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Thik book is umlcr r.o circiinisiisiu.-cs t«» V 
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> I C T I O N A R Y, 




3JU tfoe <DnorD$ anU $\>tW8 

Fiorii rom bxadihg thh 





ercry Improveinent to supply the Deficiencies of other Dictiokaeix», and to enable the 
jlar to perse and coratrue each word according to its various Interpretations by the bcst 
HOB9 in the Ehousr Toxeux. 








•'..-.1 ■ 

"- I ' 













THAT a great book is frequently a great evil, is an old remark ; but the e 
beeonies still greater, wben Ibe person who 19 to iiae it isa Wlle boy. Parct 
farva deeenU is applicable to this Dictionary 9 and might be the motto of it. 
was originally designed, and is partieularly calculated for the use of yon 
icholara, at their flrst entrance on Latin. But though the book is eompai 
tirely little, yet it raay be justly said to eomprehend, espccially in this ii 
proved edition, mottum ik pabvo. 

There are three prineipal articlcs in whieh this edition diflers greatly frc 
the earlier ones. 

1. Jlt very great additian is made to the numbtr of Latin ivords, many rtdu 
dancies in the English interpretation of thtm are rescindcd, and many errc 
throarhwt the icholc corrtcled. 

t. fhe propcr names of Persons and Places 9 whick were originally omitted* 
thegreat disadvantage offormer editions, are novs subjoiued as an Appendi 
tnd the Geographieal articlcs of this Part are rendcrcd in a pecntiar mann 
usrfuL by thc adilition of modrrn namcs qf pluees. 

5. The Lutin-English part is now pnblishcd separatehj. in order to prescr 
the rolumc, ajtcv all thc addition8 9 in a small size, and (whcn compared wi 
slher DictionaricsJ at u smuti price. 

An idea may be forincd of the number of additions, by tbc size of the bo< 
in its prescnt siate 5 for it is now almost as largc as when thc English-Lai 
part was prefixed. 


But, lest the courteons reader should be alarmed at the novelty of prin 
the Latin-English part in a volume separate from the English Latin pan 
will be proper to solioit hii patienee and attentjon, while the reasons are bri 

It was suggested to the proprietors that youth, for whom this Diotionar 
ehiefly designed, as was before observed, seldom make Latin 9 but with s- 
books as Clarke's lntroduction, or Garretsnn's Exercises, and Hermcs Roi 
nus, in which the Latinwords are already supplied; so that in this business ti 
do not oftcn want an Englisk*Latin Dictionary. Indced their principal usc 
a Dictionarj, is in learuing to construt their Cordery, their Latin Testame 
or whatever other books are selccted for their initiation. For this purpo 
the iAtin-English is qnite iufRcient f and the English-Latin quite unnccessa 
The Latin-Englisb may now, therefore, be had in a very eopious aod impnu 
state, and yet not incrcased in size, so as to be inconvenient. rhe moderati 
of priee is still retained, whieh could not have been the case, if the Engli* 
Latin bad been inseparably prefixed to the present enlarged volume. T 
lowness of the priee is certainly a recommendation, especiafly wheu it is con 
dered that boys use books so ill, as often to want two or three Dictionar, 
during the course of their sohool-education. 

They also beg leave to insert the following recommendation of Enticf 
Latin Dictionaey, from Dr. Knox's Lioerax Education.* «When 
••boy just out of his aecidence, begins to read the Latin Testament, he is und 
«thc necessity of looking ont almost every word in tho Dictionary. Ile loo 
«tbem out in Ainsworth ; a book which, even abridged 9 is, from its bulk, vc 
«ineonvenient to a very little boy ; and there, after much labour and loss . 
"tiroe, he finds the wora he sought. Under it he iinds twenty nieanings, bc 
«sides phrases and authorities. He reads them all as well as he can, and wbe 
«he has done, he is as much at a loss as at first. To avoid this great obtttacl 
**to hnprovcmentf I reeominend, for the first two or three ycars, the use of a liltl 
"portablc Dictionary, compiled by Entiek: it will bc, from its oonvenient size am 
«eonciseness, the best calculated for young scholars, of any, extant." 

• Page 61, folome ltt, tf the 9tk edition. 



Ereiy letp.yeir (called in Latin Bissextilis,) in wbich February haa 29 daya ooth the 24tk 
and *5th dayi of that month are written, ttxto dU ante Kalenda» Marti\i*. 

1 * 


jm. dmbtfiil gender. 


drfecU defectJTe. 
d. or dep. depuuent. 
dirn. diroinaare. 
/. feminine. 
yreg. frequent»tive. 

inXmt. infinitiTe. 

/1. OTpOtl, plMITe. 

frmt. preterite. 
pr.ciprep. prepoaition. 

mtti. «ibiUntire. 


The ttadentwill «taem mbo thc foOowinf rule«? 

1. " onr * rawel, «bowi tlnt ■vfeble to be tmy-. 
3. " orer ■ vowel, denotea tbet *yll»ble to be Mert, 

3, Tbe dipthongi *, ., ok, ™, «, ere «11 &ry. 

4. * rowol beforc r*t numJi, or befiwc j, x, »nd r, i* toy. 

;«. A Towel before aaMAer vnel, or befbre A foUawed by t vowel, U «A*rf. 

flieftj.urcsdenote tbe oanjugition of verhn, ind declensionof snbrtintiTes j ud tl 
hBMO lf.tti.Tt, joinedin thc s»me word, point out tite pirttof campound verbs, 


tn'm r LUi»tf itfnkr DtclonnoMof 8u^tantirM(fi«tkigi^«dby thecaJter^^* 


OtfdHve tingular. 

Genitive phtraL 






i ■- 




um & ium. 



. uum. 




eo throurii their dhTerent casee acxoxdme to tim foOowing 
r N. G. D. A. V. 


























domYn-us, i ; m. 







m*gist-er,rij m. 







regn-um, i; *. 











domhu» niagistri. 





% • 

18, n; 









Cfcp-is,ldis, ». 











Oum 5 







> um 


- » 







um . 



gr*d-us,usi «t, 







corn-u, U{ n. 























ftciea,*i ; / 




















JEnS-as» x ; m. 







Anchls-es, x ; m. 









comet»e,es; /. 












- onim 

eo 8c 





• is 

Ceum 1 














Orph-Sus, ei ; m. 

16g-os,i; m. 
lli-on, i ; n. 



t&nos ' 

> ssi 




Tit-an,anis; m. 

C5ms ] 

f oni 



Dld-o, dnis ; f. 




Jin 5 




Daphn-is, Ydis ; m 





Ces& > 













Air 4 uud bcforc consonants, which being tumed into an ad-jXbactu», a, um, part. driven aw 
butead of ab, is a prepos. jectivc or a genitive caae, will bej by force, or stealtb, &o. forc 
gsteniuiganablativecase. Abis miniater amanucnsis, or manus; toleave, turncd out,passed o^ 
«ed always before voweb, and seirus cubicularius, or cubiculrXbactus, us, m. 4 driving away. 
foqoently, especially by Uvy A or ab ia elcpantly uscd beforc aJtbacuhis, i, m. 2 dim. ab Abac 
udCc«ar, beforeallconsonantB, pcraon to signify his house or JLbacus, i, m. 2 a desk, a cupboai 
■* M and z be excepted. aome other adjunctj a* t ab ac a bcnch, a table, an account- 

Taii piepoaition has a great variJ egreditur foras, from his own ble, a chessboard, a square sto 
4* of agnifications ; somctimea house— After the verbs do, solvo, on thc chapitcr of pillars. Al 

faa the time that, or next to for| illi dices, you shall tell him thisLb&li€natus,a, um,f>art. alienat 

on oar stde, or party, on, with, inj from me, Cic. rcmoved, scparatcd, cut off, d 

^opahson of, as far as from, orjAbs, of, or from. It stands alonc 1 franchiscd, rcndered uscless» i 

mm by, towards, out of, by rea-, bcfore no letters but q and t ; at,\ voltcd. 

•jn o£ as to, , as for. | abs quivis, abs te. In composiHfltoalieno, as, act. 1 .to alienate, 

wprepositionitelcgantlyuscd tion also before c, at abscedo, estrange, to throw, or cast off, 

tt&circumlocution of an adjec-! abscondo. disposc of, to give or scll awi 

fre, or a genitive case, as in A in composition is only used be- to make onc lose favor. 

taese forms : Ab actis, a public; fore m and r ; ab before vowela,Xbalienor, ari, patt. to be disp 

ntary ; a cubiculis, a chamber-! and d, f, h, j, 1, n, r, s. Defore g. scd of. 

■io; a manu, a clerk, or aecre-1 only in abgrcgo, and bcfore p inXbavus, i, m. 2 a great gran 

tny; a capelli, a chaplain ; 1 abpatruus. In aufcro and aufu- fathcr*s fathcr, Cic. 

tlodus, a tutor. For by adding gio, ab is changed into au. .Abbas, atis, m. 3 an abbot. Hen 

WsisteT.servus, &c. it is minister Abactor, ftris, m. 3. a driver away,j comc Abbatia, *,/. 1 an abbac 

■ bwd» aervu8 a cubiculis, fccj a stealer or drireraway of cattl'e.\ and Abta&ss^ «. j A.vcl^ 





Abscldo [abs, csdo,] dcrc, idi, 

Isum, act. 3 to cut off. 
AbscTdor, ens, i, pao*. to be cut. 
Abscindendus, a, um, pt. Xo be cut 

off, to cut oft', in cutting off. 
.ffocindo, derc, scidi, scistum 

act. 3 to cut, or rend off, to put perfection. 

an end to. 

Abscindor, i, pa**. *ee abscindo, 
Abscise,4irftt in few words, shortly . 
Abscissio, dnis,/. 3 s cutting short. 
Abseissior, us, adj. shorter, se- 


Absconditus, a, um, pt. & aaj. 

Absolvor, i, absolutus, pau. to belAbstTneor, iri, pa*s. *ee abstinea 
acquitted, dischargied, &c. »46sto, starc, stiti, stitum, neut. ] 

AbsoiQtc, adv. perfcctly. AbstilQ. to stand at a distancc, to stand af 
tissTme, supcrl. most perfcctlv. Abstracturus, a, un, pt. about ti 

AbsolQtio, dnis, f. 3 absolution, draw off, er away. 
an acquitting, a discharging, Abstractus,a,un^/rf.drawnawaj 
" * dragged. 

AbsolQtdrium, i, n. 2 a cure. Abstrahcns, tis, pt. drawing away 
AbsdiQtdrius, a, um, ailj. pertain- ^&rtrabo, £re, axi, actum, act. 

ing 1 to acquitting, or pardoning. to draw, drag, or tear away, tn 
Abs&Qtus^iim, jM. acquitted,par- withdraw, to separate, to delivei 

donec%cleared,nniahed,pencct.Abstrahor n i pass. to be drawi 
Absone, adv harshly, improperlv. away. 

Abscissus, a, um, pt. U aaj. cut Absonus, a, um, adj. harsh in Abstrictus, a, um, ft. unticd 

off, ai* short, torn, parted, rug.j ' ' ! J ~* ' " A ~ ' ,y *— ~ 

ged, rough, sharp, sevcre 

AnscondTtc, adv. sccretly, closely .lAsorbeo, Sre, bui &. rpai, rptum, 

sound, discordant, irregular, un-pAfftrudo, derc, Gsi, Qsum, aet. I 
suitablc. to conceal, to hide, to banish. 

Jfocondo, dcrc, di 5* dldi, dTtum, away. 

& naum, act. 3 to hidc, covcr, or 

lteep ckwc, to bury, to leavc bc- 

Abscondor, i, dftus & nsus pa** 

to be hiddcn, to bc out of sight. 
Abscns, tis, pt. absent, distant, in 


Absentia, x,f. 1 absencc. 
Absflio, [ab salio, ] irc, lui, neut. 

4 to leap froin, or away, to fly off, 

or awav, to start back. 
AbsTmllis, e, adj. very unlike. 
Absinthites, x, tn. wormwood- 

Absinthium, i, n. 2 wormwood. 
Absistcns, tis, pt. ceasing, dcpart 

Absistltur, imp. tJicy desist. 
wfAsisto, terc, abstiti, ncut. 3 to 

depart from, to ceasc, to leavc 

off, to dcsist. 
Absolvcms tis, pt. acquitting. 
^solyo, vcre, vi, lQtum, act. 3 to 

acquit, to discharge, to relcase 

without, but, for, ezcept, if with 

AbstSmius, a, um, adj. abstemi- 

ous, sober, sparing, not fond of. 
Abstergens, tis, pt. wiping away. 
.ifotcrgco, erc, rsi, rsuin, act. 2 

jfojtcrrco, 5re, rui, iitum, act. 2 to AbsQmor, i, mptus, pat*. to bl 

a. 2 to sup up, to suck in, to luy 
under water, to covcr, to carry 

Absque, {prap. with abl. case,) Abstuli, prmt. ex aufcro. 

to w jpe clcan, or ofi', to brcak, ^6sQmo, £re, mpsi, roptum, a. I 

to dissipate. 
Abstergo, erc, oee abstergeo. 

frigiiten awav, to dcter, to forbid 
Absterrcor,cn,/>.tobc scared awav 
Abstcrrltus a, um,/^. affrighted. 
Abstersus, a, um, pt. wiped off. 
AbsUncndus, a, um, pt. to be 

kept from, to bc hindercd. 
Abstlnens, tis, adj. abstincnt, tem 

perate, forbearing, chastc. 
Abstincnter, adv. discrectly, mo- 

AbstVncntia, x, /. 1 abstincnce, 

modcration, integrity, justicc. 
Abstlneo, [aba, teueo,] cre, nui, 

to perfect or tinish, to cnd, tol stentum, act. 2 to abstain, re- 
caasume, to d±sp*tch, to dismiss | frain, or kcep from, to forbear. 

AbstrQse adv. secrctly, privately 
Abstrusus, a, um, pt. hidden, con 

cealcd, abstrusc, deep, secret 


46sum. essc, fui, f uturus, neut. M 
be abscnt, or away, to be want 
ing, distant, or far from. 

AbsQmEdo, Inis,/. 3 a wasting. 

AbsQmcndus, a, um, pt. to be con- 
sumcd, or destroyed. 

to consume, to destroy, to spen4 
to wastc, 

consumcd, er dcstroyed, to pe< 

rish. [constimft 

AbsumptQrus, a, um, pt. about U 

Absumptus, a, um, pt. consumedj 

lost, gone, undonc, dead. 

Absurde, adv. absurdly, foolishly 

Absurdus, a, um, adj. absurd, 

foolish, harsh, grating, unplea 

sant. [pious, vast 

Abundans, tis, pt. abounding, cn 

Abundantcr,oJi;. abundantly,fullj 


A.bundatio, dnis,/ abundance. 

AbundatQrus, a, wn, pt. about t( 






e, adv. cnoujjh, suflicicntly;AecoiulendiH, a, um, pf. to !u 
[i, :ts, •/"•.'/. I to abound, toj stirrod up 
, om»*./. 3 an abusc [be ridrAcecndcns, ti**, /'.'. exr : tin._f 
tc, prjrp from as for as. ' Acn ndo, [ad, <-andco,'i ilcrc, di. 
s iis. «*. 4 Hi\ ubusc- j iisum, nct. 3 to inrtamc, to srt on 

cabuscd. lirc, to li^ht, vr stirup, to exritc. 

Arrorso, erc, sivi, 3 to 
s.Mid for, to ucrusc, to procure, 
to hire [for 

Acoersor, i, sTtus, /•»#**. to bc scnt 
Accossio, onis, /. 3 :m ucccssion, 
uii incrcasc, intcrrM" uf inoncy, a 
bay of huililhiff, joincd to a 
housc, a houd_», a fit 

iwlus a. um/».. tob 

\s, tis, /> . . abusin^- f io mcrcasc, to "jdlcd 

', ti,usus, tirji. 3. to abusr, Accendor, i, nsus, /».w. to hc kin 

mpply, to pnlntc, to usc l.frcciisco, erc, sui, siim, tict. 2 toAecessurus, a, um, pt. about to 

w, i. /. 2. a bottomlcss pit j aild to, to rcckon among, to join approach, to bc addcd unto 

eotnposition, standsfor «'/ ' Acccnscor, cri, pus*. to be addcd Acressus, a, um, pt. approachcd 

•/. eipvi. and, aud indccd ; Acccnsus, a, um, t. sct on fire^Aecessus, iis, m. 4 an ucccss, an 

lon) ncither; than, aftcr kindicd, inHaincd, exaspcratcd | approach, an adinittancc, an in- 

i or adverbs of contrariety^Accensus, i, m. 2a ncw enlisted! crcasc, a risinp:, apursuit, afit 

mparison ; and somctiincs soldirr, a supeniumerary otticcr.Areideiitia, a:,/. a purposc, a dc- 

endered by as Thus idcni; thec-dlerofacourt, apnrsuivant sijrn, thc accidencc 

t, thc sanie as it has bcciij ushcr, maccbearcr, ser|*cant,&c.Acc;dcns, tis, n. 3 an accident 

, x./. 1. a tliorn. Aee.eiitus, u_V".4anacccnt,atoiic Acc.idcns, tis, pt. happcning 1 

nia, ae,/. acadcmy, aLVcccptans, tis, pt. accepting 1 , ta-Acridcntalis, v.,utij. aocidcntal 

rsitj. king" Aeeido, [ad, cado,l erc, di, sup. 

mcus, i. m. 2. an acadorni-Aceptio, 5nK /. 3 a taking', a rur. nrttt.'3 to fall down, to full, 

a mcmber of*. univcrsitv. gr:inting > , or allowing' a qucstimi, to comc to, to befal, to happcn 

a scnse, iit- notion, a mcanir.gvAccidn, [ad, cxdo,] diire, di, sum, 

respcct act. 3 to wcaken, to cut short 

Aocepto, [ad, capto,] vaftvq. 1 toAccicndus, a, um, pt. to be sent 

aeccpt, orrcccive, tosubmitto. for [fetch 

Acccptor, oris, m. 3 a rcceivcr ./rcico, erc, Tvi, Ttum, act. 2 to 
Aceeptrix, iois, /. .» a fcmalc re-Arrinrtus, a, um, pt. jrirdcd» fur- 

cimvci' nislird, proparcd for, ready. 

nicus, a, um. mtj. of the 
rsity [ like bcar 1 * foot 

Unus, a, um. tu/j. of, ot 
lis, idis,/ 3. a j^oldfinch, a 
:, groundscl 
ius, i. m 2. bcar f s foot 
i, 6rum pl. v. 2. Avy wood 

ni,i. n. 2.a pinnace, a barj^*: Acocptum, i, w. 2 a tliing' rccciv-./tcin;^o, K cru » nxi » nctum, act. ..• 
to,as. act. 1. to sin£to,©rby! ed, ortakrn, a rcreipt for moncy to gird to, to preparc for, to jjo, 
enfc, tis. pt coniiijjr, added' Acccptfirus, a, uni, pt. about to ©r srt about, toprovidc with 

-» ■ » ■* • _ _i. • a • ; ..__*.... a^. »-.!.«_ _M_i> 

itur, imptrrs. it is approach- rcceivc 

o, d£rc, cssi, essum act. 3. 
proach, to draw near, to go, 
Tie to, to be added, to as- 
*r apree, to comc over 
or, \.pas«. to be approachcd 

Accin^or, i, nctus, pass. to bc girt» 

Acceptus, a, um t pt. &? atij. receiv- propared for, or furnishcd with 

ed, tukcn, trcatcd, snbmittcd to,.-/crio, Trc, ivi, Ttum, act. 4 to semi 

acccplable, plcusinjf, beloved for,or call to get,cause,or procure 

Accerscndus, a, uin, pt. to be call- Acrior, Tri, pass. to be scnt for. 

ed, sent for, or procured Accipiendus, a, um, pt. to bc takcn 

Aco.erscns, tis, pt. sendiug for, received, or obeyed, to takc 

.ritio, onis./. 3.a hasteninjJ procurinp Accipicns,tis,^.taking',reccivins 

ritus, a, um. pt. hasto.nedAcccrjiio, Tre, 7vi, Ttum, act. 4 toAcclpio [ad capio] pere, ccpi, 

ro, as, act. 1. to hasten, toj fctch, or8endfor,totryoncbylaw ceptum, act. 3 to take, to re- 

liaste, to bc quick, to dis-;AcL-crsTtor, oris, m. 3 a sender for ceive, to undertakc, to lcarn, to 

jAccrsitus, a, um, pt. & adj. scnt acccpt, to suck in, to sustain, to 
iror, ari. patt. to bc hastcn-J for,far-fetchcd,aftccted,straincd bear, to treat, to obcy % to ^tvd^ 

«, te, m. 4 a sendtng Cor t to ^1,10 ^\.^rc\ 





Accom«idor, ari, pasv. t» be suitedl Accurrcns, tis, pt. runninjr lo. 
Accommodus, a, um, adj. suitab^./ircurTO,rcre,ri,rsiim,w'*w' , -3 toi 
Accredrns, tis, pt. hclicving [fit to, to hastcn, to nock tojrctl: 
AccTsus, a, um, pu cut ofV, cliptLircrcdo, dcre, didi, ditum, act. 3 Accursus, us, w. a concoursc 

^hort, shortcncd, imjniircd, catJ to brliuvc, to give credit, to Accusfibilis,c, adj. blamcablc,! 

en u p. jfor.j conscnt. Accusaudns, a, um, pf. blamca 

Accipior, i, pas». to bc rcccivcd. 

Accipfter, tris, m. 3a hawk, an 

oxtortioner, a plundcrer. 

■\ccitums a, um, pt. about to scnd 
Accltus, a, um,/ir. sciit tor. 
AcrTtus, (K "'• 4 a sriuling for 
Acclamaus, tis, pt, calling, shout- 

A 'lamatio, onis, /. 3 a calUng 
aloud, a shout, an huzza, a cry 
ing against. 

tfcclumo, as, </rf. & nerif. 1 to 

Accrciiicntum, i, n. 2 an incrcasc 

Accrcsccns, tis, pt. incrcasing 

ircrcsco, ccrc, evi, etum, nent. 3 

to incrcasc, to swcll, to gTow up 

Accrctio, ouis,/. 3 an incrcasc 

Acciibans, tis, pt. lying, or sitting 

down, ad joining to, ncar 

Accubiktio, onis,/. 3 a lying down 

Accusans,tis,/>/.acciising t bl:im 
Accusatio, onis,/. 3 an accusat 
AccusatTvus, a, um, ailj. accusal 
Acciisator, oris, m. 3 an accuse 

Accusatdric, adv. with ibc dcsi 

or mind of an accuscr. 
Accusatdrius, a, um, adj. acci 

tory of, or belonging to an 

cuscr* (cu 

Accubitorius, a, um, adj. of, or 

huzza, to shout for joy, to cry', bclonging to, sitting down 

out against, to cry aloud. [lcaii v \cc.iihitiis, iis, m. 4 a sitting down;Accusatrix, Tcis, /. 3 a fcmale 
AcclTnatiirus, a, uin, pt. about to.icciibo, burc, bui, bitum, neut. liAccusuturus, a, um, pt. aboul 
AcclTnatua,a,um,/ff. lcaning,bcnt.| to sit at tablc, to lic down, or. accu*c. 

Acclinis,' c, adj. lc:uiing, or reati ng 

on, inclining, pronc, inclincd. .irciido, crc, d«, usum, act. 3 tolAccuso, [ad causor,] as, art. 


[coinAccusatus, a, um, pt. accuscd 

Accumbcns, tis, pt. lying down 
./rcumbo, berc, iibui, iibitum, 

neut. 3 to lic, or sit down at mcat Accdia, ac, /. 1 sloth, ncglijrc] 

Vccumulans, tis,/>/. hcaping up 

adx\ wuperl. 

accusc, to*btamc, r»e n-primi 
unde Accusor, /»«**. 

Xccldama, indecl. a field of bh 

Xccr, eris, /i. 3 a maplc trec, 

Accr, iicris, rc, adj. sharp, s 

-^cclino, as, neut. 1 to lcan, or 

bcnd forward, to conscnt, or in-]. 

clinc to. 
Acclrvii, c, adj. stcep, asccuding. 
Accllvus, a, um, adj. steep, risiiur. 
AcclTvitais, utis, /. 3 steepncss, Acciiinulatissime," 


accoxnodated, or madc tit J latc, to heap up, to add, to in-Xcerbitas, atis,/ 3 sharpness 

Accommeklans tis, pt. fitting, crcasc (ed up verity, grief, anguish. 

[bly. Accumiilor, ari, pass. to be heap-ACcrbHudo, inis,/. 3 idcm. 
' - * - - -■ Yitt< 


xnodatc. to suit, to fit, to apply, 

» u " rt » n & . Accuratus, a, um, aaj. accurate,; aggTavatc,tohcightcn,toen 

Accomm6datus, a, um,j&r. & adj. done witlioare, strict, cxquisitc,Acei4)U8, a, um, ««/;. bittcr, s 

suited, dcsigiicd for, suitablc, choicc j unripe, harsh, crueT, scverc, 

fit, Iikc. Vccunitio, onis,/. carcfulness 

♦^ccommodo, as, act. 1 to accom- .iccuro. as, a*t. to takc carc of, 

to provide for 

rical, provokintr, sad,lamcnt: 
Acernus, a, um, adj. of m:iph 

(care oPXccrosus, a, um, adj. full of c 

a conscr, bo"* 

toput to, e>r upon, U tcnd, to Accuror, ari, pa»t. to bc takcnJACerra, x, /. 1 
*cuicrc. /Accuxritur, impert. Xhey run. | altar. 





tuperl. very bit- 
cstly, vcry busil) 
tfi. 1 a catamitc 

hcaped to£cther.icquiesco, ccrc,cvi, ctum, neiti.o 

:iout any order 
'. 3 a hcaping up 
, />/. hcapcd up 
o heap.or pilc up 
, to bc hcapcd up 
heap, a hoard. 
turning sour. 
\crp. 3 to grow 

2 a sauccr a cup, 
:lay, a mcasurc. 
'. 7i. a salad,mince 
incgur, raillery, 

Ac6nTtum 9 i, 7/.!2wolfsbanc,poison ActTvc, adv. activcly, in an ac- 
Acor, oris, m. 3 sourncss, tartncss tive scnsc» 
Acquicsccns, tis, />/. delighting in Actlvns, a, um, artj. activc 

Actor, ftris, m. 3 au actor, a mana- 
to rcst, to lic down, to dic, to ac-l ^cr, an njycnt, a comptrollcr, a 
quicscc, to assent, to dcltght pleadcr 

Acquictiirus, a, uui, pt. about to Actualis, e, adj. actual, rcal 
rcst jActuarium, i, n. 2 a pinnacc, a 

Acqulrendus, a, um, pt. to bc ac- barge 

quired, or obtained, to acquirc 
Acqulrens, tis, pt. gctting 1 
AcquTro [ad quaero,] rtre, Islvi, 

Tsltum, act. 3 to acquirc, to get, 

to obtain, to add 
AcquTror, i, pa$$. to bc obtaincd 
Acqulsltio, onis, / 3 an acquisi- 

tion, a gctting or obtaining 

ijyatc, a ringp 
3 a river in heil, 

Actuarius, i, m. 2 a clerk, a sccre- 
tary, a notary, a scrivener 
Actuarius, a, um, adj. light, nimble 
Actum, i, 7i. an act, an action, a 

Actum cst, impcrs. all is ruincd- 
Actuosc, adv. actively, carnestly 
Actudsus, a, um, adj. active, busy 

Acqulslturus, a, um, pt. about tojActfirus, a, um, pi. about to act, 

or do. 

Actus, a, um t pt. donc, pcrformcd, 
carricd on, led, spcnt, drivcn, 
impellcd, disperscu, accused 

gct, or acquirc 

Acqulsltus, a, um, pt. gottcn 

Acrc, adv. sharply, bitterly 

Xcredula, t,/. 1 a woodlark. 

pcrdition, de-,AcrIcuhis, a, um, adj. dim. somc- Ac-tus, fis, m. an act or deed, an 

(chcron. wliat sharp, ruthcr sharp j act of a play, a part, or stage, a 

um, adj. of A-Acplmonia, x./. lacrimony,sharp-; plcading 

/. 1 «Tasshoppers ncss, carncstncss, vehemence, Actutum,flrft^prcscntly,forthwith 

a sortofsponge. livelincss, briskncss Xcucndus, a,um,/>/. to be shar- 

a wild pear trcciAcrior, us, adj. comp. sharpcr | pencd (ting 

adj. dim. somc- Acrltas, atis, /. 3 sharpness, ea-Xcucns, tia, pt. sharpcning, whct- 

:r tart, or sharp 

[j acid, sour, tart. 

i edgc, or point, 

eve, an armv, a 

^erness JAcillcutus, a, um, adj. having a 

Acntcr, ucrius, accrrime, adv. prickle, or sharp point, biting, 
sharpIy,boldly,^aliantly,stoutly, stinging, kcen 
earncstly, warmly, vehcmently, Aculeiis, i, m. 2 a sting, a prickle 

of battle, quick- curiously, dccply, intensely, ae-ACfimcn. Inis, n. 3 the point or 

nsion, sharpness. vcrcly, soundly, steadfastly cdgc of a thing, a dait, cunning", 

3 a scimitar, aAcritudo, Inis, /. 3 sharpncss suhtility, smartness, quickncss 

Xcroama, atis, n. 3 an opcra, play, ! in rciish. 

1 a prodieul. or farce, an actor, a niusiciau Arinuinatus, a, um, pt. pointcd 
idj. fullofkcrnclsAcroasis, is,/ 3 an audience, fcrc, i, act. 3 to sharpcn, to 
:i«im, i, n. Aciiia.Acrostichis, is,/ 3 an acrostic I vlwt, to evcitc, to provokc, to 
nie, aii ivy-bcrryActa, »,/. 1 a sf-a^horc, a strand., improic. 

m. 3 a sturgcoiiJActa, 6riim,y»/. n. 2 acts, cxploits/Acuor, i, pa*$. to bc sharpcncd 
»lu>rt dart. | chronicles, a |ournnls, rc^i^tcr.n. : acuh, cris, n. 3 chaff 

tlic ])rimc, tlie^Actio, onis,/ 3action, an actinjrACiis, i, jii. 2 a long prickly sea- 

ing. an action, or suit, a procLSs.i iish 

2 a full»;wcr. JActitti, w*freq. 1 to ait. to ^lcadJ \cv\«, v\s N f A ^x ^t^ % -xXk^w^ 





Xcntc t adx: ius, issime, acuteh, 
sharply, kecnly, wittily, imjcni- 

Acutulus, a, nm, adj. dim. somc- 
what sliarp, or kcen, subtle 

AcutuB, a, uni, adj ior, issfmus, 
sharp pointcd, ingcnious, acutc, 
kecn, glaring, shrill, scorching' 

Ad, pvap. is rendered by to, be- 
fore, at, on, in comparison of. 
until, near to,towards, in, againsl, 
aftcr, for, bcsidca, by, accnrding 

.yjanibulu, as, uct. 1 to walk ii]> t<> 
.Maino, as, act. 1 to lovc mucli. 

to love 
. A/apcrio, Trc, rui, rtum, act. 4 to 

opcn, to imcovcr, to diselosc 
.vdapcrtilis, c, adj. that may bc 


Adapcrtus, a, luid opi n 
.\daptutus, a, um, pt. fittcd to 
Adaquo, (ad aqua) as a. 1 tu 

tdaquor, ari, />aw. to bc watercd 

to, with rej^ard. to, even, until, Ailauctus, a, uin, pt. incrcascd 
in order for, for thc *»ake of,;Adauctus, iis, ;•/. 4 an incrcase 

about, morc or lcss. 

Ad, in composition, commonly 

significs ncarness ; as adro, ad- 

jungu % &c. sometimes increascth; 

as adumo, adhibo. And in com- 

position urfchangcs its r/into tlic 

lirst letter of the simple, begin- 

ning with c, f, g, 1, n, p, r, s, t, 

Xdactio, bnis,/. 3 force, constraint 

Adactus, a, um, pt. forccd, drivcn, 

struck into, brought undcr 
Xdxquandus, a, um, pt. madc 

cven, level 
Adtcquatio, onis,/ 3 a lcvelling 
Xdxquatus, a, um, pt. lcvcllcd 
Adaequc, adv. equality [to lcvcl 
•^r/sequo, as, act. to makc, 
Xdxquor, ari, puss. to be cquallcd 
adxsiuo, as, ncut. 1 to ovcrflow 
«r</aggero, a*» act. 1 to hcap, or 

.\daugcndus. a, um,/j/. to iwreasc 
.frAmgco, are, xi, ctum, act. 2 to 

increasc, to improvc, to a^gra- 


Adaugcor, cri, p. to bc iucreasrd 
.ft/augesco, crc, inccp. 3 to bc in- 


.?r/bibo, erc, i, ltum, act. 3 to 

lay up, to hcap, or lay, ccre, ixi, ictum, act. 3 to 

Adagium, i, n. 2 a proverb 
Adalirgatus, a, um,/>/. ticd to 
•^//alligo, as art. 1 to tic closc to 
Adalltgor. ari,//rm. to bc boundto 
Adamautxus, a. um, adj. adaman- 

Xdumantinus, a, um, adj. hard as 

adamant, of a<lamant 

Xd-tmas, antis, m, 3 a stone, a.Wdisro, cerc, didici, act. 3 to 

drink, to suck in, to admit 
.fr/hlandior, iri, </«»/». 4 to spcak 

fair, to flattcr, to fawn 
Vdcrcdo, adcrcsco, see Accrcdo, 

./fcftlccct, impei-8. it bccomcth 
\ddendus, a, um, pt. to be added 
Addens, tis, pt. adding, joining 

ft/denseo, erc, sui, act. 2 to close 

togethcr, to thickcn, to shortcn 
.-fr/denso, as, act. 1 to thickcn 
Addlcens, tis, pt. approving 

doom, to condcmn, to scntcnce, 

Addiiumcntum, i, n. 2 an additi 
Additio, dnis, /'. 3 an addition. 
Additivus, a, um, adj. nddition 
Additurus, a, uni, pt. about 

Additus, a, um, /»/. addc-d, join 
Addivinans, ti.s, pt. jjucssing. 
.^/divino, as. utf. 1 t<»ct.njcciu 
.Vr/do, dcrc, didi, ditimi, mt. 3 
add, to jjivc, to ]>ut, to sct, 

Addor, i, ftars. to b<* addcd. 
.ir/dormisco, crc, mmt. 3 to slc 
Vddubitatio, cinis,/. 3 doubt. 
\<ldubitatur, impers. it isdouhl 
AddubUatus, a, um, />/. tloubtei 
.?r/diibito, as, act & neut 1 to tlou 
\ddnccns, tis, pt. bring^ing' to. 
. /t/dfico, ccrc, uxi, uctum, uct. 
to brinjr. to can-y, to inducc, 
persuadc, to tijrhtcn, to ca 
tract, to shortcn, to shrivcl up 
Addiicor, i, ctus, />a%*. to bc led 
Adductc, adv. closclv, ncarlv, 
Adductor, oris, m. 3 hc tli 

Adducturus, a, um, pt. about ' 

Adductus, a, um, pt. bi*oug"ht, ii 
duced, prcvailcd on, applici 
adcdo, crc, vel cssc, C-di, cftiui 
vcl estum, act. 3 to cat up, 1 

Xdemptio, bnis,/. a taking awa; 
a disfranchising, bauishmcnt 

to dcvotc, ov givc up, to sell, tOjAdcmpturus, a, um, pt. about t 

sct to sale, to confirm takc away 

Addicor,i,/w**. tobo dclivcrredto Xdcmptu*, a, inn, />/. takcn awai 
Addictio, 6iiis,/*3 a vahiiii£ I killcil, lost, pu1, out, dcad 

Addictus a, um, /r/. addictcd, giv-jAded,, to that pass, an 

oii up, dcvoted, doomcd, con- 
dcmitcd, valucd, much obli^cd 


/Omxtu*, a, um,/>t. bclovcd 

harn, to lcarn morc, undc Ad- 

thi:reforc, much morc, at thi 
timc, aftcr all, \cry much h 
d<>cd, insomuch that (Atqu 
adco) birt wliat is morc, (Adi: 
non) so far fmm. 





Ire, Tvi, & ii, Itum. n. 4. to This Tcrb govcrr.s an accusativc. 

r come to, to set out, to ad 
i, to undergo, to approach, 
ach, to be raised to, to un 
ike, to attack. 
rjri,^at«. to be jjone unto,8cc 
s, Ipis, d.g.3. tat- tallow. 
tio, 6nis, /. 3 a gctting-. 
turus, a, uxn, pt. about to gct. 
tus, a, um,/tf. having* gottcn. 
uitans, tis, pt. riding- up to. 
uito, aa. act. 1. to ride up to, 

ritus, a, um, pt. unccrtain. 
irio,ire, ntut. 4 to bc hungTy 

neigh aftcr, to exult, or applaud. 
flr/liorrcsco, erc, ;i. to bc jrrcath 

Adhortans, tis, pt. exhortinjr 
n, v, um, pt. catcn, consum-i.Vdhortatio, dnis,/ 3 un cxhor- 

indetcrmined, spcnt, gone 
adus, a, um, pt. to bv gone to 
pctcndus,a,unt, pt. dcsirablc 
im, adfectio, adfectus, adfo- 
dfremo, adfriiuro, adgemo 
flatim,afttfctio,uffcctU!», aflc- 
ifremo, astrango, agg-cmo. 
Tens, tis, pt. adhtring'. 
reo, cri, aesi, acsum, n. 2 to 
!re, to stick, to kecp closc to. 
resco, ere, tee Adhscreo. 
shi, onis, /. 3 adhcsion, a 

esus, us, m. 4. a sticking to, 
lo, as, act. 1 to breatbe upon. 
mo t [ad, hamus,] as, act. 1 


bendus, a, um, pt. to he uscd. 
*o, [ad, babeo] erc, bui, 
ro, act. 2. to apply, to sct, 
■e, to admit, to call, or scnd 

with a dativc cahc, or an ad-erb 
of place, instead thereof ; also it 
often has another accusativc 
with the prcposition ad, or an 
ablative with the prcposition ir. 

Adlribcor, eri, past. to be ap 
plicd, Etc. (usc. 

AdhTbiturus, a, um, pt . about to 

Adlribitus,a, um,/>/. uscd, applied. Adipatum, i, n. 2 fat mcat. 

ar/hinnio, Irc, Ivi, Ittim, ncut. 4 to Adipisccndus, a.tim, 6f. to fret- 

• i i». .. t. ii» i"-« • •■. i. *% 

tation (ajrer 

\dhortator, 6ris, m. 3 an cncour- 

Adhortatus, a, um, pt. havinjr cx- 

hortcd, exhortinfr. (to exhort. 
at/hortor, ari, dep. 1 to cncourajrc, 
Adhnc, adv. hitherto, as yct, be- 


A djacens, tis, pt. lying contiguous. 
.4</jaceo, ere, n. to ltc ncar, to 

border upon, to adjoin, to abut. 
Adjectio, 5nis,/ 3 an addition. 
Adjcctlvus, a, um, adj. adjcctive, 

added to, adjoincd to. 
Adjecturus,a, um,p*. aboutto add. 
Adjectus, a, um, pt. added, joined 
Adjectus, us, m. 4 an addition. 

Eish witha hook, to obtain Adiens, euntis,/*. going» to. 

Adfgcns, tis, pu driving 1 , forcing. 
Adlgo, [ad, ago] ere, egi, acttun, 

Vdimcndus, a, um, pt. tobe taken 
away, hindercd er rcscucd. 
\dimo, [ad, cmo] mere, demi, 
dempttim, act. 3 to take a^a}', 
to keep from, to rescue. 
Admior, i, pa*s. to bc takcn away, 
.ft/invfnio, tee Invcnio. [&c 

Vdinventus, a, um, pt. curiously 

act. 3 to drive, to forcc, to bring^Adjuiictus, a, um, pt. adjoined 

to. (vcn. 

Adtgor. i, actus, past. to be dri 

Butthe signification of thislAdjfcialis, c, adj. splcndid, gnrnd. 

» often dcpcnds on the fol- 
ng noun ; as, adhibere aux- 
d, to help; blanditias, to flat- 
cibum ct potum, to cat and 
k; consolationem, to com- 
; crudelrtatem, to bc cruel ; 
uetustthes, to accuston. 
2 • 

Adipibcor, i, adeptus, com. 3 to 

get, to obtain, to arrivc at, to 


Adipiscor, i, pa**. to be obtained. 
Adipalis, e, adj. fat, gToss, sump- 

Adltur, & Uditum est, impcrt. they 

jro, or went to. 
Aditurus, a, um, pt. about to jro, 

ov undcrgo. 

Adlttu, a, um, pt. g^one to. 
Aditus, us, wi. 4 a \ray, means, 

acccss, avcnuc. 

Adjudxcatus, a, um, pt. adjudg*cd 
.'7c/jiIdico, as, act. to adjudge, to 


Adjudlcor. ari, p. to bc adjudgcd 
»i(/|iigo, as, act. 1 to join togcthcr. 
AdjQmcntum, i, n. 2 hclp, aid. 
Adjunctio, 5nis, / 3 a conjunc- 

tion, or union, addition. 
Adjunctor, oris, m. 3 he who joins- 
Adjunctum, i, n. an adjunct, a 


joincd, \ oked, annsxcd, ncar. 
Adjtimfcudus, a, um, pt. to be 
joiacd to. 

AdjYcicnduSfa^umj/fr.tobeaddcd.^/junico, gerc, nxi, nctum, ar.t. 3 

Adjtciens, tis, pt. adding tn. 

Adjfcio, [ad, jacio] cerc, jeci, 
Jcctum, act. 3 to add, to cast to, 
er on, to apply, to direct. 

Adjlcior, i, patt. to bc added, to 
bc c»«t into, tobc fhrown. 

to join, to auncx, to add, t* in- 
rrcasc, to jrive up, to apply, to 
reconcilc, to procurc, to aumit, 
to fastcn, to yoke. 
Adjungor, i, past. to be JoiiwltA^ 





•<frijuro, aa» a. & n. 1 to adjurc,\A(lrnVnistrritus,a,um./>/.manapcdA^/.mitto, tere, mTsi, m 
to compcl to swear, to swear .irJministro, as, act. X to adminis-! 3. toadmit, to put, to s 

solcmnly- [ing. 

AdjQtabilis, e, atlj. assising, help- 
AdjQtanSjtis,/»/. assisting, hclping. 
AdjQto, as act. 1 to help, to suc- 

AdjQtor, ari, past. to bc liclped. 
Adjutor, dria, m. a helper, an as 


Adjiit6rium, i, n. 2 help, succour. 
Adu~itrix, Tcia/. 3 ■ shc wfio hclpeth . 
AdjQtum est, impers. I assistcd. 
Adj utfirus a, um, pt. alwut to hclp. 
AdjQtus, a, um,/tt. assistcd,helped. 
Adiutus, us, m. 4 hclp, aid. 
Adjiivandus, a, um, pt. to be 


Adjuvans, tis, pt. hclping 
•^rfjuvo, as, Qvi, titum, act. 1 to 

help, to assist, to favor. 
•4<ftnatQror, ari, patt. to be has- 

tcned, or forwardcd. 
Adiuensus, a, um, pt. measurecL 
«£cfaietior, Yri, mensus, dep. 4. to 

measure out, to retail, to sell 

Adimniculator, oris, m. 3. an as- stallion. 

aistant. [ped 

Adminiculatus, a, um, pt. prop 
Admfnlciilo, as, act. aud Atlmini 

culor, ari, dep. 1. to prop, to 

assist. [assistancc 

AdmTnicillum, i, n. a prop, aid, 
Administer, tri. m. tee Ministcr. 
Administra, »,/. tec Ministra, 
Administrandus, a, um, pt. to bc 

managcd, or govcrncd, to man- 

Auministratio, 6nis, /. 3. adminis- 
tration, nianagement, care of 
affirirs» (tical 

AdministratTvus, a, um. adj, prac- 

Admmistrator, oris, m. 3 an ad 
ministrator, an attendant, a ma- 
nager. [to managc, or gov ern 

icltn/hlstrsitQrus, «, about 

ter, to managc, to govern, to! apply, to commit, to ir 

scrve. JAdmittor, i, missus.jta** 

Atlnrfnistror, ari, patt. to be ad- mitted, &c. 

ministercd i.A<mi5deror, ari, dep. X 

Admirabilis, c. atff. admirable,' torulc. 

wonderful, astonishing, strange. Adm5dcstus, a, um, 
Adm!rabi11tas,atis,/. 3 wondcr. Lft/modulor, ari. dep. fc 
AdmTrubihtcr, adv. wonderfully.i play to. 
AdmTrandus a» um. pt. to be ad-!Adm6dum, adv. vcry, v 

mircd, wondcrful, remarkablc. ycs, truly, as yet, for s 
Adinirans, tis, pt. aduiiring, won-L^rfmolior, Tri, dep. to he; 

dcring. [wonder. 

AdmTratio, 5nis, /. admiration, 
Admiriitor, oris, m. 3. an admircr. 
.fr/miror, ari, dep. X. to admire, to 

wondcr at, to cstccm, to value. 
Admisccndus, a, um. pt. to be 


Admisccn.v, \\ mixing, joining. 
.ftmiiscco, ere, cui, mistum, and 

mixtum, act. 2. to mix, to med- 

dlc with 

Admisceor, cri, patt. to bc mixcd. 
Admissarius, a, um, adj. cquus, a 

Adinissurius, i, m. 2. a whorc- 

mastcr. [acccss. 

Admissio, 5nis, /. 3. admissiun, 
Admissiiun, i, «. 2. a crimc, an 

Admissura, x, /. 1. coition, thc 

timc, or act of cngendering. 
Admissurus, a, um, pt. about to 

Admissus, a, um, pt. admittcd, lct 

in, committcd, driven on, swift 
Admissds, m. 4. admission. 
Admislio, vel Admixtio, onis,/» 3 

a mixing, a mixture. 
Admistus, vel Admixtus, a, um, 

pt. mixed, or mingled with. 
Admittendus» a, um pu to be ad- 

Admittcns, admitting. 

Admbnendus, a, um. pt 


Adm6nen8, tis. pt. adm 
Jidmbnco, cre, nui, nit 

to admonish, to advist 

to infonn, to rcmind. 
Admoncor, gri. pt:*s. Xc 

nished, to be put in ni 
Admonitio, oms- /. a< 


Admbmtor, oris, m. 3. a 
^dmonitum, i, n. 2. an< 

tus, us, m. 4. admonitii 

Admoniturus, a, um, p 

admonisli, in order to 
Adm6nitus, ud 

^«/mordeo, cre, di, rsun 

bite hard. 

Admorsus, a, um, pt. bit 
Admotio, onis./. 3 a ir 
AdmotQrus, a, um. pt. 

\dmotus, a, um. pt. ar 

f>lied, put, brought nc 
aid on, uscd, nc ar, ac 
Adm5tus, fis, m. 4 an a; 
Admovendus, a, um. 
brought, # r movcd U 

Admovcns, tis. pt. hz 





\ ere, 5vi, dtum, act. 2 
r, or put to, bring near, 
', to raisc, to use, to lay 

ir,eri v /taj«.tobe 
, mv Mugio. 
bratio, «rcr Murmuratio. 
uro, tee Murmuro. 
i, tee Mutilo. 
bs,/W. swimming. 
; tee Agnascor. 
ls, ar*. 1 to swim to. 
\,tee Navigo. 
*ee Annccto. 
6tis, m. 3 a grcat grand- 

tr/ Adnixus, a, um, /»/. 
, leapingon, attempting\ 
, tis, />r. striving, con 

aet. 1 to swim to. 
, as oct. 1 to darkcn. 
is, act. 1 to nod to. 
, Ire, act. 4 to nourish 

is, x, um, ^l. to be con 
ire, lui & levi, dultum, 
neut. 2 to burn, to con- 
> perfume, to grow up, 

vri t pa*8. to be burnt up. 
ns, tis, r . g. 3 a young 

ntia, ac,/ 1 youth. 
ntior, ari, dep. 1 tofrolic. 
ntula, a%/. 1 amere girl. 
ntiilus, i. 7/i. 2 a stripung. 
nturio, irc, n. to -'— 

, e"rc, lui & cvi, n. 3 
?, to incrcasc, to bu 

(cr all over, 
, Ire, ui, tum, act. to 
, adv. secretly 
4 a, um, pt. 

Adoplnor, tee Opinor. 
Adoptans, tis, pt. adopting. 
Adoptatio, onis,/ 3 adoption 
Adoptatitius, i, m. 2once adopted. 
brought Adoptator, dris, m. 3 an adoptcr. 
Adoptaturus, a, um, pt. about to 

adopt, chonse, or pitch upon. 
Adoptatus, a, um, ftt. adopted. 
Adoptio, onis, /. 3 adoption, 


Adopttvus, a, um, adj. adoptive. 
^t/opto, as, act. 1 to adopt, to as- 

sumc, to take, to namc, to put, 

to ingraft. 

Adoptor, ari, patt. to be adopted. 
Ador, dris, & oris, n. 3 fine wheat. 
Addrandus, a, um, to bc w 


Adorans, tis, pt. adoring. 
Addratio, dnis, /. 3 adoration, 

Adoraturus, a, um, pt. about to 


Adbratus, a, um, pt. worshipped. 
Adorea, x, / a glft of corn, 


Adoreum, i, n. 2 fine wheat- 
AdSreus, a, Um, aaj. of fine wbeat 
Adoriendus, a, um, pt. to attempt 
4</6rior, tris, vel cris, iri, ortus, 

sum, tlep. 4 to attack, to assault, 

to accost, to attcmpt, to try, to 


AdomatCj adv. clcgantly. 
Adornatus, a, um, pu adoroed. 
Morno, as, act. 1 to adorn, to rig, 

to equip, to sct off, to prepare. 

Ldornor, ari, /*>««. to be adorned 
jfc/dro, as, act. 1 to worship, to 

lionor, to salutc. 
Adorsus, a, um, pt. begun. 
Adortus, a, um, pt. attacking, sct- 

ting upon, attempting, trying. 
Adpluo, adposco, adprecor, ad 

prime, see Appluo, &c. 
.Wpugno, are, o. 1 to ajsault. 




play Adornor, 

•Irfrado, derr, asi; asiim, a. 3 to 


Adrasus, a, um, pt. shaven. 
Adrcpcns, tis, pt. creeping to. 
.4rfrepo, pcre, psi, ptum, act. 3 to 

crecp to, or into, to insinuatc. 
Adscisco, see Ascisco. [or by. 
Adsltus, a, um, pt. planted near, 
~ida\im, es, fui, csse, futiirus, ;/. 

to bc present, or at hand, to be, 

to conie, to assist, to defcnd, to 

bc added, # r joincd, to favour, 

to attend, to be ready, to stay, to 

take courage. 
Advectio, dnis,/. 2 a carrying to. 
Advcctititis, a, um, adj. foreign. 
^<rvecto,as, act. 1 to carry oftcn to. 
Advccturus, a, um, pt. about to 


Advectus, fts, m. 4 see Advcctio. 
Advcctns, a, um, pt. carricd to, 

hrought, convcyed. 
.iJvclio, ere, exi, ectum, act. 3 to 

carry, to bring, to convey. 

Ldvehor, i, pa$s. to be carricd. 
Ad\t\v t as, act. 1 to vcil, to covrr. 
Advena, x, c. g. a stranger, a 

.Mvencror, ari, ikp. 1 to worship, 

to adorc. 

Advenicns, tis, pt. coming. 
^dv^nio, Ire, veni, ventum, n. 4 

to comcto, toarrivc, to happcn. 
Adveutans, tis, pt. approaching. 
Adventitius, a, um, adj. adven- 

titous, extraordinary, forcign. 
Advento, as, n. 1 to approach, to 


Advcntor, Sris, m. 3 a guest. 
Adventorius, a, uib, adj. gratu- 

latory. [comc. 

Adventurus, a, um, pt. about to 
Adventus, us, m. 4 a coming, an 

approach, an arrival ; Advent. 
AdverbialUcr, adv. advcrbia.U^« 

a Adv 





•f rfverbero, aa, act. 1 to beat much . 
Adversans, tis, pt. thwarting. 
Adversaria, orum, 2% memo- 

randum book, notet. 
Adversana, ae, /. 1 an enemy 
Adversarius, a, um, adj. oppositc. 
Advcrsarius, i, m. 2 an adversary, 

an enemy, a foc. [ponent. 

Advcrsatrix, Tcis, /. a female op 

Adultera, z,/. 1 anadulteress, a 
whorc, a loosc, or lewd woroan. 

AdulteVitio, dnis, / 3 adultcra- 
tion. [ccL 

Adulteratus, a, um, pt. dcbauch- 

Adultcrinus, a, uxn, aaj. countcr- 
fcit, false. 

Adulterium, i, n. 3 adultery. 

-LAdultero, as, act. 1 to adulterate, 
Adverse, adv. adveracly, crossly.l to mix, to debase, to corrupt, to 

AdvcrsTtas, atis, /. 3 advcrsity, 
trouble, contrariety, difTerencc. 

•fdversor, ari, dep. 1 to oppose, to 
withstand, to be against 

Adversum, i, n. 2 advcrsity, mis- Adumbratim, adv. obscurity* 

ery, misforUuic. 
Advcnum, pr. against, opposite 
to, towards, to; adv. towards 

debauch, to counterfeit. 
Adulteror, ari, dcp. 1 see Adurtero. 
Adultus, a, um, pt. adult, grown 

un, full. 

Adumbratio, 6nis, /. 3 a sketch, or frostbitten. 

sliadowing of a thing. 
Adumbratus, a, um,/*. shadowed, 

Adversus, a, um, pt. & udj. oppo- a</umbro, as, act. 1 to shadow out, 
aitc, ovcr against, rigiit towards, to shadc from hcat, to sketch, o 
advcrse, unfortuiiatc, cvil, hos- draw, to prcsent, to typify. 
tile, displeascd, unscasonable. Adunatio, onis,/ 3 an uniting 

Adversus, pr. & adv. tec Adver-|Adunatu8,a, um,jM.|oined,united. 

Advertens, tis, pt. obscrving. 
Adverto, te>e, ti, raum, act. 3 to 

turn to, to direct, to apply. 
Advcrtor, i, pa»$. to bc observed. 
•/fofvcspcracit,im/>fr*. it grows latc. 
Advlgilans, tis, pt. guarding. 
•frfvigilo, as, neut. 1 to watch, to 

kecp watch, to take care. 
Adulabilis, e, adj. to be flattered. 
Adulandus, a, um, pt. to be flat 

flattcred. [ing. 

Adfdans, tis, pt. flattcring, sootli- 
AdOlatio, onis, /. 3 adulation, 

Adulator, 5ris, m. 3 a flattcrer. 
Adulatorius, a, um, aaj. fawning. 
Adiilor, ari, dep. 1 to fawn, to 


.fc/volvo, vere, vi, lutum, act. ; 

rell to, to raise, to lift up. 
Advolvor, i, pasa. to be rolled 
Adv61utus, a» um, pi. rolled, p 


Adurens, tis, pt burning, very ] 
\durgens, tis, pt. pursuing. 
arfuro, cre, ussi, ustum, a. 3 

burn, to scorch, to pinch, 

hurt, to chafe . (scorct 

Aduror, i, ustus, pats. to 
Adusque, prap. cven to, until. 
Adustio, onis,/. 3 a burning. 
Adustus, a, um, pt. burnt, 

flamcd, consurned, parcfa 

Adytum, i, n. 2 a sccrct cel 
rcccss, thc most secret plac< 
a temple. 


JEdepol, 9ce Edepol. 

, , rM _ /Edes, vel JEdis, is,/. 3 a housc 

Aduncitas, atis,/. 3 hookedness, temple, a chapcl, a cliambei 

crookedness, a bcnding hivc. [o 

Aduncus, a, um, aqj crookcd. iEdlciila, x,/. 1 a littlc housc, 
Advocatio, onis, /. 3 thc officc of iEdfficandus, a, um, //f. to bebi 

an advocatc, a plca, a defence, a /EdiTicans, tis, pt. building. 

consultation, an advocate. iEdificatio, oni»,/ 3 a building 

Advbcutus, i, nu 2 an advocate, a iEdificatiuncula, ar, /. 1 dim. 

counscllor. small house, or building. 

Advbcatus, a, um, part. lmving iEdiiYcator, dris, ;u. 3 a builder 

callcd, callcd on, calling. foundcr. [bui 

.idvoco, as, act. 1 tocall, or sendUklificaturus, a, uin, pt about 

Adultcr, a, um, adj. adulterous, 

for, tocall, to summon, to plead, 

to advisc, lo assist, to conjurc, 

to allurc. 
Advocor, Sri, pats. to bc sum- 


Vdvolans, tis, pt. flying to. [fly. 
Advblatfirus, a, um, pt. about to 
Vdvblatus, us, m. 4 a flying to 

Adulter, t^ri, m. 2 an adulterer. Adsb\o, as, neut. 1 to fly to, to fly, 

to spring out, to make haste. 
Advolrens, tis, pt. roulng to. 

^Edificutus, a, u?n,/i/. built. 
^dificium, i, n. '2 a building 

.Edifico, [ttdcs, facio] as, act. 

to build, lo crcct, to makc, 


/Edificor, ari, pas*. to be built 
^dllis, is, m, 3 an cdile, a 9 

veyor. (cdi 

/Kdilitas, atis, /. 3 the office 
J^dilihus, a, um, aqj. of an edl 





dltuus, i, m. 2 an iFqu&lftas, atis,/. 3 equality. f/Era, »,/. 1 a pcriod of time. 
rchwarden. JEqualiter, ath. equally, evcnly. JEramcnlum, i, n. 2 brass, ©r cop- 

a nighting-alc. ASqnandus, a, um, pt. to be cqual- pcr-ware. 

l, adj. sick, w?ak,j led. JEraria, x, / 1 a copper mine, a 

ufticult, pensivc,'>fEquaniniitas, atis, / 3 evenncss forjre. 
ubtful, uncertain. of tempt r, patience, favor, can- /Erarium, i, n. 2 a trcasury. 
los, / 3 a shieldJ dor. JErarius, a, um, ailj. belonging t© 

hruss, or coppcr, or to a treasury. 
/Erutus, a, um, adj. made of brass. 
Homo xratus, a bankrupt, Cic. 
JEreus, a, um, adj. madc of brass. 
Acrius, a, um, adj. airy, lofty, higii. 
iErifcr, a, um, adj. bearing" brass. 
/. 3 sickness^JEquaturus, a, um, pt. about to /Erifftdlna, x,/. 1 a brass xninc. 

gerriinc, hardly, : ^quanimiter, ath. patiently. 
culty, gricvouslyJiEquans, tis, pt. equalling. 
pt. being sick. " jiEquatio, dnis,/ 3 an equation, a 
cept. 3 to bc sick,' making, or laying" even. 
worsc, to gricve.jEquator, oris, m. 3 the equator, 
\ 1 gricf, sorrow.J or cquinoctial line. [cqual. 

3 sickness. 
/. 3 sickness. 
to be sick, to bc 

adj. sick, ill, bad. 
log, Storm. 
female rival. 
um, pt. fit to bc 

. cmidating. 
/. 3 cniulation, 
rcd, contention, 

77». 3 a rival. 

•. 4 *ee JEmulatio. 

JEqufitus, », um,pt. madc equal. 
JEque, adv. cqually, as well, 

alikc, so. 
jEquldistans, tis, pt. equidistant. 
.flSqufllbris, e, adj. of equal wcight, 

ot the same Jevel. [weight. 

iEquilibritas, utis,/. 3 equality of 
JEquilibrium, i, n. 2 an even poisc. 
JEquinoctialis, c, atfj. equinoctial. 
JEquinoctium, i, n. 2 tlie equinox. 
JEqufparabllis, e, adj. to be cquaJ- 


JEquiparans, tis, pt. equa]ling\ 
/EquYparatio, dnis,/ 3 equality. 
JEquiparo, [xquus paroj Sre, a. 1 

to cqual, to vie with, to compare. 

rxccl, to imitate, 

p. 1 to rival, to^Equipondium, i, n. 2 equal 


[petitor. JEquitas, atis, f. 3 cquality, justicc. 

Ja rival, a com- iEquo, as, act. 1 to cqual, tb lcvel, 
adj. emulous, ri* to divide cqually, to compare. 

JEquor, 5ri, pas*. to be cqualled. 
JEquor, tfris, n. 3 the sca, any 
level, or plain, thc earth, the aif. 
JEquoreus, a, um, adj. of the sea, 
bordering' on the sca. 
JEquum, i, n. 2 cquity, justicc. 
JEquus, a, um, odj. cqual, likc, 
lcvel, cvcii, just, kind, fricndly, 
favorablc, patient, contcntcd. 
[sanic ajre.iAcr, is, m. 3 in acc. aera, pt. aercs, 
equal, af tnej thc air, or atmosphcrc, brcath. 


i.H trumpetcr 
dj. brazcn. 
3 a riddlc. 
;'. equal, alike. 
is, /. equality, 

. cqually, evenly. 
,adj. of thc same 

.Eripcs, pedis, c. g. swift of^bot, 
flect, brazen footed. 
iErisbnus, n, um, aaj. souuding 
like brass. 

JEro, onis, m. 3 a mat to lie on, a 

£r5sus, a, um, adj. full of brass, 
mixt with brass. 
JErugtadsus, a, um, adj. rusty. 
.Erupfo, mis, /. 3 rust, mildew, a 
bliglit, poison, slander, malice. 
iEnimna, x,f. 1 sorrow, affliction. 
iErumnabilis, e, adj. wretchcd. 
/Erumnatus, a, um, aaj. grievcd. 
JErumnosus, a, um, adj. wretched, 
calamitous, miserablc. 
/Es, xria, n. 3 brass, copper, iron, 
gold, money, a debt, a brazen 

^stas, atis, /. 3 summer, a year, 

^states, pl.f. 3 heats, freckles. 
.Esfifcr, a, um, adj. stdtry, hot. 
jEstrmabtlis, e, adj. estimable. 
^'stimandus, a, um, pt. to bc 
esteemcd, to be valued, or rated. 
.^Estimans, tis, pt. cstecming, sup- 
JEstimutio, onis, / 3 a valuc, a 
pricc, a rcwanl, a computation. 
/EstiinutOr, oris^ m. ^ N^V\va> >. 





JEsttmattJrus, a, um. pt. about tof Arthiops, 8pis. m. 3. a black. 

cstcem, to cstccm, ©r vulue. 
JEstimatus, a, um. pt. csteemcd, 

valued, prized, rated, aettlcd. 
JEstimo, as. act. 1. to estccm, to 

rcgard, to value, to settle, to 

judge, to think. 
JEstnnor, bc csteemcd 
•dEtiva, OTum. pl. n. 2. summer- 

quarters, a country-house, a fuld 
•«ntivalis, c. atfj. of summer. 
•Cstive, adv. as in summer 
jEstivo, as. neut. 1. to live, pass, 

or spcnd tlie summer. 
JEstlvus, a, um. adj. pcrtaining to 

JKstuabundus, a, um. adj boiling. 
JEstuans, tis. pt. boiling, scorch- 

ing, sultry, raging, furious. 
<£stuurium, i.7i 2 afrith, a marsh. 
JEfttuo, as. n. 1. to boil, to boil 

ovcr, or out, to be very hot, to 

swcat, to foam, to rage, to fret. 
«£stu5s£, adv. hotly. 
JEstuosus, a, um. adj. vcry hot, 

JEstus, us. m. 4.heat, a hot stream, 

raging sea, a tide, a storm, fury, 

love, great dcsire, fcrmcntation, 

JEtas, atis./ 3. age, an age, a hun- 

dred years, a year, a day, life, a 

time, a season, a gcneration. 
•fiftfitem, adv. an age,a lonir whilc. 
•^&tbJa, ae./ l.youth,childhood. 
•dEternrtas, atis./. 3. eternity. 
•Cterno, as. act. 1. to eternize, to 

•tfftcmo, »£tcrnum, adv. for cver. 
•dEtcrnim, a, um. adj. eteroal, con- 

tinual, pcrpetual, lusting. 
•^Jther, e*ris. m. 3. car. pl. in arr. 

acthera & jethfcrem, thc pure air, 

the sky, or firmament, heaven. 
JEthercus, a, um. adj. 'cthcrcal, 

*tri*l cclestiM), hoavetdy, divinc . 

/Kthra,ae/ l.the clear sky,thc ah\ 

rhetoric, a shewing of a causc, 

or rcuson. 

Actitcs, x. m. 1. the eaglestone. 
/Kviterous, a, um. adj. eternal. 
JEvum, i. n. 2. age, old age, life, 

timc, ctcrnity, a past action 

Affcctiirus, a, um. pt 

iEtiolbgia, a:. / 1. a figure in Aficctus, a, um. pt. af 

posed, cnducd, advan 
Affectus, us. m. 4. an 
a disposition, sicki 

Afferendus, a, um. 
Affcrcns, tis pt. bringi 
AF ^/fSro, afferrc, attul 

act. 3. to bring, to t 
to alledge, to rcply, t 
contribute, to cause, 
lay. [bi 

An eror, erri, allatus, 
Affertur, imp. ncws 
port is. 

Afficiendus, a, um. p 

fectcd, or punishcd, 

Afficio, [ad. facio,] 

fectum, art. 3. to affe< 

to influcnce. When 

noun, it is rendcred \ 

of that noun; as, affit 

tatione, to deliglit. 

Afficior, i, cctus. p 

Affictitius, a, um, adj. 

Affictus, a, um, pt feigw 

djfigo, e"rc, ixi, isum, t 

ten, to fix, to imprint, 

Afftgor, i, ixus, pass. t< 

Affingcns, tis, pt. formi 

•^/"fingo, £re, nxi, ictui 

form, or fashion, to f 

vcnt, tocounterfcit tc 

Affingor, \ 9 pu8x. to be 1 

Affims, e. adj. adj* 

rclatcd by marriage, 

necessary, guilty, pri 

AF, in composition, stands for ad> 
Afer, fra, frum, adj. of Africa. 
Aff abilis.c.rK//. affable, courtcous. 
AfFablhtas, atis./ affability, easi- 


Affubilitcr, adv. courteously [ly. 
Afl°&brc,ar/v. curiously,ingenious- 
Affabtil&tio, onis./ 3. the moral. 
Affumen, Vnis. n. 3. an addrcss. 
.f/Taris, vel. affiire, aff&tus, affari, 

from affor, inusit, to speak to, to 

address, to entreat, to thank. 
Affutim,arfr. abundantly, enough. 
Aff atus, a,um,/>r. speaking to, ad 


Affatus, us. m. talk, discourse. 
Affcctandus, a, um. pt. to be af- 

fccted. [dyng. 

Affcctans, tis. pt. affecting, stu- 
.Vffectate, adv. witli affectation. 
Affectatio, 6nis. / 3. affcctation, 

Afiectator, 5ris. m. 3. anaimer at, 

an aspirer to, an affcctcd pcrson. 
Affcctatus, a, um. pt. affected, 

conceitcd, dcsired, aimed at. 
Affcctio, onis./ 3. affcction, love, 

a natural disposition, a statc. 
Aflccto, as. act. 1. to aftcct, to dc 

sire, to aim at, to attcmpt, to as- 

Aff inis, is. c. §■. 
Afflnitas, atis. / S 

pirc, to purpose. 

Affcctor, ari./»«M. to be aflected. Aflirmantcr, adv. in : 
\ffcctu6sus, a, um. mdj. aftcction-jAfiircnatc, adv. solc 

ate. surcdh'. 





ttio, onis/ 3 an affi rmation. 
ktus, a, um, pt. affirmcd. 
Hu, a. 1. to affirm, to 

.tf/T&dio, dere, odi, ossum, ac/. 3 
to dig up, or away, to dig unto. 
Affbr, see Aflaris. 
L?/*fdrc, to bc prcscnt, to comc. 
, a, um. £/. fixcd, fastencd.T/Tonnido, as, nnit. 1 to hc afraid 
laced, imprintcd, sticking.j/Trango, crr, cgi, actum, <j. to 

break. [roar. 

i, breathing, ©r blow- .7/Trtmo, erc, w. 3 to murmur, to 
KjB^favouring,befrichding..Jftrico, as, ui, act. 1 to rub 
s, a, um. pt. blown upon, against. [against. 

i, blasted, inspircd. Anricor, ari, p. to bc rubbcd 

s, As. m. 4. a blast, a gale, Aftrictus, us, m. 4 a rubbing upon. 
mr, a steam, inspiration. j(/Trio, as, act. 1 to crumble, to 
£rc, evi, etum. n. 2 to grate. 

Xger, gri, m. 2 a ficld, land, 

gTound, a manor, a county, a 


Agesi&jflfc. go to, come on. 
JjrgemdPCre, ». 3 to groan, to 

sigh at.. 
►fgger, cris, m. 3 a leap, a pfrV, 

a mound, a bank, a dam, a shclf, 

a mud-wall, a rampart, a cause- 


Agggratio, 6nis,/ 3ahcapingup. 
Aggeratus, a, um, pt. heaped up. 
Aggerendus» a, um, pt. to be 

banked up. 

lio, 6nis./. 3. a throwing shine, to smilc upon, to favor. 
affliction, sorrow, pain. *f/Tundo, ere, udi, usum, uct. 3 

^f/fulgco, cre, Isi, lsum, n. 2 to Aggcro, aa, act. 1 to Iicap. to lay 

o, onis.y. 3. aiHictiou, dis- 

i, as. act. 1. to afflict, vex, 
V, ari. /K2#£. to bc dashcd. 
ir, dris. m. 3. a torracntor, 
urber, a troubler. 

us, a, ura. pt. afflictcd, dis- comc, or be prcscnt. 

to pourupon. 
Aflundor, i. ffisus, paw. to be 

pourcd upon, or into. 
Ailu&us, vcl. Adfusus, a, uiu, pt. 

pourcd upon. 
Affiiturus, a, um, pt. about to 

:d, thrown down, dashcd, 
gate, abandoncd. 
os. us. m. 4. trouhlc. 
3, fcre, ixi, ictum. act. 3. to 
i, to gricvc, to dash down, 
row doun, to dcstroy, to 
, to wcakcn, to hiunblc. 
>r, i, ictus. pa*t. to be af- 

is. act. 1. toblow, or breathe 
, to cmit, to blast, to favor, 
»pire,to infcct. 
ari. pasut. to bc inspircd. 
us, tis. pt. flowing, abound- 
rich, plentiful, rcsorting. 
Dtia, *./. 1. ahund&ncc. 
ntius, adv. comp. more abun 


• t ucre, uxi, uzum, neut. 3. 

Af&ris, adv. from uithout. 
Africanus, atlj. brought out of 
Africa. [wind. 

on heaps, to aggravate, to in- 

.iygcro, crc, cssi, estum, act. 3 

to )ay on a heap, to bring, te 

carry, to add. 
Aggeror, ,i pasa. to be heaped up. 
Aggcstim, adv in heaps. 
Aggcstioy bnis, /. 3 a hcaping up. 
Aggcsrus, a, um, pt. heaped up. 
Aggcstus, Os, vi. 4 a hcap, a 

mount, a pilc of carth, an cn- 


t, si* in, to abound, to steal 

Afncus, i, »i. 2 the soutli-w ^st .-^'glomero. as, act. 1 towindup, 

Africus, a, um, aaj. Africau. 


Ag, in composition, stands for ad. 
AgSso, dnis, m. 3 a groom, a 

Age,/>7. agite, impcr. comc on, go 

to, supposc, bc it so, wcll. well. 
Ag^dum, adv. come on, well. 
Agcllus, i, m. 2 a littlc fied. 
Ag^ma, atis, n. 3 a battalion, a 

Agendus, a, um, pt. to bc donc, 

or drivcn, that must bc donc. 

w upon, or in, to fiock to- Agcns, tis, pt. doing, dtiving, 

taking, living. 

Agons, tis, m. 3 an agent, a dotr., cr UQ»foV& V» \it toA^ -« w* 

to gathcr into a body, to crowd. 
.%-glGtmandus, a, um, pt. to be 

associatcd, sr joined. 
^glutino, as, act. 1 to gluc, to 

soldcr, to associate. 
Agglutmor, uri, p. to bc joincd. 
Ag^ravans, tis, pt. aggravating, 

heightcning, making hcavy, or 


Aggravatus, a, um, pt. aggravated 
Aggravesccns, tis. pt. gTOWing 

worse or morc troublcsome. 

^fgravcsco, ere, inc. 3 to grow 


•frgrfvo* as » acf - ^ to aggravate, 
to incrcase, tobcar hard upon. 
Aggravor, ari, pas*. to be nrcsa^do 





Aggrcdiendus,/»f.tobe attemptcd. Agmen, 
Aggredicns, tis, pt. going to, 

accosting, attacking , ^ f allina 

tipon. flr 

Aggredior, [ad, gradiorj^li, cs- 

sus, /Zf/». 3 to go unto, to accost, 

to attempt, to attack, to fall 

AggrSgo [ad, grcx,] as, uct. 1 to 

assemblc, to gct, or gathcr to- by the father's side. 

inis. v. o. an army, a 
troop, a coinpany, a crowd, a 
hcrd, a flock, a swarm, a pack, 
a coursc, a winding, a working, 
an attack. 

Agna, x.f 1 a ewc-lamb. 

•^iiascor, i, uatus. dep. 3. to grow 
upon, pr to be born aftcr a fa- 
ther\s will is madc, to be related 

gether, to join, to unitc 
AggrSgor, ari, past. to be gathcr- 

ed together. 
Aggressio, onis,/ 3 an attack. 
Aggressor, Sris, m. 3 au aggrcssor. 
Aggressurus, a um, pt. about to 

attack, or undertakc. 
Aggressus, a, uni, pt. attacking, 

Xgilis, e, adj. activc, hrisk, swift. 
Agilitas, atis, f 3 agility, swift- 

Xgilitcr, adv. nimbly, quickly. 
Agitabilis, c, adj. moveablc. 
Xgitandus, a, uin, pt. to be agita 

ted, to be movcd, to bc tossed. 
Xgitans, tis, pt. moving, revolving. 
Xgitatio, onis, / 3 motion, cxer- 


XgiUitor, aris, m. 3 a driver. 
Xgitaturus^ijUiii^/. about to chaae. 
Agitatus, us. wi. 4. a motion, 

Xgit&tus, a, um, pt. agitated, 

tossed, shaken, driven, moved, 

disturbcd, harrassed, cmploycd, 

debated, churned,activc, spright- 

ly, quick. 
Xgi tc, *ee Age. 
Xgito, as, act. 1 to agitate, to 

debate, to rcvolvc, to consider, 

to toss, to shakc, to drivc, to 

pursuc, to chasc, to cxercisc, 

to disquict, to managc, to spcnd, 

to live, to cclcbratc. 
Agitor, axi,/>u*«. to bc tossetj. 

Agnatio, onis, / 3. kindrcd by the 
fathei^s side, a growing to 

Agnati, 6rum.pL m.2. relations. 
by the father's sidc. 

AgnStus, a, um. pt. growing up- 
on, or to, grown up, or abovc. 

Agncllus, i, m. 2. dim. a lambkin. 

AgnTmib, a, um. adj. of a lamb. 

Agnitio, onis. an acknowlcdge 

Agnltus, a, um./tf.acknowlcdged. 

Agnomcn, inis. n. a surnamc, 

Agnomcntum, i. n. 2 a nickname. 

.^n&mino, as. act 1 to nickname. 

Agnoscendus, a, um. pt. to bc 

Agnosccns, \\ acknowlcdging. 

.%nosco, ciire, ovi, nitum, act. 3 
to own, to acknowledgc, to allow, 
10 know, to tind out, to discover. 

Agnoscor, i, pan*. to be acknow- 

Agnus, i, ffl.2a lamb. [lcdgcd. 

Ago, gere, egi, actum, act. 3 to 
act, to do, to pcrform, to trans- 
act, to manage, to take care of, 
to mind, to deal, to contract 
for, to require, to talk of, to 
drive, to sliakc, to disturb, to 
aim at, to behave, to exercisc, 
to apply, to give, to indite, to 
plcad, to rcckon, to spend, to 
livc. Aud it is oftcn Englishcd 
by the vcrb of the following 
noun : as, agerc cursum, to run. 
Plin. vitam, to live, Cic. 

3 a C( 

xgon, onis. m 

prizc, u match, a pl 

tcst, a prizc, a sacriti 
Agrtnista x. t.i. a 

Agor, j^eris, agi, artns 

driven, doiic, haiullt 

conccrned, &c. I.ib<. 

libertv lies at stukc, 
Agoranbmus, /. m. 2. 

thc markct. 
Agrarius, a, um. a>[ 

pertaining to fiekls, 
Agrc, es./. 3 a dng, 
Agrestis, e. adj. Ix 

ficlds, or tlie rount 

thc country, clnwi 

unmaimerly, slove 

harsh, coarsc. 
Agrestcs, pl. m. 3 rus 
Kgria, x. f 1. a scab, 
Agricola, «c. c. g. a lui 
Agricblaris, e. «://. oi' ! 
Agrlcultor, oris. m. 3. 


Xgricultura, x. / 1 
\gribdos, ontis. ;m. 3 
Agrlpeta, x. m. 1 cla 

(livisionofficlds, er i. 
Agrium, i. 7i. 2 u nitrt 


A II. abbr. for alii ho 
Ah ! i?iter}. ah ! oli ! : 

mc ! fic ! no, awa} 


Aha, intrrj. away, fie ' 
Ali, ah, interj. oli, in i 
Alieneus, a, um. adj. \ 
Ahenipes,edis. adj. br. 
Ahenum, i. n. 2 a L 

caldron, a kettle, a v 
Alifnus, a, um. adj. b: 
" of coppcr. 






Albatus, a, um, pt made whiteJxlea, Ytis, c g. 3. a fowl, or bird. 

dressed, or clothed in white. 
p. ab. ilo, say thou. Albedo, inis/ 3. whiteness. 

«r aisne ? say you so ! Albens, tis, pt. whitencss, whitish, 

is, ait, aiunt. verb. defect. in hoary. [grow white- 

f. aiebam, as, at, amus, Albeo, es, ui, n. 2. to be, or to 
nt in perfecto, only, aisti, Albescens, tis, growing white 

i: in imperat. mood, ai : in 
'. lias, aiat, aiamus, aiant. 
'. tiens. To say, to affirm, 


composition, stands for ad. 
/. 1. a wing, a feather, a 
of an army, an arm, an 
it, a turret, a hollow. Alx 
im, sails, Virg 
dicus, a, um, aaj. Alaban- 
osa, a damask rose- 
4F, i, m. 2. alabaster, an 
rum, i, n. % idem. 

Albesco, fere, incep. 3, to grow 

white, or bright 
Albtco, as, neut. 1. id. 
AlbTdus, a, um, aqj. whitish. 
Albor, dris, m. 3- whiteness, fair- 


AlbQcum, i, n. 2. a white daffodil 
Albtigo, Tnis,/ 3, a white spot in 

the eye, the white of an egg 
Albulus, a, um, atfj. somewhat 

Album, i, n. 2. a white table, a 

muster-roll, a Cst of names, a 

rcgister, white, whiteness. 
AlbQmen, mis, n- 3, the white of 


Alburnum, i, n> 2. a sap of trees. 
m. cris, / cre, n. andlAlburnus, i,m.2, a small whitc fish. 

i, e, adj. merry, cheerful, 

td, courageous, fierce, rea- 


adv. readily, cheerfully. 

r, us, adf. eomp. more 


is, atis,/. 3- alacrity, ea- 
as, readincss, checrful- 

•, adv. readily, cheer- 

x,f. 1. a slap on the face, 

&r boz, freedom. 
e, atff. belonging to a wing, 

, a um, aaj. idem. 
a, um, adj. winged, swift 

Mff 1- alark. 
im, i, *. 2. a whitewaahing 
ls, a, uro, aaj. of white 


Albus, a, um, atjj. white, hoary, 
pale, wan, fortunatc, happy. 

Alcafcus, a, um, aaj. alcaic. 

Alce, es, / 3* a dog, strong. 

AlcSdo, fnis/ 3. a king*s fisher 

AleSdOnia. 5rura,/>J. n- 2. happy, 
or peaceable times, a calm sea- 

Akhymista, a, m. 1. analchymist. 

Alesco, ere, incep. 3. to grow. 
Xlex, ecis, / 3. a pickle made of 

Xlexipharmacon, i, n. 2. an anti- 


Alga, *,/ 1. sea-weed. 
Algens, tis, pt. cold, chill, severe. 
Algensis, e, aaj. of sea-weed. - 
Algeo, €rc, si, n. 2. to be cold, to 

shake, to catch cold, to starve- 
Algesco, ere, inc 3. to grow cold. 
Algidus, a, um, adj. cluTl, cold. 
Algiflcus, a, um, adj. causing 


Algfor, firis, m. 3- cold, chillness. 
AlgSsus, a, um, adj- full of sea- 

weed, &c very cold, chilly, 


Xlia, adv. somc other way. 
Xlias, adv. at another time, in 

another manner, after another 

XlibT, aav. elsewere, in another 

place, with another person, else. 
Xltbtiis, e, adj. nutritive. 
Xlica, ac, /. 1. wheat, flummery, 

hasty pudding, pottagc- 
Xncastrum, i, n. 2. a kind of bread- 

XUcfibi, adv» somewhera, any- 

where, in some-placc, in any 

Xhciila, x,f. 1. child's coat. 

Xlca, x. f 1. a die, dice, hazard, XKcunde, adv. from some place, 

chance, fortune, gaming 
XlSator, 5ris, m. 3, a dice-playcr, a 

AleatOrius, a, um, a$. of dice- 
Alec, $ec Ualec 
Xlembtcuui, i, n- 2. an alembic, 


ilendus, pt. to be nourished, or Pffn. 


Xleo» 6nis, m. 3. *ee Aleator. 
Alea, Uis, aaj. winged, swift, Ught 

from some body, or thing. 

XliSnandus, a, um, pt. to be alien- 
ated. i 

Xlienatio, dnis,/. 3. an alienation, 
a making over to anotuer, an 
aversion, a dislike. Mentis aUen- 
atio, the loss of one't sensea, 

Alienftturus, pt. about to alienate. 
Xli^natus, a, um, pt. alienated 9 





Jtcutc, adv. iiis, issimc, acutely, 
sharply, kecnly, wittily, ingvni- 

. /'/ambiilo, as, act. 1 to walk up t< 
/s/amo, as, ac/. 1 to Jovc much. 
to love 

Aciitulus, a, um, adj. dim. somc-./c/apcrio, Tre, rui, rtum, act. 4 to 

wiiatsharp, or kcen, subtle 
Acutus, a, um, adj ior, issfmus, 
sharp pointeri, ing-cnious, acute, 
kcen, g-laring, shrill, scorching 
Ad, prxp. is rcndered hy to, bc- 
fore, ati on, in comparison of, 
until, ncar to.towarda, in, ugainst, 

opcn, to uneovcr, to disclose 
\dapcrtili.s, c, adj. that may be 


Adapcrtus, a, uin, pt. laid opcn 
Ariaptalus, u, um, pt. fittecl to 
Aclaquo, (ad aqua) as a. 1 to 


aftcr, for, besidcs, by, accordinfr|*daquor, ari, pax*. to bc watcrcd 
to, with repirtL to, cven, until,JAdauctus, a, um, pt. incrcascd 
in order for, for the sake of,\vdauctus, us, m. 4 an increasc 
about, more or Icss. JAriaugvndus, a, nni,/j/. to increase 

Ad, in composition, commonlyLftAuigco, ure, xi, ctum, act. 2 to 

sitrnifics ncarucss ; as adeo, ad- 
jungo, &c. sometimes increaseth; 

incrcasc, to improvc, to ag"gra- 

as atlamo, adlribo. And in com-IAdaugcor, cri, p. to bc iucrcascd 
position <if/chan|rcs its </into thc.ftiaujrc.sco, crc, inccp. 3 to bc in- 
nrst lcttcr of thc simple, begin- 

ning with c, f, £, ], n, p, r, s, t, 
Xdactio, bnis,/. 3 force, constrainl 
Xdactus, a, um, pt. forccd, clriven, 

struck into, broucrht uncler 
Xdzquandus, a, um, pt. madc 

cvcn, levcl 
Adxquatio, onis,/ 3 a leveUing 1 
Adxquatus, a, um, pt. lcvciled 
A'dacque, adv. equatity [to levrl 
.ir/<cquo, as. act. to make cqual, 
Adcequor. ari, pass. to be cqualled 
adxstuo, as, nvut. 1 to overflow 

3 to 

.ft/hibo, erc, i, itum, act. 

drink, to suck in, to admit 
.ft/blandior, iri, dep. 4 to spcak 

fair, to flatter, to fuwn 
\dcredo, adcrcsco, tee Accrcdo, 

./?</riecet, impcn. it becometh 
Addendus, a, um, pt. to be addcd 
Adriens, tis, pt. adding, joining 
.fr/densco, erc, sui, act. 2 to closc 

togvthcr, to thickcn, to shorten 
.>fr/rienso, as, act. 1 to thicken 

c/Vaggero. as act. 1 to hcap, or Addlcens, tis, pt. approving" 

1 4. I 1 A .1 •> f l^ •■ * * * A 

lay up, to hcap, or lay togethcr.j 
Adagium, i, n. 2 a proverb < 


Adall i^iU us, a, um, pt. tled to 
.ft/alli^o, as. urt. 1 to tie closc to 
Adalh^or. ari, paiw. to l>e boundt* 
Adamaiita:us, a, um, adj. adainan- 

Xdamantinus, u, un\, adj. liaixl as 

adamant, of adainunt 
Adimas, antis, m t 3 a stone, a|. ?f/di.sco, cere, didici, act. 3 to 

.YridUumontum, i, 7/. 2an : 
Additio, ouis,/ 3 un addi 
Adriitivus, a, um, adj. ndc 
Aririiturus, u, 11111, pt. al 


Adriitus, a, um, pt. ariric ri 
AddivTnuns, ti*>, pi. jrucKsi 
./r/dlvmo, as, avt. 1 to cc.n 
./c/do, clere, clidi, ditum, < 

add, to £ive, to put, to 


Addor, i, paw. to be acldec 
. /r/domiisco, cre, mt/t. 3 1 
Aririuhitiitio, cinis,/. 3 dn\ 
Addubitatur, imprvs. it is« 
Addtihitatus, a, um, /'/. do 
. ?</diibito, as, act & nvitt 1 1 
\dducens, tis, pt. bring*in{ 
./c/duco, ccrc, uxi, uctum, 

to hring'.. to can'y, to im 

persuade, to tighten, t 

tract, to shortcn, to shm 
Addiicor, i, ctus /*«**. to t 
Adriucte, adv. closcly, nei 
Adductor, oris, »n. 3 li 

Adriucturus, a, um, pt. al 

Adductus, a, um, pt. brou 

riuced, prcvailcd on, a 

ac/edo, £re, vel esse, cdi, 

vel estum, act. 3 to eat 

Ademptio, bnis,/. a taking 

Wdlco, cerc, ixi, ictuin, act. 3 to 

doom, to condcmn, to sentence, a clisfranchisin^, banishm 
to dcvote, or givc up, to sell, to-Aclcmpturus, a, uni, ///. u 
sct to salc, to confirni take away 

Vlriiror, i,/»cw*. to bv deliveredto Adcmptu*, a, iim, pi. takc r 
Vddictio, onis,/3 a \aluing' I killcri, lost, put, t>ut % ric:u 

Aririictus a, um, pt. addictcri, jriv- Arieo, udv. so, to thut pu? 
cn up, dcvotecl, doomed, con- thcreforc, inuch more, 
dcmnrd, valued, much c>blig"ed 

Jidamutus, a, uni, pt, belovcd 

h-arn, to learn niorc, undc Ad- 
discor, p€H%. 

timc, aftcr ull, vcri iii« 
dcc'(l, insomuch thut ( 
adco) but what is uiore, 
non) so far frora. 





', Ivi» & u, ftuxn. n. 4. to 
ome to, to set out, to ad- 
> undcrgo, toapproach, 
l, to bc raised to, to un 
, to attack. 

, patt. to be jrone unto,8cc 
»8, d.g.3. iat. tallow. 
dnis, /. 3 agetting. 
is, a, iim, pf . about to get. 
a, \im t pt. having gotten. 
ns, tis, pt. riding up to. 
, as. act. 1. to ride up to, 

is, a, um, pi. uncertain. 
,7re, ncut. 4 to bc hungry 

This Terb froverns an accusativc. 
with a dativc casc, or an ad*crb 
of place, instead thereof ; also ii 
often has anotlicr accusativi 
with the preposition ad, or an 
ablative with the preposition in 

Adlrfbcor, eri, past. to be ap- 
plied, &c. (usc. 

AdhYbitflrus, a, um, pt. about to 

Ad1iibitus,a, um,p/. uscd, applied. 

arflunnio, Irc, Ivi, Ttiim, neut. 4 t( 
ncigh after, to cxult, or applaud. 

arfhorrcsco, ere, n. to be grcath 

Adhortans, tis, pt. cxhorting 
», um, pt. eatcn, consum-lAdhortatio, dnis,/ 3 an cxhor- 

»termined, spent, gone 
s, a, um, pt. to bc gone to 
;ndus,a,um, pt. desirablc 
adfectio, adfectus, adfc- 
:rao, adfriiiK^ adgcmo 
Un,aftoctio,aflcctus, aflc- 
mo, astrango, aggcmo. 
s, tis, pt. adhcring. 
eri, scsi, acsum, n. 2 to 
to stick, to kccp closc to. 
:o, erc, *ee Adhxrco. 

, us, rt. 4. a sticking to, 

s, act. 1 to breathc upon 

[ad, liamus,] as, tict. 1 

ius, a, um, pt. to be used. 
(ad, habeo] erc, bui, 
act. 2. to apply, to sct, 
o admit, to call, or send 
ittlie signification of this 
ten dcpcnds on thc fol- 
noun ; as, adhibere aux- 
» help; blanditias, to flat- 
im ct potum, to eat and 
consotationcm, to com- 

tation (^'r 

\dhortator, 6ris, m. 3 an cncour- 
Adhortatus, a, um, pt. haviiijr cx 

horted, exhorting. (to exnort. 
a f/hortor, ari, dep. 1 to encouragc 
\dhuc, adv. hitherto, as yct, be- 


Adjaccns, tis, pt. lying contiguous. 
^Jjaceo, ere, n. to lie near, to 

border upon, to adjoin, to abut. 
Adjectio, 5nis,/ 3 an addition. 
dnis, /. 3 adhcsion, aJAdjectivus, a, um, adj. adjcctive, 

added to, adjoined to. 
AdjectQrus, a, um,pt. about to add. 
Adjectus, a, \im t pt. addcd, joincd 
Adjectus, us, m. 4 an addition. 
with a hook, to obtain Adicns, cuntis,pr. going to. 

Adigcns, tis, pt. driving, forcing. 
Adlgo, [ad, ago] e>e, egi, actum 

aci. 3 to drive, to force, to bring 

to. (ven. 

Adf mcndus, a, um, pt. to be taken 

away, hindered »»• rescucd. 
Adimo, [ad, emo] mere, dcmi, 

dcmptum, act. 3 to take awa)*, 

to kccp from, to rcscue. 
Adfinor, i, pa**.\o be taken away, 
/Uinv^nio, tce Invcnio. [&c« 

Vdinventus, a, um, pt. curiously 


Adipatum, i, w. 2 fat mcat. 
Adipiscciidus, a,um,pt. to get- 
Adtpiscor, i, adeptus, com. 3 to 

get, to obtain, to arrivc at, to 


Adipiscor, i, patt. to be obtained. 
Adipalis, e, adj. fat, gross, sump- 

AdTtur, & adltura est, impert. they 

go, or went to. 
Aditfirus, a, um, pt. about to go, 

or undergo. 

\ditus, a, um, pt. gone to. 
Aditus, us, m. 4 a \ray, means, 

acccss, avcnue. 
Adjfidicatus, a, um, pt. adjudgtid 
.i^lildVco, as, act. to adjudge, to 


Adjudicor. ari, p. to be adjudged 
.idjugo, as, act. 1 to join together. 
Ad jQmcntum, i, ». 2 help, aid. 
Adjunctio, dnis, / 3 a conjunc- 

tion, or union, addition. 
Adjunctor, oris, m. 3 hc who joins. 
Adjunctum, i, n. an adjunct, a 

Adjunctus, a, um, pt. adjoined 

joincd, \ oked, anncxed, near. 

Adigor. i, actus, patt. to bc dri-.Adjun^cndus, a, um, pt. to be 

a.1* *■•*■!* ji 1 1 * J _ m 1 a 

Adjiciatis, c, adj. splcndid, grand. 
Adj¥cicndus,a, um 9 pt. to be addcd. 
AdjTcicns, tis, pt. adding- to. 
Adjicio, [ad, jacio] cere, jeci, 
Jectum, act. 3* to add, to cast to, 
or on, to apply, to dircct. 
udelitatem, to be cruel ; Adjlcior, i, patt. to be added, to 
osHiejDi to accusto». I hc can into, tobe tbrown. 
2 • 

joincd to. 

^r/jungo, g-erc, nxi, nctum, .tu- 
to join, to anncx, to a<\come. 
rrcase, to give upw. about to 
reconcilc, to \r a coming, an 
to fastcn, to vrival ; Advent. 

Adjungor, i, adv. advcrhiail^. 





jEsttmatGrus, a, um. pt. about tojvtthiops, opis. m. 3. a black. 

csteem, to estcom, or value. 
JEstimatus, a, um. pt. esteemed, 

valued, pri/.ed, ratcd, scttlcd. 
JEslTmo, as. act. 1. to csteem, to 

rcgard, to value, to settlc, to 

judge, to think. 
JKstiinor, ^.n.pastXo be estcemcd 
•^tiva, orum. pl. n. 2. summcr- 

quarters, a country-housc, a fold 
•sstivalis, c. atf. of summer. 
•Cstive, adv. as in summer 
•£»tIvo, as. neut. 1. to live, pass, 

or spcnd the summer. 
JEstivus, a, um. adj. pertaining to 

-ffvstuabundus, a, um. adj boiling. 
JEstuans, tis. pt. boiling, scorch- 

ing, sultry, raging, furious. 
JEstuarium, i. n 2 afrith, a marsli. 
JKstuo, as. n. 1. to boil, to boil 

ovcr, or out, to be vcry hot, to 

swcat, to foam, to rage, to fret. 
•AZstuds£, adv. hotly. 
•ASstuosus, a, um. adj. vcry hot, 

JEstus, us. m. 4.heat, a hot stream, 

raging sea, a tide, a storm, fury, 

love, great dcsire, fermentation, 

JRXsls, atis./ 3. age, an age, a hun 

dred years, a ycar, a day, lifc, a 

time, a season, a generation. 
«fittltem, adv. an age,a long while. 
•Ctatiila, x.f. l.youth,childhood. 
•dEternttas, &tis./ 3. eternity. 
•Cterno, as. act. 1. to cternize, to 


•4Sterno,.£tcrnum, adv. forevcr. 
•&'tcrnus, a, um. adj. eternal, con- 

tinual, pcrpetuul, lasting. 
•dSthcr, tfris. m. 3. car. pl. in ncc . 

zthcra & xtherem, tlie pure air, 

the sky, or firmamcnt, hcaven. 
JEthereus, a, um. adj. ethereal. 

/Kthra, xf l.thc clearskv,thcair. 
jEtiblogia, x. f. 1. a hgure in 

rbetoric, a shewing of a causc, 

or rcuson. 

Xctites, x. m. 1. the eaglestone. 
iEvitcmus, a, um. adj. etemal. 
/Evum, i. 7i. 2. age, old age, life, 

time, ctemity, a past action. 


AF, in composition, stands for ad, 
Afer, fra, fnim, adj. of Africa. 
Aff abilis,e.«^;". aftable, courtcous. 
Aff&bilitas, atis./ affabllity, easi 

AftabYLitcr, adv. courteously [ly. 
Afl'abre,a</t;. curiously,ingcnious- 
AJVabiilutio, onis./ 3. the moral. 
\fl'amen, inis. n. 3. an addrcss. 
.7/Taris, vel. affare, aff atus, affihi, 

from aflbr, inusit, to speak to, to 

address, to entreat, to thank. 
Aff atiin, adv. abundantly, cnough. 
Aff atus, a,um,/>f. speaking to, ad- 


Affatus, us. m. talk, discourse. 
Affectandus, a, um. pt. to be af- 

fected. [dyng. 

