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Microscopical Society, 





August 21, 22 and 23, 1895. 
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OFFICERS FOR 1895-96. 

President: A. CLIFFORD MERCER, Me Oe : : Syracuse, N. WS < LY 
Vice-Presidents: EDWARD PENNOCK,  . é : Philadelphia, Pa. 2 O 
Miss V. A. LATHAM, _ Chicago, Ill. | 
Secretary: WiLL1aM C. Krauss, M. D., Buffalo, Ilo WE fia es . 
Treasurer: MAGNUS PFLAUM, . 3 ; : . Pittsburg, Pa, 
O I >) 
Pa ee a: BUIGENMANN 200 Sele les 'y on eee Bloomington, Ind. Op, a 
HERMAN SCHRENKE, 5 : : , SR . St. Louis, Mo. 

Miss M. A. Boots, . Longmeadow, Mass. 

Ex-officio members of the Executive Board. 
i. R. BH. Wurp, M\D!/ 8, BR. MS., of Troy, N. Y., 
at Indianapolis, Ind., 1878. 
_ BR. H. Warp, M.D F. R-M..8., of Troy, N. YS 
at Buffato, N. Y¥., 1879: 
H. L. Switu, DL... D., F: R. M. S., of Geneva, N. Y., 
at Detroit, Mich., 1880. 
4. J. D. Hyatt, F. R. M.S. (absent), of New York City, 
at Columbus, Ohio, 1881. 
5. Gro. E. BLACKHAM, (M.D., F. R. M. S., of Dunkirk, N: Y.; 
at. Elmira, N. Y., 1882. 
6. ALBERT McCauua, PH. D., F. R. M. S., of California, 
at Chicago, Ill., 1883. 
i. J. D. Cox, LL. D., F. R. M.S., of Cincinnati; Ohio, 
at Rochester, N. Y., 1884. 
8. H. L. Stu, LL. D., F. BR. M.S., of Geneva, Nowy, 
at Cleveland, Ohio, 1885. 
9, T. J. BURRILL, PH. D., F. R. M. S., of Champaign, IIl., 
at Chautauqua, N. Y., 1886. 
10. Wa. A. Rogers, A. M., F. R. M. S., of Waterville, Me., 
at Pittsburgh, Pa., 1887. 
li. D. 8S. KeLuicoTtt, PH. D., F. R. M. S., of Columbus, Ohio, 
at Columbus, Ohio, 1888. 
12. WM. J. Lewis, M. D., F. R. M. S., of Hartford, Conn., 
at Buffalo, N. Y., 1889. 
15. GEO. E. FELL, M. D., F. R. M. S., of Buffalo,.N. Y., 
at Detroit, Mich., 1890. 
14. Frank L. JAMES, Pu. D., M. D., F. R. M. S., of St. Louis, Mo., 
at Washington, D. C., 1891. 
0. MARSHALL D. EWELL, M. D., F. R. M. S., of Chicago, IIL, 
at Rochester, N. Y., 1892. 
16, Jacop D, Cox, LL. D., F. R. M: S., of Cincinnati, Ohio, 
at Madison, Wis., 1893. 
17. Lester Curtis, M. D., F. R. M. S., of Chicago, IIL, 
at Brooklyn, N. Y., 1894. 
18. Simon Henry Gace, B.S., of Ithaca, N. Y., 



at Ithaca, N. Y., 1895. 

The Society does not hold itself responsible for the opinions expressed by members in its 
published Proceedings unless indorsed by a special vote, 



The American Microscopical Society 


’ The Processes of Life Revealed by the Microscope ; a Plea for 
Physiological Histology. 

Simon Henry Gace, B. S., Ithaca, N. Y. 

It is chatacteristic of the races of men that almost at the 
dawn of reflection the first question that presses for solution is 
this one of Life; life as manifested in men and in the animals 
and plants around them. What and whence is it and whither 
does it tend? Then the sky with its stars, the earth with its 
sunshine and storm, light and darkness, stand out like great 
mountain peaks demanding explanation. So in the life of every 
human being, repeating the history of his race, as the evolution-. 
ists are so fond of saying, the fundamental questions are first. to 
obtrude themselves upon the growing intelligence. There is no 
waiting, no delay for trifling with the simpler problems, the most 
fundamental and most comprehensive come immediately to the 
fore and alone seem worthy of consideration. But as age ad- 
vances most men learn to ignore the fundamental questions and 
to satisfy themselves with simpler and more secondary matters, as 
if the great realities were all understood or non-existent. No 
doubt to many a parent engaged in the affairs of society, politics, 
finance, science or art, the questions that their children put, 
like drawing aside a thick curtain, bring into view the funda- 
mental questions, the great realities; and we know again that 
what is absorbing the power and attention of our mature intel- 
lect, what perhaps in pride we feel a mastery over, are only sec- 
ondary matters after all, and to the great questions of our own 


youth, repeated with such earnestness by our children, we must 
confess with humility that we still have no certain answers. It 
behooves us then, if the main questions of philosophy and science 
cannot be answered at once, to attempt a more modest task, and 
by studying the individual factors of the problem to hope ulti- 
mately to put these together and thus gain some just compre- 
hension of the entire problem. 

This address is, therefore, to deal, not with life itself, but with 
some of the processes or phenomena which accompany its mani- 
festations.- But it is practically impossible to do fruitful work 
according to the Baconian guide of piling observation on obser- 
vation. This is very liable to be a dead mass, devoid of the 
breath of life. It is a well-known fact that the author of the 
Novum Organon, the key which Bacon supposed would serve as 
the open-sesame of all difficulties and yield certain knowledge, 
this potent key did not unlock many of the mysteries of science 
for its inventor. Every truly scientific man since the world 
began has recognized the necessity of accurate observation, and 
no scientific principle has ever yet been discovered simply by 
speculation ; but every one who has really unlocked any of the 
mysteries of nature, has inspired, made alive his observations by 
the imagination; he has, as Tyndall so well put it, made a 
scientific use of the imagination and created for himself what is 
known as the “ working hypothesis.” It must be confessed that 
for some investigators the ‘‘ hypothesis” becomes so dear that 
if the facts of nature do not conform to the hypothesis, ‘‘ so 
much the worse for the facts.’’ But for the truly scientific man, 
the hypothesis is destined solely to enable him to get the facts of 
nature in some definite order, an order which shall make appar- 
ent their connection with the great order and harmony which is 
believed to be present in the universe. 

If the working hypothesis fails in any essential particular he is 
ready to modify or discard it. For the truly inspired investi- 
gator, one undoubted fact weighs more in the balance than a thou- 
sand theories. 

At the very threshold of any working hypothesis for the Biol- 


ogist, this question as to the nature of the energy we call life 
must be considered. The great problem must receive some kind 
of a hypothetical solution. What is its relation to the energies 
of light, heat, electricity, chemism and the other forms discussed 
by the physicist? Are its complex manifestations due only to 
these, or does it have a character and individuality of its own? 
If we accept the ordinarily received view of the evolution of our 
solar system, the original fiery nebula in which heat reigned su- 
preme, slowly dissipated part of its heat, and hurled into space 
the planets, themselves flaming vapors, only the protons of the 
solid planets. As the heat became further dissipated there ap- 
peared in the cooling mass manifestations of chemical attraction, 
compounds, at first gases, then liquids, and finally, on the cooling 
planets, solids appeared. Lastly upon our own planet, the earth, 
when the solid crust was formed and the temperature had fallen 
below the boiling point of water, the seas were formed and then 
Life appeared. Who could see, in the incandescert nebula, the 
liquids and solids of our planet and the play upon them of chem- 
ism, of light, heat, electricity, cohesion, tension, and the other 
manifestations so familiar to all? And yet, who is there that for 
a moment believes that aught of matter or energy was created in 
the different stages of the evolution? They appeared or were 
manifested just as soon as the conditions made it possible. So 
it seems to me that the energy called Zzfe manifested itself upon 
this planet when the conditions made it possible, and it will cease 
to manifest itself just as soon as the conditions become suffi- 
ciently unfavorable. It was the last of the forms of energy to ap- 
pear upon this planet and it will be the first to disappear. 

In brief, it seems to me that the present state of physical and 
physiological knowledge warrants the assumption, the working 
hypothesis, that Z2fe is a form of energy different from those con- 
sidered in the domain of physics and chemistry. This form of 
energy is the last to appear, last because more conditions were 
necessary for its manifestations. It, like the other forms of energy, - 
requires a material vehicle through which to act, but the results 
produced by it are vastly more complex. Like the other ener- 


gies of nature it does not act alone. It acts with the energies of 
the physicist, but as the master; and under its influence the mani- 
festations pass infinitely beyond the point where for the ordinary 
energies of nature it is written ‘‘thus far and no farther.” 

It can be stated without fear of refutation that every physiolog- 
ical investigation shows with accumulating emphasis that the 
manifestations of Zvzwg matter are not explicable with only the 
forces of dead matter, and the more profound the knowledge of 
the investigator the more certain is the testimony that the Life 
energy is nota mere name. And, strange to say, the physicist 
and the chemist are most emphatic in declaring that life is an 
energy outside their domain. 

The statements of a chemist, a physicist and a biologist are 
added. From the character and attainments of these men, their 
testimony, given after years of the most earnest investigation and 
reflection, is worthy of consideration:— 

When Liebig was asked if he believed that a leaf or a flower 
could be formed or could grow by chemical forces, he answered: 
“T would more readily believe that a book on chemistry or on 
botany could grow out of dead matter by chemical processes.”’ 

“The influence of animal or vegetable life on matter is infin- 
itely beyond the range of any scientific inquiry hitherto entered 
on. Its power of directing the motions of moving particles, in 
the demonstrated daily miracle of our human free will, and in the 
growth of generation after generation of plants from a single seed, 
are infinitely different from any possible result of the fortuitous 
concourse of atoms; and the fortuitous concourse of atoms is the 
sole foundation in philosophy on which can be founded the doc- 
' trine that it is impossible to derive mechanical effect from heat 
otherwise than by taking heat from a body at a higher tempera- 
ture, converting at most a definite proportion of it into mechan- 
ical effect, and giving out the whole residue to matter at a lower 
~temperature.”—Sir William Thomson (Lord Kelvin). 

“The anagenetic [vital] energy transforms the face of nature by 
its power of assimilating and recompounding inorganic matter, 
and by its capacity for multiplying its individuals. In spite of 



the mechanical destructibility of its physical basis (protoplasm) 
and the ease with which its mechanisms are destroyed, it success- 
fully resists, controls and remodels the catagenetic [physical anc 
chemical] energies for its purpose.’”’—Cofe. 

What, then, are the manifestations of the life energy ? and what 
are the processes which are discernible? All of us in whatever 
walk of life will recognize the saying of Gould :—‘‘ Now, when 
one looks about him the plainest, largest fact he sees is that of 
the distinction between living and lifeless things.”’ 

As life goes on and works with power where the unaided eye 
fails to detect it, the microscope—marvelous product of the life 
energy in the brain of man, shows some of these hidden proc- 
esses. It has done for the infinitely little on the earth what the 
telescope has done for the infinitely great in the sky. 

Let us commence with the little and the simple. If a drop of 
water from an aquarium, stream or pool is put under the micro- 
scope many things appear. It is a little world that one looks 
into, and like the greater one that meets our eye on the streets, 
some things seem alive and some lifeless. As we look we shall 
probably find, as in the great world, that the most showy is 
liable in the end to be the least interesting. In the microscopic 
world there will probably appear one or more small rounded 
masses which are almost colorless. If one of these is watched, 
lo! it moves, not by walking or swimming, but by streaming 
itself in the direction. First a slender or blunt knob appears, 
then into it all of the rest of the mass moves, and thus it has 
changed its position. If the observation is continued this living 
speck, which is called an amceba, will be seen to approach some 
object and retreat, indeed, it comports itself as if sensitive, with 
likes and dislikes. If any object suitable for food is met in its 
wanderings the living substance flows around it, engulfs it and 
dissolves the nutrient portions and turns them into its own living 
substance ; the lifeless has been rendered alive. If the eye fol- 
lows the speck of living matter, the marvels do not cease. After 
it has grown to a certain size, as if by an invisible string, it con- 

stricts itself in the middle and finally cuts itself in two. The 


original amoeba is no more, in its place there are two. Thus 
nearly at the bottom of the scale of life are manifested all of the 
fundamental features—the living substance moves itself, takes 
nourishment, digests it and changes non-living into living sub- 

, Stance and increases in size; it seems to feel and to avoid the dis- 

, agreeable and choose the agreeable, and finally it performs the 
miracle of reproducing its kind, of giving out its life and sub- 
stance to form other beings, its offspring. 

I 200 Vinsytlon 




, 4 

_. Big 1. The Amoeba in its various phases of activity—Locomotion, 
Ghoice (irritability), Nutrition and Reproduction. The figures should be 
read from left to right, as with words in a book. (p.) Pseudopod ; (¢.) 
Crystal of substance distasteful to the amoeba, hence the amoeba withdraws 
from it ; (f.) Food ingested and digested by the amoeba for its nourishment. 


The indigestible matter (w.) is extruded from the body and left behind. 
(n.) Nucleus. This is seen to divide first in reproduction, then the division 
of the cell body is completed, thus giving rise to two individuals.* 

It is the belief of many biologists that the larger and complex 
forms even up to man himself may be considered an aggregation 
of structural elements originally more or less like the amceba just 
described; but instead of each member of the colony, each indi- 
vidual itself carrying on all the processes of life independently, as 
with the amceba, there is a division of labor. Some move, some 
digest, some feel, think and choose, some give rise to new beings, 
all change lifeless matter into their own living substance, 

The processes and phenomena by which a new individual is 
produced are included under the comprehensive term, Améry- 

All organisms great or small are but developments of minute 
germs budded off by the parent or parents, and the way in which 
these minute beginnings develop into perfect forms like their par- 
ents can only be followed by the aid of a microscope. Indeed in 
no field of biology has the microscope done such signal service 
in revealing the processes of life. 

The method of the production of a new being with the amceba, 
as we have just seen, is for the parent to give itself entire to its 
offspring—the parent ceasing to be in producing its offspring. 
With some other lowly forms a part of the body of the parent buds 
out, grows and finally falls off as an independent organism, or re- 
mains connected with the parent to form a colony. In the vege- 
table world a familiar example of a colony is represented by the 
plant that the children call “Old Hen and Chickens.” 

In the higher animals, however, where specialization has been 
carried to its extreme limit, some myriads of cells forming the 
body are set apart to produce motion, others digest food, still 
others think and feel, while comparatively few, the germ cells 
are destined for the continuation of the race. In the higher and 
highest forms especially, all observation goes to show that the 
life energy, not satisfied with the mere vitilization of matter and a 

*The figures illustrating this address were drawn by Mrs. Gage. 


dead level of excellence, is aiming at perpetual ascent, greater 
mastery over matter and its physical forces. For the more cer- 
tain attainment of this end, the production of offspring is no 
longer possible for one individual ; two wholly separate individ- 
uals must join, each contributing its share of the living matter 
which is to develop into a new being. In this way the accumu- 
lated acquirements of two are united with the consequent 
increase in the tendencies and impulses for modification, and 
nearly double the protection for the offspring. Thus, in striking 
contrast with the amceba, where the single parent gives all of 
itself to form offspring and in so doing disappears and loses its 
identity, in the higher forms, while two must unite to form the 
offspring, the parents remain and retain their individuality and 
the ability to produce still other offspring. The process by 
which this is accomplished may be traced step by step with the 
microscope. A germ cell of the father and one of the mother fuse 
together, and from this new procreative cell formed by the fusion 
of two with all their possibilities combined, the new individual 
arises. This certain knowledge is the result of the profound 
investigation of the last few years and shows the literalness of the 
scriptural statement, ‘‘ they shall be one flesh.”’ 

After this fusion of the father and mother germ cells, the 
single cell thus formed, like the amoeba, divides into two, and 
these into four and so on, but unlike the amceba all the cells 
remain together. Within this celular mass, as if by an unseen 
builder, the cells are deftly arranged in their place, some to form 
brain, some heart, some the digestive tract, others for movement ; 
so that finally from the simple mass of cells, originally so alike, 
arises the complex organism, fish or bird, beast or man. How _ 
perfectly the word offspring describes the life process in the pro- 
duction of this new being! That the child should resemble both 
father and mother is thus made intelligible, for it is a part of 
both. Yes, further, it may resemble grandfather or great grand- 
‘father or mother, for truly it is a part of them, their life con- 
served and continued. ‘There is no new life, it is only a continu- 
ation of the old: ‘ Omne vidum ex vivo,’ all life from life. But 


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Fig. 2. Various phases in the reproduction of one of the higher animals. 
In the upper series is shown the fusion of the father and mother germ- 
cells, in the middle series appear some of the earlier phases of segmenta- 
tion of the fertilized ovum. The lower figure (modified from Marshall) 
represents a medisection of an amphibian embryo sufficiently far advanced 
to show that the original cells into which the ovum divided, have differ- 
entiated and arranged themselves in such a manner as to form the 
beginnings or protons of the great systems of organs—Brain, Enteron and 

O. Ovum, (n) Nucleus of the ovum. ¢ This sign indicates that the ovum 
is a mother or female germ-cell. Z. Zotsperm. ¢ Sign indicating that 
the zodsperm is a father or male germ-cell. (f. pn.) Female pronucleus. 
(m. pn.) Male pronucleus. These two pronuclei fuse and form the nucleus 
of the true reproductive cell, the fertilized ovum. In the two figures at 
the right both signs (2 ¢) are used to indicate that both germ cells are rep- 
resented in each figure. F. O. Fertilized Ovum. That is the true repro- 
ductive cell composed of a father or male, and a mother or female germ- 
cell fused. The steps of the fusion are shown in the upper series. 

s.n. Segmentation nucleus. 2c. s. Two-cell stage, that is the fertilized 


ovum has divided once forming two (compare the reproduction of the 
amoeba). 4¢.s. Four-cell stage ; bl. blastula stage in which the fer need 
ovum has divided into very many cells, all remaining together. 

Embryo. The division of the ovum has proceeded very far, and the 
cells have begun to differentiate and form organs. Brain, ch. Body axis 
or notochord, Hnteron or alimentary canal and Heart. 
the demonstration of this prime fact required a microscope, and 
it is an achievement of the last half of this century. How 
counter this statement still is to the common belief of mankind 
we may perhaps better appreciate if we recall our own youth, 
and remember with what absolute confidence we expected the 
stray horse hairs we had collected and placed in water to turn 
into living snakes.* The belief that it is an every-day occurrence 
or living beings to arise from lifeless matter was not by any 
means confined to those uneducated in biology. It was held by 
many scientific men within the memory of most of us. Indeed 
this goblin of spontaneous generation, even for the scientific world, 
has been laid low so recently that the smoke of battle has 
scarcely yet cleared from the horizon. 

In the complex body of animals, as stated above, the constitu- 
ent elements perform different functions. Is there any hint of the 
way in which the action is accomplished? Let us glance at two 
systems, the nervous and the glandular,widely different in struct- 
ure and function. All know how constantly the glands are 
called into requisition, the salivary glands for saliva, those of the 
stomach and the pancreas for their digestive juices, etc. If we 
take now the pancreas as an example, and that of a living, fast- 

“Reference is here made to the nematoid worm Gordius. This worm 
lives a part of its life as a parasite in the larvee of aquatic insects and in 
some fish. In the adult free condition it differs markedly from the larval, 
parasitic stage, and is very slender and much elongated, often reaching a 
length of 20 to 80 centimeters (8to 10 inches), and has the general appearance 
of a coarse hair like that from the tail of a horse. It lives in water and in 
wet places and frequently appears in horse troughs and the wet places 
where the trough overflows. From the hair-like appearance it was and 
Still is believed that a hair from the horse’s tail or mane had directly trans- 
formed into a living creature. By many persons itis called a hair-snake, 
by others a hair-worm. Often one or several become tangled in an al- 
most inextricable knot, whence the name from the famous “‘Gordian Knot.” 


ing animal is put under the microscope so that its constituent 
cells can be observed, it will be seen that they are clouded, their 
outlines and that of their nuclei being vague and _ indistinct. 
The cell is apparently full of coarse grains. If now the animal is 
fed, as the digestion proceeds. the pancreas pours out its juice. 
At the same time the granules, and with them the cloudiness, 
gradually disappear, the cells become clear and both they and their 
nuclei are sharply outlined. That is, the substance which is to 
form the pancreatic juice is stored in the cells in the form of 
granules during the periods of rest, and held until the digestive 
agent is demanded, and if the demand is great all the granules 
may be used up. But as soon as the demand ceases the cells 
begin again their special vital action and again the granules begin 
to appear and increase in number until finally the cells become so 
full that they are fully charged and again ready to pour forth the 
digestive fluid. This is a daily, almost an hourly process. 

Let us take another example in which it would almost appear 
that there is organic memory on the part of the gland cells. 
No doubt all have seen the clear jelly-like masses surrounding 
the eggs of frogs and salamanders. Whence comes this jelly 
that is so resistent to the agents that work so quickly the de- 
struction of ordinary organic matter? As spring advances the cells 
of the oviduct increase enormously in size. The microscope 
shows this increase to be due to a multitude of clear granules. 
As the eggs move along, the ova are coated with the jelly formed 
from the granules given out by the cells. As this material for 
the jelly is poured out the cells gradually shrink to their original 
size and then wait another twelve months before doing their des- 
tined work. 

If one can thus catch a glimpse of some of the finer processes 
taking place in gland action, how is it with nervous action, the 
highest function of which living matter is capable? While it 
has been known for a long time that the nervous system is the 
organ of thought and feeling and the director and co-ordinator of 
the motions of the body, and many speculations had been made 
concerning the processes through which the nervous tissue passes 


Charged Discharging Discharged ¥% 

Fig. 3. Sections of a gland in various phases of activity. The upper 
series represents the gland as in longisection or lengthwise and the lower 
series in transection or cut across. In the longisections, (lJ) in the right 
hand figure represents the cavity or lumen of the gland into which the 
secretion of the gland is poured. Thearrows at the top represent the direc- 
tion taken by the secretion when it is poured out. 

In the lower right hand figure, (1) represents the lumen, (n) the nucleus 
of one of the cells, and (el. b.) the cell body of the same cell. The words 
Charged, Discharging and Discharged designate the various phases of the 
gland activity. The process of becoming recharged is not shown. 

in performing its functions, it was left to an American student, 
Dr. Hodge, to first successfully show that there were visible 
changes through which the nervous system passes in its work. 


The question is, can the activity of the nervous system be traced 
as surely by changes occurring in the living matter forming its 
basis, as the action of a gland can be seen by the study of the 
gland cells ? 

The demonstration is simple now that the method has been 
shown. No doubt everyone has had the experience of failing to 
perform some difficult muscular action at one time and then at 
another of doing it with ease, or of finding true the reverse of 
the adage, “ practice makes perfect.” For example, in a trial of 
skill, as in learning to ride a bicycle, all the complicated action 
may be performed with considerable ease and certainty at the 
beginning of a lesson, when one is fresh, but as the practice con- 

tinues the results become progressively less and less successful, 
and finally with increasing weariness there is only failure, and one 
must rest. We say the muscles are tired ; this is true in part, 
but of much greater importance is the fatigue of the nervous 
system, as this furnishes the impulses for the action and co- 
ordination of the muscles. Now, as muscular action can be 
seen and the amount can be carefully controlled, here was 
an exact indicator of the time and amount of the nervous 
activity. Furthermore, as animals have two similar sides, one 
arm or leg may work and the other remain at rest, and con- 
sequently corresponding sides of the nervous system may be 
active and at rest. By means of electrical irritation one arm 
of a cat or other animal was caused to move vigorously for 
a considerable time, the other arm remaining at rest. Then the 
two sides of the nervous system, that is, the pairs of nerves to 
the arms with their ganglia and a segment of the myel (spinal 
cord) were removed and treated with fixing agents, and ‘carried 
through all the processes necessary to get thin sections capable 
of accurate study with the microscope. Finally upon the same 
glass slide are parts of the nervous system fatigued even to ex- 
haustion, and corresponding parts of the same animal which had 
been at rest. Certainly if the nervous substance shows the re- 
sult or processes of its action the conditions are here perfect. 
Fatigued nerve cells are side by side with those in a state of rest. 


The appearances are clear and unmistakable; the nucleus 
markedly decreased in size in the fatigued cells and posse 
jagged, irregular outline in place of the smooth, rounded for 
the resting cells. The cell substance is shrunken in size a 
possesses clear scattered spaces, or a large clear spa rout 

—Santel Bal 

the nucleus. 


Honey Bee 

45 Rest Atos Fatigue 
\ Fig. 4. Figures from Hodge (Jour. Morphology, Vol. VIL), showi 
changes in the nerve cells of the spinal ganglia, in the cat and of the brs 
in the honey-bee. The words Rest and Fatigue indicate the appearance 
the cells in these two conditions. (n) Nucleus, (cl. b.), cell body, 

clear space around the shrunken nucleus in the fatigued cells. ° 


If the nervous substance was not fixed at once but remained in 
the living animal for 12 to 24 hours in a state of repose, the signs 
of exhaustion disappeared and the two sides appeared alike. By 
studying preparations made after various periods of repose all the 
stages of recovery from exhaustion could be followed. 

For possible changes in normal fatigue, sparrows, pigeons and 
swallows and also honey-bees were used. For example, if two 
sparrows or two honey-bees as nearly alike as possible were se- 
lected, the nervous system of one being fixed in the morning after 
the night’s rest and that of the other after a day of toil, the changes 
in the cells of the brain of the honey-bee or sparrow and in the 
spinal ganglia of the sparrow were as marked as in case of artifi- 
cial fatigue. After prolonged rest, then, the nerve cells are, so to 
speak, charged, they are full and ready for labor, but after a hard 
day’s work they are discharged, shrunken and exhausted. 

There is one more step in this brilliant investigation. If in the 
morning, after sleep and rest, animals and men are full of vigor, 
and in the evening are weary and exhausted, how like is it to the 
beginning and end of life? In youth so overflowing with vigor 
that to move, to act, is pleasure and continued rest a pain; but 
in the evening of life a warm corner and repose are what we try 
to furnish those whose work is done. How is this correlated in 
the cells of the nervous system with the states of rest and fatigue ? 
With a well-nourished child which died from one of the accidents 
of birth the nerve cells showed all the characters of cells at rest 
and fully charged. Ina man dying naturally of old age the cells 
showed the shrunken nuclei and all the appearances of exhaust- 
ing fatigue. In the one was the potentiality of a life of vigorous 
action, the other showed, the fizal fatigue, the store of life energy 
had been dissipated and there was no recovery possible. 

For the animals that possess an undoubted nervous system, 
probably all would admit that there is some sort of nervous action 
corresponding to sensation; but what of living matter in the hum- 
bler forms where no nervous system can be found? That these 
have vital motion, that they breathe, nourish themselves, grow 
and produce offspring none can deny. Do they have anything 


comparable with sensation? As most of the lowest forms are 
minute, the microscope comes to our aid again, and in watching 
these lowliest living beings, it is found that they discriminate and 
choose, going freely into some portions of their liquid world and 
withdrawing from other portions. If some drug which is unusal 
or we must believe disagreeable is added to a part of the water, 
they withdraw from that part. It seems to have the same effect 
as disagreeable odors on men and animals. On the other hand 
there are substances which attract and into the water containing 
these they enter with eagerness. Strange is it, too, that, as proved 
by experiment, if an unattractive substance is used and also one 
on the other side that has been found still more unattractive, the 
less disagreeable is selected, the less of. the two evils is 

As man, the horse, dog and many other animals adapt them- 
selves gradually to temperatures either very cold or very warm, 
and that, too, by a change in their heat-regulating power rather 
than by a change of hairy or other clothing, so these lowly or- 
ganisms are found in nature in water at temperatures from near 
freezing up to 60 or 80 degrees centigrade, a point approaching 
that of boiling water. It may be answered that each was created 
for its place, but by means of a microscope and a delicate ther- 
mostat, to be certain of every step and to see all the results, Dr. 
Dallinger, through a period of seven years, accustomed the same 
unicellular organism and its progeny to variations of temperature 
from 15 to 20 degrees centigrade, z. e., about the temperature of a 
comfortable sitting-room, up to 70 C.. For those at the cooler 
temperature it was death to increase rapidly the heat 1o degrees, 
and for those at the higher temperature it was equally fatal to 
lower it to the original temperature of 15 to 20 degrees. These 
examples seem to show that it is one of the fundamental char- 
acteristics of living substance, whether in complex or simple 
forms, to adapt itself to its environment. 

There is another fact in nature that the microscope has revealed 
and that fills the contemplative mind with wonder and an aspira- 
tion to see a little farther into the living substance and so per- 


chance discover the hidden springs of action. This fact may be 
called cellular altruism. In human society the philanthropist and - 
soldier are ready at any time to sacrifice themselves for the race 
or the nation. With the animals, the guards of the flock or 
herd are equally ready to die in its defense. 

So within each of the higher organisms the microscope has 
shown a guarding host, the leucocytes or white-blood corpuscles. 
The brilliant discoveries in the processes. of life with higher forms 
have shown that not only is there a struggle for existence with 
dead nature and against forms as large or larger than themselves, 
but each organism is liable to be undermined by living forms, 
animal and vegetable, infinitely smaller than themselves, insig- 
nificant and insiduous, but deadly. Now to guard the body 
against these living particles and the particles of dust that would 
tend to clog the system there isa vast army of amceba-like cells, 
the leucocytes, that go wherever the body is attacked and do 
_battle. If the guards succeed the organism lives and flourishes, 
otherwise it dies or becomes weakened and hampered. This 
much was common scientific property three years ago, when one 
of our members (Miss Edith J. Claypole) came to my laboratory 
for advanced work. I discussed with her what has just been 
given and told her that there still remained to be solved the 
problem, what becomes of the clogging or deleterious ‘material 
which the leucocytes have taken up? These body guards are, after 
all,a part of the organism, and for them simply to engulf the 
material would not rid the body entirely of it, and finally an in- 
evitable clogging of the system would result. The problem is 
simple and definite ; what becomes of the deleterious substances, 
bacteria and dust. particles that get into the body and become 
engulfed by the leucocytes? Fortunately, for the solution of 
this problem, in our beautiful Cayuga Lake, there is an animal, 
the Necturus, with external gills through which the blood cir- 
culates for its purification. So thin and transparent is the cover- 
ing tissue in these gills that one can see into the blood stream 
almost as easily as if it were uncovered. Every solid constituent 
of the blood, whether red corpuscle, white corpuscle, microbe or 


particle of dust, can be seen almost as clearly as if mounted on 
a microscopic slide. 

Into the veins of this animal was injected some lampblack 
mixed with water, a little gum arabic and ordinary salt, an 
entirely non-poisonous mixture. Thousands of particles of car- 
bon were thus introduced into the blood and could be seen circu- 
lating with it through the transparent gills. True to their duty 
the white corpuscles in a day or two engulfed the carbon par- 
ticles, but for several days more the ieucocytes could be seen cir- 
culating with the blood stream and carrying their load of coal 
with them. Gradually the carbon-laden corpuscles disappeared 
and only the ordinary carbon-free ones remained. Where had 
the carbon been left? Had it been simply deposited somewhere 
in the system? The tissues were fixed and serial sections made. 
The natural pigment was bleached with hydrogen dioxid so that 
if any carbon was present it would show unmistakably. With 
the exception of the spleen no carbon appeared in the tissues, but 
in many places the carbon-laden leucocytes were found. In 
mucous cavities and on mucous surfaces and on the surface of the 
skin were many of them; in the walls of organs were many more 
apparently on their way to the surface with their load; that is 
the carbon is actually carried out of the tissues upon the free sur- 
faces of the skin and mucous membranes where, being outside of 
the body, it could no more interfere in any way with it. But 
what is the fate of the leucocytes that carry the lampblack 
out of the tissues? They carry their load out and free the body, 
but they themselves perish. They sacrifice themselves for the 
rest of the body as surely as ever did soldier or philanthropist 
for the betterment or the preservation of the state. 

Thus I have tried to sketch in briefest outline some of the phe- 
nomena or processes of life revealed by the microscope. Most 
of those discussed have come under my own personal observa- 
tion and are therefore to me particularly real and instructive. 
But to every one long familiar with the microscope and with the 
literature of biology many other examples will occur, some of 
them even more striking. The discussion has been confined to 


Gill Filament of Necturus 

Leucocytes. Emigrating 

Fig. 5. These figures represent various steps in the removal of foreign 
matter from the blood of Necturus. 

Gill Filament of Necturus. Part of a single gill filament greatly magni- 
fied to show the blood vessels containing the red blood corpuscles (7. be.) 
and the leucocytes (/.) or white-blood corpuscles. The black dots (c.) within 
the blood vessels represent carbon particles which had been injected into 
the veins. In many of the leucocytes are several carbon particles, there are 
also several shown free in the blood plasma. (g. ¢.) The tissue of the gill 
filament between the bluod vessels. 

Leucocytes Emigrating. This, the lower figure, represents a section of 
the skin with its covering epithelium (ep.) and the corium (cor.) or true 
skin. The leucocytes containing carbon particles (c.) are seen in the corium 
and penetrating the epithelium and finally free outside the epithelium. 
The arrows indicate that the leucocytes emigrate from the body through 
the corium and the epithelium, and finally into the space outside the 


the above also because it seems to me to show with great clear- 
ness the way in which we can justifiably hope to do fruitful work 
in the future. This sure way, it seems to me, is the study of 
structure and function together ; the function or activity serving 
as a clue and stimulus to the investigator for finding the mechan- 
ism through which function is manifested and thus give due sig- 
nificance to structural details which, without the hint from the 
function, might pass unnoticed. 

This kind of microscopical study may be well designated as 
Physiological Histology. t is in sharp contrast with ordi- 
nary histology in which too often the investigator knows 
nothing of the age, state of digestion or of fasting, nervous activ- 
ity, rest or exhaustion. Indeed, in many cases it is a source of 
congratulation if he knows even the name of the animal from 
which the tissue is derived. Such haphazard observation has not 
in the past, and is not likely in the future to lead to splendid 
results. If structure, as I most firmly believe, is the material 
expression of function and the sole purpose of the structure is to 
form the vehicle of some physiological action, then the structure 
can be truly understood only when studied in action or fixed and 
studied in the various phases of action. : 

Indeed if one looks only for form or morphology in the study 
of histology the very pith and marrow is more than likely to be 

For example, if one wished to study the comparative histology 

*Although in a different field, the words of Osborn in discussing the un- 
known factors of evolution are so pertinent that they may well be quoted: 
“My last word is, that we are entering the threshold of the Evolution 
problem, instead of standing within the portals. The hardest task lies be- 
fore us, not behind us. We are far from finally testing or dismissing these 
old factors [of evolution], but the reaction from speculation upon them is 
in itself a silent admission that we must reach out for some unknown 
quantity. If such does exist there is little hope that we shall discover it 
except by the most laborious research ; and while we may predict that con- 
clusive evidence of its existence will be found in morphology, it is safe to 
add that the fortunate discoverer will bea physiologist” [armed with a mi- 

croscope|. I would like to add the last four words. S. H. G.. Am. Nat., 
May, 1895. 

. Par 
—————————— PT 



of the pancreas and were to take pieces from various animals to 
be compared without regard to their condition of fasting or di- 
gestion, he might find the coarser anatomical peculiarities in each. 
In all probability he would also find two distinct structural types. 
One type with clearly-defined cells and nuclei, the other with the 
cells clouded, filled with granules and with the outlines of cells 
and their nuclei almost indiscernible. Between these there might 
be various gradations in the different forms. And yet, from 
what has been stated above it is plain that all these different 
structural appearances represent phases of activity, and all might 
have come from the self-same animal. In like manner, if certain 
parts of the nervous system were to be studied comparatively and 
the tissue taken from one animal after refreshing sleep and rest, 
from another after exhausting labor, another in infancy and another 
from an animal decrepit with years, the difference in general ap- 
pearance and in structural details would be striking enough to 
satisfy any morphologist that, as with the structure of the pan- 
creatic cells, there were two or more distinct types; but the physiol- 
ogical histologist would recognize at once that the differences so 
much insisted upon represented different phases of activity, and, 
as with the pancreatic cells, might be all represented in the same 
animal at different times. 

I would be far from saying that there are no structural differ- 
ences in the different animals independent of any particular phase 
of functional activity ; but if these only are sought and the others 
neglected the physiological appearances will often obtrude and 
confuse if they do not utterly confound. 

I have, therefore, for the last 10 years urged my students, and 
mean to go on advocating with all the earnestness of which I am 
capable, that’in studying an organism or its tissues, the investi- 
gator, to gain certain knowledge,must know all that it is possible 
to learn concerning the age, health, state of nervous, muscular, 
and digestive activity ; in fact, all that it is possible to find out 
about the processes of life that are going on and have gone on 
when the study is made. 

There are some microscopic forms in which the entire study 


can be made while the creature is alive. With the higher organ- 
isms, also, some of the living elements, as the white-blood cor- 
puscles and ciliated cells, can be studied, and their various actions 
and structural changes observed for a considerable time. 

The white-blood corpuscles or leucocytes resemble the amoeba 
very closely in their actions and powers, as we have seen in dis- 
cussing the way in which the body is freed from foreign particles. 
The ciliated cells are among the most striking of all the constitu- 
ent elements of the body. One end is fixed firmly to the tissues, 
the sides are in contact with their fellow cells, but the other end 
is free and bears great numbers of hair-like processes, the cilia, 
which project freely into some cavity or upon some surface. 
What histologist would be able for a moment to suggest the power 
of these hair-like processes if he studied the dead cells alone? 
Yet the moment these cells are studied alive under the micro- 
scope it is seen that for the service of the body all the powers of 
these cells are concentrated into one, that of motion, and all the mo- 
tion is manifested by the little cilia. These sweep with almost 
incredible rapidity in one direction and more slowly on their re- 
turn, thus producing a current in the direction of most rapid mo- 
tion. This motion with the resulting current ceases only with 
life. Each individual cilium is weakness itself, but with their com- 
bined action the untold millions covering the cells, in the air pass- 
ages for example, make a strong current in the liquid covering 
them. This current is from the interior of the lungs toward the 
throat and carries along with it particles of dust inhaled into the 
lungs. In this way the delicate breathing organs are swept clean 
and left unincumbered for their work of receiving oxygen and get- 
ting rid of carbon dioxide. 

If now one puts under the microscope some cells from the small 
intestine of almost any animal from the lamprey eel to man, the 
cells appear almost identical with those just described. The end 
projecting to the free surface of the intestine seems to have a sim- 
ilar brush of fine hairs, with a clear line along their base. Ifa 
striated and a dead ciliated cell are under the same microscope 

ide by side it is almost impossible to distinguish them. Indeed 


Ciliated Epithelium 
z fia 


Absorbing saree 






Maga iper aval 



Fig. 6. Figures showing the similarity in appearance of the absorbing 
epithelium of the intestine and of a ciliated epithelium. The free ends of 
the cells point upward toward the top of the page and the attached ends to- 
ward the bottom of the page. (cilia). The minute hair-like processes project- 
ing from the free end of the cells and constantly swinging rapidly in one 
direction and returning less rapidly to the starting point. In this way a 
current is made in the direction of the most rapid motion (indicated by the 
arrow). At the base of the cilia is a clear plate or segment (c. s.) 

In the absorbing epithelium the segment appearing like the cilia is called 
the striated border or segment (st. b.) and rests on a clear segment (Cc. 8.) 
comparable with that on which the cilia rest. In the absorbing epithelium 
food particles (f.) are represented as passing through the cell from the free 
end toward the base, as indicated by the arrow. 

so difficult is it that those from the intestine have been described 
as ciliated more than once. If both cells are living no one could 
confuse them. The striated end of one is motionless, the lines or 
cilia of the other are in constant motion. One serves for produc- 


ing currents, always in the same direction, the other is for the pur- 
pose of absorbing and passing into the tissues the products of di- 
gestion. One is a moving the other an absorbing cell. 

Most of the tissue elements of the higher forms cannot be thus 
studied alive, however, and the best that can be done is to fix the 
different phases of action, as by a series of instantaneous photo- 
graphs, then with a kind of mental kinetoscope put these together 
and try to comprehend the whole cycle. . 

Fortunately for the histologist the incessant experimentation 
of the last twenty-five years has brought to knowledge chemical 
substances which do for the tissues the wonder that was ascribed 
to the mythical Gorgon’s Head,—to kill instantly and to harden 
into changeless permanence all that gazed upon it. So the 
tissues may be fixed in any phase and then studied at length. 
If then the investigator observes and keeps record of every point 
that may have an influence on the struétural appearances,whether 
shown by experience or suggested by insight, and this rec- 
ord always accompanies the specimen, thus and thus only, it 
seems to me, can he feel confident that he is liable to gain real 
knowledge from the study, knowledge that represents actuality 
and which will serve as the basis for a newer and more complete 
unraveling of the intricacies of structure, an approximate insight 
into the mechanism through which the -life energy manifests 

And so, with all the light that physics and chemistry can give, 
commencing with the simplest problems and being careful that 
every factor that can influence the result is being duly considered, 
the microscopist can go forwaid with enthusiasm and with hope, 
not with the hope that the great central question can be answered 
in one generation, perhaps not: in a thousand, but confident that 
if each one adds his little to the certain knowledge of the world, 
then in the fullness of time the knowledge of living substance and 
the life processes will be so full and deep that what Life Js, 
though unanswered, may cease to be the supreme question. 



The following are a few of the works used in the preparation 

of the foregoing address : 

For general discussions of the problems treated, the works of 

Herbert Spencer and other philosophers may be consulted with 

profit. For extended references, the Index Catalog of the 
Library of the Surgeon General’s Office, the Index Medicus, the 
Physiologisches Centralblatt and the Anatomischer Anzeiger will 

put the reader on the track of most of the books and papers that 
have appeared. 

"7879. Bernard, Claude—Legons sur les phénoménes de la vie commune 



aux animaux et aux végétaux. ‘lwo volumes, Paris, (1878-79). 
These volumes show, in the way only a master like Bernard could 
show, the essential unity of the life processes in animals and plants. 
Chittenden, R. H.—On digestive proteolysis, being the Cartwright 
lectures for 1894. New Haven, 1895, p. 187. He makes very clear 
that in absorption the vital activity of the epithelium is necessary, 
and that it is not a mere matter of physical diffusion. See p. 116, etc. 

. Claypole, Agnes M.—The enteron of the Cayuga Lake Lamprey. 

Proc. Amer. Micr. Soc., Vol. XVI. (1894), pp. 125-164, eight plates. 

Besides the structural changes in the physiological process of trans- 
formation from the larval to the adult condition, the enteric 
epithelium and its structural features in action are shown; also the 
ciliated and striated border of the enteric epithelial cells. 

. Claypole, Edith J.—An investigation of the blood of Necturus and 

Cryptobranchus. Proc. Amer. Micr. Soc., Vol. XV. (1893), pp. 39-76, 
six plates. This is the investigation referred to in discussing 
cellular altruism, p. 17 of the address. 

. Cope, E. D.—The Energy of Evolution. American Naturalist, Vol. 

XXVIII. (1894), pp. 205-219. From this paper is taken the quotation 
on p. 0 of the address. 

Dallinger, W. H.—On a series of experiments made to determine 
the thermal déath-point of known monad germs when the heat is 
endured in a fluid. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society, Vol. 
III. (1880), pp. 1-16. See also his Presidential] Address published in 
the same Journal, pp. 185-199 (1887). 

This investigation was carried on for nearly seven years, and 
organisms living normally. at a temperature of 15° to 20° centigrade 
were enured to a temperature of 70°C. Dr. Dallinger pointed out 
some of the physical appearances passed through by the organisms 
in their acclimatization. See also Davenport and Castle. 

See p. 16 of the address. 





. Davenport, C. B. and Castle, W. E.—On the acclimatization of 

organisms to high temperatures. Archiv fiir Entwickelungsmechanik 
der Organismen. II. Band, 2 Heft. pp. 227-249. This paper gives | 
in tabular form a history of the observations of various authors on 
acclimatization of various living forms naturally, as in the waters of 
hot springs, and artificially. Their own experiments on tad-poles 
are highly suggestive and they point out some of the chemico- 
physical changes occurring in the adaptation of the living substance 
to the unusual environments. See also Dallinger. 

Foster, M.—Text book of physiology. (New York and London, 1895). 
In this work there is stated very clearly what is known and what is 
not known concerning the processes of life. 

Gage, Simon H.—The limitations and value of histological investi- 
gation. Proceedings Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Vol. XXXIV. (1885), 
pp. 345-349. In this paper is pointed out the necessity of study- 
ing function as well as structure in histological investigations if any 
thing like a complete understanding of a tissue or organ is obtained. 

. Gould, George M.—The meaning and method of life. 297 pages, 

New York (1893). This is a most stimulating and inspiring work. 
The quotation on p. 5 of the address is from it. 

Hertwig, Oscar.—The cell, outlines of general anatomy and physi- 
ology, translated by M. and edited by H. J. Campbell. P. 368, 168 
illustrations. (London and New York, 1895) Dr. Hertwig lays 
special stress on the function of the structural elements. 

Hodge, C. F.—A microscopical study of changes due to functional 
activity in nerve cells. Journal of Morphology, Vol. VII. (1892), pp. 
45-168. Two plates. In this paper and the next are given the facts 
on which the statements concerning the changes in nerve cells 
mentioned in this address are based. There is also in this an 
excellent resumé of what is known of structural appearances due to 
vital activity in gland cells. 

Hodge, C. F.—Changes in ganglion cells from birth to senile death. 
Observations on man and the honey bee. Journal of Physiology, 
Vol. XVIL., pp. 129-134, one plate. 

Howell, W. H.—The Physiology of Secretion. The Reference Hand- 
Book of the Medical Sciences, (N. Y., 1888), pp. 363-379. 

In this article Dr. Howell gives a very admirable account of 
secretion; and bearing upon the dissimilarity of living and lifeless 
things says that something more than simple pbysical law is neces- 
sary to explain the differences. 

Kingsbury, B. F.—The histological structure of the enteron of 
Necturus maculatus. Proceedings of the American Microscopical 
Society, Vol. XVI. (1894), pp. 21-64, eight plates. 

In this paper the structural appearances accompanying activity in 
the enteric epithelium are described and figured. 

Langley, J. N.—On the histology and physiology of the pepsin form- 
ing glands. Philos. Trans., pp. 663-711 (1881). 

Metchnikoff, Elias.—Lectures on the comparative pathology of 
inflammation delivered at the Pasteur Institute in 1891. Translated 
from the French by F. A. and E. H. Starling. P. 218; three colored 
plates and 65 figures in the text. (London, 1893). 

‘My principal object in writing this book is to show the intimate 
connection that exists between pathology and biology properly so 
called Author's preface. For the purposes of the preceding address 


the parts of the book showing the activities of unicellular organisms, 
their attraction and repulsion by various agents and the action of 
the leucocytes in ridding the body of hurtful or clogging matter are 
of especial importance. 

’95. Sedgwick, Wm. T. and Wilson E. B.—An introduction to general 
biology, p. 231, 105 Figs. 2d edition (N. Y., 1895.) 

This work emphasizes the physiological side of the organism, and 
the first chapters discuss with clearnesss and force the characters of 
living things. 

’g2. Thomson, Sir Wm. (Lord Kelvin).—On the dissipation of energy. 
Fortnightly Review, Vol. 57 (1892), pp. 313 to 321. In this paper 
may be found the quotation given on p. 4 of the address and also 
the statement of Liebig. For this see the foot note to the article of 
Thomson, p. 317. 

’85. Tait, P. G—Properties of matter with an appendix on hypotheses as 
to the eg ueupulien of matter by Prof. Flint, D. D. (Edinburgh, 1885). 
P. p. 320. 

794.95. Thurston, R. H.—The animal as a machine and a prime 
motor. (N. Y., 1894). 

See also Science, April 5, 95, and Journal of the Franklin Institute, 
January-March, 95. It is shown that the animal machine is the 
most efficient of all known machines, and the sentiment is expressed 
that a comprehension of the processes of life is of as much interest to 
the engineer as to the physiologist. 

’95. Whitman, C. O.—Evolution and epigenesis. In Biological lectures 
delivered at the Marine Biological Laboratory at Wood’s Holl, in 
1894. In the prefatory note is given a discussion relating to matter 
and energy. 

See also his articles in the Journal of Morphology, Vol. I., pp. 
227-252; Vol. IL, pp. 27-49; Vol. VIII., pp. 639-658. 



The American Microscopical Society 



Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., August 21st, 22d and 23d, 1895. 

WEDNEsDAY, August 21, 1895. 
The members assembled in McGraw Hall at to minutes before 
10 o'clock ; about 60 persons present. 
The meeting opened with the following address of welcome by 
the Hon. D. F. Van Vleet, of Ithaca: 

Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Society : 

When I was asked, a few days ago, to makea formal address of 
welcome to you, I suggested to one of my good friends that, 
while it was something not new to my line, it would be the first 
time that I had submitted my humble remarks to 75 or too 
microscopists. I assure you that I feel rather diffident about talking 
to you; and yet I have words of welcome for QO which are of 
the best which I can give you. 

_ IT realize the fact that there is no body of scientists in the world 
who are such close observers, who have done so much and are 
to do so much for humanity at large, as your own society. In 
looking back over the history of microscopic investigation, I am 
amazed, upon a hasty examination, to see the great improvements 
which have been made in the microscope. There is, I take it, as 
much difference between the magnificent instruments which you 
have to-day, and which you are using, and the old instruments of 
20 or 30 years ago, as there is between the old-fashioned churn 


of our grandmothers and the magnificent apparatus for separating 
cream and butter from milk which you may see in an adjacent build- 
ing. There is nothing manufactured, to my mind, where such 
enormous strides have been made in development, as with the 
microscope. I looked over hastily last evening one of your ear- 
lier reports. I found there that a great deal of time was given to 
the discussion of the proper forms of the microscope and its mech- 
anism. Then out of curiosity I turned to your last report, and 
I found there that you are discussing questions of the greatest 
importance to the human race; so that I take it that you have 
now, ladies and gentlemen, a perfect piece of mechanism; and 
your usefulness as a society, it seemed to me—as a layman in- 
tensely interested in the work which you are doing—your useful- 
ness to humanity at large is but just beginning. 

Already, if you wish to see an object lesson, let me 
state to you that this little city where you are welcomed as 
guests, is expending something like $500,000—just beginning 
the work. And why ?—because you, ladies and gentlemen of 
the microscope, have shown to the people that there is that in 
sewage which is an enemy to the human race; and so all over 
this country, not only in the little city of Ithaca, but every- 
where, the results of your investigations are bearing fruit for the 
bettering of mankind. : 

Therefore, while your members are increasing, while the work 
that you have done in the past has been of the greatest import- 
ance, I predict that the next 10 years of your existence as a So- 
ciety will bring about far greater results than ever before. I do 
not believe that there is a body of men in the United States who 
have it within their grasp to do more for humanity, to do more 
for the world at large, than your association. 

Therefore I hope and trust that your deliberations will con- 
tinue year after year, that you will continue to do the good work 
already started and which is as yet in its infancy. 

Now, in behalf of the mayor of this, our beautiful city, it is my 
function to welcome you. Ithaca is one of the most beautiful, 
one of the proudest little cities on earth. It is proud of its hills 


and its valleys, proud of its lake, its streams, its waterfalls, proud 
of its university, and proud to be the host of guests like you. 
In behalf of the mayor, therefore, of the city of Ithaca, I extend 
to you a most cordial welcome. We welcome every year here 
hundreds of guests ; we were never so proud to welcome a body 
of people as we are to welcome you, the leading scientists of 
America, who have seen fit to honor us and the great university 
which we love, by your presence. 

In behalf of the 3,000 alumni who have graduated from the 
halls of this university, and who love it as they love nothing else 
on earth except their families, in behalf of that body of alumni I 
welcome you. There have gone out from these halls men well 
equipped to grapple with all the problems of this life. Some of 
them are of your number ; and the alumni of Cornell University, 
young though they are in years, stand before you, representative 
scientists, as men who have taken the front rank. Cornell Uni- 
versity has graduateda Jordan, a Comstock, a Gage, your honored 
President ; and I might stand here an hour and tell you, ladies 
and gentlemen, what the alumni of this university have done. 
Therefore, in behalf of them, and I am sure every single one of 
them would like to be present here and greet you and take you 
by the hand—in behalf of them, as their present executive 
officer, I greet you and welcome you, and say to you that we 
desire, when you leave this, our alma mater, that you will carry 
with you the idea that Cornell University is well equipped to do 
the great work that it is doing, and that it is doing much to further 
the interests represented by the society to which you belong. 

Then, too, in behalf of the President of the university, who is 
absent and who has delegated to me the task of welcoming you ; 
in behalf of the university I would state to you that the univer- 
sity is open to you, every department of this great university 
greets and welcomes you. I doubt—of course I am prejudiced, 
but I doubt if anywhere throughout the length and breadth of 
this great land there is such another institution of learning as 
this institution whose guests you are. Each of you should con- 
sider yourself a guest of this university. You are here once 


out of 18 years—I think this is your 18th annual meeting. I 
am sure that I voice the sentiment of Cornell University when I 
say to you that it would be the greatest pride to the university 
if every meeting of your association might be here. I am sure 
I voice the thought of the President of the university and of its 
professors and of its alumni when I say that if this association 
could meet here every year, and make here every summer a 
creat department of a great university, it would further the ends 
for which you are working, that it would be of greatest advantage 
to you, that it would be of greatest honor to Cornell University. 

In behalf of the university, therefore, in behalf of every citizen 
of this little city, whether great or small, I desire to welcome you, 
to say to you that our latch-strings are all hanging out, that we 
desire among other things most of all to greet you, to meet you, 
to become friends, to know you, to feel that we are honored in 
doing so. Your time here is limited. We regret it. We wish 
that instead of three days your stay could be extended to three 
weeks. We wish that all the beauty of this most beautiful coun- 
try, that all the advantages of this, one of the greatest universities, 
all of its departments, everything which it has stored here in its 
laboratories and in its museums, might be yours to inspect and 
enjoy for weeks, aye, months. 

Again expressing to you for every citizen, for every alumnus, 
for every person connected with Cornell University, a most hearty 
welcome, I venture to say that it is our belief that when you leave 
us to go away you will come back to us again, and you can not 
come back too often, you can not stay too long. 

The President, Professor S. H. Gage, then made the following 
' response to the address of welcome. 

Mr. Van Vleet: 

In behalf of this society I want to thank you most cordially for 
this welcome. Last year, owing to circumstances over which we 
had no control, one of the accidents that it is impossible to fore- 
see, our meeting was not as successful as in some years. There 
was a feeling on the part of the American Association for the Ad- 
vancement of Science, that great association in this country which 


covers all knowledge, that it was time that it carried its benefits 
out on the Pacific Slope. You know, sir, that we have sent some 
of our good men out there to carry the good tidings ; they have 
been welcomed, and the whole association was going there. 
This society was going asa feeble part of it. Owing to hard 
times and various other things, that desire was not consum- 
mated, and the American Association is now to meet in Spring- 
field. The question then arose, where shall this society meet ? 
It seemed tome, sir, that as so many members of the society whom 
I had met pleasantly had asked about the university, that they 
would like to come here to it; and I wanted them to come here 
to see what our laboratories are like, to see our beautiful campus 
-and city. I went to the president of the university and asked 
him concerning it, and I was surprised at the heartiness with 
which he acceded to every suggestion and the earnestness with 
which he said that of all things which could come to the univer- 
sity such meetings would give him the greatest pleasure. I 
went then from him with his assurance as head of the university, 
to the various professors, and everywhere was the same cordiality, 
the same readiness to do everything that was possible to help in 
making the meeting a success and in greeting its members. Then 
some of us went down town; and with some hesitation, perhaps 
you remember, I went to you, and asked you to be a member of 
the local committee. 

At your hearty consent to help us I felt encouraged. The 
chairman of the local committee, Dr. Rowlee, of whom I can not 
speak too highly for the efforts he has made, went to other 
men in the town. The same cordiality was met everywhere ; 
and so instead of there being town and gown in this welcoming 
of us, there is only one, either all town or all gown, whichever 
you wish to call it. 

Now, then, to come back to the serious question, that is, 
whether this society, whether we are worthy of this confidence, 
this cordiality. In the past, as you have said in your remarks, 
there has been work done in the society which I think has gone 
for the advancement of knowledge. The question is, the main 


question for us as a society is, whether in the work which we are 
still to do are we going to add to human knowledge? If it 
does add to human knowledge, and therefore to the possibility 
of human happiness, it will add also to the security and honor 
of the nation. I feel sure, sir, that I voice the sentiment of every 
member of this society in saying that we will do everything we 
can to be worthy of your confidence, of your cordiality. And 
thanking you again for this greeting to our society, I now 
declare the meeting open for the business of the day. 

The names of a number of new members were then read as 
recommended by the executive committee, and by resolution the 
secretary cast the ballot of the society for them and they were 
declared elected. They will be found in the list of members at 
the end of the volume. 

Mr. Pflaum, of Pittsburg, then read a paper on “‘ Alleged Me- 
teoric Dust.”’ 

After the reading Prof. Kellicott said: I would like to inquire 
the relative size of the particles found in Calcutta and at Pittsburg. 

Mr. Pflaum: The size given for those there was from z75¢ of 
an inch to gs}; ofan inch. But I found them far smaller. The 
very smallest were but sa¢¢ of an inch. I do not believe that the 
slide I have here gives the smallest, because I tried to seperate as 
closely as possible the dross and dust from the shot itself. Of 
course there were larger ones too. But the size seems immate- 
rial. Under what conditions these grains are found I do not 
know. But I imagine this: The iron and the silicious matter 
in the iron becomes liquefied by the heat. When it rises from 
the chimney it is cooled a little and under pressure from all 
directions takes on a spherical form. 

Mr. Seaman: There is only one question regarding this paper, 
which seems to be of peculiar interest, and that is the way these 
particles may be transported, not necessarily from the Pittsburg 
blast furnaces, but even from those somewhere nearer by. Now 
some of you may remember a few years ago there was an erup- 
tion in the Indian Ocean that is known by the name of the erup- 
tion of Krakatoa. I think very few in this country have any 


idea of the tremendous character of that eruption, which threw 
such volumes of dust into the atmosphere that it was supposed 
fully one half of the surface of the earth had the sun somewhat 
obscured and a yellowish haze in the atmosphere from the dust 
with which the air was filled by that eruption. I am not pre- 
pared to say that this was satisfactorily demonstrated, but it cer- 
tainly is the best explanation which has been given of certain 
atmospheric phenomena observed at that time. Of course that 
eruption .was upon an enormous scale—a scale that has not been 
paralleled since the destruction of Pompeii. Those of you who 
wish to look into that matter will find in the Cosmopolitan for 
April, 1895, a description of that scene by an eye-witness, which 
certainly surpasses anything I know in literature since the 
description of the destruction of Pompeii by Pliny. It will give 
you an idea of the immensity of that phenomenon by which the 
air was filled with this fine dust. 

Mr. Hermann Schrenk then read a paper on the ‘ Corky Out- 
growth of Roots, and their Connection with Respiration.” 

Professor Gage said at the end of the paper: I imagine some 
of you who have been listening to Mr. Schrenk’s paper have been 
somewhat astonished by his speaking about plants using oxygen. 
I was brought up on the pleasing theory that plants do not 
breathe oxygen, but carbonic acid gas, and only animals oxygen. 
Mr. Schrenk has been talking to you about organisms developed 
by plants for the purpose of breathing oxygen. If you think for 
a moment that the use of carbonic acid gas for a plant is simply 
like our use of beaf steak, if you remember that plants, just as we 
do, require oxygen to breathe, you will not be disturbed by 
thinking that Mr. Schrenk, who used to be a student with us here, 
has become unsound in his views by going to Harvard. 

Professor Rowleé: I have been very much interested in the 
paper by Mr. Schrenk. It will, be remembered by some members 
of the society that I presented a paper upon this general topic 
years ago, and at that time I looked up the literature relating 
to the subject somewhat carefully. I did not then, nor till Mr. 
Schrenk wrote me, anticipate that these structures would be 


found in so many plants. There is a great deal yet, I think, to 
be learned about the life histories of our marsh plants—it is one 
of the most interesting fields for study. 

The position that Mr. Schrenk takes with reference to these 
organs, these peculiar developments, may be strengthened, I 
think, by the general statement that these cells show gréat activ- 
ity. They are cells that are highly charged with protoplasm— 
not devoid of protoplasm as are some cells of the stem structure. 
Now if this development were for floating purposes, as has been 
urged, for the purpose of keeping the stem at the top of the 
water, there would be certainly no occasion for unusual retention 
of protoplasm and activity in it. 

I may add, however, by way of contribution to the subject that, 
being considerably interested in the matter of this development 
of tissue, I thought that it might possibly be developed by 
any plant, that any plant if submerged in a flood might develop 
it. We frequently have floods in Ithaca, and when we do there 
is an exellent opportunity to study the effects of submergence 
upon the lowlands here. I think that it was perhaps two years 
ago, after the vegetation was well started upon the alluvial bot- 
tom toward the lake that there came a very heavy rain so that 
the plants, many of them, were nearly submerged ; I presume the 
water was nearly eight inches deep. I visited that region repeat- 
edly with the special object of finding plants adapting themselves 
to that submergence. The upland plants had started to grow in 
normal terrestrial conditions, and they were submerged. To my 
surprise nothing happened such as I had anticipated. In the 
two weeks that the flood lasted those plants withstood it, appar- 
ently with some injury, but without in any way adapting them- 
selves to those aquatic conditions, as I expected they would. 
It looks then as though certain plants had this method of stand- 
ing submergence, and other plants had not. It is not possible 
for many plants to respond. 

Professor Rogers’ paper on ‘A Practical Method of Referring 
Units of Length to the Wave Length of Sodium Light,” was then 
read by Professor Moler. 


Professor Gage: The question may arise to the minds of some 
of you, What is the good of all this, anyway ? I remember that 
back in 1882, at our meeting then in Elmira, Professor Rogers 
was talking about metrology, the same subject that is being 
discussed in this paper to-day. On that subject I believed most 
thoroughly that the way to get the length of anything was to buy 
a two-foot square in town at the hardware store, and measure it. 
That was the same opinion as Professor Rogers has told me (1 
know some of you have heard the story but some have not) was 
held by a carpenter whom he wanted to level up a table. For 
this purpose Professor Rogers gave him a good level—that is, 
what Professor Rogers would call a good level. The carpenter 
took it and tried to level up the table, but finally he gave it up, 
declaring that the thing was no good, it was bobbing around all 
the time. So he went home and gota 50-cent level, and had 
not the slightest trouble in getting the table level. I think you 
can see from this paper that if we are to get anything like abso- 
lute measurements, not merely approximate ones, the best skill 
of the most skillful men is necessary. We see from the paper 
the difficulties that Professor Rogers had—after he got his brass 
box, instead of its holding the air out it went in. All these diffi- 
culties arise constantly in experiments where we reach for some- 
thing absolute. Of course where it is simply an approximation, 
a rough sort of approximation, there is no trouble; then we can 
use the ordinary carpenter’s level or the two-foot measure that 
we buy at the store. But Professor Rogers is trying to do some- 
thing very different ; and he is, as many of us know, not exceeded 
in the world as a metrologist ; he is recognized the world over, 
in his determination of exact measurements as a master. It is 
therefore with the greatest gratification that we have heard sucha 
paper as that brought before us. To some of us perhaps there is 
a good deal that is new and strange in this, but this is exactly, as 
our worthy friend who welcomed us to the city and the univer- 
sity has suggested, this is just what we are after—getting at things 
that everybody does not know about, making additions to human 


Mr. Seaman: I suppose that to many people who have not 
thought upon the subject, the matter of weights and measures 
appears extremely simple. They suppose every foot rule is ex- 
actly like every other foot rule and every pound weight exactly 
like every other pound weight. Now 1 think thata little thought 
will show you how very far from a correct statement this would bein 
the ordinary methods of business. If you go back in the history 
of weights and measures you find that first of all people used as 
standards, parts of the human body. We have relics of that yet 5 
the hand with which we measure horses is the width of the human 
hand; the unit of length known as a foot is derived originally 
from the human foot. If you go back to classic days, the land 
was measured by the number of hides of oxen that it took to 
cover it, and we find traces of that in our language at the present 
day. In England, in the time of Henry III., the grain, which we 
now know as an apothecary’s measure, was actually a grain of 
wheat ; and in order to establish some sort of uniformity they 
attempted to prescribe by law that the grain should be taken 
from the middle of the head of wheat, so that there might be a 
uniform size, because the grains at the end and bottom of the 
head were smaller than the other grains.* 

Now it resulted from this attempt to furnish measures by natural 
objects that weights and measures were of allsorts. If you take 
a foot rule which you say is correct, and somebody else makes a 
foot rule by it and that one goes on to some other part of the 
country perhaps and somebody makes a foot rule by it, you will 
find that the little-accumulated errors will soon amount to an 
enormous variation from the standard. When the surveyor in 
the city of New York attempted to compare and verify some of 
the old surveys there, he found that it was impossible to do so, 
often within five or six inches of the original lines. In New 
York, where land is worth $250 a square foot, in many cases six 
inches amounts to an enormous value. The reason was that the 
old surveyors had never had any mode of verifying their chains. 
The way it was actually done is described in one of the old 

*See Remington’s Pharmacy, Art. Weights and Measures. 

m P hee reas 
SS —EEe eee 


mathematical books, where the author prescribes that the surveyor 
shall go to a church at the time when the congregation is coming 
out, and call upon the first 16 people coming from the church to 
stand together heel and toe, and he shall measure the length of 
the line of feet for two rods; and thereby measured his chain. 
You can see that under such conditions as that accuracy of 
weights and measures was almost impossible. You could see in 
the wall of an old building in the city of New York a few years 
ago two iron staples or spikes driven in, in order that people 
might fit their yard-sticks between them to verify their length. 
Of course in a few years the spikes would become worn off so 
that the yard-sticks would become longer all the time. 

I suppose hardly any of you know that in this country to- 
day there is but one, strictly speaking, legal system of weights 
and measures, and that that system is not the one in customary 
use. It is a very curious fact that the system of weights and 
measures which we derive from England has never been legally 
authorized by Congress. The only legislation upon the subject 
of weights and measures which Congress has ever made consists 
of two primary acts. One allowed the customs officers to use 
the English weights and measures for the purpose of ascertaining 
the customs to be paid to the government. The other act, which 
was passed in 1866, established the metric system as the legal 
system of weights and measures in this country. So we have 
the curious anomaly that the great majority of the people in this 
country are using a system of weights and measures which is, 
strictly speaking, not according to law. Now in connection 
with this I will state that when I first came to Washington 20 
years ago and began to attend the meetings of scientific societies 
there, I rarely heard of anything but the English system of 
weights and measures. To-day you rarely hear anything but 
the metric system. Measurements of objects of natural history 
are mostly given in the metric system, so that that system has 
actually come into use by a large number of people in this country. 

There is one other thought that I may mention—I am simply 
suggesting a few leading ideas. I stated that if you make a 


measure and then compare another measure with that, and from 
the second make a third, etc., there is very soon introduced a 
great variation between the measures last made and the original 
one. There are but two standards of measure in the civilized 
world. The one is the metre of the archives in Paris; the other 
is the platinum yard made by order of Parliament in England, after 
the burning of the Houses of Parliament. If we take every meas- 
ure in the world and refer them to those two standards, they will 
all be alike ; and that is how this possibity of accumulating errors 
is avoided. It is in order to make accurate comparisons with 
these standards that all this work of Professor Rogers has been 
done ; and it has been done with a perfection that, as Professor 
Gage has stated, has been equalled nowhere else in the world. 

Prof. Hyatt then read his paper on “The Mouth Parts and 
Ovipositor of Cicada septendecim.” 

Mr. Seaman: One of the privileges of science is to dispel 
fictitious fears among people—the dread of that which is really 
harmless. In connection with Professor Hyatt’s statement re- 
specting the non-poisonous character of the Cicada septendecim, 
I am reminded of a very extended series of experiments carried 
out by Dr. Marx, a member of the Biological Society at Wash- 
ington, in relation to the poisonous character of spiders, which 
are usually supposed to be dangerous creatures. He took a num- 
ber of the spiders of the kinds which have been reported in the 
newspapers as having killed people, or having caused serious 
illness, or at least having produced disagreeable swellings ; and he’ 
commenced by causing them to bite mice, and from mice he went to 
guinea pigs, and from guinea pigs he went to rabbits, and from 
rabbits to himself and other people. He tried many hundreds 
of experiments ; he traced up, moreover, the histories of many 
of the newspaper statements, and he proved, beyond the shadow 
of doubt, that there is no spider belonging to this country, and 
perhaps in no part of the world—because he tried many of the 
large bird spiders of Brazil and other southern and tropical speci- 
mens—that there is no spider in the United States whose bite 
may be considered in any respect dangerous to life, or even 


capable of producing in the majority of cases more than the 
swelling which arises from a common mosquito bite. There 
have been some cases—I think only two or three that he was 
able to run down—where illness, perhaps in one case death, was 
supposed to be connected with the bite of a spider; but a care- 
ful examination of the evidence shows that it was not, strictly 
speaking, due to the bite of the spider at all, but to that kind of 
inflammation and blood poisoning which might result from the 
scratch of a pin. Not but what spiders do have some poison, 
but it is so feeble and in such small quantity that it is absolutely 
without danger to human life. 

Dr. Kingsbury read his paper on “‘ The Lateral Line System of 
Sense Organs in Amphibia.” é 

Professor Gage: I suppose we have all wondered in our 
youth when we caught fish what that streak was along the side 
of the body ; and it has been the purpose of Dr. Kingsbury in 
giving us this paper not merely to speak of that in fishes but in 
the Amphibia. Ithaca,as you know, is peculiarly rich in Amphi- 
bia. There is a large variety of forms by which to test the 
theory, whether it is due simply to the water or to something 
else that we have that very interesting series, which Dr. Kings- 
bury has shown to us. He has been trying to get behind the 
appearances and find the reality, the true significance of things 
which on the face of them may not seem to have much 
significance—exactly the kind of work for which the society 
stands, it seems to me. 

A paper on ‘“‘A Comparison of methods of determining Hemo- 
globin,” by F. C. Busch and A. T. Kerr, Jr., was then read. 

Professor Gage: I may begin the questioning by asking the 
reader if he will tell us how these tests correspond, for instance, 
to determining the number of blood corpuscles in the blood 
of the patient. Suppose we have a normal number of blood 
corpuscles—let us suppose 5,000,000 as the normal number. 
If now in your tests you found the hemoglobin was too much 
or too little, would there be a corresponding increase or decrease 
of the blood corpuscles ? 

Mr. Busch: It has been found by observations made by @ 


number of observers that the hemoglobin does not necessarily 
correspond to the number of corpuscles. It has been found, for 
instance, as regards specific gravity that it has some constant 
relation to the hamoglobin, but does not depend at all upon the 
number of blood corpuscles. 

Professor Gage: With a smaller number of blood corpuscles 
then you might have more hemoglobin ? 

Mr. Busch: Yes, you might have more hemoglobin. 

Professor Gage: I believe there is at least an exceedingly 
marked relationship between the haemoglobin and the number of 
blood corpuscles if the variation is exceedingly large. If the 
change in the number of blood corpuscles were smaller, say three 
or four hundred thousand, it might not be a very important 
factor. Dr. Moore, you have had expericnce in determining the 
amount of hemoglobin and of blood copuscles ; can you say a 
few words to us on the subject ? 

Dr. Moore: I think not. The work I have had experience 
in was not concerned with hemoglobin. But the question I was 
just thinking about was this: In cases of anaemia, where you 
have a large loss of haemoglobin, and in the organs such as the 
spleen, the liver and the kidneys a deposition of blood pigment, 
it seems to me that there must be a decided variation in the 
specific gravity of the blood, if, as is supposed, the specific gravity 
depends largely upon the amount of hemoglobin. Now whether 
this hamoglobin is free in the plasma or still confined in the cor- 
puscles is a question I am not prepared to speak about specif- 
ically; but on general principles it seems that where blood cor- 
puscles are destroyed in cases of anemia, as I think has been 
found in certain of the lower animals—that in these cases the 
hamoglobin is deposited and the specific gravity must vary. I 
think there must be a correspondence in the lower specific gravity 
of the blood and the diminution of the red corpuscles. What 
effect an increase of the white corpuscles would have on this re- 
lation of hamoglobin I cannot say. But in those cases we have 
to deal with the fact that there is an unusual, an enormous in- 
crease in the leucocytes of various forms. 

Professor Gage: We have here one who has made a great 



study of the blood by aid of the micro-spectroscope. I would 
like to ask, Dr. White, if in your spectroscopic study you can 
make any correlation between experiments like those on the 
number of blood corpuscles and the indications that would be 
given by the spectroscope. 

Dr. White: Ido not think I can answer the question satis- 
factorily. I have noticed, however, that in examining specimens 
of blood some specimens have very little hemoglobin, while others 
have a great deal. In some cases there is a very great difference 
in the corpuscles. 

Just in that connection I would like to say one word in the way 
of asking a question, which I shall not pretend to answer myself. 
I have noticed in examining the blood of the dead in post-mortem 
examinations, that there are bodies, sometimes as small as red 
corpuscles, sometimes twice as large, that are colored almost as 
much as the red corpuscles. I have even seen these in regard to 
the living as well as in regard to the dead, and I am free to say 
I do not know what those bodies are. 

Mr. Moody: It seems to me that while there is a definite re- 
lation or a somewhat definite relation, between the hemoglobin 
and specific gravity, there are other things which enter into the 
specific gravity of the blood, that may cause as great errors as 
those arising in the experiments. 

Dr. Moore: There is another question I would like to ask in 
connection with the specific gravity of the blood—the time of day 
of the experiments, and in what relation the taking of the blood 
stood to the taking of food by the patient? I should think if 
observations were made at different periods of the day in the same 
individual, there might be changes due to the different relation to 
the time of taking nourishment. 

Mr. Busch: Our observations as a rule were made about mid- 
way between meals. At that time the blood is more likely to be 
in a normal condition. Some researches have been made by Mr. 
Jones, of Cambridge, showing that the specific gravity varied during 
the day under different conditions, as for instance, according to 
the amount of liquid taken in. I know that one German ob- 


server says that upon taking one and one-half mugs of beer the 
specific gravity was diminished considerably. 

Professor Gage: Have your investigations gone far enough 
to find out whether this is really a practically useful clinical 
method? I suppose that is a question we want to face and 
answer. 1 

Mr. Busch: I will not say absolutely just at this time, because 
our observations are not completed yet; but there is no doubt 
that this specific gravity method also is liable to considerable error. 
We think that the other methods are liable to as much and perhaps 
more error. But there is an advantage in having a method which: 
is not a color test. People’s eyes vary so considerably. The 
idea is this—that if we can get a method in which the error is 
constant, then from day to day we can use it upon the same 
patient and observe his improvement. 

Dr. Moore closing the discussion: I would like to say just a 
word or two in connection with this change in the blood after 
food. In my experience when we have taken the blood of dogs 
after death, if they were killed soon after they had been fed with 
milk or with a light sort of mush, we found as a result that the 
serum would contain such an enormous number of leucocytes, 
that when the serum was set the surface would be completely 
covered with a substance almost resembling cream in appearance— 
in structure if not in color, for it is white—a substance that 
really makes it useless for work. It seems to me that in taking 
blood in such large quantities as that you would have great 
variations. I should think that in determining the practical value 
of these investigations, they would have to be taken in connection 
with observation of the condition of the corpuscles, both red 
and white. ; 

Professor C. H. Eigenmann them made a few remarks prelimi- 
nary to his paper on “ The history of the sex-cells from the time 
of segregation to sexual differentiation in Cymtogaster,” and 
at the conclusion of the paper the society adjourned. 

Wednesday afternoon, August 21, about two o'clock, the 
society assembled in the Physical Laboratory, at Franklin Hall, 


and examined the ruling engine and comparator made by Wm. 
A. Rogers. From the laboratory we went to the Entomological 
department and inspected the excellent arrangement of insects 
made by Professor Comstock, and also the beautiful engravings 
made by Mrs. Comstock. Then the library was visited and 
those who wished ascended the tower to enjoy the view of the 
lake and country, while others examined the rare old books 
Professor Mr. Burr exhibited in the White Historical Library. 
The beginning of Cornell University was the Morrill land 
grant of Congress to each State in 1862. After various struggles 
in the State legislature over the disposition of the grant to New 
York, during which Andrew D. White, of Syracuse, and Ezra 
Cornell, of Ithaca, became closely associated, on October 7, 
1868, the university was formally opened. The distinguishing 
features of Cornell as a University are that it puts all truth on 
a level, and gives to the scientific or technical student the same 
standing as the student of literature and the classics. Hence the 
spirit of the whole institution is preéminently American and scien- 
tific as distinguished from those institutions where the dominating 
influences have been those of tradition and caste. Hence the 
young man who goes te Cornell receives a training that fits him 
for the real life of the present age in which he is to play a part. 
This year the university expects to welcome to her halls 2,000 
students, including the women who find here precisely the same 
opportunities as the men, and how well they make use of them 
the pages of these proceedings bear witness. The library, while 
it is one of the most recent, is undoubtedly one of the most 
beautiful and interesting buildings on the grounds. Many of 
the members wandered off to the other buildings near by, in- 
cluding Sage college, the dormitory for women, adjoining which is 
the Botanical department, and also to the Young Men’s Christian 
Association building and the chapel, both near by. Attached to 
the latter is a memorial chapel in which lie the bodies of Ezra 
Cornell and Mrs. Andrew D. White, whose forms sculptured 
in marble, rest on their marble couches as if they, too, were 
an imperishable part of the institution which is for one of 


them one of the proudest monuments ever reared for any man. 
In connection with this visit to the collections of the University 
the following letter from Dr. Wilder is appropriate for insertion 
To Dr. W. H. Seaman, Secretary of the American Microscopical Society : 

Dear Sir— I regret my absence from Ithaca during the coming session 
of the society upon both personal and official grounds. It would give me 
pleasure to attend the sessions and meet the members. 

As Curator of the Vertebrate Division of the Natural History collection 
of Cornell University, I should invite inspection of it. In so doing I should 
endeavor to state four points as follows: 1. The objects of the vertebrate 
museum. 2. The principles upon which it has been formed and main- 
tained. 38. Its special merits. 4. Its chief deficiencies. 

1. The Museum is primarily and mainly educational. That is, it is 
intended to illustrate the instruction of the classes in Physiology, Verte- 
brate Zoology, Neurology, and Embryology. At each lecture or practicum 
from 10 to 50 specimens are brought into the class room, and not only 
exhibited and explained, but left there for one or more days for fuller 

In accordance, however, with the doctrine that ‘‘none are so well fitted 
to impart knowledge as those who are engaged in reviewing its methods 
and extending its boundaries,” the collections have been made the basis of 
numerous researches and publications by the staff of the anatomical depart- 
ment, and by specialists elsewhere to whom specimens have been loaned. 
There are also in rooms not open to the public considerable stores of mate- 
rial for investigation or for preparation as museum specimens. 

On the other hand the wants of the public have not been ignored. The 
only division of the collection at present labeled with approximate explicit- 
ness comprises the animals of Tompkin county, whose names, life-histories 
and habits are of special interest to the farmers and fishermen of this 
vicinity. From the beginning the museum has been freely accessible during 
the whole of all week-days. The janitor is often at work there or within 
call, and when funds have been available for the purpose a student-guide 
has been in attendance on Saturdays and at commencement. The museum 
is visited by schools from out of town and by excursion parties numbering 
hundreds at a time. So far as lam aware no officer or employe has ever 
received from visitors any pecuniary recompense for attendance upon 
them, for the explanation of specimens or for the exhibition of living 

2. The fundamental principle of the museum is the illustration of 
important facts and ideas by means of specimens carefully selected and 
well prepared. The wall-cases at the north end of the main floor contain 
a synopsis of the vertebrate branch, and of the larger divisions commonly 
regarded as classes. As an example may be taken the two cases at the east 


end of the series. Here are about 15 mammals fairly representing the 
range of difference in respect to form and mode of locomotion. Also some 
dissections displaying the structural features which are both constant 
throughout the class and peculiar thereto, e. g., the complete diaphragm, 
the left aortic arch, etc. 

In a case at the west side of the same floor may be seen a series of a very 
different kind, viz., of the venomous vertebrates so for as obtainable. 

Otherseries begun or contemplated are enumerated in my address on ‘‘Edu- 
cational Museums of Vertebrates” in the American Association Proceedings 
for 1885: Abstract in Science, Vol. VI., 1885, pp, 222-24. 

The most significant of these relate to the exposition of the general 
doctrine of evolution. 

In the formation of these series mere number has not been considered, 
nor has the cost or the rarity of a specimen determined its real value. 
So far from taking all that is offered merely because it is cheap or alto- 
gether without cost, I have held that a wise economy would be practiced 
by paying for what was really needed, rather than in accepting less desir- 
able objects as gifts. In an educational museum of vertebrates one flying 
squirrel is more desirable than a dozen other kinds. It would be wiser to 
pay ten dollars each for a Sphenodon, a Protopterus and an Apteryx than 
to receive as gifts a hundred other lizards, fishes or birds. Indeed, con- 
trary to the prevailing idea that the curator of a museum is mainly a 
collector, I hold that one of his chief duties is to keep things out of it. 

3. Among the desirable features of the museum may be enumerated the 

a. The large number of embryos, brains and hearts of all classes. 

b. The numerous well-preserved human cerebrums especially of edu- 
cated persons. 

c. Thedissected preparations illustrating zoologic or physiologic facts and 
ideas. Some of the best of these were made by your distinguished Presi- 

d. The association of such dissections of soft parts in the same case with 
the skins and skeletons of the same or allied forms. 

