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AND aT yh &@¢. ao 


— Ropal Society of Victoria. 


Edited under the Authority of the Council of the Society. 



ISSUED i1hth MARCH, 1878. 



To whom all communications for transmission to the Royal Society of Victoria 
from all parts of Europe should be sent, 



THE publication of Volume XIII. has been unavoidably 
delayed so long mainly with the idea of printing two 
years’ transactions in one volume. It has, however, been 
thought better to issue each year’s transactions separately. 
Volume XIV. will be ready in a month or two, and in 
future each year’s transactions will be prepared for issue. 

at the following Annual Meeting. 

Hopal Society of Victoria. 
Ese 7) @ 

| parron. 

R. L. J. ELLERY, Esa., F.R.S. 

GEORGE FOORD, Esq,, F.C.S. | E. J. WHITE, Esq., F R.A.S8. 

How, Grersurer. 

Hon. Secretary. 

F. J. PIRANI, Ese., M.A. 

Bon. Librarian. 
J. E, NEILD, Esq., M.D. 

A. C. ALLAN, Ese. S. W. M‘GOWAN, Esa. 
H. M. ANDREW, Ese., M.A. H. K. RUSDEN, Ese. 
W. C. KERNOT, Ese., M.A. JAMES T. RUDALL, Esq, F.B.C.S. 
E, HOWITT, Ese. G. H. F. ULRICH, Ese, F.G.S. 

ie aa 


Roval Society of Victoria. 



Che President, 

Mr. R. L. J. Every, F.R.A.S., Government Astronomer. 

(Delivered to the Members of the Royal Society, at their Annual 
- Conversazione, held on Thursday, 10th August, 1876.) 

RoyYAL SOcrgTY, 

The 12th Rule of our Society, relating to the time at 
which the Presidential Address shall be delivered, has of 
late years been more honoured in the breach than in the 
observance ; every year it has gota little later—this year 
later than ever, and the usual phrase—‘We meet to 
Inaugurate our session,’ has become inappropriate. I 
must confess, however, that this bad habit has come into 
fashion since I have had the honour of being your President ; 
the remedy, therefore, is obvious. We meet this evening to 
commemorate the entry of the Society into its 19th session 
by a social gathering of our members and their friends, as 
has been our custom for several years past, and the only 
really formal business of the evening provided for by our 
rules—the delivery of address—now devolves on me as your 
President. , 

In doing this I wish to be as brief as possible. Since I 
had last the honour of addressing you, about two years ago, 

xi President's Address 

you have done me the honour of twice re-electing me your 
President ; and now, perhaps, is a fitting occasion to assure 
you how highly I appreciate the confidence you thus place 
in me. I have sometimes felt I should like to be relieved 
of the responsibility and anxiety of the position, and make 
room for a better man; but as each year has come around I 
have found myself nominated and re-elected without pro- 
testing against the honours you heap upon my head. I 
need scarcely tell you, gentlemen, that I take the greatest 
interest in the welfare of this Society, and I shall always be 
ready, as long as I have good health, to do my best for its 
good and advancement, whatever position | may hold in its 

You will be eA to learn that the financial position of 
our Society is now better that it has been for some years. 
Our revenue proper is not much larger than heretofore, but 
the resumption of the small annual grant from the Govern- 
ment has enabled your Council to carry on the printing and 
other work of the Society in a satisfactory manner without 
getting into debi. We have now on our rolis 122 members, 
and I am glad to see among our junior members gentlemen 
who have been educated in the colony, who, from their 
acquirements and scientific training, | have reason t0 hope 
will become most useful acquisitions to the Society. 

It has been usual for the President to refer in his address 
to the papers and other matters which have occupied our 
meetings held since the preceding conversazione ; but, as 
the Transactions are now published and issued soon after 
each meeting, I think it will be unnecessary to refer to them 
on this occasion; suffice it to say that there have been six 
meetings held since our annual gathering last year, at which 
ten papers and other communications were contributed, 
which, in most cases, led to interesting and instructive ; 
discussions. While on this subject I may mention that I 

for the year 1876. xi 

found during my late holiday in Europe that Scientific 
Societies there are subject to the same phenomenon as we, 
unfortunately, sometimes witness—namely, paucity of attend- 
ance at some of the ordinary meetings. There, as here, 
unless the business of the meetings is unusually interesting 
and sensational, a few only of the more earnest members 
attend; and I have been present at several meetings of 
some of the highest and oldest societies in London where the 
attendance has been no better than it is in this hall. Small 
attendances must not, however, be taken asany sign of the want 
of vitality, for the real functions of this and similar societies 
are but exhibited in the encouragement and inducement they 
afford to investigation and experiment, and in the resulting 
permanent knowledge embodied in their transactions. The 
small attendance at some of our ordinary meetings, when 
the business has been of less immediate interest, has induced 
the Council to arrange that some of them should be of a less 
formal and more of a conversational character, at which 
exhibits of new apparatus, intelligence of scientific or other 
progress, accounts of experiments or observations, not 
necessarily original, had been received and discussed ; and 
this plan, so far as has heen tried, has been found ee 

‘I believe the functions of this Society might possibly be 
extended with advantage in the direction of brief special 
lectures for the demonstration of new or interesting facts in 
physical or other science. Such a course has already been 
thought of, and | believe is well worthy of putting into 

The books in the library have now been thoroughly 
arranged and classified, and the binding of the periodicals 
has been commenced, and will be proceeded with from time 
to time. As regards our publications, I may state that 

Volume XI. has been published and issued, and that all 
B 2 

Xiv President's Address 

the earlier papers contributed during cur present session 
are printed and distributed, and the rest in the printer's 
hands. | 

The building and grounds of the Society are in a much 
better condition than has been the case for some years past, 
The repairs to the fencing, and the growth of the trees, with 
the periodical attention given to the ground generally, have | 
much improved the aspect of affairs. The interior of the 
building is in a good state of repair, but the appearance of 
the exterior is exceedingly unsightly. The necessity of 
getting it stuccoed has been constantly under the notice of 
the Council, but hitherto the state of the finances has not 
been such as to warrant it in making the necessary expendi- 
ture, more especially as they had the assurance of the 
architect that the building would not suffer for want of 
stuccoing for some time to come. The Council are of 
opinion, however, that if for no other reason than appear- 
ance sake, it is highly desirable to get this work done as 
soon as the funds will admit. 

Leaving the more domestic affairs of the Society, I wish 
now to call your attention to some of the noteworthy facts 
connected with the past year’s history of scientific progress. 

In Astronomy there appears little of more than passing 
interest to arrest our attention; it almost seems as if a lull 
had fallen on this department of science after the unusual 
activity caused by the transit of Venus in December, 1874. 
This is apparent only, for nearly all the national observa- 
tories have been busily engaged, each in its own particular 
direction. This is true also as regards our own observatory, 
for while I have nothing sensational to refer to, our principal 
work—determination of the positions of stars, and the 
revision of Sir John Herschel’s nebulz with the great tele- 
scope—has gone on without intermission. Our great tele- 
scope has new rivals vying with it in probing the great 


for the year 1876.. XV 

depths of the universe. At the Paris observatory a large 
Newtonian reflector (almost of exactly similar dimensions to 
our Cassegrainian) has been lately completed, and is now at 
work ; at Washington the great refractor of 26 inches aperture 
and 31 feet focal length is actively employed, and in some 
trials on nebular observation has proved itself no insig- 

nificant rival to the large apertures of our and the other 

three large reflectors; and further, the maker of the Mel- 
bourne telescope is now engaged in the construction of 
another enormous refractor for the Vienna Observatory, 
which is to be 27 inches aperture and about 33 feet focal 
length. Now that it is likely there will be more busy eyes 
and large telescopes occupied on the fainter celestial objects, 
to the observation of which our reflector has been principally 
devoted, it becomes all the more necessary that what has 
already been accomplished here should become known. At 
present very little of the results of the work of the great 
telescope has been published. I am now, however, in hopes 
that this will soon be done, as a method of doing it has been 
decided upon, and the only cause of delay now is the want 
of means. ‘This, I have no reasonable doubt, will shortly be 
forthcoming, when a good account will be given of how this 
magnificent instrument has been employed since its erection. 
The final results of the observations of the transit of Venus 
have not yet been obtained; the laborious calculations 
involved will probably delay it for some time longer. It is 
believed, however, from approximate results already arrived 
at, that the sun’s distance, from these observations, will be 

found to be somewhere between the distance obtained by 

the transit of Venus in 1769 (corrected by Stone), and the 
distance obtained by the parallax of Mars in 1862; that is, 
somewhere between 91,580,000 and 91,240,000 miles. The 
number of the planetoids (the small planets which occupy 
the gap between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter) already 
discovered is 161. Most of these bodies are so minute that 

XVI President's Address 

their detection among the myriads of small stars is a matter 
of considerable difficulty, even to accomplished observers ; 
but, nevertheless, a systematie search for new members of 
this group with telescopes of adequate power, appears to be 
always rewarded by discovery. The “Lunar tables,” as 
they are called, are a series of numbers representing the 
position, distance, &c., of the moon from day to day or hour 
to hour calculated for some years in advance, and are of the 
utmost importance in practical astronomy, navigation, and 
determination of geographical position generally. It is, 
however, a remarkable fact that all tables hitherto computed 
become erroneous after the lapse of years, so that the places 
given no longer represent the moon’s actual position, and this 
- would seem at first sight all the more remarkable because her 
position is and has been continually observed by nearly all 
the principal national observatories. But the complexity 
of influences to which she is subjected in her motion through 
space, coupled with the fact that her mass is probably phy- 
sically unsymmetrical, makes it an extremely difficult pro- 
blem to form a theory, taking all these disturbing influences 
into account, so that tables founded on it shall give the 
moon's precise position at very distant dates. The tables in 
the American. Nautical Almanac of Professor Pierce seem 
however, to be the best yet computed. The veteran Astro- 
nomer Royal of England, Sir George Airy, who is now in 
his seventy-sixth year, has lately undertaken to work out a 
new lunar theory to replace those which experience has 
shown to be insufficient. He reports that his task is well 
advanced towards completion, and I am sure all scientific 
men at least will wish him health and vigour to complete 
this great self-imposed task for the good of the whole civi- 
lised world. 

In Physical Science also there is nothing of more than 
ordinary interest to refer to. Mr. Crookes’ investigations on — 
the action of light and heat on bodies in vacuo have been 

for the year 1876. XVii 

interesting in the highest degree, and although the supposi- 
tion that the remarkable phenomena exhibited indicated the 
existence of a new force, which was at first entertained by 
some, has not been sustained by further investigation and 
experiment, his researches in this direction have, at least, 
‘opened up a new and interesting, if not useful field, in phy- 
sical science. Concerning this, Mr. Foord will probably have 
a few words to say in the course of the evening, more especi- 
ally in reference to a very interesting little apparatus known 
as Crookes’ radiometer. Some little sensation has been 
excited lately by the supposed discovery of a new force, 
allied to electricity, and called etheric force. Some peculiar 
phenomena, observed with respect to induced electric cur- 
rents, have been the origin of this supposition. There can 
be no doubt, however, that they are simply induction phe- 
nomena, perhaps not hitherto thoroughly investigated, 
although certainly known, but which with the present ten- 
dency to discover new forces have been precipitately put in 
that category. 

Although the science of Chemistry svealeas steadily from 
year to year, it is not quite always that discoveries of popular 
interest are included among its newer acquisitions; the 
newly-discovered metal “gallium” is, however, sufficiently 
remarkable to demand a brief notice on this occasion. For- 
merly, the processes of humid analysis, including electrolysis, 
were the only means available for the discovery of new 
elementary substances ; of late years the much more deli- 
cate and searching method of spectrum analysis has enabled 
us to discover—first, rubidium,and cesiwm, then thalliwm, 
_ afterwards indiwm, and now by its means galliwm has 
been recognised, and has since been separated. All these 
are elements ; they are all metals, each possessing definite 
chemical and other properties. Gallium was discovered in 
August, 1875, by M. Lecog Boisbanbrau while examining 

XVili President's Address 

with the spectroscope a blende (a sulphide of zinc) from a 
mine in the Pyrenees. He observed new and hitherto 
unrecognised lines in the spectrum, which have enabled him | 
to pursue, and eventually to separate, and obtain specimens 
of, the new metal. The chemical and physical properties of 
this new substance are in some measure ascertained now. 
__ that the metal has become tangible; but the delicacy of the 
means by which this has been brought about may be — 
estimated from the statement that the earliest experiment 
in which the nature of the spectrum of this new metal was 
established was made on a quantity something less than the 
15,000th part of a grain, dissolved in a very small drop of 
liquid. The melting point of pure gallium is stated to be 
so low as to warrant our regarding it as being with mer- 
cury, in the category of metals, fluid at ordinary atmospheric 
temperatures ; nor are its already ascertained chemical rela- 
tions less interesting. It has been shown that elementary 
bodies may be arranged, according to their combining equi- 
valents, into groups of three, or “triads,” in which the 
combining equivalent of the middle element is the numerical 
mean of the two others, but in more than one of these groups 
the middle term is wanting. From what has been ascer- 
tained concerning gallium, it appears highly probable that it 
will be found to fill one of these gaps—that, namely, between 
aluminium and indium ; and it has been moreover suggested 
that a wanting element with a combining equivalent, the 
mean of these of silicon and tin, should be sought in the 
field of natural combinations respectively of arsenic and 
titanium. These foreshadowings of the existence of elements 
new to science of definite characters and positions in the 
great chemical scheme suggest a comparison with discoveries 
in another domain of human knowledge—with those, namely, 
which predicted and led to the discovery of the plane 


Ok i 

for the year 1876. X1x 

Some very interesting discussions on the efficacy of 
the intravenous injection of ammonia in cases of bites 
by Australian snakes have recently taken place at the 
Medical Society of Victoria, and perhaps there is no 
other subject that has cropped up in medical and surgical 
science during the past year which will have more 
interest for Australians than this. It, cannot be said. that 
the result of these discussions, or of the experiments which 
led to them, is altogether satisfactory, although there can be 
no doubt that in the evidence.adduced, and the exchange of 
Opinion, the knowledge of the whole question has been con- 

' siderably advanced. When Professor Halford proved that a 

powerful agent like ammonia could, under certain conditions, 
be passed directly into the circulating blood, and so carried 
mechanically to the heart, and probably the nervous centres, 
without ‘much danger, and that its effect in his hands ap- 
peared to be that animals apparently dying, from snake bites 
especially, were rapidly re-vitalised as it were, it naturally 
occurred to him as an appropriate remedy to try on the 
snake-poisoned human subject. This, as you know, was 
done, and the patient recovered ; many other cases of a more 
or less similar nature occurred, where recovery from what at 
the time seemed a hopeless condition was apparently brought 
about by the injection of ammonia; and the opinion of a 
large number of intelligent medical men was in favour of 
the adoption of this treatment for such cases. Other equally 
intelligent medical men had doubts of the efficacy of this 
remedy, and eventually a committee of the Medical Society 
was appointed to carry out a series of experiments to test 
the value of ammonia injection in snake poison. Their 

report was so utterly adverse to the ordinarily received 

opinion, that a very animated and interesting discussion took 
place at several meetings of the Society, but the balance of 
opinion was still in favour of ammonia injection as a remedy 

—— SS ——— —————— ee SEE eEos3EY—e=—=eEeee ee 

XxX President's Address 

under certain conditions, and I have no doubt it will still be 
resorted to in nearly every case of snake bite where the life 
seems in imminent danger. The question naturally sug- 
gests itself in every case that survives after the treat- 
ment by ammonia, “Would death have occurred without 
it?” This, of course, cannot be proved; but the same may 
be said of all remedies used in medicine or surgery. There 
can be no doubt, from what transpired at these discussions, 
that in many cases treated with ammonia the patient was 
poisoned with alcohol; but who shall say whether the snake 
or alcohol poison was killing? and if ammonia will save 
from both, so much the better. However important the 
intravenous injection of ammonia may be considered in the 
treatment of snake poison, I think its value as a therapeutic 
agent in other cases of endangered human life, as shown by 
some of the collateral evidence given in the discussions 
referred to, gives broader significance to the whole question 
than was apparently involved in the late experiments and 
controversy; and it is to be hoped that both Professor 
Halford and other of our medical men will extend their 
investigations and experiments, not only with the view to 
obtain a more precise idea of the modus operandi of this 
and other agents introduced directly into the circulation, but 
also with the view of thoroughly testing the value of this 
method of applying remedies in urgent cases. The com- 
paratively modern method of endermic injection has become 
an inestimable blessing to suffering humanity, and enables 
the physician and surgeon to confidently use remedies which, 
administered in the ordinary way to enter the system by 
digestion, often only afforded relief at the expense of after- 
exhaustion of vital powers. If, therefore, further investiga-— 
tion should prove that the intravenous injection of remedies 
can be as safely and as advantageously used in some cases 
as the hypodermic injection is in others, it will constitute 

for the year 1876. Sor 

one of the most important steps in medical science achieved 
in modern times. 

Tn connexion with this subject there is a matter which is 
exciting some considerable attention in England justnow—I 
refer to the movement against vivisection. It is,of course, well 
known that experiments on living animals are frequently 
made by physiologists and others with the view of extending 
our knowledge of the vital functions of anatomy, and the 
action of chemical and other substances, in all cases ostensibly 
for the benefit of the human race. Of late years, however, 
a popular belief has grown up among a certain class in 
England that vivisection and torture of animals was 
practised to a very large extent in that country without 
adequate reason, and by persons not influenced by the 
highest motives, and very strenuous efforts were made to 
put a stop to such practices. The general public, however, 
are now convinced that this belief was erroneous in a great 
measure, and the statements as to the prevalence of the 
practice exaggerated ; for while well-known and eminent 
physiologists did resort to vivisection in prosecuting their 
investigations, it was nearly always with that regard for the 
suffering or life of God’s creatures which must necessarily 
influence all truly scientific men. The amount of vivisection 
practised was very small, and cases of wanton cruelty or 
needless experiment were found to be exceedingly few. 
While repudiating any sympathy with that indiscriminate 
sentimentality which characterised the more violent part of 

_ this movement, I am of opinion that some legislation on the 
matter is highly desirable to protect the earnest investigator 

on the one hand from the undue interference of sentimental 
busybodies, and to prevent an unnecessary resort to vivi- 
section or experiment on animals, or carelessness or cruelty 

in the practice of it when necessary on the other. There 

has been a Royal Commission, which has inquired into the 

XXli President's Addvess 

subject, and Lord Carnarvon has introduced a bill into the 
British Parliament, which, I think, will be hailed by all 
right thinking men as a just and righteous provision. The 
provisions of the bill are categorically given in Nature, and 
are as follow :—“1. Experiments must be performed with a 
view only to the advancement, by new discovery, of know- 
ledge which will be useful for saving or prolonging human 
life, or alleviating human suffering ; 2, In a registered place; 
3, By a person holding a licence from one of .Her Majesty’s 
principal Secretaries of State; 4, The animal must, during 
the whole experiment, be under the complete influence of 
some anesthetic, not urari; and 5, Must be killed before 
it recovers from the influence of the anzesthetic; 6, The 
experiment shall not be performed for demonstrational pur- 
poses; 7, Nor for the purpose of attaining manual skili.” © 
In former addresses I have on several occasions alluded to 
the subject of Meteorology somewhat at length, and have, I 
trust, kept you au courant with the most important points 
' in connexion with the advancement of this: branch of 
knowledge. To us in Australia the value of a better 
knowledge of the laws that govern the weather can scarcely 
be overrated, as our prosperity depends so largely on the 
amount and period of rainfall. Not that it is possible, by 
any amount of knowledge, to largely modify our climate ; 
it may become, nevertheless, possible, by systematic investi- 
gation, to foresee the approach of great disturbances of the 
atmosphere, or even critical seasons, and to be forewarned is 
to be forearmed. Ido not think we have data extended 
over sufficient period or area in Australia to enable any one 
to safely make any deductions yet. I believe, however, that 
with the data we already possess, aided by a system of 
observations over as much of the coast-line as possible, 
combined with others at representative localities in the 
interior, and especially in those parts under the influence of 

for the year 1876. XXiil 

the monsoons, we should be able to ascertain some of the 
more general laws which govern the weather in Australia, 
and which will go a long way to help towards the chief 
desideratum—obtaining a forewarning of storms, and even 
critical periods and seasons. ‘To this end I have lately 
invited the co-operation of the directors of Australian 
observatories in establishing a uniform system of inter- 
colonial weather telegraphy, which I hope will be in full 
operation before our next conversazione. In America a most 
complete system has been in operation for some years, which 
I described to you on a former occasion. This system has 
been most successful, and it is stated that 80 per cent. of 
the predictions—which are published nearly every day—for 
the several districts over which the observations extend, 
turn out to be correct. These predictions, however, only 
refer to the weather from day to day, and not to any 
lengthened period; but even with this limitation it becomes 
of immense practical value, and no doubt commensurate 
with the very large national expenditure which is devoted 
to it. 

A movement has lately been, made in England which 
promises to be of the utmost importance not only simply as 
regards science, but also in an educational aspect. I refer to 
the loan collection of scientific apparatus which has been 
collected at the museums at Kensington, the public exhibition 
of which was privately opened by the Queen on May 13th. 
The proposition for this collection originated in England, where 
it was made to the Lords of the Committee of the Council on 
Education, was approved, and assumed a definite shape 
through the efforts of a committee including over 130 names 
of the most distinguished men of science. Although the dis- 
play is in London, the movement is essentially international. 
Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, 
Russia, Austria and Hungary, Spain, and United States, 

XXIV President's Address 

have undertaken to contribute, and have opened their 
museums and scientific storehouses in order that the collec- 
tion shall be as complete as possible. Whatever intellectual 
pursuit is aided by instrumental means will be duly repre- 
sented in this collection ; and there will be brought together 
not only the instruments of research used at the present 
time, but many invaluable specimens of the tools with which 
the early pioneers of human knowledge first began-to ques- 
tion Nature. The Astrolabe of Tycho Brahe, the telescope 
of Galileo, will be seen together with the magnificent 
astronomical instruments of the present day, prominent 
among which are models of the great Melbourne reflector 
and the gigantic Vienna refractor of 27 inchesaperture. The 
various sections are so arranged that in many cases the 
history of the progress in the respective sciences is more 
plainly shown than could be done by a written book ; while 
throughout can be contrasted specimens of the earliest 
apparatus used in any branch of science with the refined 
appliances of the present day—Newton’s simple optical 
apparatus with the exquisite prisms and spectroscopes of to- 
day ; Dalton’s crude balance with the magnificent weighing- 
machines of the present time, with the unimpeachable weights 
of pure quartz. It would occupy too much time to speak 
of this subject with any justice to its importance. The 
value, however, of this movement cannot be over-estimated, 
although—as science as yet unfortunately only interests the 
few—it may not be so universally appreciated as we could 
hope. The Times, in an article on the opening of this 
exhibition, says :—“ The exhibition which Her Majesty the 
Queen privately visits and opens to-day 1s one of which not 
only England, but Europe, may he justly proud. Pride, 
however, is not the only sentiment we English should feel ; 
for at last, if even only for a brief space, we have, under the 
name of a loan collection of scientific apparatus, a Science 

Pees ae 

for the year 1876. XXV 

Museum as complete as those in which we have already 
enshrined our art and literature. For at least six months 
therefore we shall not only be as rich in this respect as 
France, Germany, Italy, Holland, and Switzerland, but far 
richer, since those nations, with an enthusiasm and goodwill 
which command our universal gratitude, have spoiled their 
ancient treasure-houses, their laboratories, and private col- - 
lections, in order that science may be worthily represented 
among us now that our Government has consented to pro- 
vide a home, however temporary, for her.” 

In conclusion, J would return for a few moments to the 
immediate affairs of our Society. 

I have already referred to the smallness of attendance at 
some of our ordinary meetings, and to certain propositions 
for the improvement of the working of the Society. I 
would, however, exhort our scientific and literary members, 
and more especially our younger ones, to renewed activity. 
It cannot be supposed in a small community like ours that 
enough scientific workers in original investigations can be 
found to keep this Society in active operation with entirely 
new matter; but if our legitimate functions be fully exer- 
cised I can see no reason why we should not have busy 
sessions and full meetings. The fields of investigation are 
only too numerous; the further we advance in knowledge 
the wider they become ; the more science contributes to the 
welfare, convenience, or luxury of the community, the more 
is demanded of it. So our young scientists have no lack of 
scope for their inquiries. 

It should be clearly understood that accounts and results 

of experiments, the discovery or improvement of mechanical 
appliances, suggestions of new modes of investigation or 

observation,simple observations in natural history, astronomy, 
chemistry, physiology, medicine, or surgery, besides matters 
pertaining to the advancement of literature and art, all ° 
come within the proper province of this Society. 

XXvi President's Address for the yewr 1876. 

There is surely, then, enough to do. I have often found 
that most interesting and valuable information has been 
withheld because of a fear that it was of too trivial a nature, 
not original, or not sufficiently scientific. It is easier to 
make mistakes in this direction than in the opposite, for as 
a rule the Council will always exercise its discretion for the 
exclusion of contributions manifestly unworthy the attention 
of the members. If we each do our best for the advancement 
of knowledge we shall all do something, and J am sure the 
result will redound to the credit of this Society, as well as 
of the country we now belong to, 

Art. I—On Practical Geodesy. 

[Read 11th May, 1876.] 

THE method of investigation employed in this paper is of 
a purely elementary character, and in this respect it differs 
from that usually adcpted by the most distinguished 
geometers who have written on the subject. The method 
introduced by Legendre, Delambre, and Puissant, and which 
has been followed by Airy and others, is characterised 
chiefly by the subsidiary use of the higher calculus and 
interminable series. 

The elementary method here pursued leads to simpler 
and more comprehensive formulz, and at the same time 
affords a clearer insight into the various relations between 
latitudes, azimuths, differences of longitude, length and 
circular measure of geodesic arc, angles of depression of the 
chord, &c. Its power of improving and extending the 
science in one of its most useful directions can be judged 
of from the numerous new results arrived at, and a com- 
parison between them and those hitherto evolved by means 
of the higher calculus. 

The errors which have been shewn to exist in some of 
the investigations and formule given in the “account” 
of the principal triangulation of Great Britain and Ireland, 
will no doubt attract the attention of Engineers and 
Surveyors engaged on trigonometrical surveys in India 
and elsewhere. 

Let P, be the pole of reference of the spheroidal earth ; 
“3 e. be the centre of the earth ; 
S,, S,.. be any two stations on the earth’s surface ; 
“ wh ra be the points in which the normals at the 
respective stations 8,, S.,, cut the earth’s polar axis. 
The planes §,Z Ss 8. 4, are “the normal-chordal 
planes.” And any ‘plane whatever which contains the: chord 

2 On Practical Geodesy. 

of the geodesic arc §,S,, shall be referred to as a chordal 

The polar and equatorial radii of the earth being 20855233, 
and 20926348 feet, it is easy to show that for arcs on its 
surface not more than 528000 feet or 100 miles in length, 
we may consider the traces of the two normal-chordal 
planes as equals in length and circular measure to that of 
the “true geodesic” or shortest arc between the stations. 

Conceive two unit spheres described, having S.,, S,,, as 
centres. Let C,S, 1 P, be the points in which the sphere 
S, is pierced by the productions of the lines C.S,, Z,S.,8,S., 
through the centre S.,and by the line §.P parallel to and in. 
the same direction as the polar axis C_P.. 

Let C,,S,, 1, P,, be the points in which the sphere 8,, is 

“) MW ME W? 

pierced by the productions of the lines CS,,, Z,.S,,, by the 
chord §,8,, taken in the direction 8,.S,, and by the line 
S,.£, parallel to and in the same direction as the polar 
radius C,P.. 

Then evidently the points P, C,S,, are in the trace, on the 
unit sphere S., of the earth’s meridian plane through S,; and 
P,C,,8,, are in the trace, on the unit sphere 58.,, of the 
earth’s meridian plane through the station §,,. 

The arc PI is equal to the arc PI, each of them being 
the measure of the angle which the chord joining the sta- 
tions makes with the earth’s polar axis. 

The angle PS I is the azimuth of the station S, as 
observed at the station S,,; and the angle PSI is the sup- 
plement of the azimuth of the station 8,, as observed at 
the station S. The ares PS, PS, are the geographic 
colatitudes of the stations S.S8,.,—such as can be measured 
directly by means of the Zenith Sector. 

The arcs PC, PC, are the geocentric colatitudes of the 

Now conceive the unit sphere S,, moved by direct trans- 
lation along the chord, carrying its lines and points rigidly 
fixed, until its centre coincides with the centre 8, of the unit 
sphere 8.. It is evident that the points 1, P_, will coincide 
witb I, P, and that the points I, C, C,, lie in one great circle 
of the sphere 8... It is also evident that the points P,S,,C., 
lie in one great circle of the unit sphere S,, and that the 
spherical angle SPS, or CPC, is equivalent to the difference 
of longitude of the stations §,S,.. 

Let p, p,, be the points in which the lines PS,, P'S.,,., 
parallel to the polar axis, pierce the earth’s equator. Then 

— On Practical Geodesy. 3 

it is evident that the plane angle p,C,p, is equivalent to the 
difference of longitude of the stations, 

It is also evident that the plane angles C,pp,, C.p,p, are 
equals respectively to the spherical angle S PI, and the sup- 
plement of the spherical angle S PI. 3 

Let D, D,, be the points in which the great circles IS , 
IS, cut the great circles PSC, PSC, respectively. It is 
evident the arc SS, is the measure of the angle which the 
normals make with each other. 

The arc SD, is the measure of the plane angle S,Z,S,, ; 
the arc 8 Dis the measure of the plane angle 8,,Z,,S,; the 
ares SC, 8,C,, are the measures of “the angles of the 
vertical” at the stations $,S,.; the spherical angle SIS, is 
equal to the angle between the two normal-chordal planes. 

And if O, E, E,, be the points in which the great circle 
of the unit sphere having I as pole cuts the ares SS, SD, 
SD, respectively ; it is evident that the arcs SE, SE, are 
the measures of the angles of depression of the geodesic 
chord S.8,, below the tangent planes to the spheroidal 
earth at the respective stations S.S,,; and they are the 
complements of the angles which the normals make with 
the chord. 

The spherical angles SSD, SSD, are equivalents to the 
angles which any plane parallel to the two normals makes 
with the two normal-chordal planes. 

And the spherical angles 8 DD, S,D/D, are equivalents 
to the angles which any plane parallel to the two lines 
S.Z.., S..4,, makes with the normal-chordal planes. 

The interpretation of the other points, lines, angles, and 
planes of the figure can present no difficulty, and no further 
elucidation is necessary here; but in order to avoid miscon- 
ceptions, it should be remembered that all through this 
paper (when two stations only are considered) we will 
consider the latitude of the station S, greater or not less 
than the latitude of the station S,.,—as indicated in the 


, 4, denote the latitudes of the stations S,, 8,,, respectively. 

ae a colatitudes, or the arcs PS,, PS 

i, 1” _ arcs PD, PD,,. 

eA.) azimuths or angles PS,D,, PSD. 

Aes L,; angles PS|S,, PS_S,, of the triangle 8,PS,,. 
Pe Dy 5, oe PDS) Sb Dy Se 
oe - arcs §,D,, 8,,D,. 

4 99 


+ On Practical Geodesy. 
a,, a, denote the angles of depression of the chord, or arcs 8,E,, 

; 8,4, 
D0), ¥, the small ares $,D,, 8,,D,,. 
DO ia. (angled SSD vans, D, 

5 pe a anaes normals SZ, S. sooo, terminating in polar 
Q); Q, 79 lines eZine Si Aids. 
Rt angles IPS, and supplement of IPS, 
8, k ss lengths of geodesic are and chord respectively. 
v denotes the arc 8S,,, or the angle between the normals. 
> § circular measure of the geodesic are s. 
0 4, arc PI, or angle between the chord and polar 
A oF angle S,IS,, between the normal-chordal planes. 
a » length of the earth’s equatorial radius. 
b 3 » polar radius. 
é “ earth’s eccentricity. 

1. Values of geodetic constants, in. accordance with the 
dimensions of the earth as finally adopted by the Ordnance 
Department of Great Britain and Ireland. 

a = 20926348 feet log. a = 7°3206934433 

b = 20855233 feet log. b = 7°3192150463 
-¢ = *0823719976978 log. ¢ = 2-9157795987 
= 0067851460047 log. & = 38315591974 

(1—e) = -9932148539953 —log. (I—e’) = 19970432059 

LRN Salli ett te 
(<—)= 1-0068314987210 log. (=a) = 0 0029567941 | 

©) = 0068314987230 log. (2) = 38345159915 

The geodetic tables above referred to give also the 
logs. to 8 places of decimals of the normals terminating in | 
the polar axis for all latitudes from the equator to the pole. 
The well-known formula by means of which any of these 
normals is expressed in terms of the latitude to which it 
pertains is— 

a J1—é sin? Z : 
2. The following relations are evident from the figure— 
Cp ln, Cos.) Cp, = Ry cost, () 
S,p,=R, i—e’) sin 1, ; S,.P,=R, (l—e’) sin l, (2) 
"Z,=RB, é sin , ; C.2;,=3) é sin 1, (3) 
Q? —(C,p,)? +-(8,0, +0, foo) = R?, — oR e” sin” i; +F (4) 
Q?,=(C.p,) + (8.2, +0.Z i R?, bow oR, e sin’ l, ie ( ) 


On Practical Geodesy. 5 

in which F is the same function of the latitudes in the 
equation (4) and (5). 
S.p, — 8..p,,=(R, sin 7, — BR, sin J,,) . (1—e’) (6) 
4, — C,Z,,=(R, sin % — R, sin l,,). ¢ (7) 
SP, aad Sy ee ALi as (1—é) : é 
3. From the expressions for the magnitudes of Q,, Q,,, we 
R? + Q? = 2°R? (1 — e’ sin4l,) + F = 2a + F; 
B+ Q2 = 2B2(1 —esin”,) + F = 2a? + F 
And therefore it is obvious that we have the relation— 
R? + Q? = BR,’ + Q,? (9) 
Hence it follows that if N be the middle point of the 
segment Z,Z,, of the polar axis intercepted by the normals, 
“we oo 
NS, = NS,, (73) 
And fin this it is obvious that the stations S., S,., are in 
the surface of a sphere whose centre is N, and that we have 

| WE Q, (11) 

(See formulz 81 -A and 81:B in the sequel.) 
4. If in each of the triangles Z,Z,,8,, Z,Z,,8,,, we 

1°) oo~o? 

express the base Z,Z,, in terms of the other two sides and 
the included angle, it is evident from (9) that— 

Ky 1) cos 0,1 bu,” Ge cos or Ord Dy 
SRCOS One. vine ke, , 
RCOa IO, a Ee a Gy 
ag Sa Q. wy Ate aN OL (13) 

absolutely; but im all ordinary cases they are equals to at 
least 10 places of decimals in their logarithms. 

5. It is evident that the plane through the middle point 
N, of the segment Z,Z,,, perpendicular to the geodesic chord 
SNe must bisect this chord or pass through its middle 
point M. And therefore, since the portions NZ,, NZ,,, of 
Z,Z,., which lie on opposite sides of this plane are equals, it 
follows that the planes through Z,, Z,,, perpendicular to the 
geodesic chord 8,8,,, cut it in points T,, T,,, equidistant 
from its middle point M. Hence— 

sina, = cos TS A. — 5,8. 


sina, = cbs), 8,4 8, T.; 

6 On Practical Geodesy: 

js By (4) 

And since we suppose /, greater than J,, we know that R, 
is greater than R,; and hence we learn that the angle of 
depression a, adjacent to the station having the lesser 
latitude is greater than the angle of depression a, adjacent 
to the station having the greater latitude. 

6. We have, evidently— | 

oral ae m2 tee 
oe ra Seles 
or, which is the same— 
tan a tan a, | 
ae (15) 
tan (z,— a,) tan (2, — a, 

Now it is evident that each side of this equation is greater 
than unity; and .. when 2, and z, are each less than a 
quadrant, we have— 
a, 7 4, —a, 
QT ey aa, (15) 
7. If the latitudes l,, l,, of any two stations (on the same 
side of the earth’s equator) be of constant magnitudes, then, 
no matter how otherwise the stations may vary in position, 
it is evident that the points Z,, Z,,, in which the normals 
cut the polar axis, remain fixed. It is also evident that as 
regards the magnitudes of L’, L”, 6, 6,, they too are con- 
stants, and the same as if the stations were on one meridian. 
Hence it is obvious that when / is greater than l,, or, which 

“is the same—when /” is greater than J’, we know that the 

first and third of the following are true— 
tl" a LY” 
PSY fall bg (17) 
A Diag 
The truth of the second of these relations is easily seen. 
For drawing perpendiculars 8,H,, S,,H,., from the stations 
to the polar axis, it is evident we have— 
tan hg = = aah 3 bas a (Zeiss ae ZL.) 
tan L’' = 8H, + (4.0. + Bae 

and therefore since S,,H,, 7S.,H., and that Z,.Z,2 H,.H., 

tan L” 7 tan L’ 


On Practical Geodesy. ; 7 

Hence also (since each of the four arcs is less than 90°) we 
am /’ 7 sin BE’ 
sin L” 7 sin L’ (a 8) 
sin L’ 7 sin I’ 
8. From the spherical triangles D,PS,, D,PS,, we have— 
sin L’ sin D, = sin 1” sin A, 

sin L” sin D, = sin/’ sin A, 
sin D 7 sn A 
: / = “i (a o) 
sin A, 7 sin D, 

And since each of the angles (D, + A,), (A, + D,), is less 
than 180°, it follows that— 

D, 7 A,,, and that A, is acute ( 
A 7 D,, and that D, is acute 2 20) 

9. We shall now establish the eillegine important rela- 
tions between the azimuths and angles D,, D,— 

/ rf Ae, (2 1) 

First, from the triangles SPD, S$,PD,, we have— 

sin z, sin ae = sin L” sin w 
sin z, sin A, = sin L’ sinw 

But from (14), (15), and (16), it is evident that— 
i Fg (22) 
And therefore, since sin L” is greater than sin L’ we have— 


sin z,sin A, 7 sin z, sin A,, 

Now, since A, + A,, is less than 180°, and that angle A,, is 
acute (see 20), therefore it follows that— 

BO ites tae = 

In order to shew that the first and third of the relations 
(21) are true, we may proceed thus— 

_ Applying formula 4, page 158, of Serret’s Trigonometry 
to the spherical triangle S,IS,, and putting « to represent the 
spherical excess of this triangle, we have— 

sin 4 (a, — a.,) 
(ETC Nias cerns ar al tan} A (23) 
cos 4 (a, + a,) 

8 On Practical Geodesy. 

And, since @—a, is ‘negative, it follows A is less than e; 
Hence also— 
angle _ ISS, + angle IS,S, 7 180° 
angle SSD, 7 angle 8,S_D,,. 
or, a, 7 Q, (24) 
We have also— 
0, A.M tee ee 2 + PSS, Fe a) 
& A, eA 7h Ga Eds (25) 
Now the triangle SID, is evidently such that— 
angle ISD, + angle IDS, z 180° 

but, _ angle PDS, + angle IDS, = 180° 
we angle PD|S,, 7 angle IS_D, 
or, DD. 7a 

And the triangle §,,ID,, is evidently such that— 
angle ISD, + angle IDS, 7 180 


but, angle PD,S , + angle ID,S,, = 180 

wre angle —IS,D,, 7 angle PD,S, 
or, A Te 

sin a, i) 
sina,» Hay : 

sina, —sina, . R,—R, 

sina, + sina, R,+R, 

tan 3 (a, —a@,) _ R,—Rk, fon). 

tand(a,+a,) R,+R, 

tank (a, —a,) = RoR in (27) 

10. From equation (14) or, 

From this equation it is evident that when the latitudes are 
of constant magnitudes, then the greater the circular 
measure = of the intervening geodesic are is, the greater 
will be the difference of the angles of depression of the 
chord. But although a —a, increases or decreases according 
as = increases or decreases, ‘it is nevertheless evident, from 
(14), that both a, and a, increase or decrease as a, + @, or 
S increases or decreases. 

Moreover, it is evident that when the latitudes are con- 

cosa, . ; 
———‘ increases as = increases (28) 
COS a., 
tan a : 

‘ decreases as & increases (29) 
tan a, 

However, it is proper to observe that even for a geodesic 

On Practical Geodesy. 9 

are on the earth’s spheroidal surface whose circular measure 
is as great as 1°, 30’, and the latitudes of whose extremities 
differ by as much as 1°, we may, with due respect to the 
utmost attainable precision in geodetic surveying in Vic- 
toria, assume— 

Gas o,f 
oa ey 
For by means of (27) it can be easily shown that even in 
this extreme case a, — a, is less than a sixth part of a 

second, and that the logarithms of cos a, and cos a, will be 
the same to 8 places of decimals, and differ in the ninth 
place by less than 4. Hence also, in the actual practice of 
trigonometrical surveying, we may, for some purposes, 

ay, A tam at) sin a, ee R, a) 
a, tan a, sin a, BR, 
a = / die = 32 
yolk, okt, SPCR, (=) 

their logs. being the same to at least 8 places of decimals. 
Formule 27 and 32 will be found very useful in the com- 
putation of the angles of depression of the chord of the 
geodesic arc; but, when worked by means of logarithms, 
a best way is to find, in the first instance, an angle x such 

Se as ee (33) 

and then equations (27) and (32) can be written in the 

tan } (a, —a,) = tan (« — 45°): tan 3 > (34) 
a, —a, = tan (« — 45°) - 3” (35) 
And since the angle z — 45° can never be more than a few 
seconds in magnitude we have, in lieu of 35— 
; a, —a, = &” * (« — 45°) sin 1” (36) 
Moreover, it is evident, that in actual practice, we infer— 
from (31) and (15)—that— 

= -—/___ approximately (37) 
2, — a, 4, — a, 
and .°. Baye" Oy... SEUN Coe ea ber (ia) 
=) tia ee ee 38 
hay) ey () SEN, R, 

shewing that the auxiliary angle « of (33) has its tangent 
equal to the ratio of the angles of depression of the chord, 
and also equal to the ratio of the ares z, and z,. 


10 On Practical Geodesy. 

11. Again, from the triangle S,IS,,, we have, rigorously— 

sinQ, _ cosa, . eS 

sn Q,, cosa, 
Hence it follows that for any pair of mutually visible 

stations, such as occur in trigonometrical surveying, we may 
assume— , 

i ] 1 . 

sin 0, ‘ 

tan Q, their logarithms being the 

Bang int i: same to at least 8 places - (40) 
ped of decimals. 

GOS OF a. 

CO ee 

(See formule (30) and remarks as to its approximate accuracy.) 

12. From what has been already shewn or observed, it is 

E Q,—2, =e—A é (41) 
and .., we have from (23)— 
_ sin $ (a, —a,) , 
tan 4 (Q, —Q,) = oe rs tani A (42) 
sin 4 (a, — a,) 
OQ (oars oO = 2 a ‘doe 
al / cos L > A (43) 

and, since a, — a, is but a fraction of a second, even when 
= is as much as 1°, 30’; and that a can be but a few 
seconds in all cases that occur; it is easy to prove that, in 
the actual practice of trigonometrical surveying, the angle 
Q,, — Q, will never exceed the +5355 part of a second. And 
from this and equations (40) it follows that we can regard 

Q, aa Q, a Oo ; 
In the account of the trigonometrical survey of Great 
Britain and Ireland, the magnitude of Q,,— Q, is shewn to 

be always less than +5355 part of a second; but it is not 
shewn that the ratio of the sines or tangents of the angles 
Q,,,Q,, may be regarded as equal to unity for all pairs of 
mutually visible stations: yet this is necessary, as, in some 
instances, 2,, and Q, are extremely small ares. 

13. And if we put =, and #, to represent the small 
spherical angles §,D,D,, S,D,D,, it is evident that, in like 
manner, we have— 

_ | ik (DE, De 
™ ~~ eos + (DE, + D,E,) 
and it can be easily shewn that the difference of the angles 
H, and @, is as extremely small as the difference of the 

A (4 4) 

oat 7] 

ame Ld 

On Practical Geodesy. 11 

angles 0, and ©, and that they too can be regarded as 
equal to each other. Moreover, the points D,OD, are on 
one great circle. 
14, Now, since for all pairs of mutually visible stations 

on the earth’s spheroidal surface, we have— 

A, == Ja dh cae Ae ah Ne 
and that we can express the angle w in terms of the angles 
A, + A,, and the sides l’, l’, of the triangle 8, PS,; there- 
fore by substituting, in such expression, A, + A,, for its 
equivalent, we have— 

cos $ (/” —/’) 

Lee = coke 
tan 4 w cos F(T) cot $ (A, + A,) 
t a — cos 4 (lL, —1,) , t 2 A A i 
an dw SH ee at 2 4 1,) cot $ (A, + A,,) 

This formulz is known as Dalby’s Theorem, for the history 
of which see the “Account of the Principal Triangulation of 
Great Britain and Ireland,” page 236. 

15. By applying Delambre’s analogies to the same spheri- 
cal triangle 8, PS, we find in like manner— 


mea AY oS Sere on ta 
sin }(A, + A,) = SEE2 cos — 2) (ws) 
| - 4 
cos 3 (A, + A,) = 2° cos 3 (2" +l’) (47) 
and .°. ? 
4 (l’ —l) 
tan i (A A 2 cess (= TY | - 
a 4 ( 1 == A) cos 4 (2” 8) cot 5 w (as) 
if u 7 
coud (A, 4 ep Oe © sre) itn 2 

cos 4 (/” — 1’) 
KS" From (48) it is evident that when the latitudes of 
the stations are of constant magnitudes, then the greater the 
difference of longitude w is, the less will the sum of the two 
azimuths be. 

The stations being supposed on the same side of the 
earth’s equator, the sum of the azimuths A, + A, is always 
less than 180°; and it is customary to call the defect or 

. 180° — (A, + A,,) 
the “convergence” of the meridians as respects the stations. 
Putting C to denote this convergence, it is evident from 48 
that we have— 

ind Gt). tan J 
t 1g — sme, “ + Ai 
rea Gg an Byers 2:9 

12 On Practical Geodesy. 

And should the latitudes of the stations be equal, then 
putting / for the common value, we have the rigorous 
formula , 
tan} C = sin/:tan do 
or, since the tangents of small angles are proportional to the 
numbers of seconds in the angles, we have, approximately— 
C” = sin ¢ 4) 

in which C” and w” represent the seconds in the “conver- 
gence” of meridians, and in the difference of the longitude 
of the stations. 

16. And applying Todhunter’s formula pertaining to 
spherical excess (see page 72, formula 3, of his trigonometry) 
to the same spherical triangle, we at once obtain the useful 

Lar (a 1p — _. cos 3 (A, + A, — o) 
cot 4 - cot $l’ = soc-d (ke oe - 
LY -tanhy — — 82(A, + A, + 2») 
tan $l’ - tan $1 cos F(t Bs 
It is evident that instead of 4 Ul’ and 4 1”, we may write 
(45° — £1) and (45° — 41) in formule (49). 

17. From the spherical triangles SPI, 8, PI, we have— 

sin A, cosa, . 

sin A, cos a, 

Sin ig) =a ae sir gd; = ae 
sin A, | “sin “@,; ces a, 
sin A, sin ¢, COS a, 
But from the plane triangle p,C,p,, we have— 
sind, ‘R,, cos L, 
sin ¢, R, cos 7, 
. also the rigorous formula— 
sin A, . Ri, cos 7, , cos a; 
sin A,  R, cost, cos a, ee) 
And since for any pair of mutually visible stations, such as 
eres , 2 COS a. 
occur in trigonometrical surveying, we may assume noe ae =p 
“, we have— 
sin A, B,,,cos i, 
sin A; > yt, eos; (52) 
sin. A,  cos#, 1] 1 eee 
sin A, cos J, 1 —é sin’ 1, (s2) 
sin’? A, (1 — ee’) tan? + 1 
sin? A, (1 — €) tan?Z, $1 Lee} 

(true to at least 8 decimals places in their logs.) 

On Practical Geodesy. 13 

KZ From either of these we at once perceive that, with 
respect to mutually visible stations, the ratio of the sines of 
the azimuths will remain sensibly constant when the lati- 
tudes of the stations are of constant magnitudes, no matter 
how the difference of longitude or the intervening geodesic 
are may vary in magnitude. 

18. If we find an angle o such that— 

R,,, cos ,, 
tan o = R, cos J, (54) 
then from 51, we derive— 
an 2 (A, TS A.) = tan (c — 45°) (s 5) 

tan 3 (A, + A,) 
.. tan} (A, —A,) = tan} (A, + A,,) * tan (o — 45°) (s6) 
4 (1,— l,, . O\ . 

tan} (A,—A,) = a 1 = = m tan (o — 45°) « cot dw (s7) 

Kes From this equation it is evident that when the 

latitudes are constants, then the greater w is, the less will 

the difference of the azimuths be. We already know that, 

in such case, the less also will be the sum of the azimuths, 
and .*. the less will each of the azimuths be. 

19. It is evident that A, — A,, = A,—A, +20 

and ... 
1 pe oy el 
tan $4 (A, — A,) + a} aay DAIRY ee. Nee) 
and from this and (57) it is evident that when the latitudes 
of the stations are constants in magnitude, we have 
tan {4 (A, ae A,) + 2 
tan 4 (A, — A,) 
And since the greater the difference of longitude of the 

stations is, the less A, — A, must be; .-. the greater w is, the 
less will © be. 

20. From the spherical triangle 8,PS,,, we have 
sin (A,,—Q) _ sinl’ 
sin (A, + Q) sin 7’ 
sin A, sin 7” — sin A, sin 7’ 
cos A, sin 2” + cos A, sin 1’ (9) 
KZ” In such cases as occur in trigonometrical surveying 
the angle © will range from zero toa limiting value of about 
10’,, 00". In the case of the worked-out example in the 
sequel, the value of © is 7’,, 22” nearly. 
21. From the spherical triangles S$ PI, §,,PI, we have— 
sin ? sin @, = sin A, cosa, 
sin 6 sin ¢, = sin A, cos a, 

= constant, 

os tan QO = 

1 an On Practical Geodesy. 

Multiplying both sides of these equations by the chord k, 
and remembering that the projection £, of the chord on the 
plane of the equator is equal to & sin 0, we have— 

k:sin A, cosa, = k,' sin d, 

e sin A cos a, hse, 
But from the plane triangle p,C,p,, we know that 

R,cosl,sinw RB, cosl, sinw 


Opa sin ¢, ne sin ¢,, 
“. we have— 
&-sin A, cosa, = R, cos 1, sin w 3) 
&.sin A, cosa, = R, cosl, sinw Bie 

And, since & = 2s: sin} = + 3° sin 1”, we have— 
2s-sin A, sin 4 3° cosa : 
=: a qe “= R, cos /, sin wo (61) 

2s ‘sin A, sin 4 &- cosa, } 
= R, cos / sin w 

= * sin 1” 
And since for any pair of mutually visible stations cos a, = 
cos a, = cos 4 &, 
s°sin A, ‘sin 3 : 
Sain 1” = R,, cos J, sin Goa) 

s°sin A, sin 5 

2h snl)” 
When the geodesic are s is such that its circular measure 5 
is not more than 1°, we immediately deduce the relations— 

= R, cos /, sin w © 

s‘sin A, 
R,,, °°. cos ¢),.*sin, 1” 
aa s sit AL 

R* cos (7 sin. 1” 

KS” In Chambers’ “ Practical Mathematics,” and in the 
article on “Geodesy” in Spon’s Dictionary of Engineering, 
the formulze (63) are given in an erroneous form which must 
inevitably lead to incompatible results when applied in 
trigonometrical surveying. The erroneous formule given 
there and elsewhere are— 

ae s‘sin A, ep s‘sin A, 
Ry ‘cos 7) Vain 1) RE Peasy, em” 


(See note 6 to problem 10 given in the sequel.) 
22. From 50 or 60 we have— 

COS a, R,, cos Z,, sin A, ic ) 
— ; 4 
COS @.,, R, cos /, sin A, 

On Practical Geodesy. 15 

But (14) sin a, Ey R,, (3 
sin a, R, 
tana, __cos 7, sin,A, 
tan a., ~~ GOs i, sin A,, (0) 

From these we can easily express the squares of the sines, 
cosines, and tangents of the angles of depression of the 
chord in terms of the two latitudes and two azimuths; but 
it is obvious that such expressions must assume the inde- 
finite form 9 when the latitudes are equal, or R, = R,,. 
And from (64) and (27), we have— 

R,+R, R,, cos J, sin A, — soca Pe 

eae (.12,) = (7+ et) (F _cos Z, sin aa R, cos Z, sin A, 

P(g, os, ye oe | (Be cos /,, sin A,— R, cos Z, esate 
# R,+8, R,, cos 4, ante OR, cos /, sin A, 

The expression for tan } & or tan 3 (a, $ a), given in (67), 
is of a like character. It assumes the indefinite form 2 when 
R, = R,,; which is the case on a spheroid when the latitudes 
of the stations are equal, and always the case on a sphere, no 
matter how the stations may be situated with respect to 
each other. 

23. From the es DS JI, D,S,I, we have— 

COS a, _ sn D, . 
cos (z,, — a., sin A, Ga 
COS a.,, A sm D7 
cos (z,—a,) snA,, 
f cos J, sin w 
gif i) == SS 
sin 2, ai 
: cos 2 sin w 
Si Dy) eee 
sin 2, 

And from these we at once obtain the relations— 
sin A, COs a, 

COW ga ee tee 
cos /, sin w COS a, mn 

sin A, cos a, 
Ube, = eS Si, 
cos J, sin w COS a, 
If in these we substitute the valned of sin w from (60) we 


eat k* cos a, 
i Tis Da ey Ce ae 
R, ai k sin Qa, (12) 
k + cosa, 
tan z,, = 

R, —k°: sina, 

16 On Practical Geodesy. 

From the triangles 8,8,,Z., S,,8,Z,.) we have— 

(eo) oo o3 lowe) [e) foxey] 

; k + cos (2, —a 
sin 2, = k * cos (z, — a,) 



: k + cos (zg, —a 
sin 2, = k * cos (2, — 4) 


And for stations which do not differ in latitude by more than 
1°, we know that cos (2 — a), cos (2, — a,), and cos } 3, 
are the same to 8 places of decimals in their logarithms ; 
.. for such stations we have the closely approximate for- 

° Mt 
sin 2 k* cos 5 & 
re (3) 
: 1 
sin 2’ = i ee 

But in order to find z, and z, in the actual practice of 
trigonometrical surveying (the latitudes of the two stations 
being such as do not differ by more than 1°) we have the 
well-known simple formulee— 
oy iB ele 
| SHEDS, Egaaa ant 

aaieh enable us to find z, and z, to within zo'55 part of a 
second of rigorous accuracy. This can be easily seen from 
the following— 

We have the rigorously true equation— 

R, °.Q,* e080, = By, pcos, 
in which (as is shewn in the sequel) 6 and 6, are always 
each less than 16 seconds, and differ from each other by less 
than 0:2”; and as we know that under such circumstances 
the logs. of cos 6, and cos 6, will be the same to 10 places of 
decimals, ... we can assume— 
R, 3 Q, aie R, d Q,, 
But R? + Q? = R77 + Q,7 absolutely, 
. Bis = Q, nearly 
= Q, nearly 
Hence if I, L,, be put 2 absbonsnit the bases of the isosceles 
triangles having the angles z, z,, as vertical angles, and 
sides equal to R,, R,, respectively, we have— 
I? = R?+ BR? — 2 BR? cosz, 

R? aE Q,/ a R, : Q,, COS 2, 




On Practical Geodesy. 17 

z s 
and ..., obviously, we have 2, 

4 RR, : sin 1” 
And, I? = R77 + R,?— 2 RB? >: cosz, 
= kh, + QO? —2 B20, * cos z, 
= ie 
R I 1 have.2,,.= Laat 
, obviously, we have Faia? 

Nevertlieless it is evident that the perpendicular let fall 
from the station 8, on the line §..Z,, lies inside the triangle 
S ZS. and that the perpendicular let fall from S,, on the 

O77 OOO? 

line 8.Z,, lies inside the triangle 8,Z,.8..; and . _ that | a 
and also AD: 7k; and that, with respect to absolute accuracy, 
we have— 
s Z s 
* 7 Risin 1”? Sah pee sen Te 

However, the values of z, and z, as given by (75) are such 
that for a distance of a degree along the meridian they 
cannot differ from the absolutely true values by as much as 
+5 of an inch of error in the length of s would cause. (See 
“Account of,” &¢., page 247.) 

KZ It is no easy matter to guard against inferring that 
p-sin 1” or (a, — a,). But 

that z, can be greater than a, + a, may be easily seen in 
the following manner :— 

It has been already shewn that in all cases in which / is 
greater than 1, we must have D_ greater than A. Now if 
we suppose the point §, fixed on ‘the spheroidal earth (and 

also fixed on the unit sphere), and that the point S, 
(which has S, as corresponding point on the unit sphere) 
assumes at first a position such that /, = 2, and then moves 
continuously along the meridian in which it is situated, 
making / less and less until the angle A, becomes = 90°, 
then of course D, from being equal to A, at the commence- 
ment must have increased continuously until at length it 
exceeded 90°. And it is evident that at one state of the 
implicated entities, the angle D, was 90°, and A, less than 
90°, and .. that in such state sin A, was less than sin D. 
But if we were to assume that z, should be always less than 
a, + a, or never greater than a, + a, then ID should be 
always greater than IS, and .. sin A, always greater than 
sin D,, which we know to be absurd. 


z, can never be greater than 

18 On Practical Geodesy. 

R= Moreover, it is evident that by putting V to repre- 
sent the particular value of the angle A, when unequal to D_ 
but such that sin A, = sin D, (in which case A, is acute and 
D, obtuse) it is evident that— 

whenever A, 7 V, then will z, 2 a, + a, or & 
whenever A, 2 V, then will 2, 7 a, + a, or S 

Hence :—If 8., be any fixed point within any convex closed 
curve on the earth’s spheroidal surface, and Z,, the pot in 
which the normal to the surface at S,, cuts the polar axis: 
then there are 4 real points 8, on this curve, and 4 only, 
such that the angle 8,,Z,,8, subtended at Z,, is equal to 
the sum of the angles a, a, of depression of the chord 8,8, 
below the tangent planes at S,,,S,. Viz—The two points 
in which the curve is cut by the plane X through 8,, which 
is perpendicular to the polar axis; and the two points lying 
on the same side of X, and such that the azimuth of 8, taken 
at S., 1s acute, and the azimuth of S,, taken at S, is also 
acute but greater than the other, and approaching very 
nearly to 90° owing to the earth’s small ellipticity. 

24. From the triangles 8 PD, 5,PD 

sin z, sin A, 

we have— 


sia 1) : 
sin w 
sin L” = S22, sin A, 
sin w 
cos L’ = cos z, cos /” + sin z,, sin 2” cos A, ce) 
. . ly] 
cos L” = cos z, cos l’ 4+ sin z, sin J’ cos A, ; 
NG ON Ee cot A,, sin w + cos l” cos w 
sin (” 
epee a 70nk A, sin w + cos 7’ cos w 

sin /’ 

And since L’ and L’” are the circular measures of the angles 
between the lines 8,Z,., 8,,.Z,, and the polar axis, we have 

evidently— Blea 
/ 2. R,, sin l,, 2 \ 
ct T= er 2 (1 eee 
R, cos J, 
iis: (79) 
ges , 31 6, ERLE 
cot L ae Recon + (1 e”) tan 1, 
25. By letting fall perpendiculars from Z,, Z,, on the 

On Practical Geodesy. 19 
normals R,, R,, we easily find the following expressions for 
§, and 8,— . 

ois ee e (R, sin 7, — R,, sin J,,) cos 1, 
‘BRB, — @ (RB, sin 1, — BR, sin U,) sin 1, ee 
ig, ie e (R, sin 7, — R,, sin J,) cos 1, 
"RR, + 2 (RB, sin 1, — R, sin 1,) sin 1, 

And from the plane triangles whose bases are Z,Z,,, and ver- 

Oo 00? 

tices S,, S,,, we have— 
ae e’ (R, cos J’ — R,, cos 2”) sin L’ 
i (s1) 
a ned ée (R, cos J’ — R,, cos 1”) sin L” 
x a Means Viele OCU, ung | Py tian dk 
Again, from the triangles §,8,,Z,, 8.S..Z,,, it is evident 
that— . 
a _ cos (z, — oy COC Sa eis) 
j COs a, COS «a, 

and, to 8 places of decimals in their logarithms, we have— 
R R . 

/ = “4 — ‘ B 
or Q, 1 (3 1 ) 
Hence, from the triangles Z,Z,,8,, Z,Z,,5,,. we have the 
Sea sin PR 
ame) 7 RY? sin Maes Chas 

such that their logs. are the same to 7 places of decimals. 
And if in the first and second of (81) we substitute for 
at and a the above equivalents, we have with an accuracy 

to at least 7 places of decimals in their logs.— 
sin 0, 

e” (sin L’ cos /’ — cos 2” sin /’) 
sin 6,, 

ll ll 

which we may write in the forms— 
Ss a \ — cos J” sin (L’ — 6,) + sin L’ cos (L’ — 6,) \ 

sin 6, = e | 00s f sin (L” + 6,) — sin L” cos (L” + 3,) } 

And if we expand these and regard cos §, = cos §,=1 
(which we can do since 8, or 6, 1s always less than 20”) we 
easily find— 

e - (cos L’ — cos 2”) sin L’ : 
(1 — e’) + & (cos L’ — cos J”) cos L’ 

sin 6, = 

é* (cos @’ sin 2” — sin L” cos 1”) ) 

PASTOR meee ES. 

20 On Practical Geodesy. 
e’ * (cos 2’ — cos L”) sin L” 
(1 — e) — @ (cos /’ — cos L”) cos L” 
which we may write in the forms— 
2°é-sin 4 (” + L’) sind 2 (2" pe sin L’ 
(lL—e) 4 2° Z sin 4 (/” + i) sin + (/” — L’) cos L’ 


sin 6, = 

sin 5, = 

Bose. ysines pas + U’) sin } 3 (LY — i’) sin L” 
(l—e’)—2-e:sin 3 (L’ + 1) sin } (L” —1’) cos L” 

(to be used when extreme accuracy is desired.) 

sin 5, => 

Hence evidently (since 8, or 6, is always less than 20 seconds) 
we have— 3 

sin 6, = 2 — ae) sin L’ sin $ (2” + L’) sin 3 (l” — L’) 
| (34) 
Sin Oe = —S on —,)sin L” sin $ (L” + 7’) sin 3 (L” —/’) 

giving 6, in excess, and 6, too small. However, in all 
ordinary cases, they give values of 8, 6,, correct to +155 part 
of one second. And since— 

sin } (/”+ L’) sin $ (?’— L’) = sin (D, — A,) ° ah) 

sin w 

sin L’ 
Sy re we 1 : 
= 4° sin (D, — A,) tan £2, 

sin A, 
7 " / 7 " / = sin? 4 2, 
sin 3 (L” + 7’) sin 3 (L” — 7’) = sin (A,—D,)- an 
= 4-sin(A,— D,) tan} ae 
Therefore we have the equally approximate relations— 
sin 8, = (Eee eee 
sin w 
h e ) ..7,,s8in(D,—A,) ! 
= ic ar; é sin’ L ~ a tan $ ae 
bes , , sin A,, sin (D, — Ly 
ele ool any sin 0a ‘sin? Zz, 


‘sin’ z, * tan } z, 

e sin A,, sin (D, — A,,) 
(j — 2) sin” w 
e ) - 97, ,8mA, sin (D, —A,) 3 
= (= sin? J a aie ae tan $ z, 

On Practical Geodesy. 21 
sin (A,—D,) , 

sin w 

os ) Hig oy , Sat (AD) 
= Sin gh 9 eee tans 2 
= sin A, ree 

D) ‘ . . is J 
ake ( € ,) sin Sn A, sin (A,—D,) . 2 iy 

sin? 4%, 

nn) = 2 ( ) sin L” 


sin D,, sin w Gay 
2 e . 
€ sin A, sin(A,—D,) . 
= 5 <= ( , u) sin’ z, * tan 4 z 
l—e sin” w 
e m2]! sin A, sin (A,— D,) pean: 
= 2 sin ST an 35 Z, 
l1—e sin’? D, 

And since the ares z, z,, do not exceed 1° in the usual cases 
of trigonometrical surveys, we have, with sufficient accuracy 
for some purposes— 

8, = ( pee ak 

‘ 1—é 
= 3 ( : ) -sin L - SO (0. — Ad). 2 «sin 1” 
~ \l—e sin w 
ni ( 2) nat DAD. 
eee sin A, i (a7) 
ha ew simp sine(Dy = Aine. aa) ts eo 
ay ( = 2) sin D, sin w PAACs, tiene 
eh  ( e fe see et in es 
l1—@é@ sin? w Bena ite 
ee | e sin 2. sin (D, — A,) > sin? 1” « 
| Oe (4) Sse” a < 
m 2 
8, = (-4,) ‘sin sing 4) 0) 
saree é toes go Sim (AL pty) ee ss 
= i. sin L ae oe ‘sin 1 
ae AL é cane sin CA De) 
= (75g): sink Bagg Tg ash 


Fame 2 ein 1” 

ar e = A,sin (A, — D,) 
|e sin D, sin w 

ay sr e \sin A, sin (A, — D 


sin? w 

a . ze, é sin? Ve 

3( e ae A, sin (A, — D,) 
= 3(_—_, ) > _ 

en daa 
= norm &" 2 
sin’ D, ; 

22 On Practical. Geodesy. 

KZ” Referring to the approximate relation— 

sine: Carsten a 

sin 0 ae 
made use of in arriving at the preceding values of 6, 6,, it 
may be proper to observe that we must not always use it as 
if it were rigorously true. If so used we should, as a con- 
sequence, have— . 

sin A, i. eine 

sn D, sin A, 
and therefore the first side of this equation always less than 
unity, which we know to be absurd. Hence we perceive 
that the adoption of the above approximate relation is 
equivalent to assuming that between the limits of ‘the 
possible values of A, from the state in which A, = D, to 
that in which A, = V, we have sin D, = sin A, and sin 
A, = sin D, so nearly true that their logarithms are the 
same to 7 places of decimals. However, we will now shew 
how those small angular differences can be computed. 

26. It is evident that the amount by which the angle A, 
exceeds D_ is truly expressed by the spherical excess of the 
small triangle SSD. It is also evident that the amount 
by which the angle D, exceeds A, is expressed by the 
spherical excess of the small triangle SSD. Hence (see 
formula 4, page 158, Serrets’, &c.)— 

cos 4 (z, + 6,) 

cot 4 A,, = cot £ D, ° 

“ Cos 4 (z, — 5,,) 

cos 4 (z, — 4,) 

tani A, =taniD,. ce ; 

gu a a cos 4 (z, = 7) . (s 9) 


tan; A, = ee ge 
cos 3 cr ae 5,) 

cos $ (z,, — 4,) 

cot 4 A, = cot i D,- 

cos 4 (z,, + 8,) 

We have also (see formula 3, page 158, of Serrets’ Trigo- 

nometry) rigorously— 

tan 3 z tan 36, sin D 

i p2ae! = Sted, 24 4“ 

tan 3 (A, —D,) = 1— tan } z, tan 458,.cos D, (90) 
tan $ z, tan 3 6, sin D, — 

1 + tan }z, tan } 6, cos D, 

And the angles } (A, — D), 4} (D, — A), being but 

fractions of a second; and the values of tan 4 2, ° tan 3 8, 

tan} (D,—A,) = 

On Practical Geodesy. 95 

cos D,, and tan 4 z,- tan 4 8 - cos D, being so extremely 
small, it is evident we can find the values of the angles A, 

and A to the ;5455 part of a second by means of the amelio- 
rated formulee— 
tan 4 (A, — D,,) = sin D, tan 3 z,* tan} 6, as 

tan 4 (D, — A,) = sin D, tan }z,° tan } 4, 
We can also arrive at these in the following manner— — 
From formula (1), implicating spherical excess, on page 
157 of Serrets’ Trigonometry, we have—(since in actual 
practice of surveying the logs. of cos 3 v, cos 4 z, cos $ Z,, 
are the same to 6 or 7 places of decimals)— 

; sin a (A, tions D,) =a sin D, * tan 7 car sin 3 8, (9 2) 
sin $(D, — A,) = sin D,° tan 3 z, ‘sin $6, 
-, also A, — D, = sin D, tan }z,° 4, (os) 
. D, — A, = sin D, tan $z,,° 4, 
or, A, — D, = 4:°2,°6,° sin 1”: sin D, 

pis Se sin 1” * sin D, 
And from these and formulze (87) and (88), we easily find— 


oD - sin 7’: sin L” sin(A, — D,) * 2? X sin 1” 

1 —e’ 
€ : sin A sin(A, —D, F 
=¢' joe srl: eee 296 ain LY 
A : 
€ ¢ sin A sin(A,—D 
=f'°;—2 Wis f a # Ns Sis aint he 
é . s s es 
D,—A,=1> Toe’ sin i”: sin L’ + sin (D,—A,,)°2,? X sinl” 
e sin A, sin(D, — A,,) 
e Oe eT A “4 4 “1 2 = 7 
= ——, ‘sin? /"” » —___“*__\__* ___4"..2 2 x sin 1 
4 l1—é sin D, ; 
2.) e . 
é ; sin A, sin(D,—A é 
i oo [7 SS SS = x u) °2 5 $e) sng 

Kas" In the “Account of the Principal Triangulation of Great 
Britain and Ireland” (see pages 248, 249, formule 32 and 
36), the following erroneous expressions are given— 

D,—A ap pomiaeaay cos? 7, sin 2A,° 2, x sin 1” 
l1—@ée (96) 

D,— A, = 4° - cos? Z,, sin 2A > 27, X.sin 1” 

with respect to which we may observe— 

1°. From them we should infer that D, — A, and D —A, 
have finite values when the latitudes of the stations are 

24 On Practical Geodesy. 
equal ; but we know, in any such case, that the angles D_, 

» DV, A, are equal. 
2°. From the first of the equations we should infer that A, 
is less than D, when A, is acute; but we know that A, must 
be always greater than D,, when J, is greater than J, or 
when A, is greater than A. 

3°. In the example 1 worked out in this paper, we have, 
by using correct formulee— 

A, =D, = 07-1384; D, = A= or eeae 

But if we were to use the above erroneous formule, we 
would find the values— 

Avi pe or "815, “Dp, =A) area 
KZ” On page 676 the formula 96 is misprinted: 

being there used instead of sin 1”. 
27. From (46) and (47) it is easy to deduce the following 
sin fy = © cose (A, Ant 2) ee + A, — 2) 
cos 3 (A, + A,,) 
in which the angle « is found from— 
sind x = sind (1, + J,): sin} o. 

28. The perpendicular from Z,, to the line 8,.Z, is a 
Lies Vand sat as evident that the perpendicular 
from Z, on the normal-chordal plane 8.8,.Z, is equal e 
AVA isinity agi D, But the perpendicular from Z, 
the chord S990. 18 evidently equal to R, * cos a, a 
obviously — 

sin 1” 

L.A. sim Ls Dy, 

sin A v= 
R,, * cos a, 


Z,4,,=¢ (BR, sin 1, — R, sin /,); sin L” sin D,,=cos /, sin A, ; 

o foe) 
alae: Ay R, cos J, sin w 
{ k&: sin A,, 

Hence we have— 

sin A = @-h- eee ei (s Sie =’) (os) 
R?, — R’, . sin A, sin A , : — 
k- Ab 6 1 “ie R l’ R 
an AE eR, «ie 6 
(R?, il R’,)2 

sin A = * (cos? 7, sin® A ,— cos? J, sin’ A.) 

R,sind,+R8, sin L, 

On Practical Geodesy. 25 

These expressions are rigorously true, and can be used in 
other investigations. 

We have also from the triangles me Dets- Dy 

i sin d,‘sin D, _ sin 6, sin D,, 
sn A = V1 se par) Orgs (101) 
Kgs" In the “Account of the Principal Triangulation of 
Great Britain and Ireland,” the following expressions are 
A = @:sin2 A,-cos’* (I, + 1,)°43 
Boe sin, Ah: Coss (<b) * a (102) 
That this formula is erroneous is easily seen: for indepen- 
dent of the oversight committed in assuming that sin 2 A, 
is equal to sin 2 A,, we know that any expression repre- 
senting A must vanish when the latitudes /,/,, are equal; 
and this is not the case with formule (102). 

29. When the stations 8,,8,,, are mutually visible (not 
more than 100 miles apart), it is evident that if from the 
middle point of the are v we conceive perpendicular arcs 
drawn to the circles §,D,, §,D,, they will form two right 
angled spherical triangles (having vertices at S, and §,), 
which may be considered equals in all respects. It is 
evident that two of the sides of either of these triangles are 
equals to $ v and } &, and that the third side of either may 
be regarded as equal to $ A. 

From this relation connecting the angle between the 
normals, the angle between the normal-chordal planes, and 
the circular measure of the geodesic arc between the stations, 
we have— 

cos 4 v = cos 4 A‘ cos 4 & (103) 
sind A= sinj v‘sinQ (104) 
' tand A= sin $ 3° tanQ (10s) 
tan} = = tani v-cosQ (106) 

simple relations which will be found very useful in practical 
work of trigonometrical surveys. 

30. The following expressions for the cosines, sines, and 
tangents of the angles of depression of the chord are. 
rigorous with respect to any two stations on the earth’s 
spheroidal surface; and the easy methods by which they 
have been deduced (from what has been already done) are 
omitted, as they can present no difficulty to the reader. 


26 On Practical Geodesy. 

R,, cos J,, sin w 

cos 4, = 
&*sin A, ae) 
ak ieee R, cos J, sin w 
- &-sin A, 
ee R, cos 7, — BR, cos Z,, (tan J, cot A, sin w + cos w) 
ete kb eos 0, 
ce ad R,, cos 1, — R, cos J, ( tan, cot A, sin w + cos o) 
sh oe k + cos L,, 
ane R,R,, (cos J, cos 1,, cos » + (1—e’) sin J, sin J,,) —a? 
a = — a a 
: aa Vp 
ses dl R,B,, (cos J, cos l,, cos o + (1—e’) sin J, sin 1) — a? 
kis ty 
pias 28 R, sin A, __ cotwsin A, + sin /, cos A, 
~ BR, : cos J, sino «60s 0 
(11 o) 
R,, sin A, cot w sin A,,+ sin J, cos A, 
tam aa,{ ioe OO el el ae 
R, cos Z, sin w cos L, 
desaciit cee L &R, sin A, cos A,+ R, cos A, sin A, 
sin A, R,, sin J, + R, sin 1, (esa) 
ele th ices L, .R,sin A, cos A,+ R,cos A, sin A, ~ 
“gin A, R,, sin Z,+ RB, sin J, 

31. By equating the values of sin a, given in (108), (109), 
we have an equation from which we can at once express 
cot A, in terms of the two latitudes and the difference of 
longitude w. And equating the values of sin a@, given in 
(108), (109), we can express cot A, in terms of the two lati- 
tudes and difference of longitude. However, we can find 
other expressions for the cotangents of the azimuths, thus— 

From the spherical triangles 8 PD, S8,PD, we have 

nt ALae cot L” cos /, — sin J, cos w 
‘ sin w 
cot A 2 cot L’ cos J,, — sin 1,, cos w 
sin w 
And if in these we substitute Be values of cot Lt, cot L’, 
given in (79), we have— 

Re sind, cosl,+ (1—e?) sin Z,, cos 1,— sin J, cos 1, cos w 
ob) Al) ax! 5 et ee eee eee 
‘ cos J, sin w 

(1 1 2) 

R é 

ER ‘é sin 1, cosl,,+(1—e’) sin J; cos /,— sin 1, cosZ, cos 

cot A, == — : - 
e cos Z, sin w 

On Practical Geodesy. 27 

These have been arrived at by other means in the “Account 
of the Principal Triangulation of Great Britain and Ireland.” 
Moreover, from the spherical triangle SPS, we have— 

' _ sin J, cos 7, — sin J, cos J,, cos w 

cot A, : 
cos Z,, sin w 
sin 7, cos 1, — sin J, cos 1, cos w 
ain MOT MY Roo oa ee ee 
cos /, sin w 
R e* cos L, 

‘ sin 7, — sin J, 

“cot A= cot Al) = ( Se 
R cos is sin w 
edie Uae, 

cot A, — cot A,,= ( sin J, — sin Lys - cos J, 

cos Z, sin w 
These also are given in the “Account of the Principal 
Triangulation of Great Britain and elas (see page 231 
of that work). 
32. From (60) it is evident that for any pair of mutually 

visible stations, we have— 

_ RB, cos Z, sin w 

~ sin A, cos 2 5 

_ R&R, cos Z,, sin w (hs) 
— > 114 
sin A, cos 4 5 
RR sin w : Ny 
a Pe | (cos 7, sin A = cos jim A.) 

(R? R?)} sin A, sin A, 
the last of which is rigorously accurate for any two stations 
on the earth’s spheroidal surface, and a direct expression in 
terms of the two latitudes and difference of longitude; but » 
it assumes the form ¢ when the latitudes J, 1, are equal. 


== 2 2 2 
sin’ a R 1—ée sin? / 
33. From —— = 3 = ———7 7, we have the 
sin’ a, R’, 1—e’ sin’ /, ‘ 
rigorous formulee— 
Be . sin? a, —— sin’ a, 
ee amas ate lunesta Wael a (115) 
sin’ /, sin’ a, — sin? J, sin’ a, 
@ _ cos’ J, sin? a,, — cos? J, sin’ a, fice) 
is (Sr Oa Daeiko lo) th) La OL Len Oil aa 116 
a sin? Z sin’? a,, — sin? /, sin? a, 

applying to any two stations whatever on the earth’s 
spheroidal surface. 
From (53) we have— 

2 _ sin? A,, sec? 2, — sin? A, sec? Z, 

é = OEE TY SRR LCD ae TO GPE a SD a ae (s 1 7) 
sin? A, tan? 7, — sin? A, tan? J, 

Gxt sin? A, — sin? A, (ane) 

=, SS 118 

a sin? A, tan? 1, — sin? A, tan? /, 

(Holding true to at least g places of decimals in their logarithms.) 

28 On Practical Geodesy. 

2 c 
The expressions for e? and = in 115, 116, 117, 118, assume 

the form 2 when the latitudes of the stations are equal. If 
the latitudes and mutual azimuths of nwmerous pairs of 
suitable stations be carefully found from actual observation 
with good instruments, Yc., it is obvious that 117 and 118 
will enable us to find the most probably correct or suitable 
value for the earth’s eccentricity in the locality of the 
survey. And the great importance of having such a value 
of e will be obvious from the examples worked out in the 

We can easily find other expressions ne é’ from Si and 

79, by substituting in (79) the values of “and BR given 

in 51. 

34, It may be § seen, from a glance at the figure, that when 
the two stations have not the same latitude, a difference in 
the heights of the stations (with respect to the earth’s 
spheroidal surface) will introduce errors into the observed 
values of the azimuths A,, A, and other azimuthal readings. 

1°. It is evident that according as the station 8.. is higher 
or lower than the station S, by the length h, so will the 
observed azimuth A, be too great or too small by an angle u 
which the length expressed by h x sin A subtends at the 
distance s. And according as the station 8, is higher or 
lower than the station S, by the length h, so will the 
observed azimuth A, be too small or too great by an angle pu 
which the length expressed by h x sin A subtends at the 
distance s. 

2°. It is .. obvious that when the station S, is higher than 
the station S,, then will the azimuths A, and A, as found 
by direct observation, be too small; and when the station 
S,, 18 higher than the station S, then will the azimuths A, 
and A,, as found by direct observation, be too large. 

Kgs To find the error of correction p, we have— 


[dhe rm A 
Now, in an example given in the sequel, we have s = 513,906 
feet, and A = 1085. And according as we suppose the 
station S, to be higher or lower than the station §,, by the 
length h = 10,000 feet, so will each of the azimuths A, a, 
be too small or too oreat by 

w= 0" 211 

On Practical Geodesy. 29 

35. We will now consider how the magnitude of the 
angle A varies when the stations S,, §,,, are supposed to be 
situated on two fixed parallels of latitude, and at such dis- 
tances asunder as may or can occur in trigonometrical 

From equation 100 we at once perceive that when the 
latitudes 1, 1, are constants, the angle A between the 


normal-chordal planes increases or decreases according as 
cos” /,, sin? A,, — cos? 7, sin? A, increases or decreases. 

Or, if in this we substitute for sin’ A, its equivalent as given 
by equation 50, then we know that A increases or decreases 
according as the expression 

. COS" a,\ ; 
sin? A, (R?, cos? 7, — R?, cos’ Z,° 7) increases or decreases. 
’ cos” a, 

Now A, being the necessarily acute and lesser azimuth, we 
know that sin’ A, increases as the azimuth A, increases: 

: sin a 
And, since ; 

= a is constant, and that a, and a, 

increase or decrease according as the difference of longitude 

i sis ‘ 1 — sin’ a cos? a., 
w increases or decreases, it is evident that fore 0 “ 

—sin?a, cos’ a, 
decreases according as the difference of longitude increases ; 
and .. that A increases as w and A, increase up to that point 
at which the trace of the normal-chordal plane contaming 
R,, touches the parallel of latitude on which §, is situated. 

36. Other new and useful formule can be easily derived 
from the figure. For instance, from the spherical triangles 
mel, 5, PI, 

cos 9 = sin a, sin 1, — cos a, cos 1, cos A, 

cos § = — sina, sin /, + cosa, cosl, cos A, (119) 
*, sin a, sin/, + sin a, sin /, = cos a, cos/, cos A, ee 
+ cos a, cos 1, cos A,, 

and hence with close approximation to absolute accuracy, we 

tana, sin/, + tana, sin l, = cosl, cos A, + cos 1, cos A, 
but tan a, cos 7, sin A, 
tana,  cosd, sin A, 

And from these we easily find 

cos J, cos A, + cos J, cos A, 

tana, = ‘cos J, sin A 
‘~~ cos /, sin /, sin A,+ cos /, sin J, sin A, , ( ) 
cos 2, cos A, + cos Jl, cos A,, : 
tan a, = -cos J, sin A, 

cos J, sin /, sin A, + cos /, sin /, sin A, 

30 ~ On Practical Geodesy. 

and ... 
wae Lb cos 2, cos A,+ cos J, cos A,, 
22 “—<sin 21,sin A,+sin2/,sinA, 
The expressions given for the tangents of the angles of 
depression of the geodesic chord in (110) and (111) implicate 
the assumed eccentricity of the earth, while the expressions 
(121) depend entirely on the observed latitudes and azi- 
muths. If applied to the example 1 problem 1 given in the 
sequel (which may be regarded as an extreme case in trigo- 
nometrical surveying) it will be found that the rogulting 
values of a, and a, can be accurately determined to 255 
part of one second,—their logs. holding true to 8 places of 

*2 ,/cosl,cosl,, sin A,sin A, 

By substituting in (111) the values ~ Ry ‘and as given in 

(51), we easily rearrive at ae (121); ; eg by like 
substitutions in (110), we easily find the following values 
for the tangents of the angles of depression of the chord — 
true to at least 8 places of decimals in their logs — 

TE, Me sin A, sin A, cot w + cos A, sin /, 
‘cos 2, sin w cos J, 
sin A, 
= — | — Cob es) 
cos J, sin w 
gb aks idol sin A, __ sm A, cot o + cos A, sin 1, 
“~~ cos /,, sin w cos 2, 
sin A, 

a a see Couey 
cos /, sin w 

And when a, and a, are found, we have = = a, 4+ a, 

However, there are other methods of finding Syiplnamer 
values of 3, in terms of the latitudes, azimuths, and length 
of are between the stations, &c. ; but I defer their con- 
sideration for a future paper. 

37. With respect to the figure it may be observed that if 
F and F be the points in which the chordal plane NSS., 
cuts the ares PS, PS, it is evident that the are PF is 
divided harmonically in S, D, and that the are PF, 
divided harmonically in D. S,. For the anharmonic as 
of the points PFS D is the same as that of the pencil of 
straight lines §, ° (PF SD), and .. the same as that of the 
four points 0, N, Z,, Z,,, in which o represents the point at 
infinity in which the line S P cuts the line CZZ,, &e. 
Hence the spherical pencil I - (PF SD.) is harmonic. 

On Practical Geodesy. 31 

Again, since 8,F,, 8,F,, $0, are parallels to NS,, NS,,, 
NM, it follows that ‘the arc iy F is bisected in O; and ‘there- 
fore (as arc IO is a quadrant) the are IO is cut harmonically 
in Ff, F; and the spherical pencil P - JOF F) is harmonic. 

“? Vet |) 


When any number 7 of stations are to be simultaneously 

Let 1,2,3, . . . . , ”, indicate stations on the earth’s sur- 

psig rts, Ll, - + . + » 4, indicate the latitudes at these 

Bee Hira etsy Eas. . = eu ess:0:. 9 lass oo. the, normals terminating 

in polar axis. 

Perens Ways 75 9 the differences of longi- 
tude between the pairs of stations 1, 2; 2, 3; 
3, 4; 

Eup A; A, for the azimuths of the stations 2, 1, as if observed 

from 1 and 2. 

» A,,,A,,., for the azimuths of the stations 3, 2, as if observed 
from 2 and 3. 


et nhs 

eons es oa “5 ’ for the angles of depression of the chord 1, 2, at the 

stations 1 and 2. 

» %y 5, 2505 for the angles of depression of the chord 2, 3, at the 
stations 2 and 3. 

23 ' 

3 Ss ae is a 

» Kio) %.5,%,,, for the chords 1,2; 2,3; 3, 4; of the sphe- 

roidal triangle 1, 2, 3. 
‘ae ae Baas for the spherical measures a,, + 

Gg ee Bad + a,,; of the sides of ite 
spheroidal eal 1, 2, 3. 
s for the lengths of the sides Loa Las" 2, os OF 

9 S109 8139 Se92 

the spheroidal triangle 1, 2, 3. 

1. For any 1m stations 1, 2, 3, ......... nm —1,%, on the 
earth’s spheroidal surface, we have the rigorously accurate 

R, _sina,, BR, _ sina, iio 
PRG Ga, i ee MAVddses ae 
— SIN a, _1% 
and Wisin a, 22) 
1 int sin ce arg sin CNG Feces oso cre cnc sin eae Gas) 
R, sin a Sin a, , fe SIN Og 

32 On Practical Geodesy. 

And putting M to represent the reciprocal of the dexter of 
this equation, we easily find— 

1 1 ; 

sin? L= eh € — sin? i,) M? (124) 
an equation expressing the latitude of the ™ station in 
terms of the latitude of the 1st station and the sines of 
the angles of depression of the 7 — 1 chords joining the 
consecutive stations. | 

2. We have also the rigorously accurate relations 

R, cos /, __ sin A,,cosa,, RK, cosZ, _ sin A,, CO8a,, . 
ae 5 3 = 2 
R,cos!, sin A,, cosa,,’ R,cos/, sinA,, cosa,, 

and .°. 
R,, cos Le _ Sin A,, sin AL. seeeos ese -, Cos a, COS Agia temper 5) 
i) cos tin AC sma eee eee COBO. NCOB a. 52 oa. ce... 

en) A Se ee ee 
— J/ 1 — 2) tan’? lt, + 1 
and from this we easily find— 

1 sin. AS Sin Ae eee 
tan? J ae n? ENDER | 2 21 : 32 ; 2 
¢ ia dil ae Sin JA: SER AN 2 eee eee 
, (PE Baa Otte ssjuoeiske a ung une 
° Z 
COB ai, "ACOSO, Bist ek og l—e 

an equation expressing the latitude of the n™ station in 
terms of the latitude of the 1* station, the azimuths, and the 
angles of depression of the chords connecting the stations. 

