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oOo TIN OF THE fe 


No. 96 XS 

Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O. Howard, Chief. 
July 22, 1914. 



3y Burton N. Gates, Ph. D., 
Formerly Apicultural Assistant, Bureau of Entomology. 


There has been a decided need of accurate knowledge of the 
temperatures and changes in weight of colonies of bees, particularly 
_ring the winter. Previously existing data have not been gained 
under controlled conditions, but generally by casual observations, 
limited in number. Most of the previous work has also been for a 
short period of the year. In this work an effort has been made 
to get more reliable information by collecting data for practically 
the cycle of a year. The knowledge of the changes in temperature 
and weights is needed in a careful study of methods for successfully 
wintering bees. This is one of the greatest difficulties which the 
beekeeper has to meet, and it is hoped that the present work may 
furnish data for a further study of the wintering problem. The 
scope of the work here recorded is indicated by the following figures: 

Period of experimentation, October 22, 1907, to September 26, 1908. 

Number of observations, 2,576-++. 
Number of separate readings, 20,000+-. 


The apparatus was constructed to meet emergencies which might 
atise, which accounts for its many parts. It was planned so that the 
complete apparatus could be upon the scales at all times, thus 
obviating complications from corrections in weighings. 


A finely adjusted platform scales was specially constructed, 
which registered with a sensitivity of 10 grams to a maximum of 
200 kilograms. It was expected that it would be possible to record 

1 This report of work done for the Bureau of Entomology has been accepted by the faculty of Clark Uni- 
versity, Worcester, Mass., as a dissertation in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor 
of philosophy, and accepted upon the recommendation of Dr. C. F. Hodge. The author has been appointed 
to the position of assistant professor of beekeeping, Massachusetts Agricultural College. 

Nortr.—A study of the effects of temperature on bees, and of interest. to beekeepers generally. 

38957°—Bull. 96—14—— 1 


slight changes in consumption or*increase of stores. By means of a 
double beam it was possible to counterbalance for extra thermometers 
or other small special apparatus which might be added temporarily, 
without necessitating a correction of the hourly readings. The 
scales were found to be relatively satisfactory, but in times of heavy 
wind extra precaution was necessary in order to overcome the 
influence of drafts on the scales. In winter this could easily be 
accomplished by closing the door 
of the shed in which the experi- 
ment wascarriedon. For outdoor 
work, however, some difficulty was 
experienced, as will be explained. 
The agate-set bearings were also 
sensitive to jar, which was con- 
stantly guarded against. 


Seven mercury thermometers 
were used, of the type known. as 
incubator thermometers, which 
have a long stem and can be read 
to fifths of a degree. One instru- 
ment, however, used to register 
the temperature of the outside air 
was an ordinary chemical ther- 
mometer. These instruments were 
standardized and were graduated 
to the centigrade scale. 


Fic. 1.—The hive used in the experiment on the Figure 1 illustrates the general 
temperature of the bee colony: A, storage cham- 

ber for accessories, with door; B, bottom board APPearance of the hive, showing 

with entrance; C , collar with feeder; D, brood the five stories. Only one of these 
chamber; £, perforated zinc honey board; F, 4 

second story for surplus; G,thinboardwithholes Was occupied by bees, as will be 
for thermometers; HT, case protecting thermome- explained. The hive was of the 
ters a-e; I, outside cover. 
standard 10-frame Langstroth 
type. Throughout the experiment it stood on the scales (fig.2). The 
several parts were as follows: 

A. The lower part consisted of a hive body with one side removed. To the 
bottom was nailed a thin cover board, which served as the floor of the compart- 
ment. The purpose of this chamber was to store fixtures, such as frames, “‘dum- 
mies,’’ extra thermometers, and the like, while they were notin use. In this way it 
was unnecessary to compute in the weighings for any change in the apparatus. For 
example, in the winter, when four frames in the brood chamber were replaced by the 
‘‘dummies,’’ these were taken from the storage chamber and the frames hung in their 
place, without altering the weighings. 

-The wedges also increased. 


B. An ordinary bottom board. 

C. This wooden collar contained the feeder and increased the space between the 
bottoms of the brood frames and the bottom board. thus allowing the insertion of a 
thermometer below the frames. The feeder was what is known as an Alexander 
feeder. The end may be seen extending out of the collar at’the rear of the hive. In 
this projection, which was provided with a wooden cover, the sugar sirup is poured 
without disturbing the hive. The cover prevents drafts of air through the feeder. 

D. Above the collar was the hive body in which the bees were located. The frames 
were spaced with metal spacers (fig. 3), and wedges between the central frames held 
all firmly in place. In this way everything was sufficiently secure to enable any 
possible manipulation, even to turning the hive upside down, should it be necessary , 
without displacing parts. 

the space between the 
central frames sufficiently 
to allow for the insertion. 
of the stems of thermom- 
eters. The gauge in 
frames 3 and 4 permitted 
the insertion of thermom- 
eter e(fig.3). The frames 
were wired and filled with 
full sheets of foundation 
before insertion. Two 
holes were bored in the 
middle of the front above 
the entrance, for use in 
case it should become de- 
sirable to insert thermom- 
eters. Throughout the 
experiment these were 
closed with corks. 

'E. Between bodies D 
and F' was a perforated 
zine honey board. 

F. A second body was 
provided in case more 
comb space should be- 
come desirable. 

G. The top of the hive 
proper was covered with 
a thin cover. This, as is 
shown in figure 3, had 
four holes drilled in the median line and one directly over the rear part of the space 
between frames 3 and 4. Through these holes thermometers fitted in corks were 

H. This was a special hive body used as a protection for the thermometers. One 
side, shown in figure 2, was removable so as to permit easy reading of the instruments. 
In this chamber and around the thermometers were two cushions of ground cork, for 
the protection of the tops of the thermometers and for the conservation of the heat of 
the cluster in the extreme of winter. 

I, A metal cover. 

Fic. 2.—Hive on scales in shed where it was kept during the winter. 


A series of clamps, which drew over screw heads, held the several 
parts firmly together, preventing the bodies from sliding and snapping 
the stems of the thermometers. 

The ‘‘dummies’’. above mentioned consisted of ordinary frames 
into which boards were fitted snugly. These were used in the winter 
months instead of the two outside frames on either side of the hive, 
thus forcing the cluster to occupy six frames in the center of the 
brood chamber. In this way it was made certain that the cluster 
would not shift away from the thermometers during the winter. The 

Fic. 3.—The hive from above, showing the spacing of the frames. The corks in the cover indicate the 
location of the thermometers. 

“dummies” were removed when brood rearing became established 

in the sprmg. These were not intended primarily for protection and 
did not fit the hive tightly. 

In order to eliminate the annoyance and possible complications 
from propolizing, all the interior wooden parts were varnished and 
polished to a piano finish. 

It should be said that not all of the parts of the apparatus provided 
were pressed inte service. The extra body, D, was not needed, and 
consequently the honey board, F£, was not used. The outfit as 


actually used and as it appeared in position until the writer was 
forced to move the experiment to the country in July, 1908, is shown 
in figure 2 


Throughout the experiment Caucasian bees were used. Two colo- 
nies were necessary. The first drew out the foundation in the frames 
and was used during September and October, 1907. The second was 
hived in November, 1907, and served throughout the remainder of 
the experiment. This colony did not swarm. 


The thermometers were designated a, b, c, d, e, f,ando. Thermom- 
eters a, 6, c, and d were inserted between the central combs. They 
were arranged at regular intervals, a being at the front of the hive 
and nearest to the entrance. Thermometer e was placed at the rear 
of the hive between combs 3 and 4, and was expected to represent 
the temperature of the margin of the cluster. Thermometer f was 
inserted beneath the frames through the collar, as is described above. 
Its purpose was to record the temperature of the air below the cluster 
and which was likely to be affected by currents from the entrance. 
Its bulb was directly below the central frames. The first five ther- 
mometers extended about 7 inches below the cover. The outside 
thermometer, 0, was suspended close to the hive in such a way as to 
register the temperature of the air which surrounded the apparatus. 


The apparatus was installed in a shed on a third-story back piazza 
in southwest Washington, as is shown in figure 2. While the shed 
afforded shelter from storms, which was necessary for the protection 
of the apparatus and in taking observations, windows and door were 
left open, making the conditions relatively hike out of doors. The 
shed was on the south side of the building. 

In July, 1908, it was necessary to transport the experiment to 
College Park, Md. This, however, was found not to have affected 
the results. The apparatus was arranged in a situation comparable 
to the shed in Washington. 


Besides the colony on the scales, in which the thermometers were 
suspended, a check colony in a hive with glass top and bottom was 
set up close by. The hive was constructed with a glass bottom board, 
and a wooden shield to cut out light. The cover was also of glass 
sealed to the hive, on top of which were several thicknesses of felt 
paper and an ordinary hive cover. By removing the bottom shield 


and the top protection it was possible at any time of day or night 
to look between the combs at the cluster. These protective cover- 
ings were applied so as to be removed with the minimum jar. At 
night, or even in the daytime, by means of a reflector, lantern light 
could be thrown up between the frames. In this way the writer 
was able to watch from day to day the shifting of the cluster and 
the reaction of the bees to their environment and to compare this 
with the readings of the thermometers in the hive on the scales. It 
was necessary to maintain this check only during the winter period. 


Since none of the instruments recorded automatically, it was nec- 
essary to make frequent readings of both the weights and tempera- 
tures. The experiment proper lasted from October 22, 1907, to 
September 26, 1908. The first colony, used to prepare the combs, 
was also under close observation, so that the whole period of experi- 
mentation was almost a year. Readings were taken at least every 
hour throughout the working day. Whenever the hive was manipu- 
lated, or when peculiar meteorological conditions prevailed, readings 
were taken half hourly, or even quarter hourly. On the average of 
about once in three weeks, by means of assistance, it was possible to 
take consecutive hourly readings for a period of two or three days. 
In this way practically the whole activity of the colony for a period 
of a year was recorded. During the summer months the readings 
usually covered a period of 14 hours daily. 

