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Volume 36, Number 4 

December 2012 

TNPS Aids Botany Projects, 
Honors Robert Krai 

TNPS Has New 
Website, Plus 
Facebook Page 

T NPS named Robert Krai, emeritus professor of biology at Vanderbilt 
University, to its Botanists Hall of Fame, during the society’s annual 
meeting in September at Carson Springs near Newport. (See short bi- 
ography of Dr. Krai on page 5.) 

The annual meeting, attended by 48 members, provided an opportunity to 
hear about several on-going projects, including the pending publication of the 
Tennessee technical manual, a follow-up to the society’s wildflower book, and 
the winter “twig book” by Eugene Wofford, which is receiving a $5,000 grant 
from TNPS. 

Members also heard two excellent lectures, one by David Haskell, award 
winning author of The Forest Unseen , and Jamie Donaldson, a leader in the 
restoration of the Grassy Balds on and around Roan Mountain. 

Bart Jones, TNPS president, announced that next year’s annual meeting, 
also scheduled for September, will be held jointly with the Kentucky Native 
Plant Society at Lake Barkley State Park, northwest of Clarksville. 

Bart said that once again members can expect combinations of programs in 
the evenings and field trips in the afternoons. Additional and alternative activi- 
ties will also be organized. 

He said that joining with KNPS will provide a special opportunity to net- 

Continued on page 5 

TNPS members gather for annual-meeting field trip in the Smokies. 

S ome people may think TNPS 
consists of older folks who use 
only a pen, but the society is 
now taking the big dive into interac- 
tive and social media. 

Check out the new website, which 
has several levels of information and 
offers an opportunity to join TNPS 
and pay dues on-line. 

The website is at 
Current features include: 

• A home page slide show pre- 
senting some of our Tennessee native 

• Membership application and re- 
newal via credit card or PayPal, or 
the option of printing then mailing 
the membership form with a check. 

• A Newsletter archive in case 
you missed an issue (oh my!) or just 
want to look back at what we've 
done (and looked like) in the past. 

• Field Trip information, both 
past and present. 

• Resources for gathering more 
information about native plants 

Continued on page 8 


TNPS Newsletter 

From the President 

December 2012 Vol. 36, No. 4 

This newsletter is a publication of the 
Tennessee Native Plant Society and is 
published four times a year, generally in 
February, June, August, and November. 

The Tennessee Native Plant Society 
(TNPS) was founded in 1978. Its pur- 
poses are to assist in the exchange of in- 
formation and encourage fellowship 
among Tennessee’s botanists, both ama- 
teur and professional; to promote public 
education about Tennessee flora and 
wild plants in general; to provide, 
through publication of a newsletter or 
journal, a formal means of documenting 
information on Tennessee flora and of 
informing the public about wild plants; 
and to promote the protection and en- 
hancement of Tennessee’s wild plant 

Dues for each calendar year are: 

Regular: $20 
Student: Complimentary 
Institution: $50 
Life: $250 

Dues may be sent to: 

Tennessee Native Plant Society 
P.O. Box 159274 
Nashville, TN 37215 


Bart Jones, President 
Todd Crabtree, Vice-President 
Margie Hunter, Secretary 
Darel Hess, Treasurer 


Bertha Chrietzburg 
Lorie Emens 
Michelle Haynes 
Dennis Horn 
Larry Pounds 
Mary Priestley 
Susan Sweetser 

Latham Davis, Editor 
Please send comments or material for 
the newsletter to TNPS Newsletter, P.O. 
Box 856, Sewanee, TN 37375 or 

TNPS Website: 

A s we complete another year, I think it is safe to say it was quite successful. 

I hope everyone had a chance to attend a field trip or participate in the an- 
nual meeting. But reflection necessitates projection, and now is the time to 
make plans for the coming year. 

