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Volume  40  Part  1 2007 



Volume  40  Part  1 2007 

Editor:  PW  Lambley 
Assistant  Editor:  AR  Leech 






Assistant  Secretary 

Membership  Committee  Chairman 
Membership  Committee  Secretary 
Programme  Committee  Chairman 
Programme  Committee  Secretary 
Publications  Committee  Chairman 
Publications  Committee  Secretary 
Research  Committee  Chairman 
Research  Committee  Secretary 
Hon.  Independent  Examiner 
Elected  Members  of  Council 

M Cocker 

RE  Baker,  PR  Banham,  MA  Brewster, 
AL  Bull,  KB  Clarke,  DA  Dorling, 

KC  Durrant,  RC  Haney,  PW  Lambley, 

DL  Pauli 

S Harrap 

R Carpenter 

FJL  Farrow 

Dl  Richmond 

D Jones 

SM  Livermore 

RW  Ellis 

SR  Martin 

AR  Leech 

PW  Lambley 

AL  Bull 

J Negal 

S Pearson 

DL  Cheyne,  K Charters,  G Coupland, 
P Collyer,  T Dove,  J Goldsmith, 

AG  Irwin,  Dl  Leech,  B MacFarlane, 

A Musgrove,  D Robinson 

Copyright:  all  rights  reserved.  No  part  of  this  publication  may  be  reproduced,  stored  in 
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Act  1988.  Applications  for  permission  should  be  addressed  to  the  Secretary  (see 
inside  back  cover  for  address.) 

Publisher:  Norfolk  & Norwich  Naturalists’  Society. 

ISSN  0375  7226 

Heaths,  woods  and  hedges:  some 
historical  perspectives  on  Norfolk’s  2008 
‘natural’  landscapes  j 

Presidential  address  delivered  to  the  Society  on 
13  February  2007 

Tom  Williamson 

Department  of  History,  University  of  East  Anglia,  Norwich  NR4  7TJ 

The  study  of  landscape  history,  and  natural  history,  have  long  been  connected, 
in  the  county  of  Norfolk  perhaps  more  than  anywhere  else  in  England. 
From  the  early  years  of  the  twentieth  century  W.G. Clarke  was  fully  aware 
that,  in  order  to  understand  the  character  of  the  natural  environment,  some 
knowledge  of  past  forms  of  land  use  and  management  were  essential.  Indeed, 
Clarke  seems  to  have  made  little  distinction  between  the  study  of  human 
settlement,  and  the  study  of  the  natural  environment.  His  most  famous  work. 
In  Breckland  Wilds , breaks  conventional  disciplinary  divisions  with  gusto: 
the  particular  characteristics  of  Breckland,  a region  which  was  itself  Clarke’s 
own  invention,  are  explained  through  a wide-ranging  consideration  of  both 
natural  and  human  influences,  the  latter  including  - in  his  description  of 
rabbit  fanning  especially  - contemporary  modes  of  exploitation. 

Although  people  like  Clarke  were,  in  effect,  doing  what  we  would  today 
describe  as  landscape  history,  the  latter  did  not  really  emerge  as  a distinct 
and  recognised  discipline  until  the  work  of  W.G. Hoskins,  Maurice  Beresford 
and  others  in  the  1950s  and  60s.  The  subject  developed  steadily  in  scope  and 
sophistication  thereafter,  however,  and  today  there  are  two  national  journals 
devoted  to  the  subject  (Landscape  History  and  Landscapes ) and  numerous 
undergraduate  and  postgraduate  courses  at  British  universities,  while  each 
year  innumerable  books  with  the  term  ‘landscape’  in  their  title  are  published. 
Initially,  the  new  subject  developed  out  of  historical  geography  and  field 
archaeology,  but  historical  ecology  has  also  become  an  important  influence, 
especially  through  the  work  of  Oliver  Rackham,  whose  monumental  History 
of  the  Countryside  was  published  in  1986. 


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2007  40(1) 

Today,  landscane  historians  usually  feel  some  need  to  understand  the  basics 
of  historical  ecology,  at  least  in  so  far  as  this  relates  to  such  characteristic 
components  of  the  landscape  as  woods  or  hedges;  while  ecologists  are  usually 
keen  to  comprehend  the  land  use  and  management  history  of  particular 
habitats.  Connections  between  the  two  disciplines  are  further  encouraged  by 
the  fact  that,  among  amateur  practitioners  in  particular,  as  with  Clarke,  an 
enthusiasm  for  the  countryside  embraces  both.  Moreover,  cooperation  and 
interplay  between  the  two  is  increasingly  entrenched  in  agro-environmental 
policies  which  recognise  the  close  interconnections  between  the  cultural  and 
the  natural  landscape. 

But  not  everything  about  the  relationship  between  landscape  historians,  and 
those  interested  in  the  natural  environment,  is  rosy.  To  a significant  extent 
members  of  the  two  groups  come  from  different  intellectual  traditions 
and,  while  they  make  increasing  use  of  each  other’s  work,  they  can  remain 
conceptually  divided  by  the  ‘two  cultures’.  Historians  and  archaeologists 
often  treat  biological  and  botanical  methods,  theory  and  data  in  a naive  way. 
Conversely,  those  primarily  involved  in  natural  history  often  have  a strangely 
simplistic  view  of  the  social  and  economic  processes  that  have  shaped 
landscapes  and  habitats,  a view  which  - to  those  on  the  other  side  of  the 
cultural  divide  - often  seems  to  be  derived  largely  from  the  childhood  reading 
of  Ladybird  Books.  In  particular,  while  fully  aware  of  the  complexity  of  the 
natural  processes  shaping  the  character  of  landscapes,  natural  scientists  seem 
often  to  view  the  past  influence  of  human  societies  in  a rather  simpler  way, 
in  terms  of ‘rational’  economic  activity  following  straightforward,  ‘common 
sense’  strategies  of  survival.  Historians  and  archaeologists,  in  contrast,  view 
human  societies,  and  thus  their  relationship  with  the  environment,  in  more 
complex  terms.  Questions  of  status  and  ideology  also  moulded  the  landscape 
and  its  exploitation;  economic  ‘rationality’  changed  its  character  over  time; 
and  much  about  the  environment  was  created  less  by  ‘rational’  patterns  of 
exploitation,  maximising  outputs  on  the  basis  of  the  available  technology, 
than  by  the  struggles  between  different  interest  groups  within  society  - lords 
and  peasants,  landlords  and  farmers,  fanners  and  workers,  or  whatever.  But 
above  all,  historians  and  natural  scientists  perhaps  differ  in  the  emphasis  they 
each  place  on  the  respective  influences  of  ‘natural’  and  ‘social’  processes 
in  the  formation  of  habitats  and  landscape  features:  and,  as  a landscape 
historian,  I would  perhaps  place  more  emphasis  than  many  readers  on  the 
human  contribution,  especially  when  studying  a long-settled  and  intensively 
cultivated  region  like  Norfolk. 

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2007  40  (1) 



I want  briefly  to  examine  some  of  these  issues,  in  a Norfolk  context,  and 
will  begin  by  looking  at  the  work  of  Max  Hooper  and  Ernest  Pollard  on  the 
historical  significance  of  the  species  composition  of  hedges  (Pollard  et  al. 
1974).  As  will  be  well  known  to  most  readers,  Hooper’s  study  of  hedges  in 
the  1960s  and  70s  culminated  in  the  suggestion  that  they  tend  to  acquire  new 
species  at  a relatively  standard  rate  and  can,  in  consequence,  be  roughly  dated 
by  counting  the  number  of  different  shrubs  which  they  presently  contain  in  a 
standard  length  of  c.30  yards,  on  the  basis  of  the  rough  equation  ‘one  species 
= one  century’  (Pollard  et  al.  1974,  p.78-84).  Hooper  was  cautious  in  this 
suggestion,  emphasising  the  importance  of  local  variations  in  colonisation 
rates  and  stressing  that  the  method  only  provided  a very  approximate  guide 
to  a hedge’s  antiquity.  But,  when  embraced  by  landscape  and  local  historians, 
eager  to  use  a method  which  would  provide  dates  for  field  boundaries 
(especially  in  places  lacking  early  maps),  such  caution  was  usually  thrown  to 
the  winds.  Numerous  studies  were  produced  which  confidently  dated  hedges 
to  specific  periods,  even  to  particular  centuries  (e.g.  Hewett  1974). 

Pollard’s  research  was  less  eagerly  embraced  by  students  of  landscape.  He 
reached  conclusions  which,  although  aired  in  the  same  volume  as  those 
of  Hooper,  differed  from  his  in  a number  of  important  ways.  In  particular, 
Pollard  drew  attention  to  a type  of  very  mixed  hedge,  characterised  by  large 
amounts  of  Hazel  ( Corylus  avellana ),  Dogwood  ( Cornus  sanguined ) and 
other  woodland  shrubs,  and  containing  a range  of  woodland  plants  in  the 
herb  layer  (Pollard  et  al.  1974,  p.86-90;  Pollard  1973).  Pollard  believed 
that  these  ‘woodland  relict  hedges’  had  been  created  by  managing  lines  of 
woodland  vegetation  around  assarts  cut  from  woodland  early  in  the  medieval 
period.  Such  very  mixed  hedges  had  been  species-rich  from  the  start:  unlike 
Hooper’s  species-rich  hedges,  which  had  acquired  their  character  through 
colonisation  over  time  (Cameron  1984,  p.204). 

A substantial  body  of  research,  in  Norfolk  and  elsewhere,  has  cast  doubt  on 
many  of  these  old  suggestions,  and  in  particular  has  questioned  the  validity 
of  ‘Hooper’s  rule’  - although  it  retains  support  in  some  influential  quarters 
(e.g.  Rackham  1986,  1976).  As  already  noted.  Hooper  himself  made  clear 
that  variations  in  seed  supply,  and  in  the  character  of  soils,  could  have  a 
major  influence  on  the  speed  with  which  hedges  acquired  additional  species. 
He  nevertheless  seems  to  have  underestimated  the  full  extent  to  which  such 
things  could,  in  practice,  affect  colonisation  rates.  In  Norfolk,  for  example, 
the  kind  of  ruler-straight  hedges  established  in  the  eighteenth  and  nineteenth 


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2007  40  (1) 

centuries,  and  mostly  in  the  period  1780  - 1830,  are  still  dominated  by 
the  hawthorn  or  blackthorn  with  which  they  were  first  planted,  and  ought 
everywhere  to  contain  the  same  approximate  numbers  of  adventitious 
colonists.  But  they  do  not.  Those  established  on  moist  clays  contain  on 
average  significantly  more  shrubs  (4.3  per  30  metres  on  Beccles  Association 
soils,  4.2  on  Burlingham  soils)  than  those  growing  on  light,  well-drained 
soils  (2.6  per  30  metres  on  Wick  2 and  3 soils,  2.4  on  those  of  the  Newmarket 
Association).  The  relationship  between  soils,  and  species  diversity,  is  in  part 
an  indirect  one,  relating  to  factors  of  seed  supply.  In  Norfolk,  the  districts  of 
clay  soils  retained  significant  amounts  of  woodland  throughout  history,  and 
already  had  some  hedges  in  the  middle  ages,  whereas  lighter  soils  generally 
remained  open  and  largely  treeless  from  very  early  until  relatively  recent 
times.  But  in  part  the  relationship  is  probably  direct:  new  species  simply 
became  established  at  a faster  rate  in  hedges  growing  on  moist,  fertile  soils 
than  in  those  growing  in  leached,  dry  contexts  (Barnes  and  Williamson  2006, 

A far  more  important  problem  with  the  ‘Hooper  hypothesis’,  as  a series  of 
researchers  have  suggested,  is  that  it  underestimates  the  extent  to  which  early 
hedges  may  have  been  planted  with  a range  of  different  shrubs.  To  some 
extent,  that  is,  older  hedges  contain  more  shrub  species  than  younger  ones 
not  simply  because  they  have  had  more  time  to  acquire  colonists,  but  also 
because  they  started  off  with  more.  Careful  analysis  of  a substantial  number  of 
Norfolk  hedges  has  revealed  that  while  those  of  eighteenth-century  and  later 
date  appear  significantly  different  in  composition  from  those  planted  in  the 
sixteenth  and  seventeenth  centuries,  the  latter  display  few  obvious  differences 
from  those  of  probable  medieval  or  earlier  origins:  they  are  simply  mixed, 
rather  randomly,  in  character  (Barnes  and  Williamson  2006,  p.74).  This 
mirrors  closely  the  conclusions  of  Willmott  (1980)  in  Derbyshire  and  Hall 
(1982)  in  Yorkshire,  the  latter  memorably  noting  how  pre-  eighteenth-century 
hedges  simply  formed  a ‘statistically  indistinguishable  group’.  In  part  at  least 
this  is  probably  due  to  the  fact  that  whereas  eighteenth  and  nineteenth-century 
hedges  were  normally  planted  with  Hawthorn,  Blackthorn,  or  a mixture  of 
these  species,  earlier  ones  were  initially  planted  with  a rather  greater  range  of 
plants,  a practice  which  - as  Wendy  Johnson  demonstrated  many  years  ago 
- is  clearly  indicated  in  the  documentary  evidence  (Johnson  1978).  Planting 
practice,  in  other  words,  changed  over  time,  and  for  a number  of  reasons. 
Early  hedges,  generally  planted  by  small  fanners  in  a peasant  economy, 
were  not  merely  intended  to  serve  as  stock-proof  barriers.  They  were  also 
established  to  supply  a range  of  resources  - fuel  mainly,  but  also  perhaps 

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2007  40(1) 


fodder  and  fruit.  Even  in  the  eighteenth  century,  in  the  words  of  William 
Marshall,  the  entire  supply  of  wood  and  timber  in  an  area  like  north  east 
Norfolk  ‘ may  be  said,  with  little  latitude,  to  be  from  hedge-rows  ’ (Marshall 
1787,  p.96).  Eighteenth-  and  nineteenth-century  hedges,  in  contrast,  were 
mainly  planted  by  large  landowners,  men  who  obtained  their  firewood  from 
coppiced  woodland  or  plantations,  or  used  coal  on  their  fires;  and  who  had 
little  use  for  the  other  resources  which  hedges  might  provide.  They  viewed 
hedges  simply  as  boundaries,  and  as  barriers  to  stock,  and  may  also  have  had  an 
ideological  hostility  to  ‘peasanty’  mixed  hedges,  and  an  aesthetic  preference 
for  low,  neatly  trimmed,  single-species  ones.  The  early  planting  of  multi- 
species hedges  was  also,  of  course,  encouraged  by  the  difficulty  of  obtaining 
large  quantities  of  hedging  thorn  in  the  period  before  the  development  of 
large  commercial  nurseries,  something  which,  in  a local  context,  only  seems 
to  have  occurred  from  the  middle  decades  of  the  eighteenth  century.  All  this, 
if  correct,  obviously  makes  nonsense  of  Hooper’s  ‘rule’.  If  hedges  in  the  past 
were  planted  with  an  unknown  number  of  species  - but  with  more  than  one 
- then  even  if  they  acquired  new  colonists  at  a standard  rate  we  could  never 
estimate  their  age,  even  approximately,  from  the  number  of  different  shrubs 
which  they  contain  today. 

The  ideas  about  hedges  put  forward  by  Ernest  Pollard  in  the  1960s  and  70s 
have  perhaps  stood  up  to  scrutiny  rather  better  than  those  of  his  colleague 
Hooper.  In  Norfolk,  certainly,  the  majority  of  hedges  which  he  would  have 
characterised  as  being  of ‘woodland  relict’  type  do  seem  to  occur  on  boundaries 
which  we  might  suspect  are  among  the  oldest  in  the  landscape:  on  old  lanes, 
former  common  edges,  parish  boundaries  (Barnes  and  Williamson  2006, 
p.84-96).  They  were  presumably  established  in  the  early  medieval  period  in 
a landscape  in  which  woodland  was  relatively  abundant,  even  on  the  lighter 
soils  of  the  county,  thus  providing  an  abundant  source  both  of  hedging  plants, 
and  of  seeds  for  colonisation.  For  we  should  not  perhaps  follow  Pollard  all  the 
way,  and  see  such  hedges  as  having  been  cut  directly  out  of  woodland.  Indeed, 
some  hedges  of  ‘relict’  type  surround  fields  which,  to  judge  from  their  shape, 
were  created  by  informal  ‘piecemeal’  enclosure  from  the  open  fields.  Most 
such  hedges  are  probably  characterised  by  a predominance  of  ‘woodland’ 
shrubs  - including  in  a few  cases  such  relative  rarities  as  Wild  service-tree 
(. Sorbus  torminalis)  and  Small-leaved  Lime  (Tilia  cordata)  - simply  because 
they  were  planted  with  material  gathered  from  the  local  woodland.  And  once 
again,  we  must  be  careful  not  to  underestimate  the  direct  influences  of  soils 
on  hedge  vegetation.  The  distribution  of  ‘woodland  indicator’  herb  species 
like  Dogs  Mercury  ( Mercurialis  perennis ) or  Primrose  {Primula  vulgaris) 


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seems,  on  the  Norfolk  evidence,  to  be  much  more  closely  related  to  soil  type 
than  to  the  age  or  antiquity  of  the  hedge  in  question,  with  such  plants  being 
particularly  abundant  in  hedges  growing  on  moist  and  fertile  clays.  Indeed, 
both  of  these  species  can  be  found  on  occasions  in  hedges  of  eighteenth  or 
even  nineteenth-century  origin  in  parts  of  south  and  central  Norfolk. 

Landscape  historians  can  certainly  learn  something  about  the  history  of 
clearance,  settlement  and  enclosure  from  the  study  of  hedges:  we  should 
not,  that  is,  throw  the  baby  out  with  the  proverbial  bathwater.  But  Hooper’s 
simple  ‘rule’  is  incorrect  and  misleading  not  only  because  it  oversimplifies 
the  complex  ecology  of  hedges,  but  also  because  it  interprets  variations  in 
their  botany  almost  entirely  in  terms  of  natural  factors,  rather  than  as  the 
outcome  of  the  complex  interplay  of  natural  and  human  influences. 


Heaths  are  another  good  example  of  the  way  that  social  and  environmental 
factors  combined  in  the  making  of  Norfolk’s  landscape.  Until  the  end  of 
the  eighteenth  century  Norfolk  probably  had  more  heathland  than  any  other 
county  in  England.  As  William  Faden’s  county  map  (surveyed  in  the  1790s) 
makes  clear,  the  largest  concentration  was  in  Breckland,  in  the  south-west 
of  the  county,  where  aeolian  sands  were  laid  down  during  the  Devensian 
glaciation  over  boulder  clay  or  chalk  (Boulton  et  a/.  1984).  To  the  north,  a 
second  cluster  of  heaths  extended  northwards  along  the  edge  of  the  Wash 
from  Mintlyn  to  Snettisham,  associated  with  the  Greensand  and  related 
formations  of  Cretaceous  date.  In  earlier  times  there  had  also  been  extensive 
areas  of  heath  on  the  higher  ground  to  the  east  of  this  belt,  in  the  ‘Good 
Sands’  region  of  north-west  Norfolk,  but  most  of  these  had  been  reclaimed 
during  the  half-century  or  so  before  Faden’s  map  was  made.  The  geology  of 
the  area  was  broadly  similar  to  that  of  Breckland,  but  here  the  layers  of  sandy 
drift  were  thinner,  and  the  soils  more  easily  marled  and  cultivated  (Wade 
Martins  and  Williamson  1999,  p34-43).  Further  areas  of  heathland  could, 
however,  be  found  on  the  outwash  gravels  to  the  north  of  Norwich,  and  along 
the  north  Norfolk  coast,  on  the  moraine  ridge  between  Holt  and  Cromer.  In 
addition,  a scatter  of  heaths  existed,  until  the  parliamentary  enclosures  of  the 
early  nineteenth  century,  across  the  boulder  clay  plateau  in  the  centre  of  the 
county,  associated  with  small  areas  of  glacial  sands  or  gravels.  Some  Norfolk 
heaths,  especially  in  Breckland,  were  grass  heaths:  but  most  were  dominated 
by  Heather  ( Calluna  vulgaris ),  with  subsidiary  populations  of  Gorse  ( Ulex 

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2007  40  (1) 

europaeus ) and  Bracken  ( Pteridium  aquilinum). 

Some  heaths,  especially  in  Breckland,  may  have  remained  as  open  ground 
since  the  last  glaciation  but  most  were  once  covered  in  trees.  These  were 
removed,  by  felling  and  overgrazing,  by  early  farmers:  the  characteristic 
heathland  vegetation  then  developed  and  was  subsequently  maintained  by 
systematic  exploitation.  Heaths  were  intensively  grazed,  by  sheep  and  other 
livestock.  But  they  were  also  regularly  cut,  for  a range  of  materials:  ling  or 
heather  was  used  as  fuel,  and  perhaps  as  thatch;  gorse  or  furze  for  fuel  and 
fencing;  and  bracken  as  cattle  bedding  and  fuel.  In  addition,  "flag’  (the  matted 
roots  of  the  heather)  and  turf  were  cut  by  the  very  poor,  for  firing.  Many  of 
these  forms  of  exploitation  were  in  potential  conflict,  not  least  because  they 
were  often  enjoyed  by  different  groups  of  people. 

Sheep  grazing  was  probably  the  most  important  use  of  the  heaths.  Nutrients 
were  rapidly  leached  from  the  poor,  light  soils  of  these  districts  and  fertility 
could  only  be  maintained  by  grazing  flocks  on  the  heaths  by  day,  and  closely 
folding  them  on  the  nearby  arable  by  night,  when  it  lay  fallow  or  before 
the  spring  sowing,  where  they  dunged  or  ‘tathed’  it  (Allison  1957).  The 
heaths  were  thus  systematically  depleted  of  nutrients,  something  perhaps 
not  always  fully  appreciated  today  when  schemes  for  heathland  restoration 
are  formulated.  Such  ‘sheep-coni’  systems  could  be  found  in  many  areas  of 
England  but  across  much  of  medieval  Norfolk  they  took  a distinctive  form. 
The  manure  was  considered  a manorial  monopoly  and  while  the  tenants  might 
benefit  from  the  dung  dropped  as  the  sheep  roamed  over  the  fallows  they  had 
to  pay  to  enjoy  the  intensive  night-folding  (Allison  1957;  Postgate  1962).  The 
sheep  were  organised  into  flocks  dominated  by  the  stock  of  the  manorial  lord, 
and  each  manor  had  its  defined  ‘fold  course’  which  included  both  heath  and 
arable.  There  are  signs  that  the  fold  course  system  may  have  become  more 
formalised,  and  more  rigid,  in  late  medieval  times.  In  the  twelfth  and  thirteenth 
centuries  some  peasants  may  have  had  the  right  to  erect  folds,  although  even 
then  the  system  had  been  dominated  by  manorial  lords  (Bailey  1989,  p.43-5). 

The  fold  course  system  persisted  in  many  places  into  the  nineteenth  century 
but  its  character  changed.  From  late  medieval  times  it  was  increasingly  used 
as  a way  of  maximising  the  income  from  commercial  sheep-farming.  The 
tenants’  sheep  were  now  excluded  from  the  fold-course  flocks:  the  grazing  on 
the  heaths  and  the  fallows  was  restricted  to  the  lord’s  sheep,  and  the  system 
became  a way  of  running  livestock  over  other  people’s  land.  Nevertheless, 
where  - as  was  often  the  case  - heaths  were  common  land,  ‘great  cattle’ 
(horses,  cows  and  bullocks)  were  pastured  there  by  commoners,  who  were 


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often  involved  in  disputes  with  fold  course  owners  over  grazing  rights.  Robert 
Buxton  typically  complained  in  1595  that  ‘ The  fold  courses  about  Thetford 
be  100  markes  by  year  worse  than  of  late  they  were,  for  where  the  township 
were  wont  to  keep  but  twenty  milch  neat  and  three  or  four  horse,  they  have 
now  above  one  hundred  of  the  one  and  four  score  of  the  other,  and  daily  spoil 
the  ling  and  furze ’ (Clarke  1908,  p.558). 

Rabbits  were  also  grazed  on  many  Norfolk  heaths.  They  were  introduced  into 
Norfolk  early  in  the  middle  ages  but  both  the  size  and  the  number  of  warrens 
increased  considerably  during  the  fifteenth  and  sixteenth  centuries.  Warrens 
were  most  numerous  and  extensive  in  Breckland  but  were  also  common  in 
the  other  heathland  districts  (Bailey  1988;  Sheail  1971).  By  the  sixteenth 
century  many  were  enclosed,  but  the  rabbits  still  often  escaped  into  adjacent 
areas,  again  leading  to  disputes  and  legal  cases. 

Heaths  were  cut  with  a similar  intensity  to  that  with  which  they  were  grazed, 
and  their  exploitation  had  to  be  managed  accordingly.  Even  the  cutting  of 
bracken  might  be  closely  regulated,  as  at  Thetford  in  the  1590s  (Clarke 
1908,  558),  and  portions  of  heath  were  often  ‘doled’  - that  is,  allocated  in 
strips  to  particular  individuals  for  cutting,  but  opened  for  communal  grazing 
at  certain  times  of  the  year.  As  a result  of  all  these  pressures  heaths  were 
clearly  often  rather  bare  landscapes.  Some  sixteenth-century  references  even 
suggest  that  areas  of  gorse  needed  to  be  carefully  preserved  from  grazing, 
so  that  the  plants  could  grow  high  enough  to  provide  winter  shelter  for  the 
flocks.  A witness  in  a court  case  concerning  Kilverstone  in  the  1590s,  for 
example,  described  how  ‘he  hathe  knowne  twoe  or  three  places  of  furres 
usually  p [re] served  for  the  layer  and  succar  of  the  shepe  as  he  thinketh  in 
and  upon  the  said  heath  grownds’  (TNAPRO  E134/35Eliz/East24).  Where 
rabbits  were  abundant  they  stripped  the  turf,  leading  to  the  development  of 
mobile  dunes.  William  Gilpin,  visiting  Breckland  in  the  1760s,  famously 
described  the  scene  as  one  of  'sand,  and  scattered  gravel,  without  the  least 
vegetation;  a mere  African  desert’  (Gilpin  1809,  p.28-9).  But  it  was  not  only 
in  Breckland  that  the  activities  of  rabbits  and  warreners  - compounded  by 
the  intensive  grazing  of  other  stock  and  the  digging  of  turf  for  fuel  - could 
lead  to  the  removal  of  almost  all  vegetation.  During  an  extended  dispute  in 
the  late  sixteenth  century  concerning  the  exploitation  of  Cawston  Heath,  for 
example,  one  witness  described  how: 

Sand  and  graved  is  cast  upp  in  such  great  heapes  uppon  the  playne 
grownd  by  reason  of  the  digging  therof  that  ther  will  noe  grasse  growe 
upon  the  said  grownde  in  a verie  long  tyme  and... the... digging  now 

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lately  used  is  a great  hindrance  to  the  inhabitants  of  Cawston  as  well 
in  the  fede  of  the  cattell  as  in  daggering  ther  said  cattell  (TNAPRO 
E134/43&44Eliz/Mich  7). 

Many  Norfolk  heaths  were  also  subject  to  periodic  cultivation,  often  in  the 
form  of  outfield  Wrecks’  which  were  ploughed  for  a while  as  part  of  the 
neighbouring  open  fields  and  then  allowed  to  revert  to  rough  grazing  for 
several  years.  This  was  an  ancient  practice  but,  once  again,  seems  to  have 
become  more  systematic  in  the  post-medieval  period  (Bailey  1989;  Postgate 
1962).  More  ad  hoc  cultivation  of  heathland  also  frequently  occurred  at  times 
of  rising  prices  and  the  area  under  cultivation  in  heathland  districts  certainly 
fluctuated  overtime.  In  a late  sixteenth-century  dispute  concerning  the  alleged 
encroachment  of  Castle  Rising  Warren  onto  surrounding  land  one  witness 
typically  stated  that: 

The  most  pt  of  the  groundes  of  the  said  mannor  in  Southwotton  wherin 
the  said  f armors  of  Rysinge  clayme  warrenne  hathe  benne  in  tilthe 
as  yt  maie  appeare  apparanntly  by  Rigge  and  furrowes  ’ (TNAPRO 
E 134/3 5 &3  6EI  iz/Mich  16). 

Heaths  were  thus,  for  much  of  their  history,  very  intensively  exploited  as 
a central  part  of  the  agrarian  economy.  As  a result  they  were  different  in 
appearance  from  the  rather  wilder  and  rougher  environments  which  were 
first  recorded  by  naturalists  in  the  late  nineteenth  century,  when  traditional 
practices,  including  grazing,  were  already  in  decline.  This  reduction  in 
the  intensity  of  exploitation  had  a major  affect  on  the  vegetation.  Bracken 
increased  in  importance,  no  longer  kept  in  check  by  a combination  of  regular 
cutting  and  the  trampling  of  the  young  plants  by  livestock.  In  1908  Clarke 
described  how  it  was  ‘certainly  the  dominant  plant  of  the  “breck”  district, 
and  on  several  heaths  has  usurped  the  position  which  heather  occupied  some 
20  years  ago.  Bracken  lacks  its  former  economic  importance’  (Clarke  1908, 
p.567).  By  1918  it  was  said  to  be  dominant  on  other  heaths  in  the  county 
(Clarke  1918,  p.306).  Gorse  also  seems  to  have  become  more  prominent, 
Bird  in  1909  reporting  how  on  East  Ruston  Common  ‘The  best  parts  of  the 
common  for  grazing  purposes  are  now  being  much  encroached  upon  by  the 
spreading  of  furze  . . . there  are  not  enough  Donkeys  to  nibble  down  the  gorse 
bushes’  (Bird  1909,  p.645).  On  Bamham  Common  near  Thetford,  similarly, 
Clarke  noted  in  1918  that  ‘the  original  steppe  flora  has  been  greatly  reduced 
by  the  encroachments  of  furze’  (Clarke  1918,  p.308).  Indeed,  many  heaths 
especially  those  in  north  Norfolk  - were  by  this  stage  becoming  colonised  by 
scrub,  and  by  woodland  of  birch,  oak  and  pine  (Clarke  1918,  p.305).  By  the 


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inter- War  period,  some  heaths  were  even  being  managed  by  regular  burning 
(Rider  Haggard  and  Williamson  1933,  p.  129),  a practice  unrecorded  in  earlier 


Not  all  Norfolk  heaths  had  traditionally  been  completely  open,  treeless 
environments,  however.  Somewhat  surprisingly,  given  the  intensity  with 
which  they  were  grazed  and  cut,  recent  research  suggests  that  many  carried  a 
significant  degree  of  managed  tree-cover  in  the  middle  ages  and,  indeed,  well 
into  the  post-medieval  period:  wood-pasture  heaths  were  a fairly  common 
element  of  the  Norfolk  landscape  and  are  frequently  referred  to  in  early 

In  1482,  for  example,  Hugh  Donne  leased  the  lands  owned  by  Mount  Joye 
Priory  in  Haveringland  and  Felthorpe  ‘except  all  the  woods  of  the  place  ’.  The 
lease  agreement  includes  the  clause:  "the  said  Hugh  shall  have  from  the  Prior 
200  good  faggots  yearly  and  sufficient  thorns  and  undeixvood  for  fencing  the 
closes  ...  and  all  the  old  wood,  boughs,  sticks  and  windfall  wood  that  fortune 
to  fall  within  the  said  lands  except  great  trees  ’ (NRO  NRS  21788  361X2). 
In  1239  Robert  de  Hauteyn  granted  lands  to  William  Lincoln  in  Taverham, 
along  with  ‘common  of  pasture  for  8 sheep,  6 beasts,  in  the  woods,  except 
in  the  park  of  the  said  Robert ’ (Blomefield,  1805,  Vol.  II,  p.247).  As  late  as 
the  sixteenth  century  the  inhabitants  of  nearby  Marsham  asserted  that  James 
Brampton  had  felleth  downe  woode  growinge  uppon  the  common  contrarye 
to  the  custome  of  the  mannor  ’ (Smith  et  al.  1982,  p.242-3).  By  the  eighteenth 
century  all  of  these  parishes  were  devoid  of  woodland,  their  landscapes 
consisting  entirely  of  arable  and  heath. 

There  were,  moreover,  private  as  well  as  common  wood-pastures,  for 
medieval  deer  parks  are  recorded  in  the  Patent  Rolls,  Charter  Rolls,  and  Close 
Rolls  in  many  heathland  parishes,  including  Baconsthorpe,  Castle  Rising, 
Cawston,  Costessey,  Gaywood,  Hevingham,  Holt,  Horsham,  Horsford  and 
Roydon.  In  1309  the  pale  at  Costessey  was  repaired  using  ‘twenty  fallen 
oaks  within  the  park  in  1324  Robert  de  Morley  and  others  were  accused  of 
having  set  up  tents  ‘in  warlike  fashion  in  the  park  at  Costeseye,  and  felled 
trees  in  the  said  park’;  while  in  the  1350s  trees  were  cut  down  in,  and  timber 
carried  away  from,  the  Bishop  of  Norwich’s  park  at  Gaywood,  Hevingham, 
Thomage,  and  Thorpe.  In  c.  1560  John  Gray,  leasing  Costessey  park,  reserved 
the  right  do  remove  loads  of  wood  ...  at  all  convenient  times ’ (NRO  NRS 
10381  25.A.6). 

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A number  of  early  maps  show  wooded  heaths,  including  a survey  of  New 
Buckenham  made  in  1597  (NRO  MC  22/11);  a map  of  Haveringland  of 
1600  (NRO  MS4521);  an  undated  16th-century  map  of  Castle  Rising;  and 
a survey  of  Appleton  of  1596  (NRO  BL71;  NRO  BRA  2524/6).  Indeed, 
close  examination  indicates  that  a number  of  residual  fragments  of  wood- 
pastures  are  actually  shown  on  Faden’s  1797  map  of  Norfolk,  within  areas 
denoted  ‘heath’.  But  what  is  perhaps  even  more  striking  is  that  remnants 
of  these  heathland  wood-pastures  still  survive  in  a number  of  places.  On 
the  Bayfield  estate  in  north  Norfolk,  for  example,  over  30  pollarded  oaks  - 
some  Pedunculate  ( Quercus  robur ),  some  Sessile  ( Q . petraea)  - grow  on  dry, 
leached  soils  of  the  Newport  4 and  Barrow  Associations.  The  youngest  may 
be  less  than  300  years  old  but  the  largest,  the  so-called  ‘Bayfield  Oak’,  is 
probably  around  700  years  old.  Most  are  to  be  found  within  estate  woodland 
which  was  already  in  place  by  the  late  eighteenth  century,  but  some  are 
growing  in  areas  still  described  as  heathland  on  the  Tithe  Award  map  of  1838 
and,  in  one  case,  on  the  OS  6"  Second  Edition  of  1906.  Further  examples 
of  relict  heathland  wood  pasture  occur  on  the  Letheringsett  estate,  some  1.5 
kilometres  to  the  east,  where  more  than  eighty  oak  pollards  are  again  hidden 
away  within  an  eighteenth-century  plantation  (‘Pereer’s  Hills’);  and  at  Holt 
Hall,  less  than  a kilometre  further  to  the  east. 

Similar  evidence  comes  from  the  Goodsand  ridge  to  the  north  of  Kings  Lynn. 
Buried  within  the  eighteenth  and  nineteenth-century  woodland  around  Ken 
Hill  House  (centred  on  TF679349),  surrounding  a small  area  of  surviving 
heath,  are  a number  of  oak  pollards  with  girths  of  between  c.4.5  and  5.5 
metres.  The  area  is  shown  as  ‘Caen  Wood’  on  Faden’s  map  of  1797  but 
appears  to  have  been  heathland  in  the  early  seventeenth  century,  and  by  the 
time  of  enclosure  in  1 766  had  partly  been  enclosed  for  use  as  a rabbit  warren 
(NRO  Le  Strange  OB2;  NRO  BOl)  (something  which  may  explain  the  low 
pollarding  height  of  some  of  the  trees).  Once  again  there  are  other,  more 
fragmentary  survivals  in  the  vicinity,  most  notably  the  scatter  of  oak  pollards 
within  Refley  Wood,  immediately  to  the  west  of  Kings  Lynn. 

Further  examples  of  relict  wood-pastures  can  be  found,  although  perhaps 
less  surprisingly,  on  the  areas  of  former  heathland  scattered  across  the  clay 
plateau  of  mid-Norfolk.  Ancient  oak  pollards  thus  exist  within  Thursford 
Wood,  the  nature  reserve  managed  by  the  Norfolk  Wildlife  Trust  (TF978332) 
which  partly  overlies  sands  and  gravels:  and  in  Little  Heath  Plantation,  some 
c.2  kilometres  to  the  north  east  (TF993346),  which  lies  entirely  on  sandy 
soils.  Before  enclosure  in  the  early  nineteenth  century  the  latter  formed  the 


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northern  section  of  an  extensive  tract  of  common  called  Stock  Heath , which 
was  shared  by  a number  of  parishes  in  the  area. 

The  age  of  surviving  pollards  makes  it  clear  that  new  trees  must  have  been 
established  on  some  heaths  well  into  the  post-medieval  period.  New  species 
may  sometimes  have  been  used.  The  pollarded  beeches  within  Felbrigg  Great 
Wood  in  north  Norfolk  have  been  discussed  on  a number  of  occasions.  The 
trees  lie  immediately  to  the  north  of  Felbrigg  Park:  a sketch  map  of  1777 
shows  that  many  at  this  time  grew  in  an  area  described  as  ‘heath’  (NRO  C / 
See  2 Road  Order  Box  no.21).  It  has  been  suggested  that  they  are  among  the 
most  northerly  indigenous  examples  of  this  species  to  be  found  in  England 
(Rackham  1986,  p.  1 4 1 ; Rackham  1976,  p.27).  But  even  the  largest  of  the 
trees  have  girths  of  only  a little  over  seven  metres,  many  are  considerably 
smaller:  when  compared  with  the  size  of  beeches  of  known  date  in  the  county 
it  is  hard  to  believe  that  any  of  the  Felbrigg  trees  were  planted  before  the 
late  17th  century.  William  Windham  began  a sustained  campaign  of  tree- 
planting in  and  around  Felbrigg  Park  in  c.1676  and  it  is  probable  that  the 
beeches  represent  estate  planting  using  plants  brought  in  from  elsewhere, 
rather  than  relics  of  the  local  natural  vegetation.  Heathland  wood-pastures 
probably  existed  in  the  locality  in  the  middle  ages,  and  perhaps  later.  In  the 
1490s  William  Hamund  of  Felbrigg  was  granted  the  right  to  take  ‘all  the 
underwood  and  lop  all  the  trees  that  grow  on  the  land  of  the  said  cottage 
and  upon  the  separate  common  fcommunam  separalemj  opposite  ’ (NRO 
WKC2/115).  But  the  Felbrigg  beeches  seem,  on  present  evidence,  to  be 
relatively  recent  additions  to  the  landscape. 

What  is  particularly  intriguing  is  the  fact  that  wood  pastures  were  not  equally 
common  in  al  1 heathland  areas  of  Norfolk.  There  is,  in  particular,  little  evidence 
for  significant  tree  cover  surviving  far  into  the  middle  ages  in  Breckland,  or  in 
the  ‘Goodsands’  district  of  north  west  Norfolk.  Major  and  minor  place  names 
suggest  the  presence  of  some  woodland  in  both  of  these  districts  in  the  early 
middle  ages  but  no  maps  or  documents  refer  to  or  show  existing  woodland  or 
wood-pasture.  The  reasons  for  this  broad  difference  between  Breckland  and 
the  Good  Sands  on  the  one  hand,  and  the  other  heathland  areas  in  Norfolk  on 
the  other,  are  probably  in  the  last  analysis  related  to  soils  and  geology.  In  the 
former  districts,  chalk  or  boulder  clay  underlies  acid  sands  at  depths  which 
vary  from  a few  centimetres  to  around  three  metres.  Where  the  sands  lay 
less  than  c.0.3  metres  deep  they  could  be  cultivated  as  outfield  ‘brecks’  and 
this  would  obviously  have  militated  against  the  survival  of  trees.  Moreover, 
where  the  sands  lay  thicker  extensive  warrens  were  widely  established  from 

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an  early  date.  While  rabbit  grazing  would  not  have  affected  mature  trees 
it  would  have  helped  prevent  the  successful  establishment  of  new  ones.  In 
addition,  the  poor  heathy  soils  in  these  areas  were  interspersed  with  ribbons 
of  rather  better,  more  calcareous  land  on  which  settlement  was  relatively 
extensive  in  prehistoric  and  again  in  Saxon  times,  presumably  ensuring 
considerable  pressure  on  the  adjacent  areas. 

Rabbit  warrens,  and  sporadic  outfield  cultivation,  were  also  features  of  the 
other  heathland  districts  in  the  county:  of  the  areas  of  glacial  sands  and  gravel 
to  the  north  of  Norwich  and  on  the  Holt-Cromer  ridge,  and  of  the  Greensand 
ridge  north  of  Kings  Lynn.  But  they  were  here  rather  less  prominent.  In  these 
areas  there  were  often  hard  pans  of  gravel,  as  well  as  sand;  while  in  places 
there  was  a high  water  table.  Above  all,  these  areas  lacked  underlying  deposits 
of  chalk,  or  boulder  clay,  which  might  be  dug  out  and  spread  on  the  surface 
to  neutralise  soil  acidity,  a precondition  for  successful  long-term  cultivation. 
Such  areas  were  thus  less  attractive  both  to  agriculturalists  and  to  warreners. 
The  sands  and  gravels  in  these  areas  are,  moreover,  generally  less  interspersed 
with  ribbons  of  more  amenable  soils  than  is  the  case  in  Breckland  or  north- 
west Norfolk.  In  most  periods  these  districts  had  relatively  low  population 
densities,  something  which  would  presumably  have  meant  lower  pressures 
on  the  surrounding  heaths. 


Not  only  were  heaths  thus  created,  and  maintained,  by  human  agency.  Their 
varied  character  was  as  much  the  consequence  of  varied  forms  of  management 
and  exploitation  as  it  was  of  direct  ‘natural’  influences.  All  this  is  doubtless 
true  of  other  ‘semi-natural’  habitats  and  environments  in  the  county,  although 
I do  not  have  the  space  to  discuss  any  of  them  in  detail  here.  The  various 
forms  of  ancient  woodland,  in  particular,  raise  similar  questions  about  the 
relative  balance  of  human  and  natural  influences:  and  also,  once  again,  of 
how  far  present  character  is  the  consequence  of  relatively  recent  social  and 
economic  developments.  The  distribution  of  Hornbeam  ( Carpinus  betulus) 
woodland,  for  example,  in  south  east  Norfolk  and  north  east  Suffolk,  is  only 
in  part  a consequence  of  the  fact  that  this  plant  grows  well  on  the  moist 
Beccles  Association  soils  characteristic  of  these  areas.  On  similar  soils  in 
mid-Norfolk  hornbeam  is  a minor  component  of  ancient  woods  and  often, 
as  at  Wayland,  seems  to  have  been  deliberately  planted,  at  a relatively  late 
date.  The  marked  western  boundary  of  the  distribution  of  Hornbeam  woods, 
roughly  along  the  Tas  valley,  suggests  that  economic  as  much  as  ‘natural’ 


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factors  may  have  been  at  work.  But  why  was  hornbeam  favoured,  or 
encouraged,  as  an  understorey  plant  in  some  areas  rather  than  in  others?  The 
issue  is  complicated  by  the  fact  that  the  present  predominance  of  hornbeam  in 
these  woods  is  almost  certainly,  in  part  at  least,  a consequence  of  quite  recent 
changes.  Even  woods  (such  as  East  Wood,  Denton)  where  Hornbeam  is  today 
overwhelmingly  dominant  were,  before  the  mid  nineteenth  century,  probably 
much  more  mixed  in  character.  Decline  of  management,  and  the  consequent 
growth  of  the  coppice  stools  to  canopy  level,  has  served  to  suppress  other 
understorey  shrubs.  Similar  issues,  and  questions,  are  raised  by  other  types  of 
woodland  in  the  county.  Hockering  wood  is  thus  dominated  by  outgrown  and 
singled  coppice  of  Small-leaved  Lime  ( Tilia  cordata).  Lime  was  doubtless  a 
significant  element  of  the  natural  vegetation  here  but  why  was  it  encouraged 
by  medieval  woodland  managers?  The  long  strings  of  ponds  within  the 
wood  - perhaps  used  for  retting  the  bast  - together  with  the  associated 
moated  site  hint  that  in  medieval  times  the  wood  may  have  functioned,  in 
effect,  as  a rope  factory.  But  once  again  we  need  to  ask  how  the  present 
overwhelming  dominance  of  lime  is,  in  fact,  the  result  of  developments  since 
the  mid  nineteenth  century  - the  neglect  of  ‘traditional'  management,  and  the 
deliberate  encouragement  of  lime  as  a single  species. 