3. And from (123) and (125) we have— 

cos 1, sin Racin gy eieeon. cepa 
cos J, Sin iA Bie A sees (Gilt) 

_ tan Qe, * tan Deg tee rercescveccccecees 
Tan Gy, 7 MATE Goossen eee eee eee 

4, bes oo i A 2 aa EE n — 1, n, be any odd number of 
stations on the earth’s spheroidal surface, such that none 
of the chords. (12), (23), ......... (n —1, n), exceeds 100 

miles in length. Then, from formula 49, it is evident we 
have the relations— 

cos 3(A,, ae Bigg +: ®,») 

tan (45° — 47) _ 
tan (45° — }$1,) a cos} (A,, +A,,—o 

. 008 3 (A,, + As, + 0,4) 
cos 3 (Av ci Anis See) 

On' Practical Geodesy. 33 

tan (45° —3/,) _ cos$(A,, +A,, + 5,) 
tan (45° — 3 /.) cos$(A,, +A,,—,,) 
= cos 3 (A,, tA,, + 4,5) 
cos 4 (A,, aes 0 ee 


e@eerveeseeeese ee ~— e288 e8e8ee02888888 «+ se 88 88888882888 

tan (45°— 17, .) cost (..... ) ie US (reap ee ) 
tan (45° —41,) cosk(..... Lt Gee GN 2 >. ) 
And therefore we have— 

tan (45°—4/)) 
tan (45°—47/,) 
an equation from which we can at once express the latitude 
of the n™ station in terms of the latitude of the 1* station 
and the azimuths and differences of longitudes. 

Should the n™ station be coincident with the 1* station, 
we must have the dexter of (129) equal to unity. This fact 
will be found to be of importance in case any even number 
of stations form the vertices of a closed geodesic polygon. 

For instance, if there be fowr mutually visible stations such 
as B, i D, E— 

= the product of the dexters of these a equations, 

then Deus the stations in the orders indicated in the 
above diagrams, we have— 

cos 3 (A, 2 A. 1 14, 2) e cos 7 (A, Week Ts, A 

cos $ (A,,+A, awoke cos 5 (A, tA, s+ 4) 

OD jcos FN Jol go aees) oss (Ato As bees) 
cs z (A, 3 +A, gf ey 2) cos 3 (A, 1 +A, ae | 
corresponding to the stations taken in each of the three 
indicated orders. And in the case of any such even number 
m of stations (the first and last of which are coincident) it is 
obvious that if all the azimuths be known, and that all the 
differences of longitude with the exception of any two 
which are consecutive be known, then we can easily (by 
solving a quadratic equation) express the tangent of either 
of these two differences of longitude in terms ‘of the known 
azimuths and differences of longitude. 

34 On Practical Geodesy. 

5. With respect to any three mutually visible stations 
1, 2, 3, we can easily arrive at convenient expressions for 
each of their latitudes in terms of their azimuths and differ- 
ences of longitude. Thus— 

We have (49) and (128)— 
. LAG e,5) 
fell De Vie gn 2 py eo 12 21 12 
tan (45 4 7,) « tan ( 4 1,) ea 55 
tan (45°— 41) _ cos} (Ays+ Ag+ oy) . COS 4 (Ag+ Ags 9) 
tan (45°— 42,) cos $ (Ajz+ Agi—oy) cos $ (Ag+ Ays— os) 

Biel nat 4 (Ay + An + op) - 
cos 4 (Ay. + Ax — yp) 

y cos $ (Ags + Ay + 3) i cos 4 (Ags + As + (Wp3) 

cos $ (Ay; + As, — @:) cos $ (Az; + Ag, — es) 
Dit COs 4 (Ags + Ag + (o3) 
cos 5 (A, + As, — @»s) 

008 (Ay + Av + oy) . 608 3 (An + Ass + on) ae 
COs 5 (As + ee ars Wo) - cos = (Az = Aj cae 31) 

tan? (45° — 41) = 

tan* (45° — $/,) = 

2 Seen Ue | me __ cos 3 (As, + Ais + 51) 
bani 4) cos 3 (As, + Ajs3 — ©31) 
: cos % (As + Ass + oy) __ COS 3 (Ay + An + oy) 
cos $ (Ag + Ass — wp) cos $ (Ay, + Ay, — on) 
These equations are closely approximate to rigorous 
accuracy, even when the stations are from 100 to 200 miles 
asunder. | 
6. Let (Q), (2), (@), be any three stations on the earth’s 
spheroidal surface. Then if K,, K,, K,, indicate the angles 
between the chords joiming the stations which have their 
vertices in Q), (2), (), respectively; and that C,, C,, C,, 
indicate the corresponding angles of the geodesic triangle 
formed by the geodesic arcs connecting the stations; we 
have evidently ; 

cos K, 
cos, Co = —tana,, ‘tana,, 
COS a,, COSa,, 
cos K 
ces 5) = 2 —tana,,‘tana,, (132) 
COS a,, COS a, , 
cos K 
cos C, = 3 —tana,, ‘tana,, 
e) cos'a,, eosin 

On Practical Geodesy. 35 

If it were possible (and it is usually supposed so in applying 
LEGENDRE'S and DELAMBRE’S processes in the solution of 
questions pertaining to the spheroidal triangles of a trigo- 
nometrical survey) to find a sphere such that a spherical 
triangle described on its surface can have sides equals in 
length to the sides of a spheroidal triangle, and chords equal 
to the chords of the spheroidal triangle; then, it is obvious 
that by putting D,, D,, D,, for the angles of this spherical 
triangle which correspond to the angles K,, K,, K,, of the 
chordal triangle, we should have— 

cos Kes 

ae cos 4 (a, + a,,)° cos 4 (a,,+ a,,) 
— tan$(a,, +a,,)°* tan} (a,, + a,,) 
“og elec MI STE NS) SI ade 
2 ~ cos $ (a, + .,,) cos$(a,, + a,,) (133) 
— tan $(a,, +a,,)* tan} (a,, + a,,) 
ey. cos K, 

COs ¥ (a5. ae a.) COS % (a5, + a, 5) 
oe tan 3 (a5. TH Oy a) , tan 3 (a5, 5 ey a) 

By comparing the values of the angles D,, D,, D,, of the 
imaginary spherical triangle as given in the formule (133), 
with the correct values of the corresponding angles C,, C,, 
C,, of the spheroidal triangle as given in formule (1532), it 
is evident that, with due respect to the utmost accuracy 
required in practice, we have— . 

cos C, — cos D, = tan} (a,,+ a,,) tan $ (a,,+4+ a,,) 
— tana,, tana,, 
cos C, — cos D, = tan 3 (a,,+ a,,) tan 4 (a,,+ @,,) ae 
— tana,, tana,, 
cos C, — cos D, = tan} (a,,+ a,,) tan } (a,,+ a,,) 
— tana,, tana,, 
their logs being the same to at least 8 or 9 places of decimals. 

From these it is evident that cases may occur in geodetic 
surveying in which one of the angles of the spherical triangle 
is greater than the corresponding angle of the spheroidal 
triangle, and that another angle of the spherical triangle is 
less than its corresponding angle of the spheroidal triangle. 

36 On Practical Geodesy. 

However the differences are very small indeed. As an 
instance we may consider the large spheroidal triangle 
of article 7, page 234, of the “Account of the Principal’ 
Triangulation of Great Britain and Ireland.” Here we find 
that at the station whose latitude is 53°, 30’, the spheroidal 
angle exceeds the corresponding angle of the Legendre sphe- 
rical triangle by about +2, of a second; and, although such disregarded in actual practice, it is nevertheless 
obvious that the usual method of manipulating the measured 
angles of a spheroidal triangle (by means of Legendre’s 
theorem, so as to have their sum give the desired spherical 
excess) 1s erroneous in principle. 


It is easy to perceive that the principal theorems arrived 
at apply to any surface whatever as well as to the surface 
of the spheroidal earth, even when such surface is so irre- 
gular as to be inexpressible by means of an equation. 

We can assume any straight line cutting the normals to 
the surface at the stations 8., 8,,, as polar axis of reference ; 
and then, assuming any point C, in this polar axis as centre 
of reference, we can take the plane through it perpendicular 
to the axis as the equatorial plane of reference. Thus the 
figure can be constructed as already indicated in the case in 
which the surface is a spheroid; and we have formulee (50), 

When the stations §,, S,., are so near to each other as to 
permit us to regard the normals as making angles with the 
chord such that the ratio of their sines can be regarded as 
equal to unity, and the traces of the normal-chordal planes 
as equals in length and circular measure, we have— 

1,, _ cos d (1, —1,) 
tan 30 = al Ce 
tan 3 J’ - tan $l” = — COR 8 Maat a ollie 2 Ca Avie) 

cos ; (A, + A, — o) 
sin A BR, cost, 


cot $ (A, + A,) 

and all the formule not implicating peculiar properties of 
the spheroid. If there be three stations to be simultaneously 
considered, the assumable position for the polar axis of 
reference is generally restricted, as such axis must cut the 
three normals to the surface drawn through the stations. 

On Practical Geodesy. af 

If the three normals intersect in one point, any line through 
this point can be assumed as polar axis. If two of the 
normals cut each other, and that neither of them is cut by 
the third, then the polar axis must pass through the point 
of intersection and lie in the plane of this point and the 
third normal. If the three normals have no point of inter- 
_ section, then the polar axis must lie in the surface of a ruled 
quadric, &e. 

And when there are four stations, then should no two of 
the four normals lie in one plane, there can be but two 
transversals drawn to cut them, and therefore but two posi- 
tions for the polar axis. However, with respect to all sur- 
faces of revolution (whose normals must all cut the axis) we 
can arrive at general theorems applying to any stations 
whatever on the surface. 

== instance, we can easily demonstrate the following 


If (@), (pi be any two stations on a surface of revolution 
of any kind, and A,» A,,»—-1 the angles which the true 
“ seodesic” joining the stations makes with the traces of the 
mendinl planes through the stations, and that R,, R.,, are 
the normals terminating in the axis, then will 

sin A, » lay, Bes Case, 
sin A, 2-1. R, cos /, 

Conceive the “geodesic” to be divided into aeea aim) 
small parts or elements, 1, 2; 2,3; 3, 4; 
me — 2% — i> a — 1) 7. 

Tet Aj, A», Ay, . - - A,—1,, represent the azimuths of 
the stations 

(*), @), (), a a (*) as if taken at the stations 
:)s (:), eles etek respectively. 

Het As, An Au = + « A) represent the azimuths of 

the stations 
; (:), Eee Tai gepae as if taken at the stations 

:), Ep As © respectively. 
TUE ER EO ser Meme 5 be the lengths of the nor- 
mals at stations 

@), (2), Snag 3. eam («) respectively. 

Then from the elements of analytic geometry, we know 

38 On Practical Geodesy. 

that the tangent lines to any infinitesimally small are of 
the jirst order, which forms part of a geodesic, have their 
least distance apart an infinitesimally small of the third 
order; and that the ratio of the lengths of these tangents, 
from the points of contact to their points of least distance 
from each other, is that of equality. We know also that 
the plane of every two consecutive elements, of any 
ic geodesic ” contains the normal at their point of neON 5 
and ... that sin A, =. sin A,.;>) sin, A{} — sim Ag cE 

; .; moreover, we know that the ratio of the cosines 
of all infinitesimally. small arcs is unity. Hence we have— 

sin A,, R, cos 0, 

@eeerstescsen ——- eeaseeeee 

And from these we at once obtain the desired ‘pleat by 
equating the product of the first sides of the equations to 
_ the product of their second sides. 

However, it may be proper to observe that this method of 
proof holds ‘good only when none of the normals R,, Ry... 
R,,, 1s either = 0 or = w; and that we shall suppose this to 
be the case for all geodesies referred to in the present paper. 
We may evidently write the above relation in the form— 

sin A,, ___ perpendicular from (*) to polar axis 

sin A,, 1 perpendicular from @) to polar axis 

Or we may express it in words as follows :— 


On any surface of revolution, the sines of the angles G, 
G,, which the geodesic connecting two stations S,, 8,,, makes 
with the meridian traces through these stations are to each 
other inversely as the perpendiculars from the stations to 
the polar axis. 

For a spheroid, such as the earth’s reputed surface, we 
can prove, in like manner, that for any two stations what- 
ever on its surface— 

sin? A, tan? 7, + tan? 1, + 1:0068314987 

— we) . 
— —— => a 

sim? A, tan? i, + % 4am? Z, 4 a -00GeeIemey 

On Practical Geodesy. 39 

in which A,, A,, are the angles which the true “ geodesic ” 

joining the stations makes with the meridian traces through 
the stations, &c. 

KS" The theorem expressed by formula 10, may be ex-. 
pressed as follows :— 

The plane perpendicular to any chord of a quadric of 
revolution through its middle point, bisects the portion of 
the axis intercepted by the normals drawn through the 
extremities of the chord; and the straight line joining the 
middle of the chord to the point in which the plane cuts the 
axis is divided by the equatorial plane of the surface into 
portions whose ratio is the same as those into which it 
divides either normal terminating in the axis. 

. From this we at once perceive that— 

The perpendicular bisecting any chord of a conic bisects 
the portions of the axes intercepted by the normals drawn 
through the extremities of the chord; and that the ratio of 
the portions of the perpendicular measured from the middle 
point of the chord to its intersections with the axes, is the 
same as the ratio of the segments of either of the normals 
measured from the curve to the axes. 


Given the latitudes J, 1, of two stations 8,, S,, (on the 
earth’s spheroidal surface), and their difference of longitude 
w; to find the azimuths A, A,; the circular measure 3 and 
et s of the geodesic are between the stations ; the angles 
of depression of the chord, &c. 

First Method. 
To find the ares L’, L’, and the azimuths A, A, we have— 


C > 

eon de a ee + (1 — e’) tan J, 
gobi se ace + (1 — e) tan J, 
ct ies cot L” cos te sin J, cos w 

sin w 
coe cot L’ cos il sin 7, cos w 
sin w 

or having found the arcs L’, L’, as above indicated, we can 

40 On Practical Geodesy. 

find the azimuths and the angles D, D 

by means of the 


tan} (A, + D,) = a cot dw 
fan gy A, 28) i 2 c > 7 cot bw 
tan} (D, + A,) = i = th ‘cot ba 
bad id) 2A ee iy Pay sigoiype 

To find a, @,, 3, 2, 2, and s, we may proceed as follows:— 


First we find 5,, 5,, from 
ae ee 4 
Bat Well 
Then from the triangles SID, SID, we tia to find IS, 
ID, Is, 1D,— 
sin 3 (D, + A). 

uk Pe em Nene GEE J 
tan 34 (IS, + ID,) = an (Da ‘tan 30, 
iH 1D) =) C2 ee eee 
tan 4 (IS, — ID,) Ge TG an 4 6, 
in + 
tan $ (18, + ID,) = aes es). tan 4 6, 

sin 4 (A,,— D,) 

L(A, + D,) 
kage Leela cos MA cD). 19 
mtanmntrec ee 

Then— a, = 90° — IS, 
a, = IS, — 90° 
z, = DD, — IS, 
z, = IS, — ID, 
. s= 2,° Ry sin lf 22 sm 
But we:can find k and s otherwise, thus— 
_ R,cosl,sno _ R, cosl, sinew 
‘sin AY cos loi, (iy Sein Aeosia 
= ° sin 1” 
(ay) OPER 

Or having found #, in terms of the given data, from 
= (R, cos 1) +. (R,, cos 1)? — 2° RB, + R, cos 1, cos 1, cos w 
+ (1 — e’)’: (RK, sin 1, — BR, sin 1)? 

On Practical Geodesy. 4] 

“we can find the angles of depression a, a@,, by means of 
(109), and then find the azimuths from 

thy pale R,, cos /,, cos w 
‘ k + cos a, 
R, cos J, cos w 

sin AL == 
a k + cos a, 

Kg” When A or A, is found to be nearly 90°, it cannot 
be accurately obtained by means of the usual tables of 
logarithms ; so that, in such case, it 1s necessary to proceed 
as indicated in the works on trigonometry. Thus, putting 
A for the angle to be found, and N for the value of the 
function to which sin A is equated (which is nearly equal to 
1), we have— | 

in (15° —} a) = ASN 
Or, a 1—wN 
tan (45° — 4 A) = To 

from which to compute the value of the angle A. 

_ And when, in the sequel, an angle is to be found from an 
_ expression for its sine which is nearly equal to unity ; then, 
putting N to represent such expression, we should proceed 
to find the angle by these formule. 

(When the stations are not more than 40 miles asunder.) 
From the spherical triangle SPS, we have the formulee— 

cos $ (2” — 1’) 

tan i (A A = - cot 
an } ( aoa =a) cos 4 (l’ + 1”) co pee 
in 1 (j” a 
Pek te wy Ss ne 3 
an 2 ( ° ate) sin : Ge fe i’) co 2 
weet sin /’sinw _ sinl” sinw 
eosin St ea i ein 
Then to find the azimuths we have— 
R,, sin l” 
Pa. 8 ip oe carne EB 
sin /’ 

tan $ (A, — A,) = tan 3 (A, + A...) tam (@ — 45°) © 
3 (A, + A,) = 3 (A. + A,.) 

42 On Practical Geodesy. 

To find Q, 3, and the angle a, we have— 

tan 4 > = tan} vcosQ, or 3 = v-cosQ 

A=2- O° sin 3 Soe A Oe eae 

To find the length k of the geodesic chord Winesn the 

_ BR,snl’ smo — BR, snl smo 
sin A,,cos $3 sin A, cos 4 & 
Then to find s, we have— 
ke 3 inamys 
SS ee SS 
2-sind > 

And to find the angles a 


below the tangent oe to the earth at the stations 8 
we have— 

a, of depression of the chord k 


t ass 

(a,,—a,) = (y — 45°) * 3° sin 1” 

(a, =F a,) a¥ 2. 


Given the latitude J, the azimuth A, and the length s 
and circular measure & of the geodesic arc between the 
stations ; to find the latitude J, the azimuth A,, the differ- 
ence of longitude wo, &e. 

First Method. 

To find the angle ¢,, we have, from the spherical triangle 
PS I— 
tan 1 _ 008 3 (4, — 3%). 

an 9 (g, a B,) sin A (Z, ae a) 
t 1 oss sng ihe 
at (¢, B,) cos 2 CG) it i 3) tan 4 A, 

Kas" It may be proper to observe that 4 & is used in these 
formulas instead of the angle a of depression of the chord ; 
but as the difference of these will in all actual cases be less 
than ~, of a second, and that the numerators vary as the 
denominators when } & varies in value, and that any varia- 
tion in 4 & which increases or decreases 4 (¢, + £,) will 
decrease or increase } (f, — f,); .”., as respects the value of 

tan 3 A, 

On Practical Geodesy. 43 

= 4 (¢,+ B,) + 4 (¢, — B,), there can be no appreciable 
oe whether we use 3 & or @. 
Find the chord k by means of the usual formula— 
pa 2s sing 3, 
~ sn fe 
Then, to find the difference of longitude wo, and the angle 
¢, by means of the plane triangle pCp,, we have— 
k- sin A, cos 3 & 
sin ¢, 
2 (d,, a w) ae SUS ee, 
a tees eo, Le B,). 1 
tan 4 (¢,,— o) = sae eB) cot 4 ¢, 
Then to find the azimuth A, and latitude l,, we have— 
sin $, ‘sin A, - 
sin ¢, 
yw Ls. coed (A, + A, + o), Ly 
tan $l” = ck (aye al cot 4 / 
Kes If instead of 1, A, we were given J, A,, we should 
first proceed to find the angle by by means of— 
Ae 2 eS g (L,i— 3 2 >). 4 
tan 4 (¢, + B,) = ape Sy ‘tani A, 

4 aa i sin 2 (¢,— 423). j 
tan 2 (¢,, B,) cos 4 G8 1 >) * tan Ai, 

and then proceed in an analogous manner to find ¢, o, A,, 
andl. | 

tink, = Fe cosh; | tam hk, = 

sin AL). = 

Otherwise (Case Ist). 
Given 1, A, s; to find o, /,, and A, (see foot-note). 
To find z, D, w, ‘and L’, we have— 
Gs Ban 1 

cos + (l' —z | 
tan § (D,, + 0) = SEE ah cot A, 

1 a a se (ee sar 
tan 4 (D, — o) Rear) cot 3 A, 
aa sin 3 2 a= DB). tan 4 Zz, 

eet“) a gin 6 Ce gD) 
sin /’ sin A, . 

a sin L” = 
sin D, 

44 On Practical Geodesy. 
‘Then to find 6,,/,, and A,, we have— 

5 = (. e ys in L” sin }(L” + 7) -(L" —7) 
LD ae jp Ss 2 

tL, = 90° — (L” + 6,) 
A, —D, = sin D,,: tan} z,°3, 

Kes” This case, in which the given latitude lJ is greater 
than the sought latitude 1, is made known to us by the 
given azimuth A, being greater than the computed angle D_. 
And as we must have (see formule 21) the sought azimuth 
A, also greater than the angle D, it is evident that by put- 
ting ¢ to represent the excess, we have— 
cos 4 (l’ — z,) 
cos 4 (l’ + z,) 

L(A. A es Py Se roe 
tan 3 (A,,— o — @) = fin es cot 4 A, 
shewing that the formule given in the “Account of the 
Principal Triangulation of Great Britain and Ireland” (see 
pages 247, 249, 676 of that work) are erroneous in every 
case in which the given latitude is greater than the sought 

tan3 (A, + o— QZ) = ‘cot 3 A, 

(Case 2nd.) 
Given 1, A,, 8; to find o, J, and A. 
To find z,, D,, w, L’, we have— 
Bo == a Ri 
Re ime 
tan 4 (D, + o) = cos 3 (l" —2, coti A, 

cos 4 (” + z,) 

= al Ll" ee 

tan 3 (D, —o 2 Saal “7 + cot $ A 
2 ( ) sin i (” ae z,,) 2 

tan 4 (2” — L’) = Sa z(D,— A,), 

sin $ (Dy “6 A.,,) 

sin 2” - sin A, 
sin D, 
and A, we have— 

tan } Z, 

Us sin L’ = 

To find 8,, 2, 

é 1 Doe " / , 
a) & (2) + sin Dr sin 3 ( +1) 0-1) 

LS 9G iy a) 
D,— A, = sin D,-taniz,-5, 

On Practical Geodesy. 45 

KS” This case, in which the given or known latitude J, is 
less than the sought latitude /, will be intimated to us by 
the angles A, and D_; we shall have the given azimuth A, 
less than the angle D. Ifthe angle A, = D, then A,=D, 
and! = 1, &c. 

Case 1°. When /, A, s, are given; to findl, A,, o. 

“ Ww? 

Find z, o, D,, as indicated in the last solution, and then 
find A, by means of— 

sin A, = cos (2, —$ >) i p 
cos $ & 
And find l, from— 

: tity {Pees 
tan 3” = 


cos $ (A, + A, + ©). 
~ cos 4 (A, + A, — 0) 

pt sea? 7°. 
Case 2°. When l, A, s, are given; to find 1, A, wu. 

Find z,, o, D, as indicated in the last solution,-and then 
find A, by means of— 

cot 4 lL’ 

sin A = cos (2, — 2 3) ‘sin D 
; cos $ & ; 
And find l from— 
pur. cos $ (A, + A, + o) | , 
tan $ /’ = Sp cat (N, 4A 7223) cea cot 37 
hi 0 — 

Given the latitudes /, 1, and the azimuth A_; to find the 
azimuth A, the difference of longitude wo, &c. 

By equating the values of sin a, as expressed in formule 
108, 109, we have— 

R,, cos 1, (cos? 2, + 1) J 1 — sin? ow 

az 6? : 
= (R,+ BOT RY ea sin Z, sin /,,) cos Z, 
— (R,, cos /,, tan Z, cot A,) sin w 
or, M: J/1—sint'o = L—N° sino 

in which the values of M, L, and N are known. 
From this we at once obtain 

LN+ Ji? OP + WL 

Mieke Ce ak) Ome 

sin wo = 

46 On Practical Geodesy. 

in which the + sign only should precede the radical portion. 
This is evident. For since the general expression for sin 
holds when A, = 90°, in which case N = QO; and that sin 
w must be positive; therefore it is the + sign that must in 
such case, and in all cases, precede the radical. 

We may also find » in the following manner— 

Find the arc L’ by means of formula (79), and the angle 
D_ from— 
sin D = Cos L, nA, 

f sin L 

and then to find » we have— 

cos 3 (L” — 1’) 
cos $ (L” + 7’) 
To find the azimuth A, we then have— 

tan} (A, + A,) = 820 —4). 
to om 

tan so = ‘cot 3 (A, + D,) 

cot 4 w 

And to find s, we have— 
’ sin L” sin w 
Sin. 2, =. ee ee 

sin A, 

SoS ee San 


The other entities can be easily found as indicated by 
Re If 1,, l,, A, were given instead of 1,, J,, A,; then 
instead of L”, D,, &c., in the preceding formule, we should 

have L’, D,, &e. : 

To find the azimuth A,, we have— 
an A) = ede y- sin A, nearly. 

R,, * cos @, 
And then to find o, we have— 
cos 4 (7, — 1,) 
sin 3 (2, aa ,) 

And when instead of A,, the azimuth A, is given, the first 
of these must be replaced by 

‘cot i (A, + A,) 

tan zo = 

&e., &e. 

On Practical Geodesy. 47 


Given the two azimuths A, A 
L,; to find the latitude / 
stations, &c. 

To find the latitude / 

,, and one of the latitudes 
the difference of longitude w of the 


, We have, from (53)— 
(1 — e*) tan’ 7, sin? A, — (sin? A, — sin’ A,,) 
(1 —e’) sin? A, 
Then to find the difference of longitude, we have— 
tan 40 = -- ; : 7 a ‘ cot $ (A, + A,) 
The other entities can now be found, &c. 

tan’ 7, = nearly. 


Given the latitude J,, the azimuth A,, and the difference 
of longitude w; to find the latitude l,, the azimuth A, &c. 

Find L’ by means of formula 78. 

Then finding ™, p, g, by means of— 

m = cot? L” — a R?, : sin? L, 
27 a, 2 nz 2\2 
p = cov? L seer R’ + sin? 7, + (1 — e&) 

g=2¢(1— 2) ™ - sin], 

the second of the formule 79, gives us the equation— 
m—p:sin®], =q'‘sinl,,/1—é-sin’ 1, 
And from this we immediately obtain— 

G@t2mpt+a/7F +4m(p—me) 
2(p + gee) 

Now, if we conceive a case in which J, is of any value we 
wish, and that the corresponding value of 1, is such that 
m = 0; then it is evident l,, p, g, have finite values; and 
we perceive that in such case the + sign only must precede 
the radical. And it is .. evident that the + sign must, in 
all cases, precede the radical in the above general expression 
for sin? /,.. 

Or we may proceed as follows— 

From the triangle S$ PD,, we have to find L”, z,, D, 
cos $ (A, — oa) , 
cos + (A, + o) 

sin” bs = 

tan 34 (L” + 2) = tan $7’ 

43) On Practical Geodesy. 

tan 2 oy ee Eat tan 3’ 
‘ sin /’: sin A, sin J’ - sin w 
sin D, = ae OR ay a 
sin L sin Z, 
7 a 1 aT, 
or, fan 2 (AD) See 

sin § (L” + 0) 
Then we can find 8, by 83 or any of the formule 88, and 
the azimuth A, by means of any of the formule 94. 

Then, J, = 90° — (L" + 3,). &e, &e. 

When instead of 1, A,, we are given L,,, A,, the at anus 
methods of proceeding are evident, 


Given the azimuth A,, the latitude J,, and the length s 
and circular measure & of the arc between the stations; to 
find A,, l,, w, &e. 

To find ow, z,, D,, A.,,, and 1, we have— 

‘sin S'sin A, 

Slat qj: 8 Ce ee olin 
an - S° cos) sual? 
Pei s 
< RK, sin 1” 
cos 7, * sin w 
sim t= uf 
sin z,, 
in L (j"” 
sin § (1” —z 
Bee on 2 : 1 
tan ZA, =.= ae “+ cot $ (D, — o) 
sin 2 + z,) 
cos $ (A, A w 
tan 3 /’ = — Nh wl a) |? cot 2 1” 

cos $ (A, + A, — a) 
If A,,, J, were given instead of A,, l,, the method of solu- 
tion is analogous, and requires no particular elucidation. 


Given the latitude /, the difference of longitude o, and the 
length s and circular measure & of the are between the 
stations; to find the azimuths A, A,, the latitude J, &c. 

7 wy) 

To find 2, D,, A, A,, J,, we have— 

“> “13 TP) 
C..) ——— aTTTSaisE 
A Fe Died eo Be 

On Practical Geodesy. 49 

sin 7’ sin w 
sin z, 

sin } (’ —z,) 


oo a ae a) oe 
em _ B,* 3° cos /, sin 
Lae © s* sin 5 

cos 4 (A, + A, + o) 
Mle] ar eee ee Tn one eae Na gl re ds 1p 
tan $l” = cos P(A) 4Apea) uae 

And similarly when 1, is given instead of 1,. 


Given the azimuth A, the difference of longitude wo, and 
the length s and circular measure = of the arc between the 
stations; to find the latitudes, &c. 

; s*sin =” -sin A 
Putting— fang he >” + sin 1” 
We easily find, from 62— __ 
pote petal Hin CGS aE) A Mere re, 
‘as Vereen? 
And now we can find the other entities as in problems 6 
and 7. 


Given the two latitudes /, 7, and the length s and circular 
measure & of the are between the stations; to find the 
azimuths A, A, &c. 


To find L’, L’, z, z,, we have— 
Cost + (1 — e’) tan 1, 
,, BR, sin Z, 
R,, cos L,, 
fie Ri and 
is Rain 1” 

Then from the spherical triangles SPD,,S PD, we have 
—puttingp = 30 +2,41),9=40 44,4 L)— 
sin (p — z,) sin (p — l’) 

sin p sin (p — L”) 


cot L* = e: 

cot L” = 

+ (1 — &) tan J, 


tan? 4 A, = 

50 On Practical Geodesy. 

sin (¢ — z,,) sin (¢ — 0”) 

21 une 
tan 2 A, ah sin qd sin (9 Uiibity L’) 
tan? +o = sin (p ass L") sin (p — ’) 
sin p sin (p — 2,) 
tan’ Fo = plait Mages MSE 

sin g sin (¢ — 2,) 

In this method of solution we have not made use of 3. 
In the following method we shall not make use of s, but of 
>; and it is applicable to any two stations on the earth’s 
spheroidal surface, as well as to mutually visible stations. 

Find the angles a, a,, of depression of the chord by means 
of— ; 

tan ¢ = By 
tan 4 ee a = tan an ai ) tan $ 3 
2 (,, TF a,) = nai, 3 
To find the azimuths we have thie oe 
cos a, cos J, cos A,-+-cos a,, cos /, cos A,,=sin a,sin/,+sin a, sin J, 

1 — cos’ A, _ (R, cos a, cos J,,)? 

1 — cos’? A, (R, .cos a, cos 1,)? 
By putting 

M,=cos a, cos 1,; M,=cos a,,cos/,; Q=sina, sin/,+sin a, sin J, 

we easily find— 
cos A = -Q RP War /J(Q ‘R, “R,,)?—(R*, eae a) (M?,, RM R? ) 
M, (R?,— R’,) 
4-2 BVO RRR) On, Be Be) 
Cf aa M,,’ (R?, — R?,,) 
Since cos A, must be positive when the angle A, is acute, 
- it is evident that in all cases it is the ct sion which must 
precede the radical in the above expression ‘for cos rsa Ce 
is evident that in the expression for cos A,, it is the — sign 
only which should precede the radical. 

ws When'l = 23) then o, ='e,;' R= RM aa; 

and the above expressions can ‘be written in the forms— “ 
Q R, (R, NG R, :) 
~ M, (RB, + R,).(B, — R,) 


cos A, = 

On Practical Geodesy. 51 

Q R, (R, mr R,,) 
M, (R, 2 R,) (R, scars R,) 

* cos A, = cos A, = = = tan > ‘tan 1, 

cos A, = 


To find the chord & and the angle 6 which it makes with 
the polar axis, we have— 
p— 28 'sin3 
Bes = 
To find the sides of the plane triangle p, C, p,, we have— 

‘i sin L,,) 


C, 1 ge R, cos L); Cp, = wee R,, cos Lis PP = hk sin 0. 
And knowing the three sides of this plane triangle, we can 
find its angles ¢, ¢,, 

Then from the spherical triangles SPI, SPI, we have the 
following formule from which to obtain the azimuths— 

cos 4 (6 — I’) 

(A, —W = EG me bs 
tan d (A, + vy) = ion ™ 2, 
ee (A 4 ye =e cot 3 ¢,; 
wn 4 (A, —y) = SACO) tang, 

We can also find the sides IS, IS, of aiid ag tri- 
angles; and then we have— 
a Wy, is WY, 
a, = 90° — IS; a, = IS, — 90°. 
And as a test of accuracy of the work we have a, + a, = %. 

EXAMPLE (Problem 1). 
Let 2 = 38°; 1, = 37°; © = 1°, 15’,,00’; be the given 
latitudes and eee of longitude of the stations. — 
‘First then, to find the values of the normals R,, R,, drawn 

52 On Practical Geodesy. 

at the stations S,, S,,, which terminate in the polar axis, we 
have the well known formula 

a a 
es J1—eé sin? 1? Bi l= see 
and we easily obtain 

log R, = 7°3212526296; R, = 20953309:5777 feet ; 
log R, = 7°3212277292; R,, = 20952108-2495 feet. 


We will now proceed to find the values of the small arcs 
5,, 5,, by means of formula 80. And as R cos l’ — R,, cos L” 
enters in both numerators and denominators of the expres- 
sions, we shall first find its value. Thus :-— . 

log R, = 7°3212526296 log R, = 7:321227292 
cos 1’ = 1-7893417987 cos 2” = 1°7794630249 
7:1105946083 7-1006907541 

antilocs { 1290014548795 

8°) 1260929351225 

.. R, cos l’ — R,, cos 2” = 290851:9757 
and log (R, cos U’ — R,, cos 1") = 5:4636720181 

Now to find 8 we have formula 80 or— 
tans é’ (R, cos J’ — RB, cos 2”) sin 7’ 
ape R, — é (R, cos l’ — R,, cos 1”) cos 1 

log & = 3°8315591974 log & = 3°8315591974 
'  §:4636720182 54636720182 
sin /’ = 1:8965321441 cos l’ = 1°7893419787 
3°1917633597 3:0845731943 
; antilog 1214:9913 

but R 

> = 20953309-5777 
.. the value of the denominator = 20952094:5864 
and its log is 7:°3212274459 
.. log tan 8, = 5 8705359138 
2°20, 10°} 0077'15" 302001 
To find 6, we have the formula 80 or— 
A e” (R, cos /’ — R,, cos 2”) sin 1” 
orf Oc RE (R, cos /’ — B,, cos 1”) cos l” 

On Practical Geodesy. 53 

log & = 3°8315591974 log e& = 3°8315591974 
5-4636720182 54636720182 

sin 2” = 1:9023486165 cos 1” = 1:7794630249 
31975798321 3:0746942397 

antilog = 1187°6658 
= 20952108-2495 

*, value of denominator = 20953295:9153 

its log = 7°3212523464 

. log tan 8, = 58763274857 
. 8, = 0°, 00’, 15751503 
To find the ares L’ and L”, we have 

4 Be = i so 5, dh = pe po 5, 
Pee 5529 oe ee 
5 = 0, 00/,,/15"-30950 5, = 0, 00’, 15”-51503 
- L’ = 52°, 00’, 15":30950 =. L” = 52°, 59’, 44”-48497 

These values are correct to the last or fifth decimals. 
To find L’ we have also the formula 79 or— 

cot L’ = (1 — e’) cot l’ + ey 
log (1 — e) = 1:9970432059 log & = 3:8315591974 
cot l’ = 1:8928098346 log R,, = 7:3212277292 
1:8898530405 cos J” = 1:7794630249 
antilog = 0-7759844892 49322499515 

log R, = 7.3212526296 
sin /’ = 1°8965321441 



antilog = 0:0051816154 

-. cot L’ = 0°7811661046 
. log cot L’ = 1-8927433907 
Ss 523, OOKp 1573095 

54 On Practical Geodesy. 

To find L” we have formula 79 or— 

u" 1 2 jl Die R, cee l’ 
cot L” = (1 — e’) cot l” +e Eoin f” 

log (1 — e’) 1:9970432059 
cot 2” = 1°8771144084 
1°8741576143 antilog = 0:7484410756 

log & = 3°8315591974 log R, = 7°3212277292 
log R, = 7°3212526296 sin 2” = 1-9023486165 
cos Ul’ = 1°7893419787 7-2235763457 


3°7185525600  antilog = 0-0052309125°5 
0 74844107565 

* nat cot L” = 0°7536719882 
.. log cot LL" = 1:8771823669, and L” = 52°, 59’, 44-4867 

the error of 0”:0018 being due to the insufficiency of the 
tables or to their inaccuracy in the 10th decimal places, &c. 

Now, in each of the spherical triangles S,PD,, S,,PD,, 
S,PS,, we have the two sides and the included angle w from 
which we can find the angles at their bases and also the 

To find the angles A,, D,, and base z, of the triangle 
cot 4 w =11-°9622253888 cot $ w =11°9622253888 
cos } (L’—1/)= 9-9999836052 sin 3 (L’—U’)= 7-9389661700 

21-9622089940 19-9011915588 
cos 4 (L’+.0/)= 97844684133 sin } (L’4+1')= 9-8994541209 . 
tan } (A,+D,)=12:1777405807 tan }(A,—D,,) =10 0017374379 
3 (A, + D,)-= 89°, 37’, 10” + 133745 
L(A, —D,) = 45°, 06’, 52” - 590185 
A, = 134°, 44’, 02” - 72393 
— 44°, 30’, 17” 54356 

On Practical Geodesy. 55 

sin l’ = 9°8965321441 sin L’” = 9:9023239980 
sin w = 8°3387529285 sin wo = 8°3387529285 
18-2352850726 18:2410769265 

sin D,, = 93456993857 sin A, = 9°8514912397 
sin z, = 8-3895856869 . sin z, = 83895856868 

a= ae, 24 18 8798 

To find the angles D,, A,, and base z, of the triangle 


cot $ w =11°9622253888 cot 4 w =11°9622253888 
cos $ (0”—L’) = 9:9999836034 sin 4 (/’—L’) = 7-9389910706 
21-9622089922 19°9012164594 

cos $(!’+L’) = 9-7844261226 sin 3 (2’+L’) = 9-8994790213 

tan} (D,+A,)= 121777828696 tan J 1(D,—A,)=10-0017374381 
1(D, + A,) = 89°, 37’, 10” - 267152 
1 (D, — A,) = 45°, 06’, 52” «590233 
-D, = 134°, 44’, 02” » 857385 


A, = 44°, 30’, 17” - 676919 


sin 2” = 9:-9023486165 sin L’ = 9°8965573265 
sin wo = 8°33879029285 sin w = 8°3387529285 
18-°2411015450 18:2353102550 

sin D, = 9 8514909614 sin A,, = 9°8456996715 
"sin z, = 8:3896105836 “ sin z, = 8°3896105835 

z, = 1°, 24’, 19” - 169884 

To find the angles A,, A,., and base v of the triangle 

cot 3 w =11-9622253888 cot 4 w =11-9622253888 
cos 3 (l’—U’) = 9-9999834631 sin 3 (Z’’) = 7-9408418596 
21-9622088519 19-9030672484 

cos } (1” +1’) = 9-7844471278 sin 3(2" +1’) = 98994666546 

Gad (Ac +A,,)= 121777617241 singh —A.,,)=10-0036005938 
1 (A,+A,.) = 89°, 37”, 10” - 20043 
1 (A,—A,.) = 45°, 14’, 15” - 02727 
A, = 134°, 51’, 25” - 22770 
A..= 44°, 22’, 55” - 17316 

56 On Practical Geodesy. 

sin J’ = 9:8965321441 sin J” = 9-9023486165 
sin w = 8-3387529285 sin o = 83387529285 
18-2352850726 18-2411015450 

sin A, = 9°8447496921 sin A, = 98505661645 
sin v = 8°3905353805 . sin vy = 8°3905353805 

v = 1°, 24’, 29” + 956648 

To find the portions v,, v,, into which y is divided by the 
point O. 

From the spherical triangles 8,,0OE,, S,OE,, we have— 
sin y, "sin. O = sin a@,; sin y, sin’ O"_ “cine. 
and from these— 

sin v,, sina, _ R, 
| sin vy, ina) ee 
and .. (see formule 27, 33, 34)— 
log R, = 7°3212526296 tan $v = 2-0895709833 
log R, = 7:°3212277292 tan (x—45°) = 5:4573930282 

. tanz = 10-0000249004 .. tan 3 (v,—v,) = 75469640115 
“@ = 45°00, 0591314... 4 (v,—v,) = 0°, 00", 00"-072776 
But 4 (v,+v,) = 0°, 42’, 14”-978324 

vy, = 0°, 42’, 15”-051100 

, = 0°, 42’, 14”-905548 


To find the angles 0,,9,, which a plane parallel to the 
two normals makes with the normal chordal planes— 

Q,= A, —A, = 0°, 07’, 22”-50377 
9,.= A, A. = 0°. 07) oo aia 
. we have in actual practice (as has been already demon- 

strated) Q, = Q,; and we may write © to represent their 
common value. 

To find the angles a,, a, of depression of the chord below 

the tangent planes at the stations S,, S,., we have— 
tana, = tan v, * cos 2 tana, = tan v, * cosQ 
tan vy, = 8:0895585138 tan v, = 8°0895834524 
cos 2 = 9:9999990005 cos OQ = 9:9999990005 

. tana, = 80895575143 =... tana, = 8-0895824529 
a, = 0°, 42’, 14899714... a, = 0°, 42’, 15”-045266 
3a, +a, 2 1°) 2499798498 , 

On Practical Geodesy. 57 

To find the length of & the chord connecting the stations. 
We have— 

R,, cos J, sin w R, cos 7, sin w 

Es sin A, cosa, Lia sin A,, COs a,, 

log R,, = 7:3212277292 log R, = 7:°3212526296 
cos 1, =. 1:9023486165 cos 7, = 1:8965321441 
sin wo = 2°3387529285 sin w = 23387529285 
55623292745 55565377022 

sin A, = 1:8514912398 sin A,, = 18456996715 
cos a, = 1:9999672028 cos a, = 1°9999671990 
1:8514584426 1°8456668705 

log k = 5:7108708319 =. ~log k = 5:7108708317 

log k = 57108708318 
uke = dlaov0 for 

To find the length of the geodesic are s connecting the 

, be Ss sin’ 

2°sin 4 > 
log k = 5'7108708318 log 2 = 0°3010299957 
log = = 3°7050032463 sin} 3 = 2-0895371846 

sin 1” = 6°6855748668 © 


log s = 5:7108817646 “. § = 513903°723718 feet. 


To find the arcs OE,, OE,, or y,, y,, whose sum EE, is 
the measure of the angle ~. We have— 

sin y, = sin vy, sin 2 sin y, = sin v, sin Q 
sin v, = 80895257164 sin v, = 8:0895506513 
sin Q = 73314915049 sin Q = 7°3314915049 
sin y, = 5°4210172213 sin y, = 9°4210421562 
“. y, = 0°,, 00’, 05” - 438039... y, = 0°, 00’, 05” - 438352 

. A = 0°, 00’, 10” - 876391 

To find the ares ¢, f, whose sum = 6. Since the pencil 
I (SS OP) is harmonic, we have— 

gedeni i tyes Vitam ib 6, 

Fi RR SC 8 EE ae a F  | 
tan a (L’ 7" By? 2 Ch, =F é,) 2 5, 

Sa On Practical Geodesy. 

And to find the ares ¢,, f,, whose sum = 6,; we have— 
fan 4 (pp f,) = ee 
M 4 tan 4 (L” + 1’) 
From these we easily obtain the values— 

e, = 175773 f, = 175729 
e. = 765453 f = 765497 


In the spherical triangle F PF,, we know the values of 
the sides and included angle #; and applying the usual for- 
mulze we find— | 

angle F, = 134°, 44’, 02” - 79079 

angle F, = 44°, 30’, 17” - 61004 

arc EF, = 1°, 24’, 19” * 02484 = 3 (z, + z,) 
. F, =3(A, + D)) to within 0”-0001 
 F,=4(A, + D,) to within 0’-0002 

We may also observe that— 

D,—A, = 0"-13345; A,—D, = 0713336 
. D,—A, = A, —D, to within 0”-0001 

R2=" In the “Account of the Principal Triangulation of 
Great Britain and Ireland,” the following formule are 




‘cos’ 1, sia BAL 2 sin 47 

D,—A, = ¢° 5° cos’? 7, sin2 A, °2?°sin 1” 

In working out these expressions with respect to the 
present examples we have— | 

log 2 = 1-3979400087 log 3 = 1-3979400087 

2 es 2 uy 
log jg = 38345159915 log 7a = 3'8345159915 
cos’ J, = 1:8046972330 cos’ 2, = 1:7930642882 
sin 2 A, = 1:9999812911 sin 2 A, = 1:9997379520 
log z,° = 7:4081585260 log 27 = 7:4081087226 
sin 1” = 6°6855748668 sin 1” = 6°6855748668 

. log(D,-A,) = 1:1308679171  .-.log(A,—D,,) = 1:1189418298 
“. D,—A, = 0’°1352 which is too great by 0’:002 
A,— D,, = 0":1315 which is too small by 0’:002 

We may also observe that in all cases in which the 
greater azimuth A, is less than 90°, the second of the above 

On Practical Geodesy. 59 

formule would intimate that D,, is greater than A,, which 
we know to be erroneous. And when A, = 90° it intimates 
that D, = A,,, which is also erroneous. 

ZS In order to shew the extent to which a change in 
the assumed values of the earth’s polar and equatorial radii 
can effect the results of geodetic computations, I give the 
following columns of results, worked out with 7 place 

be = 20926348 ; = 20923713 
b= eon b = 20853810 t 

A, = 134°, 51’,, 257°225 A, = same as before 
Seas 22, OF LTT yep 
A, = 134°, 44, 03° 683 Bis = 134° cae 10": 647 
A, = 44, 30, 16°718 A= 44°, a0 09 : 754 
i sO On, 2h O41 =O) OL Tea aay 
v= 24, ) 29° 956 vy = same as before 
> = I, 24, 29°945 De ee asa Os Gs 
a, = 0, 42, 14°900 aw a=). O42 Tes 90] 
a, = 0, 42, 15-045 e's) 0, 420 Lb O45 
A 0, 00,80 852 Ba iO OU 10. Gal 
s = 513905°8 feet s = 513847-7 feet 

The increase in A, is equal to the decrease in A,, and the 
whole amount 6”9 of such increase or decrease is owing to 
the change in the ratio of a to b, and not to their absolute 

magnitudes. This shews that if the assumed value : be not 

suitable to the-locality of the survey, there must of necessity 
be discrepancies between the azimuths as found by direct 
observation and computations, in closing work carried on by 
means of two series of stations. We see also that the values 
of s differ by about 58 feet in an arc of 97 miles, owing to 

the change in the values of a and b. 

EXAMPLE (Problem 2). 

Case 1. 

Given the latitude 1 = 38°; the azimuth A, = 134°, 44”, 
02”°72393 ; and the length of the geodesic arc s = 513903 
"7237 feet; to find the difference of longitude », the latitude 
L the azimuth A,, & 

GO On Practieal Geodesy. 

To find z we have (from the “Account of the Principal 
Triangulation of Great Britain and Ireland ”) the formula— 

eee Ine Se 4 0-0004862 x sin? (A) * sin?/’ 

in which (A /’) represents any close approximate to the 
difference of the given and unknown latitudes, so as to have 
the first three or four decimal places in the expression log 
(sin’ A 0’) correct. 

In the present example we know that a Ul’ = I’ nearly, 
and .*. to find z— 

log (00004862) = 4-6868 log R, = 73212526296 

sin? (AU) = 64837 sin 1” = 6°6855748668 

sin? ’ = 1-7931 2-0068274964 

log s = 5:7108817646 

antilog = 919-6 37040542682 

log z, = 3°7040543601 
2, = 1°, 24’, 187-8798 
Were we to use the more simple formulee— 
vi agate s 

; in peboa Ema 

we evidently have— 
‘ log z, = 3°7040542682 

2, = 5058"°878) = 1°,, 24, 18" -87S5, 

which is too small by about 0”001 only. And since the 
0-001 part of one second represents not more than an error 
of 75 of a foot in the whole length of the arc s = 97 miles; 
.. It is evident that in all cases we can safely find z, by 
means of this formula. 

Now knowing A, lJ’, z, in the spherical triangle SPD_, 
we can find the angles w, D,, and the side L’ by the usual 

WOOL Ee tos vee Ee 
sin 4 (/’ — z, 

On Practical Geodesy. 61 

cot 4 A,=9:6200681684 cot 3 A, =9-6200681684 
cos 4 (l’/—z,)=9-9562174764 sin 3 (J/—z,)=9-6307496490 
19°5762856448 19:2508178174 

cos } (I'-+2,)=9-9510220423 sin 3 (U/-+z,) =9-6525942988 
at ies 6252636025 ... tan 4 (D,,—w)=9°5982235186 
4 (D, + 0) = 22°, 52’, 38”-7711 
4 (D, —o) = 21°, 37’, 38"-7719 
D, = 44°,, 30’, 17-5430 
w = 1°, 14’, 597-9999 
Pers This case, in which the given latitude is greater than 

the sought latitude, is made known to us by A, being 
greater than the angle D, 

To find L’— 

sin z, = 83895856868 sin l’ = 9°8965321441 

sin A, = 9°8514912398 sin A, = 9°8514912398 
18°2410769266 19°7480233839 

sin w = 8:3387529285 sin D,, = 9°8456993857 

sin LL” = 9:9023239981) .j..*.. suf L” = 99023239982 

L” = 52°, 59%, 44”-4850 
or to find L” we may use the formula— 
en ee ee ey 
tan 4 (L 1’) an} (oD) Cy aoep 3 an dz, 

To find 6, we have the approximate formula 84— 

oe a f+ sin L’ sin $ (L” + 2) - (L" — 2) 

or the more ee approximate formula 83— 
1; Dat eu" sue 4 pace) ) sin $ (L” — 7’) sin L” 
41 &) —2- 2+ sind (L’ +7) sin 3 (L” — l’) cos L” 
log ;——q = 38345160 
sin L” = 1-9023240 
sin } (L’ + 7’) = 1-8994540 
log (L” — 1’) = 3-5544268 
log 8, = 1:1907208 
8, = 0°, 00’, 1575139 

sin 6, 

62 On Practical Geodesy. 

log 2 = 0:3010300 

log & = 38315592 
sin } (L” + 1’) = 1:8994540 
sin 3 (L’ — 1’) = 3-9389661 
5-9710098" ©... (ik SOLS 0 ep eees 
cos L” = 1:7795064 sin L” = 1:9023240 
5:7505157 58733333 
antilog = 0-000056300 1:9970186 
1 — @ = 0993214854 w. sin 8, = 5:°8763147 
0:993158554 6, = 0°, 00’, 15”-5146 

its log = 1:9970186 

Then to find J”, and 1, 
Val +3, t= 90° —l 


By first value of 6, we find J, = 37°,, 00’, 00”:0019 
. second”, , = 37°, 00’, 00”-0004 

we have— 

& L,, 

To find A,, we have— 
A, —D,, = sin D, tan 4z,:38, 
sin D,=1°8456994 -- A,—D,=0°, 00’, 0013336 
tan bz — 9-0886210 but D,,=44°,, 30’,, 17”:5430 
log 6,,=1:1907207 A, =44°, 30’, 17’-6764 
log (A,—D,) =1-1250411 

Kas” In the “Account of the Principal Triangulation of | 
Great Britain and Ireland:” (see pages 247, 249, 676, of that 

-work) there is given what is considered the most accurate 
method of solving this problem. The values of z, w, D, are 


there found as in the present paper, but the azimuth A, and 
latitude 1, are determined otherwise: thus— 

To find A, the erroneous formula 96 is used, which gives 
¢=A,—D, = 01315 instead of 0“1334. 

Then to find J, the following formula is given— 

_s , sing (A,— A, + 9 
p snl” sin3(A,+A,+ 2) 

am ape 221 ake nz V 
ae cos’ 3 (A, — A,,) sin A 

1,—l, = 

in which p is the radius of curvature for the meridian for 

On Practical Geodesy. 63 
the mean between the known and unknown latitudes, and 

in which— 
4 (A, —A, = 4) = 4 (A, amet D,,) 
3 (A, iF Be, ae é) a 4 (A, =e D,,). 
The value of 1 — 1, as computed from the above is— 
1, —J, = 3600"-0057 = 1°, 00’, 00”-0057 
1, = 36°, 59’, 59”-9943, 
which is nearly 0006 in error, when by the method fol- 
lowed in this paper the error amounts only to about 0”0004. 
It may perhaps be proper to observe that in the example 
under consideration we have in reality— ; 
SE A, ane) eA, + D,) 

so that the fact of the expression for 1, — 1, being written 
as above shews that its author considered A, to be less than 
D: however, we know that A, must be greater than D_. 

EXAMPLE (Problem 2). 
Case 2. 

Given the latitude 1, = 37°; the azimuth A, = 44° 30’, 
17”-67692 ; and the length of the geodesic arc s=513903°7237 
feet: to find w, 1, and A,, &e. 


‘To find the are z,, we have— 

R,, sin 1 
in which AJ” is the nearest approximate which we can easily 

log z, = log + 0:0004862 x sin? (A2”) sin? 2’ 

find to the difference of the known and unknown latitudes. 

In the present case we know that Al’ is nearly 1°. 

log (0-0004862) = 4:6868 log R,, = 7:3212277292 
log sin? (A2”) = 6°4837 sin 1” = 6:6855748668 
sin’ 1” = 1:8047 20068025960 

2-9752 log s = 5°7108817646 

antilog = 9445 3:7040791686 
) 944 

log z, = 3°7040792630 
z, = 5059”-16988 = 1°, 24’, 19”-16988 

64 On Practical Geodesy. 

Were we to use the simpler formula— 
, We, ein” 
then, obviously, we have— 
log z, = 3°7040792, and... 2, = 1°, 24’, 19”-1687 
which is 0”:0011 too small. 

To find D and o, we have— 
cos 4 (1” — z,) 

log z,, 

= SS t + A 
tan 3 (D, + a) coat tli@inen cot 4 A, 
sin 4 (l" —z, 
tan 4 (D, — o) = sin + @ + «,) -cot 4 A, 
cot $ A, = 10°3881059553 
cos $ (/” —z,) = 9°9544060605 
cos $ (l” + z,) 9:9490947477 
. tan $ (D, + wo) = 10°3934172681 
; cot 4 A,, = 10°3881059553 
sin 3 (/” —z,) = 9°6386781718 

sin 3 (l’ + z,) = 9°6600485181 
-. tan 4 (D, — o) = 103667356090 
4 (D, + «) = 67°, 59’, 31-4286 
| 2 (D, —) = 66°, 44’, 31”-4287 
DD, = 134°, 44’, 02/8573 
© = 1°, 15’, 0070001 

Kgs This case in which the given latitude is less than the 
sought latitude, is made known to us by the given azimuth 
A, being less than the computed angle D. 

To find L’,— 
sin z, = 8°3896105836 sin /” = 99023486165 
sin A, = 9-8456996715 sin A, = 9:8456996715 
18°2353102551 19°7480482880 
sinw = 8°3387529285 sin D, = 9°8514909614 
- sin L/ = 9:8965573266 ... sin L’ = 9°8965573266 

 L! = 52°, 00’, 15-3097 

On Practical Geodesy. 65 

To find L’ we can also use the formula— 

sin $ (D, — A,) 

0 AY 67 Lf eo Lb tigress «te 
tan 4 (/ 1 ee ain'g (D, + A,) tan 4 z,, 

To find §, we have— 
e = 
log poe2 = OOD | 
sin L’ = 1-89655 0, == OF OO") 15-3095 
sin 3 (t” + L’) = 189946 .. ’= L’ —8, = 51°, 59’, 59-9999 
log (t” — L’) = 3:55445 . 
*, log 6, = 1:18497 oben OO" 00" COOL 

To find A,, we have— 
D,— A, = sin D, tan 3 z, ° 5, 
sin D, = 1:85149 

tan} z, = 208865 .. D,—A, = 0°, 00’, 00"-1334 
log 5, = 1:18497 But D, = 134, 44, 02 °8573 
log (D,— A,) = 1°12511 A, = 134°, 44", 02"-7239 

Kg In the “Account of the Principal Triangulation of 
Great Britain and Ireland” the formula from which to find 
, 1 “yee s _sin 4 (D, — A,,) 

p°sin 1” sin 4 (D, + A,) 
: 41 -- 7 ‘cos? 4 (A, — A,,) sin’ 1” \ 

and the resulting value of 1, — J, = 1°, 00’,, 00”:0059 

L, — 38°. 00’, 00”-0059 which 
is too great by 0006, while iy the method in this paper the 
error is only 0”-0001. 

In the treatise on “Geodesy” in Spon’s Dictionary of 
Engineering, the unknown latitudes in the first and second 
cases of the problem are determined by means of the 

s‘cos A s- sin? A tan 
= 4— 5 4H Oe apie ike 
L = L,, — R, gin 1” a5 9 - ee - gin 1” ka -- é cos 1) 
s* cos A s-sin? A. tan] 
— ee A a OE ee “4 a“ 2. 
a ‘i By sue l” 27 Re, - sim TY ka + € * cos’ /,,) 

G6). On Practical Geodesy. 

from which we find 7, — 1, = 3600 091 
and J, — Jl, = 3600°632; giving an error of 

0”1 in the first case, and an error of 0”6 in the second case. 

In Chambers’ “ Practical Mathematics” the formule differ 
from the above in having the factors (1 + e- cos J), 
(1 + e: cos’ J), replaced by (1 + 2 ¢€ * cos’l) and 
(1 + 2«°cos’l) which are greater; and .. obviously the 
results must be the more erroneous. 

Their method of finding the difference of longitude is by 
means of the formula 

s‘sin A, s‘sin A, 
Mm = F > — Fie Se a 
RK,‘ sin 1’ cos. FRO "sa tO eos, 
sin A, sin A, 
SPT ae § 
cos 1, cos J, 

from which we obtain the values 
w = 4499838 = 4500”:355 

having a difference = 0”°517. 

7 nie eee 
is Rae Ae 
<< aa £ 7 . 
ae ae 

Notes on the Radiometer. | 67 

Art. II].—WNotes on the Radiometer. 
By R. L. J. ELLery, Esa. 

[Read llth May, 1877. ] 

Art. II] —On the Improvement of the Port of Melbourne. 

By T. E. RAwLinson, C.E. 
[ Read before the Royal Society of Victoria, 8th June, 1876. | 

In resuming the subject of a paper read before the 
members last session on proposed works for the improve- 
ment of the Port of Melbourne, I purpose replying, as far 
as possible, to questions asked and objections raised at the 
time and since to certain features of the proposed scheme. 

These questions and objections appear to resolve them- 
selves into the following :— 

1st. The data on which I assume the width of 1000 feet 
as necessary for the proposed new channel and basin. 

2nd. The oft repeated allegation that the River Yarra 
has debouched at various times at several places between 
St. Kilda and the present entrance at Williamstown. 

3rd. That the estimated total cost is far in excess of our 
present means. 

Tn replying to the first I must remind members that I 
stated the width assumed was based on certain generali- 
sations, and subject to modification if necessary on receipt 
of accurate data as to the amount of flood discharges 
down the Yarra; but although to this extent empirical, it 
was in a large measure based on a knowledge of the exten- 
sive discharge of flood waters over the St. Kilda-road, 
between the Prince’s Bridge approach, and the Immigration 
Barracks Hill, additional to the heavy discharge through 
the Prince’s Bridge and the Dry Arch south of it. In addi- 
tion to this evidence there was the 200 feet span of Church- 
street Bridge flooded to a great height, through which 

_the water tore ina torrent, destroying the sheet piling and 
_ roadway underneath ; while at Johnston-street Bridge, with 

an opening of 175 feet, the water rose to a great height 

and was equally mischievous, owing to its great velocity and 

consequent destructive energy. The sectional area of the 

torrent at this place was between 4000 and 5000 feet, whilst 

68 On the Improvement of the 

between this bridge and Melbourne the volume of the Yarra 
was considerably augmented by numerous small streams 
and creeks flowing into it, adding, at least, from 800 to 1000 
feet additional of sectional area of flood water. 

Since the date of my paper I have noticed that Mr. Gordon 
in one of his reports estimates that an additional flood 
channel, of about 4000 feet sectional area, in addition to the 
present river, is required for the passage of flood waters 
below Melbourne to the Bay—making a total of about 8000 
feet of area; but in the face of all the facts known of the 
great volume of the waterflow through Prince’s Bridge, I do 
not think such sectional area equal to the work to be done. 

The discharge in heavy floods through Prince’s Bridge 
and the Dry Arch is a pitch or fall of water rather than a 
flow, whilst over the St. Kilda-road causeway the water 
rushed as over a weir head, the velocity in each case being 
necessarily very great. 

In Flinders-street the water stood upwards of ten feet 
deep, and spread in a sheet southwards to the foot of Emerald 
Hill, and although extending over so large a surface, it 
flowed with considerable velocity even when the flat was 
comparatively unobstructed ; but now, with solid embanked 
causeways and extensive piles of buildings covering the low 
ground, the waters of any future flood will of necessity be 
confined in narrower bounds, and rise to a greater height, 
in order to escape to the Bay. 

For the above reasons I do not think the width given for 
the proposed new channel (1000 feet) excessive for the 
outflowing water when the above conditions are fully 
considered ; but although 1000 feet width be adopted for a 
flood channel, it 1s unnecessary for the present to excavate 
the full breadth and depth for that purpose only, as the 
work may. be deferred until the space is required for dock 
extension, or the materials wanted for reclamation of new 

For carrying away flood waters, the channel, if taken out 
to 1000 feet wide, and to the depth of ordinary high-water 
mark, and the ship channel taken out for its full depth of 20 
- feet at low water, and 400 feet wide at the top, would give 
a sectional area of about 10,000 feet, the mean velocity and 
area of which would be more nearly approaching the required 
capacity for discharging the excess of the waters requiring 
passage, without unduly impeding the free flow and conse- 
quent backing-up of the flood waters which a narrower 
channel would cause. 

Port of Melbourne. 69 

In reply. to the allegation that the Yarra has at various 
times debouched by different outlets between St. Kilda and 
Williamstown into the Bay,I fail to see any grounds for 
such assertions, for the statement is almost too absurd for 

refutation, that because there is a slight depression in made 

ground it must at some time or other have been a water 

The arguments are based on a fallacy, and cannot in my 
opinion be justified by analogy or by reason; and, were it 
not for the repetition of these views from time to time, I 
would not again recur to them, having in the previous 
paper dealt with the question, but it is perhaps better to risk 
a slight repetition than uncertainty or obscurity on this 


Before the low-lying lands around Emerald Hill were 
formed, the Yarra must have entered the Bay about the 
site of Prince's Bridge, and as the land made by precipitation 
from its waters, by silt and by drift, the embouchure would 
gradually be forced along in the direction of its present 

channel, and the singular formation of the river at Humbug 

Reach is one of the strongest possible evidences of such 

It is quite possible and probable that in times of flood, 
such as in the year 1863, the surcharged waters overflowing 
their banks would pass away over the low flats in a direct 
line for the Bay, but this is quite a different matter to the 
bold assertions made, that such courses are the old filled-in 
beds of the Yarra, or that the Yarra in its normal condition 
ever flowed in any other channel than its present one. 

That views such as are enunciated in this and the preceding 
paper are correct, and proven as far as such things can be 
proven, are amply illustrated by analogy with similar causes 
and results of both the past and the present. 

In this country, as elsewhere, we have ample evidence 

that from remote ages climatic agencies have been much the 

same as in modern times, and that storms of thousands of 
years ago prevailed from the same quarter of the heavens as 
in the present day. 

The extinct volcanoes of the West give evidence of this 

fact in the deposition of ashes, scoriz, and tufa on what 

must have been the leeward of the Hill then, as it is the lee- 
ward now, during bad weather. 

Tower Hill, near Warrnambool, is a case in point, where 

the greatest preponderance of volcanic ash and tufa lies 

A ee ae 

ees coer 

AO ge 

Se Se a 

70 | On the Improvement of the 

towards the south-east, in the direction where aah deposits 

would be made in the present day under the influence. of 
the prevailing gales during stormy weather. 

That such deposits have not been casual outbursts is 
evidenced in sinking well-shafts through the strata for 

-water. In one case, after passing through alternations of 

this strata,a bottom was reached between 60 and 70 feet 
from the surface, showing an ancient turf and grass surface. 

The make of the land around Emerald Hill, by deposit of 
silt and gravel brought down the rivers and the literal drift 
along the shores, is not only illustrated by similar action 
within the brief period of our occupancy of Port Phillip, but 
by analogy with the examples of make of the low flat 
country of Gippsland, terminating against the sea in the 
Ninety-Mile Beach. 

The importance and extent of the agencies in operation 
causing these deposits can be better comprehended when it 
is remembered that the whole of the ravines and gullies of 
the Yarra basin, as well as those on the Gippsland slopes of 
the Dividing Range, have been eroded by rains and melted. 
snows, and the materials washed down to form the lower 
flat country. 

The geological evidence of these facts may be termed | 
as almost absolute and complete. 

The objections made to the large amount of the estimated 
cost for the whole work of port and harbor formation are 
equally untenable with those raised against the theory of 
the river formation, when it is borne in mind that the gross 
estimated sum is for a scheme of works extending over 
many years, and the whole cost of which will be more than 
recouped by the vastly increased value given to the reclaimed 
lands,a large portion of which at the present time is of | 
little, if any, vaiue. The works proposed, whether as a 
whole or only in part, will be actual creation of a large 
amount of valuable property in addition to the conservation 
of the harbor and improvement of the port, leaving it free 
for ever. 

Up to the present I have been unable to obtain informa- 
tion as to the expenditure on the ports of London, Liver- 
pool, or other places ; but, from personal knowledge of the 
character and extent of the two named, and the nature of 
the works, I have no hesitation in stating that the cost 
cannot have been less than from 15 to 20 millions each, 
whilst in the case of Liverpool nearly the whole of the 

Port of Melbourne. 71 

outlay has been made within the last 150 years, and nearly 
one-half within my own recollection. 

For Melbourne the question of Harbor Improvements is 
now becoming one of vital importance, for in a few years, if 
nothing is done, its harbor will be a thing of the past, 
owing to the rapid silting-up which is now going on. 

To object to the large sum named for a whole scheme of 
harbor works, is scarcely a fair objection as put; because 
the sum named, although a very large one, is but prospective, 
and its rate of expenditure dependent on the future ex- 
tension of the trade of the port; and because the amount, 
if expended, is for objects equal in importance and value to 
any ever accomplished in any age or country for extent, 
usefulness, or economy ; and further, the capital named for 
expenditure is nominal only, seeing that the whole amount 
is refunded from the increased value of the reclaimed lands, 
giving to the country a surplus of value beyond the nominal 
capital named, in addition to which we would have an 
acreage of water space, quay wall, and quay room equal to 
many of the large ports of the world, free of debt, and 
which may be open to the navies and commerce of the 
world free of all charges beyond those for lights and 

The modified scheme which I now submit as being 
adapted to our immediate requirements presents the same 
advantages—proportional in their extent with the original 
scheme for the whole—as before submitted, without in any 
way interfering with the ultimate carrying out of the entire 


Excavation, 11,296,395 cubic yards, at 10d. ... £470,183 2, 6 
Coring the harbor quays with rubble-stone, 

8500 lineal yards at £50 Hay 425,000 0 
Quay wall to channel and ais Wharf, 8000 

yards at £100 ... Si aaa ud 800,000 0 

£1,695,183 2 6 
Fender Piling and miscellanea_... se --. 304,816 17 6 
Gross Total ... ve am .-. 2,000,000 0 0 
Materials available for the 
reclamation of land, 
' equal to ae «|| 1167 ‘acres. 
Deduct for quays ... Pan VME Bs 

740 ~=,, at £5000 £3,700,000 0 0 

Surplus Value aoe ota ... £1,700,000 0 0 

72 On the Improvement of the 
Immediate gain to the port— 
yeaetarbor ... Be ... 600 acres. 
New channel ... oa OD res 
Eiger Dash |. aoe.) Pwo D075 
Total ... 750 acres. 
Length of quay wall ... 8,000 lineal yards. 
Area of quay space ts 427 acres. 

In the above estimate and statement the injuries accruing 
from delay and the advantages to be derived from immediate 
action are so great that I now leave the facts to speak for 

themselves. In this paper, as in the original one, the cost 

of all works are estimated at outside prices, and the benefits 
Before closing I may be permitted to point out how the 

proposed harbor works, whilst materially affecting the 

question of harbor defences as originally submitted by the 
Royal Engineer Officers who have considered the question, 
owing to the material change of conditions in the Bay, in the 
event of these or similar works being undertaken, may be 
converted into strong and almost impregnable fortifications 
for the defence of the port, and render the possibility of 
shelling Melbourne and Williamstown from the Bay impro- 
bable, without first silencing the batteries—a thing which 
ought to be impossible. 

At the end of the south pier a site is shown for a battery 
in position of Moncrief guns, which construction, with stone 
facing to above high-water, may from that point have earth- 
work defences, sodded in the usual way ; and such guns as 
described, with a horizontal fire, would sweep a range > of not 
less than five miles, being themselves unassailable, except to 
chance shots or an uncertain, plunging, or vertical fire. 

The magazines for these guns need to be of no great size, 
because along the causeway a light tramway could be con- 
structed, under shelter of a covered way, for the purpose of 
conveying ammunition from land magazines as required. 

In case of the quay battery being injured from any cause, 
it would be untenable for an enemy without first silencing 
the land batteries which cover it from Sandridge and the 
river entrance. 

I do not presume on these matters to speak with authority, 
but rather as indicating the points which are available for 
harbor defence, and how they may be utilised. 

The rates previously given for the cost of the work so 
much exceed those paid for similar work that I have been 

of the 

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re re 

Port of Melbourne. 73 

induced to bring them down more in consonance with actual 
prices now current, but even with this reduction the margin 
of excess is very large. 

ADDENDA.—The dotted lines on Plan show where a di- 
version of the Yarra from the Botanic Gardens to the junction 
of the new channel may be made with great advantage to 
serve in times of flood, and also afford very great, facilities 
in increased station ground and quay and dock room 
abutting on Flinders-street; but as this portion of the 
subject was not directly connected with the Port improve- 
ments, as generally understood, it was omitted from the 
body of the original paper. Ty Bese 

7th February, 1878. 

ArT. IV.—Comparison of the Melbourne and Paris 
Reflecting Telescopes. 

By R. L. J. ELLERY, Esa. 

[Communicated 8th June, 1876. | 

ArT. V.—On Various Forms of Electrometer. 
By, BR... J. EuLery, se, 

[Communicated 10th July, 1876. ] 

Art. VI—On the Absence of Sun Spots during the Year. 
By R. L. J. Every, Esq. 

[Communicated 25th September, 1876. | 

74 “Notes on a Chronographic Apparatus, 

Art. VIIL—WNotes on a Chronographic Apparatus, with 
Huyghen’s Parabolic Pendulum. 

By R. L. J. ELuery, Esa. 
[Read 25th September, 1876.] 

AgouT three years ago, at a meeting of the physical section 
of this Society, I gave a brief résumé of the various methods 
that had been tried for obtaining uniform rotation, more | 
especially for astronomical and physical instruments; and I| 
pointed out that as the desired result had been only ap- 
proached, but in no case obtained, it was a subject worthy of 
the consideration of the section, and it- consequently formed 
the matter for discussion at a subsequent meeting. 

It may be as well to state here that all the most success- 
ful attempts to solve this mechanical problem involved the 
use of the fly, the rotating or conical pendulum, and reci- 
procating pendulum, either alone or in combination. 

The governor of a steam-engine is an apparatus the object 
of which is to secure uniform rotation, and is usually simply 
a double conical pendulum ; but we know that as the time of 
rotation of a conical pendulum varies very considerably with 
the distance the pendulum’s bobs are from the axis of rotation, 
this arrangement alone cannot possibly secure the desired 
_ effect, while it usually serves to govern the supply of steam 
sufficiently to obtain enough uniformity of motion for the 
practical purposes of a steam-engine. It is, however to the 
case of the astronomical or physical chronograph, where 
absolute uniformity is the most to be desired, and indeed a 
necessity, that I shall have principally to refer ; and I shall 
therefore limit my observations to this higher requirement. 

Although the conical pendulum is sometimes used for 
governing chronographic instruments, it does not, for the 
reason stated above, afford good results; if however it were 
possible to secure a constant driving force and resistance, and 
therefore a constant arc, it would no doubt be perfect; but 
we know it is impossible to attain these conditions. | 

In my experiments J have found that a simple free conical — 
pendulum, with a “bob” very heavy in proportion to its 
length, gives results very near to uniformity if the train be 
moderately good. 

In order to secure a nearly uniform arc with the conical 
pendulum many devices have been adopted, most of which 
depend upon having an excess of driving power and the 
variable excess used up by friction which is brought into 

oo: ep , > a! 

Notes on a Chronographic Apparatus. 75 

play by the pendulum itself as its are increases beyond a 
certain limit ; but as giving the pendulum any work of this 
kind to do leaves it no longer free, it becomes simply a 
“make shift,” and can only approach uniformity within 
larger limits than should be nowadays admissible. 

The most successful “governors” of this class hitherto 
constructed appear to be those where the motion of the 
mechanism is rendered approximately uniform by the fly, and 
then. finally controlled by a reciprocating pendulum, as in 
“ Bond’s Spring Governor,” or “Cook’s Governor,’ where a 
driven train of wheels is governed by a fly, but pulled up 
every half-second by a vibrating pendulum ; the pulling-up 
being made as gradual as possible by means of a light spring 
or weight inserted between the fly and the pendulum, allow- 
ing the former to continue revolving with increasing resist- 
ance until the latter allows its wheel to escape and so free 
the fly. These are practically the best forms of chrono- 
graphic governors in general use, but as there is a periodic 
error of half a second inherent in them they are really im- 

There is a form of governor which almost secures uniform 
rotation, namely the vibrating spring; and the more rapid 
the vibrations are the more nearly perfect is the result. 
Some chronographs have been made on this plan, and are 
known as Hipps’ Chronographs. They consist of a driven 
train and registering barrel, governed by a flat, straight steel 
spring, whose end just touches the ends of the teeth of a wheel, 
but which by a little rotatory force in the wheel can be pushed 
or bent so as to allow the teeth to pass it one after another ; 
the rate at which the wheel rotates being governed by the 
natural time of vibration of the spring, which is constant at 
the same temperature, and the rotation of the train is there- 
fore uniform, except for the small periodic error of which the 
time of the spring’s vibration is. the measure. In practice, 
however, I believe the escape-wheel-sometimes slips or runs. 
The noise, too, caused by the vibration of the spring is 
almost intolerable, and one of the American observers at the 
late transit of Venus told me he had to dig a big hole in the 
ground, place the apparatus in it, and cover it over before he 
--could bear the din. 

Siemens proposed a “governor” where the control was 
afforded by the varying friction of a fluid in a rotating para- 
bolic cup, This, although theoretically excellent, does not 
appear to have given satisfactory results in practice. 

76 -Notes on a Chronographic Apparatus. 

After this brief glance at the methods already adopted or 
proposed for obtaining uniform rotation, I will now return to 
the more special subjects of these notes. 

At the subsequent meeting of our Section A the question 
of uniform rotation was discussed, and Mr. Kernot suggested 
Huyghens’ Parabolic Pendulum as a governor, and submitted 
a plan for its construction. Now, Huyghens’ pendulum 
was invented 200 years ago, and is theoretically a perfect 
governor ; but with the exception of a rough imitation of 
the principle in a steam-engine governor | could not find 
that it had ever been used or even tried. I determined, 
however, to adopt Mr. Kernot’s suggestion, and try this 
governor. At first the results gave me no encouragement, 
and I almost determined to give it up, more especially as I 
imagined that there must be some almost insuperable prac- 
tical difficulty in the way to account for so old and theoreti- 
cally perfect a “ governor” never having been adopted. How- 
ever, by a little perseverance and alteration of form of 
pendulum, I arrived at better results, and eventually suc- 
ceeded in getting a pendulum constructed which is almost 
practically perfect, and the performance of which has with- 
stood far more trying tests than it would be subjected to in 
practice. Huyghens’ Parabolic Pendulum therefore has in 
my hands given the closest approximation te uniform rota- 
tion ever yet, I believe, obtained; and that with a mechanism 
so simple and easily constructed as to put all the more 
elaborate but less effective forms in the shade. : 

While in England last year I read a paper to the Royal 
Astronomical Society on “Some Experiments with Huyghens’ 
Parabolic Pendulum,’ but was not able to show one in 
operation. I can now do so, and that is my excuse for 
bringing it under your notice this evening. In the paper 
referred to I gave the principle of construction I had adopted, 
and the conditions I had found necessary to secure success. 
It is nevertheless, I think, desirable to give a brief descrip- 
tion of the pendulum in this place, more especially as I have 
the whole apparatus in working order before you. 

This chronograph apparatus is not very different from the 
ordinary forms, and is styled a “ barrel chronograph,” because 
the registration takes place on paper covering a barrel which, 
by reason of the perfect governance of the pendulum, 
revolves precisely once in a minute, while a syphon pen, 
actuated by an electro magnet, makes a mark on the paper 
every second, as the current from a galvanic battery is 

Notes on a Chronographic Apparatas. 77 

transmitted by a miniature key operated by the mechanism 
of a clock or chronometer. 

The syphon pen really marks a continuous line, which is 
interrupted every second by a small “offset” or “tooth” 
and constitues the “mark ;” and an “offset” is left out once 
in every complete revolution of the barrel, every minute 
in fact, at the same time the little carriage carrying the pen 
and magnet is continually progressing in the direction of 
the length of the barrel, at the rate of about one-tenth of 
an inch per minute, converting the continuous line into a 
spiral on the cylinder, 

I described a chronograph to this Society about 13 or 14 
years ago, and as the principle in this is much the same as 
in the one then described, and very similar to other barrel 
chronographs—such as Bond’s, Hipps’, &e.—it will not be 
necessary to refer to any details except the pendulum, 
which in this case is the only new or peculiar arrangement. 

“Let A A (Fig. 1.) be a vertical axis of rotation, which 
ean be driven by clockwork acting at the top or bottom of 
the axis; from this axis a pendulum (P) is suspended in 
such a way that when it hangs vertically the string (8) lies 
wrapped over a curved surface, which forms part and parcel 
of the vertical axis. This curve is the evolute of a para- 
hola, whose distance from vertex to focus is half the length 
of the required pendulum (when vertical). Now, let the 
axis revolve, and the pendulum will fly out from its vertical 
position, more or less, according to its weight and the driving 
power ; the arc described by the pendulum, as it increases 
its distance from the vertical, will be a parabola, by reason 
of the string gradually unwrapping from the evolute (E). 
Now, from the properties of the parabola, it follows that the 
vertical distance between the centre of rotation of the pen-- 
dulum (P) and the intersection of the string (S) with the 
axis of rotation of the pendulum will remain constant ; and 
therefore that the length of the pendulum remains constant 
at whatever arc it may rotate. 

“To practically secure these conditions it is necessary, 
first that the evolute shall be properly and precisely made ; 
and secondly, that it shall be so adjusted that the axis of 
the evolute and involute shall be coincident with the axis 
of rotation. 

_ “The pendulums I had constructed are half-seconds, that 
is, rotating once in a second. They are suspended in a hard 
gun-metal frame (Fig. 2), pivoted at the top and bottom, the 

meth Notes on a Chronographic Apparatus. 

lower pivot resting on an end jewel, the upper pivot sup- 
ported by a strong cast-iron bracket, and it is driven by a con- 
trate wheel in the clock train, engaging into a pinion in the 
lower end of a frame. The frame is open (as shown in 
Fig. 1) to allow of the middle part of the axis of rotation 
being clear for the evolute and the pendulum string or rod. 
The evolute is fixed at M, and is capable of adjustment at 
right- -angles to the axis of rotation by a screw (Q), the proper 
position “of the curve in the other direction being practically 
secured by careful workmanship, more especially i in the con- 
struction of the evolute itself. 

“The pendulum consists of a spherical bob, weighing about 
two and.a half pounds, on a steel rod about one-tenth of an 
inch thick, and suspended by a long and exceedingly thin 
steel spring secured to the top of the evolute at N. 

“The regulation of the length of the pendulum is done in 

the ordinary way with a nut at the bottom of the steel rod. 

“The governor thus made with ordinary care and work- 
manship is by far the best of any of which I have had ex- 
perience, and has furnished results better, I believe, than 
any others used with chronographs; at the same time it is 
simple and inexpensive.’* 

It is very necessary that the suspension-spring should 
be of the thinnest steel possible, and I have found what is 
known as French clock pendulum-spring to answer very 
well. The adjustment of the evolute is a somewhat tedious 
operation, but can be accomplished with great precision with 
care. To get its proper position, if the time of rotation 
increases with an increase of arc—in other words, if it 
revolves slower for increase of arc—the axis of the evolute 
is beyond the axis of rotation (reckoning from the pen- 
-dulum side of the axis), and it is too near if it revolves 
more rapidly for increase of arc. Of course for each alter- 
ation of the position of the evolute a considerable alteration 
of the length of the pendulum becomes necessary, and this 
somewhat complicates the adjustment; but with a barrel 
chronograph this is easily overcome by alternately increasing 
and diminishing the arc of the pendulum by adding to and 
subtracting from the driving weight. 

* Extract from Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ; 
page 72, Vol, XXXVI. 

ele ik 

oy ae a eB = 

eat har 

Fig: Bo 

Pinion fll] 

Longitude of the Melbourne Observatory. 79 

Art. VIII.—WNotes on the Longitude of the Melbourne 
_ Observatory. 

By E. J. Wuirts, Esa. 
[Read before the Royal Society of Victoria, 25th September, 1876. ] 

THE Melbourne Observatory having been selected by the 
American and German parties charged with the observation 
of the last transit of Venus in these parts of the world 
as a principal station of reference for the determination of 
the longitudes of their stations, it becomes a matter of some 
importance to investigate the authority on which the lon- 
gitude of the Melbourne Observatory itself depends. 

The longitude of Melbourne Observatory wus originally 
determined from that of Williamstown by means of trian- 
gulation. The longitude of Williamstown Observatory was 
found by means of moon culminations observed in the years 
1860, 1861, and 1862; of these 142 were compared with 
corresponding observations at Greenwich and the Cape of 
Good Hope, from which 9h. 39m. 38°8s. was computed and 
adopted as the longitude east of Greenwich ; the triangu- 
lation showed that the Melbourne Observatory was 16:00s. 
to the east of Williamstown, so that 9h. 39m. 548s. was 
adopted for the former. In the year 1874 we were requested 
by the German Commissioners entrusted with the manage- 
ment of the transit of Venus expeditions to observe all the 
moon culminations that were visible in Melbourne during 
the months of October, November, and December, in 1874, 
and January of the next year. This was done, and we 
succeeded in observing 29 culminations of the first limb, 
and 20 of the second limb. On finally reducing these 
observations lately, it became a matter of interest to see 
how this independent determination of our longitude would 
agree with the one derived from Williamstown. Sir 
George Airy, the Astronomer Royal, having recently obli- 
gingly furnished us with the observations of the moon 
taken during the.same period at Greenwich, it became 
possible to easily determine this agreement without directly 
computing the longitude. This was done in the following 
manner :—The Greenwich list contains the Nautical Almanac 
errors of the moon’s right ascension, as found from actual 
observation at Greenwich; the errors of the Nautical Alma- 
nac were also computed from the Melbourne observations, 
using our adopted longitude ; if, now, the Melbourne errors 
for the same dates come out the same as the Greenwich 

80. Longitude of the Melbourne Observatory. 

errors, it may be. inferred that our adopted longitude is 
correct, or any difference that may be found could be con- 
verted into a correction of our adopted longitude. On com- 
paring the Greenwich and Melbourne lists it was found 
that. on fifteen days the moon had been observed at. both 
places, and on interpolating the Greenwich errors, to make 
them correspond to the time of the Melbourne errors, and 
taking their mean, it was found that the mean error of the 
Nautical Almanac was + 0°58s. from the Greenwich observa- 
tions,and + 0°57s.from the Melbourne ones. These results are 
SO nearly identical as to show that our adopted longitude is 
quite as accurate as can be possibly obtained from the method 
of moon culminations. A distinguished American mathe- 
matician, Professor Peirce, of Harvard University, from 
theoretical considerations, estimated one second of time as 
the utmost limit of accuracy to be obtained by this method. 
Professor Hall, however, of the Washington Observatory, has 
recently discussed the longitude of his Observatory, as deter- 
mined by means of the Atlantic cable, transportation of 
chronometers, and moon observations ; and assuming the 
telegaphic result to be the correct one, ‘he finds a difference 
of rather more than two seconds to exist between the moon 
and electric determination, while the chronometric and 
electric results are nearly identical. Now,if we convert the 
above difference between the errors of the moon’s place, as 
found at Greenwich and Melbourne into a correction of the 
latter’s longitude, it will amount to only three-tenths of a 
second ; combining this with a weight proportional to the 
number of observations from which it is derived, it would 
indicate an increase to our adopted longitude of only three- 
hundredths of a second of time. Having thus reached the 
limit of accuracy of which the method of moon culminations 
is capable, any other determination of our longitude would 
have to be made either by transmission of large numbers of 
chronometers—a very expensive and troublesome process—or 
by means of the electric telegraph. In conclusion, I will 
state that I consider the longitude of Melbourne to be as 
well determined as that of any other place in the Southern 
hemisphere, and better than that of any other place in Aus- 
tralasia. The only other places in Australia where long-con- _ 
tinued observations of moon culminations have been made 
for finding the longitude are Parramatta and Sydney ; at 
both of these places, however, very inferior instruments were 
used, for the latter place, however, a fine transit circle, of 


Notes on Iron Arches. 81 

greater power than the Melbourne one, has been lately con- 
structed, and is now daily expected to arrive from England ; 
and as the difference of longitude between Melbourne and 
Sydney has been accurately measured by means of the 
telegraph, it will be easy to compare its longitude results 
with our own. At the Adelaide Observatory no special 
observations for longitude have as yet been taken. There, 
also, the Government is just about to order a transit circle, 
the telescope of which will be somewhat larger than our own; 
and as the difference of longitude has also been telegraphic- 
ally determined, its results will be immediately comparable 
with ourown. The acquisition of two such fine instruments 
by the neighbouring Observatories is a matter for congratu- 
lation, and will enable them in future to take their share of 
the immense work to be done in the Southern hemisphere, 
an undue proportion of which has lately fallen to Melbourne. 

Art. 1X.—WNotes on Iron Arches. 
Bx W. C. Kernot, M.A., C.E. 

[Read 25th September, 1875. | 

THE application of iron, and especially of wrought iron, to 
bridge-building is deservedly ranked as one of the most 
notable of those innovations in civil engineering practice 
that have been made in modern times. It has enabled us 
to cross chasms of enormous width and depth, and to erect 
safe and commodious structures in situations and under 
circumstances which would in many cases totally preclude 
. the employment of the materials known to the bridge- 
builders of an earlier date. So long as stone and brick were 
the only available materials, the engineer was confined in 
his choice to small spans, and to sites where a thoroughly 
sound foundation was easily attainable. The largest stone 
arch ever constructed, as far as I can ascertain, is consider- 
_ ably less than 250 feet span, while iron structures on the 
arch or girder principle of double, and on the suspension 
principle of three times, this span are by no means un- 
common, and we are yet far from approaching the limit of 
the maximum possible span in this material. Moreover, 
iron bridges can be employed with perfectly satisfactory 

82 Notes on Iron Arches. 

results in sites where,’ from lack of headway, defective 
foundation, or other local peculiarity, a stone or brick 
structure would be quite out of the question; and the 

selection of lines of communication is thus greatly facilitated, 

and their length and cost consequently diminished. 