By the time this issue of the newsletter is in your hands, the field trip planning 
committee will have met and started to flesh out the excursions for 2013. But it is 
not too late to add a trip, so if you know of a place that we would be interested in 
visiting or if you would like to lead a hike, let me know by shooting an email to 

Next year will also be focused on what promises to be a spectacular joint an- 
nual meeting with the Kentucky Native Plant Society at Lake Barkley State Park 
in western Kentucky. It is still in the early planning stages, but I feel sure it will 
be an event that will set a new benchmark for our annual meetings for years to 

Take a look at the re-launch of our website. Member Karen Ripple has been 
busy constructing a fabulous cyber portal for us, so many thanks go to her. Al- 
though more work remainds to be done on the site, check periodi- 

In the next few weeks you will be sent a card reminding you of our annual 
fund drive. The last three years we have benefitted greatly from your generosity 
and have been able to fund several exciting projects such as the website redesign 
and the winter twig book, and increase the honorarium to our speakers. Our so- 
ciety has an unusually high percentage of life members, so this extra source of in- 
come is critical for maintaining flexibility to address issues and opportunities as 
they arise through the year. 

I also want to wish everyone a happy holiday season, and I look forward to 
serving you as president for the next two years. 

See you on the trail. 

TNPS treasurer Darel Hess said , “Think 
spring when he sent these excellent pho- 
tographs of Dicentra cousins , Dicentra 
canadensis (left), and Dicentra cucullaria. 


Another Exotic Pest 
Spreads Destruction 

O fficials of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park recently con- 
firmed the first backcountry infestation of the emerald ash borer, an 
alien insect that is devastating ash tree populations in the eastern U.S 
and Canada. 

The emerald ash borer is a half-inch-long metallic- green beetle that lays 
eggs on the bark of all species of the ash. After hatching, the larvae burrow 
under the bark and create feeding tunnels that cut off nutrient and water flow 
to the tree. The tree can die in three to five years, according to park biologist 
Glenn Taylor. 

Accidentally introduced to North America from Asia, the ash borer was 
first discovered in southeast Michigan in 2002, and has spread to 16 states 
and two Canadian provinces killing tens of millions of ash trees. 

Many biologists say potential damage from this insect rivals that of Chest- 
nut Blight and Dutch Elm Disease. The insect threatens the entire North 
American Fraxinus genus, unlike past invasive tree pests, which have only 
threatened a single species within a genus. The green ash and the black ash 
trees are preferred by the insect. White ash is also killed rapidly, but usually 
only after green and black ash trees are eliminated. 

The emerald ash borer probably arrived in the U.S. on solid wood packing 
material carried in cargo ships or airplanes originating in its native Asia. 

Officials have been monitoring the spread of the borer since 2009. Front 
country infestations in the Smokies were confirmed in June 2012 at Sugar- 
lands Visitor Center and at the Greenbrier entrance to the park. An off-duty 
park employee discovered the backcountry in- 
festation on an administrative trail in the 
Greenbrier area on November 8. The 
employee noticed a pile of bark 
chips at the base of several ash 
trees. Signs of woodpecker activity on 
ash trees is an excellent indicator 

of an infestation. 

Paul Merten, a forest insect 
specialist from the USDA Forest 
Service in Asheville, North Car- 
olina, confirmed the presence of 
the borer at the site by looking 
under ash tree bark for feeding 
tunnels left by the immature beetle. "The in- 
festation is well established, probably two years 
old or older, " Merten said. 

Complete eradication of the ash borer is not cur- 
rently feasible, but park managers are developing a 
plan to maintain public safety and protect ash trees 
where possible. 

Although expensive, there are insecticides that are ef- 
fective for individual trees, but owners and managers 
should research products carefully. New remedies are being developed. 

TCV to Honor 
Special Friends 

T ennessee Conservation Vot- 
ers (TCV) will hold its an- 
nual fundraiser, “Nature 
Votes” at Waller law offices in 
downtown Nashville on February 
22. The party will provide a chance 
for elected officials and citizens to 
meet and enjoy local food, plus bev- 
erages, live music, and live and silent 
auctions. TCV will honor our “Leg- 
islative Friends” and discuss plans 
for the 2013 session. 