The temperatures were read to fifths of a degree. Weighings 
were made to 10 grams. Every alteration or manipulation of the 
colony was recorded. Hourly changes in the weather and activity 
of the bees were also noted. 

The readings were recorded on 12.5 by 20 cm. ecards, the size 
standard to the office note file. Later from these tables the curves 
of the temperature and weights were plotted on millimeter cross- 
section paper, one sheet to a month. The method of plotting is 
obvious from examination of the several curves herein presented. 


_ At the outset of the investigations it was hoped by means of deli- 
cate scales, which have been described, that sufficiently accurate 
weighings could be made to show whether there is any correlation 
between the loss in weight and the temperatures of the cluster in 
winter. For instance, it was desirable to know whether there is any 
relation or rhythm in the consumption of stores to changes in tem- 
perature due to metabolism. It has not been possible to detect any 
such relations. Nevertheless several significant facts concerning the 
consumption of winter stores have been discovered. 


The rate of consumption of stores, as is shown in figure 4, exhibits 
a relatively constant decrease from month to month. At the begin- 
ning of the season, before the cluster was well established, when bees 
were more active and before settled winter weather, food consump- 
tion was greater than in midwinter. As the season progressed, during 
February, for instance, consumption slackened. There are several 
factors which may account for this. In the first place, as the winter 
advanced there were fewer and fewer bees to be fed. The winter 
was also less severe, and consequently less generation of heat was 

Humidity is another factor which noticeably influenced the daily 
weights for a considerable part of February. This also occurred 





Fic. 4.—Graphic representation of the loss in weight of the bee colony from November 6 to March 7, 
due to the consumption of stores. 

periodically in other months. Although condensation tended to 
prevent a drop or even to raise the curves during a period of bad 
weather, as will be shown below, the increased weight due to the con- 
densed water vapor could neither be permanent nor affect the total 
loss of weight during so long a period as a month. Whatever water 
condensed during inclement weather would evaporate during the 
following days of fair weather. Thus, while the scales might reg- 
ister an increase during bad weather, consumption of stores was 
actually going on all the time, but could not be detected in the 
weights until fair weather had dispelled the moisture. Conse- 
quently the records of single days are less significant than the aver- 
ages of a month or of the season. 


There was, however, a gradual and constant lessening of the daily 
consumption of honey, as is apparent in Table I, which presents the 
monthly and average daily figures. From this table it will be seen 
that while in November the average daily consumption was 53.2 
grams, in February the average was but 30 grams a day. For the 
entire winter 43.5 grams of honey were consumed, on the average, 


TaBLE !.— Monthly and average daily consumption of stores by wintering bees. 

: W eight es Average dail 
Time. | of stores. Monthly loss. las. y 
| Grams. |Grams.| Pounds.| Grams. | Grains. 
November (Nov. 6, 9 a. m., to Dec. 1,9 a. m.—25 days).. 6, 640 | | 
5, 310 
—— 1,330 2.932 | 53.2 | 821 
December (Dec. 1, 9 a. m., to Dec. 31, 9 a. m.—30 days)_. 5,310 
3, 820 | 
EO | SSE 49.6 | 765 
January (Dec. 31, 9a. m., to Feb. 1, 9 a. m.—32 days).--_. 3, 820 | 
: 1,350 | 2.976 42.2 | 651 
February (Feb. 1,9 a.m., to Feb. 29, 9 a. m.—28 days)... -| 2,470 
1, 630 
eer aL Seen 30.0 463 
TOtGAIOSSHOr ANON TUS 26 ne ee or Se ee oe eee 5,010 | 11.045 | 
IAW CT AS 7G al LY cl OSS ce es er oe eee Sk ee ee er Soe ee eee ee ee 43.5 671 

TaBLeE I].—Daily loss in weight of colony of wintering bees. 

l | | | | 


: i ossane tee Loss in | : | Loss in | | Loss in |> 
Date. crams. | Date. grams. | Date. | grams. || Date. | grams. | 

Noy. 11 120 || Dee. 10 +30 || Jan. 10 7 Feb. 10 | 0 
12 10 || 11 70 | 11 40 11 | 20 | 

13 50 || 12 70 || 12 | +10 12 | 20 

14 70 || 13 60 | 13 | 30 13 | 0 

15. | 50 14 20 || 14 | 50 14 +40 

16 | 80 15 25 15 | 60 15 +20 
| 17 90 || 16 | 25 16 | 40 16 | 130 | 
18 | 60 || 17 60 || 17 50 17 | 20 | 

19 10 | 18 40 | 18 50 18 40 

20 70 | 19 40 | 19 40 | 19| +440 


Although the foregoing figures represent the usual daily conditions, 
they do not by any means represent the actual daily consumption. 
As will be seen in Table IJ, there was no such degree of constancy as 
is represented by these averages. Taking the 10 days at the middle 
of each month, it is possible to represent prevailing conditions for 
that month. Thus the data of Table II are a fair representation of 
the actual variations as they occurred during the winter. It will be 
seen in this table that the daily variation in weight is all the way from 
a loss of 130 grams in some cases to no loss whatever or even an in- 
crease of 40 grams. Therefore it is hardly possible to assume that the 
weights of the entire hive will throw any light on the amount of 
honey consumed in a single day. 

This increase in the weight of the hive durmg bad weather is a 
fact which, so far as the author is able to learn, has not heretofore 

il Ne ttl i aint ae ei fe ke eee 2 


attracted attention. It can not be said in any wise that this 1s an 
increase in the amount of stores. The phenomenon usually accom- 
panied wet weather or fog and must be attributed to condensation 
of moisture. In the check hive 
moisture was frequently seen col- 
lected on the glass top and even 
on the frames and bees, but there 
the conditions were perhaps less 
normal than in the experimental 
colony. Root! says that he has 
seen confined moisture cause BEND 

wane | Fea7 | Fane | eee 

icicles to form in the hive. The ‘ 
condensation may become so § 
great in extreme cases as to 4 
- cause the bees to freeze together ‘ 
in asolid block when chilled down § | 

by severe cold. (Root, pp. 332- 

Honey is well known to be \ Y 
hygroscopic, and if put into an eA : a 
ice chest or a damp cellar, it xh uy 


takes up moisture. Extracted 74° 
Fic. 5.—Curve showing changes in weight of the bee 

honey has also been observed to Collie Lei eae 

accumulate enough moisture to 

dilute it considerably. In the present case the hygroscopic property 
of the honey can not be held wholly responsible for the increased 
weight, although it may have contributed. Following an increase 
of this kind, as has been mentioned, there was a marked decrease 
with the coming of 
fine weather and dry- 
ness. For illustra- 
tion, the increase of 
40 grams on Febru- 
ary 1 (fig. 5) occurred 
during the early part 
of the day, when it 
was raining. That 

afternoon and the 

Fig. 6.—Curve showing changes in weight of the bee colony from Nov. following day there 
20 to Nov. 23. 2 


were fair weather and 
wind. Then there came a marked decrease in weight, which not 
only compensated for the increase during the storm, but also showed 
that stores had been consumed constantly, although the weights 

1A B Cand X Y Z of Bee Culture, 1908 ed. 
38957°—Bull. 96—14——_2 


failed to demonstrate it at the time. This same point is illustrated 
by the figures presented in figure 6. Such conditions suggest the 
complications which arise in attempting to correlate the colony tem- 
perature with the consumption of honey. 


During the winter the bees are relatively quiet; the cluster expands 
and the bees fly only in the warmth of the warmest days. The heat 
maintained in the cluster has a general relation to the prevailing 
temperature of the air. 

This relation of the cluster temperature to air temperature is 
especially evident in a comparison of the maximum and minimum 
temperatures of the several thermometers of the hive with the tem- 
perature at the outside thermometer, 0. The daily maxima and 
minima were practically synchronous for all of the thermometers 
with the exception of c, which usually had its maximum when the 
temperatures registered by the other thermometers were lowest. 
Conversely, the minimum of ¢ occurred when the outside thermometer 
and the others in the hive were at their highest points. This willbe | 
explained in detail under a following caption. With the exception 
of c, then, and for the particular conditions under which this colony 
was kept, the minima occurred daily some time between 6 a. m. and 
12 m., but usually about 8 or 9 o’clock. The maxima occurred daily 
in the afternoon, usually between 2 and 4 o’clock. | 

While ¢ registered the highest in cold periods, the temperature 
recorded by the other thermometers showed a similarity with the 
prevailing temperature of the air. Thus, in periods of cold, as for 
example in December, the thermometers in the hive as a whole 
registered lower than they did in warm periods. In warm periods, 
when the bees are able to expand the cluster and move about, the 
maximum cluster temperature lacked but a few degrees of the 
maximum summer temperature. This is repeatedly shown in 
figure 7; and in March, on a warm day, the temperature reached the 
extreme of 33.2° C. (91.76° F.). The temperature of the cluster did 
not fall below 17° C. (62.6° F.), and usually the bees did not permit 
the temperature of the cluster to fall below 20° C. (68° F.). 

- The amplitude of the fluctuations between the maximum and 
minimum temperatures showed a close relationship to the external 
conditions. In the center of the cluster, for instance, ¢ registered 
much more constantly than the thermometers in the outside layer of 
the cluster. The daily oscillations of ¢ were usually not greater than 
1 to 5 or 6 degrees Centigrade. On the contrary, in the case of the 
other thermometers in the hive which were more affected by the rise 
and fall of the temperature out of doors, the amplitude of the oscilla- 
tions was as great as 3 to 20 degrees Centigrade. The center of the 
cluster, therefore, shows more clearly the activities of the bees. The 



active portion of the cluster has a higher and more uniform tempera- 
ture than the other parts, while the outside layers are subject more 
directly, to the fluctuations of the winter weather. Most of the fol- 
lowing study of the winter conditions of the beehive will be based on 
the records of the center of the cluster. 