The most tisual form in which iron is employed for bridge 
purposes is the beam or girder, consisting of two parallel 
flanges united by a vertical web, consisting either of a contin- 
uous plate or of a series of diagonal bars. The average cross- 
section of such a girder is shown in Fig. 1. In a girder 
supported at each end the upper flange is in compression, 
like a pillar; the lower flange is in tension, like a chain— 
indeed, in some girders the lower flange actually consists of 
a chain; while the web is in a somewhat complex state of 
stress, bemg compressed in an oblique direction, and extended 
in another oblique direction at right-angles to the first. In 
girders with parallel flanges, subject to distributed loads of 
the usual kind, the compression and tension of the flanges 
attain maximum values at the centre of the span, and 
diminish toward the ends, while the web stresses are but 
small at mid-span, and increase towards the supports. Hence 
the cross-sections of a theoretically perfect girder, at the 
centre and the end, would be of the forms represented by 
Figs. 2 and 3 respectively. | 

Occasionally girders are made of varying depth, as shown 
in Fig. 4, the bottom flange being retained straight, while 
the top one is curved; and if this curve be properly designed 
in view of the special distribution of load anticipated, the 
following results will be secured :— 

1. The tension on the lower flange will be uniform 

2. The compression on the upper flange will be nearly 
uniform throughout, increasing slightly towards the ends. 

3. The stresses on the web will vanish, and the web may 
consequently be dispensed with. 

We have now left but two flanges, one curved and the 
other straight, like a bow and its string, and these two 
flanges will together contain rather less metal than an 
ordinary parallel girder of equal depth and strength. 

In the girder as thus modified, the compression of the 
upper or curved flange at the end of the girder may be 
resolved into two forces—one vertical, which is balanced by 
the upward reaction of the support, and one horizontal, 
which is antagonised by the tension of the lower flange. 

Notes on Iron Arches. 83 

Let us now suppose the lower flange to be removed, thus 
reducing the amount of material employed, in the case of 
wrought iron, by nearly one-half, and we shall find the 
upper or curved flange alone to be fully competent to endure 
the load, provided that the supports or abutments be so 
constructed as to resist the horizontal as well as the vertical 
resolved parts of the compression at the ends of the remain- 
ing flange. 

We have now gradually transformed our structure from 
an ordinary parallel girder with two flanges and a web into an 
iron arch, and in so doing we have reduced the amount of 
material theoretically requisite by almost exactly one-half. 
From this it follows that as far as material is concerned an 
arch is a far more economical means of supporting an unva- 
rying load than a girder whenever a good abutment is 
available capable of resisting a horizontal thrust as well as 
a vertical pressure. 

In working this form of bridge out in practice we are, 
however, met by certain difficulties, in order to overcome 
which we are obliged to relinquish a part of the economic 
advantage which theory indicates. ~ 

1. The arch will be exposed to variations of temperature, 
which may amount to as much as 100° Fahrenheit in a 
Victorian climate, and which will cause considerable varia- 
tions of dimension through alternate expansion and contrac- 
tion of the metal. These changes of dimension, though 
perfectly harmless in the case of girders free to elongate 
horizontally, may lead to very serious if not dangerous 
results in the case of arches placed between immovable 
abutments; and it is imperatively necessary to take such 
precautions as shall prevent injury to the structure under 
extreme variations of temperature. 

The most thorough method of meeting this requirement 

“is to divide the arch rib into two parts “at the crown, and 

connect these two parts together, and the ends of the arch 

-to the abutment by joints possessing the character and 

performing the functions of hinges (see Fig. 5). The arch as 
thus modified will rise slightly when the temperature 
increases, and fall slightly when the temperature diminishes, 

and the change of temperature will be powerless to produce 

any sensible variation in the stress to which the material is 

Sometimes the arch rib is made with hinges at the ends 
only, and the elasticity or spring of the iron itself is 


84 } Notes on Tron Arches. 

depended upon in lieu of the central hinge, and by properly 
proportioning the transverse dimensions of the rib it is 
possible to ensure that within a given range of temperature 
the metal shall not be strained to any dangerous extent. 
An arch of this second kind will be manifestly less econo- 
mical in material than one of the first, seeing that it is 
required to endure considerable stresses- due to variations of 
temperature over and above those due to the load supported. 
Nevertheless there are certain practical considerations—such 
as simplicity of construction, facility of erection, &¢—which 
may be reasonably held in some cases to justify its use in 
preference to the more theoretically perfect form previously 

2. A second difficulty arises when in the unvary- 
ing or dead load, consisting of the weight of the structure itself, 
we desire the arch to support a varying, or as itis often termed 
a live, load, such as the weight of a crowd of people, a mob of 
cattle, or a railway train in motion. So long as the load is 
a perfectly unvarying one, no matter how irregularly it may 
be distributed, it is possible to adopt a form of arch which will 
be perfectly suited to the load to be carried, but with a varying 
load, occuping the same position and affecting the structure 
in the same way for no two successive instants, such adapta- 
tion is manifestly impossible. Hence the rib will be sub- 
jected to a cross-bending action, and be required to act 
to a considerable extent as a beam as well as to perform its 
proper functions as an arch; and this cross-bending action 
will be severe in small structures in which the live load is 
equal to or greater than the unvarying or dead load, but will 
become unimportant in gigantic works in which the live load 
becomes but an insignificant fraction of the total weight 
carried. Thus it will be seen that while in large structures 
we may reasonably expect to realise nearly the whole of the 
theoretical economic advantage of the arch over the girder, 
in small ones the additional metal necessary in order to 
provide for the extra stresses due to the varying distribution 
of the moving or live load will greatly diminish, if not 
altogether annul, the superior economy of the arch as com- 
pared with its competitor, 

I may here parenthetically remark that there is one class 
of structures in which we might at first expect to realise the 
full theoretic gain even in the smallest examples. I refer to 
bridges for the sole purpose of carrying water-pipes,or channels 
for water supply or canal purposes. Further reflection will, 


Se ee ee a ee 

Notes on Iron Arches. 85 

however, show that this is not the case, for if arches be 
employed’ it will be necessary to have a distinct trough or 
tube, separate from but supported by the ribs, whereas if the 
girder principle be adopted the girders themselves may be 
made to assume the form of a trough or tube, thus dispensing 
with any separate structure to contain the water ; and in this 
way the balance will be turned against the arch in the 
question of economy of material. 

Let us now endeavour briefly to analyse the stresses 
endured by the material of an arched rib under varying con- 
ditions of temperature, load, &c. 

We will first assume that the arch as originally designed 
“is of a form adapted to the dead or unvarying load to be 
_ borne, which form in the usual case of a uniformly distri- 
buted load is a parabola having its axis vertical; and it may 
further be remarked that a circular curve will usually be 
found not to deviate in any important degree from the 
parabola, and is, from a practical point of view, decidedly pre- 
ferable. Let: us also assume that the rib is hinged at the crown 
_as well as the springing. Let W represent the total weight 
of the structure, which may usually be taken as uniformly 
distributed over the whole length of the rib, 6 the span and 
h the rise of the arch; then the compression of the rib will be 
ae t the crown, and at every other point eee & when 6 
is the angle made by a tangent to the rib at the point in 
question with a horizontal line, and this compression will be 
uniformly distributed over the whole cross-section of the 
rib in every case. In other words, there will be no approach 
to a cross-bending action on any part of the rib, even though 
the temperature should vary or the abutments yield slightly 
to the thrust of the arch. If an additional load of W, 
uniformly distributed, be placed upon the bridge, these 
compressions will become sh 
respectively, and the perfect freedom from cross-bending 

before mentioned will still be maintained. If, however, the © 

live load, instead of being uniformly distributed over the 
_ whole span, cover a part of it only, a cross-bending action 
will come into play, which will attain its maximum when 
half the bridge is loaded, and which will be unimportant or 
severe according as the live load is small or large compared 
with the weight of the structure. The tendency of this 
cross-bending action will be to increase the radius of curva- 
M 2 

(W+W’) ee (W+W’) Z sec. 6 

SE aT aS rh ptt” 


86 3 Notes on Iron Arches. 

ture in the loaded side of the arch, as in Fig. 6, and reduce 
it in the unloaded; and the compression endured by the 
material of the rib will no longer be uniformly distributed, 
but will be greatly increased on the upper side of the 
loaded and the under side of the unloaded half of the rib. 
Hence, bearing in mind that either half of the arch may be 
the loaded portion, it is evident—1st. That the amount of 
metal in the rib must be increased. 2nd. That the best 
section for the rib is like a girder section consisting of two 
massive flanges united by a comparatively slight web. 3rd. 
That the rib should be made as deep as practical considera- 
tions will allow. The formule to be employed in comput- 
ing the actual stresses in this case are too complex to be 
introduced here; they do not, of course, contain any terms 
representing change of temperature. 

Let us now consider the behaviour of a rib hinged at the 
springing but continuous at the crown. When a load is 

imposed the metal will be compressed longitudinally, the — 

rib will shorten, its crown will sink, and its radius of curva- 
tion increase (see dotted lines in Fig. 7), and any yielding of 
the abutments will tend to augment this result. The 
alteration in the radius of curvature implies a cross-bending 
action tending to increase the compression on the upper part 
of the rib, and to diminish it on the lower part, and this 
action will be present no matter how accurately the original 
form of the arch may have been adapted to the load to be 
carried. Let us now suppose the temperature to diminish. 
The crown of the arch will fall still further, the cross-bend- 
ing action will be intensified, and the increasing inequality 
in the distribution of stress will produce a corresponding 
diminution in the available strength of the structure ; the 
colder it becomes the more liable the bridge is to give way, 
and when fracture does ensue it will commence by the 
crushing of the upper part of the rib. We will next assume 

the temperature to increase. The crown of the arch will 

rise, its radius of curvation will be reduced, and the cross- 
bending action and consequent inequality of stress will 
diminish and ultimately vanish, and the arch will be 
stronger—z.e., it will be able safely to bear a greater load 
than before; and under these conditions the formule quoted 
in the preceding case will apply to this also. A further 
increase of temperature will cause a further rise of the 
crown, and a further reduction of the radius of curvation, 
involving a cross-bending action in an opposite direction 


Notes on Iron Arches. 87 

to that originally present, and a consequent inequality 
of stress and diminution in the power of the  struc- 
ture to endure a load. Thus the. bridge will be best 
able to bear its load at a certain calculable temperature 
somewhat higher than that at which it was first put 
together, and “its strength will fall off as this temperature 
is departed from in either direction. Hence we draw the 
inference that it is desirable to complete the erection of 
such an arch at a comparatively low temperature, in order 
that it may attain its maximum strength at or near the 
mean temperature to which it will be exposed. The 
engineer of the great St. Louis Bridge over the Mississippi 
enveloped the arch ribs in a kind of gigantic poultice of 
ice, in order to effect the final junction at a temperature 
sufficiently low. 

The effect of a live load extending over a portion of the 
span will be the same as in the preceding case, the maximum 
effect being produced when the bridge is half-loaded and 
half-unloaded ; the extra stresses due to the partial distri- 
bution of the live load being, of course, cumulative upon 
those due to temperature.* The most appropriate section 
for the rib will, as before, be a girder section; but we 
cannot say, as in the preceding case, that the deeper the 
rib the better, for great depth in the rib, while it will reduce 
the extra stresses due to partial loading, will increase those 
due to temperature, and a compromise will have to be made 
avoiding each extreme. 

Having thus briefly detailed the considerations to be 
borne in mind when designing an iron arch, I will conclude 
by supplying a few particulars relative to a structure of 
the kind referred to, erected some time since by my friend 
Mr. T. E. Rawlinson, C.E., and which is, as far as I am aware, 
the only wrought-iron arched bridge in this colony. 

This bridge is situated at Heidelberg on the River Yarra, 
and consists of a central opening originally occupied by a 
laminated wooden arch of 100 feet clear span and 17 feet 
rise and two lateral openings of smaller size. About three 
years ago the laminated arches gave way through decay 
of the timber; and Mr. Rawlinson, to whom the work of 
reconstruction had been entrusted, requested me to deter- 
mine by computation the stresses on the proposed structure. 

* This is not mathematically correct, but is practically so for arches of 
the proportions commonly adopted by engineers, 

88 Notes on Iron Arches. 

It was in this way that my attention was first directed to 
this subject, and it is in compliance with a request made by 
him that I bring the subject before you to-night. 

Figs. 8 and 9 respectively show a half-elevation and half- — 

cross-section of the bridge to a scale of eight feet to one inch. 
The span, as before stated, is 100 feet in the clear, and the 
rise of the soffit of the arch twelve feet. The section of 
each flange of each of the two arched ribs is about twenty- 
four square inches at the crown, and increases slightly to 
the springing ; and the web varies from 4 inch thick at the 
crown to 4 inch at the springing. The arches are con- 
tinuous at the crown, but are probably capable of a very 
slight hinge action at the springing, Assuming them to be 
hinged at the springing, the following results have been 
obtained by calculation:— 

1. Maximum compression of the metal, bridge half-loaded 
with load of 84 lbs. per square foot, at a temperature 40° 
below that at which it was erected —7180 lbs. per square inch. 

2. When the load extends over the whole span the cross- 
bending stress vanishes at a temperature of about 16° Fahren- 
heit above that at which it was erected. 

3. With a load extending half-way across, as in Fig. 6, 
the minimum stress occurs at a temperature 13° Fahrenheit 
above that at which the bridge was erected. 

4. Ordinary plate girders to carry the same load would 
have contained from 30 to 40 per cent. more material than 
the iron arches. 

The spandrils and roadway are constructed of timber 
as shown, and possess no doubt some stiffmess and power 
of resisting the effect of irregular loads. In the previous 
calculations, however, no account was taken.of this fact, it 
being considered unwise to rely upon two such different 
materials as wood and iron acting to any considerable degree 
in concert. The arch was therefore made strong enough to 
endure all irregular stresses without assistance from the 

In Fig. 10 a detailed section of one arched rib is given, and 
a portion of the lateral bracing connecting the two ribs 
together at intervals is shown. 


Fig. &. 

Lig. Ww) 
Half Cross Section. 

On Some Observations of Atmospheric Electricity. 89 

Art. X.—WNotes on Some Observations of Atmospheric 
~ Electricity. 

By R. L. J. Every, Esq. 
[Read before the Royal Society of Victoria, 16th November, 1876. | 

SOME years ago I described to you an apparatus which I had 
arranged for obtaining a continuous record of the electrical 
condition of the atmosphere at the Melbourne Observatory, 
which was a modification of the exquisite electrometers 
devised by Sir Wiliam Thompson. This apparatus was in 
operation for several years with most satisfactory results, 
and a valuable series of records were obtained. It was 
found, however, almost impossible to maintain the instru- 
ment in perfect working condition in some states of the 
atmosphere, through the subtle nature of the force dealt 
with and the difficulty of maintaining the requisite insula- 
tion of all parts of the apparatus. In consequence of this, 
the working of the instrument had to be frequently inter- 
rupted for improvements in the methods of insulation and 
of collecting the electricity from the air; and, I regret to say, 
eventually stopped altogether until a more efficient plan 
for insulation could be obtained. 

It is, however, with respect to the results of some obser- 
vations with this instrument that I now wish to say a few 
words; but I will at first briefly refer to the generally 
accepted theory of the distribution of electricity over the 
earth's surface. 

As a rule, the potential of the earth’s surface is negative 
relative to that of the air above it. Exceptions to this, 
however, sometimes occur. Generally speaking, [have found 
in quiet and fine weather that if the air has a certain 
electric potential, say six feet from the ground, a contour of 
an equi-potential line traced over the ground, buildings, 
trees, &c., will be approximately six feet from the surface of 
such portions of the earth’s surface; the line will, however, 
usually approach the summit of a building, hill, or tree, to 
something less than six feet ; and as the potentials of higher 

_ strata are contoured this difference decreases, so that at a 

few hundred feet the equi-potential lines will probably be 
found to be parallel to the earth’s surface. This is only the 
case in very serene weather, for in wind, rain, fog, or dust, 
the case is very different, and nothing more variable than 
the electric condition of the air can well be conceived, and 

60 On Some Observations of Atmospheric Electricity. 

widely different potentials of the air the same height from — 
the ground in two different places but little removed from 
one another will be constantly found ; and even in the most 
serene days, when no clouds are seen, no disturbance appa- 
rent, sudden and inexplicable variations sometimes occur. 

The passing of clouds constantly alters the electric condi- 
tion of the air on the earth’s surface; and indeed all the 
induction and other phenomena which one can exhibit at . 
the lecture table with an electric machine are in almost 
incessant operation in the earth’s atmospheric envelope. In 
observing the electric condition of the air we adopt Sir 
William Thompson’s method, and select a certain stratum of 
air, say six or eight feet from the ground and four to six 
feet from the walls of any building or other object projecting 
above the surface of the ground, and the collecting point is 
always maintained in this position ; the measurement given 
by the apparatus being the difference of potential between 
the surface of the earth and the air at the selected point. 
If the air is at the same potential as the earth the instru- 
ment will indicate zero, if it be at a higher potential it will 
indicate above zero, and below if at a lower; the latter 
state of things may be considered as abnormal. The unit 
of measurement adopted is the difference of potential 
between the two poles of a galvanic battery cell, so that 
the statement that the electric potential of the air at six 
feet above the ground was equal to 300 Daniell’s elements 
means that the difference of potentials between the air and 
the surface of the ground was equivalent to that between 
the two poles of a Daniell’s battery composed of 300 cells. 

The photographic curves obtained with our electrometer 
have not yet been tabulated, but some facts have already 
been deduced, of which the following perhaps are the most 
interesting :— 

In calm and serene weather a regular diurnal maximum 
and minimum are very marked, the highest part of the 
curve taking place about 7 a.m. and the lowest about 2 p.m. 
A second maximum about 9.30 p.m., and a second minimum 
about 1 a.m., are also indicated. 

Hot winds are always accompanied by strong negative 
tension, and more especially so if dust is present in the air, 
when sparks can often be got from the collector. The usual 
turning of the wind from north to south-west is always 
accompanied for a short period by a high positive tension. 
In squally weather, rapid and large variations from low nega- 

On Some Observations of Atmospheric Electricity. 91 

tive to high positive generally occur ; and during continuous 
rain strong negative tension is frequently present, which 
gradually gives place to an increasing positive one some little 
time before the rain ceases. In very heavy rains, however, 
the air seems to be reduced to zero, or the same potential as 
the earth’s surface. : 3 

It has also been noticed that, if after continuous rain it 
clears up, the setting-in of rain again is usually preceded by 
a gradually increasing negative tension. Fogs are always 
accompanied by a high positive condition. 

In the course of some experiments on a very fine day, for 
the purpose of ascertaining the best position for placing the 
collector of our electrometer, the following notable results 
-were obtained :—The electric condition of the air being 
normal (positive potential), when an insulated conductor 
connected with the electrometer was rapidly raised from 
the surface of the ground to the height of about 20 feet, 
a large and rapid increase of positive electricity was shown ; 
and when the conductor was as rapidly lowered, a corre- 
_ sponding diminution was observed. If the conductor was 
moved rapidly from south to north, keeping it at as nearly 
the same height from the ground as possible, a strong 
positive indication was noted, while moving it from north to 
south the reverse took place. Moving it from east to west 
gave strong positive, while moving it from west to east gave 
a strong negative indication. 

In repeating these experiments a few days ago in a hot . 
wind, when the air had a strong negative potential, the 
following results were obtained:— . 

Raising the conductor gave a strong negative indication, 
and lowering it a strong positive. 

Moving the conductor from south to north gave a strong 
negative, and from north to south a strong positive indica- 
tion. Moving the conductor from east to west gave also a 
strong negative, while moving from west to east gave a 
strong positive indication. 

These results are exactly opposite to those obtained in the 
first experiments, and can no doubt be accounted for by the 

negative potential of the air which prevailed at the time. 
_ It must be remarked that in these experiments the indica- 
tions of the electrometer took place during the motion of 
‘ the conductor, and that immediately the conductor was at 
rest in its new position the reading of the electrometer 
became normal for the position the conductor was then in, 

92 On Some Observations of Atmospheric Electricity. 

To give an idea of the extent of these indications, I may 
state that with an electrometer where one Daniell’s cell 
will deflect five divisions, the following average readings 

were obtained :— 
Seale reading. 
Zero 125. Raising the Conductor 18 feet 

Lowering a Ap ieee see OO 
Moving N. toS. ,, tae. wea? EO 
yk ieeto INT 3, Soa hk Ve 
sia 1 sige SOOWND bv apheeee ee) 
See to Bees ad hs 3 Oo 

I obtained some very interesting results some years ago 
from observations made on the summit of Mount Macedon 
while a terrific thunderstorm was passing over Melbourne 
and the surrounding level country. 

Over the mountain it was quite clear, fine, and calm, 
while the plains below were hidden from view by a dense 
stratum of low-lying cloud, in and through which incessant 
lightning could be seen, while occasionally the low and 
distant roll of thunder could be faintly heard. 

The electrometer was placed in a tent at the bottom of 
the tower used for trigonometrical observation, and was con- 
nected with the collector (burning fungus) on the tower 50 
feet high. The potential of the air was slightly positive 
and quiet; but simultaneous with every flash of lightning 
the electrometer became violently but momentarily depressed 
with negative electricity, and instantly returning to its 
_ normal positive indication, suggesting the occurrence of a 
sudden electric vacuum with each flash of lightning. 

These then are some of the most prominent facts deduced 
from our observations of atmospheric electricity up to the 
present time. They are interesting so far as they go, but 
are scarcely sufficient in the present state of our knowledge 
of the subject for tracing the relations which exist between 
the electric condition of the earth’s surface and other atmo- 
spheric phenomena, although we may. hope as our observa- 
tions are extended (for I propose to resume them) this will 
be eventually accomplished. Not the least interesting or 
valuable point for investigation in this subject is the effect 
the various electric conditions of the air have on the human 
or animal economy, both in health and disease ; for I am 
convinced from what I have already observed that it plays a 

most important part in this direction, and I intend at some © 

future time to make a communication to the Society on this 
branch of the subject. | 


Amorphous Phosphorus. 93 

Art. XI.—Amorphous Phosphorus. 
_ [Read before the Royal Society of Victoria, 16th November, 1876. ] 

In 1873 I noticed on the surface of a quantity of choco- 
late-coloured, amorphous phosphorus, a quantity of clear, 
syrupy liquid, having a strong acid reaction. It appeared 
to contain phosphorous acid, but there are probably other 
oxygen compounds of phosphorus present. The liquid was 
poured off, and the residue washed and put away until the 
beginning of this year, when I found that as much more of 
a similar liquid had collected in the bottle (specimen pro- 
duced). Mr. Ford tells me that he has noticed the same 
thing, and that Professor Smith, of Sydney, had also observed 
it, and was in the habit of giving it for analysis to students 
as a substance containing phosphorous acid. It is possible 
that the formation of the fluid may be due to the residue of 
ordinary phosphorus which the bisulphide of carbon used 
in its preparation has failed to remove, or to instability of 
the amorphous phosphorus causing a gradual return to its 
original state under certain conditions. This can only be 
ascertained by repeated experiments. I would invite the 
attention of members to the subject, which is of considerable 
practical importance now thatthe substance is so much used 
by itself in the manufacture of safety matches. (The sample 
was left for the use of any members who wished to examine 
it.) TE 

94 Telegraphic Determination of the Difference of 

Art, XII.—Account of the Telegraphic Determination of 
the Difference of Longitude between Melbourne and 
Hobart Town in the Year 1875. 

By E. J. WHITE, Esq. 
[Read before the Royal Society of Victora, 14th December, 1876. ] 

THE late transit of Venus having been successfully observed 
at Hobart Town by the American party under the command 
of Professor Harkness, it became a matter of necessity to 
obtain the longitude of the observing station. Instead of 
an absolute determination with reference to the meridian of 
Greenwich, which would have required months, or even 
years, for its successful execution, Professor Harkness re- 
solved to obtain it differentially from Melbourne, the two 
places being connected by means of the land lines and 
submarine cable of the electric telegraph ; and for the pur- 
pose of arranging a scheme for carrying out this intention he 
visited Melbourne towards the latter end of November, 1874, 
Having settled upon a plan of operation with Mr. Ellery, 
and having obtained the consent and promise of hearty 
co-operation of Mr. Warren, the managing engineer of the 
Tasmanian Cable Company, and Messrs. James and Payter, 
the Melbourne managers of the electric telegraph, he re- 
turned to Tasmania, and immediately after he had observed 
the transit of Venus a few unsuccessful attempts were made 
to send the signals direct, with automatic repeaters, between 
Melbourne and Hobart Town. Soon after this, Professor 
Harkness had to accompany the “Swatara” during her 
cruise in the South Pacific, to collect the different parties 
of American observers in that part of the world, and further 
attempts were deferred till his return. Advantage was 
_taken of the interval to improve the repeating apparatus, 
and on his return at the end of January the signals were 
transmitted without any difficulty. 

At Hobart Town the observations were taken by Pro- 
fessor Harkness, who employed a portable transit instrument 
of 24 inches clear aperture and 30 inches focal length, with 
a magnifying power of 60 diameters. The transit was 
reversed each night near the middle of the observations. 
Three clock stars and two azimuth stars were observed in 
each position of the axis, and from the complete set of ten 

eee ee ee er ee a, ee 

= I i eet ae i ie eek 

Longitude between Melbourne and Hobart Town. 95 

stars equations of condition were formed, the solution of 
which by the method of least squares gave the most probable 
values of the collimation, azimuth, and clock errors, the level 
error having been previously found by means of the striding 
level. The positions of the azimuth stars are taken from 
the Melbourne General Catalogue for 1870, and those of the 
clock stars from a specially prepared list. The places of these 
latter stars differ slightly from their places as given in the 
English Nautical Almanac ; the resulting clock errors are, 
however, generally within one-hundredth of a second of 
what the latter places would produce. 

At Melbourne I observed with the transit circle, which has 
an aperture of 5 inches and a focal length of 6 feet; the 
eye piece used has a magnifying power of 167 diameters. 
This instrument does not admit of reversal, but the collima- 
tion error is found according to Bessel’s method, with two 
collimators. The level error is obtained by means of reflec- 
tion from a surface of quicksilver, and the azimuth error is 
found from the transits of circumpolar stars in the ordinary 
way, one star being generally observed above the pole and 
another below. | 

At both places self-recording chronographs were employed; 
that of Professor Harkness was a barrel one, regulated by a 
_ vibrating spring. The timepiece which marked the seconds 
on the chronograph sheets, and which transmitted the 
signals through the telegraph lines to Melbourne, was a box 
chronometer, No. 1520, by T.8. & J. D. Negus, of New York, 
the going of which quite justifies the fame enjoyed by those 
celebrated makers. The Melbourne clock was the famous 
Frodsham, No 991, which continues to perform as well as 
it did some years ago, when its going was declared to be the 

most remarkable for accuracy on record. It is attached to a 
_ chronograph by Siemens and Halske, of Berlin, which regis- 
ters on a fillet of paper, the motion of which is governed 
by means of a Froude’s fly. 

The usual practice was to commence observing a set of 
stars soon after sunset; and as soon as the telegraph lines 
were clear from their ordinary work, the Hobart Town 
clock was made to transmit its time to the Melbourne 
chronograph, on which the Frodsham clock marked its 
seconds at the same time. After this the Frodsham clock 
sent its time to the Hobart Town chronograph, where it 
was registered simultaneously with the Negus chronometer. 

Now, taking the results as recorded on the Melbourne 

96 } Telegraphic Determination of the Difference of 

chronograph, and correcting them for the clock errors as 
determined from the star observations, the difference 
between the times will represent the difference of longi- 
tude minus the time of transmission, plus the difference 
of personal equation of the observers. On the other hand, 
the Hobart Town results will exibit the difference of longi- 
tude, plus the time of transmission, plus the difference of 
personal equation. On taking, then, half the sum of the two 
quantities, we shall get the difference of longitude freed 
from the transmission time, but still affected with personal 
equation. And half the difference of the quantities will 
give the time of transmission. The effect of personal equa- 
tion could be eliminated by the observers exchanging their 
stations; but as that would have been attended with great 
inconvenience, the difference of personal equation was 
directly obtained on several occasions during Professor 
Harkness’s visit to Melbourne. The method adopted for 
this purpose was for both observers to determine the error 
of the Melbourne transit clock on the same evening, select- 
ing the stars in such a way that the mean epoch of each 
observer would be so nearly alike as to give the personal 
equation free from the influence of the rate of the clock. 
The following is an abstract of the results :-— 


z | Mean of | 
Date, w | ; Adopted | H-W | 
Oper aie > 3 es Opgeryed Correction Reducedto) Pr 
Mean Time, 2 | 3 rm Corrections, | £0F Clock | the same| ‘5 oduct. 
1874 & 1875. | & = | Transits, Rate. | Epoch. | = 
d. h. m. b. m. per diem. 
Nov. 179 6! H | 5 0 51 _ 30: 921 8. S. 
-— 0°26 | +:°125 | 55 | 6°875 
ovata |p 110 31:049 
Feb, 23 8 15| H | 7 6 27 32°113 
+036 | +:°171 | 77 | 13°167 
8 34; W | 7 6 46 32°280 
26 8 43) H | 6 rae | 31:078 . 
+ 0:30 | +171 | 66 | 11:286 
8 35| W! 6 6 59 31°251 
278 20); H| 6 6 47 30°718 
+ 0:29 | + '242 | 60 | 14°520 
8 25| W| 5 6 52 30°959 

258 ) 45-848 
Adopted Personal Equation H-W + 178 

Longitude between Melbourne und Hobart Town. 97 


Difference of Longitude. 

Date, =f aa Double Number 5 
1875, | Hobart Town | Melbourne | qvanemission, [Observed | 
Les Ta 2 Le Pe eee 

mM. Ss. mM. Ss. 8, 

Jan. 30 | 9 25996 | 9 25-762 0-234 7 | 8 | 392 

Feb. 1 26-084 25-900 184 ims MARRES 

2 25-720 25-551 169 0 | 8 0 

4 26-193 26-000 193 6 | @. baie 

5 25°935 25-609 326 7 | 0 0 

6 25774 25°423 351 Gui 09) arms 

7 25'820 25-577 +243 6 | 58: AeSeD 

The weights are proportional to the quantity found by 
multiplying the number of stars observed by one observer 
by the number observed by the other, and dividing the pro- 
duct by theirsum. On February 2nd no stars were observed 
at Hobart Town, and on February 5th no stars could be 
observed at Melbourne, so the difference of longitude marked 
in the columns has been found by carrying on the rates of 
the chronometer and clock respectively ; as the combination 
weights, however, are nothing, they will not influence the 
final results. The transmission times, however, are indepen- 
dent of the rate of the clock, except for the few minutes 
intervening between the receipt of the set of signals; these 
nights, therefore, have equal weights for this purpose with 
the others. Carrying out the combination we get 9m. 
25°841s., from this is to be subtracted 0°178s. for personal 
equation; we then get for the final difference of longitude 
9m. 25°66s. + ‘O6s.,and for the mean time of transmission we 
get 0'121s. Taking the length of the land lines and cable at 
420 miles, this would represent a speed of only 3360 miles per 
second ; the actual speed, however, must have been con- 
siderably greater than this, for the above quantity, 0:121s., 
includes also the armature time of the relays and repeating 
apparatus. From some measures made of the speed of the 
current on the land lines during the determination of the 
difference of longitude between Melbourne and Sydney in 

98 Difference of Longitude, &e. 

1868 we found the velocity on the land line oy be 15,400 
miles per second. 

Professor Harkness's temporary Observatory in Hobart 
Town was situated in the Barrack-square in latitude 42° 
53’ 246” south, and by applying the above difference to 
9h. 39m. 54°8s., the longitude of Melbourne, we get 9h. 49m. 
20'46s. for the longitude of his station, which is marked by a 
pier, which the Tasmanian authorities have promised to 
preserve. Mr. Ellery has written to the Surveyor-General 
at Hobart Town for the situation of this pier, with reference 
to Fort Mulgrave, from which the longitude of the city has 
been hitherto reckoned; but as no reply has been as yet 
received, I cannot say how this new determination of longi- 
tude will agree with the old one. As a final result we have 

Pier wn Barrack-square. 

Latitude 42° 53’ 24-6” South. 
Longitude 147 20 69 East of Greenwich. 

-Notse.—Since the above was written a letter has been 
received from Prof. Harkness, giving the results of his 
triangulation in Hobart Town, according to which, adopting 
the above position of the Pier in Barrack-square, the posi- 
tions of the following places will be as under:— 

Lat. Long. 

Flagstaff at Prince of Wales ei. (Fort 
Mulgrave) ... 42° 53! 22:3” 147° 20! 36:3” 
Flagstaff at Queen’s Battery ... 42 52 44:0 147 20 38:8 

Centre of front of St. David's Cathedral .. 42 53 69 147 20 102 





Held in the Inbrary of the Society, Monday, March 13th, 1876. 

George Foord, F.C.S., Vice-President, in the chair. 
The election of office-bearers for 1876 took place, with the 
following results :— 
President: R. L. J. Ellery, F.R.S., &e. 
Vice-Presidents: G. Foord and E. J. White. 
Hon. Treasurer: Percy de J. Grut. 
Hon. Secretary : F. J. Pirani. 
Hon, Librarian: Dr. James E. Neild. 
Members of Council: J. Bosisto, W. C. Kernot, T. E. 

Rawlinson, H. K. Rusden, G. H. F. Ulrich, Professors 
H. M. Andrew and E. J. Nanson. 

Annual Report and Balance-sheet for 1876 were read and 
adopted, as follows :— 

Report of the Council of the Royal Society for the year 1876. 

“Your Council has the honour to report that the papers and 
notes read, instruments exhibited, &c., since last Annual Meeting 
are as follow :— ‘ 

“On the 11th of May Mr. Gardiner gave an abstract of a paper 
by him on ‘Geodetic Surveying,’ and Mr. Ellery exhibited a 
‘ Radiometer.’ 

“Qn the 8th of June Mr. Rawlinson read a continuation of his 
paper ‘On the Improvement of the Harbour of Melbourne ;’ and 
Mr. Ellery gave an account of the Great Paris Telescope. 

“On the 10th of July Mr. Ellery exhibited a form of Thom- 
son’s Quadrant Electrometer ; Mr. Foord exhibited a Gas-pressure 
Gauge; Mr. Pirani exhibited a Lecture Apparatus for Measuring 


100 Proceedings, &c., for 1876. 

the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat; and also a two-fluid Baro- 
meter, invented by Mr. H. Venables; and Mr. Arnold exhibited 
some preparations of Compressed Leather. 

“On the 25th of September Mr. Ellery read a 4H on ‘ The 
small number of Sun Spots visible during 1876,’ and also a paper 
on ‘ The Chronograph ;? Mr. White read a paper ‘On the Deter- 
mination. of the Longitude of the Melbourne Observatory,’ and Mr. 
Kernot read a paper ‘On Iron Arches.’ 

“On the 16th November Mr. Ellery read an ‘ Account of some 
Experiments on Atmospheric Electricity,’ and Mr. Andrew read a 
note ‘On Amorphous Phosphorus.’ 

“On the 14th of December Mr. Pirani exhibited a Holtz’s 
Electric Machine, and Mr. White read a paper ‘On the Telegraphic 
Determination of the Difference of Longitude between Melbourne 
and Hobart Town.’ 

“(Of the above the following papers have been printed in 
pamphlet form :—‘ Geodetic Surveying, by Mr. Gardiner ; ‘ The 
Improvement of the Harbour of Melbourne,’ by Mr. Rawlinson ; 
‘The Determination of the Longitude of the Melbourne Observa- 
tory, and ‘The Telegraphic Determination of the Difference of 
Longitude between Melbourne and Hobart Town,’ by Mr. White ; 
and ‘ Experiments on Atmospheric Electricity,’ by Mr. Ellery.] . 

“ Vol. XIT., containing the papers read during the years 1874 
and 1875, has ‘been published. 

“The Government have again liberally continued the grant of 
£200 in aid of our fuuds. Debentures to the amount of £40 have 
been paid off during the past year, and the amount of unclaimed 
interest has been reduced by £12 12s. The balance in hand 
amounts to £323 18s. 3d., and of this amount your Council con- 
siders it advisable that a large portion should be spent in paying - 
off debentures and executing necessary repairs to the building. 

‘Some proposed alterations in the Laws will be submitted to 
you at the next annual meeting.” r 


Proceedings, &c., for 1876. 

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Proceedings, &¢., for 1876. é 103 

On the motion of Dr. Neild, seconded by Mr, Hunt, it was 
resolved that in Law VII. the word Thursday be substituted for 
Monday; and the meeting adjourned. 

Read and confirmed. 

Rosert L, J. EvLery, Chairman. 

Held in the Library, Thursday, May 11th, 1876. 
The President in the Chair. 

The following gentlemen were nominated for election at the 
next meeting :—F. Goldstraw, M.A., proposed by H. M. Andrew, 
. seconded by F. J. Pirani; W. C. Watts, proposed by A. K. 
Smith, seconded by T. E. Rawlinson. 

Mr. Martin Gardiner gavé an abstract of a paper by him on 
“ Geodetic Surveying.” 

Mr. Ellery then exhibited a radiometer, and gave a short 
account of the different theories which had ’been propounded to 
explain its action. Discussion ensued. 

(Signed) R. L. J. Entery, Chairman. 

Held in the Library of the Society, June 8th, 1876. 
The President in the Chair. 

Messrs. Goldstraw and Watts, nominated at the last meeting, 
were duly elected ordinary members of the Society. 

Mr. Rawlinson read a paper on the improvement of the Harbour 
of Melbourne. Discussion ensued in which Mr. Rawlinson’s plan 
was generally commended. 

Mr. Ellery gave an account of the Great Paris Telescope which 
had recently been erected, and compared its construction with 
that of the Melbourne instrument. A general discussion took 


: The thanks of the Society was given to the Rev. L. Fison for 

a work on “Consanguinity” which he had presented to the 

Society. ; 
(Signed) R. L. J. Evtery, Chairman. 

Held in the Library of the Society, July 18th, 1876. 
The President in the Chair. 

The President stated that a donation of a photograph of an 
Engraving of Sir Isaac Newton had been received from Mr. 
Noone. A vote of thanks was accorded to Mr. Noone for it. 

104 Proceedings, &c., for 1876. 

The President having resigned the chair to Mr. White, Vice- 
President, read a note on “ The small number of Sun Spots visible 
during the year 1876.” 

The President read a paper on “The Chronograph,” with especial _ 

reference ta a parabolic governor which he had successfully adapted 
to the instrument. He: also exhibited a form of governor recently 
invented by Mr. Cooke. Discussion ensued. 

The President resumed the chair, and Mr. White read a paper on 
“ Determination of the Longitude of the Melbourne Observatory.” 
Discussion ensued, in course of which the President stated that in 
consequence of the proprietors of submarine cables objecting to 
strong currents being sent through them, there was at present no 
prospect of obtaining determination of our longitude by means of 
the electric telegraph. 

_ Mr. Kernot read a paper on “ Iron Arches,” with reference to the 

iron arched bridge at Heidelberg, recently erected by Mr. Raw- 
linson. Discussion ensued. 

(Signed) R. L. J. Exumry, Chairman. 

Held wm the Library of the Society, November 16th, 1877. 
The President in the Chair. 

Mr. F. C. Klemm was elected an ordinary member of the 

The President having vacated the chair (which was taken by 
Mr. White), he read a paper on “Some Experiments in Atmos- 
pheric Electricity.” Discussion ensued. 

The President resumed the chair, when Professor H. M. Andrew 
gave an account of a hitherto undescribed ‘peculiarity of ‘‘ Amor- 
phous Phosphorus.” The phosphorus was of the chocolate-coloured 
variety. Exteriorly there had accumulated during two or three 
years a layer of syrupy fluid which contained phosphorous acid. 
The same phenomenon had been observed by Mr. Foord and 
Professor Smith ; the latter had found the fluid to be a mixture of 
phosphorus and hypophosphorous acid. There was some pro- 
bability that any action of this sort might be dangerous if occur- 
ing in the amorphous phosphorus used in safety matches. Dis- 
cussion ensued, in course of which one or two facts were men- 
tioned which went to show that safety matches were not so free 
from danger as was commonly supposed. 

Mr. White’s paper on “The Recent Telegraphic De rann tien 
of the Longitude of Hobart Town” was postponed till next. meet- 

(Signed) R. L. J. Evtery, Chairman. 



Proceedings, &c., for 1876. 105 

Peeid in the Library of the Socrety, December 14th, 1876. 
The President in the chair. 

The following gentlemen were nominated for election at next 
meeting :—Mr. J. Bywater Humphreys, proposed by E. Howitt, 
seconded by H. K. Rusden; Dr. P. Moloney, proposed by E. 
Howitt, seconded by Mr. Ellery; Rev. A. Paul, proposed by Mr. 
Foord, seconded by Mr. Ellery. 

The President read the list of retiring office-bearers, as follows : 
—President, Mr. R. L. J. Ellery; Vice-Presidents, Mr. G. Foord 
and Mr. E. J. White; Hon. Treasurer, Mr. Percy de J. Grut; 
Hon. Librarian, Dr. J. E. Neild; Hon. Secretary, Mr. F. J. 

Pirani ; Members of Council, Messrs. A. C. Allan, E. Howitt, 

S. W. M‘Gowan, F. Poolman, J. T. Rudall ; Members of Council 
who retain office being—Professors Andrews and Nanson, J. 
Bosisto, W. C. Kernot, T. E. Rawlinson, H. K. Rusden, G. H. F. 

Mr, Pirani described and exhibited a small Holtz’s electric 
_ Mr. White read a paper on the “ Telegraphic Determination of 
the Difference of Longitude between Melbourne and Hobart 

Mr. Pirani’s paper on “ Force” was postponed. 

(Signed) R. L. J. Eviery, Chairman. 



The Roval Society of Victoria. 

(Names marked thus (*) are those of Life Members.) 

Alcock, Peter C., Esq., 41 Swanston-street 
Allan, Alex. C., Esq., Crown Lands Office 
Andrew, Professor H. M., Wesley College 

Barker, Edward, Esq., M.D., F.R.C.S., Latrobe-street East 

*Barkly, His Excellency Sir Henry, K.C.B., Cape Colony 

Barnes, Benjamin, Esq., Murray Bridge, Echuca 

*Barry, His Honour Sir Redmond, M.A., Chancellor of the 
University, Supreme Court 

Barton, Robert, Esq., F.C.S., Royal Mint 

Beaney, J. G., Esq., F.R.C.S.Ed., Collins-street Hast 

Bear, J. P., Esq., M.L.C., 834 Collins-street East 

Bennison, R., Esq., Sale ) 

Blair, John, Esq., M.D., Collins-street East 

Bland, R. H., Esq., Clunes 

*Bleasdale, J. J., Rev. D.D., F.G.S., St. Patrick’s College 

*Bosisto, Joseph, Esq., M.L.A., Bridge-road, Richmond _ 

Brown, H. J., Esq., Park House, Wellington Parade, East Mel- 
bourne _ 

Burrows, Thomas, Esq., Bendigo Villa, Hawthorn 

*Butters, J. 8., Esq., Victoria Club, Collins-street East, Melbourne 

Caselli, H. R., Esq., Ballarat 
Comber, P. F., Esq., Royal Mint 
Cook, William M., Esq., Crown Lands Department 

Danks, John, Esq., Bourke-street West 

*Detmold, William, Esq., 44 Collins-street East 

Dobson, E., Esg., A.T.C.E., Claremont House, Grey-street, East 

Duerdin, James, Esq., LL.B., Yorick Club - 

List of Members. LOF: 

*Eaton, H. F., Exsq., the Treasury, Melbourne 
Ellery, Robert L. J., Esq., F.R.S., F.R.A.S., Observatory 
*Elliot, S., Esq., 88 Collins-street West 

_ Ehliot, T. 8., Esq., Railway Department, Spencer-street* 

Fitzpatrick, Rev. J., D.D., St. Patrick’s College 
Flannagan, J., Esq., 5 Collins-street East, Melbourne 
Foord, Geo., Esq., F.C.S., Royal Mint 

Foster, C. W., Esq., Collins-street 

Gardiner, Martin, Esq., Crown Lands Department 

*Gibbons, 8. W., Hsq., F.C.S., 5 Collins-street East, Melbourne 
Gilbert, J. E., Esq., Observatory 

*Gillbee, William, Esq., M.R.C.S.E., Collins-street East 

Gould, J. E., Esq., Collins-streét East 

Groves, J. W., Esq., Lands Department 

Grut, P. de J., Esq., E. S. & A. C. Bank, Gertrude-street, Fitzroy 

Goldstraw, F., Esq., M.A., Wesley College 

Harrison, Thomas, Esq., Registrar-General’s Office 

Henderson, A. M., Esq , C.E., Reed and Barnes, Elizabeth-street 

Henderson, J. B., Esq., Water Supply Department, Sandhurst 

*Higinbotham, Hon. George, M.A., Chancery-lane, Melbourne | 

Higinbotham, Thomas, Esq., M.I.C.E., Engineer-in-Chief, Rail- 
way Department 

*Holt, John, Esq., Ledcourt, near Stawell 

Howitt, E., Esq., Yorick Club, Melbourne 

Hunt, Robert, Esq., Royal Mint 

Humphreys, J. Bywater, Esq., Yorick Club, Melbourne 

Hope, A., Esq., Greville-street, Prahran 

Hopkins, D. M., Esq., Eaglehawk, Sandhurst 

Howitt, A. W., Esq., F.G.S., P.M., Bairnsdale 

*Iffla, Solomon, Esq., L.F.P.S.G., Emerald Hill 
Irving, Professor H. M., M.A., Hawthorn 

Kane, Rev. H. P., M.A., Brighton 

Kelly, Rev. William, St. Patrick’s College 
Kennedy, Daniel, Esq., M‘Kenzie-street, Sandhurst 
Keogh, Laurence F., Esq., Warrnambool 

Kernot, W. C., Esq., M A., C.E., University 

‘Klemm, F. C., Esq., 41 Queen-street, Melbourne 

Linacre, A., Esq., Lygon-street, Carlton 
Lynch, William, Esq., Bombala, Brighton 

M‘Coy, Professor F., F.G.8., University 

108 List of Members. 

M‘Gillivray, P. H., Esq., M.A., M.R.C.S.E., Sandhurst 

M‘Gowan, 8. W., Esq., General Post Office 

Manton, C. A., Esq., The Treasury 

Marshall, John, Esq., M.A., 3 Alfred Cottage, Grattan-street, 

Miller, F. B., Esq., F.C.S., Royal Mint 

Moerlin, C., Esq., Observatory 

Moors, Henry, Esq., Office Chief Commissioner Police, Melbourne 

- Morris, R., Esq., 10 Hawke-street, Hotham 

*Mueller, Baron Von, Ph., C.M.G., F.R.S., South Melbourne 

Munday, J., Esq., Clunes, care Woolley and Co., Melbourne 

Muntz, T. B., Esq., C.E., Town Surveyor’s Office, Prahran 

Murray, Stewart, Esq., Kyneton 

Moloney, Patrick, Esq., M.B., Lonsdale-street West 

Nanson, Professor E. J., University 

Neild, J. E., Esq., M.D., Collins-street East 

Newbery, J. Cosmo, Esq., B.Sc., Technological Museum 
*Nicholas, W., Esq., F.G.S., Mining Department 
*Nicholson, G., Esq., Collins-street East, Melbourne 
Noone, J., Esq., a8 Department 

Officer, 8. H. tes ., care Dalgety and Co., Swan Hill 
Ogier, J.C. H , P.M., Inglewood 

Paul, Rev. Arthur, Alma-road, East St. Kilda 
Parkes, Edmund 8., Esq., Bank of Australasia 
Parnell, E., Esq., High-street, Prahran 

Perry, Right Rev. Bishop, D.D., M.A., England 
Phelps, J. J., Esq., Melbourne Club 

Pirani, F. J., Esq., M.A., C.E., University 
Poolman, J., Esq., Sydney, New South Wales 

*Rawlinson, Thos. E., Esq., C.E., Temple Court 
*Reed, Joseph, Esq., Elizabeth-street, Melbourne 
*Reed, Thomas, Esq., Fiji ; 
Rudall, J. T., Esq., F.R.C.S., Collins-street East 
Rusden, H. K., Esq., Tivoli Place, South Yarra 

Skene, A. J., Esq., M.A., Survey Department 

*Smith, A. K., Esq., C.E., F.R.8.S.A., Leicester-street, Carlton 
Smith, A. M., Esq., School of Mines, Sandhurst 

Stawell, Sir William, M.A., Supreme Court 

Steel, W. H., Esq., Public Works Department 

Sutherland, Alexander, Esq., M.A., Carlton College 

Taylor, W. F., Esq., M.D., Claremont, Queensland 

Inst of Members. 109 

*Thompson, H. A., Esq., Lucknow, New South Wales 
Thomson, W., Esq., F.R.C.S.Ed., South Yarra 

Ulrich, G. H. F., Esq., F.G.8., Yorick Club 

Ward, Colonel, R.E., England 

Waugh, Rev. J. S., Wesley College 

*Were, J. B., Esq., Collins-street West 

*White, E. J., Esq., F.R.A.S., Observatory 

Wigg, H.C., Esq., M.D., F.R.C.S., Lygon-street, Carlton 
*Wilkie, D., E., Esq., M.D., Collins-street East 

Wilkins, A., Esq., 31 Market-street 

Willan, Robert, Esq., 39 Queen-street 

Willimot, W. C., Esq., Lloyd’s Rooms, Collins-street West 
Wyatt, A., Esq., P.M., Murchison 

Honorary MEMBERs. 

Bowen, His Excellency Sir G. F., K.C.B., Governor of Victoria, 

Clarke, Sir Andrew, Colonel, C.B., R.E., London 

Goeppert, H.R., M.D., Ph. D., Breslau 

Haast, Julius, Esq., Ph. D., F.G.S., Canterbury, New Zealand 

Neumayer, Geo., Professor, Ph. D., &c., Bavaria 

Scott, W., Rev., M.A., F.C.P.S., Sydney 

Smith, John, Esq., M.D., University, Sydney 

Todd, Charles, Esq., C.M.G., F.R.A.S., Adelaide, S. A. 

Mason, Firth & M‘Cutcheon, Printers, Melbourne. 

opal Society of Victoria. 




Aopal Society of Victoria. 


Edited under the Authority of the Council of the Society. 




ERO DP itlth | FOL YN OLS 7 a 



To whom all communications for the Royal Society of Victoria 
from all parts of Europe should be sent, 


seas | 
3 ee. ‘htia ; 



ArT. I. 












On Force, by F. J. PIRANI, M.A, a 

Some Experiments in Lani by §. 5: DuVERELL, 
Esq. “= 

The Present State of Meteorology, by R. on J. BLE, 
F.R.S,, F.B.A.S, 

Notes on a Remarkable riratene seen May 20th at 

Ballan, by Louis LE GOULD, C.E, ... aan 
Notes on the Design of acne Tubes, ey W. C. 
KERNOT, M.A., C.E. are 

Notes on the Gack Line reieahs of the Woden 
District, and Proofs of the Uniform Condition of 
Meteorological Phenomena over long Periods of 
Time, by T. E. RAWLINSON, C.E. _... *c2 con 

Notes on the Recent sisi Sab aie by R. L. J. ree 
F.B.S., F.B.A.S. 

Notes on Barometer Construction, by Gncuek eaeee 
BCS S| 2: - -- ae er 

On some New Marine Mottusca,} by Rev. J. EK, TENNISON- 
Woops, F.G.S., F.L.S., Hon. Memb. Roy. Soc. N.S.W., 
Corr. Memb. Roy. Soc. Victoria, eras and 
Phil. Soc., Linn. Soc. N.S.W., &c. 

On Various Forms of Galvanic a by R. L. J. 
Epiery, &.B.S., FERAS. )\ <2. 

Extracts from Diary in Japan, by F. 0. ‘nie C. E, 

On the Probability that a Connexion of Causation 
will be shown to exist between the Attraction of 
Gravitation and the Molecular Energy of ane 

Experiments on the Comparative Power of some Dis. 
infectants, by JAMES JAMIESON, M.D. te aoe 

On Heat and Molecular Feeley by ELS. Gcacathin 

On the History of (Palceoie ‘Abuualiean in Australia 
by R. ETHERIDGE, jun., F.G.S. iss nae : 

On the Ratio of the Length and ei. of Sea a Waves, 
by S. R. DEVERELL, Esq. ee 

.. XI—XxXvili 






35 —55 





a . Contents. 

XVII. Notes on the Newly-found Satellites of ie ~~ R. L. 
J. ELLERY, F.R.S., F.B.A.S. ... : 

XVIII. On the Telephone, by W. C. KERNOT, M. As. Or. 

PROCEEDINGS, &C., 1877 bce ae at =A 
MEMBERS ne awe sea 





Roval Society of Victoria. 
bats Sar i 


R. L. J. ELLERY, Esq., F.R.S., &e. 

GEORGE FOORD, Esq., F.C.S. | E. J. WHITE, Esq., F.R.A.S. 

on. Grersurer, 

Hon. Secretaries. 
H. K. RUSDEN, Ese. | E. HOWITT, Esq. 

Hon. Librarian. 

Ie (Oh ALLAN, Esq. S. W. M‘GOWAN, Esq. 

W. C. KERNOTT, Ese., M.A. G. H. F. ULRICH, Ese., F.G.S. 

Mopal Society of Dictoria. 



Che President, 
Mr. R. L. J. Evtery, F.RS., F.R.AS., Government 


(Delivered to the Members of the Royal Society, at their Annual 
Conversazione, held on Thursday, July 26th, 1877.) 

RoyaL Soctrety, 

Since I had the honour of addressing you at the annual 
Conversazione in August last year, we have entered upon our 
twentieth session, and I think I may at the outset congra- 
tulate you on the past year’s work, and the present aspect of 
the affairs of the Society, concerning which, however, accord- 
ing to ordinary custom, I shall speak more in detail presently. 

The numerical strength of the Royal Society fluctuates 
very little from year to year. For a long time our losses by 
removal and secession equalled and sometimes exceeded our 
gain by new members; but during the last few years our 
roll shows unmistakable signs of a small but steady increase, 
which includes the names of many of the most intelligent 
and scientifically industrious young men of our community, 
all of whom will no doubt eventually become, as many have 
already, active members and regular contributors to our 


xii President's Addvress 

Our financial position is on the whole satisfactory ; this, 

- however, is in a great measure due to the continuance of 

the grant voted to us by Parliament, which you will 
remember was withheld from the Society for several years, 
when we were compelled to stop the publication of our 
Transactions, which we should still be quite unable to con- 
tinue without this aid. The loan we raised some years ago 
by debentures, chiefly amongst our members, has now been 
reduced to £315, and it is intended to reduce this still 
further during the current year. 

It has been necessary to effect some repairs in the build- 
ing, but the Council has not been in a position to undertake 
the cementing of the exterior; the grounds have been some- 
what improved by the growth of the trees, and by the more 
regular attention bestowed upon them. I cannot, however, 
on the whole, congratulate you on the appearance of the 
premises generally; for although both the building and 
fencing are in a fair state of repair, there is much to be 
hoped for esthetically. In the original design of this 
building a central hall surrounded by chambers for offices, 
laboratories, and meeting-rooms, was provided for, and, in its 
entirety, would have constituted a fine and handsome build- 
ing. Unfortunately, however, the central hall only was 
built, and has since stood alone in its solitary ugliness, 
while some years ago its interior was divided into several 
chambers to meet the requirements of the Society, which 
would no doubt have been better done by carrying out the | 
original design, had the Society’s financial position admitted 
of it. 

The Council has had the desirability of improving the 
appearance of the exterior of the building continually before 
it, and still nurses the hope that it will eventually be able to 
carry out the original design, which contemplated the 
domiciliation of other scientific bodies besides that of the 

for the year 1877. xiii 

Royal Society. In view of this proposition, then, some little 
time since, when the Medical Society had the question of 
building a house of meeting under consideration, overtures 
were made by your Council to their committee with the view, 
if possible, of affording accommodation on these premises to 
that society ; and it was thought not improbable that this 
and other kindred societies might be similarly domiciled in 
this building, which might then become known as the 
Institute of Scientific Societies, or under some such name. 
I regret, however, to state that the proposition does not 
seem to have been favourably entertained, although if 
adopted it could not have failed to have been beneficial to 
both societies, enabling them together to have instituted 
most convenient arrangements, which alone neither can well 

Our library is rapidly increasing by donations from kindred 
societies in all parts of the world with which we are in com- 
munication, and some scheme by which these vaiuable books 
may be easily found on the bookshelves and be made imme- 
diately available to our members, is now imperatively 
demanded, and is under the consideration of your Council. 

The state of publication of our Transactions is satisfactory ; 
all the contributions, except those at our last meeting, have 
been printed in pamphlet form and distributed to the mem= 
bers, and another volume, in which these are included, is 
now in the press. Some of our earlier volumes are nearly 
out of print, and we are thus unable to supply societies that 
exchange with us with full sets of the Transactions. <A 
question has therefore been raised whether we should not 
reprint these volumes either in full or partly in abstract, 
and as many of you are aware a Sub-Committee has been 
appointed to report on the matter. 

Referring now to the work of the session, we find that ah 

Society has held eight ordinary meetings since our last 

XIV President's Address 

annual gathering, at which papers and communications of 
great interest and scientific value have been contributed ; 
but as the Council have been able to print and distribute 
these amongst the members immediately after the meetings 
at which they were presented, it will be unnecessary for me 
to refer to them in detail here. It cannot but be remarked, 
however, that while these contributions have been more than 
sufficient to occupy our ordinary meetings, the names of the 
contributors are limited, and, as is too often the case in 
scientific societies, most of the work is done by a few. We 
have on our roll now many young members whose recrea- 
tions, if not their general occupations, are such as should 
enable them to become active and useful in the Society, 
and it is greatly to be desired that they should add 
their names to the comparatively small list of working 

The attendance of members at our ordinary meetings has 
been much greater than in former years, and I think we 
may safely conclude that interest in those branches of 
knowledge and inquiry which come within the scope of the 
Society has considerably increased. 

In my last address I expressed a belief that the functions 
of the Society might be beneficially extended so as to 
embrace, besides the reception of papers and communica- 
tions, the delivery of brief special lectures for the demon- 
stration of new and interesting facts in physical and other 
sciences, I regret to say that up to the present time your 
Council has been unable to mature any scheme for accom- 
plishing this. I hope, however, that something in this 
direction may be done before entering on our next session. 

I have on former occasions of this kind alluded cursorily 
to the progress made within the colony in our various 
departments devoted to scientific and technological research 
and teaching, and other cognate matters of more than 

for the year 1877. XV 

passing interest. In my last address, however, I unfortu- 
nately omitted to do so; but I think you will grant me 
your indulgence for a few moments on this occasion, while 
I briefly review the year’s work in these directions. 

As an excuse for referrmg to Astronomical Work first, I 
may plead both alphabetical precedence as well as the fact 
that I am more intimately acquainted with what has been 
done in this direction than in many others. While our 
Observatory has been, as usual, fully occupied with its 
allotted work in Astronomy, Meteorology, and other 
physical investigations, there is nothing of very promi- 
nent interest in its last year’s history, but nevertheless 
there are one or two facts worthy of record. 

You will remember that while our great reflector has 
been kept at work ever since its erection in 1869, no results 
of this work, except in a few cases of immediate interest, 
have been given to the world, and a feeling has gained 
ground that nothing was being done with it, except for 
simple idle star-gazing. The fact is, we have accumulated 
a very large mass of observations, descriptions, and draw- 
ings—the work of the three several observers to whom the 
use of the telescope has been entrusted; but these, for 
several reasons, have not hitherto been published. I am 
glad, however, to say that their publication is now in pro- 
gress, and in a forward state. 

Lithographic copies of most of the drawings of the 
nebulee observed with the telescope have now been made 
on stone, and I have no doubt will soon be published, with 
a full description of what has been done with this giant 
instrument. The work for the most part consists of a revi- 
sion of the nebule observed by Sir John Herschel at the 
Cape of Good Hope from 1835 to 1837 with his great re- 
flector, and a comparison of the changes that have taken 
place in the interval of forty years will prove interesting 

XV1 President's Address 

and furnish ample food for speculation, even if it does not 
add considerably to our definite knowledge of these myste- 
rious occupants of space. 

The exact distance of the sun from the earth is yet an 
unsolved problem, and although a large addition to our 
knowledge upon this subject has been anticipated from the 
very successful observations of the late Transit of Venus, I 
am sorry to say the results are not yet arrived at. Success 
having attended so many of the numerous observing parties, 
the necessary calculations have assumed almost stupendous 
proportions, and it yet remains doubtful how much longer 
the final results will be delayed. Another favourable oppor- 
tunity for determining the solar parallax is now about to 
occur in the opposition of the planet Mars, which takes 
place on September 5th, on which occasion its distance from 
the earth will be almost a minimum. You will remember 
that all our methods of determining the sun’s distance 
depend on the determination first of the distance of any 
planet from the earth, when Kepler's famous law (that the 
distances of the planets from the sun are proportional to the 
times in which they complete their revolution about the sun) 
furnishes the rest of the required data ; so that in the transit 
of Venus what is actually determined is the distance of 
Venus from us, and hence by Kepler’s third law the distance 
of the sun; and the observation consists in the measurement 
of the displacement of the planet upon the sun’s dise as seen 
from various parts of the earth’s surface. In the case of Mars, 
its displacement with regard to certain selected fixed stars 
near it, is measured at widely different points of the earth’s 
surface, instead of with respect to the solar disc, as in the 
case of Venus. The opportunity which is now about to occur 
will not be lost sight of, and arrangements have already been 
made by which the co-operation of various Observatories in 
both hemispheres will be secured, and we have already com- 


for the year 1877. XVii 

menced operations at Melbourne in conjunction with Green- 
wich and Washington. 

The comet discovered by D’Arrest in 1851, which has a 
period of about five and a half years, and which is one of 
the most interesting of the comets of short period because 
of the enormous disturbances it experiences from the planet 
Jupiter, was observed during the month of June. This isa 
‘very difficult object to observe, owing to its excessive faint- 
ness; so that during its perihelion passage in 1864 it could 
not be seen at all. In the present instance it was found 
with little difficulty, owing to the excellent ephemeris 
which had been sent to me by M. Leveau, of the Paris 

The question of the existence of a planet between the 
sun and Mercury has been revived during the past year, 
and M. Leverrier announced the probability of the supposed 
planet transiting the sun’s disc about the 22nd of March 
last. Most of the Observatories throughout the world were 
requested to keep a strict watch for its appearance on the 
21st, 22nd, and 23rd, and this was, I believe, generally done, 
but with a negative result, no appearance of a planetary 
transit being observed anywhere. We had very favourable 
weather here, and could not have failed to see it had it 
crossed the sun during our daylight. The existence of an 
intra-Mercurial planet is therefore a problem yet to be 

At our last gathering I spoke of the progress that had 
been made in Meteorology in Europe and America by the 
adoption of a widely co-operative system, and I stated that 
I had taken steps to bring about an analogous system in 
Australia; and at the ordinary meeting in May last, in a 
paper I read on the present state of meteorology, I detailed 
the outcome of this effort. It will therefore be only neces- 
sary now to tell you in the briefest manner what has been 

RViii President's Address 

and is being done. The hearty co-operation of the astron- 
omers and meteorologists, as well as of the telegraphic 
departments, of New South Wales and South Australia has 
been secured, and weather telegrams in cypher are ex- 
changed daily from ten to twelve am. between Adelaide 
Melbourne, and Sydney. These telegrams are utilised ina 
different way at each place; for while in Sydney they are 
used for constructing a weather chart, in Melbourne a 
weather bulletin is lithographed at the Observatory, which, 
as a rule, is posted at various places about Melbourne before 
one p.m., and gives a synopsis of the state of the weather 
and sea at nine a.m. along our coast-line from Cape Borda 
to Cape Howe, and north as far as Brisbane, as well as a 
general idea of the weather in the settled interior of Aus- 
tralia. Afternoon telegrams are also received from a certain 
number of stations, from which a synopsis is deduced and 
published in the morning papers. I think there can scarcely 
be two opinions as to the utility of this method as com- 
pared to the partial and somewhat indiscriminate meteor- 
ological reports hitherto issued, and I have reason to believe 
that a large portion of the public already appreciate the 
value of the innovation. 

Concerning Botanical Science, which is so ably represented 
in this colony by our eminent fellow-member, Baron Von 
Mueller, I have also a few words to say. The investigations 
and labours of our Government Botanist have made con- 
siderable progress, and during the last year or two he has 
very largely increased the literature of the science, more 
especially with respect to Australia, by the publication of 
several important works, and by the continuanceof his serials 
on Australian plants. The Phytographia Australis has now 
nearly reached the completion of its tenth volume, and it 
must be a matter for regret to most Australian students of 
botany that this valuable work was not written in the 


for the year 1877. xix 

English language. Baron Von Mueller is now engaged on 
an exceedingly valuable work on the plants of New Guinea, 
the first volume of which is nearly completed, and its pub- 
lication is anxiously looked for by all who are interested in 
botanical science. A very useful volume for students in this 
science has also been issued by the Government Botanist, 
entitled Introduction to Botanic Teachings wn the Schools of 
Victoria through Native Plants. This work is largely and 
carefully illustrated; and while intended for schools, in 
reality constitutes a valuable work for the advanced student. 
Amongst his other literary labours it is much to be hoped 
that Baron Von Mueller will soon be able to complete his 
long contemplated Atlas of the Hucalyptt, for which he has 
already a very fine series of drawings prepared. I must not 
overlook another most useful work that has appeared, 
entitled Select Plants Readily Available for Industrial 
Culture in Victoria—a most important work, which cannot 
fail to be appreciated as it becomes more generally known. 
It is to be hoped that the Government Botanist will soon be 
able to resume the phytochemical researches which he com- 
menced some years ago, and which gave promise of results 
not only of the highest scientific interest, but also of im- 
mediate commercial value. 

Our National Museum, under the direction of Professor 
M‘Coy, has also its year’s history; and I am glad to state 
that it continues to increase in specimens illustrative of all 
the branches of natural science, whilst the systematic 
naming and classification by the director continually ad- 
vances. Professor M‘Coy, however, informs me that want 
of room, owing to the western half of the building not 
being yet built, renders the labour of maintaining the col- 
lections in good order, and properly classifying them, each 
year greater than before. It must be apparent to all who 
take an interest in our Museum of Natural History that 

xx : President's Address 

there is not sufficient room for the proper display of our fine 
collection, and the time has obviously arrived* when the 
building should be completed, and the director enabled to 
give the colony the benefit of the complete classification 
which he desires to exhibit, and which will include classifica- 
tion according to geographical distribution. The freshness 
and good state of preservation exhibited by the specimens is 
remarkable compared with many collections I have seen in 
large cities, and I have no doubt this fact may be traced to 
the absence at the University site of those corrosive pro- 
ducts of combustion which prevail in the more densely 
populated parts of a city, and which are so destructive to 
collections of this kind. In glancing over some statistics of 
the Museum, we find that last year 98,000 people visited it, 

and that it contains over 37,000 specimens. Professor. 

M‘Coy, the director of the Museum, is proceeding with the 
publication of the Decades of the Zoology and Palcon- 
tology of Victoria, with figures and descriptions from speci- 
mens in the Museum. The fourth decade of the palzon- 
tology has been issued during the year, and the fifth is 
nearly ready. Further decades may shortly be expected, 
and numerous beautiful plates of the snakes, fishes, and 
insects of the colony are already prepared for them. 

One of our most useful institutions, though perhaps not 
the best known, is our Technological School and Museum, 
and comparatively few people know how much good work 
is being done, and what a wealth of knowledge in tech- 
nology and the arts is being acquired there for the future 
advancement of our community and colony. During the 
last year the progress of the Industrial and Technological 
Museum has been very satisfactory, both as regards the 
number of persons availing themselves of the classes and 
lectures on technical subjects, and the increase of the 
‘various scientific and economic collections, their systematic 


for the year 1877. Xxi 

arrangement and proper display. Over 3000 specimens 
have been added, and amongst the most recent and 
interesting are the collections received from America 
through the instrumentality of Mr. George Collins Levey. 
These collections comprise—1. Ingenious mechanical con- 
trivances; 2. Manufactured metals, and the ores, fuels, 
fluxes, &c., used in smelting ; 3. Rare and interesting rocks 
and minerals from the United States; 4. A collection of the 
rocks and minerals of the Dominion of Canada, presented 
through Mr. Levey by Mr. A. R. C. Selwyn; 5. A collection 
of seeds, amongst which the varieties of wheat are to be 
specially noted (advantage has been taken to distribute, 
through the Department of Agriculture, a portion of each 
sample to growers in the country); 6. Manufactured fibres, 
American cottons, &c. The publications of the year have 
been limited to a catalogue of the Timbers of Victoria, which 
contains all available information as to the value of our 
trees or timbers in manufacture. The walls and pillars in 
the museum are being made to answer the purpose of 
catalogues by being covered with copious instructive notes 
to assist the interested visitor in his studies. 

Since the abolition of the department of the Geological 
Survey by the Government, the geological work of the 
colony has been carried on under the auspices of the Mining 
Department; and if one can judge from the maps and 
reports,and more especially from the admirable report of 
progress recently issued by the Secretary for Mines, there 
can be no doubt that this branch of science, at least in so far 
as it bears upon the development of the resources of the 
country, is by no means neglected. The formation of the 
geological maps of the colony, commenced by Mr. Selwyn, 
is still going on; nearly 5000 square miles have been 
embraced in sketch-maps on a scale of 2 in. to the mile, and 
other maps are in progress; the most important among 

aa President's Address 

which may be mentioned as those of the goldfields at 
Stawell, Creswick, and on the Mitchell River, Gippsland. 
Among the valuable publications of this department, you 
will be pleased to learn that there are most interesting and 
exhaustive reports by our fellow-members, Professor M‘Coy, 
on Fossil Specimens; Mr. Cosmo Newbery, On the 
Analysis of Assays, and the Hxamination of Minerals ; 
and Mr. William Nicholas, on Some Characteristics of 
Auriferous Quartz Reefs or Vewns. 

The rapid denudation of our Forests, and almost reckless 
destruction of our indigenous timber, has from time to time 
been strongly and warningly commented upon by scientific 
men and by the public press of the colony; but as the want 
of useful timber does not immediately stare the community 
in the face, it is allowed to pass. If any of you have ever 
seen,as I have too often done, the gigantic timber trees 
lying rotting in some of the ranges near Melbourne, where 
they have been felled by saw-mill proprietors, but never 
used, and in many cases magnificent trees with inferior 
trees felled by rival proprietors across them to prevent their 
being readily removed to the mills of those who felled them, 
you will at once admit that the term “reckless destruction” 
is not too strong. The necessary clearing away of timber 
for agriculture is rapidly altering the face of the country, 
and will doubtless alter the climate, most probably for the 
worse ; but the indiscriminate denudation of our mountain 
forests will certainly tend to reduce the precipitation of 
water on our soil, which already we often eagerly hope for 
and sometimes pray for. 

Some legislation in this direction has been attempted, and 
it devolves on the Department of Agriculture to put what 
power Parliament has given it into force. This department, 
which is in charge of Mr. Wallis, the Secretary for Agricul- 
ture, is doing all in its power to stem the tide of mischief, 

for the year 1877. Xxlil 

and to re-forest, as far as possible, our stripped mountain 
sides, not only with indigenous, but exotic timber and other 
useful trees. The State nurseries at Mount Macedon are 
making wonderful progress; valuable trees to replace the 
indigenous giants which have been so indiscriminately felled 
are now covering a large part of the summit of that moun- 
tain. Thousands of plants are yearly raised in the nursery 
for this purpose and for distribution over the country to 
local bodies. It is a noteworthy fact that numbers of the 
European and American timber trees are being successfully 
grown here, and many of them make more rapid growth 
than they were ever known to do in the countries to which 
they belong. It is intended also to sow many of our 
wrecked forest areas broadcast with the seeds of indigenous 
trees, notably the ironbark, and this process will also be 
tried on some of the treeless plains to the north—of 
course, after some preparation of the ground and adop- 
tion of some means for protecting the young trees as they 
come up. 

The establishment of Colleges and Schools of Agriculture 
and Forestry would be a step in the right direction, the 
value of which to posterity, if not to our own generation, 
cannot be well over-estimated in a country in which the 
ruling policy is to fix the people on the soil. Already the 
Agricultural Department has taken preliminary steps for the 
establishment of a college in embryo at South Dookie, in 
the north-east district. It is intended to confine the opera- 
tions this year to conducting experiments on plants likely 
to be adapted for cultivation in Victoria, and the establish- 
ment of an Agricultural Chemical Laboratory in connection 
_ with the institution. It is only expected to establish the 
college by degrees, but I am sure the success of the Secre- 
tary for Agriculture in this and his other efforts will be 
sincerely hoped for by every member of this Society, 

Xxiv Presidents Address 

If we glance back over the past year’s history of scientific 
research and progress, we find but little of more than ordi- 
nary interest to arrest our attention. There are, however, 
one or two instances which may worthily claim our atten- 
tion for a few moments. 

In my last address I referred to that interesting little 
instrument the Radiometer, and to Mr. Crooke’s discoveries 
of the action of light and heat on bodies in vacuo; and one 
of the instruments was exhibited and described by Mr. 
Foord, who also made some remarks on the experiments he 
had made with it, and the principles involved in its peculiar 
action. The behaviour of light bodies freely suspended in 
vacuo, under the influence of heat and light, seemed at first 
inexplicable according to known laws, and the question 
arose whether Mr. Crooke’s experiments did not point to 
the existence of a new force. Our best physicists, however, 
suggested that the whole phenomena might be satisfactorily 
explained as pertaining to the action of radiant heat in a 
partial vacuum. Mr. Crooke has now, by the continuance 
of his investigation, conclusively proved this to be the case, 
and also finds that if instead of an ordinary vacuum the 
most perfect one attainable is secured, the action of the 
Radiometer is largely weakened, and indeed ceases alto- 
gether. , 

Few sciences have made such strides in a utilitarian 
direction as that of Electricity, more especially in reference 
to Telegraphy. We had scarcely been able to realise the 
fact that two different messages could be sent simultaneously 
on a single wire in opposite directions, as in the duplex 
system of telegraphy, than we hear of a quadruplex and 
multiple system being in actual operation, the latter em- 
bracing the power of sending two or more messages each 
way simultaneously on a single line, provided a synchronous 
movement or identical revolution of similar portions of the 

Ee ee Dee eae a ye ee ee eee eee 

a ee 

AD RR ae 

Pa A ee ge Se Oe ee 

for the year 1877. XXV 

apparatus at the two stations can be secured, a thing not 
very difficult to accomplish. From the skill required to 
work the ordinary duplex system successfully, it is still 
doubtful whether it will come into general use, and the. 
complications of the ordinary multiple system will, I 
imagine, keep it rather in the category of telegraphic curi- 
osities, which are already numerous, than permit of its 
practical application to commercial telegraphy. 

These remarks, however, do not apply with so much force 
to the last achievement in Telegraphic Electricity, the 
Harmonic Telegraph or Telephone ; and as the discoveries in 
this direction bear signs of promise, a few words on the 
subject may not be out of place here. It has long been 
known that the number of electric impulses that can be 
sent along a conductor in a given time under proper condi- 
tions appear to be, comparatively speaking, almost unlimited; 
at all events, as numerous as are necessary to produce almost 
every sound audible to the human ear. It has been shown, 
for instance, that if the electric contacts, and hence impulses, 
are given by the vibrations of tuning forks or musical reeds 
at the sending station of a telegraph line, tuning forks or 
reeds of a similar pitch can be set in action at the distant 
station, and that a full series of musical notes can thus be 
transmitted from one station to another. Some electricians 
have lately put this into practice, notably Mr. Reiss, of 
Friedrichsdorf, in Germany; Mr. Elisha Gray, of Chicago ; 
Professor Bell, of Boston; and M. Paul la Cour, of Copen- 
hagen. To make what I have to say clear, I must call your 
memory to the fact that musical notes or sounds to which 
the human ear is sensible consist of vibrations varying 
from eight up to about 36,000 per second; if they 
are below eight they. simply constitute a number of 
separate noises, but if more than eight they form a tone; 
beyond 36,000 per second they become insensible to 

XXVi President's Address 

the human ear, but, there is reason to believe, not to the 
auditory systems of some animals and insects. Also that 
there are certain characteristics in sound—for instance, 

pitch or tone is governed by the number of vibrations per — 

second, and simply relates to the highness or lowness of 
the sound; then we have intensity, by virtue of which 
sounds are loud or soft; and again, there is the twmbre, or, 
as it is sometimes termed, quality, of sound, instances of 
which may be given by the difference in tone between the 
vibrating string of the piano and the vibrating reed of the 
clarionet or oboe. Musical sounds produced by an instru- 
ment such as a flute or violin consist of variations in pitch 
and intensity, while the organ can be made to produce 
variations in quality also by the help of the various stops; 
and the human voice eminently encompasses all these cha- 
racteristics. Now the telephonic apparatus of Reiss, Gray, 
and La Cour, so far as they have yet gone, simply transmit 
sounds which vary only in pitch, although Mr. Gray appears 
to have succeeded in transmitting notes of varying intensity 
—that is, loud or soft, at will—for he has been able to con- 
vey a musical tune along a telegraph line so as to be iden- 
tified at the distant end. The practical triumph of Gray’s 
telephone appears in the fact that he has been able to send 
four simultaneous messages telephonically along a single 
wire, while four others were received on the same 
wire —a double quadruple system, as it were. This 
is accomplished in the following manner :—We have seen 
that notes can be transmitted by means of reeds or tuning 
forks, so we will suppose a set of such instruments arranged 
at both ends of a telegraph wire. Now if a reed with the 
pitch of G natural be set in vibration at the sending station, 
no other reed but the G natural will vibrate at the receiving 
station, and it will continue to hum this note as long as the 
current is passing, but ceases immediately the sender opens 

SS ae ee. ne eee 

Se Se ee SP Sn SRT SDE SM Fe 

for the year 1877. XXVil 

his key and stops the current. The sound can thus be 
broken up into long or short notes, crotchets and quavers as 
it were, to represent the dots and dashes of the Morse code, 
which can be as easily read by the telegraphist as the short 
and long taps of the Morse sounders. Now, if with another 
operator, key, and reed on the same wire, we send B natu- 
ral, it will set the reed of the same pitch humming at the 
receiving end, and not interfere with the G natural reed, 
which will continue humming its own note. <A second 
operator reads the B natural message, and a third and 
fourth any third or fourth reed that may sound. In this 
way several messages can be sent simultaneously by as many 
operators, and read by as many readers, while the principles 
of the duplex system provide for sending an equal number 
of messages at the same time and on the same wire in oppo- 
site directions. 

Professor Bell’s telephone, so far as I can gather, must 
partially embrace the third characteristic of sound, that is, 
the tumbre, so that the human voice can be intelligibly 
transmitted through a telegraphic wire for short distances ; 
and although it appears that the received sound of the voice 
is weak and not always distinct, the simple fact that the 
quality of the sound can be transmitted with its pitch and 
intensity is a most remarkable one, and we shall look 
forward with great interest to the future development of 
both this and Mr. Gray’s method of telephonic communica- 
tion. The details of the apparatus of Professor Bell are not 
generally known yet, but the principle involved is much the 
same as in the others, although the method differs. The 
sound of the human voice is projected into a kind of funnel- 
shaped chamber, closed by a membrane which is set in 
vibration in consonance with the vocal sounds. Attached 
to the membrane is a small permanent magnet, which 

vibrates with it opposite the poles of an electro-magnet, 

xxviii § President's Address for the year 1877. 

through which a constant current from a galvanic battery 
flows; the induction brought about by the vibration of the 
magnet so affects the battery current that the composite 
characteristics of the sound are manifested on the receiving 
apparatus, which, so far as one can judge from the descrip- 
tions given, consists of an electro-magnet within an iron 
box, the armature of which is a loose iron plate covering the 
box, and which is set in vibration, approximately repro- 
ducing the sound of the voice speaking against the mem- 
brane at the sending station. 

I have, I am afraid, already tried your patience too long, 
but, before concluding, I wish to urge our younger members 
to greater activity in the society; there is plenty of work to 
do, and broad fields of untouched ground for research. The 
discoveries I have just spoken of come principally from our 
American cousins, who have done more than. any other 
nation for electric telegraphy, which even yet presents to 
us an almost boundless field for research and useful dis- 
covery ; and why should not some of it fall to Australians ? 
Discovery and useful results of scientific work are not got 
except by persistent and grooved application. The very 
ground over which one must travel before he gets upon 
“pastures new’ with any hope of success has already be- 
come long and weary; but those who steadily keep in one 
path not only arrive on the new ground first, but have the 
best chance of seeing any that has been left unturned on 
the way. | 


. i 
hae *) 



ArT. L—On force. 
By F. J. Prrant, M.A, 

[Read 12th April, 1877.] 

THE nature of our conception of Force and of Force itself, 
if there be any such thing, have been the matter of frequent 
discussion ; but the various questions raised cannot be said 
to have received answers which are universally accepted as 

Why does a stone fall to the ground if unsupported ? 
It is stated in explanation of this phenomenon that the 
stone is attracted by the earth, or that the earth exerts 
a force upon it. What do we mean in the first place 
by saying that a force is exerted upon the stone; and 
secondly, by saying that that force is exerted by the earth ? 
Had we said that the motion of the stone was due to a force 
exerted by John Smith, the meaning of such a statement is 
plain enough—that a certain state or act of John Smith’s 
mind, such as we call an effort, pull, or force, preceded and 
was the cause of the motion. Do we mean, then, in the 
former case, that a similar state of consciousness, a similar 
effort or pull, was antecedent to the motion of the stone ? 
and if so, do we imagine the earth to be a being capable of 
exerting such pulls? As a matter of analytical convenience 
it is doubtless extremely useful to imagine inanimate bodies 
“as exerting efforts to move each other about, similar to the 
forces which each man knows that he exerts himself, and 
which he believes to be exerted by other human beings; but 
do they really do so? I follow the system of philosophy 
which Mr. G. H. Lewes is now expounding, so far at all 
events as to reply that we have no means of ascertaining 
whether they really do or not; that the idea of forces sup- 
posed to be exerted by inanimate bodies is. a metempirical 
concept, indispensable perhaps for purposes of calculation, 
but resembling subsidiary unknowns introduced in the 
course of solving a mathematical problem, which disappear 
in the final result. . 

The effects of which the forces are supposed to be the 

Bi) On Force. 

causes are all we are concerned with, and whether the earth 
really exerts a pull on the stone or not is a question which 
neither common sense nor science can solve, nor, In my 
opinion, need desire to solve; let the metaphysician under- 
take the impossible and unprofitable task if he will. 

The answers I have given to the above questions concern- 
ing Force would probably be accepted by ali disciples of the 
modern Experience school of philosophy, but many able 
investigators of nature and powerful reasoners have not 
been content with the bounds which it sets to the kingdom 
of knowledge. Thus Sir John Herschel has said—and his 
dictum is quoted with approval in a very clever and 
eloquent article by the late Mr. Martineau (Contemporary 
Review, March, 1876), which has important bearings on the 
question at issue :— 

“Tt is our own immediate consciousness of effort when 
we exert force to put matter in motion, or to oppose and 
neutralise force, which gives us this internal conviction of 
power and causation so far as it refers to the material world, 
and compels us to believe that whenever we see material 
objects put in motion from a state of rest, or deflected from 
their rectilinear paths, and changed in their velocities if 
already in motion, it is a consequence of such an effort 
somehow exerted, though not accompanied with owr con- 
sciousness. ” : 

_ Mx. Martineau also quotes Du Bois-Reymond, a philosopher 
of a very different way of thinking, who says :— 

“ Power, regarded as the cause of motion, is nothing but 

a more recondite product of the irresistible tendency to 
perontly which is impressed upon us. What do we gain 
by saying that it is reciprocal Attraction whereby two par- 
ticles of matter approach each other? Not the shadow of 
any insight into the nature of the process.” : 
_ And Mr. Martineau is forced to admit that Du Bois-Rey- 
mond is justified in his criticism if the human mind has 
nothing to do but to become an accomplished Natur 
forscher ; which is, I presume, the only aim of the human 
mind which Physical Science is concerned with. 

The question under discussion may be not unprofitably 
illustrated by an analogy from the undulatory theory of 
light. As that theory is commonly taught in the text- 
books, it supposes that at each point of space through 
which light is being propagated there goes on a backward 

Le eee ee ee eae = eee 

On Force. 5 

and forward motion of particles analogous to the vibrations 
of a pianoforte-wire, and to students, nay, even to expert 
physicists, it is doubtless a great assistance to have the 
hypothesis stated in that concrete and specific form. But 
the truth of the undulatory theory is only established by 
the agreement of its results with those of experiments, and 
the same results could be obtained from a much more 
general hypothesis than that usually made. It is only 
necessary to suppose that, as Clerk Maxwell says (EHlec- 
tricity and Magnetism, Vol. IL, p. 407), the disturbance 
which constitutes light is of the nature of a vector («e., a 
quantity having both magnitude and direction) perpen- 
dicular to the ray; and all the beautiful theorems whose 
truth has been so abundantly confirmed by experiment 
and observation, could still be deduced if we supposed that 
the vector disturbance is a strain, a rotation, a magnetisa- 
_ tion, or electrification of particles, instead of supposing the 
particles to have motions of translation. 

Still it would be inconvenient, if not impossible, especially 
for purposes of instruction, to abandon the ordinary specific 
hypothesis. In the same manner should the hypothesis of 
forces exerted by inanimate bodies be maintained, as though 
not necessarily true, still very convenient, and invariably 
leading to true results. It is often said that if all calculated 
results of an hypothesis agree with experiment, that hypo- 
thesis must itself be true. The statement is not correct. 
The most that we are warranted in believing is that all 
other calculated results will also be found to be experi- 
mentally true, and this is especially the case when the 
hypothesis is one like that of Forces, which from its very 
nature cannot and could not under any conceivable circum- 
stances be directly subjected to an experimental test. Surely 
it is more hopeless to attempt to verify the existence of 
the earth’s attraction than it is to endeavour to see the 
vibrations of the ether. 

Professor Tait, in a lecture delivered before the British 
Association last year, has attacked the existence of Force in 
a different manner; and although I agree so far with his 
conclusions as to believe that the existence of material 
forces is not and cannot be proved, I do not believe the 
‘reasoning by which he arrives at that conclusion is valid. 
He not only believes that Force is proved not to have real 
objective existence, but that that peculiar and abstruse 

fee On Fore 

quality is proved to be possessed by Matter and by Energy. 
One of the premises from which he is led to his conclusions 
is that Matter and Energy are unalterable in quantity, while 
Force is not so. True enough; but consider the other pre- 
mise—that those qualities or entities whose total quantity 
is unalterable, and those only, do really exist. 

By anything having real objective existence, Professor 
Tait explains that he means that it exists altogether inde- 
pendently of the senses and brain processes, by which we 
are informed of its presence. Whether anything does exist 
in this independence, I do not know; nor do I believe that 
any one else does or can. But without going into the con- 
troversy between Realism and Idealism, I simply ask whence 
does Professor Tait obtain his axiom connecting absolute 
reality and indestructibility ? What higher claim has it to 
credence than any of the axioms criticised by Mill, in his 
chapter on Fallacies of Simple Inspection, such as “ Circular 
motion is the most perfect,’ “Things which we cannot think 
of together cannot coexist,” “Things which we cannot help 
thinking of together must coexist,’ “Whatever can be 
thought of apart exists apart,’ and so on ? 

Moreover, if the negative portion of the axiom be accepted, 
although Matter—that is Mass—is proved to exist, Time, 
Distance, Motion, are degraded to the rank of nonentities 
along with Force. 

But how is the mass of a body defined and measured ? 
By the effect which a certain force acting on the body for a 
certain tine would produce. And how is energy defined and 
measured ? As power of domg work—that is, of overcoming 
a given force through a certain distance. Surely I cannot 
be accused of presumption in criticising the conclusions of a 
thinker of Professor Tait’s high standard when he tells us 
that that which is defined in terms of, and measured by 
means of, that which does not exist, has itself independent 
real existence. | 

As probably most of you have read the lecture referred to, 
it is unnecessary for me to say anything about the most 
valuable part of it—Professor Tait’s exposition of the loose 
and ambiguous way in which the term Force is often used 
even by those who should know better. For this he should 
have earned the gratitude of all lovers of that accuracy in 
scientific language without which accuracy of thought is 
almost unattainable. 


Some Expervments vn Propulsion. 7 

Art. Il—Some Hupervnents 1 Propulsion. 
By 8. R. DEVERELL, Esq. 

