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Cimber Resource 

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This report of the first systematic forest survey in 
North Dakota presents estimates of forest area, volume 
of timber, its growth and mortality, and the amount 
cut. It is a part of the nationwide survey of timber 
resources authorized by the McSweeney-McNary Act of 
1928, and conducted by the Forest Service, U. S. 
vepartment of Agriculture. 

The Lake States Forest Experiment Station gratefully 
acknowledges assistance in collecting the data from 

the following: Leslie Sachow, Administration Division 
Chief of the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation 
Office, and the many local county secretaries and their 
staffs; C. B. Stott, Forester, North Central Region, 

U. S. Forest Service; John J. Zaylskie, Extension 
Forester, North Dakota Agricultural College; C. N. 
Nelson, North Dakota State Forester; John M. Molberg, 
Professor, North Dakota School of Forestry; E. J. 
George, Silviculturist, Northern Great Plains Research 
Station; and Lyness Lloyd, Director, Elmer L. Worthing- 
ton, Assistant Director, Soil Conservation Service, and 
the several Area and District Conservationists of the 

Members of the Station who assisted in planning the 
survey or collecting the data are: M. B. Dickerman, 
Director; R. N. Cunningham, Chief, Division of Forest 
Economics; Clarence D. Chase, Field Supervisor; Suren 
R. Gevorkiantz, Mensurationist; Arthur G. Horn, Timber 
Drain Economist; and Vernon L. Lindholm, John R, Warner, 
Ross D, Cowan, and Paul C. Guilkey, Foresters, 




John R,. Warner 

and Clarence D, Chase 

Station Paper No. 36 February, 1956 
Lake States Forest Experiment Station 

Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture 


HN GRODUGTLON gee PRE Mi ciicuMcarieimicwine. elie) tei kes Ge le kr even Se 1 
HONesitSmare Natnve to coe monster locations: .< 2. .«.~«+«-. 1 
HTSesormcimberminmtnenpasituucse-siis< 6 a 6 « « hee enbouks 3 2 
USeworeswoodWandSmuodayarnurcmts Geile) |e (se -i6 a (6) <<. ls ‘eine cess, be) sie ve 2 
Lreenmplantinrters waeMajorerorestury: CLrOrt iS % “sie ie) ee ue le le 3 

andere acune sanGguenOnesicSel a) <6 ict ies eens 6) ee eee el eee 4 

Climaticyfractorsmarcecting, Lorest distribution ~~ . . 9. « « + 6 
OE lca OMe Rp M nt eerste eon eth cb ct Mio. jo) 6: se ds “ey ene, ne. ee! 8 8 
NaC Bene SibCie mmemicnire er sm. enlist tevinel la © is: vse, ie) fe, ve. Ne) ess 8 
BPOREVeOUStCrEUOUcEONTOF TOreStS.. .. «6.6 <2 8 8 © «© «6 6 ) 
Redneiions@ineareavor natural forest land . .. . 2 <« « «s 9 
hescription-ofwnative forest» types. . . . « .« « « «« « « « 9 
Nana PemenLnOrenaLivie PhOnCS GS... sh o/s 6 6 6) 6 6 6 wo 6. es 16 
PCM hOECS te LATC ear anieii ct hele) Volt eo uei.e le, © te, fe 6) us Sas ee, 8 ve 16 
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Heneooumebesea Len nasmielpeG yc. is i.) > vic lei «18 ©, 6 is 8) ee 1s 18 
RoCehiebOLe st RVaWwOUleuetits 6 os) So 6-6 6 3 8 os eye ee Ss 19 
Increased planting program calls for more research. .... 20 

PIMBER RESOURCE, STATISTICS. . « se ee Scie eee RetiiTen cual ome 21 

Handectres. Dyelajor classes Of Land, 1954. . . 2. 6. 6 6 ew sw 21 
Distribution of total land area and forest land 
See yO Teter TOl Ss) LOOD sects) eles) lee 66 (6 6 @ 1s) 6) © 22 

Commercial forest land area by ownership and 

Se Coe emer Na Semele! fen ciel ele .s)n eu se) © ©) = ss) « @ 23 
Net volume of live sawtimber and growing stock on 

commercial forest land by ownership class, 1954 ...... 24 
Commercial forest land by major forest type, 

esa see ana mdenSttbYy.) WLIOA 5 Sais 6 «sll 6 6 «(8 «eo 25 
Net volume of live sawtimber and growing stock on 

commercial forest land, by species and stand- 

eA) el Secrest ee ely iets) ole): eliie e> eee lol eo) '@ ), s 26 
Net volume of all live timber on commercial forest 

Land by species’ and Stand=size class, 1954. . . 2 . « « « 27 
Net volume of live sawtimber on commercial forest 

iand by diameter class groups and species, 1954 ..... . 28 
Net annual growth, annual mortality, and commodity 

drain on live sawtimber and growing stock on 

Meche hatenOLesibe Laid LIS. eo. veoioile lke Hensel iol ve) otlicl ia vet) 1 ZO 

LITERATURE C ITED ° ° e ° ° e e °. e ° e e ° ° e e e . e e ° e ° ° e 30 

APPENDIX, e . ° ° ° e oe e . e . ° e . . e e ° e s . e e e e e e e Sal 
Definition of terms. . . . . . ° es ° e s . e . e . J e ee es e e Sjal 
eee Sri eu Me CHOC Se io. ic)" . tere) sth wi tEWice (esr ello: eee c enle tes 33 

etic yiOmseStiMVtCCS cule ys eo wire Nel Ween et “en ee SO O.0 20. Gc 36 

SC aE on nO: NORTH DAKOTA, ". « ss © «0s » ese « © © 6 « 37 


Forests occupy 468,000 
acres of the land area 
in North Dakota, 

All but 16,000 acres of 
forest area is commercial 
forest land, 

Lowland and upland types 
occupy about equal pro- 
pertions of the forest 

Forest area by stand-size class 



Ownership of commercial forest land 


je" pooa. “¢ ie = A 
maieeapteias seats vi 
eta sare 

Abe < 




ee fi 

Over two-thirds of the com- 
mercial forest area is in 
private ownership, Forty 
percent is owned by farmers, 

Most of the forest area under 
"Other Federal" ownership was 
acquired during the drought- 
stricken thirties and is now 
administered by the Forest 

Ownership of timber volume is 
proportionate to area, 

Volume by species 

Cottonwood eae aimee cua 
Aspen The total volume of grow- 
ing stock is 258 million 
cube feet. (Of this, atl: 
a but 200,000 cubic feet is 
TeEeepicatare in hardwood species, 
Ash PONV TSU sty) Onno eA Cottonwood and aspen to- 
RAL gether account for nearly 
Oak ieee easter & 40 percent of the total 

growing stock, 

Other species 

O20 30" 40) 50 
Million Cubic Feet 

Growth of all growing 
stock exceeded drain by 
more than 10 percent 
during 1954, 

Nios dave 

Mortality accounted for 
over 60 percent of the 
total drain, 

Million Cubic Feet 

tf HOR iieM BoE R ROE Ss OUR iC Ee 

Ne OV Rei oH DEAK Oneal 


by John R. Warner and Clarence D, Chase _ 


North Dakota is a prairie state in the geographical center of 

the North American continent, Though richly endowed with a var- 
iety of mineral resources, its basic prosperity has been due to 
its fertile fields and abundance of grazing land, Oil is chang- 
ing the picture. Its discovery and subsequent stimulation of 
industrial development create bright prospects for the future of 
the state. This type of development provides another stable ele- 
ment of support within a predominantly agricultural economy. The 
following report deals with still one other resource of value-- 
the forests of the state. 