Affectans, tis. pt. affecting, stu- 
Affectate, adv. witli affectation. 
Affectatio, dnis. / 3. affectation, 


Affccturus, a, um. pt. abo 

Affectus, a, um. pt. affectcc 
posed, endued, advanced, i 

Affectus, us. m. 4. an affc 
a disposition, sickness, 
thought. [brc 

Affercndus, a, um. pt. X 

Affcrens, tis pt. bringing. 

•tf/TSro, affcrrc, attiili, all 
act. 3. to bring, to bring ' 
to alledgc, to reply, to plei 
contribute, to cause, to ofl 
lav. [brough 

Aff e"ror, erri, allatus, past. 

Affertur, imp. news coxm 
port is. 

Afficicndus, a, um. pt. to 1 
fectcd, or punished, to affi 

Afficio, [ad. facio,] cerc, 
fectum, act. 3. to affect, toi 
to influcncc. Whenjoine 
noun, it is rendcred by tlw 
of that noun; as, afncere < 
tatione, to deligbt. [ra 

Afficior, i, cctus. pass. 1 

Affictitius, a, um, adj. adjd 

Afnctus, a, um, prfeigned, foi 

^f/Tigo, e're, ixi, ixum, act.3\ 
ten, to fix, to imprint, to co 

Aft^tgor, i, ixus, pa*s. to bc i 

Aflingens, tis, pt. forming. 

.yfingo, firc, nxi, ictum. aei 

Aflectator, 5ris. m. 3. an aimer at, form, or fashion, to feign, 
an aspirer to, an affectedpcrson. vcnt, to countcrfcit to rese 
Affcctatus, a, um. pt. affected, AfRngor, i, pas*. to be forme 

conceited, desircd, aimed at. 
Affectio, dnis./ 3. affection, lovc, 

u natural disposition, a statc. 
Aflccto, as. act. 1. to aftect, to dc- 

sire, to aiin at-, to attempt, to as- 

pirc, to purpose. 
Aflcctor, ari. pa»9. to be affccted. 

Affims, e. adj. adjaccnt, 
rclated by marriagc, parta 
nccessary, g'»lty, privy. 

Affinis, is. c. g. 2. a cous 
relation. [li 

Afflnitas, ntis. /. S affiiut; 

Affinnantcr, udv. in aflirm 

xena/, cdestin], hoa rcnJy, di vinc . I atc . 

Vflectudsus, a, um. adj. aficction- Aftirmatc, adv. solemnly 






Oydnii^/*. San affirmation. 

a, a, uin, /rf. affirnicd. 

as. a. 1. to affinn, to 

4/Tbdio, derc, 5di, ossum, 'act. 3JXger, gri, m. 2 a ficld, land, 

t,um. />/. fixcd, fastcned 
ced, imprintcd, sticking 

tia. w.breathing, ©r blow- 
% iavouring, betHchding. 

a, um. pt. blown upon, 
blasted, inspircd. 

Ǥ. m. 4. a blast, a gale, 
T, a steam, inspiration. 

re, cvi, etum. n. 2 to grate. 

to dig up, or away, to dig unto. 

Aff br, see Aflaris. 

Jffbrc, to be prcscnt, to comc. 

.:(/"formIdo,as, neut. 1 to bo afraid. 
ylrango, erc, Ogi, actum, a. to 
break. [roar. 

.fl/rremo, ere, n. 3 to murmur, to 
J/frico, as, ui, acf. 1 to rub 
against. [against. 

Afiricor, ari, />. to be mbbcd 

Aflrictus, fis, m. 4 a rubbing upon. 

^y/frio, as, oc/. 1 to crumble, to 

ground, a manor, a county, 

Agcsis»';J^B>. go to, come on. 
.f^gemdJRre, n. 3 to groan, to 

sigh at.. 

igger, cris, m. 3 a leap, a pile, 

a mound, a bank, a dam, a shel£ 

a mud-wall, a rampart, a cause* 


Agge*r£tio, dnis,/. 3aheapingup. 
Aggeratus, a, um, pt. heaped up. 
Aggercndus, a, um, pt. to be 

banked up. 

o, bius.f. 3. a throwing 
liBiction, sorrow, pain. 
, dnis./. 3. afHiction, dis- 

as. act. 1. to afflict, vex, 
, ari. pcut. to be dashed. 
, dris. m. 3. a tormentor, 
rber, a troubler. 

.4/fulgeo, ere, Isi, lsum, n. 2 to Aggero, as, act. 1 to heap. to lay 
shinc, to smilc upon, to favor. on hcaps, to aggravatc, to in- 

J/Tundo, ere, iidi, usum, act. 3 crcase. 
topourupon. ^gcro, erc, essi, estum, act. 3 

Affundor, i. fiisus, pa-ts. to be to Jay on a hcap, to bring, t» 

pourcd upon, or into. 
Atfusus, vel. Adfusus, a, um, pt 
poured upon. 

, a, um. pt. afflictcd, dis-J comc, or be prcsent. 

Afdris, adi\ rrom without. 

lo emit, to blast, to favor, 
ire, to infcct. 
ri. pass. to be inspired. 
i» tLs. pt. flowing, abound 
*h, plentiful, rcsorting. 
ia, x.f 1. abundancc. 
ius, adv. comp. more abun 

uere, uzi, uxum, nevt. 3. 
upon, er in, tu Hock to- 
, tr in, to abound, to steal taking, living. 



carry, to add. 
Aggeror, ,i pass. to be heaped up. 
\ggcstim, adv in heaps. 

Affuturus, a, um, pt. about to Aggestio, onis,/ 3 ahcapingup. 

Aggcstus, a, um, pt. heaped up. 
Aggcstus, us, m. 4 a hcap, a 
Africani», atlj. brought out ofj mount, a pile of earth, an en- 

Vfncus, i, m. 2 tlie snuth-wcst .^egUtaiSro. as, act. 1 to wind up, 

, thrown down, dashed, 
tte, abandoned. 
i. us. m. 4. trouble. 
ire, ixi, ictum. act. 3. to 
to gricvc, to dash down, 
iw down, to destroy, to 
to weaken, to humblc. 
i i, ictus. past. to be af-| 

Ag, in composition, stands for ad. 
.act.l. toblow, orbrcathc]Agaso, dnis, m. 3 a groom, a 



Afi'icus, a, um, adj. AfrJcan. 

Xge 9 pt. agite, imper. comc on, go 
to, supposc, be it so, wcll. weli. 
XgSdum, adv. come on, well. 
Xgcllus, i, m. 2 a little fie-d. 

AgSma, atis, n. 3 a battalion, a worse or more troublcsome. 

.vgendua, a, um, pt. to bc donc, 

or drivcn, that must bc done. 
Agcna, tis, pt. doing, diiving, 

to gatlicr into a body, to crowd. 
^rgfutinandus, a, um, pt. to be 

associated, sr joined. 
-fraiutino, as, act. 1 to gluc, to 

soldcr, to associate. 
Agglutinor, ari,/>. to bc joined. 
Ag^ravans, tis, pt. aggravating, 

heightcning, making heavy, or 


Aggravatus, a, um, pt. aggravated 
Aggravcsccns, tis. pt. growing 

(^gravesco, erc, inc. 3 to grow 

-te"gT* vo » as > oct. 1 to aggravate, 
to incrcase, to bear hard upon. 
Aggravor, ari, pas*. to be nresae4« 
#gons, us, wi. 5 an agent, a doer. 4 or UQu\A^V^\*t\saA&^iWfc. 





Aggrediendus, /u.iobc attcmptcd. 
Aggredicns, tis, pt. going to, 
accosting, attacking , ^ f allina 
upon. ^K 

Aggredior, [*d* gradiofl^li, es- 
sus, flrp. 3 to go unto, to accost, 
to attempt, to attack, to fali 

AggrSgo [ad, grcx,] as, act. 1 to 
ossemblc, to get, or gather to- 
gethcr, to join, to unite. 

Aggrfcgor, ari, pait. to bc gather- 

Aggrcssio, Onis,/ 3 an attack. 

Aggressor, Sris, m. 3 an aggressor. 

Aggrcssurus, a um, />f. about to 
attack, or uudcrtakc. 

Aggrcssus, a, um, pt. attacking, 

Xgilis, c, adj. activc, brisk, swifl. 

Xgilitas, atis, / 3 agility, swift- 

Xgihter, adv. nimbly, quickly. 

Agitiibilis, c, adj. moveable. 

Xgitandus, a, um, pt. to be agita 
ted, to bc movcd, to bc tossed. 

Agitans, tis, pt. moving, revolving. 

Agitatio, onis, / 3 motiou, cxer 

Xgitator, 6ris, m. 3 a drivcr. 

Agitaturus»a,uni,/!tf . about to chase. 

Agitatus, us. m. 4. a motion, a 

Xgitatus, a, um, pt. agitatcd, 
tossed, shaken, driven, moved, 
disturbcd, harrasscd, cmploycd, 
debated, churned,activc, spright- 
ly, quick. 

Xgttc, mcc Age. 

Xgito, as, act. 1 to agitatc, to 
debate, to rcvolvc, to consider, 
to toss, to shake, to drive, to 
pursuc, to chusc, to cxercise, 
to disquict, to maiiagc, to spcjid, 
to livc, to cclcbratc. 

XgitQrj iiri,/>a*a. to bc tossccj. 

Agnie», inis. n. 3. an ariny, 


troop, a compuny, a crowd, a 
hcrd, a flock, a swann, a pack, 
a coursc, a winding, a working, 
uii attack. 

Agna, x.f 1 aewe-lamb. 

•ijfiiascor, i, natus. dep. 3. to grow 
upon, pr to bc born aftcr a fa 
thcr*s will is made, to be related 
by the father's side. 

Agnatio, onis. / 3. kindredbythe 
father^s side, a growing to 

Agnati, orum. pl. m. 2. relations. 
by the father^s sidc. 

Agnatus, a, um. pt. growing up 
on, or to, grown up, or abovc. 

Agncllus, i, m. 2. dim. a lambkin. 

Agnlnus, a, um. adj. of a lamb. 

Agmtio, dnis. an acknowledge 

Agnitus, a, um.jM.acknowledged 

Agndmcn, mis. n. a sumainc, a 

Agn5mcntum, i. n. 2 a nickname. 

.%-ndimno, as. act 1 to nickname. 

Agnosccndus, a, um. pt. to be 

Agnosccns, acknowledging. 

.^nosco, cere, ovi, nitum, act. 3 
to own, to acknowlcdgc, to allow, 
co know, to iind out, to discover. 

Agnoscor, i, pass. to bc acknow- 

Agnus, i, m. 2 a lamb. [ledgcd. 

Xgo, gc re, egi, actum, act. 3 to 
act, to do, to perform, to trans- 
act, to managc, to take care of, 
to mind, to deal, to contract 
for, to rcquirc, to talk of, to 
drive, to shakc, to disturb, to 
aim at, to behave, to excrcisc, 
to apply, to givc, to indite, to 
plcad, to rcckon, to spcnd, to 
livc. Aod it is often Englished 
by thc vcrb of thc following 
noun : at 9 agcrc cursum, to run. 
Fliii. vitam, to Iive, Cic. 

Agon, onis. m. 3 a contest 
prue, a match, a place fm 
tcst, a prizc, a sacrincing p 
AgSnista x. w. a wrtstl 

Agor, geris, agi, artus. /mw. 
driven, done, handled, drl 
conccrned, itc. Libcrtas u 
libcrtv lics at stakc, Cic. 
AgorSnomus, /. m. 2. a ch 
tlic markct. 

Agrariiis, a, um. adj. agi 

pcrtaining to fields, or lam 

xVgre, cs./ 3 a dog, Catclu 

Agrestis, e. adj. bclongij 

fields, or the country, bi 

the country, clnwnish, i 

unmannerly, slovenlv, 

harsh, coarse. [tr 

Agrcstcs, pl. m. 3 rusticks, 

\gria, x. f. 1. a scab, an ulc 

Agricola, x. c g. a husbamt 

Agricblaris, c. adj. of husbaj 

Agricultor, oris. m. 3. a hut 

man. [ti 

Xgricultura, sc. /. 1 husbi 

Agribdos, dntis. m. 3 Whittf 

Agripet:i, x. m. 1 claimcr i 

(livision of fields, *r lands. 

Agrium, i. n. 2 a nitrc, a nai 


A H. abbr. for alii homincs, 
Ah ! interj. ah ! oh ! alas ! * 

mc ! fie ! no, ftway, ho ! 


Alia, interf. away, fie ! ho, hi 
Ah, ah, interj. oh, in sighin^ 
Aheneus, a, um. adj. brazen 
Ahcnipes,edis. adj. brazcn-fi 
Ahcnum, i. n. 2 a brass ] 

caldron, a kettle, a vat. 
Ah^nus, a, um. a<$. brazen, 
"of copper. 






. ab. aio, say thou. 

r aisne ? say you so ! 

% ait, aiunt verb. defecU in 

Albatus, a, um, pt. made whitejxles, Vtis, c- g- 3« a fowl, or bird. 

dressed, or clothed in white. 
Albedo, Tnis./ 3. whiteness. 
Albens, tis, pt. whitencss, whitish, 
hoary. [grow white. 

C aiebam, as, at, amus, Albco, es, ui, n. 2. to be, or to 
ot. in pcrfecto, onty, aisti, Albescens, tis, growing white 
: in imberat. mooa\ ai : in Albesco, ere, incep. 3, to grow 
aias, aiat, aiamus, ajant white, or bright 

Albfco, as, neut. 1. id. 

siens. To say, to affirm, 



unnposition, stands for ad. 
/! 1- a wing, a feather, a 
of an army, an arm, an 
it, a turret, a hollow. Alx 
im, sails, Virg. 
iictis, a, um, atf. Alaban- 
Dsa, a damask rose 
f t i, m. 2. alabaster, an 
rum, i, n. 2. idem- 

AlbTdus, a, um, adg. whitish. 
Albor, dris, m. 3- whiteness, fair- 


Albucum, i, n- 2. a white daffodil 
Albflgo, Ynis,/ 3, a white spot in 

the eye, the white of an egg 
Albulus, a, um, atfj. somewhat 

Album, i, n- 2. a white tablc, a 

muster-roll, a list of names, a 

register, white, whiteness. 
Albumen, inis, n. 3, the white of 

Alburnum, i, n. 2. a sap of trees 

m. cris, / cre, n- and Alburnus, i,m-2, a small white fish. 

i, e, adj. merry, cheerful, 
td, courageous, fierce, rea 

adv. readily, chcerfully. 
r, us, adj. comp. more 


as, atis, /. 3. alacrity, ea< 

*s, readincss, checrful- 


er, adv, readily, cheer- 

x,f. 1. a slap on the face, 

, «r boz, freedom. 

e, adj. bclonging to a wing, 


, a uro, adj. idem. 
a, um, adj. winged, swift 
, m,f. 1. a lark. 
im, i a n* % a whitewaahing 
li, a, um, adj. of white 


Albus, a, um, aqy. white, hoary, 

pale, wan, fortunatc, happy 

AlcaYcus, a, um, adj. alcaic 

Alcc, es, / 3« a dog, strong. 

AlcSdo, mis./ 3. a king^s fisher 

AleSdOnia. Orum,^ n. 2. happy, 

or peaceable times, a calm sca- 


Alchymista, ae, m. 1. analchymist. 

chance, fortune, gaming. 

Xlesco, ere, inccp. 3. to grow- 
Xlex, ecis, / 3. a pickle made of 

XlexTpharmacon, i, n* 2. an anti- 


Alga, s, / 1. sea-weed. 
Algens, tis, pt. cold, chill, severe. 
Algensis, e, adj. of sea-weed. 
Algeo, €re, si, n. 2. to be cold, to 

shake, to catch cold, to starve. 
Algesco, Src, inc 3. to ctow cold. 
Algidus, a, um, adj. chill, cold. 
AlgTfTcus, a, um, atf. causing 


Algor, oris, m. 3. cold, chillness. 
AlgGsus, a, um, adj. full of sea- 

weed, &c vcry cold, chilly, 


Xlia, adv. somc other way. 
Alias, adv. at another time, in 

another manner, after another 

XhbT, adv. elsewcre, in «mother 

place, with another person, else. 
XlTbflis, e, aqy. nutritive. 
Xlica, ae,/. 1. wheat, flummery, 

hasty pudding, pottagc- 
Xhcastrum, i, n. 2. a kind of bread- 

XUcubl, adx» somewhert, any- 

where, in some-placc, in any 

Xnciila, x,/. 1. child's ccat. 

Xlca, 3c. / 1. a die, dice, hazard, XlTcunde, adv. from some place, 

from some body, or thing. 

Xleator, 6ris, m. 3, a dice-playcr, a XliSnandus, a, um, pt. to be alien- 

Aleatdrius, a, um, aqy. of dice- 
Xlec, *ee Halec 
XlembTcum, i, n- 2. an alembic, a 

Xlendufl, pt. to be nourished, or 


Xleo, 6nis, m, 3. $ee Aleator. 
Xles, itis, aaj. winjred, swift, Ujht 


Xlienatio, 6nis,/ 3. an alienation, 
a making over to anotUer, an 
aversion, a dislike. Mentis alien- 
atio, the loss of one't senses, 

Xlienftturus, pi. about to alienate. 

Xlilnatus, a, um, pt. alienated 9 
parted, btrcvi «i ^l> w^^J^^. 





XTiEnYgSna, it t c.g. 1> aforeigncr,! what, a gTcat niattcr, of some ^/laudo, as, act. 1. to commend 

a stranger 
Xlignigenu», a, uxn, adj. forcign 
Xheno, as, act. 1. to afienatc, to 

sell, to part with, to estrange, to 

discard, to withdraw, to revolt. 
Xlienor, ari- paa». to be aiienated. 
Xlienus, a, um, <u#. another man's» 

of auothcr country, foreign, con 

trary. different, ahsurd, impro- 

pei't.'.irtiul, averse, offensive. 
aIiV'.:;, «.ra, erum, aoj. winged. 
Air:e.\ cra, crum, adj, winged. 
AiiMitntirius, a, um, aaj. nutri 

Xhmentum, i, n. 2. nourishment, 

Xlimonia, se, / alimoiiy, mainte 

Xhmdnium, i, n- 2. nourishment, 

XVid, adv. to another place, or 

Xlioqui, Xlioquin, conj- otherwisc 
Xliorsum* adv- clsewherc, to an- 

other purpdse, olherwise than. 
Afrpes, gdis, adj. swift of foot, 

Xliptes, x, m. 1. an anointer. 

note. I highly. 

Xliquis, aiTqua, aliquod vcl alf- AUectitio, dnis/ 3. an enticing- 

quid, pron. some, somebody 

somc certain person, sometliingi 

of some note. 
Ahquispiam, aJTcjuapiam, alTquod 

piam, vcl aliquidpjam, et 
Aiiquisquam, allquaqu&m, alt- 

quidquam, pro. any, somebody 
Xlfqud, adv. somewhither, to 

some place, any whither- 
Xlfquot, pl indecl aaj. some, a 


Xllqu&ties, adv. sometimes, divers 
times, several times, often* 

Xliquoversum, adv. one way, or AUegatus, us, m- 4. id. 

Xhqua, attv. by somc place, or Aliusniddi, adv. of another kind- 

Xlfquandiu, adv. a good while 

some time, a little wuile. 
Xllqu&ndo, adv. sometimes, at 

length.once, formerly, hereafter- 
Xliquantillum, adv. a very little 
XUquantisper, adv. a little while 
Xhquanto, adv. somewhat, a little- 
Xliquantulum, adj. some part; 

(adv.) ever so little. 
Xliquantura, adv. a little, in tome 

Xliquantus, a, um, adj. & little, 

Xllquatfnus, adv. somewhat 
Xhquid, tub$t. n. somethins;, lome 

Allecto, [ad, lacto,] as, act. 1 tc 

allure, to entice, to decoy . 
Allector, ari, p, to be enticfd* 
Allector, dris, m. 3- a wheedler. 
Allecturus, a, um, jW. about ts 

choose. (sen. 

Allectus, a um, pu allured, cho* 
Allegandus, a, um, pt. to be al< 


Allcgans, tls, pt. alieging» 
Allegatio, 5nis,/ 3. an allegation, 

a plea, an excuse, an embassy, 

an order. 

Aliter, adv. otherwise, after one 

manner, after another manner, 


Ahtura, <c,f 1. food, a nounshing- 
Alitus, a, \im,pt- nourished, kept 
vliubi, adv. in other places. 
Aliunde, adv. from another placc, 

of, or from some other pcrson. 
Aiius, ia, ud, gen. alius. dat. aii 

adj. another, other, different, 

contrary, changed, personated 

Allabens, tis, pt. sliding, slipping 
/l/labor, eris, absus» dep. 3 to 

slide, or sail by, to reach, to fuU AUevatio, bnis,/ 3. an easing" 


J/labdro, as, a. 1. to labour hard, 

to add. (in 

Allapsus, a um, pt. sliding, fal 
Allapsus, us, m. 4. a siiding a fall- 

ing upon. 

Allatrans, tis,/rf. barkingat 
V/latro, as, act. 1. to bark at, to 

AUaturui» a, 


Allatus, a, um, pt. brought, told, 
reported, ailedged, pleaded. | 

Allegatus, a, um, pt. sent. 
i4/l£go, as, act. 1. to alleg-e, to 

plead, to depute, to send» to 


Allagor, ari, p. to be allcsred. 
/4/lego, Sre, egi, cctum, abt. 3 to 

choose, to take, to admit 
AUegor, i, pav*. to be choscn. 
AUcgbria* se,/ 1. an allegory. 
AUcgbrlcus, a, um, aqj. alfepori- 

cal. (lief 

AUevamentum, i, n- 2. easc, re< 
Allevandus, a, \\m,pt. to be eascd 
AUSvans, tis, pt- raising up, ea» 


Allevatus, a, um, pt. raised, oi 
lifted up, eased, comfortcd, lcs- 

AlXtxOy as, act. 1. to lift, or raisc 
up, to ease, to mitigate, to light 
en, to lessen, to reheve, to grow 

AUevor, ari,/KW*. to be eased. 

roar. to rail at, to slander, to con- Alliatus, a, um, pt. tasting of gar 


um, pt. that will Allicefactus, a, um, />f, wheedled, 

Allfciendus, a, um, pt. to be aUur- 





[ad, Ucio,] £re, lexi and banter, to scoff, or smile upon, to 
ectum, act. 3. to allure, to favor, to fawn, or imile upon, to 
, to provoke, to draw on. resemble one. 

■, i, (Hui. to be alhtred 
[ad, Irdo] fcre, Tsi, isum, 
to dash against. 
, i, Isus, ^o» . to be dashed, 

AUuens, tis, pt. washing. 

Al\uo t fcre, ui, acf . 3. to waste, to 

Alluor, Sris, patt. to be washed. 
lurt, bruised, ©r worsted. AllfUio, ftnis, / 3- an alhision. 
o, Cnis, / 3. allipation, a Alluviea, ei,/ 5 a dirty, or muddy 
r, a binding, or tying. stream, a land-flood. 

>r, oris, m 3. a tier. LAlluvio, dnis,/ 3. an inundation. w o , .. _ c 

Ira, jc, / 1. a bandage, ajAlmus, a, um, ad)\ kind, cherish- coming and going. 

ing, nourishing, holy, pure, fair Alternatus, a, um, pt. ahernate, 
is, a, um, pt. bound, tied.j clear. 
as, act. 1. to bind, to bindjAlneus, a, um, adj. made of alder. 

tie, to fasten, to confine, 
tpgie, to stop, to engage, 

, ari. pa*i. to be tied. 
ere, ini, Ivi and €vi, Ytum, 
to anoint, to rub, to taint. 
, i. pa*t. to be rubbed 

a, um. pu dashed against, 

i. n. 2. gariic. 
io, dnia. f. 3. a speaking, 
address, a harangue. 
ftrus, a, ura. pt. about to 

Alnus, i, / 2. an alder trec, 

Xlo, Sre, lui, altum, and alitum, 
act. 3. to feed, to nourish, to 
bring up, to maintain, to sup- 
port, to cherish, to increase, to 

Xlor, i, p09*. to be nourished. 

aIoc*, es, / 3. aloes, a bitter drug. 

Alpha, the first letter of the 


sns, tis, pt. speaking to. 
um, i, n. 2. discourse, 
l, talk, addrcss, comfort. 
>r, i, cfttus, sum, d. 3 to 
to, to address, to salute, to 

co, [ad, lubet,] cere, bui, 
, act.Vy. to pleasc. 
i, fcre, uxi, a- 2. to shine 

*, tia, pt. alluding, sport- 

€re, ftai, usum, n. 3. to al- 

Ahcrcatio, onis, / 3. contention, 


Altercator, oris, m. 3. a wrangier. 
Alterco, as, n. 1. to contend, to 

debate. )scold. 

Altercor, Iri, dep. 1. to debate, to 
Alternandua, a, um, pt. to be al- 

tered, or changed by turns, to 

Alternans, tis, pt. doing by turna, 

changing, varving, wavering 

changed. (turns. 

Alterne, Alternatim, <uh. by 
Alternis, subaud. vicibus, by 

Alterno, as, act. 1. to do by tums, 

or course, to alter, to change, to 

vary, to waver, to come and go. s 
Alternus, a, um, adj, alternate,' 

by turns, in course, one afler 

another, every oue, every se- 

cond mutual. 
AltSriiter, tra, trum, adj. one of 

Greek alphabet, the first, orj the two, the one or the other. 
chief of any thing. Hence Al- Alteruterque, traque, trumque, 
phabJtarius, i, m. 2. one who adj. one or the other, either, on 

learns letters ; and Alphab^tum, 
i, n. 2 the alphabet. 

each side. 
Alterutrinque, adv. on both sides. 

sndus, a, um. pt. to be ad-Alpinus, a, um, adj. of fhe Alps. Althaca, ae,/ 1. marshmallows. 

Alsior, us, adj. comp. colder. JAItilis, e, adj. fed, fatted, cram- 

Alsidsus, a, um, adj. cold by na- med. 

turc, subject to cold, chiU. |Altis5nus, a, um, adj. sounding 

Altanus, i, m. 2. an eartern, on from above, loud, heroic, SU- 

high wind. blime. 

Altare, is, n 3. an altar. Altissime, adv. tuperl. vcry high, 

Alte, adv. on high, aloft, deeply, or deep. 

far, far ofF. |Alit6nans, tis, pt. thunderin?. 

Alter, era, erum, gtn. alterius, Altitudo, Tnis, / 3. height, deptb, 

dat. alteri, adj. another, anyj loftiness, stateliness, lfeight of 

other, the other, other, thc one, spirit. 

or fbrmer, the other, or latter. lAltfvblaas, tis, pt. flying high, 
Alterum tantum, as much more. I 9oaring. 
Attero tanto, twice as big. ;At\vb\ua, x, \\xi\» odj. S&sm. 

Ui play with, o#- upon, toAJtcrcafl*, tit, pt. contending. A\Viuj% adv. com{».V\\^iM»^«^« 





Altiutculus, adj. somewhat high- 

Altroversum, adv. in another man 

Ahum, i, iu 2. the main sea, thc 

deep, heaven. 
Altus, us, m- 4. a nourishing 
Altus, a, um, pt. & aaj- fed, 

Alvus, i, / sometimes m. 2. the 

belly, the paunch, the womb, 
thc stomach, the bowels, excre 
ments, a beehive. 

er. (feeder- 

Altor, 5ris, m. 2. a noorisher, a 
Altrinsccus, adv. on either sidc 
Altrix, Icis, /. 3. a fcmale nou- 

risher, or maintainer, a fostcr- AM. 

mother. ((jetative f % 

Altrix, Icis, atfr. nourishmg, ve- Am, or amb [from *^P'] in com- 

maintained, nursed, cherished Xmabd, interj. I prithee ! 

br^ught up, bred, high, lofty, 

branching, exaltcd, nobte, brave, 

deep, deeply rooted, anxious 
Alvear, Alveare, aris, n. 3 and 
Alvcarium, i, n- 2. abeehive, 

place where beehives stand. 
Alveatus, a, um, adj slated, chan- 

nclled, hollowed- 
Alveolatus, a, um, adj, idem. 

scoop, a tray, a bathing-tub, a 


Alvcum, i, n. and Alveus, i, m. 2. 
a channel, a pipc, a hollow large 
vessel, a belly, the hold of 
ship, a beehive, bces, a chess- 

Xlum, i, n- 2. comfrey 

Xlumen, Tnis, n. 3. alum. 

XlftmTnatus, a, um, 

nated with alum- 
XluminSsus, a, um, 


full of 

position, stands for circum. 
Xniabilis, e, adl ior, comp. issimiis, 

tuperl amiable, lovely 
XmabTlTtas, atis,/. 3. amiableness, 

XmabTlTt£r, adv. amiably, lovingly 

Xmandatio, Snis, / 3- a removal. 
Xmandatus, a, um, pt sent away 
Xmando, as, act. 1. to send away, 

or far off, to remove, to with- 


Xmandus, a, um, pt. to be lovcd. 
Xmans, tis, pt. & adj. ior, comp 

isstmus, ruperl loving, fond af- 

fcctionatc, studious, dcsirous. 

XmarHics, ei, / 5. a bittern* 

Xmaritudo, Tnis, / 3. bittcrnc 

sharpness, tartness. 
Xmaror, 5ris, m. 3- bitterness- 
Xmartilentus, a, um, adj. vcrj' 1 

tcr, spiteful, malicious, prov< 

Xmarus, a, um, adj. lor, ct 

issimus, auperl. bitter, salti 

spiteful, malicious, severe, tan 

ing, testy, froward, grieva 

Xinasio, 5nls, m. 3. 9ee Amasiui- 
Xmasio, i, m 2. a courter of * 

men, a sweatheart, a lover, 

suitor. (shi 

Xmatio.Snis,/ 3. dalliance, cou 
Xmator, dris, m. 3- a lover, ag 

Xmatorciilus, i,m- 2. a pitiful ton 
Xmat5ri£, aav. amorously, fou 

ly, lovingly, likc a lovcr- 
Xmat5rium, i, n. 2. a love potion 

Alveoius/ i, m. % dim a wooden Xmans, tis, c g. 3. a lover, a swcet- Xmatdrius, a, um, aaj. amom 

heart, a mistress. 

pigeon-hole, a, socket, a chess- Xmant&r, ath. tius, comp. tissTme, 

wperl lovin^ly, friendly. 
Xmknuensis, is, m- 3- a secreta-IXmatus, a, um, pt. loved 

n r , a clerk, a transcriber, a noH 

Xmacracinum, i, n. 2- an oint 

ment, or perfume of sweet mar 

Xmacracinum, a, um, adj. of, or 

afy impreg- belonging to swect marjorum. 

Xmaracum, i, n- 

2 sweet marjo- 

Xlumna, x, / 1. a nursechild, a-Xmaranthus, i, m. eve.rlasting 

Xmar^, adv. hitterly, spitefully. 

Xlumnua^ i, m. 2. a foster-child, 

a foster-father, a pupil, a scholar, 

a nourishcr, a maiiitainer. 
XlQta, x, /*. 1. tanned leather, a 

leather snoe, a pursc 
Atirtarius, i,m. 2. * tanneT. 

Xmorcsco, ^re, inc- 3. to grow bit- 

Xmarior, ius, adj. comp. morc bit- 

ter, or sour; issimus, tupei-i 

most bitter- 

{>rocuring love, lovely, abo 
Xmatrix, icis,/ 3 ashc lover. 

Ambigc, / abl. aing. arobigi 
pl and ambagibus, and in i 
othcr cascs ; a turning, or wifl 
ing, a shift, a prevarication 
words, a tedious story, a d* 
mystcrious sa>ing, a cliarro, 

Amhagi5sus, a, um, adj. intrical 

. i mhedo, ere, a 3. to eat, or gna 
about, to eat up, to consume, 

Ambcsus, a, um, pt- eaten aboUl 

Ambieus, tis, pt- courting. soln 
ting, going about, or round. 

Ambigens, tis, pt- doubting, e 
compasaing, going about. 

Anibl^itur, imper». lt is doubted 




rircum, a/v/JAmbrosia, ae, / 1 thcfood of Uic 
praeterpcr, gods- 

o doubt, to 
to encom- 

e doubtcd. 
^tedly, ob- 

■ ambigiutv, 

taintv, ob- 


•ubt, uncer-lAmbtilans, tis, pt- walking*, going 
r//. ambigii- Ambulfttio, onis,/ o- a walking. 
eri several Ambiilatiuncula, ae, / a place to 
trhangcablc, walk in- 

strin^, or thong, to flin£, tp 

.\nicntum, i, n. 2. a thong 1 , a itrap 

to hold a sling, spear, or javelin. 
Xmcs, Ytis, m. 3- a stakc, a stajr 

for ncts, a crutch. 
Xmethystmfitus, a, um, ac{p. clad 

in purple. 
Xmethystinus, a, um y adj. of amo- 

thyst, of a purple color, purple. 
Ambulandu9,a um,jw. to be walkcdjXmethystus, i, m. 2. an ainethyst, a 

Ambrosiacus, a, um, «<#. dcli- 

Ambrosius, a um, adj. ambrosian, 

divino, dclicate 
Ambiibaix, firum, pl f. 1 . com- 

mon whorcs, Syriau minstrels. 
Ainbfiiacrum, i, ?i. 2. a walk, 


prccious stone, a grape. 
Xmica, sc, /. 1- asweetheart, a 

lover, a concubine. 
AmTcabtlis, e, adj. amicable. 
Ambulator, oris, wi. 3. a walkerlXmicc, adv. in tuperl. ciss¥me> 

im, and co,]j abroad, a vagabond, a pediar. 
, act. 4. toAmbnJatdrius, a, um, udj. mov- 

fbr, to go 

*■ to be cn 
>ught after, 

bition, a de- 
ntation, af- 

omp. issime, 
nrately, af 
lestly, sub- 

idj. ambiti- 
id, earnest, 
■ge, favora- 
ncd, admi- 

ourted, en 
aincd, pro- 

compass, a 

ing up and doWn, going' on 

Ambnlatrix, lcis, / a gossip, a 

Ambiilo, as, act. 1. to walk, to 

amble, to pass along, to con- 

Ambiilor, ari, pass to be walkcd- 
Amourbium, i, n- 2. a solemn pro 

cession round tbe city. 
^mburo, rere, ussi, ustum, act. 

3- to burn all about, to scorch, to 

parch, to scald, to blast. 
Ambnror, i, pass. to bc burnt 
Ambustio, onis, / 3 a burning", or 

scalding», a bum, or scald. 
Ambustus, a, um, pt. burnt, blast 


Xmellus, i, m. 2 an hcrb, starwort. 
Amens, tis, adj. tlpr, comp. tissi- 

mus. superl. foolish, simplc, ri- 

diculous, distracted, mad. 

Ainicio [am for circum, and jacio,] 

clre, cui, civi, and ixi, ictuittj 

act. 4. to clothe, dress, cover, 

wrap up- 
Xmtcior, Tri, ictus, patt. to be 

clothcd, or clad, to bc covered, 

or hung- with, to be wrapped, or 

folded up- 
Amlcltb, x, / 1- friendship, alli- 

ancc, aympathy, fuvor, esteem, 

XmTco, as, aci. 1 to make propi- 

tious. kind, benevolent. 
Xniictftrium, i, n. 2. a linen veil, a 

Xmictus, a, um, pt. clothed, co- 

Amictus, fis m. 4. a garment, 

clothing, drcss. 
Xmicula, «,/. 1. dim. acourtctaji, 

a mistress, a little miss. 
XmTcuJum, i, n. 2 a short cloak, a 

coat, a mantle, a robe of state. 

Xmcntans, tis, jM.liurling-, driving-. Amiculum lintcum, a surplice, 
Xmentatus, a um, pu fkstencd, or rochct, Jptd. 

ncstncsa, a with straps, looped- XmTculus, i, m. a dear fricnd, a 

Amenter, adv. madly. crony. 

)th. Amentia, ac,/. l.madness, folly. Xmlcus, a, \\m, adj. tVst % cnrn^. 

Ipit, a cup XjBcnto, u, act. h totiewlih % ci«%lnvus» «u^eH. trvwv^w»^^ 






Xnrttomc, es, /. 3. and Xnatbmia, 'Andron, bnis, m. 3. a room for men 
■x,/ 1- anatomy, disscction. only, a gutter. 

Xn.-tomlce, es, / tlie art of ana- inncllus, i, m. 2. a little ring. 

tomy. \iiemdne, es, / a flower. 

AiritbmTcus, i, n. 2- an anatomist. vncthum, i, n. 2. anise, dill. 
Anceps, clpftis, atlj. doubtful 

uncertain, obscuro, double, dou- 

blcfaccd, two-edgcd, dangcrous, 

Anchbra, s, / 1. an anohor, a 


AnolibrSlia, um, />/. n. a cahle. 
Anchoriilis, e, adj. pcrtaiuing tojAiiffclicus, a, um, adj. angelical. 

\nfractus, a um, adj. rugged, 

Anfractus, us. m. £. and Anfrac 
tum, i, n. 2 a turning, or wind- 
ing of a way, a circuit, a com- 

ship. a last refugc. a main sup- pass- (compel. 

Angario, as, a. 1. to force, to 
Angchca, x./ an herb so called. 

an auchor. 
Anchbrariua, a um, adj. of an an- 

chor, or cable. 
Ancile, is, n. 3. a kind of sbield. 
Ancilis, e, adj. ma:le likc bucklers. 
Ancilium, i, n. 2. #*7? Ancilc 

Ancilla, x, / 1. a maid servant, a Ango, ere, nxi, nctum, a 3, to 

hand-maid, a captive. 
Ancillans, tis, pt. waiting upon. 

Angclus, i, m. 2 an angcl, a mcs- 

Angina, x,/ 1 thequinsy. 

Angiporttnn, i. n. 2. and fis, m. 4. 
a narrow \* ay, or street, a lane, 
an allcy, a passage, a wharf. 

strung_c, to choak, to chrottlc, to 
vcx, to trouble, to disturl). 

Angttlatus, a, um, adj. 1 

corners. (cc 

Angttlosus, a, um, adj. f 
\ngulus, i, m. % an anglc, : 

ner. (stral 

Angustandus, a, um, /»f. 
\ngustans,tis. pt. straitenh 
Angustatus, a, um, pi. macl 

Angiiste*, adv. ius, comp. i 

*uperl. narrowly, closely,s1 

bricfly, shortly, sparingly 
Angustia, x,/ straitness, n 

ncss, shortness, perplexit) 

ble, povcrty. 
AngustTclavius, i, m. 2- one 

equestrian oixler. 
Angustior, us, ndj. compoi 

narrow, or difficult, 
AngustissYme, adv. tup* 

straitly, vcry difficulty. 
Angustiss_mus, a, um, adj 

narrow, very pcrplexcd. 
Angustius, adv. more narro 

a lcss distance, in less ro 

compass, morc briefly, o 

Ancillariohis, i, m. 2. a nican spi- Angor. i, past. to bc vexed 
.._ i *'"* j-i 1— « Angor, bris. m. 3. anguish, pain, 

sorrow, vexntion, aqtiinsy. I 

Anci\laris, e, adj. belonging to ajAngiuconius, a, um, aaj. having cisely. 

maid-scrvant, mcan, pitiful, low.| snaky locks- JAngusto, as, a. 1- to sirait 

Ancillor, ari, dep. 1. to wait, to|Angiuctihis, i, m. alittle snakc | rcstraiu, to contract. 
humpvr» to whecdle. UxoribunAn^uifer, cri, m. 2. a constella- Angustus, a, um, adj. n 
ancillari, to live under pctticoat- tion, infonn likeascrpcnt; adj-\ strait, close» scanty, sl 
gbvcrment. I snaky. • short, brief, small, poor, 

Ancilliila, x, / 1. a waiting-maid- Anguig^na, x, c. e. g^endered by necdy, pinching 

Xnhclans, tis, pt. pantinp, [ 
and blowing, brcutlung fo: 

Ancisus, us, m. 4. a parin^- round. a ftnakc. 

Ancon, onis, m. 3. the part of aAngnilla, x,/ 1. aneel, agrif. 
nile whcrc thc pcq)cndicular,Angulmanus, i, m. 2. an clcpnant. Xnhclatio, onis,/ 3. a short 
and ba-iis mcct, hkc un elbow,Anguineus. a. um, adj. ofasnakc. brcath, the phthisic ( 
as in thc lcttcr L, a corner," aAngulnum, i, n. a bed, or knot of Anhclator, oris, «i. 3. on< 
crossbeam, a foreland, cape, or snakcs. Anhclatus, a, um,/>/. blown 

proinontory, a hook. 
Andabata, x, m. a iighter hood 

Andrbdamas, antis, m. 3. a pre 

cioua stone, a blood-stone.. 
Andrhgynos, vcL Andrbgynus, i, Angularis, e, adj. angular. 
»*. 2. s licnnuphrodite. jAmjuiatiua, adv. by corners. 

Angtiinus, a, um, adj. of a snake. brcathed fortli» ov out. 
Angni pedes, /»/. c. g. snakefooted. Xnhflitus, us, m. 4. the br 
Anguis, is, d. g. 3. a snake, ser- vapor, a scent 
pcnt, adder. Xnliclo, [an/or am, or circu 

AnguTtSnens, tis, tee Anguifer. 

halo], as, ?i. 1. to pant, to b 
short, \or out, to stetm, 


a» uro, adj. shortwiuded, 




Xniinatus, a, um, adj. affcctedJAnnTsurus, a, iim, pt. that will 

l, i, n. anise-seed. (man. 
e, a / 1. a mean old wo- 
a^/. 1- idem. 
mdj. of, «r like old wives, 
', foolish, simple, aged. 
fctis,/ 3. old age, dotage. 

«4r. dotingly, simpiy, 
old woman. 

!,/*. 1. the soul, life, the 
air, wind. 

u, e, adj. giving life. 
srsio, 6nia, / 3. animad 

reproof, correction, ob- 
n, attention, regard. 
srsor, 6ris, m. 3. an ani- 
er, a reprover, an ob- 


Antmor, ari, pass. to be animated. 
XnYmdsc, adv. ius, comp. issime, 

auperL courageously, boldly, 

bravely, resolutely, eagerly, 


Xnfmdsrtas, atis,/ 3. courage. 
Anlm6sus> a, um, oaj. courage 

ous, bold, bravc, daring, hardy, 

rsurns, a, um, pt. about 
idvert, 0r observe. 
Mtus, a, um, pt. consider- 
n notice of, punisbed. 
Mtendus, a, um, pt. to be 
1, to bc punishcd. 
trtens, tw, pt. observing. 
frto, [animus, adverto,] 
rsum, act, 3. to observe, 
ive, to regard, to con- 
punish, to chastisc. 
rrtor, i, pats. to bc ob 

to, minded, inclined, disposed. 
XnYmo, as, act. 1. to animatc, to 

give life, to encourage, to em- AnnTtens, tis, pt. earnestly cndea- 

Uis, ti. 3 an animal, a 

reature, a man, beast, 

e, adj. ammal, Hving, re 
life, scnsible, sensual. 
tis, pt. animating, put- 
into, cnceuraging. 
tis, m.f. or n. 3. any liv 
; 9 a living crcature. 
6nis,/3. animation. 

a, um, pi. animated, 

strong, stately, profuse. 
Xrif mula, «c, / 1. the life, a poor 

little soul, a little swectheart. 
Xnimtilus, i, m. a Ettle soul, a 

Animus, i, m. 2. the mind, thc 

soul, the hcart, conscience, in 

stinct, passion, anger, courage, 

spirit, resolution, disposition, 

humor, expcctation. 
Anisum, i, n. 2. anise-seedanherb. 
Annalis, e, adj. of a ycar. 
Annalis, is, m. 3. a year-book. 

endeavor, about to endeavor. 
\nmsus, a, um, pt. endcavored. 

voring, or contending. 
.4/inltor, i, ixus, and Isus, dcp. 3. 

to lean unto, earnestly to en« 

AnnTvcrsarius, a, um, aaj. anni- 

versary, yearly, annual, done at 

a certaih time every ycar. 
Annixurus, a, um, pt. about to 


spirited, mettlcsome, enragcd, Annixus, a um, pt. leaninjr to, en- 

Ann&les, pl. annals, histories cf Annotatus, us, m. 4. a remark* 

things donc from ycarto year. 
^nnavigo, as, act. 1. to sail to, or 

by. (not . ; 

Anne ? conj. interroq'. whcther ot 
Annectens, tis, pu joining to. 
^nnecto, ere, cxi, exum, a. 3. to 

anncx, to join, knit, or bring to- 

gether. (joincd. 

Annector, i, exus, pasa. to be 
Annellus, i, m. 2. dim. a little ring. 

deavoring earnestly, stnving. 
Annona, ac, / 1. a year*s increase 

from land, corn, a provision of 

corn, all sorts of victuals, an al- 

lowance of \ictuals. 
Anndsus, a, um, adj. aged, old. 
Ann6tatio, 6nis/3. an annotation. 
Ann6tatiuncula, ac,/ ashort note. 
Anndtator, dris, m. 3. one who 

writes annotations, or notes, an 

Annbtatus, a, um, pt. noted, ob- 


Anncxus, a, uro, pt, anncxt, join- Annulatus, a, um, adj. wcaring 

cd to. 
Annexus, us, m. 4. a joining to, 

6ris, ~m. 3. an encour-|Anniculus, a, um, adj. of one 

year*s age, or growth. 
Annifcr, a, uni, adj. bcaring all 

the ycar. 

AnnotTnus, »ee Anniculus. 
Ann6to, as, act. 1. to notc, to set 

down, to obscrve, to appoint. 
Ann5tor, ari, pasa. to be noted. 
Annua, 5rum, pl. n. a yearly sa- 

lary. (ing. 

Annucns, tis, pt. nodding, assent- 
Annularis, e, adj. having a ring. 
Annularius, a, um, aaj. likc a ring. 
Annularius, i, m. 2. a ring-makcr. 

Annulus, i, m. 2 a ring, any thing 

like a ring, a scal, a curlcd lock 

of liair, tbe mails in a coat of 

fcnce, fetters. 
Annumerandus, a. um, pt. to he 






Annumeritus, a, reckoned 
vffnuumero, as, a. 1. to numbcr 

to reckon amongst others, to Anseteiirlus, i, m. 2. dim. a goa- 

Annumercr, ari, />a«#. to be num- 

bcred amongnt others. 
Annunciatio, 5nis /. 3* the an- 

nunciation, the -delivery of a 

message. (known. 

Annunciatus, a, um, pt. made 
•i/muncio, as, act. 1. to deliver a 

roessagc, to tell, to dcclare. 
Annuncior, ari patt. to be de« 

*£nnuo, ere, a. and n. 3. to nod, to 

intimate by a nod, to hint, to 

aftirm, to promUe, to assent, to 

grant, to favor, 
Annus, i, m. 2. a year, a part of a 

year, time, a crop, or produce, 

a circle. 
Annuus, a, um, adj. ycarly, done 

every year, for a year. 
XnSdjfna, drum, ph en. 2. ano- 

dynes, medicines to ease pain. 
Xnomalia, at,/ 1. irregularity. 

Anser, eris, m. 3. a goose, or gan« 
der. (hng. 

Anserinus, a. um, aaj. of a goose. 
Antagdnista, ae, m. 1. an antago- 

Ante, pr. [governing an accusa- 

tive case] before. 
Ante, adv. before, afore, since.— .iatrfSro, fers, tuli, latim, ael 

Tt is set commonly after an ab. carrv, or direct before, to pi 

lative case of the substantive ofj 

time, or put hetween the adjcc- 

tive and that substantive; as, 

Paucis mensibusante, a few essus, dep. 3. to go befot 

months since : Aliquot ante an 

nis, tome years before. 
Antea, adv. beforc, afbretime, 

formerly, hertofore. 
Anteactus, a, um, pt. done before 

driven before, former, past. 
.fofeagor, i, patt. to be done be- 

fore, to be driven before. 
Anteambulo, onis. m 3. a foot- 

man of state, a client. 

Antfcursor, oris, m, 3. a scoi 
Ante-eo, iri, Ivj, itura, act. 

go bcfore, to exceed, to sur 
Ante-eor, Iri, Tsua, patt. U 

AnteTerendus, a, um, pt. 1 

preferred, to be estecmed 


Anteferor, ri» pats. to be pi 
Antegrfdior, [ante*, grmdici 

usher in. 
Antfcgressus, a, um, pt. | 

-Jnf^habco, «re, bui, brtum,« 

to prefer, to value, or ei 


Antehac, adv. formeriy, tifl 
Antelatfirus, a, um, pt. aboi 

prefer, that would prefer. 
Antelatus, a, um, pt. prefe 

Antecanis, is, m. 3. thelesserdogl more valued. 
star. Antelftgium, i, n. a prcaml 

Xndmalus, a, um, adj. anomalous, pn/rcapio, pfre, cepi, a. 3. to preface. 

Xndnymua, a, um, 

mous, without name. 
Anormis, e, adj. without rule. 
Ancjuirendus, a, um, pt. to bc in- 

quired into. 
AnquTrcns, tis, pt. inquiring into. 
AnquTro [an for ani, or circum, 

and qusero.] rfcre, sivi, situm, 

act. 3. to inquire, to makc dili 

gent search, to acquire, to try 


Anquisltio, Snis,/. 3. an inquiry. 
Anquisitus, a, um, pt. tried. 
Ansa, ae, / 1. a handle, a bucket, 

a latchet, occasion, opportuiuty, 

Ansatus, a, um, aaj. having a 
I/xndJc, w cm m , Lke a handle. 

take beforeliand, to anticipate^Antelucanus, a, um, 04j{j. b 
adj. anony-| to forcstal. ) day-light. 

Antecddcns, tis, n, 3- an antece- Antemerldianus, a, um, at 

dent. ; the morning, before mid-d 

\ntdc5dens. tis, pt. going before, Antemissus, a, um, pt. sen 

former, surpassing, excelling. I fore. 
Anteccdenter, adv. antecedently. Antenna, ac,/ 1. a sailyard. 
.intrcti\o % dere, ccssi, ccssum, Anteoccupatio, onis, / 3. a 

act. 3. to go bcfore, to excel, to| pation- ( 

excecd. j^;i/eocciipo, as, act. 1. to a 

\ntece11ens, tis, pt. excelling. Antepenultimus» a, uni, aAj 
Antcccllo, ere, lui. act. 3. to excel. last nut two. 
Antecellor, i, putt. to be exoelled. Autepilani, orum, pf. m. 2, 
Anteceptus, a, um, pt. prepos- middle rank of tlie Homan i 

sessed- (fore. Antcponendus, a, um, pt. X 

Antccessio, dnis,/ 3. a goinfc be- set, or placcd be ore, to bc 
\ntecessor, dris, m. one who go- ferred. | 

cth before. [Antcponena, tis, pt. settin^ 

Anlccctous, us, m. an earnest. . int epono, ncre, ovui, cv 





tbefore, or above, toAntScum, i, n. 2. a porch» a fore-fAntisto [ante* sto,] as, cr/. 1. to 

>(red. door, (ward. excel, to surpass, to outdo. 

i^paa», tobe prefer-Anticus, a, uni, adj. south, for- Antithalamus, i, m. an autichara- 
i, a, um,/tf. set before. Antfd&tum, i, ru and Antid&tus, i, bcr. 
, tis, aaj. more pow- /. 2. an antidote, a counterpoi- Antithfcsis, is,/ an opposition. 

| son. Antitheton, i, n. 2. a contrariety. 

adv. before that. lAntfpathia, «,/, 1. antipathy. Antitypum, i, n- 2. an antitype. 
1,04/. comp. former, in Antfphdna, ae/. l.anantiphon.thc Antlia, se,/ 1. a purop. 

act of singing by reiponse. Antlo, as, nAf. 1. to draw water- 

pt. m. 3. the foreranks. AntfpSdes, um, bl. m, 3. people Antrum, i, n. 2. a cave, den, grot- 
t, sr brigade of horse, that have their feetagainst ours, to- (ring- 

on tbe other side of the eartli. Anularis, c, aaj. pertaining to a 
oa, i, m. 2. he who. Antlquandua, a, um, pt. to be re- Anulus, i, m. 2. a ring. 
rst to defend a stand-j pealed. . Anus, i, m- 2. a circle, the fiuida- 

lard-bearer,an ensignjAntiquaria, x,/. 1. a female anti- mcut, a ycar. 
ier. (excel. quarian, a female wit, or critic. Xnus,us, / old woman, a 

n. to stand before, toAntiquarius, i, m. 2. an antiquary- eunuch; adj. old. 
i,dcp. l.tobe witness. Antlquarius, a, um, adj. studi-Anxie, adv. anxiously, diligently, 
Ire, i, ntum, n. 4. to ous, or fond of antiquity, aftect- careftilly, soiTowfully 

>re, to come, to pre- ed. 

iccl. Antlquatio, finis,/ 3. a repealing. 

dus, a, um, pt. to be Antfquatus, a, um, pt. repealed, 

to be surpassed, to old, (umejAnxittudo, inis,/ 3. disquict. 

.Antique, adv. of old, in ancicnt Anxifer, a, um, adj. bringing 

Anxietas, atis, / 3. anxiety, sor- 
rt>\v, uneasincss, conccrn, frrt- 

tcre, ti, rsum, act. 3. Antlquior, us, adj. comp. older, 

• to prevent, to prefer. dearer, more estecmed. 

, tis, pt. flying before. Antlquissimus a, um, aa]j. tuperl. 

s, acU 1. to fly befbre. oldest. 

db v / 3. camomile. >AntIqutta9, atis, / 3. antiquity, 

1, um, adj. made of mcn of ancient times, regard, 

love. (merly. 

a, drrxm,pl.n. 2. books Antiquitus, adv. of old time, for- 
ibe, «rtreat of flowersJAntlquo, as, a. repeal, to 
s, a, um, atij. black. forget. 

is,m. 3. a coal. (nibal. Antlquor, ari,/K2t«. to be abolish- 
ha^us, i, m. 2. a Can- ed, to be worn out of mind, or 
is, 1, m. 2. a foot of two use. 
>Iea, and a third short Antiquus, a, um, aqj. ancient,Ap, in composition stands for ad. 
is, f6rtuna. old, of long standing, oldfash-iApage, Apa^etJ, adv. away! get 

s, i, m. 2. antichrist, an ioned, out of date, worthy, hon- you gone» fae! fie! 

(tioh. est, dear. Apagtsis, aaj. fic 1 away! 

, onis, /. 3. anticipa- Antistans, tis. pt. excelling. Up*u*stri, adj. pt. rudc, ill-bred. 

\, a, um, pt. anticipa- Antistes, ttis, c. r. 3. a chief Xpeh6tes, c, m. the south-east 

priest, or priestess^ a prelate, al wind. (a Jew. 

intc% capio,] as, act. 1. master- JApella, ae, c. g. one circumciied» 

te, to toretUl. (Antistitia,*,/ l-prie»te«, Upec,pri,m.2,%.>iruji\iw^v\itjtt 


Anxius, a, um, adj. anxious, ua- 
easy, conccrncd, disturbed, cu- 


Acristus, i, m. 2. a Greek tense, 
used to aignity past indehjuie 






Xpenendus, a, um. pt. to be 

Xpenens, t\s,pt. opening. 

Xperio, Tre, rui, rtum, act. 4. to 
open, to sct, or lay open, to split, 
to disclose, to discovcr, to uncov- 
er, to show, to bring out, to ez- 
plain. (ed. 

Xpfcrior, Tri, rtus, paw. %o be open- 

Xperte, adv. ius, issim£, openly, 
plainly, clearly, manifestly, 

Xpertio, dnis,/. 3. an opening. 

Xperto, as, act, 1. to make naked. 

Xpertum, i, n. 2. a public placc 

Xpcrtura. x,/ a littlc opcning, or 

Xpertus, a, um, adj. tior, tissi 
mus, opcn, puhlic, cxposed 
wide, extended,clear, plain, hon- 

Xpes, see Apis. 

Xpcx, icis, m. 3. a top, a sliarp 
point, atuft, a plumc, a crcst, u 
comb, a cap, an acccnt, a letter, 
a mandatc, authority, diguity, a 
quirk. (ding- 

Xpexabo, onis, / 3. a black-pud- 

Aphractum,, i, n- and Aphractus, 
i, m. 2. an open sliip, a brigan- 

AphronYtrum, i, n- 2. saltpetre. 

Xphya, x,/ 1. a small cheap fish. 

Xpianus, a, um, adj. belonging to, 
or fit for becs- 

Xpiarium, i, n- a bce-stand. » 

Xpiarius, i, m. 2. a keeper of bccs 

Xpiastrum, i, n- 2. bahii, mint- 

Xpiutus, a, um, adj. likc a bce. 

Xpica, (ovis,)/ a small sheep. 

Xpicatufl, a, um, pt. tuftcd. 

ipicula, x,/. 1, a little bee. 

Xpiux,arum, pl.f.l. triflcs, toys. 

Xpis, is,/. .\. abee. 

Xpicor. ci, aptus, dep. 3. to get- 

Jpipm, *,*-u. pmty, smallagc. 

AplQda, »,/. 1. bran, refuse 
Xplustrc, is, n. Xplustruro, i, n. 

thc flag, or colors of a ship. 
Apdcalypsis, ig, /. 3. thc apoca- 

lypse, or revclation. 
Xp5c6pe, es,/ 3. a figure, which 

takes away the last letter of a 

word; as tun* /ar tune. (phal. 
Xpocryphus, a, um, adj. apocry- 
Xpodicticus, a, um, adj. demon- 

Apddytenum, i, n. 2. a room near 

a bath for undressing, &c. 
Apdgxum. i, 7i. 2. the point w 

a planet is farthest from the 

carth, the middle point of hca- 

vcn. (tcrn 

Apographon, i, n. a copy, a pat- 
Apftlactizo, as, act. 1. to kick 

person, to slight, to despise, to 

scorn. (nators 

Xpolecti, druro, m. principal sc- 
\pol6g£tlcus, a, um, adj. apolo 

gctic, defending, excusing. 
Apftlftgia, x, / 1. an apology. 
.\p516gus, i, m. 2. a fable. 
Apophthcgma, atis, n. 3. an apo- 

phthegm, or short pithy saying. 
Apdplexis, eos,/ 3. an apoplexy. 
AposidpEsis, tee Reticentia. 
Apostema, &tis, n. 3. an impos- 

thumc. (tlesnip. 

Apost61atu% us, m. 4. an apos- 
Apostblus, i, m. 2 . an apostle, one 

sent to preach the gospel a 

Xpostrophe, cs, / 3. a speakin 

to, instcad of spcaking of onc 

Xpostrbphus, i, m. 2. aee Apocopc 
Apdthcca, x, / 1. astorcnousc, a 

ccllar, an apothecary's shop. 
XptftheSsis, eos, / 3. a canoniza- 

tion. (pared. 

Apparandus, a, um, pt. to bc pre 
Apparans ,tis, pt. preparing. 

hcre Appai 

Apparate 4 , ius, isslme, adv. 

preparation, suinptuously, n 

Apparfitio, dnis, / 3 grcat 

{>aration, provision, bravcry, 
antrv*. (rt 

Apparatur, impert. it is ge 
Appar&tus, a, um, pt. tior, 

mus, prcpared, furnished, f 

Apparatus, us, m. 4. a pre 

tion, cquipage, an entci 

mcnt. (pea 

rcns, tis, pt. apparcnt, 

^Zpp&reo, erc, rui, ntum, ». : 

appcar, to bc visible, to be t 

coming, to attend. 
Apparct, impers. it appcan* 
a Apparitio, dnis, / 3. the ati 

ance, office, or place of ap 

tors, &c. 
Apparitor, dris, m. 3. an ap 

tor, s\immoncr, marsiial, 

dlc, clcrk. 
Apparitura, x, / 1. the itt 

ance of an apparitor. 
Apparfturus, a, um, pt. ab« 

^/>paro, as, act. 1. to prepafl 

provide, to get, or make re 

to furniab, to design. to attd 
Apparor, ari, pat*. to be ] 

Appellandus, a,um,^/.toba 

lcd, to be invoked, to be app 

gjAppcllans, tis, pt. calling. 
Appcllatio, dnis,/ 3. ant* 

title, an appcal, pronunciatifl 
Appellativus. a, um, adj. apfj 

tive,common. 9 

Appcllator, 6ris, m. 3. an afj 
Appcllatus, a, um, pt. Cftl 

named, entitlcd, caUed d| 

^pello, as, act. 1. to caH 





to call to, t upon, to call to, to attack, ©r aaiault, to ap- 

Lness, to speak to, to ad- 
to mcntion, to proclaim, 
fiounce, to accuse, to ap- 
:o dun, to demand. 
or, ari. pa%*. to bc callcd. 
i, 6re, piili, pulsum. act. 3. 

rc, to force, to bring, to»typingo,ere, xi. a. 3. to paint,to ably,to the purpose.conveniently 
* ■ " • - . r. . . . Appbsitio, 6nis. /. 3 apposition, 

to Und, to come, to apply, 
ote. (brought to land. 
w, i, pulsus. pat*. to be 
licula, x.f. 1. a little ap 
ge, a pcrquiaite. 
Jji, icis,/ 3. an appendix, 
>pcndage, an additiou, 
uxiliary troops, a tiiorn. 

.typlaudo, ere, ausi, ausum. neut 

3. to approve, to clap hands. 
Applausor, 5ris. m. 3. an applaud- 

cr, an approvcr, a clapper. 
Applausus, a. um. part. clapped 

upon, stroked gently, cherishcd. 
Applausus, us.m.applausc, aclap- 

ping of hands. 

lo, erc, i, stim. a. 3 # to hang Apphcans, tis. part. applying, ap- 

ip, to join, to weigh out, 

lor, i, nsus, pan to be 

d up, to be wcighed out. 

ms, a, um. part. hanged up, 

ed out. 

ndus, a, um. part. to bc 

d, to be sought after. 

ns, tis. pt. approaching, 

fupon, adjoiningto. 

nt, tis. adj. tior, comp. issl 

*p. desirous, fond, cove 

Applicitfirus, a, um.part. about to Apprehcndcns, tis pt. apprehend- 

otir, atbv. gTecdily. 
ntia, x. /. 1. a desirc, a 
jr for, a hankering aftcr. 
>ilis, e. adj. to be coveted. 
io, dnis./. 3. a strong dc- 
i carnest cndcavour aftcr, 
ling" at, an attack, an ap- 

iis, a, um. part. catched 

nptcd, set upon,attacked. 

us, us, m. 4. an appetite,a 

in. pl. passions, or aftec- 

Urc, tii, vel tivi, titum. 
to dcsire eancstly, to co-*J/*porto, as act 
aim, «r catch at, to aspire * ' 


to cause, to produce. 

proach, »r draw near. Apportor, ari. pa*t . to bc carried» 

Appetor, ti, titus. pa§*. to be de- or brought, to be occasioned. 

sired, assauhcd, approached,&c.»typosco, cere. act. 3. to ask, sr 
Appingo, [ad, pango] ; gtfre, pJ- rcquire more, or besides, to de- 

gi, pactum. act. 3. to join, fasten, mand. 

or bind to, to add. (write. Appoarte, adv. fitly,properly,suit. 

proaching, drawing near. (tion 

AppUcatio, bnis. /. 3. an applica- 

Applicatus, a, um. part- applicd, 

laid to, arrivcd, benl, inchncd. 

an addingto, an applyinjr. 

Appdsltum, i. n 2. an epithet 

Appcsltus, a, um. pt. & auj. put 
to, put, laid, or set near, sct up- 
on, scrved up, situate by, adjoirc- 
ing apposite, fit, mect, suitable, 

Appositus, us. m 4 a putting to. 

Appotus, a, ura pt. drunk, tippled. 

Apprecatus, a, um, pt. praying to. 

.4/>pr*cor, ari dcp 1 to pray un- 
to, to wish onc any good. 

apply, about to arrive at. 

Applicitus, a, uni. part. adjoincd. 

.ippiico, as, cui, & cavi, citum, & 
catum. act. apply, to set, put 
•r lay ncar, to bring*, or direct. 

•ipploTOy as.n.l.to1amcntwithone. 
topluo, ere, ui, & uvi, utum. act. 
3. to rain near, to rain upon. 

►?6p6no, ncrc, 6sui, bsitum. act. 
i. to put, or set to, to join, to add, 
to lay upon, or nigh, to tnix, ot 
put in, to reckon, to sene up, 
to suborn. (mixcd, &c. 

Apponor, i patt. to be joined, 

Apporrcctus, a, um pt. strctchcd 
out, lying near. 

.ypporrigo, rexi, cctum- a. 3. to 
strctch out, to reach near. 

ing, laying hoid ot, seizing. 

■/fpprchendo, & Apprcndo, d£rc> 
di, nsuni. act. 3 to appr/ehend, 
to sei/e, to takc, or lay hold of, 
to snatch, to get, to learn, toun- 
derstand, to hold, to contain. 

Apprehcndor, i patt. to be ap- 
prehcnded, to be taken. (oiu 

Apprchensio, 5nis./ 3. aseiziiuj- 

Apprchensus,a,um.^. laidholdof. 

Appressus, a, um. pt. presscd, put 
hard togctlier, crushed. 

Apprimc, vel Adprime. adv. very 
much,vcry well, greatly,chiefly, 
eminently, extremely. 

Apprimo [ad, prcmo], mere res- 
ai, ressum. act. 3. to press any 
thing closc to, to squccze hard. 

Appnmor, i. pat*. to be prcssed 

1. to carry, to 
bring. tobringnews, «rttdin^t, 

Apportundus, a. to be car- 
ricd, or brought to. (iug. 

Apportans, tis. pt. bringinjr, caus- Apprimus, vel Adprimus, a,ura 
Apportatio, onis./ 3. a bnnging. adj. chicf, princioa), surpasbing. 

Apprdbandut, a,u m. pt. to be a^- 





Apprfcbana. tis. />/. approving. iApsisvcl Absis,idi9./ 3.Uierin; vincia, a watcr-bailifPs plao 
Approbatio,6nis/ 3. approbution, of a curt-whccl, acircle about the Cic. 

allowancc, a hkiug, av>urauce. stars, thc bend of an arch. Xquarius, i, m.2. one ofthc tweh 

Apprbb&tor, oris m. 3. an approv- Aptandus, a, um pt. to be fittcd. signs ot the zodiac, a watcr-bai 

er. (toapprovc, or hke Aptans, tis. pt. fitting, suiting. iff, a water-bearcr. 

Apprbbaturus, a, um. pt. about Aptatus, a, uni. pt. fitted, suited, Xquaticus- a, uiu. adj. aquatic, c 
Approbatus, a, um, pt. approved, Aptc, adv. ius, comp, issime, tup. or bclonging to water, fiving, c 

allowed, liked. fitly, propcrly, suitably, pcrti- growing in, orabout watcr^ain 

•Apprbbo, as, act. 1. toapprove,to nently, agreeably, conveniently.Xqu&tile, is. n. 3, an aquatic, ai 

fike, to allow, to make good, to AptItudo,_nis/ 3.aptitudc,fitncss. creature tliat liveth in water. 

justify, to prove. Apto, as. act. 1. tofit, to make fit,XquatiIis, e. adj. living in, orne 

Apprbbor,ari /*if f .tobc approved, to adapt, to join, to prepare, to watcr, watery, moist. 

to be provcd. provide. Xquatio, onis./ 3. a watcring, 

Apprbbus, u, um. adj. very honcst Aptor, ari. paw. to be filtcd. 
•i/jprbmitto, tere, isi is-Uin- act. o. Aptoton, i. n. 2. un aptotc, 

to cngage tbr anotlier,to proimsc 
Apprbpcratus, a, hastencd 
-typrbpero, as. neut. 1. to makc n _ _. - --- , - - n »-, -, — ., 

hjuste; act. to hasten, to sct for- doptcd, equipped ,ioined, ter, watery, niixt with watcr. 

(near. wrought, fonucd, inclincd. (vy.Aqucus, a, um.adj. watcry. 


Apprtipinquans, tis. pt drawing *pua, x./la sinall fish, an ancho-Xquifolium, \,n. 2. aholly, a holi 
Apprbninquatio, onis. /, 3. an ap- ' ' ' ' " " ' *■ 

proacli, a drawing- near to. 
_4/>prbpinqwo, as. neut. 1- to ap 

Apricans, tis. pt. basking in tlie 

Apricatio, 6nis./. 3. a basking in 

the sun. a being abroad in thc 

Apricor, ari, </<_-. 1. to bask in thc 

IVl.lM.-W- »-■_.—•■ « - — - — -. — fj, 

carryiug, or fctchingofwatcr,w 
weathcr, a watcring-place, 

.vpud, piitp.cum. acc. close by,Aquila, x.f. cag-le, a consti 
nigh, near, with, at, among', in, lution, a Koman cusign, or b« 

-_-,,-__, ...-.- _ betbre, to. . ner, made of gold, or silvcr, 

proach, to draw or bc near, to Apus, odis. / 3. a martinet. I which each legion lvad one, tl 

be athand. (ed Apyrinus,a, um, & Apyi*cnus. adj. uppermost stor) in buildings. 

Appulsus, a, um. pt. arrivect, land- having uo kemel, or stone, hav- Xquilegium, i. n. 2. a catching 
Appulsut, us. m. 4. an amval, a ing small kernels, orsceds. | rain, a conveyancc of watcr. 
coming to, an advaneing. (sun.Xpyrum,i.n.2.brimsU>ne notburnt.Xqiiilcntus, a, uin. adj. dronsia 


Xquiiex, cgis. wi.3. a water-baill 

Xquihfcr, cris. m 3. tlie standar 

bcarer among the Romans, wl 

open air. Xqua, x.f. 1. water, rain, a wavejJ had on his ensi^n the figure < 

Aprlcitas, atis./. 3. thc wannth of a watcnsh humor, a bath. [ an eaglc, an ensign, or cornct. 

ihc sun, open fair wcathcr, a Aquacductus, us. m. 4. an aque-Xqullinus, a, um, aaj. of, or 111 
iclear air. (sun. duct, a conduit, a watcrcourse. an eagle,rapacious,quicksig*bte 

Aqu&liculus, i, m. 2. <#/». a hog*s 

Apricus, a, um. adj. ior, comp. i_- trough,the lower partofthebel 
snnus, sup. sunny, wuhned with ly, the draught, the stomach. 
the sun, that loves to bc in the Aquahs, is. m. 3, in acc. aqualim, 
sun. a watcr-pot, an cwer, a laver. 

Aprtlia, is. m. 3. April, a month. Xquarium, i, n.'2.u. watering-placc 
Aprilia, e, aaj. of April. tor cattle, asink, any water-pas- 

Aprugna, ae./, (caro) brawn. 
Aprugnus, a, um. adj. belonging 
\jo a boar. 

iXquilo, 6nis. m. 3. tlie north-wirn 

any water-pas 
sage. , 

Aquarius, a, um. adj. of, or be- 
longing to watcr. Aquaria pro- 

the north-east cold wind. 
Xquilonalis, c adj. noi-thcm. 
Xquilonaris, e. adj. northcrn. 
Xquilonius, a, um. adj. northern 
Xquilus, a, um. adj dark, oi' tt 

color of water.sunburntjswarth; 
Xquor, ari. dep. 1. to water, 1 

give water, to provide, «r fetc 






s, a, nm. arlj. ior, comp. i^T-lArbitrarris, a, um. aij. arbitr.irT ' 
t tp. watery, wet, rescmb-l vnluntary, leffc to one*s own 
oncrete ofwatcr. choicc. 

./. I. a littlc water, aArbitritio, 6nis/. 3. a^hiJration. 

Arbitrahis. a, um. pt. thinking". 
ArbYtritu*, us. m. 4. & judifincnt. 
opinion, ciioice, fancy, pleasurc, 
Arbitrium, i. n, 3. an arbitrement, 

, , _. w . or award, a ju-lj^mcnt, a scn- 

rhes x. m. 1. a prince, or tence, a deterraination, advicr. 
jf thc Arabians, a plundcr- will, plcasurc, fancy, ciioicc, dis- 

posal, power, moncy paid for a 

_r • w w 

ir concrcte of watcr. 

, '•/ I. 

. or brook 


;omposition, stands for atl. 
f. 1. an altar, a sanctuary. 

\, e, adj. strable. (cr. 

z % es./. 1. a spider. (cd 
% &, um. pt. to be plough- 
, x.f. 1. aspider, acobweb, 
own of willow blossoms, 
'the membr__nes of the eyc 
la, x./. 1. ttim. a small spi- 

lus, i. m. 2. alittle spidcr. 
» is, a, um, utlj. full of spi- 
•'ebs,orthiiijM)t!rc cobwebs. 
m, i. n. 2. tt v*-lcr's web, a 
. liicli spo..* ifrapes. 
s, i, m. 2.:< s.)i;lor f a spider' 
. scafish, a ficld mouse. 
5nis, / 3. a ploughing, 
:, ploughed, or tilled 

cula, z, /. 1. a Uttle iield 
bted, or farmcd of the pub- 


oris, m. 3. a ploujrhcr, aj 

n, i n. 2. aplough(plough 

is a, um, pt. about to 

a, um. jfrart., 

', tri- m. 2. an arbitrator, a 

, an umpire, a wiiness, an 

i ikcr, a princ-j, a rulcr, a 


., x./. 1. a shc-witncss. 

.iih, tis. pr thinkiii£. 

iri, nii*. arbitr.irily, a! 


Arbltror, __ri. d_ , a. 1. to arbitratc. 
or cnd by arbitration. to sen- 
tencc, or award, to supposc, to 
ima^inc, to tliink, to ovcrhcar, 
or listen to ; pat*. to be looked, 
or found out; also, a term iii 
taking a solcmn oatii. 
Arbor. & Arbos, oris./. 3. a tre* 
wood, a mast, an oar, thc timb.T 
of a prcss, a Larjre seafish. 
Vrborurius, a, um. alj. of, or be- 
longing to a tree. 
Arboritor, eris. m. 3. a planter, 
lopper, or pruner of trces. 
\rboresco, ore. inccp. 3. to jrrow 
to thc bigncs* of a tree. 
Arborc-tum, i. /t. 2. a grovc, a nur- 
sery of trces. 

\rborcus, a,um. adj. of, or bclnn^- 

ing to atree,branchcd likc a tre _■ . 

Vrbiisciila, :c/. 1. alittlc trec, :i 

shrub, thc navo of a cj-rt-wh-vl, 

the tuft on thc hcads of peacorki. 

\rbiistivtis, a, um. adj. ocloniriM^ 

ti> shrubs. (trces. 

VrbuHto, as. act. 1. to plant witl» 

\rbustum, i. n. J.a co;»e, a ^rovr 

nf trrcs, a plantation. an orcliard, 

a vincvarJ, a tree, a Hhrub. 

\rbutciis. a, um. auj. of, mxU* ol", 

... ._ „ --..- or beloiiirin^to,anarbiitc.(i>utuH, 

plcAsurc, or o*i\ choice. J \rbuum, i. /i. thc fruit nf thc Ui* 

Vrbi1tu% i,/. 2. vi arbiite, a kind 
of wil«l sira^vb-irn', or cherry 
trce, thc shadc of an arbutc. 

Arca. x, /, 1, an ark, a chest, a 

•coffcr, a desk, a cotfin, a totnb, 
a cs^e, a dam of wood, moncy. 

Arclno, adv. sccretly, privately. 

\ rclnum, i.n 2.a^secrct,amystery. 

Arclnus^um a>ij. sccret, hidden 9 
unknown, close" mystical, silent. 

Arcarius, i. m. 2 a trcasurer. 

Arcttus, a,um «^".rnade archwise. 

Arcendus, a. um. pt. to be driven. 
away, to drivc away. 

Arcens, tis. pt. drivin^ away. 

Arcco, ere, cui. act. s.ip. car. 2. to 
drive away, to keep otT, from, or 
out, to hinder, torestrain, to hold 
fast, or in, to save, or protect. 

Arccor,€ bedriven awajr. 

Arcera,-e/a covered cart,acoacn. 

\rcesscmlns, a, um. pt. to bc sent 

Arcessens, ti^ pt. sendiny for(fbr. 

Arcossior, iri, Itus. p. 4. to bc call- 
cd, f'> bc sent for, to be fetched. 

Arccwltor, vcl AcccssTtor, drit. 
m. 3. a messenger to fetch one, 
an accuscr. 

Vrcosiitiirus, a, um. pt. about to 
send for, to sen.l for. (for. 

\rce.4sitiis, a,um/)/. called,or."8cnt 

Arccsso. scrc, sivi, sTtum. act. 3. 
to *.*nd for, to call, to £0 to odl, 
to fetch, or tnt«^e, to procure, to 

\rcossor, i, /*.7t». to b? sent for. 
Vrcliaicus, a, uin. aij. old fashi- 

Vrciianffjlus, i, m 2 an archanjrel. 

Vrchctypum, i. u 2. an authcntie 

copy.thc ori>;i!ia.l of a writinjr. 

\rchctypus, a, um. adj. any thing 1 

at first hand, original, truc. 

Vrchidiaconus, i, m 2. an arch- 

deacon. (bv*h$\^- 




ic'ncendu»,a,um-«- tobetakenl ilerthefim ofgrett Bshet, and 

n,owned,dcsired. embraced, &c 

scisco [ad, scisco], fcre, Ivi, Itum 

act. 3. to Uke, to csJl fbr, to call, 

or bring in, to join, to associatc, 

to ally, to adopt. (in. 

Asciscor, i. Itus. patt. to be taken 

Ascites, ac- m. 1- akind of dropsy 

Aacititius, a, um> «<#• farfetched 
taken in, artificial, not natural. 

Ascitus, a, um. pt. taken, associ- 
ated» adoptcd, admittcd, acquir- 
ed, usurpcd, stranfrc, farfctchcd 

Ascius,a,um. ai(j. without shadow 

Ascl£pias,adis../ 3- swalwurt- 

Ascbpcra, nc/ 1 a bag:, a sack. 

Ascribo [ad- scribo], berc, ipsi, 
iptum. act. 3- to ascribc, to lm- 
put«, to attributc, to write, to en- 
rolf to admit, to adcl, or join, to 
anncx, to apply, to subscribe. 

Ascribcre alicui salutem, to pre- 
sent his serviccs 

Ascrlbor, i, iptus. past- to bc as- 
cribcd, rcckoned, &c. 1n civita- 
tcm ascribi, to be made free of 
thc citv, Cic- 

Ascriptio, 5ni-./. 3. a joining, en- 
rolling, or rcgistcring. 

Ascriptitius. a, um. adj. chosen, 
naturalized, cnrolled among ad- 

Ascripcivus, a, um« ai\j. supernu- 

Ascriptor, 5ris. m. 3. a subscriber, 
a promotcr, a maintainer, a fa- 

Ascriptus, vcl Adscriptus, a, um 

pt- aseribed, subscribed, enroll- 

ed, chosen. 
Asella, x. f 1. -¥m. a little she-ass. 
Xsellus, i. m. 2.alittle ass,an ass's 

colt, acodfish, an insect,a star 

Xstlus, i. m. vcl ASllum* i* n. 2. a 

horse-fly, agad-bcc, a dun-fly, 

"*"■ 9 ~a-bmexe uhirh trets UIl- 

-breeze whicb gets un- 

stings thcm. 
Asina, x.f. 1- ashe-ass. 
Asinarius, a, um. adj. bclonging 

to an ass. Mola asinaria, a horse- 

mill. Fabula asinaria* onc of 

Plautus's comedies, 
ASinarius, i- m. 2. an ass-driver. 
ASininus, a, um, aaj- of an ass. 
Xsinus, i. m. $. an ass, a block- 

Xsio, 5nis> m. 3> a Uorn-owl. 
Asfttus, a, tim. attj. riotous, de- 

bauched, extravagant. 
Xsdtus, i- m. 2 a sot, a drunkard- 
Aspllathus,^, m- 2- the rosc of Je* 

rusalem. or our lady's rose. 
Asparagus, i. m. 2. asparagus, a 

Aspectabftjs, e- adj. ior, comp 

ill-natured, strict, rijrid, sci 
crucl, unjust, curst. ficrce. i 
ly, r hardy, patient Aspcrac 1 
tix, dry, or biting jests. A 
nummus, rough (*• c) coine< 
vcr. Asper crater.a chascd h 
Asperatus, a, um- />!• madc ro 
Aspere, ius,errhne. adv. ro 
ly, 8harply, harshly, nn 

Aspcrgillam, i. n. 2. a watei 

Aspergo [ad, Bpargo] gerc* 

rsum. act. 3. to sprinkle, t< 

sprinklc, wct, or moisten, t 

termix, toaspersc, orbcspa 

Aspcrgor, i. patt. to be sprinl 

Aspergo, Yms. / 3. a bespi 

ling\ foam. 

Asperitas, gtis- f. 3. roughi 
uncvcnncss, sharpness, ch 

worthy to be looked upon, or ishncss, austerity, peevish 

obsened, visible. 
Aspectans, tis. pt. beholding 
Aspectio, 6nis/ 3. a beholding. 
Aspecto [ad, spccto]» as. act. 1. 

to bchold, to view, to look to- 

wards, or earncstly, to stare at, 

to regard- 

Aspector, ari.pau. to be looked Aspernans, tis. pt. dcspisir 

on, &c. to bc respected 

AspcctQnis^i, um. pt. about to see 

Aspectus us. m- 4, an aspcct, look 
or appcarancc, a siglit, or vicw, 
the sight, the prcsence. 

Aspello [abs, pello], lere. act. 3. 
to drive,or cliase away,to banish. 

Aspcllor,i patt to be tlrivcn from. 

Asper, era, erum. aaj. ior, comp. 
imus, Buperl rough, ragged, un- 
pleasant, disagrecable; to the cye, 
rough, ruggcd, hideous; to t/ie 
tatte, rougli» harsh, biting, bit- 
ter, stalc; to the touck, rough 
hard, sharp; to the nmell, stink- 
ing, fetid; to the eart, harsh, 
gTatingpt alto rude» unmanaerr> 

Asperitas animx, wheezin/ 
difficult brcathing, Plin- . 
ritas vocis, hoarscness, Lu 
Asperitudo, inis- / o- shar 
Aspernabllis, eadj. contcm 
Aspernandus, a, um. pt- 

Aspernatio, 6nis. / 3. a s( 

a slighting, ncglcct, dis* 
Aspcrnatus, a. \im- f>t. slif 
Aspcrnor [ad, spcmo], 

1. to slight, to dospisc, 

to flec from, to abhor. 
Aspero, as. act. 1. to ina 

or uncvcn,to frceze, t 

to point, or heajl, to ( 

Asperor, ari. patt. tr 

sharp, to be frctted, 
Aspen»io, 5nis./ .). a 
As])crsus, a, uni. pt. I 

bccicwcd, scattcrcd. 

pcrsus Laudibu&j 






ius, 6s m. 4. a sprinkling 
delus, i. m. 2- a daftbdil. 
endiu, a, um pt. to be seen. 
behcld, fit to be looked on. 

ent, tis. part. seeinjr, be- dant, a waiting-man, a sponger. 

o[ad, specio], cfcre, pexi, 

acf- 3. to behold, to Assectator, dris m. 3. a waiter, ©r a lever. 

to perceive Jto cspy, to look follower, an obscrver, an imitator. 
i, ur towarus, to overlook, ^tsector, ari freq. 1. to attend, to 
mjr, to lookfavourably up- wait upon to, follow, to dog. 

Assecnttirus, a, um. pt. about to 
ovcrtake. (overtaken. 

fticnrd, to csteem, to ho- 

br, i. pcctus. past. to beAssecdtus, a, um. pt. having 

d upon, rcgarded, consi- 
, fcc. 

men, Ihis. n. 3. a brcathing. 
ns, tia. pt. breathing. 
tto, 6nis./. d. a brcathing, 
raing of breath, an influ- 
a damp, or exhalation, thc 

[ad, spiro], act. 1. to as- 
to reach, to attain, to have 
S to wiah for, to breathe, 
v, to inspire, to infusc, to 
r, toassist, 

Idia/ 3. an asp, a spidcr. 
indus, a, um. pt. to be car- 

AasfttuM, k./. 1. roaoted meat. 
Assatus» a, \ roasted, board- 
ed, planked- 
Assecla, ac. m- 1. apage, an atten 

Assectatio, 5nis /. 3. attendance, 
a waiting upon, observation. 

.Atsequor, Sris. dep.3. to overtake, 
to reach, to equal, or match, to 
get, to obtain, to understand, 
to nnd out. 

Asscr, feris. m. 3. & Assis, gcn. 
assis, a pole, a chump, a joist, 
quarter,or square piece of wood, 

Asscrculus, i. m. & Asserculum, 
i n. 2. a little pole, or piece of 
wood. [serted 

Assercndus, a, um, pt. to be as- 
Assercns, tis. pt. asserting, af- 

Assensio, dnis. /. 3. assent, con- Asstro, erc, evi, Ttum. act. 3. to 

sent, an agreeing to a thing. 
Assensor, Ons. m. 3. he that as- 

sents, or consents, one of the 

samc party 
Asscnsum» cst. imp. it was agreed 

to. (assent. 

Vssensus, a, um. pt. assented to, 
agrcedto, admitted, having ad- 
mitted. (mcnt 

Assciisus, us. m. 4- assent, agree 
\sscntans, tis. pt. flattering. 
Asscntatio, dnis. /. 3. flattcry, a 
soothing, asscnt, compliance, 
intercst, influence, authority 
Uio, finis- /. 3. a carrying'Assentatiuiiciila, ae. /. 1. a coax 

! ing, a comp.imcnt. 
Ltus, a, um. pt. carriedAsscntator, 5ris. m. 3. aflattercr. 
we place to anottier. fAsscntatdrie, adv. lake a flatterer. 

plant, to sow, to set by, or near 

Asscro, £re, rui, rtum. act. 3. to 
assert, to afnrm, to claim, to 
challcngc, to frce, to deliver, 
to pronounce free. (sertcd* 

Assensurus, a, ura. pt. ready to Asseror, i, rtus. paso. to be as- 

x, aa. act. 1. to transport,'Assentatrix, icis. /. 3. she that Asserv&tus, a, um. pt. prcserved, 

ry off. 

(away. flatters. 


ir,*». to hc carricdAssentiens, tis. pt. assenting, a-^servio, irc, Tvi, Itum, act 

. • .■ "_ !• rt _I. _ _•_— * _ A __ '_ » 1 _ 1 _._ 

'tdo, tnis./. 3. sliarpness. L_f«seutio, Ire, nsi, nsum. a, 4. to 
ira, i. n. 2. a rougii placc, assent, to agree, to be of onc's 
sdy or full of buslics, a opinion. 

\ssentior, Iri, nsua. dep. 4. to as- 
./ 1. adrynurse, a mid- scnt, to agree, to comply, to 
wr nurse, that tenda wo- condescend. 
ing4n* Assentor, ari. dcp 1. to flatter, to 

nuu pl. n» 2. a dry bagnio. cajole, to comply with, to humor 
s, a, um. atfj. roasted. Assequcns, tis. pt. overtaking. 

Asscrtio, 9nis. /. 3. an asscrtion, 
an aflirmation, a claim of liber- 
ty, or a trial at law for it, a dis- 

Asscrtor. dris, m. 3. an asscrtor, 
a voucher, a vindicator, he who 
scts at libcrty, or bails a person, 
he who demands auother for his 

AssertQrus, a, um, pt. about to 

A9servandus,a, um, pt. to be kcpk 


serve, to help, to second, to sup- 

..tservo, as. act. 1. to preseve, to 

kcep, to kcep safe, to obscxre, 

to watch. 
Asservor, _un. />cm- to bc kcpt, de- 

fcnded, watched, or ohscrved. 
Assessio, dnis./. J. a sitting down, 






Asscssor, ftris. m. 3. an assessor, Assignor, ari. patt. to be assigncd. 

a justice, a counscllor, an assis 
tant. (ing 

Asseverans /r/. affirming-, display- 
Assevcranter, miv. ius, cotnp. con 
fidently, boldly, eagcrly, ear- 
ncstly. (ration 

Asslliendus, a, um. pt. to lcap. 

Assilicus, leapingjbubbling. 

AssTlio [ad, salio], Irc, ui, ivi, fci 
ii, ultum, n. 4. to leap upon, or 
against, to leap up, to leap, to 
assail, to attack. (madc likc. 

AssSvcrati, onis. / 3. an asscvc- AssTmTlandns, a, um. pt. to be 

Ass^vSrOi as. act- 1. to affirm, to AssTmTlatus, a, um. pt. made like. 
asscrt, to maintain, to show, to Assintflis, e. adj. verv like- 
dispiay. AssTmilfter, adv. in hke manner. 

Ass£veror,ari patt .to bc affirmed. /ftsimilo, os. act. 1. to assimilatc. 

•Jflsibilo, as. Jieut. 1. to liiss. to to makc likc, to takc thc like- 
hiss at, to whistle. (dry ness, to rcsemblc, to iiken, to 

«Arsiccesco, £re. inc- 3. togTow compare. 

•£«sjcco 1 lto dry,to hurden. AssTmtilans, tis. pt. comparing. 

Assiccor, ari.po««.to be dried up AssTmiilatio, 5nis./. 3, a counter 

AssTciilus, i. m 9 2. a lath. 

Assidcns, tis. pt. sitting by. 

Assideo [ad, scdeo], c"re, sedi, 
scssum. neut. 2. to sit by, or at, 
to sit close at, to attend, to sit 
on thc bench, to bc like. 

•£fsido, dfcrc, acdi, scssum, act. 


AssTmillatus, a, um- pt. counter 
feitcd, feigncd, forged, imitatcd 

.frsTmulo, as. act. 1. to pretend, to 
fcign, to likc-n, or compare, to 
forge, or counterfeit, to paint, 
to draw, to copy out. (like. 

3. tosit down, tosit by, to wait AssTmulor, ari. patt. to bc made 

upon. |AssTpondium, i. n. 2. a pound- 

AsBidu£,a£fo. issTme„™/>.constant- weight- (plank. 

Iy,continually, daily,vcry oftcn.i Vssis. is m. 3. .** Roman coin, a 
AssTduTtas, atis. /. 3. assiduity, di-.Assistens, standinfr by. 

ligencc. constant care, usc, at- : .4*sistn,terc, asllti. n. 3. to st.ind, 

tendencc. (nually, pcrpctually. to stand still, to assist, to bc an 
Assiduo, adv. constantly. conti- advocate. (by. 

Assfduus, a, um adj. assiduous, AssTtus, a, um- pt. planted close 

industrious, constant. (signcd. Asso, as. a. 1. to roast, to board, 
AssTgiiandus. a, um./>t to bc as- to ccil. 
Assignatio, onis. / 3. an assigna-.bsocio, as. a. 1- to as«»ociatc, to 

tion, an assigmncnt, a distnbu- accompany, to fit, to fix. 

tion. (assign. .frsolco, cs, cre. n.% to be usual, to 

Assignaturus. a, um. pt. about to be accuslomcd, to use. (custom. 
Assignatus, a, um. pt. asftigncd,Ass6le.t, imp. it is wont, it is the 

aJloitc(l.appointcd,agTced uponvfasfrno, arc, ui. n. 1. to rcsound, 
Assignatus, i- m. 2. an assignec. I to ccho. [toil. 

■Atsigno, as. act- 1. to assign, to;.4«sudo, are ui, n. 1. to swcat with 

allot, to appointt to proportion/Assuefacio [assuetus, raciol, ere, 

to imputc, tolay upon. to apply,; feci, factum- act. 3. to aceusLom, 
to subscribc, *et nmnd nad scaJ.] to inurc, to usc one to a thing. 

AssuefHctio, 6nis./. 3x 

AssuC*factiis,a,\mi />r. ai 

Assucscitur,im/^;'. the; 

/fasuesco, ccrc, evi. i 

& act. 3- to accustom, 

habituatc,to bc used,t 

AssuctQdo, Tnis. /. * 

usagc, usc 

Assuetus, a, i 
cotnp. accustomed, ini 
tised, usual 
Assiila, se. / 1- a boanl 
shingle, or slatc, a chi 
of woodt a splinter, a s 
Assulatim. ailv. piecem 
Assuldse, adv. in small 
Assultans,tis.^/. assaulti 
Assultim, adv by lcaps. 
Assulto[ad, salto], as. 
run, or leap upon, to 

Assultus, us. m. 4. an 
Assum, pro Adsum, to b 
Assfimcndus, a, um. pt 
siuned, reccivcd, en 

Assumentum, i- n-2. a \ 

^isumo, dre, mpsi, mp 

to assume, to take, t 

gmnted, to^admit, to 

to cat and tlrink. 

Assumor, i. pat*. to be i 

Assumptio, onis. /. 3. ai 

tion, an assuming 1 , a ta 

Assuinptivus, a. um. ad 

tive, cxtrinsical- 

\ssumptiis, a, um. pt. 

taken, imputed, attrib 

. f *suo, ere. ui .fitum act 

to, to scw on, to patch 

Assuor.ui, utus. pau-to 


Assurg^itur, impei*. they 

.^surg^o, crc, rexi, n. «I. 

risc, or stand up, t< 

hcight, to gTOw up, to 





e, to Tccovcr. 

a,um. aaj. roasted, dry, 

at mixtuxe, alone, pure, 

tol» the scorching sun 

n, a, um. adj. Malus Assy 
\ crange, lemon, ©r citron- 
Malum Assyrium, an 
p, lemon, or citron, Ptin. 
nj. but, and yet, howevcr, 
y, truly.(stamhng by, or up. 

Astrictio, ftnis. /. 3. astriction,Asturco,6nis.m.3. an ambling nagw 
sharpncss of tastc likc that of Astus, us, m. 4. craft, subtility, 



Astrictftrius, a» um, adj. stiptic,Astute, ach*. ius, comp. issime tup. 

astringent, binding, apt to bind.j craftily, cunningly, knavishly. 
Astrictus, a, um. pt. £3 adj. or,Astutia, x. /. 1 . craftiness, craft, 

comp. tied, bound, fastencd, con-! cunning, shuffling, knavery. 

fined, shackled,compcUed,forc-Astutus, a, um. adj. or, comp. issT 

ed, wrinkled, frowning, frozen, 
rough- unpleasant, niggardly. 
Astncus, a, um. adj. starry-(stars.' 

mus, aitp. crafty, cunning, sub- 
tle, politic. 
'Xsyluin, i, n. 2. a sanctuary, a teir.« 

\, tis. pt. being prescnt, Aatrifer, ira, fcrum, adj. bearingi plc, a privileged place, a refuge. 

Astrfger, fcra, erum, adj- adorncd.Asymbdlus, a, um. adj. shot frcc. 
with stars. Asyndeton, i, n. 2. a figure, when 

Astringcns, tis, pt. binding. I many words stand togethcr witl- 

Astringo, [ad, stringo,] gcre, nxij out their usual copula ; as, abiit, 
ictum. act. 3. to Uc, to bind, to; excewt, eva**it t crupit. 
fasten, to gird,to straitcn,to con- Asyntbctus, a, um. ad/.pure, clcar. 
tract, to obhgc, or engage. 

Astringerc, sc sacris, to takc or- AT- 

dcrs ; in jura, sacra, to takc an 

oath, Ov. fufti, to hc guilty of At, in composition, stands,for ad. 
fclony, Plaut. frontcm, to bend, At, conj. but. 
or knit thc brow,&vi. alvumVcn- £tat, interj. heyday ! how now ! O 

strangc ! O wondcrful .' ha ! how 
suy you ! 
Xtavus, i, m. 2. a great grandfa- 
thcr*s,orgn&ndmotlicr's, grandfa- 
ther,an old auccslor, an anccstor. 

Issm. t£s ( / 3. a comfit. 
■osj i. m. 2 a witty jcst, 
i m. 2. starwort, sharc- 
(the woJl. 
am, i. n, 2. pcllitory of 
cus, i. m. 3. a mark, a star. 
imiu, i, m. 2. an astcrism. 
o,[ad, sterno,] ere, stravi, 
to by by, or ncar to, to 

or, i. p. to bc laid, to lie 
fetio, flnis. / asscnt, trem, to bind, or makc costive, 
fittor, dris. m. 3. he who: Cet*. 

S or asscnts, a witneas, aAstringor, i. paat. to bc bound. 
er. JAstroldgia, *./. 1. astrology. 

atu, abl. m. 4. by asscnt. AstrolSgus, i. m. 2. an astrologcr. 

or, [ad, stipulor,] ari. aVrp.Astrttnomia, ae./ astronomy. Ixtellamcus, vcl Atcllanus, a, uin. 
ogagc for, to agrce, or con- Astrbiidmicus, ; a, um. adj. astro-) adj. merry, humorous droll 
>. I nomical, pertaimngtoastronomyJAtcr, tra, trum. adj. black, coal 

i.|'ad, statuo,] ucre, ui, Astrondmus, i.m.2. an astronomer. black, dark, brown, glooniy, 
act. 3. to set before. toAstruclus, a, \ built up. 
ir bring bcfore. Astrum,i,n. 2.astar, aconstellation. 

d, sto,J t&re, tfti, tTtum. Astruo, [ad, struo,] ucrc, uxi, uc- 
i atand, to stand by, to be tum. act. 3. to ouild ncar, to 

asaist, to wait upon, to join, to add, to accumulate. 

