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In Cooperation with the 

College of Agriculture, University of Wisconsin 


ny Washington, D. C. October 13, 1924 


JAMES JOHNSON, Agent, Office of Tobacco Investigations 
Bureau of Plant Industry, and Professor of Horticulture 
College of Agriculture, University of Wisconsin 

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Punties ne te bnysical ARONCIeS Ooo!) 5) a!) aia a), a, Suey ofa! tee eale! » ehaetia ve 

Unimportant or Rare Diseases Not Otherwise Classified ............-. 41 
Danweein Curme and Fermentation . <<<.) ! 2). 0.5) cs ee ee wwe oe 43 
Diseases of Tobaccoin Foreign Countries .-....-.-..--2+2-+-+eeees 48 

Bubliegraphy® 0 8 ee ee te tw ee 



In Cooperation with the 
College of Agriculture, University of Wisconsin 


Washington, D. C. October 13, 1924 


By JAMES JOHNSON, Agent, Office of Tobacco Investigations, Bureau of Plant 
Industry, and Professor of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, University 
of Wisconsin. 

Page. Page. 
Introduction= ===. eee ie | ROOtaCISCAS CS FE ee eee 18 
The nature of plant diseases_______ Sp PUed ieGIScases = een. Sa eee 25 
WOSSCSHELOIM GISCASC mt es eee ee 3 | Injuries due to physical agencies___ 41 
The plant bed as a source of infec- Unimportant or rare diseases not 
LO Tae es oes SF OT ee eee as ae 4 otherwise classified] =") ss 41 
BRlantibedssanitationy === 4 | Damage in curing and fermentation_ 43 
The tenia uon of soil for plant Diseases of tobacco in fcreign coun- 
Th a Ee ee LOS eae Rese Te Oi Me etic aay 48 
Stem OE Stalk discascs== sae (ol oibiorraph ya ees ee eae eee 50 

The tobacco plant has been cultivated in the United States for 
more than 300 years. Nearly 1,750,000 acres of land are devoted to the 
production of the crop, which is now approximately one and one-third 
bilhon pounds per year. While new areas have been gradually 
opened to the culture of the crop, the growing districts have re- 
mained remarkably constant in location, so that most tobacco soils 
are subject to continuous or repeated intensive culture, naturally re- 
sulting in an accumulation of diseases and insects which affect this 
crop in particular. The production of a good yield and high quality 
of tobacco up to the manufacturing stage has become increasingly 
difficult, in spite of the greatly increased knowledge and experience 
on the part of the growers concerning the various aspects of the cul- 
ture of the crop. Some of the most “important and obscure difficul- 
ties confronting the growers are those which belong to the class of 
plant diseases. It is the purpose of this bulletin to describe these 
diseases, giving the causes where known, and to suggest the best 
means of control available. 

The tobacco-growing districts are relatively small areas, located 
largely east of the Mississippi River, but ranging from the warmest 
to almost the coolest climate in the United States (fig. 1). These dis- 
tricts, furthermore, produce distinct types of tobacco, used for va- 
rious purposes, as a result of employing different varieties of seed, 




rowing the crop on widely different soils, together with variations 
in climatic conditions and methods of handling. The main prob- 
lems confronting the growers in the different sections, therefore, 
are not always the same. Any one disease may be much more serious 

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Fic. 1.—Map of the eastern half of the United States showing the tobacco-growing dis- 
tricts. Intensive culture in relatively small districts is favorable to the accumulation 
of plant diseases. 

in one section than in another or may not occur at all in some dis- 
tricts, either because of conditions of environment or varietal dif- 
ferences in resistance or due to the accident of introduction of the 
parasite concerned. The control measures recommended therefore 
may not apply equally well to all districts, but these details can not 
be given full consideration in a brief treatise on the subject. 


Before giving separate consideration to each disease it is well to 
recognize the general facts in regard to plant diseases and their 
control. : 

The most fundamental consideration to be borne in. mind is that 
most of our plant diseases are caused by fungi or bacteria (germs). 
These organisms (Pl. I, figs. 1 and 2), usually so extremely small in 
size that. they can be seen only with high-power microscopes, are 
capable of attacking and feeding upon plant tissues, thereby injur- 
ing the plant. The particular organism causing the injury is called 
the parasite, and the plant attacked is conveniently referred to as 
the host. Each parasite usually produces a distinct type of injury, 
so that it is ordinarily possible to recognize the disease readily by 
the general symptoms. In the case of most diseases caused by para- 
sites it is possible to isolate the fungus or bacterium concerned and 
to grow it in pure culture, that is, free from all other living organ- 
isms, and thereby study many aspects of its character and behavior. 
By inoculating plants with such cultures it is possible to prove posi- 
tively that the organism is the cause of the disease in question and to 
study many problems bearing on the control of the disease. | 

Diseases of the above-described type are infectious, that is, unde 
favorable conditions they can spread from one plant to another. 
They may be harbored in the soil, or by certain agencies may be 
carried over unfavorable periods for infection and later spread to 
susceptible plants which become diseased, environmental conditions 
permitting. The part played by weather conditions in plant diseases 
is an important one, but from the standpoint of disease control is 
of little importance, since weather can not be controlled. About 
the only practical method for the control of plant diseases is there- 
fore that of preventing infection either by eliminating the parasite 
or else by safeguarding the host plants from its attack by spraying 
or by the use of resistant varieties. 

A second class of plant diseases are those generally referred to 
as the nonparasitic group. Such diseases are either known to be 
or believed to be not due to parasites but result rather from unfavor- 
able soil or climatic conditions which disturb the normal progress of 
plant development. Several other types of injury may be included 
here, however. The principles of control are therefore radically dif- 
ferent from those used against parasitic diseases. 

Another class of troubles which must be considered in the case of 
tobacco and which strictly does not fall into either of the above 
classes is damage occurring during the curing, fermenting, or storage 
processes, when the plant tissue is dead. While these troubles usually 
are of the same nature as the parasitic diseases, in that they are due 
to fungi and bacteria, the organisms concerned are termed sap- 
rophytes because they live and grow normally on dead tissue. 

Insect damage is not considered in this bulletin except in so far 
as it plays a part in spreading plant diseases. 


The annual losses caused by diseases of tobacco in the United 
States are difficult to estimate with any degree of accuracy. Fairly 


careful study of some diseases in certain sections at one time or 
another furnishes some basis, however, for the conclusion that the 
average annual loss amounts to many millions of dollars. The 
losses from root rots in certain years certainly exceed $10,000,000. 
Some of the recent wild-fire and black-fire epidemics have alone 
caused losses to the extent of millions of dollars in certain districts. 
Other leaf-spot diseases and mosaic are always present to a consid- 
erable extent in one section or another and materially reduce both 
yield and quality. The damages during curing and fermentation 
alone run into hundreds of thousands of dollars annually. If we 
estimate the average annual loss from tobacco diseases in the United 
States at 5 per cent of the er op value, which is believed to be a very 
conservative figure, the loss based on the present value of the crop 
would be close to $25,000,000 per year. 


A very considerable number of diseases which cause great damage 
in the field have their origin in the plant bed. Preventive measures 
should, therefore, be used in the preparation of the seed beds to 
assure success in controlling the diseases in question. The most 
common seed-bed disease is known as damping-off or bed-rot and 
may be caused by several different fungi. The parasites of this 
class are, however, ordinarily important only in the seed_beds, 
although they may occasionally carry over into the field as black- 
leg, canker, or sore-shin. 

In the case of black root-rot the most serious injury follows trans- 
planting to infested soils, although frequently much injury results 
from the occurrence of this disease in plant beds and the subsequent 
transplanting of infected plants to disease-free soils. 

The mosaic disease of tobacco, which is very rarely noted or re- 
garded as of any importance in "the plant beds, usually originates, 
however, in the seed beds, and its presence there is largely respon- 
sible for the general field infections frequently observed ‘in many 

Recently it has been shown that several bacterial diseases, i. e., 
wild-fire, black-fire, and Wisconsin leaf-spot, some of which are very 
important in the districts where they occur, are in practically all 
cases traceable to plant-bed infection. Many other diseases of tobacco 
may also make their first appearance in the seed bed. 

The production of plants for transplanting entirely free from 
such diseases as mosaic, wild-fire, and black-fire is therefore highly 
important, since at no other point ‘can the prevention of these 
diseases be accomplished more efficiently or economically. 

The principles of control are essentially similar for all the diseases 
concerned, that is, eliminating the chances of the introduction to the 
seed bed of the parasites concerned in these diseases or destroying 
them if already present. The measures which can be applied can be 
included under the general term “ sanitation.” 


The following summary of sanitary measures which should be ap- 
plied in seed-bed preparation, particularly on farms where mosaic 


or the bacterial leaf spots have recently caused concern, is presented. 
In the case of damping-off and root-rot the use of new soil or 
sterilized soil will ordinarily suffice. 

(1) Plant beds should preferably be placed a considerable dis- 
tance from the location of the seed beds or fields of the previous year 
and away from tobacco-curing barns and weedy areas. 

(2) No tobacco refuse (trash) or stems should be used as fertilizer 
on seed beds. Refuse should preferably be cleaned up and destroyed 
before seed beds are started. 

(3) Plant-bed frames should be made of new material, or the old 
material should be disinfected by painting or sprinkling with some 
disinfecting solution such as formaldehyde or corrosive sublimate. 

(4) If new seed-bed covers are not used, the old cloth covers should 
be sterilized by boiling one hour, and sash should be disinfected with 
the frames. 

(5) If new land is not used for seed beds—1. e., woods lands, new 
breaking, or sod—the soil for the seed beds should be sterilized, pref- 
erably by steaming for at least 80 minutes. 

(6) In case the tobacco seed to be used is likely to be infested with 
wild-fire or black-fire it should be disinfected with corrosive subli- 
mate (1 part to 1,000 parts of water). Place the seed in a cheese- 
cloth bag, dip it in the solution, and stir it about for 10 to 15 min- 
utes. Rinse thoroughly with pure water and dry as rapidly as 
possible. This method of sterilization can be used only with seed 
sown in the soil without previous sprouting, since sprouting is other- 
wise interfered with. Silver-nitrate (1 to 1,000) treatment for 15 
minutes gives as good disinfection as corrosive sublimate and permits 
sprouting of the seed before sowing. 

(7) Do not sow the seed too thickly (1 ounce to each 800 to 1,000 
square feet is usually sufficient). Do not overwater the plants, and 
ventilate frequently by raising or removing the covers, especially 
when glass covers are employed. 

(8) Inspect the beds at intervals for diseased plants, and if any 
are noted destroy them at once and soak the infected area with form- 
aldehyde solution (1 to 25). Carefully avoid these infected areas 
when weeding or pulling plants, since the parasites are readily spread 
at such times. If infection is general in the seed bed it is safest to 
procure healthy plants from other sources for transplanting. 


The sterilization of seed beds by steam, using the inverted-pan 
method, gives the most satisfactory results (fig. 2). Surface firing, 
roasting, and the formaldehyde-drench methods are useful under 
certain conditions or in the absence of facilities for steam steriliza- 
tion. The principal benefits of soil sterilization are the killing of 
parasites which may be harbored in the soil, such as those which 
cause damping-off and root-rot, and the killing of weed seeds. By 
bringing about other changes in the soil, however, a considerably 
more uniform and rapid growth of the seedlings ordinarily results 
(fig. 3). 

To steam beds by the inverted-pan method, a boiler, pan, and con- 
necting hose or pipe are required. The boiler should have sufficient 
capacity to discharge a continuous flow of steam at a pressure of at 


least 80 pounds into the inverted pan. While the pressure in the 
pan itself may be considerably less than a pound, the advantage in 
high pressure lies in the fact that dry steam is preferable to wet 
steam and in that through a small connecting hose more steam can be 
supplied to the pan per minute. The ordinary steam traction en- 
gine, when obtainable, is especially suitable for this work. 

The pan is preferably made of No. 16 galvanized iron reinforced 
with angle iron, although other materials may be used. Its size, 
shape, and construction may be made to fit the conditions at hand. 
The pan may ordinarily vary from 50 to 100 square feet in area, 6 
by 12 feet by 8 inches in height being common dimensions, although 
pans as long as 14 and 16 feet are used. Handles, usually of iron 
pipe, are ordinarily attached. The lower edge of the pan should be 
sufficiently sharp so that it may be pressed readily into loose soil. 
The inlet for the.steam may be made through the top or side of the 

Fic. 2.—Steaming tobacco seed beds. This method is now widely used to prevent 
plant-bed diseases, and it is also beneficial in other ways. 

pan, but it should be so placed that the steam is not thrown directly 
into the soil. 

Soil steaming is usually done in the spring, some time before sow- 
ing the seed, although fall steaming is sometimes practiced with 
good results, especially where some protection can be given to the 
beds to prevent reinfestation with parasites and weed seeds. 

The seed beds should be made practically ready for sowing before 
sterilization. ‘The soil should be fairly loose, not too dry nor too 
wet, when steamed. The length of time required to sterilize the soil 
will depend largely upon its condition, especially with reference to 
moisture content and compactness, but ordinarily 80 minutes of 
steaming suffices. The cost of steaming is usually between 1 and 14 
cents per square foot. 

Surface firing consists simply in burning brush or other material 
on the surface of the seed bed for a period of 30 to 60 minutes. The 


roasting process consists in principle of shoveling about 4 inches 
of the seed-bed surface soil upon an iron pan under which a fire is 
maintained and heating it sufficiently to convert most of the mois- 
ture to steam before replacing the soil. 

For the formaldehyde-drench method use 1 gallon of formaldehyde 
to 50 gallons of water, sprinkling this over the beds at the rate of 
about 50 gallons to every 100 to 150 square feet of seed-bed surface 
and regulating the flow so as to allow the solution to soak into the soil 
to a depth of at least 4 inches. The soil must then be given several 
days to dry out and all fumes of formaldehyde allowed to disappear 
before sowing the seed. For this reason the formaldehyde method 
is quite unsatisfactory unless its application can be made a consid- 
erable time before the time of sowing, since weather unfavorable for 

Fic. 3.—Growth of plants on soil steamed and not steamed. The area to the left of 
center was steamed; the area to the right was not steamed. Steamed soil produces 
healthy plants. 

drying may delay sowing. Fall applications of the formaldehyde 
drench, however, may sometimes be used to advantage. 

In the following pages the parasitic diseases are roughly grouped 
according to the parts of the plant primarily affected. The non- 
parasitic diseases and those due to saprophytes are in separate 



Description.—A rot of young plants starting in the stem of the 
plant near the soil surface in plant. beds is usually referred to as 
damping-off. This disease may appear at almost any stage of growth 
of the seedlings in the bed, and, as will be pointed out later, a very 
similar condition may be met with on isolated plants in the field. 
Usually, however, the disease is most likely to occur when the plants 
become much crowded and the ventilation at the surface of the soil 
is very poor during periods of wet weather. Under such conditions 
the disease spreads rather rapidly, ordinarily in circular areas from 
isolated centers of infection. The plants generally topple over, the 
whole stem and leaves becoming decayed, although in other cases 


only brownish or black lesions appear on the stem of the plant (fig. 
4). In case of an attack of damping-off when the plants are very 
young the symptoms above described are not very evident, and the 
first indication of disease may be a poor and uneven stand of yel- 
lowish plants. 

Cause.—Damping-off may be caused by one or more of several 
plant parasites. The most common organisms causing this disease 
are, however, two fungi, Pythiwm debaryanum and Rhizoctonia 
solani (Cor ticium vag gum). The symptoms produced by these or- 
ganisms are essentially identical, but the organisms themselves are 
readily distinguishable under the microscope. : Both of these fungi 

Fic. 4.—Tobacco plants affected with damping-off, or bed-rot. This disease is char- 
acterized by a decay of the stems of young plants in the plant beds. 

are very common soil-inhabitating organisms and attack a large 
variety of other plants. They are most “likely to be found in arden 
soils or other soils where their common host. plants have previously 
been grown. They are apparently least likely to be present in soils 
where only grasses or grains have been recently grown. Both or- 
ganisms Ov erwinter in the soil. They do not spread as readily as 
many other parasites, since spores are not ordinarily produced as 
abundantly, nor are they so readily spread through the air. 
Conditions favoring the. disease. ants remaining wet 
for relatively long periods furnish conditions especially favorable for 
the spread of the disease. High humidity around the plants as a 

Bul. 1256. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE | 


Most plant diseases are caused by organisms of this type 


Many of the diseases of tobacco are caused by these extremely small organisms, visible only when 
greatly enlarged under the microscope 


1256, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture 


[IOs oy} UL YseIOd Jo AouoTOYyop & OPLoIpUT ‘SOOT YSTMOT[OA YITA “Jvor oy} JO Buptoyond puv sup) 


unyolpog snduny 94} Aq poonpoid st Aanfur yyeys Jo edAqd sTUL 



consequence of atmospheric conditions or poor ventilation in covered 
beds is also a predisposing factor. High temperatures are also 
favorable for the development of Pythium, although Rhizoctonia is 
apparently favored by relatively lower temperatures. Generally 
speaking, the thicker the stand of plants the more favorable the con- 
ditions for the spread of damping-off. 

