 
trail.   Significant  amounts  of  audit  time,  as  well  as  crowded 
court  calendars,  can  make  it  difficult  to  deal  with  these 
cases  under  current  law.   Tax  straddles  are  an  even  more 
significant  problem  domestically. 

Most  often  the  straddle  shelters  are  used  to  defer 
income  by  producing  paper  losses  in  one  year  while  deferring 
the  offsetting  gains  to  a  later  year.   They  may  also  be  used 
in  an  attempt  to  convert  short  term  gain  into  long  term  gain 
or  capital  losses  into  ordinary  losses.   These  straddles 
have  been  structured  primarily  in  commodities,  including 
metals,  and  in  government  securities. 

The  above  proposal  would  deal  directly  with  the  problem 
by  denying  the  benefits  of  the  tax  straddle.   While  it  could 
be  developed  solely  in  terms  of  tax  haven  transactions,  the 
scope  of  the  problem  would  require  that  any  legislation 
considered  should  also  cover  domestic  tax  straddle  transactions. 

10.   Tax  Haven  Deductions 

Another  more  general  approach  to  tax  haven  related 
shelters,  and  to  the  overall  problem  of  phoney  tax  haven 
related  deductions,  would  be  to  amend  the  Code  to  specifically 
disallow  a  deduction  for  amounts  paid  or  accrued  to  a  tax 
haven  person  or  entity,  unless  the  taxpayer  establishes  by 
clear  and  convincing  evidence  that  the  underlying  trans- 
action occurred  and  that  the  amount  of  the  deduction  is 
reasonable.   While  this  in  essence  is  the  current  law,  a 
clear  rule  targeted  at  tax  havens  would  help  to  speed  up  the 
administration  of  the  law.   A  similar  rule,  requiring  a 
taxpayer  to  produce  documentary  evidence  as  to  the  value  of 
offshore  property,  would  also  be  useful.   This  would  require 
that  the  taxpayer  give  to  the  IRS  written  material  which  IRS 
engineers  can  evaluate  without  having  to  visit  the  property. 


Additional  reporting  of  tax  haven  transactions  would 
also  be  helpful.   A  major  problem  today  is  identifying  haven 
transactions  so  that  they  can  be  audited.   Consideration 
should  be  given  to  reporting  of  any  transaction  with  a 
foreign  person,  as  well  as  any  investment  in  foreign  property. 
In  addition  to  the  existing  criminal  and  civil  penalties  for 
non-filing  which  would  apply  in  this  case,  the  penalty  for 
failure  to  provide  the  information  could  include  denying  any 
deductions  relating  to  the  unreported  foreign  transaction. 

11.  No  Fault  Penalty 

Consideration  should  be  given  to  adopting  a  no  fault 
penalty  on  the  order  of  50  percent  of  a  substantial  tax 
haven  related  tax  deficiency. 

Today,  taxpayers  often  enter  into  questionable  tax  1 

haven  transactions,  taking  the  calculated  risk  that  they  ' 

will  not  be  identified.   Even  if  the  taxpayer  is  identified,  j 

a  number  of  years  can  pass  before  the  tax  plus  interest  is  j 

actually  paid.   During  this  time  the  taxpayer  has  the  use  of  ' 

the  money,  the  effect  being  a  loan  from  the  Treasury.  ' 

A  no  fault  penalty  would  place  the  taxpayer  under  some 
risk  and  would  go  a  long  way  toward  curbing  abusive  shelter 
and  other  deduction  generating  transactions. 

12.  Foreign  Trusts 

Most  non-fraudulent  use  of  foreign  trusts  by  U.S.  . 

persons  appears  to  have  been  eliminated.   However,  some 

schemes  have  developed  to  take  advantage  of  perceived  loopholes.  \ 

For  example,  the  sale  or  exchange  exception  from  §679  is  ' 

allegedly  being  abused.   To  curb  this  abuse,  the  exception  ' 

could  be  eliminated.   In  the  alternative,  the  provision  ! 

could  be  eliminated  only  in  the  case  of  transactions  with  a  j 

trust  which  has  as  a  party  in  interest  a  person  related  ' 

to  the  transferor.   The  sale  or  exchange  exception  is  often  i 

met,  by  a  long-term  installment  sale.   This  scheme  could  be 
eliminated  either  by  eliminating  the  sale  or  exchange  exception 
or  by  providing  that  an  installment  sale  will  not  be  considered 
a  sale  or  exchange  to  a  foreign  trust  if  the  note  runs  for 
more  than  a  set  period  of  years,  such  as  five  years. 

The  use  of  foreign  trusts  by  foreiqn  persons  who  later 
become  U.S.  residents  could  be  minimized  by  providing  that  a 
tranferor  will  be  taxed  on  the  income  from  property  transferred 
to  a  foreign  trust  if  the  transfer  takes  place  within  a 
fixed  period  of  time  before  the  transferor  becomes  a  U.S. 
resident.   This  is  a  jurisdictional  problem  and  any  change 
requires  a  major  policy  decision  as  to  the  point  at  which 
the  U.S.  should  assert  taxing  jurisdiction. 


The  foreign  trust  rules  do  not  apply  to  a  transfer  by 
reason  of  the  death  of  the  transferor.   To  limit  the  estate 
planning  opportunities  exceptions  for  testamentary  transfers 
could  be  removed.   The  income  would  have  to  be  taxed  to  the 
beneficiaries,  however.   Technical  changes,  such  as  elimi- 
nating §679  from  the  scope  of  a  §1057  election,  and  changing 
the  definition   of  a  U.S.  beneficiary  so  that  a  foreign 
corporation  is  considered  a  U.S.  beneficiary  if  more  than  10 
percent  of  its  stock  is  owned  directly  or  indirectly  by 
foreign  persons,  could  be  made. 

13.  Expatriation 

U.S.  persons  who  seek  to  expatriate  often  expatriate  to 
a  tax  haven.   The  current  rules  covering  expatriates  are 
complicated  and  at  times  difficult  to  administer.   They 
could  be  improved  and  made  easier  to  administer  by  sub- 
jecting the  expatriate  to  tax  on  the  difference  between  the 
fair  market  value  of  his  property  at  the  date  of  expatriation 
and  his  basis  in  the  property.   In  this  way  the  tax,  including 
the  tax  on  foreign  property,  would  be  paid  upon  expatriation 
and  the  expatriate  could  then  be  treated  as  any  other  non- 
resident alien  person.   Canada  has  a  similar  system.   A 
similar  rule  could  be  adopted  for  the  departure  of  resident 
aliens,  although  such  a  change  would  represent  a  greater 
deviation  from  present  policy  than  the  change  suggested  for 

14.  Residence 

A  clear  objective  rule  for  determining  when  an  alien 
becomes  a  U.S.  resident  might  be  adopted.   Today,  the  rules 
as  to  when  an  alien  becomes  a  resident  are  subjective  and 
are  difficult  to  administer.   It  might  be  better  to  adopt 
a  clear  rule  for  determining  residence,  for  example,  183 
days  in  the  U.S.  during  a  year.   While  such  a  rule  is  sub- 
ject to  manipulation,  so  is  the  present  rule,  and  certainty 
might  be  preferable. 


VIII.   Treaties  With  Tax  Havens 

Tax  treaties  modify  domestic  tax  law  to  reduce  tax 
otherwise  imposed  on  foreign  investment  in  the  treaty  countries. 
Treaties  with  tax  havens  are  often  used  by  residents  of  non- 
treaty  countries  to  achieve  a  reduction  in  United  States  taxes. 
Although  most  of  this  use  is  not  fraudulent,  some  is  abusive 
and  inconsistent  with  present  United  States  tax  policy.   The 
low  rates  of  tax  coupled  with  the  anonymity  afforded  by  tax 
havens  do,  however,  give  rise  to  some  fraudulent  use. 

United  States  taxpayers,  particularly  multinational 
corporations,  may  also  use  the  United  States  treaty  network 
and  tax  havens  to  advantage.   The  most  widely  known  use  is 
that  of  Netherlands  Antilles  finance  subsidiaries  to  achieve 
zero  rates  of  tax  on  interest  paid  on  foreign  borrowings. 
Often,  the  advantages  which  can  be  achieved  through  tax 
haven  treaties  can  also  be  achieved  through  treaties  with 
non-tax  havens. 

A.   Basic  Principles 

Tax  treaties  are  often  referred  to  as  conventions  to 
eliminate  double  taxation  and  avoid  fiscal  evasion.   Double 
taxation  can  arise  in  the  case  of  a  United  States  taxpayer, 
because  the  income  earned  by  him  may  be  taxed  by  both  the 
United  States  and,  if  earned  in  another  country,  by  that 
country  as  well.   The  United  States  unilaterally  attempts  to 
mitigate  this  double  taxation  by  permitting  a  tax  credit  for 
income  taxes  paid  to  foreign  countries.   However,  because  of 
differences  in  source  rules  between  the  United  States  and 
the  other  country,  and  because  of  problems  of  defining  when 
a  foreign  tax  is  an  income  tax  for  purposes  of  the  United  States 
foreign  tax  credit,  there  may  still  be  some  cases  of  significant 
double  taxation.— 

1/  It  can  be  argued  that  the  real  impact  of  treaties  > 

is  to  eliminate  excess  taxation.   The  unilateral  relief 
afforded  by  the  United  States  probably  works  well  in  most 
cases.   However,  rates  of  tax  in  the  other  country  may 
exceed  United  States  rates,  particularly  when  withholding 
taxes  on  distributions  are  taken  into  account.   Reduction 
of  these  taxes  leads  to  elimination  of  excess  taxation 
rather  than  double  taxation. 


Under  United  States  law,  passive  income  paid  to  foreigners 
not  doing  business  in  the  United  States  is  taxed„at  a  rate 
of  30  percent  of  the  gross  amount  of  the  income.—   United 
States  income  tax  treaties  reduce  this  rate  of  tax  in  the 
case  of  payments  to  residents  of  a  treaty  country.   The 
United  States  position,  as  reflected  in  the  United  States 
Model  Income  Tax  Treaty,  is  that  the  rate  of  tax  on  dividends 
should  be  reduced  to  five  percent  in  the  case  of  direct 
investment  (ownership  of  10  percent  or  more  of  the  stock  of 
the  payor  corporation)  and  to  1 5  percent  in  the  case  of 
portfolio  investment.   Interest  and  royalties  should  be 
exempt  from  tax  at  source.   The  OECD  Model  contains  similar 
rules  for  dividends  and  royalties,  but  permits  a  10  percent 
tax  on  interest  at  source. 

While  treaty  benefits  are  theoretically  intended  to 
inure  to  residents  of  each  of  the  treaty  countries,  third 
country  residents  often  seek  to  take  advantage  of  them.   At 
times,  this  use  by  third  country  residents  may  coincide  with 
perceived  United  States  interests;  at  other  times,  however, 
this  use  may  be  abusive.   The  treaties  therefore  generally 
contain  some  provisions  designed  to  limit  the  benefits  of 
the  treaty  to  residents  of  either  of  the  two  contracting 
countries.   However,  "resident"  is  broadly  defined  as  any 
person  who  under  the  laws  of  a  country  is  liable  for  tax  by 
reason  of  his  domicile,  residence,  citizenship,  place  of 
management,  place  of  incorporation,  or  other  criterion  of  a 
similar  nature.   Persons  taxable  in  a  country  only  on 
income  from  sources  in  that  country  , or  on  capital  situated 
in  that  country  are  not  residents.—    Interest  and  royalties 
are  covered  at  source  only  if  both  "derived  and  beneficially 
owned  by"  a  resident  of  the  other  country. 

The  United  States  Model  and  some  of  the  treaties  in 
force  contain  an  anti-holding  company  provision  which  denies 
the  reduced  rate  of  tax  on  dividends,  interest,  and  royalties 
(1)  if  the  recipient  corporation  is  a  resident  of  the  other 
country  which  is  at  least  25  percent  owned,  directly  or 
indirectly,  by  individual  residents  of  a  country  other  than 
the  country  of  residence  of  the  corporation,  and  (2)  if 
special  tax  measures  apply  in  the  country  of  residence  which 

2/   §§871  and  881. 

3/  Article  4,  U.S.  and  OECD  Models. 


reduce,  substantially  below  the  generally  applicable  corporate 
tax  rates,  that  country's  tax  imposed  on  dividends,  interest, 
and  royalty  income  from  sources  outside  that  country.-'^ 

Variations  on  the  Model  article  are  found  in  other 
treaties.   In  the  proposed  Cyprus  treaty,  denial  of  reduc- 
tion of  tax  at  source  is  applicable  if  either  (1)  the  tax 
burden  in  the  country  of  residence  of  the  corporation  on  the 
income  is  substantially  less  than  the  tax  generally  applied 
in  that  country  on  corporate  profits,  or  (2)  25  percent  or 
more  of  the  stock  of  the  recipient  corporation  is  owned  by 
individuals  not  resident  in  that  country. 

B.   Tax  Haven  Treaty  Network 

The  United  States  has  over  thirty  income  tax  treaties 
in  force.   Most  are  with  developed  countries  which  are 
significant  trading  partners.   However,  the  United  States  does 
have  treaties  in  force  with  at  least  15  jurisdictions  generally 
considered  to  be  tax  havens  to  some  degree.   In  addition, 
the  United  States  has  an  income  tax  treaty  with  the  Netherlands, 
generally  considered  a  tax  haven  by  reason  of  its  treaty 
network  and  its  special  holding  company  legislation.   For 
purposes  of  this  chapter,  the  Netherlands  will  be  considered 
to  be  a  tax  haven. 

Most  tax  haven  treaties  are  in  force  as  a  result  of  the 
extension  of  the  old  1945  United  States-United  Kingdom 
Income  Tax  Treaty  to  the  former  United  Kingdom  colonies. 
That  treaty  provided  for  its  extension  to  overseas  territories 
of  the  United  Kingdom.   The  United  Kingdom  requested  that 
extension,  and  the  Senate  gave  advice  and  consent  to  ratification 
of  the  extensions  in  1958.   The  extensions  became  fully 
effective  in  1959.  I 


Likewise,  the  treaty  with  the  Netherlands  Antilles  is 
in  force  as  a  result  of  the  extension  of  the  United  States- 
Netherlands  Income  Tax  Treaty  of  1948,  as  amended.   The 
treaty  provided  for  extension  to  overseas  territories  of  the 
Netherlands.   This  extension  was  effective  to  the  Netherlands 
Antilles  in  1955.   The  Netherlands  Antilles  adjusted  its 
internal  law  to  take  advantage  of  the  treaty  by  providing 

4/   Article  4,  United  States  and  OECD  Models.   Similar 
provisions  are  contained  in  United  States  treaties 
with  Finland,  Iceland,  Korea,  Luxembourg,  Norway,  Trinidad 
and  Tobago,  and  the  United  Kingdom.   A  limited 
anti-avoidance  provision  applicable  only  to  direct 
investment  dividends  is  contained  in  the  Netherlands 
Antilles  treaty. 


for  special  tax  regimes  for  certain  local  holding  companies. 
Generally,  such  companies  were  taxed  at  rates  ranging  between 
2.4  and  3.0  percent.   This  made  the  Netherlands  Antilles  an 
attractive  vehicle  to  residents  of  third  countries  who 
wanted  to  invest  in  the  united  States.  A   1963  protocol, 
effective  in  1967,  reduced  or  eliminated  some  of  the  benefits 
of  the  Antilles  treaty  which  were  formerly  available,  but 
other  benefits  remained. 

The  United  States  also  has  tax  haven  treaties  which 
were  directly  negotiated  with  Luxembourg,  the  Netherlands, 
and  Switzerland.   The  Luxembourg  treaty  was  signed  in  1962 
and  came  into  force  in  1964.   The  Swiss  treaty  was  signed  in 
1951  and  entered  into  force  in  that  year.   The  treaty  with 
the  Netherlands  was  originally  entered  into  in  1948,  and  has 
|!       been  amended  from  time  to  time,  most  recently  by  a  1965 
t'       protocol  which  became  fully  effective  in  1967.   The  United 
['       States  has  recently  signed  an  income  tax  treaty  with  Cyprus, 
j       a  recognized  tax  haven.— 

There  does  not  seem  to  have  been  much,  if  any,  consid- 
eration of  either  potential  abuse  in  the  negotiation  of  the 
existing  tax  haven  treaties,  or  of  whether  to  permit  extension 
of  treaties  to  the  territories  of  our  treaty  partners. 
Currently,  efforts  are  under  way  to  deal  with  the  problems 
created  by  the  Swiss  and  Netherlands  treaties,  as  well  as 
the  Netherlands  Antilles  and  British  Virgin  Islands  treaties. 
In  addition,  abuse  of  treaties  was  addressed  in  the  Cyprus 
treaty,  which  contains  a  number  of  anti-avoidance  provisions. 

The  data  in  tables  1  and  2,  to  this  chapter,  indicate 
that  there  is  significant  use  of  treaty  countries  in  general, 
and  tax  haven  treaties  in  particular  for  investment  in  the 
United  States.   Much  of  this  use  must  be  by  nonresidents  of 
the  treaty  country,  because  the  volume  of  investment  does 
not  bear  any  relationship  to  the  indigenous  populations  of 
those  countries.   In  1978,  $3.9  billion  out  of  a  total  of 
$4.5  billion,  or  89  percent,  of  gross  income  paid  to  nonresidents 
of  the  United  States  was  paid  to  treaty  countries.   Of  that 
amount,  $1.8  billion  out  of  the  total  $4.5  billion  of  gross 
income  paid  to  nonresidents  of  the  United  States  went  to 
treaty  countries  which  are  also  tax  havens.   In  that  same 
year,  $309  million  or  31  percent  of  the  interest  paid  to 
nonresidents  went  to  tax  haven  treaty  countries,  and  $1.4 

5^/   M.  Langer ,  Practical  International  Tax  Planning,  278,  279 
(2d  ed.  1979)  B.  Spitz,  Tax  Havens  Encyclopaedia,  (1975). 


billion  or  48  percent 
haven  treaty  countries 
Switzerland  is  clearly 
one-third  of  the  divid 
of  the  United  States, 
interest,  went  to  Swit 
Netherlands  Antilles  a 
passive  income  from  th 
of  the  Netherlands  rec 
the  dividends,  and  3.6 
paid  to  nonresidents, 
with  a  population  of  o 
the  total  United  State 
13  percent  of  the  inte 
dividends.   These  thre 
approximately  40  perce 
more  than  48  percent  o 
interest.   None  of  the 
gross  terms,  although 
British  Virgin  Islands 
million  in  1975  to  $8 
the  gross  payment  in  1 

of  the  dividends  paid  went  to  tax 
On  a  country  by  country  basis, 

the  most  widely  used.   In  1978,  over 
ends  ($985  million)  paid  to  nonresidents 
and  14  percent  ($135  million)  of  the 
zerland.   The  Netherlands  and  the 
Iso  received  significant  amounts  of 
e  United  States.   In  1978,  residents 
eived  12  percent  ($331.7  million)  of 

percent  ($35.5  million)  of  the  interest 

Residents  of  the  Antilles,  a  country 
nly  230,000,  received  four  percent  of 
s  payments  to  foreigners,  comprised  of 
rest  and  almost  two  percent  of  the 
e  countries  together  accounted  for 
nt  of  all  payments  made  to  foreigners; 
f  the  dividends  and  30  percent  of  the 

other  tax  havens  is  significant  in 
total  payments  to  "residents"  of  the 

have  grown  from  approximately  $1 
million  in  1978,  with  about  two-thirds  of 
978  consisting  of  dividends. 

It  is  interesting  to  note  that  the  number  of  British 
Virgin  Island  companies  in  which  United  States  persons  have 
an  interest  grew  from  53  in  1970  to  678  in  1979.   The  number 
of  BVI  companies  in  which  United  States  persons  own  more 
than  95  percent  of  the  stock  increased  over  the  same  period 
from  40  to  316. 

Despite  the  obvious  abuse  of  the  treaties,  a  large  and 
growing  network  of  treaties,  and  an  aggressive  treaty  nego- 
tiation program,  existing  treaties  are  not  reviewed  on  any 
systematic  regular  basis,  and  the  United  States  has  shown 
little  inclination  to  terminate  them.   Consequently,  treaties 
which  perhaps  can  be  abused  or  which  no  longer  serve  a 
legitimate  economic  purpose  are  still  in  effect.   Further, 
the  United  States  has  been  slow  to  take  action  to  deal  with 
changes  in  the  domestic  laws  of  its  treaty  partners. 

Barbados  amended  its  tax  laws  some  years  ago  to  provide 
for  favorable  tax  treatment  for  international  business 
companies.—'^   The  United  Kingdom  quickly  dealt  with  the 
problem  by  insisting  that  the  United  Kingdom-Barbados  Income 
Tax  Treaty  be  revised  to  exclude  international  business 

6/     Barbados  International  Companies  Act  of  1965  (No.  50  of 
1965,  as  amended  by  No.  60  of  1977). 


companies.—   The  United  States  has  never  taken  steps  to 

deal  with  Barbados.   Another  of  our  treaty  partners,  St. 

Vincent,  has  become  a  center  for  "captive  banks,"  that  have 

been  used  to  perpetrate  some  significant  frauds  upon  United 

States  banks  and  that  allegedly  have  been  used„by  aggressive 

tax  planners  in  an  attempt  to  avoid  subpart  F.—   The  efforts 

of  the  British  Virgin  Islands  to  adapt  its  law  to  the  United 

States-British  Virgin  Islands  Income  Tax  Treaty  are  set  out 

in  a  detailed  article  in  the  Tax  Law  Review.—^ 

C.   Third  Country  Resident  Use  of  United  States  Tax  Treaties 
with  Tax  Havens 

Most  of  the  transactions  described  below  are  permitted 

by  the  literal  language  of  the  Code  and  the  treaties.   These 

transactions  are  permissible  because  of  a  conflict  between 
two  inconsistent  policy  objectives: 

(1)  Encouraging  foreign  investment  in  the  United  States 
and  the  free  flow  of  international  trade  and  capital; 

(2)  Not  treating  foreign  investment  in  the  United  States 
differently  from  investment  by  United  States  persons, 
and  not  providing  incentives  to  foreign  investment  by 
united  States  companies. 

Any  attempt  to  tax  some  of  the  transactions  must  also 
attempt  to  reconcile  this  conflict.   In  addition,  foreign 
policy  considerations  as  well  as  international  trade  policy 
considerations  must  be  taken  into  account. 

1.   Forms  of  Third  Country  Use 

Each  of  the  following  hypothetical  transactions  is 
based  on  a  number  of  actual  cases  that  either  have  been 
described  to  us  or  have  been  the  subject  of  a  ruling  or  a 
court  case.   Many  of  these  transactions  are  permitted  by  the 
treaty  language.   Some  reflect  policy  decisions  of  the 

Ij      See  Article  XXIII  U. K. -Barbados  Income  Tax  Convention. 

See  M.  Edwards-Ker,  The  International  Tax  Treaties  Service, 
Article  4,  page  46. 

V   See  Chapter  V. C.2. 

9^/   Vogel,  Bernstein,  and  Nitsche,  "Inward  Investment  in 
Securities  and  Direct  Operations  Through  the  British 
Virgin  Islands:   How  Serious  a  Rival  to  the  Netherlands 
Antilles  Island  of  Paradise?",  34  Tax  L.  Rev.  321  (1979). 


treaty  negotiators.  The  tax  consequences  of  some  transactions 
would  be  changed  if  detected,  however,  detection  is  difficult, 
often  depending  upon  the  cooperation  of  the  treaty  partner. 

a.  Foreign  borrowing.   A  borrowing  by  a  United  States 
person  is  arranged  through  a  treaty  jurisdiction  to  take 
advantage  of  the  reduced  rate  of  tax  (zero  in  most  cases)  on 
interest.   There  are  two  patterns  of  borrowing:   (1)  a 
conduit  which  a  United  States  borrower  or  foreign  lender 
forms  as  an  entity  in  a  treaty  country  for  the  specific 
purpose  of  funneling  a  specific  loan  through  it;  (2)  a 
finance  company  situation  in  which  a  United  States  company 
forms  a  subsidiary  in  a  treaty  country  and  the  subsidiary 
then  sells  its  obligations  to  the  public  overseas. 

An  abusive  example  of  the  conduit  case  is  described  in 
Aiken  Industries,  Inc. — '      A  United  States  corporation 
borrowed  money  from  its  Bahamian  parent  and  issued  a  promissory 
note  to  the  parent.   A  Honduran  company  was  then  formed  and 
the  parent  transferred  the  United  States  corporation's  note 
to  the  Honduran  company  in  exchange  for  its  demand  notes 
bearing  the  same  rate  of  interest  as  the  United  States  corporation's 
note.   The  United  States  corporation  claimed  exemption  from 
its  withholding  obligation  under  the  then  effective  IMited 
States-Honduras  income  tax  convention,  which  exempted  interest 
received  by  a  Honduran  corporation  from  a  united  States 
corporation  from  United  States  withholding  tax.   Although 
not  stated  in  the  case,  presumably  interest  payments  by  the 
Honduran  company  to  its  Bahamian  parent  were  not  taxed  by 

The  court  held  that  the  exemption  did  not  apply  because 
the  treaty  language  exempted  interest  from  United  States 
sources  "received  by"  a  Honduran  corporation.   Under  the 
facts  presented  the  interest  was  not  received  by  a  Honduran 
corporation.   The  Tax  Court  interpreted  the  words  "received 
by"  to  mean  something  more  than  merely  obtaining  physical 
possession  of  the  funds  coupled  with  an  obligation  to  pass 
it  on  to  a  third  party. 

b.  Finance  companies.   Without  a  treaty,  a  United  States 
company  which  borrows  abroad  must  withhold  the  statutory  30 
percent  tax  imposed  on  the  interest  paid  with  respect  to  the 
debt.   The  cost  of  this  tax  is  born,  at  least  in  part,  by 

the  united  States  borrower  in  the  form  of  an  increased 
interest  payment  to  cover  the  United  States  tax  on  the 
interest.   In  an  attempt  to  avoid  imposition  of  this  tax, 
many  borrowers,  particularly  multinational  companies, 
establish  a  subsidiary  in  the  Netherlands  Antilles.   The 
subsidiary  then  borrows  overseas  (usually  in  the  eurodollar 
market),  and  relends  the  borrowed  funds  to  the  parent.   The 

10/   56  T.C.  925  (1971). 


position  taken  by  the  borrower  is  that  the  interest  paid  by 
the  parent  to  the  subsidiary  is  deductible  for  United  States 
tax  purposes  and  is  exempt  from  Lfriited  States  withholding 
tax.   The  payment  of  interest  by  the  subsidiary  to  the 
foreign  lender  is  also  exempt.   The  Antilles  company  would 
be  taxable  by  the  Antilles  on  the  interest  it  receives,  but 
the  interest  it  pays  out  to  the  ultimate  lenders  is  deductible. 
Accordingly,  the  only  tax  on  the  interest  payment  is  the 
Antilles  tax  on  the  difference  between  the  interest  received 
and  the  interest  paid  out,  usually  a  small  amount.   That 
tax  might  be  a  creditable  tax  for  United  States  purposes. 
The  Antilles  will  not  impose  a  withholding  tax  on  the  interest 
paid  by  the  Antilles  company.   (Similar  results,  sometimes 
through  different  arrangements,  might  be  achieved  under 
other  treaties,  e.g. ,, British  Virgin  Islands,  Luxembourg, 
and  the  Netherlands.  )— ^ 

c.   Holding  companies.   Another  use  of  tax  haven  treaties 
involves  establishing  a  holding  company  in  a  tax  haven  with 
which  the  United  States  has  a  treaty  and  then  arranging  to 
have  the  income  received  from  the  United  States  paid  out  in 
a  deductible  form.   One  use  of  a  holding  company  is  for  so- 
called  back-to-back  or  pass  through  royalties.   A  foreign 
person  licensing  a  patent  for  use  in  the  United  States  is 
subject  to  a  United  States  tax  of  30  percent  of  any  royalty 
received.   This  tax  can  be  reduced  (in  some  cases  to  zero) 
by  forming  a  Netherlands  corporation  and  licensing  the 
patent  to  that  corporation.   The  Dutch  corporation  would 
then  license  the  patent  to  the  United  States  licensee.   The 
royalty  would  be  paid  to  the  Dutch  company,  which  will,  in 
turn,  pay  it  to  the  owner  of  the  patent  in  a  deductible 
form  either  as  a  royalty  or  as  interest. 

Article  IX  of  the  United  States-Netherlands  income  tax 
treaty  exempts  from  United  States  tax  "royalties  paid  to  a 
resident  or  corporation  of  one  of  the  contracting  states  .  .  . 
Accordingly,  taxpayers  take  the  position  that  the  payment  of 
the  patent  royalty  to  the  Netherlands  company  will  not  incur 
any  United  States  tax.   The  Netherlands  company  can  deduct 
the  royalty  (or  interest)  paid  to  its  shareholder  and  the 
Netherlands  does  not  impose  a  tax  on  a  royalty  payment. 
Thus,  the  royalties  will  be  paid  out  to  the  Netherlands 

11/   See ,  however,  Lederman ,  "The  Offshore  Finance 

Subsidiary:   An  Analysis  of  the  Current  Benefits  and 
Problems,"   J.  of  Tax.  86,  (1979),  discussing  various 
possible  approaches  which  the  IRS  could  consider 
to  deal  with  finance  companies.   See ,  Joint  Committee 
on  Taxation  Pamphlet,  Description  of  H. S.  7  553 
Relating  to  Exemptions  from  U.S.  tax  for  Interest 
Paid  to  Foreign  Persons  (June  18,  1980). 


company  free  of  United  States  tax,  the  Netherlands  company 
will  incur  little  or  no  tax,  and  the  patent  owner  will  pay 
no  tax  (assuming,  of  course,  that  he  is  resident  in  a  country 
which  does  not  tax  the  income,  or  he  has  the  royalties  paid 
to  a  nominee  in  a  second  zero  tax  jurisdiction). 

