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Sef United Nations S¥ RESTRICTED 
j /\G.20/INF. 
ES MIrOmt ment nen ie 
ae ramme Original: ENGLISH 

Intergovernmental Meeting on 
Mediterranean Specially 
Protected Areas 

Athens, 13-17 October 1980 

Threatened Mammals of the Mediterranean 


Fg im 

World Corservaion Monitoring Centra 



prepared by Jane Thornback 

Internattonal Unton for Conservatton of Nature and Natural Resources 


Sup" ey Con ay 1) 

Fi NAR R aoe 

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= Lutra lutra 
= Genetta genetta 
- Phocoena phocoena 7 

= Balenaoptera physalus 

- Cants Lupus Ul 
- Felts pardtna 14 
- Monachus monachus WL 
- Cervus elaphus barbarus 1 
- Cervus elaphus corstcanus es) 
= Ovts ammon mustmon 8 
- Gapra aegagrus oe 

- Hystrtx ertstata 5 

Digitized by the Internet Archive 
in 2010 with funding from 
UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge 

page l 


The first and most important comment to be made about the mammal data 
contained in this report is that it is very, very preliminary, and can 
in no way be regarded as the definitive word on the subject. It is 
more an indicator of the lack of data on file, which in many cases 
reflects the lack of data in existence. This is the most important 
message of the report - how little we know about the status of mammals 
in the Mediterranean Basin. Of course there are exceptions, for 
instance the Corsican Red Deer and the Mediterranean Mouflon. 

The data included in this report were based on the IUCN Red Data Book* 
and the Council of Europe's publication on threatened mammals** , 

with the premise that only the Mediterranean Sea and coastal areas are 
to be covered. These were complemented and updated by library research 
and correspondance with as many contacts in the region as could be 

Of the 12 species listed, only one is unquestionably a full species, 

the distribution of which centers on the Mediterranean Basis and also 

is highly endangered with extinction — the Mediterranean Monk Seal 

(Monachus monachus). It numbers as few as 500-100 individuals and is highly 
sensitive to human disturbance. Its survival or extinction is largely dependent on 

tne actions of the Mediterranean countries. They can choose to save it, 
or let it slide into the oblivion of extinction. The Pardel lynx 

(Lynx pardina) is also endangered and possibly a full species endemic to 
the region. However many authors consider it to be a subspecies of the 
lynx (Lynx lynx), Three other taxa are endangered - the Corsican Red Deer 
Cervus elaphus corsicanus), the Barbary Deer (Cervus elaphus barbarus) 
and the Mediterranean Mouflon (Ovis ammon musimon). The full species of 
Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) is not threatened, although many of its 
subspecies are; similarly the Mouflon (Ovis ammon), however the taxonomy 
of all the Palaearctic sheep is as yet undecided, which therefore clouds 
the status issue. Of the seven remaining taxa, data is so scant that 

*TUCN Red Data Book, Mammalia 

** Smit, C.J. and Wijngaarden, A. van 1976. Threatened Mammals in 
Europe. Council of Europe Nature and Environment Series No. 10. Strasbourg 



page 2 

their status can only be described as 'Insufficiently Known' i.e. possibly 
threatened but too little data available to decide. With regard to the 
Wild Goat (Capra aegagrus), it is even impossible to say whether any truly 
wild populations still exist. The Cretan goat is considered the closest 
to the truly wild state but some authors report that even this has bred 
with domestic and feral goats in the past. 

The main threat facing all the mammals of this region is undoubtedly the 
increase in the human population, its expansion into previously remote 
and undisturbed areas and its increased impact on the environment — 
building, draining, ploughing, chopping, polluting, - and of particular 
relevance to this report - tourism. 

However, despite the overwhelming threats, some countries have already 

taken action to conserve their animals. For example, the Corsican Red 

Deer (Cervus elaphus corsicanus) is the subject of a conservation project 

begun in 1979 after the completion of several years' field studies. The 

plan includes not only the sustained management of the population in 

Sardinia but also the reintroduction of the animal to Corsica where it 

became extinct at the beginning of the 1970s. The Monk Seal (Monachus 

monachus) is also the subject of an extensive conservation plan. An international 
conference to discuss its problems and plan a strategy of recovery was 

held in Rhodes, Greece in May 1978. 

To conduct a programme for the conservation of mammals in the Mediterranean 
Basin, the following are needed: 

‘1) A checklist of all the mammals that occur in the region should be 

2) It must be determined what is already known about the status of each 
of these species. 

3) Field studies should be undertaken to supply information that is not 
already known, and should indicate which species are truly 
threatened. This information could be published as National Red Data 

4) Conservation plans should then be drawn up for each threatened 
species, and should be given adequate financial support by both 
national and international organisations so as to ensure success. 
Undoubtedly the major component of any plan will be the establishment 
of national parks and protected areas. However, in the long term, 
the survival of species will depend on people's desire to have them 
around, and hence to appreciate their worth - be it scientific, 
aesthetic or economic and this can only depend on environmental 
education programmes. 

Any information about species, or the names and addresses of contacts 
would be greatly appreciated and should be sent to: 

Jane Thornback 

Compiler IUCN Mammal Red Data Book 
219(c) Huntingdon Road 

Cambridge CB3 ODL 



page 3 
Lutra lutra lutra (Linnaeus, 1758) 


Mediterranean Area: Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia, probably 
Albania, Turkey, the Middle East as far as Israel, and in northwest Africa - 

Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia (1;4;5;6). 

Outside the Mediterranean Area: Europe including the British Isles, Asia Minor, 

and medium latitudes of Siberia (1;5). 