Questions  like  these  will  only  be  answered  by  further  research,  carried 
out  by  natural  scientists  and  landscape  historians  working  together.  The 
‘semi-natural’  environments  of  Norfolk  are  precisely  that  - semi-  natural. 
Establishing  which  aspects  of  their  character  are  the  result  of  social  and 
economic  factors,  which  the  result  of  natural  influences;  and  unravelling  the 
complex  interplay  of  natural  and  human  agency  in  their  development;  will  be 
fascinating  tasks,  but  not  easy  ones. 


NRO  Norfolk  Records  Office 

TNAPRO  The  National  Archive:  Public  Records  Office. 


ALLISON,  K.J.,  1957.  The  sheep-corn  husbandly  of  Norfolk  in  the  sixteenth  and 
seventeenth  centuries.  Agricultural  History  Review  5:12-30. 

BAILEY,  M.,  1988.  The  rabbit  and  the  medieval  East  Anglian  economy’.  Agricultural 
History  Review  36(  1 ):  1 -20. 

BAILEY,  M.,  1989.  A Marginal  Economy?  East  Anglian  Breckland  in  the  Later  Middle 
Ages.  Cambridge  University  Press,  Cambridge. 

Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 
2007  40  (1) 


BARNES,  G.  and  WILLIAMSON,  T.,  2006.  Hedgerow  History:  Ecology,  History  and 
Landscape  Character.  Windgather  Press,  Macclesfield. 

BIRD,  M.  C.  H.,  1909.  The  rural  economy,  sport,  and  natural  history  of  East  Ruston 
Common.  Transactions  of  the  Norfolk  and  Norwich  Naturalists  ’Society  8(5):  63 1- 

BLOMEFIELD,  F.,  1805.  An  Essay  Towards  a Topographical  History  of  the  County  of 
Norfolk , 1 1 volumes.  London. 

BOULTON,  G.  S.,  COX,  F.,  HART,  J.  and  THORNTON,  M.,  1984.  The  glacial 
geology  of  Norfolk.  Bulletin  of  the  Geological  Society  of  Norfolk  34:103-122. 

CAMERON,  R.A.D.,  1984.  The  biology  and  history  of  hedges:  exploring  the 
connections.  Biologist  31(4):  203-209. 

CLARKE,  W.  G.,  1908.  Some  Breckland  characteristics.  Transactions  of  the  Norfolk 
and  Norwich  Naturalists  ’Society  8(4):555-578. 

CLARKE,  W.  G.,  1918.  The  Natural  History  of  Norfolk  Commons.  Transactions  of  the 
Norfolk  and  Norwich  Naturalists  ’Society  1 0(4):294-3 18. 

GILPIN,  W.,  1809.  Observations  On  Several  Parts  of  the  Counties  of  Cambridge, 
Norfolk,  Suffolk  and  Essex.  London. 

HALL,  J.,  1982.  Hedgerows  in  West  Yorkshire:  the  Hooper  method  examined.  Yorkshire 
Archaeological  Journal  54: 1 03- 1 09. 

HEWLETT,  G.,  1974.  Reconstructing  an  historical  landscape  from  field  and 

documentary  evidence:  Otford  in  Kent.  Agricultural  History  Review  21:94-1 10. 

JOHNSON,  W.,  1978.  Hedges:  a review  of  some  early  literature.  Local  Historian 

MARSFLALL,  W.,  1787.  The  Rural  Economy  of  Norfolk,  2 Volumes.  London. 

POLLARD,  E.,  1973.  Hedges,  VII.  Woodland  relic  hedges  in  Huntingdonshire  and 
Peterborough.  Journal  of  Ecology > 61 :343-352. 

POLLARD,  E.,  HOOPER,  M.D.,  and  MOORE,  N.W.,  1974.  Hedges.  Collins  New 
Naturalist,  London. 

POSTGATE,  M.  R.,  1962.  The  field  systems  of  Breckland.  Agricultural  History  Review 

RACKHAM,  O.,  1976.  Trees  and  Woodlands  in  the  British  Landscape.  Dent,  London. 

RACKHAM,  O.,  1986.  History  of  the  Countryside.  Dent,  London. 

RIDER  HAGGARD,  L.  and  WILLIAMSON,  H.,  1933.  Norfolk  Life.  Faber  and  Faber, 

SHEAIL,  J.,  1971.  Rabbits  and  Their  History.  David  and  Charles,  Newton  Abbot. 

SMITH,  A.  H.,  BAKER,  G.  M.,  and  KENNY,  R.  W.,  1982.  The  Papers  of  Nathaniel 
Bacon  ofStiffkey,  Vol.  2.  Centre  of  East  Anglian  Studies,  Norwich. 

WADE  MARTINS,  S.  and  WILLIAMSON,  T.,  1999.  Roots  of  Change:  Farming 
and  the  Landscape  in  East  Anglia  1680-1879.  British  Agricultural  History  Society 
Monograph,  Exeter. 

WILLMOTT,  A.,  1980.  The  woody  species  of  hedges  with  special  reference  to  age  in 
Church  Broughton  Parish,  Derbyshire’.  Journal  of  Ecology’  68:269-286. 


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2007  40(1) 

An  annotated  list  of  plants  of  Blakeney 
Point,  Norfolk,  with  selected  distribution 

John  Pearson',  Kenneth  Taylor2,  Janet  Woodall  '& 
David  HavilV 

1 Department  of  Biology,  University  College  London,  Gower  Street,  London  WC1E  6BT 

2 Centre  for  Ecology  & Hydrology,  Lancaster  Environment  Centre,  Library  Avenue, 
Bailrigg,  Lancaster  LAI  4 AP 

3 School  of  Biological  Science,  Birkbeck,  University  of  London,  Malet  Street,  London 


The  topography  and  vegetation  of  Blakeney  Point  was  first  described  by 
Oliver  & Salisbury  ( 1 9 1 3a).  A revised  list  of  the  flowering  plants  of  Blakeney 
Point  was  published  by  White  (1960).  This  list  was  updated  together  with 
the  inclusion  of  the  ferns  (White  1967a,  b),  and  further  additions  to  the  flora 
were  made  by  White  (1972)  and  White  & Taylor  (1984).  A revised  account 
of  the  flora  and  plant  ecology  was  produced  by  White  (1989).  Recording  has 
continued  over  the  past  decade  and  the  distribution  of  some  of  the  rarer  and 
critical  elements  of  the  flora  have  been  mapped.  In  addition,  the  perception 
is  that  some  scarce  or  very  localised  species  on  the  Point  have  recently 
begun  to  spread  e.g.  Sea-holly  Eryngium  maritimum,  Sea  Spurge  Euphorbia 
paralias,  Sea-heath  Frankenia  laevis  and  Curved  Hard-grass  Parapholis 
incurva.  Whether  this  can  be  attributed  to  climate  change,  an  increase  in 
air  pollution  (nitrogen),  or  rabbit  decline  is  uncertain,  but  it  is  hoped  that 
the  selected  distribution  maps  will  provide  useful  information  for  future 
botanical  investigations  on  Blakeney  Point.  An  opportunity  has  now  arisen 
to  update  the  list  to  include  the  new  records  and  to  take  account  of  changes  in 
the  nomenclature  and  classification  of  the  flora. 

The  names  and  synonyms  used  in  this  list  and  their  sequence  follow  as  far  as 
possible  that  of  the  New  Flora  of  the  British  Isles  (Stace,  1997).  An  attempt 
has  been  made  to  include  every  plant  which  has  ever  been  recorded  for  the 
Point.  In  such  a habitat  there  are  inevitably  some  transient  species.  Propagules 

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arrive  by  sea,  are  carried  by  the  wind  and  dispersed  by  birds.  The  resulting 
plants  may  survive  for  some  years  and  then  die  out.  Where  known  the  dates 
of  arrival  and  of  disappearance  of  a species  are  given  since  in  some  cases 
these  may  be  of  biological  interest. 

The  original  list  of  Oliver  & Salisbury  (1913a)  contained  about  120  species, 
while  the  present  list  records  over  300  species  of  flowering  plants,  of  which 
36  are  grasses.  There  are  seven  species  of  ferns. 


Recording  of  species  over  the  last  ten  years  has  taken  place  on  visits  to 
the  Point  every  June  and  again  in  August/September  of  each  year  with  an 
occasional  visit  in  April.  Access  to  the  western  end  of  Blakeney  Point  is 
restricted  between  April  and  August,  due  to  nesting  birds.  For  this  reason 
more  detailed  mapping  and  surveying  of  selected  species  took  place  in  late 
August  to  early  September  between  2000  and  2004.  The  whole  of  Blakeney 
Point  above  the  high  water  mark,  from  the  Hood  to  Far  Point,  was  surveyed 
in  squares  c 25m  x 25  m simply  by  pacing  out  the  distances.  Because  of  the 
difficult  nature  of  the  terrain  and  the  impossible  task  of  pacing  out  perfect 
squares,  an  accurate  grid  reference  for  the  centre  of  each  square  was  obtained 
from  a GPS  positioner.  Mapping  of  plant  distributions  was  carried  out  using 
hand-held  GPS  positioners  (Garmin  eTrex)  set  to  UK  OS  grid  reference  mode 
(OSGB36)  and  grid  north.  The  maps  in  this  paper  have  been  produced  using 
Dr  Alan  Morton’s  DMAPW  software  (  The  recent  (2000) 
outline  for  Blakeney  Point  was  produced  by  walking  all  of  the  extreme  high 
spring-tide  line  and  logging  this  using  the  GPS  trail  facility.  The  trail  was 
then  downloaded  to  a computer  for  transfer  to  DMAPW  and  subsequent 
digitization  to  produce  the  base  outline.  For  details  of  the  Watch  House  bank 
and  the  Marams  beyond  the  Hood  refer  to  the  1961  map  (White  1989). 

The  time  series  of  westerly  extensions  to  the  headland,  the  laterals,  each  the 
result  of  a shingle  spur  built  out  from  the  end  of  the  Point,  was  catalogued 
by  Salisbury  (1922).  The  terminal  hook  of  1921,  Far  Point  (now  named 
Near  Point),  has  survived  despite  tidal  flooding,  changes  in  shape,  size  and 
orientation.  In  1966  a new  terminal  lateral  (now  named  Far  Point)  appeared 
to  seaward  of  Near  Point  and  by  1979  had  become  consolidated  to  provide 
a range  of  new  habitats  (Barfoot  & Tucker  1980).  To  clarify  any  possible 
confusion  with  references  to  locations  in  some  of  the  older  species  lists  some 
of  the  important  locations  mentioned  in  the  present  text  are  indicated  on  Map 


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Map  1 Blakeney  Point  from  the  Hood  to  Far  Point:  (ALBH)  Life  Boat  Houses;  (P) 
Plantation;  (L)  Laboratory;  (NT)  National  Trust  exclosure;  (BH)  Beacon  Hills. 



Ophioglossum  vulgatum  L.  - Adder’s  Tongue. 

In  June,  1970,  a patch  of  this  fern  was  found  on  the  Hood.  In  1971  there 
were  fewer  plants,  but  those  present  were  sporing.  Not  now  present. 


Polypodium  vulgare  agg.  - Polypody. 

This  aggregate  species  was  recorded  in  Oliver  & Salisbury  (1913a),  for 
the  Long  Hills.  Nine  clumps,  each  of  some  considerable  size  and  all 
aggregated  together  in  fairly  close  proximity,  occurred  in  the  central  area 
of  the  Long  Hills.  Only  a remnant  of  the  Long  Hills  now  remains  since 
much  of  this  dune  system  was  blown  away  in  the  late  nineteen-thirties, 
and  no  Polypodium  has  been  seen  in  this  region  since  the  war.  It  was 
recorded  for  the  Old  Grey  ( Carex ) dunes  in  1947  and  has  since  spread 

It  is  now  known  that  two  species  of  the  aggregate  occur  on  the  Point: 

P.  vulgare  sensu  stricta  L. 

Found  on  the  Old  Grey  (Carex)  dunes;  on  the  main  ridge  and  on  the 
eroded  dunes  bordering  Boathouse  Low. 

P interjectum  Shivas 

Found  with  P.  vulgare  on  the  Old  Grey  (Carex)  dunes  and  on  the  eroded 
dunes  bordering  Boathouse  Low.  It  is  also  found  on  the  Lichen  Heath  and 
on  the  Hood.  The  large  patch  of  Polypodium  opposite  the  Laboratory  is 

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a pure  stand  of  P.  interjectum.  These  two  species  may  occur  together  and 
appear  to  occupy  similar  types  of  habitats.  They  are  now  very  widespread 
across  the  grey  dunes.  A fuller  account  of  these  two  species  on  Blakeney 
Point  is  published  by  White,  White  & Feterken  (1970). 


Asplenium  adiantum-nigrum  L.  - Black  Spleenwort. 

Found  in  1 970  growing  on  the  headland  dunes  (identification  determined  by 
A.C.  Jenny).  The  plant  was  growing  mingled  with  a patch  of  Polypodium 
vulgare.  It  had  three  fertile,  current  year’s  fronds.  There  were  also  several 
dead  fronds  from  the  previous  year  so  that  the  plant  was  certainly  two 
years  old.  From  its  size  this  plant  may  well  have  been  several  years  old. 
Not  seen  recently. 


Athyrium  filix-femina  (L.)  Roth  {As pi  din  m filix  feomina)  - Lady-fern. 

Described  in  Oliver  & Salisbury  (1913a)  as  being  the  rarest  plant  on  the 
Point.  A single  plant  occurred  on  the  Hood,  growing  in  a disused  rabbit 
hole.  The  plant  has  not  been  seen  for  many  years. 


Dryopteris  filix-mas  (L.)  Schott  - Male-fem. 

Found  on  the  Hood  where  there  were  about  ten  plants  in  1967.  Only  a 
single  crown  was  observed  on  the  Hood  in  2003.  In  2000  four  clumps 
were  seen  at  the  top  end  of  the  NT  enclosure  (see  Map  2). 

99  00  01 

Map  2 Dryopteris  filix-mas 

Dryopteris  dilatata  (Hoffm.).  A.  Gray  - Broad  Buckler-fern. 

Found  in  small  amount  on  the  Hood.  One  very  young  plant  was  found  in 


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2007  40  (1) 

1964  on  the  slope  of  the  dunes  adjoining  Great  Sandy  Low.  In  1970  it  was 
found  growing  in  a small  depression  on  the  dune  forming  the  ‘outlier’  of 
the  Long  Hills.  In  2002  two  to  three  crowns  seen  at  the  westerly  end  of 
the  NT  enclosure.  In  2003  also  occurring  in  patches  across  the  Hood  (see 
Map  3). 

99  00  01 

Map  3 Dry  opt er  is  dilatata 


Pinus  nigra  L.  - Corsican  Pine. 

Planted  in  the  plantation  by  Professor  Oliver  in  1916-17. 


Ranunculus  repens  L.  - Creeping  Buttercup. 

A rare  casual,  occasionally  recorded  for  the  main  shingle  bank. 
Ranunculus  bulbosus  L.  - Bulbous  Buttercup. 

Two  plants  were  found  on  the  main  dune  ridge  in  June,  1964. 

Thalictrum  minus  L.  - Lesser  Meadow-rue. 

First  observed  on  the  dunes  in  1957.  It  was  still  there  in  1959.  Seen  in 
2006  in  dunes  fringing  south  side  of  Great  Sandy  Low. 


Pap  aver  rhoeas  L.  - Common  Poppy. 

A rare  casual.  Flowering  in  the  main  temery  on  Near  Point  in  1999. 

Pap  aver  somniferum  L.  - Opium  Poppy. 

Accidental.  Seen  in  local  abundance  on  the  main  shingle  bank  towards 
the  Hood  and  on  the  Watch  House  bank. 

Glaucium  flavum  Crantz  - Yellow  Horned-poppy. 

A biennial,  sometimes  perennial,  plant  of  the  shingle.  Especially  abundant 

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on  the  main  shingle  ridge  between  the  Hood  and  the  Marams.  It  produces 
many  seeds.  According  to  Salisbury  (1952)  a single  plant  may  produce 
up  to  60,000  seeds.  Germination  is  good;  a crop  of  seedling  rosettes  can 
often  be  seen  surrounding  a parent  plant.  There  was  hardly  a plant  to 
be  found  on  the  main  ridge  in  the  summer  of  1953  following  the  great 
flood  of  the  previous  February.  It  was  there  in  fair  numbers  in  1954,  and 
by  1957  was  again  abundant.  During  recent  years  this  plant  has  become 
more  abundant  on  the  shingle  between  the  Hood  and  The  Headland  (see 
Map  4). 

99  00  01 

Map  4 Glaucium flavum 


Urtica  dioica  L.  - Common  Nettle. 

Recorded  as  a casual  on  the  Long  Hills  by  Oliver  & Salisbury  (1913a). 
Also  recorded  for  the  Hood  where  it  is  still  present,  and  now  around  parts 
of  the  NT  enclosure. 

Urtica  urens  L.  - Small  Nettle. 

Several  flowering  plants  of  this  annual  were  found  in  1961  in  disturbed 
ground  among  the  lupins  near  the  Old  Lifeboat  House.  It  probably  occurs 
most  years.  Still  present  in  2004. 


Betula pubescens  Ehr.  - Downy  Birch. 

Already  present  in  the  NT  enclosure  in  2004. 


Chenopodium  album  L.  - Fat-hen. 

An  occasional  plant  of  the  shingle.  Found  in  the  main  temery  on  Near 
Point  in  1998. 


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Atriplex prostra+a  L.  (A.  hastate  auct.  non  L.)  - Spear-leaved  Orache 
Atriplex prostrata  x A.  littoralis  = A.  hulmeana  . 

A fertile  hybrid. 

Atriplex  littoralis  L.  - Grass-leaved  Orache. 

Abundant  on  the  upper  limit  of  the  drift  line  on  the  marsh  side  of  the 
main  bank,  and  on  both  drift  lines  of  the  lateral  banks. 

Atriplex  laciniata  L.  - Frosted  Orache. 

Common  on  the  strandline  in  2004. 

Atriplex  pa  tula  L.  - Common  Orache  . 

All  the  above  species  of  Atriplex  are  found  on  the  strandlines  and  on  the 
Main  Shingle  Ridge. 

Atriplex portulacoides  L.  [Halimione portulacoides  (L.)  Aellen]  - Sea 

A perennial  plant  found  at  all  levels  of  the  marsh.  In  the  lowest  marshes 
the  plant  occurs  along  the  sides  of  the  creeks,  i.e.  in  the  better  drained 

Beta  vulgaris  L.  ssp.  maritima  (L.)  Arcang.  ( Beta  maritima  L.)  - Sea  Beet. 

A characteristic  plant  of  the  shingle.  It  is  found  on  the  main  shingle  bank 
towards  and  beyond  the  Watch  House,  and  on  parts  of  Yankee  Bank. 
Sarcocornia perennis  (Mill)  A.J.  Scott  ( Salicornia perennis  Mill) 

Perennial  Glasswort. 

A somewhat  woody  perennial  plant  found  at  the  upper  levels  of  the 
marshes  and,  restricted  to  the  sides  of  the  drainage  channels,  in  the  lower 
marshes.  Some  of  the  shoots  possess  a fine  coppery-bronze  colour. 
Salicornia  europaea  L.  agg.  - Glasswort,  Samphire. 

The  following  annual  diploid  (2n  = 1 8)  species  have  been  recognized  on 
the  marshes  (Beckett  & Bull  1999;  Davy  et  al. , 2001): 

S.  ramosissima  Woods. 

Widespread  in  the  upper  levels  of  the  marshes. 

S.  europaea  L. 

Frequent  in  the  upper  levels  of  the  marshes. 

S.  obscura  P.W.  Ball  & Tutin. 

Found  only  on  the  marshes  at  Blakeney  and  Scolt  Head  Island. 
Salicornia  procumbens  Sm.  agg. 

Includes  the  following  annual  tetraploid  (2n  = 36)  species  recognised  on 
the  marshes  (Beckett  & Bull  1999;  Davy  et  al.,  2001): 

S.  nitens  P.W.  Ball  & Tutin. 

Found  only  once  at  Blakeney. 

S.fragilis  P.W.  Ball  & Tutin. 

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Has  a restricted  distribution  on  the  north  coast  marshes  between 
Blakeney  and  Wells-next-the-Sea 
S.  dolichostachya  Moss. 

Tetraploid  variant  (Ingrouille  et  al.,  1990)  found  at  the  lowest  levels 
of  the  marshes. 

Species  of  the  annual  Salicornias  are  among  the  earliest  colonists  of  mud, 
leading  to  marsh  formation. 

Suaeda  vera  Forssk.  Ex  J.F.  Gmel.  (S.  fruticosa  sensu  Coste  non  Forssk.)  - 
Shrubby  Sea-blite. 

A woody  shrub  of  the  shingle.  It  grows  on  the  marsh  side  of  the  main 
ridge  and  on  both  flanks  of  the  lateral  ridges.  When  partially  buried  by 
shingle  the  plants  are  stimulated  into  vigorous  growth.  They  help  to 
stabilise  the  shingle  and  since  during  moderate  movement  of  the  shingle 
the  plants  will  accumulate  it  around  their  stems  they  will  tend  to  increase 
the  height  of  the  shingle  bank,  in  their  immediate  neighbourhood  (Oliver 
& Salisbury  1913b). 

Under  natural  conditions  S.  vera  establishes  itself  by  seed  dispersed  with 
tidal  drift.  Abundant  in  the  main  temery  on  Near  Point  in  1998.  By  1999 
it  had.  spread  so  much  that  the  terns  stopped  using  this  area  for  nesting 
and  have  now  moved  on  to  Far  Point.  Suaeda  vera  is  a mediterranean 
species  and  is  here  nearing  the  northern  limit  of  its  range. 

Suaeda  maritima  (L.)  Dum.  - Annual  Sea-blite. 

An  annual  salt-marsh  plant  occurring  usually  well  below  the  high  tide 
level  but  also  always  abundant  along  the  high  tide  mark  behind  the  main 

Salsola  kali  L.  ssp.  kali  - Prickly  Saltwort. 

An  annual  plant  of  the  strandline  and,  less  abundantly,  of  the  drift  line 
on  the  marsh  side.  The  plants  have  a very  deep  root  system,  and  a tiny 
seedling  will  have  a main  root  going  down  for  twelve  inches  or  more. 
Saltwort  is  tolerant  of  sea  water.  It  was  formerly  collected  and  burnt  (like 
Salicornia)  to  provide  soda  for  glass-making. 


Arenaria  serpyllifolia  L.  - Thyme-leaved  Sandwort. 

An  annual,  sometimes  perennial,  plant  found  regularly  on  the  stabilised 
shingle  of  the  lateral  banks. 

Honckenya  peploides  (L.)  Ehrh.  - Sea  Sandwort. 

A shingle  plant  with  an  extensive  underground  system.  Its  leaves  die  back 
in  winter,  growth  taking  place  the  following  spring  from  subterranean 
buds.  It  can  tolerate  some  shingle  movement  but  seems  to  prefer  shingle 


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in  which  there  is  plenty  of  sand.  It  can  tolerate  a high  concentration  of  salt 
and  is  often  found  on  the  strand  line  where  it  will  accumulate  sand  and 
form  miniature  dunes  in  advance  of  the  dune  system  proper.  Seedlings 
are  rarely  seen  although  Honckenya  is  one  of  the  commonest  plants  of  the 
shingle  and  produces  a very  large  number  of  seed  capsules. 

Stellaria pallida  (Dum.)  Pire  (S.  apetala  auct.).  - Lesser  Chickweed. 

An  annual  plant  of  the  dunes.  Seed  germinates  mainly  in  the  spring. 
Cerastium  fontanum  ssp.  vulgare  (Hartm.)  Greuter  & Burdet  - Common 

This  plant,  which  is  normally  a perennial,  probably  behaves  as  an  annual 
in  the  dunes.  Its  distribution  is  similar  to  the  two  following  species. 
Stellaria  pallida  (Dum.)  Pire  (S.  apetala  auct.).  - Lesser  Chickweed. 
Cerastium  diffasum  Pers.  (C.  atrovirens  Bab.)  - Sea  Mouse-ear. 

A winter  annual  distributed  like  C.  semidecandrum,  but  probably  not  so 
abundant.  It  comes  into  flower  later  than  C.  semidecandrum. 

Cerastium  semidecandrum  L.  - Little  Mouse-ear. 

A very  abundant  winter  annual  occurring  on  the  fixed  dunes,  stabilised 
shingle  and  in  the  shingly-sandy  lows. 

Sagina  nodosa  (L.)  Frenzl.  - Knotted  Pearlwort. 

No  recent  records. 

Sagina  procumbens  L.  - Procumbent  Pearlwort. 

On  the  Watch  House  Bank  near  the  house  in  1956.  Also  among  the  stones 
near  the  Laboratory. 

Sagina  apetala  Ard.  - Annual  Pearlwort 
No  recent  records 

Sagina  maritima  Don.  - Sea  Pearlwort. 

No  recent  records. 

Spergularia  media  (L.)  C.  Presl.  (S.  marginata  Kitt.  nom.  illeg.)  - Greater 

A perennial  plant  of  the  upper  salt-marshes. 

Spergularia  marina  (L.)  Griseb.  (S.  salina  J.  & C.  Presl.)  - Lesser  Sea- 

An  annual  plant  of  upper  and  drier  margins  of  the  salt-marshes. 

Silene  uniflora  Roth  ( S . maritima  With.)  - Sea  Campion. 

A deep-rooted  plant  with  an  extensive  underground  system.  It  can  tolerate 
some  movement  of  shingle  when  growing  on  the  main  bank.  Salisbury 
has  described  it  as  an  ‘Ammophila  of  the  shingle.’  Also  grows  on  sand. 
It  was  abundant  on  the  eroded  dunes  of  the  Long  Hills.  Its  leaves  remain 
green  throughout  the  winter,  but  the  buds  from  which  the  following  year’s 

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growth  will  occur  are  subterranean.  Silene  appears  to  have  become  very 
much  less  abundant  these  last  few  years.  This  may  be  due  to  competition 
from  grasses.  The  Yankee  Bank  is  developing  a closed  carpet  of  vegetation 
and  this  appears  to  have  been  paralleled  by  the  decrease  in  Silene.  The 
absence  of  rabbits  with  its  effect  upon  the  grasses  may  be  tied  up  with 
the  decrease.  The  flowers  of  S.  uniflora  are  very  variable.  They  have 
been  investigated  by  Salisbury  (1912),  who  recognised  several  different 

Silene  latifolia  Poir.  [S.  alba  (Mill.)  E.  H.  L.  Krause]  - White  Campion. 

A casual.  This  cornfield  plant  was  recorded  on  the  Hood  by  Oliver  & 
Salisbury  (1913a). 


Polygonum  oxy sperm um  C.A.  Mey.  & Bunge  ex  Ledeb.  (P.  raii  Bab.)  - 
Ray’s  Knotgrass 

First  recorded  in  1955  growing  among  P.  aviculare  on  the  main  shingle 
ridge.  The  identity  of  this  plant  was  confirmed  by  Professor  T.  G.  Tutin. 
(Jane  1958).  In  1985  many  plants  found  on  Near  Point  in  front  of  the  big 
Hide  and  in  2004  several  plants  found  at  the  end  of  Far  Point. 
Polygonum  aviculare  - Knotgrass. 

On  the  main  shingle  ridge. 

Fallopia  convolvulus  (F.)  A.  Fove  ( Polygonum  convolvulus  L.)  - Black- 

Two  shoots  found  in  2004  at  the  end  of  Far  Point  and  one  plant  on  Near 

Rumex  acetosella  F.  - Sheep’s  Sorrel. 

A common  plant,  occurring  in  patches  on  the  lateral  shingle  banks,  the 
Fichen  heaths,  and  on  the  older  dunes  where  the  marram  is  deteriorating. 
Flowers  freely.  An  indicator  plant  of  somewhat  acid  conditions. 

Rumex  acetosa  F.  - Common  Sorrel. 

Recorded  by  Oliver  & Salisbury  (1913a)  for  the  main  shingle  bank.  Very 
rare.  Not  seen  recently. 

Rumex  crispus  L.  ssp.  littoreus  (R.  crispus  var.  trigranulatus)  - Curled  Dock 
A perennial  plant,  growing  on  the  main  shingle  ridge  and,  less  abundantly, 
on  the  lateral  ridge. 


Limonium  vulgare  Mill.  ( Statice  limonium  L.)  - Common  Sea-lavender. 

A widespread  plant  of  the  salt-marshes.  A lax-flowered  variant  of  L. 
vulgare  which  is  very  variable  in  this  respect,  having  a panicle  intermediate 


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between  L.  vulgare  and  L.  humile  (possibly  as  a result  of  introgression,  but 
not  recently)  also  occurs.  The  lax  flowered  plants  in  Norfolk  are  in  other 
respects  unlike  real  L.  humile , they  are  much  more  robust  and  spread 
vegetatively  (M.J.  Ingrouille  personal  communication).  These  variants 
are  most  probably  those  described  by  Choudhuri  (1942)  as  hybrids  ( L x. 
neumanii  C.E.  Salmon)  between  L.  vulgare  and  L.  humile  in  the  Blakeney 
Point  populations. 

Limonium  humile.  Mill.  ( Statice  rariflora  Drejer)  - Lax-flowered  Sea- 

A rare  perennial  found  at  lower  levels  of  the  salt-marshes  in  deep  mud. 
Seen  recently  in  1991  in  Blakeney  Harbour,  K.  Ferrousat  (Beckett  & Bull 

Limonium  bellidifolium  (Gouan)  Dumort  ( Statice  reticulate  auct.  angl.  Non 
L.)  - Matted  Sea-lavender. 

Occurs  on  the  shingle  where  there  is  a good  deposit  of  mud,  e.g.  on 
the  edges  of  the  lateral  shingle  banks,  and  in  the  shingly  lows  such  as 
Boathouse  Low.  It  appears  always  to  occur  in  places  which  are  flooded 
occasionally  by  the  higher  tides.  In  2004  abundant  at  the  edges  of  Great 
Sandy  Low.  It  is  often  associated  with  Frankenia  laevis  (q.v.).  This  plant  is 
a mediterranean  species  and  is  here  near  the  northern  limit  of  its  range. 

Limonium  binervosum  (G.E.Sm.)  C.  E.  Salmon  ssp.  anglicum  ( Statice 
binervosum  G.  E.  Smith)  - Rock  Sea-lavender. 

On  Blakeney  Point  this  is  the  sea  lavender  of  the  shingle.  It  is  especially 
abundant  on  the  shingle  plateau  on  the  N.W.  side  of  the  upper  Pelvetia 
marsh,  where  it  approaches  the  main  shingle  beach.  It  first  became 
abundant  in  this  region  about  1914.  Occasional  plants  occur  on  the  main 
shingle  bank,  but  it  appears  to  prefer  areas  where  there  is  much  sand 
mixed  with  the  shingle.  It  often  forms  a distinctive  zone  on  the  flanks  of 
the  lateral  banks,  e.g.  on  the  Marams  and,  in  places,  on  the  Yankee  Bank. 
Now  also  found  in  the  Lows.  The  sea-lavenders  provide  one  of  the  three 
main  flowering  ‘seasons’  on  the  Point.  Their  flowering  usually  extends 
from  the  third  week  of  July  until  the  middle  of  August. 

Armeria  maritima  Willd.  ssp.  maritima  - Thrift. 

On  Blakeney  Point  this  is  essentially  a plant  of  the  shingle  and  drier  parts 
of  the  lows.  It  is  often  one  of  the  dominants  on  the  crests  of  the  lateral 
shingle  banks  e.g.  on  Watch  House  Bank.  It  occurs,  less  abundantly,  on 
the  upper  edges  of  the  older  marshes  of  the  Marams. 


Lav  at  era  arborea  L.  - Tree-mallow. 

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A single  plant  found  on  the  seaward  side  of  Far  Point  in  2003,  not  present 
in  2004. 


Viola  canina  L.  - Heath  Dog-violet. 

Large  clumps  and  spreading  patches  over  an  area  of  about  10m2  just 
outside  the  NT  enclosure,  near  the  fence  and  the  last  hut,  in  2002.  Still 
locally  abundant  in  2004  and  also  found  in  the  grey  dunes. 

Viola  arvensis  Murray  - Field  Pansy. 

First  recorded  in  June,  1998.  About  24  plants  just  above  the  strandline  in 
an  area  near  the  bird  hide  on  Near  Point.  Still  present  in  2002  and  2003, 
but  not  seen  in  2004.  Found  again  in  numbers  at  a separate  location,  the 
dune  crest  in  Beacon  Hills  some  100m  eastwards. 


Tamarix  ga/lica  L.  ( T.  anglica  Webb)  - Tamarisk. 

Clump  by  the  laboratory  planted  in  1 9 1 2 by  Professor  F.  W.  Oliver  where 
it  still  occurs.  More  plants  were  put  in  the  edge  of  the  plantation  and  on 
the  paths  behind  the  main  dunes  in  January,  1956,  but  these  have  failed 
to  survive. 


Frankenia  laevis  L.  - Sea  Heath. 

A mediterranean  plant  almost  at  the  limit  of  its  northern  range.  It  grows 
in  the  Suaeda  vera  zone  on  the  flanks  of  the  older  laterals,  where  the 
shingle  is  stabilised  and  there  is  a good  mixture  of  sand.  It  is  a constant 
associate  of  Limonium  bellidifolium  (q.v.)  in  muddy  shingly  lows  which 
are  regularly  flooded  by  the  higher  tides,  e.g.  in  Boathouse  Low  and  in  the 
small  low  at  the  side  of  the  Yankee  Bank.  Frankenia  laevis  appears  to  be 
spreading  on  the  Point,  although  it  is  said  to  produce  a few  fertile  seeds  in 
its  Norfolk  stations  (see  Map  5). 


Bryonia  dioica  Jacq.  - White  Bryony. 

Growing  near  Tamarisk  bushes  next  to  the  Laboratory  in  1987,  but  not 
seen  recently. 


Populus  alba  L.  - White  Poplar. 

The  original  trees  in  the  plantation  planted  by  Professor  F.  W.  Oliver 
in  1916-17  are  now  dead.  Since  1955  they  suckered  very  freely  on  the 
slopes  about  the  plantation  and  these  shoots  are  now  forming  quite  a dense 


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thicket.  Perhaps  the  absence  of  rabbits  has  encouraged  the  regrowth. 
Populus  balsamifera  L.  - Eastern  Balsam  Poplar. 

Planted  in  the  plantation  by  Professor  F.  W.  Oliver  in  1916-17.  The 
original  tree  has  gradually  been  dying  back  since  the  floods  of  1953  but 
several  suckers  survived.  Not  seen  recently. 

99  oo  01 

Map  5.  Frankenia  laevis 

Brassicaceae  (Cruciferae) 

Sisymbrium  officinale  (L.)  Scop.  - Hedge  Mustard. 

Localised  patches  found  on  Far  Point  in  2004.  Occasional  on  the  Watch 
House  bank. 

Descurainia  sophia  (L.)  Webb  ex  Prantl.  ( Sisymbrium  sophia  L.)  - 

Found  in  disturbed  ground  near  the  Old  Lifeboat  House  in  1960. 
Armoracia  rusticana  P.  Gaertn.,  B.  Mey  & Scherb.  - Horse-radish. 

One  plant  occurred  on  the  dunes  in  front  of  the  New  Lifeboat  House. 
Cardamine  pratensis  L.  - Cuckooflower. 

In  2004  six  plants  found  in  the  dunes  near  Glaux  Low. 

Erophila  verna  (L)  DC  - Common  Whitlowgrass. 

A very  short-lived  spring-flowering  dune  annual.  Abundant  on  the  fixed 
dunes  and  lichen  heaths.  By  early  summer  only  the  dried  remains  of  this 
plant  will  be  found. 

Cochlearia  officinalis  L.  - Common  Scurvygrass. 

A perennial  plant,  a member  of  the  so-called  ‘general  salt-marsh 
community.’  Comes  into  flower  very  early  in  the  season. 

Cochlearia  anglica  L.  - English  Scurvygrass. 

Rather  rare,  mainly  confined  to  the  Suaeda  vera  zones  on  the  flanks  of  the 
older  lateral  shingle  banks. 

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Coclearia  dcmica  L.  - Danish  Scurvygrass. 

A biennial  plant.  Recorded  on  the  Yankee  Bank  , parts  of  the  grey  dune 
near  the  Lifeboat  houses  and  from  the  upper  edges  of  the  marsh. 

Capsella  bursa-pastor  is  (L.)  Medik.  - Shepherd’s-purse. 

In  disturbed  ground  near  the  Lifeboat  Houses.  Recorded  in  1998  in  the 
main  temery  on  Near  Point. 

Cakile  maritima  Scop.  - Sea  Rocket. 

An  annual  plant  of  the  strand  line.  Plants  will  also  be  found  on  and  behind 
the  seaward  face  of  the  main  dune  ridge,  where  seed  has  been  carried  by 
the  high  tides  during  winter  storms. 

Crambe  maritima  L.  - Seakale. 

A single  specimen  of  this  plant  occurred  on  the  main  shingle  ridge  beyond 
the  Watch  House  towards  Cley.  This  established  itself  from  seed  (derived 
from  the  Calshot  Shingle  Spit)  sown  on  the  selfsame  spot  in  January  1912, 
by  Professor  F.  W.  Oliver.  It  was  destroyed  in  the  floods  of  1953.  However, 
by  1968  there  were  three  plants  on  the  main  shingle  bank  between  Cley 
beach  and  the  Hood.  The  largest  plant  growing  on  the  seaward  edge  of 
the  shingle  bank,  east  of  the  Hood  and  about  one-third  of  the  way  along 
towards  the  Watch  House,  flowers  annually.  Have  these  plants  come  from 
long-buried  seed  derived  from  the  original  plant  which  was  destroyed  in 
the  storm-surge  of  1953? 


Reseda  luteola  L.  - Dyer’s  Rocket,  Weld. 

A casual  in  disturbed  ground  by  the  Lifeboat  Houses  where  it  may  be 
found  in  most  years.  More  widespread  in  2004. 


Anagallis  arvensis  L.  ssp.  arvensis  - Scarlet  Pimpernel. 

Found  occasionally  on  the  shingle  banks,  shingly  lows  and  on  the  ‘older’ 

Glaux  maritima  L.  - Sea-milkwort. 

Salisbury  (1932)  described  this  plant  as  a pseudo-annual,  it  perennates 
and  spreads  by  means  of  fleshy  stolons,  while  its  aerial  shoots  are  annual. 
It  grows  in  places  where  there  is  some  deposition  of  mud  or  sand,  usually 
as  a result  of  flooding  by  high  tides.  The  plant  gives  its  name  to  Glaux 
Low,  over  which  it  eventually  formed  a more  or  less  complete  carpet. 
This  colonization  began  to  take  place  in  1910  and  by  about  1917  it  had 
occupied  more  than  half  the  Low.  However,  by  2003  and  2004  the  plant 
was  in  decline  in  Glaux  Low  where  it  is  being  out-competed  by  Agrostis 


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stolonifera  It  is  now  abundant  in  parts  of  Great  Sandy  Low,  and  it  also 
occurs  in  Boathouse  Low. 


Sedum  acre  L.  - Biting  Stonecrop. 

An  abundant  plant  on  the  fixed  dunes  and  shingle. 

Sedum  anglicum  Huds.  - English  Stonecrop. 

A beautiful  plant  with  pink  and  white  flowers  found  on  the  shingle. 
Locally  abundant  on  Yankee  and  Watch  House  Banks.  Not  so  widespread 
nor  so  abundant  as  S.  acre.  There  was  a particularly  good  show  of  this 
plant  on  Yankee  Bank  in  1966. 


Filipendula  ulmaria  (L.)  Maxim.  - Meadowsweet. 

A plant  was  found  growing  with  a patch  of  Scutellaria  in  a hollow  on 
the  main  dunes  in  1956.  It  was  still  there  in  1959,  but  has  not  been  seen 

Rubus  idaeus  L.  - Raspberry. 

A single  bush  present  for  many  years  on  the  fixed  dunes  next  to  the  Yucca, 
between  the  laboratory  and  the  plantation.  Found  in  fruit  in  1986  and  in 
2004.  Four  shrubs  have  become  established  at  the  same  site. 

Rubus  fruticosus  agg.  - Bramble,  Blackberry. 

Known  for  some  years  as  an  occasional  plant  on  the  dunes  (see  Map  6). 
Samples  of  the  following  species  (in  Rubus  F.  subgenus  Rubus  section 
Glandulosus  (R.  fruticosus  L.  agg.))  were  collected  in  the  summer  of 
1980,  and  kindly  identified  by  the  late  E.S.Edees: 

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Map  6 Rubus  fruticosus  agg. 

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R.  ulmifolius  Schott. 

Vigorous  specimens  occur  on  the  Hood,  the  Long  Hills  and  on  the 
dunes  at  the  head  of  Great  Sandy  Low.  In  1986  occurring  near  the  Old 
Lifeboat  House  and  at  the  head  of  the  Lagoon  near  an  old  stand  of 
Leymus  arenarius. 

R.  boraeanus  Genev. 

Found  growing  with  R.  ulmifolius  on  the  Hood.  A local  and  rather 
variable  species  in  Norfolk. 

Rubus  caesius  L.  - Dewberry. 

Samples  collected  for  identification  from  the  Beacon  Hills  at  the  same 
time  as  the  bramble  samples  above.  A few  plants  present  for  some  years 
and  now  spreading  (see  Map  7). 

Map  7 Rubus  caesius 
Potentilla  anserina  L.  - Silverweed. 

Occurs  around  the  margin  of  Glaux  Low,  where  it  is  spreading,  on  the  Hood, 
and  in  odd  places  on  the  seaward  side  of  the  dunes  where  flotsam  gets 
washed  up.  Present  in  Glaux  Low  in  2002. 

Aphanes  arvensis  L.  - Parsley-piert. 

Occurs  sparsely  on  the  older  shingle  laterals.  Recorded  on  the  Yankee 
Bank  in  1956. 

Rosa pimpinellifolia  L.  - Burnet  Rose. 

A plant  has  been  known  for  some  years  on  the  main  dunes. 

Rosa  canina  L.  - Dog-rose. 

Found  at  the  top  end  of  the  Beacon  Hills  enclosure  near  the  fence  of  the 
NT  exclosure  and  a single  plant  in  the  grey  dunes  in  2000. 


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Rosa  rugosa  Thunb.  ex  Murray  - Japanese  Rose. 

Several  plants  found  in  2002  around  Glaux  Low,  but  removed  by  the 

Prunus  domestica  L.  - Wild  Plum. 

Four  saplings  found  on  the  Hood  in  2003.  In  2004  a single  sapling 
was  found  in  the  Grey  dune  near  the  Laboratory  and  another  near  the 

Crataegus  monogyna  Jacq.  - Hawthorn. 

A single  small  (ca.  30cm),  stunted  plant  was  found  in  the  dune  on  the 
Hood  and  also  a single  plant  in  the  Main  Dunes  near  the  boardwalk  in 


Acacia  dealbata  Link-  Silver  wattle. 

An  accidental.  A native  of  S.E.  Australia  and  Tasmania.  Widely  naturalized 
in  S.  Europe.  Seedling  by  the  side  of  the  boardwalk  found  in  2004.  Still 
surviving  in  2005  and  2006. 

Fabaceae  (Leguminosae) 

Anthyllis  vulneraria  L.  - Kidney  Vetch. 

Ten  plants  found  near  the  bird  hide  on  Near  Point  in  2004. 

Lotus  corniculatus  L.  - Common  Bird’s-foot-trefoil. 

This  plant  grows  on  the  crest  of  some  of  the  lateral  shingle  banks,  e.g. 
Watch  House  and  Yankee  Banks.  It  is  quite  common  on  the  Hood.,  where  it 
was  recorded  as  locally  abundant  in  lower  shingle  depressions  in  2003. 
Vicia  sativa  ssp.  nigra  L.  (ssp.  angustifolia  (L.)  Gaudin)  - Common  Vetch. 
Oliver  & Salisbury  (1913a)  recorded  it  as  an  occasional  plant  on  the  Watch 
House  Bank  and  on  two  of  the  Marams.  More  recently  it  has  appeared  on 
Yankee  Bank,  and  in  1965  it  was  recorded  for  the  first  time  on  the  Hood. 
Vicia  lathyroides  L.  - Spring  Vetch. 

A single  plant  found  on  the  Watch  House  Bank  in  1985. 

Lathyrus  japonicus  Willd.  (Lathyrus  maritimus  (L.)  Bigelow)  - Sea  Pea. 
Probably  introduced  to  Blakeney  Point;  in  1954  E.  A.  Ellis  sowed  100 
seeds  in  the  shingle  at  Cley  Beach  over  a distance  of  about  300  yards 
running  west  from  where  the  road  comes  down  to  the  beach.  The  seed 
was  collected  in  1953  from  Shingle  Street  in  Suffolk.  Several  plants  were 
found  in  flower  on  the  shingle  near  East  Point  in  1959.  In  1970  several 
plants  were  found  on  the  main  shingle  bank  east  of  Watch  House.  Still 
to  be  found  in  1996,  but  after  the  main  shingle  ridge  was  overrun  by  the 
sea  in  spring  storms  in  1997  it  could  not  be  found  (Beckett  & Bull  1999). 

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Present  in  2006  (P.  Lambley  pers.  com.J. 