The  Netherlands  treaty  does  not  have  any  anti-treaty 
shopping  provision  applicable  to  this  structure.   Even  if 
the  treaty  contained  a  provision  similar  to  Article  16  of 
the  United  States  Model,  the  abuse  would  not  be  prevented 
because,  in  order  for  Article  16  to  apply  to  deny  treaty 
benefits,  the  income  of  the  Netherlands  company  must  be 
subject  to  a  special  rate  of  tax  by  the  Netherlands.   Instead 
of  subjecting  the  corporation  to  a  special  rate  of  tax,  the 
regular  corporate  rates  may  be  applicable,  but  because  the 
payment  by  the  Netherlands  company  is  deductible  by  it,  and 
because  it  almost  equals  the  royalty  received,  there  would 
be  little  or  no  tax  due. 

The  payment  of  the  royalty  from  the  Netherlands  company 
to  the  ultimate  owner  is  United  States  source  income  subject 
to  the  30  percent  LTnited  States  tax,  because  the  royalty  is 
paid  for  the  use  of  patents  in  the  U.S. — '  A  taxpayer  might 
attempt  to  avoid  this  result  by  having  the  Netherlands 
company  pay  the  royalties  in  another  deductible  form  such  as 

Direct  investment  in  the  United  States  can  also  be 
structured  through  a  holding  company.   For  example,  a  foreign 
company  can  establish  a  Netherlands  holding  company  which  in 
turn  forms  a  wholly  owned  subsidiary  in  the  United  States. 
Under  the  treaty  with  the  Netherlands,  dividends  paid  by  the 
United  States  subsidiary  (assuming  it  conducts  an  active 
business)  may  be  taxed  by  the  United  States  at  the  rate, of 
five  percent  rather  than  the  30  percent  statutory  rate. — ' 
With  proper  planning,  the  Netherlands  corporate  tax  may  not 
be  imposed.   Furthermore,  if  the  Dutch  company  is  a  subsidiary 
of  an  Antilles  company,  the  Dutch  company  can  then  pay 
dividends  to  the  Antilles  free  of  tax.   The  same  result  is 
available  by  having  a  corporation  resident  in  the  British 
Virgin  Islands  own  all  of  the  stock  of  the  United  States 
corporation . 

12/   §861(a)(4).   See  Rev.  Rul.  80-362,  1980-52  I.R.B.  14. 

13/  Article  VII,  United  States-Netherlands  Income  Tax 


d.  Active  business.   A  foreign  person  can  engage  in  an 
active  United  States  business  by  forming  a  company  in  an 
appropriate  tax  haven  treaty  country  and  having  that  company 
conduct  the  business.   Some  treaties  waive  the  tax  imposed 
on  dividends  and  interest  paid  by  a  foreign  corporation 
which  earns  most  of  its  income  in  the  United  States. — ' 
Article  XII  of  the  United  States-Netherlands  Income  Tax 
treaty  as  extended  to  the  Antilles  (the  United  States-Antilles 
treaty),  for  example,  provides  that  dividends  and  interest 
paid  by  an  Antilles  corporation  are  exempt  from  United 
States  tax  except  where  the  recipient  is  a  IMited  States 
person.   The  Antilles  does  not  impose  a  tax  on  dividends 

paid  by  an  Antilles  company.   Accordingly,  if  an  Antilles 
company  earns  most  of  its  income  in  the  Lftiited  States  no  tax 
would  be  paid  on  its  dividend  distributions  (or  payments  of 
interest  by  it).   A  resident  of  a  non-treaty  country  can, 
therefore,  establish  a  corporation  in  the  Antilles  to 
directly  engage  in  an  active  business  in  the  United  States, 
and  avoid  the  30  percent  tax  on  dividends  which  would  otherwise 
be  imposed.   The  same  result  can  be  achieved  under  the 
Netherlands  treaty  by  structuring  the  investment  so  that  the 
stock  of , the  Netherlands  company  is  held  by  an  Antilles 
company. — 

e.  Real  estate  investment.   Another  form  of  tax  haven 
treaty  investment  in  the  United  States  is  the  use  of  a 
company  formed  in  the  treaty  country  to  invest  in  United 
States  real  estate.   The  tax  advantage  of  using  a  tax  haven 
for  real  estate  investment  has  been  limited  by  recently 
enacted  legislation.   This  legislation  will  override  existing 
treaties,  but  not  until  1985.   A  non-resident  alien  individual 
or  foreign  person  not  engaged  in  trade  or  business  in  the 
United  States  is  taxable  on  the  gross  amount  of  rents  from 
real  property  at  the  30  percent  or  lower  treaty  rate. 

Before  the  new  legislation  is  effective  for  treaty  countries, 
gain  from  the  sale  of  the  property  is  not  taxed.   The 
investor  could  elect  to  tax  the  income  on  a  "net  basis" 
rather  than  a  gross  basis.   The  election  applied  to  gain 
from  the  sale  of  the  property,  as  well  as  to  rental  income 
from  it.   The  election  could  not  be  revoked  except  with 
consent  of  the  IRS.   Under  the  United  States-Antilles  treaty, 
however,  an  individual  or  corporation  resident  in  the 
Antilles  could  make  an  annual  election  to  have  the 

lA/      See  §861(a) (1) (D)  and  §861 ( a ) ( 2 ) (B)  providing 

that  dividends  and  interest  paid  by  corporations  are 
united  States  source  income. 

15/   The  second  withholding  tax  is  also  waived  in  United 

States  treaties  with  Finland,  Iceland,  Korea,  Luxembourg, 
Norway,  Trinidad  and  Tobago,  and  the  United  Kingdom. 


income  from  United  States  real  estate  taxed  on  a  net  basis. 
Accordingly,  a  foreign  investor  who  purchased  real  estate 
through  an  Antilles  company  would  usually  make  the  net 
election  in  the  years  he  holds  the  property  in  order  to  be 
able  to  use  the  deductions  generated  by  it.   Then,  in  the 
year  he  wishes  to  sell,  he  could  simply  not  elect  to  be 
taxed  on  a  net  basis  and  avoid  Uhited  States  capital  gain 
taxes  on  any  gain  realized  on  the  sale.   Furthermore,  amounts 
could  be  paid  on  the  property  free  of  United  States  tax  to 
the  Antilles  company  or  by  the  Antilles  company  to  other 
foreign  persons.   The  use  of  an  Antilles  company  by  non- 
residents of  the  Antilles  to  take  advantage  of  this  provision 
had  become  standard  practice. 

f.   Personal  service  companies — artists  and  athletes.   The 
provider  of  an  entertainment  service  enters  into  an  employ- 
ment contract  with  a  company  formed  in  a  tax  haven.   The 
contract  generally  provides  that  the  artist  will  work  exclusively 
for  that  company  which  will  have  the  sole  right  to  contract 
his  services.   In  addition,  the  company  has  the  right  to  the 
proceeds  from  the  sale  of  artistic  works,  such  as  phono- 
graph records.   The  entertainer  receives  a  fixed  salary  from 
the  company.   The  company  then  enters  into  a  contract  with  a 
promoter  who  arranges  a  United  States  tour  for  the  entertainer. 
The  entertainer  takes  the  position  that  the  income  from  the 
tour  is  income  of  the  company.   The  company  does  not  have  a 
fixed  place  of  business  in  the  United  States  and  therefore 
there  is  no  United  States  tax.   The  entertainer's  salary  may 
not  be  taxed  because  of  the  operation  of  a  treaty.   Further, 
the  proceeds  from  the  sale  of  the  phonograph  records  will  be 
paid  to  the  tax  haven  company,  and  the  zero  treaty  rate  of 
tax  on  royalties  will  be  claimed.   In  some  cases,  the  IRS  may 
argue  that  the  entertainer  has  a  permanent  establishment  in 
the  United  States,  that  the  profits  from  the  sale  of  the 
record  are  effectively  connected  with  it,  and  that  they  are 
therefore  subject  to  United  States  tax. 

Under  Article  17  of  the  new  United  States-Uhited  Kingdom 
treaty  and  under  the  United  States  Model,  the  income  from 
the  performance  of  the  services  would  be  subject  to  United 
States  tax.   However,  in  most  cases  the  expenses  related  to 
a  tour  are  high  and  thus  taxable  income  is  low.   The  real 
purpose  of  the  tours  is  often  to  promote  records,  and  the 
income  from  the  sales  of  records  can  be  high.   The  payments, 
however,  may  be  exempt  from  tax  as  royalties.   They  will  not 
be  taxed  in  the  tax  haven. 

2.   Analysis  of  Third  Country  Use 

The  problem  created  by  treaties  are  third  country  use, 
or  treaty  shopping,  and  administration  of  the  treaties. 


Successful  treaty  shopping  generally  consists  of  three 
elements:  (1)  a  reduction  of  source  country  taxation;  (2)  a 
low  or  zero  effective  rate  of  tax  in  the  payee  treaty  country; 
and  (3)  a  low  or  zero  rate  of  tax  on  payments  from  the 
payee  treaty  country  to  the  taxpayer.   Many  of  these  elements 
exist  with  respect  to  non-tax  haven  treaties  as  well  as  tax 
haven  treaties.   For  example,  some  non-tax  haven  countries 
with  which  we  have  treaties  do  not  impose  a  withholding  tax 
on  payments  of  interest  or  dividends,  and  accordingly  can 
be  used  as  the  Netherlands  or  the  Antilles  is  used. 

The  first  element  is  provided  by  the  treaty  reduction 
of  United  States  tax  on  United  States  source  fixed  or  determinable 
income,  by  the  limitation  on  business  income  subject  to  tax, 
and  by  certain  exemptions  from  tax  for  capital  gains  and 
transportation  income. 

The  second  element  is  provided  by  a  tax  haven  which  may 
impose  a  low  rate  of  tax  on  income  of  "residents",  or  which 
may  provide  a  special  tax  regime  for  holding  companies.   It 
is  also  provided  by  a  back-to-back  pattern  in  which  the 
amounts  received  by  the  company  in  the  treaty  country  are  paid 
out  in  a  deductible  form. 

The  third  element  is  provided  by  tax  havens,  by  some 
non-tax  havens  which  do  not  tax  distributions,  and  by 
treaties  between  the  payee  country  and  third  countries.   It 
is  also  provided  by  United  States  treaties  which  eliminate 
the  second  withholding  tax  imposed  by  the  United  States. 

The  above  cases,  as  well  as  IRS  data,  indicate  significant 
third  country  use  of  United  States  treaties.   The  data 
indicate  that  our  treaties  are  a  substantial  funnel  for 
foreign  investment  in  the  United  States,  particularly  through 
tax  haven  countries  with  whom  we  have  treaties. 

The  tax  burden  on  a  third  country  treaty  user  can  be 
less  than  that  on  a  non-user,  a  United  States  investor  or  a 
resident  of  the  treaty  country.   This  is  because  in  most 
cases  the  United  States  investor  will  pay  a  United  States  tax 
on  his  return  on  investment,  and  the  true  resident  of  a 
treaty  country  will  pay  tax  to  his  home  country,  while  in 
the  case  of  a  third  country  user  who  is  avoiding  his  home 
country  tax  or  whose  home  country  does  not  impose  a  tax,  no 
tax  will  be  paid. 

Accordingly,  our  tax  haven  treaties  probably  do  place  United 
States  businesses  in  a  competitive  position  to  attract 
foreign  capital.   As  the  above  transactions  demonstrate, 
however,  this  incentive  is  often  accomplished  at  the  expense 
of  simplicity  and  overall  equity,  by  economic  structures  and 


business  transactions  which  cannot  be  justified  on  business 
grounds.   In  addition,  a  substantial  part  of  the  investment 
through  tax  haven  treaties  may  not  be  incremental  at  all. 
It  may  merely  be  shifted  to  the  most  favorable  structure 
from  a  tax  planning  point  of  view. 

In  relying  on  treaties  with  tax  havens  to  encourage 
foreign  investment  in  the  United  States  we  also  encourage 
the  use  of  transactions  which  have  little  or  no  economic 
substance.   This,  in  turn,  has  a  negative  effect  on  the 
taxpayer's  respect  for  the  system.   For  example,  a  Netherlands 
holding  company  that  licenses  patents  to  United  States 
persons,  or  a  Barbados  international  business  corporation 
which  invests  in  U.S.  securities,  have  little  business 
purpose  other  than  utilization  of  the  treaties  (and  perhaps 
avoiding  local  exchange  controls).   While  the  United  States 
arguably  benefits  in  some  way  by  the  investment,  it  does  so 
at  the  cost  of  allowing  taxpayers  to  play  fast  and  loose 
with  the  system,  with  adverse  consequences  for  overall  tax 

The  first  inquiry  therefore  is  whether,  in  fact,  we 
wish  to  curtail  some  or  all  of  the  above  described  transactions. 
Such  a  decision  requires  basic  policy  analysis  and  decisions 
which  are  beyond  the  scope  of  this  report.   However,  it 
should  be  pointed  out  that  much  of  what  we  say  we  are  doing 
through  treaty  policy,  that  is,  encouraging  inward  invest- 
ment, could  be  done  unilaterally  through  the  Code.   What 
would  be  lost  would  be  the  reciprocal  benefits  which  we  can 
negotiate;  what  would  be  gained  would  be  a  clearer,  more 
rational  tax  system.   Also,  the  existence  of  treaty  shopping 
potential  discounts  the  value  of  high  withholding  taxes  as  a 
bargaining  chip  in  treaty  negotiations.  As    long  as  the 
treaty  shopping  potential  exists,  there  is  less  pressure  on 
other  treaty  countries  whose  residents  invest  in  the  United 
States  through  treaty  countries  to  negotiate  with  the  United 

D.   Use  of  Treaty  Network  by  Earners  of  Illegal  Income  or 
for  Evasion  of  Lftiited  States  Tax 

It  is  not  possible  to  determine  the  extent  of  use  of 
the  United  States  treaty  network  by  earners  of  illegal 
income,  or  by  persons  who  have  moved  money  from  the  United 
States  for  tax  evasion  purposes.   There  is,  however,  evidence 
of  such  use. 

Treaty  oriented  tax  evasion  includes:   (a)  recycling 
funds  earned  (legally  or  illegally)  in  the  U.S.  or  abroad 
back  into  the  United  States  through  a  treaty  country  after 
it  has  first  been  laundered  in  a  non-treaty  tax  haven  jurisdiction; 
(b)  fraudulent  use  by  United  States  persons  to  remove  income 
from  the  United  States  at  reduced  rates  of  tax  by  masquerading 
as  foreign  taxpayers;  and  (c)  fraudulent  use  by  foreigners 
to  obtain  benefits  of  treaty  rates. 


1 .   Methods  of  Use 

A  United  States  person  who  has  earned  illegal  income 
from,  for  example,  narcotics  trafficking,  might  carry  that 
income  in  cash  to  the  Cayman  Islands.   In  the  Caymans,  the 
money  would  be  placed  in  a  trust  account  with  a  small  private 
bank.   Those  funds  could  then  be  used  to  capitalize  an 
Antilles  bearer  share  company.   The  Antilles  company  could 
in  turn  invest  in  United  States  real  estate,  taking  advantage 
of  the  treaty  benefits.   Because  of  the  exchange  of  information 
provision  in  the  Antilles  treaty,  it  is  unlikely  that  the 
money  would  be  carried  directly  to  the  Antilles.   However, 
the  Antilles  government  cannot  determine  who  the  true  owner 
of  an  Antilles  bearer  share  company  is,  nor  could  it  determine 
the  true  owner  of  any  other  Antilles  company  if  its  shares 
are  held  by  a  nominee  located  in  a  second  tax  haven  jurisdiction. 

Fraudulent  use  of  treaties  by  Unite-3  States  persons  to 
remove  passive  income  from  the  United  States  could  be  accomplished 
by  forming  a  corporation  in  a  non-treaty  country,  having 
that  corporation  in  turn  establish  a  second  corporation  in  a 
treaty  country,  and  then  running  passive  income  (such  as 
royalties)  from  the  United  States  to  the  treaty  country  and 
through  it  to  the  second  country.   Under  the  treaty,  the 
payment  would  be  taxed  at  a  reduced  rate  by  the  United 
States.   Because  the  second  company  may  be  in  a  haven  or  a 
commercial  secrecy  jurisdiction,  the  true  owners  remain 
anonymous . 

This  latter  case  has  allegedly  arisen  under  the  Antilles 
treaty.   Under  that  treaty,  an  Antilles  corporation  owned  by 
a  Dutch  corporation  is  entitled  to  receive  royalties  free  of 
United  States  tax.   The  United  States  payee  can  pay  the 
royalties,  without  withholding,  jjf  certification  of  Dutch 
ownership  by  the  Antilles  government  is  provided  by  the 
Antilles  company.   (Certification  is  indicated  on  a  "VS-4" 
certificate.)   The  Antilles  government  does  little  checking 
to  see  who  owns  the  Netherlands  company.   They  also  do  not 
check,  in  all  cases,  to  see  whether  the  Antilles  company  is 
filing  a  tax  return.   Because  the  VS-4  is  good  for  three 
years,  three  years  can  go  by  before  anybody  realizes  that 
the  Antilles  company  is  not  paying  tax.   By  that  time„ 
whatever  fraud  was  planned  may  have  been  completed. — ' 

16/  Where  the  Antilles  entity  is  not  owned  by  a  Dutch 

resident,  certification  of  entitlement  to  treaty  bene- 
fits is  given  by  a  VS-3  which  is  good  for  only  one  year. 
Similar  problems  have  apparently  arisen  for  payments 
covered  by  a  VS-3. 


Another  fraudulent  use  of  treaties  by  foreigners  has 
allegedly  arisen  under  the  Antilles  treaty.   That  treaty 
provides  for  a  zero  rate  of  tax  on  interest  payments  from 
the  United  States  to  an  Antilles  resident  who  does  not  take 
advantage  of  the  special  low  rate  of  tax  accorded  Antilles 
investment  companies.   A  third  country  resident  wishing  to 
lend  funds  into  the  United  States  can  establish  an  Antilles 
company,  capitalize  it,  and  have  the  company  lend  the  money 
into  the  United  States.   The  interest  payments  from  the  United 
States  to  the  Antilles  company  are  free  of  United  States  tax. 
If,  however,  the  interest  is  paid  to  the  controlling  shareholders 
of  the  Antilles  company,  the  Antilles  company  may  not  be 
permitted  to  deduct  that  interest.   Accordingly,  the  regular 
corporate  rate  (30  percent)  will  be  applied  to  the  interest 
received . 

To  avoid  this  tax,  and  the  necessity  of  establishing  an 
Antilles  company,  a  foreigner  can  deposit,  in  an  Antilles 
bank,  an  amount  equal  to  the  amount  of  the  loan  he  wishes  to 
make.  The  Antilles  bank  then  lends  the  proceeds  to  the  United 
States  person.   The  Antilles  bank  will  receive  interest  from 
the  United  States  person,  subject  to  the  zero  rate  of  tax 
under  the  treaty.   The  interest,  and  eventually  the  principal, 
are  then  remitted  to  the  nonresident,  with  the  bank  retaining 
a  small  fee. 

Under  this  scheme,  the  bank  would  insist  upon  security 
for  the  loan,  which  would  be  documents  signed  by  the  foreign 
person.   This  scheme  is  fraudulent  because,  if  the  IRS  agent 
knew  all  of  the  facts  (the  existence  of  some  kind  of  security 
agreement  between  the  nonresident  and  the  bank),  the  loan 
would  clearly  be  considered  a  direct  loan  by  the  foreign 
person  to  the  United  States  person,  which  does  not  qualify 
under  the  treaty  because  the  foreign  person  is  not  a  resident 
of  the  Antilles. 

At  times,  back-to-back  arrangements  might  also  be 
considered  fraudulent.   For  example,  the  use  of  a  Dutch 
holding  company  to  sublicense  patents  into  the  United  States 
would  be  tax  fraud  if  the  recipient  of  royalties  paid  by  the 
Dutch  company  did  not  pay  the  United  States  tax  on  those 
royalties  known  to  be  subject  to  United  States  tax. 

2.   Analysis  of  Illegal  Use 

As  in  any  other  case  of  tax  fraud,  the  problems  in 
dealing  with  fraudulent  use  of  treaties  are  of  detection, 
investigative  techniques,  and  the  ability  to  gather  evidence 
which  can  be  used  in  a  criminal  prosecution.   The  schemes 
described  above  depend,  to  a  large  extent,  on  the  anonymity 


afforded  by  a  tax  haven  country.   For  example,  the  use  of  an 
Antilles  bearer  share  company  makes  it  difficult  to  identify 
the  true  owners  of  the  company.   Likewise,  bank  secrecy 
policies  make  it  difficult  to  identify  the  relationship  of  a 
bank  depositor  and  a  bank  loan.   Layering  of  entities  in 
treaty  and  non-treaty  countries  makes  detection  even  more 
difficult.   As  in  many  other  areas,  complexity  plus  information 
gathering  difficulties  makes  it  hard  to  identify  the  improper 
or  fraudulent  transactions. 

E.   Administration  of  Tax  Treaty  Network 

Treaty  issues  involving  foreign  investment  in  the  United 
States  and  treaty  issues  involving  foreign  persons  doing 
business  in  the  United  States  are  generally  under  the  jurisdiction 
of  the  IRS  Office  of  International  Operations  (010).   Treaty 
issues  involving  United  States  investment  overseas  are  under 
the  jurisdiction  of  the  Examination  Division,  and  are  most 
often  addressed  by  agents  in  its  International  Examination 

Procedural  treaty  matters  such  as  exchanges  of  information 
and  competent  authority  cases  are  generally  handled  by  010. 
Certain  exchanges  of  information  pursuant  to  the  simultaneous 
examination  program,  and  spontaneous  exchanges  of  information, 
are  handled  by  the  Examination  Division.   Tax  treaties  are 
negotiated  by  the  Office  of  the  Assistant  Secretary  of  the 
Treasury  for  Tax  Policy,  specifically  the  Office  of  International 
Tax  Affairs.   That  Office  also  gives  policy  guidance  in  the 
interpretation  of  the  treaties. 

Tax  haven  treaty  issues  most  often  involve  the  question 
of  whether  a  payment  of  passive  income  to  a  tax  haven  qualifies 
for  an  exemption  or  reduced  rate  of  tax  under  a  treaty.   One 
of  the  most  important  administrative  tools  available  to  the 
IRS  is  the  withholding  of  tax  on  payments  to  foreigners. — ' 
Present  regulations  require  withholding  of  the  statutory  30 
percent  tax  on  United  States  source, gcoss  income  when  the 
income  is  paid  to  a  foreign  person. — ^   An  "address"  system 
is  used  for  dividend  income  under  which  withholding  is 
at  the  reduced  treaty  rate,  if  the  address  of  the  dividend 
recipient  is  in  a  treaty  country.   With  respect  to  other 
income,  a  self-certification  system  is  in  effect  under  which 

\1_/      §§1441  and  1442. 

18/   Treas.  Reg.  §1.1441-1. 


the  recipient  of  the  income  can  claim  a  treaty  reduction  or 
exemption  by  filing  a  Form  1001  with  the  withholding  agent. 
Once  claimed,  an  exemption  is  valid  for  three  years.   Under 
this  system,  a  foreign  trustee  or  an  officer  of  a  corporation 
resident  in  a  treaty  country  can  file  the  Form  1001  and 
achieve  the  treaty  reduction.   The  withholding  agent  is 
under  no  obligation  to  look  behind  the  claim  and  the  IRS  is 
not  notified  of  the  claim  before  payments  are  made.   Accordingly, 
there  is  no  practical  opportunity  for  the  IRS  to  determine 
qualification  for  exemption  before  a  payment  is  made. 

For  example,  a  Dutch  company  licenses  a  patent  to  a 
United  States  manufacturer.   The  Dutch  company  supplies  the 
manufacturer  with  a  Form  1001  claiming  the  benefits  of  the 
United  States-Netherlands  income  tax  convention,  which 
provides  that  industrial  royalties  paid  to  a  Dutch  resident 
are  exempt  from  the  30  percent  Uhited  States  tax.   The  IRS 
may,  however,  wish  to  independently  determine  whether  the 
Dutch  company  is  entitled  to  the  exemption.   For  example, 
the  IRS  may  wish  to  determine  whether  the  Dutch  company  is, 
in  reality,  an  agent  of  a  resident  of  a  third  country,  or  if 
the  Dutch  company  itself  is  paying  out  the  royalties  to  a 
resident  of  a  non-treaty  country,  in  which  case  the  royalties 
are  United  States  source  income  and  subject  to  tax  by  the 
United  States.   To  make  these  determinations,  the  IRS  would 
want  the  records  of  the  Dutch  company  to  determine  whether 
it  is  the  effective  owner  of  the  patent.   IRS  may  wish  to 
know  the  owners  of  the  company,  and  it  may  wish  to  know 
whether  the  Dutch  company  is  making  payments  (such  as  interest) 
in  lieu  of  royalty  payments.   Much  of  this  information  could 
be  obtained  under  the  exchange  of  information  provision  of 
the  treaty,  but  this  takes  time.   In  addition,  the  information 
sought  might  be  protected  by  the  secrecy  laws  of  the  treaty 
partners.   If  some  of  the  information  is  not  available,  then 
it  may  be  necessary  to  audit  the  books  of  the  company  or 
talk  to  its  personnel.   All  of  this  is  time  consuming,  and 
some  tax  havens  might  not  permit  it.   Furthermore,  by  the 
time  the  IRS  can  gather  the  necessary  facts,  all  of  the 
income  may  have  been  paid  out;  the  tax  may  have  become  un- 

Effective  administration  of  tax  treaties  and  the  anti- 
abuse  provisions  contained  in  them  are  limited  for  at  least 
three  reasons.   First,  because  effective  administration 
depends  upon  the  full  and  willing  cooperation  of  the  treaty 
partner's  tax  administration.   This  involves  a  commitment  of 
their  resources  and  the  availability  of  the  necessary 


The  anti-abuse  provisions  of  the  treaty  operate  when  a 
nonresident  of  a  treaty  country  seeks  to  take  improper 
advantage  of  the  treaty,  usually  through  a  holding  company 
or  a  trust  or  nominee  account  in  the  treaty  country.   Information 
as  to  ownership  of  an  entity  and  the  residence  of  the  owner 
is  in  the  hands  of  persons  within  the  jurisdiction  of  the 
treaty  partner.   Therefore,  any  application  of  the  anti- 
abuse  rules  requires  an  inquiry  by  the  tax  administrators 
of  the  treaty  partner  into  the  residence  of  the  owners  of 
the  entity.   The  IRS  can  do  very  little  to  adequately  administer 
these  provisions  without  the  full  cooperation  of  the  treaty 

For  example,  the  holding  company  anti-abuse  rules  in 
the  proposed  Cyprus  treaty  apply  to  deny  certain  benefits  if 
a  Cyprus  company  is  owned  "directly  or  indirectly"  by  non- 
residents of  Cyprus.   The  only  way  the  IRS  can  tell  whether 
a  Cyprus  company  is  owned  by  non-residents  is  by  being  able 
to  look  behind  any  required  documentation.   If  the  stock  is 
owned  by  a  Cypriot  individual,  the  only  way  to  determine  if 
he  is  the  true  owner,  rather  than  a  nominee,  is  to  investigate 
him,  which  may  involve  interviewing  him.   The  IRS  does  not 
have  the  resources  to  conduct  this  kind  of  examination  on  a 
wide  scale,  nor  can  we  expect  our  treaty  partners  to  permit 

It  is  not  clear  that  most  of  our  present  or  prospective 
tax  haven  treaty  partners  have  the  resources  or  expertise  to 
make  the  inquiries  on  a  regular  basis.   Many  promote  themselves 
as  tax  havens,  and  it  may  not  be  in  the  best  interest  of  the 
tax  haven  to  vigorously  administer  the  anti-abuse  provisions. 

Second,  proper  administration  of  the  treaties  depends, 
to  a  great  extent,  on  a  meaningful  exchange  of  information, 
which  in  turn  depends  upon  the  scope  of  the  information 
which  can  be  provided  under  the  exchange  of  information 
article.   The  articles  in  the  existing  tax  haven  treaties  do 
not  override  local  commercial  secrecy  laws  or  customs.   They 
also  do  not  obligate  our  tax  haven  treaty  partner  to  obtain 
any  more  for  the  United  States  then  they  obtain  for  themselves. 
Accordingly,  the  IRS  cannot  always  expect  to  get  the  information 
needed  to  determine  whether  third  country  residents  are 
improperly  using  the  treaties.   In  the  existing  Model  treaty, 
the  exchange  of  information  article  does  follow  the  OECD 
article,  and  we  can  anticipate  negotiation  problems  if  we 
deviate  from  it.   Nevertheless,  the  article  does  contain 
gaps  when  dealing  with  a  jurisdiction  which  has  commercial 


Third,  administration  at  a  level  which  can  prevent 
abuse  of  the  treaty  would  require  a  much  greater  committment 
of  resources  than  are  presently  available.   The  IRS  has 
limited  resources  which  it  can  devote  to  administering  tax 
treaties.   In  1979  only  about  75  Form  1042's  (the  form  which 
must  be  filed  by  a  United  States  person  making  a  payment  to 
a  foreign  person)  were  audited.   Despite  a  growing  treaty 
network,  the  Congress  has  not  made  available  additional 
resources  necessary  to  administer  the  treaties.   The  IRS 
simply  is  not  in  a  position  to  audit  tax  haven  holding  or 
insurance  companies  claiming  treaty  benefits  to  determine  if 
they  are  eligible  for  those  benefits. 

Furthermore,  there  are  practical  limitations.   Effective 
administration  of  anti-abuse  provisions  most  likely  involves 
auditing  tax  haven  entitites.   This  infringes  on  the  sovereignty 
of  the  tax  haven.   It  is  unlikely  that  a  tax  haven  would 
permit  any  large  scale  activity  of  this  kind. 

IRS  rulings  policy  has  not  always  kept  up  with  developments 
in  the  use  of  tax  haven  treaties.   IRS  rulings  show  an 
inconsistent  policy  toward  treaty  shopping,  which  reflects 
equally  inconsistent  Treasury  and  Congressional  policies. 