[Read 12th April, 1877. ] 

THE following are particulars of some experiments made at 
Torbay (England) in February last, by Mr. B. Tower, of 
Newcastle-on-Tyne, respecting the application of the power 
represented in the movement of a ship on waves. The 
experiments were made in the presence of Mr. W. Froude, 
F.R.S., and Mr. H. Brunel. The vessel in question was a 
miniature ship of six (6) feet in length, and was lent for the 
purpose from the Admiralty Works at Torquay. The appa- 
ratus used was similar in plan to that of a model exhibited 
at the Exhibition in Melbourne in 1873, with the exception 
that a strong metallic spring was employed instead of a 
pneumatic one. The tension on the spring was such that 
when the vessel was horizontally placed in smooth water 
the loaded working beams of the machinery were also 
horizontal. The relative motions of the load were limited 
to one dimension only—viz., in a plane at right-angles to the 
plane of the deck. These relative movements were imparted 
to a ratchet-wheel, causing it to revolve continuously in one 
direction. The shaft of the ratchet actuated a large wheel 
and pinion, and the continuous rotation of the pinion was 
ultimately conveyed to the screw shaft by an indiarubber 
band accumulator, which stored up the power transmitted 
to the screw. 

As the vessel was decked, and had only been lent for the 
trial, the machinery had to be placed above deck, and owing 
to this it could not be loaded to its full power: a load of 
only seven pounds being placed on it. This was a serious 
disadvantage, as, had the machinery been below, a load three 
times as great would have been placed on it, the power 
developed being increased in the same proportion. Not- 
withstanding this, tbe results completely verified the calcula- 
tions which had been made respecting the operations of the 
machinery, the screw on an average making forty (40) 
revolutions per minute, the vessel attaining a speed of 34 

knots against a head.sea and wind. The maximum effect 

was observed to take place when the play of the load was 
isochronous with the period of the waves; whenever this 

Bit. Some Experiments in Propulsion. 

occurred the machine worked with great vigour, the screw 
sometimes making as many as 180 revolutions per minute. 
It should be remembered, however, that this great speed of 
rotation of the screw is not the best suited for propul- 
sion, on account of the creation of what is known as negative 
slip of the screw. Indeed the difficulty throughout in the 
experiments which have been made is not in obtaining 
sufficient power, but rather in controlling the excess of it. 
The wind on the occasion under notice was off shore, the 
waves therefore very small, about four feet long, and a few 
inches only in height, with a period of six seconds. The 
reason why the period of the waves is so important an 
element in the effect produced, is that the efficacy of the 
principle depends mainly on the velocity of the movements, 
not their magnitude, as shown in the fact that the model in 
question worked vigorously with the movement of only an 
inch, repeated however ten times per minute. In point of 
theory the action of the apparatus involves some very 
abstruse points; indeed it had proved not a little perplexing 
to those who had witnessed it. Mr. Froude, at the first 
meeting of the Institution of Naval Architects, 1874, referred 
to the principles involved in the action of the machine as a 
very obscure subject ; and again, at the British Association 
at Bristol, September, 1875, he spoke of it as a most complex 
proposition which he and others had at first only dimly seen 
through. Mr. G. Rendel also, the distinguished engineer 
and originator of the “Staunch” class of gun-boats, and the 
partner of Sir Wm. Armstrong, has referred to the principle 
of the machine as (to repeat Mr. Rendel’s words) a very 
curious and beautiful idea, and that it has been well worked 
out; as a scientific principle, he adds, he considers it perfect. 
Similarly at the April session of the Institution of Naval 
Architects, Lord Hampton, the President of the Institution, 
spoke of it as one of the most important, but at the same 
time most difficult, of projects. It need hardly be added 
that the development of a principle so little understood as 
is admitted in these opinions is necessarily a work of slow 
progress, when every step in the demonstration nearly ex- 
hausts for a long time individual means. 

The dynamical effect exhibited by the model during the 
experiments as accurately taken at the time, was at the rate 
of 14 horse-power per ton of working load. With regard to 
this vigour of action, which occasioned some surprise at the 

si iegraaii es eae ; , eS 
ot ee Oe ae oS Ag oe PNR ee ee a ee ee ee ee oe ee Sn ee 

sh aa das aan 

Some Experiments in Propulsion. 9 

time, it may be remarked that the load acquired such a pro- 
portion of the large moving force of the water displaced 
_ by the ship as the mass of the load bears to the mass of the 
ship. Thus if 100 tons be employed in a vessel of 1000, 
the machine acquires 1-10th of the whole moving force of 
the water displaced ; this being indirectly abstracted, as Mr. 
Tower well expresses it, from the vast store of energy 
passing beneath the feet. In other words, every ton becomes 
imbued with the force with which the same weight of water 
—.e., of thirty-five cubic feet—is moving at the time: in the 
case of a load of 100 tons consequently representing the 
energy of 3500 cubic feet of water moving with the speed 
of the wave motion. The considerable effect of this may 
perhaps be apparent (though the applications are quite dis- 
similar) by observing the effect of even a sluggish stream in 
turning a water-mill. 

The experiments briefly detailed above have been since 
repeated in different forms with the same results, and have 
been admitted to have shown the correctness of the method 
employed, whatever may be the theory of its action, in 
applying the energy stored in the movements of the sea. 
As some doubt was expressed at the British Association 
(Bristol, 1875) as to the ability of the machine to drive a 
ship against a head sea, Mr. Froude (who was at the time 
President of the Mechanical Section) stated that he had 
himself witnessed the model in Torbay driving itself against 
and through a head sea which, in comparison with the size 
of the model, was mountainous. As this refers to a point 
of importance, the testimony of so distinguished an authority 
may, I think, be regarded as definitive on the matter. A 
proposition to which value has been attached is that, given 
the same bulk and weight, the power developed under 
ordinary circumstances compares favourably with that of a 
steam-engine, and under exceptional states of the sea it is 
very much greater. I think I may say that the very care- 
fully repeated experiments of Mr. Tower do not leave room 
for doubt on this head. In any case it would appear that, 
apart from auxiliary propulsion, a useful source of power 
for many minor purposes at sea exists. Asregards pumping, 

it may be remembered that the power referred to is mostly 
- greatest in those emergencies when it is most required—viz., 
when a vessel is at the mercy of the elements, and when 
fires cannot be maintained. 

10. The Present State of Meteorology. 

Art. II—The Present State of Meteorology. 
By R, L. J. ELvuery, Esq., F.R.S., FLR.AS. 

[Read 10th May, 1877.] 

THE desirability of increasing our knowledge concerning 
the weather, and more especially with the view of securing 
some amount of prescience on meteorology, is, I believe, 
generally admitted; and few will for a moment question 
the propriety of expending labour, pains, and money, if 
thereby the more important changes of weather could be 
predicted with certainty a few days in advance, or if 
reasonable premonition of climatic vicissitudes—such as 
rains, droughts, excessive heat, or cold—could be deduced 
from the discussion of past and present meteorological 
observations. Assuming this much, then, I purpose to 
refer briefly to what has been and is being done towards 
these ends, and with what probability of success and 
usefulness to the world. 

Although the systematic meteorological observations and 
investigations of the physical laws dominating the changes 
and movements of the earth’s atmosphere have occupied 
the attention of physicists and observers in past times, it 
is only within the last few years, comparatively speaking, 
that the subject has been grappled with comprehensively 
and scientifically. The tentative essay at prediction and 
forecast on scientific principles which has been made in 
Kurope and America are matters almost of to- day, and 
must be considered as yet only “feeling its way.” It is 
true we have had from time to time, from Murphy down- 
wards, weather systems propounded, weather predictions a 
year in advance, and almanacs printed with a prediction 
allotted to each day; a lucky coincidence or two enlists the 
belief of the ignorant for a time, but. that great teacher, 
experience, eventually relegates all these spurious systems 
to the limbo of fools. The truly scientific meteorologist 
knows the difficulty of the matter, and how little has yet 
been made light which will enable him to predict with 
confidence what weather will prevail in any one locality a 

The Present State of Meteorology. 11 

few hours ahead, and will at once admit his inability to 
deal with the facts of meteorology as he would with those 
of any of the physical sciences. 

Attempts have also been made, upon scientific grounds, to 
deduce from a discussion of seasonal mean temperature the 
probable characteristics of coming seasons; to ascertain if 
there be a periodicity in climatic vicissitudes, as well as to 
generalise in other ways from past experience. As an instance 
of these attempts, I may refer to the very clever and exhaust- 
ive paper by my friend and co-labourer, Mr, H. C. Russell, 
of Sydney, given to the Royal Society of New South Wales, 
entitled “Meteorological Periodicity ;’ but while this paper 
is one of the most valuable extant for reference on the 
subject of Australian meteorology, it clearly indicates the 
apparent hopelessness of any such attempt in our present 
state of knowledge, and certainly no satisfactory results have 
been deduced from the other investigations referred to. 

Almost every civilised country at the present time is 
provided with a principal meteorological observatory or 
observing station, generally assisted by various other 
stations of more or less importance, according to position 
or instrumental appliances, either wholly or partly sup- 
ported by public money. Besides these there are always 
numerous careful and energetic private observers, who 
voluntarily furnish the central observatory with the 
results of their work. I know of no country or place of 
importance where settlement and civilisation have reached 
from whence meteorological records cannot be obtained ; 
and if one can judge of the extent to which meteorological 
facts have been collected from the piles upon piles of manu- 
script records at the Melbourne Observatory, not only from 
these colonies, but from various regions of the broad ocean, 
from desolate islands and other places, leaving alone the 
weary number of volumes, sheets, and pamphlets which 
arrive from other countries, | think I am perfectly safe in 
saying that in no branch of inquiry has such an enormous 
amount of statistics been collected as in meteorology. 

Now one of the chief, if not the chief, object in instituting 
meteorological observations in any country at the public 
cost, may be assumed to be climatology—for economic, sani- 
tary, and, perhaps most of all, for agricultural purposes; to 
ascertain by a long extended series of observations the range 
of temperature, rainfall, movements of air, &c., to which the 

12 The Present State of Meteorology. 

particular country may be subject. The broader aspect of 
the question is, as a rule, a secondary consideration—to be 
desired, but too extensive to be grappled with by observa- 
tions extending only over a limited area ; and so, while the 
accumulating records gradually serve the more immediate 
climatological requirements, they are laid by or are printed 
and disseminated. Except for the sake of criticism, these 
printed observations are only referred to occasionally by the 
student, writer, or traveller; and although there is now and 
then something said of the desirability of dealing with this 
enormous collection of facts, I think that about a thousand 
Keplers would be wanted for the task. 

It will not be denied, however, that for local requirements 
some systematically conducted meteorological research is 
necessary and valuable in all civilised communities, more 
especially in countries like Australia, depending largely on 
agricultural and pastoral interests, as well as maritime 
commerce, and subject to the climatic vicissitudes which so 
often prevail. Assuming this, it will not be unprofitable to 
inquire how the observations can best be made in Australia 
to serve all the more immediate and local requirements, and 
at the same time assist in the general scheme of investi- 
gating the laws which govern the earth’s atmosphere 

Before doing this, I would briefly indicate what is being 
attempted in other countries. The United States of America 
certainly stand in front as far as regards the magnitude and 
system of meteorological research, and the results obtained. 
The vast land-tracks in the U.S. over which meteorological 
observing stations have been extended have made possible 
in that country a system which few other nations could 
attempt. Provided with almost unlimited means, and the 
assistance of a whole army of military men as observers, 
the signal service of the United States has been enabled to 
meteorologically blockade a large portion of the continent. 
Aided by all the facility that can be conferred by a network 
of telegraph’ lines where priority and promptitude of 
despatch is insisted upon and given, the American meteor- 
ological system is undoubtedly the most’ complete in the 
world. The principal outcome of this great scheme is the 
issuing of daily weather charts and bulletins showing the 
meteorological conditions all over the States, and the publi- 
cation of forecasts or “ probabilities” (as they are called) 

The Present State of Meteorology. 13 

of the weather a day or two ahead, indicating the track and 
intensity of marked disturbances, or the approach of fine 
weather. It is stated that over 80 per cent. of these predic- 
tions are realised, and if that be so, the result will not be so 
incommensurate with the magnitude and cost of the system 
as might at first be imagined, It is to be hoped, however, 
that in this magnificent undertaking some of the higher 
meteorological problems may be attempted and solved; and 
it is not unworthy of remark that General Myer, the 
director of this service, has enlisted the co-operation of 
nearly all the meteorological observatories in the world in 
obtaining simultaneous observations—that is, the meteoro- 
logical conditions in force at each station at one definite 
time, that time being forty-three minutes after noon, Green- 
wich mean time. 

From inquiries made during my late visit to Europe, I 
ascertained. that 250,000 dols. was the annual vote for the 
American signal service, and that that amount included no 
salaries for observers, all of which come from the military 
votes. In Great Britain £10,000 is voted annually for 
meteorological purposes, and the commission of inquiry in 
its recent report on the department recommended an increase 
to £14,000 or £15,000. 

The meteorological system of Great Britain includes both 
ocean and land meteorology. The former comprises means 
for furnishing the necessary instruments, c., for observation 
to ships of both the Imperial and mercantile navy, and col- 
lecting and tabulating the results; while the latter includes, 
besides the ordinary systematic observations, a very complete 
system of weather telegraphy and storm warnings. Hvery 
morning, Sundays excepted, telegrams are received from 
about 50 places, more than half of which are in the British 
Isles, and the rest in other European countries. These 
telegrams are immediately discussed, and weather-charts 
founded on the results are at once published and dissemi- 
nated. By this means the movements of the atmosphere 
over Northern Europe and the adjacent ocean become 
known. The approach of storms can be generally predicted 
with reasonable certainty, and warning at once given to the 
threatened coast line by telegrams, which are made widely 
_ and rapidly known by the storm-signals and other means. At 
the same time all the purposes of agricultural meteorology 
are subserved by the weather-charts, and the carefully pre- 

14 The Present State of Meteorology. 

pared bulletins published in the daily papers. While, there- 
fore, the more strictly local and practical requirements are thus 
admirably served, by reason of the oceanic observations and 
the widely spread area from which daily telegrams are re- 
ceived, the more theoretical demands from which to deduce 
information concerning the relations that prevail between the 
atmospheric movements and conditions in different parts of 
a considerable portion of the earth’s surface are supplied. 

France, Belgium, Denmark, Holland, Germany, Sweden, 
Russia, Austria, and Italy, all co-operate in similar work ; 
but while America and England undoubtedly contribute 
most liberally, each of the nations mentioned grants State 
funds for meteorological purposes varying from £500 to 
£6000 annually. The latter sum, if we take into consider- 
ation the value of money and cost of computing power in 
most of the countries named, would represent an amount 
equivalent to, if not more than, the annual grant made by 
the British Parliament. 

These brief references will convey a pretty correct notion 
of what is being done for meteorology in the Western world. 
I have only to mention that in South America, Cape Colony, 
India, China, Japan, Mauritius, and other places, systematic 
observations are made, to show that a pretty round sum 
must be expended every year for the purpose of recording 
what the weather has been, with the glimmer of a hope that 
the power of predicting what it will be may be eventually 
secured. . 

The outcome of all this expenditure of money and labour 
is at present easily summed up. In America it is said, and 
I do not doubt it, that immense and increasing benefit is 
conferred on the community by prompt publication of the 
“probabilities.” In Great Britain and Northern Europe 
most of the dangerous storms are foreseen, and much loss of 
life and property no doubt prevented ; for the rest of the 
world, with some few exceptions, the results are confined to 
furnishing climatic statistics generally of mere local interest, 
the piling up of volume upon volume of books filled with 
regular readings of instruments and descriptions of atmo- 
spheric appearances, which are exchanged between the 
observatories and scientific institutions of the world, forming 
so much building material for our future meteorological 
architects. | 

It will be evident from what I have already stated that 


The Present State of Meteorology. 15 

meteorological observation holds a prominent place in the 
world’s work, and that there is no niggard contribution from 
State or other public funds to aid in the undertaking; and 
while it will also be seen that in addition to the collection 
of statistics, which are in themselves valuable, a foretaste of 
what may be hoped for from systematic investigation has 
been actually realised in both Great Britain and America, 
it cannot but be admitted that meteorology has not yet 
become a science. To those who know the difficulty and 
complexity of the problems involved, this is no matter for 
surprise. Nevertheless, if, after all the time, money, and 
labour spent upon observation, and the enormous mass of 
statistics collected, we are compelled to this conclusion, the 
question forces itself upon us whether or not the inquiry of 
nature has been in the right direction, or whether there are 
not other modes of inquiry necessary to elucidate what the 
usual modes of observation have as yet failed to do... These 
questions I cannot pretend to answer. I feel confident, 
however, that our inquiries must be extended in new direc- 
tions before further theoretical knowledge can be secured. 
The present system of meteorological observation consists 
in measuring and recording at each particular locality the 
variations of temperature, pressure, movement, and humidity 
of. the atmosphere, the amount of heat radiated from the 
sun by day and sent back from the earth into space by 
night, the amount of water evaporated from the earth’s 
surface, and the amount returned to it in the shape of rain. 
To these may be added as matters of observation at some 
places the electric condition of the air, the temperature of 
the exterior crust of the earth, and the variations of terres- 
trial magnetism. Although nearly all observers agree that 
these constitute the orthodox items for observation, they 
are not at all agreed as to the best methods of obtaining 
them ; there is a diversity of apparatus, different methods 
of exposure, and different times for observation. Some 
observations considered of paramount importance in ,one 
country are neglected in another, and so on. In order, 
however, to establish one universal and accordant system, a 
congress of Kuropean meteorologists was formed a few years 
ago, which has met from time to time at the various cities 
of Europe to discuss matters connected with this part of 
the subject. Recommendations have already been issued 
and co-operation invited by the congress, but the existing 

Fae The Present State of Meteorology. 

differences in matters of detail are so numerous and great 
that it is likely a considerable time will elapse before the 
congress can hope to succeed in establishing that uniformity 
of procedure so necessary in meteorology. Most of the 
observations are made near the surface of the ground, and 
even in this part of the subject difference of opinion exists : 
some prefer 4 feet, others 5 feet, 6 feet, 7 feet, or 10 feet, 
while many physicists attach great importance to the esta- 
blishment of observatories at considerable altitudes, either 
on mountain-tops or by means of captive balloons; and 
there can be little doubt that observations made at altitudes 
varying from 2000 feet to 10,000 feet would add very mate- 
rially to meteorological knowledge. Within the last few 
years, also, the state of the sun’s surface has been regarded 
by many as being in some way connected with climatic 
variations, as we know it has upon the magnetic conditions 
of the earth. 

I must now say a few words concerning what has been 
and is being done in Australia in this matter. For many 
years past meteorological observations of a more or less 
perfect character have been made in the various colonies, 
and annual means of temperature, rainfall, &c., deduced. 
Of later years the number of observing stations has been 
largely increased, with greatly improved instrumental aid ; 
and many of the questions asked by the public, meteor- 
ologists have been able to answer ; the chief characteristics 
of the climate have become known, and some of the laws 
which govern the movements of many of our atmospheric 
disturbances have been ascertained. But regarding the 
great local question of dry and wet seasons, and similar 
matters of the greatest importance in Australia, we are as 
ignorant as ever. I have now been intimately connected 
with Australian meteorology for nearly 25 years, and have 
gained some experience as to our requirements in that 
respect, of which I shall have a few words to say presently. 
At the present moment we have five properly furnished 
meteorological stations, where observations are made at least 
three times a day. Four of these are on the coast, three of 
which are lighthouses. Besides these we get observations 
once or twice a day made with standard instruments from 
seven stations, and records of rainfall and state of weather 
from 23 stations. Most of these are supplied with instru- 
ments at the cost of the State, while many observers furnish 

The Present State of Meteorology. 17 

returns more or less complete with instruments belonging to 

Some months ago, after my return from Europe, I deter- 
mined to try and bring our meteorological system into a 
somewhat better shape. Hach colony possessed a pretty 
complete machinery for first-class observation, and every 
month, or every year, the printed results were exchanged. 
My inquiry into the working of the weather telegram system 
in Europe convinced me that, now all the colonies are con- 
nected by telegraph, a similar system, on a smaller scale, 
could be put into operation here with considerable advan- 
tage to the public, especially the maritime portion, and at 
a very moderate cost. The question had often been discussed 
between Mr. Todd, of Adelaide, Mr. Russell, of Sydney, and 
myself, but matters had never appeared ripe until last year, 
when I formally asked the co-operation of these gentlemen, 
which was cordially given. Plans of operation were dis- 
cussed and agreed upon, and in January last a system of 
Australian weather telegraphy wascommenced. This system 
consisted of the exchange of observations in cypher by tele- 
graph between Adelaide, Melbourne, and Sydney twice a 
day (Sundays excepted), the observations being those ob- 
tained at selected stations furnished with properly tested 
instruments. The stations were so selected that most of the 
coast-line along which passes our principal traffic should be 
represented, as well as districts which may be taken as 
typical of Central Australia; and with the view of having 
information of the dip of the monsoons and equatorial 
currents, stations along the trans-Australian telegraph line, 
as far north as Port Darwin, were also chosen. The informa- 
tion exchanged is of the usual kind—readings of barometers, 
_ thermometers, rain gauges, observations of wind, state of sea, 
appearance of sky, &c. 

The first object in view in establishing this system was to 
prepare every afternoon a synopsis of the weather and state 
of the sea along the coast line, and also eventually to issue 
a weather chart, showing graphically the substance of the 
weather telegrams. It was intended to publish this infor- 
mation by posting the charts and bulletins at the various 
telegraph and shipping offices where they were likely to be 
of value. 

The second object hoped for was the increase of knowledge 
of the meteorology of Australia generally, and additions to 
the very scant theoretical information we now possess. 


The Present State of Meteorology. 

© Up to a certain point this system may be said to be 
established in Melbourne, but beyond it seems at present 
somewhat difficult to get, on account of the irregular 
and unpunctual manner in which the telegrams from the 
neighbouring colonies come to hand, rendering it impos- 
sible to satisfactorily attempt the publication of either 
weather bulletins or charts. Whether this is owing to 
defective telegraph arrangements, or a want of appreciation 
of the importance of the matter on the part of the various 
Telegraph Departments, I cannot say ; but it must be obvious 
to all. who know anything of the matter that unless there 
be prompt despatch and delivery of weather telegrams, it | 
will be useless to try and make any immediate use of the 
information for the public benefit. In England, America, 
Belgium, &c., weather telegrams have precedence of all but 
pressing State business, as it is well known that without it 
they would be useless. These difficulties are, however, I 
hope only temporary, and are almost inevitable at the 
beginning of all new undertakings. I have good hopes there- 
fore that the system will ripen into a most useful institution, 
which will, lam sure, be quickly and fully appreciated by 
the public. It is hoped that Western Australia, Tasmania, 
and Queensland will before long be included in the scheme; 
for the two former are, from their position, of great import- 
ance, and will increase in no small degree the prospect of 
further theoretical knowledge. 

The meteorological observations comprised in this system 
leave a large amount of local inquiry unsatisfied, which can, 
however, I believe, be adequately provided for by a simpler 
method than is required for Australian weather telegraphy. 
While the six or seven selected stations in Victoria must be 
kept in the most efficient working order, with a full supply 
of instrumental means, local climatology and weather sta- 
tistics can be furnished by a more numerous class of second- 
ary stations, which should supply a brief daily report 
by telegraph of the state of weather, wind, temperature, 
and rainfall, and keep a record of the same, from which the 
usual monthly and annual means can afterwards be deduced 
at the Observatory for publication in the meteorological 
statistics. Such stations should be established in every 
township of importance, and it is a question whether this 
might not best be done by the municipal authorities, for it 
is not at all improbable that they might take sufficient 

The Present State of Meteorology. 19 

interest in the matter, simply for the sake of the local 
information, to provide the necessary instruments and 
‘secure the requisite observations. 

Our rainfall varies so largely with locality, that in order 
to obtain trustworthy statisties—so necessary in matters of 
water supply, drainage, and other public works—a rain 
gauge should be kept at every police station throughout the 
country. There are over 300 public barometers on the 
English coast for the use of fishermen and others, and in 
Victoria there are seven or eight. A few more of these 
instruments, if they could be taken care of (which some of 
those now in position appear not to be), would be advan- 
tageous. They are, however, not nearly so much required 
on our coast as in England. 

The eager inquiries from all classes for weather news, 
especially during our critical seasons, render it desirable to 
adopt some simple means for furnishing the information 
sought. This is now done toa considerable extent by the 
* Central Telegraph Office, but threatens to become a too 
cumbrous tax on that service if it is not systematised. If 
the localities from which reports are to be received were 
properly selected, and a simple code adopted, confining the 
reports to state of wind and weather, rainfall and tempera- 
ture, omitting barometer readings entirely, a much more 
comprehensive and comprehensible bulletin of the weather 
prevailing throughout the colony would be furnished to the 
public than is now the case, without taxing the Telegraph 
Department so much as at present. By these means I think 
all the requirements of a temporary and local character 
would be fully met, while all the higher and more theo- 
retical questions would be probably better dealt with by 
confining our attention to a few well-selected and well- 
equipped stations than by more numerous half-furnished 
observatories indiscriminately chosen. Itis more economical, 
and more likely to be fruitful. The establishment of a 
station at a considerable altitude is the only addition to the 
present scheme that is required, and this I hope to accom- 
plish before long on Mount Macedon, at an elevation. of 
3000 feet. 

90 Notes on a Remarkable Meteor seen at Pollan. 

Art, IV.—WNotes on a Remarkable Meteor seen May 20th at 
} Ballan. 

By Louis Le GouLp, C.E. 

[Communicated 14th June, 1877.] 

Art. V.—Notes on the Design of Telescope Tubes. 
By W. C. Kernot, M.A., C.E. 

[Read 12th June, 1877. ] 

THE problem which I desire to bring before the Society to- 
night is that of the design of tubes for telescopes, and my 
remarks will have especial reference to telescopes of large 
size, such as for example the great Melbourne Reflector. 
These gigantic instruments are usually reflectors, and 
generally consist of a large and a small speculum, with the 
necessary subsidiary apparatus; and the function of the 
tube is to support these optical appliances in their correct 
relative positions. Should the tube be of a flexible and 
yielding nature, it will, by virtue of its own weight and 
the weight of the specula, bend down or deflect when it 
is in any position other than vertical; and this deflection 
will vary in amount and direction in the various positions 
the instrument is made to assume when directed to different 
points in the heavens. Hence if the optical arrangements 
are in correct adjustment in one given position of the 
instrument, they will cease to be so when it is moved to any 
other position. 

As all known materials are more or less elastic, it is 
manifestly impossible to construct a telescope tube which 
shall be altogether free from this objectionable deformation. 
Nevertheless it is both possible and desirable to choose such 
a material, and to arrange it in such forms, as to reduce the 
inevitable deformation to a minimum; in other words, it is 
requisite to determine in what shape the material should be 
arranged in order to attain a maximum of stiffness, and to 

the question as thus limited I shall confine my further 


Notes on the Design of Telescope Tubes. 21 

In the Melbourne Telescope the large speculum is a very 
ponderous affair indeed, containing with its surroundings 
some tons of metal; while the small mirror situated at the 
opposite end of the tube is by comparison a mere feather- 
weight. Hence the point of attachment of the tube to the 
declination axis (upon which alone it is supported) is placed 
very near to the end where the large speculum is fixed. 
The lower portion of the tube from the main speculum to 
a point a short distance on the other side of the declination 
axis is a hollow cylinder of riveted plates of metal very 
similar to the outside shell of a steam boiler. From that 
point to the extreme further end it consists of an open 
latticed arrangement of metal bars. In the Great Paris 
Reflector—a somewhat similar instrument in other respects 
—the whole tube consists of a continuous cylinder of boiler- 
plate. This latter arrangement, while admirable in point of 
stiffness, is objected to as giving rise to a certain circulation 
of currents of air of unequal refractive power, and thus 
impairing the optical performance of the instrument. The 
former system—that adopted in the Melbourne Telescope— 
is free from this somewhat serious objection. 

We have thus arrived at these conclusions—l. That the 
greater part of the length of the tube of a large reflector 
must consist of an open framework of thin bars. 2. That 
this framework will be supported at one end only, where it 
is united to the cylinder tube, and will be loaded by its own 
weight and that of the small speculum. 3. That the frame- 
work must be so arranged as not to intercept any of the 
rays of light in their course through the instrument. 4. 
That the framework must be so designed as to secure a 
maximum of stiffness with a given amount of material; and 
5. That it must be equally stiff in every direction. 

In order to comply with condition 3, the bars must be 

_ placed altogether exterior to the solid cylinder of rays pro- 

ceeding to the main speculum, and may be appropriately 
arranged in the surface of a cylinder or a prism of polygonal 
section. And in order to comply with condition 4 it will be 
necessary to revert to the fundamental principles of design 
of framed structures, and to adopt a method of investigation 
similar to that employed in designing girders, roofs, and 
bridges. In fact, the design of our telescope tube is but a 
particular case, or extension of the old familiar problem of 
designing an open framed bridge girder; the main difference 

22. Notes on the Design of Telescope Tubes. 

being that, while the bridge girder is required to resist forces 
In one plane only, the telescope tube is, by condition 5, 
required to resist forces in various planes. 

The effect of the force of gravity upon each particle of 
material in the telescope may be resolved into two portions 
——one along the length of the tube, the other at right-angles 
to its length. The first of these will attain its maximum 
value when the tube is vertical, and will vanish when. it 
becomes horizontal; the second rll attain 1ts maximum when 
the tube is horizontal! and will vanish when it is: vertical. 
The effect of the first set of forces will be to shorten or com- 
press the tube longitudinally, thus ‘bringing the ‘specula 
nearer together. But this result is nota practical evil ; for 
it: is, in the first place, excessively minute, and; further; 1s 
completely neutralised: by the action of focussing the instru- 
ment. The second set of resolved: parts—those at right- 
angles to the length of the tube—tend to bend the tube, 
and thus throw the specula out of their proper ‘relative ‘posi- 
tions opposite each other; this is a more serious evil, as it at 
once impairs the action of the optical part of the instrument. 

In designing our tubes, we need therefore have regard 
only to forces at right- -anoles to its length. 

. A properly-designed framed girder for a bridge will be 
found almost invariably to consist of two massive parallel 
straight members or booms, connected together by a system 
of more slender straight bars, forming with the parallel booms 
a system of triangles, The essential conditions of strength 
and stiffness are in this case—Ist, that the structure should 
consist of an assemblage of triangles ; the triangle being the 
only polygon the form of which is absolutely fixed when the 
length of its sides is known, and therefore the only figure 
which will maintain its shape in spite: of external forces 
without requiring its various parts to endure a cross-bending 
action ;-and 2nd, that all the sides of the triangles should be 
straight, for seeing that they are called upon to endure 
longitudinal compressions and tensions alone, a crooked or 
curved form is plainly inadmissible. No one would think 
of making a pillar intended to carry a heavy load, or a tie- 
rod to endure a heavy tension, other than straight. 

Now, our framed telescope tube, like the bridge girder, 
must consist of a series of rectilinear triangles, and it must 
also have its massive longitudinal booms. \ Two booms will 
not. now, however, suffice, for no longer are the forces we liave 

Notes on the Design of Telescope Twhes. 23 

to contend with, as in the bridge girder, all in one plane. The 
tube must be a oirder j in at least two different planes. Now, 
two ordinary ¢ virders, intersecting each other at right- angles, 
would be well adapted, as far as strength and stiffness are 
concerned, but are optically inadmissible ; and therefore it is 
necessary to fall back on a prismatic section, each side of the 
prism being a complete girder. A prism of four sides—a 
square section—would be strong and stiff, but somewhat 
unsightly. It has been employed by no less an authority 
than Warren de la Rue in the reflector which he used .for 
obtaining his celebrated photographs of the moon. I have 
here a model (Fig. 1), in which I have endeavoured to show 
what appears to me the most favourable disposition of mate- 
rial, all things considered. It is hexagonal in section, having 
booms at the angles, which together contain about half the 
material of which the tube consists. The booms are united 
by a series of small, straight, diagonal bars, making an angle 
of 45° with the booms, this being the mathematically demon- 
strable angle of economy in such structures. The latticed 
tube ends in a stiff, hexagonal angle-iron ring, as shown. 
The salient feature of the model is the size and number of 
the booms; and this is a very favourable arrangement in 
view of stiffness, for, as Bindon B. Stoney has shown. in his 
excellent work on Strains in Gurders and Framed Struc- 
tures, the deformation of a girder due to compression or 
extension of its booms is a large quantity compared with 
that due to the compression or extension of the smaller bars 
uniting the booms. . 

In contrast to Fig. 1, let us consider Fig. 2, which is a 
representation of the actual tube of the great Melbourne 
Telescope. Here we shall, I think, find a systematic infrac- 
tion of all the canons above laid down. In a properly 
designed framed structure all the bars are straight; in the 
Melbourne Telescope they are all curved. In a properly 
designed girder a large proportion of the material is placed 
in the form of longitudinal booms; in the Melbourne Tele- 
scope absolutely none is so employed. The proper angle of 
economy and efficiency is 45°; in the Melbourne Telesegpe 
this angle is nowhere found. 

The action of the various bars of the Melbourne eee. 
when under strain, is rather intricate; I will, however, 
endeavour to trace it. When the tube is horizontal or 
inclined, the effect of gravity is to produce a longitudinal 

24 Notes on the Design of Telescope Tubes. 

tension of the upper side and a longitudinal compression of 
the lower side. ‘To resist these stresses we have a series of 
curved bars placed at an angle of about 30° with the lines 
of stress. These on the upper side tend to straighten when 
under stress, and those below become more curved. Hence 
arises a general bulging in of the upper or extended side, and 
a general bulging out of the compressed or lower side of the 
tube. This action is plainly visible in the model when 
loaded. Those parts of the tube which connect the top 
and bottom together are subject to equal inclined stresses— 
the bars that slope upward toward the open end to com- 
pression, the others to tension; the former tend to become 
more bowed, the latter to straighten; and as they are 
riveted at each intersection, these two actions probably 
antagonise and balance each other. 

The angle-iron rings which are placed at intervals along 
the tube do not, as far as I can see, fulfil any important 
function. I think the tube would be improved much if 
they were removed, and longitudinal booms inserted 

In order to verify experimentally the preceding conclu- 
sions, the two cardboard models represented by Figs. 1 and 
2 were constructed. They are of equal length, and will 
permit the unobstructed passage of cylinders of rays of light 
of equal diameter. They were constructed from the same 
sheet of cardboard, special care being employed to use an 
exactly equal area of cardboard in each model; and both in 
constructing and testing them every possible precaution was 
taken to place them under absolutely identical conditions. 
The test load was a weight of 12 ounces avoirdupois, applied 
at right-angles to the length of the tube at its upper or free 
end, the other end being firmly fixed to a massive frame. 
After each experiment the tube was rotated on its axis, so 
that the test load should act on a different plane. In this 
way Fig. 1 was tested six times with the test load acting in 
planes passing through two opposite angles, and six times in 
planes passing through the centre of two opposite sides; and 
Fig. 2 eight times in various directions equally distributed 
round the circle. The mean results of these experiments 
were as below :— 

Fig. 1. Deflection over angles, mean of 6 results, ‘0325 in, 
5 - » sides di 0314 in, 
Fig. 2. . mean of 8 results, ‘0876 in, 



ae TM 
sth fie 
a Ae 

Notes on the Design of Telescope Tubes. 25 

During the trial the bulging in and bulging out of the 
extended and compressed sides of Fig. 2 were plainly visible ; 
but no such distortion of Fig. 1 was to be detected, although 
its diameter was repeatedly tried with callipers. 

Art. VI.—WNotes on the Coast Line Formation of the 
Western District, and Proofs of the Uniform Condi- 
tion of Meteorological Phenomena over long periods of 

By Mr. T. E. Raw.inson, C.E., &c. 

[Read on the 14th June, 1877.] 

Two years ago a very interesting paper, by Mr. R. Etheridge, 
on the sand dunes of the coast of Victoria, was read before 
this Society ; and I purpose following up the subject by a 

few notes of personal observations on the same subject, 

connecting it with volcanic phenomena of the locality. 

My observations are chiefly confined to the portion of 
coast line from a few miles east of Warrnambool to a few 
miles west of Belfast. 

My object in doing so this evening is to bring forward 
evidence which I consider conclusive in reference to estab- 
lishing the fact of the permanence in this locality over great 
periods of time of climatic conditions, and the several 
changes in the coast line during the same period. 

The present coast line from the River Hopkins, east of 
Warrnambool, to the Yambuk Lake entrance, about ten miles 
west of Beifast, is the third and last line of beach, and 
consists chiefly of pulverised shells; and, as Mr. Etheridge 
points out, echini spines and other marine remains, to which 
I may add enormous quantities of calcareous operculums, 
which, from their great strength, have borne with impunity 
the bruising which has mostly destroyed the parent uni- 
valves, although in places there are many of these univalves 
yet left on the dunes, together with the helios limpet and 
more ordinary bivalves of the present sea. 

In all cases where I have tested the so-called sand with 
acids, 80 per cent. and upwards has dissolved, leaving a 
small residuum of reddish mud or clay, and the remainder 
particles of silica (or sand). 

26. Coast Line Formation of the Western District. 

From Belfast, for a distance of from four to five miles 
easterly, I have often found pure flint nodules, with the 
outward white coating precisely the same in appearance as 
those obtained out of the chalk hills of Kent; and if it were 
not for the number picked up from time to time at various 
places on the line of hummocks, I should have been disposed 
to think their occurrence purely accidental, the more espe- 
cially as I know of no other place where they occur near to 
Belfast, nor do I know nor can I conjecture the agency at 
work in their formation. 

Between two and five miles east of Belfast I have been 
much surprised to find the frequent recurrence of human 
remains (nearly always in pairs), which had become bared 
and the bones mingled together, owing to the action of 
the wind on the drifting sand. I have counted as many 
as 50 undoubted remains, without taking into account scat- 
tered bones which may have belonged to other groups; but 
in only one case have I seen a perfect skeleton, and this was 
just above high-water mark, the sand around it being tinged 
a darker shade, the skull being a little distance away, and 
perfect. Owing to matters of business preventing my 
attending to the affair at that time, I lost the opportunity 
presented of securing the skeleton, owing to the wind and 
other causes having disturbed the remains. That all the 
remains were human cannot be doubted, because of the 
presence of the leg, thigh, and arm bones, the ribs and 
vertebree, and frequently the skulls, with the front teeth of 
the upper jaw wanting. 

From frequent enquiries made of the oldest residents in 
reference to the remains, I could obtain no information ; and 
natives who used to muster in Belfast under the genial 
hospitality of their protector, Mr. Dawson, when first ques- 
tioned on the subject evidently knew nothing of it; but 
after they had time to consider the object of the questioning, 
they, with the well-known courtesy of the race, had a reply 
which they evidently considered was the answer wanted. 

Some years afterwards, in conversation with Mr. Goodall, 
the Superintendent of the Framlingham Aboriginal Station, 
he informed me that he had no doubt he could obtain what 
information there was to be had from an old Port Fairy 
blackfellow on the station; but on my expressing doubt as 
to the value of such evidence, he replied that from long 
acquaintance with them he felt sure he could question them 

Coast Line Formation of the Western District} 27 

and obtain truthful replies to his answers, unmodified by 

qualifications and inventions given with a view to’ please. 

Shortly afterwards Mr. Goodall informed me that the old 
blackfellow said there had been a great shooting ; that “Black- 

.fellow had been rounded up and shot by whitefellow.” Mr. 

Goodall expressed himself as perfectly satisfied. that the 
answer was given in good faith, and was true; and this will 
account for the singular occurrence of the remains in couples, 
which so frequently, and as far as my observations went, 
always occurred, the perfect skeleton on the beach excepted. 

The above being true (and I think it very probable), it is 
but a confirmation of those accounts so frequent in con- 
nection with the early settlement of the country, of the 
wretched natives in their ignorance interfering with the 
white man’s flocks and herds, and provoking these terrible 
reprisals. It constitutes murder of the same class with that 
of a Queen’s ship, armed with the most perfect weapons and 
skilled men, shelling a native village in Polynesia, and 
destroying wholesale, in revenge for some isolated outrage 
by one or two of the natives, who in all probability but 
retaliated for some injury previously sustained at the hands 
of the white man. 

To return from this digression, I beg to note, in passing, 
the great change which has occurred within the ‘last twenty 
years in the appearance of the sand dunes. When settle- 
ment first took place in the West, and for years afterwards, 
the coast line was clothed with verdure ; and west of Belfast 
the honeysuckle (Banksia) and she- oak (Casuarina) grew 
in abundance; whereas, now, the dunes are denuded of 
vegetation, and the trees gone, with the exception of a few 
very brief isolated instances; and in many cases the material 
of the dunes is drifting inland. In places where the action 
of the wind has been localised, and cut gullies in the dunes, 
the formations alluded to by Mr. Etheridge may be noted 
in abundance—namely, the filling in the cavities formerly 
occupied by roots of the sedge grasses, reeds, and other 
vegetation, with calcareous concretions, preserving the 
common appearance of pith and stem; but the whole is 
very brittle, and not in any way partaking of the character 
of the older formation fossils. 

Between Belfast and Yambuk the dunes have in places 
been converted into an indurated limestone, of so firm and 
glassy a character that a friend one day brought me in 

28 Coast Line Formation of the Western District. 

triumph a piece of it which he pronounced to be flint, and 
nothing short of an adjournment to a neighbouring chemist’s 
would convince him to the contrary. 

Inland from the coast, between four and nineteen miles 
from Belfast to the west, this indurated limestone is very 
prevalent, with the exception of an overflow of lava between 
the eighth and tenth miles ; but how far it extends under the 
lava I do not know. The limestone is water-worn, is an 
excellent road material, and is suitable for building, and 
makes a strong mortar. It has many of the ingredients of 
an hydraulic lime, but Mr. Foord does not esteem it highly in 
this latter respect. 

In use I found it to make the best mortar of any I have 
used in the colony. 

Nearly the whole of the coast line from Warrnambool to 
Yambuk is modified by the outflow of lava from Mount 
Rouse, which is situated about thirty-six miles from the 
coast northerly. 

In remote ages, when Mount Rouse was active, the whole 
of this region must have been one of sterile desolation over 
a great portion of its area, the lava stream extending over a 
breadth of many miles from Mount Rouse across the Hawkes- 
dale district, and round by the high limestone cliffs of Tower 
Hill Marsh (an ancient coast line) to the sea, spreading out 
in a fan-like shape from the Sisters in Armstrong’s Bay to 
about four miles west of Belfast. 

The lines of demarcation of the lava-flow are tolerably 
well defined, and leave little doubt as to its source, for on 
the north-west, about twenty-four miles from Belfast, we 
have at the deep Creek the Mount Rouse lava on one side 
and ancient basalt on the other, which extends a consider- 
able way north, dividing the outflow from Mount Rouse 
from that of Mount Napier and Mount Eccles, to which I 
purpose alluding presently ; whilst on the east we enter on 
to the out-throw from Tower Hill, which is of an entirely 
different character to that from any of the surrounding 
vents, namely, those of Mount Gavoc to the east (lava), 
Mount Rouse to the north (lava), and Mount Napier and 
Mount Eccles (largely of vesicular lava); whilst Tower Hill 
has been wholly of ash (vesicular bluestone in a comminuted 
state), red-hot stone (glassy in structure), in isolated showers, 
dust, and vapour, which now forms the tufa of the neigh- 

Coast Line Formation of the Western District. 29 

The basalts of Mount Rouse have formed Port Fairy ; 
whereas the indurated tufas of Tower Hill, and the indurated 
sand dunes of the coast, have formed Lady Bay, the lavas of 
Mount Gavoc having been checked in flow westward at 
Yangary Creek—a small stream marking the dividing line 
between the products of the Tower Hill eruptions and those 
of Mount Gavoc, which latter outflow has been further 
checked on the south-west by the ancient sand dunes on 
which Warrnambool is built. It is possible that the lavas 
of Mount Rouse and Mount Gavoc may blend in the country 
between Russell’s Creek and Woolsthorpe. 

To the west of Belfast, about from twenty-five to thirty 
miles, we come on to the outflow of lava from Mount Napier 
and Mount Eccles—the former having had its chief outpour 
through what is known as the Lowth Swamps, until it joins 
the Mount Eccles outflow near to Lake Condah and thence 
to the sea. 

I have been informed that the overflow of water from 
Lake Condah, at one season, disappears under a portion of 
the basalt, and after a passage of several miles emerges 
again in considerable streams into Darlot’s Creek, which 
latter empties into the sea near Portland Bay. 

I may mention in this place that near to Yambuk there 
is one place where in flood-time a very considerable body of 
water enters a cavity in the indurated limestone before 
oe as of, and disappears, but where its exit is I never could 

Over nearly all the coast limestone formation there is 
evidence of hollows existing in the limestone, because in 
driving along there is the peculiar rumble as if passing over 
a wooden bridge or vault. 

The indurated limestone has been either formed under 
water or submerged subsequently ; but I think the evidence 
of formation under the sea is reliable, for I have noted what 
I believe to be casts of the common limpet in the rock. 

Iam further inclined to believe that the outflow of the 
lava has been at a period when the sea washed the coast 
line of limestone bluffs, to which I have before alluded, as 
forming the northern boundary of the Tower Hill marsh, 
and which now forms the third line inland of old sea 
coast. The evidence of the coast lava having been sub- 
merged to a much greater extent than at present is, I think, 
proven by the rounded and water-worn forms of the rock 

30: Coast Tine Formation of the Western District. 

masses—in many cases having a cup-and-ball form, which 
can scarcely be due to atmospheric influences alone—and 
the. water-worn appearance of the indurated limestone 
between Belfast and Yambuk. 

__A few miles inland from Warrnambool, in the direction of 
Woodford, and across the River Hopkins at Allansford, in 
the parish of Tallangatta, there exist large formations of 
indurated limestone, similar in character to that deseribed 
near Yambuk, at a considerable elevation above the sea, and 
containing abundance of marine fossil remains, indicative of 
formation below water. 

’ Having thus far endeavoured to sketch in the general 
geological features of the district, I will now give a general 
view of the existing and ancient coast lines, with the evi- 
dence in favour of the views enunciated. 

In the preceding notes I have pointed out the conditions 
which modify the line of coast as at present existent, but to 
those above named I must add the agency of ocean currents, 
which, although frequently influenced superficially by pre- 
vailing winds, all my observations have tended to confirm 
those made by me sixteen years ago off the coast of Gipps- 
land as to the existence of an oceanic current from the 
westward, permanent in its character, and only influenced 
superficially by easterly and southerly weather; and it is 
due to the existence of such permanent current that all 
our harbours and rivers have an easterly or south-easterly 
exposure, excepting only in such exceptional circumstances 
as the entrance to Port Albert, in Gippsland ; and this, even 
in its exception from the general rule, proves the law of 
current as stated from west to east. 

From Warrnambool to Tower Hill the country consists 
chiefly of rounded mammaliferous hills of pulverised shell, 
limestone, ash, and tufa; but immediately west. of Tower 
Hill we come upon evidences of an old inland coast line, 
which gradually rises into a long ridge consisting of pul- 
verised shells, spicula, and other marine remains; amongst 
which, Mr. Castwood, of Belfast, has obtained sharks’ teeth, 
from the inner or second line of ridge near to that town. 
Between this inland ridge and the coast exists a flat, 
which in part is occupied by a lagoon enclosed from the 
sea by the present line of sand dunes. The bed of the 
lagoon consists of deep alluvial deposits mixed largely with 
sand drift, | ack 

Coast Line Formation of the Western District. 31 

_ Inland of this second ridge, at a distance of about a mile, 
the land rises in steep hills, and, in some places, limestone 
bluffs, which extend from Tower Hill westward for from six 
to seven miles. The bluffs are chiefly of an imdurated 
limestone, but the sloping hills have a thick bed of soft 
limestone, with abundance of shell spicula and other marine 
remains; and the whole has evidently been the sea-coast of 

what has in all probability been an indented bay, formed 
between the Tower Hill and the outflow -of lava before 
described as coming from Mount Rouse. 

The inclosed basin between the second line of ridge and 
the bluff is occupied by a bed of stiff black diluvium, 
through which flow the surplus waters of Tower Hill and 
the country to the north-east and the River Moyne, which 
latter rises in the marshes and stony rises south and west of 
Mount Rouse. 

_ Until recently this flat was more or less a marsh during 
the greater portion of the year, but it has now been re- 
claimed by drainage. 

On a portion of these flats west of the River Moyne, well 
shafts have been sunk to depths varying from 14 feet to 
18 feet deep, and an original sea bed disclosed, with abun- 
dance of recent shells. From the River Moyne westward 
the land is chiefly undulating bluestone ridges, until the 
sea-coast or the limestone beds before described are reached. 

The formation of the land and its three distinct coast lines 
as described indicate considerable changes of coast, and 
these changes must have occurred since the upheaval of 
the land to its present level; and so far from the line of 
coast being even now fixed, I have often thought when 
standing on the present sand dunes that I could detect in 
the paler colour of the sea a short distance from the 
present coast a new formation of coast line in progress, but 
the data on which I have arrived at this conclusion is not 
sufficiently positive to give reliable evidence of the fact; 
but, assuming such to be the case, the progress of formation 
must of necessity be slow owing to the long period requisite 
to accumulate fragments of shell sufficient to form these 
extensive mounds. The materials brought down by the 
river in floods can have little effect in hastening such forma- 
tion, because although the outflowing current is strong 
enough to carry along the finer particles of mud sufficient to 
discolour the water, it has not velocity sufficient to convey 


32° Coast Line Formation of the Western District. 

the more solid matters held in suspension far from the mouth 
of the river. 

Such a formation and the agencies which I conjecture to be 
in operation are very similar to those of earlier times, when 
the second line of ridge was formed enclosing the Tower Hill 
marsh and the outer line which encloses the lagoon and flats 
between the existing dunes and the second ridge; namely, a 
heavy sea on the coast breaking down and carrying back 
with its recoil particles of the coast held in mechanical 
suspension across a deep water channel, until the under 
draft meeting with a resistance of force sufficient to check 
its current precipitates the solids in along ridge, which from 
continuous accumulations becomes at last a shoal enclosing 
a basin; and in time the shoal emerges as a bank, alter- 
nately dry and wet, on which the wind can act, and then 
begins the process of accumulation in ridges and the filling 
in of the basin with vegetable deposits and growth until dry 
land appears. 

In one place at Warrnambool the wave action from some 
cause has become destructive, as evinced by the erosion of 
the shell limestone, undermining it, and breaking down the 
fallen materials. The outlyers of these rocks now form 
dangerous reefs over which the sea breaks for about half 
a mile seaward of the coast line of the dunes. From what 
has fallen under my own observation, however, I believe the 
wave action along the Victorian coast is chiefly conservative, 
as a proof of which the long ninety-mile beach of Gippsland 
is an excellent example; the dunes of Gippsland bear evi- 
dence of formation from similar causes to those suggested as 
having been active on the western coast. 

Of the long continuance of the climatic conditions existent 
in Victoria the out-throw from Tower Hill affords very strik- 
ing evidence in the great prevalence of its products to the 
east and south-east of the mount, a direction which would 
be taken now by ejected matter in any time of great atmo- 
spheric disturbance. 

The crater of Tower Hill is from five to six miles in cir- 
cumference, and rises in places to 320 feet above the level of 
the lake, which occupies a large portion of its area, whilst 
the island from which it appears to have received its name 
rises a little higher in mounds and peaks, with one well- 
defined crater and the broken remains of others. When in its 
early times of activity, the crater must have been a yawning 

Coast Tine Formation of the Western District. 33 

gulf of the area described, and probably from 600 to 1000 
feet deep ; but as its activity lessened the cones of eruption 
formed in the interior, and these having broken out from 
time to time in new vents, moulded the peaks nearly as 
they now exist. 

Surrounded as Tower Hill is by extinct volcanoes, ranging 
at various distances from thirty to forty miles—all of which 
poured out molten lava in abundance—it is somewhat 
singular that amongst the deposits from Tower Hill there 
is evidence only of showers of red-hot stones, comminuted 
basalt, or ash-dust and vapour. The stones are glassy in frac- 
ture, and are obtained in the sides of the crater and adjacent 
pastures; but the ash and the dust and vapour which form 
the tufa extend around for several miles’ distance, but more 
especially to the south and east in the direction of Warrnam- 
bool, precisely as if ejected under existing meteorological 
conditions. Itis to the vast volumes of steam ejected, and the 
heavy rainfalls which would accompany these great atmo- 
spheric disturbances concomitant with violent eruptions, 
that I attribute the induration of the sand dunes on which 
Warrnambool is built into strata of rock bending equably 
over in the form of mammaliferous hills; and as each layer 
or bed of sand became blown over and covered the former 
layer, fresh precipitation of moisture would dissolve, and the 
solution would penetrate and cement the loose particles of 
shell together; and so the process would continue for such 
time as Tower Hill continued to eject matter. 

Evidence of the formation of these dunes on dry land is 
occasionally given by the exposure of the imprint of foot- 
marks of some three-toed animal or bird, which may have 
been either emu or kangaroo, the impressions being suffi- 
ciently distinct as a footprint, walking on sloping ground, 
but scarcely so clear an impression as to indicate precisely 
the nature of the animal. . 

On the flank of Tower Hill, near Yangery, a shaft was 
sunk through the layers of ashes and tufa to a depth of from 
70 to 80 feet and a bed of ancient turf exposed; but this 
depth I believe to be a minimum. 

From a careful consideration of all the preceding facts, 
and from reasoning based on them, I have been able to 
arrive at only one conclusion, namely, that between Warr- 
nambool and Yambuk the form of coast line has been 
determined by the outflow of molten lava; that three coast 

E 2 

34 Coast Line Formation: of the Western District. 

lines have been formed in succession between Tower Hill 
and Belfast, and that in all probability there is now a fourth 
in course of formation ; whilst at Warrnambool the outliers 
of rock are but the original dunes partially dissolved and 
cemented together by the volumes of vapour and of rain 
either ejected from or induced by the action of Tower Hill 
in remote times ; and lastly, from the vast preponderance 
of Tower Hill out-throws existing in greater quantity 
and to a much greater distance in an easterly and south- 
easterly than im any other direction, that meteorological 
conditions under circumstances of great atmospheric disturb- 
ance were in remote times the same as at present—and if in 
times of great disturbance of which we have evidence, then 
also in periods of comparative repose, and hence climatic 
conditions over very remote periods were the same as now. 

Art. VII—Wotes on the Recent Earthquake. 
By R, L. J. Evuery, Esq, F.R.S., F.R.AS. 

[Read 12th July, 1877.] 

lo accompany MM? Krawtinsons 


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Mount * 
Zeclouy LElinga 
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Yo Mount Napier 

do. Gurvoe 

Out- throw; Tower Hill | 

Coast Lines 


Notes on Barometer Construction. 35 

Art. VIII.—WNotes on Barometer Construction. 
By GerorcGe Foorp, F.CS. 
[Read 12th July, 1877. ] 

AT the last ordinary meeting of the Society my name was 
on the list for reading an account of a proposed new form 
of barometer—a somewhat free translation of a paper 
appearing in a recent number of Poggendorfi’s Annalen— 
it bemg understood that papers possessing this degree of 
originality may from time to time be brought upon their 
own merits under the notice of the Society. For want of 
time the reading was postponed, since which postponement 
it has occurred to me that there were other proposed forms 
of barometer which it might be also interesting to consider ; 
moreover, that a few hints concerning barometer tubes, and 
the precautions to be observed in selecting, preparing, and 
filling them—points which have fallen within the range of 
my own personal experience—might prove useful. Most of 
those who follow physical inquiries in the colony find the 
necessity of at times helping themselves, often to the extent 
of repairing, and occasionally of constructing, the instruments 
upon which their work depends ; and therefore it is believed 
that an interchange of views and experience concerning 
minor details of construction—such as those now offered— 
may not be wholly devoid of interest. 

I will then, with your concurrence, proceed in the first 
place to give a few hints calculated to assist those who may 
choose for the first time to try their skill in barometer 
building ; and I will afterwards make reference to the forms 
of barometer proposed respectively by C. Bohn, by Guthrie, 
and an old proposition of Descartes incidentally mentioned 
in Mr. Guthrie’s paper, and which is not dissimilar in prin- 
ciple to a form brought under the notice of our Society last 
session, and which originated with Mr. Venables. 

First, then, as to the glass tube to be used. Its selection is 
a matter of primary importance. Callipers or gauges will 
enable us to ascertain how far the bore of a glass tube, other- 
wise applicable to our purpose, is of the same diameter at the 
two ends ; for such gauges we may use very taper cones of 
copper or brass, or acute-angled plates of copper, brass, or 

36 Notes on Barometer Construction. 

zinc. Or we may choose to be more exact, and properly 
calibrate our tube throughout; although it must be here 
admitted that even for a syphon barometer it is only a few 
inches of each end of the tube which is required to be of 
uniform diameter. For calibration, if the interior diameter 
of the tube be small, say not exceeding two, or at the most 
three millimetres, we may pass a cylinder of mercury of 
known weight from end to end of the tube, accurately 
measuring the length of this thread of mercury progressively 
during its course; this will give data from which we may 
calculate the mean diameter of the bore of the tube in every 
portion of its length.* 

For the calibration of wide tubes we may close one end, 
and, fixing the tube in a vertical position, weigh or accu- 
rately measure into it definite constant quantities of mer- 
cury. Or a method well calculated to avoid air bubbles 
may be practised by fitting the lower closed end of the tube 
with a glass reservoir, furnished with tubular terminations 
and glass or steel stopcocks. This reservoir with its tubes 
has the form of the letter U, the reservoir forming the thick 
arm of the letter (see Fig. 1). The parallel vertical tubular 
branch representing the thin arm contains a stopcock of 
supply, while a second stopcock for discharge of the mercury 
from the reservoir is placed at the lower portion or bend of 
the U. The whole requires to be fixed on a vertical board, 
and a funnel with capillary lower termination, of a length 

* For purposes for which it is convenient to gauge, with a metallic gauge, 
the interior diameter of the two ends of the glass tube, the calculation for 
the estimation of the relative diameter of the intermediate parts becomes 
very simple, as the following example chosen as affording a simple illustra- 
tion will show :—Say diameter at each or either end is found by the gauge 
to be 4 millimetres, and that we introduce a cylinder of mercury measuring 
in this part of the tube 10 millimetres in length. Suppose that we pass this 
column along towards the centre of the tube to a position in which its 
length is exactly doubled, becoming 20 millimetres, the cubic measurement 
of the mercury is 4? : ‘7854 : 10; but for our purpose, as the proportion *7854 
to unity is common to all the sectional areas we may discard this factor °7854, 
and thus we deal with 42: 10160. This in the portion of the tube where 
the length of the mercurial cylinder is doubled, occupying 20 millimetres, 
divided by the latter (+, = 8) will give a quotient of 8, the square root of 
which, say 2°84 millimetres, is the diameter of the centre of this portion of 
the tube ; and so indeed for any other part, the square root of the quotient 
obtained by dividing 160 by the length of the mercurial column in that part 
will give the local diameter. Of course in tubes selected for their apparently 
near approach to a perfectly cylindrical form the length of the mercurial 
calibrating column will be nearly uniform throughout, but whatever dif- 
ferences there may be are calculable from results obtained by the method 
described, See illustration A. 




Notes on Barometer Construction. 37 

greater than that of the barometer tube to be calibrated, 
must be used. Immediately under the bowl of this funnel 
is a stopcock which, when the point of this long funnel tube 
is lowered to the bottom of the barometer tube, enables us 
to regulate the supply of mercury, so that the surface of the 
fluid mercury rises slowly and equably, filling the tube 
without locking in a single bubble of air against the 
inner glass surface of the barometer tube. The glass 
measure fitted to the lower end of the barometer tube, as 
already described, is a spheroid with tubular ends. There , 
is a narrow vertical glass tube forming its upper opening, 
and on this narrow glass tube a measuring mark is made; 

_ asecond mark is also placed on the tube below the lower 

orifice of the bulb. With this arrangemeut we can calibrate 
the barometer tube. We first fill the tube under trial with 
mercury ; we then open the stopcock of supply and allow 
mercury to run off until it has reached the trait x below the 
bulb. We now mark on the barometer tube the position of 
the upper surface of its mercurial column. We next open 
the stopcock of supply, until we have filled the measuring ° 
bulb to its upper mark y, when we mark the level to which 
the upper surface of the mercury has descended in the 
barometer tube. The supply cock being shut off, we next 
open the discharge cock, allowing mercury to flow slowly 
out until the lower mark is reached. In this way the 
measuring bulb is slowly and accurately alternately filled 
and emptied between the two gauge marks, and after each 

_ filling the level of the mercury in the barometer tube is 

carefully registered on it. This is continued until the 
barometer tube is almost or quite emptied, by which time 
we have marked it with subdivisions throughout its length, 
each of which we know to be of capacity equal to the rest, 
and from their several distances apart the diameter of every 
portion of the tube can be computed. The temperature of 
the mercury and the weight of the bulb measure of mercury 
should be noted, and when extreme accuracy is the aim 
there are other influences to consider and allow for; but 
the. modus operandi is essentially what I have described 
whenever a barometer tube, or indeed a straight glass tube 
of any kind, is to be calibrated. The data for correcting 
the bulk of the mercury for temperature, &c., &., are fully 
set forth in physical treatises, and therefore I need not 
further allude to them in this place. 

38: - Notes on Barometer Construction. 

If we consider the mode of manufacture of these glass 
barometer tubes we shall easily understand their lability to 
the conical as distinguished from the cylindrical form. A 
hollow stout cylinder of soft semi-molten glass is formed on 
the end of the blowing tube, and a second heated blowing 
tube is attached to the outer end of the ductile mass. The 
two workmen, each holding one of these blowing irons, 
retreat from each other until the glass tube is drawn down 
to the requisite diameter, say until they are twenty or thirty 
feet or more apart. <A ladder of suitable length has been 
laid on the floor, and on this the glass tube is now laid and 
detached from the blowing rods at each end. It is even- 
tually cut into six-feet or three-feet lengths, in which state 
the tube'is ready for removal to the annealing lear (if it be 
annealed at all). The “ butts,” that is to say, the two outer 
lengths which were in immediate contact with the blowing 
irons, are sensibly conical, and the other segments. of the 
entire tube are liable in deer ee, according to their position, 
to this conicity, and therefore it is a point of primary 
importance to gauge the tubes during selection in the 
manner already described, so as to obtain pieces which are 
sensibly cylindrical. 

There are certain other points in selecting the glass tubes 
which will require attention—clearness of the olass, freedom 
from knots, aud similar defects, &c; but these are hy 
obvious to requive further mention. 

As barometer tubes are required in most cases to be af 
stout glass, it therefore becomes necessary that they should 
have been effectually annealed ; and here enters into the 
consideration a curious point of interest, I think I need 
not hesitate to say that much of the glass tube met with in 
commerce is either imperfectly annealed, or, as in the case 
of tubes with thin walls, it has not been annealed at all. 
The question of the degree of annealing which each kind of 
tube requires is regarded I believe in a purely commercial 
spirit ; providing what will sell, and especially regarding 
the consideration of cheapness of production. As there is 
more in this statement than might catch our attention, I 
ask your patience while I go into the question a little more 
fully. Unannealed glass is glass in a condition of strain or 
unequal tension, and that portion of it which is unduly 
stretched is liable, on slight prompting, to rupture; such 
glass will not bear sudden vicissitudes of temperature, or 

Notes on Barometer Construction. 39 

sudden mechanical shocks, or the slightest scratch upon its 
strained inner surface. but glass may be in a condition of 
high tension and may at the same time possess very marked 
properties of permanence. If we optically examine vessels 
of De la Bastie’s toughened glass we find them showing in a 
beam of polarised light the black cross indicative of strain, 
and we know that these specimens of glass will resist 
mechanical shocks of great violence, and that they have 
some other marked properties conducive to permanence ; 
but if sufficient external force for the fracture of one of these 
vessels be employed, it does not simply break as annealed 
glass would break, but goes off with a report and is shattered 
throughout into a complete ruin of small particles. The 
“Bologna vial’ and the “Prince Rupert’s drop”* are 
each permanent in this sense, and each under proper 
conditions liable to disruption; and, in fact, we have to 
distinguish between irregular and symmetrical strain in 
order to gain a clear insight into the question of fracture 
of glass tubes, especially fracture due to imperfect annealing. 
Just as the Bologna vial is safe as long as you hammer its 
external surface, but flies into fragments as’ soon as you 
scratch ever so slightly its strained interior surface, which 
has cooled and contracted after the exterior layers have 
become solid, so a large proportion of the glass tubes found 
in commerce are permanent enough as long as we do not 
suddenly heat them, and so long as we do not bring hard 

substances in contact with their inner surfaces.. Experience 

has taught the glass manufacturer that, unlike pieces of com- 
plex form, thick glass tubes with little annealing, and thin 
glass tubes with none at all, or next to none, are sufficiently 
permanent to serve most of the purposes of commerce. Take 
a stout-glass barometer tube and pass through it an iron wire 
so as to rub the inner walls of the tube with the latter, the 
chances are great that after this treatment the tube will very 
soon crack; indeed it is unsafe to touch the interior surfaces of 
stout glass tubes with iron at all, as no instrument made 
with tube thus treated will be afterwards reliable. Regard 
the inner surfaces of your glass tubes as possessing in degree 
the physical properties of the inner surface of the Bologna 

* The latter are called by the French “ Larmes Bataviqne ;” concerning 
the properties of which bodies the reader is referred to an interesting 

-memoir by M. Victor De Luynes in the Annales de Chemie et de be 

3rd series, Vol, XXX. p. 

40 Notes on Barometer Construction. 

vial, treat these surfaces accordingly, and you will thereby 
effect much towards the permanence of whatever instru- 
ments you form from glass tubes. 

But there are two kinds of glass (chemically ances of 
which barometer tubes are made; these may be dis- 
tinguished in general terms as “crown glass” and “ flint 
glass’—I might say Continental glass and English glass, as __ 
“crown” glass tubes prevail, as a manufacture, on the con- 
tinent of Europe, while most of the English glass tube is 

eof the “flint” variety. Besides the silicic acid and alkali 
the crown glass contains a basis of lime, which is replaced 
in the flint glass by lead oxide, so that “lime glass” and 
“lead glass” are equally distinctive terms. The lead glass 
is soft, the lime glass is hard; the lead glass is easily fusible, 
the lime glass is less easily fusible; the lead glass has less 
cohesive strength than the lime glass, as may be easily seen 
by trying the breaking weights of rods or tubes (of equal 
stoutness) of these two qualities of glass.* Lead glass is 
more pellucid than lime glass; tubes of the latter being 
mostly striated throughout by lines which in reality are air 
bubbles drawn into cylindrical cavities or threads of extreme 
tenuity. Although the strength of lime glass may recom- 
mend it for the construction of barometers to be used in 
the field, on the other hand lead glass offers advantages for 
instruments intended for indoor or laboratory use. The 
lead glass is easier worked, is sufficiently strong for use in 
careful hands, and in this material tubes free from defects 
and of beautiful uniform transparency can be easily 

Whatever the pattern of the barometer, the tube from 
which it is to be made must be first examined as to equality 

*Haperiment on cohesive strength of lead and lime glass tubes :— 
Relative weights of the glass tubes— 

A, lead glass... oes ... 1123 grains 
B, lime 9 Suh ete 5 ene 83 99 
Length of the tubes... ite ee ihe ... each 15 inches 
Bearing (wood) edges xe ee ... 10 inches apart 
Exterior diameter of each tube ise “aa ... very nearly 4 inch 
Breaking weight of : He ait 4 ... 324 lbs, avoir. 
eee oe ay see ehGeg, 3 
Specific ety of a ie Me =e =o Keene» 
B 2°509 

The tubes were gauged and selected £0 as to be as nearly as possible of 
the same exterior diameter and diameter of bore; the breaking weight 
was gradually increased by progressive addition of lead bullets to a tared 
suspended scale until fracture ensued. 


Notes on Barometer Construction. 41 

of bore, and the exact diameter of the bore is also to 
be ascertained, because when the tube is closed and 
filled, and especially when bent into the syphon form, 
the ascertaining of these points is no longer readily accom- 
plished. The tubes chosen for making into barometers 
will be often longer than is requisite for the instrument, 
and the end cut off may be almost or quite the same dia- 
meter as the upper end of the barometer; when this is the 
case it may be worth while to carefully label and set aside 
this end piece, which would at any time answer any 
question concerning the curve of the meniscus or any of a 
kindred nature which might arise. Concerning capillarity, 
a suggestion may be offered:—With any tube about to be 
employed, or with the end piece of tube cut off as just 
mentioned, a measurement of the effect of capillarity may 
be made by a method given in Bunsen’s Gasometry:— 
Measure a column of mercury in the tube per se, and 
measure the same column after covering it with afew drops of 
corrosive sublimate solution: in the former case you have 
the meniscus proper to the given diameter of tube in its 
integrity ; in the latter the mercury assumes a horizontal 
upper surface, and the difference of height of the two 
columns is that due to those physical causes which are 
collectively spoken of as the influence of capillarity. 
Before proceeding to clean the inner surface of the tube 
it will be well to become acquainted with what has been 
ascertained concerning chemically clean glass, as especially 
set forth in the papers of Tomlinson.* In the Chemical 

* When you have prepared with all precautions your supply of mercury 
for the cistern and for filling the tube, I will suppose in a clean porcelain 
vessel, with a nicely-polished glass bell jar for a cover, in a relatively dust- 
free apartment, you may try asimple experiment which is suggestive of 
the necessity of extreme cleanliness in barometer construction. Let the 
experimenter elaborately wash his hands, and then press his finger against 
the pure mirror surface of the mercury ; he will, if I am correct, produce a 
minute and faithful oleograph of the skin structure—a picture of the skin 
surface—drawn in sebaceous and epithelial particles, which the cuticle, 
however well cleansed, is always ready to throw off. Now if you take up 
Deschanel’s Manual of Physics, or other elementary work of the kind, in 
which the barometer is figured and described, you will see a wood engraving 
of the Torricellian experiment :—the hand inverting the tube filled with 
mercury, and the finger about to be placed on the open end on the mercurial 
column, before its insertion in the cistern—all very good for lecture table 
demonstration, but certainly violating the rules according to which a good 
barometer should be filled and erected. You cannot blow through a tube 
or touch the end of it without making a fouled surface ; and although Iam 
not prepared with any suggestions for the best method of meeting this 

42, - Notes on Barometer Construction. 

Dictionary of Watts, article “Barometer,” will be found an 
account of the formation of the large bore barometer of the 
Kew Observatory ; it will there be seen that the tube was 
polished out with alcohol and whiting (precipitated chalk, 
probably). Fuming nitric acid is an efficient oxident of 
greasy substances, and immersion of tubes in this acid before 
the final polishing, or first in oil of vitriol and next in nitric 
acid, would conduce to a satisfactory result ; but whatever 
be done in the way of polishing out the tube, extreme care 
» in avoiding the slightest scratch or abrasion of the inner glass 
surface must be observed. If iron wire be used for carrying 
the polishing plug, the wire must be covered completely with 
lamp cotton; the latter should have been previously purified 
by digestion in ether or bisulphide of carbon. But even with 
these precautions there is a risk of filaments, and perhaps, on 
the whole, it is best to avoid covered wire altogether. Brass 
or copper wire are less dangerous, but whalebone, or cane, or 
soft non-resinous or de-resinated woods have some peculiar 

IT here may point out in refered . the cleaning of glass 
tubes generally, and especially to the cleaning of curved 
tubes with complex bends, and when whalebone ‘of sufficient 
length is obtainable, that it possesses a property which can- 
not be too pointedly indicated to those who have not hitherto 
recognised it, and who are engaged in experimental physics. 
By its means some problems in cleaning the interior of com- 
plex forms of glass vessels can be solved which, to the best 
of my knowledge, are soluble by no other known means. A: 
rod of whalebone is taken and shaped to our requirement ; 
we intend to pass 1t through certain tubular crooked ways to 
reach a certain pointon some remoteinner surface; thematerial 
is elastic enough to pass through the tortuous duct, but when 
this is accomplished we have little or no control over the 
- inner end of the slight constrained whalebone rod on which 
we depend for doing the work. But the possibility of doing 

requirement, it is still important to point out the difference between modes 
quite effective for lecture table demonstration, and those to be observed 
in the construction of instruments intended to meet all the require- 
ments of precise physical research. Indiarubber finger stalls, collodion 
films, gutta-percha moulded valves, and similar contrivances, suggest them- 
selves ; but without attaching weight or preference to any of these, it still 
remains asa fact worthy of our best attention, that we cannot bring the 
hand into contact with pure mercury or chemically pure glass Wiehe a in 
some measure fouling their surfaces; 


Notes. on Barometer Construction. 43, 

the work resides, as I shall show, in the material nevertheless. 
If we carefully warm it over a spirit lamp we can bend it 
into curves corresponding with those of the crooked tube 
through which it is to pass, and when each of these bends 
has cooled we find that the whalebone rod has acquired a 
permanent set. We thus model an instrument whose axis is 
coincident with that of the crooked tube, and the elasticity 
and pliability of the rod remains. It gives and recovers itself 
as we humour it through the channels,and when we have 
put it in position it is free to be moved to a limited but 
mostly sufficient extent, so as to exercise the desired friction 
at the proper place, detaching a minute insect or a speck 
of dirt or mould, as the case may be. Doubtless this bend- 
ing property of whalebone may be utilised in the hands of 
the physicist and chemist in other ways. Of course wood 
may be bent by heating or steaming, as instanced in boat- 
building, and in the familiar instance of walking-stick 
handles ; but in the case of whalebone we have at the same 
time the permanent set and the elasticity of the material— 
a very valuable combination. 

Concerning the use of cane rods for cleaning the interior 
of glass tubes, a suggestion may also be made. The elasti- 
city of the ligneous material and its even cylindrical form 
recommend the cane for this purpose, but its siliceous glaze 
is obviously a dangerous element; this glaze can be readily 
removed by scraping with a knife, and cane rods thus 
stripped will be found sufficiently elastic, strong, clean, and 
safe for purposes of the nature considered. 

For converting the tube open at both ends into the closed, 
and when required into the bent and shaped barometer 
tube, the enameller’s blow pipe is used. I shall not enter 
into details on this point of the construction, as it is a 
matter of personal education and skill, and general directions 
of more or less value are to be found in technical works; 
but it will suit the limits of this sketch if the essential 
requirements of this class of operations are concisely stated. 
In closing, joining, or bending glass tubes they must be 
oradually heated to the required temperatures ; the thicker 
the substance of the glass, or the less perfectly it is annealed, 
the more care will be required in gradually and equably 
raising its temperature. In closing the ends of tubes a little 
blowing for producing a hemispherical termination is mostly 
necessary. Remember that if this be done with the lungs the 

“Ade Notes on Barometer Construction. 

expired gases are charged with organic contaminations ; a 
purely mechanical air pressure, as that supplied by a com- 
pressed indiarubber ball or condensing syringe, is free from 
this objection. | 

If sealed junctions are necessary for the construction of 
the barometer, these are not satisfactorily effected by press- 
ing merely softened glass surfaces together ; the glass tube 
ends to be joined must be well melted in the flame, then 
joined, and the joint must be retained in the molten con- 
dition in the flame until the whole of the softened portion 
has become identified into one homogeneous mass. Atten- 
tion to the necessity of annealing such work as far as prac- 
ticable will influence its durability. The air-driven gas 
flame used should, when lead glass is the subject in hand, be 
sufficiently oxygenated to prevent reduction of lead oxide 
to the metallic state and consequent blackening of the tube. 
One final remark, especially addressed to beginners in the 
work, is the advice to mark out in pencil on a smooth 
pine board the dimensions of the piece to be made at the 
lamp ; this outline is used as a gauge with which to try the 
dimensions and angles of the piece, by juxtaposition, as it 

So much concerning the glass tube, whether for cistern or 
syphon barometer. Let us in the next place paya fewminutes’ 
attention to the mercury. The mercury must be pure and 
dry, and free from all superficially adherent particles. When 
we allow a beam of sunlight to fall through a shutter hole 
into an otherwise dark apartment, we see that the air is 
permeated throughout with minute floating solid particles— 
motes which gyrate and eddy with every motion of the air, 
and which gravitate so slowly that in very few positions 
indeed is the air free from them. Among these particles are 
the germs which insinuate themselves between the lenses of 
telescopes, start into vegetative life, and feed on the glass 
surfaces, deadening them, just as the familiar lichen 
establishes itself upon and assists the decay of the hard 
surfaces of igneous rocks. I refer to these bodies with the 
object of calling your attention to the great necessity of 
employing the utmost care in the construction of glass 
instruments of the nature of the barometer, and the great 
difficulty of effecting absolute cleanliness of the glass inner 
surfaces, and the mercury to be employed, even when very 
great precautions are taken. Fortunately it is not difficult 

Notes on Barometer Construction. 45 

to ascertain when mercury is sufficiently chemically pure 
and mechanically clean, and fortunately very much of the 
mercury of commerce is found in a state of almost or quite 
chemical purity. Moreover it is fortunate that if the 
mercury to be employed contains lead, tin, or other such 
chemical impurity, it is a matter of no great difficulty to com- 
pletely separate these metals. In the chemical handbooks 
youwill find directions for several methods of treatment in the 
wet way; and you will find not infrequently an objection 
raised against purification by distillation, but nevertheless I 
venture to state that with all ordinary samples of mercury the 
method of distillation will be found easy and simple. Should 
the mercury contain traces of gold and silver—no infrequent 
occurrence in Victoria—in that case the humid methods 
described in the books would fail to remove these metals, 
distillation being the only effective mode of doing so. 

First, it is easy to ascertain the purity of a sample of 
mercury. You warm and dry it very thoroughly ; then you 
fold a piece of clean dry writing paper into a cone, having 
an exceedingly fine opening at the apex. The warm 
mercury is poured into this cone, and allowed to run out 
at the fine aperture in a very thin thread or stream, and 
collected in a perfectly clean white porcelain basin; any 
fine particles of dirt will adhere to the paper, and are thus 
removed, and the mercury collected in the basin, if pure or 
nearly so, will present a perfect mirror surface. But this 
brilliancy is not of itself a sufficient index of absolute free- 
dom from base metals. Take half an ounce or less of this 
mechanically cleaned and warm mercury, and cause it to 
gyrate in a porcelain dish, also clean and warm; the metal 
is mobile enough, and a slight shake of the hand will make 
it circulate freely, when one of two results will happen— 
the dish will remain unsoiled, the mercury preserving 
always the spheroidal form and its perfect brilliancy, a 
certain indication of its freedom from base metallic impuri- 
ties; on the other hand, if there are present the slightest 
traces of lead, tin, &c., the mercury will form a “talus” or 
queue, with tarnished surface, and will leave a stain or streak 
where it has passed over the glazed porcelain surface. 

I notice in certain books a statement about the oxidation 
of mercury at common temperatures, which appears to 
demand a remark in this place. With impure mercury there 
is doubtless, even at common temperatures, oxidation— 

46 Notes on Barometer Construction. 

oxidation of the metal forming the impurity; and. this oxi- 
dation will be attended with the fouling and breaking up of 
the mirror surface by the formation of minute globules. of 
mercury—a grey mass which the adventitious oxide pre- 
vents ageregating once again into the mirror form. But I 
think it may be correctly stated of pure mercury that, 
although it may be converted into red oxide at a compara- 
tively high temperature, at ordinary temperatures of the 
atmosphere it undergoes no perceptible oxidation of any 
kind. Henry Watts* reiterates Gmelin’s statement that 
“mercury remains unaltered when agitated for any leneth 
of time with oxygen gas, common air, hydrogen, nitrogen, 
nitrous oxide, nitric oxide, carbonic acid gas, or alcohol ;” 
and I believe that statement is strictly true as applied to pure 
mercury and the ordinary constituents of atmospheric air. 
If the mercury is found to be impure by the tests already 
given, or if it leaves the slightest residue—say of gold or 
silver—after evaporation of a small sample, it may be dis- 
tilled. A cast-iron retort, with wrought iron exit-tube, 
is used for the purpose. It is furnished with a lid or cover 
with turned joint, and fastened with screw-bolts or key- 
wedges ; a lute of moist clay secures the joint. The lid of 
the retort may be furnished with a stopper, which permits 
renewal from time to time of the charge of mercury without 
breaking the luted joint. The temperature at which the 
metal “boils,” or is said to boil, is rather high, say 662° 
Fahr. or 350° C.; but the capacity for heat of the vapour of 
mercury, as compared with that of aqueous vapour for 
example, is so low that a small quantity of fuel will doa 
large amount of distillatory work, and the distillation 1s 
therefore rapid. Among the papers of the Royal Society of 
London, in the Proceedings of that body, and probably also 
in its Transactions, is a valuable contribution by W. R. — 
Grove on the “ Phenomena of Ebullition,” in which it is shown 
how great an influence the gases dissolved in water exert 
upon the phenomenon. Water deprived of air can be con- 
verted into vapour, but in a manner which it would be 
incorrect to call boiling. As we apply heat, its temperature 
gradually increases, and eventually mounts beyond the ordi- 
nary boiling temperature ; finally the super-heated water is 
in part converted into vapour by a sudden explosive act, 

* Dictionary of Chemistry, article ‘‘ Mercury.” 

Notes on Barometer Construction. 47 

very different to what we call boiling. Now, oil of vitriol, 
methylic alcohol, and mercury—most probably on account 
of the absence of dissolved gases—are each converted 
into vapour with more or less tendency to sudden bursts 
and “bumpings,” as they are called, and in these cases 
the distillates are liable to contamination with portions 
~ of the fluid, scattered and thrown over rather than distilled ; 
and some kind of artifice is requisite in all such cases for 
obviating this source of an imperfect result. Many years 
ago a French chemist (M. Violette) recommended the use of 
super-heated steam for the distillation of mercury—a pro- 
mising suggestion enough; but a purification completely 
satisfactory may be effected by simpler means. Three or 
four circular discs of iron wire gauze are allowed to float on 
the mercury in the retort, covering its whole surface; or, 
what is better, a layer of three-quarters of an inch of small 
cut or wrought iron brads are allowed to float on the metal ; 
either of these forms a mechanical barrier, holding back the 
mechanically dispersed fluid mercury, but allowing sufii- 
ciently free escape for the mercurial vapour. For the reason 
already given a very small stream only of cold water, run- 
ning over a cloth laid over the exit-tube of the iron retort, 
is requisite for re-condensation of the mercury. The lower 
end of the exit-tube is also bound round with a few folds 
of calico, which, projecting beyond it, form a tubular conduit , 
sufficient for confining and conducting the condensed mercury 
into a pan of water, and at the same time sufficiently per- 
vious to the atmospheric air to prevent the water in the col- 
lecting pan being drawn up into the retort as a result of 
condensation of mercurial vapour at the end of the operation. 
I believe that a more extensive acquaintance with the 
efficacy of this simple method of distillation would cause 
its employment in preference to the several methods of 
chemical treatment. 

A few observations on boiling out and other modes of 
filling glass tubes with mercury may now be added. Boil- 
ing out means raising the mercury to the temperature at 
which it freely forms metallic vapour, and so expelling the 
atmospheric air from the tube; it also means raising the 
mercury to a temperature at which its oxidation takes 
place when in contact with atmospheric air. The warm 
mercury is added in small doses to the inverted tube, and 
the boiling is brought about by heating the tube at a point 


AS Notes on Barometer Construction. 

a little below the mercurial surface; the boiling out thus 
proceeds from the closed end to within an inch of the open 
end of the tube. The tube is now filled up with hot mercury, 
and eventually it is suitably closed and inverted in its cistern 
of boiled pure mercury. To what extent or how syphon 
barometers are boiled out I am unable to state. Barometer 
tubes may be boiled out or filled with warm mercury without 
boiling out. The great standard barometer of Kew Obser- 
vatory, which has a bore of one and one-tenth inches, 
was filled by the aid of the air-pump, and without 
boiling out. The Torricellian void above the mercurial 
column is stated to have been, when the instrument was 
completed, quite air free. I venture to express an opinion 
that the boiling out of barometer tubes is a mistake. The 
formation of oxide of mercury may not be grossly palpable ; 

but I fear it is hardly possible to avoid the formation of some 
oxide, and that the quantity, however small, may have its 
effect upon the sensitiveness of the instrument, Possibly the 
intervention of microscopic crystals of red oxide of mercury 
between the metal and the glass may ultimately favour the 
entrance of air into the void. The mode in which mercury 
distils, and the absence of specific knowledge concerning any 
power which mercury may possess of absorbing or occluding 
gases, would appear to suggest that as far as the mercury 
itself is concerned the boiling out is unnecessary; or, if 
necessary for depriving the mercury of air, or gas, or vapour, 
of any kind occluded in its substance, as on that account 
ineffectual, for if the metal has this property it must soon 
again take up what we have expelled at the exposed surface 
in the cistern, and when saturated eliminate them into the 
void, while all our experience of the comparative permanence 
of the Torricellian vacuum renders this supposed property of 
mercury improbable, the small and slow creeping in of air 
being quite in unison with the fact of there being no real 
adhesive contact between the metallic column and the glass 
tube. Moreover, glass tubes, especially those of complex form, 
are jeopardised by the boiling process.. A’ carefully and fortu- 
nately selected tube, well prepared, and therefore valuable 
far beyond its money cost, may be broken during the boil- 
ing by the turbulent and sudden bursts of mercurial 
vapour; or, if not actually broken during the boiling, it 
may be reduced to such a state of molecular unrest as 
to break with apparent spontaneity, some time after it 

Notes on Barometer Construction. 49 

is finished and mounted, or on receiving some slight con- 
cussion. We should also remember, as pertinent to this 
question, that it is not only losing the materials and the 
outlay of valuable time expended on the construction of 
the instrument itself, but by the loss of such an instrument 
after it has been brought into use, a break in the continuity of 
our results is brought about, and we resume observations with 
a new instrument, whose index, error, or deviation is differ- 
ent. It would seem that with the Sprengel- pump and other 
modern appliances at command for obtaining voids as good 
as have been hitherto by any means obtained, boiling out 
has become unnecessary and undesirable. 

Concerning the mounting of barometers and the mechan- 
ical means for dividing the ‘brass or other scales, | may state 
that these are beyond the scope of the present notes; but to 
those who essay to construct for their own use this instru- 
ment, | may mention one form of mounting which offers the 
advantage of simplicity in the materials of construction, en- 
listing glass and mercury only for the tube and its scale, 
and therefore to that extent simplifying corrections of the 
reading. On the mercurial tube mounted on a board and 
dipping into a glass cistern there is fitted an outer glass 
tube; the latter is divided, forming a scale which reckons 
from. a glass rod fixed on to the lower end of this outer 
tube. This outer tube can be raised or lowered by a light 
cord or wire passing over a small pulley, and attached 
to a winch of glass rod working in a cork socket 
near the mercurial cistern. Before an observation is made 
this tube is raised or lowered until its zero pointer 
coincides with the mercurial surface in the cistern. The 
temperature is then taken; the reading made and the cor- 
rection of the column for temperature concerns merely the 
expansibility of mercury and glass. There is a drawing of 
this arrangement attached to a Spr engel pump in the illus- 
tration to Mr. Mica Smith’s paper on “The Motion of 
Bodies under the Influence of Radiant Energy” in a recent 
volume of our Transactions. 

This completes what I have to communicate respecting 
the selection and preparation of barometer tubes and the 
mode of filling them, and I will therefore now proceed to 
the description of three several proposed forms of the in- 
strument, each of which possesses features of interest, and 
perhaps I may correctly also state that each appears to be 

F 2 


50 - Notes on Barometer Construction. 

not wholly free from structural defects. First, that pro- 
posed by C. Bohn is described in Poggendorff’s Annalen 
1877, first part, p. 111, the paper being entitled “On the 
Construction of an Air-free Barometer, quickly, easily, inex- 
pensively, and without boiling out :’— 

“The syphon barometer has well-recognised advantages 
over the cistern barometer, but it possesses also its own 
particular disadvantages. 

“Tn the first place, while the boiling out of barometer 
tubes is an operation not devoid of risk, this risk is still 
further augmented in the case of the syphon form, and in 
any case the operation is a tedious one. Further, the mer- 
cury in the open arm of the latter suffers the well-known 
oxidation, besides other kinds of fouling; its meniscus is 
then no longer identical with that in the closed limb, it 
changes by degrees into a concavity, the metal clings un- 
equally to the inner wall of the glass tube, which it soon 
renders dirty. In fine, the compensation for capillarity 
aimed at in the syphon barometer holds good, even under 
the most favourable circumstances, for only a very short 

“ But these disadvantages attending the use of the syphon 
barometer can be avoided in the manner about to be 
described. An instrument of general application can be 
made quickly, without boiling the mercury, at small cost, 
and without the requirement of any special skill. 