Trifolium  repens  L.  - White  Clover. 

There  is  a small  patch  of  this  plant  persisting  on  the  Headland  dunes.  Still 
present  in  2004. 

Trifolium  campestre  Schreb.  - Hop  Trefoil. 

Occurs  on  some  of  the  older  lateral  shingle  banks. 

Trifolium  dubium  Sibth.  - Lesser  Trefoil. 

On  some  of  the  lateral  shingle  banks  and  in  some  dry  shingle  lows  (e.g. 
Long  Low). 

Trifolium  striatum  L.  - Knotted  Clover. 

Occurs  on  some  of  the  older  shingle  laterals. 

Trifolium  scabrum  L.  - Rough  Clover. 

Has  been  recorded  for  the  Watch  House  Bank. 

Trifoljum  arvense  L.  - Hare’s-foot  Clover.  On  the  Marams, 

Watch  House  and  Yankee  Banks.  In  2003  it  was  locally  abundant  in  lower 
shingle  depressions  on  the  Hood. 

Lupinus  arboreus  Sims  - Tree  Lupin. 

Originally  planted  near  the  Lifeboat  Houses  and  the  Laboratory.  It  appears 
to  be  spreading  particularly  in  the  shingle  of  Long  Low.  Still  present  but 
many  dead  older  plants  found  in  2003  and  lots  of  seedlings  in  2004  (see 
Map  8) 

99  00  01 

Map  8 Lupinus  arboreus 


Hippophae  rhamnoides  L.  - Sea  Buckthorn. 

Several  plants  on  the  trackways  behind  the  main  dune  ridge  where  they 
were  planted  in  January,  1956.  Two  of  the  plants  were  going  ahead  nicely 


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and  producing  suckers  by  1959.  One  had  a long  row  of  sucker  shoots 
forming.  But  neither  these  plants  nor  the  three  or  four  plants  on  the  Hood 
which  were  planted  in  1956  or  1957  have  survived. 


Epilobium  hirsutum  L.  - Great  Willow-herb. 

Very  rare.  Was  first  recorded  for  the  main  shingle  bank  by  Oliver  & 
Salisbury  ( 1913a).  Now  much  more  widespread. 

Epilobium  montanum  L.  - Broad-leaved  Willowherb. 

Several  plants  around  the  edges  of  Glaux  Low  in  2002  and  2003,  and  on 
the  Yankee  Bank  in  2004. 

Epilobium  ciliatum  Raf.  (E.  adenocaulon  Hausskn.  ) - American 

A plant  was  found  on  the  Yankee  Bank  in  1967.  Another  plant  was  found 
on  the  main  dunes  in  1970.  Found  on  the  Hood  in  2004  in  the  shingle 
interface  and  on  the  dunes  locally  frequent. 

Chamerion  angustifolium  (L.)  Holub  (Epilobium  angustifolium  L.)  - 
Rosebay  Willowherb. 

A casual  originally  found  occasionally  on  the  main  shingle  ridge  but 
now  found  more  frequently.  In  2003  forming  extensive  localized  patches 
around  the  higher  parts  of  the  Grey  Dune  and  in  the  dunes  on  the  Hood. 


Euonymus  europaeus  L.  - Spindle. 

Two  plants  behind  the  plantation,  possibly  from  bird-sown  seed  or  possibly 
planted.  The  plants  are  flourishing,  sending  up  suckers  and  fruiting.  Also 
now  occurs  in  the  NT  enclosure  and  elsewhere. 


Mercurialis  annua  L.  - Annual  Mercury. 

Three  plants  (one  male,  two  female)  were  found  growing  near  the  New 
Lifeboat  House  in  1934,  but  not  seen  recently. 

Euphorbia  lathyris  L.  - Caper  Spurge. 

A biennial,  casual  or  naturalized  alien.  First  occurred  in  1964  inside  the 
NT  fenced  area  near  the  Lifeboat  Houses.  By  2000  had  spread  to  30-40 

Euphorbia  paralias  L.  - Sea  Spurge. 

Found  in  1959,  on  the  dunes  near  the  neck  of  Glaux  Low.  Still  present 
and  flowering  in  1960.  In  2001  two  mature  plants  and  20-30  young  shoots 
found  in  the  neck  of  Glaux  Low,  and  several  plants  around  Great  Sandy 
Low.  Now  more  widespread  (see  Map  9). 

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99  00  01 

Map  9 Euphorbia  paralias 


Acer pseudoplcitanas  L.  - Sycamore. 

Several  trees  in  the  plantation  present  in  2004.  It  was  probably  planted 
about  1916  or  1917. 


Geranium  molle  L.  - Dove’s-foot  Crane’s-bill. 

Occasional  plants  occur  on  the  stabilised  shingle  banks  and  on  the  older 
grey  dunes.  In  2004  good  colonies  forming  on  Yankee  Bank,  Far  Point 
and  Near  Point. 

Erodium  cicutarium  (L.)  L’Herit.  - Common  Stork’s-bill. 

A common,  somewhat  variable  plant  of  the  fixed  dunes  and  lichen 

Apiaceae  (Umbelliferae) 

Eyngium  maritimum  L.  - Sea  Holly. 

A perennial  plant  of  mobile  sand  dunes  and  of  shingle  which  contains  a 
good  deal  of  sand.  Initially  not  a particularly  common  plant  on  Blakeney 
Point,  but  now  spreading.  It  occurs  mainly  among  the  derelict  small  dunes 
at  the  eastern  end  of  the  main  ternery  where  it  is  perhaps  now  rather  more 
abundant  than  hitherto.  One  small  plant  found  on  the  main  shingle  bank 
in  1992,  not  seen  since.  A single  flowering  specimen  found  in  low  yellow 
dune  near  the  foreshore  in  2002.  Occasional  in  yellow  dune  on  New  Far 
Point  and  the  main  dune  in  2002.  Now  spreading  further  (see  Map  10). 


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99  00  01 

Map  10  Eryngium  maritimum 

Anthriscus  caucalis  M.  Bieb.  - Bur  Chervil. 

In  disturbed  ground  near  the  Lifeboat  Houses  where  it  still  occurs.  In 
1968  several  plants  were  also  found  flowering  and  fruiting  on  the  Watch 
House  Bank. 

Heracleum  sphondyllium  L.  - Hogweed. 

Found  on  Far  Point. 


Lycopersicon  esculentum  Mill  - Tomato. 

Four  plants  found  towards  the  end  of  Far  Point  in  2004. 

Solarium  nigrum  L.  - Black  Nightshade. 

A casual  that  has  been  recorded  from  the  Long  Hills,  and  from  the  Beacon 
Solanum  dulcamara  L.  - Bittersweet. 

A rare  casual  which  has  been  recorded  at  the  edge  of  the  fence  surrounding 
the  NT  enclosure  near  the  Old  Lifeboat  House.  In  flower  also  inside  the 
enclosure  in  1994.  A good  shrub  1-1.5  m wide  still  present  in  2003. 
Spreading  in  2004 
Solanum  tuberosum  L.  - Potato. 

Found  in  the  NT  enclosure  and  on  the  Hood  in  2004 


Convolvulus  arvensis  L.  - Field  Bindweed. 

An  odd  plant  on  the  seaward  edge  of  the  dunes  where  detritus  has  been 
washed  up. 

Calystegia  sepium  (L.)  R.  Br.  - Hedge  Bindweed. 

Several  shoots  in  dune  fringing  the  south  side  of  Great  Sandy  Low  and 
near  the  neck  of  Glaux  Low. 

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Calystegia  soldanella  (L.)  R.Br.  ( Convolvulus  soldanella  L.)  - Sea 

A small  patch  was  growing  on  the  mobile  sand  behind  the  big  blow-outs 
in  the  Beacon  Hills.  Since  the  disappearance  of  rabbits  this  has  spread 
extensively  and  flowering  is  profuse.  The  plant  is  now  appearing  in  many 
other  parts  of  the  Point.  Continuing  to  expand  in  parts  of  the  grey  dune 
and  flowering  profusely  in  2003. 


Echium  vulgare  L.  - Viper’s-bugloss. 

One  specimen  of  this  plant  was  found  in  flower  on  the  Hood  in  1959.  It 
had  not  previously  been  seen  on  the  Point  and  it  has  not  been  seen  since. 
Anchusa  arvensis  (L.)  M.  Bieb.  ( Lycopsis  arvensis  L.)  - Bugloss. 

In  2004  three  plants  found  in  the  NT  enclosure. 

Mertensia  maritima  (L.)  S.  F.  Gray  - Oysterplant. 

First  seen  at  Blakeney  Point  in  1905.  In  1914  there  were  five  plants.  Last 
seen  in  1921.  This  was  the  most  southerly  station  on  the  east  coast  for  this 
rare  shingle  plant. 

Myosotis  ramosissima  Rochel  ( Myosotis  collina  Hoffn.)  - Early  Forget-me- 

A very  abundant,  short-lived,  dune  annual.  It  is  common  on  the  fixed 
dunes  and  Lichen  heaths,  but  less  common  in  the  shingly  lows  and  on  the 
stabilised  lateral  shingle  banks. 

Myosotis  discolor  Pers.  - Changing  Forget-me-not. 

Was  recorded  by  Oliver  & Salisbury  (1913a)  as  a rare  plant  on  the  Long 

Cynoglossum  officinale  L.  - Hound’s-tongue. 

A biennial  plant  with  a stout  fleshy  taproot,  found  scattered  in  small  groups 
mainly  on  the  yellow  dunes.  The  plant  is  said  to  have  a “mouse-like  odour 
which  is  unmistakeableT  It  has  an  efficient  dispersal  mechanism  in  the 
fruits  with  hooked  spines.  Now  frequent  in  all  parts  of  the  grey  dunes. 

Lamiaceae  (Labiatae) 

Stachys  palustris  L.  - Marsh  Woundwort. 

Nine  plants,  one  in  flower,  found  in  2000  near  the  bird  hide.  In  2004  more 
than  50  shoots  present.  Probably  an  accidental. 

Lamium  purpureum  L.  - Red  Dead-nettle. 

Several  flowering  plants  of  this  annual  were  found  in  1961  in  disturbed 
ground  among  the  lupins  near  the  Old  Lifeboat  House.  Several  plants 
found  in  2004  on  Near  Point. 


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Scutellaria  galericulata  L.  - Skull-cap. 

First  noticed  in  1955  on  the  seaward  face  of  the  main  dunes,  where 
detritus  bad  been  washed  up.  In  1957  another  patch  of  this  plant  was 
found  elsewhere  on  the  dunes.  The  plant  has  been  gradually  disappearing 
and  in  1965  there  were  only  two  flowering  shoots.  Not  seen  recently. 
Lycopus  europaeus  L.  - Gipsy-wort. 

A single  plant  was  found  on  the  dunes  in  1956.  Not  seen  recently. 


PI  ant  ago  coronopus  L.  - Buck’s-hom  Plantain. 

A very  variable  plant  of  the  stabilised  shingle  and  of  the  sandy-shingly 
lows.  Normally  biennial,  but  some  of  the  plants  are  undoubtedly  perennial 
(Oliver  & Salisbury  1913a).  It  can  tolerate  a high  salt  concentration  and 
will  tolerate  periods  of  submergence  by  high  tides. 

PI  ant  ago  maritima  L.  - Sea  Plantain. 

Found  as  scattered  plants  about  the  mid-level  of  the  Salicornia  marshes. 
On  the  higher  level  marshes  it  is  a component  of  the  so-called  ‘general 
salt-marsh  community  and  here  it  occurs  in  patches  as,  for  example,  on 
the  marshes  by  the  Marams.  Occasional  plants  of  P.  maritima  may  be 
found  in  the  lows  (e.g.  in  Glaux  and  Boathouse  Lows),  among  the  embryo 
dunes  and  even  on  the  strand  line,  due  to  tidal  distribution. 

Plantago  lanceolata  L.  - Ribwort  Plantain. 

Found  occasionally.  Recorded  on  the  Watch  House  Bank  in  1956. 


Ligustrum  vulgare  L.  - Wild  Privet. 

In  2004  one  shrub  found  in  NT  enclosure  and  two  large  shrubs  on  the 
north  side  of  the  main  dune  ridge. 


Digitalis  purpurea  L.  - Foxglove. 

One  plant  was  found  on  the  Watch  House  Bank  in  1967.  More  plants  were 
seen  in  1968.  In  1969  there  were  two  patches  growing  on  the  shingle  by 
the  Laboratory;  one  patch  had  white  flowers  and  the  other  pinkish.  By 
197 1 they  had  spread  further  into  Long  Low.  Not  seen  recently. 

Veronica  officinalis  L.  - Heath  Speedwell. 

Occurs  regularly  on  the  Hood  although  not  in  great  quantity.  Several 
patches  of  the  plant  were  found  in  1966. 

Veronica  arvensis  L.  - Wall  Speedwell. 

Reported  by  Oliver  & Salisbury  (1913a)  as  occurring  on  the  Long  Hills 
but  rather  rare.  In  1969  several  plants  were  in  flower  on  the  dunes  near 

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Glaux  Low. 

Veronica persica  Poir.  - Common  Field-speedwell. 

A small  localized  patch  found  on  Far  Point  in  2004. 


Sherardia  arvensis  L.  - Field  Madder. 

Recorded  for  the  Hood.  Very  rare. 

Galium  verum  L.  - Lady’s  Bedstraw. 

Found  on  the  Hood,  the  Long  Hills  and  on  some  of  the  older,  lateral 
shingle  banks.  It  was  first  recorded  from  the  Yankee  Bank  in  1956.  A good 
localised  colony  growing  in  the  grey  dunes  in  2002.  Locally  frequent 
amongst  the  dune  grasses  (except  Ammophila)  on  the  Hood  in  2003. 
Galium  saxatile  L.  - Heath  Bedstraw. 

Found  on  the  older  dunes  near  the  Long  Hills  in  1957,  and  in  1964  it  was 
found  on  the  old  dunes  along  Great  Sandy  Low. 

Galium  aparine  L.  - Cleavers. 

In  1 970  several  plants  were  found  in  flower  growing  in  the  detritus  which 
had  accumulated  among  the  Suaeda  vera  bushes  on  the  shingle  in  the 
western  angle  between  the  Watch  House  Bank  and  the  main  ridge.  In  1971 
there  were  several  plants  in  flower  among  the  Tree  Lupins  surrounding 
the  well  in  the  NT  enclosure.  Many  plants  found  in  the  semi-fixed  dunes 
in  the  Beacon  Hills  near  the  Lifeboat  houses  in  1984  and  still  present  in 


Sambucus  nigra  L.  - Elder. 

Several  specimens  of  this  shrub  are  to  be  found  on  the  Point,  e.g.  on  the 
Hood,  the  Long  Hills  and  the  grey  dunes.  Probably  the  results  of  birds 
distributing  the  fruits  (see  Map  11). 

Lonicera periclymenum  L.  - Honeysuckle.  Several  shoots  found  in  the 
plantation  in  2004. 


Valerianella  locusta  (L.)  Laterr.  - Common  Cornsalad 

One  time  fairly  common  on  the  Long  Hills  but  now  rare.  Has  been  reported 
occasionally  on  the  seaward  side  of  the  main  dunes  in  recent  years. 


Dipsacus  fullonum  L.  - Teasel. 

An  occasional  plant  has  occurred  from  time  to  time.  In  1963  some  26 
plants  were  found  on  the  relict  dune  beyond  the  Long  Hills.  In  1964  there 


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were  between  two  and  three  dozen  plants  ( 14  of  which  flowered)  on  the 
margin  of  the  dune  beside  Great  Sandy  Low.  In  the  following  year  there 
was  an  additional  small  patch  of  these  plants  near  Great  Sandy  Low. 

The  number  of  these  plants  continues  to  increase  and  in  September, 
1 966,  there  were  62  dead  inflorescences  and  no  fewer  than  1 00  first-year 
rosettes  (some  growing  on  the  shingle)  at  the  Long  Hills  site,  and  10 
inflorescences  and  more  than  20  rosettes  at  the  Great  Sandy  Low  sites. 

99  oo  01 

Map  11  Sambucus  niger 

Asteraceae  (Compositae) 

Cardans  nutans  L.  - Musk  Thistle. 

A single  plant  was  found  in  1971  on  the  ridge  south-east  of  the  Lifeboat 
House  by  E.A.  Ellis.  Now  more  widespread,  locally  frequent. 

Cirsium  vulgare  (Savi)  Ten.  - Spear  Thistle. 

An  occasional  plant  of  the  shingle  and  dunes. 

Cirsium  arvense  (L.)  Scop.  - Creeping  Thistle. 

Found  regularly  in  small  numbers  on  the  main  dunes  and  the  shingle. 
Hypochaeris  radicata  L.  - Cat’s-ear. 

Found  regularly  on  the  older  dunes.  It  usually  occurs  in  patches  of  several 

Hypochaeris  glabra  L.  - Smooth  Cat’s-ear. 

An  annual  plant  whose  small  rosettes  may  be  found  on  the  lichen  beaths 
and  old  grey  dunes. 

Leontodon  autumnalis  L.  - Autumnal  Hawkbit. 

Rare.  Recorded  on  the  crests  of  some  of  the  older  lateral  shingle  banks. 

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Leontodon  hispidus  L.  - Rough  Hawkbit. 

Occasionally  on  the  older  dunes  and  on  the  lateral  shingle  banks.  It  was 
recorded,  for  example,  on  Watch  House  Bank  in  1956. 

Tragopogon pratensis  L.  - Goat’s-beard. 

Two  plants  flowering  on  the  top  of  the  main  dune  ridge  in  the  Beacon 
Hills  and  near  the  board  walk  in  200 1 and  2002,  spreading  along  the  upper 
parts  of  the  main  dune  ridge  west  to  east  towards  the  boardwalk  in  2003. 
Still  spreading  amongst  the  dunes  in  2004. 

Sonchus  arvensis  L.  - Perennial  Sow-thistle. 

On  the  shingle  banks,  often  growing  among  the  Suaeda  vera  bushes,  or 
among  the  patches  of  Honckenya  peploides  or  Festuca  rubra. 

Sonchus  oleraceus  L.  - Smooth  Sow-thistle. 

Frequent  on  the  shingle  banks  including  the  main  ridge. 

Sonchus  asper  (L.)  Hill.  - Prickly  Sow-thistle. 

This  plant,  which  closely  resembles  S.  oleraceus,  has  been  recorded  for 
the  Point. 

Lactuca  virosa  L.  - Great  Lettuce. 

A tight  cluster  of  50  plants  in  flower  in  the  dunes  fringing  the  north  side 
of  Great  Sandy  Low  in  2003.  By  2004  there  were  100  flowering  plants 
and  100  first  year  rosettes. 

Taraxacum  sect.  Ruderalia  ( Taraxacum  officinale  Weber)  - Common 

Members  of  this  taxonomically  difficult  genus  occur.  Oliver  & Salisbury 
(1913a)  recorded  T.  sect.  Erythrosperma  (H.  Lindb.)  Dahlst  from  the 
Long  Hills.  It  probably  occurs  elsewhere  on  the  old  grey  dunes  and  lichen 

Crepis  biennis  L.  - Rough  Hawk’s-beard. 

Occasional  on  the  Watch  House  bank. 

Crepis  capillaris  (L.)  Wallr.  - Smooth  Hawk’s-Beard. 

Small  patches  locally  frequent  between  NT  enclosure  the  and  south  side 
of  the  Beacon  Hills,  and  on  the  Yankee  Bank. 

Pilosella  officinarum  L.  ( Hieracium  pilosella  L.)  - Mouse-ear-hawkweed. 
Found  regularly  but  not  abundantly  on  the  older  dunes  and  lichen 

Filago  vulgaris  Lam.  - Common  Cudweed. 

Locally  frequent  to  abundant  in  more  stable  grey  dune  around  the  in 
1999.  On  Far  Point  in  numbers  on  the  salt-marsh  side  (landward)  in  the 
yellow  dunes  in  2002. 


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Filago  arvensis  L. 

At  least  30  plants  of  this  casual  were  found  growing  on  the  grey  dunes 
near  the  well  in  1969.  An  introduced  species  from  Europe  now  rare. 
Filago  minima  (Sm.)  Pers.  - Small  Cudweed. 

This  small,  grey-green  annual  is  extremely  abundant  on  the  grey  dunes, 
lichen  heaths  and  stabilized  sandy-shingles.  It  is  very  short-lived  and  is 
easily  overlooked  since  the  specimens  on  the  Point  are  usually  minute. 
Pulicaria  dysenterica  (L.)  Bemh.  - Common  Fleabane. 

A single  plant  found  in  Glaux  Low  in  1985  but  not  seen  recently. 

Aster  tripolium  L.  - Sea  Aster. 

A very  abundant,  marsh-forming  plant.  It  forms  tussocks  among  the 
Salicornia  europaea  at  the  lower  levels  of  the  marsh.  It  accumulates  mud 
and  causes  the  general  level  of  the  marshes  to  increase  and  gradually 
forms  a continuous  sward.  (Aster  marsh).  The  Aster  on  the  marshes  on 
Blakeney  Point  is  nearly  all  of  the  ray-less  form  (var.  discoideus  Rchb.) 
with  only  the  yellow  disc  florets.  A very  occasional  plant  with  the  mauve 
ray  florets  will  be  found. 

Erigeron  acer  L.  - Blue  Fleabane. 

Occasional  throughout  the  grey  dunes  and  on  shingle/sand  areas  of  Far 
Point  in  2004. 

Conyza  canadensis  (L.)  Cronquist  ( Erigeron  canadensis  L.)  - Canadian 

Observed  in  1957  on  the  main  shingle  bank.  In  1966  there  were  a number 
of  plants  in  the  main  temery  on  Near  Point  and  it  was  still  present  in  1 998. 
In  2002  the  plant  occurred  on  the  landward  side  of  the  dunes  on  Far  Point 
where  it  is  now  locally  frequent. 

Beilis  perennis  L.  - Daisy. 

Recorded  by  Oliver  & Salisbury  (1913a)  for  the  Watch  House  Bank.  Its 
occasional  presence  there,  and  perhaps  elsewhere  on  the  Point  is  probably 
due  to  human  activity.  It  was  noted  on  the  main  shingle  ridge  in  1957. 
Seriphidium  maritimum  (L.)  Polj.  ( Artemisia  maritima  L.)  - Sea 

This  grey-green  plant,  which  has  a very  characteristic  smell  when 
crushed,  is  found  at  the  upper  margins  of  the  older  marshes,  and  on  the 
shingle  fringing  such  marshes.  It  also  occurs  in  some  of  the  lows  and  has 
appeared  on  the  Yankee  Bank.  Spread  on  to  Far  Point  in  2002  where  it 
occurs  above  the  strand  line  in  sandy  shingle.  There  are  patches  where  it 
is  now  locally  frequent  on  Far  Point. 

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Achillea  millefolium  L.  -Yarrow. 

Found  in  2003  and  2004  at  the  side  of  the  tractor  path  where  the  Yankee 
Bank  meets  the  Main  shingle  bank. 

Tripleurospermum  maritimum  (L.)  W.D.J.  Koch  ( Matricaria  maritima  L.)  - 
Sea  Mayweed. 

A rare  plant  (on  the  Point)  found  occasionally  on  the  main  shingle  bank 
where  it  was  noted,  for  example,  in  1958.  There  were  several  plants  on 
the  embryo  dunes  near  Great  Sandy  Low  in  1966.  Now  spreading  and 
more  numerous,  as  on  Far  Point. 

Senecio  jacobaea  L.  - Common  Ragwort. 

A common  plant  on  both  dunes  and  the  shingle.  It  seems  to  favour  disturbed 
ground  and  was  especially  abundant  on  those  regions  of  the  older  dunes 
where  there  were  extensive  rabbit  burrows,  many  of  which  had  collapsed. 
It  was  much  less  abundant  in  the  years  following  the  disappearance  of 
the  rabbits.  Many  of  the  areas  in  which  it  formerly  grew  abundantly  had 
become  more  stabilised  following  the  disappearance  of  the  rabbits  and 
the  consequent  better  growth  of  the  grasses  especially  Festuca  (White 
1961).  There  was  more  Senecio  flowering  in  1966  than  for  some  years, 
and  there  was  a particularly  fine  show  on  the  “rotten”  dune  opposite  the 
Laboratory.  Senecio  jacobaea  is  the  food  plant  of  the  caterpillars  of  the 
Cinnabar  moth,  which  sometimes  defoliate  the  plants. 

Senecio  vulgaris  L.  - Groundsel. 

Found  occasionally  on  the  shingle  and  dunes,  and  in  disturbed  soil  e.g. 
around  the  Lifeboat  Houses. 

Senecio  sylvaticus  L.  - Heath  Groundsel. 

Recorded  by  Oliver  & Salisbury  (1913a)  as  very  rare,  occurring  only  on 
the  highest  part  of  the  eighth  lateral  shingle  bank.  For  some  years  it  has 
been  found  regularly  on  the  Hood.  In  1968  it  was  observed  on  the  relict 
dune  forming  the  'outlier’  to  the  Long  Hills.  In  2004  found  occasionally 
throughout  the  dunes  and  on  Far  Point,  spreading  at  the  end  of  Yankee 

Tussilago  farfara  L.  - Colt’s-foot. 

This  plant  of  stiff,  heavy  soils  is  occasionally  recorded  as  a casual. 
Recorded  by  Oliver  & Salisbury  (1913a).  A plant  was  found  growing  on 
the  drift  line  in  1956  and  was  still  there  in  1959.  It  was  probably  the  result 
of  a piece  of  rhizome  washed  up  by  the  tide.  In  2004  two  plants  were 
recorded  on  Far  Point. 


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Triglochin  maritimum  L.  - Sea  Arrowgrass. 

Found  as  scattered  plants  about  the  mid-level  of  the  Aster  marsh.  At 
higher  levels  it  can  be  found  in  patches  forming  part  of  the  mosaic  which 
is  referred  to  as  the  “general  salt-marsh  community.”  Odd  plants  of  T. 
maritimum  may  be  found  in  the  lows  where  they  may  have  been  carried 
by  high  tides.  It  has  been  observed  in  both  Glaux  Low  and  Boathouse 
Low.  More  than  40  robust  plants  were  found  in  Glaux  Low  in  2002. 


Zostera  marina  L.  - Eelgrass. 

It  is  less  tolerant  of  exposure  than  Z.  noltii  (see  below)  and  occurs  just 
above  the  low  tide  level.  On  the  Point  it  is  often  found  growing  in  small 
runnels  left  when  the  tide  retreats.  It  is  less  common  than  Z.  noltii  on  the 

Zostera  angustifolia  (Homem.)  Rchb.  (Z.  hornemanniana  Tutin)  - Narrow- 
leaved Eelgrass. 

Found  in  1962,  growing  in  association  with  Z.  noltii.  The  plants  were 
intermediate  in  frond  size  between  Z.  marina  and  Z.  noltii.  Fertile  specimens 
were  collected  and  sent  to  Professor  T.  G.  Tutin  for  identification. 
Zostera  noltii  Homem.  ( Zostera  nana  Roth)  - Dwarf  Eelgrass. 

More  abundant  than  Z.  marina  and  more  tolerant  of  exposure.  It  grows 
upon  sloppy  mud  and  is  often  exposed  at  low  tide. 


Juncus  gerardii  Loisel.  - Salt-marsh  Rush. 

A single  plant  appeared  in  Glaux  Low  in  1916.  This  was  thought  to  be  due 
to  the  tidal  entry  the  preceding  November.  The  plant  has  spread  into  Great 
Sandy  Low,  and  is  now  common  in  Glaux  Low  where  it  is  still  spreading 
in  2003. 

Juncus  bufonius  L.  - Toad  Rush. 

A small,  tufted,  annual  plant  abundant  in  Glaux  Low.  In  1958  it  appeared 
in  Long  Low  where  it  is  now  in  great  quantity. 

Juncus  articulatus  L.  - Jointed  Rush. 

Several  plants,  forming  an  extensive  patch  were  found  flowering  in  Glaux 
Low  in  1964. 

Juncus  maritimus  Lam.  - Sea  Rush. 

Occurs  in  the  bay  formed  by  the  depression  in  the  Hood  where  it  was 
recorded  by  Oliver  & Salisbury  (1913a).  For  many  years  this  was  the 
only  station  for  this  plant  on  the  Point,  but  in  1958  several  plants  appeared 

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in  Great  Sandy  Low  near  to  where  it  joins  Glaux  Low.  There  were  nine 
clumps  present  in  1960,  and  in  1966  there  were  thirteen  with  two  further 
clumps  in  Glaux  Low.  The  clumps  appear  to  be  spreading  and  several  have 
flowered.  The  plant  was  spreading  in  Glaux  Low  in  2003  (see  map). 
Luzula  pilosa  (L.)  Willd.  - Hairy  Wood-rush. 

Found  on  the  Hood  in  1958. 

Luzula  campestris  (L.)  D.C.  - Field  Woodmsh. 

Recorded  by  Oliver  & Salisbury  (1913a)  as  common  on  the  Hood,  and 
still  present  there  but  by  no  means  abundant. 


Carex  otrubae  Podp.  - False  Fox-sedge. 

First  recorded  in  1956,  on  the  Yankee  Bank.  Found  in  the  following  year 
in  two  other  places  on  the  dunes  where  detritus  had  been  washed  up. 
Carex  arenaria  L.  - Sand  Sedge. 

Abundant  on  the  old  grey  dunes  ( Carex  dunes)  and  on  the  Lichen  heaths. 
Common  on  the  Hood  (see  Map  12). 

Map  12  Carex  arenaria 

Carex  distans  L.  - Distant  Sedge. 

Found  in  Glaux  Low  in  1959. 

Carex  extensa  Gooden.  - Long-bracted  Sedge. 

Found  in  Glaux  Low  in  1984,  identification  confirmed  by  A.  C.  Jenny. 
Carex  viridula  ssp.  oedocarpa  (Andersson)  B.  Schmid  (C.  demissa 
Homem).  - Yellow  Sedge. 

A few  plants  of  this  sedge  were  found  in  Glaux  Low  in  1964.  In  1965 
and  again  in  1966  there  were  upwards  of  100  plants  present,  all  flowering 


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Poaceae  (Gramineae) 

Festuca  arenaria  Osbeck.  [F  rubra  ssp.  arenaria  (Osbeck)]  - Rush-leaved 

Common  throughout  the  dune-system.  Two  divergent  types  occur; 
one  is  restricted  to  the  main  dune  ridges  where  wind  blown  sand  is 
actively  accreting,  the  other  is  widespread  on  the  semi-fixed  and  fixed 
dunes  (Anderson  & Taylor  1979).  There  are  measurable  morphological 
differences  between  the  two  forms,  which  are  accentuated  by  rabbit 
grazing;  on  the  mobile  dunes  the  fescue  grows  to  a height  of  20-90  cm, 
whereas  on  the  fixed  dunes  it  attains  a height  of  between  8-16  cm.  They 
also  show  different  morphological  and  physiological  responses  to  sand 
accretion.  Plants  of  both  types  are  octaploids  (2 n =56).  Identification  was 
confirmed  by  C.A.  Stace. 

Festuca  rubra  L.  ssp.  rubra  - Red  Fescue. 

Common,  occurring  on  the  consolidated  shingle.  Specimens  collected  for 
identification  by  C.A.  Stace  from  the  terminal  hook  of  the  Yankee  Bank 
in  1984. 

Festuca  ovina  L.  - Sheep’s  Fescue. 

Not  common  on  the  Point.  Oliver  & Salisbury  (1913)  recorded  it  as 
rather  rare  for  some  of  the  older  lateral  shingle  banks.  It  was  found  on  the 
Yankee  Bank  in  1956.  A patch  of  this  grass  was  found  in  flower  on  the 
crest  of  the  main  dune  ridge  above  the  Carex  dunes  in  1964.  It  was  still 
there  in  1966. 

Lolium  perenne  L.  - Perennial  Rye-grass. 

A casual  found  very  occasionally.  A patch  was  found  on  the  Headland 
dunes  in  1958. 

Vulpia  bromoides  (L.)  Gray  - Squirreltail  Fescue. 

Recorded  for  the  Watch  House  Bank  in  1956. 

Cy  nos  liras  cristatus  L.  - Crested  Dog’s-tail. 

Found  on  the  Hood  in  1958. 

Puccinellia  maritima  (Huds.)  Pari.  - Common  Salt-marsh-grass. 

This  grass  occurs  at  various  levels  in  the  salt-marshes,  and  along  the  marsh 
edge  of  the  shingle.  At  the  upper  levels  of  the  marsh  it  may  become  more 
or  less  dominant  as  it  does  locally  on  some  of  the  marshes  in  the  Marams. 
Provides  good  grazing  on  ‘saltings’.  In  1984  the  plant  was  spreading  in 
the  upper  parts  of  the  salt-marsh  below  the  Yankee  Bank. 

Poa  annua  L.  - Annual  Meadow-grass. 

Sometimes,  in  spite  of  its  specific  name,  a short-lived  perennial.  Can  be 
found  on  the  shingle,  in  the  lows  and  on  the  eroded  margins  of  the  older 

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Poa  humilis  Ehrh.  ex  Hoffm.  (P.  subcaerulea  Sm.)  - Spreading  Meadow- 

Found  on  the  older  dunes  of  the  Headland  and  in  the  Beacon  Hills.  In  the 
absence  of  rabbits  it  may  play  an  important  part  in  the  dune  succession  at 
the  stage  when  the  Marram  ( Ammophila  arenaria ) is  deteriorating. 

Poa pratensis  L.  - Smooth  Meadow-grass. 

Found  on  some  of  the  older  shingle  banks,  and  also  on  the  consolidated 
dunes  of  the  Headland,  notably  behind  the  big  blow-outs. 

Dactylis  glomerata  L.  - Cock’s-foot. 

A casual  not  often  seen  on  the  Point.  A patch  was  seen  on  the  Hood  and 
another  on  the  Headland  dunes  in  1959. 

Catapodium  rigidum  (L.)  C.  E.  Hubbard  [ Desmazeria  rigida  (L.)  Tutin]  - 

A small  annual  grass  whose  leaves  often  have  a slight  purplish  tinge. 
Found  on  the  sandy-gravel 

Catapodium  marinum  (L.)  C.  E.  Hubb.  [Desmazeria  marina  (L.)  Druce]  - 
Sea  Fern-grass. 

Regularly  found  on  the  shingle  at  the  beginning  of  the  Yankee  Bank 
where  the  vegetation  cover  is  relatively  sparse,  and  in  the  sandy-gravel 
elsewhere  on  the  Point. 

Parapho/is  strigosa  (Dumort)  C.  E.  Hubb.  [Lepturus fihiformis  (Roth.) 

Trim]  - Hard-grass. 

A rather  rare  annual  grass  occurring  on  the  sandy  or  muddy  consolidated 
shingle  of  the  older  lateral  shingle  banks. 

Parapholis  incurva  (L.)  C.  E.  Hubb.  [Lepturus  incurvus  (L.)  Druce]  - 
Curved  Hard-grass. 

An  annual  grass  occurring  on  muddy  gravel,  near  the  edges  of  salt- 
marshes.  A mediterranean  species.  It  was  recorded  near  the  base  of  the 
Yankee  Bank  in  1956.  In  abundance  in  this  area  from  1993-2004.  Also 
fairly  widespread  at  the  edges  of  Great  Sandy  Low  in  2004. 
Arrhenatherum  elatius  (L.)  P.  Beauv.  ex.  J.  & C.  Presl  - False  Oat-grass. 

A casual.  This  plant  was  recorded  by  Oliver  & Salisbury  (1913a)  as  very 
rare  on  the  main  shingle  bank.  A patch  of  this  grass  was  found  on  the 
Headland  dunes  in  1958  and  near  the  board  walk  in  2003.  Found  on  the 
Hood  in  2004,  may  be  spreading. 

Trisetum  fiavescens  (L.)  Beauv.  - Yellow  Oat-grass. 

A patch  of  this  stoloniferous  grass  was  found  on  the  Beacon  Hills  in 


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Koeleria  macrantha  (Ledeb.)  [Koeleria  cristata  auct.  non  (L)  Pers., 

Koeleria  gracilis  Pers.]  - Crested  Hair-grass- 

Recorded  by  Oliver  & Salisbury  (1913a)  as  occurring  on  the  eighth  lateral 
shingle  bank.  Very  rare.  A clump  of  this  grass  was  found  near  the  well  in 
1957  and  another  patch  on  the  main  dune  ridge.  In  2004  two  clumps  were 
found  between  the  Beacon  Hills  and  the  NT  enclosure. 

Holcus  lanatus  L.  - Yorkshire-fog. 

Relatively  rare  on  the  Point.  It  was  seen  on  the  Hood  in  1958  and  1959  and 
is  now  quite  common  there  especially  along  the  footpaths.  A small  patch 
of  this  grass  was  found  in  Glaux  Low  in  1964.  Small  patches  found  on 
stable  dune  heath  and  spreading  in  2004. 

Holcus  mollis  L.  - Creeping  Soft-grass. 

A single  clump  found  on  dunes  near  the  strandline  on  Far  Point  in  2002. 
Corynephorus  canescens  (L.)  P.Beauv.  [ Aira  canescens  L.,  Weingartneria 
canescens  (L)  Bemh.]  - Grey  Hair-grass. 

A rare  grass,  native  to  Norfolk,  Suffolk  and  the  Channel  Islands.  Elsewhere 
in  the  British  Isles  it  is  probably  introduced.  On  the  Point  it  was  well 
established  in  a relatively  isolated  colony  on  the  Hood  in  1923.  Further, 
there  was  a smaller  population  near  the  laboratory  on  the  old  Carex 
Dunes.  This  colony  showed  signs  of  expansion  in  1956  (Jane  1960).  The 
grass  began  to  spread  after  the  disappearance  of  the  rabbits  in  1 954.  It  was 
noted  on  the  Yankee  Bank  for  the  first  time  in  1956  and  on  the  main  dune 
ridge  in  1957.  Many  seedlings  were  found  on  the  Old  Grey  Dune  in  1966. 
The  rate  of  spread  appears  to  have  increased  in  recent  years  and  by  2000 

99  oo  01 

Map  13  Corynephorus  canescens 

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this  plant  had  spread  to  cover  most  of  the  more  stable  sand  dune  areas  on 
the  Point.  It  was  still  well  established  on  the  Hood.  No  plants  were  found 
on  the  newly  evolving  shingle  and  sand  spit  of  Far  Point  in  1996,  but  an 
isolated  colony  of  C.  canescens  had  appeared  by  2000  and  by  2004  was 
spreading  on  Far  Point  (see  Map  13). 

Air  a praecox  L.  - Early  Hair-grass. 

A small,  short-lived,  annual  plant  extremely  abundant  on  the  consolidated 
dunes,  grey  dunes,  lichen  heaths,  and  on  sandy  shingle  in  the  lows  and  on 
the  lateral  shingle  banks.  It  flowers  abundantly  in  the  early  part  of  the  year 
but  in  summer  only  dried  remains  of  this  plant  can  be  found,  so  giving  a 
very  inadequate  idea  of  the  abundance  and  distribution  of  this  species.  It 
was  exceptionally  abundant  in  1959  and  again  in  1960.  There  were  huge 
drifts  of  it  every where. 

Anthoxanthum  odoratum  L.  - Sweet  Vernal-grass. 

In  1958  it  was  found  on  the  dunes  where  detritus  bad  been  washed  up. 
Also  found  on  the  Beacon  Hills  in  the  same  season. 

Agrostis  capillaris  L.  (A.  tenuis  Sibth.)  - Common  Bent. 

Found  among  the  brambles  on  the  Hood  in  1962. 

Agrostis  stolonifera  L.  - Creeping  Bent. 

Forms  a definite  zone  on  the  crest  of  the  lateral  shingle  ridges.  A zone  of  A 
stolonifera  occurs  at  the  Hood  on  the  sandy  shingle  in  the  depression,  and 
it  is  also  found  in  Long  Low.  Now  abundant  in  Glaux  Low  and  displacing 
Glaux  maritima  and  annual  Salicornia. 

Ammophila  arenaria  (L.)  Link  - Marram. 

On  the  Point  is  the  dune  builder  par  excellence.  Continued  deposition 
of  wind-blown  sand  stimulates  it  to  vigorous  growth.  The  plant  remains 
bright  green  and  inflorescences  appear  in  large  numbers.  When  the  supply 
of  fresh  sand  is  cut  off  the  Marram  deteriorates,  the  plants  becoming  less 
green,  many  of  the  leaves  and  shoots  dying  and  turning  brown.  Under 
these  conditions  it  does  not  flower.  Such  degenerate  Marram  can  be 
rejuvenated  by  the  arrival  of  fresh  supplies  of  sand.  Such  rejuvenated 
dunes  can  be  seen  near  the  big  blow-outs  on  the  Headland,  where  the  sand 
from  the  blow-outs  has  been  deposited  on  an  old  dune. 

While  Elytrigia  juncea  is  regarded  as  the  real  pioneer  dune  former, 
the  Marram  can,  and  on  Blakeney  Point  does,  function  as  a pioneer  if 
numerous  individuals  are  present  to  ensure  good  deposition  of  sand. 

Phleum  arenarium  L.  - Sand  Cat’s-tail. 

Very  abundant,  short-lived  annual  plant  of  the  consolidated  yellow  dunes, 
Carex  dunes,  lichen  heaths  and  sandy  shingle. 


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Bromus  hordeaceus  ssp.  hordeaceus  ( B . mollis  L.)  - Lop-grass. 

Occurs  in  some  abundance  on  the  Watch  House  Bank.  Has  been  recorded 
by  Oliver  & Salisbury  ( 1913a)  as  very  rare  on  the  Long  Hills,  and  as  rare 
on  the  Hood. 

Anisantha  sterilis  (L.)  Nevski  ( Bromus  sterilis  L.)  - Barren  Brome. 

Found  on  the  Long  Hills  in  1958. 

Elymus  caninus  (L.)  L.  [Agropyron  caninum  (L.)  P.Beauv]  - Bearded 

A native  plant  of  hedgerows  and  woods  which  was  found  growing  in 
some  quantity  on  Yankee  Bank  in  June,  1956.  It  was  still  there  in  1959. 

Elytrigia  atherica  (Link)  Kerguelen  ex  Carreras  Mart.  [Agropyron  pungens 
(Pers.)  Roem  & Schult]  - Sea  Couch. 

A glaucous,  grey-green,  stiff,  grass  which  occurs  occasionally  on  the 
yellow,  consolidated  dunes  and,  more  abundantly,  on  the  shingle  and 
especially  on  the  muddy  sand  or  gravel  at  the  margins  of  salt-marshes. 
Fine  specimens  of  this  grass  will  be  found  on  the  Marams.  E.  atherica  is 
less  tolerant  of  saline  conditions  than  E.juncea.  Its  leaves  are  rolled  and 
their  margins  are  toothed.  The  two  species  may  hybridize 

Elytrigia  jnncea  ssp.  boreoatlantica  (Simonet  & Guin.)  Hyl.  [Agropyron 
junceiforme  (A.  & D.  Love)  A.  & D.  Love  - Sand  Couch. 

The  main  grass  forming  fore-dunes  which,  however,  never  reach  more  than 
four  feet  in  height.  The  habit  of  the  grass  is  spreading,  a distinct  contrast 
to  the  other  dune  forming  grasses.  When  marram  grass  ( Ammophila 
arenaria)  starts  to  grow  on  a fore-dune  the  E.juncea  is  soon  eliminated. 

Leymus  arenarius  (L.)  Hochst.  ( Elymus  arenarius  L.)  - Lyme-grass. 

One  particular  patch  on  the  main  dune  ridge  beside  a path  held  its  own 
for  some  years  and  then  began  to  spread.  There  were  220  shoots  in  1957, 
340  in  1958,  722  shoots  in  1959  and  972  in  1960.  This  patch  reached  a 
maximum  of  1969  shoots  in  1963  and  has  since  fallen.  There  were  1051 
shoots  present  in  1966.  It  is  in  a very  vulnerable  position.  In  1959  two 
other  patches  of  this  plant  were  found.  One,  on  the  edge  of  the  dunes  near 
the  lagoon,  growing  among  Elytrigia  juncea,  had  twenty-nine  shoots,  and 
the  other  on  the  shingle  leading  to  Near  Point  had  forty  shoots.  In  1960 
these  two  clumps  had  eighty  and  sixty  shoots  respectively.  The  number 
of  shoots  in  the  lagoon  patch  has  varied  from  year  to  year,  reaching  385 
shoots  in  1966.  The  patch  on  the  shingle  has  steadily  increased  in  size. 
There  were  499  shoots  in  1964,  the  last  time  this  patch  was  counted.  Now 
widely  established  in  the  fore  dunes,  Leymus  will  be  recognised  among  the 
Marram  by  its  broad  leaves,  which  roll  up  in  dry  conditions.  The  foliage 

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dies  away  in  autumn  and  thus  the  plant  gives  but  limited  protection  to  the 
dune  surface.  It  is  not  such  an  efficient  dune  builder  as  Marram.  Now  in 
isolated  patches  on  Far  Point. 

Hordeum  murinnm  L.  - Wall  Barley. 

Occasional  plants  occur  near  the  Lifeboat  Houses. 