HABITAT Aquatic: lakes, rivers, streams, marshes and sea shores. Optimal 
habitat is one which provides a good supply of easily caught fish and 

undisturbed cover for resting and breeding (2;3). 

THREATS Habitat loss due to drainage of lakes and marshes, clearance of 
bankside vegetation, concentration of human settlements along river, lake and 
sea shores and pollution by industrial and agricultural wastes. Hunting for 

its fur. General human disturbance (4). 

CONSERVATION MEASURES TAKEN The species as a whole is listed in Appendix 1 of 
the 1973 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna 
and Flora, trade in it or its products between acceding nations thus being 
subject to severe restriction, trade for primarily commercial purposes banned. 
Protected by law in Spain, France, Italy and Israel. Protective measures 

elsewhere unknown. 

page 4 

CONSERVATION MEASURES PROPOSED Legal protection where necessary. Protection 

of habitat by establishment of reserves. 

REFERENCES 1. Ellerman, J.R. and Morrison-Scott, T.C.S. 1951. Checklist of 

Palaearctic and Indian Mammals. 1758-1946. British Museum 

(Natural History), London. 

2. Erlinge, S. 1967. Food habits of the fish-otter, Lutra lutra 

L., in South Swedish habitats. Viltrevy 4: 371-443. 

3. King, A., Ottoway, J. and Potter, A. 1976. The Declining 
Otter. A Guide to its Conservation. Friends of the Earth 

Otter Campaign. 

4. Smit, C.J. and van Wijngaarden, A. 1976. Threatened Mammals 
in Europe. Nature and Environment Series No. 10. European 
Committee for the Conservation of Nature and Natural 

Resources, Council of Europe. 

5. Corbet, G.B. 1978. The Mammals of the Palaearctic Region. 
British Museum (Natural History) and Cornell University Press. 

London and Ithaca. 

6. Clarke, J.E. 1977. A Preliminary List of Jordan's Mammals. 

The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature, Amman. 


page 5 
Genetta genetta Linnaeus, 1758 


Mediterranean Area: France, Spain, Majorca, Palestine and N. Africa from 
Morocco to Cyrenaica in Libya (3), and possibly Egypt (6). Other authors 

include Ibiza and Menorca (1;4;5;6). 

Outside the Mediterranean Area: Africa, in savanna zones south of the 

Sahara (3). 

POPULATION Unknown. Never occurs at high density, and is normally 


HABITAT Mainly rocky, wooded areas (1;2) with streams (1;4); ravine sides, 

mountain woods, steep river banks (4). 

THREATS Persecuted as a pest of game birds and poultry (2). In France 
several hundred are killed each year (6). Their winter pelt,in particular, 

is highly esteemed (6). 

CONSERVATION MEASURES TAKEN Fully protected in France but not on the 

Iberian peninsula (2). Legal status elsewhere unknown. 

CONSERVATION MEASURES PROPOSED Much more information is needed on the status 

of this species. Smit and Wijngaarden state that protection is needed in 

Spain (2). 


page 6 



Van den Brink, F.H. 1967. A Field Guide to the Mammals of 

Britain and Europe. Collins, London. 

Smit, C.J. and Wijngaarden, A. van. 1976. Threatened 
Mammals in Europe. Nature and Environment Series No. 10. 

Council of Europe, Strasbourg. 

Corbet, G.B. 1978. The Mammals of the Palaearctic Region. 
British Museum (Natural History) and Cornell University Press. 

London and Ithaca. 

Hainard, R. 1949. Les Mammiferes sauvages d'Europe. 

Delachaux and Niestle, Neuchatel and Paris. 

Ellerman, J.R. and Morrison-Scott, T.C.S. i951. Checklist 

of Palaearctic and Indian Mammals 1758 to 1946. British 

Museum (Nat. Hist.) , London. 

Schauenberg, P. 1966. La Genette vulgaire (Genetta genetta, 
L.). Repartition géographique en Europe. Mammalia 30 (3): 

S39 Gre 


page 7 
Phocoena phocoena Linnaeus, 1758 


Mediterranean Area: Status uncertain. Believed to occur in the Mediterranean 
but data sporadic. Absent from French waters and only one stranding record 
(Gibraltar area pre-1914) in Spanish waters, though said to be common there. 
Reported to be uncommon on Moroccan coasts and in Italian waters. Reported 

from Greek waters but there is apparently no specific record (1). 

Outside the Mediterranean Area: Arctic, North Atlantic Oceans and North 
Pacific.Also in Black and Azov Seas (which is believed to be a separate population 

from the Mediterranean) (3;4). 

HABITAT Coastal zones, avoiding the open sea and frequently enters rivers (2). 

THREATS As a coastal species it is exposed to pollution and disturbance (2). 

CONSERVATION MEASURES TAKEN Listed in Appendix 2 of the 1973 Convention on 
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, trade in it 
between acceding nations being therefore subject to regulation and monitoring 

of its effects. Reported to be protected by law in Italy, France and Turkey 


CONSERVATION MEASURES PROPOSED Legal protection and enforcement. Regulations 

on marine pollution. 


page 8 



. * 
Brown, S. (Sea Mammal Research Unit). February 1980, pers. 


Smit, C.J. and Wijngaarden, A. van 1976. Threatened Mammals 

in Europe. Nature and Environment Series No. 10. Council of 

Europe, Strasbourg. 

Mitchell, E. 1975. Porpoise, Dolphin and Small Whale 

Fisheries of the World. IUCN Monograph No. 3. 

