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HIS colored photograph 

shows the strength of Val- 
iant—a large, smooth, modern- 
type Tomato maturing within 
three days of Earliana. @This 
grand new Stokes introduction 
stands as further proof that spe- 
cialization yields a reward of 
its own. @The Stokes firm 
now devotes its entire effort 

to Tomatoes. Price of Valiant, postpaid: 

Trade pkt. 50 cts.; oz. $1; 
Alb. $3; Ib. $10 

Grown ty Stokes 



Atlantic Prize. ....... 1889 
Sparks’ Earliana....... 1900 
Bonny Best.......... 1908 
Master Marglobe.....1930 
Stokesdale .......... 1936 
WEILL o66 on che so soll SEY/ 

Me EE Ss Be a Y ‘ A 
F. C. Stokes and Prof. L. G. Schermerhorn 

on our Stokesdale Proving Grounds the after- 
noon of our Field Day, August 17, 1937. 

Where Is Vincentown ? 

Vincentown, our Company headquarters, 
is located in the rich dairy farming district 
of Burlington County, New Jersey. We 
are 25 miles east of Philadelphia, out 
Route 38 from the Camden airport; 22 
miles south of Trenton on Route 39; 80 
miles south of New York via Routes 25 and 
39. A company car will always be sent to 
the nearest railway station or airport for 
non-motoring visitors. Our Stokesdale 
Proving Grounds are usually at their prime 
in early August. Our telephone is Vincen- 
town 63. 

HIS competitive age calls for perfectionists. A man doing one 

thing very well will do his job with greater thoroughness and 
greater understanding than a man who tries to do many things. We 
are now devoting our entire energy, thought, and capital to Tomatoes. 
We eat, sleep, and sometimes dream Tomatoes! If you do anything 
with Tomatoes besides eating them, a reading of this Catalog should 
not be a waste of time. 

As breeders and growers of Tomato seed, we can help make To- 
matoes your most profitable crop in 1938. That profit is dependent 
on your producing a quantity of healthy, well-bred fruit. That kind of 
fruit can only be grown from seed with a strong inheritance. 

The breeding program carried on for so many years at our Stokes- 
dale Proving Grounds has developed stocks of recognized strength. 
We long ago saw the necessity for many different varieties in covering 
the broad requirements of continental production. Out of the ten 
stocks offered in this Catalog, it is altogether likely that one or more of 
them is well suited to your conditions. Great care has been taken in 
the production of all of our seed. Likewise, much stress has been laid on 
clarity and simplicity in writing these Catalog descriptions. Weare de- 
termined that the slogan “Grown by Stokes” shall be an infallible 
mark of dependability in Tomato seed. 



1. Official Certification. 

This service is performed by the New Jersey Department of Agri- 
culture for the purpose of inspecting our Tomato fields. We received 
a clean bill of health on 882 acres. This service covers both freedom 
from disease and type purity. 

2. Post-Season Disinfection. 

Our entire 1937 crop has been disinfected in a 1 to 1200 solution of 
New Improved Ceresan—5 per cent ethyl mercury phosphate. We 
consider this treatment of very great importance in freeing seed from 
seed-borne diseases. 

3. Dated Statement of Germination. 

As for many years, we are again marking the germination test and the 
date of that test on every package. Our entire inventory has been 
retested as of November, 1937. 

4. Stokes Tamper-proof Canisters. 

These are among the most respected seed packages in North America. 

The canister is tightly sealed and the label is copyrighted, both for 
your protection. 


Breeders and Growers of Tomato Seed 

Copyricnt, 1938, F. C.S. & Co., Inc. 



OR those who 

have lingering 
doubts about certi- 
fied Tomato plants 
grown in Georgia, 
we wish to say that, 
in our humble opin- 
ion, they are the 
best buy on the 
market. Their suc- 
cess is based ona 
stronger plant cost- 
ing less money. Like 
everything else that 
develops too quickly, 
this industry did 
have its difficulties and its disappointments, but to 
the lasting credit of the State of Georgia, these 
troubles are now largely under control. 