“A glass tube of about two metres long is bent into the 
syphon form; the two arms, as shown in the sketch (Fig. 2), 
are of unequal length; the shorter (I.) bears at the upper 
extremity an air-tight single-way glass stopcock. The longer 
arm (II.) is open at top. Near the bend, at bottom, a short 
branch tube carrying a mercury-tight single-way stopcock 
is attached (soldered on); the latter opens outwards or can 
be shut off. 

“For economy of mercury the tubes, for a large propor- 
tion of their length, can be chosen of rather small diameter, 
only immediately below the stopcock A for a space of about 
320 millimetres the tube must be wider; also for a space 
of from 70 to 90 millimetres close over the stopcock B, in 
the longer arm, the tube must be of a diameter identical 
with that under A. This glass tube is now perfectly 
cleansed (I find it best to finish with strong alcohol), then 
it is dried by aspiration of several hectolitres of hot dry air 


FIG .2". 








———_ J 




OT or 




Hi a 






| " 

Notes on Barometer Construction. 51 

through it, while the tube itself is supported over a warm 
stove or other suitable source of heat. The caoutchouc 
connector leading to the aspirator is attached to the tube 
over A; on the open end of the long arm a chloride of 
calcium tube is also attached by an indiarubber joint. 

“The mode of filling is the following :—First the tube, 
very carefully dried, is fastened to a narrow wooden board 
in the manner shown in the engraving. This board ends 
below in a screw, which is screwed into a base also of 
wood, and which is supported by three wooden levelling 
screws. The board has at its upper end a ring for the 
purpose of hanging up the instrument. 

“Thus mounted, with the stopcock A open and the stop- 
cock B closed, well cleaned dry mercury heated to about 
» 100° C. is poured into the tube through a small funnel with 
capillary termination, which holds back all dust. The mer- 
cury drives before it slowly and gradually the air in arm [., 
causing it to escape through stopcock A. Finally mercury 
also passes through the stopcock A and the tube above it. 
Now A is shut and B opened; the mercury now conse- 
quently falls out of the arm IT. until its surface in this limb 
has descended to the point of junction of the branch tube, 
while in arm I. a column approximating the true barometric 
column remains suspended. The space thus existing above 
the mercurial column is not quite air free, although in a 
highly attenuated condition. The instrument may be made 
to act as a mercurial air-pump upon the air which adheres 
to the inner surface of the glass tube and on that drawn in 
-by the warm mercury. For a few minutes, however, the 
instrument is allowed to remain at rest in the condition just 

“Tn the next place the stopcock B is closed, the stopcock 
A also remaining closed; heated mercury is again poured 
into the open tube IL, filling it completely; the small quan- 
tity of air contained in the vacuum chamber is compressed 
into a very small bubble close under the stopcock ; A is then 
opened, allowing this bubble to escape, and afterwards mer- 
cury ; after this mercury is again fed in again at C, when a 
stream of air-free mercury flows through A, sweeping with 
it mechanically all air attached to the glass inner surfaces ; 
after several grammes have thus flowed out A is closed, B is 
opened, allowing once more the efflux of the mercury from 
the latter. The chamber above the mercury column is now 

Bes Notes on Barometer Construction. — 

almost perfectly air free. It is again worked for a few 

minutes as a pump; B is now closed, and for the third time 
the arm II. is filled up with mercury. With the naked eye 
I could never, at this stage, even discover a smail bubble of 
air under the stopcock A, and with the aid of a lens I could 
very seldom discern one. A is once again opened, allowing 
a little mercury to flow through, and for greater security 
the prescribed routine may be repeated five or six times. 
On the last occasion of doing this the mercury is allowed to 
escape through B only until its upper surface stands in the 
tube ata level somewhat higher than B. Millimetre divi- 
sions are engraved or marked on this wide portion of the 
arm, the common zero point being at the bend. When the 
instrument stands exactly vertical (by virtue of the adjust- 
ing screws), then the difference of the readings of the mercury 
columns in the two arms is 8 identical with the real barometric 

“Mercury can at any time be readily run off at B, or filled 
up through C, so as to obtain a fresh upper surface of the 
mercury in the arm in which it is exposed to the air (the 
outer arm, II.), and regulated so as to fall within the limits of 
the divided portion of this arm; ; at the same time the per- 
fectly air-free condition of the Torricellian chamber may be 
proved. When this condition of perfect freedom from air 
holds good, the uniform difference of altitude of the two 
columns holds good, whether the mercury stands ata greater 
or less height above B; but should air have penetrated into 
the vacuum chamber a slight difference of reading will be 
found to accompany this alteration of level of the mercury 
in II, for as the air space in the vacuum chamber is dim- 
inished, the counteracting pressure of the air which has 
entered it will be proportionately increased. The approxi- 
mate compensation of capillarity is also by the same means 
ascertained. The facile repetition of the measurement by 
means of independent observations under the altered con- 
ditions as above described appears to the writer to be of 
oreat utility and void of all error. 

“Tn the first instrument constructed on this principle the 
stop-cock A did not close quite air-tight. When the arm I. 
was for the last time entirely filled with mercury, and when 
the stop-cock A was closed, the author covered the latter 
with a solution of collodion; this provision, intended to 
effect an air-tight joint, was found to answer admirably ; 

Notes on Barometer Construction. 53 

notwithstanding variation of temperature the chamber 
remained air-free for months, during which the apparatus 
remained under the writer’s observation. 

“The board carrying the completed barometer can be 
unscrewed from the base and suspended on a wall. 

“The above described instrument is well suited for use as 
a portable barometer. It is first emptied of mercury, with 
precautions ensuring that dry air only can enter in replace- 
ment of the quicksilver; for this object chloride of calcium 
tubes are attached at A and at C. The stopcock A is then 
closed, and C is stopped with a small cork. During travel- 
ling moisture cannot penetrate into the tube, thus dried 
carefully once for all. The board unscrewed from the 
tripod, with its attached glass instrument, is fitted into a 
padded case, which can then be carried suspended over the 
shoulder as a fowling-piece ; with a sufficiently strong case 
even the brusque treatment incidental to railway carriage 
can be safely borne. The mercury is carried with the 
instrument in a securely corked stoneware bottle, of the 
kind commonly used in commerce for the transport of small 
quantities of this metal.* The third item of carriage is the 
wooden triangular base. | 

© Arrived at the observing station he tripod is screwed 
on, the previously dried mercury (the warming of which is 
now quite unnecessary, and which indeed was perhaps 
superfluous on the first occasion) is poured in, and within a 
quarter of an hour after the minutely described routine of 
filling, the barometer is ready for observation. 

“This form of the barometer is recommended for isolate 
barometrical stations, and for similar positions ; the drying 
out takes place in the laboratory, the glass pieces for which 
operation, attached to the board, are carefully packed and 
sent in the usual box. The filling takes place on the spot. 
If an assistant unqualified by previous scientific technical 
education be employed, it might prove advantageous to 
enclose the barometer with a glass case. Incidental to the 
inspection of the station would be the replacement of the 
upper surface of the mercury in the open tube, the verifica- 
tion of the instrument, &c. 

* Stoneware bottles containing mercury are rendered relatively safe from 
accident by a cover of overs layers of brown paper securely pasted on to 
their outer surfaces, —G.F 

Ae Notes on Barometer Construction. 

“The bend of this instrument it is advisable to form of 
tube of very small diameter; in which case, even with 
awkward carriage of the filled instrument in the labora- 
tory, and even when it is violently shaken, air cannot pass 
from the open to the closed limb. 

“During numerous comparisons of this instrument with 
an excellent standard barometer, of unusually large cross 
section, it yielded excellent results. 

“The first instrument made by the author, rather faulty 
in the dividing and in the grinding in of the stop-cock A, 
he has sent to the Kensington Exhibition of Scientific 
Instruments. It had a not very suitable iron stand. 

“ Aschaffenburg, 25th July, 1876.” 

Guthrie’s proposition aims at increased sensitiveness in the 
reading. In the first place he makes mention of a propo- 
sition long’ lost sight of and due to Descartes, in which is 
employed a column of dense fluid mercury ; but in conjunc- 
tion with a super-posed column of a much less dense fluid, 
in terms of which latter the atmospheric pressure is measured. 
Descartes’ proposition included an aqueous solution of tartar 
emetic above the mercury; the object of employing this 
fluid solution being that of ensuring the expulsion of air 
Mr. Guthrie proposes to substitute glycerine or heavy hydro- 
carbon oil instead of the tartar emetic solution. Guthrie 
states, in reference to the diagram (Fig. 3) which he gives 
of this form of barometer, that “the sensibility of such a 
barometer would obviously be, if the upper liquid were 
without weight, directly proportional to the ratio between 
the sectional areas of the cylindrical chamber and the upper 
tube (if also the open limb were of infinite area). But the 
upper liquid having weight, the limit of sensibility is the 
comparative density of mercury and the liquid (say 16: 1) ;* 
accordingly this limit is secured when the cylindrical 
chamber has four times the diameter of the upper tube.” 

Professor Guthrie adds his own suggestion of a syphon 
barometer with a horizontal capillary tube of relatively 
great length connecting the column and cistern, the 
measurements being made on the capillary tube, in which 
a small bubble of air or fluid is intercalated dividing the 
mercurial cylinder (Fig. 4). Without doubt the indications 
of change of such an instrument are very sensitive; indeed, 

* Hypothetical gravities, for simplicity of illustration. 


*Column of Glycerine, 48” = Mercury gale see 5 
% Mercury ... Set he one sre 28” 
Value of Column in inches of Mercury ... jee 31 

Now, suppose an extreme fall of three inches of mercury represented by 
the fall of the two fluids in this barometer; of this the diminution of the 
glycerine column will be 12 of 3 of the whole barometric fall; the alteration 
of the levels of the two surfaces of mercury will be each one half of the 

remainder. 1 

6 of 16” of Glycerine = 15” = Mercury ae "9375 
1. Mercury + 1,3, Mercury Zds 2”:0625 

Fall = ate aa Ba 0) 



33” Glycerine = Mercury = 20625 
Mercury Column, 28” — 2,3,” = 25-9375 Total Resulting Column. 

—— = 589375 

* Hypothetical specific eravities, following Dr. Guthric’s example. 










On some New Marine Mollusca. 55 

the air bubble observed with a lens is seen to be in con- 
tinual oscillation; but simplicity, portability, and some 
other desirable properties, seem to be sacrificed for the sake 
of sensitiveness in this instrument; although, on the other ~ 
hand, it should be added that if for the first time the prin- 
ciples involved in the aneroid form of barometer were pre- 
sented to the mind, the carrying them into practice for 
constructing a truly serviceable barometer would seem 
almost beyond hope; while experience has taught us that 
this form of barometer, even as small as a lady’s Geneva 
watch, can be produced at relatively small cost with cer- 
tainty and in endless quantity; and that the aneroid 
barometer is assisting in a large amount of valuable 
climatic and hypsometrical observation. 

Art. IX.—On some New Marine Mollusca. 

By Rev. J. E. TEnntson-Woops, F.G.S., F.L.S., Hon. Memb. 
Roy. Soc. N.S.W., Corr. Memb. Roy. Soc. Victoria, 
Tasmania, and Phil. Soc., Linn. Soc. N.S.W., &e. 

[Read 9th August, 1877.] 

THE following shells were placed at my disposal for descrip- 
tion by Prof. M‘Coy, of the National Museum of Victoria. 
I had been engaged for some time previously, preparing a 
census of the Tasmanian marine molluscan fauna, and on 
completing my lists and making the-necessary comparisons 
at the National Museum I came across several in the exten- 
sive collections there which appeared to be new and 
undescribed. Permission to describe them was very cheer- 
fully accorded by the learned Professor, whose obliging 
courtesy to me on all occasions where he could forward my 
small efforts in the interests of science I take this oppor- 
tunity thankfully to acknowledge. It will be seen that 
the fauna here described is not in any way divergent from 
the recognised forms. A Birostra is, however, quite a 
novelty in Australian seas. Amongst all the species there 
is not one which even approximates to the extinct fauna 
of our tertiary beds, except in the case of the Limopsis just 
mentioned. N.B.—AI] measurements in French millimetres, 

56 On some IN ew Marine Mollusca. 

Brrostra M‘Coyl, 1.s. B.t., parva, levi, nitente, anguste 
ovata, utromque attenuata, superne subacuta, pallide ru- 
fescente, labio albida pallide lutea, conspicue merassato, 
postice dilatato, canali breve, tenutter cwrvato. Long. 23, 
Lat. 7 mil. Hab. Waterhouse, N.E. Tasmania. 

Shell small, smooth, shining, narrowly ovate, alternate at 
each end, subacute above, pale reddish; lips whitish and 
pale yellow, conspicuously thickened, dilate posteriorly, 
canal short and slightly curved. 

The only species of this rare genus found hitherto in 
South Australian waters. The type specimen in the Na- 
tional Museum is unique. 

OLIVELLA AUSTRALIS, 7.s., O. t., turrita, fusiformt, sprra 
elata apertur. oquant, Loew, nitente, alba, pallide fulva 
retcculata et fascus tribus albis zonat. ; sutura vive 
umpressa; apertura angusta, antice dilatata, labro tenut 
acuto, columella sumplict. Long. 16, Lat. 44 mil, Clark’s 

Shell turreted, fusiform, spire produced and equalling the 
aperture ; smooth, shining, white, reticulated with fulvous 
brown, and zoned with three white bands ; suture scarcely 
impressed; aperture narrow, anteriorly dilated ; outer lip thin 
acute, columella simple. 

Differs from 0. nympha in being coloured, and from 0. 
pardalis and O. leucozona in its pale reticulated chesnut 
markings and three white zones. Its shape is also peculiar. 
Ido not think enough is known about the genus to say 
whether it is liable to variation or not, and whether the 
species named are all only varieties. They are all rare, and 
therefore, one would imagine, less liable to vary. 

MANGELIA HARRISONI, 1s. M.t., anguste fusiforni, 
utrumque attenuata, levi, gracili, tenus, translucida, spira - 
elata, acuta, apert. equanti, lactea, bast castanea, apice vero 
fulvo tincto, pallidissime (ult. anfr. tant.) luteo 4 zonata ; 
anfr. 8, declivis, oblique costatis, costes levibus, rotundatis, 
parum elevatis, superne obtuse angulatis, antice obsoletis ; 
sutura bene vmpressa; apertura angusta, oblonga, labro 
tenut, labio reflexo. Long. 14, Lat. 4. Clark’s Island. 

Shell narrowly fusiform, attenuate at both ends; smooth, 
graceful, thin, translucent; spire prominent, acute, equalling 
the aperture, milky white; base chesnut, but the apex 
stained, fulvous, and on the last whorl zoned with four bands 
of very pale yellow; whorls eight, sloping, obliquely ribbed; 

On some New Marine Mollusca. 57 

ribs smooth, rounded, slightly raised, obtusely angular above, 
obsolete anteriorly ; suture well impressed, aperture narrow, 
oblong ; outer lip thin, inner lip reflected. Very rare. 

Differs from M. compta of N.S.W. in the ribs_ being 
closer, and the absence of spiral striz. The general forra 
is also different. 

MANGELIA TRACHYS, 1.8. M. t. parva, fusiforme turrita, 
opaca, solida, alba, macults fulvis conspicue nebulosa ; 
anfr.7 (2 apical. levibus, albis, obtusis) crebre crassicostatis 
et conspicue liratis ; liris swpra costas transeuntibus, et vbr 
nodosis, costis in ult. anfr.9; sutura bene impressa, wnt- 
lirata; apertura oblonga, subquadrata, labro conspicue 
imcrassato, postice profunde sinuato, sinwu obliquo, columella 
simplict, canal brevt. Long. 6, Lat. 2. Brighton. 

M. shell small, fusiformly turreted, opaque, solid, white, 
conspicuously clouded with fulvous spots; whorls seven 
(the two apical smooth, white, obtuse), abundantly costate 
with thick ribs and very conspicuously lirate ; the liree pass- 
ing over the ribs and there nodose; ribs in the last whorl 
nine; suture well impressed, with one fine raised line: 
aperture oblong, subquadrate, outer lip conspicuously 
thickened, deeply sinuous posteriorly ; sinus oblique, colu- 
mella simple, canal short. 

The sinus, instead of going back into the shell, is confined 
to the thickened lip, and is oblique to the aperture. 

Rissorina KERSHAWI, 1.8. RB. t. minuta, pupeformi, sub- 
cylindracea, fulvo saturata; anfr. 6, tumide convexrs 
oblique crebre costatis, apice obtuso, apertura subcentrali, 
orbiculata, labio refleco. Long. 3, Lat. via. 14. Long Bay, 
Tasmania. W. F. Petterd. 

Shell minute pupzeform, subcylindrical, saturated fulvous 
brown, whorls 6, tumidly convex, obliquely closely ribbed ; 
apex obtuse, aperture subcentral, orbicular, lip reflexed, 

_ The aperture, which is almost central under the axis, and 
the uniform brown colour, distinguish this species. 

RISSOINA SUPRASCULPTA, 7.8. R. t. minuta, pyramidata, 
alba, opaca, apice mammilato et verticaliter sito; anfr. 
(vertice excluso) 6, ultimo et penult. rotunduto 3-striato, 
reliquis granulatis, basim versus marginatis, supra suturas 
canaliculatis (canalie. transverse striata), apertura pyri- 
formi, labio tenwi, reflexo. Long. 4, Lat. 14. Long Bay, 

Shell minute, pyramidal, white, opaque, apex mammilated 

Soin On some New Marine Mollusca. 

and placed vertically ; whorls 6, exclusive of the virtex, last 
and last but one rounded and tri-striate, the rest granulose, 
margined towards the base and canaliculate above (this 
channel transversely striate); aperture pyriform, lip thin 

BITTIUM SEMILAVIS, n.s. B. t. minuta, turrita, castanea ; 
conspicue eleganterque carmis et costulis clathrata ; anf. 
12, quinque apicalibus levibus, nitentibus, bast leva. labro 
tenut. Long. 5, Lat. 1. N.W. "Tasmania. 

Shell minute, turreted, pale chesnut, conspicuously and 
elegantly latticed with keels and ribs ; whorls 12, the apical 
5 smooth, shining base, smooth lip, thin, 

The smooth apical whorls are peculiar, and perhaps this 
portion is decollated with age. The only specimen known 
to me is in the Melbourne National Museum. Possibly it 
would come under some of Mr. Adams’ genera near to 

LIOTIA MINIMA, 7.8. L. t. monuta, orbiculari, sprra parum 
exserta, alba, pellucida, spiraliter striata, apertura valde 
incrassata, wmbilico granis nitentibus marginatis. 

This very minute Liotva seems devoid of ornament, except 
the regular spiral groove. It has, however, a remarkably 
thickened varix round the aperture, and a granularly mar- 
gined umbilicus ; in all which respects it differs from any 
species known to me. 

THALOTIA MARIA, 1.8. T. conica sumillonu sed paulo par- 
voore, carmulis haud granulosis, striis inter curinulas latis, 
rotundatis, luteis; lineis albis longitudinalibus, angular- 
iter undulosis et maculis roseis, et flammulis roseo pur- 
purers, vel atro-purpureis variegata; apertura subguadrata, 
mtus argentea, lirato, columella haud dentata. Long. 17, 
Lat. 12. 

Differing from 7. conica, Gray (with which shell it has been 
hitherto confounded) in not being granular, though the 
peculiar spotted colouring makes it appear so. It is almost 
regularly tesselate on the upper part of the whorls. It 
is more tumid, solid, and darker in colour than T. picta, 
Wood, and 7. pulchella. Not uncommon in Hobson’s Bay, 
though much more numerous outside Port Phillip Heads. 
I have never known it to occur in Western Victoria or 

THALOTIA TESSELATA, 7.8. 7. t. parva,subumbilicata conica, 
pallide olivacea, alba maculata vel tessellata ; anfr.'7, sub- 

On some New. Marine Mollusca. 59 

convexis, ubique subtillissime spiraliter et oblique transver- 
sim striatis; 5 carinis munitis ; carinis lates, planatis, 
supra et infra latioribus et prominentioribus, bast convexa, 
carinata ; apertura subquadrata ; labro acuto tenut, intus 
marginato, labio albo, conspicuo, fauce argentea, margari- 
tacea, lirvata. Alt. 6., Lat. 44. Interstitis wmter carmmas 
interdum liratis. 

Shell small subumbilicate, conical, pale olive, spotted or 
tesselated with white ; whorls 7, subconvex, everywhere finely 
obliquely, spirally tranversely striate; furnished with five 
keels, which are broad, flattened, and the upper and lower 
ones broader and more prominent; base convex, keeled, 
aperture subquadrate, outer lip acute thin, margined within; 
inner lip white, conspicuous; throat silvery nacreous, lirate. 
The interstices between the keels sometimes striate. 

THALOTIA DUBIA,”.8s. 7’. t. turbinato-conoidea, solida intense 
roseo purpurea et roseo-flammulata ; anfr. 7, convexts (4 
apwalibus planatis ), carinis 4, parvis, distantibus conspicue 
granulatis, instructis; granulis parvis, concinnis, roseo- 
purpureis ; interstitiis granulose liratis, periostraca lutea 
sericea wndutis; sutura profunda, late subcanaliculata, 
basi planata, spiraliter lirata et radiatim striata ; apertura 
subquadrata, vncrassata, conspicue multidentata ; columella 
tuberculata marginata et crebre dentata. Long. 18, Lat. 15. 
Clark’s Islands. 

Shell turbinately conical, solid whorls intensely rose-purple 
and rose-flamed, whorls 7, convex (the four spiral flattened), 
keels 4, small, distant, conspicuously granular; granules 
small, neat, and rose purple in colour; interstices clothed with 
a yellow silky periostraca; suture deep, broadly subcanali- 
culate; base flattened, spirally lirate and radiately striate, 
aperture subquadrate, thickened conspicuously multidentate ; 
columella tuberculate, margined and closely toothed. 

In general form resembling 7. conica, but smaller and more 
closely ornamented. The mouth is also an approach to a 
clanculus. Rare. 

MINOLIA VECTILIGINEA (Menke), var? J. t. orbiculata, 
depressa, tenui, diaphana, profunde, perspective wmbilicata ; 
anfr. 54 rapide decrescentibus rotundatis, ad perupheriam 
obtuse angulatis,wndique spiraliter crebre tenwissime striatis 
et subtillissime transversim oblique striatis, wmbilico albo, 
concavo, ad margynem angulato, apertura rotundata. Ele- 
ganter atro et olivo marmorata, ad peripher. olwo et albo 

60 On some New Marine Mollusca. 

tesseluta, vel in lineis longit. dispositis strigata. Maj. diam. 
11, min. 9, Alt 8. Hobson’s Bay. 

‘Shell orbiculate, depressed, thin, diaphanous, deeply and 
perspectively umbilicate; whorls 5%, rapidly decreasing, 
rounded, obtusely angular at the periphery, thinly and very 
finely striate all over with transverse and oblique spiral 
strie. Umbilicus white, concave, angular at the margin, 
aperture rounded. Hlegantly marbled black and olive, tesse- 
lated at the periphery with white, or sometimes striped in 
lines. Common. 

This shell is much varied in the markings, and in its young 
state is often rose, or brown, or orange in colour. It is of 
course no more than a variety of the variable Minolia 
vectiliginea, but I give my own diagnosis as Menke’s list is 
difficult to meet with, and, as I think, hardly sufficient. © 

Tapes Victoria, T. t. inequilaterali, oblongo-ovata, sub- 
tumida, antice abbreviata, rotundata, postice sub-lata, elevata 
rotundata, et concentrice crebre costata ; costis rotundatis 
sub-elevatis, rnceequalibus, in medio seepe desinentibus ; wm- 
bonibus parvis, antice sub-arcuatis ; ligamento lanceolato 
conspicuo ; dentibus cardinalibus valv. deat. 2, valu. sinis. 2 
anteriorib. bifidis; pallide carnea, lineis fulvis divergen- 
tibus, litterata ad margines punctis intensioribus maculata ; 
paguna interna lutea antace et postico fulve purpureo tincta. 
Lat. —, Long. —, Alt. —. Hobson’s Bay. 

Shell inequilateral, oblong, oval, subtumid, shortened 
anteriorly, rounded posteriorly, somewhat wider, raised, 
rounded, and concentrically thickly ribbed; ribs rounded, 
sub-elevate unequal, often disappearing in the middle; 
umbones small, slightly curved anteriorly, ligament lanceo- 
late and conspicuous; hinge teeth, two in right valve and two 
in the left, which are bifid, colour pale flesh, with brown diver- 
gent letterlike lines, which are more intense towards the 
margins; inner surface yellow, stained at each end a purple 

CIRCE PYTHINOIDES, 7.8. C.t. parva, crassa, suborbiculata, 
ove gibbosa, parum, quadrata, albida, postice atro-purpurea 
maculata, radiatum costata, costis wrregularibus, rude 
nodose granulatis ad margimem scepe divisis, antice et 
postice divaricatim, bifurcatim plicatis, wmbonibus acutts, 
ove curvatis, lunula late ovata, purpurea, margunibus 
incrassatis, valde flecuosis, pagina interna nivea, dentibus 
crassis, conspicuis. Long: 25, Lat; 22, Alt. 10: Victoria. 

—— «) 

On some New Marine Mollusca. 61 

Shell small, thick, sub-orbiculate, scarcely gibbous, slightly 
quadrate, whitish, spotted black purple posteriorly ; radiately 
ribbed, ribs irregular, coarsely nodosely granular; ribs often 
divided towards the margin, anteriorly and posteriorly di- 
varicately and bifurcately plicate; umbones acute, slightly 
curved; lunule widely ovate, purple; margins thickened, 
very flexuous, interior snowy white; teeth thick, con- 

There is a Circe something like this figured in Reeve 
(Icon. V., fig. 21) and identified with C. gibba occurring in 
the Red Sea and Philippines. It may be the species here 
described, but it is quite distinct from C. gibba. The differ- 
ences from both figures and descriptions are as follow :-— 
It is smaller, almost orbicular, has a series of divaricating 
ribs sloping away on both sides at an acute angle from the 
first and last central ribs, giving rise to a sculpture like the 
genus Pythina. | 

ArcA M‘Coyi, ms. A. t. alba, periostraca fusea plus 
minusve induta, oblonga, quadrata, medio sinuata et 
hiante, postice latiore et carinata, confertissime concen- 
trice granulosé costata; granulis subspinosis, rotundatis, 
obtusis, supr. carin. longioribus et radiatim dispositis ; 
umbonibus parvis, acutis, planatis, curvatis, area angusta, 
postuce attenuato ; dentibus parvis linea curvata dispositis ; 
margunibus denticulatis, pagina, mterna, nitente, nivea. 
Long. 7, Lat. 14, Alt. 6. Var ex, N.S. Wales, twmidioribus. 
Shell white, more or less covered with a dusky periostraca, 
oblong, quadrate, sinuate and gaping in the centre, broader 
and keeled posteriorly, very closely concentrically granu- 
lously ribbed ; granules sub-spinous, rounded, obtuse, longer 
upon the keel and radiately disposed, umbones small, acute, 
flattened at the sides and curved; area narrow, attenuate 
posteriorly ; teeth small and disposed in a curved line, 
margins denticulate ; internal surface white and shining. 
- This shell is so near Arca gradata (Brod. of West 
Columbia) that I doubt if it be distinct. The species have a 
wide distribution. The E. Indian A. imbricata, Brug., and 
the West Indian A. trapezia, are common in Australia. 

PECTUNCULUS FLABELLATUS, 1.8. P. t. late orbiculari, 
paulo vero transversa, crassa, tumidiuscula, radiatim 
valide costata ; costis 25—35, lutis, planatis, etate antice et 
postice confertis; marginibus late denticulatis ; dentibus 
card. 16—20, crassis ; alba, intense fulva intus tincta et 

62 . On some New Marine Mollusca. 

extus plus minusve nebulosa et maculata. Long. 44, Lat. 
AT, Alt. 44. 

Shell broadly orbicular, but slightly transverse, thick, 
somewhat tumid, validly radiately ribbed; ribs 25 to 35, 
broad, flattened, becoming very close at the sides as the 
shell grows; margins broadly toothed; cardinal teeth 16 
to 20, white ; colour white stained, but intense fulvous brown 
within, and more or less clouded and spotted with the same 
colour on the outside. Victoria and Tasmania. Not com- 
mon. Resembling P. radians, Lam., but differimg in the 
particulars italicised above. It seems also to be almost 
without periostraca. Very near P. laticostatus, Lam., which 
Prof. Tate informs me is found at Spencer’s Gulf and N. Tas- 
mania. It may turn out not to be specifically distinct from 
that shell which is so abundant in our Miocene Tertiaries. 

TRUNCATELLA MICRA, 7.8. JT. t. minuta, alba, trans- 
lucida, cylindracea; anf. 4 (decollatis) irregulariter costato- 
striatis, inflato-convexis ; sutura vmpressa, upertura parva, 
semilunari, labro reflexo. Long. 44, Lat. 14. Brighton, 

Shell minute, white, translucent, cylindrical; whorls 4, 
(decollate) irregularly costately striate, inflatedly convex ; 
suture impressed, aperture small, semilunar, outer lip reflexed. 

There are so many Truncatelle described, which run so 
closely to each other, that I hesitate to add this species. It 
seems, however, to differ widely enough from all known to 
me to warrant my giving it a name. It was found by Mr. 

The following freshwater shells were placed in my hands 
for the most part by Mr. W. Kershaw, the intelligent taxi- 
dermist and collector for the National Museum. It will be 
seen that I describe as new species several ciliated Physe, 
which I regard as being very close to those already described 
by me asfrom Tasmania. Freshwater shells, it must be 
remembered, have always a very wide range, being carried 
about by aquatic birds in their migrations. Thus I have 
found many freshwater and fluviatile species common to 
North-east Australia and New Caledonia. Yet strange to 
say there is sometimes a great difference found in the species 
inhabiting freshwater lakes or streams within a short 
distance. The species common to Tasmania and Victoria 
are pretty numerous, and more may yet be found. Bythinia 
Huonensis, nobis (which Professor Tate considers should be 

On some New Marine Mollusca. 63 

made the type of a new genus) is common about Melbourne. 
Physa Dulvertonensis, Reeve, I have also seen, but no traces 
so far of the peculiar and large Ancylus. If the ciliated 
large Physw here described are all varieties of P. ciliata 
nobis, the shell must be very variable; and all those of 
Victoria have a marked uniform character; it is very 
possible that some of them may have been described before, 
though after a diligent search I have not been able to dis- 
cover where. Meanwhile it is very desirable that the species 
should have names and descriptions easily accessible to Aus- 
tralian naturalists, which I have accordingly given them in 
the descriptions which follow :— 

PHYSA PILOSA, 1.8. P. t. swbumbilicata, tenn, nitente, 
imflato, oblique, late ovata, lactea vel fulva, spira, fulwa, 
subpellucida ; anfr. 3, ultimo inflato et obliquo, 2 apica- 
libus parvis, acutis; regulariter longitudinaliter striatis, 
perrostraca lutea, indutis, ineis reqularibus pilosis vel 
punctatis instructa, sutura coronata, apertura oblique 
ovata, antice producta ; labro tenwi, labio reflexo. Lat. 6, 
Long. 11, 1.11 mil. 

This may possibly be only a variety of P. crebreciliata. 
It differs from it in being thinner, lighter in colour, with 
avery thin periostraca—the extremely small spire, with the 
oblique and interiorly produced aperture. 

PHYSA CREBRECILIATA, 1.8. P. ¢. wmbilicata, tenwi, inflata; 
late ovata, cornea, fusca vel albida et diaphana ; periostraca 
totaliter wnduta; anfr. 34, duobus apicalibus parvis, pen- 
ultimo perobliquo, longitudinaliter crebre striatis, et sprral- 
iter lineis ciliatis crebre instructis, suturis periostraca 
coronatis, apertura late ovata, tenuiter incrassata vel bila- 
biata, labio conspicue refleco, Long. 7,Lat.15 mil. Caulfield, 

Shell umbilicate, thin, inflated, broadly ovate, horny, 
dusky or whitish and diaphanous, completely covered with 
a ciliated periostraca ; whorls 34, the two apical ones small, 
the penultimate peroblique, thickly striate lengthwise, and 
furnished with close spiral ciliated lines; sutures crowned 
by the periostraca, aperture broadly ovate, slightly thickened 
or bilabiate, lips conspicuously reflexed. 

The cilia in this shell are in regular equi-distant spiral 
lines, and at the sutures the periostraca seems to mass 
itself in small rough folds, so as to make a spinous ridge. 

PHYSA ARACHNOIDEA, 7.8. P. t. elongata ovata vel subcylin- 


64 On some New Marine Mollusca. 

dracea, crassiuscula, opaca, nitente, vel perrostraca induta. 
obscure fulwa, vel lutea et alba maculata, apice acuto ; anf. 
6, rapide decrescentibus, leviter conveais et declovis longit. 
et transvers. striatis; striis granulato-punctato (sub lente 
tantum visis) punetis liners sprralibus disposites ; aper- 
tura, obliqua, pyriforme, antice producta, vntus cretacea ; 
plica crassa, per umbilicum tantum visa. Long. 12, Lat. 54. 
Long. apert. 7, Lat. 34. Mordialloc, Victoria. W. Kershaw. 

Shell elongately ovate or sub-cylindrical, rather solid 
opaque, shining or clothed with a periostraca; shell brown 
or yellow, with white spots, apex acute; whorls 6, rapidly 
decreasing, shghtly convex and sloping; striate lengthwise 
and transversely, striz granularly dotted, which is only 
visible under the lens, dots disposed in spiral lines ; aperture 
oblique, pyriform, produced anteriorly, chalky white inside ; 
plait thick, but visible only by looking, as it were, upwards 
through the umbilicus. 

I believe that the points or dotted spiral lines are derived 
from cilia, which, however, had disappeared from all the 
specimens examined by me. They would surely be found 
in younger specimens. Perhaps, after all, this is only a 
variety of the Physa Dulvertonensis of Tasmania. 

PHYSA YARRAENSIS, 7.8. P.t. swb-wmbilicata termi diaphana 
pallide cornea, nitente, spvra acuta; anfr. 4, conveas, de- 
clivis, 2 apicalibus parvis, tenuiter longitudinaliter striatis, 
apertura elongata, pyriformi, labro tenurssimo, antice pro- 
ducto, labio wnconspicuo, plica crassiuscula. Upper Yarra, 
Victoria. W. Kershaw. 

Shell subumbilicate, thin, diaphanous, pale, horny, shining, 
spire acute, whorls four, convex, sloping, two spiral, one small; 
finely striate lengthwise, aperture elongate, pyriform, labrum 
very thin produced anteriorly, lip inconspicuous, plait a little 

A shell with no very determinate characters, of small size 
and thin. 

Puysa KERSHAWI, 1.8. P. t. parva, anguste ovata tenwi, 
perrostraca sordida, rugosa, induta, parum diaphana, sor- 
dide fusca; anf. 34 ad 4, suwperne conspicue angulatis et 
planatis, ad angulum requlariter (et sup. ult. anfr. drs- 
tanter) carinatis ; carinis rotundatis, elevatis ; ad sutwras 
anguste canaliculatis, apertura ovali, antice producta ; 
labro tenw, ad carinas sinuato, labio reflexo, subumbilicato. 
Long. 8, Lat. 44. Upper Yarra. W. Kershaw. 

On some New Marine Mollusea. 65 

Shell small, narrowly ovate, clothed with a sordid rugose 
periostraca, slightly diaphanous, dusky in colour; whorls 
three and a half to four, conspicuously angulate and flattened 
above, at the angle (and on the last whorl distinctly) keeled, 
keels rounded, raised; at the suture narrowly canaliculate, 
aperture oval, produced anteriorly; labrum thin, sinuous at 
the keels, inner lip reflexed, subumbilicate. 

There is a faint resemblance between this shell and the 
New Zealand P. tabulata of Gould. : 

BYTHINIA VICTORIA, 72.8. B. t., minuta, turbinato-cono- 
idea, viride lutea, sericea, periostraca atra plus minusve 
mduta; anfr. 44-5, rotundato-convexis, levibus, longitud. 
tenuiter rugoso striatis ; apice obtuso, apertura ovata, tus 
castanea, vel alba, labro tenwi, labio via reflexo. 

A minute shell, whose size, silky appearance, fine longitu- 
dinal striz, and turbinately conical form, distinguish it from 
all its Australian congeners. Lake Connewarre, Geelong. 
Found in great numbers in Confervw by W. Kershaw. 

Art. X—On Various Forms of Galvanic Battery. 

By BL. J; Eviery; F.RS, F.B.A:S. 

[Read August 9th, 1877. ] 


66 Extracts from Diary in Japan. 

Art. XI.—E£xatracts from Diary in Japan, 
By F. C. Curisty, C.E. 

[Read 13th September, 1877. ] 

JAPAN consists of four Islands, governed by an Emperor, 
Ministry, and Parliament. 

The Ministry consists of Premier, Ministers of Finance, 
Foreign Affairs, Public Works, Education, Agriculture, &c., 
&c., with Vice-Ministers to each department. 

Its members of Parliament are not elected by the people, 
but are the Chief Magistrates of the various kens, or districts, 
and are supposed to know the requirements of their people. 

Yesso, the northern island, is about the 44th degree of 
latitude and under the 144th parallel of longitude. Here 
the winter is extremely severe; with almost constant 
snow during the winter months; the bear, wolf, deer, wild 
boar, otter, fox, hare, &c., are abundant; ptarmigan (grouse), 
woodcock, snipe, &c.; codfish, herring, salmon, in profusion. 
The cod, salmon, and roe of fish are salted and sent to the 
southern towns in hundreds of tons per annum, and form 
with rice the chief food, meat being little eaten. 

Niphon, the main island, has the largest population ; 
Yedo, the capital, contains 3,000,000 inhabitants. 

The southern islands produce the best rice, and the largest 
amount of good coal and minerals, excepting gold, which is 
found principally in the north. Silk is produced in Niphon 
and the southern islands; a large amount of good rice is 
also grown around Yedo and Yokohama and southward. 

The temperature at Yedo during the hottest days in the 
sun was 122°, in the shade 93°; and the coldest 25°. It is 
believed that the thermometer often shows 14° of frost, 18° 

The autumn and winter months, from October to April, 
are very dry and bracing, with clear bright atmosphere, and 
from April to October very wet; the chief amount of rain 
falling during the latter months. The rainfall at Yedo, as 
obtained from Observatory, is 72 inches. The atmosphere 
during the summer is excessively humid, and very dry in 
winter. Furniture contracts and breaks its joints in winter ; 
whilst in a summer’s day one’s boots become mouldy, and 

Extracts from Diary im Japan. 67 

kid gloves spotted, which it is absolutely impossible to 

Strange as it may appear there is very little sickness in 
summer, and fevers are almost unknown. 

Small-pox is very prevalent in winter, and appears when 
the cold sets in, disappearing with the spring rains. 

Skating is fashionable amongst the European population 
of Yokohama ; good ice usually lasts a month, or six weeks; 
it is necessary to shade it with mats, or the sun’s rays thaw it. 

The 10th of January, 1876, eight inches of snow fell at 
Yedo, and remained with frost six days, and began to thaw 
the seventh day. On 27th January, 1876, fifteen inches of 
snow fell at Yedo, and delayed trains; in some places it was 
four feet deep. 

July, August, and September are very hot months; 
although the temperature is much less than in this colony, 
the heat is more oppressive. Sun hats (helmets) and white 
linen clothes are worn. 

There is very little thunder and lightning, but severe 
earthquakes, which appear to travel east to west ; eastward 
is Brise Island, which has upon it an active volcano, and 
Fujiyama, the holy mountain, nearly 14,000 feet high, is 
distant about sixty miles west from Brise Island. Yedoand 
Yokohama, which are eighteen miles apart, lie between these 
two mountains; and it is thought the waves or shocks travel 
from Brise Island to old Fuji. (See notes on earthquakes at 
end.) Fujiyama is clothed with snow about nine months of 
the year, and is ascended by hosts of pilgrims during July 
and August, who are stamped on the back with a large 
circular seal, or stamp of red paint, in proof of the ascent 
being made ; the pilgrims are usually clothed in white loose 
tunics and trousers, straw sandals, and huge broad brim hats, 
made of flat rush or bamboo. Fujiyama is well wooded at 
the lower part, but barren towards the top, which consists 
of loose lava and ashes, with a deep inactive volcano basin 
at the summit. 

The ordinary lilac rhododendron grows on the mountain. 
According to tradition Fujiyama rose from the plains in a 
day, or night; the day being a dark day of horror and 
destruction by earthquakes, &c. The superstitious believe 
that the earth is moved by a huge tortoise. 

Japan generally is mountainous, a chain of mountains 
running from north to south, through Niphon, of 3000 to 

68 - Extracts from Diary wm Japan. 

10,000 feet altitude. It is watered by numerous rivers 
from these mountains, emptying into the sea. The rivers 
are some of them wide near the sea, but narrow and 
more rapid inland; they abound with trout and salmon— 
the salmon being local, that is northward, although the 
salmon trout, a delicate fish with pink flesh, is largely 
taken in Lake Biwa, near Kobe (southward). The lakes 
are numerous and extensive. ‘The country near the coast is 
beautifully wooded with small groves of evergreen and 
deciduous trees. The features of this portion of the country 
are striking, the hills running out towards the coast in forms 
resembling barrows, very steep, with irrigated valleys 
between—each valley having its stream, or rivulet; the 
tops and sides of the hills being clothed with trees and 
bamboo groves, and dotted with farms. The woods are 
lovely, tinted with every shade of colour in vegetation; the 
deep green of the cryptomeria and pine, evergreen oaks and 
other trees, intermixed with golden feathery bamboos, the 
scarlet, blood-red, and pink maples, the light green of the 
deciduous oaks, ash, beech, birch, elm, horse and edible 
chesnuts, &c.—the latter being a common forest tree. 

The cottages are frequently sheltered by a bamboo grove 
(the bamboo attaining a height of 60 feet), and have a garden, 
with plum trees, and lime trees 20 feet high, with their 
golden fruit and deep green foliage ; persimon of light green 
foliage and chrome-coloured fruit, resembling golden eggs. 

The parks are lovely, especially Uyeno and the Castle 
gardens, with its ornamental water and rocky cascades; par- 
ticularly when the double-blossom cherry and peach are in 
flower. The cherries grow 50 feet high, and the pines, cryp- 
tomeria japonica, cephalotaxus, &c., to 80 feet, casting a deep 
shade. In many districts avenues of cherries are planted, and 
thousands of Japanese go to see them in blossom ; it is one 
of the great holiday sights. Among the early blossoming 
trees are the wistarias, purple, lilac, and white; there is also 
a double blossom purple. The wistaria, or fuji, is one of the 
greatest favourites, some of them being over 100 years old. 
The stem is carried up straight and the branches trained 
overhead on horizontal bamboo trellis, with seats underneath ; 
one tree will often cover a square of 50 x 50 feet. They are 
generally planted at the tea houses, for shady lounges ; the 
tresses of blossom hang through the trellis overhead. In the 
woods the wistaria is everywhere to be seen, with its beauti- 

Katracts from Diary wm Japan. 69 

ful lilac tresses of blossom hanging in festoons from the 
branches of the forest trees; here the ivy clothes others, the 
old English mistletoe hangs from the boughs above, and 
the honeysuckle wreaths the underwood. Neat hedges 
divide the cottage gardens, and frequently enclose the gardens 
of the rich. A wild bitter orange is the best hedge plant, 
as it is impenetrable; but the euonymus japonicus, althea 
(hibiscus), with white and lilac blossom, and the crypto- 
meria are used; these all make neat hedges when well 
kept. The camellia, although wild, is usually planted along 
the roadside ; it frequently attains a height of thirty feet, 
profusely studded with lovely red blossoms. The fan palm 
is also a favourite, and produces a beautiful effect; the 
hairy covering around the stem is used in lime plaster of 
dwellings. The pink and white daphne attain a height 
of five feet, as also the azalia, which grows wild, and is cul- 
tivated in every variety of colour in the temple grounds and 
gardens, as also the lovely olea fragrans, or Japanese migno- 
nette, so called from its powerful and sweet scent; to- 
gether with the charming lagerstrcemia rosea, a tree 20 feet 
high, covered with magenta blossoms. The umbrella pine 
(sciadopetys verticillata) adorns the temple grounds, as also 
a tree resembling araucaria bidwilli, excepting that it grows 
very straight, tall, and luxuriant, with light green foliage, 
said to be a cunninghamia. The grandest of all trees, and 
perhaps the most esteemed, is the ginko biloba, or salisburia 
adiantifolia, which attains a height of 80 to 100 feet, with a 
noble contour, the foliage pale green in summer and chrome 
yellow in autumn. The commonest of all trees, and one of 
the most stately, is the pine of the country, used for firewood 
and a variety of purposes (pinus massoniana); this tree is 
the common tree of the forest, the roadside, and the avenue, 
and is most frequently pictured in lacquer work and intro- 
duced in bronzes, &c. The berry-bearing shrubs are much 
admired and cultivated ; the most prominent is the bamboo 
of heaven (nandina domestica), with its ight feathery foli- 
age and lovely scarlet or yellow wax-like berries ; itis to be 
seen in almost every temple ground and cottager’s garden, 
and decorates the houses at Christmas time. 

The timber generally used is the cryptomeria japonica, 
scented and soft like cedar (sugi), for lining houses, doors, 
windows, and boxes. An ulmus or elm (planera japonica), 
for temples, outdoor work, and furniture, is the most used 

70. Extracts from Diary in Japan. 

and most valued of all. Cupressus obtusa (hinoki) is much 
esteemed for its durability, closeness of grain, silky appear- 
ance, and freedom in working; it is used for all the best 
temple fittings, &c. 

The timber most commonly used in the rough framing and 
roofs of houses is the matz (pinus massoniana). There are 
seven species of oak, three evergreen and four deciduous. 
The deciduous oaks are seldom allowed to attain large 
growth, but are cut young for charcoal, oars of boats, &c. 
The evergreen oaks are large trees and truly magnificent ; 
one, the kashi (quercus glauca), has immense glossy leaves, 
and is used for planes and other carpenters’ tools, being very 
hard and of close grain. The ash (fraxinus excelsior) is fine 
timber, but seldom utilised, being chiefly burned for charcoal ; 
the wood is like the European ash, as also the foliage, but is 
more robust. The walnut is largely grown, although the 
timber is not utilised. 

The houses generally are built of timber, with heavy 

timber roof, tiled, frequently of two stories; the ‘peculiarity j is 
that all the windows and doors slide in orooves, economising 
space ; the windows are framed in small squares and covered 
with paper, with a sliding shutter outside, which is closed in 
wet and stormy weather. The houses are without fireplaces, 
but are warmed by hibachis, an earthenware or bronze vessel 
containing lighted charcoal; the houses are scrupulously 
clean, the floors generally matted with rush matting. The 
higher class houses are heavily framed, diagonally lathed 
outside, and faced with fiat tiles, which are nailed on verti- 
cally and the joints seamed with lime mortar; these houses 
are dry, cool, and comfortable. 

The cities and towns are all much alike, with narrow 
streets, unpaved, but frequently macadamised. Lately, brick 
houses and wide streets have been adopted in Yedo and 
Yokohama by advice of Europeans, and they are much 
approved. ‘The streets of Yokohama are wide and altogether 
of European appearance—this town having been chiefly 
occupied by Europeans and Americans for a considerable 
period. Yedo has now also given way to the same innova- 
tion; and Ginza—the main street leading from the railway 
station to Nihom Bashi (one of the chief bridges)—has omni- 
busses continually running, and hundreds of horse-drawn 
vehicles, also thousands of Jinrikishas—a small, hooded 
vehicle, on two wheels three feet in diameter, with Springs, 

Extracts from Diary in Japan. 71 

cushioned for one person; it has shafts, between which 
a man runs; when two men are employed, the foremost 
draws by a rope; two men will run from twenty to 
thirty miles, the greater part of the distance from eight 
to ten miles per hour. Yedo and Yokohama are lighted 
by gas, superintended by a French engineer. Yedo is a 
fine city, with a magnificent river, and veined with canals 
—nearly all navigable for large craft. The Harbour Trust 
of Melbourne might benefit by a trip to Yedo, which would 
make them less sceptical of the certainty of making a canal 
from the Gasworks to Hobson’s Bay—a paltry 14 miles, 
whilst in Yedo and other towns of Japan there are hundreds 
of miles of navigable canals, nearly all opening into the sea, 
and walled from end to end with masonry. 

The masonry is wonderful as it is beautiful; it is generally 
of parabolic outline, with a quick curve at the base, and 
becoming nearly vertical at the top, with an average batter 
of about 1 in 12. The masonry is all of dry, squared rubble, 
coursed ; the walls of the moats round the castles attaining 
a height of from 50 to 100 ft. Some of the stones in Osaka 
Castle weigh by measurement 160 tons each. The castle is 
on a hill, probably between 100 and 200 feet above the sur- 
rounding country, encircled by swampy rice-fields, four 
miles across before any quarry is reached; therefore the 
presence of such enormous stones on an eminence so far 
away from any quarry is a marvel which no Japanese could 
explain. The only answer was that the castle had been 
built about 500 years, and no records kept. 

The temples of Japan are truly superb. The decoration 
of the interior is lovely and chaste; the intermixture of 
colours, opposed to each other according to European taste, 
are so beautifully blended and subdued that the most 
sublime harmony exists, and there is only one feeling of all 
visitors—the marvellously lovely and glorious effect. 

The exterior of the temples is majestic and grand, built 
generally upon round wooden columns of large diameter, 
stepped into blocks of stone, with immense overhanging 
roof, heavily tiled, beautifully neat in pattern; the roof 
hipped but externally concave in the line of rafter; the 
overhang, supported by rafter upon rafter protruding in 
succession, beautifully carved, adding to the massive 
orandeur. ‘There is usually an entrance gateway, roofed 
with the same massiveness and beauty, with noble gates, 

72. | Extracts from Diary in Japan. 

hung by enormous wrought-iron strap hinges, and bound in 
every direction by copper, bronze, and iron. A long, paved 
causeway, lighted on each side by grotesque columnar stone 
lanterns, beautifully carved, leads to the temple. Spacious 
erounds of many acres surround the temple, planted with 
beautiful forest and flowering trees and shrubs. As a rule, 
the grounds, which are enclosed by walls, are most lovely. 
A flight of stone steps leads to the temple entrance, which 
is closed by massive doors. The temples are usually cuarded 
at the entrance gates or at the temple by huge human figures, 
carved in wood, painted red or black, complete and lifelike ; 
the expression of the features most effective. 

The interior of the temple is superb; black polished 
lacquer floor, with gilt surroundings; the altar a miniature 
temple of emblazoned gilt; the deity of gilt with the halo 
around the head, reminding one of the Roman Cathedral. 
The whole of the ceilings of the temple are panelled and 
painted in gold, green, purple, scarlet, and black, m the most 
chaste and elegant patterns, so minute that the decoration 
must have occupied a lifetime to execute. The priests 
officiate, and the suppliants kneel with their hands raised 
and clasped in the form of Christian prayer, chanting the 
service and counting their beads; a font of holy or sweet 
water stands at the temple entrance. 

The priests, with their heads shaven mostly, are jolly 
fellows, glad to show and explain everything. Outside, 
slung on a large wooden beam, is an enormous bell of bronze, 
many tons weight, beautifully embossed with various devices, 
and tolled by a huge battering-ram of timber drawn back- 
wards and forwards by ropes. 

There are two contending religions—Buddhism and Shin- 
toism. Shintoism is the approved religion of the Govern- 
ment ; both are ceremonially similar to the Christian reli- 
gion, the creed being much the same: they each believe 
that God has been on earth to reform and save them, 

The colossal figures in bronze of their god Daibutz are 
very wonderful, being from forty to fifty feet stature, beauti- 
fully finished and polished outside, and the features most 
expressive and lifelike. The whole figure is composed of 
bronze, cast in small segmental plates, about one inch thick, 
and brazed together. 

The soil is generally volcanic, rich and dark chocolate, 
overlying in many districts a clay slate much similar to that 

Extracts from Diary in Japan. 73 

of Melbourne. The Kobe district, 300 miles southward 
from Yokohama, is granitic, and there the soil is poor, com- 
posed of coarse grit sand. 

Kobe is one of the chief open fee: and communicates 
by railway with Osaka, distant twenty miles, and Osaka 
with Kioto, distant another twenty miles, or forty miles of 
railway from Kobe. 

Kioto is the ancient city of the Mikado, and the people of 
Kioto wish to regain the seat of Government from Yedo, 
where it now is. 

It was intended to extend the railway from Kioto to Yedo 
—i.e., connect the two, viz., the railway between Yokohama 
and Yedo, eighteen and. a quarter miles, with the Kobe line 
—which would require three hundred miles additional line ; 
but for the present this is abandoned. 

Again referring to the nature of the country, there is 
a total absence of chalk, limestone only of various kinds 
having been found. 

The minerals generally are copper (widely distributed), 
iron, lead, silver, zinc, and gold; gold deposits do not 
appear to be rich. Coal is also widely distributed, of 
excellent quality, and varying from very bituminous to 
hard, approaching the character of Welsh or anthracite. 
The price delivered in Yedo or Yokohama is 8 dols. (32s.) 
per ton. It is not more than 10s. per ton at the mines in 
the Southern Island. 

The mining is controlled by a department with a large 
European staff; but it does not appear to pay, and the 
Japanese prefer mining in the old manner. 

There are several colleges in Yedo; the principal one— 
the Imperial College—is a most splendid institution, with a 
number of excellent English professors. It is established as 
an engineering college, and has extensive engineering work- 
shops, capable of manufacturing the largest marine engines, 
being equipped with the finest machinery. ‘There are pro- 
fessors of engineering, natural philosophy, geology, chem- 
istry, electricity, English, mathematics, surveying, and all 
branches of education. Attached is an extensive museum 
of models, &c. 

Yedo is the principal city of Japan, and the seat of govern- 
ment, and where the Emperor resides. There are two parks 
—Uyeno and the Castle—and several lovely palace gardens, 
the resort occasionally of the Emperor. Uyeno Park pro- 

TA Extracts from Diary in Japan. 

bably is not excelled in beauty, grandeur, and variety of 
trees by any park in the world. 

Near Yedo is the Katakushi, or experimental farm, and 
Horticultural Gardens, which hitherto have been presided 
over by Americans. The whole affair has been very costly, 
with very poor result. 

The military organisation is "principally at Yedo; the 
cavalry, infantry, and artillery and arsenal, are under the 
supervision of Colonel Munier and staff, who are sent out 
by the French Government at the request of the Japanese 
Government. The Naval Department is organised by 
English officers, selected by the English Government. 

Japan has about one hundred thousand troops, well armed 
with the best breech-loading firearms, and artillery, and all 
well clothed in smart European costumes. .The greatest 
credit is due to the French officers. Many of the Japanese 
officers appear to be as smart as their European instructors ; 
and when in their gold lace or red uniform, &c., it is difficult 
to distinguish one from the other. 

Throughout Japan there is an immense and most efficient 
police force, entirely controlled by Japanese officers. 

The European banks are the Oriental, the London Char- 
tered, the Shanghae, Comptoir d’ Escompt, and German 
bank. These are all at Yokohama; Mitsués, the Government 
bank, is alone at Yedo. The currency is the silver Mexican 
dollar and the Japanese gold yen, of about equal value, of 4s. 

All the Legations are at Yedo, the British and Russian 
being the most imposing; these two having erected fine 
buildings on large commanding sites. The Italian and 
German are in proximity, but the French still remains 
between Yedo and Shinagawa, where the English Legation 
originally was, outside Yedo. 

The Legations are all presided over by ministers, who 
have been especially well chosen by their respective nations; 
under the ministers are consuls and vice-consuls. Yedo 
is the great centre of commerce. The exports—which are 
silk, tea, china (porcelain), tobacco, rice, copper, and various 
articles, chiefly fancy goods—nearly all pass through Yedo 
to Yokohama by water or rail, except those which are shipped 
from other open ports; all open ports have a customs 

The revenue of Japan, as published by the Japanese 
Treasurer, is £17,000,000 sterling, chiefly raised by a land 

Extracts from Diary in Japan. 75 

or produce tax, and an import and export duty of 5 per cent.; 
also a multiplicity of small taxes levied upon their own 

The people are a most distinct race, all having black hair, 
and black eyes slightly almond-shape, which is most observ- 
able in the ladies of high birth ; in this there is a remark- 
able distinction, the ladies of high families possessing cha- 
racteristic features in the thin aquiline nose, small mouth 
and lips, and full black eyes, slightly almond shape, remark- 
ably fair, clear wax-like complexions, lovely teeth, and the 
most beautifully-formed hands andarms. The hair is studied 
to the last degree, most beautifully arranged and kept, no 
covering to the head being worn. The dress is elegant and 
chaste, the all-prevailing purple and scarlet being the 
favourite colours of the ladies, although many other lovely 
colours are introduced—always harmoniously. 

The outer dress is silk, folded across the chest, leaving the 
neck bare, closed by a broad obe or sash around the waist, 
fastened in a large loose knot behind; and generally a 
scarlet under garment, showing in front below the outer 
dress. The outer dress is usually embossed or embroidered 
beautifully with floss silk, in various devices; the feet 
covered by a white sock, and the sandal or clog worn. 

The gentlemen wear a long loose dress of silk in winter, 
and silk gauze in summer, folded across the chest, leaving 
the upper portion of the neck exposed; fastened round the 
waist with a narrow obe, the legs bare, but covered by the 
outer garment, which reaches the ankle ; socks and sandals, 
or clogs, being worn on the feet; no covering to the head, 
the hair drawn tightly back from the forehead, gathered and 
tied at the crown in a short queue brought forward flat upon 
the head. Two swords were worn until quite lately, being 
now prohibited by Government. The swords—one long 
and one short—have curved blades and wooden scabbards, 
the swords being of the finest steel with the sharpest edge, 
and much prized according to quality. It is said that a 
Japanese considers it a disgrace to draw his sword and sheath 
it without drawing blood, if drawn in anger. 

The gentlemen ride on horseback. The horses are cobs, 
about fourteen hands, and very enduring; the trappings 
elaborate, large Eastern saddle and cloth, heavy stirrups 
enclosing the foot, and heavy head mountings, with silk reins, 
&c., all extensively worked. 

76 Extracts from Diary in Japan. 

The norimon of basket-work, sometimes entirely enclosing 
the traveller and sometimes open with a handle or rail 
running along the top (overhead), carried on the shoulders 
of a man in front and one behind, is the mode of travelling 
through the interior where the roads are bad. 

There are several main roads, each one called a tokaido; 
moderately well kept, upon which horse vehicles can travel 
some considerable distance ; but the roads generally are mere 
bridle tracks, unformed and unmade, upon which pack-horses 
alone can travel. All the produce which cannot be sent 
by water is brought upon pack-horse, even to timber, and - 
it is astonishing what a quantity of heavy material is so 
conveyed. | 

The people are exceedingly polite and obliging in the 
interior as well as in the coast cities. No foreigner is per- 
mitted to travel beyond treaty limits without a permit 
(passport) ; the treaty limits are thirty miles around Yoko- 
hama, and about the same at other ports. 

Japan is divided into provinces and kens, with a Governor 
to each province and police magistrates in each ken. Ail 
travellers on demand have to produce their passports or 
permits ; on refusal, are arrested by the police and escorted 
back to their place of residence, there to be brought before 
their consul. 

A large variety of poultry is kept, and game is abundant. 
Fowls average about 9d. each; ducks, 1s.; Bee 38. turkeys. 
8s.; pheasants, 1s.; woodcock, 1s; snipe, 3d., 

Sheep do not thrive, the country being atswianaiigly too 
wet; all the mutton is imported from China. Cattle of a 
small size are plentiful, as also pigs. Good beef is 84d. per 
Ib; mutton, 1s. 5d.; and pork, 10d. Vegetables are plentiful 
and cheap. Fish i is abundant in considerable variety, very 
good, and reasonable in price. 

The principal fruits are plums, several excellent varieties; 
the persimon (kaki) eaten fresh and dried like figs in 
large quantities, and of several varieties, a delicious fruit. 
Loquats, oranges, cumquats, and a coarse variety of lime. 
Inferior pears, peaches, and apricots—good small green flesh, 
and water melons. Inferior grapes ; a good variety, but the 
climate is not sufficiently warm to thoroughly ripen them. 

Agricuiture is one of the largest industries, and suited to 
the peculiar features of the country as there prosecuted. 
The land is all surveyed each year, and the breadth of 

Extracts from Diary in Japan. 77 

produce recorded, and a tax levied on each producer. The 
high land, where irrigation cannot be applied, is cropped 
with barley, wheat, millet, buckwheat, pulse, root and green 
crops, &c. There is a large variety of leguminose, especially 
beans, which form a favourite food. Buckwheat and barley 
are also largely grown, and used as flour in cakes; the 
horses are also fed upon steeped barley. Wheat is not largely 

Rice is the staple food, and the rice fields with the waving 
rice in ear when green, and also when changing colour, pro- 
duce a fine effect, the whole valleys appearing as one level 
sheet of creen or golden-yellow when ripe. 

The rice is sown in small seed-beds, well worked, manured, 
and irrigated, on the Ist of May and few following days; 
the seed is sown broadcast very thickly upon the surface, 
and about one inch of water remains over the seed. From 
the end of May until the 5th June the paddy or rice fields 
are being prepared for the transplanting of the rice from the 

The rice fields or plots are from a half to two or three 
acres in extent, thoroughly level, and surrounded by a bank 
of earth about 12 or 18 inches high and 12 inches wide on 
the top. All these plots are levelled by a water-level, a bam- 
boo split in half and placed horizontally upon a vertical 
stake and filled with water; the bamboo must thus be quite 
horizontal or the water would run over the ends, where the 
bamboo staves are sighted. Throughout the fall or decline 
of the valley these plots are one lower than another, the 
water being admitted to the highest and passed from one 
plot to another by openings in the banks surrounding each 

; These plots are usually dug or rather turned over by a 
heavy drag fork, which is struck into the soft ground by the 
husbandman and then pulled towards him, thus effectually 
turning over the surface of the rice plot to a depth of 12 
inches ; water is then admitted into the plot, and a horse 
draws a rake or harrow, which is pressed down from behind by 
the husbandman or lifted when clogged; a little rice husk or 
green weeds appear to be the only manure given at this stage. 
After thoroughly stirring and mixing the soil into mud, the 
rice plants are taken out in bunches from the seed-bed and 
transplanted singly by hand in rows or drills about 9 inches 
apart in the rice plots, and 2 inches of water is run into and 

78 Extracts from Diary in Japan. 

kept over the surface of the plot. The transplanting begins 
about the 5th of June and ends about the 25th; the rice 
comes into ear in September, and is reaped in November and 
December, and laid upon the banks of the plots; afterwards 
carried to the side of the valley, and the straw drawn through 
an iron comb fixed upon a trestle. The grain being thus 
stripped from the straw, is conveyed to.the farmer’s store. 
The rice-straw is tied around the stems of the alder and 
other trees which surround the rice fields, and is used for 
fodder for horses, &c. 

Liquid manure is sometimes applied to the rice, but as a 
rule the manure used for the previous crops is sufficient. 
Before the rice is reaped the plots are drained by allowing 
the water to flow away through the apertures which feed 
from plot to plot. As soon as the rice is cleared the ground 
is broken up, and a root crop, or barley, or buckwheat, or 
some other crop grown which can be removed in time for the 
next rice-planting, Barley is harvested before the middle 
of June. These crops are manured by liquid manure poured 
along the drills from a hand-ladle; this is the most import- 
ant, as no other manure is used, and yet the same cultivation 
has gone on for centuries with a constant growth of rice year 
after year upon the same land. Japan is thus entirely self- 
supporting. All excreta or feecal matter is carefully retained 
in tanks or earthenware jars, which are emptied once or twice 
a week by the agriculturists, who fetch it in deep wooden 
buckets and carry it across their shoulders for miles to their 
farms ; it is also taken long distances in these buckets slung 
across a pack horse ; also by barges along the canals. There 
are in many places municipal large tanks for receiving it, 
ready for water carriage. 

The application to the plant is very important. It is 
carried to the farm, there stored in an open tank preserved 
from the rain by a thatched roof, but exposed to the atmo- 
sphere ; fermentation at once takes place, the gases pass 
away, and it is then poured along the drills by the side of 
the growing crop and frequently upon it, which it does not 
injure, probably because fermentation in the atmosphere has 
taken place. 

It is estimated that the excreta from eight adults keep an 
acre in the highest cultivation, producing at the rate per 
diem of one pound of grain or pulse and one and a half 
pounds of green vegetable. This with a little fish and eggs 

Extracts from Diary in Japan. | 79 

forms the food of the Japanese. In other words, it is 
estimated that eight adults live from the produce of one 
acre, and keep it in heart as above stated. To go minutely 
into this subject would make the paper too long, but it has 
been carefully calculated. In England the excreta from 800 
to 1200 persons is used per acre without profitable result, 
as stated this session at the Institute of Civil Engineers of 

The rice grain is husked or shelled in wooden mortars by 
a concave wooden pestle, a number of which are worked by 
a wooden shaft, fitted with wooden pegs forming cams, the 
shaft being driven by a waterwheel constructed entirely of 
wood. Stone-husked rice is not liked, the wooden pestles 
producing a high polish upon the kernel. 

Many species of roots are eaten; the sweet potato 
(dioscorea batatas) most largely, and is very delicious when 
properly cooked. There are also two species of roots, one 
grown on dry ground and one in the rice fields; each of 
these have leaves like the arrow head or arum (calla); all 
these three, as well as the ordinary potato, are called imo. 

The beautiful lotus (with its lovely, large, lily-like white 
or pink blossoms, and large deep green leaves, floating upon 
the water or waving in the wind) is considered a great 
delicacy. The root is boiled or steamed, and has a slightly 
sweet but most agreeable flavour. 

Of the root crops grown on dry ground the giant radish 
(daicon) has the largest consumption, perhaps; it is eaten in 
every way—boiled fresh, dried and boiled, &c. It is coarse 
in flavour, in size it is about 24 inches long by 2 inches 
diameter. Carrots and leeks are largely grown; onions and 
turnips sparsely. The whole country is irrigated where 
possible ; the irrigation is simple, perfect, and inexpensive. 

The white mulberry is cultivated to a large extent, but 
chiefly in small patches by farmers whose families raise 
silkworms; a large amount of silk is produced from 
bombyx mori by cottagers. The bombyx of the oak (the 
yamamai) also produces a considerable quantity of coarse 
silk; in a wild state a silk is likewise obtained from the 
bombyx (which feeds upon the ailanthus as well as the 
- oak), the cocoon of which is open like network. The silk 
is chiefly reeled by hand, but one establishment in Yedo 
reels by water-power. 

The woven silks have not been equal to those of foreign 


80. Extracts from Diary in Japan. 

production, and the Government have imported filateurs 
from France to improve the silk manufacture. 

Paper-making is one of the arts developed to the greatest 
extent. The paper is said to be manufactured by cottagers 
and farmers from the bark of the mulberry (the inner bark 
being separated from the outer), macerated by boiling, and 
pounded into a pulp with rice-water and spread out in thin 
layers; the outer bark being made into a coarse paper. 
Several European paper-mills have been erected where the 
paper is made from rags, &c.; these mills produce good 
white paper. The Japanese paper is of yellow cast, but is 
extremely tough, and is used for waterproof coats, windows, 
umbrellas (parapluis), tobacco pouches, and a variety of other 
purposes, and last, not least, for pocket-handkerchiefs. 

_ Very many of the birds are identical with those of Europe. 
The sparrow is seen everywhere in large quantities ; and 
although pyrgita montana, the tree sparrow of Europe, it 
breeds almost entirely in houses, and has exactly the habit 
of the London sparrow; but the plumage of the female is 
similar to that of the male. 

The hawfinch (cocco thraustes vulgaris), bullfinch (loxia 
pyzrhula), crossbill (loxia curvirostra), bramblefinch (fringilla 
montifringilla), redpole (Liynota linaria), siskin (carduelis 
splnus), greenfinch (cocco thraustes chloris), house swallow 
(which migrates, appearing again on 5th April), skylark, 
pippet-lark, long-tail titmouse, large tomtit, small tomtit, 
wren, golden-crested wren, jay, waxwing, nuthatch, &c., are 
the same as those of Europe, with English song and call— 
that is, the song and call are exactly similar to those of 
the same species in England. There are numerous others, 
such as the linnet, which differ from the Huropean species, 
and very many which are not found in Europe. The birds 
of prey are, many of them, identical with those of Europe. 

The reptiles appear to differ from those of Hurope. There 
are several species of snakes which are very abundant, many 
of them frequenting the trees; all are harmless excepting 
the marmouchi, which closely resembles the adder of 

The most wonderful reptile is the Sieboldia maxima, a 
large animal about four feet in length, very robust, and 
nearly black, with four legs and flattened tail, resembling in 
character the water eft or newt; it is found in the rivers, 
and is harmless. Baron Siebold had a fine live specimen, 

Extracts from Diary in Japan. 81 

which required two persons to lift it from its bath; it 
appeared to be sluggish in its movements. 

The insects are perhaps the most interesting to the natu- 
ralist, especially the Lepidoptera, as so many are identical 
with those of Europe. Referring to a few of the papilionide, 
or butterflies, the following are identical with those of Eng- 
land :—Papilio machaon, pieris rape, pieris napi, leptoria, 
candida, gonepteryx rhamni, colias hyale, argynnis paphia, 
argynnis aglaia, argynnis adippe, vanessa io, vanessa antiopa, 
vanessa polychloros, vanessa cardui, limenitis sybilla, lyccena, 
phlceas, polyommatus argiolus. These are English species, 
but the butterflies generally in Japan are very numerous 
and lovely. 

The following are some of the moths identical with those 
of England:—Smerinthus ocellatus, acherontia atropos (con- 
sidered a different species in England, and named acherontia 
styx, but the larvee and imago appear to be identical), sphinx 
convolvuli, choerocampa elpcenor, macroglossa stellatarum, 
clisiocampa neustria; dendrolimus pini is abundant, but 
whether identical is doubtful; gastropacha quercifolia, stan- 
ropus fagi, clostera curtulee, cerura furcula, cerura binula, 
porthetria dispar, psilura monacha, porthesia chrysorrheea, 
porthesia auriflua, spilosoma menthastri, spilosoma lubrice- 
peda, spilosoma urticze, spilosoma salicis, arctia caja, enthe- 
monia rusula, miltochrysta miniata, lithosia complana, 
lithosia quadra. 


Several of lytcea, or rustics, as also most of the agrotis; 
segetum, and others; many of the graphiphora, orthosia, 
mythimna, segetia, caradrina, grammesia, glea, amphipyra, 
lerouris, calocampa, xylophasia, hadena, euplexia, mamestria, 
Thyatira, scoliopteryx, acronycta, ceratopacha, cosmia ; most 
of the xanthia, orbona, and gortyna, phlogophora, cuculia, 
plusia, heliothis, ophiusa, mormo, and catocala. 

To go through the thin body moths would occupy too 
much time; but the larger number of English species are 
found in Japan. , 

In enumerating the above it must be understood that the 
numerous species omitted because not identical with those 
of England are far more beautiful than those mentioned. 
The papilio, or swallow-tail butterflies; the apatura, or 
Emperor; the thecla, or hair-streak; the parnassus, or 
Apollo, &c, are very grand, Also the large family of 

H 2 


82 Extracts from Diary in Japan. 

sphingide, particularly the clear wings or sesia, which are 
magnificent ; and the species. of catocala are lovely beyond 

The humble bees are numerous; several species identical 
with those of England. Also the hornet, which is abundant ; 
of this there are two or three species, one identical. The 
wasps differ; all have their nests on trees or some other 
dry place, the ground being too wet. It is curious to see the 
nests in rose bushes, &c., slung from a bough ; and although 
they are very numerous in species and in quantity they are not 
troublesome. The coleoptera are very fine, with many new 
species. | 

In referring particularly to the very many species identical 
with those of England it is remarkable, because Japan con- 
sists of a series of islands so very distant and isolated from 
England, and goes far to disprove Darwin’s theory that the 
farther species are from species—that is, the more they are 
diffused by distance—the more they must differ, having to 
struggle for existence over so great a space. 

This paper must be received as a series of notes, not as a 
carefully written paper, as it has been written hurriedly ; 
but it is hoped that there will be some matter which may 
prove interesting, as the whole may be relied upon as facts 
gathered by actual observation, although even then slight 
errors creep in. 

3 ¥. C. CHRISTY. 
5th September, 1877. 

17TH OcTOBER, 1876. 

January 20th, 8.40 p.m—Very severe vertical shocks; 
threw the wine out of champagne glasses, which were only 
half full ; commenced by slight shock, immediately followed 
by severe shock, which lasted about three seconds, unaccom- 
panied by noise ; fine calm night, rained next day. 

January 29th, 4 a.m.—Severe oscillating shocks ; snowing 
all day, 15 inches deep on ground. 

January 11th, 5.40 pm.—Two very severe shocks, one 
immediately after the other. Whilst walking on the grass 
plot in front of dwelling the earth undulated from 1 to 3 
inches ; the trees rose and rocked as the wave rolled along ; 
the wave appeared to travel from west to east. Second 
shock very severe, oscillating and trembling motion, causing 

Extracts from Diary wm Japan. 83 

the house to shake as though the tiles and windows would 
be thrown out of their places; no noise, excepting from the 
shaking of the house, which was so alarming that it was 
thought advisable to keep at a distance from it. The house 
is large, two story, heavily framed in timber, faced and 
roofed with tiles; the evening lovely and calm, with clear 
sky. First shock lasted 2 to 3 seconds, 2 to 3 seconds 
interval, then second shock lasting 3 to 4 seconds. During 
the day, which was unusually warm, a depressing sensation 
was observed. 

February 13—Three shocks during night; snowed all day. 

February 26th, about 9 pm.—Slight shock; day fine and 

March 9th, 12.10 (noon).—Sharp shock. 

March 13th, at night, 12.20 a.m—RModerate shock ; gale 
sprung up, which lasted from 2 a.m. till 11 am., with rain; 
night very warm. 

March 31st, 7.40 p.m.—Long, but not severe oscillating 
shock, apparently from west to east; lasted several seconds ; 
weather calm. 

April 11th, 2.25 a.m—Slight shock ; two seconds after, a 
severe shock. 4 am—Slight shock. 

April 12th, 7.10 a.m.—Severe shock. 

April 17th, 6.30 p.m—Sharp shock ; day very fine. 

April 21st, 5.30 a.m.—Slight shock, 

April 25th, 5 a.m.—Slight shock. 1.58 p.m.—Severe and 
long shock. Day fine. 

April 27th, 5 am.—Slight shock; strong wind. 

May 3rd, 9.50 a.m.—Sharp shock ; squall came up with 

May 7th, 9. 30. —Sharp shock, lasted several seconds; 
rained all day. 

May 21st, 10.20. a.m—Slight shock ; day fine. 

May 24th, 9.30. am.—Slight shock ; day fine, overcast in 
afternoon, rain at night. 

June 25th, 6.15 p.m.—Very severe and long shocks ; ia 
cloudy and cold, with wind, 

July 16th, 10 a.m —Shight shock. 

July 30th, 10.5 am.—Very severe undulating shock ; day 
fine, very warm, 

August 5th—Slight shock; day fine, very warm. 

August 20th, 4. 30 p.m. —Slight shock ; heavy thunder- 
storm, with vivid lightning. 

84 Attraction of Gravitation 

August 24th, at night—Slight shock ; sultry, with rain. 

August 27th, 2 a.m.—Slight shock, rained heavily. 9.10 
p-m.—Slight shock, oscillating, lasted several seconds ; sultry 
. and overcast. 

September 14th, 5 p.m.—Sharp shock. 

October 16th, 6.30 am.—Slight shock ; day fine and calm. 

October 17th, 3 a.m.—Two severe shocks, and one slight 

Art. XII.—On the Probability that a Connexion of Causa- 
tion will be shown to exist between the Attraction of 
Gravitation and the Molecular Energy of Matter. 


[ Read on the 13th Sept., 1877.] 

In his recent paper on “ Force” Mr. Pirani asks what is 
meant when we say that one portion of matter attracts 
another. Is it to be supposed that just as a conscious being 
exerts a force upon an external object, so does one inanimate 
body exert a force upon another? To this notion he takes 
exception, and, as I conceive, with justice. For the idea that 
that which is itself devoid of energy should have the power 
of imparting energy to another body is opposed to all our 
intuitive beliefs. 

Yet the fact remains, that when two bodies are placed in 
space at a distance from each other, and left to themselves, 
each begins to set the other in motion—that is, each imparts 
to the other a certain amount of kinetic energy. 

Here we have a difficulty: on the one hand it is incon- 
ceivable that inanimate bodies should have the power of 
doing work, on the other there is every reason to believe 
that two portions of matter can do work upon one another. 
But in this connexion is not the word inanimate altogether 
misapplied? Now that we. know all matter to be replete 
with energy, would it not be more correct to regard it as in 
certain respects animate? Seeing that it is possessed of 
energy, it must be possessed of the power of doing work, 
and if we could establish a connection between this 
internal molecular energy of matter and its power of doing 

and the Molecular Energy of Matter. 85 

work upon other matter, we should at once remove this 

Our proposition would then be that two portions of matter 
animated by vast internal energies which are similar in all 
respects to the energies of animals, except that they are not 
accompanied by consciousness, have by virtue of this internal 
energy the power of doing work. 

I desire in this paper to inquire how far we should be 
justified in thus seeking in the known molecular energy of 
matter the attractive power which this matter certainly 

If there be two bodies at a certain distance from one 
another, each is found after a certain time to be possessed of 
kinetic energy, which was not previously in existence; and we 
have to inquire from what source this energy has been derived. 

In accordance with the principle of the conservation of 
energy, the reply must be that it has sprung from some an- 
tecedent energy; for if the sum total of energy in the universe 
be constant then energy cannot be. created, and cannot be 
produced from something which is not energy. 

Now let us ask—What is the pre-existent energy from 
which the energy of these attracting bodies has been 
derived ? 

We must carefully avoid being misled by the use of such 
a term as “Potential Energy ;’ for in referring the energy 
whose origin we seek to what is called potential energy, we 
should at once beg the whole question. When Professor 
Rankine invented this term, he never intended that it should 
be used to represent any real form of energy. It is an 
analytical artifice of great use, but merely representing the 
potentiality as distinguished from the actual existence of 
energy. It isa condensed statement of the fact that if a 
body be left to itself it will after a certain time have 
acquired a certain amount of energy. But the question 
we propose is still untouched—From what source has this 
derived energy been obtained ? 

We have to decide in what direction we may, with most 
hope of success, seek this unknown source. Is it external 
to the attracting bodies, or is it internal? In other words, 
when two portions of matter in space begin to move towards 
one another, is this motion due to external energies driving 
them together, or to the internal energies of matter itself 
tending to draw the two portions together ? 

S6 - Attraction of Gravitation 

There can be little doubt that the latter is by far the 
more promising direction of inquiry. For we know that 
all matter is possessed of eternal energy, whose amount is 
far more than sufficient to explain all the known effects 
of gravitation. Hach atom is for ever in motion, and there- 
fore fraught with its own store of kinetic energy due to 
this motion, the gross amount of these molecular energies 
being far beyond any force to which living beings can pre- 

On the other hand, to refer the energy arising from 
gravitation to energies external to the bodies themselves, 
is in every way unsatisfactory. Newton at first declined 
to speculate on this subject, declarmg that there was no 
known energy external to the bodies to which their result- 
ing energy could he attributed. Pressed by the importu- 
nities of his friends, he formed a theory of the causation of 
gravitation, referring it to supposed external agencies; but 
he attaches no value to his speculations, as they are based 
on the utterly unscientific method of explaining the existence 
of a known effect, by assuming the existence of an imagi- 
nary cause invented for the sole purpose of explaining 
that effect. 

The same objection is open to the theories of Lesage and 
Mossotti. Jf we allow to Lesage that the universe is filled 
with extra-mundane particles, moving at high velocities 
and impinging on all bodies, and if we allow that these 
bodies have a cage-like structure, then gravitation may be 
partly explained ; but an hypothesis which calmly assumes 
two important propositions, for the purpose of partially 
explaining a third, introduces more difficulties than it 

In the same way Mossotti requires us to allow, first, that 
all particles of matter repel one another, which is a gratuitous 
assumption ; secondly, that all particles of intervening ether 
repel one another, which is a second gratuitous assumption ; 
thirdly, that particles of ether and particles of matter 
attract one another, a third assumption, with this special 
objection, that it assumes the whole question, when it speaks 
of attraction between particles. Here, then, we have three 
assumptions for the purpose of explaining a single fact. 
The mathematical part of the work is handled in a masterly 
way ; but just as an equation is not solved, if we introduce 
unknown quantities and allow them to remain in our final 


and the Molecular Energy of Matter. 87 

result, so if we introduce assumed facts in explaining a 
known fact, there is in effect no explanation given. 

But the internal energy of matter due to the motion of 
its molecules, is at present a well-established fact, and is free 
from the objection of being an hypothetical existence as- 
sumed for the purpose of explaining a known fact. 

The case then may be stated thus: When two bodies are 
placed near one another and left to themselves, each acquires 
a certain energy. This must have been derived from some 
antecedent energy ; but the only antecedent energy known 
to exist is that due to molecular motion. Hence we shall be 
justified in turning our investigations, whether experimental 
or mathematical, in that direction. 

This is an explanation which has not been possible until 
within late years. Newton never dreamt that what we call 
inanimate matter is in reality animated by vast energies ; 

.had he known this fact he would perhaps not have 

regarded it as an absurdity that two such bodies should 
exert forces upon one another. 

That gravitation is due to molecular energy is also the 
result of the following consideration drawn from the analogy 
between gravitation and the forces of magnetism and elec- 
tricity. These three forces are the only known forms of 
attraction at sensible distances. They differ among them- 
selves in many respects, but they are, in their main features, 
so similar as to form a class very distinctly marked off from 
all other existences. Now itis certain that magnetism and 
electricity are caused in some unknown manner by the 
energy of material molecules. But when the forms of energy 
are absent to which these two kinds of attraction are pecu- 
liarly due, the portions of matter in question are still 
endued with the other forms of molecular motion, and are 
still found to possess a power of attraction similar to, 
though much less intense than, the other attractions. Is 
there not a large measure of probability in the belief that 
also in the case of this universal form of attraction, the force 
is due to the universal form of molecular energy ? 

A more definite idea of what is meant will perhaps be 
obtained in this way :—When an electro-magnet attracts a 

piece of iron in front of it the following action goes on :— 

Molecular vibrations are originated in the battery and pass 
into the core of the magnet. From this core they are pro- 
pagated out into space in the form of waves, and, in some 

88 Attraction of Gravitation 

undetermined way, the molecular energy of these waves is 
converted into the kinetic energy of the piece of iron. Soin 
the case of a permanent steel magnet, it has been shown 
by Clerk-Maxwell, Verdet, De La Rive, and Wertheim, that 
the attractive force is due to the molecular state both of the 
attracting and the attracted body. 

Now, take the case of a steel magnet which has been 
heated and allowed to cool. It has lost its special molecular 
energy, and its special attractive force; but it now possesses 
the ordinary form of energy common to all matter, and like- 
wise possesses the ordinary form of attraction common to all 
matter. Since, then, in its former state, its attractive power 
is known to be due to the energy of its atoms, there is a 
strong presumption, in the absence of any other explanation, 
that the attraction and the molecular state in the second 
condition, are causally connected. 

The following, therefore, is the theory to which the facts 
point :—When two bodies are placed near one another, the 
internal energy with which each is actuated is radiated imto 
space, but such of it as is mtercepted by the other is con- 
verted into kinetic energy in a manner analogous to that in 
which the molecular vibrations of an electro-magnet radiate 
and produce kinetic energy in the attracted iron. 

If this theory could be shown to be true, it would explain 
certain facts which seem otherwise to be explicable. 

- For instance, suppose a mass of iron at the surface of the 
earth to weigh one ton; then, if it were to be carried fifteen 
hundred miles upwards from the surface, it would weigh only 
half a ton. Now, what would become of the lost weight ? 
Faraday spent some months in trying to discover if weight 
lost in this manner is turned into electricity ; but his experi- 
ments gave no hopeful result. No other explanation has 
been given of this apparent disappearance of something from 
existence. But it is possible, that though this particular 

mass of iron has lost something, yet that something has, © 
nevertheless, not been lost from existence. And this is the 
result our proposition would give. For if we imagine a 
body in a certain position to receive a certain amount of the 
molecular waves proceeding from another body, then, when 
removed to twice the distance, it would receive only one- 
fourth the amount it previously received: The remaining 
three-fourths would be lost to this particular body, but would 
not be lost from existence—it would travel out into space ; 

and the Molecular Energy of Matter. 89 

and though it became attenuated the further it spread, yet 
it would as truly conform to the law of the conservation of 
energy as light does when not intercepted, but allowed to 
radiate into space. Thus, though our ton of iron loses half 
its weight, the loss could be easily accounted for without 
supposing the annihilation of anything. 

Again, it is known that all space is filled by a medium 
which is capable of conveying molecular vibrations ; that it 
conveys the motions of heat and light is certain; that it 
likewise conveys the motions which constitute magnetism 
and electricity was the belief of Faraday, and is now held by 
Thomson, Tait, Maxwell, and others who have written on 
the subject. 

Now Newton demands a medium for the conveyance of 
the effects of gravitation. In his letter to Bentley, he says— 
“That one body may act upon another at a distance, through 
a vacuum, without the medium of anything else by and 
through which their action and force may be conveyed from 
one to another, is to me so great an absurdity, that I believe 
no man who has in philosophical matters a competent 
faculty of thinking can fall into it.” 

This assertion has been severely criticised. Still the rea- 
soning on which Newton bases it is sound, and itis now 
generally held to be justifiable. 

Now since the ether which is known to fill space has the 
power of conveying molecular vibrations, this fact tallies 
very well with the supposition that gravitation is itself due 
to waves of molecular vibration. 

Our supposed origin of gravitation satisfies sufficiently 
well the necessary condition of supplying an explanation of 
the known laws to which gravitation is subject. 

First, the attraction which a body exerts is proportional 
to the amount of matter it contains. This is consistent with 
our supposition. For it has of late years been conclusively 
shown that matter is simply a name for a collection of such 
energies as are capable of making an impression on the 
senses. Thus the qualities of a body are dependent on the 
amount it contains of the various forms of molecular energy ; 
and its mass must depend upon the amount it possesses of 
some constant form of energy. Hence if we suppose that 
gravitation is proportional to this form of energy, it neces- 
sarily follows that gravitation is proportional to the amount 
of matter in the body. ~ | aus 

90 Attraction of Gravitation 

The second law has a greater significance than this. The 
attraction of one body on another varies mversely as the 
square of the distance between them. If 7 be the distance 
between the two bodies, then one of the factors of the ex- 
pression for their attraction is r?. Now 1 is a surface 
quantity, and if gravitation were a simple force acting in a 
simple straight line from a particle of one body to a particle 
of the other, then it would be difficult to conceive of any ex- 
planation for the entrance of such a factor. | 

But in the case of magnetic attraction, or of any other 
form of radiation, we can see easily enough the origin 
of this term. For in all cases of waves propagated from 
a centre, the square of the distance naturally enters. As 
the wave moves forward, it expands equally in two 
directions, and the expansion in each direction being 
proportional to the distance traversed, the intensity of the 
wave is lessened in proportion to the square of the distance 
traversed. Hence the inverse square is the law for light, 
heat, magnetism, and electricity. If we find the same law 
in the case likewise of gravitation, it strengthens to a certain 
extent the supposition that the internal energy of matter is 
radiated through space in spherical waves which obey the 
ordinary law of such waves, and decrease in intensity in 
proportion to the squares of distances they have travelled. 