Gaskin, D.E., Arnold, D. and Blair, B.A. 1974. Phocoena 

phocoena. Mamm. Spec. 42: 1-8. 

* Sea Mammal Research Unit 
British Antarctic Survey 
Madingley Road 
Cambridge CB3 OET 
United Kingdom 

UNEP/IG.20/INF. 8 

page 9 
Balaenoptera physalus Linnaeus, 1758 


Mediterranean Area: Regarded by some authorities as the most common fin whale 
in the region. Reported more frequently in the western half than the 
eastern half and this probably indicates the real density of distribution 
but it may also reflect better reporting in the western half. In the 1920s 
the whaling station at Getares (near Gibraltar) caught fin whales throughout 
the year and it has been suggested that this area was a breeding ground in 
the winter months and a feeding ground in the summer months. Fin whales are 
reported to occur frequently in the Ligurian Sea off northern Italy, and 
recent strandings in this region are concentrated in September. It is 
uncertain whether fin whales in the Mediterranean belong partly or wholly to 
a separate stock from those in the North Atlantic, and also whether some or 
all of them migrate annually into or out of Mediterranean. Iodine values for 
oil from the animals taken at Getares suggested that they were separate from 

fin whales taken elsewhere in the North Atlantic (1). 

Outside the Mediterranean Area: Reported from all the oceans of the world; 

does not however penetrate the warmer latitudes (4). 
HABITAT As plankton feeding animals, fin whales tend to change their 
distribution in latitude and longitude in keeping with shifts in food supplies. 

(2; 4),. 

THREATS The Mediterranean population is in some danger from pollution (2;4). 

page 10 

Heavy metal ions from waste dumped by industrial plant barges pollute the 
waters around Corsica. These waters are rich in euphausiids and fin whales 
following these become contaminated and either die or become debilitated 
and hence more susceptible to being struck by the increasingly large numbers 
of boats in the area (3;4). Reason for decline throughout its range was 

excessive whaling (4). 

CONSERVATION MEASURES TAKEN The Mediterranean stock is listed in Appendix 1 
of the 1973 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild 
Fauna and Flora, any trade in it or its products therefore being subject to 
strict regulation by ratifying nations and trade for primarily commerical 
purposes banned. Protected by the IWC (4). WWF-Italy has a project to 

census sightings and stranded animals. 

CONSERVATION MEASURES PROPOSED Prevention of marine pollution. Full 

protection against whaling. 

REFERENCES 1. Brown, S. February 1980, pers. comm. 

2. Jonsgaard, A. 1966. Biology of the North Atlantic Fin Whale, 
Balaenoptera physalus (L). Taxonomy, distribution, migration 

and food. Hvalradets skrifter. 49. 

3. Viale, D. 1976. Etude des Cetaces en Mediterranee Occidentale. 

FAO Report ACMRR/MM/SC/122. 

4. Nature Conservancy Council. 1979. Proposals concerning the 
Cetacea. Second Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to 
the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of 
Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), San Jose (Costa Rica) March 1979. 

Published by the Nature Conservancy Council, London. 

page ll 

Canis lupus Linnaeus, 1758 



Mediterranean Area: Spain, Italy, Yugoslavia, Greece (possibly Albania), 

Turkey, and the Middle East as far as the Sinai (1). 

Outside the Mediterranean Area: Fennoscandia; across Russia to the Pacific 
; fe) ‘ 
and south to approximately 20 N latitude. Also North America south to 

northern Mexico (1;2;3). 

POPULATION Total numbers unknown. 

Spain: endangered (2). 

Italy: endangered, about 100-150 (2;5). 

Yugoslavia, Greece and Turkey: viable populations (2). 
Jordan: much rarer than formerly (8). 

Israel: over 200 and increasing (7). 

No data located for Albania, Syria, Lebanon or Egypt (Sinai). 

HABITAT Occurs in most northern latitude habitats - from forest to open 

plains (1;2;3). 

THREATS Exterminated over large areas due to habitat loss to human settlement, 
agriculture, etc. Also persecuted because of stock depredations, and a 

generally unfounded fear of attacks on humans (2; 34; 6). 

CONSERVATION MEASURES TAKEN Listed in Appendix 2 of the 1973 Convention on 

page 12 

International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, trade in it 
between acceding nations being subject to regulation and monitoring of its 
effects. Totally protected in Italy (5) Israel (7), two Yugoslavian republics 
(6), and in Spain receives partial protection (6). In Italy the species has 

been the subject of a WWF research and conservation programme (5). 

CONSERVATION MEASURES PROPOSED The Wolf Specialist Group of IUCN's Survival 

Service Commission, in Stockholm in September 1973, made recommendations for 
wolf conservation that include the following: 1) Full protection should be 
accorded to surviving populations that are endangered regionally, nationally, 
or internationally; 2) Each country should define areas suitable for the 
existence of wolves and enact suitable legislation to perpetuate the 
population or to facilitate reintroductions; 3) In wolf management programmes, 
the use of poisons, bounty systems and sport hunting using mechanised vehicles 
should be prohibited; 4) Consideration should be given to payment of 
compensation for damage caused by wolves; 5) Suitable wolf habitats should be 
restored, including the reintroduction of large herbivores; 6) Extensive 
economic development should be excluded from designated wolf conservation 
areas; 7) National legislation should be enacted to require the registration 
of each wolf killed. Additional recommendations were made on the need for 
conventional and adult education, scientific research and international 

co-operation in research and management (2). 

REFERENCES 1. Corbet, G.B. 1978. The Mammals of the Palaearctic Region. 

British Museum (Natural History) and Cornell University Press. 