The Georgia plant certification system is one of the 
most effective sanitation jobs we have ever known. 
It covers soil-practice, certification of seed, spraying, 
and packing. The seed must not only be certified by 
the state of origin, but must pass a biological test for 
freedom from pathogenic organisms. The present dis- 
infectant, New Improved Ceresan, has proved far more 
effective than the bichloride of mercury treatment in 
use up until last year. This new ethyl mercury phos- 


Here, again, there can be no set rule. Conditions ob- 
viously differ. Objectives differ. But one factor cannot be 
overlooked—spraying. To spray properly one must have 
space to work between vines. Some of our more successful 
Tomato growers are spacing 4 feet in the row, with rows 
5 feet apart. Several men who were elected to New Jersey’s 
1936 Ten-Ton Tomato Club used that spacing. A Tomato 
plant likes ample ventilation. Then, too, 4 by 5-foot spacing 
gives the pickers more room in which to work. There is 
much to be said for wider planting. This table may be 

phate has almost completely controlled the dreaded 
Macrosporium solanum, or stem-rot disease, which 
formerly took such a heavy toll. 

Although approximately 1000 acres of Tomato 
plants will be grown in Georgia from Stokes Seed in 
the spring of 1938, the early bookings are always 
heavy, and we advise prompt placing of orders. The 
plants will be strong, hardy, field-grown stock which 
is well rooted and well hardened. Our packing is done 
with great care, and for the most part peat moss will 
be used instead of sphagnum. The schedule of varie- 
ties and shipping dates noted below will be adhered 
to as strictly as the weather permits. 



Price f. 0. b. Georgia shipping point, $2.25 per 1000 
f.0.b. New Jersey receiving point, $2.75 per 1000 
Solid cars will be shipped to any point. 
Except for private truck delivery we recommend the f. o. b. 

New Jersey basis, for solid cars arrive a day sooner than 
L. C. L. shipments. 


helpful. Plants per Acre 
Za fECtexnlilOOta acres Meets eo airs ahi ig a tr sl ot 14,520 
3 feetx 2 feet . . Shh vac eee oe et ee ne ae ee 7,260 
Si Leet ex Snteetin tian pecan ei tunes Et erence An eB oe 4,840 
AS feet x 1sfOOtig Me eee aa le ae Wak a: 10,890 
AS fECPeDefeet yee. Mrs, Pere hile Bi ty ee ea on 5,445 
Apfeet-xVSifeets - oP LN h oo ee ye ln et er 3°50 
A $ECEXSHCCR AT Ee En teed Rod gee ee. oie 2,723 
Sifeetiac Srfeeta suctisiy eee ere tes Behe, Bhatia tl Sin. 2,901 
Si feet:xi 47 feetuee rete Merman ues 2,178 
Spfeetsxc Shree aera te che ey ed ihe a PREC et oye Soke 1,743 

Book Plant Orders Now for May Delivery 3 

Tomatoes Want a Normal, Steady Growth with No Setbacks 

The Cause of Blossom-End Rot 

HEN a Tomato plant fails to obtain 

sufficient soil-moisture to meet its 
transpiration requirements, it draws its 
moisture from the developing fruit. This 
causes the cell tissues at the blossom end of 
the Tomato to collapse, which, in turn, 
forms a large black spot that makes the 
fruit unsalable. 

Heavy losses from this disease occur in 
dry spells that follow periods of abundant 
moisture, during which the plant makes a 
soft, succulent growth. Deeply prepared 
soil, plenty of organic matter, and a uniform 
and ample supply of moisture, through 
irrigation, if mecessary, will eliminate 
blossom-end rot. Dr. C. B. Sayre, New 
York Experiment Station, Geneva, has 
recently published an illuminating report 
on this subject. 