Forests are Native to the Moister Locations 

The native forests of North Dakota occur in the moister locali- 
ties along stream banks, on lake shores, and in the draws and 
coulees of the hills. Periodic droughts are the chief factor 
restricting forests to their present location. More than half 
of the forest area is contained within two hilly sections along 
the Canadian border, North Dakota is one of the few states 
where forests occur within the geographic limits of both eastern 
and western timber types of the United States, 

1/ Foresters at the Lake States Forest Experiment Station, The 
Station is maintained at St. Paul 1, Minnesota, by the Forest 
Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, in cooperation with 
the University of Minnesota, 

Use of Timber in the Past 

One can only speculate as to the extent of forests during the early 
days of settlement, but judging from scattered statements in historical 
accounts they were not much more extensive than they are today. 

The Mandan Indians were among the first inhabitants of North Dakota, 
Unique earth lodges, supported by timbers of oak, cedar, and cotton- 
wood, were the homes of these early settlers, and it is their remains 
which provide us with some interesting history. Studies of these 
village sites, found in the valley of the Missouri River near Bismarck, 
indicate that the Mandans may have occupied them as early as 1200 A.D. 
There is good evidence that they were cutting timbers for use in con- 
struction of their earth lodges at least 450 years ago, Oak and cedar 
appear to have been favored, but indications are clear that by 1700 
A.D. the exhausted supply of these species forced the substitution 

of cottonwood, 

Early homesteaders used material available to them, For lack of 
fuelwood they burned buffalo chips and any other available combustible 
material; and where timber was scarce their homes were made from stones 
and prairie sod, 

While the lack of abundant wood may have been a deterring influence 
to permanent settlement, the open plains early became arteries of 
travel to the west, The state's wood resource was an element of 
importance in this early period: Steamboat travel was made possible 
by timbered river banks which provided an abundance of fuel, and 
the early railroads were heavy users of timber for ties and fuel, 
In this connection, the Northern Pacific Railway was responsible 
for the only logging camp to be operated commercially in North 
Dakota. The trees were cut and floated down the Little Missouri 
River to Medora to be utilized in the construction of the Northern 
Pacific's main line west, 

Use of Woodlands Today 

Today the natural forest areas of the state provide some of its 
wood requirements, Although there is insufficient raw material to 
support forest industries of the types found in states with more 
woodland area, there is very positive utilization of the state's 
timber, For example, in 1954 (in addition to receiving the gener- 
ally recognized indirect benefits of tree shelter), woodlot owners 
harvested 2,550,000 fence posts, 2,350,000 board feet of lumber, 
and 40,000 cords of fuelwood--very desirable farm assets in a 
prairie state. 


The number of small mills which are operating in the state is un- 
certain, but at one time 109 North Dakotans were listed as owning 
sawmills. A survey conducted in 1949 by the Extension Service of 
North Dakota Agricultural College contacted these owners by mail 
questionnaires, Of the 42 respondents, 25 still had their mills; 
17 had cut lumber during 1949, but only 9 of these had lumber for 
sale (1). The picture is still much the same. Woodlands are 
utilized chiefly for home consumption, and seldom are the products 
placed for sale. Survey data show that about 12 percent of wood 
cut in 1953 was manufactured into lumber, 37 percent of the cut 
was used for fuelwood, and 51 percent was utilized as fence posts. 

Less apparent, though probably more important, are other values 
that have no dollar measurement. The forests not only protect 
watersheds, thereby minimizing erosion and flood danger, but also 
they shelter wildlife, help produce game for thousands of hunters, 
and provide picnic grounds and camp sites as well as other recrea- 
tional possibilities. 

Tree Planting is a Major Forestry Effort 

Trees give protection from the wind, This simple fact affords them 
their greatest utility in North Dakota. The state's forestry activ- 
ities are primarily associated with efforts toward windbreak estab- 
lishment for protection of homes, cattle, and wildlife. Effective 
windbreaks, whether they be planted or natural, are a valuable 
integral part of a prairie farm. 

North Dakota leads all other Plains States in the establishment of 
windbreak plantings. It is because of this predominating interest 
in protective forestry that a section of this report has been 
devoted to a discussion of tree-planting efforts on the prairie, 


The natural establishment and growth of trees is in response to 

favorably combined factors of soil and climate. There is abundant 
proof that thousands of years ago conditions for forest development 
in North Dakota were more favorable than they are now, Of the fac- 
tors contributing to the establishment of forests, moisture is the 
most critical, Today's forests are found in scattered areas of the 

state where soil and moisture have combined to stimulate and nurture 
tree growth, 

Land Features and Forests 

The land surface of the state rises in three broad steps from east 
to west, The fertile valley of the Red River, the lowest of these 
steps, was formed some 10,000 years ago when the receding Wisconsin 
ice sheet backed up a huge lake approximately 700 miles long and 
200 miles wide, During this period of inundation some 20 to 30 
feet of silt was deposited. Today farming predominates on this 
rich soil. Its table-like expanse is broken by narrow strips of 
woodland along stream banks and by numerous shelterbelt plantings 
(fig. 1) protecting its fertile fields and home sites, 

Figure 1,.--Shelterbelt Plantings in the Red River Valley. 
(Photo through courtesy of SCS) 

The second step, extending over the central portion of the 

state and elevated 200 to 400 feet above the old glacial lake 
bed, is known as the Drift Plain, It is the product of glacial 
deposits of gravel, sand, and finely~-ground rock laid down during 
the last Ice Age. During one geologic era, luxuriant forests of 
semi-tropical trees including juniper, cypress, and sequoia 
covered the land, It was during this period that the extensive 
lignite deposits of the state were formed, The thousands of 
intervening years have changed this area leaving it almost 

devoid of tree cover (fig. 2). 

The surface of the third step, known as the Missouri Plateau, 
extends westward to the Rocky Mountains, The eastern edge of 
this step, rising 300 to 400 feet above the Drift Plain and cut- 
ting north and west through the central part of the state, is 
the Coteau du Missouri. Near the eastern edge of this escarp- 
ment and marking the furthest advance of the Wisconsin ice sheet 
lies the Altamont Moraine; within it on the Missouri slope are 
the Badlands of the Little Missouri, This area, formed by 

Figure 2.--The plains of central North Dakota. 

ree ater smtcos ma 

OLE ESD ie pe calle emma (a 5 RIOT ag 
. sina - —- é 

Figure 3,--Juniper persists on the north slopes and 
draws in the Badlands, 

erosion, is characterized by steep-sided buttes and semi-barren mesas 

of striking form and color and is suitable primarily for grazing, forage, 
and mineral production, Trees persist only on the moister north slopes 
and in the deeper draws and coulees (fig. 3). 