London and Ithaca. 

2. Pimlott, D.H. (ed.). 1975. Wolves. Proceedings of the First 
Working Meeting of Wolf Specialists and of the First 

International Conference on Conservation of the Wolf, 5-6 

UNEP/IG. 20/INF.8 

page 13 

Sept. 1973, Stockholm. IUCN Supplementary Paper No. 43. 

Mech, L.D. 1970. The Wolf. Natural History Press. Garden 

City, N.Y. 

Mech, L.D. Canis lupus. Am. Soc. Mammalogists Mammalian 

Species 37: 1-6. 

Boitani, L. 1980. Wolf Conservation in Areas of Intensive 
Land-Use in Italy. Proceedings of a Wolf Symposium, 

Edinburgh, April 1978. In Press. 

Smit, C.J. and Wijngaarden, A. van. 1976. Threatened 
Mammals in Europe. Nature and Environment Series No. 10. 

Council of Europe, Strasbourg. 

Yoffe, A. February 1980, pers. comm. 

Clarke, J.E. 1977. A Preliminary List of Jordan's Mammals. 

Unpublished Ms. The Royal Society for the Conservation of 

Nature, Amman. 

page 14 

Felis pardina (Temminck, 1824) 



Mediterranean Area: Spain, where it is now confined to isolated, mainly 

mountainous areas in central and southern regions (1;4;5). 

Outside the Mediterranean Area: Portugal (3; 8). 

POPULATION About 1000. In recent years has disappeared from large areas of 
Salamanca, Avila, CAceres, Badajoz and Toledo; largest concentrations are 
approximately 600 in the Montes de Toledo area and about 300 in the Sierra 

Morena area (4). 
HABITAT Thicket which is not too dense, eg has scattered rocks or trees. 

THREATS Decline due to habitat loss, myxomatosis affecting its principal prey, 
the rabbit, and incidental killing in traps set for rabbits and other game, and 
during big and small game hunts (2;4;7). Major threat throughout the Iberian 

peninsula is now habitat destruction by large-scale reforestation, particularly 

with eucalyptus and pines (6). 

CONSERVATION MEASURES TAKEN Listed in Appendix 2 of the 1973 Convention on 

International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, trade in it 
between acceding nations being therefore subject to regulation and monitoring 
of its effects. Protected by law in Spain and in 1968 the Spanish Government 

accepted ‘ultimate responsibility’ for the conservation of the species. Occurs 

page 15 

‘ ~ : ; f 
in the Donana National Park and also in Las Batuencas National Hunting 

Reserve (5). 


CONSERVATION MEASURES PROPOSED Stricter control of forest planting in lynx 

habitat and prohibition of traps, snares and poisons in lynx localities. 

REMARKS The Pardel Lynx is regarded by some authorities as a subspecies of 
Felis lynx (3;8), and both are also sometimes separated at generic level under 

the name Lynx. 
REFERENCES 1. Delibes, M. 1977, pers. comm. 
2. Delibes, M., Palacios, F., Garzon, J. and Castroviejo, J. 
1975. Notes sur l'alimentation et la biologie du Lynx 
pardelle, Lynx pardina (Temminck, 1824) en Espagne. 
Mammalia 39 (3): 387-393. 
3. Ellerman, J.R. and Morrison-Scott, T.C.S. 1951. Checklist 
of Palaearctic and Indian Mammals 1758 to 1946. British 

Museum (Natural History), London. 

4. Garzon, J. 1973. Present status of the Mediterranean Lynx 
in Iberia. II Coloquio Espanol de Mastozoologia, Leon, 
13-15th December 1973. 

5. Garzon, J. 1978, pers. comm. 

6. Palma, L. 1978, pers. comm. 

7. Valverde, J.A. 1963. Informacion sobre al lince en Espana. 

page 16 

Boletin No. 1 del Servicio Nacional de Pesca Fluvial y Caza. 


8. Corbet, G.B. 1978. The Mammals of the Palaearctic Region. 

British Museum (Natural History) and Cornell University 

Press. London and Ithaca. 


page 17 
Monachus monachus’ (Hermann, 1779) 


Mediterranean Area: Mediterranean Sea, three centres of concentration i) Aegean 
Sea ii) north African coasts of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya iii) the 
eastern Mediterranean along the coasts of south-central Turkey, Cyprus and 

Lebanon (23 7). 

Outside the Mediterranean Area: In the Atlantic off northwest Africa and in the 

Black Sea along Turkish and Bulgarian coasts (3 78 Os 

POPULATION 500-1000 and steadily declining towards extinction (2; 6; 7). 

Greatest numbers occur in the eastern Aegean Sea (2; 7). 

HABITAT Archipelagos, especially with small islands, often uninhabitable by 

man because of water shortage; and cliffbound mainland coastlines. Habitat 
therefore tends to be rocky coasts or cliffs enclosing small sand or pebble 
beaches for resting, and caves with entrances above or below water (2), Reports 
from classical to modern times suggest the seal once frequented sandy coastlines 
and islands and most authorities consider its present liking for caves the 

result of persecution and disturbance by man (1; 2). 

THREATS Loss of undisturbed habitat. Human disturbance e.g. tourism, increased 
urbanisation of the coast, fishing (by nets, harpoons and the use of 
organochlorides) now prevails throughout much of the seal's range and leaves few 

undisturbed areas for the species to feed and breed. Scientists believe that 

page 18 

insufficient recruitment to the population rather than increased mortality is 
causing the continual decline in numbers. Disturbance forces the seals to 
abandon former habitats and is thought to be seriously reducing the 

reproductive rate through abortions and severance of the maternal bond. The 
effect of marine pollution is unknown but toxic chemicals may have a detrimental 
influence, and oil is known to enter caves. Increasing isolation of seal 

groups causes concern for the future (1; 2; 3; 7). 