‘e. The preservation of so many parts of one and the same individual. 
For example, of a kangaroo there are the stuffed skin, the mounted skeleton, 
the alinjected heart and brain, and some other viscera. This not only 
exhibits correlations of structure but also in case of the detection of ane 
error in the identification of the skin, renders it possible to extend the 
rectification to all the other parts. 

f. The designation of all parts of a single individual by one and the 
same number, and the use of the same number upon all notes, photographs 
and drawings relating thereto. 

4. The most obvious defect of the collection is suggested by the last 
paragraph; few of the specimens bear labels conveying adequate informa- 
tion tv the visitor. But it must be remembered that the collection is 
primarily for use in instruction and that although the tags may not be read 
easily from without the case, they can be when the specimens are in the 


lecture room. Also, the number refers to an Accession Book and to notes 
that are accessible. Finally, among the reasons for the delay in labeling is 
the intention to supplement the conventional label by a somewhat full 
description and, in the case of anatomical preparations, by photographs, 
or diagrams or published figures. The attainment of this “triple alliance 
of object, drawing and description” requires much time and deliberation. 

That many and serious gaps in the various seriesremain to be filled hardly 
needs admission. For these desiderata we must await opportunities, the 
thoughtfulness of our friends and the power of the trustees to supply the 
means of purchase and preparation. . 

The defects in the arrangement of the collection are due to three condi- 

a. The present necessity of accommodating upon the main floor certain 
ethnologic and archzologic collections which are incongruous and interrupt 
the natural series. 

b. The limitations of space in the alcove cases and in those at the north 
end of theroom. The malposition most to be deprecated is the association of 
the Dipnoans with the Ganoids, which constitutes in my mind, rank 
zoologic heresy. ‘At present it is hardly to be avoided. ; 

ec. A recent interchange of cases with another department necessitated 
the transfer and storage of a considerable portion of the vertebrate series, 
and the rearrangement has not yet been effected. Hence some unoccupied 
spaces and some masses of undisplayed specimens. Should the American 
Microscopical Society again honor Ithaca by meeting there I trust the verte- 
brate division of the zoological collections may better represent my views 
and intentions regarding it. 

Very respectfully yours, 
Siasconset, Nantucket Island, Aug. 17, 95. 

Wednesday evening, about eight o’clock the society gathered 
in the Botanical lecture room to listen to the annual address 
of the President, Professor Simon H. Gage, on The Processes 
of Life Revealed by the Microscope; a Plea for Physiological 
Histology. The address begins this Volume. 

Norg.—Those who wish to know more of Ithaca and Cornell University, 
in addition to the catalogs of the institution, which can be had.on applica- 
tion, will find a little pamphlet of Andrus and Church, ‘‘ In and Out of 
Ithaca,” very useful. 


TuHurspay MorninG, August 22. 

At 9.40 the society assembled, about 70 persons being present. 

Professor Rowlee read his paper on ‘ The Chlorophyll Bodies 
of Chara Coronata.”’ aa 

The President then appointed Dr. Kellicott and Mr. Kihne as 
a committee to audit the accounts of the Treasurer. 

The following names were elected after free nominations to 
serve as a nominating committee to select officers for the ensu- 
ing year : 

Messrs. W. W. Rowlee, D. S. Kellicott, W. H. Walmsley, G. 
S. Hopkins and Wm. C. Krauss. 

Miss M. A. Nichols then read her paper on “‘ Secondary Thick- 
enings of the Root Stalks of Spathyema.”’ 

Professor Rowlee said when the paper was ended: It is due in 
justice to Miss Nichols to say that she began what she and I both 
believed to be a comparatively simple problem, and intended to 
keep it within very definite limits, and it was her intention when 
she undertook it to present it to this society. The discoveries 
that she made as soon as she began to investigate, however, led into 
such different lines that the paper has in it the possibility of a very 
important contribution to our knowledge of the monocotyledon- 
ous group. It is known probably to every one that the flowering 
plants are divided into two great groups, the monocotyledons and 
the dicotyledons, or, as they have been called, the exogens and the 
endogens. The endogens or monocotyledons were believed once 
not to have any secondary thickening, or, as the term implies, 
increase by internal growth. As Miss Nichols has said, DeBary 
found exceptions—others had found exceptions before him, and he 
summarized the exceptions ; but they are comparatively few. There 
are always exceptions in natural history, you know, and it is 
fortunate if the exceptions do not come to be the rule. 
Neither of us had a notion that we should find secondary thicken- 
ing when the work was begun. It was with a view to the seed, 
which Miss Nichols has described to us, that the study was made. 
Not only is the discovery of the secondary thickening new, but 
likewise the method of thickening is new; so that I feel we have 


here a contribution to our knowledge of plants that is very im- 
portant and which will be altogether creditable to our proceedings. 

Dr. Hopkins: I would like to ask Miss Nichols if she has tried 
any experiment to see whether or not the crystals would be re- 
formed after being dissolved out. If they would be, I should 
think it could be determined whether or not the irritation to the 
taste was caused by the crystals. — 

Miss Nichols: I did experiment with that in view, but the 
crystals would not re-form voluntarily, for I let the solutions stand 
for some time and examined them, but they did not re-form. 
Whether they could be made to do so or not I do not know. 

Dr. Holbrooks’ paper ona “‘ Fourth Study of the Blood, show- 
ing the Relation of the Colorless Corpuscle to the Strength of the 


Constitution,’ was read by title only, and the society then listened _ 
to Mr. K. M. Wiegand on “ Two Cases of Intercellular Spaces in 
Vegetable Embryos.” The paper was discussed as follows : 

Dr. Seaman: I would like to ask Mr. Wiegand as to the 
shape of the limiting cells on these canals, as regards their 
length. Are they longer than other cells, or not? 

Mr. Wiegand: No sir, their length is about the same as their 

Dr. Seaman: They are mere altered parenchyma cells? 

Mr. Wiegand: Yes, altered a little in form. J might say 
that the arrangement of these spaces and of the cells around 
them remind one very much of the arrangement of cells around 
resin ducts in mature plants. The resin ducts in the pine family 
of course have a sheath of cells arranged in this way. 

The paper of Dr. E. J. Durand, on the “ Fruits of the Order 
of Umbelliferae”” was then read by title, also that of Dr. P. A. 
Fish, “‘ The Action of Strong Currents of Electricity upon Nerv- 
ous Tissue.”’ 

The society then listened to Mrs. Gage’s paper on “ The 
Morphology of the Brain of the Soft-shelled Turtle and the 
English Sparrow compared.”’ 

Discussion on Mrs. Gage’s paper. 

Dr. Krauss: I would like to ask if Mrs. Gage has made a 


study of the cells of the cortex, especially of the frontal lobe, or 
that part of the brain of the turtle corresponding to the frontal — 
lobe in man; and also what the development of those cells is, as 
compared with the development of the cells in the parietal lobe 
or the occipital lobe. 

Mrs. Gage: To answer Dr. Krauss’s question, I can simply 
say that thus far in my investigation I have confined my work to 
the general features of the brain, not atall to the histology ; I do 
not know that I shall ever get to that point, there are so many 
problems in the way which must be met in order to homologize 
the parts and to be sure that the origin of the parts is the same, 
before a comparison can be made of the cells. 

Professor Ward: I should like to ask, in the light of this inves- 
tigation of the three series of brains, to what extent Mrs. Gage 
thinks the homology by fiber tracts can be followed out—are 
they characteristic of certain groups and homologous in the 

Mrs. Gage: Thus far only a few of these fiber tracts have been 
considered. If I could find the cell nidz and the origin of them, 
and find that they are perfectly comparable, then I should feel 
that the fiber tracts which connect those nide are homolo- 
gous. Otherwise I should feel that, simply because they go in the 
same general direction and follow the same general course, it is 
not necessary that they are homologous. 

Professor Ward: Another word. To what extent have you 
followed this out and found homology ? 

Mrs. Gage: There are comparatively few of these which I 
have already done. The one which I have mentioned in connec- 
tion with this investigation in these two forms, seems to be exactly 
comparable. There are certain tracts, like the great anterior and 
posterior bundles, about which there seems to be no doubt at all. 
There are these to be traced in all the forms of vertebrates and 
they seem to perform in general the same function and take the 
some direction; but some of these others, I should say, are 
much more difficult to trace. There are several others which 
are apparently, so far, quite easily determined. Some of the 


more difficult ones, as those in the base of the cerebrum, I should 
say, would take a great deal of time to decide finally that they 
were homologous throughout the vertebrate series. 1 

Dr. Humphrey: I was struck with regard to what Mrs. Gage 
says concerning the size of the optic nerves of these turtles, and 
I can state that these animals have a very acute sight. When 
lying upon the stones or logs along the course of our rivers, they 
will slide off when a person is sometimes at a distance of three or 
four hundred yards. But on the other hand I do not consider 
that their sense of hearing is very acute. A few weeks ago I was 
walking along the banks of one of our smaller rivers with a rifle. 
There were two turtles sitting on a log some sixty yards away. 
As I was behind some bushes they did not see me. I assisted 
one of them off the log with the rifle, but the other did not notice 
it at all, so I assisted him off in the same way. Often I have 
noticed that they pay very little attention to the crack of a gun, 
but they pay a great deal of attention to one’s motion, and I believe 
sometimes that they notice the puff of smoke from a gun. 

Mrs. Gage: How about the sense of smell or the sense of 
touch ? 

Dr. Humphrey: I do not know about that, I presume though, 
that it is very acute. I should infer that the sense of smell was 
acute from the fact that they live mostly on dead fish. I may say 
in regard to the habits of these, and of the large snapping turtles, 
those whose heads are perhaps three inches across, very large 
ones, I have found that their stomachs were filled with fresh-water 
algze ; while, as far as I have been able to discover, the soft-shelled 
turtles never take anything but flesh. 

If Mrs. Gage will permit me I will say that I think a walk 
along a stream would cause her to change one expression. She 
said this animal led a sort of dreamy existence. It does in the 
winter time, but in the summer time I can see no analogy to a 
dreamy existence, unless because he is a nightmare to the fish- 

Mrs. Gage: With reference to two points of which Mr. Hum- 
phrey spoke: In observing a shoft-shelled turtle it is very evident 




that he keeps a very watchful eye upon you, but the only indica- 
tion of motion whatever that he makes will be in the turning of 
the eyeball. You know he is looking at you from that one fact. 
There is no indication of nervousness on his part in any other 

As to the sense of hearing I have observed in a jar, where I 
have studied them, that any loud sound near the jar will not pro- 
duce any motion whatever in the turtle; wnile on shaking the jar 
even in the slightest degree they will move. I conclude from 
this that the sense of feeling was much more observable in this 
turtle than the sense of hearing. 

Professor Eigenmann: I may adda word as to the habits of 
these turtles. We have had quite a number in the laboratory 
this summer. They have a habit of burrowing under the sand 
just sufficiently to cover themselves so that they cannot be seen. 
One which we were trying to photograph, when we went to get 
the plate, I think only across the table, was nicely covered when 
we got back so that we could hardly see it. One very large 
one that we got in a pen was missed after a few days. I thought 
he was literally in the soup: But he afterwards reappeared. 
These turtles lay their eggs in the sand. They lay quite a large 
number of eggs in a nest—the largest number that we secured this 
summer was thirty-two. The eggs are quite large—like good-sized 
marbles. They are white, but the upper surface of the egg is 
much whiter than the lower surface. I secured quite a number 
of their little ones, but have not so far been able to get any eggs 
to hatch. We still have a batch of eggs, however, and hope to 
rear some. 

Mrs. Gage: Where do they lay their eggs; how near the 
water ? 

Professor Eigenmann: They lay the eggs within a few fect 
of the water’s edge. Those we secured were within, I should 
say, ten feet of the edge of the water, right in the sand of one 
of the lakes. The easiest way to get them is to take a hoe and 
go toa likely place and just hoe over the whole of the region. You 
may strike a nest and then by a little more careful hoeing you can 



get the eggs. We tried our fingers for quite a while, but found it 
was wearing our nails and otherwise not very agreeable. A hoe 
is the best thing 

There is no sign on the surface. You can find marks where 
the turtles have walked up, but on a beach a mile long the turtles 
had walked up all along it so that the tracks do not help you 
much. But once in a while you can find a particular track lead- 
ing straight to a spot where there is a little depression in the sand, 

a spade is not very good. 

and there you can be pretty sure will bea nest. I may add 
that right beside the nest of thirty-two we found another with 
seventeen eggs. At any place where there was a point of land, 
by using a hoe we could secure from 150 to 200 of the eggs in 
a short time, perhaps hardly fifteen minutes. 

Mrs. Gage: It seemed to me these turtles had the most self- 
restraint of any animal I have ever watched. I sat by a tank 
watching one for ten hours one day. I think Mr. Humphrey 
would have been convinced that my conclusion about their 
dreamy existence was correct. That turtle stayed at the bottom 
of the tank for ten hours, and never once moved in that time. 
He had filled up his lungs with oxygen and was breathing down 
there by means of his gills situated in the throat. 

Dr. V. A. Moore then read his paper on ‘‘ The Flagella of 
Motile Bacteria.’ | 3 

The President said: It is one of the sources of congratulation 
for societies like this that we have problems presented to us for 
investigation, and that as naturalists or investigators in science, 
we have never to weep as Alexander did for new worlds to 

May I ask Dr. Moore if it is the supposition that these flagella 
move, or have they been actually seen to move. 

Dr. Moore: Some of the earlier observers have published 
the statement that they have seen these flagella in the larger 
forms, move in stagnant water. I will say that in examining a 
water bacillus not long ago in a liquid culture, in the hanging- 
drop preparation, as it is technically called, I saw these flagella, 
a mass of them, rolling and twisting about, perhaps by means of 


currents in the liquid; but I could not see them attached to the 
bacilli themselves. But they have been observed and described.’ 
Dallinger and Drysdale watched a bacillus, as they called it at that 
time, whatever it was I do not know, one of those organisms—for 
ten or twelve hours, first one and then the other, until finally they 
saw a curious vertical appearence of the liquid at the poles of the 
organism ; they said they saw this fine hair-like projection move. 
_ Those statements have been made, and I do not doubt that with 
proper optical appliances they could be seen in the larger 

Dr. White: I should like to make a statement in regard to 
some of these bacteria that I think has not yet been published. 
It may be of some interest on just this question of the motility. 
Dr. Foote, of Yale, has prepared some cultures, both in plate 
cultures and stab cultures in test tubes, and he asked me to 
photograph them. Now these stab cultures in the test tubes in 
glycerine after three days’ culture, the Cold communis appears as 
a line or thread generally where the track of the wire was inserted ; 
while a simple culture of the typhoid bacillus shows the culture 
generally following the track of the needle, but also spread out 
laterally so that it is funnel-shaped. At the top of the test tube 
it will be very wide, perhaps half-an-inch wide, and tapering 
down to the bottom. To my mind this different appearance is 
one kind of proof that these bacilli move and travel in the 
gelatin. Also in the plate cultures of the Coli communis, which is 
generally considered to have very few flagella compared with the 
typhoid bacillus—the colonies after three days’ culture in this 
same material are clearly defined at the edges, sharply defined as 
little dots; while the similiar cultures of the typhoid bacillus 
have a distinct areola around them, about as wide as the colony 
itself. If I had known that this paper was coming on this 
morning I would have brought photographs to illustrate this 

Dr. Krauss: Just to show the importance of the flagella in 
making a comparative examination of the bacilliabout a year and 
a half ago we had an outbreak of typhoid fever in Buffalo. In 


trying to detect the source we examined the water of different 
localities. We suspected that the water commissioners were using 
a source of water that had previously been used in Buffalo, but 
not for the past few years. Now as to this old source of water 
supply we know that certain parts of the city drain into it. It 
was during a north-east storm when the water supply was rather 
low that they used this old water supply. After a certain period 
of incubation the typhoid fever broke out in all parts of the city. , 
We examined the bacilli in the old water supply and found 
almost as much bacilli as water. In making comparative tests we 
found that the typhoid bacillus was present and also other bacilli 
resembling the typhoid so closely that it was almost impossible to 
tell which was the typhoid and which was the other. It was only 
‘on staining for flagella that we were able to state positively that 
the typhoid was present and undoubtedly caused all the trouble. 

Now as far as the function of the flagella is concerned, it occurs 
to me, why cannot these flagella be weapons of defense for the 
bacilli in their warfare against the phagocytes. We know that 
almost all living bodies are supplied with weapons of defense of 
some kind or other, and these may possibly be the creatures’ way of 
fighting off the phagocytes as long as possible. The power of 
resistance to disease in different persons is very different, as we 
know, and certainly the resistance to antiseptic action of some of 
these forms may be due perhaps to the flagella. 

Professor H. B. Ward then read two papers, one on the 
‘Primitive Source of Food Supply in the Great Lakes,” the other 
on ‘ Some Experiments in Methods of Plankton Measurements. 

Discussion on Professor Ward’s papers. 

Professor Rowlee: I would like to ask Dr. Ward two ques- 
tions. He mentioned three conditions which determined the pres- 
ence of organisms more abundantly in the upper six feet of the 
water than elsewhere. Those three conditions do not include one 
that it occured to me might very considerably affect their presence 
there, and that is the amount of air or oxygen that is in solution 
in the water. Is it not true that there is much more of that 
generally near the surface than in the deeper water ? 


Professor Ward: That matter has never, so far as I know, 
been investigated in fresh water. In salt water, Agassiz says in 
“The Cruise of the Blake” that experiments made at a depth 
of some one hundred fathoms show nearly the same amount of 
oxygen as near the surface. 

Dr. Eigenmann: I think that it has been shown that there is 
more oxygen further down than on the surface. 

Professor Rowlee: The other question was in regard to shoals 
of fish visiting the mouths of rivers and streams. In Lake Ontario 
the best fishing grounds are near the mouths of rivers ; and when- 
ever there were great quantities of white fish taken by nets they 
were usually, I do not know but universally, drawn where streams 
flowed into the lake. 

Professor Eigenmann: Was that in the fall of the year ? 

Professor Rowlee: I think they drew them all summer, at all 
times of the season. It occurred to me that that might be ex- 
plained by some unevenness in the supply of food. 

Professor Ward: I do not know how that is on Lake Ontario. 
The best fishing grounds in ‘the northern lakes are not in such 
situations. The best white-fish ground in the vicinity of Charle- 
voix is on the west side of Beaver Island, which is a straight 
sandy beach, so far as I remember, entirely without a break of the 
smallest size. There is this much to be said with reference to the 
white fish. There was evidence, I think, discovered last summer 
to lead me to say that I believe the true white fish is a bottom 
feeder, and in that respect differs from all the other species of 
white fish in the lakes. 

Dr. Fell: I wish to make a remark on some observations I 
made in Lake Erie last summer. I noticed great quantities of 
small fish cast up on the shore from Crystal Beach west and also 
from there east, and I presume along the whole shore of Lake 
Erie. There were millions of fish two or three inches long 
thrown up on the sand and destroyed. Whether these were 
products of the fish culturists or not I cannot say, but it seemed 
to indicate that there was some great mistake made in supplying 
the lakes with fish spawn, if such was the case. 


But I have not seen any reference to this great destruction of 
small fish before. I have not noticed it this year, but last year 
the dead fish were plentiful, so that to walk along the shore of 
the lake was very unpleasant indeed. You could not step with- 
out putting your foot on two or three of them. 

As to the question of food supply I recollect some years ago 
we made an estimate of the character and quantity of diatoms 
passing Niagara River; and we ascertained that some tons of 
diatoms passed down there every day. Undoubtedly diatoms 
are a great original source of food supply for the lakes. 

Professor Eigenmann: Professor Ward’s paper was among 
those which I especially was anxious to hear. The importance 
of such stations has long suggested itself to me. I believe that 
sometimes there is contemporaneous evolution in different regions, 
and I think that something of that kind has occurred out our 
way in regard to this matter of studying the conditions of fish 
life. Illinois has established a station, Michigan has established 
a station, Indiana has established one this year, and Ohio is. 
going to establish one next year, to observe just such things 
as Professor Ward has been telling us about. 

I have made some observation on the plankton this summer, but 
that was only as one of the elements of the environment of the fish. 
We have attacked the fish problem in a little different way. We 
have established a station on the continental divide between the 
St. Lawrence and Mississippi basins, at a place where within five 
or six miles we can get lakes of practically the same dimensions, 
one belonging to one system and the other to the other system. 
More than that, within a short distance we get lakes belonging 
to Lake Erie, and other lakes belonging to Lake Michigan. 

We are attempting there to study the environment of the fish 
and the variation of the fish—the environment simply to give us 
the unit for studying variation. We are catching as many 
fishes as we think will suffice to get at the entire variation of a 
given species in the water of these lakes—so many that if we 
caught all the rest of them it would not make any difference in our 
measurements. For instance, we have of one little fish, caught in 


one of the lakes, something like 700 specimens now, in which 
we will measure the variation. We have caught about as many ~ 
in a neighboring lake to measure the variation there. We are 
measuring the environment and the variation in one place to get 
a unit in order to measure the influence of change of environment 
upon the same fishes in these different lakes to be found 
around our present station. 

To return to the turtle question for just a moment. Most of 
these lakes have been raised in quite recent years by the building 
of dams, and that has flooded some of the lowlands that were 
covered with trees; the trees were afterward chopped down so 
that we have along some of the margins many stumps. These 
stumps have rotted so that there is a depression in the center. 
These have been seized upon by the turtles as breeding places. 
The little turtles crawl up these stumps and lay their eggs 
inthem. We have got as many as 362 turtle eggs, I believe, 
out of one of these little places. Rotten logs are frequently full! 
of these eggs. There are places where in a cow track going 
across a wheat field every depression that the cow made in 
walking while the ground was soft contains turtles’ eggs. 

Professor Kellicott: One or two questions have been raised 
which I wish barely to mention. In regard to the distribution 
of the plankton, I may say something in regard to the time which 
it takes for a floating object to move from Lake Huron, say, to 
the foot of Lake Erie. Those who have worked at Buffalo are 
acquainted, I think, with the fact, that pine pollen is found float- 

ing in the water past the city from the first of January to the first of 
~ March. Early in the summer while the pine pollen is being 
thrown into the lake there is none at all. After the date I have 
mentioned there is practically none atall. Of course a storm will 
sometimes stir it up from the bottom so that we find it in small 
quantities throughout the year. But during the time from Jan- 
uary to March a great deal of pine pollen comes through the 
water to Buffalo. This would seem to show that the forces of 
distribution are ample, even if these minute forms do move so 
slowly of themselves. 


In regard to the diatom Stephanodiscus Niagare it occurred also 
in the winter, beginning earlier than I have mentioned, and late 
in the fall, in great quantities, and living and continuing for two 
or three months, when they ceased. Just where that diatom 
occurs most luxuriantly Iam notaware. It has never been found, 
I think, in shallow lakes, except Hemlock Lake. That fact would 
also have, I think, some bearing.on this question. It must be, I 
think, an inhabitant of deep water. 

Mr. Ward speaks of crustacea being the food of a certain 
fish. Perhaps he is aware that mysis sometimes makes its — 
way into the water supply at Buffalo. We have taken it there, 
always when the ice is going out in the spring. 

In regard to the weighing of the plankton, we estimate the 
quantity by weight. I suppose we were rather crude because we 
did not dry the material absolutely. We dried it until the water 
was just gone, and tried to estimate the exact amount of moisture 
in that way. That method, when we weighed a large quantity, 
could cause, I think, only a slight variation. It gave only.a re- 
lative result, but I think that relative result was pretty good. 
The method by ash I have some doubts about, because float- 
ing in the waters of the lakes there is always a large quantity of 
inorganic matter. If this matter were constant it could be disre- 
garded, but it is very inconstant. . 

Professor Ward: I think Professor Kellicott has a little mis- 
understood my statement. We used the ash precisely for that — 
reason, to get rid of that inorganic element. There is always, as 
we found by microscopic examination, some sand floating in the 
water. We can find individual grains of sand which in weighing 
make considerable differences. This is especially important when 
only a small amount of material is taken inahaul. For instance 
in one haul we have taken only .95 c. c. of material. In estimat- 
ing that, a small quantity of sand makes a great difference in the 
weight. But by taking the weight air dried and taking the weight 
of the ash and subtracting it, we eliminate the inorganic substance 
in the water, eliminate everything except what is organic. 


Tuurspay AFTERNOON, 

On Thursday afternoon the society with their friends were ° 
given an excursion from the Campus to the Lake by the street and upon the Lake by the citizens of Ithaca. This 
excursion was most enjoyable in every respect. The day was 
perfect, and through the kindness of Professor Tarr and Professor 
S. G. Williams, of the university, the interesting geological 
features of the lake basin were pointed out to the members. 

Fripay MornineG, August 23. 

The society assembled at 10 o’clock in the McGraw building, 
about 90 persons being present. The nominating committee 
made its report as follows : 

Officers of the society for 1895-06: 

For President, Dr. A. Clifford Mercer, of Syracuse, N. Y. 

For Vice-Presidents, Edward Pennock, of Philadelphia, Pa.; 
Miss V. A. Latham, of Chicago, II. 

For Secretary, Dr. William C. Krauss, of Buffalo, N. Y. 

For Treasurer, Magnus Pflaum, of Pittsburg, Pa. ‘ 

For members of the Executive Committee, Professor C. H. 
Eigenmann, of Bloomington, Ind.; Herman Schrenk, of St. 
Louis, Mo., and Miss M. A. Booth, of Longmeadow, Mass. 

Upon motion, the secretary was directed to cast a ballot for 
the nominees as reported by the committee, and they were duly 

Professor Conser then read his papers on “‘ Cocaine in ‘the 
Study of Pond Life,’ and on “ Paraffin and Collodion Imbed- 

Discussion : _ 

Professor Eigenmann: I might add a word or two as to the 
use of cocainێ. I have found it very useful in studying the habits 
of fishes. In one case especially that I remember, where I secured 
only one little larva with a net in sea-fishing, it was very valuable 
and I wanted to make as many sketches as possible at successive 
stages ; but it would not hold still, and of course J did not want 
to kill it. So by judiciously adding a little of the cocaine, that 
the druggist would let me have, I succeeded in keeping it still 


quite long enough to draw; then by rapidly changing the sea- 
water I succeeded in having it live another day. By repeat- 
ing the operation in that way I got four or five sketches of it. 
It thus proved very successful. 

Dr. Mercer: Iam not very familiar with these methods as I 
am not in the habit of doing much practical work now, but I 
saw a “wrinkle” a year ago which I suppose some worker might 
be glad to hear of. It was in Mr. Andrew Pringle’s laboratory 
on the other side of the water. He was using the paraffin method 
almost exclusively. He placed his specimen, when he wished 
to saturate it with paraffin, in a chamber which he could exhaust. 
The temperature of the chamber was regulated by a thermostat. 
In a very short time, in comparison with the usual methods, 
the paraffin had saturated the specimen, by reducing the atmos- 
pheric pressure around the material. As a means of saving time 
I dare say the busy worker will appreciate it. 

Professor Conser: I have used the method of placing the 
object under an air pump, which has reduced the time consider- 
ably. It is a very practical method, though it is somewhat com- 
plicated and troublesome. 

Dr. Mercer: I might add that this was done in the case I 
mentioned in a chamber which could be kept at any desired tem- 
perature, which is a little addition to the air pump. 

The President: I would like to ask Professor Conser why he 
uses celloidin, which costs $1.25 an ounce, when gun-cotton can 
be got for 25 or 20 cents an ounce; and I feel confident that any 
one using it will find he gets just as good sections. This gun- 
cotton is made in America, the celloidin in Germany. I had 
occasion one time to buy eight or nine ounces of the German, 
and I kept it very carefully and only used it as I thought we could 
afford it, and in a little while it would not work at all. I tried it 
and found it exceedingly acid. In despair I went down town 
and bought an ounce of gun-cotton for 25 cents, and things com- 
menced to work. After that I discarded the expensive for the 

Professor Ward: May Task the President if he has ever 


had any difficulty in getting a quality of gun-cotton which is free 
from little fibrous foreign bodies? All I have been able to find - 
was quite dirty in that way. 

The President: What I do in that case is to make up the 
collodion and let it stand a little while; and all that settles to the 
bottom, so that all the rest is perfectly clear. Or I filter it, but 
that is not so good a way. If allowed to settle the upper part is 
very excellent. 

Professor Eigenmann: Is this gun-cotton precisely the same 
thing as celloidin ? 

Professor Gage: Yes. 

Professor Conser: It won't go off? 

The President: Yes, they will both go off if you want them 
to. They are both of them nitro-cellulose, I believe. 

Professor Conser: I want to add a word in regard to the 
keeping qualities of celloidin. It must not be kept in air-tight 
chambers. It can not be kept in glass-stoppered bottles, for 
example. There will be some decoinposition in that case, especi- 
ally if kept at the ordinary warmth of the laboratory. Though 
I have used gun-cotton to a very small extent, I have preferred 
the celloidin, from the fact that it was easier to dissolve, and more 
ready at any time for operation. My experience with gun-cotton, 
however, has not been very much ; it has only been experimental. 

Dr. Krauss then read a paper: on “ Formalin as a Hardening 
Agent for Nerve Tissues,’ and Dr. P. A. Fish one on “ The use 
of Formalin in Neurology.”’ 

Discussion : 

The President: Probably no reagent has been discovered and 
applied to anatomical preparations, to microscopic work, which 
is going to do so much, help us so much, as this one formol, and 
every detailed account of experiments will be therefore of the 
highest value to serve as a guide. I am particularly glad that 
these two papers have come before the society to give us infor- 
mation, and I hope that those among the members who have 
made experiments will tell us of their experience. We then can 
put all this testimony together and go on more successfully in 



the future. I hope Professor Kellicott, who has experimented 
with this substance, will tell us the results he has obtained. 

Professor Kellicott: I have worked for about a year in pre- 
serving by this method and I must. say that the result agrees so 
closely with the results given in the papers that it seems hardly 
worth while to take any time in stating my experience. I have 
used the formalin in various solutions, and on a great variety of 
tissues, in preparing them for museum and anatomical work,andthe 
results have been most excellent. I think in our laboratory we 
are going to harden them by one or two changes, then transfer 
them to about half alcohol and half water, for preservation. 
This method seems to give us better results than any other we 
have tried, at least. Formalin hardens animal or other tissues 
very quickly, and without much shrinkage, as has been said ; and 
when transferred to alcohol they remain without shrinking, pro- 
vided itis not too strong. The specimen will be preserved without 
deposition of coloring matter or sediments, so that really sometimes 
the formol does not need to be, filtered or changed. It preserves 
the specimen clear and transparent, perfect in every way. I 
have used it in preserving the brains of large animals as 
well as small ones, for museum purposes, and have found nothing 
like it. It requires less material, less time, and only a quarter 
of the pains. You can put your specimen into the solution and 
go off and leave it, and when you come back it will be all right, 
just as you left it. 

We have used it also for histological purposes to a limited 
extent. In that regard we must work further before we are 
ready to state any general conclusions. 

As to the odor, I found that some students are unable to use 
the formalin on that account without great annoyance to them- 
selves. There was one student in my laboratory who could not 
use at all a specimen that had been preserved in this way, the 
irritation was so great. 

| have had experience, I think, similiar to your own, in prepar- 
ing anatomical materials for the ordinary dissecting work of the 
laboratory. I think in that regard it is extremely valuable. 


When the tissues are washed out in the usual way with a salt 
solution and then injected witha formalin solution of two to four 
per cent—I mean by volume—the animal will remain, if kept 
cool, ready for use without any change or shrinkage. - We are 
using it in that way constantly, and it is so valuable that I want 
to recommend it to every one who has to prepare animals for the 
dissecting laboratory. 

I have had some experience in attemping to stain in bulk 
before the tissue is hardened, with carmine, for example, and I 
have had excellent results. When I have had time to experi- 
ment so as to ascertain the right time and temperature for the 
work, I am sure it will be of the highest value.* 

The President: May I ask the writer of the first paper what 
he had reference to in giving us the percentages? Here is going 
to come in a real difficulty inthe use of formol. It is a forty-per- 
cent. solution in water, and when we say we use a two-per-cent. ora 
one-per-cent. or a four-per-cent. solution, the question immediately 
arises—it did in my own mind when I came to use it—do we 
mean that we take 97 or 98 c. c. of water and 2 or 3 c. c. of 
this formalin solution, or do we mean that we take 95 c. c. of 
water and 5 c. c. of the formalin solution, that is, to get a truly 
two-per-cent. solution of formol. In some of the papers that I 
have heard read the statement has not been distinct as to whether 
it was by volume, as Professor Kellicott spoke of, where you 
would use 2 c. c. of the forty-per-cent. solution formalin and ninety- 
eight per cent. of water, or whether the absolute amount of formol 
was meant. Dr. Krauss, what did you use? 

Dr. Krauss: I used two per cent. by volume. 

The President: That would be then really an eight-tenths-per- 
cent. solution of the formol. I hope that will always be stated so 
that there will be no mistake. The chances are if it is not stated 
that some one who has had training as a chemist may use a really 
two-per-cent. solution of the formol and that might be too strong. 

*Professor Kellicott has written a detailed account of his experience 
with formol, and the secretary has added it to the papers read at the 


Professor Ward: I want to make a few statements in regard 
to this matter, because my experience, with perhaps a different 
class of objects, is so absolutely different from what has been 
reported this morning. If it were only on the basis of my per- 
sonal experience, I should hesitate to emphasize the point as 
strongly as I want to do. I know, however, by personal 
correspondence of experiments carried on at the University of 
Michigan, at Harvard, and at the Newport Marine Laboratory, and 
they all agree with my own, that for certain purposes formol is 
not only useless, but positively bad, worse than useless. Some of 
you may remember noticing in the January Naturalist, if I re- 
member correctly, quite an extensive article on the use of formol, 
by a gentleman working in Professor Kingsley’s laboratory. 
He was very enthusiastic in praise of formol. By personal cor- 
respondence with one of our faculty at Lincoln, I have learned 
that his preparations have all spoiled since that time. He recom- 
mended formol very highly in the article on the basis of three 
months’ experience. The same thing was true of my own ex- 
periments, the same thing was true of experiments at the Newport 
Laboratory and at Harvard. The preparations are good for a 
limited time, but histologically at least they are useless after that 
limited time. How long that time is has not yet, perhaps, been 
determined. That of course is where the formol is used asa 
preservative agent, and I think we ought to distinguish sharply 
between its use as a hardening agent and as a preservative. As 
a preservative I am convinced that for invertebrates at any rate 
it is very bad. It gives distorted and incorrect histological 
features every time. There may be a difference in the action on 
vertebrate and invertebrate tissues, and I have not experimented 
with it on vertebrates except for gross anatomy, but for preser- 
vation of the invertebrates it is very bad. 

In one of the papers, I think that of Dr. Krauss, I noticed a 
little sentence that may have something to do with this. He said 
that in some of his preparations the nerve cells seemed to be 
slightly swollen, and the nucleus stained very deeply. Is that a 
beginning of a change opposed to the ordinary shrinking, a 


change by enlargement of the cell which, if it goes on long 
enough, will result in serious damage to the tissue? Where we 
are not concerned with a simple diagnosis of a certain kind of 
cell, but are desirous of securing a correct histological image, 
or making a careful physiological study of that structure, it is clear 
that we must have some reagent which will preserve permanently 
and as nearly as may be the actual character of the cell, neither 
swollen nor shrunk, but in precisely its actual normal condition, 

The statement quoted in one of these papers that the coloring 
matter is preserved, I can distinctly negative for as widely-separ- 
ated classes of invertebrates as the fresh water mites, crustacea, 
worms and hydroids. In none of these is the color preserved 
ordinarily beyond a few days. The color of planarian worms, 
for instance, both fresh water and marine, while comparatively 
well preserved up to a month, is entirely lost within a period 
after that, so that at four months the color is entirely gone, and 
at that time the worms are in poor condition. 

In addition to these points let me say that formol is highly 
volatile, and unless the bottles be very carefully closed the solu- - 
tion deteriorates rapidly. So for instance we found that at the end 
of four months an ordinary homceopathic vial corked as closely 
as the best quality of A A * corks could close it, did not 
contain a recognizable trace of formol. The specimens had 
entirely deteriorated, and that not in a single vial nor due to 
accident, but in a whole series. Whether this can be avoided by 
the use of vaseline on the corks, I donotknow. Certainly under 
ordinary conditions formol will disappear very rapidly. 

Professor Eigenmann: The last point that Dr. Ward mentions 
is a serious one, since so far as I know now we have no means of 
testing the exact per cent. of formol that may be in the water ; 
so that after we have used a solution once for hardening, for 
instance, it must be thrown away or else we have to deal with a 
solution whose per cent. we do not know. I have tried the 
formol—there seems to be a perfect epidemic of formol experi- 
ments in the country—I have tried it on various things. I tried 
it on plankton and the plankton would not settle, so at least in 


measuring it is useless. We tried it on crayfish and ali of them 
spoiled, but I think that could be avoided by using a little stronger 
solution. By injecting the crayfish with a strong solution and 
then putting it in a weaker, it certainly becomes a beautiful object, 
and looks as if it were going to crawl off. Frogs can be pre- 
served so that they look very much alive indeed. On fishes I 
have tried it and the color utterly disappears. I was in hopes I 
could preserve the beautiful colors of our fresh-water fishes—and 
they are certainly the most beautifully colored creatures alive. The 
formol is also, I think, valuable in injecting into the muscles of 
larger fishes that are to be preserved. Alcohol does not penetrate 
quickly enough to preserve them. At Wood’s Holl last summer 
I put a two-per-cent. solution of formalin in a small vial, and 
crowded as many little fish into it as I could, fairly jammed them 
in ; and I must say that a year afterward the fishes are just as hard, 
just as firm, firmer in fact than when I put them in. [I tried it on 
tad-poles. They are very hard to preserve. I tried a two-per- 
cent. solution of formalin, in thirty-five per cent. alcohol, fifty. per 
cent. alcohol, etc.,and also in simple formalin, and the formalin gave 
the best results. The tad-poles are so firm that if you take them 
by the tail and flop them they stand rigid, while, of course, in 
alcohol preparations they are flabby and very disagreeable. 

I would suggest that the difficulty regarding the percentage 
could be avoided by using the name formol for the pure formol, 
and formalin for the forty-per-cent. solution. I myself have used 
it that way. 

Miss Clara Harrison: I have tried some experiments with 
formalin. Some three years ago, perhaps a little more than that, 
[ had for sometime been trying to find some solution that would 
preserve the color of fruits and flowers. I heard of formalin, 
and as | could find no literature, that is, very meager literature, 
my experiments with it were rather of a shot-gun kind. Ibegan 
with five per cent. of the forty-per-cent. solution, and went down to 
one per cent. I tried it on the Orchidacea, and I am sure their 
coloring is quite as fine as that of our fishes. I found that the 
yellows and the purples kept for a long time. I tried, as I 


remember now, one of the Mexican Orchids and it kept clear 
and perfect for about four months. I might say that I puta 
grain or two of corrosive sublimate into the solution. For 
about four months these kept perfectly in a little test tube 
corked with a rubber cork. I was delighted; and one day I 
thought I would take it down to the White House, where I had 
obtained the specimen, and compare it with a fresh specimen. I 
found the color identical. -But the next morning I was very 
much disappointed to find the plant white and the solution a 
beautiful red. So my experience is identical with that of Dr. 
Ward. It does well for a short time, up to about four months, 
in a one-per-cent. solution ; but after that I would not like to answer 
for it, that is, on fruits and flowers. 

The President: It seems to me that this discussion has 
brought out the advantage of presenting a subject to a society 
of people who are interested in the same thing, then by com- 
paring notes it is possible to see wherein the thing is useful. 
We have found, I suppose, all of us, that there is no panacea for 
anything. Formalin is certainly admirable for certain things ; 
but that does not say it is going to be admirable for everything. 

A paper on “ New Points in Photo-micrographs and Cameras ”’ 
was then read by Mr. Walmsley. 

The President: It was in 1882—before I had ever thought of 
such a thing as making photographs with the microscope—that 
I had the pleasure of hearing Mr. Walmsley speak upon this 
subject. I think the society is to be congratulated that we have 
with us, so to speak, a direct lineal descendant of Woodward. 
As he has said, the work that Mr. Woodward did showed the 
world what it was possible to do in the delineation of minute 
things by photo-micrography. 

Miss Latham then read a paper on ‘‘ The Question of the 
Correct Naming and Use of Micro-Reagents.”’ 

The President: It is not often that we have so vigorous a 
presentation of a thing, and I do not wonder that Dr. Latham 
speaks with some feeling, because we have all gone through the 
Same experiences, more or less, that she has. 


Mr. Clark Bell then presented a communication on “ An 
Inquiry Concerning the Possibility of Distinguishing Arsenic 
from Different Packages by the Microscope.” 

It is due to Dr. White that this question has been presented 
to the Medico-legal Congress, and I thought it might be well 
to ask the microscopists. of this ‘country if they would give us 
some aid upon the subject. Any one who wishes to investigate 
the question can address me and I will respond by mail and 
send any literature upon the subject. The question arises out of 
the celebrated murder trial in Connecticut. I will ask Dr. White 
to explain the details of the case. 

Dr. White: Inthe famous Hayden trial it was proved that 
Mr. Hayden had purchased an ounce of arsenic in Middletown, 
and it was claimed by the State that he had administered this to 
Mary Stannard. He claimed that he had put the arsenic in his 
barn, and an ounce of arsenic was found in a tin box in the barn. 
The State asked whether it was possible to determime whether 
that ounce of arsenic came from Middletown or not. The 
arsenic which was found was examined with a microscope and 
was found to consist of very many crystals with bright reflecting 
faces, whereas the arsenic in the jar in Middletown had dull, 
leaden faces. The arsenic found in the stomach also had dull 
leaden faces. The question was whether these two parcels of 
arsenic could be distinguished. Many parcels of arsenic were 
bought from many different firms, to find, if possible, where this 
arsenic came from. One expert in Chicago has stated that in his 
opinion this dull, leaden color of the arsenic occurs by deoxidation, 
but chemists tell us that cannot be. It is probably due to some 
peculiarity in the grinding. What chemists know as glass 
arsenic, when ground, will not have transparent reflecting faces. 
The large crystals found in some places where arsenic is made, 
if ground up, will also show rough faces; whereas the arsenic 
found close to the furnace, if ground, will still show many 
small bright faces. 

If in this case the arsenic found in the barn was just the same 
that Mr. Hayden bought in Middletown, it was clear that he might 


be innocent. If it was from some other source it might be that 
he was guilty. 

This idea of distinguishing different parcels of arsenic by the 
microscope was first brought to my attention in Medical Juris- 
prudence some thirty or forty years ago. In 1860 a lot of 
crystals were made for me by the chemist in Middletown. I have 
had some of them preserved ever since ; and I think some of them 
undergo a process of pitting. It is a question whether if kept for 
some time they lose weight and form pits in the faces. 

The paper by Dr. Krauss on ‘* A New Way of Marking Ob- 
jectives’’ wasthen read. Thetwo following papers were read by 
title only, viz.: ‘‘ Demonstration of Histological Preparations by 
the Projection Microscope”’ by Drs. Krauss and Mallonee, and “‘Im- 
provements in the Collodion Method ”’ by Professor S. H. Gage. 

Dr. Mercer exhibited an improvement on the Syracuse solid 
watch glass, having a peculiar shape so that they may be piled 
together without slipping. | 

Mr. Pflaum exhibited a metal block for centering slides which 
he found very convenient. It is figured in his article in this 
volume of the proceedings. 

The society then adjourned to 3 P. M. 


Fripay, August 23d. 

The meeting was called to order at 3 P. M. in the McGraw 

The Secretary: The Constitution requires that amendments 
shall not be made except ona year’s notice. Article II provides 
that membership may be acquired by application in writing, 
recommendation by two members of the executive committee, and 
election by the society. Notice is given that next year an 
amendment will be proposed striking out the words from 
“ nomination ” to ‘“‘society” inclusive, and so changing it that it 
shall read ‘“‘ and election by the executive committee.” 


The purpose of this is to prevent the long delay, often nearly 
a year, before persons applying between the meetings could 
become members, although in practice they were furnished the 
proceedings like regular members. 

The President: This notice of amendment then has been 
duly given, and next year at our meeting it will be acted upon 
and decided. . 

The Secretary: A proposition has been submitted that there 
be two classes of members, or two conditions of membership for 
life, which would add to our income. The first is that persons 
or organizations desiring to obtain the proceedings, by paying 
$50 would be considered as subscribing members, without any 
other rights of membership ; while those paying $100 would be 
full-life members, and entitled to take part in the proceedings of 
the society. 

The President: This will be considered as due notice that 
this amendment will be brought up for consideration and final 
action next year. The proposition concerns membership and 
requires an amendment to the Constitution. 

The President: We have difficulty in storing the property of 
the society, especially the plates. The drawings for these are 
furnished by the writers, and they are made at the society's 
expense. I propose that after an article has been published the 
plates shall go to the writer. 

I think the plates will do a great deal more good in that way 
than in the hands of the society, where they are practically a 
burden. Not one plate in fifty will ever be used again by the 
society. A person interested enough to make the plate would 
likely in future work find real use and convenience in having 
these plates to show some other phase of the subject. 

Professor Ward: Is this to be retroactive, or simply to deal 
with the future ? 

The President: As the stock is a burden to us, it seems that 
it should refer also to the past as far as possible. 

Professor Ward: J make a motion then to the effect that the 
plates now in the possession of the society, or those to be used 


in future publications, be given to the authors of the papers in 
which they are used. 

The society is supposed to get enough out of them to pay 
for making them, otherwise they would never have been made. 
Now they are so much dead timber on hand, 

The Secretary: The society expects to keep some of its 
publications, and there must be a place to store them. It is 
very unfortunate that there cannot be a permanent place of 
deposit for all our property. It is not merely a question of the 
plates, but of back sets and also of donations of the proceedings 
of other socities, of which we get a good many and would get 
many more if we had a place to keep them permanently. There 
are also some preparations and a number of other things. _A great 
deal more has been lost than we now have on hand. The society 
is expected to be national and to be permanent. The individual 
is transitory, and his heirs do not take proper care of such 
property as plates. Plates that have been prepared by students, 
say in Cornell University, might be returned and they would be 
kept properly by the University ; but that is not so with outside 
contributors. To return to them will be throwing them away. 
The society has paid for them, and they ought to remain its 
property and a place provided for them. They take up actually 
little space—all could be piled under one table. With the 
exception of the plates for one number, all the plates made 
before I became secretary have been practically lost. 

The President: That isa ground on which I proposed that 
they should be lost by the individual and not by the society. 
Science is changing and the plates are of little value after a 
short time, in most cases. Those making the plates may be 
able to use them once or twice more before they have lost their 

Professor Rowlee: ‘There seems to be the larger question of 
a permanent home involved. May it not be well to leave the 
matter to a committee, of which the treasurer shall be chairman, 
to provide a place for permanent housing of our property? I 
am sure that the plates prepared in the botanical laboratory here 


would be of more use to us in future publications than they 
could be to the society. They may be used to illustrate some 
new phase on the same general line. 

The Secretary: It was stated in a previous meeting that the 
Buffalo Academy of Arts and Sciences, in whose building the 
Buffalo Microscopical Club has its home, would afford us a 
place. I favor a committee to consider that subject. There is 
much interest in microscopy at Buffalo, and it is conveniently 
situated. I should think either there or Cornell University the 
best place. . 

Mr. Young: It is early in our history to begin giving away 
things. We may think we must give away other things. I 
think other members’ should be consulted, and move that the 
matter be deferred to the next meeting. In the meantime I 
favor a committee on the subject of a permanent home. 

Dr. Mercer: I move that the whole matter be referred to a 
committee of three or five, to consider also the larger question 
of a home for the society, as well as its property. There we 
could have a room, collect our books, etc., and meet there not 
necessarily always, but when we had no other invitations. 

This motion was seconded. 

Mr. Milnor: If Pittsburg were made such a home I can 
guarantee a place for storage that would be fire-proof. 

Dr. Mercer: Dr. Krauss expressed the same thought to-day 
as to Buffalo. The President stated the question to be on the 
amendment to appoint a committee of three, as made by Dr. 

Professor Rowlee: We must notice that we are about to 
transfer all this material, with the change of office. 

The President : No, the material is with the treasurer, not with 
the secretary, according to the Constitution. 

( It was explained that the plates had, by special arrangement, 
been left with the secretary.) 

Professor Ward: Plates to be useful at all must be used in a 
very short time. The society will not print the same plate in a 
volume within a year or two. After that it is of little use. But 


this does not affect the question of considering a permanent 
home—for the two questions must be distinguished clearly. 

The Secretary: One paper in the journal this past year was 
illustrated with a plate used in 1884, and last year. Dr. Stedman 
applied to me for a plate used in 1882. 

Dr. Mercer: Such plates would be very useful if in the 
hands of the society for illustrating historical papers treating of 
the development of some subject—as I have seen in articles 
published by the Royal Microscopical Society. 

The President: The question is on the amendment, that a 
committee of three be appointed to investigate the whole matter 
of the property of the society and a permanent home for the 

The President put the motion, which was carried. 

The President: A proposition has been made to print the 
Constitution and By-laws—four pages—every year in the pro- 
ceedings, so that all new members may receive it and know 
their rights and duties. 

The Secretary: The proceedings are arranged to bind two 
years, in a single cover. Every two years there is an index for 
this double volume, there being only tables of contents with the 
annual volumes. The Constitution has been put in only once in 
this biennial volume, not in each annual volume. 

After discussion, Professor Rowlee moved that the Constitution 
be inserted in each annual volume. 

Mr. Pflaum: I move as a substitute that the Constitution be 
printed separately for distribution. 

The President: And not bound up in the bound volume ? 

Mr. Pflaum: No, because not necessary. We could send 
these pamphlets to persons wishing to know the character of the 

President Gage: The American Association for the Advance- 
ment of Science prints its constitution: in every volume of its 
proceedings ; the constitution and list of members are also printed 
separately for distribution, as suggested. 

Mr. Pflaum: I then would make an amendment that they be 


printed in the proceedings, and also separately for distribution. 
I would include the list of members. 

Professor Rowlee accepted the amendment and the motion 
was carried. 

The President: Our treasurer has had bound an official copy 
of our proceedings. It is moved that an official copy be similarly 
bound for the secretary. 

Dr. Mercer: It would be well that this set, instead of look- 
ing exactly like the other, should be marked as being the 
secretary’s official copy. 

This amendment was accepted by the mover and the motion 
as amended was passed. 

The President: The Spencer-Tolles fund is approximately 
$400, and is invested in a building association or fund in Ohio, 
netting six per cent. The treasurer proposes to transfer it to a 
similar association in Pittsburg where it will net ten per cent., and 
be safe. The executive committee has referred this to the 
society for action. 

Mr. Pflaum: This building and loan society in Pittsburg is 
not a merely speculative and insecure one. It is national, and 
its officers, whom I know personally, are well-known and per- 
fectly trustworthy men. In seven years the fund will be at least 
$1,000. The association has been paying fifteen per cent., but 
interest is falling everywhere and they do not expect over ten per 
cent, soon 

The Secretary: This is an important matter and not of the 
kind that we as a society are well fitted to decide. It depends 
on judgment and investigation. I make a motion to refer the 
matter to a committee of gentlemen residing in Pittsburg, three 
members to be appointed by the President, with power to act if 
in their judgment it is the best thing to do. 

Mr. Pflaum: I amend the motion by saying that the full 
membership of this society residing at Pittsburg be the committee. 

The Secretary: I accept the amendment. 

Mr. Milnor: I approve of what Professor Seaman has said. 

[he society itself should not attempt to judge at a distance. 


We should investigate thoroughly before the money is placed in 
the hands of any society, especially a building and loan society.’ 

Dr. Mercer: I utterly oppose the investment of the money 
in that way. Mr. Spencer and Mr. Tolles were men who would 
have little sympathy with such a proposition. They would 
prefer three per cent. in a safe place, to twenty per cent. in a building 
society. If Mr. Spencer understood the principles on which 
these societies are conducted he would oppose it. As I under- 
stand it, they advertise to investors a high return—ten or twelve per 
cent., and to borrowers remarkably cheap loans. But that is 
impossible. It is the old story—the man who buys his coal by 
the bushel pays a higher price. Mr. Spencer would be the last 
to make him do that. 

The Secretary: The object of the motion is that the com- 
mittee shall do what in their judgment seems best—and I think 
the society will be willing to trust these members. I think Dr. 
Mercer must be under misapprehension as regards building 
associations, for statistics of the United States show. that no other 
investment is so safe. But there are different kinds of associations. 
I should want to know the character of the men. 

Mr. Milnor: I think if the matter is left to gentlemen in 
Pittsburg it will be safe. I know this association to be first class. 
But it has brought its rate of interest down now and _ will 
eventually be much lower, so it may not bring over six per cent.; 
and if that is the case I think bonds at six per cent. would be a 
preferable investment. 

Dr. Mercer: I do not think we ought to place this money in 
any institution where any -person can even use the word 
suspicious with reference to it. 

This fund has been obtained with great difficulty and must not 
be lost. I believe it should be taken from Ohio, and it would be 
safer to put it into a savings bank at Pittsburg where it would 
probably pay four per cent. Building associations are not the 
place for trust funds. I should be afraid of an institution paying 
ten per cent. when money is begging everywhere at two per cent. 

Mr. Plaum: If the money had not already been in a build- 


ing association I perhaps might not have suggested putting it in 
this one. This one is better than that. A building society is 
only a co-operative savings bank. The reason it pays such 
large profits could be readily explained ; it depends on the com- 
pounding of interest largely. The members get the difference 
between six per cent, and ten per cent., taken by the proprietors 
of savings banks. These associations have been of greatest 
benefit to the poor men of Pennsylvania. The former opposition 
to them—e. g. that of the courts, has been overcome by their 
results. I think a committee could be trusted to treat this as a 
sacred fund, as it Is. ; 

Mr. Young: As I understand it the committee is not bound, 
by the motion, to change the fund or to put it in a building 
society, but as they see fit. 

The Secretary: Yes,the resolution reads that the members of 
the society residing in Pittsburg shall form a committee to invest 
the Spencer-Tolles fund. 

Mr. Phaum: (Answering a question.) There are about 
seven active members in Pittsburg. It might be better that the 
President appoint three or five out of these, as it would take 
some time to sound all of them personally. I withdraw my 
amendment and leave the original motion for a committee of 
three or five. . 

Mr. Milnor: I want the responsibility to come from the 
Association—let the President appoint the committee. 

The President: The motion then is that a committee of three 
be appointed by the chair to re-invest the Spencer-Tolles fund. 

Mr. Phaum: The change is necessary. The only member 
at the time of the investment in Urbana, Ohio, has resigned, and 
there is not a soul to look after the money there. 

The motion as’stated by the chair was now put, and carried. 

The Treasurer presented his report. 

Dr. Mercer: I move that the report be accepted and adopted, 
and that we thank the Treasurer for bringing to our attention 
the character of the investment of this fund. 

The President put the motion, which was carried, and then 


stated that the executive committee recommend that 500 copies 
of the proceedings be printed. . 

Mr. Pflaum: This matter might perhaps best be deferred until 
a permanent place of storage is decided on. As it is, our extra 
copies take about 200 cubic yards and it costs $12 a year to store 
them, without insurance. We have about 225 active members. 

Dr. Moody: I move the society publish 300 copies. 

The Treasurer stated the number of copies of each issue 
actually on hand, viz.: 

LOG Se a ia: SO een pet UD 2: Hees ons, ad 57 
iste ean he hae 30 SS Of eee ieee ae et SF) 246 
TEST 2. . aL wee ee Ae F892 =SPartialitiyes ees cies. Le 185 
Tio. Seng ae on os 43 Parties: SLA re 
Poneer te ak. ok. ee eo Bantu rere cee: 76 

UG ee ee Re 6 L893 —SParti lee ranrs aes ote en HB 
ISIS. 2 Seg See 44 Parte il ce eee. 53 
Llelol Gis Se RS I MMe tli te 35 arta teens oo. ehh 126 
LSS ee PPS Se ee ee 236 Jedriniy Zine 8 We 152 
LISIEISIG cas cok tS aa ee A eae 154. i [poh Aa A a a aa a a le 
MSC chat i. co cclbbel cncrdvsieipis te 175 

*Of these numbers the Secretary has several copies. If any members could supply 
duplicates of 1884 to the Treasurer it would add to our complete sets, 

Professor Ward: It is evident that even of the number in 
1893, of which we have the most on hand, 350 copies were used. 
We can never tell when one of the papers may find a consider- 
able sale—they often do. If we get a permanent home it will 
be no trouble to store even 250, while the lack of numbers at 
any time when they are really desired is a very serious matter. 
The cost of printing extra copies, not requiring type setting, is 
comparatively very little. 

The President: The question is on the amendment changing 
the 500 to 300. 

The amendment is lost. 

Now we will proceed with the original motion, that 500 copies 
of the proceedings this year be published, and also as many 
copies of the Constitution, By-laws and list of members, as in the 
wisdom of the executive committee is desirable. 

The Secretary: The society furnishes to each author in the 
proceedings 25 ‘‘ separates’ made by dividing up 25 of the 500 


copies printed. As the Constitution, By-laws and list of members 
are to be printed in each volume, this separation leaves 25 copies 
of them, which can be used as desired. I have always furnished 
lists of members, to people asking for them, out of these 
copies. There has never been demand for more than that. 

Thereupon the motion as above stated by the chairman was 

The President: The next question is whether the proceed- 
ings shall be printed as a single volume, as was done until the 
Rochester meeting, or in four separate numbers, as has been 
done since. The proposition is submitted by the executive com- 
mittee without recommendation. 

Professor Rowlee: I move the printing of the proceedings in 
a single volume. 

The secretary just elected stated to me, knowing that the 
matter was coming up, that he thought it highly advisable that 
the proceedings be in a single volume.. He did not believe he 
would be able to bring out four separate numbers and do it 
promptly. The work has been very hard for the present secre- 
tary. It really requires four times the technical work and care. 
It keeps one struggling the whole year instead of three months. 
I believe the incoming secretary can keep his promise to get out 
the entire proceedings of this meeting before the holidays. The 
present method was an experiment. Dr. Seaman was willing to 
give us the necessary time, as he has done; but he could not 
keep it up permanently. In spite of Dr. Seaman’s best efforts the 
numbers have at times been delayed, and the work has been 

The President: I would prefer one number, and to look that 
through, and not to have to tie the four up with a string before 
they are bound. I have had a good deal to do with the printing 
—of course only a fraction of what the secretary has done, and I 
am convinced that to ask anyone to go over the task four times 
is asking too much. Editing the whole proceedings need not be 
much more work than one part. A person capable of being 
secretary can hardly afford the time. The last number for last 


year did not appear till after the meeting, and this year’s last 
number will not come out until after this meeting, in spite of our 
best efforts. 

The question is that the proceedings for this year be published 
in a single volume. 

The motion is carried. 

Professor Ward: There is to be started with the begin- 
ning of the year a scientific undertaking in Europe that is 
to be international and of such a character that I want to bring 
it prominently before you, and urge action of the society in three 
directions. Most of you know the great difficulty of tracing 
bibliographical references, the extreme incompleteness of the 
present system of Bibliography. There is to be established in 
Zurich a bibliographical bureau for zoology, which will go into 
operation January 1, 1896. It absorbs the Zoologischer 
Anzeiger, and the /Jahresbericht, which is published at the 
Naples station; it absorbs the Archiv fir Naturgeschichte, at 
least the second volume, which publishes a résumé of the work 
in the different portions of the animal kingdom for each year ; 
it absorbs some other minor bibliographical publications ; and it 
is hoped another year that it will include also the English Zoo- 
logical Record, thus giving in the scope of a single enterprise 
all the bibliographical notices of the world. In France a sub- 
committee to push the matter is very thoroughly organized, and 
the organization of the American side is thoroughly under way 
In France the subcommittee is under the supportand encouragement 
of the Zoological Society of Paris. Sub-committees have already 
been organized in Switzerland, Italy, Hungary, Russia, Germany 
and England. The members who furnish the bibliographical 
records for the bureau give their services free. There are two or 
three paid officials in connection with the bureau itself, one 
of whom being the very well-known Professor Carus, of Leipsic, 
editor of the Zoologischer Anzeiger, who is to give his entire 
time for the munificent sum of $500 a year. This shows 
you that the enterprise is a purely scientific one. The 
men who are working in it are not doing it for the sake of 


gain, but in the effort to lighten the labors of the workers in this 
field throughout the world. 

The bureau proposes to record all publications which touch 
upon zoology, and to have the recording done not by librarians— 
and you know that the cards sent out by library associa- 
tions for scientific topics sometimes include Rotifera among the 
Infusoria, and make all sorts of mistakes—but by zoologists who 
know exactly what they are doing. The bureau is to have two 
publications, a fortnightly bulletin and a card catalogue. The 
bulletin is to be in exactly the same shape as the lists and short 
reviews or résumés of contents now given by the ‘ Zoologischer 
Anzeiger.’ The card catalogue is to have these same, but each 
printed on a card after the fashion recommended by the Library 

It is expected to receive subscriptions to both of these, and 
also that the bureau will be able of offer specialists subscriptions 
to that portion of the bulletins or cards which deals with their 
special work—as for instance that part of the bulletin dealing 
with entomology and the cards dealing with that subject. 

There are three things that the bureau asks, and must have if 
it is to succeed. It asks in the first place a certain subsidy, 
for in the first two or three years it is practically certain that it 
cannot pay expenses. The Swiss, French and German govern- 
ments have already granted subsidies—the Swiss gave $400. I 
had an interview in New York with the gentleman who is at the 
head of the whole enterprise, who has put all of his time, and 
of his fortune—not a great one—into the undertaking. He 
told me the particulars of the votes by the several governments, 
but I have forgotten some of them. The government in this 
country can not take such a part as this. The matter can only 
be pushed by bringing it before the learned societies. In this 
country a subscription of $250 in addition to what has already 
been raised is all that is asked. This is not an exorbitant share, 
[am sure, The German Academy of Sciences, let me say, has 
voted a subsidy to the undertaking. There are three societies 
here that can be looked to for a subsidy—the Association for the 


Advancement of Science, the American Society of Naturalists, 
and our own society. ' What else is collected must be from 
private persons or local societies. I know it is difficult to raise 
even a small sum. The executive committee has discussed it, 
and it is easy to see that the society is not rich. But I should like 
to ask the society for $25—a very small sum. I ask this more 
for the reason that I want to see the society in line with this 
work, which is for the benefit of the whole world and of every 
worker in this country. 

Second, the bureau asks that we send a free copy of our 
publications. And third it asks subscriptions for its publications, 
but of course this concerns private persons rather than this society. 

The President: If the chair may be allowed, I should like 
most heartily to second this motion. I may add that since the 
meeting of the executive committee, I have received a letter 
from Dr. Kingsley saying that the combined societies in the 
American Society of Naturalists have given a very cordial 
endorsement of the movement, and that he counts on us for help. 
“Cannot and will not you help us?” is the last sentence. It 
seems to me that our society which publishes proceedings, wishes 
them to be made known widely in just this way—we do not 
want to be ina corner. I am happy to say that on talking with 
some members of the society I can say that if this vote is passed 
by the society it shall not come out of the treasury or from the 

ordinary income of the society. It shall have the honor, if it is 
such, of making the gift, but it shall not bear the expense. 

All those in favor of giving our proceedings to this Bibliog- 
raphical Bureau, and of granting a subsidy of $25, please say 
aye. | 

The motion is carried. 

(It was stated by Professor Ward that this subsidy was for 
one year only and did not bind the society after that.) 

The President: I think that finishes the business of the 
society, except for what we recognize as a pleasant function as 
well as one of our duties, and that is our words of appreciation 
for the kindness of the people of the place at which we meete 


The first vote, I think, we all recognize, should be given to the 
University for the welcome that has been given us, and for the 
facilities offered for this meeting. 

Professor Ward: We must all recognize that the success of 
the meeting has been largely due to the place in which it has 
been held. Entirely aside from the fact that Cornell University 
has honored us with “A.M. S.,’ witness these buttons—and a 
Master’s degree from Cornell University is a matter of congratu- 
lation certainly for each of us—entirely aside from that, the cor- 
dial reception which has been given us by the officers of the Uni- 
versity, the way in which everyone has made us feel at home 
within these walls, will cause all to carry away a feeling that 
Cornell University keeps a unique place in our thought. To 
those of us who are college men no affection can be quite like 
that which one feels for his alma mater, but I must confess that 
after the very pleasant time which I have had here, there is a 
second place, comparatively near that, which will be given to 
Cornell University ; and it is with a great deal pleasure that I 
move that we extend to the President, the officers and faculty of 
Cornell University our sincere thanks for the very cordial invita- 
tion and reception which they have given us, and for the facilities 
which they have placed in our hands, aiding. us in holding the 
most successful meeting of the society which it has been my 
privilege to attend. 

The President: You have heard the motion, ladies and gentle- 
men. All those in favor of this motion will rise—that is the 
kind of voting one likes to see. 

Next to the University, I think, we have to thank our local 
committee. If anyone has ever beena member I feel quite sure he 
would agree with me in that. 

Mr. Seaman: Mr. President, having been secretary of the 
Society several years, I think I am in a position to say some- 
thing about the local committee. The first year in which my 
active duties as secretary began was at Washington, and there we 
had an active local committee. The next to the last year of my 
duties was at Brooklyn, where there was no local committee and 


nothing else. Now the difference between those two extremes 
of conditions measures the difference between a successful meet- 
ing of the society and a failure. There is nothing that can make 
up for a want of interest in the place where the society meets, as 
regards some at least of the conditions of a successful meeting. 
Of course, if the society is strong in members, and those members 
attend from all over the country, they can have a good meeting 
where there is nothing but a house to cover them. But that is 
not usually the case. There are certain requirements of attend- 
ance, of providing for the comfort of members, of showing inter- 
est in the meeting which contributes enthusiasm to those who 
come from a distance; and more than that, if we look over the 
meetings of the Microscopical Society, you will see that on 
several occasions in the early days of the society the meetings 
have been redeemed from failure by the activity of one or two 
men in the place where the meeting was held. I think that I might 
refer to the meeting at Elmira particularly as an instance. So 
the meeting at Columbus, Ohio, which was one of the first that 
I attended, was such that it seemed to me at that time that the 
society had touched a very low ebb, and had it not been for the 
efforts of one or two of the local members there would scarcely 
have been any meeting. Now ina society that is in the early 
days of what we hope will be a prosperous future, the local com- 
mittee is one of the principal pillars upon which it must rest. 
And in the case of our meeting here, I can say most heartily and 
earnestly that the local committee has done the largest part of 
the work, that to it is largely due the success of this meeting. 
I therefore offer a resolution of thanks to the local committee from 
the very bottom of my heart, that its members have lightened 
my labors and made the meeting a success. 

The President: I think that I will proceed with the original 
method and not take a vote, because I am sure that is in the 
heart of every one of us. 

Next to the local committee we have to thank the city of 
Ithaca. As I said in my remarks in answer to the address of 

welcome, we had not hoped so very much from the city. That 


was wrong in us. We misjudged the city. When we went to 
them we found their hearts open, and they stayed open; and the 
next time we have a meeting we shall not go with any doubt to 
the men of the city, but with full confidence. I hope there will 
be given in the heart of every one of us a hearty vote of thanks 
for the city, and I would call upon Dr. Moody, who was a 
student here for many years, and who knows the city better than 
I do, to say a few words to us concerning it. 

Dr. Moody: I must confess that I felt a little surprise when 
our President announced that he approached the people of the 
city with what we might call fear and trembling, with regard to 
the reception of the society ; because it was my experience as a 
student here that when anything was started on the campus the 
town was always behind us. Surely in this case it was so. I 
heard the chairman of the local committee the other day on the 
street telling what great success he had had in the work he was 
doing among the citizens. I am sure we all felt from the time 
that we were welcomed by Mr. Van Vleet at the opening of the 
meeting, that the hearty welcome he gave us, came from 
his heart and from the hearts of the people—we felt that their 
hearts were open to us. And Iam sure as we sailed down this 
beautiful lake yesterday afternoon, amidst your delightful breezes, 
we all felt then that the citizens had an interest in us, and that 
the street-car company also, which carried us up and down these 
hills, had an interest in us. I feel that each one of us will be 
glad to come to Ithaca again, where we have received so warm 
a welcome, to accept the invitation which has been extended to 
us indefinitely for some future time. I therefore move a vote of 
thanks to the citizens of Ithaca for their cordiality to us. 

The President: I would like to put the motion that has just 
been made, namely: that we render the citizens of Ithaca a 
hearty vote of thanks for their courtesy to us, and their warm 
welcome to the city, 

The motion is carried. 

The President: When the chairman of the local committee 
and myself were discussing this meeting, the question of the press 


arose immediately in our minds. What help could we get in. 
giving information about the society, and for the encouraging 
and interesting of the people here in Ithaca in the society? The 
chairman of the local committee went to the papers in Ithaca, and 
the welcome there was cordial. You who have seen the papers 
since you have been here I know cannot help feeling that the 
press of Ithaca has done everything that it possibly could to 
make our meeting asuccess. They have acted, as the Honorable 
Mr. Van Vleet said in the beginning, as though they felt honored 
in the presence of the society in their midst, and they have done 
for us, if one remembers the limited space of the great papers 
nowadays, a great deal. I would ask some one to say a few 
words on what the press has done for us in our meeting. 

Mr. Plaum: A sure test of the grade of civilization of a 
race, of a nation, lies in the short phrase, ‘‘ What’s going on?” 
—both in the question and in the answer, and especially how 
that answer is recorded, so that neither wind nor weather, nor 
time, even, can ever blot it out. The question with the savage refers 
to immediate bodily needs, and the answer dies with the acqui- 
sition of his physical requirements. With advancing civilization 
the question broadens in scope, and takes in friend and neighbor, 
and gradually it leaps over territorial bounds till finally it takes 
in all of society, and records its answer for future generations. 
How painful is the attempt of our remote ancestors to tell us 
what was going on. The invention of form writing, of hier- 
oglyphics, to tell even a simple event, must have taken years of 
the writer. With the invention of the alphabet the recording of 
that answer was made more easy, but the process remained at 
best a rude and slow one. It was the invention of printing that 
gave the greatest aid. The art of printing gave an impulse for 
more questioning and a wider answer. To-day the question and 
answer to “‘ What is going on?” has become centralized in the 
most civilized nations, and their standing is measured by the 
quantity, quality and freedom of that grand modern organism 
known as the press. 

Our society most gratefully acknowledges that our work and 


aims have been recorded and spread broadcast as part of the 
answer by the press to the question, ‘“‘ What is going on?” We 
have been aided and benefited, and our labors lightened by the 
help that is has afforded. The press of this city has nobly per- 
formed its functions, it has faithfully recorded our endeavors to 
add our part to human advancement. We appreciate the kindly 
feeling and generous spirit of the press of Ithaca, and tender it 
a most cordial au revoir. 

The motion of thanks to the press of Ithaca was put and 

Professor Rowlee: I should like to make a few remarks in 
regard to the privileges that have been extended to us in another 
relation, and I think I can do so without blushing. I think many 
of the members do not understand how much we have to thank 
the railroads and the street railroads of this city for the success 
of this meeting. It was with a good deal of embarrassment 
that I asked for the privilege of reduced rates to this meeting. 
I feared that there might be some question as to whether we 
were entitled to the privilege. I expected when I went to meet 
the agent of the Trunk Line Association to find a strictly 
business and railroad man, who would be very strict in his 
treatment of us. But when I met the gentleman his first words 
were: ‘We want to do for you people everything that we can. 
We realize that you are working for the advancement of civilization 
in this country, that you are doing it freely, and we want to do 
everything for you that we can.” He has treated us in every 
way most cordially. I am sure that any man who has to do 
with this gentleman, or with the other railroad men of the 
country, in regard to meetings for the furthering of human 
knowledge, will have a very cordial reception, and he should not 
be afraid to ask for anything. 

In regard to the street railroad, the mere asking was the 
having of the privilege of your riding free over their lines to the 
lake. I did not ask them to carry you free all the time you 
were here [am not sure but they would if I had asked them. 
The President of this society has often reminded me that when 


he wanted anything done that required a great deal of courage | 
—he did not call it courage, however, he called it cheek, but I 
think courage is a better word—he sent for me. But my 
courage failed when I thought of asking free transportation 
during the whole meeting. 

I move that we tender a vote of thanks to the Trunk Line 
Association of the Central States, and to the Street Railway 
Company of Ithaca for the courtesies which they have extended 
to us during our meeting. 

The motion is carried. 

The President: This completes our program, I believe, with 
one exception, and that is the pleasant duty of the President to 
resign his chair to the incoming President. I wish to say that 
I have only sincere gratitude to the society for the cordiality 
that I have received at their hands. I hope that the incoming 
President will receive the same. I feel sure that he will, and I 
think that if we go on with the society, each one of us trying to 
do the very best he can, going in the spirit of true scientific 
brotherhood, there won’t be any question ever arising as to 
whether we are being treated properly or not. We won't think 
anything about it. It is like the best kind of digestion ; we don’t 
know that we have any stomach while we are all right. It is 
only when we are dyspeptic that we know it—that we feel as the 
little boy did after the Thanksgiving dinner, when he asked his 
mother if the turkey was alive again. There will never be any 
question of that kind with us. Weare helping our friends ; they 
are helping us. I am frank to say that a great many of the 
things that have been stated on this platform have given me the 
greatest help, and real inspiration. It perhaps may not be 
modest for me to say it, but it seemed to me as [| listened to 
these papers, that in a great many of the societies I have attended 
before, we have not had any that have exceeded these, to say 
the least. If I may say in a general way, not to be egotistic, it 
has done my heart good to see the genial look on the faces of 
the people as I looked into them. Nobody seemed to feel that 
he was being abused; nobody looked as if he was not enjoying 


himself. Everybody seemed to think that things were going 
rightly, and that look encourages the presiding officer and the 
one who is reading the paper, and thus it makes the meeting a 
success. Dr. Mercer—when acting as President, the best I can 
say for you, the best wish I can have for you, is that you will be 
accorded the same pleasant treatment. 

Mr. Milnor: I think that one thing which always makes 
a great deal, at least. depends upon it 
—is the manner ia which the presiding officer discharges his 

these gatherings pleasant 

duties. And I think we all would like to express our apprecia- 
tion to the President of the past year for the manner in which he 
has discharged his duty, his courtesy and the way in which he 
has made us all feel perfectly at home. I regret exceedingly 
that this task of expressing to him our feelings, the most 
pleasant one, I think, of all, has not been placed in the hands of 
some one more eloquent than myself, one that could speak forth 
the sentiments that I know ‘have filled the hearts of every one 
who has attended these meetings. I therefore with the utmost 
pleasure—it is one of the greatest pleasures of my life—move 
that a standing vote of thanks be extended to Professor Gage 
for the manner in which he has discharged his duty to this 
meeting. : 

( Applause and a standing vote of all the members.) 

President Gage: I thank you gentlemen, most heartily, for 
this vote of thanks. 

Inaugural remarks of the new President. 

President Mercer: /ellow members—I thank you for the 
honor that you have conferred upon me by your choice. It is 
an honor which I feel, and an honor at the same time which I 
know perfectly well means something in the way of work. So 
far as I am able to work for you I shall be happy to do so. 
I hope that your wishes will be freely expressed in one and 
another, so that I may know what to do. 

If I could carry that face, which is beaming and smiling before 
us, as our old President did, I have no doubt I should see beams 
and smiles in the faces all around me. He forgot in wishing for 


me the same cordial reception, that he but saw round about him 
the reflection of his own face. I think it is a rather hard thing 
for a successor of Professor Gage to get those smiles. However, 
I am at your service and your pleasure. 

The society then adjourned. 

Friday evening, August 23, at eight o’clock, the society held a 
soirée in the University gymnasium and armory, which was 
attended by a large number of visitors from Ithaca. About sixty 
microscopes were in use, and those present expressed a great 
deal of pleasure at the opportunity afforded to examine objects 
by the microscope. As one of the incidents of the occasion, 
Professor Burr, who entertained the society so pleasantly 
with his literary treasures, assured the writer that, although 
connected with the university several years, he never before had 
looked through a microscope. This entertainment closed one 
of the most successful meetings the American Microscopical 
Society has ever enjoyed. 

[ The letter of Dr. Seaman resigning the position of editor and 
secretary of the society, also the resolutions expressing the 
society’s thanks and hearty approval of his labors, have been 
misplaced aud could not be obtained by the present secretary to 
insert in the proceedings —W. C. K.] 



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Ks 1892, Ay eames “Gin kde Sia biaay cee 8.00 
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es C1894 (254) ce eee eee ie eee 51.00 
es fF F895 2028. Lise ihn Sher sle peaiebe ee hae aiegh Oa e 405.20 
s « 1896— |. G2 .5stae Bea oper seh eee 12.80 
Admission Fees for 1892——— alee el aera ere =e 200 
se ‘f) 91895 > 10 Oe ie aa ee eee 30.00 
Sale: of Proceedings. a... cstion cae e sae ee Oren Sea 12.80 
Brooklyn Prize. Fund. 3.5. eae eer ane cerca 30.00 
Postage: 2... 5./ocsol.u. Js es oa oe eee eee $ 29.41 
IXpressage. 2). 44 .\anied shoe ae ee ae eee 13.82 
Stationery and Printing 1894. ... 4. 2..2...5..25. 5. 1.75 
‘P se st 1995 ke ee eee 16.75 
Sundries 300. 2. ate eke cele tes, Saree a eee 3.75 
Binding Official Copy of Proceedings............. 10.50 
igsuine’ Part. 4, Vol. X'Vi.cicacoseaece eee ltt esti} 
es és. “1,2 and 3). Volpi cs oe ee 394.49 
$648 . 20 
Cash on hand at opening of Meeting at Ithaca.... 96.92 
- $745.12 
Reported at Brooklyn Meeting’... 25. J... 22 css « $349.38 
Interest received during year 1894-95. ..................... 22.89 
| $372.27 

We hereby certify that we have examined the foregoing accounts, and 
find the same correct with proper vouchers for expenditures. 

Ithaca, N. Y., August 22, 1895. D. S. KELLICOTT. 


MacGnus PFLaum, Pittsburg, Pa. 

The Spectroscope has made known that matter is universal ; 
that elements constituting the earth are also contained in other 
celestial bodies. It is, however, very human to endeavor phys- 
ically to perceive what mentally we know, especially if the 
object is from extra-terrestrial spheres. 

This feeling of curious interest must have animated the 
members of the Calcutta Microscopical Society, when, at one 
of their meetings, a substance was presented to them described 
as follows : 

“The coarse-grained, dark-colored dust which drifts, as all 
“Calcutta residents are aware, into the leeward corners of our 
“flat house-tops, is found to contain, mixed with dried portions 
‘of organic matter, certain magnetic and hyaline granules which 
‘““present appearances highly indicative of previous fusion. 
“These appear mostly as opaque or translucent spheroidal 
‘bodies, sometimes single and isolated, and sometimes composed 
“of more than one spherule fused together, varying in size from 
“to'c0 tO 35 Of an inch in diameter. The opaque bodies vary 
sail Pee from black to rusty red, whilst the transparent spheres, 
“by transmitted light, are light brown or yellowish like colored 
“glass. They frequently include bubbles, patches of granular 
““matter, and more rarely crystals. The surfaces are usually 
“smooth, and occasionally bubble-like protuberances bulge out 
“on the sides. Composite grains are not uncommon in which a 
‘“‘ glassy mass protrudes from an opaque body. Particles present- 
‘“‘ing these characters have been obtained from house-tops widely 
‘separated from one another and at considerable height, as on 
“the tower of the High Court, facts which are of importance 
“in considering any ‘conclusions as to the origin of this 
“‘ material.’’* 

The members inclined to assign to these particles a meteoric 
# Am. Mo. Mic. J., Vol. XIV., page 72. _ 


It was no great leap of thought to cause the writer to speculate 
upon the possible presence of such “meteoric matter” in the 
Court House tower at Pittsburg, Pa., though it required more 
“than a leap to carry that thought into action, by climbing the 
steep ascent to the top floor of the tower. This floor is about 
250 feet from the street, with open, narrow windows on all sides, 
allowing winds to pass in and out in all directions. For this 
reason comparatively little dust was found in the floor corners. 
But what little was obtained was an ‘‘ omnium gatherum,” indeed. 
What it did not contain might be easier to mention. But a 
magnet separated the desirable matter from the dross, which, 
upon being cleaned, showed the presence of the identical globules, 
iron and hyaline, described above, as found in Calcutta. 

But were these little strangers sent as visitors from some 
celestial body ? Doubtful. Whether as solid or gas they could 
not have left their former abode. The law of gravity would pre- 
vent even heavier particles to leave a starry globe. Why could 
they not be made artificially and thrown into the air by glass 
houses and iron works? Pittsburg having both of these 
industries in abundance, it seemed proper to make a practical 
investigation. A visit to a glass house at once proved that no 
glassy globules can be sent out of the ‘‘ Clay Pots” wherein 
glass is melted. The pot is almost hermetically sealed. Fire 
surrounds the vessel, merely melts, does not vaporize the con- 
tents. The pot has no opening permitting glass, or any possible 
vapor, to escape intoa chimney. However by way of precaution 
some dust was taken from the opening in the pot out of which, 
when ready, the glass is lifted. Upon examination nothing but 
grains of sand and fine strings of glass were found. Next, a 
blast furnace was visited, and a quantity of ‘ flue dust ” obtained ; 
but in it nothing but ragged pieces of coke and iron found. The 
Bessemer converter yielded better results. The cold blast 
admitted causes a seething white heat in the metal and drives 
out all impurities, which on reaching a colder stratum of air, are 
solidified in the form of spherules, and the ground around is 
covered with what looks like gunshot of all sizes, some 


microscopical. These would answer our quest, were it not that. 
no hyaline globules could be found in the gathering. 