Phragmites  australis  (Cav.)  Trin.  ex  Steud.  (P  communis  Trin.)  - Common 

Several  plants  appeared  in  Glaux  Low  in  1959.  One  was  sending  out  long 
runners  over  the  ground.  These  plants  almost  certainly  originated  from 
pieces  of  rhizome  brought  in  by  the  tides  during  the  previous  winter.  The 
plants  have  persisted  and  spread.  They  were  looking  very  healthy  in  1 966 
and  several  shoots  flowered.  Not  seen  recently. 

Spartina  maritima  (Curt.)  Femald  - Small  Cord-grass. 

Reported  by  Oliver  & Salisbury  (191 3a)  to  occur  in  the  Blakeney  Channel 
adjacent  to  the  reclaimed  salt-marshes.  It  has  not  been  recorded  in  recent 

Spartina  anglica  C.E.Hubb.  [ S . v townsendii  auct.  non  H.  & J.  Groves  (S'. 
maritima  x S.  alternifolia )]  - Common  Cord-grass. 

Spartina  anglica  is  an  amphidiploid  of  S.  x townsendii  and  is  highly 
fertile.  In  January,  1925,  Professor  Oliver  sowed  a few  seeds  on  the 
marsh  in  wet,  sloppy  mud.  There  were  well-developed,  flowering  plants 
present  by  the  autumn  of  1 927.  Oliver  attempted  to  eradicate  these  plants. 
Probably  there  was  some  survival,  perhaps  of  seed.  This  marsh  is  now 
an  S.  anglica  meadow  and  the  plant  is  widely  spread  over  the  Blakeney 
marshes.  In  1979  patches  of  the  species  had  appeared  in  the  new  salt- 
marsh  developing  between  Far  Point  and  Near  Point.  To  date  the  plant 
has  spread  extensively  in  this  new  marsh.  It  is  uncertain  whether  all  the 
Spartina  has  come  from  the  original  plantings  since  Spartina  has  been 
widely  planted  around  other  parts  of  the  coast. 


Kniphofia  sp.  (cultivar)  - Red-hot  Poker. 

Originally  planted  at  least  sixty  years  ago.  They  appear  to  have  maintained 
themselves  satisfactorily  for  many  years,  but  have  not  been  seen  since 

Hyacinthoides  non-scripta  (L.)  Chouard  ex  Rothm.  [Endvmion  non-scriptus 
(L.)  Garcke.]  - Bluebell. 

In  1968  five  small  patches  were  found  growing  on  the  relict  dune  near 
the  Long  Hills.  This  patch  contained  bulbs  of  various  sizes  including 
some  which  were  one  year  old.  There  were  two  inflorescences  at  this 


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2007  40  (1) 

time.  The  plants  must  have  been  present  for  several  years.  The  dune 
was  accidentally  burned  over  in  the  autumn  of  1969  and  the  patches  of 
bluebells  were  sprouting  in  the  following  April.  No  plants  were  located  in 
1971,  but  present  in  2005 . 

Narcissus  pseudonarcissus  L.  (cultivars)  - Daffodil. 

Planted  in  the  sand  near  the  Laboratory.  They  appear  to  be  maintaining 
themselves  and  flower  each  year. 

Asparagus  officinalis  L.  - Asparagus. 

There  was  a single  plant  to  be  found  near  the  well  in  the  NT  enclosure;  it 
was  first  observed  in  1957  and  persisted  for  several  years.  Dotted  about 
the  NT  enclosure  in  2002,  and  also  next  to  the  Elder  bush  in  the  Beacon 
Hills  and  in  the  Plantation.  Now  spreading  (see  Map  14). 

99  00  01 

Map  14  Asparagus  officinalis 


Iris  pseudacorus  L.  - Yellow  Iris. 

A solitary  specimen  occurred  on  one  of  the  dunes  in  the  main  dune  system; 
it  was  known  for  some  years  and  first  flowered  in  1913.  Yet  another  plant 
appeared  in  1914.  More  recently  a plant  was  found  on  the  dunes  in  1955. 
These  plants  probably  originated  from  fragments  of  rhizomes  brought  in 
by  the  tidal  drift. 


Yucca  recurvifolia  Salisb.  - Yucca,  Spanish-dagger. 

Planted  on  the  dunes  between  the  Laboratory  and  the  plantation  in  1912.  It 
is  flourishing  and  flowers  most  years.  In  1956  the  main  plant  bore  eleven 
inflorescences.  Has  spread  more  recently. 

Trans.  Norfolk  Norwnch  Nat.  Soc. 
2007  40(1) 



Epipactis  palustris  (L.)  Crantz  - Marsh  Helleborine. 

A solitary  flowering  specimen  was  found  in  1 9 1 4 by  the  late  Sir  Frederick 
Hooper,  high  up  on  the  dunes  of  the  Headland  some  distance  north  of 
Great  Sandy  Low. 

Anacamptis  pyramidalis  (L.)  Rich.  - Pyramidal  Orchid. 

A single  plant  was  found  in  1969,  growing  on  the  slope  of  the  dunes  on 
the  west  side  of  Glaux  low  nearly  opposite  to  the  ‘neck’  of  this  Low.  A 
single  plant  present  in  2006  at  the  same  site 
Dactylorhiza  fuchsii  (Druce)  Soo  - Common  Spotted-orchid. 

Found  for  the  first  time  in  2007  just  1 00m  east  of  the  laboratory. 


This  list  owes  much  to  the  collaboration  of  colleagues,  especially  Dr.  D.J.B. 
White,  and  students  who  have  botanised  regularly  on  Blakeney  Point.  Our 
thanks  are  given  to  all  the  wardens  at  the  National  Trust,  Blakeney  Point,  over 
the  years,  especially  Joe  and  Janet  Reed  and  David  Wood.  Their  enthusiasm 
and  support  has  been  of  great  help. 


ANDERSON,  C.  & TAYLOR,  K.  1979.  Some  factors  affecting  the  growth  of  two 
populations  of  Festuca  rubra  var.  arenaria  on  the  dunes  of  Blakeney  Point, 
Norfolk.  Ecological  Processes  in  Coastal  Environments  (Eds.  R.L.  Jeffries  & A.  J. 
Davy),  pp.  129-143.  Blackwell  Scientific  Publications,  Oxford. 

BECKETT,  G.  & BULL,  A.  1999.  A Flora  of  Norfolk.  Published  privately. 

BARFOOT,  P.J.  & TUCKER,  J.J.  1980.  Geomorphological  changes  at  Blakeney  Point, 
Norfolk.  Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc.  25:49-60 
CHOUDHURI,  H.  C.  (1942)  Chromosome  studies  in  some  British  species  of  Limonium. 
Ann.  Bot.  Lond.  N.S.  6:  183 

DAVY,  A.J.,  BISHOP,  G.F.  & COSTA,  S.B.  2001.  Biological  Flora  of  the  British  Isles: 
Salicornia  L.  ( Salicornia  pusilla  J.  Woods,  S.  ramosissima  J.  Woods,  S.  europaea 
L.,  S.  obscura  P.W.  Ball  & Tutin,  S.  nitens  P.W.  Ball  & Tutin,  S.fragi/is  P.W.  Ball 
& Tutin  and  S.  dolichostachya  Moss).  J.  Ecol.  89:  681-707. 

INGROUILLE,  M.J.,  PEARSON,  J.  & HAVILL,  D.C.  1990.  The  pattern  of 

morphological  variation  in  the  Salicornia  dolichostachya  Moss  group  from 
different  sites  in  southern  England.  Acta  Botanica  Neerlandica  39:  263-273. 

JANE,  F.  W.  1958.  Ray’s  Knotgrass.  Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc.  18:15. 

JANE,  F.  W.  1960.  Notes  on  the  vegetation  of  Blakeney  Point,  Norfolk  in  1956.  Trans. 
Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc.  1 9(2):  52-55. 

OLIVER,  F.  W.  & SALISBURY,  E.  J.  1913a.  Topography  and  vegetation  of  the  National 


Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 

2007  40(1) 

Trust  Reserve  known  as  Blakeney  Point,  Norfolk.  Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat. 

Soc.  9:  485  - 542. 

OLIVER,  F.  W.  & SALISBURY,  E.  J.  1913b.  Vegetation  and  mobile  ground  as 
illustrated  by  Suaeda fruticosa  on  shingle.  J.  Ecol.  1:  249-272. 

SALISBURY,  E.J.  1912.  Polymorphism  in  the  flower  of  Silene  maritima,  New  Phytol. 

10:  7. 

SALISBURY,  E.J.  1922.  The  soils  of  Blakeney  Point,  a study  of  soil  reaction  and 
succession  in  relation  to  the  plant  covering.  Ann.  Bot.,  36:  391-431. 

SALISBURY,  E.J.  1932.  The  East  Anglian  flora:  a study  in  comparative  plant 
geography.  Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc  13:  191. 

STACE,  C.  1997.  New  Flora  of  the  British  Isles,  2nd  edition.  Cambridge  University 

WHITE,  D.  J.  B.  1960.  An  annotated  list  ofr  the  flowering  plants  on  Blakeney  Point, 
Norfolk.  Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc.  19(4):  179 

WHITE,  D.  J.  B.  1961.  Some  observations  on  the  vegetation  of  Blakeney  Point,  Norfolk, 
following  the  disappearance  of  the  abbits  in  1954.  J.  Ecol.  49:  113-118. 

WHITE,  D.J.B.  1967a.  Additions  to  the  flora  of  Blakeney  Point,  Norfolk.  Trans.  Norfolk 
Norwich  Nat.  Soc.  21:1 9-20. 

WHITE,  D.J.B.  1 967b.  An  Annotated  List  of  the  Flowering  Plants  on  Blakeney  Point, 
Norfolk,  2nd  edn.  The  National  Trust,  London. 

WHITE,  D.  J.  B.  1972  Additions  to  the  Flora  of  Blakeney  Point,  Norfolk  - 2.  Trans. 
Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc.  22:  307-310. 

WHITE,  D.J.B.  1989.  The  botany  and  plant  ecology  of  Blakeney  Point.  Blakeney  Point 
and  Scolt  Head  Island  (eds  H.  Allison  & J.  Morley)  pp.  33-48.  The  National  Trust, 

WHITE,  D.J.B.  & TAYLOR,  K.  1984.  Additions  to  the  flora  of  Blakeney  Point,  Norfolk- 
3.  Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc.  26(5):  317-318. 

WHITE,  D.J.B.,  WHITE,  M.F.  & PETERKEN,  G.E  1970.  Polypodium  on  Blakeney 
Point,  Norfolk.  Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc.  21(6):  372-377. 

Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 
2007  40  (1) 


Whorl  Snails  of  the  Genus  Vertigo  in 

Roy  Baker,  Geraldine  Holyoak  & Derek  Howlett 

126  Norwich  Road,  Tacolneston,  Norwich  NR  16  1AL 

Of  the  fifteen  European  species  of  whorl  snails  Vertigo  (Gastropoda: 
Vertiginidae)  eleven  are  recorded  from  the  U.K.  of  which  seven  are  known 
from  Norfolk.  They  are  all  very  small  with  mature  sizes  between  1 .7mm  and 
3mm.  This  paper  aims  to  describe  the  Norfolk  distribution,  to  examine  each 
species  in  its  Norfolk  habitats  and  to  indicate  conservation  strategies  within 
the  Norfolk  context. 

Vertigo  angustior 

The  Narrow-mouthed  Whorl  Snail  Vertigo  angustior  Jeffreys  is  an  extremely 
small  snail,  being  under  2mm  in  height.  It  has  four  and  a half  moderately 
convex  whorls  with  fine  sculptured  striae.  The  suture  is  deep  and  the  sinestral 
mouth  is  subtriangular  with  four  teeth.  Outside  Norfolk  it  is  known  from  a 
further  ten  UK  sites,  although  it  is  more  widespread  on  the  west  coast  of 


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Vertigo  angustio^has  a short  life-span,  but  a percentage  of  the  population  have 
been  shown  to  be  aphallic,  no  penis  develops,  thus  allowing  the  population  to 
recover  from  reduced  density  levels  (Pokyrszko,  1987).  Killeen  (1993)  and 
Cameron  (2003  ) note  that  the  Narrow-mouthed  Whorl  Snail  can  produce  large 
numbers  of  young  in  a very  short  time  when  conditions  are  favourable. 


Vertigo  angustior  is  listed  under  Annex  II  of  the  European  Union  Habitats  and 
Species  Directive.  This  Directive  requires  E.U.  States  to  designate  Special 
Areas  of  Conservation  (SACs)  and  to  maintain  ‘at  a favourable  conservation 
status’  those  species  listed  in  the  Annex  II.  In  Norfolk  Natural  England  is  the 
responsible  body.  Vertigo  angustior  is  placed  in  the  Red  Data  Book  Category 
1 (endangered)  for  the  U.K.  (Bratton,  1991). 


Vertigo  angustior  has  been 
recorded  from  nine  sites 
in  Norfolk.  These  include 
sand  dunes,  sea  walls,  river 
walls  bordered  by  saltmarsh, 
grazed  marshes  and  tufa 
mounds.  Many  of  these  sites 
are  in  SSSIs  and  some  are 
designated  as  SACs  under  the 
European  Habitats  Directive 
which  offer  some  protection 
for  the  species,  although  the 
sea  and  river  walls  are  often  repaired  and  sites  altered. 


Surveys  of  the  known  Norfolk  sites  for  Vertigo  angustior  indicate  that  there 
are  no  consistent  associations  with  specific  plant  communities  but  there  are 
some  associations  with  particular  environmental  conditions.  The  Narrow- 
mouthed Whorl  Snail  occurs  in  Norfolk  in  sites  which  are  permanently  damp 
but  which  are  not  subject  to  inundation,  although  in  November  2006  a tidal 
surge  overtopped  the  wall  of  the  River  Chet  and  flooded  the  marshes,  which 
includes  one  of  the  Vertigo  angustior  sites,  for  several  weeks.  The  soils  are 
friable  and  not  the  heavy  clay  form  of  much  of  the  county.  The  vegetation 
shows  a relative  openness  where  trees  and  tall  herbs  are  absent.  Lightly  grazed 
turf,  often  of  fine  grasses  and/or  sedges,  is  preferred.  However,  as  with  other 
species  of  Vertigo  heavy  grazing  can  have  a marked  detrimental  affect  on  the 

Vertigo  angustior  (Narrow-mouthed  Whorl  Snail) 

Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 
2007  40(1) 


populations.  Vertigo  angustior  has  a short  life-span  and  is  known  to  recover 
from  very  reduced  levels  quickly. 

Vertigo  pusilla 

The  Wall  or  Wry-necked  Whorl  Snail  Vertigo  pusilla  Muller  has  five 
moderately  convex  whorls  with  irregular  striae  which  range  from  being  weak 

to  prominent.  The  snail  has  an  adult  height  between  1 .9-2. 1 mm  and  a breadth 
of  1.0-  1.2mm.  The  sinestral  heart-shaped  mouth  has  a slightly  thickened 
and  reflected  edge  and  shows  six  teeth  (sometimes  nine):  two  parietal,  two 
columellar  and  two  palatal.  The  umbilicus  is  open  and  deep.  The  shell  colour 
ranges  from  a yellowish  to  a golden-brown. 


The  Wall  Whorl  Snail  is 
rare  in  Norfolk.  Nationally 
it  is  not  included  in  any 
Biodiversity  Action  Plan  or 
Red  Data  Book  categories. 


Vertigo  pusilla  has  been 
recorded  from  four  sites  in 
the  county  in  the  last  fifty 
years.  In  the  post-glacial 
period  the  snail  was  widely 

Vertigo  pusilla  (Wall  Whorl  Snail) 


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2007  40  (1) 

distributed  but  wich  changing  land  use  it  has  sharply  declined.  Kemey  (1999) 
in  the  Atlas  of  the  Land  and  Freshwater  Molluscs  of  Britain  and  Ireland  noted 
three  Norfolk  sites.  It  is  a mesophile  species  which  often  chooses  humid 
spots  in  otherwise  dry  habitats.  Two  of  the  Norfolk  sites  are  grass  swards; 
at  Bio  Norton  in  a lane  and  at  Billingford  near  Dereham  under  oak  trees.  At 
Narborough  it  was  recorded  in  leaf  litter  in  a small  wood  whilst  in  the  Craft 
Plantation  at  Raveningham  it  lives  on  sycamore  tree  trunks  up  to  2m  from 
the  ground.  The  sycamore  trees  grow  on  either  side  of  a woodland  track  but 
similar  trees  within  the  plantation  show  no  evidence  of  the  snail. 


So  little  is  known  of  the  ecological  requirements  for  this  species  that  no 
meaningful  advice  can  be  given  for  continuing  conservation.  The  isolated 
colonies  discovered  in  Norfolk  can  only  be  noted  and  monitoring  of  the 
populations  be  recommended. 

Vertigo  geyeri 

The  discovery  in  2004  of  the  RDB1  species  Vertigo  geyeri  Lindholm  in  a 
calcareous  valley  fen  in  central  Norfolk  indicated  that  the  species  could  occur 

elsewhere  in  suitable  lowland  habitats. 

The  dextral,  tumid  shell  of  Vertigo  geyeri  is  small  with  a length  of  1 .7- 1 .9mm 
and  a breadth  of  1.1 -1.2mm.  It  is  ovate  with  indistinctly,  spaced  striae  giving 
a glossy  reddish-brown  colour.  The  mouth  normally  has  four  teeth  (one 
parietal,  one  columellar  and  two  palatal).  There  are  4.5  moderately  convex 
whorls  rapidly  increasing.  The  penultimate  whorl  is  nearly  as  broad  as  the 

Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 
2007  40  (1) 


body  whorl.  The  umbilical  opening  is  shallow. 


Vertigo  geyeri  is  listed  in  the  Red  Data  Book  (Bratton  1991)  as  an  RDB1 
(endangered)  species.  It  is  a priority  species  in  the  UK  Biodiversity  Action 
Plan  (HMSO  1996)  and  its  status  is  currently  being  reviewed  as  part  of  the 
U.K.  BAP  Terrestrial  Mollusc  Steering  Group  as  one  of  the  top  five  U.K. 
species.  It  is  listed  under  Annexe  II  of  the  European  Union  Habitats  and 
Species  Directive  which  requires  the  U.K.  to  maintain  favourable  conservation 
status  and  to  initiate  monitoring  programmes  for  the  species.  There  is  no 
Norfolk  Biodiversity  Action  Plan  for  this  species  at  present. 


The  species  is  restricted 
in  Europe  mainly  to  the 
mountains  of  Scandinavia, 
the  Alps  of  Switzerland  and 
S.W.  Bavaria  and  to  isolated 
sites  in  the  lowlands  of 
Ireland,  Denmark,  the  islands 
of  the  southern  Baltic,  and 
in  N.E.  and  S.E.  Germany. 

In  Britain  it  is  known  from 
a few  sites  in  Anglesey, 

Caernarfon,  Westmorland, 

North  York-shire,  Perthshire 
and  Islay.  One  of  the  authors  (GH)  has  extended  its  range  to  a number  of  sites 
in  Northern  Ireland  and  Ireland  (Holyoak,  2005).  It  remains  an  extremely 
rare  snail  throughout  the  U.K. 

Vertigo  geyeri  was  once  common  in  lowland  Britain  after  the  last  glaciation 
so  its  discovery  in  2004  by  one  of  the  authors  (GH)  in  central  Norfolk  is 
of  major  significance.  The  decline  in  lowland  Britain  has  been  attributed  to 
both  postglacial  forest  growth  and  subsequent  land  drainage  by  man  (Kerney, 

Seaming  Fen  is  a small  calcareous  valley  fen  on  shallow  peat.  The  central  area 
of  the  fen  is  dominated  by  bryophytes,  Black  Bog-rush  Schoenus  nigricans  and 
Blunt-flowered  Rush  Juncus  snbnodulosus . Other  species  include  Bogbean 
Menyanthes  trifoliata , Marsh  Lousewort  Pedicularis  pains tr is,  Common 


Trans.  Norfolk  Non\>icli  Nat.  Soc. 

2007  40  (1) 

Quaking-grass  Brizia  media  and  Cotton-grass  Eriophorum  angustifolium. 
The  vegetation  does  not  fonn  a closed  community  such  that  bare  ground,  or 
ground  covered  by  liverworts  etc,  occur  between  the  rush  clumps.  (National 
Vegetation  Community  Ml 3) 

This  fen  vegetation  is  typically  associated  with  oligotrophic,  calcareous  fens 
which  are  supplied  by  chalk  ground  water  discharges. 

Vertigo  geyeri  is  found  in  this  central  fen  community.  The  densities  of  the 
snail  are  very  low  and  it  appears  to  have  a restricted  area  within  the  fen.  Bare 
soil  between  the  clumps  of  Black  Bog-rush  Schoenus  nigricans  means  that 
Vertigo  geyeri  is  to  be  found  on  the  slightly  raised  clumps  of  the  rush.  At 
some  lowland  sites  in  Ireland  Vertigo  geyeri  has  been  shown  to  be  associated 
with  Schoenus  nigricans  in  calcareous  fens  and  flushes.  (Holyoak,  2005). 

The  water  table  is  stable  and  is  at  or  near  the  surface  such  that  the  fen,  even 
in  high  summer,  remains  damp  to  wet.  In  autumn-winter  conditions  water 
collects  between  the  tussocks  but  the  fen  is  rarely,  if  ever,  flooded.  The 
shallow  surface  peat  layer  (30cm)  lies  on  sandy-gravel  deposits  underlain  by 
the  Upper  Chalk  aquifer.  In  a number  of  places  calcareous  water  seeps  into  the 
fen  from  the  chalk  aquifer.  The  balance  between  the  rainwater  input  and  run- 
off from  the  surrounding  land  is  in  part  balanced  by  the  calcareous  waters  of 
the  chalk  aquifer.  Any  lowering  of  the  water  table  by  extraction  could  be  very 
critical  to  the  fen  communities.  The  increasing  housing  demands  of  Dereham 
and  the  need  for  water  could  have  a detrimental  affect  on  the  hydrological 
balances  within  the  fen. 

The  water  in  the  upper  peat  layer  is  acidic  pH  6. 1 and  it  has  a low  conductivity 
level  724pS_1.  Whilst  these  Seaming  sites  appear  to  be  acidic  Holyoak  (2003) 
recorded  Vertigo  geyeri  in  small  highly  calcareous  sites  even  though  the 
surrounding  flush  habitats  were  predominantly  acidic  moorlands.  This  is 
probably  the  situation  at  Seaming  Fen  where  the  calcareous  flushes  may  be 
limited  in  size  and  distribution. 


Seaming  Fen  is  currently  managed  by  biennial  strip  mowing  and  the  removal 
of  scrub  and  vegetation.  This  appears  to  be  favourable  for  Vertigo  geyeri. 
The  critical  importance  of  maintaining  water  levels  for  this  fen  should  be 
central  to  any  management  plan.  Abstraction  and  or  new  drainage  ditches 
are  to  be  discouraged.  The  Environment  Agency  monitors  water  levels  and 

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2007  40  (1) 


Cattle  grazing  at  Seaming  Fen  is  currently  low.  One  or  two  cows  and  one 
or  two  calves  graze  for  3-4  weeks  every  summer.  This  mixed  management 
strategy  of  mowing  and  grazing  appears  to  benefit  the  fen  flora  and  fauna. 

Seaming  Fen  is  of  international  importance  and  forms  part  of  the  Norfolk 
Valley  Fens  SAC  and  is  thus  protected  under  the  European  Habitats 

Vertigo  moulinsiana 

Desmoulin’s  Whorl  Snail  Vertigo  moulinsiana  (Dupuy)  has  a reddish-brown 
shell.  It  is  larger  than  other  British  Vertigo  species  with  a height  of  2.2-2. 7mm 

and  a width  of  1.5mm.  The  shell  is  dextral,  and  the  body  whorl  is  twice  the 
height  of  the  spire.  The  shell  mouth  has  four  large  teeth  (occasionally  five). 
Vertigo  moulinsiana  is  hermaphrodite  and  mostly  self-fertilising  (Pokryszko, 
1 987).  The  eggs  develop  in  less  than  two  weeks.  Records  from  other  U.K.  sites 
show  that  the  main  reproductive  period  is  in  the  summer  with  peak  densities 
of  adults  being  present  then,  with  large  numbers  of  juveniles  appearing  in 
the  autumn.  In  the  three  years  2004-2006  a monitoring  programme  for  the 
Trinity  Broads,  Ormesby,  Rollesby  and  Filby,  confirms  this  picture.  Whilst 
densities  of  more  than  1000/m2  have  been  noted  for  the  species  the  norm 
appears  to  be  densities  of  between  <100  and  200/m2  which  reflect  the  Trinity 
Broads  populations  (Baker  et  al.,  2004/5/6). 


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2007  40(1) 


Desmoulin’s  Whorl  Snail  is  listed  under  Annex  II  of  the  European  Union 
Habitats  and  Species  Directive.  It  is  a priority  species  in  the  UK  Biodiversity 
Action  Plan  (HMSO,  1 996)  and  is  listed  in  the  Red  Data  Book  (Bratton,  1991) 
as  an  RDB3  (Rare)  species.  This  Directive  requires  the  U.K.  to  maintain 
favourable  conservation  status  and  to  initiate  monitoring  programmes  for  the 


The  snail  inhabits 
calcareous  fens  and 
marshes  bordering  rivers, 
lakes  and  broads.  In  the 
Trinity  Broads  complex  it 
is  associated  with  sedges 
(eg  Carex  paniculata, 

Cladium  mariscus ) and 
Reed  Phragmites  australis. 

Other  associated  species 
include  Yellow  Flag  Iris 
pseudacorus  L.,  reedmaces 
(Typha  latifolia  And  Typha 
angusti folia),  and  Branched  Bur-reed  Sparganium  erectum.  Desmoulin’s 
Whorl  Snail  is  also  known  to  inhabit  wet  alder-sallow  carrs  where  sedges 
( Carex  spp.)  and  Yellow  Flag  form  small  dense  stands  of  vegetation  (Ellis, 
1941).  The  snail  is  widespread  in  the  Norfolk  Broads  and  in  suitable  habitats 
in  central  and  west  Norfolk,  excluding  the  fens. 


In  general  Desmoulin’s  Whorl  Snail  requires  few  active  conservation 
measures  in  Norfolk,  although  the  authors,  in  a three-year  study  on  Burgh 
Common  have  observed  that  grazing  does  adversely  affect  populations 
numbers  (Baker  et  ah,  2004/5/6).  The  critical  factor  in  the  changes  in  the 
population  densities  between  August  and  October  is  the  increased  effects  of 
grazing  which  reduces  the  plant  cover  to  between  10-20cm  in  height.  In  both 
2004  and  2005  the  total  population  peaked  in  August  but  as  grazing  continues 
so  the  densities  dramatically  declined.  The  overwintering  adult  populations 
for  the  three  years  remains  low. 

On  Burgh  Common  it  is  difficult  to  advise  on  management  since  the  levels 
of  cattle  grazing  (approximately  20  beasts  graze  the  Common  during  the 

Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc.  62 

2007  40(1) 

Vertigo  moimnsiana  (Des  Moulrns'  Whorl  Snail) 

5 A 


<_/ .[ 

\ : / 

3 A i J 

j \ : | 

/ #•  • 


• • A 


' ‘‘I 

/ U ..J 

# - 


1...L / 

1 i 1 Y i 1 


i 1 

4 5 k\  8 9 

1 2 3 4 J 5 6 

summer  months)  are  probably  determined  by  the  farmer(s)  and  trustees. 
Clearly  the  overall  affect  of  the  browsing  and  trampling  by  the  beasts  is 
detrimental  to  the  health  of  the  fen  plant  community  and  consequently  to  the 
invertebrate  populations.  The  vegetation  is  cropped  at  a height  of  10-20cm 
and  as  a habitat  for  Vertigo  moulinsiana  is  effectively  destroyed.  The  tussock 
sedge  mounds  are  comparatively  dry  since  their  sides  are  exposed  to  direct 
sunlight  rather  than  being  shaded  by  other  fen  plants.  At  other  Norfolk  sites 
tussock  sedge  is  a favourite  habitat  for  Vertigo  moulinsiana  but  the  exposed 
mounds  at  Burgh  Common  show  low  densities  of  the  whorl  snail.  The  cattle 
are  removed  from  the  Common  by  3 1st  October. 

Table  1.  Density  of  Vertigo  moulinsiana  in  Site  8 Burgh  Common:  July-October 

18  Aug  2004 

9 Oct  2004 

29  Oct  2004 

Density/m2  total 













17  Jul  2005 

29  Aug  2005 

21  Oct  2005 

Density/m2  total 













14  Jul 2006 

5 Sep  2006 

22  Oct  2006 

Density/m2  total 













Desmoulin’s  Whorl  Snail  can  survive  in  habitats  subjected  to  heavy  grazing 
but  the  effects  are 
detrimental  for  heal- 
thy populations.  In 
ungrazed  Burgh 
Common  the  snail 
attains  densities 
noted  elsewhere  in 
the  Trinity  Broads. 


The  Striated  Whorl 


Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 

2007  40  (1) 

Snail  Vertigo  suhstriata  (Jeffreys)  has  4.5  strongly  convex  whorls  with  deep 
sutures.  The  shell  sculpturing  is  formed  of  strongly  regular  striae.  The  yellow- 
brown  shell  has  a height  of  1.48-  1.98mm  and  a breadth  of  0.95- 1.1 9mm. 
The  semi-circular  aperture  normally  has  5-6  teeth;  two  parietal,  one  or  two 
columellar  and  two  palatal.  The  umbilicus  is  shallow  and  closed. 


The  Striated  Whorl  Snail  is  rare  in  Norfolk.  Nationally  it  is  not  included  in 
any  Biodiversity  Action  Plan  or  Red  Data  Book  categories. 


The  Striated  Whorl  Snail 
is  intolerant  of  human 
disturbance  and  is  mainly 
confined  to  marshes,  damp 
deciduous  woods  and 
hillside  spring  flushes. 

It  tolerates  acidic  soils 
and  is  infrequent  in  base- 
rich  habitats  with  a high 
diversity  of  mollusc  species. 

Of  the  nine  sites  in  Norfolk 
a number  reflect  the  spring 
flush  requirements  for  the  snail.  At  Flordon  and  Saxlingham  Thorpe 
(Smockmill  Common)  there  are  numerous  spring  line  flushes  whilst  in  the 
headwaters  of  the  Mermaid  River  near  Aylsham  the  Striated  Whorl  Snail  can 
be  found  in  grass  sward  below  the  spring  line.  The  other  Norfolk  sites  are 
at  Whitwell  Common,  East  Walton/Adcock’s  Commons,  Booton  Common 
in  mixed  fen,  Wheatfen  Broad,  where  the  snail  occurs  in  mosses  and  mossy 
stumps  of  alder  and  sallows,  Great  Cressingham  Fen  along  the  spring  line 
and  Langley  Marsh  where  a spring  fed  calcareous  grass  sward  on  the  edge  of 
the  River  Yare  flood  plain  supports  a healthy  population. 


Eight  of  the  Norfolk  sites  are  SSSIs  or  managed  by  the  local  council  or  a 
conservation  trust  so  some  protection  is  given  to  these  habitats.  Four  of  the 
sites  form  part  of  the  Norfolk  Valley  Fen  SAC  (E.  Walton,  Flordon,  Booton 
and  Great  Cressingham)  and  one  (Wheatfen)  part  of  the  Broads  SAC.  A 
potential  problem  is  the  maintenance  of  the  water  table  for  the  spring  flushes. 
At  East  Walton  Common  and  Wheatfen  Broad  the  Environment  Agency 
monitors  water  levels  but  there  is  little  information  on  the  autoecology  for 

Yeiligo  substnata  (Striated  Whorl  Snail) 

Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 
2007  40  (1) 


the  Striated  Whorl  Snail  at  these  sites. 

Vertigo  pygmaea 

The  ovate  shaped  Common  Whorl  Snail  Vertigo  pygmaea  (Drapamaud) 
has  five  gently  convex  whorls  with  very  fine  sculptured  striae.  The  shell  is 
between  1.7-2. 2mm  in  height  and  1.0-  1.2mm  in  breadth.  The  semi-circular 
aperture  shows  a slightly  thickened  mouth  edge  with  a strong  pale  transverse 
rib  present  behind  the  outer  lip,  separated  from  it  by  a depression.  There  are 
normally  between  four  and  seven  teeth  but  only  one  parietal  tooth  is  present. 
The  shell  colour  is  brown. 


No  special  status  is  given  to  the  Common  Whorl  Snail  either  in  Norfolk  or 


The  Common  Whorl  Snail  is 
widely  distributed  throughout 
Norfolk  where  it  can  be  described 
as  common.  The  snail  is  a 
frequent  species  at  the  roots  of 
grasses  in  dry,  base-rich  places, 
roadside  banks  and  marshes. 


No  special  measures  are 

Vertigo  pygmaea  (Common  Whorl  Snail) 


Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 

2007  40  (1) 

necessary  for  the  conservation  of  the  Common  Whorl  Snail  in  Norfolk. 

Vertigo  antivertigo 

The  Marsh  Whorl  Snail  Vertigo  antivertigo  (Drapamaud)  has  five  moderately 

convex  reddish-brown  whorls  with  shallow  sutures.  The  sculpture  is  weak. 
The  height  ranges  between  2. 0-2. 2mm  and  the  breadth  from  1.2-1 .4mm.  The 
heart-shaped  aperture  has  a deep  palatal  incision  and  the  basal  and  palatal 
margins  are  reflected.  There  are  normally  6-10  teeth,  at  least  two  parietal,  two 
columellar  and  two  palatal.  The  umbilicus  is  shallow  and  closed. 


No  special  status  is  given  to  this  snail. 

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2007  40  (1) 


The  Marsh  Whorl  Snail  is 
found  across  the  county 
in  fens,  reed  swamps  and 
marshes,  often  on  the  dead 
leaves  of  sedges.  Kemey 
(1999)  observes  that  it 
avoids  places  where  the 
water  table  fluctuates  but 
this  is  at  variance  with  the 
authors  observations  along 
the  primary  reed  swamps 

Vertigo  antivertigo  ( Marsh  Whorl  Snail ) 

of  the  Trinity  Broads  where  the  water  table  fluctuates  throughout  the  year  and 
the  tidal  margin  of  Rockland  Broad  where  at  times  the  area  can  be  completely 
engulfed.  The  snail  is  widely  distributed  and  common  in  Norfolk. 


No  special  measures  are  necessary  for  the  conservation  of  the  Marsh  Whorl 
Snail  in  Norfolk.  Site  management  is  dependent  upon  maintenance  of  the 
microhabitat  conditions  and  this  is  best  achieved  on  a site-to-site  basis. 


The  authors  would  like  to  express  their  gratitude  to  Stephen  Bennett,  School 
of  Environmental  Sciences,  University  of  East  Anglia,  for  the  production  of 
the  scanning  electron  microscope  photographs  used  in  this  paper.  Funding  for 
some  of  this  work  came  from  the  Environment  Agency,  Norfolk  Biodiversity 
Partnership,  Broads  Authority  and  the  Essex  and  Suffolk  Water  Company. 
We  thank  all  these  bodies. 


BAKER,  R.,  CLARKE,  K.  & HOWLETT,  D,  2005.  Survey  of  Vertigo  angustior  Jeffreys 
on  River  Waveney  Banks,  2005.  Unpublished  report  for  Broadland  Environmental 
Service,  Norwich. 

BAKER,  R.  CLARKE,  K,  & HOWLETT,  D.,  2004;  2005;  2006.  Desmoulins  Whorl 
Snail  in  the  Norfolk  Trinity  Broads  Complex.  Annual  Monitoring  Reports.  Essex  and 
Suffolk  Water  Company. 

BAKER,  R.  & HOWLETT,  D.,  1999.  Norfolk  Biodiversity  Action  Plan  for  Vertigo 
moulinsiana.  Unpublished  report  for  English  Nature. 

BRATTON,  J.H.  1991.  British  Red  Data  Book  3:  Invertebrates  Other  Than  Insects. 
Peterborough  JNNC. 

CAMERON,  R.A.D.  2003.  Life  cycles,  molluscan  and  botanical  associations  of  Vertigo 
angustior  and  Vertigo  gey eri.  Heldia  5(7):  95-110.  Mtinchen. 

DRAKE,  C.M.  1999.  A review  of  the  status,  distribution  and  habitat  requirements  of 
Vertigo  moulinsiana  in  England.  J.  Concho/.  36(6):  63-79 
ELLIS,  A. E.  1941.  The  Mollusca  of  a Norfolk  Broad.  J.  Concho!.  21(8):  228-243. 
HOLYOAK,  G.A.  2003.  Upland  habitats  for  Vertigo  geyeri  in  Ireland.  Heldia,  5(7):  1 19- 
124.  Mtinchen. 

HOLY OAK, G.A.  2005.  Widespread  occurrence  of  Vertigo  geyeri  (Gastropoda 

Vertiginidae)  in  north  and  west  Ireland.  The  Irish  Naturalist’ Journal.  28(4):  141- 

HOLYOAK,  G.,  HOWLETT,  D.  & BAKER,  R.  2006.  Vertigo  geyeri  Lindholm  in 
Norfolk.  A Sun’ey  of  Small  Calcareous  Valley  Fens.  Unpublished  report  for 
Environment  Agency. 

HOWLETT,  D.  & BAKER,  R.  2004.  Vertigo  angustior  Jeffreys  in  Norfolk.  Trans. 


Trails.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 

2007  40  (1) 

Norfolk  Norwich  Nats1  Soc.  37(1):  46-53. 

HOWLETT,  D.  & BAKER,  R.  2006.  The  Narrow-mouthed  Whorl  Snail  Vertigo 
angustior  Jeffreys  in  Norfolk:  Survey  Data  for  2006.  Unpublished  report  for 
Environment  Agency. 

KERNEY,  M.J.  1999.  Atlas  of  the  Land  and  Freshwater  Molluscs  of  Britain  and  Ireland. 
Harley  Books,  Colchester. 

KILLEEN,  I.J.  2003.  A review  of  EUHSD  Vertigo  species  in  England  and  Scotland. 
Heldia , 5(7):  73-84.  Miinchen. 

POKRYSZKO,  B.M.,  1990.  The  Vertiginidae  of  Poland  (Gastropoda:  Pulmonata; 
Pupilloidea)  - a systematic  monograph.  Ann.  zool.  43  (8):  133-257.  Warszawa. 

Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 
2007  40  (1) 


Fenland  drainage  and  the  effects  on  the 
spider  fauna:  a case  study  at  East  Ruston 
Common,  Norfolk 

Eric  Duffey 

Le  Dougnoux,  19120  Altillac,  France 


Fenland  wildlife  habitats  are  particularly  vulnerable  to  destruction  by 

drainage,  deepening  of  nearby  rivers,  creation  of  cut-off  channels  to  alleviate 
flooding  and  by  siting  boreholes  for  public  water  supply  on  their  boundaries. 
The  two  boreholes  sited  by  Redgrave  and  Lopham  Fens  on  the  Norfolk/ 
Suffolk  boundary  in  the  1950s  until  their  removal  in  2002  caused  profound 
changes  to  the  vegetation  when  the  water  table  fell  by  as  much  as  a metre,  but 
very  little  is  known  about  the  effects  on  the  wetland  invertebrate  fauna.  Two 
boreholes  were  also  sited  by  the  fens  on  East  Ruston  Common,  Norfolk,  in 
the  1950s  and  by  the  mid-1980s  when  abstraction  of  water  was  doubled,  the 
fens  seemed  to  be  quite  dry.  In  this  case,  however,  two  invertebrate  surveys 
separated  by  20  years  were  able  to  record  some  of  the  changes  to  the  spider 

The  nomenclature  of  spider  species  follows  Harvey  et  al.  (2002). 


This  SSSI  was  first  scheduled  in  1959  and  again  in  1986  when  it  was  given  a 
more  secure  degree  of  protection  under  the  1981  Wildlife  and  Conservation 
Act.  It  covers  38  ha  (94  acres)  and  consists  of  two  fens  which  make  up  about 
two-thirds  of  the  total  area.  Both  merge  into  dry  sandy  heathland  (Figure  1). 
The  distinguished  Norfolk  naturalist,  the  late  Dr  E.A.  Ellis,  wrote  a short 
article  about  the  fens  in  the  mid  1960s: 

In  1810  300  acres  of  common  were  allocated  to  the  poor  of  East  Ruston. 
Much  of  the  land  consisted  of  fen  and  reedswamp  with  turf  pits  from 
which  common-holders  were  permitted  to  cut  up  to  5000  hovers  each 
annually.  People  gathered  rushes  for  candle-wicks  and  sent  them  to  the 


Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 

2007  40  (1) 

rush  fair  held  each  year  in  Norwich.  Regular  summer  mowing  of  litter 
made  the  fens  very  attractive  to  snipe  and  there  can  be  little  doubt  that 
parishioners  never  went  hungry  for  rabbits  and  wildfowl  with  so  vast  a 
paradise  in  their  midst. 

I first  visited  the  fens  in  1962 
and  was  impressed  by  the  flora, 
the  wetland  habitat,  the  number 
of  Swallowtail  butterflies  and 
the  abundance  of  the  larval 
foodplant  Milk-parsley 

Peucedanum  palustre  (L.) 
Moench.  From  1969  to  1974  I 
Fig.  1.  East  Ruston  Common  SSSI.  A,  Kings  organized  a survey 

F.7lB’5°.W“F.e"'  (unpublished)  of  the  spider 

faunas  of  over  50  fens  in 
Norfolk  and  Suffolk  with 
seven  members  of  the  British 
Arachnological  Society  and  we  were  able  to  spend  a day  collecting  by  hand 
on  both  fens  at  East  Ruston.  We  did  not  know  at  the  time  that  two  boreholes 
had  been  sunk  to  a depth  of  40m  on  the  northeast  boundary  of  Mown  Fen 
(Figure  1).  The  Environment  Agency  (Water  Resources)  report  that  work  on 
the  first  borehole  began  in  1953  and  the  second  in  1956  but  water  abstraction 
was  low  up  to  1984.  In  1985  the  abstraction  rate  jumped  from  159  thousand 
cubic  metres  (tern3)  to  794  tern3  and  increased  further  in  the  following  five 
years.  In  1974  I noted  in  my  diary  that  the  fens  seemed  rather  dry  although 
the  ground  leaf  litter  and  peaty  soil  were  moist.  Mown  Fen  was  also  being 
invaded  by  bush  growth,  a sure  sign  of  drying  out. 

extent  of  removal  of  surface  vegetation  and 
oxidised  peat  in  1998-99.  Copied  by  hand  from 
aerial  photograph. 

Low-level  exploitation  by 
local  people  who  did  not 
have  modem  machinery 
seemed  to  be  in  balance  with 
the  preservation  of  wildlife. 
The  produce  taken  from  the 
fen  required  the  maintenance 
of  a high  water-table  and 
habitat  diversity  was  probably 
enhanced  by  peat-cutting  and 
mowing  in  certain  areas. 

Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 
2007  40  (1) 


I visited  the  fen  again  in  1980  and  made  another  collection  on  my  own.  On 
a third  visit  in  1984  the  fens  were  so  dry  I could  have  walked  across  them 
barefoot  without  finding  moisture  anywhere.  In  the  very  dry  period  which 
followed  there  was  a severe  fire  in  1990  which  burnt  the  top  15-20  cm  of  the 
peat  surface. 

After  the  fire  English  Nature  decided  that  the  oxidised  peat  and  ash  had  to 
be  removed  before  normal  water  levels  could  be  restored.  This  was  done 
in  1998  and  1999,  the  peat  surface  being  lowered  to  below  the  level  of  the 
normal  permanent  water-table  in  the  fens  so  that  eventually  two  large  ponds 
were  created  (Figure  2).  In  1999  the  Water  Company  voluntarily  reduced 
pumping  by  50%  and  in  2005  water  abstraction  ceased  as  a new  borehole  site 
had  been  found. 


IWiira ' f jS  llfiisfri 

Fig.  2.  The  1994  invertebrate  survey.  The 

distribution  of  pitfall  clusters  (•)  during  May 
and  June.  Each  cluster  consisted  of  five  pitfall 
traps  and  one  water  trap.  The  comments 
‘regularly  visited’  and  ‘intensive  survey’  were 
made  by  the  1994  Report  compilers. 

The  concern  expressed  by  English 
Nature  about  the  future  of  the 
fens  prompted  the  National  Rivers 
Authority  to  commission  an 
invertebrate  survey  in  1994  by 
Binnie  and  Partners  in  association 
with  the  Environmental 
Consultancy,  University  of 
Sheffield.  This  survey  studied 
numerous  invertebrate  groups 
including  spiders.  During  the 
months  of  May  and  June  1994  65 
pitfall  traps  and  13  water  traps 
were  operated  (Fig.  2)  in  the  two 
fen  areas,  Kings  Fen  and  Mown 
Fen.  1994  happened  to  be  a very 
wet  year  and  the  Report  of  the 
Survey  (Anon.  1995)  claims  that 
36%  of  the  pitfall  traps  and  53% 
of  the  water  traps  were  lost  due  to 
flooding  and  vandalism.  In 
addition  to  collection  by  trapping 
the  survey  included  sweep- 


Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 

2007  40  (1) 

netting,  beating  shrubs  and  trees,  sieving  leaf  litter,  and  hand  searching 
tussocks  and  tall  fen  vegetation. 