CONSERVATION MEASURES TAKEN The species is listed in Appendix 1 of the 1973 
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and 
Flora, any trade in it or its products therefore being subject to strict 
regulation by ratifying nations and trade for primarily commerical purposes 
banned. Also listed in Class A of the 1969 African Convention, which means 
it may only be hunted or collected in the national interest or for scientific 
purposes with the permission of the highest competent authority. Protected 
by law in Algeria, Yugoslavia, Italy, France, Spain and Portugal. Not 
protected by law in Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey or Greece. Legal 
status in other countries unknown (6). A protection area for the Monk seal 
has been established around the Isle of Montecristo, Italy (9 ), and the Banc 
d'Arguin National Park in Mauritania has been inaugurated. The WWF has 
launched a conservation project to conserve the species in the Mediterranean 
generally (4). A conference on its biology, ecology and conservation was 
held on Rhodes, Greece, in May 1978; the Proceedings were published 
in 1979 and provide a thorough account of the present knowledge of this seal 


CONSERVATION MEASURES PROPOSED Legal protection in all countries of its past 
and present distribution. Effective protection especially necessary in 
Algeria, Greece, Mauritania and Turkey, where major surviving stocks are 

located. Establishment of national programmes for monk seal conservation 

UNEP/IG. 20/INF.8 
page 19 
suggested (7), Most important is the establishment of a network of reserves, 
which must be totally free of disturbance at all seasons, chiefly to 

guarantee reproduction @s 7) 

REFERENCES 1. Bareham, J.R. and Fureddu, A. 1975. Observations on the Use 
of Grottos by Mediterranean Monk Seals. J. Zool. Lond. 175: 


2. Sergeant, D., Ronald, K., Boulva, J. and Berkes, F. 1978. 
The Recent Status of Monachus monachus, the Mediterranean 
monk seal. Working Paper No. 1. First International 
Conference on the Mediterranean Monk Seal. (UNEP Technical 

Series Vol. 1. 1979). 

3. Smit, C.J. and Wijngaarden, A. van. 1976. Threatened Mammals 
in Europe. Nature and Environment Series No. 10, Council of 

Europe, Strasbourg. 

4. World Wildlife Fund Project 1118. Morges. 

5. Ronald, K. and Duguy, R. (eds.) 1979. The Mediterranean Monk 
Seal. Proceedings of the First International Conference. 
Rhodes, Greece, 2-5 May 1978. UNEP Technical Series, Volume 

1. Pergamon Press. 

6. Ronald, K. and Duguy, R. (eds.). 1979. Summary Report.In the 
Mediterranean Monk Seal. Proceedings of the First International 

Conference. Rhodes, Greece, 2-5 May 1978. UNEP Technical 

Series, Volume 1. Pergamon Press. 


page 20 

Ronald, K. and Duguy, R. (eds.). 1979. Plan of Action for 

the Conservation of the Monk Seal (Monachus monachus). In 

The Mediterranean Monk Seal. Proceedings of the First 
International Conference. Rhodes, Greece, 2-5 May 1978. 

UNEP Technical Series, Volume 1. Pergamon Press. 

Berkes, F., Anat, H., Esenel, M. and Kislalioglu, M. 1979. 
Distribution and Ecology of Monachus monachus on Turkish 
Coasts. In The Mediterranean Monk Seal. Proceedings of the 
First International Conference. Rhodes, Greece, 2-5 May 1978. 

UNEP Technical Series, Volume 1. Pergamon Press. 

Anon. 1979. Italy. Council of Europe Newsletter No. 79 - 5. 

Bo is 


page 21 
Cervus elaphus barbarus (Bennett, 1833) 


Mediterranean Area: Algerian and Tunisian border area from the coast to a 

little way inland (1;8;9;11;12;14). 

Outside the Mediterranean Area: None. 

POPULATION Almost certainly less than 1000, and possibly less than 500 

(S511; 22; 14). 

HABITAT Cork-oak, pine, cedar and timber-oak forests (3;11). 

THREATS) Poaching ((5i71/3);'1'5)) - 

CONSERVATION MEASURES TAKEN Included in Class A of the African Convention (1969) 

i.e. it may be hunted or collected only on the authorization of the highest 
competent authority, if required in the national interest or for scientific 
purposes. Legally protected against hunting and trade in both Algeria and 
Tunisia but there has been insufficient enforcement in the past (9;11). In 1966 
several deer crossed over the border from Algeria to Tunisia because of severe 
persecution in Algeria. The Tunisian Forest Service, helped by the German- 
Tunisian Society, fenced a large area of forest at El Feidja, near Ghardimaou, 
and a number of deer were driven into it (8;15). In 1972 Meyer reported that 

hunting in the reserve was forbidden and a warden had been stationed in the 


page 22 

reserve (10). Since then deer numbers in the enclosures have increased (9). 
A small enclosure was also set up at Ain Bacouch near Tabarka (8). In 
Algeria, deer occur in the D.R.S. Parc de Seraida near Annaba (6;7), and in 

El Ouach (2,000 ha.) a fenced area in the Beni-Salah Forest (ll). 

CONSERVATION MEASURES PROPOSED Needs good protection against poaching and 
effective protection in reserves. Reintroduction into protected areas in 
Morocco is a possibility (16). Hunkeler has made some specific recommendations 

for improvements to the El Ouach enclosed area in Algeria (11). 