The next gathering was from the refining department of a 
rolling mill. After three days of showers, the roof having 
thereby been well washed, a quantity of fresh deposit was pro- 
cured. This, upon being cleansed, produced, ’midst iron and 
other particles of all shapes, the identical globules in large 
quantity, exactly in every particular described as found in 
Calcutta. There were not only reguar iron and hyaline spheres, 
but all-the various zregu/ar particles, some even with both 
hyaline and iron excrescences. There being no doubt that these 
pretty little bodies are a product of iron mills the question 
remains, how did they come to Calcutta? If there are no iron 
works there, then they must be blown across from Europe. 
The winds blow easterly. In iron works are high chimneys witli 
strong drafts. It is therefore not at all unlikely that these 
particles are sent up a comparatively high altitude, received by 
easterly winds and deposited in regions beyond. 



The conditions surrounding many of our swamp and marsh 
plants are such as to render the free absorption of oxygen a com- 
paratively difficult matter. This applies particularly to the 
organs growing in the mud and water, the roots, rhizomes and 
bases of stems. In the majority of land plants oxygen is taken 
up by these organs through the epidermis by diffusion, and is 
carried from there to the cortical parts where it is needed. In 
the water this free diffusion is rendered difficult and often nearly 
impossible. In such cases we find the plant adapting itself by 
varying and changing its structure, so as to enable it to grapple 
with the new conditions. 

Such variation may be in one of several directions (5), by 
increasing the absorbing surface, by facilitating diffusion by means 
of large intercellular spaces, or by producing organs or tissues 
better fitted to absorb the necessary gases. Inthe extended root 
system of Mikania and some of the palms we find an example 
of the first change, the stem of the water lilies may represent 
the second, and the tissues of Decodon Verticillatus ( Nese@a Ver- 
ticillata) Jussi@a complete the series.. 

Whether these plants, z. ¢. species, which are so modified, have 
shown such structure from the beginning of their existence is a 
question. We may recall the explanation of Shaler (1) with 
regard to the cypress knees. He considered the cypress a tree of 
earlier geologic times than our own, crowded into the swamps at 
the present time by more favored rivals. Here, under the 
adverse conditions of respiration, it developed the knees. On 
the hillsides, where the old conditions prevailed, no knees were 

formed. In the case of Decodon, Lycopus and others, I believe, 
we see something akin to this. 


There are at present, then, a number of piants which have, in 
their later stages, contrivances or organs enabling them to obtain 
oxygen more easily than without such contrivances. The latter 
have become, in the majority of cases, recognized characters of 
their species, such as Decodon, Jusst@a, etc. The remaining 
ones seem to have a greater plasticity of organization in this 
respect. During the past year I had occasion to observe the 
habits of several of this class. Lycopus sinuatus, a labiate 
growing ina variety of habitats, from dry borders of woods to 
deeper swamps. If a specimen from a dry location be taken, 
one will find the lower portion of the stem and the rhizome of 
about the same size as the aérial stem. The characteristic 
sclerenchyma fibres in the corners of the stem lie immediately 
below the epidermis. Specimens from a swamp show a very 
different structure. The lower portion of the stem is very much 
swollen apparently, decreasing in size as one leaves the water 
going upwards. Examination will show the epidermis ruptured 
in many places, often entirely gone, exposing to the surrounding 
air a mass of white, spongy tissue extending to the vascular 
ring. The tissue consists of elongated cells linked by smaller 
cells, forming a coarse network, as it appears, with large inter- 
cellular spaces, cavities one might almost call them. The origin 
of this tissue is similar to that found in Decodon (3). That the 
formation of this tissue is due directly to the position of the plant 
in the water, I am thoroughly convinced. Many specimens were 
collected near Southold, Long Island, growing at the edge of a 
pool in sphagnous ground. These had the “‘zerenchyma”’ tissue 
developed to a large extent. On a tree stump in this sphagnous 
ground other specimens of Lycopus flourished a foot or more above 
the water level. These had zo sign of the tissue. In all there were 
some 20 individuals on this stump. Other stumps near by and 
in neighboring swamps gave the same result. A fact which I 
have observed, but am at present unable to explain, is that @// 
individuals of this species growing in damp places do not develop 
the zrenchyma, as all individuals of Decodon do, for instance. 
One will often find in the same swamp some with, others without, 


this tissue. I believe in some parts of the country the Lycopus 
never develops this tissue ; in Central New York I was unable to 
find it. 

The same may be asked of another plant, Ludwigia Sphero- 
carpa. This plant grows luxuriantly in the muddy borders of 
some ponds on Long Island. I collected it at Manor, L. lL. 
The stems grow out from the mud with a layer of zrenchyma 
nearly one-half inch in thickness around them, the layer extend- 
ing nearly afoot above the surface of the water. Its appearance 
is in every respect similar to the layer in Decodon, so similar that 
I mistook the plant for Decodon several times. I have not col- 
lected this plant sufficiently to say that it may grow without 
zrenchyma, as does Lycopus sinuatus, but it evidently does, to 
judge from such notes as ‘‘Bark below often spongy-thickened”’ * 
(italics my own) and others of similar nature. Some individ- 
uals on the bank in moist sand had less of the tissue than those 
in deep water. 

Before proceeding to another group of plants I would record 
an instance of Decodon Verticillatus growing in a dried-up pond. 
I had no means of telling absolutely how long the pond had 
been dry, but it appeared to have been partially filled early in 
spring. The clumps of Decodon grew a foot above the pond 
bottom on tufts of Careces, many of the stems having bent over 
in the characteristic manner. The bases of the stems showed a 
very slight development of azrenchyma tissue, but every plant 
had some of it. The tissue was shrunken and to all appearances 
was dead, and had been so for some time. This is:what one 
might have expected, the water gone, the need for aérating tissue 
was no longer there, and it ceased to function. It will be of 
interest to follow these plants in their next year’s growth. 

Besides the plants noticed so far, we find modifications for 
respiration in many shrubby plants, which may, as respects the 
adaptation, be classed with those in Lycopus, etc. The most 
striking example of this which I have been able to find, is the 
common elder, Sambucus Canadensis, L. This is in the true 

* Gray’s Manual, p. 188. 


sense of the word not a swamp plant in most places. Its habitat 
is given by Gray as “rich soil in open places.” It grows along 
fences and along stream banks. In Long Island its favorite 
habitat is on the borders of inlets from the bays and marshy 
banks of streams and ponds, oftentimes in water a foot deep. 
Fig. 1 represents a small plant taken from a pond near Eastport. 
One is struck by the great swelling which the stem has evidently 
undergone below the water. (A-Z is the water line, the stem 
having grown somewhat obliquely.) All over the surface are 
snow-white excrescences of a warty nature, varying in size and 
shape. These decrease in size and number as one goes upwards 
from the water,and some inches above it one finds them merging 
over into the ordinary lenticels (Fig. 1, Z.). The white spongy 
tissue is at once proven to consist of cork cells (Fullzellen) pro- 
truding from a structure of lenticellular character. These cells 
are developed from a meristem at a surprising rate ; in many cases 
the protuberances were two inches in length, three-eighths inch 
wide, extending three-eighthsinch above the surface. Fig. 3 repre- 
sents a cross section of a small one of these water lenticels (2). 
It will at once become evident that we have here a modified 
lenticel. A meristem (7) forms beneath the epidermis, before the 
appearance of the phellogen layer, which gives rise to the ordi- 
nary ‘‘ Fillzellen”’ (/'). These are formed in rapid succession 
until the epidermis bursts. The activity of the meristem con- 
tinues, pushing out large masses of these cells, which finally appear 
as a column between the two lips of the Ienticel, the ruptured ends 
of the epidermis. Meanwhile the phellogen layer (phe/) has 
formed and has given rise to the periderm (gerd). Our figure 
shows a series of periderm cells formed, which are being crowded 
back by the rapidly increasing number of cork cells. The latter 
are filled with air, giving the whole mass its white appearance. 

The growth of these structures continues, several unite, and 
then more, and we have at last long patches of this tissue of 
loosely connected cells extending all over the stem, leaving but 
little of the original bark (see Fig. 1) in position ; it would take 
but little to form a continuous layer around such a stem, produc- 


ing not peridermal cells, which resist the entrance ofair, but a tissue 
exceptionally well fitted for the absorption of oxygen. 

The water lenticels are by no means confined to the stem, but 
are very often found on roots. Lenticels occur but rarely on 
roots, and then only sparingly. But here we find them produced 
abundantly. The submerged stems develop large numbers of long 
fibrous roots, which branch sparingly. The roots grow out 
horizontally, rarely into the mud below. On them the lenticels 
are found. They differ in no respect from those found on the 
stems, except perhaps in size. A noteworthy fact is that in many 
cases the adventitious roots produced by the stems break through 
these lenticels (Fig. 1, c), and sections show these roots growing 
directly toward a lenticel from their very differentiation. This 
directive influence of the lenticel on such roots has often been 
noted, but is especially striking here where the lenticel has 
assumed such large size. 

In addition to the water lenticels the Sambucus stem presents a 
modified cortex. The latter for some distance from the water 
consists of round cells filled with active protoplasm and numer- 
ous chlorophyll grains. The phellogen produces phelloderm 
cells (f/d.) and thus increases the thickness of the cortex. 
Intercellular spaces are few and comparatively small, even under 
a lenticel. As one goes down the stem towards the water, these 
spaces become larger. The cells of the cortex, still green and 
full of protoplasm, become separated, and in the lower portions 
they form a loose, spongy tissue, very different from the cortex 
further up the stem. Here, too, the cells are more numerous, and 
this, together with the air spaces, makes the cortex seem twice 
as thick. This gives the whole stem the appearance of being of 
so much greater diameter in the water. 

Fig. 3 represents a section taken near D, Fig. 1. Here the 
air spaces are quite marked (sf). They appear to originate near 
the phellogen layer, the new phelloderm cells parting from one 
another soon after their separation from the mother cell. It will 
be seen that this system of canals filled with air, thus closely 
surrounded by active protoplasmic cells, must insure to the fullest 


extent the free diffusion of oxygen. Those passages are in close 
connection with the outside through the water lenticels, which 
offer little resistance to the available oxygen (Fig. 3). The 
exact manner in which the lenticels act to absorb the oxygen of 
the water is a problem yet to be solved. We have thus an 
arrangement whereby the stem is enabled to obtain oxygen in a 
manner both striking and efficient. 

It may be asked, is it proven that these structures function as 
respiratory organs? The fact does seem certain, as_ the 
large quantities of air in the spaces and their connection with the 
outside seem to indicate. Another proof is seen in the fact, that 
they are entirely absent in plants not growing in the water. In 
individuals of Sambucus Canadensis taken from dry soil, I was 
unable to find any indications of the large intercellular spaces or 
the large development of lenticels. 

Other shrubs and trees show similar changes. Cephalanthus 
Occidentalis is perhaps next in order. Its cortex shows spaces 
similar to those of Samducus (Fig. 4). In these we find individ- 
ual bast cells (4) torn away from the adjoining cells, some hang- 
ing loosely in the air space. The water lenticels are present in 
great numbers (Fig. 2), but differ in some respects from Sambucus. 
They are long, very narrow and occur in patches along the stem. 
The masses of ‘“ Fillzellen’’ extend further from the stem than 
those of Sambucus, sometimes as far as one inch from the bark. 
The roots of this plant were well supplied with lenticels. 

Some of the larger trees showed the water lenticels in large 
numbers. On the roots of Populus monilifera they protruded 
from among the many fibrous roots. These lenticels showed 
the lateral portions of the structure well formed. On the roots 
of Acer rubrum, on which I first noticed these organs, they are very 
Numerous, some 20 or 30 to the square inch. These are 
perennial. At the end of. one year the cork column is perhaps 
one-eighth inch high. A layer is then formed, similar to that in 
the ordinary lenticel, closing the opening. This is pushed out 
in spring, with the cork of the preceding year, and a new piece 
is added to the column. This process may continue for many 


years, so that an old root presents a peculiar appearance, especi- 
ally in quiet water where the cork columns are not broken by 
the flow of water against them. 

How many other plants may show these modifications one can- 
not tell, but I am confident that many more than we are at 
present aware of, will, upon close -examination, prove to possess 
to a greater or less extent adaptation furthering respiration. The 
cases noted, especially Sambucus and Lycopus, show a plasticity 
of organization which seems striking. It would seem that to 
effect a change so marked upon a species, it would necessitate 
the continued action of the environment upon individuals. But 
here we have instances of plants responding to this action in the 
short space of two months or less. Exactly how soon this 
influence would make itself felt experimental evidence must bring 
forth. Individuals should be grown under different conditions 
of moisture, and hence of exclusion of oxygen, and the result 
ought to explain some of the questions concerning which we are 
stillin doubt. The function of respiration has often been under- 
estimated, and it seems that modifications of this kind would 
tend to emphasize the necessity of this function for the perform- 
ance of the life activities. When plants of such different organi- 
zations produce changes of this kind, so marked and so con- 
stant, the importance of the end striven for must be recognized. 



Shaler, N. S.—Notes on Taxodium distichum. Science, 1883. 

Schenck, H.—Uber das Aerenchyma, ein dem Kork homologes Gewebe 
bei Sumpfpflanzen. Pringsh. Jahrb. f. Wiss. Bot., Bd. XX., 1889 
p. 526, 

Schrenk, J.—On the floating tissue of Nescea Verticillata. Bull. Torr. 
Bot. Club, Vol. XVI., 1889, p. 315. 

Wilson, W. P.—The production of aérating organs on the roots of 
swamp and other plants. Proc. Am. Acad. Nat. Science, Philadelphia, 
Rowlee, W. W.—The Aération of Organs and Tissues in Mikania and 
other Phanerogams. Proc. Am. Micros. Soc., XV., p. 148. 

(NotTe.—In this paper will be found a full list of papers relating to 
this subject.) 


G57) DURES eter 
Fig. I. Sambucus Canadensis, Ts; base of stem with wa 
A-B, water level; L, lenticels, C, root growing from a lentice x 
Ss = 


Av. 8. aD Nat DEL 

‘ im 
Af . 
v= - 



Fig. I. Cephalanthus Occidentalis, L., base of stem showing upturned 
bark (B); at A some of the cork columns are seen projecting out from the 
stem; C, root with water lenticels. x 




— ai 




Fig. Ill. Sambucus Canadensis, L.—transverse section through a water 
lenticel (about D, Fig.1). , ‘‘Fiillzellen;” m, lenticel meristem; perd, 
periderm; p/el, phellogen; phd, phelloderm; sp, air spaces; 0, bast cells; ¢, 
cambium; w, wood. can 

Fig. IV. Cephalanthus Occidentalis.—Section taken immediately jinside 
a water lenticel showing the air spaces, sp, with isolated bast cells, b. 

Pia hia ie 




Hy S. swat vex 


Proressor J. D. Hyatt, New Rochelle, N. Y. 

The year 1894, being the seventeenth since the last appearance 
of this insect in the vicinity of New York, the 25th of May 
seems to have been the day unanimously agreed upon by the 
broods in this neighborhood to leave their subterranean abodes 
and emerge to the light of day. 

Although some skirmishers were seen in the woods a day or 
two before, and many camp followers continued to appear above 
ground after that date, yet the main army consisting of incalcu- 
lable myriads came forth on the night preceding the 25th day 
of May, and for several weeks they swarmed in certain localities, 
over the trees, shrubs and foliage of all kinds. 

It is not my purpose to describe this curious insect, or its 
habits, as such description with its life history may be found in 
any elementary work on entomology, but during its prevalence 
alarming reports were frequently made in the newspapers of the 
great damage done to crops, and to fruit and forest trees, by the 
seventeen-year locust, and as nobody contradicted these state- 
ments, the newspaper reporters manufactured ‘and _ published 
circumstantial accounts of persons, preferably children, who had 
lost their lives by being bitten or stung by these ‘“‘ venomous 
insects.” While fully aware that these reports were purely 
imaginary and sensational, my curiosity was stimulated to make 
a microscopical examination of the “ biting and stinging ”’ organs 
of Cicada, an additional motive being the opportunity, which 
occurs at such long intervals, of obtaining abundant material for 
the study. 

It is hardly necessary to say that after handling and examining 
hundreds of specimens, and carefully studying their habits, I 
found no evidence that they ever bite or sting, or that after 


reaching the winged state they ever do the slightest injury to 
vegetation of any kind, but as I had never seen a description of 
the mcroscopical appearance of the mouth parts and ovipositor, 
I spent much time in making a careful examination of them, the 
sections notably showing some curious features. 

As this insect belongs to the natural order Hemiptera, the 
mouth parts in a general way are typical of that order, the 
mandibles and maxillz being drawn out into greatly lengthened 
stylets or setee and enclosed in the labium. 

Fig. I represents the extremity of the labium enclosing the 
four slightly projecting stylets, x 120. 

(To show the lengths of these parts under the same ampli- 
fication, it would be necessary to make the drawing 30 inches 

The outer hooked pieces serve as anchors, which being inserted 
into the tissues of a plant afford a leverage for forcing in the two 
central stylets, which together form a sucking tube. 

Fig. 2 is a transverse section through the labium and the four 
stylets, showing the very curious manner in which a tube is 
formed by holding in juxtaposition the two inner grooved pieces 
and closing the laps by the outer pieces of the same sectional 
form, all being held firmly together by the muscular labium 
which is closely wrapped around them. This will be easily 
understood by an inspection of sections of the four stylets as 
seen in the lower figures. 

While the mouth parts of Cicada are perfectly adapted to the 
purpose of sucking the juices of plants, yet in the examination 
of thousands that I have seen upon cherry, pear and other trees 
I have never been able to discover one in the act of feeding, 
either on the fruit or foliage. 

The ovipositor is the instrument used by the female for making 
incisions in the twigs of trees in which to deposit her eggs. It 
consists of three parts, the two outer ones being tubular with an 
opening near the extremity, through which the eggs are 
extruded into the channel cut for their reception. They are 

*(The original drawings were reduced one-third by the engraver.—ED.) 


pointed at the ends, and a little anterior to the extremity are 
somewhat enlarged and set with sharp teeth like a rasp, which — 
extends spirally around the teeth pointing backwards. 

Fig. 3 represents one of these saws, a being the outlet of the 
oviduct which opens inward or toward the central piece. 

The central piece which serves to hold the two Ovipositor 
Saws in place and guide them in their movements, ends in two 
extremely sharp points slightly curved outward. The insect in 
cutting the channel for her eggs closes her legs around the twig and 
forcing in the ovipositer saws beneath the bark and into the soft sap 
wood, works them rapidly backward and forward cutting loose 
but not removing the wood fiber. In doing this the outward 
curves of the central piece causes the saws to spread so that she 
cuts at the same time two channels, which diverge from the 
entrance, leaving a ridge of solid wood between the two, nearly 
a tenth of an inch wide at the extremity, while the channels 
closely approximate at the entrance. 

After finishing the cut, which is about three-tenths of an inch 

in length, she withdraws the ovipositor, and forcing it in at the 


first entrance to the greatest depth proceeds to deposit the eggs, 
which are placed very symmetrically in pairs obliquely to the 
middle partition, a little cavity being cut for each egg, into which 
it exactly fits. The eggs are about 15 in number on each side. 

As these insects are not at all timid, I was able to watch this 
process with a large lens. 

The extremely curious mechanism by which these processes 
are accomplished will be easily understood by inspecting Fig. 4, 
which is a section of the three pieces constituting the ovipositer, 
in which aa is the central piece, having on each side, through- 
out its length, a projecting rail or guide-bar which exactly fits 
into a groove of similiar shape in the ovipositor; 0d are the 
oviducts, which are bounded on the exterior side by a chitinous 
frame, and have for their interior boundary the same material for a 
short distance above the Z7-shaped groove, but this thins out into 
what is evidently a muscular or contractile tissue above. 

The two ovipositors are held together along their outer edges 
by a peculiar pair of folds, which in section resemble a strong 
hook on one side, grasped by a hand and thumb on the other. 

As the insect, in cutting the groove for her eggs, sometimes 
spreads her ovipositors widely apart, and sometimes uses them 
close together, it is evident that she has the power at will to open 
the hand seen on the left, or close it in the hook, as the particular 
stage of the process may require. 


B. F. Kincssury, Pu. D., Defiance, O., 
Fellow in Vertebrate Zoilogy at Cornell University. 

The general structure of the individual sense organs is ‘well 
known, and their distribution has been worked out for a con- 
siderable number of the Amphibia. The availability of many 
Urodeles, some of them important and isolated forms, as 
Amphiuma and Siren, led to a study of the distribution of the 
organs in eight of the tailed Amphibia on which nothing had 
been published, with the purpose of determining their presence 
and the plan of distribution. A comparison with the condition 
in the Dipnoans, Lepidosiren and Protopterus was made, and they 
were added to the Amphibia first studied. Most of the specimens 
studied were in the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology of Cornell 
University, and for the privilege of examining them I am indebted 
to Professor B. G. Wilder, Curator. Considerable material, also, 
belonging to Professor S. H. Gage was placed at my disposal by 
him, to whom also I am indebted for numerous suggestions and 
kindly interest in my work. 

To the distinctive features of the Ichthyopsida, or fish-like 
vertebrates, enumerated by Huxley when he first pointed out 
the natural provinces in which the Vertebrata. were grouped, 
there might be added, since 1876, that system of sense organs 
which, with the canals in which it is often enclosed, has been 
variously spoken of in the literature of science as the muciparous 
canals, lateral line system of sense organs, organs of a sixth 
sense, branchial sense organs, etc. It is but lately that the 
importance of these sense organs has begun to be fully estimated, 
and more careful observations have been made upon certain of 
the forms. The literature upon the subject is voluminous, but 


despite the fact that so much has been written, except in the three 
or four most recent contributions, especially those of Ewart, ’92, 
and Allis, 89, there has been no account of this system at all 
complete for any form, This is due largely to the fact that 
attention has been mainly confined to a study of the canals. 
and their branches rather than the structure, distribution and 
innervation of the organs themselves—which is indeed very 
much like attempting to understand the oyster or snail from a. 
study of its shell alone. 

The first-recorded observations upon the system were made. 
by Stenonis, in 1664, upon the canals in a species of skate. 
From that time the system attracted more or less attention. 
Lorenzini and Monro secundus may be mentioned as two of the 
more important early contributors. By most of the first writers. 
the function of the system was regarded to be the secretion of 
mucus and its distribution over the body of the fish. Jacobson; 
in 1813 first arrived at the conclusion that the system of canals 
constituted a sensory organ for the purpose of transmitting the 
vibrations of the water to the nerves, as he believed. However, 
it was not until Leydig in 1850 discovered the sense organs 
themselves and made microscopic examination of them that 
the step in the right direction was made, and a morphologic 
basis given for the theory of the sensory function of the system. 
His final and most complete account of the system appeared in. 
1868, upon the ‘‘ Organs of a sixth sense” as he regarded them. 
Since 1813, among others who worked upon this system in fishes 
may be mentioned De Blainville, Robin, McDonnell, Schulze, 
Bodenstein, Solger, Wright, Fritsch, Beard, Garman, Allis, Guitel, 
Ewart, Pollard and Collinge; especially important are the 
researches of Allis, Guitel, Ewart and Pollard, by whom the 
distribution of the sense organs in the canals, their relation to 
the pores by which the canals communicate with the exterior, 
and the innervation, have been quite thoroughly worked up in 
the forms investigated by them, namely, Amza, Lophius, 
Laemargus and Raia; Pollard has also compared the distribution 
of the organs in five Nematognaths with a view of determining 


their taxonomic value. Garman has studied the canals in 
many Elasmobranchs and in the Holocephala chiefly to ascertain 
their value in classification ; for a more detailed account of the 
early literature of the subject and the views and results of the 
various writers Garman’s paper should be consulted ; upon this 
the above account of the early history of the subject is based. 

Much still remains to be done on the system, especially among 
the Teleosts where theré is a considerable variation in its 
development, which, in connection with the wide range in life- 
habits, may afford some clue to the function and importance 
of these sense organs. The modifications of the bones of the 
skull due to the presence of the canals and the possible bearing 
it may have on the origin of the vertebrate ear, demand that far 
more exhaustive study be bestowed upon them than has been 
up to the present. Particularly valuable will be careful and 
thorough investigations upon the early appearance and develop- 
ment of the system. 

Merkel, in his monograph upon the nerve-terminations in the 
skin, recognized two classes of related cutaneous sense organs 
which he termed end-buds (Endknospen) and _ nerve-hillocks 
( Nervenhigel), and to the latter belong the organs of the 
lateral line system. For nerve-hillock, the monomym xeuromast 
proposed by Wright is preferably employed. 

The end-buds are found in fishes distributed in the skin, par- 
ticularly of the head, and in the mouth cavity where, in the higher 
vertebrates, they appear as the taste-bulbs. They are situated 
upon papillz of the cutis and are formed of long rod-like cells 
extending throughout the height of the bulb. In “ fishes” they 
are always flush with the surface of the epithelium or even 
project beyond it. When situated in the skin they appear to be 
tactile organs; in the catfish the long barbels around the mouth 
appear to be little else. than carriers of these sense organs 

With the neuromasts, on the other hand, there is a differentia- 
tion of certain of the cells, some of them being conical, pear- 
shaped and short, but bearing a more or less distinct bristle ; 


furthermore, the neuromasts evince a tendency to withdraw 
themselves from the surface. This tendency is carried to an 
extreme in the majority of “fishes” in which the lines of sense 
organs, which constitute the lateral line system proper, sink 
beneath the surface and occupy canals which open upon the skin, 
by means of pores, generally between the sense organs. Com- 
plications may be yet increased by enclosures of the canals in 
bone, as if for protection, and the pores may become many times 
divided, producing seemingly the effect of still further withdrawal 
of the sense organs from the exterior. Examples of this last 
occur in Ama and the Clupeide. Again, in other forms, the 
organs of the lateral line system simply occupy pits in the epider- 
mis, or are contained in an open groove; examples of each are 
Lophius and Chimera. 

In ‘“ fishes”’ the typical arrangement of the canals or lines is. 
(1) one along the side of the trunk, causing the well-known 
lateral line. When scales and a canal are present it perforates 
each scale obliquely, and a sense organ and pore generally occur 
in each. The organs of this group are innervated by the lateral 
nerve, often spoken of as the lateral branch of the vagus. There 
are four lines on each side upon the head; (1) one above the eye,, 
the supra-orbital, innervated by the ophthalmicus superficialis 
VII.; (2) below the eye, the infra-orbital, innervated by the 
buccal branch of the seventh nerve; (3) the mandibular or hyo- 
mandibular, upon the lower jaw, innervated by the hyomandi- 
bular branch of the seventh, and (4) a transverse line in the occipi- 
tal region which meets its opposite, thus uniting the system on 
the two sides, and belongs to the lateral system. These lines 
may either be independent of each other or connected. Accessory 
lateral lines may be present, which in one genus (Mzgii, 
McDonnell) reach the number of nine; lines of neuromasts 
may also be present in the skin of the head and trunk in 
addition to the typical lines, and a study of their distribution will 
doubtless afford a clue to the origin of the accessory lateral 
lines and explain departures from the type, which, because of 
their greater development, were more readily observed. 


In 1861, eleven years after the sense organs in the canals of | 
fishes had been discovered, Schulze, 61, reported the presence 
of homologous sense organs in branchiate Amphibia. In this 
class (the Amphibia) the neuromasts retain their simple primitive 
condition and remain in the skin, but slightly, if at all, withdrawn 
beneath the surface. Since the first discovery of these organs in 
Amphibia, there have been made, as far as I can ascertain, but 
half a dozen or so communications upon the subject by six 
investigators, namely, Leydig, Schulze, Langerhans, Bugnion, 
Malbranc and Wiedersheim. Leydig’s more complete discussion 
is given in his last article to which I have not had access. Of 
the others Malbranc’s paper is by far the most exhaustive, being 
a study of the structure and distributions of the sense organs in 
Proteus, Menopoma, Triton, Salamandra and Salamandrina, and 
the tadpoles of the anura Lombinator, Pipa and Rana. Wieders- 
heim makes the important statement that in Aszdblystoma and 
Salamandrina the sense organs become covered with epidermal 
cells during the period of terrestrial existence and are again 
uncovered when the life in the water is resumed. To the above 
should be added Cope,* who, though he evidently did not 
recognize the presence of this system of sense organs in the 
Amphibia, speaks of the depressions which mark the location of 
the organs as ‘“‘ mucous pores,’’ and describes their location for a 
wide range of urodeles and has given figures showing the distri- 
bution in a number, which, however, since he does not recognize 
that they were more than ‘“‘ mucous pores,” are often inadequate. 
There exist in the adult of Sa/amandra, which is a land form, 
“pores” upon the dorsal side of the head in the region of the 
so-called parotid gland of certain Amphibia, and upon the body 
in two rows, occupying in general much the same position as two 
of the lines in the sense organs did in the larva. They have 
nothing to do with them, however, but are the openings of glands. 
Apparently Cope regarded the “ pores” which he found in so 
many forms as homologous with the gland openings in 

* Of eleven general articles and books upon the Amphibia examined, in 
five only was the presence of this system noted. 


Salamandra, and therefore termed them ‘“ mucous pores.” * * 
It is also possible he may have had in mind the pores by which 
the canals in fishes opened upon the surface; the sensory nature 
of the system had been too long known to admit of their being 
spoken of as ‘‘mucous pores” were fore itself not inappropriate 
in Amphibia if used in the same sense as in fishes. 

The original matter here consists mainly in a presentation of 
figures of the distribution of the organs in certain American 
urodeles and comparisons of them with each other and forms in 
which the distribution had been already investigated. Cope’s 
descriptions will be used to supplement my own for forms in 
which the system exists and which have not been accessible. 
The purpose is to ascertain the presence of this system and 
determine what may be the typical distribution of the organs for 
Amphibia. | 

In examining the distribution in Amphibia a comparison with 
other Ichthyopsida is inevitable, and as far as possible the names 
which have been applied to the lines in “fishes” will be employed 
here. The only lines whose homology with those in teleosts, 
ganoids and elasmobranchs is unmistakable are the lateral lines 
and the lines above and below the eye, which are accordingly 
spoken of as the supra and infra-orbital lines respectively. The 
lines upon the side and venter of the head are not so easily com- 
pared. They are doubtless innervated by the same branch of the 
seventh (mental, Strong) and represent the hyomandibular canal 

* * The close resemblance between the distribution of the sense organs in 
the larva and the ‘‘pores” in the adult Salamandra, caused Leydig to 
advance the rather remarkable theory that at transformation the sense 
organs became changed into large glands. Undoubtedly, however, the 
similarity in location is merely coincidence, and the sense organs in the 
larva perish and are at the time succeeded independently by the glands, 
Leydig’s words are: ‘‘Nachdem geschwanzte und ungeschwanzte 
Batrachier aus Kiemenathmern zu Lungenathmern geworden sind, haben 
sich die Organe der Larven zu den grossen Hautdriisen des Kopfes und der 
Seitenlinien umgebildet, welche auch jetz noch durch die Art des Secretes 
und dadurch, dass zahlreiche Nerven an die Gegenden, wo sie liegen, 
herantreten, von gewéhnlichen Hautdriisen sich verschieden verhalten” 


system of fishes, with any associated lines of free neuromasts 
there may be. For convenience in description I shall use some > 
locative terms employed by Garman in Elasmobranchs, even 
though it is not demonstrated at least, that the lines in the two 
classes are homologous, though occupying much the same 
regions.* They are therefore only provisional. 

Proteide. Of the two existing genera of this family, Proteus 
of Europe has been studied by Bugnion and Malbranc; figures 
I—3 and 16 show the distribution of the neuromasts in Wecturus. 
Comparison of these two genera shows the conditions strikingly 
alike, the chief difference seeming to be due to the more elon- 
gated form of the head in Proteus. The organs in that genus 
are described by Bugnion as occurring in groups, occupying 
linear depressions in the epidermis. These groups again are 
associated together in lines or series upon the body. Bugnion 
recognized upon the lower jaw, “lignes divergentes,’”’ “series 
marginales,’’ and between them “ groupes obliques ;’’ upon the 
side of the head groups which converge toward the corner of the 
mouth ; upon the dorsal side of the head a line above the eye 
terminating in a cluster dorsad and cephalad of the prenares 
(groupe nasal anterieur), and also a cluster of groups caudad and 
ventrad of the nostril (groupe nasal et posterieur). In the 
occipital region of the head is an aggregation of groups which 
is continuous with the lateral line. A ventral line passes ventrad 
of the arms and terminates in the region of the legs. A dorsal 
corporal line of groups transverse to the long axis of the body 
was also recognized by Malbranc. The number of individual 
organs in each group varied from four to eight. 

* The true homology of the lines, it is felt, is determinable by the nerve 
supply. Tested in this way, Ewart finds for the lines in Teleosts the follow- 
ing equivalents in Elasmobranchs, the canals of the latter being given as 
named by Garman: Infra-orbital=orbital, sub-orbital, orbito-nasal, nasal, 
half of median and prenasal canals; supra-orbital—cranial, rostral and 
sub-rostral; hyomandibular=angular, jugular, oral, sub-pleural and 
pleural. There exists the possibility that some of the lines in sharks repre- 
sent lines of neuromasts existing free in the skin in the teleosts, which have 
not been recognized. 


Though his figures show a very close resemblance, the less. 
elongated head of (Vecturus permits a better idea of the arrange- 
ment. Upon the dorsum of the head in Wecturus there exists 
caudad of each eye a cluster of groups which is divided into two 
lines, one of which passes dorsad, the other ventrad of the eye, 
the supra-orbital and infra-orbital lines. Fig. 2 requires but 
little supplementary description ; many of the groups, especially 
cephalad of the eye, are oblique, and upon the snout their 
arrangement is as if radiating from a common center (Fig. 1). — 
In the occipital region of the head is a triangle of groups con- 
tinuous caudad with the lateral line; two or three groups form a 
short transverse series suggesting an occipital line. Upon the 
venter of the head (Fig. 3) are readily recognized the lines of 
Buenion ; lines of groups diverging from the corner of the lower 
lip toward the latero-caudal corner of the head, the gular lines, 
a line along the margin of the lower lip, which approaches the 
cular line at its cephalic end and will be spoken of as the oral 
line. Associated with the groups of these lines whose direction 
corresponds to that of the line are others which are transverse or 
oblique (groupes obliques of Bugnion). Upon the side of the 
head (Fig. 1) may be recognized (1) a line of somewhat oblique 
groups from the infra-orbital caudad of the angle of the 
mouth to the oral line; (2) a line of groups from the corner of 
the mouth to the caudal end of the gular line, and (3) a trend of 
groups from the throat where the gular line terminates caudally 
toward the infra-orbital, communicating also with the occipital 
group. These will be termed the angular, jugular and post- 
orbital lines or series respectively. 

Upon the trunk the three lines are present. The lateral line 
is composed of longitudinal groups and extends from the occipi- 
tal region nearly or quite to the end of the tail. The ventral 
line curves around ventrad of the arms and extends to the region 
of the vent ; it is not continuous with any of the groups on the 
head. A dorsal line of transverse groups was present, though 
apparently weak. However, the tendency of the skin to form 
little transverse furrows and folds rendered it difficult to determine 


the precise conditions existing ; doubtless other groups in addi- 
tion to those shown in the figure exist and were not detected. 
The organs in each group varied in number from six to eight. 

Cryptobranchide. The distribution in Cryptobranchus alle- 
ghaniensis has been heretofore described and figured by both 
Malbrane and Cope, and my own observations can little more 
than add confirmation. In this form the organs open by 
circular or oblong pores upon elongated dermal papillz (Fig. 40), 
which they thus divide into two, reminding one at once of the 
“Spalt-Papillen” of Fritsch in the ray, containing free neuromasts 
in the skin, and the papillze in the skin of the lamprey which are 
similarly halved by a slit-like depression at the bottom of which 
a sense organ is situated.* Though the orifices are rarely 
oblong the tendency of the organ corresponding to the groups 
in Vecturus is believed to be, as in the “ Spalt-Papillen,” trans- 
verse to the papilla, and in the single diagram of the venter of 
the head introduced for comparison, this is so indicated by a short 
line (Fig. 40). This being the case, the tendency of the organs in 
Cryptobranchus and the direction of the groups in Wecturus 

The three corporal lines occur as follows: The dorsal line is 
weak and is represented by about ten or twelve transverse organs, 
and extends to about the level of the end of the abdomen. The 
ventral line contains about 36 organs ; it extends from just cephalad 
of the legs, where it curves in toward the meson, to cephalad of 
the arms, passing ventrad of them and curving dorsad to end in 
a short transverse line. It occupies a position ventrad of the 
lateral fold present in Cryptobranchus. The lateral line lies just 

* The distribution of these organs in Petromyzon planeri has been 
figured and described by Langerhans, who regards them, and correctly it is 
thought, as homologous with the lateral line sense organs. They arearranged 
in lines upon the head which are difficult to homologize with those in higher 
forms. Upon the body Langerhans recognizes dorsal, lateral and ventral 
lines, of which the first two are evident, the ventral is short and possibly 
may not be a corporeal line. The histologic structure of the organs in the 
Lamprey seems not to have received sufficiently accurate investigation, 
and on the nerve supply practically nothing has been done; it would offer 
an interesting and important, though rather difficult, research. 


dorsad of this fold and extends to the tip of the tail. Upon the 
head it seems to connect with the post-orbital series. 

Upon the ventrad aspect of the head the gular and oral lines 
are well developed, the latter covered for a portion of its dis- 
tance by a labial fold. The former is accompanied by the usual 
transverse organs and extends upon and over the lateral fold 
upon the head. On the ventral side of this fold a double line of 
twelve or fourteen organs extend from the gular to the corner of 
the mouth (jugular). Upon the dorsal side of the fold there is 
a trend of organs cephalad to the orbital group, which appears 
to represent the post-orbital series. The eye is surrounded by 
the customary series of organs, which cephalad of it are so 
thickly placed that from the material at hand it was impossible 
to reduce them to a system. Some were parallel and some 
transverse or oblique to the assumed trend of the lines. An 
angular passing around the corner of the mouth to the oral was 
present. . 

Microscopic examination shows the neuromasts in C7yffo- 
branchus much larger than in WVecturus, though of the same 
typical structure; compared with Wecturus they are also much 
fewer, one organ in Cryptobranchus more nearly representing a 
group in WVecturus. 

Amblystomatide. Of the genus Ambdblystoma, species pune- 
tatum, both larval and adult forms were examined and the dis- 
tribution of the sense organs is given in Figs. 4-11, 17, 19, 33 
and 36. <Azmblystoma appears in the relation of the groups to 
the lines to form a single exception to the type presented in the 
other urodeles examined, and for that reason and because the 
abundance of larval material rendered it a convenient form in 
which to illustrate it, the later development of the system in the 
larva is represented by Figs. 33, 4,5,19,17, 10,11 andg. The 
questions and difficulties which involve a study of the first 
appearance and early development of the system render any 
treatment impossible here. The Amphibia also do not seem 
to afford as good opportunties for such an investigation as other 


The presence of the sense organs could be detected in yet 
unhatched larve. The distribution in a larva 16 mm. long is 
shown in Figs. 4, 5 and 19. Upon the dorsum of the head the 
supraorbital lines are readily seen and the groups in the occipital 
region also. A yet simpler arrangement is shown in Fig. 33 of 
a larva whose arms are just budding. Upon the venter of the 
head the oral and gular series are recognized with tendency to a 
transverse line just cephalad of the gular fold as in Necturus 
and Cryptobranchus. There are small accessory, doubtless 
developing, organs beside those forming the typical lines. Upon 
the side of the head ( Fig. 19), are seen the infra-orbital, angular, 
oral and jugular, each consisting of few organs simply arranged. 
All three lines upon the body are present and presenting the 
typical arrangement ; those in the lateral line were oblong as if 
exhibiting a tendency to transverse fission. 

In a larva 28.5 mm. long (Figs. 10, 11 and 17), the system 
has reached a greater complexity and higher development, and 
in place of single organs occur groups of two or three, as in 
Necturus, though not marked by a depression. In the arrange- 
ment, however, there is a difference. While in Mecturus and 
also in the other urodeles examined the groups in the lateral and 
ventral lines on the trunk, and generally the lines on the head, are 
parallel or nearly so with the lines in which they occur and 
transverse in the dorsal corporal line, in Amélystoma the con- 
dition is reversed and the small groups are transverse to the 
direction of the line in the ventral and lateral lines, and parallel 
or nearly so in the dorsal lines, etc., agreeing in this with the 
condition of the groups in the corporal lines in Anura larva 
(Malbranc and Fig. 37). Herein lies the most puzzling 
peculiarity of the distribution in Amélystoma. The general 
regions of location recognized before in MVecturus are easily 
traced in the plottings. 

The dorsal view of the head of an older larva introduced for 
comparison shows a yet greater development of organs and 
groups. In an axolotl 15 cm. long, Malbranc states that in the 
lateral lines the groups, which are as in Asudlystoma transverse, 


consist of as many as ten organs which are, however, oblong and 
their long axis parallel with the direction of the line. 

In the adult Amdlystoma the same arrangement occurs, though 
the apparent number of organs is much reduced. Figures 6-8 
are plottings of an adult 18 cm. long. In many individuals 
taken in the Spring it is impossible to find more than a trace of 
the system, and in one the lines upon the head and the lateral 
and dorsal lines on the body were very distinct, but the ventral 
line was apparently missing; this is doubtless due to the fact, 
stated by Wiedersheim as quoted before, that in Azmdlystoma the 
sense organs become covered by epidermal cells when the animal 
assumes a terrestrial existence and again appear when it enters 
the water, a fact I can confirm, since, when no organs can be 
perceived from a superficial observation, sectioning reveals them 
in the epidermis, but concealed by overlying epidermal cells. - 
Irregularity in the reappearence of the organs explains the 
apparent absence of certain lines, and though there is no positive 
evidence, I am inclined to believe that none of the organs dis- 
appear at transformation, but only a few reappear in the adult when 
the life becomes aquatic at the breeding season, the rest remain- 
ing concealed in the epidermis. In Amdlystoma the lateral line 
terminates at about the level of the vent and a more dorsally 
situated line succeeds upon the tail. Malbranc regarded this as 
properly belonging to the lateral line rather than the dorsal, a 
view which is supported by the condition in other urodeles, 
notably Diemyctylus and Gyrinophilus. 

Beginning at about the level of the vent there are upon the 
dorsal surface of the tail on each side a row of some 60 or more 
openings occupying the line of the sense organs and resembling 
them greatly. These pores are oblong and transverse to the 
axis of the body, and in some instances there are two openings 
forming a transverse pair. Around each the pigment is absent 
from the skin, thus making them more distinct. At first the 
impression is strong that they are sense organs until dispelled by 
closer examination and sectioning of the skin which shows them 
to be gland openings. The sense organs may readily be detected 


in their midst however. The condition illustrates how easily | 
the two classes of openings may be confused and accounts for 
Leydig’s wrong conclusions. | Cope also did not recognize the 
difference. . 

Cope figures, p. 60, the sense “ pores”” upon the head in A. 
punctatum and describes them page 57. He also notes their 
presence in A. conspersum, copeanum, jeffersonianum, and in the 
allied genus Chondrotus. 

Plethodontide. Cope describes and figures the distribution in 
Stereochilus marginatus, p. 153. His words are ‘the mucous 
pores on the head are distinct and large. They form a double 
series along the canthus rostralis and a single one above the orbit 
which turns round the latter behind and is continued below it and 
along the side of the muzzle to the nostril. A series of similar 
large pores extends along the middle of each side.”’ 

The system is distinct in Gyrinophilus. Figs. 18, 24-26 are 
of a larva of Gyrinophilus porphyriticus 82 mm.long. The supra- 
orbital line is but weakly developed, the organs being more 
abundant toward the nostrils. The infra-orbital is well repre- 
sented and presents the characteristic radiating arrangement 
caudad of the prenares. Each organ is oblong and its location 
readily marked by the absence of pigment from around it. The 
oral line is well developed with 2—3 transverse organs accompany- 
ing it, corresponding to the groups in Wecturus. The angular 
line is present and the jugular represented by 4-5 organs. The 
gular line is distinct though apparently weak near its middle. 
The postorbital group is well developed. The lateral line 
connects with a small occipital group on the head and extends 
to the tip of the tail, where the organs are more crowded and 
the line more dorsally located, as in Amédlystoma. The dorsal 
line is represented by 12—15 transverse organs and does not reach 
the level of the hind legs.. The ventral line is more strongly 
developed, but yet weak. The position is typical as seen from 
the figure (18), Gyrinophilus thus agrees closely with the general 
scheme of arrangement exemplified in the forms examined 
before. In the adult the neuromasts are present though the fact 


is less easily recognized. Cope plots some of the organs in a 
latva’ Tizem, long:).(Pl. XLII Bisse) 

That the system is present in Sfelerpes ruber is evident from 
the words of Cope on page 172: ‘“ The eye is encircled by a 
series of pores. These extend anterior to those on the side of 
the head to the nostrils and are more crowded. The lower edge 
of the lower jaw is encircled by a single series of pores and there 
are two other series nearly straight which start from the point of 
the chin and diverge backwards.” The last two are clearly those 
which I have designated as the gular lines; the orals of the two 
sides would seem to meet at the meson. 

Desmognathide. In Desmognathus the system is weakly 
developed though present. An examination of the adult D. 
fusca shows diverging gular lines consisting of seven or eight 
organs each with accessory organs (2-3). The oral line is 
represented by but two or three organs. The infra-orbital line 
is the most developed and consists of about ten organs under 
the eye and cephalad of it.. The supra-orbital is apparently 
almost wanting, consisting of two or three organs only. Upon 
the body the lateral and ventral lines are present, the organs 
being about one for each segment. Of the dorsal line no organ 
was detected. The conditions in Desmognathus render it often 
difficult to determine their presence from superficial examination, 
and no serial sections of the trunk have been made, so that 
possibly a few organs may represent the dorsal corporal line 
which were not detected. 

Cope has recognized the presence of the “pores” in the 
species of this genus. He says: ‘The pores in D. ochrophea 
are very difficult to observe. In a few specimens I have seen a 
few of those of the lower series; the upper I believe to be wanting.” 
In D. fusca he finds ‘‘ one well and one little developed lateral 
series of mucous pores.” Of Desmognathus nigra: “The 
mucous pores are well developed, and the two lateral series are 
often distinct in alcoholic specimens by their white color; when 
they become dry they are difficult to observe. There are two 
rather distant gular series within the mandibular rami on each 


side, and one on each side extending inwards and forwards from: 
the gular plica. The Superior lateral series extends from the 
orbit to near the end of the tail ; the inferior round the humeri to 
each side the pectoral region.” . 

Pleurodelide. In the adult of Diemyctylus viridescens the 
depressions marking the location of the organs are very distinct. 
Upon the head the Supra-orbital and infra-orbital serjes are well 
developed. In many the pores cephalad of the eye are oblong 
and exhibit the same radiating arrangement shown by the groups 
of organs in Mecturus. Upon the side of the head are distinct 
the jugular and angular lines, and post-orbital Sroup, which, how- 
ever, does not seem to have any marked trend. The gular line 
starting from the caudal end of the jugular is formed of two 
series of organs, the more lateral of which are often transversely 
oblong, representing doubtless the transverse Sroups in Mecturus 
and other forms. At its cephalic end it approaches the oral line 
which consists of some half a dozen or more organs. Upon the 
body the three lines are well developed, and in them the organs 
are associated into groups of two or three ( Fig. 20). Of these 
the lateral line is as usual best developed, and caudad of the 
vent curves dorsad to Occupy a position along the base of the 
caudal fin ; it is not closely connected with the occipital group 
on the head. The dorsal line, in which the groups are transverse 
to the long axis of the body, runs out just caudad of the vent 
upon the caudal fin. The ventral line ( Figs. 20 and 21), curves 
mesad beneath the humeri, cephalad upon the pectoral region, 
and likewise at its caudal end just cephalad of the legs, having 
thus its typical position and extent. 

In the well advanced larva the conditions are very much as in 
the adult. For comparison a figure showing the distribution 
upon the dorsum of the head is given ( Fig. 23). The lateral 
lines are very distinctly located by the absence of pigment from 
around the sense organs. 

Diemyctylus viridescens, whose life-history has been worked out 
by Gage, passes through a period of terrestrial existence inter- 

mediate between the aquatic larval and adult Stages, and there- 


fore affords an excellent example of the forms, such as Salaman- 
drina and Amblystoma, in which the sense organs persist and live 
over the time of life on land by being covered with epidermal 
cells, reappearing again when the aquatic life is resumed. The 
skin during the land stage is of a red color and rough with 
numerous horny papille. Examination of the skin or the exu- 
vium with a lens fails to detect any of the orifices so conspicuous 
in the olivaceous, smooth-skinned aquatic adult. Examination 
of sections of the skin from the right regions demonstrates 
their existence, and there is no doubt that the sense organs 
persist from larva to adult covered, or nearly covered (as in the 
one figured, Fig. 34), by epithelium cells. 

Comparison of the distribution of the sense organs in this form 
with European newts of this family, that have been examined by 
Malbranc, shows a very close resemblance. Cope has noted the 
presence and distribution of the pores in the other American 
species of this genus, D. forosus (p. 204). 

Amphiumide. An alcoholic specimen of Amphiuma means 
was examined and this was supplemented by fragmentary obser- 
vation of a living individual in which the location of the neuro- 
masts was easily detected. The organs are in small groups of 
two or three each, which are indicated upon the figures by short 
lines. A comparison of the figures with those showing the 
distribution in other genera indicates how closely Amphiuma 
conforms to the typical amphibian arrangement. The supra- 
orbital and infra-orbital lines are well developed, the former 
extending some distance caudad of the eye. In connection with 
each line are numerous groups which are transverse OF oblique 
to the direction of the main lines, especially cephalad of the eye, 
recalling the relations in Necturus. The lateral line extends 
cephalad upon the head, curving ventrad toward the post-orbital 
groups as in Necturus, and not connecting with the orbital lines. 
Upon the venter of the head the arrangement of the lines is 
almost diagrammatic. Both oral and gular lines are well 
developed and in connection with each are the numerous trans- 
verse groups which have been found so often before. Upon the 


‘side of the head are quite distinct jugular and post-orbital lines, 
the former extending from the angle of the mouth to the caudal 
termination of the gular; the latter, from the infra-orbital, of 
which it appears as a caudal continuation, to the meeting of the 
gular and jugular, 

Although Cope states that no distinct rows of pores exist on 
the body, the examination of the living specimen showed clearly 
the presence of all three lines, the lateral extending throughout 
the length of the elongated body, the ventral terminating in the 
region of the vent, and the dorsal much more weakly developed. 
The cephalic ends of all three lines are shown in Fig. 13. Cope’s 
description of the mucous pores upon the head agrees in the 
main with the figures. 

It was not always possible to determine how many neuromasts 
‘occurred in each group; where observed, the number was only 
two or three, and uniformity in the size of the groups rendered it 
probable that the latter number was not exceeded. Where the 
organs were apparently single, a dot was employed to represent 
their location. 

Stremde. Four small alcoholic individuals of the genus 
Stren were examined, and though the condition of the epidermis 
made it impossible to give the system a thorough examination 
and make complete plottings, Figs. 30 and 31 suffice to indicate 
that the neuromasts exist and that they conform in their 
distribution to the general scheme in Amphibia. Upon the 
trunk three lateral lines occur and their position and extent are 
entirely typical. Wherever the condition of the epidermis 
rendered the number determinable, the small groups which were 
found contained two organs each. They are longitudinal in the 
lateral and ventral, and transverse in the dorsal line. The 
relation of the cephalic and caudal ends of the ventral line to the 
axilla and vent is shown by Fig. 31 and is typical, resembling 
the condition with forms in which hind legs are present. 

Upon the head it was difficult to determine more than the rich 
abundance of the neuromasts, in the usual regions. Upon the 
venter of the head the gula line is well developed ( Fig. 30 i 


and the arrangement of groups complicated. The presence of 
oral, angular and jugular series could not be determined because- 
of the ill preservation of the epidermis. 

Anura. But little attention has been paid to the system in 
the tailless Amphibia. For comparison merely, the distribution. 
in a species of Rana, probably catesbzana, is given ( Figs. 37 and 
38). The existence of the neuromasts in many of the European 
genera has been determined by Schulze, Leydig and Malbranc,* 
though, as far as ascertained, only of Loméinator and Rana have 
figures been published showing the distribution. 

In Rana three lateral lines are readily seen, the dorsal meeting 
the lateral at its cephalic end. The orbital lines are well 
developed and encircle the prenares also. The ventral line 
extends from the region of the vent making a curve dorsad 
around the region where the arm is concealed and is continuous 
apparently with a transverse line (Fig. 37). When in later 
larval life the arm appears, the line passes dorsad of it instead of 
ventrad as in the urodela, a rather noteworthy difference appar- 
ently-unobserved hitherto. Another difference between the two 
groups, constant for all forms examined except Ammblystoma, was 
noted by Malbranc ; it is that while in the tailed Amphibia the 
linear groups of neuromasts are longitudinal in the lateral and 
ventral lines, and transverse in the dorsal, in the tailless forms 
the relation of group to line is exactly reversed and the groups 
are longitudinal in the dorsal, and transverse in the lateral and 
ventral lines. In the orbital lines also the groups are transverse 
or nearly so, especially near the eye. 

It is interesting to note the existence (Malbranc) of the sense 
organ in a larva of Pipa dorsigera, 2.5 cm. long, taken from the 
back of the mother. 


When it was desired to compare the system in Amphibia and 

* Schulze examined Bombinator igneus, Rana esculenta, and temporaria, 
Pelobates fusca and Hyla arborea; Leydig, Bufo cinereus and calamita ; 
Malbranc, Bombinator, Pipa and Rana. (Malbranc.) 


in the Dipnoi, the only statements* upon the lateral line system 
in that group that could be found were so unsatisfactory that an 
examination of individual specimens was necessary. © 

Upon the system in Protopterus the most detailed account was 
given by W.N. Parker, who is quoted by Wiedersheim. He 
states that the organs are not confined to the lateral line, but 
occur dorsad as well as ventrad of it; that they are especially 
numerous upon the snout where they occupy grooves in the skin, 
and occur always free in the skin as in Amphibia and the young 
‘of many fishes. His rather general statement needs supple- 
mentation and correction in several particulars. From the exami- 
nation of five well preserved specimens, Figures 12, 27-29 were 
constructed, and the following may be said in discussion of them. 
As stated by Parker, the neuromasts are situated (in most of the 
regions) free in the skin, and not in canals as in most “ fishes,”’ 
and occur in the lines on the trunk, in linear groups of from four 
to ten organs each. Three lines are present upon the body as 
in Amphibia—dorsal, ventral and lateral. The ventral line 
arises ventrad of the gill slit, passes ventrad of the pectoral fin 
to the pelvic fin where it is interrupted, turning slightly dorsad 
instead of ventrad as in Amphibia, to be continued upon the tail 
by a line of rather long groups. The dorsal line js more weakly 

* For the opportunity of consulting the Dipnoan specimens and literature 
I am indebted to Prof. B, G. Wilder, 

+ ‘‘Diese (Hautsinnesorgane) weichen in ihrem Bau von dem gewohnlichen 
Verhalten bei Fischen und Amphibien nicht ab. Sie sind nicht allein auf 
die Seitenlinie beschrankt, sondern finden sich auch am iibrigen. K6rper 
und zwar dorsal- wie ventralwiarts. Ob es sich aber an diesen Stellen um 
eine regelmissige Anordnung handelt, vermag ich vorderhand nicht sicher 
zu sagen. Am Kopf, wie namentlich an der Schnauze, sitzen sie ungleich 
zahlreicher; dabei liegen sie auf dem Grund von grubigen Hauteinsen- 

Es handelt sich aber nicht etwa um eine Betheiligung der Kopfknochen, 
‘d. h. letzere bilden nirgends schiitzende F urchen und Caniile. Dasselbe 
gilt auch fiir die im Bereich der Seitenlinie sitzenden Organe. ‘Auch sie 
werden keineswegs von den Schuppen tiberlagert. Kurz, allerorts sitzen 
die Hautsinnesorgane des Protopterus frei im Niveau der Epidermis, ein 
Verhalten, welches mit dem der wasserlebenden Amphibien und den 
-Jugendstadien sehr vieler Fische tibereinstimmt,” Parker, p. 7. 


developed. The general direction of the groups composing it is: 
longitudinal, although those in its cephalic part are somewhat 
oblique. The lateral line is composed of linear groups closely 
associated together. Upon the tail it either terminates some dis-. 
tance from the end or shifts its position, as is more probable, and 
is continued farther ventrad. Upon the head it is continuous. 
with the orbital lines. 

Cephalad of two transverse spurs in the occipital region, the- 

continuation of the lateral line becomes enclosed within a canal 

which opens by three pores, as indicated in the figures, and forks. 

at the fourth. The dorsal branch is continued above the eye as. 
the supra-orbital line. After a series of eight pores, the line 
again occupies an open groove, succeeded by a short canal with, 
three cephalad pores, of which the organs are again situated in. 
a furrow in the skin. 

The ventral branch passes through a canal with seven pores, 
where the infra-orbital line arises as a line of organs situated in 
a groove, the canal bending ventrad to be succeeded at the eighth 
pore by a line of organs occupying a groove along the edge of 
the lower lip, or the oral line. From its most caudal pore ex- 

tends a line of neuromasts caudo-ventrad to meet another line- 

upon the ventral surface of the head. They may be spoken of 
as the jugular and gular, and their relations are seen in Figs. 27 

and 29. In addition to these main lines the accessory lines occur 

upon the head as shown in the figures. 
As far as I can ascertain the only descriptions of the lateral 
line system in Lepidosiren were those of its discoverer, Natterer* 

* “ Diese Schleimkanile beginnen an der Spitze der Schnauze und bilden, 
jederseits zwei wellenférmige, mehrere Zweige aussendende Linien, deren 
sich eine oberhalb, die andere unterhalb des Auges, bis gegen das Hinter- 
haupt hinzieht, wo sie sich wieder vereinigen, zwei gerade gegen das 
Hinterhaupt aufsteigende Aestchen aussenden und von der Kiemenspalte 
an in gerader Richtung lings den Seiten des Kérpers bis zum Schwanzende, 
analog der Seitenlinie der Fische, verlaufen. Die untere dieser wellen- 
firmigen Linien gibt vor ihrer Vereinigung am Mundwinkel einen Zweig 
zum Unterkiefer ab, der den Kiefer umsiumet, sich von der Spitze des- 
selben in einem doppelten Aste gegen die Kehle wendet, das Unterkinn 
pegrenzet und von da in wellenférmigen Windungen die Kehle durchzieht. 



and Hyrtl,* * when the system had not yet been discovered in 
Amphibia and was regarded as a mucus-secreting organ in 
“fishes.” However, the comparison of their descriptions and 
the figure of Natterer, supplemented by the examination of a speci- 
men in the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology of Cornell University, 
from which figures 43 and 44 were made, suffices to show that 
the distribution in Protopterus and Lepidosiren are very closely 
comparable, almost identical ; that in Lepzdostven the neuromasts 
occur free in the skin, and no portion of the system, as in Protop- 
terus, occupies canals. From the description of Natterer the 
presence of the ventral and lateral lines is evident, and I doubt 
not that the dorsal line is also present. The poor state of pres- 
ervation of the epidermis in Lefzdosiren did not permit my 
ascertaining its existence. 

In Ceratodus the system is enclosed in canals, and the relation 
of the lines could not be determined from superficial examina- 
tion. The lateral canal is the only one upon the trunk, per- 
forating each scale and opening upon each by a trifid or quad- 

und dieselbe in mehrere Felder theilt, sich dann aber in vollkommen 
gerader Richtung zu beiden Seiten des Bauches dicht iiber die Hinterfiisse 
hinweg, lings der Basis der unteren Schwanzflosse bis an’s Schwanzende, 
erstreckt. Die obere sendet einen Zweig wellenférmig quer iiber den 
Scheitel.” Natterer, °45, p. 5. 

* * « Hin der Classe der Fische eigenthiimliches und bisher bei keinem 
Amphibium beobachtetes System von Schleimcanilen findet sich unter 
folgenden Verhiltnissen: Die Seitenlinie theilt sich, nachdem sie die ganze 
Lange des Stammes durchlaufen und iiber der Kiemenéffnung zwei con- 
vergirende Aeste gegen den Nacken abgegeben hat, hinter und iiber dem 
Mundwinkel in zwei Zweige, welche schlangenférmig gewunden iiber und 
unter dem Auge gegen die Schnauze ziehen, und am Lippensaum, zwei 
Linien von einander entfernt, endigen. Der untere derselben schickt gleich 
nach seinem Ursprunge drei Aeste zum Unterkinn, welche in der Mittel- 
linie in einander iiberzugehen- scheinen, and durch mehrere gewundene 
Zwischenschenkel mit einander communiciren, wodurch kleinere unregel- * 
massige Facetten gebildet werden. Der obere haingt mit dem der anderen 
Seite durch einen iiber den Scheitel weggehenden Verbindungsarm, und ein 
Zoll hinter diesem, durch einen zweiten ahnlichen, zusammen... . . Die 
Verbreitnng dieser Linien am Kopfe stimmt mit jener bei Chimcera voll- 
kommen iiberein.” Hyrtl, 45, p. 6. 


rifid pore. Whether the ventral and dorsal lines were present as 
series of free neuromasts could not be determined. 

Comparing the system in Proftopterus with that in urodeles, 
resemblances appear in the presence of three corporal lines 
occupying the same relative positions as in Amphibia, the pres- 
ence of lines on the head apparently representing the oral, jugu- 
lar and gular lines in Amphibia, connected with the infra-orbital. 
Differences in detail in the two groups are manifest ; most con- 
spicuous is the apparent fusion for a part of their length of the 
infra-orbital and jugular, and the absence of an angular line. 

In degrees of complexity of the system the three dipnoans 
stand, Lepidosiren, Protopterus and Ceratodus. In the first the 
entire system is superficial; in Cevatodus it is sunk in canals (except 
perhaps dorsal and ventral lines and accessory groups) ; while in 
Protopterus it is intermediate, a small portion only occupying 


In structure, as has been suggested before, the neuromasts in 
Amphibia are but little modified from the typical form. They 
are situated in the epidermis, but little if at all withdrawn from 
the surface and present throughout the class the same histo- 
logic structure. The following description is based upon the 
statements of Malbranc and my own observations: 

The two kinds of cells are readily distinguished, the conical, 
pear-shaped or so-called sensory cells, and the spindle or sus- 
tentacular cells. The former occupy the center of the bulb 
extending only partly through its height. In number they vary 
from only a few to forty or so, according to the size of the 
neuromast. The nucleus is generally large, round and clear, 
possessing a small amount of chromatin. The cell-body, 
further, blackens somewhat on the application of osmic acid, 
though not so markedly as in the neuromasts of fishes. The 
ectal end of the cell bears a refractive bristle which in the larva 
is generally quite long ; in the adult itis short, reaching, however, 
the free surface of the bulb. The ental or basal end which con- 
tains the nucleus seems generally to terminate bluntly; often 


however, delicate varicose processes are to be observed. ( Mal- 
branc ).* 

Surrounding these is an enveloping sheath of long spindle 
cells which extend throughout the height of the bulb, their 
form being modified according to the shape and position of the 
surrounding cells. 

The nucleus is generally .situated near the basal or ental end 
which terminates in a number of delicate processes. Isolated 
cells of the two kinds from Déemyctylus are shown in Figs. 42 
and 43; for comparison also are figured the neuromasts in 
Necturus, Diemyctylus and two developing (?) organs in Amblystoma 
in which the typical histologic structure is readily seen. The 
neuromasts in /Vecturus are the more withdrawn from the surface. 
The precise mode of termination of the nerve fibers in the neuro- 
masts still demands attention, possibly for the determination of 
the value of certain theories. 


The Amphibia afford in certain respects peculiar opportunities 
for the study of a sensory system associated with existence in 
the water. This is due to the fact that there are here included 
forms purely aquatic and forms as purely terrestrial in their 
habits of life, and yet others which spend a portion of their life in 
the water and a portion of it on land. In every family of the tailed 
Amphibia native in the United States the system has been found, 
and in five families of the tailless Amphibia. Since Malbranc 
has found the sense organs in a larval Pipa, and Leydig in a 
larva of the viviparous Salamandra atra taken from the oviduct 
of the mother, doubtless the system will be found in a more or 
less perfect state of development in all Amphibia at some period 
in their life-history. The genus Plethodon would be a good test 
form for determining this, since it is said at no period of its 

* Schulze has stated that these cells are directly continuous with nerve 
fibers. This last is improbable; doubtless the application of modern 
methods would show that such is not the case; it is important, however, 
‘since in that case these would be true nerve cells in the second modified 
epidermal cells. 


development to live in the water. In order to ascertain it 
possible the presence of the neuromasts in this genus, I examined 
serial sections through the head of a well developed Plethodon 
erythronotus embryo almost ready to hatch, but could detect no 
certain trace of the sense organs. However, if larve just 
hatched are examined, it is confidently expected that the organs. 
will be found. 

In the urodela the distribution may readily be reduced to the 
following type: Upon the body, three lines, a /atera/ continuous 
or not continuous with an occipital group, though not continuous 
with the orbital lines; a ventral line extending from under the 
arms. in the pectoral region to near the hind legs ; a dorsal line 
somewhat closely connected with: the lateral at its cephalic end 
and seldom extending as far as the level of the vent. Upon the 
head, a series extending from behind the eye, above and below it 
to the snout, the swpra- and infra-orbital lines; a line upon the 
lower lip, the ora/, connected with the infra-orbital by the 
angular; a line from the angle of the mouth to the lateral 
corner of the head and there meeting a diverging line upon the 
ventral side of the head, and, when this is sufficiently developed, 
a line or trend of organs upon the side of the head; these the 
jugular, gular and postorbital lines of the descriptions and figures. 

Comparison with other Ichthyopsida may not be of much 
value ; however, the distribution approaches most nearly that in 
the Dipnoans, then in Elasmobranchs ; among the latter Ch/amy- 
doselachus, apparently, in the greater extent of the gular line, 
shows most resemblance to the Amphibia. 

In the tailless forms there are three corporal lines, the lateral 
and dorsal converging cephalad ; also well developed orbital lines, 
and upon the ventral side of the head a line in the position of the 
oral and jugular, possibly representing both, and two transverse 
lines, with a possible gular. The changed form of body in the two 
groups renders a comparison difficult; it should be based on — 
nerve supply. The curious difference in the relations of the 
groups in the lines upon the trunk in the anura and urodela has 

been noted before. 


The significance of the arrangement into groups is apparent 
when the system is examined in the larva at different periods of 
development. Evidently as has already been maintained by 
Malbranc, each group sprang from a single organ by repeated 
fission in the same plane. His figures and my own observations 
clearly show that such is the case, as illustrated by Fig. 45. 
Exactly how this takes place, however, is unknown. Whether 
the sensory cells may arise from the supportive cells, or from 
sensory cells alone, and supported from supporting cells or from 
ordinary epidermal cells, yet awaits solution. 

It is probable that the sensory cells alone determine the size, 
shape and division of the neuromast, and multiply by the division 
of previous sensory cells. In only one instance a karyokinetic 
figure was observed in a nucleus apparently of a sensory cell. 
The causes determining the plane in which fission takes place 
must be closely connected with the function of the sense organs, 
whatever it may be. Malbranc called attention to the often 
recurring arrangement of groups upon two coordinates perpen- 
dicular to each other, or nearly so (as in the gular line), pointing 
out the physical advantage in such an arrangement in perceiving 
the direction and strength of a vibration in the water, should 
such be their function. In Ichthyopsida, in which the sense organs 
are deeply sunken in canals, the pores often become many times 
divided. In Amma, Allis found that the primitive pores divide 
quite regularly in a certain plane for a number of times; these 
secondary pores again often divide in a plane at an angle to the 
first, generally a right angle or nearly so, reminding us of the 
groups in Amphibia. In forms, then, in which the sense organs 
are confined in canals, this division of the pores would seem to 
represent a potential division of the sense organs, which in forms 
in which the sense organs are freely situated, as in Amphibia, 
can be actual. It does not appear that any physiological experi- 
ments have ever been undertaken to attempt to ascertain the 
function and value of the system, nor are there as yet data 
for a comparison of the development of the system in different 
Ichthyopsida with their habits and form, from which some idea 


might be obtained. Of the theories advanced, the facts of 
arrangement and development seems to render most reasonable 
the one of Jacobson, viz., that it is the perception of vibrations of 
the water, and that the distribution, and therefore multiplication of 
the organs may, perhaps, be to a certain extent regulated by and 
modified in accordance with mechanical advantages arising out 
of the form and habits of the animal. 

In connection with the development of the individual sense 
organs should be mentioned the existence in Cryptobranchus, as 
observed by Malbranc and by the writer, of small organs in the 
skin which are covered with epidermal cells, and which he 
regarded as developing organs, which later break through the 
epidermis. This mode of development has been shown by Allis 
to exist in Asma. However, I do not consider it necessarily the 
proper explanation of these hidden organs in Cryptobranchus. 
They were also observed in the skin from the parotid region of 
an adult Asdlystoma (the only region examined); in a very 
limited area, about five mm. square, were found two groups of 
two each, and one of three of these small submerged neuromasts. 
From the fact that the organs in the larva are more abundant 
apparently than in the adult, it is suggested that these are but 
supernumerary organs which do not appear in the adult, or do 
so subsequently when needed. 

This calls the attention to the necessity, imposed by the life 
habits of certain urodeles, e. ¢., Diemyctylus, for the neuromasts 
to live over a period of terrestrial existence, which is accomplished 
by the protection of the organs by a growth of epidermal cells. 
Doubtless this is also true for many other forms of semi-aquatic 
habits of life, ¢..¢., Desmognathus. In certain other urodeles, ¢. g., 
Salamandra, and I believe Plethodon (if they exist at any time), 
the system perishes entirely in the adult. This is also the case 
apparently in all the Anura, though in Raza it persists until after 
both legs and arms are well developed and the tail has begun to 
be absorbed. There would seem, then, to be something other 
than an aquatic existence necessary for the maintainance of the 
neuromasts, since Raza catesbiana is more purely aquatic than 

Ss ~€~ 


several of the Salamanders in which the system persists. Of the. 
mode of final disappearance nothing is known. 

The nerve supply of the system has never been worked out 
for Amphibia with sufficient completeness so that the innervation 
of all the various individual series is not definitely known. The 
investigations of Ewart and Strong, the latter upon the cranial 
nerves in the tadpole, have shown that in Amphibia and Elasmo- 
branchs, at least, the nerves supplying this system arise just 
cephalad and caudad of the eighth nerve. In Urodela, at the 
level of the seventh, a nerve arises which divides, one branch 
becoming associated with the Gasserian ganglion of the fifth, 
and giving rise to the buccal and opthalmicus superficialis V/T., 
which, undoubtedly, supply the infra 

and supra-orbital lines. 
The second branch joins the seventh and forms the mental 
(Strong) nerve which supplies the lines upon the ventral side of 
the head, and probably also the jugular and post-orbital lines. 
The lateral nerve arises just cephalad of the ninth and divides 
into three branches, the more dorsal much the smaller, which 
supply the group in the occipital region of the head and the 
three lines upon the body. As far as it has been possible to make 
comparative study the results sustain Strong. In Mecturus, 
Amblystoma and Diemyctylus the roots described by him as 
innervating the lateral line system above, were all recognized and 
were in relative size quite proportional to the development of the 
system. In Desmognathus the roots arose so close to the 
seventh and ninth nerve that they were not readily distinguish- 
able ; however, the customary branch to the Gasserian ganglion 
was present, though very small, as it should be. In Plethodon 
I was unable to detect it, and believe the lateral line roots 
lacking. * 

* Pinkus 95 has examined the larvee of Salamandra maculosa and atra, 
Desmognathus fusca and Salamandrina and finds the lateral line roots as 
described by Strong. In the adult Salamandra atra and Geotriton fuscus 
the nerves are absent although in Salamandra asmall strand of fibers 

_ passed from the seventh to the Gasserian ganglion, there to end without 

any corresponding issuing nerves. In Protopterus he found the lateral line 
nerves much as in the Amphibia. As would be expected from the distri- 


Especially interesting and prominently advanced of late is the 
theory of the origin of the ear from this system of sense organs. 
In support of this are (1) the fact of the origin of the nerves 
supplying the neuromasts from the immediate neighborhood of 
the eighth, caudad and cephalad of it; (2) the general resem- 
blance between the sensory cells and the hair cells of the ear ; 
(3) the tendency of the neuromasts to sink below the surface in 
development, as does the ear; and (4) the embryologic evidence 
so far accumulated indicates that in fishes the ear and the lateral 
line system develop from a common epibranchial thickening of 
the ectoderm, which spreads caudad and cephalad to constitute 
the lines of neuromasts. 

Despite the plausibility and attractiveness of the theory, its 
acceptance, it seems, should be held in abeyance until one or two 
points are determined. Ayers, who is one of the most ardent 
supporters of the theory, in the latest publication upon the 
relation of the nerve fibers and hair cells in the ear, states that 
cell and fiber are directly continuous and the nerve fiber does 
not terminate freely among them as had been held hitherto. This 
makes the hair cells true nerve cells, parts ( one-half or less ) of 
nerve units, comparable therefore to the sensory cells of the nose. 
On the other hand, the only application known to me of the 
impregnation methods ( Retzius ’93 ) indicates that in the neuro- 
masts the termination of the fiber is free in an end brush, as it is 
in the end buds. This would make the sensory cells of the 
neuromasts but modified epidermal cells, and not comparable ( if 
both Retzius and Ayers are correct ) to the hair cells of the ear, 
which would be the morphological representatives (in part ) of 
the nerve cells of the ganglia in connection with the nerves of 
the system. Therefore it is felt that the mode of termination 
of the nerve fibers in both the macule of the ear and in the 
neuromasts should be reinvestigated before the other facts are 
accepted in support of the theory. 

bution of the neuromasts, the lateral nerve divides into three superficial 
branches, a ventral, lateral and dorsal, and a deep lateral one (R. lateralis ~ 
profundis), which he deseribes as innervating the caudal portion of the 

tail (the caudal more ventral series of neuromasts). 



The methods employed were of the simplest. Much of the 
material was alcoholic which had been previously prepared for 
museum purposes. Such forms as were available fresh, e. ¢., 
Diemyctylus, Necturus, etc., were carefully killed in weak ( one- 
third per cent.) chromic acid with ether, and the epidermis was 
then immediately examined with a lens, and the location and 
arrangement of the neuromasts ascertained; in MVecturus they 
were difficult to detect in specimens less carefully treated. The 
larval Amblystomas were killed in either chromic acid ( one-third 
per cent.) or platinum chlorid ( one-quarter per cent.) and pre- 
served in alcohol, and examined by strong reflected light with 
the compound microscope. Tissue for the histologic exami- 
nation of the sense organs was fixed in Picro-aceto-sublimate. 
(Formula: fifty percent. alcohol, 1o00cc.; mercuric chlorid, five 
grams; picric acid, one gram; glacial acetic acid, 1occ.). The 
stains employed were Gage’s hematoxylin and eosin, the last in 
an alcoholic ( sixy-seven per cent.) solution. Collodion was used 
in imbedding and the blocks were cleared in Fish’s Castor-thyme © 
oil mixture. (Fish, 3.) 















Allis, E. P., Jr.—The anatomy and development of the lateral line 
system in Amiacalva. Journal of Morphology, Vol. II., pp. 463-566. 
Beard, John—The system of branchial sense organs and their associ- 
ated ganglia inIchthyopsida. A contribution to the ancestral history 
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Leydig, Fr.—Ueber die Schleimkanile der Knochenfische. Maller’s 
Archiv (1850), p. 170. 

Leydig, Fr.—Ueber die Molche (Salamandrina) der Wiirtembergischen 
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Leydig, F.—Ueber Organe eines sechsten Sinnes. , Zugleich ein Bei- 
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Dresden, 1868. 

1678. Lorenzini.—Osservazioni intorno alle Torpedini, Firenzi, 1678; 

London, 1705, Anlg. 




McDonnell, R.—On the system of the lateral line in fishes, Trans. 
Roy. Irish Acad., Vol. XXTV.) Pee: pp. 161-187 (1862). 

Malbranc, M.—Von der Seitenlinie und ihren Sinnesorganen bei Am 
phibien. Zeitsch. f. Wiss. Zool., Vol. XXVI. (1876), pp. 24-86, 
Merkel, Fr.— Ueber die Endigungen der sensiblen Nerven in der 
Haut der Wirbelthiere. Rostock, 1880, 

1785. Monro, A. (secundus)—The structure and physiology of Fishes. 


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Familie der fischihnlichen. Reptilien. Wien, 1845 

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nectens. Berichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, Vol, IN 3 
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- Pollard, H. B.—The lateral line system in siluroids, Zool. Jahrbuch, 

Vol. V., p. 525 (1893), 

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hiigeln der Fische und Amphibien. Bio], Unters., N. F. IV. (1893). 
Robin C. Recherches Sur un appareil qui se trouve sur les poissons 
du genre des Raies, Annales Sci. Nat. (8e sér.), Vol, VIL, pp. 193-204, 
Schulze, F. E. —Ueber die Nervenendigung in den sogenannten 
Schleimkanilen der Fische und iiber entsprechende Organe der durch 
Kiemen athmenden Amphibien. Arch, Sf. Anat. u, Phys. (1861), p- 

Schulze, F. E.—Ueber die Sinnesorgane der Seitenlinie bei Fischen 
und Amphibien. Arch, J. Mik. Anat., Bd. VI » Pp. 62 (1870), 

. De Séde de Liéoux, P. —Recherches sur la ligne latérale des poissons 

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Mobo X.Vit. pp. 95-113 (1880). IL Die Seitenorgane der Selachier. 
Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Vol. XVIL., pp. 458-478, III. Die Seitenorgane 
der Knochenfische, Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Vol. XVIIL., pp. 364-390 

1664. Stenonis.—De muscalis et glandulis observationum specimen 


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morphology of the vertebrate nervous system. Jour. Moph., Vol. 
X., pp. 101-230 (1895). 

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belthiere. 38te Auflage. Jena, 1893. 

Wright, R. Ramsay—On the skin and cutaneous sense organs of 
Amiurus. Proce. Canad. Inst,, Vol. II., Fasc. N 0. 8., p. 252. Toronto, 

Wright R. Ramsay—Some preliminary notes on the anatomy of 
fishes. Proc. Canad. Inst. Toronto, Feb, 7, 1885, p. 3-4, 



The specimens from which most of the outline plottings were made 
were alcoholic, 50 that in many Cases the shape and position of the 
legs and arms are unnatural. 

Figures 1-3, 6-8, 16, 18, 20-22, 94-26, 30 and 31 were outlined at the 
required magnification by means of a vertical photographic camera. The 
specimens, in water or alcohol, were placed in direct sunlight, and in place 
of the ground-glass screen, a clear glass was used across which tissue paper 
was stretched and fastened, whereon the outline and as many details as were 
necessary were traced. 

Figures 4, 9, 9-11, 17%, 19-23, 93 and 36 were drawn with a compound 
microscope by the aid of an Abbe camera lucida. 

From the curvature of the surface the relative position of sense organs 
at the periphery of any aspect would be falsely shown, hence, in many of 
the figures they were discarded and only the groups strictly belonging to 
any one aspect shown. The approximate magnification is given for each 

The names that have been applied in description to each line or series are 
indicated in the figures by the following abbreviations: 

30, — Supra-Orbital. O. = Oral. 
10. — Infra-Orbital. A. = Angular. 
PO. — Post-Orbital. Vv. = Ventral. 
J. = Jugular. D. = Dorsal. 
G. = Gular. L. = Lateral. 

OC. = Occipital Group. 


Necturus maculatus. 

Fic. 1, Lateral aspect of the head; the short lines represent linear 
groups of 6-2 organs each, X 1. 

Fic. 2. Dorsal aspect of head, X 1. 

Fic. 3. Ventral aspect of head, X J. 

Amblystoma punctaium. 

Fic. 4. Larva 16 mm. long. Ventral aspect of head, < 8; each circle in 
this and the following figures represents a sense organ. 

Fic. 5. Larva 16 mm. long. Dorsal aspect of the head, X 8. 

Fic. 6. Adult 18.5 cm. long. Ventral aspect of the head, X 1. 

Fic. 7. Same. Dorsal aspect of the head, X 1. 

Fia. 8. Same. Lateral aspect, X 4: 

Fia. 9. Larva 52 mm. long. Dorsal aspect of the head, X 4. 

—e SC 



# { 
yi {\ (\ 






Amblystoma punctatum. 

Fig. 10. Larva 2 
Fig. 11. Same. 

8.5 mm. long. Dorsal asp 
Ventral aspect of the head, xX 8. 

ect of the head, X 8. 

Protopterus annectens. 

Fic. 12. Specimen 26 cm. long. Ventr 
circles represent pores of the canals, the 
indicated by dotted lines. 

al aspect of the head, x 1. The 
free lines of sense organs being. 

Amphiuma means. 