The  IRS  has  attempted  to  deal  with  some  of  the  most 
obvious  abuse  cases  while  at  the  same  time  permit ing_some 
treaty  shopping.   For  example.  Revenue  Ruling  79-65 — held 
that  dividends  paid  by  a  United  States  subsidiary  to  its 
Netherlands  Antilles  parent  company  were  not  eligible  for 
the  five  percent  withholding  rate  provided  by  the  United  States- 
Antilles  treaty,  because  the  United  States  subsidiary  had 
not  provided  the  information,  when  requested  by  the  IRS,  to 
establish  that  the  relationship  between  it  and  its  Antilles 
parent  was  not  "arranged  or  maintained"  primarily  to  secure 
the  five  percent  rate.   The  sole  shareholder  of  the  Antilles 
company  was  an  individual  who  was  not  a  United  States  person, 
or  a  citizen  or  resident  of  the  Netherlands,  the  Antilles, 
or  any  other  country  having  a  treaty  with  the  United  States. 

While  the  ruling  denies  the  five  percent  rate,  it  does 
so  under  the  "arranged  or  maintained"  language  in  the  treaty 
(which  is  not  in  the  United  States  Model  and  is  found  only 
in  a  few  of  our  older  treaties),  and  indicates  that  the  dividend 
may  qualify  for  the  15  percent  rate  allowed  under  the  treaty 
if  the  recipient  is  a  resident  of  or  a  corporation  of  the 
Antilles.   Even  the  15  percent  rate  places  a  pr^gium  on 
treaty  shopping.   See  also  Revenue  Ruling  75-23 — ''^  and 

19/   1979-1  C.B.  458. 
20/   1975-1  C.B.  290. 


Revenue  Ruling  75-118 — '  which  indicate  approval  of  the  use 

of  the  Antilles  and  the  Netherlands,  respectively,  by  persons 

who  are  not  resident  in  either  country. 

The  United  Kingdom  treaty  extensions  (the  BVI ,  etc.) 
provide  for  a  15  percent  rate  of  United  States  tax  on  dividends 
derived  from  a  United  States  corporation  by  a  resident  of  a 
former  United  Kingdom  territory  who  is  subject  to  tax  by 
that  former  territory  on  the  dividend.   The  rate  is  five  percent 
if  the  corporate  parent  controls  95  percent  of  the  voting 
power  of  the  payor,  and  if  the  passive  income  limitation  is 
met.   The  reduction  to  five  percent  does  not  apply  "if  the 
relationship  of  the  two  corporations  has  been  arranged  or  is 
maintained  primarily  with  the  intention  of  securing  such  a 
reduced  rate." — ^   The  dividend  article  contains  a  provision 
permitting  either  party  to  terminate  the  article  under 
notice  to  the  other  party. 

The  "arranged  or  maintained"  language  in  the  context  of 
the  United  Kingdom  extensions  has  not  been  interpreted. 
There  are  no  published  IRS  positions,  and  the  issues  do  not 
seem  to  have  been  raised  on  audit. 

Another  problem  in  tax  treaty  administration  is  the 
lack  of  adequate  coordination  between  Treasury's  Office  of 
International  Tax  Counsel  (ITC)  and  IRS,  and  lack  of  coor- 
dination with  the  Tax  Division  of  the  Department  of  Justice 
(Tax  Division)  on  exchange  of  information  problems.   Today, 
coordination  appears  to  be  on  an  ad  hoc  basis.   Only  if  ITC 
has  a  problem,  do  they  coordinate.   As  a  result,  it  is 
possible  that  inadequate  attention  is  given  to  tax  administration 
concerns  in  formulating  treaty  policy. 

F.   Options  for  Tax  Haven  Treaties 

Tax  haven  treaties  present  special  problems  because  the 
combination  of  low  rates  of  tax  imposed  by  the  other  country 
and  the  reduction  in  United  States  tax  rates  by  reason  of 
the  treaty  attracts  third  country  residents  to  use  the 
treaty  to  invest  in  the  United  States.   Accordingly,  when 
attempting  to  deal  with  tax  haven  treaty  problems,  we  are 
attempting  to  limit  treaty  shopping.   This  could  be  done  by 
administrative,  legislative,  or  treaty  policy  changes.   The 
best  approach,  of  course,  is  not  to  have  treaties  with  tax 
havens.   Other  factors,  however,  often  make  that  goal  unattainable, 

21/   1975-1  C.B.  390. 

2  2/   Article  VI  United  States-United  Kingdom  Income  Tax 

Convention  of  July  25,  1946,  as  extended  to  the  United 
Kingdom  territories. 


1.   Administrative  Options 

Many  of  the  investment  patterns  described  above  are 
permitted  by  the  literal  language  of  the  treaties.   There 
are,  however,  some  which  are  not,  and  administrative  actions 
might  be  taken  which  might  help  in  dealing  with  some  of  the 

Consideration  should  be  given  to  the  following  options 
for  curtailing  tax  haven  treaty  abuse. 

a.   Refund  system  of  withholding.   The  present  system 
of  withholding  could  be  changed  to  a  refund  system.   Many  of 
the  schemes  involve  the  use  of  a  treaty  to  obtain  a  reduced 
rate  of  tax  at  source.   In  order  to  qualify,  all  that  the 
foreign  taxpayer  need  do  is  submit  a  form  or  letter  to  the 
withholding  agent  once  every  three  years. 

Under  a  full  refund  system,  withholding  would  be  at 
the  statutory  rate,  and  the  reduced  rates  accorded  by  the 
treaties  would  be  available  only  upon  application  for  a 
refund  by  the  affected  foreign  investor.   The  application 
would  include  a  certification  from  the  treaty  partner  that 
the  investor  is  entitled  to  the  benefits  of  the  treaty.   The 
United  States  certifies  for  Belgium,  France,  Luxembourg,  and 
the  United  Kingdom.   A  refund  system  would  at  least  force 
the  foreign  investor  to  submit  a  claim  with  the  government, 
which  could  in  itself  curtail  some  of  the  more  abusive  use. 
It  would  also  give  the  IRS  a  better  opportunity  to  identify 
cases  for  audit. 

A  refund  system,  however,  can  be  expensive  to  administer. 
Moreover,  those  who  can  afford  competent  tax  advice  can 
often  get  around  it.   It  can  be  argued  that  what  is  created 
is  really  just  a  loan  to  the  united  States  Government  without 
any  meaningful  reduction  in  abuse. 

As  an  alternative,  a  "certification  system"  could  be 
adopted  under  which  withholding  would  be  at  the  statutory 
rate,  unless  the  investor  submitted  a  certification  from  the 
treaty  partner  that  he  was  entitled  to  the  reduced  treaty 
rate.   A  combination  of  the  two  is  also  possible.   Under 
this  system,  withholding  would  be  at  the  statutory  rate  for 
the  first  year  in  which  a  payment  is  made.   The  investor 
would  then  file  for  a  refund  and  include  a  certification  of 
eligibility  from  the  treaty  partner.   Thereafter  (or  for  a 
fixed  period  of  years),  withholding  would  be  at  the  reduced 
treaty  rate. 


b.  Increase  audit  coverage  of  treaty  issues.   Consideration 
should  be  given  to  expanding  the  audit  coverage  of  foreign 
investors  claiming  treaty  benefits.   One  possibility  is  to 

use  the  tables  which  list  the  tax  haven  payees  who  receive 
income  (the  1042  tables)  in  an  attempt  to  identify  quality 
cases . 

Clearer  directions  could  be  given  to  examining  agents 
in  the  finance  company  area,  and  better  training  in  the 
treaty  area  could  be  provided.   There  is  an  ambivalence  in 
the  law  and  in  IRS  rulings  policy  which  in  the  past  has 
been  reflected  in  agents  generally  not  auditing  many  finance 
company  cases.   Some  agents  appear  to  avoid  finance 
subsidiary  issues  on  the  theory  that  they  had  subpart  F 
income  in  any  event.   This  analysis  shows  a  need  for  better 
understanding  of  the  treaty  issues  involved.   The  IRS 
should  develop  a  clear  policy  toward  finance  subsidiaries, 
and  make  that  policy  known  to  the  examining  agents. 

c.  Periodic  review  of  treaties.   Treasury  should 
consider  subjecting  treaties  to  a  regular  periodic  review. 
Jurisdictions  that  have  treaties  in  effect  that  are  abused, 
or  are  not  in  the  best  interest  of  the  United  States,  would 
be  notified  of  termination.   Priority  renegotiation  would 
then  be  instituted.   In  this  way,  the  pressure  to  renegotiate 
would  be  placed  on  the  treaty  partner.   Congress  might  pass 
legislation  requiring  that  results  of  this  review  be  made 
available  to  the  public  and  subject  to  Congressional  scrutiny. 

In  order  to  facilitate  this  option,  a  change  could  be 
made  in  the  termination  clauses  of  the  treaties.   Under  most 
of  the  existing  treaties,  notice  of  termination  must  be 
given  at  least  6  months  before  the  termination  date.   The 
treaty  then  terminates  as  of  the  first  day  of  January  next 
following  the  expiration  of  the  6  month  period.   Accordingly, 
the  Treasury  would  have  at  most  one  year  to  negotiate  a 
treaty  and  have  it  approved  by  the  Senate.   This  is  not 
enough  time.   This  problem  could  be  solved  by  making  it 
clear  that  the  notice  of  termination  can  be  effective  the 
first  of  a  designated  January  which  is  at  least  6  months  in 
the  future.   Thus,  more  than  one  year  could  be  allowed  for 
renegotiation,  but  with  a  fixed  termination  date. 

Adoption  of  this  option  would  require  that  additional 
resources  be  made  available  to  the  Treasury. 

d.  Exchange  of  information  article  overriding  bank 
secrecy.   The  exchange  of  information  article  in  U.S.  tax 
treaties  with  tax  havens  could  be  strengthened  to  override 
local  bank  and  commercial  secrecy.   This  issue  and  a  possible 
approach  is  discussed  in  Chapter  IX. 


e .  Improve  the  quality  of  routine  information  received. 
Attempts  should  be  made  to  improve  the  quality  of  the 
information  which  we  get  from  our  tax  haven  treaty  partners. 
In  many  cases,  the  information  which  we  receive  from  our 
treaty  partners  is  not  in  usable  form.   Often,  details 
necessary  to  identify  a  United  States  taxpayer  receiving 
income  are  not  available.   This  makes  it  difficult  to  identify 
United  States  persons  who  may  be  receiving  income  from  a  tax 
haven  and  not  reporting  it.   Furthermore,  the  IRS  does  not 
get  information  which  is  useful  in  dealing  with  treaty 
shopping.   Moreover,  the  exchange  of  information  articles  in 
the  treaties  do  not  override  bank  secrecy,  which  means  that 
important  information  is  often  not  available. 

f.  Rulings .   IRS  rulings  policy  has  at  times  appeared 
ambivalent  with  respect  to  the  use  of  tax  haven  treaties  by 
treaty  shoppers.   At  times  taxpayers  get  the  impression  that 
the  IRS  condones  such  use.   To  dispel  this  impression,  the 
IRS  could  attempt  to  challenge  the  back-to-back  royalty 
situation,  by  taking  the  position  that  amounts  paid  by  a 
corporation  in  a  treaty  country  are  United  States  source 
income  and  are  not  exempted  by  the  language  of  the  treaty. 
For  example,  as  described  above,  patents  may  be  licenses 
into  the  United  States  through  a  company  established  in  the 
Netherlands.   The  United  States-Netherlands  treaty  provides 
that  royalties  paid  to  a  corporation  of  one  of  the  contracting 
countries  are  exempt  from  tax  by  the  other  contracting 

country.   Accordingly,  royalties  paid  by  the  United  States  licensee 
to  the  Netherlands  company  are  exempt.   The  IRS  could  argue, 
however,  that  royalties  paid  by  the  Netherlands  company  to  a 
third  country  national  are  royalties  for  the  use  of  a  patent 
in  the-United  States  and  accordingly  are  United  States  source 
income—''^,  and  that  the  Netherlands  company  is  a  withholding 
agent  required  to  withhold  the  United  States  tax  of  30 
percent  of  the  gross  amount  paid.   While  it  would  be  difficult 
for  the  IRS  to  enforce  the  withholding  obligation  of  the 
Dutch  company,  the  payments  to  the  Dutch  company  could  be 
attached . 

The  IRS  could  also  publish  a  ruling  stating  that  any 
United  States  investment  through  a  former  United  Kingdom  territory 
will  be  closely  scrutinized,  with  a  view  toward  determining 
whether  the  "arranged  or  maintained"  language  is  applicable 
to  deny  the  five  percent  rate.   A  procedure  could  be  adopted 
under  which  the  reduced  rate  will  not  be  granted,  unless  a 
prior  ruling  is  obtained  that  the  arrangement  between  a  United 
States  corporation  and  a  corporation  resident  in  the  treaty 
partner  has  not  been  and  will  not  be  aranged  primarily  with 
the  intention  of  securing  the  reduced  rate. 

23/   See  §861(a) (4) . 


g.   Coordination  with  ITC.   ITC  should  consider  coord- 
inating with  IRS  and  the  Tax  Division  on  a  more  regular 
basis  when  formulating  treaty  policy.   This  would  enable  ITC 
to  be  better  aware  of  the  administrative  and  law  enforcement 
problems  faced  by  the  administrators  who  will  have  to  deal 
with  the  treaties.   It  might  also  give  tax  administration 
considerations  more  weight  in  formulating  treaty  policy. 
Efforts  to  improve  coordination -within  the  IRS  would  make 
coordination  with  ITC  easier. — ^ 

2.   Changes  in  Treaty  Policy 

The  options  set  forth  below  are  intended  to  apply  to 
treaties  with  tax  havens,  and  are  intended  to  help  limit  the 
use  of  tax  haven  treaties  by  third  country  residents.   It  is 
this  use  of  treaties  by  third  country  residents  which  creates 
whatever  problems  are  caused  by  treaties. 

a.   Treaty  network.   The  most  direct  attack  on  tax 
haven  treaty  problems  would  be  not  to  have  treaties  with  tax 
havens.   Solely  from  a  tax  administration  perspective,  the 
United  States  should  not  have  standard  treaties  with  tax 

The  United  States  should  consider  terminating  its 
existing  tax  haven  treaties,  particularly  those  with  the 
Netherlands  Antilles  and  the  former  United  Kingdom  territories. 
The  United  Kingdom  extensions  are  an  affront  to  sound  tax 
administration,  existing  only  to  be  abused.   The  Antilles 
treaty  has  also  been  regularly  abused.   The  IRS  has  not  had 
much  success  in  enforcing  the  anti-abuse  rules. 

It  is  recognized  that  for  non-tax  considerations,  it  may 
be  necessary  to  enter  into  tax  treaties  with  tax  havens. 
Such  treaties  should  be  as  limited  as  possible,  and  should 
focus  on  the  specific  policy  objectives  for  negotiating  the 
treaty.   They  should  contain  a  strong  exchange  of  infor-     „j.  , 
mation  provision  which  overrides  secrecy  laws  and  practices. — ' 

In  order  to  prevent  some  of  the  smaller  Western  Hemis- 
phere jurisdictions  (and  perhaps  jurisdictions  in  other 
areas)  from  becoming  aggressive  tax  havens,  we  might  con- 
sider entering  into  limited  income  tax  treaties  with  them. 
These  treaties  could  provide  for  competent  autority  procedures 
to  deal  with  transfer  pricing  and  allocation  problems.   They 

24/   See  discussion  in  Chapter  X,  supra. 

2  5/   See  Chapter  IX  for  suggested  model  exchange  of  information 


could  contain  a  non-discrimination  provision.   They  should 
also  contain  a  strong  exchange  of  information  provision, 
similar  to  that  discussed  in  Chapter  IX.   They  might  also 
obligate  the  LMited  States  to  provide  technical  assistance 
for  tax  administration.   Further,  the  termination  Article  should 
contain  a  provision  providing  that  either  party  can  terminate 
the  treaty,  if  either  determines  that  the  other  party  is  not 
able  to  administer  the  anti-abuse  provisions  of  the  treaty 
or  is  not  meeting  its  obligations  under  the  treaty. 

b.  Source  country  taxation.   Present  treaty  policy, 
which  is  consistent  with  the  OECD  approach,  is  to  give 
primacy  to  tax  to  the  country  of  residence  of  the  earner  of 
income,  except  in  the  case  of  business  income  and  income 
from  real  property.   Even  in  the  case  of  business  income, 

the  treaty  approach  is  more  restrictive  of  the  source  country's 
jurisdiction  than  is  the  Internal  Revenue  Code.   This  policy 
should  be  reconsidered  with  respect  to  tax  havens  or  juris- 
dictions which  have  the  potential  to  become  tax  havens. 

One  solution  to  the  tax  haven  treaty  shopping  problem, 
which  is  reflected  generally  in  the  approach  of  the  developing 
countries — '  ,  would  be  to  adopt  a  policy  of  giving  the 
source  country  the  primary  right  to  tax  income.   The  reductions 
in  tax  on  the  gross  amount  of  passive  income  (dividends, 
interest  and  royalties)  would  be  limited,  some  significant 
United  States  tax  on  the  investments  would  be  preserved,  and 
the  incentive  to  shop  for  the  best  possible  return  would  be 
limited.   Further,  the  categories  of  income  considered  to  be 
business  profits  could  be  restricted,  and  more  categories 
could  be  subjected  to  gross  tax. 

c.  Anti-holding  company  or  anti-conduit  approaches. 
Article  16  of  the  united  States  Model  and  similar  provisions 
in  a  number  of  existing  treaties  attempt  to  limit  the  use 

of  the  treaties  by  third  country  residents  through  an  investment 
or  holding  company.   There  are  also  other  anti-abuse  provisions 
contained  in  the  treaties.   These  provisions  do  not  appear 
to  be  effective  in  preventing  treaty  abuse. 

One  or  more  of  the  following  approaches  could  be  adopted 
to  deal  with  tax  haven  treaty  shopping,  the  goal  being  to 
eliminate  third  country  use  of  these  treaties.   In  general, 
treaties  with  countries  that  are  or  that  have  particular 
potential  to  become  tax  havens  should  contain  as  many  useful 
anti-avoidance  provisions  as  possible. 

26/   Manual  for  the  Negotiation  of  Bilateral  Tax  Treaties 
Between  Developed  and  Developing  Countries,  United 
Nations  Publication  ST/ESA/94  (1979),  discussion  of 
interest  guidelines  at  66-73. 


(i)  Article  16  of  the  Model  could  be  expanded  to  con- 
form to  the  proposed  Cyprus  treaty — '  ,    to  deny  reduced  rates 
of  tax  in  the  case  of  payments  to  a  company  (1)  that  is 
owned  25  percent  or  more  by  non-residents  of  the  treaty 
partner,  or  (2)  whose  income  is  subject  to  tax  in  the  other 
state  at  a  rate  substantially  less  than  the  normally  applicable 
corporate  rate.   In  dealing  with  potential  tax  havens,  this 
approach  would  be  an  improvement  over  the  existing  provision. 
It  does,  however,  contain  the  same  administrative  difficulties. 

(ii)  Article  16  could  be  expanded  to  deny  treaty  benefits 
to  a  company  if  more  than  a  stated  percentage  of  its  gross 
income  is  passive  income.   A  payment  to  a  holding  company 
would  not  be  eligible  for  reduced  withholding  taxes,  regard- 
less of  the  ownership  or  tax  burden  borne  by  that  company  in 
the  home  country.   In  the  alternative,  the  passive  income 
test  could  be  combined  with  the  ownership  test  in  (i)  above, 
or  with  the  ownership  and  reduced  rates  of  tax  test.   The 
reduced  rates  of  tax  would  be  denied  to  a  company  which 
receives  a  substantial  amount  of  passive  income,  and  which 
is  subject  to  a  reduced  rate  of  tax  in  the  home  country, 
even  though  it  is  owned  exclusively  by  residents  of  the 
treaty  country. 

(iii)  The  holding  company  test  could  be  abandoned  in 
favor  of  a  more  direct  approach.   For  example,  the  reduced 
rate  of  tax  on  interest  could  be  denied  with  respect  to  a 
debt  obligation  that  is  created  or  assigned  mainly  for  the 
purpose  of  taking  advantage  of  the  reduced  rate  of  tax,  and 
not  for  bona  fide  commercial  reasons.   A  similar  provision 
for  royalties  could  be  included,  under  which  the  reduced 
rate  of  tax  would  not  be  available  if  the  right  or  property 
giving  rise  to  the  royalty  was  created  or  assigned  mainly 
for  the  purpose  of  taking  advantage  of  the  reduced  rate  of 
tax,  and  not  for  bona  fide  commercial  reasons. — ' 

d .   Expansion  of  anti-abuse  provisions  to  active  business. 
The  Article  16  approach  could  be  expanded  to  cover  all 
treaty  rules.   Article  16,  and  most  anti-treaty  shopping 
provisions,  apply  to  dividends,  interest  and  royalties. 
They  do  not  apply  to  a  corporation  established  by  a  third 

27/   Article  26. 

28/  See  Articles  12  and  13  of  the  Netherlands-United  Kingdom 
Income  Tax  Treaty,  as  amended  by  protocol  entering 
into  force  on  October  19,  1977. 


country  resident  to  conduct  an  active  business  in  the  United 
States.   Accordingly,  a  third  country  resident  wishing  to 
conduct  an  active  business  in  the  United  States  can  form  a 
resident  corporation  in  a  treaty  country,  and  take  advantage 
of  the  benefits  accorded  by  the  permanent  establishment 
rules  and  any  other  benefits  given  by  the  convention.   This 
use  of  treaties  could  be  curtailed  by  extending  the  anti- 
holding  company  rules  to  all  activity  carried  on  by  a  corporation 
owned  by  third-country  residents. 

e.  Second  withholding  tax.   The  second  withholding  tax 
should  not  be  waived  when  the  treaty  partner  does  not  impose 
a  tax  on  payments  out.   The  waiver  of  the  United  States  tax 
imposed  upon  payment  of  dividends  and  interest  by  a  foreign 
corporation  is  an  important  element  in  successful  treaty 
shopping.   This  waiver  permits  the  income  to  be  paid  from 
the  treaty  country  to  the  owner  of  the  income  free  of  tax. 
By  insisting  on  retaining  the  second  withholding  tax,  this 
element  is  removed.   See  3.c.  below  for  a  legislative  suggestion 
dealing  with  replacing  the  second  withholding  tax  with  a 
branch  profits  tax. 

f.  The  insurance  premium  exemption.   The  United  States 
imposes  an  excise  tax  on  insurance  or  reinsurance  premiums 
paid  to  foreign  insurers. — '       The  rate  is  four  percent  of 
the  premium,  or  one  percent  in  the  case  of  reinsurance.   The 
United  States-United  Kingdom  treaty  gives  up  the  tax  on 
payments  of  or  reinsurance  premiums  to  a  United  Kingdom 
enterprise  . — 

The  exemption  has  allegedly  been  abused,  and  some  of 
the  premiums  may  be  flowing  through  insurance  companies 
resident  in  a  treaty  partner  (particularly  in  the  United  Kingdom) 
to  insurance  companies  or  reinsurers  located  in  tax  havens 
such  as  Bermuda.   In  some  cases,  the  tax  haven  company  may 
be  owned  by  the  United  States  company,  but  this  relationship 
is  hidden.   Further,  if  the  foreign  company  is  not  paying  a 
significant  rate  of  tax  in  its  real  country  of  residence,  it 
has  a  competitive  advantage  over  United  States  insurers. 
While,  in  theory,  a  tax  is  due  when  the  treaty  country 
insurer  lays  off  the  risk  to  a  foreign  company,  in  fact,  any 
procedures  to  collect  such  a  tax  would  be  unenforceable. 

29/   §4371. 

30/  Article  7  (6A) . 


(i)  The  broad  exemption  from  the  excise  tax  imposed  on 
insurance  or  reinsurance  premiums  paid  to  foreign  insurance 
companies  could  be  eliminated. 

(ii)  The  IRS  could  adopt,  generally,  the  position  taken 
in  the  French  protocol,  under  which  the  exemption  is  applicable 
only  "to  the  extent  that  the  foreign  insurer  does  not  reinsure 
such  risks  with  a  person  not  entitled  to  .exemption  from  such 
tax  under  this  or  another  convention." — '       This  approach  has 
the  administrative  problems  of  any  anti-treaty  abuse  pro- 
vision:  dependence  upon  our  treaty  partner  to  enforce  a 
provision  it  may  be  unable  to  enforce  or  which  it  may  have 
no  interest  in  enforcing.   An  additional  administrative 
problem  is  that,  generally,  pools  of  risk,  not  single  risks, 
are  reinsured.   This  makes  any  anti-abuse  provision  difficult 
to  administer,  even  with  a  fully  cooperative  treaty  partner. 
The  taxpayer  could  be  put  to  his  burden  of  proof  that  the 
premiums  were  not  passed  through,  if  problems  are  suspected. 

g.  Personal  service  companies — artists  and  athletes. 
The  United  States  Model  contains  an  article  which  deals  with 
the  so-called  lend-a-star  problem,  by  permitting  the  country 
in  which  services  are  performed  by  an  artist  or  an  athlete 
to  tax  the  income  from  performance  of  the  services  where  the 
income  in  respect  of  the  service  accrued  to  another. — '  The 
model  provision  is  based  on  Article  17  of  the  L&iited  Kingdom 

As  explained  above,  the  provision  does  not  deal  clearly 
with  amounts  paid  for  works  created  by  the  artist.   The  real 
problem  with  taxing  the  income  from  record  sales,  for  example, 
is  defining  what  that  income  is,  i.e.,  income  from  the 
performance  of  services  or  royalties.   If  the  income  is 
service  income  then  arguably  it  should  be  taxed  where  the      .,_  . 
services  are  performed,  which  is  where  the  record  is  recorded. — ' 
If  the  compensation  is  royalty  income  the  result  may  be 
different.   This  conflict  could  be  handled  in  the  treaties 
by  further  defining  what  the  income  is  and  how  it  will  be 
taxed.   In  the  alternative,  it  could  be  dealt  with  by  amending 
the  Code  to  establish  clear  source  rules. 

— Art.  1(a)  united  States-France  Income  Tax  Convention. 


— '     United    States   Model,    Art.    17. 


=-^'    See  Ingram  v.  Bowers,  47  F.  2d  925  (S.D.N.Y.  1931); 

aff'd,  57  F.  2d  65  (2d  Cir.  1932). 


An  alternative  is  to  treat  the  compensation  from  the 
use  of  any  copyright  of  literary  or  artistic  work  as  business 
profits,  and  attributable  to  a  permanent  establishment  or 
fixed  place  of  business  in  the  country  where  entertainment 
activities  are  performed,  if  the  royalties  are  earned 
within  a  fixed  period  of  time  after  the  artist  has  performed 
in  the  United  States.   Under  this  system,  the  amounts  from 
the  sale  of  the  records  would  be  taxed  on  a  net  basis  when 
paid  to  the  tax  haven  company.   Another  alternative  is  to 
clearly  define  the  income  as  royalties,  and  not  have  a  zero 
rate  of  tax  on  royalties,  at  least  in  tax  haven  treaties. 

3 .   Legislative  Approaches 

The  best  approach  to  dealing  with  treaty  problems  is  to 
handle  them  through  the  negotiation  process.   Some  of  the 
problems  can,  in  part,  be  dealt  with  through  administrative 
changes.   There  are,  however,  some  legislative  options  which 
should  be  considered  for  dealing  with  tax  haven  oriented 
treaty  problems.   As  with  any  other  treaty  legislation 
directed  at  tax  havens,  a  decision  would  have  to  be  made 
whether  any  legislative  approaches  would  apply  generally,  or 
would  apply  solely  to  tax  haven  transactions. 

a.   Reduction  of  the  rate  of  tax  on  fixed  or  determinable 
income.   One  possible  approach  is  to  reduce  the  30  percent 
tax  which  the  United  States  currently  imposes  on  fixed  or 
determinable  income  paid  to  foreigners.   Many  claim  that  our 
current  rates  are  high.   For  example,  when  imposed  on  interest 
paid  to  a  bank,  they  can  exceed  the  net  income  of  that  bank. 
Treaties  are  the  mechanism  by  which  we  bring  our  rates  down 
to  a  more  reasonable  level.   In  lieu  of  the  treaty  approach, 
we  could  rationalize  our  rates  of  tax  legislatively.   If  the 
rates  are  set  at  a  rate  which  is  higher  than  current  treaty 
rates,  the  legislation  could  override  the  treaties,  or,  in 
the  alternative,  the  legislation  could  provide  a  maximum 
rate  with  the  treaties  continuing  to  take  precedence. 
Legislation  to  eliminate  the  tax  on  portfolio  interest  has 
been  proposed,  but  to  date  the  Congress  has  failed  to  act  on 
that  proposal. 

As  an  anti-haven  measure,  the  present  30  percent 
statutory  rate  could  be  continued  for  payments  to  designated 
tax  havens,  or  an  even  higher  rate  could  be  imposed. 


b.  Anti-treaty  abuse  rule.   Another  possibility  is  to 
place  an  anti-treaty  abuse  provision  in  the  Code.   The  Code 
could  be  amended  to  deny  treaty  benefits  to  a  foreign  person 
who  is  not  a  contemplated  beneficiary  of  treaty  benefits,  or 
if  a  substantial  part  of  the  treaty  relief  benefits  persons 
not  entitled  to  the  benefits  of  a  convention.    This  provision 
would  give  the  IRS  the  authority  to  deny  treaty  benefits  in 
abusive  cases  which  might  come  within  the  literal  language 

of  the  treaties,  but  which  were  not  anticipated  by  the 
treaty  negotiators.   The  provisions  could  be  drafted  by 
simply  referring  to  a  person  who  is  not  a  contemplated 
beneficiary,  leaving  the  IRS  with  broad  authority  to  develop 
guidelines.   An  objective  standard  could  be  included  to  deny 
treaty  benefits  in  the  case  of  payments  to  a  foreign  entity 
if  (1)  more  than  a  fixed  percentage  of  income  for  which  the 
treaty  benefit  is  claimed  is  paid  to  a  person  not  entitled 
to  the  benefits  of  the  treaty,  (2)  the  income  is  not  reported 
as  taxable  income  to  the  treaty  partner,  or  (3)  the  debt  to 
equity  ratio  of  the  recipient  company  exceeds  a  designated 
level . 