Control.Seed beds should not be located where danger of damp- 
ing-off exists unless the soil is well sterilized. Ordinarily, damping- 
off can be avoided by locating the seed beds on grassland or where 
only grains or corn have been grown the preceding year, unless the 
parasites are introduced with the animal manures used. Garden 
soils, old plant beds, weedy patches, or areas where refuse has been 
thrown are likely to be infested. Well-drained sandy soils are best, 
since they permit more rapid drying out after wet weather. Avoid 
the common error of seeding too thickly. Water the beds thoroughly 
rather than frequently, and if damping-off appears permit them to 
become well dried off if possible. Ventilate the beds by removing 
the covers during favorable weather. If the disease occurs only in 
isolated small areas remove the infected plants and those immediately 
surrounding, and if the plants are still young apply a formaldehyde 
solution (1 part to 50 parts of water) to the infested area, leaving 
off sash covers of such areas, however, to permit the escape of the 

The occasional occurrence of damping-off in steam-sterilized beds 
may result either from insufficient heating of the soil or from rein- 
festation due to unsterilized soil being accidentally transferred to 
the seed bed. 

Plants showing lesions of damping-off on the stem should not be 
transplanted to the field, since such plants may subsequently rot off. 


Description.—The sore-shin type of disease has been reported from 
various parts of the country under different names. In addition to 
those given, sore-shank, canker, black-leg, collar-rot, bed-rot, or 
damping-off may be considered synonymous as far as symptoms are 
concerned. As a matter of fact, however, it has not been found that 
these diseases are all one and the same, and it is not improbable that 
at least three or more different causal organisms are concerned in 
their production. 

As the names imply, this disease is characteristically a rot, nor- 
mally located on the stem or stalk of the plant and usually starting 
in the vicinity of the soil surface. This decay may appear only as a 
blackening of the surface of the stalk, but more commonly it pene- 
trates to the woody portion in the case of large plants or completely 
through the stem in young plants. Under favorable conditions the 
blackening may extend up the stalk of the plant for a considerable 
distance and enter the midrib and veins of the leaves, causing them 
to drop (fig. 5). Affected plants are usually dwarfed and yellowish 
in color, owing to interference with the transfer of water and plant 
food. The weakening of the plant at the soil surface also renders it 
quite likely to be broken off at that point by the wind. If the dis- 
ease does not encircle the entire stem the plant may partially or 


wholly recover under conditions which are unfavorable for the 

Cause.—The similarity of this disease to bed-rot, or damping-off, 
previously described, is evident, excepting that the former rot is 
characteristically located in the plant beds, whereas the disease now 
under consideration occurs under field conditions. It seems to be 

: fairly well estab- 
lished that the dis- 
eases are identical 
and that often the 
field disease .arises 
from the _ trans- 
planting of infected 
seedlings, although 
the causal organisms 
concerned are com- 
mon soil organisms 
and infection from 
field soil is not im- 
probable. The dis- 
ease has been re- 
ported from differ- 
ent sections as due to 
Lhizoctonia solani 
and Pythium debary- 
anum, both common 
damping-off fungi, 
and to undescribed 
bacteria. Stem-rot, 
eaused by WSclero- 
tium rolfsiz (Sclero- 
tinia sp.), falls into 
this group of dis- 
eases as far as gen- 
eral symptoms, ori- 
gin, and control are 
concerned (Pl. II, 
fig. 1). chase 
ease is frequently 
characterized by the 
production of small 
sclerotial bodies on 
the surface of the 
diseased area. A 
number of other 
Fic. 5.—Sore-shin, or black-leg. The rotting of the stalk at cultivated plants are 

the surface of the ground is characteristic. Sometimes affected in a similar 
sort Agra i Seam a considerable distance up the stalk and way by Rhizoctonia 
in particular. 

Conditions favoring the disease.—It is believed that most cases 
of sore-shin are a result of transplanting plants more or less affected 
with the damping-off disease in the plant beds. This primary lesion 
may make little or no development for weeks after transplanting, 
but finally, under favorable weather conditions and especially when 


the soil remains wet for a considerable time, the parasite may again 
obtain a foothold and make a fairly rapid development, with accom- 
panying decay of the plant, before being again checked by unfavor- 
able conditions. 

Control—The control of this disease naturally centers around the 
use of disease-free seedlings for transplanting. When pulling plants 
all those infected should be discarded. Soil sterilization and other 
measures should be used to prevent damping-off in the seed beds 
where sore-shin is of common occurrence. The disease is not usually 
evident sufficiently early to permit replanting. Since wet, poorly 
drained soils favor the disease, they should be avoided if possible, 
and fields frequently giving a high percentage of the disease may 
be advantageously rotated. 


Description.—A serious disease of tobacco which has long been 
known in Sumatra and Java as “ lanasziekte” or “ bibitziekte” is 
now said to be found in the shade-growing sections of Florida and 
Georgia. This disease may attack the plants in the seed beds, caus- 
ing a rot similar to damping-off. It is in the field, however, that the 
greatest damage is done. The symptoms may be a general wilting 
of the plant, following marked signs of decay at the base of the 
stalk and extending upwards as far as 24 inches. In this respect it 
resembles to some extent severe cases of sore-shin previously de- 
scribed, but it more often resembles Granville wilt. The rot may 
also extend into the pith and roots of the plant. This disease also 
attacks the leaves, producing large brown blotches, especially after 
rains. The loss may frequently be very severe, involving most or all 
the plants in the field (Pl. III, fig. 1). The introduction and 
spread of this disease into tobacco districts of this country should 
be guarded against. 

Cause.—In Java and Sumatra considerable work has been done 
upon this disease. It has been shown to be due to a fungus which 
has been named Phytophthora nicotianae. Experiments in this 
country indicate that the same fungus is concerned. This parasite 
is closely related to the fungus causing our common potato late- 
blight, which produces a serious disease of potatoes under favorable 
conditions for its development. The mycelium and spores of the 
fungus may be spread in various ways, and apparently in the case of 
tobacco they may persist in the soil for at least two years. 

Conditions favoring the disease—Aside from wet or humid 
weather little is known concerning the conditions favoring the 
disease. It is not unlikely that high temperatures are also favorable. 
Varieties and strains differ markedly in susceptibility. 

Control.Seed-bed sanitary measures heretofore described (p. 4) 
are important. Plants showing signs of this disease, of course, 
should not be transplanted, and infected seed-bed areas should be 
sterilized or avoided. When fields have once become infested it. is 
unsafe to plant them to tobacco again. Especial care should be taken 
to prevent the transfer of infested soil from the diseased areas to 
new fields, by men, animals, tools, or other equipment. If the disease 
should become arnually serious in any section the development of 
disease-resistant strains offers a promising method of control. 


Description.—Hollow-stalk is a fairly common disease in most 
tobacco districts, but it is rarely important, usually occurring only on 
a few isolated plants. This disease i is referred to in some of the old- 
est hterature on tobacco culture, in which it is usually attributed to 
water-logging of the soil. The disease is characterized by the decay 
of the pith of the stalk in particular. It most commonly occurs on 
full-grown plants, where the entire pith may be rotted out, leaving 
the stalk hollow (figs. 6 and 7). Quite frequently the symptoms 
appear in the leaves, as mndicated by wilting only, but occasionally 
the actual rot extends into the 
veins of the leaf. The rot may 
start either from the base or from 
the top of the stalk, but usually 
through wounds produced either 
by insects, by accidental breaking 
of the leat, or by the topping or 
suckering operations. 

Cause.—Hollow-stalk has been 
shown to be due to the invasion of 
bacteria of the common soft-rot 
type which produce decays in 
many vegetables, especially in car- 
rots and ‘cabbages, during storage. 
While the organism causing hol- 
low-stalk has not been carefully 
studied, it is similar to the soft-rot 
organism in the common charac- 
ters, and the soft-rot organism 
from carrots will produce the de- 

cay of tobacco pith. Hollow-stalk 
is therefore attributed to Bacillus 

Conditions favoring the dis- 
ease—Wet or poorly drained 
soils no doubt favor infection, and 
continued wet weather favors both 
infection and rapid growth, which 
See ee ary in turn would produce a succulent 
plant (at are the complete de- pith. Relatively high tempera- 
guruction of ine pith Dy hollow stalk tures accompanying such moist 

stalk shown at the right. weather also favor the disease. 

When plants are topped or suck- 
ered during such periods of weather, exceptionally favorable condi- 
tions for infection thr ough the wounds produced occur before they 
can heal sufficiently. While only a very few isolated plants affected 
with hollow-stalk occur before topping, the disease is commonly 
spread to many neighboring plants in topping and suckering, the 
infective material being carried on the hands of workers from one 
plant to another. 

Control—The only measure of control which is Snitnarse worth 
while practicing in the case of hollow-stalk is to take precautions 
against spreading the disease from plant to plant during topping 
and suckering. This is best done by leaving the topping and sucker- 


% ~ 


ing of diseased plants until all healthy plants have been handled. 

decayed pith is touched by the worker’s hands they should be cleaned 
before continuing work on healthy plants. 


Description.—This disease was first found in Granville County, 

N. C., and is therefore commonly 
although it is often referred to 
simply as tobacco wilt. It is also 
known to occur in tobacco districts 
of Virginia, Florida, and Georgia 
as well as in foreign countries. me 
though the disease has been a se- 
rious one for a long time, particu- 
larly in North Carolina, it has not 
and probably never will become so 
in the more northern tobacco dis- 
tricts, on account of the fact that it 
thrives well only under relatively 
high temperature conditions ‘The 
disease has made a considerable 
though not a rapid spread in the 
southern districts. Fields ordinar- 
ily become gradually infested, so 
that under repeated cropping to 
tobacco practically complete crop 
failure results. 

The plants ordinarily are first in- 
fected through the roots from in- 
fested soil. Subsequently the dis- 
ease affects the stems and leaves. 
Usually the symptoms first appear 
two to four weeks after transplant- 
ing, the number of wilting plants 
eradually increasing. The _ first 
characteristic sign of the disease 
on a plant is the drooping of one or 
more leaves, followed by distortion 
or wrinkling, yellowing, and finally 
browning and drying up (fig. 8). 
If the tobacco stalk is cut across in 
an early stage of the disease, the 
woody portion will show yellowed 

streaks, which in later stages turn 
to brown or black as contrasted with 
the normal white tissue. In late 
stages of the disease parts or all of 
the surface of the stalk turn black 
and the pith also rots out, accom- 
panied by a decaying root system. 
The cut ends of the stalks or mid- 
ribs when pressed yield a dirty 

referred to as Granville wilt, 

Fic. 7.—Hollow-stalk of tobacco pro- 
duced by inoculation. If the bacteria 
causing this disease are inserted into 
a stalk they cause a rot, as shown in 
this split stalk. 

white ooze, which is characteristic and aids in distinguishing it from 

certain oe wilt diseases. 



Cause.—Granville wilt is a bacterial disease, and the organism 
concerned has been named Bacterium solanacearum. ‘his parasite 
causes similar destructive rots of tomatoes and potatoes, being cap- 
able also of attacking many other plants. The bacteria pass through 
and multiply particularly in the woody vessels of the plants, thereby 
clogging or otherwise injuring these vessels, so that the water and 
food supphes are cut off and the plant naturally wilts and gradually 

The germs live over winter in the soil or in the decaying roots 
and refuse of preceding crops for at least four or five years. In the 
yearly presence of tobacco or any other plant on which the bacteria 
can live the disease, of course, continues to infest the soil indefinitely 
instead of gradually dying out. The organism may be spread from 
field to field in various ways like any other soil-infesting parasite, 
but its spread is more frequent through direct transfer of soil from in- 
fested fields, as carried by men, animals, water, tools, or other equip- 

Fic. 8.—A field of tobacco plants affected with Granville wilt. The symptoms shown 
here, accompanied by blackening in the woody layer of the stalk, which yields an 
ooze on pressure of the cut end, are typical of this disease. 

ment, and these facts should be borne in mind when new land is being 
used for tobacco. ) 

Conditions favoring the disease.—Granville wilt seems to be es- 
pecially favored by hot weather. Dry weather usually exaggerates 
the disease symptoms, in that it hastens the drying up of the plants; 
but as a matter of fact wet weather and wet soils are more favorable 
for actual disease development. Sandy soils are apparently more 
likely to become heavily infested than clay soils. Wounding of the 
roots markedly favors infection, and a certain amount of this is un- 
avoidable in transplanting and cultivating. Nematodes, which cause 
the root-knot disease, are common in the wilt-infested districts, and 
it seems that wounding of roots by these organisms greatly favors 
infection by the wilt organism. 3 

Control—rThe control of this important disease in the badly in- 
fested area lies in crop rotation. A number of other methods of 
control have been tried, among them resistant varieties and various 


soil treatments, but none applicable to practical conditions has 
proved satisfactory. . 

Badly infested fields should be cropped for at least five years with 
crops not attacked by wilt, before replanting to tobacco. Four-year 
and three-year periods of cropping may suffice on land not too 
heavily infested. A second crop of tobacco in succession on in- 
fested soil is almost certain to result in failure. The wilt disease 
attacks tomatoes, potatoes, peanuts, peppers, eggplants, velvet beans, 
and garden beans. These crops therefore should not be grown in 
rotation with tobacco on infested ground. Ragweed, jimson weed, 
and certain other weeds are also attacked and should be carefully 
controlled on infested land intended for tobacco. Such crops as 
corn, wheat, rye (as a cover crop), sweet potatoes, cowpeas, grasses, 
red and crimson clover, and cotton may be safely used in rotation 
on infested land. General sanitary measures should also be used, 
aiming especially to prevent plant-bed infection by giving due re- 
gard to the location of beds with reference to infested fields and the 

Fic. 9.—Fusarium wilt of tobacco. This disease resembles Granville wilt in many 
respects. Pressure on the cut ends of stalks does not yield an ooze. 

sterilization of seed-bed soil. The use of tobacco stalks or stems 
as fertilizer should be avoided. 


Description.—This recently described disease of tobacco was first 
definitely noted in Maryland, but it has also been found in Ohio, 
Kentucky, and Tennessee. The disease does not seem to be of com- 
mon occurrence even in these districts, although in a few isolated 
cases as much as 20 per cent of the plants in a field was destroyed. 
The disease is a typical wilt and has been called Fusarium wilt 
(naming it from the causal organism) to distinguish it from the 
ordinary tobacco or Granville wilt previously described. 

The general symptoms of this disease are much like those of Gran- 
ville wilt, except that on cutting and pressing the infected stalk no 
slimy ooze is extruded from the vessels, as is common in the case of 
Granville wilt. Fusarium wilt may first become evident upon very 
young or upon mature plants. Under field conditions it is probable 
that infection occurs soon after transplanting, but that marked 
symptoms may be delayed for several weeks. In large plants the 


earliest symptom is a wilting of one or more leaves of the plant, 
often characteristically localized on one side of the leaf or plant 
(figs. 9 and 10). Yellowing, browning, and drying up of the in- 
fected leaves follow, and in severe cases the entire plant is killed. 
Roots, stalk, midrib, and veins, as well as suckers, may become in- 
fected, as indicated by cutting across these parts even in early stages 
of the disease. 