Fic. 13. Lateral aspect of the head, 
Fic. 14. Ventral aspect of the head, X 
Fic. 15. Dorsal aspect of the head, X 1 



cere ue 
hn ° ° 

( : Q. G = 



Amphiuma. ; Amphiuma. 

BLK del. ay 



Fie. 16. Adult Necturus maculatus. Lateral aspect. of body. The 
organs upon the head are omitted, X +: 

Fic. 17. Larval Amblystoma punctatum, 28.5 mm. long. Lateral. 
aspect of the body. X 4 

Fig. 18. Larva of Gyrinophilus porphyriticus. Lateral aspect of the 
body, X 1. 

Fic. 19. Larva of Amblystoma punctatum 16 mm. long. Lateral 
aspect, X 8. 

Diemyctylus Virtaescens . 

Fic. 20. Adult male. Lateral aspect, X 1. 

Fig. 21. Same. Ventral aspect, X 1. 

Fic. 22. Same. Dorsal aspect of the head, X Ibs 

Fic. 23. Larva 32mm. long. Dorsal aspect of the head, X 8. 
Gyrinophilus porphyriticus. 

Fic. 24. Larva 82 mm. long. Dorsal aspect of the head, X 2. 

Fig. 25. Same. Lateral aspect of the head, X 2. 

Fic. 26. Same. Ventral aspect of the head X 2. 

Protopterus annectens. 

Fic. 27. Lateral aspect of the head, X 1. The circles in this and the two. 
following figures represent pores, the free lines of sense organs being indi- 
cated by a dotted line except in Fig. 29. 

Fic. 28. Dorsal aspect of head, X 1. 
Fic. 29. Lateral aspect of the body, X +: 


Fic. 30. Ventral aspect of the head, X 1. The short lines indicate. 
Fic. 31. Lateral aspect of the body, X 1. 



sate are 




Fic. 32. A neuromast from the skin of the snout. Necturus, < 325. 
con.—conical or sensory cells. 
sp.—=spindle cells. 
Fic. 33. Larval Amblystoma punctatum, arms just budded. Dorsal 
aspect of the head, 8. 
Fig. 34. A neuromast from the skin of the throat (gular line). Diemyc- 
tylus viridescens, red (land) form, 3825. 
con.—conical cells. 
sp.=spindle cells. 
Fig. 35. A neuromast from the lateral line near the level of the hind 
legs. Diemyctylus viridescens, adult viridescent (aquatic) form. 
con.—conical cells, 325. 
sp.—spindle cells. 
Fig. 36. Larval Amblystoma punctatum, arms just budded. Ventral 
aspect of the head, x 8. 








Rana catesbiana. 

Fig. 37. Latero-dorsal aspect of the body, x 2. Short lines indicate 
Fic. 38. Ventral aspect of the head, x 2. 

Cryptobranchus allegheniensts. 

Fia. 39. Ventral aspect of the head, < 4. 

Fie. 40. Diagram of the elongated papilla divided by the opening of the 
sense organs, with a line beneath to show its representation in Fig. 39. 

Fias. 41 and 42. Isolated cells of the neuromasts from the head of 
Diemyctylus viridescens, X 615. Isolated by twenty hours’ maceration in 
one-half Miiller’s fluid. 

Lepidosiren paradoxa. 

Fic. 43. Lateral aspect of the head, X 4. 

Fia. 44. Dorsal aspect of the head, x 4 

The lines or portions of lines seen are represented in the last two figures 
by a succession of dots. From the condition of the specimen the plottings 
were necessarily imperfect. 

Fia.45. Two submerged (developing) organs from the skin of Amblystoma 
parotid region, representing apparently an organ dividing by fission, 325. 

con.=conical cells. 





W. W. RowLeE, Ithaca, N. Y. 

No group of plants affords a better opportunity for studying 
the contents of vegetable cells than the Characee. Of the two 
principal genera in the group, WVetella is most often recom- 
mended for histological studies. Chara coronata, however, is 
without the cortical cells which interfere so seriously with 
observation of cell-contents in other species of Chara. As this 
particular species is more abundant in the vicinity of Ithaca than 
any species of /Vite//a, it has been selected more often as a sub- 
ject for laboratory investigation in vegetable histology, and one 
of the interesting observations made in connection with these 
studies has reference to the number of chlorophyll bodies in a 
given area. 

The plant body is made up of successive joints. At the 
joints are lateral outgrowths frequently called “leaves.” The 
plant simulates an ordinary terrestrial herb in having nodes and 
internodes and in having leaves borne at the nodes. Each 
internode consists of a single, large cylindrical cell. Inthe lower 
portion of the axis the internodal cells are sometimes more than 
an inch long and they grow successively shorter toward the 
apex. The nodes consist of several cells. The internodal cells 
are lined with an ectoplasm in which is imbedded the chloro- 
plastids, to which, as is well known, is due the green of plants. 

The chlorophyll bodies lie in longitudinal. rows and very close 
together, but never so close as to overlap. The rows lie 
obliquely in the cell, thereby giving the impression of being in a 
spiral The number of chlorophyll bodies in a given area is 
something surprising. They are larger and fewer in the older 
parts of the plant axis, and in these parts number from 12,000 
to 15,000 to the square millimeter. In the younger portions of 


the axis and in the leaves their number rises to from 25,000 to 
30,000 in each square millimeter, a number which may possibly 
be more easily comprehended when we reduce this to inches, and 
find that there are more than a million of these bodies to each 
square inch of surface. 

It is interesting to note that just as in terrestrial plants, the 
chlorophyll is more abundant in the lateral organs. 


W. W. RowLer and Mary A. NicHots, Ithaca, N. Y, 

It seems that the characteristic Property which has given to 
this plant its popular name and its malodorous reputation has 
further served to render it immune from the attacks of Scientists. 
Hence, although a prominent feature of our flora, a plant of wide 
distribution and a member of a group which is especially interest- 
ing in its position and relations, yet comparatively little concerning 
its anatomy or life-history has found its way into the annals of 
botany. The difficulties attendant upon its study are augmented 
by its unattractive habitat, and the fact that many of its life 
processes are carried on under a heavy blanket of snow. When, 
late in February, Openings begin to appear at the summits of 
cone-shaped, snow-walled cavities (note 1), to announce the ad- 
vent of this earliest herald of plant life, one finds that he has 
already flaunted his pollen within the warm, thick-hooded Spathe, 
which nestles close to a sturdy leaf-roll. But the initia] stages 
of growth may be studied through July and August. At this 
time the next year’s spadix is already differentiated deep down in 
the heart of the plant, usually six inches or more below the sur- 
face of the ground. Now, too, one finds close to the perennial 
rootstock, where they have fallen from the fleshy spadix of the 
Previous autumn, a handful of brown, bulblet-like seeds, from one 
to one and one-half centimetres in diameter. These seeds are 
described by Gray in his “‘ Manual” as « filled by the large, glob- 
ular and fleshy, corm-like embryo which bears one or several 
plumules at the end next the base of the ovary ; albumen none.” 
In the large number of seeds examined we have failed to find, in 
any case, more than one plumule. The plumule consists ofa 
central axis, upon which are born several rudimentary leaves, 


forming successive over-lapping layers. As fast as these cap-like 
layers push out into true leaves, new layers are cut off from the 
tip of the axis. The axis contains a ring of well-defined vascular 
tissue, which extends from the base of the plumule nearly to the 
opposite end of the seed, and becomes more and more conspic- 
uous as the xylem hardens with the growth of the seedling. The 
radicle is entirely wanting, and hence no primary root is developed, 
The plumule and axis are wholly surrounded by the fleshy scutel- 
lum, which is so largely developed here as to fill the entire seed. 
It is composed of loose-celled tissue of a bluish color, richly 
stored with proteids, which take stain very readily. The axis of 
the embryo gradually lengthens into rootstock, which contains a 
central cylinder, limited by the ring of vascular tissue, and inter= 
spersed with numerous concentric vascular bundles, irregularly 
arranged, and much contorted. From these bundles secondary 
roots develop adventitiously after the plumule has attained con- 
siderable size. 

The continuation of the bundles from the rootstock to the 
petioles is not distinctly traceable and, moreover, the bundles of 
the petioles and of the blades as they expand are collateral and 
very regular. 

A conspicuous feature in all the tissues of this plant is the ex- 
traordinary number of sacs containing raphides. These occur in 
seed, root, petioles, leaves, spathe and spadex, but are most nu- 
merous in the fleshy rootstock, particularly in the regions of the 
bundles. It has been suggested that these crystals may be the 
cause of the painful irritation produced in the mouth by tasting of 
the rootstock. The sensation is similar to that produced by the 
corm of Indian turnip, with which many people are familiar. The 
irritation is often pronounced mechanical. One may easily fancy 
that he feels the needle-like crystals penetrating the tongue and 
lips. When the crystals are dissolved out with H. Cl. the irritat- 
ing property disappears. Whether, however, the irritation is 
mechanical, or is due to the presence of some free acid (like the 
formic acid of the stinging nettle), which is reduced by the H. Cl., 
has not been determined. Some discussion of the question rela- 


tive to Ariseerma appeared in the Botanical Gazette for January, 
1888, and September, 1889. 

When the rootstock first pushes out from the seed, it has a 
diameter of about one-half centimetre, while the old rootstocks 
attain a size eight toten times greater. It has been established by 
DeBary and others that stems and roots of monocotyledons in 
general show no secondary. changes after the primary differentia- 
tion of tissue. Increase in girth, which occurs after this, depends 
upon “an increase in the volume of existing tissue elements, and 
not upon a cambiogenetic secondary formation.” In exception 
to this general rule, DeBary says: ‘“‘ Cambium and secondary 
wood and bast appear, as far as at present known, only in the 
more or less arborescent stems of A/vine@ (Alve, Lomatophyl- 
lum, Yucca) ; of Beaucarnea and the Dracenee (Dracena, Cordy- 
line, Aletris etc.); in the tubers of Dvzoscoreacee@ (Dioscora, 
Tamus, Testudinaria) ; and the roots of Dvacene@. Vines adds 
to these some shrubby /ridace@, such as Aristea and the stem of 
Isoetes. To these exceptional monocotyls must now be added 
our Symplocarpus fetidus. Entirely surrounding the central 
cylinder, in which the vascular bundles are disposed, is a ring of 
meristematic tissue. It consists of from two to five layers of 
tabular cells. The outer layer conforms nfore or less closely to 
the structure of the adjacent parenchymatous cortex, while within 
the irregular radial and tangential divisions of the cells provide 
for the formation of the much contorted and curiously disposed 
xylem and pericycle. Vines, in his enumeration of the various 
types of secondary thickening, gives the two following descrip- 
tions : 

First—‘ There is no primary cambium layer, the bundles 
being all closed; secondary growth in thickness is effected by a 
ring of meristem quite external to the primary bundles; this 
occurs in the stems and roots of monocotyledons (arborescent 
Liliacee, such as Yucca and Dracena ; and some shrubby /ridacee, 
such as Aristea). The ring of meristem is usually developed in 
the pericycle, but in the roots of Dracenew it is formed partly 
from the pericycle and partly from the cortex. This meristem 


ring is not termed a cambium ring, because it does not form wood 
on one side and bast on the other; but it forms, centrifugally, 
entire, closed, concentric (with external wood) bundles together 
with intervening fundamental tissue.” 

Second— There is no proper cambium layer, but the primary 
bundles are invested by a pericyclic meristem ring, which gives 
rise externally to a considerable amount of parenchymatous sec- 
ondary cortex, and internally to a small amount of vascular 
tissue ; stem of Isoetes.”’ 

Neither of the foregoing types conform strictly to the con- 
ditions found in Symplocarpus. The structure here agrees with 
the first type in that it forms centrifugally entire, closed, concen- 
tric bundles and intervening fundamental tissue ; but differs from 
this type in that it also forms, centripetally, parenchymatous 
cortex. It differs from the second type in that it forms, internally, 
not a small amount, but a large amount, of true vascular tissue ; 
and also, as before stated, a considerable amount of intervening 
or pericyclic tissue. 

The results of our investigations so far may now be tabulated 
as follows : 

1. The embryo displays a peculiar individuality in the absence 
of a radicle, the matked development of vascular tissue in the 
axis and the conversion of the scutellum into a-fleshy bulb filling 
the entire seed 

2. There is a probability that the raphides have to do with the 
irritating taste of the plant, and this probability needs confirming 
or refuting by chemical analysis. 

3. The rootstock contains a layer of meristematic tissue sep- 
arating the cortex from a central cylinder in which the vascular 
tissue is disposed, and this meristematic layer gives rise, centrifu- 
gally, to complete closed bundles and inter-fascicular tissue and, 
centripetally, to cortex. 

Botanical Laboratory, Cornell University. 





1. Drawn from nature, January 15,1895. (a) Tip of rootstock. (b) Per- 
ennial rootstock. (c) Annual shoot, a leaf-roll only—no flower stalk 

2. (d) Spathe. (e) Leaf-roll. (f) Enveloping bract. 

3. Young seedling, showing seed, leaf-roll and rootlets. 

4. Flower cluster, the base of the spathe in longisection and the upper 
part cut away to show spadix. 


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“itt SPOOR Aa sN. ty a aware ae yew 
> tox “Lid Tie. ee. rita - 1h ths oat 
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é : r = F 5 ¥ eh RO wri} a Het, CU vii! Ri ' 2 
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5. Cross section of rootstock. (c) Cortex. (m) Meristem. (p) Peri- 
cycle. (x) Xylem. 

6 and 7. Longisections of same. 

8. Raphides-bearing cells. 

NoTE 1.—These holes in the snow through which the young plants first 
appeared were so conspicuous and so constant a character as to excite par- 
ticular attention. They were usually from three to eight inches in diameter, 
the smaller ones being larger at the base and forming a more or less arching 
roof over the plant. The unusual regularity of appearance and the fact 
that the plants were not yet on a level with the surface of the snow, sug- 
gested the possibility that the melting of the snow around these plants is 
induced by heat generated by plant activity. A series of careful experi- 
ments was made to determine the difference between the temperature of 
the plant at the base of the spadix within the spathe and that of the sur- 
rounding atmosphere. The maximum difference observed was four degrees 
C. This was when the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere was 
4° C. and the temperature of the plant was 0°. 

|) eo Be Co 

; pos, L@. NiVe 
ae = 


—— eee 
FC. Buscu. B. Siete Wel Kerr, Jr., B. S., Buffalo, N. Y. 

Each year the importance of the clinical examination of the 
blood is becoming better recognized. In this examination there 
are two points to be ascertained which are generally acknow]- 
edged. These are, the percentage of Hemoglobin and the num- 
ber and kind of ted and white blood corpuscles, 

For determining the hemoglobin there are several methods. 
The hemometer of Fieischl, the hamoglobinometer of Gowers 
and the spectroscopic method of Henocque, are fairly well known. 
None of the above methods employ the microscope, but a deter- 
mination of the hemoglobin is so intimately connected with a 
microscopical examination of the corpuscles of the blood, that we 

It is recognized that there js a relation between the specific 
gravity of the blood and its percentage of hemoglobin: Ham- 
merschlag has constructed a table giving the haemoglobin per- 
centages corresponding to the different specific gravities of the 

In these observations we have compared the specific gravity 
method of Hammerschlag with the hemoglobinometer of Gowers 
and the hamometer of Fleischl. 

Fleischl’s hamometer consists of a colored wedge, with a 
graduated scale attached ; a well with two compartments, one for 


pure water and the other for diluted blood; and a capillary 
pipette for measuring the blood. The blood obtained, by punct- 
uring the finger, is drawn by capillarity into the pipette, from 
which it is washed into one of the chambers of the well. 

Here it is thoroughly mixed with the water. Both compart- 
ments are then filled with water and the well is covered by a 
glass plate. The well is placed upon the stand so that the com- 
partment filled with distilled water is over the colored wedge. 
This is moved by a screw until its color corresponds to that of 
the diluted blood in the other compartment. The percentage of 
hemoglobin is then read off from the attached scale. In using 
the Fleischl, artificial light is necessary, daylight being excluded. 

The hamoglobinometer of Gowers is usually manufactured 
with but one colored tube, which is for use with daylight. There 
is another form in which there are two tubes, one for use with 
daylight and the other for artificial light. The one which we have 
used is of the former kind. It consists of a sealed tube filled with 
a glycerine-jelly solution of carmine and picro-carmine of the 
color of an one-per-cent. solution of normal blood ; another tube of 
the same diameter to hold the blood to be tested; a pipette 
graduated to 20 cu. m.m. and a stand to hold the two tubes, side 
by side. The blood measured in the pipette is mixed with a small 
quantity of water in the graduated tube; water is then added 
until the dilution corresponds in color to that of the standard 
solution in the other tube. In making the comparison it is neces- 
sary to hold the instrument against a white back ground, opposite 
the source of light or directly between the eye and the window. 

The method which we have used for determining the specific 
gravity, and thus the haemoglobin of the blood, is not so well 
known as the above and will therefore bear a more detailed 
description. It is one used by Hammerschlag and depends upon 
the well-known physical principle that a body which will float 
indifferently in a liquid is of the same specific gravity as that 
liquid. For this purpose, two liquids are taken, one of a higher 
and the other of a lower specific gravity than that of the blood, 
with neither of which it will mix. The necessary apparatus con- 


sists of a hydrometer, hydrometer jar, chloroform and benzole. 

In using this method, the finger is pricked and the blood thus 
obtained is introduced into a mixture of chloroform and benzole 
in the hydrometer jar. The drop of blood, since it will not mix 
with either chloroform or benzole, retains its spherical form. If 
the drop sinks the mixture is too light and must be made heavier 
by adding chloroform. If it rises the mixture is too heavy and 
must be made lighter by adding benzole. By carefully adding 
one or the other a point is reached where the drop of blood will 
neither rise nor sink, but will float indifferently in the mixture. 
At this point the specific gravity of the blood is the same as that 
of the mixture, By means of the hydrometer we can obtain the 
specific gravity of the mixture and thus at the same time that of 
the blood. 

It is desirable to use a medium-sized drop of blood and it is 
better not to divide this into several. Care must be taken, how- 
ever, to mix the liquids thoroughly by stirring with the glass rod. 
In order to facilitate Mixing, it is well, when the liquid is too heavy, 
to add an excess of benzole and bring it back to the desired point 
by adding chloroform. The latter being heavier, sinks and thus 
mixes more readily with the mixture. 

We have found it convenient to obtain the blood from the 
palmar surface of the middle finger of the left hand, and have 
used, for this purpose, an ordinary sharp-pointed steel pen with 
one nib broken off. A new pen may be used for every test and 
Should be sterilized by heat. The finger also should be washed 
with some antiseptic, in order to take every precaution against 
infection. This method of obtaining the blood was used by us 
for the three instruments. 

For introducing the blood into the chloroform-benzole mixture, 
a pipette of fine calibre may be used. A sufficient quantity of 
blood is drawn into this and expelled in the middle of the mixture. 
Care should be taken that all of the blood is not blown out, but 
that some remains in the tip of the pipette. That which has been 
expelled will usually adhere to the pipette as a large drop and 
must be shaken loose. By thus holding back a small portion of 


blood, the liability of mixing air with the drop is avoided as much 
as possible. 

E. Lloyd Jones, of Cambridge University, uses a modification of 
the method of Professor Roy. This, which depends upon the same 
principle as the preceding, consists in the use of numerous solu- 
tions of glycerine and water, the specific gravities of which are 
known and which are successfully tried until one is obtained, 
corresponding in specific gravity to that of the blood. 

His apparatus consists of twenty to twenty-five one-ounce glass 
bottles filled with standard solutions of glycerine and water, dif- 
fering one from the other by .oo1 of specific gravity ; a number of 
fine glass pipettes drawn out to a point and bent at right angles 
near the tip; a cylindrical glass jar of about one dram capacity ; 
and a number of clean, sharp suture needles. After puncturing 
the finger on the dorsal aspect near the root of the nail, the blood 
which exudes of itself or after the finger has been quickly 
squeezed, is drawn into one of the pipettes. This is introduced 
into one of the standard solutions and the blood gently blown 
out. The solution chosen is of high or low specific gravity 
according to the appearance of the patient. The bent point of 
the pipette prevents the blood from being given an impetus up 
or down when blown from the end, 

According to whether the specific gravity of the blood is equal to, 
greater, or less than that of the solution, it will pursue a horizontal 
course, sink or rise. By trying a number of solutions one may 
be found in which the blood neither rises nor sinks, or two are 
found in one of which it rises and in the other sinks. In the last 
case the specific gravity of the blood is between the two. 

In our experience with the Gowers’ instrument, we have found 
it very unsatisfactory. It is often quite impossible to get the tint 
of the diluted blood to correspond to that of the standard one- 
per-cent solution. Even when this is attained, a difference in 
shade may be produced by looking at the instrument somewhat 
from the side instead of straight from in front; by holding the 
paper for reflection farther away from or nearer to the instrument ; 
by holding the instrument between the eye and the window or by 


moving farther away from the window. In the last case, in sev-_ 
eral instances, the differences produced by moving twenty feet 
away from the source of light, was fifteen per cent., the blood 
requiring to be more diluted when farther from the window and 
thus giving a higher reading. These tests were made in a 
hospital ward on a day of average brightness. Therefore it may 
be seen that in addition to the other sources of error, the nature 
of the day, whether it be bright or cloudy, will make an appreci- 
able difference. 

We have frequently disagreed in our readings of the same test 
in both Fleischl and Gowers and others also have differed from 
us as to when the proper shade was attained. In using the 
Fleischl instruments, in comparison in the same cases, we have 
generally found a difference in reading between the two. In 
thirty per cent. of these comparisons the difference was as much 
as ten per cent. We have also found that in one-fifth of our cases 
we disagree in our readings of the same instrument. 

We have found it a great inconvenience in making bed-side 
tests in a hospital ward, to run to some other part of the ward or 
building to a dark room. In order to obviate this difficulty we 
have adopted the following device: This consists in our instru- 
ment bag fitted with a cardboard cover; at one end of this a 
hole is cut for the passage of a lamp chimney ; at the other end 
a small hole for looking through the well of the instrument, and 
at one side of this a window with a flap for inserting the hand to 
move the wedge. 

Hammerschlag’s method has the advantage that there is no 
color test. Every one must agree as to whether the drop rises 
or sinks or stays where placed. It is also very inexpensive, all 
that is necessary being a hydrometer jar, chloroform and benzole. 
The method of Roy and Jones necessitates keeping on hand a 
large number of solutions which require careful standardization 
and must be re-standardized at frequent intervals, Although 
this method may be better where a large number of cases are 
to be examined in a short time, yet for the ordinary observer, 
who uses a method of this kind. less often and upon a small 


number of cases, the one which we have used seems prefer- 

In both methods, Hammerschlag and Jones have found that 
there is no appreciable difference due to variations of temperature 
in the room. : 

The results which we have obtained in making parallel tests 
with the above described methods, may be summarized as follows : 

The readings of the Fleisch] ran as a rule from ten to fifteen 
per cent. lower than the percentage estimated from the specific 
gravity. The readings of the Gowers ran a few per cent. lower than 
the specific gravity. The Gowers’ instrument is liable to an error 
of at least fifteen per cent. depending upon the intensity of the light. 
The Fleischl instrument is liable to an error of about ten per 
cent. In the specific-gravity method there is liability of error 
from two sources. The drop of blood may adhere to the sides 
of the jar, or some air may become mixed with it. These errors 
in the specific-gravity method are reduced to a minimum by 
careful manipulation. 

The greatest error in this last method may be due to the table, 
since of the cases from which Hammerschlag constructed his 
table, a great number were primary anzemias and chloroses. For 
these his table would probably be more accurate than for our 
cases, as all the anemias which we examined, were secondary. 
Our cases were taken as ordinarily found in hospital wards, both 
medical and surgical, and covered a wide range of diseases. 

We are convinced from the experience of others and from our 
own observations that all of these methods are liable to con- 
siderable error. Osler says that the error in the Fleischl instru- 
ment may not be more than two per cent. in blood, which is 
nearly normal, but cites Neubert and Letzius as having shown that 
in a much impoverished blood the error may be as much as 
twenty per cent. 

The specific-gravity method has the advantage of cheapness 
and convenience ; of taking but little blood, and of not being a 
color test. This last is of the most importance since the accuracy 
of the test does not depend so much upon the judgment of the 


individual, and makes it practical for observers who lack sufficient 
appreciation of colors and shades. 

In following up a case with a color test, an error of five per 
cent. too low might be made at the first reading, and one of five 
per cent. too high at the second and the patient be supposed to 
have improved to that extent, when, in reality, his condition had 
remained unaltered. With the specific-gravity method this error 
is less likely to occur. 

It has been found that while the specific gravity may vary at 
different times of the day, being influenced by sleep, food, drink, 
exercise, etc., the hamoglobin, under similar conditions, varies 

From the Laboratory of Pathology, University of Buffalo, 
August 21st, 1895. 


Proressor C. H. EIGENMANN, Bloomington, Ind. 


Cymatogaster is a small fish, abundant along the coast of Cali- 
fornia and extending as far north as Alaska. It inhabits the 
shallow water of bays. It is a member of the viviparous family 
Embiotocide, and in it viviparity has produced changes greater 
than in any other member of the family with the possible excep- 
tion of Adcona minima. I have described the general develop- 
ment elsewhere and wish to give an account of the reproductive 
cells from their first appearance till the sexes have become dis- 
tinct. An account of the early history of these cells I have pub- 
lished in the Journal of Morphology for 1893. I there traced 
these cells from their early segregation till they became located 
in the mesentery of the hind gut in larvae 2.5 mm. long. Dur- 
ing this time they did not divide. These same cells that origin- 
ally became segregated as sex cells migrated with the develop- 
ment till they became located as noted above. In larvae 5 and 
7 mm. long the cells still retain their individuality, but have 
undergone a measurable change. Soon after the 7 mm. stage is 
passed the sex cells begin to divide. In the meanwhile they 
have migrated laterad and lie for the most part in a longitudinal 
fold of the peritoneum where they are mixed with a few cells of 
peritoneal origin which later give rise to the entire stroma of the 
sex glands. In one case such a sex ridge was formed much 
further forward than usual, in connection with a few sex cells 
which were accidentally belated in their migration. Behind, the 
sex ridges of the two sides are united into a single ridge. The 
descendants of one of the original sex cells divide rythmically so 
that in later stages little nests of sex cells in the same stage of 


division are frequently found. There is considerable variation 
in the rate of segmentation in larvae of the same size, but the 
following will give an idea of the segmentations and the number 
of sex cells in differerent stages : 

Size of Larva. No. of Sex Cells. ne ee wee 
.45— 5 mm. 9— 15 5 
8 mm. 22 6 
10 mm. 28-— 183 6— 9 
12 mm. 39— 143 7— 9 
15—17 mm. 638—2, 280 11—138 Sexes distinct. 
16—25 2,200—8, 000 135—15 

The sexes can first be distinguished after about eleven seg- 
mentations from fertilization. The differences are first apparent 
in the tunic of peritoneal cells which has become much thickened 
on the median side of the sex ridge. A small groove on the 
outer ventral part of the sex ridge is the first indication of the 
ovarian cavity and is the surest criterion of the female. In the 
male the sex gland remains much more circular in cross section 
and no groove is developed. Much later, histological differences 
in the sex cells can be made out. These differences consist in 
the long, slender chromatin threads of the female cell just before 
division, being represented in the male of the same stage by short 
thick bars. The paper was illustrated by black board sketches 
and about three hundred figures. In summing up it was con- 
cluded that the peculiarities of the sex cells are due to histo- . 
genesis, and their function to the division of labor and not to the 
transmission from generation to generation of unchanged germ- 
plasm. Many of the causes assigned as determining sex are not 
applicable to the present case. While the when, the where and 
the how, the sexes become distinct is determined for Cymatogaster, 
the why is still left in doubt. 


Kart M. Wriecanp, Ithaca, N. Y. 

Some months ago the writer had occasion to investigate the 
structure of the achenes of many of our native Composites. 
Among other interesting phenomena observed, were found well 
organized intercellular spaces in the embryos of 4rechthites 
hieracifolia and Bidens cernua. Since the occurrence of inter- 
cellular spaces in embryos is comparatively rare, it was natural 
that surprise should be occasioned by finding them developed to 
such a degree in these two species. This was more noticeable 
since they were not found in any other Composites examined. 
Deeming it important that some note of this should be made, the 
following descriptions have been prepared : 

Erechthites hieracifolia (L) Raf—The embryo is oblong with 
the cotyledons somewhat wider than the hypocotyl, but each not 
over one-half as thick. The cotyledons about equal the hypo- 
cotyl in length, and there is an indication of the growing point in 
the axil between them. Some of the cells of the embryo have 
already begun to differentiate into a portion destined to become 
the vascular portion of the plant. This now consists of a central- 
cylinder in the hypocotyl and three branches in each cotyledon, 
one of which lies in the center and one near each edge. Immedi- 
ately adjoining each of these strands and toward the circum- 
ference of the seed is a cylindrical cavity extending the whole 
length of the cotyledons. Each is about 25 microns in diameter 
and in cross section appears to be surrounded by four cells of such 
a shape that together they form a ring. These cells, like other 
cells of the embryo, are approximately isodiametric and have 
similar cell-contents. 

Tracing these spaces down toward the hypocotyl, the two 
lateral ones are found to disappear in the vicinity of the plumule, 
while the other two continue on either side of the central cylin- 
der for about one-third its length, when they too, disappear. 


Meanwhile two larger spaces have arisen in the axil of the coty- 
ledons and continue down the hypocotyl close to the central 
cylinder until they reach a point not far from the root cap, where 
they each divide into two branches. The cellular sheath of all 
of these spaces in the hypocotyl is similar to that described for 
the spaces in the cotyledons. 

Lidens cernua L.—The embryo of this plant is similar to that 
of Erechthites except in the following features :—1. It is a great 
deal larger and longer; 2. The cotyledons are much broader 
than the hypocotyl; 3. The general form of the hypocotyl is 
elongated conical rather than oblong. It presents the same 
traces of the future fibro-vascular bundles in the cotyledons, and 
central cylinder in the hypocotyl. The area of the latter is, how- 
ever, larger and less distinctly marked off. 

The spaces in this plant are wholly confined to the hypocotyl, 
and are much more numerous than in Eyvechthites. They consist 
of cavities between the adjacent cells in the tissue between the 
central cylinder and the epidermis. Since in general the cells 
are arranged in vertical rows, the spaces are much elongated and 
extend for a considerable distance in a longitudinal direction in 
the hypocotyl. In case of the larger ones they often extend 
through its entire length. Viewing them in cross section the 
tendency seems to be for the cells about the spaces to arrange 
themselves in the form of a circle enclosing the space within. 
This is similar to the structure in Lvrechthites and somewhat 
analogous to the peculiar arrangement about resin ducts in 
coniferous plants. The exact structure in both embryos will be 
more apparent on reference to the drawings of cross and longi- 
tudinal sections of each. 

To determine the effect of water and growth on these spaces 
some seeds were soaked for forty-eight hours and others were 
germinated. In both cases the specimens soaked showed a 
decided increase in the diameter of the spaces. Investigation of 
the seedling, on the other hand, gave rather astonishing results. 
It was found that in Erechthites they disappeared almost immedi- 
ately. They could not be distinguished in the hypocotyl at all 


after germination but were present in the cotyledons for a short 
time. In Bidens they seemed to increase slightly in size, but how 
long this increase continued was not determined owing to the 
death of the seedlings. 

To determine the nature of the contents of these spaces some 
specimens were treated with strong sulphuric acid. In the case 
of Bidens an embryo was taken that had been soaked in water 
for some time and was presumably nearly ready to germinate. 
When cleared by the acid, the spaces were seen to be filled with 
some gas, which became very conspicuous in the hypocotyl, but, 
as would be expected, was not present in the cotyledons. A 
young germinating hypocotyl treated in the same manner showed 
the presence of the gas ina still more marked degree. vech- 
thites, on the other hand, showed no gas at all; but when the 
cotyledons of a young seedling were treated, a series of small 
globules of some fluid matter was left along the path formerly 
occupied by the spaces. A fresh cotyledon was treated with 
Fehling’s solution asa test for sugar, but no reaction was 
obtained. A test was then made for oil with alcanna. The 
result here was more favorable. Bright red drops were plainly 
visible not only in the general tissue of the cotyledons, but also 
arranged in a row in each of the spaces. 

From the above experiments alone it is not possible to under- 
stand the exact uses of these structures to the plant. Perhaps in 
Lidens they in some way have to do with the transmission 
of gases due to growth at the growing point. In &rechthites 
where oil is found in the tubés, the function may be one of food 

Many investigations have been carried on with reference to 
intercellular spaces which contain gases. The papers of Martins, 
Mangin, Schenk, Schrenk, Devax and Rowlee are some of the 
more important. A list of papers relating to the subject is given 
in Professor Rowlee’s paper published in the Proc. Amer. Micro. 
Soc., p. 143 (1894.) The work has been almost entirely confined 
to organs of mature plants, and as far as the writer is aware such 
spaces have not been observed in mature seeds. 



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1. A cross-section of the hypocotyl of Hrechthites hieracifolia, before 
germination, showing two large intercellular spaces (s.) 

2. A vertical section of the hypocotyl of the same showing one 
space (s.) 

3. A cross section of two cotyledons of the same showing the three 
spaces (s) in each. 

4. A cross-section of the hypocotyl of Bidens cernua before germination, 
showing the spaces (s) scattered throughout the tissue between the central- 
cylinder and the epidermis. 




PrerRE A. Fisu, D. Sc., Washington, D. C. 


The researches of Hodge, Mann and Vejas have demon- 
strated that weak electric currents sufficiently prolonged, have 
been able to produce unmistakable changes in the Structure of 
the nerve cell, as an evidence of fatigue. Such changes have 
been found in the cells of the cerebrum as well as in the spinal 
and sympathetic ganglia. 

If instead of a weak and prolonged current a much stronger 
and shorter current be applied, ought more emphasized symptoms 
of fatigue to be expected ? 

If fatigue be continuous, with no opportunity for recuperation, 
death would ultimately ensue. Since a Weak current applied 
directly to the nerves causes exhaustion, it would seem reason - 
able to infer that a very strong current applied to the skin at the 
proper places would tire a person to death very quickly, and, at 
least, leave as marked changes in the nerve cells as the weak 
current does. 

This question was of paramount interest, when, in April, 1894, 
there came into my possession while at Cornel] University, — 
Ithaca, N. Y., a portion of the cervical] myel of L. R. W., a vic- 
tim of an electrocution. 

Such statements as the following might lead one to expect 
some very radical change in the appearance of the cells: « 1,740 
volts were sent coursing through the body, pounding at his nerve 
centers with all the force of so many trip-hammers,” and again, 
“the current shattered his nerve cells.” 

In the case of L. R. W. portions of the cervical myel were 
cut in two planes, transverse and sagittal. The cells in the 
ventral horns were examined particularly and the conditions 


found in Figs. 3 and 4 were noted. Vacuoles varying in size 
and number were located throughout the cell-body, intruding 
more or less upon the area of the nucleus. This intrusion 
appeared to me not as a direct invasion within the nuclear area, 
but as an overlapping of the nucleus by the vacuoles. In many 
cases the margin of the vacuole abutted against that of the 
nucleus, and occasionally there appeared to be a slight indenta- 
tion in the latter at this point The nucleolus was well marked. 

If judgment were to be passed after the examination. of the 
material from this individual only, it would perhaps be most 
natural to conclude that the vacuolation of the nerve cells was 
due to the action of the electricity. 

It was not generally believed that the murderer was insane, 
nor that he was an excessively heavy drinker of alcoholic spirits, 
either of which, as well as other diseases, are said to cause 
vacuolation in the nerve cell. 

In April, 1895, I was enabled, personally, to procure some 
more material. The tissues were in the fixing reagents within 
four hours after the electrocution. They were selected from the 
same regions as in the former case and some of them hardened 
and examined by the same methods for exact comparison. 

In this individual the nerve cells showed the normal conditions 
so far as the microscope could revealthem. Very rarely, indeed, 
there could be detected a slight suggestion of a vacuole ina cell. 

The murder committed by this man was of the most wanton 
and brutal character, and it was believed by some that he was 
insane. He brooded over the conditions of his birth, (he was an 
illegitimate child) his anxiety to know of his parents, coupled 
with the shame they had bestowed upon him, worried him greatly 
and may have affected his mental balance. 

The appearance of the nerve cells, however, did not indicate 
this so much as in the first case, where no special claim of insanity 
was made. The gross aspect of the brain presented nothing 
uncommon, except that its weight was a little more than the 

Age conditions neea not enter, for both were young men, the 

! =" 

er a 


former, L. R. W., being about thirty-five and the latter, W. L., 
about twenty-four years old. 

The evidence based upon these two cases is conflicting and 
unsatisfactory ; but when compared with the results of others 
from similar material, the condition found m the second case 
(W. L.) seem to correspond, namely : that no apparent abnormal 
phenomena are shown. This also holds true for other: than 
human tissue, for in the brain of a calf experimentally electro- 
cuted and examined histologically, Dr. Wm. C. Krauss, of 
Buffalo, N. Y., in 1890, found ‘the result of the microscopic 
examination negative as far as the physical condition of the 
separate brain elements are concerned.” 

The questionas to the instantaneity of death 1s still a matter of con- 
troversy and does not properly come within the scope of this paper. 

The rapidity of the electric current depends upon conductivity, 
amount of potential, as well as other things. 

It is certain that a nerve is not nearly as good a conductor 
as a copper wire, nor is it said to be as good as the blood. 

Even if the nerve be a relatively poor conductor of electricity, 
the estimated rate of passage of the current, as compared with 
that of a nerve impulse, would leave the balance considerably in 
favor of the electricity, making it probable that the current 
arrives at,and paralyzes or kills the nerve cells before the sensa- 
tion can be conveyed there. 

Experiments performed upon dogs, by those interested in the 
subject, show that the heart is the first of the vital organs to cease 
its visible action. This has been observed by first anzesthetizing 
the animal, removing a sufficient portion of the parietes, keeping 
up respiration by artificial means and then applying the current ; 
instantly the heart was seen to stop its beating. The effect was 
just as marked when the experiment had been carried so far as to 
cut the vagus nerves. Inthe majority of cases the heart was still 
before the respiration had stopped. 

Of twenty-four dogs tested in this respect there were only three 
in which this was a matter of doubt, and in these three ‘‘ no 
priority could be assigned to the failure of either function.” 


Dr. A. M. Bleile (Electrical World, N. Y., July 6, 1895) be- 
lieves that death from electric shock is due to the contraction 
of the arteries, caused by the action of the current on the vaso- 
motor center, and that this constriction of the arteries offers a 
mechanical impediment to the flow of the blood which the heart 
is not able to overcome. When nitro-glycerine or nitrite of amyl 
was given to counteract this effect, greater currents of electricity 
could be borne. 

The question arises, if the use of these reagents, after the 
electrocution, would not relieve this constricted condition, or, as 
has been suggested by others, that an application of a medical 
electric current might bring about the same result and promote 

Amperage must be taken into account as well as the voltage. 
A continuous current of very high voltage may be received with- 
out fatal results. A very rapid, alternating current, in which 
the alternation is so rapid as to be practically continuous, like- 
wise is not necessarily fatal. 

The current usually employed at electrocutions, 1,700 volts 
and eight amperes, is said to be equal to about twenty horse- 
power. Such a force turned loose into a human body must 
effect wonderful changes in the living tissue, although for the 
most part subtle enough to evade detection by the microscope. 
The constituents of living protoplasm are too little known to en- 
able us to understand what changes are effected or just how they 
are brought about. It is not probable that one tissue or system 
of tissues is selected by the electricity as it traverses the body, 
although there may be different degrees of susceptibility. Death 
may be brought about by the killing of the cells in the nerve 
centers. The electricity in this case acting asa fixing agent, for 
as in histology, when certain reagents or in some cases simply 
their vapors are allowed to act on living nervous tissue, it not only 
kills, but fixes or retains the elements of the tissue in the position 
they held at the time of the action of the reagent. 

This reaction is of a chemical nature ; it probably is in the case 
of electricity. When properly employed the reagents cause no 


visible change in the form of the tissue elements, neither ap-— 
parently does the electric current. 

Whether this hypothesis of electric fixation is applicable to all 
tissues of the body, it is now too early to say, thus far it seems 
to be a rational one. 

Such lesions as have been noted seem to be of a secondary 
character, such as minute effusions in the heart caused by capil- 
lary rupture due to too violent contraction ; the crenated appear- 
ance of the red blood corpuscles taken from the body in the 
region of contact of the electrodes some seven minutes after the 
execution, as described by Dr. Fell.* While corpuscles taken 
one-half hour after the execution from a region farther removed 
from the electrodes presented no abnormal appearance as to size 
or uniformity of outline. 

* Proceed. Amer. Soc. Microscopists, Vol. XII., pp. 1-34, 1891. 



d dendrites. 

n ?—=neurite. 

nl nucleolus. 

nr—neuroglia or spider cells. 

ns —=Nissl’s spindles. 


v =vacuole. 

Figs. 1 and 2 From cervical myel of case No. 2(W. L.) Sagittal plane. 
Figs. 3 and 4. From cervical mvel of case No. 1 (L. R. W.) Sagittal plane. 

The methods used in the preparations from which Figs. 1-4 were taken, 
were not adapted to bringing out the appendages of the cell to any great 
extent. Such parts of the cell processes as are shown are undoubtedly 
dendritic, the neurite not appearing. 

Fig. 5. Pyramidal cell from the cortex of the precentral gyre. Case 
No. 2(W. L.) Formalin-bichromate-silver preparation, 



3 yj P. A, FISH, del, 



The papers presented before this society have so wide a range 
that this subject may be admitted with the rest, though its one 
claim of unity with other papers of the meeting is that the 
methods and apparatus used are those which it is the primary 
object of this society to consider and perfect. 

The brains studied are too small for thorough observation by 
gross methods, hence serial sections through the head after 
decalcification and serial sections stained by the Weigert method 
have been made, drawn by the camera lucida, and carefully 
reconstructed into pictures. With these methods all are familiar, 
as they have been discussed before this society.* 

It may be asked, why should such widely different forms of 
animal life as a soft-shelled turtle and a sparrow be brought into 
comparison, the one from the lakes and streams of the middle 
United States passing a self-controlled, watchful, quiet existence, 
alternating with rapid and vigorous action, the other, the alert, 
restless, quarrelsome creature brought from Europe, and become 
the pest of our door yards. 

To the older anatomist, who worked with such remarkable 

* Material: Amyda mutica, gross preparations of the brain of the adult ; 
serial, sagittal sections through the decalcified head (Gage, S. H. ’92) of a 
specimen 6 cm. across the carapace ; serial, sagittal, frontal and transec- 
tions of the head of four specimens 13 cm. across the carapace, stained in 
hematoxylin and eosin ; frontal and transections of the brain of two such 
specimens, stained by Weigert’s hematoxylin method. 

Passer domestica, adult, gross preparations of the brain and sections in 
the three planes through the decalcified head; embryos of early and middle 
stages of development sectioned through the entire head and compared 
with the entire medisected head of specimens of the same age. 

The sectioning was done by the collodion method, as modified by Fish 
(93) and Gage (’95), 



manual skill and accuracy, without the newer appliances, such a 
comparison would not be surprising, for to him the differences to 
be seen with the eye alone and the correlation, as far as possible, 
with the difference in physiological function, were the aims to be 
sought. Nowhere can a statement showing clearer insight into 
the great problems now confronting the comparative neurologist 
be found than that given in the introduction to the great work 
on the brain by Tiedemann in 1816 ('16). With the rise of Dar- 
winism, and the universal interest in evolution as a process of 
creation, and with the new methods which (by means of micros- 
copes and microtomes) brought difficult research within the reach 
of students of average skill, another bent was given to anatomical 
study. The comparative morphologist has been searching for, 
and working upon, generalized types, in order to trace the evolu- 
tion of animal forms from the simple to the complex. 

Perhaps now the time is ripe for the pendulum to again swing 
back, and, with the new thought and the new methods, to make 
more careful comparisons of widely different forms than before 
has been possible, in order to obtain from exaggerated structure 
and highly specialized function, added light upon the problems in 
which we are all interested. 

The work here presented is part of a larger plan in which it is 
proposed to bring into comparison certain features of the brain of 
one or more species from each of the great groups of vertebrates, 
from the period when the brain begins to differentiate from the 
initial common plan toward the adult condition. This means 
that many hundreds of successful series must be made and 
studied. Preliminary work has been done upon certain species 
of all the great vertebrate groups, and that upon the amphibian 
brain has been published (Gage, S. P., ’93).* The study of two 
forms, the turtle and the sparrow, has been carried far enough to 
permit a preliminary report, leaving details to be filled in as 
material accumulates. 

The problem before us must be attacked in two ways, first, by 

*As the present paper is a continuation of the work done upon Diemye- 
tylus, Amia and lamprey, no further reference will be given to that article. 


determining the exact morphological equivalent of each part in 
the animals compared by means of their development, and by 
their connections in the adult; second, by close observation of 

. the animals, to determine their normal physiological activities and 

the correlation of these with the parts of the brain which control 
them. With the plan in mind a beginning can be made, and 
below are given some of the points that have been studied. 

This work is more or less connected with that done in mor- 
phology at. Cornell University by Professors Wilder and Gage, 
and represented in special papers by them and Drs. Fish, Hum- 
phrey, Kingsbury and Stroud. The articles which are most 
closely related to the present are by His, Studnicka, Burckhardt, 
Herrick, Humphrey and Turner. Herrick (’91) figures the 
dorsal, ventral and lateral aspect, and six sagittal sections of a 
young Aspidonectes spinifer, another genus of soft-shelled turtles, 
closely related to Amyda. In four pages of text he makes some 
general comparisons with the brain of other reptiles, and discusses 
the histology. In general features the brain of Aspidonectes 
agrees with that of Amyda, for example, the coalescence of the 
olfactory lobes. Some points discussed are aside from the main 
purposes of this paper, others will be further mentioned. Hum- 
phrey (’94) shows the external form of the brain of the snapping 
turtle (Chelydra serpentina) both adult and embryo, figures the 
mesal aspect of this and of the green turtle (Chelone midas) with 
diagrams of fiber tracts. Turner (’91) figures and describes a 
few points in the anatomy of the brain of a sparrow, as the union 
of the olfactory lobes, and from the form of the brain in different 
birds draws conclusions as to their relative rank, placing the 
sparrow among the more highly specialized. Other articles upon 
general or special problems touched upon will be referred to in 
phe text. 

Among the turtles, the soft-shells are far from the type, not 
only in external form, but in habits. The body is depressed. 
The leathery carapace and the combined zrial and aquatic respira- 
tion suggest that they may be lonely representatives of a primal 
stock from which the other turtles are an offshoot, but the union 


of the olfactory lobes indicates specialization rather than a prim- 
itive condition. As compared with a snapping turtle (Agassiz, 
’57) it is seen that the small head of the soft-shell does not indi- 
cate a relatively small brain, but a more compact arrangement in 
a cavity which is none too large, while the great jaws and power- 
ful muscles of the adult snapping turtle require a large skull, and 
leave a spacious cranial cavity in which the comparatively small 
_brain stretches itself out freely upon the floor in such a way as 
to show all the segments in any view, and thus to make ita 
brain easy to study (Humphrey, ’94). 

Among the birds, the group to which the sparrow belongs 
shows a tendency similar to Amyda toward a thinning of the skull, 
and a crowding and overlapping of the segments of the brain. In 
the sparrow these are indeed carried to an extreme.. Among the 
more general forms of birds, as the turkey (Turner, ’91, Carss, 
’95) the optic lobes or gemina appear on the dorsal side, but in 
the sparrow they are visible from the ventral aspect. They are 
covered by the large cerebrum and cerebellum, which together 
give an approximately spherical outline to the brain. A com- 
parison of the dorsums of the sparrow and turtle brains (Figs. 19, 
28) shows the great difference of form. The turtle’s brain shows 
a portion of all the important parts; the sparrow’s brain is so 
warped from the simple type that the olfactory lobes, the gemina 
and the oblongata are entirely hidden by the great cerebrum and 
cerebellum, thus resembling higher mammals. As seen from the 
meson (Fig. 29), this turtle’s brain is one of the most evenly 
developed and symmetrical brains that it would be possible to 
find ; no part unduly crowds or overtops the rest; each has place 
sach part is equal to the others. In the sparrow (Fig. 20) these 
conditions are all changed; crowding and disproportionate growth 
are the rule. In the younger turtle greater crowding of parts 
exists, and in the embryo sparrow the form more nearly ap- 
proaches that of the turtle (Figs. 11, 29), while, could we trace 
still farther back, it would be found that the two brains are quite 
similar in form, the two in course of development taking different 
paths, the sparrow’s tending to extreme condensation and to ex- 



cessive growth of certain parts, the turtle’s to uniform growth 
and comparative elongation. 

It is desirable to see what relations of the brain to the body 
and the habits can be established. The brain of the sparrow has 
at least twice the size of that of the turtle, while the body 
weight of the sparrow is only a fraction of that of the turtle. 
The greater absolute size of the brain is accounted for by the 
relatively enormous development of cerebrum, cerebellum, gemi- 
nums and the optic tracts, while the myel and oblongata do not 
attain to as great size as in the turtle. In the turtle a large part 
of the activity of the muscles of the body is under the control 
of the myel and local nerve centers, as can be inferred by the 
long time that the muscles respond to the stimuli after severing 
the head, and the long time which it takes to kill the animal by 
chloroform. In the sparrow death soon occurs by either 
method. The brain of the turtle is then very largely devoted to 
the functions which pertain to the head and throat or are under 
the control of cranial nerves. This turtle can fill its lungs with 
air and then dive under the water and remain for hours together, 
the rial respiration being supplemented by an aquatic (Gage, 
S.H.,’92). In the brain a modified respiratory center corre- 
sponding to this habit is to be expected, but this has not yet been 
actually demonstrated, as too many simpler problems had first to 
be solved. In the sparrow, in addition to the functions of sensa- 
tion, etc., there is much more intimate control of the body 
muscles than with the turtle. The mantle of the brain, the part 
so greatly developed in man, and forming the highest center for 
the control of muscular activity, is little developed in both turtle 
and sparrow. In the sparrow the striatums are the most bulky 
part of the cerebrum. In them are gathered and from them pro- 
ceed the fibers, which are comparable to the motor tracts of 
mammals, which connect the higher with the lower nerve centers. 
In the turtle, though the striatums occupy a large part of the 
cerebrum, they and their motor tracts are much smaller than in 
the sparrow, Figs. 29, 36, 30, 31, 22,23. From experiments of 
different kinds it is believed that this part of the brain in mam- 


mals has largely to do with the co-ordination of muscular move- 
ments. The ceaseless activity of the sparrow, its movements 
implying rapid and accurate co-ordination certainly point to a large 
controlling center. The turtle which basks for hours in the sun, 
or for hours lies at the bottom of the stream, watching for prey 
or hiding from enemies, only occasionally making a rapid move- 
ment and then of a comparatively simple kind, apparently does 
not need so complex or large a center for muscular co-ordina- 
tion. The removal of the cerebrums from a frog with subsequent 
regaining of the power to balance himself and to perform a few 
acts requiring co-ordinated movements, seems to show that 
higher centers in the cerebrum are not the only centers, but on 
the other hand the striatums in the frog are insignificant in size 
and are simple in structure. Other questions which have arisen 
as to the relation of function to form can be better treated under 
special headings. 

The differences of form are obvious, but if the problem is 
viewed in a more fundamental way the tendency is to swing to an 
extreme and see only the unity of plan in construction and for- 
get the differences. Long ago Wilder* urged the importance, in 
brain comparison, of the parts which lie exactly upon the middle 
plane or meson, and now (Burckhardt ’93) this is coming to be 
accepted as the region in which to seek for those structures which 
most clearly indicate a common inheritance. Looking closely at 
the mesal view of these brains (Figs. 20, 29) great landmarks at 
once appear ; the precommissure which unites the cerebrums at 
the base, the postcommissure at the dividing line between the 
mesencephal and the diencephal, the crossing of the fourth 
nerves in the valvula, the cerebellum, the oblongata, the infundi- 
bulum and the hypophysis, the chiasma, the epiphysis and the 
membranous roof of the diencephal. These are different in size 

* The special course on Comparative Neurology given in the spring of 
1876 by Professor Wilder, was illustrated by serial sections and by pre- 
parations and drawings of the mesal aspect of many vertebrate brains made 
by him during the previous summer and earlier. Since that time his 
published papers have borne constant evidence of his appreciation of the 
morphological significance of structures occurring on the meson. 



or in location, but from essential relations are found to ‘be 
homologous structures. A less fundamental similarity consists 
in the union of the olfactory lobes, while striking differences are 
found in the condition of the mesencephal, and the presence in the 
turtle of a very large medicommissure which is entirely lacking 
in the sparrow. 



The membranes have been only casually studied. In the 
adult sparrow they are very thin, crowded together between the 
brain and the skull. In the embryo sparrow they are not differ- 
entiated into distinct layers (see plate I and II), but the spaces 
between the segments are filled by an arachnoid-like tissue in 
which are scattered blood vessels. The condition is much like 
that found in lamprey, Amia, etc. The membranes of the 
turtle’s brain are much like those of the snapping turtle (Hum- 
phrey, 94) ; a thick dura, peeling easily from the skull, especially 
on the dorsum; an arachnoid especially noticeable about the 
mesencephal; a pia lying close to the surface and in many 
places, especially over the gemina and cerebellum and between 
the cerebrums, clearly seen to be attached by filaments (Figs. 32, 
34), as occurs in Demyctylus. Blood vessels of considerable 
size, especially in the sparrow, enter the brain substance and 
divide into a capillary net work (Fig. 31), as in Avzza and mam- 
mals, instead of forming loops, as in Deemyctylus. 


The original roof of the brain-tube is a membrane or tela, and 
in the forms under consideration many remains of this primitive 
condition persist. 

The metatela (mt.), protruding as a sac over the myel in the 
early embryo sparrow (Figs. 1, 7), isa prominent feature, but 
with development of other parts becomes less so (Figs. 11, 17, 
18). It would be in this region that a metapore would be looked 
for, but although the membrane is extremely thin it seems to be 
continuous, and up to the present no distinct metapore has been 


found. In the turtle this sac is present, though not as large as 
in the snapping turtle (Humphrey, ’94). It has a considerable 
lateral extent and at the sides the cells become attenuated, but 
in all specimens examined this part was so obscured by a plug 
of material containing granules that it is impossible to state 
whether a metapore exists or not. 

In the embryo sparrow, between this sac and the cerebellum 
are a few folds in the membrane, the simple beginning of the 
metaplexus (mtp., Fig. 1). In the older embryos (Figs. 11, 17), 
this plexus is seen to be greatly developed, and to arise in part 
of its extent between solid walls, both of which belong to the 
cerebellum, thus forming a true efzplerus. In the adult (Pig. 
20), with the growth of the cerebellum it becomes an insignif- 
cant feature, both on the meson and as it continues along the 
caudal border of the cerebellum to the flocculus. In the turtle 
(Fig. 29), the metaplexus occupies an extensive portion of the 
metaccele. In its caudal part it crosses the meson as a deep in- 
folded membrane (Fig. 30), but cephalad it is formed by intru- 
sions of pia and covering endyma through the slit (Fig. 36). 
The elongated folds interlace across the meson. In the green 
turtle (Humphrey, ’94) the plexus is a nearly drum-head-like 
membrane with a few slight folds occupying a V-shaped opening 
between the short cerebellum and the oblongata. A growth 
caudad of the cerebellum narrowing the V-shape to a slit would 
produce the result here attained, pushing the lateral part of the 
plexus into the cavity and crumpling the*mesal union into a com- 
pact mass at the caudal extremity. 

In an early embryo sparrow the roof of the epicoele is a narrow 
membrane or cfitela ( Figs. 1,6), which is replaced later by a 
median lophius, while a raphé-like appearance exists between the. 
two halves. In the turtle such a lophius is a marked feature of 
the cerebellum and will be discussed under sz/cz. 

The membranous roof of the mesencephal, mesotela (mst.), is 
found in all stages of the sparrow’s growth, becoming exagger- 
ated with age (Figs. 3, 23), while in the turtle it is obscured com- 
pletely. (See below under mesencephat ). 


The roof of the diaccele always remains membranous. Its 
original condition, an unfolded tela, is seen in the young embryo 
sparrow (d7¢., Figs. 1,2). The folding which occurs later is in the 
form of a mesal plate with secondary foldings (dp. Figs. 15, 16), 
a condition remaining unchanged in the adult (Fig. 20). In the 
turtle the exaggerated tubular condition of the roof of the dien- 
cephal described by Humphrey in the snapping and green turtles, 
and which was originally mistaken for an epiphysis, does not 
occur. But on the other hand, though ventrad of the epiphysis 
the plexus takes a mesal position ( Fig. 42), most of the plexi- 
form folds are from the lateral walls and are so continuous with 
the auliplexus as to make a boundary line between the two im- 
possible. The condition in the turtle seems to be one which 
could be transformed more readily into the mammalian type 
(Wilder, ’89), with two parallel plexuses from the roof of the 
diencephal, than the condition found either in the sparrow or in 
Amphibia (Diemyctylus and Desmognothus, Fish, ’95) where there 
is a single mesa] plexus. 

The roof of the prosoccele involves questions of morphology 
which will be reserved for the latter part of this paper. There 
is in both the sparrow and the turtle, a mesal portion of the 
plexus which will here be called audplexus (Figs. 39, 14, 15), 
though sometimes called the velum. It gives off the para- 
plexus on either side. The faraplexus in the turtle, outlined 
faintly in Figs. 29, 36, is of somewhat remarkable form. At the 
porta it divides into two portions, a dorsal and a ventral; the ven- 
tral passes obliquely cephalo-ventrad, to the angle fc’ in the 
paraccele, the dorsal sends a branch cephalad even into the 
rhinoccele, and another branch caudad along the dorso-caudal 
angle of the paraccele, pc’, to near the tip of the medi- 
cornu, fc., Figs. 40-42, 29-31.* This last-named part has no 
connection with the paratela. In the sparrow the paraplexus 
consists of a single portion outlined faintly in Figs. 1, 11, 20. 

*In the article by Herrick (90) on the alligator’s brain, no plexus was 
shown, but it really exists in the young, at least, and is very similar to that 
of Amyda. 


In the youngest specimen here figured it is merely a slightly 
corrugated membrane lying close against the great mesal mass 
of undifferentiated membrane (Fig. 2). It is noticeable in the 
older embryo that the union of the auliplexus with the para- 
plexuses lies dorsad of the porta (Fig. 14). 

The faratela in both forms is a membrane extending from the 
porta to near the tip of the medicornu. In the turtle it forms a 
large thin membrane (Figs. 31, 40-42, vm.) of endyma and pia 
stretched over the thalamus, and could we imagine the object 
large enough the glistening white of the underlying optic tracts 
would shine through it. It is bounded dorsad by the fimbria, 
ventrad by a similar edge or ripa, the tenia, lying next the 
striatum. (See sa/cz below.) In the adult sparrow it is doubt- 
ful if the extensive thin portion of the cerebral wall occupying 
a similar position can all be called paratela, because it is traversed 
by bands of fibers which converge toward the base of the cere- 
brum (Fig. 11), but in the half-grown embryo there is a 
definite paratela (Figs. 14-16, 7z.). In the earlier embryo (Figs. 
2, 3) the part so designated has a barely appreciable amount of 
wall which has the general appearance of nervous substance. 


Small pockets, or offshoots of the endymal lining of the cavi- 
ties, have been observed in both forms, and cannot be omitted, 
because of the significance which must attach to any structure 
which exists in these parts, where there is preserved most accur- 
ately the original pattern. The embryo sparrow has such a 
pocket (Fig. 1, R) extending around the dorsal thickened portion 
of the terma,in which later appears the precommissure. It seems 
like the Lodus olfactorius impar of Kupffer, but no trace of 
it is found in the later stages. The adult turtle has two pockets, 
nearly meeting about the common projection, formed by the 
precommissure and the callosum (Fig. 29). The ventral one 
is quite deep (Fig. 35, 4), and is homologous with the preoptic 
recess of Amphibia. A pocket of endyma caudad of the post- 
commissure in the embryo sparrow (Fig. 11, S), is a strong 


reminder of the pocket of endyma, which in the lamprey extends 
cephalad of the postcommissure, and in the frog (Ecker ’89) and 
shark occupies a similar position. Their homology has not yet 
been determined. 

The epiphysis of the turtle curves cephalad from the roof of 
the diencephal. Between the postcommissure and supracommis- 
sure its occluded tube can be traced to join the endyma of the 
cavities'(Fig. 29). The condition is not as described by Herrick 
(’91) in Asfidonectes, a tube opening “into the canal connecting 
the optic ventricles with the dorsal part of the third ventricle.”’ 
It seems as though this must be a misinterpretation, which would 
not have occurred if transections as well as sagittal sections had 
been studied. The epiphysis of the sparrow has an elongated 
stalk continuing to the skull, along with the great growth of the 
cerebrum (Fig. 20). In the embryo it is nearly sessile, and the 
tube is open (Fig. 11). The end of the epiphysis in the earlier 
embryo (Fig. 1) has not yet formed the complex foldings found 
in the adult. It does not appear from the late formation and 
slight development of the supracommissure in the sparrow that 
this is an essential landmark of the entrance of the epiphysis, 
while in the adult the long stretch of membrane between this 
entrance and the postcommissure (Figs. 20, 25) shows that varia- 
bility in the details of arrangement in this region may be ex- 
pected. In neither of the forms is there any appearance of an 
eye-like structure in the epiphysis. 

It is now known that @ paraphysis exists in a number of verte- 
brate groups including the human fcetus (Francotte, 88, ’94). It 
is found in the adult Amphzdza and the snapping turtle. It also 
exists in this soft-shelled turtle (Figs. 29, 40). As with the 
snapping turtle (Humphrey, ’94) the character of the endyma 
lining the epiphysis is different in appearance from that covering 
the plexuses. It was by this difference alone that it could be 
distinguished in many sections from the plexuses, a difference 
very marked in Weigert preparations where the nuclei of the 
paraphysis stain very deeply. Its function is unknown, but it 
furnishes another landmark by which may be determined more 


exact homologies of parts. In the adult sparrow no trace of 
this structure was found, but in the younger embryo (Fig. 2) its 
presence as a minute pocket was clearly seen. The paraphysis 
in Amyda, as in Amp/ibia, lies between the auliplexus with its 
branches and the diaplexus, but its ramifications, extending both 
cephalad and caudad make it difficult to state with any such defi- 
niteness as with the Amzp/fidia the relation of the opening to the 
cavities. In the young sparrow (Fig. 2) the paraphysis occurs in 
the midst of a mass which gives off the paraplexuses, and it opens 
directly dorsad of the portas, z. ¢., into the aula. 


This term is used here for convenience alone, since evidence of 
segmental value is in these forms purely negative. The olfactory 
lobes of these two forms have a feature in common, that is, they 
are united across the meson. In the sparrow the union is very 
close, the cinerea forming a core containing no cavity and show- 
ing no indication of division into two halves (Figs. 20, 21, 27), 
while in the turtle the concentric layers about the cavity of each 
side are complete, not fusing across the meson (Figs. 30, 31, 37). 
In the turtle myelinic fibers lie parallel to the meson, but do not 
cross from one lobe to the other. The lobes are, however, united 
by aclose meshwork, in which a few blood vessels indicate that the 
condition is secondary. A few cells lie exactly upon the meson, but 
from the appearance in Golgi preparations they seem to belong to 
the neuroglia. The glomerular layer of each lobe is separated from 
that of the other by pia. In the sparrow this union was not found 
to exist in the younger embryo (Fig. 1), but was fully established in 
the older(Fig.11). Thus it appears that this peculiarity of the soft- 
shelled turtle (Herrick, ’91), the higher birds (Turner, 91), and the 
frog (Ecker, 89), is not one that indicates relationship, but is a 
condition incident to other specializations, established compara- 
tively late in embryonic development. Without doubt it indicates 
the less relative importance of olfaction to these highly specialized 
representatives of different vertebrate groups. The process of 
degeneration has been carried in the sparrow to an extreme, and 


its olfactory lobes, from their intimate union and small size, indi- 
cate very little functional activity. In the turtle there are two 
olfactory nerve roots on each side, a large one from the ends of 
the lobe, anda smaller one from the caudo-mesal angle (Figs. 
30, 37). Each root has its independent glomerular layer, as 
described by Herrick (‘91). The two roots soon unite, and the 
course of the olfactory nerves so formed continues independently 
to their distribution in the nose. In the sparrow there is one 
nerve on each side, and that a small one. The cavity of the 
cerebrum does not reach the olfactory lobe in the adult sparrow. 
In the turtle the rhinoccele is large, with a lateral extension 
(Fig. 31), and itis distinctly marked off from the paraccele by both 
dorsal and ventral constrictions, while externally the lobes are 
demarcated from the cerebrums by a slight furrow laterad (Fig. 
28) and a deeper one mesad, in which are blood vessels (Figs. 


In any section of the cerebrum of either form under discussion, 
it is seen that the mesal and caudal walls are thin. In the adult 
sparrow, in many parts, they approximate membranes. In either 
case the greater part of the mass is in the body called here the 
striatum, in accordance with older usage, though some recent 
writers (Herrick, ’91), propose to call it the axial lobe. Spitzka, 
(81) pointed out that in birds the striatum in its growth crowded 
against the adjacent parts and fused with them. The appearance 
in the soft-shelled turtle and in a young alligator, and a compart- 
son of sections of the different stages of development of the spar- 
row, leads to a similar conclusion. While, therefore, the main 
part of the mass is homologous with the striatum of mammals, 
the comparatively thin lateral portion fused with it should be 
excluded. Curving around the endymal surface of the striatum 
in the turtle, and forming the larger part of the protrusion into 
the cavities (Plate IV, V), is a portion which seems comparable 
with the caudatum of mammals, but in the caudatum of the turtle 
the cephalic end is narrow and the caudal wide, thus reversing 


the conditions in mammals (Figs. 38-42); and its caudal tip pro- 
jects freely into the cavity. In the embryo sparrow a similar 
elevation can be seen (Figs. 1-4, 11). In the older embryo (Fig. 
16), the rest of the striatum has grown so much that the cauda- 
tum is less clearly seen, and in the adult it is very slightly raised 
above the general level. 

Following the transections of the turtle’s right cerebrum from 
the caudal tip it is seen that the wall has the form of a Greek 


The ventral limb -epresents the striatum, the right limb the 
pallium, the left represents the combined hippocampal and tenial 
borders. The ventral limb is soon increased by the addition of 
the caudatum (s¢. Fig. 42), which in a few sections more is fused 
with a part of the pallium (Fig. 41), and can be traced to the 
olfactory region, where it is gradually thrust away from the endy- 
mal surface by the proper olfactory structures. The pallial limb 
of the delta occupies at first the lateral portion (Fig. 42), but 
cephalad a free portion is confined to the dorsal aspect (Fig. 38), 
and is gradually lost in the olfactory region. The mesal limb 
soon divides into a dorsal, the hippocampal and a ventral, a 
scarcely appreciable ripa, the tenia, seen at the edge of the stria- 
tum (Fig. 42). As the porta is approached, the tenia joins with 
the wall of the thalamus (Fig. 40) and an outgrowth from this 
united portion (Fig. 39), apparently a thickened portion of the 
original terma, hence called termatic, joins with the hippocampal 
limb (Fig. 38 ) to form a single mesal limb, thus re-establishing 
cephalad of the porta, the delta-form. This mesal limb is also lost 
in the olfactory region. In the Déemyctylus, sections show this 
delta-form of the cavity still more clearly, for the striatal limb is 
not obscured by the growth of a caudatum. The portion of the 
mesal wall in Dzemyctylus was called the callosal eminence, but 


here is called the hippocamp. The small hippocampal region of. 
the sparrow is, as in mammals, related to the reduced olfactory 
lobes, and this segment and the pallial are not well separated in 
the adult, although in the embryo (Fig. 2) they are distingutsh- 

In the mesal views a projection of the outline of the cavity is 
. indicated by interrupted lines. In Fig. 29 an attempt is made to 
indicate the two wings of the paraccele of the turtle which are 
due to the position of the striatum (Fig. 42). The lateral wing 
extends quite far cephalad (Fig. 40 pc’’’.) while the mesal wing 
(fe.) in the neighborhood of the fimbria and paratela can be 
strictly compared with the medicornu of mammals. The caudo- 
dorsal angle (fc’’.) demarcating the pallium from the hippo- 
campal region (Figs. 30, 41-42) becomes rounded cephalad 
(Fig. 38), and caudad it continues to the tip of the paraccele. I 
will refrain from using the term post-cornu for this part because 
it suggests a close homology with the primate brain, implying 
the presence of a calcar (Wilder, 89). However, the calcar is 
due to a total fold of the wall of the cerebrum which does not 
occur outside of the primates, but the angle which the calcar 
projects into, and which forms one essential part of the post- 
cornu, probably existed prior to the intrusion of the calcar. The 
precornu (/c’.) dips ventrad so that the cephalic continuation of 
the cavity into the rhinoccele (vc.) is from the dorsal partion of 
the narrowed cavity. In the sparrow a true rhinoccele does not 
exist in the stages examined, but the projection of the cavity 
toward the olfactory region is dorsad of a portion of the cavity 
(Figs. 1, 11, 20, fc’.) which is homologized with the precornu 
of the turtle. The medicornu and the lateral wing around the 
striatum are clear in the embryo sparrow (Tig. 2, fc.), and the 
latter becomes much exaggerated in the adult, but in no stage is 
the caudo-dorsal angle so evident as in the turtle. 


In the turtle the most marked feature of the diencephal is the 
great mesal union of the two sides by means of the medicommis- 


sure. Such a connection is present in mammals and reptiles, 
but in both it is due to a secondary thickening of parts and arises 
late in embryonic development, or in man it is sometimes absent. 
( Wilder, ’89). In birds it is not present and hence an 
unobscured picture of the more fundamental conditions may be 
looked for in them (see sulci). In the turtle a few very delicate 
myelinic fibers cross the meson in this commissure (Figs. 42, 
30), a condition said to be present in man (Quain, ’92). The 
other,commissures, nidi and tracts, which make up the main body ~ 
of the thalamus, will be discussed later. 

The part of the ¢evma between the chiasma and precommis- 
sure is a thin narrow membrane (Figs. 1, 5, 11, 13, 20, 29). It 
is much elongated in the sparrow, while the corresponding 
part in Demyctylus and lamprey is shorter, in Ama it is very 
much reduced. In the last three it forms a part of the ventral 
wall. At the ventral end of the terma occur the optic recesses 
which, in both sparrow and turtle, form pouches with thin cephalic 
walls hanging at either side of the chiasma. At the dorsal end 
of the terma in the turtle occurs the preoptic recess (igs. 29, 35 
6). This was not found in the sparrow. 

In fishes the zxfundibulum reaches its maximum development. 
It was found in Awa that there are from this region two unpaired 
caudal extensions; a ventral, the saccus vasculosus, a dorsal, 
called by Herrick (’93) the “ mammillary body ;” and dorsad of 
them a pair of projections, the ypfoaria; and a pair extending 
cephalad and surrounded by the hypophysis. A sulcus con- 
tinues from these last to the saccus. The Amyda has from the 
caudal part of the infundibulum three mesal projections (Figs. 
29, 30, 42). The ventral has a peculiar wall composed of clear, 
columnar cells. It is somewhat ramified, and as it is surrounded 
by the hypophysis it is not strictly comparable with the saccus 
of Ama except in position. The hypophysis* is separated from 

the infundibulum by pia and is composed of two portions, an ectal 

*The term hypophysis, as here used, agrees with the usage in immam- 
malia. In mammalia, a part of the brain wall is frequently included in 
the term or the two parts are distinguished as pre- and post-hypophysis. 


and an ental of somewhat different microscopic appearance. The 
next dorsal of the two mesal pits mentioned is much the wider 
of the two. Continuing cephalad from the ventral of the three 
is a sulcus on either side which extends to a point ventrad of the 
infracommissure, z. ¢., to a point quite similar in position to the 
cephalic pair found in Ama. In the bird the infundibulum is 
comparatively much simpler. In the younger embryo (Fig. 1) 
the hypophysis is composed of tubules, and a duct connects it 
with the enteron. It lies cephalad of the ventral prolongation 
of the infundibulum. In the adult (Fig. 20) it is applied along a 
greater extent of the infundibulum, and the latter has a caudal 
and a slight cephalic projection. No others were discovered, 
unless the wavy outline of the caudal boundary of the infundi- 
bulum (Fig. 1) indicates such in the embryo. In both animals 
the infundibulum is far from the fish-like form and particular parts 
could only be homologized after more thorough study. 


In the turtle the roof of the mesencephal is a solid structure 
with great commissural systems uniting the gemina (Fig. 29, Inthe adult sparrow, at the part which lies next the 
postcommissure there is a slight union of the two gemina across 
the meson by fibers (Fig. 20 gm. cm.), and all the rest of the roof 
is a membrane which is stretched (Fig. 23) between the widely 
separated gemina. In the embryo the solid parts of the roof are 
close together (Figs 1-5, 11) the membrane being a mere 
narrow strip. The adult condition is a strong reminder of that 
in the young lamprey, where it was found that not only was the 
roof a membrane, but it forms a plexus. In the mouse a 
similar thin membrane was found in this situation by Professor 
H. E. Summers (Unpublished work done at Cornell University, 
1886-8). In the turtle as in the Diemyctylus, a trace of this 
membranous condition can be found in the adult in a small 
mesal lophius and in cells which extend along the meson far 
toward the pial surface. Here a curious problem arises. The 

sparrow, like other higher birds, seems to be pre-eminently a 


seeing creature, and the parts connected with vision are all large 
and well developed except this. In the turtle in which, from 
general development of parts, vision apparently is far less im- 
portant, a union occurs along the whole meson, in which great 
commissural tracts cross from side to side, and mingle with fibers 
from the optic nerves. Mere stretching or crowding by other parts 
cannot account for the difference. More fibers could have taken as 
long a course as between these divaricated gemina had there been 
continued in the birds the need of so intimate connection of the 
parts as existed in their reptilian relatives. The significance of 
this condition, its connection with vision, the question as to 
whether it arises from atrophy producing reversion to an original 
type, or whether it is a direct inheritance froma form in which 
~such union never took place, all remain to be studied. In the 
early embryo sparrow the gemina are prominent upon the dorsal 
surface (Fig. 1) and have a position and relative size comparable 
with the adult turtle. In the next embryo (Fig. 11) the relative 
shape and position have become markedly changed. The cere- 
brum and cerebellum are not large enough to produce any such 
crowding as to account for this change, hence the conclusion is 
reached that it is the inherent growth and development of the 
gemina themselves that has led to the displacement from their 
typical position. Compared with the cellular portion of the brain 
the myelinic fiber tracts are fixed. The optic tracts in the second 
embryo are well developed with two strands on either side (Fig. 
12), one arising near the everted tip of the geminum and crossing 
entad of the other tract. This ental tract is, in the younger 
embryo, little developed, and as it has already been seen, the tip 
of the geminum is also little developed. With a large develop- 
ment in the region of the tip, and with fiber tracts early becom- 
ing myelinic, the tendency must be, with the growth of other 
parts, to hold the tips in a relatively fixed position, thus stretch- 
ing the thin membranous roof, and leaving the gemina at the 
level of the base of the brain. The cerebrum and cerebellum in 
their growth cover the gemina, but do not push them aside. In 
the turtle two similar optic tracts (see description of Fig. 36) are 


found, but neither the ental tract nor the tip of the geminum 
takes on such marked development. It is observable that the 
gemina in the second embryo sparrow are really nearly as great 
in length as in the adult (see description of Fig. 20), that is, be- 
fore the cerebrum and cerebellum have made much progress 
toward developing the geminum has approached its maximum 
size, and this may be adduced as another argument against the 
theory of crowding. 

In the younger embryo (Figs. 2-4) the wall of the geminum 
is comparatively thin, and the opening from the mesoccele into 
its lateral recess is large (Fig. 1), in the second embryo the 
walls are rapidly thickening (Fig. 13) and the entrance into 
the lateral recess is diminishing (Fig. 11). These processes 
continue until, in the adult, the recess is constricted and the 
opening a mere point. One feature of the wall is remark- 
able. On the mesal surface of the geminum (Fig. 1) is seen a 
furrow (G); corresponding to this on the endymal surface is a 
ridge (Fig. 4), which as it passes ventrad becomes wider and 
divides the recess into two parts (Fig. 5). In the second 
embryo in the corresponding region of the geminum (Fig. 13, N), 
there is only one pocket; the other has become consolidated 
and is represented by a cell-mass. From a comparison of the 
position of this cell-mass and of the connections of a fiber tract 
in this region it seems probable that the nidus (q, Fig. 36) of the 
turtle corresponds to this cell-mass ; also that there may be rep- 
resented the post-geminum of higher forms, and that in all forms 
at some time a pocket of endyma may close and give origin to 
the cell-mass of the post-geminum. 

In one specimen over an extensive area lying between the 
letters g. and m. fp. (Fig. 29) the endyma of the two sides has 
coalesced and degenerated, leaving a narrow tube ventrad, and a 
somewhat wider one dorsad of it to connect the cephalic and the 
caudal parts of the brain cavity. It seems like an incipient nar- 
rowing to produce an iter like that of the mammalian brain or 
the narrow mesoccele of the adult sparrow. A pit at the cephalic 
tip of the oblongata has been identified in the turtle and in embryo 


sparrows as the mesencephalic pit (Figs. 1, I1, 29, m. p.), but it 
could not be found in the adult sparrow. 

The direct short course taken by the optic tracts in the spar- 
row has already been mentioned. They retain in the chiasma 
their relative position (Fig. 12), and in addition there is a distinct 
tract arising in the thalamus and crossing in the chiasma dorsad 
of the others. The long course of these tracts in the turtle is as 
described under Fig. 36. The optic nerves of the turtle are 
pressed closely together for some little distance, when they turn 
abruptly toward the eyes. Each is deeply folded upon itself, the 
pia dipping into the fold. The chiasma and optic nerve of the 
sparrow are extremely large. 


For the purposes of this article the limits of the ventral 
portion of the metencephalic and epencephalic segments will not 
be considered since no new light has.been thrown upon the sub- 
ject; hence the whole floor of the caudal part of the brain will 
be considered under the heading od/ongata, and only a few facts 
noted with regard to the cranial nerves will be mentioned. 

In the turtle all the nerves controlling the muscles of the eye, 
the third, fourth and sixth, are relatively large, and it is interest- 
ing to note that, while every other part of the body, except the 
swelling throat, may be kept in a condition of apparently abso- 
lute quiet, the eye is tirelessly turning as indicated by the hori- 
zontal bar across it, with every slight movement of the observer. 
This turtle seems to have adopted the motto of ‘ eternal vigil- 


ance ’’ in place of an armored.defence. In the sparrow the third 
nerve is very large, but the fourth and sixth are relatively small. 

In the turtle, as in the mouse, a very large branch of the fifth 
nerve passes to the tip of the snout. The vibrissae of the mouse 
and the long, pointed, comparatively thin skinned tip of the 
turtle’s snout evidently have comparable functions. A large and 
valuable part of the information carried to the brain must be 
through this channel. Much of the time the turtle is completely 
submerged in the water, except the tip of the nose, or if buried 


- = 


in the sand, the tip of the nose, through which it breathes, is just 
exposed. In other turtles and in the birds the horny beak cannot 
be as delicate an organ of touch, and in the sparrow the corre- 
sponding branch of the fifth nerve is only of moderate size. In 
the turtle the fifth nerve has a large Gasserian ganglion. In the 
sparrow this ganglion is not so large. In the turtle the fifth 
nerve arises upon the cephalic side of an enlargement of the brain 
cavity in that position, the seventh and eighth upon the caudal 
side of the same enlargement, while the tenth is at the widest 
point of the next succeeding enlargement of the cavity. In the 
young embryo sparrow similar relations were observed, but in 
the adult the thickening of the oblongata obscured the appear- 
ance. The ninth nerve in the turtle has a ganglion independent 
of the ganglion of the tenth, while the numerous nerve roots of 
the ninth unite and then pass into the ganglion of the tenth. The 
seventh and eighth nerves have much less intimate connec- 
tion than in the sparrow or in the snapping turtle (Humphrey, 
94). The seventh has three branches, the first dividing into two, 
each of which has an independent ganglion, as does the second 
branch; the third branch joins the ganglion of the eighth. 
These ganglia indicate sensory functions, and two of the above- 
named branches pass into the cephalic parts of the ear capsule, 
and may really be part of the eighth. In the sparrow the 
seventh and eighth unite more completely in a ganglion common 
to both, and the eighth has a very large band of conspicuous 
fibers, which pass mesad and immediately ventrad of the endyma 
cross the meson. This is one of the two instances where a com- 
missural or decussational connection across the meson is noticeably 
greater than in the turtle. The sense of hearing certainly is 
keener in the sparrow than in the turtle. The turtle will move 
when a distinct jar is given the vessel containing it, but even 
quite a loud noise does not appear to give it any uneasiness, 
while the sparrow is startled by any slight sound. 


The function of the cerebellum is still a matter of great doubt, 
but in the two forms considered the great peduncular tract (32), 


(Figs. 11, 13, 36, 30), coming from the alba of the cerebellum and 
decussating across the meson bends over among the fibers of 
the eighth, becomes diffuse at this point in such a way as to lead 
to the inference that certain functions of the ear must in these 
forms be largely regulated by the cerebellum. The intimate con- 
nection of the acoustic eminence and the cerebellum in the 
Sauropsida was noticed by Spitzka (81). The large, complex 
cerebellum of the bird and the simple one of the turtle would 
appear to harmonize with the facts concerning the eighth nerve 
and the sense of hearing already mentioned, and perhaps also 
points to a connection with the still only partially understood 
sense located in the semi-circular canals of the ear. 