Blossom-end rot, like many other Tomato 
diseases, usually can be held down to a 
minimum loss through good soil-practice. 


Days to Maturity*. . 104 

Aver. Weight in ounces .,.. 

Relation Depth-to-Width. . 

Approximate Outline 


Valiant |Stokesdale 

HIS elementary lesson was given us many years ago by our 

well-remembered friend, Dr. W. W. Tracy, Sr., of the United 
States Department of Agriculture. Of all the new knowledge per- 
taining to Tomato production, nothing has come to light to 
change this very simple fact. Time after time we have noticed 
that once a Tomato crop receives a setback, it seldom recovers 
its original strength and vigor. Growers will do well to take 
every possible precaution at all stages of the development of the 
crop. There must be no exception to this between seed-time and 
harvest. Make this next crop your best crop, and keep these 
points in mind: 

1. Use pedigreed stocks. The losses from planting run-out, 
off-type, low-producing strains are difficult to compute. 

2. Set your plants early and see that they are well rooted and 
fresh when they are put in the ground. Never set a field without 
the use of water. Poor plants often take two weeks to recover. 

3. Set your fields in squares so as to cultivate both ways. A 
weekly cultivation is desirable. As one grower has said: “One 
good crop at a time is enough for any field.” 

4. Watch your picking. This is a vitally important factor in 
Tomato profits. Many growers find that paying pickers by the 
day, and not by the basket, is the best plan. The cost per basket 
will not be more and the quality per basket will be improved. 

| Ce 

<—< FIELDS Nes) 
Foundation stocks for Stokes Tomato Seed 

Gre produced here 

Visitors admitted by pass which may Be objarned o 
Our company office inVincentoxn, == 
Frincis € Stokes 8 Ca Inc 

Grothen’s MESES: 
Globe Rutgers | Marglobe| Marglobe 

No. 6 No. 8 

Pritchard| Glovel 

112 122 118 122 


*These maturity figures have been taken at our Stokesdale Proving Grounds. The time will be shortened as much as 30 days 
for far southern planting and lengthened by 30 days at far northern points. 

The Very Great Importance of Retaining Foliage 

T IS difficult to overstate this matter. The lack of foliage, or 

the early season loss of it, is directly responsible for most of 
the poor, unprofitable Tomato crops. To begin with, many farm- 
ers, who should know better, attempt to grow Tomatoes on thin, 
starved soil, utterly lacking in organic matter. With present-day 
knowledge of soil-chemistry, and with many states offering 
soil-analysis services, there is no excuse for not knowing 
where you start from. 

As an elementary guide, follow sod or some other cover-crop 
which has added humus to your soil. Do not follow Tomatoes 
with Tomatoes. Test for acidity, and, if necessary, apply dolo- 
mitic limestone (300 screen). Following that, be guided by 
your soil-test for your fertilizer formula. Do not be too sparing 
of your fertilizer. Fifty Tomato fields are under-fed against one 
that is over-fed. Stable manure is always excellent—two or three 
coats. When this is applied heavily, lighten up on the phos- 
phorus content in your fertilizer. 

Having watched the soil-factors, the next precaution is the 
spray schedule, which should commence soon after setting the 
plants and continue weekly for the entire duration of the crop. 
The solution should be a combination of bordeaux and arsenate 
of lead. This will not only provide an excellent medium for 
maintaining the health of the vine, but will give strong protec- 
tion against insect pests. 

Careful attention to all these factors will go a long way to- 
ward the development of a crop of high quality and of heavy 
tonnage. Remember, without vines, blossoms cannot set, and 
without foliage, the normal fruit sugars in the Tomato do not 
develop. That means that there is no flavor in the fruit. 

" % inn a ia Se ee 
Ber is oR a ? . 

Stokesdale on an August afternoon 

Watch Those Tomato Worms! 