(plays. Astruor, i, uctus. pa*t- to be built 
, x. f. 1- one of Plautus's to, to bc added, erioined. As-AtetiamT corij, why but, ITl war- 
lus, i. m. 2. an hcrb, a truitur, his, besidcs this, Ptin. rant you. 
, nincpins, dicc, chess, 8tc. Astu, n. ind. the city, Ter. emph. Athara, x./ 1. gruel, panada. 
^ [ad, strcpo,] pere, pui, Athens. Xtheos, i, & Xtheus, i- tn. an 

«. 3. tpmake a noisc, As-Asttipeo, [ad, stupeo,] Cre, pui, atheist (pion. 

1 alicui, to applaud, Tac. neut. 2. to be amased at. (zard. AthlSta, x- m a wrestlcr, a chan.- 
,«sft/. cioacly» briefly* ^Aatur, ttris, m, 3. a hawk, a buz.|AUU$UcC) adv* stouUv^V^sxjA^^ 

moumful, fatal, mortal, hideous, 
stormy,raging, filthy, loathsomc 
Atra bilis, melancholy; atrum 
vcnenum, r&nk poison ; atcr pa- 
nis, brown bread ; atrum olus, 





AthlSticus, a, um. adj. atfilctic, 
strong-, hearty. 
Xtinia, *./. 1- an clm-trcc 

Vttegise, arum. pt.f. 1. cottages, 
huts, booths. 
jAttelabus, i. m. 2. a small locust. 

Xtdmus, i, d. g. 2. an atom, amitc. Attcllanus, i, m. 2. a mcrry actor. 
Atque, conj. and, as, espccially.Attcmpfcrati, adts seasonably. 

and yet, tlian, but, even as, after,j»4rtempero, as. act. 1. to make fit, 

after that ; atquc adeo, also. or meet. 

Atqui, conj. but, and yet, how- 
evcr, tnily, surciy. (horn. 

Atramentarium, i, «. 2. an ink-Attendens,tis pt. attending, mind 

Atramentum, i. 71. 2. ink, blacking, 

Attendendus, a, um. pt. to be at- 
tendcd to, to be regarded. (ful 

irtendo, dere, di, ntum, acv S. to 

black blood, coppcras, vitriol. attend, to listen, to observe, to 
Atratus, a, um- adj. madc black,! tukc heed, to mind, to apply, to 

dicd black, wcaring mounung 

Atricblor,oris.arf/.ot'a black color. 

Atricnsis, c atij. of a court>yard. 

^tricnsisjis. m-a porter,a stcward. 

Atriblum, i, /1. 2. a porch, a little 
court, or hall. 

Atritas, atis./ 3. blackncss. 

Atrium, i- n. 2. a court-yard, a liall 

Atrocitas, atis./ 3. cruelty, sa- 
vagencss, grievousness, trouble- 

Atrdciter, ath. ius, comp. issimc, 
Miip. cruelly, scverely, barbarous- 
ly, heinously, fierccly, harshly. 

Atrtfphia, *. f. 1- an atrophy, a 

Atrbphus, a,um.a<//. consumptivc. 

Atror, dris. m. 3. blackness- 

Atrox, ocis. adj. ior, comp. issl 
mus, tup. cruel, heinous, drcad 
ful, wickcd fierce, resolutc, 
bold, eag-er, stern, infiexible, 
parching, scorching. (lencc 

-tfrticeo, cre, cui- n. 2. to kccp si- 

Attactus, a, wm- pt. touchcd. 

Attactus, us, m. 4- a gvntle touch. 

Attafreii,enis.m.3.a dclicious bird. 

Attagena, x. / 1. a moor-cock, a 
rail, a snipc 
Attalicus, a, um. atlj. made ot 

clothof gold, brocaded, wealtliy, 

opulcnt. (thatjhowevcr. 

Aitxmlih adv. but, but yct, forall 


Attcndor, i. ntus, p. to be mindcd 

Attcntatus, a, um. pt. attemptcd. 

Attcnte, aitv. ius. comp. issinie, 
9itp. attentively, diligentlv, carc- 

Attentio, onis./ 3. attention, carc. 

.fttcnto, as. act. 1, to attempt, to 
setupon, to attack, toprove.o/ 
try. (attacked, corrupted, &c. 

Attcntor,ari,/>aJw. tobe attempted, 

Attentus, a, um, adj. & pt. ior, 
comp. issimus, sup. attentive 
heedful, carcful, anxious, listcn 
injr, held, detaincd, given up. 

Attcntus quxsitis, saving, penu 
rious, Jlor. (scned 

Attenuandus, a, um. pt. to bc les 

Attenuans, tis. pt. thinning-. 

Attenuate, adv. slenderlv, closclv. 

* • • • • 

Attcnuatiojonis^ 3. a diminisning . 

Attenuatus, a, tim. pt. diminishcd 
lcssencd, weakened, mude few 
er, made thinner, or ieaner. Ai- 
tenuata oratio, a low plain styk, 

.i/tcnuo, as. act. 1. to make tliin, 
to lessen, to impair, to wear out 
to bring low, to pull down ( wori . 

Atteuuor, ari, p. to be wasted o, 

out, or away, to waste, tohn 
to tramplc, or beat down, to ' 
sen, or detract from, 
Atteror, i, tritus. paas, to be w< 
Attestans, tis. pt. witnessing. 
\ttcstatio, onis. /. 3. an attc 
tion, a deposition of a witne: 
Attestator, ons. m. 3. a witnea 
Attcstatus, a, um. pt. proved 

./frtcstor, ari. dep. 1. to call, 

takc to witncss, to witncss, 

affirm, to provc, to illustrate- 

^rtexo, xirre, exui, extum. acU 

to knit, or wcavc unto, or wi 

to add, to join, to unite. 

Attexor,i, cxtus. pass.Ko be worc 

Atthis, idis./ -'•. a nig-hting-alc. 

Attice udv. eloquenth', eleganti 

Vtticismus, i. m. 2 an attedl 

elegance of the Attic dialect 

Atticus, a, um. adj. Athenil 

eloqucnt, ncat, fine. 

AttTneo [ad, tcneo], £re, ui, e 

'um. a. 2. to belong-, to perttl 

to stcp, to hold back, or fortk, I 

signify, to avail. (he) 

Attineor, eri, cntus. pa9$. to I 

Attmct, iwpert. it oclongi, 


Attingo, [ad tangv),] elre, ti 

tactum, act. 3. to touch,toto« 

lightly, or upon, to meddle vid 

to trcat of, to be related to> 1 

bclong to, to concern, to read 

to arrive at, or amongst. 

\ttingor, i.past. to be touchcd 

\ttollens, tis. pt lifling up^aiflQ 

v 9/tollo, cre. act. 3. \npr*t attd 

to raisc up, to lift up, to takeq 

to bring up, to raise, to extol,! 


.Vttollor, i, pas». to be Ufted up. 

Attercns, tis, pt. rubbing agains- Attondens, tis.^r sheering. 

■ittCTO, ere, trivi, tritum, a. .1. u 
rub agahist, «r upon, to wcai 

^rtondeo, Cri, di, nsum. a. 2- 1 
cUp, to cut, to she«r, to thare. 





poll, to round, to browsel AttrTtus, a, um. pt. vcl adj. c \ pat-t. much • (vance. 

louse. (pcd ior, cotnp. rubbed, worn, worn Aucto, as. n. 1. to increasc, to ad- 

r, eri, nsus- p. tobe clip- away,wastcd, diminishcd, dccay- Auctor, dns. c. g. 3. an author, a 
adv- wondcrfully. Attritio, dnis. /. 5. attrition. (cd.' causcr, a oontrivcr, an adviser, an 

,a,um. pi. astonishcd, a-Attritus, us. m. 4. a rubbing, a approver, a reporter, a writer, a 
thunderstruck, affri^ht- fretting, a wearing, a galling. I preccdcnt, an owner, an incrcas 
ihed, inspircd, raving, Attiili, pret. afo AfPero, I havej er, a leader, a commander, a 

s, nui, nitum. o- 1. to 
to affright out of onc's 

clip, cut, or sliave close 

brought. founder, a fathcr, a master, a 

AU. guardian.- 

Auctdramentum, i. n. 2. a stipu- 

Au, in composition stands for ab. lating, or contracting, the hire, or 

stiugily, continually, carefully,' bound to serve, prcssed, inlistcd» 
6nis-/3- attraction,the carncstly. | patronised. 

awing together. Avlrior, us. adj. comp. issfmus, Auctdritas, atis, / 3. authority, 

p a, um. pt. drawn, drag- sitp. more and most covctous, or crcdit, rcputation, awfulness, 
hcd, contractcd, wrmk- Xvarittr, adv. grccdily. (greedy.j wcight,force,powcr,jurisdiction» 
;, tis- pt. drawing. (Icd- Avaritia, x.f. 1. avarice, covctous- an ordcr, or commission, opinion, 
hcrc, axi, actum. act. 3. ness, grcediness, an immodcrate advicc, tcstimony, an authentic 
or bring to, to draw, to dcsire. dced, or instrument, a titlc, ov 

£tract,toallure,toinvitc. Xvantics, €i,/ 5. corctousness. propcrty, warranty. (or press. 
i./um.tobcdrag-ged. (ingXvarus, a, um. adj.cov etous, gree- Auctom, as. act. 1. to bind, bire, 
is, us. m. liandling, fcel- dy,pcnurious,desirous,insatiablc. Auctoror, ari. p. to bc bound by 
js, a, um. pt. handlcd, Auccps, cupis. c. g. 3- a fowler, al oath, to bc prcst, or inlisted. 

■ • n _. ■ 1_ 1 4. __.___..______, a __.___■_________ ___ _..______ _•_ _i _ 1 __. __ „ _ 

with, used ill. 
[ad, tracto], as. act. 1. 
, to handlc, to fcei, to 
■rith, to gropc. [at. 

ere, ui. 71. 2. to tremble 
, as. tieut. to hobble 

idus, a, um. pt. to bc at- 

or imputcd, to imputc. 

is, tis. pt. attributing. 

uere, ui, fltum. act. 3. to Auctio, onis./ 3. an auction, salc, 

_k ___. * -- ■* jt. • • I _n_ >- 

, to impute, to aswgn, 

i, dnis./. 3. the samc as. 
09, i. n. 2. an attribute, or 
>n, an affcction- moncv 
for the paymcnt of sol- 

\, a. t^tigned. 

birdcatchcr, a hawker. Ajccps, Aucturus, a, um. pt. about to aug- 

mcnt, o- incrcase. 

Auctum, i. 7i. 2. an iucrease. 

AuctQrus, a, um. pt. vci adj. ec 
part. ior, comp. incrcascd, ad- 
vanccil, improvcd, magnificd. 
multiplicd, enrichcd, rxalted. 
crcatcd, licgotten. 

syllaharum, a captiout fcllow, a 

cavillcr, a critic, Cic. Ne quis au- 

ccps nostro sermoni sict, leit any 

one should listcn, or over lu-ar 

us, Plaut. (and above, a surplus. 
AMCtarium, i. iu 2. somctlun^ ovcr 
AucUfer, era, ferum. aqj. bnngin^ 

increasc, or growth. Auctus, us. m. 4. increasc, gnrnUi 

Auctificus, a, um. «_(/. increasing. au,«rmcntation, risc, oh'>ing. 


to give, to pay down. Auctidnans, tis. m. 3. an auction- Auciipfiioriui, a, u:n. adj. *of, o. 
, i.pass.Ui beattributcd. Auctionarius. a, um- adj. of or bc- bclon^ing to fowlin^, fit io i*V 

longing to public salc. Auction- birds. (watclifoy, nv "u;ch a«. 

ari* tabulae, inventories; auc- AuciipaturuH, a, ur.i. y>' .''muttn 

Aucupans, tis. bt. watching for. 
Auciiputio.flni»./. J. fowling. yratu 

tionaria atria, places whcro opcn Auciipiuni, i. ;i. 2. fowlin;x, bir.i^ 

salc ismade. [tion. caught, a carcful scr_rc.i, a.i ear 

Auctidnor, ari. d. 1. to sell by aucJ nestdcsirc orcnd?avour, :\ f 

Auctito, as. frcq. l^ to incrcascf an cnticcmcnt, a v.^y, ur uvcwwi 





Auctipo, as- act. 1. to watch, to house, &c. 

Aucupor, Sri. dep. 1. to go a fowl 

ing, trhawking, to huntaftcr, to Auditus, a, um. pt. hcard, rclated 
■tnve,toobtain,towatch, to catch Auditus,us. m 4. thc sense of hcar- 

at, to seek, or gct by cunning. 

Audacia, x.f 1. legitur in plur. au- 
dacity, boldncss, assurance, im- 
pudcnce, rashness, courage, bra 

Audacitcr, adv. boldly, rashly. 

Audacter. adv- ius, comp. issime, 
sup. frcely, boldly, couragcously 
confidentlv, daringly, rashly. 

Audacfilus, a, um. adj. saucy 

\uditu_n, i. n- 2. report, hearsay 
AuditQrus,a-uni. pt. about to hcar. 

ing, hcaring, a relation of fact. 
Ave, vevb. drfect. avc, avelo- pfur. 
av? te» avctote : infin. sivcre, all 

Hke, to abhor, to rcjcct, to i 
rcgard, to slight, to tum awa 
Avcrsiims. pt. about to turn awi 
Aversus,a,um. pt. vel aaj- i 
comp. issimus, %up. turned 
way, avcrse, eatrauged, cont 
ry, shy, purloined, embezzk 
Aversus mcrcaturis, disliking 

hail, Uod save you : in the end mcrchant's lifc. 

of an cpistle. adieu. 
Avectus, a, mn. pt. carried away. 
Aveho, crc, exi, ectum. act. 3. to' 
carry away, to carry off. 
Avehor, i.jtaM. to bc carricd away. 
Avcllana, x. f 1. a filberd. 
Audax, acis- adj. ior, comp. issTmus Avcllo, lcrc, li, & vulsi, vulsum. 
*up. bold, daring, confidcnt, vali- act. 3, to pull or drag away, to 
ant,audacious,desperate, wicked. j>art, to kccp asunder. 

Audeudus, a, um- pt. worthy to bc.Xvcllor,i,vulsus. pa*v.ta bc pulIcd,Avertor, i, ersus. pan*. to be txu 
dared, or undertaken, to dare. or tom away, to be separated. ; cd away. to be alienatcd, ort 

Xvena, ac. / 1. oats, oaten straw, tranged- 
a pipc, a rced, a mean low styie. Auftrens, tis. pt. taking away, 

Avcrtcndus,a,um. pt. to be arerf 
to bc turncd away, to turn awi 

Avcrtcns, tis pt. turning away. 

Averto, tere, ti, rsum. ci 3. to 
vert, to tum, or drive away, 
put to flight, to turn, to rcnioi 
to pervcrt. or misemploy. Qi* 
omen .lupitcr avertat, whi 
(iod forbia, Cic. 

Audens,tis./>/. vcl adj. ior, comp. is- 
simus tvp. bold, daring, hardy. 

Audenter, adv. ius, comp. boldly, 
daringly, courageously. (rage. 

Audentia, ae. f fortitude, cou-Avens, coveting, dcsiring. 
Audeo, ere, sus sum. <i- 2. to dare- 
to adventure, to be bold, not to 

be afraid. 

Audcor, 6ri pat». to be dared. 

Audiendus, a, um. pt to be heard 

Audiens, tis. pt. vcl adj. hearing, 

obedicnt, Cum dat. Dicto audi- 

ens, Cic.Cum gen. Audicns impc- 

TiiyPlaut. Substpro Auditor [on. 

Audicntia, <e/.l. audicnce, attenti- 

Audio, \re, ivi,itura. ac *-4- to hcar, 

to listcn, toattendto. 

to regard* to believe, to grant, 

to try, or judge, to be spoken of 

Audior, iri pa*»- to be heard. [sav 

Auditio, 6ms-/3.a lieariiig-,ahcar- Aversans, tis. pt. dishking. 

Auditiunciila, x./l. areport. (er. 
Auditor. dris- m. an auditor a hear- 
A.tditdrium, i n. 2. an auditor) , or 

astembly of hcarers, a school, a Aversor, 6ris- m. 3. a purloiner. 

Xvcnaceus, a, um. aify. of oats. 
Xvenarius, a, um- adj. of oats. 

\ufero [ab, fcro], ers, abshTj 
ablatum. act. 3. to take, or car 
away, to carry oft*, to pct, to o 

Aveo,crc- «.2-car- pr*t&8t/p. to de- tain, to prcvent, to take up, ■' 
sire, to covct, to wish, to bc jrlad cease, to deccive. Inultum i 

AVernalis. e. adj. of hell, infcrnal* 

A\enius,a,um.aJ;. of hell, infcrnal 

Averro, rerc; ri, rsum. act. 3. to 
swccp, or ciiTty away, to rcmovc. 

Averror, i. pass. to bc swcpt away. 

Avcrruncandur, a, uni. pt- to be 
appeascd, or drivcn away. 

Avcrr.mco [ab, crunco], as act. 1 . 
to cut, scrape, tum, or take 
awny, to boc, to wecd, to prunc 
to avert. to appcase, to attonc. 


ferre, to j^o scotfree- Aufcrre j 

dicio, to get by law- Aufer ( 

hinc, g"et you gnnc 

.\uf6ror, crri, ablitus. poM. to I 

carried, or takcn away. (va^ 

Aufrtgicns, tis. pt. avoiding", shit 

Aiifug-io [ab, fugio], gere, | 

(rituni. «. 3. to run away, to ft 

from, to cscapc, to shun,toavoi 

to bc all gone, or spcnt, (large 

\u^endus, a, um. pt. to be e 

Aujren», tis. /»/. incrcasing. 

Avcrsandus, a,um./>/. to bc abhor- Augvo, crc uxi, uctm. act 

Xversatio. 'dnis. / 3- aversion, ab- 
horrence. (fusinfr 

Aversatus, a, um. pt. disliking, re 

hall of audience, a «essions-(Aversor, ari. dtp. 1. to hatc, to dis^Augescens, tis. pt. increasing. 

increasc, to enlarge, to advanc 
to sct oft", to cxaggerate, to t 
rich, to make, to creatc, to pi 
duce- (crease 

Augcor, eri, ctus. pas*. to be i 

. _, • . _ ■ • ___ 





co, cn t tncep. 3. to incrcase, Aviciila, x.f. 1. ilim. a UtUc bird. 
"ou , to plump up, to gTow:AVide, udv. ius, comp. issime, tvp 
(iiicrcase,growthofbody.j gree<lily, cagcrly, carncstly. 

en, iiiis, n. 3. augmentation, 
ento, tts. uct. 1. to i.icrcase 
eiiiiim, i, w. o. growth, in- 
',uri».c .£*-J.aiUkUgur.{crcasc. 
"llo, is. n. .)■ an insirumcnt 
gnrs a towcr for obscrva- 
w uigurs. (gurs. 

ftfis, e. ac{/. belonging to au- 
«ndus,a,uin./tf.tobc divined 
itio, onis./ 3. soothsaving 
&to, ac/r. by soothsaying. 
itus, a, um. pt. counruicd, 
ited by soothsaying 
itus, us- m. 4. thc officc, 
uiu, i, n. 2. augury,divina- 
»ooihsaying, a prcdiction, 
ccturc, a surmise, au ora- 
i answcr, a figii, a token, 
pectation. (augury. 

Xviditas, atis. /• 3. grccdiness, 

Aviditcr, tuiv. grcedily. 
AVulus, a, um. adj. ior, comp. issi- 

mus, sup. grcedy, covelous, nig- 

gardly, eager aftcr, camest, dc- Auratura, ac. f. 1. a gilding. 

us,a,iufi. adj. bclongingtG Aulicus, i, m. 2. a courtier.(court. 

sirous, fond, ravenous, hungry. 
Avis, is. / 3. a bird, a fowl, luck. 
Xvltus, a, um- adj. lcft by anccs- 

Xon, belonging to ancestors, an- 

ricnt, old. (acccssiblc, loncly. 
Avius, a, um. udj. unpassable, iu- 
Aula, x.f. 1. a ha.ll, a court, a pa- 

larc, a honcycomb. 
Aiilacum,i.;i. 2. aev.rtain.Lcg/re7. 

in pl. Aulxa, hungings, tanestry. 
Auletcs,3f.m.l. a pipcr,a niinstrcl. 
Auleticus, a, uni. adj. of, or bc- 

longing to pipcs. good for pipcs. 
Auhciui,tt,um.rt<{/.bfdonging to thc 

i, as act. £s/ Augiiror, ari. 
to presagc, to forebodc,to 
toirc, to gucss, to sumiise. 
iric, ii- 71. 3. a palacc, a 
xVn tcnt. 

aiia,um: pl.n- 3. plays, insti- 
u honor of Augustus, 7W. 
ilw t e.m//.inipcrial, statcly. 
e, adv. vcncrably, majcs- 

js, a, u in. adj. ior, cnmp. 
*, tup. august, splendid, 
ic, imperial, princely, no- 
cncrablc, sacrcd, diviiu, 

js, i- m. 2. the month Au- 
/. l.a grandmothcr. (cs. n 2. uupassublcpla- 
n, i. n . 2. an avian , a cagc, 
v, a bushy placc. 
, i. m. 2 a poultcrcr, a 

Ankrdus, i, *n.2 a minstrcl,a pipcr. 
Aulon, i. n. 2. an organ-pipe, a 

musclc. (dies. 

Aululiiria, onc of Plautus's comc- 
Avocamcntum, i.n/2-an avocation, 

rclaxation, rccreation, pastimc 
Avocans, tis pt. calling away. 
Avdcatio, ouis./. 3. acallingaway. 

o;from, a divcrting the thoughts 
AVoco,as.uc/.l. to call oflT, to witli- 

dmv, to ttirn aside, to disKuadc- 
AVocor,ari.^ bc called away. 
Avolaturus^i, uni. pt. about to fl\ 

awayj to fly away. 
Avblo, as. nru*. 1. to fly away, to 

hastcn away,top:»ssauayquickly 
Aura, x.j- 1. thc air, a cool air, n 

galc, a gcntlc gale,a wiixl, a blxst 

of wind,a brcath, favor, applausc, 

humor, brightness, bcauty, gai- 

ety. Aura, jethcrefi vcsci, to livc 

gen. pro aurac, Yirg. 
Auramentum, i. n. 2- an instru> 

ment to mine, and gild with* 
Aurantium, i- n. 2. an orangc 
Auraria, tc.f. 1. a gold minc 
Aururius, a, um> adj> ot, like or 

bclonging to gold, goldcn. 
Aurata, x.f. 1. a gilt head. 

Auratus, a, gilt with goIuS 

adorncd witli gold, goldcn.(lenU 

vurcolus, a,um-<i(^'.goldcn, cxcd- 

Aurcolus, i. m. 2. a piccc ot' gold. 

Aurc<ico, cre. ?t* to grow brightaf 

Aureus, a, utn adj. golden, made 

ofgold, of a gold color, yellow, 

shining, briglit, rich, valuuble» 

cxcellcnt, beautiful. (guinea. 
Aur?us, i. m. 2. auy gold coin, a 
Aurichalcum,i.n.2. latten, copper. 
AurTrdmus, a, um. adj. that hath 

hair likc gold, or goluen locks. 
Auricula, xf 1- tlie Uip, or flap of 

the ear, thc car, a flowcr. (ear. 
Auricularia, c.atlj. auricular,of the 
Auricularius, a, um. adj. *ee Au- 

rioularis. (ctli gold. 

Aurifcr, cra, Crum. adj. that bcar- 
Aurifex, Ycii. m. 3. a goldsmith. 
Aunfodina, r,/ 1. a gold-mine. 
AurTga, sc c.ff. 1- a charioteer, a 

cartcr, a waggoner, a horsekecp- 

cr, a groom, an equcrrv, a pilot, 

a sign. 

Aurigans, tis. pt driving a coach* 
Aurigariuj, i- m. 2. a coach-driver. 
Aungatin, dnis. /. a driving of a 


Aurigatfirus, pt. about to drivc 
Aungcr, crc, ciTim, adj. bcaring 

gold. (riot, or cart. 

.Vurigo, &<*. act. 1. to drive h clia- 
Aurigor, ari. d- 1. to stcer, to rulc 
AuripigDicntum t i.ft.2. auocAvtt ^. 

and breathc. Auras & auraii, ii\\ U\c c^x oA ^oXv^ ^w^x^k,-» ^\W 






Auris- is> /. 3. aii cnr, hearing-. 

Auriscalpium.i.ft.2- an ear-picker. 

Auritiilus, a, um. adj. loiifr-earcd. 

Auritfts, a, largc,9r 
long ciirs^icaring' wcll, Iisteniii;r. 

Aurdra, jc./, 1. the morning», thc 
timc JQBt bcfore sunriie.thc east. 

Aurosus,a, um.full of £oId,gt>lden. 

Aurfigo, Inis./. 3. thc jaundicc 

Aunun, i. n. 2» poUi, any thin£ 
madcof gold, a ycllow color.(iii|*. 

Auscultatio, cmis./. 3. a hearkcn- 

Auscultator, oris. m. 3. a ILstener. 

.Ausculto, .to listen,to hcar- 
ken,to obscrve, to mind, to obcy. 

Ausim, sis,sit pl. ausint, verbura 
defect, I durst be bold, 1 darc. 

Auspcx, icis. m. 3. a diviner by 
birds, a soothsaycr, a chief, oi 
leading- peraon, a conductor, an 

AuspTcans, tis pt bcginning. 

AuspTcatd, adv. by consulting thc 
augurs, auspicioutly,fortunately. 

AuspYcatuf, a, um. pt vcl adj. ior, 
comp. isslmus, oup. fct apart by 
soothsaycrs, auspicious, favora- 
ble, fortunate, iucky, luckily be- 
■gun. (lating to soothsaying". 

AuspTcialis, e. a<\j. uscd in, or rc- 

Auspfcium, i.n. 2.a consulting" tbe 
soothsayers, an auspicc, a sign, 
a token, a beginniiu?, an event, 
fortune, conduct, raanagcmcnt, 
■rulc, authority, will, plcasurc. 

Auspfcor,ari.<7c/>. 1. to scck, ©r ga- 
ther from omens or tokens,to be- 
gin, to undcrtakc,to cntcr upon. 

Auster, thc south wind,thc 
south part of the workl, wind. 

Austcr^, adv. austcrcly, sharply. 

Austcritas, atis. /. 3. sustcrity, 
harshncss, roughucss, sfcarpncss, 
sleriincss, gravity, ruserte, dcep 

AuMerus, a, um. adj. ior, cbmj>. clarc. 

austcre, harsh, rough, sharp, Avulsio, 6nis./. J. a pk 

sour, crabbcd, sad, jrrave, re- Avulsor, oris. m. 3. he u 

«••rved, racy, dccp. np, oft', or away. 

AustraJis, c adj. southern.(rainy.Avulsus, a, um. pt. pu 

Austriiius, a, um. adj. southcrn, ©r off, torn ofT, slippc< 

AuxUyubl m.with daring^or hazard. Avunculus,i. m 2. au un< 

Ausum, si. n. 2. an attcinpt, an un-' cle by thc niothcr*s si 

dertaking, ahardy cnterprise. | culus magiius,the jrran 

AusGrus, a, tliat will darc,; brother, CVc major, th 

or attcinpt, to attcmpt. j grandmothcrN brothc 

Ausus, a, um. />.', that hath darcd,Xvus, i. m. 2. a gTan 

cominitted, or cntcrprised. { grandsirc, an ancestor 

Aut, conj. or, or clsc, cithcr. >Auxi]iabundus, a, um / 

Autem, conj. but, howcvcr, not-Auxilians,tis/>f.hclpinir 

withstanding, ncvertheless, yea. Auxiliaris, c adj. auxil 

nay, and, also, bcsidcs, truly, in- tant, subscrvient, 

dced, on thc contrary, contrari-' hcaling-. 

wisc, not beforc. Auxiliarius, a, um. ac 

Authentjcii8,a, um. adj. authcnticJAuxiliator, dris. m. 3. a 

Authcpsa, *./. 1. astcw-pan. 
Author, oris. c. g. vide Auctor. 
Authdritas,atis. /vide A uctoritas 

Autogjaphum, l. n. one's handiAuxiliatus, us. m. 4. hc 

assistant, an aider. 
Auxiliatus, a, um. pt. 
helpcd, or cured. 

writinjr. (with one's own hand. 
Autographus, a, um. adj. writtcn 
Autdmaton, vel Aut6matum,in 2. 

an engine thatgt>cs with aspring, 

any picce of art that secms to 

move of itsclf, a», x clock, a jack, 

Automatus, a, um. adj. tliat which 

g-oes witli a spring-, or scrcw, 

seeming* to move itself. 
Yutumnalis, e. adj. autumnal, of, 

or belonjpng" to autumn. 
Autumirtas, atis. /. 3. thc time of 

aiitinnn, thc fall of the lcaf. 
Autumno,as nettt. 1. to be autumn, 
Autunuius, a, um. adj. autumnal. 
Autumnus,i.;n 2. autumn, the time 

Auxilior, ari. dep. 1. t« 
assist, to aid, to be c 
to do, or be good, to 
cure, or hcal. 

Auxllium, i. n 2. help, 
aid, protcction,patron: 
dy, rclief, casc, auxilis 


AxTculus, i. m. 2. a litt 

latch, lath, &c. a pin fo 

Axilla, ae./. 1. thc annp 

Axillaris, c. adj. of, oi 

Axibma,atis. m.3. an axi 

position,a gtneral rulc 

Axis, is. m. 4. an axletn 

wag-gt>n, or chariot, thc 

ven.a cliinate, a canop 

from thc sixtli day of Augiist to 

the sixth day of Novcmber, the a bourd. or tablo, a bc 
time of harvest and vinta^e. |Axitidsus,a,um.«f//.sooli 
Autumo, as. act 1. tothink,tosup-Axungi:i, x.f. cart-whe 
poae, to avouch, to affirm, to de4 fat. 





AZ. jBaccifer,a, iu 2.the feastofJBaccuIa, x./ l.dim.i smail berry. 

Bacillum, i. ;». 2. a littlc staff, or 

Baculum, i, n. & Baculus, i. m. 2. 

a staif,a stick,a batoon,a sccptre 

Badisso, a&. & B&dizo, as. neut. 1. 

d brcad. 

um. atij. unleavcned, 

ccre, not putied up 


Urj. strangc ! won 
! goodly! 

i, &, um. adj. formcd 
olors. (nativitics. 

a» \im.fidj. calculating 

a washing-place. 
Bxticus, a, um. aaj. brown tawnyJBalo, as. /t. 1. to bleat. (balm. 
1. a bcrry, any smafi Bajulans, tis. /t/.carrying, bearing. Balsaminus, a, um. adj. madc ojf 
irl. Bajulo, as- act. 1 . to carry, te bcar. Balsamum, i. n.2.balsam,balm,th* 

itus, us. m. 4. a bache. Bajulus, i.m.2. a porter, a laborcr. trce,and juice that drops from it 
:e, or standing. (arts. Balxna,z./l.a whale, a grampus. Baltcttlus, i. m. a small belt, 
is, i m. 2.a bachelorof Balanatus, a, um. aaj. anointedjBalteum, i. n« & Balteus, i. m, a 

/la bay trce,a laurci. 
um, atlj. of pcarl, sct, 
. witk pcarl. Monile 
l pearl-nccklace, Virg. 

cl against fascination, 
e, clown's spikenard. 
adv. with rcvelry. 
nis,/ 3. a debauch.^.raving, ragirig, 
out in a rage, dauced, 
r distractedly. 
a,um. adj. of Bacchus. 

Balnearius,a,um.a<(f. belongim| to 
baths. Balnearii fures, pilfenng 
rogues, who stole away peoplc's 
clothes in the baths, Catull. 

Balneator, 6ris. m. 3. the master 
of a bath, the keeper of a bag- 
nio, a scrvant attending a batK, 

or bagnio. 

(of a bath. 

to go, to walk, to pace, to amblc. 
Badius, a, um- a({j. brown, bay, 

Bxticatus, a, um. ailj. wearingiBalncum, i. n. 2. a bath,abagnio» 

brown, or dark-colored cloth. L * * 

Balncatrix, icis, / 3. the mntreas 
Balnc61um, i. n. 2. a little bath. 

with thc oil of ben, madc ofl belt, a girdle. (dusft, 

whalebone. (bcii.jBalux, ucis./ 3. gold-ore, gold- 

Balaninus, a, um, adj. madc of 
B&lans, tis. pt. bleating. 

1. a priestess of Bac- Balanus, i. d. g. 2. an acora, adate, 

a chcsnut,a kind of shellnsh, bcn. 
Balatro, dnis-/ 3. a pitiful fellow. 
Balatus, us. m. 4. a bleating. 
Balaubtium, i. n. 2. the flower of 

a pomegranate-trec 

lrtcsan, a strumpet 

lus*a, um.a<#.revelling 

alis. n. 3. the place 

feasts of Bacchus werc 

l,the fcast itself, a mad 

lara, a bawdy-house. 

upe. raging, mad. 

1 Baccar,aris, n. 3. & 

s./ herb thought Balbfities, ei./5. a stammering. 

i — :— * *—:_*:_ Balbutio, Ire, Ivi. n«i*.4. to stutter, 

to stammer, to lisp, to babblc 
Balmeum, i. n. 2. a bath, bagneo, 
Balidlus, a, um. (u^-tawny. (strew 

Bambacinus, a,um, adj. of cotton. 

Bambacion,i.».2.cotton, bombaat. 

Bambalio, Snis. m. 3. a stammerer. 

Bancus, i. m, 2. abank, a bench, a 
seat, ortable. Bancusrcg^us, the 
King^s Bcnch- Bancus comnui- 
nis, the Common Pleas. 

Baphiarius, i, iq. % a dief# 

Balbc, adv lispingljr- (lisping.baptisina, alis. n- 3. baptism. 
Balbus, a, um. adj. stammering, Baptismus, i. m. 2. baptiim. 
Balbutiens, tis. pt. stammering. Baptista, x. m. 1- a baptizer, Johci 

the Baptist, ao called emphati- 
callv. (bath. 

BaptistSrium, i- n. 2. a font, a 
Baptizo, as acu 1> to baptizc 

-, -, ^.«.w.-j . v „„ w„..Barathrum, i. n. 2. a gulf, a deep 

Balista, x./ 1. a warlike cnginc pit, a deep place, hcll, the bcl- 
uscd to throw stoncs, &ca shngj lv, ov pauncn, a glutton, a wasU^ 
a cross-bow. I ful harlot 

Baliatarium, i. n- thc place whcre|Barba, x. / 1. a beard, a claw. 

BarbSrO, adv. barbarously, cruel- 

. m. a foot in verse of thc balista was mounted, a slingJ 

indtwo longsyllables; Balius, a, um. aaj. tawny, black. 

Balneae,arum,/>/./ lpublic baths. 
. dep. 1. to rcvel, to ri- Balnearis, c adj. of, or for a bath. 
, to rage, to swagfer, Balncarium, i. a. 2. a placc whcrtRaT&na^«.{\^ 

i bath, or fitcw ia kept \ try »\>M^»V|v«vJ*l» v-s ' Jk w 

ly, rudely, clownishlv, unintclli- 
gibly, unusually, in anothcr 
tongue, not Grcek. 






unpoIiteneii,rudencss,rusticity.Baro, dnis. m. 3. a blockhead, a, battlc betwccn the frogs 
Barbaricus, a, um. adj. pcrtainingj fcol, a sot, a common soldicr, a Bntucns, tis. pt. fencing. (i 
to t or coming from barbarous' man, or husband, a baron. jBntuo, fere, ni, utum. act. '< 

pcople, barbarian, foreign, rich, Bardnia, x.f. 1. thc fee of a baron.| beat, or battcr, to fight, to f< 
aavajpc, unpolislted, wild, mcan. Barritus, iis. m. 4. tlic brayinff ofl to fence with foils, to bind \ 
Bai banca sylva, whcre trees an elcphant,a great shout befort jBatuor, i, utus. pa*s. to be bei 

■grow as it wcre wild and out of battlc. (tooth. 

order, all sorts togethcr. Barba-iBamis, i. m. 2, an elcphant, or his 
ricumaumm, brought from Bar-Basaltcs ae. m. 1. a kind ofmarble 
bary, 1. 1. Troy. Barbarica pavi- Bascauda, x.f 1 a baskct. 
meuta, floora made of liies, hme, Busiandus, a, tobe kissed. 
aud rubbish. Barbarica BUpeJIcx,;Basiatio, dnis./ 3. akissing 
mean furniture- Barbaricse ves-jBasiator, 6ris-m.3 oncthatkisscth. 
tes, embroidcrcd garmcnts. Bar- Basiatus, a, um. pt. kissed. 

Batus, i. m. 2. a bath, an Ilel 
measure of liquid thinjrs,coi! 
ing seventy-two sextaries. ( 
Baubor, Sri. dep. 1. to bark £ 
Baxea*x/la shoe with a wo 
solc, a clog, a pattcn, a alipp 


barici mores, savage, manncrs 
Barbaries. ci. / 5. barbarity, cru- 

barism, rudcncss, roughness. 
Barbarismus, i. m. 2. a barbarism. 
Barbarus, a, um. aaj lor.comp. bar- 

Bhsilica, x. / 1. atown-hall, or Bdellium^ n 2 a black treein 

court of justicc, a statc-house, 

elty, a barbarous people. a bar- a piazza, an exchangc, a large 

gullcry to walk in, a cathcdral, a 
inother-church, a grcat vein in 
the arm. 

bia, the gum of tlie same tit 
a fragnant scent, and bitter t 


barous, crucl, savagcwild, rudc,Basilicc, adv. royally, princely, 
unpolishcd, clowmsh, foolish,] riclily, splcndidly, uttcrly. Ba- 
simplc, unmteUigiblc, forcign- silicc viverc, to livc likc aprincc, 

Barbata, %./ 1. the osprcy-cagle. Flnut. 

Barbatulus, a, um. adj. having aBasihcon,i. ?i. 2. aprinccly robc, a 
little bcard, or newly trimmcd. I finc walnut, asa1ve,an ointmcnt 

Barbatus, a,um. ai\j. bcarded,Fsim-.Bastlicus, a, um. adj. princcly, 
ple, silly, doting, oldfashioncd. royal, noble, stately, dainty. 

Bcate, adv. happily, blcsft 
prospcrously, well, honestlj 
Beatifico, as. act.l. tobIess.{ 
Bcafif icus.a,um. adj beatificj 
Beatitas, atis /. 3. happinea 
Beatitudo, iius. / 3. beatit 
fclicity, liappiness. (ha 

Bcatiilus, a, um, aqj. somei 
Bcatus, a, um. pt. vcl aaj. 


Ba*io, as. act. 1. to kiss. (atricc. 
Basis, is. f. 3. a b.ase, a bottom, a 

foundation, a pedestal, a piilar. 
Basium, i n. 2. a kiss, or buss. 
Bassaris, Idis./ 3. a priestcss of 


Barbiger,a,umaf(/.havingabcard.JBasiIiscus,im 2 a basilisk, a cock-| comp isslmus, snp happy, b 

ed, joyful, rich, fruitfuJ, com 
matc, pcrfcct. 

Bellans, tis. />/. warring, figh 

Bellaria, orum. pl n. 2. n 

mcats, dainties, junkets, thc 

scrt, tlic choiccr sort of wini 

Bcllator, oris m. 3. a warrk 

bruiser, a chcssman. 

Bcllatorius, a, um adj. pertai 

to war, or warriors,wartike.(i 

Bellutrix, Icis / 3 a warlike 

Iiellatrix, Icis aaj. warlike,h 

Bellatulus, a, um adj. pretty 

Bellatur, imp. war is carriedc 

Bell~iturus,a, um pt. about to 

Bcllax, acis. adj. warlike, fiei 

Barbitos, i. c g. Barbitus, i. m. & 

Barbhon, i. iu a lutc, a harp, a 

Barbo, onis. m* 3- a barbel. 

Barbnia, x./ 1, dim a littlc beard. 

Bardalcus,^ Bardiacus, a, um. atfy. 

«Irestlike Gauls. Banhucus ju-|Bastcrna, x./ 1. a close Uttcr, 
<lcx, a judge-ndvocate. Barclai- chair, vr sedan drawn by beasts 
cus evocatus, an old bcaten sol- Bat, inteij. tush ! pshaw ! hush ! 
dier- (*ong Batillurn, i. ?i & Batilhis, i. m. 2. 

BanHtus, us m. 4. an old bard's 
Banlbciicullus, i. m. 2. a cloak 

witli a hood to it, a Frcnch cloak. 
Bardus^,um.a<(f.iieavy, slow, dull. 
Bardus, i. m. 2. a British bard, a 

poct amongst the old Gauls. 
«wj rdOmS-3. *bif, a barft. 

a fiiv-shovcl, an inccnsc-pan, a 

chaHng dish, a paddte staff, a 

lig-ht wooden shovel, or spadc. 

BatiHus cubicularius, a warming 


Bltis,fdis / 3 a skate, samphirc. 
Batrachdmyomachia, «./. 1. the BeUe, adv. issim^ *up. pm 





Jy, conveniantly dain-jBene 4 , adv. mclius, comp> optime, 

tup. well, rightly, wondcrfully, 
happily, luckily, prospcrously, 
pretty, vcry. Benc* mihi, beiie 
vobis, bcnc amicx mex, a good 
healthto, &c. Ptavt. 
Benedicc,u Jr courtcouslv,kindlv 
Bentdlco, cere, ixi, ictum act. 3. 

i the war abraad 

•hj. ius, comp. issime, 

irlike manner 

,um. a^.ior, comp. is- 

warlike, valiant, mar 

war, spcnt in war. 

.2.thesoundofatrum- to bless, to praisc, to commcnd, 

Jfor a battJe,an alarm 
[D.actf.warlike. Equus 
war-liorse. Navis bel- 
of war, Proper. (war. 
tiatlj warlikc, making 
im, adj. warlike,mar- 
;ii»j to war. 

tii, pt. making, or\ 
1 war. 

, imper*. war is made 
ellum. gero], ire act 
war, to cafry on war. 
te.udj mighty in war, 
werful. (to combat 

to applaud, to spcak wcll of, to tcous, indulgent, fond, bountiful, 


Benedlcor, ci. paso. to bc blcssed Beo,as.ocf.l. to bless,to inake im- 

to war, towage war, 

BSnedictio, 6nis./ 3. a blessing. 
Bencdictum, i. n. 2. a good say- 

ing, good language, a blcssing. 
jBtffffacio, cere, fcci, factum. a. 

3. to do well, to do a good tum, 

to bcnefit, to be scrviceablc to. 
Bencfactum, i. n. 2. a good dccd, 

a bcnefit, a favor. 
BSncffce, adv. liberally, kindly. 
Bcneftcentia, sc./ 1. bcncficcnce, 

tlie doing of a favor, or kindness. fight. 

. a beast,a grcat bcast, 

Bdneficentior, us. comp. &. 

Bencficcntissimus, a, um. tup. 
vid Beneficus. 
utc, a bcastly pcrson. Beneficiarius, a, um. adj. bene- 
adj. beastly, brutish. ficial. Fundus bcneficiarius, a 
, ura. atfy. wrought fee-farm, or copyhold-estatc. 
^ircs of beasts. Beneticiarius. i. m. 2. a pcrson o 

uro. adj. of, or be- bliged, one promoted,or cxcused 
i beast, beastly, mon-| from service in war, a pensioner. 

(ncatJBeneficium, i. n. 2. a ocnefit, a 
mfl^'.pretty, spruccj good turn, a kindncss, a favor, 
. 2. war» thestate.ofj an obligation, immunity, pro- 
me of war, warfare,' motion, a bencficc. 
Lttle, anengageinent,B&neficus,a, um. a/#,entior, comp. 

I entissimus, rup. bcncficent, libc- 
um. aaj. fidl of mon- ral,bountiful,kind,apttodogood. 
ures, fnghtful,bnital. Bhitfio, is n.p. 3. to be well donc. 
adj. ior, comp. isstmusBenev&le, adv. friendly, kindly. 
inc,chanxung,spruce,Benev6lcns,tis. adv- ior, comp. issi- 
, nice, delicious, cora- mus, sup. bencvolcnt, friendly, 
lrteoua, conversant. J kind. 

*. 3. the trumpet-fish. Bcnevolentia, se./l.benevo T cnce, 
> greM Mik stoae. | go^-wi&kvor^kJndaotf^ototy. 


friendly .kind,affectionatc, loving 
BfcnigncjaoV. kindlv, favorably, li- 

BenignitaS} Stis./. 3. benignity, 

kindncss, goodness, bounty, li- 

Benignus,a, um. adj. ror, comp. is- 

siraus, tup. kind, favorable, cour- 

plcntiful, fruitful, fortunate. 

mortal,to make happy,or glad,to 
do onc good,to obligc Bcarc sc, 
to indulgc,©/- enjoy himsclf. Hor. 

Beryllus, i. m. 2. a bcryl, a preci- 
ous stonc of a faint grcen color, 
a ringsctthercwitli,acup adorri- 
ed with this stonc set thcrein. 

Bes, bcssis, & Bcssis, bcssis. m. 
3. 8 ounces, i. e. two-thirds of 
the a», or pound, or perhaps of 
any othcr thing; amensurc hokl- 
ing 8 cyathi, or two-thirds of a 
pint. Usura ex bcssc, thc g&in 
of cight in tlic hundrcd. (inchep. 

Bcssalis, e. adj. of 8 ounccs or 

Bcstia, xf.1.9. bcast, a wild bcast, 
a fiercc bcast, any creaturc. 

Bestinrius, i. m. onc that fought 
with beasts at public sbows. 

Bcstiarius, a, um, adj. of, or be- 
lon^ing to beasts. (vermin., 

Bestidla, x.f. 1. a littlo beast, 

Beta, x. /. 1. bcet, the second lct- 
ter of the (ircek alphabct, but 

BStizo, as.acf.l. to flaglikc bcets. 

Hetdnica, *./. 1. bctony. (tivc. 

lietula, & BCtulla, x. f a birch- 

Bctulus^ i. m. 2. a whitish stonc. 


Biaeon, i. n. 2. a kind of wine de- 
vised for thc sakc of healtli. 





frugem, to becomc a ncw man, a horsc's forcfoot, a bougb, a Bronchocele, cs. /. 3. a si 

Ter. Bono modo. after a sort, in tendril, a forked stake, a linc, or, in thc throat like a ruptur 

some mcasurc, Cic (singyor cclio. work. I.cvi, vcl xnolli brachio, Brontiu, x.f l.thethundci 

Boo, as. ?*. 1. to low, to roar, to superficially, Cic [speech.Bruma, sc/. 1. thc shortc 

Bo5tes, ae. & is. m. a star. Brachylbgia, x t f shorcncss of mid-winter, the winter-* 

Bbrculis, e. aaj. northern. Bractea, x,/ 1 a thin leaf, or plate" wintcr. 

Bbreas, x. m. 1. the north-wind. ; of gold, silvcr, &c. tinscl, aspan-Brumaiia, um. pl. n. 3. fc 

BbrSas, a, um. aaj. northern. I gle, a chip, a wcathercock. ; Bacchurf kcpt twice a vea 

Juos, bbvis. c.g. 3. an ox, a bull. aBracteatus T a,um,a.7/covered with on the last day of Fcbiu 

cow, a heifer, money stamped< tliin piatcs, or lcavcs of any me the cnd of the wintcr, ; 

witb an ox upon it, a large fish. 1 , tal,plated,g1iUcrin£.shg-ht, [g-old. the fifteenth day of Augu 

Bos luca, an elcphant. Ptin. BosBractebla, «r, / 1. a small leaf of fore wintcr. 

mortuus,a whip. Plaut. iBranchiae, arum, pl. f 1 gills of Brumalis, e. *w//.wintcr-lik 

Btitanicus, a, um. adj. botanical^Brasstca, sc,/ acabbag-c [iish. Brutmni,vcl Brutiarii, 5mn 

pertaining to hcrhs. [Breve, adv. for a shor* time. . 2. scrvilc officers to ma^u 

Bot&nisinus, i. m. 2. a wecdiiur. Brcvl, aih-. shortly, in a a shortBriltus, a, um. tuij. brutish 

BbteHus, i. m. 2. a small sausugc. -time, soon, bricfly, inshort, ina tional, insensiblc, scnseles: 

Bbtrus, i. m. a bunch of grapcs. ■ few words. j insignificant. 

Botryo, onis. m. a bunch of pre-Brevia, mn, pl. n. 3 fords, shallowi Brydnia,x./. l.briony, wil< 

served grapes. placcs, flats, ^helvcs, sands. 

Bbtulariufl, i.m.2. a sausage-makerBreviarium, i. n. 2. a breviary a, 
Bbtulus, i. m. a sausage, hog's short drau^ht, an abstract, an; 



abridfrment, a brief, a rcgistcr, aj falo. 

Bubalus, i. m. 2. a wild ox, 


Buhilc, is. u. 3. an ox-stall, 
Bilbo, onis. d. if.3* an owl, s 

Bbvans,,roaring. mass-book. 
Bbvile, is. n. 3. an ox-stall, cow-Brcviculus, a, mn. adj. vcryshort 
housc. Brevilbqucns, tis. adj bricf, short- Buhula, *./. 1. becf. ( 

Bbvlnatio, dnis./ 3. acaviHing*. Brevilbcjuentia, x./.l.ashortway.,Iinl)ulci't.or, iiri. <&•/>• 1. t< 
Bbvinus,a, an ox,"r cow.j of spcaking^conciscncss, brcvity.iBiibulcus, i. m. 2. a hcrdsms 

iBrcvio,as,*bridg^,toshorten.'BFibulo, hootlikca 

""• 'Brevior, ari, pass, to be shortened- Hiibulus, a, um. adj. of an o 

Brabeuta, vcl Brabeutes, x. nu l.Brevis, c adj. ior, comp, issimus,. or cow. ('arobuhula, becf 

he who grvcs thc prize at games, tup. short, rompendious, bricf,; um bubulum, a huirs lfidc 

Bucca, -x.f l.the chcck, tl 
low pait of thc chcck, a 

a judge of contcsts. concisc, small, little, narrow. 

Brabyla, drum. pl. n. 2. damas- Ad brevc, a littlc while, Suet. 

ccncs, plums, pnincs. Brcvitas, itis. / 3. brevity, short- pct Uuod in buccam v 

Bracca, vcl Braca, x.f. l.brecch- ness, concisencss, lowncss. scrihito, writc whatevcr 

cs, slops, bn)|rues, thick cloaks,Breviter, ad-\ ius, comj). iestme, next. C:c. 

thick coarsc clothes. Lax* brac- &yp. bricfly, shortly, to bc short,|Buccea, x./. 1. ainorscl,ar 

cjc, trousers. (brccchcs.: in fine. [presscd gTapcs. Buccina, x./.l. a trumpet,s 

Buccinator, bvis.w. 3. a tr, a publlshcr, proclaiu 
settcr forth. 

Braccatus a. um. adj. wcaring.Bfisa, ac/. l.ahimpoftroddcn, ov 
Brachiale, is. ;i. 3. a bracclct. JBritunnica, x.f 1. spoonwort. 
Brachialts, e. adj. of the arm. iBrochitas, atis,/ 3- crookcdr.ess. 
Brachiatus, a, um. adj. havinjriBrbchus, a, um. adj. blubberlip- Buccinatuin, cst, imfwrs. tb 
anns«r!)ranchcs,branciicd> [ariii.* ped, crookcd andsliarp. Brochi- is givcn by sound of horn. 

Bucctiio,as. n. 1. to souJid a 
oats. Buccinum^. tL 2.a trumpet 

Brachiolum, i. n. 2. dim. a littlc' dentes, g-ag-tccth. 
MrScbjum, i. /t. 2. anann, aclawjBrbmos. i. /. oats. wild oj 





nis. m. 3 onc widcroouth- latx nujrx, swelling lincs, loflyiByssos, i./ 2. a finc fl 
(a bcaver, or murrion. words without scnse, cinty ex- Campa 

e./.l tlim. alittlc chcek, 
itus, a, um. adj. full- 

:1. (P*<* 

atis n. 3. the herb fonu- 
x. / 1. a herd of cattle. 

a, um. atij. of, or bclonjr- Bullo. as. n. 1. to bubblc, to scal, 

leasts, horncd. Armcnta 
berds of oxcn, or kinc, 
i, i. n. 2. a pasturc. ( Or 
b.m.1. a butchcr,one who 
A with ox-hidc whips. 
, erum. pi.n.2. pastorul 

s^im-adj. pcrtaininjrto 
>r hcrdsmcn, pustoral. 

pres&ions. Per. Bullatus doctor. 

adoctor by diploma. 
Bulliens, tis. /ri.boiling, bubblingv 
BulliOi ire, ivi, itum. act. hneitt. 

4- to boil, to secth, to bubblc. 

Bullula, x./.l.a little bubblc, stud, 
or p ish. 

BQmastus, i. m. 2. a largc grape. 
Bunu;c/.l.a ploii£htail,or haiidlc. 
Uuris,is. / in acc. burim. srr Bura. 
Hum, x./l. un ox-h;dc, a towcr 

finc flax or linen. 


(iXbala, vcl potius Cabbala, x. 
Jf 1. oral tradition compiled 
into a body in thc Talmud; a sci- 
cncc practised by thc morc mo- 
dern Jcws, in discovcrinjf mys- 
teries and expositions from the 
numbcrs, that lctters of worcls 
Cabalista, x. m. :i cabalist. (tical. 
Cahalisticus, a, um. adj. cabalis- 
at Carthage, an exchangc forCahrJlinus, a, um. adj.'of ahorsc. 

Cahalliirt, i. m. 2. a horsc, a jade. 
a millhorse, a packhorsc, a, 
druughthorsc, a vicious horsc, a 
snatclicr, or| 

fimcralCahuK.i.m. 2.thc cabc, anllebrew 
liquid mcasurv,containin{r about 

Bustuarius, a,um. ar{/.about tombs thrcr pints and u half. (tridg-c. 
or graves. Bustuaria incccha, aCacaho, as. n. 1. to cry like a par- 

mcrchants, a pursc. Bursa pasto- 
ris, the hcrb shephcrd'K pursc 

/l.ayoungcW.ahoifcr. Bustfrapus, i. m. 2. a robbcr of 

i. m. 2 a yoiiiig ox, a bul- tombs, or graves, a 

s. m. 3. a" toad. (lock. stealer of victuals at 

*, i. m. 2. borajrc, ox- fcasts. 

ia,a,um. &. (tonguc. 

i, a, um adj. bulbous, full 

beadslikc an onion. (on 

m.a bulbous root, an oni- 

/ 3. a council of state. 

x. m. a common-council 

lenator, an adviscr. 

ion, i. ». 2. a town hall, a 


, i, m. & Bulimia, x. f. 

iablc hungcr, a grcedy 


/ 1. a bubble of water, a 

iead of a nail, a stub, 

dcad bodios wcre burnt, a tomb, 
a sepulchre 

Cricephuton, l. n.2. a harsh soimd. 
Cuchcctcsyvel a,x. m. & C:»chectT- 

Butco,dnis m.3.a buzzard, a hawk.! cus.i. m. one of an ill consitution. 
Iluthysw, x./ l.a sacrifice of ox-jCachcxia,x : /.l.abad habitof hody 

Btityrum, i, n. 2. buttcr. (en. 
Buxea,x./l.a table of box-wood 
Buxetum, i. n. 2. a place sct with 
box-trees.(ofapale-yeUowcolor.|Cachinno , dnis, 
Buxcus,a,um. a<(/'.of box,like box,l^hcr. 

Cachiiuutio,dniB/3. a loud laugn- 

Cachinno, as. art.l. to laugh loud. 

m. 3. a jpvnt 

i oniamcnt worn roundiBuxrfer, a, um. adj. bcaring; box.[cacliinnor, ari. dcp % 
k, or atthc brcast of cliil- 
II thcy were seventeen 
d,and then hungup tothc 

1. to 

Buxosus, a, um. aaj. full of box. (Cachinnus, i, m. .>. a loud laugii, 
Buxum, i. n. 2. box, a pipe of box.| lauphtcrin derision, or scom. 
Buxus, i./ 2 box.ti-ce, box-wood, Caclda, x.f may-wccd, bad c:»- 

>ld gods, a seal7a*pope's a trumpct, flutc, or pipe of box,l momilc. 

tis, pt. bubblinp. (bull. with two rows of holes, a top,lCaco, as. act. 

6nis./ 3. bujbling. 
a, um. adj. decked witJi 
ain, empty. Ifullatushx- 
lild in his coats, a young 
nn under acrentee». Bul- 

comb, &c. made of box-wood. 


Byrsa, x./ 1. tee Bursa. 
Bysslnus, a, umtoo>'«made of Uwn. 

1. to po to stool, 
Durum cacare,to bc hard bound, 

Cacochymia, x.f 1. ill di^estion. 

Cacbchymus, a, um. adj % caus)s^« 
bad, or vm^v\\ax ^^caw; 




CacSdzmon, bnis. m. 3. an evil falling, or trickling down, rrail,j caedere, to talk togethcr, T! 
spirit, a devil. fading,ufecrtain,vain t ruinous,pe- Czdor,i,czsus, paoo. to bc bei 

rifihable, fallcn, slain, escheatcd. Czduus_ a, uui. adj. used t 
Cadurcum, i. n. 2. a white blank- ioppcd. 
et, a quilt, a shect, a bcd, a vcs- Czfamcn» inis. n.3. an engra 

Cacoethes,is.n.3. a bad custom, or 

habit, a boil, an ulcer, a cancer. 

Cacozeua,z/3.afTccted imitation 

-.. -i__ T — r» nv_*-._ ^i 

Cacozelus, 1. m. 2. an aflecter of sclto draw water with, a horse 

new words, a scurvy imitator 
Cactos, i./ 2. an artichoke. 
Cacula, z. m. 1. a soldiert boy 
CacGmcn, inis. n. 3. atop,a peak, 

•r aharp cnd, perfection. 
Cacumtnatus, a, um. pt- poiutcd. 
CScumino, as. a. 1. to sharpen, to 

wakc pointcd. 

Cadaver, eris. n. o. a carcase, a a wind bringing rain. 

« « i j _,__ • __j* _. _— ■ _ •■ 

turning the whccl. Cadurcz fas- story engraved, a device. 

cisc, bedclothes. Czlator, oris. m. 3. ai\ engri 

Cadus, i. m. 2. a cask, a measure or carver. 

about eighteen gallons, winc Czlatura,z/ 1. tlie skill, ort 

Cadus salsamentarius, a powdcr- cngraving, or rather embo* 

ing-t ub, Plin. (duced. engraving itsclf, or cmbostii 

Cxcatus, a, um- pt. blinded, se- Czlatus, a, um. pt engraved,* 

Czcias, z. m. l.a north-east wind, ed, adonicd, composed, iral 

dead body, the ruins of towns. 
Cadaverosus, a, um. a*{j. likc 

dead carcase, ghastly, wan- 
Cadcns, tis. pt. falling, running ( Czcitas, atis. /. 3. blindness. 

down, sctting, dying, decciving, 

failing, tcrminating, uttcrcd, 


CzcTeenus, a» ura. adj. born blind. ed,lonelv,8olitar>,standing-J 
Czcilia, z. /. 1. a slow-worm, a Czlebs, ibis. c.g-3. asingk 
| blmd-worra. unmarried pcrson* a bachek 

~ Czcitas, atis. /. 3. blindness. widower, a widow. 

Czcitfkdo, tnis./- 3 . blindness. Czlestis,c.a<(/.heavcidy,ofhei 
Czco, aa» act. blind. to dazzlc. Czlia, z./ 1. mura. 

Czcor, ari. pai$. to be blinded, to 
Cadivus,a,um. at\j. that falleth of be disappointed,to becorrupted. 

• f £* « « J • * 1 i* _1 _~l __. » • ■ _. 1_ 1 • J 

itseif. Voma cadiva, windfails. 

Cadmia, z./ 1. brass ore, 

Cado, dere, cecidi, casum. n. 3. to 

fall, or run down, to fall out, to be 

•hed^to cnd,todic,toset,todrop, 

to faultcr, to abate, to decrease, 

to miscarry,to fai1,to apply,to be- 

long, to bc derivcd. Cadcre cau- 

aa, in judicio, Cic. formula, Quint. 

to be cast in law, to lose a suit 

Incassum cadere, to come to no- 

thing, Piaut 

CadQceator, dris. m. 3. a herald. 

or ctching in mctal, a ftgur 

Czlebs, ibis. adj. singlc, unn 

Czcus,a, um. aaj. ior, comp. blind, 

dark, obscurc, ambiguous, se- of beaven, a god. 

crct, hidden, unsccn, confused» 
jumbled, uncertain, ignorant, 
rash, hasty, precipitate. Kme dic 

czcd olivum, id vcndito oeulata of heaven, gods, Aa]). C*I- 

regnis pulsus, Ov. Fait. a\ 
sing 1 . Czles, itis. cujus abl 
ap. eundem. 

die, buy on trust, and sell for 
rcady money ,Plaitt. Ensis czcus, 
a sword that strikcth at all ad- 

ventures, Stat. Ramus czcus. a Czlo, as. act. chase, f 
fruitless branch, I'Hn. Fluctus boss, to raise figurcs, to d 
czcus, a suddcn wave, IJv. or cngravc. 

(/zdendus,a, um. pt. to bc beaten. Czlum, i. n. pf. czli, drum. s 

heaven,the rirmament^flr skg 

air, thc wcather, a clhnate, 

gxwls. (i 

Czlum, i. n. 2. Stot. a gri 

ing down. CzmcntHius, a, um- adj. r* 

Czdo, dere, cScTdi, czsum. a€t. 3. rugjred, roughcast. 

to beat, to knock, to whip, toCzmcntum, f n. cement, nw 

chastise, to cut off, or down, to clay, rubbish, a wall. 

lop, to kill, to slay,to sacrifice, to Czpie, is.n.8c Czpa, z./ ancn 

CadQous, a, ma, *$. ro»dy jo <W2>( coBri*^tmt dbrros^emvms^^Mfe, vel GiakMid iy» 

CadQceum, i n & Caduccus, i. m Czilens, tis. part. beating (or cut. 

2. a stalf, ©r whitc waml, which Czdcs, is. / 3. slaughtcr, murder, 

heralds, or ambassadors carricd, massacro, destruction, liavoc. 

Whenthey wenttotreatofpcace; death, blood, acutting, erfell- 

a rod, or staif, witli two snakes 

twisted about it; Mcrcur> 's wand. 
CadQcifer, l.m. 2 Mercury, so call- 

ed from his caduceus. (windfall. 
CftdAcum, i. n. 2. an escheat, 

Cjcirbatus, us. m. 4. celibac 

single life, widowhood. 
Czlicdia, z. c.g. 1. an inhabi 


Czlifcr, era, um. adj. uphold 
Czlipotens, tis. at\j. heavenif 
Czlites, nm. pl. m. 3. inbabrt 






nonr, religion, holinesa, 


satus, *» um- adj. dicd bluc 

Cstti.-rftqtii, vcl Cxtcrftquln. adv'\ scrvant. 

othcrwisc, in othcr things. or rc- 
djK-ct*, brsi.lcs tiiis. 

C;iUltus, a, Calata comitia, 
racctinps of thc high-pricsts. 

s jin, 2. ultramarin;-..sand Cxtcrum, adv but hcnccforward,!Calcandus,a um />f« to bc troddcn 
L in jjold and silver ore. in all other rospccts. Calcancum,i. n Jk Calcancus, i. m 

rus, a, uni- attj. bluc, azurc. 
>lored-{rTeen,wan.pair (bhic 
is. a, um. a#(f skycolorcd- 
aius, a, uui. a((/'. bushy. 
jy. (hair. 

es, Si. /*. 5. hair, a licad ot 

, atlv. with the edgv, witb 

right blows. or short cla>t»-|CaUmistrutus, a, um. pt. crispcd.jCalcatus, a, mn./rf. trodden.tram- 

ftni»-/ 3. a pruning, a iop- 
s, a, um arf». cut. jagjfcd. 
^a,iim.a'4»/.grey, skycolored. 
bnis. m. ' a child cut, or rip- 
Mit oi iu mothcrs bellv. 
% Ttia. m. . a turf, a sod. 
tiui^t uin. aW/.made of turfs- 
m, i, »• 2- an insrrument to 
Wory witii, a picrccr, 

■,&■- m 4. a kind of j»lovc u- 
n boxiiu?,a wtiirlhat a club,a 
oflcatiicr with lcaden plum- 
rastcncd to it ; a thin platc 
•n used to dclcs.dthe arra 
a, m./. 1- a cut. a gash, or 
on, an intrailiiuc orcarving, 
ire in p.ietry, whcn a shori 
>lo at the cnd of a word, 
the beginnins; of a font, is 
long : aUo when a syllablt- 
: after a completc ibot. 
ua, a, um. pt. anout to cut- 
a, beaten, cut, cut 
- down, cut in pieces, Lill 
ain, shmghtcrcd, sanrificed. 
k Carterus, era, erum. a<lj. 
rto sunt dubue fidci ; thc 
the other. Caetcra, vel ad 
a, in othcr respects. (forth- 
i, adf fiirtherrooro.hence- 
*. «oV. howbfft, aftcrward*. 

C 'I.iuuHtro, as. act. 1. to curl thc 

C-damistrum.i. n. 2. a crispinjr-pin, 

a curliinr-iron. " * ' * '"' 

Calamariu8,a, um. adj. pcrtaining 
to pcns. Thcca calamaria, a pcn 

the heel. 

Calcans, tis. pt. trcading* upon. 
Caicar, aris n. 2. 0. aspur. (lime. 
CaHminaris lapis, a stone uscd Calcilrius,a,um. adj. pertaininfr to 
in the composition of brass. Calcarius. i m. 2 a lime-bumcr. 
Calnmintha, x.f 1- & 1. a treading.(upou 

cs./. '.calamint, wild pcnny royal.jCalcaturus a,uin /rtabout to tread 

curlcd' (hair. plcd upon, brokcn, dcspiscd. 

Calcatus, us m 4 a treading-.(sock. 
('alceamcn. inis. ;i. :>. a shoc, or 

i w 

Calainistrisinu-Calccamentum, i. n. 2. a shoc. 

Calccaiidus, ^ um. pt. to bc shod. 

r*lccurium,i n- 2. a place to kecp 

shocs in an allowancc for shoes. 

rcrc, to sct oft' with words. Civ. 
'.'ilumitas. atis/. 3. calamity,mis- 

fortunc, trouble, miscarriagc, da- 

ina^c, iiijury, miscliicf, havoc- !calce:1tusa, ahod. 
C -iHmftf*. cs. m. ii. a gTcon froft*. 'Calceatus. us m 4. a bcing shod, 
'J:\Hnutosc, adv. miscrably, 1 or having slioos on. 

urctchedlv. " ICalceo. vcl Calcin. as act. 1. to 

; !^Hnut0sus, a, um. adj. r:>r. cot,tp. uut o:i shocs. to shoc. 

issimus, utp. calamitous, miscra-Calceor,ari.j&n«f*. lo bc shod. 

ble, wrctch'*d, huriful, mischiev-Calccolirius,i m 2. a sliocmakcr. 

ous.injurcd, cast down, dcstroy- Calccohis.i.iu.2 tlim. a littlc shoc 

cd. " ICalceii», i- m 2- a thoe., apattcn, 

Calamus. i. m. 2. a recd, a canc,' any thimrwornon thc foot. Mu- 

a swcct canc, aitraw, «rstalk of- tr-.n* calccos. t<» be madca scna- 

corn, a pipe, a quill, o,- pcn, an 1 tor iW tlu-y worc a ]si*culiar shoe 

aiTow,orshafl, a^raft, or cion, a ; wi»h :i halt mo:>'u Ctr. Crit pc- 

limc-twi^,an anglmg^-rod a «tyle,- «U-m (ralcciu, niv shoc wnnps 

a way. or mannerof writing. \ mo, »»■ I a"» in <iio sh-u- liiaki-r** 

:alaniica. Calautica, h. Cacantiraj fci^ck*, Wr- 

x.f.l. a coif,a hood,»r krrchcifCah-itraiui us vt 4 akickin;;. 

for a wouian down to the ■iioiii-Ctdcitro. a*. "■ l to kick, s;uini 

< lalastcr, tri. m. 2-a finc bo}'.(ders- 

winre, or flin^. V.Jjbonih to ivs 

':ahthiscus,i m. 2 a little haskct. fusc (ini^ Ik-:h1. 

;ahthus, i. m 2. a ba>kel, a ham- Calcitio, 6«iis. *i a lil-k^r, a wi n-- 
per, a pannier, acup.aveMScl^o^, a-um w!j. kickintj 

pan for milk, a cheesc-vat. 
Ualatio. dnis. /. '6. a calling. 

backward, strikiii n s or flingiii^ 

Caiator, aris. m, an apparitor. aCalco. as. avt. 1. to trcad, to trcail 
summoucr, a crier, x baUiff, a uiidcrfocA, V> vtwm^ft >x\wvn* N» 





kick, or spurn, to trinmph over, 

1o contemn, or despisc. JEquor 

calcarc, to walk 011 thc sea, Ov 
Calcor, ari. pasit to bc trodi tmm- 

plcd, conlcuuiedy &c. 
Calculutor. oris m. \\ a calculator, 

a caster up of accountB 
Calctdo, as act. 1 to calculate, to 

cast accompts. 
CalculosuB, a, um. ai{j- full of little 

stones. or gravel, stony, rough, 

*ow,of March. Focmineae calcnda*, 1 
thc first of March whercon pre- 
scnts were brought to vomen, 
Juv. Ausoniic calcndsc, the Ko 
mancalends,because peculiar to 
thcm, Ov whence Augustus said 
Ad lirxcas calendas, at latter 
Lammas, ov ncvcr, Snet 
Calcndaris, o adj of, relating, or 
pcrtaining to the calends 


Caligatus, a, um. adj. 
hamcss for the lcgs, wc 
tred, stout, strong, comfl 

Caligincus, a, um. adj <h 

Cahgindsus, a, \\m,adj. d 
ty, gloomy, full of obsci 

Caligo, as. neut. 1. to be 
dim. to gTow dark, or di 
misty, or cloudv, to be i 

Caligo, inis. /. 3. darkn 
ness, obscurity, dizzinei 
ness, a mist, a shadc, ig 

Calendarium, i n. 2 a calendar,an 
subject to tlie stone or gravel j almanac, a book of accompts, a 
Calciilus, i m 2. a iittle stonc, a dcbt-book.(dcsirous, frcsh, new. 
pcbblc, a counter, a chessman,,Calens, tis pt. hot, warm, cagcr, 

aamall weight, a vote, a sen-Caleo. €re, lui. neut. be hot,.Calitnrus, a, tobe 
tcnce, an account,or rcckoning, tobc heatcd, or warm, to grow ! C&lix,icis. m. 3. a cup, i 
a doubt, or difficulty, a fortune, warni, to be in love, to bc ear- chalice, any vesscltod 
or incomc. Quam ratio calculo-j nest. or intcnt upon, to bc cxcit- of , a plattcr, or dish f 
rum patiatur, than tlicy can welll cd, to be aggravated, or increas- &c a shell, Cahx vitreui 
afford, Col. j ed, to bc intccted, to be frcsh,! ing-glass, Jlturt. 

Calda, z/ water, Jtfar/.(nio.j or new. Kuniorescaluerunt.thcrcjCallaicus, a, um. adj of 

tian or sca-grcen color.j 

Callarias, x. m. 1. a h 

whiting. £ 

Caldlrium, i.n. 2. a caldron,a bag-' wrs a hot report, Cic. (wann. 
Caldarius, a, um. adj. wbich mak- Calesco, crc, ui. inc. o- to grow 

eth hot, of. or pcrtaining to a cul-Cali tur, impers it is hot weathcr. 

droa Caldariu: ccllx, aclianibcrC'a1facicndus,a,um.^f.tobc warm-Callens, tis. pt. knowii 


adjoming to a hot house, PUn. Calf acio see Calefacio. 

Caldarium acs, cast brass, w.Calfactus, sce Calcfactus. 

ductilc, coppcr, urmolten brass.jCalfactus, us. m. 4. a warming. 
Caldus(pro Calidus) a, um. adj.i 'alfacto, as freq. 1. to heat otlcn 

hot, warm. [Caligulus,i ; m 2. dim. a little cup 

CalefacioA Calf acio [caleo,facio], ! Calidc,adi\hotly,wannly,eagerry. 

cgre,factum act. o. to makc hot,.Calidus, a, um. adj. ior. comp. issi 

or warm, to warm, to chcrisli, to: mus, sup. hot, scalding, warm, 

p.LSsionate, hasty, rash, bold, rea 

dy,quick swifl, unpremeditatcd 

Calicndrum, i. 7*. 2. a woman's 

vex, to irritate 

Calefactio, onis / 2. a heating. 

Calcfacto,as Jreq 1 to w arm oftcn.' 

Calcfactus, vcl Calfactus, a, um.l falsc hair, a wig, a towcr 
pt- warmcd. ncated, irritated. |Caliga,2e./'.l .a soTdier's stocking, a 

Caleff) ;/alco, fio], cri, factus sum. dcfcnce fo- thc leg - et fullof nails, 
nc-fi. Inut*. 3 to bc made hot, to and used by soldicrs, tlie state 
he A-armcd or heatcd ; or officc of a common soldicr. 

Calendnr, arum. pL f. 1. tlie ca- ! CalJgans, tis. pt. growing dark. 
lcmls.or firstdayof cvery month.Caligaris, e aaj. of, or pertaining 
Jaiu culcnda:, new yeaVs day, to ar:nour for thc leg.(the Caliga 
M;/]f lntcrcaUris calcndx, thc i;ahgarius,a,um.a<//. bclonging to 

ealemhi ofFcbrusury, or, as ^ow^jCallgatio, 5nis. /. 3. dimncss, 

Calleo, ere, hii. neut. 
tobc hardcncd, to knov 
undcrstand, to be skiH* 

Callcsco, cerc inc 3 to£! 

Callide,r?c/r.iiLS. c*»mp. isi 
tilly, smartly. cxpertly, 

C^alliditas, utis. /. 3. crsf 
ncss, subtilty, artifice. 
prudcnce, policj , warin 

Callidus, a, um. irdj. ior, r 
mus, sup cruftv, cunnin 
cumspcct, skiltul, wise, 

Calligraphia, x.f. l.fair' 

Callis, is. m. 3. a path, a I 

Callbsitas, atis. /. 3. I 

Call6sus, a, um. adj. k 
callous, brawny, havin| 
skin, hard, inscnsible. 





in. & Cullurn, i- 7i.2.hard-Calx, cis./ 3. a ohalk-rttonc, limo,! an opcn ficld, u placc for asscm* 
lug-lincss, akindofhard mortar, ccmcnt, Calx viva, un-| bly, or cxcercisca large subjcct, 
rawn, a jrlutinous sul>- slucked lime, P lin. | a tiold of discoursc. 

act. 1. to call. (stince. Calx. cis. d tf. '>.thchcc],aspurn,jCainuru8, a, um. adj. crookecl 
t. fn. 3. a soldier'* boyj or kick with thc liccl, thc cnd-Cumus, i. m. 2 a bridlc. hit, ©r 

, woodcn shocs, clogg, ofathing, 

Calyculus, i. m. 2, a littlc bud. 
w. ia.8cn.3. hcal, warmth,.Calyx.>ciH.77*.3.thccup ofaflowcr, 

at, lifc, anjr>r, hcrt lovc, 
tancy,eamestnesK. eajrcr- 
(warining-, calorific 
ais a, uni. odj. hcating, 
r./ 1. a mari£i>ld 

/ 1. a iranricnt of a Caiubio, irc- act- 4. to eschaiifrc. 

d-color, a ycllow frock. 
/ 1- a sciill, or scalp. 
x.f.l. Calvarv, a placc 
i f or hurial, a skull-(thin. 
a, um. titfj. madc hare, 
, [calvco,fio,] ieri,factus, 
tobc inade bald, «rbarc. 
irc,vi,&. calvus sum. neut. 
bakl, to grow buld 
, ecre,ific a .3-to frrow bald 
atis./J- baldncs*,dcceit 
, £i. / 4. baldncss. (ness. 
i,i n. 2. balducss, barrcn- 
i*ir / l-calumiiy,rilaiicK-r 
ccusutiou.a cavi),a quirk 
ins, tift. pt. calumniuting. 
njf, accusing falscly 
Uor, 6ris,iri.3.a Nlancicrcr, 
.ccuser, a caviller, a niuli 

or thc litllc green lcavcs on thc 
top of thc stalk in herbs. thc bud 
of a flowcr, the bottom of a rosc- 
bud not fullv blown, the inv/ard 
pcel, or nnd of a walnut, &c. 

Caniclinu; 1 , a, um. adj. of camels. 
Cumclla, :e- / 1 a caudlc-cup, 

Cumclopurdalis, is. / 3. abcast 

likc a camcl and a pautiier. 
Cumch:s, &/2. acamcl.(ctry 
('amcna, x.f. 1 • a musc,a song,po- 
Cunicra, vcl Cumara,a:./ arch- 

cd roof, a roof, a vaiilt art upper 

gallcry,a chauib^r,a kind of ship 
Camerarius,u,uiu. a<[j. of a vauit, 

or gidlcry, climbing. 
Ciiucrarius, i. m. 2- alord-cham- 

bcrlain,thc cluunbcrlaiu ofacit}, 

inn, &c. (furuacc, or chimncy. 
Caniinutus, a,' made likc a 
Cammor, ari. pas*. 1. to be niade 

like a furnacc. 
Cuminus, i. m. 2. a clumncy, u 

stovc, a lirc-hcarth, fire. (fish 

itru. Tci.s./ 3. a slander^Caiuiuarus, i. m. 2. akindofcrab 

nan, x gossip. 

itus. %y uni. /i.'- blandercd, 

IauK whii. 

(>4iii4:na,a./'l.a iiiusc.a song;,poc- 
Campuna. x.f. 1. a bell. (try. 
Campaiuda,a:./l.r//nj.a littlc bcll. 

\r t *r\drp Campcstcr, «i. tris./ trc, v. vel 

ze, tc> accusc, or char^t 

O find f:Milt v, cavil 

i*e, adv. by falsc acciiNa- 


uus, a» uni- adj. sbndcr- 


tris, m. & / trc, ;i adj. cham- 

paign, plain, o»en, flat. pair oi* brcech 

es, or apron, to covcr the privi- 

tics of wrcKt Icrs othcnviscnuked. 
C-amphora, w./ 1. camphirc. 

i uni. adj. tiaId,harc,thi:i.Ca'npus, i. m 3. u plain, a down, 

rcin. a snafflc, a cord, a chain. 
Cauachc, cs / 3. a dojr, Uarker. 
Chnabcola x.c.j?. 1. a skipkennel. 
Ciiiulicula, x.f 1. a littlc pipc, a 

jruttcr- (like a pipc,chniiiicllecl. 
( 'anal ,cumtus,a,um udj- fashionecL 
Cuualiculus, i. m. 2. dim. a trough, 

agnttcr, or channel in pillars. 
Canalis,'^ d- . J 7-^ a channel.a kcn- 

nel, a fruttcr, a sink, a trougb, a 

tiipc, a spout, the ncck of thc 
>ladder, a hollow c.hiruri^ical in- 
strumcnt, ati instrunu -nl lur mak- 
ingoil witlfT ('analis auiii.x, ihe 
windpipc, J'lin- Canalcs str-.ic- 
tilcs, sinks, made undcr jrro\i:id 
of archcd work, for the convcy- 
anccof watcr.ri#r.(conduit-pipe, 

Canahtius,a, uni. udj. of. or likc a 

Canarius,a,uni adj. of adog.(ccry. 

Canccllriria,K /thecourt ofchan- 

Cauccllarius, i m 2 a chancellor, 
ascribe, a notar>', asecrctary. 

Canccllktlm, adr. latticc-siUc. 

(^anccllatus, a, uni. pt made lat- 
tice wisc, crossbarred, liuuted, 

Cancelli, Orum. pi m.2- latticcs, 
windows made witli cross-hars 
of woocl, iron, &c. balustcrs, rails, 
bounds. liinitB, a cliauccl. 

Cancello, as. a 1. to makc likc a 
luttice, to cut ciiisswise, to de- 
face, to cancel. 

Cancer, cri. &. cris, m. a crabfish, 
a cancer, or cankcr, onc ot" the 
twclve sijrns. Cancri. pl. ideni 
c|udd Cancelli, ant /V«/. bounds, 

Candef acio, [candco, facio.] ccre, 
f cci, factum. a. 3. lo uiake whitc, 





lo bleach, to inakc fiery, or rery Contciila, ac/. 1. a littlc dog, or string, 7Vr. 

hot. (hot, aet on tire. hiich. thc dog-star,the dog-"days,Canor, eris, i. pat*. to be §xm£ 

ttandefactus, a, uin pt. made rcd- adojr-fish, the unlurkiest cast atCanon, onis. m -j acanon, aruk 

Candcla, x.f 1. a candle dice, ftce, a croas judc, a sian- :ui cxnct paturn, a mustcrpica 

Candelabruui,i u.2 a candlestick. dcrous, snarlin^, curris!i fcllow.Cmoiui.atus, i".s. m. 4 acanoun 

Candcns,tis /rf .vcl potitts, «/£;.ior,Camcul-iritf e. <i'f. of, or pertain-Canm-cus, a, um w//. canonka 

<y>m/>. issimus, tup. whitc, shin- ing* to thc dogxtays . accordlnjrto thc canon,oroxdtf 

ing, glittcring", bright, glowing-, Cunma, x f 1 adogsskin. rcccivtu into the canon, reguta 

hot, burning, foammg, frothy. C'<nmus, a, um. adj of a dog, dog- authcntic. Canonici Ubri, tneS 

Candeo, crc,dui.n 2. to bc wliite, gish, ciirrish, grcedy,Caniiiidcn- blc Canonicac horx, hours • 

to thine, or glittcr, to glow, to tcs,the eye-tccth, or fangs, Plin. pointcd for prayer. Caaonicsjl 

be hot, to burn- c. g. 3- a dog, or bitch, a jus, thc ccclesiastical law Cilfe 

Candesco,ere i*nr.3.togT0W whitcj hound, thc dog-star, a dog-tish, nici, tiioae that piaycd by ht^ 

or hoary,to wax hot,to be on firc. an accuscr, a backbitcr, a para- in music ; at 9 Harinonica, tfasjj 

sitc, a namc iu railing acast at that pleased the ear ■ 

dice losing all, tiic ace-point,C:>iibiucus,i m 2. acanonjiKfl 

chain, or fctter an attendant;. lar,orstatcd prcst (nmsic^oiflj 

aUo the Furies are called canes- C-utor oris m. .i.melody,hann|il| 

Canc pejus & anguc odisse, toCnnore, ath>. niusicidly, swectijj. 

hatc dcadly, Jlor. ,C» noroims, a, um. adj ■oundngi 

Cnnistrum, "i. n. 2. a basket. orCanorus, a, um. atjj. canortW 

flaskct, made of osiers, a voidcr,j musical, swcet, loud, shritt, II 

a canistcr. | sounding. m m ., 

Ciliiities, ei./ 5. hoariness, white-Cantabundus, a, ura. atti. ■ n 8J4 

ncss, or greyncas of hair, old age,:Cantamcii, Hnis. n 3.encnant«Bl 

gTavity. j witchcraft, a charm. 

Ch.ina,;e./l.acauc,a rccd,apipe,'Cuiitaiis, tis pt s;nging. # . 

a flute, a tiageolct, a canoc. Icantator, 6ris m. 3. a nngPfj 

Caniiabctum, i. v. 2- a hemp-plat.j songster, a chanter, a muaidifc 

Cannabinus, a, um. adj. hcmpcn.Cantatrix, icis,/. 3.awo mtn s i» | 

Candicans, tis pt. wlutish. 
Candico, as neut. 1. tobc whitish. 
Caudidritorius^ a< um. adj. of, or 

pertaining to a candidatc (whitc 
Candltiatus, a, um. pt. clothed in 
Candidatus, i. m. 2. a candidate, a 

suitorfora placeof honor,orprotit. 
Candide,a</ whitc, favonrably, 

g^ntIy,without maliccjorenvy (t) 
Candidulus,a, uni adj. whitc prct- 
Candidus, a. um. at(j. ior, comp 

isstmus, *up. candid, friendly, 

kind, sincerc, innoccnt, whitc. 

fair, clear, bright, shining', for- 

tunatc, favorable. 
Candor, flris. m. 3 candor, sinccr- 

ity, integrity, hoiicsty, fairncss, Cannabius,a,um. adj. hempcn, ofj cr, an cnchantreat ^ . a 

', brightncu, Cannabis, is./. .i. hemp. (hemp.Cantntrix, icls,f»{/ singing 1 , ■*■( 

whitcncss, heauty 

g"lowinp heat. 
Canendus, a, to bc sung 1 . 
Cancns, tis. pt. singing, declaring. 

Cannctum, i. n. 2. a plat of cancs.; musical, dclightful. ^ 
Canneus, a, um. adj. of a canc, or.Cantutus, us m. 4 a singing. 
rccd. jCantatus, a,uin. pt. sting. 

Cancns, tis. pt, hoary,gi'ey,w)ute.,Cano, nere, c^cini, cantum, act. 3.j celebratcd, enchantcd,c 
Caneo,t i rc,nui.nei/r.2. tobe white,' to sing, to play upon, to sound,Cantcriatus, a. um. aaj, 
to be hoary, to have grey hairs, to writ(- of, to praisc, to prcclaim proppcd. 


to grow old, to foam, to siiiuc. 

Cancphora, x.f. 1 a young nohlc; 
lady currying' a baskct upon lier 
ImtuiI on tiic festival of Min<.r\a. 

Cancsco, cere. incep. 3. to grow 
wlutc, or grey,to foam,to withe;, 
or decay, to bc anti^uatcd. 
&Ua, drum.//l. jn. 2. jprey hairs. 

aloud, to declare, to prophcsy.Canteriblus, i. w. 2 a^ littlc pfjl 
Canerc tibia,to play upon a pipe.jCantharis, *dis./o. afi>» a ^I*IjJ 
Classicum canc c, to soundan; rty uscd lo raisc bli»ter*. W 
alarm, Cx*. Ifeccptui ('ancrc, to thavidiun succi, iioiscm, ^* ' 
sound a rctrcat, Liv. Sibi intus Cantharus, i m. 2. a taukaroV 

cancrc, to spcak to his own ad- 
va -taj^c, Cir. Kandem cancrc, 
cantilenam, to harp on thc samc 

cup, a ju^, a pot, a black beeqj 
a iish, a constcllation, a kqfl^ 
ltnockcr. Cantharus pilulaD»,«" 





kind. Cxl. | to .1 goat. 

iid, 1, um, aiij. undersct.jCapt r, pri. m. 2. a buck. a hc-goat. 
is,a,iini.-i-//.]ikc ahorsc tlie sinell of the armholcs. 

rapci\itus, a, 11111. f>t. wrinklcd. 
Cipiro,us.., frown, to wrinklc 
the forchviKl, to knit thc brows. 
Capi_*.__ndus, a, \\\n. pL to hu un 
dcrlaken, or attemptcd. 
el is bound, a felloe. ICapesscns, tis/i/ taking in hand. 
i. n. 2 a son£, aballaiI,[C-ipcss:turus. a, about to 
to music. (saw.: take in hand. 

x.f 1. a sonjr, an oldCapcs«*o,scr.\sivi. sTtum,, 

is as he stands, sour. 
, vcl Caiit^rius, i. m. 2. 
a hboriu^ beast, a raf- 
•, a rail, a prop 
i.2.thc irtm whcrewith 


act. 1. tn cliirp, to sing 
\f. J. a sonjr, or tunc, 
an enchantiiicnt. (cd. 
a, 11111 pt. s*UMr, rhant 
: siujr sin^ 
uxy.l.acatcli, a hallad. 
f l. to sinjr. to chant,to 
rcpcat, to cnchaut. 
p. to bc suiifr, praiscd. 
(chantrr, a playcr. 
s m. 3. a sinjrer, 
i.y* 3. a fc;n:dc siiijrei 1 
ives, sinjrinjr birds. 
•» 4 a -_imrmjr,a soii£,a 
dy, a sound, a crow- 
wi. an cnchautmcnt. 
n «^(f.hoarj^gTcy.jrrcy- 
Jte. agcd, vencrablc. 
'.f 1 a jrarmcnt,inadc 
st, or purcst wool. 
ti a, umuflj arraycd in 
* of Canusian wool. 
-is./. 3. caparity, size, 
a giia^c. or mcasurc 
adj. ior, comp. issimus, 
ou*, larjrc, wide, liokl- 
lifijr. to bc containcd, 

sirn, D-am. capcssui. Tac. act.3 
to jto about to takc, to takc in bc^in,to takc thecharge 
ov govern.uent of,to cnter upon. 
Capesscre oculis, to vicw, LiV 
urbcni ali(p.iam,to jro to, Cic. Ca 

pcsscrc sc prxcipitcm ad malosj consilium,t7<r* doIorcm,7Vr. ex- 

./3. a jrrcat pot, jujr, 
capacity, jrrca-iicss. 
i 9 x.f.l.dtm a Httlc ]wt 
la kid,a star,achapcl. 
i. m. 2 a chaplain. ahundon hin_seIf,/ > /_-../ 
(■apesscrc se domiim, to jrethim 
hoinc.//. Capesserc cihum dcn- 
tibiiu, to chcw his incat, Cic. Jus- 
sa CHpcsscrc, to cxecute a com- 
inand, Viv*. (or trepanncd. 

Cipinidus, a. um. pt. to be takcn, 

CUpicns, tis pt. taking. 

Capillaccus, a, um. adj. hairy. 

Capillainciitum,i. n. 2. the natural 
hair, n pcrukc, or false hair, 
striiijp», or thrcads, a flaw. 

Capillare, is. n. 3. oil for thc hair 

to takc,totake by forcc, to scizc 
on,to catch,to car- 
ry jret, or obtain, to rcach» 
to hold, orcontain, to plcasc, to 
deli{rht, to charm, to win 
allurc, to trcpan, to admit of, to 
to makc choice of, to conccivc, or 
undcrstand, to dicover, or find 
out, to put on, or wear. Capcrc 
tcrram, to alijrlit, 1'iry. riman\, 
to chink.P/iii.usurim corporisal- 
terius uxoris, to dcbauch lier, 
Plaut. vitium, to putrify, to be 
corruptcd, Cot. With an accus. 
of a noun, it isoftenrcndered by 
thc vcrb of that noun, a, Cupere 
conjcctiiraiiiyOc. prxsagia, Plin. 

ordium, Cic finem, Terg. fugam f 
Ctc*. fraudium, Pfin. incrcmc-n- 
tum, Col. litborem, 7Vr. maturita- 
tein, Col. metum. Liv. miscricor» 
diam,(Vc ublivioncm, specimen, 
Plm. spcm, Liv. &c to (picRs, 
consult, picve, begin, cnd, fly, 
rcjoicc, increasc, toil, fear, pity, 
forget, cssay, hope Somctime» 
that accue. is tumcd into the nom. 
in the same sense ; «*, Capio 
satictatcm, Plaut. or, Capit me 
satictas, Ter. I am weary. 

Capillaria,is/. ;». thc hcrbniaidcn-Capistratus, a, um, pt. haJtercd, 

Capillatus. a, um. adj. ior, comp. miuzled, Imruesscd. (zle. 

wcarinjr lonjr hair. Capillati, *r.Capistro, to haltcr, to muz- 

pucri,sprucc bovtyMart. Capilla-Cai»'.stn)r,uri. /wim- to l»e hallercd. 

.-, whcn thc Capistrum,i. ;.-. '2. a haltcr, a hcad- 

to consulc, in old timc 
consuls worc long hair, Jttv. 

Capillitium, i. n 2. ahead of hair. 

Capillor, uri. deft. 1. to be hairy. 

tapillufl, i. m- 2. liair, a bush of 

stall, a muzzlc, a ropc, a cord, a 
bond, a noose* Maritale capis- 
trum, thc matrimonial noose, 
the bandofwcdlock,/wv. 
Capital> aljs.rt. 3.a capital ofience, 

. r hair, a bcard. . ._ 

a, um*<$' betonjringjCapio, pcire, c«pi, «apton. aiX, 3J a «nwt JaccnooSi ww^v ^«C^ v 



CA1 J 


woman'* coif, cau), or hahlacc. 
Capitalis, e. adj.ior, c<w»/>.belong 
ing to the head, or life, capita!, 
worthy of death, deadly, mortal, 
pemicious, shrewd. pcrt, sharp. 

Caprea, <e. /. 1. u roe, a decr, a cularly, he that flattercth 

frazel, a hranch that putteth fortt. to bc n"w heir. a sycophan 

tendrils. Captiitus, a* um. pt. taken, a 

Caprebhts, i. m. 2. a wild buck, a|Captio,6nis/ 3 ataking,a 

cheveril, a tendril, a cros» piece advanta£e,acatch,cpiirk,c 

Cap'ital»tcr,nr/T>. capitally, deadly. of timber, a bracc.a prop,a* adv captiously, su 

Capitatio, 6nis./ 3. a capitaticn- ed instrument used to dig with. Captiosus, a, um. atlj. ior. « 

tax, poll-moncy,a subsidy, allow- Capricornus, i m. 2. the constella- simus, *up. captious, fiill c 

ance for h^rsemcat. j tion Capricorn, containing twen- and dcccit, hurtful. injurii 

Capttatus, a, um. arfj. having a! ty stars. (drest as fig-trces are. Captiva,*/ 1 a captive.a pr 

hcad, growing with a hcad. jCaprificandus, a, um. pt. to bcCaptlvTtas, utis. / 3. caj 

"aplteUum i./i.2.di'm. a littl« head,'Caprif icatio, onis./. 3. a drcBsing slavery. 

the top ofplauts,a chapiter,a still. 

Capitium, i. n. 2. a stomacher. 

C&pito. 6nis, m. 3. a jolthcad, a 
kind of cod-fish, a pollard. Duri 
capitones, bold, impudent, or 
hcady, obstinatf fellows, Plavt. 

Capitdllnus, a, uui. adj. of, or be 
longing to the capitol 

otwild fig-trees. 

Cuptiunciila,x/1. a cavil, s 

Picialis,^oftorbclongingJCaptivo, are. a 1. totakcto 
to a fig-tree. Capriliciales diesJCaptivus. i. m. 2. a captive 

the dog-duys, on wliich women 

soner, one takcn in war, i 

uscd to sacpifice to Vulcan un-Captivus,a, nm.adj. captivi 
dcr fig-trees. captive t taken in war, impi 

Capnficor,ari dep.l. to be ripenedjCapto, as- a 1- to catch at, 
or brought to maturity,as fig» arc; at, to attempt, to lic in n 
Capitoiium, i. n. 2. thc temple oflCaprificus, i / 2. a wild fig-tree, : to watch for, to seek, to dc 
Jupitcrin Home,called thc capi- vainjrlory,osteiitationof learning.. take to insnare, to iniposi 
tol built on the Tarpean inount ; Caprifdlium, i. n. 2. honcysuckle.: to allure,to winover, tofc 
acliief tempie, ortower. Caprige nua, a, um. adj. goatish. | on, to wheedle, to trip 

Capltosus, a, uin. adj. having aCaprllc, is. n. 3. astable ibrgoats. clasp, to cinbracc Capfc 
largc head, heady, stubborn, Caprinmlgus, i. m. a goathcrd, a, ncvolentiam, to curty fav 
shrcwd. (books.i bird. 

Capitularia, um. /»/. ■■ -•-♦■■««■ •' 

. pf. n. statutc-iGaprinus, a, um. adj.ofn goat. 
Capitulatim, adv. by chapters. or Lana caprina,a thing of no value. 
parts, bricfly, summarily. Capripes, eclis- adj goat-footcd 

Capitiilatus, a, um. adj. headcd, Capsa, x.f 1. a chcst, a box, a cof-Captor, ari pa»» to be tol 

knobbcd. ^ fer, a case, a satchcl, er bag. 

