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Occasional Papers 

Museum of Texas Tech University 

Number 252 18 April 2006 

Two New Records of Mammals from the 
Davis Mountains, Jeff Davis County, Texas 

Steve Kennedy and Clyde Jones 


Two species new to the Davis Mountains and Jeff Davis County are reported and discussed 

Key words: Dasypus , Davis Mountains, Microtus. 

The Davis Mountains have been subjected to 
numerous mammalian investigations since the work 
of Bailey (1905). Stangl et al. (1994), Genoways and 
Baker (1979), and Schmidly (2002), among others, 
have mentioned some of the diversity of mammals of 
the Davis Mountains.The Davis Mountains fill most 
of Jeff Davis County; the elevations range from about 
5,000 feet at Fort Davis to more than 8,000 feet at the 
top of Mount Livermore. They are basically rugged 
masses of igneous rocks (Schmidly 1977). 

On 10 October 2005, the senior author retrieved 
some of the remains of an armadillo ( Dasypus novem- 
cinctus) from alongside State Highway 17 about 4 km 
north of Fort Davis (UTM 13 0609567 3389527). The 
specimen was badly mangled and decayed; only some 
fragments of the carapace and some of the feet were 
recoverable, but these were sufficient to provide for a 
positive identification. To our knowledge, this repre¬ 
sents the first record of the armadillo from Jeff Davis 
County and the Davis Mountains. 

Although armadillos frequently are killed on roads 
(Loughry and McDonough 1996), this record of the arma¬ 
dillo from the Davis Mountains in Jeff Davis County is, 
at least, a bit enigmatic. Schmidly (1977) stated that the 
evidence suggests that the armadillo is one of the rarest 
mammals in the Trans-Pecos. 

DeBaca (2005) stated that there is no evidence 
of armadillos living in or near the Davis Mountains. 
Furthermore, interviews with employees of the Texas 
Parks and Wildlife Department, who travel roads in 
the vicinity of Fort Davis at least five days a week, 
reported that they had never seen an armadillo in the 
area. However, a resident of Fort Davis stated that he 
had seen an armadillo in the same general area as the 
specimen reported above. 

Dasypus novemcinctus has shown remarkable 
range expansion during the last 100 years (McBee 
1999). She went on to explain that the possible rea¬ 
sons for its northward expansion include progressive 


Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University 

changes in climate, overgrazing, and removal of large 
predators. Also, drought and cold temperatures are 
probably the factors most limiting its continued move¬ 
ment northward. Suttkus and Jones (1999) found 
armadillos most active within a range of temperature 
of 17.9-25°C in Louisiana. 

Other records of the armadillo from west of the 
Pecos River include reports from near Balmorhea, 
Reeves County (Cleveland 1970), and from Reeves, 
Pecos, and Terrell counties (Schmidly 2004). These 
records are based mostly upon reports of sightings of 
armadillos in these areas (Cleveland 1970; Schmidly 
2004) and are unverified by specimens. McBee and 
Baker (1982) stated that the armadillo occurs through¬ 
out Texas, except the Trans-Pecos and Panhandle areas. 
Sightings of these mammals were reported in the area 
of Fort Stockton (Hermann 1950). Goetze (1998) ex¬ 
amined 60 specimens of armadillos from 25 counties 
on the Edwards Plateau. 

The specimen of an armadillo reported herein is 
further evidence that the influence of the Pecos River 
on the geographic distributions of mammals has dimin¬ 
ished in recent times (Jones and Parish 2001), and that 
the details of the presence and distributions of mammals 
in the Trans-Pecos are imperfectly known. 

Remains of the armadillo reported herein are 
deposited in the Collection of Recent Mammals of the 
Natural Science Research Laboratory, the Museum of 
Texas Tech University. 

In 2001. some remains of Microtus mogollo- 
nensis were obtained at an archeological site in Wolf 
Den Canyon, Davis Mountains Preserve, Jeff Davis 
County, Texas (Mallouf 2002). The remains included 
a partial upper jaw with cheek teeth, one dentary with 
two cheek teeth, and two large cheek teeth. After an 
initial identification, subsequent comparisons of these 
materials with other specimens in the Natural Science 
Research Laboratory, the Museum of Texas Tech Uni¬ 
versity, confirmed the identifications. 

Organic materials at the site allowed for carbon 
dating of the stratum where the remains were found. 
The subfossil remains were estimated to be from the 
middle Holocene, 3,700 years before the present. Fos¬ 
sil M. mogotlonensis from the Apache Mountains of 
west Texas were determined to be from the Pleistocene 
(Stangl et al. 1994). 

Other species of small mammals recovered from 
the same stratum as the Mogollon vole included Re- 
ithrodontomys megalotis , Peromyscus sp., and Neotoma 
sp. These three taxa of mammals occur in relative 
abundance in the area of the Davis Mountains today. 