In conclusion, it may be observed that of all the possible 
explanations that could be given of gravitation, the simplest 
and most likely is that the power of attracting lies in the 
mass of matter itself; and if we ask what it is in matter 
that gives it this power, we can scarcely have any other 
answer than that it is some form of energy due to the motion 
of the constituent molecules. It certainly would be a 
step in the establishment of that conformity of nature, 
to which all science tends, if it could be shown for gravi- 
tation, as it has recently been shown for electricity and 
magnetism—that it is the effect of molecular vibrations 
propagated through the same omnipresent medium which 
conveys the vibrations of light, heat, and actinism. Of 
course, no real advance will be made in such a theory 
until, by fresh experiments, or by mathematical investi- 
gations, founded on previous experiments, something like 
a reasonable explanation shall be given for the nature 
of the connection that binds the two together; till we 
shall be able to say how it is that a molecular dis- 

and the Molecular Energy of Matter. 91 

turbance propagated from one body is converted into an 
attractive force upon the other. And yet the present theories 
of electricity and magnetism are in the same state. It is 
simply known that they are the result of molecular waves, 
but the nature of the transformation is as yet a mystery. 
Clerk-Maxwell has given in six papers in the Philosophical 
Magazine for 1861-1862 a provisional theory for magnetism ; 
but there has been no great advance made in this direction. 
That the full connection will ere long be discovered, is almost 
certain ; and in the meantime it will not be without its pur- 
pose to point out that in the course of time it will, in all 
probability, be necessary to extend the same investigation to 

Art. XUT—Lxperiments on the Comparatiwe Power of 
some Disinfectants. 


[Read on the 11th October, 1877. ] 

THE object of the present communication is to record the 
results of a series of experiments on the comparative power 
of certain disinfectants when applied in the form of vapour. 
While this department of the subject has undoubtedly great 
practical importance in many ways, it has been compara- 
tively little cultivated, due no doubt, in some measure at 
least, to the difficulty which attends any attempt to carry 
out such investigations in an exact way. It so happens, 
therefore, that our knowledge on the subject of aérial disin- 
fection is made up mainly of vague impressions, which may 
perhaps be tolerably correct, but which are greatly in need 
of a basis of well-established facts and scientific investiga- 

It would be out of place for me to enter at any length on 
the general question of the nature of those remarkable pro- 
cesses included under the terms putrefaction and fermenta- 
tion; but it is necessary to state the opinion I hold on the 
subject, which is that now generally accepted by men of 
science. It may be said, then, that putrefaction, fermenta- 

92, Comparative Power of some Disinfectants. 

tion, and other allied processes are in their essential nature 
chemical changes brought about in organic matters by the 
functional activity of minute vegetable organisms; these 
changes being of a destructive character, consisting in the 
reduction of complex substances into simpler ones. Certain 
phenomena which specially obtrude themselves on our 
notice, such as the formation of disagreeably smelling 
matters in putrefaction, and the copious evolution of gas in 
ordinary alcoholic fermentation, are mere accidents. Among 
the allied processes referred to must be ranked, I think, the 
changes going on in the animal economy in the course of 
certain acute diseases, which, from their apparent analogy 
with the phenomena of fermentation, have been long named 
zymotic. ‘The investigations of some of the best patholo- 
gists of our own day have supplied evidence of a positive 
kind in favour of that theory; and with reference to a few 
of the acute contagious diseases there is, I think, satisfactory 
proof that they owe their origin to microscopic organisms 
belonging to the lowest order of plants. The doctrine of 
the parasitic nature of the ordinary epidemic diseases, 
founded partly on the analogy already mentioned, and more 
recently on the results of exact observation and experiment, 
has received a further confirmation from the beneficial 
results following the use of well-known disinfectants having 
a parisiticidal action in the cure, and still more in the pre- 
vention, of some diseases of the kind now under considera- 
tion. To prove the action of disinfectants in preventing or 
checking putrefaction in substances liable to it is easy; but 
when we have to deal with the living animal the matter 
becomes much more complicated, and hence perhaps the 
want of demonstrative force in the evidence adduced in 
favour of the action of disinfectants as preventive and 
curative agents in disease. An important step has been 
recently made by subjecting the virus or contagious matter 
of some diseases, such as glanders and vaccinia, to the 
action of disinfecting agents, and then testing its power of 
communicating the disease by inoculation. Such investiga- 
tions have been carried on by Dr. Dougall, of Glasgow, and in 
a more thorough way by Dr. Baxter, whose experiments are 
fully described in the Reports of the Medical Officer of the 
Privy Council for the year 1875. It is there clearly shown 
that the ordinary disinfectants—carbolic acid, sulphurous 
acid, and chlorine—destroy the contagious property of the 

Comparative Power of some Disinfectants. 93 

vaccine and glanders viruses when applied to them in the 
same manner and in the same strength as is found sufficient to 
destroy the organisms causing putrefaction, and thus to put 
a check to that process. The chain of evidence, therefore, 
seems very complete in favour of these two points—(1) that 
certain acute contagious diseases are caused by the introduc- 
tion into, and multiplication in, the animal body of minute 
vegetable organisms; and (2) that it is possible to destroy 
the contagious power of the virus by means of disinfecting 
agents, and so prevent the spread of these diseases. There 
may be room for difference of opinion as to what diseases 
can be included in this class; but there has been almost 
absolute demonstration supplied of the correctness of one or 
both of these points with regard to certain, and among these 
are to be reckoned especially anthrax, glanders, remittent 
fever, diphtheria, and vaccinia. When the virus has taken 
root in the body, it is very questionable if we can do any- 
thing to stay its progress. This is owing to the fact that we 
cannot introduce these parasiticidal agents into the animal 
system, In amount sufficient to destroy the morbitic 
organisms without at the same time doing irreparable injury 
to the delicate structures of which it is built up. But 
whilst we have thus to confess our impotence in the present 
state of our knowledge, and with the agents now at our 
disposal, I for one cherish the hope that the chemist, by 
means of the synthetical method of forming new compounds, 
will yet offer us some agent capable of doing all that is 
required. That salicylic acid has not done more to supply 
the want must have been to many, as it was to me, a grievous 

We are thrown back therefore on prevention as the great 
field of our activity in this department of practical medicine; 
and there we may with confidence look forward to triumphs 
oreater far than have been already attained, considerable as 
these are. 

As epidemic diseases generally spread by means of some 
virus, which has been formed in the body of animals 
suffering from them, and is conveyed in some way from 
these diseased animals to healthy ones, it is clear that if we 
could destroy with certainty all contagious matters as they 
leave the body the work of prevention would be done. That 
it is possible to destroy the viruses of all contagious diseases 
by mixing them with a sufficient amount of some disinfectant 

94. Comparative Power of some Disinfectants. 

may be regarded as almost certain, since it has been actually 
done in the case of several of them. Unfortunately, we 
cannot always obtain the virus in substance, so as to 
operate upon it in that way; and we are compelled, 
therefore, to consider the possibility of attacking it when 
suspended in the atmosphere, or attached to walls or other 
surfaces in a dried state. That some diseases are con- 
veyed by means of a dried contagium floating in the air 
seems to be certain, and therefore in the prevention of 
many diseases—such as scarlet fever, measles, small- 
ox—we have to face the problem of aérial disinfection, 
- with all its difficulties. The only experiments made to test 
the effect of disinfectants, in the form of vapours, on a dried 
animal contagium, which I have seen detailed, are those on 
vaccine virus by Drs. Dougall and Baxter. The general 
result of these was to show that concentrated vapours 
destroyed the contagious quality of the virus when they 
operated for a suflicient length of time, just as the same 
agents in substance robbed fresh liquid vaccine of its power - 
of communicating vaccinia. One other point is necessary 
again to adduce, and that is that the septic microzymes so 
abundantly found in ordinary processes of putrefaction are 
destroyed by the same agents used in nearly the same 
strength. These preliminary statements have now brought 
me to the ground and reason of my ownexperiments. Some 
of the animal contagia, as those of scarlet fever, measles, and 
some others, are almost unknown to us as objects of direct 
observation ; but we have every reason to assume that they 
are subject to similar vital conditions with those which have 
been made the subjects of experiment, and therefore will 
have their virulence annulled by agents which act in that 
way, either on septic microzymes or on vaccine virus. My 
experiments have been made with these septic microzymes, 
which are always attainable, and whose death or continued 
existence can be proved with greater certainty than is possible 
in the case of the animal contagia by the method of inocu- 
lation, which is always liable to some fallacies. It is known 
that bacteria of different sorts, and especially these septic 
organisms, can live and multiply in a perfectly clear solution 
of certain saline matters, and the mixture known as Cohn’s 
solution is admirably adapted for their cultivation. I used 
a slight modification of that originally recommended by 
Professor Cohn, composed of the following ingredients ;— 

Comparative Power of some Disinfectants. 95 
Tartrate of ammonia... e.5 Jie i. 2 
Sulphate of magnesia... #4, re hi 1 
Acid phosphate of potash nae 1 
Chloride of calcium ... rn) sd Ae =e 

Distilled water es ast vie axa 200 
When this solution is boiled and preserved from any con- 
tamination it remains clear for an indefinite time ; but if the 
smallest portion of any substance containing the septic 
organisms, called by botanists the bacteriwm termo, is added, 
it gradually becomes milky, the rapidity with which this 
occurs varying with the temperature at which the fluid is 
kept. The mode of procedure which I adopted was as 
follows :—I obtained a supply of the bacteria by adding a 
few crushed peas to warm water and leaving the mixture 
till it emitted a putrid smell, when it was found on micro- 
scopic examination to be swarming with these and other 
organisms. ‘Then, to obtain them free from admixtures, 
I inoculated a portion of Cohn’s solution with a minute 
drop of this putrid fluid, with the result that in less than 
two days the previously limpid solution had become quite 
opalescent. The bottle in which it was contained was 
shaken up, so as to obtain a uniform mixture, and a piece of 
filter-paper soaked with this, and then carefully dried in the 
sun for several hours. This bacterialised paper was pre- 
served between the leaves of a book, and small portions of 
it used as required. To guard against fallacies I used the 
following precautions :— A numberof small phials were taken, 
containing each about a fluid dram of Cohn’s solution, and 
after being carefully plugged with baked cotton wadding, 
they were kept immersed in boiling water for a few minutes, 
so as to ensure the destruction of any bacteria which might 
by chance have obtained admission. After cooling, a portion 
of the bacterialised paper, which had been subjected to some 
disinfecting process, was put into one of them, the plug being 
removed for as short a time as possible. For the purpose of 
saving time a number of phials were thus charged and put 
aside in some protected place at the ordinary house temper- 
ature. Asa check I placed beside them one phial to which 
nothing was added, and another into which a piece of the 
bacterialised paper, pure and simple, of the same size as the © 
others, was put. If the phial containing only boiled Cohn’s 
solution remained clear, this was a proof that there had been 
no accidental contamination, while if the one to which 


96 Comparative Power of some Disinfectants. 

paper not disinfected had been put became opalescent, it 
was evident that the bacteria in it were alive (in the sense 
that a dried seed is alive) at the time the experiment was 
carried on. No experiment was held to be satisfactory unless 
both of these tests were fulfilled. 

The endeavour was made to apply the disinfecting process 
in such a way as to allow of the results attained being made 
a guide in the practical use of these agents in every-day life; 
and in the use of vapours the time required for destroying 
the bacteria was the point investigated, the concentration 
being that which could be attained by the usual simple 


A wide-mouthed 8-0z. bottle was used, about a dram of 
erystallised carbolic acid being put into the bottom of it. 
The pieces of paper were suspended from a hook on the 
under side of the cork, which was fixed tightly in, and the 
whole left at the ordinary temperature of the atmosphere for 
carefully noted periods. A good deal of time was lost in 
feeling my way, in the absence of any knowledge at the time 
of similar observations. 

(1.) Two pieces of the paper were exposed to the carbolic 
vapour for 9 hours and then introduced into the solution. 
In both cases opalescence began to appear in 42 hours, show- 
ing that the bacteria had not been destroyed; though as the 
phial into which undisinfected paper had been put began to 
be coloured in 36 hours, it appeared as if some of them had 
been killed, or at least in some way paralysed. 

(2.) Two pieces exposed to vapour for 19 hours. Both 
remained clear. 

(3.) One piece each 11 and 14hours. Both remained clear. 

Suspecting now that the air contained in the bottle had 
not had time to become saturated with the carbolic vapour 
in No. 1, which was begun as soon as the crystallised acid 
had been put into it, and in view of the positive effect in 
Nos. 2 and 3, I next tried some shorter periods. 

(4.) One piece each exposed to the vapour for periods of 
22, 34, 5, and 7 hours. The first two became opalescent, 
whilst the others remained quite clear. This experiment I 
considered quite conclusive, as the opalescence began to 
appear in the following order:—With the undisinfected 
paper in 60 hours, with that exposed for 2? hours in three 

Comparative Power of some Disinfectants. 97 

days, and with that for 34 hoursin 4days. The longer time 
required in all than in Exp. No. 1 was due to the different 
temperature of the atmosphere, the first having been carried 
on in hot weather, and this in cold. 

It follows then that with the fullest possible concentra- 
tion of the carbolic vapour at ordinary temperatures an 
exposure of more than 34 hours is necessary to ensure the 
destruction of the bacteria. As the conditions, in ordinary 
measures for disinfecting the air of a room by means of car- 
bolic acid, can scarcely be made so favourable as in a closely- 
corked bottle, it must be evident that, as generally used, 
carbolic acid is useless for the purpose. To bring out this 
satisfactorily, however, I performed the following supple- 
mentary experiments. 

(5.) A tin of carbolic powder was taken, and all the per- 
forations in the lid opened. The powder was then shaken 
up and two pieces of the paper left suspended close above it, 
one for 10 and the other for 24 hours. The solution into 
Sal they were put became opalescent with both in 3 


(6.) Two pieces were sprinkled freely over with the car- 
bolic powder, and left uncovered for 10 and 24 hours respect- 
ively. With both the solution remained perfectly clear 
after 14 days. The powder was therefore good and showed 
itself useful when applied in substance, but the result of the 
whole series is to show that leaving vessels containing car- 
bolic acid or this carbolic powder in a room is useless as a 
measure for destroying contagion, and may indirectly be 
harmful by giving a false sense of security, and thus pre- 
venting the use of more efficient measures. 


(1.) One piece each exposed for 5 and 15 minutes to the 
fumes of sulphurous acid obtained by throwing sulphur on 
hot charcoal. The paper was suspended from a wooden box 
inverted over the vessel containing the charcoal pan, which 
- was placed at the opposite corner. The box was not very 
close, and the fumes escaped freely. The solution contain- 
ing the piece exposed for 5 minutes became cloudy in 60 
hours; that with the 15 minutes piece remained trans- 

(2.) Two pieces again in a closer box, but without very 
copious evolution of fumes, one for 5 the other for 10 minutes. 

I 2 

98 Comparative Power of some Disinfectants. 

Both caused the solution to become milky, though earlier by 
12 hours with that exposed for only 5 minutes. 

(3.) Two pieces for 3 and 10 minutes in a close-fitting box, 
the vapour being more copiously evolved. The 3 minutes 
piece became opaque in 60 hours, whilst the 10 minutes one 
remained quite transparent. 

It follows from the whole series that whilst it is possible 
to destroy the dried microzymes by an exposure to sulphur 
fumes for 10 minutes, it can only be done under very favour- 
able conditions. An exposure for 15 minutes, if at all 
thorough, will usually be sufficient. 


These were carried on in a bottle in the same manner as 
with carbolic acid, about half a dram of the ether being put 
into the bottom of a wide-mouthed bottle of about 5-oz. 
capacity, the pieces of paper being suspended from a hook 
on the under side of the cork. 

(1.) One piece each exposed to the vapour of ozonic ether 
for 10, 30, and 60 minutes. The 10 minutes piece caused 
opalescence in 44 days, the same time as the bacterialised 
paper. The other pieces left the solution unaffected. 

(2.) One piece each for 10, 15, and 20 minutes. The 10 
minutes piece caused only a slight opalescence after 54 days, 
the other pieces remaining transparent. 

It is clear from these experiments that in ozonic ether we 
have a powerful disinfecting agent, from 10 to 15 minutes 
of full exposure being sufficient to destroy the dried micro- 
zymes, and presumably the specific contagia of zymotic 
diseases. It is true that the high price of the ozonic ether 
would preclude its free use on ordinary occasions. These 
experiments are the only ones with which I am acquainted, 
as carried out in an exact scientific manner, and they have 
considerable interest in their bearing on the external appli- 
cation of ozonic ether in the form of ointment, as recom- 
mended by Dr. Day, of Geelong, for the purpose of destroying 
the contagium, and thus checking the spread of scarlet fever. 
It is very possible that direct contact with any contagious 
particles will render them powerless; but in view of the 
time required with the most concentrated vapour attainable, 
it is scarcely possible that the amount escaping into the air 
in the course of the process of inunction can have any effect 
on dried particles of contagium, which may chance to be 

Comparative Power of some Disinfectants. a 

floating about, or resting on walls or other surfaces. Ona 
small scale, and where the conditions approximate those of 
the experiments just detailed, the ozonic ether may therefore 
be used with advantage. 


The general impression in recent times is that chlorine 
does not deserve the great reputation it formerly enjoyed as 
a disinfectant, and, indeed, experiments have tended to show 
that when the gas is dry it has little or no power as a bleach- 
ing agent or as a parasiticide. I made one experiment in 
which the bacterialised paper was exposed, in a wooden box 
with a loosely-fitting lid, to the gas, evolved in the usual 
way by adding a few drops of muriatic acid to chloride of 
lime. The chloride of lime was rather damp, and a good 
deal of moisture was carried up with the gas. Three pieces 
of the paper were left suspended in the box for 1, 3, and 44 
hours respectively. The solution containing the 1 hour 
piece became milky in 44 days, the other two remaining 
quite clear. 

It appears then that, used in the manner described, 
chlorine, though not equal to sulphurous acid, is more 
powerful than carbolic acid. As ordinarily used, however, 
it can serve no good purpose, and sprinkling small quanti- 
ties of chloride of lime on floors and other surfaces, in the 
hope of affecting any contagious matters floating in the air, 
must really be regarded as mere trifling. 

V.—EXPERIMENTS WITH Dry Heat oF 212° Fane. 

These may not have very much value; but as I have not 
met with similar ones, they may be given for what they are 
worth. In the absence of any more elaborate scientific 
armamentarium, I adopted the following procedure :—Two 
short, wide-mouthed bottles were carefully washed and then 
heated strongly in an oven, so as to ensure the removal of all 
moisture and the destruction of any organisms which they 
might by chance have contained. When still warm a piece 
of the bacterialised paper was put into each, and a good 
plug of baked cotton inserted into the mouth, which was 
further covered with a cap of the same material. They 
were then immersed in water, which was kept boiling for 
noted periods. The paper lying flat on the bottom of the 

i be 

100 . Comparative Power of some Disinfectants. 

bottles must have been exposed to a temperature nearly, if 
not quite, up to 212° Fahr. 

(1.) One piece each for 10 and 30 minutes. The solution 
in both remained transparent, but I was somewhat doubtful 
of the trustworthiness of the result, as that which con- 
tained the unheated paper showed only a slight cloudiness 
after 4 days, This circumstance will be referred to again. 

(2.) One piece each for 15 and 45 minutes. The solution 
with the 15 minutes piece became cloudy only in 4 days, the 
test bottle being opalescent at the end of 24 days. The 45 
minutes piece had no effect. 3 

(3.) One piece each 15 and 25 minutes. Solution in both 
cases remained transparent after 12 days. 

The conclusion come to, therefore, is that an exposure of 
these microzymes to a temperature of about 212° Fahr. must 
be continued for at least 15 or 20 minutes to ensure their 

Two circumstances of considerable interest came out in the 
course of the investigation, which I have reserved for separate 
notice. The first was that when the bacterialised paper had 
been kept for between two and three months, the organisms 
seemed to have lost their power of reproduction. What the 
cause may have been I am not prepared to say, but that this 
happened was certain, and it caused a good deal of confusion 
and perplexity in my mind, till I suspected the state of 
matters and prepared a fresh stock, with which satisfactory 
results were at once obtained. The paper was kept between 
the leaves of a book, and was dry and exposed to very little 
rubbing. Could it have been that in course of time the 
desiccation of the bacteria became so complete as to be 
incompatible with continued vitality ? Whatever the reason, 
it seems to follow that this particular species of bacterium 
cannot be kept in the dried state for very long periods 
without losing its vitality. 

The other point is also, I think, of some interest, as show- 
ing the varying capacity of resistance offered to disinfecting 
processes by the germs of different low vegetable organisms. 
Ona good many of the pieces of the paper which did not cause 
opalescence of the solution there appeared a copious growth 
of white mould, apparently the ordinary penicollawm. The 
spores must have fallen on the paper at the time when it was 
exposed to the air, and they must have been subjected to the 
same destructive influences as the bacteria; and as they 

| Comparative Power of some Disinfectants. 101 

developed an abundant mycelial growth in several instances 
where the bacteria had undoubtedly been killed, it is evident 
that they possessed greater powers of resistance. In the 
detailed notes of my experiments I find that the mould 
appeared on paper which had been exposed to the vapour of 
carbolic acid for as long as 8 hours, a period of 34 to 5 being 
sufficient for the destruction of the bacteria. On none of the 
pieces exposed to the fumes of burning sulphur was there 
any growth of mycelium. The ozonic vapour, again, though 
capable of destroying bacteria exposed to it for 10 or 15 
minutes, apparently had not injured the spores of the fungus 
after 60 minutes. Again, whilst the chlorine killed the bac- 
teria when applied for something over an hour, two pieces of 
paper, exposed to it for 3 and 44 hours respectively, showed 
a copious growth of mould. Even to heat the penicillium 
spores showed greater power of resistance. Thus the 
mycelium appeared on each of the two pieces of paper which 
had been treated for 15 and 30 minutes respectively, the 
bacteria being killed in both instances. None appeared on 
the paper which had been treated for 45 minutes, 

The conclusion to which I am brought, therefore, by the 
concurrent results of all these experiments is, that the spores 
of fungi are less easily destroyed than dried septic organisms, 
and presumably than dried contagium of zymotic diseases— 
as Dr. Baxter’s experiments with dried vaccine showed its 
power of causing cow-pox to be destroyed by carbolic vapour 
in about 30 minutes, by sulphurous acid in 10 minutes, by 
chlorine in 30 minutes, and by a dry heat of 185° to 194° 
Fahr. for 26 minutes. He ventures to express the opinion 
—founded not on his own experiments, but on a few made 
by others on yeast and penicillvwm—that the influence of 
disinfectants on such fungoid spores affords no measure of 
their action on contagia, since the former are very much 
more susceptible to adverse influences than the latter. This 
opinion is directly contradicted by the results of the exact 
experiments here detailed, which show that any disinfectant 
which destroys penicillium spores in the dry state may be 
depended on to destroy bacteria, and so, presumably, con- 
tagia, which are even more easily destroyed, as a comparison 
of my observations with Dr, Baxter’s on vaccine clearly 
shows, ; 

2 eS ge 

102. History of Paleozoic Actinology in Australia. 

Art. XIV.—On Heat and Molecular Energy. 

By H. 8. Patcuine, Esq. 

[Read 8th November, 1877. | 

Art. XV.—On the History of Paleozoic Actinology im 

[Read 8th November, 1877. | 

THE following condensed account of the study of the 
corals of the Australian palzeozoic rocks may be found of 
service to those who may laa take up the systematic 
study of this group :-— 

In the course of the surveying voyage of H.M.S. “ Beagle,” 
under the command of Capt. Fitzroy, R.N., during the years 
1832-36, Mr. Charles Darwin, F.R.S., Serer. to the 
expedition, collected two paleozoic corals in Tasmania. 
These were afterwards described by the celebrated actinolo- 
gist, Mr. Lonsdale, in Darwin’s Geological Observations on 
Volcame Islands,' published in 1844, under the names of 
Stenopora Tasmaniensis, and S. ovata. The genus Steno- 
pora was established expressly for these species in the work 
referred to, but was more fully defined in Count P. de 
Strzelecki’s work, published during the next year (1845), 
Physical Description. of New South Wales and Van 
Deemen's Land.* The full definition of the genus was 
accompanied by the description of two further species— 
Stenopora crinita and 8S. informis? —the former from New 
South Wales, the latter from Tasmania. In addition to the 
foregoing Mr. Lonsdale also described in Strzelecki’s work 
another coral as Amplexus arundinaceus,* and mentioned 
the occurrence in the limestones of Yass Plains, New South 

1 London, 1844 ; 8vo; Appendix, pp. 161-163. 
2 London, 1845 ; 8vo; P 262. 

3 Ibid, pp. 264- 65; pl. 8 , fig. 5, 

4 Lbid, p. 267, 


History of Palcozovre Actinology in Australia. 103 

Wales, of a species allied to, if not identical with, /avosites 
Gothlandica (Fougt.). 

In the Annals of Natural History for 1847 Professor 
(then Mr.) M‘Coy published his celebrated paper “On the 
Fauna and Flora of the Rocks associated with the Coal of 
New South Wales,” in which he gave numerous localities 
for Mr. Lonsdale’s species, and in addition described as 
new, two more—Cladochonus tenuicollis, and Strombodes 
Australis. } 

In the account of one of Ludwig Leichhardt’s explorations 
—Journal of an Overland Hxpedition, &—the Rev. W. 
B. Clarke described a coral found by Leichhardt in the 
Burdekin River limestone (Queensland), about lat. 19° 58’ 
11’ S. under the name of Cyathophyllum Leichhardti.? 

During the years 1838-42 the United States Government 
organised the well-known exploring expedition under 
Captain Wilkes, U.'S.N. The scientific results of this 
voyage were published in a series of magnificent volumes, 
the description of the recent corals, fossils, and geological 
notes being, amongst other things, undertaken by Professor 
Dana. In the Appendix to the volume devoted to geology? 
a large series of fossils from the palzeozoic rocks of New 
South Wales are described, including references to some of 
the previously-mentioned corals. Lonsdale’s species of 
Stenopora are referred to the genus Chcetetes (Fischer), and 
a new species was described as C. gracilis. 4 

A paper by the Rev. W. B. Clarke, published in 1848, 
“On the Genera and Distribution of Plants in the Carbon- 
iferous System of New South Wales,’® contains the record 
of a “corallite’ from the Newcastle coalfield, named by 
Leichhardt Corallites Wiltont. I here quite failed to find 
any further reference to this species—in fact, I do not think ° 
anything further is known about it. 

The importance of Professor M‘Coy’s paper on the New 
South Wales fossils forwarded by the Rev. W. B. Clarke 
to the late Professor Sedgwick, and which originally 
appeared in the “ Annals” as previously noticed, was evinced 

1 Annals Nat. Hist, 1847, Sek p. 227, pl. 11, figs. 8 and 9. 
_ # London, 1847 8vo; p. 212 

58. Explori ing Exped.; Geolog y, by J. D. Dana, New York ; 1 vol. 4to, 
Atlas, 1 vol. folio. 

# Pp. 711-712 ; Atlas, t. 11. 

> Quest. Jour, Geol. Soc., IV., p. 62. 


104 History of Paleozoic Actinology i Australia. 

by the republication of it in the Proceedings of the Royal 
Society of Tasmania for 1851,! with fac-similes of the 
plates. A useful and analytical review of what had been . 
done for the paleeozoic corals of Australia up to the time 
of publication of their work (1851) was accomplished by 
Professor Milne-Edwards and M. Jules Haime, in the 
“ Monographie des Polypiers Fossiles des Terrains Pale- 
zoiques.’2 These authors consider the coral doubtfully 
regarded by Lonsdale as Favosttes Gothlandica (Fougt), to 
be F Goldfussi (D’Orbigny). They follow Professor Dana in 
placing Stenopora crinita (Lonsdale) in the genus Chetetes 
(Fischer), and make the same reference but more doubtfully 
in the case of the other Australian species, S. ovata (Lons- 
dale), S. informis (Lonsdale),and S. Tasmantensis (Lonsdale). 
Another coral described by Lonsdale in Strzelecki’s work 
on New South Wales as Amplexus arundinaceus, is con- 
sidered by Edwards and Haime to be indeterminable. 
They lastly remark on Cladochonus tenuicollis (M‘Coy), 
that it is probably a young Syringopora. 

The Rev. W. B. Clarke published a list of the Paleozoic 
fossils of New South Wales, in 1860, as an appendix to his 
“ Southern Goldfields of New South Wales.”? Several 
genera and a few species of corals are cited. 

In the third volume of the “Histoire Naturelle des 
Coralluavres,’ * Milne-Edwards expresses much the same 
opinions on the foregoing Australian fossils to those enun- 
ciated mutually by himself and Jules Haime in their 
“ Polypier Fossiles.” 

Of the peculiar and problematical genus Plewrodictyum, 
Professor M‘Coy has recorded the occurrence of a new 
species in the upper Silurian rocks of the Upper Yarra 
district, Victoria,o> and has named it P. megastomum. 
No description of these species, so far as I know, has as yet 
appeared, the fact being merely mentioned in his paper. 

In his “Mémoires des Paléontologie,’ © my friend Professor 
L. G. De Koninck has given a valuable general list of palzeo- 
zoic corals, arranged in tabular form, showing their distribu- 

1 Vol. 1, pp. 313-314. 

2 Ketrait du tome V. des Archives du Museum. aed lk Naturelle ; 
Paris ; 4to ; pp. 235, 273-74, and 347. 

8 Sydney, 1860 ; 8vo; 3rd edition, pp. 285-86. 

4 Paris, 1860 ; 8v0 

s Annals Nat. Hist. 1867, XX., p. 261 ; Note. 

6 Bruxelles; 8vo.; 1857- 7 1, pp. 78-82. 

History of Paleozoic Actinology im Australia. 105 

tion. A column is set apart for Indian and Australian 
species; unfortunately, however, no distinction is made 
between them. I can only recognize three as distinctly 
Australian, viz :— 

Amplexus arundinaceus, Lonsdale. 

Cheetetes crinitus, Lonsdale. 

Cladochonus tenuicollis, ‘Coy. 

Certain small areas of the Gippsland district were con- 
sidered by Mr. A. R. C. Selwyn, F.R.S., to be, probably, of 
Devonian age.! Through the researches of Mr. Alfred 
Howitt, these localities have been well searched for organic 
remains, with the result, Mr. R. Brough Smyth informs us, 
of the discovery of forms which Professor M‘Coy considers 
conclusive on this point. In addition to the Spirifera 
Lericosta(Val.),and the remains of Placodermatous fish men- 
tioned by Mr. Selwyn, Mr. Smyth now adds corals, an assem- 
blage of forms which would indicate a close relation with the 
Devonian limestone of the Eifel. 2 

The “Nouvelle Recherches sur les Animaux Fossiles,” 
&c.,? of Professor De Koninck, contain an allusion to some 
Australian species which may be noticed in passing. The 
Stenopora Tasmaniensis (Lonsdale) and S. ovata (Lonsdale) 
are placed as synonyms of the European form Cheetetes 
tumidus (Phillips), but under the name of Monticulipora 
tumida (Phillips). Professor De Koninck, following M‘Coy, 
uses the name Cladochonus in a generic sense, and does not 
appear to participate in the opinion of Milne-Edwards and 
Haime, that most of the species described under that name 
are young Syringoporee. 4 

The list of Victorian Fossils drawn up by Professor 
M‘Coy forming a portion of Mr. R. B..Smythe’s “ First 
Progress Report’® contain the following summary from the 
upper silurian rocks of Victoria :— 

Favosites, two new species. 

Pleurodictyum megastomum, M‘Coy (m.s.). 

Stenopora, two new species. 

Palzeopora, two new species. 

Petraia, two new species. 

1 Physical Geography, Geol. and Miner, of Victoria; Ezxhib, Essays, 
1866, p. 10. 

2 Mining and Mineral Statistics ; Exhib. Essays, 1872, p. 40. 

8 Bruxelles; 4to; 1872, 

@ Pp. 143 and 152. 

5 Progress Report for 1874; Geol. Survey of Victoria, p. 34. 

106 History of Paleozoic Actinology in Australia. 

One of the most important contributions which has been 
made to Australian palzeontology of late years is Professor 
Koninck’s “ Recherches sur les Fossiles Paléozoiques de la 
Nouvelle Galles du Sud,”1 in which we have a most inter- 
esting and instructive account of the fossils collected by 
the Rev. W. B. Clarke, M.A., F.R.S., during his many wan- 
derings amongst the fossiliferous rocks of New South Wales. 
The fossils in question, as determined by Professor De 
Koninck, are of two ages—Silurian and Devonian. The 
silurian species appear to represent two horizons—the upper 
. Llandovery (May Hill sandstone) and the Ludlow.2 The 
corals appertaining to these divisions are :— 

(a.) Upper LLANDOVERY. 
Rhyzophyllum (?) interpunctatum, De Konenck. 
Strombodes diffluens, Edwards and Haime. 
Striatopora Australica, De Koninck. 

Aulopora fasciculata 
Syringopora serpens, Linn (?) 
Monticulipora (?) Bowerbanki, Edwards Sait Haime. 


(b.) LuDLow. 

Ptychophyllum patellatum, D’Orbigny. 
Cystiphyllum silurieuse, Lonsdale. 
Omphyma Murchisoni, Edwards and Haine. 
Cyathophyllum articulatum, Wohlenberg. 
Halysites escharoides, Lamarck. 
Monticulipora pulchella, Edwards and Havme. 
Alvcolites repens, Fougt. 

i rapa, De Koninck. 
Favosites cristata, Blwmenbach. 

i Forbesi, Edwards and Haime. 

ss aspera, D’Orbigny. 

a multipora, Lonsdale (?). 

‘. fibrosa, Goldfuss. 

4 Gothlandica, Fougt. 
Propora tubulata, Lonsdale. 
Plasmopora petaliformis, Lonsdale. 
Heliolites megastoma, M‘Coy. 

» Murchisoni, Edwards and Haime. 

1 Bruxelles ; 8vo.; 1876, p. 140; Atlas of Plates, 

3 P, 64 

History of Paleozoic Actinology in Australia. 107 

_ In a similar manner the Devonian species also appear 

_ referable to two horizons—an upper, probably equivalent to 

the upper Devonian, and without corals, so far as the speci- 
mens in Professor De Koninck’s hands showed : and a second 
somewhat below the higher, but above that which in Europe 
is so well characterised by the presence of Calceola sand- 
alina (Lamarck). The latter of the two divisions contains 
the black limestone of the Yass district.1 The corals 
recorded and described by Professor De Koninck are :— 

Phillipsastrea Verneuilii, Edwards and Hawme. 
Campophyllum flexuosum, oldfuss. 
Cyathophyllum vermiculare __,, 
obtortum, Edwards and Haime. 
Damnoniense, Lonsdale. 
helianthoides, Goldfuss. 
Amplexus Selwyni, De Koninck. 
Coenites expansus, De Koninck. 
Billingsia alvcolaris, De Koninck. 
Syringopora auloporoides, De Koninck. 
Alvecolites obscurus, De Koninck. 

- subsequalis, Edwards and Haime. 
Favosites Goldfussi, D’Orbigny. 
basaltica, Goldfuss. 
alveolaris _,, 
polymorpha. ,, 
reticulata, Blainville. 

ss fibrosa, Goldfuss. 
Heliolites porosa 7 

Since the publication of the foregoing account of the 
lower and middle palzozoic fossils of New South Wales, 
Professor De Koninck has been engaged in the examination 
of the fossils of carboniferous age, contained in the Rey. 
Mr. Clarke’s cabinet. The descriptions of these are now in 
course of printing, and Professor De Koninck has in the 
kindest manner forwarded me the advanced sheets. As his 
memoir will appear before these remarks reach the Royal 
Society, I feel that Lam committing no breach of professional 
etiquette in stating that on the whole the carboniferous 
fossils of New South Wales correspond in a very consider- 
able degree with the facies of the carboniferous limestone 




1 Loc. Cit., pp. 133, 134. 

108 History of Paleozoic Actinology in Australia, 

series of England and Scotland, combined with the presence 
of afew peculiarly Australian types. The similarity of the 
New South Wales palzeozoic fossils examined by him with 
those of the L. carboniferous series in Ireland was many 
years ago pointed out by Professor M‘Coy.! The confirma- 
tion of this opinion through Professor De Koninck’s studies 
is particularly gratifying, especially when we recollect that 
in both instances we owe the material on which these 
opinions were founded to the researches of the father of 
Australian geology—the Rev. W. B. Clarke, M.A. F.RS. 
The corals of carboniferous age determined by Professor De 
Koninck are— 

Axophyllum (?) Thomsoni, De Koninck. 
Lithostration irregulare, Phillips. 
- Basaltiforme, Con and Phillips. 
Lophophyllum minutum, De Koninck. 
a corniculum s 
Amplexus arundinaceus, Lonsdale. 
Zaphrentis Phillipsi, Edwards and Haime (2) 
is Gregoryana, De Koninck. 
i Cainadon i 
f, robusta 5, 
Cyathaxonia minuta 
Cladochanus tenuicollis, Coy. 
Syringopora reticulata, Goldfuss. 
. ramulosa “k (?) 
Favosites ovata, Lonsdale. 

One of the most interesting points to be noticed in this list 
is the reference to the peculiarly Australian species, Steno- 
pora ovata (Lonsdale), to the genus Favosites. Professor De 
Koninck states that the pores perforating the walls of the 
calices are irregularly placed—some in the angles of the ~ 
tubes, others upon the general surface of the walls. 

1 Annals Nat. Hist., 1847, XX., p. 311. 

Ratio of the Length and Height of Sea Waves. 109 

Art. XVI.—On the Ratio of the Length and Height of Sea 

By 8. R. DEVERELL, Esq. 

[Read November 8th, 1877. | 

OF the phenomena appertaining to water-waves none seem 
to have appeared more capricious to observers than the vari- 
able proportion of the height to the length of waves. Indeed 
such strange diversities are exhibited in this respect that 
writers have used themselves to speak of different kinds of 
waves as if they were of different species:—The short chop- 
ping sea; the steep high sea; the long high sea; the long 
roll, of medium height and length—that measured tread of 
old ocean, as an Arctic voyager has expressed it, which so 
oladdens the eyes and the heart of the Polar sojourner when 
he first strikes it; finally, the tremendous “comber” of navi- 
gators which from overhead threatens to bury the ship: 
these are often referred to as originating rather from differ- 
ent causes than as being so many transitions or attitudes of 
the same thing or entity. There is, again, the mysterious 
ground swell, which old seamen firmly believe to arise in 
some occult manner from the bottom, proceeding in slow, 
languid oscillations, but breaking with an everlasting roar 
and violence on the shore to which it is bound. Mere mag- 
nitude does not appear to be an essential characteristic of 
any of these forms, for they may all be met with in various 
degrees of size. Scoresby mentions waves in the Southern 
Ocean a quarter of a mile from peak to peak; but this can be 
by no means unusual, for in that vast sea,which may in truth 
be said to be the native home of the great waves, five waves 
to a mile is a very ordinary occurrence in a westerly gale, and 
the writer has counted five to a mile when the waves have 
not been more than six or seven feet high. The length of a 
wave in fact is by no means a criterion of its height: its 
actual magnitude is rather measurable by the area of a 
vertical length-section than by the height. Again, as regards 

_ the speed, the velocity, says Mr. Reed, seems to depend 

almost entirely on the length of a wave and not at all upon 
the height. It should be remembered that existing know- 
ledge on these subjects, to which general attention has only 

110 Ratio of the Length and Height of Sea Waves. 

been attracted during a few years past, is at present in an 
immature or rather embryonic state, as indeed is continually 
pointed out by its most eminent followers. The views and 
suggestions of any observer, however humble, are of value ; 
and the store of information which the British and French 
Admiralties—ever rivals in scientific progress—are now en- 
gaged in collecting, through their naval officers, in all parts 
of the world, must soon tend to formulate a completed theory 
of the subject. The extraordinary length of some waves 
in comparison with their height has often attracted the 
notice and the vague surprise of observers long even before 
the attention of mathematicians was drawn into the in- 
quiry. In a recent Admiralty circular Mr. Froude 
cautions officers observing waves that they must not 
neglect those of almost imperceptible height but from 
600 to 1000 feet in length, which greatly influence the roll- 
ing movement of aship. On the southern coast of Aus- 
tralia there is a well-known and remarkable difference in 
this respect in the character of the swell from the eastward 
and the westward. The south-east and the south-west direc- 
tions there extend over equally great stretches of ocean, but 
while the swell from the south-east is a short chopping sea, 
high and steep (usually 8 or 9 feet high and 150 feet long, 
or as 1 to 17), that from the westward is a long heavy roll, 
usually about the same height (8 or 9 feet) but 150 yards 
instead of feet in length, or as 1: 151. What I would here 

attempt to show, or rather to suggest, is that the varying 

ratio of height to length signifies or rather represents none. 
other than the process of increase or subsidence of waves, 
and that if we could follow a sea-wave from its genesis to 
actual extinction we should be able to observe it through 
all the various phases as to height and length which have 
been enumerated. 

That a certain force of wind acting for a given time will 
produce a wave of definite form is, I suppose, undoubted ; 
and I presume it will not be questioned that the same con- 
ditions will always produce the precisely similar wave whose — 
height is in a given ratio to its length. A certain force of 
wind, again, sufficient to obviate the loss by friction, will 
sustain in it this form ; but if the sustaining force be with- 
drawn, then, however far its momentum will carry it—and 
it is known to carry it thousands of miles—the wave must 
thence gradually decline ; and it is in this decline, viz., from 

Ratio of the Length and Height of Sea Waves. 111 

its maximum height to final disappearance or extinction, 
that the ratio of height and length must, in this view, vary 
through all the degrees observed in waves. 

But what is meant by the decline or the subsidence of a 
wave since the actual bulk or magnitude is neither mea- 
surable by its height nor its length, but by the area of a 
cross section? A volume of water has been raised to a 
certain height above the ordinary level; and in declining its 
height must decrease until the curve of its profile gets 
flattened out to a straight line. In what manner is the 
length thereby affected? Inquiry will, I think, show that 
the length is not only relatively increased (which it would 
be by remaining constant while the height alone decreased), 
but itself increases—that is, absolutely,in the act of the 
waves subsidence. 

Now, although we cannot accompany a wave in its onward 
progress across a sea to note the changes it undergoes in its 
transit, yet be it remembered that the same laws which 
influence deep-sea waves, however vast, likewise direct the 
movement of the smallest ripples, scanning which the eye 
may under favourable circumstances take in at a glance the 
phenomena here indicated. 

For instance, if a fresh breeze be blowing on a small piece 
of water so as to produce a series of riplets, and these travel 
into a part which is sheltered from the wind, it will be 
observed that at genesis the wave is steepest—z.e.,the ratio of 
the length to the height small, and that as long as the wind 
has a direct active influence in sustaining them the height 
preserves a large proportion to the length. As soon, however, 
as the direct support of the wind ceases the wave begins to 
decline hy, be it observed, spreading out in length and 
decreasing in height. The annexed diagram is made from 
observation in a spot favourably situated. The genesis of 
the riplet is at A (Fig. 1); from A to B, the point of matu- 
rity, it increases in size, the ratio of height to length being 
greatest during increase. In the mature stage (from B to C) 
the same ratio is maintained. At C, however, the wind has 
ceased its support, and thence to D the wave gradually sub- 
sides to extinction—.e., until the height becomes indefinitely 
small, and the length indefinitely sreat—in other words, the 
surface becomes flat. 

Such a diagram may be said to represent the life of a sea 
wave in miniature, for although it is the fac-symile of the 


112 Ratio of the Length and Height of Sea Waves. 

progress of a ripple only, from birth to extinction, the same 
reasoning obviously extends to that of the heaviest sea. For, 
be it observed, the largest sea must have had its origin in a 
primary wavelet, ag at the point A; and we have only to 
extend the period of increase from A to B further towards 
D, as in the annexed figure (Fig. 2), to obtain the larger 
waves. The magnitude of the wave, in fact, is proportional 
to the period of increase, while being increasingly urged by 
the wind during the progress of the wave from A to B, and 
this time must obviously be dependent upon the extent of 
the fetch of free water over which the wind may extend ; 
so that the strength and range of the wind being the same, 
the magnitude is proportioned to the fetch. A storm-wave 
therefore of forty feet in height may have the same profile 
as a ripple, from which indeed it must have sprung, and in 
the same way the declining ground-swell of an ocean has its 
miniature fac-simile in a pond. 

The annexed diagram (Fig. 3) may practically illustrate 
the foregoing remarks. A represents accurately the average. 
profile of the permanent south-west. swell in the Southern 
Ocean in latitude from 40° to 48° S., arising from the pre- 
vailing winds around the Pole. The curve is taken from 
entries of a number of profiles drawn from observation in a 
recent voyage of the ship “ Newcastle” from Melbourne wié 
Cape Horn to London, and the same curve and dimensions 
are identifiable throughout in the same latitudes. 5B in like 
manner represents the profile and dimensions drawn to the 
same scale of presumably the same permanent south-west 
ground swell as it reaches the southern coast line of Aus- 
tralia, averaged from many sketches of such profiles taken 
on the spot. The outline A therefore represents the swell 
in its active or mature state at or about its maximum ratio 
of height to length in a stage when the height and the bulk: 
of water moved oppress the mind with a sense of sublimity ; 
and B represents it in its decline, when, after having 
traversed forty degrees of a great circle, or more than two: 
thousand miles, it approaches ‘dissolution. The height here 
1s comparatively nil, and the length has increased almost to. 
flatness. Yet this enormous swell had its origin in the Polar: 
sea, as an initial wavelet, the relative magnitude of which 
could only be represented in the diagram by a dot. i 

Instead, however, of tracking a wave through this vast 
distance. we may picture it as fixed and subsiding in a single 

Ratio of the Length and Height of Sea Waves. 118 

spot without interfering with the logical sequence of the 
argument, inasmuch as it thus represents the same wave, 
filled by the same instead of by changed particles of the 
liquid to which its embodiment has been transferred. 

Let, therefore (Fig. 4), a, b,c, d, ¢ represent the profile of 
a wave from trough to trough, ‘the dotted line J, g being the 
mean or smooth water level. So far as the subsidence is 
concerned we may wholly disregard the actual movements 
of the particles, and conceive an indefinitely thin layer of- 
the liquid to be instantaneously fixed or congealed in the 
shape of the wave a, b, ¢, d,e. Here 4, c is the height, and 
a, 4, e the length of the wave. | 

It will be seen that the area b,c, d, h is that portion of 
the liquid which has been raised above the mean level. of 
the ocean ; while the areas d, g, e and b, a, f are that of the 
water which’ has been thereby depressed below the mean 
level; whence the area b,c, d,h above the mean level is 
equal to the sum of the areas d, g, e, and b, f, a below the 
mean level, since the filling of the lower areas by the upper 
would render the surface flat, 

‘Conceive now that the rigidity is slitketied! so that the 
ideal lamina becomes semi-viscous. The onward velocity of 
a wave keeps it from sinking suddenly, as does that of a 
hoop or a top; its decline, therefore, is not due to its onward 
velocity, and the slow sinking of a semi-viscous fluid may 
justly represent the process of its actual subsidence. 

Taking this view then to be correct, we may, under such 
an assumption, consider the wave as wholly divested, not 
only of any onward motion, but also of any rotatory move- 
~ment of the particles. This is nothing more than conceiving 
the form of the wave to be embodied of the same particles 
instead of successive ones. 

If the sinking of the upper area merely filled up the lower 
areas, the length of the wave would still remain the same, 
vizZ., a, 4, €; but observation shows that the length absolutely 
increases. Let the height of the wave have subsided to 
c’, then instead of the profile being the curve f”’, b”, cd’, e”, 
which it would be if the length remained unchanged, it is 
represented by the curve a’, b’, c’; d’ e', whose length (the 

dotted line ¢’, 2, a’) exceeds e, 7, a; v; ¢ now represents the 
height of the ‘declining form. 

‘Now, in order to simplify matters, we may—the two 
halves’ of the wave being symméetrical—treat only of the 

K 2 

114 Ratio of the Length and Height of Sea Waves. 

half shapes, viz., 4,¢, d, e,and 2’, c,d’ e’. The areac’, d',h is 
now equal to area dl’, e’, g’, and 7’, c’ is the reduced height of 
the wave, the reduction taking place from both sides of the 
mean level: The actual quantity of subsidence is measured 
by the difference between the areas e, 7, c,d and é, 7, c,d, 
or perhaps by the difference of d, h, ¢ and d’, h, c’, the 
change which occurs while the lamina of semi-viscous fluid 
is sinking into flatness. Whilst the exact expression for the 
profile curve is undecided—and it is to the determination of 
this that every inquiry on this subject at present tends—I 
am not aware so far as my own imperfect knowledge 
extends of any means of stating such difference: that is, of 
expressing the actual change in the ratio of height to length 
in precise terms of the diminution in height (viz., 2, ¢ 

But whatever be the precise function mathematically, the 
cause suggested will, I think, sufficiently account for all 
observed circumstances ; and it will explain also the peculiar 
difference noted between the easterly and westerly swell on 
the southern Australian coast in respect of the ratio of 
height to length. In those parts the south-east winds are 
known to extend only, and therefore to act on the swell 
only, a few hundred miles from the shore; the waves 
therefore having their genesis within this distance have not 
space to reach a lengthy decline, or, perhaps, even full 
maturity. Whereas the south-west winds start from the 
Pole, and the swell arising therefrom has an unbroken fetch 
for attamment of the highest possible magnitude, and 
thousands of miles for the slow process of decline in which 
it gradually increases its length and diminishes its height. 
_ The westerly swell therefore reaches the Australian shore in 
its declining stage, when the length is great and the height 
small; the easterly, in its mature or steep stage, when the 
waves are therefore higher, shorter, and more active, being 
urged or having been more recently urged by the wind. 

By the fetch of a particular wave at any moment is, of 
course, meant the distance it has travelled from its genesis 
as an initial wavelet until then. Let A (Fig. 5) be the 
point of commencement of the wave (and thence in most 
cases of the wind also), and A B its path or fetch when it is 
at the point B. If from points a, b, c, &c., in the fetch 
ordinates be erected representing the strength or velocity of 
the wind when the wave was passing those respective 

D B A 
FIG. {. 
i arm 
NN gl RE at ee 
B’ B A 



py tt a eee On a {V0 See oe a, OS ips 

(NA ZeCEEr = ee ee 

FORM &CIN LAT, 38, 5, 



aa I Se Se a OS a eS SS ee 

(pie ee SE ee ee Eee Se See ees 


Ratio of the Length and Height of Sea Waves. 115 

points, a certain curve (A C) will be traced out. When this 
curve is precisely the same as another it is certain that the 
same form of wave as to height and length will be produced; 
and, for the same reason, when the curves differ the forms 
of the waves produced will differ. 

Or, instead, let the abscissa A B be a time scale. The 
curve resulting from the time scale will have a definite 
relation to that from the distance scale; and it seems 
pretty certain, as like causes must produce like effects, that 
the form of the wave produced, as it exists at the point B, 
will be determined by the nature of these curves, and stand 
in some definite relation to the area A B C—a relation 
which, however difficult to determine, shows the infinite 
variety which the form of the wave (in which the height 
and length are only particular ordinates) may assume. 

_ Art. XVIL—WNotes on the Newly-found Satellites of Mars. 
By Rk. L. J. Ewery, F.RS., F.BAS. 

[Read December 13th, 1877, ] 

Art, XVIIIL—On the Telephone. 

By W. C. Kernot, M.A., C.E. 

[Read December 13th, 1877.] 




14th March, 1878. 

The President in the chair. 
Mr. Daniel Howitz, Superintendent of State Forests, was 
elected a member of the Society. 
The election of office-bearers for 1878 took place, with the 
following results :— 
President: R. L. J. Ellery, F.R.S., F.R.A.S. 
Vice-Presidents : E. J. White, F.R.A.S. 
Geo. Foord, F.C.8. 

Hon. Treasurer: Percy de J. Grut, Esq. 
Hon. Librarian: James E, Neild, M.D. 

Hon. Secretary : E. Howitt, Esq. 

Members of Council: H. M. Andrew, J. Bosisto, J. 
Jamieson, W. C. Kernot, E. J. Nanson, G. H. F. 
Ulrich, A. C. Allan, R. Barton, J. Duerdin, W. 
M‘Gowan, F. J. Pirani, J. T. Rudall. 

The Annual Report and Balance-sheet for 1877 were read and 
adopted, as follows :— 

“ Report of the Council of the Royal Society of Victoria 
for the year 1877, 
‘‘Your Council has the honour to report that the following : 
papers were read during the Session of 1877. 
“On the 20th of April a paper ‘On Force’ was read by Mr. 
F. J. Pirani; and another by Mr. 8. R. Deverell, entitled ‘On 
some Experiments in Propulsion,’ was read by the President. 

118. Proceedings, &c., for 1877. 

“On the 10th of May the President read a paper on ‘ The 
Present State of Meteorology,’ and the discussion on Mr. Pirani’s 
paper ‘On Force’ was continued. 

“ On the 14th of June Mr. W. C. Kernot read some notes ‘On 
the Construction of Telescope Tubes,’ and Mr. T. E. Rawlinson 
read one ‘ On the Coast Line between Warrnambool and Belfast, 
and the Permanence of Meteorological Phenomena over long 
Periods.’ | 

“ On the 12th of July ‘ Notes on Barometer Construction’ were 
read by Mr. G. Foord, and the President described a new method 
of regulating clocks. 

“On the 9th of August Mr. Ellery read a description of a new 
form of galvanic battery, and notes of the disturbance of water in 
tanks by the late earthquake ; and a paper was contributed by the 
Rev. Julian E. T. Woods, of New South Wales, on ‘ New Marine 

“On the 13th of September a paper by Mr. F. C. Christy, 
entitled ‘Notes from a Journal in Japan,’ was read by Mr. 
Howitt; and another was read by Mr. Sutherland ‘On the 
Probability that a Connection of Causation will be shown to exist 
between the Attraction of Gravitation and the Molecular Energy 
of Matter.’ 

“On the 11th of October Dr. Jamieson read his paper, entitled 
‘Experiments on the Comparative Power of some Disinfectants 
when Vaporised.’ 

“ On the 8th of November Mr. Patching read a paper on ‘ Heat 
and Molecular Energy,’ and Dr. Jamieson’s paper on ‘ Disin- 
fectants’ was discussed. Mr. Etheridge, F.G.S., of the Geological 
Survey of Scotland, contributed a paper, entitled ‘ Paleozoic 
Actinology in Australia ;’ and Mr. 8. R. Deverell’s paper, 
entitled ‘ On the Ratio of the Length and Height of Sea Waves,’ 
was read by the President. 

“On the 13th of December Mr. A. Mica Smith contributed 
notes of ‘Some Experiments in Gold Bullion Assay,’ and the 
President read some notes on the Satellites of Mars. Mr. Kernot 
then described the Telephone. 

“During the year a new Law (No. LIX.) has been added to 
the Rules, providing for the election of Honorary Corresponding 
Members not resident in Victoria. 

“Volume XIII. of the Society’s Transactions is now in the 
press and nearly ready for issue, and Volume XIV. will be pub- 
lished as soon as possible afterwards. 


Proceedings, &c., for 1877. 

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Proceedings, &c¢., for 1877. 



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Proceedings, &c., for 1877. 121 

‘The usual grant-in-aid of the Society for the purpose of assist- 
ing it in the publication of its Transactions was voted by Parlia- 
ment, and has passed to the credit of the Society. Debentures to 
the amount of £250 have been paid during the last year. The 
balance in hand amounts to £259 12s. 11d.” 

The Report and Balance-sheet were adopted. 
(Signed) Rost. L. J. Evuery. 


12th April, 1877. 
The President in the Chair—Present, 13 members. 

Mr. Edward Bage was elected a member of the Society. 

Mr. R. 8. Bradley (Grammar School, Stawell) was nominated 
by Mr. Ellery and Mr. Allan. 

Mr. James Macdowall Conroy (Deniliquin), proposed by Mr. 
Howitt and Mr. Rusden. 

Mr. Pirani read his paper ‘On Force,” which was ordered to 
be printed. 

The President read Mr. S. R. Deverell’s paper “On some 
Experiments in Propulsion.” Discussion ensued. 

The President read a letter from the Secretary of the Scientific 
Club, Vienna, offering the privileges of honorary membership to 
such members of the Royal Society of Victoria as might at any 
time be resident in Vienna. 

The Secretaries were instructed to accept this obliging offer, 
with due acknowledgments of its kindness. 

(Signed) Rost. L, J. Every. 

10th May, 1877. 
The President in the Chair—Present, 18 members. 

Mr. Bradley and Mr. Conroy were duly elected members of the 

Mr. H.8. Patching was nominated by Mr. Harrison and Mr. 

The discussion on Mr. Pirani’s paper, entitled “On Force,” 
was then opened by Mr. Rusden, and various members took part 
‘in it. 

The President then read his paper “ On the Present State of 
Meteorology,” and discussion ensued. 

(Signed ) Rost. L. J. ELLEry. 

122 Proceedings, &c., for 1877. 
14th June, 1877. 

The President in the Chair—Present, 22 members. 

Mr. H. 8. Patching was duly elected. 

Dr. John Fulton was nominated by Mr. Humphreys and Mr. 

Mr. Louis Le Gould was nominated by Mr. Ellery and Mr. 

The President read two messages from the Council; one in 
reference to the reprinting of such volumes of the Society’s Trans- 
actions aS were out of print; the other in regard to the alteration 
of the Laws, so as to provide for the Election of Corresponding 

The President read a letter from Mr. Louis Le Gould describing 
a remarkable meteor seen by him. 

Mr. Kernot read his paper ‘‘ On the Construction of Telescope 
Tubes,” and discussion ensued. 

Mr. Rawlinson read his paper ‘‘On the Coast Line between 
Warrnambool and Belfast.” 

Both papers were ordered to be printed. 

(Signed) Rost. L, J. Evuery. 

12th July, 1877. 

The President in the Chair—Present, 18 members. 

Dr. John Fulton and Mr. Louis Le Gould were duly elected. 

_ Mr. R. E. Joseph was nominated by Mr. Ellery and Mr. White. 

The President announced that a special meeting would be held 
on the evening of the next ordinary meeting, to consider the pro- 
posed new rule with reference to Corresponding Members. 

Messrs. Nanson, Rawlinson, Rusden, Henderson, Moors, and 
Sutherland were appointed a committee to consider the republica- 
tion of the early Transactions of the Society. 

The Librarian reported the receipt of foreign publications— 
English, 93; American, 43; Canadian, 21; French, 3; German, 
92; Italian, 27; Russian, 6; Spanish, 13 ; Dutch, 18; Danish, 
11; Batavian, 7; Brazilian, 3; Chinese, 2; Japanese, 1 ; together 
with publications from Australia and New Zealand, 42; making 
a total of 388. 

Mr. Ellery then read his “ Notes on the Late Earthquake.” 

Mr. Foord read his notes on “ Barometer Construction,” upon 
which discussion followed. 

The President then described a method newly invented by Mr. 
Joseph for regulating clocks by means of electricity. 

(Signed) Rost. L. J. Euuery. 

Proceedings, &e., for 1877. 123 

9th August, 1877. 

~The President in the Chair—Present, 14 members. 

Mr. Rawlinson moved and Mr. Howitt seconded that the fol- 
lowing rule be added as No. LIX. :— 

“LIX. The Council shall have power to propose gentlemen not 
resident in Victoria as Corresponding Members of the Society. 
The Corresponding Members shall contribute to the Society papers 
which may be received as those of ordinary members, and shall in 
return be entitled to receive copies of the Society’s publications.” 

The motion was unanimously adopted. 
The special meeting then resolved itself into the 


9th August, 1877. 

Mr. R. E. Joseph, of Swanston-street, was elected an ordinary 
member of the Society. 

The Rev. J. E. T. Woods and Mr. Robert Etheridge were 
nominated as corresponding members. 

The President read the following notes supplementary to his 
annual address :— 

“Reading over my address since its delivery, I am sorry to 
find that I have made several omissions, which, had I possessed 
more leisure before our annual meeting, would not have passed 
uncorrected. The best I can do now is to tell you of them, and to 
apologise to any concerned for my apparent remissness. 

“In the first place, it seems to me that, while referring to our 
Library and the necessity of making its contents more easily 
available to our members, I omitted to mention and acknow- 
ledge the continued efforts of our Honorary Librarian to bring 
about such a desirable state of things, and by the omission may 
have inadvertently attached some blame to Dr. Neild. This, 
however, was furthest from my intention, for no one knows better 
than I how much our Librarian has done and is doing in this 

“ Again, in referring to the progress made in our various science 
and art departments, I regret to find that I have carelessly omitted 
reference to several names of persons and instances of progress 
which the occasion demanded and should have been referred to. 

“For instance, in speaking of the prosecution of geological 
research in this colony, while I mentioned the names of several of 
our fellow-members who have distinguished themselves, I am 
exceedingly sorry to find I omitted the name of one who has 

aed ee 

124 | Proceedings, &c., for 1877. 

perhaps most distinguished himself in this direction—namely, 
Mr. A. W. Howitt, of Gippsland. Our knowledge of the 
geology of no inconsiderable portion of Gippsland we owe to this 
gentleman; and his continued researches, prompted solely by his 
pure love of the science, promise very largely to enrich our 
geological data of that portion of the colony. ‘This much at least 
I owe to the gentleman named; and to any others whose labours I 
have, by necessity or by remissness, omitted to refer to, I tender 
my sincere apology.” 

The President then read a note from Mr. G. W. Robinson 
describing the effects of the late earthquake in disturbing the 
water contained in certain tanks. 

The President then presented the Rey. J. E. T. Woods’s paper 
on ‘‘ New Marine Mollusca.” 

The President read his notes on various forms of galvanic bat- 
tery, and discussion followed. 

Dr. James Jamieson was nominated for election by Dr. Neild 
and Mr. Rawlinson. 

Major J. A. Anderson was nominated by the Rey. H. P. Kane 
and Mr. Howitt. 

Mr. K. L. Murray was nominated by Mr. Ellery and Mr. 

(Signed) Rosert L. J. ELLERY. 

September 13th. 
The President in the Chair. 

The following gentlemen were elected ordinary members of the 
Society :—Dr. James Jamieson, of Latrobe-street West; Major J. 
A. Anderson, of Brighton Beach; Mr. K. L. Murray, of the 
Electric Telegraph Department. 

The following gentlemen were elected corresponding members of 
the Society :—The Rev. J. E. T. Woods, of Sydney, and Mr. 
Robert Etheridge, of Edinburgh. The Right Rey. Charles Perry, 
D.D., was nominated for election as an honorary member. The 
President then read a communication received from the Royal 
Academy of Sciences of Turin respecting the prize established by 
Dr. Cesare Alessandro Bressa to be given once every four years 
to any one who shall make the most important discovery or publish 
the most important work. 

The Secretary then read Mr. Fr. C. Christy’ $ paper entitled 
“Notes from a Journal in Japan.” 

A vote of thanks for the paper was moved by Mr. Ellery and 
Mr. White, and carried, 

Proceedings, &c., for 1877. 125 

Mr. Sutherland then read his paper “ On the Probability that 
a Connection exists between the Attraction of Gravity and the 
Molecular Energy of Matter.” 

It was resolved that both papers should be printed and circu- 
lated for discussion at next meeting. 

(Signed) Rosert L, J. Euuery. 

October 11th. 
The President in the Chair. 

The Right Rev. Charles Perry, D.D., late Lord Bishop of Mel- 
bourne, was elected an honorary member of the Society. 

The President stated that he had received a telegram from the 
Astronomer Royal, requesting that search should be made for a 
satellite of Mars, said to have been discovered at Washington. 
Search here had been made, but was unsuccessful. 

. Discussion of Mr, Sutherland’s paper, read at the last meeting, 
then took place. 

Dr. Jamieson then read a paper—“ Experiments on the Com- 
parative Power of some Disinfectants.” 

It was resolved that this paper be printed, and discussed at next 

(Signed) Rosert L. J. ELLEry. 

November 8th, 1877. 
The President in the Chair. 

Dr. Jamieson read some notes supplementary to the paper he 
had read at the last meeting. 

An animated discussion followed. 

Mr. Patching read his paper on “ Heat and Molecular Energy.” 
Discussion followed. 

Mr. Etheridge’s paper on ‘Paleozoic Actinology” was then 
read by Mr. Ulrich. It was ordered to be printed. 

Mr. Ellery read Mr. 8. R. Deverell’s paper on “ The Ratio of 
the Length and Height of Sea Waves.” A vote of thanks was 
awarded to Mr. Deverell. 
(Signed) Ropert L, J. ELuery. 

December 13th. | 
The President in the Chair—Present, 20 members: 

Mr. Rawlinson notified his intention of resigning his position 
as member of the Council. 

126 Proceedings, &c., for 1877. 

Mr. Duerdin nominated the existing officers of the Society for 
election to the same offices at the annual meeting in March; Mr. 
Duerdin nominated Dr. Jamieson to fill the vacancy in the 
Council caused by the resignation of Mr. Rawlinson. 

These nominations were seconded by Mr. Humphreys. 

Mr. Duerdin and Mr. Humphreys nominated Mr. Henry Moors 
and Mr. J. Bosisto for election as Auditors, and accordingly these 
gentlemen were duly elected. 

Mr. Daniel Howitz, superintendent of forests, was nominated 
for election as an ordinary member by Mr. Ellery and Mr. J. B. 

Mr. Ellery read some notes on the newly-found satellite of Mars. 

Mr. Kernot described the ordinary form of the telephone. 

(Signed) Ropert L, J. ELurry. 

LAW 8. 

i —— 

I, The Society shall be called “The Royal Society Name. 
of Victoria.” 

II. The Royal Society of Victoria is founded for the objects. 
advancement of science, literature, and art, with 
especial reference to the development of the resources 
of the country. 

III. The Royal Society of Victoria shall consist of Yembersand 
Members and Honorary Members, all of whom shall bes. 
be elected by ballot. 

IV. His Excellency the’ Governor of Victoria, for Patron. 
the time being, shall be requested to be the Patron of 
the Society. 

V. There shall be a President, and two Vice-Presi- Officers. 
dents, who, with twelve other Members, and the follow- 
ing Honorary Officers, viz., Treasurer, Librarian, and 
two Secretaries of the Society, shall constitute the 

VI. The Council shall have the management of the Management. 
affairs of the Society. 

VII. The Ordinary Meetings of the Society shall be Ondine 
held once in every month during the Session, from” 

March to December inclusive, on days fixed by and 
subject to alteration by the Council with due notice. 

VIIL. In the second week in March there shall be a Anmual General 
General Meeting, to receive the report of the Council” 
and elect the Officers of the Society for the ensuing 

TX. All Office-bearers and Members of Council, Retirement of 
except the six junior or last elected ordinary Members, ae 
shall retire from office annually at the General Meeting 
in March. The names of such Retiring Officers are to 
be announced at the Ordinary Meetings in November 
and December. The Officers and Members of Council 
so retiring shall be eligible for the same or any other 

office then vacant, . 

Election of 

Members in 

Inaugural ad- 

dress by the 


Duties of 

Duties of 

128 Laws. 

X. The,President, Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Secre- 
taries, and Librarian shall be separately elected by 
ballot (should such be demanded), in the above-named 
order, and the six vacancies in the Council shall then be 
filled up together by ballot at the General Meeting in 
March. Those members only shall be eligible for any 
office who have been proposed and seconded at the Ordi- 
nary Meeting in December, or by letter addressed to one 
of the Secretaries, and received by him before the 1st 
March, to be laid before the Council Meeting next 
before the Annual Meeting in March. The nomina- 
tion to any one office shall be held a nomination to 
any office the election to which is to be subsequently 

held.. No ballot shall take place at any meeting unless 

ten members be present. 

XI. No Member whose subscription is in arrear shall 
take part in the election of Officers or other business of 
the Meeting. 

XIT. An Address shall be delivered by the President 
of the Society at either a Dinner, Conversazione, or 
extra meeting of the Society, as the Council for the 
time being may determine, not later than the Ordinary 
Meeting in June in each year. 

XIII. If any vacancy occur among the Officers, 
notice thereof shall be inserted in the summons for the 
next Meeting of the Society, and the vacancy shall be 
then filled up by ballot. 

XIV. The President shall take the chair at all 
meetings of the Society and of the Council, and shall 
regulate and keep order in all their proceedings; he 
shall state questions and propositions to the meeting, 
and report the result of ballots, and carry into effect 
the regulations of the Society. In the absence of the 
President the chair shall be taken by one of the Vice- 
Presidents, Treasurer, or ordinary Member of Council, 
in order of seniority. 

XV. The Treasurer may, immediately after his elec- 
tion, appoint a Collector (to act during pleasure), — 
subject to the approval of the Council at its next 
meeting. The duty of the Collector shall be to issue 
the Treasurer's notices and collect subscriptions. The 

Laws, 129 

Treasurer shall receive all moneys paid to the Society, 
and shall deposit the same before the end of each 
month in the bank approved by the Council, to the 
eredit of an account opened in the name of the Royal 
Society of Victoria. The Treasurer shall make all 
payments ordered by the Council on receiving a 
written authority from the chairman of the meeting. 
All cheques shall be signed by himself, and counter- 
signed by one of the Secretaries. No payments shall 
be made except by cheque, and on the authority of the 
Council. He shall keep a detailed account of all 
receipts and expenditure, present a report of the same 
at each Council Meeting, and prepare a balance-sheet 
to be laid before the Council, and included in its 
Annual Report. He shall also produce his books 
whenever called on by the Council. 

XVI. The Secretaries shall share their duties as they Duties of Secre- 
may find most convenient. One or other of them shall ae 

conduct the correspondence of the Society and of the 
Council, attend all meetings of the Society and of the 
Council, take minutes of their proceedings, and enter 
them in the proper books. He shall inscribe the 
names and addresses of all Members in a book to be 
kept for that purpose, from which no name shall be 
erased except by order of the Council. He shall 
issue notices of all meetings of the Society and of the 
Council, and shall have the custody of all papers of 
the Society, and, under the direction of the Council, 
superintend the printing of the Transactions of the 
Society. . 

XVII. The Council shall meet on any day within Meetings of 

one week before every Ordinary Meeting of the Society. 
Notice of such meeting shall be sent to every Member 
at least two days previously. No business shall be 

transacted at any meeting of the Council unless five Quorum. 

Members be present. Any Member of Council absent- 
ing himself from three consecutive meetings of Council, 
without satisfactory explanation in writing, shall be 
considered to have vacated his office, and the election 
of a Member to fill his place shall be proceeded with at 
the next Ordinary Meeting of Members, in accordance 
with Law XIII. | 

Special Meetings 
of Council. 

Special General 

Annual Report. 

Expulsion of 

Election of 

130 Laws. 

XVIII. One of the Secretaries shall call a Special 
Meeting of Council on the authority of the President or 
of three Members of the Council. The notice of such 
meeting shall specify the object for which it is called, 
and no other business shall be entertained. 

XIX, The Council shall call a Special Meeting of the 
Society, on receiving a requisition in writing signed by 
twenty-four Members of the Society specifying the 
purpose for which the meeting is required, or upon a 
resolution of its own. No other business shall be 
entertained at such meeting. Notice of such meeting, 
and the purpose for which it is summoned, shall be 
sent to every Member at least ten days before the 

XX. The Council shall annually prepare a Report 
of the Proceedings of the Society during the past - 
year, embodying the balance-sheet, duly audited by 
two Auditors, to be appointed for the year, at the 
Ordinary Meeting in December, exhibiting a statement 
of the present position of the Society. This Report. 
shall be laid before the Society at the Annual Meeting 
in March. No paper shall be read at that meeting. 

XXI. If it shall come to the knowledge of the 
Council that the conduct of an Officer or a Member is 
injurious to the interest of the Society, and if two- 
thirds of the Council present shall be satisfied, after 
opportunity of defence has been afforded to him, that 
such is the case, it may call upon him to resign, 
and shall have the power to expel him from the 
Society, or remove him from any office therein at its 
discretion. In every case all proceedings shall be 
entered upon the minutes. 

XXIT. Every candidate for membership shall be 
proposed and seconded by Members of the Society. 
The name, the address, and the occupation of every 
candidate, with the names of his proposer and of his 
seconder, shall be communicated in writing to one of 
the Secretaries, and shall be read at a meeting of 
Council, and also at the following meeting of the 
Society, and the ballot shall take place at the next 
following ordinary meeting of the Society. The 

Laws. 131 

assent of at least five-sixths of the number voting 
shall be requisite for the admission of a candidate. 

XXIII. Every new Member shall receive due notice 
of his election, and be supplied with a copy of the 
obligation,* together with a copy of the Laws of the 
Society. He shall not be entitled to enjoy any privi- 
lege of the Society, nor shall his name be printed in 
the List of Members, until he shall have paid his 
admission fee and first annual subscription, and have 
returned to the Secretaries the obligation signed by 
himself. He shall at the first meeting of the Society 
at which he is present sign a duplicate of the obliga- 
tion in the Statute Book of the Society, after which 
he shall be introduced to the Society by the Chairman. 
No Member shall be at liberty to withdraw from the 
‘Society without previously giving notice in writing to 
one of the Secretaries of his intention to withdraw, 
and returning all books or other property of the Society 
- in his possession. Members will be considered liable 
for the payment of all subscriptions due from them up 
to the date at which they give written notice of their 
intention to withdraw from the Society. 

XXIV. Gentlemen not resident in Victoria, who 
are distinguished for their attainments in science, 
literature, or art, may be proposed for election as 
Honorary Members, on the recommendation of an 
absolute majority of the Council. The election shall 
be conducted in the same manner as that of ordinary 
Members, but nine-tenths of the votes must be in 
favour of the candidate. 

XXV. Members of the Society, resident in Mel- 
bourne, or within ten miles thereof, shall pay two 
guineas annually, and Members residing beyond that 
distance shall pay one guinea annually. The sub- 

* The obligation referred to is as follows :— 

Roya Society oF VICTORIA. 
I, the undersigned, do hereby engage that I will endeavour to 
_ promote the interests and welfare of the Royal Society of 
Victoria, and to observe its laws, as long as 1 shall remain a 
member thereof. 


Members shall 
sign laws. 

Conditions of 



Entrance fees, 

Life Member- 

Durations of 

Order and mode 

of conductin 



scriptions shall be due on the Ist of January in every 

fe hung up in the Hall of the Society a list of Mem- 
bers, upon which the payments of their subscriptions 
as made by Members shall be entered. During July 
notice shall be sent to Members still in arrears. At 
the end of each year a list of Members who have not 
paid their subscriptions shall be prepared, to be con- 
sidered and dealt with by the Council. 

At the commencement of each year there shall 

XXVI. Newly-elected Members shall pay an 

entrance fee of two guineas, in addition to the sub- 
scription for the current year. Those elected after the 

Ist of July shall pay only half of the subscription for 

the current year. If the entrance fee and subscrip- 
tion be not paid within one month of the notification 

of election, a second notice shall be sent, and if pay- 

ment be not made within one month from the second 
notice, the election shall be void. Members, resident 
in Melbourne, or within ten miles thereof, may com- 
pound for all Annual Subscriptions of the current and 
future years by paying £21; and Members residing 
beyond that distance may compound in like manner by 
paying £10 10s. 

XXVII. At the ordinary meetings of the Society 

the chair shall be taken punctually at eight o’clock, 
and no new business shall be taken after ten o’clock. 

XXVIII. At the Ordinary Meetings business shall 
the business. be transacted in the following order, unless it be 
specially decided otherwise by the Chairman :— 

Minutes of the preceding meeting to be read, 
amended if incorrect, and confirmed. 

New Members to enroll their names, and be in- 

Ballot for the election of new Members. 

Vacancies among officers, if any, to be filled up. 

Business arising out of the minutes. 

Communications from the Council. 

Presents to be laid on the table, and acknowledged. 

Motions, of which notice has been given, to be 

Notices of motion for the next meeting to be 
given in and read by one of the Secretaries 

Papers to be read. 

Laws. 133 

XXIX. No stranger shall speak at a meeting of Strangers. 
the Society unless specially invited to do so by the 

XXX. At no meeting shall a paper be read, or what busi. 
business entertained, which has not been previously transacted. 

notified to the Council. 

XXXI. The Council may call additional meetings Additional 
- Meetings. 
whenever it may be deemed necessary. 

XXXII. Every Member may introduce two visitors Visitcrs. 
to the meetings of the Society by orders signed by 

XXXII. Members shall have the privilege of Members may 
reading before the Society accounts of experiments, 
observations, and researches conducted by themselves, 
or original papers, on subjects within the scope of the 
Society, or descriptions of recent discoveries, or inven- 
tions of general scientific interest. No vote of thanks 
to any Member for his paper shall be proposed. 

XXXIV. If a Member be unable to attend for the or depute other 
purpose of reading his paper, he may delegate to any “"” 
Member of the Society the reading thereof, and his 
right of reply. . 

XXXV. Any Member desirous of reading a paper Members must 
shall give in writing to one of the Secretaries, ten fier papers, 
days before the meeting at which he desires it to be 

read, its title and the time its reading will occupy. 

XXXVI. The Council may permit a paper such as Papers by 
described in Law XXXIIL., not written by a Member ““"S"* 
of the Society, to be read, if for any special reason it 
shall be deemed desirable. 

XXXVI. Every paper read before the Society shall Papers belong to 
be the property thereof, and immediately after it has “°°” 
been read shall be delivered to one of the Secretaries, 
and shall remain in his custody. 

XXX VIII. No paper shall be read before the Society Papers must be 
or published in the Transactions unless approved by °*"" 
the Council, and unless it consist mainly of original 
matter as regards the facts or the theories enunciated. 

XXXIX. Should the Council feel a difficulty in Council may 

OTe = : + refer papers to 
deciding on the publication of a paper, the Council Members. 

Rejected papers 
to be returned. 

Members may 
have copies 
of their papers. 

Members to have 
copies of Trans- 

- actions. 


Legal ownership 

of property. 

elect Chairman. 

Report before 
November ist. 

134 Laws. 

may refer it to any Member or Members of the 
Society, who shall report upon it. 

XL. Should the Council decide not to publish a 
paper, it shall be at once returned to the author. 

XLI. The author of any paper which the Council 
has decided to publish in the Transactions may have 
any number of copies of his paper on giving notice of 
his wish in writing to one of the Secretaries, and on 
paying the extra cost of such copies. 

XLII. Every Member whose subscription is not in 
arrear, and every Honorary Member, is entitled to 
receive one copy of the Transactions of the Society as 
published. Newly-elected Members shall, on payment 
of their entrance-fee and subscription, receive a copy 
of the volume of the Transactions last published. 

XLII. Every book, pamphlet, model, plan, drawing, 
specimen, preparation, or collection presented to or 
purchased by the Society, shall be kept in the house of 
the Society. 

XLIV. The Library shall be open to Members of the 
Society and the public at such times and under such 
regulations as the Council may deem fit. 

XLY. The legal ownership of the property of the 
Society is vested in the President, the Vice-Presidents, 
and the Treasurer for the time being, in trust for the 
use of the Society; but the Council shall have full 
control over the expenditure of the funds and manage- 
ment of the property of the Society. 

XLVI. Every Committee appointed by the Society 

shall at its first meeting elect a Chairman, who shall . 

subsequently convene the Committee and bring up its 

report. He shall also obtain from the Treasurer such _ 

grants as may have been voted for the purposes of the 
Committee. : 

XLVII. All Committees and individuals to whom 
any work has been assigned by the Society shall pre- 
sent to the Council, not later than the Ist November 
in each year, a report of the progress which has been 
made ; and, in cases where grants of money for scientific 
purposes have been entrusted to them, a statement of 
the sums which have been expended, and the balance 

‘ol . i ‘ 
rr a ‘ 

Laws. 135 

of each grant which remains unexpended. Every 
Committee shall cease to exist on the 1st November, 
unless re-appointed. 

XLVIII. Grants of pecuniary aid for scientific pur- Grants expire. 
poses from the funds of the Society shall expire on the 
1st November next following, unless it shall appear by 
a report that the recommendations on which they were 
granted have been acted on, or a continuation of them 
be ordered by the Council. 

XLIX. In grants of money to Committees and indi- Personal a 
viduals, the Society shall not pay any personal expenses paid 

which may be incurred by the Members. 

L. No new law, or alteration or repeal of an existing Alteration of 
law, shall be made except at the General Meeting in “"” 
March, or at a Special General Meeting summoned for 
the purpose, as provided in Law XIX., and in pursuance 
of notice given at the preceding Ordinary Meeting of 
the Society. 

LI. Should any circumstance arise not provided for Cases mob UED- 
in these laws, the Council is empowered to act as may 
seem to be best for the interests of the Society. 

LIT. In order that the Members of the Society pro- Sections. 
secuting particular departments of science may have 
opportunities of meeting and working together with 
fewer formal restraints than are necessary at the 
Ordinary Meetings of the Society, Sections may be 

LIII. Sections may be established for the following Namesand num- 
departments, viz.:— er of sections. 

‘Section A. Physical, Astronomical, and Mechanical 
Science, including Engineering. 

Section B. Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Metal- 

Section C. Natural History and Geology. 

Section D. The Microscope and its applications. 

Section E. Geography and Ethnology. 

Section F. Social Science and Statistics. 

Section G. Literature and the Fine Arts, including 

Section H. Medical Science, including Physiology 
and Pathology. 

Meetings of 

Members of 
_ Sections. 

Officers of 

Mode of ap- 
pointment of 
officers of Sec- 

Times of meet- 

ings of Sections. 

Members, elec- 
tion of. 

136 Laws. 
LIV. The meetings of the Sections shall be for scien- 
tific objects only. 

LY. There shall be no membership of the Sections 
as distinguished from the membership of the Society. _ 

LVI. There shall be for each Section a Chairman to 
preside at the meetings, and Secretary to keep minutes 
of the proceedings, who shall jointly prepare and for- 
ward to one of the Secretaries of the Society, prior to 
the Ist of November in each year, a report of the 
Proceedings of the Section during that year, and such 
report shall be submitted to the Council. 

LVII. The Chairman and the Secretary of each Sec- 
tion shall be appointed at the first meeting of the 
Council after its election in March, in the first instance 
from Members of the Society who shall have signified 
to one of the Secretaries of the Society their willing- 
ness to undertake these offices, and subsequently from 
such as are recommended by the Section as fit and 

LVIII. The first meeting of each Section in the year 
shall be fixed by the Council; subsequently the Section 
shall arrange its own days and hours of meeting, pro- 
vided these be at fixed intervals. 

LIX. The Council,shall have power to propose gen- 
tlemen not resident in Victoria, for election in the same 
manner as ordinary members, as corresponding mem- 
bers of the Society. The corresponding members shall 
contribute to the Society papers, which may be received 
as those of ordinary members, and shall in return be 
entitled to receive copies of the Society's publications. 

WO WoM »Bake Res 


— The Roval Soctetyp of Bictoria. 


Allan, Alex. C., Esq., Crown Lands Department 
Alcock, Peter C., Esq., Temperance Hall 
Andrew, Henry M., Esq., M.A., Wesley College 
Anderson, Major J. A., Melbourne Club 

Barker, Edward, Esq., M.D., F.R.C.S., Latrobe-street Hast, Mel- 

Barnes, Benjamin, Esq., Murray Bridge, Echuca 

Bage, Edw., Esq., jun., Fulton-street, East St. Kilda 

Barton, Robert, Esq., F.C.S., Royal Mint, Melbourne 

Beaney, James G., Esq., F.R.C.S. Ed., Collins-street, Melbourne 

Bear, J. P., Esq., M.L.C., 834 Little Collins-street East 

Blair, Johu, Esq., M.D., Collins-street East 

Brown, H. J., Esq., Park House, Wellington Parade, Hast Mel- 

Burrows, Thomas, Esq., St. James’s Park, Hawthorn 

Cohen, J. B., Esq., A.B.A., 5 Jolimont Square 

Danks, John, Esq., Bourke-street West, Melbourne 

Dobson, E., Esq. ., A.I.C.E., Claremont House, Grey-street, East 

Duerdin, James, Esq., LL.B., Eltham-place, Stephen-street 

Ellery, R. L. J., Esq., F.R.S., &., Observatory, Melbourne 

Fitzpatrick, Rev. J., D.D., Archbishop’s Palace, East Melbourne 
Foord, Geo., Esq., F.C.S., Alma-road, St. Kilda 

Foster, C. W., Esq., Collins-street East 

Fulton, John, Esq:, M.D., Collins-street East 

138 List of Members. 

Gardiner, Martin, Esq., Department of Crown Lands, Queensland 

Gilbert, J. E., Esq., Melbourne Observatory 

Groves, J. W., Esq., Department of Crown Lands 

Grut, Percy de J., Esq., E. 8. & A. C. Bank, Gertrude-street, 

Goldstraw, F., Esq., M.A., Wesley College 

Harrison, Thomas, Esq., Registrar-General’s Office 

Henderson, A. M., Esq., C.E., Reed and Barnes, Elizabeth-street, 

Higinbotham, Thomas, Esq., M.I.C.E., Brighton 

Howitt, Edward, Esq., Yorick Club 

Humphreys, J. Bywater, Esq., Yorick Club 

Hunt, Robert, Esq., Royal Mint, Sydney 

Irving, M. H., Esq., M.A., Grammar School, Hawthorn 

Jamieson, James, Esq., M.D., Collins-street East 
Joseph, R. E., Esq., Swanston-street 

Kane, Rev. H. P., M.A., Brighton 

Kelly, Rev. William, St. Patrick’s College 

Kernot, W. C., Esq., M.A., C.E., Melbourne University 
Klemm, F. C., Esq., 33 Queen-street — 

Lynch, William, Esq., Collins-street West 

M‘Coy, Professor F., Melbourne University 

M'‘Gowan, 8. W., Carlisle-street, Hast St. Kilda 

Maloney, Patrick, Esq., M.B., Lonsdale-street West 

Manton, C. A., Esq., J.P., Treasury, Melbourne 

Miller, F. B., Esq., F.C.8S., Royal Mint 

Moerlin, C., Esq., Melbourne Observatory 

Moors, Henry, Esq., Office Chief Commissioner of Police - 

Morris, R., Esq., 10 Hawke-street, West Melbourne 

Munday, J., Esq., care of Messrs. A. Woolley & Co., Market 
Buildings, Melbourne 

Muntz, T. B., Esq., C.E., Town Surveyor’s Office, Prahran 

Murray, K. L., Esq., Railway and Telegraph Department, Mel- 

Madden, Wyndham M., M.A., Trinity College 

Nanson, Professor E. J., Melbourne University 

Neild, J. E., Esq., M.D., New Place, Collins-street East, Melbourne 
Newbery, J. Cosmo, Esq., B.Sc., Technological Museum 

Noone, J., Esq., Lands Department 

List of Members. 139 

Parkes, Edmund §., Esq., Bank of Australasia 
Parnell, E., Esq., High-street, Prahran 

Paul, Rev. Arthur, Alma-road, East St. Kilda 
Patching, H. §., Esq., Lygon-street, Carlton 

Phelps, J. J., Esq., Melbourne Club 

Pirani, F. J., Esq., M.A., C.E., Melbourne University 

Rudall, J. T., Esq., F.R.C.S., Collins-street 
Rusden, H. K., Esq., Yorick Club 

Skene, A. J., Esq., M.A., Lands and Survey Department 
Smith, A. M., Esq., School of Mines, Sandhurst 

Steel, W. H., Esq., Public Works Department 

Sutherland, Alexander, Esq., M.A., Carlton College, Fitzroy 

Thomson, W., Esq., F.R.C.S. Ed., South Yarra 
Ulrich, George H. F., Esq., F.G.S., South Yarra 

Wallis, A. R., Esq., Secretary Department of Agriculture, Wood- 
ford, Kew. 

Watts, W. C., Esq., City Surveyor, Town Hall, Melbourne 

Waugh, Rev. J. S., Wesley College 

Wigg, Henry C., Esq., M.D., F.R.C.S., Lygon-street, Carlton 

Wilkins, Alfred, Esq., care Henty and Co., Melbourne 

Willimot, W. C., Lioyd’s Rooms, Collins-street West. 


| Bland, R. H., Esq., Clunes, Victoria 
Bone, William, M.D., Castlemaine 
Bradley, R. 8., Esq., Grammar School, Stawell 

‘Caselli, H. R., Esq., Ballarat 
Conroy, James Macdowall, Esq., Post Office, Deniliquin, N.S. Wales 

Gould, Louis Le, Esq., C.E., Shire Hall, Ballan 

Henderson, J. B., Esqg., Water Supply Department, Sandhurst 
Howitt, A. W., Esq., F.G.S., P.M., Bairnsdale 

Keogh, Laurence F., Esq., Warrnambool 

M‘Gillivray, P. H., Esq., M.A., M.R.C.S. Ed., Sandhurst 
Murray, Stewart, Esq., C.E., Kyneton 

140 List of Members. 

Officer, 8. H., Esq., care Dalgety and Co., Swan Hill 
Ogier, J. C. H., Esq., P.M., Yorick Club 

Taylor, W. F., M.D., Claremont, Queensland 

Wyatt, Alfred, Esq., P.M., Yorick Club. 