Cause.—This wilt disease is due to a fungus which belongs to the 
large group of Fusariums, rather common fungi, members of the 
same group produc- 
ing similar but not 
identical diseases in 
various. other 
plants. The  par- 
ticular species con- 
cerned with tobacco 
wilt has been named 
Fusarium oxyspo- 
rum var. nicotianae. 
The strands of this 
fungus exist in 
abundance in the 
vessels of infected 
plants and are re- 
sponsible for the 
wilting. The or- 
ganism lives over 
winter in the soil 
and may possibly 
exist there in the 
absence of tobacco 
for three years. In- 
fection, therefore, 
takes place from ~ 
the soil, and as far 
as known only 
through wounds on 
the roots or basal 
portion of the 

Conditions favor- 
ing the disease.— 
Fusarium wilt ap- 
pears to be most 
common in _ rela- 
Fie. 10.—Fusarium wilt of tobacco. Quite commonly this tively warm sea- 

gleeate jo loenlggd ape in fhe eanly stages ates nly 132.) ore, ma 

temperatures re- 
main as high as 80° to 90° F. for some time. Infection can occur, 
however, only on certain especially susceptible strains or varieties, 
among which White Burley and Maryland Broadleaf are most 
susceptible, cigar types of tobacco being generally very resistant to 
infection. The extent of infestation in the soil, as well as the 
amount of wounding, together with rainfall, naturally also plays an 
important part in the severity of the disease. 

Bul. 1256, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE III 


A disease of tobacco new in this country, at present limited to the Florida-Georgia district. 
(Courtesy of W. B. Tisdale) 


Plants on the border of spots in the field damaged by lightning usually show peculiar distortions 
and markings 


Bul. 1255, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture 

Aysrodoad Mois 04 [rey WOO Pp oy} 04 poyueydsuvyy jr nq Sspoq Oy} UT ATMOS MOI3 ATUO 1OU sjuRId posBostc{ 

Bul. 1256, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE V 


A comparison of the growth in healthy (H) and diseased (D) soil shows that cold soils favor 



Roots of tobacco and tomato plants, showing characteristic decayed areas 

a te 2 pe 5 a 





1256, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture 



Control—Where Fusarium wilt threatens to become serious, 
growers are advised not to grow tobacco on the infested soil for at 
least three years. So far as definitely known, this particular para- 
site does not attack any other plants. It is so similar, however, to 
the potato Fusarium wilt that, as a matter of general precaution, 
it is not advisable to grow potatoes in rotation with tobacco on 


Ite. 11.—A tobacco plant stunted by black root-rot.. A healthy root system is shown 
at the right. 

infested soils. Precautions should also be taken to prevent the 
spread of the disease to uninfested fields through the use of infected 
plants for transplanting or the transfer of soil. A hopeful means 
of control, should conditions warrant it, lies in the development of 
disease-resistant strains within the various susceptible varieties. 





Description.—Black root-rot is one of the most widespread dis- 
eases of tobacco and undoubtedly has caused more losses to tobacco 
growers as a whole than any other disease with which they have to 
contend. This disease frequently appears in the seed bed to a serious 
extent (Pl. IV), but the most important damage occurs in the fields 
through reduced yield and poor quality of tobacco. 

_'The disease proper is limited to the root system and the base of 
the stem below the surface of the soil. The roots are distinctly 
rotted and usually distinctly black in parts, but in severe cases the 
marked absence of roots as a result of the disease is especially 
noticeable (fig. 11). This depletion of the root system, together 
with the diseased condition of the remaining roots, naturally results 
in the starvation of the plant from lack of food and water. The 
symptoms on the aboveground parts of the plant are, therefore, only 
marked stunting of growth, usually with a yellowish or chlorotic 
appearance, commonly with premature budding out. Such symptoms 

Fic. 12.—A field of tobacco varieties, showing differences in susceptibility to black 
root rot. Many varieties of tobacco are very susceptible to the disease, as illus- 
trated by these alternate rows of ordinary White Burley, which have made little 
growth in comparison with the resistant types in neighboring rows. 

are not ordinarily distinguishable from those produced by low soil 
fertility, lack of soil moisture, and certain other unfavorable con- 
ditions for plant. growth, or in some instances symptoms produced 
by other parasites. Examination of the root system must therefore 
be made to determine with certainty the presence of the disease. The 
importance of this similarity of symptoms lis also in the fact that, 
more often than not, low soil fertility or dry weather has been held 
responsible for stunted crops where black root-rot or other plant 
parasites have been the actual cause of the conditions existing. 

It frequently happens, however, in the case of crops infested with 
black root-rot that a very uneven growth develops. This condition 
may result either from different degrees of infection on the seedlings 
when transplanted or inherent differences in the resistance of individ- 
ual plants to the disease where impure seed is used. Less striking 
unevenness may result. also as a consequence of the uneven distribu- 
tion of the parasite concerned or from irregular environmental con- 
ditions favorable for infection existing in the soil. Very uneven 


growth of tobacco does not ordinarily result from unfavorable soil 
or weather conditions alone, and consequently such fields commonly 
indicate the presence of root-rot or in some cases other parasites. 

The rapid recovery of stunted tobacco following a change in 
weather conditions is also characteristic of root-rot. Infested soils 
do not ordinarily favor a gradual and continuous growth throughout 
the season, but are affected by short periods of drought and cool as 
compared with warm weather followed by rains, so that the develop- 
ment of the crop occurs in short intervals rather than as uninter- 
rupted growth. ? 

The extent of the damage from black root-rot ranges from complete 
crop failures to imperceptible losses even in the presence of consider- 
able evidence of the parasite on the roots, the latter condition re- 

- sulting from the power of the tobacco plant to recover from injury 

to the root system. More commonly the reduction in yield varies 
between 25 and 50 per cent. 

Fic. 13.—Field showing the growth of susceptible and resistant strains of White 
Burley tobacco with respect to black root-rot. The ordinary strains of White Bur- 
Bee (left side) failed to grow where the resistant strain (right side) made a nor 
mal crop. 

Cause.—Black root-rot is caused by the fungus 7hielavia basicola. 
This parasite is also capable of attacking a considerable number of 
other plants, usually, however, to a lesser degree than tobacco. Varie- 
ties of tobacco differ markedly in their susceptibility to the disease. 
This fungus produces in great abundance three kinds of spores upon 
the roots. The presence of one of these forms, the chlamydospores, 
is responsible for the jet-black appearance of some of the infected 
roots. . 

Thielavia is capable of living over from year to year in the soil 
and may, in fact, persist for several years even in the absence of the 
culture of its common host plants. This parasite does not readily 
spread from field to field except through the transfer of infested soil 
or the transplanting of infected plants. With continuous culture of 
tobacco most soils become heavily infested with Thielavia. The ex- 
tent of the damage from this fungus depends upon the extent of soil 
infestation, the susceptibility of the variety grown, and the environ- 
mental conditions to which it is exposed in the soil. 

Conditions favoring the disease—Low soil temperatures during the 
growing season are especially favorable to serious damage from black 
root-rot (Pl. V, fig. 1). Since such temperatures are most likely to 
occur in the early part of the growing season it is at this time that 



the effects of the disease are most evident. Periods of warm weather 
following, which are usually accompanied by dry conditions, exag- 
gerate the stunting but permit new roots to grow out into warm, dry 
soil without decay, hence permitting a rapid recuperation of growth 
as soon as sufficient soil moisture is supphed (Pl. VI, fig. 1). Occa- 
sionally, however, a season as a whole is relatively cool, and crops 
remain stunted throughout the season on infested soils. On the other 
hand, during exceptionally warm seasons excellent crops may be 
produced. on heavily infested soils. 

The injury from black root-rot will, of course, also vary with a 
number of other factors of an environmental nature in the soil, some 
of which are not fully understood. It is certain that highly acid 
soils tend to reduce the disease and that soils alkaline or moderately 
acid in reaction or soils made less acid by the application of lime are 
more likely to favor the disease. Again, there is some evidence to 
show that more damage from the disease occurs on soils which are 
compact than in the'‘same soils kept loose. Within ordinary limits 
the amount of water in the soil does not seem to affect materially the 
extent of the disease, though poorly drained wet soils may favor 
disease largely because of their lower temperature. 

Control——Black root-rot can be adequately prevented in the seed 
beds by selecting land for beds which has not been in tobacco or 
tobacco beds for several years. If such a change of seed-bed soil 
can not be made, soil sterilization, preferably steam sterilization, 
should be resorted to. Do not transplant infected plants to the field, 
since such plants will not only fail to start growth properly but 1 in 
case of planting on new tobacco land serve as a source of introduc- 
tion of the parasite, which will affect later tobacco crops grown on 
the land. 

The most evident way of avoiding black root-rot in the field is by 
repeatedly changing the land for the tobacco crop, since continuous 
culture favors root. rot, whereas soils not planted to tobacco for 5 to 
10 years are generally relatively free from the parasite. The fre- 
quency with which this change of land should be made, however, will 
depend largely upon the susceptibility to the disease of the variety 
grown, the time of introduction, and the rate of the increase of the 
parasite in the soil. Land may become too heavily infested for Bur- 
ley tobacco in one or two years, whereas certain fields in the Con- 
necticut Valley, where shade-grown Cuban or Breadleaf are grown, 
frequently permit continuous culture, although in certain seasons 
high percentages.of damage from Thielavia occur. 

No recommendations for crop rotation with tobacco which will 
safely meet all conditions can be given. Not only do the above-de- 
scribed factors vary the case, but the actual rest period from tobacco 
which is required and the crops to be grown in rotation in ordinary 
farm practice vary in the different growing districts. As a general 
principle, however, heavily infested soils should be rested four to 
eight years and should not be cropped in the meantime to other good 
host plants of Thielavia, such as beans, cowpeas, or soybeans. Corn, 
small grains, and most truck crops are immune to the disease. 

Another means of control, which can not yet be used to its fullest 
advantage, lies in the use of disease-resistant varieties or strains 
(fig. 12). The representative types of tobacco now grown in the 

al Patt 


United States show very marked differences in resistance to the dis- 
ease. White Burley, Maryland Broadleaf, Orinoco, Pryor, and Big 
Cuban are susceptible. Havana Seed types and Pennsylvania Broad- 
leaf are of intermediate resistance, and Connecticut Broadleaf, Con- 
necticut shade-grown Cuban, Little Dutch, and other types are quite 

A large number of subvarieties or strains may be similarly classi- 
fied, and certain strains of types now growing in some districts are 
sufficiently resistant to warrant their general use provided their 
quality is otherwise equally desirable. The testing of the numerous 
strains on this basis and the development of new resistant strains 
for the various districts will undoubtedly greatly reduce the damage 
from this disease, although much experimental work remains to be 
done before the general usefulness of this measure will be recognized. 
Up to this time the development of special resistant strains with suf- 

Fic. 14.—Tobacco field affected with brown root-rot. A stunted and uneven growth 
over the field results from this disease. 

ficient quality to be grown commercially has only been accomplished 
with Wisconsin Cigar Binder and White Burley types (fig. 13), al- 
though much still remains to be done even with these. 


Description.—Brown root-rot is new to tobacco growers, in that 
it has not been previously described, but it has undoubtedly existed 
for many years, particularly in the Connecticut Valley. Brown root- 
rot is also suspected of occurring in Maryland, Tennessee, North 
Carolina, and Wisconsin. This disease should not be confused with 
black root-rot. The general aboveground symptoms are the same 
(fig. 14), and the roots are rotted as in black root-rot (Pl. V, fig. 2), 
but the two diseases arise from different causes, and therefore the 
control measures differ in some respects. The signs of the two dis- 
eases on the root are quite different, black root-rot usually showing 
many distinctly black roots, whereas in brown root-rot no blackening 
occurs. Microscopical examination of black root-rot shows the pres- 


ence of spores of Vhielavia basicola, whereas these are absent in 
brown root-rot cases unless the two diseases occur together. The 
stunting of crops as a result of brown root-rot is of course frequently 
laid to unfavorable conditions of the soil or to weather conditions, 
but repeated experiments have shown that some parasite is probably 

Cause —The cause of brown root-rot is not yet definitely estab- 
lished. If soils producing this disease are sterilized with heat or 
formaldehyde, the disease is completely controlled. This, together 
with other facts, practically demonstrates that some organism is the 
cause of this disease. Species of fungi, especially Fusarium, 
Rhizoctonia, and Actinomyces, as well as other fungi and bacteria, 
are commonly present in the diseased roots, but none of these has yet 
been definitely shown to be primarily concerned with the produc- 
tion of the disease. This same disease attacks a large number of 
other plants, such as tomatoes, potatoes, and other closely related 
plants, as well as many leguminous plants. The relation of the 
disease to grasses and grains is not yet fully understood. The dis- 

ease is common on sod land the first year to tobacco, however, indi- 
cating that the cause may have some connection with such crops. 
The causal agent persists in the soil from year to year, although it 
seems that under unfavorable conditions, such as excessive drying or 
absence of host plants, it may die out with relative rapidity. 

Conditions favoring the disease—Conditions favoring this dis- 
ease are much the same as for black root-rot; that is, primarily, 
relatively cool weather (Pl. VI, fig. 2). Dry hot weather tends to 
exaggerate the symptoms of the disease in the aboveground parts 
of the plant, but rains following such a period permit considerable 

Control.—The losses from this disease are as far as known greatest 
in the Connecticut Valley. The high cost of production of shade- 
grown and other primed tobacco especially tends to make even low 
percentages of reduction in yield an important consideration. On the 
other hand, the tendency of crops to recover or land to “ come back ” 
from this disease naturally induces growers to take risks more often 
in planting infested fields. The experimental evidence on the rela- 
tion of the crop-rotation system to: this disease is as yet incomplete. 
Drying or aeration of the soil is favorable to its recovery from this 

There seems to be no difference in varietal resistance to brown 


Description.—The root-knot disease is sometimes known as root- 
gall or fe root. This malady is quite common in the Southern 
States on various plants, including tobacco, but it is practically 
unknown in the Northern States. The disease proper is confined 
to the root system. The aboveground symptoms of the disease are 
stunting or dwarfing of the plant, accompanied by wilting, espe- 
cially in dry hot weather. These signs of the disease are conse- 
quently very similar to injury produced by other root diseases or 
by excessively dry weather. If the plants are pulled out of the 
ground, however, the roots will be found to be more or less enlarged 


or swollen in sections, presenting a very irregular appearance in size 
and shape (fig. 15). This deformity is produced by the activity of 
the parasite concerned and results both in lessened feeding area of 
the root system as well as interference with the proper transfer of 
water and food to the plant. The number, size, and extent of the 
development of the enlargements on the roots will usually be propor- 
tional to the extent of infestation in the soil and other conditions 
favorable to- the disease. 

Cause.—Root-knot is caused by nematodes, or eelworms, which are 
very small animals, often barely visible to the naked eye, fairly 
abundant in nature. Fortunately, only a few species are commonly 
parasitic on plants. The common root-knot disease is due to the 
nematode Heterodera radicicola. 'The tissue of the roots attacked 
by this parasite becomes stimulated to excessive growth in diameter, 

Vie. 15.—Root-knot of tobacco. The enlarged roots produced-by nematodes are typical 
of this disease. 

thus causing the enlargements. This nematode also attacks a large 
number of other plants, but corn, grains, and grasses as a class are 
not susceptible; neither are peanuts, sorghum, velvetbeans, or re- 
sistant cowpeas (Iron or Brabham). 

The organism lives over in the soil from year to year and can 
apparently survive for at least three years, even in the absence of its 
host plants. It can, of course, be spread from field to field in the 
same manner as any other soil-infesting parasite. 

Conditions favoring the disease-—Root-knot is usually most serious 
in hght sandy soils. Heavy, clayey, or marshy soils are not favor- 
able to its existence. High soil temperatures are favorable to its 
development, and overwintering in soil seems to be dependent on 
mild weather, such as exists in the more southern States. Moist 
soils are more favorable for the development and parasitism of the 
nematode than excessively dry or wet soils. Soils low in fertility 
appear to be more seriously affected than soils properly fertilized. 


Control—tThe only satisfactory way of controlling root-knot is 
by crop rotation, using crops not attacked by the nematodes between - 
the tobacco crops. Cropping with corn, wheat, oats, rye, peanuts, 
sorghum, velvetbeans, or Iron or Brabham cowpeas for three years 
usually suffices to rid the land of nematodes if weeds acting as host 
plants are kept down to a reasonable extent. Precautions should 
be taken, of course, to prevent seed-bed infection through the soil 
as a harboring agent. 