Climatic Factors Affecting Forest Distribution 

Small amounts of moisture inadequately distributed, wide extremes of 
temperature, and drying winds are the three most important climatic 
factors restricting tree growth in North Dakota, 

Periodic droughts are particularly effective in holding natural forests 
to moister sites where the trees can endure several successive years of 
dry weather, These cyclical variations in available moisture are illus- 
trated by a study of tree-ring growth in North Dakota by George F. Wills 
(9). This study has produced an excellent chronological record of 
moisture availability and, hence, a fair measure of precipitation since 
about the year 1400 (fig. 4). Average annual rainfall is 17 inches, 
ranging from a maximum of 22 inches in the Red River Valley to a min- 
imum of 14 inches on the Montana border, 



1400 A.D, 1400 A, 

450 1450 
1500 1500 
1550 1550 
1600 1600 
1650 1650 

1700 1700 

Y 3 
: 4 

1750 8 1750 

Varied from year to year totaling: 

9 15 12 

1800 1800 
Varied from year to year totaling: 

7 14 7 
1850 1850 
1900 2 1900 
1950 1950 
Total 238 49 245 

Recording a total of 532 years, 

SOURCE : GEORGE F. WILL, 1946 (9). 

Temperatures of this region are subject to the wide fluctuations 
typical of continental climates and can be tolerated by only a 
limited number of tree species, The maximum temperature spread 
thus far recorded in North Dakota is 184 degrees--from a high of 
124°F, at Medora in 1912 to a low of -60°F, at Parshall in 1936, 
Chinook winds in the western part of the state have caused tem- 
perature rises of as much as 75°F, within a 24-hour period. 

Without mention of the wind, the climatic picture of North Dakota 
would not be complete. Its chief retarding effect on vegetative 
growth is through desiccation of the soil by direct evaporation 
and increased transpiration. Although tornadoes do occur, 
straight blows by severe windstorms cause the most extensive 
damage; velocities of over 70 miles per hour are not uncommon, 


There are an estimated 466,800 acres of native forest land in 
North Dakota of which 451,000 acres are considered sufficiently 
productive to be classified as commercial forest land. Through 
the years, this area of natural woodland has been supplemented 
by nearly 90,000 acres of plantings (not included in survey 
statistics) composed largely of shelterbelts and windbreaks, 
Some of this planted area has reverted to prairie, but much of 
it survives and is a symbol of what can be done in establishing 
trees on the plains, 

Native Forests 

It is widely recognized that forests provide values both tangible 
and intangible beyond their price as raw materials for conversion 
into products of wood or fiber, In North Dakota, these “other 
values," often referred to as secondary, give timber its primary 
value, This report, however, deals with the more measurable 
aspects of forests, namely, those of area, species, volume, 
ownership, growth, and drain. A complete breakdown of statistics 
within these major divisions is presented later in this report. 


Spotty Distribution 
of Forests 

More than 60 percent of the forests in the state are found in 
three blocks--the Turtle Mountains, the Pembina Hills, and the 
vicinity of Devils Lake. An additional one-quarter is strung 
along the bottoms of the Missouri, Red, and Sheyenne Rivers 
and their tributaries. The small remainder is scattered in 
the Badlands, on lower north slopes of the Kildeer Mountains, 
in coulees along the canyon of the Little Missouri River, and 
in widely dispersed patches elsewhere in the state, Figure 5 
locates these areas, their margins often being as sharply dis- 
cernible on the ground as on the map. 

Reductions in Area 
of Natural Forest Land 

Some recent developments are causing a net reduction in the 
area of natural forest cover. The brisk demand in late years 
for agricultural land has resulted in a measure of land clear- 
ing in the Pembina Hills and in the Turtle Mountains, The con- 
struction of two large dams in the development program of the 
Missouri River Basin will drastically reduce the forested area 
along that river. When the Garrison Dam reservoir is filled 
it will inundate nearly all forest land upstream from the dam 
site to the confluence of the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers 
near the North Dakota-Montana border, The Oahe dam, located 
not far north or Pierre, South Dakota, will form a reservoir 
extending northward to within 30 miles of Bismarck. 

Description of 
Native Forest Types 

North Dakota has a surprisingly large number of trees and shrubs 
common to its area, Interested readers are referred to a recent 
publication by the North Dakota School of Forestry at Bottineau, 
which describes and illustrates 16 tree and 13 shrub species of 
common occurrence and lists an additional 15 tree and 8 shrub 
species as found, "but probably not common enough to merit 
description. . . in this bulletin" (5). 

Forest vegetation divides into six broad types which change from 
east to west. In the east along the Red, Pembina, and Sheyenne 
Rivers and their tributaries, the ash-elm type dominates many of 
the river flats where trees occur. In the Turtle Mountains, 
Pembina Hills, and the area south of Devils Lake, oak and aspen 
types appear far more frequently than others. In the central 
part along the flats of the Missouri River, cottonwood occurs 
most commonly. The typically western types of ponderosa pine 
and juniper (also called cedar) begin to appear in the Kildeer 
Mountain region and in the Badlands of the Little Missouri. 

This pattern is largely a matter of site, with moisture avail- 
ability playing the critical role, 

= 6S 


\Asnuos anvyd 




Ash-elm The ash-elm type is the most important of 
the six principal forest types occurring 
in the state in terms of both acreage and 

volume, It occupies nearly 35 percent (156,000 acres) 

of the state's forest area and accounts for approx- 
imately 60 percent of the total volume. It varies 
widely in species composition, quality, and form, rang- 
ing from scrubby clumps of green ash in some western 
parts of the state to a few stands of elm, basswood, 
and ash of good form, quality, and size in the Red and 

Missouri River valleys. For the most part, however, 

the ash-elm forests are stocked with rough and defect- 

ive timber, making them more valuable as watershed, 
wildlife, and recreational areas than as a present or 
potential source of timber (fig. 6). Ash-elm, and 
basswood contribute 97 percent of the board-foot 
volume of the type. 

Figure 6.--A young stand of ash-elm on a good site on 
the shoreline of Devils Lake. 


mites Saari 

pai ais eae poe mt 

Aspen Although aspen trees occur widely over 
the state, the aspen type is concen- 
trated chiefly in the Turtle Mountains 
and the Pembina Hills, It is found on 126,000 
acres of land, comprising 28 percent of the state's 
forest area, Within much of this type the form and 
quality of the trees are poor; only 4 percent of the 
sawlog volume and 19 percent of the total forest vol- 
ume in the state are made up of aspen and species 
associated with the aspen type. 