If you are interested in being a 
sponsor please contact me, Michelle 
Haynes, at 
or the TCV office (615-269-9090). 
Tickets can be purchased at the door. 
Also, check for updates at 

Our coalition of state conserva- 
tion groups, including TNPS, is ded- 
icated to educating voters and politi- 
cians, advocating for laws that 
protect the environment, and hold- 
ing legislators accountable. Despite a 
hostile, anti-regulatory legislative 
climate, our top accomplishments in- 
clude: getting dedicated funding into 
the budget on a recurring basis for 
preservation of wetlands, wilderness 
areas, and parks; working to develop 
responsible regulations on “frack- 
'ing”; and conducting an extensive 
grassroots and advertising campaign 
to end mountaintop removal mining 
that pushed the bill out of committee 
s and garnered public and legislative 
support. We also continued our ef- 
forts on bills related to solar energy, 
water quality, and land preservation. 

All of our resources are dedicated 
to educational and lobbying efforts, 
and we rely heavily on individual 

Thank you for letting me repre- 
sent TNPS on the TCV Policy 

Michelle Haynes 


Early Spring Orchids by Bart Jones 

T he earliest blooming of all our orchids is a rarely 
seen species, Listera australis , the southern tway- 
blade. The diminutive plants 
have two small oval leaves that are 
opposite each other about halfway up 
the stem which is where the common 
name twayblade is derived. The tiny 
flowers are dark purplish maroon and 
have an unusual forked lip like a 
snake’s tongue and the plant as a 
whole is easily overlooked. Currently 
it is only known from two counties 
in Tennessee, but one of those is 
Fayette, site of our March 30 field 
trip to see the population at Mineral 
Slough in Ghost River State Natural 
Area. Search low moist woods, often 
near creeks and small rivers, in late 
March for these charming plants. 

One of the showiest and most 
widespread species of early blooming 
orchids is Galearis spectabilis or 
showy orchis. It is commonly found 
in Middle and East Tennessee but 

also found in Chester and Decatur counties in West Ten- 
nessee. The plants consist of two glossy green leaves from 
which a flower spike of three to 10 flowers emerges. Each 
flower is composed of a purplish pink hood formed by 

the sepals and petals 
and a contrasting 
white spade-shaped 
lip which has a nectar 
spur projecting from 
it. This species can be 
found in moist, rich 
woods blooming in 
early to late April de- 
pending on elevation. 
Corallorhiza wiste- 

riana , or spring coralroot, is commonly found throughout 
the state in rich woodlands, but is very difficult to locate 
due to its unusual growth cycle. Being a 
saprophyte (living off rotting organic 
matter) the roots remain underground, 
often for several years, until they have 
acquired enough energy to support 
flowering. In early spring, those individ- 
uals will send up a purplish brown 

Showy orchis (Galearis spectabilis) 

Crane fly orchid (Tipularia discolor) 

flower spike 
with 10 to 20 
small flowers, 
the sepals and 
petals the same 
purplish color as the stem, with a white lip with small pur- 
ple spots. The common name results from the roots having 
an uncanny likeness to bleached coral. 

Spring is also a great time to search for two orchids that 
have overwintering leaves, Aplectrum hyemale or putty- 
root and Tipularia discolor or cranefly orchid, the most 
common orchid in the eastern U.S. Puttyroot’s leaves are 
large grayish green both top and bottom with white fi- 
brous veins, while cranefly orchid’s leaves are glossy green 
on top and rich purple beneath. Both species’ leaves wither 
by the end of April, so flag locations now. In May, 
puttyroot will send up flower spikes and cranefly 
orchid will flower in August. After the flowers 
fade, new leaves will emerge that will overwinter 
once again. 

Spring coralroot (Corallorhiza 

Bart Jones 


t its 2011 annual meeting, TNPS announced the 
creation of the Tennessee Botanists Hall of Fame 
to recognize both professional and amateur 
botanists who have made significant contributions to 
botany and to their particular disciplines. 

The four botanists named then were Andre Michaux, 
Augustine Gattinger, A.J. “Jack” Sharp, and Elsie Quar- 
terman. Dr. Quarterman was the only member of the 
group still living. 

At the annual meeting in September, Robert Krai, 
Vanderbilt University emeritus professor, was named to 
the hall of fame. His short biography here shows again 
the notable contributions being made by Tennesseans to 
the scientific field we love. 