REMARKS Corbet (1978) follows Flerov (1952) by including the Barbary Deer in 
the subspecies C. e. corsicanus along with the Red Deer of Sardinia and S. 

Spain (17;18). 

REFERENCES 1. Harper, F. 1945. Extinct and Vanishing Mammals of the Old 

World. Spec. Publ. Amer. Comm. Int. Wildlife Protection 

No. 12..849 pp. 

2. IUCN. 1966. Red Data Book. Volume 1. Mammalia. Sheet Code 


3. Riney, T. 1964. Potential Use of the Wildlife Resource on 

Tunisian Forest Lands. Mimeo. 21 pp. FAO Rome. 

4. Blondel, J. 23 March 1964, pers. comm. 

5. Schomber, H.-W. and Kock, D. 1960. The Wild Life of 
Tunisia. Part 2 - Some Larger Mammals. Afr. Wild Life 14 (4): 

PVA 6 



UZ o 




UNEP/IG. 20/INF.8 
page 23 

Benhouhou, L. 1971/2, pers. comm. 

Messaoud, A. ben. 1971/2, pers. comm. 

Willan, R.G.M. 1973. Tunisia's Wildlife. Oryx 12 (1): 


McTaggart Cowan, I. and Holloway, C.W. 1978. Geographical 
Location and Current Conservation Status of the Threatened 
Deer of the World. In: Threatened Deer. Proceedings of a 
Working Meeting of the Deer Specialist Group of the 

Survival Service Commission of IUCN. IUCN, Morges, Switzerland. 

Meyer, P. 1972. Zur Biologie und Okologie des Atlashirsches 

Cervus elaphus barbarus, 1833. Z.f.Saugetierk 37: 101-116. 

Hunkeler, P. 1978. Conservation du Cerf de Barbarie dans la 

For@€t des Beni-Salah. IUCN Report. 10 pp. 

Halisse, A. 1975. Amenagement cynegetique de la Reserve El 

Oubeira, El Kala. Mimeo. 48 pp. 

Schomber, H.-W. and Kock, D. 1961. Wild Life Protection and 

Hunting in Tunisia. African Wild Life 15 (2): 137-150. 

IUCN. 1976. Deer Specialist Group Newsletter No. 2. Morges, 


Anon. 1966. Scheme to Save the Atlas Deer. Oryx 8 (6): 334-335. 


page 24 




Jungius, H. 1978. Criteria for the Reintroduction of 
Threatened Species into Parts of Their Former Range. In 
"Threatened Deer' Proceedings of a Working Meeting of the 
Deer Specialist Group of the SSC of IUCN. IUCN, Morges, 


Corbet, G.B. 1978. The Mammals of the Palaearctic Region. 
British Museum (Natural History), Cornell University Press. 

London and Ithaca. 

Flerov, K.K. 1952. Fauna of the USSR Mammals. Vol. 1. Musk 
Deer and Deer. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. 
English translation Office of Technical Services, US Dept. 

of Commerce, Washington. 

UNEP/IG. 20/INF.8 
page 25 


Cervus elaphus corsicanus (Erxleben, 1777) 


Mediterranean Area: Southern Sardinia (Italian) (2;3;7). Became extinct in 

Corsica in 1969/70 (7;9). 

Outside the Mediterranean Area: None. 

POPULATION 1977/78 estimated total of less than 250 and probably stable in 

trend (5;7). 

HABITAT Maquis, broadleaf and coniferous woodland and meadows, but now occurs 

mainly in mountainous areas (1;2). 

THREATS Poaching and habitat loss (1;2;5;7). 

CONSERVATION MEASURES TAKEN Partially protected by law in Sardinia, shooting 
in the hunting season is still permitted outside reserves (5). In the 1978/ 

79 hunting season, penalties for deer poachers increased appreciably - to 
4,000,000 lire (7). About two-thirds of the deer's Sardinian range occurs 

in State Forests where every hunting activity is strictly forbidden, or in 
private game reserves (7) and in these it receives permanent, though still 
insufficient, surveillance by forest guards and gamekeepers (7). Field studies 
have been undertaken in Sardinia and a conservation project was begun in 1979 
(1;4;5;6;7). This will include reintroduction into Corsica, and contact 

between Corsican and Sardinian authorities has already occurred (7). 

page 26 

CONSERVATION MEASURES PROPOSED Enforcement of legal protection; full support 

to the conservation project already begun. 

REMARKS Corbet (1978) follows Flerov (1952) by including the Red Deer of 

S. Spain and N.W. Africa in the subspecies C. e. corsicanus (3). 

REFERENCES 1. Jenkins, D. 1967. Red Deer in Sardinia. Report to the Council 

of the Italian World Wildlife Fund. Mimeo. . 20 pp. 

2. Massoli-Novelli, R. 1975. Attuale Distribuzione del Cervo 
Sardo e del Muflone Sardo in Sardegna e loro Prospettive di 
Tutela. Ann. del Laboratorio di Zool. Applic. alla Caccia. 


3. Massoli-Novelli, R. 1975/76. Scomparsa del Cervo Sardo in 
Corsica - Analisi dellee Reciproche Experienze di Gestione 
Faunistica: in Sardegna ed in Corsica. Una Vita per la 

Natura ll. WWF. Rome. 

4. Pratesi, F. and Vella, R. 1968. Red Deer in Sardinia II. 
Report to the Council of the Italian World Wildlife Fund. 

Mimeo. 7 pp. 