In  the  alternative,  or  in  addition,  an  anti-holding 
company  provision  similar  to  that  contained  in  the  United 
States  Model  or  the  more  extensive  provision  contained  in 
the  proposed  Cyprus  treaty  could  be  added  to  the  Code.   Such 
a  provision  might  be  applicable  only  with  respect  to  designated 
tax  havens. 

c.  Branch  profits  tax.   The  second  withholding  tax 
problem  may  also  be  handled  through  legislation.   As  dis- 
cussed above,  some  countries,  particularly  tax  havens,  do 
not  impose  a  tax  on  payments  from  their  domestic  corporations 
to  non-residents  of  the  tax  haven.   The  United  States, 
however,  imposes  a  tax  on  dividends  and  interest  of  foreign 
corporations  which  earn  a  certain  percentage  of  their  income 
in  the  United  States.   Some  treaties  waive  this  second 
withholding  tax,  and  even  when  not  waived  it  can  be  difficult 
to  collect  because  the  withholding  agent  is  the  foreign 
corporation.   An  alternative,  used  by  numerous  countries,  is 
to  impose  a  branch  profits  tax  on  the  income  of  a  United 
States  branch  of  a  foreign  corporation.   Under  this  approach, 
a  tax  equal  to  the  withholding  tax  imposed  on  fixed  and 
determinable  United  States  source  income  would  be  imposed  on 
the  branch  when  it  remits  income  to  its  foreign  office. 

This  removes  the  collection  problem  and  is  a  somewhat  more 
rational  system.   This  tax  could  be  waived  in  appropriate 
treaties,  but  not  in  treaties  with  tax  havens. 


Table  1 

U.S.  Gross  Income  Pild  to  Nonresident  Aliens 

and  Foreign  Corporations  in  Tax  Havens  and  Other  Jurisdictions 

Within  and  Without  the  U.S.  Treaty  Network,  by  Type  of  Income,  1978 

(In  Thousamls  of  Dollars) 







All  countries,  total 





Treaty  countries,  total 





Tax  haven  treaty 

countries,  total 




















British  Virgin  I 











Falkland  Islands 

























Netherlands  Antilles 





St.  Chrlstopher- 






St.  Lucia 





St.  Vincent 















Non-tax  haven  trea 


countries,  total 



































Finland  , 














Germany,  Federal 

Republic  of 







































-^^Includes  Norfolk  Island  and  Papua  New  Guinea. 

—  Includes  French  Guiana,  Guadeloupe,  Martinique  and  Reunion. 


U.S.  Gross  Income  Paid  fo  Nonresident.  Aliens 
and  Foreign  Corporations  in  Tax  Haven  and  Other  Jurisdictions 
Within  and  Without  the  U.S.  Treaty  Network,  by  Type  of  Income,  1978 

(In  Thousands  of  Dollars) 

New  Zealand- 

Sierra  Leone 
South  Africa 

Trinidad  and  Tobago 
United  Kingdom 

Non-treaty  countries,  total 

Tax  haven  countries 
Non-tax  haven  countries 
















































































—  Includes  Cook  Islands  and  Nlue. 

*Le8S  than  $500. 

Note:   Detail  may  not  add  to  totals  due  to  rounding. 

Source:   Statistics  Division,  Internal  Revenue  Service,  unpublished  tabulations  on 
"Nonresident  Alien  Income  and  Tax  Withheld  as  Reported  on  Forms  1042s"  for 
Calendar  Year  1978. 


Table  2 

U.S.  Gross  Income  Paid  to  Nonresident  Aliens 
and  Foreign  Corporations  in  Tax  Haven  Countries 
Within  and  Without  the  U.S.  Treaty  Network,  1978 

(Amounts  in  Million  Dollars) 


Percent  of 
all  countries 

Treaty  countries,  total 



Tax  havens 



Nontreaty  countries,  total 



Tax  havens 



All  countries,  total 



Sura  of  components  may  not  add  to  totals  due  to  rounding. 

Source:   Statistics  Division,  Internal  Revenue  Service,  unpublished  tab- 
ulations on  "Nonresident  Alien  Income  and  Tax  Withheld  as  Re- 
ported on  Forms  1042s"  for  Calendar  Year  1978. 

IX.   Information  Gathering 

The  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  has  broad  authority  to 
require  taxpayers  to  file  tax  returns, and  to  keep  records 
necessary  to  determine  tax  liability.—   The  Secretary  is 
empowered  to  examine  any  books,  papers,  records,  or  other 
data  that  may  be  relevant,  or  material  to  verify  the  correctness 
of  any  return  or  to  compute  any  tax  liability.—   The  Secretary's 
powers,  which  are  delegated  to  the  IRS,  and  the  IRS'  ability 
to  enforce  them  are  essential  to  effective  administration  of 
the  Internal  Revenue  Code.   In  the  international  sector, 
these  powers  frequently  are  insufficient  for  the  task. 

International  transactions  in  general,  and  tax  haven- 
related  transactions  in  particular,  present  special  problems 
to  the  tax  administrator.   To  begin  with,  U.S.  tax  laws 
governing  international  transactions  are  among  the  most 
complex  in  the  Internal  Revenue  Code.   In  addition,  the 
acquisition  of  information  necessary  to  verify  a  return  or 
establish  tax  liability  where  such  transactions  are  involved 
is  always  difficult,  often  impossible.   Investigative  efforts 
are  logistically  complicated  by  distance  or  language  differences. 
Such  efforts  are  procedurally  complicated  by  internal  laws 
and  practices  of  other  sovereigns.   The  ultimate  stumbling 
block  is  political--the  U.S.  investigative  need  often  clashes 
with  a  foreign  interest.   When  a  tax  haven  is  involved, 
conflicts  with  foreign  laws  and  practices  result  in  more 
than  merely  complex  and  time-consuming  procedures. 

A,    Reporting 

The  foundation  of  the  U.S.  self-assessment  system  is 
the  reporting  of  income  and  income-producing  transactions  by 
taxpayers.   Reliance  on  taxpayer-supplied  information  applies 
to  international  as  well  as  domestic  transactions.   In  both 
areas,  that  reliance  gives  rise  to  the  following  questions: 
(1)  What  information  should  be  reported?   (2)  Is  IRS  asking 
for  it?   (3)  Is  IRS  asking  for  it  in  a  manner  that  does  not 
place  an  undue  burden  on  the  taxpayer?   (4)  Is  IRS  obtaining 
what  it  is  asking  for?   (5)  Is  IRS  using  the  information  it 

1/   §6001. 
2/  §7602(1). 


1.    IRS  Forms 

The  primary  source  of  taxpayer -suppl led  information  is 
the  IRS  forms  filed  by  taxpayers.   Some  forms  are  used  to 
compute  tax  liability.   Others  report  data  or  the  occurence 
of  certain  transactions  which  do  not  necessarily  reflect  the 
reporter's  tax  liability.   The  IRS  forms  required  of  a  U.S. 
taxpayer  to  report  international  transactions  are  as  follows: 

Form  959  (acquisition  or  disposition  of  an  interest 
in  a  foreign  corporation); 

Forms  926  and  3520  (transfer  of  property  to  a 
foreign  entity)  ; 

Forms  958  and  2952  (transactions  of  a  controlled 
foreign  corporation); 

Form  3520-A  (income  of  a  foreign  trust  in  which 
the  taxpayer  has  an  interest) ; 

Forms  957,  958,  and  3646  (receipt  of  income  from  a 
foreign  corporation); 

Forms  1042  and  1042S  (payment  of  certain  fixed  or 
determinable  income  to  a  foreign  person); 

Forms  1120NR  (corporation)  and  1040NR  (individual) 
(receipt  of  U.S.  income  or  foreign  effectively  connected 
income  by  a  resident  or  non-resident  foreign  corporation, 
and  a  nonresident  alien  individual,  respectively). 

The  time  and  place  for  filing  these  forms  vary.   The 
time  is  often  controlled  by  the  event  to  be  reported  (e.g.. 
Form  959).   Some  are  filed  with  the  taxpayer's  return  (e.g.. 
Form  2952),  others  are  filed  separately  but  at  the  same 
service  center  where  the  taxpayer  files  his  return  (e.g.. 
Form  926),  while  still  others  are  filed  at  the  Philadelphia 
Service  Center  (e.g..  Form  957). 

a.    Analysis 

Problems  associated  with  reporting  include:   (1)  inadequacy 
of  the  information  requested  from  taxpayers,  (2)  poor  quality 
of  information  supplied  by  taxpayers,  (3)  overlap  among 
forms  requesting  information,  (4)  ambiguity  in  filing  require- 
ments for  these  forms,  and  (5)  IRS  processing  difficulties. 

With  respect  to  the  first  problem,  there  are  several 
significant  reporting  gaps. 


A  U.S.  person  doing  business  overseas  is  not  required 
to  report  the  nature  of  his  transactions.   Thus,  loans  from 
foreign  entities,  a  primary  method  of  repatriating  funds 
laundered  through  tax  havens,  need  not  be  reported.   As  a 
result,  the  IRS  is  unable  to  identify  returns  where  audit 
would  be  appropriate. 

In  addition,  there  is  a  gap  in  the  Form  959  filing 
requirements.   Today,  a  Form  959  must  be  filed  by  certain 
U.S.  persons  with  respect  to  an  acquisition  of  stock  in  a 
foreign  corporation  if  the  acquisition  results  in  a  U.S. 
person  owning  five  percent  , or  more  of  the  value  of  the 
stock  of  the  corporation.—   Stock  owned  .directly  or  indirectly 
by  a  person  will  be  taken  into  account.—   The  regulations 
provide  for  attribution  of  stock  owned  by  a  foreign  corporation 
or  a  foreign  partnership  to  its  shareholders  or  partners.—^ 
They  do  not  provide  for  attribution  from  a  foreign  trust. 

Accordingly,  under  the  regulations,  if  a  foreign  trust 
for  the  benefit  of  a  U.S.  person  acquires  stock  in  a  foreign 
corporation,  the  fact  of  that  acquisition  does  not  have  to 
be  reported.   If  the  foreign  trust  which  acquires  the  stock 
is  a  grantor  trust  with  a  U.S.  grantor  or  is  a  §679  trust, 
then  the  grantor  or  U.S.  person  taxable  under  §679  as  the 
owner  of  the  property  would  have  to  file,  because  that 
person  is  considered  to  be  the  owner  of  the  stock.   This 
rule  is  not  explicitly  set  forth  in  the  regulations. 

A  fiduciary  of  a  foreign  trust  that  has  U.S.  source 
income  or  that  is  engaged  in  a  trade  or  business  in  the  U.S. 
must  file  a  Form  1040NR.   However,  the  form  does  not  require 
that  the  fiduciary  identify  the  principal  of  the  trust, 
specify  whether  the  trust  entity  has  a  U.S.  business,  or 
clarify  his  relationship  to  the  entity  (i.e.,  trustee, 
nominee).   As  a  result,  information  which  the  IRS  might  use 
to  classify  a  return  is  not  readily  available. 

A  U.S.  beneficiary  of  a  foreign  trust  which  was  established 
by  a  foreign  person  does  not  have  to  report  his  interest  in 
the  trust.   As  a  result,  it  can  be  difficult  for  the  IRS  to 
identify  income  paid  to  such  a  person  from  the  trust. 

3/  §6046. 

V  §6046(c). 

5/  Treas.  Reg.  §1.  6046-1 ( i ) (1 )  . 


A  U.S.  partnership  is  required  to  report  its  income  and 
deduction  items  on  Form  1065,  as  well  as  each  partner's 
distributive  share  of  the  partnership  income  and  expenses  on 
Schedule  K  of  the  form.   The  partnership  advises  each  partner 
of  his  distributive  share  on  Schedule  K-1,  which  the  partner 
then  reports  on  his  return.   A  foreign  partnership  has  a 
duty  to  file  Form  1065  only  if  it  is  engaged  in  a  trade  or 
business  in  the  U.S.   A  U.S.  partner  in  a  foreign  partnership 
not  so  engaged  in  business  in  the  U.S.  is  required  to  report 
his  distributive  share  of  the  income  and  deductible  items  of 
that  partnership.   However,  because  the  partnership  does  not 
file  a  Form  1065,  the  IRS  is  without  details  regarding  the 
nature  of  partnership  income  and  deductions.   As  a  result, 
it  is  difficult  to  identify  partners  of  foreign  partnerships 
for  audit. 

A  U.S.  subsidiary  of  a  foreign  parent  is  required,  as  a 
U.S.  corporation,  to  file  a  Form  il20.   It  need  not  submit 
information  concerning  its  foreign  affiliates.   Thus  the 
U.S.  subsidiary  may  engage  in  transactions  with  foreign 
affiliates  v/ithout  the  IRS  being  aware  of  the  relationship. 
As  a  result,  the  IRS  may  not  scrutinize  the  arms-length 
nature  of  such  transactions. 

With  respect  to  the  second  problem,  any  number  of 
factors  (e.g.,  placement  of  questions  on  forms,  clarity  of 
questions,  lack  of  follow-up  by  the  IRS  where  responses  are 
inadequate)  come  into  play,  all  of  which  are  correctible. 

With  respect  to  the  third  problem,  overlap  among  the 
forms  certainly  exists.   Although  Form  3646  is  used  to 
compute  tax  liability  (income  attributable  to  certain  U.S. 
shareholders),  and  Form  2952  is  an  information  return,  both 
require  much  the  same  information.   Lilcewise,  Form  957  and 
958  often  overlap  and  may  overlap  with  Forms  2952  and  3646 
if  the  foreign  corporation  is  both  a  foreign  personal  holding 
company  and  a  controlled  foreign  corporation.   Form  959  may 
also  require  information  similar  to  that  required  on  these 
other  forms.   To  the  extent  that  overlaping  does  not  serve  a 
useful  tax  administration  purpose,  it  places  an  unnecessary 
burden  on  taxpayers. 

With  respect  to  the  fourth  problem,  the  multiplicity  of 
forms,  and  ambiguity  in  designating  "who  should  file  what", 
creates  confusion.   Not  only  is  it  difficult  for  individuals 
to  know  precisely  what  form  they  are  supposed  to  be  filing, 
it  also  appears  that  the  IRS  also  has  difficulty  in  determining 
the  manner  in  which  to  deal  with  these  forms,  as  discussed 


With  respect  to  the  fifth  problem,  some  required  IRS 
forms  that  are  filed  never  get  into  the  regular  audit  stream 
and,  consequently,  are  rarely  audited.   Until  recently,  some 
required  information  returns  (e.g.,  foreign  trust  forms)  were 
neither  associated  with  relevant  individual  or  corporate 
income  tax  returns  nor  otherwise  used.— '^   For  example,  Forms 

957  (United  States  Information  Return  by  an  Officer,  Director, 
or  U.S.  Shareholder  of  a  Foreign  Personal  Holding  Company) 
and  958  (U.S.  Annual  Information  Return  by  an  Officer  or 
Director  of  a  Foreign  Personal  Holding  Company)  are  filed 
with  the  Philadelphia  Service  Center,  but  not  forwarded  to 
the  district  offices.   Thus  they  are  rarely  audited  or 
associated  with  the  U.S.  taxpayer's  return.   In  fact,  during 
extensive  field  visits  with  international  examiners,  only 

one  examiner  was  found  who  had  audited  a  foreign  personal 
holding  company  return. 

The  IRS  has  taken  steps  to  associate  Forms  3520  and 
3520-A  with  the  relevant  income  tax  returns.   The  Philadelphia 
Service  Center  now  posts  the  fact  that  a  related  3520  or 
3520-A  has  been  filed  in  the  taxpayer's  computerized  tax 
file  (module)  in  Martinsburg,  West  Virginia.   The  existence 
of  a  related  3520  or  3520-A  will  be  noted  on  the  return. 
Whether  this  will  prove  to  be  of  value  has  yet  to  be  deter- 
mined, since  very  few  Forms  3520  and  3520-A  are  filed. 

b.    Options 

For  taxpayer-supplied  information  to  remain  a  solid 
foundation  of  the  U.S.  self-assessment  system  where  inter- 
national transactions  are  involved,  change  is  required. 
The  above  analysis  suggests  a  number  of  possibilities,  both 
legislative  and  administrative. 

(i)   One  possibility  is  to  streamline  and  improve 
existing  forms  by  combining  them  into  fewer  forms.   If  no 
other  action  with  respect  to  IRS  forms  is  taken,  the  IRS 
should  reevaluate  all  existing  forms  for  reporting  foreign- 
related  items  and,  to  the  extent  possible,  combine  them  into 
a  single  clear  and  concise  form.   For  example.  Forms  957  and 

958  covering  foreign  personal  holding  companies,  and  Forms  2952 
and  3646  covering  controlled  foreign  corporations,  can  be 
combined  into  a  single  form.   The  IRS  has  already  prepared 
draft  Form  5741  to  replace  the  above-mentioned  forms  and 

%_/   GAO  report,  "Better  Use  of  Currency  and  Foreign  Accounts 
Report  by  Treasury  and  IRS  Needed  for  Law  Enforcement 
Purposes"  (April  6,  1979). 


Form  958  as  well.   Prior  to  disseminating  the  draft  form,  it 
needs  to  be  updated  to  reflect  changes  made  to  subpart  F  by 
the  Tax  Reduction  Act  of  1975,  the  Tax  Reform  Act  of  1976, 
and  the  Revenue  Act  of  1978.   In  addition,  it  might  be 
expanded  to  include  the  information  currently  combined  on 
Form  959.   At  least  two  legislative  changes  are  necessary. 
The  filing  date  for  Form  959  must  be  changed  to  require 
filing  within  a  fixed  period  of  time  after  the  taxable  year 
in  which  the  reportable  event  took  place,  instead  of  within 
90  days  after  the  event.   Also,  §6035  must  be  amended  so 
that  returns  relating  to  a  foreign  personal  holding  company 
can  be  filed  on  an  annual  basis  with  the  return  of  the  U.S. 

(ii)   As  an  alternative  to  option  (i),  the  IRS  could 
create  a  new  all-encompassing  IRS  "international"  form. 
IRS  could  devise  one  form  to  be  filed  by  any  taxpayer  engaged 
in  any  international  transaction  or  having  any  interest  in  a 
foreign  account  or  entity.   Taxpayers  could  be  clearly  and 
directly  advised  of  the  obligation  to  complete  this  form  by 
a  reference  on  Form  1040. 

(iii)   Consideration  should  be  given  to  imposing 
additional  reporting  requirements,  such  as,  for  example, 
the  following: 

(a)  Requiring  an  individual  engaged  in  any  international 
transaction  to  submit  a  balance  sheet  identifying  assets 

held  overseas.   The  requirement  could  be  limited  to  individuals 
with  total  positive  income  above  a  certain  level. 

(b)  Requiring  an  individual  engaged  in  any  international 
transaction  with  a  foreign  entity  to  report  that  transaction 
(e.g.,  where  a  loan  is  obtained  from  a  foreign  entity, 
whether  or  not  the  taxpayer  has  an  interest  in  or  association 
with  that  entity).   An  exemption  for  transactions  under  a 
minimum  amount  (e.g.,  $1,000)  might  be  appropriate. 

(c)  Requiring  a  U.S.  partner  in  a  foreign  partnership 
to  report  the  income,  deductions,  and  assets  of  the  partner- 
ship in  a  form  similar  to  that  used  by  U.S.  shareholders  of 
a  controlled  foreign  corporation.   Where  the  partnership  has 
more  than  one  U.S.  partner,  permit  one  to  report  on  behalf 
of  the  others,  provided  that  each  U.S.  partner  refers  to 
ownership  of  the  partnership  interest  on  his  individual 

(d)  Amending  Treasury  Regulation  §1 . 6046-1 ( i )( 1 )  to 
provide  that  for  purposes  of  determining  liability  for 
filing  a  Form  959  stock  owned  directly  or  indirectly  by  a 


foreign  trust  will  be  considered  as  being  owned  proportionately 
by  its  beneficiaries  or  grantors.   It  should  be  made  clear 
that  a  grantor  or  transferor  to  a  foreign  trust  who  is 
otherwise  considered  to  be  the  owner  of  the  stock  of  the 
foreign  corporation  will  continue  to  have  the  obligation  to 
file  a  Form  959  with  respect  to  the  acquisition  of  stock  of 
a  foreign  corporation. 

(e)  Placing  an  additional  block  on  Form  in40NR  to  be 
checked  by  a  fiduciary  of  any  foreign  trust  engaged  in  a 
trade  or  business  in  the  United  States.   Further,  the  fiduciary 
should  be  required  to  clearly  state  the  capacity  in  which  he 

is  acting  as  a  fiduciary,  and  to  list  any  U.S.  beneficiaries 
of  the  entity. 

(f)  Deleting  the  "ordinary  course  of  a  trade  or  busi- 
ness" exemption  referred  to  in  question  12  of  Form  2952 
(Information  Return  with  Respect  to  Controlled  Foreign  Cor- 
porations).  This  would  provide  additional  information  on 
transactions  between  brother-sister  corporations  when  a  U.S. 
person  is  the  parent  of  both. 

(iv)   IRS  should  encourage  better  taxpayer  information 
reporting.   The  IRS  should  work  with  the  Tax  Executive 
Institute,  the  American  Institute  of  Certified  Public  Accountants, 
and  other  interested  groups  to  develop  methods  for  improving 
the  quality  of  reports  now  filed. 

2.    Rank  Secrecy  Act  Forms 

In  1970  Congress,  recognizing  the  ".  .  .  serious  and 
widespread  use  of  foreign  financial  facilities  located  in 
secrecy  jurisdictions  for  the  purpose  of  violating  American 
law"—  enacted  the  Bank  Secrecy  Act  of  1970—  which  authorized 
the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  to  require  reporting  of  (1) 
transactions  v;ith  domestic  financial  institutions,  (2) 
transport  of  currency  into  and  out  of  the  United  States,  and 
(3)  relationships  with  foreign  financial  institutions. 
Congress  intended  to  enable  law  enforcement  agencies  to 
secure  information  which  might  provide  leads  to  earners  of 
illegal  income.   In  fact,  the  Act  does  provide  IRS  with  a 
secondary  source  of  taxpayer-supplied  information  concerning 
assets  which  may  or  may  not  have  tax  consequences. 

a.    Transactions  with  financial  institutions 

A  financial  institution  covered  by  the  Act  is  required 
to  report  each  deposit,  withdrawal,  exchange  of  currency, 
payment,  or  any  transfer  by,  through,  or  to  such  financial 

7/  H.  Rep.  No.  91-975,  91st  Cong.,  2d  Sess.,  1(1970) 
8/  Bank  Secrecy  Act,  31  C.F.R.  §103. 22(a)  (1970). 


institution,  on  Treasury  Form  4789  (Currency  Transaction 
Report,  or  "CTR" ) ,  ifgit  involves  a  transaction  in  currency 
of  more  than  $10, 000. -^   Exceptions  are  provided.—^   Prior 
to  July,  1980,  transfers  or  transactions  with  or  originated 
by  financial  institutions  or  foreign  banks  were  not  required 
to  be  reported;  nor  were  transfers  between  banks  and  certain 
established  customers  maintaining  a  fixed  deposit  relationship 
with  the  bank,  provided  the  bank  determined  that  the  amounts 
involved  were  commensurate  with  the  customary  conduct  of  the 
customer's  business. 

In  July,  1980,  Treasury  published  new  regulations — ' 
which  expand  the  scope  of  reporting  to  (1)  require  the 
reporting  of  large  currency  transactions  by  securities 
dealers,  foreign  banks,  and  miscellaneous  financial  institutions, 
such  as  dealers  in  foreign  exchange,  persons  in  the  business 
of  transferring  funds  for  others,  and  money-order  issuers; 
(2)  require  more  complete  identification  of  a  person  dealing 
in  large  amounts  of  currency;  and,  (3)  restrict  the  ability 
of  financial  institutions  to  exempt  customers  from  the 
reporting  requirements. 

Transactions  with  an  established  customer  maintaining  a 
deposit  relationship  have  always  been  exempt  from  the 
reporting  requirement.   The  recent  amendment  limits  this 
exemption  to  certain  domestic  businesses  and  requires  that 
the  location  and  nature  of  the  business  be  identified  in  a 
report  of  exempt  customers  which  must  be  furnished  to  Treasury. 
These  changes  were  made  necessary  when  it  became  clear  that 
certain  banks  were  abusing  the  existing  exemption  rules, 
exempting  foreign  nationals,  boat  dealers  and  others  whose 
only  common  trait  was  that  they  frequently  deposited  large 
amounts  of  cash. 

A  CTR  must  be  filed  within  15  days  of  the  qualifying 
transaction  with  the  Ogden,  Utah,  Service  Center.   The 
financial  institution  must  retain  a  copy  of  the  report  for 
five  years.   The  original  is  processed  in  the  Ogden  Service 
Center.   Information  on  the  form  is  entered  into  the  Treasury 
Enforcement  Communications  System  (TECS).   The  fact  that  a 
CTR  has  been  filed  is  recorded  in  several  IRS  taxpayer 
files,  so  that  if  a  return  is  audited,  the  auditor  can  use 
TECS  to  retrieve  the  CTR  information.   The  existence  of  a 
CTR  is  also  noted  in  the  IRS'  "non-filer  check." 

9/   31  C.F.R.  §103. 
10/  Id. 

11/  45  Fed.  Reg.  37,  818  (1980)  (to  be  codified  in 
31  C.F.R.  §103)  . 

b.  Transport  of  carrency 

Each  person  who  transports,  mails,  ships,  or  causes  to 
be  physically  transported,  mailed,  or  shipped,  more  than 
$5,000  in  currency  or  any  other  bearer  instrument  into  or 
out  of  the  United  States,  must  report  the  transaction  on 
Treasury  Form  4790  (Report  of  the  International  Transportation 
of  Currency  or  other  Monetary  Instruments,  or  "CMIR").   The 
form  must  be  filed  with  the  U.S.  Customs  Service  at  the  time 
of  entry  into  or  departure,  mailing,  or  shipping  from  the 
Lfriited  States.  A   recipient  of  currency  must  file  the  form 
with  the  Commissioner  of  Customs  within  30  days  of  receipt. 
The  information  contained  on  the  form  is  entered  into  TECS, 
and  is  thereby  made  available  to  IRS  agents  through  that  system. 

Form  4790  is  rarely  used  by  the  IRS.   The  identifying 
information  on  the  form  is  generally  incomplete,  and  most 
filers  appear  to  be  non-resident  aliens. 

c.  Foreign  bank  account 

In  accordance  with  the  authority  granted  by  Title  II  of 
the  Bank  Secrecy  Act,  the  IRS  requires  a  taxpayer  who  files 
Form  1040  to  answer  the  question  whether  ".  .  .at  any  time 
during  the  taxable  year,  [that  person]  had  an  interest  in  or 
signature  authority  over  a  bank,  securities,  or  other  financial 
account  in  a  foreign  country."   If  the  answer  is  "yes"  and 
the  amount  involved  is  over  $1,000  at  anytime  during  the 
year,  the  taxpayer  is  required  to  report  that  account  by 
filing  Treasury  Form  90-22.1  with  the  Treasury  Department 
on  or  before  June  30  of  the  following  year.   Form  90-22.1, 
formerly  IRS  Form  4683,  was  removed  from  IRS  jurisdiction  in 
October,  1977,  to  give  freer  access  to  the  .information 
contained  on  the  form  to  other  agencies. — ^ 

Upon  receipt.  Treasury  enters  onto  TECS  the  name, 
social  security  number,  and  reference  to  a  microfiche  where 
a  copy  of  the  form  can  be  located.   An  IRS  agent  then  can  have 
access  to  the  information  contained  on  the  form. 

d.  TECS 

The  Treasury  Department  operates  a  computerized  infor- 
mation storage  and  retrieval  system  which  makes  information 
available  to  Federal  Government  personnel  in  carrying  out 
law  enforcement  functions.   The  system  is  the  Treasury 

12/  See  §6103. 


Enforcement  Communication  System  (TECS).   TECS  is  controlled 
by  Customs,  which  places  the  information  into  the  system. 
Information  from  CTRs ,  CMIRs,  and  the  Foreign  Bank  Account 
reporting  forms  is  entered  on  TECS.   IRS  civil  and  criminal 
investigating  agents  then  have  access  to  the  information 
through  TECS. 

e.    Analysis 

In  April,  1979,  GAO  released  its  study  captioned  "Better 
Use  of  Currency  and  Foreign  Account  Reports  by  Treasury  and 
IRS  Needed  for  Law  Enforcement  Purposes",  highlighting  areas 
in  which  return  information  was  poorly  utilized.   Current 
processing  of  CTRs  and  foreign  bank  account  forms  reflects 
an  attempt  to  adopt  GAO  suggestions.   Additional  processing 
changes  are  planned  and  will  be  implemented.   For  example, 
IRS  will  begin  corresponding  with  reporting  financial 
institutions  when  incomplete  CTRs  are  received. 

The  IRS  has  become  more  aggressive  in  this  area.   A 
recent  notice  to  all  agents  reminds  them  that  they  are 
required  "to  pursue,  in  all  field  and  office  examinations, 
the  Foreign  Accounts  and  Foreign  Trust  questions  appearing 
on  tax  returns."   Examiners  have  also  been  directed  to 
verify  whether  the  taxpayer  filed  correctly  any  required 
foreign  trust,  bank  account,  or  currency  reports.   A  forthcoming 
Manual  Supplement  will  make  it  mandatory  for  the  agent  to 
attempt  to  determine  the  correctness  of  the  answer  to  the 
bank  account  question,  and  will  re-emphasize  the  directive 
to  pursue  the  above  mentioned  forms. 