Annual Meeting Success 

— Continued 

work and learn about neighboring wildflower enthusiasts. 

At Carson Springs in September, members were led on a 
hike from the Cosby Center in the Smokies up the Big 
Creek Trail to Mouse Creek Falls, about two miles above 
the trailhead. (See field trip description on next page.) 

Nominations for New Terms 

Another item of business brought before the membership 
was a slate of nominees, both officers and directors. The 
nominees, all to continue in their positions, are Bart Jones, 
president; Todd Crabtree, vice-president; Margie Hunter, 
secretary; and Darel Hess, treasurer; and Dennis Horn, 
Lorie Emens, and Larry Pounds, directors. Additional 
nominations will be accepted until January 7. If no addi- 
tional nominations are received, the nominees above will 
be installed. 

David Haskell , left , Jamie Donaldson , and Dennis Horn 
discuss their biological perspectives, during the TNPS an- 
nual meeting in September. 

Vanderbilt s Robert Krai 
Fifth Member of TNPS 
Hall of Fame 

R obert Krai grew up on a dairy farm in Iowa and be- 
came inspired by his father's large library of Luther 
Burbank's writings. After studying forestry and 
serving in World War II and Korea, he continued his edu- 
cation at Florida State University, where he earned his doc- 
torate. He then began teaching and would eventually settle 
in 1965 at Vanderbilt University to teach for the next 30 

He has contributed to the botanical literature to the tune 
of over one hundred papers and two books. A two-volume 
tome with detailed information on rare plants of the 
Southeast amounts to over 1,000 pages. He even con- 
tributed illustrations for those volumes. 

While producing those documents he was diligently 
fleshing out the intricate details of botany in the southeast- 
ern United States. He was also fulfilling his duty teaching 
at Vanderbilt University and curating a growing collection 
of plant specimens. 

Along the way he became the recognized authority on 
the genus Xyris and has discovered several new species in 
that group. He even discovered a new species of Xyris in 
Tennessee, Xyris tennesseensis. 

His contributions to ongoing projects is significant. His 
work on difficult groups, like sedges, for the Flora of 
North America project is proof of his extensive knowledge. 
Other botanists think so highly of Dr. Krai that they have 
named new species in his honor. The latest of these was 
just described by Dr. Dwayne Estes. Penstemon kralii is 
found in areas of limestone outcrop soils on the southern 
Cumberland Plateau. 

His influence also extends to the northern end of the 
plateau where the species that he and Dr. Eugene Wofford 
of UT described resides. The Cumberland sandwort, Min- 
uartia cumberlandensis, is found in sandstone rock houses 
near the Tennessee/Kentucky border. 

In the decade or so since he retired from teaching at 
Vanderbilt Dr. Krai has continued to curate the treasure 
trove of specimens he accumulated during his long career. 

These specimens, which were collected by Dr. Krai and 
numerous other botanists, are now housed in a facility in 
Texas. That's a long commute from south Georgia, where 
he now resides, and just one example of the dedication that 
has made this man one of the giants of botany in Tennessee 
and beyond. 

Todd Crabtree 



Big Creek, Great Smoky Mountains National Park 
September 15, 2012 

O ur field trip for the annual meeting took us 
along Big Creek just across the state line in 
North Carolina. The trail is wide and stays 
close to the creek. The sound of water making its way over 
and between the cobbles and boulders was always near, 
varying with the cascades and riffles along the way. 

One of the first 
plants to catch our at- 
tention was pale jewel 
weed ( Impdtiens 
cdpensis). There were 
just a few flowers, but 
quite a few fruits 
were poised to spring 
open and fling seeds 
away from the parent 
plant. It takes some 
experience to discern 
which fruits are at the 
peak of pressure and 
will explode at the 
slightest touch. If you 
choose wisely the re- 
ward is a tiny burst of 
seeds and elaters that 
is almost impossible 
for the human eye to 

Another interesting 
plant we observed 
was American spikenard (. Aralia racemosa). It had numer- 
ous dark crimson fruits which looked like a frozen explo- 
sion of spherical rubies. 