In the development of the cerebellum of the bird the roof is 
at first a mere membrane (Fig. 1), the thickened portions not 
having passed across the meson, a condition which corroborates 
the position taken by Stroud (’95) and Schaper (’94), that the 
cerebellum is originally a paired lateral outgrowth. In the next 
stage the union has taken place across the meson (Fig. 11), and 
with the exception of a few folia upon the surface, it has a marked 
resemblance to the turtle’s cerebellum, and an even more marked 
resemblance to that of the alligator, for in that the caudal part 
bends over more than is the case in the turtle. In the second 
embryo of the sparrow the pit in the skull (Figs. 13, 17-18) 
which later will be occupied by the flocculus is filled by arachnoid 
tissue, and the flocculus is a mere projection pointing toward the 
pit, z. e., the bony wall undergoes the modification necessary 
for the reception of the flocculus before that comes in contact 
with it. In the adult sparrow the cavity of the cerebellum is 
small and at the middle is actually closed by the crowding of 
parts together, the endyma having become obliterated (Fig. 20). 
There are thirteen folia seen at the meson. ‘Traced laterad in 
serial sagittal sections it is seen that the central folia, the seventh 
and eighth pass slightly beyond their neighbors giving the 
appearance of a lateral lobe, while the caudal ones, the eleventh 
to the thirteenth, forming the caudal rim of the cerebellum, fuse 
laterad and at the tip of the lateral recess of the cavity form the 


flocculus by uniting with the lateral extension of the cephalic part 
of the cerebellum. The /locculus was originally given the name 
because of its resemblance to that organ in mammals, but it has 
been questioned whether the homology was correct. Comparison 
has been made with man and the cat, and from the evidence at 
hand it would appear that the homology originally given was 

In Quain (’92), the essential relations of the flocculus of man 
are as here described, and Stroud’s paper upon the cerebel- 
lum (’95) shows the same relations in its development. Dr. 
Stroud considers the mammalian flocculus to be a complex organ, 
a portion of which, the pugnus, in rodents, some carnivora, etc., 
lodged in a cavity of the petrous bone, is developed from a part a 
little removed from the caudal margin of the cerebellum. The 
question arises whether these facts can be brought into harmony, 
and the term /locculus be applied to the organ occupying a 
depression in the skull from whichever of the folia it arises, or 
whether there are really two different organs that have been 
called by the same name. 

The simple flocculus of the sparrow is seen to be an _ offset 
from a primitive part of the cerebellum which lies next the edge 
to which the plexus is attached, with a special prolongation at 
the tip of the lateral recess. Fig. 24 shows with diagrammatic 
clearness the relations of this body to the mass of the cerebellum. 
The sheet of cinerea which in general is far from the cavity passes 
into the floccu/us and with the last folium comes in contact with 
the caudal part of the cavity, In the embryo (Figs. 17-18) the 
condition is simpler, but still recognizable, though the caudal wall 
of the cerebellum is not so greatly developed. In the younger 
embryo the part could not be distinguished with certainty. In 
the Amyda a distinct flocculus was not found, but a ripa between 
the edge of the cerebellum and the plexus (Fig. 30) may be 
considered as the proton of the floccudus. In the alligator a still 
more marked rudiment of the part exists and the appearance 
in frontal section is quite similar to the embryo sparrow 

(Fig. 17). 



In the Amyda were traced over thirty fiber tracts, most of 
them being myelinic. These are, with their commissures, de- 
scribed under figure thirty-six ( Fig. 36), where a numerical sys- 
tem of designation is adopted, in order to avoid too exact homol- 
ogizing. In the turtle one is struck with the fact that few tracts 
are long. Tract 24, the posterior longitudinal fasciculus, is a 
marked feature of the Amyda’s oblongata; it extends into the 
myel and is not as prominent as in the snapping turtle (Hum- 
phrey, 94). In the sparrow this tract is comparatively small. 
The optic tracts of the turtle are long, but as shown above, they 
are comparatively much shorter in the sparrow. In the base of 
the cerebrum of the turtle, and extending into the base of the 
oblongata, is an amyelinic system of fibers (2, 2, 2) which 
at first appears continuous. On closer scrutiny it seems to be 
interrupted by a cell nidus (k), which is so attenuated at its 
middle as almost to form two nidi. The remaining tracts are 
shorter, and in most cases it cannot be said that one, even with 
the intervention of a nidus, is a direct continuation of another. 
One tract fades out, another gradually increases, and from this 
fact one would suppose that the turtle’s mental processes must 
be by slow and indirect methods. 

In accordance with the greatly developed striatum in the spar- 
row, the union of the thalamus and striatum by tracts is corre- 
spondingly large. The tracts at the base of the striatum, extend- 
ing cephalo-caudad through a great part of its length are also 
large. The mesal wall of the sparrow's cerebrum, as with some 
other birds (Bumm, ’83, and Carss, ’95) shows a great fan-like 
spreading of fibers, the handle of the fan passing into the thalamus 
mesad of the optic tract and disappearing in the caudal region of 
the infundibulum (Iig.11). This seems to represent one portion 
of the complex system of fibers which in mammals is comprised 
under the name fornix. It is gathered from the entire hippo- 
campal segment, both cephalad and caudad of the porta. In the 
Amyda only a few fibers could be in any way homologized with 
this tract. 


The precommisure in both animals has a well developed strand 
passing caudad into the edge of the striatum. In the sparrow 
only this one portion could be distinguished. In the turtle it 
was seen to be composed of two parts, a myelinic and an amyel- 
inic, while another part consisting of amyelinic fibers turns ceph- 
alad, but could be traced for only a short distance. 

This brings us to the vexed question of the presence or 
absence of a callosum in these forms, in which, highly specialized 
as they are, a callosum might be expected to appear if it occurs 
in any forms below the mammals. In both cases a small com- 
missure does exist dorsad of the precommissure in a_ position 
assigned by Osborn (86-87) to the callosum. Smith (’94) finds no 
evidence of a true callosum in the lowest mammals, and various 
investigators, both before and after Osborn are inclined to believe 
that in forms below mammals the commissure mentioned is a 
hippocampal or forni-commissure. Bellonci, ’87—’88; Meyer, 
’95; Kingsbury, ’95, are inclined to consider it is not a callosum. 
The name callosum is retained in this article for convenience 
merely. In the soft-shell as in the snapping turtle there are two 
amyelinic bundles, one passing dorso-caudad into the hippo- 
campal segment as a kind of fornix, the other dorso-cephalad into 
the termatic eminence and thence into the hippocampal segment. 
Perhaps these, as Herrick, (’93), supposes, represent two distinct 
commissures, the forni-commissure and the callosum. As yet a 
complete homology of either of these parts with the so-called cal- 
losum of Amphibia does not seem to have been established. In 
the sparrow this commissure is so small as almost to escape obser- 
vation ; still, as in the turtle, it is distinct from the precommis- 
sure. In the latter quite a notch of endyma intervenes between 
the two (Fig. 29). In the younger embryo sparrow (Fig. 1) 
neither of these commissures had appeared in the thickened terma 
although the postcommissure is well developed. 

The supracommissure of the Asmyda is strongly developed ; 
one portion lies in close proximity to the tube of the epiphysis, 
but no fibers could be traced to the epiphysis, as Herrick (’91) 
found to be the case in Aspfidonectes. In correspondence with 


the small habenz the supracommissure of the sparrow is very 
slight. Even in the adult it was recognized with great difficulty 
and it is late in development, not a trace of it being found in 
the second embryo. This difference would be accounted for if 
the theory is correct which holds that the supracommissure is 
correlated in part with the epiphysis, especially in those forms in 
which the latter has an eye-like structure. The turtle is much 
more nearly related than the sparrow to forms in which a dis- 
tinct eye-like structure is found. 

The geminal (Sylvian) commissure is in the turtle well developed, 
in fact there are extensive commissural connections between two 
distinct sets of fibers, that lying ventrad of the great balloon cells 
being composed of large fibers, that lying next the endyma of 
fine fibers. In comparison with the large gemina only a small 
geminal commissure is present in the sparrow, the fibers taking 
a long course between divaricated gemina. 

In the cerebellum of the turtle very close to the decussation 
of the fourth nerve in the valvula are two decussational tracts, 
the one from fibers of the cerebellum itself (tract 30, Fig. 36), 
the other more cephalic in position composed of fibers from the 
lateral surface of the oblongata cephalad of the fifth nerve (tract 
29, Fig. 36). The latter is reinforced by fibers coming from a 
poiat caudad of the gemina and thus forms a great mass of fibers, 
which from its situation reminds one of the pons of mammals, 
but though fibers from it pass far toward the ventrimeson, none 
were found actually to cross. Arcuate fibers independent of this 
tract do cross the meson. Any conclusion with regard to a 
rudimentary pons in reptiles must depend upon a more thorough 
study of the origin of the pons in mammals. The commissure 
of the cerebellum in the sparrow (Figs. 11, 20, 24) receives fibers 
from the lateral parts of the cerebellum and even the flocculus, in 
this respect reminding one of the more caudal of the decussations 
in the turtle, and connects the great columnar peduncles which 
pass over into the acoustic eminence. There is no appreciable 
constriction separating the lateral part of the cerebellum from the 
acoustic eminence. This commissure of the cerebellum is the 


second instance of a more complete union between the two sides 
in the sparrow than in the turtle. 


In the adult Avzphzbia the cinerea is collected closely around 
the endyma, except in a few places where an incipient ecto-cinerea 
is found. It seems to be typical that cinerea should lie next the 
endyma, but it may be displaced from that position by growing 
fiber tracts, or fibers may so increase among the cells as to sep- 
arate them. In both the turtle and the three stages of the spar- 
row, there are in many parts cells somewhat evenly distributed 
throughout the nervous tissue. In the youngest sparrow (Plate 
I) a concentration of cells is seen in most parts around the 
endyma, but already indications of layers and nidi of cells appear. 
In the adult the formation of layers and nidi has progressed 
much farther than in the turtle. In the latter there are around 
the rhinoccele three layers, more or less complete, separated from 
the endyma and from each other by fibers and surrounded by 
the glomerular layer (Fig. 37). In the sparrow only one group 
of cells could be distinguished, and that formed a central core for 
the coalesced olfactory lobes (Fig. 27). 

In the turtle an incomplete layer of ectocinerea (Figs. 36, 31, 
38-42) is especially noticeable in the pallial and hippocampal 
segments. In the sparrow a similar layer can be found only in 
the hippocampal region. The striatum in both animals is a mass 
of cells marked off by prominent bands of alba (Figs. 22-23). 

In the habenz the cells are arranged in hollow spheres, as 
shown by the rings of cells appearing in sections made in differ- 
ent planes ( Fig. 25). 

The geminum of the young embryo sparrow already shows 
indistinct layers (Figs. 2-5). Three such layers of greater con- 
densation are seen, which become more pronounced in the next 
stage (Fig. 12). In this stage the number of distinct layers is 
the same as with the turtle (Fig. 31). In the adult sparrow the 
cinerea is divided into eight layers of cells, exclusive of the 
endyma, by fiber tracts. 


The cinerea of the cerebellum of the turtle has an amphibian 
character in that the cells are near the endyma. They are inter- 
spersed by myelinic fibers and bordered by a layer of Purkinje 
cells. In addition to this, throughout the ectal alba, radiate rows 
of cells, and over the entire surface is a layer of small cells (Fig. 
31). In the younger embryo sparrow (Fig. 6) a layer of cells 
preserving continuity with the endyma at the tela, is the only 
differentiation. It appears to be the same as the cellular layer 
which covers the surface in the next stage (Figs. 17—18), but in 
addition are found distiact nidi of cells. This ectal layer is con- 
firmatory of the theory of Herrick (g1) that the cinerea of the 
cerebellum arises from the union of the solid parietes with a tela. 
In the adult the cinerea has assumed the seggregated character 
found in mammalia, but retains its position next the endyma 
only at the meson, in the first and last folia (Fig. 36). 

In structure as well as form the geminum and the cerebellum 
of the turtle have advanced about as far as the second embryo 
sparrow, while all the parts, including the cerebrum, have made 
about equal progress toward complete evolution, again showing 
the well-balanced condition indicated by the form. In the adult 
sparrow the cinerea of the cerebellum and gemina is highly 
developed, but in the cerebrum the arrangement of cells indicates, 
like the form of the parts, a high specialization aside from the 
more usual type of the mammalia. 

As shown in the turtle (description of Fig. 36), there are besides 
these layers of cinerea at least twenty-six more or less distinct 
nidi of cells. 


Perhaps one of the greatest contributions of recent years to 
the morphology of the brain is the discovery by His (90) of the 
building up of the oblongata by a series of unions of the mem- 
branous portion with the edge of the solid parietes. Each so 
formed consolidation is a center for the proliferation of cells. 
This work is supplemented. by that of Herrick (’91) on the cere- 
bellum in which he found a similar process taking place. In 
1893 in the article on Diemyctylus the writer recognized that in 


other regions, as in the diencephal, definite furrows called sa/ez 
occur which have a morphological value in determining homo- 
logies, and which, at their deepest part, give origin to special cell 
masses. Humphrey (’94) in his study of the snapping turtle 
came to the conclusion that these sulci are of little morphological 
value and are determined mainly by fiber tracts or are incident 
to foldings of the wall. Since that time some progress has been 
made in studying these sulci. Those found in the turt'e are 
enumerated under the description of Fig. 29. There appear to 
be three kinds of sulci; Ist, those just mentioned as discovered 
by His; 2d, those formed as the result of growing together of two 
symmetrical parts united by a membrane at the meson. The 
membrane apparently forms a U-bend and the original line of 
union on either side with the solid parietes forms the sulci, a 
lophius or ridge forming between them. What seems to be a 
striking example of this is seen in the roof of the cerebellum. 
Originally a membrane forms a roof-like connection between the 
two lateral halves (Fig. 6). In later embryos of both sparrow 
(Fig. 11, ~) and the cat a small lophius is found extending a con- 
siderable distance along the meson. No trace of this was found 
in the adult sparrow, but in the turtle and the alligator a promi- 
nent feature of the cerebellum is a median lophius (Figs. 29-31, 
- £) occupying a perfectly comparable position. The roof of the 
mesencephal in the turtle shows a similar. sulcus and lophius 
OPIS) 26; 5). 

At the crista in these lower forms the solid parietes approach 
each other, but do not unite. There is a distinct U-bend with a 
sulcus on either side. The endymal cells forming the U are 
generally elongated and of a peculiar appearance. Figs. 8, 16, 
26, 34, show that it occurs in the turtle and in different stages 
of growth in the sparrow. It always contains a blood vessel and 
sometimes more than one. Studnicka (’95) figures a similar 
appearance in Amphibia and shows its relations. He calls it the 
terma, but here is preferred the word crzs¢a, introduced by Wilder 
(80), to indicate a small outgrowth upon the cephalic wall of the 
aula. . This crista of the higher forms was identified by the writer 


with an intrusion of endyma into the aula of Dzemyctylus and 
Amia and has since been found in specimens of all the groups 
examined, except lamprey and shark, and with further study it 
is hoped to identify itinthem. Inthe adult mammalit is obscured 
by the growth and crossing of hippocampal or fornix fibers 
cephalad of it, thus cutting it off from the pia and leaving it as a 
kind of record of development. It forms a valuable point of de- 
parture in determining the homologies of the region. 

In the snapping turtle Humphrey (’94) figures a small mesal 
lophius or ridge in the floor of the metaccele but considers it 
without significance. A similar fold is found in the soft-shelled 
turtle (Figs. 29, 43, 2), where it has only a short cephalo-caudal 
extent. It was sought in the sparrow, and in the embryo a 
mesal lophius was found, extending the length of the oblongata. 
Fig. 9 shows that from the sulci at either side extend layers of 
cells into the raphé, and that the slightly differentiated endyma 
at the side of those sulci corresponds with the limits of the 
raphé. The suggestion is made that these sulci give rise to the 
cells of the raphé, including the nidus x (Fig. 36). A mesal 
lophius occurs in other parts of the floor of these brains, but 
special attention has not been given them. 

Just ventrad of the postcommissure in both forms is the sulcus 
(0). On closer examination this is found to be really a paired - 
sulcus (Figs. 24 A, 32, 33), and hence can be homologized with 
the sulci composed of similar long, clear cells found widely sep- 
arated veatrad of the postcommissure in the lamprey. All forms 
of vertebrates examined have such sulci. In the article on 
Diemyctylus they were homologized, following Rabl-Riickhard 
(83) with the torus of fishes. There is now thought to be no 
such homology. The work of Locy (’93) upon the existence of 
a third pair of rudimentary eyes in sharks and Amphibia, is looked 
to with interest as throwing possible light on these structures, 
for they occur caudad of the entrance of the epiphysis, which he 
considers to result from the fusion of the second pair. 

Sulci of a third class are those which occur upon the endymal 
surface of solid parieties, and give rise to nidi by complete union 


of the walls of the sulci or by proliferation from the deeper layers ; 
the sulcus in the latter case continues as a feature of the endymal 
surface. In the brain of the young embryo sparrow are excel- 
lent examples of this class (Fig. 1, 2, 7, p.). Sulcus (%) is a 
deep furrow, forming the caudal boundary of a lophius, which in 
frontal section (Fig. 3) is a noticeable feature just caudad of the 
porta. Caudad of the sulcus is the end of a fiber tract (5, in 
Fig. 1), which curves ventrad of it, then turns apruptly laterad 
into the striatum. In the second embryo the lophius and sulcus 
have almost disappeared (Figs. 11, 16, 2), but the tract (5) re- 
tains its ventral curve, anda mass of cells shows the original 
extent of the sulcus. This mass of cells is recognizable in the 
adult. In the turtle the dorsal limb of the tract marked (5) in 
Fig. 36, takes a similar course to the above and ends at a great 
nidus (d), which seems to be homologous in position with the 
above mentioned mass of cells, although its relations to the 
endyma are obscured by the union of the endyma across the 
meson in the medicommissure. Sulcus (¢, Fig. 29) just cephalad 
of the medicommissure may represent sulcus (/) of the sparrow. 
It is hoped from material now ia hand to settle the matter of 
development of this and similar parts in the embryo soft-shelled 

The sulci z and fare found in the embryo sparrow and in the 
turtle (Figs. 1, 4, 29, 32, 33). The first is comparable in posi- 
tion, according to Quain (’92), to a slit which “leads into the still 
hollow geniculate body.’ In the sparrow this sulcus disappears, 
but a cell nidus takes origin from it. The sulcus (f) does not dis- 
appear in either form, but in the early stage of the sparrow it is 
connected with a cell-mass which later separates from it. These 
two sulci give off nidi, which if compared with those of the 
turtle, seem to be homologous in position with nidi (i, j Fig. 36). 
One of these apparently represents the pregeniculum or “‘ exter- 
nal geniculate body ” of man. 

On the mesal aspect of the caudal part of the geminum of the 
embryo sparrow isa furrow (Fig. 1, G). This forms a total fold 
of the wall and corresponds with an endymal ridge projecting 


into the cavity (Fig. 4). This, soon uniting with the adjoining 
wall, divides the cavity into two parts, a mesal and a lateral (Fig. 5, 
vr. mc.). In the next stage the mesal cavity is not present, but a 
nidus (Fig. 13, V) staining more deeply than the others, is seen 
to occupy (with reference to the cavities) a position which, when 
change of shape is taken into consideration, is found to be ex- 
actly comparable with the mésal part of the cavity above de- 
scribed. Nidus (q) (Fig. 36) of the turtle holds the same rela- 
tive position, and from the fiber tracts of the region may be con- 
sidered as the representative of a postgeminum, as. suggested by 
Humphrey ('94). 

Other sulci have masses of cells from their deeper parts which 
have not yet been identified. . Some of these have morphological 
significance, however, independent of the nidi, as for instance 
those which enter the porta. In the turtle (Fig. 29) there are 
four sulci entering the porta which may materially aid in deter- 
mining the real relations of that puzzling region. First, a small 
sulcus (@) is seen on the mesal wall of the projection of the aula 
cephalad of the porta. This enters the porta and turns cephalad 
upon the mesal wall of the paraccele and continues to the precornu 
(fc’.). It indicates the line of junction between the hippocampal 
and termatic segments of the mesal wall of the cerebrum men- 
tioned above. Second, a sulcus arising in the preoptic recess (0, 
Fig. 34) passes caudad of the precommissure, enters the porta 
(Fig. 35) and passes cephalad into the precornu (gc’., Fig. 29). 
Third, the sulcus (ad) (Figs. 29, 35, 36) enters the porta and 
passes ventro-caudad to the medicornu, (fc ). Fourth, the sulcus 
forming the dorsal boundary between the habena and diatela 
(Fig. 31, ¢) passes into the porta upon the mesal wall of the 
paracce'e and forms the boundary between the tenia and the 

The relations of the fourth sulcus show that the paratela is 
continuous with the diatela or roof of the diaccele and is thus in 
reality part of the roof of the prosoccele. This sulcus is morpho- 
logically at the lateral edge of the rima. At the opposite edge 
of the rima the sulcus there found unites with its opposite in the 


region of the crista. In the sparrow this relation of the paratela 
is not quite as clear owing to the attenuation and distortion of 
adjacent parts. 

Between the third and fourth sulci of the turtle a part of the 
thalamus lying cephalad of the medicommissure projects into the 
paraccele as shown at the right of figure 30. In this respect it 
agrees with the relations in the embryo cat as shown by Hoch- 
steter (’94), a condition by no means to be confounded with the 
exploded notion that the rima allows a portion of the pial surface 
of the thalamus to enter the paraccele (Wilder, ’84, ’88). In the 
sparrow (Fig. 16) there is no medicommissure, but the essential 
relations are the same. 

The mass included between the second and third sulci and 
theit extensions represents the union of the striatum with the 
thalamus. According to His (’92) this mass should represent 
the cephalic continuation of the ‘ Grundplatte’’ or ventral of the 
two segments into which he divides the lateral wall of the brain 
tube. In neither of the forms could be found that connection of 
either of the sulci bounding the mass with any more caudal 
sulcus which would indicate agreement with the explanation of 
His. The caudal sulcus in the embryo sparrow (Fig. 1, 2) be- 
comes shallow, but seems to be continuous with a sulcus extend- 
ing to the optic recess. 

In the sparrow (Fig. 1) occurs a marked peculiarity. The 
mass between the two sulci (4 and @) rises flush with the gen- 
eral level of the cavity. It is an excessive growth of the cauda- 
tum formiag a part of the lateral wall of the awa, and dividing 
the porta into two parts (Fig. 3). This becomes less apparent 
in the next embryo (Figs. 11, 16) and in the adult the growth 
of surrounding parts makes this condition noticeable only on 
account of its history. At first sight this seems to be quite dif- 
ferent from the condition in the turtle; but the other relations of 
the sulci, including the mass, are identical. 

Between the first and second sulci (Fig. 29, a, 4) of the turtle 
lies the termatic outgrowth, extending from the thickened part 

of the terma, in which the commissures occur. It includes a part 


of the preportal aula, and extends into the paraccele to the tip of 
the precornu. In the sparrow there is no preportal aula, but the 
part of the termatic outgrowth which bears the crista (Fig. 3, ¢. 
é.), is included wholly within the paraccele on account of the 
caudal extension of the mesal wall of the cerebrum, and the 
bounding sulcus can be traced to the precornu as in the turtle. 
A segment similar to this was found in Dzemyctylus and recog- 
nized as termatic in its origin. 

Dorsad of the first sulcus (Fig. 29, a) of the turtle is an aulic 
portion of the hippocampal segment. In the sparrow this, like 
the termatic segment, appears as if drawn entirely within the 

Thus upon the aulic surface of the cavities of the turtle, and 
potentially so in the sparrow, are represented all of the segments 
of the cerebrum, except the pallium. 

The caudal boundary of the aula seems to coincide with the 
sulcus (@), or perhaps better the lophius caudad of it, extending 
from the porta to the optic recess. If this interpretation is cor- 
rect it would appear to be more in accord with the researches of 
Studnicka than of His. Studnicka (’95) shows that in the early 
embryo of the lamprey and Amphibia there is a neuromeric, 
dorso-ventral, endymal furrow which bounds the ‘ massive 
Anlage des Hemispherenhirns,” and that the division of the 
cerebrum itself into parts is by the formation of an independent 
intrusion of the cavity into the wall. This being the case, the 
pallium would not necessarily have a special aulic representative. 


The foregoing paper was read at the meeting of the society in 
August. While it was passing through the press the article by 
Burckhardt, ““ Der Baup!an des Wirbelthiergehirns ”’ (Schwalbe’s 
Morphologische Arbeiten, Vol. IV., 1895, pp. 131-149, 1 pl.), 
came into my hands. The colored diagrams show with great 
clearness his morphological views, and the text discusses with 
admirable force and directnesss the plan of the vertebrate brain, 
especially as shown by mesal structures. From a study of the 


amphibian brain he derives a plan of th segments extending from 
the caudal end of the brain tube into the cerebrums. This plan 
is an extension and elaboration of the idea of His mentioned above 
(p. 217). The present paper reaches conclusions from entirely 
independent data ; some of them agree with and some differ from 
those of Burckhardt, but more extended notice than could be 
given at present would be necessary justly to estimate the facts 
and bring them into that harmony which must be the ultimate 
result of complete knowledge. 


The points touched upon in this paper are : 

1. The importance of comparing through all stages of develop- 
ment widely different forms of brains in order to gain from ex- 
aggerated form and specialized function more light upon the 
truths of morphology and evolution. 

2. The overlapping and crowding of parts of the brain in 
these, which in comparison with others of the same groups, are 
highly specialized forms. 

3. A degenerate condition of the olfactory lobes resulting in 
union due to crowding, not to a crossing of fibers from one lobe 
to the other. It is a feature incident to other specializations. 

4. Although the parts connected with vision in the sparrow 
are highly developed the union of the gemina across the meson 
by a relatively small commissure would indicate an independence 
of action of the two sides in contrast with the condition in the 
turtle and other forms where the connection between the two 
sides is far more intimate. 

5. The tip of the snout is a more important tactile organ in 
the turtle than in the sparrow, as indicated by the large branch 
of the fifth nerve distributed to it in the former. 

6. The eighth nerve has reached a higher development in the 
Sparrow than in the turtle as indicated by its intimate connection 
with its opposite across the meson and its apparent connection 
through the auditory eminence with the column-like peduncles 
of the cerebellum, which in their turn form a large commissural 


connection in the cerebellum. These complicated and extensive 
structural developments and relations of these parts are probably 
associated with higher and more complex functions than the 
simpler conditions in the turtle. 

7. The flocculus of the sparrow is probably homologous 
with the organ of the same name in man, and has a proton in 
the turtle and alligator. The pit in the skull for the reception 
of the flocculus is formed before the flocculus has grown suffici- 
ently to enter it. 

8. Twenty-six nidi and more than thirty fiber tracts with their 
commissural connections were found in the turtle and many ap- 
parent homologues were recognized in the sparrow. Especially 
in the turtle there is not the continuity of nerve tracts which one 
is led to believe occurs in mammals, but there is rather a more 
or less independent, overlapping series of tracts. 

g. The pons is not present. 

10. In the sparrow a large fiber tract from the mesal wall of 
the cerebum strongly suggests the fornicolumn of mammals, but 
it has more extensive relations. 

11. The conclusion is adopted that the so-called callosum of 
birds and reptiles is the rudiment of a fornicommissure with a 
few fibers which may be truly callosal. 

. A metapore was not demonstrated in - either the sparrow 
or = Bai turtle, although the tela is very much attenuated in 
the position usually assigned to the metapore. 

13. The metaplexus is apparently formed by crowding a V- 
shaped membrane between two nearly parallel edges of the cere- 
bellum and the oblongata. 

14. The roof of the epiccele is at first amembrane. The union 
of the lateral halves of the cerebellum across the meson is sec- 
ondary, the connecting membrane being replaced by a mesal 

15. The widely divaricated condition of the gemina in birds is not 
due to crowding by the cerebrum and cerebellum, but to their in- 
trinsic growth, nearly completed before any crowding could occur. 

16. There is suggested the possible identity of the double sul- 


cus ventrad of the postcommissure with the pair of lateral out- 
growths occurring caudad of the epiphysis, discovered by Locy. 

17. The diaplexus of the turtle consists, in large part, of fold- 
ings of the membrane at either side of the meson. In this re- 
spect it has a closer relationship with the mammalian type than 
the mesal plexus of either the bird or the amphibian. 

18. In both turtle and sparrow the paratela, oocupying the 
rima, or interval between the fimbria and the tenial edge of the 
striatum, is morphologically a part of the roof of the prosoccele. 

19. Various pockets of endyma were found upon the meson, 
which have great significance for morphology, but are physiol- 
ogically of slight importance. Among these pockets is the 
paraphysis, found in the adult Aszyda and in the embryo 
sparrow. ; 

20. In Amphibia, turtle and sparrow, a transection of the 
hemi-cerebrum shows essentially a delta form. Caudad of the 
rima the three limbs are: (1) The ventral or striatal; (2) the 
lateral or pallial; (3) the mesal. The first two form segments 
extending from the caudal tip to the olfactory lobes. The rima 
divides the mesal segment into two parts, the dorsal or hippo- 
campal, and the ventral or tenial. At the porta the tenial unites 
with the thalamus. Cephalad of the porta the hippocampal 
unites with an outgrowth of the terma, the termatic segment ; so 
that in the cephalic part of the brain the same complete delta 
form is re-established. 

21. Sulci which enter the porta indicate that the hippocampal, 
termatic, striatal and tenial segments of the cerebrum have a rep- 
resentative in the mesal wall of the aula (cephalic part the third 

22. In both the sparrow and the turtle the striatal limb of the 
delta has a secondary thickening, which is comparable with the 
caudatum of mammals. 

23. The porta of the embryo sparrow is bifurcated by the 
intrusion of the caudatum into the aula. In the adult this intru- 
sion is crowded into insignificance by surrounding parts. The 
two sulci of the aula which enter these parts of the porta can be 


traced upon the wall of the paroccele, one extending cephalad 
and the other caudad. On the aulic surface these sulci pass ventrad 
with no appearance of turning caudad to form the aulix or sulcus 
of Monro, as the theory of His would seem to demand. Compar- 
able sulci entering the porta were found in the turtle, although 
the caudatum does not intrude into the aula. 

24. The significance of other sulci was considered. (1) Those 
which indicate the boundary of a primal mesal membrane as in 
the cerebellum and at the crista ; (2) those occurring at the edge 
of solid parieties as in the formation of parts of the oblongata, as 
shown by His, or of the cortex of the cerebellum, as shown by 
Herrick ; (3) those occurring in more solid parts, and whose walls 
finally coalesce to form a cell nidus. 



Only papers to which specific reference is made are here men- 
tioned. Most of them contain bibliographies of the special 
subjects considered by them. 


Agassiz, L.—Contributions to the natural history of the United States 
Part Il. North American Testudinata. (1857). 

987-88. Bellonci, G.—Sulle commissure cerebrali anteriori degli anfibi e 

dei rettili. Memorie della Accad. delle Scienze dell’ istituto di Bol- 
ogna. 4 ser., Vol. VIII. (1887-1888), pp. 49-56. 1 plate. 

. Brandis, F.—Untersuchungen iiber das Gehirn der Végel. Part I, 

Uebergangsgebiet vom Riickenmark zur Medulla oblongata. Archiv. 
f. mikr. Anat., Vol. XLI. (1898), pp. 168-194. 1 plate. 

. Burckhardt, R.—Die Homologieen des Zwischenhirndaches und ihre 

Bedeutung fiir die Morphologie des Hirns bei niederen Vertebraten. 
Anat. Anz., Vol. IX. (1893), pp. 152-155. 1 fig. 

Bumm, A.—Das Grosshirn der Végel. Zeit. f. wiss. Zool., Vol. 
XXXVIII. (1883), pp. 450-456. 2 plates. 

Carss, Elizabeth.—The brain of the turkey (Meleagris gallopavo). Un- 
published thesis in the Library of Cornell University, presented in 
June, 1895, for the degree of Ph. B. 

Duval, M.—Atlas d’embryologie avec 40 planches en noir et en cou- 
leur, comprenant ensemble 625 figures. Paris, 1889. 

Ecker, A.—The anatomy of the frog. Transl. by G. Haslam (1889). 
Fish, P. A.—A new clearer for collodionized objects. Proc. Amer. 

" Mier. Soc., Vol. XV. (1893), pp. 86-89. 
. Fish, P. A.—The nervous system of Desmognathus fusca. Jour. 

Morph., Vol. X. (1895), pp. 281-286. 4 plates. 

Foster, M.—A text-book of physiology, fifth edition, part III., the 
central nervous system (1890). 

Francotte, P.—Recherches sur le développement de 1’épiphyse. Arch. 
de Biol., Vol. VIII. (1888), pp. 756-821, 2 plates. 

. Francotte, P.—Note sur loeil pariétal, l’épiphyse, la paraphyse et 

plexus choroides. Bullt. Acad. Royal Belgique. Vol. XXVII. 
(1894), pp. 84-109, 1 plate. 

Gage, S. H.—Methods of decalcification in which the structural ele- 
ments are preserved. Proc. Amer. Micr. Soc., Vol. XIV. (1892), pp. 

Gage, S. H.—The comparative physiology of respiration. Proc. 
Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Vol. LI. (1892), pp. 183-196. 

. Gage, S. H.—Improvements in ‘‘oil-sectioning” with collodion. Proc. 

Amer. Micr. Soc. Vol. XVII. (1895). 

Gage, Susanna Phelps.—The brain of Diemyctylus viridescens from 
larval to adult life, and comparisons with the brain of Amia and of 
Petromyzon. The Wilder Quarter Century Book, 1893, pp. 259-313. 
8 plates. 


Herrick, C. IL —Notes upon the brain of the alligator. Jour. Cin- 
cinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. XII. (1890), pp. 129-162. 9 plates. 

Herrick, C. L.—Contributions to the comparative morphology of the 
central nervous system. I. Illustrations of the architecture of the 
cerebellum. IL. Lopography and histology of the brain of certain 
reptiles. Jour. Comp. Neurol., Vol. I. (1891), pp. 5-37. 6 plates. 

Herrick, C. L.—Comparative anatomy of the nervous system. Ref- 

* erence Handbook of Medical Sciences. A. H. Buck, Editor. Vol. 

IX. (1893). . Suppl. pp. 669-696. - 

His, Wm.—Die Entwickelung des menschlichen Rautenhirns vom 
Ende des ersten bis zum Beginn des dritten Monats. Abh. d. math. 
phys. KL d. Kgl-Sachs. Ges. d. Wissench., Vol. XVII. (1390). 4 

His, Wm.—Zur allgemeinen Morphologie des Gehirns. Arch. f. Anat. 
u. Phys., anat. Abth. (1892), pp. 346-383. 36 figures. 
Hochsteter—Ueber die Beziehung des Thalamus opticus zum Zeiten- 
ventrikel der Grosshirnhemisphiren. Anat. Anz., Vol. X. (1894),pp. 
295-303. 3 figs. 

Humphrey, O. D.—On the brain of the snapping turtle (Chelydra 

serpentina). Jour. Comp. Neurol., Vol. IV. (1894), pp. 73-116. 3 

Kingsbury, B. F.—The brain of Necturus maculatus. Jour. Comp. 
Neurol., Vol. V. (1895), pp. 138- . 3 plates. 

Kupffer, C. v.—Studien zur vergleichenden Entwicklungsgeschichte 

~ des Kopfes der Kranioten. Miinchen (1893). 

Locy, W. A.—The derivation of the pineal eye. Anat. Anz., Vol. 
IX. (1893), pp. 169-180. 5 figs. See also Jour. Morph., Vol. IX. 
(1894), pp. 115-122. 

Meyer, A.—Ueber das Vorderhirn einiger Reptilien. Zeit. f. wiss. 

Zool., Vol. LV. (1893), pp. 63-133. 2 plates. 

Meyer, A.—Zur Homologie der Fornixcommissur u. d. Septum luci- 
dum bei den Reptilien u. Saugern. Anat. Anz., Vol. X. (1895), pp. 

86-87. Osborn, H. F.—The origin of the corpus callosum ; a contribu- 



if.) Gs 

tion upon the cerebral commissures of the Vertebrata. Morph. 
Jahrb., Vol. XII. (1886-’87), pp. 223-251, 530-543. 3 plates. 
Quain’s Elements of Anatomy. Tenth edition, 1892. 

Rabl-Riickhard.—Das Grosshirn der Knochenfische und seine An- 
hangsgebilde. Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys., anat. Abth. (1883), pp. 279- 
322. 2 plates. 

Schaper, A.—Die morphologische und histologische Entwickelung 

' des Kleinhirns der Teleostier. Anat. Anz., Vol. IX. (1894), pp. 489- 

501. 20 figs. 

Smith, G. E.—A preliminary communication upon the cerebral com- 
missures of the mammalia with special reference to the Monotremata 
and Marsupialia. Proc. Linn. Soc. of New South Wales, Vol. IX., 
2d series (1894), pp. 635-657. 1 plate. 

Spitzka, C.—Some new features of the anatomy of the corpora gem- 
ina. N. Y. Med. Rec., March 13, 1880, pp. 282-284. 

Spitzka, C.—Further notes on the brain of Sawropsida. Science, 
May 28, 1881, p. 254. 

Stieda, L.—Ueber den Bau des centralen Nervensystems der Schild- 
kréte. Zeit. f. wiss, Zool., Vol. XXV. (1875), pp. 361-406. 2 plates. 




Stroud, B. B.—The mammalian cerebellum. Part I, The develop- 
ment of the cerebellum in man and the cat. Jour. Comp. Neurol., 
Vol. V., (1895), pp. 71-118. 8 plates. 

Studnicka, F. K.—Zur Lisung einiger Fragen in der Morphologie des 

’ Vorderhirns. Anat. Anz., Vol. IX. (1894), pp. 307-3820. 2 plates. 

Studnicka, F. K.—Beitrige zur Anatomie und Entwickelungsge- 
schichte des Vorderhirns der Cranioten. Sitzungesberichte der kénig]. 
béhmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, math. natur. Wiss. 
Classe, 1895. Separate with 42 pages and 7 plates. 

Tiedemann, F.—Anatomie und Bildungsgeschichte des Gehirns im 
Foetus des Menschen, nebst einer vergleichenden Darstellung des Hirn- 
baues in den Thieren (1816). 

Turner, C. H.—Morphology of the avian brain. Jour. Comp. Neur., 
Vol. I. (1891), pp. 39-92, 107-133, 265-286. 8 plates. 

Wilder, B. G.—The crista fornicis, a part of the mammalian brain 
apparently unobserved hitherto. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. (1880), N. 
Y. Med. Record, Vol. X VIII. (1880), p. 328. 

Wilder, B. G.—The foramen of Magendie in manand thecat. N.Y. 

Med. Jour., Vol. XXXIX. (1884), p. 458. 

Wilder, B. G.—The relation of the thalamus to the paraccele (lateral 
ventricle). Jour. Nerv. Ment. Dis., Vol. XIV. (1889), pp. 486-448. 2 
figs. See also Amer. Neurol. Assoc. Trans., 1888, pp. 313-320. 
Wilder, B. G.—Brain, gross or macroscopic anatomy. Reference 
Hand-Book of the Medical Sciences, A. H. Buck, Editor. Vol. VIII. 
(1889), pp. 107-164. 104 figs. See also his article on the brain in the 
supplemental volume (Vol. 1X.), 1893. 

Wilder, B. G. and Gage, S. H.—Anatomical technology as applied to 
the domestic cat. New York (1882). 




Roman numerals, I. to XII, indicate the cranial nerve roots. Arabic 

numbers indicate fiber tracts. 

indicate nidi. 

see explanation of Figs. 29, 36. 

b.v.=blood vessel 
cal.=rudimentary cal- 
losum or fornicom- 
c.e.=termatic eminence 
ec. =epiccele 
el.=endolymphatic sac 
F.—Fissure between ol- 
factory lobe and cere- 
G.—Fissure on the gemi- 


hy.—=hy pophysis 
inf. em.—=commissures 
of the infundibulum. 
m.p.—=mesencephalic pit 
N.=Nidus in the gemi- 
op.7r.=optic recess 

Italic letters represent sulci, 
For a complete enumeration of the nidi, tracts and sulci 

Roman letters 

P.=Purkinje cells 
f.=Recess from aula 
ventrad of crista 
rmec.=recess of mesoccele 
S.—=Endymal pocket cau- 
dad of postcommissure 
scm, —=supracommissure 
th.—=thalamus commis- 

The mesal views are reconstructed from sagittal, frontal and transections. 
Faint outlines indicate the hidden parts of the cerebrum, the geminum and 

the paraplexus. 
rupted lines. 

The outlines of lateral cavities are indicated by interrupted 
The position of the eye and of nerve roots is indicated by fine inter- 

Numbers and reference lines indicate upon the mesal views the level at 
which the sections figured were made. 



Fig. 1. Mesal view of the brain of an embryo sparrow, the general state 
of development of which corresponds quite closely with a chick of 10 days’ 
incubation as figured by Duval (’89). x 17. 

Special attention is called to the following: The recess (R.) cephalad of 
the thickened terma in which later the cerebral commissures develop; the 
membranous roof of the diacoele (dt.); the large, open epiphysis; the ab- 
sence of a supracommissure; the post and geminal commissures; the large 
opening of the mesoccele into its lateral recess; the fissure (G) upon the me- 
sal surface of the geminum; the membranous roof of the mesoccele (mst.), 
and the epiccele (et.); the small metaplexus (mtp.); the thin walled sac ex- 
tending over the myel (mt.); the deep sulci on the endymal surface; the 
appearance of a portion of the striatum in the aula, dividing the porta into 
two parts; the independence of the olfactory lobes. 

Fig. 2-7. Frontal sections of the series from which Fig. 1 was con- 
structed. x 9. The undifferentiated membrane (mb.) from which pia and 
arachnoid develop, is shown at the left. 

Fig 2. Shows the paraphysis in the midst of undifferentiated membrane ; 
the rudiment of a paratela (rm.) and paraplexus; the union of the left re- 
cess of the mesoccele with its dorso-mesal extension. 

Fig. 3. Shows the intrusion of the striatum into the aula and the divi- 
sion of the porta into two parts. 

Fig. 4. Shows recess (R) cephalad of the terma; the aulic and paraccelic 
parts of the sulci (b and d); the deepest parts of sulci (h and n); the fibers 
to the postcommissure. 

Fig. 5. Shows sulci (j. k.); the two parts of the recess of the mesoccele 
produced by the total fold (G). 

Fig. 6. Shows lateral halves of the cerebellum connected by a membrane 
(et.); ectal cells (jl) continuous with the membrane. 

Fig. 7. Shows lateral extent of metatela. 

Fig. 8-10. Details from the same series. x 45. 

Fig. 8. Shows entrance of sulcus (b) into the ventral angle of the porta; 
the crista between the wide termatic segments (ce). 

Fig. 9. Shows mesal lophius between sulci (z) and cells extending from 
them into the raphé. 

Fig. 10. Shows sulci(o and p) which pass ventrad of the postcommissure. 

9 ut =>. 

WU err 

. ’ y 



Fig. 11. Mesal view of the brain of ahalf-grown embryosparrow. 16.5. 
Compared with figure 1, the mesal extent is seen to be not much greater; 
development has consisted in lateral growth, thickening of parts and change 
in direction of the drain tube. 

Attention is called to the fibers on the mesal aspect of the cerebrum which 
unite and pass into the thalamus; the small protrusion of the striatum 
into the aula; the decreased sulci of thecephalic region; the small entrance 
from the mesoccele to its lateral recess; the close approach of the well de- 
veloped geminum to the chiasma; the union of the olfactory lobes. 

Fig. 12-13. Frontal sections from the series from which Fig. 11 was 
constructed. 7. 

Fig. 12. Shows short course of optic tracts (11) from chiasma to gemina. 

Fig. 13. Shows nidus (NV) occupying the position of the mesal part of the 
lateral recess (Fig. 5). Nidinear the raphéare of the third and fourth nerves. 

Fig. 14-18. Details from the same series. X12. 

Fig. 14. Shows relations of auli and diaplexuses dorsad of the porta. 

Fig. 15. Shows the portas and plexuses. 

Fig. 16. Shows at the left, the bifurcated porta; a the right the union 
of the striatum with adjacent parts ventrad of the porta; the aulic and 
paraccelic parts of the sulci (b and d); the united hippocampal and termatic 
segments (c. é.), containing fornix fibers; a tract crossing the striatum from 
the thalamus; a tract from the thalamus to the cerebrum; the mesal dia- 

Fig. 17. Shows, at the left, the flocculus and its relations to the depres- 
sion in the skull filled with connective tissue (mb); at the right the entrance 
of the epiplexus which is (Fig. 18) continuous with the metaplexus. 





Fig. 19. Sketch of the dorsal view of the brain of an adult English spar- 
row. x1. It shows the globular form of the brain and the overlapping of 
the segments, the mesencephal and the metencephal not being visible. 

Fig. 20. Mesal view of thesame. X 8.5. Compared with similar views of 
the embryo (Fig. 11), it shows that the eye and the brain have become more 
separated; and that, considering the relative magnification (at the same 
scale as Fig. 11, Fig. 20 would be twice as large), the area of the chiasma 
has greatly enlarged; in length the cerebrum has increased threefold, the 
cerebellum five and the oblongata two, the union of the olfactory lobes 
threefold and the geminum one-third. Attention is called to the compara- 
tively smooth endymal surface; the well marked ectal cinerea of the cere- 
bellum and its 13 folia; the epiccele partially occluded at the meson; the 
caudal wall of the infundibulum nearly fused with the oblongata; the 
greatly elongated, partially closed tube of the epiphysis; the small supra- 
commissure; the long stretch of membrane between the entrance of the 
epiphysis and the postcommissure ; the minute opening of the mesoccele into 
its lateral recess. 

Fig. 21-23. Transections of the same.  X 3.3. 

Fig. 21. Shows the cephalic, solid portion of the cerebrum and the united 
olfactory lobes. 

Fig. 22. Shows the small portas and paracceles; the layers of alba and 
cinerea in the striatum; the ventral position of the gemina. 

Fig. 23. Shows the opening of the mesocoele into its lateral recesses and 
its wide membranous roof. : 

Fig. 24. Frontal section of the same. The level at which this section 
was made is indicated by the (24) at the right of Fig. 20. This figure shows 
the cerebellum, its commissure, cavity and a nidus at either side; a continu- 
ous sheet of ecto-cinerea extending into the flocculus and caudad of the 
epiccele forming an ento-cinerea. 

Fig. 24 A. An enlarged view of the double sulcus (0) on the cephalic as- 
pect of the postcommissure. 

Fig. 25-27. Details of the same series. 22. 

Fig. 25. Shows habenas with their peculiar annular arrangement of cells; 
the diaplexus and paraplexuses; ventrad of the diaccele, the membrane 
connecting the tube of the epiphysis and the postcommissure. 

Fig. 26. Shows the crista; the wide termatic eminence (¢. @.); the en- 
trance of the sulcus (d@) into the paracoele at the cephalic angle of the porta. 

Fig. 27. Shows the fusion of the cinerea and of the glomerular layer in 
the olfactory lobes. 



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Fig. 28. Sketch of the dorsal view of the brain of an adult Amyda 
mutica. xX 1. It shows a portion of all the segments. 

Fig. 29. Mesal view of the brain of a young Amyda mutica (13 em, 
across the carapace). xX 9. Especial attention is called to the symmetrical 
development of the segments, the uniformity of commissural relations in 
the different segments; the union of the olfactory lobes; the paratela, 
faintly outlined, extending from the porta to the medicornu (pe.); the pro- 
jection into the cavity of the callosum and precommissure; the close ap 
proach of the paraphysis and epiphysis dorsad of the diaplexus. 

Sulci.—(a) From preportal aula into the precornu; (b) from preoptic re- 
cess to precornu; (c) laterad of crista; (d) from aula to medicornu; (e) 
cephalad of medicommissure; (f) defines medicommissure; (g) dorsad of 
habena joined by (i) ventrad of habena, the sulcus formed by the union of 
these passes through the porta to form the boundary between the paratela 
and tenia; (7) in the roof of the diaccele at either side of the paraphysis 
and epiphysis; (j. k.) in the optic recess; (J) the deep infundibular sulcus 
with its branches to the different recesses of the infundibulum; (m) sulcus 
between the ventral and infundibular commissures; (”) cephalad of the 
postcommissure; (0. p.) following the outline of the postcommissure; (q} 
extending into the cephalic end of the slit-like passage from the mesoccele 
to its lateral recess; (7. s.) entering caudal end of the same; (p) defining 
the mesal lophius of the cerebellum; (7) bounding the entrance of the 
metaplexus (compare Fig. 36); (v. w.) ventrad of (u); (7) laterad of the 
posterior longitudinal fasciculus; (y) in the metatela; (2) defining the mesal 
lophius of the oblongata. 

Fig. 30-31. Frontal sections of the same. xX 4.2. The union of the ol- 
factory lobes is shown, the cavities and plexuses of the cerebrum; the nar- 
row cerebellum with its mesal lophius (f), entocinerea and Purkinje cells. 
For tracts and nidi, see Fig. 36. 

Fig. 31 shows meso-dorsal part of mesoccele and its lateral recesses. 

Fig. 32-35. Details fromsame series. < 19. 

Fig. 32-33. Show relations of sulci in the region of the postcommissure. 
The double sulcus (0) extends upon a mesal fold of tissue caudad of the 

Fig. 34. Shows the crista and the entrance of the sulci fon the aula to 
the paracoele at the ventral angle of the porta. 

Fig. 35. Shows the preoptic recess cephalad of the precommissure and 
the origin in it of sulcus (b); the relation of other sulci to the medicom- 


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Fig. 36. The outlines are the same as those of Fig. 29. Shows nidi (sur- 
rounded by interrupted lines); fiber tracts; commissural fibers (indicated by 
dots); cells upon the meson (indicated by small circles); the dorsal limit of 
the diaccele (interrupted line 7) after removal of mesal structures; the space 
(w) at which the metaplexus enters. 

Nidi: (a) in the termatic segment; (Db) near the porta; (@) in the base of 
the mesal wall of the cerebrum and extending into the thalamus ventrad of 
the precommissure; (d) near the meson next the medicom missure, the cen- 
tralis of Humphrey, (Fig. -40—-42); (e) a less defined nidus caudad of (d); (f) 
in the habena; (g) mesad of the optic tract (Fig. 42); (I) cephalad of the 
postcommissure; (i) near the meson in the cephalic part of the geminum; 
(j) laterad of the postcommissure; (Ik) mesad of the optic tract in the path 
of tract 2; (I) the nidus of the third nerve; (m) the nidus of the fourth 
nerve; (m) dorsad of (1 and m); (0) at the cephalic end of the oblongata (in- 
tercrural); (p) in the caudal part of the geminum (interoptic of Spitzka); 
(q) in the postgeminum; (1°) ventrad of the cerebellum; (S) among the roots 
of the fifth nerve; (t) among the roots of the seventh nerve; (u) among the 
roots of the ninth nerve; (vw) among the roots of the 10th and 11th nerves; 
(x) in the raphé; (y) near caudal root of the fifth nerve; (z) the large cells 
in the roof of the mesencephal; (P) Purkinje cells of the cerebellum. 

Tracts: (1, 1) myelinic fibers extending from the olfactory region 
through the base of the cerebrum (Fig. 38-42); (2, 2, 2) a system of am- 
yelinic fibers from the base of the cerebrum connecting with a curving 
branch in the region of the terma, extending through the thalamus near the 
optic tract (Fig. 38-42) to cell nidi (k) where apparently new fibers arise and 
continue into the base of the oblongata where they gradually disappear; 
(3) myelinic fibers in the hippocampal segment (Fig. 38) passing to nidus 
(a); (4, 4) amyelinic fibers from the fornix passing cephalad and crossing 
in the fornicommissure, also fibers from the same commissure passing ceph- 
alad into the termatic segment and hence possibly to the hippocampal 
(Fig. 88-89); three sets of fibers crossing in the Precommissure, (a) amyelinic 
turning cephalad and traced only a short distance, (b) myelinic and (c) am- 
yelinic together forming the chief part of the commissure and passing 
caudo-dorsad of tract 5 to the cerebrum; (6, 5, 5), fibers from the cephalic 
part of the striatum (Figs. 88-40) passing in a compact bundle into the thal- 
amus (Fig. 40), turning caudad and dividing into three strands, one passing 
into nidus (d), (Fig. 41), another to nidus (e), a third is lost in the region of 
the infundibular commissures (16, 17); the third is joined by a more caudal 
tract from the striatum; (6) a tract arising between the caudal ends of 
tract 5, passing in a curved course to mingle with the fibers of the post- 
commissure; (7) Meynert’s bundle from nidus (f) of the habena passing 




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obliquely cauded; ($) the swpracommissure having two parts, the dorsal 
closely connected with the tube of the epiphysis, its fibers passing on either 
side to the nidus (f) of the habena; the ventral and larger portion of the 
fibers passing to the surface of the thalamus, dividing into two portions, 
one extending into the basal part of the cerebrum (Fig. 41), the other con- 
tinuing toward the nidus (b); (9) a tract between the eighth and eleventh 
tracts passing through nidus (i) to nidus (g); (10), fibers entad of the optic 
tract crossing in the infracommissure (Fig. 39); (11), the optic tract, be- 
ginning with the chiasma, forms a compact bundle, becoming ribbon-like 
in section as it passes caudad over the surface of the thalamus (Figs. 30, 
28-42); it divides into three parts; one as a distinct bundle passing dorsad 
on the cephalic aspect of the geminum (Figs. 30-31), then spreading out to 
form the ectal layer of that part; the other spreads out in fan shape upon 
the latero-caudal aspect of the geminum; a third part consists of fibers 
which pass into nidus (g); (12), a tract separated from the optic tract 11 of 
the geminum by a layer of cells, its fibers passing, in general, parallel with 
the optic (Fig. 31), a part cephalad passes through and around nidus (i), a 
part passes ventrad with the postcommissure, a part joins with the tract 
13, and a part passes cephalo-ventrad into the tegmentum and nidus (g); a 
part caudad crossing the meson in the postgeminum, or passing into the 
nidus (q); (18) a tract partially separated from tract 12 by cells (Fig. 18), 
its fibers at right angles to tracts 11 and 12; these cross the meson as the 
geminal commissure, laterad pass into the tegmentum, and caudad have 
an apparent connection with nidus (p); (14) a tract, separated from tract 
13 by a layer of cells, composed of a few very fine fibres (Fig. 31), part of 
which cross the meson ventrad of the great cells of nidus (z) and a part in 
the caudal part of the geminum pass ventrad into the tegmentum; (15) a 
tract passing from the region of the postgeminum caudad; three tracts 
from the postcommissure; the fibers of the cephalic part pass as a thin 
layer (Fig. 32) dorsad of the sulcus (0) into an indistinct nidus (h) of the 
diencephal, the middle part curves cephalad as tract 6, the caudal part 
sends fibers into the tegmentum, but is reinforced by fibers from tract 12 in 
such a way as to make this tract appear very large. (Fig. 33); (16, 17) 
fibers from the infundibutar region crossing at the meson; (18) a large 
number of fine fibers lying next the endyma (Figs. 38-42) with a few cross- 
ing the meson; (19) a few fine fibers crossing the meson at the middle 
of the medicommissure; (20) fibers forming a ventral commissure 
just cephalad of the mesencephalic pit; (21, 22, 23) arched fibers cross- 
ing the meson ventrad of the endyma, at the middle and ventral part of the 
oblongata, throughout its entire extent or turning abruptly into the raphé; 
fibers of 22 are especially concentrated in the region of the fifth nerve; (24) 
the posterior longitudinal fasciculus, beginning near the nidi of the third 
and fourth nerves, continues caudad forming the lophius bounded by sulcus 
(x) (Figs. 29, 43); it is perforated and probably increased by arched fibers and_. 
is the most marked and direct connection between the brain and the myel; 
(25) the solitary bundle following the roots of the 11th, 10th and ninth 
nerves to the seventh, where it disappears; (26) caudal root of the fifth 


nerve extending along the nidus (y) taking an oblique course into the myel; 
(27) the tegmentum, a somewhat diffuse mass of cells and fibers with a 
general cephalo-caudal direction, occupying a large portion of the oblongata 
and perforated by nerve roots and arched fibers; (28) the decussation of 
the fourth nerve in the valvula with its continuation to nidus (m); (29) fi- 
bers lying between the roots of the fifth and eighth nerves at the surface of 
the oblongata, passing through the decussational area at the base of the cere- 
bellum; (30) fibers passing in a general cephalo-caudal direction among the 
cells of the cerebellum to a decussational area just caudad of the preceding ; 
(31) a few fibers next the endyma in the cerebellum passing ventrad to join 
the tegmentum; (32) a great tract gathering near the surface of the cere- 
bellum (Fig. 30), passing ventrad among the fibers of the eighth nerve, then 
caudad and disappearing, as a compact mass, among the fibers of the ninth 

Figs. 37-42. Transections from one of the series from which Figure 29 
was constructed. 95.5. 

Fig. 37. Shows thesecond olfactory nerve root (I') ; the glomerular layer of 
the first root; the complete encircling of the cavity of the olfactory lobe 
by one layer of cells, the other layers being incomplete; traces of pia be- 
tween the lobes. 

Fig. 88. Shows the precommissure and callosum; the preportal aula and 
the sulcus (a) at the junction of the hippocampal and termatic segments; 
the sulcus (b) on both aulic and paraccelic wall. 

Fig. 39. Shows the notch of endyma (b), between the callosum and pre- 
commissure, and its continuation as sulcus (b); the relation of the auliplexus 
to the paraplexus. 

Fig. 40. Shows the medicommissure; paraphysis; diaplexuses; the para- 
tela (rm); the passage of tract 5 from the striatum to the thalamus. 

Fig. 41. Shows the passage of tract 8 frora the supracommissure to the 
base of the cerebrum; nidus (d) at either side of the medicommissure. 

Fig. 42. Shows the three caudal pockets (1) from the infundibulum: the 
epiphysis; the optic tracts extending toward the gemina. 

Fig. 43. Detail of the same series, to show the small lophius occurring 
at the meson. c 


VerRANuS A. Moore, Washington, D. C. 


During the past three years several new methods for demon- 
strating flagella have been announced. Up to the present, how- 
ever, a perfectly satisfactory process has not been devised and 
the results obtained by different workers have been in many in- 
stances quite contradictory. The efforts to fix upon the flagella 
specific characters have also failed, although much advance has 
been made in that direction. 


Notwithstanding the somewhat definite results which have been 
obtained in reference to the structure of the flagella, it appears to 
be of the highest importance that their nature should be more 
fully determined before they are accepted as constant and integral 
parts in the morphology of individual bacteria. The examina- 
tion of a large number of preparations stained by the same 
method, and frequently a single specimen, will reveal quite dif- 
ferent appearances. In some instances, and in my experience on 
a large majority of the bacilli, the flagella appear as appendages 
radiating from the body (nucleus according to Biutschli) of the 
organism. I have occasionally observed a narrow unstained or 
more feebly-tinted band separating the body of the organism from 
a deeply-stained ring of which the flaggella appeared to be pro- 
jections. This capsule-like appearance has been illustrated by 
several observers. Biitschli, Zettnow and others, hold that the part 
of the bacillus which is easily brought out by the ordinary 
staining methods is the nucleus only, and that ‘the additional 
portion of the organism demonstrated by Leeffler’s method is 
plasma which surrounds the nucleus. Heckle, on the other 
hand, states that they have no nuclei. For this and other rea- 


sons he refers bacteria to the animal kingdom, placing them in 
the first class of Archezoa. 

Farrier has recently published a series of interesting experi- 
ences in which he shows that flagella on a single species of bac- 
to variations according to the conditions under which the organ- 

as determined by the study of several forms—are subject 

ism is cultivated. Thus he found that Bacillus coli communis, 
cultivated at the temperature of the body, possessed several flagella, 
but when grown at a much higher temperature (46°C. maximum 
temperature for this bacillus) flagella could not be detected. 
If grown at 44°C. a few of the individual bacteria possessed these 
appendages. The age of the culture and the presence of a non- 
fatal quantity of an antiseptic in the culture media were likewise 
found to have appreciable effects. He states that this pleo- 
morphism is due to their protoplasmic nature; the hypothesis 
assumed being that when the bacteria are subjected to degenera- 
tive agencies, such as high temperatures or antiseptics, the plasma 
contracts in a ball-shaped mass (presumably about the organism), 
but when the bacillus is again brought under favorable conditions 
the plasma resumes its motile form. 

Accepting this explanation, it is difficult to understand why 
the motile bacteria possessed of capsules such as Micrococcus lan- 
ceolatus are not, under certain conditions motile, or why the 
methods employed satisfactorily in staining the capsule will not 
act as well in bringing out the flagella. I have tried repeatedly 
to stain the flagella after these methods, more particularly the 
one used by Prof. Welch in staining the capsule on AZicrococcus 
lanceolatus, but invariably the results have been negative. Why 
there should be such a marked difference between the motile and 
non-motile forms in the reaction of the “ capsular” plasma to 
staining fluid has not yet been explained. 

[ have sought for an explanation of the structure of the flagella 
producing substance in the cilia or flagella of the zodspores found 
in certain of the fungi, but thus far my efforts have not been re- 
warded, although much assistance may be obtained from a study 
of those forms. It is quite probable that certain observed 


phenomena, especially in reference to the free flagella and the 
formation of the rings and hooks frequently observed both on 
the distal ends of the flagella, and separated from them, may be 
explained by the same theories as those of zoospores. There 
are two views as to the disposition of the flagella of swarm spores. 
One is, that they are cast off, and the other, that they are absorbed 
into the body of the spore. Rothert shows, in a recent article, 
that both views are correct. ‘In the second swarm stage of 
saprolegnia and in the peronosporee, the flagella are either cast 
off as soon as the spores come to rest, or soon after, or else they 
remain attached to the spore indefinitely even after germination. 
In the first swarm stage of saprolegnia, however, he found, to 
his surprise, that they are uniformly drawn back into the body 
of the protoplasm, the withdrawal being slow at first, and then 
quite rapid. The loops are formed either while the flagella are ' 
attached to the spores, or after they are cast off.” He suggests 
the possibility that the flagella are formed out of special cyto- 
plasm existing only in small quantities. It is highly probable 
from certain opinions and results herein cited, that there is a close 
resemblance between the flagella of bacteria and those of the 
swarm spores. 

The observations of Stocklin and Bunge that several bacilli 
are sometimes included within the same capsule from the per- 
iphery of which flagella radiate is exceedingly interesting. This 
phenomenon is explained in two ways, one that the surrounding 
plasma of two or more bacilli runs together, thus enclosing the 
bacilli in a common capsule, and the other is that the variable 
number of bacilli included within the same capsule is due to the 
multiplication of the organism within the capsule. These obser- 
vations strengthen the hypothesis that bacteria have nuclei and 
surrounding plasma. 


Henry B. Warp, Pu. D., Lincoln, Neb. 

The subject of agriculture has received for many years the 
closest attention of scientific workers. Not only the character 
of the different products, their food value for different uses and in 
connection with the raising of different kinds of stock; but also 
the value of the soil, the use of each element in it, the exact 
relation of each individual particle in the entire chain of biological 
relations from the unorganized matter to the saleable beef or 
pork, has received from the experiment stations of the country 
the most careful study. Every one of the pests, of the enemies 
which threaten any agricultural product, be it plant or animal, 
has been the object of similar active inquiry. 

There is, however, one subject of economic importance which 
has never received the same treatment in scientific hands. 
Despite the painstaking investigations of a few scientific workers 
and the encouragement of some official boards with limited means, 
aquaculture has been almost as much neglected as agriculture 
has been advanced, and all because continued and systematic 
studies of its problems have not been supported and encouraged. 
The incentive given by the early work of Hoy, Milner and 
Forbes on the Great Lakes a quarter of a century ago has not 
been followed up; chance has been relied upon to control the 
conditions in these vast inland seas, and the fundamental features 
of the problems are as little understood to-day as when there 
was no drain upon the life in these waters. No farmer is so 
ignorant as to suppose he could scatter the seeds of a grain whose 
development was entirely unknown over land of which he was 
equally ignorant, and leaving the land could hope on his return 
in the fall to reap a bountiful harvest. And yet this is just what 
has been looked for in the case of the white-fish, To use 


the expression of Professor Reighard, published in his report as 
scientific expert of the Michigan Fish Commission, a year ago, . 
the fish culturists in the Great Lakes have been endeavoring to 
‘take the young white-fish just hatched, an absolutely unknown 
quantity, and put it into the water of the lakes, another 
equally unknown quantity, and hoped from the union of two 
unknowns to secure marketable white-fish. Putting the question 
in that way it is evident that only the good fortune of a blunder 
of some sort could result in practical benefit. Asa matter of 
fact, when we examine the figures showing the results of white- 
fish culture, we find that while there have been poured into the 
waters of the lakes at different points some hundreds of millions 
of young fry every year, the number of white-fish caught, the 
supply present in the lakes, has decreased steadily year by year. 

The question must be attacked from the other direction. We 
must find at the first something of the biological conditions in 
the life of the white-fish ; we must be able to say something of 
where it goes, what it ought to do, with what enemies it has to 
contend, what food it needs, what temperature, what general 
conditions for development, before we can hope that the result 
of white-fish culture will be more satisfactory. The conditions 
of domestic economy on the land are so evident to our eyes that 
we hardly stop to think of them. We see the large plants, the 
grasses particularly, derive their nourishment directly from the 
soil, the water and the atmosphere, turning inorganic matter into 
organic ; we see this organic material in the domestic economy 
of the cattle turned into beef-steak, and so the transition is direct 
and immediate. It goes on, as we think, before our eyes, and 
while the question is, naturally, more complicated than can be 
outlined in a sentence or two, we think that we understand it. 
The conditions in the Great Lakes are so utterly different that 
when we come to speak of them we can afford no explanation 
of what is the series of changes from the inorganic matter to the 
organic, and from that to the white-fish in this particular 

Without stopping to outline extensively the characteristic feat- 


ures of the lakes themselves, I will simply enumerate two or 

three characters which willappeal to you as peculiar. The absence 

of large plants, 7. ¢., the absence of vegetation in the more 

popular sense of the word, is important. - Shore plants are almost | 
entirely lacking; the storms and the shifting character of the 

shore itself, as well as the very small area of shallow water, 

tend to reduce the possibilities for existence for the higher plants, 

such as Phragmites, Scirpus, Potamogeton and others, that grow 

in the littoral zone. The Characez, water plants that are found 

in most or all of our shallow lakes in enormous numbers, so that 

for instance in Lake St. Clair the bottom may be said to be 

carpeted with them as thickly as a thrifty field of clover—these 

are found in the Great Lakes only in comparatively isolated 

patches.* While it is true that so far as I can find, with the 

exception of a few rather scarce species of Gastropods, there is 

no water form that feeds directly upon these plants, still they 

vive shelter to an enormous number of minute forms, forms which 

depend upon them for protection and find on them the growth of 
smaller plants on which they live. The absence of these plants 

in the Great Lakes reduces at once one element which is 
important in all other fish regions: there is ordinarily only a 
scanty bottom flora and fauna present. 

Another source of food supply might be supposed to be the 
different streams, which would bring to the lake nourishment in 
one form or another. But if you examine the maps you will see 
at once that the inflow into the Great Lakes is very small in com- 
parison with the total volume of the lakes themselves. The con- 
ditions there are practically stable. The inflow and outflow alter 
the volume only by a very small per cent.** This is due, of 
course, to the enormous area and depth of the lakes, and Lake 
Michigan alone is said to contain more than one-tenth of all 
the fresh water on the face of the globe. 

In the next place from the atmosphere comes a little inorganic 

* Tam speaking here of the deeper northern lakes. Of the conditions in 
Lake Erie I can not speak from personal experience, and of Lake Ontario 
I am entirely ignorant. 

** Probably about one per cent yearly. 


material, and also a very small percentage in the shape of insects 
carried into the water by the wind. Together these constitute 
but a small fraction of the whole, not enough to make them 
more than secondarily important. The source of food must be 
sought, then, within the waters themselves. If you take a net of 
fine gauze, so fine that the meshes measure from .O1 to .oo! of a 
square inch in opening, and draw this through the water, you will 
collect by it a mass of minute microscopic forms, forms that are 
known to most of you ; though very varied, they are all included 
under the recently-coined scientific term of “plankton.” The 
plankton includes all those minute forms of life which, floating free 
in the water, are unable by their own efforts to effect their distribu- 
tion. Inthe case of the animals, their individual motion will change 
their position somewhat, but only by a distance, which is nothing in 
comparison with the size of the lake and the conflicting agencies 
of current and wave. Their distribution, then, is effected by 
winds, waves, currents or storms, z. ¢., movements of the water 
or of the atmosphere. They are passively distributed. They 
differ, hence, from the larger forms, such as the fishes, or the 
larger Crustacea, in that they are entirely dependent on their en- 
vironment ; they can not alter it at will. 

Within this group of forms are found in the first place as the 
fundamentally important food element, the unicellular Alga, the 
desmids and diatoms largely, forms which are present in an 
enormous number of individuals, but, as our work in the lake 
shows, in a comparatively limited number of species and genera. 
Then there are the unicellular animals, the protozoons, present 
also in limited number of genera and species, but also in enorm- 
ous numbers of individuals. Beyond these the plankton of 
the northern lakes shows only two forms, or groups of forms 
rather, the rotifers, somewhat numerous, insignificant in size, and 
for plankton purposes, I believe, unimportant ; and finally the 
microscopic Crustacea, including such forms as the different genera 
of Daphnids, the species of Cyclopida and Calanidze and other re- 
lated forms in the Entomostraca. These together constitute the 
elementary food supply of the water. 


The unicellular plants float as it were in a nutritive fluid, the 
lake water containing in solution inorganic matter derived from 
the air, the bottom, the shore and brought into the lake by the 
rains or in the inflowing streams. In the presence of light these 
plants are capable of transforming this inorganic substance into 
living matter. 

It is a well-known fact that chemical action proceeds most 
rapidly where the proportion of surface to volume is the 
greatest. Leuckart brought this forward prominently in connec- 
tion with the biological conditions of existence among the minute 
organisms, to explain the extremely rapid reproduction and 
multiplication of these forms. Microscopic, as they are, the pro- 
portion of surface to volume is exceedingly large, beyond com- 
parison greater than that of larger forms. They, of all organisms 
are, then, capable of producing the most active chemical proc- 
esses; in other words, they are capable of most rapid growth, 
and since with them reproduction is clearly growth beyond the 
limits of the individual and division into two, reproduction or 
multiplication goes on with extraordinary rapidity, the number 
that can be produced, and consequently the number that can be 
consumed, in an hour, being almost if not entirely beyond ex- 
pression in figures. 

- The Protozoa live upon the unicellular Algz, the rotifers upon 
both Protozoa and Algz ; the Crustacea are omnivorous, subsist- 
ing upon all of the other forms, either dead or living, eating 
everything which falls in their way; and it is this group, the 
Crustacea, which forms the immediate source of fish food. The 
smaller forms are eaten by the fish fry directly, and are some- 
times the immediate food of the larger fishes also. One in- 
stance that may be cited is the case of the lake herring, which 
feeds directly upon these smaller crustaceans. With one inter- 
mediate stage these forms constitute the food of the white-fish* 
and of the larger fish of the lake. The immediate food of the 

*Under the term ‘‘ white-fish” I wish to include not merely the particu- 
lar species known properly under that name, but also the forms called 
‘“long- jaw," ‘‘ black-fin,” ‘‘ tullibee,” etc., which are closely related species. 


white-fish, as was shown by the investigations of the Michigan 
Fish Commission at Charlevoix, last year, consists of JJysis, 
Pontoporeta, severai different forms of gasteropods, small 
Spheria, Pisidia, etc., among the lamellibranchs, and a single 
form of insect life, two species of Chironomus \arvee, which are 
exceedingly abundant at the bottom of the lake. 

This is discussed very briefly, simply to show in outline the 
connection between the plankton and the white-fish. The plank- 
ton bears exactly the same relation to the lake herring that the 
erass does to beef steak. It bears the same relation to the white- 
fish, only that the relation is one step further removed. As I 
might say, if cats were a source of revenue, the raising of cats 
would depend upon the grass through the medium of the beef 
eaten by the cat; so the store of the white-fish depends upon the 
plankton through the medium of the larger forms, Myszs, Ponto- 
poreia, etc., which feed directly upon the plankton. . 

If the plankton is, then, the productive source of food supply 
for the lake fishes, it becomes important to know something with 
reference to its distribution, horizontally in area, and vertically in 
strata, as well as its distribution in the different seasons 
of the year and under different conditions of weather. 
The questions of distribution in different seasons, and dif- 
ferent conditions of weather, are so great that not one year 
but many years of closest observation are necessary to give 
even an approximate idea of them. However, the distribution 
vertically, and to some extent horizontally, can be ascertained by 
more restricted investigations. The Michigan Fish. Commission 
for two years has maintained an investigating party in the field ; 
in 1893 it was in charge of Prof. J. E. Reighard, and in 1894, 
during his absence in Europe, I had the privilege of directing it. 
During the first year the work was on Lake St. Clair; the sec- 
ond year it was carried on at Charlevoix, Mich., which is in the 
Traverse Bay region, in which the white-fish is caught during the 
entire year. 

It is possible here only to outline briefly the chief results, with- 
out going into details with reference to the methods used, which 


are given in full in the report of Prof. Reighard and in my own.* 

The amount of plankton obtained has been measured and com- 
pared for different places. The first chart (Plate I.) shows the most 
important results, tabulated in a way to admit of ready comparison. 
It was customary to select points on the lake at certain distances 
from each other, with certain relations to shore, shallow water 
and fishing grounds ; to make hauls with a vertical net at each of 
these places. The material obtained was carefully preserved, and 
later measured, in order to obtain the amount of plankton in the 
water strained by the nets.. By calculating the amount of water 
filtered, and the area of the net, the amount of plankton under 
one square meter of surface is found, and this is used in the plate. 
The dotted line (D) shows the depth of water at the different 
stations. The total amount of plankton under one square meter 
of surface, as measured in cubic centimeters, is shown by the solid 
line (T), each station being represented by a vertical line with 
Romannumeral. By dividing the total amount of plankton obtained 
by the depth of the water, it is evident that the amount per cubic 
meter of water is found, and this is expressed by the line (R) of 
relative volumes. 

Two or three points are very evident on the examination of 
this chart. In the first place it will be seen, by comparing the 
line of depth with that of total volumes, that, while the latter 
suffers some fluctuations, it increases more rapidly than the depth, 
up toacertain point.f For some distance then the line indicates no 
decided change, but finally, with the sharp downward turn of the 
line of depth at X, it makes a prominent though less decided 
bend than that in the line of depth. Up to a depth of about 30° 
meters, then, the total amount of plankton increases more rapidly 
than the depth, but beyond 50 meters less rapidly. 

The amount per cubic meter, as represented by the line of 

*Bulletin of the Michigan Fish Commission, Nos. 4 and 7. 

tThe extreme fluctuation at XIX is due to the presence of foreign matter 
(sand) in the volume measured, and the dotted line from XVIIT to XX 
represents more nearly the true course of the line of total volumes (T) after 
eliminating this error. 


relative volumes (R) is seen to decrease somewhat irregularly 
with increase in depth; still it follows closely the average, as 
indicated by the dotted line. In other words, the total amount 
of plankton in the water increases with the depth, and the 
average amount per cubic meter as clearly decreases at the same 

The explanation of this appears when we come to consider the 
amount of plankton in the different layers or strata of the water. 
By hauling the net from different depths, first from two meters, 
then from five, twenty-five, fifty, one hundred meters and the bottom, 
or wherever the bottom haul might be, we are able to distinguish 
different artificial strata. We can then measure the amount of 
plankton collected from the different depths, and by subtraction 
are enabled to ascertain the amount that will be found in differ- 
ent strata. It may be said that the amount in the first two 
meters, the surface stratum, far exceeds in amount per cubic meter 
that in all the rest of the water. In other words, proportionally 
much the largest part of the plankton is accumulated in this sur- 
face stratum. This is shown in the accompanying chart (Plate 
If). The upper line (S) which crosses the chart variably shows 
the amount of plankton per cubic meter in the surface stratum. 
This amount appears to be independent of the depth, and similar 
charts show no apparent relation between its fluctuations and 
those of the line of temperature or of the time of day. 

The amount of plankton per cubic meter of water contained in 
the three intermediate strata (2-5 m., 5-10 m., and 10-25 m.,) 
is not far from half that in the surface stratum, and is nearly 
equal for the three strata. Curiously the amount in the middle 
stratum is a little greater than that in the upper, while the latter 
has even less than the lower of the three strata in some cases. 
They are all as distinct from the deeper strata as from the sur- 
face stratum. In fact the deeper strata (25-50 m., and 50 m.— 
bottom) possess extremely little plankton, so little that it appears 
as a negative quantity in some instances. This will occur in 
applying the method of subtractions when the total amount pres- 

ent in any stratum is less than the errors of the method or than 


the normal fluctuations in the amount of plankton found in the 
superjacent water. 

With reference to the areal distribution of the plankton, it may 
be said that so far as can be ascertained the amount in one part 
of the lake is the same as the amount of plankton in any other 
part of the lake; not only that, but there is no great difference 
in the amount of plankton in the upper end of Lake Michigan 
and the amount of plankton taken from the western end of Lake 
Erie in some hauls made by Professor Reighard two years ago. 
In other words, the conditions of existence are so uniform 
throughout the lakes, and if you consider the temperatures, the 
light and the other conditions, you will see that this might have 
been expected to be the case—the conditions of life are so uni- 
form that in the Great Lakes we find corresponding amounts of 
plankton in widely separated regions. The conditions of existence 
in the surface two meters are so similar that we find approximately 
the same amount in the surface two meters everywhere. But 
the conditions below that alter so rapidly with the lowering of 
the temperature, the withdrawal of the light, and the change in 
pressure, which are undoubtedly the three great conditions influ- 
encing them, that below the two-meter line the amount of plankton 
is very much less than in the upper two meters. It must not be 
thought, however, that this is a fixed limit; the strata are purely 
artificial, and the mass of life in the upper two meters may, so far 
as our present knowledge is concerned, be accumulated in any 
part of the stratum. In Lake St. Clair Reighard found that the 
upper one and one-half meters held the bulk of the plankton. 
The more exact limits of the water within which the plankton is 
most crowded are yet to be determined. 

Finally, the distribution of the plankton is merely the sum of the 
distributions of its component species, and on the investigation of 
the latter must wait the solution of the various peculiarities in the 
former. I should like to call your attention here to the splendid 
work recently done by Birge in Lake Mendota, Wis., and Marsh 
in Green Lake, Wis. By such work is accumulated most valu- 
able evidence on the biological conditions in smaller bodies of 


water. But fish culture will never attain its proper results until 
it receives from the hands of the people the same favors that have 
been extended to agriculture, the establishment of permanent and 
well-equipped experimental stations, where trained workers shall 
devote all their time and energy to the solution of its problems. 
The Great Lakes furnish a cheap and valuable food supply to one 
third of our entire population ; this food supply is rapidly becom- 
ing depleted ; how long must such important interests await their 
just recognition and adequate protection ? And if properly devel- 
oped who can limit the possibility of these inland seas in supply- 
ing the nation with food ? 



Vertical lines indicate stations, each of which is designated by a Roman 
Horizontal lines denote amount or distance according to the figures on 
the margin. 
A, hauls in Lake Michigan. 
B, hauls in Round and Pine Lakes. 

D---—D, indicates depth of various stations. 
T——T, indicates total volume of plankton in bottom hauls with vertical 
R—R, indicates volume of plankton per cubic meter of water insame 



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D-—-D, as before. 
Ss S, amount of plankton in hauls from 2 m. to surface. 

2— 5m., amount of plankton in hauls from 5m. to 2m. 

5-10 m., amount of plankton in hauls from 10 m. to 5m. 
10-25 m., amount of plankton in hauls from 25 m. to 10 m. 
25-50 m., amount of plankton in hauls from 50 m. to 25 m. 

50 m. — bottom, amount of plankton in hauls from bottom to 50 m. 
For further details see text. 

PLATE. i: 


Henry B. Warp, Pu. D., Lincoln, Neb. 

Only two methods of estimating the quantity of plankton 
obtained in a haul of the vertical net are known to me, These 
two may be called the volumetric and the gravimetric. Both 
have been used by observers in various parts of the world, but so 
far as I know have never been comparatively tested in order to 
ascertain the relative value of results obtained by the two. The 
experience of the past year has shown some disadvantages in the 
first method, while the second has certain evident objections 
which rendered its employment in this case out of the question. 
In the course of the work outlined in another paper (Ward 95) 
I worked out a modification of the volumetric method, or 
rather, perhaps, a way of combining the two methods so as to 
control and correct each other; this combined method is briefly 
outlined in the following, but for its better understanding a short 
account of the two previously existing methods is prefixed. 