Description.—Broom rape is a fairly large flowering plant, devoid 
of leaves or green coloring matter (chlorophyll), which is capable 
of parasitic growth upon tobacco and other plants. Lacking 
chlorophyll, it is wholly incapable of manufacturing plant tissues 

Fic. 16.—Earlier stages of development of broom rape on tobacco. This para- 
sitic plant attaches itself to the roots of tobacco, feeding upon them and con- - 
sequently producing damage in case of heavy infestation. 

from the elements of the soil, water, and air and can exist only by 
attachment to certain other green plants from which it draws its 
nourishment, much like fungi and bacteria. It therefore resembles 
in its behavior in many respects the well-known dodders. The 
broom-rape seeds germinate in the soil, and the young plants attach 
themselves to the roots of the tobacco plants and grow to a size as 
large as 18 inches in length, often in very thick clumps of white, 
yellow, brown, or purplish stems arising from the ground to some 
height at the base of infected plants (figs. 16 and 17). These stems 
produce flowers and seeds, the latter being very small, but once in 
the soil they are capable of remaining dormant for long periods, 
subsequently germinating and attacking susceptible crop plants. 
Just how much damage broom rape may do to tobacco in lowered 
yield and production is not fully understood. In many cases heavy 
infection with broom rape apparently has not done much harm. In 
other cases, however, stunting of infected plants is apparently 


marked. As far as known, broom rape is largely limited to Kentucky 
tobacco fields, especially in the White Burley district, although it has 
been known to occur on tobacco in other States. The infested area 
seems to be limited to the hemp-growing district, the same broom 
rape being also parasitic on hemp. The seeds are commonly mixed 
with hemp seed and are sown with it; hence they infest the soil upon 
which tobacco is subsequently planted. 

A large number of species of broom rape are known, especially 
in foreign countries. ‘The common species in the Kentucky fields is 
Orobanche ramosa. 
Aside from tobac- 
co, this species also 
attacks hemp, to- 
mato, potato, rape, 
cabbage, and pars- 
nip; but corn, cere- 
als, grasses, and 
legumes as a class 
are immune to this 
species. The con- 
trol of the trouble, 
therefore, is largely 
based on crop rota- 
tion, using plants 
not susceptible to 
attack on infested 
land for several 
years before  re- 
planting to tobacco 
or other _ crops, 
where such precau- 
tions are deemed 



serious outbreak of 
an apparently new 
disease which be- 

1 sta f devel t of b e on cane known = 
= room rap . 
Fie. 17.—Later ges 0 evelopment o I wild-fire occurred 


in North Carolina 
in 1917. This disease has since become introduced into practically all 
tobacco districts. The occurrence of wild-fire is more or less sporadic, 
being markedly influenced by weather conditions, but the seriousness 
of the disease, under conditions favorable for its spread, is well estab- 

lished by the large losses which it has caused since its recognition. 
Wild-fire may attack plants at almost any stage of growth, and 
so far as is definitely known all field infection originates from in- 
fected seed beds. The most typical symptoms in the plant bed as 
well as in the field are on the leaves in the form of spots which are 


usually circular, of a bleached or yellowish color (chlorotic area or 
halo), and often as large as a dime (PI. VII, fig. 1). In the center 
of each spot is a dried area often only the size of a pin point, but 
varying in size up to as much as half an inch in diameter. The 
chlorotic area may consequently be only a narrow border or entirely 
lacking, depending upon the age of the spot and other conditions. 
These spots when numerous may run together, forming irregular 
areas and sometimes causing the whole leaf to collapse and dry up. 
In other cases the bleached or chlorotic area may spread into and 
throughout an entire leaf, apparently from a center of infection in 
or near the bud or stem of the plant. Such plants usually fail to 
make satisfactory growth. | 

Fic. 18.—Tobacco leaves showing wild-fire. Affected leaves finally become more or 
less ragged and may often be made practically worthless. 

The bottom leaves are most likely to become heavily infected, not 
only because they are exposed to infection for a longer period of 
time but also because they are in a, more favorable environmental 
position for infection (fig. 18). Under favorable conditions for 
infection, however, the disease may spread to the uppermost leaves 
on the plant and even to suckers and seed pods. Cigar wrapper and 
binder tobaccos especially may be rendered worthless for the pur- 
poses for which they are used by a comparatively few infections per 
leaf, while other types may not be seriously damaged unless the spots 
are sufficiently numerous to markedly affect the color of the leaf 
or cause such extensive drying up in the field as to render harvesting 
impossible without much breaking, thereby lowering the yield and 
producing a ragged crop. 


In many districts mild cases of wild-fire are likely to be mistaken 
for rust or firing of a less serious kind. Many other forms of leaf 
spots or rust occur, as will be described later, but with close observa- 
tion the grower, in most cases, can learn to distinguish wild-fire from 
other diseases. When found it behooves the grower to use all possible 
precautions to prevent its further spread. 

Cause.—Wild-fire is caused by an organism belonging to the bac- 
terial group and known as Bacterium tabacum. This organism is 
eapable of entering tobacco leaves, especially through. wounds, and 
when once started proceeds to multiply to enormous numbers, so that 
hundreds of thousands of bacteria eventually may be present in a 
single spot and serve as a source of infection on the same or other 
leaves as soon as conditions become favorable. 

Under unfavorable conditions for the growth of the bacteria, how- 
ever, they are usually short lived. While the great majority of 
them die during the season without producing any infection, a few 
manage in some way to live over winter and become the source of 
seed-bed infection the next season. Under just what conditions 
and on what materials used in or about seed beds the bacteria over- 
winter is not yet definitely known in all cases. While strong sus- 
picion rests on dried leaves, seed, soil, seed-bed covers, and so forth, 
yet all observed cases can not be explained on these grounds. Never- 
theless, our present basis of control must rest on the supposition 
that some of the bacteria do in some manner live over winter on one 
or more of the materials or equipment used in growing plants. It 
now seems, however, that tobacco trash from infected crops, trans- 
ferred in some manner to seed beds in the spring, is the most Hey 
source of infection. 

Once infection has occurred in the seed ped or field, sienna 
spread is readily explained. In addition to being spre ead through 
the air by rain and wind, it may be carried by men, animals, tools, 
or any other equipment in various ways from leaf to leaf, plant to 
plant, and farm to farm unless proper precautions are observed. 

Conditions favoring the disease—Beating rainstorms are well 
known to be especially favorable to the spread of wild-fire in the 
fields or in unprotected seed beds. This follows from the fact that 
such storms not only spread broadcast the organisms causing the dis- 

ease, but also wound the leaves sufficiently to markedly aid infec- 
tion, at the same time furnishing the necessary moisture. Few new 
infections occur during dry weather, although heavy dews remaining 
on the leaves for some time permit some infection. To wound the 
leaf tissue 1s not. necessary for infection in all cases, but it enhances 
infection markedly. Rainy periods without. accompanying winds 
may result therefore in a very considerable spread of the disease. 
As far as temperature is concerned, wild-fire seems to work over a 
wide range, although some difference occurs in the incubation period 
and the type of injury produced. Some infection will take place 
with the temperature as low as 60°, but the best infection results when 
it ranges between 80° and 90° F. 

It is also fairly evident that rapidly growing tobacco, as a rule, 
is more hkely te become heavily infected than stunted tobacco. It 
also seems that some relation exists between the type of soil or the 
fertilizer applied and the extent of infection, but this relation is not 
yet fully understood. 


Control—The control measures recommended are largely con- 
cerned with the production of disease-free plants in the seed beds. 
Failing in this, healthy plants should be sought elsewhere in pref- 
erence to taking the chance of introducing even a seemingly small 
amount of infection into the field. 

The principles of plant-bed sanitation previously stated (p. 4) 
apply particularly to wild-fire prevention. In addition to this, it 
may be necessary to resort to other methods. In districts where wild- 
fire is almost-certain to be of general occurrence and the probability 
of obtaining completely disease-free plants seems small, it may be ad- 
visable to spray or dust the seed beds with Bordeaux mixture once or 
twice a week to hold down the amount of infection. 

Where wild-fire infection is found in isolated spots in the seed 
beds, destroy the plants in such areas, together with surrounding 
plants, by burying or applying formaldehyde (1 part to 25 parts of 

water) and cover the the treated area to hold the fumes. The covers 
should not be replaced on the treated beds until most of the formalde- 
hyde fumes have escaped into the air; otherwise the healthy plants 
may be damaged. The disease may be easily spread. throughout the 
bed from such infected areas during the process of weeding beds or 
pulling plants for transplanting. 

If wild-fire develops in the field on only a few isolated plants 

early in the season it is well to destroy them and replant with 
healthy plants. In case of a high percentage of infection, it is often 
advisable to plow up and replant the entire field if the season is 
not too far advanced. If such a procedure can not be profitably at- 
tempted owing to lateness of the season, serious effort should be 
made to remove all the infected leaves as thoroughly as possible 
early in the season with the hope that such reduction of infective 
material, together with the chances of an unfavorable season for 
the disease, may hold its spread down to a minimum. 

With persistent effort on the part of the grower to hold down the 
disease and to destroy or otherwise dispose of all infected material 
on the farm, including the plowing down of sucker growth in the 
fall before it becomes infected, much headway will be made toward 
reducing the chances of wild-fire in the crop the following year. 


Description.— tobacco leaf-spot which has probably been existent 
for many decades, especially in Virginia and other southern dis- 
tricts, but which has not been carefully studied until recently, is 
the disease now properly referred to as black-fire (angular leaf- 
spot). The disease is in many respects similar to wild- fire, occurring 
in the same districts, and doubtless the two are often confused by 
growers. Since these diseases are caused by different parasites, 
though similar, and as the symptoms of the two are fairly dis- 
tinct, they must be considered separately, although the control 
measures for both diseases are much the same. It may likely de- 
velop that from a practical standpoint the chief reason for the 
erower recognizing the difference between these and other leaf spots 
lies in the fact that one or the other of such diseases: will prove 
much more dangerous in some sections than others, which will in- 
fluence the control measures undertaken. So far as known, black- 


fire is more or less confined to the Southern States, whereas wild- 
fire seems likely to be a serious disease in the Northern States as well 
as in the South. In 1920 black-fire is said to have been especially 
serious in Virginia and was found in 85 per cent of the fields in- 
spected, causing an estimated loss of more than $5,000,000. 

In the seed bed the black-fire leaf spots are quite small, angular 
in shape, and black or dark brown in color, with a narrow, ‘clear 
border especially distinct when held up to the light Gel V-LLE, fig. A). 
The spots on seedling leaves always remain small and do not ap- 
proach the size attained in the field. When a considerable number 
of infections occur the leaf often becomes deformed and ragged. 

In the field young black-fire spots in the early stages are much 
like those in the seed bed, but later they become as lare ge as half an 
inch in diameter. On thin leaves the spots are usually quite angular 
in outline, whereas on thicker leaves they are more rounded, some- 
times zonated, from tan to dark brown, sometimes almost black in 
color (Pl. VII, fig. 2). The conspicuous bleached border or halo 
so characteristic of wild-fire is absent, although some yellowing 
occurs around the spot. 

Cause.—Black-fire is caused by a bacterium which has been named 
Bacterium angulatum. This organism closely resembles the wild- 
fire bacterium in appearance and behavior. So far as known the 
overwintering and spread of this organism is practically the same as 
that of wild-fire. 

Conditions favoring the disease.—As in the case of wild-fire, fre- 
quent rainfall and especially rain with strong wind is favorable to 
infection and spread of the disease. Good and well-balanced fertili- 
zation appears to favor the occurrence of infection rather than poor 
fertilization, which results in less rapid and succulent growth. Low 
topping, as ‘compared with high topping, has been found to favor 
the disease. Low topping is, however, usually essential to the pro- 
duction of proper size and body of leaf, especially in the dark export 
types of tobacco. 

Control.—Seed-bed sanitation measures, as described earlier (p. 4), 
and general precautions as recommended for wild-fire control (p. 28) 
apply equally well to black-fire. There seems to be definite evidence 
that im the case of black-fire the germs may live over from year to 
year on seed and on cloth covers, and special attention should be paid 
therefore to seed disinfection and the use of new cloth covers or to 
the sterilization of old covers every season. As an aid to the pro- 
duction of disease-free seed, it is advised that seed pods showing no 
sign of infection should be selected. To cover flower stalks with 
paper bags will aid in protecting pods against infection. Seed 2 
or more years old is quite unlikely to carry infection, but in all 
doubtful cases these precautions should be supplemented by seed 
disinfection. The plowing under of stubble as soon as the tobacco 
is harvested is recommended for infected fields, especially if tobacco 
is to follow on the same land. 


Description.—Two bacterial leaf-spot diseases have already been 
described, namely, wild-fire and black-fire. The Wisconsin leaf-spot 
is a third form of bacterial disease, causing similar but not identical 



symptoms. As far as known, it is rarely as serious as the two above- 
mentioned diseases. This leaf-spot is undoubtedly the so-called 
ordinary “rust ” of Wisconsin, but on account of the fact that prac- 
tically all leaf-spots, regardless of actual cause, are commonly re- 
ferred to as “rust” by growers, the term “ Wisconsin leaf-spot,” for 
want of a better name, is used at present to distinguish it from other 
rust spots. So far as known, this disease is limited to Wisconsin, 
where it is fairly common in some years, but occurs only rarely 
to a damaging extent. 

The disease is in many respects similar to wild-fire, as far as 
symptoms are concerned, except that these are less pronounced (PI. 
VII, fig. 2). ‘The bleached area or halo surrounding the center of 
infection is usually much narrower than that characteristic of wild- 
fire spots. However, wild-fire spots also often appear without 
marked halos surrounding them, and these are almost identical with 
the Wisconsin leaf-spot. In such cases it is necessary usually to 
resort to laboratory methods to distinguish the two. This can be 
done readily, since wild-fire is caused by a white bacterium, whereas 
a yellow bacterium causes Wisconsin leaf-spot. 

‘Wisconsin leaf-spot also makes its first appearance in the seed 
beds, where the spots resemble those of black-fire in that they are 
usually quite small and more or less angular. In the field the disease 
is usually confined to the bottom leaves, only under exceptionally 
favorable conditions spreading as high upon the plant as wild-fire or 

Cause.—Wisconsin leaf-spot is caused by an organism which has 

been named Bactertwm melleum. Aside from its yellow or honeylike 

appearance on some culture media, it resembles the wild-fire and 
black-fire organisms closely in shape and size. Wounding is es- 
pecially favorable for’ infection. The spread and overwintering of 
the organism are most probably the same as for wild-fire. 

Conditions favoring the disease-—The occurrence of the disease in 
the seed bed has usually followed protracted periods of wet weather. 
Its occurrence in the field is also dependent upon rainy weather, or 
at least moisture and high humidity on and surrounding the leaves. 
Storms no doubt favor the disease by spreading the germs and 
wounding the leaves. 

Control.—Very little experimental work has been done aiming at 
the control of this disease in particular. Where control measures 
need to be practiced the same measures that were described for wild- 
fire control will apply. 


Description.—This leaf-spot disease of tobacco is fairly common, 
though not often serous, in the southern tobacco- growing districts, 
but as far as known it is rare or does not occur in the northern dis- 
tricts. The term “ frog-eye” is unquestionably applied to various 
leaf-spots similar in appearance but arising from different causes. 
The description here applied, however, refers to one particular dis- 
ease ordinarily recognized in liter ature as properly called frog-eye 
because of the presence of the particular causal organism concerned. 
This leaf-spot is characteristically located on the “bottom leaves of 
the plant, especially toward their maturity. More or less circular 
brownish spots, with a grayish white area in the center, upon which 


commonly very small dark specks (spores) can be seen, are. typical 
of the disease. Considerable variation in the shape, size, color, and 
relative size of the colored areas occurs, however, and correct diag- 
nosis of the disease is dependent upon the occurrence of the spores 
of the causal organism on the spot (PI. IX, fig. 1). The diseased 
spots ordinarily “do not break and fall out of the leaf in dry or 
cured tobacco. While the disease is not usually regarded as serious 
and in fact may be regarded as desirable in mild ‘form, yet in iso- 
lated cases the damage “from it is reported by individual growers to 
be relatively very high. 

Cause.—The frog-eye disease of tobacco has not been carefully 
studied, but sufficient work has been done to show that it is caused 
by the fungus Cercospora nicotianae, to which it has long been 
attributed. The long, narrow, septate spores appear in small 
bunches on the surface of the central area of the spot and can readily 
be seen with a small hand magnifying lens. Practically nothing is 
known about the overwintering and spread of this particular dis- 

ease, but from closely related diseases we know there is nothing un- 
usual in overwintering in the spore form and subsequent dissemina- 
tion from primary infections by wind and rain. 