It would naturally be expected that the heat radiating from the 
bees would tend to delay the effects of the penetration of the cold of 
the outside air on the cluster. In other words, it might readily be 
expected that the cluster thermometers would reach their maxima and 
minima later than the outside thermometer. However, this occurred 
seldom and only in severe weather, when the changes were rapid and 

considerable. Even then there was a delay of only an hour or two. 

at the most. This 
again suggests the 
sensitlveness and 
the responses of the 
cluster to the 
changes in the ex- 
ternal air. The ad- 
aptation of the bees 
to changes in the 


SW) \ 
. § 

, N 
Q \ 
2 N) 


tions will be more 
apparent when de- 
tails are considered. 
As has been sug- 
gested above, there 
was a tendency for 
the cluster gradu- 
ally to maintain a 
Fig. 7.—Schematic curve showing cluster temperatures of the bees dur- higher temperature 
ing the winter and after brood rearing began. as the season ad- 

vanced toward spring and the beginning of egg laying. Theschematic 
curve, figure 7, presents graphically the conditions of temperature at 
thermometer c throughout the winter. It will be noticed that dur- 
ing the month of November, when the bees were less definitely and 
constantly clustered, the amplitude of the daily variation and the 
general temperature of the cluster were higher than in the succeeding 
months. This is also evident in the fact that the curve of the ther- 
mometer c at this time of the winter tended to follow the curve of 
the outside thermometer o to some extent. In December, however, 
there was a change in the course of the temperatures at c, in response 
to the change in outside conditions. The conditions remained more 
nearly constant from this time until egg laying commenced in the 
spring, except that as the weather tended to warm up at the approach 


atmospheric condi- 

+ Ghee Sars 


of spring the mean of the cluster temperature also raised. Finally 
when the days had considerably lengthened and were relatively 
warm, the amplitude of the cluster variations increased, ass shown 
in the schematic curve (fig. 7). When the summer season for the 
bees began, accompanied by the beginning of incubation, the tem- 
perature of the center of the cluster rose to 34° C. (93.2° F.) or 35° 
C. (95° F.) and continued practically at this level. For the winter, 
then, it might be said in a general way that the temperature prevail- 
ing for several days is In a measure an index of the temperature of 
the cluster. 


The thermometer f, situated below the bottom of the frames and 
cluster, as is shown in the general views of the apparatus (figs. 1 and 
2), registered the temperature of the air at the bottom of the frames. 
It should have shown, if they were present, the effects of the cluster 
on the temperature of the air below the frames. It might be expected 
that the presence of the bees would have raised the temperature of 
the air in this part of the hive. For comparison with the other tem- 
peratures, thermometer o was hung in the shed in which the experi- 
ments were conducted, and registered the temperature of the air 
which enveloped the hive. Comparison of the readings of thermome- 
ters f and o reveal some significant facts not altogether in accord with 
the general belief of beekeepers. 

During the winter as a whole these thermometers registered almost 
identically. Slght variations occurred, but only for a few hours at a 
time, and may be attributed to minor influences of the cluster, to 
peculiar atmospheric conditions, to drafts, and to the agitation of 
the bees. It should also be noted that the air which came in the 
entrance entered from outside the shed and the temperature of this 
air may not have been exactly that recorded by the thermometer o. 

During the period of most protracted cold, from January 23 to Feb- 
ruary 1, when the outside air ranged about 0° C. (32° F.), thermometer 
f followed the outside temperature closely, and the course of the two 
curves is practically the same. In some cases, as for instance on 
January 26, thermometer f was slightly lower than the record of the 
outside air, which may possibly be explained by lack of ventilation or 
stagnation of the air of the hive. The lowest recorded outside tem- 
perature was —10° C. (14° F.). Since it was impossible to read 
these low temperatures on instrument f, and since the two curves are 
parallel so far as records were possible, it may be assumed that ther- 
mometer f would have registered almost the same as thermometer o. 

During the warmest days and nights the recorded temperatures 
were the same. The maximum for the winter period came on March 



15, when the outside thermometer reached 22.6° C. (72.68° F.). In 
all the other winter months there were days when the thermometers 
registered only 2 or 4 degrees less. 

In conclusion it may be said that throughout the season the tem- 
perature below the frame was practically the same as that of the out- 
side air. Of special significance is the fact that the daily extremes, 
the maxima and minima, no matter what were the variations at other 
periods of the day, were usually identical. From these observations 


aaa perenne 





Fig. 8.—Curves showing relation of temperature of center of bee cluster to outer temperature, Feb. 
1 to 10. 

it would appear that the contraction of the entrance and the tight 
bottom board were not of much service in protecting the colony from 
cold. Colonies without bottom boards have frequently been known 
to survive extreme winter cold. It may be, however, an advantage 
to a colony to be protected from the sweep of violent winds; but 
there is no evidence that this colony appreciably warmed the lower 
part of the hive in which it was wintering. Under such conditions 
the bottom of the cluster is bathed in an atmosphere of the same 
temperature as the outside. 

' neared: cae ee 



The curves have revealed no more striking results than the relation 
observed between the temperature in the center of the cluster, ¢, 
as compared with the temperature of the outside air, 0. These 
curves (fig. 8) at times show a peculiar inverse relation; for instance, 
when the thermometer out of doors registered low, below zero, the 
thermometer in the center of the cluster registered high, and vice 
versa, It should be observed that the maximum within the cluster 
occurs practically simultaneously with the minimum outside, and 
vice versa. Even minor changes outside are accompanied by cor- 
responding inverse fluctuations in the cluster. The responses of the 
cluster to the outside temperature were shown particularly by the 
thermometer which recorded the temperature of the center of the 
cluster, ¢c. 

Up to the day of the first egg laying in the spring, March 9, the 
general courses of c and o continued relatively constant. But with the 
commencement of egg laying c changed its trend. The temperature 
of the brood cluster then became more and more constant, as may be 
seen in the results of the summer observations. 

At first glance these curves might be interpreted as independent 
of each other, that the outside atmosphere has no effect on the center 
of the cluster, that it does not penetrate and modify the readings of ¢ 
as it appears to have done in the case of the temperatures in the margin 
of the cluster. In all probability c more nearly represents the 
activities of the bees than do the other temperatures; but there is a 
relation of c to 0. It might be supposed that the reaction registered 
by cis deferred for a period of hours and consequently appears at a 
time when o has changed. For instance, corresponding to the 
minimum of o on the 4th of February, the minimum of ¢ came nine 
hours later. If this is due to a delay or “‘lag,”’ maxima and minima 
in some cases are delayed for 24 hours or more. But this can not be; 
there are many minor variations which appear on the curves, and 
which are synchronous. Were there no relation of ¢ to o these minor 
variations would either not have appeared in ¢, or, more especially, | 
they would not have occurred simultaneously with a minor fluctua- 
tion in the outside temperature. It is therefore impossible to explain 
the phenomena on the ground of retardation (lag), for in that case it 
would be far more constant than is evident. 

Related to the assumed explanation by delay or “‘lag,”” humidity or 
condensation, convection, radiation, and conduction might be 
assumed to be factors involved. The experimental colony furnishes 
no data for a consideration of humidity or condensation. The factors 
of convection, radiation, and conduction can not be conceived as slow 
enough to retard ¢ from 9 to 24 hours nor would it account forits minor, 


synchronous variation. Without doubt of these three factors the 

loss of heat from the cluster by convection is sufficient to counteract 
the hypothesis of the lag. Coupled with this the other factors would 
be expected to participate. The convection is also modified by the 
generally known contraction and relaxation of the cluster, referred 
to elsewhere. 

These physical phenomena are evidently unsatisfactory as an inter- 
pretation from this standpoint of the lag. Thorough comparison of 
the charts fails to provide suitable material for conclusions as to the 

Table III shows the relative increase of temperature in the cluster 
corresponding to the progress of the winter season, while Table IV 
shows the monthly maximum and minimum temperature of the center 
of the cluster during the period from November 9 to March 9. 

Taste III.—Relative increase of temperature in the bee cluster corresponding to the 
progress of the winter season. 

Month. Range of temperature. 
November, beginning of winter conditions..................------------ 20 to 24 68.0 to 75.2 
IDGSCSHN DOP SSS SaHo CoSe COO HES SEA CSS Se Se Sets Ses ie aaa renee eee 20 to 22 68.0 to 71.6 
ARE RI, TU THO) TUS SF os Sb Pe 8s eh ee a 22 to 25 71.6 to 77.0 
YRIDS WOUWO PES SBS Sos See es eae a INSET ee ES aa re 23 to 28 73.4 to 82.4 
LEG OUBIN CS CECA EB Oran SE Se eae ie eee as eee Pee ieests tinea 24 to 30 75.2 to 86.0 
WIRE UNO s 6 Oh ESS SSS Oe SIGS OR SEIS SME Orel OS ne ae 27 to 32 80.6 to 89.6 
Wihen brood rearingis established:---2. 222... 2. 2-2-5222. --- 2-2-2 ee - 34 to 35 93.2 to 95.0 

Taste LV.— Monthly maximum and minimum temperature of the center of the bee cluster 
during the winter period, Nov. 9 to Mar. 9. 

Temperature of cluster. 
Maximum. Minimum. 
INGWGHDDOC So 6 ba bo acta axe See eee eae hee eo oe ets Ta Ope ees ee ana Ne eal 17° to 18.2° C. 
SOL OO pe Mies ts eee kvei asd 62.60° to 64.76° F. 