Capitulum, i. n. 2- alittle head,orr:upsariu8, i m 2. a senant that 
top, a man, or woman, the head, carried books in asatchcl, orbag. 
ar cliapitcr of a pillar, a convoca- Capsula, se. / 1. a smali chest, a 
tion-housc, or cliapter, a chaptcr casket 

of a book, a brief account. 

Her- cucnam, to hunt aftei 
pcr, Jlbirt somnos, to sle< 
frigus, to cool himseh^ 9 
nitum, to listen, Uv. 

Caj)sus, i. m vclCapsum, i. n. 2. a vailed upon, delightcd. n 

aptura, ac/ 1 a catchinj 

ing, a thing caught, wagi 

Captfirus, a, about I 

r .'aptus, a, vm. pt. takcn, ti 

forcc, deceived, entangl* 

captivated, smitten, depl 

Capiundus, a, um. pt. to be taken- utull for cattle, the body of :i cha 
Capnias, ac. m. 1. a jaspcr- riot, a coach-box, a watrgon. (at- di 

Capnos, \.f 2. rumitory. (eunuch. Captandu.n, a, lun. pt. to bc caughtiCaptus, us. wi. 4 a taking 

Capo, onis. m. 3. a capon, an^aptans, tis.jb#.catcliingat,aiiiiiug tachment, or scizure, o 

Capparis, is. m. 3.capci*s,a slumb. at, endcavouring, attempting. understanding, conditioi 

Capra, x.f.l. a shc-goat, a con- Captatio, oiua./. J. a catching, or ability. 

stellution, a fiery meteor, the aimingat, abickering, adispute.'apula, *./. 1. aUdle,ti 

smeil oftlic armholes. Captator,6ris m 3. hc tlutt endca- apularis, e adj. vejv oU 

CTMju&ius, iM.2.* ^oaUifrtL TQureth %o gc,t ajy tlung, parU-iCapuiatoj, dri*. «. 3. hc l 





of vesselswithaladleJCarbunculus, i m. 2. a carbunclc.tCaries, £i./ 5 rottcnness, lccs 

of the prcfect who a blotch, an ulcer, a precioiih 

oil to tlie people 

act. 1. to lade out. 

n. & Capulug, i. m. 2. 

•r handle, a bier. 

. a capon, an eunuch. 

i. 3. thc head, a head, 

irin? } ov source, abc- 


an amount^ chapter, 

•r clausc, a chicf ci- 

polis, life, reputation, 

a beginncr, or ring- 

cak one's head, T+i: 
isam diccrc, to plead 
. Cic. Capitis dumnu 
tdemned to die,7i/. A- 
it,a rude fellovv, Fi/v*. 
put,a dcar friciid, Jlov. 

stonc,a blight, or smut of trees. 

a littlc coai, hot eartli, earth hav- 

ing black slate 
Carccr, eris. m. 3. aprison,or hold, 

a rog-uc,ajail-bird,agoa1,barricr, 

©r starting-place. a bcginning. 
Carccrarius,a,um. ar#. of a prison. 
Carchebus, i. m. % a largc ring. 
CarchSsium, i. n. 2. a tunncl, a 

ordrcgsof winc,a worm in wood. 
Cartna, x. / 1 thc kccl, or bot- 

tom of a ship.a ship. Carinse, pl. 

buildings iu llotne,like the kccls 

of ships. Carinx putaminum bi- 

fidse, tlic two halves of walnut- 

Carinatus, a,> like the keel 

of a ship. (of a sliip. 

Ci\rino,as. a.l tomake Hke a kcel 

holc, or scuttle, a large cup, or Cariosus, a, uni. adj. ior, comp. 

bowl, a cranefor gt>ods. 
Carclnfrlcs, is. adj. cancerous. 

crson. Diminucrc cu- Carclndma, atis. n. 3. a canccr. 

Carcfnus, i. m.2> a crabfish. 
Cardamomum, i. «. 2- cardamum- 

carious, rottcn, wormeatcn. 

Caris,tdis /5- a prawn, a shrimp. 

Caritas. atis. / 5. charity, lovc, 
attcction, coniplaccucy, delight, 
dcarncss, scarcity, waiit, dcarth. 

Cardiacus,a,um adj. gripcd at the Cartturus, a,um-/>r. about to want. 

stomach, sick at heart 
Cardinalis, e.adj. bclongingtou 
hinge, chicf, principal. 

2. a crab, a crayfish. Cardinalis, as m- 3 a cardinal. 
m. 1. the south-wcstCairdinutus, a. um atlj. hung, o; 
/l.a cassock. (wind 
i, um. adj- of iinc flax,' 
ii. (linen. 

a, um- adj. of finc 
r .*, drum. v. 
Mif cambric, lawn, 
rment, a vcil, a sail. 

a, um. adj. coarsc, 
dc of raw ox's Iiide. 

pinncd fast, fastencd. 

Cardo, inis. m. & ollm,/ a hinge. 

a very point, or crisis, a nick oi 

time, a conjuncturc, a scasoiii 

an end, or conclusion, a course, 

a pote, a tcnon. 

CarduSlis, is./ 3. a linnet» 

Carduus, i- m 2. a tliistle. 

. m- 3. a coal, a bum- at a gTcat pricc 

?arl>o contritus, ashes. 
otarc, to dislike, or 

s, a,um.o/(/. pertaining 
i, i. m, 2. a collicr. 
ns,tis. pt- hot, burning. 
tio, dnis./ o.ablight. 
, a*. n. U. a. 1. to bc 
a coal, to be blasted, 
i smut. (ed. 

Carmen, mis n. 2.vcrse,a verse, a 
book of vcrses, a ode,a 
sonjr, a ditty, a tune, a notc, a 
charm,orincantation,a prophecy, 
a praycr, aform of oath, curse, 
orsentence,un epitaph,or inscrip- 
tion, a card for wool, a hatchel. 

Carminatio, dnis./ 3. a nickinjr, 
or carding of wool, a hackling of 
flax- (coinbcd, teuzed, pickcd. 

Curminntus, a, um. pt. carded, 

Canuino, as.a- 1. to card, or comb 
wool. to hatchel flax. (Ecc!e&. 

Carti, adv ius, comp. dearly, hig-h^Carnalis, c adj. carnal, flcshy. 

Carectum, i. n. 2. a place where 
sedge grows. scdge. 

(to coals. Carendus, a, um. pt. tobe wantcd, 

to be deprivcd of. 
('arcns, tis pt wanting. 
Careo, crc, rui, & cassus sum, ri- 
tum, & cassum, neut. 2. to want 
to lack, to be without, to be frcc 
from, to be dcprived of, not wor- 
thy to have, or receive- 

r, iri. pa»$. to be blast-jCarex, fcis./3. 9edge,8hccr-gTttss. 

■us. a, um. a/(f. parch-ICarica, x./ 1. a fig, a lfnttQ fig » 

ip, bKfhtcd» rough. j a fhip 

Carnarium,i. n. 2- a larder,a vessel 
to keep mcat in, a shambles, a 
flcsh market, Hcshmcat. 

('arnfirius, i. m.2. a butchcr. 

Camcus, a, um. adj- flcshy. 

Carnifcx, Tcis. m 3- a haiigman,att 
cxecutioncr, a rogue, or villian. 

CarniftcTna, ac./ 1. aplace where 
malefactors are exccutcd, the 
ofiicc of a hangman, torture. 

Carnificius, a um. adj. «nanglcd. 

Carniflcor ftri. pa**- to be exe- 

cuted, and crueUy kill^vi. ^Kt^ 





CarnSsus, a- um. a(\j. ior, coiap 
issimus, ntp. flcsln , gross, tluck, 
pUimp, pulpy, pithy, rich. 

Caro, rnis./ •». flcsh, meat, thc 
substancc undcr thc peel of 
hcrbs and plants. 

Caro, ere. act. 3« to card wool. 

Citfbn, Caros, Carmon, Careum, 
& Carrium, i. 71. 2. caraway. (ed- 

Carpcntum, i- w. 2. a churiot, 
coach, a waggon. 

Carpinus, \.f. 2. a maple 

Carpo, p£re, psi, ptum. act- 3. to 
gathcr, to pull,»r phick,to take 
to pick, or choose, to crop, to 
snatch,to rob,to pillagcto wastc 
to consumc, to cnjoy, to carve 
or cut up, to dividc, to tcaze, 0; 
card, to carp at, to find iauh 
with, to sct out upon, to rcacli, 
to cut ofT. 

Carpor, i. ptus sum. p. to bc ga- 
thercd, cropt, troubled, wastcd 
speut, &c. 

Carptira, udv. here and there, 
summarily, in few par 
ccls, one by onc. Carptim vo 
cem rcsorbcre, to fetch thc 
breatli short, Pliu. 

Carptor, oris. m. 3. a carver, 
carpcr, a reprovcr, a cen.surer, 
a cardcr, or pickerof wool. 

Carptura, ae./. 1- a gathcring 

Carptus, a, um. pu pluckcd, ga- 
thcred, cropt, tozed, cardcd 

Carptu, abl m- 4. a gathering, a 

Carpus,i m.2.the wrist. (cropping. 

Carruca, se./ 1. a littlccart, aca- 

Carrus,i.m.2. a car, wain, waggon. 

Cartflagincus, a um. adj. gristly 
CArtiJapindsus, * um adj. full of 

gristlcs, gristly. ^Castclluriusi.m. 2. a vrater-hailiff 

Cartilago, inis, /. a cartilagc, aCustcIluthn, adv. from castlc to 

gristlc, or tendon, pith. { castle,insmall parties,piecemeaL 

Caruncula, ae. /. 1. dim. a little C:istellum,i.n.2a castle, a fort, ■' 

picce, or lump of flesh, a kcrnel. town,a conduit to convey wmtef. 
Carus, a, um. adj. ior, comp. is-.Casteria.x/.lahouscforoariftDd 

slmus, *up dear, costly, prcci-j othcr tacklingof ships. (chaste. 

ous, beloved. (walnut-.Castiflcus. a, um. adj. makiaf- 

Caryon, i. n. 2. a walnut-tree, ajCastigabilis,c.<2<// fit to be chc* 

Cascus, a, um. adj. old, ancicnt. .Castlgfitus, a um pt. chastMr 
Cascale, is.n.^a place for making,j correctcd,lesscned, or assuagct* 

or setting cheeses in, a cbecse-; to be umendcd, «r adjusted. 
room. ; Castigo tobot 

Casearius,a,um. at{/. pertaining to to corrcct,to punish, to repiwe* 

to chidc, to mend, to reduce. 
Castigor,ari./M2Mto bc chastised 
Castirnonia, «.f l.chastity. 

cheese- Caaearia forma,a chcese- 

Cascus,i. m. Caseum,i. n.2.checsc. 
Casia,ac/. 1. a shrub, aspicc likcjCastitas, atis. / 3. cliustity, 

cinnamon, a sweet flower. tincnce, purity. 

Cuso, •* tumble,torccl.:Castor, oris. w- 3. in acc. c&slbf*/ 
Casse,a</t\ in vain, to no purposc rJvv a bcavcr, or badger.(stoncs> 
('assula, x.f 1. a helmct, a skull. Castorca, druni. pl. n. heaver'» 

Cassis, tdis. /. 3. a helmet, a hcad, 
piece. (a cobwcb. 

Cassis, is-m.3- ahuntei^s net,atoil. 
Cassita, x.f 1. a crcstedlark 
Cassit^ron, i. n. 2. tin, whitclcad. 
Cassus, u,um. adj. vain, frivolous, 
of 110 valuc, void, empty, igno 
rant, rotten, wormeatcn. \"irgo 
cassa dotc, a maid without a por- 
tion, l'l*ut. 
Castanca, ac. / 1 . a chcsnut 
Castaneus,a. um- adj. of chcstnut. 
Caste, ius, issimd, adv chastcly, 
purely, honcstly, uprightly, <le- 
voutlv. (longing to a castlc- 

Castcllanus, a, um. adj. of, or bc- 
Castcllanus, i- m- a garrison-sol- 
dicr, thc govcruor, or constablc 
of a castle* 

Castoreum, i. n. 2. oilofbcarcr. 

t 'astdrcus, a, um. adj. of a beatc** 

Odor castorcus,a runk sinell.i'»» 

Castra, oruiii. pL n. 2. a campi ft' 

tcnt, a pavilion,an army eneanp* 

cd, war f a province, busineis,* 

urt. Castra stativa, a pitckoi; 

camp, Cic. Castra hiberna, wb>; 

ter-quartcrs ; astiva, tlu: 

mcr-campaign, CV?. Castram** 4 
tica, thc rendezvous of a flee^ 
.Yrf). Castra ccrca, a bcehnt» 
Cltiud. facerc, liabcrc, poneit» 
to cncamp, Ctet. nu>vcre v to de*' 
camp, or go oft", Curt. H 

Castramt tator,5ris. m. 3* tlie mi> 
shal who appointcth the c*mp% 
the quarter-uiastcr gencra). 

CWmmctor^Lri<(/«^.l. to encamp. 

Castratio, dnjs /. 3. a gckiimj, » 






gV sr cutting* of treai. ' •ap-a-pie,quitcsecured [poulticej diaordcr. 

«s *./ 1. a £eldinjr, arCatapli-flTna- at.s, n 3. a plasler,v.aurv»t_m t a//t\ in conopanies^ 
*av, a curtaihng, asncI-Cataplus, i. m. 2. a flcct of mer ! ' _■----_.. . _. . 

ulling of corn. chantincn, & voyage 

a, mn 


pt gclded, weak-CatapOtium, i- n. 2- a pill. 
ed, enfeebled. Catapulta, ae./l.a warlik 

i.ands, ©r flocks, in confusion, or 
Cathurticus, a, uni. adj. purging. 

i, c, adj. of, or pcrtain- gine to shoot darts, or stoncs 
camp, army, or war. Cattipultarius, a, um. adj. shot ou 
o 1 to jreld, to cut olf, to of un cngine. 
iborc hoics low in trecs, Cltaracta, vel Catarracta se./ & 
to dirainish, to wcakcii, Catamctes, ac. m 1 a cataract, a 
blc, to rac!: wincs. j gi cat fall of water, floodgate, 

li. patc. to be ^cldcd. I sluicc, or lock, a portcullis, 
i. n 2. a ca_»tle, a for-, drawbridge, a disease in thc eyc. 
citadel. j a cormorant. 

um. c«fy ior, comp. is*i-.Catarrhus, i m. 2 a catarrh,rheun: 
chaste, puiv, undcHl-Catascbpium, i. n 2. apinnance. 
pous, devout, honest, Catascopus, i. m 2 a apy, a scout 

ke en-Crithedra, x. / 1. a chair, a sea : , 


oi 4 aceremonv, aritc. 

/ 1 dim. a little cottagc. 

a dcsk, a pulpit, a scilan, or cov. 

orcd chair, an episcopal sec 
Cathedral.tius, a, um adj. bclong"- 

ing 1 to a chair (longing to a ch ir 
Citl.edrunus, a, uiu adj. of, or : >c- 
C ithetus, i m. 2 a pcrpcndicular. 
C.itholicus,a,um adj. catholic, ui.'- 

versal, gcneral addrcsscd to a!l. 
C ttillatio, onis /. o alickingxle.m 

thc dishcs, a namc of disgrac< . 
Catillo,H3 ncut.l to lick the dishct. 
( Utillo,onis m. 3 a glutton, a pikc. 
('..tillus. i m. 2 dtm. alittlc dish. 
• 'atmus. i m 2. a large dish, a pot. 
Catdchites, x. m. 1 a clainmy 

prccious stonc, a kind of fig. 
C.itularius, a, uin. udj. of, or bc- 

lonpi.g- to whclps. i atularia 


thc doj»-;;.ite at iloiiic. 

Catasta, re. / 1. a cage whercir- 

slavci werc cxposed to sale, u 

i, um- pt. ready to fall. jCatc, luIv. warily, cunningly [tical 
m. 4. a fall, chaucc, for-Cutecl.e" ticus, a, um udj. catcche- 
ccidcnt, an cvcnt, pcrU,iCatechisimis, i m. 2 a catechism. 
in,_-U_tfortune, an occaai»jCatcchisU, ac m. l.a catcchist, u\ 

te, a conclusion, a casc.j expounder of a catcchism- (mo.i jCut.u!iciis, tis. pt. cntcrwr.idinp. 
j. ia /. 3. a fijfure whcn-Catechumenus, i. m. 2. a c.".tcchu-C-itiilluus l .i,uin. adj. otalittlcdog-. 
ti is abusively put for.CatcgM-cmuta, um. pl. n prcdi-!ca.'ilio, iiv, r.<-ut -l. Lo de_.ire tl.e 
an uupro()er, hut somc-l cablcs. (in lopci iiiaic. (thc male. 

cutc way of spcaking'. Citejfbria, x-f. 1. a prvd'.camcnt!cati_litio, 6nis / 3. a dcsire ff 
is ipsc, capcr, Hr« [Catcg^oricus, a, um. adj. e\prc«s. CatiJus, i m. 2. a whelp, a puppy, 
us, i. m. 2. a general Catcia, x / 1. a barbcd ilait, or a littlc doij, a cub, the young cf 

elu^e, a great min 
is./. «i. a condcmnation. 

spear with a strin^, an ciigine to ht-astj, &.c. au iron collar. 
throw stoncs or dai^ts with. (py. Catuli w-.natici, hounds, er bca- 

us, a, um. adj. puiuted 
is / J. compreiicnsion. 
. m 2 a calalogiic, a biU. 
j. m 2 a catamitv-, an 
; pcmon, a cupbearer. 
a, * /. 1. abrcusiplate. 
us, a, uxn. auj. armed 

jCatgj.atio, onis / 3. a chaininjr* [C^v;i,a../.l. aholc forahlnPs ncst. 
Catcnutus, a, um, />r chaincd, ticdjC tv;cdium, i. n. 2 a portico. 

with, or in chains. linkcd. [Cavans, tis. pt. hollowing. 

Caterva, x./ 1. a baud of soldiciv < : ivuticus. :i, um aJj. hoilow*. 

cousisting of 600, a battaliou oi Cavatio, onis./ 3. hoilowness. 

foot,atroop^icn)wd,a inulutud^ C »\jtor, ons. m 3. In. that makcs 
Catervarius a, um. udj. pcrtainiu^ C".vritus,a,um./ir. hollowcd (holca 

to companies, iu a hu^dlc, o; CavuU, i:. /. 1 ^X^Vx^tvms^-,^ 


CAV * 



man's privv membor. Caudam cavil, to taunt, to bantcr, to jest. losc a causc, C/r- Causam non di- 

trahcre, to be mockcd, to havcCavilhim, i. n. 2. a cavil. (ness. 

co, I have no excute to make> 

Caudcx, icis, m. J. a stock, orCaidesco, ere n. 3. to jrrow to a' excused for any matter, bad. 
trunk,the stcm, body, or stumpCaulicutus,i.m.2. dim. a little stalk. Causatus, a,um /M. pretcndio£ 

of a trce. a tablc-book, a stool, Caulis, is. m. 3. a stalk, or stcm, a 
or block to sit on, a blockhcad quill, thc cnd of a bcast's tail, a 
Caudicalis, e. adj. of, or belong"- pothcrb, colewort. 

ing" to the stumps, &c of trccs.Cavo,:'_«. a. to hollow, to make, or Causulicus, i. m. 2. a lawyer t i 

Cavea, ae./. 1. a cave, or dcn, a wcar scoop out,to borc 
cage,or coop,a scafioldui cockpit througti. Cavat luna cornua, the 
the area in the midst of an am- moon is in thc wane, Plin. 
phitheatrc, a thcatrc, : ; y plareCnvor, ari. paxs. to bc hollowed. 
railed, &c. in, a bcehi» e VerbaCaupo, 6nLs. m- :». a vintncv, a vic 
ad summam cavcain spcctuntia, tualler, a suttlc *, an inkcepcr, a 
low language. fit fov tlic rabblc rctailcr, a drawer, a brokcr. 
to hcar, Sen. Caupdnu, x./.l. atr.vern, a ccIHir, 

Cavendus, a, to bc takcn or victualliiifr hon:c, a vinlress. 
hecd of, lookod unto, or avoided. Caupouuns, tis. ftf. hucksterinff. 
Caveo, ere, cavi, cautum. ant. & Caupdnuria. ?:./. 1. a tavcmcr's 
ncidt. 2. to bcware, to take carc, craft. 
or hced, to take carc of, ur for,Cauponius, a. um. adj. pcrtuinin^ 
to providc for, oragainst, topro-; to taverns, or victualling-houscs 

or victu- 
for gain, to 
Caveor,Cri. /"/**. lo be taken hced adultcrate. 
Caverna, *./. I. a cavcrn, a cave,Cauponida,3c./.l atippling-housi, 

a den, a vault, a hole. < a tap-housc, a little tavern. 

Caverndsus,a,um,ur// tull of holes, : Cu»irimis,a,um.arf/. cold, wcsterly. 

cavcs, or dens, hollow. (cave. Caurio, irc, ncut. 4. to cry,to roar 

Cavernula, ar. /. 1. diu. a littleCaurus,i.m-2. the north-west wind 

Cavetur, imprrs. carc is taken. .Causa & Caussa, ae, /. 1. a cause, 1. a cavil,scoiV,raillery. an occusion, a reason, a plea, a 

Cavillans, tis ///. ca\illi:i|£ at. \ pretence, aucxcusc, adefencc, a 

Cavillalio, ouis./ 3. acavillinjf, or motive, a dcsign, or purpose, a 

wrangling, an idlc exception, a thin^, or matter, an aftair, or bu- 

pretencc, a quirk, sophistry,' sincss, a suit, a protit, or advan- 

raillery . ■ tagc, a statc, or condition, a sake, 

Cavillator, dris. m. 3. a cavillcr, a or account, a side, or party, fault, 

wrangling fcllow, a sophister, a or blame, sickness. Indicta causa, 

jcstcr. (viller. without hcarinp,C?c. Tencre,ob- 

causam. to guin 

to providc ior, orag^ainst, topro-; to taverns, or victuallin 
vide, to prevent, to avoid, to ad-Cauponor, ari. deb. 1. to 
visc,toappoint, orscttle, togivc, to retail, to scll wine, 
or take security. (of.| a!s, to sell any thing fo 


Causatio, dnis./. 3. an excusc. 
Causia,w/1 .a broad-brimmed lnt. 

counscllor,aplenderoui advocttt- 
Causor ari. flep. I. to pretend, » 

plcad,to blamcyor acciuei jw» 

to be blamcd. 
Causticus,», um- at!j. caus6e,tklt 

can bum apt to burn, burniij- 
Causula.a:/ La small cause^rp^ 
Caute. ius, issifm^, adv. warilfi 

circumspectly, advisedly, cIojb- 

ly, lcisurely. 
Cuutela, ;c/. 1- a caution, apt- 

vision, an assurance, or sectlT*r< 

'auterium, i. /.«. 2. an instnHBB* 

to mark.bum, «r brand with. 
' 'aulcs.isY. *.ara£ j^ed rock^icnf. 
Cautim, cn/r. cautiously, wari%r- 
Cauti >i onis./J a caution, care, a 

bond, bill.woblipfation, sccaritf- 
Cauior, oris m. 3. a cautiou», * 

wary man,a providcr, or taker ofj 

care. an assurer, a warrinter. 
Cautum est, im^rr*. it ia protiW istaken,security »gt«> 
Cautus, a, um> a:lj. ior, comf. W 

mus,#i/^.cautious, warj-, cirrt» 


subtle, safe, secure. (P^ 8 ^ 

Cavum, i. n. 2. a hole, a holWj 
Cavus, a, um. atlj. hollow, full* 

holes. not at full (hot^ 

Cavus, i. m. 2. a hollow placc^ 

Cavillatrix, icis./. 3. a femalc ca- tincre, & vincere 
Cavillor, ari. atus, aum. ilcp. 1. to; a causc, Ov. Ci 


Ccdcns,tis./^. jrivinff place, 
Cadcrc causaT tol iug-, departing, fiiiUng- oft'. ' 






a chamber for servants, a room 
in a bath, or thc stews, a chapel 
iii a temple, a honcycomb. 

Cellaria,3e./l.a femalc butler. (lar. 

Ccllaris,c adj pertaining to a ccl- 

Cellarium,i. u. 2. a ccllar, a pantry. 

Ccllarius, i. m. 2. a butler. 

, impcii, thcy yield. much spoken of,mcntioned with 

re, dessi» essum. n. 3. to honor,rauchfrcquehtcd,offrrcat 
to subinit, togive way, toCclebriH,vidcCe'lebcr.(solemnity 
icc, to rctreat, to go back,'Celebntas, atis. /3. rcnown,good 
irt, to go off, or away, to' namc, rcpute, credit, jrreatness 
> pass, to pass away, to bc in thc world, a solcmn asscmbly, 
% to desist, or leave off, to a solemnity, a frequent rcsort. 

h, or resign, to suxceed,orCelebro,as.ac7. 1. to cclebrate, tolCellula, x.f 1. dim. alittlc cellar. 
, to bc instead of. Felici- solcmnizc, to makc famous, to Celo, as. act 1 to conccal, to hidc, 
cedat, much jrood may it praise gTcatly, to rccord, to pub 
, Ov.f'edcrc adfactum- to lish, to have in estimation, tolCelor, ari. pcu*. to bc conocalcd. 
;,»i^ffected,/ , /aK/.Ccdere exercise, or pcrform frequcntly, Cclox, 6ris / 3. a briguntine, or 
i brcak. Juv. Ccdit dics, to frequent. yacht,fly-boat,pinnace orwhcrry. 

t of payment is comc, Ulp. Celebror,ari. patsAo bc frequcnt- Cclsitas, atis./ 3 lofhncss, haugh- 
. Ccdite, jrive me, tell me, cd, solcmnized, publishcd, cx- tiness, height, tallncss. 
ne, appoint. crciscd, 8tc. 

s, a,<//.anointcdwithCcler. m- ccleris, c. $• celere,/i.ior, 
ce, or oil of ccdar. comp. rimus, & issimus,«r//>. swift, 

s, a, um. uilj. of ccdar. < cxpcditious, suddcn activc, nim- 
idis./. 3. a cedar-bcrry. blc, brisk, airy, lifrht, short. 
l, i. ii. 2. oil of ccdar. Celerandus a, um. pt. to hastcn, 
i./2.ccdar-trce,Cedrodig'- oi-bc hastcncd. 
rthy <if immortality, Per*.Cel^rans, hastcninjr. to hcconccalcd. Cclcrantcr, adv. swiftly, specdily. pcnt. 

is ///.conccaling,dis*<'mh-Cclcratus, a, um. pt. hastcncd. CenbU»phium,i. i/.2.acenotaph,an 
'elatim,tfr/T\secretly.(ling\Celcres, *ci equites, liy;ht horsc. 
oris. m. 3. a concealer. Cclcripcs, edis tidj. swift of foot 
a,um*/i/. conccaliidjkcpt, Cclcntas, atis/. 3.cclerity,cxpcdi- 

kept close, hiddcn. . tion, swiftncss, quickncss, specd, Ccnscns, tis. pt. thinkircg, dctcr- 

jn. ris, c. ?. rc, n. «(//.rior, haste. mining-. 

crnmus, tup. famous, rc-Cclerttcr,n</r.8wifUy,expctu*tious-f:cnsco, €rc, sui, sum. act. 2. to 
d,ennobled,crowdcd,very. ly,hastily, with specd, suddenly.J think, tosupposc. to judgcto bc 
frcqucutcd, amorous, so-, immcdiately» shortly, by.and-by.j of opininn, to rcsolve, or dctcr- 

JCcleritudo, vid Celcritas. | minc, to votc, or jrive a sufFrape, 

Time, adv. vcry famously,jCeTe*rius,«</z>.c9;n^. morcspcedily. 
mnlv, vcry frcquently. jCelcro, as. act, 1. to hasten. 
ndus,a,um. pt. to be solcm- Celcrrlme, adv. *up. vcry quickly. 
rpraisedjtocelcbrate.^ingCelcs, etis. m. 3. a horseman, ouc 

Cclsitudo, uiia,/. 3. highncss, no- 

hihty, cxcellcncy. 
Cclsus, a, um adj. ior, comp. issl- 

mus, ntp. high, tall, lofty, statc- 

ly, noblc, cxaltcd, crect, iipright, 

couragcous, bravc. 
Ccltis, is/. 3. a kind of lotos-trce. 
Cenchris, is. m. 3. a spccklcd scr- 

cmpty monumcntsct up in lionor 
of thc deari, an cmptv hearsc. 
Ccnsendus,a,um pt to nc thoughL 

to tax, lcvy, or asscss. to pay a 
r.itc 6i-ccss,to enrol, orsct down. 

ns,tis./>/.celebratin^,prais-] tliat ridcs on horycback in pub- 
tio,duis.y3. a cclcbration, lic sports. 

to takc an estimatc of, to bc dis- 
pleascd, to ccnsuro, torcprovc. 

mmziiifr, an assembly, orCelcusma, atis. n. 3. the shout, or taxed &c 

Ccnscor, Cri. /m*#. to bc numbcr- 
cd, mustcred, valucd, prizcd, 

ny, repiitation, renown. , noisc of mariners when thcy cry, 
tor, Oris m. 3. a settcr- Ho-up, What chcer. 
f pubUc plays. .Cclcustes, x. m. 1. a boatswain. 

Uis, a, um. pt. ior, comp. Cella, ac. /. 1. a cell, a cellar, a 

Ccnscor,cri.t/.2.tocnrol inthc cen- 
sor's table, to reckon, or account. 

Onsio,onis./.3.a punishinfr,o7 cen- 
suring-, a ratc, a finc, a ^cualt^. 

i tuo. reuowned, fiunous, 1 storchouse, a buttcry, a pantr\ACcra\V.or>QT\^. -m. ^>.vbl\ 





survcyorof lands, a steward. Ccnt : es,cf/r- a hundred timcs, in-^nturifrtus^um./^rcgislered^ 
Cvu^or f 6ris m.'o he who cxtcntcd dttimtcly, ovi r and ovcr. cnrollcd in tlie m.n.ber cf th 

thc centu», a ct nsuier. or scvtrc 

pcrson, a corrector. a cntic. 
Ccr.sorius, a, uni. «<# pertaining 

to the ccnsor, or his oflice, ccn- 

sorious, scvcre, grave 
C> iisualis, e udj ratublc. 
C« nsiira, ac / 1 . ccnsure, rcproof, 

judgment, severity, punishmtnt. 

'Ccntif blia, x f 1. a kind of rose 

with muny leaves 
Ccntimanus a, uni, adj hundred- 

hahdcd, having 10U hands 
( t ntmociia, x f 1 knot-grass. 
Centipeda, ae / 1. a worm with 

many icct, a cattcrpillar 
Ccntipcllio, bnis m 3. thc umhlcs 

the censorship, ©r oflicc of ccn-| ofa decr, the paunch of a stag-. 

gor, authority, a puttern, or ex-Ccnto, onis. m.3 patchcd clotlu s, 

amplc, a trial. or proof. a covcrlct, a shroud to kecp oft' 

C-Lsus, a, um pt cisscd, taxed, s*ones, uihapsody anidlestory. 

Tai.ed, valucd, registercd Ccntrulis, c. a<{j central, midst. 

Census, us m 4 the >aluation of (cnlru.cs, uni pl.m 3 gnats 

cvery maiv» cstate; the register- 

ing of a man, hisyenrs, trihc, fa- 

mily, profcssion, wife, childrt-n, 

aml si rvantH; a ccssing, valuing, 

or mustcring of the peoplc ; u 

tribiite, or subsidv. a suhsidy- 

book, a iuunV cstate, wcalth, oi 

j early n-t cnuc 
Ccntaiuia, a-. / Ccntaurfon, k 
CcMauivuin, i n. ceiitaury. 
Cchtaurcur.icluu, x / a fighting 

with centaurs. 

CJcutaiirus. l m, 2. a ccntaur, i> 
fcigncd creaturc, hall inan anti 
half horsc. tlie sugittary, onc of 
thc 12 signs, thc namc of a ship 
in Virgil. (dred 

hundredB,divided into hunrirtd 
Centiirio,5nis- m. 3. a ccnrurion, 
capialn over a hi:ndrcu footiMi 
Centiirio as uct- divideint 
comptnics, to divide ficlds ist 
two hundred acres. 
Centiirior, aii. ptits. to be dividn 
into hun« rcds, or ccn.panks. 
Ccnturionatus,u8. m. <i. a caplsirf 
Centussus, is. m ''.a RomanmoiKJ 
contaiuing forty scsteicrs, ta 
deniers ; 8iat is, six shillingst» 
three perice in our money. 
Ceiitro8iis,a,um aaj. full of knots.lCepa, x,f & Cepe, is n an onios 
Centrum, i n 2. a cenire,the mid-Ccpsra,»/ 1. brookUme, rureUin 
dlc poiut, a knot, a hard part. Cepetum, i- n 2. an onion-bed. 
C«iitum,(ir// a hundred, Cephalea, ae./ 1. the headache. 
many . (holly. Ccphallcus^, um aaj\ ccphaGc, ^ 

Cciitumcapita, x f athistle, sca- thehcad. (greatheid 

('cnti:n;gcmmr.s, a, um- ailj hun- Cephalus, i m. 2. a fish havinf l 
drcd-haiidrd, a hundred. Ccpina, x. f. 1. a bed of onions. 

(.( mtuii.virf;]is,e-tfr(/ pertainingtoCcpphicus, a, um. adj. very BgH 
thccciitiiuiviri6rhundred judgcs. very trifling, insigiuficant. 

Centi " * " rt J — 


ccrutin civil causes amcng the 
pcoplc, out of tvcr\' tribe three. 
(X'ntuiiculiiB,i. m. 2 a patchcdco- 
vcrlet, a horsccloth. 

timiviri,6rum/>/. w. 2. judgcsJCcpphus. i ^i 2. avciy lightHrd 
r>n:r.iissionerq, choscn to hear Cera,jc./1. wax. a tablc-book^c 

Ccntcnarius a. um atlj of a hun-,C( utiiphcato, adv. a hundrcd 

Ccnleims a. uin. ntlj a himdrcd. 

Cciittsimu, w f 1 interest of om 
in the hundrcd cvery month, m 
twtlvt- per tent. JUit others sav , 
a humlred pei* cen r . yearly. 

Ccrttcsuno,as. a 1 to punish hylot. 
or to tukc oiicout of thchundrcd. 

.•cntiiplcx,ic:s adj a liundredfold. 

Ceutes^nnis, a, um. a((i the hun- ahundred in a shire, or county, 

drcdtn, a hundred-fold. Cente- 

timcs (loublc. 

Ccntupondium, i. n. 2. a hundrcd 
weight, ajpvat weight. 

Ceiituria, x. f. 1 .accntury, a com 
panv, or band of ahundred men, 
a sulidivisicn. of the Koman pco 
ple into ccnturics, or hundrcds, 

acantred, or wapcntake. 

siimifruge. with a hundred-fold Centilnutim, adv. hy hundrcds. dccr t &c. (2. ac 

increase, Plin. (headcd company by company. Cdr&sum, i. n. 2. 8c Ceraaus, i. 

fc/itjccpt,, cipifa. adj. hujuJrcd-lccnturiuUiSjUii.m.^. a oaptaiuship. CSr&sns. i./. 2. a eherry-trcci 

cov cred with wax,a waxeiiiaisge 
or hust, a ccrceloth, a cellini 
honcy-comb, a pagc, #r side rfl 
Icaf,a will, or tcstament, cnamd 
Cci a punica, white wax, VU Cedl 
miniatula, rt»d wax, Cic- J 

( -eraria .sr./afcmale wax-chandlrft 
Ccrarium, i. n. 2. wax-moncy, ths) 
fee for a seal in wax,seaJ-mone£ 
Ccrarms, i. m. 2. a wax-chaudl^ 
Ccr.'simus, a, um. at{j. af a chenjjj 

or rcd color. 
Cerasium, i- n. 2. a chcrry. 
Cerastcs,x. m. 2. a svrncnt 
four pair of horns, hke a 





, i, um. atf. sophistical, 
, dark, perverted. 
i- n. 2. a husk, or shcll. 
i n. 2 a ccrecloth* plais- 
m.f 1. & waxinfr (ter. 
, waxed,covered 
l, pitched.smearcd over. 
z f. 1. & C ruinius, i. 
thunder-stone, a pulse. 
n i.n.2 a mushroom.(rid. 

low matter in it. 

CtrftusAum adj. mad, distractCvl. 

r Jcrnendus, a, um. pt. to bc sccn 
scrnens,tis.'/M.seeing, pcrcciving. 

Cerno, nere,crevi.t>e/.vidi, cr?tum 
vcl visum. act. 3 to see, to per- 
ceive, to discern, to distinguish, 
to forcsee, to presagc, to judge, 
to know, er undcrstand, to sepa- 

Certatur, impers. there is a strife,. 

quarrel, or diflerence. 
Ortfiturus, a, um. pt. about to 

strive, contcnd, or vie with. 
«lertutus, us. m. 4. a wrestlmg. 
Certatus, a, um. pt. striven, eoife 

tendcd for, contcsted. 
Certe, adv. ius. comp. isstme, tup. 

ccrtainly, for oertain>surely,8ure 

VLjimxLdj infernal, hor- ordetcrraine, to decree, to fight, 
fcus, L m. 2.a monkey. or engagc* to enter upon 
is. m. 3. a cobler, a cur« Cernor,cris x.patt. to be percciv- 
uicr. a smith. ed, sifted, dividcd, tried. 8cc. 

'.. a$. pertaining to Cc- Cernuo, as. a 1. to stoop with thc 
n, and food,that whcre- face forward,to tumblc and show 
is made erealia arraa, tricks,to throw one upon his facc 
its of husbandry, Virg. Cernuus, a,um adj. hangiug down 
quor, ale,ar beer, Plaid. the head, with thc facc down. 
ena,a costly supper, Id. Cernuus, i. m. 2. a ropedancer. 
solnm, a trcncher of Ciro,as.a. 1 tocere, or wax ovejv 
y.Cerealia munera, vel. Clror, ari./>aj*to bc waxed ovcr 

rattt, or dividc, to sift, or rcsolve, enoujrh,true, right, yes, assured- 

ad, Ov. 

n, i.- n. 2. the Mnderf tempcrcdwithwax.(withceroma 
ie head, brains. 

CerOmatfcus, a, um adj annointed 
M,uni. atff. passionatc, Ctrdsus, a, um. adj. mixed with 
ixy, wild, mad. 
i. n. 2. the brain, thc 
spinal marrow, pitlr 


i, *./■ vide Caertraonia 
/3.the goddess of corn, 
id, food madc of corn. 
«•/. 1. ale, beer. 
ura- adi. of wax, wax- 
■*x, soft, easy, pliant, 
ke any shape, yellow. 
ersona cerea, an image 
Kcr. Cerea regna, ho- 

•» y*rsr- 

n. 2. a wax-light. 
cera, facio], as, are, 
raake wax, aa bees do 
:./. 1. & Cerinthe, es' 
teysuckle, woodbinc. ' 
um. aaj.of a wax-color 
,. % an ulcer with yel- 

C€ ointmentofoil 

Iy, witliout fail, safely, at least 
Ccrtior,us a<{i comp. more certain. 
Certd, adv. certainly, surely, a*. 

Ccrto as act. 1 to strive, to con- 
tcnd, or contcst, to vie with, to 
fight, to quarrel, to oppose, to 
be earnest, to plot. 
Ccrtor, ari. pass. to be contested* 
Ccrtus,a,um adj ior,comp. isslmus 
sup ccrtain, safe, sure, secure 
sccurcd, distinct, dcterrainate» 
particular, propcr, lawful,conve* 
nient, stcady, s*.out, resolute, re - 
solvcd, dctcrmined, constant» 
faithful, trusty, uncrring, mani- 
fest, notorious. Faccre aliquem 
ccrtiorcm, to acquaintany one. 

wax. (to a mast, or holratrcc 
Cerreus,a,um. adj. of, orbelonging^ 
Cerrinus, a. um adj. made ofjCerva, x.f 1. ahind,a deer.(Cic. 

holmtree. (out of his wits .Ccnarius, a, um aaj. belonging to 

Ccrrltus, a, um. adj. mad, frantic, ! a stajr. (thc cnd of a sailyard. 
Cerrus, i. m. 2. a holm-trce. |Cerucnus,i. m. 2 a rope to manag^ 

Certamen, Inis. n- X a contcst, a Ccrvical, alis. n. 3. a pillow, or 

contrbversy, a disputc, a trial ofj bolstcr, a nig-htcap, a cravat for 

skill, a batUc, a bustle, er noisc,! thc ncck. 

hazard, or danger, a game, or ex-jCcrvTciila.x./l. dim. a little ncck. 

ercise, an eager pursuit, a thing-Cervinus, a, um. adj.of. or bclong- 

striven for. 1 ing to a stag, or hart, tawny. 

Ccrtandus,a,um. /» bccontend-Ccrvisia, *./. 1. ale, bcer. 

ed, or contestC(L for, to contcnd-Ccrvix. icis.y! 3. the ncck, thc 
Certans, tia. pt. contc nding, vy ing.' sho jlders. 1 ncervicibus csse . to 
Certatim, oth. earnestly, eagerly. be at onc*s hccls, Cic. Incervici- 
Ccrtatio, finis./. 3. a striving, ort bus imponere dominum, to seta 

struggting, an craulation, excr- pcrson up to cutone^sthroat,/*/. 

cisc. (tcnds. CSruIa, x.f t. dim. a little wax. 

CerUtor, 5ris. m. 3. one that con- CSrussa, x*f l.vb^V^^^^ 

9 X *\ 






or daubed with ceruae. 

Ccrvus, i. m. 2. a hart, or stag, a Ccv 

forked stake, or palisado. 

Cespes, Ttis. m. 3. a turf, grass. 

Cespitator, oris. m. 3. a stumb- 
ling horse, a stumbler. 

Cespfto, arc. act. 1. to stumble. 

Ccssans, tis.jM.ccasing, ling-ering, 
tiring, si* ting, or lying stifl, loit- 
cring, having nothing to do. 

Cessatio, 5nis./.3. eessatiou,a sit 
ting still, a doing nothing, a loit- 
ering, idlcness, slackncss, a ly- 
ing fellow (idlcr, a truant. 

Ccssator, oris. m. 3- a loitcr, an 

Cessatum, eat, impen. thcy have 
becn loitcring, or idling. 

Cessaturus, a, um. pt. about to 
ccase, to ccasc, not habitablc. 

Cessatus, a, \ ccascd, givcn 
out, untilled, liaving lain fallow. 

Cessim, adx>. id giving, or going 
back. (ingup. 

Cessio, 6nis. /. a giving, or yield. 

Ccsso, as. neul.l.toceaso, to lcavc 
off, to delay, to loiter, to-stay, to 
lic still, to Ivave nothing to do, 
tobe dciicicnt, or wanting. (to. 

Cessurus,Ja, um. pt. about to yicld 

Cessus, us. m- 4. a yielding. 

Cestrum, i. «. 2. vide Cxslrum. 

Cestua, i- m. 2. thc girdlc of Ve- 
nus, a nuurriage-girdlc, any kind 
of band to tie, or fasten with- 

Cetaria,drum. pl. n.2. grcat ponds 
near the sea-side. (to whalcs. 

CStariu8,a,, or belonging 

CStarius, i. m. 2. a fislimongcr 

C€tc, 7i. pl. indecl. whales. 

Cetrax/l.a sliort squarc buckler 
Cctratus, a, um. adj. tliat usetli a 
fhort target, or bucklcr. (fish. 

Cetus, i. m. 2. u wlialc, or largc 

CeUf adv. as it wcre, cven, or like 
as. Ccu vcro, as if, Ptin. 


side of paper, a writing, a 
or epistle,a book,a card,a c 
Charta virgo, an original 
copied, or read, Mart. Ch 
vcrsa, the backside of a lc 
Chartaccus, a, um. aaj. m 

Chxre, int. God save you, ali hail. 

Chxrephyllura, i. n. 2. chcrvil. 

Chalcanthon, i. n> 2. coppcras. 

Chalceos, i./2-a prickly lierb.(cn- „— 

Clialceus, a,um.a<//'.of brass,braz-' paper. 

Chalcdgraphusi. engraver Chartarius, a, um. adj. of 
on brass, a coppcrplutc-printer. | Churtarix officinx, pape: 
Hialxdus, i. m. 2. a Chaldcan, un 07%ationers' shops, PUn. 
astrologer. a caster of nutivitics. Cliurteusa,um.fl<7/.made of 

ChaldaYcus,a,um.. adj. of Chaldea, Chartiila, x./ 1. achartcl, 
Chaldcan, bclonging to astrolo- roll. 
gy, or fortune-tcUing. ^Chartularius, i.m.2- a bookl 

Chnlo, as. a. 1. to slackcnthe sail.Charus, a, uni. adj. dcar, 

Ohalybcius, a, um. attf. of stccl. bclovcd ; vide Carus. 

ihalybs, ybis. m. 3. a kind of thcChasma, atis». 3- agrcat o 
hardcst iron, stccl, a sword, or of thc earth, or firmament, 
othcr instrumcnt madc uf stccl- Chaus, i. m. 2. aspottcd w 
'bamxlcon, ontis, vel onff m. 3. aChclx, arum, pl /.!• crabs 

thistlc. .(■hclydnis, i. m. 2. a wat 

Cliamxnielum, i. n- 2. camomile. ; toisc, a watersnake, or se 
Chanue. cs. / .J. a percht a rufi'. Chclys, yos./ 3. a lutc, or 
Chaos, n. dat. & abl. chao, a dis-Chcnoboscum, \n- 2. a gw 
ortlcrcd, cr confuscd hcap of Chcrs8nesus,?'W Chcrr6n«< 
things,thc first matter whcrcof; 2. a pcninsula. 
pocts suppoHcd all things wcrc.Chcrsos, i./ 2. land unm 
[iiad.% any decp aud dark place,' mninland, a continent. 
bcll, cbaos. (instcad of brcad.jChia, xf. \. a delicious fij 
Cbai-a, ?:•/'. 1. a kind of root catenChiliarcnus, i. m. 2. & CIu 
Ciiuracatus, a, uni- mlj. stakcd, or\ x. m. 1. a captain, colc 
propcd up with stakcs. | commandcr of a thousam 

Charactcr, cris. m. 3. a character, Chilias, adis./ 3. a thousz 
a mark, a seal, a branding-iron,'t'himxra,x/.l. a poetical i 
a stylc, or manncr of writing, oi\ like a lion in thc forepar 
spcaking, a dcscription,a charm, 1 gon behind, and a goat 
an hicroglyphic. J middle ; thc name of a 

Charistia, orum. pl n- 2. a feast of| Virgil, and of a miss in Hi 
1 rcconcuiation, &.c ^mong k:us-.Clumxriifer,a,ujn. afj/. proi 







:ras> or monstcrs. !Chftrea,Te/. Chdr~*a,i / 1. aball, Ctbandus, a, ura. pt. to fatten. 

iiiS a, um. aiij. wintcrly.j a dance. iCibaria. n. 2. food,meat, 

se./l thchand-gtmt.(caitChbrb«ithdrista, x. m. 1. he that' virtuals, provisions. 
tXium, i. n. 2. a child's go-, pliyson the hurp, 8cc. whilst o-Cihuriuui, i. n. 2. the sccond sort 
iphum, i. n a hand writ-| thers dancc.(ofa country.amap of flour, bran, coarsc food. 
>ill, or bond under one^)Chdrogrjphia,.r./l.udcscription Ciburius, a, um adj. pertaining to 
tiid. Ch6rogAphus,i. m. 2. adescribcr >ictuals,or common food,coarse. 

mlis, x. m. 1 one that tel- of countries,a publisherof maps. Cibutfirus,a, aboat to feed. 
tunei» by the lines iu the.Chors, vidt Cohors. Cihatus, ns m. 4 food,su8tenancc, 

a chiromanccr. Ch6rus,i.;/i.2.acompanyGfsinger*, provision.thc fattcning ofcattle. 

nib.x./ 1. a kind of ges- or dauceis, a choir, a conccrt, aCibilla, x/ 1. a dining-table. 

band,any company, or as*embly.Ciho, nourish,fccd,fattcn. 
;liria, ae/ 1. a theme, a thcsis. Cibor, ari. piiMs. to be fed. 
Ctirisma,utju. n. 3. chrism,unrtion.Cfbdrium.i Egyptian bean, # 

th the hands. 

mon, ontis. udj. showingCl 
motions with the hand.-t 
mus,i. m.2. one ihat useth 
swith hishaiufcin dancing. 
a,x. /l.theartof *9rgery. 
ice, es./ 3. surgery. 
icus, a, um adj- pcrtain- 
«irgery, surgieal. 
iui» i. m. 2. a riurgcon. 
Litus, a, um. adj cloakcd 
lula, ac. /1. dim. a li.tlv 

Christijnisnius,i. m. 2.christianity. a large drinking-cup. , ^ 
Christiunus, i. m. 2. a christian- Cibus, i m. 2 mcat, tood, nourish- 
Chri.ttigcnus, a, um. ailj. boniof ment, incrcase. Eflamma cibum 

Christ, divinc. | peterc, Pmv. to do, ov suffer any 

Chroiua, alis. n. 3. sweet musica, thing for a mcarsmeat, Ter. 

color, afair prctence,anexcuse.Cicuda,a:./ 1. a grasshopper,a lo- 

i, ydis./. 3. a cloak, a sol- 

cust, a balm-cricket, a bad poet. 

Cicatricosus, a, um. cirfy*. having 

many scars, full of gashes, &c. 

Chr6maticiis,a,um /zr(/.soft f swcet. 
Chrbiiic:i,3ruin />/.;;. 2. chroniclcs. 
Chromrus, a, um. adj. chronical. 

Chromcus, i. »i. 2. a chronolopcr.vicatricula^x./l.cfima littlc scar. 
Chronologia, x.f 1. chronologyJCicatrix, icis./:5.a «car, a scam of 
coal,& tunic,or loose coat, Chr6noIogus,i.m.2.a chronologcrj a wound, an old sorc, a chop, ©r 
m\ guwn. or maiitlc, adiKsalis, dis. /. 3. a worm, ofl rcnt, a patch, the hatchings in 
s Toose-^armont. which ronies the buttcrfly. | a gravcn image forthc gpldine. 

dvs, iW tcs, is,/.i.a green Chrysanthemun, i. «. 2. crowfoot,Ciccum, rt/Cicum, i n. 2. tLc^skin 
•s sione. corn-marigold. (withgold.- in a pomegranate tliat partsthc 

x. f. 1. chohr, ang-er. Chrysendcton, i. n. 2. a cup tipt kcrnels. a merc triflc, a straw, a 

Chrysrtcolla,a'./l.borax,amincRil.| rush, a pin. (pcase. 

Chrysohthos, i. wi. a clir}'solite,Clccr, eris. n. 3. a vetch, chich- 

jasper. . Ciccra, x. / 1. a pulsc good for 

(ihrysomehmi, i n. 2. an orangc. fodder. (cs, 

Chrysophrys, ydis./3. a fish hav-Ciccrciila,a:,/3. dim littlc chich- 

injr a jfold color over its eycs. |<Jichor€uin;i.n.2. succory, endive. 

Chrysos. i. wi. 2. gold, a gillhcadjClicindela, *./. l.a glow-worm. 

Chyda:iis,a,iini.a.//.vile,worthlcss. l Ciconia,x./l,astork^imocksign. 

Chyliis.i.;n.2. chyle, a white juicc,Cicur,nris omn jjjen af//tame,gen- 

fn>m incat dijrested in the stom-j tlc.niild, that will come to hand. 

;hytra,x/ 1. a pot, a pipkin.Cach.-Cicuro, as. a. 1. to make tame, to 

le, iUnessof the stomach, 
tlux and vomit. 
:us, a, tini. adj- troubled 
lolic, choleric. 
um, i. «. 2. ihc dre<siiiij- 
rt playhnuse*. players' ap- 
irniture uf tl&c sta'gc,dress 

u, i. m. 2. thc mastcr of 
:hc keepcr of attire. 
es. ?:. i.i. 1. a in',:isircl. 
i.-i»ria,:E ./!.:-. sl.c-ininstrcl 
*./ l"a -i,»iiv;of a harp, 
trin£, a cor:!, ;t rij^ht linc. 



Ciba v . a c/1. a table.(meat, or food 

CicQta,x./l. hemlock,helleborc. 
poison, a shepherd's pipe, thc 

t, a u*n alj.vidt C.uvlin Cibatis, c- adj. of, ©r bclongingto di»Ui\cc \tv c^wvi^ *?&&.T*«k. > s«- 





twixt two knots. (mitre.C.ncfacio, [cinercs, facio,] ccrc, hair in locks and curls. 

Cldaria, is. / 3 a sash, turban, i eci, factum. act. 3. to bring, orCio, Irc, Ivi, itum* act. 4-toiur, 

Cidarum, i. n 2. a kind of ship. j rcducc to ashes. excite, or call. 

Cieus, \ raising oi-stirring up Cincfactus, a, um. pt. tumcd toCippus^. m- 2. a palisado,«riharp 

Cio, cs, icie, ivi, iiuni. ar/- 2. to ashcs, incincrated, stakc.wooden stockft raisc»*;- i.iuve, to ruusc, fmcrarcus. a, um. adj. of an ash- for the fect, a jail, a grave ftoafc 
to excite,to pro\ okc,tocall upon,' color, of, or like ashes.* ! or monumcnt, alittle hill. 

«rinvoke,tocall,to namc,to rcrk-Cineralia, drum. pl. n. 2. Ash- Circa, prap cum acc* about, netfy 
on,to cause,to rcpclordrive hack, Wcdncsdav, first day of Dent. , near to, with, in, concerninfj 
Alvum cicrc, to purge, CoL Clncrarius, "i. m. 2. a man who adv every where, round iboot 

Cieor, iri t pass. to bc stirred up. makes dresses for women, or at-Circanea, x.f. 1. a kitc. 

&liciuus,a,um. atlj ofhaircloth. tendsthcm (ashcs,of anash-color. Circences, «c ludi, Jur. gmmeti w 
' Cilicium, i. w- 2. haircloth. CTnereus, a, um. adj. of, or likc exercises of wrestling, nmnhfi 

Cilium, i-n. 2 the utniost edge ofCinericus, a, um- adj. baked, or\ &c keptin the circu*; a rumniig 
the cycIid,thchairsof thc eyclids roasted under ashcs. witli gTeat horses, tilts» barrier^ 

Cilldnc*, uin. pl. m 3. minstrcis Cincrosus,a, um- adj.fwM ofashes. justs, or tournamcnt 

using filthy and lcwd gesturcs 
Cilo, dnis. m. 3* aperson bectlc 

Clmex,ecis. c g. 3. a kind of worm 

in wood, or paper, a chinch, or 
C¥m5lia tcrra, fullcrs-earth (bug*. 
Cfoxdicus, a, um. adj. wanton,lc- 

cherous,bawdy,loosc, lcwd (ton 
Cinzdulus,a, um. ar//.ahttle waiv 
CYnxdus, i. m. 2. a geklcd youth 

acatamite, a wanton daucer, or 

■hower of tricks, a tumblcr, a 

yellow iish. 
Cilnxdus,a, um adj. loose, wanton 
Ctnara,?c./. 1. an artichokc. 
Cincinnatus,a, um. atfj. that hath 

curled, or frizzlcd hair. (lock. 
Cincinnulus, i. m. 2. dim. a littlc 
Cincinnus, i. m. 2. a curled lock 

Cincticulus, i. m 2. dim. a sliortjciunubari, n. & Cinnabaris, is. / 

coat from the loins. 
Cinctorium, i. n. 2. a girdle,a bclt. 
CinctOra, ac. /. 1. a girding. 
Cinctus,a, um. ^. £irdcd, cncom- 

passed, suroundcd, besetwith. 
Cuictus, us. m. 4. a inan's girdlc, 

a short coat girdcd a litttlc below 

thc paps, a ilreas, or garb. 

Cing-cndus,a,um,/;f. to be encom-Circenus,e.a<0. of, #rbelongingtfl 
passed, or girdcd about. I the cfrcut, or place of czercke* 

Cingcns, tis pt tying round, en-,Circes, itis m. 3. a kind of hoopi» 
compassing about. (dleJ ring, a sort of olives. * 

Ciugiilus, i. m. 2. dim. a littlc gir-Circinatio, Onis. / 3- a turnng 

Cingo, gcrc, nxi, nctum. act. 3. to! round, a raeasuring with cobv 
surround, to tie round, orabout,i passcs. (roundcd, turned roupi 
to gird, to cnviron, to besct, toCircinatus, a, um. pt- compaaie^ 
assualt,to dwcll round,to defencL Circino,as. a- 1. to make aciiclCj 
;ing-or.i. passXo be girt about, or to compass round, to tumround. 
8un*oundcd, to bc tenccd, or se-'Circinor, ari. pat*. to bc measufv 
cured, to be joined, or coupled. ed, or drawn by cpmpasies* 

Cingiila, x.f. 1. a girth, or band. Circmus, i. m 2. a pair of " 

Cingulum, i. n. 2. a girdle, a band, 
the cestcs of Venus,a zonc,a cli- 
matc. (dresser of hair,a chymist. 

Cinitio, onis. m. 3. a curler, or 

(Jinis, & Cineris. neris. d.g. 3 
ashes, cmbers, cinders, Telics. 

Cinctntus, a, um />/. armcd aiuliCinnus. i- m. 2. a hotch-potch, n 
ready to iight, girded. 

passes, the shingles. 
Circitcr, prap. cum. acc. & aif* 
about, nigh unto, nearly. 
Circito; as. act. 1. to go about 
Circlus,i. m. 2. />ro. Circu]us,ahO0p 
Circueo, vcl Circumco. ire, !n»< 
Itum.a.4.togo about,to turround. 
3. cimuibar,an Indian g^um, a soft CircuitiOfVeicircumltio, Cnis>/ 3. 
red stone called minJiim, red- a circuit,a going thc rounds, tbe , 
lead, vcrmillion, dragt>n's hlood- fctching a compass, a preax&bfe. 
Ciunumominus, a, um. udj. of 9 or Circuitor, 5ris.m. 7a night-witdv 

a"stroller a a pcdlar. 
Circuitus, us. m. 4. a circuit, t 
cutnpuss, a circumfcrence. 
Cii-cmtus, a, um. pt. gone abouU 
compassed round, surrounded. 

madc of cinnamon. 
-innaiiioinum, i. n. 2. thc cmna- 
montrcc, cinnamon itsclf. 
Cinnamum, i. n. 2. idcin. 

I mcdley, a potion, a plating olrfirculans, tis. pr.turninythebtfd 





staring about. , bout Circumcidaneum mustum, surroundcf), cnvironed, armcd, 

s, c.aitv. cirrulur, round. ofthc last pressinjr, Cato. clad. 

m, adj. in a cirt.Je. Circumcidendus,^rto bccut CVro///jdo,clure,dcdi,clatum, act. 1. 

>/, oris. m. 3. uny hawker cft", or circumcised, to bc for- to surround, to compass about,to 
, a jester, a mountcbank. biddcn. i incfosc,to clasp fastabout, to be- 

»rius,a,uRi.a<(/. bclongin£('ircuincTdo, [circumc«cdo,] derc, set, to prcscribc. Circumdarc 
crs, mountebanks, Stc. ldi, Isum a- 3. to cut about, or flaniniis. to setonfire, Ph*r<J. 

oft", to circumcisc, to prune, or Oci/mduco, ctre, uxi, uctum. a. 
lop, toshorten. or take off, to 5 . to lcadround, or about, tolcad 
abridgc, to detrench, to forbid. out of the way, to imposc on, to 
Circumcingcns, surround- abolish,to cancel, todraw aline 
in.dff/ mcet iu com- 1 ing-, ccmpassing round,inclosinir. quitc throujrh. Circumduccre 
>run to and fro,to huwk' CVrctfwcinjco.jrerCjnxi, nctum.a 3. diem, to spcnd the day, Suet. 
>sirolI, or gx> about. | to surioui.d, to compass round. Circuiffducor. i. pass. to beled, or 

ix, Icis. /. 3. a shc-frypsy. 
ia. act. U neiit. 1 . to cn- 
o cncompass ahout, to 
ind, or about. 

itting- togcther, a round Ciicui!iCisOra,a:./ 1. a cutting, or circumfcrence.a circuit, a cheat- 

| iucision, a pruning". i injr, achousing,acozcning. 

pr<rp. cnm. acc. about, Circtimcisus, a, uni. pt. pruned, Circumductus,a, um pt. surround- 

out, with orincompanv. 
h. around, obout. (with 
<\o, onis. /. a turning' 

lopped, cut off, or away, nared, ed, wrapped, or muffled. (cnce. 

circumcised, contracted, torbid- Circumductus, us. m a circumfcr- 

dcn, short, uvoided. CVrc//meo,Tre,Ivi, itunvo, 4. to go 

C/;ri///;claudo, dere, ausi, ausum. about,or"rotind about,to encircle. 
turncdl a. 3 to inclose round, to hem in. to er.compass, to surrouud, to 
turning Circumclaudor, i, ausus sum. pas*.\ bcset. 

to be inclosc d. [Circumeor, iri.pass. to be beset,to 


round, to cncompass, tohem in.!C7rc//mcrro, as. a. 1. to wander 

Circumcludor, i. f*uss. to be in 
closcd round, to bc surroundcd. 

LU-% a uin. pt. 
U5, us. m. a 

I to be inclosi < 
enduRya, to whirlCircumcludo,[circum,claudo1, dc-j be cncircled,orcompasscd about. 
Hrhirlcd about, tuininjr. rc, usi. flsum. act.3. toinclosc 1 CYrcum£qu'ito^ 
cna,tis./)f turning- round. 
gfratus, a um. pt. hcap- 
, covercd over. (ahout. 
frcrn, as. a. 1. to hcap 
o, gerc, e(ri. actum. a. 3 
ound, or about, to whirl 
whecl, or clrivc about, 
lo pursucto make frec. 
^r, i. actus sum. pass. to 
d,orwhirlcd about Xilo- 
i circumagi .you ncedr.ot 

ubout, to xnove about, orup and 
down. (about, to bc gonc round. 

Circumclusus, a, shut in, Circiimenndus,a,nm. pt. tobegone 
ciosed in, surrounded. |Cireuinfcrcns, tis. pt- carrying 

Circumr.blo, lere, lui, cultum, a | rouud* (er.ce. 

3. to dwell ubout, or nigh, to tilVCircumfercntia, *./ a circumfcr 

Circumculco[circum,calco], as. a. 
1. to trample ai ovcr, cr down. 
Circumcursans, tis. pt. running 1 
^r out of your way, JIor.\ ubout. 
bulo, as. act. 1. to walk C'/rrit/ncurso,as.n.l. to run upand 

outy to go round about. 
', as. act. 1. to plough 

^neut, %, um. aaj. cuta 


down, or hithcr andthither. 
Circumdandus, a, um. pt. to be 

surrounded, to surrounid. 
CircumdalUMf \ compamd 

CVrci/mfCro, tuli, a. 3. to carry 
about, or round, to rcport, or rc- 
latc, to purify by lust:*ation. 

Circumferor, eni, mlatus pas*. to 
bt* carricd round, to be rcported. 

Circumnrmandus, a, um. pt. to be 
upheld, or supported round. 

C/rcwmfirmo»as.a. 1. tofortifyand 
makeatrong on all sidts, to sup- 





Circumflans,tis. /*. blowing on alP all ovcr, cntirely fVoztn. * CircumlTtus, a, um. pt. v 

sidcs, or all rouncl. Circi/mge mo,mere,mui, mitum. «• &c over, washed, gilt, < 

Orc.i/mflecto, tcre, exi, exum artj 3. to groan, ©r roar roundabout.Circumlocutio, 6nis/3. a 
3. to bcnd abotit, to fctch a com-jC/rci/rogesto,as.< carry about. locution, a compass,tcdi 
pa«8,tocircumflecta word.(bout.!CJiTiiniglbba.tiis,a, um. pt gathcr-Circumlfcquens, tis- pt.% 

Circumflexio, 5nis./ atuming a- ed intohcaps maderoiiml. by circumlocution, tedio 

Circumflexus, a, um. pt. circum-Circumgrcdior, [circum, gTadior.] C/rc«ml6quor,i. quutus, 
flcx, bowed, or bent abotit (flcx., i dcp. 3. to go, or march about. dep. 3. to use many won 

Circumflcxus, us. m. 4 ;iciRMim-t 1 .irctimp^ressus*us.m.agoingaboiitCircumlGcen8,tis.^r sbinii 

Circi/mflo, as. «• 1. to blow on allCirctimhiimatus,a, um. a///.naving CYmimluo. ue*rc, ui- Ifktiif 
nidcs. ' earth castabout,tarthed,interrcd to wash round.or about 

Circiunfluens,tLS./»/. flowinground CiiTiimjacens, tis pt- lying round Circumluor, i./.««. tobe 

CircT/mfluo^uCrcuxi -«.3 toflowa- about, circumjacent. 

bout,to abound,tocomc togctlier nrc//mjacco,cerc n lie about. 
Circumfluus,a,um. adj. that flows,C;rcumjcctus,:i, laid, cast,Circumluvio, 6nis. f 3. t 

or ruus ahout, flowcd ahotit. , made,or sittiate about, adjaccnt,; ingabout of watcrs (roui 
C/rci/mf rtdio, dcre, di,ossum. act. near, stirrotindcd jcircummisstis, a, um. , 

fVrcwmlustro, as. «• 1. toi 
about, to rcconnoitrc. 

3. todtg round, «r about («about CiiTumiens,euntis/>^™ngroundjC/rci/mmitto, te*re, iai, is 
Circumfbdior, i. pass. to he dug^ircumjicio [circum,jacio], ccre.i 3 toseitd round about. 
Circumfcrancus, a, um. adj. thai jcci, jcctitm, uct 3. to cast, orCircummittor,i, issus. p& 
gocs up and down, thatis carri- tlirow round about, to compass. | sent round. 
cd abcut themarket. Circumtb-.(-iiT.iim:tiiru*,a, tm». pt. about toCircummccnio [circum, 
Taneus medicus, a mountcbaukJ go rotind, ur mirround. (about ! Iro, Ivi, Itum. «. 4- to wa 
Circumforaneum, a:s, interest-Circrimitio, 6nis. / 3. a golngCircummccnltus, a, um- p\ 
money, Cic. (round, or about Circtimttus, us m. 4. a going thcj round, or about. 
Circumfbratus, a, um. jM- borcdj tUrthestway.(gliding roundabout Circummu1cens,tis.^f. gcr 

C/rri/mforo,as.«. 1. to boreround Circumlubens, tis, pt. sliding, oi 
Circumfossor,6ns m. 3.apioneer ! C/rri/riilambo, bere- a. 3. to lick 
Circumfossura, se. / a diggingi ahout. 

about. (round, or about !Cirrf?7iiIatro f are. act 1. tobark 

Circumfractus, a, brokcn- round, to railandbawl at onc 
C/rcnmfr£mo,e>e,ui a. 3. to chirp, Circumlatus, a, 

chatter,ormake anoisc about 
CYrci/mfrTeo. as act. 1. to rub all 

ovcr, to rub thoroughly. 
Grei/mfulgco, gCre, lsi, n. 2. to 

shinc on evcry sidc. 
CYrcttmfundo,dere,udi, usum, a.3 

CYrc7/mlavo,as, lavi lotum. & lavu- 

tum, a. 1 to wash,or flow round 
C/rci/mlfgo,as act. 1. to tic about 
CiJTi/mlinio, Ire,ivi,ituma.4. to a- 

noint all over,to lard a discourse. 

to pour about, to encompass Circumlin!tu*,a,um./»/ besmeared 

Circumfundor» cE, fiisus pa*a. to 
bc pourod round, to be shed, or 

' run over, to be surrounded, to 
be routcd, or slain. 

Circumfusus, a, um pt circumam- 
bient, surrounded, routed, slain- 

^iivum^Ulu^ a, um, jW, frozen 

C/rci/iNhno, n€re, hvi, lcvi, & linis 
lftum. act. 3. toanoint, smear, oi 
daub all over. 

CircumlTnor, i. p. to be smeared 

CircumlitiOyOnis./ 3. an anointing 

about, a polishing,burnishing, or 

putting tufi laft haadto a thmg. 

C/rci/mmulceo, cre, lsi. i 

stroke sofily, to touch g 
Circtffiimfmio, ire, T\*i- at 

mtrench, to fence round 

Circummiiniorjri, rtus./w 

um. pu carricdj intrenchcd. or tied about 

Circummuntio, 6nis. /. i 

vcsting of a placc 
Circummunitus.a, um. pt. 

ed on every sidc, guai 

Circuminasccns, tis. /*/. | 
C/rcii»inascor,i.//. gro' 
C/rci/mnavigo^re .a. 1 .to 9 
Circt/mnecto,cre,xui, &ii f 

3to tic round,to connect 
Circumnexus, a, um.jW. ef 
C/rc7/mobruo,u £ re,ui T utun 

covcr over witli earth,to 




tt. (about the rivcrPo. Cfrci/msca1po,pere,psi,\ sit lay siejrc to,toinvest. 
Inus, a. um. adj. lyinjr. 3. to scratcli, ©r scrapc all round.jfVivK/risitrmyis a markro ind.^pactum, CVVrumscindo, dere, scidi, scis-.Circumsilio [circum, Aaliol, "uv, 
■et, or plant ai) about. sum. act. 3. to cut round about. | lui, nmt 4. to lcap round about. 
o, ire, ivi. Itum. act. 4- Circumscribendus, a,um./>/ tohc.Circumsistcns, tis. pt. staiulin^ 
un, «r beat about. circumscribed, boundcd, &c. round. 

rtus, a, um. pt. paved, Circumscrlbcns, tis jw. circuin- f Viriimnisto. tere, stlti, stitum. o. 
ed down all over. scribimj, conccaling. 3. tostand,orgathcrround (ed. 

es, um. />/. m. pagcs, CircMmscribo, bcrcipsi, iptum. a. Circumsistor, i.^. to bcsurround- 
waitcrs, attendants at 3 to circumscribc, to limit, orCircumsitus,a, um adj. scutcd, ov 

(round bound. to draw round, to com- dwelling- round about. 
dens, tia. pt. hanging- priso briefly, to chcat, or cir- Circi/msono, as. 1. to sound all 
tor, ti, exus. d 3. to cm-| cumvcnt, to cast out. (cd. about,to ring ajrain. (roundabout. 

cus, us. m. 4. an em- ing, aclicating, orovcrreachinjr.jCirciimspcctaiis, tis. pt. lookinjr 
r twisting about. Circumscriptor,oris m 3 a chcatcr. (Mraimspcctator,dris.m.3.onc that 

atus, a, um. pt. twistcd Circumscriptus, a, um,/>/. & adj\ lookcth ubout him on cvcry side. 
*inc-d, infoldcd. ior, comp. circumscribcd» conlin-'Circumspcctatrix,idis/:J.a\voman 

r>, as act, 1. to fold, ov cd, discarded, laid aside, dcceiv- * ' 

t, to roll, or wrap about. ed cozcncd, chcatcd. 
o,nerc,dsui,usitum.a 3 CVrc?imseco, as cui, ctum. a. 1. to 
iut all about (round. cut about, to circumcise. 
tus, a, pIacedCircumsecor,ari.£.tobecutround 
ktio, onis/ 3, a drink- Circumscctus, a, cut rouud 
, of about. (round. circumciscd. 
ro, as. a. to cleansc Cii'c//mscdco,tTC, 
±ue,adv oncveryside. sit round, to bcscigc. 
>, crc, si, sum. a. 3. to Circumscdeor, dcri. scssus/kjm. to 
id, to scrape about. bc bescigrd. (hedgcin f orinclosc 
ir, i. pau. to be serap- C/>c//mscpio,irc psi, ptum. a- 4. to 

(ofi* Circumscptus, a, hedged in, 
[>, onis./ 3. a scraping surroundcd, inclosed, guardcd- 
is, a, um. pt. scrapcu CVrc//msero,erc. a. 3. to sow about 

Circumscror,i.p tobc sownahout. 
3, [circum, retcl, ire, Circumsessio, oni*. / 3. a sitting 
.4. tocnsnarc, tocatch. round. ^ (to surrouud. 

tus, a, um. pt. catchcd CircumscHruB. a, um. />/. about 
nUnglcd liampered. Circumscssits, a, surround- 
ius, a, um. aaj. water- ed, encompasscd, bcsct. 
siiout. t^ircunisuleo [circum, scdeo], cre, 

>, eiv, si, sum. a. 3. to sedi,seKsum.ti.2.tobc beset.tobe 
tftodctract (spokenof. sic^c, vr block up, to invest. 
>r, i, 5sua. p. to bc e\*U. (;ircumsideor»eri./>.to bc inveated 
^«•l.WaMiQe roand- C/rc«m»ide, dgre # tc«suauic<« 3. to 

whiclilooketli abouton cveryside* 
Circumspecte, adv. ius. comp. cir- 

cumspcctly, warily, adviscdly. 
f 'ircumspcctio, 6nis./3. a circum- 

spcction, grcA carc, a lookin^ 

CVrc//mspccto,as a.\ to look about, 

to considcr a thing- dilipentlv. 
Circumspcctor, ari- pas». to be 

vicwid round. 
Circuinspectus, a, um. a^.issinui* 

uup. circumspect, wary, cautious, 

watchful,Vise, pnideiit, considc 

ratc.duly wc-ighed,or considcred. 
CucuinspeQtus, ua. m. circum. 

Circumspcrgo, [circum, spnrgo], 

gerc act. 3. tosprinklc ali round, 

to sprinklc about (round. 

CircuinspTcicna, tis. pt- lookinj? 
Circumsplcicntia, ac. / circum- 

CircumspTcio, [circum, specio], 

cCrc, pcxi, pectum. act. 3. to 

look round, or about, to survcj 

tO Ukc CftCC» to U^ ^A»^^ \A 






CdgftBtum, i. n. Z.athought, an in- 

tention, a design, a contrivancc 

Cdgitatus. a,um./H. thought upon, 

contrivcd, devised, designed. 
C5gito, are./re«. 1- to think. to 

muse, to cast m mind, or havc 

tend, to deaifm, toregard, to im- 
agine, or devuc, or invcnt 

Cognoscendus, a, um. pt. to bc 
known, to be understood, to be 
learned, to know. 

Cdgpitaturus, a, about tolCognosco [con,nosco], cerc, 5vi, 
'" * cognitum.a know, to under- 

stand, to know carnally, to expe- 
riencc,to lcarn,to inform onesclf, 
to cxaminc, to sift out,to heari 
order to detcnnine,to observe,to 

tlioughts about, to rcflect, to in- view,to perccive,to own,to recol- 

lect.(learncd,tobetaken notice 
Cognoscor,i, nitus mm-pa»». to bc 

C5g1tor, ari. bc thought of.'C6go [con, ago], gere, o€gi, oac 
Cognatio, 6nis/3. kindred, rclati-j tum. a. 3. to gather, or collcct, 
onsbip, likencss, agreement. 

Cognatus. a, um. ac/f .kindred, alli 
ed, of the same blood, very like, 
almost of the samc nature, ncar, 
adjoining, agrecablc, suitablc 

Cognatus,i m. 2. akinsman,/»-o/>rr- 
ly bif blood, a relation, a cousin. 

Cognltio, onis. /. 3. knowledgc, 
judgment, a tnal, a cognizance, 

examination, or mquiry. 

to get, bring, or assemblc toge- 
ther, to heap up, to tliicken, to 
curdle, to forcc, or compel, to 
oblige, to urge, to rally, or bring 
up, to draw up, or range, to con 
clude, or infer, to confine. NodolCohortali 
comas cogcrc, to truss up thc 
hair, Sen. Verba cogere in 
pcdcs, to makc verses, Ov. 

a rule, dcfinition, or preccpt, an>Cogor,i,coactus./ta**. to bc assem 

bled,driven, forced, curdled, &c 

Cognttor, 5ris m. 3. onc that takes CbhxrenB, tis pt. agrecing, unit- 

cognizancc, a proctor, a lawycr, 
onc that ovcrlooks the salc of 
confiscatcd goods. 

Cognitura, *./. 1. thepracticc of 
an attomey, proctorship, a prac 
tor*s fcc. (know, to know. 

Cogntturus, a, um. pl. about to 

Cognitus, a, um. pu &, adj. ior, 
comp issimus. tiip. known, un- 
derstoodknown by report,heard, 
tricd, cnjoyed. 

Cogn6mcn, inis. n. 3. a surname. 

Cognomentum, i. n. 2. a surname, 
a nfckname, a bvnamc. 

ing, or hanging together 

Cbhscrcnter, adv. ius. comp. or 
dcrly, without intcrruption, fitly. 

Cohacrentia, «./. 1. coherence, 
fastening, or bticking togcther, 
a subsisting, a support. 

Cohsereo, erc, aesi, scsum- n. 2. to 
stick, orhangtogether,to clcave 
togcther,to bc joined in otfice,to 
agrccto be all ofone mind,tolove 
each other heartily, to subsist. 

C6haeres, edis. c. g. 

C61ixrcscens,tis.^/. sticking.(ther. 

Cogndminans, tis pt. surnamingJCdh2crcsco,erc.inc3.tosticktog«- 
Cogndminatus.a,um./>rsurnamcd. C6hxsio, 6nw./ 3.a cohcsion.(ed. 
CognOminis, e. c. g. of the sameCohibendus, a, tobe curb 
name.(to surname, to nickname.Colribens, tis pt. rcstraining. 
Cognomino[con,nomino] are. «.1 JC6hTbco[con, habco], ere, bui, bT 
Cogiidminor, iiri./i. to be named.] tuin, a. 2. to restrain, to curb, er|Coftus,us 

hold in,tokeep under,orofF,tore, 
frain, to withhold, tocontain,t» 
keep closc, to bind, to tie up, ir 
about. (curbcd, detained, fcc< 
C6hYbcor, £ri./>.to be restraincd, 
CShTbessit, pro Cohibuerit 
Cohibttio, 5nis./ 3. a rcstraint 
in Cblubltus, a, um. pt. restnind, 
close. (gracc, to adon. 

— ,Cdh8nc8to,are, commend-to 
of C6h6nestor, ari./ be grac«L 
Cdhorreo;Crc,rui.7ieu/.2. to shakci 
to tremble for fear. 
Cohorresco, Sre. n. 3. Id. 
C5hors, tis./3.a cohort, a troop^i 
band of men,a regiment of fboU 
company,an asserably,a crowd,! 
coop,a pen.ayard for poultry,Co 
hors prxtoria, a lifcguard, G& 
^ohortalis, e- adj. fed in » coop. 
Cohortandus, a, um. pt. tobe ez 
horted, or encouragcd,to exhofl 
C5hortatio, onis/ 3. an exhmtati 
C6hortatus,a,um./i/. cncoura^ed 
having cncouraged>encouragiof 
C6horticida,3c./l.a small retintte. 
C6hortis, is./ 3. a coop, apen> 
Cohortor,ari,atus,sum. d. 1. to ex- 
hort, to encouragc, or heartea. 
a C6hum, i. n. 2- a thong, heaven. 
Cotbilis, e. adj. hanging together 
Coiens,euntis./»/. meeting, «rectt- 
ing closc togcthcr, closing. 
Coinquino, 5re. a. 1. to soil, or bfr 
daub, to corrupt,o;infcct,totiinfc 
to defilc, to pollute, to debauck 
Coin<iutnor,ari./iaw.tobe defilei 
Coitio, onis/ 3. an assembling t* 
gcthcr, a confcderacy. or unioii 
a correspondence,orpartnerih^ 
a shock, or cliarge, copulatioa. 
CoTtOrus, a, about to xnedi 
or join with. (aulei 

:oitus. a. um. pt. come togetlm 
4. a comingtogctta 





ng, copulation Coitus the same milk, nursed togetlicr.l written, or gathercd out of manjr 

njunctionof the sun &Collapsus, a,iim./»/.ruined,orfal1en works, coHections, observations, 

. Coitus humoris, the down, out of heart, faintingr, faU- notes. 

)f an humour, CeU. ing into a swoon, stoppcd. 

osition,stands for con. Collare,is.n.3.8c Collanum,i.n. 2. a 

*e.a.l.tobuffet,orbeat. collar,a band,a neckcloth, a cra 

m. 2 a box on thc vat, a nccklace. (for malefactors. 

on the chops, or face,Collaria,ac./l.acollar.oriron ring" 

l the list. (ed.Colluria.e.arf/. of the neck.(pious 

1. pt. strained, clcans-CoUatatus,a, um. pt. enlarged, co- 
i a flatter, aparasitcCollatcralis, e. adj. collatcral. 
xmptxo be worahipp-CoUatio,dnis./o.acoHation,acom- 
:nced,tobe cultivated. parison, a bringing, or joining to 
f. worshipping,tilting. gether, a tax, an assessment, a 
Jdlis, is m.X a stalk of collection,a contribution,asimile. 
. man's yard.(orbeast. Collatitius, a, um. adj contribut 

2. thestonesof aman, ed, conferred, lent, borrowed, 
1 Couca ac./the colic. hired, paid by several. 
i. 2. dim. a little stalk.Collativus, a, um. atfi. CoUativus 
um. adj. of the colic.j ventcr, a great paunch, or wen, 

vel Collipbium, i. n. Plaid. Collativa coena,a clubfeast. 
et used by wrestlersCollIto, are. act. 1- to widen, to 
make them strong. I enlargc, to extend. 

Collectancus, a, um. adj. collccted 
hcrc and thcre, scraped up to- 
gcther. -Es collcctaneum, old 
brass, PUn. 

Collcctio,dnis. /. 3. a collection,or 
gathering together,a picking up, 
an imposthume,a sweiling,a con- 
cluaion, orinference.(of all sorts. 

Col)ectitus,a, up« 

Collectlvus, a, um. aiij. collective, 
apt to make inferenccs gather» 
cd together, or put into one. 

Collectum, i. n- 2. that which ia 
gathercd together. 

Collectus, us- m. 4- a collection. 

Collectu»,a,um. pt- & adj.\or t comp. 
gathered togethcr, asscrabled, 
gotten, ODtaincd, picked up, re- 
covered and incrcascd, tied, or 
girded up. 

ItQneut. 3. to stagg-er.Collator, aris. m. 3. a coUator, a Collega, x- ra. 1 a colleaguc, % 

>, cere act. 3,to loosen, contributor, an cqual payer. 
> destroy, to waste. jCollatu, abl. m. 4- m comparison- 
ttus, a, um. pt. to beCollatum est, imper*. there was a 
•r mc1ted,weakened.| contribution made, Mart. 
iy are. act. 1. to throwCoUatunis,a,um. pt. aboxit to con- 
nfecble, or weaken. fer, ov comparc 
is,a,um./r/. overbornc.iCollatus,a,uin. /u.collated,compar- 

_ri. n. be brokcn,i 

lown to the ground,to 
in pieces, to founder. 
is. pt. ralling down 
ere.n.3.tofari,to totter 
apsus. dep. 3. to fidl, 

ed\set, or advanced over against, 

brought together, contributed, 
bcstowcd, cmployed, carried 
CollaudanduH,a,um ptXo be higtoly 
praised,orcommended.(prai8]iig > . 
, '-ollaudans, tis. pt. cotnmcnding, 
/c way, to stumble, toCollaudatio, dnis./. X praise. 
to siiik. ''ollaudatus, a, um pt. praised. 

», a,um. pt. torn.(with 

partncr, a sharcr, an associate^ 

an assistant, a helper. 
CollSgialis, e. adj. collegiate. 
Collegium,i n 2. a coUcge,a corpo- 

ration, a company, a fratcrmty, 

or society, partnership. 
Co/levo, are. act- 1. to give ease, 

to case, to lighten. 
Colllbertus i. m. 2. onethat is 

made free by the same master. 
Co/libet, colltbuit, colhbitum est. 

imp. it likcth, it nleascth. Si 
coUibuisset, if hc had bcen in the 

humor, Ilor. 
Colliciac, anim. pl. f. L pipcs, 

ro/laudo,are.a. topraise, to cora- troughs, gutters, drains, gntter- 

ans, tis pt. weeping mcnd. (ed. or commendcd 

itio, drMB. /. 3. a weep- Collaudor,ari. />tobe highly prais- 
thers. Collccta, ac./. 1. acollect, a col 

o,are. act. 1 to bewail, lection,or gathering'^. shot, club, 
r a tliing' with one* or reckoning, a sliare. 
i, um. nlj. nursed with Collcctanca, 5rum. pl. n, 2. tktngt 


ColITculus, i. m. 2. dim ahillock. 

Collido[condxdo], d£rc, isi, isum. 
act. ). to beat, strike, or dash 
togellier, to dash against« to 





nua, to clap hands, Qmnt. Colhquitio, onis / 3. a meltintf. parky. 

Coilldor, di, isus sum. paaa. to beXVluMicfacio,cere,feci,factuiu a. Coi1c()Uor,i.utussuin.<£3.ti 

dashcd against, to contradict. | .».to incltdown^erdissolve (down. or talk togethcr,to speal 
CoUkgandus, a, um. pt. to bind, orjColliquefaetus, a, iim- pt. melted with, to speak, to discoi 

be bound together. CWliqueo ere, kui. n.2. tomelt conversc, toconfcr. 

CoUigatio,6ma /:j ttbindingtogc-Co/fcqticHco, cerc. inc. tobcgintoCollubet, ar.e Collibet. 

ther, coujutiction. union, a knot.j melt. (ters. Coliucatio, dnis./. o. a lop 

Colligfttus, i. ?i. what is boun<iColli([uix, arum. A/./drains, giit-Cclliiccns,tis/W sivningtt 

togelhcr. (gether.lcoUis, is. w. 3. a hili.a Utlle hill, ( Vlficco cre, x. n. 2 to f 

' ColTlgatu*,* a, um. /'/ bound to-, a hillock, un casy asccr.t, a down. give a gcncrul light, to 
CoUlgendus,a,um///.tobc collcct-'CoUisio, onis /. •> a collision. a to be evuitnt. 

ecLgatlicred,onnfeii'cd,tocoUc«t.j dashiug, brt-aking, or bruisin^Colluco, Hic act l.toloj 
CoJngens, tis. pt. coUccting, gath-J togcthcr. (gethcr. Colluctnns, tis /><• strugg 

ering. iCollisu, abL m. 4. a thrusting to-Colluctatio, onis-/ v> a w tie, bind,or clap CollistiH,a, um />/.dasheri, or struckCoUuctiitor, 6ris. m. a wr 

together,to conncct,t° pinion, orj togetncr, battcrcd, bnused. Colluctor, ari- dep. 1. to 

fetter, to cntaugle. or entra».;e t to Coilitus, a, um> pt. bcsmcared. to contend. 

reprcss, or curb, losuit htly. .Collocundus.a,uni. pt. to be sct.or Co/iudo. cre, si, suin a 
CoJJigo,[_con, legoj. erc, legi, lrc-jCollbcans, tis. pt. placing.(placed. play, or sport togethcr, collect,to gct»or brmg"Coilccatio,6nis / 3. a pladiig.sct- concert, to plead by c 

together, to gather, to pluck, ov 
pick,to get,or acquirc,to liamess 
•r join togethcr, to tic, or truss 
up,to take,orpickup,to conclude 
or inier, to rcckou» or suin up, to 
contain,or comprcheud,iu recov- 
er, to recollect. Colligere vasa, 

Cic. sarcinulas,./Wto pack up his 
awlsjColligere srma navis,ionale 
in thc sheet, Virj. Iram coiiigit, 
& ponittemere,he is soon angry, 
and soou pleased, Uor. Fngua 
coliigere, to catch coid, Id. ^cd. 

CoUigor, i, lcctus. /*• to be gathci 

CoUiimtium, i. n. 2. the borders 
wliere two countncs lueet. 

Co/huio, & to look siraight. 
to aim, to hit tnc mark. 

Collineo [con, linco}, ore. uct- 1. 
to levcl, or aim u\ a right linc, 
tohitthc mark. 

Colhnitus, a,um, />/. daubcd over. 

Co/lino.erc, mi,ivi, &cvi,ituin a »• 
to bcsinear, to delilc, or d iui>, 

Collinus, a, um- a<//-oi'a hih (mg. 

VvJjjyixxn», tis. pt. inelting 9 wast- 

tin^,or disposmg,a bestowini;*, or cicceive, to jujrgle. 
setihug,a ibnndiug, a building, aColluin, i or 2.ihc neck, t 
posit:on Collocatio filiae, Uk ■ life. Obtorto collo Cic o 
disposing of a daughter in mar- l'luut. by head and shot 
riagc, CYc. ;(>)Uumino, are a. 1. to er 

Collocatus, a, um. pt. ]>laced, Co/luo, ucrc, ui, utuni. t 
postedjSct, bcstowcd,cmplo\ed.' rinse, wash, or scour. 

CWI6co,are.acr. 1. to place, or set,'Colluor, i. puss. to be wii 
to pitch, to put, or lay, to lay Collusio,6nis. /.i.collusior 
out, emplo> ,or letout,Coliusor,6ris./;i 3.he that < 
to lend,to give in marriage Col-' thing bycollusion,a fcllo 
locare se in otium, to dispose Cullusoric, adr. knavibhh 
hiinsclf to eu&e.Plaut. Collocarc.Collustrans, tis. pt. surve; 
pecuniam in capita, to impose a.CoUustratus,a,um./'f enlig 
capitation-tax, I*v. C'o/lubtro, makc 

roilocor, ari pas». to be placcd. I enlighten, to behold, to 

Collocup, letandus a,um> pt. to beCollustror,ariip.tobe emig 
enrichcd, or enrich. C'o/lutulo, are. a. 1. tode 

Co/lociiplcto arc. ac/.l- to enrichJ paragc, 

Coll^cutio,6uis./ o.aconfcrcnce.lcollutus» a,um. /^/.washed. 

Collocuturu.s, a, um. pt. about t('iC(iiiuviarium, i. n. 2* a sin 

convcrse, or confer. (ed with 
Collocutus, a, um. /*/. havn.^talk 
Collo([iiiuiu, i. n 2 a discourse, a 

Colluvics,ei. / 5. a sink,or 
lilth, dirt, hogwash, a ral 
oHscouringotanything (st 

Coliuvio onis/ 6. filtu, wi 

convereatien* a confcrcnce, a OoUybus t r.m.2. guin,or Iosj 





ng, •rtellingofmoney. 
ae/l.abuiva sippet.(broth 
us, a, urn. a<lj- sopped in 
nv.n.2.eye-salvc,a tcnt, or 
r 9 a clyster» (or cleansc. 
.<i strain,piirge > refine 

ahow. or bcauty, a cloak, or pre- housc, a dove-cotc, a pot 
tence, a plea,or.excusc. Colores Ctilurabarius, i.m. 2. a keeper of 
rhetorici, rhetorical figiires and a dove-house 
ornaments, Cic. Vitae color, the '61umb&tlm,aaVlike dovcs.(vain. 
state, or condition of life, Hor. C6lumb?na,se/ 1. columbine, ver- 
Color civitatis,thc beauty of a ci- 

C61umblnus,a> of pigconft. 
re, lui, cultum- act. 3. tojC6ldratc, pretence (ty,CVc. C61umbor,ari, atus, sura dep. 1. to 
cultivate, to dcek, trim, Coloratus, a,um./>*ior,com/». color- bill Kke dovcs,to kiss (or piceon 

Df to prune, todwellin, ed,paintcd,set out,or otf,garnish- '^ 1 * — ■*-*■'■—: — « " 

hit, to frequent, to wor- od, trimmcd vamped, varnished, 

honor,toloveandesteem, disguiscd, pretended, tanncd, 

tached to,to make lovc, or sunbumt, black, tawny. 

>,to exercisc, to practisc, ColSro, area.l. to colour, to die, 

r, to fbllow, to maintain, to give a complexion, or set a 

e andkeep.Inter sc colcrc gloss, to tan, to make tawny, to 

and live together, Cic. disguise, to cloak. 

cukus. pu3* to be tilled. Cbloror, ari. patt. to be tanned. 

a, x. /. 1. & C6l6casiuin, C61oss€us,a,um. adj. colosscan, gi- 

i Egyptian bean . ant-tike,gigantic, like a colossus. 

Jus.idjs/3.a kind of wild C&lossicus,a»'.of a huge aize 

«u-ging phlegm,the apple Colossmus, color, a bright purplc 
f iscalled ColoquintkU. COlossus, 

n. aaj. pcrtaining a snake, wily, crafty. Colus,i./. rard m.inabl. etiam co. 

huabandry. C6lum,i. n. 2. a colander, a strain-| lu, a distaff, a rock, or distaff. 

C61umbulus,i.m. 2. a young dove- 

C6Iumbus, i.m 2. a dovc,a pigeon. 

C61umclla, x.f 1. a little pillar,a 
torabstone.orpillar of inscription. 

Cdlumellaris, e.adj. of the fashion 
of a little pillar. Columellares 
dentes, the cheek-teeth, Varr: 

C61umen,Tni*7*.3.aprincipal beam 
er prop, a buttress, or shore, a 
stay, or support, a mountain* 

Cdliimis, e- aaj. safc, healthy. 

Cdlumna, x.f. 1. a coluran, a pil- 
lar, a post, a support, or stay. ' 

Columnarii, «■ 2. spcncL 
thrifts much in debt,and brought 
to thc columna Mcenia, where 
actions of debt were tried. 

C&lumnarium, i. n. 2- a tribute for 
evcry pillar,a vent-holc injaqtft- 

l. m. a huge pillor, ©r 
.2. the great gut wintungj statue. 

e left side to the right, in C61ostra, x./l.& trum.i. n. 2. first 
i* the disease called the milk aftcr birth, biestings, love 
meraber of a scntence. Colostratio, 6nis /. 3. a discase. 
c/ 1. a country-woman. C6lostratus, a um. aaj. thick like 
lm, i. n. 2. a land-tax- biestings,curdy & unwholcsome. 
*./ 1. a colony or plan- Coluber, bri. m. 2. a snake, a scr- C61umnatus, a, um. adj. pillared. 
company of people trans. pent. Colubri caeci, bclly-worms- C61umnella,x./l.(i'm.a lituc pillar 
fromone place to ano. Colubra, se / 1- afemale snakec/ C6lQri, drum. m. pl. imaginary 
ith an allowance of land adder. (ky tresscs, or locks- circles, raeeting in the poles of 
re, & farm, a fec-farm, or Cdlubrifer, a, um. adj. having sna- the world. 
ikl, a dwelling-housc. C61ubrlnus, a, ura. aaj. of, or like C61umus,a,um.ov#.made of hazel. 
s,a um. 
wiy, or 

a, um. ailj. of a colonyj er, a wheel, a raomhcr of a sen-|C61uthe«.,5rum.^/.n.2sweetmeats. 
( be tillcdtfit to be tilled. tence, tlie colic. CSlymbajdes, um. pl. / pickled o- 

i- m 2. a husbandman, a Coltimba, ae./ a dove, a pigeon. Com, in composition for fon(livcs 
a plantcr, a hind or ccmn« C61umbar^ns//.3.a pillory, a hole Coma, itis- n. 3. a lethargy. 
w at scrvice, a clown. in the side of a siup, a mortise C6ma, xf. 1. the hair, a brush, or 
i, dnia. m.3an end^ con- hole, a holc and spacc for water headof hair, abranch,a lcaf, a 
Colophonem addere, to from the whecl of a water mill. flake of fire, a sun-beam. 
, end of or finibli a thing, C61umbaria,x/1. a pigeon-housc. C6mans,ti8. pt. having long bair, a eolor, a Colurabaris, e. adj. oT a pigeon. hairy, bushy, bearing lonff grasa, 
e,«cmpksk>nyOUtward|cdlumb8iriuin, i. n. 2. a pigeon- fuUofleATts^wann^StAU*.^^- 





nns,a comet,or blazing^-star, O?. Cflmessor, t. Comissor- 
C5marchus,i.m 2 an carl, a gover-Cbmestio,6nis/.3 an eatingw Cmg". 

ernor of a city^&caburjromasteTC^mestura, ac/ an eating, a fecd- 
C^matorius, a, um. aay. of hair Cfcmcsus & Cbmeshis, a, um. pt. 
C5matus. a um. pt. having lonjr; eaten up, spent in luxury. 

hair, adorned with huir, hairy,Comesrirus,a, um. pt. about tocat. 

havin? branches, or leavcs. Cc : meta,&C6metes,x m l.acomet.ComitiSlitcr, adv. in mtntc 


nsscmblr. Comitiahs morbtt 
faUing-slekness. Diesconiti 
a day to consult of matten. 
Comitialcs, homines, fittf 
peoplc constantlr tttes 
courts, Plaut. 