The volumetric method of measuring the plankton is as follows : 
The material obtained in a single haul of the vertical net is pre- 
served zz toto under precautions which prevent any appreciable 
loss* ; this mass is brought with care into an accurately graduated 
glass tube and allowed to settle twenty-four hours ; at the end of 
that time the exact volume in cubic centimetres is read from the 
scale, or estimated if the upper surface is not perfectly horizontal. 
This approximation can be made sufficiently accurately, but I have 
found by a series of experiments, that the amount obtained by 
these measurements is variable and depends on several condi- 
tions. In the first place it fluctuates with the size of the tube. 
In the larger tube the plankton settles more thoroughly and gives 

*For a more detailed account compare Reighard 94, pp. 26-28. 


a smaller volume; in the smaller tube it stays up and yields a 
-larger volume. Again the result varies with the character of the 
material. A diatomaceous plankton settles much more com- 
pactly than one consisting largely or entirely of Crustacea. If 
there is any considerable amount of filamentous material, like 
Lyngbya, or some of those forms, the plankton will not settle at 
all thoroughly, and the volume reached then will be much 
greater than is really represented. In the third place the amount 
obtained by the measurement depends upon the time which the 
plankton is allowed to settle, since I have had tubes standing up 
to two or three months and the plankton settled all the time, not 
regularly, but somewhat even to the end of the period. Finally 
the volume depends upon the conditions as regards movement— 
whether the tube be in absolute quiet or in a room where there is 
constant vibration. The amount of variation possible, z. ¢., the 
limit of accuracy in this method, will be discussed more fully in 
another paper. 

The second or gravimetric method of determining the volume 
of plankton has been recently advocated by Zacharias (95). The 
material obtained in a single haul of the vertical net is brought 
with care on to a filter paper and thoroughly drained ; while yet 
fresh and moist it is weighed. The amounts thus obtained, ex- 
pressed in milligrams, afford the basis for comparison of differ- 
ent hauls. One great objection to this method is advanced by 
Zacharias himself. A complete drying out of the mass is im- 
practicable and the amount of moisture which remains is undoubt- 
edly variable, being evidently greater in hauls of larger volume 
than in those which are scanty. Zacharias estimates the quantity 
of moisture held in the mass of plankton as one-fourth of the 
entire weight. No evidence is given to support this statement, 
neither is it discussed at all, and I cannot see that it has more 
weight than a purely personal opinion. Nor is it evident that 
greater accuracy is reached in this way than by the volumetric 
method. The second objection to this proceedure, however, is 
more weighty and absolutely prohibits its employment in many 
cases. The material obtained in the haul is entirely destroyed 


and cannot be used for subsequent qualitative examination of any. 
sort, whereas the measurement of a haul by the volumetric 
method does not in the slightest injure the material or in any way 
interfere with future operations involving its use. 

But beyond all these variations in the amount as determined by 
both methods, there is at least one source of error in the relation 
expressed by the actual figures. It is no infrequent matter to 
find in those hauls made from the bottom a certain amount of 
foreign material, sand, etc.; this is either stirred up when the 
bucket strikes the bottom, or, being carried along by currents, is 
swept into the net. It is, of course, preserved and measured with 
the true plankton material and falsifies the actual amount of the 
haul according to the value which may be included. In one case 
at least (Ward, 95, p. 248,) the amount of sand swept into a bottom 
haul by a current was sufficient to raise the total mass not less 
than one-third. The modification here suggested was evolved to 
meet this difficulty and to correct these errors. 

The entire mass of plankton in a single haul is measured in a 
graduated tube, as in the volumetric method, and the volume 
recorded. A certain amount is then poured into an evaporating 
dish, care being taken that the entire mass of the haul has been 
thoroughly shaken up so that the different constituents are 
equally distributed through the volume. Ordinarily one-fifth 
to one-half of the original mass will be poured out, and the re- 
mainder is then carefully measured as before by the volumetric 
method and the volume noted. The portion of the plankton re- 
moved is next air-dried, weighed, then dried to a constant weight 
at 100°C., and the amount recorded. The ash is next obtained 
and weighed, and finally by digestion with concentrated HCI, wash- 
ing, decanting and drying, the weight of the sand present is found.* 
To illustrate the method three hauls made in Lake Michigan 
are taken: XIII* and XIX‘ are partial hauls, free from impuri- 
ties; and XIX® is a bottom haul which was very much polluted 

*The processes were very kindly carried out for me in the Chemical 
Laboratory of the University of Nebraska, by Mr. E. E. Nicholson, to whom 

my sincere thanks are due for his kindness. 


by sand. The results obtained are expressed in the following 
table : 

‘Depth in Metres, Volume in ce. of Pereentage| Weight in Milligrams. 
Number of | Haul. of Original te a mt oe 
of Haul oe a Volume a Constant Ash | Sand 
. ier. _| Origi- After aken as a) Driec eightof, in in 
Haul. | W ae) nally. removal.. Sample. |Sample| Sample. Sample| Sample 
= —- Bs ————— ——| —— -~- = =| 

XIII* 25 30 | 9.385) 488 47.8 53 50 “6 2.3 
XIX# 25 "| 36 | 6.55} 1.00 | 84.8 61 57 8.0 mal 
xX1X5 30 if) 0.60) oil lt90 se OU Gian amore 207 206 {60 0 | 112.0 

From this table data with reference to the composition of the 
entire haul may be obtained by simple calculation. In this way 
we arrive at the results given in the next table. 

Weight in Milligrams for Percentage in Air-dried Sample | Welt 
Number Entire Haul of of 1sq. m. of surface. 
Ce neneical Organic | Entire |Ash,not Air-dried 

- Cc { 7 | a 

Plankton. Ash. | Sand. Material.) Ash. | Sand. Sand. Material. Ash. 

= = | | = | —— — = 
XIIi4 110 16 4.8| 85.7 | 143) 10.7 | 3.6 | 1.9982 | 0.2860 
xXIx4 72 9 2.5 | 86.8 | 13.2 9.7 |} 3.41 1.3050 | O:2708 

0 22.6 | 77.4 |. 28.2 | 54.2 

XIX*® | 1034 | 800 | 560. 

18.7064 |14.4710 
From the average of XIII* and XIX‘ it appears that in an 
ordinary haul, comparatively free from foreign material, there is 
about 3.5 per cent. of silicious matter, 10 per cent. of other 
earthy substances, chiefly calcareous, and 86 per cent. of organic 
material. The plankton is thus very nearly pure food matter. 

If this be compared with the results given for XIX‘, it will be 
seen that the latter haul contains an excess of sand equal to more 
than 50 per cent. of the total weight and an excess of total inor- 
ganic matter equal to 64 per cent. This is in itself sufficient 
proof of the contamination of the haul, a fact equally clearly 
established by microscopical investigation of the material. By 
this method, however, one can compute with considerable ac- 
curacy the amount of foreign matter present and thus obtain a 
correction by which the recorded volume of any haul may be 
reduced to the true volume. 

The method is further applicable to those cases when the 


plankton does not settle readily or fully. Here a correction is 
found for the excess of volume over the true amount. 

In other words the results obtained by the volumetric method 
may thus be controlled and corrected through the detection of 
errors due to false measurements, and of those due to the 
presence of foreign inorganic substances in the haul. The latter 
is not shown in any way by the simple volumetric or gravimetric 
method. At the same time a much more accurate idea of the 
true weight of the plankton is offered than by the gravimetric 
method, since there is no variable and uncertain quantum of moist- 
ure to be estimated. The method is further applicable in that 
number of cases when the plankton is also to be used for the 
qualitative examinations, since the part not weighed is entirely 
uninjured, and may be treated in any desired manner. 

I have used this method further in determining the actual 
weight of the plankton in Lake Michigan, in order to ascertain 
in this way the actual amount of food material present in the 
water. Further details on the application of the method may be 
found in my forthcoming report on the plankton of Lake Michi- 
gan, to be published as a Bulletin of the Michigan Fish Com- 




94. Reighard, J. E.—A Biological Examination of Lake St. Clair. Bul- 



letin of the Michigan Fish Commission, No. 4 ; 60 pp., 2 plates and 

Ward, Henry B.—The Food Supply of the Great Lakes ; and some 
Experiments on its Amount and Distribution. Proc. Am. Mic. Soe. 
Vol. XVII., pp. 242 to 258. 

Zacharias, O.—Ueber die wechselnde Quantitit des Plankton im 

Grossen Pléner See. Forschungsberichte aus der Biologischen Sta- 
tion zu Plén, Theil III., Seite 97-117. 


B. F. Kinespury, Pu. BD. ,~ Defiance, O. 

In the proceedings of the American Microscopical Society for 
1894,in a paper upon the “ Histological Structure of the Enteron 
of Necturus maculatus,’ the writer alluded to the presence of 
“ Receptacula semints,” 
female in this animal. Certain inconsistencies between the con- 

in the dorsal wall of the cloaca of the 

ditions in this one form, and statements made by investigators 
who had worked upon European salamanders alone, showed the 
desirability of a knowledge of the relations existing in a wider 
range of forms, and a study of the cloaca in the female of six 
species of American urodeles was undertaken.* These forms were 
Necturus, a perennibranchiate purely aquatic form ; Déemyctylus 
viridescens, aquatic in its larval andadult state, but passing through 
a land stage; Amzblystoma punctatum, a terrestrial salamander in 
the adult, except at the breeding season ; Desmognathus fusca and 
Spelerpes bilineatus, forms which seem to adapt themselves readily 
to either a land or water existence; and Plethodon erythronotus 
and g/utinosus, forms which are said to (Cope) pass no period, even as 
larve, of their existence in the water. These are representatives 
of five families and two orders of Amphibia, and present in varia- 
tion of habit of life a good series from a purely aquatic to as 
purely a terrestrial existence. 

The general result has been the recognition in all of structures 
in the cloacal wall of the female which serve as reservoirs in 
which the zoosperms of the male are received, functionally com- 
parable, therefore, to the Receptaculum seminis of certain insects 
and other Arthropods. This term, however, by which they 
have been designated hitherto, is not strictly applicable to the 

*This paper was prepar at in the anatomical laboratory of Cornell Uni- 
versity. I desire to express my appreciation of the abundant material and 
facilities placed at my disposal. At the suggestion of Professor Gage this 
investigation was made, and to his interest and advice is largely due what 
of value is herein contained. 


organ as a whole, since in certain urodeles, Vecturus for example, 
there is no unity of structure, there being many pouches or recep- 
tacula. Instead of receptaculum seminis, spermatheca is preferred 
as a euphonious mononym, and when there are many discon- 
nected tubules which function as reservoirs for the zoosperms, 
each will be called a spermatheca. Therefore, in such forms 
many spermathecas would be recognized. 

Strictly the ascertainment of the existence, state of development 
and structure of the spermathecas in the female would belong to 
an investigation of the development and life history of each of 
the forms here studied, and a discussion apart from a considera- 
tion or knowledge of the mode of mating, fertilization and ovula- 
tion is,in some respects, disadvantageous. Since, however, these. 
related facts have been treated of somewhat monographically in 
the case of two of the species here studied, and either the presence 
of spermathecas has not been considered at all, or assumed to 
be the same as in the European forms in which it has been 
studied, the present research seems fully justified, especially as it 
is hoped that in the case of Plethodon and Desmognathus it may 
be but preliminary to the ascertainment of the mode of mating in 
these peculiarly interesting forms. 

Although generalizations and distinctions. of wide application 
should be made with caution, it appears to be a constant differ- 
ence between the tailed and tailless forms of Amphibia, that in the 
former fertilization of- the ovum is internal, in the latter external. 
Indeed, it is probable that in all the Uvodela not only is fertiliza- 
tion internal, but it is accomplished by the same mode of mating. 
In all the forms so far studied it consists in a more or less com- 
plicated ‘‘ courtship,” which culminates in the deposition by the 
male of one or more spermatophores, consisting each ofa gelatinous 
body bearing on its summit a mass of zodsperms. Over these the 
female passes, and the zodsperms are either actively grasped by the 
distended lips of the cloaca of the female, or cling to the outside 
and enter apparently of their own activity, independent of any 
efforts on the part of the female; there seems to be a difference 
in different forms in this respect. Within the cloaca of the female 


they find their way into the spermathecas, and there remain until 
the time of ovulation. (See under Salamandra atra in Conclud- 
ing Remarks.) 

As in so many other matters of habit or anatomical detail in 
the Amphibia, it was in European forms that the mode of fertiliza- 
tion was first carefully observed, though a long time was required 
before the matter was at all understood. Spallanzani, in 1785 | 
first showed that fertilization in the Triton was internal. He 
considered, however, that the zoosperms became diffused in the 
water and in that way entered the cloaca of the female, a view 
which later observations have shown to be incorrect. Rusconi, 
likewise, affirmed the internal fertilization of the ovum in the 
Triton, and that the male deposited the zoosperms externally, no 
true copulation taking place. With Spallanzani he believed that 
internal fertilization was accomplished by the diffusion of the 
zoosperms in the water, and that they thus obtained entrance to 
the cloaca of the female. He still further made the mistake of 
believing that an external fertilization took place in addition to the 
internal. Other writers also recognized the fact of internal fertiliza- 
tion in these forms, and the views of Spallanzani and Rusconi were 
commonly accepted. Tomy knowledge but one observer (Finger) 
affirmed that a true act of copulation took place in the Triton. 

In 1858 appeared Siebold’s significant discovery of the presence 
in Salamandra atra and maculosa and Triton igneus,* cristatus 

* The species are here referred to under the names used by the various 
writers. Where different, the following sets forth their identity with the 
genera and species recognized by Cope: 

Triton cristatus. Hemisalamandra cristata. 
Triton alpestris. Triturus alpestris. 
Triton igneus. Triturus alpestris. 
Triton tzeniatus. Triturus vulgaris. 
Triton abdominalis. Triturus vulgaris. 
Triton punctatus. - Triturus vulgaris. 
Megapterna montana. Triturus montanus. 
Pleurodeles waltlii Pleurodeles waltli. 
Triton palmatus. Diemyctylus palmatus. 
Triton helveticus. Diemyctylus palmatus. 

Euproctus pyrenzeus. Diemyctylus asperus, 


and ¢aniatus of groups of blind pouches in the dorsal wall of the 
cloaca in the female, filled with living zoosperms.. This proved 
conclusively, if indeed further proof were necessary, that in these 
forms at least fertilization was internal, He was led by his dis- 
covery, however, to the erroneous belief that a direct sexual com- 
munication was therefore necessary.* Robin, ’74, it appears, 
was the first to recognize the true mode of fertilization in the 
tailed Amphibia (Axolotl and 7rztonu alpestris, palmatus, cristatus 
and abdominalis, or punctatus). By him the spermatophores were 
recognized and described as such. Gasco later,in 1880, also 
described the true mode of fertilization in the Triton, and the 
following year he was enabled to report the same mode of fertili- 
zation in the axolotl. The deposition of the spermatophores was 
described, and he stated that the zoosperms were actively taken 
up by the cloacal lips of the female in both forms. Zeller, ’91, 
later states that this is not the case in Triton; Fick, however, 
confirms it for the axolotl. The mating habits of two European 
genera of the //lewrodelide and one genus of the Salamandride** 
were described by Bedriaga, and though his observations were 
fragmentary, were found to resemble quite closely that described 
by Gasco for the Triton. It remained for Zeller, ’90, to gather 
together these more isolated observations, and supplement them 
in an interesting paper by observations of his own upon the 
mating habits of the genera 7riton, Salamandra, Axolotl, Pleuro- 
deles and Diemyctylus, in all of which occurs the same fundamen- 
tal plan of fertilization, the preliminary courtship, the deposition 
of spermatophores by the male and the reception of the zoo- 
sperms by the cloaca of the female. 

To the writer’s knowledge only two American forms have been 
observed at all, and but one carefully, Déemyctylus. The mating 

*By both Zeller and Jordan, ’91, it has been noted how persistent was the 
influence of this opinion of Siebold’s, so that in many standard text-books 
of zoélogy the statement persists that a copulation takes place. Cope fur- 
ther makes the unqualified statement that in tailed Amphibia a copulation 

** Pleurodeles Waltlii, Megapterna montana Savi, Glossolega Hagenmul- 
leri, and Euproctus (Hemitriton) pyrenceus. 


of this newt was first observed by Zeller who speaks of it as 
Triton viridescens, later by Gage and by Jordan, ’91, and the 
preliminary courtship, deposition of spermatophores and the re- 
ception of the zoosperms by the female are minutely described. 

Observations upon the second American form, Amzblystoma 
punctatum, have been very fragmentary, and Clark, by whom 
they were made, drew the conclusion that in this form fertilization 
was external, and is quoted to that effect by Balfour. There 
is little doubt but that what he observed was the deposition of a 
spermatophore* and that Awmzdlystoma agrees with the other 
urodeles in its breeding habits; indeed, the thrice-repeated 
observations on the axolotl would leave nothing else to be ex- 
pected. Were demonstration of internal fertilization necessary, 
it has twice been furnished in the anatomical laboratory of Cor- 
nell by the development of eggs laid by female Ammdlystomas 
with no male present. A study of the spermathecas also demon- 
strates the fact completely.** 

Thus we see in all the forms so far observed*** a constant 
mode of internal fertilization occurs, and as stated by Zeller, ’go, 
similar mating habits will probably be found in the remaining 
urodeles. On the spermathecas in which the zodsperms are 
stored very little has been said. Zeller refers to them merely 
without discussing their structure. Their presence has been 

*Clark says, p. 106, ‘‘ the males showed no inclination to clasp the females, 
but quietly deposited quite large masses of an apparently rather thick 
liquid, opaque white, on the bottom of the dish in which they were kept. 
Upon examination this liquid was found to consist of spermatozoa moving 
rapidly in a liquid. The eggs were found to have adhering to their outer 
shells, shortly after, a considerable number of these male elements, but | 
could not succeed after trying a great many times in finding any sperm- 
atozoa within even the outer shell. Most of the eggs were laid during 
the night, and by nine o’clock the next morning the first segmentation furrow 
had usually made its appearance.” 

**Kycleshymer, who has worked up the development of Amblystoma, 
evidently considered it unnecessary even to allude to the internal fertiliza- 
tion, despite the fact that published statements had been made to the effect 
that fertilization in this form was external. 

***In Proteus the mere fact that fertilization is internal has been 
demonstrated by Chauvin, ’83. 


alluded to in Salamandra, Triton, Diemyctylus, Geotriton and the 
axolotl, but in Zy7#on alone has their structure been considered 
in any detail. 


It is not the purpose to discuss the structure of the cloaca and 
the glands belonging to it in the male, as it is but incidentally 
connected with this investigation. The attention I have given 
them is entirely superficial ; indeed the complexity of the structure 
and the opportunities afforded in the glands to study the changes 
undergone by the secreting cells from a resting state to one of 
exhaustion, would render a special study productive of valuable 
results; such a study has been made by Heidenhain in 77iton 
cristatus, alpestris, teniatus and helveticus, especial attention be- 
ing paid by him to one of the groups, the pelvic gland. In view 
of comparisons that have been made and will be made here 
between the cloacal glands of male and female, a few words must 
be devoted to the relations in the male. 

Our knowledge of the cloaca is, as it is hardly necessary to 
say, based on the conditions in European forms, especially the 
Tritons, and chiefly through the writings of Rathke, Finger, 
Duvernoy, Leydig, Blanchard, and especially Heidenhain, who 
has devoted a most careful monograph to the structure of the 
cloaca and its glands in the Triton. As his description is the 
most complete it may be made the basis of the following state- 
ments on the conditions in that genus: Two portions of the 
cloaca are recognized by him, an ectal, caudal, ventral chamber, 
called by him the cloacal chamber, (Kloakenkammer) and an 
ental, more dorsal and cephalic tubular portion, the cloacal tube 
(Kloakenrohr). In the outer portion of the cloacal walls there 
is on each side a furrow which runs caudad and ectad (ventrad), 
and appearing upon the lips of the cloaca divides them into two 
limbs, an inner and outer; both the first unite to limit the vent 
caudad, while the latter do not unite, but end freely. In the de- 
pression occur (in Triton) about twenty thread-like papilla at the 
summits of which are the orifices of the tubules which constitute 
the abdominal gland (Bauchdriise). 


The walls of the cloacal chamber are raised into ridges which 
run caudad and ventrad toward the lips of the cloaca. The 
cloacal cavity does not terminate roundly in its caudal end, but 
projects slightly caudad each side of the meson, constituting the 
posterior recesses. On the dorsal side of the cloacal chamber is 
a depression (Dorsalrinne) which proceeding cephalad becomes 
T-shaped and is the direct continuation of the tubular portion of 
the cloaca. The shape and indeed the depression itself is doubt- 
less entirely obliterated when the cloaca is filled with feces. Vent- 
rad of the depression and therefore truly from the ventral wall of 
the cloaca, though in appearance from the dorsal side, extends a 
tongue-like elevation whose shape and size appears to be altered 
by contraction.* 

Dorsal and ventral ciliated areas are recognized, the former 
extending from the level of the caudal end of the kidneys 
(slightly caudad of the uro-genital papilla) to the caudal end of 
the dorsal depression whose epithelium is ciliated throughout. 
The ventral area, according to Heidenhain, is more limited, ex- 
tending from about the level of the cephalic end of the dorsal 
area to the caudal limit of the cloacal tube, z. e. slightly cephalad 
of the cephalic end of the cloacal opening. The remaining 
epithelium of the cloaca he found to be composed of a single 
layer of mucous cells which continued up to the edge of the 
cloacal lips where transition to the epidermis is rather rapid, 
although the cloacal epithelium adjacent to the epidermis is two 
layered. Therefore Heidenhain concludes that the epithelium 
of the cloaca is entodermal and considers the pelvic and cloacal 
glands as entodermal in origin, while the abdominal gland tubules 
opening upon papilla which are covered with the stratified 
epithelium of the skin are ectodermal. 

*To this had been applied by earlier writers the term penis. This is un- 
fortunate ; it has long been known that this is no copulatory organ. The 
name of cloacal papilla employed by Blanchard is also unsatisfactory and 
apt to introduce confusion. Heidenhain has not thought fit to introduce a 
new term, and since I only refer it to incidentally, it will not be necessary 
to do so here. 


Before Heidenhain* but two giands were recognized as belong- 
ing to the cloaca of the male, the cloacal gland (Kloakendrise, 
Leydig ; Afterdriise, Rathke) and the pelvic gland. Heidenhain 
has recognized another group of tubules included by former in- 
vestigators (except Duvernoy) with the pelvic gland, but which he 
separates as the abdominal gland. The cloacal gland entirely 
surrounds the cloacal chamber and forms the basis of the cloacal 
wall, except on the dorsal side where the continuity of its mass 
is interrupted by the dorsal depression. Its tubules are quite 
straight, unbranched and open in most part into the cloacal 
chamber upon the summits of the longitudinal folds mentioned 
above. The pelvic gland occupies a position on the dorsal side 
of the cloaca. Its tubules open upon the dorsal ciliated area. 
When the dorsal depression has assumed the T-shape the open- 
ings are confined to the lateral walls of the depression, that is, to the 
stalk of the T; farther cephalad a few tubules open in the non- 
ciliated zone separating the dorsal and ventral ciliated areas. No 
openings occur in the ventral ciliated area. The tubules of the 
third gland newly recognized by him, the abdominal gland, open 
as stated above, upon the summit of the papillae which are situ- 
ated in the depression between the two limbs of the cloacal lip. 
From their openings the tubules run cephalad on each side, and 
form the larger part of the gland mass which is situated in the 
abdominal cavity between the abdominal muscles and the peri- 
toneum. The tubules are in part forked atthe end. Froma his- 
tological consideration five forms of tubules were recognized, one 
which Heidenhain was inclined to regard as a special kind of 
gland. He was unable to determine in how far the others should 
have like recognition, or merely represented different phases of 
secretive activity of the same kind of gland. 

Without discussing the value of the distinction into cloacal 
tube and cloacal chamber, or the entodermal or ectodermal nature 
of the epithelium and glands, the following brief observations 
and comparisons may be hazarded on the relations exist- 

*Duvernoy, however, recognized two portions of the pelvic gland which 
he named prostate abdominale and prostate pelvienne. 


ing in the males of the five genera studied in this investi- 
gation. Dzemyctylus may be conveniently considered first, since 
it is the most nearly related to the Tritons and the relations 
at the cloaca approximate those in that form most closely, 
The three glands were readily recognized and their relations 
agreed closely with those in Z77zton. The dorsal depression was 
well developed and assumed the T-shape described for that form. 
The dorsal ciliated area was large and lined the dorsal depres- 
sion throughout. It began as a mesal area and spread laterad as 
it progressed caudad until not only was the epithelium of the T- 
shaped depression ciliated, but also that adjacent to it in the dorsal 
wall of the cloaca. From the ventral wall an elevation projected 
slightly caudad of the uro-genital papilla, which caudad became 
broken up into the ridges on which the cloacal gland opened. It 
was covered with ciliated epithelium which extended caudad upon 
. the ridges spoken of above, almost to the cloacal lips. In the 
other four genera the ciliated areas were much as in Diemyctylus. 
In all, the ventral tract extended caudad upon the high ridges 
which bore the mouths of the cloacal gland tubules, being there- 
fore much more extensive than in the 77zton. The presence of 
ciliated areas in the male cloacas of purely terrestrial as well as 
purely aquatic urodeles, clearly disproves the view advanced by 
Leydig and quoted with favor by Hoffmann that a ciliated con- 
dition of the cloacal epithelium was to be associated with an 
aquatic life. It is a peculiar fact that no ciliz were found in the 
cloaca of the female in any species examined save Amblystoma 
and Plethodon glutinosus, which will be spoken of subsequently. 

The cloacal glands in Dzemycty/us seemed to be much as in 
Triton. The pelvic gland tubules opened into the dorsal depres- 
sion in four groups, viz., proceeding caudad, (a) a cephalic mesal 
group of short tubules whose mouths opened at the summits of 
low papillz ; (b) farther caudad lateral groups opening upon the 
stalk of the T; (c) a few tubules opened in the non-ciliated area 
ventrad of the dorsal ciliated tract ; and (d) a mesal group open- 
ing on a small elevation in the caudal portion of the dorsal 
depression, The mouths of the tubules composing the cloacal 


gland were situated as stated above in the summits of the ridges 
which radiated toward the cloacal lips where they were succeeded 
by large villi on which the tubules opened two and three together, 
around the cephalic end of the cloacal opening. The cloacal 
gland in all the genera presented much the same appearance, and 
the relation of the mouths of the tubules to the longitudinal ridges 
on the cloacal wall was constant in all. In Mecturus and Pletho- 
don these ridges were especially high and thin. In Wecturus, 
Desmognathus and Plethodon the ridges were succeeded at the 
edge of the cloacal lips by papilla which bore mouths of the 
tubules, though in the last two genera they were short. The 
tubules in the specimens examined were filled with a stringy se- 
cretion which took the hamatoxylin stain. . The cells appeared 
as figured by Heidenhain, reticulated and staining blue; un- 
doubtedly, as stated by him, this gland is mucin-secreting. 

The abdominal gland in Dzemyctylus may be easily recognized . 
and its relations are much as in 77riton. As in that genus, its 
tubules open upon slender papilla near the caudal end of the 
vent. From their ducts the tubules pass cephalad, laterad to the 
mass of the pelvic gland, to form with the pelvic gland a mass 
between the peritoneum and body muscles in the caudal end of 
the abdomen. In Diemyctylus the mass. of its tubules extended 
ventrad to lie beneath the peritoneum dorsad of the pelvic arch. 
The free ends of the cells were filled with small globules of secre- 
tion which stained but lightly. In some cases almost the entire 
cell was filled with these globules, the nucleus surrounded by a 
scanty mass of protoplasm was cramped in the basal end of the 
cell. The papilla on which the tubules opened were covered 
with a stratified epithelium which resembled the epidermis. 

Necturus, in the configuration of the cloaca, resembled Die- 
myctylus closely. The dorsal depression, however, did not 
assume the T-shape as in that form. Both the cloacal and pelvic 
glands were greatly developed ; a sufficiently careful study of the 
glands was not made to enable me to determine satisfactorily 
whether or not the abdominal gland was present. I consider it 
present though its tubules do not open from papilla, nor do they 


extend cephalad as in Deemyctylus, but are related more as in 

The cloacas of Plethodon and Desmognathus were much alike. 
Slightly caudad of the openings of the ureters there is a well 
marked elevation on the dorsal wall covered by ciliated epithelium 
which farther caudad breaks up into small papillae bearing the 
mouths of pelvic gland tubules. Just cephalad of this are lateral 
grouped gland tubules which appear in Plethodon, Desmognathus 
and also Ambdlystoma to be of quite a different character from the 
other pelvic gland tubules, so it appears as if in these forms the 
pelvic gland were composed of two distinct kinds of tubules. 
The homolog of the abdominal gland could be recognized, but in 
both genera its tubules were short, being more developed in 
Desmognathus than in Plethodon. In the latter its tubules opened 
at the caudal end of the slit-like vent upon the epidermis cover- 
ing the edges of the cloacal lips, but not upon papilla. In the 
former the tubules open on the dorsal side of the cloaca near its 
caudal limit, upon papillz, but clearly within the cloacal epithe- 
lium. These variations are of importance in considering the 
ectodermal or entodermal origin of the gland. 

Of Amblystoma 1 need only mention in addition to what has 
already been said, that all three glands may be recognized ; the 
cloacal lips are simple and do not possess the fringe of papilla 
present in Mecturus and Diemyctylus. 

Formerly when attention was first called to these glands 
as accessory to the genital organs, it was attempted to homologize 
them with glands found in higher forms, and the pelvic was re- 
garded as a prostate gland (hence the name applied by Duvernoy, 
and others.) Wiedersheim stated unqualifiedly that there can be no 
doubt but that these glands represent the prostate and gland of 
Cowper of higher forms.* There is little doubt now but that, 
as stated by Heidenhain and Zeller, these glands, opening upon 
the cloaca discharge a secretion which constitutes the body of . 
the spermatophore, forming thus a base to give support on its 

*“Tass diese Bildung der Prostata und den Cowper’schen Driisen der 
héheren Wirbelthiere entspricht, kann wohl keinem Zweifel unterliegen,” 


summit to the zodsperms. To find, then, in all these genera that 
the same glands are present at the cloaca and well developed, is 
pretty strong circumstantial evidence that the same mode of 
fertilization occurs in all, though the deposition of spermatophores 
has been observed only in one and probably so ina second. I 
confidently believe that in the proper season of the year the ter- 
restrial Plethodon will be found to go to the water for the purpose 
of mating just as does Salamandra of Europe, unless the sper- 
matophores may be deposited with equal efficiency on land. 


Less attention has been paid to the cloaca of the female 
than the male. This is perhaps because in the European 
Salamanders its structure is so much simpler. The following 
brief historical review will indicate how fragementary is the atten- 
tion that has been bestowed. 

Rathke (’20) and Leydig ('53) both recognized the presence 
of glands, doubtless the spermathecas, in the cloaca of the female 
Salamandra, though neither seems to have investigated the 
Triton. ‘The latter described them as formed of cylindrical tubules 
of a caliber enlarging toward their end. 

Siebold (’58) was the first to detect the presence of living z06- 
sperms in these tubules, describing them in Salamandra atra 
and maculosa and Triton igneus, cristatus and teniatus. 

Wiedersheim (’75) merely alludes to the question of the pres- 
ence of spermathecas in the genera Salamandrinaand Geotriton, 
whose anatomy he made the subject of a monograph.* 

Blanchard (’81) next mentions these in 77iton (species not 
named) in connection with the pelvic gland of the male with which 
he re garded them as homologous though atrophied and function- 

*Of Salamandrina he says ‘‘ Die von Siebold entdeckten soblanahbeie 
migen Receptacula seminis sind auch hier in zwei Gruppen vorhanden; 
jedoch gelang es mir nicht, in ihnen Zoospermien zu entdecken;” of Geotri- 
ton, ‘‘auch finde ich beim Weibchen keine Spur der Receptacula seminis, 
wohl aber frei in der Cloakenhéhle liegende Zoospermien, wie bei Salaman- 
drina.” He is therefore misquoted by Hoffman, ’78, who states that he 
found in neither form a trace of spermathecas, 


less as glands. He, however, did not agree with Siebold as to 
their functioning as spermathecas. 

Heidenhain (’90) who so thoroughly investigated the cloaca of 
the male Z7yiton discusses the female merely in connection with 
the discovery of the rudimentary tubuli which he regarded as 
representing the abdominal gland of the male. 

Jordan, ’91, speaks of finding in Dzemyetylus zoosperms “in 
the ducts of two groups of gland-like structures situated in the 
cloacal wall just below the entrance of the oviducts.”’ He 
discusses the problem of how the zoosperms become ensconced in 
their ‘‘ snug resting places,” and his views will be referred to sub- 
sequently. . 

Stieda, ’91, furnishes us with a minute account of the cloaca 
and the spermathecas in the female 77zfox. His discussion is the 
most detailed of all, though he does not mention the relation of 
the spermathecas to fertilization, and he does not appear to have 
been fully familiar with the literature. 

Fisher, ’91, in a more general article upon the anatomy of 
Geotriton fuscus finds the ‘“‘ receptaculum ”’ present as a single un- 
paired organ which he considers homologous with the pelvic 
gland of the male. No zoosperms were found in the gland ex- 
amined by him. Wiedersheim’s statement that there is no 
spermatheca in Geodriton is thus disproved. 

Of the above writers, the accounts of Siebold and Stieda are 
most circumstantial. The salamandride have been by far the 
most carefully studied ; while in the representatives of two other 
families (Diemyctylus, Salamandrina and Geotriton) little more 
than the mere presence of the spermathecas has been reported. 

Before proceeding to a discussion of the genera examined by 
me it will be well to review briefly the structure and relations of 
the cloacal glands and spermathecas of the female as they have 
been ascertained to be in the family of the Salamandride. As 
compared with the cloaca of the male that of the female is quite 
simple ; there are no representatives of the glands so greatly de- 
veloped in the male except the comparatively simple spermathe- 
cas (if they are representatives) and in Zrzton the rudimentary 


tubuli discovered by Heidenhain. The cloacal walls are equally 
simple and the configuration not so varied ; well-marked dorsal 
and ventral folds exist with smaller lateral ones. The sperma- 
thecas are simple blind sacks lined with a single layer of cubical 
cells which seemed to Stieda, to have no secretory function; a 
circular layer of plain muscle cells encloses each tubule which 
is in form flask-shaped, 7. ¢., enlarged toward the blind end, with 
a constricted neck. These tubules open in two lateral groups in 
ths dorsal side of the cloaca immediately caudad of the openings 
of the oviducts ; in 7riton the number of tubules in each group 
varied from eight to fifteen; in Se/amandra they were more nu- 
merous, being thirty or forty on each side. Large numbers of pig- 
ment cells occurred in the connective tissue surrounding the 
tubules. i 

The only other gland found at the cloaca of the female is the 
rudimentary abdominal gland of Heidenhain, found in 77zfon. 
Whether or not it is also present in Sa/amandra is unknown. As 
I shall have occasion to refer to a similarly situated gland in Deze- 
myctylus and certain other urodeles, it seems worth while to speak 
of this in some detail. _Heidenhain describes it at some 
length. There are found in the entire circumference of the cloacal 
opening, upon the surface of the lips, papillze of the integument. 
Microscopic examination showed that from the summits of these 
papilla rudimentary gland tubules proceeded which have the 
same course as the abdominal gland tubules of the male and 
therefore must only be their homologs. From their origin they 
assume a strongly dorso-cephalic direction, traverse the cloacal 
lips, and, where they attain a considerable length, lie upon the 
ventral surface of the striated muscle which is situated on each 
side ventrad of the vertebre. The length of the tubules varied 
considerably in the same individual. The lining cells were in- 
conspicuous and presented no appreciable structure. The tubules 
were also very variable in number; as many as twelve paired and 
five unpaired tubules were found in some individuals, while 
in other examples there was no trace of them whatever. In re- 
gard to their homology with the abdominal gland tubules of the 


male, I think it will be evident from a comparative study that the 
fact of their opening upon papille in the skin at the vent is in- 
sufficient to base a homology upon. Indeed, it seems futile to 
attempt to pronounce a homology between structures in male and 
female which possess in the two sexes clearly different functions, 
and are so variable that the gland may be well developed in 
the female in one genus of a family and totally wanting in another, 
even though they may occupy approximately the same position. 
For similar reasons, it does not seem to the writer that the 
spermathecas can be homologized with the pelvic gland of the 
male as has been so confidently done by Blanchard and Fischer. 
As has been said by Jordan, ’93, the question is probably a barren 

Diemyctylus. (Fig. 7). Of the genera examined by me this 
is most nearly related to the European forms, and an approxima- 
tion to the relations in those genera would be expected, and is 
found. The cloaca of the female is much less prominent than in 
the male; the vent is situated on rather a ridge-like elevation. 
Its lips are simple and no papillae are present. The internal to- 
pography of the cloaca is also much simpler than in the male ; 
the walls are thrown into low folds, not resembling, however, the 
ridges in the caudal portion of the cloaca of the male. In the 
dorsal side is a ridge which appears’ at the caudal end of 
the cloaca and steadily increases in height to within a short dis- 
tance of the oviducal papilla where it stops quite suddenly. As 
this ridge heightens, the cloacal cavity deepens dorsally, so that 
at the cephalic termination of the ridge there exists a deep dorsal 
depression in which soon appear the papillae which bear the 
mouths of the oviducts. The ventral portion of the cloacal cavity 
simultaneously extends itself laterally and farther cephalad be- 
comes the intestine. The bladder opens upon the ventral side of 
the cloaca, slightly cephalad of the oviducal papille. 

The epithelium lining the cloaca was stratified in the caudal 
portion and columnar in the cephalic portion where it is com- 
posed of mucous cells. The stratified epithelium extends cephalad 
farthest on the dorsal side, even up to the area in which the 


spermathecas open. These, in their structure and distribution 
seem to resemble closely those in the Salamandride. They are 
flask-shaped, the neck is very constricted and the diameter of the 
body of the cul-de-sac varies with the amount of distension caused 
by the zodsperms contained. The shape of the lining cells was 
also modified by the same cause ; in the empty tubules, however, 
they were cubical. Each tubule is enclosed in a layer of plain 
muscular fibers which encircle it. These tubules open upon the 
lateral walls of the dorsal extension of the cavity which is divided 
into two parts by the mesal elevation. There were about twenty- 
five such tubules opening on each side. Cephalad of the ter- 
mination of the mesal ridge, which is abrupt, the lateral groups meet 
at the meson and there occur five or six tubules which cannot be 
regarded as belonging to either group. 

But two examples of this newt were examined. by me; one 
taken March 10, the other in October. In both of them the 
spermathecas contained zoosperms. An examination of a more 
complete series of individuals taken at other seasons of the year 
would have been made had it not been already done by another. 
It should be done in an exhaustive study of the glands, for which, 
however, Dremyctylus is not as suitable a genus as Ambdlystoma, 
Jordan, 91, has said that he found zoé the cloaca of the 
female ‘‘ in nearly all the specimens examined between the first of 
May and the first of July,’ and in another place he says that 
zodsperms usually occur in the spermathecas of specimens taken 
in the autumn. 

In addition to the spermathecas other tubules occur presum- 
ably homologous with the rudimentary tubules described by 
Heidenhain as representing the male abdominal gland. In Dve- 
myctylus, however, they are clearly not rudimentary. The open- 
ings of the tubules occur upon the epidermis of the skin at the 
edge of the vent in its entire circumference. From their openings 
the tubules assume a dorsal, and generally, also, a cephalic direc- 
tion on each side of the cloacal cavity. The more cephalic and 
also most mesal tubules do not extend dorsad, but directly cepha- 
lad and thus lie upon the ventral side of the cloaca. The gland 


mass which will be spoken of as the ‘“ ventral gland,” to avoid 
homologies, lies upon the ventral and lateral sides of the cloaca. 
A duct and a secreting portion of each tubule might be recog- 
nized; the former was constricted and its cells -flattened; the 
secreting cells were columnar with their nuclei situated in the 
basalend. The cell itself appeared granular. This description 
applied only to the condition existing in the Diemyctylus taken in 
the spring; in the fall individual the cells were much smaller 
and the entire appearance was as of a gland of less functional 
activity, or one recovering from a state of exhaustion. Undoubt- 
edly the latter was the case as what will be said subsequently of 
the seasonal variation in Amdlystoma would indicate. 

To compare Diemyctylus with the Salamandridz a close ap- 
proximation to relations there is seen. In the latter only the 
paired spermathecas would appear to exist. In the number of 
tubules, Dzemyctylus is intermediate between the genus Salaman- 
dra and the Tritons. Wiedersheim mentions both the spérma- 
thecas and the ventral gland in Salamandrina.* Evidently that 
genus approaches Dremyctylus closely. 

Necturus.** (Figs. 1-6). As in Diemyctylus the cloaca is much 
less prominent in the female Wectwrus than in the male, due to 
the weaker development of the glands. There are no cloacal pa- 
pillee and the lips of the vent are smooth. In the configuration 
of the cloaca Necturus differs somewhat from Dzemyctylus. In 
the cephalic portion the oviducal papilla, which are very large, 
project caudad and ventrad from the dorsal wall; caudad there is 
in the dorsal side a well-marked depression which extends almost 
to the caudal limit of the cloacal cavity. The epithelium of the 
cephalic portion of the cloaca and the dorsal depression is formed 
of mucous cells. Upon the inside of the lips of the cloaca this 

*«< Diese (Cloake) ist beim Weibchen von einem Kranz kleiner, schlauch- 
férmiger Driisen umgeben, welche in den die Spalte begrenzenden Lippen 
gelegen sind, und erst beim Auseinanderziehen der letzteren deutlich zum 
Vorschein kommen.” 

**Prof. Wilder has permitted me to examine some drawings of the cloacal 
cavity and papille of Nectwrus that were made in his laboratory in 1874 by 
Prof. W. S. Barnard. 


merges into a stratified form of epithelium, which insensibly grades 
into the epidermis in which upon the cloacal lips the character- 
istic clavate cells are absent. 

In the depression in the dorsal side of the cloaca there may be 
detected by the naked eye some forty or more orifices ; these are 
the mouths of convoluted tubules which constitute the bulk of a 
gland mass of considerable size situated upon the dorsal side of 
the cloaca. (Fig. 2). These tubules were of large caliber and 
lined with tall columnar cells which presented the characteristic 
appearance of charged mucous cells. The nucleus was situated 
in the base of the cell the ectal portion of which was granular. 
There was no constriction of the tubule or differentiation of the 
epithelium to constitute a neck, but the columnar cells passed di- 
rectly into the mucous epithelium of the cloaca, with whose cells 
they appeared identical in structure. 

In addition to these large tubules there open upon the epithe- 
lium of the dorsal side of the cloaca in or at the edge of the de- 
pression other tubules of an entirely different appearance, the sper- 
mathecas. We find in them a repetition of the structure in Dze- 
myctylus. They are flask-shaped, lined with cubical or low col- 
‘ umnar cells and open upon the surface by a very constricted neck. 
Over forty of these were counted; they occur scattered among 
the other tubules over an area extending from just caudad of the 
mouths of the oviducts to the caudal limit of the depression. 
These almost invariably contained zoosperms. In addition to 
them other tubules of an entirely similar appearance open by the 
characteristic constricted neck into the free ends of the large con- 
voluted tubules first mentioned. The cells lining them resembled 
in form and appearance those lining the tubules which I have just 
spoken of as the spermathecas, and were easily distinguishable 
from the taller granular cells of the convoluted tubules. Zoo- 
sperms were occasionally, though only occasionally, to be observed 
in these appendages to the larger tubules and they must likewise 
be considered spermathecas. 

Six Mecturt were examined and zodsperms were abundantly 
found in all in the spermathecas which opened on the cloacal epi- 


thelium and rarely in those which opened into the large tubules. 
All were taken in the late fall or winter. It is unfortunate that 
it was impossible to examine any in which it was evident mating 
had occurred and the eggs were yet in the ovary. As it is, be- 
cause of lack of knowledge of the habits of the animal, it is im- 
possible to determine whether the zoosperms in the spermathecas 
of the forms taken in the winter were acquired ina fall mating, 
without ovulation, as occurs in Dzemyctylus, or were merely such 
as had been left over after ovulation in the spring or fall, if one 
occurs at that season of the year. There might be a marked 
difference in the state of functional activity of the two sets of 
spermathecas, and those which opened into the tubules might be 
in reality the more functional. 

The long convoluted tubules first described resembled no other 
cloacal gland. Indeed the impression is strong that they may 
arise as tubular proliferations of the mucous cells of the cloacal 
epithelium surrounding the mouths of some of the spermathecas, 
which they thus carry down with them in their development. It 
is possible that an examination of young forms would throw light 
on their origin and significance. 

The ventral gland (Fig. 1) is present and well developed in 
Necturus. Its mass lies upon the ventral side of the cloaca ceph- 
alad of the vent, and its tubules open upon the stratified epithe- 
lium within the edge of the cloacal opening surrounding its 
cephalic portion. The tubules are paired and are some sixty or 
more in number on each side. A duct and secreting portion are 
well marked, the former is constricted and lined with. flattened 
cells, the latter is of a larger diameter and formed of very tall 
‘columnar cells which are crowded with globules and large 
granules in the specimens examined. Doubtless they become 
more or less exhausted at the time of ovulation and gradually re- 
gain the resting state during the year as seems to be the case in 

Amblystoma. (Figs. 10-15). A more complete series of 
specimens of Amdlystoma punctatum were examined and a better 
idea could thus be obtained of the extent and significance of sea- 


sonal changes in the cloacal glands, and more satisfactory exami- 
nation of the spermathecas was also possible. Those examined 
comprised seven individuals: (1) two Amblystomas taken in the 
spring in which the eggs were still in the ovary and no mating 
had yet taken place, as ascertained by examination which showed 
entire absence of zodsperms ; (2) one in which the eggs were yet 
in the ovary, but mating had occurred—the spermathecas and de- 
pression were full of zoosperms ; (3) one in which ovulation had 
just taken place in the laboratory ; further, there were examined 
two taken in july and one taken in the winter (January). 

In this form the relations at the cloaca differ markedly from 
those in either of the two genera just described. The ventral 
gland is present and occupies much the same position as in Wec- 
‘urus; the spermathecas open upon the dorsal epithelium of the 
cloaca and in addition there is another group of tubules situated 
in the dorsal wall of the cloaca opening upon the epithelium far- 
ther caudad. The relations of the three groups is well shown by 
the sagittal section, Fig. 10, from which also a general idea may 
be obtained of the shape of the cloacal cavity. The oviducts open 
as usual upon papillz situated in a depression in the dorsal side 
of the cloaca; farther ventrad is another depression, quite nar- 
row, into which the greater number of the spermathecas open 
and around which they are grouped; a few open upon the 
epithelium just caudad of it. The epithelium lining this depres- 
sion, and also the cloacal cavity for a short distance cephalad and 
caudad of it on both the dorsal and ventral sides, consists of a 
single layer of columnar cells. Ciliated cells were found upon 
the ventral wall opposite the depression and cephalad of it on the 
dorsal side of the cloaca. In neither place was the tract exten-” 
sive and the ciliated cells were often separated by non-ciliated 
ones. No cilia appeared on cells lining the depression. The 
arrangement of the spermatheca tubules was quite compact 

‘about the depression from which they radiated on all sides with a 
more or less dorsal trend. Between them strands of plain 
muscle cells passed, forming a network and encircling the de- 
pression more or less completely. 


The ventral gland tubules some distance within the vent opened 
upon the cloacal epithelium which was there composed of two or 
three layers of cells ; farther ectad it thickens to grade insensibly 
into the epidermis upon the lips of the cloaca. The tubules open 
upon the ventral and also to a slight extent upon the lateral sides 
of the cloaca, and radiate cephalad and also somewhat dorsad so 
that the gland mass is situated on the ventral and to a slighter 
extent the lateral sides of the cloaca. Though the mouths of the 
tubules do not occur in lateral groups, as in Vecturus, the gland 
mass itself is divided on the meson into two equal lateral portions. 

The second group of gland tubules which I have designated as 
the dorsal gland, opens on the dorsal and lateral sides of the 
cloaca and the tubules extend dorsad and cephalad. 

In structure these glands were of an entirely different appear- 
ance. In both, the tubules were composed of the customary 
duct and secreting portion. The cells of the ventral gland were 
very tall columnar cells (Fig. 11). The cell body was crowded 
with large granules which took a cytoplasmic stain readily. The 
cells of the dorsal glands are finely granular and stain less in- 
tensely, coloring a light pink where the ventral gland stains rose. 
This is the appearance in the spring specimens taken before ovu- 
lation when the glands are in a resting condition and _ fully 
charged. In the specimen after ovulation the glands, though not 
exhausted, were yet so nearly so that an idea could be obtained 
of the grosser changes in secretion. Fig. 12 shows a partially 
exhausted tubule; the tall columnar cells filled with granules 
have shrunken, the lumen of the tubules is greatly enlarged and 
filled with the mass of secretion. A more complete stage of ex- 
haustion is shown in Fig. 13, where the cells have become almost 
flattened. A comparison of the two summer forms in which the 
Ovaries were spent shows the gland cells in an exceedingly re- 
duced condition, in many tubules consisting of little besides 
nucleus. Fig. 14 shows one of the more developed tubules in 
which a few granules occur in the cells which are apparently just 
recovering and beginning to elaborate the secretion which will 
swell the cell so enormously. In fact, these glands, as do the 


cells of the oviduct, seem to prepare themselves yearly for their 
period of secretive activity at the time of ovulation. The secre- 
tion found in the tubules and the cloacal chamber stains deeply 
with eosin. Changes in the dorsal gland seem to correspond 
closely with those in the ventral. I believe that these glands 
secrete the substance which forms the gelatinous mass which 
binds together the eggs when laid in masses. 

So exactly do the spermathecas resemble in form and structure 
the gland tubules that we naturally turn to see if seasonal varia- 
tions may also be detected_in them. In the spring individuals in 
which the eggs are yet in the ovary and mating has not yet taken 
place, the conditions are most favorable for determining whether 
or not they present an appearance of cells in a resting condition, 
which might be expected if they elaborate any secretion attractive 
to the zodsperms. However, the cells show no traces of a stored 
secretion, and compared with the cells in the spermathecas of the 
specimen in which the eggs had been laid, but which still contained 
some zodsperms, show no apparent differences. The spermathe- 
cas contained more or less granular or stringy matter as of some 
coagulated secretion, as in all the other forms in which the empty 
tubules were observed—JVecturus, Spelerpes, Plethodon. The 
cells resembled exhausted mucous cells, appearing finely reticu- 
lar and staining lightly. 

Spelerpes. (Figs. 16-17). Buta single individual of Spelerpes 
bilineatus was examined, which was taken October 7. The struct- 
ure of the spermatheca, however, was so unique and so suggestive 
of the meaning of the single mesal spermatheca in this and the 
two genera to be discussed subsequently, that a description is 
siven, although no zodsperms were contained in the spermatheca 
of this one individual. 

The structure of the cloaca in its caudal portion presents no 
unusual features; proceeding cephalad from the caudal end of 
the cloacal opening, the cavity deepens gradually and its walls 
are thrown into small longitudinal folds. Slightly caudad of the 
cephali¢ end of the vent, a narrow dorsal depression makes 
its appearance which deepens gradually until it meets the mouth 


of the common tube of the spermatheca as it may be termed, 
which extends cephalad (Fig. 17). As this depression increases, 
more lateral ones appear cutting out or bordering lips for the 
mesal one, thus producing the appearance of a dorsal elevation cut 
in two. Cephalad of the opening of the spermatheca these folds 
disappear and a mesal elevation appears which is soon divided by 
a deep and narrow depression. 

The spermatheca first appears in a series of transections slightly 
cephalad of the caudal end of the cloaca, upon its dorsal side and 
at first only loosely joined to it by connective tissue. In struct- 
ure it consists of a central common tube into which near its caudal 
end open twelve to fourteen tubules, flask-shaped, with the body 
lined with columnar cells and opening by means of a constricted 
neck—a repetition of the structure of the tubules in the genera 
before described. (Fig.16). The cells lining the common tube 
and the tubules opening into it are columnar and identical in ap-, 
pearance in the two places ; they stain but lightly, resembling the 
cells of the spermathecas of Ammélystoma. The epithelium of the 
spermatheca extends cephalad beyond its mouth some little dis- 
tance, covering the mesal elevation before it becomes divided and 
persisting on each side for a short distance after the mesal de- 
pression appears. 

The cloacal epithelium in its caudal portion is a stratified one, 
and two or three cells thick, which extends cephalad almost to the 
opening of the spermatheca. Mucous cells first appear in the 
lateral depressions alluded to above and spread over the entire 
surface of the cloaca except where the epithelium of the sperma- 
theca extends cephalad, from which, because of the stain taken, 
they are readily distinguished. 

The common tube of the spermatheca was of uniform structure 
throughout, somewhat larger at its blind end. It was enclosed 
in a thick layer of plain muscle cells which also surrounded each 
tubule opening into it. The entire organ is enclosed by a 
dense layer of pigment cells which is especially concentrated about 
the tubules. (Fig. 16). When the cloaca is dissected off, be- 
cause of its pigmented state the spermatheca appears as a black 



sack. It is impossible to resist the impression that the organ in 
Spelerpes, and therefore in the two following genera, is not the 
equivalent ofa single one of the many tubules of Dzemyctylus which 
has become enlarged and branched, but presents an exaggeration 
of the condition in Ambystoma, and represents a tubular depres- 
sion of the cloaca, into the end -of which the clustered tubules 
open,—which in such forms as Dzemyctylus open upon the cloacal 
epithelium directly,— and thus seems to constitute a connecting link 
between Diemyctyvlus, Necturus and Amblystoma on the one hand, 
and Prethodon and Desmognathus on the other. The tubules as 
well as the common tube contained more or less matter, granu- 
lar or globular which might seem to indicate, as in Amblystoma, 
a secretive activity of the cells. 

Opening upon the dorsal side of the cloaca, caudad of the mouth 
of the spermatheca, are some twelve tubules which were in a 
very undeveloped condition and were either rudimentary or in a 
state of inactivity or exhaustion. In some the cells consisted of 
little more than the nucleus, in others they were cubical and in 
all a lumen was present. Likewise, cephalad of the opening of 
the spermatheca, were six or seven short tubules of a rudimentary 
appearance. Whether these represented the dorsal cloacal gland 
or were spermatheca tubules which had become rudimentary from 
disuse—if the spermatheca were not in the first place modified 
tubules of the dorsal gland—is, of course, idle speculation. In 
the absence of a knowledge of the habits of the salamander or 
specimens taken at different times of the year, any conclusion is 

The ventral gland is well developed ; its tubules open upon 
the cloacal epithelium of each side some distance within the vent. 
They are all paired and are some twenty in number on each side. 
The more caudal tubules extend dorsad, those more cephalad 
lie upon the ventral side of the cloaca and there form a consider- 
able gland mass. The location of the gland, therefore, is as in 
Diemyctylus. The cells of the tubules are columnar and resemble 
those in that genus. 

Llethodon erythronotus. As in Spelerpes, the spermatheca in 


this salamander is mesal though it differs much in structure. A 
feature peculiar to Plethodon among the forms examined is the 
presence of a large papilla-like elevation which projects caudad 
and ventrad from the dorsal wall of the cloaca-in its caudal 
portion. Strands from the circular muscular coat of the cloaca 
project up into it, so that it is doubtless more or less contractile. 
Dorsad of its base the cloacal cavity extends cephalad a short dis- 
tance as a cephalic recess. 

Cephalad of this papilla there appears a dorsal elevation on 
which opens the spermatheca. As in Sfelerpes this organ is 
sack-like in shape and highly pigmented and muscular. /Vetho- 
don differs, however, in that the common tube has a constricted 
neck, and instead of the twelve tubules opening into its blind end 
there are but four diverticula which do not show the characteris- 
tic structure possessed by the tubules in the previous forms, 
namely, a body and neck, though they are somewhat constricted 
at the opening into the common tube. The common tube and 
to a less degree each of the diverticula have an encircling muscu- 
lar tunic. The circular muscular coat of the cloaca proper is 
well developed and sends bundles of cells up into the elevation 
on which the spermatheca opens and also into the spermatheca. 

Cephalad of the spermatheca the dorsal ridge becomes thinner 
and finally disappears ; the cloacal cavity extends itself laterally 
and dorsally as a depression into which open the oviducts from 
short papilla, and the ureters. The epithelium of the cloaca in 
the caudal position is stratified, as before, and this extends farthest 
cephalad upon the dorsal elevation, to slightly caudad of the 
spermatheca. It is succeeded by a mucous epithelium, which 
lines the cephalic portion of the cloaca, first appearing caudad on 
its ventral side. 

Plethodon glutinosus. (Figs. 18-19). This species when 
compared with evythronotus shows close resemblances with some 
marked variations. The curious tongue-like papilla in the caudal 
portion is well developed and the projection of the cavity beneath 
its base is considerable. The spermatheca is much as in PVetho- 
don erythronotus ; the diverticula are four in number and the com- 


mon tube into which they empty opens upon the cloaca by a very 
constricted neck at the summit of the dorsal ridge (Fig. 19) as in 
erythronotus. A difference, however, consists in the fact that the 
common tube is lined with a stratified epithelium of flattened cells. 
The muscularity and pigmentation of the organ are also greater. 
Pigment is not confined to this region, but occurs in the tongue- 
like papillae, and to a slight extent in the circular muscular coat 
of the cloaca. A most peculiar difference between the two species 
lies in the presence of cilia in the cloaca of g/utenosus, and their 
entire absence so far as I can determine in erythronotus, the tissue 
being fixed in the same way in each. In Asmédlystoma a few 
scattered ciliated cells were found, but in P. g/utinosus the area 
was extensive. As in evythronotus the caudal portion of the 
cloaca is lined with a stratified epithelium two or three cells deep, 
which extends cephalad upon the dorsal elevation to a point 
slightly cephalad of the mouth of the spermatheca. In the de- 
pression on each side of this elevation ciliated cells first appear; they 
spread laterad and ventrad until the area encircles the entire cloaca. 

Immediately cephalad of the opening of the spermatheca and 
cutting into the base of the elevation (Fig. 19), the cloacal cavity 
extends, laterad and dorsad as in erythronotus, constituting the 
depression into which open the ureters and oviducts, the latter 
upon very small papillz, if any. These depressions are clothed 
with large mucous cells, which spread laterad and ventrad to 
clothe the entire circumference of the cavity. 

Of erythronotus were examined specimens taken in the sum- 
mer (2), fall (1) and spring (4), and only in three’ in the spring, 
taken April 15th and May 2d, were zodsperms found. Two 
individuals of P. ¢/utinosus were examined, and in neither were 
zoosperms contained in the spermatheca. There is no doubt but 
that were a larger number examined, zo6sperms would be found 
as in erythronotus. 

Geotriton, the only European genus of this family, was ex- 
amined by Fischer, and a single mesal spermatheca, as in Pletho- 
don, was found, though in the specimens examined by him no 
zodosperms were contained. 


In those individuals in which no zoosperms were contained, 
the spermatheca held, as in Sfe/erpes, granular and reticulated 
matter, as if of coagulated secretion, and in some instances the 
free ends of the cells appeared flagellate or threaded. 

Desmognathus (Figs. 8 and g). The relations are much as in 
Plethodon. An elevation appears upon the dorsal side of the 
cloaca, and upon this, as in /Vlethodon, the spermatheca opens 
(Fig. 9). This is very well developed, consisting of a common 
tube with five or six large diverticula, and opens by constricted 
neck with flattened cells. The muscular sheath of the common 
tube and its diverticula was strong. Both the diverticula and 
the common tube were lined with low columnar cells, presenting 
no marked structural features. The pigment surrounding the 
organ was very abundant, and rendered it easily recognizable on 
dissecting out the cloaca for sectioning. 

The general configuration of the cloacal chamber was much 
as in Plethodon, save that no tongue-like papilla existed. The 
elevation in the dorsal wall, already referred to so often, was 
present. The stratified epithelium of the caudal portion of the 
cloaca extends cephalad upon it up to the mouth of the sperm- 
atheca. Mucous cells first appear in the depression on each side 
of the elevation, whence they spread ventrad to completely clothe 
the cloacal wall. Cephalad of the spermatheca the elevation 
disappears and the cloacal cavity assumes a tubular form. The 
oviducts and ureters open relatively farther cephalad than in 
Plethodon, the former upon the summits of low papillz. 

Specimens taken in the summer, fall, winter and spring were 
examined, and in all the spermathecas were well filled. Though 
a confirmation from the meager facts can not be had, it seems 
probable that such a difference in the presence of zodsperms in 
Plethodon and Diemyctylus has an accompanying difference in habits 
of mating which would explain it. Though doubtless merely 
indicating the way in which the zodsperms entered the sperma- 
theca, the fact that in the individuals examined they almost in- | 
variably lay with their heads toward the cells of the spermatheca, 
might indicate an attractive principle secreted by the cells. 


Neither in Plethodon or Desmognathus were ventral or dorsal 
cloacal glands present. 


From the foregoing it is seen that in the six genera examined, 
including urodeles of widely different habits, functional sperma- 
thecas are to be found, though with a great variation in structure. 
Indeed, in Diemyctylus, Amblystoma and Necturus they may 
more strictly be spoken of as individual tubules which function 
as spermathecas, possibly gland tubules, as they are termed by 
Gegenbaur and Claus, so exactly do they compare with the 
tubules which constitute the other cloacal glands ; and it is first 
in Amblystoma that there appears in the arrangement of the 
tubules around a depression the suggestion of the unity of struct- 
ure found in the remaining three genera, Spelerpes, Plethodon 
and Desmogunathus, where there is a single mesal spermatheca. 

All discussion heretofore has been purely anatomical, and only 
incidentally has the function and physiological action been alluded 
to. The question may be fairly put, how far are the sperma- 
thecas of real importance to the salamander, and have they in 
every case a role to play in the process of fertilization, or are the 
zoosperms contained only used in certain cases? Our ignorance 
of the habits of all but one of the genera forbids an estimate, 
but as far as more isolated observations afford an answer, it is 
that their functional use is complete; in other words, that the 
zoosperms taken up by the female are stored away in these 
tubules and are expelled from them when needed for the fertili- 
zation of the egg. In some forms their functional use is great. 
Both Czermak and Siebold have shown that the female of the 
viviparous Salamandra atra, with but one mating in the spring, © 
yet gives birth to its young several times during the year, and 
Zeller considers it undoubted that the same is true for Sada- 
mandra maculosa.* For these viviparous forms, therefore, the 

* “ Ja, es ist dafiir der thatsichliche Beweis durch die schon zum éftern 
gemachte Beobachtung erbracht, dass isolirt gehaltene Weibchen [Sala- 
mandra maculosa| nach ein- und sogar nach zweijaihriger Gefangenschaft 
eine kleine Anzahl von Larven geboren haben.” Zeller, 90, p. 595, 


spermatheca is of the utmost importance. In Triton (alpestris 
and ¢eniatus) Zeller regards it as exceedingly probable that in 
certain cases fertile eggs may be laid in the spring without a 
previous mating that spring, though this is unusual. In this 
form, according to him, the zoésperms received from a mating 
will fertilize one hundred or more eggs, which are laid within 
eight to fourteen days, when another mating occurs. With the 
axolotl the proceedure is more rapid; ovulation generally begins 
the following night and within thirty-six or forty hours 300 to 
600 eggs have been deposited ; occasionally the number reaches 
800 to 1,000 (Zeller): in the aquarium two ovulations may 
occur in the same year, but the second is preceded by a fresh 
mating. The observations of Zeller, Gage and Jordan, especially 
the last, make us more familiar with the phenomena of fertiliza- 
tion and ovulation in Dzemycty/us than in any other form. Jordan 
says: ‘It is probable that for a single individual the egg-laying 
season lasts for at least seven or eight weeks. The longest time 
over which I have actually observed the laying of a single in- 
dividual to extend is four weeks, but in this case the ovaries still 
retained large pigmented eggs, and under perfectly normal con- 
ditions egg-laying would undoubtedly have continued for some 
time longer.’”’ The largest number of eggs laid under observa- 
tion was ninety-six, and ovulation lasted nineteen days after separa- 
tion from the male. An autumnal mating in Diemyctylus was first 
_ observed to occur by Gage, and confirmation of this has been 
given by Jordan, ’92. It is possible, therefore, in certain cases, 
that the laying of fertile eggs in the spring may proceed without 
a previous spring mating. 

But a slight clue of the time and manner of ovulation can be 
gained from a study of the spermathecas, since it can never be de- 
termined whether the zodsperms present are an accession of a 
recent mating or are those remaining after a sufficient number has 
been used in the fertilization of the ova. It would appear prob- 
able that in Asmdlystoma there is but one mating in the spring 
followed by ovulation. Of the habits of Mecturus at present no 

definite conclusion can be drawn. The fact that zobsperms were 


universally found in Desmognuathus in the spring, summer, fall 
and winter, and found only in the spring in Plethodor suggests 
some difference in habit, though too few individuals were ex- 
amined to afford more than a suggestion. Sherwood says of 
Desmognathus: ‘1 think there are two broods annually, as I 
have found eggs from July to October and have seen very small 
larve as late as November 30.” He found eggs of Plethodon and 
Spelerpes October 25th. Three specimens of Plethodon ery- 
thronotus, taken by me between the 15th of April and the 2nd of 
May, all had the spermathecas well filled, and there is therefore 
a suggestion of the possibility of two broods in this form. Mere 
speculation, however, is idle and direct observation of the habits 
of these forms must be awaited. 

Jordan, from his careful study of Dzemyctylus, concludes that fer- 
tilization in that genus takes place in the cloaca as the ovum passes 
through to be extruded ; his words are: ‘ The fertilization of the 
egg takes place just before the egg is extruded. The sperma- 
tozoa, which have long been waiting in the tubes of the recepta- 
culum seminis, are either attracted from their resting places by 
the passing egg or forced out by contraction of the surrounding 
muscles. J] have made repeated and careful search for sperma- 
tozoa in the oviducts, but have never succeeded in finding one. 
Neither have I ever found in sections any indication that sperma- 
tozoa enter oviduct eggs, although eggs often lie for some time 
in the mouth of the oviducts. Fertilization, then, would seem to 
take place only after the egg has left the oviduct and passed into 
the cloaca.”’ I would say that I also have never seen zo6sperms 
in the oviducts of any species sectioned by me, in almost all of 
which the lower portion of the oviducts was examined. How- 
ever, in the viviparous Sa/amandra artra and maculosa fertiliza- 
tion of the egg must occur in the oviduct since development takes 
place there. Spallanzani (as quoted by Zeller) stated that eggs 
removed by him from the oviducts of the female 77zton proved 
fertile and developed. Robin, also, said that examination of 
the female 77z/on at the time of ovulation discovered zoésperms in 
the cloaca and “three or four millimeters within the oviducts,” 


There would seem, then, to be a variation in the different forms. 

The walls of the cloaca are largely formed of plain muscular 
tissue which surrounds the vent and strands of muscle cells inter- 
digitate with the gland and spermatheca tubules, and it is probable 
that in fertilization the zoosperms are forcibly expelled by 
muscular contraction.* In the forms in which there is a mesal 
spermatheca, the whole organ and its common tube are encircled 
by a thick layer of muscle cells, and that such is the case is 
especially evident here. 

‘The question as to how the spermatozaa find their way into 
these snug resting-places is one of considerable interest. Why 
should they enter these small ducts and there lie dormant, in 
preference to passing ex masse up the oviducts, or to entering 
the alimentary canal, or even to issuing from the mouth of the 
cloaca? It appears to be probable that the explanation lies in 
what Pfeffer has called ‘ positive chemotaxis.’ Pfeffer found, as 
is, well known, that certain chemical substances, as malic acid, 
attract spermatozoa (positive chemotaxis), and that others, as 
chloroform, repel them (negative chemotaxis). For example, 
the mucilage in the central canal of the archegonia of Pteris con- 
tains a trace of malic acid, and Pfeffer has shown that this amount 
is sufficient to attract spermatozoa to the mouth ofthe canal. A 
similar explanation has been given by some _ bacteriologists to 
account for the gathering of leucocytes at inflammatory foci. It 
is supposed that the leucocytes have been drawn thither in virtue 
of their chemotactic properties which were brought into play by 
the metabolic bacterial poisons, or, as now seems more likely, by 
the freed albuminoid constituents of the bacterial cell. 

“It seems highly probable that the pelvic gland of the female 

*«The explanation of the dropping of non- fertilized eggs seems to be that in 
females with full oviducts, an egg is occasionally pressed into the cloaca by 
the mere elasticity of the oviduct walls and without the special cognizance 
of the newt. This egg then passes out like so much excreta without the - 
performance of a voluntary act of oviposition. The fact that these eggs 
are, for the most part, unfertilized indicates an expulsion of spermatozoa 

from the receptacle during the performance of egg-laying.” Jordan, 95, 
p- 309, 


newt may secrete a substance—proteid or otherwise—with a 
positively chemotactic effect, and thus draw the spermatozoa into 
its ducts. At all events, such a supposition may serve for a pro- 
visional hypothesis.”’ (Jordan, ’g1, p. 266.) 

The question set forth in the above quotation is indeed 
difficult to answer. At first sight one would seem compelled to 
assume such attractive secretion by the cells of the spermatheca. 
Indeed, examination of the tubules in Azzdlystoma or other forms 
when they are free from zoosperms, shows clearly that some 
secretion is given off by the cells of the tubules, though of its 
nature and significance nothing can be said. It does not seem 
at all impossible, however, that the entrance of the zoosperms 
may be due solely to their own activity assisted by muscular con- 
tractions of the cloaca and spermatheca. 

The great abundance of pigment cells surrounding the sperma- 
theca tubules in all forms except Necturus and Amblystoma has 
been noted in the discussion of each form. Though, therefore, 
it is not a constant accompaniment of the spermatheca, the great 
abundance of it surrounding the organ in the forms in which it 
is most highly developed cannot but attract attention and 
arouse speculation. When the zoosperm enters the pigmented 
ovum it has been observed to exert an attractive influence upon 
the pigment particles, which cluster to meet its entrance and fol- 
low it as a pigment trail as it penetrates deeper (see Jordan, ’93, 
p. 317). Were pigment cells constantly found surrounding the 
tubules, it might be suggested that the attraction exerted by the 
zoosperms was potent here, hence the pigmentation ; or that the 
attraction between pigment and the zoosperms was mutual and 
the pigment enticed them into their resting places. Pigment 
occurs surrounding other gland tubules, and in other regions of 
the cloaca, though less plentifully, so that its presence is doubt- 
less due to something other than an attraction exerted by the 
zoosperms, though this might yet account for its greater concen- 
tration at that point. 

Blanchard regarded the tubules which have been seen to 
function as reservoirs for the zoosperms as homologous with the 


pelvic gland of the male, as likewise does Fischer, and Jordan, 
though very guardedly. As before stated, I do not believe a 
homology can safely be declared between any of the cloacal 
glands of the male and female, which are so evidently dependent 
on their function for their existence, which is again clearly differ- 
ent in the two sexes. In regard to the spermathecas, difficulties 
occur in Amblystoma and Necturus in the presence of other 
tubules in the dorsal wall of the cloaca, which are again so differ- 
ent in the two genera. With Jordan, I regard the question as a - 
barren one. 

Besides the spermatheca tubules, there occurs in all, except 
Desmognathus and Plethodon, a group of gland tubules upon the 
ventral side of the cloaca, which has been termed the ventral 
cloacal gland. In Amdlystoma, Spelerpes and Necturus there is 
a second group upon the dorsal side of the cloaca, which in 
Amblystoma 1 have termed the dorsal gland. The tubules in 
Necturus do not seem comparable or homologous. These glands 
are clearly accessory genital glands, and their secretion is with- 
out doubt of use in ovulation, though the function can not be 
stated more definitely as yet; possibly it serves as a cement to 
cause the eggs to adhere to that on which they are laid, or to 
each other. The ventral gland is best developed in Mecturus 
and Amblystoma, least so in Diemyctylus and Spelerpes. Tt may 
_ be pointed out that the two forms in which the ventral gland is 
wanting are such as lay their eggs on land. 


Since it is customary to give an account of the methods em- 
ployed, the following is added, though no attempt was made to 
develop them. The examination of the cloaca was accomplished 
by means of serial sections made transverse to the long axis of 
the body, to which were added in Plethodon, Desmognathus and 
Amblystoma, series cut sagittally. The cloaca was dissected 
off and placed for twenty-four hours in Fish’s mixture. | 
(Formula: 50 per cent. alcohol, 1000 cc.; mercuric chlorid, 5 
grams ; picric acid, 1 gram; glacial acetic acid, 10 cc.) It was 


then washed in 50 per cent. alcohol one day, and passed through 
successively 70, 82 and 95 per cent. alcohols, ether-alcohol 
(equal parts), remaining one day in each. It was placed in 1% 
or 2 per cent. collodion for two days, and 6 per cent. collodion 
for three days, and imbedded. The collodion was hardened in 
chloroform and cleared in Fish’s castor-thyme-oil mixture, in 
which the sections were cut. “They were arranged in serial order 
on the knife, from which they were removed by tissue paper, 
placed upon the slide; all oil possible was absorbed with tissue 
paper and the sections secured by melting the collodion with a 
few drops of ether-alcohol. A few minutes (5 to 15) in 95 per 
cent. alcohol sufficed to remove all the oil when they were 
treated as usual. Haematoxylin (Gage’s) with eosin, erythrosin 
or picric alcohol, as a counter-stain, were employed. Vasale’s 
clear (Xylene three parts, carbolic acid one part), was used. 
This was supplemented by teasing fresh spermathecas upon the 
slide to detect the living zoosperms. 


1. In the genera Necturus, Amblystoma, Diemyctylus, Pletho- 
don and Desmognathus spermathecas are found in the dorsal wall 
of the cloaca of the female, containing zodsperms. Internal 
fertilization is therefore proven for these forms. 

A spermatheca occurs in Sfelerpes ; in the single specimen ex- 
amined (taken in the fall) no zoosperms were contained. 

In Necturus, Diemyctylus and Amblystoma there are several 
tubules or spermathecas opening upon the cloacal epithelium, 
which serve as reservoirs for the semen. 

In Diemyctylus, Plethodon and Spelerpes there is a single mesal 

The condition in Sfelerpes would seem to indicate that the 
organ in these latter genera equals the group of tubules found in 
the first genera plus an exaggerated and modified depression of 
the cloacal epithelium, such as occurs in Asb/ystoma, 

2. No gland-like structures in addition to the spermatheca 
occur in the female of /Vethodon and Desmognathus. 


3. In all the remaining genera a ventral cloacal gland is 

4. In Amblystoma, Spelerpes and Necturus, in addition to the 
spermatheca tubules other tubules occur on the dorsal side of the 

5. The secretion of the cloacal glands is employed at the time 
of ovulation. 

6. The three glands of the male recognized in the 7riton, the 
cloacal, abdominal and pelvic, occur and are well developed in 
the five genera examined. This suggests that by all of these 
spermatophores are deposited. 

7. A résumé of the literature and the foregoing facts points to 
a uniform mode of mating and fertilization in all urodeles. 

8. Dorsal and ventral ciliated tracts occur in the male of all the 
genera examined (five). Cilia in the cloaca of the female were 
detected only in Amblystoma and Plethodon glutinosus, where 
the tract was not as extensive as in the male. 




Balfour. F. M.—A treatise on comparative embryology. Vol IL., 
pp. 120-121. 1885. 

Bedriaga, J. von—Beitraige zur Kenntniss des Rippenmolches. Ver- 
handl. der Kais. Gesellsch. der Wiss. zu Moskau, p. 179. 1879. 
Bedriaga, J. von—Ueber die Begattung bei einigen geschwianzten 
Amphibien. Zoologischer Anzeiger, Vol. V., pp. 265-268, & 357-859. 
Blanchard, R.—Sur les glandes cloacale et pelvienne et sur la Papille 
clocale des Batraciens et des Urodéles. Zool. Anz., Vol. 1V., pp. 9 & 34. 
Chauvin, Marie von—Die Art der Fortpflanzung des Proteus angui- 
neus. Zeitsch f. wiss. Zool., Vol. XX XVIII, pp. 671-685. 1883. 

Clark, S. F —The development of Amblystoma punctatum. Part 
1. External. Studics from the Biol. Lab'y of Johns Hopkins Univ., 
Vol. L., pp. 105-125. 
Claus. Grundziige der Zoologie. Vol. Il. Translated by Sedge- 
wick. London, 1884. 

Cope, E. D.—The Batrachia of North America. Bull. No. 34 U. S. 
Jatl Museum. 1889. Washington, D. C. 

Gzermak, J. J.—Beitrige zur Anatomie und Physiologie des schwar- 
zen Salamanders. Med. Jahrb. des Oesterr. Staates, Vol. XLV., p. 8. 
Eycleshymer, A. C.—The early development of Amblystoma punc- 
tatum, with some observaticns on some other vertebrata. Jowr. 
Morph. Vol. X., pp. 348-418. 

Fick, R.—Ueber die Reifung und Befruchtung des Axolotleies. Zeit- 
schrift fir wissenschaftliche Zoologie, Vol. LVI., pp. 529-614. 1893. 
Fischer, G.—Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Geotriton fuscus. Verhandl. 
physik.-med. Gesellsch., Wurzburg, Vol. XXV. 1891. 

Fish, P A.—A new clearer for collodionized objects. Proc. Amer. 
Micr. Soc., Vol. XV., pp. 1-4. 

Gage, S. H.—Life-history of the vermillion-spotted newt (Diemycty- 
lus viridescens, Raf.). Am. Nat., Dec. 1891, pp. 1084-1110. 

Gasco, F.—Gli amori del Tritone alpestre. Genova, 1880. 

Gasco, F.—Les amours des Axolotls. Zool. Anz. Vol. IV., pp. 318, 
334. Bull. Soc. Zool., France, 1881, pp. 151-162. 

Gegenbaur, Carl —Elements of Comparative Anatomy. Transl. by 
F. J. Bell, London, 1878. 

Heidenbain, M.—Beitrige zur Kentniss der Topographie und Histol- 
ogie der Kloaka und ibrer driisigen Adnexa bei den einheimischen 
Tritonen. Arch f. mikr. Anat., Vol. XXXV., pp. 178-274. 
Hoffmann, C. K —Bronn’s Klassen und Ordnungen des Thierreiches. 
Vol. VI., part 2, Amphibien. 

Jordan, E. O.—The Spermatophores of Diemyctylus. Journal of 
Morphology, Vol V., pp. 263-270. 

Jordan. E. O.—The habits and development of the newt (Diemycly- 
lus viridescens). Jour. Morph., Vol. VIII, 1893, pp. 269-352. 
Lataste, F.—Sur l'accouplement chez les batraciens urodéles. Revue 
internat. des sci., No. 42. Paris. 1878. 




Leydig, F.—Anatomish-histologische Untersuchungen iiber Fische 
und Reptilien. 1853. 

Rathke. — Beitrige zur Geschichte der Thierwelt. Erste Abthei- 
lung. Neueste Schriften der naturf. Gesellsch. in Danzig, Vol. L., 
Danzig, 1520. 

Robin, Ch.—Observations sur la fécondation des urodéles. Jour. de 
Vanat. et de la Physiol. norm. et path. de Vhomme et des animaux. 
Vol. X, pp. 376-3890. Also, Annals & Mag. Nat. Hist., Vol. XIV., 
p. 96. 

Rusconi, D. M.—Amours des Salamandres aquatiques, 4to. Milan. 

Rusconi, D. M.—Histoire naturelle development et Metamorphose 
de la Salamandre terrostere. Pavia, 1854. 

Sherwood, W. L.—The salamanders found in the vicinity of New 
York City, with notes upon extra-limital or allied species. Proc. 
Linnean Soc. of New York, No. 7, 1895, pp. 21-87. 

Siebold, C, Th. von—Ueber das Receptaculum seminis der weiblichen 
Urodelen. Zeitsch. f. wiss. Zool., Vol. 1X, p. 468, 1858. 

1785. Spallanzani, L.—Experiences pour servir a ‘histoire de la généra- 

tion des animaux et des plantes; avec une ebauche de Uhistoire des 
étres organisés avant leur fécondation. Par. J. Senebier, Geneve, 

Stieda, Alfred—Ueber die Kloaka und das Receptaculum seminis der 
weiblichen Tritonen. IJnaug. Dissert. Kénigsberg, July, 1891. 
Wiedersheim, R.—Salamandrina perspicillata und Geotriton fuscus. 
Genua, 1875. 

Zeller, Ernest—Ueber die Befruchtung bei den Urodelen. Zeitscl. 
tT. wiss. Zool., Vol. XLIX., pp. 5838-602. 1890. 

Zeller, Ernest—Berichtigung, betreffend der Samenaufnahme der 
weiblichen Tritonen. Zeitsch. f. wiss. Zool., Vol. LI, pp. 787-741. 



All figures were outlined by means of the Abbe camera lucida and details 
were added free hand. The approximate degree of magnification is given 
in the explanation of the figures which are placed with the dorsal side up- 


Fic. 1. Cloaca of Necturus. A transection just cephalad of the vent. 
The ventral gland tubules are shown opening upon the ventral side. On 
the dorsal side are cut spermathecas and convoluted tubules, some of 
the former are shown opening upon the epithelium. x 8. 

v. gd.—ventral gland. 
c. t.—convoluted tubules. 
c.—cloacal cavity. ; 

Fic. 2. Cloaca of Necturus. A transection farther cephalad showing 
the opening of the large convoluted tubules and spermathecas into the 
dorsal depression. A fragment of the ventral gland is seen. xX 8. 

v. gd.—ventral gland. 
ce. t.—=convoluted tubules. 
c.—cloacal cavity. 
Fic. 3. A spermatheca opening into a convoluted tubule. x 48. 
c. t.=convoluted tubule. 