The  GAO  study  did  not  analyze  the  effectiveness  of  the 
various  forms;  their  utility  for  tax  administration  purposes 
is  still  uncertain.   Form  4789  probably  has  the  greatest 
potential,  because  it  is  prepared  and  filed  by  an  impartial 
third  party  (the  financial  institution).   Just  how  useful 
this  form  can  become  may  depend  upon  Treasury's  success  in 
securing  better  quality  reporting  from  financial  institutions. 
The  information  received  is  still  of  poor  quality,  and  in 
many  cases  the  CTRs  are  incomplete.   It  has,  however,  already 
proved  useful.   For  example,  CID  has  found  cases  of  CTRs 
filed  for  transactions  by  persons  for  whom  there  is  no 
record  of  income  tax  returns  being  filed.   CTRs  have  provided 
leads  for  investigations,  and  have  resulted  in  referrals  to 
the  IRS  civil  tax  auditors  for  civil  investigation.   CTR 
portraits  have  lead  to  the  discovery  that  banks  in  a  particular 
state  were  generally  not  filing  CTRs. 

Skepticism  exists  as  to  whether  Form  4790  can  be  useful. 
The  information  secured  is  of  poor  quality,  probably  because 
it  is  filled  out  by  the  transporter  under  hurried  conditions, 
i.e.,  at  the  airport.   The  limited  authority  of  Customs  to 


The  usefulness  of  the  foreign  bank  account  question  has 
yet  to  be  established.   There  have  been  few  criminal  pros- 
secutions  for  failure  to  answer  the  question,  and  civil 
penalties  are  generally  not  imposed.   However,  taxpayers 
have  been  prosecuted  and,  in  at  least  two  instances,  convicted 
for  answering  the  question  falsely.   In  addition,  a  false 
response  can  be  used  in  the  prosecution's  case  as  evidence 
of  willfulness,  even  though  the  taxpayer  is  not  specifically 
charged  with  answering  the  question  falsely. 

Most  taxpayers  do  not  answer  the  foreign  bank  account 
question.   Placement  of  the  question  on  the  Form  1040  does 
appear  to  affect  the  response  rate.   For  tax  year  1970,  when 
the  question  was  at  the  top  of  page  2  of  Form  1040,  66 
percent  of  the  returns  filed  contained  no  answer.   In  1971 
and  1972,  when  the  question  was  on  the  bottom  of  page  1  of 
Form  1040  just  above  the  signature  line,  returns  containing 
no  ansv;er  were  4  percent  and  6  percent  respectively.   In 
1973  and  1974  when  the  question  was  moved  to  the  bottom  of 
page  2  of  Form  1040,  the  "no-response"  rose  to  62  percent 
and  64  percent  respectively.   Since  1976  when  the  question 
was  moved  to  Schedule  B,  the  "no-response"  rate  has  ranged 
from  20  to  33  percent.   It  should  be  noted  that  TCMP  data 
for  1973  suggest  that  only  300,000  taxpayers  had  foreign 
bank  accounts.   Preliminary  TCMP  data  for  1976  suggests  that 
perhaps  345,000  taxpayers  had  foreign  bank  accounts.   This 
is  a  relatively  small  number  of  accounts  when  compared  to 
the  Form  1040  filing  population  of  over  52,000,000.   However, 
there  was  more  than  a  four-fold  increase  in  the  number  of 
audit  adjustments  due  to  transactions  involving  foreign  bank 
accounts,  from  7,005  adjustments  in  1973,  to  31,810  in  1976. 

It  may  be  that  those  taxpayers  who  do  not  file  a  Schedule 
B,  but  do  have  a  foreign  bank  account,  also  do  not  file  a 
Form  90-22.1.   Even  if  Schedule  B  is  filed  with  "yes"  checked 
for  the  foreign  bank  account  question,  there  is  no  routine 
verification  made  that  the  taxpayer  filed  the  Form  90-22.1  with 
Treasury  (the  form  is  not  to  be  filed  with  IRS). 


The  reporting  requirement  is  not  comprehensive.   Reporting 
is  required  only  if  the  taxpayer  has  a  financial  interest  in 
or  signature  authority  over  an  account  in  a  foreign  country. 
It  does  not  cover  a  U.S.  account  with  a  foreign  nominee 
acting  for  a  U.S.  person,  or  control  over  other  foreign 
assets.   Nor  does  it  cover  an  account  held  by  a  corporation, 
trust  or  partnership  unless  the  individual  has  more  than  a 
50  percent  interest  in  the  entity.   This  may  exclude  accounts 
owned  by  a  foreign  corporation  in  which  a  husband  and  wife 
each  own  50  percent  of  the  stock. 

The  IRS  seems  to  have  made  substantial  progress  in 
utilizing  information  currently  on  TECS.   It  would  seem, 
however,  that  TECS  could  be  put  to  additional  uses  in  tax 
administration,  and  aid  in  coordinating  investigations  involving 
two  or  more  agencies,  as  well  as  in  coordinating  IRS  investi- 
gations.  Actions  along  these  lines  are  being  taken. 

f .    Options 

The  Rank  Secrecy  Act  reports  have  proved  useful  at 
times.   Their  utility  increases  as  more  experience  is  gained. 
Some  options  to  be  considered  for  further  improvement  are 
presented  below. 

(i)   Recent  amendments  to  the  Treasury  Regulation 
regarding  Form  4789  should  improve  the  quality  of  the  infor- 
mation provided;  the  IRS  is  taking  positive  steps  to  improve 
processing  of  that  information.   More  work,  however,  is  re- 
quired.  With  respect  to  tax  haven  cases,  some  attempt  to 
verify  addresses  should  be  undertaken.   Other  recent  recommendations, 
such  as  increased  use  of  CTR  printouts  with  additional 
information  on  those  printouts,  should  be  pursued.   Furthermore, 
additional  attempts  should  be  made  to  obtain  the  assistance 
of  the  Controller  of  the  Currency  in  improving  reporting. 

(ii)   More  work  is  required  with  respect  to  Form  4790. 
To  improve  the  quality  of  information  on  that  form,  legislative 
changes  may  be  required.   Initially,  Congress  should  amend 
the  Bank  Secrecy  Act  to  make  it  illegal  to  attempt  to  export 
or  import  currency  and  to  give  Customs  greater  authority  to 
conduct  border  searches  with  respect  to  currency  trans- 
portation.  H.R.  5961,  introduced  during  1980,  contained 
amendments  which  would  have  accomplished  this. 

(iii)   With  respect  to  the  bank  account  question,  the 
following  suggestions  should  be  considered. 


(a)  Consideration  should  be  given  to  improving  the 
existing  placement  of  the  question  on  the  income  tax  return. 
It  could,  for  example,  either  be  returned  to  page  one  of 
Form  1040  or,  at  a  minimum,  placed  on  side  A  rather  than 
side  B  of  Schedule  A-B. 

(b)  The  information  presently  requested  could  be 
supplemented  by  requiring  a  taxpayer  to  report  beneficial 
ownership  of  assets  acquired  or  managed  by  a  foreign  inter- 
mediary (e.g.,  ownership  of  U.S.  assets  managed  by  a  foreign 
nominee) . 

(c)  IRS  could  encourage  better  taxpayer  information 
reporting  by,  for  example,  sending  a  follow-up  to  taxpayers 
who  fail  to  respond  to  the  question.   This  follow-up  could 
be  limited  to  those  who  both  failed  to  check  either  box  and 
have  a  total  positive  income  of  over  a  certain  amount  (e.g., 
$50,000).   In  addition,  tax  return  preparers'  penalties  might 
be  imposed  for  failing  to  answer  the  question  on  returns  they 

3.    Penalties  for  Failure  to  File  or  Adequately  Complete 

a.  IRS  forms 

The  Internal  Revenue  Code  provides  civil  penalties  for 
failure  to  file  or  for  filing  inaccurate  income  tax  forms 
and  returns.   Criminal  penalties  are  provided  for  willful 
failure  to  file  and  for  tax  evasion.   Most  civil  penalties 
are  not  viewed  as  severe,  and  we  are  not  certain  how  aggressively 
they  are  enforced.   For  example,  §6038  of  the  Code  requires 
a  U.S.  person  who  controls  a  foreign  corporation  to  file 
Form  2952.   Section  6038(b)  provides  that  the  penalty  for 
failure  to  file  is  reduction  of  the  foreign  tax  credit. 
Despite  complaints  by  IRS  agents  that  taxpayers  do  not 
properly  complete  the  form,  this  penalty  is  rarely,  if  ever, 
imposed.   In  part,  this  may  be  because  the  penalty  itself  is 
mechanically  complicated.   Or,  the  IRS  may  have  determined 
that  this  particular  penalty  is  too  severe.   Some  agents 
have  stated  that  they  hesitate  even  to  recommend  imposition 
of  the  penalty,  because  it  makes  the  taxpayer  more  antagonistic 
and,  if  imposed,  will  be  abated  anyway. 

b.  Bank  secrecy  act  forms 

Willful  violations  of  the  Bank  Secrecy  Act  may  con- 
stitute either  a  felony  or  a  misdemeanor.   Fines  of  up  to 
$500,000  and  imprisonment  for  up  to  five  years  are  provided 
in  cases  of  long-term  patterns  of  substantial  violation,  and 


violations  committeri  in  furtherance  of  certain  other  Federal 
crimes.   It  is  also  a  felony  for  any  person  to  make  a  false 
or  fraudulent  statement  in  any  required  report.   Any  currency 
or  monetary  instruments  being  transported  without  the  required 
report  having  been  filed,  or  as  to  which  the  report  omits 
material  facts  or  contains  misstatements,  may  be  seized  and 
forfeited  to  the  United  States.   The  Act  also  provides  for 
assessing  a  civil  penalty,  which  may  range  from  $1,000  up  to 
the  amount  of  currency  or  monetary  instruments  seized,  less 
any  amount  forfeited. 

c.    Options 

Civil  penalties  are  essential  to  the  enforcement  of 
filing  requirements.   As  a  general  proposition,  such  penalties 
should  be  significant  in  amount  so  as  to  be  meaningful, 
sufficiently  easy  to  impose  so  as  to  be  readily  available, 
and  flexible  in  application  so  as  to  be  useful  toward  the 
goal  of  securing  taxpayer  compliance.   The  IRS  might  re- 
examine existing  penalty  provisions  and  procedures  related 
thereto,  with  an  eye  toward  the  following: 

(i)   Seeking  legislative  changes  where  the  penalties 
are  inadequate.   For  example,  where  a  taxpayer  fails  to  file 
a  properly  completed  Form  2952,  reduction  of  the  foreign  tax 
credit  may  be  an  appropriate  secondary  penalty  to  be  applied 
in  flagrant  cases.   Where  a  taxpayer  required  to  furnish 
information  under  §6039(a)  of  the  Code  fails  to  do  so  in  a 
timely  and  complete  manner,  §6038(b)  could  be  amended  to 
provide  a  minimum  mandatory  penalty  (e.g.,  $25,000).   The 
IRS  should  also  have  the  option  to  reduce  the  foreign  tax 
credit  in  gross  cases. 

(ii)   Providing  clearer  direction  to  the  field  regarding 
the  imposition  of  penalties.   Field  personnel  must  be  made 
aware  that  voluntary  compliance  is  promoted  through  the 
exercise  of  good  judgment  in  assessing  penalties.    A  policy 
of  imposing  penalties  in  all  cases  of  poorly  completed  IRS 
forms  serves  only  to  increase  tensions  with  taxpayers  and 
clog  the  administrative  and  judicial  systems.   On  the  other 
hand,  failure  to  impose  the  penalty  when  merited  has  a 
detrimental  impact  on  voluntary  compliance. 

R.    Books  and  Records  —  Foreign  Transactions  —  In  General 

Many  of  the  tax  and  information  returns  previously 
discussed  give  IRS  the  basic  information  with  which  to  begin 
investigations  involving  international  (or  domestic)  transactions. 
Thereafter,  a  meaningful  audit  or  investigation  of  a  taxpayer's 


return  may  require  access  to  books  and  records  of  the  taxpayer 

or  third  parties,  irrespective  of  whether  such  books  and 

records  were  used  in  preparation  of  the  return  being  scrutinized. 

1.  General  Requirements  for  Maintenance  of  Adequate  Books 
and  Records 

Every  person  who  is  liable  for  any  income  or  excise  tax 
must  keep  such  records,  render  such  statements,  make  such 
returns,  and  comply  with  such  rules  and  .regulations  as  the 
Secretary  of  the  Treasury  prescribes. — '       The  Secretary  has 
promulgated  regulations  which  require  a  taxpayer  to  maintain 
books  and  records  adequate  to  establish  his  tax, liability  or 
other  matters  required  to  be  shown  on  a  return. — '   These 
records  must  be  kept  at  a  convenient  location  and  must  be 
accessible  to  IRS  employees. — '      Similar  recordkeeping 
requirements  are  specifically  directed  to  a  U.S.  shareholder 
of  a  controlled  foreign  corporation  "as  necessary  to  carry 
out  the  provisions  of  subparts  F  and  G. " — '       The  Secretary, 
by  regulation,  permits  such  records  to  be  maintained  in  a 
foreign  country,  but  requires, their  production  within  a 
reasonable  time  after  demand. — '      The  records  required  to  be 
produced  are,  in  general,  those  necessary  to  verify  the 
amounts  reported  under  subpart  F  or  G. — ' 

2.  Penalties  for  Failure  to  Maintain  Adequate  Rooks  and 

The  Internal  Revenue  Code  authorizes  a  civil  penalty  of 
five  percent  of  any  underpayment  due  to  nealigence  or  inten- 
tional disregard  of  rules  and  regulations. — '   This  penalty 
can  be  imposed  for  failure  to  maintain  books  and  records 
adequate  to  establish  items  of  income  and  deduction. — ' 

\^/   §6001. 

14/  Treas.  Reg.  §6001-l(a). 

15^/  Treas.  Reg.  §31 .  6001-1  (e  )  . 

16^/  §964(c)  (1)  . 

17/  Treas.  Reg.  §1.964-3(a). 

1^/  Treas.  Reg.  §1.964-3(b). 

1^/  §6653{a). 

20/  R.  Simkins  Estate,  37  T.C.M.  1388,  DEC  35,  368  (M)  T.C. 
Memo  1978-338,  affd.,  D.C.  Cir.  (Apr.  28,  1980),  unpub- 
lished opinion. 


3.  Powers  to  Compel  Production  of  Books  and  Records 

While  the  Internal  Revenue  Code  gives  the  IRS  the  right 
of  access  to  taxpayer  books  and  records,  taxpayers  do  not 
always  willingly  cooperate.   To  deal  with  these  situations, 
the  IRS  is  given  broad  authority  to  compel  the  production  of 
books  and  records  (and  testimony)  believed  to  be  relevant. 

Section  7602  of  the  Code  provides  that  the  IRS  may 
examine  any  books,  papers,  records,  or  other  data  which  may 
be  relevant  or  material  to  determine  tax  liability,  and  may 
summon  or  command  the  person  liable  for  the  tax  or  an  officer 
of  the  taxpayer  to  produce  the  above  and  to  give  testimony 
under  oath  as  may  be  relevant  or  material  to  computation  of 
the  tax  liability.   Section  7602  further  authorizes  the  IRS 
to  command  production  of  books  and  records  in  the  hands  of  a 
third-party  recordkeeper.   A  summons  may  be  enforced  by  a 
United  States  district  court. ^^^   Failure  to, comply  with  a 
summons  can  result  in  a  contempt  citation. — ' 

4.  Analysis 

Although  the  IRS  is  statutorily  granted  broad  access  to 
relevant  information,  significant  legal  and  practical  problems 
restrict  that  access. 

a.    Legal 

A  taxpayer  may  assert  legal  defenses  against  an  IRS 
demand  for  books  and  records.   If  the  taxpayer  believes  that 
an  investigation  may  lead  to  a  criminal  charge,  he  may 
exercise  his  Constitutional  privilege  against  self-incrim- 
ination.  If  the  books  and  records  are  in  the  hands  of  an 
agent,  the  taxpayer  may  assert  that  they  are  protected  by 
the  attorney-client  privilege.   The  limits  of  these  defenses 
are  fairly  well  established  by  case  law.   A  taxpayer  may 
claim  that  the  material  summoned  is  irrelevant  to  his  tax 
liability,  or  that  production  of  the  material  would  be 
unduly  burdensome.   A  taxpayer  may  stay  compliance  of  the 
summons  and  intervene  in  a  summons  enforcement  proceeding  to 
contest  the  production  of  books  and  records  in  the  hands  of 
third-party  recordkeepers. — 

2_1/  §7604{b)  . 
22/  Id^ 
23/  §7609. 


A  few  taxpayers  have  apparently  taken  the  position  that 
production  of  books  and  records  of  their  foreign  subsidiary 
is  not  required  unless  a  subpart  F  issue  is  raised. — ' 
Thus,  if  the  issue  raised  by  the  agent  deals  with  §482, 
these  taxpayers  argue  that  they  are  not  required  to  produce 
the  records.   Section  6001  does  not  specifically  refer  to 
books  and  records  of  a  foreign  affiliate. 

b.  Administrative 

The  IRS  is  often  subject  to  administrative  constraints, 
self-imposed  and  otherwise.   Perceived  time  pressures  often 
encourage  the  closing  of  cases  at  the  agent  level  before 
access  has  been  gained  to  all  accountable  books.   Limited 
resources  produce  a  similar  result. 

c.  Tactical 

Taxpayers  aware  of  IRS  administrative  constraints  often 
employ  delaying  tactics.   Legal  claims  may  be  asserted  for 
dilatory  purposes  only.   Because  a  taxpayer  can  stay  com- 
pliance with  a  third  party  summons  without  reason,  such  is 
often  the  practice.   Intervention  does  toll  the  statute  of 
limitations,  but  only  from  the  time  a  Government  petition  in 
response  to  a  stay  of  compliance  is  filed  with  the  district 
court.   Significant  time  lags  occur  between  IRS  receipt  of  a 
stay  of  compliance  and  filing  of  a  petition  in  response. 
The  IRS  and  Justice  internal  review  processes  are  partially 
responsible.   Also,  there  are  significant  delays  after  a 
proceeding  is  brought  in  a  district  court. 

Taxpayers  may  employ  more  devious  delaying  tactics. 
In  some  cases,  deadlines  agreed  to  between  IRS  agents  and 
taxpayers  pass  without  receipt  of  requested  and  promised 
information.   In  some  cases  this  is  due  to  taxpayer  administrative 
difficulties  in  complying  with  a  request,  but  in  others  it 
appears  due  to  malice  or  benign  neglect  on  the  part  of  the 
taxpayer,  who  believes  that  procrastination  will  cause  the 
IRS  to  lose  interest  in  the  case  or  to  propose  only  poorly 
developed  adjustments.   A  survey  of  all  International  Examiners 
in  conjunction  with  this  study  identified  a  significant 
number  of  cases  where  the  agent  believed,  and  appeared  to 
have  reason  to  believe,  that  a  taxpayer  unnecessarily  delayed 
the  production  of  requested  material.   A  number  of  cases 
appeared  clearly  abusive. 

24/  In  which  case  production  is  required  under  §964(c). 


On  the  other  hand,  it  was  not  our  impression  that  most 
taxpayers  procrastinated.   As  industry  groups  have  pointed 
out,  it  is  both  time  consuming  and  expensive  for  a  company 
to  delay  the  conclusion  of  an  examination.   There  is  also 
the  problem  of  imprecise  requests  for  information  from  IRS 
agents.   Industry  groups  have  alleged  that,  in  some  instances, 
requests  for  information  are  "nothing  more  than  fishing 
expeditions."   Overly  broad  requests,  such  as  requests  for 
"all  sales  invoices  of  a  particular  foreign  subsidiary"  or 
"all  communications  between  the  foreign  subsidiary  and  the 
parent  company",  have  been  cited.   There  is  a  great  deal  of 
reluctance  to  respond  to  such  broad  based  inquiries,  particularly 
when  the  materials  are  in  a  foreign  country  and  in  a  foreign 

Furthermore,  in  some  cases  cited  by  International 
Examiners  as  abusive  delays,  a  criminal  investigation  had 
been  commenced.   It  is  unrealistic  to  expect  that  the  subject 
of  a  criminal  investigation  will  cooperate  in  an  investigation 
which  could  lead  to  a  criminal  prosecution. 

C.    Information  Gathering  Abroad 

Except  in  the  case  of  a  United  States  shareholder  of 
a  controlled  foreign  corporation,  the  Internal  Revenue  Code 
does  not  specifically  require  that  books  and  records  relevant 
to  tax  liability  , of  a  U.S.  taxpayer  be  maintained  in  the 
United  States. — '      Of  course,  the  Code  cannot  mandate  maintenance 
of  books  and  records  of  third  parties  who  are  not  U.S. 
taxpayers,  citizens,  or  residents.   When  information  necessary 
for  an  audit  or  investigation  is  unavailable  in  this  country, 
it  must  be  sought  abroad. 

Information  may  be  sought  abroad  unilaterally  or  through 
bilateral  or  multilateral  conventions  to  which  the  United 
States  is  a  party.   In  either  case,  success  in  obtaining 
information  is  dependent  on  a  number  of  factors.   Initially, 
the  IRS  must  be  aware  that  the  information  does  or  may 
exist.   While  the  tax  and  information  returns  previously 
discussed  may  be  useful,  a  taxpayer  seeking  to  avoid  or 
evade  tax,  or  to  hide  assets,  may  either  fail  to  file  the 
relevant  return  or  file  a  false  return.   A  second  major 
factor  is  gaining  access  to  the  information;  this  depends  to 
a  great  degree  on  resolving  conflicts  between  U.S.  and 

25/  §964{c). 


foreign  law  and  on  the  willingness  of  the  foreign  juris- 
diction to  cooperate.   An  additional  factor,  of  primary 
importance  in  criminal  cases,  is  that  the  information  must 
be  secured  in  a  form  admissible  in  a  United  States  court  of 

1.    Unilateral  Means 

The  United  States  does  not  have  income  tax  treaties  or 
other  exchange  of  information  agreements  with  most  tax  havens. 
Those  in  force  often  do  not  override  local  secrecy  laws  and 
practices.   Therefore,  unilateral  means  to  gain  access  to 
information  must  be  used. 

a.    Public  Information 

The  extent  to  which  useful  public  information  is  available 
depends  upon  the  country  involved.   In  some  jurisdictions 
public  information  concerning  commercial  or  corporate  affairs 
is  extensive,  while  in  others  such  information  is  extremely 
limited.   In  jurisdictions  maintaining  extensive  public 
records,  an  "impartial  observer"  seeking,  for  example, 
information  concerning  the  business  and  financial  affairs  of 
a  foreign  corporation,  might  expect  to  find  a  copy  of  a 
corporate  charter,  corporate  financial  statements,  a  statement 
of  corporate  business  affairs,  corporate  earnings  statements, 
and  perhaps  even  the  identify  of  the  corporate  board  of 
directors  or  similar  body,  and  principal  officers  and  shareholders, 
However,  even  where  useful  information  is  publicly  available, 
some  jurisdictions  view  access  to  it  in  the  course  of  an 
official  IRS  examination  as  a  breach  of  sovereignty  which 
requires  permission  of  the  foreign  government  before  information 
gathering  may  commence.   As  part  of  this  study,  the  Office 
of  International  Operations  (OIO)  compiled  a  description  of 
publicly  available  information  in  over  30  tax  haven  juris- 

Even  where  public  records  are  available  and  the  local 
government  does  not  unduly  restrict  IRS  activities  in  obtaining 
them,  the  legal  use  of  nominees  or  bearer  shares  which 
conceal  the  identity  of  persons  involved  with  the  corporation 
will  close  off  investigative  leads.   OIO  advises  that  use  of 
nominees  is  common  in  tax  haven  countries  such  as  the  Bahamas, 
the  Cayman  Islands,  and  Panama. 

An  example  of  a  tax  haven  country  maintaining  extensive 
public  records  is  Switzerland.   Switzerland  requires  that 
corporations  publish  extensive  corporate  and  finanacial 
data.   Under  Swiss  law,  every  business  enterprise  is  required 
to  file  certain  basic  information  in  the  register  of  commerce 


located  in  the  Canton  where  its  principal  place  of  business 
is  situated.   Information  required  to  be  filed  includes:   a 
copy  of  the  statute  (charter)  of  the  enterprise,  including 
its  name,  purpose  and  address  of  registered  seat;  the  names 
and  nationalities  of  directors  or  managers;  the  names  of  the 
founder  or  partners,  and  the  extent  of  their  contributions, 
liabilities  and  preferential  rights;  the  amount  of  authorized 
and  paid-in  share  capital;  the  names  and  powers  of  persons 
authorized  to  sign  on  behalf  of  the  enterprise;  and  the  way 
in  which  official  notices  are  to  be  published.   Changes  with 
respect  to  any  of  the  required  information  must  also  be 

Notwithstanding  the  extensive  amount  of  information 
required  to  be  made  public,  the  identity  of  owners  of  a 
Swiss  entity  can  easily  be  hidden.   It  is  common  practice 
for  those  wishing  to  conceal  their  business  affairs  to  use 
either  nominees  or  bearer  shares  to  do  so.   In  addition, 
holding  companies  may  appoint  the  office  of  a  local  bank,  a 
lawyer,  or  a  chartered  accountant  as  their  local  office  in 
order  to  further  conceal  corporate  affairs. 

Information  gathering  in  Switzerland  is  severely  re- 
stricted by  both  Swiss  law  and  Swiss  Government  policy. 
Swiss  approval  must  be  obtained  before  any  information 
gathering  is  conducted  in  Switzerland.   Several  articles  of 
the  Swiss  Penal  Code,  the  violation  of  which  would  subject 
an  IRS  agent  to  imprisonment,  apply  to  unauthorized  information 
gathering  in  Switzerland,  even  for  an  official  IRS  investigation. 

In  contrast  to  Switzerland,  the  Cayman  Islands  government 
prohibits  extensive  public  records  with  respect  to  corporations. 
The  Confidential  Relationships  (Preservation)  Law  prohibits 
the  disclosure  of  any  corporate  information  other  than  the 
name  of  the  corporation,  date  of  incorporation,  and  registered 
office  for  the  corporation.   The  registered  office  is  usually 
the  office  of  a  law  firm  or  trust  company,  which  also  is 
prohibited  by  the  law  from  disclosing  information.   No 
commercial  register  is  maintained  on  the  Cayman  Islands,  and 
disclosure  of  court  records  is  prohibited  to  the  extent  that 
they  involve  matters  covered  by  the  confidentiality  laws.   A 
limited  procedure  for  obtaining  some  information  subject  to 
the  confidentiality  laws  is  available,  in  the  case  of  crimes 
occuring  within  the  United  States  involving  financial  transactions 
in  the  Cayman  Islands. 

Even  this  limited  exception  does  not  apply  in  the  case 
of  tax  crimes.   Moreover,  any  information  gathered  in  the 
Cayman  Islands,  including  public  information,  is  subject  to 
clearance  by  the  United  States  Consul  and  permission  of  the 
Cayman  Government. 


Even  in  those  instances  where  useful  public  information 
can  be  obtained,  practical  problems  may  arise  which  render 
such  information  useless  for  tax  purposes.   For  example,  in 
conducting  a  net  worth  investigation  of  a  taxpayer,  a  special 
agent  may  discover  that  the  taxpayer  is  secreting  money  into 
the  Cayman  Islands  to  purchase  real  estate  there.   Although 
the  Cayman  Islands  maintains  public  records  of  real  estate 
transactions,  this  information  is  not  indexed  in  an  alphabetical 
file.   To  obtain  land  records,  it  is  necessary  to  know  the 
legal  description  of  the  property.  In  those  cases  where  such 
information  is  not  available,  and  where  the  taxpayer  refuses 
to  cooperate  or  exercises  his  right  against  self-incrimination, 
it  is  impossible  to  confirm  ownership  absent  an  independent 

b.   Overseas  Examination 

If,  during  an  audit  or  investigation,  it  becomes  necessary 
to  examine  the  taxpayer's  books  and  records  located  outside 
the  territorial  jurisdiction  of  the  United  States,  the  IRS 
may  request  the  taxpayer's  permission  to  conduct  an  overseas 
audit  or  on-site  examination.   In  criminal  cases  taxpayers 
obviously  will  not  cooperate.   If  permission  is  granted,  the 
IRS  may  have  one  of  its  overseas  Revenue  Service  Representatives 
(RSRs)  perform  the  task.   In  the  alternative,  the  agent 
assigned  to  the  case  in  the  United  States  may  be  authorized 
to  travel  abroad.   Either  alternative  has  drawbacks.   Travel 
funds  and  time  involved  in  sending  a  U.S.  based  agent  abroad 
can  be  substantial.   Use  of  an  RSR  can  limit  the  cost,  and 
the  RSRs  have  been  very  helpful  in  obtaining  specific 
information.   The  RSR  may  not,  however,  have  the  background 
in  the  matter  to  know  when  to  follow  up  on  specific  requests. 

In  many  instances  an  on-site  examination  may  not  be  the 
most  efficient  use  of  resources.  For  example,  if  the  IRS  is 
trying  to  corroborate  a  deduction,  the  records  might  be  more 
appropriately  produced  here  or  the  deduction  denied. 

Where  an  on-site  examination  appears  desirable,  the  IRS 
is  generally  required  to  secure  .permission  of  the  local 
government  before  proceeding. — '      Governmental  permission  is 
likewise  generally  needed  prior  to  interviewing  a  person  in 
a  foreign  country  relative  to  an  IRS  investigation.   The 
necessity  for  obtaining  both  taxpayer  and  local  government 
permission  to  make  an  on-site  examination  severely  limits 
its  utility.   The  IRS  has  experienced  situations  in  which  an 
on-site  audit  was  successful  in  one  year,  and  permission  was 
then  denied  in  the  next  year,  either  by  the  taxpayer  or  the 
local  government. 