HERE are two species of Tomato horn 

worm, Protoparce quinquemaculatus and 
P. sexta. In 1937, conditions were such that 
both went in for population increase in a 
big way. The first brood developed in late 
July, the second in early September. Losses 
were staggering—perhaps heavier than 
from the torrential August rains. 

There is every probability of further 
trouble in 1938. The large brown moths, 
resembling hummingbirds, are flying in 
early July, and their eggs hatch in late 
July. The long, green worm, so common to 
everyone, is not readily seen in its first days. 
Its length then is only a fraction of an inch, 
and it is usually found on the mid- 
rib of the leaf—on the under side. 

Effective control lies in frequent 
and thorough application of poison 
in the spray schedule. This should 
be applied under high pressure 
and with nozzles that reach up 
under the leaves. Tomato growers 
who trust to luck and do not take 
these early precautions run the risk 
of locking the stable door after the 
horse is stolen. As these worms 
mature, their capacity to ruin a 
crop is enormous. It is not at all 
uncommon for them to cut pro- 
duction by 50 per cent. Early and 
frequent spraying is the only effec- 
tive control. 

First-class spraying equipment 
will prove a good investment for 
every Tomato grower. 

The First Tomatoes Bring the High Prices 

HERE are exceptions to this, but only rare exceptions. The Earliana type is 
still, strictly speaking, the earliest Tomato, but there are valid objections to 
Earliana. For, regardless of the best efforts of plant-breeders, Earliana is still rough, 
ill-shapen, and irregular in size. The Lange Strain, which we offer on this page, 
still turns in some excellent money for those who grow it. Valiant, described on 
the opposite page, will be only slightly later, and is in every way superior to the 
Pas We look on Valiant as one of the new important developments 
in Tomato culture. This Tomato is now in its sixth generation of 
single-plant selection at Stokesdale Proving Ground. Its origin is 
obscure. Valiant and Stokesdale both have come from the same 
source which, to the best of our knowledge, was an accidental cross 
between Marglobe and Bonny Best. Valiant is vigorous, uniform, 
and well colored. It is perhaps better colored than Stokesdale, 
and definitely outclasses Earliana in depth, size, and uniformity. 
We urge that you look on both Valiant and Stokesdale as ex- 
tremely important new types of Tomatoes. One or both of them 
may prove to be real money-makers under your conditions. You 
should not pass them by lightly. 

Lange "5 &atrliana 

Certified Ratio, depth to width, 75 per cent 104 days to maturity Average weight of fruit: 5 ounces 

Spark’s Earliana was introduced by Johnson & Stokes in 1900. Lange’s Earliana, from the same general strain, 
has been selected for an extraordinarily heavy crown-set. More than half of the crop is available during the first 
ten days of the harvest. A crop of Lange’s Earliana, set in a field in Gloucester County the first week in May, pro- 
duced five baskets on June 22, and thereafter 50 to 100 baskets were gathered daily. It is not uncommon for the 
crown-set to carry ten fully developed fruits. 

Price, postpaid: 
Trade pkt. 50 cts.; oz. $1; 14lb. $3; Ib. $10 

<< oie re “ee 

6 The crown fruit is the crowning glory of Lange’s 



Ratio, depth to width, 
90 per cent 

107 days to maturity nag 

Average weight of 
fruit: 7 ounces 

If you do not require a heavy vine— 

If you can sell the first three pickings 
for more money than the last five— 

If you do not like the low prices 
offered for your rough Earlianas— 

Then, try Valiant. 

Valiant is not an all-purpose Tomato, 
but its ability to develop very large, solid 
fruits within three days of Earliana will 
surprise you and astonish your neighbors. 

Price, postpaid: 
Trade pkt. 50 cts.; oz. $1; 14Ib. $3; 
Ib. $10; 5 Ibs. $45 


Seed cost vs. crop value=1/5 of 1 per cent 

How would you like this crop 
ona $5.00 market? This photo- 
graph is of a typical Valiant 
plant in our seed field, 1937. 