Conditions favoring the disease —Moisture is essential for the ger- 
mination of the spores and subsequent leaf infection. Frog-eye is 
especially likely to develop or spread following long periods of rainy 
or damp weather, or even following heavy dews, which remain on the 
basal leaves for long periods in the case of large tobacco. Mature 
leaves appear to be more susceptible than unripe leaves, but no par- 
ticular difference in varietal susceptibility seems to have been observed 
in this country. 

Control.—Practically nothing is known about satisfactory means 
of controlling this disease, and since it occurs infrequently to a 
serious extent no effort, so far as known, has been attempted in that 
direction. While it seems hkely that the soil may be the common or 
only source of infection in the spring, this is not established with 
certainty. Until this fact is established recommendations for con- 
trol practices can not be satisfactorily made. Where the disease oc- 
curs on primed tobacco, something can be done in the case of heavy 
outbreaks by attempting to keep ahead of the disease by harvesting, 
but this is practicable, of course, to only a limited extent. 


Description—In March, 1921, there appeared in the seed beds of 
the shade-growing district of Gadsden County, Fla., and Decatur 
County, Ga., a disease not previously found on tobacco in this coun- 
try. This disease proved to be one commonly called “ blue-mold ” 
in Austraha and Malaysia, where it had often appeared as a more 
or less serious trouble of tobacco. The disease spread very rapidly 
in the seed beds in the Florida-Georgia section and for a time 
seemed to threaten the industry, but fortunately it disappeared 
rapidly, doing little or no damage in the field, owing, possibly, to a 
change in weather conditions. The disease did not re appear in 1922, 
although judging from the experience of other countries, it is not 
unlikely that it may reappear at any time to a more harmful extent. 


The signs of the disease are especially distinctive in one respect, 
namely, in the appearance of the white to hght-purple or bluish 

mildew, which is usually found on the lower “surface of the leaf. 
The leaf tissue is broken down by the mildew and subsequently turns 
brown and dries up in patches of irregular size and shape, frequently 
limited by the veins of the leaf (PI. ie fig. 2). In severe cases the 
seed bed as a whole has a patchy and scalded appearance. Only the 
leaves appear to be attacked. 

Cause-—Blue-mold is caused by a fungus belonging to the group 
of downy mildews, some of which are well-known ‘parasites on other 
crops. The tobacco mildew is known as Peronospora hyoscyami, 
having been first found on black nightshade, a plant related to 
tobacco. The fungus produces spores in great ‘numbers. These are 
powdery and light and easily carried by the wind thr ough the beds, 
which accounts for its rapid spread through beds when once infected 
if favorable weather conditions prevail. These ordinary spores are, 

however, very short lived, although other longer lived spores may be 

produced under certain conditions and carry the fungus over un- 
favorable periods, thus accounting for its overwintering when this 

Conditions favoring the disease —Parasites of this class are usually 
very sensitive to environmental conditions and consequently are quite 
sporadic in their occurrence. Moist warm weather and sometimes 
alternating cool nights and warm days are most favorable for in- 
fection. In the Florida- Georgia section the outbreak was seemingly 
associated with several days “of heavy dew and fog in the morn- 
ings. With the cessation of these dews and fogs the disease became 
less conspicuous and finally disappeared entirely. 

Control.—As soon as signs of this disease appear in a seed bed the 
plants in the infected area, together with the surrounding bordering 
plants, should be destroyed at once, preferably by applying form- 
aldehyde solution (1 to 25). This should be followed up by burn- 
ing over or other means of eradication. All the bed should then be 
sprayed daily with Bordeaux mixture (2-2-50) in an attempt to hold 
the disease in check, destroying with for maldehyde solution any new 
infection which may appear. 

In the event of failure to control the disease in the seed bed it is 
inadvisable to transplant diseased plants to the fields if it is at all 
possible to obtain healthy plants elsewhere. Although the disease 
appears to be primarily a seed-bed trouble, it is not unlikely that 
it may prove equally serious in the field, weather conditions being 
favorable. In case of repeated occurrences of the disease, general 
seed-bed and field sanitary measures, such as have been previously 
described, should be undertaken, but until more experience with the 
disease is had in this country, further recommendations can not be 
given with any certainty as to their value. 


Although a considerable number of other parasitic leaf-spot dis- 
eases are reported from foreign countries, they do not seem to occur 
in this country. 

In the early nineties three different fungi were reported as causing 
different leaf spots in North Carolina. A “brown rust” concentri- 


Bul. 1256, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE VII 


Transplanting should not be done from infested beds if it is at all possibie to get plants from 
healthy beds 


This disease is rarely serious and so far as known is practically limited to Wisconsin. It is 
easily confused with wild-fire in some cases 


Bul. 1256, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture 

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256, U. S. Dept. of Agri 



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1256, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture 


[108 Jo sodA} ouLos UO 0d9RqO4 JO SOToLIwA UTe4.100 
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yeoy 944 JO UIsIeU pus sdiy 944 wor yorq ZurAp [er9ues @ Aq pozt1epRILYO St STILT, 


Bul. 1256,-U.-S. Dept. of Agriculture 


A great variety of spots occur on tobacco leaves which are believed to be 

of nonparasitie origin 

Bul. 1256, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE XII 


Many forms of injuries of comparatively rare occurrence show in their distribution a more or 
less definite relation to the position of the leaf veins 


cally zonated was said to be due to Macrosporium longipes n. sp.: a 
“ white-speck ” disease was attributed to Wacrosporium tabacinum n. 
sp.; and an irregularly shaped spot, pale dirty brown, lighter in the 
center, with a reddish zonate margin was attributed to Phyllosticta 
nicotiana. No mention is made of inoculation experiments, and the 
pathogenicity of these fungi is therefore questionable. So far as 
known, they have not since been described on tobacco in America, 
except for one recently reported occurrence of P. nicotiana in North 
Carolina and a fungus, apparently Phyllosticta, on tobacco seedlings 
in Virginia. 

A recently reported disease which is most commonly found produc- 
ing a leaf-spot in seed beds, where it may also cause damping-off, 
but which may also apparently appear in the field, has been found 
to be due to a species of Fusarium, closely resembling Fusariwm 
afine. Exceptionally high moisture accompanied by some pre- 
hminary weakening of the plant due to unfavorable conditions ap- 
pears to favor infection. Only isolated cases are known, and the dis- 
ease 1s not to be regarded as an important one. 


Under this general term may be included a considerable number of 
leaf-spots or injuries which differ considerably in appearance and 
are evidently due to various causes arising from the effect of soil or 
weather conditions on plant growth rather than following the at- 
tack of any parasitic organism. No distinct line can be drawn be- 
tween this class and other abnormalities of plants resulting from 
malnutrition or other causes, but arbitrarily we may include those 
diseases in which the early symptoms are mor or less characterized 
by spotting of the leaves. This class of tobacco diseases has con- 
siderable historical interest, since such diseases were apparently 
among the earliest observed maladies of tobacco, or at least all early 
observed spotting was attributed to nonparasitic influences. 

Such terms as “ firing,” “specking,” “rusting,” and “spotting,” 
with various modifications usually descriptive of the color of the 
diseased areas, have been used from the earhest days of tobacco cul- 
ture. Their origin has been laid to all sorts of causes, none of them, 
however, with any satisfactory proof for the theories presented. 
There can be no doubt that some of these diseases, such as frog- 
eye, black-fire, and Wisconsin leaf-spot, were early included in the 
list of diseases attributed to nonparasitic agents which are now 
known to be due to specific organisms. The belief held from the 
earliest time was that spotting of tobacco leaves was due to an excess 
or deficiency of fertilizers or water in the soil or to a succession of 
certain weather or atmospheric conditions. These theories are, of 
- course, sufficiently broad so that some of them are doubtless respon- 
sible for some forms of spotting, but they are not of much help 
in explaining the frequently distinctive types of nonparasitic spot- 
ting which are now known to exist and that usually can not be 
| produced at will by subjecting the plants to variations of the above- 
| named conditions. In view of this fact, control measures for many 
of these forms of spotting are not at hand. 

91061 °—24——3 


From recent observational and experimental evidence it appears 
that at least four main types of nonparasitic spotting exist on the 
basis of causal agents, namely, those due to (1) a hereditary pre- 
disposition toward spotting, (2) unbalanced nutrition, (3) absorp- 
tion of toxic agents, (4) toxic agents applied externally. As illus- 
trations of these groups the following may be cited: Under certain 
conditions the Sumatra and Connecticut Broadleaf varieties com- 
monly show spots when other varieties do not. Phosphorus deficiency 
in the soil may result in ae Soils rendered toxic by steriliza- 
tion or by the addition of certain salts may produce spotting of leaves. 
Spraying with certain insecticides or fungicides produces spotting. 
In all these cases, however, the weather conditions apparently affect 
the occurrence of these spots to a greater or lesser extent. 

Attempts to classify the nonparasitic tobacco leaf-spots occurring 
naturally on the basis of symptoms with some consideration of their 
origin are not usually satisfactory. A few more or less distinctive 
types have been named, and the predisposing weather conditions are 
at least partially understood. 

Firing, as most properly used _now, refers to a drying up of the 
basal leaves, usually starting at the leaf margins and proceeding i in- 
ward between the veins, in blotches rather than spots (Pl. X, fig. 1). 
This is conceded in most cases to result from dry weather, resulting 
in the starvation of the plant as a whole for food and water and the 
withdrawal of these from the basal leaves to supply the growing 
point. A more or less sudden deficiency of food alone in the soil 
in relatively wet weather may result similarly, especially on sandy 
soils artificially fertilized and subject to leaching or otherwise losing 
the reserve food supply. On the other hand, an excess of phosphoric 
acid on certain soils is said to result in firing. 

The true forms of nonparasitic spotting are usually sharply de- 
marcated, round to angular in shape, varying from a considerable 
size to mere specks (PI. X, fig. 2) and from almost black to white 
in color (P]. XI). Others exist more or less as continuous lines or 
circles showing marked relation to the veins (Pl. XIT). 

Dead blotches in tobacco leaves sometimes follow after distinct 
symptoms of specific malnutrition have existed for some time, as in 
the case of potash and magnesium starvation, but these will be given 
separate consideration, as ‘they are not regarded as typical leaf. -spot 

Leaf spotting sometimes results from physical causes, such as 
bruising by rain, hail, or wind. 

The control of the main forms of nonparasitic spotting is for the 
present limited to avoiding varieties or strains, where possible, which 
are predisposed to this injury, maintaining a proper balance of fer- 
tilizers in the soil, or avoiding the use of soils which are not ame- 
able to fertilizer treatment. 


Description.—Mosaic is one of the most common and widespread 
diseases of tobacco. ‘The disease is often referred to by different 
names in various districts, such terms as “ calico,” “mottling,” § * oray- 
top,” and “mongrel” being often used. “ Frenching” is another 
term commonly applied to mosaic, but this term properly used ap- 
plies to a distinct though somewhat similar disease. Mosaic is not 



ordinarily feared by growers, since it often occurs without doing ap- 
preciable damage, although in some years, in certain districts par- 
| ticularly, the losses from the 
disease are very large both in 
yield and quality. 

The symptoms of mosaic in 
tobacco are numerous, varying 
from only faint signs to those 
that are most distinct and pro- 
nounced. The most common 
and characteristic symptom is 
mottling of the leaves—that is, 
alternate dark green and yel- 
lowish (chlorotic) areas irregu- 
larly scattered over the leaf 
surface, usually being most dis- 
tinctive in the top or youngest 
leaves, particularly in the early 
stages of the disease (fig. 19). 

The more pronounced symp- 
toms are blistering, curling, and 
distortion of the leaves, fol- 
lowed by dwarfing of the entire 
plant 1CPlgo WE Ps fiex «lye: in 
older plants the flowers may 
also become dwarfed, distorted, 
and bleached. Under certain 
weather conditions it is not un- 
common for mosaic plants, even - 
though showing only faint 
symptoms in the leaves, to de- 
velop more or less spotting, or- 
dinarily referred to as “rust” 
or “ firing,” but such cases are 
by no means always a conse- 

uence of mosaic (Pl. XIV). 
On plants where the suckers 
show characteristic mosaic 
symptoms and the spotting is 
not due to any other evident 
cause, mosaic is usually respon- 
sible. The losses from mosaic 
follow as a consequence of the 
reduced yield due to dwarfing 
of the plants and the mottling 
or abnormality of the leaves, 
Fic. 19.—Tobacco mosaic. The mottled ap- which render them unsuitable 
Pace  emiste Sign of | for use for certain purposes of 

Cause.—From the standpoint of science mosaic is one of the most 

puzzling diseases of plants. Repeated efforts to demonstrate the 

actual cause of this disease have so far failed. It is well known, 
_ however, that the disease is infectious, being readily transmitted from 


ee al 

diseased to healthy plants in various ways. It practically follows 


that some parasite must be concerned, which has so far escaped de- 
tection either because of its extremely small size or because of other 
peculiarities. Not only tobacco but a considerable number of other 
plants are affected with mosaic identical with or closely similar to 
that of tobacco. Tobacco mosaic can be transmitted to certain other 
plants, particularly to some belonging to the same botanical family, 
such as tomato and pepper. This fact is especially important, since 
the ability of this disease to live on other plants may account 
for overwintering in some cases. Experimental and observational 
evidence in tobacco mosaic thus far indicates that the causal agent 
does not lve over winter in the soil or in the seed. In the case 
of mosaic of other plants it has been shown that the disease per- 
sists over winter in the living underground parts of perennial 
plants. Such a general carrying-over agent for tobacco mosaic has 
not yet been demonstrated. On this principle, however, weeds in and 
around tobacco beds should not be tolerated on farms where mosaic 
is to be reckoned with as a serious disease. _ 

In this connection it should be stated here that probably all mosaic 
of tobacco occurring in the field originates from seed-bed infection. 
The signs of the disease in the bed usually are only very slightly vis- 
ible, if at all, and usually occur only on isolated plants. From these 
plants, however, it is readily transmitted to many other plants in 
the operations of pulling and transplanting or by other means. The 
importance of preventing seed beds from becoming infected is evi- 
dent. Aside from the overwintering of the parasite in perennial 
host plants and its subsequent transfer to plant beds, it should also 
be stated that under some conditions of storage of infected material 
it may survive for a year or more, so that overwintering on tobacco 
-refuse, plant-bed covers, frames, or other equipments is not beyond 

When infection has once occurred in the spring, its spread from 
plant to plant may usually be accounted for. Aside from transmis- 
sion during the numerous times the individual tobacco plants are 
handled, it is likely that insects, especially plant lice, may spread the 
disease under field conditions, as can be readily demonstrated ex- 
perimentally. oe 

Conditions favoring the disease—Tobacco mosaic is dependent 
upon specific infection from other mosaic plants. Once inoculated, 
plants are almost certain to show the disease at one stage or an- 
other in their growth. Aside from the fact that weather conditions 
influence the length of the incubation period—that is, the length 
of time between inoculation and the first signs of the disease—their 
influence does not seem to be important as affecting the occurrence of 
mosaic. It is quite evident that tobacco mosaic is favored in develop- 
ment by relatively high temperatures (80° to 85° F.), although tem- 
peratures higher than this tend to retard its development until at 
about 100° F. it is no longer active, and diseased leaves tend to re- 
cover. Closely associated is the fact that rapidly growing plants 
tend to show the symptoms earlier and more markedly, though sub- 
sequent growth may be retarded. Rainfall and humidity do not seem 
to have any such direct relation to infection and progress of mosaic 
as to certain other leaf diseases. Where insects are important car- 
riers of the disease, conditions affecting their occurrence and numbers 
appear to have a direct bearing on the occurrence of mosaic. 