26/  See  infra  at  C.l.a.  of  this  Chapter  re  Switzerland. 


c.   Compulsory  Process 

If  the  taxpayer  is  unwilling  to  permit  an  on-site 
examination  of  books  and  records  located  outside  the  United 
States,  or  if  the  books  and  records  are  those  of  a  third 
party,  the  IRS  may  resort  to  compulsory  process.   This  can 
take  the  form  of  an  administrative  summons,  a  judicial 
subpoena,  or,  when  requesting  that  a  foreign  juridiction 
exercise  its  compulsory  process  for  the  benefit  of  the  IRS, 
letters  rogatory. 

(i)  Administrative  summons.   The  IRS  has  been  successful 
in  obtaining  access  to  books  and  records,  physically  located 
in  a  foreign  jurisdiction,  through  the  issuance  of  an  adminis- 
trative summons,  at  least  where  those  documents  are  under 
the  custody  or  control  of  an  entity  or  person  controlled  by 
a  U.S.  person.   In  addition  to  the  defenses  (discussed  in 
P. 4. a.  of  this  chapter)  which  a  taxpayer  or  third  party  i 
record  keeper  has  to  the  production  of  books  and  records  in 
response  to  an  administrative  summons,  the  defense  often 
encountered  here  is  that  a  foreign  law  or  rule  of  law  imposing 
civil  or  criminal  liability  prohibits  the  taxpayer  or  third 
party  from  producing  the  documents  requested.   By  definition, 
this  will  generally  be  the  case  where  the  documents  to  be 
produced  are  located  in  a  tax  haven  jurisdiction. 

As  a  general  proposition,  the  courts  of  this  country 
will  not  require  a  person  to  perform  an  act  in  this  country 
which  would  violate  foreign  law. — ''^   Some  courts  have  balanced 
the  IRS  interest  in  obtaining  the  documents  or  testimony 
requested  against  the  foreiqnp'50v^J^'^rnent '  s  interests  in 
maintaining  its  rule  of  law. — ^      Thus,  cases  are  decided  on 
an  ad  hoc  basis,  the  outcome  depending  on  the  unique  facts 
involved  in  each  (e.g.,  the  type  of  foreign  law  involved, 
the  identity  of  the  person  being  requested  to  produce). 
Some  relevant  factors  are  illustrated  by  the  following 
hypothetical  examples,  based,  in  part,  on  actual  cases. 

In  an  investigation  of  a  United  States-based  multinational 
corporation,  a  special  agent  believes  that  a  Swiss  bank 
account,  maintained  by  a  wholly  owned  subsidiary  of  the  U.S. 
parent,  was  used  by  the  foreign  subsidiary  to  make  an  illegal 

27/  United  States  v.  First  National  City  Rank,  396  F.  2d 
897  (2d  Cir.  1968) . 

28/  In  re  Westinghouse  Electric  Corporation  Uranium 

Contracts  Litigation,  563  F.  2d  992  (10th  Cir.  1977) ; 
Restatement  (Second)  of  the  Foreign  Relations  Law  of 
the  United  States,  §§39  and  40  (1965). 


payment  to  a  foreign  official  to  effectuate  a  sales  agreement 
between  the  U.S.  parent  and  the  foreign  official's  government. 
The  agent  further  believes  the  payment  was  incorrectly 
characterized  and  deducted  on  the  corporate  tax  return.   The 
agent  has  served  an  administrative  summons  on  the  U.S. 
parent  commanding  production  of  the  subsidiary's  records  of 
the  Swiss  Bank  account,  including  copies  of  deposited  items 
to  the  account  and  checks  written  on  the  account.   Upon 
advice  of  counsel,  the  U.S.  parent  refuses  to  produce  these 
records  on  the  basis  that  (a)  the  records  are  located  in 
Switzerland  and  hence  not  subject  to  the  summons  power,  and 
(b)  the  production  of  these  records  would  violate  the  Swiss 
bank  secrecy  law. 

Standing  alone,  the  fact  that  records  are  located 
overseas  will  not  deprive  a  United  States  district  court  of 
jurisdiction  to  compel  their  produc tioDQin  proceedings  to 
enforce  an  IRS  administrative  summons. — '       Similarly,  the 
argument  that  the  U.S.  parent  could  not  produce  the  records 
since  it  does  not  have  control  over  them  would  be  unavailing 
because  the  U.S.  parent  is  the  sole  shareholder  of  the  Swiss 
subsidiary  and,  in  that  capacity,  would  be  able  to  exercise 
its  authority  as  shareholder  to  force  the  subsidiary  to  have 
the  records  produced. — ' 

A  different  question  is  presented  with  respect  to  the 
violation  of  the  Swiss  Bank  Secrecy  law.   While  it  is  generally 
true  that  the  United  States  courts  will  hesitate  to  require 
a  person  to  do  an  act  in  this  country  which  would  violate 
foreign  law,  under  the  facts  of  this  example  a  violation  of 
the  Swiss  bank  secrecy  law  is  not  involved. ^- Under  that  law 
the  customer  is  "the  master  of  the  secret." — '       In  the 
summons  enforcement  proceeding,  the  court  would  require  the 
U.S.  parent  to  exercise  its  control  with  respect  to  the 
requested  records. — ' 

29/  Societe  Internationalee  Pour  Participations  Industries 
V.  Rogers,  357  U.S.  197  (1958). 

30/  Societe,  supra;  First  National  City  Bank  v.  Internal 
Revenue  Service,  271  F.  2d  616,  618  (2d  Cir.  1959), 
cert,  denied,  361  U.S.  948  (1960). 

31/  Trade  Development  Bank  v.  Continental  Insurance  Capital, 
469  F.  2d  35,  41  at  n.  3  (2d  Cir.  1972). 

32/  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  v.  Minas  de  Artemisa, 
S.A. ,  159  F.  2d  215  (9th  Cir.  1945). 


In  another  case,  a  revenue  agent  is  examining  the 
income  tax  return  of  a  nonresident  alien,  a  foreign  entertainer 
who  has  earned  substantial  sums  of  money,  on  a  concert  tour 
in  the  United  States,  which  the  entertainer  claims  are 
exempt  from  U.S.  income  taxes  by  reason  of  an  income  tax 
treaty.   To  determine  the  entertainer's  U.S.  tax  liability, 
the  revenue  agent  must  see  several  employment  and  royalty 
agreements  between  the  entertainer  and  a  Grand  Cayman  Islands 
corporation,  copies  of  which  are  in  the  physical  possession 
of  the  Grand  Caymans  branch  of  a  large  international  accounting 
firm  whose  headquarters  are  in  New  York.   The  revenue  agent 
served  an  administrative  summons  on  the  head  office  of  the 
accounting  firm  in  New  York  to  obtain  copies  of  these  agreements. 
Upon  advice  of  counsel,  the  accounting  firm  refuses  to  turn 
over  the  records,  citing  as  its  reason  that  production  of 
the  records  would  violate  the  criminal  laws  of  the  Cayman 

Based  on  the  authorities  discussed  above,  the  accounting 
firm  would  be  required,  at  a  minimum,  to  exercise  good  faith 
efforts  to  obtain  the  consent  of  the  entertainer  to  produce 
the  agreements.   Failing  in  that,  it  is  unclear  whether  the 
accounting  firm  would  still  be  required  to  produce  the  records.—^ 

In  another  case,  a  special  agent  has  under  investigation 
a  taxpayer  who  is  a  sole  shareholder  of  a  corporation  in  the 
manufacturing  business.   The  special  agent  believes  that  the 
taxpayer  has  omitted  substantial  amounts  of  income  from  the 
corporate  tax  return,  by  deducting  payments  to  a  Bahamian 
corporation  for  goods  allegedly  used  in  the  manufacturing 
process.   The  special  agent  believes  that,  in  reality,  the 
Bahamian  corporation  is  owned  by  the  taxpayer,  and  that  the 
payments  made  to  it  are  not  for  items  purchased  but  are  merely 
a  diversion  of  corporate  receipts  to  a  numbered  bank  account 
in  the  Bahamas  owned  and  maintained  by  the  taxpayer.  A   check 
of  the  public  records  in  the  Bahamas  indicates  that  the 
Bahamian  corporation  is  incorporated  and  has  its  office  at  the 
offices  of  an  attorney  in  the  Bahamas.   In  response  to  a 
summons  issued  to  him,  the  taxpayer  has  refused  to  answer  any 
of  the  special  agent's  questions  regarding  this  transaction, 
citing  his  right  against  self-incrimination  under  the  Fifth 

33/  Application  of  Chase  Manhattan  Bank,  297  F.  2d  611  (2d 
Cir .  1962);  Lfriited  States  v.  Fir st~National  City  Bank, 
396  F.  2d  897  (2d  Cir.  1962);  United  States  v.  Field, 
532  F.  2d  404  (5th  Cir.  1976);  cert,  denied,  429  U.S. 
940  (197  6);  Arthur  Andersen  Company  v.  Finesilver ,  546 
F.  2d  338  (10th  Cir.  1976),  cert,  denied,  429  U.S.  1096 


Under  the  facts  of  this  example,  the  agent  will  be  unable 
to  gain  access  to  either  the  bank  or  corporate  records  needed 
to  complete  the  investigation,  since  there  is  no  person  subject 
to  the  personal  jurisdiction  of  the  United  States  courts  who 
can  be  forced  to  produce  these  records.   Thus,  absent  evidence 
of  other  violations  by  this  taxpayer,  or  evidence  provided  by 
an  independent  source,  this  case  cannot  be  forwarded  for 
prosecution.   However,  in  the  event  that  a  person  became  subject 
to  the  jurisdiction  of  the  United  States  courts  to  be  required 
to  testify,  the  taxpayer  would  be  unable  at  trial  to  block  such 
testimony  based  upon  the  assertion  of  the  bank  secrecy  law  of 
the  Bahamas. — 

Use  of  process  has  other  limitations.   If  a  United  States 
citizen  is  outside  the  United  States,  an  administrative 
summons  apparently  can  be  directed  to  him.   However,  IRS  may 
not  be  able  to  enforce  that  summons,  since  the  law  neglects 
to  specifically  confer  venue  except  when  a  person  "resides    -^z 
or  may  be  found"  in  a  judicial  district  of  the  United  States. — ' 
A  summons  cannot  be  served  on  a  foreign  person  not  present 
in  the  United  States.   Accordingly,  as  indicated  in  the  last 
example,  an  administrative  summons  cannot  be  used  to  compel 
the  testimony  of  a  Cayman  bank  official  not  present  in  the 
United  States. 

(ii)  Judicial  subpoena.   Where  IRS  has  determined  that 
a  particular  matter  should  be  pursued  criminally,  it  may 
seek  authorization  to  place  the  investigation  in  the  hands 
of  a  grand  jury.   A  grand  jury  investigation  has  the  advantage 
of  the  subpoena  power,  which  is  much  faster  than  an  administrative 
summons  in  compelling  the  production  of  books  and  records 
relevant  to  an  investigation.   Moreover,  when  IRS  personnel 
are  assigned  to  assist  the  grand  jury,  they  are  able  to 
coordinate  closely  with  law  enforcement  personnel  from^other 
agencies,  a  practice  otherwise  restricted  by  statute. — ^   On 
the  negative  side,  the  procedures  which  the  IRS  must  follow 
to  obtain  grand  jury  authorization  have  been  cumbersome  and 
time-consuming.   At  one  time,  approval  of  a  request  through 
both  IRS  and  the  Department  of  Justice,  which  approval  is 
required  by  law,  could  take  six  months,  even  if  the  request 

34/  United  States  v.  Frank,  494  F.  2d  145  {2d  Cir.  1974). 

35/  §§  7402(b)  and  7604(a).   See  United  States  v.  Harkins, 
581  F.  2d  431,  438  at  n.  11  (5th  Cir.  1978). 

36/  See  §6103. 


was  generated  outsid^^of  the  IRS.   Steps  have  been  taken  to 
reduce  this  time  lag — '    and,  while  it  is  too  early  to  tell 
whether  they  will  be  effective,  there  are  indications  of 

Grand  jury  proceedings  are  secret  and  an  IRS  employee 
privy  to  information  obtained  by  the  grand  jury  may  not 
disclose  it.   Thus,  information  gathered  by  the  grand  jury 
may  not  be  used  to  determine  civil  tax  liabilities,  absent  a 
court  order  granted  pursuant  to  Rule  6(e),  Federal  Rules  of 
Criminal  Procedure,  unless  the  information  becomes  part  of 
the  public  record.   Information  independently  developed  by 
the  IRS  is  not  so  restricted  and  may  be  used  for  civil  tax 
purposes.   Should  the  IRS  desire  to  secure  grand  jury  material 
for  civil  tax  purposes,  a  request  for  a  Rule  6{e)  order  can 
be  made  only  by  a  Justice  Department  attorney,  not  by  an  IRS 
(Chief  Counsel)  attorney.   The  IRS  interest  in  civil  enforcement 
can  come  into  conflict  with  the  Justice  Department's  overriding 
interest  in  the  criminal  justice  system. 

The  ability  of  a  subpoena  to  secure  books  and  records 
physically  located  in  a  foreign  jurisdiction  is  roughly 
equivalent  to  that  of  the  administrative  summons.   The  same 
legal  principles  apply.   Unlike  the  summons,  a  subpoena 
directed  to  a  U.S.  citizen  situated  abroad  is  clearly  enforcable 
in  the  United  States  district  court  from  which  it  issues. 

(iii)  Letters  rogatory.   Where  evidence  located  in  a 
foreign  jurisdiction  is  neither  in  the  custody  of  nor  controlled 
by  a  person  subject  to  the  jurisdiction  of  the  United  States 
court,  the  IRS  may  seek  to  obtain  it  through  letters  rogatory. 
In  this  case,  letters  rogatory  represent  the  request  of  the 
United  States  court  (in  a  civil  or  criminal  matter)  for  the 
assistance  of  a  foreign  tribunal  in  obtaining  evidence.   The 
requested  assistance  can  range  from  the  effecting  of  service 
of  process  to  the  taking  of  testimony  or  the  securing  of 
books  and  records.   The  procedure  is  available  only  in  a 
judicial  proceeding. 

Letters  rogatory  have  been  used  infrequently  in  tax 
cases  (civil  or  criminal).   The  decision  to  grant  assistance 
is  completely  within  the  discretion  of  the  foreign  tribunal. 
Should  that  tribunal  decide  to  execute  the  request,  the 
"turn  around"  time  is  tremendous  —  anywhere  from  three 
months  to  a  year. 

37/  See  IRM  9267.2. 


d.  Tax  Court 

The  United  States  Tax  Court,  at  the  trial  stage,  has 
the  authority  to  require  a  foreign  petitioner  to  produce 
books,  records,  documents  or  other  evidence  deemed  necessary 
to  the  proceeding. — If  the  petitioner  fails  or  refuses  to 
comply  after  a  reasonable  time  for  compliance,  the  Tax 
Court,  upon  motion,  may  strike  the  pleadings  or  parts  thereof, 
dismiss  the  proceeding  or  any  part^thereof ,  or  render  judgment 
by  default  against  the  petitioner. — ' 

These  Tax  Court  powers  are  limited  to  those  cases  in 
which  the  petitioner  is  a  nonresident  alien  individual, 
foreign  trust  or  estate,  or  foreign  corporation.   Such 
sanctions  are  not  otherwise  available  and,  therefore,  cannot 
be  used  to  penalize,  for  example,  a  U.S.  shareholder  of  a 
controlled  foreign  corporation  which  fails  to  produce  the 
necessary  corporate  records. 

e.  Information  Gathering  Projects  and  Informants 

The  IRS  has  conducted  information  gathering  projects. 
Some  were  intended  to  develop  institutional  knowledge  about 
tax  haven  activities.   Others  were  intended  to  identify  tax 
offenders  or  evaders.   In  criminal  cases,  informants  have 
proved  valuable  at  times.   These  subjects  are  discussed  in 
Chapter  VI. 

2.   Bilateral  or  Multilateral  Means 

Because  unilateral  means  for  obtaining  information  are 
limited  by  the  willingness  of  foreign  governments  to  cooperate 
on  a  case-by-case  basis,  and  by  the  lack  of  established 
channels  for  obtaining  assistance,  the  United  States  has 
entered  into  various  bilateral  and  multilateral  agreements 
with  other  countries  which  provide  both  an  agreement  for 
cooperation  and  a  procedural  framework  for  obtaining  information 
pursuant  thereto.   Unfortunately,  with  the  exception  of  tax 
treaties,  these  agreements  have  been  of  little  use  in  tax  adminis- 

3J^/  §7456{b) 
39/  Id. 


a.   Tax  treaties 

Tax  treaties,  in  addition  to  dealing  with  double  taxation 
issues,  are  intended  to  prevent  fiscal  evasion. — '      United 
States  treaties  in  force  contain  an  article  obligating  this 
country  and  its  treaty  partner  to  exchange  information  on 
matters  related  to  tax  administration.   The  United  States 
Model  Income  Tax  Convention  and  the  OECD  Model  Income  Tax 
Convention  "exchange  of  information"  articles  provide  for 
exchanges  of  information  necessary  to  carry  out  the  provisions 
of  the  convention  or  of, the  domestic  laws  of  the  respective 
contracting  countries. — 

Poth  models  contain  identical  limitations.   The  parties 
need  not  go  beyond  the  internal  laws  or  administrative 
practices  of  either  party  to  obtain  information  for  the 
requesting  country.   (The  OECD  commentary  states  that  a 
country  is  obligated  to  make  special  investigations  if 
similar  investigations  would  be  made  for  its  own  purposes.) 
Both  parties  must  treat  information  received  as  confidential, 
to  be  used  only  in  tax  proceedings  concerning  taxes  covered 
by  the  convention.   A  party  may  disseminate  information  only 
to  those  involved  in  the  collection  of  taxes  or  the  enforcement 
of  tax  laws. 

The  U.S.  model  is  broader  in  scope  than  the  OFCD  model. 
The  U.S.  model  requires  that  information  be  provided  in  an 
authenticated  form.   However,  a  country  is  required  to 
produce  this  quality  of  information  only  if  permitted  under 
its  laws  and  practices.   It  also  provides  for  collection  of 
taxes  if  necessary  to  ensure  that  the  tax  benefits  of  the 
convention  do  not  inure  to  persons  not  entitled  to  the 
relief  provided.   It  further  applies  to  taxes  not  covered  by 
the  convention. 

The  United  States  has  interpreted  most  of  its  treaties 
as  permitting  three  methods  of  providing  information: 

First,  a  routine  or  automatic  transmittal  of  information, 
consisting  generally  of  lists  of  names  of  U.S.  resident  tax- 
payers receiving  passive  income  from  sources  within  the 
treaty  partner,  and  notifications  of  changes  in  foreign  law. 

40/  The  substantive  provisions  of  income  tax  treaties  are 
discussed  in  Chapter  VIII. 

41/  Article  26,  U.S.  Model  Income  Tax  Convention;  Article 
26,  OECD  Model  Income  Tax  Convention. 


Second,  requests  for  specific  information,  which  generally 
are  requests  of  the  U.S.  competent  authority  for  information. 
Specific  requests  for  information  also  result  from  simultaneous 
examinations  of  a  single  taxpayer  coordinated  with  certain 
treaty  partners.   One  criterion  in  selecting  a  taxpayer  for 
simultaneous  examination  is  the  use  of  tax  havens  in  its 

Third,  spontaneous  exchange  of  information  at  the 
discretion  of  the  transmitting  country.   This  exchange 
occurs  when  an  examining  agent  in  one  country  discovers 
information  during  a  tax  examination  which  suggests  or 
establishes  noncompliance  with  the  tax  laws  of  a  treaty 
partner.   This  information  may  be  provided  without  a  specific 

The  utility  of  tax  treaties  is  presently  limited.   The 
United  States  does  not  have  tax  treaties  with  the  most 
important  tax  haven  countries  (e.g.,  Bahamas,  Bermuda, 
Cayman  Islands,  Lichtenstein,  Panama).   Where  the  United 
States  does  have  treaties,  serious  technical  deficiencies 
with  the  exchange  of  information  provisions  restrict  the 
value  thereof.   The  tax  haven  treaty  partner  is  obligated 
only  to  give  such  information  as  is  obtainable  under  local 
law.   Thus,  if  the  jurisdiction  has  a  bank  secrecy  law,  bank 
account  information  will  not  be  obtainable;   if  the  jurisdiction 
has  a  commercial  secrecy  law,  corporate  ownership  and  business 
information  will  not  be  obtainable  and,  perhaps,  even  interviews 
with  residents  of  the  jurisdiction  will  be  prohibited.   In 
many  tax  haven  jurisdictions,  access  to  such  information  is 
not  only  limited  to  foreign  jurisdictions,  but  also  to  the 
government  of  the  jurisdiction  itself. 

A  second  deficiency  with  the  exchange  of  information 
provision  is  that  under  a  literal  reading  a  requested  country 
may  not  be  obligated  to  perform  actions  which  the  requesting 
country  could  not  perform  under  its  laws.   Thus,  once  the 
IRS  has  referred  a  matter  to  the  Department  of  Justice  for 
possible  criminal  prosecution,  the  United  States  cannot 
be  certain  that  a  treaty  partner  will  secure  information  by 
administrative  process  to  be  provided  pursuant  to  the  exchange 
information  provision,  because  the  United  States  can  no 
longer  use  an  administrative  summons  internally.  This  is, 
admittedly,  a  literal  reading  of  the  treaty  provision; 
however,  it  is  one  that  has  been  adopted  in  some  cases.   A 
strict  reciprocity  approach  contrasts  sharply  with  the 
United  States  position  in  mutual  assistance  treaty  negotiations, 
wherein  this  country  has  attempted  to  move  away  from  direct 


Even  where  secrecy  laws  are  not  a  factor,  the  attitude 
of  the  treaty  partner  can  make  a  significant  difference. 
Some  countries  (e.g.,  Canada)  are  more  cooperative  in  preventing 
international  tax  evasion  and  avoidance  and,  accordingly, 
take  an  expansive  view  of  the  exchange  of  information  provisions. 
Other  countries  (e.g.,  Switzerland)  take  a  very  restrictive 
view  of  the  scope  of  the  exchange  of  information  provisions. 
Attitude  may  or  may  not  affect  the  quality  of  information 
received  from  a  treaty  partner.   In  any  event,  it  is  often 
of  poor  quality.   For  example,  IRS  receives  routine  information 
from  many  treaty  partners  which  fails  to  identify  the  par- 
ticular taxpayer  involved  or  the  year  in  which  the  significant 
transaction  took  place.   The  United  States  does  not  have 
leverage  available  to  encourage  a  treaty  partner  to  provide 
quality  information.   Information  is  rarely  produced  in  a 
form  which  will  allow  it  to  be  introduced  in  court. 

IRS  internal  policies  and  procedures  may  have  further 
restricted  treaty  effectiveness.   With  respect  to  procedure, 
those  requests  which  are  made  pursuant  to  treaty  take  a 
substantial  amount  of  time,  upwards  of  a  year  from  the 
agent's  preparation  of  a  routine  request  until  the  time  he 
gets  the  information  requested.   The  IRS  internal  review 
process  may  have  been  partially  at  fault.   Prior  to  September, 
1980,  a  request  generated  by  an  agent  was  reviewed  by  his 
group  manager,  reviewed  through  the  regional  level,  and  sent 
to  the  competent  authority,  the  Assistant  Commissiner  (Compliance), 
where  it  is  forwarded  to  010  for  formal  processing.   The  procedure 
has  been  streamlined  so  that  the  final  field  review  is  now 
at  the  district,  rather  than  regional,  level.   The  request 
then  goes  directly  to  010  with  copies  to  appropriate  managers. 
Information  received  is  sent  by  010  directly  to  the  district. 
If  problems  develop,  supplemental  information  must  also 
follow  this  same  path.   The  request  must  then  be  prepared 
and  delivered  to  the  competent  authority  of  the  requested 
country.   Thereafter,  IRS  is  dependent  upon  the  good  will  of 
the  treaty  partner  to  get  the  information  within  a  reasonable 
period  of  time. 

b.   Mutual  assistance  treaties 

The  United  States  has  onl^/One  mutual  assistance  treaty 
in  force  —  with  Switzerland. — ^   A  second,  with  Turkey,  is 
awaiting  ratification  by  the  Turkish  government.   The 
united  States  has  initialed  treaties  with  Columbia  and  the 
Netherlands,  and  is  currently  negotiating  similar  treaties 
with  a  number  of  other  governments.   None  of  those  negotiations 
is  with  an  important  tax  haven  country.   Some  agreement  with 

42/  2  U.S.T.  2019,  TIAS  8302  (1976). 


the  Commonwealth  of  the  Bahama  Islands  may  soon  be  possible. 
At  one  time,  the  Bahamian  government  indicated  its  willingness 
to  discuss  a  mutual  assistance  treaty.   In  December,  1980,  a 
Uhited  States  delegation  went  to  the  Bahamas  on  a  fact- 
finding mission,  one  purpose  of  which  was  to  further  explore 
the  possibility  of  negotiating  such  a  treaty. 

The  usefulness  of  mutual  assistance  treaties  with 
respect  to  tax  matters  will  depend  on  the  scope  of  each 
treaty.   Experience  with  the  Swiss  treaty  has  not  been 
encouraging.   First,  the  Swiss  treaty  is  limited  to  criminal 
matters.   Second,  it  is  applicable  to  "tax  crimes"  only  if 
the  subject  of  the  investigation  is  an  organized  crime 
figure,  the  evidence  available  to  the  United  States  is 
insufficient  to  prosecute  the  individual  in  connection  with 
his  organized  criminal  activity,  and  the  requested  assistance 
will  substantially  facilitate  the  successful  prosecution  and 
imprisonment  of  that  individual.   Third,  under  Swiss  imple- 
menting legislation,  the  subject  of  the  investigation  can 
contest  the  taking  of  authenticated  testimony.   If  contested, 
production  of  the  testimony  could  be  delayed  for  at  least 
one  year.   Understandably,  the  Swiss  treaty  has  not  been 
useful  in  tax  cases;  the  standards  are  too  difficult  to 

Treaties  negotiated  or  under  negotiation  since  the 
Swiss  treaty  are  much  broader  in  scope.   Fiscal  crimes  in 
general,  and  tax  offenses  in  particular,  are  specifically 
covered.  Moreover,  the  United  States  negotiators  have  taken 
the  position,  with  a  great  deal  of  success,  that  criminal 
tax  offenses  ought  to  be  treated  in  a  manner  similar  to  any 
other  criminal  offenses. 

D.   Options 

Where  books  and  records  are  not  in  the  United  States, 
the  IRS  and  the  law  enforcement  community  have  special 
problems.   Some  options  to  be  considered  to  improve  access 
to  books  and  records  are  presented  below: 

1.   Unilateral  Actions 

The  United  States  could  change  its  regulations  and  laws 
to  make  more  information  available,  and  to  make  it  easier  to 
introduce  evidence  obtained.   Some  suggestions  follow. 

a.   Asserting  the  taxpayer's  burden  of  proof.   In 
civil  cases,  the  burden  of  establishing  the  tax  consequences 
of  a  transaction  is  on  the  taxpayer.   As  discussed  in  Chapter 
VII. A. 1.,  this  burden  should  be  vigorously  relied  upon  in 
appropriate  cases. 


b.  Requiring  that  books  and  records  be  maintained 

in  the  U.sT  Consideration  should  be  given  to  requiring  that 
books  and  records  relevant  to  tax  liability  in  the  United 
States  be  maintained  within  the  territorial  jurisdiction  of 
this  country,  in  appropriate  cases.   The  regulations  under 
§6001  could  be  amended  to  make  clear  the  requirement  that 
revelant  books  and  records  of  foreign  subsidiaries  of  U.S. 
persons  must  be  made  available  to  the  IRS.   The  regulation 
could  provide  that  if  the  requested  records  are  not  produced 
within  some  stated  period  of  time  (e.g.,  90  days)  the 
taxpayer  would  thereafter  be  required  to  maintain  the  records 
in  the  United  States.   In  addition,  records  of  a  controlled 
foreign  corporation  formed  in  or  doing  business  in  a  tax 
haven  could  be  required  to  be  kept  in  the  United  States, 
unless  the  U.S.  shareholder  and  the  controlled  foreign 
corporation  agree,  in  writing,  to  comply  with  the  stated 
time  rule  and  provide  any  necessary  waivers  of  foreign  law 
rights  to  withhold  the  records. 

Similar  record  keeping  requirements  could  be  provided 
for  U.S.  persons  who  have  control  over  a  foreign  trust  or  an 
interest  in  a  foreign  partnership.   A  regulations  project 
dealing  with  these  issues  has  been  established. 

c.  Venue  where  a  party  summoned  is  outside  the  United 
States .   Section  7604  could  be  amended  to  establish  venue  in 
a  particular  U.S.  district  (e.g.,  the  District  of  Columbia) 
in  those  situations  where  the  party  summoned  is  subject  to 
the  summons  jurisdiction  of  the  IRS  but  resides  or  may  be 
found  outside  the  territorial  jurisdiction  of  the  United 

d.  Admissibility  of  foreign  business  records.   Once 
access  to  books  and  records  in  a  tax  haven  is  secured,  the 
materials  must  be  obtained  in  a  form  admissible  in  court. 
Moreover,  an  authenticating  witness  is  often  required. 
Because,  in  dealing  with  foreign  jurisdictions,  either  or 
both  requirements  often  cannot  be  met,  consideration  should 
be  given  to  amending  Rules  803  and  902  of  the  Federal  Rules 

of  Evidence  to  provide  that  extrinsic  evidence  of  authenticity 
as  a  condition  precedent  to  admissibility  is  not  required 
with  respect  to  a  foreign  business  record  if  (1)  the  record 
was  obtained  pursuant  to  a  treaty  of  the  United  States,  (2) 
authenticity  of  the  record  is  attested  to  by  the  custodian, 
and  (3)  advance  notice  is  given  to  the  opposing  party  to 
provide  a  reasonable  opportunity  to  investigate  the  authen- 
ticity of  the  document.   Requiring  the  above  procedures  to 
be  followed  (including  use  of  the  treaty  mechanism)  should 
insure  that  documents  will  have  a  high  degree  of  reliability. 


e.   IRS  review  process  for  mutual  assistance.   The  IRS 
review  process  for  exchange  of  information  requests  has  been 
streamlineti.   It  should  be  monitored  to  see  that  delays  are 
not  occurring.   If  they  are,  consideration  might  be  given  to 
further  streamlining  so  that  a  group  manager  will  have 
final  field  review.   Problems  of  regional  or  district  coordi- 
nation could  still  be  handled  by  providing  copies  of 
correspondence  to  an  appropriate  official. 