For Many Growers, the Second-Earlies Are Extremely Profitable 

| ce nearly thirty years, the Bonny Best family has been the outstanding leader in this group, in the north- 
ern areas, principally New York, Michigan, Wisconsin, Washington, and Oregon. There they still hold the first 
position. In 1908, when Walter P. Stokes introduced Bonny Best, it promptly became one of the important 
national varieties. As is the case with many other good things, there was considerable renaming, the most notable 
instance being John Baer. Bonny Best held its place staunchly until about 1925, when the more modern and more 
disease-resistant Marglobe justly received recognition. Our present strain of Bonny Best is a very worthy one. 
Stokesdale, fully described on this next page, is just as early as Bonny Best, and, in many instances, will mature 
days ahead of it. As indicated in the photograph, Stokesdale is very much larger, and in a number of important 

tests has shown itself to be much more of a money-maker. Both of these stocks are strongly recommended. 

SS Price, postpaid: 
~~ f Trade pkt. 25 cts.; oz. 50 cts.; 14Ib. $1.50; 
Certified Ratio, depth to width, 86 per cent 113 days to maturity Average weight of fruit: 5 ounces 

We are very fortunate in being able to offer this present strain. Stokes Bonny Best is an almost exact replica of 
our original introduction of twenty-nine years ago. In fact, it may lead to a definite revival of the variety. What we 
offer here is a Tomato earlier, deeper, and smoother, with thick walls which are remarkably free from cracks. 
Its color and the flavor are of the fine old Bonny type. The average weight—5 ounces—is distinctly larger than 

most strains of Bonny in recent years. 

8 Stokes Bonny Best—once more in its old-time beauty 


Our most important introduction since Master Marglobe 

Certified Ratio, depth to width, 85 per cent 112 days to maturity Average weight of fruit: 8 ounces 

TOKESDALE is now of age—21, and red, brilliant red! We believe it is to become one of the great varieties. 
The point for emphasis is that this sixth-generation selection has apparently fixed the type that a year ago 
showed so much promise but which then was not completely fixed. 

The glowing reports of its performance in 1937 under many varied conditions indicate a striking advance in 
Tomato culture. We urge that you include Stokesdale in your 1938 schedule, and we suggest that you consider it 
as an important all-purpose type for market or for cannery. 

For market, it will be profitable because of its earliness, its beauty, and its quality. It averages three days earlier 
and 25% larger than Bonny Best (Stokes, 1908). 

For the cannery, it offers high tonnage per acre, with all that makes for a strong Government grade. It has 
the further advantage of spreading the picking season—the peak will precede Marglobe by 10 days, Rutgers by 
14 days. This past August, loads of Stokesdale graded among the highest at our Vincentown plant. One load 
rated 95% U.S. No. 1, 5% U.S. No. 2. No culls. Flavor and interior color are also outstanding points. 

Striking results with Stokesdale have been reported from such widely separated locations as Crystal City, 
Texas, Fort Pierce, Fla., Lexington, N. C., Manhattan, Kans., Storrs, Conn., Waltham, Mass., Ithaca, N. Y., and 
Saint Catharines, Ont. One report from Kansas says, “Stokesdale was the most wilt-resistant of any variety 
tested.” That, in the face of former tests, is encouraging, but other reports have shown that Stokesdale is not 
completely resistant to fusarium wilt. Here in New Jersey, several men growing for canneries reported Stokesdale 
to be their high-yielding variety. You will be astonished with its producing power. 