Comhlbo, bferc,b'ibi,bTU\tum. a. 3.C6mYcc, atlv. like a comcdy,comi- 
to drink to£ethcr,to drink up, or cally, pleasantly, merrily, drolly 
in, to s\ick, to take in, to lcarn. ;C5micus, a, um. aaj. belonging 

by reason of the falling-sick 
Comitiarius, a, um adj. afte 
manner of a public assembl 

Combibor,i. /> to bc drank up.(on; to comcdy, represcnted in co- Cbmitifttus, ds. m. 4. a meeti 

CombTbcV»nis,m 3 apot compani-' medics, comical. (dics. thc people in town-balK &c 

Combfirendus,a,um./>* to be burntC5micus,i.m. 2. a writer of come- Comltissa, x.f. 1. acountess 

Comburens, tis. pt. burning, con-C5minus, atlv. near at hand, hand Comitium, i. n. 2. an asserofc 

Miming, dcstro}ing, dryinjf up. | tohand,furthwith, instantly. placeof anassembly-a parta 

CombCiro.[con,uro,] rere, ussi, us- i C5mis,c.«.r(;\ior,com/>.issimus, mip. house, a state house.atown 

tum,« burn,to consume with- grntle,mi!d, courtcou*. gracious, qu<_kl(a 

fire, to burn up,to scorch,parch, kind. nicc,curious,having a dcli-C6mitor,atus sum.«7&raro.£ 

or iliy up, to pass, or apend. | cate tastc.Ioving" curious arts(ing accompany, nr go atang *i 

Comburor,i./>.to bebumt[bunnng.'C6ittissabundu8, a, um. adj. revell- attcnd, orwait upon, to fi 

Combustio,6nis/.3.a combustion,a'("dmis8ans,tis.p/.rcveIhng (keting- to hc accompanicd, or atte 

Combustus, a, um. pt. burnt. jComissatio.dnis/.o.rcvclling', iun- Comma,atis n..*.a part ofa SM 

Cbmedendus, a, um. pt. to be cat- Comissatpr, 5ris. m. 3. a reveller. in a period marked thus (,) 

en up, or fcd upon, to eat 

Comedo, is. vel c&mes, c6mest, 
Sdere, vel esse, €di, esum, vel 
estum. act. 3. to eat, to cat up, to 
devour, to waste, to consumc, to 
«quander away. Comcdcre bc- 
neficium, to iorgct a kindness 
Cic. Comederc aJiquem, to cat 
oneoutof house and home, Ter. 

fc6medo, 5nis- m. 3. a glutton, a 
spendthrift, a prodiga). 

Cdmens, tis. pt. combing. 

C5mes, Vtis.c.^.3. a companion, an 
attcndant, a foUowcr, an assis- 
tant, a partncr, a partaker, an 
ubcttor, a confidant, an officer, a 
manager, acount, an earl. 

<!omcssabundus, vide Comissa- 

C5missor,atus sum.r/e/>.l. to revel, mata, um. /»/. floodgates, rt 

to fcjist, to dancc and be merry. Commaciilatus, a, um. pt. di 

Cbmitans, accompanying. Commacu1o,are.<i.l.tospot,< 

ComTtas, atis. / 3. afiability, com- stain, or soil, to imbrue, t 

{>laisancc, mildness, kindncss, parage. 
mmanity. Comina\leo,Sre, dui. neut. % 

C5mitutus.a, um. pt. ior, comp. ac- moist, or wct, to be well * 
companied, attended, foliowcd. Commandilcans, tis. pt. ch< 
Comltatus,us.m. 4. aretinue ofat-Commanducatus 1 a,um./tf. ch 
tendants, equipage, a princcWommanducatus, iks. m.4.a 

C5messatio, 5nis-/ v. Comissatio. 
C6messitor, v. Comissator. - 
Comcsse, pro Comedere. 

court, a convoy of provisions, a 

CSmrter, Issime, ntp. adv. gently, 

C6m!tia,5rum.^/ n. assembly, 

a mccting, a parliament, a com 

mon-council,acourt,a convention 


Commandfico,are.arf. 1. to 
Conimanducor, ari. pa$M. 

chewcd, or eaten. 
Commaniptilaris, m. 3. ai 

soldier, a comrade. 
Commcans,tis./>f. goingtoi 

Comitia curiata, when the people travelling, wayfaring, reB 

;5mcssans, tis.^p/. rioting(bundus gave tlieir votcs by wholc courts. 

l/oiufeaein, pro ComctUrem. jConittialis. e. aaj. pertaininff to an 

Varr. centuriata, when by hun- out upon a convoy .(a mei 
dreds, JUv. tributa, when byCommeStor, dris. m.3. ac 
tribes, Cic CommeatQrus f a,um /^ aboa 


Commcantes, soldier» tl 





roy,a passport.orpass 
i. removal, a furlow. 
Atus sura. d. mc. 
ium upon, to con. 
isse. t«r6. dcfect.Xo rc- 
lave in remembrancc 
bilis, e. adj. worth 
tin^yor remembcrinjr. 
ndus,a,um./>/. worth\ 
oncd or remembercd mentioning 
tio, tinit.f. 3. a coro- 
1, a mentioning, a rc- 
:. (tioned 

tus, a, um. pt. men- 
, ftrc act.l. to comme- 
all to mind,toreracm- 
tion,or spcak o£ to re- 
ntnt,or rehearse,to ad- 
ioned, recounted, &cc 
>r, ari. p. to be mcn- 
Ylis,c. adj. commcnda- 
wortky to be praised 
4us, a, um. pt. to bc 
d, or praiscd. 
s, commendinjr 
io, 5nis./3 a commcn- 
.-commendation, plau 

itius,a*um. aaj. rccom- 
, of rccommcndation. 
or, dris. m. 3. he that 

Commcnsus, us. m. 4/thc measure 
of athinginproportionto another 

Commentans,tis. pt. commenting. 

Commentark>lum,i n. 2.ajourna1, 
a day-book. (book of commcnts- 

Commentariolus, i. m. 2- a notc, n 

Commentarium, i. n. 3. acommcn- 
tan', an cxposition, a note, an 

Commentarius, i. m. 2. a commen- 
tary,an cxposition, a brief rcgis- 
tcr, or account. a historical mc- 
morial,a book of notc.%a day-book 
or diary, a common-placc-book- 

Commcntatio, dnis. /. ;*, a mcditat 
ing, musing", or thinking upon, a 
dcscription, a gloss, a comment 

Commcntator, oris. m. 3. a coni 
mentator, an inventor, a diriscr. 
a forger, a Uar. 

Commentatus, a, um. pt. act. & p 
studied, devised, hammcrcd, 
thought upon; commcnted, dis- 
puted. (jrethcr, or join in a lie 

Commcntior,Tri. dep 4. to ajrree to 

Commcntltius, a, um- adj. feigucd, 
dcviscd, newly invcnted, imagi- 

Commentor, atus sum dcp. 1. to 
comment, to writ e,or composc, to 
dcvise,or invent,to fcign,or forge, 
to discourse,rcasoi>,or disputc; to 

rix, icis.y*. 3. shc who 
um a, um. pt. & a*\j. 

and selling, a bartcring, an inter- 

course, acquaintancc, conversc, 

a common use. (traffic. 

Commercor, atus sum drp. 1. to 
Commereo, erc, nii, rltum- act. 2. 

to descrvc wcll, or ill, to commit. 
Commfcreor, eritussum. d. 2. todc- 

serve i11,highly tooff end.(servecL 
Commeritus,a,um./tt. that hath de- 
Commctior, iri, cnsus. d. 4- to take 

Commictilis, 2. adj. contemptible. 
CommlgTfitio, onis./. 3. amotion, 

a removal, a froinjr elscwhere. 
Cowmifrro, arc«c/ remove, to 

jro away, to go, or come. (dier. 
Commilcs, itis. m. 3. a fcllow-sol- 
Commihtium, i. n. fcllowship in 

war. In commilitium adscisci, to 

bc listcd as fcllow-soldicrs, Tac- 
Commilito, onis m. afcUow-soW 

dicr, a comradc. 
Comminandus, a, um. ptXo thrcat- 

en, thrcatencd, thrcatenin^. 
Commlnans, tis. pt. thrcatcnui|r. 
Commlnatio,5nis/3. comminatioo 

a thrcat, a thrcatening, a cursing 
Comminatus, a, um. pt- threaten* 

ing-, thrcatcncd. (bepiss, Ihr 

Coiumingo, ere, nxi, ictum. a. 
Comminiscor, mentus sum. tlrp. 3. 

,<irpraiscs.(commcnds muse, meditatc, orthink upon,to to dcvisc, invcnt, fcijrn, or forge* 

rcvolvc, to romance, to imitntc 
Commcntor, dris. m.3. aninvcntor. 

issimus, tuperl com- Commentum, i.n. 2. an iuvention, 

praiscd, valued, es- 
nrded,recom mendcd, 

^rintrustcd.givcn up. Commentus,a,um.^. thatimajrin- 

[con, mando] arc. a. 1. 
id,tt> praisei to recom- 
(lorn, to commit, or in- 
mended, praised, &c 
•, ari. pa$t. to bc rccom 
is^a. c.j^.3a boarder, 
npnottcr* a dium. 

a contrivancc, a devicc, deccit, 
artifice, a tale, or ston*, a fable. 

cth, or dcviscth, forgxid, feigncd, 
deviscd contrived, invented. 

Commco, are. ncut. 1. to go to and 
fro, to (to, or comc, to paas, or 
move, to tnivcl, to rcmove. 

Comroercium, i. n. 2. commerce, 

to recollect, or call to mind. 
Comministro, v. Ministro. 
Comminor, ari, atus. d 1. to thrcat- 

en greatly. (brokcn in pieces. 
Commtnucndus, a, to be 
Comminuo,iurc, ui, iitum act-3. to 

break in picccs,to bruisc.orcrum- 

ble,to brcak,to abate,to wcakcn» 

to diminiali, to Icssen, to ovcr- 

Comininuor, i, Qtus/;.to bc brokca 

to picces. to bc molificd, &c. 

traftc, m«rolnindfc> a Uu) ingjCounninatiin, adv. b* niccc,*. 





Commfnutus, a, um. pt. broken in 
picces, impaircd, diminished. 

CommisccndusAum./M. io be min- to enjoin, to cxpose, to vcnture, 

glcd, or mixed with, to mix 
Commiscco, ere, cui, istum. act. 2. 

'taix, or mjngle together, to mix, 

to jiunble, to adulteratc, to join. 
Commisceor, eri p. to be mixed, 

«r mingled togethcr. (pitied. 
Commfeerandus, a, um. pt. to be 
Commlserans t tis. pt. pitying.(sion. 
Commfscratio,6nis/pity, compas- 
Conmuserescit, tmp. tb have pity, 

•r compassion of. (mcnt, or pity. 
Commiscror, ari- d. lto bcwail, la- 
Commissio, 6nis/ 3. a setting to- 

Cowniitto, tcrc, misi, nus9iim. fl. 3 (Commbdum, adv. in good 
lo commit, to instrust, to impart, seasonably, luckily, just 

to do amiss,togive cause,to bring, Commodus, a, um. auj. ior. a i 

to engage ,to give begin, issimus,™/». convenie nt, soil 

to set on, er stir up, to »end,or lct 

go together, to betake, to join, or 

close, to pair, or match, to com- 

pare,to weigh, to repeac,orrccite, 

to stretch, or exert, to confiscate. 
Committor, i, issus. p. to be joined Commotreo, tee Mcereo. (d 

together, committed, intrustcd, Commdlior, iri,tus. <£4.toei 

&c. (ther.j vour, to attempt, to deTtsi 

Commixtio, 5nis. /. amixingtoge- threaten. 
Commixtura, ae./ 1. a mixture. Commblitus, a, um. pt- grow 
Commixtus, a, um./ri.mixed,?r»ing- Coimnblo, lere, lui, Utum. 


fitable, benefictal, lucky, I 
nate,scasonablc, courteoos» 
obligi ng,ci vil,gentecJ,m\n<k 
graceful* neat, just, exactf 

ludorum,thc beginning, or repre 
senting of plays upon the stage, 

x attcmpt,a secret, or trust,a forfci 
ture. Commissum, stvtr commis 
sum vectigal, tlie seizurc of con- 
traband goods. 

Commissura,x. / 1. a joint, a clo- 
surey-aseam, ajoining, or couch- 
ing of tiiings togcther. (commit. 

Gommissfirus, a, um. pt. about to 

Commissus, a, um. pt committed, 
intrusted, communicated, or im- 
parted, donc, pcrpctrated, join- 
ed, cemcnted, soldercd, fought. 
engaged, begun, forfcitcd, con- 
fiscatcd, (gled together. 

Commistus, a, um. pt. mixed, min 

CommTUgo, are. acu 1. to bruise, 
to break, to makc soft, tosoftcn. 

Commltfgor, ari. p. to bc bruiscd, 
to be broken, to be made soft. 

Committcndus, a, um. pt. to be 
committcd, intrusted, begun» 
joined, pcrmitted, cxposcd, &c 

Committens, tis. jrt. commiUing> 

grind, bruisc, or break smtl 

cether two, for trial of masterics led, or blended t< 

m any exercisc, Svet. Commissio Comm6dandus,a,um. ptXo be lent. Commonefaciendus, a, um j 

Commodans, tis. pt. lending. I be admonished, to be remia 

Commodatio, onis./ 3. a lending,'Commbnefacio,[commoncOjfi 

orobligingonc.(ormade,fit,suited ' ce>e,feci, factum. a. 3. toj* 

Commissum, i. n. 2. an offence, oriCommbdatus, a, umjM. lent,ntted,| nish,to ad\nse, to putin miB 

fault, acriinc, an undertaking, or Commbde, adv. ius, comp. issime, rcmind,to rehearse, ormea 

up. well, handsomely, elegant-Comm6nefio[commoneo,fioJ 
ly, conveniently, fitl) r , advauta- factus, neut. pau. to be p 
geously, luckily, indiffcrentlyJ mind,to be reminded,«r 
Minus commode audire, to be.Comm5neo,Sre,nui,nitum. 
ill-spokcn of, Cic. warn, advise, or put in 

Commoditas, atis/. 3. commodity,'comm6neor,eri./>.to be 
profit, advantage, convenience,Comm6nitio,6nis/ ^ 
fitness, handsomeness, opportu- 1 ing,a warning, asummingB 
nity, ci\ility, an obliging friendi IComm6nlt6rium, i. n. 2- a k 
Mea commoditas ! my precious ! mandatory, a privatc agreen 
Plaut. Comm6nttus, a, um. pt* vn 

Comm6do,are a lend,to give, advertised, putin remembn 
to yield, or afford, to profit, or do Commonstro, are. uct. 1. to d 
good, to bcnefit, or help,to serve, or point out. 
or oblige,to suit,adapt,ormake fit. Commbrandus, a, um. pt. to i 
Commodor, ari. past. to be lent. jCommbratio,6nis/. 3. a stavii 

continuing,a dwelluig,a pw 
abodc, a delay,orlingering> ( 

Commddulc, adv. somewhat con- 
veniently, fitly, or patly. 

Commbdulum, adv. pretty well. JComm6raturua,a, aW 

Commodum, i. n. 2. advantag , e, l Comm6ratus,a,uin.p/.havuigi 

bencfit, profit, gain, interest,C'ommordeo,ere,di,sum.aJ3i8 

convenience, a reward giycn toCommoriens,tis./M.dyios;tofd 

dUcharge^ soldiers. |Ccmm6rior, i.tuua Mm^d^. 






:, pro Commoverit. 

r, iri. d 1. to abide with, 

:o dwell, to sojourn, to 

Longv to atop, or hinder. 

oate, to impart, to share with, to coinh,or deck thc hair, to* trim, to 
confcr, to coiisult, to dtscoursv, to attirc, ©r make jray . (dressed, &c. 
make welcome,to;idmit,todcfile. C<unor,i,comptus./>. tobe combcd, 
Comiminlcor, uri pa*t. to hc iin-C6inijcdia,;e./.l.acomcdy,an intcr- 
parted; a>p.\o impart. &c. hido, or tarcc, a dramatic pnrm. 

W, a, um,u uitteii closcv Communio, irc, ivi, a- 4. to fortify. (7>mu:dicc,fi</v.comical]y,mcrrily. 
Uij, c. «/#. very fruil. iCoinmrinio, onia /. 3. communioiuCoinadtous, n, um. tulj. comic. 
mt, pro Cominovcmnt. inutuaT participation, un equal(<cdu*, i. m. 2. acomcdian. 
n, pro Coinmovissem. privilcgc, the commtinity, o/*Comu*dus, u, um« adj. pcrsonatintr, 
t, onis / 3 commotion, wholc company. ' pretcmling to be what. one is not. 

dbquict, disturbuncc Connnunis, e. adj ior, romp. com-Comosus, a, mn adj. issimus, »up. 
nctilx, x. /. 1. a smafl mon.froncraJ, univcrsal,thc mnic, hairy, routfh, full of branchcs or 
orpasiioii' all alikc, cquai, on a levtl, ordi- lcavos, tuftcd, shagtry. 

M^urri.^r.ior, comp. mov- nary, familiar, geiitlc, frec, all. Compactiiis, c. adj. coinpact, join- 
ltVcXcduncensed, affcct- Communitas, ittia./ 3. commtutity,; cd, or sct together. 
niahed, quick, expedi- a having all thingn in common,Compactin, onis./ 3. ajoining, or 

fcllowship,socicty,riirht,justicc.; settintr tojrcthor. 
d, 2re, flvi, <5tum. a. 2. to,Communiter, adv. in common, in- Compactum.i.n.2.a compact, an a- 
> astouisb, 

Communiiuro.arc.n. 1. to murmur, 

orwhispertogether, tognimhle.(>unpar, aris. adj. ecpial, cvcn, 
Commurmuror, uri, utus bum. dep\ likc, afrrceable, well-matchcd. 

fenced, uuuic strong. 
or v Srif 5tm. patt. to bc|Commurmuratio, onis,/. a grum- 
obc raised. (smooth up. 
.•o,€re,h* cajole,to 
►, are. act. 1. to beat. 
ia n. ■». a coinmon- 
:, the public wealth, 
re {Plaw- 

jo, pro Communiuru, 
sandus, a, um pt- to be 
catcd. or sharecl. 
^iw, tis. pt. communi 
utnng, injpurtiii^- 

Compafrcs,is/3<a close joininjr, or 

sctting- tojrcthcr, a joint, an ein* 

brace. ^ (surc. 

Compagt), inis./. 3. a joint, or clo- 

1 to mutter ormuiiiblc. 
Commutabilis, e adj cluingeablc, 

mutablc, subjcct lo chanfrc. 
Commutandus, a, um. pt. tit to bc 

Co!nmiitiitio,dnis./. 3. achange, oi 

ulteration, a ti urc in rhctoric- 
r&tjo, duis. /. J. co:nniu-|CommritatrinLS, a, \im 9 pt. about to 
thc inaking" of a tlnng c:ju;j^c, or alter- (chancred 

Co nmuiatus, a, um. pt. altcied. 

aMu^a, im, ^/confcrred, 
. Coinaiumcato mter sc 
iiaviiur, laid tiicir hcavU 


Atikrusy a, um. pt. about)Commi"itatus, us. m. 4. a change, 

or altemtion. 

(.'ommuto, are. a. 1. to change, to 
alter, to exchun^c, to bartcr, t< 
•Jtimmutor* ari. /». to bc chanireci 

:epji, ipis. m. 3. a towns- CcSmo. arc a. & ;i. 1. to adorn, to • 'omparutus, a, um. pt- comparc-il, 
llf>w-citizen. attirc, to wcar a busiiof hair. prcparcd, ordaincd, desi^rned, 

;u 9 3m.4.1.toooTBniuni-Cdino. crc, mpai, mptuni. a. iMo Jjottcn, procurc<l> ^Uw\^\. 

Compur,:iris c.^.3. a companion,or 
sccond, a colleafruc, a compccr, 
a partncr, a husband, or wifc. 

Comparribitis. c. adj. coinparablc. 

Compli*andus,a,um pt. to be com- 
pared, to bc j«)ttcn, or providecL 

Comparate, adv in coinpamon. 

Comparatio, 6nis./. 3. a cojnparv- 
sfin, a frctting, provision, prepa- 
ration, proportion, rejrard, or- 
dcr, appointment 

Comparative, adv comparatively. 

Cor.iparativu«i,a,um. adj. compara- 
tivc, rclatiw, of coiuparisoii. 

Coinparltuin, i.-st, imp. it is provi- 
lcd, it is broii ; rht to that pais. 





ComparStus, us. m. 4. comparison. Compcllor,ari. jtow. to bc address- a. 4. to find discon 

derstand, know for cei 
jret jrood intcliigrencc, 

Comparco, cere, rst, rsum. n. 3. to cd, to be impcached, or accuscd, 

sparc, or hnsbaiid wcll. to be summoncd, or convened. 

Compareo, ere, rui, ntum. w- 2 to,Compv:Uo,lcrc,pu)i,pulsum.a. 3. to 

appear, to bc extant, to bc sccn. ! compel, totbrce, or constrain, to.Comperior, fri, rtus sum 
Comparilis, e. atlj. like, evcn. | drive.or brinjr tojrethcr,to thrust | know assurccllv, to be si 
Comparo,are. act. 1. to comparc,toCompcllor, li. p. to bc compellcd,jCompemis, is. c. g. 3. om 

prepare,orprovide,toprovideibr,j driven, chnsed, &c. (transparent.| knecd. 

subom, to join, todrcss, or adorn. Compcndiarius,, a, um. atlj. com-' cd, taken in thc act, o 

Comparor, ari. pa*s. to bc com-pcndious, bricf, short, abridfrcd. 

pared, procured, prcpared, &c. Compendif &cio[compendium, fa- 
Compasco, cfcre. cui. avt. 3. to fced cio, J cere, feci, factum. a. 3. to a 

together in the same pasture. brid£c,toshorten,toprofit,tosave 
Compascor, ci, stus. pa*$. to bc Compendi6sus a,um.u<//. compen- 

eaten up by cattle. I dious, bricf, gainful, profitable. 

Compascuus, a, uin. adj. AgcrCompcndium,i.n.2.anabridirmcnt J 

compascuus, a commou pasture,= an abstract, a short way, or meth- 

Cic. Jus compascuum, thc rigbt; od, a short cut, jrain, profit intcr 

of commonage. Scav 
Compastus,a,um- atljScd tog-cthcr. 

est. Verba conferre ad compcn- 
dium, to be brief, Plaut. 

Compatior,i.</ suiTcr together.Compcnsandus, a, um pt- tobe rc 

Compedis,/, y<vi. &Compcde, cibl 

in ting. solum inveniuntur, plttr. 
Compedes, a fctter, or shacklc for tion,a rccompence,a satisfaction. 

the feet, stocks, ornamcnts tliat,Compensatus,a,um./>/. recompcns 

women wore about their feet. 
Compgdio, ire, Ivi, itum. act. 4. 

tosnacklc, or fettcr, to bind. 
Compeditus, a, um. pt. fettercd- 
CompcUatio, dnis./ 3. an address 

by name, a chiding', a rcproof. 

Compes, cdis. v. Compe 
Compesccndus, a, um. J 
Compcsco [con,pasco], < 
act. 3 to rcstrain, to 
chcck, to curb, or bridlc 
or keep in, to easc. or 
to quench, to suppress, 
to rcrbear.or leave ©ff, 1 
to pasturc tojrether. 
Compescor, i. p. to be rc 
Compctens, tis. pt. dcsir 

CompeUuturus, a, um. pt. about Compcrce, let mc alonc, Plaut 
to call upon, oi' accusc by name. Comperendinatio, onis/ 3- an ad- 

Compcllatus,a,um./>*. called upon; journmcnt, or putting- offa trial. 
by name, callcd, addressed. Comperendinfitus, us. 4. Idem. 

Compellcndus,a,um pt. to be com- fompcrendinatus, a, um. pt. pro- 

pelled,orforced,to compcl.(ciiur 

CompcUcns,tis./>r.coinpcUing, for- 

Compello,[con,appello,] arc.a. 1 .to 

caU by namc, to spcak to, to ad- 

dress, to accost, to salutc, to 

compenscd, or made amcndsfor.| ing. 
Compcnsatio, 6nis/.».acompensa-Competcns,tis adj. comp 

"""' '' -a!_ " ficient. Competens ju 

proper judgc, Vfp. Com 

cd, requitcd,rcwarded, equallcd suitors for thc same U 

Compenso,arc.a 1. torccompense, als, /r/. 

or make amends, to requite, toCompetentcr, adv. com 

reward, to etiual, to abridgv, orCompetentia, x.f \. a © 

shortcn. (sed, rcquited, &c.' cy, a fitness, a proporti 

Compensor,ari./>. tobe rccompcn-Competitio, 6ms /' 3. 

tition, a rivaiship, a cs 

or suin£ for one thing 1 . 

Competitor, 6ris m. 3. a 

Competitrix, Icis./. 3. a 

Competo, tere, tr. i, titui 

lonjfed, adjourned, dcfcrrcd. 
('ompcrcndino, arc. act. 1. to ilc- 
lav, to dcfcr from daiv to dav, to 

f>ut off, or adjourn till thrcc days; orsue for thc sanic tlunj 
lcucc. (natiis.' ; for the same placc, to 1 

ntnit. 3. to agrce, tosi 
l^roper, or convenient, ' 
meet,to fall out, or upo 

chidc, to call bcforc a ma^is-ICompcrendinus, *re Compcrendi- to bc sound, ov wcll. Cv 
tratc, to summon. |compcrio [cou,pario] irc,ri, rtum. eum actio, an uction Ke 






tio, 5uis/.3.pillage, plun- 
obbuig, a hcaping up. 
lor, 6m. m. ;j. a robbcr, a 
rcr, an extortioner. 
lus, a, u m. pt. robbed, 
L, plundcred. 
ire. act. 1. to rob, to pil 
phinder,to strip, to filch, 
, to pilc, ar heap up. 
50 [con, panjrol,gerc, pc- 
um. a 3. to join, ©r fasten 
?r, to make, or form, to 
■r fashion, to thrust in. 
yor. gi. paf». to bc tbrmcd. 
lia, ium. ///. n. 3. fcasts 
r of the rural gods. 
lis, c- at{h of, or belong- 
he crus3-ways. 
ibtia, id quod Compitalia. 
ultius, a, um. adj, hclong- 
the feasts Coinpitalia. 
imu.n a crossway,orstreet, 
where several ways meet. 
*o,ere, cui, & citus sum, 
a. 2. to pleasc, or be welJ 
loc Dco complacitum est, 
leased God, Plaut. (ing. 
atus^a, umpt. well-pleas- 
o,are. a. 1. to gainfavor, 
e court to, to appcax 

take hold of,to comprise, to con4Compl5nUus, a,um. pt. bcwailed, 

tain,to comprehcnd, to compass, 
to conceivc, to describc, to set ; 
pas». to bc comprchended. Arc- 
ta familiaritate complecti aJi- 
quem, to makc him his conii 
dant, o~ bosom-friend, Plin. 
Complememturn, i. n. 2. a cornplc 
ment,a completion,a nJling- up,or 
perfccting, an accumulation. 

Complcndus, a, tonll, orCompliirics, adv. scveral timcs. 
be fillcd up. Compluscidi,drum atlj.ycry many. 


Complcns, tis. pt. fdling up. 

Compleo,ere,evi com 
plcte, to finish, to pcrfcct,to Hll, 
to iill up,to recruit, tosupply thc 
placc of, to supply, to fulfil, to 
makc good. (pcrfccted, &c 

Complcor, eri. pant. to bc fillcd< 

or midnight devotions, *1ug. 

ished,ended,filled,complete, full 

Complexio, dnis./I.'). a comprchen 
sion, or compnsal, a compass, a 
period, or full scntence, a con 
clusion, a dilemma, a grammati 
cal figurc, whcn two syllablcs 
are contractcd into one. (tive. 

Complexivus, a, um. adj. conjunc 

Complexus. a, um. pt. embracing, 

i&txo, dnis/. 3.a levclling. containing,cmbraccd, contained, 
lator, Aris. m. 3. he thmt comprised, comprehendcd, com- 
plain, lcvel, »r smooth. plex. 

AtuA,a, um/tf. madc evcn,Complexus, cmbracc, af- 
I witli the ground. I fection,or lovc,a comprehcnsion, 

[con, planus], are. a. 1-| orcnumeration,acompass.(cd up. 
■ plain, level, or evcn, toComplicandus,a,um./;*tobe fold- 
to finish. to conclude . 'Compllcatus, a, um. pt. foldcd up. 
do, dere.ausi, ausum^i. &.' Co /nplico, c&re, cui & cavi, citum 
clap hands, to applaud. I & catum. a. 1. tofold wrap 
tendus» a, um. pt. to em- up, to wrap togcther. 

|Complddo[con, plaudo], dere, osi, 
fccns, tis. pt. embracing.l 6suin. act. 3. to clap together. 
»r, tL exui •um.dty-3. to'Compldrans,tis.^.bewailing(tion. 
j» to nugi to grapple, tojComploratio, onis./. 3. a ktmcnU- 

lamented,given up for lost.(tion. 
Comploratus, us. »1. 4. a lanienta- 
Comploro, are. act. 1. to bcwail. ' 
Comploror, ari. p. to be bcwailed. 
Cojnplbsus,a,uniy>f.clapt together 
Complfires, c. g. 8c hxccomplGra 

& conipluria, n. potit. gradus 

non compar. ut. ait Gcll. many f 

several, a grcat many. 

or mudc likc a guttcr- (a gutter/ 

Complmium, i. n. 2. a]>enthousc, 

Com])luvius, a, um. adj. that into 
which rain falls. 

Compdncndus, n, um. pt. to com- 
pose, &/■ be composcd of. 

(Jomponens,tis./#/.composing, put- 

6'oT»p6no,ncrc.cftiu, bsitum,a 3. to 
compose,to put,orlay togcthcr,to 
join, to sct in order, to adjust, to 
mcthodizc,todispose,to confront, 
to com]>:u*e, to liken, to set, or 
placc,to appcasc. or quiet, to sct- 
tlc,to reconcile,to finish,or makc 
an end of, to closc, or shut up, to 
muke,07<fonn,to build,to adorn,to 
countcrfeit, to compound, to at- 
tack,to burj r . Componere pretio, 
to redcem, Sall. socictatem cum 
aliquo, to kcep company, Id, fal- 
lacias, to trepan, Pluitt. 

Comp6nor,ni, baiixxs.p. to bc com- 
poscd,to be put,or laid togethcr, 
to bc confrontcd, to bc buricd. 

Comportandus, a, um.^. to carry, 
or be carricd together,to convcy. 

Comportatio, dnis./. 3. a carrying, 
or fctching,acarriagc.(togcthcr, 

Comportatus, a, um. pt. carriccl 

Comporto, are. act. lto carry, to 

Comportor^n.tKuiXa^t. cjistv^.. 





Compos, titis. r. g- ^.that 
hath obtaincd his dc*ire, a pur- 
taker, one m his right scnses. 

Coinpo*ite,«//r. in order, ordcrly, 
handsomcly, elegantly. 

Coinpbsitio» 6nis./ o. a composi- 
tion, or niingling, a composition, 
m disposal, an agrcement, a 
matching, or puiring. 

Compbsito, a</r.& dc vel. ex com- 
posito, on purposc, on sct pur- 
pose, by design, by compact. 

Compositor,6ris. m.-i. a coaiposer 

npprchend, or seize, to takc, or C omprYifto[con f premo],mti 

catch,to take,orlay hold of,to tind 

out,crdiscovcr,to contain orcom- 

prise, to express, to join, to cm- 

brace, to conccivc, to takc root. 
( 'omprehcndor, di, nsus. pa*t. to 

bc laid hold of. 

< 'n.uprehensihilis, e adj. cotnpre-Compribatio,6nis/i appro 

hcnsiblc,that may he undcrstood. ' omprbbator, oria. m. 3. ' 
Conmrchensio, onis / •■. a com- provcr, 

prcliension, an undcrstanding-, Comprobatus, a,um. /*.app 

an apprchcnsion, a scizurc, or ('omprobo, &re.acf*toappn 

allow, to commendi tt 

si, rcssum.a 3 to prcM toj 
orclosc,to closcito keep cl 
hold in,to restrain,to aupp 
rcprcs8,or kecp under^oi 
make costivc,to ravish«ord 
Comprfmor, mt« rrssns./«N 
stayed, appeased, fitc 

hc wi.o sets, orputs thingsiogc- anvst, a compass. 

ther, a makcr, a coinpoaiior. ( 'oniprchcnsus, a, compre- good, to verify, 

Coinpositura,x/l aj6iiiing,orput- hcnded, undcrstood, discovcrcd, Compr5bor,&ri~ p.tobe appi 
ting togcther, a scttingin order I found out, apprehcndcd, sciz- Compr6missum, i n. % a M 

Compositus, a, uni p'. Sc adj. ior f| cd, laid hold of, takcn, caught, mise, a boiiri, or eniagsM 
comp isMimis,*///' composcd, sot,| c.uight at, contained. fomprSmitto, tere,is^ issM 

or placed togctlicr, sct in ordcr,Coinprendo, proMJoinprchcndo. to putin arbitration,tocoss 
dispost-d. adjustcdffitud, 'iiutch-Coiuprcs^c, utlv. ius, comp. bricf- arefercnce, tostsndanttf 
ed, confronted, madc, f»nucd, ! ly, concisely, corr.pactly, closcly. Compte,ius.o<n>.ncatly, ekf 
fasbioned, adorncd, prcparcdjjConipressiojOnHs./.j.compixssion, Oomptus, vel Comtus, a»ij 
scttlcd, appointc'1. a^rccd upon.i a squeeziiur togcthcr, aclosc em- combed,adoraed, trimmedil 
fcijrned, dcvisvd, ransonitd, or bracc, a bncf comprchcnsion. cd, made spnice, neat, fist' 
bought off, coi.ipouiulc:!, ialiii,(!nr,iprc5siuiiciilu, a- / a gvntleComptOra,:r./l.aittdonBaf( 

s^ueoziiig-, a crushing^g-cntlv. f)omptus,u8.m.a deckingidsl, om 
< r, :i nivislicr. 

cloquont, clcjrant 
Compostus, pro Compositi.s 
Compotatio,6nis/3.a dnukin^to-] 

^cthcr.a drinVinir-ir.atch, :i club.jCoi.iprcssrims, a, um,/>/. about to 
C'ofri])6to.arc.M.l.todrinkt<»gcthcrj, stop, supprcs^, &c 
Compfttor, 6ris. m. 3, a pot-com-Coin|>rcssus, a, uni. pt. ior, comp 

pamon. t^ossip 

Compdtrix, icif./ ". a d: n .ing 
Compransor, biis m, o. hc tliat 

dinex with anottur. 
Comprccutio. 6nis/. 3. a suppli- 

cation, a solcmn pr&yiiur. 
C^mprccutus, a, um pt. ! esought 
Cvmprecor, atus sum* utp. 1. to 

C >mprohendcndus, 

prehcnd, or bc apprchcmlcd, to 

tcizc, to bc wrapped, nr put up 
Comprehendo, dcrc,di, nsum.rt. 3. 

m. o. a dcrlour- CompugTianSjtls jk/.fightiajpi 

ing. (ther, to quarrcU lil 
Compugiio.ft c.« . 1. tofigU 
Compuuo, Sre. fieq. 1. tfJ 
against (beatcn upon, oril 
(.'ompulsor^ri. p. to be ii 
Compulsor, oris. m. «1iM 

prrssod togethcr, or closc, kcpt, 

ov shut clobc, clinchcd, closcd, g 

s((ticc/.cd, crushcd, supprcsscd,Compulsus,a,um.^f.drivefli/ll 

compellcd, coiistraintiUM 

Compunctio, 6nis. / ^- 08B| 

tion, distrcss, a prickinrfl 

stitch. (m 

Compunctus, a, um. pL fk 

Compungcndus, a, nnii >* 1 

pricked, markcd, spottcAl 

C'ompungt),gcre. nxi, ncoat 

to prick, to sting, to rci, * 

raent, to offend; to dastl» a 

ivpivs-i'd,stoppcd 9 ravisbcd, de- 
flourcd, costivc, narrow. Anno- 
na comprcssa» corn hoardcd up 
to n.akc ii dearcr, Iav. ('om- 
prcs^ih nianibus scderc, to bit 
btill, and do nothing, Ll. 

Coiii])rCbi»ii, abL m. 4. a prcssing 
closcan cinbracing,a dcrlouring. 

Coniprimendus, a, uin. pt. to bc 
stopped,curbcd»orrcprcsscd (ing 

to comprehcadfto Comprimcns,tifl.^/.stoppiii^, bind- Compimgor,bctus. j*.tobej0 





rgo v 3Lre.n.l tocIear,topu-Concamcrandu8, a, tim. pt- to be 
(counted, or ntimbered. archcd, or vaulted- 

tabllis, e. adj. that may bc 
tans, tia. pt. reckoning. 
t&tio, 6nis/ 3. a computa- 
n account or rcckoning 
:&tor,dris m- 3.a computer. 
o, ire. act. 1. to coinpute, 
nt, «r rcckon, to cast up, 

Concameratio, finis./ 3. an arch, a 
ceitiug,an arbour,an arched walk 
Concameratus, a, um. pt. arclied 
Concamero, arch,to ceil 
Concameror, ari./>. to be arched. 
Concandco,gre n.tobe warm,orhot 
Concastigo, are. act. lto chastisc. 

iki ©r deem, to show, orConcatenatus. a,um./>r linkedto- 

oot, to prune, «r lop. 
tor,ari. pa*s. to be countcd 
ie*co,cere,rui.snc*3. to pu 
•gTowroUcn. (rcckoning 

Conc&vatus, a, hollowed. 
Co»cavo,arc. act. to make hollow, 
to bow, to bend, to wind- (low. 
us, i. fn. 2. an account, aJConcavus,a,um. adj. concave, hol- 
»mposition,usually stands Concedendus,a,um./)l.tobegranted 
r, with, ortogether; ascon-Concedens, tis pt. yiclding, grant- 

ing, departing, making room 
agminst, as cbntcndo: andjConccditur, impers- it is grantcd 

mes it incrcaseth, and sig- Conccdo. dcrc, essi,essum a. il. toConcerpor,i.ptus/>. tobe torn.(eB. 

he samc as valde, greatly, 
' much ; as, concrcpo. 
n,Tnis. n 3. anatteinpt,an 
ji essay (hclpcth, a lcver 
ntum, i. n 2. that which 
iis, a, um. pt. to attempt. 
tw. pt. cndcavouring. 
t Snis. / 3. an attempt. 
o, i. n. 2. an attempt.(fort 
,us. m.4 M\ attem])t, an cf- 
p a, um. pt. attcmptcd. 
, irc uct. 1. to bcwray 

tion of a femaJc, a brceding', the 
wording, writing, ov drawing up 


Oonccptum, i. n. 2. a conccption. 

Conceptus,a, um/>*.conce!vcd,be- 
gotten,brcd,hatched, tuoughi of, 
causcd, occasioned duly formed, 
sct down in writing, stated. 

"onceptus, us m 4. a conception, 
tlie act of conceiving,a brceuing- 
a tlung conoeivcd,a conceit,a no- 
tion, an idea. Ex conccptucami- 
ni, by the chimncy's taking fire, 
Suet. Conccptus aquarum inerti- 
um, ponds, or sloughs, Sen. 

Concerpo [con, carpo], pcre, psi, 
ptum. act- 3. to pull in pieces, U) 
rcnd, to tear, to dcstroy. 

yicld,to submit, to givc placc, or 

way,to rcsign,to go over,or away, 

to depart,to withdraw, to come, 

to die,to grant, or allow, to con- 

sent, to pardon, to dcscend, to 

abatc. (ed. 

Conccdor,i,cssus. p. to be pcrmit- 

Concclebrutus,a,um./'f celebrated 

Co; ( xciebro,arc.a. 1. to cclcbratc, 

to solemnize, to make famous, to 

Concclchror,ari'/>a««- tobc solem- 
t^vam.pLf. 3.IoppingsofjCfr/icclo. arc act. 1 to conceal, to 
ireds,barricadocs- (chafe. hidc. (mclody 

!acio,cerc. a«J-tou'arm,toConcentio, dnia. / 3. a concert 

fkctio, 6nis-/3.a warming 

ractSrius, a, um. atfj. that tric. 

Conccntrlcus, a, um. atlj. concen- 

Conccnturio,ure. a. &n.l. to tak< 
votts in the centuries, to call 
ovcr, to asscmble, to colloct. 

ConcentUK, us. m 4. a conccrt of Conccssurus, a, to rcmovc 

t warm, heating, hot. 
actus, a, um. pt. warmed. 
"io, ieri, factus sum. nevt. 
to be hcated, grow liot. 
ico 9 Coficalco, lui. n. to be 
bc made warm, or vcxcd 

0,ere,« 3.togrow brawny, birds. (tajcle 

tobe welt vcr<rd t inur-XTonccputculum, i. n. 2. a rccep- 
iraclisccl. Conceplio, 6nis./ 3. thcconccp- 

9 J 

Conccrptus,a,um./>f .pullcd inpiec- 

Conccrtandus.a,um./»rto contcnd. 

Concertans, tis. pl. striving". 

Conccrt&tio, Onis./ 3. coutention, 
dispute, jarring, difterencc, op- 
po ,; ition. (tions. 

Concertativus, a,um. atlj. conten- 

Concertator, 6ris. m. 3. a rivaf. 

Concertatdrius, a, um. aJ/.bclong»-* 
ing to plcading, contrmcrsial- 

Conccrtatus, a, um. pt. debated. 

Co7icerto> are. n. 1. to strivc toge- 
thcr,tocontend,to qiunrrel,to (le- 
batc,to brawl,to strivc for victory 

Consessatio, 6nis/ 3.a leavingoff", 
a lohering,a stopp?n^ bythe way. 

Concessio, dnis. /. 3. concession. • 

Conces>o t are.n. 1. to cease (grant. 

Concessu,rxA/. m. 4 by pcrniission, 

Conccs.«im, i. n- 2. ugrant. 

music, conseJit, agreemcnt, con- 


cord, the chirping, or melody of Concha,x./l.a slictl-rlMi 9 n sl.cll, s 
* ' ' " f pearl a hollow vcsscl,» wine-pot, 

&c. a large box, a trumpet, a 
dlettsure ottwo sooun(ulvt»v tkt 





dT-achms, a ladle, sccd. ConoiiaConciliatura,*./ 1. a rcconciHnjr.|Concino[eon,ca3io],nere, n«y 
, Mart 

Cytheriaca, Mart. Erycina, Prop Coiiciliaturus, a, uui- pt. about to tum. act. ;». to sing, or phj 
mothcr of pearl Concha salis, a rcconcile. 

concert tosing.toplay orsoi 
saltsellcr, Ifor Conclia ccei*ulea-Co7iciliatu&,a,um/</.&a^// ior,rom/; to moum, to oelcbratc, toag 
thcaziuv arch of hcavcn. ; reconcilcd, brought over, gaiii- consent, or acord, to foretel 

Conchatus, a, um atlj. made likej ed,procurcd, purchascd, bought, prophesy. 

f»c sheh ni a fish, hollow, v.idc. joincd together, favorable. ConcXnor, ni pa*t. to besung 

Co !chis. is /■ o. a boan unshcll-Concilio, are. a rcconcile,to '*0Mcio,7re,ivi, itum. act. 4. to 

ecl, a hcan boiled in a shcll. \ bring,orwinover,touuiite,tobring togethcr, to suramon. tostir 

Coucula,:. /l.a liltlc shell.(color about, to cngage, to gain, to ob-Concio, onis / 3. mn asscmbh 

Conchvliutus a um. arij. of violct- tain, to prociirc, to purchasc, to congrcgatiou. an oration,#rf 

Conchylium, i- ;/. 2. a shcil-fish, a rccommcnd,tocausc,oroccasion. : lic aiscourac, a spcech, a 

purplc, or violct color, a gar»Concilior, ari pasa tobejoincd. I mon, apulpit. (prcscki 

mcnt of that color. Concilior, ari, uius. dep. 1. to full Concionabundus, a, um. .< 

Conchyra, x m. anoyster-roan. cloth, or work felts, Varr. Coiicidiiah3,e. arf/. of,or bekmf, 

Concidcndus.a,uni./>.'. to bc cut in Concihum, i. 71. 2. a councihan as-l to haranguing, &c. (or seffl 

Concideus tis /rf.faii.ig. (picccs. senibly, a company, a place ofConoionans^tis/rf makLngaspe' 

Concido_con,cxdoj,derc,iJi,isain.j mecting, a consistbry, an agrec-Concionarius, a, um. adj. tra 

a. cut iu picces,to cut ofl % , to mcnt,a niixturc,a flov cr,counsel.. oftcn in,or cometh toasaembl 

cut,t° hack, to maiin, or Concincns.tis /tf.singing togcthcr. Concionator, dnstn. 3. aptead 

m&nglcto bcat, or l:ish,to kill, or Concinentia, x. f 1. liannony. Concidnatorius,a, uin. aaj belfli 

flay,to dcstroy,to ruin,to ovLTacl/Concinnfttio, 5nis./ 3. a tittiug. « ing to preaching. 

Coucidor, di. ptm. to be. cut. ;Concinjiator,6ris.m. d. a drcsscr, aConcidnor, ari. dep. 1. to ■■ 

Concido [con,cadol, derc, di. n. 3: trimincr, one tiiat trims a thing, public orations, to preach. 

to fall down, to fair, to fall into. or 'nakca it fitfor his purposc, aConcipicns,tis pt coDceivint;. 

decay, to goto ruin, to fail, \o forgcr. (ing todressing, &c.Concipio [con, capio], pcre*ci 

faiiiti todie, to bc sl:iin,oi- kilicd.(-oncinnatdrius,a»uni.a^/.pcilain- ceptum. act. 3. to conceive* 

<3onciens, ils-pt. stirring- up. IConcinnatus, a, um. pt. trimmed, brecd, to dcvise, to plot* oro 

fo/icico, ere, ivi, itum. act. 2. toj fittcd. 1 trive,to form,to caaq 

movc, or stir uj>, to call togttlu-r.iCoiicinnc, a<lv. ncatly, prettily. ■ hcnd, to cntertaia, to reioh^ 

Concibubtilum, i. iu 2. a conventi-;Concinnitas«atis./. ncatness, com-l dctcrminc, to undertake,tore 

cle, a juirto, an uulawful as*cm- pactness, quaintness, a jingUng- 

bly, a riot. 
Conciliandus, a, uin pt. to be pro- 

curcd, to bc g-ained. (^11^1^^.' 

C-onc" ,: — '"'- "' I,: ! 


uii,an a^ivemeiita procurcmcnt. 
Conciliator, Ans. m 3. a rcconcil 

cr, a mukcr-up, a procurcr. 
C'>nciliatncnla, x.f & httleprocu- 

rc**, a small bawd 
Conc.iiat ix,icis./.3 sbc tliat pro- 

of words. 
Concinniter, adv. prettily, neatly. 
Concinnitudo, inis. f. o> neatness, 

on, or sum up, to catch Ctf 
perc vcrl)ajuramentl,togive< 
an oath, to prescribc a fom 
words to wliich another ■ 
iliariSjtis . pt, reconciling^pm-i clcgance, pohtcuess. swear,todraw up anoathinfa 

i*hatio.6uis./3. areconcihati-Concinno, arc. a 1. to inakc ncat,,Concipior,i,ccptus./).tobccooci 

finc.or iit. to makc rcady, to pre- ed, containco, forrucd, &c« [tt 
pare,to mix,to dnss, or curry, toConcipilo, arc<i.l toscizeupM 
rcndcr, make, causc, or excitc. Conclsc adv conciscly, in ptfi 
Concinnor, ari pass. to bc ftttcd. ConcisoiiiiSia, ura. adj. forpaji 
Concmnus, a, um. udj. ior, comp. Concisura, x. /. 1. a cboppin|. 
neat line, trim, vvclj fashioncd,ConcTsus, a, um pt. cut iopi<( 

OTs a bawd, a inatc:iinakcr.(tioii. 
Concilwtu. abl. m. 4- by coropoai- 

curcs in a ^ood sense.a reconcil- compact.dexterous, elegant, po- cut, chopt, battercd, bnui 

hte, comciy,bccominjf, pleasant,' killcd, brokcn, humblcdi 
agTceable^ | short, brief. 





icRtum,i.ff.2.aninccntive.Conclavium, i. n. 2. a parlour. 

«, tis- pt- stimng- up. 
:, ativ. hastily, liotly. 
o, duis /. 3. a stirrinj? up, 
i, a passion, mutiny. 
ir, 6ris. m. J. a stirrer up. 

Conclaiisr,s, p/shut i.p logc-l to be iu tunc, to hold to.rothtr. 

\x. icis/. J. she, or it that finish, to shut, or lock up, to in 

rovokes, tv stirs up.(up 

rus.a,um />/.about to stir circumscribc, to contain, ©r com- llke, ofthc samc sort,consisient, 

ar(/. ior. prise, to gather, or infer, to stop. timahlc, harmoiiioi 

is, a tun. pt. & 
irnus, *#/^ stirrcd up,stir- 
■ed, cxcitcd, pushcd on, 
red,provoked, incenscd, 
fhemcnt, violent, rapid 
re a 1 to stir up,to raise, 
, to push on «or forward, 
,»r pursuc, to disturb, to 
, to causc, or occasion- 
ari. ptun. to bc stirrcd. 
rcubled, &c. (a causer 
oris. m. •*. a stirrcr up, 
i,um pt atirred up, mov 
..puahcd on,hastcncd,in- 
Lum />/. summoncd (ed 
da,ac /. 1 a short orat ion, 
i, a small assembly 

ther,incloscil,containcd (tainin 
Concludcns,tis./;/ concludinjr, con- 


Concordo, arc. ncut. 1. to ajrrcc r 

« , o«rorpbro. r irc act.l to inixto^c- 
tbcr, to incorporate, to unitc. 

Conclfido [con, claudol, dvre ussCoiicorporor, iiri. f>. to bc nih..*d. 
«isum.«..i. to coitcludc,to cnd, *.• Concors, dis adj. ior t comp. issi- 

imis- 8up. of onc mind, unani- 

closc,to eneonrpass.toconfine, to moiis, peaccable, quict, equal, 

Concludor,i.fisus/»- to bc inclosed. Po/icrcbrcsco/.iv,ui.M 3.toresound 

Concl&sio,dms./3.a conclusion an 

end, a shutting up, * sieg*e,an in- Cowcredo derc, didi, dituin.a. to 

ferencc, a reason, an arjrument 
Conclusiunciila,ae./. 1 asophism, 

a wrestcd silly inference. 
Conclusura, x.f an cxtremity. 
Conclfisfirus, a, um. pt. about to 


ConcTcditus, a. um. pt. in'rusted, 
dclivcrcd to one's charjrc- 

intrust, to commit upon trust. to 

trust with,to hazard- or venturc. 
Concrematilru5, a, um pt. about 

to bum. 
Coiicrcmcntum,i. n.2 acollection. 

Vmcremo.arc.a to burn, toseton 

Concl*isus, pt tnadj. lor^conp ;Concrcmor,nri. /> tobe b*irnt.(fire. 

concludcd, cndcd, finishcd, shutConcrcpans, t-s pt. lattiwig'. 

up, incloscd, cntcrtaincd, (Tfin-jrVwcnipo.p^rc.pui.pitum «.&« 1. 

pri5cd,confined,liinite<l/^restion.l to inakc a noi.icto rattlc,to rinjr, 
Concoctio, onis./ concoction, <ii- to snnp, to crcak, to cry softly. 
Concoctus^»um./>/ concoctcd,boil-Concr{\ 1 an incrcase. 

cd (tojrcthcr.a supping togclhcr.ii' 'o/Tcresco,ccrc.rc\ irC Lnin. « • . to 

luijtis pt. shoutinjr, cry-Concamatio,onis /3-a banquetin;rj jrrow tojrcther, to conjreal, to bfr 

tio, onis / o. a shout, a 

Concblor, oris. ailj. of thc sann j trozcu,toclot,tocunllc,tot!iickcnt 
color. (panied.iConcrctioonis./ 1. a concrction, 

L-nncst imp it is j^ivciiJConcomUatus, a, um- adj. acrom-j a ^rnwinjf tojrethcr, a jrrowing 
st, is all ovcr. (buricdJ or:cfipuii>,arc.r{ 1 tocouple t toj:>i;.j hard or thirk- a conj^calinj^. 
fis. a, um. pt. dcad amljConcoquciulus a, uni /u. to bc di-f'oncrctiiin,i ?i 2 a concrctc, a suh» 
o,5re ./•£'/. l.tocryaloud' jjfcstcd I stance, o?* j,oliil thing,a niass, the 

arc «l.tocry to^clhcr.|C;>nco(jucns, tis. pt di^stinjr. j (jiia'ity co:i>i<i« n:d with its sub- 
buwl out, tocry, or cair^V/cncjuc», crc, oxi, octum. ad. .' .j j> cts; us, nij^ru.n, a black thinj^. 
•hout,to pn>rlaini. Vasa \p hoil, orscelli, to concoct^t«> di-!« 'oncrf-tus, a, um pt> &««//'•, ior, 
:iofio conclamarc jubetj cnduustosiiffVr.toabidc.j comp joincd toj»;clher, ini;.c(I, 
•orclci-s for maifhiiij^Concoquor, i. pa*s. tobc boil.-J. ■ conipound:-d, forined, conjrcal- 
an.l ha^jr^tjfc, t\rs. .('onconlantia, x / 1 ajrrcciiKiit, cd,fi4/cn,i •!itttcd t crnilfd» thick, 
r,r»ri />.tobc proclair.icl uconcorduncc gTOit», fixcd, habiiual (thcr. 

^mSUiii. «•(/'. lockcd -ip. Concordia. xj'. 1. concord.ajrrcc-Co .t'rrtiis,iis.»i..i a jri"owinjj toj^c- 
i*. n ;>. :iu inncr cha;u- mont, union, haimon), pt a«. % c 'Con^rumnor. i!us siuu.c/ 1 to ac- 
i\atc- room, a dinin^- ConconliKr, adv. issimt, *rtp. l.a:^ 1 cuse, to tax, to blumc, to rail at 
«:■ conclavc whcrc ihc monioiisly, unanimously, v ttli Concriicio, arc .aci 1. to tormcnt. 
c^osc 1lu" popc- "onc ronscnt. (^oncriicior, aii. p«?* s U*^\**pl 





mented all over. (ovcr. 

Concrustatus, a, um. adj. crustcd. 
Concubma, x- f. 1. a concubine. 
ConcnblnTitus, us. m 3. concubi- 

Concubmus, i. m. 2. a catamitc. 
Coiicubitarus, a, um. />/. about to 

lic with, to lie with. 
Concubitus, us. m. 1. a lying with, 

copulation, an cmbraoc. 
Conciibiuni, i. //. thc still and dead 

time of thc night, when pcople Concursandus, a, um. pt. to go to- 
gj-c in tlieir first slccp, the lying Concursans, tis. pt. meeting,or go- 
with a woman (asleep. ingtogcther,ninningupanddown 

'oncuhius, a, um. adj. in bcd and Concursatio,5nis / 3 arunning of 

/nculcandus, a, um. pt. to be 

'.r.nlden, or tramplcd down. 
<>niculcatio,onis./;4. a trampling, 

*» pawingwith the foot(dcrfoot. 
( irnculcatus^um. pt. trodden un- 
< lomvilco, [con, calco], arc, act. \. 

\n i-ead, or tramplc under foot, 

t'j !'.v wastc, to ruin, to dcstroy. 
Concwlcor, ari. p. to bc tramplcd 
Oi .rr.inbo, bcrc,ubui, iibitum./i.i). 

to ].>• togethcr, to lie witli, or by 
C ..7w»ipio,crc,ivi, long, 

or lust for, to covct, to dcsire. 
< i ;oncupisccndus,a,um. /»/.to be dc- 

sire.l; i«iV/ Concupitus. (ingaflcr. 

Conciipiscibilis, c adj. that which 

dcsircs eamestly. 
Conciipisco, crc, ivi, itum. a. :t. 

to covet, or dcsirc, to lust aftcr. 

to aim at. 
Conciipiscor, ci. p. to be dcsircd. 
Concupitus.a,uin./i/.covctcd, long- 

cd forju^ted afu-r.(low guurdian. 
Coiic«.ii\ttor,6r.s //». a trustee, a fcl- 
Co/iciirojSrc act.l to takc carc of. 
Concurrens, tis. pt. concurring. 


ther, tlicy givc the shock, 

Co7icurro,rcrc,ri,rsum. n. 3. to run 
witli, or togethcr, to flow,or flock 
together,to run at, or against, to 
fall foul on one another, to give 
a shock, or chargc, to grapplc, 
to cngagc, to mcct, or join to- 
gcther, to ajzree, or unite, to bc 
equal, or alike. (gcthcr. 

ConcurriUir, imp. thcy run toge- alarnuc 

quiet,to disturb,to affect,to | 
to strikc hard, to exAmine,u 
Concutior,i. /■to be shaken( 
Condalium,i //.2. a thimble^. i 
Condeccns, tis pt. convenient 
Condecenter, adv. becomiiigl 
Ce;rdecet,j' is mect,ornt(i 
Condec5ritus, a,um.jM. adflfl 
Condecdrc, adv. very gracef 

Co /idec6ro,are a. 1 .to£race,tod 

toadorn, to embelhsh, to ho 

Condeliquesco, erc. n. to mel 

getlier. (nd 

Condemnatio, dnis. / 3. cond 

Condcmnator, oris. m. 3. a i 


Condemnatums, a,um. pu&M 

condemn, rcady to condemi 

Condemnatus.a, um. pt. condf 

ed, cast. 
Condemno, [con, damno],4r 
1. to condemn, todoom,U 
votc,accuse,to cm 
bc cast in a court of justice 

peoplc together, an camest con- 

tention, a mcdjey, or confusion, 

a riot. 
Concursator, dris. wi. 3. a runnerl 

to and fro, a skirmishcr. 
Concursio, onis./ 3. a running, or 

mecting togcthcr. 
Co/icurso,are./ry. 1. to mn hithcr 

and thithcr,to run, ur gad about. 
Concursfirus, a, uui. ///. about to 

come togethcr, ©rcngagc, toen- 

Concursus, im. m.4. a concoursc, a Coiulcmnor,ari. //. to be eondc 

crowd, a rcsort, au encountcr, 
an engagcment, a concurrencc 

Concurisccns,tis.///.dcsiring, hist- Concussio, 5nis./. 5. ashakiug, a 
Concupiscentia,ic./l. a covcting, shock,a jumbling; a combination 
conrupisccnce, lust. acrainst thc innocent. Crimen 


concussionis, wlwen au ofticer bv 
thrcats, or pretenccs of autho- 
rity cxtorts any thing from thr 
pcoplc, .///- JCC. 

f'oncusso, shake oftcn 

(Joncussu, abl.m. 4. by shaking. 

C-oncussus,a, um. /// shaken, mov- 
cditronblcd, dis\piictcd,afl'cctcd 

'.!onciitiendus,;i,um///. to bc shak-l 

Condcus, ///• lucling, coverinf 
Con<lcndus, a, um. pt. to be I 

to bc laid up. 

Condcnsatio,5nis- /. 3.thickeu 
Co//dcnsco,ercac/. condc 
('ondensitas, atis. /. 3. thicfa 
C0//denso,arc.a. 1. tocondem 

thicken,to flock togcther,to 

closc- (e 

Condcnsor, ari. //a*?. to beti 
Cnndeiistis, a, uin. a<lj. conde 

thick.close, or wedgedtogel 
Co//depso, scrc, sui, situm, oi 

to minglc, o/- knead togemM 

Concutiens, tis. pt. shnking. (cn.!Co//dico.ccre, ixi, ictum o.3^B 

Conciitin,[con,quatio], tcre, cussi. 

flowing togcther, coming on iuj cussum a shakc, to move,to 
» body. J brandish, to tremblc, to jog, to 

point, ov order, to ajrrcc upo 
dechirc, topromise,to undert 
to enguge,, to claim, to dem 





,0,11171. adj. bclonging 
lfOrclaim (abargain 
. n 2. an agrcement, 
, um. JM mutually ap- 
mised Subita condic- 
ia a short supper,such 
Is himself to, Suer. 
fv. worthilv, suitablv. 
, um. adj. worthy, bc- 
able, like, descrvcd 
ius, a, um. atlj. bc 
iticc, or pickle. 
ius i- m. 2 a saltcr. 
n, i- n. 2. saucc, sca 

Conditor,8ris. m. 3. a niakcr, :i 
buildcr, a foundcr, thc first in- 
vcntor, or heginncr, a compiler, 
©r writer. 

Conddnor, ari p. to hc pardoncd. 
Co/fdunnio,7re,ivi v itum. neut. 4. to 
slecp togethcr, to fall aslecp. 
Comlormisco, ccre. incept. 3. to 

ConditSrium, i. ?». 2. a placc to la) fall asleep. 
up.or hidc things in, a sepulchre. Conduceiidus,a,um pt. to he hired 

a coftin, an araenal, an armory. 
Condftrix, Icis-/ 3. a founircss. 

Conduccns,tis. pt hiring,enguging 
Conducenlcr, adv. convcnicntlv. 

Condftflra.a:./l sauce,pickle. [ingCondurihilis. e adj. ior, conip. 

Conditura, ac./ a building.a frani- conducible cxpedicnt, availabh- 

Conditus,a,um./ri.laid up, conccal- Conducit, in tcrtia pcrsona,&/n^n. 

ed, hidden, inclosed, buricd, itconduces,it isprofitablc.advan- 

i,itum. a. 4 toscason 
■n. to pickle, to prc- 
nbalm, to sweeten, 

bojs. to be scasoned. 
is pt. lcarning. 
, x. /. 1. a femalc 
, or school-acquaint- 
(siiip atschool. 
:ns, fls m. 4. fellow- 
4, i. m. 2. a school- 
?,dfdici a3- to learn 
pa**. to be learncd* 
a, uni adj. that may 
, •■• kcptandlaidup 
i.j. ;i. a scasoning. 
i / 3. a condition, a 
intion, a situation, a 
, or coursc, an ordcr, 
•ce, a tcrm, or oflcr, a 
rrccnicnt, a trcaty, a 
lon, a choicc, a lihcr- 
?, u laying, or hoard- 
itation,unlawful love 
c adj. conditional 

founded, built, madc, composed, 
stale, rank. 

Conditus, a,um./>/& at{j. \or,comp. 
scasoncd, corncd, picklcd, pre- 
scrvcd, made savory, wcll-rclish-l 
ed, tcmpcred, niixcd, emhalmcd 

Conditus, us m. 4 a scasoning, a 

tageous, cxpcdicnt, or availablc, 
Comluco.cert-, uxi, uctum, a- 3. to 
conduct, to lead, ov bring along 
u ith. to assi:inblc, to hirc, to un- 
dcrtakc, to do, to contract, to 
engage. (hircd. 

Condficor, ci. pttss to be led, or 

:pty>rlaidup (vault. 
i. n. 2. a graye, a 
, um- at(j- tliat is, or 
rvcd,& kcpt for use. 

preserving,apickling,aii crcction Condiictio.onis./3 a hiring,a rcnt- 
Cendo,d£rc,didi,ditum.a. 3. to Jay ing,or taking by lcasc,a takin^ to 
up, to hoard, tostow, to hide, or do :it a pricc, a collcction, an in- 
conccal, to keep closc, to put up, fercncc, a dcduction, a corollary. 
or into,to closc, to shcathctobu-CondnctVtius, a.inn. adj that is, or 

ry, to found, to makc, to huild, to 
rcbuild, to compose, or writc, to 
institutc, or ordain. to gct, or ob- 

Condor, di. p. to bc hiddcn. (tain 

Conddcefacio [coii; doceo, facio,] 
ccrc,feci,factum. a :i. to teach,to 
instruct, to acquaint, to inform. 


Co«dbceo,erc,ui,ctum a.2 to tcach 

Condoctus, a, um pt. ior, comp. 
taught, or instructed togctlier 

Co7id6lco,erc . n2 tocondolc,orsym- 
pathisc with. to grievc, to ache. 

Cond61csco # ccrc inc neut. 3. to 
grieve to mourn,to smart (given 

may he hircd ov takcn to hire. 

r !ondiictor,5ris.m. 3- hcthattakes* 
or hircs» a tcnant an undertakcr. 

Condnctum, i. ;i 2 a thing 1 hircd. 

Conductus.a, um pt hired, taken 
to hirc, takcn up at usc, brought 
togethcr. Opera: conductx,hircd 
servants. Cic Tcstes conciucti, 
kniphts of the post, Ov. 

Conuuphcttns, tis. pt. doubling' 

Condiiplic^itio, onis. /. 3. a doub- 
ling, a duplicate, a repctition. 

Conduplfcatus, doublcd. 

Co?iduphco, are. a 1 to double,to 
pay double, to rctuni double. 
("onddnandus, a, um. pt to be for- Conduphcor, aii. p. to be douhlcd. 

Condonatio,5nis / a giving away 

um adj seasoncd, Conddnfitus,a,um. pt givcn,gTant- Condus,i m ahutlcr asteward. 

ed, forgivcn, pardoned. 
Condono,are a 1- lo give willingly 

don,or forgivc,to omit, or pass by. 

Co«duro,are a.lto harden grc.itly 

CondylOma, atis v a swclling, a 
scab. (aring, or thimblc. 

&frcely,to bestow,togrant,to par-Condylus,i m. 2. a kuuckle, ajoint 

Coni abricor£Uw sa\si^ V. \a \sk^. 




^ • 

©r make, to devise» ©r contrive. j to ihe point, C/c. manum,fcrvum, 
Conf abulatirt.6nis./. 3. confabula- to fijjht, Id. capita. to consult, Jd. 

tion,discoiirsc,atalkinjrto£cthcr.j sjgna, to cngagc in battle,/«/rra- 
Confabfilo, onis. ro. 3. apratcr. | tioncs,tocastaccoi:nls or reckon 
Co/jfahulor,atus mm.dep- l.totell. witli onc, Cic. castra castris, to 

tales,to talk,0»*liscourse tojrctheri pitch their camps over against 

thcr, ov conclude. 
Confictio, onis./l 3. a forjcii 
Confictus, a, countcrl 
Conf ldens, tis. pt. fc. udj. ior, 
issimns, mp. tmsting, h< 
confidcnt, bold,dariii£, rasl 
sumptuous, foolhardy , impi 

Confarreatio, 5nis./ «5. thc solcm-! onc another, Id. (carried. 

nizing 1 of a marriajre, by mcans ofjConf cror, erri,collatu8. pata. to bc shamclcss, grave, stc.idy. fi 

cating a bridc-cake togcther. |Confcrtim, adj. ina heap, closcly. Conf idcntcr, adv. ius, con 
Confarrcatunis, a, um. pt. aboutjConfertu.s, a« um. f>t. ior, comp. is- sime, sup- coiifideiitlv, h 

to marry with a bride-cake. snnus, sup. full, fillcd, crammcd, with assurancc, nudaciousl 

Confarreatus, a, um. pt. marriod crowded thick & close togcther. pudently, shumefully. 

with a bribe cake eatcn togethcr, 

lawfully couplcd togethcr. 
C*onfarrco,avi, atum. n. 1. to marry 

with a bridc-cake catcn tog-cther. 

Confcrtum agmen, a closc bodyoi 


tcs incurrit, hc rushed into the 

verv thickestof theencmv» Safl 

Conffitalis, c. adj.of the samc fatc CV>nfervcfacio,eTC.fl.3-to make hot ConfidentTlOquus, i. ra. 

Confcctio.dnis / 3. a making u]),ajf>i//fcrvco, cro w.2. tobc very hot, 
writinjr,a dispatehing,a chc wing*. u> hoil up,to knit. to^ join 

Confcctor,6ris. wi. 3. dispaU*lu:r,an 
ondef, »r finishcr, a consumcr, 
wastcr, ur dcslrover, onc who 

C^ifc^vcsco, cerc. ino 3. to grrow 
scaldinpr. or boiling hot, to sceth 
Confessio, onis./. 3. confcssion. 

Confidentia,2e/'.l .conndcnce 
ness, couragc, assurancc, 
sumptiou, fool-hardincHS, I 
ness. (spc 

fought with wild bcasts in thcConfcssus, a. uui. pt. confcssing', 

amphitheatrc (doinjr of a thing*. owning, confcssed, profcsscd. 
Confectura, *./ 1- thc makinjroj*; pbTni,, not to be dcnied, 
Confectus,a,um./-/.finished.c ndcd,| noiorious Exconfcsso, Qiurvt . in 

dispatchcd, pcrformed, obiaimd,' 'i»nft:j^iO,/Vm.confcssedly. (with. 

won, worn out, wastc.d, spoik<V*^>nfcstim,f7r/r.immediately,tbrth- 

drstroyc(l,killcd,murclcr( , d.coni-C()nfihula.T/.aclasp,awoodcnpin. 

posed, written,chcwcd, digvsicd.;f ".nnfiriendus,a,uni pt. to be madej 
Conffrbeo,erc,bui.n.2. togrowvc-; cUmu\ dispatched, procurcd, 

ry hot,togTowtojfcthcr,to imitcl killcd, &c 

Conferens, tis. pt. bringinjr, or gct- 
n bring,carry,put,orlay toge- 
thrr,to confer,to conduce,to con- 
tributc,to add,orjoin,to bestow,or 
lay out,tocmploy,toapply ,to com- 

of, to dispatch, to pcrform, to cf. 
fect, or accomplish, to get,or ob- 
tain, to procurcto raise, to spend 
or wastc,to consume,to wcar out, 
o;-away,to conqucr,to kill,or slay, 
to wearj", to ch(?w, to concoct, ov 

parcito compose, or digest,to dis- dijrest, to pass over, to provc, or 
coursc or talk togcthcr, to lay, ©r makc cvident, to b>rgain. 

Jo betakc,todefer,orput of^jConficior, ci. p. to bc dispatchcd 

(Vmftdo, dcrc. Idi, & isus si 
3. to confidc, rclv, or dcpen 
on, to put confiduucc in, 
coniidcnt, or well assuit 
trust, to cxpect, or hope. 
Configo, frcre, ixi, ixuro. a. 
stick, or thrust into, to n 
fastcn tojrcther, to pierc 
shoot, to kili, to fix earnei 
Confi^uratusa, fashi 
Conf igiror,ari pam.Xo bc lik 
IConfindo, crc, f tdi, fissum.i 

Confindor, i- issus- ptus. 

i^jConfme, is. n. 3. a place iq| 

Confingo,gferc, nxi, ictum. i 

form, or make, to shape, m 

on, to fcijrn, forg^e, or inve 

Confin^or, gi. ptiss. to bc ft 

Confima, ium.p/.n.3.the co 

Confinis,c. adj. next to^dji 

bordcring, bounding, l)in 

near, joir.ed to, like, of tb 

Confinis, is. m. a borderer 

Confinitas, utis. /. 3. neig 

hood, ncaniess. 

Contlnium, i. n. 2. a confia 

t. 6'ojj/crrcped«m,tocomc|Conflcxtur, impcn. we may ga- marcheSjfrontier.limit, tr 






?ss of plare. Ilkeness a ly, or the truth, of mysclf, Cic. 
bour. Confinia lucis ct noc- Confixtis, n, pricked, 

ilijfht, Or. 
. cri. //. p. 3. to be brought 
S madr T or donc. [firmcd. 
naiid'is,a,um./>7. tobccon- 
nans. tis. pt. conhrnmig. 

nr shot through, pierccd, stuck. 

killed, cast, condemncd. 
Co/iflaccesco,is n. 3. to hc allaycd, 

or wcakcncd, to grow cahn. 
Conflagratus, a., bunitup 

makc himhated, Cic ncgotium, 
to causc- him trouhle, /#/. 
Conflnr, ari- pun*. to bc forjred. 
C'///fluctuor,:r_ri.c7<_>.l to fluctiiatc, 
to hc unre rtain, to wavc to and 
fm. (flocking in. 

■>mfluens,tis./>* flowing togethcr, 
natio. onis/3.confirmationJr«»iflaffro,arc.r/.l.toburn,orsct on Conflucns.tis ;-f.3.aconflux,a place, 
mce. cnroiirapcnient, con-Conflans, tis. pf blowing. [firc. where two rivcrs nm tofrether. 

Conflatilis, c. adj. cast, ormolten. 
Conflatio,dnis/ thc melting of mc- 
Jiitflnis.a, um, /i/. aboul toConflator,orism.3. afoundcr. [tal 
m,ahout to encouragc. Coiiflatura,xf.l.amelting,acastinfr 
irtitii*. a, & ndj. ior,Conflatus,tt,um^f.blowntofrclhcr 
confirmcd, madc stronij. mcltod down, cast, forged, con- 
cd, constanl, rosolute, firiu, trived, made up, composcd, levi- 
n. cd, raiscd, kindlcd, occasioncd. 

nita*, atis. / 3. stunlincss. 
ltion, stoutncss, tirnm^ss 
no, arc. #/. 1. to confirni, to 
li*h, to slreiigtbrn, or for 
o cncouragc, to hcartcn, to 
t jrct strcngth, to makc 
, to asctrtain, to avow, tc» 
i, ■• sav boldlv. 
ftor, ari. p. to he confirmcd, 
^thcncd, closcd, £cc 
:5tio,onis./.>.a confiscation. 
:itus, a, confiscatcd, 

Conflc.xus, a, flm- pt. bent, bowed 

Conflictatus, v^xww. pt stnigfrling; 
gTapplinff with, contending" 

Conflictio. onis. f. 3. a crashiiur, 
rlashin{r,9nUshinfn)f one afrainst 
anothcr, a conflict, a comhat. 

Conflicto, arc. n. 1. to 9trufrjrlc, to 
strivc, to encountcr, to troublc, 
1o disturb, to vex, to afflict. 

Conflictor, atus sum- </■ 1 to stnig- 
jrlc, to cncountcr, to havc to do 
with, to bc frcttcd, or troublctl- 

red to thc exchequcr, sciz-JConflictus, us m. 4- thc dashing; oi 

strikinfr of onc thinfr against anc- 
thcr,a justliugtO[rcthcr,aconU st . 

Confligo, gere, ixi. ictum, a. :l. to 
contcndtto strivc,to cncountcr,to 
enfrajrc,totry by law,to dcbatc,to 
dispute, to clash, to contradict 

Confligor, i. p. Undc Confligitur, 
thcy fitfht, or strivc, Claud. 

Can no,arc,u.l. to b!ow,nr blow to- 
|rcthcr,to me1t,to forgc, tofnund, 
or jjet, or procure,lo raisc, 
to causc, or work,to makc,to con- 

, laid u p in thc trcasury. 

:o [con fir cum,<mf/fiscus], 

. 1 to coufiscate, to seizc as 

ted to Uic treasury, or kinjr 

:or,ari. /#. to bc confiscated. 

eizedfor thc princc*susc,to 

X up in thc public trcasury. 

lOt&msJ o. an aflianccoi-as- 

ce. [iiig-,ordcpcndingup()n 

it, a, um. pt. trustintf, rcly 

cnduvMiin./rr tobe confcs 

cns, tis pt. confcssiiip. [scd. 

jot, [con, fateor], cri, fcssus 

12. to confcsR, to own, to ac- 

ledgc f toprofess,todeclare. , — . , _. 

mc«onfitttr,to8peakfrcc-| diam, to drnw cnvy pponkim^lo.Corfottu»» ^ mtcv^ ^t. vost^ cwr^ 

Coiiflucutia, x. /.* 1. a conflucncc 
Co/ifluo, ucrc, uxi, iixum. w. 3. to 
flock, or flow togrthor, to run, to 
rcsort, to come, to apply. 
Confluus. a, um. attj. confltient. 
Co/ifodio.dcrc, 6di, ossum. «. 3. to difc up, to gore, to stab, to 
cut. (stahlu-d. picrcod, cut, &c. 
■"'onfbdior, i. p. to bc he 
Confccdcro^arc u.l. to confcdcrate 
Cowfoiv, to bc, to bc bronght 
about. ( c d. 

^^/.to bc form- 
f*onform:1tio,6nis./ o- the framiug, 
fushioning onlcring", or disposing- 
of a thinfr, an embcllishmcnt, or 
"onforniritus.a,um.///. fonncd (on 
r', c. «///. of likc form, or 
sliapc, comfonnablc, ajrrccablc, 
suitablc, coiivcnicnt,fashioiiablc. 
Conforimtas atis./ X conformity. 
''onfonniu-r, aitv. agTccably. 
Contbnmi, are- act to conform, to 
adopt, to form, sliape, orfaslii. 
on, to makc likc. Conforsnarc 
sc ad voluntatcm alicujus, to 
comply wilh him, Cic. 
Uonfoniior, ari. pa*s. to bc formed. 
CWbnuco, arc a. 1. to make likc 
an arch, to arch, to vanlt. 
Confomicor. ari. p. to bc arched 
ConforLo, arc. a 1. to strcm?thcii 

trivconlcvisc, tomakc up.orcom- Confossio, 5nis./ a stabbing. 
posc. i*Esalicnumconflare,to run Confossor, 5ris m. 3. he tliat stab- 
ln dcbt, Sa f l Conflajc alicui invi-l betli, or digs. 





dijrged, stahhed, thrustthrough, t r.onfiVsim, rw/7'. confuscdh 

picreed, wounded, disnial 
Cojff*vco,Erc.a 2. tochcrish (e<l 
Confractus,>*. broken, bruis- 
Confractus,us.m .4. roujrhncss. (ly. 
Confrajrose, a dv. roujrhly,ni|r{rcd- 
CoQfi-ag6sus,a,<//. rough, rujr- 

jred, cragjry, uneven. uiicasy and 

troublesome to jro in, hard to un- 

derstand, rudc m langtiatre, tin- 

Confragus, a, um. adj. rough, rug- 
Confremebuudus, a, um. adj. mak- 

Gonfreinitus,iis. m. 4. a grcatroar- 
C»iifrcmo,mere,mui. n. 3. to make 

a great noisc, to roar, to murmur, 

to mutter, to ring to resound 
Confricatus, a, uni. /i/. nibbcd. 
Coufrico, care, cui. a. 1. to rub, to 

rub hard, or down, to scratcluto 

Confricor, ari. to bc rubbed. 
Co/ifrigco, ere- n 2. to grow cold. 
Confriiigo [con,frango], gere, rcjri 

ractum. a 3 to break, or dash in split, to brcak 

opcn. Confringere rcm, to wastc 

and spe.nd it,/'/<JM/. break 

or violate the laws, Vic. 
Confrinjror, gi. pass. to hc brokcn. 
Confiijricns, tis ph fleeing. 
Co/ifugio-gercilgi. gitutn. n.X to:Congeminatus, a, uni pt. doub ed 

: Jonfusio,onis/3.a mi\in;r, o/jum-l tcr (togethcr.gTOwing i 
bling together. confusion, dis- Congerminatus, a,um. p, 
ordcr,uncasincss,troubIe,shamc Conjrcro. rere, essi, essu 
shamcfaccdncss, a blushing. hcap, pile, or lay up, to : 

Confiisurus,u,uin. pt. about to con- gct together, to hoard, • 
found, or disordcr, to confound. or cast, to build, or mal 

Confiisus, a, um. pt. & adj. cx part. Congeror, i. $. to bc heap 
ior, comp issimus. sup. confus- Congen'o,6nis. m. a merr 
ed, jumblcd togcthcr, mixed, or tongestlm, adv. in hea 
mingled, having mixed, con- fuscdly. 
fnundcd, frightcd, terrified, dis- Conjrestio, ftnis./a heap 
turbcd, discordcd.troubled, con- r.ongestitius, a, um. aaj. < 
cerned. immcthodical, obscurc. heaps, heapcd up, raise 

Confiitatio, finis./3 a confutation, 'ongestfirus, a, um. pt. 
a dispix» ing, an answcr (cused. heap up. 

Confiitatus,a, um. pt. confutcd, ac- Coiijrcstus,a,um./*f> hcap< 

Co;/futo,are a. confute,to dis- or laid up, amasicd, h< 
provc,toconvict,to rcprove,to al- brought together, built. 
lay, to reprcss, to cool, to dazzlc 

Conf r itor,ari./ww». to be reprovcd 

Congelubilis, c <idj. congcalable 

Congclatio,onis/. 'i. a congealing 

'JongeTitus, a, um. pt. congealcd 

Jonirclidus, a, um. adj. chill, cool- 

.?«»ig .*lo, Sre. act. 1. to congcal 
to freezc, to starvc. Congelare 
otio, to grow stift" with havi ng 
uothing to do, Cic. 

Congclor, ari. pass. to bc frozcn. 

Congjminans, tis pt doubling. 


hoaril. S.-evacongcrics. 

flee, orgo for shelter, to liave rc- 
cour»c, to bctake, to rctirc. 

Co;jfrennno, are. act. 1 to redou 
ble, or multiply, to doublc, to 

Confugiumj./i 2.a placcof succour makc two of one. 
an:l r fiire, a retrcat. aharbour. CoMjremo-mciv.inui n.3. to jrroan, 

or sijrh round, to groan; a. to be 

Co/ifulg^eo, Sre, si. n. 2. to shinc- 

Confaiidcus, tis. pt. minjjlinjr. 

Co 'itundo,derc,fudi,fiisum, u. 
confoan 1 to mix,minglf,or jum- 
blc togcthcr, to blend, to 
disturb,to trouble,todiscompose, 
to disordcr, to abash, to dismay. 

Confundor.di.frit* vid. Confundo 
Confusv,atfv.iQ3#9mp. ctfnfasedly. 

wail,to lamcnt. [kiudred, or sort 

Conjrcner,eneris adj. of one stock, 


Co«jrynero,urc. a. 1. to join in alli- 
Congenitus, t, um, adj born with. 
Conjrer, & Congrus, i m. 2 a fish. 
Congtries, Si./ 5. a hpap, a pilc, a 

ongestus,us.nj 4 a heap 


Congialis, e. adj holding 

Fidelia ronjrialis, a jug; 

cr. contaiuiug a gallon, 

Conjriririum,i.7* 2. a vesse 

a gallon, a larjress, a dp 

in corn, or money, a 

prescnt to a private ma 

Congiarius, a, um. adj \\ 

Congrius, i m. 2. agallon 

Conglaciatus, a, um. pt- i 

Co/iglaciOi arc. /i. 1 to fi 

turn to ice, to grow stiff 

^o/iglisco, cre. n 3 to st 

' 'onjrl61)atim,««/T'.in a rou 

Cong"lobatio, onis./. X s 

ing round, or like a balJ 

Conjrlobatus, a. nn. pt. 

rouud togethcr, accum 1 

Co wjrl6i)o,art:.«. 1 to jrat 

ball, or lump. Conglob 

unum, to rally and jratli 

sclvcs into companics, 

dy, Liv. (roundone* 

Conjrlobor, ai-i, p. to be 

Cong^omeratus, a, vmpt 





nd together. i togcthcr, asscmblcd, condenscd, wind upon. tliickt ned. 

m, to heap up, to hcap. Congrego[con/or cum, andgrtx], 

leror, m.p. to be wound, gare, gavi, gatum.a. 1. to gathcr< 

bottom. (thcr, closing. or asscmblc togethcr, to collcct 

[nans, tii. pt. gluing toge- Congrcgor, ari./ bc a9sembled, 

Lnatio,dnis/ 5.a gluing,a or gathcred togethcr. 

, or.closing togcthcr. Congressio, 5nis'/ 3. a coming to- 

(natus, a, um. pt. glucd to- getlier,a mecting with, an assem- 

, cemcntcd, unitcd, made bly, an encounter, a conflict. 

med, «r composcd. Congrcssus, a, mccting, as- 

inc^are.a.l. to glue, or ce- 

} confirm a scandalous in- 

by a lawfhl marriage, Ter 

:o,are .». &, f,'ongra:cor, utus 

1. to fcast, to makc good 

Coiijector, 6ris.wi.Van interpreter 
of drcams, a divincr, a guesser. 

Conjectrix, icis./ she who inter. 
prcts drcams. 1. a conjecture,or 
gucss, an imagination, orconccit, 
an interpretation, or divination. 

Conjecturalis, e. adj. conjcctural. 

Conjcctfirus,a,um./rt about tocast. 

Conjcctus, a, um. pt. cast, hurlcd, 
flung, thrown, conjectuntd, 

sembling,encountcring,cngaging gucsscd, divined, imagined. 

ojoin,to close up. Mcre- CongrcssuB, fis. m. 4. an engagc- 
•mores nuptiis congluti-j ment, or battlc, an encounter, a 

mceting, or coming togethcr, an 
intcrvicw, a conference, or con 
versation, a conjunction, a copu 
lation. (stock. 

to livc mcrrily, to futidlc. Congrex, cgis. c. g: of the samc 
lor ari d.\ to rob, or stcal. Congrucns, tis. pt. & tulj. issimus. 
6lans,tis^f.congratu]atingf> ntp. agrecing, answcring, suita- 
Matio, oiiih. / 3. congra- blc, meet, tit, roiivcnient. (ably. 
i,«r a wishing of joy, aCongrucnter, «r/r.apth, fitly, suit 
ig witli any one for hisCongrucntia,a:./?l. agrceabicness 
Mtune. suitablencss, Jitncss. likcncss. 

nlator, oris. m. 3. hc that Congruftas atis/.3. agrceablcncss. 
th at one's prosperity. Cofigruo,ucrc,ui. ncut. 3. to agrce, 
llor, atussum.r/.l. to con- to accord, to suit, to answcr, to 
>e, or wisfi onc joy. fall out, to comc togcther 

iens.tis./j/.going togcther. Congruus. a, uin. adj- agrccablc, 
^encountcringten^aging. suitable, propcr, fit, apt, convc 
ior [eon,gradior] di, csstis nient- 

to go togcther, to mcct,Conjectanea,orum./>/.7ia common- 
iblc, to encounter, to en- placc-book,aincmorandtim-book. 
>join battle, to dispute, Conjectans,tis.p/gucssing at. (ing. 
erfce, or talk, toaccost »r ConjcctStio, ouis/ '6. aconjectur- 

Conjcctutdric. adv. by conjccturc 
abilis. adj. easily asscm Conjcctio,5nis/-».a casting,throw 
brought togetlicr, socia. ing. or hurling, a dischargc, a di- 

(gcthcr. collectingto- 

drcams, a conjccture, or guess 

itio, 6nis./3.a congrcga-Conjecto [con,jacto], are. a. 1- to Cdnissans. tis pt. butting. 

i asscmbfy, society, or throw, or cust, to conjccture, oj- ( ?ouisso,are ti. butt,to frisk, a- 

y, an asMsmbling, *r ga- guess, to dhinc, or imaginc, to 
togctiier. think* 

Conjcctus, r.s m- 4. a casting, hurl- 
ing,or throwing, a cast, or throw, 
a (lischargc, a cast, or glance. 

C5nlfcr, vef CSnifcrus, a, um. aaj. 
tapcring,spiring. Conifcra arbor, 
a tree that bears taper fruit like 
thc pinc-apple, Virg. 

C5nfgcr, cra, crum. adj. idcm. 

Conjicicndtts, a, ura. pt. to be cast. 

Conjicio [con,jacio] cerc jeci, jec- 
tum,a.3. to cast togethcr, to cast, 
to tlirow,to hurl,to drive, 
to put, to comprise, to digcst, to 
state,to lay conjecturcto 
guess,to divmcto imagine,to in- 
terprct, to fix,or limit. Conjiccre 
sc in pcdcs^ fugam- Cic. to 
bctakc himsclf to his hecls and 
run away; intro, to run in doors, 
'/Vr.oratioiicm in aliqucm,to talk 
of him. Conjiccrc pallium in col- 
lum, to put on bis cloak, Plaut. 
aliquem in lztitiam, to make one 
glad, Ter. in fugam, to put him 
to flight, C*s. sc in versum, to bc 
intent upon, Cic. (&c. 

Conjlcior, i- p. to be cast, thrown, 

vinalion by, or interprctation of Conisco, are. neut. 1. to butt as a 

ram, to throw the dust about. 

bout & raise thc dust, to prcparc 
for fight in wantonncss and play • 

itun, a, um. pt. gatheredtCoiijector, ari/x/^.tobc gucwd- Cbnisterium^ \. iv. 1> ^\>W-t W > 





Consectio, dnis. / 3. a cutling, a 

hcwing, a felling of trocs. 

Cowsector,ari.f/.lto follow up und 

down,to lollow,to run, or hunt af- 

tcr,'to chasc, to pursuc, to perse 

cutCfto haunt,to court, to hanker. 

or lust ailer, to overtakc, to sct 

forth, or v enunicrate, to imitate 

Consecutio,5nis/3.a scqucl,a con- 

sequence, an attainment. Conse- 

cutio verborum, grammatical 

syntax* (obtain, about to cftect. 

ConsecQturus, a, um- pt- about to 

ConsecQtu8,a,uni/>r followin^rsuc- 

ceeding,having gottcn, acquired 

Consemtnulis,e. adj. sown. (secds. 

Conscmincus,a,um,<i<{f. sown with 

Consenescens, tis. pt. growingold- 

Conscnesco, cere, senui incept- 3 

to grow old, or out of datc, to dc- 

cay, to fade, to abate, to cool. 

Conseiisio,6nis/,>.conseiit, agrcc- 

ment, one mind, or purpose 

plot,a conspiracy, a confedcracy. 

Consensus, a, um. pt. granted. 

Consensus,u8 m.4 consent, accord, 

or agrccment, a granting,or own- 

Consentanee, adv. agreeably (ing 

Consentaneus»a,uin. adj. consenta- 

neous, agreeable, consonant, an 

swerable, convcnicnt, rcasona- 

ble, probablc. 

Conscntia, sacra, sacrificcs to the 

gtxls calledConsentes (agrecing 

Consentiens, tis pi. conscnting 

CoMsentio, ire, nsi, nsum. /i. 4. to 

conscnt, to agTcc, to bc muini- 

mous, to unitc, to plot togethcr 

Consentitur, impers. it is agreed 

Consensum est, allmcn agree up- 

on it, Quint. (hedge in,to inclosc. 

Conscpio, Ire, psi, ptum. act. 4. to 

Conscptum,i./i.2.aii inclosurc.(cd. 

Conseptus^um.p/ hedgcd, inclos- 

ConsequcnMi» « 3. tubtt. a conse- 

guencetj>t JoMovring, next,mect. 

Coniequcnter, arfr. consequently. Conscrvor, be pri 
Consequentia,x/.l.aconsequencc!Conscrvus,i.fn.2. a fellow-t 
C'o?isgquor,qui, quutus/ 3. to fol- Consessio, 6nis./3.a shtii; 
low with, or closc, to follow, to ther. (tcth with, erby 
reach,orovertake,toget,orobtain, Conscssor, 6ris. m. 3. hc 
to purchasc,orprocure, to eftect, Conses&us, assem 
to reckon up, or comprise, to 
imitate. (to obtain, or compass. 

ting together,a meeting, 

|Considcns,tis pt. sitting, p 

Consequutflrus, a, um- pt about Constdeo, [con, sedco], ei 

sessum,fi.2. to sit with, or 
sit down,to pitch, or lighl 
tlc,or be settled, to sink c 
beabated,tostop,to take v 
ters, to encamp. (con 

Conacquutus, a,um- pt. foflowing, 

Conscrenat, is fair wcather. 

Coiiserendu&Aum. ptto be sown 

Co//sero,reTc,sevi&s£rui, situm, & to sow,set,orplant, to OonsidSrandus, a, um. pi 
close, or join, to put, or lay toge- ConsTderans, tis. pt. cons 
thcr, to ordain, or makc ConsTdcrantia,x-/2 consid 

Conscror ri. pas*. to be sown,set, ConsIdErate,aoY. ius» comp 
or i>lantcd, to be joincd. up. with considcration, 

Conscrratus, a, um, adj. indented, cautiously- 

Conserte, adv. fast,clo8c.(toothed. 

Conscrtor, 5ris. m. 3. a fastencr. 

Conscrtus,a, um- pt. joined. inter- 
woven, tacklcd, or braced toge 
ther, grapplcd, inhabitcd, plant 
ted,throngcd.Ex jurc manua con 
scrtum rccover by law- 

Conscrva,x./ 1. she that scrveth 
the same mistress. 

Consenandus, a, um. pt. to prc- 
scrvc, or be prcserved. 

Conservans,tis /;*.presemng.(tion 

Conservatio, 6nis./3. a preserva 

Conservator, oris.m 3.a preserver, 
a kccper,a ])rotector,a defcnder. 

Conscrvatrix,Icis. /3.she that pre- 
serveth. (preserve, or observe. 

Conservaturus, a, um. pt. about to 
Conscnatus, a, um. pu prcserv 
cd, saved, (in scrvicc 

Conscnitium, i. n. 2. fcllowship 

Conscrvltus, uutis / 3. idem. 

Conservo, are. act. 1. to prcsen-c, 
to save. to keep warily, 
or cntirc, to maintain, to defend, 
to obsenc, rnind, or rcganl 

Considtratio, anis. / 3. c 

ration,regurd, good hee4 

Considerator,6ns.m. 3. a a 

er. (to consider, or &d» 

Consider&tflms» a, um- pt. 

Conslderatus, a, um. pt. km 

issunus, svp. conaidered, i 

regurdcd, weighed,wcllt 

of;a^'.considerate, wary,< 

spcct advised, discrcet H 

Con8id^ro,are.€i. 1. to coat 

tliink of, to revolve,to re 

view earnestly, to take e 

Consideror,ari . /».tobe com 

Considitur, impcrt. they «1 

CofisTdo. dere, s€di, sesstti 

3. to sit down, to pitch,f 

to settle, to sink down,t€ 

o.r cease, to be allaycd>ri 

ed, to dwell,totake up cn 

to cncamp. \ 

Consigillo, are. act. !• tot 

Consingnandu»,a,um. pt. I 


Consignanter, adv. rcmarl 

Consignatio, 6nis/ .1. a sa 





nd writinr. 

im. pt scaled, sign 
t down,put in writ- 
pe. a. 1 to signify, 
kens, or words. 
1. ltoseal, tosign, 
rister, or record, to 
uify. Lcgem con- 
d a condition to a 
•riten, UUt. 
pan. to be signed. 
i.2. to keep silence. 

iConsisto, terc, stiti, stituni. «. 3. (<j|rfinso!idor, ari. / be consol- 

n be silent, er setter. 

r, counsel» advising 

/tf. giving, or ask- 

., um. ao>. fciving 

consist, to ajrrcc, to staud toge 
thcr, t.o stand faat, or good, to 
stand, to stop, or halt, to abidc, 
•r stay,to bc at astay, to bc stop- 
ped, or staycd, to be ahated, o» 
at casc,to sct.tle, or be scttled, to 
be rr.covercd, tocontcnd,er con 
tcst,to appcar,toride,tO bc frozen 
ConsistSrium, i. n. 2 a consistory, 
a council house-, a council. 

Co u>'~>\ot, atussum comfort, 

to ciicounurc; p. to be comfortcd. 
CottHOtnmo, are. act. 1. todream. 
Consbnans, & adj. ior, comp. 

sounding together, consonant, 

Consonans, tis./ 3 a consonant. 
Consriiiantia,*/ 1 harmony (ably. 
Cora6naiitissim£, arfo most agrcc- 

Consilio* dnis- /. 3 a plauting. jConsone, adv. withone voice. 
'lonsttor, 6ris. m. 3. a pkinici*, aTowsbno, nare, nmneut. l.tomake 

(tation- a grrat noise, to ringagain, torc- 

m. 2. a 

i. m.;3. a ccunsellor, 
ic of the council. 

Consitura, ae./.a planting, a plan- sound, to ccho, to agrce, or be 

'.'onsitus, a, um. pt. set, plantcd, suitable. 

sown- Consitus scncctute, over-.Consonus.a, um. adj. nflike sound, 
grown with agc, Plnut. C:eca : ov tunc, convenicnt, agrceable. 
mentis caliginc consitus. darL inj ( Tmsftpio, ire, ivi, itum. act. 4. to 
his understanding, Catull. I lull aslecp. (aslecp. 