On  13  June  1974  my  party  spent  a total  of  eight  hours  timed  hand-collecting 
in  Mown  Fen  and  the  same  in  Kings  Fen.  Each  hourly  collection  was  bottled 
separately  so  that  the  number  of  species  and  individual  spiders  could  be 
related  to  the  duration  of  fieldwork,  16  hours.  During  each  hour  every  spider 
seen,  whether  adult  or  immature,  was  collected. 

The  very  different  collecting  methods  and  durations  of  study  of  these  two 
surveys  means  that  comparisons  can  only  be  made  in  terms  of  species 

Table  1 lists  the  62  species  of  spiders  recorded  in  May-June  1994  and  Table 
2 the  65  species  recorded  on  13  June  1974.  The  larger  total  for  1974  suggests 
that  the  spider  fauna  was  richer  in  that  year  than  20  years  later  because  more 
species  were  taken  in  a day  by  hand  collecting  than  in  two  months  trapping 
by  pitfall  and  water  traps. 

In  1 994  the  survey  found  that  the  fauna  of  Kings  Fen  was  much  less  interesting 
than  that  of  Mown  Fen.  The  former  recorded  25  species  and  the  latter  44, 
while  20  were  taken  in  both  fens.  In  addition  five  species  were  found  only  in 
Kings  fen  while  Mown  Fen  recorded  34.  This  difference  in  species  diversity 
of  the  two  faunas  was  not  noted  in  1 974,  when  both  species  lists  were  similar. 
Perhaps  this  suggests  that  desiccation  was  more  advanced  in  Kings  Fen  in 
1994.  Only  one  species,  Theridiosoma  gemmosum,  was  classified  as  Notable 
B in  that  year,  following  the  system  of  Merrett  (1990).  This  has  six  categories 
based  on  an  assessment  of  rarity  and  vulnerability,  RDB 1 (Endangered), 
RDB2  (Vulnerable),  RDB3  (Rare),  Notable  A (recorded  in  16-30  National 
Grid  10-km  squares),  Notable  B (31-100  National  Grid  10-km  squares). 

The  remainder  of  the  62  species  (1994)  were  widespread  or  common  and 
capable  of  living  in  different  habitats.  Nevertheless,  16  could  be  labelled  as 
preferring  wet  places  based  on  assessments  in  Harvey  et  al.  (2002)  and  my 
personal  experience  in  East  Anglia.  Habitat  preferences  may  differ  according 
to  geographical  location  of  a species  so  it  is  important  to  assess  this  in  terms 
of  East  Anglia  rather  than  to  assume  that  preferences  are  the  same  all  over 
the  country.  Using  the  same  criteria  the  1974  list  includes  32  wetland  species, 
of  which  one  was  classified  RDBK,  Baryphyma  gowerense  (the  ‘K’  indicates 
status  unknown  but  see  comment  below),  one  Notable  A,  Entelecara  omissa , 
and  two  Notable  B,  Notioscopus  sarcinatus  and  Sitticus  caricis.  Another 
Notable  A has  been  claimed  for  East  Ruston  ( Hygrolycosa  rnbrofasciata ) but 

Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 
2007  40  (1) 


Table  1.  Species  of  spiders  recorded  on  Mown  Fen  and  Kings  Fen  in  1994.  Using  65 
pitfalls  and  13  water  traps  during  May  and  June.  Total  62.  Wetland  species  indicated*. 

Agyneta  conigera 
Arctosa  leopardus 
Bathvphantes  gracilis 
Ceratinella  brevipes 
Clubiona  lutescens 
Clubiona  phragmitis 
Clubiona  reel  us  a 
Dicymbium  tibiale 
Dismodicus  bifrons 
Drassodes  cupreus 
Episimus  angulatus 
Entelecara  erythropus 
Erigone  atra 
Erigone  dentipalpis 
Gnathonarium  dentatum 
Gongylidium  rufipes 
Gongylidiellum  latebricola 
Gongylidiellum  vivum 
Haplodrassus  signifer 
Hypomma  bituberculatum 
Kaestneria  pullata 
Lepthyphantes  tenuis 
Linyphia  clathrata 
Maso  sundevalli 
Micrargus  herbigradus 
Micrargus  subaequalis 
Oedothorax  fuscus 
Oedothorax  gibbosus 
Oedothorax  retusus 
Ozyptila  brevipes 
Ozyptila  trux 

Pachygnatha  clercki 
Paidiscura  pallens 
Pardosa  amentata 
Pardos  a nigriceps 
Pardosa  palustris 
Pardosa  prativaga 
Pardosa  pullata 
Pardosa  saltans 
Phylo  dr omus  dispar 
Pirata  hygrophilus 
Pirata  latitans 
Pirata  piraticus 
Porrhomma  pygmaeum 
Pisaura  mirabilis 
Pocadicnemis  juncea 
Robertus  lividus 
Savign  ia  front  at  a 
Silometopus  elegans 
Silometopus  reussi 
Taranucnus  setosus 
Tetragnatha  montana 
Theridiosoma  gemmosum 
Tiso  vagans 
Trochosa  ruricola 
Trochosa  terricola 
Walckenaeria  alticeps 
Walckenaeria  nudipalpis 
Xysticus  cristatus 
Xysticus  ulmi 
Zelotes  latreillei 
Zora  sp  ini  man  a 


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Table  2.  Species  of  spiders  recorded  on  Mown  Fen  and  Kings  Fens  in  1974.  Sixteen 
hours  hand-collecting  on  13  June.  Total  74.  Wetland  species  indicated*. 













Agyneta  conigera 
Agyneta  decora 
Agyneta  ram  os  a 
Antis  tea  elegans 
Aphileta  mis  era 
Baryphyma  gowerense 
Baryphyma  pratensis 
Baryphyma  trifrons 
Bathyphantes  approximate 
Bathyphantes  gracilis 
Bathyphantes  parvulus 
Centromere  dilute 
Centromere  sylvaticus 
Clubiona  lutescens 
Clubiona  phragmitis 
Clubiona  reclusa 
Clubiona  stagnatilis 
Clubiona  sub  til  is 
Cnephalocotes  obscure 
Crus  tu  l in  a guttata 
Dictyna  arundinacea 
Diplocephalus  permixtus 
Dismodicus  bifrons 
Enoplognatha  ovata 
Entelecara  erythropus 
Entelecara  omissa 
Ero  cambridgei 
Euophys  frontalis 
Gongylidiellum  vivum 
Hypomma  bituberculatum 
Kaestneria  pull  at  a 
Lepthyphantes  ericaeus 
Lepthyphantes  mengei 
Lepthyphantes  tenuis 
Lepthyphantes  zimmermanni 
Linyphia  clathrata 

Micaria  pulicaria 
Micrargus  herbigradus 
Neottiura  bimaculata 

* Notioscopus  sarcinatus 

* Oedothorax  gibbosus 

* Ozyptila  brevipes 
Ozyptila  praticola 
Ozyptila  trux 
Pardos  a nigriceps 
Pardosa  prativaga 
Pardosa  pullata 
Pholcomma  gibbum 
Pi  rata  hygrophilus 

* Pirata  latitans 

* Pirata  piraticus 
Pocadicnemis  juncea 
Pocadicnemis  pumila 
Porrhomma  pallidum 
Porrhomma  pygmaeum 
Robertus  lividus 
Rugathodes  instabilis 

* Silometopus  ambiguus 

* Silometopus  elegans 

* Sitticus  caricis 

* Taranucnus  setose 

* Tetragnatha  extensa 

* Ti  bell  us  maritime 

* Trochosa  spinipalpis 
Trochosa  terricola 
Walckenaeria  acuminata 

* Walckenaeria  antica 

* Walckenaeria  kochi 
Walckenaeria  nudipalpis 

* Walckenaeria  unicornis 

* Walckenaeria  vigilax 

* Xysticus  ulmi 

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I cannot  find  this  species  in  any  of  the  lists  compiled  by  my  party  in  1974.  In 
view  of  this  doubt  I have  not  included  this  species  in  the  faunal  list. 

Baryphema  gowerense . First  recorded  as  new  to  science  in  July  1964 
(Locket  1965).  It  was  taken  on  the  upper  saltmarsh  of  Whiteford  Dunes  in 
Gower,  South  Wales.  Since  1984  B.  gowerense  has  been  found  on  several 
Welsh  coast  sites  from  Gower  to  Anglesey  and  appears  not  to  be  endangere. 
In  England  it  was  discovered  at  Woodbastwick  Fen  and  Sutton  Fen  in  the 
Norfolk  Broads  in  1988.  (D.  Procter  pers.  comm.)  and  these  are  the  only 
known  English  sites  if  we  assume,  for  the  time  being,  that  it  is  extinct  at 
East  Ruston.  Outside  the  UK  it  is  known  from  freshwater  sites  in  Sweden 
and  Ireland  so  it  is  adapted  to  inland  wetlands  as  well  as  saline  habitats  as 
are  several,  more  common,  British  spiders.  The  present-day  information 
available  for  this  species  suggests  that  its  rarity/vulnerability  assessment 
should  be  RDB2  or  3 as  it  is  very  rare  in  England  but  not  so  rare  in  Wales.  In 
1974  it  seemed  to  be  fairly  widely  distributed  in  the  East  Ruston  fens,  though 
not  numerous.  Five  members  of  our  party,  out  of  eight,  took  specimens.  Eight 
were  taken  in  Kings  Fen  and  three  in  Mown  Fen.  The  party  collected  over  a 
wide  area  which  coincided  with  the  distribution  of  the  1994  pitfalls  as  shown 
in  Figure  2. 

Entelecara  omissa . Widely  distributed  in  the  East  Anglian  fens  of  Norfolk 
and  Suffolk  but  appears  to  be  very  rare  elsewhere  in  England.  In  the  period 
1969-74  our  survey  of  53  collecting  sites  on  fens  in  Norfolk  and  Suffolk 
recorded  E.  omissa  in  19  of  them  which  together  with  previous  records 
now  total  29  localities.  Some  of  the  large  fens  had  more  than  one  recording 
location.  Harvey  et  al.  (2002)  show  no  records  for  Wales  and  Scotland  and  of 
the  eight  for  England  outside  East  Anglia  only  one  is  post- 1980. 

Notioscopus  sarcinatus.  Recorded  from  England,  Wales  and  Scotland 
(Harvey  et  al.  2002)  but  from  very  few  localities.  In  1969-1974  we  took 
specimens  in  five  Norfolk  wetlands  but  it  appears  not  to  have  been  recorded 
during  the  1988  Nature  Conservancy  survey.  Perhaps  it  is  able  to  avoid  pitfall 
and  water  traps. 

Sitticus  caricis . A very  local  jumping  spider  taken  in  open  unshaded  wetland 
vegetation.  There  are  scattered  records  for  southern  and  eastern  England  and 
two  for  Anglesey 

Table  3 lists  the  10  most  numerous  species  in  1974  and  similarly  for  1994. 
Most  of  those  recorded  in  1994  are  common  or  even  abundant  throughout 
the  UK.  Three  (1,4,10)  are  associated  with  wet  places  but  not  confined  to 


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them.  The  1974  list  includes  five  specialised  wetland  species  (2,6,8,9,10), 
three  normally  found  in  wetlands  (1,3,7)  and  two  which  may  be  found  in 
a variety  of  different  habitats  (4,5).  The  1994  list  is  a clear  demonstration 
of  a change  to  dry  conditions.  However,  the  floods  of  summer  1994  may 
have  influenced  the  fauna  by  maintaining  a strong  population  of  Pirata 
hygrophilus . Another  Pirata  species,  P.  uliginosus  was  recorded  in  1980  and 
1984  by  hand  collecting  but  does  not  appear  in  the  1974  or  1994  lists.  This 
species  is  not  closely  associated  with  wet  habitats. 

Collections  at  East  Ruston  fens  between  1974  and  1994 

In  1980  and  1984  I was  able  to  make  personal  visits  to  East  Ruston  and  make 
collections  in  Mown  Fen.  In  the  former  year  I collected  33  species  and  in  the 
latter  19.  These  collections  only  give  an  indication  of  the  survival  of  certain 

Table  3.  The  ten  most  numerous  species.  Taken  by  hand-collecting  at  East  Ruston 
Common  on  13  June  1974  and  in  pitfall  traps  and  water  traps  during  May  and  June 

Rank  Hand-collecting  1974 



Traps  1994 




Oedothorax  gibbosus 


Pirata  hygrophilus 



Entelecara  omissa 


Erigone  atra 



Pirata  hygrophilus 


Pardosa  prativaga 



Kaestueria  pull  at  a 


Pirata  piraticus 



Pocadicnemis  pumila 


Bathyphantes  gracilis 



Taranucnus  setosus 


Pardosa  amentata 



Silometopus  elegans 


Oedothorax  fuscus 



Aphileta  mi  sera 


Erigone  dentipalpis 



Sitticus  caricis 


Silometopus  elegans 



Baryphyma  gowerense 


Oedothorax  gibbosus 


species.  Table  4 lists  nine  specialist  wetland  species  for  1974,  of  which  three 
were  taken  again  in  1980,  one  in  1984  but  none  in  1994.  In  both  these  middle 
years  Mown  Fen  was  dry  with  increasing  bush  growth.  On  the  other  hand 
much  more  tolerant  species,  capable  of  living  in  drier  habitats,  B.  trifrons, 
O.  gibbosus,  P clercki  and  others  (see  Table  2),  survived  in  1994,  perhaps 
helped  by  the  wet  summer  of  that  year. 


The  creation  of  large  scrapes  (Figure  2)  which  removed  the  surface  burnt  peat 
and  vegetation  in  July  1990  probably  had  little  effect  on  the  specialist  spider 
fauna  most  of  which  was  already  extinct  except  possibly  for  Theridiosoma 

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gemmosum.  Harvey  et  al.  (2002)  list  over  60  localities  for  this  species  in  the 
south  of  England  and  Wales.  In  Europe  it  is  recorded  from  reed  beds,  alder 

Table  4.  The  decline  of  some  wetland  species  in  relation  to  the  duration  of  desiccation. 

Present  + Not  recorded  - 

Wetland  species 





Baryphyma  gowerense 





Notioscopus  sarcinatus 





Walckenaeria  kochi 





Trochosa  spinipalpis 





Tibellus  maritimus 





Entelecara  omissa 





Rugathodes  instabilis 





Aphileta  misera 





Antis  tea  elegans 





carr,  willow  shrub  mires  and  dry  beech  forests  (Hanggi  et  al,  1995)  so  may 
be  more  tolerant  of  habitat  change  than  other  wetland  species. 

On  18  September  2006  I was  able  to  visit  East  Ruston  Fen  to  inspect  the 
two  excavations  dug  in  1 998-99  to  remove  oxidised  peat.  I found  two  lakes 
fringed  by  dense  reedbeds  of  Common  Reed  Phragmites  australis  and 
Bulrush  Typha  latifolia.  The  water  depth  is  not  known  but  appears  to  be 
deeper  than  the  6"-8"  (15-20  cm)  of  oxidised  peat  which  it  was  intended  to 
remove.  The  water  surface  may  persist  for  many  years  and  even  when  the 
lakes  become  shallower  it  seems  most  likely  that  large  reedbeds  will  form 
so  that  the  previous  mixed  fen  vegetation  and  acidic  flushes  will  not  be  able 
to  re-establish.  However,  Bogbean  Menyanthes  trifoliata  and  Milk-parsley 
Peucedanum  palustre  are  said  to  have  survived  and  it  is  still  important  to 
survey  the  spider  fauna  at  regular  intervals  to  find  out  how  it  has  changed. 


1 The  impoverishment  of  the  spider  fauna  due  to  desiccation  by  two 
boreholes  is  recorded  during  20  years,  1974-1994,  in  East  Ruston 
Common,  Norfolk. 

2 In  1974  74  species  were  recorded  in  one  day  (13  June)  by  eight 
arachnologists,  while  in  1994  62  species  were  taken  in  pitfall  and  water 
traps  during  May  and  June.  The  spider  fauna  appears  to  have  been 
substantially  more  diverse  in  1974. 


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3 Thirty-two  species  known  to  prefer  wetland  habitats  were  recorded  in 
1974,  including  one  national  rarity  and  three  classified  as  Notable.  Twenty 
years  later  16  wetland  species  were  recorded  and  only  one  classified  as 

4 In  1994  the  spider  fauna  of  King’s  Fen  was  found  to  be  much  inferior  to 
Mown  Fen.  In  1974  no  difference  between  the  two  fens  was  recorded. 
This  suggests  that  desiccation  was  more  severe  in  Kings  Fen. 

5 The  survival  of  nine  specialised  wetland  species  is  plotted  from  1974  to 
1994.  Three  were  last  recorded  in  1980,  one  in  1984  and  none  in  1994. 

6 The  1 0 most  abundant  species  in  1974  included  only  three  recorded  again 
in  1994.  The  1994  list  consists  mostly  of  common  and  widespread  species 
and  only  three  normally  associated  with  wet  places  but  not  confined  to 


I am  grateful  to  Dr  Martin  George,  former  East  Anglian  Regional  Officer  of 

the  Nature  Conservancy,  and  Clive  Doarks  of  English  Nature,  Norfolk  Team, 

for  advice  and  information  about  East  Ruston  Common  and  for  comments  on 

the  first  draft  of  this  paper. 


ANON.  1995.  East  Ruston  Common  SSSI  Alleviation  Scheme  combined  investigations. 
National  Rivers  Authority,  Vol.  3,  Appendix  G,  pp.75.  Binnie  & Partners  and 
Environmental  Consultancy  University  of  Sheffield. 

HANGGI,  A.,  STOCKLI,  E.  & NENTWIG,  W.  1995.  Lebensraume  mitteleuropaischer 
Spinnen.  Misc.  Faun.  Helvet.  4:  1-460.  Centre  Suisse  de  cartographic  de  la  faune, 

HARVEY,  P.,  NELLIST,  D.,  TELFER,  M.  2002.  Provisional  Atlas  of  British  Spiders 
(Arachnida,  Araneae),  Vols.  I and  II.  Joint  Nature  Conservation  Committee,  Centre 
for  Ecology  and  Hydrology,  Monks  Wood,  Huntingdon. 

LOCKET,  G.  H.  1965.  A new  British  species  of  Linyphiid  spider.  Entomologists  Mon. 
Mag.  101:  48-50. 

MERRETT,  P.  1990.  A review  of  the  nationally  notable  spiders  of  Great  Britain. 

Research  and  Survey  in  Nature  Conservation,  No.  127,  Peterborough,  Nature 
Conservancy  Council. 

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The  changing  status  of  Lepidoptera  in 
Norfolk  and  its  possible  causes 

C.D.  Jones 

32  Henstead  Road,  Hethersett,  Norwich  NR9  3JH 


Since  the  late  Georgian  period  of  British  history  the  study  of  lepidoptera  has 
been  quite  prolific.  These  studies,  along  with  those  of  many  other  taxa,  were 
enhanced  by  the  inquisitive  nature  of  the  Victorians  and  were  predominantly 
carried  out  by  wealthy  landowners  or  the  clergy.  This  has  left  modern-day 
lepidopterists  with  a wealth  of  records  that  can  be  compared  with  current 

In  Norfolk,  C.G.  Barrett  and  E.A.  Atmore  compiled  an  extensive  record  of 
all  lepidoptera  found  within  the  county  and  commented  on  the  status  of  each 
species  at  that  time.  Much  of  this  information  was  subsequently  published  in 
the  Transactions  of  the  Norfolk  and  Norwich  Naturalists’  Society  (NNNS), 
between  1873  and  1913  (Hall,  pers.  com.).  In  June  2006,  funding  from 
Norfolk  County  Council  Planning  and  Transportation  Section  (Environment 
- Policy  and  Planning)  for  the  Norfolk  Biological  Records  Centre  enabled 
my  employment  on  contract  to  input  data.  In  consultation  with  the  County 
Moth  Recorder,  Ken  Saul,  it  was  agreed  that  the  input  of  data  from  Mike 
Hall’s  unpublished  Annotations  of  Norfolk  Lepidoptera  recorded  by  Barrett 
and  Atmore  in  Transactions  of  the  NNNS  (1873-1913)  would  provide  useful 
comparative  historical  data  to  facilitate  research  into  changes  of  status  and 
the  possible  causes. 

Mike  Hall’s  work  was  aimed  at  comparing  the  nomenclature  used  by  Barrett 
and  Atmore  with  current  names.  It  was  taken  from  a literature  search  carried 
out  to  provide  historical  detail  for  the  on-going  Norfolk  Moth  Survey  but 
remained  unpublished  in  the  Transactions  of  the  NNNS  as  he  regarded  it  as 
excessively  long  (72  pages).  In  this  short  paper  I have  compared  the  findings 
of  Barrett  and  Atmore  with  modem  records  and  given  selected  examples. 


Many  species  have  exhibited  no  obvious  change  in  their  status  over  this 


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period.  In  general,  it  appears  that  those  species  that  exhibit  less  specific 
requirements,  both  in  habitat  and  food  resource,  have  remained  at  a relatively 
stable  level,  both  in  population  and  distribution,  over  the  study  period. 
However,  most  of  the  more  specialised  species  have  suffered  declines  and,  in 
some  cases,  extinction,  either  locally  or  at  a national  scale  (see  Appendices 
1 & 2).  Habitat  specialist  butterflies  have  not  only  fared  badly  in  Britain  but 
also  elsewhere  in  Europe  and  indeed  globally  (Wenzel  et  al.  2006;  van  Swaay 
et  al.  2006).  This  trend  is  almost  certainly  reflected  in  moth  populations, 
although  by  comparison  little  research  has  been  carried  out  on  this  more 
numerous  taxon. 

In  addition  to  those  species  present  on  Barrett  and  Atmore ’s  lists,  Norfolk 
has  also  ‘gained’  a number  of  records.  These  have  tended  to  be  the  result  of 
species  extending  their  ranges,  the  advent  of  continental  migrants  such  as 
the  Vestal  ( Rhodometra  sacraria  Linnaeus),  or  a simple  reallocation  of  the 
species  concerned.  This  third  point  is  well  demonstrated  by  the  Fen  Square- 
spot  ( Diarsia  florida  Vieweg),  which  is  now  considered  to  be  undergoing 
an  evolutionary  separation  from  the  more  common  and  widespread  Small 
Square-spot  (. D . rubi  Vieweg)  (Waring  & Townsend  2003).  There  may  also 
be  cases  of  ‘difficult’  species  being  overlooked  or  misidentified.  Even  today 
it  is  likely  that  some  moths  are  under-recorded  and  this  may  be  particularly 
true  of  those  species  that  are  not  attracted  to  light  traps  or  those  that  are 
active  during  the  hours  of  daylight.  This  problem  has  long  been  suggested  for 
certain  groups  such  as  the  Sesiidae  (clearwings),  which  are  easy  to  overlook 
in  the  field,  are  only  attracted  to  pheromone  lures  and  have  a lifecycle  that  is 
difficult  to  study. 

In  contrast  to  many  moth  species,  Britain’s  butterflies  are  well  studied 
and  understood.  Recent  publications  by  Fox  et  al.  (2006a)  and  Watts  and 
Mcllwrath  (2002)  have  made  it  possible  to  contrast  the  fortunes  of  all  species 
present  in  Norfolk  today  with  those  present  in  the  late  19th  and  early  20th 
centuries  (Barrett  & Atmore  1873-1913)  (see  Appendix  1). 


As  previously  stated,  those  species  that  specialise  in  a particular  habitat  or 
food  resource  have,  in  general,  suffered  significant  declines.  Some  butterfly 
species,  such  as  the  Silver-studded  Blue  {Plebeius  argus  Linnaeus),  have 
shown  such  substantial  declines  that  they  are  now  designated  as  Biodiversity 
Action  Plan  (BAP)  Priority  Species.  However,  Barrett  and  Atmore  (1873- 
1913)  recorded  that  P.  argus  could  be  found  on  every  heath  in  Norfolk  and 

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this  was  probably  true  for  Southern  Britain  as  a whole. 

Another  heathland  species  that  was  generally  common  in  the  late  1 9th  century 
(Barrett  & Atmore  1873-1913)  is  the  Grayling  (Hipparchia  semele  Linnaeus). 
However,  modem  records  show  that  this  species  has  suffered  a significant 
long-term  national  decline  (Fox  et  al.  2006a)  and  this  is  reflected  in  records 
for  Norfolk,  although  the  coastal  population  appears  to  be  stable  (Watts  & 
Mcllwrath  2002).  This  decline  has  been  so  substantial  that  H.  semele  has 
been  proposed  as  a BAP  species  (Fox  et  al.  2006a). 

The  butterfly  family  that  has  suffered  possibly  the  greatest  declines  in  Norfolk, 
and  indeed  nationally,  is  Nymphalidae,  more  specifically,  the  fritillaries.  Of 
the  six  species  that  occurred  in  Barrett  and  Atmore’s  records,  all  but  one  is 
now  extinct  as  a breeding  species  within  the  county.  The  remaining  species, 
the  Dark  Green  Fritillary  (Argynnis  aglaja  Linnaeus)  was  regarded  by  Barrett 
as  “local  and  almost  exclusively  coastal”  in  distribution.  This  status  appears 
to  remain  true  today  (Watts  & Mcllwrath  2002).  These  fritillaries,  with  the 
exception  of  A.  aglaja,  have  also  suffered  long-term  (1976-2004)  national 
distribution  declines  ranging  from  29%-79%  (Fox  et  al.  2006a).  Specific 
studies  carried  out  on  the  Pearl-bordered  Fritillary  ( Bolaria  euphrosyne 
Linnaeus)  show  that  this  species  currently  shows  a 61%  loss  in  distribution 
and  a 66%  decline  in  population  nationally,  over  the  last  30  years  (Hoare 
2006).  Therefore  it  seems  unlikely  that  B.  euphrosyne  will  become  re- 
established in  the  county  and  this  is  probably  the  case  for  the  other  fritillary 
species.  However,  while  the  fritillaries  have  suffered  dramatic  declines  other 
nymphalids  have  shown  the  opposite  trends. 

Of  the  resident  species  the  most  dramatic  changes  have  occurred  with  the 
population  and  distribution  of  the  Comma  ( Polygonia  c-album  Linnaeus). 
Barrett  and  Atmore  recorded  this  species  as  “very  rare  in  Norfolk”  whereas 
the  present  national  status  shows  a 305%  increase  in  population  size  and  a 
37%  increase  in  distribution,  over  the  last  30  years  (Fox  et  al.  2006a)  and 
this  is  reflected  within  Norfolk.  The  Peacock  (Inachis  io  Linnaeus)  has 
also  shown  a considerable  positive  long-term  change  in  status  (population 
+90%,  distribution  +17%  nationally)  (Fox  et  al.  2006a),  while  the  Small 
Tortoiseshell  ( Aglais  urticae  Linnaeus)  has  remained  at  a relatively  unaltered 
status.  However,  Barrett  and  Atmore  already  regarded  the  last  two  species  as 

Notable  changes  in  population  and  distribution  have  also  been  recorded  in 
migrant  species.  The  Red  Admiral  ( Vanessa  atalanta  Linnaeus),  Painted  Lady 


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( Vanessa  cardui,  Linnaeus)  and  Clouded  Yellow  ( Colias  croceus  Geoffroy) 
have  all  shown  large  long-term  national  population  increases.  In  the  case 
of  C.  croceus  this  is  a massive  increase  of  1117%  in  30  years  (Fox  et  al. 
2006a).  The  changes  of  status  have  not  been  as  dramatic  in  Norfolk  but  the 
general  trend  is  for  increasing  numbers  and  more  numerous  records  of  adults 

Another  species  that  has  exhibited  a substantial  expansion  of  its  range  and  an 
increased  population  is  the  Speckled  Wood  ( Pararge  aegaria  tircis  Linnaeus). 
Nationally  this  shade-loving  species  has  shown  a 160%  population  rise 
and  a 31%  expansion  in  its  distribution  (Fox  el  al.  2006a).  This  success  is 
mirrored  in  Norfolk  where  the  species  had  greatly  declined  by  the  end  of  the 
1 9th  century;  Barrett  and  Atmore  described  it  as  “not  common”  and  it  was 
regarded  as  sporadic  and  uncommon  until  the  1980s,  at  which  time  it  began 
to  expand  from  its  core  population  in  Breckland  (Watts  & Mcllwrath  2002). 
Current  records  now  show  that  P.  aegaria  tircis  has  spread  to  all  parts  of  the 


Changes  in  the  population  and  distribution  of  British  moths  have,  until  very 
recently,  been  relatively  poorly  studied.  The  publication  of  Fox  et  al.  (2006b) 
has  been  a great  step  forward  in  showing  the  downward  trends  being  exhibited 
by  a majority  of  Britain’s  larger  species.  Flowever,  many  of  the  smaller 
species  (micros)  remain  poorly  understood  and  are  certainly  under-recorded. 
This  is  in  part  due  to  a lack  of  interest  and  the  difficulties  encountered  when 
identifying  species,  some  of  which  can  only  be  achieved  by  dissection. 

Within  Barrett  and  Atmore’s  moth  lists  there  are,  potentially,  two  anomalous 
records;  these  concern  the  Chocolate  Tip  ( C/ostera  curtula  Linnaeus)  and  the 
Small  Chocolate  Tip  ( Clostera  pigra  Hufnagel).  C.  curtula  is  described  as 
“rare”  while  C.  pigra  is  regarded  as  common  and  “probably  in  all  fens  and 
boggy  heaths”.  Hall  (pers.  com.)  suggests  that  Barrett  and  Atmore  (1873- 
1913)  almost  certainly  have  the  records  of  distribution  and  comments  for 
these  two  species  in  reverse.  If  this  is  not  the  case  C.  curtula  has  suffered  a 
dramatic  decline  over  the  ensuing  period. 

In  common  with  butterflies,  specialist  moth  species  have  exhibited  the  greatest 
negative  trends  over  the  last  130  years.  However,  a number  of  species  have 
shown  an  increase  in  population  and  distribution  and,  as  has  been  the  case 
with  the  butterflies,  there  have  been  some  species  added  to  the  county  list. 

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Of  those  species  exhibiting  population  or  distribution  declines  perhaps 
some  of  the  more  striking  examples  include  the  Garden  Tiger  ( Arctia  caja 
Linnaeus),  the  Tapestry  Moth  ( Trichophaga  tapetzella  Linnaeus),  the 
Dentated  Pug  (Anticollix  sparsat  Treitschke  ) and  the  Coast  Dart  (Euxoa 
cur soria  Hufnagel).  These  examples  have  all  suffered  significant  declines  but 
it  is  possible  that  the  driving  factors  for  each  species  are  different,  although 
all  are  likely  to  be  anthropogenic  in  origin. 

The  Garden  Tiger  moth  (A.  caja ) was  once  widespread  and  common  in  the 
UK.  However,  over  recent  decades  this  species  has  shown  a dramatic  decline 
(Conrad  et  al.  2002),  both  in  Norfolk  and  nationally.  This  decline  appears 
to  have  accelerated  since  the  mid  1980s  (Waring  & Townsend  2003)  and 
although  this  species  still  has  a widespread  distribution  its  population  has 
significantly  decreased.  It  is  now  an  uncommon  species  in  many  locations  and 
completely  absent  from  some.  Yet  Barrett  and  Atmore  describe  this  species 
as  “common  everywhere”.  The  Tapestry  Moth  (T.  tapetzella)  was  also  found 
everywhere  and  even  considered  a pest  species;  it  is  now  a nationally  scarce 
moth  as  are  the  Dentated  Pug  (A.  sparsata ) and  the  Coast  Dart  (E.  cursoria ) 
(Waring  & Townsend  2003). 

Barrett  and  Atmore  (1873-1913)  recorded  that  A.  sparsata  was  common  in 
fen  areas  while  E.  cursoria  was  regarded  as  “excessively”  abundant  on  coastal 
sand  dunes.  Present  records  indicate  that  both  species  are  now  extremely 
restricted  in  their  distribution  within  Norfolk  and  nationally.  This  should 
perhaps  not  be  surprising  as  both  are  habitat  specialists  and,  as  previously 
mentioned,  more  likely  to  have  suffered  declines  since  the  19th  century. 

Several  species  that  were  either  highly  specialised  or  extremely  local  in  their 
distribution  during  the  late  19th  century  have  now  disappeared  completely 
from  Norfolk.  Indeed,  species  such  as  the  Marsh  Dagger  ( Acronicta  strigosa 
(Denis  & Schiffermiiller),  Viper’s  Bugloss  (Hadena  irregularis  Hufnagel), 
Spotted  Sulphur  ( Emmelia  trabealis  Scopoli)  and  the  pyralid  moth  Loxostege 
sticticalis  (Linnaeus)  are  now  extinct  nationally  (see  Appendix  2)  (Waring  & 
Townsend  2003).  With  exception  of  A.  strigosa,  which  had  a core  population 
in  the  Cambridgeshire  fens,  these  species  were  already  predominantly 
restricted  to  the  Breckland  area  of  Norfolk  (Barrett  & Atmore  1873-1913) 
and  had  little  potential  for  extending  their  range. 

In  common  with  butterflies,  there  have  been  success  stories  since  the 
publication  of  Barrett  and  Atmore’s  lists.  Species  such  as  the  Pine  Hawk- 
moth  ( Hvloicus  pinastri  Linnaeus),  Triple-spotted  Clay  ( Xestia  ditrapezium 


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Denis  & Schiffenniiller)  and  Beautiful  Golden  Y ( Autographa  pulchrina 
Haworth)  have  improved  their  status  from  rare,  very  rare  or  scarce  and  are 
now  well  established  within  Norfolk,  indeed  occasionally  abundant  (Waring 
& Townsend  2003).  Other  species  are  more  recent  additions  to  the  county 
list  with  the  majority  being  species  that  have  extended  their  range  nationally. 
Examples  of  this  are  the  Spruce  Carpet  ( Thera  britannica  Turner,  H.G),  Twin- 
spotted  Wainscot  (. Archanara  geminipuncta  Haworth)  and  Vine’s  Rustic 
(. Hoplodrina  ambigua  Denis  & Schiffermuller);  H.  ambigua,  has  undergone 
quite  a rapid  and  significant  distribution  increase  since  the  1940s  (Waring  & 
Townsend  2003). 

Perhaps  the  most  dramatic  addition  to  the  county,  and  indeed  the  national 
record,  is  Blair’s  Shoulder-knot  ( Lithophane  leautieri  Boursin).  This  species 
was  first  recorded  in  Britain  in  1 95 1 , on  the  Isle  of  Wight,  (Waring  & Townsend 
2003)  but  has  since  spread  to  most  areas,  including  Scotland,  by  2001.  It 
is  now  a well-established  species  in  Norfolk  and  is  occasionally  abundant, 
its  larvae  feeding  on  cypresses.  Nationally  L.  leautieri  has  undergone  a 
population  growth  of  21000%  (Fox  et  al.  2006b)  and  this  is  probably  due  to 
increase  in  the  use  and  popularity  of  Cupressus  leylandii  hybrids  in  domestic 
gardens  over  the  last  50  years. 


It  is  probable  that  anthropogenic  forces  drive  the  significant  majority  of 
lepidopteran  population  and  distribution  changes,  both  at  national  and  county 
levels.  These  factors  may  be  either  direct  (e.g.  habitat  loss)  or  of  a more 
subtle  nature  (e.g.  climate  change). 

Habitat  loss  and  fragmentation  has  long  been  heralded  as  one  of  the 
foremost  drivers  of  species  decline  and  extinction.  This  is  particularly  true 
for  specialist  species  and  is  applicable  at  county,  national  and  global  scales. 
Many  lepidopteran  specialist  species  are  declining  as  a result  of  this  process 
and  although  conservation  actions  typically  aim  to  stem  rates  of  decline 
they  are  not  generally  structured  to  bring  about  genuine  recovery  (Davies 
et  al.  2005).  It  has  even  been  suggested  by  Davies  (2005)  that  government 
targets  to  achieve  ‘favourable  status’  for  SSSIs  may  be  detrimental  to  some 
threatened  species.  This  has  already  been  shown  by  recent  research  using 
butterfly  transect  data  from  protected  areas  in  Britain  (Davies  2005).  Many 
of  Norfolk’s  butterfly  species,  threatened  and  common,  rely  on  traditional 
agricultural  practices  and  the  advent  of  agri-environment  schemes  designed 
to  maintain  or  reinstate  appropriate  management  have  indeed  benefited 

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target  butterfly  species  nationally.  However,  recent  research  has  suggested 
that  these  schemes  have  failed  to  halt  the  general  decline  of  butterfly  species 
on  farmland  (Brereton  et  al.  2005)  and  this  decline  includes  areas  protected 
as  SSSIs  as  well  as  the  wider  countryside.  Norfolk  may  be  particularly 
susceptible  to  this  form  of  species  loss  and  decline  due  to  the  intensive 
nature  of  modem  agriculture  within  the  county,  although  many  farmers  are 
now  more  conscious  of  the  need  for  conservation  and  indeed  get  payments 
for  implementing  conservation  strategies.  Again,  it  is  probable  that  similar 
effects  could  be  detected  within  moth  species.  However  this  requires  more 
long-term  studies. 

A moth  species  that  may  exhibit  this  reaction  to  agricultural  intensification  is 
the  Ruddy  Carpet  ( Catarhoe  rubidata  Denis  & Schiffermiiller).  This  species 
prefers  rough  banks,  hedgerows  and  field  edges,  usually  on  calcareous  strata 
(Waring  & Townsend  2003).  As  farms  have  become  more  efficient  and  fields 
have  become  larger,  particularly  in  Norfolk,  and  more  of  a monoculture  this 
type  of  habitat  has  declined.  Thus  it  is  likely  that  this  was  partially  responsible 
for  the  decline  of  C.  rubidata. 

Changes  in  fanning  practice  since  the  late  1 9th  century  have  probably  led  to  the 
loss  and  decline  of  several  species  of  lepidoptera  in  Norfolk.  During  the  19th 
century  the  Small  Ranunculus  ( Hecatera  dysodea  Denis  & Schiffermuller) 
was  recorded  in  large  numbers  on  cultivated  lettuce  crops,  particularly  in 
Norfolk  and  the  South-East  of  England  (Waring  & Townsend  2003).  The 
larvae  of  this  species  eat  mainly  the  flowers  and  seeds  of  the  lettuce.  It  may 
be  that  in  the  1 9th  century  large  numbers  of  the  lettuces  were  allowed  to  form 
seed  whereas  modem  horticultural  practice  harvests  the  plants  long  before 
they  reach  this  stage.  It  is  also  possible  that  the  natural  food  items,  Prickly 
Lettuce  and  Great  Lettuce,  were  reduced  in  abundance,  due  to  intensification 
and  the  use  of  herbicides.  The  resulting  effect  on  H.  dysodea  was  its  virtual 
extinction  in  Britain  by  1914  and  complete  disappearance  by  1939.  However, 
the  species  has  since  returned  to  Britain,  possibly  as  a migrant,  but  not  to 

Ashwin  & Davison  (2005)  show  large  areas  of  Norfolk  as  marsh  or  fen  in 
the  late  1800s  that  today  have  been  ‘drained  and  improved’.  This  policy  has 
caused  the  decline  or  loss  of  several  wetland  species.  An  example  of  this  is 
the  Marsh  Fritillary  ( Euphydryas  aurinia)  recorded  on  marshy  meadows  by 
Barrett  and  Atmore  (1873-1913)  but  which  has  now  disappeared  from  the 
county  and  has  suffered  a severe  decline  nationally.  The  Marsh  Dagger  (A. 
strigosa ) has  also  gone  and  was  last  recorded  in  Britain  in  1933  (Waring 


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& Townsend  2003).  The  Purple-bordered  Gold  ( Idaea  muricata  Hufnagel) 
was  described  as  “rather  common”  in  wet  fens  but  is  now  highly  localised 
in  Norfolk  and  designated  as  Nationally  Scarce  A.  These  declines  and  losses 
clearly  demonstrate  the  vulnerability  of  habitat  specialist  species  to  landscape 
changes  and  habitat  loss. 

It  has  been  suggested  that  many  species  are  dependent  on  a metapopulation 
structure  and  many  threatened  British  butterfly  species  appear  to  conform  to 
the  metapopulation  theory  including  the  Silver-studded  Blue  ( Plebeius  argns ) 
(Thomas  et  al.  1992),  a BAP  priority  species  for  Norfolk  and  nationally. 

Metapopulation  theory  suggests  that  species  will  not  survive  on  individual 
fragments  of  habitat,  but  require  a network  of  sites  between  which  they  can 
migrate  (Thomas  et  al.  1998).  Therefore,  habitat  fragmentation  may  cause 
the  eventual  extinction  of  a species,  even  in  those  remaining  patches  of 
apparently  suitable  habitat  (Hanski  2003).  The  size  and  degree  of  isolation 
of  a habitat  fragment  will  influence  long-term  persistence  of  a species  in 
that  patch  (Thomas  et  al.  1998).  Data  from  butterflies,  birds  and  plants 
demonstrate  that  populations  with  reduced  genetic  diversity  often  experience 
reduced  growth  and  increased  extinction  rates.  Thus,  it  may  be  necessary  to 
retain  gene  flow  among  increasingly  fragmented  habitat  patches  to  sustain 
populations  that  are  sensitive  to  inbreeding  (Keller  & Waller  2002). 

Conservation  efforts  therefore  need  to  be  on  a landscape-scale  in  order  to 
create  a network  of  suitable  habitats  and  so  ensure  the  long-term  survival  and 
enhancement  of  threatened  lepidopteran  populations.  This  is  rather  stating  the 
obvious  as  the  loss  and  fragmentation  of  habitat,  along  with  the  associated 
effects  on  biodiversity,  has  occurred  on  a landscape-scale,  particularly  over 
the  last  200  years  (Ashwin  & Davison  2005). 

It  is  likely  that  environmental  changes  on  a landscape  scale  would  have 
influenced  lepidopteran  populations  prior  to  Barrett  and  Atmore’s  records. 
The  effects  of  these  changes  would  almost  certainly  be  apparent  in  moth  and 
butterfly  communities  today. 

A possible  example  of  this  is  the  increase  in  both  number  and  distribution 
of  the  Centre-barred  Sallow  (Atethmia  centrago  Haworth).  This  species 
prefers  open  habitat  with  isolated  Ash  trees,  including  hedgerows,  riverbank 
and  gardens  (Waring  & Townsend  2003).  It  is  possible  that  the  advent  of 
Parliamentary  Enclosure  in  the  1 8th  and  19th  centuries  encouraged  the  creation 
of  this  type  of  environment  through  the  planting  of  hedgerows  and  the  use  of 
large,  isolated  trees  as  boundary  markers  (Rackham  2001). 

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Barrett  and  Atmore  described  A centrago  as  “local  and  scarce”  and  although 
the  last  act  of  enclosure  in  Norfolk  was  at  Saxlingham  in  1863  (Ashwin  & 
Davison  2005),  some  ten  years  prior  to  their  records,  this  is  a rather  short 
period  in  ecological  time  in  which  to  observe  trends  in  distribution  and 
abundance.  The  expansions  in  range  and  population  of  this  moth  would 
probably  have  occurred  at  a much  slower  rate  and  are  possibly  still  ongoing. 

Habitat  loss  has  not  been  restricted  to  the  open  countryside,  it  has  also 
occurred  within  human  habitation  and  wider  urban  areas.  The  larvae  of  the 
Tapestry  Moth  (T  tapetzella)  were  recorded  by  Barrett  and  Atmore  (1873- 
1913)  as  “devouring  stuffing  of  saddles,  chairs,  sofas;  carpets,  furs  etc  and 
articles  of  wool  and  hair  generally”.  This  species  was  regarded  as  a pest  and 
extremely  common  within  houses  and  warehouses  but  occupied  a specific 
ecological  niche.  However,  as  warehouses,  particularly  those  in  Norfolk’s 
ports,  disappeared  and  man-made  materials  replaced  many  organic  products 
the  decline  of  this  species  became  inevitable.  This  decline  has  been  shared 
by  several  species  that  use  human  environments  to  reproduce.  As  modem 
products  and  lifestyles  have  changed  the  opportunities  for  species  such  as  T. 
tapezella  have  disappeared. 

Not  all  landscape  changes  have  led  to  species  decline.  The  planting  of  large 
areas  of  conifer  forest  has  led  to  the  increase  in  those  species  dependent 
upon  them.  However,  it  might  be  argued  that  those  areas  used  for  forestry, 
generally  in  Breckland,  were  specialist  habitats  and  potentially  had  their  own, 
sometimes  unique,  species.  The  advent  of  large-scale  conifer  forests  has  led 
to  the  addition  of  the  Spruce  Carpet  ( Thera  britanica  Turner)  to  the  county 
list  and  an  increase  in  abundance  and  distribution  of  the  Pine  Hawk-moth 
( Hyloicus  pinastri  Linnaeus)  and  the  Pine  Beauty  ( Panolis  flammae  Denis 
& Schiffermuller).  The  spread  of  H.  pinastri  may  have  also  been  affected  by 
changes  in  Britain’s  climate. 