5. McTaggart Cowan, I. and Holloway, C.W. 1978. Geographical 
Location and Current Conservation Status of the Threatened 
Deer of the World. In 'Threatened Deer. Proceedings of a 
Working Meeting of the Deer Specialist Group of the 

Survival Service Commission'. IUCN Morges, Switzerland. 

6. Jenkins, D. 1968. No. 267. Corsican Red Deer - Preliminary 


page 27 

Survey and Protection Programme in Sardinia. The Ark Under Way. 

Second Report of the World Wildlife Fund. pp. 65-66. 

Schenk, H. 1978. The Red Deer (Cervus elaphus corsicanus) in 
Sardinia and Corsica - Research and Conservation Programme. 

Report to IUCN. 30th December 1978. 

Corbet, G.B. 1978. The Mammals of the Palaearctic Region 

British Museum (Natural History) and Cornell 

University Press, London and Ithaca. 

Pfeffer, P. 1980, pers. comm. 

page 28 


Ovis ammon musimon (Schreber, 1782) 


Mediterranean Area: Corsica, Sardinia and Cyprus (1;2;3;4;5;6;7;11). 

Outside the Mediterranean area: None 


Corsica: about 300-400 and increasing (10). 
Sardinia: in 1976 estimated at no more than 250-300 and probably less; declining (U2) 
Cyprus: estimated number throughout the 1970s has been about 200 and believed 

stable (1;2;3;13).: 

HABITAT Sub-climax Mediterranean scrub and grasslands, usually at high altitudes 

among rocks and scree; also coniferous and deciduous woodland fringes (4;8;9). 

THREATS Decline caused by poaching; and this plus deterioration of habitat 
by stock grazing, burning of vegetation and opening up of formerly inaccessible 

mountain areas with new roads contitute the present threats (Ae Saab). 

RVATION MEASURES TAKEN The Cyprus population of the mouflon (listed under the 
name of Ovis orientalis ophion) is included in Appendix 1 of the 1973 Convention on 

In : E : 
ternational Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, trade in it or 

ait i i 
S products between acceding nations thus being subject to severe restriction 

trade for primarily commercial purposes banned. 

UNEP/IG. 20/INF.8 
page 29 

species as a whole is listed in Appendix 2 of the 1973 Convention on 
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, trade in 
it between acceding nations being therefore subject to regulation and 
monitoring of its effects. Totally protected by law on all three islands 
and the Cyprus Government has accepted 'Ultimate Responsibility’ for the 
survival of the Cyprian population. Reserves exist on Corsica and Cyprus to 
protect it, but there is none on Sardinia (1;12). The mouflon on Corsica 
was the subject of a detailed etho-ecological study in the 1960s (4), and on 

Cyprus its conservation is the subject of a conservation plan (13). 

CONSERVATION MEASURES PROPOSED In Sardinia, needs better protection against 
poaching, plus the establishment of a reserve (preferably in the Gennargentu/ 
Supramonte area) (12). Introduction of hybrid mouflon and others of unknown 

origin must be avoided. 

REMARKS There is much disagreement over the taxonomy of Mediterranean Mouflon - 
this data sheet follows Pfeffer (4) and Corbet (7). Alternative names are:- 

Ovis musimon for Corsica and Sardinia, and Ovis orientalis ophion for Cyprus. 

Nadler et al. (1973) based on cyteogenetic data have O. musimon musim for Sardinia 

and O. m. ophion for Cyprus (14). 

REFERENCES 1. Van Haaften, J.L. 1973. The Mouflon of the Mediterranean 

Region. Mimeo. 4 pp. 

2. Massoli-Novelli, R. 1975. Attuale Distribuzione del Cervo 
Sardo e del Muflone Sardo in Sardegna e lore Prospettive di 

Tutela. Ann. de Laboratorio di Zool. Applic. alla Caccia. 


3. Haaften, J.L. van 1971. Study on the Situation of the Mouflon 


page 30 



in Cyprus and Turkey. Working party on Flora, Fauna and 
Landscapes. Strasbourg 15-17 March 1971. European 
Committee for the Conservation of Nature and Natural 

Resources. Council of Europe. 

Pfeffer, P. 1969. Le Mouflon de Corse (Ovis ammon musimon 
Schreber 1782); Position Systematique, Ecologie et 

Ethnologie Comparés. Mammalia 31 supplement: 1-262. 

Smit, C.J. and Wijngaarden, A. Van 1976. Threatened 
Mammals in Europe. Nature and Environment Series No. 10 

Council of Europe. 
Leontiades, L.I. 1969. Game and Wildlife Management in 
Cyprus. Report. Eley Game Advisory Station, Fordingbridge, 

Hants., UK. 

Corbet, G.B. 1978. The Mammals of the Palaearctic Region. 

British Museum (Natural History) and 

Cornell University Press. London and Ithaca. 

Seraphim, G.M. 1964, pers. comm. 

Biddulph, Lt. Col. J. 1884. On the Wild Sheep of Cyprus. 

Proc. Zool Soc. London: 593- 

Pfeffer, P. February 1980, pers. comm. 

Massoli-Novelli, R. 1975. Disappearance of the Red Deer and 

Present Plight of the Mouflon in Corsica. International 




page 31 

Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation. Twenty-second 
Triennial General Assembly. Paris - Chambord, 2-4 September 


Anon. 1976. I1 Muflone di Sardegna: importanza, stato 
attuale e problemi di conservazione. S.O.S. Fauna. 

Animali in Pericolo in Italia. WWF (Italy). 

WWF. 1978. Cyprus - Conservation of the Mouflon. WWF 

Monthly Report. July 1978. P.6. 