Consobrina, ac. / 1. a cotisin, aConsdpior, Iri. paa* to bc laid 
mother , s sistcr's daughter. Consopitus, a, u:n. /»/. laid asleep. 

a, um. pt. about to 

»rconsult.(terwort.!Consobriiius, i. m.2.9. cousin,a mo-Consors, tis. c 

l *3. bears-foot,orsct 
salio], ire, lui, & 

. 4. to leap upon, 

o assault. 
sum d. 1. togive 

vice, to advise.(scl. 

m. adj. full of coun- 

2 counsel, advice, 


a consort, a 

rcason,wisdom, un- nius, *«/>. associatedjoined iu fcl- 

liscrctioii,* design, 
ojcct,a coiiirivance, 
mcaiis» a resolution 

rivy-conncil, an 
lnseilors, a session 
idj. very like. 
dv. very likc(bled. 
a, um. pt. rcsem 

i um. pt. to stop 
4 Jtaying, long Ust- 
uObearetb agc weU 

ther*S8istcr'sHon,amothcr's bro-; partncr, a sharcr, a partaker. 

ther*sson, a father's sistcr*s son.| Consor* gcnens, a kinsman, th\ 
Consdccr, eri. m. 2. thosc whoscj thalumi, a bcdfellow, ///. imperii, 

soire and daughtcrs havc marri-! a rcyal consort, Claud. concilii 

ed togethcr. pubiici, a co(nmon-council-man 9 flf.tounite(ctv parliamcntman. &c. Plin. 
ConsAciatio,oius/. tellowship.soci.jCtiiiiKjnt, tis. a((J partaking", shar- 
Conadciatus. a, um pt. & adj. issi- ing, like, fricndly. 

lowship* unitcd. 

Consortio, onis./. 3. partncrship, 
frllow.diip, socicty, intcrcoiirse. 

Consdcio, arc. a. 1. toassociate, trtConsortium,i.n.2 fi-liowship, part- 
jointx>gctlicr,tomakcpartakcroi' ncrship, intercourse, correspon- 

re,cabsKtheRomanCons6lablus,e.arf7. that may bc ap-| dcncc, sympathy, nmtual -tr»ec 

peascd.which comforteth.(fortcd; tion. 
Consdlandus. a, um. pt. to bc com-Conspcctus, a, um. pt. & adj. ior. 

ConsOlans, tis. pt. comforting. 

Consolatio, dnis. /. o. consolation, 
sapio], pere.n^. to Consolator, dris. m. 3. a comfortcr. 
s well in his wits. 

comp bchi'ld,secn, lookcd, or guz« 
ed at, visiblc. Ed conspectius, the 
more rcmarkablc,/.h>. (prcscnco. 
Conspcctus. fis.m.4.a sight,or view. 

Consoiatdrius,a,um.o4/. consolato-jConspcrgo [con.spargo], pcrc, rsi, 
Cons6latus,a,um./>/ comforted.(ryJ rsum. act. •>. to bcspnnkle, to 
ConsolTdatus,a,umprjoincdinoneJ strew, to sprinkle. to dusli. 
Cons6Udo,arc a. 1. to consoliduteXonspergor, i. p. to be *\»rvi^^ 





law,advice,a wiscaction ^consult. Consurgcns, tis. pt. rising- with,ri 
Consulturus, a, um. pt about to ing" (at once, they riae up 

Consultus a,um./rf>consu]tcd with,Con:»urgitur, imp. they risc up ai! 
debated, considcred, weighed; CVisiir^o.^crc, lcxi, rectum. uct 
adj. issiiuus. sitp Hkiiful, bk«!lcd, S* u- o. to nsc up 9 to rise against 
wcll versed, wise, prudcnt. Con- to rise, to ftrow, to grow up. 
sultoopus est, you ought to con- Consurreeiio, onis / 3. a rcspect 
aider tnc mattcr wcll, Sult. ; ful rising up, a risinjr. 

Consultus, i. m. 2. a cuuitscllor. 'Consurrccturus, a,uui. pt, aboutto 
Con&iltus, us. m. 4. advice, a lcap-i risc up, or a^uinst. (tojrcther 
ing. (suiiied.JCoiiMisurrOjarcac:/ 1. to wliispci 

Consfimendus,n,um./>/. to be con-Consuium, i. n. 2. ascaui. (ing 
Consumens, tis. pl- consumin^. jConsutiira, x /. a scwiiig,a stitch- 
Consummabilis, c u(fj that L'iay,Consiiti;s,a,uiii./j/.scwed,«r8titch- 
•r is to be perfccted. I cd togethcr,iii\ci]ted, pieccd up. 

Consummatio, onis.m. 3-a pcrfcct-Contabef acio, [con, tabco, tacio] 
injr, an accompiishmcnt, a sunii ccrc. act. '.i. to waste au ay. 
total. (to end, about to finish. Contabcscens^tis jH.wasting [away 
Consummaturus, a, um pt. about C'o7ttabesco,rere,tabui.?i 3. to pinc 
Consiimmatus,a,um./fr complctciI|ContUbiilalio,6nis f.i aplanking,a 
cnded, finished, accomplishcd., hoardin^,Scc atimbcr-frame.(ver. 
siimmcd up; adj issiiuus.*///;.con-ContabuluUis, pt. boarded o- 
aummate, complete, perfect lConlabido, [con, tabula],are 
Consunimo,[con«siimiiia],fu'c. a. l.j fioo;*, to framc, a build- 
to completc, to cnd, to tinish, to ( ing of timber. to makc a bridjre 
pcrfcct,to accomplish,to sum up. l ConUibulor,uri./)«««.to l>c boardcd 
Consummor, uri /Mo be nnishcd.ContacTus.a,um pt> touchcd,dicd 
Co/tsiiino. mcre, mpsi, mptum- «. 8iained,colorcd,Uiiited,iiifcctci! consumc, to spend, to spcnd movcd,inspired.Salc modico con- 
lavisiilyt 10 eat up, to dcvour. ta tactus,corncd, Cel. Cnntactus rc cut lay waste,lo! li^ionc d':es,an unlucky day, Li-v. 
wcar out, to wastc away, to sat-^Conuictus, us. m. 4. touch, an in- 
isfy, bestow, to discard, or throw : fcction, dcfileinent, pollution. 
ofi. jContagt:s,is /3a in- 

ConsUmor,i. bc consumcd,! fcction, a rot, a murrain, any in- 

snent, wastcd, worn away, &c. fcctious disease, ov distemper. 
Consumptio, 6nis / 3. a consump jCmiUigio» flnis./ 3. a conlagion. 
tion, a Bpcudimj, a lajingout, ;t| ;m intec.ticn, u pollution, an cf 

wasting". tcr 

Consumptor, firis. m. 3. a coiisum 
Consumpturus a, um. pt. about tc 

coiisumc, about to dcstroy. 

fect, oraflccrion 
Contiigium, i. 71. 2. a contagion. 
CoiiUiiiiuutiOyOnib /'.3 apollutiou 
(jont^minator, 611 s. //;. J. adcfilci 

Consumptus, a, uin /■/. consumciUContamiualus, a &<*'// con- 

apent,wiatcd,decay c d,ruincd,dc - 

BtiMv wU,buriit,peri*hcd, expircd 

/?/?/jsuovvrc,ui,utum.« sew tip. 

taminatcd, polluted, deHled, dc- 
bauched, distained, spoilcd by 
mixture, cornipt, naughty, hasc. 

ri s n ContamVno,ure. 11 l.toconta 

to pollutc,to defilc, to cor 

spoil by mixing, to disgi 

make uncns\, or uncomfc 

Contununor, nri. p. to be c 

staincd, n»angle<i, patcki 


<:ontutio, onis./. 3. a delaj 

Contatus, a,um pt. dallied, 

witu a pike. or lance. < 

ConUchnatus, a, um. pt. \ 



Contegcns,tis pt covering^ 

Contcgo, gerc, exi, ectum, 

covcr, to liidc, to conceal 

ovcr, to cloak, to dothe, t 

Contcgvr, gi past. to be ci 

Ccmtcmero, are. a 1- to tk 

profanc, to polhtte, to inj 

Contemncndus.a,um. pt to 

spised, conlemptible, desp 

to Contemnens, tis. pt. conte 

Oontemno, nere, psi, ptui 

«>. to contcmn, to despise, 

dervalue, to slight, to dii 

to bid defiance to. 

Coiitcmnor,ni/»4« bc al 

Contcmplaiis,tis. ///.contem 

Contemplaiio,dms / -coui f considcration, ' 

11 survey. a view, a behoL 

CoatempiatiVLS. a, u,u. a* 

tjmplative, sp.culaiive. 

Contemplitor, ons- m. 3. o 

contcmplates, a beholdei 

Contemplatrix, Icis. f 3. 1 

contemplatcs, mcditateii 

liolds. ( 

Contcmplktu, abl. m. by < 

Contemplatus,a,um. p(.\\n 

Contemplo, are. a. 1. & 

Coutemplor, ari, atus snm- 

conteinplate, to considci 

flect, or meditate ou, to 

to look upon, or at, lo vie 





hcld, strctched, draWn,bcnt, gird- Contexte, adv. closely, compactly. 

ed,*crcwcd; adj. contcnt^atisfiedContcxtim, adv. of one piece 

wclj pleascd, speed, swift. Contextio, dnis /3. a comnosition. 

6'outerebro^ire.a.l.toborethroughConteztQra, ae. / 1. a contextur*. 
Contcrendus, a, um, pt. to bruise. Contcxtus,a,um.ftf.w,'ven,wr<>qght, 

or be bruiscd togcthcr. together, interiaced, made up. 

Contcrimnatio, dnis / & a bordcr- Contextus, us. m 4. a weaving, 

jnjr on. an adjoinini?, 
Contcrmihatus, a, border- 

c*d on, iVing 1 neur to. 
Contcrmmium, i.n 2. aborder.(on 
Co«U, are.u.l. to border up- 
( ':oiiten>iim.s,a, um. adj- bounding', 

borderinjr, adjoining", nigh 
Coiitcrmmus, i. m. 2. a bordcrer. 

, scornfuUy, lightly. 

x» onis./ contempt. 

r, dris. m. 3. a contem- 


r, ari d. 1. to slight. 

ix, icis / 3 she tliat 

res notfor, ©»• fears not 

rus, a, um. /M. about 

n, disdaiii, 8cc. 

«, a, um pt & a<//. ior. 

fius,#f/». contemt-d, de- 

idaincd, slightcd, con 

, abject, incan. 

s, iis. m. 4. contcmpt, 

lain, derision, dcspite. 


notiffht, Jmv. Contem- 

toslight, Suet. (firmi ng 

i, tis pt. coutendiiifr, af- 

cre,di, nstun & ntum. u. 

«Hitend, to tight, to en 

arrel, to dispute.or de 

\ positive, to affirm, toj 

strain, torack.toexert Conterrancus, a, um. adj. of thc'Continctus,a,um />f • died, colorcd. 

or twisting together, a compo- 
sition, a tcxt, or context. 

ContTceo [con, taceo], «re, cui. tu 
2. to nold onc's peace, to be- 
comc speechlcss 

Conticcsco;ccre.»ic 3. to behush, 
or stili, to be silcnt, to desist, or 
ccase. (still time of the night 

Conteriiutus, a, um. adj. partcdjContiniiiiim, i. n. 2. the dcad and 

into conipanics by three* 
Co7?tero,rere,trivi,tritum. a. .'*. to 
break, or bruisc sinall, to pound, 

Coiitigii&tio, dnis /. 3. the rafter- 
ing", or boarding» of a house, a 
floor, a story of a house. 

-endcavour,to labor, to 
, to urg-e, to request, oi 
narch, to g"o, to hasten, 
dircct, to compare. 
di- p. to be Bought for 
t, ftvit. impers. it gTOwa 

to cnish, to wastc, or consume, u hContignatus, a, um. pt. railered, 
spcnd,or pass,to wear out,to tire, " " ' "' * ' 
or tease, to sli^Iit, to despise. 

floorcd. built into stories. 
Co7iti^no,ire.a. 1. to floor a house. 

Conteror, i. pas$. to be worn out*Contigiius, a, contiguoui, 
tired, wcaried, &c. | adjoining', very near. 

i, um. adj. very. swift 

same land, or countr) . jContf nendus.a,um./>* to be keptin. 

Cofitcrrco, erc, rui, rltum. a. 2 toConfinens, tis. pt & adj. ior, eomp 

__ . . ^ . •». • » .. . • » •» . »••• .. . 

put in attrigrht, to astonish 
Conterrito, are. a 1. to put in fear. 
Conterritus, a, um. pt> put in fcar, 

aflrightcdt scared, alarmed. 

istflinu9,n./) adjoining, continent, 
chaste, modest, rirtuous, tempe- 
ratc, moderate» uninterrupted, 
continual, continued, close- Con- 
tincntia, um. pl. n. 3. thc hinge.or 
principal point of a matter in con- 

Contcstans,tis./tf.callingto witness. 

Contestatio» onis./ 3. atriai I 
tv. ius, eomp. closcly Contcstato, adv. before witnesses.j trovcrsy, Cic. (thc main huid. 
rncstly, vehemcnUy Contcstatus, a, um pt. witnesscd, Continens, tis. / 3. the continent, 
idrv. eamcstly, hastdy. provcd by witncsscs,well known. Contiincnter, adv. continently, 
nis / -i.a contcntion^i Cowtcstor, ari, atus sum. dep. 1. to chastly, soberly, sparingly, close 

debjtte, a quarrel, 
wsuit, a straininjr, #r 
an eflbrt, eagernesa, 
, a comparison, a con- 
an equality, a su^ta- 


call to witneas, to make protes-i ly, continually, witliout intermia- 
tation. Contestari litem, to put 1 sion, together. 
in the plaintifPs declaration, andjCoutjnentia,ae.rl.continence,chaa. 
the dcfendanfs asawer, Cic. I tity, moderation, abstinence, for- 
Contexo, xere, xui, xctum. a. 3. to! bcarancc, a keeping.or hol:hn^rin 
waave, to tic, join, or twist to$*i a joinuig^ #r bojdejni^ % MaK«(sA. 





Contmeo, fcon tenco% ere, nui. 
tcntinn a contain,to kccp, o; 
hold kccp,cr hold in, 
to kccj) closr, oi-Kccrct, to kcep» 
or holcl, to prcvciit, to hindcr, to 
withbo1d,to rcstrain, to bridlc, to 
8t0»,tobiiid,togovcni tore-rain,to 
forbcnr, ocomprchendtopreservc Co 

Contfncar, eri. p. to bc containcd 

Contingens, tis pt. touching, ad- 
joining, rclating to, chancing, o/ 
liappcning, contingent, akin. 

Contingentcr, aoV. by chance. 

Contingit, impevv. it happcns. 

Contingo [con, tanj^o], gcre, Ugi 3. to touch, to hundlc,tc 
lav hold of, to happcu, to fallout. 
to bcfal, to arrivc :'t, to rcach, U. 
attain, to hit, to uiicct, or influ 
cnce, to bc allowcd, to bc akiu. 

Cwitingo, gcrc, nxi, nctum. act. 
3 to ano nt. to scason. 

Contingor, gi. pass- to he touchcd 

Conftnuans.tis ^f.continuing. (tion 

Contimuuo, 5nis/. 3. a ccntinua 

Continuatus, a, um- pt. continucd. 
joined, adjoiuiiift cnntioious. 

Coutmuc, udv. continualiy, duily 

Continuitas, iitis f. 3 thc couii.iu- 
ity, or wholc lciijgth, depih, &.c. 

Coniinuo,ci/«t'.b\aud by,prescntl\ , 
forth vvith,- mnicdiatcly,thcrcforc. 

Conunuo, are. a. 1 tocontinue, to 
persevcrc, to join, to close togc 
tltc r. (nucd. 

Contiuuor, ari. pass. to bc conti- 

Co.tinuus a, uin. adj. continual, 
continue :. constant, whole.closc, 
togetber, tonching, adjoiniug, 
pliiiu. evcn, uniform. 

Contoilo, lerc. act. 3. to take, o;lift|c 
up togcthcr, to mcnd, orhasten. 

Co/itbnat, impen. it thunders. 

Contor,ui-i. J. 1 to sound, to fcel thi 
botto:j , to inquirc dibgently. 

C~>utorquendus, a, um. pt. to bt 

twisted about,to oe movedround. 

( "ontorquensjtis-/*/ whi rli ng roundL 

Contorquco, cre, rsi, sum, & tum- 
avt. 2. to wind, or wliirl about, 
to twist, to tum round, to cast, 
fling, or hurl. (round. 

Contorqucor, eri. p. to be tumed 

ntorsio,onis/a wresting.screw- 

i ng ( tricat c ly,obscurely,forcedly . 

Contortc, adv. ius, comp. awry, in- 

Contortilis.c ai//.writhed, twistcd. 


Contortor, oris m. o. a twister. 

Contnrtulus, a, utn. adj. somewhat 
wre»ted, ov foivcd. 

Cuntortiiplicatus,a,um pt writhed 
in many tblds ,h:ird topnmouncc. 

Contortuplico.urc a toiold,orwrap 
U>£cther,io plait, orwrithe awry.,a,um pt.&. «#//. hiu*lcd t or 
flung with forcc,violcntly turned 
about, twistcd. writhcd, circlcd, 
crispcd, curlcd, : pcrplexcd, in- 

Contra, prAp.Yc%, arcaguinst,ovci 
Hguin>t, opposite to, contran»' to 

f:o;.tni,n.'/f.on thc contrary,on the 
ot!>er hun-j, coiuiariwisc, otber- 
wisv, oppoMitv. mutualiy, rccipra- 
cully. ?.on carus cst auro contra, 
hc is worth bls wcight in g*uld, 

Contractc, ius adv.bviclly.^laut. 

Contractio, onis. J\ 3. a contrac- 
tion, au ahridgmcnt, a shrink- 
ing", or drawing in, a bcnding, or 

Contractiunciila, «e. /. 1. a pinch. 

Contractori um,i . tt .2.acord,a string 1 

Contractuni, z / 1. thc inaking 
of pillars small about the top. 
^ontractus, a, um. pt. & adj. ior, 
comp. contracted, shortcned, a- 
bridged, drawn* or gotten toge- 
ther, raised, gathcred, mustered, 
gotten, procured, carried on 
moderated wrinkleu^ shriveiled, 

joincd close, riretted, nai 
strait, difficult. 
Contractus,us. m. 4. a cootnc 
vcnant, or bargain, a lesscnii 
making small. 

Contradicens, tis. pt. contn 

ing, gainsaying, opposing. 

Cw/radico,cerc,ixi, lCtum. a. 


Contradicor,ci./»to be contn 

Contrudictio, onis/ 3. contr 

tion,acontradicting^ui objcc 

Contradictum,i- n 2. contradk 

Co;jtrado,trc,didi.tum a tode 

Co;i/raeo, go contiBi 

aguinst, to oppose, to conta 

Contrahendus, a, um pt. t 

contracted, to be transacto 

bc hargaincd for- 

CoiitrahOjhcrc^xi, actum.o^ 

contract, to draw.orget toge 

to gather,oi-pick up, to get • 

cure, to muster, tr raise, U 

g-ain,oragTce,to shortcn,orabj 

toshrink. Contrahere «a alic 

lo run into debt, Cic vels,ti 

the sails, Id. collum, to shrii 

his ncck, Id. turn, «rc 

mi\k,Pu'u. animum, to sadde 

mincL Cic. ventrem, tobifl 

make costive, PUn. cicaUi 

to closc up, Id. 

Cbntrahor, hi. p- to be contn 

drawn together, shrunk in, 

Contraiicvor, cri.d- 2. to che 

ContripOsitufl^a, um adj. opp 

Contrarie. adv. contrarily. 

Contrarietas, atis./ u. contn 

opposition, disagTeement, 

Contrario, are. act 1 to thw 

Contrarius, a, \im.aqj. coutn 

oppositc, repugnant» hurtfa 

Corttrascriptum, i.n 2 a reply, 

Contravt nio, Tre, ni, ntnm, t 

neut. 4. to comc ag^inst, 1 

pose, to thwart, to cross. 





itur, imper*. opposition, Controversus, a, um. pt. & adf. con- 

jce ismade. 
fllter,a<fo.palpably (led 
dua^a,um /* to be hand 

troverted, debated, disputed, 
doubtful, quarrelsorac, litigioua 
Contrticldatus, a, uxn. pt- wounded 
gTieviously^mang-ledJeftfor dead 

OM^um.pi' oftcnhandl- Contrucido, are. act. 1. to kill, or 

[con, tracto] /are. act 
& often, to handle, to 

ned with, to lie whh. 
, ari. p. to be handled 
o, cere. n. 3. to trcmble 
arf. to be afraid of, 
■ere,mtu n.5.totremble< 

, to wavcr, or faulter- 
M, a, um. adj. fearful. 
idta^, um. pt. to be giv- 

butcher. (crowd in 

Contrudo, fre, si, sum. act. 3. to 

> peruse, to meddle, or Contrudor, di. patt- to be thrust, 

rammed, or packed together. 

Contrunco,are act.l. to mangle, to 
hack, to chop, or cut in pieces, to 
cut ofFby the stnmps,to diminish. 

Contrusus.a, um/*.thrustto$rether 

to ahakc; a. to tremble Contubernalis, c. aihj. of, or belong- 

, ui. p. to be reckoned 
■, a, um. />f contributed 
under the same gov- 

ingrto the same quarters, &c. 
Contubernalis,is. c.jr.3. a'comrade, 

a companion, a bcdfellow, a col 
,e.ooj.ofonetribe. (en league. or partncr in an officc. 
i«re,ni,utum.a.3.tocon- Contubernium,i. n. 2. acompany of 
1 P vc » t0 distribute, to soldiers that lodge in the same 
grant, or allow, to attri- tent,or are billeted togcther,a file 
tckon among, to join. of soldiers under a scrjcant, a hut 

or tcut, fellowship in one house, 

conversation, company, acquain 

tancc, marriage with a servant, 

o/< of scrvants with one another, 

an unlawfui familiarity. (upon. 
i, a um. pt. grieved. Contuendus, a, um. pt. to be lookcd 
con, tristis ] are. act. Contuens, bcholdingvvicwing 
\ sorry, hcavy, or sad, Contueor,eri, Vtussum.d.2. tolook 
ark, or lowenng'. wistfully upon, to survcy. 

iri patt. to look sorrily. Contuttiuvi, having beheld. 
ftnia, / 3. contrition, Contultus, us. «. 4. an earnest, orjConturbitio,onis/. 3. a troubling.a 

steadfast looking, sight,presence.| confounding, disorder, conftision. 
Iria, m. 3. awearer out. Contumacia, se. /. 1. stubbornne*a,'Conturbator, Oris. m.3.a troubler,a 
a, tun. pt broken, or obstinacy, wilfulness, inso1ence,| disturber, aji undoer, a bankrupt. 
mall, crushed, filed, haughtiness, sullenness, peev-Contiirbatus^,um. pt. vel aaj. ior, 
h uaed, common. ishness, stoutnesa, nrmness, re-| comp. troublcd, disquieted. 

a, «./ 1. acontrover- solution. Conturbo, are. act. 1. to trouble, 

te, a dispute, a quar- Cont&roacrUr, adv. ius, comp. ob- disquiet, or dismay, to disturb, 
bc. (tentious, litigious stinately, stubbomly, frowardly, to disorder, or put in confusion, 
6sua> a, um. aaj- con- proudly, witli grcat reluctance. to spcnd, or waste, to turn bank> 
>r, [contra, versor,] ari, Contttmax, &cis. aaj. ior, comp isst- nipt, to break. 
dfp 1 to controvert, mus, wp. contumacious,obstinate, Conturbor, ari. p. to be disturbed. 
#T be> tf rarjance. stubborn, headstrong, rc^oluteilCoRturgeo^te^act.^.X» w^. 

restv, hard & stiff, constant, stea- 
dy, hau^hty, insolent, rcbellious, 
disobedient. Contumax mori, 
loath to die, a long time in dvimr, 
iVm.Contumax syllaba,a syllable 
hard to be fettercd in verse^Hfarf . 

Contumelia, c/. 1. a bitter taunt, 
or reproach, a sarcasm, aharp 
raillery, or wit, a railing, scujv 
rility, foul language, saucinesa, 
haug^htiness, an anront, a dis> 
grace, a shock, or onset. 

Contumclidsc, adv. ius, comp. is- 
simc, tup. spitefully, reproach- 
fully, outrageously, injuriously^ 

Contum^liosus, a, um. aaj. issi- 
mnSftvp. contumelious, reproach- 
ful, abusive, insolent, outrage- 
ous, disgraceful, injurious. 

Contilmeo,cre.n. 2. & Contiimesco, 
cerc, n. 3. toswcll together. 

Contiimulitus, a, um. pt. intcrrcd. 

Contiimulo, are. a. to intcr,to burj'. 

ContOmulor,ari./kw*. to bc buried. 

Contundo, dSre, tudi,tGsum. aJ3. to 
beat,knock,or thump,to battcr, or 
bruise, to crush,to strike down,to 
take lowcr,to humblc, to repress, 
to mitigatc, or assuage, to tame. 

'Contundor, di. patt. to be beaten. 

Contuor,cri,itus sum. dep. 2. to be- 
hold, to spy, or see, to observe. 





battering, or bruising, a blunting. 

Contnsuft,a,um./>/.pounded,stump- or assembling togethcr, agrec- 

ed,bcaten, bruisod, worn, dulled, ine, becoming, convenient, suit- brush, to make clcan 

wasted, disheartencd, afflicted. 
Convidatxis, a, um. pt. that goeth, 

«r is put undcr surcty. 
Co/iv&dor,an.atus,surn.<7.1. to bind 

one to appcar, to put in surcty 
Convalescens. tis. pt recovcring- 

C©nvalesco,cerc,lui,htuin. /Mc...tolCoiivenientia, x.f. l.ameetingor 

grow strong, to get sirength, to 
fecover, to grow, to prcvail. 

Conval&tus, a, um. pt intrenched. 

Convallis, is./. 3. a valley, a dak*. 

Convaso,[con,vas,]are.a pack, 
or bundle up, to pack up all. 

Convectio, dnis./ 3. a carrying'. 

Convecto, are. /m/. 1. to carry. 

Convector, 5ris. m. 3. a fcllow-pas- agrec, to be agrced upon, to suit, 

aengcr. (up. 

Convectum, i. n. 2 pro\ision laid 
Convectus, a, um. pt. carried, 

broutrht. (carry, or convcy. 

Conveho here, exi, cctum. «. 3. to 
Convehor, hi, ectus. p. to bc car- 

ricd, or conveyed (concealod. 
Convelatus,a,um. /jf.covercd over, 
Convclu*ndus,a,uin. pt tobe wcak- 
Convellens,tis./>f wcakcning^cned 
ConveIlo.lerc,veHi,&vidsi, vulsum. 

pieccs, to rend, or tcar, to tnv 

loose, to rcmove, to pervert, to come together, or agrec. 

unscttlc,to disanntd,orreverse, to 
wcnkcn, to destroy, to confute, 
or disprovc, to rob, or steal. 

Convcllor, li, vulsus. />. to be rcnt. 

Con v5lo,arc. a. 1. to veil, cover, or 

Convena, x. c- g. 1. pcople of di 
vcra couutrics assemblcd togeth- 

er todvrcUin one phcc. 

Conveniendus, a, um. pt. to mect, Convcrberirus, a, uin 

Contus, i. m.2.a !ong pole,orsta(!',a! 
pole, a weapon tonghtbcastswith. or coinc togethcr. 
Contftsio, 6nis- /. 3. a contusion, aConveniens,tis./>f. & adj. ior, comp 

issimus, svp. coining, guthcring, 

ablc,proper,meet, ftt, applicable, 
agreeable, peaceable. 
Convenienter, adv. ius, comp. con 

venicntly, agreeably, to the pur- turning round or abc 

pose, fitly, suitably,' in good time " " ' l " 

and season. 

coming togethcr, suitahleness, 
ajrrecment, accord, consent, pro- 

C7wvcnio,!re,veni, vcntum. n. 4. to 
coine, or meet together, to resort flock round,to asscra- 
blc,collcct,or mcet, to come,or gt) 
to, to resolve, or agree upon, to 

or fit,to answer, or correspond, to 
bcfit, or become, to summon, oi 
sue, to couplc. (to bc convened. 

Convenior, Iri, ntus. p. to be met. 
onvenit, imp. it is convenieitt, it is 
ajrrced tipon,it is meet,or seemly. 

Conventiciilum,i. «. 2. a conventi 
cle.a littleprivate asscmbiy,a riot. 

Convcntio,dnis. /*3.a convention. a 
coveTuint,a meetiug,an assembly. 

Conventftii patrcs, whoremasters 

C*onverb€ro,are. a. 1. 1 
C'onvcrjro,erc.» Ato b< 
Cowverro,rere, ri& rsi, 
to swcep, or cleansc 

Conversans, tis. pt. tu: 
bchaviour, earriage, i 

a. 3. to tear, pull, or pluck up, toCoiiventum, i. n. 2. a covenant, 
rcnd, or tear asundcr, to tcar in lcague, or compact. 

Conventurus, a, um. pt. about to 


Conventus, a, um. pt. mct 
talked with, agTeed upon. 

Conventus, us, m. 4. an assembly, 
or mecting, a pack, or crew, 
hundred, or county, a district, a 
covenant, bargain, agrecment, or 
contract, an assizc. or session. 
Convcutus juridici,thcfour terms, 

Converse, aiiv. neatly, 

Convcrsio,6nis./3 a c 

change,an altiraticm, 

or course,a tuniing »i 

a confiision <'onvi 

rum a period,an ern 

or fulness of a perlod, 

ConYersoftre.frey.l .to 

C'o/iversor,atus sum.r/r 

vei-sc uith, to be oft 


ConverMU, abl. m. 4- 

('onvcrbus, a, uin- pt. 

changed, tunied, tu 

or towartls, turning 


Convcrstirus. a, um- j 

Convertens, tis pt. 

turning, chanjring. (< 

Convertibilis, e. adj. c 

Co7iverto,tere,ti, rsum 

vcrt, to turn,to tum ; 

wards, to whirl, to 

transform, tq translat 

to givc up.Converter 

to rcturn homcCtc.lii 

vertere, to put to fli 

admirationem omnes 

to make thcm admi 

vcrtdiH? vias, they we 

same way tliey camc, 

Convertor,ti,rsus. pa** 

bc tunied, &c. to tur 


Coflvcstio,fre,1tum. a. • 

Convestior,iri. pau. to 





us, a,um./rf.clotlicd, clad.' Convivo,vere, ixi. ictum.u.S lo livc CodpercQlum, i. n. 2.a cover, ©r lid 
is atis. / o. convcxity • or dwell together, to eat andConperfmentum, i. n. 2.acovcring. 
uk. act 1. to hurass. , drink together. (fcast, to rcvel. fofiperio Irc cover 
,a, uin.p/ convei,crook-CoiivIvor, atus, sum. cfe/>. 1. to all over, to cover, to overwhelm. 
ling down ou cvery side'Convocandus,a to beca]]cdCo6pcrior,fri,rtus./>. tobecoveredV 
eavens, vaulted, arched, together, asseuiblcd, or raised. " ' *""~ ? "' ,# ~ ~ 
Csliconvexa, heaven, |Convocatio,6nis/3. aconvocation, 
irv.a 1. tosuake. (I'ir^» calling togcther, an asscmbly. 
rari. pasa. to be shaken, Convdcaturus, a, um. pt. about to 
is, tis. /»/. rctiling, re- call togethcr, or assemblc (ther. 
\g. IConvdcatus, a, um, pt. called toge- ( 

or, oris. m. 3. a railer. iCo«v6co,arca. 1. to call togctker, 
Vitussum d\. to Uiunt,] to asseniblc, to suuimon. 

ii. to revilc, to rail at.Conv6cor,ari, p. to be called toge-|< 

tkcr. summoned, or asscmbled. 
Conv&lans, tis pu flying together. 

n i n.2 a reproach, abuse, 
jisr, ur bawling, a loud 

cxclamation- importuni- Co/tvolo,are, n. 1 to tty togcthcr, to 

rry jcst, a pleasant farce. 
, dnis, f.-i.x conviction, 
nc«, a living togcther. 
•, oris m- ... a companion 
a fe Uow boarder, a guest. 
i, a uiu. pt. convictcd, 
*1, tkoroughly proved, 
t, us, m. 4. a living toge- 

diet, nieat and drink. 
, ccrt, ici, ictum, a ii. to 
j, to convict, to confutc, 

fly, to come togctker inall haste. 
'Jonvolvens, tis, pt. rolling about. 
Convolvo, verc, vijQUim. act. 3 to 

to be buried alive. Cooperiri la- 

pidibus,tohc stoned to death. Cic. 
Ccopertoiium, i. n. 2. a cassock, a 

cover. (cd, uverwhelmed. 

Coopcrtus, a, covcrcd,buri- 
Cooptandus^, um. pt. to choose, or 

be cnosen with othcrs. (choose. 
Cooptttio, 6nis. / j. axhoosing, s> 
Cooptltus,a,um pt chosen,adoptcd 
Coopto, area 1. to chooscor elect 

by vote, to choosc, to adopt» to 

Cooptor, Iri, atus. p* to bc chosct, 

madc choice of, or substituted* 
Coorior, iri, 6rtus dcp 4. to rise. 

round. (rollcd up, or together 

onvolvor, vi,lutus sum. paas. tobe 

Convolutus, a, um. pt. rollcd up. 

Convolvulus, i. m 2 a vine worm. 

lowahip. society, ordina-| or fretter, thc hcrb witkwind, or 

bindwced, a flowcr. (up. 

Conv6ino, erc, mui. a. 3. to vomit 
Conus, i m. % a cone, the crcst of 
e clearly, to show, to a helmet, a pine apple, the fruit 
ic, to vauquish. of a cyprcss trec, a nincpin. 

r, ci, ictus, pOM». to bc Convulnerandus, a. um pt. to beCdpittUr, arum. pl.f. 1- dim. small 
rd, convictcd, &c. woundcd with, to be hurt. 

o, onis/. . a conjunction. Convuncratuv, 
icrc, sum. u. 3 to visit. to woumlcd. 

wmp, or wind about, to roll toge- Cooitus, a, um. pt. riscn up» arisen. 
ther,or up, to encompass, to sur-Copa, k./ 1. ahostcss, a vinti-ess. 

Cophinus, i.nt. 2. a twig-basket, 
pannicr, a cofFcr, a cotiin. 

Cdpia, x.f. 1. plenty, abundance, 
wealth,nchcs,store,numbcr, pow- 
er, ability, possibility, lcave,libcr- 
ty, hclp, assistancc, an assistant, a 
hclper, a supplicr, tlie goddcss 
of plenty,Copui,& Copiac,arum./>/. 

/ provision of victuals, forces of 

>r, oris m jirailer (go sec. 
, vid onvicior 
z. c. g 1 . a gucst 
s,c.ojr of^or bclonging to 
•;• banquet, festive. 

ia, c. adj convivial (cr. 
n, i n 2. a fcast, a ban- 
entertainment. a txcat, 
Ubl% t suppor- 

Convulncro, arc. act. 1. to wound. 
Convuln»ror,ari /i.tobc woundcd 
Convulsio, oms.f.6. a couvulsion, 
a slmnkiug &.c. up, tlic cramp. 
Convulsfirus, a, um. pt. about to 

ir, bna m 3. an entcrtain- tcar up, about to dcstroy. 

forcc, or store, a little army. 
a. um. pt. sorclCdpior, ari. p. 1. to be wcllstored. 

Cfipidsc, adv. ius. co?np.issimc,«ii/;. 
copiou&Iy, plentifully, abundant- 
ly, in plenty, with a gre:it traii^ 
&c. pompously, at largc, fully. 

Copidsus,a,um. adj. ior, comp issl- 
mus, «t//>. » opious, plcntiful,abun- 
dant, rich, amplc, wcll provided, 
or storcd,much frcqucutcd, popa- 

Copw, Vilis./ 3. a hangcr. (lous. 

Copis, c. adj. rich, plentiful. 

Convulsus, a. um. pt. pluckcd,pul- 
led, or torn up,shrunk up, takcn 
with thc cnunp, convulsed.(load 

Cedntro, aro. aH. 1. te burdwij tojCopo, oiiis. /^ ^. ai\t. {ira.Ca&u^ 




ckster, a vinter, a \ictuallor. ( "orban, ntinfrr\R%\f\. to pious uscs. 

iria, & Coprias, x. m. 1. a jester, Corbicuia, x. f. 1. u very small 

pros, i. m. 2. dung". (a buftbon.' hasket. (a twip-pannier. 

pU, x.f. l.acakc,ahardbiseuit.Corbis, is. d. g. .>. a twijr-baskct, 

>pula, x.f 1. a couple, a dog^Corbita,»:./. 1. a hoy, a slow sailcr 

ollar, a fcttcr, chain, or shac-Corbito,are acf.l. toloadaship, to 

de, a band, or tic, a Dtcans of cram thcfruts, togobblc.(baskct. 

jnion, a conjunction. (ed. Corbula, x.f. 1 a littie pannicr, a 

Opulandus, a, to bc join-Corchorus, i. m. 2. chickwced 

JSpal&td, adv. jointly, conjointly . Corculum, i n. .'. a littlc, or poor Cornicularius, i. m. 2. a 
Jdpuliitio, 6nis./. 3. copulation, a hcart, a swcetbcart, a minion, troopcr, a brifratlier, an 

coupbng-, or joining, an union. a prudent person, a surnamc of or clerk under the tribum 
Cdpiilativus, a, um.auj.copulative. Scipio Nasica. (dcut. Corniciilum, i. n. 2. a littlel 

Cdpulatus, a, umpt coupied, join-j' orculus, u, um. atfj. wise, pm- kindofornamentprcHciited 

ed, unitcd, compoundea (tounitc.Cordate, adv. wiscly, discrectly. 
Cdpulo,ire. o. 1. to couple, to join,!Cordatus, u, tim. a<//.ior,com/>.wisc, 
Cdpulor, 4ri,atus. pn$». to be coup-J prudcnt, judicious, considcrate. 

led, or joined, to be mamcd ;Cordax, acis. m. ;. a kindof dance, 

dep. to couple, ov join. | used in comcdies.ti/tothc. Trocha:- 

C6quendus, a, um. pt. tobe diftcst-Cordicitus, adv. to the beart. (us. 

ed, or ripencd, to be drcssed. jCordolium, l- n. 2. grief of hcart 
Coquma, x.f l.akitcbcn (cook. Cordus, & Chordtis, a, um. arfj. 
Coqulnaris, c. adj. belonpnfr to a late in the )car, rather late, late 
Cftquinarius, a, um. aitf. ofa kitch- born. Fcenmn cordum, thc lat- 
C&quino, are. act. 1. to cook. (en. tcr math, Cuto- Agni cordi, lambs 
Coquinor, ari, atus sum. dcp. 1. to yoaned after lammas, cosset- 

drcss victuals, to act thc cook. lambs, Plm. 
Cdquinus, a, um. adj. pertaining Cbriaceus, a, um. adj. of lcatber 

to a kitchen, or cook. 

Cdquo, quere, coxi, coctum. n.3. to 

cook,or dress, to boil, to scctli, to 

bakc,to heatjto scorch/.o burn up, 

concoct,or digcst, to contrivc, to 

CbriagD inis. f 3. sickncss cai!- 

cd hidc-hound. (herb. 

Cdriandrum, i. n.2. coriander, un 

CdriariiiH, i m. 2a currier,atann< r, 

that cndurc all weathcra, I 
Coniea fibra, a rigid dispost 
insensibilily, Pen- (t| 

Comeu-, a, um. adj. of thccon 

Corniccn, inis. c. g. 3. one l 
blov s u horn, a cornet 

Comicor, atus sum.<i cW 
to prate, to mutter. (a 

Cornicii!a,x./. 1 .a jackda v, a 

to consume, to dry, to ripcn, tolCdrias, x.f 1. n fish. (an lierb. 

('brintluaca: uvac, corinths, cur- 

Conicolus, a, um. adj. almost as: mooii, Luc Conui.i ;. 

cxcite, to vex, or torment, to fret.'f;6riH,;s./U.St.John , b wort. (rants 
Coquor,i,coctus. pats. to hc boiied.Corium,i n.2.a hidc,a skiu, lcather, 
CoVmus, i. »1. 3. a cook, a bukc.r. I a htisk of chesnuts, acorns, &r. u 
Cor, in composition, stamU iov ron.' covcrin^ of a Hoor.(hard as honij 
Cor, dis.n-.i.the hcurl, thc niiiul, or" -' ' ' 

soul, a nian, or person, couragi:, 

wit, wisdom, judgment, allcction. 
Corocinus colov, as black as a ra- 
Coralium, i. n. 2. coral. (> «^i 

Cbnm.prap. bcforc, in prosiNir.r of 
Cdrim, udv. facc to face, opeiily. 
Vdnx,HcJ3.M,3. a ravcn, au engiin-. 

diers, and worn in thcir 
^OT-rng-cr, a, um. adj. horned,! 
ing", or wearitifr horns- 
buli, an cpithct of Jupiter. 
Comipes, eilis. adj. hom- 
Contipcs, edis. m. .'*. a hone. * 
('onix, icis/. 3. a crow, or nrt 
rin^ iron, ov knocker at adof 
Comicum oculos confingen 
det ractfrom»»rdeframlabcttf 
tlian himself, or speak a£iir 
ancicnts, Cic CornicibuJ i 
tes, a man lon^-lived. Ma 
''ornu./i indcct. pl. cornua,a 
comct,atrumpef.,po>\ er,sf 
couru^e, a wing- ot an 
Si;uadron,a chief poinM 
corncr.cmUor extrc:mty. 
orbosscs ofthe stick abc 
books \vc \*. rolled, u w 
dividcd streai.i,a creek 
oIepliant*s touth,.i la:it' 
Coucttini cornu rhw" 

Corncsco, erc. n to j^row hard as 

horn. (trcc* 

Conictum, i. «. agTOve of conieil-, a, iini. «»//. liorny, of, or\ a prov. cleu-.Hiu'- 
likc horn, hard, or whitc a.s hoin, 
inaile ot' hom. (yornea roitra, a 

tiie vanl-arms ut .» ^it 
ui^riuim coni>i. li ■■ '■ 
tv, Hor. Focnun» li . 

m w 

pcrson, Id. Co: • 
jcvvcl likc a ratn » ) 

bird's bill, Cic. Comca corport^C^ormuirius, i. m. 2. ; 


ipia,z/l the horn ofplcn- 
udaiK j. cif »1! thiiiprs. (ry 
,i. u acoimil,a v\ ild cher- 
i-c ».1 to bond l : kc aliorn 
i 5«. ua. / the oorncil-trce, 
in nade thoreof 
\i% m. 4. a liw_*n. (nard. 
, *./ 1. R fiih, thc j;iir 
,a^i.iini.a*//.linrncd. havin^ 


poral oath, Ulp. 

Corpbratio,*nis/3. thc size,pligh 

state and fashioii of the body, a 

corporation, comp;iny, or body, 



I scized, rcpro\cd, chiddcn, made 
i short. 

that hath the privilrges «f a city. 
CorpdratQra, *./ 1 bulk of body- 
CorpdrStus, h, um. pt. liavinj* a bo- 
dy, embodied, incorporated. 
Corporeus,a,um-Uf/;. corpnival, bo- 
nrniitci 1/ chap ? et,acoronct dily,thathath,or bcionp> to abody . 
*./l.*//™a little crown, aCorporo, are. act- 1. to form, or\ 
rium, i. n- 2. a corollury, fi^hion into a body, to kiil. 
net, an overplus, an acccs- Corp&ror, ari, attis. fm«s. to hc sha 
Bttle gift, «r present ped, or fashioncd into a body. 

x.f 1. acrown, a diadc m, Corpfilentc, «<// cor|.ukn»ly(ness 

Comdco, dcre, is ; , isum. n. 2. tf> 
laugh,or smilc, to look pleusantly. 

Con -£cndus, », um. />/.to corrcct- 

Cqrngvns, tis. pt. ^01^«^^^^. 

Comgia, x.f. 1 a latchct of a shoe, 
a thong oi lcather (thong makcr. 

«ei, a chaplet, a garlaml, a 

( 'orpu1cntiu,a:/l corpulciicc»,|rroKs 

Corritfiarius, i. tn. '2. a point, or 

Corrifribilis, c- atlj. corrigible. 

Corri£o[con,rej*o] erc, cxi, cctum. coircct, to amend, to make 
bcttur,to inform,to sct to riffhts,tp 
straitrhten, to makc unicncLs for. 

CoiTijr^>r, gi ptiHs. to bc correctcd. 

Compicndus, a, uin. pt. to scize, 
or be scizcd. 

Cornpiens, tis. pt. rebukiiur. 

Compio [con, rapio], pere, pui, 

reptum. act <3. to snalch up, to 

seiz^ on, to scizc, to lay hold of 9 

to repi-ovc, to rcbuke, to cliidc, 

lume,a company, or corporation, ;i| to cliastise, to shortcn, to cut, or 

makc s>horl, to Icsscn, to hastcn, 
to slip, or stcal away. (cd. 

Corripior i, v\)t\iHpais. to be sciz- 

Corrivalcs c g. 3. those who 
driuk of the samc stream, ov lovc 
and court thc sanie wonien, rivals. 

CorrTvahtas. atis./ 3. rivalship. 

Corrivatio, onis. / 3 thcrunning of 

a round thing likc acoro-Corpidentua, a, um. a<!j ior, comp. 
rompany of pcrsons stand- corpulcnt, well-llcshi-d, bulk\, 
i<ttin|r in a nn^, a constcl- jrross 

a copinjr, or conice. Corpus,oris.'7i. 3. a body, ihe flcsh, 

is,e. atfj. bclonging" to a substance, the whole man, a spirit, 
(flowerato makejrarlands. a shade, a frhost, asystem, or vo. 
nentum» i* » 2. stufF, or 

is, tis pt crowning'. wholc nation,a tcmpcr, or consti- 

•ia, x.f 2. a woman who tution(body,an atom,acollection. 
and selLs jrarlands. Corpusculum, \.?t. 2a littlc,&r sinall 

riiw, a, um.n<(/.that bclonjr- Corradens, scrapiu^, collect- 
r scrveth to inake frarlands ing.(or rakc togethcr,to hoard up. 
rna, like a gurland (onied J Co/Tado, ere^i, sum. scrapc, 
ais, a, um. pt. crowned, ad-jCorrcctio, dnis. / 3. corrcction, 
au, i. m. 2. a crown-picce. amcndment. 


ila, a./ 1. a musk-rosc. Corrector, 5ris. «1. 3. a corrector, a wuter in onc stream. 

Comvatus, a, um. pu madc up of 

sion, a mark. 
are. a- 1. to crown, to sux- 
•r encorapass, to finish- 
% iri pas$. to be crowned. 
xklium i. 71. 2- dandelion. 
pus, odis. m. 3. thc herb 
torn, or dogs-tooth. 

, idis /. 3. the top, or peak, rcformcr,an amcndcr, a .^-ovcrnor, . , 

1, &c- thc utmost part, orj or ruler^, dircctor.(rect,oraincnd. sevcral strcams. 
cornicc, a wcathercock, aCorrecturus,a,um./>/. about to cor- Corrivo [con, rims], are, netit. 1. 

to dniw into one stream. 
corrected, reformcd, redrcsscd. Corrivor, ari, atus sum. dtp- 1. to 
Correpcndus, a, imi. pt. to creep. 
Correpo,pere, cpsi, eptum. n. 3. to 
crcep^sneak, or slink into a place 
Correptc, artv. ius, comp. shortly. 
Correptio, onis./ 3- a correction in 
LlU, e. adf corporal, that words, a checking 1 , or rebuking", a 
>ody,belonging- tothebodyj reproof, a punishment, a shortcn- 
tiit&Ttodv. corporally. Cor-:Correptor,6ris.m.3.a reprover.(ing > . 

% • ^_ __i — i.;~ _._._ r*\ ___ _ _ __ i_«.i _._»_> _ 

ir jnrare, to t»ke his cor-.Correptus, a, um. pt. Laid hold oo, rodc,to ^c_k« Ji» ^wsmt- ^e^ 

run, or flow tog-cther from sevcr- 

al streams. 
CoiTob5ratus, a, corrobora- 

ted, strengthened, cohrmed. 
Corrob6ro, arc.o. corroborate, 

to strengthen ,to confirm. (ened. 
Corrdbdror, ari. p. to be strength- 
CorrOdo, 2rc,6si f 5sum. a3. to cor- 





Corroclor, di. paat. to be gnawcd. Corruptio, dnis./ 3« corruption. , a surgcon** instrument 
Corrdgatus, a, um. />/. invitcd, bid-.Corruptor, 5ris.m.3. a corrupter, aC5rycxus, i. m. 2. aapr, aa 
den, scrapcd up, got togcther. dcbaucher, a spoiler, a ruiner. | telltale, an infbrmer. 
Co;rr6go are bring.or get to- Corruptrix, Icis./3. a corruptcr. ,C6ryd61us, i. m. 2. a lark. 
gcthtr, to seek up and down, to Corruptfirus, a, um. pt. about toCtiiylelum, i. n. 2. a hazel-g 
scrapc.or hoard up.(got togcther. corrupt, about to brioe. Icbrylus, i./. 2. a h&ael-tree. 

Corr5{*or, Zlri. /> to bc brought, or 
Corrdaio» 6nis./ _J. corrosion. 
Coirfisivus, a, um. adj. corrosive 
CorrOsus, a, um. pt corroded, 

gnawed, wasted, cousumcd. 
Corrtitundo. are. act. 1. to make 

round, (made round 

Corttitundor, ari, atus. paw. to beCors, tis./. $ee Cohors 

CorrOgatio, 5nis./. 3. a wrinkling. 
Corrugatus, a, um. pt. wrinklcd. 

Corruptus, a, um. pt. & artj. ior, C&rymbifer, a, um. atfi. tba 
com/>- lssmuis, *m_> corruptcd, de-j eth berries like ivy, an < 
pravcd,taintcd,infccted, debauch-' of Dacchus. 
cd, defloured, spoilcd, wasted,.C8rymbion,vel C6rymbt_m, 
gTpwn lean, mixed, confounded, a peruke worn by women, 
bribed forgcd, falsified, soft, de- C6rymbus,i.f».2. a bunch tri 
licatc, effcminate. wanton- of i vy-berries,Ule fruit^rflo 

Corsa, x.f. 1. the forcpart of the 
head, an ornamcnt for doors- 

Corrtigo, are. act. 1. to wrinkle, to-Cortex, icis. dub. gen. 3. a rind, or C6rypharus, i. m. 2. a ringtq 

makc in wrinkles.CorruKire fron- 
tem, to frown, ©r knit thc brows, 
Ptaut narcs, to makc one loathe, 

Corrugor, ari. p. to bc bent. (I/or. 

Corrumpcndus, s^ to 1>c cor- 
ruptcd, or spoilcd, to bc bribed. 

Corrumpens, corrupting. 

Corruinpo, pcrc, upi, uptum. a. 3. 
to corrupt, to pollute, to taint, or 
infect, to debauch, to dcflour, to 
spoil, to wastc, ov (Ic.stroy, to de 
ncc, to mar, to injure, to dcbase, 
tobribc, or suborn, to forge, or 
falsify, to lose, to putrify. 

Comimpor, pi,uptus./>. to be cor- 
rupted, spoded, putrified, &c. 

Corruo, ucre, ni. nettt. 3. to fall to 
gethcr,to fall. or tumblc down, to 
come to ruin,to dccay,to bc spent, 
to faiI,to misca_Ty,to" tJirow down, 
to heap up. 

Cormptd,a//i>.ius,cofn/>. issfme, tup 

the herb chrysocome, the 1 
an artichokc, a roscbud, thi 
of a ship, a bush, or tre» d 

bark, a shell, a pcel. Cortez ca-C6rytos, i. m. 2. a quiver. ^ 

vata, a mask, Virg. [a rind. C6ryza, »,/ 1 a running 

Corticatus, a, ura. pt. that hath Cos,' c5tis./3 a whetstone^ 
Corticdsus, a, um. aitj. full of bark. a grindstone, an incentrre. 
Corticula, x ■/. 1- dim. a thin rind. Cosmeta, x. m. vel/ 1. afi 
Cortina, x/ 1 a caldron,or kettle,a Cosmianum, \.n. 2. arich pa 

dying vat, a vesscl sct to reccivel made by Cosmus, a pernui 

oil whcn the olives wcre prcsscd,K 'osmianus, a, um. atf. vcrri 

the tripos of Apollo from whence " v " J * ~ 

oraclcs wcrc given, the oracle it- 

seif,a curuiin,or hanging. Cortina 

carli, the hcmispherc, Enn. Corti- 

natheatri,the round convczcom- 

pass ofthelhcatre at thc top,Srrt; 
Cortlnale, is.n.3.a place for fccttles 
CorvTnus, a, tun. aaj of a raven, orjCosta, c/ 1. a rib, ande«t 

' ostatus, a, um. adj. hariaf 

ribs. [callcd zedoary, an oii 

f iostus, i/.& Costum,i» 1« 

Cothurnatus, a, uxn. ad). Unt 1 

buskins, tragical, wnttefc 

sublimc, srlofty stjie. 

C6thurnus, i. m 2. a bnskinji 

of shoe worn by thc actoitl 

JCSruscus, a, um- aa[j. glittering, gcdies, a high-soled shoe«l 

ing, a corrupter/or spoiler» bribe-l shining, bright, moving, waving. tofle, a lofty *train, #r V& 

ry, bane, or mischief. Con-us, i.m.2 aravcn, a fish callcdl a tragedy. [stone, a too» 

€orruptrbilis, e. m\j. corruptible, a cabot, a term in aTChitecture,JC6tictSla, «./. 1. dh*. ahttfei 

subjectto corruption. \ a kind of grapple or iron hooJ.,|C6tidH, adv. daily; nd^nl 

Corrupt€la, ae/. 1 . coruption, a de- 
pravmg, or falsifying, a debauchi 

crow, black as a raven, or crow. 
Corus.i m 2 the north-westwind, a 

Hebrew measurc of 30 bushels. 
C6ruscans,tis./J^. shining.glittcring. 
C5ruscatio, onis/ 3. a glittering. 
C6rusco, are.n.l-to shine, to glittcr, 

to flash, or lightcn; act. to bran- 

dish, to shake, to wave, to move. 

CosmYcua, a, um- aaj. 

cordingtothe course ofthe 
Cosmdgraphia r/.l cosuaj 
Cosmographus, i. m. a e» 

rapher. [ 

Cossis, is. m. 3. a worm hf 
Cossus, i- m. 2. idem. 





L/ 2 a wild ottre. 
n, i. n. 2. a quiace. 
t, a, um. adj. belonging 1 
nce< (w*.ip. 

, i. m. 3. the smmck of a' 

winc, thc thick part of blood. Cre"ber, bra, brum. Jr(/. ior cotnp. 
Crassc, adv. ius, comp. OiickJy, crrimus, vel. issimus, sitp. fre 

homcly, bun^lingly, rudely 
Crasscscens, tis. p§. thickeninjr 
Crassesco. cSre. incep. 3. to thick- 

rel Cotona, Tel Cottbna,] cn, or grow thick, to grow fat. 

lana, 6nim. pl n- 2. aiCrassfties, ei./ 5. thickncss,gross- 

small Syrian fig. 
, lcis / 3. a qnail. 

Crassitudo, inis./ 3. idcm. (ncss. 
Crasso, are. act. 1. to fatten. 

e. /• 1. a measure lcss Crassus, a, uui. adj. ior, ro/ii/>. issi- 

• _ %m m_ ■ A - «1 • 1 J* - 1 

int, a dish, or a vcssel to 

n, onis./ 3. the hollow of 
lc-bone , wall-pc nny-wort 
is, i. m. 2. a charioteer. 

i. m. a chariot armedCrastiiitf. a//r*. to-morrow. 

?ks, a coach, a calash. 
um. atfj. Coan, of thc 

us, i. m 2. a brother by 
i. /i. 2. hcaven, a hollow 
Kwt a plough- 
f 1. the hip,»rhaunch,the 
MHie,thc jointof the hip. 

jone- Coxundicis lnor- 
sciatica, or hip-gout. 


>ra, hrum. adj. slcnder. 
nis m. 3. a hornet,a wasp 

mus, tup. tliick, fat, gross, hcavy, 
dull, coarso, homely, simple, art- 
less, foggy, closc, clotted, ricl», 
fruitful. Crassa niinerva, rudcly, 
bluntlv, Hor. 

m 9 

Crastinus, a, um. adj. of to-mor 
row, of the tiinc to conic. 
(the mothcr^sside.lCratcr, eris./n. 3. in. acc. ting. cra 

tera, pl- criitgras, a grcat cu;>, &/ 
bow!,a gtihlct, a cistcrn,a trou^h- 

Crcbre, adv. frequcntly, closely. 

Crebrcscens, tis. /)/. growingtbick 

Crebrc»co,& Crcbcsco, ere incep. 
3. to g-row, or come thick, to in- 
crcase morc and inore, to multi- 
ply- (commonness. 

CrebrVtas. atis. / 3. frcquency, 

Crcbritcr,udu. frequcnth ,usually. 

Crcbro, nrfviu*. comp. erf imc, tup. 
often, frequently, pclluiell. 

Crebro, arc act. to do often. 

Crcdcndus, a, um, jM. to be belicv - 
ed, or trusted. 

Crcdciis,tis. pt. bclicving,trusting, 
tljiiikin^, venturing, crcdulous. 

Crcdibilib, e. aqj. credible, pro- 

Crat8ra,ac./ 1. id. quod Crairr. 

i, tcis- /. a the hip, the|Crates,&.Crati*,.is./ .i. a hurdlc of 

rocls wjttled togcthcr, a grate, u 
dv i£, or harrow, an instnuncnt to 
punish with dcuth, a chinc. 
Ci^tenta, x.f- 1 a rack for a spit 
Crnticula, *./. l.a ^ridiron. 
Cratio, wattlc,to harrow 
»./3. a kind ofcolcwort Crutior, iri. pa»». to bc liarroucd 
i. n. 2. the skull. Crutitius, a, um. adj. wattlcd 

ac. /. 1. a surfcit, a sur- madc of sticks. 
a cuzzincss, a mcdicinal Creagra, x.f. 1. a flcsh-hook. 
(with wine, drunk. Creandus, a, um. ptto bc crcatcd, 

to be rcduced, or formed. 
Crcatio, dnis. /. 3. a crcation, a 

is, a, um. o/(/. drunk 
oa, a, um. adj. drunkeu. 
r. to.morrow, iu timc to 

crcatin^, or makinp, a beg^ctting'. Crcrior, di pann. to be bclicvcd 

Crcator, dris. tn. 3 a crcator, a nm- 

/ 3- a mixture, a tempc- 

i contraction into one. Creatriz, icis./ J. a mother. 
n, Inia. n. 2. dregs, sc-Creatura, «./ 1. acreature. (ate 

CreatOrus, a um pt about to cre- 
ntom, i. n. 2. thickncssJCreatua, a r um, pt. crcated, madc, 
«cdiment, or lccs ofj framed.formed, born, desccndcd, 

qucnt, thick, thick grown, close, 

bablc ■ (bably. 

or receiver of water,'a platt<*i-, aiCrcdibiliter, atff crcdiblv, pro- 
hole, ov vent, a constellation. Civditor, oris. m. 3 a crecfitor. 

(:rcditri.v,Vcis/3 shc thatjtends. 

Credituin, i. n. 2 credit, a trust, 
a dcbt. 

Crcditur, impers. ]>eoplc believe, 
or think. Nonbenc ripx creditur, 
it is not good trusting- to it, Virg. 

'. rcditums, a, about to be- 
iicve, or think. (iiitnibted, lent. 

(!rOditfls, a, um, pt. believcd, 

CrCdo, dcrc, didi, dituin, act 3. to 
crcdit to bi-lie\ c, to think,to sup- 
]>osc, or iuiu£inc,to trust, to put 
coniidcnce in, to trust,to commit, 
to lcnd, to vcnture, to te!l,to dis- 
close; iiwricafhf, I warrant you. 

Creduam, as. pro. Credam. 

kcr,afatiicr,afoundcr 9 orbuildcr. CrcduliCas, atis. / 3. crcdulity, 

■ "■ rashness oi belief, foolishness 

Crcdulus, a,um. a^j. credulous, ea- 
sr, or light of belief. silly, simple, 
foolish Interse credula convivia 
habucrunt, thcy had entertaisv 




<nV > 

ments, which showed their con^Crepitans, tis. pt . crackling, ring 

fidence in each other, Juat. 
Crtmabalunri.w 2. a child's rattle. 
Cremandus, a. um. pt. to he burnt 
Cremans, tis. pt. burning. 
CrSmastcr, cris. m. 3. a hook. 
Crematiojdnis- m 3 aburning. (cd. 

Crematus,a,um. pi- burnt,consum- Crepitus,us. m. 4.a rusUing noisei tio, a sticklmg for offices» 
Cremium,in.2. a dry stick,a bavin, a creaking, a crashing, a ringing, Crcteii 

&c. flesh fricd in a pan. 
Cr&mo, are. act. 1. to burn,to burn 

up, to set on firc, to bury in nre 
Crenior,ari,atus. pa*$. to bc burnt 
Cremor, oris. m. 3. thc thick juice 

of barley, panada, frumenty 

Crcna,x/l.a notch,a jagg,a mark, 

a dont, a slit, a cleft-a nib,a scorc. 
Crtnatus, a, um. atlj. notched, 

Creo,are.acf. 1. to crcatejto niake, 

to form, or foshion, to hcgct, to 

breed, or bring forth, to cause, to 

choose, to ordain, to establish. 
Creor,ari,atus pas». to bc created. 
Crcpans, tis- pt. rustling. 
Crepax, acis. atlj. cracking. 
Crepems, a,um.a<#.doubttul,dark 

ing, rattling, chattering, making Cretstrium, i. n. 2. a chalk-pit 
a noiie. Cretarius4.m.2. a workerincUt 

Crepito, wc.freq. 1. to cracklc, to Cretarius, a, um. aaj. chalkv. 
creak,to clatter, or muke a noise, Cretatus, a, um. <u£. chilkra»«ftfc 
to growl, ©r grumble, to clatter, ed, Cretati pedei, feet 
to gnasli. with chalk, Plin. Cretatasatf- 

Crctxf ikUna, *./. 1. a cfaifcfiL 

Crcteus,a»»ni,a<fy. of chalk- Crtsff- 
or iingling,a slashinjr, or ierking, peraona,amaskof plaster of f0 
a clap,a fart Crcpitus dentium, CrStfcus, a, um. oa>*. Creticw«sV 
the cnattering, r gnashing of tlie Cic Cretica terra, white _Mt*> 
teetli, Cic. giadiorum, the clash- Crttio, 6ni*./ 3. a aolemnityHrf 
ing of sworas, Ilirt. armorum, on emtering upon an estata^..' 
the rattling of armour, Plin. car- Crctdsus, a, um. anj. full ojf dtffc 
dinum, thc creaking of a door,ICr€tula,x./. 1. adialkufwdkM' 
Plaut. I sealing of letters^i kind of opfcit, 

Crepo,pure, pui, pitum. neut. 1. toCretQra^x/l.pollard, UMUialltj 
makc a noisc, ov sound, to re4cretus,a,um.p/. born, desceaiklf 
sound, to crack, to crackle, to sprung, served, or parted fasV 
crcak,to crasli, to clattcr,to ring, resolved upon, determined. •?! 
or jinglc,to growl, or grumble,U> Crc v\ t pnet- 1 am grown up^srsWj 
chatter, to brag,or boast, to com- cr, I havc determined, sr tesfsf j 
plain of, to brcak, •/* burst Lx- edj havcentercduponani 
tum tcr crepuit . sonum, madcCribcllatus,a,um./tf.sifted 
three huzzas, Jlor. Cribello, are. act. 1. to mSt *\ 

Crcpundia,drum./#/.m.2. cluldren , siCnbellum,i.ii.2. Uim. alittksil 
playthings,bawbles,bwlls, rattlesjCribrarius, a, um. atfj. of •' ' 

Crepida, x./ 1 alow shoe with a puppcts, &c. tlic iirst apparcl,] sifted. 

latchet, a slipper, a sandal,a last 
Crcpularius, a,um. adj. pcrtaining 

slippers, or shoemakers. (&.c. 
Crepidarius, i. m.a slipper-makcr, 

usc<l for children. Cribro, are. act. 1. to sh%trj 

Crcpusci, 6i*um.^/. m. 2. childrchjCribror. ari,atus pa*. tobei" 
born about twihght Cribrum, i. n. 2. a sieve, #r • 

repusciilum, i. n. 2. the twilightl fmbrem in cribnim gereR. 
Crepidatus, a, um- adj. wcaring Crescens,tis. />/. increasing, risingj lose his timc and pains, Pr§* 
shoes, or slippcrs. Crcsccntia, x/ 1. an increase. jCrimcn inis ». 3. a crime,u 

Crepido, mis/ 3. a creck,a shore, Crcsco,ccre,crevi,cretum. ncitt. 3. fence,a fault,an error, tr i 
or bank,thc top, cdge, or brow of to grow, to incrcase, to swcll, to a scandal^ircproacb, a si 
a steep rock, a place, or hole by grow up,to be brought up,to get a charge, an accusation, 
the highway whcrc bcggars sit, advantage, to rejoice, or exult. dictment, or impeachment, »t 
the moutli, border,brink, or brimCreta, z./ 1. chalk, fullcr's clay, lain. 
of a tliing,tlicfotindation,bottom, loam, wliite paint, the g^oal, orCrimfnali 
or ground of a pillar. (sUppcr. mark at the cnd of a race. CretaCriniinani 

'CrIminaUs,e. adj. crijcdnal, gni^ 

grouna oi a puiar. (sUppcr. mark at the cnd of a race. CretajCriniinans, tis. pt, accusinff- _J 

Crepidiila, x. / 1. dim. a httle Asiatica, the chalk wherewith CrIminatio,6nis/ 3. the wjecflP 

Cr^pis, idis./ 3. a sfipper, or pan-' they marked their slaves* feet, of a crime, an accusatk>o,s«^j 

tofle. [rattlc, a rattle,a timbrel.; or sealed letters, Cic. [chalky. peachment, a charge. - 4 

Crtpiaculom, i. n. 2. a child^Cretaceuii, a, um. oo>'. of chai^lcrinilnalor.ori», ,«. 3. ao tectB» ■• l 





iiSriUM, um. cu$. ctfaiina- 

tuti a* accusing 
S ftre. nrut. 1. Enn, pro 
r, atussum. rfe^. 1. to ac- 
o chargeVith a crime, to 
10 tind fault witb, to de- 

crumplcd, jagged, vcined, grain- 


Crissans, waggingthe tail. 
Crisso,5rc.7i«ir. movc wanton- 

ly,or obscencly,to shakc, ©r wag. 

ndalous, criminaJ, worthy 

ie, punishable. (a fiilct 

is. «.3..i bodkin,a hjurlace, 

e. a^j. pcrtaining to hair 

offcathcrs, or hair, acomb, an 

Crttton, dnis,/ an Egyptian hcrb 
called Palma Christi. (ful. 

<Jrficiabilis,e. adj. vexatious, pain- 
Cri1ciabilitdr,ar/v.painfully, cniel- 
Criiriamcn,ihis.n.o. a tormcnt.(ly. 

Crita,x/. 1. a crcst,a tuft,a pluuie Criiciamentum, i. n. 2. torturc, an- 

guish, pain, troublc 

herb- Tollere cristas, to grow Criiciandus, a, um. pt. to be tor- 
proud» Jwv. mented, or tortured. 

Cristatus, a,um. a^/. crested ,tuft-Crucians, tis. pt. tormenting. 
cd, having a crest, or comb. Cruciarius,a,um. adj. worthy to be 

•£, adv. ius, comp. issfine, 

minalry, slanderously 

•us,a, ior, comp. is-l 

•n£ accusatory, rcproach- Cristiila. se. / 1. a littlc crcst, 

plumc, tuft, or comb. 
Crithe, cs./. 3. a sty on the eye. 
, Criticus,a, umao)'. critical. Critici 

dies, the 3d, 7th, 9th, &c. 
%a, um&dj. wearing- muchlCrltTcus, i. m. 2. a critic, onc who 

riry, rough. judgcs of thc genuinencss ancLCruciatus, us. m- 4. tormcnt, tor- 

ind£. jku*. Crfnior, iri. 4. goodncss of othcr men's writings turc,anguish,pain,affliction, gricf. 
rested, or tufted. Cr6catus,a,um adj tincturcd witn, Crttcifer, a, um. adj. carrying a 

.mJ5 hair, a tress, or lock or colorcd like safTron. (yellow- cross. 

a band of horscs' hair, a Crbccus, a, um adj. like safTronJcriicifigo, [crux, figo], gerc, ixi, 
in of a fish. Cr5clnum,i. n-2. aanron-ointment ixumacf. 3. to crucify, to nail, or 

a, um. atfj. hairy, full of Crdcinus, a, unuadj. of aaffron,of fasten to a cross, to han^. 

tormcntcd, or hangcd. 
Crticiarius, i. m- a tormentor, a 

pcrson hangcd. 
Cruciator, 6ris. m. a tormentor. 
Cruciltus,a,um pt tormented, tor r 

tured, afflicted, gricved. 

.ving much, or long hair. 

the color of saifron. 


CrucTfixus, a, um. pt. crucificd. 

non,i.n.2. an issue in law. Crocio, I*e.;i.4. to croak like a ra-Crucio,are.ocf tornn-nt,to tor* 

.*. 2. a rcddish lily(rams CrticTtatio, 6nis./ 3. a croaking. 
im, i. n. 2 a sacrificc of Cr8cito,are./reg.l. to croak,or cry 
./ 1. a kind of syrup. likc a ravcn, or crow. 
/. 3. a judgmcnt," thc dc- Croc&dIlia,a:/.l. excremcnt of thc 

of thc conflict betwcen 
and a distemper, a crisis. 
tis. jW. shaking, brandish- 
mbfing, wreathed,wrink- 

s, x, um. pt. curlcd, qui- 

land-crocodile, a wash«for thc 

05c6dTlinus^,um. ar{/. likc arcro- 
codilc, sophistical, ambiguous. 
CrftcotlTlus, i.m 2. a crocodilc. 

„ r .^ r .. , t Crftcomagma^tis.ti. ^. dregu of oil waving, curling.lof saffron madc into balls. 

io, inis./ 3 curlcdness. Cr6c6ta,x/.l.ayellow £own.(ment rity, inlmmanity« ficrccncss. 

Bre. act. 1. to curl, orb^rbcatula, x.f. a littlc ycllow gar-lCrQdelit^r, at/r-.ius, comp. isslmc, 

i, to shakc, or brancliih,to Crocdtularius, i. m. 2. a dyer ofl tvp. cruclly. 

d shine. ycllow. (fron.jCriidcsccns tis./>.'. gnroing ficrcc. 

ari. poit. to bc shaken. Crocum, i- n. & Crficus, i. m. saf-CrudcHCo,cerc. neut. >to grow nw, 

s, a, uiu. adj. dim. having "'rotalistria, se./ 1. a minstrcl. grcen ,er frcsh, to inciexse morc 

tresaes, or locks. Crotalum, i.n. 2. castanct. and more, to grow more ficrce 

ture,to pain, to vex, to grieve, to 

afflictjto distress,to makc uneasy. 
Crucior, ari, atus pat». to bc tor- 

mcntcd, or troubled, to bc vcx- 

cd, or frettciL • 
Criidaria, x /, 1. a vein of silver 

at thc top of a mine. 
CrudSlis, c. adj. ior, comp. issimus, 

*ff^.cruel,barbarous, fiercc,ill-na- 

tured, hard-hearted, incxorable. 
Criidelitas, atis/3. cruelty, barba- 

a, um. adj. ior, comp iasl- CrbtaphTtse firum, pl m. 
i. crispcd, curlcdyfrizzled, muscles in the templcs, 

1. two 

and crticl. 

tCrtdTtas, ftlis/. 3. cmditv, baddl- 





gestion. crude hun.our, rav» nc»«. CruvUitus, s, um. /tf. crustcd, plas- 
Criidus, a,itm. adj. ior. comp. iami- tcrcd, roughcast, covcrcdwith .1 
mus, *///>. cmde, raw, iindrc*<cdj| .shell, scalcd, cmbo-scd, platcd, 
gTccn, unripe, sour, unpleasant,: iulaid- [servc 

too young, fresh, new-mude, un-('nista,ure plastcr, to prc 

digested, qucasy, scpieauiish 

fierce, bloodv. cnicl. < ruda sc- crust\ . 

ncctus, strong and lusty, Vivtr 
Soluni cnidum, land that lics un- 
ploughed, Col. 

Cmstostis, a, um. adj. ior. comp. 


(•rustida, x. f. 1. a littlo crust, or pul, or closct, Id- 

Cubicus,a,um.a</; cubical, 1 
iibi)Cfi8.ii..i.a bcd,&rcouch 
a kennel,a bird's nest,a b< 
aminc,a gToundwork, or 
of stoncs in building. No 
in cubili,it wms%iot wcll lai 
Cubilc salutatorium, a littl 

Crustiiluriu.», i m. 2. a pastrycook 
>Cnistuhim,i ».2.a wafer,a thmcake 

Crucnt|tus.a, iim/^ma:le bloody,;*;nistuni,i. «.2 a crust, a emull 

dicd with blood,bloodshot U th« ih 
Crucntc, nttv- iuh % comp. hlondily, 

Crucnto,ire.acr.ltofetch blood.tcrCnix, iicis./ ii. a cross, a gibbet.01 

Crurifra#ium,i. /1. 2. a brcaking of Crvstallum, *i. n. 2. crvstal. 

piece, a morscl, a bun. 

Cubital,a1is. n. 3. a cu&hion 

thc elbow, a forc-sleeve. 

Cnbitalis, e adj. a cubit hij 

Cubitans, tis. pt lying alon 

i.-rustumiuu pyru. Catharinc pcars. Cubitissim, adv- with the e 

gulIows,uny thing, or pcrson, tliat Ciibltor, oris. m. 3. he tha 
troubles,vexcs,ortonnent9 us, af- 
flictiou. Quxte mala cmx agitat, 
What a mischief ails you ? Plaut. 

makc bloody, to imbnic, pollute, 

or sprinklc witii blood [bloodv 
Cruentoi^ari,atus pats. to be madc 
Cruentus,a,um. atij. ior, comp. is«i 

mmjvp. bloody, of blood, as rcd|Crypta,x/l.ahollowplace,a vauH 

as blood, cnie), fierce. Ihajj * 

Crumcna, x. / 1. a purse, pockct, 
Crumeniseca,x. <\?. 1. a cutpurse 
Cr or,6ris m.3.blondfi > omnwoumiJ si-crct. 

blood, gorc. [arined cap-a-pic. 
Crupcllarii, 6ruin/»f* m. 2. soldicr* 
-Cruralis, e. adj. cniral. 

a j»ink,a common sewer, a grotto, 
a cell, a cloister, a low galTery. 
Crypticus, a, um. adj. hid, close, 

Cr\ stallinum,i. n 2. a crystal glass* at table 
Crystullinus.a,um. adj crystaTline, 
made of crystal, clear aa crystal 

Cubito.are/ be usec 

down. » 

Cubitum, i. n. 2. a cubit, a 
Ciibitus,im. 2. a cubit, a fc 

a half, thc clbow. 
Cubltus, us. m. 4. a lying 
(ubo,bare,bui,bTtum « 1 t( 

•lie down, to be in bed, t 

one's bcd,to lie in childbc 

leg^s upon the cros*. 

Crurulis, e. udj. btdonging to the 
lcg. Crumles fascix, garters 

Crus, iiris. v.-$i. the lc£ from tht 
knce to theanele.the leg,the hin 
der leg of a quudrupcd. Crus ar- 
boris, thc bocly ot' a tree, CoA 

Crusculum i n 2. dim alittlelo^ 

Crusma, atis. «1. 3 a timbrel, a ta- 
bour, a tiiikling noise, or sound. 

CnsUillus, i./. 2. crystal- 

(;iibauuVs« ^, um. pt. to bc laid. 
Cid)aiis, i\s- pt lying, or sitting, ly- 

ing sick,o.<* dl, lcaning, stooping, 

dcscending, low. 
(_'iil).iiio, bnis./ 3. a lying down. 
Cubatus iis. >», 4. a lying down, aj uscd 011 mauy acci 

lyin^ in, a l»rooding. Cuciima, x./*l. a v 

Cruitii, x./ t. a crust of bre.ul, :J'.'uhi'-ularis, e. adj. pertaining to a 
piecc of icc frozcii, a pieec oti ehaniber,or lodging roum. 
wood,or stone, &.e. eiigraven andjiJuliiculuriiis, a, uin. adj. Id. 
finely inluid into vessels, a shell|Cul>iciih\rius \.m 2 a ehambcrlain. 
of lobstcrs&c a shcl1,pceLor«kiii{C'uhiculatus a, uin- adj, formcd to 
of any thing, ascurf, or scab of :»! lic 111. Navis cubiculata, a plca- 
sore,"a shanl or'marblc. ! sure-boai, or yacht, Sen. 

Cnistarius,i,.,i. 2. aplastcrcr,a ma-|('ubiculum, i. /r.2.a bcdchambcr, a 
11 engravcribr iidain work. parlour, a pavilion, a tcnt. 

Cubus, i. m. 2. a cubc, a di 
Cflcubo, are. n. 1. to cry 
1. i1cu)so,dnis.m. ... a hood < 

travel in,akind of frock[c 
(iicullatus, a, um. udj 1 
Ciicullus,i. m. 2 a hood, a 

frock^i pa|)cr,or coffcr fo: 
Ciiciilo, are, neui. 1- to cr 

Cuciilus, i. m. 2. a cuckov 

kuld-maker, a name of rc 
tssel lil 

cumber, a littlc bath. 
Cuciimcr, eris. m. ii. a cuc 
Cuciimis,is.m3. in acc. ciic 

cucumber, a shell-fish. 
('iicurbita, x.f. 1. agourd 

CucurbitInus,a,um.<jJ/. of 

made like gourds. 
Ciicurbitiila, ar. / 1, ci 





», vel Cucurrio, ire Tvi. n.4.|Ctiligna,x. /l.a bow), a dish. Cultrarius,i. m. 2. a slaughter-man 

v, or cluck like a cock. Cftlina, x ./ 1. a kitchcn, a sink, a for sacrificcs, a cutler. 

crc,di, usum. a. J. to ham- common scwer. Culinx, publicCultratus, a, um. aaj. made sharp. 

arge, stsmp, or coin. places for the burial of the poor. Cultrix,icis./3. a fcmale polhther 

U.usufl,/>.to be hammered.Culmarius, a, uni. adj culinarv. or drcsser, a worshippcr, an in- 

Mc In me isthxc cudctur.Culmcn,-nis. n.3.the top,or height habitant. 

[ shall pay dearly fbr that,> of athing, the ridge of a housc,Cultnnui. n. 2. ploughcd land. 

(cap.j or hill,the crown of onc's hcad,CultQra$./l.cujturc, cultivatio.., 
nis. m. 3. a leathcr, or fu/i hoiior,advancemcnt,dignity. Cul- husbandry, tillage, a dressing, or 
ttis. pronom. of what coun-j men fkbac, a bcan stalk, or straw, pnming, improvemcnt, instruc- 
sectr belonging to whom r Ov. . tion, a waiting upon, attcndance. 

oratio, any man's spcech.Culminia, x./. 1. a sort of olive. Cultus,a, um. pt.&.a(Ij. \ov, comp. is- 
pro Cuicunque. Culmus,i. m. the stalk, or straw of sTmus,«u6. cultivated, tillcd» ma- 

■Mi, be what it will. • corn. ! nured, dressed, adorned, trim. 

• um. /»ron-whose,whereof.Culpa,x. / 1. a fuult, an offcnce, med,garnished,wonihipped,ador- 
unmodi, of some sort or guilt, blame, mischicf, a miscar- ed,3ervcd,fine, ncat, gay, polite. 
9 !Culpabilis,e.a^'.blameable.(riagc. Cultus,us.m. 4. culture, a tilling, a 

6di, vox imkcl cx duobus.Culpandus.a, um. ptXo be blamecl manuring, husbandry, tilth, 

ds, cujus &. modi, of whatCulpans, tis. pt. blaming. 
uincr* fasliion, or quality r.Culpatc, ius. adv. faultily. 

trimming, apparel, dress, finery, 
tfnamcnts, worship, scrvice, ho- 

r rclativd, infinitivc, intcr-Culpatio, dnis/ 3. a blaming. nour,respect,obscrvance, attend- 

re t Sc adinirative. Cujusmo- Culpatus,a, ior, comp. ancc, provision, furniture, a way, 
such as it is, whatever jt blamed, disliked, blamcworthy. j or mcthod of living, a nursin£,or 
:. (ncr, or sort soever. Culplto,arp.a. 1. to blame, to cen- bringing up. (chahce. 

Sdicunque, of what man- suro. (sureCulullus, i. n. 2. a pitcher, pot, 

lcmddi, of what manncrCulpo, are. <r 1. to blame, tocen-Culus, i. m. 2. the tail. 
, such as it is. Culpor, ari. pa»a. to be blamed. ,Cnm,pr*p. [serv. ablat] in compot, 

x. /1. the tick of a bed, aCultc, adv. ncatly, handsomely. fere dic. con. with,together with, 
ihion, or pillow Cidcitam!Cu]tcllatus,a,um')M. & aaj. sharp in conjunction with, orassisted 
n faccrc, to fall on liis ownj likc a knife, edged, made plain. by, against, in, so that, providcd 
Plaut. (stcrer..Cu]teUo,arc.a.tocuteven,tolevel.j tliat. Somctimes it is clcgantly 

trius, i. m- 2. an uphoI-jCultcllus,i.m. 2. dim. a little knifc, ' used to denote thequality;often 
ila,x./.l.c/iiM.alittle pillow | apruning-kmfe. I itisto be cxprcssed in Knglish 

i, e. adj. containing the Cutter, tri./n.2.a coulter,a plough-i by anadverb signifyingtheman. 

(ty urns. 
n. a mcasure of for- 
m. 2. a satchel, a 

un, i 

t, i. 


vel CuUeus, i. m. 2. alea- 

ack, or bag,a sack,a mea- 

' our mcasure 1 80 gallons, 

(tlc fl^r. 
cis-flf.^. 3- a gnat, orht- 
\i3m%* ura.fl-//.driving away 
n cpithct of Apollo. 


sharc^i knifc, the part of a sicklc 
towards the handle. Cidtrr ton- 
sorius, a razor, Cic venatorius, a 
wood-knifct Suct. Relinqucrc 
sub aiitro, to lcavc in great dan- 
ger, Hor 

ntaining 20 bushels, or40JCultio,dnis/ 3.a tilling, a manur- 

ing, culturc, tillagc, tiith 

Cultor, oris. m. ^. a tillcr, a fius- 

bandman, a drcsscr.or pruncr of 

a vinc, a dweller,or inhabitant, a 

ner, and sometimes it is clcgant 
h' rcdiindant. Cum primis, in the 
first place,cspecially, Plaut. Cum 
equis.on horseback,r'.'c.Cum nri- 
mo lucl, vel Jprima luce, at day- 
brcak,or assoonxs it was day,/r/. 
Cum dicto,forthwith v iinracdiate- 
ly, J/»M4Postponitur hisce ablati- 
vis, mc, tc, se, nobis, vobis, qul & 
quibus; ut, mccum, tccum, se- 
cum, &c. 

wowhippcr, a Iover,an ob.cnr6rJC\tfC.i adv, U conj. V^_> ^N.>i\a5, 





gestion, crude humour, mw CruKUitus, n, criiHtcd, p]a.s-|Cubinuvi,um.aii/ cul 
Criidus, a,um. adj. ior. comp. issj- tcred, roiighcaMt, covcrcd with a v'ubilcfis.n.3.a bcd,o« 

mus, *up. crude, raw, undrcNScd, 
grecii, unripe, sour, unplcasant, 
too young, fresh, new-inade, un- 
digestcd, qucasy, squcainish, 

ficrce, bloodv. cnu-1. t mda sc- cmstv. 

ncctus, strong and lusty, fmr 

sliell, scalcd, cmboiiscd, platcd, 
iulaid- [sen'c 

l.'riist:i,are «. 1. to plastcr, to pre- 
Cmstosus, a, um. udj. ior. romf 


Cmstiila, i. /1 1. a little crust, ov 

Soluni cnidiun, landthat lies ur.-.Crusttilarhis, i m. 2. a pastrycook 
ploughed, Col. jCrust idum,i »2.a wafcr,a tlun cakc 

a kcnneUa bird's hcj 
amine,a groundwor) 
of stones in buildinf 
in cubili,it wasftiot w 
Cubile salutatorium, 
pcl, or closet, /</• 
Cubital,alis. n. 3. a ci 
the elbow, a forc-sle 

Cruent|tus.a, um. /;f madfe blooriyjcnistum, i. w. 2. a cmst, a «mall Cnbttalis, e. adj. acul 
" " ^ 11 --' 11 ' l ' -' piccc, amorscl, a bun. Cubttans, tia. pt lyinj 

(.niatumnia pyra. Catharinc pcars. Ciibitissim, adv- with 

Crux, iicis./ _. across, agibbet.orCubito^are/reg.l.tob 

gallows,any thing, or pcrson, that Cubltor, 5ris- m. J. 1 

dicdwithblood,bloodshot [crm thj piccc, a morscl, a bun. 
Cniente, adv- ius, comp. bloodily, 
Crucnto,are._c/.ltofetch bIood,to 

makc bloody, to imbmc, pollutc 

orsprinklc witii blood [bloody 
CruentoCtari,utus/KZff«. to bc made 
Cruentus,a,um. adj. ior, comp. ism- 

mus^itp. bloody, of blood, as redCrypta,a-/l.ahollow place,a vault 

aa hlontL rrn<*l. ficrrt* 1h_!r •> ^iiib .. /*/*— m*is*n _««.,*.*. « .—»_«««« 

as blood, cruel, ficrce. Ibag 
Criimena, sc. / 1. a purse, pocket, 
Crtimeniseca,x. cj. 1- a cutpursc 
Cr or,6ris m.J.bloodfrom n woitmi. 

blood, gorc. [armed cap-a-pie. 

legs upon the cross. 

Crurulis, c. adj. bclonging to tht 
ieg. Crurules fascix, garters. 

Crus, uris. n.-ji. the leg from tlu 
knee to theanclcthe leg,the hin- 
der leg of a quadniped. Crus ar- 
boris, the body of a tree, GW. 

Cnisciilum i n 2. dim alittlclog 

troublcs,vcxes,ortormcnts us, af- 
flirtiou. Quaetc mala crux agitat, 
What a mischicf ails vou ? Plaut. 

a sink,a common scwer, a grotto, 
a ccll, a cloister, a low galtcry 

Crvpticus, a, um. adj. Irid, close, 

Crystallinum,i. n 2. a crystal glass* 

Crupcllarii, orumytf. m. 2. soldicrs<jrystulI»nus.a,um. aaj cnstallinc, 
-Crurulis, c. adj. madc of crystal, clcar as crystal. 

Criinfra^-iuniji. n. 2. a brcaking of|CrystaIlum/i. ». 2. cnstal. 

Crystallus, i./. 2. cxystal. 


Cuband^H, a, um- pt. to be laid. 

Ciibans, tis. ^l.Iying, or sittiug, ly- 
ing sick t o." dl, lcaning, stooping, 
dcsccnding, low 

Cub.iiio, onis./ 3. a lying down. 

Ivin^in, a broodin^. 

, w./ 1. a cnist of hrcAd, :.'.'':bi'ularis, c. adj. pertaining to a 
of ice frozcn, a picco of| chamber,'or lodging room. 

Cmsma, atis. v 3 a timbrcL a t2t-|('iibatu.4 us. wi, 4. a lying down, a 

bour. a tiukling noisc, or sound 

picce ^- .-- , _ , , 

wood,o»' stonc, 6.c. cngravcn andihibicul&riiis, a, uin. udj. Jd. 

fir.elv inlaid into vessels, a shcll 

of lobsters,&.c a shcll,peel,or skiu 

of any thing, a *curf, or scab of n 

sore, a shard of marblc. 

«on, ;m cngravcr ior iidain work. 

Cuhicularius i.m 2 a cliambcrhun. 
( ■ubiculatus, a, um- adj % lbrmcd to 

lic iii. Navis cubiculata, a plca- 

sure-boat, oryacht, Srn. 

Ciibitum, i. n. 2. a cu 
(Jubitus,im. 2. a cubi 

a half, thc elbow. 
Cubftus, us. m. 4. a '. 
C ubo,barc,bui,bltum 

lie down, to bc in b 

one's bcd,to lie iu cl 

at tablc 

Ciibus, i. m. 2. a cube 
Cflciibo, arc. n. 
i. OcQlso,dius.m. ^. a 1 

travcl in,akind of fr 
i ucullatus, a, um. 
Cuciillus,i. m. 2 a ho 

frock,a papcr.or cof 
Ciiculo, are, neut. 1. 

Cuoulus, i. m. 2- a cu 

kold-maker, a namc 

used on manv accoi 
Ciicuma, x. f 1 . a ve» 

cumber, a littlc batl 
Cuciimcr, eris. m. ;i. 
CucumiSjis m -. in ac< 

cucumber, a shell-fi 
(-iicui-bita, x.f. 1. aj 

, CucurbitTnus,a,um.«K 

Cnistariu&,i,j;i. 2. aplastcrer, a ma-ICubVcuIum, i. /;.2.a Ivedchamber, a' made likc gounis. 

parlour, a pavilion, a tent. 

'Cucurbitula, ac. /. 





* vel Cucurrio, Ire Tvi. n.4.|Ctiligna,x. /ll.a bowl, a dish. Cultraritis,i. m. 2. a slaughter-man 
*, or cluck Hke a cock. Cftlina, x ./ 1. a kitchen, a sink, a for sacritices, a cutler. 
£re,di, Osum. a. 3. to ham- common scwcr. Culinx, pubticCultratus, a, um. attf. made sharp. 
wge, stamp, or coin. places for the buria) of the poor. Cultrix,icis. /.3. a female polisher 

i.usus,/>.to be hammered.CuIhiarius, a, um. atjj culinary. or drcsser, a worshipper, an in- 
,&c In me isthxc cudcturCulmcn,Tnis. n 3the top,or height habitant. 
shall pay dearly for that, of athing, the ridge of a house,Cultnnui. n. 2. ploughed land. 

(cap. or hill,thc crown of one's head,CultOraJ*./.lculture, cultivation, 
nis. m. 3. a leather, or fur honor,advancemcnt,dignity. Cul- husbandry, tillagc, a drcssingt or 
itis. pivnom. of what coun-j men fkbx, a bcan stalk, or straw, pruning, improvemcnt, instruc- 
iect? belonging to whom r Ov. i tion, a waiting upon, attcndance. 

omtio, any man's speech.Culminia, x.f. 1. a sort of olive. Cultus,a, um. jW.&ar(/.ior, comp. is- 
pro Cuicunque. Culmus,i. m. the stalk, or straw of sTmus,*w/>. cultivatcd, tillcd» ma- 

i&di, be what it will. ■ corn. ! nured, aressed, adorned, trim. 

um. /rron.whose,whereof.Culpa,x. / 1. a fault, an offence, med,garnished,worshipped\ador- 
mmodi, of some sort or guilt, blame, mischicf, a iniscar- ed.servcd,fine, neat, gay, polite. 
* ;Culpabilis,e.a4^.blamcable.(riage.CuItus,us.m. 4. culture, a tilling, a 

kli, vox indecl. ex duobus, Culpandus.a, um. be blamecL; manuring, husbandry, tilth, 

trimming, apparcl, dress, finery, 
ojnaments, worship, scrvice, ho- 
nour,rcspect,obscrvance, attend- 

is, cujus & modi, of whaiCulpans, tis. pt. blaming, 
uiner, fa&liion, or (juatity r Culpate, ius. adv. fauhily. 
r rclative, infinitive, intcrJCulpatio, onis/ 3. a blaming. 

i,8c atlmirative. Cujusmo- Culpatus,a, ior, comp. ance, provision, furniture, a way, 
tuch as it is, whatevcr »t blamed, disliked, blamcworthy . j or mcthod of living, a nursino;,or 
(ncr, or sort soever. Culptto,arp.a. 1. to blame, to cen-» bringingup. (chahce. 

kficunque, of what man-j suro. (surcCulullus, i. n. 2. a pitcher, pot, 

lembdi, of what mannerCuIpo, are. a* 1. to blamo, tocen-Culus, i. m. 2. the taiL 
, such as it is. Culpor, ari. pa»a. to be buuucd. ,C\im>pr*p. [serv. ablat] in compor, 

c.y 1. the tick of a bed, aJCulte\ adv. neatly, liandsomcly. | fere dic. con. with,togcther with, 
ihion, or pillow CulcitamlCultcllatus, a, uiri pt. & aaj. sliarp! in conjunction with, or assisted 
q facerc, to fall on his ownj likc a knife, edgcd, made plain. j by, against, in, so that, providcd 
Plaui. (stcrer.'Cultello,arc.a.tocuteven,tolevcl., : tliat. Sometimesit iselegantly 

rius, i. m. 2. an uphol-Cultellus,i.m. 2. dim. a little knife, 1 used to denote the quality; often 

U,x/.l.</»m.alittle pillow. 
, e. aaj. containing the 

(ty urns. 
im, i. n. a measure of for- 
, i. m. 2. a satchel, 

rel CuUeus, i. m. 2- a lea- 
ick, or bag,a sackot mea- 

ourmcasure 180gaUons, 

(llc fl^r. 
:is> d.g. 3- a gnat, or ht- 
iSpa* umo^/.driving away 
n cpitbet of Apollo. 

a pruning-knife. I it is to be cxprcssed in Knglish 

Cutter, tri./n.2a coultcr,a plougli-, by an adverb signifyin^ the man- 
sharc^i knife, the part of a sickle ner, and sometimes it is clegant 
towards the haudle. Cultcr ton- ly redundant. Cum primis, in the 
sorius, a razor, Cic venatorius, a nrst place,especially, /'ioii/. Cum 
wood-knitc, Suet. Relinqucrc * v '^ 1- **-'-** : 

sub cultro, to leavc in great dan- 
ger, ffor. 

itaining 20 busheb, or 40tCu1tio,dnis./. 3.a tilling, a manur- 

ing", culturc, tilhige, 

Cultor, 5ris. m. 3. a tiller, a hus- 

bandman, a drcsser.or pruner of 

a vinc, a dweUer,or inhabitant, a 

ec]uis,on horseback,r*c.Cum pn- 
mo lucl, vel |prima luce, at day- 
breakjorassoonas it was day,/r/. 
Cum dicto,forth>*ith, immediate- 
Iy,^M^Postponitur hisce ablati- 
vis, mc, te, se, nobis, vobis, qul &. 
quibus; ut, mccum, tccum, se- 
cura, &c. 

wor&Luppcr, a Iover,an obscrvcr.lCvtfii» achj, li. conj. ^Vft.t^ *N. Vw5, 





abacta: curriculum, midnightJ amall, imperfect, curtailcd, bob- ly, to retain. 


Curriculus, i. m. 2. dim. a chariot. 
Curritur, intprra. they nin. 

Cuiro,i^rc,cucurri,cursum.n. 3. totCurvamen, Vnis. n. 3. a bcnding. 

mn, to run on, ©r ovcr, to go fast, 

to post away, to pass, or turn Curvatio, onis./ 3. a bending, oi 

swiftly,to fly, to sail apace over, 
toflow, to thrill, to picrce. 

CurvatQra,x./la bending,abencl 
Curvatus, a, um. pt. bent, bowed, 

Curruca, se./l.a hedge sparrow, a archcd,winding.[ed,orbowdown 
tomtit, a pinnock, a cuckold, or Curvesco,c£re.n grow crook- 

tailed, battcred, broken, circum- Custodior, iri, itua. p. to 

cised. [bowed. 

CurvabTlis, e. adj. that may bc 

Curvans,tis.p{.bending. [winding 

Currus,us.m. 4. a chariot, a coach, 

a car, the horscs, a triumph, a 

waggon, or cart, a pinnacc, a fly- 

Cursans, tis- pt. running up and 

down,lcaping, frisking, honping. 
Cursatur, imp. they hurry about. 
Curs&turus, a, wmpt about to run, 

or happen upon. 
Cursim,a<fo.hastily, swiftly, apace, 

as fast as he can run, in full 

speed, in a hurry, cursorily, by 

the bye. 
Cursio, 6nis,/ 3. a running 
Cursrto, are./rog. 1. to run to and 

fro, to run. [fro 

Curso, arc. neuL 1. to run to and 
Cursor, oris-m*3.a runner, a raccr, 

a courier, or atated post, a mcs 

Cursdrius,a,um,ac^.cursory. Navis 

cursoria, a packet-boat, Sidon* 
CursQra, ac/ 1. arunning. 
Cursunifl, a, um. pt. about to nm. 
Cursus, us. m. 4. a course, a race, a 

ninning, spced, or hastc, a flight, 

a journey,or way,a voyage, a pas- 

sage, a progress, a career, a re- 

sort, or reeoursc, a manner, or 


Curtatus^.um.p*. shortcned. [off. 