Potentially  the  most  important  long-term  factor  driving  changes  in  lepidopteran 
status  is  global  climate  change.  Studies  have  shown  some  indication  of  this 
process  since  the  industrial  revolution  and  it  is  clear  from  current  research 
that  the  climate  is  changing.  This  will  have  a profound  effect  on  invertebrate 
and  indeed  all  life  on  the  planet  (King  2005).  The  effect  of  climate  change 
on  butterfly  population  size  and  distribution  has  been  clearly  demonstrated 
using  British  monitoring  data  (Brereton  et  a/.  2006)  and  these  alterations  to 
butterfly  phenology,  ranges  and  ecology  will  almost  certainly  be  reflected  in 
other  lepidopteran  species. 


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While  there  are  no  records  of  any  butterfly  species  colonising  Britain  during 
the  current  period  of  human-induced  climate  change,  two  migrant  species 
that  have  bred  here  during  the  summer  (Clouded  Yellow  and  Red  Admiral) 
now  appear  to  be  able  to  successfully  overwinter.  Therefore  it  is  reasonable 
to  assume  that  this  may  be  the  prelude  to  these  species  becoming  resident 
(Dennis  et  al.  2006).  Potentially  this  may  also  apply  to  all  migrant  species 
so  that  it  is  conceivable  that  the  Painted  Lady  (V.  cardui)  would  also  become 
resident.  Similar  processes  may  also  apply  to  migrant  moth  species  and 
records  of  increasing  numbers  of  overwintering  Hummingbird  Hawk-moths 
may  support  this  theory  (pers.  obs.).  This  may  also  result  in  the  Bedstraw 
Hawk-moth  (. Hyles  galli  Rottemburg)  re-establishing  a resident  population, 
as  this  species  was  briefly  resident  in  North  Norfolk  between  1956  and  1958 
(Waring  & Townsend  2003). 

Climate  change  may  also  have  contributed  to  the  range  expansions  and 
population  increases  encountered  in  other  Norfolk  lepidoptera.  Species  such 
as  Maple  Prominent  ( Ptilodon  cucullina  Denis  & Schiffermuller  ),  Vine’s 
Rustic  (H.  ambigua ),  Golden  Plusia  ( Polychrysia  moneta  Fabricius),  Beautiful 
Golden  Y (A.  pulchrina ) and  Twin-spotted  Wainscot  (A.  geminipuncta ) have 
all  exhibited  increases  in  range  and  population  within  Norfolk.  However, 
the  positive  changes  in  the  status  of  A.  geminipuncta  may  also  have  been 
influenced  by  more  recent  policies  of  reed  bed  creation  and  management. 

Although  climate  change  may  have  been  favourable  for  many  of  Norfolk’s 
moths  and  butterflies  it  may  also  have  had  negative  effects  on  some  species. 
It  has  been  suggested  that  those  species  of  moth  that  overwinter  as  larvae 
may  suffer  declines  brought  about  by  this  period  being  warmer  and  wetter 
(Conrad  et  al.  2002).  As  previously  stated,  the  Garden  Tiger  ( Arctia  caja 
Linnaeus)  was  once  widespread  and  common  but  over  recent  decades  has 
shown  a dramatic  decline.  It  has  been  suggested  that  warm,  wet  winters  and 
springs  may  be  detrimental  to  A.  caja  (Conrad  et  al  2002)  and  it  is  therefore 
predicted  to  decrease  further  in  line  with  global  climate  change.  These 
declines  may  be  a result  of  a number  of  factors,  either  singly  or  combined.  It 
is  possible  that  the  increasingly  mild  winters  have  led  to  increased  survival 
rates  of  certain  parasitoid  species  that  are  then  able  to  prey  on  the  moth 
larvae.  Equally,  it  is  possible  that  the  milder,  wetter  conditions  lead  to  an 
increase  in  fungal  pathogens  or  that  the  larvae  require  cold,  dry  winters  to 
trigger  certain  genetic  responses.  These  are  all  plausible  theories  but  require 
further  long-term  research. 

Although  pollution  is  not  generally  thought  of  as  a directly  contributing  factor 

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to  species  decline  in  Norfolk,  it  should  be  considered  outside  the  realms 
of  global  climate  change.  It  is  probable  that  agricultural  and  atmospheric 
depositions  have  a more  direct  and  immediate  effect  on  biodiversity.  Along 
with  the  obvious  effects  of  pesticides  it  has  been  shown  that,  in  agricultural 
areas,  species  dependent  on  nutrient-poor  conditions  tended  to  decrease 
while  species  dependent  on  nutrient-rich  conditions  tended  to  increase.  This 
indicates  a negative  effect  of  increased  soil  nitrogen  levels  resulting  from  the 
active  use  of  fertilisers  and/or  atmospheric  nitrogen  deposition  (Ockingera 
et  a/.  2006). 


Clearly  there  have  been  changes  in  Norfolk’s  lepidopteran  species,  between 
the  late  19th  century  and  today,  but  the  overall  diversity  recorded  by  Barrett 
and  Atmore  (1873-1913)  appears  to  be  predominantly  intact  within  Norfolk 
today.  However,  assessing  trends  in  distribution  and  population  is  somewhat 
problematic.  There  have  been  some  losses  from  the  county  list  but  these  have 
mainly  consisted  of  species  that  were  already  uncommon,  localised  and / 
or  habitat  specialists  in  the  1800s.  The  more  noticeable  status  changes  are 
illustrated  in  Appendices  1 & 2. 

Population  trends  in  moths  are  difficult  to  accurately  assess  as  Barrett  and 
Atmore  show  very  little  numerical  data.  It  might  also  be  considered  that 
attracting  moths  to  light  was  still  at  a relatively  primitive  stage  and  the 
understanding  of  the  ultraviolet  spectrum  was  limited.  The  wavelengths  at 
which  moths  are  attracted  had  not  yet  been  defined  and  the  ability  to  produce 
that  particular  light  source  was  not  available.  Therefore  the  number,  and 
possibly  species,  of  moths  attracted  to  light  would  have  been  limited.  By 
comparison  the  ongoing  Rothamsted  trapping  network  and  the  National 
Moth  Recording  Scheme  are  designed  to  give  a good  overview  of  the  state  of 
moth  communities.  However,  it  remains  likely  that  individual  species  were 
more  numerous  in  the  19th  century  and  this  may  have  helped  to  balance  the 
possible  inefficiency  of  the  light  sources.  Furthermore,  much  of  recording 
for  certain  species  would  have  been  done  using  direct  search  techniques  (i.e. 
simply  looking  for  them)  either  for  larvae  or  the  adult  insects. 

Unlike  moths,  butterflies  present  no  such  problems  and  are  therefore  likely 
to  be  more  accurately  represented,  although  there  is  still  no  numerical  data. 
Within  this  group  there  seems  to  be  a significant  change  within  the  community. 
Approximately  a third  of  the  butterfly  species  recorded  by  Barrett  and 


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Atmore  (1873-1913)  have  either  suffered  declines  or  have  disappeared  from 
Norfolk  completely.  These  declines  appear  to  have  been  driven  by  habitat 
loss  or  fragmentation.  A further  1 1 species  show  increases  in  distribution  or 
population  and  this  appears  to  be  the  result  of  species  adjusting  to  changing 
environments.  This  may  be  habitat  change  or  dietary  adjustments,  although  it 
has  also  been  suggested  that  climate  change  is,  for  the  time  being,  beneficial 
to  these  species. 

Although  most  responses  have  been  favourable  thus  far,  predictive  climate 
change  models  suggest  that  climate  change  will  become  a significant  influence 
on  rates  of  decline  and  extinction  in  butterflies  (Fox  et  al.  2006)  and  this  will 
almost  certainly  be  mirrored  in  moth  populations.  Until  recently,  published 
evidence  for  the  responses  of  species  to  climate  change  had  revealed  more 
examples  of  species  expanding  than  retracting  their  distributions.  However, 
recent  papers  on  butterflies  now  show  that  population-level  and  species-level 
extinctions  are  occurring  (Thomas  et  al.  in  press).  Indeed,  this  new  evidence 
suggests  that  climate-driven  extinctions  and  range  retractions  are  already 
widespread  (Thomas  et  al.  in  press). 

Habitat  loss  and  fragmentation  are  potentially  easier  to  deal  with.  Although 
some  areas  may  have  been  irrevocably  lost,  the  creation  of  new  sites  and 
utilisation  of  other  habitats,  by  lepidopteran  species,  may  partially  offset  the 
initial  problems.  Current  initiatives  for  heathland  and  reed  bed  recreation, 
plus  continued  management  of  woodland  and  the  Breckland  area,  will  aid 
the  habitat  specialist  species  dependent  on  those  environments.  However, 
recreating  ancient  woodland  habitat  in  Norfolk  may  be  impossible.  The 
creation  of  a network  of  SPAs  (Special  Protected  Areas),  SSSIs  (Site  of  Special 
Scientific  Interest)  and  other  conservation  areas  will  aid  in  the  reconstruction 
of  connective  habitats,  although  there  will  be  inherent  problems  caused  by 
government  conservation  targets. 

A more  flexible  approach  to  habitat  management  is  required  to  conserve  such 
habitats  as  late-successional  grassland.  This  is  an  important  environment 
supporting  a diverse  ecosystem,  often  containing  habitat  specialists  and  often 
threatened  species  (Balmer  et  al.  2000).  It  is  possible  that  some  grassland 
species  can  be  encouraged  to  utilise  road  verges,  therefore  these  areas  should 
be  considered  an  important  reserve  for  species  dependent  on  semi-natural 
grasslands  (Saarinen  et  al.  2005).  Evidence  of  the  effectiveness  of  these  areas 
can  be  observed  along  many  of  the  county’s  roads,  including  the  major  trunk 
routes  (pers.  obs.).  High  nectar  abundance  may  be  the  most  important  factor 
governing  increased  numbers  of  meadow  butterflies  along  road  verges,  while 

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2007  40  (1) 


meadow  moths  largely  favour  areas  of  shelter  provided  by  taller  vegetation 
(Saarinen  et  al.  2005).  Therefore  the  planting  of  shrubs  and  the  use  of  wild 
flowers  is  critical  to  the  success  of  these  areas. 

Brownfield  sites  often  become  refuges  for  early-successional  moth  and 
butterfly  species,  and  for  wildlife  in  general.  However,  this  habitat  often 
does  not  have  a history  of  management,  either  for  agriculture  or  woodland 
purposes.  (Benes  et  al.  2003;  Key  2000)  and  may  not  receive  sufficient 
protection.  Although  these  areas  are  probably  sub-optimal  habitat  they  will 
allow  species  to  persist  in  an  otherwise  hostile  environment. 

The  butterfly  list  for  Norfolk  (Appendix  1)  and  the  selected  moth  species 
(Appendix  2)  used  in  this  paper  indicate  some  striking  changes  to  the 
status  of  many  species.  The  reasons  behind  these  trends  in  general  remain 
unproven  and  potentially  require  many  years  of  research  to  fully  understand 
the  processes.  It  is  unlikely  that  a single  factor  resulted  in  any  status  change. 
However,  it  does  appear  that  the  majority  of  species  decline  in  Norfolk  have 
been  strongly  influenced  by  habitat  destruction  and  fragmentation,  while 
many  population  and  distribution  increases  may  have  been  predominantly 
driven  by  climate  change. 

Climate  change  may  bring  opportunities  for  some  species  as  well  as  threats 
but  grave  concerns  have  been  raised  about  the  overall  and  long-term  impact 
on  biodiversity  and  the  ecosystem  as  a whole  (Thomas  et  al.  2004).  It  should 
not  be  forgotten  that  lepidoptera  form  a key  link  in  the  ecological  chain,  both 
as  pollinators  and  as  a food  source,  without  which  many  other  species  may 
not  survive. 


Thanks  to  the  Norfolk  Biological  Records  Centre  and  in  particular  Pat  Lorber 
for  providing  the  information  on  which  this  article  is  based.  Thanks  are  also 
due  to  Fiona  Meardon  for  useful  comments. 


ASHWIN,  T.  & DAVISON,  A.  2005.  An  Historical  Atlas  of  Norfolk.  Phillimore  & Co. 
Ltd.  Chichester,  England. 

BARRETT,  C.G.  & ATMORE,  E.A.  1873-1913.  In  Hall  unpublished  (Annotations  to 
Bradley,  2000). 

BALMER,  O.  & ERHARDT,  A.  2000.  Consequences  of  succession  on  extensively 


Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 

2007  40  (1) 

grazed  grassland  for  Central  European  butterfly  communities:  rethinking 
conservation  practices.  Conservation  Biology  14:746-757. 

BENES,  J.,  KEPKA,  P.  & KONV1CKA,  M.  2003.  Limestone  quarries  as  refuges  for 
European  xerophilous  butterflies.  Conservation  Biology  17:1058-1069. 

BRADLEY,  J.D.  2000.  Checklist  of  Lepidoptera  Recorded  from  the  British  Isles.  D.J. 
Bradley  & M.J.  Bradley,  Fordingbridge. 

BRERETON,  T.,  ROY,  D.  & GREATOREX-DAVIES,  N.  2006.  Thirty  years  and 
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the  UK.  British  Wildlife  17,  162-170. 

CONRAD,  K.F.,  WOIWOD,  l.P  AND  PERRY,  J.N.  2002.  Long-term  decline  in 

abundance  and  distribution  of  the  Garden  Tiger  Moth  ( Arctia  caja)  in  Great  Britain. 
Biological  Conservation  106(3):329-337. 

DAVIES,  H.  2005.  The  Consequences  of  Positive  Management  of  Protected  Areas 
to  Achieve  Government  Targets  - How  Threatened  UK  Butterflies  Are  Faring. 
Unpublished  MSc  Thesis.  University  of  Oxford. 

DAVIES  Z.G.,  WILSON  R.J.,  BRERETON  T.M.  & THOMAS  C.D.  2005.  The  re- 
expansion and  improving  status  of  the  Silver-spotted  Skipper  butterfly  ( Hesperia 
comma)  in  Britain:  a metapopulation  success  story.  Biological  Conservation 
124(2):  189-198 

DENNIS,  R.L.H.,  STEFANESCU,  C.  & TREMEWAN,  W.G.  2006.  Why  does  Vanessa 
atalanta  (Linneaus)  (Lepidoptera:  Nymphalidae)  engage  in  late  summer  territorial 
disputes  when  close  relatives  are  feeding  up  for  overwintering?  Entomologist’s 
Gazette  57:83-89. 

FOX,R.,  ASHER,  J.,  BRERETON,  T.,  ROY,  D.  & WARREN,  M.  2006a.  The  State  of 
Butterflies  in  Britain  and  Ireland,  pp  94-95.  Pisces  Publications,  Newbury. 

FOX,  R„  CONRAD,  K.F.,  PARSONS,  M.S.,  WARREN,  M.S.  & WOIWOD,  l.P. 

2006b.  The  State  of  Britain  s Larger  Moths.  Butterfly  Conservation  and  Rothamsted 
Research,  Wareham,  Dorset. 

HALL,  M.  Unpublished.  Annotations  to  Bradley  (2000)  from  lists  by  Barrett,  Atmore 
and  others  in  Transactions  of  Norfolk  & Norwich  Naturalists  ’Society,  1873-1913. 

HANSKI,  I.  2003.  Biology  of  estimations  in  butterfly  metapopulations.  In  Butterflies  - 
Ecology ; and  Evolution  Taking  Flight,  (eds.  C.L.  Boggs,  W.B.  Watts  and  P.R.  Erlich) 
pp  577-602. 

HOARE,  D.  2006.  Status  of  the  Pearl-bordered  Fritillary  in  England  and  Wales  2004. 
Butterfly  Conservation  Report  506-03,  Wareham. 

KELLER,  L.F.  AND  WALLER,  D.M.  2002.  Inbreeding  effects  in  wild  populations. 


in  Ecology  & Evolution  1 7(5 ):230-24 1 . 

KEY,  R.  2000.  Bare  ground  and  the  conservation  of  invertebrates.  British  Wildlife 

KING,  D.  2005.  Climate  change:  the  science  and  policy.  Journal  of  Applied  Ecology ’ 

2006.  The  relationship  between  local  extinctions  of  grassland  butterflies  and 
increased  soil  nitrogen  levels.  Biological  Conservation  128(4):564-573. 

RACKHAM,  O.  2001.  The  History  of  the  Countryside.  Phoenix  Press,  London 

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2007  40  (1) 


SAARINEN,  K.,  VALTONEN,  A.,  JANTUNEN  J.  AND  SAARNIO  S.  2005.  Butterflies 
and  diurnal  moths  along  road  verges:  does  road  type  affect  diversity  and  abundance? 
Biological  Conservation  123(3):403-412. 

THOMAS,  C.D.,  THOMAS,  J.A.  & WARREN,  M.S.  1992.  Distribution  of  occupied 
and  vacant  butterfly  habitats  in  a fragmented  landscape.  Oecologia  92:563-567. 
THOMAS,  C.D.,  HILL,  J.K.  & LEWIS,  O.T.  1998.  Evolutionary  consequences  of 
habitat  fragmentation  in  a localised  butterfly.  Journal  of  Animal  Ecology  67:485- 



PETERSON,  A.T.,  PHILIPS,  O.L.  & WILLIAMS,  S.E.  2004.  Extinction  risk  from 
climate  changes.  Nature  427:145-148. 

THOMAS,  C.D.,  FRANCO,  A.M.A.  AND  HILL,  J.K.  Trends  in  Ecology  & Evolution. 
In  press. 

VAN  SWA  AY,  C,  WARREN,  M.  & LOIS,  G.  2006.  Biotope  use  and  trends  of 
European  butterflies.  Journal  of  Insect  Conservation  10:189-209 
WARING,  P.  & TOWNSEND,  M.  2003.  Field  Guide  to  the  Moths  of  Great  Britain  and 
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WATTS,  B.R.  & MCILWRATH,  B.J.  2002.  Millenium  Atlas  of  Norfolk  Butterflies . 
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19th  CENTURY  AND  THE  PRESENT.  Declining  species  in  bold  type;  increasing  species  in  italics. 

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TUS IN  THE  LATE  19th  CENTURY  AND  THE  PRESENT  Declining  species  in  bold  type; 
increasing  species  in  italics. 





























































































































































































































































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Swanton  Novers  Wood  NNR,  Norfolk, 
and  its  Coleoptera:  Supplement  No.l 

Bryan  Sage 

Waveney  House,  Waveney  Close,  Wells-next-the-Sea,  Norfolk  NR23  1HU 


The  purpose  of  this  paper  is  to  update  that  by  Sage  (2006),  particularly  in 
respect  of  the  additional  37  species  of  beetle  recorded  there  during  2006. 

In  the  original  paper  mention  was  made  of  the  fact  that  both  Great  and  Little 
Woods  were  once  surrounded  by  a number  of  commons,  as  shown  on  Faden’s 
map  of  Norfolk  (Barringer  1989).  One  drawback  of  this  version  of  Faden’s 
map  is  that  it  does  not  accurately  depict  how  the  distribution  and  shapes  of 
commons  and  heaths  varies  so  much  over  the  county.  This  problem  has  now 
been  rectified  with  the  publication  in  2006  by  the  Society  of  Cartographers 
of  a digitalised  version  of  Faden’s  1797  map.  This  is  a map  of  great  clarity 
on  which  the  woods  are  shown  in  green,  and  commons  and  heaths  in  light 
brown  (on  my  copy  of  this  map  these  are  in  a dark  yellow  or  mustard  colour). 
The  area  labelled  Stock  Heath  shows  Great  and  Little  Woods  surrounded 
by  Fulmodeston  Common  to  the  south-west,  Barney  Common  to  the  west, 
Orbury  Common  to  the  north,  Swanton  Common  to  the  east,  and  Hindolveston 
Common  to  the  south-east.  What  is  of  particular  interest  here  is  the  fact  that 
because  the  parliamentary  enclosures  were  later  in  Norfolk  than  in  many 
other  counties,  the  map  essentially  shows  the  situation  at  Swanton  Novers 
before  enclosure.  In  contrast,  Bryant’s  1826  map  of  Norfolk  (Barringer  1998) 
shows  the  landscape  after  nearly  all  enclosure  acts  had  been  put  into  effect. 

Ancient  woodland  and  wood-pasture 

The  publication  of  Rackham  (2006)  has  reopened  discussion  of  these 
aspects.  Woodland  is  defined  as  having  “ trees  so  close  together  that  their 
canopies  meet.  Trees  are  managed  by  coppicing  or  are  allowed  to  grow  on 
into  timber ” From  this  it  follows  that  since  woodlands  have  been  enclosed 
and  are  managed  for  coppice  or  timber,  old  trees  and  deadwood  would  be 
extremely  rare.  Ancient  woodlands  are  defined  as  woodlands  which  have 
been  in  existence  since  1600. The  present  boundaries  of  the  Great  Wood  are 
all  delimited  by  old  banks  with  associated  ditches,  and  similar  features  can 

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2007  40  (1) 

be  seen  to  a large  extent  in  Little  Wood.  Within  the  Great  Wood  old  banks 
can  be  seen  in  various  locations.  There  seems  little  doubt  that  these  features 
are  of  medieval  origin.  The  current  management  of  Swanton  Novers  Wood 
includes  the  continuation  of  coppicing  (albeit  on  a much  smaller  scale  than 
in  earlier  times),  particularly  in  the  south  of  the  Great  Wood  and  in  Little 
Wood.  One  example  of  former  oak  coppice  left  to  grow  into  high  timber  can 
be  seen  in  Compartment  8 in  the  Great  Wood.  Scattered  through  the  wood 
are  a number  of  quite  old  oak  trees,  and  dead  trees  and  fallen  timber  are  now 
left  in  situ , unless  blocking  a ride.  This  is  of  great  importance  insofar  as 
saproxylic  beetles  are  concerned. 

This  brings  us  to  the  wood-pasture  habitat  which  Rackham  {op.  c/7.)  defines  as 
“ where  the  trees  are  widely  spaced  and  grassland,  heather,  etc.  grow  between 
them.  There  are  grazing  animals  (cattle,  sheep,  deer),  and  the  trees  are  mostly 
a secondary  land  use.”  This  describes  very  well  the  conditions  which  must 
have  existed  widely  around  the  Swanton  Novers  area  in  earlier  times  and, 
as  shown  in  Sage  {op.  cit. ),  certain  beetles  on  the  site  list  are  known  to  have 
been  strongly  associated  with  ancient  wood-pastures,  for  example  Ampedus 
quercicola , Bitoma  crenata , Eledona  agricola , Hallomenus  binotatus  and 
Prionychus  ater.  Grazing  pastures  are  still  present  around  the  Swanton 
Novers  woodland  complex.  It  seems  clear  that  many  woodlands  are  actually 
derived  from  wood-pastures,  because  early  peoples  enclosed  trees  and  made 
the  enclosures  stock-proof  so  that  regrowth  from  cut  stems  would  not  be 
browsed  off. 


For  the  period  September  2005  to  August  2006  the  average  rainfall  was 
698.5mm.  This  is  5.7%  below  the  average  rainfall  for  the  five-year  period 
2001/2002  to  2005/2006  which  was  740.5mm.  The  summer  rainfall  in  2006 
was  the  second  highest  recorded  in  the  past  five  years,  being  29.5mm  above 
average  (Baker,  2007). 

Woodland  management 

Management  activities  within  the  wood  are  clearly  of  great  importance  in 
the  ecological  context.  In  Sage  {op.  cit.)  mention  was  made  of  the  increase 
of  Holly  Ilex  aquifolium  that  has  taken  place  in  recent  years,  a phenomenon 
that  may  partly  be  related  to  climate  change.  Action  has  been  taken  to  reduce 
the  extent  of  this  species  and  extensive  clearance  has  been  undertaken  in 
Compartment  8 in  the  Great  Wood,  and  on  a smaller  scale  elsewhere  in  the 


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wood,  as  for  example  in  the  northern  part  of  Compartment  6.  One  beneficial 
result  of  this  action  can  be  seen  in  Compartment  8 where  there  are  signs  that 
the  ground-living  moss  Leucobryum  glaucum  may  be  increasing.  During  the 
winter  of  2006/2007  Compartment  20  in  the  south-east  comer  of  the  Great 
Wood  was  coppiced  as  part  of  a long-term  programme  to  restore  areas  of 
over-age  coppice.  This  is  the  first  occasion  in  recent  history  that  such  a large 
area  has  been  coppiced.  Work  also  began  on  the  widening  of  the  main  rides 
by  the  removal  of  encroaching  scmb.  It  is  to  be  expected  that  the  flora  in 
these  areas  will  benefit  accordingly.  New  and  highly  efficient  deer  fencing 
has  been  put  in  place  round  Compartment  20,  and  long-term  monitoring  of 
the  vegetation  changes  will  be  carried  out.  In  order  to  encourage  the  spread 
of  Heather  Calluna  vulgaris , during  the  winter  of  2005/2006  and  again  in  the 
winter  of  2006/2007,  a section  of  Ride  61  was  litter-stripped  to  remove  dense 
Purple  Moor-grass  Molinia  caerulea  tussocks  to  promote  a more  varied  heath 
sward  dominated  by  ericoids. 



There  were  no  additions  to  the  list  of  flowering  plants  during  2006.  It  is 
perhaps  worth  commenting  further  on  the  Bird  Cherry  Primus padus  which  is 
so  much  a feature  of  Great  and  Little  Woods  in  spring.  It  is  generally  accepted 
that  this  species  is  native  to  Norfolk.  However,  the  Norfolk  populations  are 
effectively  an  outlier,  since  its  natural  range  otherwise  is  in  the  north  from  the 
Derbyshire  Dales  right  up  to  the  north  of  Scotland,  and  in  the  west  in  Wales 
and  the  Welsh  borders  (Preston  et  al.  2002).  Where  the  species  occurs  in  the 
intervening  area  it  is  a result  of  introductions. 

There  are  three  additions  to  the  list  of  fungi,  bringing  the  total  number  of 
species  to  753.  The  first  of  these  is  the  parasitic  fungus  Vouauxtomyces 
truncates  which  was  found  on  the  lichen  Flavoparmelia  caperata  in  the  Great 
Wood  on  21  October  1989.  This  was  only  the  sixth  record  of  this  fungus  for 
the  United  Kingdom.  During  2006  Ash  Murray  found  Helvella  crispa  and 
Volvariella  gloiocephala  in  the  Great  Wood. 


The  species  total  is  increased  from  21  to  22  with  the  addition  of  Chinese 
Water  Deer  Hydropates  inermis , two  of  which  were  seen  recently  in  the 
Great  Wood  by  a deer  stalker  (Baker  op.  cit.). 

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There  is  no  change  in  the  number  of  breeding  species,  but  it  may  be  noted  that 
the  Common  Redstart  is  barely  hanging  on  with  just  one  territory  recorded  in 
the  Great  Wood  in  2006.  On  the  credit  side  two  pairs  of  Common  Buzzards 
nested  in  the  Great  Wood,  and  a post-breeding  group  of  1 1 were  seen  over 
this  wood  on  1 4 August.  The  total  number  of  species  recorded  in  Great  and 
Little  Woods,  excluding  species  only  seen  passing  over,  is  about  70.  Two 
further  species  were  noted  in  2006:  a male  Woodlark  was  singing  in  display 
flight  in  Little  Wood  on  29  April  but  did  not  stay;  Approximately  a dozen 
Rooks  were  seen  feeding  in  the  treetops  in  May,  and  later  in  the  month  small 
groups  were  frequently  found  feeding  amongst  leaf  litter  in  both  Great  and 
Little  Woods  (Baker  op.  cit.). 

Woodlice  (Isopoda) 

Although  woodlice  are  a common  feature  of  the  woodland  ecosystem  and  a 
number  of  species  are  present  at  Swanton  Novers,  no  research  on  this  group 

has  been  carried  out  there.  However,  whilst 
looking  for  ground  beetles  in  the  Great  Wood 
on  24  September  2006,  Dr  Mark  Telfer  found 
a woodlouse  beneath  Heather  in  ride  61.  He 
believed  it  to  be  Armadillidium  pulchellum 
which  later  proved  to  be  the  case  (Telfer 
2007).  This  is  a most  extraordinary  record  of 
what,  according  to  Sutton  (1972),  is  a very 
rare  species  only  rediscovered  in  Britain  in 
1971  in  the  southern  Lake  District,  amongst 
Juniper  on  limestone.  More  detailed 
information  is  given  in  Harding  & Sutton 
(1985)  which  summarises  data  gathered  by 
the  Isopod  Survey  Scheme  from  1970-1982. 
Most  British  records  were  from  inland 
districts  on  Carboniferous  limestone  in  Derbyshire,  Yorkshire,  north  Wales 
and  the  Lake  District,  or  from  coastal  cliffs  and  cliff  tops  on  various  Paleozoic 
rocks.  The  species  is  also  found  sparsely  in  Ireland.  The  distribution  map  in 
this  book  clearly  shows  this  northern  and  western  distribution  pattern,  An 
updated  map  recently  obtained  from  the  National  Biodiversity  Network 
(NBN)  Gateway,  based  on  the  British  Myriapod  and  Isopod  Group  database, 
shows  little  change  in  this  distribution  (see  Figure  1),  the  most  noticeable 
being  a number  of  records  in  Cornwall  and  two  from  Hampshire.  Other  than 

1 07  Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 

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Figure  1 Distribution  of 
Armadillidium  pulchellum  in 

the  current  Norfolk  occurrence,  the  most  recent  records  are  one  from  north 
Hampshire  and  one  from  north  Derbyshire  in  1986.  The  nearest  known 
location  to  Norfolk  is  the  Derbyshire  Peak  District  (about  200km  NNW).  The 
British  Isles  probably  contain  the  greatest  concentration  of  known  sites  of 
this  species,  which  appears  to  be  confined  to  north-western  Europe  including 
southern  Scandinavia. 

The  present  record  is  the  first  for  East  Anglia  and  as  such  is  a distant  outlier 
from  the  predominantly  northern  and  western  distribution  in  Britain  outlined 
above.  It  may  thus  be  the  case  that  Swanton  Novers  Wood  holds  a truly 
isolated  population  of  this  woodlouse.  The  Norfolk  record  also  represents  an 
ecological  divergence  in  habitat  terms  in  that  there  are  no  previous  woodland 
records,  though  1 1 per  cent  of  British  records  were  from  acid  heath/moorland 
(Harding  & Sutton  op.  cit.).  The  Great  Wood  site  is,  of  course,  acidic. 

False-scorpions  (Pseudoscorpiones) 

This  is  another  group  that  has  not  yet  been  studied  at  Swanton  Novers.  They 
are  small  and  easily  overlooked  animals  but  are  probably  not  uncommon  in 
the  wood.  On  12  December  whilst  sieving  the  litter  heap  in  Ride  61  I found 
several  false-scorpions  one  of  which  was  collected.  This  was  later  identified 
by  reference  to  Legg  & Jones  (1988)  as  Neobisium  muscorum , a widely 
distributed  species  found  in  woodland  litter,  in  moss  and  under  stones. 

Moths  (Lepidoptera) 

The  number  of  species  of  macro-moths  can  now  be  increased  from  401  to 
403  by  the  addition  of  the  Ghost  Moth  Hepialus  humuli  one  of  which  was 
trapped  in  Little  Wood  on  19  June,  and  Mother  Shipton  Cal/isege  mi  seen 
in  Ride  67  in  Great  Wood  on  9 June.  It  is  worth  mentioning  that  the  Small 
Mottled  Willow  Spodoptera  exigua , a migrant  species,  was  found  in  Jubilee 
Avenue,  near  the  SE  entrance  to  the  Great  Wood,  on  1 7 August.  This  location 
is  just  outside  the  reserve  boundary. 

One  species  of  micro-moth,  the  Twenty-plumed  Moth  Alucita  hexadactyla 
was  trapped  in  Ride  65  on  20  July.  This  increases  the  number  of  species  in 
this  group  from  143  to  144. 

Butterflies  (Lepidoptera) 

The  Dark  Green  Fritillary  Argyl/is  (Boloria)  aglaja  has  been  regarded  as 
possibly  extinct  as  a breeding  species  in  the  wood  (Sage  2006).  On  5 August 
2006  one  was  seen  frequently  in  the  coppiced  area  of  compartment  20,  and  it 

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was  joined  by  a second  individual  for  a few  days  from  1 5 August.  Whilst  there 
was  no  direct  evidence  of  breeding  this  was  an  encouraging  development 
(Baker,  op.  c/7.). 

Dragonflies  (Odonata) 

The  number  of  dragonfly  species  recorded  on  the  reserve  is  increased  from  1 8 
to  19  by  the  addition  of  the  Black  Darter  Sympetrum  danae.  A male  was  seen 
in  Ride  62  in  the  Great  Wood  on  9 October.  This  is  a very  scarce  species  in 
Norfolk  due  to  its  preference  for  acid  bogs,  usually  where  Sphagnum  mosses 
are  present,  and  there  has  been  no  evidence  of  breeding  away  from  a cluster 
of  sites  in  West  Norfolk  (Taylor  2003). 

Leafhoppers  (Hemiptera) 

During  2006  a survey  was  undertaken  by  Robert  Baker  to  identify  the  species 
present  along  the  more  open  grassy  rides  in  the  Great  Wood  and  nine  were 

Common  Froghopper  Philaenus  spumarius  which  proved  to  be  widespread 
and  common  in  less  acidic  areas.  Recorded  on  every  sampling  visit 
between  21  June  and  5 September,  with  a total  of  230  individuals  found. 
Stenocranus  minutus , common  but  absent  from  acidic  areas.  Taken  on  every 
sampling  visit  with  a total  of  336  individuals  located. 

Epiptera  europea  uncommon  with  only  four  specimens  found  between  12 
and  29  June. 

Neophilaneus  lineatus , although  recorded  on  only  four  visits  a total  of  36 
were  taken  between  21  June  and  5 September. 

Cicadella  viridis , frequently  found  on  sedges  Carex  sp.  and  wood  rushes 
Luzula  sp.  with  a total  of  64  taken  between  2 1 June  and  28  August. 
Delphacodes  pillucida,  taken  on  Carex  sp.  and  Festuca  sp.  and  common  in 
the  rides  with  1 90  individuals  found  on  eight  dates. 

Aphrodian  bifacutus , Uncommon  with  a total  of  nine  taken  on  29  June  and 
6 July. 

Aphrophora  alni , a total  of  13  taken  on  three  dates  between  29  June  And  14 

Forest  Bug  Pentatoma  rufipes,  particularly  common  with  60+  taken  in  moth 
traps  during  July  (Baker  op.  c/7.). 


The  total  number  of  species  recorded  in  S wanton  Novers  Wood  up  to  the  end 


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of  December  2005  (not  the  end  of  August  as  incorrectly  shown  in  Appendix 
3 to  Sage,  op.  cit .)  was  500.  This  figure  excludes  the  Pterostichus  nigrita 
aggregate.  During  2006  a further  37  species  were  recorded  which  brings 
the  total  to  537.  These  additions  are  listed  in  Appendix  1 where,  for  ease  of 
reference,  both  families  and  species  are  given  in  alphabetical  order.  The  new 
species  include  two  that  have  not  previously  been  recorded  in  Norfolk  (see 
below).  The  number  of  families  is  increased  from  54  to  55  by  the  addition 
of  the  Cucujidae  and  Phloiophilidae,  and  by  the  transfer  of  the  family 
Scaphidiidae  to  the  Staphylinidae  as  a subfamily  (Scaphidiinae).  A further 
taxonomic  point  that  should  be  noted  is  that  the  family  Rhizophagidae  in 
Sage  (op.  cit.)  is  now  considered  to  be  a sub-family  (Rhizophaginae)  of  the 
family  Monotomidae 

The  species  list  in  Sage  (op.  cit.)  included  35  that  are  considered  rare  or  scarce, 
using  Hyman  & Parsons  (1992  & 1994)  as  the  reference  point.  Among  the  37 
species  added  to  the  site  list  in  2006  are  a further  eight  that  come  within  this 
category  as  shown  below: 

RDB3  (Rare) 

Rhizophagus  parvnlus 

Nationally  Notable  (Scarce)  Category  A 

Amara  nitida 
Epuraea  distincta 

Nationally  Notable  (Scarce)  Category  B 

Cryptarcha  strigata 
Harpalus  smaragdinus 
Mycetoporus  longicornis 
Phloiophilus  edwardsi 
Scaphisoma  boleti 

The  table  below  summarises  the  overall  situation  if  the  figures  in  this  paper 

are  combined  with  those  in  Sage  (op.  cit.): 

RDB1  (Endangered)  1 

RDB2  (Vulnerable)  1 

RDB3  (Rare)  1 

RDBK  (Insufficiently  Known)  1 

Nationally  Notable  (Scarce)  Category  A 5 

Nationally  Notable  (Scarce)  Category  B 33 

Nationally  Notable  (Scarce) L 

Total  RDB  & Nationally  Notable  (Scarce)  species  43 

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A few  of  the  species  recorded  in  2006  are  worth  further  comment.  There  are 
two  species  new  to  Norfolk,  the  first  of  which  is  Amara  nitida  (Sage  2007). 
This  is  a rare  species  that  is  difficult  to  identify  and  which  has  a widely 
scattered  distribution  in  England  and  Wales.  The  National  Ground  Beetle 
Recording  Scheme  database  contains  a number  of  post- 1 970  records,  amongst 
which  the  most  fully  verified  occurrences  are  singles  from  Hamsterley  Forest, 
Co.  Durham,  in  1985,  and  on  moorland  in  Teesdale,  Co. Durham,  in  1990. 
The  nearest  to  Norfolk  that  the  species  has  been  recorded  was  at  Skegness, 
Lincolnshire,  in  1950  (Riggall  1953).  The  Norfolk  example  was  found  in  a 
litter  heap  in  Ride  61  in  Great  Wood  on  11  June.  Also  new  to  the  county  is 
Thamiaraea  cinnamoneum  taken  at  the  same  site  on  the  same  date.  A banana- 
baited  trap  on  an  oak  tree  yielded  one  Epuraea  distincta  on  1 1 June,  only  the 
second  Norfolk  record,  the  first  being  just  a few  weeks  earlier  at  Reedham 
Marsh  in  the  Broads  on  6 May  by  O.M.  Vorst  (M. Collier  pers.  com.).  According 
to  Alexander  (2002),  this  species  develops  in  the  bracket  fungi  Daedaleopsis 
confragosa  on  waterside  Salix  species.  This  fungus  has  been  recorded  in  the 
wood,  and  of  course  water  and  willows  are  also  present.  Particular  interest 
also  attaches  to  Rhizophagus  parvulus , one  example  of  which  was  found  in 
a banana-baited  tree  trap  on  10  May.  The  first  records  for  Norfolk  were  from 
Felbrigg  Great  Wood  on  15  May  and  6 June  2003  by  P.Kirby  (M. Collier 
pers.  com.)  This  species  was  only  added  to  the  British  list  in  1962  when  a 
number  were  taken  on  12  June  in  Glen  Affric,  East  Inverness-shire  (Johnson, 
1963).  There  were  three  subsequent  records  from  the  Scottish  Highlands 
but  the  first  record  for  England  was  from  Holme  Fen,  Cambridgeshire,  on 
17  October  1999  (Welch  2000).  A grapefruit-baited  trap  on  an  oak  tree  was 
checked  on  27  June  and  found  to  contain  one  Cryptarcha  strigata.  The  only 
other  Norfolk  records  being  from  Costessey  in  1874  (Edwards  1893)  and 
an  undated  record  from  Wheatfen  by  Ted  Ellis  (M. Collier  pers.  com.).  The 
staphylinid  Ischonosoma  longicornis  is  said  by  Fowler  (1888)  to  be  found 
in  moss,  haystack  refuse  etcetera.  One  was  found  in  the  litter  heap  in  ride 
61  on  19  April.  There  are  three  previous  Norfolk  records,  all  from  fen-type 
habitats:  Homing  Fen,  no  date  or  collector’s  name  given  (Fowler,  op.  cit.);  Old 
Buckenham  Fen  on  6 March  1982  by  P.Hammond  & J. A. Owen  (M. Collier 
pers.  com.),  and  Wheatfen  on  19  October  1997  (by  M. Collier). 

The  litter  heap  in  Ride  61  mentioned  above  proved  a rich  source  of  beetles 
providing  no  fewer  than  26  of  the  37  new  species  in  seven  different  families. 
One  of  these  species,  Bradycellus  verbasci , was  also  found  in  moss.  The 
habitat  in  Ride  6 1 includes  an  area  with  Heather  Calluna  vulgaris , Bracken 
Pteridium  aquilinum , Western  Gorse  Ulex  gallii  (rare),  Purple  Moor-grass 


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Molinia  caerulea  and  Silver  Birch  Betula  pendnla  seedlings.  Part  of  this 
area  had  been  litter-stripped  during  the  winter  of  2005/2006  as  part  of  the 
management  to  encourage  the  spread  of  Heather,  and  it  was  these  cuttings 
which  formed  the  litter  heap.  The  26  new  species  taken  therein  were  as 


Acupalpus  dubius 
Amara  nitida 
Bembidion  guttula 
Bradycellus  verbasci 
Harpalus  smaragdinus 
Pterostichus  diligens 

Chilocorus  bipustulatus 

Hvpera  nigrirostris 
Agriotes  obscurus 

Agathidium  nigrinum 
Cat  ops  nigricans 

Neuraphes  elongatulus 

Anthobium  unicolor 
Ischonosoma  longicornis 
Ischonosoma  splendidum 
Lathrobium  elongation 
Olophrum  fuscum 
Rugilus  rufipes 
Rybaxis  longicornis 
Sepedophilus  nigripennis 
Stenus  aceris 
Stenus  providus 
Tachyporus  chrysomelinus 
Tacky  poms  pus  Ulus 
Tasgius  globulifer 
Thamiaraea  cinnamomea 

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Fungi  provided  two  of  the  new  species:  Autalia  longicornis  and  Scaphisoma 
boleti.  Two  more,  Atholus  duodecemstriatus  and  Ontholestes  tessellatus, 
were  taken  in  a flight  interceptor  trap.  Three  species  were  sieved  from  moss: 
Bradycellus  verbasci , Demetrias  atricapillus  and  Phloiophilus  edwardsii. 
The  weevil  Apion  violaceum  was  found  on  Rumex  species.  Finally,  in  addition 
to  the  species  mentioned  earlier,  a banana-baited  tree  trap  produced  Pediacus 
dermestoides  on  10  May. 

It  should  be  mentioned  that  very  few  of  the  26  species  found  in  the  litter  heap 
would  be  pennanent  residents  therein.  Some  would  be  overwintering,  some 
just  using  it  as  a temporary  shelter,  and  others  scavenging.  The  weevil  Hypera 
nigrirostris  for  example  is  normally  found  on  clovers  Trifolium  species. 

Saproxylic  beetles 

Eight  of  the  additions  to  the  site  list  are  saproxylic  beetles  and  are  therefore 
additional  to  the  72  qualifying  saproxylic  species  listed  in  Appendix  5 in  Sage 
{op.  cit.).  It  may  be  noted  that  the  score  of  4 for  Lei  opus  nebulosus  given  in 
Sage  {op.  cit.)  should  now  be  reduced  to  2.  The  eight  new  species  are: 

Agathidium  nigrinum 
Cryptarcha  strigata 
Epuraea  distincta 
Pediacus  dermestoides 

Phloiophilus  edwardsii 
Rhizophagus  parvulus 
Scaphisoma  boleti 
Thamiaraea  cinnamomea 

These  are  listed  in  Appendix  2 which  also  shows  the  rarity  score  for  each 
species  for  the  purpose  of  calculating  the  Saproxylic  Quality  Index  (SQI), 
and  their  ecology  based  on  Alexander  (2000).  These  additions  raise  the 
number  of  saproxylic  species  at  Swanton  Novers  Wood  from  72  to  80  with 
a total  score  of  333,  this  has  the  effect  of  increasing  the  SQI  from  376.4  to 
416.2.  A full  explanation  of  how  these  calculations  are  made  is  given  in  Sage 
{op.  cit.).  When  compared  with  six  other  sites  in  East  Anglia,  as  was  done  in 
the  previous  paper,  the  result  is: 

Hatfield  Forest,  Essex  610.9 
Wimpole  Estate,  Cambs.  568.6 
Stanford  PTA,  Nflk.  474.8 

Staverton  Park,  Suffolk  473.6 

Wicken  Fen,  Cambs.  436.5 

Swanton  Novers  Wood,  Nflk.  416.2 
Felbrigg  Great  Wood,  Nflk.  377.6 

It  should  be  mentioned  that  sites  with  the  richest  saproxylic  beetle  fauna 
are  not  usually  woodlands,  but  more  usually  old  wood-pastures  or  ancient 


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parklands.  Moccas  Park,  Herefordshire,  for  example  has  an  SQI  of  638.4. 