The better sites for aspen in North Dakota are con- 
centrated largely in the Turtle Mountains (fig. 7). 

Figure 7,.--A mature stand of aspen on the banks 
of Lyde Lake in the Turtle Mountains, 

Bur oak Bur oak, as a tree and as a type, 
is indigenous to the drier ridges 
and the southern slopes within the 

Pembina Hills and the Turtle Mountains, and to 

the area south of Devils Lake. The type is 

dominant over about 19 percent (84,000 acres) 
of the forest area and accounts for 12 percent 
of the forest volume, Growth, form, and size 

of trees are poor (fig. 8). 

Figure 8.--Bur oak on a southeast slope in the 
Turtle Mountains, When trees are 
present on these drier exposures, 
the dominant type is principally 
bur oak, 

Cottonwood Cottonwood is found extensively along the bottoms 
of the Missouri River, It is commonly found in 
pure stands but occurs also as an occasional tree 

in the ash-elm type. The cottonwood type covers 10 percent of the 

state's forest area, provides 18 percent of the total forest vol- 


» and 25 percent of the sawtimber volume, As a tree (Populus 

deltoides), it has moderately-good growth, form, and size character- 
istics; however, the larger trees frequently are defective (fig. 9). 

In 1953 a statewide contest was 
North Dakota, The winning tree 
of Mayville, which measured 108 
cumference at 44 feet above the 
64 feet and an estimated age of 

held to find the largest tree in 
was a cottonwood 4 miles southeast 
feet in height and 23 feet in cir- 
ground; it had a crown spread of 
approximately 300 years, Although 

extreme, this is indicative of the size which can be attained by 

this species, 

Figure 9,--A pure stand of mature cottonwood on a Missouri River 
flood bank, Although of fair size and form, these 
trees contain considerable quantities of defect in the 
form of rot and shake, 

Ponderosa pine The ponderosa pine and cedar (Rocky Mountain 

and cedar juniper) types, which make up the only native 
softwood forests, constitute less than 1 per- 
cent of the state's forest resources, Found 

chiefly in the region of the Little Missouri River and the Kildeer 

Mountains, they mark the eastern limits of these types, Patches 

of pure juniper are commonly found in the Badlands (fig. 10). 

The largest single concentration of ponderosa pine type in the 
state is a mixture of pine and Rocky Mountain juniper covering 
an area of about 2,000 acres on the south bank of the Little 
Missouri River about 10 miles northeast of Amidon. For nine 
years most of this tract was a part of the Dakota National For- 
est, established by Theodore Roosevelt in 1908. It was discon- 
tinued by Woodrow Wilson in 1917 because of its high cost of 
administration (7). Today there are hopes of setting apart this 
terrain or at least a portion of it, as a state park, 

Figure 10,.--A pure stand of juniper in the Badlands, It spreads 
and persists in the moister draws and coulees and on 
many slopes with northern and western exposures, but 
fails to become established on the drier sites, 

of Native Forests 

Native forests receive a bare minimum of attention, Most of them 
are grazed or freely accessible to cattle, while few are managed 
for the products they are fully capable of producing. 

There is need for serious consideration of what forestry possibil- 
ities exist in these native woodlands, Based upon their productivity, 
how best can they be managed? Undoubtedly, many forested areas are 
more suited to game management than to forestry. How productive are 
the various types within different sections of the state? Is pro- 
ductivity sufficient to encourage the efforts of private owners in a 
program of woodland management? On which areas is applied manage- 
ment economically feasible? These are only a few of many questions 
which can best be answered through research, and which must be ans- 
wered if management by private owners is to be made feasible, 

Planted Forest Land 

Most forestry activities in North Dakota are focused on planting trees 
in groves and strips. Both state and federal agencies encourage and 
actively participate in planting programs directed towards establish- 
ing shelterbelts and windbreaks, Protection of homes, livestock, 
soil, roads, pastures, crops, and wildlife is the chief function of 
these plantings, though incidental: wood production does serve as a 
valuable by=product. Over the past 10 years, farmstead windbreaks 
(fig. 11) and field shelterbelts (fig. 12) have accounted for 94 
percent of the planting activity. Miscellaneous plantings consist- 
ing largely of wildlife thickets, living snow fence, and field and 
gully settings, comprise the remaining 6 percent, 

Early Planting 

Efforts to encourage the planting and growing of trees on the plains 
began early but were largely ineffective. In 1863, when the Dakota 
Territory was opened for settlement, a 160-acre homestead was free 
to anyone over 21 years of age who would cultivate it, improve it, 
and live on it for 5 years, This was supplemented by the Timber 
Culture Act in 1873 which granted a settler partial title to a tree 
claim of an additional 160 acres if he planted 10 acres of this 
quarter-section in trees. A clear title to the land could be 
obtained when the trees were 8 years old. In 1905 the state legis- 
lature passed a tree bounty law providing monetary incentives for 
tree planting. As a result of these efforts some groves were 
established in the eastern and central parts of the state, but most 
of them were unsuccessful, largely because of insufficient knowledge 
on how to plant and care for trees on the prairie, 


Oalai . BY é : “ve the 

Figure 11.--A well-deployed, 

Figure 12.--A 5-row, mile-long field windbreak or shelterbelt 
the Red River Valley. 

bon el " 
, ; $A : f “4. ¥ ¥ ENS 8) i x es " A. ‘EN 2 ‘ 
xk Sa a Ein Le PEAT C Pee av are “easel é 
effective farmstead windbreak in the 
Red River Valley. 

During the early years of this century a number of railroad com- 
panies made extensive plantings along their lines over the northern 
Great Plains to protect them from snow, From 1905 to 1919 the 
Great Northern Railway planted more than 25 miles of protective 
belts along its main track between Grand Forks and Williston (8). 
Some of these are still effective after 50 years, (fig. 13). oe 

Forest Research 
Has Helped 

In 1912 the U. S. Department of Agriculture established the Northern 
Great Plains Field Station at Mandan. It was here in 1914 that the 
first systematic research in shelterbelt growth and survival was 
begun in an effort to discover and correct the causes contributing 
to the large number of failures in planted stands. The current 
status of this work is effectively summarized by two U. S. Depart- 
ment of Agriculture Circulars: "Tree and Shrub Species for the 
Northern Great Plains” and "3l1-Year Results in Growing Shelterbelts 
on the Northern Great Plains” (3 and 4). 