Nadler, C.R. Korobitsina, K.V., Hoffmann, R.S. and Vorontsov, 
N.N. 1973. Cytogenetic Differentiation, Geographic Distribution, 
and Dometication in Palaearctic Sheep (Ovis). Sonderdruck aus 

z.f£. Saugetierkunde Bd. 38 H.2, S. 109-125. 

UNEP/IG. 20/INF.8 

page 32 


Capra aegagrus Erxleben, 1777 



Mediterranean Area: Greece (on some Aegean Islands and western Crete - also 
introduced to Theodorou, Agii Pantes and Dias just off Crete) and Turkey 
(5;6). However even these populations are thought to have bred with 

domestic goats ( 6; 7), thus whether any true wild goats still exist is 


Outside the Mediterranean Area: Mountains from Caucasus to Kopet Dag, 

W. Afghanistan, Baluchistan and Sind; isolates in Oman (3;5). 

POPULATION Total number unknown. Crete and surrounding Islands: less than 
1000 (2;6;8). Numbers and status elsewhere confused because of crossbreeding 

between wild and domestic goats. 

HABITAT Maquis in mountainous areas (1;2). 

THREATS Poaching and hybridization with domestic goats (2;4;6;8). 

CONSERVATION MEASURES TAKEN Legally protected in Greece and Turkey, but Smit 
and Wijngaarden report excessive poaching due to difficulties of surveillance 
in isolated mountainous regions (2). Crete has a reserve of 3000 ha., and 
goats have been introduced to islands off Crete which thus serve as goat 
reserves (2;6). A study was conducted on Theodorou by N. Papageorgiou in 

1973; he suggested various measures to improve the chances for the long-term 

UNEP/IG. 20/INF.8 
page 33 
survival of the goat on the island (6). Possibly occurs in the Uludag 

National Park in Turkey (2). 

CONSERVATION MEASURES PROPOSED Needs effective protection against poaching 

(2). Research is needed to study the extent of hybridization. 

REMARKS Because of the difficulty of knowing whether any goat populations 
are true wild stock it is difficult to summarize distribution, status and 

conservation measures. 

REFERENCES 1. van den Brink, F.H. 1967. A field guide to the mammals of 

Britain and Europe. Collins, London. 

2. Smit, C.J. and Wijngaarden, A. van 1976. Threatened Mammals 
in Europe. Nature and Environment Series No. 10. Council of 
Europe, Strasbourg. 

3. Harrisson, D.L. 1968. The Mammals of Arabia. London: Ernest Benn. 

4. Hainard, R. 1949. Les Mammiféres Sauvages d'Europe. 

Delachaux and Niestlé, Neuchatel and Paris. 

5. Corbet, G.B. 1978. The Mammals of the Palaearctic Region. 
British Museum (Natural History) and Corne]1 University 

Press. London and Ithaca. 

6. Papageorgiou, N. 1979. Population Energy Relationships of 
the Agrimi (Capra aegagrus cretica) on Theodorou Island, 
Greece. Mammalia Depicta. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und 


7. Danford, C.G. 1875. Notes on the Wild Goat, Capra aegagrus, 

page 34 

Gm. Proc. Zool. Soc. London: 458-468. 

8. Papadopoulos, P. 1970s. Chamois of Greece. Mimeo. 


page 35 
Hystrix cristata Linnaeus, 1758 


Mediterranean Area: North Africa (Morocco to Libya and probably Egypt), 
Sicily, Italy, Albania and N. Greece (5). Possibly southern Yugoslavia (1;2). 
The Italian population is believed to be a human introduction, possibly by the 

Romans (3;4;6). To the extent that the porcupine occurs in the Balkan peninsula, 

it is again thought to have been introduced, but at a much more recent date. 

Outside the Mediterranean Area: Africa south of the Sahara, in steppe and 

Savanna zones from Senegal in the west to Ethiopia and northern Tanzania (5). 

POPULATION Unknown. Smit’ and Wijngaarden (1976) report its numbers seem to 
be decreasing in Europe and that it is already rare in many regions (3). No 

population data has been located for other countries. 

HABITAT Open woodland and dry scrub (1). 

THREATS Persecuted as an agricultural pest and in some areas hunted for its 

meat (1;3). 

CONSERVATION MEASURES TAKEN Protected to some extent in Italy (3). No other 

protection measures known. 

CONSERVATION MEASURES PROPOSED Smit and Wijngaarden state that total protection 

against any kind of persecution is needed for some time to come (3). They also 

page 36 

think that a study should be performed to determine the amount of damage 
porcupines actually do (3). More information is needed on its distribution 

and status within the Mediterranean basin. 

REFERENCES 1. Corbet, G.B. 1966. The Terrestrial Mammals of Western 

Europe. G.T. Foulis and Co. Ltd. London. 

2. Brink, F.H. van den 1967. A Field Guide to the Mammals of 

Britain and Europe. Collins, London. 
3. Smit, C.J. and Wijngaarden, A. van 1976. Threatened Mammals 
in Europe. Nature and Environment Series No. 10,Council of 

Europe, Strasbourg. 

4. Hainard, R. 1949. Les Mammiféres Sauvages d'Europe. 

Delachaux and Niestle S.A. Neuchatel and Paris. 

5. Corbet, G.B. 1978. The Mammals of the Palaearctic Region. 

British Museum (Natural History) and Cornell University Press. 

London and Ithaca. 

6. Corbet, G.B. and Jones, L.A. 1965. The Specific Characters of 
the Crested Porcupines, subgenus Hystrix. Proc. Zool. Soc. 

Lond. 144 (2): 285-300.