Curto,areacr 1. to shorten, to cut 

Vurtor, Ori.Jku*. to be shortened- 

CurtuM, m, um. adj. ahort, tfttle. 

Curvitas, atis. / 3. crookcdncss 

Ciirulis, e. adj. bclonging to a cha 
riot. Sclla bhair of state 

Curu1is,is.m. 3. a chief magistrate. 

Curvn,arc.a. 1. to bcnd, to bo\v,to 
wind, to tum, to influence. 

Curvor, ari, atus, pass. to bc bcnt. 

Curvor, oris. m. 3. crookedncss. 

Curvum, i. n. 2. a plough handlc. 

Curvus, a,um. adj. crookcd, bcnt, 
bowed, turning, winding. 

Cusor,5ris. m. 3. a coiner, a forgcr. 

CuspTdatim, adv. witli a point 

CQsptdatus, a, um. pt- pointed. 

CuspTdn, are. a- 1. to point, to tag 

Cuspis,Tdis/3.thc pointofaspear, 
8cc. a spcar, javchn, arrow, &c. a! 
sting, a spit, an earthen pipc 

Custddia, ac. / 1. custody, carc, 
charge,a keeping, or prescrving. 
a prcscrvation, watch, tuition, or 
education, a keeper, or guard, a 
prisoner, or number of prisoners, 
a prison, or jail, a watch-towcr 
Custodia mihtaris, when thc pri 
soner and his kceper wcrc tied 
togcthcr, Sen. Custodia libera, 
when thcy had thc liberty of the 
prison, Sali. [kcpt 

Custddicndus, a, um. pt. to be 

Custodicns, tis. pt. kceping safe. 

Cusiodio,ire,ivi,itum, a 4. to kcep 
safe, to guard, to preserve, or de- 
fend, to look to, to attcnd to, to 
obscrve, watclv^ or mark diligent 

prcservcd, guarcicd, &i 
CustodTle, adv. ius, com, 
CustodTtus,a,um.p/. kcpt 
ed, guarded, secured. 
Custos,odis.c. t?. 3. a kee] 
dian, or prescrrcr, a w 
an overseer, a tutor, al 
a spy, a scntinel, a ' 
house-dog, a young bn 
Cutlcula, x. / 1. the cui 
outmost skin, a thin ski: 
C utTcularis,e atf/.belongi 
skin. Cuticularea mei 
Cutio, 5nis./ 3. a woodk 
COtis, is./3.a skin, the X 
pccl, or outmost coat c 
an outward show. Cura 
to make much of himsel 


Cy&mus, i-wi. Egypt 

Cyaneus, a, um. aaj- of 

bluc. Cyaneuslapis, tl 

stone. [bh 

Cyanus, i m m. 2. a lazuh 

Cyathisio, are. n 1. to p< 

into, or serve up a cup. 

Cyatlius, i. m. 2. a cup,a \ 

or glass to drink out o: 

mcasure conkuiung th 

part of a sextarius, a 

weight of ten drachms, 


Cybea, *./ 1. a large sli 

Cybiosactes, is. m. a flsl 

Vcspasian so called fa 


Cvbium, i. n. 2. a rand o< 

Cyclaclatus, a, um. aaj. ] 

woman's gown on. 

Cycliminus, i./. the h 

Cyclas, idis/ a woman': 

u round form wilh a ]od 






veil, a thin mantle. | written of, <$r about hunting. | ricgated,cunning,skilful, expert. 
•a uni- utlj. circular, tiirn-Cynice, adv cynically, churlishh . D.rmoiuonis. m. .1. a. dcmon,or spi- 
u L Cyclicum jumentum,'Cymcus,a, um ailj. cynical,churl-! rit,anan£clgood,«rbad,thede.vil. 

tiiat hatli thc vives, Jttn. 
• cyclicus, a trivial poct, 
:s a coutiiiued series of. Petron f apc, a name of Anuhis.iD.einonicus, a, um. adj. dcvilish, 

ish, currisli, doggcd. like a doj£. Dxmbnlacus, a, uni. adj. dcmoni- 
Cynic<t cirna, a mean supper,| ac, possessed with a devil, mad. 

without any of thc orna-,Cyii6ccphaLus,i. m. 2. ababoon,anj vilc. (gcnins, or angcl. 

fpoctry, 11 *r. a writcr of Cynoglossus.i.m 2. the hcrb dog's.I)semonium, i. n. a dcvil, a good 
ipsodies, as,of thc rapc of tonguc, a kind of tisli, a solc Dama, ae. */. g. 1 . a fallow dcer, a 
Achilies,Priain,&e..itT0/i.Cynorrh6dioii,i n. 2 tlie wildrose, decr, a buck, or doe,a wildgoat 

er one who makes and the flowcr of thc red lily. 
illaus ahout, Ttirnrb. [Cynosbatos, i./ 2. sweetbriar, the 
xlia, see F.ncyclopxdia. : capcr-bush. 

c*, se 
s, a, uni 

Damascenus. a, um. adj. of a da- 
mask prunc, ©r damasccne. 
Damnandus, a, um. />/. to be con- 

ja.2 acycle,circle,round.,Uyndsfira, x.f 1. the lesser bear.| demned. 

Damnans.. tis. pt. condemning. 

Damnas, atis adj. per synrop pro 
iy >IalaCydonia,quincevCypariss fc-r, a, \\m! adj. beariug, damnatus, Qnhit. scntenccd (on. 
ike a swan,soft and sweetj or havmg cypresses. . : Damni\tio,onis./ 3. a condemnati- 

i, a, tim. atlj. of a swanjcyparissus, i.f 2. a cypress trcc,Damnator,6ris.m.3. a condemncr. 
vel Cycnus,i. m. 2. a bwan,;Cyperum,i n.2.galingal (vct-tn-c.Dainnatdrious, a,uni. adj. thatcon- 
a nicknaine for a black-Cyprimis, a, utm adj. of thc pri- dcmns. Damnatoria tabella,a bill, 
'nerof, orlike a cylindex. Cy prinus, i. m 2 acarp. Cyprinus ©rverdictof a jury, finding one 
ceu», um. a/(f. iu theman-j latus, a bream. ■ S^i^y» Svei. 

is, i m. 2. a cylinder,a roll-]Cypriiis,'a, um adj. of, orfrom Cy-Damnaturus, a. um. pt. about to 
ling" pin, a precious stone^ prus. JEs Cyprium, copper> J*lin. eondcmn, that will con<lemn. 
and rotind, which womcnCydnis.i/. a bush like privet-caiti-Damnatus,a, um. pt ior. comp.con- 
i han£ at their ears, a fig-iC\pselus,i. m. 2. amarten. (pliire- demncd, cast, hlamcd, disliked, 
[jeometry . (sprout. Cythara/a. /. 1 . a turbot. ' bound, ©r obliged to a thing. (on. 

Cyma, atis. n. aCytmus, i. m 2 the firstbudof 

b, e- ndj blue, green. 

m, i. n. 2. carved work 

liii|f waves. 

ce. /. 1- a boat, ptnnace, 

oat, fisliilkfr-boat. 

stes, vel ('ymbalista, x. m. 

tiat plavs on thc cymbal. 

stra. x. f. she that playsDactyliotheca, xf. 1. a box,&c.for 

cymbal. (pipc. 

um« i n. 2. a cymbal, a 
n, i- n. 2. a cup like a boat. 
k,a:./l.a sculler. (cummin. 
tus,a, tim adj. mix<*d\titli 
m,i m 2. cuninun (sprouts. 
s, a, itm. adj full of young 
be, es./ 3. tlic quinsey 
dca, 5rum. pl. n. 2. books 

Cytisus, i- dub. gen. 2. hadder. 


DXbula, x.fa. kindof palm. 
Dactylicus, a. um. atlj. of, or 
bclonjring to a dactyl. 

rings, a collcction of jcwcls 
DActylis, idis./. 3. a long grape 
Dactylus, i. m. 2. a dactyl, a datc, 
thc fniit of a palni-tree, a shell- 
fish, a muscle, a jirccious stonc 
likc a fingxrr. 

Dasdalus, & l)*dalcus, a, tim, adj. 
artitifcial, ncatly, or curiously 
made. hamlsomely contrived, va 

aDamnatiis,us. m. 4. a condemnati- 

Damnif icus,a, uin. adj. that bringv 

'. harin damage, loss, ov prejtidicc. 

Damnigurtilus, a, um. adj. Id. 

Damno, ure. a. 1. to condcmn, to 

dislike, to disapprove, to doom, 

to devote,orconsi|rn over, to cast 

in a suit,to prove gtu^ltv,to obligt; 

»r bind to. (demnco\ c:ist, &c. 

Dainnor, ari, atus. //«**• to he con- 

Damntise. adv. with hurt, or loss. 

Damnosus» a,um. adj. ior, nnnp. is- 

simtis, #i//». hurtful, mischievous, 

dcstnictivc, prc judicial, causing, 

or suHering daniagis wasteftil, 

prodigal, cjLti-:ivagsint,expensive. 

Damnum, i n 2 loss. misforttme, 

hann. hurt/vwjwv^^^wwKiBt^XKt- 





judicc, disadvantagc, ruin, dc- Dp it 

structiou. 1 

Dandus, a, um. pt. to hc given. *De,pr*p. cum. abl. of, conccming. 

Daus, tis. pt (p\in£, showiiur. [cr. 
Danista,;t.m. 1. :m usurer, a bank- 
Diipalis, c tufj. sumptuou*, cobtly, 

presiding over fcasts. 
Dupatlcus, a, um. iu{j. sumptuouv 
Dapatilis, e. adj. sumptuous. 
D&pes>uin.b/. /*.3 good chcer, dain. 

tics, fcasts, banqucts, food. 
Daphane, cs.. o.a bay-trcc.[jrrovc 

Dapino,are providc, to pre 
pare, to drcss. [fcast, meat,food 

Daps, dftpis. /. 6. bauquet, or 

Dapslle, Dapsilitcr, adv. suinptu- 

Dapsi'Iis,e.a<//. noble, frcc, bountiJ 

touchinj? or ahout, from, out oi\ 
by,accordinj»; to, after, on, ©r up. 
on, for, upon tlie account of,pro- 
<•.<. cdinjr from, in, with rcgrard to 
by rcason of, at. De intvgro» a- 

a. 1. to wlnten, to wlii 
bcautify. Duos parict 
dcm fidclia dcalb:»r*", 
hiiiis wiil one stonc, _ 
Dcalhor, 7«rl. he 
Dcamatus, a, um. / 
loved,or valucd, dcarl 
Deambulatio, 6nis./ 3. 

fresh.anew,7Yr. De c*tero,hcre4 abroad, orabouta wal 

after,hence forward,AV« Dc com- 
pacto, by confedcracy,/VrtK/- Dc 
improviso, unexpectedly,by way 

Daphnon, onis. nn. 3- a laurel- of suq>risc,7Vr. Dc industria,forl/J<?amo, arc. a. 1. to lov 

thc purpoHc, Plaut. De transvcr- 
so, crosswisc, athwart, Cic De 
dic,by day, Curt. De mco, at my 
cost, Tcr. Dc scripto diccrc, to 

rcad a spcech, Cic. Dc omnium Deartuo, [dc,artus], arc 

.scntcntia,bv unanimous conscnt, 

Deanibiilatdriuin, i. ». S 

jralleryorplace to walk 

//cambu !o,~ire .n 1 . to ta 

Dcarmatus, n, um. ptAi 
/tearmo, ure. act. 1. to 
Dcartuatus, a, um. pt. d 
ed, disjointcd, entirely 

ful, liberal, plentiful,costly f statc-j /*VAdvcrbialtcr, Siisquc dcquc 

ly. ,' habcrc, tostogh %.Plaut- Dc pra> 

Dardanarius, i. m. engrosscr, : facili, very easily, lu. 

regratcr, or forcstallcr of tlieDc, in composition, usually sijjni- 

market. fies from or oft; as, descco: somc- 

Dardania: artc.s, witchcraft, Col- I timcs it sijrnifics hy; as, dcbcllo: 

Dardanium,i.n-2. a gold onutmcnt, somctimcs it stands f 6r deorsiim, 

to wcar on mcn's arms. 

i down, or dowuwards; as, descen-. an ax, to bc cajoled. 

tcar limb from limb, 

quarter,dismcmbcr,«»r < 

ces, quitc and clcan t 

dcstroy. [ed, squarcd, 

Deasciatus,a,um./i/. cliip 

/Jrtiscio, tochi 

to cut in pioces. 

Deascior, ari. p. to bc h 

Datarius, a, um. adj. frccly givcn. do: somctimcs it implics diminu- 

Datatim, adv. from hand to haud. tion; as, dccrcsco: somctimcs it . , ._. t . „.. 

Diitio, 6ius/, a yivin^, an appoint- decrcasctli, and sifrniiics thel)eauro [dc, aiiruml, ar 
iii^". [givctli, giving\ samc as valde, jrreatly, or vcry' frild, to lay ovcr witii ' t 

Dcaurator, 5ns. m- i». a 
Dcauratus, a, um /». # j*il 

Dativus, a, um. wlj. dative, that 

Dato, ure. a. to )pw. i;-oni onc to 

another, or from hund to hand. 

Dator,oris. m. i». a ftivcr, a causcr. 

Datum. i n. 2 a ^ifi, a prcscnt. 
Datur,im/>> ut. Ciuantuin dr.tur, as 
for as I can, or muy, Qtti/it. 

much; as, deamo: somctimcs itDcbacchatim.r/r/T. ravii 
sijrnifics the samc as oiiinino, Dehacchatio, onis- /. .>. 
wholly,or cntircly; as, dcmando: Debacchutus, a, <\ni .pt. 
somctimes it sijrnifics t.lic same jjcd,stormc<l, erplayct 
us apeite, plainly, or clearly; as man. 
dcmonstro: and somctimcs it dc- /ifhaechor, ari, fitus sui 
nics, and stands for non, not; as, mar, to stonn. to ravc 

Daturus,a, um. pt. wliich wiil ^ive. l)ea, x.f. I. a ffodde-w [ Dcbe1landu«, a, iun. /rf. 

Datus, a, um. pt. jrivcn, jcranted,|"jcannatus, a,um./i/ atonc.) [cned. due- 1 l>v war, to hc coi 
lcnt, joincd with, iqipoiuttd, as^Dcalbaudus, a, um./>/. to hc whit-Dchel] : ltio«diiiH i / > . ;>.n vzx 
sijrncd,' datcd. Data oper.i, on Dcalbatio, onis* /" .1. a whilcniiiirDchellfito, pi. :\b*n\. och 
purpose, Cic. [ii»}r. o\cr. [washrr. Vclut jani ilebcllatrv ; 

Datus, us. m. 4. a jriviitjr;. crrgrant-Dcalhator, oris. in. 3 a v» hite- t!»e war *v,is rini?»heiU - 

Daiicus,i. m. 2. a of wiid carJDealbatus, a, uni. />/. wiiil'.:ued. Dei>el!alo:',oris.w.>. a v; 

rvt, u Jinkbvi, a loKlihcurcr- ]Ucftlbo,[dc, ulbus], ure, avi, atuni. l)ebeilatrix,ieii</: o. sbji 





imp. the war is at 

(an end.{D£cacuminatio f 5nis./ 3. a lop- cd, or coupled togcthcr. (long. 

s, a, um. pt. about to Decacfiminatus, a um./rf. loppcd. Decenipedutor,6ris m. 3. a survey- 

ping off the tops of trces. 

jDcccinpeda, x.f. 1. a rod ten feet 

war,about to subdue 
a, um. pt conquered. 
.act.. 1. to conqucr, to 
j subdue,to ovcrcome, 
ri. />. to be conquered. 
pt. owing, indcbted. 
bui,bftuin.a.2. to owe, 
to be indebted, to be 
Cum infin 1 ought, or 
umarn dcbcrc, to owe 
one is worth, 7Vr. 
p.\o l»c duc, or owfng, 
lious to. 

(uij. ior, comf. weak« 
e, impotent, maimcd. 
itis./. 3.weakness, fec- 
decay of strcngth. 
,6nis./3.a wcakcning, 
ling, a discouraging 
, a, um. />/• weakcned, 
, discouragcd, dismay- 
<sfr. wcakly,fcebly.)cd. wcakcn,oren- 
hurtf to break, tu dis- 

0£ cacfimmo, are. act. \. to lop. iDecempIex, icis. adj, tcufold- (or 
DecacumYnor.ari. atus. pass. to be DecemprTmi,5nini./>/.w». 2. thc tcn 

topped, or lopped. 
Dccalbgus, i. «. 2. thc decaloguc, 

thc ten commandmcnts. 
Decanatus, us, w. 3. a dcanery. 
Dccantatus, a, sung, or so 

lcmnly proiiounecd, much spo- 

/Jrcanto, arc.a.l. to sing or chant, 

to makc an cnd of singing, to 

celebrate, to extol, to rcpeat of- 

tcn, to pratc. 

Decantor, ari pat*. to be praised. 
Dccanus, i. m 2. thc lcaderof thc 

file,a dean.thc hcad of a college 
Dccapito [de, caput], arc, a. 1. to 

behead, to cut oif thc hcad. 
Decapulandus a, to bc lad- 

cd out (out 

ri. atus. p. to be wcak- 

s- «i. 3. a weak person. 
\\M.f. owing. 
•is. m. 3. a debtor. 
n. 2. a dcbt- Debitam 
;ath, Cor. JKlep. 
k,um. pt. about to owe. 
un, pt. due, owing, de 
signcd, appointed. 
js, a, um. pt. foolishly, 


chief hcadboroughs, gencral rc- 
ccivers of tributc. 

Deccmscalmiui, a, um, adj. having 
tcn bcnchcs, or oars- 

Deccmvirulis, o. adj. pertainingto 
tlic ten governors. Collcgium dc- 
cemvirale, the council of slate, 
Cic. (of thc ten govcrnora. 

Dccrinviratus, ito. m. 4- the oflice 

Decem% iri, onim pl m. 2. ten men 
choscn und appointed for writ- 
ing thc twclve tables of the Ro- 
man law,.io.U.C. 301, governors, 

Decennalis,e. artj. deccnnial,of tcn 
vcars, or thsit lasts ten vears. 

Dcccnuia, ium. pl. n. o. snlcmn 
gaiiicstobc kept cvcry tcnth year 

/JFcapulo,arc.<i.l. to lade, or pourlDcccnnis, e. adj. of, or lasting ten 

Dccas, adis. / a decade, tcn m 
numbcr. (pillars. 

Dccastylus, a, um. adj. having tcn 
/7?caiilcsco,cere.i nc. 3, to go to a 
stalk, to Bhcd lcavcs. 
cnfcebled, to be cast|D£cedens,tis. pt. departing, going 
hcartencd, or discour- oft', oraway, giving placc, dying, 

altcring, changing, varying. 
Uecedo,dcrc,cessi,cessum. n. 3. to 
depart,to go off,or away,to retirc 
retreat, or withdraw, to give 
place,or way,to yicld, to ccase,to 
dic,to weaken, or dccay,to be di- 

avoid- (havc thc way givcn. 
DecSdor, di. dep. 3. to dcpart, to 
D^ccm, adj. inilecl. pl. ten. 
Deccmber, bris. m. 3. Dccember. 

are- 1. to bubhle, toDCcembris, e. at(j. of Decembcr. 

lor, dris. m. 3. a trum- Libcrtate Decembri uti, to play 

is own praise. (forth. Christmas gambols. 

ire. u. 1. to trumpeVDCccmjugis,; luving ten yok- 

Dccennium, years. (years 

l)Ccens,tis./>/. Uadj. ior, comp. issi- 
n\u %g/if> decent,belonging. sccm- 

Deccntcr, mlv. itis. comp, issimc. 
up. deceutly, becomingly, sccm- 
ly, litly, gracefully, exeellently. 

Decenti:i,3c/. decency,comclincss. 

Decco,ere.cui.w. 2. to bccome, bc- 
fit or bescem. Decctme Iikc vcs- 
tis, it bccomes mc, or sits well on 
me,Plaut. Lcgitur tantum inter- 
tia pcrsona, idque fere impcrs. 

minished, or abated, to shun, or Dcceptio,dnis.y.' 3. deception, de 

ceit. (guilcr. 

Ileceptor^ris.jn. a deccivcr, a be- 
DcceptQrus/i, \\m>pt. about to de- 

Duceptus, a, um. pt. dcceived, bc- 

giiled, dcluded, caught, disap- 

pointcd. (crecd. 





«cernens, tis. pt. dccrceing. ; it is convenient,apt,ormect.(cay 
JJccruo.ncre, crevi, cretum, a. 3. Decidium,i.7>. 2. a downfall, a dc- 
to decrce,to dctcrmine, to ordcr, Decido, [de, cado], '"cre, idi.w. 3 
or appoint, to decide, to give sen- caret »up. to fall, to fall down, or 
tcnce, to pronounce, to judge, into,to drop,to fall,to be brought 
concludc, or infer, to discern, or low, to dic. 
ctistinguish, to contend, or dis.Decido,[dc,c<cdo|,dere, idi,istim. 
pute,to fight,orcngagc,to dcsign, 1 a. 3.tocut off.orout,to determine, 
or purpose. I to concludc, to scttlc, to com- 

Dcccrnor, ni, oretus. p. to be de- pound, or capitulate, to express. 

, crccd, appointed, proposed, de-Dccidor, di. pasn, to be cut ofF. 
termined, &c. 

Decerpcus. tis. pt. gathcring. 

Decerpo [dc, carpo], perc psi, 

ptum.r/ '6. to pull, orpluck. ofl', toj horns, PUn. (cut. 

pull away, to crop, or gathcr, toDcciduus, a, um.adj. hcwn down 
get, or gain, to duuinish, lcsscn,!Decics,ar/i'.tcn times,oftcn, ncvcr 
or abate, takc off. { so oftcn, indefinitcly. Decics, 

Deccrpor, pi. /></**. to be plucked 1 aloncor with the gcnit. sestcrti- 

Decerptio,6nis/. ;J. a plur king off. uin, sign, so many hundrcd thou- 

Dcccrptus, a, um- pt. gathcrcd, sand scsterccs. 
plucked f»ff, takcnfrom. Dccima, *./. 1. a tenth, or tithe. 

Dcccrtandus, a, to bc con-Dccinia:,aruiii.p/./l.tcntlistithes 
tcndcd for. DecTmani, drum. pl. m.2. tithe-ga- 

Deciduus, a, um. atif. subjcct to 
falling, falling, fading. Cnrnua 
cervis dccidua, stags shed their inatory, of dcclaiming 

Dcclamaturus, a, um. pi- iW 
Dcclamftans, tis. pt. dcdtit^ 
/ieclami^, arew,l todechii 

Decertans tis, pt. contrndiug 

Deccrtatio, 6nis./3. astriviiigtbr 

mastcry, the. management of a 

dcbate. (strives for the mastery. 

Dccertatorius, a, um. adj. that 

Deccrtatur, imp. a quarrcl, or coii-|Dccimo, 

tention is madc 
Deccrtuturus, a, um. pt. al)0ut to 

contcnd, or engage. 
Dcccrtatus, a, um. pt coiiteuded 

about, strovc, or fought for, per- 

formcd,orobtaincd by contcntion 
7i?certo,are.7< contcnd, or en 

gage, to strive, or dispute, to try 

it out by words, or blows. 
Deccssio, onis./ 3. a departurc, a 

lcsscningiof abatcrocnt, an inter- 


Dccessor,5ris.m. 3. a prcdecessor. 
Dcccssus, us. m. 4. a dcparture, a 

ccasing, a deceasc, death 

thcrcrs, soldicrs, of tlie tcnth lc- 

gion. (fair, of a largc si/e 

Dccuiianus, a, um adj. the tcnth, 

Decimatiojdnis./ 3.dccimation, a 

titfiing. (tithc. 

Decibio,6nis./3. a deciston,* 

termination, a cutting off, m 

Decisus, a,um. ptxvX ofTjdedd 

determined, ended, exptcfl 


Dcclamans, tis. pt. decltinuf 
Dcclamatio, dms /. 3. a dedl 

tion,a oratkfl 

on a theme, the subject cfli 


Dcclamator,5ris m-3. a 
Dcclamfitdriu*, a, um 

are. a. 1. to dccimate, tol dcclarc. 
r,ari.atus./>.to bc dcrimat-JDeclaratiis, a, 

/)?clamo,are. n. 1. to deekH 

cry out cry out tga 

to inveigh, to rail. (or setll 
Declarandiis,a,iini./ be ski 
Declaransytis. pt. declaring, s) 


Dcclaratio,6nis /3 a dedsif 
Declarativus, a, um. adj At> 

tivc. (« 

Declarfttor, oris, m. 3. he * 
Declaraturus, a, d 


cd. (containing tcn bushcls. 

Dcc1m6dius,a, um «</;'. holdiug, o; 
Decimum, aih\ thc tenth time. 
Dccimus,a,um. adj thc teuth.(cd. 
Decipiendus,a. tobcdeceiv 

Decipio,[de, capio],erc, ccpi,cep- Dcclinanclus, a, umpt f 

tum. a. to deceive, to beguilc, to 
chcat, to imposc on, to take, or 

Decipior, pi, ceptus. pa*8. to be 

Dccipiria, ;t./ 1. a snarc, a trap. 

/Vcircmo, are.u. 1 to draw a cir- 
clc, or bring into compass 

Decircmis,is./ " agallcy withtefl 

OiccU/ftp. it bccomcB, it bchovcs, ranks (if oars,or ten oarsin a scat, k Decliiiaturus, a, tur 

um. ptAcd» 
portcd,rcmonstrated. ciis 

/Jc^claro, are a. 1 to dc 
show evidently, tn makf proclaim orpr 

Declaror, ari./hi^.to be 

or bc declincd, to be a 
Declinans, tis. pt. def 
crttasingjdrawing tow 
Dcclinatio, 6uis,/3 a • 
a declension, a turn 
turning aside, oraw; 
ing, or eschewing, 
digressiun, a clime, 





iidc, shnn, &c. j bankrupt, or brcak,to niin. Deco-1 thcy fought in earnest, as at 

tus, a, um pt. turncd, or qucrc fortumc, non vitio suo, to sharps,&w. hora, the fataJ, orlast 
r asidc, ilcclining-. Declin- bccomc bankrupt through mis-| hour, not to be avoided, /</. 
is, dccliiiinir ycars, Quint. fortune, Cic. (ed down. Decrctum,i.ji.2 adccree.astatute, 

tarc.a.&. n-l. to declinc, to|DScbtiuor,i,octus. pa*a. to bc boil-j an act, a principle, or axiom. 
idc, •/• away, to bend, onDecor,6rU m. 3. comchncss,gx*ce,Decretunis, a, about to de- 
>shiin,avoid,«reschew,to gniccfulncss, bcauty, loveliness.j cre c, detcrminc, or cngage. 

or pa*» hy, to lcssen, or Dcc&ramcn. inis. n. an ornament,Dccretus,a,um./^dccreed,ordain- 
to digrcss. Dccorandus^i, to be adorn- ed,votcd,assigncd, detcrmined. 

, c tulj. hcnding down- cd, set forth, or rccommeuded. Deculco [de, calco,] are. acl. 1. to 
lescc-nding, stccp, old. Dccorans. t'mpt. adorning. trampleupon,totreadunderfoot. 

iS atis. / i. a dcelivity. Decoratus, a, um. pt. adorned,em- Dcculpatus, a, um. pt. blamed. 

i^ <\n DcclivU hcllished, rcconimendcd. (fitly 
, x/. 1. wati-r hoilcd and Decore, adv. coincly, gTacefiilly. 

Dcc6ro,slrc.ri. 1. lo atlom,to gTacc, 

x>1c;l with siiow. 
3, dnis f 3. a dceootiuiv 
n*. oris. m ■ ». a spcndthrift. 
im,i.n.2 a dccoction.broth. 
Ira, x.f. 1. ///. 
is.A,um- pt. & adj. \or t comp 
toddcn, or boiled, mclted 
luacious, well digcstcd 
«fincd, riotously spcnt. 
is,us.jn 4-ahoiliiig'ofliaiior 
Uo, dnis. / 3. a behcading. 
.[de,collum.] arc,avi,atum. 
1 put, or loosc a thiiu? ofl 
ac's neck, to behcaci, to 
disappoint, to be gone 
a ,an- pau. to be bchcadcd. 
1 6rU aaj. discolourcd,that 
«tthe colour, tawny, dc- 
, cornipt, shameful, dUho- 

- _ (ing. 

itlo, 5nis./ 3. discolour- 
Itus, pt. discolourcd 
j^ jirc. act. 1. to dUcolour, 
sii, to stain. 
>r«&rit atus. p. to bc disco- 
:ndusa,uni. pt. to be boil- 
», ere, oxi, octum. a. 3. 1. 
sccib. to boil away, to hc 
cd in melting, to con- 


Dccfima, *. /. 1 tlie tcnth part 
Dcciimx, arum. pl. /. 1. tenths, 
tithcs. an impost, aticket. (men. 

to cinbcllisli, to set forth, to rc-jDeciimani, orum. pl. m. tithing 


De'c5ror, ari pas*. to bc adorncd. 
Decorticatio, onis/. 3. a peeling, 

or barking of a trce. (barkcd. 
DecortTcatus, a. um. pt. pceled, 
Dccortlco [dc,cortex,] are. a. 1. to 

bark, or pecl a trcc. 
Dccorticor, ari. p. to be pceled. 

DccQnianus,a,um adj. of the tenth, 
grcat fair, of Iarge sizc, huge. 

Decumbcns, tis. pt. l>ing down. 

/?<*ciimbo,bcrc,tibui, ltum. n. 3. to 
lie down,to sit at keep his 
bcd when sick, to fall down and 

Decunx,ncU.m o.ten ounces (die. 

Dfccuplo. adv. tcnfold. (much. 

Dcc5rum,i<n-2.dccoruni,comclinGujD£cuplus, a, um at{j. tcn times so 
seemlincss, suitableness, good D2cfiria,ae./l-a sct of ten men ap- 

gracc, good fashion, or carriagc, 

Decdnis,a,um adj. comely, becom- 
ing, dcccnt, graccful, handsomc, 
fashionablc, lovcly. 

Dccrcmentum, i. n. 2. a dccrcase. 

Dccrcpitus a » um - ai \l- decrepit, 
crazy. [lcsscmng. 

Dccrcsccns, tis. pt. dccreasing, 

Dccrcsccncia, x/l.adecreasing. 

W?crcsco, cere, crevi.crctum.n. 3. 
to dccrcasc,to lessen, to wauc, to 
wcar away, to decay, to abatc. 

Ducritfct/pro. Decrcvissct. 

DocrCtorius, a, um. adj dccrctor, 
jndicial, criticAl, dccUlve. Dccrc- 
torium sidus, thc dogstar. sc. 
which dctcrmincs whctlier tlte 
vinc and othcr fruit4recs are 
likely to do wcll^PiVn. Arma dc- 
cretoria, wrapons whercwith 

pointed to any office,&c. a sct, or 
roll of judgcs, a company of sol- 
diers, a sct of jolly fcllows. 

Dccflriatio, 5nis. /. 3. a dividing 
into wards, or companies. 

Decitriatus, a, um. pt. divided into 
wanls, hands, or troops. 

Decuriutus, us. tn. 4. the dividing 
into companics of ten mcn each. 

DccQrio, 5nis. m. 3. a captain over 
tcn mcn, thc lcader of a iile, a 
serjeant,a corporal^t civil oflicer 
likc our high coiistablc, a tith- 
iug* man in a county, an alder- 
man. Decurio palatii, thc lord- 
steward, or perhaps the house- 
kccpcr,Jf(jrc. Dccurio cubicula- 
rionim, onc of the head-cham- 
berlains, Suet. 

Dccurio,are. o 1. toputintp small 





companics, to range, or ruiik. iypdeceo, cre. w. 2. lo m_sbecorae. Dcditurus a» 
Decurior, ari- Jfcm. to be rankcd. />ed<:cel, iw/> it doth not bccome. surrender. 
Decurionatus, us. m. a serjeant\s Diidecor, ons. adj. uusecmly, dls- 
DecuiTens,tis.^f. running. (place. graccful. 
Dccurrltur, imp. they ruu, or have Dcdcc&raus, tis. pt. disgracing 

recourse to. D€dccoratus, a, disgraccd. 

Decurfo, rcre, ri, & cucurri, ur- /}?dcc5ro, are. a. 1. so dishonor, 

iuni. ?t. _>. to run down, along, or to disgrace, to disparagc. 

hastily,to run,or pass over, to sail Dcdccorose, adv. shamcfally. 

along,to sct down, or dcscribc, to Dedecordsus,a,um. at\j. shameful. 

resort, or havc recourse to. Dedecbrus, a, um. cufj. Itl. 

Dccursio, onis. /. 3. a running, or Dedecus,oris.n. 3 disgrace,discre- 

coursc, a sailing along,a descunt, dit, dishonor, infamy, shamc, a 

orinroad,atilt,or tournamcnt.(run shamcful thing, or action.(dcrcd 
DccursQrus, a, um. pt about to Dcdcndus, a, um. pt to be surreu 
Dicursus, a,um./>/. passed, or mn Dcdcns, tis. pt. surrendcring. 

ovcr, run out, finishcd, endcd. .Dedicandus, a, to be dcdi- 
Decursiu,U8.m.4. a runuing dou n, 1 catcd. (voting. 

a dcscent, a ounse, a strcam, orDedicans, tis. [4. dcdicating, de 

current, a going, or passing.Dcdicatin, onis./ 3. a dcdicution 

through, thc end of a coursc, or Dedicatfirus, a, uin. pt. about to 

race,atjlt,ortournament,un attack'- dedicatc. (consccrated,de votcd 
Dccurtatio,dnis./ 3. asnortcning.Dtdicatus, a, dedicatcd, 
Dccurtutus, a, un_. pt. sbortcned. //rdico,are. act. 1. to dcdicate,to 
Jfccurto, are. act. 1. to shorteu. i consecratc, to dcvotc. Dedicant 

n^ua rima ti '.\ on hnnra>4 imro ' m_nrl<itn fli/»v _l_«1iv«»i* tli/Mi» rr»/-c_ 

um. pt. a 

Dcditus,a,um. pt. ior, com 
up, surrcndcrcdtaddicte 
cd,subservient. Dcdita 
sct purposc, CVr. 
/J£dn,dere, dcdidi, ditun 
Bubniit,or yield,to givc u 
render,to give over,to o 
intrust. (signcd, give 
Dcdor, di, deditus, p. h 
/Jedoceo, cre, cui, ctum- 

Dcdolandus, a, um. pon 

Dcdolatio, onis. /. 3. a h< 

Dcddlator, dris- m. 3. a h 

Dedolitus, a, um. pt. hei 

__>?dolco,ere,hii- n.2.togr 

roughly, to grievc no m 

/Jpdolo, arc. a 1. to cut, . 

chip, or squarc, to fas 

smooth, to planc. 

Dedblor, ari, atua. tt. to b 

smooth, fashioncd, &c. ( 

Dedftccndus, a, um. p* 

Dccugjoris. ». 3. aa honor,a grace, mandata, thcy dclivcr thcir mcs- Dcducens,tis pf.bringin^, 
an omainent, a commendation. | saffc. »»--i« -■ * 

Decussatim,a_/t>.crosswise (cross. Dcdicor,ari./>. to bc dcdicated (cd. 
Decussatio, onis./ 3. a cuttin^ a- Dcdignandus,^ um.ft/.to be dUdaln 
Decuss's,i8 m. 3 a coin,or piccc ofDedigiians, tis pt. disdainin^. 

moncy,of the valueof the ltomartDcdignatio, dnis. / a disdaining, 

dcnariua, ten asscs, ten j)ounds contempt. (daincd 

veight,tlie number of ten, the i'_- Dedignatus, a, um. pt. haviug (hs- 

gure of tiie letter X. 
Decusso, are. a. to cut, or dividc, 

aftcr the form of the lctter X, to 

cut croi swise, to cross, to bisect 
Dccusbus, a, shuken, bcat- 

en down, demoushccL 
Decussus.iis.m. 4. a beating down. 
Dechtieus, tis. pU shaking down. 
Deciitio [de,quatio], terc, ussi,us- 

sum.a 3. to shake or strike ofT, to 

shake, or beat down. 
D€cutior,ti,us8us. p. to be siiaken 

off, or strickcu down^ 

/>?(lii;nor,arj,atus sum. d. dis- 
daiu,to count umvorthy,to refusc 

Dedim,pro Dederim,7 Vr.(to deny 

Dedisccndus, a, um. pt. to bc un 
learncd,to bc practised no morc. 

7J>e disco,ccre,d€didfci, car. »up> a 
3. to uidearn, to forgct what one 
hath learned, to leavc one's for 
mcr habit (disusud, &c. 

Dediscor, ci. p. to be forjjotten 

Dedltio, onis. / 3. a yielding up, 
a surrendcr. 

Dcditztius,a, uax.aqj, «ffrendieicd 

Z>cduco.cere,uxi, uctum. 

bring,orfetch down,to ta 

or away, to aubtract» or 

derive,to make sm&lJ, w 

to draw or spin out, to i 

unfurlato prolong, to cai 

launch, to lead forth, 

plant,to remove, or witJ 

convev, or conduct,to w 

«rattcnd, to cngage, or \ 

Deducor,ci,uctus^.to be 

Deductio,5nis. i- 5. aded 

abatement, a bringing, i 

forth, a conveyancc. 

/>fducto, are./re?. 1. to 

Deductor,5ris. m.3. act 

an attendant, a follower 

DeductQrus^um./^. aboi 

DCductus, a, um. pg. ior, 

ductedyUkeA fryn^tr %\ 





-ivcl, bronght, »r han(le<lll)Efcctu%6s m.4 » defect, a want.i languid, listlesi, hcartlrs*. 

broiiglit-fctchcd, condact- 
lrvyed, brought over, o> 
*wn f divided, scparatcd, 
uder, low, mean, humble 
i». tis. pt. stragjrling-, stray- 

firus, a, um. pt. about to 

are. n wandcr out of Defendor, di, ensus. p. to bc de- 

y,to strafrjrle, or go astray, 
•ess. to miss thc mark. 
Le 1 , adv purcly, clearly. 
tio, onu f 3. a fininjr. 
tus, a, um. pt. fined, clcan 
Iregs, quiet, casy. 
[de facx], carc, cavi, c*. 
cf . 1 to clear, or frcc from 
toftnc, to 8train t todccant. 
r, ari ^. to be drawn from 
etyto be plain, or ccrtain. 
itio 6nis f ■»- a pnming. 

a failing, an cclipse. (fended.lDcfctiscor [dc, fatiscor], ci, fcssui- 
Dcfendendus, a, um. pt. ti> be dc- dfp. .>. to lie wciry. or faint. 

!K*fcndcns, tis. pt. defending. 

Dcfcndo,de>c,di,nsum, <i. 3. to dc- 
fend, to guard, to presenv, or 
kcep,to kecp,o)-ward oif, to kccp 
out, or away,to act, to support, to 
afnrm. avouch, or maintain. 

fcndcd, kcpt off, avouchcd, &.c. 

DCfensans, tis. pt defendinjr. 

DcTensio, 6nis./.3. a dcfcncc, a de- 
fending. (very oftcn. 

DcTcnsito, Src.frtq. 1. to defend 

Dcfcnso, arc. a. 1. to dcfend often 

Defcnsor, ari pats to be dcfcnded 

D&fcnsor, 6ris. m. .J. a dcfcndcr, a 
kceper, a prescrver, a saver, a 
guardian, a cliampion, an advo- 
cate. (dcfend or maintain 

Dcfcnsikrus, a, um pt. that will 
itus, a,nm. pt pruned, cut Defcn*m,a,unt.^/. dcfcndcd.kcpt, 
x, are a. to prune, to cut a-1 ma ; ntained- (ool. 

ttu*M-um/tf.definTcd(way.;Deferbco, erc, bui «.2. to grow 
o[de, fa:n.i] are. a. 1. todc-;Dcfcrendus,a,um./-f. to bc carricd. 
toslander. to scandalizc. jD€fcrens,tis^f. brinjringjcarrying. 
f-tio, 6n:s. f. 3. wearincss. /J^fcro, fers tuli. lutum. a. I*. to 
•itus. a, um. pt. uearied.tir-! bring,or carry o(f, to bringf,©/* car- 
imVworn out of htart. [tire.! ry word,to bring,carry .or convey. 
jo.arc- act. 1 to wcary, to to tell, ov infonn, to offer, or prc- 
*or,ftri />«tt. to !.*e wcaried 1 scnt.toconfer,orl>cstow. DefVrre 
ecns, tis. pt. langnishing, nomcn alicujus to implcad nn-*..DcfiiiiTivus, x, uin. «///. dcnnitivc, 

or complain of him. Deferre pri- to bc cvpUint-l. 
«,6nis/ 2 defcction,nr rc- mas alicui, to givc him thc prc- Dcfinituin est, imp. it is resolvcd. 
defec%or want^ failing. or fcrcnce Cic. DefinitUH,a, uni. pt. defincd, deter- 

injr, a feeblcncss, ov weak- Dcfcror.rri, latiis p. \o l>c carried, miued, liiuitcd, fixcd. (wuntinjr 
swoon,orqualm,an cclipse. convcyed, committcd, fcc. i/Jtfio, ieri. n. p. ^. to lack, or bc 

rua, a, um. ailj defective. /i?fervcfacio,cerc f5ci factiim,» Dcfioculus *• ni. 2. hc that lar.ks 
ir, oris m. J. a rcvoltcr. .l.tomakctoboil,toniake<piiTv.*hot an eye. (fasten, set, &c. 

irus. a. about to i^-Defcn*efactus,a,iiin.W. h.>ile Iwrll. Defixunis, a, um. pt abont to fix, 
esert, or forsakc /icfenesco, cere, fervi £c fcrbui. Diifixus a.uiu. pt. nxed, fastcncd^ 

ij, a, um. pt. ior, comp. issT- i/ic.3 to grow cool,to ahate, or bc set, intent, at a stand. 
•p w.u»Vd, speut, woni out, abated, to relcnl. .Dcflajrrans, tis. pt. rons-.iminff. 

•4, haviuir Io«t, d.s:itutc,/>?fcn'o,vcrc.\i.7i 3. to {rmw cool.Dcfla^rratio, onis. f. u burninjr, U, 
( t inaswo*>n,qu!t'-fi!iishcd. D?fi^in, a, um. pt. trwry. »ir«-d,i ronriu^raiiaw. 

DeffcieniStis. pt. failing, fainting, 
bcinjr in an cclipsc. 

Dcficio [dc, facio,] cerc, f?ci, fcC» 
tum, act. .1. to fail,to leave, to for- 
sake, to revolt, to faint, or bc dis- 
courafred. to sink under, tobe in 
an cclipsc, to bc dcfectivc, t dccay,to break,to cnd 

Def icior, ci, fcctus, p. to be dcsti- 
tute, or not supplicd, to want. 

Defi^cndus, a, um. pt to bc fixed. 

Defigcns, tis. pt fixing". 

/)cf!go.gerc, ixi, ixum a. 3. to fix# 
to fasten, to put down, to thnist 
into, to plant, to set, or place, to 
pitch, to astonish. Diris depreca- 
tionibus dcfigere, to bewitch 
onc. Ptin. 

Def igor, gi. ixus, pnt». to be fixed 

Definiendus, a,»nn. pt. lo be dctcr 
mined, or limited. 

/)*?finio, ire, ivi,itum. act. 4 to de* 
finc, to detcnninc. to scttle, to 
end, or conclude, to bound, or li- 
mit, to choosc, or sct apart. 

Dcf inior, iri paxs. to bc bounded. 

Difinitc, a</r.prccisely. cxprcssly, 

Defin:tio, onis /. 3. a dcfinition.a 
limitinvr, or bui:.idin|T. 

I.v— t»- ..... _. ..... »• 





or fall down, to fall, to decay, td 

fall, orrun into, to dcsccud. 
JDrlaccitvirca. 1. to tcar, or rend 
Dehcrymatio,6nis./ 3.a wccpincr, 
/JpUcrymo, are. n. 1. to wccp, to 

DcMactatio, 5nis./ 3. aweanincr. 
DfclactatrixJcis/.J.Bhc that weaiis 
DglacUius, a, um pt wcaned 
J)t?Ucto,arc.fl.l to wcan. (smooth. 
Dglwvo, are. a. 1 to planc, ©r 
D?lambo,cre.acf to lick crently all 

Dfl&tncntor, ari, atus snm. d. 1. to 

lament,to bewail, to jrrievc for. 
D?lapido, Are. act. 1 to pick out 

■tones, to pavc w ith sloncs 
Delupsus, a, um./>.\ sliddcii, slip4, 

fallcn, dcscendcd, dcsceiidinjr. 
Df 1;is>al>ilis,e. tnlj. weariablc. (ed 
DShuMatus, a, uni. pt. tircd, weari 
Delasso, arc a. 1. to tirc out, to 

wcary. (rictl 

Delassor, ari, atus- p. to bc wca- 
Delatio,onis/-3 an infonnation, oi 

accusation,aii iinpeachment. 
Dclator, oris. m 3. an informcr, a 

necret accuscr, a tclltalc. 
Dclutftrius. a, um- adj. accusatory. 
Delatura, *./ accusation. 
Dclatiims, a, um. pt- about to tcll 

of, mention. or accusc 
DSUtua- a, um. jM carricd,broufrm\ 

arrivcd,told,accuscd, co i n plai necl 

of, oflcred, confcrrcd, bestowod 
J)£Uvo.are.a.lto w:i»h away .(«nit 
Delcbili*,e.c7^/.that may bc blottcd 
Dclcctabilis, e adj ior,contp. delcc- 

tablc,plcasant, ciclicrhtful,savory. 
Delcctabihter, adv. deliirhtfiilly 
Delectamcntum, i- n. 2. dclicrht, 

sport. (lijrhted, or pleascd. 

Delectandus, a, um. /»'. to be de- 
IKdcctatio onis./. •*. dclectation, 

plcusure, dclijrlit, amusement 

plcased, amused. 

| out,to deface, to abolish, 

to destrov, to extinjruish 

to cut oflf, to rout, to vai 

Dclcor, dn, etus p. to be 

out,rascd, destroyed, coc 

Dclctcriuft^k, um. adj de.i 

Dcletllis, c adj. to wipc < 

Dclctio, onis. /. 3. a rasin 

Dcictitius, a, um. a^. th* 

blottcd out. 

Dcletor,6ris. m. 3. a dcstrc 

I)elctrix,Tcis/3 afemalc 

Dclctus.a, blottcd 

faccd, dcstroycd, cut ofl 

DclTbamcntum, i. n. 2. a j 

Dclibans, tis. pt tastinirli 
■^— i-i— .■ • •• » 

DClecto[de,lacto,],are. a. 1. to dc- plcasc, to allurc, or dra »\ 
Dclcctor,ari, atus pat». to bc de- 
lightcd, plcascd, &c. 
Dclcctus, a, um. ///. choscn, select. 
Delcctus, us. m 4. an clection* u 
choice,a sclection,a pirkincr out,u 
detachment, or levy,a diftercncc. 
Dclcgandus, a, \im. pt. to bc dcle- 
gated. (charging. 

DclCgans, tis. pt. delcgating, 
DclCgatio, 5nis./ 3. a scnding a 

way,a giving in chargc.or putting 

in commission, a deputation, an 

Dclf^tus, a,um.^, scnt away,ba-|l)clibatio, onls./. •». un i 

nishcd, appointcd, dcpiitcd, as- tuste, acharginjran csfv 

niirnc-d, ortlered, consccnitcd. k-crncy. 
Dclcgutus, i. m. '2. u dclcg.uc, a Dclibatus, a,um pt. gcnll 

commi«sioncr, a rcfcrcc. cd,pickcd,choacn, takcii 

'Vlcjro, aiv. a. 1. to dclcjrute, to 

scnd on an cmbassv, nr avva\ , to 

ilcputc, to commit, or cntnisi, to 

assijrn.e>?-alloi,to rcfcrjo attrihn' c. 

or iinpute, to druw u bil) u]>on 
Dclcgor, ari,atus p. to be sciit an 

umbassador, to be imputcd. 
Dclcndus, a, uin. pt. to be blottcd 

out (crcntlc 

DclcnTfTcus, a, um. adj. smooth, 
DclcnTmcn, Inis. n. 3. a lcnitivc. 
/ielcnioJrcjTvi, Itiiin. a. 4. to miti- 

gutc, to cnse, to comfort, to 

sniooth onc up, to cujolc, to cn- 

ticc, to put onc out ofhis wits,to 

mopc oih* 
Dclcnior, iri. p. to bc mitiirutcd, Dclibcratus, a, & 

calmcd,or pacilicd, to hc prcvail-) comp. delibcrated, deba 

cd upon, to bc cnsnared. 
Dclemturus, a,um pt. aboutto mi. 

ticratc, lcssen, or casc. 
f)clenltus, a, um. pt. charmcd, dc- 

lighted,cnticed,mopcd. (stroyinjrj revokcto rcbolvc, to di 
DSlcns, tis. pt. blotting out,* dc-'/>?libo, arc. act. l.totas) 


Dcliberabundus, a, um. d 
Dclibcrandiia»a, um. /»/. U 

bcr.itx'd,to dclibcnitr (ir 
I >clmcrans,tis./>/ dclihera 
Dclibcratc, adv. delibcra 
Dclibcratio,6nis./.3 u deli 

a debatc.orconsidcratioi 

libcrativc kind in rhctor 
DciThcrativuR,a, um. adj. 
Delfoeratur, oris. m. 3- ar 
DSliberatuin. i. /i 2. a rc 
DcllTbcnitur imp. Dclihcr 

thcy consult, or advisc, 
DclihC-ratunis, a, um. pt. 

dcliberatc, or considcr. 

sidercd, resolved on, c 
ed, delibcratc. 
/ic?lTb5ro y arc.u. 1. to deli 
dcbate,to considcr, to o 

Vc/actutttft a, um. pt. dclighted, Dclco,crc,e\i, 2. to blotj li^btly^/lakcasmackc* 

- CT 





t c?»say cnjoy,to picle D~lifror,jri,lcrtus. /». to bc chosen.f edipsc of thc snn, Pfin- 

•u!\ to br ••-1% nelimatio, ftnis./ 3. afilinjr. (cil 
., to dcfilc, to cliMhii. ' if Dclfmatus, a, um. pt. fded, polish- 
■,.!*, atus. fu to bo Lintc.' /rlimo.are a 1. tofilc, or polish. 
ndiisa,um. /» bc pullcl DCdineatio,onis /3. a delineation. 

(bark.illclineritor, oris. m. he who dcli- 
tio. onis./. 3. a pullii\jr oif! ncates. 

.tus a, u m- pt havin 
ake*» oti", nrcVu. 


!K'Iincn«lusa«tim. ptAo bc mbhcd, 
or daubed o\i*r, to hc anointcd. 
>,' 1 •Jiber",. ifc. u. 1. to pull '/"Ifnco, arc. u. 1. to dcliueatc, to 
* : v\rk,to ned,to wcigh out.j draw thc outlincs, to sketch. to 
ir r *iri. /i to-K» t t * -le !.(sta'.ii.< niakc arudedranirhMo chalkout. 
o, en. ue*. J. to a f :oint, to./)~r»iijro,crc,xi rt.3.tolickoff,orup. 
•u.S a, uin. frt. :iii(»intcd,.DcTmjror,jri. p. to bc lickcd oflT. 
■d over, !i-smcar?'l,'"'.:un«'<I, , I)cliiiimcii»iiiii, i n 2.a mitijratinjr, 
•1 (lv,dclicio j^lv,ivantoiil\.j or assiMjrinjr, a mitijration,a lovc- 
•v, t-.V. iiis. r<9in\ ."licate ; potion, nr powdcr, a chann. 
tus :t, um. i-'//. io , rnmp. is- /Jr1inoi,nr,ivi,itum. uA. totouch, 
s *'//•. dcliciV, ii.i •, daiuty, or nih sofily, toassuajre, to ap- 
vanton, cHcmiuate. Mki*tisli, pcasc, to allurc, t(» charm. 
i,t. /".l.adarlinjr,amis* (my.jDclinitio, onis./ 3 a mitijratiiur. 
*, r inim. ph ./* 1- a dolijrtit,.DClimtor, oris, m. 3. an appcascr, 

dcHjrhts, dchjfhts, plea-. a snothcr, a cajolcr, a flatterer. 
,pa*tinu»s toys jokcsj, jcst.s : IK'linitus,a, urn. pt touchcd jrcnt- 
uiee, wantoniKSi, uicciiess ly f appcased, allurcd, won ovcr, 
unithness, fmwardii"-»s.pee- bewitchcd. mopcd, 
£**, a durlinjr, a favoritc, a /Jrlino, ncrc, im,cvi,& ivi, Ttiim a. 
m, a littlc rogue, a sweet-; 3 to bcsm'.'ar,or anoint,to blot/» 

ftrhquo. arc. tu 1. to drain, to de- 

cant, to strain clcar, or clarify. 
D~liquor ( ari. atus. p. to bc fincd 

down, to bc straincd. 
DC-liquus, a, wm.atlj. wantinjr. 
Ocllrabundus, a, um. adj. doltish. 
DHlramentum, i. n. 2. a doting;. a 

foolish idlc stoiy, a halk in 
Dcliratio, onis. /. 3. dotajrc, folly, 

mndncss, thc makinjr of a balk. 
Dchrium.i.». 2. a dclirium,dotairr. 
/irliro, ai*c. dote, to talk,o-* 

act idly, to act arniss to ravc, to 

makc a balk in plou^hinfr. 
i)c!irus a. lini» *n{t. dotin,r, sillv. 
Dclitciis tis. pt. lurkin^r. (foolisii. 
l)clitoo,[dc,latcol,crc, tui. ti. 2. to 

hc hid, t(» lic hid, ©•• conccalcd. 
I)clitcs'cns, tis. pt. hirkin^. 
DclitcKco,[dc, latcs^o" 1 , rcrc. n. 3. 

to lic sc;i!k,to lurk,to shcl- 

tcr, to conccal. 



/>(~litijro arc. nrtit. 1 tc» brav. 1. to 
Dclitiis, :i, uni. pt. hcMiivaivd, a- 

noiiit'.-.!, blottcd, dcfiiccd, shib- 


(tlc dclijrht. blur, to dcfacc. 

nlac, arum. p/. f. 1. my lit- Dclinquitur, impt-rs. a fault is; ;;;. 2. a dolphin, a const.cllation. a 
6lum,i. n. 2. a httlc darlinjr. /Jrlimpio, crcdinui,lictum n. X to. vcsscl (likc thc <i 

(committcd ;I)clphin, Tnis, mXZs. DclphTnus i. 
„ c^..u :... -. i i ....... •onstcllatioiit a 

rcck a, dclta 

indiis &• x * m P r ' tobeticd. !Delii|iiuitio t onis./3.ameltiii(~.(vy. 
Itio, dnis./. 3. a hinding up.'l)clm«iatus,a,uin. pt moltcn, melt- 
Uiis *, nm. pt. tied up. (scn /irliquco, Cn.^, mclt.(cd. 
:mluM, a, um. pt. to bc cho- /J?liqucsco, ccrc, cui, n. >. to mclt 
•ns tis. pt. clkoosinjr, sclect- 1 down, to be di^solved, to wax 
B,*rc tic,or bind.(iiifr.l soft, or moist. 
), [de f lejro], }rert% lcjri, lce-JD"lTqui:e, anim. pl.f. pittcrs 
«.i. to cboosc, pick out, orjDeliquium,i./i.2.1ack,dcfcct, want, 

loss. Dcliquium animi, afaintinjr, 

lo separate, to gather. 
w,*ii.p. tobeboumh 

or swoonin--. pcliqaium solis, att 

formcd sacrificc Dclubra musa. 

rum colcre, to dcvotc himscltto 

his studies, Cic. (wrcstle 

I)e lucto, are, n. X. to strujrjrle, to 
/>eluctor,ari,atus.siim.</. 1 .to wres- 
//"ludif ico, arc. a. mock.(tlc. 
Dcludif icor, ari. atus sum.r/. Sc /». 

to mock, to impose upon, to hc 

Dc\\nV\v\Tdi .i\ ?l & "jyN vcv^ w « nJwj 




/J?ludo,erc, si y dclude- bejruile,to cheat,tc. 

mock, to Jisappoint,to gi\ e wci 

l)eludor,i.«sus./ be deludcd 
Delumbatus, a, uin. />/.hippe'l,hip- 

«hot, wanting- sincws. weak, fee 

ble. (kenbavkcd, soft, wanton. 
Dclumbis. e a<(/.wcak.fccble, bro- 
Delumbo[,dc, lumbus], fire, avi. u. 

1 . to hreak the back, to hipshot 

to weaken, to mutilate 
Dthio, uere, ui,utum a.3. to wash 

clean, to wash oft', to blol out. 
Dcluor, ui. past. to be washcd. 
Delusus, a,uin. pt. deliulcd, di ap- 
D?liitumentum. i 71. 2. a datihimr. 
Dclutio, finis/ .». a washingr.kait 
/Irltito, are. «. 1. to lute, to daub 
Dfinadro, cre,dui.//. 2. to be wct 
Dcmadidus,a,um adj.\, ct throujrh. 
Dcmagofrus. i m 2. a demajrojrue 
Dcmandatus. a, itm. /"'. intrusied 
/Jcinando, arc a 1, to com.nit, to 

Dcmar.dor, uri- atus. /». to be rom 

rnitted to, or jrixin iu ehargv. 
/)t'mauo, sttvam.or I!ow 
I)eniarelius,i. »1. 2 a ruler, ur pro- 

ctor of tlic pcopk, a ti-ihinn 
/)?mcinin't, dcfect. Iforirot. 
Dcmcndus, a,um. p:. to !<>•' 
be take.n avvay. uoun 

Dcmcns,tis- adj. ior, r*ws/. i.^iii:i*,J/Jrnieio,tcri\essui, essum. ri. 3. to 

np. mad, outragv.ous, rantiii^.j n*up,or mow.tocutdown,tocrop, 

• <• !• I • 1 "11 L " I a I a l * ■Of* 

fol!y.(to be mad,orstupid,to dotc. 
Dmecntio,[dc, mcns], irc, ivi nA 
Demento, are. n. 1. to jrrow nuul. /tftobe oblig-ed 
/Jemereo,rerc,rui a. 2. to earn, to 
acquire, to deservc, to oblijre, ov 

/>?inercor,cri,itus.r/. descrve 
wcll at one's hands, to endear. 

Demerjrcns, tis. pt. drownimr. 
/icinerjro, gero, rsi, rsum a. 3. to 
divc, to plunge over head and 
ears,t.o sink,to drown,to swallow 
down, to brinjrdown, to oppress, 
to sow, to plant. (cd. 

Dcmcrgor, jri.rsus. ^.to be drown- 

Drmeritus, a, um. pt. descrvcd. 

Demcrsio, dnis. /. a drowniiur, a 

l)CMiicrsus,a,um. pi. drowned,over 
whclmed,sunk down,or swallow 
cd up,put,or ])lanted deep. jftre 
ulicno dennrsus, ovcr head and 
ears in debt, ]Jv. 

DemcfMis, us. m. a drowninjr 

IK uiessu^.a, um />M*eaped,pluck- 
cd, erop:>. d N;*t out in hounds. 

Demeiiitus, ,:!:u.//;. disting-uishcd 

D» ii!Cl«'ii-!'i:vu uin pt. to bereap- 
ed, '/:* dov» u. 

/ir mciior,iri.m. k iis*.is sum. d4. to 
iin.aMiiv- e\acih . to Tr.casurc. 

Dr uieU:u:»,a,um. /"Mneasured, set 

roarin^fooliihviiiiipk, silly, hair- 

Demensum,i. n. 2. an allowancc to 

servants of meat, drmk, orcorn. 
Demensus,aaim. //r measured out, 

Deinentiitio,6nis./i.a making-, or 

being mad, madncss. (simply. 

/Jeinentcr, adv. msully, foolisiilv, 

Memeiitfa.T.Smadm.-si, stujjirlity. 

or jrather, to chop, or ctit ofl*. 
/i?metor,ari, atus, sum d. 1 . to sctj cut down, to dismiss. or 

out bounds, or limits. 
DemigTans, dcpartiiijr 
Demigratfinis, a, um. pt. about to 

remove.fa change,an expcdition. 
Demigmtio, onis. / I». a removal, 
/Jfinigro, arc. n. 1. to remove, to 

changcone\s abodc,todcpail.Dc 

rnifrarc c\ \\vj., vo d\^> Cic. . 


miuish, to lesscn. Dc-mi 

put, to brcak one's hen 

Dcminuttirus, a, um. pt 


Deminutus, a, um. pt. di 
lesscned. Demintitus ca 
who has lost his freedon 
graded into a meancr 
familv, or onc who is ; 
to servc his creditor, 01 
by the cnemy. 
DOmTrandus, a, um. pt. 
/)?mlrnr^ri ^tus sum. d. 
mire, to wonder at gr 

Dcmissd, adi*. ius. comj> 
sitp. low, mcanly,pitifull 
Iv. humblv. 

DcMiussio, onis. / 3. alel 
dejection, discouragenu 

Demissititis, a, um. adj. 
down, low, flowing. 

Demissus,a, adj.i 
sent fi-om, or awav.dismL 
or han^rinfF down, put, 
down. put, «rcaa:, deri 
scended. dejerted, di 
inelancholy, sad, low, 
mcan,abject, cheap, lonj 

/>^nuti{ro,arc. a.l. to ap| 

Demitigt>r^iri, atus. p. to 
£cntlc and calm, to hc a] 

Deinittendus, a, uni. pf. 1 

/JiTmitto» terc. Tsi, issum. 
sciul.lct,»." haug^ down,t< 

casi.or thrust,to throw,«r 
to humble, or submit, tc 
sink. Dcmittcrc voctm, ' 
low,rir^.per aures, ifcri 
Viry. to hear ; animum, 
CVc. [taken, or k 

Demittor, ti. iuus. patt. 

Ucmiurg-usi. 'v. 2. a publv 





cxpire, lo dic for love. 

c* emoj, mere, mpsi, mp-Deni6ror, ari, atussum-J. 1. to dc 
). to take away, or off, to tain,to kcep back,stop,or hinder, 
:o banish, to abate, or les- to wait,to look for» to taTry, or a- 
arc.Dcmcre caput,to cut Demorsus>a,um./tf.bittenofT.(bide 
icad. CYc supcrcilio nu- Demortuus, a, um. />r. dead. 
rheer up,to be frce, Hor Demotus, a, urnpt- removed, ba- 
i,mptus./>.to bc takcn off. nishcd,thrust back,or aside. [ed. 
tia, ac/.l . a democracy, a D€m6vendus,a,um be remov- 
;, a frcc statc. [crutical.|/)?in6veo, ere. 5vi, rc- 
iticus, a, urn. atij. demo-j movc,to scnd away,to banish, to 
ticusj.m. 2. a rcmiblicaiv; put out, to displace. 
is,tis. />r. demohshinjr. ;Dem6vcor, eri, otus.p. tobc re- 
r,Iri,itus.d. 4. to demolish,- moved,banishcd,&c. [take away. 

Z??narro,are.a. 1. to tell, to relate. 

wn, to abolishjto remove, Demptus, a, um pt. taken off, or 
iff, w away. [downj away,pluckedorpullcd,off, cropt, 

o, dnis. /. 3- a throwing.' gathercd, abatcd, dead 
>r,5ris.m. u. ademoUsher.!DemugItus,a,um./>/. ringing with 

oy,to beat, throw, pull, or DcmptOrus, a, um- part. about to Dcnicales feriae, a solcmn purifica- 
, m.i. A i« .... .. ._i _ip tion on the tenth day aher any 

onc dicd out of a house, Col. 
Denigratio, 6nis/3. a blackening. 
De nigro,are.a.l. to black,,to smut. 
Dcnique, adv. in iinc, in short, at 

last, tinally, at length, in procese 

of time, only, or indecd. 
/>enodo, are. a. 1. to loosc, to un- 

b cnd, or unstring. (nation. 

DcnSminatio, 5nis./. 3. a denomi 
lK , n6nunativu_,tt//;.denominative. 
Denominator, 5ris. m. hc that 

names. (names. 

is, a, um pt. demolished. 
trabitur, imp. it shall be 
irdeclurcd, Cic. 
tundus, a, bc de 

the lowing of beasts,rcsounding. 
/Jemulceo, erc,lsi,lsum,&lctum. a. 
2. to stroke softJy, to coax. 
Demulctus,a, uin pt. strokcd gent- 
ited,to bc dcclarcd. (inir. 1 ly, appeascd, allurcd. 
rans, tls. pu demonstrat- Demum, lcngth, at last, too 
rantia,z/l. ademonstra-, late ncver till now, or thcn, only, 

ccrtainly, indeed. Quantum de 
ratio, 6nis/ 3. a demon- mum?how much,T prayr Cic. (vcr. 

Z)?nascor, ci, natus. d. 3. to dic, to 

ccase \o bc, to perish. 
Deuaso[dc,nasusJ,arc. <f. 1. to cut, 

bite, or pull offa. person's nose. 
Drnato, are. swim down. 
Denegandus.a, be denied. 
Denegans, tis.jW. denying. (deny. 
DSnegaturus, a, um'. pt. about to 
Dgnegatus, a, denied. 
Z)enegr>,are.a.l. to deny,to refusr, 

not to permit, to di&avow. 
Den£gor, ari. p. to be denied. 
Dcni, ae. adj. pl. ten. 

aclcarproof, thedemon-j/)£murmuro, are a.l to muttcr o-JDendminutrix, Icis. f. she that 
gemiH in rhetoric (tivclyDemussatus, a, muttcred. JDcn6minatus, a, um. pt. namcd. 
r&u>v, tith\ demonstra-,Dgmutabiiis,e.or/;'.changeable.]cd|Z>?n6mino, dcnominate, 
■itivus a,um. ar^*.jdcmon-!D£mutandus,a,um.p/. to be chang-j to name, to give a name. [order. 
(er, dcclarcr, or rclatcr. DSmutatio, onis/ >. a chang-ing'. iDenormatus. a- um. pt. set out of 

i^tor, 6ris. m. •» a s!iow-j/>rmutilo,& Demiitulo^irfc. a.l. to ¥k * rJ "* * — - ' •- 

nitus »» um. pt. demon-! brcak, or lop off, to abridgc. 
vidently shown,dcclared 7^m(ito,are. a. 1. to changc, or al- 

set out of rule, or squarc,to makc 
unequal, to dingtirc. 

no, arc. act. 1. to demon-j ter, to revoke, or unsav; neut. toDen6tandus,a,um./>/. to denotc.or 

to provc cvidently, to, change, or swene, to differ. to be denoted. 

t ilcclare, to relatc, to DCmutor, arc, atus./». to be chang- Den6tans, tis. pt. marking. 

to act. I ed, or altcrcd. DSnfttatio, 6nis./ 3. a noting". 

or, m.p to bc shown. (Denarium, i. n. 2. a pcnny. DenOtatus, a, um/»/. obscrved^ 

ia, a, um pt having-tarri-jDSnarius, i. m. 2 a Roman denier, marked, drawn, or chalkcd out. 

red, stopped, hndered. t in valuc cight pence threc far- />?n6to,are.a. 1. to dcnote, to im- 

jt€rc,dv*u?n a 2 tobiteoir things. (numbcr of tcn, a tcnth. pl) , to point out, to sct down, tu 

ir,eri p. to be bittcn oft*. Dcnarius^i, uma^/ containing tlie fix upon, to mark, to brand. 

4 rtuus Bum.o* die, to,Df narralio, onis./ 3. a nlatin<r. DC notor, iri utiu. p Ui \m: ^xas^^V 





Dcns, lifl. m 3 a tooth, a tusk, orjDenticiilitus. a. um. alj tkathatl 
faii£, any thing likc a tooth, thc tecth,orclawg tikethosc ofa saw, 

_• _• _ __~_ - ~_ r.-l, • !.-. a..i-.. 

tine of a pron£, or fork f thc flukc 

of an anchor,a fccy. Dentium ca- l)enticulus,i.w. 2. a httle tooth, :< 

vcrnx, the sockets of the tecth ; 
infirmitas, thc loos.ness, PUn 
Dente aliquem roderc, to soari 
at,orrail against,JHarr. Albisden- 
t-bus derid«re, to laugh one to 
acorn,P/aK*.DensLybicus, ivory. 
Fropert. DensErythrzus, an elc- 
phant's tooth, Mart. Dentcs cri- 
nales,the teethof acomh, Claud 
Bburnus dens, an ivory com!), Id 

jaggcd.notched (cogofa whcel 

v . » » 1 • rt !*_*.! __ _1 

Dentiens, tis. pt. breeding tecth 
Dentifrangfbiilum, i. n. 2. an in 

strumcut to break tccth with. 
Dcntitricium,i.u. 2, a dentifrice, a 

powdcr to rub the tecth with. 
Dentfloquus, a. um adj that lisps 

or speaks through the teeth 
DenLio,irc ivi, itum.n 4. to brecdj 

teeth, to chatter 
Dentiscalpiumj. a. 2. a toothpick 

Perpetui dentcs, thc tceth of a Dentitio, onis./ 3. dentition, a 

_aw, Ovid. 
Densans, tis. pt growing thick. 
Densatia,oris/.5 u thickeningfciig 
Densator,6ris m. .1. hc that thick- 
Dens&tus, a, um/>*. made tlrck, 

standing, or hcld close together 

DenscyzaV. ius. comp. issimc, sup 

tliick,close togxithcr, frcquently 
Densco,ere.n thickcn,orgrow 

thick, to clot; a .to makc thick 
Denseor,«.to be thickencd 
DcnsTtas, atis / 3. thickness 
Densc,ure.a.l. to th';ckcn,or make 

thick,to Bct^rhold close togethcr 
Densor,ari, atus. p. tn be condcns- 

ed, to bc thickcned, or closed. 
Dcnsus a, um. adj. ior, cump. issT- 

mus,»r//f.thick, closc, full of. Ag 

men densum,an army sct iu closc 

array, Virg. 
Dcntale,is n 3. thc wood whercin 

thc sharc, or coultor of a plough 

is put,a coulter,orsharc,a plough- 

tail, a rakc, or harrow. 
Dentatus,a, um adj. toothcd, hav- declared, foretold 

Denuncior,Iri £.to bc dcn< 
Denuo*, adv again, anew, ■ 
l)enuptus,a,um» pt- marric 
Deoccatio, 6nis /. 3. a 
/tejcco» are act. 1. to h* 
Deoccor,ari pa§§. to be h &re. a.l. to disbc 

Df&pcrio, ire. act. *♦. to 1 

/)enpto, are. aet. 1 to wii 

Dcorsum, Deorsus, ad~ 

downward, up and dowi 

Deosculatio, dnis. / 3. a 

Dcosc ul atus,a,um.p\kisse 

Dtfo^cillor, Sri. ' d. 1. to ' 

i9?parjscor,ci,pactus suro 

make a contract, to barg 

grec upon,to covenani.o- 

Depactus,a,um./W fastene 

ed, or sct in the earth, f 

forcappointed, bargaine 

Depalatio, onis./ 3. ftn i 

/)?pango, jrere, nxi, 8e pi 

tnm. a. 3 to plant, faste 

stick in thc g-round, to \ 

/>?parco,cere o-3- to spai 

DSnudor, are, atus. p. to be laid'Dcparciis, a, um. adj. ni 

barc, or nakcd. {Dcpascendus, a, 1 

/)enumero,are. a. tcll out, or Depasccns, Xispt. catingi 

count money, to pay in rcady fccding- upon. 

money. | /)£pasco,cere p&vi.pastui 

Denuncians, denouncing. ; 3. to feed. to frrazc, tn b 

Denunciutio,5nis,/. U>. a denuncia- fced upon, to eat up, 

tion, a dcclaration, a thrcat, or waste. to connvime. [gr 

mcnacc,a tokcn, a pro^no.tic, aDepascor, ci, stiii p. to 1 

summous. Manifest» denuncia-Depascor,ci,stus <i.i. to e 

tione quietis tcrritus, frightcd by feed upon. to prey upor 

his drcam, Pater. Depastio, onis./ 3 a f< 

Dcnunciatum, i n. 2. a thrcat. Dcpastus, a, um. pt. t 

DcnuitciutU!i,a, um pt. dcuounccd, browsed on,g-nawed,bai 

^rowing.or brceding* of tecth. 
/>enubo,ere,upsi,uptum 7i.3. to be 

DCnildandus,a, um pt. to be made 

bare,ornaked,to makc barc (bare 
Denildatio, 5nis. / 3. a laying 
Dcnudatus, a, umpt. stript, madc 

Demldo,are a. 1. to make barc, or 

naked,to strip, to despoil, to dc-j 

posc. to cxposc to vicw. 

ing,or formed with tccth, single, 
or gagtoothed, born with tccth, 
smooUied,oipo1iHhcd withatooth, 
made,or set like a cnmb . (teet l\. 
J^jentex^ iois, pia fislk wilh Hharp 

in^ fcd 011, or browsed* 
/)tfnuncio,are-a.l. to dcnouncc,to /?£paup£ro,are. act. 1. U 
proclaim,to signify» to Dcpeciscor, [dc, paciscof 
give notice,9r a warnin^ v toforctcll, to bargain,or covenant. 
or forcshow, to thrcatcn, or me- ci mortc cupio, I woi 
nfacc, to charge,to saramoii. i pound vitli dcath, I v< 






:re, cxui, cxum. a. 3. to 
irim or dress, to curry. 
i,exus.^. to be combcd. 
10, 6nis. f. 3. a robbiiijr. 
3r, dris. m. 3. a robbcr 
Le, an extortioner, an 
f. (robbed. 

im a, um. pi. that hatli 
, ari, atus. sum. <f. 1. to 
poU,pdlage,orrob (away 
ia i a 9 um.p/. to be drivcn. 

DcpetTgdsus, & Dcpe^tigiSsus, a, to tiill down. 
um. a<(/. that hath the mcaslcs, Z)?polio,irc,ivi,1tum. aci. 4. to po- 
©r leprosy. ' lish, to finisii, to staiu. 

D?pcxus^i, combcd, trim-Dcpolftio, 6nis. / 3. a polishing. 
m»d, dres% curricd. DepcxumDcpolitiL», a, iim. /W. polishcd, fi- 
dabo, I will curry his hidc, Ter. nishcd, pcrfectcd. 

Dcpictus,a, (thchairD£p5ncndus, a, to bc laid 

D€ptlutio, 6nis./. 3. a puliin^ oflT aside, or forgottcn. 

Depflatus, a, um. pt. uude bald, DSp6nens> tis. pt. layingdown. 
madc thin. ;D£pdnens, tis. n> 3- a deponent. 

Dcpllis, e. arij. void of hair, bald J0i?p5no, ne>e, 6sui & bsivi, 6s;- 

|/>f ptlo,ure pull offthe hatr tu.n a.3 to put off,or dowii,to Jay # away. (ttay 7)»pingo,e're,xi,ictura.a.3 to paint, 
o,are. a. to excoriai c,to 

or draw, to sct forth 
re, puli, pulsum. a. 3. to|Depingor,gi,ictus./».to bc painted 

k y,or out,to drive along . ■*"-' •---*.- — - « *.- 

to banish, to keep off, 

o remove,to wean. 
i.pulsus. p. to be driven 
it,tobe rcmovcd.(down 
lua,a,um. pt. to bc paki 
S, hanging down. 
£re,cu,nsuin.n. 2. to de- 
hang from, down, or 

dere, 6% to 
poise,to give by wcight, 
bestow,to examinc. De- 
pcenas, to be punished, 
jt, to losc his head, ar 
, be paid(life, Lnc. 

down,or aside, to rcsign, or give 
up toleavc oT,to takeofforfrom, 
to lcavc,or,to put,place,or 

De plaugo,gcrc,nxi,nctum. a. 3- to. iix, to set, phmt, or sow,to stake , 
beat,to bewail,9r buncnt greatly.j orvvagcr, to lay out,to imposc up- 

Dcplangor,gi.^.to bc be\vaded(sct on,to qucnch.Dcpoucre animam, 

Deplantitus, a, um. pt- plantcd.or; to dic, Proprrt. 
D£planto,arc-a.l. to root, or takcjDtponor, n>, bsftu*. p. to bc laid 

up, to brcak off, to plant, to set. down, to bc laid aside. (ofticcr*. 
Deplantor, ari, atus. paxs. to beDC-pontuni, pl. m. supcrannuated 

unplanted, or torn up. JDcpopulandus. a, um. pt. to dcpc 

Depleo, c*re,€vi,eti *».«. 2. to omp pulatc, or be dcpopulatcd. shift out of ■ "esscl into Uepopulans, tis. pt. depopulating-. 

another, to decam "%|fe, onis. /. 3. a layini; 

drink oflT, or up. Dep ^VjiH waste, aspoiling 1 , robbing, or pil 

ncm, to lct blood, Plin. \\ lagiiijr. (a waster. 

Dcpleor.dri,ctus. pa»8. tohc cmp-Dcpdpfflatio, 6ris. rn- 3. a spoiler, 
Dcplcxus, a, um. pt. winding', o>Depopnluturus,a,um. pt. about to 

claspinir about. (one lamcntingJ dcpopulate. or Ky waste. 
um. atf. hanging Dcpldrabundus, a, um. atlj. likc Dcpopulatus, a,um pt. depopulat- 
(mined, weigned DEpl6randus,a,um/)r tobcbcwail-j cd, laid waste, havinglaid wastc 
_ „ :.i D€pl6rans, tis. pt. bcwailing. (cdJopptipiilo, urc act. 1. sce 

DCpl5r&tio,6nis./ 3. abcwailing*. Z>t?p6pulor, hv\,~a\\£. p.lkdlXo lay 

a, um. pt. paid, exa- 
s, tU. pt. losiug. (donc. 
«, a, um pt. utterly un- 
ere, didi, ditum. a. 3. 
o hmir« k—Ied, or takcn 

r«, Ivi, 6cii, ftum.n. 4. to 
i be loat or gone, to dle, 
perataly iu love. (rish. 
LiSya^um.^. ready to pc- 
rum .^/.n.2. winc-vessels 
terificcs. (scurf,t_c itch. 

IR» / 3: * TiflgWQSJU, 

DCpl5rator.dris m. 3. a lamcntcr. 


waste, to rob, ravagt;,or plundcr. 

Dcpidrotus, a, um. pt. beu^aikHLjDeportandus, a, uui. pt. to bc car 

ricd away, to carry, or convcy. 
Dtportatio, dnis./ 3.a carr>ing, a 
carrying away, a conveyance, a 
transpurtation. (carry away. 
Deportiiturus, a, um. pt. about to 
D£portatus,a, um. jM.carried, con« 
vcycd, banislicd, cxiled. 

laniented, dcflpemtc, pust 

hope, given ovcr. 
Dirpl6ro v are.a.l to deplorc, to bo- 

waiUto lament, to complaiu(cd. 
Depl6ror,ari,atua.//. to be hment- 
Deplumis» c- aJj. void of fcathers, 

callow, unfledged- (tl\cxs. 

OPplumo, are. o- to plvck otf feajOeporto^ire.a. 1. to carry awa^y»^ 
i>?pluo,neYe A at % atum./».i terafciJ o^obcf»%NC^45S^W^^^T>^ 





Dens, tis. m 3. a tooth, a tusk, orDenticrtlatiis : a. um.o/; tkat hatl. 
fang; any thing liko a tootli, the tceth,9rclaws likethosc ofa saw, 
tine of a prong, or fork,thc flukc jagfrcd.notched (cojr of a whcel 
of an anciior,a fccy. Dentium ca- l)enticulus,i.w. 2. a kttle tooth, » 

vernx, the sockets of the teeth ; 
infirmitas, thc loos.ncss, Piin 
Dente aliquem rodere, to snari 
atiorrail ayainstyJfcfari- Albis den- 
tibus derid^re, to laugh onc to 
scorn,Pfrw/.DensLybicus, ivory, 
Propert. DensErythrxus, an ele- 
phant's tooth* Mart Dentes cri- 
nale*,the teethof acomb, Claud 
Bburaus dens, an ivory comb, Id 

Perpctut dentes, thc teeth of a Dentitio, 5nis./. 3. dentition, a 

saw, Ovid. 
DensanB,ti8./»f. growing thick. 
Dcnsatio,5ris/.J.u thickening(ens 
Densator,dns. m. 3. hc that thick- 
Densatus, a, um pt. made thick, 

standing, or hcld close together 

Densc,aaV. ius. comp. issimc, *up 

thick,close togcthcr, frequently 
Denseo,€rc.n thickcn,orgrow 

thick, to clot; a .to makc thick 
Denseor,ari.pai«.to bc thickened 
DensTtas, atis / 3. thickncss 
Dcns£,urc.a.l. to thickcn,or make 

mus,rr//f.tliick, cloae, full of Ag 
nien dcnsum,an army sct in close 
array, Virjr. 
Dentale,is. n 3. the wood whercin 
thc sliare, or coulter of a plough 
is put,a coulter,orsharc,u plough- 
tail, a rakc, or harrow. 

Dcnttens, tis. pt. breeding tecth 

Dentifrangibulum, i. n. 2. an in 

strument to break tccth with. 

Dentifricium,i.n. 2, adentifrice, a unload. 

powdcr to rub the tecth with. 
Dentfloquus, a, um adj. that lisps 

or speaks through the teeth 
Dentio,Irc ivi, itum.n 4. to brecd 

tectli, to chatter 
Dentiscalpiuma- ». 2. a toothpick 

Denuncior, be d 
Denuo, adv again, ane^ 
)enuptus,a,ura. pt> man 
Deoccatio, 6nis / 3. 
/teocco, arc act. 1. to 1 
Deoccor,ari paa§- to bc 
/)«?6nero, are. a.l. to du 

DtfSpcrio, ire. act. 4. t 

/)eopto, are. aet. 1 to ' 

Deorsum. Deoraus, a 

downward, up and do 

Deosculatio, dnis. / 3. 


Deo^ciilor, ari. ' d. 1. t 

/)?p3riscor,ci,pactus s* 

make a contract, to bs 

gree upon,to covenant 

Depactus,a,um./W faste 

growing,or breeding of tecth. 
/)?nubo,ere,upsi,uptum 7i.3. to be 

Denudandus,a, to be madc 

bare,ornaked,to makc barc-(barc ed, or set in the earth 
Denudatio, 6nis. / 3. a laying forcappointed, bargai 
Denudatus, a, . stript, made Depalatio, 5nis./ 3. ai 

barc. /)?pango, gere, nxi, 8c 

/)?nudo,are a. 1. to make harc, or tnm. a. 3. to plant, fas 

naked,to strip, to despoil, to dc-j stick in thc frround, t( 

poac, to cxposc to view. |/)?parco,cere a-3. to sj 

DSnudor, are, atus. p. to be laidjDcparcus, a, um. adj. 

barc, or nakcd. 

jDcpascendus, a, \xm.p 
/>enumero,are. a. tcll out. or Depascens, t\s pt catin 
thick,to set^rhold closc togethcrl count money, to pay in rcady fcedinfr upon. 
Dcnsor,ari, atus. p. to be condcns- moncy. j/>Fpasco,c£repavi,pat 

ed, to be thickcned, or closed. Dcnuncisns, tis.p/. denouncing. : 3. to fecd. to frrazc, tn 
Densus a, um. adj. ior, comp. isst- Denunciiitio.onis,/. 3. a denuncia- feed upon, to eat u| 

tion, a dcclaration, a threat, or wastc. to consume. [j 
menacc,a tokcn, a prognostic, aDepascor, ci, stus p. x 
summous. Manifest» denuncia-l)epascnr,ci,stus 
tione quietis tcrrltus, frightcd by fced upon. to prey up 
his drcam, Patcr. Depastio, onis. / 3 a 

Denunciatum, i- n. 2. a thrcat. Dcpastus, a, um. pt 
Dcnunciatus,a, um pt. dcnounccd, browsed on,gnawcd«l 
Dentatus,a, um adj. toothcd, hav. declared, forctold. ing fcd on, or browse 

ing,or formed with tccth, single, /)^nuncio,are-a.l. to dcnounccto /)^paupero,are. act. 1. 
or gagtoothed, born with tceth, dcclarcto signify, to Depeciscor, [dc, pacisi 
smoothed,oipolishcd withatooth, givenotice,9r h warning,toforctcll, to bargain,or covenan 
made,or sct hke a comb. (tecth. or forcshow, to thrcaten, or mc- ci morte cupio, I * 
JJsentex, jcm, pi. a fisli with ^Uarp nacc, to chargc, to sammoii. I pound vitli death, I 






v tere, cxui, cxura. a. 3. to 
o trim or dress, to curry. 
r,ti,exus.^. to be combcd. 
atio, 6nis. f. 3. a robbiiig. 
ator, 5ris. m. 3. a robbcr 

icf. (robbed. 

atus* a, ura. pt. that hath 
or, ari, atus. sum. d 1. to 
r,spoil,p'dlage,©rrob (away 
)dus,a,uin./>/. to be drivcn. 
is,tis./M.driven # away. (day 

Dcpet?g5sus, & DepgtijriSsus, a,' to fall down. 
um. adj. that hatli the m-jaslcs, Z>-p'jlio,irc,ivi,Ttum. act.4. to po- 
or leprosy. ' li.-ih, to finisli, to stain. 

l)?pcxos^i, um. pt- combcd, trim-Depolitio, 6nis./. 3. a polishing-. 
m»d, dres% curricd. DepcxumDcpolitiL», a, poliahcd, fi- 
dabo, I will curry his hidc, Ter. nished, perfcctcd. 

tate, an extortioncr, anDcpictus,a,um./>r.paintcd (thchairDepSncndus, a, to be laid 
* ' /— ui-.. i DgpfljUio» 6nisi /. 3. a pullinjr off aside, or forgotten. 

Dcpilatus, a, um. pt. made bald,DSp5nens, layingdown- 
madc thin. Depdnens, tis. n- 3- a deponent. 

DcplLis, e. adj. void of hair, bald j/>?p5no, n£re, 6sui & fcsivi, 6s;- 
/>eptlo,urc pull offthe hair tu.n a.3 to put off,or down,to lay 

down.or asidi% to rcsijrn, or give 
up tolcave oT,to takeoff orfrom, 
to lcave,or inirust,to put,place,or 
oj fix, to set, plawt, or sovv ( to stake, 

I)f pingo,2re,xi4ctura.a.;i to paint, 
;iilo^Lre. a. to excoriaic,to| or draw, to dcscribc,to sct fortli 
,lcre, puli, pulsuin. a. 3. to Depingor,gi,ictus./».to bc paintcd. 
**ay,or out,to drive along. De plangt>,gcrc,nxi,nctum. a. 3. to 

:1, to banish, to keep on', beat,to be\vail,<?r Umcnt greatly.j orvvager, to luy out,to imposc up- 
t, to wean. Deplancror,gri.^.to be bevvuded(set on,to quench.Dcpoiiere aniraai», 
r v li v pulsus. p. tobe driven DepUntatus, a, um. pt- plantcd.or 1 to die, Protwrt. 
rout,tobe rcmovcd.(down D£planto,arc-a.l. to root, or takcjDtponor, n>, bsitus. p. to bc laid 
cadus»a,uin. pt. to bc paid up, to brcak off, to plant, to set-| dovvn, to be laid usidc. (ofticcrs- 
eas, tis. pi. hangin^ down. Deplantor, ari, atus. ptnts. to bejDfpontani, pl. m. supcrannuatcd 
teojt re v cu,nsuiii.}i. 2. to dc- unplanted, or torn up. iDcpopulandus. a, um. pt. to dcpt- 

to hang from, down, or Depleo, ere,£vi,eti v ».a. 2, to emp pulatc, or be dcpopulated. 
to hang. ty,to shift out of • "essel into Depopulanx, tis. pt. dcpopulating. 

Lo,dere, di,^. to another, to decain *^b, oins. /. \\. a layim? 

isrpoise,togive by wcight, drink oif, or up. Dep ^Vsi-j waste, aspoilin^, robbin^, or pil 
to bcstow,to cxamine. De- nem, to lct bloo<l, Plin. '.| laging. (a waster. 

re panaa, to be punished, Depleor.eri,ctus pa»a. to bc cmp-Depdpfllatio, 6iis. n- J. a spoiler, 
kput v to losc his hcadf or Dcplcxus, a, um. pt. winding-, *jrl)epb|)uluturus,.%um. pt. about to 
br v di.^.tobepaid(life,Lnc. claspin^ about. (one lamcntinjr.! dcpopulatc. «r lay waste. 
kilus, a, um. aoj. hanjpnp; Dcpldrabundus, a, um. adj. likcDepopulatus a,ump/. depoptdat- 
(raincd, weig^hed D€*pldrandus.a,um./>/.tobcbcwail-j cd, laid waste, having 1 laid waste. 
ns, a, um. pt. paid, exa-Depl5rana, tis. pt. bcwailing'- (edJOrpopulo, ar« act. 1. sce 
cns, tis. pt. losiiig. (donc. DCpl5rfttio,6nis. / ;). abewailin^.'£>tpbpiilor, ari,fitiis. )>.&(/. lay 
rtus, a, um pt. utterly un-DCpldrator.6ris m. 3. a lamcntcr. waste, to rob, rava£c,or plunde.r. 
o, ere, didi, dftum. a. 3. DCploraius, a, um. pt. bewai!cd.Deportandus, :i, uui. pt. to be car- 
, to have killcd, or tukcu lamcntcd, desperatc, past all ricd awsy, to carry, or convey. 
le. hope, given over. 

o,Irtt» Iviff fcii» Ytuni.». 4. to ftrpl6ro,are.a.l to deplorc, to bo- 

to be lost #r gone, to die, wail, to lamcnt, to complaiu(cd. 
Lespcrataly iu iove. (rish. Dcpldror,ari,aius./t. to be lamcnt 
jrnff^ryim^r ready to pe- Deplumirf, e adj- void of fcathers, 
^6rum.^/.n.2. winc-vcssels callow, unfledged. (thciv. 

tssverinccs. (scurf,thcitch. H^plumo, are. o- topluck otf fea- 

l^ IR» / 3* * riW>'<wm, 

Dfportatio, 6nis./ >).a carr> ing*, a 
cariying away, a conveyance, a 
transportstion. [carry awuy. 

Deportaturus, a, um- pt. about to 

Deportatus,a, um jM.carried, con- 
vcycd, banialicd, cxilcd. 

tf£porto,are.a. 1. to carry awvj^v 

Z?rnluo,neTCjaUutiim. rt. 3, Xp ra^i^ o^jbea^^Nt^^^xv^^^T^t 



DEL 1 


homc, to transport, to baniah. 
Deportor,ari,atus. /».to be carried, 

or conveyed, to be banished, 
Deposcendus, a, um. pe, to bc dc- 

mandccl [ing. 

Deposccus,tis./>/. demanding, ask- 
HrposcOterc, poposci. t/. 3. to de- 

mand, to require, to call, ask, or 

wish for- 

Deposcor, c\.p. to bc dcmanded. 
Dep6sitio,6nis./. 3.a deposition, a 

deprivation, death* 
DepSsltum,i. n 2.a trust,a pledgc, 

a stakc, a wager. 

Deprecandiis,a,umiw to be dcpre- ressum, a. 3. todeprcst, 
catcd, or removeu by entrcaty. thrust l press,weigb,kccp 

Deprecancus, a, um. adj. scarintf, down,tobearhardupon,1 
but liarmlcss. to stoop,to sink, to lesser 

Dcprecans, tis. pt. cutrcating» or plant. 

Deprecatio,finis/3*praycr,aiien-Deprimor, mi pressus. £a 
treaty,a petitioning,a begging of wcighed» or borne down 
pardon,an excusing/importunitv Dcproctil, o//r.afar off- (d; 

Deprecator,<5ris. m. 3. hethat en-Depromendus, &, um. pt 
treats, an interccssor, a solicitor, /)£promo, ere, psi, ptum- 
an excuser,a preserver.(precatc. take, draw, or fcteh out, 

Dpprecaturus,a,um./Mabouttode- forth. 

l)eprccutus,a,um./><. deprccatingDepr6mor, i. ptua. />. tob 

/>rprccor,ari,atus sum. d. 1. to de-Deprompturus, a, urn.^f.3 

DcposHQrus, .a, um. pt. ubout to' prccate,to pray,orwish against,to draw, or take out. 

lay down, tliat will lay down. 

De'p6sYtus,a. dcposited, in- 
trustcd, deposed» dcgraded, iaid 
down.or aside, rcjected, or rcfus- 
cd,ruined,dcsperate, dangcrous- 
ry ill, dying. (mandcth 

Dcpostulator, Oris. m. he that dc- 

/Jepostulo, are act. 1. to dcmand 

Dcprxdatio, onis./. J. a robbing. 

Deprxdator, dris. m- 3. a robber. 

/fcprzdor,ari,atus sum d 1-to rob, 

Deprxliatis, tis. pt. scutRing, figr> 

/teprsclior,ari, atus sum. tkp. 1. to 
fight, to scnfflc,to bustlc, to hufl". 

Dcpravutc, adv. corruptly, badly. 

Dcpravatio, onis./. 3. adcprava- 
tion. a corniption, a crooking, or 
writhing, a misinterprctation, a 
false gloss. 

Depravator, oris.m. 3.a corruptcr 

Depravatus *» um< pt. dcpraved, 
corrupted, marred, spoiled. 

Depravo, [de, pravus], arc, avi, 

bcg pardon,to pray eaniestly. toDepromptus, a. um.^- di 
bcg, or petition, to bescech, or talccn out.fctched out. (h 
entrcat, to request, or desire, to Dcprtiperaiidua, a, um. M 
avert, or rcmove. l)epr6peratio,6nis/.3.ana 

/><-prehendo,&Deprendo,dere, di, /teprdp£ro,are.a.l. to mak 
nsum. u. to catch,or find, to takc or speed, to hasten. 
unuwares, or in the fact, to disco- Depsiticus, vel Depsitiiu, 
vcr,or find out,to pcrceive,or dis-J adj. kncaded, mouldcd. 
ccrn,to reacU>orovcrtake»toseizc : Dcpso,crc,sui^itum,a.'). to 
Dcprehcndor, Sc Dcprendor, di,| ormould,to tan,taw, orcu 

Depresse, ius. adv. low. (ed 
Dcprcssio, dnis. / 3 a prcssing 

Depressurus, a, um. pt. about to 
sii:k,about to makc navigablc. 
Depressus,a,um /»/.& a^.ior, comp 
dcpresscd, prcssed, or weighet 
atilma 1. to deprave, tocoiruptJ down.keptdown,thrust, orcmsh 
to wrest, to rack, or distort. ed down, troddcn undcr foot. 

Depravor£ri,atus. bc deprav- sunk,ordrowned,low,shallow,flat 
cd,wrested misconstrued, &c. Depretio{dc,pretium],are. a. 1 to 
Dcprecibilis,e. aqj easv to be en- depreciate,undervalue.(pr«^sscd. 

nsus. p. to be caught, seized, 

discovered, &c. 
Deprchcnsio,onis/.3. a discovcrv. 
Deprehonsus,& Dcprensus,a, um. 

ther, to lie with, to seeth, 

Depstus, a,um, pt. kneade 

ther,worked,or trodden « 

fcet, tawed, tanned, curri 

/>f.cauglit, caught unawares, ta-!Dcpflbis,cis. Sc Depuber,ii 

ken iu the fact, detected, disco- 

vercd,tripping in evidcncc, seiz- /)?pudesco,cerc.«.3 cum. i 

Depudet, uit. Sre. imp. it 

shamc,he has lost all shav 

Dcpugnator, 6ris- m, 3. ae 

Depugnatur, imp. tlicy figfc 

DepugnatQrus, a, um. pt. sl 

fight, or fight it out. 

Depugnatus, a,uiu. pt. fou| 

/)rpugno, are- n. to fight it 

fig-ht, to contend, tp disgl 


Depulsto, 5nis. /. a thruHi 
beating away,a removal, i 
treated, ready to forgive. (ingJDeprimendus, a, um- pt. to be de-l ing not guilty. 
JtepT&c&mndus, m, um. tnfj. pray-lDeprimo [de,premo], mere, ressi,]ocpulso t ftre. n. 1. toposk 

unripe of age, young. (asl 





Isor, dris. m. be that repcj*. ride,to laugh at, to mock/to des- 

tsurtis, a, um. />/• about toDeruleor,ere/>tobe dcridcd (pis&Deruncinatus, a, ump/. snioothed. 