Control—More facts in regard to the cause, overwintering, and 
dissemination of mosaic must be ascertained before control measures 
especially applicable to this disease can be assured. In general, how- 
ever, the measures which are applicable fall under the head of seed- 
bed sanitation. The location of seed beds a considerable distance 
away from weedy patches of ground where the disease may be hiber- 
nating in perennial plants, soil sterilization to kill weed seeds or any 
other possiblé infective material in the soil, and persistent destruc- 
tion of solanaceous weeds around seed beds and in other locations are 
recommended. Plant-bed frames or covers previously used with beds 
in which mosaic plants appeared should not. be again used without 
sterilization. Special precautions should be taken to prevent the 
introduction into the seed bed of any trash from the preceding 
year’s crop. Before planting, the beds should be carefully examined 
for mosaic plants, and even if only a very slight infection is notice- 
able it is advisable not to use any plants from such beds if good 
plants can be obtained elsewhere. Where infected plants appear to 
be numerous in areas of the bed, it 1s practically certain that. a poor 
crop will result from transplanting from such beds. Infection may 
occur in the seed bed, however, without being noticeable. If it is 
found that the symptoms show up in the field early in the season on 
a large percentage of the plants, it is usually advisable to disk up 
and replant. No possible means of controlling the disease in the 
field are known. On the other hand, the disease does not ordinarily 
spread in the field early enough to cause any considerable damage. 


Description—tThe disease of tobacco commonly known as french- 
ing occurs in practically all tobacco districts of the United States 
and in many foreign countries. It is often referred to under other 
names, such as shoestring, sword-leaves, strap-leaves, rosette, and 
polyphyllie. The disease is often mistaken for the mosaic disease and 
confused with it on account of the leaf deformities and chlorosis pro- 
duced which are also characteristic of mosaic. There is no relation 
between the two diseases, however, from the standpoint of cause, as 
sometimes seems possible when the two diseases occur simultaneously 
on the same plant. 

The symptoms of frenching vary greatly in their intensity of ex- 
pression. The earliest stages of the disease, especially in very young 
leaves, are characterized only by a yellowish or chlorotic appearance, 
with some increased thickness and brittleness of leaves. As the 
erowth of these leaves continues they will show an early tendency 
toward narrowness and mottling. Later, the margins of the leaves 
may curl downward and the younger leaves in the bud increase to 
abnormally high numbers, though being usually closely bunched. 
In later stages of the disease the leaves are frequently normal in 
color but extremely narrow in proportion to their length, quite thick, 
and ruffled at the margin (fig. 20). In the most severe cases the 
number of these stringy leaves becomes extraordinarily high, often 
reaching more than five times the normal number on the stalk, which 
is usually considerably shorter than normal, hence producing a 
distinctive rosette appearance. More commonly, however, the disease 
is limited to chlorosis of the top leaves. The losses from this disease 



are not extremely high, although it is at times quite an important 
factor in crop production (fig. 21). 

Cause.—The actual cause of frenching is not yet known. Al- 
though a number of predisposing factors have been observed, the 
production of this disease at will, as far as known, has not been 
repeatedly accomplished. Frenching is apparently not infectious; 
consequently there is no reason to believe that any foreign organism 

Iie, 20.—A frenched tobacco plant. The numerous shoestringy leaves are typical. 
This disease is often confused with mosaic. 

is associated with it. The disease is frequently found on soils ex- 
posed in one way or another to excessive water. This, together with 
its occurrence at times on portions of fields in poor tilth, indicates 
a relation to soil aeration. On the other hand, frenching seems to 
have considerable relation to soil fertility, or at least to a deficiency 
of certain fertilizing elements, but in combination with these factors 
certain weather conditions must apparently exist to bring about its 


Control.—_Measures to prevent this disease are not as yet satisfac- 
torily worked out. Land likely to yield the disease should not be 
used for tobacco. If such soils must be used, it is probable that 
proper drainage, subsoiling, and cultivation conducive to good tilth 
together with well-balanced fertilization, will be very useful in 
preventing it. 



Description.—A. blanching or chlorosis, especially of the lower 
leaves of tobacco plants grown on very sandy soils during seasons of 
excessive rainfall, has long been known as sand-drown. This disease 
occurs particularly in the tobacco districts of North Carolina, but 
also may be found in the sandy soils of other States, as in the Con- 
necticut Valley. This trouble is most likely to be confused with 
another nutritional symptom fairly common in tobacco and known 

Fig. 21.—A badly frenched field of tobacco. This disease is commonly characteristic 
only on certain types of soil or under certain soil conditions. 

as potash hunger or potash starvation. Potash hunger may occur, 
however, on almost any type of soil and under quite variable condi- 
tions of rainfall. The blanching in potash hunger is usually more 
localized in small areas, quite yellow in color, and sometimes over- 
cast with bronze or copper colors, together with crinkling or curl- 
ing of the leaves. Sand-drown is characterized, on the other hand, 
by more or less complete and uniform blanching until the leaf 
is practically white in late stages except for the midrib and veins, 
which retain their color (Pl. XV). The blanching usually starts 
at the tip of basal leaves, proceeding downward along the margin 
and inward between the veins toward the midribs. Crinkling and 
curling are not common, but occasionally local areas die out, as in 
the case of potash hunger or leaf-spot diseases. 

Cause.—Sand-drown has recently been shown to be due to a short- 
age of magnesium in the soil or in the fertilizer used. Most soils 


naturally contain sufficient magnesium for the plant’s needs, or it 
is supplied in the ordinary system of fertilization practiced. On 
certain sandy soils low in natural fertility and supphed with artifi- 
cial fertilizers containing little or no magnesium, the deficiency of 
this element becomes evident in seasons of considerable rainfall 
when the small supply of available magnesium may be leached away. 

Control—The use of so-called high-grade or relatively pure 
mineral commercial fertilizers, especially the high-grade potash salts, 
to the exclusion of low-grade forms or organic forms (originating 
from vegetable or animal matter) favors the appearance of sand- 
drown under the conditions described. The addition of sulphate or 
chlorid of magnesium to the fertilizer salts in relatively small quan- 
tities prevents the chlorosis. Dolomitic limestone (high in magne- 
sium) and fertilizers of vegetable origin, as cottonseed meal, tobacco 
stalks and stems, and barnyard manure, tend to prevent the disease. 
A relatively small amount of magnesium is apparently sufficient to 
remedy sand-drown, even in striking cases of deficiency, less than 50 
pounds per acre usually being sufficient. 


The lack of sufficient potash in a soil is often characteristically indi- 
cated by tobacco plants grown in such soils, especially if other fer- 
tilizing elements are not lacking. Aside from a general stunted ap- 
pearance, the leaves become crinkled or rough and turn downward at 
the margin. Yellowing usually starts at the leaf tips, becomes most 
marked along the margin, but proceeds inward between the veins in 
blotches, without sharp demarcation. A bronze or copper tinge over 
parts of the leaf, surface is also commonly associated with the yel- 
lowing. Smaller yellow spots may develop, which finally turn brown 
or grayish white, and the whole leaf may finally dry up. Specking 
or spotting may also be characteristically associated with these symp- 
toms of potash hunger. Leaves deficient in potash are frequently 
brittle both in the green and cured condition (PI. I, fig. 2). 

If symptoms of potash starvation are noted sufficiently early, some 
benefit may come from a liberal application of a readily available 
potash salt between the rows of the growing crop. The fertilizer 
formula for the following year’s crop should contain both some 
readily available and some slowly available potash. 


A deficiency of other elements in the soil is not so characteristically 
indicated as in the case of potash and magnesium. The lack of nitro- 
gen is indicated in most plants by a light-green to yellow color and 
stunting. This condition is brought about as well, however, by a 
number of other variable factors, such as deficiency or excess of wa- 
ter, poor tilth, or shortage of light, so that not much reliance can be 
placed upon it. Excess of nitrogen tends to produce a large dark- 
green, heavy-bodied, coarse leaf usually undesirable except in dark 
export types of tobacco. | 

In case of phosphoric-acid deficiency the plants may remain _nor- 
mally green or even turn darker green than ordinarily, particularly 
in the case of young plants. In case of marked deficiency of this ele- 



ment brown leaf spots may develop (Pl. XIII, fig. 2). Marked 
stunting, with yellowing, may eventually follow. 

Bertone attributing the above- described symptoms to nitrogen or 
phosphoric-acid starvation the roots of the plants should be care- 
fully examined for root injury by the root parasites previously de- 
scribed. At the same time the weather and soil conditions in gen- 
eral must be taken into account. Chemical analysis of the soil may 
aid in determining which element is lacking, but trial application of 
fertilizing elements is the most reliable method to determine the 
fertilizer needs of any particular soil. 


The tobacco plant is subject ee a number of injuries resulting from 
the action of physical agencies which may be grouped together. 
These deserve brief consideration under the subject of diseases, be- 
cause they may sometimes be mistaken for plant diseases. 

Injuries of this nature which frequently appear on tobacco are 
rain-spot, hail cuts or spots, frosted or frozen tobacco, sun-scalded 

lig. 22.—Lightning injury to tobacco. This apparently diseased area was produced 
by lightning striking the field. 

and sunburned tobacco, wind whipping, bruises from handling, 
spray injury, sand beating, and lightning damage (fig. 22; Pl. ITI, 
fig. 2). To these might also be added the large group of insect in- 
juries, some of which are sometimes mistaken for disease injury. 
Most injuries of the above-named types soon after taking place are 
ordinarily too evident to warrant description (fig. 23). Some time 
after the damage has occurred, however, and especially when affected 
leaves have been cured or fermented, considerable difference of opin- 
ion may arise as to the source of the damage found. 


A considerable number of abnormalities occur in rare or isolated 
cases in tobacco fields, regarding which little is known as to causal 
relations, since sufficient importance is not attached to such cases to 
warrant investigation. Some of these diseases have not been de- 
scribed at all or not more than once in the literature, so that com- 
parisons are difficult to make. 

One of the more common abnormalities of this nature is sometimes 
known as marbling or variegation, but in foreign countries goes un- 


der a wide variety of names, panachure being especially used. This 
is a condition of the leaf in which large bands or irregular areas of 
the leaves of isolated plants lose their green color, becoming yellow 
or distinctly white and sharply demarcated from the oreen areas. 
This condition is not infectious, but is apparently hereditary. More 

rarely the entire leaf or part of the plant turns yellow or white, when 
it is spoken of as albinism or chlorosis. 

A form of curly-dwartf is not unknown in tobacco, but is very rare 
in this country. In the East Indies and Europe, similar diseases are 
described as krulzieke and faltenzwerg. In this disease the leaves 
become markedly stunted and curled. The cause is unknown. 

A streak disease of tobacco apparently of nonparasitic origin has 
been occasionally noted. A narrow brown line usually extends the 

Fic. 23.—Damage to tobacco from hail and storm. Various degrees of injury result 
from this cause. An extreme case of injury to shade-grown tobacco is here shown. 

full length of the stalk and into the leaves, following the vascular 
system and causing wilt and death of the affected leaves. It has been 
seen most commonly on White Burley tobacco. 

A trouble known as crookneck has been described from North Caro- 
lina. The plants and leaves are twisted and deformed. The stem 
and leaves on one side of the plant are usually affected and die or 
fail to grow, while the growth of the other parts causes the twisting 
and malformation observed, much as in the case of lightning injury. 

Monstrosities or teratological phenomena are sometimes observed in 
tobacco as in other plants (fie. 24). ‘These are usually characterized 
by fasciations, as in the doubling of stalks, midribs, veins, or leaf 
blades, or in the splitting up of one leaf into two or more apparently 
distinct parts. 

Crown-gall caused by Bacterium tumefaciens, a fairly common 
disease on some of the fruits, produces striking tumors on the to- 
bacco plant by artificial inoculation. As far as known, however, this 
disease does not occur naturally upon tobacco. : 



The diseases of tobacco previously described have been concerned 
with maladies affecting the living plant and are either of a parasitic 
or nohparasitic origin. Following harvest, the tobacco leaves must 
first go through a curing process which consists essentially of a more 
or less rapid drying and consequently death of the leaf tissue itself. 
The conditions of curing, fermentation, and storage of the various 
types of tobacco must be such as are most conducive to the proper 
color, body, texture, elasticity, grain, burn, and other factors which 
make up quality for the individual types. Any distinctive abnor- 
malities from the desired result in these processes are naturally of 
as much concern as abnormalities of the growing plant and conse- 
quently must receive at- 
tention as to cause and 
control measures. For the 
most part the damage in 
curing, fermentation, and 
storage is the result of the 
action of undesirable mi- 
croorganisms under con- 
ditions favorable for 
their development. These 
organisms belong to the 
class of saprophytes rather 
than the parasites, since 
they act ordinarily on 
dead tissues only, in 
which they tend to pro- 
duce decay. In this con- 
nection it is well to re- 
member that the decay 
and final disappearance 
of all organic matter is 
dependent upon the ac- 
tion of such organisms 
Fig. 24.—-Jack-in-the-pulpit effect of a leaf growth in and that any method 

eas A Ooeeen Dione uetratng rare phe; hich eliminates | their 

presence completely, such 
as sterilization, or which renders conditions unfavorable for their 
development can be relied upon to preserve most such materials in- 

The most common forms of damage in tobacco following harvest 
are shed-burn or pole-rot, stem-rot, wet-butts (or fat-stem), white 
veins, black-rot, must, and molds. These injuries will be taken up in 
the approximate order of their occurrence. 


Description.—This damage is also known under the name of pole- 
burn and pole-sweat. It is characterized in mild cases by the darken- 
ing and the tendency of the leaf to dry out rapidly and to become 
harsh and brittle, together with loss of elastic strength. In more 
severe cases the body of the leaf is actually decayed, so that affected 
spots appear dark by reflected light but transmit hght more readily 

ee ae 

Sr eR 8 ey 


than the normal leaf. As the decay proceeds these spots run together, 
and the infected areas break up and fall out at the least disturbance 
(Pl. XVI, fig. 1). This trouble is most common in tobacco which is air 
cured rather than in any system of curing using more or less. heat. 
Under favorable conditions for its occurrence large losses may result. 

Cause.—It seems fairly well established that at least some of the 
symptoms described for shed-burn are due to microorganisms. 
There is not good agreement, however, as to just which organism or 
organisms are primarily concerned in all cases. The most recent 
experimental evidence seems to indicate that several fungi are cap- 
able of damaging the leaf in a similar manner. Species of Alter- 
naria, Fusarium, Botrytis, and other fungi and bacteria are prob- 
ably most instrumental in actual decay. 

Conditions favoring attack—Tobacco leaves ordinarily are not at- 
tacked by these organisms while they are still in the green or yellow 
stage of curing. Normally, in the air-curing process no danger of 
damage exists until some time after harvest, or when the leaves are 
turning from the yellow color to the final stage. At this stage any- 
thing that is conducive to excessively high humidity may bring 
about shed-burn, especially if at the same time the temperature is 
quite high. The ideal conditions for air curing itself are a relatively 
high temperature (80° to 100° F.) together with a relatively high 
humidity (80 to 90 per cent). When the relative humidity rises 
above 95 per cent, however, there is considerable danger, especially 
if little or no circulation of air prevails. Under such conditions 
little pockets of air form between closely hanging leaves and between 
leaves and stalks in which the actual humidity reaches saturation, the 
leaf surface becoming actually moist through precipitation of moist- 
ure from the air or by excretions from the leaf which are not carried 
off, thus producing a favorable medium for the growth of micro- 
organisms which can enter the leaf tissue and consequently damage 
the leaf. It follows, therefore, that the close hanging of large 
tobacco or an improperly ventilated shed are conducive to shed- 
burn. Foggy or damp weather at the critical stage of curing, es- 
pecially if it persists for several days with a moderate temperature, 
should be guarded against by control measures. 

Control_—The principles of control of shed damage are primarily 
concerned with proper ventilation to secure adequate circulation of 
air throughout the shed or raising the temperature within the shed 
by artificial heat, thereby reducing the relative humidity of the air. 
The former is dependent upon the proper construction of the shed, 
together with proper management of the ventilating system. 

The quantity of moisture the air can hold varies greatly with the 
temperature. The ratio of the amount of moisture actually in the 
atmosphere at any time to the amount which can exist in the air 
at that temperature is known as relative humidity. The capacity of 
the air for holding moisture is doubled for every increase of 18° 
to 20° F. in temperature, and consequently its relative humidity 
is reduced by half. Under normal conditions the temperature of 
the curing shed rises in the daytime and the relative humidity falls. 
As the temperature falls at night the relative humidity rises often 
above 95 per cent but again falls the following day. During rainy 
or foggy weather the relative humidity, of course, remains high, 


Bul. 1256, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture 


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U. S. Dept. of Agriculture 

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and if this is maintained for comparatively long periods, especially 
in relatively warm weather, with tobacco at the danger point in 
curing, damage is likely to occur unless the relative humidity is 
lowered by raising the temperature in the shed by artificial heat. 