Index  of  Ecological  Continuity 

Another  method  available  for  assessing  the  ecological  importance  of  a site 
for  saproxylic  beetles  is  the  Index  of  Ecological  Continuity  (IEC).  The  first 
attempt  to  use  species  assemblages  to  develop  an  IEC  was  by  Rose  (1974). 
He  was  seeking  a way  of  using  site  lists  of  epiphytic  lichens  to  generate 
a meaningful  and  easy  to  use  statistic,  which  could  then  be  used  in  site 
assessment.  He  realised  that  a wide  range  of  ecological  types  of  lichens  may 
be  present  in  a wooded  site  and  different  species  may  be  there  for  different 
reasons.  His  research  at  various  sites  revealed  that  a number  of  lichen  and 
bryophyte  species  are  only  normally  found  in  mature,  or  old,  stands  of  trees. 
Their  presence  or  absence  may  indicate  continuity,  or  otherwise,  of  the  forest 
environment,  and  thus  provide  some  evidence  that  particular  sites  really  are 
long  established  and  little  altered  with  time.  Eventually  a list  was  drawn  up 
of  20  lichen  species  that  are  widespread  in  lowland  southern  Britain  in  old 
forest  areas,  but  become  rarer  northwards.  He  suggested  that  these  species 
may  be  relics  of  the  ancient  forest  epiphyte  flora  of  Britain,  and  pointed  out 
that  Coleoptera  show  a similar  pattern  and  could  be  used  as  evidence  of 
continuity  of  ancient  forest  conditions.  It  was  these  20  lichens  that  he  then 
used  to  calculate  an  IEC. 

In  Harding  & Rose  (1986)  this  concept  is  applied  to  the  Coleoptera  and  a list 
of  196  species  of  saproxylic  beetles  associated  with  wood-pastures  is  given. 
These  species  are  grouped  1-3  according  to  the  extent  to  which  they  have 
been  consistently  recorded  from  areas  of  ancient  woodland  with  continuity 
of  dead-wood  habitats,  particularly  in  wood-pastures.  The  three  groups  are 
as  follows: 

Group  1:  Species  which  are  known  to  have  occurred  in  recent  times  only 
in  areas  believed  to  be  ancient  woodland,  mainly  wood-pasture. 

Group  2:  Species  which  occur  mainly  in  areas  believed  to  be  ancient 
woodland  with  abundant  dead-wood  habitats,  but  which  also  appear  to 
have  been  recorded  from  areas  that  may  not  be  ancient  woodland  or  for 
which  the  locality  data  are  imprecise. 

Group  3:  Species  which  occur  widely  in  wooded  land,  but  which 
are  collectively  characteristic  of  ancient  woodland  with  dead-wood 

Each  species  on  the  list  is  thus  given  a score  of  1-3,  with  those  species  in 

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Group  1 showing  the  highest  affinity  to  sites  of  ecological  continuity  for 
dead  wood.  Although  this  list  was  a tentative  one  with  certain  limitations,  it 
enabled  the  later  development  of  an  Index  of  Ecological  Continuity  (IEC)  for 
use  with  saproxylic  Coleoptera,  and  this  is  discussed  in  detail  by  Alexander 
(2004).  A differential  scoring  system  was  devised  to  reflect  the  higher  value 
of  Group  1 species  in  comparison  to  Group  3,  so  these  groups  were  given 
continuity  grade  scores  of  3,  2 and  1 respectively  for  calculating  the  IEC. 

In  his  report  Alexander  {op.  cit .)  revised  the  Harding  & Rose  list  and  reduced 
the  number  of  species  from  196  to  180.  These  180  species,  which  are  listed 
in  his  Table  1,  are  thought  likely  to  be  the  remnants  of  the  saproxylic  beetle 
assemblage  of  Britain’s  post-glacial  wildwood,  and  which  have  survived 
through  a history  of  wood-pasture  management  systems.  The  IEC  therefore 
focuses  primarily  on  relict  old  forest  or  old  growth  assemblages  rather  than  all 
saproxylic  species.  Sites  with  an  IEC  of  80+  are  of  International  Importance, 
with  an  IEC  of  25-79  are  of  National  Importance , and  IEC  of  15-24  are  of 
Regional  Importance  (see  Alexander  op. cit.).  The  Harding  & Rose  {op. cit.) 
list  is  used  to  calculate  the  IEC,  and  Alexander’s  list  to  calculate  a Revised 
Index  of  Ecological  Continuity  (RIEC). 

The  total  number  of  saproxylic  species  at  Swanton  Novers  Wood  is  80,  of 
which  22  (27%)  qualify  to  be  used  in  calculating  the  IEC,  and  20  (25%)  for 
calculating  the  RIEC.  All  these  species  are  listed  in  Appendix  3 which  shows 
their  continuity  grade  scores,  the  IEC  scores  and  the  RIEC  scores.  The  22 
qualifying  saproxylic  species  give  an  IEC  of  30,  and  the  20  species  an  RIEC 
of  28.  Applying  the  criteria  given  above  shows  that  Swanton  Novers  Wood  is 
a site  of  National  Importance.  Table  3 in  Alexander  {op.  cit.)  lists  the  British 
sites  with  the  highest  IEC  values,  and  it  can  be  seen  that  Swanton  Novers  is 
on  a par  with  Brampton  Bryan  Park,  Herefordshire,  Rockingham  Castle  Park, 
Northamptonshire,  Shrubland  Park,  East  Suffolk,  and  Stockton’s  Wood,  East 
Lancashire,  all  of  which  have  an  RIEC  of  28.  Staverton  Park,  Suffolk,  has  an 
RIEC  of  49.  As  mentioned  earlier  in  the  context  of  the  SQI,  it  is  old  wood- 
pastures  and  ancient  parklands  that  score  the  highest  rather  than  dense  forests 
or  woodlands,  and  Moccas  Park,  Herefordshire,  has  an  RIEC  of  125,  and 
Windsor  Great  Park  and  Forest,  Berkshire,  has  an  RIEC  of  249,  both  thus 
being  sites  of  International  Importance. 


The  main  points  of  interest  are  the  discovery  of  a nationally  rare  species  of 
woodlouse  in  the  Great  Wood,  and  the  addition  of  a further  37  species  to 


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the  list  of  Coleoptera.  This  figure  includes  two  species  new  to  Norfolk,  a 
further  eight  nationally  rare  or  scarce  species,  and  an  additional  eight  species 
of  saproxylic  beetle  which  brings  the  site  total  for  this  group  to  80.  As  a 
consequence  of  this  the  Saproxylic  Quality  Index  (SQI)  has  risen  from  376.4 
to  416.2.  The  Index  of  Ecological  Continuity  (IEC)  is  introduced  for  the  first 
time  in  the  context  of  this  site,  and  with  an  RIEC  of  28  Swanton  Novers 
is  ranked  as  a site  of  National  Importance.  There  are  also  additions  to  the 
mammal,  moth  and  dragonfly  lists.  The  first  records  for  Pseudoscorpions  and 
leafhoppers  are  given. 


Some  minor  corrections  to  Sage  (2006)  are  required: 

Page  16,  paragraph  3 - line  1,  for  501  read  500;  line  2,  for  July  read 

Page  23,  last  paragraph  - line  2,  for  August  read  December. 

Page  36,  penultimate  paragraph  - line  5,  for  501  read  500. 

Appendix  3,  in  the  heading,  for  August  read  December. 

Page  43,  under  Chrysomelidae  - for  Phyllotreta  atrata  (Fab.)  read 
Phyllotreta  atra  (Fab.). 

Page  44,  under  Curculionidae  - the  synonym  Cidnorhinus  quadrimaculatus 
(L.)  shown  after  Hypera  (Erirnomorphus)  rumicis  (L.)  should  be 
deleted  and  inserted  after  Nedyus  quadrimaculatus  (L.).  An  * should  be 
placed  after  Magdalis  (Odontomagdalis)  carbonaria  (L.);  this  does  not 
affect  the  number  of  Qualifying  Saproxylic  Species  shown  at  the  end 
of  page  48.  For  Parethelcus  (Ceutorhynchus)  pollinarius  (Forst.)  read 
Parethelcus  pollinarius  (Forst.)  = Ceutorhynchus  pollinarius  (Forst.). 
Page  47,  under  Staphylinidae  - insert  Lordithon  trinotatus  (Erichson). 
Appendix  5,  page  51  - for  Leptura  melanura  (L.)  read  Stenurella  melanura 

Page  53,  under  Elateridae  - insert  Denticollis  linearis  (L.)  1 1999  larvae 
under  bark  of  decaying  heartwood;  broad-leaved  trees  and  Pinus. 


I have  to  thank  Martin  Collier  and  Ash  Murray  for  reading  and  commenting 
on  this  paper  in  draft,  and  the  former  also  for  checking  some  identifications, 
providing  details  of  the  earlier  records  for  certain  species,  and  for  help  in 
sundry  other  ways.  1 am  indebted  also  to  Dr  R.  Colin  Welch  for  help  with 

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2007  40  (1) 


the  identification  of  some  staphylinid  species.  I also  have  to  acknowledge  the 
continuing  help  given  by  the  Natural  England  (formerly  English  Nature)  Site 
Manager  Ash  Murray.  Dr  Mark  Telfer  confirmed  my  identification  of  Amara 
nitida.  Richard  Shotbolt  kindly  provided  details  on  the  UK  status  of  the 
fungus  Vouauxtomyces  truncates.  Finally,  I am  grateful  to  Adrian  Fowles  for 
considerable  discussion  and  assistance  regarding  the  Indices  of  Ecological 


ALEXANDER,  K.N.A.  2002.  The  Invertebrates  of  Living  and  Decaying  Timber  in 
Britain  and  Ireland.  English  Nature  Research  Report  No. 467. 

ALEXANDER,  K.N.A.  2004.  Revision  of  the  Index  of  Ecological  Continuity  as  used 
for  Saproxylic  Beetles.  English  Nature  Research  Report  No. 574. 

BAKER,  R.  2007.  Swan  ton  N overs  Woods  National  Nature  Reserve  Warden  s Report. 
Summer  2006.  Natural  England. 

BARRINGER,  J.C.  1989.  Faden’s  Map  of  Norfolk.  The  Larks  Press,  Dereham. 
BARRINGER,  J.C.  1998.  Bryant’s  Map  of  Norfolk  in  1826.  The  Larks  Press, 


EDWARDS,  J.  1893.  Fauna  and  flora  of  Norfolk,  Part  12  Coleoptera.  Trans  Norfolk 
Norwich  Nat.Soc.  5:427-508. 

FOWLER,  W.W.  1888.  The  Coleoptera  of  the  British  Islands  Vol.2.  L. Reeve  & Co. 

HARDING,  P.T.  & ROSE,  F.  1986.  Pasture-woodlands  in  Lowland  Britain.  Institute  of 
Terrestrial  Ecology,  Abbots  Ripton,  Huntingdon. 

HARDING,  P.T.  & SUTTON,  S.L.  1985.  Woodlice  in  Britain  and  Ireland:  Distribution 
and  Habitat.  Institute  of  Terestrial  Ecology,  Monks  Wood. 

HYMAN,  PS.  & PARSONS,  M.S.  1992.  A Review  of  the  Scarce  and  Threatened 

Coleoptera  of  Great  Britain  Part  1.  The  UK  Joint  Nature  Conservation  Committee, 

HYMAN,  PS.  & PARSONS,  M.S.  1994.  ibid  Part  2.  The  UK  Joint  Nature  Conservation 
Committee,  Peterborough. 

JOHNSON,  C.  1963.  Rhizophagus parvulus  Payk.  (Col.  Rhizophagidae)  :an  addition  to 
the  British  List.  Entomologists ’s  Mon. Mag.  98:23 1 . 

LEGG,  G.  & JONES,  R.E.  1988.  Pseudoscorpions  (Arthropoda;Arachnida).  Synopses  of 
the  British  Fauna  (New  Series)  No.  40,  The  Linnean  Society  of  London. 

PRESTON,  C.D.,  PEARMAN,  D.A.  & DINES,  T.D.  2002.  New  Atlas  of  the  British  & 
Irish  Flora.  Oxford  University  Press. 

RACKHAM,  O.  2006.  Woodlands.  Collins  New  Naturalist  No.  100. 

RIGGALL,  E.C.  1953.  Mass  movements  of  Coleoptera  on  the  Lincolnshire  coast.  Ent. 
Mon.  Mag.  89:130-131. 

ROSE,  F.  1974.  The  epiphytes  of  oak.  In:  M.G.  Morris  & F.H.Perring,  eds.  The  British 


Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 

2007  40  (1) 

Oak.  Farringdon,  E.W.Classey,  pp.250-273. 

SAGE,  B.  2006.  Swanton  Novers  Wood  NNR,  Norfolk,  and  its  Coleoptera.  Trans. 
Norfolk  Norwich  Nat. Soc.  39:10-56. 

SAGE,  B.  2007  Amara  nitida  Sturm  (Carabidae)  found  in  Norfolk.  The  Coleopterist  16: 

TAYLOR,  R 2003.  Dragonflies  of  Norfolk.  Norfolk  and  Norwich  Naturalists’  Society 
Occasional  Publication  No. 9. 

TELFER,  M.  2007.  Armadillidium  pulchellum  (Zenker)  new  to  East  Anglia.  British 
Myriapod  and  Isopod  Group  Newsletter  No.  14:  in  press 

WELCH,  R.C.  2000.  Rhizophagus  parvulus  (Paykull)  (Rhizophagidae)  from  Holme  Fen 
National  Nature  Reserve,  Cambridgeshire.  The  Coleopterist  9:100-101. 



Apion  (Perapion)  violaceum  (Kirby) 


Acupalpus  dubius  Schilsky 

Amara  nitida  Sturm.  Not.  A 

Bembidion  guttula  (Fab.) 

Bradycellus  verbasci  (Duft.) 

Harpalus  smaragdinus  (Duft.)  Not.  B 

Pterostichus  diligens  (Sturm) 


Chilocorus  bipustulatus  (Stephens) 


Pediacus  dermestoides  (Fab.)* 


Hyper  a nigrirostris  (Fab.) 


Agriotes  obscurus  (L.) 


Atholus  duodecemstriatus  (Schrank) 


Agathidium  nigrinum  Sturm.* 

Catops  nigricans  (Spence) 


Crypt archa  strigata  (Fab.)*  Not.  B 

Epuraea  distincta  (Grimmer)*  Not.  A 


Phloiophilus  edwardsii  Stephens*  Not.  B 


Rhizophagus  parvulus  (Paykull)*  RDB3 


Neuraphes  elongatulus  Muller  & Kunze 


Anthobium  unicolor  (Marsh.) 

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2007  40(1) 


Autalia  longicomis  Scheerpeltz 
Ischnosoma  longicomis  Maklin  Not.  B 
Ischnosoma  splendidum  (Grav.) 
Lathrobium  elongation  (L.) 

Olophrum  fuscum  (Grav.) 

Ontholestes  tessellatus  (Geoff.) 

Rugilus  rufipes  Germar 
Sepedophilus  nigripennis  (Stephens) 
Stenus  (Hemistenus)  aceris  Stephens 
Stenus  (Hemistenus)  impressus  Germar 

Stenus  providus  Erichson 
Tachyponis  chrysomelinus  (L.) 

Tachyporus  pusillus  Grav. 

Tasgius  globulifer  (Geoff.) 

Thamiaraea  cinnamomea  (Grav.)* 


Rybaxis  longicomis  (Leach) 


Scaphisoma  boleti  (Panzer)*  Not.  B 

It  may  be  noted  that  the  Family  Rhizophagidae  used  here  is,  under  the  latest  classification, 
regarded  as  a subfamily  (Rhizophaginae)  of  the  Family  Monotomidae. 

*Qualifying  saproxylic  species:  8 Total  species:  37 


Species  Index 


Pediacus  dermestoides  (Fab.)  4 


Agathidium  nigrinum  Sturm  2 


Cryptarcha  strigata  (Fab.)  8 

Epuraea  distincta  (Grimmer)  8 


Phloiophilus  edwardsii  Stephens  8 


Rhizophagus  parvulus  (Paykull)  24 


Scaphisoma  boleti  (Panzer)  8 

Thamiaraea  cinnamomea  (Grav.)  2 


Develops  beneath  bark  on  dead  broad- 
leaved timber  in  early  stages  of  decay 

Under  bark  on  dead  timber,  usually 
associated  with  fleshy  fungi 

Associated  with  freshly  exposed  and 
fermenting  sap  on  oak 
Develops  in  the  bracket  fungi 
Daedaleopsis  confragosa  on  waterside 

Develops  in  the  fungus  Phlebia 
merismoides  which  grows  on  the  bark 
of  dead  boughs  and  branches  of 
various  broad-leaved  trees 

Under  bark  of  dead  broad-leaved  trees 

A specialist  of  wood-decay  fungi 
At  the  exuding  frass  of  Goat  Moth 
Cossus  colonised  trees 


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Oxborough  Hythe 

NNNS  Research  Committee  project 
Alec  Bull  (Chairman,  Research  Committee) 

Hillcrest,  Main  Road,  East  Tuddenham,  Dereham,  Norfolk  NR20  3JJ 


Oxborough  Hythe  is  situated  in  west  Norfolk,  12km  east  ofDownham  Market 
on  the  edge  of  the  Fenland  Basin,  map  reference  TF730001.  It  is  a 12  hectare 
compartment  of  long-term  pasture  almost  surrounded  by  arable  land.  There 
is  about  three  hectares  of  scrub  which  is  largely  mature  Hawthorn  Crataegus 
monogyna  with  some  scattered  Gorse  Ulex  europaeus  and  bramble  Rubus 
sp.  It  was  formerly  part  of  the  Oxborough  estate  and  records  show  that  it  has 
been  grazed  grassland  for  more  than  a century.  In  2001  the  estate  sold  the 
Hythe  to  Mr  & Mrs  Brearley  of  Cambridge  who  have  continued  the  long- 
term grassland  management  by  letting  the  grazing  to  the  owner  of  a summer 
calving  beef  suckler  herd.  The  fact  that  the  area  is  close-grazed  by  cattle 
helps  maintain  the  botanical  importance  of  the  site.  However,  this  regime 
may  not  be  beneficial  to  certain  groups  of  invertebrates  such  as  Lepidoptera, 
but  is  preferable  to  sheep  which  can  eliminate  many  of  the  choicer  plant 
species.  It  is  a County  Wildlife  Site  and  is  being  managed  to  prescription  in 
an  ongoing  DEFRA  environmental  scheme. 

The  higher  part  of  the  site  towards  the  north  and  north-eastern  boundaries  is 
rich  chalk  grassland.  Though  highest  is  a relative  term  in  this  part  of  Norfolk 
as  it  is  on  the  five  metre  contour  suggesting  that  the  peaty-looking  field  over 
the  western  boundary  must  be  at  or  below  sea  level.  Towards  the  western  and 
north-western  part  of  the  site,  the  flora  is  less  interesting  and  more  indicative 
of  clay  except  round  the  margins  of  a number  of  depressions,  some  of  which 
are  round,  others  less  symmetrical.  At  the  south-eastern  comer  of  this  more 
or  less  triangular  site,  the  soil  is  very  different,  being  sandy  and  acid,  with 
Sheep’s  Sorrel  Rumex  acetosella  and  Changing  Forget-me-not  Myosotis 
discolor  and  this  is  also  the  headquarters  of  Gorse  Ulex  europaeus , with 
some  Bracken  Pteridium  aquilinum  along  the  perimeter  fence. 

It  has  been  suggested  that  some  of  the  hollows  which  sometimes  have  water 
in  at  very  wet  periods,  and  always  have  mshes  (. Juncus  ssp),  may  be  pingoes. 

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However,  Gillian  Beckett  has  searched  through  historical  records  and  has 
ascertained  that  Oxborough  Hythe,  the  landing  place  on  the  River  Wissey  for 
boats  which  used  to  navigate  as  far  inland  as  this,  used  to  be  quite  busy  and 
that  there  was  a brickworks  nearby.  It  would  therefore  seem  more  likely  that 
the  hollows  were  actually  clay  pits  attached  to  the  brickworks. 

There  is  a tree  shaded  pond  about  50  metres  from  the  eastern  boundary  in 
one  place,  but  this  was  only  dug  round  about  1990  and  has  little  in  the  way 
of  peripheral  vegetation,  as  it  is  heavily  poached  by  the  cattle  accessing  it 
for  drinking.  A few  years  ago,  a lady  living  nearby  took  the  contents  of  an 
aquarium  containing  tadpoles  and  tipped  it  into  the  pond.  Unfortunately  the 
aquarium  also  contained  New  Zealand  Pygmyweed  Crassula  helmsii  and 
Curly  Waterweed  Lagarosiphon  major.  When  alerted  to  the  consequences 
of  letting  these  spread,  Mrs  Brearley  immediately  took  action.  The  latter 
was  not  visible  in  2006  whilst  most  of  the  former  had  been  suppressed  by 
covering  it  with  black  polythene. 

Not  far  from  the  pond  is  a rather  anomalous  area  of  natural  wetland  of 
very  limited  extent,  but  it  does  support  Water-violet  Hottonia  palustris  and 
Milk-  parsley  Peiicedanum  palustre.  It  may  have  formerly  been  much  more 
extensive  before  the  pond  was  dug. 

History  of  the  survey 

Efforts  have  been  made  each  winter  to  halt  the  advance  of  the  scrub,  some  of 
the  management  being  carried  out  by  members  of  the  Conservation  Corps. 
A member  attended  meetings  of  the  West  Norfolk  section  of  the  county 
Flora  Group  and  suggested  to  Gillian  Beckett  that  the  area  appeared  to  be 
botanically  rich.  Mr  & Mrs  Beckett  visited  the  site  in  2004.  With  permission 
from  Mrs  Brearley  they  visited  again  in  2005  with  the  Flora  Group  and 
produced  an  impressive  list  of  vascular  plants,  many  of  them  chalk  grassland 
specialists.  At  that  meeting,  Mrs  Brearley  expressed  an  interest  in  having 
as  full  a survey  of  the  wildlife  on  the  site  as  possible.  This  resulted  in  Mrs 
Beckett  passing  her  plant  list  on  to  the  Chairman  of  the  Norfolk  and  Norwich 
Naturalists’  Society  Research  Committee  suggesting  that  a full  survey  might 
reveal  hidden  riches,  as  part  of  the  area  comprised  chalk  grassland  with 
ancient  anthills  comparable  with  parts  of  Foulden  Common  just  two  miles 
away.  Although  by  then  2005  was  well  advanced,  the  Research  Committee 
involvement  began  with  a visit  by  A L Bull  on  29  September  2005.  This 
was  followed  by  further  visits  for  fungi  that  autumn  and  subsequent  visits 
in  2006. 


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2007  40(1) 


Plants  and  fungi 

The  chalky  area  is  carpeted  with  Salad  Burnet  Sanguisorba  minor  ssp.  minor , 
Large  Thyme  Thymus  pulegiodes,  Small  Scabious  Scabiosa  columbaria  and 
Dwarf  Thistle  Cirsium  acaule\  there  are  also  a few  patches  of  Wild  Marjoram 
Origanum  vulgare  and  Cross  wort  Cruciata  laevipes. 

A visit  by  the  Bryophyte  Group  produced  few  surprises,  the  only  ‘chalky’ 
moss  found  being  Fissidens  dubius.  However,  the  most  interesting  records 
were  made  round  some  old  Elders  Sambucus  nigra  and  on  the  bare  clay 
round  the  pond.  In  all,  eleven  new  10km  records  were  made  including 
Bryoerythrophyllum  recurvirostrum  on  Elder,  Bryum  laevifilum  on  Elder 
and  Ash  Fraxinus  excelsior , Syntrichia  papillosa  on  Elder,  and  one  or  two 
woodland  floor  mosses  such  as  Cirriphyllum  piliferum  and  Thamnobryum 

Fungi  were  surveyed  on  the  28  September,  17  October  and  2 November 
2005  resulting  in  a combined  list  of  fungi  for  the  season  of  just  over  60 
species,  of  which  53  were  grassland  specialists.  Ten  of  these  were  members 
of  the  genus  Hygrocybe , the  waxcaps,  the  site  was  therefore  of  considerable 
importance  for  these  alone.  It  had  been  hoped  that  a second  season  might 
add  considerably  to  the  number  of  species  if  the  weather  was  right.  The 
autumn  rains  arrived  in  due  course  but  the  2006  fungus  season  (visited  on  1 1 
September  and  26  October)  was  relatively  poor  at  Oxborough,  probably  due 
to  the  fact  that  the  grazing  regime  had  been  interrupted  by  broken  fences  and 
the  grass  had  become  too  long  at  the  relevant  period. 


In  addition  to  the  botanical  and  mycological  interest,  the  variety  of  bird 
species  seen  during  the  Research  Committees  sporadic  visits  were  very 
encouraging,  with  a total  of  41  species  seen  or  heard.  There  are  several 
reasons  for  this.  The  Gorse  and  young  Hawthorns  provide  excellent  nesting 
sites  for  birds  such  as  warblers,  Yellowhammers  Emberiza  citrinella  and 
Linnets  Carduelis  cannabina , whilst  thrush  family  members  visit  the  mature 
Hawthorns  for  their  berries.  The  cattle-grazed  grassland  provides  feeding 
opportunities  for  many  insectivorous  species.  The  pond  fulfils  bathing  and 
drinking  needs  as  well  as  providing  a habitat  to  support  nesting  Moorhens 
Gallinula  chloropus. 

Of  the  species  of  national  concern  which  may  breed  at  Oxborough  Hythe, 

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two  stand  out,  these  being  Grey  Partridge  Perdix  perdix  and  Turtle  Dove 
Streptopelia  turtur  and  may  also  include  the  Yellowhammer.  The  single 
record  of  Reed  Bunting  Emberiza  schoeniclus  was  during  the  summer,  and 
it  may  possibly  find  a suitable  nest  site  in  one  of  the  damp  hollows  but  this 
would  more  probably  be  along  the  margins  of  the  reed-grown  dyke  already 
mentioned.  In  places,  the  ‘hawthorn  wood’  has  a fringe  of  Blackthorn 
Primus  , ideal  for  nesting  Long-tailed  Tits  Aegithalos  caudatus  and  Bullfinch 
Pyrrhula pyrrhula,  and  probably  also  for  the  Garden  Warbler  Sylvia  borin  and 
Willow  Warbler  Phylloscopus  trochilus.  The  Common  Whitethroat  Sylvia 
communis  and  Linnet  Carduelis  cannabina  would  prefer  the  Gorse  bushes 
scattered  about  the  site,  but  especially  toward  the  south-eastern  end.  The 
hooting  Tawny  Owl  Strix  aluco  heard  on  one  occasion  must  have  come  from 
some  hollow  tree  nearby  as  it  is  doubtful  if  any  of  the  trees  on  the  site  would 
have  a cavity  large  enough  for  a tenant  of  that  size.  Green  Woodpecker  Picus 
viridis  droppings  were  frequently  seen  around  the  many  ancient  anthills  in 
the  chalky  ‘upland’  area. 

Whilst  visiting  on  his  own,  Geoff  Nobes  added  several  birds  to  the  list 
including  a singing  Skylark  Alauda  arvensis  on  March  11,  a bird  that  was 
not  seen  subsequently,  possibly  due  to  the  close-grazed  nature  of  the  sward 
and  the  risk  of  nest  trampling  from  numbers  of  large  bovine  feet.  He  is  also 
to  be  credited  with  the  Teal  Anas  crecca , Woodcock  Scolopax  rusticola  and 
Lesser  Redpoll  Carduelis  cabaret  during  one  of  his  unscheduled  visits  to  the 
pond  area. 


Only  six  species  of  butterfly  in  total  were  seen  during  all  our  visits  and  only 
Meadow  Brown  ( Maniola jurtina ) and  Small  Copper  ( Lycaena phlaeas ) could 
be  regarded  as  grassland  species.  The  other  four  being,  Peacock  ( Inachis  io ), 
Red  Admiral  ( Vanessa  atalanta ),  both  along  the  northern  perimeter  hedge, 
and  Large  (Pieris  brassicae)  and  Small  White  ( P rapae ),  strays  from  the 
nearest  cabbage  patch.  This  may  be  because  the  short  sward  was  unsuitable 
for  grass  feeding  caterpillars.  It  was  for  this  reason  no  light  trapping  for 
moths  took  place. 

There  are  many  anthills  on  the  site,  many  of  these  contained  colonies  of  the 
Yellow  Ant  Lasius  flavus.  However,  a number  of  other  species  were  seen, 
including  the  Red  Ant  Myrmica  rubra  and  a small,  mid-brown  ant,  darker 
coloured  than  the  Yellow  Ant,  but  much  browner  than  the  Red.  This  suggests 
that  there  are  more  possible  finds  of  interest  to  a hymenopterist. 


Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 

2007  40(1) 

It  also  appears  that  the  Gorse  bushes  are  an  important  feature  for  spiders. 
Pip  Collyer  came  on  our  final  visit  at  a time  of  year  when  many  species  are 
immature  and  thus  not  identifiable  and  recorded  a number  of  species  unknown 
or  rare  in  West  Norfolk.  In  fact,  Micrargus  apertus  does  not  appear  to  have 
been  recorded  in  East  Anglia,  judging  from  the  copy  of  a map  he  included, 
taken  from  the  recent  Spider  Atlas.  Pip  is  hoping  to  visit  Oxborough  on  a 
number  of  occasions  during  2007. 

Much  the  same  could  be  said  about  the  Orthoptera  when  David  Richmond 
visited  Oxborough  Hythe  on  1 1 September  with  his  bat  detector.  He  recorded 
seven  species  in  all,  including  two  species  that  are  advancing  northwards  in 
response  to  global  wanning.  The  first  of  these  was  Roesel’s  Bush-cricket 
Metrioptera  roeselii  found  in  one  area  of  the  site,  whilst  the  hollows  with 
their  somewhat  rank  vegetation  seemed  to  be  literally  alive  with  Long- 
winged Coneheads  Conocephalus  discolor.  The  resident  relative  of  the  latter, 
the  Short-winged  Conehead  (C.  dorsalis ) was  located  in  the  reed-filled  ditch 
adjoining  the  fenny  fields  nearby. 

Geoff  Nobes  visited  the  site  several  times  at  the  beginning  of  our  survey, 
visiting  the  damp  hollows  and  the  pond.  At  all  times,  there  was  insufficient 
water  in  the  hollows  to  support  aquatic  life  and  the  pond  was  not  very  suitable 
either,  being  shaded  and  with  virtually  no  aquatic  vegetation.  Agabus 
uliginosus  was  ‘notable’  as  were  Hvdroglyphus  pusillns , Rhantus  grapii  and 
Rhantus  suturalis , all  of  which  are  diving  beetles  and  also  the  scavenger 
beetle  Helochares  lividus , whilst  three  other  species  were  ‘common’.  He  also 
listed  four  terrestrial  beetles  of  which  Drowns  longiceps  was  also  ‘notable’. 
Amongst  other  aquatic  invertebrates  recorded  were  four  species  of  water 
boatmen,  all  common,  the  Water  Scorpion,  Nepa  cinerea  and  the  Water 
Measurer  Hygrometrica  stagnorum.  In  addition,  on  2 November  2005  he 
recorded  the  larvae  of  both  Great-crested  ( Triturus  cristatus)  and  Smooth 
Newts  ( Triturus  vulgaris).  He  felt  that  the  pits,  pingoes  or  whatever  they  are, 
would  only  hold  a worthwhile  water  beetle  population  in  a year  when  they 
held  water  well  into  the  summer. 


Oxborough  Hythe  has  proved  to  be  an  interesting  site,  and  one  that  might 
repay  further  study,  especially  for  Hymenoptera.  Further  visits  in  suitable 
autumns  for  fungi  and  possibly  also  for  land  snails  would  be  useful. 

Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  . Soc. 
2007  40  (1) 



The  Research  Committee  would  like  to  thank  Mr  & Mrs  Brearley  for  giving 
us  the  opportunity  to  visit  the  site  and  record  its  wildlife,  thus  completing 
another  small  piece  of  the  jigsaw  puzzle  of  land  use  in  the  Norfolk  landscape 
and  its  impact  or  otherwise  on  the  wildlife. 

We  are  grateful  for  the  following  surveyors  who  contributed  their  time  and 
expertise:  Members  of  the  Research  Committee,  A.  Bull,.  T.  Dove,  L.  Hall,  J 
Negal  and  G.  Nobes.  Plus  the  following  P.  Collyer,  D.  Richmond,  G Beckett 
and  members  of  the  Flora  and  Bryophyte  Groups 


ARACHNOLOGICAL  SOCIETY.  2000.  Checklist  for  the  Arachnological  Society 
Recording  Scheme.  Arachnological  Society. 

BLOCKEEL,  T.L.  & LONG,  D.G.  1998.  Checklist  & Census  Catalogue  of  British  & 
Irish  Bryophytes.  British  Bryological  Society,  Cardiff. 

BRIETLINGBACH,  J.  & KRANZLIN,  F.  1984.  Fungi  of  Switzerland  Vol.l.  Lucerne. 
LEGON,  N.W.  & HENRICI,  A.  et  al.  2005.  Checklist  of  the  British  and  Irish 
Basidiomycota.  Royal  Botanic  Gardens,  Kew. 

MARSHALL,  J.A.  & HAES,  E.C.M.  1988.  Grasshoppers  and  Allied  Insects  of  Great 
Britain  and  Ireland.  Harley  Books. 

Appendix  1:  VASCULAR  PLANTS 

Recorded  by  members  of  the  Norfolk  Flora  Group  and  of  the  Norfolk  & Norwich 
Naturalists’  Society  Research  Committee.  Nomenclature  follows  Stace  1997.  Some 
orchid  names  have  changed  recently,  but  for  the  sake  of  consistency,  those  in  Stace  have 

been  retained  for  this  list. 


Equisetum  aiwense  Field  Horsetail 
Equisetum  pa/ustre  Marsh  Horsetail 


Pteridium  aquilinum  Bracken 


Dryopteris  dilatata  Broad  Buckler  Fern 
Dry  opt  er  is  filix-mas  Male  Fern 


Caltha  palustris  Marsh  Marigold 

Ranunculus  acris  Meadow  Buttercup 
Ranunculus  bulbosus  Bulbous  Buttercup 
Ranunculus  ficaria  ssp.  bulbilifera  Lesser 

Ranunculus  ficaria  ssp  ficaria  Lesser 

Ranunculus  repens  Creeping  Buttercup 
Ranunculus  sceleratus  Celery-leaved 

Ranunculus  trichophyllus  Thread-leaved 


Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc, 
2007  40  (1) 


Ulmus  minor  agg.  Small-leaved  Elm 


Humulus  lupulus  Hop 


Urtica  dioica  Stinging  Nettle 
Urtica  mens  Small  Nettle 


Quercus  robur  Pedunculate  Oak 


Alnus  glutinosa  Alder 
Corylus  avellana  Hazel 


Chenopodium  album  Fat  Hen 
Chenopodium  rubrum  Red  Goosefoot 
A trip  lex  patula  Common  Orache 


Arenaria  serpyllifolia  ssp  I ep toe l ados 
Thyme-leaved  Sandwort 
Moehringia  trinervia  Three-nerved 

Stellaria  graminea  Lesser  Stitchwort 
Stellaria  media  Chickweed 
Stellaria  uliginosa  Bog  Stitchwort 
Cerastium  arvense  Field  Mouse-ear 
Cerastium  fontanum  Common  Mouse- 

Cerastium  glomeratum  Sticky  Mouse-ear 
Sagina  procumbens  Procumbent 

Spergularia  rubra  Sand  Spurrey 
Silene  latifolia  White  Campion 
Silene  vulgaris  ssp.  vulgaris  Bladder 


Persicaria  amphibia  Amphibious  Bistort 
Persicaria  lapathifolia  Pale  Persicaria 
Persicaria  maculosa  Redshank 
Fallopia  convolvulus  Black  Bindweed 
Rumex  acetosella  Sheep’s  Sorrel 
Rumex  acetosa  Common  Sorrel 
Rumex  conglomeratus  Clustered  Dock 

Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 

2007  40  (1) 

Rumex  crispus  ssp.  crispus  Curled  Dock 
Rumex  obtusifolius  Broad  Dock 
Rumex  palustris  Marsh  Dock 
Rumex  sanguineus  Wood  Dock 


Hypericum  tetrapterum  Square-stalked 
St.John ’s-wort 


Malva  neglecta  Dwarf  Mallow 


Viola  arvensis  Field  Pansy 

Viola  odorata  Sweet  Violet 

Viola  riviniana  Common  Dog  Violet 


Bryonia  dioica  White  Bryony 


Salix  alba  White  Willow 

Salix  cinerea  ssp  cinerea  Grey  Willow 


Sisymbrium  officinale  Hedge  Mustard 
Alliaria  petiolata  Garlic  Mustard 
Arabidopsis  thaliana  Thale  Cress 
Rorippa  microphylla  Narrow-fruited 

Rorippa  amphibia  Great  Yellowcress 
Cardamine  flexuosa  Wavy  Bittercress 
Cardamine  pratensis  Cuckooflower 
Capsella  bursa-pastor  is  Shepherd’s  Purse 
Sinapis  arvensis  Charlock 
Raphanus  raphanistrum  Wild  Radish 


Reseda  luteola  Weld 


Primula  veris  Cowslip 
Primula  vulgaris  Primrose 
Hottonia  palustris  Water  Violet 
Anagallis  arvensis  Scarlet  Pimpemell 
Samolus  valerandi  Brookweed 


Crassula  helmsii  New  Zealand 



Saxifraga  granulata  Meadow  Saxifrage 


Filipendula  ulmaria  Meadowsweet 
Rubus  adspersus  Blackberry 
Rubus  cantabrigiensis 
Rubus  nemoralis 
Rubus  pruinosus 
Rubus  ulmifolius 
Rubus  vigorosus 
Potentilla  anserina  Silverweed 
Potentilla  argentea  Hoary  Cinquefoil 
Potentilla  erecta  Tormentil 
Potentilla  reptans  Creeping  Cinquefoil 
Potentilla  sterilis  Barren  Strawberry 
Geum  urbanum  Wood  Avens 
Agrimonia  eupatoria  Agrimony 
Sanguisorba  minor  ssp.  minor  Salad 

Aphanes  arvensis  Parsley-piert 

Aphanes  australis  Slender  Parsley-piert 

Rosa  arvensis  Field  Rose 

Rosa  canina  Dog  Rose 

Prunus  domestica  ssp  insititia  Bullace 

Prunus  padus  Birdcherry 

Prunus  spinosa  Blackthorn 

Malus  sylvestris  Crab  Apple 

Crataegus  monogyna  Common  Hawthorn 


Lotus  corniculatusCommon  Bird’s-foot- 

Lotus  pedunculatus  Greater  Bird’s-foot- 

Ornithopus  perpusillus  Bird’sfoot 
Vicia  cracca_ Tufted  Vetch 
Lathyrus  pratensis  Meadow  Vetchling 
Ononis  spinosa  Spiny  Restharrow 
Medicago  lupulina  Black  Medick 
Trifolium  dubium  Lesser  Clover 
Trifolium  micranthum  Slender  Trefoil 
Trifolium  pratensis  Red  Clover 
Trifolium  repens  White  Clover 
Ulex  europaeus  Gorse 


Epilobium  ciliatum  American  Willowherb 
Epilobium  hirsutum  Great  Willowherb 
Epilobium  parviflorum  Hoary  Willowherb 
Epilobium  tetragonum  Square- stemmed 


Cornus  sanguinea  Dogwood 


Rhamnus  catharticus  Buckthorn 


Linum  catharticum  Fairy  Flax 


Acer  campestris  Field  Maple 
Acer pseudoplatanus  Sycamore 


Geranium  dissectum  Cut-leaved  Cranesbill 
Geranium  molle  Dove’s-foot  Cranesbill 
Geranium  pusillum  Small-flowered 

Geranium  robertianum  Herb  Robert 


Hedera  helix  ssp  helix  Common  Ivy 


Chaerophyllum  temulum  Rough  Chervil 
Anthriscus  caucalis  Bur  Chervil 
Anthriscus  sylvestris  Cow  Parsley 
Pimpinella  saxifraga  Burnet  Saxifrage 
Oenanthe  aquatilis  Fine-leaved  Water 

Aethusa  cynapium  Fool’s  Parsley 
Conium  maculatum  Hemlock 
Peucedanum  palustre  Milk  Parsley 
Pastinaca  sativa  Wild  Parsnip 
Heracleum  sphondylium  Hogweed 
Torilis  japonica  Upright  Hedge  Parsley 


Solanum  dulcamara  Bittersweet 
Solanum  nigrum  Black  Nightshade 


Convulvulous  arvensis  Field  Bindweed 


Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 

2007  40  (1) 


Lithospermum  officinalis  Common 

Symphytum  x uplandicum  Russian  Comfrey 
Myosotis  discolor  Changing  Forget-me-not 
Myosotis  laxa  Tufted  Forget-me-not 
Myosotis  ramosissima  Early  Forget-me-not 
Myosotis  scorpioidesWatQr  Forget-me-not 
Cynoglossum  officinale  Hound’s-tongue 


Stachys  sylvatica  Fledge  Woundwort 
Ballot  a nigra  Black  Horehound 
Lamium  album  White  Deadnettle 
Lamium  purpureum  Red  Deadnettle 
Galeopsis  tetrahit  Common  Flempnettle 
Ajuga  rep  tans  Bugle 
Glechoma  hederacea  Ground  Ivy 
Prunella  vulgaris  Selfheal 
Origanum  vulgare  Wild  Marjoram 
Thymus  pu/egioides  Large  Thyme 
Mentha  aquatica  Water  Mint 


Callitriche  agg.  Starwort 


Plantago  lanceolata  Ribwort  Plantain 
Plantago  major  Great  Plantain 
Plantago  media  Hoary  Plantain 


Fraxinus  excelsior  Ash 
Syringa  vulgaris  Lilac 
Ligustrum  vulgare  Wild  Privet 


Scrophularia  auriculata  Water  figwort 
Digitalis  purpurea  Foxglove 
Veronica  arvensis  Wall  Speedwell 
Veronica  beccabunga  Brooklime 
Veronica  catenata  Pink  Water-speedwell 
Veronica  chamaedrys  Germander  Speedwell 
Veronica  officinalis  Heath  Speedwell 
Veronica  persica  Green  Field  Speedwell 
Veronica  scutellata  Marsh  Speedwell 
Veronica  serpyllifolia  Thyme-leaved 

Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 

2007  40  (1) 

Odontites  vernus  Red  Bartsia 
Rhinanthus  minor  Yellow  Rattle 


Orobanche  minor  Common  Broomrape 


Campanula  rotundifolia  Harebell 


Galium  aparine  Cleavers 
Galium  palustre  ssp  palustre  Common 
Marsh  Bedstraw 
Galium  saxatile  Heath  Bedstraw 
Galium  uliginosum  Fen  Bedstraw 
Galium  verum  Lady’s  Bedstraw 


Sambucus  nigra  Elder 
Viburnum  opulus  Guelder  Rose 


Succisa pratensis  Devil’s-bit  Scabious 
Scabiosa  columbaria  Small  Scabious 


Arctium  minus  Lesser  Burdock 
Cardans  nutans  Musk  Thistle 
Cirsium  vulgare  Spear  Thistle 
Cirsium  arvense  Creeping  Thistle 
Cirsium  acaule  Dwarf  Thistle 
Centaurea  nigra  Common  Knapweed 
Lapsana  communis  Nipplewort 
Hypochoeris  radicata  Cats-ear 
Leontodon  autumnalis  Autumn  Hawkbit 
Leontodon  hispidus  Rough  Hawkbit 
Leontodon  saxatilis  Lesser  Hawkbit 
Tragopogon  pratensis  ssp  minor  Common 

Sonchus  arvensis  Perennial  Sowthistle 
Sonchus  asper  Prickly  Sowthistle 
Sonchus  oleraceus  Smooth  Sowthistle 
Taraxacum  agg.  Dandelion 
Taraxacum  section  Erythrospermum  Red- 
fruited  Dandelions 

Crepis  capillaris  Smooth  Hawksbeard 
Crepis  vesicaria  Beaked  Hawksbeard 
Pilosella  officinarum  Mouse-ear 


Pulicaria  dysenterica  Yellow  Fleabane 
Beilis  perennis  Daisy 
Artemisia  vulgaris  Mugwort 
Achillea  millefolium  Yarrow 
Leucanthemum  vulgare  Ox-eye  Daisy 
Tripleurospermum  inodorum  Scentless 

Senecio  erucifolius  Hoary  Ragwort 
Senecio  jacobaea  Common  Ragwort 
Senecio  sylvaticus  Heath  Groundsel 
Senecio  vulgaris  Groundsel 


Alisma  plantago-aquatica  Water  Plantain 


Lagarosiphon  major  Curly  Waterweed 


Potamogeton  trichodes  Hair-like 


Arum  maculatum  Lords-and-ladies 


Lemna  minuta  Least  Duckweed 


Juncus  articulatus  Jointed  Rush 

Juncus  bufoniusToad  Rush 

Juncus  effusus  Soft  Rush 

Juncus  inflexus  Hard  Rush 

Juncus  subnodulosus  Blunt-flowered  Rush 

Luzula  campestris  Field  Woodrush 


Eleocharis  palustris  Common  Spike-rush 
Carex  arenaria  Sand  Sedge 
Carex  caryophyllea  Spring  Sedge 
Carex  disticha  Brown  Sedge 
Carex  flacca  Glaucous  Sedge 
Carex  hirta  Hairy  Sedge 
Carex  muricata  ssp  lamprocarpa  Prickly 

Carex  nigra  Common  Sedge 
Carex  otrubae  False  Fox  Sedge 
Carex  panacea  Carnation  Sedge 
Carex  riparia  Great  Pond  Sedge 


Festuca  gigantea  Giant  Fescue 
Festuca  rubra  Red  Fescue 
Lolium  perenne  Perennial  Rye-grass 
Cynosurus  cristatus  Crested  Dog’s-tail 
Briza  media  Quaking  Grass 
Poa  annua  Annual  Meadow  -grass 
Poa  humilis  Spreading  Meadow-grass 
Poa  pratensis  Smooth  Meadow-grass 
Poa  trivialis  Rough  Meadow-grass 
Dactylis  glomerata  Cock’s-foot 
Glyceria  fluitans  Floating  Sweet-grass 
Glyceria  maxima  Reed  Sweet-grass 
Glyceria  notata  Plicate  Sweet-grass 
Helictotrichon  pubescens  Downy  Oat- 

Arrhenatherum  elatius  False  Oat-grass 
Trisetum  flavescens  Yellow  Oat-grass 
Koeleria  macrantha  Crested  Hair-grass 
Deschampsia  cespitosa  Tufted  Hair-grass 
Holcus  lanatus  Yorkshire  Fog 
Holcus  mollis  Creeping  Soft-grass 
Air  a praecox  Early  Hair-grass 
Anthoxanthum  odoratum  Sweet  Vernal 

Phalaris  arundinacea  Reed  Canary-grass 
Agrostis  capillaries  Common  Bent 
Agrostis  giganteum  Black  Bent 
Agrostis  stolonifera  Creeping  Bent 
Alopecurus  pratensis  Meadow  Foxtail 
Phleum  bertolonii  Smaller  Cat’s-tail 
Bromus  hordeaceus  Soft  Brome 
Anisantha  sterilis  Barren  Brome 
Brachvpodium  sylvaticum  False  Brome 
Elytrigia  repens  Common  Couch 
Phragmites  australis  Common  Reed 


Iris  pseudacorus  Yellow  Iris 


Tamus  communis  Black  Bryony 


Anacamptis  pyramidalis  Pyramidal  Orchid 
Ophrys  apifera  Bee  Orchid 


Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 

2007  40(1) 

Appendix  2:  BRYOPHYTES 

The  Bryophyte  Group  visited  the  site  on  22nd  January  2006  and  recorded  38  mosses  and 
one  liverwort.  This  is  likely  to  be  the  vast  majority  on  a site  of  this  type.  Nomenclature 
follows  the  Checklist  and  Census  Catalogue  of  British  and  Irish  Bryophytes  (Blocked  & 
Long,  1998) 


Amblystegium  serpens 
Barbula  unguiculata 
Brachythecium  albicans 
Brachythecium  rutabulum 
Bryoerythrophyllum  recurvirostrum 
Bryum  capillare 
Bryum  dichotomum 
Bryum  laevifilum 
Bryum  rubens 
Calliergonella  cuspidata 
Campylopus  introflexus 
Ceratodon  purpureus 
Cirriphyllum  piliferum 
Dicranella  varia 
Dicranowiessa  cirrhata 
Didymodon  tophaceus 
Fissidens  adianthoides 
Fissidens  dubius 
Fissidens  incurvus 
Fissidens  taxifolius 

Homalothecium  sericeum 
Hypnum  cupressiforme 
Hypnum  resupinatum 
Kindbergia  praelonga 
Leptodictyum  riparium 
Orthotrichum  affine 
Orthotrichum  diaphanum 
Plagiomnium  affine 
Plagiomnium  undu latum 
Pohlia  melanodon 
Polytrichum  juniperinum 
Pseudoscleropodium  purum 
Rhynchostegium  confertum 
Rhytidiadelphus  squarrosus 
Syntrichia  intermedia 
Syntrichia  papillosa 
Thamnobryum  alopecurum 
Zygodon  viridissimus 


Metzgeria  furcata 

Appendix  3:  FUNGI 

Recorded  by  A.  L.  Bull  & T.  Dove 

Nomenclature  of  the  Basidiomycota  follows  Legon  & Henrici  (2005);  that  for  the 
Ascomycota  follows  Brietlingbach  & Kranzlin  (1984). 