Price, postpaid: 

Trade pkt. 50 cts.; oz. $1; 14lb. $3; 
Ib. $10; 5 Ibs. $45 

STOKESDALE, grown by Stokes, already a source of great profit to many growers 9 


Greater depth means an extra slice, and that is what Mrs. Brown is looking for 

F Tomato growers could spend an hour each week on the big produce markets, they would realize what a subtle 

thing perfection is. The remarkable success of Stokes Master Marglobe is based on one simple factor—shape. 
We have spent ten years striving to perfect the most desirable slicing Tomato in the United States. That effort 
has met with genuine success. Buyers everywhere give this stock preferred attention. Their customers want deep, 
smooth, solid fruits. Flat Tomatoes, with deeply ridged shoulders, do not slice well, and, what is worse, they often 
have a blossom-end scar and a green core. That type of Tomato was ruled out ten years ago. 

Stokes Master Marglobe can claim fourteen generations of single-plant selection. We doubt if this record can 
be equaled. Upward of $25,000 has been spent in the development of this stock. Yet this seed is available to you 
at a cost of less than $1 per acre. It is possible that you may secure a seed-supply for half that price, but is it worth 
the risk when your total per-acre production expense approximates $100, and your possible return per acre may 
be in excess of $500? We sincerely believe Stokes Master Marglobe, Strain Six, to be the ideal Tomato for the 
green-wrap trade. 

( } Ratio, depth to width, 85 per cent 113 days to maturity 
Zl te a'Z Average weight of fruit: 5 ounces 

E HAVE a wholesome respect for the Pritchard Tomato. Under certain growing conditions, this variety 
far outyields all others. This particularly applies to New York and to New England where Marglobe ordi- 
narily does not ripen a full crop. In maturity, Pritchard will average five days ahead of Marglobe. 

Pritchard—a Marglobe  Cooper’s Special hybrid, originally introduced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture 
as Scarlet Topper—was officially renamed by the Department to honor its originator, the late Dr. Fred J. Pritchard. 
His originations in wilt-resistant types have had a vast influence on Tomato production in the United States. 

Pritchard is a plant of the determinate growth type and because of this it is highly desirable to feed it heavily 
in order to develop as heavy vine as possible. We recommend that ammonia in some available form should be 

applied before the fruits develop. Reasonable vine protection is very desirable. : : 

Price, postpaid: 
Trade pkt. 25 cts.; oz. 50 cts.; 
141b. $1.50; Ib. $5; 
5 Ibs. $22.50 

10 Pritchard—the last origination of a great plant-breeder 


Certified Ratio, depth to width, 95 per cent 118 days to maturity _ Average weight: 6 ozs. 



Tr. pkt. . $0.25 
Ounce. .50 
Alb. . . 1.50 
Lb... . 5.00 
5lbs.. . 22.50 

Streamlined and Finely Bred 

The fame of this beautiful shipping 
Tomato is almost legendary. Stokes 
Master Marglobe, Strain Six, is con- 
ceded to be the most important market 
Tomato in North America. You are 
cordially invited to share in its success. 


Will you pay $1 an acre for the very best Tomato Seed? mit 


OVERNMENT and merchandizing standards on Tomatoes and Tomato products are now on such a 
high plane that it is impossible for a canner to succeed unless he has a raw product that is of a thoroughly 
high quality. The business of producing Tomatoes for manufacture is one of infinite detail. A vast amount 
of time and capital is being expended on the breeding of Tomato types which will conform to the rigid 
modern requirements. 
Rutgers and Stokes Master Marglobe, Strain Eight, are two important varieties that have been bred for cannery 
purposes. Both are highly disease-resistant, have excellent interior color and structure, and are extraordinary 
producers. Both stocks, as offered on these pages, have been certified. 

R u tgecs 


Certified Ratio, depth to width, 80 per cent 122 days to maturity Average weight of fruit: 8 ounces 

Rutgers is a Marglobe x J. T. D. hybrid. The original cross was made by the Campbell Soup Company and 
Jater developed by Professor Schermerhorn, of the New Jersey Experiment Station. It is now in its seventh genera- 
tion of selection, and the type is well fixed. Its habit of ripening from the inside out has proved an asset, especially 
in the manufacture of Tomato specialties—juice, soup, catsup, etc. This is on account of its high color values. 
Some of our green-wrap customers have reported success with Rutgers. Primarily, we look on it as a variety 
for manufacture. 