Current nearby distribution of the Mogollon vole 
includes the Sacramento Mountains of New Mexico 
and the Bow and adjacent areas of the Guadalupe 
Mountains of New Mexico and Texas. This vole tends 
to be one of the most arid inhabitants of the mountain¬ 
dwelling meadow voles. Typically, it tends to inhabit 
meadows in open ponderosa pine forests and mixed 
coniferous forests. Where one or more other species of 
vole occurs with it, it tends to be restriced to the drier 
sites (Findley and Jones 1962). If suitable understory 
plants are available for food and cover, pinyon-juniper 
woodland would be inhabited on occasion. 

Seemingly suitable habitats in the Davis Moun¬ 
tains, which consisted of ponderosa pine forests and 
mixed coniferous forests, with understories mostly of 
grasses, were searched and trapped, but no Mogollon 
voles were found (DeBaca 2005). Previous drought 
conditions and excessive overgrazing may have led to 
these voles being extirpated in the area. Subfossil and 
fossil occurrences are concentrated mostly within the 
area now inhabited, but most are at lower elevations 
(Harris 1985). This supports a lowering of vegetation 
zones in past geologic times. 

The Microtus specimens reported herein are 
deposited in the private archaeology collections of the 
senior author. 

Kennedy and Jones— Two New Records of Mammals from the Davis Mountains 



We are grateful to John Karges for assistance in 
determining the precise locality for the armadillo re¬ 
ported herein. We are grateful to Arthur H. Harris for 
the initial identification of the remains of the Microtus, 

as well as for assistance in the identification of the other 
remains of mammals. We thank Mark Lockwood and 
Linda Hedges for providing information about the 
distribution of mammals in the area. 

Literature Cited 

Bailey, V. 1905. Biological survey of Texas. North American 
Fauna, Bureau of Biological Survey 25:1-222. 

Cleveland, A. G. 1970, The current geographic distribution 
of the armadillo in the United States. Texas Journal 
of Science 22:90-92. 

DeBaca, R. S. 2005. Distribution of mammals in the Davis 
Mountains, Texas and surrounding areas: a report 
to the Nature Conservancy. Unpublished, xiv + 
15-390 pp. 

Findley, J. S., and C. J. Jones. 1962. Distribution and 
variation of voles of the genus Microtus in New 
Mexico and adjacent areas. Journal of Mammal¬ 
ogy 43:154-166. 

Genoways, H. H., and R. J. Baker (eds.). 1979. Biological 
investigations in Guadalupe Mountains National 
Park, Texas, Proceedings and Transaction Series, 
National Park Service 4:1-442. 

Goetze, J, R. 1998. The mammals of the Edwards Plateau, 
Texas. Special Publications, Museum of Texas 
Tech University 41:1-263. 

Harris, A. H. 1985. Late Pleistocene vertebrate paleoecol- 
ogy of the west. University ofTexas Press, Austin. 
293 pp. 

Hermann, J. A. 1950. The mammals of the Stockton Pla¬ 
teau of northwestern Terrell County, Texas. Texas 
Journal of Science 2:368-393, 

Jones, C., and D. A. Parish. 2001. Effects of the Pecos 
River on the geographic distributions of mammals 
in western Texas. Occasional Papers, Museum of 
Texas Tech University 204:1-11. 

Loughry, W. J., and C. M. McDonough. 1996. Are road kills 
valid indicators of armadillo population structure? 
American Midland Naturalist 135:53-59. 

Mallouf, R. J. 2002. Archeologists investigate Wolf Den 
Cave. La Vista de la Frontera, Center for Big Bend 
Studies, Sul Ross University 15(1 ):6. 

McBee, K, 1999. Nine-banded armadillo, Dasypus novem - 
cinctus, Pp. 7-11 in The Smithsonian book of North 
American mammals (D. E. Wilson and S. Ruff, 
eds.). Smithsonian Institution Press,Washington, 
D.C. xxv + 750 pp. 

McBee, K., and R. J. Baker. 1982. Dasypus novemcinctus. 
Mammalian Species 162:1-9. 

Schmidly, D. J. 1977. The mammals of Trans-Pecos Texas 
including Big Bend National Park and Guadalupe 
Mountains National Park. Texas A&M University 
Press, College Station, xiii + 225 pp. 

Schmidly, D. J, 2002. Texas natural history: a century of 
change. Texas Tech University Press, Lubbock, 
xv + 534 pp. 

Schmidly, D. J. 2004. The mammals of Texas, revised 
edition. University of Texas Press, Austin, xviii 
+ 501 pp, 

Stangl, F. B., Jr., W, W. Dalquest, and R. R, Hollander, 
1994. Evolution of a desert mammalian fauna, 
Midwestern State University Press, Wichita Falls, 
Texas, xix +■ 264 pp. 

Suttkus, R. D., and C. Jones. 1999. Observations on the 
nine-banded armadillo, Dasypus novemcinctus , 
in southern Louisiana. Tulane Studies in Zoology 
and Botany 31:1-22. 

Author s addresses: 

Steve Kennedy Clyde Jones 

P.0. Box 434 Department of Biological Sciences and 

Fort Davis, Texas 79734 the Museum of Texas Tech University 

Lubbock, TX 79409 

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ISSN 0149-175X 

Museum of Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409-3191