Figure 13.--An early shelterbelt established by the Great Northern 
Railway, west of Leeds, North Dakota, 

In 1929 the Lake States Forest Experiment Station, in cooperation 
with the North Dakota School of Forestry, initiated a forest re- 
search project near Denbigh, The original purpose of this project 
was to determine from experimental plantings the feasibility of 
establishing national forests on the sand plains. By 1937 the 
project indicated the plan was not feasible. Subsequent research 
showed that the best system would be to plant trees on the sand 
dunes, and on wind-eroded and other submarginal areas (about 10 
percent of the land surface) to anchor the soil and prevent fur- 
ther erosion, 

Forestry Work 

The dust storms of the thirties precipitated an ambitious drought- 
relief planting program known as the Prairie States Forestry Project. 
From 1935 to 1942, 30,223 belts were set out extending from the 
Canadian border into central Texas and covering a linear distance 

of 18,600 miles and an area of 238,000 acres (6). Of this area, 
34,700 acres of belts extending over 2,645 miles were planted in 
North Dakota on 3,954 farms, 

The School of Forestry at Bottineau has been active for more than 
30 years in supplying planting stock and supervision for experi- 

mental plantings east of the 100th meridian. Other conservation 

offices promoting tree planting through extension, demonstration, 
planning, or active aid programs include the State Farm Forester, 
the State Extension Forester, the Soil Conservation Service, and 

the Fish and Wildlife Service, 

The Soil Conservation Service has given a prominent place to tree 
planting in its programs of farm planning and active aid to owners, 
Since their initial shelterbelt and windbreak demonstration project 
was established at Park River, North Dakota, in 1935, the Service 
estimates it has helped establish some 54,400 acres of plantings 
throughout the state, These, together with the 34,700 acres of 
belts planted by the Prairie States Forestry Project, account 

for an estimated 96 percent of the plantings undertaken within 

the state. During the past 5 years the rate of planting has 
varied between 7,300 and 8,500 acres each year--ranking North 
Dakota first in the Plains States in the number of trees planted 
for protective purposes, 

= Ns) 

There are three public and four commercial nurseries producing seed- 
lings for the state's forestry work, The two largest suppliers are 
Soil Conservation Service nurseries at Oakes and Fort Lincoln. These 
are owned by local SCS districts and are operated on a nonprofit 
basis. The third public nursery is the state-operated Clark-McNary 
unit, under the direction of the State Forester and management of 

the School of Forestry, with one division at Bottineau and a second 
at Towner, During the 1954 planting season public nurseries supplied 
approximately 75 percent of the required 5,900,000 seedlings, while 
commercial nurseries filled the remaining needs, 

Cultivation is an essential step to successful belt establishment; 
the lack of it has been termed the bottleneck to increased plant- 
ing in North Dakota, Basically, the problem is to cultivate both 
between rows and within rows to destroy competing vegetation. 
Recent machinery developments which will facilitate within-row 
cultivation may improve this situation. 

Increased Planting Program 

Calls for More Research 

The formula of trial and error plus research has gone far in over- 
coming numerous obstacles to establishing tree belts throughout 
the state. Often, solution of one problem leads to the discovery 
of one or more other problems, The need for research thus becomes 
a continuous and fundamental part of windbreak establishment and 

Before planting can be successful on many areas, much more research 
will be essential. More needs to be known about planting methods, 
species arrangements adapted to soils and climate, and site require- 
ments for major species, Aliso more effort is needed on the develop- 
ment of drought-resistant varieties through tree breeding and develop- 
ment, Such additional knowledge would make possible greater success 
in future plantings. 

= 20" = 


Table 1,--Land area, by major classes of land, 

North Dakota 



Class of land 
Reserved from commercial timber use 
Unproductive for timber use 

Total all classes 

1/ See Appendix for definition of terms, 
2/ From Census of Agriculture, 1950, 

* Less than 0.05 percent. 


acres Percent 
451.0 1,0 
See * 
12.6 oak 
466.8 ineak 
44 ,369,7 98.9 

a ee 

44,836.5 100.0 


le 2.--Distribution of total land area and forest land area by 

major regions, North Dakota, 1954 

i/ : All : 3/ 
Forest area sland area; Total forest 
eo 2/ e 
Thousand Thousand 
acres acres Percent 
Concentrated areas: 
Turtle Mountains 341.9 126.9 37 
Pembina Hills 286.3 71.4 25 
Devils Lake 138.5 14,0 10 
Red, Sheyenne, and 
Pembina Rivers 533.2 50.1 9 
Missouri River 200.2 31.6 16 
Little Missouri River 
and Kildeer Mountains 430.7 55.9 13 
Badlands and misc. areas 236.4 8.8 4 
Total area 2,167.2 358.7 17 
Scattered areas— 42 ,669.3 108.1 * 
All areas 44, 836.5 466.8 1 
1/ See Appendix for definition of terms, 

From Census of Agriculture, 1950, 

Includes 3,200 acres of land reserved from commercial timber 
use, and 12,600 acres forested but considered unproductive 
for timber use, 

Less than 0.5 percent, 

5 ODS 

Table 3.,--Commercial forest land area by ownership and 


Federally owned 
or managed: 


Bureau of 
Land Mgt. 

Other federal 
All federal 
Other private 

All ownerships 

1/ No county or 

stand-size class, 

North Dakota, 1954 







(In thousands of acres) 
:Sawtimber: Poletimber: and 
: saplings:stocked 




: stands 


47 .0 


: Non- 



municipal ownership was found in the state, 


Table 4,--Net volume of live sawtimber and growing stock 
on commercial forest land by ownership class 
North Dakota - 1954 


Federally owned 
or managed: 


Bureau of 
Land Mgt. 

All federal 
Other private 
All private 

All ownerships 


Cul hit. 






eo ee oo 

Million Million 
bd. ft. cu, ft. 
80.6 17.0 
06 ol 
63.9 13.5 
145.1 30.6 
11.7 2.4 
205.6 43.4 
146.8 31.0 
352.4 74.4 
509.2 107.4 

ee ee ee 



Cul sete 






1/ No county or municipal ownership was found in the state. 

= Dal 

Table 5.--Commercial forest land by major forest type, stand-size, 
and density, North Dakota, 1954 

(In thousands of acres) 

: . ; : j : Seedling and ; 
: : Sawtimber : Poletimber sapling ; 
Forest type ; Total ;:Fair to; RIDE ILI» OR :Fair to: : Non- 

well :Poorly : well :Poorly : well :Poorly ;:stocked 
stocked: stocked: stocked:stocked: stocked: stocked: 

Ponderosa pine 0 - - - 1,0 - —_ as 
Juniper (cedar) 2.6 es - - - - 2.6 - 
Ash-elm 155.6 41.4 4,1 20.3 33.0 18.6 38.2 - 
Cottonwood 43.7 9,5 11.4 12.3 6.7 2.2 i3.6 = 
Aspen~birch 126.1 54) ~ 40.7 30.6 46.9 7.0 - 
Oak 83.9 BS) 1bSG3 13,2 22.3 20.6 25,5 - 
Upland brush 8.8 - ~ - - - - 8.8 
Lowland brush 29.3 = - - - = = 29.3 

Total 451.0 92.7 16.9 86.5 93.6 88.3 74.9 38.1 

Percent 100 12 4 19 21 20 16 8 


Table 6,.--Net volume of live sawtimber and growing stock on commercial forest land, 
by species and stand-size class, North Dakota, 1954 

Seedling and 

; Total *Sawtimber stands *Poletimber stands’ i *Nonstocked stands 

Species H : 8 : 3 i : sapling sicends Gen cy 
8 :Growing: :Growing: :Growing: :Growing: :Growing 
:Sawtimber: stock :Sawtimber: stock :Sawtimber: stock :Sawtimber: stock :Sawtimber: stock 
Million Million Million Million Million Million Million Million Million Million 
bdivetitie (cucititon ybdna titi.) CUnmttews Ddijetite iC Ul tir wu DG yetitrwe CU metic We DC\gs titi wallet. 