ID CRA TINO RAR he arse eee he Me scent ga ES Bi TG Sine 18.5° and 31.3° C.l..... 18.1° C. 

65.30° and 88.34° F....| 64.58° F 
TPIT cutee 6 So So cate ee tare cement eo ae aap SO S22 C2 tay Paes 19°C 

S630 c8Re ero cen ae 66.20° F 
IRGLORDRVAYE ssco ca aoe OCG O SICA ISS een Aree Terr ea area Boi WAS cy aaa weeny 21° C 

SONGO SHY sreeere es Butea ea 69.80° F 
Wie WEG) 6 SN A Ne ret i ey Ne ean ae Ba ae a Bo Den Ce ae een vie 27°C 

OHI Se ipl ease IER) Sia 80.60° F 

1 Ona very warm day, Dec. 28. 

2 This occurred on two occasions, Jan. 14 and 30, at 8 a. m., when the outside temperature was 4° C. or 
more below freezing. 

3 Approximated several times when outside temperature was below freezing. 

4 Occurred after a warm day; approaches summer conditions 


Good beekeepers know that it is not well to open a hive in winter, 
but perhaps few realize the resulting effects on the colony. In 
Washington there are days in every winter month which are suf- 
ficiently warm to permit opening a hive without chilling the bees. 
It was necessary, partially in order to observe the effects on the 


colony and partially to know their condition, to open the hive under 
experimentation. The results recorded by the thermometers on all 
of these occasions are pronounced. In the course of the observations 
on this colony it was found impossible to disturb the colony in the 
shghtest degree, even to remove and replace a thermometer, to 
jar the colony, or to puff smoke in at the entrance, without notice- 
ably affecting the temperature. These effects, as in the case of open- 
ing the hive, were not always temporary, but sometimes lasted for 
hours. Any disturbance resulted in an almost immediate rise in the 
temperature, and was appreciable throughout the cluster. 

On March 12 the colony was opened for 15 minutes at 1 o’clock 
in the afternoon. The thermometers throughout the hive and even 
the one below the frames to some extent registered an immediate 
rise in temperature. When the hive was closed the cluster was soon 
reestablished but it was several hours before the temperature in the 
margins of the cluster became normal. On the interior of the cluster, 
however, the excitement and its effects were not so soon overcome. 
The curve for ¢ shows that not until the next day did conditions ap- 
proximate normal; the effects were evens even the day following 
the opening of he hive. 

These results agree with the experience of many practical bee- 
keepers, who consider it unadvisable to open their hives during the 


By means of the check colony with glass top and bottom, described 
on pages 5-6, it was possible to watch the movements of the bees 
throughout the winter at any time of day or night. 

Various theories have been advanced by beekeepers to account 
for the behavior of bees in winter, but the writer is not aware that 
they are based on continuous and close observation. For instance, 
it has been maintained by some that bees semihibernate; by others 
it is affirmed that there is at intervals a general warming up of the 
colony in order thatit may feed. The theory is that at stated periods 
bees generate enough heat to enable them to brave the cold and to 
expand the cluster sufficiently to enable them to reach fresh stores. 
It is not necessary to multiply theories on the condition and activities 
of bees in winter. 

In a previous portion of the text the relation of the temperatures 
of the cluster to the temperature of the outside air has been suffi- 
ciently considered. It remains now to describe the activity of the 
bees as seen in the glass check hive. In some respects the move- 
ments or the reaction of the bees, and more particularly of the cluster 
as a whole, to the stimuli of changes in the atmospheric conditions 
was rather pronounced. 


In watching this colony it was found that the density, and conse- 
quently the shape of the cluster, varied from day today. When the air 
outdoors was warm, the cluster expanded; with cold, it contracted. 
The expansion usually did not cause the bees to cover more frames, 
but caused them to cover more completely those frames which they 
were occupying. Thus the expansion was usually downward toward 
the bottoms of the frames and in the direction of the entrance. 
With cold, the bees receded from the bottoms of the frames and from 
the top bars. 

At all times the colony was sensitive to the slightest jar. The bees 
were also especially sensitive to the ight which burst in upon them 
whenever the covering of the glass top was removed. If the hand 
were passed over the glass, bees would fly toward it as if to sting. 
This was noticed no matter how cold the day and shows that the 
colony, and particularly the outside of the cluster, is far from torpid, 
inactive, or semiquiescent. At practically all times there were bees 
moving on the outside of the cluster or on the top bars of the frames. 
Whenever the hive warmed up in the sun, although there were no 
bees flying, this was evident. There can be no question, therefore, 
of the alertness and activity of a colony in winter. 

One of the most surprising observations was the apparent inter- 
change of bees from the inside of the cluster with those on the outside 
of the cluster. As the writer watched the cluster, the head of a bee 
would gradually appear from below the bees forming the shell of the 
cluster. Finally this bee emerged and took her place with the others 
on the outside. Similarly, bees were frequently seen to disappear 
into the mass. The behavior was in no way general, but apparently 
was going on constantly and gradually. The phenomenon was 
repeatedly observed under all manner of conditions and at different 
times of day and night. By carefully arranging the covers, so that it 
was unnecessary to remove them, and thus cause a jar, 1t was proven 
that this behavior is normal and not the result of a disturbance of 
the bees. It must be concluded, therefore, that in this way the same 
bees may not be exposed to the outside cold for a long period. So 
long as they are able to keep up their own body temperature they 
remain outside, but when chilled they pass into the interior. Thus 
there must be a continual interchange of bees from the outside to the 
inside. Were it possible of observation, there would doubtless be 
found a relation of the interchange to the meteorological conditions. 
In cold weather the interchange may be expected to be greater. 

In severe weather the bees were especially compact and their 
arrangement definite and constant. They were arranged side by 
side between the tops of the frames, with their heads downward. At 
the lower part of the cluster they were also arranged head down but 
with a little less regularity. It is difficult to see just what this means. 


— i « 2 eae PP 


As further evidence that the colony is not torpid in cold weather, 
some of the other activities observed will be of interest. During the 
day, particularly, the bees were seen grooming and combing one 
another, feeding, and fanning at the outside of the cluster; and when 
the light was admitted to the top, they sometimes flew up as if to 
sting. It should also be stated that on nights of the most severe 
weather the bees in both this check colony and in the experimental 
colony were heard faintly and intermittently buzzing. This buzzing 
was even more noticeable on cold nights than on warmer ones. A 
peculiar trembling of the bee such as is seen in summer was not 
infrequently noticed. All of these activities are commonly observed 
in summer, but heretofore have not been thought to occur in winter 
and spring before the colony is able to fly forth. 

It is probable that the heat of the sun has no slight influence on 
the cluster. At least in the check colony under observation it was 
evident that the cluster sought the sunny side of the hive, the front 
above the entrance, where from 10 or 11 o’clock in the morning until 
sundown the sun shone on the hive. 


With the laying of the first eggs in the spring, which marks the 
beginning of summer activity, striking changes occur in the behavior 
and temperature of the cluster. The central thermometers 6 and c 
were particularly affected. Upon opening the hive March 12 eggs 
less than three days old were discovered. Up to March 9 ¢ had 
usually continued its winter course inversely to 0, as is described and 
illustrated above by figure 8. But after March 9, when the first 
eggs were seen, the course of ¢ changed and the inverse relationship 
was no longer apparent. 

In order to explain the change in the course of ¢ in relation to 0, 
the behavior of the bees at egg-laying time must be considered. 
During the winter, while fresh air is necessary, there is no such need 
of it as when the eggs, or more particularly the brood, appear. 
Moreover, for incubation and for brood rearing a much higher and 
more constant temperature is needed. The effects of drops in the 
temperature of the outside air must be overcome. In preparing 
room for the laying of the queen, the zone for the brood nest is 
established, which is an important factor in the change in the course 
of curve c. All of these things appear immediately in the curve 
at the time of incubation. Formerly, when the bees went forth on a 
warm day there was a drop in c; now the trend of ¢ is slightly upward 
during the warmth of the day corresponding somewhat with the 
warmth outside. Flight occurs nearly every day. 

It is the belief of many beekeepers who winter their bees in cellars 
that too high a temperature is likely to cause uneasiness and brood 


rearing. Root (1908) calls attention to the necessity of maintaining 
a temperature of not more than 45° F. (7.22° C.) at the approach of 
spring. The writer is not aware that any systematic study of the 
temperatures of bees in cellars has ever been made, so that it is 
impossible to say how the temperature of the cluster would compare 
with that of the colony under experimentation. The prevailing 
outside temperature, however, in the present experiment was found 
to be about 45° F. (7.22° C.) for several days previous to the laying 
of the first eggs, March 9. 

At any rate in this experiment it appears that a temperature of 
45° F. (7.22 C.), with an occasional maximum outer temperature of 
8° to 11° C., is closely associated with the beginning of egg laying. 
But there are probably other factors of importance, particularly the 
matter of food. In establishing the experimental colony late in the 
fall, it was impossible for the bees to store any pollen. In the spring, 
however, for a week previous to egg laying they were seen gathering it. 
This might be expected to be an important stimulus to egg laying, 
and the bees could not rear brood until some could be gathered. 
While there appears to be a close relation between stimuli, tempera- 
ture out of doors, and pollen gathering to the laying of eggs, details of 
the phenomena can be worked out only on a larger number of colonies 
under experimental conditions. 

Another noticeable phenomenon which occurred at this time was 
the equalization of the temperature throughout the cluster. This 
might occur earlier in colonies protected from the winds and in sunny 
locations and later in colonies less favorably situated. If, however, 
upon experimentation this should be found to be one of the funda- 
mental stimuli to egg laying, it wouldin a measure explain the fact 
that eges do not always appear at the same time in all of the colonies 
of a bee yard. Another factor would be the strength of the colony 
and the resulting heat which it could produce and conserve. These 
results of the present investigation suggest great possibilities for dis- 
covering the stimuli which regulate the beginning of egg laying in the 
spring and which might influence the periodicity of brood rearing 
during the summer. 