Agaricales  and  Boletales 

Agaricus  arvensis 
Agaricus  bitorquis 
Agrocybe  praecox 
Bolbitius  titubans 
Calocybe  carnea 

Clitocybe  metachroa 
Clitocybe  rivulosa 
Conocybe  tenera 
Coprinus  friesii 
Coprinus  lagopus 
Coprinus  micaceus 
Coprinus  niveus 

Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc.  126 

2007  40(1) 

Coprinus  plicatilis 
Crinipellis  scabella 
Dermoloma  cuneifolium 
Entoloma  asprellum 
Entoloma  sericeum 
Entoloma  undatum 
Flammulina  velutipes 
Galerina  laevis 
Galerina  uncialis 
Hygrocybe  ceracea 
Hygrocybe  coccinea 
Hygrocybe  colemanniana 
Hygrocybe  conica 
Hygrocybe  glutinipes 
Hygrocybe  insipida 
Hygrocybe  mucronella 
Hygrocybe  pratensis 
Hygrocybe  psittascina 
Hygrocybe  quieta 
Hygrocybe  virginea 
Hypholoma  fasciculare 
Laccaria  laccata 
Lactarius  quietus 
Macrolepiota  rhacodes 
Marasmius  oreades 
Melanoleuca  grammopodia 
Melanoleuca  melaleuca 
Mycena  aetites 
Mycena  galericulata 
Mycena  galopus  var  nigra 
Mycena  leptocephala 
Mycena  luteo-alba 
Mycena  rorida 
Mycena  sanguinolenta 
Mycena  speirea 
Mycena  stylobates 
Panaeoleus  fimicola 
Panaeoleus  papillionaceus 
Psathyrella  candolleana 
Psathyrella  conopilus 
Psathyrella  corrugis 
Psilocybe  semilanceata 

Rickenella  fibula 
Rickenella  swartzii 
Russula  nigricans 
Russula  parazurea 
Stropharia  coerulea 
Stropharia  coronilla 
Stropharia  inuncta 
Tubaria  dispersa 
Tubaria  furfuracea 
Volvariel/a  gloiocephala 

Aphyllophorales  (bracket,  club  and 
resupinate  fungi) 

Abortiporus  biennis 
Clavulinopsis  corniculata 
Clavulinopsis  fusiformis 
Daedalea  quercina 
Ganoderma  australe 
Hyphodontia  sambuci 
Laetiporus  sulphureus 
Mycoacia  uda 
Peniophora  incarnata 
Stereum  hirsutum 
Trametes  versicolor 

Heterobasidiomycetes  (jelly  fungi) 

Auricularia  auricula-  judae 

Gasteromycetes  (puffballs) 

Bovista  nigrescens 
Calvatia  gigantea 
Handkea  utriformis 
Scleroderma  verrucosum 


Coprobia  granulata 
Diattypella  quercina 
Geoglossum  cookeianum 
Hypoxylon  multiforme 
Peziza  repanda 
Xylaria  hypoxylon. 


Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 

2007  40(1) 

Appendix  4:  INVERTEBRATES 


Recorded  by  G.  Nobes. 


Haliplus  ruficollis 


Hygrobia  hermanni  Screech  Beetle 

Dytiscidae  (diving  beetles) 

Lciccophilus  minutus 
Hydroglyphus  pusillus 
Hydroporus  angustatus 
Hydroporus  planus 
Hydroporus  striola 
Agabus  bipustulatus 
Agabus  nebulosus 
Agabus  sturm  i 
Agabus  uliginosus 
Rhantus  grapii 
Rhantus  sutural  is 


Helophorus  aequalis 
Helophorus  grandis 

Hydrophilidae  (scavenger  water  beetles) 

Anacaena  limb  at  a 

Laccobius  bipunctatus 

Helochares  lividus  Not.  B 

Cym  b iodyta  margi nel l us 

Hvdrobius  fuscipes 


Recorded  by  G.  Nobes  (except  ladybirds) 


Bombidion  clarkii 

Dromius  longiceps  Not.  A 

Dyschirus  globulus  Local 


Aphodius  fossor 


Gl  ischroch  il  us  h or  tens  is 

Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 

2007  40(1) 

Coccinellidae  (ladybirds) 

Coccinellia  septempunctata 
Micraspis  16-punctata 


Recorded  by  G.  Nobes. 


Nepa  cinerea  Water  Scorpion 

Corixidae  (water  boatmen) 

Corixa  punctata 
Sigara  distincta 
Sigara  lateralis 
Notonecta  glauca 


Plea  minutissima 


Hydrometra  stagnorum  Water  Measurer 

ORTHOPTERA  (grasshoppers  etc.) 

Recorded  by  D.  Richmond.  Nomenclature 
follows  Marshall  & Haes  (1988). 

Metrioptera  roeselii  Roesel’s  Bush-cricket 
Conocepha/us  discolor  Long-winged 

Conocephalus  dorsalis  Short- winged 

Leptophyes  punctatissima  Speckled 

Tetrix  subulata  Slender  Groundhopper 
Chorthippus  brunneus  Field  Grasshopper 
Chorthippus  albomarginatus  Lesser 
Marsh  Grasshopper 

ODONATA  (dragonflies) 

Recorded  by  Research  Committee 

Aeshna  cyanea  Southern  Hawker 
Sympetrum  s trio  latum  Common  Darter 


Not.  B 

Not.  B 
Not.  B 
Not.  B 

LEPIDOPTERA  (butterflies) 

Recorded  by  Research  Committee 

Pieris  brassicae  Large  White 
Pieris  rapcie  Small  White 
Lvcaena  phlaeas  Small  Copper 
Vanessa  ata/anta  Red  Admiral 
Inachis  io  Peacock 
Maniola  jurtina  Meadow  Brown 

HYMENOPTERA  (bees,  wasps,  ants) 
Recorded  by  A. L. Bull 

Lasius  flavus  Yellow  Ant 
Vespula  vulgaris  Common  Wasp 
Ammophila  campestris  (sand  wasp) 

DIPTERA  (flies) 

Recorded  by  A. L. Bull. 

Empis  tesselata 
Eristalis  arbustorum 
Erista/is  tenax 
Lucilia  caesar 
Scatophaga  stercorarium 
Tipula  pal  udos  a 


Recorded  by  J.Negal. 

Dasvneura  urticae  on  Stinging  Nettle 
Jaapiella  veronicae  on  Germander 

Ureomyces  cardui  on  Creeping  Thistle 

ARACHNIDA  (spiders) 

Recorded  by  Pip  Collyer.  Nomenclature 

Appendix  5:  VERTEBRATES 


Smooth  Newt  Tri turns  vulgaris 
Great  Crested  Newt  Triturus  cristatus 

follows  Checklist  of  the  British 
Arachnological  Society’s  Spider  recording 
scheme  (2000). 


Tibellus  oblongus 


Bathyphantes  gracilis 
Dicymbium  tibiale 
Diplocephalus  latifrons 
Diplostyla  concolor 
Erigone  atra 
Eregonella  hiemalis 
Gongylidiellum  vivum 
Lepthyphantes  flavipes 
Lepthyphantes  tenuis 
Micrargus  apertus 
Micrargus  subequalis 
Microneta  viaria 
Monocephalus  fuscipes 
Neriene  clathrata 
Oedothorax  fuscus 
Savign  ia  front  at  a 

Earlier  in  the  season,  members  of  the 
Research  Committee  also  recorded: 

Araniella  marmorea  ssp  pyramidata 
Araneus  diadematus. 


Recorded  by  A. L. Bull 

Cepaea  hortensis  White-lipped  Snail 
Cepaea  nemoralis  Brown-lipped  Snail 
Helicella  itala  Heath  Snail 


Order  and  nomenclature  follows  that 
currently  in  use  in  the  Norfolk  Bird  & 
Mammal  Report. 


Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 

2007  40  (1) 

Teal  Anas  crecca 
Grey  Partridge  Perdix  perdix 
Pheasant  Phasianus  colchicus 
Heron  Ardea  cinerea 
Kestrel  Falco  tinnunculus 
Moorhen  Gall  inula  chloropus 
Woodcock  Scolopax  msticola 
Wood  Pigeon  Columba  palumbus 
Turtle  Dove  Streptopelia  turtur 
Tawny  Owl  Strix  aluco 
Swift  Apus  apus 
Green  Woodpecker  Picus  viridis 
Skylark  Alauda  arvensis 
Swallow  Hirundo  rustica 
Wren  Troglodytes  troglodytes 
Dunnock  Prunella  modularis 
Robin  Erithaca  rubecula 
Blackbird  Turdus  mend  a 
Fieldfare  Turdus  pilaris 
Redwing  Turdus  iliacus 

Garden  Warbler  Sylvia  borin 
Common  Whitethroat  Sylvia  communis 
Willow  Warbler  Phylloscopus  trochilus 
Long-tailed  Tit  Aegithalos  caudatus 
Blue  Tit  Cyanistes  coeru/eus 
Great  Tit  Parus  major 
Jay  Garrulus  glandarius 
Magpie  Pica  pica 
Jackdaw  Corvus  monedula 
Rook  Corvus  frugilegus 
Carrion  Crow  Corvus  corone 
Starling  Sturnus  vulgaris 
Chaffinch  Fringilla  coelebs 
Greenfinch  Carduelis  chloris 
Linnet  Carduelis  cannabina 
Lesser  Redpoll  Carduelis  cabaret 
Bullfinch  Pyrrlnda  pyrrhula 
Yellowhammer  Emberiza  citrinella 
Reed  Bunting  Emberiza  schoeniclus 

Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 
2007  40  (1) 


Recent  bryological  discoveries  in  Norfolk 

Robin  Stevenson 

111,  Wootton  Road,  King’s  Lynn,  Norfolk  PE30  4DJ 

The  last  account  detailing  new  moss  and  liverwort  finds  in  Norfolk  was  by 
Mott  & Stevenson  (2003);  that  listed  changes  up  to  2002.  A lot  has  happened 
in  the  intervening  four  years. 

Throughout  this  period  the  Bryological  Group  has  been  very  active,  and 
a great  many  new  records  have  been  made  for  both  specific  sites,  and  for 
10  kilometre  grid  squares.  This  means  that  much  of  the  information  about 
distribution  in  the  Flora  of  Norfolk  (Beckett  et  al.,  1999)  is  now  out  of  date. 
A substantial  number  of  species  are  now  regarded  as  less  rare  than  formerly, 
a good  example  being  Hookeria  Iucens  which,  at  the  time  of  publication 
of  the  Flora,  was  known  from  only  two  sites,  both  in  East  Norfolk  (vc27): 
Holt  Lowes  and  Honing  Common.  It  has,  since  then,  been  found  at  two 
further  sites  in  East  Norfolk:  in  Edgefield  Woods,  by  Simon  Harrap,  and  by 
Barry  Nicholson  at  Carlton  Forehoe  Poor  Fen.  It  has  also  been  found  at  two 
localities  in  West  Norfolk  (vc28),  i.e.  Sculthorpe  Moor,  where  it  was  found 
by  Mary  Ghullam,  and  East  Harling  Fen  when  it  was  found  on  a Flora  Group 
excursion.  It  is  possible  that  this  is  a species  that  is  expanding  its  range,  but 
it  seems  much  likelier  that  there  are  simply  more  active  bryologists  looking 
than  at  any  time  in  the  past. 

Increased  activity  is  a major  key  to  finding  new  records,  and  the  Spring 
Meeting  of  the  British  Bryological  Society,  which  took  place  in  the  county 
in  2003,  certainly  illustrated  that  principle,  since  an  influx  of  outside  experts 
quickly  made  a number  of  significant  new  discoveries.  On  the  very  first  day 
Sanionia  uncinata , new  to  vc28,  was  discovered  by  Mark  Hill,  who  also 
made  the  second  county  record  of  the  epiphyte  Orthotrichum  tenellum. 
The  only  other  new  vice  county  record  was  made  by  Sean  O’Leary  - of  the 
stubble  field  species  Weissia  longifo/ia  var  longifolia.  This  was  new  to  vc27. 
The  other  records  made  were  not  quite  so  exciting,  but  even  at  well  worked 
spots,  such  as  the  Ted  Ellis  Reserve  at  Surlingham,  substantial  numbers  of 
interesting  new  site  records  were  made. 

There  is,  despite  the  increased  interest  in  bryophytes,  still  a lot  of  unexplored 


Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 

2007  40  (1) 

terrain  in  Norfolk,  such  as  the  soft  cliffs  at  Overstrand,  where  Bob  Ellis 
and  Robin  Stevenson  found  (again  in  2003)  healthy  colonies  of  a number 
of  small  leafy  liverworts,  such  as  Scapania  compacta,  Lophozia  ventricosa , 
and  Nardia  scalaris.  These  are  all  plants  which  seem  to  have  become  much 
scarcer  than  in  the  days  of  Petch  and  Swann  (1968). 

Another  underworked  habitat  is  the  intermittently  wet  ground  round  the 
edges  of  ponds  and  lakes.  In  2003,  again,  Physcomitrella  patens  was  found 
at  the  edge  of  the  lake  at  Wolterton  Park.  This  inconspicuous  species  is  the 
bryological  equivalent  of  the  fruit-fly  Drosophila : it  has  a very  simple  genetic 
make-up,  and  consequently  has  been  studied  very  intensively  by  geneticists 
so  that  we  know  more  about  its  structure  than  that  of  any  other  species  of 

One  of  the  problems  facing  any  attempts  at  the  conservation  of  lower  plants  is 
the  sheer  paucity  of  reliable  data.  Stubble  fields  are  a habitat  that  were  known 
to  be  species  rich  in  the  past,  but  recent  changes  in  agricultural  practise  had  led 
to  a fear  that  they  had  deteriorated.  To  try  and  clarify  the  situation  the  British 
Bryological  Society  instigated  a nation-wide  survey  which  ran  through  from 
2002  to  2006.  A substantial  amount  of  the  local  effort  at  recording  stubble 
fields  seemed  to  have  occurred  in  2004.  There  were  few  surprises,  although 
north-east  Norfolk  was  confirmed  as  a national  stronghold  for  the  liverworts 
Sphaerocarpos  texanus  (which  is  an  endangered  species)  and  S.  michelii. 
Another  endangered  species,  Bryum  gemmilucens , was  found  in  a field  near 
Fulmodeston,  whilst  Mary  Ghullam  managed  to  find  a second  Norfolk  site 
for  the  homwort  Anthoceros  agrestis , near  Felbrigg. 

Most  recording  trips  produce  a few  records  which  are  new  to  the  site  and  / 
or  the  1 0km  square,  however,  occasionally  one  encounters  a really  rich  site 
which  sets  the  heart  a-flutter.  One  such  site  was  Sculthorpe  Moor  (Hawk 
& Owl  Trust  Reserve).  This  single  site  yielded  65  moss  and  15  liverwort 
species,  including  Hookeria  lucens  (detailed  above),  and  new  records  for  the 
rarities  Rhytidiadelphus  loreus  and  Moerckia  hibernica. 

The  rest  of  2004  proved  fairly  mundane,  except  for  the  discovery  of  a 
previously  seriously  neglected  habitat:  orchards.  These  yielded  second  and 
third  records  for  several  species,  such  as  Sanionia  uncinata  and  Orthotrichum 
stramineum.  Leucodon  sciuroides  which  in  East  Anglia  was  regarded  as  a 
rarity  of  calcareous  stonework,  has  now  turned  up  several  times  in  orchards 
- on  both  apples  and  pears.  Recording  in  this  habitat  has  continued  over 
several  years  now,  2005  producing  Orthotrichum  striatum  at  Gunton  Hall 

Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 
2007  40(1) 


(second  record  for  vc27)  and  Orthotrichum  rupestre  (new  county  record) 
at  Flitcham.  Orthotrichum  striatum  also  turned  up  in  Flitcham,  as  a species 
new  to  vc28. 

Flitcham  also  hosted  what  started  out  as  a species  new  to  Britain,  but  ended 
up  as  a mere  variety  of  something  common  - albeit  the  variety  is  both  rare 
and  still  new  to  Britain.  This  was  what  is  now  called  Hypnum  cupressiforme 
var  heseleri.  It  is  a very  distinctive  species  which  does  not  resemble  normal 
Hypnum  cupressiforme  at  all,  which  is  why  it  was  originally  named  as  a new 
species.  However,  genetic  investigations  have  shown  it  to  be  a mutant  of  the 
common  species. 

Whilst  most  records  have  been  made  on  Group  excursions  a few  stalwart 
individuals,  notably  Alec  Bull,  periodically  contribute  to  the  pool,  Alec’s 
offerings  generally  being  of  a rather  superior  quality  - like  Thuidium  philberti , 
from  inside  the  Stanta  Battle  Area.  A visitor  to  the  county,  David  Holyoak, 
found  Sphagnum  contortum,  Drepanocladus  exannulatus,  and  Plagiomnium 
ellipticum  - all  new  to  Holt  Lowes. 

Even  fairly  dull  habitats  can  occasionally  produce  surprises,  as  when  Richard 
Fisk  found  Bryum  donianum , new  to  Norfolk,  at  Sheringham  Park.  (This  is 
a clear  case  where  an  individual  has  ‘got  his  eye  in’,  since  Richard  has  gone 
on  to  find  Bryum  donianum  in  West  Norfolk  too  (in  2006),  at  Gressenhall 
Old  Carr). 

The  year  2006  produced  the  usual  rash  of  extra  records  of  already  known 
species.  Some  of  these  were  the  result  of  visiting  new  localities,  some  the 
result  of  chance  discoveries  in  known  localities;  a significant  re-discovery 
was  Brachythecium  populeum , which  was  found  at  Smockmill  Common 
in  January.  It  was  regarded  by  Burrell  (1914)  as  ‘rather  common’  in  East 
Norfolk,  but  had  not  been  recorded  since  then.  It  is  to  be  hoped  that,  having 
got  our  eye  in  for  it,  that  it  may  prove  more  widespread. 

Taxonomic  revision  has  also  increased  the  counties  species  total.  The  common 
liverwort,  Conocephalum  conicum,  was  recently  investigated  by  some  Polish 
bryologists  (Szweykowski  J et  al.  2005)  who  discovered  that  there  were  in 
fact  two  species  involved:  C.  conicum  and  C.  salebrosum.  The  latter  has  now 
been  found  in  both  Norfolk  vice-counties. 

2006  went  out  with  a bit  of  a bang  when,  investigating  a pond  at  Syderstone 
Common,  Colin  Dunster  found  Riccia  cavernosa,  Physcomitrella  patens, 
and  Physcomitrium  eurystomum.  The  first  two  are  by  no  means  common, 


Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 

2007  40  (1) 

whilst  the  latter  is  a rare  Red  Data  Book  species;  this  was  its  first  record  for 
the  county  away  from  the  Breckland  meres  which  are  its  stronghold. 


BECKETT,  G,  BULL,  A.  & STEVENSON,  R.  1999.  A Flora  of  Norfolk.  Privately 

BURRELL,  W.H.  (in  NICHOLSON,  W.A.)  1914.  Flora  of  Norfolk.  London:  West, 
Newman  & Co. 

MOTT,  J.B.  & STEVENSON,  C.R.  2003.  Recent  bryophyte  records  (2000-2002),  four 
new  to  Norfolk.  Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.Soc.  36(1):  52-56. 

PETCH,  C.P.  & SWANN,  E.L.  1968.  The  Flora  of  Norfolk.  Norwich:  Jarrold  & Sons. 


Conocephalum  salebrosum  (Marchantiposida,  Conocephalaceae)  - a new  Holarctic 
liverwort  species.  Plant  Systematics  and  Evolution  253:  133-158. 

Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 
2007  40(1) 


Orthoptera  Report  2006 

David  Richmond 

42  Richmond  Rise,  Reepham,  Norfolk,  NR  10  4LS 

This  was  a remarkable  year  with  the  first  ever  December  record  for  an 
orthopteran  in  Norfolk  and  with  the  rediscovery  of  Bog  Bush-cricket  in  West 
Norfolk  after  a gap  of  over  50  years.  Roesel’s  Bush-cricket  and  Long-winged 
Conehead  continued  to  expand  their  range,  with  the  former  being  reported 
from  45  new  tetrads.  The  species  accounts  below  list  all  new  10km  square 

Oak  Bush-cricket  Meconema  thalassinum  (De  Geer) 

Records  from  Stanhoe  (TF83)  and  Hindringham  (TF93)  plug  a gap  in  the 
distribution  maps  in  the  north-west  of  the  county.  This  species  remains 
significantly  under-recorded  throughout  Norfolk  and  all  records  would  be 

Bog  Bush-cricket  Metrioptera  brachyptera  (L.) 

The  Marsham  Heath  colony  first  reported  last  year  has  proved  to  be  quite 
an  extensive  one  reaching  two  or  three  hundred  metres  into  the  adjoining 
tetrad  to  the  north  (TGI 624)  adding  to  the  cluster  of  sites  in  the  main  part 
of  the  species’  range  in  mid  Norfolk.  But  the  highlight  of  the  year  was  the 
discovery  of  this  species  in  the  Leziate  area,  where  it  was  heard  with  a bat 
detector  and  confirmed  by  visual  sighting.  This  is  the  first  record  for  this  part 
of  the  county  for  86  years  and  the  first  vice-county  record  for  over  50  years, 
the  last  being  at  Thomham  in  1952. 

Roesel’s  Bush-cricket  Metrioptera  roeselii  (Hagenbach) 

This  species  is  now  well  established  in  the  south-west  of  the  county.  In  a 
single  day  the  author  secured  eighteen  new  tetrad  records  between  Hockwold 
Fen  and  Downham  Market.  It  was  abundant  at  all  sites  so  must  have  been 
present  in  this  area  for  several  years.  Tom  Lowe  provided  two  valuable 
records  from  sea  banks  in  the  Terrington  area.  Other  new  1 0km  square  records 
included  four  tetrads  around  Pott  Row  and  five  tetrads  around  Castle  Acre. 
The  latter  included  a number  of  sites  that  the  author  had  been  monitoring 
for  several  years  in  anticipation  of  its  arrival,  so  its  presence  here  in  2006  is 
known  to  be  new.  It  is  likely  that  the  hot  weather  in  June  and  July  led  to  the 
development  of  large  numbers  of  the  fully-winged  form,  and  the  new  1 0km 
square  records  from  Cawston,  Buxton  Heath,  Horsford  and  Burnham  Overy 
probably  represent  dispersal  of  this  form. 


Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 

2007  40  (1) 

Long-winged  Conehead  Conocephalus  discolor  (Thunberg) 

This  was  recorded  from  seven  new  10km  squares  at  Hockwold  Fen,  Foulden 
(three  tetrads),  Dunham  / Castle  Acre  (five  tetrads),  Fakenham,  Mileham, 
Saxthorpe  and  Old  Catton.  It  has  now  been  recorded  from  twenty-two  10km 
squares  with  a wide  distribution  across  the  county. 

Short-winged  Conehead  Conocephalus  dorsalis  (Latreille) 

There  were  two  new  1 0km  square  records  from  Coxford  (TF82)  and  Syderstone 
Common  (TF83)  in  the  north-west  of  the  county,  plus  considerable  tetrad 
infilling  around  Denver,  Hockwold  Fen,  the  Wensum  catchment  at  Worthing 
and  Hoe,  and  the  Tud  valley  at  East  Tuddenham.  This  is  now  becoming  a 
very  difficult  species  to  census,  because  of  the  concurrent  expansion  of  Lesser 
Marsh  Grasshopper  Chorthippus  albomarginatus  (De  Geer)  which  has  a very 
similar  courtship  song  when  heard  through  a bat  detector.  Wherever  possible 
significant  new  records  have  been  backed  up  by  visual  sightings.  The  species 
is  expanding  nationally  and  has  now  been  reported  as  far  north  as  Grange- 
over-Sands  in  Cumbria. 

Lesser  Earwig  Labia  minor  (L.) 

Robert  Maidstone  reported  finding  “thousands”  in  a compost  bin  at  Long 
Stratton  in  early  December,  and  “hundreds”  in  another  bin  at  Sisland  (TM39) 
a new  10km  square.  This  species  needs  warm  microclimates  to  survive 
as  it  is  continuously  brooded  with  a life  span  of  about  80  days.  Anyone 
with  compost  bins  is  asked  to  check  for  this  species.  The  body  length  is 
4-6mm  with  forceps  up  to  1 .25mm,  but  beware  of  confusion  with  nymphs  of 
Common  Earwig  Forficula  auricularia  L.  early  in  the  season. 

Early  and  late  dates 

Hot  weather  in  June  and  July  led  to  the  early  maturing  of  some  species  with 
stridulating  Short-winged  Conehead  on  8 July  and  Long-winged  Conehead 
on  25  July  being  the  author’s  earliest  dates  for  these  species  in  Norfolk. 
Mild  weather  at  the  end  of  the  season  meant  Field  Grasshopper  Chorthippus 
brunneus  (Thunberg)  was  recorded  up  until  20  November  and  Dark  Bush- 
cricket  Pholidoptera  griseoaptera  (De  Geer)  to  24  November.  Speckled 
Bush-cricket  Leptophves  punctatissima  (Bose)  survived  at  Reepham  to  6 
December.  This  was  the  author ’s  first  ever  December  record  for  an  orthopteran 
and  a full  twelve  days  after  the  previous  latest  date  for  this  species. 

Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 
2007  40  (1) 


Plant  Notes  2006 

Gillian  Beckett 

Bramley  Cottage,  Stanhoe,  King’s  Lynn,  Norfolk  PE31  8QF 

Bob  Ellis 

1 1 Havelock  Road,  Norwich  NR2  3HQ 

To  botanists  it  was  a strange  year,  the  spring  was  late,  then  summer  arrived  all 
in  a rush  and  with  high  temperatures  and  little  rain,  plants  had  no  sooner  come 
through  than  they  were  withering  in  the  sun  (as  were  many  of  the  botanists)! 
This  made  the  recording  of  small  ephemerals  very  difficult  and  may  account 
for  their  poor  showing  in  the  lists  of  finds  though  Clustered  Clover  Trifolium 
glomeratum  was  surprisingly  abundant  in  its  one  West  Norfolk  site. 

A number  of  meetings  was  held  on  the  coast  to  cover  all  the  areas  where 
Rock  Sea-lavender  Limonium  binervosum  had  been  found  and  it  proved  to 
be  doing  well,  especially  on  the  sandy  edge  of  the  saltmarshes.  Quadrats 
were  set  up  and  populations  of  the  sea-lavender  and  associated  species  were 
estimated.  The  somewhat  less  pleasurable  work  of  analysing  all  the  records 
is  under  way  and,  all  being  well,  will  be  appearing  separately  in  due  course. 
Two  other  coastal  meetings  were  particularly  productive:  Yarmouth  North 
Denes  in  early  May  and  Overstrand  cliffs  in  late  June.  The  former  turned  up 
such  spring  delights  as  Sea  Mouse-ear  Cerastium  diffusum\  Musk  Stork’s- 
bill  Erodium  moschatum;  Bulbous  Meadow-grass  Poa  bulbosa;  Shepherd’s 
Cress  Teesdalia  nudicaulis  and  Suffocated  Clover  Trifolium  suffocatum. 
The  latter  rewarded  us  with  a range  of  marsh-orchids;  Marsh  Helleborine 
Epipactis  palustris;  a great  abundance  of  Kidney  Vetch  An  thy  l /is  vulneraria ; 
the  delicate  Silver  Hair-grass  Air  a caryophyllea  and,  most  excitingly,  the 
rediscovery  of  Purple  Broomrape  Orobanche  purpurea. 

One  of  the  tasks  facing  the  botanical  recorders  is  getting  as  many  of  our 
records  computerised  as  possible.  This  is  a very  time-consuming  task,  but  it 
is  surprisingly  satisfying  to  be  able  to  produce  a map  which  shows  the  way 
that  plant  distribution  can  change  - or  does  it  just  record  plants  which  were 
formerly  missed?  Even  if  that  is  so,  it  does  show  that  we  are  still  exploring 
new  areas  and  finding  new  records.  Please  do  send  in  your  plant  records  so 
we  can  keep  things  really  up  to  date. 

Finds  of  interest  in  2006  included: 

Aristolochia  clematitis,  Birthwort.  Carrow  Abbey,  R.W.  Ellis,  28th  September 
2006.  The  annual  Biodiversity  Conference  was  held  at  the  Abbey 


Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 

2007  40(1) 

conference  centre,  which  provided  a good  opportunity  to  see  that  this 
species  was  still  thriving  at  a site  where  it  was  first  recorded  in  1793. 

Barbarea  verna , American  Winter-cress.  Caister-on-Sea,  Flora  Group,  6th 
May  2006. 

Brassica  juncea , Chinese  Mustard.  Felthorpe,  L.  Hall,  20th  July  2006. 

Bromus  commutatus  var.  pubens,  Meadow  Brome.  Snettisham,  K.  & G. 
Beckett,  conf.  A.  Copping,  23rd  May  2006.  The  variety  pubens  was  found 
here  by  Eric  Swann  in  1954,  a naming  which  was  then  confirmed  by  T.G. 
Tutin.  However,  some  doubts  have  been  raised  as  to  whether  this  should 
be  treated  as  a distinct  taxon. 

Carlina  vulgaris , Carline  Thistle.  Overstrand,  Flora  Group,  27th  June  2006 
and  Cley,  R.W.  Ellis  & M.  Ghullam  (previously  reported  by  C.  Dunster). 
Although  this  is  not  especially  uncommon  in  West  Norfolk,  it  is  rare  in 
the  east  and  only  one  site  (Alderford  Common)  was  reported  in  A Flora 
of  Norfolk  ( 1 999). 

Dactylorhiza  incarnata  subsp.  coccinea,  Early  Marsh-orchid  (dark  red 
form).  Burnham  Overy,  A.  & S.  Harrap,  July  2006  - a new  locality.  This 
subspecies  was  also  seen  in  great  abundance  at  Overstrand  cliffs  when  the 
Flora  Group  visited  in  late  June. 

Eleocharis  quinqueflora,  Few-flowered  Spike-rush.  Southrepps  Common, 
R.W.  Ellis  & M.  Ghullam,  28th  June  2006  and  Smallburgh  Fen,  R.M. 
Leaney,  28th  June  2006. 

Filago  lutescens , Red-tipped  Cudweed.  Santon,  N.  Gibbons,  det.  R Wilson 
- a new  colony. 

Filipendula  vulgaris , Dropwort.  Crostwight  churchyard,  A.L.  Bull,  J.W. 
Negal  & F.M.  Schumann,  30th  September  2006  - an  unusual  site  for  this 
species  and  the  first  East  Norfolk  record  since  Petch  & Swann’s  1968 

Hydrocotyle  ranunculoides , Floating  Pennywort.  Rockland,  D.A.  Nobbs,  4th 
June  2006  and  Coltishall,  R.M.  Leaney,  30th  August  2006  - this  is  a very 
invasive  non-native  aquatic  plant. 

Ophrys  apifera  var.  chlorantha,  Bee  Orchid  (white  form).  Loddon,  S.R. 
Martin,  16th  June  2006 

Orobanche  purpurea , Purple  Broomrape.  Overstrand,  Flora  Group,  27th 
June  2006  - the  first  record  from  this  location  since  1978. 

Potentilla  anglica,  Trailing  Tormentil.  Beetley,  S.  Plant,  8th  June  2006. 

Potentilla  x mixta,  Hybrid  Cinquefoil.  Beetley,  S.  Plant,  8th  June  2006. 

Rosa  x pseudorusticana , a hybrid  rose  ( R . arvensis  x stylosa).  Sustead,  R.M. 
Leaney,  det.  R.  Maskew,  17th  August  2006. 

Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 
2007  40(1) 


Salicornia  pusilla  x ramosissima.  Morston,  C.  Dunster,  conf.  I.K.  Ferguson, 
9 Sept,  2006. 

Salix  x smithiana , a hybrid  willow  (S.  cinerea  x viminalis).  Felthorpe,  L. 
Hall,  det.  R.D.  Meikle 

Veronica  x iackschewitzii , (K  cmagallis-aquatica  x catenata),  Hybrid  Water- 
speedwell.  Blickling,  R.W.  Ellis  & M.  Ghullam,  27th  August  2006. 

Southern  Migrant  Hawker  Aeshna  affinis  (Latreille)  : 
a new  species  for  Norfolk 

David  Weaver 

9 Sewell  Road,  Norwich  NR3  4BP 

Robert  Lee 

63  Mill  Road,  Cromer  NR27  OAD 

2006  was  an  exceptional  year  for  the  appearance  of  several  migratory 
odonata  following  the  fine  weather  through  June  and  July.  During  a very 
hot  afternoon  on  21st  July  we  met  by  chance  at  Roy  don  Common,  sharing  a 
similar  interest  in  photographing  insects,  with  Black  Darter  Sympetrum  danae 
a particular  species  in  mind.  We  finally  reached  some  small  pools  on  the  edge 
of  Grimston  Warren  where  we  soon  found  much  activity,  despite  the  fact  that 
they  were  rapidly  drying  out.  This  included  several  S.  danae , a few  Ruddy 
Darter  S.  sanguineum , a Four-spotted  Chaser  Libellula  quadrimaculata , and 
a male  Emperor  Anax  imperator  amongst  other  species. 

After  about  half  an  hour  or  so,  our  attention  was  drawn  to  an  unusually 
bright  blue  hawker  dragonfly,  patrolling  erratically  to  and  fro  on  the 
opposite  side  of  the  pool,  no  more  than  about  10  metres  away.  Both  of 
us  quickly  realised  that  we  had  seen  nothing  quite  like  it  before,  and 
luckily  we  were  able  to  watch  it  through  binoculars  for  about  two  or  three 
minutes,  enough  to  observe  the  salient  features.  After  several  skirmishes 
it  was  finally  chased  off  by  the  aggressive  and  much  larger  Emperor. 

It  was  strikingly  similar  in  abdominal  colour  to  the  Emperor  but  resembled  in 
size  and  general  behaviour  a male  Migrant  Hawker  Aeshna  mixta.  The  entire 
head  and  body  gave  the  impression  of  being  generally  pale  blue  at  a distance, 
and  in  particular  we  noticed  that  the  eyes  were  a pale  blue  as  the  insect  flew 


Trans.  Norfolk  Norwich  Nat.  Soc. 

2007  40  (1) 

towards  us  - a striking  feature.  We  also  noted  many  large,  paired  blue  spots 
on  the  abdomen  and  the  plain,  pale  greenish  sides  to  the  thorax  lacking  the 
strong  double  stripes  shown  by  A.  mixta. 

Between  skirmishes  with  the  Emperor,  it  patrolled  rapidly  at  about  waist 
height  around  the  rushy  margin  of  the  pool,  briefly  hovering  at  least  twice 
and  occasionally  flying  out  towards  us  over  the  pool.  Unfortunately  it  was  not 
seen  to  settle.  Checking  a field  guide  on  return  to  our  cars  instantly  confirmed 
our  identification  - unmistakably  a male  A.  affinis. 

This  sighting  appears  to  have  coincided  with  the  arrival  of  other  migratory 
insects  including  the  first  of  a large  influx  of  Yellow-winged  Darters  S. 
flaveollum  elsewhere  in  the  county  at  that  time.  The  record  has  been  accepted 
by  the  Odonata  Records  Committee  and  was  one  of  at  least  four  sightings 
between  mid  July  and  mid  August  2006  (Parr,  2007).  These  comprise  the  first 
confirmed  records  of  this  species  since  the  only  previous  accepted  British 
record  in  Kent  in  1952  and  a published  ‘probable’  in  Avon  in  1993.  Similarly 
most  of  the  2006  records  were  from  the  southern  counties. 

On  the  continent  A.  affinis  usually  emerges  earlier  than  A.  mixta , flying  from 
late  May  or  June  to  the  end  of  August  (Askew,  1988),  and  is  known  to  be 
as  strongly  migratory  as  the  latter  species.  Therefore  it  is  likely  to  appear  in 
a variety  of  habitats  similar  to  A.  mixta,  but  is  noted  as  preferring  standing 
waterbodies  that  dry  up  over  the  course  of  the  summer,  often  overgrown  with 
low  rushes,  bulrushes  or  reeds  (Dijkstra  & Lewington,  2006). 

In  common  with  several  other  species  such  as  Lesser  Emperor  Anax 
parthenope,  this  essentially  Mediterranean  species  has  been  extending  its 
range  north,  with  increasing  frequency  of  records  on  the  near  continent.  There 
were  some  50  individuals  reported  in  The  Netherlands  in  2006  (A.  Parr,  pers. 
com.).  As  these  species  are  clearly  responding  to  changes  in  the  climate,  it 
is  likely  that  A.  affinis  could  occur  with  increasing  frequency  in  the  next 
few  years  and  may  even  attempt  to  colonise.  Any  bright  ‘migrant  hawker’ 
appearing  during  midsummer  may  therefore  be  worthy  of  a closer  look! 


ASKEW,  R.R.  1988.  The  Dragonflies  of  Europe.  Harley  Books,  Colchester. 

DIJKSTRA,  K-D.B.  & LEWINGTON,  R.  2006.  Field  Guide  to  the  Dragonflies  of 
Britain  and  Europe.  British  Wildlife  Publishing. 

PARR,  A.J.  2007.  Migrant  dragonflies  in  2006.  Atropos  30:  26-35. 

Trans.  Norfolk  Nonvich  Nat.  Soc. 
2007  40  (1) 



The  County’s  senior  natural  history  society  has  as  a principal  aim  the  investigation 
and  recording  of  Norfolk’s  wildlife  and  to  this  end  it  publishes: 

• An  annual  volume  of  Transactions,  consisting  of  papers  and  notes  on  wildlife 
in  the  county. 

• The  Norfolk  Bird  and  Mammal  Report  which  contains  systematic  lists  of 
observations  on  the  county’s  birds  and  mammals,  as  well  as  relevant 

• The  Norfolk  Natterjack,  a quarterly  illustrated  newsletter. 

All  of  these  publications  are  free  to  members,  as  are  Occasional  Publications  on 
specific  topics. 

The  Society  also  arranges  lectures  and  field  meetings  which  are  planned  to  appeal 
to  anyone  interested  in  natural  history.  More  specialist  groups  cover  many  aspects 
of  the  county’s  flora  and  fauna. 

The  subscription  rate  is  £1 2 per  year,  which  includes  all  members  of  a family  living  at 
the  same  address.  Group  affiliation  is  available  at  £15  per  year. 

Membership  enquiries  should  be  made  to:  Mrs  Dilys  Jones,  3 Honor  Close,  Norwich 
NR2  2LY 

All  other  enquiries  should  be  directed  to  the  Secretary,  Dr  Rosemary  Carpenter:  33 
Low  Street,  Wicklewood,  Wymondham,  Norfolk  NR18  9QG 


Authors  are  requested  to  obtain  a copy  of  Instructions  for  Authors  from  the  Editor 
before  submitting  papers,  which  should  be  with  the  editor  by  February  1st  of  the  year 
of  publication.  Wherever  possible  manuscripts  should  be  accompanied  with  the  text 
on  computer  disk. 

The  Editor  will  be  pleased  to  discuss  proposals  for  papers  from  anyone  and  will  help 
novice  authors  with  the  production  of  material. 

Editor:  Mr  Peter  Lambley,  The  Cottage,  Elsing  Road,  Lyng,  Norfolk  NR9  5RR 


Heaths,  woods  and  hedges:  some  historical  perspectives  on 

Norfolk’s  ‘natural’  landscapes.  Presidential  Address 

Tom  Williamson 


An  annotated  list  of  plants  of  Blakeney  Point,  Norfolk,  with 

John  Pearson,  Kenneth 

selected  distribution  maps 

Taylor,  Janet  Woodall  & 

David  Havill 


Whorl  Snails  of  the  Genus  Vertigo  in  Norfolk 

Roy  Baker,  Geraldine 
Holyoak  & Derek 

Fenland  drainage  and  the  effects  on  the  spider  fauna:  a 



case  study  at  East  Ruston  Common,  Norfolk 

The  changing  status  of  Lepidoptera  in  Norfolk  and  its 

Eric  Duffey 


possible  causes 

Swanton  Novers  Wood  NNR,  Norfolk,  and  its  Coleoptera: 

C.D.  Jones 


Supplement  No.1 

Bryan  Sage 


Oxborough  Hythe.  Research  Committee  project 

Alec  Bull 


Recent  bryological  discoveries  in  Norfolk 


Robin  Stevenson 


Orthoptera  Report  2006 

David  Richmond 


Plant  Notes  2006 

Gillian  Beckett  & 

Bob  Ellis 


Southern  Migrant  Hawker  Aeshna  affinis  (Latreille):  a new 

David  Weaver  & 

species  for  Norfolk 

Robert  Lee 


Cover:  Yellow  Horned-poppy  Glaucium  flavum  on  Blakeney  Point. 

Photo:  Simon  Harrap 

£5.00  to  non-members 

Printed  by  Barnwell’s  ofAylsham