Rutgers matures about four days later than Stokes Master Marglobe Strain Six. The vine is very erect, and 
under normal soil conditions will develop heavy, vegetative growth. It is suggested that nitrates in the fertilizer 
be applied very slightly for this variety. Otherwise, the fruit becomes too large and often has some blossom-end 
scar. Rutgers is highly wilt-resistant. 

Price, postpaid: Trade pkt. 25 cts.; oz. 50 cts.; 14lb. $1.50; Ib. $5; 5 Ibs. $22.50 

iz Rutgers has remarkable vigor, size, and productiveness 



Certified Ratio, depth to width, 84 per cent 
122 days to maturity Average weight of fruit :7 ounces 

This Stock Has Yielded as 
High as 15 Tons Per Acre 

TRAIN EIGHT has been in the course of development for three seasons. We are now 

offering it as a strain of Stokes Master Marglobe that is larger but not so deep as 
Strain Six, described on page 11. What this strain does not have as a shipping type is 
more than made up for as a cannery type. The size will average an ounce heavier and 
the ratio, depth to width, will average 10% lower in Strain Eight. The old beauty of form 
and interior solidity long known in Stokes Master Marglobe will still be found in Strain 
Eight. Other characteristics are about the same except that there will be a slightly 
heavier vine-growth to Strain Eight which, in turn, means about four days later in 
maturity On an average. 

; It is difficult to over-emphasize the strong qualities of this variety for the manu- 
This tamper-proof seed Ba 3 : : : 
package is for your facture of Tomato juice: Its color is a bright red; its flavor is unusually sweet and 
protection pleasant; and it is practically free from any blossom-end scar. 

As is the case with any thick-wall variety, including Rutgers and Stokes Master Marglobe, there is some 
radial cracking. Apparently we are far from conquering that source of trouble. 

To the manufacturer of Tomato products, or to the man who is growing Tomato products for the cannery, 
we know of no finer strain of Tomato than Stokes Master Marglobe, Strain Eight. 

Price, postpaid: Trade pkt. 25 cts.; oz. 50 cts.; 14lb. $1.50; Ib. $5; 5 Ibs. $22.50 

Strain Eight has been developed for those requiring a larger Master Marglobe 13 



Certified Ratio, depth to width, 90 per cent 
118 days to maturity Average weight of fruit: 7 ounces 

LOVEL is a pink Marglobe. It has been per- 
fected by William F. Porte, of the United States 
Department of Agriculture, from the F. J. Pritchard 
cross of Livingston’s Globe X Marvel. The result 
is a Tomato slightly earlier than Marglobe, and be- 
cause it has no yellow pigment in the skin, the 
| exterior color is pink. It is new to most of the trade 
: Le and has, as yet, not had wide acceptance. The stock 
2 we offer has been grown in the North and is certi- 
fied. It is a pure type of Glovel, and one which 
can be very highly recommended. If you desire a 
productive type of pink Tomato, plant Glovel. 
The average resistance of firm, ripe Glovel fruits 
to crushing stresses was 13.4 pounds, slightly 
higher than for Marglobe. Glovel developed color 
in storage at 70° F., on ratio of 72% as against 
49% for Marglobe at end of one week. 

Price, postpaid: Trade pkt. 25 cts.; 
oz. 50 cts.; 14Ib. $1.50; Ib. $5 

Gothen "4 Globe 

Certified Ratio, depth to width, 80 per cent 
112 days to maturity Average weight of fruit: 8 ounces 

A single plant development out of Break o'Day 

HIS TOMATO has been successful in the 

South where it has done particularly well as 
a fall crop. It has not been successful in the 
North and is not recommended for northern 
production. One factor in the popularity of 
Grothen’s Globe is its large size. The fruit will 
average considerably larger than Marglobe, 
although it approaches it in neither its per- 
fection of form nor its excellent interior. The 
fact that it is earlier in maturity is also important 
in some sections. 