Heat is usually applied as open fires under the tobacco. A num- 
ber of small fires uniformly distributed is preferable to a few large 
fires. Frequently small pits are dug in the ground in which the 
fire is placed. Small deflectors above the fire are also desirable. 
Charcoal, very dry wood, or corncobs may be used, but coal or 
coke, or material giving dense smoke should not be used with most 
types of tobacco. The shed is usually tightly closed, except for roof 
ventilators, which may be left partly open. The length of time fires 
are kept up will depend on weather conditions, but usually 12 to 24 
hours will be sufficient to prevent damage. 


In the curing process the midribs or stems of the leaves and the 
large veins are usually the last to dry or cure out, owing to their 
thickness. Under normal conditions the moisture given off by these 
tissues passes off into the air immediately on reaching the surface, 
but if high relative humidity prevails they become soggy and are 
therefore a favorable medium for the growth of saprophytic micro- 
organisms (Pl. XVI, fig. 2, B and C). This condition does not 
usually come about until the leaf web itself is quite fully cured 
out and the greatest danger from shed-burn is over. The midrib 
has then turned from the normal color, indicating actual death of 
the tissues. At times, however, the veins decay before the leaf web 
loses its green color. The saprophytic organisms concerned may be 
the same as those associated with shed-burn, although this is not fully 
established. Species of Fusarium, Tricothecium, Botrytis, and other 
fungi are at least frequently present in dense masses of white and 
pink growths, often followed in bad cases by bacterial decay. 

Conditions favoring stem-rot and its control are the same as for 


The term “ wet-butts” refers to a wet, soggy, and discolored con- 
dition of the base of the midrib and the veins, but sometimes includ- 
ing the whole leaf, resulting from the failure of the leaf to cure 
properly (Pl. XVI, fig. 2, 4). As far as known, no careful investi- 
gation of this trouble has been conducted, but from observation it 
seems possible that it is due in some cases to freezing weather before 
the stem is fully cured. This is borne out by the fact that it 1s 
the top leaves, generally in late green tobacco, which are usually af- 
fected in this manner. In stripping and sorting, the affected leaves 
are separated and allowed to dry out before being packed, when 
they are placed in the poorer grades of tobacco. 

When a large percentage of wet-butts is likely to occur in a crop 
of tobacco it is a good plan to hasten curing with artificial heat 
before freezing weather. 


Occasionally during curing a whitened appearance of the veins 
of the leaf arises, making it undesirable for cigar-wrapper putr- 



poses. This condition has been attributed in some southern dis- 
tricts to the action of an insect (thrips) feeding on the veins of 
the leaf in the field, with the result that when cured these become 
much lighter in color than the remainder of the leaf. 

In the northern districts white veins appear occasionally, ap- 
parently as a result of excessively rapid curing of the leaf during 
dry weather. It is believed that the surface ‘layers of the veins, 
drying out more rapidly than the deeper layers of tissue, permit a 
thin layer of air to form between the two layers, thus causing the 
veins to appear white. In any case it is a good plan to keep up 
the humidity of the shed in dry weather by keeping the shed closed 
in the daytime, opening it partly at night, and occasionally apply- 
ing water to the ground in the shed to raise the humidity of the 
inside air. 


Description.—F ollowing curing, tobacco is ordinarily graded and 
bulked in various ways, depending upon the type, when it is sufli- 
ciently pliable for handling without breakage. Leaf tobacco of 
manufacturing types is usually “reordered” to bring it to the 
proper moisture content before storage, and damage rarely occurs. 
Leaf tobacco of cigar types, however, is usually allowed to come 
into higher “ case’ before being removed from the curing barn, with 
the result that it often contains a high percentage of moisture, and, 
moreover, it is not “reordered” before packing in boxes for fer- 
mentation or sweating. 

Black-rot is ordinarily found, then, in boxed cigar types of to- 
bacco. It usually appears as a dark-brown or black discoloration 
of the packed tobacco, which varies from only small insignificant 
local areas on a few leaves to almost complete ruin of the entire lot. 
Commonly the affected area is more or less limited to the tip ends 
of the leaf where they overlap in packing. The affected tissue is 
ordinarily characterized by a dry rot, and the body, texture, and 
elasticity of the leaf no longer exist, and it easily breaks up when 
disturbed (Pl. XVII, fig. 1). Commonly a sooty appearance is pres- 
ent, as a result of the production of large numbers of spores by the 
organism causing the decay. The line of demarcation between rotted 
and sound areas is frequently quite sharp, and the sound portions of 
the leaf are still of value for cigar purposes if large enough to war- 
rant their separation. Sometimes black-rot appears in bundled 
tobacco before sorting. The loss from this trouble is frequently 
quite large in the packing houses of northern cigar-tobacco districts. 

Cause-—Black-rot has been found to be due to a fungus common 
in nature, Sterigmatocystis nigra, more often called “Aspergillus 
niger. This fungus is peculiar in that it thrives best at relatively 
high temperatures (around 100° F.), such as exist in fermenting to- 
bacco. It can also grow, of course, at considerably lower and slightly 
higher temperatures. 

The fungus produces spores abundantly, which can remain dor- 
mant for a long time, are readily ¢ ‘arried about in the air, and are 
quite common in tobacco warehouses. When these spores are present 
on tobacco they can germinate under favorable conditions and pro- 
luce decay of leaf tissue in a few days. 


Conditions favoring attack.—The extent of damage from black-rot 
will ordinarily vary with the number and distr ibution of the spores 
of the causal organism present and the favorableness of the condi- 
tions for their development. Moisture is naturally essential for 
growth, and as a matter of practical importance the percentage of 
water present in the fermenting tobacco is the most important consid- 
eration in damage from black- ‘vot. The high temperatures produced 
by fermentation, together with a relatively high moisture content of 
the leaf, make an especially favorable condition for black-rot to 
develop. It has been found that black-rot can not occur above 110° 
F., since the rot fungus can no longer grow above that temperature. 

Control. — The control of black-rot must center around either 
reducing the moisture in tobacco to an amount necessary only for 
proper fermentation or raising the temperature of fermentation as 
rapidly as possible to around 110° F. or above. With the object 
of keeping the moisture content down, growers should be advised 
not to permit tobacco to come into too high case when taken down 
in the shed. When high-case crops are received in the warehouses 
they should preferably be assorted and packed as late in the sorting | 
season as possible or bulk fermentation carried out before packing 
in cases. Bulk fermentation usually permits temperatures as high 
as 110° to 120° F. being reached in a few days, hence is unfavorable 
for black-rot, and the accompanying turning of the warm tobacco in 
the bulk is especially favorable for reducing its percentage of mois- 
ture before packing in boxes. The number of rebulkings should 
depend somewhat, therefore, on the amount of moisture in the to- 
bacco, in order that it may be brought down to a desirable moisture 
content before being packed in storage. 

The alternative of packing directly into the boxes and storing at 
once in room temperatures as high as 110° F. suggests itself. This 
method has not been satisfactorily tested, as far as known. Earlier 
methods of force sweating in boxes were usually at lower tempera- 
tures and not satisfactory. Finally, it is not at all improbable that 
cigar tobaccos may be passed through drying or “ reordering” ma- 
chines, which will not only reduce danger of damage but tend to 
produce a more uniform product in general. 


True tobacco musts are characterized by a white powderlike growth 
over the surface of the leaves during fermentation or storage (PI. 
XVII, fig. 2). No true decay occurs, nor is the leaf ordinarily 
injur ed in any way excepting in appearance and in aroma. A musty 
odor accompanies this damage, which it is practically impossible to 
remove satisfactorily, and consequently affected tobacco is much 
reduced in value. This trouble is fairly common upon fermenting 
or stored cigar tobaccos. It does not ordinarily seem to be asso- 
ciated with black-rot in the same packings, and consequently the 
conditions favoring the two are apparently different in one or more 
respects. Practical observations indicate that when certain types 
of tobacco he for several weeks in boxes before going into active 
fermentation, mustiness is likely to appear. Similarly, mustiness 
may develop following fermentation in storage. Mustiness is not 
favored particularly by the high temperatures of fermentation nor 


necessarily by high moisture content of the tobacco, although the 
relation of moisture is not yet fully understood. The character of 
the tobacco leaf itself, as regards various factors resulting from 
growth and method of handling, probably plays some part in its 
predisposition to musting. The presence of air in packed tobacco 
also seems to favor musting, so that loosely packed leaf seems more 
likely to become affected, especially if the humidity in the warehouse 
is high. 

True musts are caused by a group of extremely small organisms 
of the fungous type. More than one species seem to be involved. 
Oospora nicotianue oY ver y similar species and in some cases Actino- 
myces are responsible. Some of these organisms grown on tobacco 
or other media have an extremely musty odor. 

Molds due to other fungi are also found on tobacco, but less 
commonly and usually only under exceptionally undesirable condi- 
tions of handling and storage. A condition sometimes mistaken 
for must or mold on tobacco is the excretion of a white salt (usually 
saltpeter) on the midrib and veins of the leaf. This is of a less 
harmful nature than musts or molds and is readily brushed off 
without injurious odors remaining. This condition apparently re- 
sults when the leaves are subjected to more or less rapid drying 
under certain conditions. The character of the soil upon whieh 
the leaf is grown seems to influence the occurrence of saltpeter to 
a considerable extent, and it is more or less characteristic on tobacco 
of certain districts. 

The prevention of musting of tobacco is not satisfactorily under- 
stood. The avoidance of conditions previously mentioned as fav- 
orable to it only can be advised. When tobacco has become musted 
some packers resort to brushing off the musty color, redampening 
the leaf with water or acetic-acid (vinegar) solution (about 4 per 
cent), and repacking with the hope that a second fermentation may 
be started and the undesirable odor partly removed. 


Tobacco is grown under a wide range of conditions in various 
parts of the world, although more than one-third of the total world 
production is in the United States. The other principal countries 
growing tobacco are India, Russia, Sumatra, Java, Hungary, 
Japan, the Philippine Islands, Germany, Cuba, France, Italy, Tur- 
key, Brazil, and South Africa. To this list may be added Mexico, 
Porto Rico, Canada, China, Rumania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, 
Belgium, and several other countries growing more than 5,000 acres. 
The diseases of tobacco which occur in these countries are of some 
interest to the producer in the United States, since with increasingly 
close commercial relations the importation of new and dangerous 
parasites is not at all unlikely. It seems quite probable that at 
least some of our diseases of tobacco have been introduced from 
foreign countries. A few diseases described in foreign literature 
are not yet known to exist in this country, and these should espe- 
cially be guarded against. 

Many of the foreign countries have investigated their plant dis- 
eases in little or no detail, so that serious troubles may exist about 
whiclt we at present know nothing. It is also true that diseases 


which are not serious in their native country may be much more so 
when introduced into other countries with .different climatic condi- 
tions prevailing. 

Tobacco diseases have been reported on in most detail from the 
Dutch East Indies, Italy, India, Dalmatia, Russia, France, and 
Germany. In general, foreign countries have most of the common 
diseases of tobacco which occur in the United States, although their 
occurrence as a serious problem is naturally very variable, as it is in 
the tobacco districts of the United States. It does not appear from 
the literature that the recently described bacterial leaf-spots of 
tobacco in this country exist elsewhere, with the exception of the 
possible occurrence of wild-fire in South Africa. 

The diseases of tobacco are naturally described in foreign litera- 
ture under a wide variety of names, and with the unsatisfactory de- 
scription and diagnosis presented in many cases it is difficult to 
ascertain the relationship between the diseases as described from 
different districts. In the Dutch East Indies the bacterial wilt 
disease due to Bacterium solanacearum and the lanasziekte caused 
by Phytophthora nicotianae (our black-shank) seem to have been 
given most consideration. In Italy root-rot due to Thielavia basicola 
is said to be serious. Leaf-spot diseases are world-wide and have ~- 
been attributed to a number of different parasites, many of which are 
not known in this country. Mosaic and frenching are common, as 
are a number of minor diseases attributed to nonparasitic agents or 
of unknown cause. Broom rape due to various species of Orobanche 
are common in southeastern Europe, as are also species of Cuscuta 

Among the more common fungous diseases not yet known to occur 
in this country is the powdery mildew due to Erysiphe to which 
at least five specific names have been given, though all probably are 
identical. Two species of Cercospora are reported, at least one of 
which is probably our American species. Alternaria tenuis Nees 
is frequently reported on tobacco in Europe, causing various types of 
troubles from seed bed to curing house, as are also various species 
of Sclerotinia. Parasitic species of Phyllosticta, Ascochyta, and 
Septoria on tobacco are apparently more common in Europe than in 
America, but none are probably of much economic importance. 
Ascochyta and Septoria have not been reported on tobacco in this 
country. A species of Olpidium is reported as causing a root disease 
of tobacco in Dalmatia, and two new species of Pythium are re- 
ported elsewhere as causing seed-bed troubles. On curing and fer- 
menting tobacco, species of Botrytis, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Alter- 
naria, Cladisporium, Sporidesmium, Pleospora, Sclerotinia, and 
Mucor are reported, but in most cases association of these with any 
of the damage occurring in these processes has not been definitely 
established. Oospora nicotianae is described as causing “ must ” 
in Italy. 

Several diseases due to bacterial parasites have been described, 
particularly in France, but the relation of the organisms described 
to these diseases is still open to question. In the East Indies a 
bacterial leaf-spot (black rust) due to a bacterium (4. pseudozool- 
loeae Hon.) has been shown to exist. Sacillus amylobacter Van 
Teigh. is said to cause a bed rot in Italy. 

gidg12 94" 4 


[Includes only publications from the United States. Reports of occurrence only, progress 
reports published elsewhere, and newspaper articles generally are omitted. ] 

(1) ALGARD, (JH: CA. 
1912. The mosaic disease of tobacco. In Science, ser. 2, v. 36, p- 


(2) 1914. The mosaic disease of tobacco. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bul. 40, 33 p., 
(Gn 08 

(3) 1914. A review of investigations of the mosaic disease of tobacco, 

together with a bibliography of the more important contri- 
butions. Jn Bul. Torrey Bot. Club, v. 41, p. 485-458.  Bibli- 
ography, p. 453-458. 

(4) 1915. Distribution of the virus of the mosaic disease in capsules, 
filaments, anthers, and pistils of affected tobacco plants. 
In Jour. Agr. Research, v. 5, p. 251-256, pl. 23. 

(5) 1915. Effect of dilution upon the infectivity of the virus of the mo- 
saic disease of tobacco. In Jour. Agr. Research, v. 3, p. 

(6) 1916. Some properties of the virus of the mosaic disease of tobacco. 

In Jour. Agr. Research, v. 6, p. 649-674, pl. 91. Literature 
cited, p. 673-674. 
(7) 1916. A specific moisaic disease in Nicotiana viscosum distinct from 

the mosaic disease of tobacco. Jn Jour. Agr. Research, v. 7, 
p. 481-486, pl. 35-86. : 

(8) 1917. Further studies of the mosaic disease of tobacco. Jn Jour. 
Agr. Research, v. 10, p. 615-631, pl. 683. 
(9) 1918. Effects of various salts, acids, germicides, etc., upon the infec- 

tivity of the virus causing the mosaic disease of tobacco. 
In Jour. Agr. Research, v. 13, p. 619-637. 

(10) ANDERSON, P. J. 
1923. Controlling tobacco wildfire in the seed bed. (Abstract.) Ji 
Phytopathology, v. 13, p. 59. 

and G. H. CHAPMAN. 
1923. Tobacco wildfire in 1922. Mass. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 213, 27 p. 

(12) Brernuart, E. G. 
1918. Steam sterilization of seed beds for tobacco and other crops. 
U..S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Bul. 996, 15 p., 4 fig. 

(13) Brirrines, I. R. 
1875. Tobacco: Its history, varieties, culture, manufacture, and com- 
merce. xvi, 486 p., illus. Hartford, Conn. 


(14) Briecs, LYMAN J. 
1908. The field treatment of tobacco root-rot. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. 
Plant Indus. Cire. 7, 8 p. 

(15) Burcer, O. F., and H. C. PARHAM. 
1921. Peronospora disease of tobacco. Jn Quart. Bul. State Plant 
Bd. Fla., v. 5, p. 163-167, illus. 

(16) CHAPMAN, G. H. 
1908. Investigations relating to mosaic disease. In Mass. Agr. Exp. 
Sta. 20th Ann. Rpt., 1907, p. 186-144. 