So far the consideration has been largely of the period in which 
eggs were laid and which preceded directly the beginning of incubation 

or broodrearing. It will beseen, therefore, that this time is in a sense 

transitional from the winter condition to the summer season, the 
topic which will next be considered. 

The phenomena mentioned in the preceding caption which aceom- 
panied the laying of the first eggs marked the beginning of the transi- 
tion from winter to summer conditions, but this transition was not 



completed until brood rearing was well established. With the estab- 
lishment of brood rearing, the changes which manifested themselves 
with the first eggs became intensified. The course of the temperature 
recorded at c became unlike that which was observed in the winter 
and was influenced more directly by the outside temperature. The 
influence of the outside temperature became less and less marked, as 
is shown from the fact that the oscillation of ¢ became less and less, 
the temperature in the center of the cluster became more constant, 
and the temperature throughout the hive became more equalized. 
As was stated, the turning point came on the 9th of March, but it was 
a little more than two weeks, about the 24th or 25th of March, before 
the colony really assumed normal summer temperature condition. 
Once this was gained, the temperature, particularly of the center of 
the cluster, remained relatively constant until fall. This transition 
period of two weeks was characterized by several features. 

There was an increase of temperature both in the colony and out of 
doors. Out of doors the maximum ranged between 12° and 18° C. 
(53.6° to 64.4° F.), but even more favorable weather followed the 
establishment of brood rearing and the maximum ranged from 18° to 
25°C. (64.4° to 73.4° F.). Toa certain extent the temperature of the 
colony was raised like that of the outside temperature. The increase 
was general throughout the colony and must be attributed to the 
need of more heat for brood rearing, more ventilation, and the general 
increased activity of the bees. At this time } and ¢ ranged constantly 
between 33° and 35° C. (91.4° to 95° F.), which will be seen to be prac- 
tically the range throughout the summer. 

In a word, the transition from winter to summer conditions was 
accomplished in a surprisingly short time. Accompanying incuba- 
tion and brood rearing the temperature was gradually raised and 
became equalized through the hive, and once well established was ~ 
maintained during the summer. Although the transition was rela- 
tively abrupt, it would be expected to vary with the colony and — 
perhaps be prolonged in unfavorable weather. 


The constancy and equalization of the temperature and the range 
of 33° to 35° C. (91.4° to 95° F.), which characterized the close of the 
transition from winter to summer conditions, characterize equally 
well the prevailing summer phenomena. So constant were the tem- 
peratures in summer that their peculiarities may be briefly sum- 
marized. Few external factors influenced the hive temperature, and 
these affected it but shghtly. In the original plan of the experiment 
it was hoped that it would be possible to discover whether there is 
any correlation between honey flows and temperatures; but inasmuch 
as the season was excessively dry and the flowers secreted no nectar 



for weeks at a time, this phase of the experiment could not be carried 

Whatever is said of ¢ in the following paragraphs applies equally to 
b, and practically as well to all the thermometers in the hive. 

Although the temperature at ¢ coursed constantly in the opposite 
direction to o during the winter, there is no appreciable correlation 
between the temperatures in the summer. It might be said of the 
hive that the temperature as a whole was independent of external 
conditions. A few exceptions to this will follow, however. During 
a period of stormy and cooler weather, for instance, although there 
were slight changes which will be discussed later, the temperatures. 
were largely unaffected. Moreover, since the oscillation of ¢ was 
slight, as will be explained, there was little relationship between the 
temperature of the center of the cluster and o. 


The daily oscillation between the maximum and minimum of ¢ 
was usually less than 1° C. (1.8° F.), and in many instances it was but 
one or two tenths of a degree. On the whole the temperature in the 
brood nest is remarkably constant, ranging between 34° and 35° C: 
(93:22) to 95-8.) 

Even with this slight fluctuation there was perceptible on many 
days a maximum and minimum for ¢, and particularly for the other 
hive thermometers which perhaps were the most influenced by ex- 
ternal conditions. It may be said that, roughly, the maxima and 
minima occurred within two hours of the maxima and minima of 0, 
but since in some instances this happened previous to the maximum 
and minimum out of doors, the warming up of the colony due to the 
increasing activity of the bees must have had its effect. 

To show how closely the maxima of the thermometers in the outer 
parts of the cluster ultimately approached the readings of the central 
thermometers, it may be said that while in April the maximum of 
the outer thermometers in the hive was 19° C. (66.2 F.), in the fol- 
lowing months it rarely fell below 34° C. (93.2° F’.). In September, 
however, with the general cooling of the atmosphere, it fell to 28° C. 
(82.4° F.). This showed the tendency at the close of the experiment 
for the colony to approach winter conditions. The facts show again 
the unity or equalization of the temperature throughout the cluster, 
which in the brood-rearing season ranges between 34° and 35° C. 
(93.2° to 95° F.). The maxima and minima are shown in Table V. 
The range of the oscillation shows the constancy of the temperature 
during the height of the season and the greater fluctuations in spring 
and fall. 



ener = =a 


TaBLeE V.—Maximum and minimum temperatures of the center of the cluster during 
summer. Thermometer C. 

e Sees Be | Approximate 
Month. | Mz ximum. Minimum. | range. 

a ee "a ee rice Pile 
ADT 2 eee sarin <A ebro ono 20 35> aoe eae 35.4 95.7 31.6 88.9 = v2 
Maye SOE a ee ee EE a a REA S. Se pee! 36.0 96.8 33.8 92.9 2 3.6 
LY ETEYG ES Ss fea a es ee = eS a a SURE Be 35.5 95.9 33.6 92.5 2 3.6 
Sulive? Aeron ee sete eee er see wae Vee Sheer eee 35.0 95.0 33.2 91.8 2 3.6 
AST PRIS Go ieee oe Shes ae is Sago orale eee me 35.8 96. 4 33.8 92.9 2 3.6 
DPORLenIgerss se fen. Bee SPARE Ee oe hep ee 34.8 94.6 28.0 82.4 7 12.6 


It has already been said that the fluctuations in the hive tempera- 
ture were slight and that hot days and winds had very slight effect 
on the cluster temperature. There are some minor fluctuations due to 
internal and external disturbances which caused decrease or increase 
in the hive temperature. 


Every beekeeper is familiar with the “play flights” of young bees 
about noon on warm sunny days. These are generally believed to 
be ‘‘orientation flights,’ in which the young bees fly forth in circles 
and with head toward the hive in order to learn its location. During 
the period of resumed brood rearing in August these flights occurred 
every few days in the experimental colony. At such times ther- 
mometer readings were taken at short intervals. Instead of causing 
the heat of the hive to increase these flights first caused a decrease, 
then aslightincrease. Table VI presents figures for a typical observa- 
tion, made after the bees had been confined to the hive by inclement 
weather for three days. 

TasLeE VI.—EL£ fects of ‘‘ orientation flights” of bees on the temperature of the hive. 

Aug. 28. | | 
a b Cc d é€ | rE 0 
| | | | 
Sel Che ik 8 colernicalerniealeriealer se I BOY GAM ESA Ce i TE 
Came 34.0) 93.2 | 34.4) 93.92) 34.4 93.92) 34.4) 93.92) 33.6) 92 48) 34.6 94.28) 15.6 60.08 
fpr 0 eee PSS 34.0) 93.2 | 34.4) 93.92) 34.4) 93.92) 34.0) 93.2 | 33.4) 92.12) 34.4) 93.92) 16.4) 61.52 
8a.m.?._. 34.0) 93.2 34. 2) 93.56) 34.2) 93.56) 34.0) 93.2 33.4) 92.12) 34.6) 94.28] 16.8) 62.24 
Qaim eee ae 34.0} 93.2 | 34.0} 93.2] 34.3) 93.74) 34.0) 93.2] 33.2) 91.76) 34.6) 94.28) 17.4) 63.32 
AD ae ee 34.0} 93.2 | 34.2) 93.56} 34.3) 93.74] 34.0) 93.2 | 33.2) 91.76) 34.8] 94.64) 18.0) 64.40 
5G Ue ie 0 Ee 33.8) 92.84) 33.8) 92.84) 33.8) 92.84) 33.8) 92.84) 33.2) 91.76) 34.2) 93.56] 19.4) 66.92 
11.30 a. m.4_...} 33.8] 92.84) 34.0) 93.2] 34.0) 93.2 34.0) 93.2 33. 8 92.84} 34.4) 93.92) 20.0) 68.0 
Le Bee nos 34.0} 93.2 | 34.0) 93.2 | 34.0) 93.2 | 34.0) 93.2] 33.6) 92.48) 34.4) 93.92) 19.6) 67.28 
iP oe Tete 8 ee 34.0) 93.2 | 34.2) 93.56) 34.2) 93.56) 34.0) 93.2 33.6) 92.48) 34.8) 94.64) 20.2) 68.36 
2 pamispee sa 33.8) 92.84) 34.0) 93.2 | 34.0) 93.2 | 33.8) 92.84 33.6) 92.48] 34.4] 93.92] 20.2] 68,36 
ZAG Pwme te 34.0] 93.2 | 34.0} 93.2] 34.0} 93.2 | 34.0) 93.2 33. 6) 92.48) 34.4) 93.92} 20,4) 68.72 
2.30 p. m.6. 34.0) 93.2 | 34.0) 93.2 | 34.2) 93.56) 34.0) 93.2 33. 6) 92.48) 34.6) 94.28) 20.0} 68.0 | 
2:45 5p. ta ss 32h | 34.0] 93.2 | 34.2) 93.56) 34.2) 93.56) 34.0) 93.2] 33.8) 92.84) 34.8) 94.64) 20.4) 68.72 . 
3p.m.........| 34.0] 93.2 | 34.2] 93.56] 34.2] 93.56] 34.0] 93.2] 33.8] 92.84) 34.8) 94.64] 20.8) 69.44 
Apri est | 34.0) 93.2 | 34.4) 93.92 sees 93 “| 34.2 Po se 92.84) 34. 8) 94.64) 20.2) 68.36 
1 Cloudy. 4 Quieted flight. 
2 Bees fly slightly. 5 Bees fly freely again. 