Grothen’s Globe has some resistance to fu- 
sarium wilt and nail-head rust. Its vine-growth 
is distinctly open. Our stock has been examined 
by the originator and has been approved. It has 
also been given a certified rating by the New 
Jersey Department of Agriculture. 

Price, postpaid: Trade pkt. 25 cts.; 
oz. 50 cts.; 1A4lb. $1.50; Ib. $5 

14 Southern Growers: do not pass this page hurriedly! 


HE seed of the five varieties offered on this page is comparable in every way to stock seed for our own 

company acreage. It was all produced at our Stokesdale Proving Grounds. This seed is of value to 
anyone who profits by absolute perfection in his operation or who, for any reason, desires the 
product of Tomatoes grown under our exacting system. Obviously, the great demand for it comes from 
growers of greenhouse Tomatoes. Each year we supply important quantities of this seed to that critical trade. 
The production expense of greenhouse Tomatoes is such that only the most carefully bred seed should be 
used. Our single-plant plots assure an exceptionally fine stock. The seed offered on this page will do well 
under glass or in exacting field production. 

Varieties direct from Stokesdale Proving Grounds: 


All of This Seed 
is Certified 


Stokesdale Proving Grounds are one ofthe largest experimen- 
tal fields in the United States devoted exclusively to Tomatoes. 
Although this is our source of foundation stocks with which 
we plant our 1,000 acres for seed, we are running a great many 
other projects which contribute their share of information to 
the industry. 

In addition to stock-seed production, here are tested the 
leading strains of Tomatoes from all over the world. Source 
records are open to everyone; thus comparisons are readily 
made which are of value to all Tomato growers. Here, also, 
you may study the comparative results of staked vs. unstaked 
plantings; the use of hot caps vs. no hot caps; maturity figures 
of early, medium, and late plantings. 

Visitors are also usually interested in our main establishment 
at Vincentown, which is not only capable of harvesting, clean- 
ing, and disinfecting 50,000 pounds of Tomato seed annually, 


Price, postpaid, for any one of 
these: Trade pkt. $1; '40z. $1.75; 
Ih,oz. $3; oz. $5; 14lb. $17.50. 


but which also can produce in a normal season 250 carloads 
of our by-product, Stokes Tomato Juice. A well-equipped 
laboratory is operated in conjunction with this plant. Among 
other things, extensive Vitamin C studies are being carried on. 
In this connection it is interesting to note that a Tomato found 
in the French West Indies by Francis C. Stokes this past winter 
contained 38 mg. per 100 cc. Vitamin C—practically double the 
content we have found onany titration of our American varieties. 

Visitors from many distant points have honored us with 
visits at Vincentown. Among others this past summer were 
two officials of the Soviet Government, one the chief engineer 
of the Consercov Comeseriat which operates the large Govern- 
ment canneries in the Ukraine and the Crimea. (Stokes 
Master Marglobe will be growing along the Volga in 1938./ 
The hand of welcome is held out to you. You will always be 
cordially received at Vincentown. 

eRINTED 1 = 
usr» cD) 


Grown ty Stokes 

ares The Largest Second-Early 

E believe we are justified 

in urging you to include 
Stokesdale in your 1938 planting. 
It is in line to become one of 
the great varieties. We recom- 
mend it to all who have a place 
for a large and very solid To- 
mato, ripening a week ahead of 
Marglobe. Stokesdale may prove 
to be your most important 
Tomato, either for the market or 
for the cannery. Further descrip- 
tion will be found on page 9. 

Price, postpaid: 
Trade pkt. 50 cts.; oz. $1; 141b. $3; 
ib. $10; 5 Ibs. $45