2.   Bilateral  Approaches 

Tax  haven  problems,  by  definition,  involve  a  second 
sovereign  jurisdiction,  and,  also  by  definition,  conflict 
between  the  laws  of  that  jurisdiction  and  the  U.S.   The  best 
way  to  overcome  these  problems,  particularly  where  a  possible 
crime  is  under  investigation,  is  to  enter  into  bilateral  agree- 
ments with  the  tax  haven. 

a.  Mutual  assistance  treaties.   The  U.S.  should  consider 
expanding  its  effort  to  enter  into  mutual  assistance  treaties 
under  which  the  U.S.  and  its  treaty  partner  agree  to  provide 
assistance  in  criminal  investigations.   Every  effort  should 

be  made  to  cover  fiscal  crimes  in  general,  and  tax  offenses 
in  particular.   Tax  offenses  should  be  treated  as  any  other 
criminal  offense.   The  persons  responsible  for  negotiating 
these  treaties  should  coordinate  with  IRS,  Treasury,  and  Tax 
Division  in  deciding  which  countries  should  receive  priority. 

b.  Limited  tax  treaties.   Mutual  assistance  treaties 
apply  only  to  criminal  matters.   In  addition  to  mutual 
assistance  treaties  the  United  States  might  attempt  to 
negotiate  limited  tax  treaties  with  tax  haven  jurisdictions, 
along  the  lines  suggested  in  Chapter  VIII.   They  would 
include  an  exchange  of  information  article  overriding  bank 
and  commercial  secrecy  laws.   See  draft  Model  Exchange  of 
Information  and  Administrative  Assistance,  Paragraph  2,  at 
Appendix  A  to  this  chapter.   The  exchange  of  information 
article  would  cover  both  civil  and  criminal  tax  information. 

c.  Bilateral  exchange  of  information  agreements. 
Congress  could  empower  the  President  to  enter  into  bilateral 
executive  agreements  with  foreign  jurisdictions  for  the 
exchange  of  tax  information.   Arguably,  the  Internal  Revenue 
Code  disclosure  of  information  provision  contained  in  §6103(k)(4) 
would  permit  such  agreements,  in  spirit  if  not  literally. 
Technical  amendment  to  the  disclosure  provision  is  recommended 
for  the  sake  of  clarity.   In  addition,  the  summons  provisions 

of  the  Code  should  be  amended  to  permit  the  United  States  to 
assist  a  foreign  jurisdiction  which  is  a  party  to  such  an 


d.  Revise  exchange  of  information  article.   The  Treasury 
Department  should  consider  amending  the  model  exchange  of 
information  provision  to  better  comport  with  the  realities 

of  international  evidence  gathering  among  countries  with 
disparate  internal  legal  systems.   A  contracting  country  should 
be  obligated  to  use  its  best  efforts  within  the  framework  of 
its  internal  system  to  supply  information  pursuant  to  a 
treaty  request.   The  model,  by  considering  mutuality  of 
legal  systems  among  treaty  partners,  inhibits  this.   The 
model  should  require  a  requested  country  to  use  whatever 
procedures  it  has,  even  if  the  requesting  country  does  not 
have  or  cannot  use  similar  procedures.   A  draft  model  article 
is  attached  as  Appendix  A  to  this  chapter. 

e.  Steps  to  isolate  abusive  tax  havens.   While  most 
tax  havens  deny  any  interest  in  attracting  tainted  money, 
the  United  States  receives  little  or  no  cooperation  in 
penetrating  bank  and  commercial  secrecy  laws  for  tax  administration 
purposes.   As  described  in  various  portions  of  this  report, 

this  unwillingness  to  cooperate  creates  significant,  and  at 
times  insurmountable,  problems  for  United  States  tax  adminis- 
trators, as  well  as  members  of  the  law  enforcement  community. 
At  some  point  the  United  States  may  determine  that  tax 
havens  are  a  sufficiently  serious  problem  to  require  drastic 
steps  directed  towards  gaining  access  to  such  information, 
either  through  a  tax  convention  or  an  executive  agreement. 
One  such  step  might  be  to  adopt  legislation  specifically 
aimed  at  tax  havens  which  do  not  provide  information  necessary 
to  enable  the  United  States  to  administer  its  tax  laws,  as  well 
as  its  other  relevant  laws.   Any  country  which  refused  to 
provide  information  necessary  to  prove  the  substance  of  a 
transaction  in  a  United  States  court  of  law  would  be  designated 
a  tax  haven.   Any  such  legislation  would,  of  course,  have  to 
contain  appropriate  relief  provisions  to  permit  U.S.  taxpayers 
to  rearrange  their  affairs  without  adverse  tax  consequences. 
United  States  taxpayers  would  be  denied  tax  benefit  of  any 
transactions  with  a  country  so  designated.   The  purpose 
would  be  to  discourage  U.S.  business  activity  in  the  tax 

(i)   The  tax  imposed  on  amounts  paid  from  the  United 
States  to  a  foreign  individual  or  corporation  in  a  designated 
tax  haven  would  be  increased  from  30  perent  to  50  percent. 
This  rate  would  be  applied  to  interest  on  deposits  in  U.S. 

(ii)   The  proceeds  of  a  loan  from  a  designated  tax 
haven  to  a  U.S.  person  would  be  taxable  to  the  recipient  as 
ordinary  income,  unless  that  person  could  prove  to  the 
satisfaction  of  the  Commissioner,  that  the  loan  is  bona  fide, 
and  that  the  borrower  does  not  have  an  interest  in  the 


(iii)   For  purposes  of  §902,  a  foreign  corporation 
organized  in  a  designated  tax  haven  would  not  be  deemed  to 
have  paid  any  foreign  taxes.   In  addition,  the  income  from  a 
designated  foreign  tax  haven  would  be  considered  U.S.  source 
income,  so  that  it  would  not  increase  the  numerator  of  the 
foreign  tax  credit  limitation.   This  would  effectively 
prohibit  excess  credits  from  other  countries  to  offset  U.S. 
taxes  otherwise  imposed  on  income  from  designated  tax  havens, 
and  would  discourage  U.S.  business  from  establishing  sub- 
sidiaries in  tax  havens. 

(iv)   No  deduction  would  be  allowed  for  an  expense  or  a 
loss  arising  out  of  a  transaction  entered  into,  with,  or  by 
an  entity  located  in  a  designated  tax  haven,  unless  the 
taxpayer  could  establish  by  clear  and  convincing  evidence, 
including  records  in  the  hands  of  third  parties,  that  the 
transaction  had  in  fact  taken  place  and  did  not  involve  a 
related  party.   Inability  to  produce  third  party  records 
because  of  local  law  would  preclude  the  deduction  or  other 
tax  effect  claimed  by  the  taxpayer. 

(v)  United  States  airlines  might  be  prohibited  from 
flying  to  a  designated  tax  haven,  and  direct  flights  from 
the  United  States  to  or  from  the  haven  would  be  prohibited. 

(vi)   U.S.  banks  might  be  prohibited  from  conducting 
business  in  a   designated  tax  haven.   In  the  alternative, 
they  may  either  be  prohibited  from  making  wire  transfers 
from  the  United  States  to  a  designated  tax  haven,  or  from 
designated  tax  havens  to  the  United  States,  or  they  may  be 
required  to  report  all  wire  transfers  between  a  designated 
tax  haven  and  the  United  States. 

The  following  inducements  might  also  be  provided  to 
encourage  tax  havens  to  provide  information: 

(i)   An  exception  from  the  foreign  convention  rules  of 

(ii)   Technical  tax  administrative  assistance  to  smaller 
tax  havens  and  potential  tax  havens  willing  to  enter  into 
limited  tax  treaties,  exchange  of  information  agreements,  or 
mutual  assistance  treaties  covering  fiscal  crimes,  with  the 
United  States.   Any  treaty  would  have  to  contain  a  meaning- 
ful exchange  of  information  article  which  overrides  present 
or  later-enacted  secrecy  laws. 

Chapter  IX  -  Appendix  A 

Article  26 

1.  The  competent  author ites  of  the  Contracting  States 
shall  exchange  such  information  as  is  necessary  for  carrying 
out  the  provisions  of  this  Convention  or  of  the  domestic 
laws  of  the  Contracting  States  concerning  taxes  covered  by 
the  Convention  insofar  as  the  taxation  thereunder  is  not 
contrary  to  the  convention.   The  exchange  of  information  is 
not  restricted  by  Article  1  (Personal  Scope).   Any  infor- 
mation received  by  a  Contracting  State  shall  be  treated  as 
secret  in  the  same  manner  as  information  obtained  under  the 
domestic  laws  of  that  State  and  shall  be  disclosed  only  to 
persons  or  authorities  (including  courts  and  administrative 
bodies)  involved  in  the  assessment  or  collection  of,  the 
enforcement  or  prosecution  in  respect  of,  or  the  deter- 
mination of  appeals  in  relation  to,  the  taxes  covered  by  the 
Convention.   Such  persons  or  authorities  shall  use  the 
information  only  for  such  purposes.   They  may  disclose  the 
information  in  public  court  proceedings  or  in  judicial 
decisions . 

2.  The  provisions  of  paragraph  1  shall  be  construed  so 
as  to  impose  on  a  Contracting  State  the  obligation  to  estab- 
lish laws  and  administrative  practices  which  permit  disclosure 
to  its  own  competent  authority  of  such  information  as  is 
necessary  for  the  carrying  out  of  the  provisions  of  this 
Convention  or  of  the  domestic  laws  of  the  Contracting  States 
concerning  taxes  covered  by  this  Convention.   The  provisions 
of  paragraph  1  shall  not  be  construed  so  as  to  impose  on  a 
Contracting  State  the  obligation: 

(a)  to  carry  out  administrative  measures  at  variance 
with  its  laws  and  administrative  practices; 

(b)  to  supply  information  which  is  obtainable  under 
the  laws  or  administrative  practice  of  neither  Contracting 

(c)  to  supply  information  which  would  disclose  any 
trade,  business,  industrial,  commercial  or  professional 
secret  or  trade  process,  or  information,  the  disclosure  of 
which  would  be  contrary  to  public  policy. 

3.  The  competent  authority  shall  promptly  comply  with 
a  request  for  information,  or,  when  appropriate,  shall 
transmit  it  to  the  authority  having  jurisdiction  to  do  so. 
The  competent  judicial  officials  and  other  officials  of  the 
Cotracting  State  requested  to  provide  information  shall  do 
everything  in  their  power  to  execute  the  request. 


4.  If  information  is  requested  by  a  Contracting  State 
in  accordance  with  this  Article,  the  other  Contracting  State 
shall  obain  the  information  to  which  the  request  relates  in 
the  same  manner  and  to  the  same  extent  as  if  the  tax  of  the 
first-mentioned  State  were  the  tax  of  that  other  State  and 
were  being  imposed  by  that  other  State.   If  specifically 
requested  by  the  competent  authority  of  a  Contracting  State, 
the  competent  authority  of  the  other  Contracting  State  shall 
provide  information  under  the  Article  in  the  form  of  deposi- 
tions of  witnesses  and  authenticated  copies  of  unedited 
original  documents  (including  books,  papers,  statements, 
records,  accounts,  or  writings),  to  the  same  extent  such 
depositions  and  documents  can  be  obtained  under  the  laws  and 
administrative  practices  of  such  other  State  with  respect  to 
its  own  taxes. 

5.  Each  of  the  Contracting  States  shall  endeavor  to 
collect  on  behalf  of  the  other  Contracting  State  such  amounts 
as  may  be  necessary  to  ensure  that  relief  granted  by  the 
present  Convention  from  taxation  imposed  by  such  other 
Contracting  State  does  not  enure  to  the  benefit  of  persons 
not  entitled  thereto. 

6.  Paragraph  5  of  this  Article  shall  not  impose  upon 
either  of  the  Contracting  States  the  obligation  to  carry  out 
administrative  measures  which  are  of  a  different  nature  from 
those  used  in  the  collection  of  its  own  tax,  or  which  would 
be  contrary  to  its  sovereignty,  security,  or  public  policy. 

7.  For  the  purpose  of  this  Article,  this  Convention 
shall  apply  to  taxes  of  every  kind  imposed  by  a  Contracting 


X.   Administration 

International  issues  in  general,  and  tax  haven  related 
issues  in  particular,  are  diffused  throughout  IRS  functions 
and  programs.   In  addition,  responsibility  for  these  issues 
shifts,  at  the  litigation  stage,  either  to  the  Office  of  the 
Chief  Counsel  or  to  the  Tax  Division  of  the  Justice  Department. 
Moreover,  other  agencies  may  be  investigating  a  taxpayer 
with  respect  to  the  nontax  aspects  of  a  case.   This  is 
particularly  likely  to  occur  in  narcotics  related  investigations 
and  in  tax  shelter  investigations. 

A.   In  General 

The  IRS  annually  processes  over  95  million  income  tax 
returns,  sends  out  more  than  27  million  computer  notices 
and  conducts  over  two  million  examinations  of  tax  returns.   It 
is  a  highly  decentralized  organization.   In  the  last  fiscal 
year  the  IRS  employed  an  average  of  approximately  87,000 
people.   Approximately  5,000  of  these  people  work  in  the 
National  Office  in  Washington,  D.  C.   The  remainder  are 
spread  throughout  seven  regions  and  58  districts  in  more 
than  850  offices  across  the  country  and  in  15  posts  abroad. 

The  National  Office  provides  policy  direction  and 
program  guidance  and  has  principal  responsibility  for 
allocating  available  resources  among  IRS  programs  and  among 
the  regions.   The  regional  offices,  under  the  direction  of 
the  Regional  Commissioners,  perform  supervisory  oversight 
functions  with  respect  to  the  districts  and  service  centers 
within  their  respective  regions.   The  District  and  Service 
Center  Directors  are  responsible  for  the  conduct  of  the 
IRS's  various  programs,  including  the  audit  of  returns 
having  international  and  tax  haven  issues  and  the  investigation 
of  criminal  cases. 

Legal  assistance  to  the  IRS  is  provided  by  the  Office 
of  the  Chief  Counsel.   The  office  is  divided  into  Regional 
and  District  Counsel  Offices.   In  addition,  the  Tax  Division 
of  the  Department  of  Justice  litigates  tax  cases,  other  than 
in  the  U.S.  Tax  Court. 

The  two  principal  IRS  functions  that  establish  policy 
and  overall  direction  with  respect  to  enforcement  of  the  tax 
laws  as  they  relate  to  tax  havens  are  the  Examination  Division, 
and  the  Criminal  Investigation  Division  (CID).   The  principal 
IRS  function  with  day-to-day  involvement  in  the  foreign 
area,  in  support  of  programs  developed  at  the  policy  level 
is  the  Office  of  International  Operations  (010).   A  brief 
description  of  each  of  these  functions  follows. 


1.  Examination  Division 

The  National  Office  Examination  Division  provides 
policy  direction  and  program  guidance  for  the  examination  of 
returns.   The  General  Program  Branch  has  program  responsibility 
for  a  wide  range  of  returns,  while  the  Special  Programs 
Branch  develops  programs  for  handling  special  cases,  including 
international  issues.   Generally,  field  agents  of  the  Examination 
Division  audit  U.S.  persons  doing  business  abroad  and 
foreign  subsidiaries  of  U.S.  corporations. 

The  Examination  Division  programs  that  may  cover  tax 
haven  issues  include  the  general  program,  the  fraud  program, 
the  coordinated  examination  program  (which  handles  large 
cases  and  includes  an  industrywide  program),  the  tax  shelter/ 
partnership  program,  the  illegal  tax  protesters  program,  the 
unreported  income  program  and  the  drug  and  narcotics  program. 
The  International  Enforcement  Program  (lEP)  provides  specialists 
to  assist  examination  agents  with  the  international  aspects 
of  a  case. 

The  lEP  was  part  of  010  and  was  removed  from  010  in  a 
reorganization  in  the  1960 's.   This  program  is  deployed  on  a 
key  district  concept.   Presently,  there  are  approximately 
200  international  agents  in  11  key  districts  and  17  groups. 
The  international  examiners  are  specialized  agents  who 
assist  revenue  agents  in  the  General  Program  when  a  referral 
is  submitted.   Most  of  the  international  examiners  are 
assigned  to  the  examination  of  large  multinational  corporations. 
International  examiners  generally  do  not  work  on  tax  haven 
cases  concerning  individuals,  trusts,  partnerships  or  small 

The  lEP  includes  a  simultaneous  examination  program, 
which  coordinates  joint  audits  of  multinational  companies 
with  certain  of  our  treaty  partners.   One  criterion  for 
selecting  a  taxpayer  for  simultaneous  examination  is  involvement 
of  a  tax  haven.   There  is  also  an  industrywide  program 
that  gathers  and  exchanges  information  on  particular  industries. 

2.  Office  of  International  Operations 

010  was  established  in  1955  as  a  division  under  the 
Baltimore  District.   On  May  1,  1956,  it  was  transferred  to 
the  Office  of  Assistant  Commissioner  (Operations),  now 
Office  of  Assistant  Commissioner  (Compliance).   Over  the 
years  some  organizational  changes  have  been  made  to  better 
enable  010  to  deal  better  with  international  tax  matters 
under  its  jurisdiction. 


010  is  a  district  type  office  that,  because  of  its 
unique  jurisdictional  base  and  structure,  is  organized 
within  the  Office  of  the  Assistant  Commissioner  (Compliance). 
As  in  a  district  office,  010  has  an  Examination  Division, 
Collection  Division,  Criminal  Investigation  Division  and 
Taxpayer  Service  Division.   In  addition  to  these  functions, 
there  are  the  Foreign  Programs,  and  Tax  Treaty  and  Technical 
Services  Divisions. 

010  examination  agents  audit  returns  of  U.S.  citizens 
residing  abroad,  foreign  taxpayers  (individual  and  corporate) 
having  U.S.  source  income  and  returns  filed  by  persons 
required  to  withhold  tax  on  income  paid  to  foreign  persons. 
It  conducts  coordinated  examinations  of  large  foreign  corporations 
and,  on  request  from  the  field,  it  conducts  support  examinations 
of  overseas  subsidiaries  of  U.S. -based  multinational  corporations. 
It  also  examines  estate  and  gift  tax  returns  of  both  nonresident 
U.S.  citizens  and  aliens.   Groups  of  field  agents  specialize 
in  foreign  entertainers,  athletes,  banks  and  insurance 

010  operates  as  a  service  organization  for  all  58 
districts  in  securing  information  from  foreign  countries  to 
the  extent  that  the  districts  bring  these  matters  to  the 
attention  of  010.   The  Foreign  Programs  Division  assists  in 
the  performance  of  functions  under  tax  treaties,  principally 
involving  specific  requests  under  the  exchange  of  information 
provisions.   The  Division  also  coordinates  and  controls 
foreign  travel  of  IRS  employees  and  generally  assists 
employees  in  the  execution  of  assigned  duties  performed 

The  IRS  has  15  foreign  posts  organized  under  the  Foreign 
Programs  Division,  including  a  post  in  the  Bahamas.   The 
foreign  activities  of  010  are  carried  out  by  Revenue  Service 
Representatives  (RSR's)  located  at  the  foreign  posts.   They 
perform  examination  and  collection  functions  directly  and 
also  pursuant  to  collateral  requests  from  other  IRS  offices. 
On  request  of  a  district,  they  may  obtain  information  in 
connection  with  a  district  criminal  investigation.   They 
hold  conferences  abroad  for  the  Appeals  Office,  and  assist 
in  settling  administratively  with  foreign  counterparts  any 
international  tax  disputes  that  arise  under  Competent  Authority 
provisions  of  tax  treaties. 

The  Tax  Treaty  and  Technical  Services  Division  accumu- 
lates and  analyzes  information  concerning  foreign  tax  laws 
and  U.S.  tax  treaties.   It  also  has  responsibility  for  the 
preparation  and  negotiation  of  Competent  Authority  cases. 


3.   Criminal  Investigations 

The  Criminal  Investigation  Division  (CID)  generally 
deals  with  fraud  investigations  of  U.S.  residents  and  citizens, 
including  citizens  residing  abroad  and  nonresident  aliens 
that  are  subject  to  U.S.  filing  requirements.   The  National 
Office  CID  assists  field  CID  offices  in  special  inquiries 
and  assists  in  securing  available  information  from  foreign 
countries  and  U.S.  possessions  relating  to  tax  matters  under 
joint  investigation. 

The  Criminal  Investigation  Division  oversees  2,800 
special  agents  that  enforce  the  criminal  statutes  applicable 
to  the  tax  laws.   Special  agents  receive  specialized  professional 
training  at  the  Federal  Law  Enforcement  Training  Center 
operated  by  the  Department  of  Treasury.   The  special  agents 
investigate  criminal  violations  of  the  tax  laws  in  joint 
investigations  with  revenue  agents.   They  also  participate 
in  joint  investigations  with  other  agencies,  often  in  a 
grand  jury.   The  tax  crimes  investigated  include  bribes, 
kickbacks,  laundered  money  and  hidden  deposits. 

Special  agents  are  located  in  each  of  the  58  IRS  dis- 
trict offices  throughout  the  country.   Within  each  district, 
a  Criminal  Investigation  Division  is  responsible  for  investigations 
within  its  area.   010  also  has  a  Criminal  Investigation 
Division  which  may  investigate  alleged  criminal  violations 
by  taxpayers  under  010  jurisdiction.   Seven  Assistant  Regional 
Commissioners  (Criminal  Investigation)  work  functionally 
with  the  Office  of  the  Director  of  CID  in  the  National 

The  criminal  narcotics  effort  of  the  IRS  is  undertaken 
by  CID  and  is  coordinated  in  the  National  Office  in  the 
Special  Enforcement  Program  by  the  High  Level  Drug  Dealers 
Project,  which  focuses  on  major  drug  traffickers.   The  IRS 
has  investigated  some  1,200  cases  since  the  inception  of  the 
project  in  July  of  1976  and  currently  has  under  active 
investigation  over  400  alleged  drug  traffickers.   The  IRS  is 
also  currently  participating  in  14  strike  forces,  in  connection 
with  which  it  is  investigating  some  270  organized  crime 

Few  of  these  cases  (less  than  10)  involve  narcotics. 
IRS  management  intends  to  increase  the  narcotics-related 
effort.   In  fiscal  year  1981,  it  is  estimated  that  15  percent 
of  CID's  direct  investigation  time  will  be  devoted  to  narcotics- 
related  investigations. 


In  order  to  develop  high  quality  narcotics  cases 
efforts  are  being  made  to  improve  coordination  with  the 
Department  of  Justice,  particularly  the  Controlled  Substances 
Unit  under  the  direction  of  the  U.S.  Attorneys,  and  the  cash 
flow  projects.   Further  efforts  at  better  coordination  with  the 
Drug  Enforcement  Administration  (DEA)  are  proceeding  and 
investigations  of  leads  supplied  by  the  DEA  are  being  stepped- 
up.   It  is  too  early  to  determine  how  many  of  these  will 
result  in  prosecutions  that  involve  the  use  of  offshore  tax 

The  IRS  is  also  increasing  its  efforts  to  identify 
potential  criminal  investigation  tacgets.   Additional  work 
is  being  done  to  increase  the  utilization  of  the  currency 
transaction  reports  (Form  4790)  in  cooperation  with  the 
Customs  Service.   The  IRS  has  also  placed  one  full-time 
agent  at  the  El  Paso  Intelligence  Center  (EPIC)  run  by  DEA. 
EPIC  is  a  computerized  data  base  with  numerous  participating 
federal  and  state  agencies  of  which  DEA  is  the  leading 
agency.   EPIC  is  used  for  the  detection,  interdiction  and 
investigation  of  narcotics  trafficking  and  financing.   It  is 
hoped  that  placing  an  agent  there  will  help  the  IRS  to 
identify  high  level  drug  traffickers  and  those  helping  them 
to  conduct  their  finances. 

4.   Office  of  the  Chief  Counsel 

The  Office  of  the  Chief  Counsel  is  organized  in  regions 
and  districts  parallel  to  the  IRS  field  structure.   In  the 
National  Office  there  are  various  divisions,  including  a 
Criminal  Tax  Division,  a  General  Litigation  Division,  a  Tax 
Litigation  Division,  an  Interpretative  Division,  a  legislation 
and  Regulations  Division  and  a  Disclosure  Division.   Much 
of  the  attorney  time  is  spent  in  preparing,  reviewing  and 
assisting  in  the  development  of  substantive  and  procedural 
guidance,  including  tax  regulations,  revenue  rulings  and 
decisions  to  litigate. 

There  are  also  seven  Regional  Counsel  and  45  District 
Counsel.   Most  of  the  attorneys  in  the  District  Counsel 
offices  are  engaged  in  tax  court  litigation;  others  advise 
Justice  attorneys  on  various  matters,  including  summons 
enforcement.   One  of  the  District  Counsel  offices  services 


B.   Analysis 

The  international  examiners  and  the  010  agents  are  the 
IRS's  international  tax  audit  experts.   Therefore,  the 
manner  in  which  they  are  trained  and  deployed  can  impact  on 
all  international  audit  areas,  including  tax  havens.   The 
agents  in  the  General  Program  are  not  prohibited  from  exam- 
ining international  issues,  and,  in  fact,  there  appears  to 
be  significant  international  activity  in  the  general  pro- 

1 .   Coordination 

One  of  the  most  significant  problems  in  international 
enforcement  lies  in  achieving  effective  coordination  between 
functions.   The  volume  of  international  transactions  with 
which  the  IRS  must  deal  continues  to  grow.   Issues  become 
continuously  more  complex.   Despite  the  continued  efforts  of 
management  to  maintain  close  liason  and  coordination  in  the 
international  area,  there  are  delays  and  failures  of  communication. 
These  problems  impact  particularly  on  the  ability  to  deal 
with  tax  haven  transactions,  where  the  law  and  the  schemes 
change  rapidly  and  where  it  is  important  that  up-to-date 
information  be  disseminated  to  the  field. 

Because  IRS  is  a  diverse  decentralized  organization,  inter- 
national tax  matters,  as  any  others,  arise  in  many  of  the 
functions.   Within  the  Office  of  the  Assistant  Commissioner 
(Compliance),  international  issues  arise  in  both  the  international 
program  and  the  general  program  of  the  Examination  Division, 
in  010,  in  CID,  and  in  Collection.   There  is  an  international 
group  in  Technical.   In  the  Chief  Counsel's  office,  international 
issues  are  addressed  by  the  Legislation  and  Regulations 
Division,  by  the  Interpretative  Division,  and  by  the  Tax 
Litigation  Division,  as  well  as  by  District  Counsel  attorneys 
in  the  course  of  litigation.   Furthermore,  the  Department  of 
Justice  Tax  Division  deals  with  international  issues  in  its 
consideration  of  civil  and  criminal  cases. 

The  central  problem  is  that  there  is  no  one  person  below 
the  Assistant  Commissioner  level  with  whom  one  can  discuss 
international  compliance  problems.   For  example,  if  it  is 
necessary  to  gather  information  concerning  civil  inter- 
national activities,  both  010  and  the  Examination  Division 
must  be  contacted. 


The  lack  of  centralized  control  also  makes  it  difficult 
to  be  certain  that  tax  haven  cases  are  being  properly  controlled. 
For  example,  it  is  possible  for  010  to  refer  matters  to  the 
field  without  clearance  from  the  Examination  Division. 
Accordingly,  cases  which  lEP  is  trying  to  coordinate  can 
inadvertantly  be  sent  to  the  field. 

This  also  creates  problems  of  dissemination  of  information 
to  the  field.   For  example,  general  information  that  is 
gathered  by  lEP  and  disseminated  to  its  agents  is  not  necessarily 
given  to  010  and  CID  agents.   The  converse  is  also  true. 

In  addition,  there  appears  to  be  some  problem  in  coor- 
dination between  Treasury's  Office  of  International  Tax 
Counsel  and  IRS.   There  is  some  feeling  that  IRS  is  con- 
sulted only  on  an  ad  hoc  basis,  making  coordination  between 
the  overall  needs  of  international  tax  administration  and 
current  treaty  policy  difficult.   In  part,  this  may  result 
because  of  the  difficulty  of  finding  the  proper  person  with 
whom  to  coordinate  in  IRS. 

Another  problem  of  coordination  that  was  raised  numerous 
times  during  our  discussions  with  field  agents  is  a  perceived 
lack  of  communication  between  the  field  and  010.   The  feeling 
was  expressed  that  the  problems  arose  particularly  where  a 
tax  haven  was  involved.   Some  agents  believe  that  their 
requests  were  not  always  handled  as  quickly  as  the  field 
agents  would  have  liked  and  that,  at  times,  information 
that  may  have  been  available  was  not  developed  and  sent  to 
the  field.   The  same  problem  was  raised  by  attorneys  in  the 
Tax  Division. 

In  part,  the  problem  may  be  a  failure  of  communication. 
CID  agents.  Examination  agents,  and  Justice  attorneys  do  not 
fully  understand  the  problems  faced  by  RSRs  in  gathering 
requested  information.   In  part,  the  problem  may  lie  in  the 
procedures  for  referrals  from  the  field  to  010.   This  procedure 
has  recently  been  streamlined  and  an  option  for  further 
streamlining  is  presented  in  Chapter  IX. 