3 First good fly for three days. 6 Quiet again. 


It will be noticed that short flights were taken at 8 o’clock in the 
morning when the thermometer ¢ fell 0.2° C. At 11 o’clock the first 
flight of importance occurred. Then there was another shght drop 
in the temperature followed by a rise. At 2 o’clock there was a 
similar flight and change in the thermometer. In all cases within 
15 to 30 minutes the thermometer had regained its normal tempera- 
ture. While the drop was actually shght, when it is remembered 
that the daily fluctuation in the temperature was frequently but a 
fraction of a degree, the decrease was relatively considerable. The 
same effect was noticed in the spring and in the early part of the 
season, when the bees first commenced to take field trips. This 
cooling effect must be attributed to the rushing forth of the bees 
from the cluster; in so doing they liberate the confined heat of the 
cluster. Another factor is probably the excessive fanning at the 
entrance which usually accompanies these “play” flights. When the 
activities wane and the bees commence to return to the hive, the 
temperature resumes its normal condition. 

A similar decrease in temperature was common in the early morn- 
ing when the bees commenced to leave the hive for the field. For 
comparison with the foregoing, the readings taken in the early morn- 
ing of August 3 and 4 are presented in Table VII. 

TaBLE VII.—E fects of early morning flight of bees on temperature of the hive. 

a | b Cc d € 0 

Aug. 3. 2 OR ie STDS AE SOM GTN Ay ARON GE faba SCO fs Ne Re Cline (sae (fean| eens Ohare eee iW eel Chon [ies de 
Sips ey eel 34.0 | 93.2 34.2 | 93.56 34.6 | 94.28 34.2 | 93.56 34.0 | 93.2 22.6 72.68 
Oran esse oe 33.8 | 92.84 34.2 | 93.56 34.4 | 93.92 34.2 | 93.56 33.8 | 92. 84 26.0 78.80 
LOA INES 33.9 | 93.02 34.4 | 93.92 34.8 | 94. 64 34.2 | 93.56 34.0 | 93.2 26.8 80. 24 
Lae Ne aa i eee aes 34.0 | 93.2 34.4 | 93.92 34.8 | 94.64 34.6 | 94.28 34.0 | 93.2 27.4 81.32 
WANE See ee sane 34.0 | 93.2 34.6 | 94.28 34.8 | 94. 64 34.6 | 94. 28 34.0 | 93.2 28.0 82.40 

Aug. 4. 
5a.m1__.......| 34.4 | 93.92} 34.6 | 94.28 34.8 | 94.64 34.6 | 94.28 34.2 | 93.56 21.2 70. 16 
Gia eMmee eee 34.4 | 93.92 34.6 | 94. 28 34.6 | 94. 28 34.6 | 94.28 34.4 | 93.92 21.0 69. 80 
7a.m2_.........| 34.0 | 93.2 34.4 | 93.92 34.6 | 94. 28 34.2 | 93.56 34.0 | 93.2 22.6 72.68 
Sia LMS Ses 34.0 | 93.2 384.4 | 93.92 34.8 | 94. 64 34.4 | 93.92 34.0 | 93.2 25.0 47.00 
Daas So 34.0 } 93.2 34.8 | 94.64 34.8 | 94.64 34.4 | 93.92 34.0 | 93.2 27.0 80. 60 

1 Fanning entrance. 2 Bees begin to fly freely. 


It was: found that the heat from the cluster had no perceptible 
influence on the temperature of the air below the frames during the 
winter. Practically the air was at the outside temperature. But in 
summer totally different conditions prevail; the temperature within 
the hive becomes equalized. Furthermore, the crowding of the bees 
at certain seasons tends to force them to hang down from the bot- 

2 ———_—_——- 


toms of the frames or even out at the entrance. Consequently that 
space which was outside the frames assumes cluster conditions. 

Early in the season f averaged 3° C. higher than o at all times; 
at the end of the season, September, it averaged from 5° to 6° C. 
higher. By the middle of May f stood only 1° or 2° C. lower than the 
thermometers in the cluster, although the thermometer in the outside 
air was much lower. Throughout the summer there was practically 
no difference between ¢ and f. During the storm period, as will 
be seen in Table LX, which is discussed farther on, f ranged even 
higher than the prevailing cluster temperature. This was undoubt- 
edly due to the massing of the bees below the frames as they were 
crowded in from the alighting board. 


Since the summer of 1908 was remarkably dry and free from storms, 
it is not possible to draw any definite conclusions upon the effects 
of storms, cold waves, and winds upon the cluster temperature. 
The only severe storm of the summer occurred in the latter part of 
August. The outside thermometer went as low as 14° C. (57.2° F.), 
while before and after this period there were frequent readings 
ranging from 20° to 30° C. (68° to 86° F.). During the storm there 
were several high winds. These, however, did not blow directly in at 
the entrance. The bees were thus confined for three days, and at 
times showed much evidence of shifting and massing at different 
parts of the hive. In a glass observatory hive the bees were actually 
seen to cluster now in one part of the hive and then in another. 
The wind and rain also drove the bees in off of the alighting board 
and forced them to hang from the bottoms of the frames. If the 
readings of the thermometers nearest the outside of the hive are 
rightly interpreted, the cluster withdrew from the walls of the hive, 
and this caused a decrease in the temperature at these points. While 
there is some evidence in the figures that the cold outside the hive 
had its effects on the center of the cluster, the temperature was not 
permitted to remain below 34° C. (93.2° F.). No fall was recorded 
lower than 33.8° C. (92.84° F.). Thus the bees appear to be able 
to control and conserve the temperature with remarkable constancy, 
even though there be high wind and relatively low temperature. 
Table IX, in comparison with the figures for a bright day in Table 
VIII, reveal these facts. 