(17) 1913. “‘ Mosaic” and allied diseases, with especial reference to to- 
bacco and tomatoes. Jn Mass. Agr. Exp. Sta. 25th Ann. 
Rpt., pt. 2, p. 41-51. 

(18) 1916. Effect of colored light on the mosaic disease of tohacco. In 
Science, n. s., v. 43, p. 537-088. 

(19) 1917. Mosaic disease of tobacco. Mass. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 175, 
p. 72-117, 5 pl. 

(20) . 1920. Tobacco investigations. Progress report. Mass. Agr. Exp. 

Sta. Bull i95; S8-p., 2 fe. 2 pl: 

(21) 1920. Tobacco wildfire. Mass. Agr. Col. Ext. Serv. Circ. 82, 7 p., 
3 fig. 

(22) . and P. J. ANDERSON. 

1921. Tobacco wildfire. Preliminary report of investigations. Mass. 
Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 203, p. 67-81. Literature cited, p. 81. 

(23). Cninton, G.* P: 
1904. Tobaceo diseases. Jn Oonn. Agr. Exp. Sta. 27th Ann. Rpt., 
1903, p. 862-364. 

(24) 1905. Tobacco diseases. In Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. 28th Ann. Rpt., 
1904, p. 328. 

(25) 1906. Fungous disease of tobacco. Jn Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. 29th 
Ann. Rpt., 1905, p. 276-277. ; 

(26) 1907. Tobacco diseases. In Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. 30th Ann. Rpt., 
1906, p. 324-329. 

(27) 1909. Root-rot of tobacco. II. Im Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. 31st-32d 
Ann. Rpt., 1907-1908, p. 363-3868. 

(28) 1909. Sumatra disease. Jn Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. 31st-32d Ann. Rpt., 

| 1907-1908, p. 360-362. 

(29) 1909. Notes on fungous diseases. etc., for 1908. Jn Conn. Agr. Exp. 

Sta. 31st-32d Ann. Rpt., 1907-1908, p.. 857-858, pl. 66, fig. b. 
| (30) 1915. Chlorosis of plants with special reference to calico of tobacco. 

In Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. 38th Ann. Rpt., 1914, p. 357-424. 

(31) 1920. New or unusual plant injuries and diseases found in Con- 

necticut, 1916-1919. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 222, p. 
397-482, pl. 33-56. 

(32) , and E. H. JENKINS. 
1906. Root-rot of tobacco. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. Immediate 
Inform. 4, 11 p., 4 fig. 
(33) and F. A. McCormick. 

1922. Wildfire of tobacco in Connecticut. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 
239, p. 365-423. 

(34) Duecar, B. M. 
1909. Fungous diseases of plants. xii, 508 p., 240 fig. Boston, New 
York, ete. 

(35) and J. L. KARrer. 
1921. The sizes of the infective particles in the mosaic disease of 
tobacco. Jn Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard., v. 8, p. 343-356. Bibli- 

ography, p. 356. 

(36) Ettis, J. B., and B. M. EverHarr. 
1891. New species of fungi. Jn Jour. Mycol., v. 7, p. 130-135. 

(37) 1894. New species of North American fungi from various localities. 
a Bas In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1893, p. 128-172. 

1917. Studies in the mosaic diseases of plants. Jn Ann. Mo. Bot. 
Gard., v. 4, p. 175-232, pl. 14-17. Bibliography, p. 223-225. 
















1921. Tobacco seed cleaned and treated with formaldehyde solution 
for wild fire and angular leaf-spot. Jn Va. Dept. Agr. and 
Immigration Bul. 164, p. 8-9. 

FRoMME, F. D. 
1920. Wildfire and angular-spot. Jn Va. Agr. and Mech. Col. Ext. 
Div. Bul. 62, p. 25-81, illus. 

and T. J. MURRAY. 

1919. Angular-leafspot of tobacco, an undescribed bacterial disease. 
In Jour. Agr. Research, v. 16, p. 219-228, pl. 25-27. Lit- 
erature cited, p. 227-228. 

and S. A. WINGARD. 

1921. Treatment of tobacco seed and suggested program for con- 
trol of wildfire and angular leaf-spot. (Abstract.) In 
Phytopathology, v. 11, p. 48-49. 

1922. Blackfire and wildfire of tobacco and their control. Va. Agr. 
Exp. Sta. Bul. 228, 19 p., 9 fig., 2 col. pl. 

1922. Blackfire or angular leafspot of tobacco. Va. Agr. Exp. Sta. 
Tech. Bul. 25, 48 p., 18 fig., 2 col. pl. Literature cited, p. 

1922. Overwintering of tomato mosaic. In Bot. Gaz., v. 73, p. 469- 
485, pl. 17. Literature cited, p. 484485. 

1890. The broom-rape of hemp and tobacco, Ky. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 
24, 20 p., fig. 8 

1903. The broom-rapes. Ky. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 105, 32 p., 15 fig. 

GARNER, W. W., J. E. McMurtTrey, and E. G. Moss. 
1922. Sand-drown, a chlorosis of tobacco. Jn Science, n. s., v. 56, 
p. 341-342. 

C. W. Bacon and E. G. Moss. 

1923. Sand-drown, a chlorosis of tobacco due to magnesium de- 
ficiency, and the relation of sulphates and chlorids of potas- 
sium to the disease. In Jour. Agr. Research, v. 23. p. 
27-40, 7 pl. Literature cited, p. 40. 

FF. A. WoxLF and E. G. Moss. 
1917. The control of tobacco wilt in the flue-cured district. U. S. 
Dept. Agr. Bul. 562, 20 p., 5 fig. Literature cited, p. 20. 

1909. The root-rot of tobacco caused by Thielavia basicola. U. S. 
Dept. Agr., Bur. Plant Indus. Bul. 158, 55 p., 5 pl. Bibliog- 
graphy, p. 44-48. 

Harvey, R. B. 
1920. Hydrogen ion changes in the mosaic disease of tobacco plants 
and their relation to catalase. Jn Jour. Biol. Chem., yv. 42, 
p. 397-400. 

HAskKIns, H. D. 
1912. Tobacco injury due to malnutrition or overfertilization. In 
Mass. Agr. Exp. Sta. 24th Ann. Rpt., 1911, p. 35-46. 

Hinson, W. M., and E. H. JENKINS. 
1910. The management of tobacco seed beds. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. 
Bul. 166, 11 p., illus. 

Hovuser. TRUE. 
1920. Root rot of tobacco. Jn Ghio Agr. Exp. Sta. Mo. Bul. v. 5, 
p. 232-234. 

1914. Fungous and other diseases of tobacco. Jn Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. 
Bul. 180, p. 46-57, fig. 9-15. 





















Wildfire of tobacco. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. Immediate 
Inform. 12, 2 p. 

Warning to tobacco growers. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. Im- 
mediate Inform. 15, 2 p. 

and G. H. CHAPMAN. 

Condensed recommendations for the control of wildfire. Conn. 
Agr. Exp. Sta., Tobacco Exp. Sta. Bul. 1, 4 p. 


The control of damping-off in plant beds. Wis. Agr. Exp. 
Sta. Research Bul. 31, p. 29-61, 12 fig. Literature cited, 
p. 60-61. 

Disease resistance in tobacco to root-rot. (Abstract.) In 
Phytopathology, v. 4, p. 48. 

The control of diseases and insects of tobacco. Wis. Agr. Exp. 
Sta. Bul. 237, 34 p. 9 fig. 

Black rot, Shed burn, and stem rot of tobacco. Wis. Agr. Exp. 
Sta. Research Bul. 32, p. 63-86, 7 fig. 

Second progress report on disease resistance in tobacco. (Ab- 
stract.) In Phytopathology, v. 6, p. 117. 

Resistance in tobacco to the root-rot disease. Jn Phyto- 
pathology, v. 6, p. 167-181, 6 fig. : 

Host plants of Thielavia basicola. In Jour. Agr. Research, 
v. 7, p. 289-800, pl. 18-19. Literature cited, p. 299-300. 

The management of tobacco soils. Wis. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 
PAC Tg 2S) Oy ey sake 

Wilt disease of tobacco attributed to Fusarium. (Abstract.) 
In Phytopathology, v. 8, p. 76-77. 

Fusarium root-rot of tobacco. (Abstract.) Jn Phytopathology, 
v. 9, p. 49. 

The relation of air temperature to certain plant diseases. In 
Phytopathology, v. 11, p. 446-458, pl. 21-23. Literature cited, 
p. 457-458. 

Fusarium-wilt of tobacco. Jn Jour. Agr. Research, v. 20, p. 
515-536, pl. 68-67. Literature cited, p. 534-535. 

Non-parasitic leaf-spots of tobacco. (Abstract.) In Phyto- 
pathology, v. 12, p. 52. 

A bacterial leafspot of tobacco. In Jour. Agr. Research, Vv. 
23, p. 481-493, 4 pl. Literature cited, p. 492-493. 

and S. B. FRACKER. 

1922. Tobacco wildfire in Wisconsin. Wis. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 348, 


2A p-, Jil fie: 

and R. E. HARTMAN. 

Influence of soil temperature on Thielavia root-rot. (Abstract.) 
In Phytopathology, v. 8, p. 77. 

1919. Influence of soil environment on the root-rot of tobacco. Jn 

Jour. Agr. Research, v. 17, p. 41-86, 2 fig., pl. 1-7. Liter- 
ature cited, p. 85-86. 

and R. H. MILTon. 

1919. Strains of White Burley tobacco resistant to root-rot. U. S. 

Dept. Agr. Bul. 765, 11 p., 4 fig. 

(78) Jones, L. R., and W. W. GILBERT. 
1918. Lightning injury to herbaceous plants. Jn Phytopathology, vy. 

8, p. 270-282, 2 fig. 

(79) KILLEBREW, J. B. 
1876. Tobacco: Its culture in Tennessee. 123 p., illus. Nashville. 
















1884. Report on the culture and curing of tobacco in the United 
States. xii, 286 p., illus. U. 8S. Dept. Interior, Census Office. 

1897. Tobacco leaf. xiv, 506 p., 137 fig. New York. 

Lupwie, C. A. 
1923. Tobacco wildfire and blackfire. Clemson Agr. Col. [S. C.] 
Ext. Cire. 53, 12 p., 3 fig. 

McKENNEY, R. E. B. af 
1903. The wilt disease of tobacco and its control. In U. S. Dept. 
Agr., Bur. Plant Indus. Bul. 51, p. 5-8, 1 fig. 

Moss, E. G., and F. A. WoLr. 
1917. Crop rotation system adapted to sections infested with tobacco 
wilt. N. C. Dept. Agr. Bul., v. 38, no. 12 (whole no. 239), 
pe, ita: 

1918. A carrier of the mosaic disease. Jn Bul. Torrey Bot. Club, v. 
45, p. 219-233, pl. 7. Literature cited, p. 232-233. 

1918. Report of department of agronomy. Jn Ky. Agr. Exp. Sta. 31st 
Ann. Rpt., pt. 1, p. 22-29. 

Routt, G. C. 
1920. Experiments with lime, acid phosphate and soil fungicides on 
land infested with root-rot disease of tobacco. (Abstract.) 
In Science, n. s., v. 52, p. 44. 

1904. Tobacco diseases and tobacco breeding. Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta. 
Bul. 156, p. 87-114, 3 fig., 8 pl. 

1906. Soil treatment of tobacco plant beds. Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta. Cire. 
Re Rea) One eres, 

1910. A brief handbook of the diseases of cultivated plants in Ohio. 
Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 214, p. 307-456, 106 fig. 

TRUE Howser, and J. G. HUMBERT. 
1915. How to disinfect tobacco plant beds from root-rot fungus 
(Thielavia). Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta. Cire. 156, p. 5-8, illus. 

Stace, C. M. 
1921. A new seedling disease of tobacco. (Abstract.) Jn Phytopath- 
ology. v. 11, p. 49. 

1922. Preliminary report on a study of the wildfire disease of to- 
bacco. (Abstract.) In Phytopathology, v. 12, p. 51-52. 

1909. The Granville tobacco wilt. In U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Plant 
Indus. Bul. 141, p. 17-24. 

1914. Bacteria in relation to plant diseases. v. 3. Washington, D.C. 
(Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub. 27, v. 3.) 

and R. KE. B. MCKENNEY. 
1921. A dangerous tobacco disease appears in the United States. U.S. 
Dept. Agr. Cire. 174, 6 p. 

1921. Suggestions to growers for treatment of tobacco blue-rmold 
disease in the Georgia-Florida district. U. 8S. Dept. Agr. Cire. 
176, 4 p. 

1921. The present status of the tobacco blue-mold (Peronospora) 
disease in the Georgia-Florida district. U. S. Dept. Agr. 
Cire. 181, 4 p. 

STevens, F. L. 
1913. The fungi which cause plant disease. ix, 754 p., 449 fig. New 

=sPr | Se ne ee Eo ee 



(100) Stevens, F. L., and J. G. Hatt. 



























Granville tobacco wilt. In N. C. Agr. Exp. Sta. 30th Ann. Rpt., 
1906-07, p. 71. 

Granville tobacco wilt. In N. C. Agr. Exp. Sta. 31st Ann. Rpt., 
1907-08, p. 81-82. 

Diseases of economic plants. Rev. ed. vii, 507 p., 238 fig. New 
York. Bibliography, p. 467-490. 

and W. G. SACKETT. 

The Granville tobacco wilt; a preliminary bulletin. N. C. Agr. 
Exp. Sta. Bul. 188, p. 81-96, 15 fig. 

Stem rot. Jn Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. Ann. Rpt., 1891, p. 184-186. 

Preliminary report on the so-called “ pole-burn ” of tobacco. Jn 
Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. Ann. Rpt., 1891, p. 168-184. 

Tobacco. (Discussion of conditions influencing pole-burn.) Jn 
Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. 17th Ann. Rpt., 1893, p. 82-83. 

Further notes on the cause of ‘‘ pole-sweat” and ‘“ stem-rot” of 
tobacco. In Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. 17th Ann. Rpt., 1893, p. 

[Bibliography of certain publications on tobacco diseases.] Jn 
Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. 21st Ann. Rpt., 1897, p. 216. 

On a destructive fungous disease of tobacco in South Carolina 
(Frog-eye). Jn Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. 20th Ann. Rpt., 1896, 
p. 273-278, pl. 7-8. 

Preliminary notes on two diseases of tobacco (“ calico” and 
aMOte aii Cone Acm xp. sta, 22d Ann, Rpt, a's9s: 
p. 242-260. 

Further notes on the pole-burn of tobacco. Jn Conn. Agr. Exp. 
Sta. 23d Ann. Rpt., 1899, p. 265-269. 

[Bibliography of tobacco diseases.] Jn Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. 24th 
Ann. Rpt., 1900, p. 289-290. 

W. B. 

Tobacco diseases in Gadsden County in 1922, with suggestions 

for their prevention and control. Fla. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 
166, p. 77-118, 28 fig. 



Wildfire and angular leaf-spot of tobacco. Ky. Col. Agr. Ext. 
Serv. Cire. 89, 16 p., illus. 

1923. An important period in the life history of two bacterial 



Wotr, F. 



organisms causing leaf spots on tobacco. Jn Phytopa- 
thology, v. 13, p. 140-144, illus. 

and EB. J. KINNEY. 

Strains of standup White Burley tobacco resistant to root- 
rom Ky. Agr Exp. Sta. Cire 28, 16 p:, 6 fig: 


Tests of fertilizers on tobacco. Va. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 12, 7 p. 


Tobacco wild fire. N. C. State Col. Agr. Ext. Serv. Cire. 
61, 4 p., 3 fig. 

A leafspot disease of tobacco caused by Phyllosticta nicotiana 
E. & E. In Phytopathology, v. 12, p. 99-101. 

and A. C. Foster. 

Bacterial leaf-spot of tobacco. In Science, n. s., v. 46, p. 


(121) 1918. Tobacco wildfire. Jn Jour. Agr. Research, v. 12, p. 449-458, 
2 fig., pl. 15-16. Literature cited, p. 458. 
and E. G. Moss. 
1919. Diseases of flue-cured tobacco. N. C. Dept. Agr. Bul., v. 40, 
no. 12 (whole no. 263), 45 p., 24 fig. 
(123) Woops, ALBERT F. 
1902. Observations on the mosaic disease of tobacco. 
Agr., Bur. Plant Indus. Bul. 18, 24 p., 6 pL 


U. S. Dept