Ponderosa pine = 0.2 = = - 0.2 - - - - 
Juniper (cedar) - * - - - - = = = = 
Total softwood - 0.2 - = = 0.2 = = = = 
Ash 58.9 36.4 35.7 13.3 23.2 20.2 = 2.8 - 0.1 
Elm 149.3 38.3 136.8 30.6 3.0 5.0 5.3 1.8 4.2 0.9 
Basswood 80.0 21.9 77.9 19.7 2.1 2.0 - 0.2 - - 
Oak 59.1 31.8 36.9 9.3 15.0 15.4 7.2 Coal - - 
Cottonwood 129.3 52.7 pa) 28.4 17.2 23.1 0.8 1,2 = a 
Aspen 9.0 49.1 = 0.1 8.8 43.5 - 5.4 0.2 0.1 
Balsam poplar 6.3 ie) - - 6.3 10.7 = 1,2 - - 
Paper birch 5.5 Io - - 5.5 4.7 - 0.6 - - 
Box elder 6.3 Ut} 6.3 39) - 1.8 - 0.7 - 1.4 
Other hardwoods 5.5 2.4 5.5 2.1 = 0.3 = = = = 
Total hardwood 509.2 257.6 410.4 107.4 81.1 126.7 13.3 21.0 4.4 2.5 
All species 509.2 257.8 410.4 107.4 81.1 126.9 13.3 21.0 4,4 2.5 

* Less than 0.05 million cubic feet. 

= 6a 

Table 7,--Net volume of all live timber on commercial forest land 

by species and stand-size class, North Dakota, “1954 
H H Growing stock : Other material 
S = H Sawlog material 3 Cordwood material :Limbs of 
Species VAL : - : In ln p :Upper stem: thardwood 
: volume : Total : Total :sawtimber: other : Total :of sawtbr.: Pole :sawtimber: Cull 
: : stands : stands ; : trees : trees :; trees : trees 

Million Million Million Million Million Million Million Million Million Million 
Cunent. CuLunt. bd. ft. bdekte, bd otit. Cul tit. cu. ft. CUmcit eC ULmEtitLaenC Usmnni bs 

Ponderosa pine 0.2 es - = - 0.2 - 0.2 - * 
Juniper (cedar) * = = - - * - * - * 

Total softwood 0.2 = = = = 0.2 - 0.2 - * 
Ash 47.1 10.3 58.9 35.7 23.2 26.1 2.3 23,8 ees 9.0 
Elm 65.5 25.6 149.3 136.8 12.5 12.7 5.1 7.6 5.9 21.3 
Basswood 37.7 14.0 80.0 77.9 2.1 7.8 3.0 4.8 6.1 9.8 
Oak 44,4 10.0 59.1 36.9 22.2 21.8 2.0 19.8 2.3 10.3 
Cottonwood 66.0 23.3 129.3 111.3 18.0 29.4 4.8 24.6 5.1 8.2 
Aspen 52.9 1.6 9.0 - 9.0 47.5 0,4 47.1 0.2 3.6 
Balsam poplar 12.2 1.2 6.3 - 6.3 10.8 0.2 10.6 0.2 * 
Paper birch 5.8 1.1 5.5 - 5.5 4.2 0,2 4.0 0.1 0.4 
Box elder 43.9 inal 6.3 6.3 - 6.7 0.3 6.4 0.2 35.9 
Other hardwoods 3.1 0.7 5.5 5.5 - ees 0.2 1.5 0.1 0.6 

Total hardwood 378.6 88.9 509.2 410.4 98.8 168.7 18.5 150.2 21.9 SOM 
All species 378.8 88.9 509.2 410.4 98.8 168.9 18.5 150.4 21.9 99.1 
Percent 100 23 100 81 19 45 bs) 40 6 26 

x Less than 0.05 million cubic feet. 


Table 8.--Net volume of live sawtimber on commercial forest land by 

diameter class groups and species, ) 








Baisam poplar 
Paper birch 
Box elder 
Other hardwoods 

Total hardwoods 


(In millions of board feet) 
D.B.H. class in 

Total : 15 
98.9 29.9 
150.5 VON 
80.0 14,7 
99.1 6.0 
129.3 21.6 
9.0 6.9 
6.3 Ie} 
9.9 4.9 
6.3 4.8 
4.3 0,3 

909.2 106.1 

100 21 






North Dakota 









l/ No softwood sawtimber was found in North Dakota, 

= 9 eiv= 

Table 9,--Net annual growth, annual mortality, and commodity drain on 

live sawtimber and growing stock on commercial forest land, 
North Dakota, 1954 


: Sawtimber es Growing stock 
Item : Total :Softwoods:Hardwoods: Total :Softwoods:Hardwoods 
Million Million Million Million Million Million 
lel, sews loels szb6 bdeette (Cis hc. =CuUL tt. Cllen tate 
Net annual growth 28.2 - 28.2 10.3 - 10.63 
Annual mortality SG - 9.6 5.3 - 5S 

Commodity ee! 

Lumber 2.0 - 2.0 0.4 - 0.4 
Fuelwood eel = aa veel - Sal 
Fence posts 1.6 0.1 1.5 WSC O.l1 1.6 
Logging waste 0.4 = 0.4 0.3 - 0.3 
Total 9.1 ORE 5.0 3.5 OF 3.4 

All drain 14.7 0.1 14.6 8.8 0.1 8.7 

1/ There is negligible or no drain for the following timber products: 
Veneer, cooperage, or pulpwood logs and bolts; piling; poles; ties; 
and mine timbers, 












Anderson, Harry G. 
1949, Sawmilling in North Dakota, 
Ext, Serv., N, D, Agr. Col. 4 pp. (Processed). 

Bavendick, Frank J. 
1946. Climate and weather in North Dakota, 
U. S. Weather Bureau cooperating with 
North Dakota State Water Con. Com, 
96" pp.) t1ius 3 

George, Ernest J. 
1953. Tree and shrub species for the northern Great 
Plains, U. S. Dept. of Agr. Cir. 912, 46 pp., illus: 

George, Ernest J, 
1953. 3l-year results in growing shelterbelts. 
U. S. Dept. of Agr. Cir. 924,57 pp., iilus: 

Molberg, John M, 
1950, Common trees and shrubs of North Dakota, 
North Dakota School of Forestry, 31 pp., illus. 