Questions  have  been  raised  as  to  the  adequacy  of  coordi- 
nation between  the  IRS  and  other  federal  agencies  concerned 
with  offshore  transactions.   There  seems  to  be  a  high  level 
of  coordination  with  respect  to  individual  requests  involv- 
ing specific  active  cases.   We  are  uncertain  whether  there 
is  adequate  coordination  at  higher  levels  on  other  than  an 
ad  hoc  basis.   There  does  not  appear  to  be  much  coordination 
in  the  way  of  exchange  of  information  on  offshore  issues. 


Most  coordination  takes  place  at  the  case  investigation 
level.   The  Examination  Division,  which  handles  civil  cases, 
has  a  central  coordinator  or  liaison  with  responsibility  for 
funneling  field  agents'  requests  for  information  to  other 
agencies.   Often,  there  is  a  liaison  person  at  the  requested 
agency  with  whom  the  IRS  liaison  can  speak.   There  is  no 
central  IRS  liaison  for  requests  from  other  agencies.   The 
other  agency  writes  to  the  director  of  the  IRS  district 
that  has  audit  jurisdiction  over  their  target.   The  request 
is  then  routed  through  that  district's  disclosure  office  to 
determine  whether  it  can  be  honored.   There  is  no  centralized 
file  of  such  requests. 

Liaison  with  the  Commodity  Futures  Trading  Corporation 
(CFTC)  is  handled  separately.   Commodity  shelters,  partic- 
ularly so-called  "tax  straddles,"  have  become  a  major  problem, 
and  are  of  particular  concern  to  the  IRS  and  the  CFTC.   The 
IRS  has  established  a  shelter  coordinator  to  monitor  IRS 
shelter  activity,  including  commodity  shelters.   Liaison 
with  the  CFTC  is  maintained  directly  by  that  coordinator. 
This  liaison  includes  funneling  IRS  field  requests  to  the 
CFTC  as  well  as  arranging  for  some  joint  training  with  the 
CFTC.   A  procedure  has  been  established  under  which  the 
CFTC  will  advise  IRS  when  it  has  completed  an  investigation, 
thus  IRS  can  conduct  a  tax  investigation  if  warranted.   The 
CFTC,  however,  has  rarely  become  involved  in  offshore  transactions, 
because  it  does  not  have  jurisdiction  unless  the  offshore 
transactions  are  being  conducted  through  a  domestic  broker. 

CID  has  a  liaison  person  in  the  National  Office  who 
funnels  requests  from  the  field  to  other  agencies.   In  CID, 
however,  much  of  the  routine  coordination  occurs  at  the 
field  level.   National  office  liaison  is  available  to  those 
agencies  that  prefer  to  deal  with  the  National  Office.   Most 
agencies  apparently  prefer  to  deal  directly  with  the  field 
and  come  to  the  National  Office  only  if  there  is  a  liaison 
problem.   The  general  feeling  is  that  the  liaison  works  well 
within  the  bounds  set  by  the  disclosure  rules. 

There  are  special  coordination  procedures  with  the  Drug 
Enforcement  Administration  (DEA)  with  respect  to  narcotics 
investigations.   CID  has  a  separate  DEA  liaison  person. 
Most  of  the  contact  is  at  the  local  level  where  it  can  be 
focused  on  ongoing  investigations.   The  National  Office 
generally  attempts  to  facilitate  local  level  contacts  and  to 
arrange  for  new  methods  of  cooperation,  should  that  be  nec- 
essary.  In  addition,  approximately  32  percent  of  the  currently 
active  narcotics  cases  are  before  grand  juries,  coordinated 
by  the  Assistant  U.S.  Attorney  conducting  the  grand  jury. 
Most  of  these  grand  juries  involve  multiagency  investigations. 


With  respect  to  ongoing  investigations  of  major  drug 
dealers  and  other  major  financial  crimes,  interagency  coordination 
can  best  be  achieved  through  the  grand  jury.   There  the 
U.S.  Attorney  can  provide  direction  and  coordinate  the 
efforts  of  the  various  agencies  involved.   It  also  overcomes 
some  of  the  coordination  problems  caused  by  the  disclosure 
rules  of  §6103. 

At  the  beginning  of  this  study  some  agents  in  the  IRS 
and  other  agencies  expressed  the  opinion  that  it  took  too 
long  for  IRS  to  approve  participation  in  a  grand  jury  investigation. 
Steps  have  been  taken  to  speed  up  the  review  process  for 
grand  jury  clearance,  and  most  agents  we  talked  with  were 
hopeful  that  the  problem  had  been  minimized. 

There  is  also  an  interagency  narcotics-oriented  group 
that  meets  to  discuss  general  offshore  problems  and  to 
share  expertise  involving  offshore  cases. 

There  appears  to  be  little  routine  regular  coordination 

at  the  managerial  level,  either  in  the  civil  cases  involving 

the  Examination  Division  or  in  the  criminal  cases  involving 

2.   Coverage  of  Tax  Haven  Cases  -  Availability  of  Expertise 

Another  significant  problem  is  the  lack  of  expert 
coverage  of  smaller  tax  haven  cases.   During  1980,  the  Tax 
Haven  Study  Group  sent  a  questionnaire  to  6,085  General 
Program  agents.   Two  thousand  five  hundred  responded  that 
they  had  closed  a  case  involving  a  foreign  transaction 
during  the  preceding  12  months.   A  second  questionnaire 
prepared  in  an  attempt  to  get  more  detailed  information  on 
certain  specific  international  transactions  indicated  that  a 
significant  number  of  these  cases  involved  a  tax  haven. 
This  survey  of  the  General  Program  indicated  that  agents  are 
raising  international  issues,  but  the  survey  did  not  attempt 
to  evaluate  the  merit,  quality  or  development  of  these 
issues.   Nevertheless,  we  did  note  that  General  Program 
agents,  particularly  those  who  handled  smaller  cases,  did 
not  always  seem  to  understand  the  international  issues  in 
general,  and  the  special  problems  of  tax  havens  in  particular. 
Often,  the  agents  did  not  distinguish  between  the  lEP  and 


International  Enforcement  Agents  deal  primarily  with 
large  cases.   In  many  districts,  the  international  enforce- 
ment program  does  not  have  the  resources  to  handle  a  significantly 
increased  work  load,  which  would  likely  result  if  more  referrals 
from  the  General  Program  were  made.   Furthermore,  because 
they  have  not  had  the  opportunity  to  work  the  cases,  agents 
in  the  International  Program  did  not  appear  to  be  knowledgeable 
about  tax  haven-type  entities  commonly  used  by  individuals, 
such  as  trusts  and  partnerships.   As  a  result,  tax  haven 
issues  often  do  not  get  adequate  coverage. 

In  fact,  the  Internal  Revenue  Manual  sets  forth  man- 
datory requirements  for  selecting  for  audit,  domestic  cor-  ,  , 
porate  returns  having  stated  international  characteristics.— 
However,  there  are  no  mandatory  requirements  for  selecting 
domestic  individual,  partnership,  and  fiduciary  returns 
indicating  foreign  business„transactions  or  interest  in 
foreign  financial  accounts.—'^   Thus,  the  tendency  would  be 
for  corporate  rather  than  individual  returns  to  be  scrutinized. 

During  discussions  with  field  personnel  it  has  been 
stated  that  there  is  a  reluctance  to  examine  tax  returns 
with  international  tax  issues,  and  tax  haven  issues  in 
particular,  because  of  the  difficulty  of  obtaining  information, 
and  because  such  cases  were  perceived  as  taking  more  time 
than  domestic  cases.   This  perception  may  have  been  due  to  a 
lack  of  understanding  of  the  issues. 

It  is  obvious  that  practitioners  are  aware  of,  and  take 
advantage  of,  both  the  lack  of  coverage  and  the  lack  of 
coordination.   It  would  appear  that  at  least  some  tax 
planning  using  tax  havens  for  smaller  taxpayers  results  in 
transactions  that  are  not  receiving  expert  coverage;  some  of 
these  are  the  most  abusive  transactions. 

The  staff  resources  devoted  to  international  issues,  and 
tax  haven  issues  in  particular,  have  not  kept  pace  with  the 
growth  in  international  business.   As  indicated  in  Chapter 
III,  data  show  that  U.S.  direct  investment  levels  in  foreign 
corporations  almost  tripled  from  1968  to  1978,  and  that 
earnings  increased  four  times.   During  the  same  period  the 
number  of  international  examiners  only  doubled,  from  94  to 
192.   As  of  the  end  of  1980,  there  were  209  international 
examiners.   A  concomitant  problem  is  that  overall  audit  coverage 
has  not  increased  since  1971,  and  in  fact  has  declined  since 
1976.   In  1976  2.59  percent  of  relevant  returns  were  audited, 

1/   IRM  4171. 22. 
2/   IRM  4171.21(1). 


while  in  fiscal  year  1980  only  2.12  percent  were  audited. 
If  current  budget  requests  are  not  supplemented,  it  is 
projected  that  coverage  may  drop  to  1.86  percent  in  1981. 
This  means  that  the  IRS  will  not  be  able  to  do  its  job  in 
the  tax  haven  area.   More  coverage  is  necessary  and  additional 
resources  are  needed  to  provide  that  coverage. 

3.   Providing  Technical  and  Legal  Assistance  to  the  Field 

Adequate  technical  expertise  is  not  available  to  the 
field  on  a  routine  basis.   In  the  course  of  an  audit,  an 
agent  can  request  technical  assistance  from  the  Assistant 
Commissioner  (Technical).   This,  however,  is  a  formal  procedure 
that  can  require  significant  time.   Accordingly,  the 
tendency  is  not  to  use  it  in  many  cases.   The  process  is  not 
available  to  a  CID  agent  and  was  never  intended  to  be. 
Furthermore,  there  is  no  central  repository  of  knowledge  on 
tax  haven  problems.   Accordingly,  new  developments  in  the 
tax  havens  themselves,  or  in  the  use  of  tax  havens  by  U.S. 
persons,  are  not  brought  to  the  attention  of  agents  or 
others  who  can  deal  with  them.   Part  of  the  problem  is 
coordination,  which  was  addressed  above. 

Tax  shelter  cases  that  come  to  the  attention  of  Technical 's 
tax  shelter  group  are  an  exception.   If  needed,  a  ruling  can 
be  prepared  and  issued  on  an  expedited  basis. 

In  CID,  unless  there  is  a  local  agent  who  has  gained 
some  expertise  on  offshore  cases,  there  is  no  ready  source 
of  knowledge  about  tax  haven  problems  to  whom  a  special  agent 
can  turn  for  guidance. 

Examination  and  CID  agents  have  only  limited  access  to 
research  tools  and  current  publications.   The  IRS  National 
Office  Library  did  not  even  have  some  of  the  more  regularly 
used  tax  haven  publications.   010  has  a  library,  but,  as  a 
practical  matter,  it  cannot  be  used  by  district  agents  on  a 
regular  basis. 

A  related  problem  is  the  lack  of  expert  legal  assist- 
ance to  CID  during  the  course  of  a  criminal  investigation. 
Tax  haven  cases  are  often  more  complex  and  difficult  to 
develop  than  domestic  cases.   The  law  involving  foreign 
transactions  and  reporting  requirements  is  among  the  most 
complex  in  the  Internal  Revenue  Code.   Moreover,  criminal 
cases  often  involve  violations  of  nontax  statutes,  which 
can  present  complicated  legal  issues. 


CID  agents  are  well  trained  and  experienced  financial 
investigators.   They  are  not  necessarily  experts  in  the 
technicalities  of  the  tax  law.   Accordingly,  considering  the 
complex  legal  issues  that  arise  in  the  course  of  a  tax 
haven  investigation,  it  would  be  useful  if  CID  agents  could 
get  legal  assistance  during  an  investigation. 

It  does  not  appear  that  special  agents  have  a  significant 
level  of  legal  assistance  available  to  them  during  an  investigation. 
As  a  general  rule,  a  lawyer  is  involved  only  after  the 
investigation  is  completed,  and  then  only  in  the  course  of 
review  of  a  prosecution  recommendation  by  the  District 
Counsel,  Department  of  Justice's  Tax  Division,  or  the  U.S. 
Attorney.   As  a  result,  some  cases  are  declined  during  the 
review  process  because  of  a  legal  flaw  that  might  have  been 
corrected  had  an  attorney  assisted  during  an  investigation. 
Alternative  approaches  could  have  been  recommended,  or  the 
case  dropped  before  significant  resources  were  expended. 

IRS  does  have  a  procedure  that  permits  CID  to  pre-refer 
cases  to  District  Counsel  during  an  investigation.   However, 
it  is  rarely  used.   There  are  a  number  of  reasons  for  this. 
With  respect  to  tax  havens,  a  primary  reason  is  that  CID  agents 
believe  district  counsel  attorneys  rarely  have  the  expertise 
to  help  with  the  complicated  international  and  criminal  issues. 

4.   Simultaneous  and  Industrywide  Examinations 

The  Simultaneous  Examination  Program  has  become  an 
important  focus  of  the  lEP.   Basically,  the  program  is  a 
coordinated  exchange  of  information  between  the  U.S.  and  one 
of  its  treaty  partners  with  respect  to  designated  taxpayers. 
The  selection  criteria  and  procedures  for  each  country  with 
which  we  have  a  program  are  set  forth  in  a  manual  supplement. 
One  of  the  stated  objectives  of  the  program  is  to  improve 
procedures  for  exchanging  information  to  be  used  in  examinations 
of  multinational  companies  which  have  intragroup  transactions 
that  may  involve  tax  havens. 

The  chief  advantage  of  the  program  is  that  it  allows 
each  country  to  see  a  transaction  from  both  sides.   For 
example,  if  a  foreign  company  is  exporting  goods  from  France 
to  a  tax  haven  and  then  selling  from  the  tax  haven  to  the 
U.S.,  the  IRS,  under  the  simultaneous  program,  can  get  from 
France  information  regarding  the  sales  price.   Without  the 
simultaneous  program,  it  is  often  difficult  to  get  this 
kind  of  information  in  a  timely  manner.   The  program  does 
appear  to  have  limits.   The  tax  years  under  audit  must  be 
the  same  in  each  country,  and  as  a  practical  matter,  the 


taxpayer  must  have  significant  international  transactions  of 
interest  to  both  countries.   The  program,  by  its  nature,  is 
most  useful  for  cases  involving  larger  companies  or  cases 
involving  many  taxpayers  (such  as  a  tax  shelter  case).   The 
program  can  only  be  used  with  treaty  partners,  and  IRS  will 
probably  not  be  able  to  arrange  programs  with  all  of  them. 

5.   Chief  Counsel 

International  expertise  in  the  Chief  Counsel's  Office 
is  diffused  among  a  number  of  divisions  and  is  not  avail- 
able to  the  field  on  a  routine  basis.   While  there  is  special- 
ized international  expertise  in  the  National  Office,  there 
is  little  in  the  Regional  and  District  Counsel  offices. 
Field  agents  often  complain  that  they  cannot  get  expert 
legal  assistance  in  tax  haven  cases.   There  is  no  formal 
coordination  between  the  international  functions  in  the 
various  Chief  Counsel  divisions. 

Some  of  the  most  difficult  tax  haven  issues  involve 
international  information  gathering.   However,  there  is  little 
international  information  gathering  expertise  in  Chief  Counsel 
offices.   Today,  the  Chief  Counsel  experts  are  in  010  District 
Counsel.   Its  primary  function  is  to  service  010,  which 
takes  up  most  of  its  time.   In  addition,  it  provides  assistance 
to  the  field  upon  request.   However,  they  do  not  get  many  requests 
and  we  have  found  that  many  field  personnel  are  not  aware  of 
the  existence  of  this  expertise.   The  Office  does  not  have  the 
resources  to  promote  itself. 

C.   Options 

Described  below  are  numerous  options  that  might  be 
considered  for  changes  in  IRS  administrative  practices  and 
training  to  better  deal  with  tax  haven  related  problems.   As 
with  other  areas  addressed  in  this  report,  it  is  often 
difficult  to  separate  tax  haven  issues  from  other  international 
issues.   Accordingly,  some  of  the  options  presented  below 
should  be  considered  for  international  issues  in  general. 

1.   Improve  Coordination  With  Respect  to  Tax  Haven  Issues 
Specifically  and  International  Issues  in  General 

Improved  coordination  with  respect  to  tax  haven  transactions 
is  needed  within  the  IRS  and  in  the  Office  of  the  Assistant 
Commissioner  (Compliance)  in  particular.   In  fact,  better 
coordination  of  international  issues  in  general  appears 
warranted.   Furthermore,  more  focused  attention  on  tax 
havens  is  needed. 


The  decentralization  of  the  IRS  makes  coordination 
particularly  difficult.   With  respect  to  tax  havens,  there 
is  a  threshold  problem  that  there  is  no  centralized  group  to 
gather  information.   Consideration  should  be  given  to  creating 
a  unit  in  the  National  Office  that  would  coordinate  Exami- 
nation and  010  programs  involving  tax  havens,  keep  abreast 
of  current  tax  haven  planning  and  information,  and  most 
importantly,  disseminate  this  information  to  field  personnel. 
The  information  dissemination  function  and  coordination 
function  should  also  include  CID.   This  group  could  make 
materials  available  to  Examination  and  CID,  provide  a  certain 
level  of  expertise  to  the  field,  and  keep  apprised  of  developments 
in  the  area.   Members  of  the  group  could  attend  seminars  and 
prepare  reports  that  would  be  made  available  to  the  agents. 
Materials  gathered  at  seminars  could  likewise  be  disseminated 
to  the  field.   Further,  the  group  could  coordinate  with 
programs,  such  as  the  tax  shelter  program,  which  include 
cases  that  involve  significant  tax  haven  issues.   The  group 
might  also  coordinate  with  other  agencies  concerned  with  tax 

Creating  such  a  group  would,  however,  further  fragment 
the  international  area.   The  Assistant  Commissioner  (Compliance) 
should  study  ways  in  which  coordination  among  the  various 
compliance  functions  dealing  with  tax  haven  issues  can  be 
improved.   The  goal  should  be  to  have  one  person  in  the 
Assistant  Commissioner's  office  who  would  be  aware  of  the 
international  issues  in  Compliance,  and  who  would  be  familiar 
with  tax  treaties  and  the  foreign  information  gathering 
activities  of  the  IRS.   This  person  might  have  personnel  who 
would  concentrate  on  monitoring  important  international 
issues,  gathering  information,  and  providing  guidance  and 
assistance  to  the  field.   Providing  a  central  focus  would 
also  improve  coordination  with  other  Assistant  Commissioners,—^ 
Chief  Counsel  and  Treasury's  Office  of  International  Tax 

Consideration  should  be  given  to  appointing  an  offshore 
coordinator  in  CID.   This  person  could  disseminate  tax  haven 
information  to  the  field,  and  could  act  as  a  liaison  with 
other  groups  within  IRS,  Chief  Counsel  and  other  government 
agencies  with  respect  to  tax  haven  matters. 

2/   The  Assistant  Commissioner  (Compliance),  for  example,  is 
the  Competent  Authority  for  treaty  interpretation,  but 
the  Assistant  Commissioner  (Technical)  must  concur  in 


010  might  also  explore  means  of  improving  communications 
with  the  field  and  Justice's  Tax  Division.   Any  study  by  the 
Assistant  Commissioner  to  determine  ways  in  which  coordination 
can  be  improved  might  also  focus  on  means  for  improving 
coordination  between  the  overseas  information  gathering 
functions  of  the  IRS  and  the  field.   Seeking  broad  experience, 
as  well  as  foreign  language  skills  in  appropriate  cases, 
might  be  useful. 

As  described  above,  while  there  appears  to  be  adequate 
coordination  with  respect  to  individual  cases  and  gathering 
information  in  individual  cases,  we  see  inadequate  coordi- 
nation with  respect  to  tax  haven  issues  at  a  more  strategic 
level.   It  was  our  sense  from  visiting  and  discussing 
problems  with  personnel  in  other  agencies  that  it  would  be 
useful  to  arrange  for  some  meetings  at  a  managerial  level  to 
determine  what  kind  of  information  sharing  could  be  done. 
In  some  respects  this  is  happening  with  the  ad  hoc  group  on 
narcotics.   However,  a  high  level  group,  focusing  on  more 
than  narcotics,  might  be  worthwhile. 

2.   Increase  Coverage  of  Tax  Haven  Cases 

It  is  clear  that  the  use  of  tax  havens  by  U.S.  taxpayers 
is  significant  and  is  growing.   There  are  large  numbers  of 
cases  with  tax  haven  issues  under  audit  in  the  general 
program.   Very  few  agents  in  the  general  program,  however, 
have  the  expertise  to  deal  with  complicated  and  unique  tax 
haven  cases.   The  lEP  contains  Examination's  international 
experts,  but  they  focus  primarily  on  large  cases.   As  a  conse- 
quence, the  failure  to  take  on  smaller  cases  has  prevented 
the  development  of  a  body  of  expertise  in  the  international 
trust,  partnership  and  shelter  area  in  the  field.   As  a  result, 
some  tax  haven  cases  are  not  being  adequately  developed 
because  most  regular  agents  do  not  have  the  training  or 
experience  to  deal  with  them.   Accordingly,  taxpayers  can 
abuse  the  system  with  a  good  chance  of  success. 

The  lEP  could  be  expanded  to  enable  it  to  give  more 
assistance  in  smaller  cases,  including  those  of  individuals 
engaged  in  shelter  or  trust  transactions  involving  tax 
havens.   Increased  coverage  would  require  that  additional 
agents  be  assigned  to  the  international  program.   A  decision 
must  be  made  by  managment  as  to  whether  such  an  expansion 
is  justified  if  it  is  at  the  expense  of  audit  coverage 
elsewhere.   Additional  agents  should  be  specifically  allocated 
to  auditing  individuals  and  smaller  companies.   This  would 
help  to  insure  that  smaller  international  cases  receive 
adequate  attention. 


If  the  lEP  is  expanded,  consideration  should  be  given 
to  mandatory  requirements  for  selecting  or  referring  for 
audit  or  assistance  individual,  partnership  and  fiduciary 
returns  indicating  international  transactions  involving  tax 
havens.   Because  some  of  the  more  elusive  schemes  involve  non- 
filers  or  returns  which  appear  to  lack  audit  potential,  it  will 
often  be  necessary  to  identify  the  schemes  and  the  promoters 
in  order  to  identify  the  tax  returns. 

3.   Expand  Training  of  International  Examiners  to  Include 
Noncorporate  Issues  and  Expand  Training  of  Agents  in 
the  General  Program 

Because  the  International  Examiners  generally  handle 
large  cases  involving  multinational  corporations,  they  get 
little  exposure  to  trust  or  partnership  issues.   Their 
training  does  not  cover  these  issues.   If  it  were  decided 
to  expand  the  lEP  as  suggested  above,  then  training  should 
include  partnerships  and  trusts. 

At  times,  it  appears  that  agents  are  not  thoroughly 
familiar  with  the  problems  faced  by  taxpayers  in  complying 
with  requests  for  information.   Misunderstandings  and  unnec- 
essary confrontation  can  result.   In  addition,  today  most 
training  is  done  by  the  IRS's  own  agents  who,  because  they 
are  dealing  with  prior  years'  tax  returns,  may  not  be  completely 
aware  of  the  most  recent  developments. 

To  correct  this  situation,  arrangements  could  be  made 
to  hold  short  training  sessions  conducted  by  outside  persons. 
Outside  experts  could  give  agents  valuable  insight  into  the 
methods  businesses  follows  in  operating.   For  example,  the 
Federal  Bureau  of  Investigation  has  a  program  under  which 
financial  experts  from  the  Wharton  School  of  Business  teach 
courses  in  international  banking.   They  have  found  this 
extremely  useful  in  helping  their  agents  to  deal  with  bank 
fraud  cases. 

Tax  haven  awareness  training,  as  well  as  some  general  inter- 
national training,  should  be  given  to  agents  in  the  general 
program.   Today,  many  agents  in  the  regular  program  are  not 
aware  of  tax  haven  problems.   They  do  not  realize,  for 
example,  that  transactions  involving  the  Turks  and  Caicos 
Islands  or  Belize  are  potentially  questionable.   General 
training  does  not  make  them  aware  of  these  kinds  of  issues, 
nor  does  it  make  them  familiar  with  foreign  trusts,  foreign 
bank  accounts  or  other  foreign  transactions. 


It  would  appear  that  the  level  of  international  activ- 
ities in  the  general  program  is  high  enough  that  some  aware- 
ness training,  as  well  as  some  basic  training,  could  be 
provided.   We  would  suggest  that  any  awareness  training  and 
general  international  training  describe  the  lEP  and  010,  and 
the  referral  procedures  to  each.   We  found  significant 
confusion  among  agents  as  to  the  distinction  between  the  two 

Furthermore,  training  could  give  some  guidance  on 
dealing  with  dilatory  tactics  of  taxpayers.   Some  taxpayers 
employ  delaying  tactics  when  dealing  with  an  IRS  agent, 
particularly  where  tax  haven  issues  are  involved.   It  is  not 
clear  how  widespread  this  problem  is,  but  it  clearly  exists. 
In  many  cases  agents  are  not  prepared  to  deal  with  these 
tactics.   Agents  should  be  schooled  in  the  basic  principle 
that  if  the  taxpayer  fails  to  corroborate  a  deduction,  the 
deduction  can  be  denied  without  the  IRS  having  to  go  through 
unreasonable  attempts  to  obtain  records.   Techniques  for 
setting  up  §482  adjustments  and  for  denying  deemed  paid 
credits  where  adequate  information  is  not  made  available 
could  also  be  taught. 

4.  Provide  Additional  Technical  and  Legal  Expertise  to 
the  Field 

There  is  clearly  a  need  to  provide  the  field  with 
additional  technical  expertise.   Establishing  a  tax  haven 
coordinator  or  group  within  Compliance  might  help  as  might 
appointing  an  offshore  expert  in  CID. 

Another  option  that  should  be  considered  is  to  make 
legal  assistance  available  to  agents,  particularly  CID 
agents,  during  the  course  of  an  investigation.   While  adoption 
of  this  option  would  require  expenditure  of  resources,  this 
guidance  might  replace  District  Counsel  post-investigation 
review  in  offshore  cases,  and  thus  save  the  attorney  time 
expended  in  performing  that  review.   In  addition,  it  would 
enable  District  Counsel  attorneys  to  gain  much  needed  experience 
in  both  international  and  criminal  issues. 

5.  Expansion  of  the  Simultaneous  Examination  Program 
and  the  Industrywide  Exchange  of  Information  Programs 

The  Simultaneous  Examination  Program  has  already  proved 
useful  in  dealing  with  tax  haven  related  cases.   It  has  the 
potential  to  be  one  of  the  most  useful  programs  for  auditing 
tax  haven  cases.   At  the  same  time,  however,  it  also  has  the 
potential  to  be  costly  from  the  point  of  view  of  National  Office 
management  time.   The  industrywide  program  appears  to  be 


developing  useful  knowledge  concerning  the  tax  haven  operation 
of  a  few  industries.   Consideration  should  be  given  to 
expanding  these  programs,  both  by  adding  additional  treaty 
partners,  and  by  increasing  the  number  of  cases  under  simultaneous 
examination.   This  expansion  must  be  coupled,  however,  with 
careful  monitoring  to  insure  that  the  program  does  not  grow 
beyond  a  useful  level,  that  the  best  cases  are  being  identified, 
and  that  the  U.S.  is  getting  its  share  of  the  benefits. 

6.   Chief  Counsel 

Consideration  should  be  given  to  designating  a  National 
Office  attorney  as  the  international  evidence  gathering 
expert  for  Chief  Counsel. 

As  described  in  Chapter  IX,  international  information 
gathering  is  complicated,  time  consuming  and  presents 
unique  legal  issues.   The  necessary  expertise  can  only  be 
acquired  by  seeing  a  large  number  of  problems.   A  person  who 
is  the  focal  point  for  all  Chief  Counsel  information  gathering 
problems  would  eventually  develop  that  expertise. 

This  expertise  could  best  be  developed  and  made  avail- 
able to  the  field  by  designating  one  National  Office  Chief 
Counsel  lawyer  as  the  internal  information  gathering  expert. 
This  person's  primary  function  would  be  to  give  guidance  to 
field  personnel  with  international  information  gathering 
problems.   He  could  visit  district  offices  in  order  to  make 
them  aware  of  the  availability  of  his  services.   In  the 
alternative,  this  function  could  be  left  in  010  District 
Counsel,  but  with  additional  resources  so  that  they  could 
devote  more  time  to  educating  other  district  counsel  and  the 
field  as  to  the  availability  of  their  expertise  and  to 
following  up  on  cases  to  further  develop  the  expertise. 

An  advantage  to  keeping  the  function  in  010  District 
Counsel  is  that  a  number  of  attorneys,  including  a  career- 
oriented  District  Counsel,  would  gain  expertise.   There  is 
less  chance  that  the  expertise  would  be  lost  if  one  attorney 
left  an  office.   On  the  other  hand,  a  National  Office  person 
would  be  able  to  focus  more  clearly  on  providing  a  service 
to  the  field,  because  that  would  be  his  sole  function.   The 
010  District  Counsel  office  also  services  010  and  the  same 
focus  is  accordingly  not  as  easy  to  develop. 

The  Justice  Department  has,  in  its  Criminal  Division, 
an  Office  of  International  Affairs  that  provides  such 
expertise  to  that  department.   Their  Tax  Division  has  recently 
designated  one  of  its  attorneys  as  its  international  infor- 
mation gathering  expert.   A  Chief  Counsel  expert  could 
develop  contacts  in  that  and  other  Federal  offices  concerned 
with  similar  problems. 


Further,  consideration  should  be  given  to  designating 
one  attorney  in  each  of  certain  key  districts  as  the  inter- 
national expert  for  the  region  or  for  a  number  of  districts. 
An  international  expert  could  assist  agents  in  Examination 
and  CID  when  they  are  faced  with  difficult  technical  issues 
or  with  international  information  gathering  problems.   These 
attorneys  might  also  be  available  to  advise  or  assist  Chief 
Counsel  attorneys  litigating  complicated  international 