TasBLe VIII.— Temperatures of a bee colony on a normal day. 
Time Thermometer. 
Month | | 
and day. Hour Ws | b. c | d. € 0. 
Seeks | ; i 2! eh 
ACen te Eanes Coenen ese Gey PCH i Ob 3 Be 8) 8 ON Aoki i SION eaE 
NOT EN Os Oia yc. 34.4 | 93.92 | 34.4 | 93.92 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 24.4 | 75.92 
7G) wines ape 34.4 | 93.92 | 34.4 | 93.92 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 34.6 | 94.28 | 26.0 | 78.80 
G Ge dilseee age 34.2 | 93.56 | 34.4 | 93.92 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 24.6 |] 76.28 
awa ee ys: 34.2 | 93.56 | 34.4 | 93.92 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 34.8 |] 94.64 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 25.8] 78.44 
Ohare ess 34.6 | 94.28 | 34.6 | 94.28 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 34.6 | 94.28 | 34.6 | 94.28 | 27.6] 81.68 
ID Bs ner ae 34.8 | 94.64 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 28.8 | 83.84 
TIGA) adler ene 34.8 | 94.64 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 35.0] 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 29.0 | 84.20 
ipeernsey- 34.8 | 94.64 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 29.6 | 85.28 
72h Oya Oa a 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.2 | 95.36 | 35.2 | 95.36 | 30.4 | 86.72 
4epsMeee ee oe | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.2 | 95.36 | 35.2 | 95.36 | 29.2 | 84.56 
GipEaie ses. Se | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.2 | 95.36 | 35.2 | 95.36 | 35.2 | 95.36 | 28.2 | 82.76 
(De Aen ee | 34.8 | 94.64 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.2 | 95.36 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 27.6 | 81.68 
Sa ee | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 26.6 | 79.88 
Auge18|"@a. m...2-. 7) 34.0, 93.2 | 34.2 | 93.56 | 34.0 | 93.2 | 34.0] 93.2 | 34.2 | 93.56 | 21.8 | 71.24 
(paces Bye ys | 34.2 | 93.56 | 34.2 | 93.56 | 34.4 | 93.92 | 34.4 | 93.92 | 34.2 | 93.56 | 22.0] 71.60 
fo} Gh OMe a 34.2 | 93. 56 | 34.2 | 93.56 | 34.4 | 93.92 | 34.4 | 93.92 | 34.2 | 93.56 | 22.4 | 72.32 
LS) eche 10 Oe ee 34.4 | 93.92 | 34.4 | 98.92 | 34.6 | 94.28 | 34.6 |] 94.28 | 34.4 | 93.92 | 25.0] 77.00 
10 a.m.5....) 34.4 | 93.92 | 34.6 | 94.28 | 34.6 | 94.28 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 34.6 | 94.28 | 26.0] 78.80 
saci wees 34.6 | 94.28 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 26.5 | 79.70 
PIM eas a: 34.8 | 94.64 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0] 95.00 | 27.4 | 81.32 
lGprsmises eee 34.8 | 94.64 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 28.6 | 83.48 
PBJ Oe 1 tae 34.8 | 94.64 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0] 95.00 | 29.0 | 84.20 
Spree se 34.8 | 94.64 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 35.0} 95.00 | 35.0} 95.00] 35.0} 95.00 | 28.0} 82. 40 
4pm ees 34.8 | 94.64 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.2 | 95.36 | 35.2 | 95.36 | 28.0] 82.40 
O) Owl seadaq 34.8 | 94.64 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.2 | 95.36 | 27.4 | 81.32 
[JOS WOR aaa 34.8 | 94.64 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 26.2 | 79.60 
Sipe derer ee 34.8 | 94.64 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 25.6 | 78.08 
1 Cloudy and calm. 4 Clearing and calm. 
2 Clearing, calm and close. 5 Clear. 
3 Cloudy. 
TaBLeE 1X.—The effects of storm and wind on the temperatures of the bee colony. 
Time. = : 
a. b. e d. e€ is 0. 
| | | 
Month | Hour GM OHMIC! | PSRA OC. Ne Fe GOR) on) oR ee. om) lee |e 
and day | | 
DN. PAS) || te ee one 34.2 03, 56 |34. 4 |98. 92 |34. 2 /93. 56 |34.2 93.56 |34.0 |93. 20 [34.6 |94. 28 |20.4 | 68.72 
8.30 a. m.../34. 2 |93. 56 |34.2 198.56 [34.2 |93. 56 |34.2 |93. 56 [34.0 93. 20 |34.6 |94. 28 |19.8 | 67. 64 
Weks eles soe 34. 4 |93. 92 |34. 4 |93.92 |34.2 |93. 56 /34. 2 |93. 56 [33.8 |92. 84 |34.6 |94. 28 |19.8 | 67. 64 
10a.m..... 34.0 |93. 20 (34. 2 |93. 56 |34. 2 |93. 56 |34. 2 ‘93. 56 |34.0 |93. 20 [34.6 |94. 28 |20.8 | 69. 44 
11 a. m.3_.../34. 2 |93. 56 |34. 4 193. 92 |34. 4 |93. 92 134.2 [93.56 134. 0 |93. 20 {34.6 |94. 28 |20. 2 | 68.36 
OAS Talal cies 34. 0 |93. 20 |384. 8 94. 64 /24.2 193. 56 [34.4 |93. 92 [34.0 |93. 20 [34.6 |94. 28 |20.6 | 69. 08 
1p.m.4..../34.2 |93. 56 |34. 4 |93. 92 [34.2 193. 56 )34. 2 93.56 /34.0 |93. 20 [384.6 |94. 28 |18. 4 | 65.12 
2H 1Os Week 34.0 |98. 20 |34. 6 194. 28 |34.0 |93. 20 |34.0 |93. 20 [34.4 |93. 92 [34.6 |94. 28 {17.8 | 64.04 
Eo) ) Oe 6 erase 34. 0 |93. 20 |34. 4 |98. 92 |34.2 |93. 56 |34. 2 |93. 56 [34.0 |93. 20 [34.6 |94. 28 |17.6 | 63. 68 
Aye Wee ee 34.0 |93. 20 /34. 8 |94. 64 |34. 2 /93. 56 [34.0 /93. 20 /34. 0 93. 20 [34.6 |94. 28 17.0 | 62.60 
5 p.m......|34.0 |93. 20 |34.0 |93. 20 |34. 2 |93. 56 34.0 /93. 20 [34.0 |93. 20 [34.6 |94. 28 |16.2 | 61.16 
| 6 p. m.4..../34.0 |93. 20 (34.2 |93. 56 |34. 0 |93. 20 |34.0 |93. 20 /33. 6 |92. 48 )34.6 |94. 28 18.2 | 64. 76 
7 p.m....../34.0 |93. 20 |34: 4 |93. 92 34. 2 |93. 56 [34.2 |93. 56 [33.6 |92. 48 [34.6 |94. 28 }16. 4 | 61.52 
8p. m....../33. 8 |92. 84 |34. 2 |93. 56 134.2 193. 56 134.0 (93. 20 |33. 4 |92.12 |34.6 |94. 28 |16. 2 | 61.16 
9p. m_...../34.0 '93. 20 [34.2 193. 56 134. 2 193. 56 |34. 0 '93. 20 |33. 6 192. 48 |34. 6 194. 28 |15.0 | 59.00 
OVO RMe eee 34. 0 193. 20 134. 4 193. 92 |34. 4 193. 92 |34. 4 193. 92 |33.0 |91. 40 |34. 6 |94. 28 |15.0 | 59.00 
INL Osate oss 34. 0 193. 20 134. 2 193. 56 134. 4 193. 92 134.2 |93. 56 [33.2 /91. 76 /34. 6 |94. 28 |14.6 | 58. 28 
7) joys lS ae 33. 8 |92. 84 /34.0 |93. 20 |34. 2 93. 56 134.0 |93. 20 |33. 4 |92.12 134.6 |94. 28 |15. 4 | 59.72 
JN OSs AG |) Wee aoels eae oe 33. 8 |92. 84 |34. 2 |93. 56 [34.0 193. 20 |34.0 /93. 20 [33.4 [92.12 |34. 6 194. 28 |15.6 | 60.08 
27a ae 33. 6 192. 48 |34. 0 193. 20 |34. 0 |93. 20 34. 2 |93. 56 [33.0 |91. 40 |34. 6 |94. 28 |14.8 | 58. 64 
Spa Teoma eee 133. 6 192. 48 |34. 2 |93. 56 134. 2 |93. 56 [34.0 |93. 20 |33. 4 |92.12 /34. 6 |94. 28 17. 4 | 63.32 
4a.m.6___.. 33. 6 192. 48 |34. 2 |93. 56 (34. 2 193. 56 (34. 0 193. 20 |33. 4 192.12 |34. 6 |94. 28 [16.2 | 61.16 
5a.m.6___.. 33. 6 192. 48 {34.0 193. 20 34. 2 193. 56 [34.0 193. 20 |33. 2 |91. 76 [34.6 |94. 28 {17.0 | 62. 60 
Gee 0G, oo 133. 6 192. 48 134.2 193.56 |34. 2 |93. 56 [34.0 193. 20 [33.2 |91. 76 [34.6 |94. 28 |16.6 | 61.88 
TE Gig 100 ee 33.6 |92.48 34.4 |93.92 |34.2 |93. 56 |33. 6 92.48 |33.4 |92.12 |34.6 ee 28 {17.0 | 62.60 
1 Cloudy. 4 Rain. 
2 Breeze from north. 5 High wind from east. 
3 Raining a little. 6 High wind from east, no rain. 


Another fact to which reference has been made under the caption, 
“Effects of cluster heat on the temperature below the frames,”’ 
should be mentioned here. During this period of storm, f frequently 
recorded a higher temperature than the thermometers above it. 
This was undoubtedly due to the crowding of the bees in off of the 
alighting board, forming a curtain below the frames. This is an 
advantage in helping to conserve the heat and in preventing the cold, 
inward draft through the entrance from striking directly on the 



Not infrequently beekeepers sustain heavy losses in moving their 
bees, although it 1s not usually done in extremely hot weather. 
Since the moving of the experimental colony to College Park, Md., a 
distance of about 11 miles, was unavoidable, the writer decided to 
make the most of the necessity and determine in so far as possible the 
effects of transportation on the colony. Even with precautions, 
strong and populous colonies sometimes smother. Brood is often 
killed, supposedly from excessive heat. With these points in mind 
every precaution was taken to protect the colony from harm; and 
since no damage resulted, the experiment reveals the temperature 
conditions in a successful transportation of a strong colony under 
most adverse circumstances—extreme heat and humidity and bad 

The trip was commenced at 10.30 a.m. on July 2. The day was 
humid, with intermittent sunshine and clouds, and no breeze. In 
Washington the mercury rose to 32.33° C. (90° F.) at 2 o’clock. The 
road was through the city of Washington over asphalt and stone 
pavements for several miles and then over rough country roads, which 
had scarcely any shade. The colony was moved on a spring express 
wagon with cover, the curtains of which were kept down on the sunny 
side so as to prevent the sun from striking directly on the hive. The 
other curtains were rolled up in order to allow all the ventilation 
possible, but since there was no breeze all the draft which the 
bees got must have been procured by fanning and by the movement 
of the wagon. 

The colony was crowded into a 10-frame Langstroth hive and the 
entrance was screened the night previous. All of the thermometers 
remained in position. This, of course, prevented giving ventilation 
through the top of the hive, which is the common practice in moving 
bees. In order to give room for expansion of the cluster and to con- 
fine the air as little as possible, the hive was set over an empty body, 
on the bottom of which wire cloth was tacked. In order to allow the 
air to circulate freely beneath the hive, it was supported above the 


bottom of the wagon on §-inch strips of wood, the spring of which 
relieved to some extent the jolt of the wagon. In the morning, before 
the colony was disturbed and just after it was loaded, thermometer 
readings were taken. On the road readings were also made at short 
intervals. In this way the result of every successive event in the trip 
was known. 

The first disturbance, carrying the hive downstairs and loading, was 
immediately responded to by the bees. The first 15 minutes on the 
road were but slightly more disturbing. Gradually, however, the 
temperature increased until 1.30 o’clock in the afternoon and an hour 
previous to releasmg, when practically the maximum was reached, 
36.0° C. (96.8° F.). It should be mentioned, however, that during 
the next few hours and even after the bees had their liberty the ther- 
mometers in the distant parts of the hive, a and e, registered 36.2° C. 
(97.16° F.). But it is probable that the bees clustered more densely 
at these points than they did in the center of the hive. This tempera- 
ture can not be considered particularly abnormal, although it is 
higher than any temperature registered immediately before or after 
the transportation. On several occasions during the summer and 
even in May, practically the same degree was reached; but since in 
normal circumstances it never went higher than 36° C. (96.8° F.), 
the temperature observed is probably nearly as high as can be reached 
by bees without damage. It would not have taken many degrees 
more than this to have softened the combs and to have caused them 
to sag and break. The melting point of pure wax is 62° to 64° C. 
(143° to 145° F.), but the difference between the melting point and 
the point at which combs become soft enough to sag must be con- 
siderable, perhaps 20° C. (36° F.). 