Munns, E, N. and Stoeckeler, Joseph H. 
1946. How are the Great Plains shelterbelts? 
Jour, of Forestry 44: 237-257, 

Potter, Loren D, 
1952, North Dakota's heritage of pine. 
State Historical Society. Reprint from 
Vol. 19), No.) 3.7 12 pp. Ltlus. 

U. S. Forest Service, 
1935. Possibilities of shelterbelt planting in the 
plains region. U. S. Dept. of Agr., Forest 
Service. 201 pp., illus. 

Will, George F, 
1946, Tree ring studies in North Dakota, 
Agr. Expt. Sta., N. D. Agr. Col. 
Bul, 338, 24 pp., illus. 

= SY) S 


Definition of Terms 
Land Area 

Land area.-- Includes dry land and land temporarily covered with 
water, streams less than 1/8-mile in width, and ponds less than 
40 acres in area, Source: United States Census of Agriculture, 
1950, U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 

Forest land area.--Includes (a) lands which are at least 10 per- 
cent stocked by trees of any size and capable of producing timber 
or other wood products, or of exerting an influence on the climate 
or on the water regime; (b) land from which the trees described in 
(a) have been removed to less than 10 percent stocking and which 
have not been developed for other use; and (c) afforested areas, 
(Timbered tracts of less than 1 acre or forested strips of less 
than 120 feet wide are not included.) 

Concentrated forest land area,--Requires a minimum area of 5,000 
acres of forest land in blocks at least 5 percent wooded, 

Scattered forest land area.--Includes areas less than 5 percent 
wooded and blocks with fewer than 5,000 acres of forest land. 

Commercial forest land area,--Forest land which is (a) producing 
or physically capable of producing usable crops of wood (usually 
sawtimber), (b) economically available now or prospectively, and 
(c) not withdrawn from timber utilization, 

Noncommercial forest land area.~-Forest land (a) withdrawn from 
timber utilization through statute, ordinance, or administrative 
order but which otherwise qualifies as commercial forest land, 
and (b) incapable of yielding usable wood products (usually 
sawtimber) because of adverse site conditions, 

Forest Types 

A forest type is classified with respect to species predominant 
volume-wise in the stand regardless of stand size, For example, 
the ash-elm type is a stand of bottomland hardwood species in 
which ash and elm predominate, Six types were recognized in 
North Dakota: Ash-elm, aspen-birch (trembling aspen and paper 
birch), cottonwood, oak (bur oak), juniper, and ponderosa pine, 

= eh 

Forest Stand-Size Classes 

Sawtimber stands.--Stands with sawtimber trees having a minimum 
net volume per acre of 1,500 board feet, International 1/4-inch 

Poletimber stands.--Stands failing to meet the sawtimber stand 
specification, but at least 10 percent stocked with poletimber 
and larger (5.0 inches diameter at breast height and larger) 
trees with at least half the minimum stocking in poletimber 

Seedling and sapling stands.--Stands not qualifying as either 
sawtimber or poletimber stands, but having at least 10 percent 
stocking of trees of commercial species and with at least half 
the minimum stocking in seedling and sapling trees, 

Tree Classes 

Sawtimber trees.--Trees of commercially used species meeting 
regional use requirements for soundness and form, with a mini- 
mum diameter at breast height of 11.0 inches for hardwoods and 
9.0 inches for softwoods, 

Poletimber trees.--Trees of commercially used species meeting 
regional use requirements for soundness and form, with a diameter 
range at breast height of 5.0 to 10.9 inches for hardwoods and 
5.0 to 8.9 inches for softwoods, 

Cull trees.--Live trees of sawtimber or poletimber size that 
are unmerchantable for sawlogs now or prospectively because 
of defect, 

Timber Volume 

Net volume.--Gross wood volume less deductions for rot and 

All timber volume.--Net volume in cubic feet of live and salvable 
dead sawtimber trees and poletimber trees of commercial species, 
and of cull trees of ali species from stump to a minimum 4,0-inch 
top diameter inside bark, Includes bole only of softwoods but bole 
and limbs of hardwoods to a minimum 4,0-inch top diameter (of cen- 
tral stem) inside bark. 

239 0= 

Upper stem portion,--Net volume in cubic feet of bole of sawtimber 
trees between merchantable top and a point on the bole with a mini- 
mum top 4,0 inches in diameter inside bark when it exists, 

Hardwood limbs.-~-Limbs of live hardwood sawtimber trees and saw- 
timber-size cull hardwood trees to a minimum diameter of 4.0 
inches inside bark, 


Net annual growth.--The change in net volume of growing stock on 
commercial forest land for a specified year, 


Annual mortality of growing stock.--The net cubic-foot volume re- 
moved from growing stock during a specified year through death from 
natural causes, 


Timber products output.--The volume of timber products cut from 
growing stock and other sources, 

Forest Survey Methods 


In North Dakota two broad strata (called concentrated and scattered 
areas) were dot-sampled to determine the forest land areas, ASC 
photos with a scale 8-inches-to-the-mile were used, Thirty-nine 

of the 53 counties in the state were sampled, (see accompanying 

= BS) 

Surveyed counties in North Dakota wit 



Golden Valley 
Grand Forks 




and commercial forest arex 




a7, From Census of Agriculture, 1950. 
2/ See Appendix for definition of terms, 


h tetal land area 

1: 2/ 
Land area: Commercial forest area. 
Thousand Thousand 
acres acres Percent 
634 52 03 
957 Zyl! 2°22 
915 9.6 1,05 
729 11.8 1,62 
1,087 45.1 4.15 
717 co O07 
1,072 6.1 ood 
eS 10.9 SIL 
968 91.4 9.0L 
732 ots} sabal 
1,324 37.3 2.82 
412 2.0 49 
989 4.5 46 
649 0 (0) 
920 19.5 25L2 
1,070 238 O77 
457 3.0 - 66 
726 2 03 
642 0 O 
1,819 19.3 \ 1,06 
1,464 7.6 202 
710 2.0 29 
Ij awe: 4.9 239 
461 3.1 67 
719 47.3 6.98 
674 mie 03 
777 4.8 62 
552 6.1 Ie, Akal 
934 4.8 ool 
600 82.1 13.68 
547 3.0 Preys) 
785 5.4 69 
725 4.4 61 
1,455 3.8 26 
668 9 ol3 
sol 4.1 74 
826 2.1 20 
oad Se 52S 
1,344 1.0 O07 

Concentrated areas,--One hundred percent coverage was achieved by 
laying a 20-dot grid over alternate photos in every flight line 
(alternate photos give full coverage), Forest area proportions 
were determined by counting and classifying the points as forest, 
nonforest, or water, A photo-determined description indicating 
type, size class, and density was given for a 23-acre area sur- 
rounding each fourth forest dot. To verify and adjust these photo 
classifications, every fifth photo-classified forest dot was ground 

Scattered areas.--Twelve-and-one-half percent coverage was achieved 
by laying a 100-dot grid over every fourth photo in every fourth 
flight line. The field procedure from this point on corresponds 

to the description given under "concentrated areas.” 