Further on, between the creek and the trail we discov- 
ered a patch of fumitory (Adlumid fungosa). This species is 

Pink turtlehead (Chelone lyonii) 

listed as rare in Tennessee and grows in the mountains. It is 
usually associated with rocky openings near creeks or on 
steep slopes. The plants we saw were climbing over rocks 
and into a thicket of rhododendron. 

At several spots on the banks of the creek were small 
colonies of cutleaf coneflower ( Rudbeckia laciniata). The 
bright yellow flowers on some of the plants were above 
our heads. A small rivulet that crossed the trail harbored a 
few pink turtleheads (Chelone lyonii). We stopped at our 
destination for a restful lunch across the creek from an ele- 
gant waterfall. 

About half of the group took a slight detour on the way 
back to our lodgings to see a rare parasitic shrub. Pirate 
bush (Buckleyd distich ophy lid) is parasitic on evergreen 
trees, and in Tennessee it prefers hemlock (Tsugd cdndden- 

Todd Crdhtree 

Rock Island Fall Hike 
Sept. 22, 2012 

T he beginning of autumn coincided with our return 
to Rock Island State Park to continue the survey of 
plants in the park. We met again at the market in 
beautiful downtown Rock Island. Those on the hike in- 
cluded Janie Finch, Bill Taber, Donna Ward and friend 
Linda Quinn, Louise Gregory, Darel and Gail Hess, B.C. 
Hudson, and Dennis and Sherry Horn. 

We again headed to the Twin Falls parking area to begin 
our hike on the Downstream Trail. This trail has the great- 
est variety of plants, and the views along the Caney Fork 
River are ever changing. The water flow was the highest I 
had seen at Rock Island, likely caused by the 4- to 5-inch 
rainfall in the area the Monday before. Kayakers were hav- 
ing a great time. 

All of the participants were knowledgeable of and inter- 
ested in the plants we observed along the trail. All together 
we added 89 species to our earlier list of plants for this 
trail, and as a result lunch was significantly delayed. We 
finished the trail at 2:30 pm, about and hour-and-a-half 
later than intended. 

Plants found on this trail included white crownbeard 
( Verhesind virginicd), yellow leaf cup ( Smdlldnthus uveddl- 
ius ), white-flowered leaf cup (Polymnid cdnddensis ), pink 
thoroughwort ( Fleischmdnnid incdrndtd ), downy lobelia 
(Lohelid puberuld), wild sensitive plant ( Chdmdecristd nic- 
titdns ), cupseed (Cdlycocdrpum lyonii ), tall rattlesnake root 
(Prendnthes dltissimd ), short-pappus goldenrod (Soliddgo 
sphdceldtd ), and of course many others. Darel was able to 
determine this goldenrod by observing the short pappus 
surrounding each disk floret with a hand lens. 

Lunch at the Rock Island Market is always great. I en- 
joyed a barbecue plate and coconut cream pie. After lunch 

Spikendrd (Aralia racemosa) 



we had only an hour to explore upstream of the falls along 
the trail that follows the base of the high bluff. By now the 
group was down to five, and we were joined by Janie’s hus- 
band Ric. We found rigid goldenrod (Solidago rigida ), late 
purple aster (Aster patens), lesser calamint (Calamintha 
nepeta ), and axilflower (Mecardonia acuminata). The water 
was too high in the river to explore the rocky streamside 
vegetation, so we decided to conclude our hike for the day. 

A species list for Rock Island State Park has now been 
compiled from the plants observed during the two TNPS 
field trips this year. Also included were species recorded 
during other hikes in 201 1 and from an initial list obtained 
from the park naturalist. The final list has been forwarded 
to the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conser- 
vation to be included in their plant data base. 