It can not be said that the temperature was higher at any one part 
of the hive than at another, unless possibly there was a slight tend- 
ency for the brood cluster to be maintained cooler. This would 
naturally be expected, but under such trying circumstances the phe- 
nomenon could not be measured satisfactorily. At no time on the 
trip did the bees hang down from their combs into the lower body, 
and upon releasing them there was no evidence of condensation. At 
all times, as would have been expected, there was considerable 
fanning. Furthermore, the bees were not made cross by their con- 
finement, as was the case when the rest of the colonies of the apiary 
were moved, which was done under much more favorable circum- 
stances except for ventilation. That no brood died in the experi- 
mental colony is further evidence that 36° C. (96.8° F.) is not 
abnormal. | 

The colony was placed in its new position at 2.30 o’clock and the 
bees liberated. The effects of their liberty on the temperatures were 
not apparent, however, as will be seen in Table XI, for more than an 


hour, when the temperatures began gradually to fall. Finally, when 
the bees had orientated themselves and had commenced to return to 
the hive, there was a noticeable quieting and a perceptible drop in 
the mercury. At 7.30 o’clock, after all the bees had returned to the 
hive, conditions were pee eallee normal. 

in conclusion it may be said that the conditions under wail the 
bees were moved, although trying and about as adverse as possibly 
could be encountered, did not produce abnormal heat in the hive. 
The temperature increased only 2°, from 34° to 36°+C. (93.2 
to 96.8° F.). While it is generally admitted that ventilation from the 
top is preferable in moving bees, on the hypothesis that warm air 
rises, ventilation from the bottom was a success in the case under dis- 
cussion. In moving the rest of the department apiary to College 
Park earlier in the season, when the weather was more favorable, the 
day being cloudy with showers, three colonies suffered severely from 
overheating and condensation. These colonies were screened at the 
entrance and over the top of the hive; but apparently the screening of 
the top was not sufficient, because when the bees became excited and 
expanded as a result of the heat, they packed so tightly against the 
top screen as to shut out all ventilation. The tendency of bees is 
upward and toward the light. On the contrary, if ventilation is given 
from below, there is less tendency for them to pack against the screen. 
While it is generally maintained that for moving colonies top ventila- 
tion is preferable, the present experiment would indicate that bottom 
ventilation is practical and advantageous. 

For comparison, figures taken the day previous (Table X) and the 
day after the transportation (Table XII), as well as on that day 
(Table XI), are presented. 

TaBLE X.—Readings of thermometers, July 1, on day previous to transportation of bee 


Hour. a. b. cG a é. 0. 

“6, SH HOR ee AG; ee OS neal t ssi Ce FC AG SB 
| | 
CASI seer 33.4 | 92.12} 34.0 | 93.20] 34.0] 93.20 | 33.8 | 92.84 33.8 | 92. 84 25.8 78. 44 
Oe ir ss ee eee 33.6 | 92.48 | 34.0 | 93.20 34.2 | 93.56 | 33.6 | 92.48 | 33.6 | 92.48] 27.0} 80.60 
ha mbe ae. 33.8 | 92.84} 34.2 | 93.56 | 34.2 | 93.56 | 33.8 | 92.84 33.6 | 92.48 | 28.5] 83.30 
PAS fete er tee 33.9 | 93.02 | 34.5 | 94.10] 34.5] 94.10] 33.9 | 93.02] 33.9 | 93.02 | 29.0] 84.20 
1 oy 11 een 34.0 | 93.20] 34.5 | 94.10] 34.5] 94.10] 34.0] 93.20] 34.0] 93.20] 29.8] 85.64 
PG cit eee eee 34.4 | 93.92 | 34.8 | 94.64] 34.8 | 94.64] 34.0] 93.20] 34.0] 93.20] 31.5] 88.70 
SD MI ees So 34.4 | 93.92 34.8 | 94. 64 34.8 | 94. 64 34.0 | 93.20 34.0 | 93.20} 31.5 88. 70 
4D. mete eess3 34.6 | 94.28 34.8 | 94.64 34.8 | 94.64 34.2 | 93.56 34. 2 | 93. 56 SPAY? 89.96 
Pode Opal 02 Pape ge 34.8 | 94.64 34.8 | 94.64 35.0 | 95.00 34.8 | 94.64 35.0 | 95.00 29.0] 84.20 
| | | 



Table XI.—Readings of thermometers during transportation of bees, July 2. Day 
extremely warm and sultry. 

Hour. a | b | c d | e | Observations. 
| | | | | | 
TG °F SCR COE | 16K | OR (GL Out | 16! OE 
ca a Mea ee af 

Paems— 34.4 | 93.92 | 34.4 | 93.92 | 34.4 | 93.92 | 34.0 | 93.20 | 34.0] 93.20 | Hive closed but un- 

10.15 a. m.} 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 34.8 | 94.64 Hive loaded on wagon. 

10.30 a. m.| 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 34.8 | 94.64 | Drive to College Park 

10.45 a. m.| 35.2 | 95.36 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.1.] 95.18 | 34.9 | 94.82 | 35.0 | 95.00 

Peapinees sont Gos ce |1o0. 2 | 95.36} 35. 2 | 95.36 | 35:0 | 95.00 |°35:.0 | 95.00 

11.15 a.m_-| 35.4 | 95.72 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.1 | 95.18 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 | Sun and clouds. 

11.30 a. m-.| 35.6 | 96.08 | 35.2 | 95.36 | 35.2 | 95.36 | 35.0 | 95.00 | 35.0 | 95.00 Do. 

11.45 a. m-| 35.8 | 96.44 | 35.4 | 95. 72 | 35.6 | 96.08 | 35.1 | 95.18 | 35.2 | 95.36 Do. 

Terenas 35.8 | 96.44 | 35.6 | 96.08 | 35.6 | 96.08 | 35.3 { 95.54 | 35.4 | 95.72 Do. 

12.15 p.m-| 35.8 | 96.44 | 35.8 | 96.44 | 35.6 | 96.08 | 35.4 | 95.72 | 35.6 | 96.08 | Do. 

12.45 p.m_-| 35.8 | 96.44 | 35.6 | 96.08 ! 35.6 | 96.08 } 35.4 | 95.72 | 35.6 | 96.08 | Stopped 30 minutes for 

= lunch. 

Ifo srae Sexe 35.8 | 96.44 | 35.6 | 96.08 | 35.6 | 96.08 | 35.6 | 96.08 | 35.6 | 96.08 

1.15 p.m-..| 36.0 | 96.80 | 35.8 | 96.44 | 35.8 | 96.44 | 35.8 | 96.44 | 35.8 | 96.44 

1.30 p.m--| 36.0 | 96.80 | 36.0 | 96.80 | 35.9 | 96.62 | 35.8 | 96.44 | 36.0 | 96.80 

2p.m. 36.0 | 96.80 | 36.0 | 96.80 | 36.0 | 96.80 | 35.9 | 96.62 | 36.0 | 96.80 | 

2.30 p. m..| 36.2 | 97.16 | 36.0 | 96.80 } 36.0 | 96.80 | 36.0 | 96.80 | 36.1 96.98 | Hive set on stand and 

30s ines ace 36.2 | 97.16 |°36.0 | 96.80 | 36.0 | 96.80 | 36.0 | 96.80 | 36.2 | 97.16 

3.30 p. m-_.| 36.2 | 97.16 | 35.8 | 96.44 | 35.8 | 96.44 | 36.0 | 96.80 | 36.0 | 96.80 

Asp=im=sao2 36.1 | 96.98 | 35.4 | 95.72 | 35.8 | 96.44 | 36.0 | 96.80 | 36.0 | 96.80 

4.30 p.m-_-| 35.4 | 95.72 | 34.1 | 93.38 | 34.8 | 94.64 | 35.1 | 95.18 | 35.4.| 95.72 

pSMeses. 35.0 | 95.00 | 34.0 | 93.20 | 34.6 | 94.28 | 34.9 | 94.82 | 35.0 | 95.00 

6.30 p. m-..| 34.6 | 94.28 | 34.2 | 93.56 | 34.2 | 93.56 | 34.4 | 93.92 | 34.4 | 93.92 | Bees all returned to 

apenas 34.4 | 93.92 | 34.2 | 93.56 | 34.2 | 93.56 | 34.2 | 93.56 | 34.2 | 93.56 : 

7.30 p. m..| 34.4 | 93.92 | 34.0 | 93.20 | 34.0 | 93.20 | 34.2 | 93.56 | 34.2 | 93.56 | Quiet and normal. 

TABLE XI1.—Readings of thermometers, July 3. Day after transportation of bees. 

Thermometer. | 
= | 
Hour. a | b c d € Observations. 
[EZR oll Se a a are 
| ° (62 ° F. ° re: ° im ° C ° F ° @ | ° F ° (G: ° F 
7.30 a. Mm. . 33.8 | 92.84 | 34.0 | 93.20} 34.0 | 93.20 | 33.6 | 92.48 | 33.0 | 91.40 . 
8.30 a. m.. 33.8 | 92.84 | 33.8 | 92.84 | 34.0 | 93.20 | 33.4 | 92.12 | 33.0 | 91.40 | Cloudy. 
tOasmen=s- 33.8 | 92.84 | 34.0] 93.20] 34.0} 93.20] 33.4 | 92.12] 33.6 | 92.48 | Breeze. 
Ase a 34.0 | 93.20} 34.0 | 93.20} 34.0 | 93.20 | 33.4] 92.12 | 33.4 | 92.12 
12m 34.0 | 938.20 | 34.2) 93.56 | 34.2) 93.56 | 33.6} 92.48 | 33.4 | 92.12 
7619), 18812 Sona 34.8 | 94.64 | 34.8] 94.64 | 34.6 | 94.28] 34.2] 93.56 | 34.0 | 93.20] Bees returned. 
Sipaimeeese | 34.8 | 94.64 | 34.6 | 94.28 | 34.6 | 94.28 | 34.0 | 93.20 | 34.0 | 93.20 



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