Etheridge, Robert, Esq., junr., F.G.8., 17 Rankeiller-street, Edin- 
burgh, Scotland 

Woods, Rey. Julian E. Tenison, 220 Albion-street, Surrey Hills, 
Sydney, N.S.W. 


Bowen, His Excellency Sir George F., K.C.M.G., Governor of 
Victoria, Patron 

Clarke, Sir Andrew, Colonel, C.B., R.E. 

Goeppart, H. R., M.D., Ph.D., Breslau 

Haast, Julius, Esq., Ph.D., F.G.S., Canterbury, New Zealand 

Neumayer, George, Professor, Ph.D., Bavaria 

Perry, Right Rev. Charles, D.D., late Lord Bishop of Melbourne, 
32 Avenue-road, Regent’s Park, London 

Scott, Rev. W., M.A., Sydney 

Smith, John, Esq., M.D., Sydney University 

Todd, Charles, Esq., C.M.G., F.R.A.S., Adelaide. 


Barkly, His Excellency Sir Henry, K.C.B., Mauritius 

Barry, His Honour Sir Redmond, M.A., Chancellor of the 
University of Melbourne, Supreme Court, Melbourne 

Bleasdale, Rev. I. J.. D.D., F.G.8., absent from Victoria 

Bosisto, Joseph, Esq., M.L.A., Richmond 

Butters, J. 8., Esq., Victoria Club, Melbourne 

Detmold, William, Esq., 44 Collins-street East 

Eaton, H. F., Esq., Treasury, Melbourne 

Elliot, Sizar, Esq., 88 Collins-street West 

Elliot, T. 8., Esq., Railway Department, Spencer-street 

Flanagan, John, Esq., 8 Collins-street East 

List of Members. 141 

Gibbons, Sydney W., Esq., F.C.S., Collins-street East 
Gillbee, William, Esq., M.R.C.S. Ed., Collins-street East 

Higinbotham, Hon. George, M.A., Chancery-lane 
Ifa, Solomon, Esq., L.F.P.8.G., Emerald Hill 
Mueller, Baron Von, Ph.D., C.M.G., South Melbourne 

Nicholson, G., Esq., Collins-street Hast 
Nicholas, William, Esq., F.G.S., Melbourne University 

Rawlinson, Thomas, Esq., C.E., Temple Court, Melbourne 
Reed, Joseph, Esq., Elizabeth-street South 
Reed, Thomas, Esq., Fiji 

Smith, A. K., Esq., M.L.A., C.E., &c., Leicester-street, Carlton 

Thompson, H. A., Esq., Lucknow, New South Wales 

Were, J. B., Esq. (K.C.D., Denmark ; K.O.W., &., Sweden), Col- 
lins-street West 

White, E. J., Esq., F.R.A.S., Melbourne Observatory 
Wilkie, D. E., Esq., M.D., &., Collins-street Hast. 

142 Inst of Institutions, &c., 


Royal Society ... * London 
Royal Society of Arts . London 
Royal Geographical Society London 
Royal Asiatic Society London 
Royal Astronomical Society London 
Royal College of Physicians London 
Statistical Society London 
Institute of Civil Engineers London ~ 
Institute of Naval Architects London 
The British Museum London 
The Geological Society London 
Museum of Economic Geology London 
Meteorological Society London 
Anthropological Society ... London 
Linnean Society London 
Athenzum London 
College of Surgeons London 
Zoological Society London 
“ Geological Magazine” London 
“ Quarterly Journal of Science” London 
“Journal of Applied Science” London 
Colonial Office Library London 
Foreign Office Library London 
Agent-General of Victoria London 
« Nature” London 
University Library ~ Cambridge 
Philosophical Society : “3 oe Cambridge 
The Bodleian Library _... in a 2) Oxford 
Public Library ee se sae Liverpool 
Owen’s College Library ... ee ee Manchester 
Free Public Library dap 4 a Mauchester 

‘That Receive Copies of the “ Transactions.” 143 

Literary and Philosophical Society ah Manchester 
Yorkshire College of Science ae ne --- Leeds 
Royal Society .. ae ave ne Edinburgh 
University Library a Ses pe, Edinburgh 
Royal Botanical Society .. oa aie Edinburgh 
Philosophical Society ... aa xp ... Glasgow 
University Library uu gre ... Glasgow 
Institute of Engineers of Scotland.. +2 ... Glasgow 
Royal Irish Academy ... ae aa joe. Yep REO 
Trinity College Library .. ans ane oy UTES 
Royal Geological Society of Ireland = AiPeadaagy 35350) 
Royal Dublin Society ... a eee ... Dublin 
Geographical Society... Sk hs nab Paris 
Acclimatisation Society ... hs w = Paris 
Royal Academy of Sciences SRO Eau tc .-. Brussels 
Royal Geographical Society ee ae Copenhagen 
Academy of Science a ny Ee Stockholm 
Academy of Science ae sie ae PM ee 
Royal Society ... aa bee us ay) Upset 
The University se wes a Christiania 
Imperial Academy Se sia St. Petersburg 
Imperial Society of Naturalists ... ae --- Moscow 
“ Petermann’s Geological Journal”... ae Hamburgh 
Society of Naturalists... . oe aa Hamburgh 
Royal Institution ae ... Utrecht 
Royal Netherlands Meteorological Society eu ... Utrecht 
Geological Society ae “- Darmstadt 
Linnean Society rae wile Darmstadt 
Academy of Natural History oe ... Giessen 
Geographical Society ... cee _ Frankfort-on-Main 
Royal Academy of Science aoe BY ... Munich 
Royal Academy ae as ... Vienna 
Royal Geological Society... on Eo ... Vienna 
Royal Geographical ae os ane .. Vienna 
Royal Botanical Society .. “52 nag ... Ratisbon 
Imperial Academy ee ee .- Breslau 
Society for Culture of Science = enn ... Breslau 
Royal Society of Sciences ... Leipzig 
Imperial Leopoldian Carolinian Academy ‘of German 
: Naturalists eee =: et ... Dresden 
Royal Society ... fee aoe _ --»  Derlin 
Geographical Society ... Pee ie oe CEE 
Society of Naturalists... = wie ee Halle 
_Physico-Graphico Society ve ae oa Lund 


144 List of Institutions, &c., 

Royal Society ... = 
Natural History Society .. . 
Royal Academy of Science 

Royal Academy of Science ae Ss 

Society for Culture of Science 
Royal Academy of Agriculture 
Italian Geographical Society 
Academy of Sciences 

Royal Institute for Science, Literatur e, and Art 

Royal Society of Science 

Academy of Sciences 

Scientific Academy of Leghorn 

Academy of Sciences 

Physical and Medical Society 

Helvetic Society of Natural Sciences 
Society of Natural History and Medicine 

Academy of Science... So 
American Academy so ose 
Geographical Society ee 
Natural History Society ... aioh 

Smithsonian Institute 

American Philosophical Society 
Academy of Science 2 

War Department, United ‘States Navy 
Department of the Interior ove 


Madras Literary Society ... 
Geological Survey Department 
Royal Bengal Asiatic Society 
Meteorological Society see 
Royal Society of Netherlands eae 

Parliamentary Library 
University Library es 
Public Library... 
Registrar- General’s s Department 

Medical Society 550 a _ 
German Association 

Athenzeum : sie 

School of Mines ug 

Sandhurst Free Library .. 



. Florence 

. Florence 




“Heidelbe rg 
.» Palermo 


New Vork 



.. St. Louis, Missouri 



. Calcutta 
- Calcutta 


That Recewe Copies of the “Transactions.” 145 

Free Library ... aad bas aa ...  Hchuca 
Free Library ... oe se dis ... Geelong 
Philosophical Society ... ‘Ee ioe Adelaide, S.A. 
Royal Society ... nee ase ... Sydney, N.S.W. 
Royal Society ... nae Ae Hobart Town, Tasmania 
‘The Observatory ae eas .. Sydney, N.S.W. 
New Zealand Institute ... fee ... Wellington, N.Z, 
Otago Institute ve see eae Dunedin, N.Z. 

Mason, Firth & M‘Cutcheon, General Printers, Melbourne. 

MET rae a 
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opal Society of Victorr. 


Edited under the Authority of the Council of the Society. 

ESOL DO LOC h AP Ee tS 79. 






To whom all communications for transmission to the Royal Society of Victoria 
from all parts of Europe should be sent, 

i ae 




ArT, I, 


A New Form of Circuit Closer for the iaoies of 
Torpedoes, by R. EH. JOSEPH, Esq. 

Photographs on the Retina, by JAMES Peneueare M. D. 

Sir William Thomson’s Electric Les pea by F. J. 

Some Experiments in thie Gold Bullion Assoy by 

On a New Form of Self- oe Rain- “ange, by 
R. L. J. ELLERY, F.RB.S., 

Sir William Thomson’s ae of Daniell’s pencenae 
Battery, by F, J. PrRANI, M.A.. Ht oe 

The Strength of Columns, by W. C. "esas: M.A. 
A New Point of Resemblance in the Respiration of 
Plants and Animals, by JAMES JAMIESON, M.D. ... 

Note of the Great Meteor of June 8th, 1878, by R. L. 
J. ELLERY, F.R.S. ae Bee 

X. The Perception of Colour, by ae ee! M.D. 
XI, On the supposed Intra-Mercurial Planet, 2 1 al Dee 
XII. The Sounds of the Gehsonate as ppiieated by the 
Phonograph, by ALEX. SUTHERLAND, M.A. aoe 
XIII. Experiments made on a Sample of Pig Iron received 
from the British and Tasmanian Iron Company, 
Port Lempriere, Tasmania, by J. Cosmo NEWBERY 
XIV. Formation of Hyalite by the ree of Ammonia, by 
J. Cosmo NEWBERY, B.Sc. a 
PROCEEDINGS, &C., 1878 ... spe 
MEMBERS ‘os dae 

INSTITUTIONS, &C., Pues oe Cares OF * MER eN rons 




Kopal Society of Victoria. 


president. . 
R, L. J. ELLERY, Esq., F.R.S., FLR.A.S., &. 

GEORGE FOORD, Esq., F.C.S. | E. J. WHITE, Ese., F.R.AS. 

Hon. Grersurer, 

Bon. Secretaries. 

Hon. Librarian. 

A. C. ALLAN, Esa. W. C. KERNOT, Esa., M.A. 
H. M. ANDREW, Ese., M.A. S. W. M‘GOWAN, Ese. 


Moval Society of Pictoria. 



Che President, 

Mr. R. L. J. Every, F.RS., F.R.AS., Government 

(Delivered to the Members of the Royal Society of Victoria, at their 
Annual Conversazione, held on Thursday, 8th August, 1878.) 


It appears to be quite probable that in framing the rules 
of our Society that portion of the duties of president which 
refers to the delivery of an annual address was imposed 
principally as a check against undue pride and elation, 
likely to be engendered by the loftiness of the position. 
Whether such was actually the case can now only be sur- 
mised, but, as far as I am concerned, its effect in this direction 
is unmistakable ; for,as the time again comes round for pre- 
paring and inflicting the prescribed punishment on a patient 
and long-suffering audience, ostensibly brought together for 
a little social and intellectual enjoyment, I make a deep and 
silent vow that the mantle and its responsibilities must find 
other shoulders for the future. My position here to-night 
affords another instance of how often such rash vows are 
only made to be broken, for, in spite of my resolve last 
year, you have again done me the honour of pushing me back 
into the presidential chair. I take this opportunity of 

xi President's Address 

thanking the members for their confidence, and of assuring 
them of my high appreciation of the trust, and of the 
duties and penalties attached thereto. 

Since we met together on a similar occasion in August 
last, our Society has entered upon its twenty-first session 
and year of existence; and a brief account of its doings since 
that date, as well as of its present position and prospects, 
first claims our attention. 

The painful duty here devolves on me to record the loss 
by death of two of our members—Mr. W. M. Cooke and Mr. 
Fred. C. Klemm. Since the conversazione in August last, 
the Society has held ten ordinary meetings, at which papers 
were read, exhibits made, and scientific subjects discussed. 
Your Council has also met regularly, and has had long and 
earnest deliberations on numerous matters concerning the 

welfare of the Society, some of which I shall presently ° 
especially refer to. The original discussions that have . 

occupied the members at the ordinary meetings are as 
follow :—“ On new Marine Mollusca,” by Rev. J. E. Tenison 
Woods, SJ., F.G.S.; “ Notes on Japan,” by F. C. Christy, 
C.E.; “On the Probability that a Connection Exists between 
the Attraction of Gravitation and the Molecular Energy of 
Matter,’ by A. Sutherland, M.A.; “On the Comparative 
Power of some Disinfectants,” by Dr. Jamieson; “On 
Paleeozoic Actinology,” by Robert Etheridge, F.G.8S.; “On 
the Ratio of the Length and Height of Sea Waves,” by S. 
R. Deverell; “ Photographs on the Retina,’ by Dr. Jamie- 
son ; ‘ Experiments in Gold Bullion Assay,’ by A. M. Smith; 
“Qn a New Self-registering Rain Gauge,” by R. L. J. 
Hillery, F.R.S.,F.R.A.S.; “On the Strength of Iron Columns,” 
by W. C. Kernot, C.E.; “On a Point of Resemblance in the 
Respiration of Plants and Animals,’ by Dr. Jamieson. 
These have all been printed, and copies in a pamphlet form 
have been distributed among the members. In addition to 
these papers, there have been numerous brief notes, oral 

ae cA 

for the year 1878. xili 

communications, and exhibits of the highest interest, which 
have made every meeting throughout the session a busy 
one. In no period of the history of the Society have our 
publications been in so forward a state as they are now; and 
I congratulate members on this fact, for which our thanks 
are due to the secretaries, who have in the face of difficulties 
at length been able to carry out the wishes of the Council 
in this matter. The fourteenth volume, containing our 
transactions to the end of 1877, was issued a few weeks 
ago, and is, I believe, already distributed. The papers of 
the present session are all either printed or in the press; 
for, as I informed you in my last address, the course had 
been adopted of printing and issuing a limited number of 
copies of all original papers immediately after the meeting 
at which they had been accepted. This plan has been found 
to work well, as it places the contributions at once in the 
hands of our members, and greatly facilitates the discussion 
of important papers, which frequently takes place at the 
meeting following that at which they have been read. Our 
library has been largely increased by donations from the 
numerous European, American, Asiatic, and Australian 

~ societies with which we interchange transactions, as 

well as from individuals and Government departments. 
The labour of acknowledging and arranging the very 
numerous contributions which come to us has become so 
great that your Council are now considering the best method 
by which this can be punctually done without the work 
becoming too burdensome to our hon. librarian. The rolls 
of the Society now number 128 members, 15 of whom are 
country members, 25 life members, and three corresponding 
members. This indicates a slight increase over our strength 
for the past few years, although our ranks are still too thin 
for so large and prosperous a colony as ours. Nevertheless, 
the Society may be congratulated on its present financial 
position, The Council have been able to clear off most of the 

XIV. President's Address 

debt incurred some years ago in altering and adding to the 
building, and to keep the printing of the transactions up to 
date. Our finances would, of course, be in the reverse 
position were it not for the Government grant which 
Parliament has liberally voted to the Society for the last 
few years; for, with the limited income derivable from our 
subscribing members, we could not possibly pay current 
expenses and for the printing of our transactions as well. 
As it is, we have a small balance to the good to pay off the 
remaining debentures coming due next year, amounting to 
about £70, and to assist in paying for some very necessary 
repairs and alterations to the building, which cannot much 
longer be delayed. ab 

A few words concerning the future of the Society, and I 
will pass on to other subjects. Your Council has received 
applications from one or two kindred societies in Melbourne 
for permanent accommodation within this building, and, in 
futherance of views I expressed in my last address on this 
subject, have favourably entertained the idea of domiciling 
other societies devoted to science, literature, and art, under 
this roof, and have appointed a committee to consider the 
best means of doing so, whether by adding to the building 
in accordance with the original plans, or by doing as our 
architect and fellow-member, Mr. Joseph Reed, suggests— 
namely, to continue the floor of the library over the theatre 
and throw the whole upper floor into one chamber, while 
the space beneath will give two more commodious rooms. 
Whatever may be done, I trust the exterior of the building 
will not be overlooked, for it is beginning to have a really 
dilapidated appearance ; and if we are to have, as it appears 
likely, a magnificent edifice in the Carlton Gardens, we 
should for shame’s sake give a little more decent appearance 
to the outside of the house of the chief scientific body of 
the colony. 

In considering the comparatively small number of mem- 

for the year 1878. XV 

bers of which this Society is composed in proportion to our 
population, prosperity, and intelligence, several members of 
your Council have from time to time suggested the desir- 
ability of broadening its basis, and the Council has given 
these suggestions earnest consideration. As you are aware, 
our constitution provides that members shall pay two guineas 
entrance fee and two guineas annual subscription, except in 
the case of country members, where the annual subscription 
is one guinea only. Now, it has been suggested that this 
subscription is almost prohibitive to many of the young 
men of our community whose tastes and education lead 
them towards our ranks, and whose enrolment is much to 
be desired; and it became a serious question whether the 
annual subscription should not be reduced. The Council, 
however, ultimately decided to recommend the Society to 
add to its constitution the power to admit associates at half 
fees, whose privileges would, with a few exceptions, be equal 
to those of members, and a committee has been appointed 
to devise a scheme which will be laid before a special meet- 
ing of the members. If such a course is adopted, I have 
little doubt we shall soon have a very welcome addition to 
our active members, and that we shall be able to resuscitate 
several of the sections for which our constitution provides. 
You may recollect that in former addresses I advocated a 
pet idea of mine ; and although this has got no further than 
it was at our last gathering of this kind, I do not intend to 
abandon it, and hope, with your assistance, yet to see it 
realised—I mean the occasional delivery in this hall of brief 
and special lectures for the record or demonstration of new 
interesting facts in physical and other sciences, by members 
of the Society to members and their friends. 

This will, I think, place you in possession of the principal 
facts in connection with the Society’s affairs ; and I will now 
briefly review the progress made by some of the public 

departments and societies in Melbourne, whose aims are 

XV1 President's Address 

kindred to our own. At the Observatory the usual work in 
astronomy, meteorology, &c., has been carried on without 
interruption. The great telescope has been occupied with 
its special work—observation of the southern nebule—and 
it continues to perform satisfactorily. I regret to say, how- 
ever, that the drawings of the nebule already observed, and — 
which were being lithographed at the time of my last 
address, are not yet published. The scheme of inter- 
colonial meteorology, concerning which I spoke at some 
length last year, is being gradually improved, and, since the 
completion of the Western Australian line, our weather tele- 
grams embrace the whole of the south coast of Australia, 
from King George’s Sound to Cape Howe. The undertaking, 
however, labours under a great disadvantage in these 
colonies as compared with Europe and America, inasmuch 
as the precedence and prompt despatch which is conceded 
to weather telegrams in those countries has not yet been 
secured for ours. In October last telegrams from America 
and England were received at the Observatory, requesting a 
look-out for supposed satellites of Mars. Diligent search 
was made with the great telescope, whenever the weather | 
was favourable, but with no decided results, and it is doubt- 
ful if either of the satellites now known to exist was seen 
at our Observatory. This failure was somewhat unaccount- 
able, as subsequent news informed us that the brightest of 
the two satellites had been seen by much smaller telescopes 
than our reflector. It may be stated, however, that, owing to 
an interruption in telegraphic communication, the telegram 
referred to was delayed fourteen days. Mars was rapidly 
increasing his distance from us, and after the message was 
received a period of cloudy weather stil further delayed 
our search until the planet had receded enormously from 
the position in which its satellites were discovered, or 
subsequently seen by any except the most powerful tele- 

for the year 1878. XVii 

The transit of Mereury across the sun’s disc in May last 
was a noteworthy event, and its later phases were success- 
fully observed at the Observatory, but no new points of 
interest in connection with this phenomenon were noted. 
The opposition of Mars on the 6th September last year 
occurred when that planet was unusually near to the earth, 
and a remarkably good opportunity presented itself of again 
determining the solar parallax. In conjunction with Euro- 
pean and American observatories, we undertook a series of 
observations for parallax in declination, and succeeded in 
securing a fine set of measures, extending from 21st July to 
22nd October, the results of which will probably be known 
by the end of the year. 

Encke’s comet again returned to perihelion on July 26th. 
Last mail I received a particular request from Professor 
Asten, of Pulkowa, that we should endeavour as it came 
south to obtain as late observations of it as possible. It is 
now too near the sun to be seen, but we hope to pick it up 
in afew days. This comet was first observed in 1786, and 
since that year it has made 28 consecutive revolutions round 
the sun with remarkable regularity ; in only 20 of these, 
however, has it been observed. In 1822 it was seen only at 
the Observatory of Paramatta. Great interest is attached 
to the observation of this comet, owing to the fact that each 
succeeding revolution is made in less time than the last, thus 
showing that the comet is diminishing its mean distance 
from the sun. This would appear to indicate that it 
experiences resistance in its course, which, if continued, will 
ultimately cause it to fall into the sun. At the present time 
its revolution round the sun is accomplished in a period 
which is more than two days less than at the time of its 

discovery in 1786. 

Some important additions to the literature of botanical 
science have been made during the past year. Our fellow- 

member, Baron von Mueller, the Government botanist, has 

XVIil President's Address 

published the tenth volume of the well-known Fragmenta 
Phytographie Australis,aswellasthe first volume of his work 
on the plants of New Guinea, to which I referred in my last 
address. The learned baron in this work demonstrates the 
close affinity existing between the plants of this large island 
and those of North Australia. A further supplement has 
lately been added to the work on Useful Plants Suitable 
for Oultivation im this Colony, and another publication 
which promises to be of great interest and utility has been 
commenced. This is a description, with illustrations, of the 
eucalyptus trees, the first eleven plates of which have already 
been issued. The publication of an illustrated book con- 
taining a full description of all the plants hitherto found in 
Victoria has lately been authorised, and it is now in the 
press. And last, though not least, I would mention a work 
on the organic constituents of plants, translated from the 
German of Professor Wittstein, and published here privately 
by Baron von Mueller, with many new notes and observa- 
tions. This book is eminently calculated to assist in the 
local analysis of our native vegetation, and will, no doubt, 
prove of great utility in this respect. 

Another work, by Mr. Guilfoyle, the curator of the 
Domain and Botanical Gardens, entitled Australian Botany, 
must not be overlooked, more especially as it is likely to 
supply a great want felt by young students of this science 
in the colony. 

The National Museum still continues to advance its 
collections illustrative of the different branches of natural 
science towards systematic completion, and in several 
departments it is now no easy matter to obtain the rarities 
which alone are required to fill up the gaps in the general 
series of the living and fossil forms of the animal kingdom, 
as well as in the sections of geology and mineralogy ; 42,292 
species of the higher classes are catalogued as named in the 
cases, besides many thousands of the lower classes named, 

for the year 1878. xix 

but not as yet entered. The efforts of the director towards 
perfectly displaying the collections which he has got together, 
named, and classified, so as to show fairly the principles of 
classification adopted, are seriously hampered by the non- 
completion of the building. Parliament voted £4000 for 
this purpose last year, but difficulties arose and the money 
has lapsed. It is to be hoped that such a national work as 
the completion of the museum may not be further retarded 
from this cause. The collection continues in great beauty 
and freshness of preservation, and the number of visitors is 
constantly increasing, 102,572 being recorded for the year 
ending on 30th June last. To the publication of six of the 
decades of the Paleontology of Victoria, which have been 
very favourably received by the scientific press of Europe, 
there has just been added the first decade of the Zoology of 
Victoria, with beautiful illustrations in colours of the snakes, 
fishes, insects, &c., of the colony, the originals, as in the 
former work, being all in the national collection. The 
other decades will quickly follow, and may be expected to 
give an impetus to the study of the natural history of the 

The Public Library and Museums, with the thriving 
Schools of Technological Science and Fine Arts, which have 
orown up under its shelter, form an institution of which our 
community may be most justly proud. Our members will be 
pleased to hear that in the laboratories there are now 47 
students at work. These are chiefly miners, metallurgists, 
electro-platers, dyers, manufacturing chemists, soap and 
candle makers, &c.; their studies, of course, have a direct 
utilitarian bearing, and it is gratifying to learn that several 
have worked out new processes to apply to their trade. 
A course of elementary lectures on chemistry has been 
delivered by Mr. F. Dunn, to which the pupils of the higher 
classes of the public schools were invited. They were well 
attended by an average of over 200 adults and scholars, and 

x President's Address 

it is intended to continue the course. The classes for paint- 
ing in the National Gallery now number 49, and the 
School of Design 110 students—a fact which is signifi- 
cant of the increasing hold the fine arts are taking upon 
the community, and a sure indication of its intellectual 

As regards the advancement of medical science in the 
colony, we need only glance over the past year’s proceedings 
of the Medical Society of Victoria to be assured that this 
all-important branch of knowledge is not languishing in our 
midst; and the fact that the Society have lately built a new 
and commodious hall, in which to hold their meetings and 
keep their library, is additional evidence of progress. Among 
the proceedings of the past year, while we see the usual pre- 
dominance of practical reports of cases, statistics, and more 
purely utilitarian matter, it is gratifying to find that the 
larger subjects of chemico-physiology, etiology, and research 
into the propagation and prevention of disease, have 
received a share of attention. As an example, I may 
cite Dr. Day’s paper on “'The Chemico-physiological Effect 
of Nascent Oxygen,” and Dr. Patrick /Smith’s able contri- 
bution “On the Etiology of Typhoid Fever.” No subject 
in the whole realm of medical science has greater claims 
for investigation than that involved in the latter paper, 
especially in our community, where, evidently favoured by 
climatic vicissitudes, this fell disease seems to be stalking 
upon us with annually-increasing strides. Any really scien- 
tific research, reasoning, or even trustworthy statistics 
concerning the cause, propagation, and prevention of typhoid 
fever, should be hailed as a public boon. I therefore refer 
with pleasure to the fact that the literature of the subject 
has been reinforced by a very important publication in Mel- 
bourne from the pen of Mr. Wm. Thomson, entitled The 
Cause and Hatent of Typhoid Fever. The very decided 
and opposite opinions held among our medical brethren as 

for the year 1878. Xxi 

to the cause and propagation of this dreadful malady, indi- 
cate the necessity of increased research into its etiology, 
which, it is to be hoped, will be prosecuted with the steady 
view of discovering the truth, rather than of advocating 
favourite opinions and speculations. Human life is largely 
concerned in this question, and it takes no great foresight 
to estimate of what surpassing value any means of prevent- 
ing and staying the spread of this disease will yet become. 
The true etiology once found, the hope that it will then be 
possible to banish typhoid fever from any community is 
surely not an unreasonable one. 

Looking back upon the additions to knowledge that have 
been made during the past year in the various branches of 
science, our attention is arrested by several subjects of more 
than ordinary interest, to one or two of which I would now 

The results obtained from the transit of Venus observa- 
tions have not yet keen finally dealt with, although partial 
deductions from British and French observatories have been 
published. Last summer the Astronomer Royal reported 
to Parliament on “The Value of the Mean Solar Parallax 
Deducible from Observations of the Transit by British Ob- 
servers, and the resulting solar parallax was stated to be 
8"-764. Mr. Stone, of the Cape of Good Hope, who is one 
of our highest authorities upon this subject, questions the 
correctness of the conclusions arrived at in this report, and, 
in an article which appears in the Monthly Notices of the 
Astronomical Society, he gives the result of the observations 
treated in his own way, wherein the parallax differs sensibly 
from the Greenwich deductions. In the same periodical,’ 
Captain Tupman, who had charge of the Greenwich compu- 
tations, referring to Mr. Stone’s paper, speaks of the method 
of treatment of the observations of ingress at Greenwich as 
unsatisfactory. This throws more weight on Mr. Stone’s 

XXL Presidents Addvress 

results, which are here compared with the Greenwich and 
with earlier deductions :— 

Parallax. Distance. 
of Miles. 

1. Greenwich results from transit of Venus, 1874 8°764 93,400,000 
2. Mr. Stone’s results from do. ee ae 8-884 92,138,000 
3. From re-discussion of transit of Venus observa- 

tions in 1769 sida Se ie sie 8-910 91,870,000 
4, From observations of Mars, 1862 _... >a 8-940 91,561,000 
5. M. Cornu’s observations of velocity of light ... 8°860 92,388,000 
6. Le Verrier’s classical deductions from planetary 

perturbations... Pais rs ses 8'880 92,180,000 

These figures will give an idea of how modern observations 
approximate to the solar parallax, but they must not be 
taken as absolutely conclusive, as the results of the 
American and German expeditions, as well as those of the 
photographic methods adopted by both British and American 
parties, have yet to be taken into account. Moreover, the 
recent opposition of Mars has furnished another excellent 
opportunity of testing the question, and there can be little 
doubt that most trustworthy results will be obtained from 
the combination of the northern and southern observations 
which were secured from August to November last year, 
and towards which our Observatory, as already mentioned, 
has contributed a very complete series of measures. The 
discovery at Washington by Mr. Asaph Hall of two 
satellites of a planet hitherto regarded as being companion- 
less, like Venus and Mercury, marks a new era in astro- 
nomical science, and adds another laurel to the many 
already won in the same field by our American cousins, I 
have already spoken of the fruitless search we made here, 
and the probable cause of our failure, and I may now add 
that this fact, in connection with the comparative ease with 
which the satellites were seen with the 26-in. refractor 
at Washington, has led to’ comparisons between large 

for the year 1878. Xxlli 

refractors and reflectors unfavourable to the latter; but in 
this I do not acquiesce, for, during our search, stars, far 
more minute than the satellites, were traced close up to the 
edge of Mars, and had we known of or suspected the 
existence of satellites in August or September, and had 
favourable weather, I feel confident we should have found 
them and kept them in tow; as it was, our watch com- 
menced only late in October, in broken weather. “ Moon- 
lit” (not “moonless”) Mars is undoubtedly accompanied 
by two satellites at least, and the observers at Washington 
suspect the existence of a third.- The most remarkable 
feature in connection with these bodies is their exceeding 
smallness, and their nearness to the primary. The inner 
satellite cannot be 4000 miles from the surface of Mars, 
or less than one-sixtieth of our moon’s distance from 
us; and should there be any Martial astronomers 
with good telescopes, they could not be long in doubt 
as to whether their moons are inhabited or not. The 
estimated diameter of the smallest of these bodies is 
only about seven miles, giving a surface of 154 square 
miles, equal to a few Australian sheep-runs. The larger and 
inner satellite is probably about thirty miles in diameter, 
and with a superficial area of 2826 square miles. The 
minuteness of these bodies renders it highly improbable 
that they will again be seen until the next near approach of 
Mars to the earth, about fifteen years hence. Our know- 
ledge of the constitution of the sun has again been further 
supplemented by help of the spectroscope. The spec- 
trum of hydrogen gas, in the bright line form in the chromo- 
sphere and reversed in the photosphere, has long since been 
recognised, but the presence of no other of our known gases 
had as yet been’ ascertained. Professor Draper, however, 
about July last year obtained photographs showing bright 
lines of oxygen at the extreme blue end of the spectrum 

XXIV President's Address 

_ occupying the region of Fraunhofer’s G line, and between 
G and H, and, therefore, nearly at the limit of the visible 
spectrum. Professor Draper also considers that the photo- 
graphs afford evidence of the existence of nitrogen, which 
also appears in the form of bright lines. This discovery will 
necessarily lead to some modification of the hitherto adopted 
views of the constitution of the sun’s surface, and adds 
another to the already long list of telluric elements found 
to exist upon our luminary. 

In my last address I referred at some length to the then 
recent invention of the telephone. Since then this wonderful 
little instrument has been greatly improved, and is now in 
actual use in Melbourne, not only as a scientific toy, but as 
a means of communication. We had no sooner become 
familiar with the telephone than we were astounded by 
accounts of a still more wonderful apparatus—the “phono- 
graph”—by which, it was stated, sounds and human speech 
could be automatically imprinted on a sheet of tinfoil and 
reproduced with all the original intonations at will and at 
any subsequent time. Still later we hear of the “ micro- 
phone,” by which the faintest sounds can be heard by means 
of the telephone, highly intensified, and at long distances 
from their source. All of these instruments are more 

or less familiar to our members, for they have been 

exhibited, explained, and commented upon at several of the 
ordinary meetings, and I believe there are specimens of them 
all in the building to-night. The principles recognised in 
the action of the telephone and microphone point to the 
existence of an entirely new field for experiment in some of 
the less understood properties of magnetism and electricity ; 
and although their practical applications are as yet limited, 
there can be but little doubt that they will eventually 
become of great value to the electrician, physicist, and even 
to the surgeon ; indeed, the value of the microphone in 



oe eS ee ee a ee eee eee aS a 

for the year 1878. XXV 

surgical diagnosis has already been demonstrated. While a 
wonderful future is predicted for the phonograph, at present, 
if we except its power of giving a peculiar graphic repre- 
sentation of multiple and complex sounds, it cannot be said 
to be out of the category of scientific toys. 

That branch of biological science which has become known 
as the germ theory still justly occupies the attention of 
many of the foremost investigators in physics, physiology, 
and pathology, while diligent inquiries are also being made 
by many less known but earnest seekers after the truth. 
The burning part of the question a few years ago was, 
whether or not the lower class of organic life was ever pro- 
duced by spontaneous generation; this, I think, may be 
considered to be finally answered in the negative by the 
conclusive results of the experiments of Tyndall, Cohn, and 
others. Some of these results were described by our vice- 
president, Mr. Foord, at a former conversazione, in which it 
was demonstrated that a temperature of 212 deg. Fahrenheit, 
long continued, completely sterilised inoculated solutions. 
The old maxim, #x nihilo nihil fit, therefore, still holds true 
in the arcana of nature. The most important and interest- 
ing phase this question has more recently assumed has 
reference to the influence exercised by low forms of organic 
life upon the human body in health and disease. Professor 
Tyndall’s recent experiments show how difficult it is to free 
the air we breathe and live in from the myriads of microscopic 
and ultra-microscopic germs, plants, and animals that pollute 
it, but that, with proper precautions, it is not only possible 
to do so, but to keep it so. In air thus thoroughly divested 
of all germs and organic life, animal and vegetable sub- 
stances which we have generally regarded as possessing 
inherent properties of decay and corruption are found, when 
once sterilised by boiling, to remain pure and unchanged for 
years. There now remains little doubt, therefore, that the 

XXV1 Presidents Address 

decay of animal and vegetable matter is entirely due to 
parasitic organisms which assert their dominion the instant 
the vital forces in either cease, or even fall below a certain 
standard; there is no decay without these, and Professor 
Tyndall shows how they can be kept from their prey. 
Under the ordinary circumstances of life these organisms 
doubtless play a beneficial part in the great scheme of 
nature, but the subtle and invisible power which has thus 
been revealed to us is also capable, under certain conditions, 
of acting most deleteriously upon human health and life, 
and there is a steadily-growing conviction that they play a 
most important, if not the only part, in many contagious as 
well as simply septic diseases. Should this be demonstrated 
beyond a doubt, which I think far from improbable, the results 
arrived at by Professor Tyndall unmistakably indicate the 
direction which any effort at prevention of such diseases 
must take; and it becomes manifest that no researches in 
etiology can claim to be scientific or aiming at the truth 
which ignore the grand work that has been, and is being, 
done in this branch of biological science. One of the most 
remarkable achievements in physical science effected during 
the present year is the liquefaction of oxygen, nitrogen, and 
hydrogen gases, and the solidifaction of the last named— 
results approached by the experiments of M. Calletet, in 
Paris, and about the same time realised in a far more pro- 
nounced form by M. Raoul Pictet,at Geneva. Our expe- 
rience of the three states of matter—the solid, liquid, and 
gaseous forms, and of the facility with which water, for 
example, passes from solid ice to the fluid state, and from 
the latter to the state of vapour—has long since led to the 
hypothesis which assumes that all material substances which 
are not decomposed by alteration of temperature are capable, 
under suitable influencing circumstances, of passing through 
these three phases; and very much effort has been devoted 

for the year 1878, XXV1 

to bringing refractory gaseous bodies within the boundaries 
of the assumed law. In 1823, Michael Faraday, at the 
suggestion of Sir Humphrey Davy, heated hydrate of chlo- 
rine in an hermetically sealed glass tube, and made the 
discovery of liquefied chlorine gas. Faraday made the 
discovery, and, unaided, puzzled out the proper interpre- 
tation of the result of the experiment; but that Davy 
had a penetrative insight into the nature of the 
chemico-physical problem involved in it, seems obvious from 
his own words. “One of three things,” he says, “might be 
expected to happen as the result of the experiment—either 
that the solid. and crystalline hydrate of chlorine would 
become a fluid, or that a decomposition of water with for- 
mation of euchlorine would take place, or that the chlorine 
would separate in a condensed state.” He goes on to point 
out how much more is to be effected in future liquefaction 
experiments from pressure obtained in sealed vessels than 
from refrigeration, and further how the agency of pressure 
may be assisted by artificial cold in cases where gases 
approach the state of vapour. Faraday, in the course of his 
labours, reduced many gases, and Thilorier in 1834 contrived 
an apparatus for liquefying carbonic acid in quantity, and 
reducing it to the state of snow, which, as a means of 
attaining very low temperatures, greatly assisted the course 
of subsequent experiment, and indeed is now largely used in 
physical investigation and in thearts. In 1845, by the com- 
bination of pressure and refrigeration, Faraday succeeded in 
adding to the list of gases susceptible of assuming the liquid 
and solid states; but still oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen 
held out against all experimental coercion, and in that sense 
remained still in the category of permanent gases, This is 
how the case has stood until the experiments of M. Calletet, 
and more especially those of M. Pictet, have been crowned 
with the success of breaking down the dividing wall between 

xxviii President's Address for the year 1878. 

gases and vapours. The collation of Davy’s remarks 
appended to Faraday’s paper on the liquefaction of chlorine 
(as already given) with Pictet’s method and his theoretical 
views, is certainly a matter of interest, but as Mr. Barton 
during the evening will explain the details of M. Pictet’s 
experiments, and as time presses, I need say no more on this 
highly interesting subject. One word, however, may be . 
added concerning the converse problem of the liquefaction 
and vaporisation of refractory solids. Carbon uncombined 
is known only in the solid state; to melt and vaporise it is 
a work yet to be accomplished, but with the results recently 
achieved we are encouraged to hope for further triumphs, 
and the ultimate confirmation by actual experiment of all 
that has been premised on theoretical or mathematical 
grounds concerning the several states of matter; or should 
we fail in this, we may yet hope for experimental proof of 
what is defective in the hypothesis, by means comparable to 
those by which the almost tenable phlogistic hypothesis of 
Stahl was overturned on the application of the deep-search- 
ing experimental method of Lavoisier. 


Art. l—A New Form of Cirewit Closer for the Firing 
of Torpedoes. 

By R. E. Josepu, Esa. 

[Read 11th April, 1878.] 

Art. Il.—Photographs on the Retina. 


[Read 11th April, 1878.] 

AT the meeting of the Berlin Academy of Sciences, on 23rd 
November, 1876, there was read a communication from Pro- 
fessor Franz Boll, of Rome, on the subject of some remark- 
able properties of the retina, which had not till then been 
described. He experimented first with frogs, in the follow- 
ing manner :—A frog, which had been kept for some time in 
the dark, was beheaded, and its eye removed as quickly as 
possible. The front of the eye was cut off with scissors, 
and the retina lifted from the dark layer behind, when it 
was seen to be of an intense red colour, which rapidly faded, 
so that in ten to twenty seconds it had disappeared. For 
the next thirty to sixty seconds the retina had a satiny 
lustre, which also gradually disappeared, leaving the struc- 
ture quite colourless and transparent. Boll found that the 
colour has its seat in the rods, and not in the cones; and 
that it is found in all animals in which there is a well- 
developed layer of rods. Even in the rods it is confined to 
the outer portion, which is made up of thin plates. Along 
with these red rods Boll found a smaller number of green 
ones, which also undergo some changes of shade under the 
influence of light, but which have not had their properties 
well investigated; and he had not, indeed, been able to 
discover whether they occur in any other animals than the 
amphibia. He tried the effect of exposing the eye to light 

Di) | Photographs on the Retina. | 

of different colours, and obtained interesting results helping 
to explain some of the curious phenomena of colour-blindness, 
to which reference will be made further on. His communi- 
cations are to be found in the Monatsbericht for November, 
1876, and January and February, 1877. 

The subject obtained considerable development in the 
hands of Professor W. Kiihne, of Heidelberg, who has pub- 
lished his results in a collected form in the Heidelberg Unter- 
suchungen, Vol. I, 1877, with which I am acquainted only 
at second hand in Schmidt's Jahrbiicher, No. 10, December, 
1877. He found that the colours seen by Boll are not 
merely owing to refraction, but that there is an actual 
pigment which he has succeeded in isolating in the form of 
a solution. His first efforts to obtain optoyrams failed alto- 
gether; but he has had more success subsequently by the 
help of improved methods. One of his experiments was 
conducted in the following way:—The head of a rabbit, 
with the one eye fixed open, was held in front of an opening 
in a window shutter, and after being covered for five minutes 
with a black cloth, was exposed to the light. The animal was 
then quickly decapitated, the eye removed under the sodium 
light, opened, and laid in 5 per cent. solution of alum. The other 
eye was exposed to the light after decapitation. Both retinas 
were examined next morning, and found of the usual milky ~ 
appearance, but close inspection showed on both a sharply 
defined quadrangular figure of the same form as the opening 
in the shutter. In the eye which had been acted on during 
life there was still a reddish colour, but in the other the 
figured spot was quite white. In another experiment Kiihne 
succeeded in getting a complete picture of a window with 
one round-topped and six square panes, white on a red 
ground, the cross markings being alsored. The method now 
followed is, to place the head of an animal, or the extirpated 
eye in a box, whose lid is formed of a plate of dim glass, on 
which can be laid figures cut out of black paper. The retina, 
on which the figure has become printed, is laid on a porcelain 
plate, and dried over sulphuric acid, when the picture is 
found to be more permanent. The eyes of other animals 
than the rabbit have been used, and Kiihne has found that 
of the ox to be sensitive for about an hour after death. The 
presence of the pigment is not dependent on the retina being 
in a state of freshness as regards its functional capacity. It 
is bleached only by light; very quickly (in about thirty 
seconds) by direct sunlight, and in twenty to thirty minutes 

Photographs on the Retina. 3 

by gaslight; whilst in the dark or in the sodium light it does 
not disappear in less than twenty-four to forty-eight hours. 
During life, and even for some time after death, the colour is 
continually renewed, and does not owe its existence there- 
fore to the continuance of the circulation of blood in the eye, 
but to the layer of epithelium which connects the outer por- 
tion of the rods with the choroid. 

It was mentioned that Kiihne had obtained the red pig- 
ment in solution. Itis got by adding a clear watery solution 
of crystallised ox gall to the fresh retina, on which it has a 
remarkable effect, causing the plates composing the outer 
section of the rods, to fly asunder like coins from a roll, and 
then wholly disappear. The solution thus obtained is of a 
rich carmine hue, and gradually bleaches in the light, passing 
first into yellow. Monochromatic light also acts on it in the 
same way, though more slowly, the most active being green 
and yellowish green (in about fifteen minutes), then blue in 
about an hour, violet still longer, and pure (spectral) red 
having very little influence on it. 

The part played by retina red in the physiology of vision 
can in the present state of our knowledge be little more than 
matter of speculation. That it is indispensable to mere 
visual perception can scarcely be held, since it is absent, or 
at least has not yet been found, in the retina of many 
animals which certainly see—such as the pigeon, the hen, 
the bat; and further is not to be found in the yellow spot, 
the seat of direct vision in man, which has no rods. Its 
importance, however, can scarcely be doubted when we con- 
sider that it has been discovered in almost all animals, and 
also in view of the remarkable influence exerted on it by 
ordinary white light. Twocases reported by Dr. Adler, of 
Vienna, also testify to its importance. In one of these an 
eye which had been blind for several years had no trace of 
the red colour. In the other case one eye was partially 
blind, and the affected half of the retina was colourless, the 
other half showing a distinct rose tint, like that in the sound 

It may serve in some way for the perception of colours, 
the varying effect on it of different kinds of coloured light 
pointing in that direction. Boll noticed that the microscopic 
appearance of the coloured rods was very much the same in 
animals which had been kept for a time under red and green 
glass, while it differed considerably when the cover had been 

blue; and he connected this with the well-known fact that 

A Photographs on the Retina. 

colour-blind persons readily confuse red and green, but 
rarely red and blue. An important question raised is about 
the probability that in every act of visual perception there 
is a picture of the object seen printed on the retina by the 
action of light on this pigment. If this is so, we may sup- 
pose that the nerve fibres are stimulated in varying degrees 
by the colouring matter, according to the extent to which it 
has undergone the bleaching process. Of course it is easy 
to point out difficulties attaching to such opinions. It must 
be regarded as certain, however, that in the retina we have 
not merely a sensitive surface, like the photographer's plate, 
but a self-acting photographic workshop, the retina not only 
receiving an impression, but wiping off the old picture and 
charging itself in preparation for another. Speculations on 
the subject for the present have perhaps little value, and 
exact knowledge is likely to increase slowly, since in animals 
we can scarcely know with certainty how much is actually 
seen, and man cannot be made the subject of experiments. 
Of course new modes of investigation may unexpectedly be 
discovered, and lead to unexpected extensions of know- 

Art. IIl.—Sir William Thomson's Electric Replenisher. 
By F. J. Prrant, Esq., M.A. 

[Read 11th April, 1878.] 

Art. IV.—Some Experiments in the Gold Bullion Assay. 

By ALFRED Mica SmiTH, B.Sc. 

[Read 16th May, 1878.] 

THE following series of assays were undertaken at the 
suggestion of Mr. George Foord, of the Melbourne branch of 
the Royal Mint, and performed there some time ago. The 
demonstrations which constitute Part I. are here offered 
as a communication in the hope that they may be of use for 
reference by some who may not themselves have the oppor- 
tunity of performing the exercises, as well as by others, 

Some Experiments in the Gold Bullion Assay. 5 

who, on going over the same ground for practice, may use 
these results for comparison with their own. The method 
adopted was the rigorous system in use in the Melbourne 



To demonstrate the facts on which “ quartation” is based, 
or to show the limits of the proportion of gold to silver 
within which tt is necessary to keep vm order to part an 
alloy of these metals, at the same tyme to note the colours of 
the alloys throughout the operation. 

From the data obtained to construct the cwrve of “ sur- 

Synthetical alloys of gold and silver were prepared, rang- 
ing from an alloy containing 5 per cent. of gold up to fine 
gold, and of the uniform weight of 35 grains each. Twenty 
places, as detailed in Table A, were cupelled each with 
- copper disc (14 grains) and lead case (84 grains), the 
cupellations occupying 21 minutes. The colour and appear- 
ance of the buttons having been noted, they were flatted, 
annealed, rolled to the 13-1000th of an inch in thickness, 
annealed, and coiled according to the usual routine. The 
parting was then conducted as follows :— 

Nos. 1 to 5, inclusive, were parted separately in flasks. 
Each was boiled in 14 oz. of Ist acid (sp. gr. 1.17) for ten 
minutes beyond the time at which the red fumes cease to 
be evolved. 

Washed with distilled water. 

Boiled for ten minutes in 1 oz. of 2nd acid (sp. gr. 1.26). 

Boiled for ten minutes in 1 oz. of 3rd acid (sp. gr. 1.8). 

Washed in two waters, transferred to crucible and an- 

Nos. 6 to 20 were parted together in the 20 platinum 

Boiled in 22% oz. Ist acid, and for ten minutes after red 
fumes cease. 

Washed in hot distilled water. 

Boiled for ten minutes in 15 oz. of 2nd acid. 

Boiled for ten minutes in 15 oz. of 3rd acid. 

Washed in two successive hot waters, and annealed. 

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Some Experiments in the Gold Bullion Assay. 7 


PARTING PRroporTiIons.—The alloy containing 15 per 
cent. of gold (or 1 of gold to 52 silver) went to pieces, the 
minuteness of division increasing as the percentage of gold 

The alloy containing 17% per cent. of gold (or 1 of gold 
to 4 7-10th silver) did not go to pieces, nor did the alloys 
with higher percentages of gold. 

When the ratio of the gold to the silver was 1 gold to 
47-10ths silver, or 1 gold to 24 silver, or between these, the 
cornet parted well. 

SURCHARGE.—With the alloy containing 15 per cent. 
gold (1 gold to 52 silver) and those with more silver, there 
was negative surcharge. 

With the alloy containing 174 per cent. gold (1 gold to 
4 7-10ths silver), and those with less silver, there was posi- 
tive surcharge. 

Between the alloys containing 35 per cent. gold (1 gold 
to 1 9-10ths silver) and 40 per cent. gold (1 gold to 13 
silver) there was a sudden great rise in surcharge exhibited, 
the maximum being near the alloy containing 45 per cent. 
gold (1 of gold to 1:22 silver). 

In Diagram I. these relations are made visible. 

-CoLour.—Bbuttons.—Beginning the examination with No. 
1, and passing downwards, the gold could be detected first 
in the button containing 50 per cent. of gold (500) by the 
faint green tinge it exhibited; this colour increased in 
depth with the percentage of gold until the button con- 
taining 70 per cent. of gold (700) was reached, at which 
point the warm colour of gold appeared. This again kept 
deepening until the last,in which the gold was tinged by 
the residual copper. 

Cornets.—A fter coming from the actds— 
Nos. 6 to 13, inclusive, were dark ; 
Nos. 14 to 19 bright ; 20 golden. 
After annealing—4 to 12 bright yellow. 
13 greenish yellow. 
Increasing to 15. 
16—19 silvery green increasing. 
20 coppery. 

8 Some Expervments vn the Gold Bullion Assay. 

To show the progress in parting: the surcharge at the 

end of stated wntervals between the time at which the red 

fumes cease and the finish of the parting process. 
Thirty places prepared (Table B), each 10 grains of fine gold 
(99984), with 25 grains of fine silver. Copper and lead 

case, as before. Cupelled for 21 minutes, flatted, annealed, © 

passed twice between rollers set at 8-1000ths of an inch, 
annealed, coiled, and placed in thimble tray. 

Boiled together i in large beakers :— 

For 22 minutes in 45 ozs. Ist acid, by which time red 
fumes off. 

For 15 minutes longer in Ist acid (one being removed per 

For 10 minutes in 35 ozs, 2nd acid (one being removed per 
2 minutes). 

For 10 minutes in 35 ozs 3rd acid (one being removed per 

Each thimble, as it was removed, was washed in two 
successive waters, afterwards al] washed together before 

The progress is rendered visible in the curve represented 

in Diagram IT. 

on A 

Y Sas 

- --xX-- 

So gus | aaa Garr eae Wy. tentae cae c eee crea ame oie ge ta dk: 

poawan aamen) pa 

Sf bE If 06 GS _8F LE 9G SE Fe 8 BE TG OC OF LO OL WO GT UE Ok 6 oe ft 9 8 Fe EG LE pay mwwy 
. ae eels pes, | | lial eet eae ! eee eet yes] 
2a RS Sa Se Ee | = 1 | — ae 
| ae ei cee os : esa tas SP ime | . 
es ee | z Se | ae fied lor 
wes Rae Pe Te oe 
ia | ree cae ee eee ace lew os 3 
ae 0e 3 
“toe ee 
| = e 
Seen og 
| pes 
pa (ee 
1 | | 108 q 
22S = 
| | ieee | 
| Leite: Sha et Ome icant Scie ore ola | | ile 
se toed (eee = «| | | | | | S 
i | | | . | 

‘opueyounS —g asqe} wou 

JOAIIS SulBdp Gg o} plop suleu§ g, ym 
ss9ooud ay 22 

Ud 9701 SAWN pou LO gouRveeddesip jo awn woud 
uljued ulsseupoud su.suimous 


wombs we fe 

Some Experiments in the Gold Bullion Assay. 9 


To show the Progress in Parting. 

Weight of When Cornets 

99984 Gold _ extracted. | Weight of Surcharge. 
E taken = tes from ti . 
= 10 rain + ees bap i Cornets. (See Diagram IT.) 
or — red fumes. 
Thousandths of (Unity=10 grains.)|(Unity=10 grains.) 
a grain. 

Gt +0 1 1:0101 0:01026 
2 +0 2 10099 ‘01006 
3 +0 3 10091 ‘00926 
4 a 4 1:00854(2) ‘00873 
5 +0 5 10080 00816 
2 aS +0 6 10081 00826 
= 7 +0 7 10076 ‘00776 
ai 8 +0 8 1:00734 00751 
9 +26) *, 9 1:00714 ‘00731 
rl LO +0 10 10069 ‘00706 
it +0 11 1:0068 "00696 
12 +0 12 10068 00696 
13 +0 13 10066 ‘00676 
14 +0 14 1:00663 00678 
(15 +0 15 1-0058 00603 
Ls (16 +0 17 100333 00351 
arp kay +0 19 1:0029 00306 
<< 18 +0 21 10021 ‘00226 
# 1 19 +0 23 1:0015 "00166 
a (20 +0 25 1:00163 00181 
(21 +0 26 100173 700191 
22 +0 27 1°:0016 ‘00176 
23 +0 28 1/0018 "00146 
rg | 24 ot 29 1:0012(4) 00138 
ie 25 +0 31 1:0012. 00136 
il 26 +0 © 31 1:0012 700136 
B | 27 +0 32 1-0013 00146 
28 +0 33 1:0010 ‘00116 
29 +0 34 10011 ‘00126 

30 +0 35 1:0009 -00106 

10 Some Experiments in the Gold Bullion Assay. 


To show the progress in parting: The rate at which the 
silver is dissolved throughout the process of parting. 

Twenty-eight places prepared (Table C) each 10 grains 
(99984 gold) with 25 grains silver (accurately weighed), 
copper and lead as before, and cupellation similarly 

Cornets placed in platinum thimble tray and boiled in 
large beakers. 

For 20 minutes in 42 ozs. Ist acid, by which time red 
fumes off (one removed every two minutes). 

For 10 minutes more in Ist acid (one removed every 2 
minutes), washed in Ist water. 

For 10 minutes in 2nd acid (one removed per 2 minutes). 

For 10 minutes in 3rd acid (one removed per 2 minutes), 
washed in two waters. 

Each thimble, as it was removed, was washed in two 

waters, finally all washed together and annealed. 

No. 1 could be readily unrolled, the white of silver visible 
on the surface. 

No. 2, brittle, on being broken, a core of silver revealed. 

Nos. 3 and 4, brittle, could be readily crushed up with the 
fingers, but no silver core. 

The progress is rendered visible in diagrams III. and IV., 
from which it will be seen that solution proceeds very rapidly 
at first, but more slowly as the process is continued, so 
much so that the most of the time is consumed in expelling 
what may be called the last traces of silver. 

Whilst the process of parting extended over 50 minutes, 

At the end of the 2nd minute 164 out of the 25 grains 
of silver were dissolved. 

At the end of the 4th minute 22 out of the 25 grains 
of silver were dissolved. 

At the end of the 6th minute 244 out of the 25 grains 
of silver were dissolved. i 

Forty-four minutes further boiling being required to 
remove the remaining # of a grain, 

At the end of 20 minutes about 1-10 grain was left. 

At the end of 30 minutes about 1-20 grain was left. 

At the end of 40 minutes about 1-100 grain was left. 

At the end of 50 minutes about 1-200 grain was left, 
which may be permitted to remain and allowed for as 

Pompe oe a < =a bart 
5 a ET ee ee eer eres fF) Be ae Sr 


YS ee oe 

" ~ gee A (lala ala Ag HSS ES eS a ae een ae ee To - Seu Se aS Fa = SNS al 
Frese POY 28 POW af 

woud saynuiy 

| | 

Lal ial 
( aBueyoun 

O Fl BLO 8. G9 FG 

Sa eas cS 

: - 2 992) w04,) 


Hunued ul ssougoud ayy Buimays 



06 '6F 
Bb" LE 
|b SE 

Saee aaah eae eee | Ges >| aeolian Cee 
| | we'ee 
Ze "Ie 
08 6B 
ae ee eae Seo | | Ba'ez 
= ean a 83 "16 
| yy on 106 GL 
~ t—t-—- — = is | TERING rales es ener Br" LT 
91" $1 
ED §F 
OL" 6 
re : 

our 4 of rf iw i «er iH or 6 ? Fee eee Dien eet Gee 
F ‘(uwnjoo qs¥| 9 ajge| wouy) saynuiw guad perjossip vaAlis ayy ‘Buiwed Ul ssausoud ay} JUIMOUS 
ies i: Pa bait : id ; 

Some Experiments in the Gold Bullion Assay. 11 


To Show the Progress in Parting—the Rate at which 
the Silver is Dissolved. 

2 ( 
88 | 

3 U1 
‘—4 © 
2a |1 



Ee 18 

N<qj 19 




= [2 

S | 94 
a 25 


Weight of | Weight of 
‘99984 Gold| Fine Silver 

taken = 

10 grains t 25 grains 

taken = 


of a grain. 



Psteadliets eee beteeterests bel pctectestctecte ol 

+ | 

of a grain. 


Pb itbtee itt itt i t+teti ti 
SO Onde One OO CO OC Ov © Ove © OW OO CO OFF COREA O © 


When Cornets 
minutes from 

Weight of 



Unity=10 Unity= 10 







per 2 



ay: On a New Form of 

Art. V.—On a New Form of Self-Registering Rain-gauge. 
By BR. L. J. ELLEey, FB ace: 

Read 16th May, 1878.] 

For the ordinary purpose of rainfall observation and 
record, the common rain-gauge, where the rain collected is 
measured in a graduated glass measure once or twice a day, 
is all that is required. 

Questions often arise, however, in which the rate at which 
heavy rains fall, or the tume over which the fall may be 
spread, becomes an important point, and this is especially 
the case in cities, large towns and other localities, in connec- 
tion with drainage, disposal of storm waters, &c. To meet 
such requirements a self-registering rain-gauge, that will 
furnish the required information, becomes a valuable and 
indeed an essential instrument. 

Various forms of self-registering rain-gauges are con- 
structed, the best of which are very expensive, while the 
cheaper ones are generally very defective and untrust- 

The form I now submit to the Society can, I think, claim 
simplicity and economy in construction, a high sensitiveness 
as well as trustworthiness. 

The principle is this. The rain which is collected in a 
circular area of 10 in. diameter flows at once through the 
pipe into (G),asmall copper vase-shaped vessel (i E) holding 
about 19°5 cubic inches of water. This vessel is suspended 
from an iron bracket by two steel spiral springs (F) made of 
the best pianoforte wire, and most carefully tempered. In- 
side this vessel is a small glass tube, bent into the form of a 
siphon (8), and projecting through the bottom for about 10 
or 12 inches, forming an intermittent siphon, which, when- 
ever a certain quantity of water has accumulated, 
rapidly empties the vessel. This acts so delicately 
that it always requires the same quantity, almost to a ~ 
single drop, to cause it to overflow, and it will always 
overflow with this exact quantity. In this gauge it 
empties itself for every quarter of an inch of rain collected 
in the receiver—that is, when about 19°5 cubic inches (= 4 
of an inch fall) have accumulated. As the rain drops into 
the vessel from the receiver the suspending spiral springs 

Self-Registering Rain-gauge. 13 

stretch from the increasing weight, until the vase is full, 
when it is about two inches lower than in its empty position. 
Immediately it is emptied by action of the siphon, the vessel 
recovers its original position. 

The other parts are—a common clock (C), which rotates a 
cylinder (D) about 4 inches in diameter once in 24 hours ; 
on this drum is stretched the paper on which the register is 
made. Attached to the vase is a fine wire running over 
pulleys (VV) on the top of the bracket, and also attached 
toa light brass frame (H) that has a free vertical motion 
guided by two stretched German silver wires. As the vase, 
therefore, descends with the accumulation of rain, this light 
brass frame is raised by means of the fine wire. In the 
frame is a freely-suspended glass pen, charged with an ink 
made of aniline dye with a little glycerine. The point o1 
this pen, which is horizontal (the surface of the registering 
cylinder being vertical) rests lightly against the register 
paper, and marks it with a clear fine line as the barrel 
rotates by clockwork ; this line is straight as long as there 
is no rain, but becomes more or less curved according 
to the rapidity of any rainfall; as the vase empties itself 
the pen at once returns to the zero position, showing 
an indentation or “tooth,” as it were, on the register- 
paper for every quarter of an inchof rain. A sheet showing 
two inches of rainfall has therefore eight indentations or 
“teeth” on its register, and the paper being graduated, any 
fraction of an inch of rain less than a quarter can be read 
off, while graduations parallel with the axis of the barrel 
give the times of any phases of the phenomenon. 

Reference to Diagram. 

A A. Base-plate of cast iron. B. Pillar and bracket of cast iron. C. 
Clock. D. Register-drum, or barrel. E. Vase-shaped receiver. F. Spiral 
springs suspending vase. G. Pipe leading from collector to receiver. H. 
Pen frame. J. Brackets to support base-plate. K. Pinion taking into 
large wheel on which the drum is fitted. MM. Dust-tight cover for clock. 
P. Pendulum-bob. SS. Syphon. VV. Pulleys for fine wire connecting 
receiver and pen frame. 

14 The Strength of Columns. 

Art. VI—Sitr William Thomson's Form of Daniell’s 
Constant Battery. 

By F. J. Prrant, Esq., M.A. 

[Read 13th June, 1878. ] 

Art. VII.—The Strength of Columns. 
By W. C. Kernort, M.A. 

[Read 13th June, 1878. | 

A COLUMN may be defined as a construction piece exposed to 
a compression in one direction and otherwise unstrained. | 
Columns as thus defined are of constant occurrence in 
engineering and architectural structures. About 50 per 
cent. of the material in an ordinary roof or bridge truss con- 
sists of columns; the piston rod, connecting rod, and various 
other important parts of a steam-engine perform the func- 
tions of columns; and. immense quantities of cast-iron are 
employed in the construction of warehouses, theatres, 
churches, and other buildings in the form of columns. 
The question of designing a column so as to secure 
sufficient strength at a minimum cost is therefore one of 
vast practical importance. Columns vary much in size, 
shape, and position, but, as a general rule, have one dimen- 
sion considerably greater than either of the other two; in 
other words, they are comparatively long and slender pieces 
of material. Further, they are usually, though not always, 
straight. Bent columns, however, being of unfrequent 
occurrence, will not be discussed in this paper. A column 
is usually compressed in the direction of its length or greater 
dimension, and it is immaterial, so far as strength is con- 
cerned, whether this direction be vertical, horizontal, or 

Columns are divided, according to their mode of fracture, 
into two great classes. The first of these contains those 
which fail by direct or simple crushing, unaccompanied by 

The Strength of Columns. 15 

any lateral bending. These are technically termed “short 
columns,” as this kind of fracture usually occurs when the 
ratio of the length to the least transverse dimension is not 
particularly large. The “carrying strength” of a short 
column—that is to say, the greatest load it will bear with- 
out fracture—will, provided the centre of stress of each 
cross section coincide with its centre of gravity, be found 
by multiplying the area of the least cross section in square 
inches by the compressive resistance of the material in 
pounds to the square inch. If, however, the column be 
loaded with a weight less in any given ratio than its carry- 
ing strength, then the stress in every part of the column 
wil be dumimished im the same ratio. The carrying 
strength of a short column and the compressive stress 
upon any part of it under a load less in any given proportion 
than the carrying strength, can therefore be determined with 
ease and precision. With regard to such columns I have at 
present nothing further to say. 

The second class includes those columns in which a lateral 
bending precedes fracture, and of which the fracture is a 
complex phenomenon, intermediate in its character between 
that of beams and that of short columns. To these the 
appellation of “long columns” is given by writers upon the 
subject, fracture of this kind occurring usually when the 
ratio of length to least transverse dimension is comparatively 
large. It will at once be evident that the question of the 
breaking and safe working load of a long column is one of 
comparative intricacy. 

The question of the breaking load of a long column was 
first investigated by Euler, whose paper on the subject is to 
be found in the Berlin Memoirs for 1747, and a réswmé of 
whose‘ conclusions is given in Unwin’s Machine Design, p. 
48, &c. Unwin states that “ Euler’s rules assume the elas- 
ticity of the bar to be unimpaired. In that case no increase 
of the load would directly cause bending, but a point is 
reached at which the equilibrium of the bar becomes 
unstable. With less loads, the bar, if bent, will restore 
itself to straightness by its elastic resistance to bending ; 
with greater loads it is unable to do so, and if any flexure 
is produced, however slight, that flexure will be increased 
by the action of the load until the bar breaks.” 

According to this view the strength of a long column of 
square or circular section is proved to vary directly as the 
fourth power of its diameter, directly as the modulus of 

AG. The Strength of Columns. 

elasticity of the material and inversely as the square of its 
length between points of inflexion, and the column if origi- 
nally straight, will remain so until the load reaches this 
critical amount, when equilibrium becoming unstable, some 
trivial cause will produce an infinitesimal lateral deflection, 
which, rapidly increasing, results in fracture. 

Euler’s rules possess the recommendations of mathe- 
matical completeness and consistency, and therein contrast 
favourably with those of some of his successors. 

In 1840 Professor Eaton Hodgkinson communicated to the 
Royal Society (of England) an account of a very extensive 
series of experiments on columns of various materials, 
accompanied by a set of rules empirically deduced there- 
from, and in 1857 contributed the results of a further set of 
trials on a comparatively large and practical scale. In his 
paper of 1857 he says:—“In commencing experiments in 
my former research on this subject, and keeping in view the 
theory of Euler, I sought with great care for the weight 
which would produce incipient flexure in columns, and more 
particularly in those of cast-iron. In this metal flexure 
commenced with very small weights, much smaller than 
would be useful to load pillars with in practice; and I 
became convinced that no such point existed in cast-iron, or, 
at any rate, none that would be useful to the engineer; and 
my subsequent experiments upon wrought-iron pillars have 
been attended with very little more success in seeking for 
the weight producing incipient flexure.” 

Failing thus to reconcile his observations with Euler’s 
investigation, he abandoned that investigation altogether, 
and proceeded to obtain a purely empirical formula, based 
upon no theory whatever, and simply intended to represent 
in a concise but merely approximate form the average result 
of a very extended series of experiments. According to 
these experimental researches the ultimate strength of a 
solid circular cast-iron column varies directly as the 3.6th 
‘power of the diameter and inversely as the 1.7th power o1 
the length between points of inflection. 

Professor Gordon, Professor Rankine’s predecessor in the 
chair of engineering at Glasgow, next proposed a formula 
of more convenient form, and apparently based upon a 
scientific hypothesis, as to the nature of the stress at the 
instant of fracture. This formula is stated by Rankine to 
have been deduced from Hodgkinson’s experiments ; but I 
find by actual trial that it gives results by no means per- 

The Strength of Columns. 17 

fectly, or even approximately, in accordance with Hodgkin- 
son’s rule in the case of large hollow cast-iron columns. 
The breaking load of the great central column supporting 
the water tank from which the town of Echuca is supplied, 
for example, is 1320 tons by Hodgkinson’s rule, and only 
1030 tons by Gordon’s. 

More recently still, Professor Cawthorne Unwin, of 
Cooper’s Hill Engineering College, has in his work on 
Machine Design advocated a return to Euler’s original for- 
mula, to the exclusion of those subsequently arrived at. 
The ultimate strength of the Echuca column will be 900 
tons, according to his version of Euler’s results. 

Thus it will be seen that most serious differences of 
opinion exist with reference to the behaviour of long 
columns under strain, and to the proper algebraical expres- 
sion for their breaking loads. With the exception of 
Hodgkinson the writers above referred to appear to base 
their formula rather upon their opinion of what ought to be 
than upon their observations of what is. Hodgkinson, on 
the other hand, abandons in despair the attempt scientifically 
to explain the facts, and is content carefully to observe and 
record actual cases of fracture, and empirically to construct 
a formula having no @ priori signification, but simply 
approximating to the average result of his experiments. 

The question now suggests itself—Is it possible to re- 
concile these differences of opinion, and show any approach 
to harmony, or at any rate explanation of the discrepancies 
between Euler’s @ priori anticipations and Hodgkinson’s 
observed results. I think it is, and will endeavour to throw 
some slight further light upon this vexed subject. The first 
serious discrepancy is as to the behaviour under an increas- 
ing load. Euler says that a column originally straight will 
remain so until its load reaches a certain critical amount, 
when it will suddenly double up. Hodgkinson says his 
columns behaved quite differently—commencing to bend 
under loads very small compared with those required for 
fracture. These diverse statements may be accounted for as 
follows -—Euler necessarily assumed that his column con- 
sisted of perfectly uniform material, and that the load was 
applied fairly, its line of action passing through the centre 
of gravity of each cross section. And I believe that could 
these conditions be faithfully complied with in practice, 
Kuler’s predictions would be verified. Baker, in his work on 
Beams, Columns, and Arches, describes an experiment upon 

C | 

18 The Strength of Columns. 

a very long blade of finely-tempered steel, which behaved in 
a manner very closely approximating to that predicted by 
Euler; and I have myself obtained corresponding results 
from a straight piece of clock-spring very carefully loaded. 
The reason why Hodgkinson’s cast-iron rods began to bend 
so soon was, I believe, this, that the material was not homo- 
geneous, or the load possibly applied slightly eccentrically. 
Let us suppose that a solid circular column is softer and 
more elastic on one side than the other. The smallest load 
will now bend it ; for even if at first the centres of pressure 
and of figure are perfectly coincident, the more elastic side 
will yield more than the other; this will cause the bar to 
bend, the more elastic material being on the concave side; 
this bending will cause the centre of pressure of each cross 
section to deviate from the centre of figure toward the softer 
or more elastic side of the bar, thus throwing a greatly 
increased portion of the total pressure on that part of the 
column most affected by it. In this way a perceptible 
flexure may be produced by a load minute compared with 
that necessary for fracture. That this is the true explana- 
tion of the anomaly is, I think, rendered certain by two 
facts observed by Hodgkinson. The first of these is that 
the amount of flexure produced by the same load on columns 
of the same size and material varied very greatly, thus 
indicating that it depended upon some slight accidental 
peculiarity in apparently similar bars. Some of the bars 
tested bent visibly under less than one-fifth of their breaking 
load, while others remained straight until two-thirds of 
that load was applied, thus approximating to LEuler’s 
theoretical case. The second fact is that certain hollow 
columns through defective casting were much thicker on one 
side than the other, and that these when tested bent so that 
the thick side was concave and the thin convex ; the greater 
hardness and higher co-efficient of the elasticity of the thin 
and more rapidly cooled side of the casting more than com- 
pensating for its deficiency in substance. If, then, the softer 
side became concave in these hollow columns, much more 
would it tend to do so in solid ones, where the counter- 
vailing influence of extra thickness was absent. 

The next discrepancy is this :—EKuler predicted that the 
strength would vary as the 4th power of the diameter ; 
Hodgkinson found it to be the 3.6th. Now this is nothing 
more than I think might have been expected by any one. 
acquainted with the softness of large castings as compared 

The Strength of Columns. 19 

with small ones. The strength of large castings is never 
quite so great as that of smaller of the same material, and 
the difference between the 3.6th and 4th powers of the 
diameter appears to me to be a reasonable allowance for the 
effect of this variation of hardness and strength. 

To reconcile the square of the length given by Euler with 
the 1.7th power of Hodgkinson is perhaps not quite so easy, 
and I should prefer not to express an opinion with regard 
to it at present. 

To determine the breaking load of a pillar is, however, 
after all, only a means to an end, only a step towards obtain- 
ing that practically valuable result, the safe working load ; 
and the next question that arises is—What is the factor of 
safety to be? what proportion of the breaking load can we 
safely apply in actual construction? And this question 
appears to me—and I would wish to say it with all due 

- deference to such eminent names as Rankine, Unwin, 

Stoney, and Baker—to have been hitherto answered in an 
utterly unreasonable and illogical manner. These writers, 
one and all, apply a factor of safety to the case of a long 
column in the same manner as they would apply it in the 
case of a tie-rod or beam, altogether overlooking the fact 
that under any ordinary working load the column is either 
not bent at all, or at any rate is not bent nearly so much as 
it is immediately before fracture, and that consequently the 
stress is not only less, but is distributed over each cross- 
section with a much nearer approach to uniformity. 

In a tie rod a double load implies double tensile stress— 
the stress is increased but its distribution is unaffected; in 
a beam we believe the same to be the case, but in a long 
column a double load not only means double average stress 
on any given cross section, but also increased flexure, causing 
a very large increase in the ratio in which the maximum 
stress exceeds the average. In fact, a double load may 
involve quadruple, sextuple, or even tenfold stress, according 
to the proportions of the column and the amount of its 

By a very simple and conclusive mathematical process I 
find that in a certain column, tested by Hodgkinson, the 
maximum compression upon any part was 43, 320 Ibs. per 
square inch under a load of 124,000 lbs., but only 24,500 Ibs. 
per square inch under a load of 109, 000. In other words, 
an increase of 14 per cent. in the load caused an increase of 
no less than 78 per cent. in the maximum stress. Now, the 


20 The Strength of Columns: 

true factor of safety is the ratio of the ultimate resistance of 
the material to fracture to the maximum stress endured by 
any part of the piece under strain, and taking the ultimate 
resistance to crushing of the material at 90,000 lbs. per 
square inch, the true factor of safety was 2.04 under a load 
of 124,000 lbs., and no less than 3.67 under the slightly 
diminished load of 109,000. 

We are therefore led to the following conclusions :— 

1. That in a column of perfectly uniform material, loaded 
in a perfectly symmetrical manner with a load less than that 
required to produce unstable equilibrium, there will be no 
flexure, and the stress will be independent of the length, and 
may be but avery small fraction of the ultimate compressive 
resistance of the material, even under a load closely approxi- 
mating to that which would destroy the column. 

2. That actual columns will approximate more or less 
closely in their behaviour to the above theoretical case, 
according to their proportions, the nature of the material, 
and the mode of applying the load. 

3. That the true factor of safety of a long column cannot 
be found by dividing its breaking load by its working load, 
but is a function of its flexure also; and that this flexure 
depends on slight accidental peculiarities in the material, or 
in the way of applying the load, and is therefore not 

4, That the true factor of safety, or the ratio in which the 
ultimate resistance of the material exceeds its working stress 
in a long column, is always greater, and generally very much 
oreater, than the ratio in which its breaking load exceeds 
its working load ; and that consequently the present method 
of dimensioning errs on the side of safety, and involves 
waste of material. 

5. That in order to arrive at a rational method of dimen- 
sioning, we must determine by numerous experiments, under 
practical conditions, the greatest probable flexure, under 
working loads, of columns of different materials and of 
various cross sections. 

The term breaking load as applied to long columns 
appears to me objectionable and likely to lead to confusion, 
not being properly analogous to that of tension rods and 
beams. I would suggest the term “critical load” as prefer- 
able, on the analogy of the “critical angle” in optics. 

Respiration of Plants and Animals, 21 

Art. VIIL—A New Point of Resemblance im the 
Respiration of Plants and Animals. 


[Read 13th June, 1878. ] 

RESPIRATION in plants consists just as it does in animals, in 
the inhalation of oxygen and the exhalation of an approxi- 
mately equivalent quantity of carbonic acid. This process, 
though masked under ordinary circumstances by the more 
active deoxidizing action of the green parts of the plant, 
seems, according to recent investigations, to be constantly 
going on, and to be as necessary to the life and health of the 
plant as of the animal. The deoxidizing action of the green 
organs, carried on by means of the chlorophyll contained in 
them, is tolerably well known, and consists in the splitting 
up of carbonic acid into oxygen and carbonic oxide. The 
oxygen is wholly, or in great part, set free in the air, while 
the carbonic oxide seems to enter into some kind of com- 
bination with the chlorophyll, as a preliminary to the 
formation of more complex compounds, and especially of the 
various hydro-carbons. A series of investigations on this 
point are contained in a paper by Adolf Baeyer, in the 
Chemasches Centralblatt, 1871, pp. 27—38, and also translated 
in a slightly condensed form in the Journal of the Chemical 
Society, 1871, pp. 331—341. My object is not, however, to 
enter into any details on this process, which is one of 
assimilation, but rather to consider the mechanism of 
respiration in the proper sense of the word, which is essen~ 
tially associated with processes of regressive metamorphosis. 
Some observations which I have made seem to throw light 
on the chemistry of the respiratory function in plants, and I 
desire therefore to report the result of them, incomplete and 
fragmentary as they are. 

For the proper understanding of the particular point on 
which I wish to lay stress, and which, after consulting the 
best accessible authorities, J am led to believe is new, or at 
least very little known, it will be necessary to mention cer- 
tain facts connected with the better-known chemistry of the 
function of respiration in the higher animals. The red colour 
of blood is due to the presence in it of large numbers of 

22 - A New Pownt of Resemblance in the 

discs or corpuscles, infiltrated with a red colouring matter 
of very complex constitution called heemoglobin. These red 
corpuscles take up oxygen while the blood is passing through 
the capillaries of the lung, the oxygen entering into loose 
combination with the hemoglobin. As the blood flows in 
the systemic circulation through all parts of the body, the 
oxygen is gradually given off, and enters into definite com- 
binations with the tissues undergoing disintegration; one 
of the main ultimate products of the oxidation process being 
carbonic acid, which is taken up by the blood and carried to 
the lungs, there to be exchanged for a fresh supply of 
oxygen. The following passage from Hermann’s Physio- 

logy (English translation, p. 47) gives shortly what is gener- - 

ally admitted as to the properties of the oxygen contained 
in the blood, though there is not perfect unanimity on all 
points, as I will afterwards show:—“ As blood when satu- 
rated with oxygen takes up exactly as much of that gas as 
corresponds to the amount which its hemoglobin can com- 
bine with, it follows that all the loosely combined oxygen of 
the blood is linked to hemoglobin. The oxygen of the blood 
is given up so readily to oxidizable substances that it has 
been thought to be present in the form of active oxygen, or 
ozone O,. The following properties of blood appear to 
favour this view :—(1.) Both the blood corpuscles and 
hemoglobin are so-called ‘ ozone-transferrers —that is, they 
possess the power of immediately transferring ozone from 
substances in which it is present (as turpentine which has 
been kept for a long time) to readily oxidizable substances 
(ozone reagents, such as tincture of guaiacum, which be- 
comes blue by oxidation—Schcenbein, His.); for this reac- 
tion the presence or absence of oxygen in the blood is of no 
importance (for instance, it may be saturated with CO). (2.) 
Blood and hemoglobin can themselves ozonize oxygen, so 
that in presence of air they can cause guaiacum tincture to 
become blue (A. Schmidt); if the blood itself contains 
oxygen the presence of air is not necessary ; it is necessary 
if the blood has been saturated with CO (Kiihne and Scholz). 
On the activity of its oxygen depends the decomposition of 
sulphuretted hydrogen by blood. It is therefore very pro- 
bable that the oxygen naturally contained in blood is present 
in the form of ozone, or in some similar condition.” 

With regard to the first of the properties, viz., the power 
possessed by hzemoglobin of acting as an “ozone-transferrer,” 
there is no room for difference of opinion, that quality 

Respiration of Plants and Annals. 23 

indeed being made the basis of a valuable test for blood, 
with which the name of Dr. Day, of Geelong, is associated. 
Tincture of guaiacum and peroxide of hydrogen may be 
brought together without any change of colour appearing ; 
but as soon as a minute trace of blood or hzemoglobin is 
added a deep blue is struck. The presence of ozone in the 
blood, as first asserted by Professor Alexander Schmidt in 
1862, and confirmed by W. Kiihne (Lehrbuch der Physiolo- 
guschen Chemie, 1868, p. 214) and others, has been doubted 
by some physiologists, and indeed quite lately by Dr. Michael 
Foster in his Textbook of Physiology, first edition, 1877, 
p. 240. As there is not yet by any means unanimity of 
opinion as to the nature of ozone and its characteristic re- 
actions, the dispute may be mainly about names, there being 
really agreement that the oxygen in the blood is more 
active, 7.e., combines more readily with reducing substances, 
than the ordinary form existing in the atmosphere. The 
transformations undergone by oxygen in the vegetable 
economy do not seem to have been traced in the same way. 
For the purpose of discovering the present state of know- 
ledge on the subject I have gone through the most likely 
sections in Sachs’ Textbook of Botany, in Watts’ Dictionary 
of Chemistry, including the supplements, and in the Dic- 
tionnaire de Ohemie, of Wurtz, as well as through the 
articles most likely to touch on the subject in the Journal 
of the Chemical Society, and the Chemisches Centralblatt for 
the last few years, and have been able to find nothing but the 
vaguest statements. My own observations were first made 
some years ago in the course of a series of experiments 
mainly designed to test the reliability of the guaiacum test 
for blood, the results being embodied in a paper in the Aus- 
tralian Medical Journal for October, 1869. At that time 
I did not see the full bearing of these observations on the 
subject now under discussion ; but having occasion again to 
take the matter up recently I have been able to reach more 
definite conclusions. The recent experiments have been 
made chiefly with fruits of different sorts, especially apples 
and pears, though what is true of them holds good of most 
other fresh vegetable structures and expressed juices. If a 
drop of tincture of guaiacum be allowed to fall on a freshly 
cut surface of an apple or pear, which has not been too 
long pulled and is not decayed, it will generally be 
found that a blue colour is quickly struck. Again, if a few 
crumbs of biscuit or other cooked starch are sprinkled on 

2A A New Point of Resemblance wn the 

a similar surface, and a little of a strong solution of iodide 
of potassium added, the starchy particles will become gra- 
dually brown and then black from the formation of iodide 
of starch. Here, then, we have the recognised reactions 
characteristic of the presence of ozone. The rapidity and 
intensity of these reactions will be found to vary with 
different articles or different specimens of the same article ; 
and they may fail altogether, as in very watery fruits, such as 
some grapes, though even with these the guaiac reaction 
may be perceptible in a green berry from the same bunch. 
I have not observed this reaction with the soft pulpy 
fruits which quickly decay, such as the strawberry or peach, 
perhaps because the specimens were not fresh enough, 
while with the apple and pear both reactions may be 
obtained though the fruits have been pulled for a consider- 
able time. 

With reference to the agent providing these reactions it 
may certainly be said :—(1.) That it is not merely ordinary 
oxygen absorbed and dissolved in the vegetable juice; and 
this, both on account of these reactions and from the fact 
that Cahours (Comptes Rendus, 1864, LVIII., pp. 495 and 
653) could obtain carbonic acid gas and nitrogen, but never 
oxygen, from expressed fruit juices. (2.) It is not newly- 
formed oxygen, separated by the chlorophyll, which may 
possibly in part be diffused into the structures below the 
surface as well as liberated into the atmosphere, since 
Pellucci has shown (Chemisches Centralblatt, 1872, p. 356) 
that the oxygen developed under water in sunlight by various 
plants does not act on starch and iodide of potassium like 
ozone, agreeing therein with the results obtained by Mulder 
and others, v. Hoppe-Seyler’s Physiologische Chemie, 1877, 
p. 47. These reactions are also given by sections of pulled 
fruits, which, though capable of carrying on a process of 
respiration for a time, no longer liberate oxygen; and also 
by underground organs like the potato, turnip, &., which 
never perform that function. (3.) It is not probable, in 
spite of these reactions, that the substance is actually dis- 
solved ozone, since it is scarcely conceivable that it could 
continue to co-exist for any length of time with the complex 
mixture of solid and dissolved organic matters contained in 
fruits. We are therefore in a manner shut up to the con- 
clusion—(4.) That the oxygen is in a form of loose com- 
bination, as it isin the blood, and therefore capable of being 
slowly given off in a very active form to combine definitely 

Respiration of Plants and Animals. 25 

with oxidizable substances. Cahours (op. cit.) and others 
often since have found that fruits, during their period of 
growth, appropriate carbon and give off oxygen, like other 
oreen parts of the plant; but that when ripening they 
cease to do so, and begin to inhale oxygen and give off 
carbonic acid ; the chemical changes taking place during the 
process of maturation being essentially oxidation phenomena. 
It is also well established that many fruits, such as the apple, 
the pear, and the orange, continue the maturation process 
after separation from the parent stem, acting in a manner like 
independent organisms. If placed in a close vessel contain- 
ing air, a portion of the oxygen gradually disappears, and is 
replaced by carbonic acid. A difficulty was felt by Cahours 
in explaining the continued exhalation of CO, from fruits 
enclosed in an atmosphere of nitrogen or hydrogen, which he 
could ascribe only to some fermentation. Fremy, in a note 
to the communication of Cahours, tries to explain it as being 
due to the slow process of combustion going on in the 
interior of the fruit, which is no doubt true; but is at the 
same time rather an insufficient explanation, without some 
account such as is here given of the state in which the 
oxygen exists while that slow combustion is going on, the 
full explantion being that the oxygen is stored up in loose 
combination, to be given off as required for the formation of 
oxidation products and among them CO,,. 

With reference to the substance with which the oxygen is 
temporarily combined I cannot speak very definitely ; it is 
certain, however, that in fresh fruits and other vegetable 
substances there is an element which is possessed of the 
same ozone-transferring property as hemoglobin. If a fresh 
section does not supply spontaneously the blue colour on 
the application of tincture of guaiacum, it can be brought 
out by the addition of a drop of solution of peroxide of 
hydrogen ; and ifit had appeared spontaneously, the peroxide 
has the effect of rendering the blue more intense. I have 
found that in fruits, when long-kept, the ozone reaction 
is gradually enfeebled, the power of inhaling oxygen 
being lost and the amount stored up gradually con- 
sumed. On the other hand, the ozone-transferrer may still 
be detected when the fruit has become over-ripe and has 
entered on the stage of incipient decay, disappearing 
entirely, however, in parts which have become actually 
rotten. When fruits, &c., are cooked either with moist or 
dry heat, both this substance and the active oxygen are 

26. A New Point of Resemblance in the 

destroyed, no blue colour being produced by guaiacum alone 
or on the addition of peroxide of hydrogen. It is known 
that other substances contained in the animal economy, and 
belonging to the protein group, such as fibrin, myosin, 
globulin, act like hzemoglobin in the way of carriers of 
ozone. I conclude, therefore, from analogy, as well as from 
its properties above described, that in fresh vegetable sub- 
stances there is contained an ingredient, probably albumin- 
ous, which acts as an ozone-transferrer, and may be presumed 
to be the agent with which oxygen enters into loose com- 
bination. It certainly is not chlorophyll, which has been 
compared with hemoglobin (by Baeyer in his paper referred 
to: above) on account of the property which they possess in 
common of combining with CO. The difference in function, 
however, is well marked, chlorophyll causing the elimination 
of oxygen, while hemoglobin enters into combination with 
it. In addition, the substance whose nature I am consider- 
ing exists abundantly in the interior portions of fruits and 
in many other structures, such as the potato, turnip, &c., 
which never contain chlorophyll. I think it probable 
that considerable difficulty will be found in isolating 
this substance, both on account of its destructibility and 
because it is almost uniformly diffused through fresh 
vegetable structures. It is probably intimately asso- 
ciated with the vascular: tissue, since I have found that the 
ozonic reaction, as well as the ozone-transferring function, 
in fruits are most marked and persistent near the core, 
where the vessels from the stalk are more abundant than in 
the outer, more purely cellular, parts. A perhaps more 
doubtful opinion is that this substance is attached to the 
small cells or granules, called by Sachs “aleurone grains,” 
which, according to him, are mainly proteinaceous. They 
resemble somewhat in size the red blood corpuscles, and I 
have sometimes thought that minute sections of fruits, which 
had been rendered blue by guaiacum, when examined under 
the microscope showed the most intense colouration at the 
spots where these aleurone grains occurred in groups. 
Whether what I have ventured to advance by way of 
opinion prove to be correct or not, the following points have, 
I think, been established :—(1) That the oxygen inhaled by 
plants as well as by animals enters first into some form of 
loose combination whereby it is ozonized or rendered active ; 
and (2) that plants contain a substance, other than chloro- 
phyll, having some important points of analogy with the 

Respiration of Plants and Animals. 27 

heemoglobin of animals, acting like it as an ozone-transferrer. 
It cannot, however, yet be regarded as more than fair pre- 
sumption that this substance is that with which oxygen 
becomes loosely combined. 

ArT. IX.—Note of the Great Meteor of June 8th, 1878. 