Dennis Horn 

Walls of Jericho 
October 20, 2012 

T he area surrounding Walls of Jericho State 
Natural Area contains some very rare 
plants, and on our trip we saw a few of 
these. During our steep descent towards 
Hurricane Creek we encountered two 
rare plants that are closely associated 
with forests and woodlands on limestone v 

soils. U 

Ear-leaved goldenrod ( Solidago auriculata) ( see 
sketch) is at the northern limit of its range in Tennessee but 
it is not difficult to find in this area. The leaf is so distinc- 
tive that it is easy to identify even if the plant isn't flower- 
ing. Cumberland rosinweed ( Silpbium hrachiatum) is re- 
stricted to the southern plateau and is found sporadically 
on south- and west-facing slopes. It too has a distinctive 
leaf shape that makes recognition possible without flowers. 
Most plants are seen without flowers. Only at the edges of 
gladey openings in the forest and artificial breaks in the 
canopy, like trails and roads, does it flower profusely. It 
can reach heights of eight to ten feet. For such a large 
plant, it has very small yellow inflorescences. 

Limerock arrow wood (Viburnum hracteatum ) sticks 
closer to streams than the two previously mentioned 
species. It has a heart-shaped leaves, and in the fall they 
turn a deep burgundy or sometimes a dull yellow color. As 
the trail was pushed between the stream and the steep 
slope above, we began to see the arrow wood. In the spring 
these streamside plants are weighted down by the large 
white tresses of flowers. 

We saw witch hazel flowering on the creek banks. The 

yellow flowers have long thin strap-like petals, and they 
attract a moth that is active in the winter. When most 
plants are closing up shop for the winter, witch hazel has 
made a bargain to open for the moth in exchange for the 
service of pollination. 

In the fall photosynthetic processes are shut down and 
chlorophyll is reduced in the leaves of deciduous plants. 
This recession of green reveals other pigments in the leaves 
and produces a varied arrangement of colors in the forest. 
Some leaves are falling from the trees as others are just be- 
gining to change colors. 

The curtain of leaves that obscures the high lime- 
stone walls in the deepest part of Turkey Creek 
cove in the summer had fallen so 
that we could see this dramatic 
feature. Two log bridges and a 
rock hop across Turkey Creek 
brought us into the wide lime- 
stone amphitheater where the 
creek emerges from one of the walls. 
Like many other creeks on the 

southern part of the Cumber- 
land plateau, this creek 
dives in and out of the 
ground. This emergence 
is one of the most dra- 

The enormous bowl of limestone 
with water shooting out of one side 
produces varied reactions in the people 
who visit it. Children usually climb, 
yell and look up and around with amazement. Adults take 
in the view and eventually sit down with a look of awe, 
reverence, and appreciation. In part, this could be due to 
the long steep hike in to the walls. 

We retraced our steps back out of the cove, climbing the 
slope that will awaken in the spring with numerous 
ephemeral wildflowers. 

Todd Crabtree 

Here’s a new web resource that you might 
enjoy: a blog that’s written by Sewanee Herbarium 
staffers, including TNPS members Yolande Gottfried 
and Mary Priestley. Featuring Plant of the Day articles, 
news of upcoming and recent events, and other stories, 
the blog should be of interest to those who enjoy 
keeping up with botanical goings-on on the plateau. 

This time of year, when we can’t get out as often as 
we might like, a little armchair botanizing might be 
just the ticket. The blog is located at http://sewanee- Or google Sewanee 
Herbarium blog, and it will pop up. 

Tennessee Native Plant Society December 2012 

TNPS Website and Facebook Pages 

— continued 

through links to other websites. 

• A shop for purchasing the TNPS Official Field 
Guide or other TNPS merchandise such as t-shirts, 
mugs, and calendars. 

• A link to TNPS on Facebook; however, you must 
be a Facebook member for access. 

In the future we will add our 2013 field trips and 
newsletters as they are published. New field trip photos 
of both people and plants (please identify them) will be 
included as space allows. Just send them to or use the webmaster email link at 
the bottom of each web page. If you encounter errors or 
glitches on the website, again please email the webmas- 

Maryland Native Plant Society, a former high 
school science teacher and teacher of teachers, author, 
and owner of Ripples-on- Water Websites. 

Webmaster Karen Ripple is a new member of TNPS 
and a new resident of Tennessee, a past member of the 

Dentaria multifida 

Photo by Darel Hess 

Check Your Dues Date? 

Check your mailing label — the year through which you have paid dues is printed at the top. If the date’s 2012 or 2011, 
please send a check promptly to Darel Hess, our treasurer. TNPS, P.O. Box 159274, Nashville, TN 37215. 

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