Fig. 4. Isolated cells from a convoluted tubule. x 312. 


Fig. 5. Isolated secreting cells from a ventral gland tubule. xX 312. 





Fia 6. Cloaca of Necturus. Transection yet farther cephalad. through 
the oviducal papillees. The mass of tubules upon the dorsal side is shown, 
some of which are spermathecas, others convoluted tubules. The neck of 
the bladder is also transected. x 8. 

c.—cloacal cavity. 
c. t.=convoluted tubules. 

Fic. 7. Cloaca of Diemyctylus. Transection a short distance cephalad 
of the vent. The spermathecas are seen cut at different levels. The bulk 
of the ventral gland lies farther caudad and only a few tubules were tran- 
sected. x 26. 

- ep. epidermis. 
c.—cloacal cavity. 
sp. —=spermatheca. 
v. gd.—ventral gland. 
M.=striated muscle. 

Fic. 8. Desmognathus fusca. A transection through the cloaca and 
spermatheca. The zodsperms are shown in the diverticula of the latter. <A 
prominent dorsal fold is present on which farther cephalad the spermatheca 
opens. X 26. 

c.—Ccloacal cavity. 
Z.—=ZoOsperms., - 

Fig. 9. Desmognathus fusca. A transection through the cloaca farther 
cephalad, showing the common tube of the spermatheca in the dorsal ele- 
vation just caudad of its opening. X 26. 

c.=cloacal cavity. 
c. 8. t.-common spermathecal tube. 
M.-—-striated muscle. 

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Fic. 10. Amblystoma punctatum. A sagittal section nearly mesal, 
through the cloaca indicating the relative positions of the glands and 
spermathecas. x 8. 

v. gd.—ventral gland. 
d. gd.—dorsal gland. 
c.=cloacal cavity. 

Fic. 11. Amblystoma punctatum. A transection through a fully charged 
ventral gland tubule in a spring individual before ovulation. \X 205. 


Fic. 12. Ablystoma punctatum. Transection through a partially dis- 
charged ventral gland tubule, showing the shrunken cells and the secre- 

tion in the lumen. x 205. 

Fic. 13. Amblystoma punctatum. A transection through a yet more ex- 
hausted tubule, spring individual, eggs laid. x 205. 
Fie. 14. Amblystoma punctatum. A transection of a ventral gland 
tubule in a specimen taken in the summer. 205. 
Fic. 15. Cells from the bottom of a spermatheca in a spring specimen in 
which ovulation had not yet taken place. x 205. 


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Plate IV. 

Fic. 16.  Spelerpes bilineatus. Transection through the cloaca and 
the spermatheca, showing the common spermathecal tube and the tubules, 
one of which is seen opening into it; the others opened farther caudad. x 26. 

c. s. t.=common spermathecal tube. 
v. gd.=ventral gland. 
sp. =spermatheca. 
r. t.=rudimentary tubules. 
t. =tubule. 
ep. =epidermis. 
c.=cloacal cavity. 
Fic. 17. Spelerpes bilineatus. Transection farther cephalad at the open- 
ing of the common spermathecal tube. x 26. 
c. s. t =common spermathecal tube. 
ep. =epidermis. 
c.=cloacal cavity. 
v. gd.=ventral gland. 
Fic. 18. Plethodon glutinosus. Transection through the cloaca and 
the spermatheca. x. 31. 
sp. =spermatheca 
c. s. t. =common spermathecal tube. 
c.=cloacal cavity. 
Fic. 19. Plethodon glutinosus. Transection farther cephalad near the 
opening of the common spermathecal tube. x 31. 
c gs, t,=common spermathecal tube. 
c.=cloacal cavity. 
K. kidney. 





ia —S 




PROFESSOR Wm. A. RoceErs, Colby University, Waterville, Me. 

During the summer of 1890 Professor Morley, of Adelbert 
College, suggested to the writer a method of determining the 
co-efficient of expansion of a bar of metal between the limits of 
the freezing and the boiling points expressed in wave lengths of 
light having a known refrangibility. After a discussion of the 
best form of apparatus required for this purpose, it was arranged 
that I should construct this apparatus, that he should come to 
Waterville duiing his summer vacation and that we should 
jointly undertake the experiment. 

It will be sufficient to give in this paper a general outline of 
the method and of the principle upon which it rests. 

In the accompanying sketch A and & are bars of metal,: 
placed upon supports which move at right angles to each other 
between guides (not shown in the figure.) The support upon 
which 4 rests is moved by a combined wedge and screw in order 
to obtain a movement which is well under the control of the 
observer. The index wheel is at the right of the observer and 
within easy reach. J is placed at right angles to A upon a 
plate which has slight longitudinal motion. The silvered plane- 
surface mirrors @ and @ are supported upon three points at the 
ends of the A and B. The mirrors 6 and @ are similarly 
mounted at the other ends. One of the three points of support 
is a rounded projection from the end of the bar itself. The 
mirrors are first of all set at right angles to the axis of the bars 
by means of a collimating eye piece by the aid of screws whose 
counter end-thrust is controlled by springs. 

DD is called the diagonal mirror. It is placed at the inter- 
section of ac and ac. This mirror is half silvered, that is, the 

process of silyering is continued until one-half the light which 


strikes the mirror will be transmitted and the remaining half 
reflected. ££ is a plane unsilvered mirror having parallel faces. 
It is called the ‘‘ evener”’ since it permits the passage of both the 
transmitted and the reflected rays through the same thickness of 

M is a plane-reflecting mirror, 7z is a condensing lens having 
cross wires at the center. A is a sodium flame and Wis a lamp 
flame placed in the line mk. 

One-half of a ray from & is transmitted through the mirror to 
a. This is in turn reflected back to 6. One-half of this reflected 
ray passes through the glass. The other half suffers internal 
reflection and is seen by the observer at O. 

The reflected half of the original ray is reflected back to 6. 
At this point it divides again and the transmitted half reaches 
the point O'. Now of the two rays which reach the eye at O, 
or O', the first has suffered in internal reflection and the second 
external reflection. They therefore differ by half a wave length. 
This condition will always exist when da equals 6@ nearly. When 
therefore the cross at m on the condensing lens is seen to be 
coincident with its image in the telescope at O, the field will be 
filled with dark lines about one ninety-thousandths of an inch 
apart. These lines of course result from the absence of light 
from the monochromatic yellow flame at the points at which the 
rays differ by half a wave length. If now a white light be placed 
behind R at W,a condition will be obtained in which one line, 
or as it is commonly called one fringe, will be black and the 
remaining fringes will take the colors of the rainbow. This 
condition will be obtained when the distance da is exactly equal 
to 6a, a result which can be secured by moving the plate upon 
which A rests by means of the screw. In the same way the 
sodium line in white light will be seen at O’ when the distance 46 
is exactly equal to 00’. 

The method of observation is as follows: <A fiducial line is 
drawn in india ink upon the mirror directly over the fulcrum 
about which the mirror moves. The fringes in white light are 
first formed upon the rear mirror and the sodium line in white light 


is set in coincidence with the fiducial line upon the mirror. The 
telescope is then moved to QO. If now the sodium line in white 
light is found to be coincident with the fiducial line upon the 
front mirror the two bars have exactly the same length. If it 
does not occupy this position the plate dA is moved along by 
means of the screw until the dark line does appear in coincidence ; 
the corresponding number of sodium lines being counted during 
the movement from one coincidence to the other. In my 
experience, it is found easy to count about go fringes per minute 
for short runs. I have frequently counted 700 lines in Io 
minutes. It will be found convenient to turn off the white light 
during the greater part of the time occupied in counting, using 
only the sodium lines for counting till the end is nearly reached 
when both lights must be in the same field of view. 

The feasibility of this method was proven by the observations 
made by Professor Morley and myself in 1891. Both bars 
were observed for half a day in melting ice, the difference in 
length remaining constant meanwhile. The ice surrounding 
the bar B was then removed and the bar was kept in steam for 
several hours. Under this condition, also, the difference in 
length between the two bars was measured. In this experiment, 
however, it was found impossible to count the corresponding 
numbet of fringes on account of the impossibity of obtaining 
sufficient freedom from the condensation of moisture upon the 
mirrors, although the fringes were seen upon both mirrors 
under the extreme conditions of temperature. Hence the only 
thing which could be done was to measure the distance by 
means of a microscope attached to the plate upon which the bar 
A is placed, the scale being disconnected from this plate. 

These experiments made it clear that all observations of this 
character must be made in vacuo. 

A new refractometer was therefore constructed. In doing this 
several improvements were introduced. The bars were enclosed 
in boxes of rolled brass, as it was supposed that the air could 
not enter the boxes through the pores of this metal. In this 
J was disappointed and after a trial of over a year, it was found 


necessary to begin de zovo. The two brass boxes and the box 
for holding the diagonal mirrors were cast solid and were after- 
wards covered completely on the outside with solder to the depth 
of one-eight of an inch. The magnitude of this undertaking 
may be inferred when it is stated that these boxes, with their 
connections, are each nearly 60 inches in length and 6 x 6 
inches cross sections ; the metal being half an inch in thickness. 

The construction of this refractometer was completed in 1894, 
and my time until the present summer was pretty fully eccupied 
in testing it in every possible way. Early in June of the present 
year, I wrote Professor Morley that so far as I could see every- 
thing was now ready for the final trial. He therefore came to 
Waterville early in July for this purpose. While the two 
experiments which were made, are not entirely satisfactory they 
demonstrate with certainty the entire feasibility of the method. 
In the first series, oil was forced through the packing and 
dropped upon one of the mirrors when a temperature of 65°C. 
was reached, thus compelling the abandonment of the experi- 
ment at this point. In the second experiment, after measures 
made at 65°C. it was found that before reaching 100°C., sulphur 
from the rubber packing tarnished the mirrors to such an extent 
that, while the fringes could be easily seen near the maximum 
points of visibility, it was impossible to count them at the 
minimum point, beyond the second order. 

In order to obtain the value of one division of the micrometer 
screw of a microscope in terms of wave lengths of sodium light, _ 
the apparatus briefly described here may be greatly simplified. 
We need only one set of mirrors for this purpose, and Professor 
Snow of the University of Wisconsin has shown that the 
expensive plane mirrors are not necessary ; if one is content with 
curved lines instead of the perfectly straight lines always obtained 
with the plane surfaces made by Brashear. Professor Snow 
made use of mirrors cut from polished plate glass, care being 
taken to cut all the pieces from the same piece of plate glass, so 
that they might have the same thickness, He finds the process 
of half silvering not at all difficult, 


In this measurement we can dispense with the sodium line in 
white light and use only the sodium lines in making the count 
corresponding to a given distance as measured under the mi- 

The reduction from the observed number of fringes to metric 
units will be found from the relation : 

3393.8 fringes = I000u, or Iu = 3.3938 fringes. 

The co-efficient of Jessop’s steel derived from these observa- 
tions agree well with each other, but they are still subject to a 
slight constant correction on account of the, as yet undetermined, 
corrections to be applied to the readings. of the thermometers for 
the higher temperatures. 

The following are the separate results of the co-efficient of 
expansion for the bar of Jessop’s steel whose length is 102.7 cms. 

From 0° C. to Co’eff. From 0° C. to Co’eff. 
18.362 10.720 21.70° 10.586 
21.1 10.681 63.90 10.797 
24.1 10.806 
28.0 10.693 
28.6 10.782 


Hence for 100° Co-efficient—10. 4385 /. 
The detailed account of the experiment will be given in a joint 

paper by Professor Morley and the writer which will appear in 
the Physical Review. 


H. N. Conser, Sunbury, Pa. 

Hydrochlorate of cocaine as a narcotic for forms of aquatic 
life has a special value in the study of bryozoans and the encased 
rotifers. Quick-killing methods cannot be used where the con- 
tractile organs are so well protected as in these forms, neither can 
the narcotics that kill, for they often allow disorganization of cilia 
and tentacles before other parts of the organism are sufficiently 

The method I have found most satisfactory and certain with 
the fresh water Bryozoa is as follows: Several colonies are 
placed in a solid watch glass with 5 cc. of water, and as soon as 
the animals have expanded one or two centigrams of cocaine is 
dropped on the edge of the water at two or three distant points. 
In fifteen minutes the narcotic influence is sufficient, as can be 
tested by touching the tentacles with a needle. One per cent. 
chromic acid is now poured in to fill the watch glass and left to 
act for half an hour or more when it is nearly all withdrawn and 
water substituted. This process is repeated in half an hour, and 
alcohol to form about twenty-five per cent. added to the water, 
the strength of alcohol is increased by the addition of ninety-five 
per cent. until eighty per cent. is reached. By this means the 
chromic acid is washed out and the hardening accomplished so 
gradually that no distortions occur. For staining, borax-carmine 
or alcoholic-cochineal is used. The clearing must be gradual 
and is best accomplished by adding oil of lavender to the ninety- 
five per cent. alcohol in which the animals are kept, and after an 
hour, bringing them into oil of lavender from which, after per- 
fect clearing, they are mounted in balsam. 

The free swimming rotifers readily succumb to the influence 
of cocaine, but the family Melicertade hold out a long time 
against it. A method for these is like that for the bryozoans 


with the exception that only sufficient water to cover the colony 
well, need be used; the quantity of cocaine must be relatively 
large, and when all movements cease, killing may be done with 
twenty per cent. formalin, as chromic acid precipitates cocaine, 
when present in any considerable quantity. An after treatment 
with chromic acid in one-half per cent. seems to give better 
hardening than formalin alone. When a colony of the Meli- 
certade is subjected for fifteen minutes to a half per cent. cocaine 
solution and then transferred to another watch glass with pond 
water, the individual rotifers come out of the tubes and attach 
themselves hydra-like to the bottom of the glass in perfect con- 
dition for study, thus saving the trouble of freeing the animals 
from the tubes with needles. 


H. N. ConsEer, SUNBURY, Pa. 

Paraffin and collodion, in their modifications, answer now so 
nearly every requirement of embedding media, that, excepting the 
rarest cases, there is no further need of the soap, gum and gela- 
tine mixtures. 

For a large class of tissues either paraffin or collodion may be 
used. Here, then, is the province of choice in methods, but aside 
from this the question is not one of respective merits, but rather 
a consideration of the method indicated for the work at hand. 

Some years’ experience with a wide variety of material by both 
methods has led to the observations of this paper. The choice 
of a clearing agent in the paraffin method is important. Not all 
solvents of paraffin which are miscible with alcohol are suitable 
for the purpose. An extended trial of turpentine proves it of all, 
the most hurtful to delicate structures. The shrinkage is so 
much by its use that its excellent penetrating qualities are not 
enough to recommend it. Chloroform penetrates slowly and 
does very well for small pieces only. It must be gotten rid of 
entirely in the bath, for any quantity left in the object will render 
it soft and unfit for cutting. Toluol (Toluene) has in my experi- 
ence given the best results. For embryos stained zz ¢ofo I have 
never found any other clearing agent so reliable and satisfactory. 

Of the paraffinitself the medium soft melting at 48—50°C is best 
for most purposes, the harder is suitable for the harder tissues, 
provided the higher temperature of the bath is not objectionable. 
Sections can be cut thinner from hard than from soft paraffin, 
yet, for many objects, it is better to use a soft paraffin and cut at 
a correspondingly lower temperature. 

Tender vegetable structures if fixed from the fresh state in the 
chrome salts or chromic acid usually bear the dehydration and 
heating very well. 

For embryos and the like of which sections contain separated 


parts, staining 77 foto and embedding in paraffin is of all methods 
far the most practical ; the sections are easily affixed to the slide 
with the albumen or collodion fixatives so that loss or displace- 
ment of parts seldom occurs. Cut paraffin sections are not easily 
kept unless affixed to the slips, but the blocks may be kept for 
years if the embedding has been carefully done with good 
paraffin. I have found that most of the specimens that harden 
too much for cutting after several years’ keeping to be those 
cleared in chloroform or those heated too long in the paraffin 

For the collodion method the use.of Schering’s celloidin is 
most advised. The first steps are essentially alike in the various 
modifications of the method and the only trouble likely to occur 
is from giving the collodion solutions insufficient time for perfect 
homogeneous penetration. Two to four days in each is enough 
for average objects, but any longer time can do no harm. I 
have had objects remain in collodion solutions two years without 
their having been in any wise injured. Embedding on cork or 
wood in a box of paper of which the cork or wood block forms 
the bottom is the common procedure. If the object be firm 
enough to bear its own weight, it may as well be embedded on 
the cork or wood without the surrounding paper, and placed 
direct in the hardening fluid, only a thin stratum of collodion 
surrounds the object and the formation of bubbles is obviated. 
In the matter of hardening there is diversity of usage. Chloro- 
form, which must be anhydrous, gives excellent results both as 
to transparency and consistency of the mass, but its rapidity of 
action on the exterior, while the interior of the mass is slowly 
affected, renders it less serviceable than alcohol which hardens 
uniformly, and after one or several days’ action yields an excel- 
lent cutting consistency. or this purpose 80 to 85 per cent. 
alcohol is best. Objects embedded on cork or wood may be 
kept in a jar with 70-80 per cent. alcohol, but discolor and 
deteriorate after prolonged keeping. It is better to section as 
soon as the mass is well hardened and keep the sections in vials 
of 80 per cent. alcohol until wanted. Sections preserved in this 


way for six years are yet good. Since it is often desirable to 
keep valuable material for future use, this feature of the collodion 
method is a strong one in its favor. 

The dehydration of sections for mounting will depend upon 
whether the collodion is to be removed or retained. In the first 
case absolute alcohol followed by oil of cloves is good, usually it 
is better to retain the collodion, and then, of course, none of its 
solvents can be employed. Ninety-five per cent. alcohol followed 
by oil of bergamont, oil of origanum (the cretici) or oil of cedar 
wood answer the purpose well. As to the respective uses of the 
two methods it may be said that for serial sections and normal 
tissues stained in toto, the paraffin method is by far the better ; 
it is the one especially suited for embryology and histology. 

Paraffin is not so well adapted for tissues of the central ner- 
vous system, parts of the eye, cartilaginous structures, organs 
containing exudations or foreign elements, nor for those objects 
injured by heat ; for these then collodion is preferred and almost 
exclusively used by pathologists, being the better by reason of 
the above-named advantages together with the readiness with 
which its sections are double stained. 

While the histologist and embryologist can get along with 
paraffin, and the pathologist with collodion alone, the best results 
can be obtained by the use of both, each chosen for the work it 
is best fitted to accomplish. 


Wirniam.C, Krauss, M. D., F, R.-M. &))'BatfaloN. Y. 

Formol, Formalin, or Formaldehyde was discovered by A. W. 
Hoffman in 1863 while passing wood spirit and air over a red- 
hot platinum spiral. If the vapor is brought into water to its 
point of saturation, a forty per cent. solution of formaldehyde is 
obtained, which has long been known under the name of formol. 
That Formalin possessed antiseptic as well as hardening powers 
we owe to the investigations of Dr. F. Blum, and these facts in- 
duced the elder Blum to make an extended series of investiga- 
tions in the hardening of animal and vegetable tissues in the Sen- 
ckenbergischen Institute at Frankfort, Germany. His prelimin- 
ary report was published in the Zodlogischer Anzeiger, 1893, 
No. 434, and a more detailed report in the Berichte tiber die Sen- 
ckenbergische Naturforscher Gesellschaft, 1894, p. 195. Here 
he details his experience, which in brief is as follows: Several 
human embryos were finely preserved in formol diluted with ten 
to twenty parts of water. Small embryos with amnion intact 
were preserved and the amniotic fluid remained transparent, so 
that the structural parts of the foetus and the umbilical cord were 
recognizable. The mouse, hamster, and porpoise, were nicely 
preserved, the hair firmly in place and the eyes in better con- 
dition than under the use of alcohol. Reptiles, fishes and am- 
phibians were nicely hardened in one to ten, one to twenty, or 
one to thirty, solutions according to the size of the object. The 

fishes- retained in great part their color, while the slime and 
mucus covering them was rendered transparent. Of the inverte- 

brates, snails, jelly fishes, insects, spiders, etc., all were well 

Of the various animal tissues, muscles and the brain were 
quickly hardened, retaining the coloring matter of the blood in 


the muscles, while in the brain the differentiation between the 
white and gray matter was very evident. Fruits, flowers and 
vegetables of various kinds were equally successfully preserved, 
the coloring matter very little if at all impaired. Blum’s con- 
clusions regarding the hardening of animal tissues may be sum-— 
med up as follows : ; 

Animal objects are hardened with shrinking, and without los- 
ing their microscopic structure or staining properties. 

The natural form and color are preserved. 

The eye remains much clearer than in alcohol. 

The mucus of slime-producing animals is not coagulated and 
remains transparent. 

The coloring matter of blood in tissues apparently disappeared, 
but may be quickly restored by a high per cent. alcohol. 

These experiments of Blum were pathmaking and were quickly 
followed by those of Born (1), Pintner (2), Kriickmann (3), 
Kenyon, Sadebeck, Mayers, and others with seemingly favorable 
results as regards the preserving and hardening powers of 
this compound. Besides these qualities it was especially 
valuable because of its being non-poisonous, non-combustible, 
of a low freezing point, and, what to scientists is quite a serious 
question, very cheap. 

My attention was directed to this substance about one year 
ago, through experiments made at the Laboratory of the Erie 
County Hospital by my interne Dr. Helvie. 

Various tissues, as liver, spleen, placenta, lungs, heart, muscles, 
and other tissues and organs were satisfactorily hardened and 
preserved. Especially gratifying were the results obtained with 
the umbilical cord, aud other myxomatous tissues. Instead of 
shrivelling up and becoming opaque as occurs when alcohol is 
employed, the cord retained its normal size, was transparent and 
hardened to such a degree that sections were Beret and perfectly 

1. Med. Sect. d. Schlesisch. Gesellsch. f. Vaterl. Kultur. 1894. 
2. Ver. Zool. Gesell., Wien, 1894, p. 8. 

3. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol und Parasitenk., 1894, pp. 851-57. 

4, American Naturalist, Jan. 1, 1894. 


cut with the microtome. The intestines were greatly shrivelled 
during hardening, but otherwise were a success. 

These results induced me to try its virtues upon the brain and 
spinal cord and especially to find the earliest time when a spinal 
cord so hardened could be imbedded in celloidin and sections cut 
for staining and mounting. A spinal cord which to all appear- 
ance was normal was cut in pieces about one centimeter long and 
placed, sections of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions in 
bottles containing a five per cent. solution, ten per cent., twenty per 
cent. and twenty-five per cent. of Formalin. At the end of seven 
days a section of the cord was taken from each of these solutions 
and imbedded in celloidin, then placed on the microtome. The 
cord was evidently too imperfectly hardened as no good cuts were 
obtained. At the end of fourteen days the same procedure was 
followed, likewise on the twenty-first day and twenty-eighth day. 
From each of these intervals excellent cuts were obtained, the 
cord retained its external contour and appearance, but the dif- 
ferentiation between the white and the gray matter was not as 
well marked as when alcohol is used. These sections took the 
carmine stains nicely, but less so the nigrosin, Pal and Weigert 
stains. The most serious action of the formalin on all of 
these sections was a contraction, evidently of the neuroglia in 
various regions of the cord, especially of the white matter result- 
ing in the formation of open spaces or cavities. In the sections 
hardened in the 10 per cent. solution these cavities were so large 
as to destroy completely the slides for microscopical purposes. In 
the 15 per cent. cord, the cavities were much smaller, but far more 
numerous, and the dorsal white columns looked like a honey comb 
or sieve. This action of the formalin was manifested in every 
section examined and is therefore not of accidental, but of regu- 
lar occurrence. The drawback of the formalin in preventing the 
employment of the Pal and Weigert methods of staining has been 
successfully overcome by Marcus (1), who after hardening the 
cord for from two to four weeks in a one halt per-cent. solution 

1, Neurologisches Centralblatt, Jan, 1, 1895, 


of Formalin, places small portions one-half cm. thick in Miller’s 
fluid in a brood oven for seven days at a temperature of 37° C. 
They are then dehydrated, imbedded and the cuts again placed in 
Miiller’s fluid, for from two to seven days in a brood oven, quickly 
washed in alcohol, then transferred into the Weigert stain. 

The action of the formalin on the ganglion cells isa happy one, 
swelling them and rendering their nuclei susceptible to very in- 
tense staining. 

The action of formalin on the brain has given very fine results. 
Born succeeded in hardening the entire brain very quickly for 
demonstrations, also small particles for microscopical purposes. 
I have been equally successful and have some excellent speci- 
mens, nicely hardened. I have not as yet tried any of the stain- 
ing methods on brains thus hardened and cannot state what the 
results would be, although I have some specimens under way. 
From my experience with Formalin I can greatly recommend it, 
for the hardening of the various organs and tissues for macro- 
scopic as well as microscopic purposes, but would still cling to 
the Miiller’s solution for hardening the spinal cord, even if the 
time required for hardening be much longer than when Formalin 
is used. 


PIERRE A. Fis, D. Sc. Washington, D. C. 

Formalin (HCHO) is the forty per-cent. solution of formic 
aldehyde gas in water. The aldehyde is variously known as 
formaldehyde, formol and formalose, and has, of late, come into 
such a prominent degree of usefulness, that it might seem desir- 
able to offer a brief, though inadequate survey of some of the 
uses to which it has already been put, after a year’s experimenta- 
tion upon neurologic material. 

Formalin is prepared by subjecting methyl alcohol to oxida- 

Methyl Alcohol + Oxygen = Formaldehyde + Water 

Further oxidation will produce formic acid. 

The method of its preparation in either large or small quan- 
tities has been given by Stebbins (28). Its production in large 
quantities is based upon the German patent No. 55,176, issued 
to Auguste Trillat, Dec. 17, 1890. 

It is miscible with water and alcohol in all proportions. It is 
kept in darkened bottles, as the light may cause decomposition 
or at least a separation of paraform, this may also sometimes be 
seen as a white substance around the stoppers of bottles ; 
exposed to a low temperature it is said, however, that this 
separation has no influence on the action of formalin. Paraform 
does not seem to appear so readily in weak as in the strong 

With various tissues, it is likely that different percentages will 
be useful; the percentage suitable for one form of animal may be 
inadequate for the proper preservation of another. Its utility as 

*This article was prepared mostly in the Anatomical Laboratory at 
Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y, 


a preservative for laboratory specimens has been pretty well 
tested and found favorable. It has a neutral or slightly acid 
reaction and an odor resembling that of Witch Hazel; but if 
used in strong solutions the gas becomes very irritable to the 
conjunctiva and to the mucosa of the respiratory passages- 
Even when used in solutions diluted to two per cent.* some 
discomfort is caused, unless the specimens be first rinsed or 
soaked for a short time in water. 

When the dilute solutions are used for hardening they should 
be occasionally renewed and kept tightly covered to prevent de- 
terioration. | 

Formalin also has the advantage over alcohol of not being 
inflammable and of not shrinking the tissue to the same degree, 
nor does it destroy the natural color of the specimen so quickly; 
but on the other hand it is not so suitable for museum prepara- 
tions which may be exposed to cold temperatures, as the amount 
of water present would invite freezing and consequent destruc- 
tion of the jar and perhaps of the specimen. 

On account of its penetrating action, large as well as small 
organs or specimens may be hardened in it. Its cheapness is 
another element in its favor; even at the rate of two dollars per 
pound, at which it retails in this country, it is as cheap in dilute 
solutions, as alcohol free of tax. In Germany it sells for four or 
five marks ($1.00 to $1.25) per kilo (2.2 lbs.). It furthermore 
possesses the advantage of dissolving certain salts more readily 
than alcohol, and it may therefore have a wider range of applica- 
tion as an adjunct in preservative methods. 

A limited experience with the preparation introduced under 
the name of formalose indicates that it has about the same per- 
centage of formic aldehyde as formalin and may be used in the 
same way. 

In August, 1893, F. Blum (4) called attention to the use of 
formaldehyde as an antiseptic in dilute solutions. In Septem- 
ber of the same year, the same writer (5) speaks of its action as 

*When the percentage is spoken of, it refers to the proportion of com, 
mercial formalin present and not formic aldehyde, 


a hardening medium. His attention was called to this feature 
from the fact that the epidermis of his fingers became hardened 
after working for a time with formaldehyde. 

On immersing a field mouse and certain organs in a four per 
cent. solution, he became convinced that they were hardened as 
well and more quickly than when alcohol was used. 

Hermann (16) finds no especial advantage nor disadvantage in 
the use of formalin over other fixing agents; indeed he believes 
that for section methods the after-treatment with alcohol is some- 
what deleterious to the tissue. 

F. Blum (6) discusses Hermann’s paper. J. Blum (7) used 
formol in two per cent. solutions upon some fishes and a lizard 
and found them to harden in a very short time and to preserve 
their form and color unchanged; the latter condition being due to 
the fact that the mucin of the mucus-secreting animals remains 
transparent in formalin. 

Alleger (1) states that attention was first called to the 
germicidal action of formic aldehyde in 1886, by Low. Gelatin 
is made insoluble by the formalin and this is found to be 
of great advantage in bacteriology and histology; in the lat- 
ter it is useful as a fixative in holding the sections to the 
slide, by adding a few drops of the formalin for each gram of a 
one-half to one per cent. gelatin solution. A gentle heat is 
applied to the slide until the paraffin is softened and the superflu- 
ous gelatin allowed to drain from the edge of the slide. Another 
interesting recommendation of Dr. Alleger’s is that fresh tissues 
may be placed directly in certain staining reagents to which have 
been added five per cent. of formalin, and thus hardened and 
stained in bulk at the same time. 

Hoyer (18) has taken parts of the nervous system from corpses, 
hardened them in formalin and then submitted them to the Golgi 
method with good results. 

Marcus (24) recommends hardening the spinal cord for two or 
four weeks in a one-half per cent. solution of formalin, then small 
pieces one-half centimeter thick are cut out and placed in Miller’s 

fluid for a week in an oven at 37°C. The pieces are then dehy- 


drated and imbedded in collodion, after the sections are cut they 
are again placed in Miiller’s fluid and put back in the oven from 
a day to a week. The sections are then quickly washed in 
alcohol and put in the Weigert-Pal-hematoxylin solution for at 
least two days. ; 3 

No mention is made of the copper acetate bath, and the result- 
ing stain is apparently due to the formation of a chromium lake 
more or less modified by the use of the formalin. 

Strong (30) advocates the following formula for the Golgi 
method : 

Potassium bichromate (84%-5%), 100 Vols. — 
Formalin, 24-5 Vols. 

After hardening several days the tissue is transferred to the 
silver-nitrate solution (one per cent.). Or the tissue after one or 
two days may be transferred from the above bichromate-formalin 
mixture to the following : 

Potassium bichromate (5%), 2 Vols. 
Formalin, 1 Vol. 

After twelve or twenty-four hours the tissue is put into the 
silver solution. The advantages of this method are that it avoids 
the use of osmic acid, and that the stage of hardening favorable 
for impregnation lasts longer than when the osmium-bichromate 
mixture is used. In other words the formalin-bichromate does 
not over-harden. In this respect it is superior to the lithium- 
bichromate method of the same author. For embryonic tissue 
he finds the osmium-bichromate preferable. 

Van Gieson (31) has used formalin in four per cent., six 
per cent. and ten per cent. solutions for ordinary histologic 
methods, followed by ninety-five per cent. alcohol and col- 
lodion imbedding. Weigert’s hematoxylin method can be ap- 
plied to such sections and gives very good results for the 
plexus of fine fibers in the cortical and spinal gray matter. 
The myelin of the fine fibers is well preserved and gives 
the characteristic blue-black reaction with the Weigert hema- 
toxylin stain, as in chrome-hardened preparatious. The back- 
ground of the gray matter is especially clear and the fibers 




sharply delineated. The formalin-hardened sections should be 
soaked in the neutral copper-acetate solution diluted one-half 
with water for two hours, then thoroughly washed in water and 
immersed in the Weigert lithium-carbonate-hazmatoxylin solution 
from four to twelve hours. Weigert’s borax-prussiate-of-potas- 
sium solution is useful for differentiation. 

In the absence of any chrome salts in the above method, the 
stain is the result of the formation of a copper lake. The method 
has been confirmed in our own laboratory and the results were 
all that could be desired. 

Dr. Van Gieson also finds that formalin-hardened sections are 
useful in Rehm’s modification of Nissl’s method, but that the 
minute structure of the nucleus and cytoplasm is not quite so 
sharply outlined as with fixation in absolute alcohol. The dura- 
tion of the hardening period in formalin exerts an important and 
varying influence upon the tissues. Further investigations upon 
this matter are promised. 

René Marie (25) uses a one per cent. solution of formalin and 
allows it to harden the tissue for four or five days. The usual 
staining methods are employed. 

Lachi (21) finds that formalin in weak (one to two per cent. 
solution) or in stronger solution (ten to fifteen per cent.) exerts an 
injurious influence upon connective tissue by dissolving the 
fundamental substance, especially in the elastic fibers and mucosa. 
If used for such tissue some corrective should be employed. 

He finds it of signal service in the nervous system, either in 
the central or peripheral, or in the embryo or adult. Nerves 
kept for a few days in from two to five per cent. solutions can be 
treated with silver nitrate, and show the characteristic cross of 
Ranvier. Pieces from the central nervous system treated from 
five to nine days in a mixture of equal parts of twenty per cent. 
formalin and six per cent. potassium bichromate, gave the black 
reaction with silver nitrate equally as well as the osmium bichrom- 
ate mixture with the advantage that the blackness of the tissue 
was not so great as when osmic acid is used. Favorable results 
were obtained from the myel and embryonic brain of cows, and 


with the cerebrum, cerebellum and myel of the human adult. 

The mixture indicated above is also recommended for the 
Weigert method. Paraffin is not advocated for an imbedding 
medium on account of friability. 

Kenyon (20) records a free translation of J. Blum’s article in 
the Bericht, iiber d. Senckenbergische naturf. Gesell. in Frankf., 
a. M., 1894, and adds valuable observations of his own. 
Blum states that formaldehyde was discovered in 1863 by A. W. 
Hoffman while passing wood spirit (methyl aleoholy and air over 
a red-hot platinum spiral. 

The vapor carried into water to the pbiak of saturation gives a 
forty per cent. solution of formaldehyde. This Blum calls formal 
because it was known under that name when it was first used in 
aqueous solution for disinfecting, hardening and preserving. 

A reference is made to Born: ‘‘ Demonstrationen einer Anzahl 
in Formaldehyde (Formol) geharteter menschlisher Gehirne. 
Mediz. Sektion der schlesisch. Gesell. f. vaterl. Kultur, 1894,” 
stating that pieces or even the entire brain hardens quickly, 
and the white and gray matter are sharply differentiated. 

Blum also performed interesting experiments in preserving 
hens’ eggs, certain invertebrates, vertebrates, fruits and plants. 

Kenyon experimented upon a variety of forms and found a 
four per cent. solution of formic aldehyde (ten per cent. of the 
commercial formalin) best adapted to Salamanders. 

Different percentages were tried; the lowest being one-fourth 
per cent. and the highest twenty per cent., some of the dilute 
solutions were found useful for some of the invertebrates. The 
fact noted by F. Blum was verified, namely: that the vessels 
containing blood lost color when hardened in formalin, but this 
reappeared when treated by alcohol. This was explained by the 
coagulation of the fibrin by the alcohol giving it a yellow color 
and making it opaque and by bringing the corpuscles again to 
view. In conclusion, Mr. Kenyon believes that a solution stronger 
than two per cent. of the formalin is necessary to prevent the 
swelling and decolorization of specimens, and that from four to 
eight per cent. will give the best results, 


To counteract the swelling caused by the weak solutions of 
formalin, alcohol was added. For histologic purposes a mixture 
of alcohol and formalin was found to act better than either one 
used alone. 

Durig (11) also employs formalin as a substitute for osmic 
acid in the silver-impregnation method. His plan is to harden a 
piece one-half centimeter square for three days in four to six per 
cent. of formalin and three per cent. Potassium bichromate, then dry 
off on filter paper and immerse in a three fourths per cent. silver 
solution. After two days return to the first mixture—and lastly, 
immerse it in silver containing a trace of formic acid. 

Stebbins (28) gives a good description of the chemistry and 
preparation of formalin. This agent has recently been intro- 
duced into photography for hardening gelatine films, and found 
to be of great service. Formalin is a powerful reducing agent, 
In aqueous solution it reduces ammoniacal nitrate of silver to 
metallic silver, forming a mirror on the sides of the vessel con- 
taining the solution. It unites with bisulphate of soda or potas- 
sium, to form a crystalline addition product. This reaction may 
advantageously be used for separating formaldehyde, as well as 
homologous aldehydes from mixtures of other bodies. 

The combination of formalin with other hardening reagents 
apparently has not, as yet, received much attention ; its use in 
this connection will undoubtedly be of great value in macroscopic 
as well as microscopic methods. 

Experiments with formalin show that good results may be 
obtained with nervous tissue when the following mixture is em- 

Water, : : 2000 cc. 
Formalin, : C : 50 ce. 
Sodium chloride, ’ 100 grams. 
Zinc chloride, : : 15 grams. 

The specific gravity should be about 1.05. In practice the 
brain is left in this mixture for a week or ten days (a longer stay 
is not detrimental) and when practicable the cavities and blood 
vessels are injected with the same mixture in order to insure a 


more uniform hardening. The specimen may then be trans- 
ferred to 2% per cent. formalin (water, 2000 cc., formalin, 50 cc.) 
and may remain in this solution indefinitely if the jar be kept 
tightly covered ; o- if it is to become a museum specimen it may, 
after a week in the second solution, be removed to fifty per cent., 
seventy per cent. and 90-95 per cent. alcohol for final storage. 

An objection to the use of formalin solutions for museum 
purposes would be the large proportion of water present, which 
would freeze at low temperatures and cause injury to the speci- 
men or jar containing it. Since formalin is readily miscible with 
alcohol, as well as water, enough of the former might be added 
to prevent the freezing, say equal parts of ninety-five per cent. 
alcohol and two and a half per cent. formalin ; the exact propor- 
tions have not as yet been determined. 

After an immersion of two weeks in the formalin solutions, a 
human brain lost only 6.8 per cent. of its weight; but after an 
immersion in fifty per cent. alcohol for eight days and an immer- 
sion for an equal length of time in seventy per cent. alcohol, a 
total of sixteen days, it was found to have lost twenty-two per 
cent. of its first weight. A monkey brain after an immersion of 
eight days in the formalin mixture lost 5.4 per cent. of its weight; 
continued immersion in the same fluid for eighteen days longer 
caused a loss of less than two per cent. A fox brain was im- 
mersed in a similar mixture for five days and lost 6.5 per cent. of 
its weight ; it was left in the same mixture eighteen days longer 
and lost 2.3 per cent. more of its weight. The brains were firm 
and in excellent condition for dissection. 

The second, or two and one-half per cent. formalin-solution 
redissolves any of the sodium chloride that may remain in the 
brain, which is an advantage if the specimen is to be treated with 
alcohol, as the latter does not dissolve the salt. The brain 
should not be put from the formalin solution immediately into 
the strong alcohol as the tissue will shrink very materially. 

Material treated in the way above described has yielded most 
satisfactory results histologically. Portions of the central nerv- 
ous system of an adult, after treatment with the above brain 


mixture, have been later treated with other fixing reagents: e¢. ¢. 
corrosive sublimate, picro-aceto sublimate and a chrom-acetic- 
acid mixture with most excellent results. Equal parts of a two 
and-one-half per cent. solution of formalin and the picro-aceto 
sublimate proved very satisfactory. The same proportion of 
formalin with the chrom-acetic mixture worked very well; but 
the combined mixture turned green after a short exposure to the 
light. | 

On November 3, 1894, in working on the myel of a young 
kitten, I substituted formalin for the osmic acid in the Golgi-Cajal 
method, using the following formula : 

Potassium bichromate, 37%, 4 Vols. 
Formalin, 22, 1 Vol. 

The-specimen was left in the mixture for nine days, then im- 
bedded and cut; the results were very promising. In later ex- 
periments I added the strong formalin directly to the bichromate 

Formalin, 2 ce. 
Potassium bichromate 34, 100 ce. 

The specimens remained in the mixture for three days and an 
equal length of time in the three-quarter per cent. silver solution. 

The impregnated cells with their processes were particularly 
' distinct, standing out like black diagrams ona clear back ground. 
After a time, although the cells and processes remained distinct, 
the action of the light caused the sections to lose their light 
color and turn yellowish brown, resembling very much the sec- 
tions prepared by the osmium-bichromate method. 

The following mixture was also tried with even greater success 
than the preceding : 

Miillers fluid, 100 cc. 
Formalin 10%, 2 cc. 
Osmic acid 1%, 2cc. 

The formalin-bichromate mixture was not tried upon embry- 
onic tissue, nor the brains of low or generalised forms. 

Care must be taken to keep the formalin bichromate mixture 
in the dark to prevent its deterioration. Exposure to the light 


causes the solution to assume a dark muddy color, the result of 
some chemical change. It is advisable, therefore, to mix the two 
solutions as they are needed and keep the mixture concealed. 

Gage (15) has tested formalin as a dissociating agent. He 
recommends the following formula : 

Normal salt solution, 1000 ce. 
Formalin, 404, 2 ce. 

His results were highly satisfactory. The sclution acts quickly 
and yet retards deterioration for some time. 

After three hours the ciliated cells from the trachea of a kitten 
were easily separated upon a slide and almost as good prepara- 
tions were obtainable after ten days. The endymal cells border- 
ing the encephalic cavities were found to be very susceptible to the 
mixture, also “some of the cerebral cortex from various regions 
was tested, and it was found comparatively easy to obtain excel- 
lent preparations in which many of the multipolar nerve cells 
were wholly isolated.” 

June, 1895. 











Alleger, W. W.—Formalin. Proceed. Amer. Micr. Soc., Vol. 
XV., 104, also 192. 

Bergonzoli, G.—La formalina quale mezzo di conservazione e in- 
durimento dei preparati anatomici. Boll. del. natural., anno 
14, No. 7. 

Bergonzoli, G.—Ancora sulla formalina. Bol. Scient. (Maggi 
Zoja) Vol. XVII., 26-29. 

Blum, F.—Der Formaldehyd als Antisepticum. Mznchener 
Medic. Wochenschrift, No. 32, August 8. 

Blum, F.—Der Formaldehyd als Hartungsmittel. Zeitschrift f. 
wiss. Mikr. Vol. X., p. 314. 

Blum, F.—Notiz iiber die Anwendung des Formaldehyds 
(Formol) als Hairtungs- und Conservirungsmittel. Anat. Anz., 
Vol. [X., pp. 229to 231. 

Blum, J.—Formol als Conservirungsfliissigkeit. Zool. Anz., 
No, 434. . 

Cullen, Thos. 8.—A rapid method of making permanent speci- 
mens from frozen sections by the use of formalin. Bull. of 
Johns Hopkins Hospital, Vol. VI., p 67. 

Cullen, Thos. S—.Beschleinigtes Verfahren zur Fiarbung 
frischer Gewebe mittels Furmalin. Centralblatt f. allg. 
Pathologie, und pathologische Anatomie, Vol. VI., No. 11, pp. 

Dell’Isola, G—Sul valore della formalina in istologia e sul 
modo di usarla. Jollet. della R. Acad. med. di Genova, 
Vol. X., 18 pp. (Zeitschrift f. wissensch. Mikrosc., Vol. XII., 
p. 132.) 

Durig, von Arnold—Formalin als Fixungsmittel anstatt der 
Osmiumsiure bei der Methode Ramon y Cajals. Anatomischer 
Anzeiger, Vol. X., pp. 659-60. 

. Eccles, Ad.—Formaldehyd, ein ausgezeichnetes Hirtemittel 

fiir thierische Gewebe. Monatsch. f. prakt. Dermatol., Vol. 
XIX., p. 646. Brit. Med. Jour., 1894. (Zeitsch. f. wiss. Mikr., 
Vol. XII., p. 182.) 

Ehlers, E.—Mit Formol conservirte Fische und wirbellose 
Thiere, Conservirung von Gehirnschnitten von Saugern nach 
der Gefrierungsmethode. Verhandlungen der deutschen zool. 
Gesellsch., 1894, p. 92. (Zeitsch. f. wiss. Mikr., Vol. XIL., p. 

Fabre-Domergue, —.—Liquide sucré formolé pour la conserva- 

tion en collection des animaux colorés. Bull. Micr. Hist. Nat , 
No. 4, pp. 162-3. 

Gage, S. H.—On the use of Formalin as a dissociating medium. 
The Micr. Bulletin and Science News, Vol. XII., p. 4. 
Hermann, F.—Notiz iiber die Anwendung des Formalins (For- 

maldehyds) als Hirtungs- und Conservirungsmittel. Anat. 
Anz., Vol IX, pp. 112-5. 



Hofer, B.—Formalin zur Conservirung der Fische. Verhandl. 
d. deutsch, zool. Gesellsch., p. 93. 

Hoyer, Jr.,—Ueber die Anwendung des Formaldehyds in der 
histologischen Technik. Anat. Anz., Vol. IX. Centralbl. 
gesam. wiss. Anat., pp. 236-8. 

Kitchell, E. M.—Notes on the Fixation ‘of Nerve Fibers by 
Formalin. N. Y. Med. Jour., Vol. LXIL., p. 65. 

Kenyon, F. C.—American Naturalist, Vol. XXIX., pp. 89-91. 
Lachi, P.—Sul valore della Formalina per usi di microscopia, 
nota preventiva. Monitore Zoologico Italiano, VI. 

Lachi, P.—La Formalina come mezzo di fissazione in sostitu- 
zione all acid osmico nel metodo di Ramon y Cajal. Anat. 
Anz., Vol. X., pp. 790-1, No. 24 

Lanzilotti- Buonsanti, A.—Nuovo processo di conservazione dei 
centri nervosi. Monit. Zool. Ital., Vol. V., pp. 273-275. (Zeit. 
f. wiss.Mikr., pp. 85-6. 

Marcus, H.—Neurolog. Centralblatt, Jan., 1895. (Journal of 
Nervous und Mental Diseases. March, 1895.) 

Marie, René—Note sur l’emploi de l’aldehyde formique ou for- 
mol comme réactif fixateur et durcissant des centres nerveux. 
Bull de la Soc. Anat. (Neurolog. Centralbl. Vol. XIV., p. 461. 
Pilliet, A. H.—Action du Formol sur les Tissues. Comptes. 
rend, hebdom Soc. de Biol., 10 ser., Vol. IL., pp. 641-2. 

Reimar, R.—Ueber das Formol als Fixirungsmittel Fortsch. 
d. Med., Vol. XII.. pp. 778-82, 813-22. (Zeitsch. f. wiss. Mikr , 
Vol. XII., pp. 29-32. 

Stebbins, J. H.—Formaldehyde: Its Chemistry and Prepara- 
tion. American Annual of Photography, and Photographic 
Times Almanac, 1895, p. 259.a. 

’g5.(2)Stener, A.—Formol als Conservirungsfliissigkeit. Mitt. d. 


Sekt. f. Naturk. der ésterr. Tourist. Clubs. Jg. 7, No. 2, pp. 

Strong, O. S.—The use of Formalin in Golgi’s Method. Anat. 
Anz., Vol. X., p. 494. (Science, Vol I., p. 166.) 
Van Gieson, Ira.—(Weigert’s method, ete) Anat. Anz., Vol. 
X., p. 494. (Science, Vol. I., p. 167.) 


D. 8. KeLticott, Columbus, O. 

How often in the memory of most of us has the suffering 
world been startled by the announcement, often by the highest 
authority, of some wonderful medicine, specific or elixir. These, 
one after another, have been put to the test and have taken their 
places among the useful remedies, but on a plane below, often 
far below, the first claim and the initial hope. Is it to be thus 
with Formaldehyde as antiseptic, as remedial agent, as preserva- 
tive, as a histological fixative? It can only find its true plane 
among its kind by conscientious trials made and reported by in- 
vestigators. During the last year it has been used in the labora- 
tory of the Ohio State University quite extensively as a preserva- 
tive and for histological purposes. I have brought together in 
this paper the results and the reflections to which they obviously 
lead. Papers have appeared in the last year or two giving results 
from laboratories along similar lines. I may say at the outset that 
my experience leads to conclusions essentially in accord with 
results heretofore published. 

In the statement of trials I shall by ‘“‘ per cent.” mean per cent. 
by volume of the forty per cent. solution of formaldehyde in 
water, procured of Scharing & Glatz of New York, and distilled 
water. I have found this standard solution known as formalin 
fairly constant, and so a reliable solution may be thus quickly made 
of pretty constant strength. 

I. As a preservative I have tried it on a variety of objects, 
using varying strengths with results to be noted. 

Experiment r. Small sunfish perfectly fresh was put into two 
per cent. formalin Feb. 2; March 1 it was well hardened, without 
shrinkage; colors fairly preserved compared with the best alcoholic 


specimens; eyes better; fins extended. The fluid was filtered, the 
bottle sealed and given a place on the shelf. July 1, no percep- 
tible change observed. 

Experiment 2. Two common eels from the market were im- 
mersed in four per cent. March 11. July 1, examination showed 
that they were in perfect condition as to color, absence of shrink- 
age and firmness. The fluid had colored slightly and there was 
a sediment. Filtering rendered the specimens fairly representa- 
tive museum preparations, fit for either systematic or anatomical 

Similar trials were made with a variety of fish naked and 
scaled, large and small, with uniformly good results. A stronger 
solution, up to ten per cent., was found superior for larger speci- 
mens; the colors are better preserved in solutions as strong or 
stronger than three to four per cent. 

Experiment 3. Amblystoma jeffersonianum killed with chloro- 
form March I, put immediately into two per cent. formalin ; at 
the end of four days it was found to be quite hard, color very 
slightly changed, costal grooves plainer than in the living animal. 
The fluid was filtered and was still clear July 1, while the prepara- 
tion left nothing to be desired. 

Experiment 4. Amblystoma tagrinum treated similarly but put 
into four per cent. gave excellent results. So far as appears, for 
museum, systematic or anatomical, purposes it was no better than 
specimen in experiment 3. 

Experiment 5. Amblystoma tigrinum was killed April 5, with 
chloroform and the mucus washed off with water as in experi- 
ments 3 and 4; it was then placed in equal parts of ninety-five per 
cent. alcohol and two per cent. formalin. July 1 the specimen 
was far superior in appearance and preservation than I have ever 
been able to prepare by means of alcohol alone. I cannot say it 
is superior to that of experiment 4. 

Other Amphibia and several Reptilia have been preserved in 
a water solution of formalin and in alcohol-water formalin with 
excellent results so far as the time that has elapsed permits of a 
demonstration. It seenis to be the best method for Ophidia. 


Enperiment 6. A tongue of a lion was thoroughly washed in 
water to remove blood, mucus and dirt and treated February 5 to 
a five per cent. solution of formalin. July 1 it was found well 
hardened, in clear fluid with but slight indications of shrinkage. 

A camel’s tongue, larynxes of spider monkey, camel and 
kangaroo were cleaned, washed and preserved in from two to four 
per cent. during February and March; they are at the present 
time fine preparations. 

Experiment 7. Several trials were made to harden and pre- 
serve brains, with different per cents. of formalin, with alcohol 
and formalin, and with formalin and bichromate. 

I will speak particularly of a few: 

1. A brain of spider monkey removed twenty-four hours after 
death was placed in four per cent. formalin. In a very few days it 
was firm, remained perfectly white and did not noticeably shrink. 
July 1, it was all that could be desired in a museum specimen. 

2. The brain of a kangaroo was hardened in forty or fifty per 
cent. alcohol and two per cent. formalin, equal parts ; the results 
were no better ; the specimen was as good and prepared in less 
time than by alcohol alone ; and of course much more cheaply pre- 

3. Brains of dogs and cats were prepared for anatomical pur- 
poses by adding to the usual bichromate solutions one or two 
per cent. formalin, a smaller quantity of fluid was necessary, not 
so many changes and a great gain in time; the material was 
excellent, not brittle and with fine contrasts. 

Before stating my general conclusions as regards this agent in 
preserving museum and anatomical preparations, I would like 
to add a note as to its usefulness in another direction, viz., in 
preserving animals for dissection. If the subject is a small dog, 
its blood vessels are washed out with salt solution and 250 cc. 
more or less of five per cent. formalin injected. Thus prepared 
and kept in a cool place, when not under examination, it may be 
used by the dissector day after day and for several weeks without 
unpleasantness. The brains of animals thus treated may 
be removed for study much longer after death than in any 


other way known to me, at the same cost of material and time. 

The advantages of formalin in the lines discussed above 
may be summarized briefly thus: It is cheaper than any other 
method that gives good results; it gives results in much less time; 
the colors are better preserved and there is less change of form 
by shrinkage or by swelling; its penetrating power is excellent so 
that insects, crustacea, etc., preserved in it are fit for work on the 
internal organs; for mollusks and vermes it is also excellent. 

Its disadvantages should likewise be stated. It is extremely — 
volatile and the jars have to be sealed with care. I have not 
had it in use long enough to decide how great an obstacle this 
will prove in the museum. Again, the water solution will freeze 
and not all museums are at all times above o°C. In such 
cases, if not in all, hardening in formalin and transferring to 
the lowest per cent. alcohol that will preserve would seem to be 
the better and cheaper way. I have not yet had an opportunity 
to demonstrate to what extent preparations thus preserved may be 
treated to additional alcohol to replace that lost by evaporation, 
without a precipitate. 

II Experiments with formalin for histological purposes were 
undertaken in February last. The visceral organs of Crypio- 
branchus were placed while perfectly fresh in a suitable dilution of 
borax carmine with five per cent. formalin; the third day the 
pieces were washed, the stain fixed and dehydration in sixty per 
cent. alcohol commenced; they were passed rapidly through alco- 
hols of increasing strength, and at the end of seven to ten days 
were infiltrated with paraffin and ready to cut. The liver, intes- 
tines and kidney were sectioned, leaving nothing to be desired in 
stain or character of the cells. 

Parts were at the same time hardened in five per cent. without 
bulk stain, also in dilute alcohol and formalin. We concluded 
that the rapidity and less shrinkage were alone sufficient to recom- 
mend the use of the new agent. 

Mr. J. H. McGregor, who was conducting an investigation of 
the central nervous system of Cryptobranchus in the same 
laboratory, used the agent in combination with alcohol and other 


agents to his entire satisfaction. He will doubtless give his results 
when his paper is printed. Another student used it successfully 
_ in preparing the eye. 

I may say, in short, that the result of the few months of trial 
warrant a high estimate of it for fixing animal tissues. 


G. S. Hopkins, D. Sc., Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. 

In describing the lymph circulatory system before a class in 
anatomy, the writer was enabled to present more clearly and 
graphically than otherwise would have been possible, the 
phenomena of the lymph circulation by means of the apparatus 
described in this paper. But in order to appreciate more fully 
the excellence of the apparatus as an aid in illustrating the cir- 
culation of the lymph, certain points relative to the lymphatic 
vessels, their function, origin and the course of the lymph through 
them, should be kept clearly in mind. The function of the 
lymphatic vessels is to convey the lymph from the tissues back 
again to the blood from which it originally came; they also serve 
as one of the main channels for conveying nutritive materials, 
chiefly fat, from the enteron to the blood. 

As to the origin of the vessels, there is considerable diversity 
of opinion, but it seems safe to say that they originate as a net- 
work of minute connective tissue spaces which so pervade all 
living tissues and organs of the body that the individual elements 
of these tissues and organs are surrounded by and thoroughly 
bathed in the lymph. From these small interstitial spaces the 
lymph is gradually collected into larger vessels of which the 
largest empty into the great receptaculum chyli of the thoracic 
duct, the latter terminating in the great veins at the base of the 
neck. The flow of the lymph through the vessels is due to 
several causes, the chief one of which is believed to be the differ- 
ence in pressure of the lymph at the two extremities of the 
lymphatic vessels. At the origin of the vessels the lymph in the 
interstitial spaces of the connective tissue stands at a higher press- 
ure than in any other part of their course, so that the vessels 
lead from a region of high pressure—the lymph spaces of the 


tissues—to a region of lower pressure, the veins. The high 
pressure at the origin of the vessels 1s due, probably, to the fact 
that the multitude of minute channels through which the lymph 
must pass before reaching the larger vessels, impedes its flow, but 
as the lymph is continually transuding through the walls of the 
blood vessels, from the blood, it accumulates in the minute lymph 
spaces or radicles, and soon stands at nearly as high a pressure 
as the blood itself. This high pressure gradually forces the 
lymph into the larger vessels, where less resistance to its flow is 
encountered and therefore the pressure necessary to force it along 
becomes less and less till finally at the terminal end of the thoracic 
duct the pressure may be even negative. This difference in press- 
ure alone would doubtless cause the lymph to flow in a con- 
tinuous stream, but in addition to this other causes as the rhyth- 
mical contraction of the walls of the lymph vessels ; contractions 
of the muscles including respiratory movements and in some of 
the lower vertebrates, lymph hearts as well, help maintain the 

With this brief review of the lymphatic system we will pass to 
the description of the apparatus used for illustrating some of the 
points above mentioned. No claim to originality is made in con- 
nection with the apparatus. It was devised by Dr. T.C. Charles 
of St. Thomas Hospital, England, and was figured and _briefty 
described by him in the Journal of Anatomy, Vol. XXII., p. 435. 
The only modification made by the writer was to substitute a ves- 
sel which opens at the top rather than the bottom, thus some- 
what simplifying the construction of the apparatus from the 
original. . 

A glance at the figure will show the parts comprising it. The 
jar, B, should hold from three to four liters, and should have a 
cover that can be fastened on securely, making the jar air-tight. 
In the cover were drilled three holes through which the glass 
tubes a,b, c, were passed. A bit of rubber tubing was placed in 
each hole in the cover, so that when the tubes were inserted the 
joints were air-tight. To the lower ends of a and c were tied 
Beces of prepared intestine, used by butchers as casing for saus- 


age. The lower end of b opens directly into the general space 
of the vessel. Attached toa, is a rubber tube with a syringe 
bulb, H. From c extends another tube, v, which is joined at 
any convenient point by the tube t. From b the tube x extends 
to the vessel R. Some sponges, S, may be placed in the vessel 
B, although this is not necessary. 

To use the apparatus, the large vessel B is filled with water 
and the rubber tubes connected as shown in the figure. By 
means of the bulb, H, water is forced through the pieces of in- 
testine, 1, and on through the tube v. As the water flows through 
the pieces of intestine, some of it passes through their thin walls 
into the space outside, and soon raises the pressure in B, so that 
the liquid is forced through the openings of the tube b, and along 
the tube x, into the vessel R. As the liquid accumulates in R 
the pressure in this vessel is also raised sufficiently to force the 
liquid out through the tube t. In this apparatus the vessel B 
may be taken to represent the body—the simulation will be more 
perfect if the vessel be partially filled with sponges to represent 
the tissues of the body. The intestinal tubes, I, represent the 
blood capillaries of the body. The heart is represented by H 
the arteries by the tube extending from H, and the veins by the 
tube v. The tube b represents the lymphatic radicles which, as 
we have already seen, are believed to open directly into the 


minute spaces of the body ; these lymph spaces are here repre- 
sented by the spaces between and in the sponges. The tube x, 
represents the lymph vessels extending from the lymph radicles 
tothe receptaculum chyli. The vessel R represents the receptac- 
ulum chyli. The tube t represents the thoracic duct which 
extends from the receptaculum to the veins of the neck. 

As illustrated by this apparatus the sole cause of the circula- 
tion of the lymph is the higher pressure of the lymph at the 
origin than at the termination of the vessels. In the living body 
we have already seen that inequality of pressure is thought to be 
the chief cause of the circulation, but in addition to it, muscular 
contractions, respiratory movements, and in some of the lower 
forms, lymph hearts as well, help to keep up the flow. 


W. H. Watms.Ley, Chicago, III. 

Photography in connection with the microscope, Photo-Micro- | 
graphy as universally termed, is now such an every-day affair that 
one unacquainted with the facts can scarcely realize that only a 
few years ago, its practice was confined to a very few enthusiasts 
at home and abroad, and its results looked upon as interesting 
and beautiful, but practically valueless. Yet such was the case 
in the later ’70s, when Dr. J. J. Woodward was producing 
his marvelous Photo-Micrographs at the Army Medical Museum 
in Washington. His work was such a vast step in advance of 
any that preceded it, as to attract the attention of the entire 
scientific world, and in many respects it has never been excelled. 
Being confined, however, almost exclusively, to the resolution 
and delineation of difficult test objects, as diatoms and rulings on 
glass, its sole practical value consisted in the improvements in 
objectives, brought about by the efforts of many eminent opti- 
cians, both American and foreign, to meet his exacting require- 
ments. ‘‘ The Battles of the Lenses’ will doubtless be remem- 
bered by most of you, and there can be little doubt that the 
wonderfulimprovements in and perfection of modern objectives, are 
due in a large measure to the impetus given by Dr. W oodward in 
his efforts to obtain the best, for use in photo-micrography. Indeed, 
Nobert saw for the first time the lines of his nineteenth band in a 
photograph made by Dr. Woodward with one of these object- 

But even more marked in their effect upon photo-micrography, 
than the improvements in objectives, have been the changes in 
photographic methods, since Dr. Woodward's day. He worked 
within his camera itself; his work-room constituting a gigantic 
camera box, to which no ray of light was admitted during the 


focusing of the object and exposure of the plate, save that which 
passed through the microscope. The source of light varied 
according to time and circumstances. Usually he employed that 
of the sun through an immense heliostat, which is still in use at 
the museum. But asa large portion of his work was done at 
night, he also called in the aid of various artificial illuminants : 
Magnesium ribbon, the lime light, and toward the end of his 
work the electric are lamp, each with unvarying success. Not 
being an expert photographer himself, this portion of his work 
was done by a professional, and it may not be uninteresting to 
know that collodion or wet plates alone were used. Gelatine 
emulsions were as yet unknown, or practically unattainable. 

It will thus be seen, that in addition-to his own wonderful skill 
as a manipulator, Dr. Woodward had at his disposal, un- 
limited Government resources, as aids to his researches and ex- 
periments. Indeed it may be safely said, that no other worker in 
the same field was ever so liberally provided with the means for 
prosecuting it. The cost in every direction was deterrent to the 
most of less fortunate mortals, and, as stated before, but for the 
many radical changes since made in photographic methods, 
photo-micrography would still be the recreation of the few, in- 
stead of the practical realization of the many. 

With the general introduction of gelatine dry plates, of such 
exalted sensitiveness that the light of an ordinary lamp sufficed 
for exposures with quite high powers; and portable cameras 
adapted for use with any microscope having an inclinable body, 
the making of a negative of almost any microscopical object was 
brought within reach of every worker. The printing, however, 
was not so satisfactory, especially where large numbers were 
required in the illustration of papers or books, but, as in the past, 
the steady advance in photographic methods speedily supplied 
the existing need ; photo-gravure and other process-methods re- 
produced the negative in positive form with wonderful exactness, 
delicacy, and cheapness, so that at the present day, papers upon 
any subject may be illustrated in a manner utterly unattainable a 
short decade ago. By the same means the optical lantern has 


been brought to the fore as one of the indispensable adjuncts of a 
well appointed lecture room. Ready sensitized plates of thin 
slass are now furnished at reasonable cost by several eminent 
makers, by use of which one can make his own slides and from 
his own negatives, either by contact printing, or by reduction in 
the camera, if he is provided with one adapted to the latter pur- 
pose. In short, the microscopist of the present day finds at his 
disposal the ready means of illustrating his work at every stage ; 
and one who publishes his notes without illustrations, finds him- 
self at a disadvantage as compared with his more progressive 

It is not the object of this paper to do more than glance at the 
new points in photo-micrography which have fallen under the 
notice of the writer during the past score of years, and to call 
attention to a new form of camera combining some novel features, 
which he has recently introduced under the name of the “‘ Auto- 
graph.” It may be not uninteresting, however, if a very brief 
allusion is made to his preceding work in this direction, as he 
takes a perhaps pardonabie pride in the belief, that to his efforts 
a considerable portion of the present acknowledged value and 
popularity of photo-micrography are due. 

Without the slightest previous knowledge of photography in 
any form, I became greatly interested in its application to the 
microscope by my friend and mentor, the late Dr. Woodward. 
Many days passed in his work-room during my then frequent 
visits to Washington, gave me a keen relish for and desire to en- 
gage in this fascinating pursuit, without, however, the slightest 
expectation of ever being able to do so. The costly and com- 
plicated apparatus and appliances necessary placed it quite 
beyond my reach. But in a few years, with the advent of port- 
able cameras and gelatine dry plates, 1 became one of the numer- 
ous army of amateur photographers, and very shortly afterward 
by means of a make-shift attachment to my microscope produced 
my first Photo-Micrograph, a little affair,on a plate scarcely three 
inches square, and not at all well done, but esteemed as almost a 
sacred treasure to the present day. 


From this crude beginning was evolved the instrument known 
by the lengthy title of the ‘“ Enlarging, Reducing and Copying 
Photo-Micrographic Camera,” which I placed on the market 
early in 1882. It met with instant and generous recognition, 
and has maintained its popularity steadily ever since. So far as 
I have been able to learn, it was the first American camera for 
this purpose to be produced commercially. 

As indicated by its title, this camera is adapted to a variety of 
purposes. Any microscope withan inclinable body may be used 
with it in making a Photo-Micrographic negative, with or with- 
out an ocular. The latter is the usual method, since much 
more light is transmitted by the objective alone, whilst the long 
extension bellows permits a high magnification with any given 
lens. Dr. Woodward always worked without an eyepiece. 
With an ordinary photographic lens, the instrument may be used 
for enlarging, reducing and copying; the very long bellows ren- 
dering it particularly valuable for the latter purpose. It is, how- 
ever, unnecessary to go into fuller details of the construction and 
capacities of this camera, since it is already so widely known. 

Certain defects or rather want of adaptibility to a// purposes in 
this camera led to the designing and construction of my latest 
box, the ‘ Autograph.” It was somewhat bulky, especially in 
the larger sizes, which in the too often contracted work-room is 
a hindrance to its habitual employment. It could be used only 
in a horizontal position, and the microscope must have a joint 
permitting inclination of the body, a feature not found in many 
otherwise excellent instruments, especialiy those of German 
manufacture. For use with these stands a vertical camera is of 
course indispensable, as it is when the object is free in a fluid, 
such as yeast spores, blood, pus, milk corpuscles, etc., etc. 
But for the great majority of work, the horizontal position is the 
better, especially where it is desirable or necessary to use the 
direct rays of light from a lamp, without the intervention of the 
mirror. To meet these varying demands, the “ Autograph ” 
camera was designed, and it is believed successfully. It may be 
described as follows, the dimensions given being those for a 


camera carrying 4x5 plates, the only size so far constructed. 

They would have to be proportionally greater for a larger sized 



The base or 
wood twenty-six inches lon; 
to insure steadiness on any table or other support, the front 

platform is of polished mahogany or other hard 
standing upon three very short feet, 



end being heavily weighted beneath. At the other end of the 
platform a stout frame of japaned iron, twenty-four inches in 
length, with joint close to its base is firmly bolted. This frame 
carries the camera, which slides freely in two parallel grooves 
milled in its upper surface and can be secured at any desired 
point by a stout screw passing through a slot running the entire 
length of the frame, in its centre. The joint permits the frame 
carrying the camera to be placed and firmly held, in either verti- 
cal or horizontal positions, or inclined at an angle of 45°. For 
copying or making lantern slides from negatives by enlargement 
or reduction, the latter position is almost indispensable and is one 
of the most valuable ‘‘ New Points”’ embraced in the ‘“ Auto- 
graph’ camera as will be seen presently. 

The camera box is furnished with leather bellows of best 
quality, extending twelve inches, which has been found to be the 
most generally useful, though double that length can be employed 
if necessary or desirable. It is fitted with a reversible back, car- 
rying both focusing screen and plate holder, a most desirable 
feature, as it greatly facilitates the proper arrangement of the 
object in relation to its position on the plate, where the micro- 
scope is unprovided with a rotating stage. The ground glass 
focusing screen is mainly useful for arranging the illumination, 
and the object in the field of view, its surface being too coarse to 
permit fine focusing with high powers. It may, however, be 
easily removed from its frame and replaced by a sheet of plate 
class, when by means of a suitable lens the nicest adjustment can 
be made. The plate holder is double, and fitted with inside kits 
to carry 34% x 44%,2% x 2% or lantern plates, in addition 
to those of its full size, 4 x 5 inches. 

The front is fitted with a removable plain board, to which an 
ordinary photographic lens may be attached, and an additional 
board carrying an extension (which may be oblong or cone- 
shaped as desired), with an opening in its front end to receive the 
tube of the microscope. The flange of the photographic lens can 
be attached to this extension front, if it be necessary to increase 
the length of the camera in copying and enlarging. | 


When the camera is used in the vertical or inclined positions, 

both coarse and fine adjustment screws are within easy reach of 
the hand and may be manipulated in connection with observance 
of the focusing upon the screen. But when the horizontal posi- 
tion is assumed, the distance is too great from screen to micro- 
scope to permit this, and other means must be provided. A 
short rod, turning freely in suitable bearings, is attached to the 
base board on right hand side of the camera. To the end near- 
est the observer is fitted a large milled head, and to the other a 
pulley wheel, with V-shaped groove in its periphery ; a corre- 
sponding groove being also turned in the Micrometer Screw of 
the microscope. ‘This pulley-wheel slides freely upon the rod or 
shaft, allowing it to be placed in line with the fine adjustment 
screw, where it is firmly held by a small set screw. <A fine cord 
passed around the two grooves, suffices to move the micrometer 
screw when the milled head is revolved. This, of course, is an 
old and well-known device, but being a good one has been 
adopted in this case. 



The extension of the iron carrying frame beyond the end of 
the base board, with the additional weight of the camera acting 

’ asa lever, having a tendency to tip the front of the base upward, 

a heavy iron bar forming one of the short tripod supports, is 
fitted beneath the front of the board, entirely obviating any such 
danger. The platform itself is of sufficient length to carry micro- 
scope, lamps and bull’s-eye condensing lens on stand, the added 
weight of which serves also to give increased steadiness to the 
whole apparatus. 

It is not within the scope of this already too lengthy paper to 
say anything in regard to the making of a negative from a micro- 
scopic object. This must be left to another occasion. But it 
may not be amiss to glance for a moment at the source of light 
for making the exposures. Diffused daylight reflected from the 
mirror is probably the most generally useful illuminant, and the 
various positions in which the “ Autograph’’ camera can be 
placed give the day-worker many advantages in its use. But 
most of us have, perforce, to do our work by night with artificial 
light. Fortunately there are many of these, some one of which 
is available to everyone. The lime light, the electric arc, the 
Welsbach gas burner and the humble, omnipresent petroleum 
lamp, are all good, varying mainly in the differing lengths of ex- 
posure required with each. And finally we have the new 
acetylene gas lamps, which place in the hands of every worker, 
the itdeal light for Photo-Micrography. 

A few words as to the value of the ‘“ Autograph” camera in 
copying and in making lantern slides by enlargement or reduc- 
tion, and J will tax your patience no longer. For both these pur- 
poses, the camera, fitted with a photographic lens of not more 
than nine inches focal length and inclined at the angle 45°, is to 
be placed near a window and its base cleared of the microscope, 
lamp, etc: A carrying frame with its upper surface parallel with 
the camera front, takes their place upon the platform, to which . 
the book or print to be copied is fastened. The lighting, focus- 
ing and all such subsequent details are of course familiar to 
every photographer. I cannot even hint at them here and would 


suggest that if the copy is for lantern purposes, it would be well 
to make it at once of the proper size to permit printing by con- 

tact, thus effecting a considerable saving of time. 

Negatives of microscopic objects are generally made consider- 
ably larger than the dimensions of a lantern slide, though in some 
cases, as a minute diatom for instance, they are much too small. 
In either case the lantern slide must be made by reduction or 
enlargement as necessary. For these purposes, the camera is 
arranged precisely as for copying, except that its front end must 
face the window and be close to the latter. A large sheet of 
white paper is to be laid upon the platform as a reflector, and on 
this the stand used in copying (and carrying a frame containing the 
negative), must be placed. A focusing cloth or other covering 


is then spread over the space between the frame and camera, so 
that no light may enter the lens, save that which passes through 
the negative. The camera is then moved to or fro upon its 
ways, until the image projected upon the screen is of proper 
dimensions, when it is to be fastened in that position, the focus 
sharpened by moving the bellows, and the balance of the neces- 
sary work, of exposure and development, done in the manner 
familiar to all who have mastered the simple mysteries of photo- 
graphic manipulations. 

The accompanying cuts fully illustrate the various methods of 
using the instrument. 


V. A, Laruam, M.D}, DUD:Se FRAMES.) Chicago, in 

All technical workers in microscopy must have found much 
annoyance in their experimental work. Teachers in the practical 
laboratories of the medical and scientific schools all testify to 
the great difficulty in securing reliable dyes and reagents. Few 
technologists are such expert chemists as they ought to be, and 
therefore must rely upon chemists and the manufacturers for their 
information. This puts the technologist at a great disadvantage, 
especially when he finds that the chemists do not always agree! 
For example, in endeavoring to show the plexus of fibrils in the 
nuclei of liver cells by maceration in Sulpho-Cyanide of Potas- 
sium, I met with the greatest dissatisfaction. A large local drug- 
house secured a sample, which I found to be the Sulpho-Cyanate 
of Potassium, ‘‘ the same thing,’ I was assured. A well-known 
chemist was questioned, and replied, ‘“‘ No, they are not the 
same.’ A new sample, Merck’s, had an entirely different name, 
yet I was told it was the article ordered. Two prominent im- 
porting chemists disagreed as to the identity of the samples and 
their correct names, and there the matter was dropped. If we 
cannot trust expert chemists to know such reagents, how can we 
amateurs know on whom to rely, with such a loose nomencla- 
ture P 

Let us look through a text-book on Microscopy, and note 
the indiscriminate use of Benzol, Benzole, Benzine, Methyl 
Blue, Methylene Blue; Vesuvin for Bismarck Brown; Iodine 
Green for Methyl Green! These are serious errors, from the 
stand-point of solubilities, if nothing else; some dyes being 
soluble in water, others in alcohol. Indeed, different samples of 
the same anilin dye will differ in their behavior to solvents, some 
making a perfect solution, others leaving a more or less insoluble 


residue. In some micro-books we find such statements as the 
following: ‘Iodine Green—this is another name for Methyl 
Green.” If we are lucky enough to. obtain a true, reliable Iodine 
green, we find the price is much higher, and the color a lighter 
Green. But the true dye has been largely adulterated with 
Methy! Green, and is now very difficult to obtain. Indeed, the 
terms Methyl! Green, Methyl Iodide, Methyl Chloride and Methyl] 
Bromide are applied almost indiscriminately by dealers, who sub- 
stitute one for the other. For double staining Iodine Green is 
excellent when carefully used, and, according to Prof. H. Gibbes, 
a most permanent stain. It certainly does not work on the same 
tissues as the Methyl Green does. The differences will be found 
in the Proceedings of this Society for August, 1892. 

Again some authors include Gentian under the head of Dahlia 
Violet ; but if we test these dyes by their reaction to certain cells, 
we get different results, Methyl Violet being used for Amyloid 
Degeneration, while only Dahlia will show the ‘“ Mastzellen.” 
Dahlia has a red tint, while Violet has a strong blue tint. They 
are both nuclear stains, but Gentain Violet requires the addition 
of Glacial Acetic Acid to make it directly nuclear. And we must 
also remember the stain mostly sold as Methyl Green is not pure, 
but contaminated with Methyl Violet, giving many of the re- 
actions of the latter, as for example, with amyloid. 

Amongst the many formulas for Picro-Carmine we find a 
variety of results which it is difficult to explain. It has always 
been some source of surprise to me that, when ordering a certain 
maker’s dyes, another’s should be sent out from reputable firms, 
either openly, as a substitution, or wrongly under a false name. 
These fraudulent imitations never give the results wanted. Per- 
sonally, I cannot get the best counter-staining nor the true 
double-reaction from any other Picro-Carmine than Ranvier’s. I 
have Hoyer’s, Konig’s and some others, and, though taking 
every care to follow the directions of each respective authority, 
have not obtained satisfactory results. It is noteworthy that 
the directions for using these dyes do not agree in the various 
manuals and text-books extant. The student, after endeavoring 


to follow first one and then another, with a like poor result each 
time, is apt to grow skeptical with regard to the stain, and to 
wonder whether anyone has succeeded with it! Who does not 
read some article, bearing on a subject in which he has been 
especially interested, and wishing to verify the author’s account 
of the extra clear demonstration of cell varieties, etc., finds out 
the name and sends for a sample of that particular stain or 
reagent? Eagerly attending to every detail, in the hope of secur- 
ing exact results, he too often finds that he has had his trouble. 
for his pains, and has succeeded only in wasting. time, material 
and patience! Failure may arise from any one of many causes. 
Sometimes the author has not really meant anyone else to suc- 
ceed, and has purposely omitted the designating letter or number 
of the dye, or some trifling modification in the technique, or the 
omission may arise through oversight or careless, ambiguous En- 
clish! Or, again, the house from whom the reagent was ordered 
may send a different dye of the same name, whose chemical con- 
stitution may work havoc with the process in hand, for which it 
is not adapted. For instance, the use of Ammonia Alum instead 
of Potash Alum may seem to the theoretical histologist or pathol- 
ogist of no great moment; but the technical laboratory worker 
knows this is not so. In making a blood stain of Alum Eosin, 
if Ammonia Alum be used in Alcohol, an almost solid residue is 
obtained, showing incompatibility, and the result for Blood is 
very poor if any at all. In Logwood, for Delafield’s formula, he 
specifies Ammonia Alum—no other would do in that particular 
case. In Klein’s Logwood, it is said, two points must be remem- 
bered, viz.: Potash Alum, without Ammonia, and the English 
Extract of Logwood, which mustbe used. When the logwood so- 
lution, as made here from the chips, becomes reddish-brown, it is 
usually found to contain some acid impurity which hinders stain- 
ing. On the converse, in the Logwood solutions made from the 
continental extracts, the reddish color is nearly always obtained 
and gives the best results. 

Eosin is said to bea blood-stain. Granted; but with the yel- 
low, red, blue and orange varieties, some soluble in alcohol and 


some in water—‘ which shall we buy ?’”’ is the question.  Profes- 

sor Von Jaksch, I believe, is the only authority who comes forward 
and specifies for his particular work, by quoting in his ‘‘ Chemical 
Diagnosis’ and by giving in his lectures the name of the Eosin 
number and firm, and insists upon that brand. Would that we 
had more like him, thus saving time, money, and room in the 
office or laboratory. 

Picro-Carmine is a dye with which it is extremely difficult to 
obtain the respective colors as well as the combination colors. 
One has too much yellow remaining, and even using the carmine 
will not control it; neither will the washing. Some say ‘Wash 
in alcohol after staining, as the Picric Acid is so readily soluble 
in water.’’ Others say ‘‘Use acidulated water, then alcohol and 
then fresh alcohol.” Some say ‘Plain water,” and so forth. It 
depends not so much on the dye as on the maker’s formula. 
Ranvier’s has, until recently, held the chief place, and why it has 
been superseded is a question. Principally, I believe, it is not so 
readily obtained from the Gargon of the Laboratory as in years 
gone by, and the quality is hard to obtain just right, and we are 
now content with poor substitutes. Some one will say ‘ Well, 
make your own dye, you have the formula in some book.” The 
average worker with the microscope has neither time, money nor 
laboratory, nor, worst of all, the requisite skill and experience to 
make his dyes, some, as Picric Acid, being too dangerous to 
work with, in the hands of every one. We perhaps do turn to 
our book, for example ‘“‘Lee’s Vade Mecum,” and we get a rough 
or not always reliable translation, or, as I said before, the minutiz 
are not there. Lee carefully gives the authority, and we think 
we can get the original article from some reference library. ‘‘Not 
there” is usually the result. And this same formula, which is so 
indefinite, is copied into future journals and text-books without 
correction. ; 

There are several kinds of Vesuvin in the market. Two kinds 
only are of value, the rest being useless in staining tissues. 
Vesuvin is freely soluble in water, while Bismarck Brown is very 
slightly so, hence should not be substituted for it. 



Thoroughly good staining requires : 

1. Fresh tissues, properly fixed and hardened. 

2. Good, reliable dyes; the identical ones recommended for 
such use. 

3. Knowledge of their acting properties, whether for direct or 
indirect nuclear work or for plasma and ground staining. 

4. Acquaintance with their power of substitution, as Malachite 
Green combining with /chsin Hydrochloride ; this causes the 
Tubercle Bacillus to lose its specific stain and color. 

5. The various solubilities of the stains employed ; 

(a) In washing and cleaning, whether acid, neutral or alco- 
holic agents should be used. 