By R. L. J. Every, F.BS. 
[Read 11th July, 1878. | 

THERE is one point in connection with the apparition of the 
great daylight meteor of June 8, 1878, which is remarkable and 
interesting—that is the apparent exactness with which diffe- 
rent observers, hundreds of miles apart, erroneously localise 
certain phases of the phenomenon, and the imaginary nearness 
to the observers at which these phases occurred, leading one 
to the conclusion that usual human experience in judging of 
distance, &c., is altogether at a loss in the case of such pheno- 
mena as this. The meteor appeared about 3 p.m. on June 8, 
and was seen at Sydney, off the N.S.W. coast at sea, at Yass, 
Braidwood, Cooma, Omeo, over many parts of Gippsland, 
at Geelong, Ballarat, Seymour, &c., &e., and by sifting all the 
reports, and allowing for difference of local time, all about 
the sume time. There can be no doubt it reached its mini- 
mum distance from the earth somewhere in the zenith of 
Kosciusko, and passed nearly over the zeniths of Cooma and 
Omeo. From Seymour it was seen in the east, about 30° 
high; from this its height may be roughly estimated as over 
100 miles, while by two different observers at different 
places a bursting-up of the meteor was witnessed, followed 
at an estimated interval of from 10 to 15 minutes by loud 
explosions—most probably one explosion and its aerial echoes. 
This would give us an estimate of its distance from these 
observers of nearly 200 miles. 

At Cooma, Yass, and about that district, it was firmly 
believed to have come to the earth in the neighbourhood, 
and to have fell by the side of Jellimatong; indeed, it was 
reported that fragments were picked up in that district. 
The explosion seemed to be quite close to the observers, and 
was called by some an earthquake. 

28 Notes on the Great Meteor of June 8th, 1878. 

Now from Mr. Christian Ogilvie, at Omeo, I received a 
very interesting account of the meteor as seen in the Omeo 
district by numerous observers, and here also the explosion 
was localised at the mountain called the “ Brothers.” Two 
observers, five miles from the mountain, in different direc- 
tions, describe it “as if the mountain had burst,” and “like 
the crash of an enormous falling rock, followed by 

It is not probable, I think, that there could have been two 
explosions of this meteor, but that whoever witnessed the 
apparition and heard the explosion, estimated it to have 
taken place in his immediate vicinity, although there can 
be little doubt that the meteor was at no time during its 
appearance within 80 or probably 100 miles of the earth. 
Observers at Seymour describe having seen the meteor 
burst, though no sound, of course, reached that district. 

Art. X.—The Perception of Colour. 


[Read 17th October, 1878. ] 

A FEW months ago, in a short communication to this 
Society (“Photographs on the Retina,” 11th April, 1878), I 
endeavoured to give an account of what was then known of 
the properties of the colouring matter called retina-purple. 
More extended observations have tended to establish further 
the importance of photo-chemical processes in the act of 
vision. That the retina contains colouring matter, capable 
of undergoing rapid changes under the action of light, and 
that pictures of objects can be printed on the retina by help 
of it (optograms of Kiihne), would alone be sufficient to 
suggest its functional importance. The well-known per- 
sistence of visual impressions, 2¢, the fact that after 
looking at an object, especially a bright one, we can still 
see it if the eye is immediately closed, the outlines 
gradually becoming less distinct till the picture fades away, 
is best explained by the alternate destruction and 
restitution of the retina-purple by light and in the dark. 
Boll has found the colour of the human retina deeper and 

The Perception of Colour, 29 

more intense after a night’s sleep than later in the day; 
and in this may be found an explanation of the great 
sensitiveness to light of an eye which has been long in the 
dark. The transparent retina has become more fully satu- 
rated with the pigment, and more tumultuous chemical 
changes go on, with correspondingly intense stimulation of 
the optic nerve. This varying sensitiveness of the retina at 
different times of the day has been made the subject of 
exact experiment by M. Auguste Charpentier (Academy of 
Sciences, 20th May, 1878, v. Gazette Medicale, 23, 1878). 
He found that the difference of acuteness in the rested and 
active eye holds good with all kinds of light. For instance, 
the eye which has been kept dark for 15 to 20 minutes 
experiences a luminous sensation, with a minimum of green 
hight equal to 16, while the eye which has been, active 
requires a minimum of 121; the comparative amounts of red 
light under the same conditions being 12 and 50, and of blue 
16 and 400. As Charpentier argues, it is impossible to 
conceive of this difference of sensibility being due to fatigue, 
in any proper sense of the word, since the eye which had 
been in exercise had merely been performing its normal 
function. The explanation, as he says, is to be found in 
the comparative amount of retina-purple under the different 
conditions investigated by him, the sensitiveness to light 
being in direct proportion to the chemical changes in the 
pigment produced by that light. In a further note 
to the Academy (27th May, 1878, Gazette Medicale, 24, 
1878), M. Charpentier reported that according to his 
direct observations 1t seems to result, that where there is 
less of the red substance in the retina there is less 
luminous sensibility, and that when the red is in excess that 
sensibility is exaggerated. These facts taken together seem 
to put beyond doubt that the retina-purple plays a very im- 
portant, perhaps essential, part in the physiology of vision. 

When we proceed to apply the knowledge recently gained 
in a more special way, difficulties increase. I propose, how- 
ever, to consider in how far the discoveries of Boll and 
Kiihne throw light on the very difficult question of the 
perception of colour, and before doing so it is necessary to 
indicate shortly the generally accepted view on that subject. 
Early in the present century Dr. Thomas Young proposed a 
theory which has been, with slight modifications, adopted by 
Helmholz, and accepted generally by physiologists. It is to 
the effect that in every spot of the retina capable of receiving 

op The Perception of Colowr. 

colour impressions there must be a number of distinct 
nerve terminations, each sensitive to the impression produced 
by a single colour. An analysis of the components of white 
light led him to fix on three as the least possible number 
of these nerve terminations capable of being acted on by 
red, green, and violet respectively. By the combination of 
these three colours, or of two of them in varying proportions, 
either white light or any intermediate colour can be pro- 
duced. White light is the combined sensation resulting 
from the equal stimulation of all three nervous elements ; 
and so with varying degrees of stimulation of one or more, 
the particular colour perception results, yellow, for instance, ~ 
being the colour perceived when the terminations for red 
and green are about equally stimulated, and the one for 
violet little or not at all. This hypothetical explanation of 
the phenomena has been almost universally accepted as a 
satisfactory one, since with the help of the minimum of 
secondary hypotheses it could be applied so as to account for 
certain peculiarities and abnormalities of the colour-sense. 
The theory as a whole of course rests on the doctrine of the 
specific energy of different nerves and nerve terminations ; 
the doctrine, namely, that each nerve responds only to one 
particular stimulus, the optic nerve to light, the auditory 
nerve to sound, and so on. On the Young-Helmholz 
theory it is assumed that, in addition to the specific energy 
of the optic nerve, as a whole, there are fibres or fibre- 
terminations endowed with specific energies adapting 
them for receiving different colour impressions. It might 
‘be questioned in how far such an extension of the doctrine 
is allowable, unless we are prepared to accept a similar 
differentiation of the elements of the other nerves of 
special sense. It would perhaps be applying the reductio 
ad absurdwm test to such an extension of the doctrine, to 
what might be called secondary specific energies, to assume 
that there must be in the olfactory nerve, or its surface 
endings, a special element susceptible only to the stimulus of 
one odorous substance, one each for every possible smell 
between otto of roses and assafcetida. I do not know that 
it is allowable to make that extension of the doctrine in the 
case of the optic nerve, merely because we can indicate a 
possible minimum number of elements in it so endowed, 
while in the case of the other special senses there is no 
approach to such a limitation. I make this criticism with 
all humility, knowing that it is in opposition to the opinion 

The Perception of Colour. 31 

of the most eminent physiologists. It is certain, however, 
that histology gives no support to the theory of three or 
more distinct percipient elements existing together in all 
parts of the retina, all the rods and cones in one part of 
the retina of the same animal being of similar construction, 
so far as can be shown by the microscopes at present in use. 
A difference in the index of refraction of different 
elements would perhaps be sufficient, without any dif- 
ference of form; but that is merely another hypothesis 
framed to obviate a difficulty in accepting an opinion 
which is itself hypothetical. A simpler, and therefore more 
feasible, view of the phenomena of colour perception is to 
reoard it as the result of photo-chemical changes in the 
retina ; though, in the present state of our knowledge, it 
may be somewhat premature to attempt to apply it for the 
explanation of all the peculiarities of that function, normal 
and abnormal. In my last communication the suggestion 
could only be ventured that the retina-purple may serve in 
some way for the perception of colours. The great ditiiculty 
then lay in the circumstance that Boll and Kiihne agreed in 
stating, that the colouring matter was not to be found in 
the cones; and yet the macula lutea is the part of the retina 
most sensitive to colour, that sensitiveness being most 
marked in the fovea centralis, which contains only cones 
and no rods. There are sufficient reasons, however, for 
supposing that there was error in denying the presence of 
retina-purple in that region, or in the cones generally. The 
layer of pigment cells on which the rods and cones rest is 
the source of supply of the purple, which it seems to 
manufacture and store up. Now these cells are more abun- 
dant behind the yellowspotthan at any other part of theretina. 
Dr. Schmidt-Rimpler has reported (Archiv fiir Ophthalmolo- 
gle, xx1., 3, 1876) that in perfectly fresh human eyes he found 
the macula lutea of a reddish-brown colour, which gradually 
faded, giving place to the usual yellowish hue; the last 
speck of red, however, being seen in the centre of the fovea. 
That Kiihne did not detect the red colour in the cones is 
probably to be explained by the delicate points of these 
structures allowing of its more rapid disappearance than 
from the broader based rods ; this explanation being made 
more probable by the fact that the transformations of the 
retina-purple under the influence of light go on slowly, and 
are therefore most easily observed in the amphibia and car- 
tilaginous fishes, whose retinal rods are unusually large. It 

32 The Perception of Colour. 

was necessary to dispose of this preliminary difficulty, since 
the result of growing knowledge of the structure and 
functions of the organ of vision has been to connect colour 
impressions specially with the cones. 

If it be granted that retina-purple plays an important part 
in the act of vision, as has been shown, we are in a position 
for considering facts and arguments in favour of its im- 
portance in the perception of colour. The first point in 
favour of that view is the fact that light of different colours 
acts differently on it. An experiment of Kiihne’s shows this 
in a very unmistakable manner. He arranged frogs’ retinas 
on a screen, and exposed them simultaneously to the 
whole length of the solar spectrum. He found the bleach- 
ing process begin with, and pass successively through 
greenish-yellow, yellowish-green, bluish-green, greenish-blue, 
blue, indigo, and violet; later, through pure yellow and 
orange ; much later,through ultra violet ; and finally, through 
red. He found that the human retina is bleached by blue 
to violet in twelve minutes, by green in twenty-five minutes, 
and by red only in about eight hours. He further found 
that the various stages in the transformation of the pig- 
ment, from red through orange to yellow, as well as the 
ultimate disappearance of all colour, are passed through 
with varying rapidity. Green light rapidly brings about 
the change to yellow, but complete decomposition is then 
slower; while with violet light the change to yellow is made 
very slowly, but from that point the advance to complete 
transparency is rapid. Whether the transformations of the 
retina-purple differ in kind as well as in the rapidity of 
their production, under the influence of light of different 
colours, has not been determined, very little being yet known 
with regard to its chemical constitution; and even less is 
_ known of the nature and function of the green colour found 
in certain rods in the retina of the frog, though it also varies 
under the action of different kinds of monochromatic light. 
It is established that the photo-chemical changes in the 
retina are not the same under the stimulus of different 
colours, and it is therefore fair matter of hypothesis that 
the sensation of colour is produced by the action of 
different modifications of the retina-purple or other 
pigments on the fibres of the optic nerve. Absolute 
demonstration of this mode of production of sen- 
sations of colour is, for obvious reasons, difficult, per- 
haps impossible of attainment; but its claim to acceptance 

The Perception of Colowr. 33 

will be all the greater if it throws a clearer light on, or 
gives a simpler explanation of the phenomena, than the 
current theory. MM. Landolt and Charpentier have 
shown (Gazette Medicale, 10, 1878), that before any 
colour is recognised for what it is, a variety of phases are 
passed through, the first being a simple luminous sensation ; 
and that gradually the chromatic character of the light is 
perceived. It has also been long known that a different 
length of time is required for the perception of different 
colours, red requiring the longest time. On the theory 
of Young, it is not easy to see why this should be the 
case; why a nerve termination, specially adapted for the 
perception of one colour, should respond more slowly to the 
stimulus of that colour than a second nerve termination 
does to another colour, by which alone it is acted on. On 
the photo-chemical theory it meets with a simple expla- 
nation in the varying action of different rays on the 
pigmentary matter of the retina, red light transforming it 
mostslowly. In thesame way when we take the remarkable 
abnormality of vision, known as Daltonism, the superiority 
of the photo-chemical hypothesis is apparent. In the vast 
majority of cases red is the colour which is not seen, there 
being cases in which very intense red can be detected, but 
not duller shades. On Young’s theory this is to be 
explained only on the supposition that one of the three 
new elements, whose existence is postulated, is awanting, 
or has wholly or partially lost its excitability; but no 
explanation is afforded of the fact, that it is almost always 
the element susceptible to red which is thus defective. On 
the hypothesis of photo-chemical action the explanation is 
much simpler and more easily acceptable. The least refran- 
gible (red) rays have Jeast action on the pigment of the 
retina, even when isolated; they are also normally absorbed 
in great proportion by the transparent media of the eye; 
and it is only necessary to suppose a slight increase of that 
resistance to their passage to account for their total absorp- 
tion, the same increase of resistance having a slighter effect 
on the more refrangible rays. In this way the partial or 
total blindness to red would be accounted for, the perception 
of other colours being inappreciably impaired. 

There is another point which at first seemed to throw 
serious difficulty in the way of this view of the mechanism 
of the production of impressions of colour. The retinas of 
most birds and reptiles have none of this retinal colour, and 


34 The Perception of Colowr. 

yet there is reason to suppose that birds at least have a well- 
developed colour sense. There had long ago been observed 
in the rods and cones of the retinas of these animals spherical 
fatty drops of red and yellow colour, which have been sup- 
posed by physiologists to be of importance in colour percep- 
tion, but they differ from the retinal purple in that light has 
not much effect in bleaching them. An investigation of 
their nature and properties by Dr. Capranica (Annales 
@ Oculistique, lxxviii., p. 144, 1877) has revealed, however, 
that as regards solubility and reactions the colouring matter 
contained in these globules agrees completely with that in 
the pigment layer of the frog’s retina, and that the difference 
between the red and yellow is only one of concentration. 
When dissolved in alcohol, chloroform, or sulphuret of carbon, 
this pigment is decolorised by the action of light, the diffe- 
rent forms of monochromatic light acting on it as on retina- 
purple, with which it has therefore the closest affinities. 
The photo-chemical sensibility, according to Capranica, 
depends on the amount of fatty matter associated with it. 
These isolated coloured globules may therefore be presumed 
to play the same part as the more diffused colour in the 
retina of the mammalia. 
Enough has been said, I think, to make it at least highly 
probable that the perception of colours is essentially con- 
nected with photo-chemical processes, and the admission of 
this interpretation has the further advantage that it brings 
this function into closer analogy with other special senses, 
the optic fibres being stimulated by particles of chemical 
substances just as the olfactory and gustatory nerves are by 
particles of odorous and sapid substances, and the auditory 
nerve terminations by mechanical pressure or the impact of 
the minute bodies known as otoliths. 
In addition to the references given in this and the previous 
communications, | may state that the data on which the 
argument in this paper is based have been obtained mainly 
from the following authorities :— 
(1.) A review of the literature on retina-purple in the 
ee Journal of the Medical Sciences, July, 

(2.) Wilhelm Schoen. Die.Lehre vom Gesichtsfelde und 
semen Anomalien, 1874. 

(3.) ae Human Phystology (English translation}, 

(4.) Wilhelm Wundt, Lehrbuch der Physiologie, 1868. 

On the supposed Intra-Mercurial Planet. 35 

ArT. XI.—On the swpposed Intra-Mereurial Planet. 

By R. L. J. Evtery, F.RS. 

[Read 14th November, 1878. ] 

THE announcement that during the total eclipse of the 
29th July last, visible in the United States of America, 
Professor Watson had discovered an unknown body near 
the sun, supposed to be an intra-mercurial planet, has 
revived the almost dormant question of the existence of 
such a body, and awakened fresh interest in the earlier 
observations of the supposed planet Vulcan. It will be 
known to some of you, no doubt, that long since, the 
celebrated Leverrier demonstrated that Mercury’s perihelion 
moved 40 seconds per century faster than it should do, 
taking into account the gravitating action of only the known 
planets of the system. This he most easily accounted for by 
supposing that there were between Mercury and the sun a 
group of small planets. Adopting this theory, various re- 
corded observations of the passage across the sun’s disc of 
dark round bodies, at a more rapid rate than ordinary sun 
spots, were adduced as evidence of the existence of such 
planets; but the untrustworthiness of some of these ob- 
servations, and the failure of experienced observers to detect 
the phenomena while scrutinising the sun’s surface at the 
very times the reputed passages occurred, has hitherto so 
weakened the only proofs adduced—except the theoretical 
one of Leverrier’s—that he alone, I believe, out of all expe- 
rienced astronomers, still had strong faith that intra- 
mercurial planets or a planet would yet be discovered, 
On March 21st, 1877, a transit of the supposed body 
across the sun’s disc was announced as probable by Lever- 
rier, and a systematic search was kept up by all the 
principal observatories of the world during the days indi- 
cated, but nothing was discovered. The American astrono- 
mers, probably made more sanguine by the recent discovery 
by one of them of the satellites of Mars, seized the oppor- 
tunity of the late eclipse for examining systematically the 
immediate vicinity of the sun during the moments of totality, 
at which times it is possible to detect comparatively small 
stars very close to him, except in the rays of the corona, 

36 The supposed Intra-Mercurial Planet. 

- Professor Watson, a well-known and experienced astronomer, 
who observed the eclipse at Rawlins, Wy., devoted himself 
to this work, and by help of specially contrived and extem- 
porised accessories to his equatorial, made a methodical 
search, which according to accounts already to hand appears 
to have been, in some degree at least, successful. The first 
announcement that Professor Watson had discovered Vulcan 
was received with incredulity, and our veteran English 
Astronomer Royal thought it highly probable that @ Caner 
had been mistaken for the sought-for planet; you will 
remember also I stated at a former meeting that although 
the discovery of an intra-mercurial planet had been notified, 
it was not by any means received by astronomers as esta- 
blished. More recent advices, however, add considerably to the 
probabilities that Professor Watson has actually discovered 
a planet moving inside the orbit of Mercury. The chart 
shown will give you an idea of the position of the body, as 
well as that of @ Cancri when observed, which at once dis- 
poses of Sir George Airy’s suggestion that that star had 
been mistaken for a planet. Professor Watson says “that 
while searching with his specially-fitted telescope he came 
across a ruddy star of the four and a-half magnitude which 
had a perceptible disc, the magnifying power being only 45.” 
He says also “it was much brighter than 6 Canerz,” which is 
the fifth magnitude. It has been suggested that the object 
seen might have been a comet, but: Professor Watson spe- 
cially remarks that “there was no appearance such as 
would be expected if it had been a comet ;” and further, that 
he feels warranted in believing it to be an «intra-mer- 
curial planet. Although I do not think this observation 
alone will establish the existence of a new planet 
beyond all doubt, it at all events makes it highly probable, 
and will stimulate astronomers to avail themselves of every 
possible chance of ratifying Professor Watson’s observation. 
A Mr. Swift, a well-known American observer of comets, 
also saw a “strange star,” and although the positions he 
gives do not quite agree with those of Professor Watson, his 
observation is admitted to be in a great measure cor- 
roborative. It is pointed out in Nature, No. 463, that 
a search along the Kcliptic within 10° or 12° each side 
of the sun with large refractors provided with long 
dew caps, blackened inside, will afford the best and 
probably only chance of recovering Professor Watson's 
planet, until the total eclipse of 1882, 

The Sounds of the Consonants. 37 

Art. XII.—The Sounds of the Consonants, as Indicated by 
the Phonograph. 

[Read 14th November, 1878.] 

On its first discovery, the phonograph was hailed with 
much satisfaction by those who are devoted to the study of 
music as a physical science, but a few months of actual ex- 
perience have shown that their hopes were by no means 
likely to be fulfilled. As a means of registering sounds the 
phonograph is not to be compared with methods that have 
long been known; the phonautograph of Leon Scott, the 
manometric flame of Konig, the graphic method of Duhamel, 
all give results that are more easy of interpretation than 
the phonograms printed by the new instrument on tin-foil. 
It is almost impossible to see, much less properly to estimate, 
the minute and delicate curves contained in the dots which 
make up the phonogram. A microscope gives little assist- 
ance, for when one looks down into an indentation present- 
ing intricate surfaces of curves in three dimensions, the 
unaided eye can distinguish little of any importance in its 

Various contrivances have already been adopted for the 
purpose of examining these indentations more thoroughly ; 
one observer has made careful sections of the tin-foil, and by 
magnifying these to the extent of about 400 diameters has 
been able to verify the results already obtained by other 
instruments. Jenkins and Ewing in their recent articles 
in Nature described multiplying arrangement which they 
have used with success in order to obtain magnified trac- 
ings of the marks obtained by singing the vowels into the 
phonograph. In this way they have made careful analyses 
of the wave forms which constitute the vowel sounds i and 
© when sung in different notes. But they cannot claim to 
have discovered a single new fact. The truth seems to be 
that while the tin-foil on which the phonograms are im- 
printed is impressed with moderate ease, there is yet enough 
' of mechanical resistance to destroy altogether the finer sorts 
of vibrations, 

Now we know from Helmholtz’s researches that while 

33 The Sounds of the Consonants. 

the pitch and intensity of a note depend on the rapidity and 
amplitude of its vibrations, its richness, and indeed all 
that serves to give character to the note, depend on the num- 
ber and kind of secondary vibrations with which the main 
vibration is attended. Thus if the note is attended by its 
octave, that is, if in addition to the vibrations which give 
the note itself, there are present a secondary set of vibrations 
of twice the rapidity, then we have a sound which the ear 
recognises at once as musically the same note, and yet it 
perceives a richness and fulness which was not present in 
the simple tone. If to this double set of vibrations there 
be added a third set, three times as rapid as the first, there 
is again a change in the quality of the tone; and while a 
musician would say that the note was the same, the ear 
would nevertheless declare that though the pitch and inten- 
sity were the same, the character is notwithstanding quite 

It was from the consideration of this last element, the 
quality of the note, that Helmholtz was able to originate 
the theory now generally accepted as to the nature of the 
vowel sounds. Every set of vibrations given off either by 
the human voice or by any musical instrument tends to 
strengthen itself by the addition of a series of harmonics, 
the first being twice as rapid as itself, the next three times, 
the next four times, the next five times, and so on. Thus, 
if the sound be C we may have this note strengthened by 
the addition of the C above, by the G above that, by the 
next C, the next EH, the next G again, and so on. 

Now it is possible by means of resonators to strengthen 
any one of these secondary vibrations, and so completely 
alter the character of the note produced ; if a person were 
to sing the same note through funnels of different shapes 
the sounds would still be recognised by the ear as the same 
note, but each would have its own distinctive character. _ 

This is all that takes place when a vowel is pronounced 
by a human voice; a certain note is emitted by the larynx, 
the mouth is shaped into a resonator so as to strengthen 
certain of the harmonics of that note. If the mouth is 
partially opened, and the cavity made somewhat round by 
the action of the under-jaw, we have the second partial tone 
strengthened and made equal, or in some cases more intense 
than the fundamental note; the result is that the primary 
vibration is followed by a second equal to it, and so the 
phonogram gives for the long sound of 6 a series of dots 

The Sounds of the Consonants. 39 

arranged in pairs; in the word “mole,” pronounced in a 
deliberate way but without dwelling unnecessarily on the 
syllable, there are about ninety of these pairs of vibrations 
to make up the vowel sound. 

Cer OOP or OO 

The long sound of @ or 00 as in “ roof” consists of the fun- 
damental note strengthened by its third partial, that is if the 
vowel be spoken on the note C, there will be added to this a 
series of vibrations corresponding to the G of the octaveabove. 
The marks produced consist of a series of pear-shaped dots 
closely contiguous, the broad end representing the place 
where the fundamental is reinforced by its second harmonic, 
the narrow end representing the secondary smaller vibrations. 

S&S @& @& @.. 

In the word “roof,” pronounced with moderate rapidity, 
there are between forty and fifty of these impressions to 
represent the vowel sound. 

The vowel 4, as in “far,” consists of the fundamental 
note strengthened by both the second and third partials; 
hence its phonograms partake of the characters both of 6 
and of a. A slightly pear-shaped dot is followed after a 
definite interval by a much smaller dot. In the word “ far” 
it takes from 150 to 170 of these pairs to give the vowel 

eS * ~ 

The sound “awe” has altogether four partials, the funda- 
mental tone together with its three first harmonics; its 
phonogram seems to consist of two pear-shaped dots of which 
the second is slightly less than the first. 

SS & 

The remaining vowels I have made no effort to analyse, 
but their phonograms, so far as 1 can make out, are— 

6 &e 
ac ff > 
it Gnu =p 
It is plain, then, that while music can be produced by 
simply reproducing the fundamental vibration we can hope 

40 © The Sounds of the Consonants. - 

to reproduce a vowel sound only by adding to that funda- 
mental its proper harmonic. Now, for the first and second 
harmonics the phonograph does this with sufficient distinct- 
ness, hence we get the vowels 0 and w and @ well enunciated ; 
but when we come to produce the vowels é, au, ti, &., the 
results are vague, for the vibrations are too feeble to register 
themselves properly on the tin-foil, and so, while the fun- 
damental note is loudly sounded, the vowel is almost beyond 

The ear has the power of analysing all these vibrations, 
but when the sound is drawn by any of the graphic methods 
the eye does not recognise each of them as a distinct vibra- 
tion, but sees a single set of vibrations, whose lines are 
broken and varied by the super-position of the smaller sets. 
In the phonograms, as seen on the tin-foil, we see the fun- 
damental vibrations marked as a row of prominent dots; the 
harmonics appear either as smaller dots between, or as 
variations in the thickness and depth of the main juncture. 
This is the origin of the pear-shaped dots which recur so 
often, and also of the dashes which seem as though drawn 
out in some places and thickened in others. Among the 
consonants we have to distinguish two very different classes. 
The sibilants and liquids have wave-forms of their own 
which are no less constant and definite than those of the 
vowels ; but the remainder which form the real consonants 
have no wave vibrations peculiar to themselves ; perhaps it 
might be more correct to say that they have no vibrations 
whatever, but exist only as modification of the vowel 

First, as to the liquids.—Of all the letters there is none 
that gives so marked a phonogram as R. This consists 
of groups of dots varying from four to ten, according to 
the amount of roughness put in the letter, and these 
groups are separated by intervals equal to about four 
of their wave lengths. The dots are similar in shape to 
those of the vowel ti, and so we reach the conclusion that 
the liquid 7 is nothing more or less than the vowel w inter- 
rupted twenty or thirty times in a second. 

The letter / has a simple sound; its phonogram consists 
of a series of bars, with smooth surfaces, that is, there are no 
harmonics visible, =——= == =<; the curve dips into the tin 
foil, and then rises by an unbroken sweep. This is what we 
should expect ; for in pronouncing this sound the mouth is 
closed by the tongue being placed close against the palate, 

The Sounds of the Consonants. 41 

while the breath issues through the narrow passage then 
left. The larynx produces its note, consisting of the funda- 
mental vibrations with its harmonics, but there is now no 
resonating cavity to strengthen any one of these harmonics, 
and so the letter / passes forth as an almost purely musical 
note; none of the harmonics being strengthened, they are 
unable to make any impression on the tin-foil, and so we 
have nothing more than a series of simple dashes. 

M seems likewise to consist of a series of dashes, but at 
the end of every dash there occurs a small dot indicating, I 
suppose, the existence of some harmonic. The sound of 
this letter is made by allowing the breath to pass through 
the nose, and the nasal cavity must in some manner act as 
a resonator, giving prominence to certain of the partials, 
but this effect is weak in comparison with the similar action 
by which the mouth produces the vowel sounds. At the 
same time the nasal cavities cannot have all to do in the 
production of the sound of m, for if while sounding this 
letter we raise the tongue and so contract the cavity of the 
mouth, even though the latter is still kept shut, we change 
from the sound of m to that of , in which the long dash is 
divided into a shorter dash, followed by a dot, so that the 
phonogram of n is a short dash with two dots. 

The phonograph is of little use in the determination of 
wave-forms for sibilants. It is difficult to obtain records of 
these sounds, and their excessive minuteness makes it diffi- 
cult to decide as to their shape. They seem, however, to 
consist of an excessively numerous series of small dots. 

The remaining consonants are all formed in the same 
way, that is by either checking or letting go the breath ; at 
the beginning of a syllable, we suddenly permit the 
sound to escape, at the end we suddenly stop it, and the 
ear recognises these sudden changes as consonants. The 
change may take place in three ways, either sharply and 
instantaneously, in which case we have the hard consonants 
p, t, k, or rather more gradually, which gives the softer 
sounds of b, d, g, or it may take place by stopping or com- 
meneing the sound without at the same time stopping or com- 
mencing the breathing. If we stop a sound at the end of a 
syllable, but allow the breath still to pass out, we have the 
sounds of f, v, th, or ch. The phonograms placed on the 
table show the differences between these three classes of 
consonants. With the explosive consonants p, t, k, the 
vowel sounds commence sharply; with the soft consonants 

42 The Sounds of the Consonants. 

b, d, g, there is a gradual swell in the intensity of the dots, 
showing that the vowel sound was at first permitted to 
escape by degrees. With the aspirates f, v, th, and ch,a 
series of indeterminate marks either precedes or follows the 
vowel sound, showing that the breath was escaping before 
or after the vowel had sounded. 

Now, the difference between the corresponding consonants 
in these three classes is much more difficult to make out. 
Why; we may ask, should the sudden stoppage of a sound 
by the lips be recognised as the letter p, and the sudden 
stoppage of the same sound by the teeth and tongue be 
recognised as the letter ¢, or if the tongue and palate be 
employed to do exactly the same thing why should we 
recognise the resulting consonant as kh? 

An examination of the phonograms gives some clue to 
this distinction. It will be found that on pronouncing a 
syllable beginning with p such as “pa” before the vowel sound 
has properly begun, there will be found a few marks which 
do not really belong to that vowel but have more affinity to 
the vowel ti; the explanation is that if the lips are closed, 
and we open them to emit the full sound a, we do not at 
once reach the necessary resonating cavity, we have to pass 
through the intermediate stages. Now these intermediate 
stages are the resonating cavities which give the various 
sounds of t, and though these are very few in comparison 
with the subsequent vowel vibrations they are sufficient to 
be recognised by the ear, and so we can tell at once that 
it must have been the lips which permitted the sudden 
passage of the sound. 

When the consonant is produced by the tongue and teeth, 
as in the letter ¢, before the vowel commences we have the 
marks corresponding to é short; and when the consonant 
is k, the vowel is preceded by marks corresponding first to 
the long é, and then to a, as in “ may.” 

Hence the formation of all the consonants. They are 
either hard, soft, or aspirated; and the ear judges as to 
whether they are formed by the lips, teeth, or palate, by 
observing the vowels through which the sound glides before 
dwelling on the main vowels. 

Thus we find that all sounds, to which the human voice 
gives rise, consist of vibrations of fixed periods, with their 
harmonics ; the presence of these harmonics determines the | 
nature of the vowel, and moreover enables us to decide by 
the ear as to which of the consonants has been uttered. 

Experiments made on a Sample of Pig Iron. 48 

Art. XIII.—Eaperiments made on a Sample of Pig Iron 
recewed from the British and Tasmanian Iron Com- 
pany, Port Lempriere, Tasmania. 

[Read 12th December, 1878. ] 

DuRiInG the month of November, 1876, a sample of pig iron 
was sent to the laboratory for examination and report. 
Upon treating a portion of this iron (which had been very 
finely ground) in a flask and boiling on the sand-bath with 
-nitrohydrochloric acid (1$ parts of hydrochloric to 1 of 
nitric acid) the iron was readily attacked. When all action 
had ceased the supernatant liquor was carefully decanted off 
from the residue. The latter was found to have a peculiar 
bronze-like appearance. This powder was at first believed to 
be “nitride of titanium,’ but upon further investigation 
was found to be a compound of chromium iron and car- 
bonaceous matter. 

The pig iron which was found to contain the most chro- 
mium was coarse-grained and crystalline, having a. white 
lustre somewhat resembling “spiegeleisen” in appearance, 
but its lustre was of a less brilliant white colour, and the 
crystal plates very rough. 

This sample gave a residue on treatment with nitro- 
hydrochloric acid of 9°38 per cent. of a bronze-coloured © 
chromium compound (calculated to the total pig), whereas a 
sample of pig iron which was of much finer grain and 
granular in structure gave 1°52 per cent. of the same 
peculiar compound. 

The pig iron when treated with hydrochloric and sul- 
phuric acids gave different results to that obtained by 
nitric acid. 


The pig iron was broken up into pieces about the size of 
a bean, placed in a flask, and boiled with hydrochloric acid. 
After all effervescence had ceased the vessel was taken off 
the sand-bath and transferred to a quiet place, in order that 
the small particles might settle at the bottom. The super- 
natant liquor was then decanted off, the residue was re-treated 

44 Haperiments made on a Sample of Pig Iron 

with hydrochloric acid, decanted again, and residue well 
washed and dried. A magnet was then passed through it so 
as to take up any particles of metallic iron which might be 
left undecomposed. Upon examining the residue with the 
microscope, peculiar bronze-coloured, star-like crystals were 
observed. Owing to the large amounts of silica and 
carbonaceous matter which are left, it is very difficult to 
separate the little bronze-like stars. These stellate forms 
contain a large percentage of chromium as a component 
part in combination with iron. A sufficient quantity has 
not yet been obtained for a quantitative analysis. This diffi- 
culty is due to their solubility in boiling hydrochloric acid. 
If they are boiled with nitric acid they lose their bronzy 
appearance, and become silvery white; are very slowly dis- 
solved by this acid. | 
They are very slowly acted upon by sulphuric acid, 


Small pieces of pig iron, if boiled with nitric acid, leave 
silvery white plates. When these appear the acid solution 
was carefully decanted off and the plates well washed with 
distilled water, and re-treated with nitric acid, and boiled. 
They were washed out into a suitable vessel and dried. 
These plates are not magnetic, so that any undissolved iron 
could be removed by a magnet. 

_A large proportion of these metallic silvery-looking 
plates are dissolved, owing to their long-continued boiling 
in this acid. 

The following are the analyses which have been made of - 
various samples of this compound :— 

CY") 2a BDO! GN Eas) 

Percentage of iron 53) oo. 87°44 83:92 84:78 84:60 84:69 84°44 
9 chromium - 12°71 16:07 15°73 15°40 15°90 15°56 
p carbon ... e. trace — — — = _ 

100°15 99°99 100°51 100°00 100°59 100-00 

No. 1. Is the analysis of the first sample of silvery white 
plates obtained. The plates were not thoroughly freed from 
undissolved iron, hence the high percentage. 

No.2. This sample was re-treated for some time in nitric 
acid, washed well with distilled water, dried, and the magnet 
passed through the mass, and is therefore the purest sample. 
The iron and chromium were estimated by a process founded 
on that given by “Crooke’s Select Methods in Chemical 

From the British and Tasmanian Iron Company. 45 

Nos. 1, 3, 5. The chromium and iron were estimated in 
these samples by the fusion method, which is described in 
Fresenius’ Quantitative Chemical Analysis. 

Nos. 4, 6. The iron in these samples was carefully deter- 
mined by a standard solution of permanganate of potash, and 
the chromium estimated by loss. 

In appearance these non-magnetic scales resemble osmiri- 
dium, being of a greyish silvery white, and are brittle. 

Hydrochloric acid readily dissolves these plates, forming 
an emerald green solution. Long boiling is required, how- 
ever, to get a complete solution. 

Towards the end of the operation, small particles having 
a bronze-like appearance float in the liquid; these can only 
_ be dissolved by continued boiling in the concentrated acid. 

Sulphuric acid readily attacks the plates. They are not 
acted upon by acetic acid. 

A portion of these plates were boiled in a flask with nitric 
acid for a very long time, and were entirely dissolved. 

There is not the slightest doubt that a large percentage of 
these silvery plates are dissolved, owing to the long-continued 
boiling which the pig iron receives during its solution in 
nitric acid. 


Stellate forms are obtained if the pig iron be treated in 
the same manner as is described under the “hydrochloric 
acid treatment.” 


A portion of the finely pulverised iron was treated in a flask 
with hot nitrohydrochloric acid until a bronze-like powder 
made its appearance ; water was then added to stop the 
action of the acid, and the powder separated and collected : 
the iron residue was again treated with acid. 

_ The bronze powder thus obtained was purified by re-treat- 
ing with nitrohydrochloric acid and well washing. 

If the bright bronze powder be left exposed to moist air 
it becomes slightly tarnished and shows a_ beautiful 

If boiled in nitric acid for a short time, it loses its pecu- 
liar bronzy appearance and is converted into those silvery 
white non-magnetic scales, the same as those obtained in 
the residue, after boiling the pig iron in nitric acid. 

46 Experiments made on a Sample of Pig Iron 

The filtrate from these plates was tested to see if any 
chromium had gone into solution ; only a slight reaction was 

The bronze powder upon treating with sulphuric acid and 
boiling is readily attacked, carbonaceous particles being 
liberated ; the continued action of the sulphuric acid on the 
latter causes the evolution of foetid hydrogen, the solution 
assuming a brownish black appearance, which upon further 
boiling assumes a green colour. 

Hydrochloric acid dissolves this powder, but the peculiar 
bronzy appearance remains to the last. The solution is of 
a fine emerald green colour ; carbonaceous particles separate 
during the solution ; a peculiar hydrocarbon smell is evolved. 

Acetic acid fails to dissolve this bronze powder, and is 
therefore useful in separating any free iron which may be 
mechanically mixed with it. 

A portion of the powder was ground in an agate mortar 
with water; it loses its bronze-like appearance, becoming 
steel-crey, carbonaceous matter being liberated (this shows 
that the carbonaceous matter is merely mechanically dis- 
seminated), the non-magnetic, metallic particles being left 

Upon analysis the bronze powder was found to contain in 
100 parts :— 

Percentage of iron ... soe ise ‘aceon a 
chromium ... ae peat 59) 

5 carbonaceous matter Me a Ae 

s silica ose fg sia (eae 

The analysis shows that when separated from the carbon 
it has the same composition as the nitric acid residue. The 
following is its composition, after deducting the carbon and 
silica :— 

Percentage of iron ... a3 ai -. 8432 
oh chromium ... ave ... 15°68 


100 grains of finely-ground pig iron were placed in a flask 
and gently boiled with acetic acid. 

From the British and Tasmanian Iron Company. 47 

During solution the acid at first readily attacks the iron, 
the liquid assuming a green tint, afterwards passing into a 
deep brown. 

After treating the finely-divided iron two or three times 
with fresh portions of acetic acid, the liquid becomes nearly 
colourless, holding very little iron in solution, and not any 
chromium ; on further boiling with acetic acid chromium 
was taken into solution. 

When all action had ceased there were obtained 37 grains 
of insoluble pig iron, of which 2°20 grains were non-magnetic, 
metallic particles, the remaining 34°8 grains being magnetic. 

Upon analysis the non-magnetic portion gave in 100 
parts :— 

Percentage of iron ... Poe ie ent AO 
- chromium ... =e ae SOO 
¥ carbon a ihe ... trace 


On treating these particles with nitric acid they are con- 
verted into those silvery white plates. They correspond 
exactly to the non-magnetic particles mentioned under the 
heading of “ Treatment with the Magnet.” 

Upon treating a portion of the magnetic particles in 
boiling hydrochloric acid, a few bronze-like stars were 
obtained, corresponding to those mentioned under the 
“ Hydrochloric acid treatment ;” treating a portion also in 
boiling nitric acid for a short time the silvery white plates 
are obtained. These, upon analysis, gave in one hundred 
parts. :— 

Percentage of iron ... it Ses --. 84°60 
‘: chromium ... co bad ee 40) 


The pig iron was ground to a very fine powder. One 
hundred grains were then placed upon a glazed sheet of 
paper and the magnet held in close proximity to the mass, 
when the magnet became covered with metallic particles. 
These were shaken on to a sheet of paper, thus separating 
the magnetic from the non-magnetic. The magnetic particles 
were then ground to a finer state of division, and re-treated 
with the magnet several times. 

48 Experiments made on a Sample of Pig Iron 

By this treatment there were obtained 2°48 per cent. of 
bright, metallic, non-magnetic particles, and 7-43 per cent. of 
slightly magnetic, metallic particles. 

Upon analysis one hundred parts of the non-magnetic 
particles contained :— 

Percentage of iron ... ge see coe 80°44 
ia chromium ... Sse I se ed ely 

. carbon ee WAS ... trace 

Upon boiling a portion of these particles in nitric acid, 
they were converted into the silvery plates. 
One hundred parts of the slightly-magnetic particles gave, 
upon analysis :— 
Percentage of iron ... ae a 1 OFS 
hi chromium ... ie sachin Aes 
im silica and undetermined ... 1:17, 
A number of these slightly magnetic particles were boiled 
in a flask with nitric acid (1 part of nitric acid with 2 parts 
of distilled water) until the solution ceased to be coloured 
by the dissolved iron. Those silvery white particles as 
mentioned under the “ Nitric Acid Treatment,” were obtained. 

Upon analysis these plates gave in 100 parts -— 

Percentage of iron ... are 2 we 8444 
i} chromium ... a sod?) ESS 

This shows that a large percentage of those non-magnetic 
silvery plates are left in the magnetic mass, even after very 
careful treatment with the magnet; this no doubt is owing 
to the plates being impregnated with the surrounding 
particles of metallic iron. 

The quantity of star-like forms in the hydrochloric and 
residue did not suffice for an exact analysis, but their. be- 
haviour with acids shows that they differ in composition 
from the silvery plates. 

One sample of the iron gave minute prismatic needles in 
place of plates, upon treatment with nitrohydrochloric acid. 

These examinations show that the assumption that the 
chromium is alloyed or combined with the whole mass of 

From the British and Tasmanian Iron Company. 49 

the iron is incorrect, but that at any rate, most, if not the 
whole, of it is as two or more definite compounds of iron and 
chromium diffused through the mass of iron. Different 
portions of the same pig iron contain variable percentages of 
these compounds. 

The sample of pig iron from which these results were ob- 
tained gave 898 per cent. of chromium in one part, and 
6°63 per cent. in another. 

Art. XIV.—Formation of Hyalite by the Action 
of Ammonia. 

By J. Cosmo Nrewsery, B.Sc. 

[Read 12th December, 1878. | 

In the examination of building stones used in Melbourne I 
have noticed that the greatest amount of decay takes place 
during the summer months, December, January, and Feb- 
ruary, and that the stones which harden on exposure harden 
most during those months; also, that taking two portions of 
the same stone, saturating one part with water, and leaving 
the other dry, the wet stone hardens first, the hardening 
taking place from the outside inwards. 

Analysis of the outer portions of these hardened stones 
shows an excess of silica, more or less hydrous, and nearly 
always giving distinct traces of ammonia. 

In the Geological Survey Reports, Nos. 4 and 5, I have 
called attention to some of these peculiar passages of silica 
from the inner to the outer parts of the stone, and shown 
that all our freestones, except those already hardened by 
exposure, are acted on with considerable rapidity by 
ammonia and carbonate of ammonia. Some are hardened 
by this action and some are disintegrated. Those which 
are destroyed fall gradually away, the cementing material 

_ being decomposed by the ammonia, and the quartz grains 

are left free to fall or be washed away by the rain. 

In the stones which are not destroyed but harden, some 
other action takes place; the cementing material between 
the sand grains is not softened, but it changes from a dull 


50 Formation of Hyalite by the Action of Ammonia. 

opaque or white clayey cement to a vitreous or quartz-like 
material, eventually, as may be seen on the surface of many 
of our sandstone ranges, to a dense quartzite. 

On the Grampian range, at the Blue range at Mansfield, 
and at Freestone Creek in Gippsland, the rocks are usually 
very hard silicious sandstones at the surface, and give when 
crushed and washed little or no clayey matter; but a few 
inches, or at most a few feet, from the surface on the same 
beds the character changes, and on crushing and washing 
the cementing material may be obtained as a nearly white 
clayey material like kaolin. 

I have to a limited extent succeeded in changing clayey 
sandstones to hard silicious sandstones by causing them to 
absorb ammonial solutions in such a manner that the liquid 
was absorbed at one end of the stone and evaporated at 
the other, and obtained an outer surface hard and sili- 
cious like that found in nature. 

With stones containing silicia in a hydrous form, like the 
Oamaru, New Zealand, limestone, the passage is most marked. 
In a few weeks the outer or evaporating surface gave upon 
analysis twice as much silica as the interior of the stone. 

Thus, besides mere transfer of silica, the ammoniacal 
solutions of silica are capable of producing actual meta- 
morphism, changing the character and structure of the 
silicate rocks. 

Some eighteen months ago I placed some clean infusorial 
earth from Talbot in a solution of ammonia. The whole of the 
earth was composed of the transparent forms of diatoms, 
w.e., nearly pure hydrous silica. Recently examining the 
contents of the bottle, I find that a portion of the silica has 
been dissolved in the ammonia, giving a solution containing 
‘771 per cent. of silica; at 212 it lost 0-1 per cent., and 0:01 
on heating to about 350. The amount of hydrous silica in 
solution is therefore over 500 grains to the gallon, far in 
excess of that held in solution in the waters of the hot 
springs of New Zealand. 

The solution of silicate of ammonia may be boiled till all 
excess of ammonia has been expelled, and according to 
Pribram (Watts’ Sup.), 1 equivalent of ammonia is left in 
solution with 80 of silica. 

This boiled solution, in contact with bases, forms crystal- 
lisable hydrous silicates. When evaporated to dryness it 
deposits the silica as a film, which shrinks and cracks as the 
last of the water is driven off. 

Formation of Hyalite by the Action of Ammonia. 51 

In this solution of silica, held in solution by ammonia, 
which we may obtain from almost any, if not all, of our 
Springs or subterranean waters, we have, no doubt, one of 
the active agents of metamorphic action. Just above the 
surface of the liquid on the sides of the vessel I find a botry- 
oidal coating of hydrous silica, in all respects identical with 
the mineral hyalite. 

In this artificial hyalite there are some infusorial forms 
which have been entrapped. Most of them seem to be 
partly dissolved ; some are mere skeletons of the original 
form. | 

In the mineral hyalite from our basaltic formations my 
assistant, Mr. Dunn, finds distinct traces of ammonia, and 
as we know ammonia is present in all our subterranean 
waters, we have a means of accounting for these films or 
crusts of botryoidal silica, and probably for the veins and 
masses of chalcedony and opal found in the decomposed 
voleanic rocks. 

A curious change has taken place in the residue of the 
infusorial earth from which the solution was made. All 
the forms of diatoms have vanished, and instead I find a 
fine granular powder. The mass has shrunk considerably, 
and is covered by a friable film. 





13th March, 1879. 

The President in the chair—Present, 14 members. 

The Annual Report and Balance-sheet for 1878 were read, as 
follows :— 

“6 Report of the Council of the Royal Society of Victoria - 
for the year 1878. 

“Your Council has the honour to report that the following 
papers were read during the session of 1878 :— 

“ On the 11th of April Dr. Jamieson read a paper on ‘ Photo- 
graphs on the Retina; Mr. Josephs exhibited .a new form of 
circuit closer for torpedo firing; and Mr. Pirani exhibited Sir 
William Thompson’s electric replenisher. 

“On the 16th of May Mr. Foord read a résumé of Mr. A. M. 
Smith’s paper on ‘Gold Bullion Assay ; Mr. Kernot exhibited a 
phonograph constructed by Mr. Kirkland. 

“On the 14th of June Mr. Pirani exhibited Sir William 
Thomson’s new form of Daniell’s constant battery ; Mr. Kernot 
read a paper on the ‘ Strength of Columns; Dr. Jamieson read a 
paper on ‘Some Points of Resemblance in the Respiration of 
Plants and Animals; and Mr. Sutherland exhibited a phono- 

cc On the 11th of July Dr. Wilkie submitted a paper on the 
eycloid curve ; Mr. Pirani exhibited a microphone. 
“Qn the 12th of September Mr. Ellery read a paper on a pro- 
posed new method of employing photography in military surveys. 

“On the 17th of October Dr. Jamieson read a paper on ‘The 
Perception of Colour.’ 

“On the 14th of November Mr. Ellery read a paper on ‘ The 
Supposed Intramercurial Planet,’ and Mr, Sutherland read a 

54 Proceedings, &c., for 1878. 

paper on ‘The Sounds of the Consonants as Indicated by the 
Phonograph.’ | 

“On the 12th of December Mr. Cosmo Newbery read a paper 
on the ‘ Occurrence of Chromium in the Iron Ore of Tasmania,’ 
and another ‘On the Formation of Hyalite by the Action of 
Ammonia on Infusorial Earth ; Mr. Ellery exhibited the singing 
and the sensitive flame. 

“Volume XIV. of the Society’s transactions was issued on the 
11th of July, and duly forwarded to members and to the Societies 
entitled to receive it. Volume XV. is now in the press, and will 
be ready for issue in April. 

‘“‘ During the past year the Society has made provision for the 
admission of associates, who shall have all the privileges of 
membership except that of voting, but shall pay no entrance fee, 
and shall pay an annual subscription of one guinea per annum. 
Six gentlemen have been elected associates of the Society.” 


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Proceedings, &c., for 1878. 

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Proceedings, &c., for 1878. 57 

The Report and Balance-sheet were both adopted. 

Nominations were received for the election of officers, which was 
postponed till next meeting. | 

A committee, consisting of Messrs. Ellery, Foord, Pirani, 
Joseph, Kernot, Sutherland, and Dr. Jamieson, was appointed to 
report on the desirability of instituting a course of lectures. 


11th April, 1878. 
R. L, J. Ellery, Esq., F.R.S., in the chair.—Present, 25 members, 

G. F. H. Ulrich, Esq., F.G.8., resigned his position on the 

Mr. A. Sutherland was elected Honorary Secretary in place of 
H. K. Rusden, Esq., resigned. 

Mr.R. E. Joseph exhibited a new form of circuit closer for use 
in the firing of torpedoes. 

Dr. Jamieson read a paper on “ Photographs on the Retina of 
the Hye.” 

Mr. Pirani exhibited Sir William Thomson’s replenisher, and 
explained its action. 

(Signed) Rost. L, J. ELLEry. 

16th May, 1878. 
R. L. J. Ellery, Esq., F.R.S., in the chair—Present, 21 members. 

H. Moors, Esq., was elected a member of the Council, in place 
of G. F. H. Ulrich, Esq., resigned. 

Mr. J. B. Cohen and Mr. W. M. Madden were duly elected 

Mr. Ulrich was elected a corresponding member. 

Mr. G. Foord read a paper by Mr. A. M. Smith on ‘‘ Gold 
Bullion Assay,” and a short discussion ensued. 

Mr. Ellery described and exhibited a new form of self-registering 
rain gauge. 

Mr. Kernot exhibited a phonograph constructed by Mr. Kirk- 
land, jun., but stated it had not yet been successful in speaking. 

(Signed) Rost. L. J. ELery. 

14th June, 1878. 
R.L, J. Ellery, Esq., in the chair—Present, 21 members. 

Mr. F. J. Pirani exhibited three cells of Sir William Thom- 
son’s new force of Daniell’s constant battery. 

5Bu. - Proceedings, &c., for 1878. 

Mr. Kernot read a paper on the “Strength of Columns.” It 
was resolved that this paper be printed and discussed at the next 

Dr. Jamieson read his paper on a “ New Point of Resemblance 
in the Respiration of Plants and Animals.” It was resolved that 
this paper also should be printed and discussed at the next meet- 
Mr. Sutherland exhibited a phonograph, which made some 
rudimentary efforts at speech, and the meeting then closed. 

(Signed) Rost. L. J. ELLEry. 

11th July, 1878. 
R. L. J. Ellery, Esq., in the chair—Present, 18 members. 

Mr. C. F. Clough was elected a member of the Society. 

A discussion then took place on Mr. Kernot’s paper on the 
“Strength of Columns.” 

Dr. Wilkie submitted a paper on the Cycloid Curve, which was 
accepted as read. 

Mr. Ellery described the great meteor which had recently been 
visible over a large part of Australia. 

Mr. Pirani exhibited a microphone, and a series of interesting 
experiments were made with it. 

(Signed) Rost. L. J. Eviery. 

12th September, 1878. 
R. U. J. Ellery, Esq., in the chair—Present, 12 rae 

Six gentlemen were nominated for membership. 

' It was resolved that a special meeting should be held to consider 
the recomendation of the Council as to the admission of associates 
to the Society. 

The postponed discussion then took place on Dr. Jamieson’s 
Mr. Ellery read a note descriptive of a new method of employing 
photography in military surveys. 
(Signed) Rost, L, J. ELLEry. 

17th October, 1878. 
R. L. J. Ellery, Esq., in the chair. 

The following gentlemen were elected ordinary members :—F. 
RR. Godfrey, Esq., Dr. Browning, Dr. Le Fevre, A. R. Walker, 


Proceedings, &c., for 1878. 59 

Dr. Thornton, Bishop of Ballarat, was elected a country 
Sir Samuel Wilson was elected a life member. 
Dr. Jamieson read his paper “ On the Perception of Colour.” 
(Signed) Rost. L. J. ELLERY. 

14th November, 1878. 
R. L. J. Ellery, Esq., in the chair. 

Resolved—That in future ad interim members of Council shall 
retain office only so long as those members whom they replace 
would have retained it. 

Mr. Ellery read a paper on “The Supposed Intramercurial 

Mr. Sutherland read a paper onthe “ Sounds of the Consonants 
as Indicated by the Phonograph.” 

Discussion on this paper was held over till next meeting. 

(Signed) Rost. L, J. ELuery. 

12th December, 1878. 
R. L. J. Ellery, Esq., in the chair—Present, 12 members. 

Six gentlemen were elected associates, namely—Mr. Challen, 
Mr. Allman, Mr. Goldstein, Mr. Morris, Mr. Olliver, and Mr. 
Kirkland, jun. 

A discussion then tock place on Mr. Sutherland’s paper, in which 
Mr. Pirani and several other members joined. 

Mr. Cosmo Newhery read his paper, entitled, “On the Occur- 
rence of Chromium in the Iron Ore of Tasmania,” and also a 
paper on the “ Formation of Hyalite by the Action of Ammonia 
on Infusorial Earth.” 

Mr. Ellery exhibited the singing and the sensitive flame. 

(Signed) Rost. L. J. ELLERY. 



Members and 

Honorary Mem- 




Ordinary Meet- 


Annual General 

Retirement of 



I. The Society shall be called “The Royal Society 
of Victoria.” 

II. The Royal Society of Victoria is founded for the 
advancement of science, literature, and art, with 
especial reference to the development of the resources 
of the country. 

III. The Royal Society of Victoria shall consist of 
Members and Honorary Members, Corresponding Mem- 
bers, and Associates, all of whom shall be elected by 

IV. His Excellency the Governor of Victoria, for 
the time being, shall be requested to be the Patron of 
the Society. 

V. There shall be a President, and two Vice-Presi- | 
dents, who, with twelve other Members, and the follow- 
ine Honorary Officers, viz., Treasurer, Librarian, and 
two Secretaries of the Society, shall constitute the 

VI. The Council shall have the management of the 
affairs of the Society. 

VII. The Ordinary Meetings of the Society shall be 
held once in every month during the Session, from 
March to December inclusive, on days fixed by and 
subject to alteration by the Council with due notice. 

VIII. In the second week in March there shall be a 
General Meeting, to receive the report of the Council 
and elect the Officers of the Society for the ensuing 

IX. All Office-bearers and Members of Council, 
except the six junior or last elected ordinary Members, 
shall retire from office annually at the General Meeting 
in March. *The names of such Retiring Officers are to 
be announced at the Ordinary Meetings in November 
and December. The Officers and Members of Council 
so retiring shall be = for the same or any other 
office then vacant. 

Laws. 61 

X. The President, Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Secre- Hlection of 
taries, and Librarian shall be separately elected by 
ballot (should such be demanded), in the above-named 
order, and the six vacancies in the Council shall then be 
filled up together by ballot at the General Meeting in 
March. Those members only shall be eligible for any 
office who have been proposed and seconded at the Ordi- 
nary Meeting in December, or by letter addressed to one 
of the Secretaries, and received by him before the Ist 
March, to be laid before the Council Meeting next 
before the Annual Meeting in March. The nomina- 
tion to any one office shall be held a nomination to 
any office the election to which is to be subsequently 
held. No ballot shall take place at any meeting unless 
ten members be present. 

XI. No Member whose subscription is in arrear shall Members in 
take part in the election of Officers or other business of =” 
the meeting. 

XII. An Address shall be delivered by the President Inaugural ad- 
of the Society at either a Dinner, Conversazione, or pene 
extra meeting of the Society, as the Council for the » 
time being may determine, not later than the Ordinary 
Meeting in June in each year. 

XIII. If any vacancy occur among the Officers, vacancies. 
notice thereof shall be inserted in the summons for the 
next meeting of the Society, and the vacancy shall be 
then filled up by ballot. 

XIV. The President shall take the chair at all Duties ot 
meetings of the Society and of the Council, and shall ?¢"* 
regulate and keep order in all their proceedings; he 
shall state questions and propositions to the meeting, 
and report the result of ballots, and carry into effect 
the regulations of the Society. In the absence of the 
President the chair shall be taken by one of the Vice- 
Presidents, Treasurer, or ordinary Member of Council, 
in order of seniority. 

XV. The Treasurer may, immediately after his elec- Duties of 
tion, appoint a Collector (to act during pleasure), pers 

subject to the approval of the Council at its next 
meeting. The duty of the Collector shall be to issue 

the Treasurer’s notices and collect subscriptions. The 

Duties of Secre- 

Meetings of 


62 Laws. 

Treasurer shall receive all moneys paid to the Society, 
and shall deposit the same before the end of each 
month in the bank approved by the Council, to the 
credit of an account opened in the name of the Royal 
Society of Victoria. The Treasurer shall make all 
payments ordered by the Council on receiving a 
written authority from the chairman of the meeting. 
All cheques shall be sioned by himself, and counter- 
signed by one of the Secretaries. No payments shall 
be made except by cheque, and on the authority of the 
Council. He shall keep a detailed account of all 
receipts and expenditure, present a report of the same 
at each Council Meeting, and prepare a balance-sheet 
to be laid before the Council, and included in its 
Annual Report. He shall also produce his books 
whenever called on by the Council. 

XVI. The Secretaries shall share their duties as they 
may find most convenient. One or other of them shall 
conduct the correspondence of the Society and of the 
Council, attend all meetings of the Society and of the 
Council, take minutes of their proceedings, and enter 
them in the proper books. He shall inscribe the 
names and addresses of all Members in a book to be 
kept for that purpose, from which no name shall be 
erased except by order of the Council. He shall 
issue notices of all meetings of the Society and of the 
Council, and shall have the custody of all papers of 
the Society, and, under the direction of the Council, 
superintend the printing of the Transactions of the 

XVII. The Council shall meet on any day within 
one week before every Ordinary Meeting of the Society. 
Notice of such meeting shall be sent to every Member 
at least two days previously. No business shall be 
transacted at any meeting of the Council unless five 
Members be present. Any Member of Council absent- 
ing himself from three consecutive meetings of Council, 
without satisfactory explanation in writing, shall be 
considered to have vacated his office, and the election 
of a Member to fill his place shall be proceeded with at 
the next Ordinary Meeting of Members, in accordance 
with Law XIII. 

Laws. 63 

XVIII. One of the Secretaries shall call a Special Special Mectings 
Meeting of Council on the authority of the President or ” 
of three Members of the Council. The notice of such 
meeting shall specify the object for which it is called, 
and no other business shall be entertained. 

XIX. The Council shall call a Special Meeting of the special General 
Society, on receiving a requisition in writing signed by Mectines. 
twenty-four Members of the Society specifying the 
purpose for which the meeting is required, or upon a 
resolution of its own. No other business shall be 
entertained at such meeting. Notice of such meeting, 
and the purpose for which it is summoned, shall be 
sent to every Member at least ten days before the 

XX. The Council shall annually prepare a Report annual Report. 

of the Proceedings of the Society during the past 
year, embodying the balance-sheet, duly audited by 
two Auditors, to be appointed for the year, at the 
Ordinary Meeting in December, exhibiting a statement 
of the present position of the Society. This Report 
shall be laid before the Society at the Annual Meeting 
in March. No paper shall be read at that meeting. 

XXI. If it shall come to the knowledge of the gypusion of 
_ Council that the conduct of an Officer or a Member is Members. 
injurious to the interest of the Society, and if two- 

thirds of the Council present shall be satisfied, after 
opportunity of defence has been afforded to him, that 

such is the case, it may call upon him to resign, - 
and shall have the power to expel him from the 
Society, or remove him from any office therein at its 
discretion. In every case all proceedings shall be 

entered upon the minutes. 

XXII. Every candidate for election as Member Flection of Mem- 
or as Associate shall be proposed and seconded by ates. 
Members of the Society. The name, the address, and 
the occupation of every candidate, with the names of 
his proposer and of his seconder, shall be communi- 
cated in writing to one of the Secretaries, and shall be 
read at a meeting of Council, and also at the following 
meeting of the Society, and the ballot shall take place 
at the next following ordinary meeting of the Society. 

Members shall 
sign laws. 

Conditions of 



64 Laws. 

The assent of at least five-sixths of the number voting 
shall be requisite for the admission of a candidate. 

XXIII. Every new Member or Associate shall 
receive due notice of his election, and be supplied with 
a copy of the obligation,* together with a copy of the 
Laws of the Society. He ‘shall not be entitled to 
enjoy any privilege of the Society, nor shall his name 
be printed in the List of Members, until he shall have 
paid his admission fee and first annual subscription, 
and have returned to the Secretaries the obligation 
signed by himself. He shall at the first meeting of 
the Society at which he is present sign a duplicate of 
the obligation in the Statute Book of the Society, after 
which he shall be introduced to the Society by the 
Chairman. No Member or Associate shall be at liberty 
to withdraw from the Society without previously 
giving notice in writing to one of the Secretaries of 
his intention to withdraw, and returning all . books 
or other property of the Society in his possession. 
Members and Associates will be considered liable for 
the payment of all subscriptions due from them up 
to the date at which they give written notice of their 
intention to withdraw from the Society. 

XXIV. Gentlemen not resident in Victoria, who 
ave distinguished for their attaimments in science, 
literature, or art, may be proposed for election as 
Honorary Members, on the recommendation of an 
absolute majority of the Council. The election shall 
be conducted in the same manner as that of ordinary 
Members, but nine-tenths of the votes must be in 
favour of the candidate. . 

XXV. Members of the Society, resident in Mel- 
bourne, or within ten miles thereof, shall pay two 
guineas annually, Members residing beyond that dis- 

* The obligation referred to is as follows :— 

Roya Society or Victoria. 
I, the undersigned, do hereby engage that I will endeavour to 
Pemne the interests and welfare of the Royal Society of 
ictoria, and to observe its laws, a8 long as I shall remain a 
Member or Associate thereof. 


Laws. 65 

tance. and Associates shall pay one guinea annually. 
The subscriptions shall be due on the Ist of January 
in every year. At the commencement of each year 
there shall be hung up in the Hall of the Society a 
list of Members and Associates, upon which the pay- 
ments of their subscriptions as made by Members and 
Associates shall be entered. During July notice shall 
be sent to Members and Associates still in arrears. 
At the end of each year a list of those who have not 
paid their subscriptions shall be prepared, to be con- 
sidered and dealt with by the Council. 

XXVI. Newly-elected Members shall pay an Entrance fees, 
entrance fee of two guineas, in addition to the sub- “* 
scription for the current year. Newly-elected Asso- 
ciates shall not, be required to pay any entrance fee. 

Those elected after the 1st of July shall pay only half 

of the subscription for the current year. If the 
entrance fee and subscription be not paid within one 
month of the notification of election, a second notice 
shall be sent, and if payment be not made within one 
month from the second notice, the election shall be 
void. Members, resident in Melbourne, or within ten Lite Member 
miles thereof, may compound for all Annual Subserip- *"”- 
tions of the current and future years by paying £21; 
and Members residing beyond that distance may com- 
pound in like manner by paying £10 10s. Associates 

on seeking election as Members shall have to comply 
with all the forms requisite for the election of Mem- 
bers, and shall pay an entrance fee of two guineas. 

XXVII. At the ordinary meetings of the Society P Durations of 
the chair shall be taken punctually at eight o'clock, mee 
and no new business shall be taken after ten o'clock. 

XXVIII. At the Ordinary Meetings business shall Order and mode 
be transacted in the following order, unless it be the business.” 
specially decided otherwise by the Chairman :— 

Minutes of the preceding meeting to be read, 
amended if incorrect, and confirmed. 
New Members to enroll their names, and be in- 
Ballot for the election of new Members. 
Vacancies among officers, if any, to be filled up. 
Business arising out of the minutes. 
Communications from the Council. 

66 Laws. 

Presents to be laid on the table, and acknowledged. 

Motions, of which notice has been given, to be 

Notices of motion for the next meeting to be 
given in and read by one of the Secretaries. 

Papers to be read. 

Strangers. XXIX. No stranger shall speak at a meeting ot 
the Society unless specially invited to do so by the 

oad XXX. At no meeting shall a paper be read, or 

transacted. business entertained, which has not been previously 
notified to the Council. 

ee XXXI. The Council may call additional meetings 

whenever it may be deemed necessary. 

Wasitere: XXXII. Every Member may introduce two visitors 
to the meetings of the Society by orders signed by 

aa pecans XXXII. Members and Associates shall have the 
privilege of reading before the Society accounts of 
experiments, observations, and researches conducted by 
themselves, or original papers, on subjects within the 
scope of the Society, or descriptions of recent dis- 
coveries, or inventions of general scientific interest. 
No vote of thanks to any Member or Associate for 
his paper shall be proposed. 

Or depute other XXXIV. If a Member or Associate be unable to 
attend for the purpose of reading his paper, he may 
delegate to any Member of the Society the reading 
thereof, and his right of reply. 

Members must =oXXXV. Any Member or Associate desirous of 

give notice of : : > ade 

their papers. Yeading a paper shall give in writing to one of the 
Secretaries, ten days before the meeting at which he 
desires it to be read, its title and the time its reading 
will occupy. 

seaied XXXVI. The Council may permit a paper such as 
described in Law XXXIJIL., not written by a Member 
of the Society, to be read, if for any special reason it 
shall be deemed desirable. 

( fapers pelong to §=- XXX VII. Every paper read before the Society shall 
be the ae sae thereof, and immediately after it has 

Laws. 67 

been read shall be delivered to one of the Secretaries, 
and shall remain in his custody. 

XXXVIII. No paper shall be read before the Society Papers must be 
or published in the Transactions unless approved by 2" 
the Council, and unless it consist mainly of original 
matter as regards the facts or the theories enunciated. 

XXXIX. Should the Council feel a difficulty in Counc may 
deciding on the publication of a paper, the Council Members. 
may refer it to any Member or Members of the 

Society, who shall report upon it. 

XL. Should the Council decide not to publish a ces Lae 
paper, it shall be at once returned to the author. ro) 

XLI. The author of any paper which the Council Members may 
has decided to publish in the Transactions may have of their papers. 
any number of copies of his paper on giving notice of | 
his wish in writing to one of the Secretaries, and on 

paying the extra cost of such copies. 

XLII. Every Member and Associate whose sub- Members to have 
scription is not in arrear, and every Honorary Member, actions. 
is entitled to receive one copy of the Transactions of 
the Society as published. Newly-elected Members 
shall, on payment of their entrance-fee and subscrip- 
tion, receive a copy of the volume of the Transactions 

last published. 

XLII. Every book, pamphlet, model, plan, drawing, Property. 
specimen, preparation, or collection presented to or 
purchased by the Society, shall be kept in the house of 
the Society. 

XLIV. The Library shall be open to Members and Library. 
Associates of the Society and the public at such times 
and under such regulations as the Council may deem 

XLV. The legal ownership of the property of the Legal ownership 
Society is vested in the President, the Vice-Presidents, pee: 
and the Treasurer for the time being, in trust for the 
use of the Society; but the Council shall have full 
control over the expenditure of the funds and manage- 
ment of the property of the Society. | 

XLVI. Every Committee appointed by the Society committees 
shall at its first meeting elect a Chairman, who shall °° °"™™" 

subsequently convene the Committee and bring up its 
F 2 | 

68 7 Laws. 

report. He shall also obtain from the Treasurer such 
grants as may have been voted for the purposes of the 

Report before ~ = XLVII. All Committees and individuals to whom 
any work has been assigned by the Society shall pre- 
sent to the Council, not later than the Ist November 
in each year, a report of the progress which has been 
made; and, in cases where grants of money for scientific 
purposes have been entrusted to them, a statement of 
the sums which have been expended, and the balance 
of each grant which remains unexpended. Every 
Committee shall cease to exist on the 1st November, 
unless re-appointed. 

Grants expire, = XLVIII. Grants of pecuniary aid for scientific pur- 
poses from the funds of the Society shall expire on the 
1st November next following, unless it shall appear by 
a report that the recommendations on which they were 
granted have been acted on, or a continuation of them 
be ordered by the Council. 

Personal ex- 

penses not to be ~~ LIX. In grants of money to Committees and indi- 
paid. viduals, the Society shall not pay any personal expenses 
which may be incurred by the Members. 

eet L. No new law, or alteration or repeal of an existing 

law, shall be made except at the General Meeting in 
March, or at a Special General Meeting summoned for 
the purpose, as provided in Law XIX., and in pursuance 
of notice given at the preceding Ordinary Meeting of 
the Society. 

a LI. Should any circumstance arise not provided for 

in these laws, the Council is empowered to act as may 
seem to be best for the interests of the Society. 

eee nen LIT. In order that the Members and Associates of the 
Society prosecuting particular departments of science 
may have opportunities of meeting and working 
together with fewer formal restraints than are neces- 
sary at the Ordinary Meetings of the Society, Sections 
may be established. 

Namesandnum- ,{TI. Sections may be established for the following 

ber of Sections. z 
departments, v1z.:— 

Section A. Physical, Astronomical, and Mechanical 
Science, including Engineering. 

Laws. 69 

Section B. Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Metal- 

Section C. Natural History and Geology. 

Section D. The Microscope and its applications. 

Section E. Geography and Ethnology. 

Section F. Social Science and Statistics. 

Section G. Literature and the Fine Arts,including 

Section H. Medical Science, including Physiology 
and Pathology. 

LIV. The meetings of the Sections shall be for scien- Meetings of 
tific objects only. 

LY. There shall be no membership of .the Sections Members of 
as distinguished from the membership of the Society. ““""" 

LVI. There shall be for each Section a Chairman to Officers of 
preside at the meetings, and Secretary to keep minutes *“"°"* 
of the proceedings, who shall jointly prepare and for- 
ward to one of the Secretaries of the Society, prior to 
the Ist of November in each year, a report of the 
Proceedings of the Section during that year, and such 
report shall be submitted to the Council: 

LVIi. The Chairman and the Secretary of each Sec- Mode of ap- 
tion shall be appointed at the first meeting of the Ofticers of Sec- 
Council after its election in March, in the first instance °°" 
from Members of the Society who shall have signified 
to one of the Secretaries of the Society their willing- 
ness to undertake these offices, and subsequently from 
such as are recommended by the Section as fit and 

LVIII. The first meeting of each Section in the year a ee 
shall be fixed by the Council; subsequently the Section 
shall arrange its own days and hours of meeting, pro- 
vided these be at fixed intervals. 

LIX. The Council shall have power to propose Corresponding 

gentlemen not resident in Victoria, for election in the 
same manner as ordinary Members, as Corresponding 
Members of the Society. The Corresponding Members 
shall contribute to the Society papers which may be 
received as those of ordinary Members, and shall in 
return be entitled to receive copies of the Society's 

Privileges of 

70 Laws. 

LX. Associates shall have the privileges of Members 
in respect to the Society’s publications, in joining the 
Sections, and at the Ordinary Meetings, with the 
exception that they shall not have the power of voting 
for the election of Officers; they shall also not be 
eligible as Officers of the Society. 



The opal Soctetp of Victoria. 


Allan, A. C., Esq., Yorick Club 

Alcock, Peter C., Esq., Temperance Hall 
Andrew, Henry M., Hsq., M.A., Wesley College 
Anderson, Major J. A., Melbourne Ciub 

Browning, J. H., Esq., M.B., Brunswick-street, Fitzroy 

Barker, Edward, Esq., M.D., Latrobe-street, Melbourne 

Barnes, Benjamin, Esq., Murray Bridge, Echuca 

Bage, Edward, Hsq., jun., Fulton-street, Hast St. Kilda 

Barton, Robert, Esq., F.C.S., Royal Mint, Melbourne 

Beaney, J. G., Esq., F.R.C.S. Ed., Collins-street 

Bear, J. P., Esq., M.L.C., Melbourne Club 

Blair, Joha, Esq., M.D., Collins-street East 

Brown, H. J., Hsq., Park House, Wellington-parade, East Mel- 

Cohen, J. B., Esq., A.B.A., 5 Jolimont Square 
Clarke, G. P., Esq., F.C.S., Apollo Candle Works, Footscray 

Danks, John, Esq., Bourke-street West 
Dobson, E., Esq., A.I.C.E., Grey-street, Hast Melbourne 
Duerdin, James, Esq., LL.B., Eltham-place, Stephen-street 

Ellery, R. L. J., Esq., F.R.S., F.R.A.S., &c., Melbourne Observa- 
tory . 

Fevre, G. Le, Esq., M.B., 122 Collins-street East 

Fitzpatrick, Rev. J., D.D., Archbishop’s Palace, East Melbourne 
Foord, Geo., Esq., F.C.S., Alma-road, St. Kilda 

Foster, C. W., Esq., Collins-street Hast 

Fulton, John, Esq., M.D., Collins-street East 

ie List of Members. 

Gardiner, Martin, Esq., Crown Lands Department, Queensland 

Gilbert, J. E., Esq., Melbourne Observatory 

Godfrey, F. R., Esq., Redan-street, East St. Kilda 

Grut, Percy de J., Esq., E. S. & A. C. Bank, Gertrude-street, 

Goldstraw, F., Esq., M.A., Wesley College 

Harrison, Thomas, Hsq., Registrar-General’s Office 
Henderson, A. M., Esq., C.E., 3 Collins-street West 
Higinbotham, Thomas, Esq., M.I.C.E., Melbourne Club 
Howitt, Edward, Esq., Yorick Club 
Humphreys, J. Bywater, Esq., Yorick Club 
Hunt, Robert, Esq., Royal Mint, Sydney 

Irving, M. H., Esq., M.A., Hawthorn 

Jamieson, James, Esq., M.D., Collins-street East, Melbourne 
Joseph, R. E., Esq., Swanston-street 

Kernot, W. C., Esq., M.A., C.E., Melbourne University 
Lynch, William, Esq., Collins-street West 

M‘Coy, F., Professor, Melbourne University 

M ‘Gowan, 8. W., Esq., Hast St. Kilda 

Madden, Wyndham M., Esq., Trinity College, Melbourne 
Maloney, Patrick, Esq., M.B., Lonsdale-street Hast, Melbourne 
Manton, C. A., Esq., The Treasury 

Moerlin, C., Esq., Melbourne Observatory 

Moors, H., Esq., Office Chief Commissioner of Police, Melbourne 
Morris, R., Esq., 10 Hawke-street, West Melbourne 

Munday, J., Esq., care of Alfred Woolley & Co., Melbourne 
Muntz, T. B., Esq., C.E., Town Surveyor’s Office, Prahran 
Murray, R. L., Esq., Railway Department, Melbourne 

Nanson, E. J., Professor, M.A., Melbourne University 
Neild, J. E., Esq., M.D., Collins-street Hast 

Newbery, J. Cosmo, Esq., B.Sc., Technological Museum 
Noone, J., Esq., Lands Department 

Parkes, Edmund 8., Esq., Bank of Australasia 
Parnell, E., Esq., Latrobe-street West 

Paul, Rev. A., Chapel-street, Hast St. Kilda 
Patching, H. §., Esq., Lygon-street, Carlton 

Phelps, J. J., Esq., Melbourne Club 

Pirani, F. J., Esq., M.A., C.E., Melbourne University 

List of Members. 73 
Rudall, J. T., Esq., F.R.C.S., Collins-street East 

Skene, A. J., Esq., M.A., Lands Department 
Steel, W. H., Esq., C.E., Public Works Department 
Sutherland, Alex., Hsq., M.A., Carlton College, Fitzroy 

Wallis, A. R., Esq., Woodford, Kew 

Walker, Alex. R., Esq., 40 Latrobe-street West 

Watis, W. O. , Esq. ., C.E., City Surveyor, Town Hall, Melbourne 
Waugh, Rev. J. 8. , Wesley College 

Wigg, H. C., Esq., E.B.C.S. , Lygon- street, Carlton 

Wilkins, Alfred, Esq., care of J. Henty and Co. 

Willimot, W. C,, Collins-street West 


Bland, R. H., Esq., Clunes, Victoria 

Bone, William, M.D., Castlemaine 

Bradley, R. 8., Esq., Grammar School, Stawell 
Burrows, Thomas, Esq., Sandhurst 

Caselli, H. R., Esq., Ballarat 
Clough, C. F., Esq., A.I.C.E., Forest Hill, South Yarra 
Conroy, James Macdowall, Esq., Deniliquin, N. 8. Wales 

Gould, Louis Le, Esq., C.E., Shire Hall, Ballan 

Henderson, J. B., Esq., Water Supply Department, Sandhurst 
Howitt, A. W., Esq., P.M., F.G.S., Sale 2 
Hopkins, D. M., Esq., Haglehawk, Sandhurst 

Kane, Rev. H. P., M.A., Brighton 
Keogh, Laurence F., Esq., Warrnambool 

M‘Gillivray, P. H., Esq., M.A., M.R.C.S. Ed., Sandhurst 
Murray, Stewart, Esq., C.E., Kyneton 

Officer, S. H., Esq., Mount Macedon 
Ogier, J. C. H., Esq., Yorick Club 

Thornton, Right Rev. Dr., Bishop, Ballarat 
Taylor, W. F., M.D., Warwick, Queensland 

Wyatt, Alfred, Esq., P.M., Yorick Club 

Ta List of Members. | 


Barkly, His Excellency Sir Henry, London 

Barry, His Honour Sir Redmond, M.A., Supreme Court 
Bleasdale, Rev. I. J., F.G.S., &c., San Francisco 
Bosisto, Joseph, Esq., M.L.A., Bridge-road, Richmond 
Butters, J. 8., Esq., Victoria Club 

Detmold, William, Esq., 44 Collins-street Hast 

Katon, H. F., Esq., Treasury, Melbourne 
Elliot, Sizar, Esq., 7 Yarra-street, South Yarra 
Elliot, T. 8., Esq., Railway Department, Spencer-street 

Flanagan, John, Hsq., 8 Collins-street Hast 

Gibbons, 8. W., Esq., F.C.S., Collins-street Hast 
Gillbee, William, Hsq., M.R.C.S. Ed., Collins-street 

Higinbotham, Hon. George, M.A., Chancery-lane, Melbourne 
Iffla, Solomon, Esq., L.F.P.S.G., Emerald Hill 

Mueller, Baron Von, F.R.S.; Ph.D., C.M.G., South Melbourne 
Niewoleon, Germain, Esq., Coliins-street 

Nicholas, William, Esq., F.G.8., Melbourne University 

Rawlinson, Thomas, Esq., C.E., Granite Terrace, Fitzroy 
Reed, Joseph, Esq., Hlizabeth-street South, Melbourne 
Reed, Thomas, Esq., Fiji | 

Smith, A. K., Esq., MLA. C.E., &c., Leicester-street, Carlton 
Thompson, H. A., Esq., Lucknow, New South Wales 

Were, J. B., Esq. (K.C.D., Denmark ; K.O.W., Sweden), Collins- 
street West 

White, E. J., Esq., F.R.A.S., Melbourne Observatory 

Wilkie, D. E., Esg., M.D., &c., Collins-street West. 

Wilson, Sir Samuel, Knt., Oakley Hall, East St. Kilda 

List of Members. 75 


Ktheridge, Robert, Esq., junr., F.G.S., 17 Rankeillor-street, Edin- 
burgh, Scotland 

Ulrich, G. H. F., Professor, F.G.S., Dunedin, Otago, N.Z. 

Woods, Rev. Julian E. Tenison, F.G.S., Surrey Hills, Sydney 


Clarke, Sir Andrew, Colonel, C.B., R.E., Calcutta 

Goepper, H. R., M.D., Ph.D., Breslau 

Haast, Julius, Esq., Ph.D., F.G.S., Canterbury, New Zealand 
Neumayer, George, Professor, Ph.D., Bavaria 

Perry, Right Rev. Charles, D.D., Avenue-road, London 
Scott, Rev. W., M.A., Sydney, N.S. W. 

Smith, John, Esq., M.D., Sydney University, N.S. W. 

Todd, Charles, Esq., C.M.G., F.R.A.S., Adelaide, S.A. 
Thomson, Sir Wyville, Professor, Edinburgh 

76 © List of Institutions, &e., 





Royal Society ... 

Royal Society of Arts 

Royal Geographical Society 
Royal Asiatic Society 

Royal Astronomical Society 
Royal College of Physicians 
Statistical Society 

Institute of Civil Engineers 
Institute of Naval Architects 
The British Museum 

The Geological Society 
Museum of Economic Geology 
Meteorological Society... 

- Anthropological Society ... 
Linnean Society ee 
Athenzum si 

College of Surgeons 
Zoological Society 

“ Geological Magazine” 

“Quarterly Journal of Science” 

“Journal of Applied Science” 
Colonial Office Library 
Foreign Office Library 
Agent-General of Victoria 
“ Nature ” as “3, 
University Library Sor 
Philosophical Society 

The Bodleian Library 
Public Library 5a 
Owen’s College Library ... 
Free Public Library 

Literary and Philosophical Society 

Yorkshire College of Science 


” Cambridge 





That Recewe Copies of the “ Transactions.” 77 

Royal Society ... ah sia os Edinburgh 
University Library see es sve Edinburgh 
Royal Botanical Society ... aed ies Edinburgh 
Philosophical Society ... Hee ie ... Glasgow 
University Library uss ms ... Glasgow: 
Institute of Engineers of Scotland. bil ... Glasgow 
Royal Irish Academy te Me Me ee!) Dublin 
Trinity College Library .. a aw © Dablin 
Royal Geological Society of Ireland ie o>) (Drath 
Royal Dublin Society ... a see 20 Dublin 
Geographical Society _.... be an aa Paris 
Acclimatisation Society ... A Ba ee Paris 
Royal Academy of Sciences Bs Ake ... Brussels 
Royal Geographical Society Mee Sie Copenhagen 
Academy of Science sas Be a Stockholm 
Academy of Science En ve uae sve” (Uipsal 
Royal Society ... es ae bee «. . Upsal 
The University as ie eos Christiania 
Imperial Academy wet aa St. Petersburg 
Imperial Society of Naturalists oe re .-. Moscow 
“ Petermann’s Geological Journal”... Jee Hamburgh 
Society of Naturalists... ot = Hamburgh 
Royal Institution ane .-. Utreeht 
Royal Netherlands Meteorological Society eee ... Utrecht 
Geological Society ~~ Lf Darmstadt 
Linnean Society ae a Darmstadt 
Academy of Natural History wie ; ... Giessen 
Geographical Society _... oni _ Frankfort-on-Main 
Royal Academy of Science ae ae ... Munich 
Royal Academy see bass .. Vienna 
Royai Geological Society... «Sei EMLsitede ...  Wienna 
Royal Geographical Society see a ... Vienna 
Royal Botanical Society ... ses > de ... Ratisbon 
Imperial Academy wi vse ss ... Breslau 
Society for Culture of Science ee ree ... Breslau 
Royal Society of Sciences ... Leipzig 
Imperial Leopoldian Carolinian Academy ‘of German 
Naturalists Be We Le ... Dresden 
Royal Society ... sed aoe ae 1..¥ ie Berhin 
_ Geographical Society _..... ae ai .. Berlin 
Society of Naturalists... ont uh bd, Halle 
Physico-Graphico Society whe os iat Lund 
Bureau of Nautical Meteorology ... ae Stockholm 

Academy of Arts and Sciences... 4 ... Modena 

78 Inst of Institutions, &c., 

Royal Society ... she oe Goettingen 
Natural History Society .. age os ... Geneva 
Royal Academy of Science ae ea. .» Madrid 
Royal Academy of Science AC Ds ... Lisbon 
Society for Culture of Science... ee ... Bremen 
Royal Academy of Agriculture... ie .... Florence 
Italian Geographical Society i ie ... Florence 
Academy of Sciences... ... Bologna 
Royal Institute for Science, Literatur = and Art He Milan 
Royal Society of Science ‘ - ic g&Naples 
Academy of Sciences... =a ot a Turin 
Scientific Academy of Leghorn ... cehen ... Leghorn 
Academy of Sciences... ie. i ag Lyons 
Physical and Medical Society Be Some Wiirtemburg 
Helvetic Society of Natural Sciences onan tess Pre ine Areata 
Society of Natural History and Medicine ... Heidelberg 
Academy of Science... - bau at _.. Palermo 
American Academy ... a a ... Boston 
Geographical Society ... soe is ... New York 
Natural History Society ... ~ we ane .... Boston 
Smithsonian Institute ... Asie ad Washington 
American Philosophical Society... = tie Philadelphia 
Academy of Science 5 ... St. Louis, Missouri 
War Department, United States Navy oie Washington 
Department of the Interior one bale Washington 
Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences... Towa, U.S. 

' Madras Literary Society ... ae ies ... Madras 
Geological Survey Department ... ge ... Calcutta 
Royal Bengal Asiatic Society bias hs --- Calcutta 
Meteorological Society ... seit Sak Mauritius 
Royal Society of Netherlands se ee .. Batavia 

Parliamentary Library ... ase bai Melbourne 
University Library me as sik Melbourne 
Public Library... sie tae Melbourne 
Registr ar-General’s Department ee a Melbourne 
Medical Society ne a ae Melbourne 
German Association a os te Melbourne 

Atheneum... sae soa wae Melbourne 

That Receive Copies of the “ Tramsactions.” 79 

Keclectic Association of Victoria 
Chief Secretary’s Office 

School of Mines 

Sandhurst Free Library .. 

Free Library 

Free Library 

Free Library ... 

Philosophical Society 

South Australian Institute 

Royal Society ... 

Linnean Society of New South Wales 
The Observatory a 
Royal Society ... 

New Zealand Institute 

Otago Institute 

... Geelong 
Adelaide, S. A 

Sydney, N.S.W, 
Sydney, N.S.W. 

: Sydney, N.S.W. 
Hobart Town, Tasmania 
Wellington, N.Z. 
Dunedin, N,Z, 

Mason, Firth & M‘Cutcheon, Printers, 51 & 53 Flinders Lane West, Melbourne. 






society of Victoria, | 
(en ee 

. Edited under the Authority of the Couneil of the Society. — a : Se 5 4 

~ s - 
: ; : 7 ae 24 



ISSUED 1hth MARCH, 1878. 




To whom all Se aepeliate nS for transmission to the Royal rp of Victoria. : ye ap 
Se me ae from all eee of EES snowy De Sent aia’ ae ( ers eas 

* Be + 



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opal Society of Victoria. 

VOLS: 217, 





MASON, a igs S522 be 5S bee 2 M‘CUTCHEON, PRIS 

ISSUED 11th JULY, 1878. 




‘To eB aH communications for transmission to the Royal-Society of Victoria 
’ _ from ail pe of Europe should be sent. 


: Fa : Lente OF atte ; | 
| , | . r ; co” * + + 
| opal Socety of Victoria. 
; - VOR. XY. a 
x E | Edited under the Authority of the Couneil of the Society. 
-. '“7§sueHD loth APREL, 1879. © 
= MELBOURNE: . RARE get at 
Kant : v ; oe 



PIES, To.whom all communications for transmission to the Royal Society of Victoria 
: : ‘from all parts of Europe should be sent.” : 

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