Volume and Growth 

The volumes on 1/5-acre circular plots were tallied at each ground- 
check point that was classified as sawtimber or poletimber, at 
alternate check points classified as restocking, and at every fourth 
nonstocked or noncommercial classified point. Growth data were 
computed from sample tree measurements recorded at each ground=-check 
point. Sample trees were selected as follows: 

1. Every sawtimber tree on the NE-} of the 1/5-acre 

2. Every poletimber tree on a 1/50-acre plot at the 
center of the 1/5-acre plot, 

3. Every tree in the 4-inch d.b.h. class on the NE-} 
of the 1/50-acre plot. 

Commodity Drain 

All known sawmill owners were contacted for an estimate of their pro- 
duction, No other wood-using industries are present in North Dakota, 
To arrive at an estimated volume use for fuelwood and fence posts, 
the landowner nearest each ground-check point was contacted and his 
requirements recorded, 

x) BIR 

Accuracy of Estimates 

The errors of estimates in this report are attributable to samp- 
ling errors and to human errors in classifying, cruising, and 
computing. Human errors were held to a minimum by careful train- 
ing and painstaking work. Calculations of standard error indicate 
that the chances are 2 out of 3 that the estimated forest area is 
within + 2.9 percent of the actual forest area, and that the esti- 
mated total volume is within + 3.2 percent of the actual volume, 
Statistical accuracy of any portion of the area or volume varies 
with size of the figures; the larger the quantity, the smaller 

the sampling error associated with it. 

=n 36 


The following material has been prepared for readers who may wish to com- 
pare statistics for North Dakota with those in other Forest Survey state 
reports. When any one of the 10 standard tables appears in the body of 
the report only its caption has been given together with the page number 
on which it can be found. 

Table I.--Land area by major classes of land, 1954. .... . .page 21. 

Table II.--Commercial forest land area by ownership 
and’ ‘stend=sizerclass, 1954, . 5... 2... « « «. «page 23, 

Table III.--Area of commercial forest land 

by major forest types, 1954 

Forest type : Thousand acres 
Ponderosa pine 0 
Juniper (cedar) 2.6 
Ash-elm 155.6 
Cottonwood 43.7 
Aspen-birch 126.1 
Oak 83.9 
Upland brush 8.8 
Lowland brush 29.3 

Total 451.0 

Table IV.--Net volume of live sawtimber and growing stock on 

commercial forest land by stand-size class, 1954 

Stand-size class : Sawtimber j Growing stock 

Million bd. ft. Million cu. ft. 

Sawtimber stands 410.4 107.2 
Poletimber stands 81.1 127.1 
Seedling and sapling stands 13/33 21.0 

Nonstocked and other areas 
not elsewhere classified 4,4 o} 50) 
Total 509.2 257.8 

Table V.--Net volume of live sawtimber and growing stock on 

commercial forest land by ownership class, 1954 

Ownership class * Sawtimber p Growing stock 

Million bd. ft. Million cu. ft. 
Federally owned Tevet Te 
or managed: 
National forest = = 

Indian 80.6 40.8 

Other 64.5 CART 

Total 145.1 73.5 

State Walz 5.9 

County and municipal - - 

Farm 205.6 104.1 

Industrial and other 146.8 74.3 

Total 352.4 178,4 

All ownerships 509.2 257.8 

Table VI.--Ket volume of live sawtimber aud growing stock on 
commercial forest land by species, 1954 
pier ee eee 

Species : Sewtimber " Growing stock 

Million bé. ft. Million cu. ft. 
Sof twoods: 

Ponderosa pine = 2 
Juniper (cedar) - Q/) 
Total - m2 
Ash 58.9 36.4 
Elm 149.3 Sé.3 
Basswood 80.0 Pee) 
Oak 59.1 SAS 
Cottonwood U2S3: PASC 
Aspen 2.0 49.1 
Balsam poplar 6.3 ILS) 
Paper birch 5.5 Sos} 
Box elder 6.3 7.8 
Other hardwoods Pate) 2.4 
Total 509...2 257.6 
All species 509.2 257.8 

i/ Less than 0.05 million cubic feet. 

Table VII.--Net volume of live sawtimber on commercial 
forest land by diameter class groups and 
Bynes CRS elo Gg oo Oo 6 O06 6 o PERS 28s 

Table VIII.--Net volume of all timber on commercial forest land 

by class of material and species group, 1954 

Class of material : Total : Sof twoods 3 Hardwoods 


Growing stock: 
Sawtimber trees: 

Sawlog portion 88.9 = 88.9 
Upper stem portion 18.5 - HS 
Total 107.4 = 107.4 
Poletimber trees 150.4 = 150.4 
Total growing stock 247.8 = 257.8 

Other material: 

Sound cull 59.4 - 59.4 
Rotten cull Bele th - SOR 
Hardwood limbs PAS) = 21.9 
Salvable dead Q/) - Q/) 

Total other material 121.0 - S210 

Total all timber 378.8 = 378.8 
1/ Less than 0.05 million cubic feet. 

Table IX,--Net annual growth, annual mortality, and 
commodity drain on live sawtimber and 
growing stock on commercial forest land, 
by Species seroups,, U9S4 5 2 ew ee Dagen2or 

Table X,--Total output of timber products and commodity drain 

on live sawtimber and growing stock, 1954 

: - Cc dity drai 
Volume of product arel/ Commodity drain ommo' y drain 
: : on sawtimber : on growing stock 
SoouCE : Standard : : Thousand : Q : : : : 
z * Number * *“ Total ‘“Softwoods‘Hardwoods* Total “Sof twoods Hardwoods 
a unit : SeCUS Gs H $ : : : 
Million board feet Million cubic feet 
Sawlogs Mobde) £t en 2,350 447 2.0 - 2.0 0.4 - 0.4 
Veneer logs 
and bolts Mibd'eet c. - - - - - - = = 
Cooperage logs 
and bolts M bd, ft. - - - - - - = — 
Pulpwood logs M bd, ft. - - - - - = = = 
Pulpwood bolts Std.cords - - - - = < = = 
Fuelwood Std.cords 40 ,000 1,084 1.1 — ab oal atoal = Iboal 
Piling M linear ft. - - - - - 5 5 es 
Poles M pieces = - - - - o = = 
Posts M pieces 2,550 1,712 1.6 0.1 1.5 LEA 0.1 1.6 
Hewn ties M pieces - - - - - = = = 
Mine timbers Micugt bie - - - - - = 2 = 
Miscellaneous Mucus ft. - - - - - S = = 
Total 3,243 4.7 0.1 4.6 3.2 0.1 3.1 

lf Includes material from both growing stock and other miscellaneous sources. 
2/ International 1/4-inch rule, 

3/ Roughwood basis. 

4/ Includes chemical wood, excelsior, handle stock, shingle bolts, etc. 