(b) In mounting media, as Balsam in chloroform, etc., 
when we know that there are some dozen preparations of one dye 
on the market, differing in color, solubility and histological action, 
we must be careful to buy the one adapted to the case we wish 
to investigate; and this is not an easy matter. Griibler and Min- 
der supply at least fourteen varieties of Safranin, and in the two 
houses the brands have different names and symbols. So that 
only the most exact ordering will insure the proper specimen. 
The student, directed to ‘“‘stain with Safranin’”’ may well feel at a 
loss to know which Safranin to use. Has microscopical technique 
no position, that it is placed so? Are the workers ignorant, or 
what is the trouble? Few microscopists are the all-round scien- 
tists that they should be, to do this work, and very few of them 
are so careful as they should be to note the technical side, the 
reaction to the tissues and the chemical combinations that result. 
We do not know enough of Chemistry and Physiology before 
we use methods of preparation. We do not always make our 
comparisons under similar conditions as to the action of various 
agents upon the same tissue. Who does not know how one 
agent will shrink a tissue to one-quarter its size, and another 
distend it to double? Still another will pick out one variety of 
tissue from the rest, say the mucous, only, andso on. A student 
is allowed a year or two of study in foundation principles, and 
then may take a ‘‘Major”’ to investigate, after doing three to 


six months’ Histology. He cannot give any truly reliable results, 
and yet it is mainly such crude work that forms the basis on 
which microscopy rests. To the true technologists we turn for 
information, but alas! how few are they, and how scattered over 
the world! So engaged in good work are they, and so trivial do 
minor points seem to them, that their reports of methods and 
results are brief and include only main points. We, at a dis- 
tance from their laboratories, cannot tell what special dye or 
reagent should be bought to secure a like result, because of the 
unfortunate brevity, nay the zzaccuracy, of their report. 

Some firms employ an expert chemist, for economy’s sake, to 
test and analyze their dyes. He passes a given stain on to his 
co-worker, the experimenting microscopist, who tests it, not only 
in Histology, Pathology and Bacteriology, but botanically, so as 
to define its best results; and as such a reagent it is then sold by 
the firm, every sample being thus carefully tested to secure uni- 
form, good results. Not many years ago I was told that enorm- 
ous sums were spent in buying what seemed identical dyes, but 
which, on testing, yielded different reactions, the firms themselves 
not being able to secure the same dye in every case. Anilin 
workers spend small fortunes in efforts to secure the true ““moon- 
light color” for fashion purposes, as yet without success. But 
so great is the hope of fame and fortune, a fabric worker told me, 
“we are willing to try, and succeed some day.” So long as 
fabric work, holds the premier place, so long will micro work 
suffer, because of financial questions. Suppose a special blue is 
wanted—a dye is made to match the sample in shade, irrespective 
of the chemical combinations, provided the color is correct. It 
is all one to the manufacturer whether it is passed over Sulphuric, 
Nitric or Hydrochloric Acid; but to the microscopist such heed- 
lessness would bring speedy disaster. In certain diseased or 
normal tissues, the combination of the dye with the secretions or 
fluids of the tissue would form a new chemical compound . 
altogether. Indeed the chemistry of stains and their peculiar 
combinations with individual tissues, if fully understood, would, I 
believe, be of great value in throwing light on many intricate 


problems in disease, by specifying the tissue in which the changes 
occur. This is exemplified in the case of Amyloid Degeneration, 
whose exact location in the vascular system is demonstrated by 
means of its affinity for Methyl Violet and Methyl! Green. Al- 
though its histological prototype is unknown as yet, since no 
known normal tissue stains the same, its antecedent may yet 
be discovered in some of the less complex substances of the 
earlier degenerations, hyaline or fibroid, possibly. We should 
then be able to trace its development from the normal tissue, as 
well as its position by its specific reactions to certain dyes. 

At present, perhaps the most fashionable dye in use is the 
Triple Stain. A curious coincidence is the indefinite mode of 
using the same. (Consult Lee, p. 161, 3d Edition.) There we 
are told “it is troublesome to prepare, but may be readily obtained 
prepared from Gribler. The receipt is as follows, ete.: The 
method given is for making from the separate dyes. Happily, 
Heidenhain tells us from which firm to buy, and specifies all 
details, as to exact name of dye, and manner of washing, and so 
forth. Lee says that it may be put into the hands of beginners. 
This is hardly correct, in my experience, and in that of many 
others more competent to judge. There are few stains so variable 
on the market. Dr. Gribler has a mixture of the three colors 
in the dry state. For this, you are told “to dissolve 0.4 grm of 
the mixture in 100 cc. of water and add 7 cc. of a 0.5 per-cent.- 
solution of Saurefuchsin.”” No further directions are given. 
The majority of the text-books advise after staining sections to 
wash in alcohol, xylol, and mount in Canada Balsam in xylol. 
This stain is often very hard to work with, sometimes succeed- 
ing only when the solution is old; sometimes only when freshly 
made. Sometimes one color predominates over the others, and 
we have to keep on adding and experimenting for some time. If 
blood covers are examined by the washing in alcohol it will be 
found that the corpuscles show only the Aurantia stain and what 
seems to bea bluish deposit of pigment which will not easily 
wash off. In blood-work, water only must be used, and that 
very carefully. Some find Thayer’s formula by far the most 


successful. The trouble with the Triple Stain, for blood, is: its 
great fading, the indistinctness of the neutrophilic cells, especially 
the green staining, and the great unreliability. of the stain. 
Possibly if some successful worker would give the precise modes 
of use, better results would be secured by others. The state- 
ment so frequently made that-the Triple Stain is an easy, reliable 
one to work with ought to be disputed. Out of some 5,000 
specimes made by men in London, Vienna, Berlin, Paris and the 
United States—mentioned in their work—showing Leukemia, 
Plasmodium Malariae, tissue-sections of various kinds, Protozoa 
of Cancer,—out of all these only five specimens showed to any 
advantage, clearly and distinctly. A teacher in a medical school, 
eminent in scientific work, assured me he never felt certain when 
his work with the triple stain would be good, and that he always 
took the precaution to stain some covers by other methods, 
especially if valuable material. Not one of the many text-books 
published within the last three years but has the same rough-and- 
ready statement (copied from Lee) (?) withoutany remarks whatever. 
And yet I have four bottles of the triple dye, bought from a most 
reputable German firm, directly and indirectly, no two of which 
have the same color in powder, solution or in results! Can we 
wonder, then, from such instances, that so much discussion is 
found, especially in such high-power work as that of the Proto- 
zoan Theory for Cancers, in Bacteriology and blood-work ? 
What is the use of publishing manuals for Clinical Diagnosis, 
Microscopy and the like, if modes of preparation and using are 
omitted? Every worker does not have the opportunity for study 
he would wish; but he expects the details for practical work to 
be clearly given in a book designed and published to aid him in 
some special line of investigation. He is too often wholly dis- 

To further the microscopist’s work, would it were possible one 
good journal could be published to cover Microscopy—or better ° 
four, one each for North, South, East and West. Then all matter 
properly belonging to the subject could be published in the 
journal of its own district, which would thus become a valuable 


medium of communication, and save its subscribers loss of time, 
money and labor. Who would not infinitely prefer to subscribe 
to one journal devoted exclusively to the subject he is turning 
his attention to, instead of being compelled to pay for several 
journals on general medicine or scientific subjects? The single 
journal, when bound for reference, is a handy volume for the 
library, quickly consulted. With the miscellaneous scientific 
periodicals, one may waste hours in looking over the bulky files 
to find—say a vaguely remembered article on the preparation of 
Tubercle Bacillus in Milk. It may have been in “The American 
Naturalist,” ‘‘ Journal of Hygiene,” 
medical journals, or in ‘‘ Annals of Botany’’(! !) instead of in a 

any one of a half dozen 

Journal of Microscopy, or one specially belonging to that depart- 
ment. Let us aim to secure concentration of the sciences, each 
in a proper journal of its own, carefully edited, indexed and 
published ; instead of having, as heretofore, scattered articles, 
microscopical and of merit, appearing in cheap or questionable 
papers all over the country. Few of us are rich enough to buy 
many journals, or have the space to allow them to accumulate, 
nor yet the time to clip valuable cuttings from poor journals. 
Almost any one can afford ove good journal, giving him the new 
methods, apparatus, bibliography, articles on his own study in 
each of the scientific branches in which he is especially interested. 
He would be glad to pay for the privilege of having his photog- 
raphy in a journal on photography, anatomy in an anatomical 
journal, and microscopy in a microscopical, more particularly in 
that of the National Society. 


Wituiam C. Krauss, M.D., F.R.M.S., Buffalo, N. Y. 

That every microscopist in demonstrating to his classes in 
histology or pathology has been annoyed in determining the 
focus of the various objectives when a nose-piece is used, no one 
will dare contradict. The small letters or figures, designating 
the focus, engraved on the body of the objective have often to be 
sought for with great vexation, necessitating at times the removal 
of the lens from the nose-piece, or in revolving the lens or nose- 
piece so that the number will be discernible. Sometimes the 
microscope must be upturned or the investigator is obliged to 
place his head on the level with the table, thereby upsetting 
reagent bottles or provoking other mirth and mischief before he 
is abled to focus his tube correctly and with safety on some 
valuable slide. This has been the writer’s experience, and now 
that he has finally and so simply solved this perplexing question, 
submits his discovery to the society, with considerable feeling of 
pride and gratification. 

On the diaphragm in the large part of the objective, or the 
end that is screwed to the nose-piece, the designation of the 
lens may be engraved, so that when the nose-piece is revolved the 
designation of the various lenses will be at once visible. The 
investigator with one eye at the ocular, need not change his 
position in bringing all the lenses under the body tube, but can 
with the other eye see the lens as it swings into place, and can 
focus with coarse and fine adjustment accordingly. The writer 
has been well pleased with the focal lengths of the Zeiss ob- 
jectives, necessitating but one focusing for all the different lenses - 
especially of the dry system. Working with these lenses, marked 
as I have indicated, on a triple or Pein nose-piece, is not 
only a pleasure, but a great convenience. 


The accompanying illustration which is purely diagrammatical, 
represents a triple nose-piece with the objectives %, 34 and 1-5 
attached, removed from the body tube. The nose-piece is so re- 

volved that all the upper surfaces of the lenses are visible, disclos- 
ing their designation. 



Simon H. Gacg, Ithaca, N. Y. 

Everyone who works much with any method must almost in- 
evitably find out certain modifications which make the method 
more efficient and more easily applied. If one has also to adapt 
methods to the needs of laboratory students, modifications be- 
come almost imperative, and frequently the necessary improve- 
ments naturally grow up in aiding students to meet their special 

In the perfection of the collodion method of sectioning the 
two greatest advances were made: (1) in learning to handle the 
sections with paper and (2) in clarifying the tissue and the sur_ 
rounding collodion mass with an essential oil. Weigert (’85) 
seems to have been the one to first publish the paper-method of 
handling sections, and so far as I can judge, Bumpus (’92) first 
published a practicable method of clarifying the imbedded tissue 
and mass in oil, and of using oil to float the sections on the knife as 
they were cut. In the “‘ oil method” of Bumpus the object must 
be stained 27 foto and, after transferal to the slide and most of the 
oil absorbed, mounted immediately in balsam. /y Zofo staining is 
not by any means applicable to all tissues and for all work, 
especially morphological work where large organs or entire 
animals are sectioned. To obviate the defects in Bumpus’ method 
Dr. P. A. Fish made two important improvements: (1) He 
mixed with the essential oil (oil of white thyme) one-third its 
bulk of castor oil, thus avoiding the rapid drying, and (2) he 

‘fastened the sections to. the slide after the oil had been well re- 

moved with absorbent paper by adding a small amount of a mixt- 
ure of ether and alcohol. The ether and alcohol were allowed 
to evaporate until the surface began to look glazed, then the slide 
bearing the sections was placed in ninety-five per cent. alcohol 
to remove the oil, then passed through seventy per cent. and 


thirty-five per cent. alcohol to water, if a watery stain like hema- 
toxlin was to be used. Finally after the stain was washed away 
with water, the sections were dehydrated by again passing them 
through thirty-five per cent., seventy per cent. and ninety-five per 
cent. alcohol and cleared and mounted in balsam, thus rendering it 
possible to use any stain desired after the sections were cut. This 
method as perfected by Dr. Fish is truly admirable. 

The improvements which have been evolved by my own ex- 
perience are mostly in the direction of simplification and cheap- 
ening. For the sake of those who may not be familiar with the 
collodion method there will be given in very brief form the entire 
method, pointing out at the end the special improvements which 
it isthe purpose of this paper to put on record : 

1. Fixing and Hardening—The tissue, organ, embryo or 
animal of which sections are desired is fixed, and hardened by 
any of thestandard or special methods. 

2. Dehydration —The tissue is thoroughly dehydrated by using 
one or more changes of plentiful ninety-five per cent. alcohol or 
by the use of absolute alcohol. It is better not to dehydrate 
more than twenty-four hours. By changing the alcohol three or 
four times, two or three hours is sufficient for small pieces of 
material, and five or six hours will suffice for the larger objects. 

3. The tissue is thoroughly saturated with a mixture of equal 
parts of sulphuric ether and ninety-five per cent. or stronger 
alcohol. This requires two to five hours for small objects. Over 
night doesno harm, The ether and alcohol complete the de- 
hydration and prepare the tissue more perfectly than alcohol 
alone for the infiltration with collodion. 

4. Infiltration with Thin Collodion—The ether-alcohol is 
poured off, and a mixture of thin collodion (ether and ninety-five 
per cent. alcohol, equal parts, 100 cc.; soluble cotton one and one- 
half grams). Two or three hours will suffice for objects two or 
three millimeters in thickness. A stay of one or more days does 
no harm. The larger the object the more time is needed. 

5. Infiltration with Thick Collodion.—The thin collodion is 
poured off and thick collodion added (ether and alcohol, equal 


parts, 100 cc.; soluble cotton*, six grams). For very small objects 
four or five hours will suffice to infiltrate, but for larger objects a 
longer time is necessary. The tissue does not seem to be injured 
at all in the thick collodion, and a stay in it during a day or even 
of a week or more is more certain to insure a perfect infiltration. 

6. Imbedding and Hardening the Mass.—The tissue may be 
imbedded in a paper box such as is used for paraffin im- 
bedding, or in any of the other boxes devised for paraffin. It is 
better, if paper is used, to put a very small amount of oil on the 
paper to prevent the collodion from sticking to it. Vaseline 
spread over lightly and then all removed so far as possible with 
a cloth or with lens paper gives the right surface. For small 
objects it is more convenient to imbed immediately on a holder 
that may be clamped into the microtome. Cylinders or blocks 
of glass, vulcanite, wood and cork have all been recommended 
and used. A cork of the proper size is most convenient and for 
many purposes answers well. Some collodion is put on the end 
of the cork and a pin put near one edge. The tissue is transfer- 
red from the thick collodion to the cork and leaned against 
the pin. Drops of the thick collodion are then poured on the 
tissue and by moving the cork properly, the thick, viscid mass 

*The substance used in preparing collodion goes by various names, 
soluble cotton or collodion cotton is perhaps best. This is cellulose nitrate, 
and consists of a mixture of cellulose tetranitrate C,, H,, (NO,)4 O,, and 
cellulose pentanitrate, C,, H,; (NO,)5 O;. Besides the names soluble 
and collodion cotton, it is called gun cotton and pyroxylin. Pyroxylin is 
the more general term and includes several of the cellulose nitrates. Cel- 
loidin is a patent preparation of pyroxylin, more expensive than soluble 
cotton, but inno way superior to it. 

Soluble cotton should be kept in the dark to avoid decomposition. After 
it is in solution this decomposition is not so liable to occur. The decompo- 
sition of the dry cotton gives rise to nitrous acid, and hence it is best to 
keep it in a box loosely covered so that the nitrous acid may escape. 

Cellulose nitrate is explosiye under concussion and when heated to 150° 
centigrade. In the air, the loose soluble cotton burns without explosion. 
It is said not to injure the hand if held upon it during ignition and that it 
does not fire gun-powder if burned upon it. So far as known to the writer, 
no accident has ever occurred from the use of soluble cotton for micro- 
scopical purposes. I wish to express my thanks to Professor W. R. Orn- 
dorff, organic chemist in Cornell University for the above information. 


may be made to surround and envelop the tissue. Drops of 
collodion are added at short intervals until the tissue is well sur- 
rounded; and then as soon as a slight film hardens on the sur- 
face, the cork bearing the tissue is inverted in a wide-mouth vial 

Fig. 1. Wide-mouth vials for the purposes of Histology and Embryol- 
ogy. These represent the two vials natural size that have been found 
most useful. They are kept in blocks with holes of the proper size. They 
are especially useful for objects treated by the collodion method as described 
in this paper. 

of considerably larger diameter than the cork (Fig. 1). The vial 
should contain sufficient chloroform to float the cork. The vial 
is then tightly corked. In imbedding somewhat larger objects 
on the end of a cork or other holder it is frequently advantage- 
ous to wind oiled paper around the holder or cork, tie it tightly 
and have the projecting hollow cylinder sufficiently long to re- 
ceive the object. The tissue is then put into the cylinder and 
sufficient collodion added to completely immerse it. As soon as 
a film has formed over the exposed end, the cork may be inverted 
and immersed in chloroform as described above. 

7. Hardening and Clarifying the Collodion —After a few hours 


the collodion is hardened by the chloroform. If it acts long 
enough the imbedding mass is rendered entirely transparent if no 
water is present. Whenever the collodion is hard, whether it is 
clear or not, the chloroform is poured off and the clarifier added 
(the clarifier is made by mixing thoroughly xylene* three parts 
with castor oil one part by volume.) In a few hours the imbed- 
ded mass will become as transparent as glass and the tissue will 
seem to have nothing around it. Sometimes the collodion remains 
white and opaque for a considerable time. So far as the writer 
has been able to judge, this is due to moisture. If one breathes 
on the mass too much while imbedding, or if it is very damp in 
the room, the opacity may result. Sometimes, in objects of con- 
siderable size, this may remain for a week. This is the exception, 
however, and if the mass seems sufficiently hard and tough the 
cutting may proceed even if the clarification is incomplete. 

8. Cutting the Sections—For collodion sectioning a long 
drawing cut is necessary in order to obtain thin, perfect sections. 
The object is therefore put in the jaws of the microtome at the 
right level and the knife arranged so that half or more of the 
blade of the knife is used in cutting the section. It is advan- 
tageous also to have the object placed with its long diameter 
parallel with the edge of the knife. The surrounding collodion 
mass should be cut away so that there is not more than a thick- 
ness of about two millimeters all around the tissue. This is to 
render the diameter of the end to be cut as small as possible. 
The smaller the object the thinner can the sections be made. 
With an object two to three millimeters thick and not over five 
millimeters wide and a good sharp knife, sections 5y to 6 can 
be cut without difficulty. When knife and tissue are properly 
arranged the tissue is well wet and the knife flooded with the 
clarifier. (For wetting object and knife during the sectioning a 
mixture of xylene four. parts and castor oil one part is rather 
better than the ordinary clarifier as it is somewhat more fluid). 

*The hydrocarbon xylene (C, H,,) is called xylol in German. In En- 
glish, members of the hydrocarbon series have the termination ‘‘ene” while 
members of the alcohol series terminate in ‘‘ol.” 


Make the sections with a steady motion of the knife. Then 
draw the section up toward the back of the knife with an artist’s 
brush and make the next section. Arrange the sections in serial 
order on the knife blade till enough are cut to fill the area that 
the cover-glass will cover. 

g. Transferring the Sections to the Shide—lIf the clarifier has 
evaporated so as to leave the sections somewhat dry, on the knife, 
add a small amount. Take a piece of thin absorbent, close- 
meshed paper* about twice the size of a slide and place it directly 
upon the sections. Press the paper down evenly all around and 
then pull the paper off the edge of the knife. The sections will 
adhere to the paper. Place the paper, sections down, on a slide, 
taking care that the sections are in the desired position on the 
slide. Use some ordinary lens-paper or any absorbent paper and 
press it down gently upon the transfer paper. This will absorb 
the oil, and then the transfer paper may be lifted from the slide. 
The sections will remain on the slide. 

10. fastening the Sections to the Shde—Drop just enough 
ether-alcohol (equal parts of sulphuric ether and ninety-five per cent. 
alcohol) on the sections to moistenthem. This will melt the collo- 
dion and fasten the sections to the slide. Allow the slide to remain 
in the air till the surface begins to look slightly dull or glazed. 

11. Removing the Oi from the Sections—As soon as the 
ether-alcohol has evaporated sufficiently to leave the surface dull, 
place the slide in a jar of ordinary commercial benzin. It may 
be left here a day or more without injury to the sections, but if 
moved around in the jar the oil will be removed in three to five 
minutes. From the benzin transfer to a jar of ninety-five per 
cent. alcohol to wash away the benzin. One may use alcohol in 
the beginning, but it dissolves the oil far less rapidly than the 

“Various forms of paper have been used to handle the collodion sections. 
It should be moderately strong, fine meshed and not liable to shed lint, and 
fairly absorbent. One of the first and most successful papers recommended 
is ‘‘closet or toilet paper.” Cigarette paper is also excellent. In my own 
work the silky Japanese paper called ‘‘Usago” paper has been found almost 
perfect for the purpose. Ordinary lens paper or thin blotting paper for ab- 
sorbing the oil is used with it. 



benzin. The slide may remain in the alcohol half a day or more 
if one wishes, but a stay of five minutes or a thorough rinsing of 
half a minute or so by moving the slide around in the alcohol 
will suffice. 

12. Staining the Sections.—(A), With an alcoholic stain. If 
an alcoholic stain containing fifty per cent. or more alcohol (for 
example hydrochloric acid carmine in seventy per cent. alcohol) 
is used, the slide may be. removed from the ninety-five per cent. 
alcohol, drained somewhat and then the stain poured upon the 
sections or preferably the slide immersed in a jar of the stain. 
The stain is finally washed away with sixty-seven per cent. or 
stronger alcohol, the sections dehydrated in ninety-five per cent. 
alcohol, cleared and mounted in balsam. 

(B) With an aqueous stain like hematoxylin, etc.—If an aque- 
ous stain is to be used the sections must first be rinsed with water. 
In the past the plan for changing sections from ninety-five per 
cent. alcohol to water for example, has been to run them down 
gradually, using seventy-five, fifty and thirty-five per cent. alcohol 
successively. Each percentage may vary, but the principle of a 
gradual passing from strong alcohol to water was advocated. 
On the other hand, I have found that the safest method is to 
plunge the slide directly into water from the ninety-five per cent. 
alcohol. The diffusion currents are almost or quite avoided in 
this way. There is no time for the alcohol and water to mix, the 
alcohol is washed away almost instantly by the flood of water. 
So in dehydrating after the use of watery stains, the slide is 
plunged quickly into a jar of ninety-five per cent. alcohol. The 
diffusion currents are avoided in the same way, for the water is 
removed by the flood of alcohol. This plan has been submitted 
to the severe test of laboratory work and has proved itself per- 
fectly satisfactory. 

In staining with a watery stain then, the aa bearing the sec- 
tions is transferred from the ninety-five per cent. alcohol and 
plunged into a jar of water, and either allowed to remain a few 
minutes or moved around in the water a moment. Then it is 
placed horizontally and some of the stain placed on the sections, 


or preferably it is immersed in a jar of the stain; in case of im- 
mersion, however, the slide should stand vertically or nearly so, 
then any particles of dust, etc., in the stain will settle to the bot- 
tom of the vessel and not settle on the sections. When the sec- 
tions are stained they are thoroughly washed with water either 
by the use of a pipette or by immersing in a jar of water. They 
may then be counterstained with some general dye like eosin or 
picric acid or mounted with but the one stain. 

13. Mounting in Balsam.—After the sections are stained they 
must be dehydrated and cleared before mounting inbalsam. For 
the dehydration the slide is plunged into a jar of ninety-five per 
cent. alcohol. This removes the water so rapidly that the in- 
jurious diffusion currents, which loosen or tear the sections, 
are avoided. For clearing after the dehydration the slide is 
drained of alcohol and put down flat and the clearer poured on, 
or the whole slide is immersed in a jar of clearer (Carbol-turpen- 
tine is a good clearer,—Crystals of carbolic acid melted, two 
parts, turpentine three parts; or carbol-xylene clearer,—melted 
crystals of carbolic acid two parts, xylene three parts). Clearing 
usually is sufficient in a few minutes, a stay of an hour or even 
over night does not injure most sections. 

In mounting in balsam the clearer is drained away by standing 
the slide nearly vertically on some blotting paper or by using the 
waste bowl and standing it up in the little funnel. (Fig. 2.) 
Then the balsam is put on the sections or spread on the cover- 
glass and that placed over the sections. 

The improvements here advocated are: (1) The use of 
xylene and castor oil, the xylene taking the place of the 
essential oils heretofore recommended for “oil-sectioning.”’ This 
is much cheaper and in every way as good, perhaps better; it has 
also the advantage of being nearly odorless. Imbedded tissues 
have been preserved in the mixture nearly six months without 

(2) The term clarifier is proposed to avoid using clearer, 
which can then be restricted to its original use, viz.: to displace 
the alcohol from sections and render them transparent before 


adding balsam, the clearer being always quite freely miscible with 
both alcohol and balsam. 

(3) In the avoidance of diffusion currents in changing sec- 
tions fastened to a slide or cover from liquids of greatly different 
densities, as from alcohol to water, by plunging the slide directly 
into the new liquid, the great flood of the new liquid serving to 
remove the previous liquid so rapidly that there is no chance for 
the destructive diffusion currents which tend to tear the sections 
in pieces or loosen them from the slide. 

Fig. 2. WASTE BOWL FOR HISTOLOGICAL WorRK.—(From the Reference 
Hand-Book of the Medical Sciences, Supplement.) The glass rods are for 
resting the slide horizontially and the funnel for draining them. 


For articles and abstracts or references to articles on the col- 
lodion method one can profitably consult the Journal of the Royal 
Microscopical Society, the Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche 
Mikroskopie and the Proceedings of the American Microscopical 
Society. Special references for the preceding article are: 

’92. Bumpus, H.C. A new method of using collodion for 

serial section cutting. American Naturalist, Vol. xxvi., 1892, 


pp. 80-81. In this paper is given the method of sectioning by 
the use of thyme oil for clarification and for floating the sections 
on the knife. For Bumpus’ ‘‘oil-method,” see also Journal Roya] 
Microscopical Society, ’92, p. 438 and Dr. Fish’s papers below. 

’°93. Fish, P.A,—Recent Histological Formule. Reference 
Handbook ofthe Medical Sciences, supplement, 1893 ,pp. 434-436. 

’°93. Fish, P.A—A new clearer for collodionized objects. 
Proceedings American Microscopical Society, vol. xv., 1893, pp. 
86-89. It wasin this paper that Dr. Fish showed the advantage 
of adding a fixed oil to the clarifier to be used for ‘‘oil-section- 
ing,’ and also that sections made by this method could be 
fastened to the slide and stained as desired. 

‘91. Gage, S.H.—Albumenizing the slide for the more certain 
fixation of serial collodion sections. Proceedings American 
Microscopical Society, vol. xili., 1891, pp. 82-83. It is shown in 
this paper that if the sections are to be subjected to long-continued 
manipulation they may be more surely fixed to the slide by at 
first albumenizing the slide with egg albumen, one to 200 of water 
and allowing the albumen to dry on the slide. 

93. Lee, A. B—The Microtomist’s Vade Mecum, 3d Ed., 
London and Philadelphia, 1893. In this work is given an excel- 
lent account of the collodion and celloidin methods and the _his- 
tory of the two methods, with modifications. 

85. Weigert, C—Ueber Schnittserien von Celloidinprapara- 
ten des Centralnervensystems zum Zwecke der Markscheidentar- 
bung. Zeit. f. wiss. Mikr., Bd. 2, 1885, pp. 490-495. 

In this article is described a method of using paper for the 
handling of celloidin sections. On p. 491 he says, “closet 
paper” had been used for a considerable time for this purpose in 
the Pathological Institute of Heidelberg. 

83. Viallanes—Rech. sur I’hist. et le dév. des Insects. 1883. 
Viallanes recommends in this work the use of chloroform for the 
hardening of the collodion. 


A..CLirFoRD Mercer, M.D., F.R.M.S., Syracuse, N. Y. 

The original Syracuse solid watch-glass, described in the Pro- 
ceedings of this society for 1884, on page 178, and shown here 
in Fig. 1, had the concavity of a watch-glass, a shallower concave 

bottom and a solid mass of glass between. It was soon widely 
used in the microscopical laboratories of this country, and to a 
small extent in Europe. 

Use has suggested improvements. The capacity has been in- 
creased. The new form makes a secure pile, Fig. 2, without the 


rs &*"eAa''d* 


5 . 
(Cut two-thirds actual size ) (Cut two-thirds actual size.) 

Fig, 2. 

supporting frame required by the first form. All edges are 
rounded and are, therefore, less liable to be chipped. When the 


rounded rims are accidentally wet they stick less than flat rims. 
With pencil or ink the user can write or print on the smoothly- 
ground bevelled surface, Fig. 3. The writing can be erased with 
a wet cloth. What is written on the ground surface can be seen 
when the user looks horizontally at or obliquely down upon the 
pile, or vertically down upon a single dish. To the same surface 
may be attached labels. When lifting a dish, a slight bevel given 
the surface just beneath that ground furnishes a better hold than 
the vertical surface of the first form, All the surfaces of the new 
form are more smooth. 

Like the first form in other respects; it rests solidly upon the 
table or microscope stage ; is not liable to be overturned and its 
contents spilled; is transparent and can be used over black, 
white or colored paper, enabling the worker to use such back 
grounds to his work as permit him to watch the progress of 
staining, washing and the like to best advantage. In it, on the 
microscope stage, can be examined from time to time, or dis- 
sected and studied, transparent tissues while in water, alcohol, 
oil of cloves or other bath, the worker being able to detect and 
reject unsatisfactory specimens at any step in the process of prep- 
aration. In it, when piled, specimens may remain for long stain- 
ing or soaking without becoming dirty and with little or no loss 
of fluid by evaporation. It is useful on the stage of a dissecting 
microscope, and finds a place among the dishes of the bacteriol- 
ogist. The new form is already widely known and used. 


M. Priaum, Pittsburgh, Pa. 

The proper centering of objects upon slides has a practical 
purpose outside of all considerations of mere beauty of appear- 
ance. As most microscopes have, or should have, a stop upon 
the stage against which the slide can rest, an object properly 
centered thereon will therefore automatically be within the optical 
axis of the lenses, and thus save time and patience in finding what 
is wanted. 

A card-board, having thereon a diagram of a slide is very 
primitive in construction, and often exasperating in its use. The 
card will warp, absorb and retain fluids, the slide must be held 
in place, thus monopolizing one hand otherwise and better to be 
employed, and still will often slip and spoil the centering. This 
very inconvenience was useful ; it caused a desire for something 
better. This was found in a metal block shown in the accom- 
panying diagram. It is of brass, 2x4 inches in size, 3-16 inch 
thick, with a depression for the slide 1-16 inch deep, and % inch 
stop at one side. 

Its advantages are numerous: being of metal, it is therefore 
permanent and durable ; of considerable weight, therefore solid. 
and firm; non-porous, therefore easily cleaned; and having a 
groove for the slide, it is held in place, therefore convenient for 
mounting and labeling. 


M. Priaum, Pittsburgh, Pa. 

After several years’ testing, the following described method of 
making wax-cells has answered every demand, whether for fluid 
or dry mounting. 

So that the wax may better adhere, a ring of asphalt (in benzole) 
cement, wider than the intended ring, is first drawn upon the 
slide. It is best to have such ringed slides in stock so that the 
asphalt has thoroughly set and seasoned. A mixture of wax 
and paraffin, in equal parts, is obtained by melting to a boil, and 
with it, upon the turn table, a cell drawn of whatever depth re- 
quired, and immediately well covered with the asphalt cement, 
with special care to cover the inner and outer edges nearest the 
glass, so that the wax is enclosed on all sides by the cement. 
The paraffin hardening the wax, and the wax making the paraffin 
less brittle, make together a cell which will resist any change of 
temperature; the asphalt is used as an additional precaution in 
that direction. 

Such cells, of various depths, should be kept on hand for 
thorough drying, the longer the better, to guard against any pos- 
sible shrinkage; for which, however, there is in this cell very little 
danger. For mounting, whether dry or fluid, the crest of the 
cell should be covered with a very thin ring of the same mixture 
of wax and paraffin, and the cover-glass firmly pressed down on 
it. Mounts in such cells, with glycerin as a medium, have proved 
of easy manipulation and in every respect satisfactory. 

After the cover-glass is in position, the following method of 
finishing the slide is recommended. 

As the wax-cell has been enclosed with a benzole cement, the 
cover-glass should be fastened with a cement having a different 
solvent. Shellac (in alcohol) serves this purpose best. This 


would finish the slide. If, however, it is desired to make the slide 
still more permanent, as well as an object of beauty, the follow- 
ing described process will well repdy the additional labor. After 
the shellac has well dried, put on a ring of zink-white cement 
entirely enclosing the shellac, and, within a few minutes, before 
the zink has fully set, ring it with any color of King’s lacquer (I 
have tried no others) in any manner taste might direct. The 
lacquer unites with the zink, and gives it the appearence of porce- 
lain. Around the cover-glass, and around the cell on the slide, 
draw a ring of bronze paint. This will hide any defects in ring- 
ing and give the slide a very handsome appearance, with, after 
some practice, really little extra work. 

Hints. In using shellac cement care must be taken that it be 
free from bubbles. Their presence, if the cement has been stirred 
shortly before use, has spoiled many slides. This, however, will 
apply to the use of any cement. 

It must be apparent that the use of many cements on one slide, 
should make it almost indestructible. This is a decided advan- 
tage, and will save the annoyance of periodical repairs to the 
slide; but it requires care not to overload the cell with too many 
layers of each cement. After the shellac on the cover-glass is 
well set, the next cement, zink-white, should be well thinned. A 
watch-glass with benzole, if it is solvent, will be a help in this 

To obtain a variety of shades of the color of the lacquer used, 
have a watch-glass, with its solvent, alcohol, handy. By its use 
the color of the lacquer, whatever it may be, will yield an infinite 
variety in the appearance of the slides, especially if aided by a 
differenee in the size and location of the rings. I have used only 
King’s blue lacquer, and have no two slides alike in appearance. 
This color and the bronze, above referred to, compliment each 
other and give beautiful results. 

To finish a slide having no cell the same method, herein sug_. 
gested, will be found very satisfactory. A single cement ring 
may serve for a time; but as all cements have volatile solvents, it 
is but natural that, with thorough drying, the remaining solid 


should become brittle. This is prevented by the use of several 
layers of cement having different solvents. But it is claimed that 
a mount prepared for the use of high powers should have no 
ring to enclose the cover-glass, or else a very thin one. This 
does not seem reasonable. Whatever the medium in such 
mounts, usually balsam, it will certainly deteriorate if not pro- 
tected by acement ring. The higher the power to be used the 
more valuable the object mounted, and the more reason, there- 
fore, to make the slide permanent. The heavy ringing, it is 
claimed, obstructs the necessarily close approach of the lense. 
This is true if asmall cover-glass is used. But there is no reason 
why the smallest object, as one single diatom, well centered, can 
not be*covered with a large cover-glass, and fastened with several 
layers of cement. Thus every objection is removed, and a valu- 
able mount amply protected. 




This Association shall be called the AMERICAN MICROSCOPICAL 
Society. Its object shall be, the encouragement of microscopical 


Any person interested in microscopical science may become a 
member of this Society upon written application and recommenda-: 
tion by two members, nomination by the Executive Committee, 
and election by a majority of the members of the Society present 
at any regular session of the Society. Honorary members may 
also be elected by the Society on nomination by the Executive 


The officers of this Society shall consist of a President and two 
Vice-Presidents, who shall hold their office for one year, and shall 
be ineligible for re-election for two years after the expiration of 
their terms of office, together with a Secretary and Treasurer, who 
shall be elected for three years and be eligible for re-election. 


The duties of the officers shall be the same as are usual in 
similar organizations ; in addition to which it shall be the duty 
of the President to deliver an address during the meeting at which 
he presides ; of the Treasurer to act as custodian of the property 
of the Society, and of the Secretary to edit and publish the Pro- 
ceedings of the Society. 


There shall be an Executive Committee, consisting of the 
officers of the Society, three members elected by the Society, and 


the past Presidents of the Society, and of the American Society 

of Microscopists. 

It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to fix the . 

time and place of meeting and manage the general affairs of the 
Society. ‘ 
The initiation fee shall be three dollars, and the dues shall be 
two dollars annually, paid in advance. 
ArticLe VIII. 

The election of officers shall be by ballot. 

Amendments to the Constitution may be made by a two-thirds’ 
vote of all members present at any annual meeting, after having 
been proposed at the preceding annual meeting. 



The Executive Committee shall, before the close of the annual 
meeting for which they are elected, examine the papers presented 
and decide upon their publication or otherwise dispose of them. 

All papers accepted for publicalion must be completed by the 
authors and placed in the hands of the Secretary by October Ist 
succeeding the meeting. 


The Secretary shall edit and publish the papers accepted, with 
the necessary illustrations, in four numbers. The first number 
to be issued not later than October 1, after the meeting, and the 
remaining three numbers at intervals of not more than three 


The number of copies of Proceedings of any meeting shall be 

decided at that meeting. Each author of papers accepted an 


published shall be entitled to twenty-five separates of his paper 
and as many more at the cost of publishing, as he may request 
at the time that his manuscript is sent to the Secretary. 


Papers accepted for publication by the Society shall not be 
published elsewhere until after they have appeared in the Proceed- 
ings of the Society, except by consent of the Executive Com- 


No applicant shall be considered a member until he has paid 
his dues. Any member failing to pay his dues for two consecu- 
tive years and after two written notifications from the Treasurer 
shall be dropped from the roll, with the privilege of re-instatement 
at any time on payment of all arrears. The Proceedings shall 
not be sent to any member whose dues are unpaid. 


The election of officers shall be held on the morning of the 
last day of the annual meeting. Their term of office shall com- 
mence at the close of the meeting at which they are elected, and 
shall continue till their successors are elected and qualified. 


Candidates for office shall be nominated by a committee of five 
members of the Society. This committee shall be elected by a 
plurality vote, by ballot, after free nomination, on the second day 
of the annual meeting. 


All motions or resolutions relating to the business of the So- 
ciety shall be referred for consideration to the Executive Com- 
mittee before discussion and final action by the Society. 


- Members of the Society shall have the privilege of enrolling 
members of their families (except men over 21 years of age) for 
any meeting on payment of one-half the annual subscription (1.00). 

Approved by the Society, August 11, 1892. 



The figures denote the year of the member’s election, except ‘78, which marks an original 
member. The Proceedings are not sent to members in arrears, and two years’ arrearage 
forfeits membership. (See Article VII. of the Constitution.) 

[embers Elected at Ithaca, N. Y., 1895. 

For addresses see regular list. 





GREEN, DUDLEY T. Wison, Mrs. Mary R. 
ABERDEEN, ROBERT, M.D., F.R.M.S., 782 ; J ‘ Syracuse, N. Y. 
ACKER, GEO. N., M.D., ’91, : 913 11th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 
AINSLEE, CHAS. N_, 92, : : j Rochester, Minn. 
ALLEGER, WALTER W., M.D., 94, . 906 S, St. N. W., Washington, D. C. 
ATWOOD, E. S., 79, 3 : : - 242 South St., New York. 
AtTwoop, H. F., F.R.M.S. 78, ; 5 3 > 3 Rochester, N. Y. 
AYRES, MorRGAN W., M.D., ’87, —.. : ‘ Upper Mont Clair, N. J. 
BAHRENBURG, W.N., M. D., ’89,_ . 919 Washington St., St. Louis, Mo. 
BALL, MICHAEL, VALENTINE, 793, . 1182 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. 
Banks, NATHAN, 791, ‘ ; ; : Sea Cliff, Queens Co., N. Y. 

Cor. Fairfield Av. and Walnut St., Dayton, Ky. 

BaRR, Prof. CHas. E., ’90, 3 : : Albion College, Albion, Mich. 
BARTGES, ARTHUR F., 90, . 3 j A : Akron, Ohio. 
BasseETT, CHAS. H., 82, . ; : , 40 Bedford St., Boston, Mass, 
BauscH, EDWARD, ’78, : : 179 N. St. Paul St., Rest stan Ney: 
BauscuH, Gro. R., 80, , ; - . 20 Arcade St., Rochester, N. Y. 

BauscH, Henry, 86, . ; : , : i aie rochester, N.Y. 


BauscH, WILLIAM, 88, . x ; : . Rochester, N. Y. 
BELL, CLARK, 792, : : 3 ; ; BT Ereaiwar, New York City. 
BENNETT, HENRY C., 793, 4 , . 256 W. 42d St., New York City. 
BIGELOW, EH. F., 7925 9 : . : . Portland, Conn. 
Biscog, Prof. THomas D., ’91, : ; 404 Rront St., Marietta, Ohio. 
BuEILeE, A. M., M.D., ’81, . 2a Es . 218 King Av., Columbus, Ohio. 
BootH, AUGUSTINE RUE, M.D., ’87, . 520 Market St., Shreveport, La. 
Booru, Mary A., F.R.M:S.,°82; — . 982 Byers St., Springfield, Mass. 
Boyce, JAMES C., Es@., ’86, : : Carnegie Bi'dg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 
BoYER, C. S., A.M., 792, : é . 38228 Clifford St., Philadelphia Pa. 
BROMLEY, ROBERT INNIS, M.D., 93, . : ; ; : Sonora, Cal. 
BROWN, Miss L. S., 792, : ; ; : Angelica, N. Y. 
Brown, N. Hownanp, 791, : : 33 Ss. 10th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 
BROWN, ROBERT, ’85, : . Observatory Place, See Haven, Conn. 
BRUBAKER, J. C., M.D., ’91, E 1501 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Ill. 
BRUNDAGE, A. H., M.D., 794, us . 1158 Gates Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. 
BULL, JAMES EDGAR, EsqQ., ’92, 253 Broadway, New York City, N. Y. 
BULL, JAMES; ’88;. {unis . . . Hanging Rock, Ohio. 
BURRILL, T. J., Ph D., F.R. M. S., ‘ . Champaign, IIL. 
Burt, Prof. E>Dwarp A pols : "vagal College, Middlebury, Vt. 
BUSCH, FREDERICK CARL, 95. : 179 Richmond Av., Buffalo, N. Y. 
Busi, BertHa E., M.D., 95’ P : 808 Morse Av., Rogers Park, Il. 
BUTTOLPH, Harry, T., C.E., 80, . ‘ 13 City Hall, Buffalo, N. Y. 
CAMPBELL, D. P., M.D., ’88, ; é : . Green Springs, Ohio. 
CARTER, JOHN E., 86, : : ; Garinantowe Philadelphia, Pa. 
CASSATT, M., M.D., ’86, : : ; . 818 Elm St., Cincinnati, Ohio. 
CHEESEMAN, FE. L., 84, . ; é Knowlesville, N. Y. 
CHESTER, ALBERT H., A.M., ’88, eh alleen New Brunswick, N. J. 
Cuapp, GEo. H., ’86, : 3 ; , . 116 Water St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 
Cuapp, W. A., M.D., ’80, ‘ : . 11 E, Main St., ie Albany, Ind. 
CLAYPOLE, AGNES M., ’94, : ; : Akron, Ohio, 

CLAYPOLE, EpitH J ANE, Phebe ove Pi 98, 

Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass. 

CLAYPOLE, EDWARD, W., B. Sc., F.G.S.,, ’86, ; : . Akron, Ohio. 
Cops, Cuas. N., A:M., ’86, : i : 117 Lake Av., Albany, N. Y. 
CONSER, HARRY NEWTON, 95 y 29 N. 4th St., Sunbury, Pa. 
Coon, H. C., A.M., M.D., ’82, Alfred University, Alfred Centre, N. Y. 
Coopst, A. F., M.D., ’86, ‘ ; ; : P Oil City, Pa. 
CoucH, FRANCIS G., ’86, . : : 846 Braise ay, New York City. 
Cox, CuHas, F., F.R.M.S., 85, —.. Grand Central Depot, New York City. 
Cox, Jacos D., LL. D., F.R.MS., '82, : : : Cincinnati, Ohio. 
CRAIG, CHARLES FRANCIS, M.D., ‘94, . 21 Balmsforth Av., Danbury, Conn. 
CRAIG, THOMAS, ’93, ; . 259 Water St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 
CRANDALL, RAND PERCY, ae D., 1, Navy Pay Office, San Francisco, Cal. 
Curtis, Lester, M.D., : : 35 University Place, Chicago, TIL 



DANIELS, C. M., M.D., 83, : ; : 315 Jersey St., Buffalo, N. Y. 

Davis, W. Z., ’86, , F : : ‘ : s ‘ Marion, Ohio. 
Deck, Lyman, L., M.D., ’90, ; ‘ ; . Salamanca, N. Y. 
DENISON, C. H., 791, : ; P 146 Willow St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 
Dops, A. WILSON, M.D., ’90, : : : Fredonia, N. Y. 
Dorr, S. Hopart, Ph.G., 95 . : 887 eeoeperk Av., Buftalo, N. Y. 
DOUBLEDAY, Henry, H., Esq., 790, lade ltSime IN We S Wasting. DRG: 
DRESCHER, W. E., ’87, 3 ‘ a 1033, Rochester, N. Y. 

DunuaM, E. K., M.D., _—_Bellevue Eecnital Med. College, New York City. 

Eastman, Lewis M., M.D., F.R.M.S., 82, 772 Lexington St., Baltimore, Md. 

EGELING, B. F. GUSTAVUS, ‘95 Apartado, No. 4, Monterey, Mexico. 
EIGENMANN, C. H., 95, : : ? , Bloomington, Ind. 
ELLIOTT, Prof. ARTHUR H.. 91, . : 4 Invi ing Place, New York City. 
Euiott, L. BAyarp, 95, Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., Rochester, N. Y. 
ELLIS, SYLVANUS A., 92 : : E 13 Clifton St., Rochester, N. Y. 
ELSNER, JOHN, M.D., ’83, ; : . P.O. box 454, Denver, Col. 
ELWELL, A. T., 89, . ; : . 16 Pearl St., Council Bluffs, Iowa. 
ENTRIKIN, F. W., M.D., ’87,_ . : : Lock Box W., Findlay, Ohio. 

EWELL, MARSHALL D., LL.D., M.D., F.R.M.S., ’85, 
59 Clark St., Chicago, Ill. 

FEIEL, ADOLPH, M.D., ’81. : P : 520 Main St., Columbus, Ohio. 
FELL, Gro. E., M.D.. F.R.M.S., 778, . . %2 Niagara St., Buffalo, N. Y. 
FELLOWS, CHAS. S., F.R.M.S., ’838, P. O. box 966, Minneapolis, Minn. 
Freips, A. G., M.D., ’82, F : : . . Des Moines, Iowa. 
FIELDS, Miss Eva H., 94 , ; Des Moines, Iowa. 
FISH, PIERRE A.,D .Sc., 790, Bureau Patina acute Washington, D. C. 
FISHER, Max. ’98, : ; ; Zeiss Optical Works, Jena, Germany. 
FLINT, JAMES M., M.D., 791, . . 1117 Vermont Ay., Washington, D. C. 
Fox, Oscar C., 92, _ . : : ; Washington, D. C. 
ORD SD Mhe DD: 781, momele College, Elmira, N. Y. 
FosTER, AGNES WINSLOW, 98, : . Brewster, Mass. 
FRANCIS, MARK, D.V.M., ’87, } iGalloge Station, Brazos Co., Tex. 
FRENCH, GALE, M.D., ’86, : : 5219 Center Av., Pittsburgh, Pa. 
FRENCH, S. H.’ M.D., ’82, Z f 40 Church St., ei tae WL, AL 

FULLER, CHAS. G., M.D., F.R.M.S, ’81, 
39 Central Music Hall, Chicago, III. 

GAERTNER, FRED., M.D., 87, 3 f 3613, Penn. Av., Pittsburgh, Pa. 
GAGE, SIMON H., B.S., Prof., ’82, . Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. 
GAGE, Mrs. SUSANNA S. PHELPS, ’87, ; ; P Ithaca, N. Y. 
GILBERT, JOHN L., M.D., 94, _—.. ; 7 17 ane Ay., Topeka, Kansas. 
GLEASON, S. O., M.D.,’80,_ _.. : : , : : Elmira, N. Y. 
GOETZ, Rev. GEORGE, 791, : : ‘ . Rochester, Beaver Co., Pa. 

GREEN, DUDLEY T., 95. : ; : 11 Mill St., Binghamton, N. Y. 


GREGORY, JAMES C., M.D., 98, . . Nyack-on-Hudson, N. Y. 
GRIFFITH, BENJ. W., 92, . 3 1241 W. State St., Los Angeles, Cal. 
GRIFFITH, J. D., M.D., ’87, 

Rialto Bldg. cor. 9th and Grand, Kansas City, Mo. 

GUTTENBERG, Prof. GUSTAVE, ’91, ; High School, Pittsburgh, Pa. 
HaaG, D. E., M.D., F.R.M.S., 86, . 1121 Washington St , Toledo, Ohio. 
HANAMAN, C. E., F.R.M.S , 779, : : : Box 527, Troy, N. Y. 
Hanks, HENRY G., 86, . . 718 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. 
HARDING, LAWRENCE A., B. Sce., Ph.D., 90, . 167th St., St. Paul, Minn, 
HATFIELD, JOHN J. B., 82, s 189 Arsenal Av., Indianapolis, Ind. 
HAYS, JOS cass hans i Joule 98 William St., New York City. 
HEINEMAN, H. Newton, M. D., "91, 6 : 60 W. 56 St., New York. 

HERVEY, Rey. A. B., Ph.D., 78, ‘ Canton, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. 
HILu, Rev. ELLSwortu, J., 78, 7100 Eggleston Ave., Sta. O, Chicago, IL. 

HILL, HERBERT M., Ph.D., 5 . University of Buffalo, Buffalo, N. Y, 
HoEnny, A. J. 87, : , . . 8681 N. Grand Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 
HOLBROOK, M. L., M.D., ’82, c ; 46 E. 21st St., New York. 
Ho.umss, E. S., D.D.S., ’84, : 5 2 . Grand Rapids, Mich. 
Hoop, THOMAS B., M.D., ’91, , 1009 O St., Washington, D. C. 
HOPKINS, GRANT S., D.Sc., 90, . : : = & Ithaca, N. Y. 
Hoskins, WM., 79, : . . ‘Bt S. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. 
HOwarkD, Curtis C., M.D., "83, Beanie Medical College, Colamiie Ohio. 
Howe, Lucien. M.D., F.R.M.S., 78, . 87 W. Huron St., Buffalo, N. Y. 
HuBER, Rev. E. D., ’82, . . 1800 KE. Fayette St., Baltimore, Md. 
HuBER, G. CARL, M.D., F.R.M.S., ’90, 24 E. Ann St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 
HUMPHREY, O. D., M.D:, 95, . : : : 227 W. 8th St., Erie, Pa. 
Hunt, JOSEPH H., M.D., 794, F 1085 Bedford Ave , Brooklyn, N. Y. 
BYATION, DS 78: Se : ; : : : 69 Burling Lane, N. Y. 
JACKSON, CHEVALIER Q., M.D, ’87 ‘ : 63 6th Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 

JAMES, BUSHROD W., M D., 794, 
N.E. Cor. Green and 18th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 

JAMES, FRANK L., Ph.D., M.D., ’82, : 615 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. 
JAMES, GEO. W. 92, i ; : : 108 Lake St., Chicago, Ill. 
JOHNSON, FRANK S., M.D., 83, : 416th St., Chicago, Ill. 
JOHNSON, H. L. E., M.D., 91, i 1400 L St. N. W., Washington, D. C. 

KeLLicoTT, D. 8., Ph.D., F.R.M.S., ’7%, State University, Columbus, Ohio. 

KELLOGG, J. H., M.D., ’78 - . ; : ; Battle Creek, Mich. 
KENNEDY, THOMAS, ’90, ; : P ; ; ; New Brighton, Pa. 
KENNEY, HERBERT EASTMAN, 91, . : ; : Littleton, N. H. 
KERR, ABRAM TUCKER, Jr., ; : : "1921 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. 
KINGSBURY, BENJAMIN F., A.B., M.S., 94, . . ~ . Ithaca, N. Y. 
KIRKPATRICK, T. J., '83, ; : ; Springfield, Ohio. 

Knap, Wm. H., M.D., ’98, P 106 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill, 


Kom, A. ., M:D:, 791; , 2 . ‘ . 58S. 4thSt., Easton, Pa. 
KRAFT, Wacnrax: 795 Wing . ; . 411 W. 59th St., New York. 
Krauss, Wm. C., B.S., M.D., F.R. M. S., 790, 382 Virginia St., Buffalo, N. Y. 
KUHNE, F. W., 79, é : ‘ 5 79 Court St.; Fort Wayne, Ind. 
Lamp, J. MELVIN, M.D., ’91, ; 906 G St., N.W., Washington, D. C. 
LANDACRE, FRANCIS L., A.B., 795, 5 Columbus, Ohio. 
LANDSBERG, A., 779, : E 145 Woodwadd Ave., Detroit, Mich. 
LASCHE, ALFRED, 792,  . “ . Lake and Franklin Sts., Chicago, Il. 
Last, Louis, Ph.G., ’90 : : : 3 319 Reed St., Moberly, Mo. 
LatTHAM, Miss V. A., M.D., D.D.S., ’88, . 808 Morse Av., Chicago, II. 
LAWTON, EDWARD P., ’88, 4 : : 3 Linden Ave., Troy, N. Y- 
LEBER, FREDERICK C., M.D., ’90, 550 E. Jefferson St., Louisville, Ky. 
Lewis, Mrs. KATHARINE B., ’89, “Elmstone,” 656 7th St., Buffalo, N. Y. 
Lewis, Ira W., ’87, : : : i j : : . Dixon, Ill. 

Liwis, Wm. J., M.D., ’83, 
. 812 Bennett Building, cor. Fulton and Nassau Sts., N. Y. 

LIBBEY, WM., JR., D.Sc , ’88, 2 ; ? ‘ Prinicetar: IN: oe 
Ling, J. Epwarp, D.D.S., F.R.M.S., ’82, 39 State St., Rochester, N. Y. 
Lirron, A., M.D., ’78, : is : 2220 Eugenia St., St. Louis, Mo. 
Locks, JOHN D., ’93, : : : 8600 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 
Loms, ADOLPH, 792, _ . A ; . 48 Clinton Place, Rochester, N. Y. 
Lome, Car. F., ’79, : : . IiSINe St, Paul St: Rochester, N. ¥. 
Lome, HENRY, ’84, : . : . 48 Clinton Place, Rochester, N. Y. 
Kove, Prof. E.G: 9t, —. ; : : 69 E. 54th St., New York City. 
Lyon, Howarp N., M.D., ’84,_ . : 34 Washington St., Chicago, Ill. 
MALLONEE, JOSEPH D., ee ; : ; 84 Fargo Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. 
MARSHALL, WM., JR., 792, . . Coudersport, Pa. 

MATHER, ENOCH, M.B., MD., DDS. Ph.D., Dens LL.D., ’93, 
124 Hamilton ser Patterson N. J. 

McCaLLa, ALBERT, Ph.D., ’80,_ . ; 414 Monadnock St., Chicago, IIL 
McGReEG@oR, JAMES H., ’95, ; : : F : Bellaire, Ohio. 
McKay, JOSEPH, 84, . ; ; f : : * 9455 8th St., Troy, N. Y. 
McKim, Rev. HAsLett, ’85, : : 30 West 20th St., Neve York City. 
MACKAY, A. E., M.D., ’91) . Oregonian Building, Portland! Oregon. 
MANnNrTON, W. P., M.D., F.R.M.S., ’85, 02 Adams Ave. W., Detroit, Mich. 
MEEKER, J. W., M.D., 91, 4 ; : ; Nyack-on-Hudson, N. Y. 
MELLOR, CHas, C., ’85, : : ; : 77 5th Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 

MERCctgER, A., M.D., 95, Taulensee Bad at Spier, Canton Berne, Switzerland. 
MERCER, A. CLIFFORD, M.D., F.R.M.S., ’82, 
324 Montgomery St., Syracuse, N. Y. 
2600 Calumet Ave., Chicago, IIL 
MILLER, JOHN A., F.R.M.S. ’89,_. Niagara University, Buffalo, N. Y. 
MILNOR, CHAS. G., 86, 4 : 5 318 Hiland Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 
genie E. KENNARD, 792, . : : 326 N. Water St., Chicago, II. 


Moopy, Mrs. Mary B., M.D., *83, 
P. O. box 206, Annex, New Haven, Conn. 

Moopy, Rosert O., ’91, : Fair Haven Heights, New Haven, Conn, 
Moors, V. A., M D., ’87, i Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. 
Nonny, RICHARD, J., M.D., 83. ; ‘ 119} York St., Savannah, Ga. 
OERTEL, T. E., M.D., 792, f - . P.O. box 482, New York City. 
OuuER, W. H., 791, 2 : , ; . 18 Locust St., Portland, Me. 
OLIN, R. C., M.D., 90, ; : ; ‘ 110 Henry St., Detroit, Mich. 
PAQUIN, PAUL, M:D., “915 ; : . 3536 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. 
Park, ROSWELL, A.M., M.D., ’84, , 510 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. 
PATCHEN, YORK, M.D., ’84, : : : Westfield, N: We 
PATRICK, FRANK, Ph.D., ’91, ; 601 arene Ave., Topeka, Kansas. 
PEASE, FRED N., 87, . ; Box 210, Altoona, Pa. 
PENNOCK, ED., *79, : 5029 ree St., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa, 
PERRY, STUART H., ’90, : stele /\. X. House, Ann Arbor, Mich. 
PrFLAUuM, Maanus, Hsq., 791, : 415 Grant St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 
PLars, Orro B:, M.D.791, N. W. cor. 8th and State Ave., Cineeaetal Ohio. 
PortTE, JAMES H., EsqQ., ’87, ; ; f 409 Grant St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 
PRENTICE, Wm. J., 87. : : ; 1009 Liberty Ave , Pittsburgh, Pa. 
PRESTON, W.N.. 792, ; : : : 940 W. Adams St., Chicago, Ill. 
PYBURN, GEORGE, M.D., ’86, ; : 11th and H Sts., Sacramento, Cal. 
Rau, EUGENE A., 786, : f : : Bethlehem, Pa. 
REMINGTON, Jos. P., M. te ROT é 1832 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa. 
REYBURN, ROBERT, M. D., 790, 2129 F St., N. W., Washinenees D. C. 
REYNES. PLACIDE, ’87, 5 5 _ 204 Baronne St., New Orleans, La. 
Rice, GEO. W., 90, : 5 : : 186 E. High St., Detroit, Mich. 
Ropsins, HENRY A., M.D., 91, 1750, M St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 
RoGers, Wm. A., A.M., Hon. F.R.M.S., ’82, C . Waterville, Maine. 
ROWLEY, WILLARD W., 90, . ; : ; : Ithaca, N. Y. 
Rust, GEOo., ‘ f ; , : P. O. box 25638, Denver, Col. 
SCHAUFELBERGER, F. J., M.D., ’90 : é 713 2d St., Hastings, Neb. 
SCHRENK, HERMANN, 93, ; Manual Training School, St. Louis, Mo. 
SEAMAN, WM. H., M.D., ’86, 1424 11th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 
SECOR, JABIN, 795, : : : F ; Elmira, N. Y. 
Srymour, Prof. M. L., ’85, ‘ : State Nurmed School, Chico, Cal. 
SHEARER, J. B., 88, __.. ; : ‘ 809 Adams St., Bay City, Mich. 
SHERMAN, WALTER N.,M.D.,’90 . : : ; . . Merced, Cal, 
ScHULTZ, CHAS. S., ’82, ‘ ¢ . ; . Hoboken, N. J. 
SHURLEY, E. L., M.D., ’81 : . 544 Jeftarect Ave., Detroit, Mich. 
Sr1emon, RUDOLPH, ’91, t 22 B. Jefferson St., Fort Wayne, Ind. 

SLOAN, JOHN, M.D., ’80 : . E. 6th and Main St., New Albany, Ind 



Stocum, CuHas. E., Ph.D., M.D., ’79, : : 5 ; Defiance, Ohio. 
SMITH, JOHN B., M.D., 91, ; : ; ; . New Brunswick, N. J. 
SPENCER, HERBERT R., ’85, : ; ; 367 7th St., Buffalo, N. Y. 
STEDMAN, J. M., ’87, x . " ; : . . - Columbia, Mo. 
STERNBERG, GEO. M., M.D., F.R.M.S., ’87, , ‘ Washington, D. C. 
STILLSON, J. O., A.M., M.D, ’80, 245 N. Penna. St,, Indianapolis, Ind. 

Stimson, JAMES, M.D., 791, Lock box 66, Watsonville, Santa Cruz Co., Cal. 
STOWELL, THOMAS B., A.M., Ph.D., ’82, Potsdam, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. 

Summers, Prof. H.E., 86, ... University of Illinois, Champaign, Il. 
SyLvesteR, WILLIAM H., M.D., 90, —.. 6 Clarendon St., Natick, Mass. 
TAYLOR, Rev. F. W., D.D., ’82, : Speingfield, Il. 
TAYLOR, THOMAS, M.D., ’79, Dent of er fenttare, Washington, D. C. 
TERNAN, JAMES C., 93, Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., Rochester, N. Y. 
THEILE, OTTO A., M.D., ’84, , , , 287 3d St., Milwaukee, Wis. 
THOMAS, Prof. MASON B., ’90, : Wabash College, Crawfordsville, (nd. 
TIFFANY, FLAVEL B., M.D., ’86, ‘ 1235 Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 
TINGLEY, J., M.D., ’89, : : : . P. O. box 425, Pittsburgh, Pa. 
BEITYs Wi. EL., (Sls. | ; 4 207 N. 2d St., St. Louis, Mo. 
TOLMAN, Henry L., F.R.M.S., 88, 923 Opera House Src, Chicago, IIL. 
TURNER, HENRY H., ’84, : ; ; . 45 Stone St., Rochester, N. Y. 
howe. AWA, Ph.D., HRMS anos 5 University of Virginia, Va. 
TWITCHELL, GEO. B., ’86 5 j 556 Freeman Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. 
‘VVANDERPOEL, FRANK, M.E., ’87, é 191 Roseville Ave., Newark, N. J. 
VEEDER, ANDREW T.., M.D., ’88, Hamilton Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. 
VEEDER, M. A., M.D., ’85, : ; : ; duyonsN. Y. 
Vorcs, C. M., F.R.M.S., 778, ; . 5 Rouse Block, Cleveland, Ohio. 
VREDENBURGH, E. H., ’84, : . 12258. Fitzhugh St., Rochester, N. Y. 
WAGENHALS, Rev. SAMUEL, ’82, . 5 ; ° Fort Wayne, Ind. 
WALL, JOHN L., F.R.M.S., 78, f , 338 6th Ave., New York City. 
WALMSLEY, W. H., F.R.M.S., ’78, 5 134 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. 

WARD, HeEnRY B., A.M., Ph.D., ’87. 
Professor of Zodlogy, Nebraska University, Lincoln, Neb. 

MAR. hte H., M.D.) BER. M.S, 778; A 5 : 53 4th St., Troy, N. Y. 
WEBER, HENRY A., Ph.D., 86, : 1342 Forsyth Ave., Columbus, Ohio. 
WEIGHTMAN, CHAS. H., ’86, ; : 5859 Michigan Av., Chicago, IIL. 
WELCH, Geo. O., M.D., ’91, F : Box 416, Fergus Falls, Minn. 
WENDE, ERNEST, M.D., 91, ‘ . 71 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. 
WERuUM, J. H., 93, : : ; Toledo, Ohio. 
West, CuHas. E., LL. D., F.R. MS., E 76 eerrepont St., Brooklyn, N. Y.-. 

WESTOVER. H. W., M. D, (SGian ; ; . St. Joseph, Mo. 
WHELPLEY, H. M., M.D., Ph.G., F.R.M. S., 90, 

: 9342 Albion Place, St. Louis, Mo. 
WHITE, JONATHAN, Esq., 91, _ . : . 254 Main St., Brockton, Mass. 



i a 

Waite, MosesC., M.D.,’85, . +. Box 1674, New Haven, 
WHITLEY, James D., M.D., ’85, F F { ate sbu 
WIARD, MarrTIN S., ’86, ae 21 Walnut St., New Britain, 
WIEGAND, Karu McKay, 794, : : Ithaca, 4 
WILBER, GEO. D., M.D., 98, . . ~.. " 3108 Gilpin St., Denver, ¢ 
WILLICH, CHAS., JR., 790, : : 696 President St., New Yorks 
WILLSON, LEONIDAS A., ’85, : . — 13 Public Sees Cleveland, 
WILsoNn, Mrs. Mary R., M.D.,’95_ ; : Ithaca, 

Woopwarp, ANTHONY, 85, . . 206 W, 128th St., New York City. 
WooLMAaN, Geo. S., ’79, : : : 116 Fulton St., New York City. 

Youne, Aveustus A., ’92, , =a Newark, Wayne Co., N. 
YznaGa, José M., Esq., 90, . : May Building, Washington, D. 

ZENTMAYER, FRANK, "91,  . . . 2098, 11th St., Philadelphia, I 

Honorary [lembers. 

Crisp, FRANK, LL.B., B.A., F.R.M.S., 5 
5 Landsdowne Road, Nottingham Hill, London, England. 

DALLINGER, Rev, W. H., F.R.S., F.R.M.S., : 

Toei Lee, S. E., London, Englar 

Hupson, Rev. C. T., A.M., LL.D., F.R.MS., _ ay 

6 posal York Crescent, Clifton, Bristol, England, — 

2ST OLIN CE Xt Boast i 



The American Microscopical Society, 

Pe Eee Sree IME SORK, 

August 21, 22 and 23, 1895. 


Dr. V. A. MOORE, Washington, D. C. H.C. HANKS San Francisco, Cal. 
Dr. WILLIAM H. SEAMAN, Washington, D. C. 
MAGNUS PFLAUM, Pittsburg, Pa. 
Dr. ROBERT O. MOODY, New Haven, Conn. 




The Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the American Microscop- 
ical Society will convene in McGraw Hall, at Cornell University, 
Ithaca, N.Y., Wednesday morning, August 2Ist, 1895, and continue 
in session three days. 

If one considers the distribution of the members, Ithaca is as 
central a point for meeting as can be found. Moreover those who 
desire to attend the meeting of the American Association for the 
advancement of Science the following week will find little incon- 
venience in attending the Ithaca meeting. 

The acccmmodations afforded by the University buildings, and 
their equipment for carrying on all lines of microscopical work, add 
very materially to the attractiveness of Ithaca as a place of meeting. 
Add to this the richness of both terrestrial and aquatic fauna and 
floya, and it is almost an ideal place, both to the student of natural 
history and to those who love beautiful scenery. 

It has often enough been demonstrated that local interest con- 
tributes a great deal toward the success of a meeting. Much inter- 
est in the coming meeting has already been shown by the people of 
Ithaca. <A large local committee has been formed and everything 
will be done within its power, that will contribute to the comfort and 
enjoyment of the members and their friends. 

In most of the scientific departments of the University there are 
already members of the Society, and in all departments there will be 
a most hearty welcome, and every reasonable aid will be furnished 
for the success of the meeting. Finally and not least, the President 
of the University extends to the Society a most cordial welcome. 

The University buildings, which will be at the disposal of the 
Society, are especially adapted for the formal presentation of papers, 
blackboard illustration, hanging of diagrams, etc., as well as for any 
demonstration that authors may desire to make. ‘The Armory is 
very conveniently located for the University and for the city, anda 
soiree there can hardly fail to be a success. 

The University possesses one of Roger's dividing engines and 
the department of Physics has kindly promised to show the members 
exactly how micrometers are made. ‘There is also a large compara- 
tor for carefully testing micrometers after they are made. ‘This one 
was actually used in determining the exactness of the rulings of our 
standard centimeter. 


The local time-table is as follows : 

LEHIGH VALLEY.—Northward—*6:41 A. M.,8:20A M., *4:30P. M.,5:45P. M. 
Southward —8:25 A. M., 11:45 A. M., 8:00 P. M., *10:15 P. M.; also train 
from the north arrives at 12:40 P. M., daily. 
Southward—11:30 A. M., Sunday only. 

AUBURN BRANCH, L. V.—Leave—8:30 A. M., 1:00 P. M., 4:05 P. M. 
Arrive—8:10 A. M., 12:35 P. M., 7.55 P. M. 

DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN.—Leave—8:55 A. M., 12:00 M., 
7:00 P. M. 
Arrive—6:55 A. M., 1:28 P. M., 4:55 P. M. 
ELMIRA, CORTLAND & NORTHERN.—Eastward—8:56 A. M,, 3.22 P. M., 6:17 
P. M., Sunday, 9:50 A. M. 
Westward—g:42 A. M., 3:58 P. M., 9:03 P. M., Sunday, 4:53 P. M. 

Ithaca is upon the main line of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, 
about four hours ride from Buffalo, and ten hours from New York 
and Philadelphia. The Elmira, Cortland and Northern Railroad passes 
through the city connecting, at Elmira with the New York, Lake 
Erie, and Western Railroad, the Delaware, Lackawanna and West- 
ern Railroad, and other roads ; also connecting in Canastota with 
the New York Central Railroad and the West Shore Railroad. The 
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad has a line into Ithaca 
connecting with the main line at Owego. A branch line of the 
Lehigh Valley Railroad connects with the Auburn branch of the 
New York Central Railroad at Auburn and Owego. 

Steamboats connect daily with both east and west bound trains 
on the New York Central Railroad (Auburn branch). 

A representative of the local committee will meet each incom- 
ing train Tuesday and Wednesday, in order to give information to 
arriving members. He will wear a conspicuous badge bearing the 
initials of the Society, A. M. S. } 


Arrangements have been made with the ‘Traffic Association 
whereby a reduction to one and one-third fare for round trip for per- 
sons attending the meeting will be made. 


1. The reduction is made upon all railroads comprised in the the Trunk- 
Line territory and also the territory of the Central Traffic Association. The 
membership is almost entirely within the limits of the territory covered by 
these organizations. : 

2. The reduction is fare and a third on Committee’s certificate, condi- 
tional on there being an attendance at the meeting of not less than 100 per- 
sons who traveled thereto on some legitimate form of railroad transportation. 

The reduction applies to persons starting from Trunk Line or Central 
Traffic Association territory who have paid 75 cents or upwards for their 


going journey. Each person availing of it will pay full first-class fare going 
to the meeting and get acertificate filled in on one side by the agent of whom 
the ticket is purchased. Agents at all important stations and coupon ticket 
offices are supplied with certificates. 

4. Certificates are not kept at all stations. If, however, the ticket agent 
at a local station is not supplied with certificates and through tickets to place 
of meeting, he can inform the delegates of the nearest important station 
where they can be obtained. In such a case the delegate should purchase a 
local ticket to such station and there take up his certificate and through ticket 
to place of mreting. 

5. Going tickets, in connection with which certificates are issued for 
return, may be sold only within three days (Sunday excepted) prior to and 
during the continuance of the meeting ; except that, when meetings are held 
at distant points to which the authorized limit is greater than three days, 
tickets may be sold before the meeting in accordance with the limits shown in 
regular tariffs. 

6. Deposit the certificate with the secretary or other proper officer of 
the organization at the meeting, for necessary endorsement and visé of 
special agent. 

7. Certificates are not transferable, and return tickets secured upon cer- 
tificates are not transferable. 

8. On presentation of the certificate, duly filled in on both sides, within 
three days (Sunday excepted) after the adjournment of the meeting, the ticket 
agent at the place of meeting will return the holder to starting point, by the 
route over which the going journey was made, at one-third the highest lim- 
ited fare by such route. The return ticket will iu all cases be closely limited 
to continuous passage to destination. 

9. No refund of fare will be made on account of any person failing to 
obtain a certificate. 


The regular daily sessions will be held in McGraw Hall in the 
rooms occupied by the Department of Physiology and Vertebrate 
Zoology. The evening sessions will be held in the Botanical Lecture- 
room in Sage College. The soiree will be in the University gym- 
nasium. Members of the local committee will be in attendance at — 
the places of meeting to give all desired information. Badges will 
be given each member as he arrives and registers for the meeting. 


Ithaca Hotel—Corner of State and Aurora streets. Rates, $2.00 
and $2.50 per day. 

Clinton House—Cayuga street, one block from the street cars. 
Rates, single, $2.00 per day ; double, $1.50 per day. 

Tompkins House—Seneca street, one block from the street cars. 
Rates, $1.25 per day. 

Hollister House—Seneca street, a block and a half from street 
cars. Rates, single, $1.50 per day ; double, $1.25 per day. 

Boarding Houses—There are many private boarding houses up- 
on and near the campus, and near the street cars, where board and 
rooms can be secured at very reasonable rates. Suites of rooms can 
be secured for from $.50 to $1.00 per day, and table board at from 
$.75 to $1.00. These are both pleasant and convenient. Single 


meals can be gotten for 25 cents each. Any one desiring accommo- 
dations at boarding houses will find it to their advantage to inquire 
of members of the local committee either before coming or imme- 
diately upon arriving. 

Boarding places will be secured for those who fill out and return 
the enclosed blank. Such persons will be notified of the quarters 
secured for them. 


Ithaca has ample and very efficient street car service. There 
are two main lines, one through the main street of the city (State 
street), connecting the railroad depots with the University campus, 
and within one minute walk of both places of meeting. Cars run 
upon these lines every ten minutes. ‘The other is from the business 
portion of the city to Renwick Park, a delightful resort upon the 
shore of Cayuga Lake. 


An excursion upon Cayuga Lake will be given the members of 
the Society by the people of Ithaca on the afternoon and evening of 
the second day of the meeting. The street car company will give a 
ride to Renwick Park and return, from which point the party will 
take boats for the excursion upon the lake. 


Microscopes will be furnished from the University laboratories 
for exhibitors to use at the soiree, thus doing away with the expense 
and trouble of transporting microscopes. ‘Those who desire to make 
special demonstrations will need to bring their own instruments. 


Members desiring to send material intended for exhibition or 
use at the meeting, should address it to Ithaca, N. Y., care of Mc- 
Graw Hall. All such packages will be delivered by the express 
company and cared for until called for by the owner. 


Blanks for membership are enclosed and others may be had 
on application to the Secretary, Professor W. H. Seaman, Washing- 
LOD Der Cc: 



Tuesday, 8:00 Pp. M.—Meeting of the Executive Committee, 
Botanical Lecture room. 


Morning, 9:30—McGraw Hall, Address of welcome by Hon. D. 
F. Van Vleet. Response by the President of the Society. Read- 
ing of papers. 

Afternoon—Inspection of the Library and other University 
buildings. Illustration of methods of marking micrometers upon a 
ruling engine at Franklin Hall (Physical Building. ) 

Evening, 8:oo—Botanical Lecture room, President Gage’s 
address. Subject : The Processes of Life Revealed by the Microscope. 


Morning, 8:30—McGraw Hall, Meeting of the Executive Com- 
mittee. 9:30—Reading of papers. 

Afternoon and Evening—Excursion on Cayuga Lake. 

Morning, 8:30—McGraw Hall, Meeting of Executive Commit- 
tee. 9:30—Demonstrations and reading of papers on methods. 

Afternoon—Business meeting of the Society. 

/vening—Soiree in the University Gymmasium. 

Up to the present time the following titles of papers have been 
received. They are arranged alphabetically under the authors. 

It is hoped that the blanks for additional titles sent out with this 
announcement will be used and titles sent as long before the meet- 
ing as possible so that the program may be arranged in a way to 
make the most advantageous use of the time available for the ses- 

1. Comparison of the Fleischel, the Gower and the Specific 
Gravity Method of Determining the percentage of Hemoglobin in 
Blood for Clinical Purposes. F. C. Buschand A.T. Kerr, Jr., Buffalo, 

2. Cocaine in the study of pond-life. Professor H. N. Conser, 
Sunbury, Pa. 

3. Paraffinand Collodion Embedding. Professor H. N. Conser. 

4. The Fruits of the Order Umbelliferee. Dr. E. J. Durand, 
Ithaca, N. Y. 


5. The history of the Sex-Cells from the time of segregation 
to sexual differentiation in Cymatogaster. Proiessor C. H. Eigen- 
mann, Bloomington, Indiana. 

6. ‘The use of Formalin in Neurology. Dr. P. A. Fish, Ithaca, 

7. The action of strong currents of electricity upon Nervous : 
Massue. Dr. P. A. Fish, Ithaca, N: Y. 

8. The morphology of the Brain of the Soft-Shelled Turtle and 
the English Sparrow compared. Susanna P. Gage, Ithaca N. Y. 

g. Improvements in the Collodion Method. Professor S. H. 
Gage, Ithaca, N. Y. 

1o. A fourth study of the Blood showing the relation of the Col- 
orless corpuscle to the strength of the constitution. Dr. M. L. Hol- 

brook, New York City. 
11. The Lymphatics and the Lymph Circulation with demon- 
stration of specimens and apparatus. Dr. Grant S. Hopkins, 
ithaca, N. Y. 

12. Some peculiarities in the structure of the Mouth Parts and 
Ovipositer of Czcada septendecim. Professor J. D. Hyatt, New Ro- 
chelle, N. Y. 

13. The Lateral Line System of Sense Organs in Amphibia. 
Dr. B. F. Kingsbury, Defiance, O. 

14. The Spermatheca and Methods of Fertilization in some 
American Newts and Salamanders. Dr. B. F. Kingsbury, Defiance,O. 

15. The Segmentation of the Vertebrate Head. Dr. J. S. 
Kingsley, Tuft College, Mass. 

16. Formalin asa Hardening Agent for Nerve Tissue. Dr. 
Wm. C. Krauss, Buffalo, N. Y. 

17. Anew Way of Marking Objectives. Dr. Wm. C. Krauss, 
Buffalo, N. Y. 

18. Demonstration of Histological Preparations by the Projec- 
tion Microscope. Drs. Krauss and Mallonee, Buffalo, N. Y. 

19. Secondary Thickenings of the Rootstalk of Spathyema. 
Mary A. Nichols, Ithaca, N. Y. 

20. A Practical Method of Referring Units of Length to the 
Wave Length of Sodium Light. Professor Wm. A. Rogers, Wa- 
terville, Me. 

21. The Chlorophyll Bodies of Chara coronata. Professor 
W. W. Rowlee, Ithaca, N. Y. 

22. The Fruits of. the Order Composite. Professor W. W. 
Rowlee and K. M. Wiegand, Ithaca, N. Y. 

23. Corky Outgrowth of Roots and their Connection with Res- . 
piration. H. Schrenk, Cambridge, Mass. 

24. New Points in Photo-micrographs and Cameras, W. H. 
Walmsley, Chicago, Il. 

25. Some Experiments in Methods of Plankton Measurements. 
Professor Henry B. Ward, Lincoln, Neb. 


26. The Primitive Source of Food Supply in the Great Lakes. 
Professor Henry B. Ward, Lincoln, Neb. 
27. Two Cases of Intercellular Spaces in Vegetable Embryos. 

K. M. Wiegand, Ithaca, N. Y. 

The firms named below in alphabetical order will be represented 
at the meeting with the products of their manufacture as follows : 

The Bausch & Lomb Optical Company of Rochester and New 
York, N. Y., with a full line of their Microscopes and Microtomes 
of New construction. Also their Photo-micrographic Camera and 
various Accessories. 

E. Leitz, of Wetzlar, Germany, represented by Wm. Kraft, of 
New York, will exhibit six grades of Microscope Stands ; a Mechan- 
ical Stage ; Dissecting Microscope with Camera Lucida ; Edinger’s 
Projection Apparatus with Photographic Camera ; Photo-Micro- 
graphic Apparatus ; Microtomes of the Schanze and Thoma patterns. 

Walmsley, Fuller & Co., of Chicago, will exhibit Walmsley’s 
new ‘‘Autograph’’ Photo-micrographic Camera, the Improved Handy 
Camera, and Ross New Eclipse Microscopes. 

Joseph Zentmayer of Philadelphia, Pa., will exhibit his Colum- 
bian and Continental Microscope stands and the Ryder Microtome. 

These exhibits of the newest forms of microscopes, microtomes, 
photo-micrographic and other apparatus and accessories, together 
with the various apparatus in the laboratories of the University, it is 
believed, will help the members in selecting the apparatus likely to 
be most useful and best adapted to their special needs. 


PROFESSOR W. W. ROWLEE, Chairviman. 

Professor L. H. Bailey, 
Eugene Baker, M.D., 

H. Bergholtz, 

H. B. Besemer, M.D., 

C. P. Biggs, M.D.., 

Chas. H. Blood, Esq., 

C. D. Bostwick, 
Professor F. D. Boynton, 
A. B. Brooks, 

Maj. D. W. Burdick, 
Professor G. C. Caldwell, 
E. M. Chamot, 

Wm. A. Church, 

Professor J. H. Comstock, 

Dr. E. J. Durand, 
Professor W. F. Durand, 
Professor H. W. Foster, 
Professor E. A. Fuertes, 
Chas. W. Gay, 

Professor A. C. Gill, 
Professor E. Hitchcock, 
Dr. G.S. Hopkins, 

D. F. Hoy, 

Chas. A. Ives 
Professor H. S. Jacoby, 
B. F. Kingsbury, 
Professor James Law 
A. D. MacGillivray, 
Professor G. S. Moler, 
Professor J. L. Morris, 
V. D. Morse, 

J. T. Newman, Esq., 
Jacob Peters, 

F, W. Phillips, 

GG. Platt 

Professor A. N. Prentiss, 
Jacob Rothschild, 

Belle Sherman, 

M. V. Slingerland, 

D. B Stewart, 

C. D. Stowell, 

Professor R. S. Tarr, 
Professor R. H. Thurston, 
Professor E. B. Titchener, 
Mayor L. G. Todd, 

Hon. D. F. Van Vleet, 
K. M. Wiegand, 

Dr. A. C. White, 

Chas. H. White, 
Professor B. G. Wilder, 
E. lL. Williams, Esq., 
Geo. R. Williams, Esq. 
R. B. Williams. 

Professor S. G. Williams, 
Professor H. H. Wing, 

J. Winslow, M.D. 



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