; away Deridfciilum, i. neut. 2, a scurn, a 

Isus. a, um./>/. put, or drivcn luughing' stock, a jcst, a foolery. 
,thur*t outby iorcc.wcaiied. Deridiciilus, a, um. adj. fit to be 
ritio, o.iis /. 3. s. clcansing of laughed at, silly, ridicuious. 
• matter in a wound- Deripio |de,rapio], perc, pui, rep- 

■jundu.i. a, um. pt. to bc tuiu. a. 3. to take, puil, or pluck 
iscd, or clcured. ytivc. down, to steal, or tilch. [tcmpt. 

rgtiUvus, a, um. ar#. purga- Dcnsio, 6nis- / 3. dcrision, con- 
;^o, are- ci. 1. to purgc, toDcrisor, bris wi. 3 a laughcr at, a 
ne. to clear, tu frcc, to gut. scofler, a jester, a bufloon. 
titus», a, uni pt cut ofl*. lop- D?fisurus, a, um. pt. about tu de- 
pnined. depu*ed, assigncd. ride. or laugh at 

Deruncinatio,dnis./ 3. a pruning. 

/)?runclno, are. a. 1. to plane, to 
smootb, to cut, to cheat. 

/Jeruo,utrc,ui, utum. a. 3. to pull 
down,ortake fall down. 

Deruptum, i. n. a craggy placc. 

/J?ruptus,a, nmpt & aaj iur, comp. 
broken,craggy,stecp, downward. 

/>?sacro,are. a. 1 to consecratc,to 
hallow, to dcvote. 

Desxyio, ire, ivi, itum. n. 4. to be 
quict,or calm, to rage extremelj, 
to show crucltv. (ing of a dance. 

to, ar\. act. 1 to judge, or DcYfrus,a, uiii./j/derided,iiiocked Dcsultatio.onis./ a leading,or cnd- 

;r\, to tiiink, to account, cr Dcrisus, iis m 4.a dcrision,ridicule, 
m, to prune, ©r cut ofl*. jest.[ed anotlierway, to turn oil 

tor, ari /uu. to bc pruned. Dcrivandus, a, um. pt- to be turn- 
jkif*, e. adj pinch-breeehcd. Dcrivatio, bnis / 3-a dcrivation, a 
«. mh: aiisqucdcquc, up, or drainingof water, or a turning of 
n, iiut to rcptid (plaincd of. its course, a turning aside. 
cstus, a, uni pt having coiu- Dcrivativus, a, um. adj derivativc. 
iendus, a, um. pt. to be sha- Dcrivator, oris. tn he that tunis 
•r scrupcd off. j away 

lo, dero, asi. asum. ast. 3. toDcrivatus, a, um. pt. dcrivcd, de- 
f, bark, or scrapc oft*. I duccd,drawn from,or down, turn- 

lor, di. p. to bc scraped oft'. ' cd converted. 
u-S a, uni. pt. scraped off. iDerivo,[de, ritus], are. a. 1. to de 
ic;jto, onis/. '6. dcreliction, u rivc, to deduce, to draw from, or 
;!•*, or forsakiii/. j down to convey,toturn asidc,to 

ctus, us. m. 4 a tbrsaking. | diveit, to intercept 
Ctus.a,iun./>^.forKaken, ahan- Df nvur,ari^to be derivcd.[away 
i, "krft, dc»titute, solitary.jDerogandus a, um. bc takcn 
erelicto habere, to give up.Dei*6gatio, oriit.f. '6. dcrogation 
if^for lost, Cic- [abandoncd >Di?rogaLor oris.* m. S. he that dc 
nqticndi^, a, um- /»/. to be' rog:itc», ortakes away. (ry. 

nquo,ere, hqui, S.-DerdgUtorius,a, um,adj. dcrogato- 
vt-y to abaiiuon, to forsakc. Derogaturus a,um. p/.about to de 
jiiUv*'fo tfuddcnly, quickly. rogate, or take away(ly,to pray 
•ntlndyar/fjHiddeuly.idown Z/frogito, urc. a. 1. to ask instant- 

j 9 erc, psi. n. 4. to crecp 
u^,a, um /*i.sii.*ttched away. 
ndusyayum pt.lo !>e derided. 
ns» Ucriding, laugh- 

/Jfrogo, are. a. 1. to derogatc, to 
abatc, or lesacn, to taitc away, to 

Der6gor,ari, atus /».to be lessencd 
iDerdsi^a, iun, p/.gnawed,nibblccL 
x>, €ri, rsi, I^uin. a- 2. to d4jx>cruj^,pc^ij[ braak<nTt)iC8Cilbo^ bt» ipUis» ^v u> bc dc. 


Desaltutus, a^ um. pt. danced. 
/Jfsalto. are. n. 1. to leap »or danc«, 
to cnd a dancc. 

//fsarcino, arc. o. 1 to unload. 
Descendens, tis. pt. dcscending. 
Dcscenditur^'mp. it is gone dowrt. 

Descendo [de, scandoj, dere, di, 
ensum n. descend, to go, ov 
come down, to fall, or run down, 
to aJight, to takc root, to conde- 
sccnd,or agree, to be contcnt, op 
satished,to degeneratc, to digcst- 

Descensio, onis./ .*. adescent,a 
going down, a landing.(descend. 

Descensunis, a, um. pt. about tp 

Desccnsus, us. m. 4. a dcscent. 

Dcsciscens, tis. pt. revolting. 

•O<fcisco.ere, Ivi. u. 3. to revolt, tp alter,to changc,to vary. 

Dcscissus^, um. pt. torn asunder, 

Descitum est, imp. they rcvoltcd, 

Desciturus, a, uin. pt. about to rc^ 

/yrscrIbo,birc*ipsi# iptum. o, 3. to 
describe, to draw, copy, or write 
out,to dividc, to distnbute, to or, 
der,or appoint,to dcfine,to-tai,«r 
assess. Dcscriberc jura, t<> try 
causcs, to sit in judgtnent, Oic. 




issunu». *:ip- discrtcd, fornakcn,Desidi&se. adv. slothmlly, i<J3 


scriptio, 6nis /'. ,».a description, 
copying,or writing out, u cop\, 
r transcript, a plan, »r modcl, a 
egistering, ov cnrolling, a tlistri- 
mtion.anappoinliucnt (scription 
cscriptiiuicula, x ./. 1-a short dc- 
tescriptum,i.ri.2 a thingdescribed 
lescriptus, a, nm. pt. & attj ior, 
comp. dcscribed, writtcn otit, co 
picd,sct down.crin onlcr a.ssign-1 
ed appointed, dlwdcd, distribut- Dcsidcns, tis pt. sinking under, 

ed. taxcd. 
Dcsecans, tis. pt. cutting oflT. 
/Jrseco,care,cui,r.tuni a. 1 to cut 

ofF,ordown,to inow down,to rcap, 

to clip, otT, to poll. 
Dcsecor, ari. pnxx. to bc cut oflT. 
Dcsccratus, a, iim pt profaned. 
Desecro,i\lc sacroj,are, avi, atuin. 

a. 1. to profanc, to pollutc. 
Desectio, onis. /. &a cutting oif, or 

down, a mowuur. 
Desector, oris m .>. a cuttcr down, 

a mowcr, a reaper. 
Dcscctus, u,um./»iTcut of,down. or 

up,mowed.rcapcd,cut,hcwn (cd. 
Descrendus,a, um/i/ to be dcscrt- 
Deserens,tis./>f forsuking, lcuving. 
/Jrsero, rerc,serui, scrtuni.n. -i- to 

dcscrt,to quit,to leavc, 

to lcaveofKto give up,to fuil,tou»< 
Dcscror,ri, ilus p to be dcscrted, 

forsakeii,&c Deser. i a mcntc, to 

bc distracted, L\c. 
y)^serpo,pere,M. '.'*. to crccp along. 
Descrtatua,a, for*akcn,lrft. 

Icft, set, plantcd, fixed, deseit, 

lonely, uiiiuliabitcd, untillcd. 
I)e scrvio,irc, Tvi, ituni /». 4. to do 

servicc, to wait upon, to attend 
Dcscs idis atlj, idlc, slotbful, inac- 

tive, slow, carcicss. 
Dcsiccatio, Gnis. / J a drying up. 
Desiccativus,a,um «r//.drying up. 
//rsicco, are. act. 1 to dry up. 
Dcsiccor. ari- /». to bc dricd up. 

sinking, falUngto dccay 
Dcsidco.j/lt\scdco], crc, sedi.n- 2. 
to sit sti)l,to sit. to bc idlcto loi- 
tcr, to spcnd idly, to go to stooi 
Des7dirabilis,c uttj. ior, comp. dc- 
sirublc, to be desired, v.anted 
Desidcrandus.a,um./jl to be dcsir 
DesidcraitH, tis. pt. desiring. (cd 
Dcsideratio.onis/ J. a dcsiring, or 
wishing for, :> desire- 
Desideratha \erbasunt, qua*ter- 
miuantur in urio, ut scripturio, 
micturio,&c. i\\ix a prisc iucdita- 
tiva vocvcrbs of dcsiring.(dcsirc 

Dcsididsus, a, wm.adj ior, rrt 
simus^u/» lazy. slothftil, idl 
dolcnt, disengagcd. 

2/rsTdo, dcre, sedi. n. 3. toi 
or fall down,to sct»le, to ligl 
sit down, to go to stool, i 
suagc, to chink, or gape. 

Designatio, 5nis/-i.a dcsigm 
an appointment, a delineitk 

Designator, oris. m»- ant 
tliat appointetli a processia 
a master of cercmonic#,a W 

Designatus,a, um.yw.desiptifd 
pointed, clioscn, clected. mi 

/>csieno,arc.a> 1- to design,t 
tcnd, to mean, to appoiot 
choose, to mark, or pointou 
doom, to show, or signHy, tt 
note. ( pointed at, brandcd, 

Designor,ari, atus./>. tobesb 

Desiliens, tis. pt. runniiujddf 

DCsilio <le,salio], ire, Ivi, & i 
tuni.n 4 to leap down, orft 
aliglit, to vault. 

Desmens, tis. pt. ccasing, < 

Dcsidcraturus, a, uiu. /»/ about toDesinitur, imp. an endis n 

Desideratus, a, um pt dcsired, 
longcr l,orwished for,wantcd,rare . 

DOsTderiuni,i n.2. dcsire, love, af- 
fcction,a longing,orcraving,want, 
or supplication. Mcuni dcsidcri- 
um,uiy swectheart, my love, CVc. 
Scabcndi desiderium, thc itch, 
Plin- Desiderium ventris, liat to 
do his nccds, JMart. 

Ueserlio, onis./. a dcscrtion, afor-DesidcVo, are. act. 1. to dcsirc, to 
«aking. (sake. wibh,or long for,to need, to want, 

Dt !»erto,are. a. 3 . lo descrt, to for- to ask, lo requirc, to dcmand. 

5)eycrtor,oris m.J. adcscrter,afor- Desidei-or.ari. atus/>.to be requir- 
sakcr, a turucoat, an cxile.(ncss. ed, or bc missing, oi 

DC-Kcrtum, i. n. a descrt, a wilder- lost. to bc abscnt. (ncss 

/)cscrtunis, a, iira. /*/.that will de- Desidia, sc / 1 idh-ness, slothful- 
«i-rt • leave, orforsakc. DCsidiiibulum,i. n. 2. anidlc placc. 

Ocsertusa, um-^/.&u^.ior, compu 

DcsidieS) ci. /. 5. id. qu. Dvtndia- ofl> to discootimii 

/)?slno,nc n*,i vi,Jc li, itum- 
to ceasctoleave off,togi 
to desist, to discontinui 
nounce, to hold onc's i 
cnd.or concludc,to die 
in tcnuitatcm,to be tan 
pi«*ri«ni, to Iiavc a fish j 

Dcsipiens, tis. pt. dotin 

Dchipientia, ac./. 1. sill 

Desipio,[de,sapio], pc 
to dotc,to trifle,to pT 
to bc foolish, to rave 

Desistcns. tis. pt. cea* 

Desistftur, imp- it is •! 
Mtuin cst, it fiathce 

i)rsisto,stf tisis terc. ; 
to ccase, to givc o 





(T, tr apsxt, to go awajv>r' spising-. ppcwuiamatiia, a,um- pt pceleil oft". 

(off. Dcspiciendits, a,um. /rf. to be con- M'squanio,arc.rtlto scalctobark. 
is,a. uni. /rtabout to leavc teraned,slightcd, or disrcgarded. Dcsquumor, ari,utus./». to bc scaj- 
a,um pt plantcd, set,cea,s- Despiciens, tis. part. dcspising, cd, to bc scourcd, or cleaned. 
0,0 nii /3 dcsolation (ed. slighting. Destans, tis. pt- standing 1 off*,or bc- 

rius a,um. «J/comfortlcsa DcspYcicntia, x.f 1. contcmpt, n hind one another. 
s, a, uiTi- pt. desolatc, for- disrejrard, a looking down. />cstcrto,crc, ui. n. 3. to snorc, to 

" Dcspicio, [de, spccio], cCre, pexi, Icave offsnoring. [run. 

pectum.o.3. to despisc, to slight, /JfStillo, arc n. 1 to distil, drop,o?* 

desertcd, abandoned, left 
jud waste, depopulatcd. 
irea l.tolay wastc. upon. 
ans tis. pt. lookinir down 
Stio. dnis / 3. a fooking 
1 prospect. a view. 
io.dnis f. 3 alookinrr down, 
pt,dis.£iin 1 on,to dcspise 
o,urc al.tolook down up- 
or, ari. p. to bc bchcld 
ir,dris m. -a lookcr down. 
^irus, V m - pt .that will sce 
ls, a, um pf bcn<//.is.simus, 
spiscd, slighud, looked 
pon. Iro dcspcctissimo 
to account very despica- 

is,ti-«.ra.4.a dcspising.con- 
lespite, a lookiiig down- 
ndus, a. uin- pt. to be de- 
of, desjpcrate 
ns, tis. pt. despairing, bc- 
t hopc, de.*pcraU. 
nter, mh. despairinjrly. 
lio, oni:*. /3.a dcspuirinpr, 
. a want of spirit. 
tus a, uni pt. &, ailj ior. 

to disregard, to look down 
Despicior, ci.pectus sum. p. to he 

dcspiscd, slightcd, ovcrlooked, 

viewcd, soen, &c (bed 

Dcspoli.'indus,a, um. /tf.tobc rob- 
Dcspolifitor, dris. m. a plundercr. 
Dcspoliutus, a, um. pt. pillagcd 

/>?sphlio,arc a.l to rob,toplundcr, 

to pillajre,tostrip,to empoverish 
Dcspolior, firi. p. to be robbcd. 
Dcspondens, tis /»«*. betrothing. 
/>rspondeo,er<',di, & spdpondi.u. 

&. 71. 2 to promise, to proinise in 

marriafre. to bctroth, to dcspair 

of Despondcrc animum, to f:iii 

into dcspair, Pluut. 
Despondcor,crc />.to be promiscd,! 

to be givcn Xn iiiarriage (er. 

Dcspoiisfitor.oris. «1. 3. a bctroth- 
Desponsatus, a, um. pt bctrothcd. 
Desponsio, 6nia./3. a brtrothingr 
DcsponsiiK, a. promised,be- 

trothcd, affianccd- (:»;>'? ed. 

Desprctus, a, uni- pt. grcatly dc 

smiu.s *::fj dcspaired of Debpucndus, a, um pt. to be con- 

ite, pa»t cure, rcsolule. tcmncd, «*• despijsed- 

0, ncre.spK^vifSpreturii.a^DcNjiriiiiatio, onis. /. 3. af-jamin;» Mi^ht jDcspumufis, u. um. pt clarilicu. 

,:ire a 1 todespair, to be /iVspilmo, urc.c/ 1 toscuin,totukc 

ss, orout ofhopc (cd o'.'- off', to clarif\,t«> diir st,to Icsscn. 

r,.lri,utua. p to be dt--,pui;./><rspuo, tiv,riuiiu uct. .'». l<> spil 

tio, onis./ .*. contcmpt* I dowu.upon.'"* pouront, to 

tus,a,um />/ &»*«(/ issiinu* detcst (upon, to hc spit ou1..D':?tituoi', ni,i)tus. f>- to bclcftde- 

c>piscd. slitrhted, .UsL-.-Dcspuor. ui- /»«#*. to be ?»pit. down! stii.ute. (<lisapp'untmcnt. 

L, dcspisin^« coiitcmnin>r. Desquamatio.dQTH. /.-i.a sralin^* ot|D«.^titutio. onis. / a f orsaking, a 

uis, tb. si« dcjipit»*, a dc' ( fislu 'Deslv.^Vl^, ^\n\. \»t . ^v^nT&r.^^ 

/7csti'mulo, arc a. 1. to prick, to 

Destina,». /1 a supporter,apillar. 

Destinandus. a, um. pt. bound. 

Destinans, tis. pt designing. 

Dcstinatio, dnis./ 3 a dcstination, 
a purposc, resolution,or determi- 

Dcstinato, ndv with full purpose. 

Dcstlnatus, a, um. />/.destined,ap- 
pointcd, dctennincd, fixed, re- 
solved on, pitchtnl, betrothed» 
bound fast. 

Dcstfno.ure a 1. to dctcrmine, to 
dcsign,iiitcnd,or purposc, to aim 
at, to mark out, to ordcr, or ap- 
point, to suspcc.t,'jrconjccturc,to 
value,o»\sct a price on, to buy, to 
fix. or bind to cithcr, to betroth. 
Destinarc spe,to liojii* it will be» 
Jav. sertnonibus, U> gi\c outitis 
so, /'/. 

Dcstinor,uri,utus./i lobc ticd fast, 
aimcd at,hetrot.I.r.d, niarkcd ou.t» 
&c. [»lestitute, to be forsakcn. 

Destituendus, a, um pt. to be lcft 

Dcstitucns, iU.p/. foi-saking 1 . 

Dcstituo, [de, statuo], ucre, ui, 
uluni./i. ^*. to lcave destitute, to 
lcave,to fors:ikc,lo descrt,to jrive 
u»>, /#;• o\er, to dcceive, ordisap- 
point, to fail, to sct, ct pUcc, to 
lix, ur fis^en. 





in picccs, to bc destroyed, to de- sed, put off, sprcad abroad- to di»solve,to coisnme 

stroy.(picces, dcstroyed,ruined.DIlauaatio, 5nis./ 3. praise, cora- DIluor,ui,Qtus./>.to be v 
DUaceratus, a, um. pt. torn in mendation. (to cxtol. to bc refuted. tcar,orrcndin7)Tlaudo,are.a- 1- topraise highly, DilQte, adv. ius. ceatifl 

picces,to destroy, to consume, toDllectio, onis./ 3- love. DilQtium, i. n 2. an imi 

spend,to wastc,or makehavocof,Dilectus,£f. & ooj ior, cwn/». DIlutus^,um. ft. & aay. 

to trouble and vex,to harass.(cd.< issimus. *w/>. dearly beloved, be- issimus tt//>.diluted,wai 
Dilac£ror,ari,auiB./> to be destroy- loved, cbosen, choice. ted, tempercd, mingle 

«Dilacrumo, arc n. 1. to wccp, toDuemma, atis. n. 3 an argument thin- Dilutus color afi 

drop. (to cleave, or split in two. that convinces both ways. Gcff.Dilutissima potiOyi 

Dilammo, [di, lamina], arc. act. l.Diligcns, tis atfi. ior, comp. issi- draught of watcr, sr « 
Dilaniandus, a, um. pt. to bctorn. mus.«ifp.diligcnt, industrious, ac- Dllimes, fct / 5 aderag 
i Ilaniatus, a, um p*. torn, rent, tive, careful, mindful, studious, Diluvio, arc. a. 1. to ov 

tearing. (glc, to devour. fond of, thrifty, wary; pt. loving, DIluvium,i n 2. a delug 

i/ilinio. are. tear,to man- choosing. dation, a calamitj , dett 

Dilanior,ari p- to be torn 'in pie-DilYgentcr, adv. ius. comp. issYme, DTmachar,arum.^/. m 1- 

ces, rent, or dissipatcd. j §up. diligently, carcfully, with /)imadeo,€re,dui neut 2 

I flapldans, tis. pt. stoning. ; distinction. wet. to melt. (to sprei 

Dilapiddtio, dnis./ 3. a dibpida-DIlig^ntia,x./l.dilig]cnce,care,at. /)imano,are w 1 toflow,i 

tion, a wastcful spcnding. tcntion,labor,fmgality,<tiscrction Dlmensio, 5nis / a dio 

2)ilapido,urc.a 1 to clear ofttones, Dlllgt) [di, log-o], gcrc, lcxi, lcc- mcasuring. 

to pelt with stones,to consumc,or tum.acf. 3. to love, to favor, or re- Dlmensor, oris. m. a mc 

squander away,toembe/,zlc [way spect, to divide, or cut up. Dlmensus, a, um. pt. ba 

Dilapsurua^,u'n/>/.aboul toslip a-DilTgor, gi. p. to be loved. sured, or meted out, n 

Ddapsus, a, gliding along, /)Xl5rico, are. a.l.toiingird,toun- /)imcrgo,gere,rsi. a. 3. 

sl' opi ng asidc, fallen down, de- do, to tear off, to rip opcn. Dimetatus, a, um. pt. m 

cayed. /JilQcco, Src, uxi. n 2. to shinc, to Dimetatio.onis. / 3. a t 

/)uargior, Tri, Itussumo*. 4 to be- bc clcar, evident, or* manifcst. Dlmeticndus, a,um pi 1 

stow Hberally, to give, to dividc. Z)tluccscit, imp it grows light, it Dimetien8,ti»./>f mcasuxi 
Dilargitus, a, um. pt. having bc- dawns, the da} brcaks. (tion. Dimetiens, tis/ a diam 

stowed, bestowcd givcn. (ing. DilucTttitio, onis. f. 3. a delucida- /)Imetior,iri, mensus sui 
Dilitana,tis/)r c-nlarging, cxlciul-Dilficidc, adv- evidently, clcarly. measure, or metr, to 
Dilatatio, onis./ •». an enbrgin;r. Dilflcido [di, lucidus], arc. a. 1. to rcckon up, or tell ovei 
D.Iatltor, 5ns. m. 3 an cnlarger- ' makc plain, or clcar. /)imetor,ari. d. 1. to nra 

Dilatatus, a, um. pt. dilatcd, ex- DilficiduH, r., um. adj. ior, comp. DIinlcans,tis. pt fightinj 

tcndcd strctchcd out^ enlarged. ! clear, pl.iin, man'.fest, bright. ing- (b:tttlc,a strugglc,( 
DiIatio,dnis./3 a delaying, delay. DiluculaM^.itdawns. (morning. Dimlcatio, dnia./ 3. sfc 
Dilato^li, latus], arc, avi, atum. c. DIluculo adv. betimes in theiDIniicator, 6ris. m. 3. a 

1. to dilatc, to enlarge,1)iluculum, \.n 2. cLiybreak»dawn. DimTcatur, imp. it is con 

to make, or opcn wide. Dlludium, i. ra. 2. rcspite from ex- Dimicaturuj, a, um pi- 

Dilator, ari,atus./ b<j enlarged, ercisc. (ed iight. 

to be writtcn at largc. Dilucndus, a, um. pt. to be clear- Dimtco,care,cui & clvi 

Dilator, 6ris. nu \\. a dclaycr. iDiluens, tis. pt. washing, clearing fight, to engage, to sk 

DJJatorius, a, um. adj. dilatory. i/)7luo,u£rc,ui,utum. a. 3. to wasb, contend, to struggle, ti 

DilitQnia, a, um. about to defer. { or rinse, to wash off, or away, to DlmVdiStim, o*iv. by ha| 

IWttiBy m, um. fii. Welaycd, defcr- DHrgu,sr cV^ittoejLuUui^ t*> mijt,|Dimidiata»A um< p*~ <& 





i, halved, half. jDfmoreot, cri. p. to be remoYcd. Directo,8t DTrecte\ aav. ius, confp* 

, i. n. 2. the half. (tus.iDintrio, Ire. n. 4. to squcak like ai directly, straight,simply,without 
a, um. adfr. see Dimidia- mouse. (numbered- condition, downright. * (guide» 

u£re,ui,utum.a. 3. to di- Dlnumerendus, a,um. pt. to bc Dlrector, 5ris. m. 3. a director, a 
xi lessen, to abate, to Dinum£rans, reckoiiing.(ing. Directunv.n.2.rig , ht,juatice,equi- 

pieces,to alienatc.Dimi- 
put,to break one's head, 

,01, Qtus. p. r. Diminuo. 
, diiis./3. a diminution 
lg.Diminutio captis, the 
one's head, or freedom. 

linutio mentifl, a raving, Diocccsanus, i «i. 2. a dioccaan. 

one 9 s xnst%,Suet (word 
um,i. n. 2. adiminutive 
\j a, um. pt. diminished 
nis. /*.a uismission,a dis- 
sending forth, or awuy . 
is, a, um. o/(/. dimissory 
s, a,ura. ^f .about to dis- 

i, um. ^f dismissed,sent 

Dinihntratio, dnis. /:i. a numberl ty. (line 

Z)iniim£ro,are.a. 1. to number, to Directura,ae./l.alaying out by a 
rcckon, to count, to pay money. DTrectus,a, um. pt.hadj. ior, comp. 

Dmumeror,ari. pXo be numbefed. directed aimed, raised, ordercd. 

Diobdlaris, chcap, vile. Dio- set in array, ©r order, made, op 
bolare scortum, a common slut^ ruled, straight, cut, divided, di- 
hackncyed whorc, Plaut. rect, plain, downright. 

DTremptio, 5nis./ 3. a seperation. 

ken up,sent,dropped,or 
id, paid, remittcd, yivcn 
livorced. divulgeu, dis- 
HtDinrissh» manibus fu- 
un in all haste, Plnut 
>.ia a,uni pt.Xo be dismis- 
tis- pt. dismissing (scd 
*re,iiiipssum a >. todis 
and, or btnd awuy, to 
tischarge. or acquit, to 
iet sIip,tolctfall,to drop. 
> lcave, to abatc,to sub- 

Diarccsis, is,vel cos. /•>. a diocese, orbrcaking ofF.(part,ortake away. 

a jurisdiction, a govcrnmcnt, a Dlrempturus, a, um. pt. about to 

provincc, a bailiwick. Dircmptus,a, um. )M.divided,sepa* 

Dicecctcs, x. ra. 1. a stcward, an rated, parted, taken sway. 

oversccr, a managcr, a builiff Dfremptus,us.m.4.a parting.[soft]y 
Didtu, x/ 1. a drinkin^ -pot with Z)Trepo,£re,psi,ptum.a.3. to creep 

two cars. Dircptio,5nis./!.J.a robbing,pillag» 

Dipthongus, i./ 2. a dipthontj. ing, plundering, or rifling, extor- 
'Dip1inthus.a, two brteka tion. (spoilcr. 

Diploi*, idis./ J. a doublct. 
Diploma,atis. n a diploma, a char- 

c advouchcsit, Cic. (ed 
i,issu* p. to bc dismiss- 
~ rcmovcd, ba 
Lhrust away, parted, 

erc,dvi, otum a.2 to re- 


ter,a prince , B lettcrs patcnt, an Dfreptus^,um. pt. plucked,or torn 

cdict, a mandamus, a passport. 
Dipondiarius, a, um, aaj- of two 

pounds wcight. 
Dipondium i n. ScDipondius, i. m. 

vcl Dilpondium,i.?/.&Dupondius, 

i.m. 2. a wciglit of two pounds, a 

penny hal»'pcnny. 
Dipsacum, i n. 2. a teasel. 
Dipsas, adis / 3 scrpcnt. 
utt in,soplunge.Eorctn|Dipt6ton, i. n. 2.a diptote, a noun 

Direptor, Oris. m. 3. a robber, 1 
Dlrepturus,a,um. pt. about to tear 
in pieccs, about to plundcr. 

m picces, torn from, robbcdV 
spoilcd, plundered, beaten, or 
pullcd down. 

Direptus, us. m. 4. ataking away. 

Diribco, Sre, count over, 
to distribute, to pay. 

Dinbeor, Sri. p. to be distrihuted. 

DirfbTtor,oris. m. 3. an officcrthat 
makes a scrutiny, ajudge, ade- 
terminer, a carver, a sewer. 

put away, *r a^icle, toJDine.aruni* pl-fl cuMes^rimprc- withfear. 

«ie, to movr, to b;mish,! cations thc luries Dirigo, [di, rego], gcre, rexi, rec- turn >*p,|Directio,onis / >. a dircction,a di- tum.n.3,todirect,to rulc,or guide, 
ahrh, to cnga^r. i rcct leading to a thin , an aim. to ^ead, or cwiduct, to rau^ ta 

that hath only two cuses. DirtbHorium,i.n. 2. a place whcrc 

Dipyros.i.c. g. 2twicc in the fire. soldiers were mustcrt-dand paidj 

Dlradiatio, dnis. / ..-. a sprcading Dirlgendus,a,um. pt. tobe dircct- 

&c of vincs in tlie form of sun- Dirigcns, tis. pt. directing. (ed> 

beams. (likc thc rays of the sun. //Tn^eo,ere,ui n. 2. to grow stiff, 

2/7ridiy,a;-c. a 1- tospn^ad, or set to siand on end, to grow cold 





sct in ordcr, 0»* array, to steer, toDirutua.a, pulled, broken, 
ani^or le vel, to raise, or lifl up, to or cut down, dcstroycd, over- 
measure, or mark out, to divide. tluown,ruined._Ere dirutus miles 

DIrigor,gi,rectus _Vto bc dircctcd. 

a soldier that had fbrfclted his Disccrnor, ni.cretus. / 

Dirniicndus,a,um. pt. to bc deciu. pay, Cic. a bankrupt, Verr. 
DtriraciiSftis. tot. brcaking oft". (edDis, in composition, stands.fbr di. 
Dlrimo [di, cmo] mere, remi, I)i»,diti», c.^.&dlten. ior, comp is- 

terrupt, to divide, to part, to de- fertile, ample, large. 
termmc, to decidc, to put an end Discalceatus, a, um. pt. unshod. 

rcmptum,a. 3. to break off, to in- simus, *up. rich, wcalthy, great Discerpo [dis, carpo], 



/M-calceo, arc. act. 1. to unshoe 
Dirimor,i, remptus p. to be part-,2)/«cavio,vi,cautum. n. 2. to bc ve^Discerptu_^,um./M.tor 

Discessio, Onis /. 3. a 

to disccrn, to distt 
judgc,or dctermine,tc 
appeasc, or qucll. 

cerned, distinqui-hcu 


in pieces, to tear in p 

ptum pull,orte; 

to divicic, to scatter, ' 

Discerpor, pi, ptus. p. 

Dirlpicndus, a, um. pt. to be nlun- ry circwnspect, to beware of. 
Dinpiens,tis._W plundering(dered Discedcns, tis. pt. departinjr. 
Diripio [di, rapio], pere, pui, rep-Discrtditur, discessum est. imp 

tum. act. 3. to tear asundcr, or in they depart. 

pieces,to castdown,or d__troy,to _D»«cedo,dcre, cssi, essum. n. 3. to 

tear,orpull down,to takc away, or\ depart,to go off, ©raway,to clope. 

from, by force, to rob, spoil, oii to comc off, to separate, to be 

plunder, to detract. (iu picces. partcd, or dividcd, to leave off, to 
Dinpior.i, rcptus, /nm«. to be torn' ceasc, to vanish, to dic, to give 
Dintas, atis/ 3. nerceness, rug-S place, or yield, to bc changcd, to 
■ gcdness, crueltv, inhuinanityj opcn,orgupc,to except. Superioi 

ominousness. ! disccdit, lic g"ets the better, Vic. 

Diruendus, a, um. pt. to be pulled Disccdcrc non male, to come 

down, or dcstroycd, to destroy. 1 wcll ott", Plaut. 
Diruens, tia. pt. destroying. Discciidus,a, to be lcarncd 

i)zruinpo,perc,upi,uptum, a. 3 toJDisccns, tis. pt. leaniing > . 

break,to breakin picces,to break|l)isceptans, tis. pt disputing. 

ofl", to burst, (ken, to bc burst |Disccptatio, 6nis./ :*. a disputing-. 
Diruiupor, pi, uptus, />. to be bro-Disceptauuncula,xYl.a wrangle. 
/)7runcino, saw,or plane;Disccptator,dris.» arbitrator 
/)7ruo,uere,ui, utum, a. 3. to pullDisceptatrix,icis/3 shc tliat judg- 

down, to ovcrtlirow, to destroy. 

Dlruor, ui, iitus. /m»«. tobe pidl edlDisce ptatur, im/>. thc point is ar 

down. ___re dirui, to lose his pay 
for somc crime, Fe.*t. 
Diruptio,6nis/. 3 a bursting. (ter. 

Diruptus,a,um. pt. & adj. burst, or 
broken,quite wastcd,stecp, crag*- 
gy, rigorous, harali, scverc. 

Dirus^,um. aaj. ior, comp. issimus, 

• • m 1 J.* f l_ _.*| 1 __ __ * ■■ 

es bctween two, a detcrminer. 

gned. (dispute, or detcrmine 
Disceptaturus, u, about to 
Disccptatus, a,um.p/. disputcd. 

Diruptor, oris- m.u burster, a wa.-|Di_eepto[dis,capto],are.a dis- 

putc,dcbatc, or rcason, to award. 

to determinc, u> setlle, to judge 
Disceptor, ari. p. to bc dcbated 
Disccrncns, tis. pt. disccrning. 

»«p.d_rc,drcadrul, homble, terri- Discerniculum,i./i.2. a pin, or bod- 
ble, execrable, ugly, cruel, chV kin, a diflerencc, or diversity. 
mal, niojuyrniidi iatal» ominous. |Z)/ffCcrng,nc re f cre vi, crctum. a. 3. 

partingjor divorce, an 
want, a voting, or se] 
Discessurus, a, um. / 
leave, or quit. 
Discessus, ua m. 4 a ( 
going away,an opcnii 
asunder. Discessuse 
Discus, cos. m. 3. a co 
Discidium,i.n.2. a seps 
vorce, departure, des 
Discincte,a£/u dissolut 
Discinctus, a, um- pt. 
armed,diasolutc, ncgi 
ful. (in two, to be to 
Discincendus, a, um/ 
cut, or liew asunder, 
rend in pieccs, to di 1 
Discindor, di, issus._) 
ken, or rent asunder. 
/>i*cingo,gerc,nxi i nct 
ungird,or undo,to stri 
of office, to confute, 
Discingor, gi. p. to be 
Discipllna, z. /. 1. di 
struction, litcraturc, 
cnce,a profession,ort 
on,a way.orcustonvj 
a __ct. 

Discipllnabilis, e. at 
Discipllnatus,a, um.oi 
Disciplln6su9, a. 





:/a shescholar,Graudi-7)/*crepjto, ire. n. 1. to di?agrcc,\Discureim, adv. runuinf? «everally. apprcnticc to jar. Di*curaio,diiis./3.arunningabout. 

i.m.3.a disciple,a 8cho~'/J/«crepo,are, pui & puvi, pitum. n Z)/*ciirso, are freq. 1 to nin ovcr. 
um />/.rcnt,tom,pulIed ! ditfcr,to disagTCcto disscnt, Discursor,onsm.j.a runncr about. 
p. it is lcarncd. (down to jar,to vary,to sound difiVrciith 
src,usi Gsum, act >. toDiscrete,a</r.separatcly di&tinctly 
i scparate, to sct apart. Discrctim, adv scverally. 
Li.uvjs/» tobc scparat-Discrctio, onis./. 3- a separation 

l, um pt- shut up. (cd.Discrcturus,a. uin /«'•abouUo scvcr shake. 

didici a 3 tolearn,toDiscrctusy a, um./>/ 6c tidj. partcd, 
iL, to be informcd , separated, sevcred, dificrcnt. 

frass. to hc learncd. 'Discruuciuinis n. 3. diflcrcuccdi- scssor. 

Discursus,us mA a runninjr ahout, 

a Hifrht, a disc.ourse, a treatise. 

Discus,i.m.2. a cjuoit, dish, platter. 

Discussio, ouis. / iJ. a shaking", a 

Discussor, diligent search- 
cr, inquirer, or cxaininer, an as- 


,i.m 2. in acc. discobo- vei"sity,di$tinctioiyiiscivtion. de- Discussorius, a, um. adj. ablc to 
uit-castcr, i piecc of hatc, doubt, dangvr, perij, hattle,'Di.<-cussiirus,a,um. /i/. aboutto dis- 
vo. kmanship. ! aspacc, or distancc, thc plough- cuss. (dispersed, drivcn back. 

>nis./3 a scethinjr. : in^, or harrowing of laud, thciDiscussus, a, um. pt. shakcn otT, 
a, uni pt wcllhoih-d. ' parting of hair. Di.scuticndu9.a,um.p/.tobeshaken 

■is adj. discoloured,ofaDiscrimniatim, adv. diblinclly. 
r>lour.particoloured,:in- Discrinrin.itio,diii»/.). a scvcrin^. 
colours,particoloHrcd.l)iscrnidnatus, a, uin pt. distinct. 
., a, mii. atlj of difie-Di.-criiiniKMrc ti.l. to dividc. (cd- 
t, imp. it is not ciMi-Discriiinuor ari/i to be distinj.yuM»- 
(to disair.iv. DiM-rUciatus, a, iim. /*.'. tortured. 
Oiirc n.4. to lic iinhkc,;!ibled,auMic'ad vcx 
t intcr mc & tc, imp ;///*criiciu,urc. a 1 to torincnt,to 
. ajrrec, flor. (wcll.,Discriicior.ari,at;i.../i. to be much 
*rc, oxi.»;r/. 3. to *ecth' vcxed.'irtroublcd,tob<tnrinentcd 

\. patft to he bolcd. Discubitus, us. m 4 :» sitting', iHDisertim.«//T-cxprcssly,particular, 

|. J. J« ^^ 111* 1 J # I»» —. I" * M * «.* 

Discnticns, tis. pt shakiug. (otf. 

Disciitio dis,quatio],terc, 
sum.u 3to discuss,to shakc, cast, 
beat, or battcr down, to beat, or 
dash in picccs, to drivc away, to 
haiiUh,to dispcrsc, to sliakc off, 
to dif^cst. 

Disoitior, ti. p. to bc quashcd. 

Dincrtcv/ffe.ius. romp. cloqucntlv, 
ele£antly,cxpressly by name. (iy 

li?,c adj disajjrccablc.; lying down at mcat. 

,tis./:. # . tlivordaiit, jar-7//*cubo, barc. bui, bitum n. 1. to 

Tccin^viiircrinjr, altor- lic down to slccp. 

j t ftiiis,/.:. , di!rcrcii'*c/i»^Di'»cumbciis, tis. /»/- sittin^ down. 

cf.l. discoix^vananccjDisciuubituLvm/'* they sit at tablc. 

icnt, dchatc, striic. /At«cumho, bciv, cubui, cubilum. 

s,c flf(/.cau^in^disconl. n. 3. to lic, or sit down. 

is,a. um. 7 'j co;itcrKious|l>isciincatiis. a, clovcn, or 

arc. ;.«•*// 1. to i>c at split asundtr withawedge much 

to diHcr, to disagrcc, 
Lrary to. 
*. adj. discordant, jar- 
/litTcrpnt, «litfciiui?. cou- 
t ti.4 ^/.(liticring. (tran. 
ia, x.f. 1- adiifercncc. 
imp. thcy dittcr 

/ii>cupio l pcrc l ivi t jtum.?i.<«Ii.-Hin; 
DiscuiTcns t tis. /i/. runningup and 

down, ruimini^, dividing. 
Discurritur, imper*. mcn run. 
/)/iCurro,rerc,ri,rsum. ;;. . to run 

luthcr and thithcr*, a. to run ovcr 
|Discursaiis, tk. pt. running- up and 

U oius. f. 3. disputc,} down- to and fro 

*r*jv |DiscUrsiltio, onis. /. 3. a rtuning 


Discrtus^um- adj. ior, camf*. issi- 

///«hiasco, crc. inc. 3. to bcgin to 

Disjcctojdis.jacto^are frcq- 1. to 
toss, or throw up and down. 

Disjcctusa,um./>/. dispcrscri, scat 
tcrecl, routcd, dcstroyed, thrown 
<lown,ovcrtlirown. (dispersion. 

Disjcctus, us. m. 4. a dissipation,a 

Disjicio d'iK,jacio , cerc, jcci, jcc- 
tuni.a. 3. to dispcrsc,to scattcr, to 
putto flig-hMoovLilhrowtto throw 
down, to destroy, to prevcnt. 

Disjicior, ci. p- to bc scattcrcd. 

//i>jii^ unyoke. (rally. 

Disjuncte, Disjnnctim, adv. scve- 

DisjancUo, *3ivi». f ^. ^w^iCx^ 





disunion, a diffcrencc 
Disjunctlve', orfi'. disjunctivcly 
DiBjunctivus t a,umar//.disjuncUvc 

dispel of drivc away,to banish, to;Disncrticndus, a, uxn. pt 

rcmove, to scp.tratc, or dividc 
Dispellor, li p, to be driven away. 

Disjunctum, i. «. 2. a disjunctiveDispendiosus, a,um. adj. hurtful. 
pn>position, whereof one parUViKpcndium.i. w. 2. expencc. cost, 
must be true, or thc proposition! charjre, loss; damafrc, a circuit. 
is fa!se. |D#*pcndo,diirc,di, nsum. act. 3. to 

Disjunctus,a,um/>l-Sc adj\or.comp.\ spend, to cnnsumc* to employ 
issimus, tntp. disjoincd, Dispenno [dis,pcnna], urc. n. 1. to 
ed» uuyoked, dividcd, alicuatcdJ strcteh out the wiiitfs. (naged- 
separate. rcmotc, unlike. jDispcnsandus, a, uni. pt. to be ma- 

jBwjun£0,jr,cre,nxi,nctum. a. 3. to Dispcnsatto,3nis./ >. dispcnsation, 
disjoin,to senaratc,to part, toun- 1 distribution, mana^ement, stew- 
yoke, to withdraw. Disjungerc a ardsliip. (a steward, a managcr. 
mammu. to wcan, Varr. ted. Dispcnsator,6rism. 3. adispcnacr, 

Disjungor^gi, nctus. p. tobe part-DfcpengaUir, imp. it is dispcnscd. 

Dispalutns, a, um. pt. straggling, Dispcnsutus, a, uiii. f>(. dispcnscd, 
wandcring 1 about, dispersed. ! distrihutvd, divided, managcd. 

Dispalcsco,cre.7i.toibeinadekiHiwn/?/<pciiso, ure.a. 1. to dispcnsc,to 

Dispaloldis,palor|,arc.a.& n. 1. to| distribute, to luy out, to manajrc, 
scattcr, to dispersc, to wandcr a- to administcr. to dispose,or set in 
bout, to strug-gle, to be sprcad ordcr. (posed,manugcd,orspreud 
abroad- jDispciw)r,ari,atus. fm*s. to bc dis- 

2>Mpandodcrc,di, passum. «. ?>. to />/..porcutio,terc,ussi.a. :*. to dash 
stretch out, to sprcad abroad. j out. 

Dispansus, a,um./tl. strctchedont, Disperditio,oni*i./. ^J.a dealroyin.or 
cxtendcd\sprcadabroadfuncqtial.l)ispcrditus, pi. lost,undonc. 

Dispar, aris. adj. unlikc, diflV k rcnt.; , />iJv])f»rdo ( dcrc,didi,ditum. a. &. to 

Disparandus,a,um./ be parted. los>c,to«pcnd,tow:iste,toscpiunder 

DUparflis,\diffiercnt,unequal. Dispcrdor, di, tlitus. p. to bc lost. 

Disparihtas, atis./. 3. unlikeness,7>/.vperco,iiv.ii.;2. 4. tobe undone 
diversity.incquality. > % quaUy.' niined, ".-disfrroyed. Dispcivam, 

Dispariliter, aitv. diversh, unc- lct nu» di<;,Aoi . Dispcrii, iainut- 

Disparo,area. 1. to sever, to sepa- tcrly nndonc, 7Vr. (persed 

rate, to be unecjual, or unlikc. .Dispcr£cndus,a, um. pt. to be di.n- 

JDupartio» Tre, ivi. a. 4- to diridc.lDispcr|ro [di. spargoj, gcre, rsi. 

Dispartior, iri. />. & n. to be divid- disperse,to scattcr,to 
ed, to divide. spre:«d. Dispergcre vitara in au- 

DispartTtus, a» um. pt. divided. ras, to dic, Virg. Dispergit saxa, 

Dispassus, a, um. part. extcnded, he ma kcs thc stones ftyabout, Lvc 
fcjied out. Di*per;<or,fri, rsus, p. to be sprcad. 

DiruSff^uiA. um. pt. about toDisperse, ath\ lierc and thcre, 
»up.d\Tc r dri.or vicw. (ration.Dispcrsim,ac/v.scvcrally. (looscly 
blc, execrabittfrard, considc-Dispersus,.a,um./)/.dispersed,scat- 
mal, mgurnrui, f ving away. Stered, spread abroad, separated 

*um a a. 3* to Dispcrsus, ils. m. a diflpersing. 

vidcd, sprinkled. 
Dispertioi dis,partio|,irc, 

a. 4 to divide, to distrih 
Dispcrtior, Iri- p. to be d 
Dispcrtitus, a,um. pt- diri 
Dispesccns, tis. pt. separ 
Dispcsco'dis,pasco ,cere 

to drivc froin pasture, t 
Dispescor, eris. ci. p. to l 

from food, to be dividci 
Dispessus, a, um. part. i 

widc, or asunder. 
Dispicio [di, specioj, ce 

pcctum,a.r»to look abou 

to disccrn, to espy, to c 
Dispicior,ci./i.tobc hchel 
Displicatus,a,um.^/. scatt 
Displiccns, tis. pt. displc: 
DisplTccntia, x.f. 1. adis 
DispliccO[dis,pl»ccOj, en 

tum. n. % i to displeasc, t( 

Displicitums a » um. pt. 

displcasc, that will tlisp 
DisplicitiiH, a,um. pt- dis] 
Di>])iodo[dis.plaudo], cre 

tj.\. to burst with noise, 
Displodor, di, sus. p. to t 
Displosus, ;mun. pt. let o 

crar.k, &c discharged, 1 
Displuviatus, a, um. at 

shclving" to carry oft" thc 
Disp61iabn!um,i n*2 a plai 

robbery, &c. is committ 
/>/#polio,are a. despc 
DUpOlior, ari. p. to be rob 
Dispo ncndus,a,um/i/.to h 

Disponcns ^ 3 - P*° dispoa 
disposc,to place,orset ln 
put,orset,to settle,to div 
tribute,to appoint, to ad 
Dispdnor, ni, posltus, p. 1 

Dispdslte, adv. methodu 
Disp5sitio,6nis/. 3. a 



1)1 S 


clispcrscd, scattcrcd, sprratl a«| W*sbno, are,nui,riitum, n. 1. U) bc dividc, to part, to scpante. 
broad,shattcrcd in picces,routed discordant, to jarr, to disagrcc Distcrmmor, ari./«. to be scp 
Diasipo, are. a. 1. to dissipatc, to Dissonus, a,um. adj. dissonant dif- Distt rminus, a,um.a<//- separ. 
disperse,to scatter,to drive awuy, fcrent^discordstntjjarriiu/.confiis- /)fvtcro,rcrc.u. .tt> pound. g 
to confound, or disordcr, to dis- Dissors,£recablc to ed Distichon, i. n. 2. a distich- au 
solve,to WRStc,orsquandera\vay, Dissuadendus, ;t, tobc dis- Distillans, distilling-, i 
to consiunc, to sprcad abroad, to suadcd. . pinjr. arh 

publish. tcrcd. D.Siuadcns, tis. pt. dissuading-. ;Di*tillatio v dnis./ 3. a disttlh 

Dissipor, uri, atus /». to bc scat- //Msuadeo,cre,asi, asuin act. 2 toDistillator, bris. m. 3. adistiil 
Dissitus, a, um. pt. scatlercd, dis- dissiade,U> atlvisc tothccofiti'ary!/>Mlil]o,aTc.u.& disiiU,to< 

Dissaadcor, er-. p to be dissuadcilDistillor l ari,fitus./». to bc dist 
Disiuasio, oms /. 3. a dissuasion. l)istinctc,a<7v.ius c mp tlistii 
Disi.uftsor, oris. m 6. a dis.suadcr. 

pcrscd, tlistant, reinotc. 
Dissbciabdis, c. adj. discordant. 

opposite, to bc partcd. 
Dissbciatio, oni ./. '>■ u disuuion, u 

icpar.uion. antiputhy, avc:siou 
Dissbciutus, a, uni. pavl. dividcu, 

partcd, separatcd, disuiiited. 
2>/«socio, dividc,to part, 

to separutcyto bivak,c/r dissulvc. 
Dissbcicr, iiri. p. to be purlcd. 
Dissolvuudus,a,uiti. pt. to # dissolve. 

07'be dis«iolvcd,to abolish.(solvcd 
DissblQbdis, c. mlj. cas\ to be dis- 
Dissolvcns, tis. pt. dissoi\in£ 
/)i>solvo,vcrisvi.!utuni a . todis- 

solvc, to mclt, to brcak, or tlasi 

in picccs, to bivak down, to dc- 

atroy, to causc to dic, to loosen. 

to unbind, to tiisiV, ? £;i£r, to an 

nul, or ahrogutc, lo pay, to ptv- 

fornijto answciyo rcsnl vc,to fivt 

from suspcnuif, to rcfutc. (<*d 
Dissolvor,\i,lutus p. to bc dtssolv- 

abolished.orbrokcn duwn jrcntK 
Dissblutc, a'Iv dissohitdy, ne^li- 
Diss6Hi1io,bms./°.«. u dissohition, : 

dissokin^, an uholi.>h;ii»\ u pwr- 

gution, or ansurriiit*;, \\toknu;>s, 

casi n ess, dissoh 1 1 cncss. 
Dissnlutui,u,Uin./i.'.& u>!j. ior,ro»;./». 

issimus, *///i- diSsoKcd, loosentd. 

dishcvcllcd. brokcn, ahchshcd, 

shakcn ort", avoilcd, dissolwtcjD.stenuis, iis. ,n 

abandoucd, dcbauchcd, loos ,!l)'r:tt.Tiuinans, tis. pt. boundintr 

wcak, mild. 'harsh.JDistcrmtiirttus,:i,u:n. />/• separatcd. 


plainly. clearly, onlcrK. 
Distiiu*tio,Gn;&[/.' ■■. adistincti 
divcrsity.a poiut,9r note, a g 
Distinctus,a,Ui:i pth ar//.icr, 
di<tinct, cxphcit, tlist.n^u 
tnarkctl, pointcd, notcd, di\ 
sct, inlaitl, adorncd, siripci 
vcrsiiicd. (orscparation, va 
Distinctus, As m. 4. a distin 
Distmendus, a,um. part. tn b 
plo\cti, hindcred, &c. 
Distinco [dis.tcm-o], crc, nu 2. to hintlcr, to kc 
hohl employcd, to keep f 
siop.totlividc, to part, to p. 
or perplex. 

Distmcor, 6ri. p. to be hirwlc 
, /i^tingiiens, tis pt. distinguit 
/>iAtinifuo,cre, nxi, nctum. <i 
<L:sLiji^iiish v todivcrsii\ . to 
to udorn, to set, inlav, or cn 
to scpurate, or dividc, to 

D'..stin^iii»r, g-ui, nctua. /i. to l 

tiiigui.shcd, <li\<. rs ri.-.i, I^c 

Distno, urv./rq. 1. tn be d 

.jis { o,"arc. stiti. ?». 1. »n nc d 

to dirtVr, *o h».* iini ; i;c. 

Distorcjucns, ti.<- /*■■■. mrning 

/J/.vtonpico,t ■rc,rf.,itum. cn 

sc. t a\\ ry,to tom a « to 

l)istnriio,oiiis./'.> thsloHion i 

t ■■I.u*«s<i, a tuniiiv. a wn k st 

DJasdnuns, try. **; f. (^/jK4^-j¥«ii<.7>.>tcrmino, iirc. *. I- tnhmiiuK ^(T|Disioiuis,a,iiin.W.St ndj. ior, 

Dissuasums, u,um pt. to dissuade. 
///'«suuvior, iiri. //. to kiss swcctly. 
Dissult) |'dis,salto , urc. «i.l. to fl\ 

about, to brcak, to i*oar. 
///>su.) f uerc,ui,iiUim. art. ."3. to un- 

stitrli, to uuiip, to undo. (pcd 
DibSfitus, a, iiiu. pt unsewcd, rip- 
/iMubcsco, crc. */ic. to consumc, 

to iiicll. (loalhcth. 

//Attvdct, uit, & ?esum cst. it 
D.-»tans, tis. pi- distant, diilcrinjf. 
i) : staut.a, i'./" 1 distaiiciyliff t.Tencc 
Distrniu-n.', iis. u. strcicnini^Oip 
f)itt\i uvio.crL',d:.lum cs. s«un.(/.^. to 

Sirt-ich o:it, to cxtcml 10 swell,to 

idl. tciitlcd, pui?t.d up, ii.c. 

i)i»(ciitlnr, tli, Mtus pa#s. to be cx- 
i)istcusu.-», pt. btrctchcd out, 

Distcntio, onis./ X a distcntion, a 

slrctc!»'.u;f out. l)istcnt:o iicn o 

rum, a conv ulsion, ur cramp, ( W.f 
D:stciUo,j.:V./svy 1. tostcetch out, 

lo :i:.iLc lai-j;-. , to stuftytu cr.iui 
D'st,ntus,a,uiii pt.X. m(i. ior, c tnp. 

ihsimus, vz//j. strctchcd out, c\ 

tcndcd, swcllcd, iillctl, husicil 

takcn up, lct, hindcrcd. (out. 

4. a strctchinj} 





ttt h. distorted, deformcd I ar puJI. f bouiuL 0fvcrb£ro,are. act. t. %o strike, lo 

l f howed. irrcgular. Distriinror, gi, iclus /»«<*. to bc« brat, to banjr, to clcavc, orcut. 

j.diti*/. 3. a scparation, u /)/«truuco.uri:. «_f.l. toquartvr, to|Divcrbium,i. n. 2. thc first part of 

a comcdy. 
I)>vi.'rsc,«//TMUS, ci mp. issimc. »ub. 

, a drscrtion. a sclling. 
s.a, \ karfj. ior.rom/t, 
«a^.distractcd. drawn, «r 
asundcr, dnwu, parted. 
separated, diftuscd. 
r.lu9 a, inn. pt. to bc part- 
vii atmnder, broken ofl*. 
jarcelled out s>1d, &c. 

cui otfa limb. or piecu. 'down. 
Disturbatio, dnis. / 3. a casting 
/Vfturho. are. a. 1. tooverthrow 
to cast down, to disordcr, or con 
found, to lct and hindcr. dovvu 
Disturbor. ari, iitus. p. to bc cast 
Dltandus a, n:n /»/. to bc enrichcd. 
Ditans. tis. part. cnrichiiig. cd 
Jitre.av», artum.ffrf.3. to Ditjttis a, inn. pt cnrichcd, stor- 
raw part,to se Ditc-ico cerc./wr. jrmw rich, o/ 
lo diviri**, to brcuk otf. to bc cnrichc< bc well ntorcd, or 
to ronclude todc- fuU.f bcloiijriug to a dithyrambic. 
efcr. to divcrt. to sell. Dithynmbicus, a, um. a-ij of o» 
; hi, actus. p. to bu part- Dithyrambus,i.m 2 a nainc; of Hac- 

chus.a song in honor of Bacchus 
I)itio,6nis />. mlc, powcr, autho 
rity, cinpirc, lordsliip, a shirc, oi 
place of j urisdict ion rich,fruitful 
DTtis,e.ri</y ior, c mp. isaimus, *///*. 
Ditissimc, adv. most riohly. (rich to cnrich. to make 
DTtor, firi patt. to l)c cnrichcd. 
Diii. adv. ti iis, c mp. tissime,«///» 
a loii£ timc,or u hilc,loiif?.of long 
coutifluancc, in thc day timc 
Diva, i/.a gaddcss«a shc-saint 
ZJZvagor. ari. d. 1. to go astray. 

leri, &■-. (distrihutcd 
ndus. a, um. fnirt. to bc 
> uerc, dis- 
»rdivide, to dcal, to bc- 
appoint. (cd. 

r, ui. p. to bc distribut- 
i 9 aitv iiis,r./m/»-distinctry. 
o.6nis/.3. a distrib'itio 
ivus. a, una- adj. distribu- 
JT,5riH /«. adivider.ftive. 
irus. a, u m pt. about to 
ta. a, um. pt. distributed 

air ius< m^briefly,«h.irp- 
i.arlv shortlv straiUv Mv 
a,i:n pt.&.u // io:* c mb. 

beatowed.sprcad abroad Divaricatus, a, um. pt. scvcrcd. 

iged, dnwn, woundcd 
lard rigorous. {bindinjr. 
\%. tis- part. scrubbiug' 
Crc.nxi, ictum act. 3. to 
,to str^in hard,to busy,9r 
io strikc, prick,or touch 
gtti7.c,or wottnd sliphtly, 
mb, or cleansc.t« chip, 
o break in small picccs, 
lc, to draw, to distract, 

/Hvanr.o, arc. act 1. to stridc, to 
straddlc,to spread 
DTvaricor, ari. /;. to bc separatcd 

erplexcd.troublcd, busi- Divcllens, tis. pt. pullin^r :isundcr 

/>ivello,lcrc, li,& vuls*, vuisuni. a 
3. to tcar asundcr, or in picccs,to 
tcar awi^D takc away by forcc 
to loosen, 5r undo, to hindcr, or 
prevcnt. ?awa\ 

DivclIor,li vulsus. pa»$. to bc torn Dlvi, 6rum pl. m. 2. irods, sainU. 

>._ , • _ — _•. i» *» _ _..ii; !•»- •• i i._ ... ,■ ■ . , 

DTvcnditio, 6nis/. 3. a sclling 
DlvciubtiLs,a,uin //'.soldin parccls 
_>fvcndo,dcrc,didi, dttuin a. 3. to 
scll in divcrs parcds,to sct to salc. 
to'confusiOri,to licat o^Diverbel^tUs^tun^AM^asfindor 

diifcrcntly, diflcrent wavs 
Divc4lm, adv. Idcm. (rcncc. 
DivcrsVtas, 5tis./ divcrsity, diftV 
DTvcrsito, arc . a 1. to resort oftcn. 
Divcrsitor.oris.m. au innkccpcr, a 
host,or inn. to sojotirn t tr> rcori. 
Divcrsor.ari,atus Hinn.r/ lodgte 
DTvcrsor 9 6ris.m.3.a gttcst,a lodper. 
Divcrsoriblum, i. ». 2. a UttJe inn, 
Divcrsbriuin.i. d 1. an inn,a loclgp- 
injc, a harbour, a coiuitry-hotise. 
DTvcrsbrius, a, um adj. bclongiaff 
to au inn,or Iod|rinfr. TabcrnadUu 
versoria, an inn, Sutt. 
DTvcrsus,<#. ior, omp. issf- 
mus,*M/».dirt'crcntly, contrary,op- 
posit c ,u nli kc,disti "nct,scparatc^i- 
part,distant,flivcrs, sundry, scve- 
Divcrtcnstit/tf. turningasidc. ral. 
DivcrticuIum,i.//.2. atuniin^a by- 
path, a lanc.a shift, a holc to get 
out at, a digrcssion, an inn. 
/jrvcr!o,terc.ti,raumi n. 3. to turn 
out of thc way,to turn, or Icada» 
sidc,to jro, to tligrcss, or sw erve* 
to diffcr- 
DTvcrtor,ti,rsussura. d o.tolodg^ 
to takc up a lodginp, to inn. 
Divcs, itis. adj. divitior, r >mp. dl- 
tis>imuji^j//». ricli, wealthy, opu. 

Divc.vandus, a, um. pt. to ve_ (ed* 
/>Zvcxo,arc.«.l. to vex. to haraa^ 

to spoil, to v.-uste, ur con.stimc. 
Divexor, ari, atus p. tobcriflcd. 

Divuh'udus,a,um./>: to bc divided. 
Divida, «./. 1 strifc discontent, 

gricf, troublc, a hcart-brcakiiur. 
Divldo,derc,iai, Isum. act .». to oi- 

vidc, to disaribute, x& caA. tfK, \a 





brcak down, to distinjruish. 
Dividor, di. isus. //. tu be divided. 
Dmduc, «//i«. by hulves. 
Dividuus, a, um.a///.thut h t or may! 

the day.bclonginir to the day,dai 
ly. :exccllcnt. noble. illustrious. 

Dius, a. uiu U'ij. divinc, heavenh. 

Diiitmc, alv- a lonjr tinie. 

be partcdund dividcd, cul intojDiutinus, a, um a<lj, continua , purts, dividcd, half. | loiijr, lastnifr, durabic. timc 

Divina, x.f 1 apn>phctes4V n .-;'-;i u tiJis, ad,\ u £ood whilc, a lonjr 
Divinans, tis.//.' prestgin;r, fT ; ie*- Diiitulc, ah\ a little while. 
Dlviu.itio, onis/. 3 a divi.iadon, a.Diutunic, a./r a lontf tiiiic. 

divinc, fores.^hl, a tellui£ 
things to eoinc. diviuc.»i< ss. 
Dtvinator drir>. ,-/i. .J. u diwucr. 
Divinfitus, u, mn. //«'. di\"mcd 
Divinc, tuiv diviiuly, hcavculy 

ut Diutunuias utis/.J lonpr coutin. 
ance, I istin|rne.>s, lengdi of tinit . 
Diuturnus.a um.a //.ior.c mp last 
ing 1 lo!i£, of lonjr contiuuuncc, n\ 
lonr lito. (lished ubroad 

Divimtas,atis : /' ■ #.divinit\,tUe liod- Div.djr.jidus, a, to bc pub- 

Divinitus aJv. fro.n ti-jd. Iica .. Divul£.itio, on.s.f. .S. a publis;iin<r. 

Divmo,are a.l to di»itn* to $rucss, Divulirltor, oris m J. a publishcr. 

to jud^e, tofor- , t I. Divul;,u, uin pt. issimus, *//// 

Divtnus, a,um .. . i-.^*, c /«/». iss;- 
llius.*////. divmc, l ;c.ivcuU, ihovc 
than human.blcsscd.lioh . couse- 
telliiur. Kcm divinuui fucetv, to 
sacrifiec, to be at pra\ ers, Ter. 

puidisiicd, ipn-ad abroatl, uiade 
ktiow n,e ttollcd.jrivcil Up,c*mi]uoii. 

/J7vul$fo t arc act. 1. to divultfc, to 
publ sh, to spvad abroad, to 
inakc known. (eil 

I)ivule;or,.ii'i,utus.//. to be pnMi»h- 

Divinu9.i.//i.2.adi\iner,a Ct):ijurcr.iDivul$us,u,utu./-/. lorn a.»under, oi 
Divise, Div 

tion, a distribution, a severiiijr. Divus,u,um.r;<//divinc, sacral, ho 
Divisor,oris m- »*. a di\ idcr, <//* dis- I)i, us, i. m. 2 a lio.l, a saint. (ly 

visini. </</■*•, Si-.vcrui Sy. ] in p;eces,paricd, separuted, bro- infonn totcll to show. to 
is./' o a divibion,u parti- Divuiu. /».'. piod Dium. (ken. Ooceor, eri. clus. //. to bc t 

Divisura,x/. 1. a division, u elcft 
Diviaurus,a,um./>/ about to divide. 
Divisus, a, um. /»rior, r -mp. diviil- 

cd, distriouted, parted, c it otf. 
Divisus,usm.4. a dividing-, a divisi- 
Divitise, anim. pl.f 1- rtrhcs. on. 
Dium,i.M.2.the duyli£hl,the tinna- 

nient, the open air. 
Dlvortium.i /i-adivorce, a partiug. 

orseparation,a division,a turnin^ 
Divorto, see D.verto. 
Diureticus, a, uin- udj. diuretic. 
Diuruo, are. n. 1. to live lonjr. 
Diurnnm i./i 2. a day-book, a jour 

jial, a duy's liire. ur allowancet 
&/umus »,iBm.a$j.e. Auturnvis, of 

or runaway,£tr.vela, linle 
'is,to hoistsail,Ot'.lt is ofle 
.rlished by tlie verb of thef 
niir subst:urive;as. dare an 
us, cantns, gcmitum. laa 
.notus^ruinam, Virg. saltus, 
l.i, Ov mutuuin, 7Vr. in.Ucii 
insi lias 7V/'. to embra.ce 
^roun weep dauce fall leap 
lend.betoken lie in wait Ik 
am,to make wav. I*iv. Dar 
viam tobc upon ajoumev. 
iii conspectum, to siiow hi 
Cic. Ut rcs <lant, scsc.asi 
j^o,7V'rDare in custodiam. 
prison, Cic. Dare g aJi(jUcm i 
Tiir morti Ot*.k*tho neei.r 
kill.Durc [Krnas. to bepun 
I '/'/•;>" vcrbu, to cheat, ll,r. 
teiu alicui to make onc frv 
( Dornon L'^itur),duhs.ilaUii 

Dneeiidus a, um be t 
Doccns, tis. pt. teuchinfr, tt 
l)oeeo,ere,eui rtum.r/ te 


Do,daiv,ik a di.datuin. a. jrive. 
to bestow, to irrunt, to allow, tt 
yield,to surrendcr. to jrive up, to dcliver,to commit,e/rin- 
tvus:,to appoint, to assi^rn, to ut 
tributc,to make. orordain, to do, 
brin;r, or occasion, to throw, «i 
cast,to seud,to tfll,orjhpw to of- ;dlbrd,to knd, tBvil Ani- 
mum dare,to die, lirg: animos to 
eneourujre,/*/ tempus,to appoint 
it,CVc-lubem,to full down,Z//tr.U- 
teras to send lettcrs, Cic nianus, 
to yicld,7<f. opcram, to do his en- 
deavour, Ter. tdiquid auribus, to 
£Mtl>,er tiatteT,C/c» tfrga, to fly« 

Doedis c.atfj ior cvn\p- docik 
Ublc. soontuu^rht upt to) 

Docihtas atis./». dcx*ility, % 
uess. learnedh, 

Docte, (irfv ius cnnp issim 

Docior, oris.a .*. u doctor a 
cr,an instmctor.a ina.stcr-» 

Doctrmanr/t doctrine, xns 
on.teachinjr, lcaruinjr, eru 
wisdom, philosophy, au : 

Doctus a iim pt. vcl adj. ior 
issimus,«///>.Laujprht iustruc 
ditied.improved.lcarned i 
skilful.subtlcartful ciinnir 

Documcn.inis./i..* a lesson i a lcsson 
amplc, a proof, a warning 
meu,t r pressgc ^rcputltioi 






./. 2. a beara, a raeteor. Dtfldsus ( a t um.iir(/.dcccufiiUrcach-iDdininicalis c. adj. dominical 

,tis m-i. nine ounces, ninc erous, falsc, crafty, cimning-. 
ninepartsof twelve,three- Dolus,i.m.2. dcccit, jruilc, trcachc- 
of an acre. 'or inchcs' rv, falsehood, collusion, subtilitv. 

alis.e. tuij. of ninc ounces, 
atis nJa decree, an opi- 


policv,a trick,a \vilc,u stratajrcni. 

a crafty purposc,a dcvice,or con 

icuj, a, um. adj. do£mati-|Domabius, to be tamcd. 
a,x/.l.ahatchet,alittleax. D6mandiiK,a, um.pi. to bc tamcd. 
x /. 1. anox, a chip ax. or subducd, to tamc, ©r subduc. 
:us,a,ura. /tf.chippcd withjDomans, tis. pt. taming 1 , subduiii£. 
i, inis.nAahewin£.'anax.;Domatio,6iii<«./.;l. a subduiiur.'cr. 
dnis. /. 3. a hcwin^. ;Domator, oris m.:i tamer, a subdu 

a, um pt. rouj^h hcwn. 
a^.nm !)e lamcntcd 

e. ortj. as bif* as a tun,tun- Domiua,x./ 1. a mistrus*, u wifc, 

Doniinicus, a, uin. attj. pcrtaininfr 
to a lord, or inastcr. Dominicus 
sumptus, thc cxpcnses of the 
mastcr workman, Vitr 

Dhminium, i. n- 2. dominion, lortf- 
d»ip, nilc, cmpiici» domain. 

Dominor, firi, atus sum.f/. 1. to be 
lord and m»ster,to rulc, to domi- 
nccr ; /»(/«?. to bc jrovcrned. 

IKminus, i. m. 2. a masVr, a son, 
or youtur mastcr, a husband, » 
nilcr. ov jrovcrnor, a jailcr, a pos- 
scssor, or owncr, a fouudcr ofu 
fcast, sir, a .';od, a Iord.tlic ronn. 

Domiiius. a, um adj. rulin^-, cbicf. 

Domtpurta,.c /.1 jisnail ■ to wcarv- 

Domcfactus, a, cultivatcd 
pIou;rhcd,tamcd, broujrht undcr. 
] 9 comft gricvJDomcsticatiin fii/7'houscbyhous»e. 
repining' at.aflectcd, vcx- Domesticus a,um ad*. of thc sami 

;vous, painful. housc,domcstic,stayinjr at hoinc. Domito,;irc -ci. 1- to tamc, to brrak, 

r, iidv.ius,ro/f</f, sorrowfid- privatc, civiJ, tamc, familiar. v Domitor, o>is. ro. <>.a tamcr, a suh- 
rnfully, frrievously. Dbmesticus, i. m. 2. a domestic, a duer, a %auqiii.iher.or conqueror. 

,3e./l.|rrief,*orrow, pain. scrvant, au attendant- Domitrix, Tcis./. U.shc that tamc* 

re,lui,littim n 2. to gricve, Domicdium,i /i. 2- an abodc, a re-Dnmitura,x./.i.a tamin^abrcak- 
o repinc,to be sony,ordis- ceptaclc, a seat (homc. injr. ftanifv 

l,to pain, toache,to envy 'Domlc.cnium, i. nmt. a suppcr at Doiniturus, a, um. purt. that witl 

DOnutii.s, a, um pt. tamcd, m ih-lu- 

M.jn. 2. a coopcr.(bellied. a lady, a jrovcrness. ud,vamuiis!icd,ciitirc!y rcduecd. 

a,i. n. 2. tlim. a little barrel -Doniinans,tis. f>t\or,comp. bcaring Domitiis«us>m.a tamin^ibrcakin 
j,a,um pt. about to frricve, ruks&i-sway^ovcrnin^.Dominan- Domo, an: mui.mitnm.a 1-to ':«m 
aild gricve, or vex. I tia verba, plain, homespuu, vul- to break,tosubdiic,to coiK(iicr,tri 

.« 2. a cask, a tub, a tun,[ |rar, callinjr cvery tliin^ by iUi vanquish, to kecp undcr, to bfi'*i 
hogshead-In pcrtusumin-| propcr uame- Domor, ari, ltus. p to be tamcd. 

dicta dolium,to losc oneVDominiitio, ouis./. 3. rulc, power. l)on;\iitio,onis./.}. a £oinfr homn. 
U> talk in vahi, Pr v. authority, sovcreig^nty, lordsiiip, Domuncula, x. /. 1. dim. a lit:le cut,«>rhe«r smootli, tyranny, dcspotic ^overumcnt, a house, a cottafre, an ortice. 
ii hew,to chip, to squarc,- jfovcrnor. (vcrnor- Dbraus, us. vcl\. /. cst secuiid. & 

% to bcat, tocontrire. Ddminutor, oris. m. a ndcr, a fro- quart, decl.tett mc in voc. 

% ltua p to bc hewn. Dbininatt ix, icis / J. a jLrovcrncss. ! ..- 

>olon,dnis.« 2. a stafl* with D6minaUAa,um. prhavin^ rulcd, 
n ity» tuck,a littlc sword,! or jrovcrtSd, rulcd, g-ovcrned. 
eof a fly, a ainall aad- D6minatus, iis. m. 4. inastcrship, 
------ ■■■ rulcjrovcrnniciit, lordship, st»vc- 

reigiity,autlioritv, powcr. Dotni- 

natum impcrio tcncre, to havc 

both thc name and powcr of a 

kinjr, Mrp. 

•is m. 3. pain, smart, ache> 
M throe,or panjr^anguish, 
■orrow, discontcnt, ra^e, 
■ reaentmcnt. 
adv. craftUy, dcccitfuUy 

4«fc/ ^ dcc^tfuine^^iUbintaica., c/. 1. tbeLoTd's day 

in noni pl & mis in dat tkcbl.p'.»,. 
vix.Ic^. quibus addunt gr.imma- 
ticorum alii, mu in atil. *ing. di\ii . 
tamcn in abl. *ing. domu, Traj a 
IkAc, a fbdfriiifr, a dwclJinjr, an 
alnxlc, •>* liabitation.a ncst, a sta- 
bkvi tcmplc,a churcli,a town, o/- 
city.a iiation,^ country,a sourcc, 
a sprinjr, orfountain, afamily, w 

, household, a linca^c^v^^T*^» 




followers, peacc. Dom Ct fnris, l)«ron,i n. J. agift, o>* presetit, an 
militix ct ilorni, ot home and bmidhrcuth, a pahn. Iln 

sbroiiti, 7Vr. jDorrmili-, h j:. 3. a lnirscclijth. 

DniiiiljilU,e 0(/|. to bc prcscnted, Dorsiiili.s.i- a</; nf.nj fnrthc biick. 

■ - ' - ridgy. 

worthv, o>- ilvaerving of. 

Onnainliis. -i.nm. /.'.tobcprcscnt- 
Ddn.BHs.tis,/,.j,-i infr. rrwarding. 
Dfinkrium. i. u. 2.a lemplc whcre 
gifts were, a gift. 
Donalio.5nis./o.»doiiatioii,a pre 


a>V**icc a frift latow.-r. 
D6nator, roris. nr.3. aflfver, itbe- 
Tliniuliis.a.inii pt Iwsto.vL-i.l.^lvcn, 

prcsciitcil, rewurdcd, graiited, 

forgivcn, rrmiHeil. 
InSii^.i-iijN.o.ati iirUnjj-riid 
DonJc.ifc/f.initi rLsloiigai, wfiitc 
DSnicum, «rfs*. uiitil. (that 

Dfino,aTc.a givcta hcsl nw, v> 

prcaent.todir-j.triljiito, ln n*uar,l. 

to 1'iii'givi», gracc 
Tjonttr ari.iitn- .'- I.i Ijc ]>rcs.-n;c,l. 
lJBnum i. n.2 .npift, pi-CHftit, oti.-r- 

inR.rcWird ■ irilic. proini-L' maii 
lni]-c,is,-i(fis. /\i adoc, ali-m wo- 
Dorceii*,!. -u- 2.a rt«jr,Uiiick ■.--n 
Ilormicmtic.. a,nm. /rl.tobc skjit. 

lormicii;),trS../V slccping. 
Dorniia.irc ivi.ituiii :: sli.-ep, 

tobeas.lcT[>, tobt uni-mplovcil 
'Dormior, iri pant.tolm slept. 
Ilorilii-Cil, v.iTC inrrp 
]>ormitaniIns, a.iiin./j/.tobt- slcpt 
Dormitans.tis pi. nodding, ulnl* 

ling. (drone 

Dorroilator, firis. «1. a ilccpcr, . 
Donnito, arc.ii.l. to bc slccpy, 0: 

caivlcss, toaleep, lonap.toiipd, 

toalumbcr, totwinklef ^r 
Thinnitnr, oris. 1« 3. 0. lnngilccp- 
X)ormitoriiim,i ». 2. adormitory 
Domijtorius, &, um- adj. that per- 

tainctbto orrrterveth for uletrp 
£?ormitum:3,itm.j/tiLboul to alacp 


I>omirti.i.n.2. tlic back,»pi 
tory , a sli clf,o rh c apof sand,a ridgi 
•r airtc of a hill.the shell of » lor 

Dursus. i. jrr. 2. thc hack- (toise. 

Dbryphdms.i.nJ. a iift-giard rtan. 

*).>-. otin /Aa portion.or dowry, 
gift, a propcrty, » use.a nature* 
evrcllciice, a valiH', a -uli jcct.ati |ji 
argitmeiit, the cnntcnls. 

Dosis, ]•../. 3. ndose. (thc back 

I lnssiiivins, ;., utn inlj. bcarin^ n 

Dn.ilis,c. ar//rtnbrt, of, ur pertair 
dmny, or porlioi» 
onis./ j. un endnuinir- 

DritAlor, firis. m. .1. an cmlowcr. 
)nt'itiiii, inm, /i(issimits. lup. cn 
diiwcd, cnrii-licil, (1owltl'(1, mar- 
ri.-d, joincd. Mnlicr itoi-.iMs-iiu.i 
forina. a woman whose btauty is 
portion cnoiirjli, tlv- 

l>oto.;ii'f .1 1 I11 lti(!<h , . , .(i'- mi\i.-il. 
Itus p. tn be cnilowird 


Dr:n*lnna. k / 1. a drachm, thc 
eiijliili part of an onnse troy, 
lirct-k coin. 71&. in valuc. 
Iraco, otiis. m 3. adragon, ast 
;i fisli,an ciisifrn tli.-liorljtaira^oii 1. * femalc ■jWgon, 
l>r.irriii])Tcna,£.c 1». bredofu dra- 
gon. [alfaiociigjfei 
IJ1-..1 iiuium, i. ji.2. dtilJoTi-wort, ?.a littlc l 1 i-:i lj- c n l . 
dragcHi-wort, a ahcllfish Dcai 1» 
culiii linrtcnsis, laiTagon, Plit 

ll|-ru)l;l..ui^.;j .i llluin-tiijHdfa [il.iy 

hrfimainns, a,um. adj. drumatic 
Drapcta ■nn.lafagi.ivc. rfrunncr 
Drfimasadis. n. Z, a drornedarj' 

f/j/wio. ftr». theDn 
Dniid-t, /r/.ui. 1. PSn. Sl Dml 

Dun.. /•"■>> IJiiu. 

Dnais, e. ndj. dltrJ. ( 

Uuatiter, a-lv in thc dull r 
Diibic riryi-doubtfully, obscu; 
. Hn 1 ii- 1 , ., atis./ S, doubtfulni 
Dubiosuo, a, utn ai/j'. doubtnil 
rJiibitabilis e.a</(.thstmar b -*i 
rjubitandfl«,a,«m p* to bedoul 
" Ju hTtans,ti*./i< . i loi lbti ng.dclij 
hovcrinr belwiit lifcanddi 
DiibiUnter, adv. douhtinglr.l 
Duliltatiir. imp. il is donbted. 
Dtihiiatiis, a, um. />( doubted 
Dubi'i, aren. Itr Wf 
doulit, tohesitate to*«rt 
tract timc, or dclay, to cons 
Diibllor, ari. '<■ to bc doubted 
)libiuni,i. «2 adoubt,»dai 
iHlitua, a.uTrtcrfj dubinus,d( 
sliarp on cjch aidc, <lan)*tl 
Coma dubia, wherc there » 
manv disbes that * inan b 
not ivhich tf> eat of. Ttr. 
DiicalU, c. adj- ilncal. 
i> !■■■■. . ..> ■ 4 a dukedo 
duchy, a geltcralship, cimdt 

Duccnanus, a, um.aifj.oftWO 
drcd. IVjceiinri: judices, 
juilged in trials of snull 
science.(carrie<l,to lead>re be U.l,: 
I >in\ 11'i. t:- (].-;,,'..'. /,.' twohua 
Duccns, tii pt. I,- .uliri;,', CM 
ing, '■■'■■■: S' drawing, deri 
Kucking. (huiidr 

1 >■■■ .riL' ,i::iHtM, um. adi. tln 



Bl 7 


aaj pl. two humlnd.i' away, to lead up and down, toDuIeiculus, a, um. r?'// swectish. 
fv.two hundrcd timea,' cheat, to dccoy, to takc for al)ulcif-ruy,u,um atlj hcRringaweef. 
1. a dutchcsa. < wife, w miss. Dulciioquus. a, uni. «<(/. swectly 

ii,uctum.<i J-to lead,Duclo,arc.a.llo lead, to whccdlc, sour.din^, harmonious, musicul. 
r-g tobring to carry, to kccp a miss, to cstcem, orac-Dulcio, irc «. 4 to bccome swect. 
ivonvcy lo carry off, count. Cornua ductarc nervo, toDulcig t.adj\or,comp. issimuft,#w/>. 
ikc. r goalong with, draw a bow, Val. Fracc. Ductare swcct plcHsaiit,agrecablc, dclici- 
iove or perauade, to aliqucm labiis, to makc mouths ous, dclightful, charming, lovcly, 
rajole to marry tore- at, Plaut. ' beautiful, dear, loving, kind, mic- 

e. / form.«r Ductor, ari, atus. p. vid. Ducto. cessful. 

icat out, i-r forge, toDuctor, oris. m. 3 a leadcr, a con-Duh.itcr, </*/?•• swectly, gcntly. 
doiiffi rdclay,to think. veycr, a guide, a captain. CrcgisDuIcitiido, Inis /• swectncss, plca- 
i ruckon,to coiuputc, ductor, a bull, St-n. j suutncss. * 

o bcgin, tospend, r : Ducturus,a, um. pt. about to lcad.;Dulcor. oris. m. 3. swcctncss. 
> stink. Duccrc suspi-<Ductus,u,um./;/.led, Icd on,drawn, Dulco, arc. act. 1. to swcctcn. 
>i-.animam, spiritumj movcd, induced, prcvailcd on, Dtiliu, x.f 1. bondscrvicc 
lvum, to purge, CW».j druwn out,deduced, derivud, bc- Dwtn, adv. mitil, upon condttion 
nufVup, // r aquam,! gun countcd, straight, dircct that,providedthat,so thut, whilc> 
, takeDuctus, us. m. 4* a leading, j^uid- whihit, aslong as, as yct. throw it ance, conduct, manageuicut, aDQmetuni,i.wi.:2. a thirket, aplace quaft", rdrinkJ draught,makc, shapc, form, or fi- full of bushcsjntricacj .pcrplexi- 
) dance Or.ut-' gurc, a conduit-pipe. Labiorum ty- (that. 

u& JuvXo spin-.cnscm, ductus, a making of wry mouths, Dummodo, adv. so thut, provided 
em, Vtrg. to draw it; Gell. ■Diim6sus > a, um.Mi(/.hushy, bricry. 

us.toarrest him,7'rr Dudum, ado. but latc, lately, not Diimus, i. m. 2. a bubh, thickct, 
arcerem.todraghiro long sincc, a whilc ago, hcreto-| grovc. 

h.11 day, Stm. tcmpus,<Ducl1icuB,a, uni. adj. martial, war- : Duodccim, adj. pl. indcvl. twclvc. 
Vep. |Duellum,i n'2. a duel . a battlc bc- DuOdccimus a,um.a<(/ thc tvt clftlu 

\p Bctidcs the other twccn two pcoplc, war. (somc-{/Aiodcnuriusa, um-adj. oftwclvc. 
s fromDuco. it often Duellus, a, um. atfj. pretty, hand-Duodcni ar.fl.«rf/./»/.twelvc.(cight. 
an ellipsis, to bc lcd Duim, duis,&c. pro Dem, dcs, &c. DuOdenonUginia, cnf/. /;/. ci^-hty- 
i, to be aucd in law. Duini, *. a. adj. pl. two, twain. l Diiodco«-t6giiita,uf/y7//scvcnty-»i«lit 

:/. 1. to govcrn 
pt drawing. 

Dulcc, adv. issimc, *up. swcctly, Du6dct|ua<ira^<. ni, ■*. a.adj ./»/. tliir- 
plcasaDtly^coniically. * ! ty-cight. thcciirhtaudthii-tutii. 

um. tutf. drawing,'Dulcedo, init./. 3. swcetncsH. plc-Diiotlcquadr^csiiiii;^. u.ui... adj 
ining. j 8aiitncss,dclightfulncbs,fondncss, Diiodcipiinquugcsiuius u, uiu.u///. 

/. ductilc, casy to bc| desire, harmouy.mcliMlv, luxury. thc forty-cighth. 
:ytdinto. Ductile flu- DuJcesccns, growing plca-Duodc(minquaginta, pfur. foi*t)> 
cduct, Mart. | sant. (succt.j cight. thc iifty-ci^htli 

lciaurely (vcying.Dulc<jsco, ccro. inc. 3. to grdwiDiiOdcscxagcsunuM, ;u um. adj. 
f. a drawing, a con- Dulciarius, a, um. adj. rclating to Duodetnct, a, um. adj. th«: 
iim. atlj niailcable. what is swect. Diilciarius pistor cight and twcntieth. Qvs \!\\wms. 
m. J. to !ca«l quickJy a confcctioncr, MwU 'UuudcAYVcAcsjiuW.^V^A «vAv^^- 





DuMclrfgint», adj. fl. indtd.tiWMo, »nii / 3. dunlinii 
eight aud twcnty. jI>untrix,ici« : /..:> she who hardcns. 

Dubtlcviccni.Tc a, ,iill.(il- fiylitccn.'1'ui'UriniB. a. ■ ■■ <'i:ii wj|| |.,M 

Duotlcvicesimiuj, x Diihdf vig, si- IKnatint.ii.uiii ud. ncd.riried. 

mus, a,UHi. !■■ . . cit;litccii!!i. | lrn,n.'ii, conf ,. pfltienl. 

Duoetvicerinuinus, a, uto. a,lj. ofiDnre, tufc- hai-rily, hsrshly 
the twoand tnventi.tli . ■■ iDiircii, Cv,: . r, :..!.■- bard. 

Duplel, icis,rii(i. double, \u>?i> tlylKuvs. '-ns, tis. pi. growiiig h»rd. 
twiceaimin.h,r,i^..! mniii brostl,Dilreico, ere.n.3. <o Jtjov.' hard.tti 
Crafty, hubtlc Bu-pKri fcpe uti, loi hc hardcncd, gr fro^ conti 
have two itrirug» ta his bow.T, r "iie long. (c 

Duplicnndus,a,um (il. to tic douti-Diirctu, xf. 1 iti 

Duplieans, Ji». /X. rioubling. (ied. Duritas, stis / iS 

DupHcarius, a.tim. udj. belongingi rigor, eruell' 
to what ia doublc, hatiiij; doulilt"-"— ' ' ' ' 

D'ipl!':itio,(iiiL-i7". t.ji ,1,,,,1,'lin^ [,,.,, 
' ' -ownyl. 

DuplTeilunis, a, um. pt~. abuut to 
double, tJiat wil) doubJc. 

t» -ice HJ many, *tc boH.ri, dciit. 

IKiriter.nrfr.itis, camp. lianlly.paii 
fully,haralLiv,rou(,'hly,rudely, u: 

Ki.-iitci.-ly, u-vi,u.nsly. heinuusl; 
Duiitin.x/ 1 -ii", nrmtieu, 

Duplfco, are. act 1. to douhle, to Uitritie: 


niake twicc »i 

Ouplici>r,ari. ^ou. to be dniililcd. 
Ouphu. nni*. «1. :i. tlie doiiblc. 
Dupio, twice an much- 
Dupliun,i.n 2. tlic doublc. ( 
Duptus, a, iim. a-lj ilouble ,tujce 

brawniiie**, cruelly, harshncns, 
nigirednoaa, ,, luvd way of tifc. 
ciMtiveuess ntiipidity. Duritittji/ 
tunior», swillin^.s. Durili» 

IKlumvTrllU». «. aitj. dl 

),i,ini,,i-jtiis,u* » »t 


l)iiN,,liui»r.f.'i »l«d, 

pcrson, ■ ueid, » cc 

ringlcidcr,» king, » e 

a captaiti,» KenereJ, » 

genersl, mi idwiraJ, » 

gregis, the t»m, Ov. i 

bull, /</- 

. . bath DV 

woodctil)ya 5 .ftdi«-/3.»<Hlce 

.liurlishne»s Dyuamis, co * / 3 - P OB 

lynista, vcl Dynastci. 


Dynasti», i-/ 1 » K« 

jieijfiiiorj*,erlord»hip ' 

i),n L nttTi-i,.*/l-»dy» 

, irtis, », uin.ii. 

rjmnm». *, - / * 
itlnnEi »hortnc*i 

ria, at/ 1 a tlni 

m ■ itkm. DystiriCTj», a, 

|)rii-itiici]ltin,» > iim. ad>. »omcwliat lating to » «trangiir;- 

igh, li;inl, utipoliiheil. 

" v.o.&n.l to hanlen.lo be^ 

hani. to tnike hardj. ■ |? Prtp. cwm eil.f 

■tTotijj, to tiure to hjinisJiiiis. tn I A • v%; ""t ot, <>t. fr 

J ahiik-, la»t,orcontinu.Mo b 

furbcar, lo m»ke riMtirc, to liilL 

Dupondiariu», a, \\n\.ailj. wcigh-; tliiclti 
ing, or holdine; l«» pouiid». (Dilror, ari, UiM, p. vid Ui 

Dfipniiilua, i. m. t't Dipondiiu. Diii-iiH,ji,iim a ,■■■■',/.. iiitmiu, 

I)rir[i'>ili'i. c. n.lj. ilDralilc. lM'iii'ii; .-i(>.rd,«tit 

lKirihilitis.atiit'./: ,i. long cuntiuii- staic, olistin-ite, incXOrahle, lln- 
ance, (mugh. ton^li, «icklng ; ti-.u:t:,Wc,hlunt, clojuiish, Tustic, .. 

Duracimis, n, nm. iirf/. tutrtl,. llli|nililhi ll||li«il|l| tmtcliiTiE, liar- (!■', Inis. n. J k lliirjmcii- ih j™^-, -'l.juiiii. ut in lj.b«r,harsb, 
timi,i.ii.^. jituirdciiing.acoiigeal-! scvciv, rrucl, cosltvc, bound, 
ing, B.a1rcn](tlirmn|f l consUncy,! leaiec, dcar, giiping, tcm 
«bibleneas thcamiofa vine. inipmh ■ ■ 

, .... t, -iti:inittlc.-y*, dull, void 

Duran». li» />r. li»rdcning,»l>idiiiK,| of ipirit, UifKcutt. 
lasting, astriiiircut |Oil»iu*, i. m. 2. tbe dcvil. 

i. 2. Sl DuumTiri. 



.cmcling ■*>• 
3 CaSU quail 
uurpitur f 


C>'r contrariw 
.idc,or parti .' ft 

<i*er sgaiiisl^ul 

/e VC*til^O,<Klt llfl 

nihil metiiaa, a* 
need (ear HQUiing.V.-i 

quwt, dtc Trojan honc. 

' Dnun. two otlicen of Komc. 

on, // c rc aiicujut 
:', in cunipoiition, mual 





■ it stm/ids for dconum,|Ebri6Jus.a, 

clownward; as, cmeto; 
s it stands for sursum, 
urti;a-selevo; sometimes 

EbriSsTtas. atis./ 3. vid Ebrietas. 

Ebribsus, a, um. adj. ior, comp. 
drunken, sottish, givcn to drink, 
sc% and signifies the' dmnk, full of stronjr liquor. 
aJd£, greatly, or very Ebrius,'//. dmnk, intoxicat- 
, eniiror; sometimes itl cd, soaked, dipt, mad, plentiful. 
he same as contra. a-fbullio^lrejvi itum/i. 4. to boil, erEchinatus, a,um. anj.covcrcd with 

5, eluctor: and somc- 

leiiies, and stands fon tcr, to break out into talk, to a- 

aa, clugeo- 

i f m prvn. shc, or that. 

iat way. 

is&em.Y. pron thesame 

irwi. thev, those. 

bubblc up,to fret, or work, to ut- 

vow, to vaunt, to breatbc out. 
ibiillitio, onis./ 3. a bubblinnr. 
ibullo, arc w. 1. to burst out. 
Ebulliim,i./j.2.&. kbiilus,i./ 2 wall- 

wort, dwarf-elder. 

I an Indian bcast of tlie Ebur,&Ebor,o>is nrut. '.». ivory, any 
>f a horse, tliat has, thing madc of ivory. F.bur utra- 

F.ccubi, adv. whcther any where. 
Eccum, i.e. ecce eum, look thcre 
hc is- (tor. 

Ecdlcus,i. m. 3. a proctor, a solici- 
Ecf ari,l cx.fari } % infin.Xo speak out. 
Eoheneis, fdifc. f- 3. a sca-lamprcy. 
Ecliidna,x./.l.a vipcr, the Hydra- 

horns, Plin. 
9 eam ipsam, hcr very 
i ea ipsa. (self. 

■ 1. abloodstone. (far. 

prickles, sharp, nmgh. 
Eclnnus,i.m. 2. a hcdgehog, a 

urcbin, thc prickly shell of a 

cbcstnut, a vcsscl. 
Echo, us. / 4. an echo. 
Ecligma, atis. n. 3. an elcctuary- 
Eclipsis, i»/ cclipse, a figurc 

in grammar, when, a wonl is 


mento condcficcro, to spoil nu 

ture byart 9 /'r.-nr.Ebur cunile,thc'EcIipticus,a, um. ar//.belonging to 

chair of state, Hu*\ (ivory.j an cclipse; Iinca,the cclipticlinc. 

Eburatu% a, um- adj. intaid witliT.cloga.5e./l.aneclogue,apastoral 

dv. so far, so long, thu9Ebume61us,a,um adj. madc of ivo-Eclogurius, i. m. 2. a collector of 
E H ry. [ivory,like ivory.fair, white.j tbiujrsrcad^ischolar hcarinjrlcc- 

Eburucus, a, uni adj. ivory, of ucontr^ad7'onthccontrary.'tures 

».2.vel.ebcnus„i./.2.theEbumus,a,um. adj. madc of bory. EcphBra, ac. / ajutting,9rhearing 

:• ebony. | P^, out.(theratauy timc? butwhcn.' 

• v bi,bi1jituma34odrink " " Ecquaudd, what timc? whc- 

ik.tosuck dry,by drink- scastor, adv. by Castor, an oath. Ecquid, adv. whether or not,whe- 

get, to spend, to waste. EccnJ. e. ccce ca, mind her thcrc. tber any, whcther, what. 

p. to be drank up. Eccam, i. e. ecce eam, look whcrc Ecqtiis,ecqua,ecquod, vel ecquid, 

iri,ittis sum. o\ get,' she is. pr /i.what,wiio,whether anyman, 

ty flattery,0r fair wonls, Ecce,ue/v dcmonstr. lo!sce!behold! woman, or. thin^, whether at all. 

ocharm; p. to be sooth- Eccentrfcusa, um.adj. cccentrical Eccpiisnam, xnam, odnam, wl id- 

flattcred. !Eccheumatum,i-/j.2. a pourin^ out 

iA um - part. havinpf ob- Eccillam,pro cccc illam, see bcr. 

fair wonls, obtained bvEccillum, pro ecce illum, sec him. 

(r, Scc flattering". lEccistam, pro ccce istam,sec that.jEcstasis, is. /. 3. 

i, um. adj. bclonging^or Ecclcsia,ac./ l.a cburch,a con^re-; trance, a sudden 

9 ivory. (ivory. gation, or asscmbly, ameetinyof 

ij \im. parf. inlaid with pcoplc. 

un. adj. made of ivory.JEcclcsiastcrium, i. n. 2. a place for 

t made dnink. ! public assemblics, a church. 

tis. / 3. drunkenness, Ecclesiastes, x. m. 1. a preachcr. 

la. ;Ecclesiasticus, i. m. a book of apo- 

4. 1. to make drunk. cryphal scripture. 

f. \. adrankcn womanJKecos, i. e. ecce eos. 

nam./ir n. whethcr auy man, wo- 
man, or thing*. 
Ecquo, a:tv. whether. 

an ecstacy, a 


Ectypum, i. n. 2. a copy. (tated. 

Ectypus, a, um. adj. copied, imi- 

Eculeus, i. m. 2. alittlc horse, a 

colt, a wooden horsc for punish- 

mcnt, a rack. 

EdacYtas, itis./. 3. edacvt^. 





much,<rluttonous, gormandizinfirt larly. (dcclare, of discourse of.lcdom&tio, 6nii./ 3. a t 
wastingfConsuuiiiur bcdevoured. Edisscrturus. a, uni pt. about to cdonutiiB^um. pt. tami 
' * ' ' ' * Editio,5nis/ 3. an edition,a publi " ' """ f * -*? 

j&dendus* a, um. ///• to bo c;itcn,to 
j&dens, tis p . catinfr, publishiiur, 

sc tingforth.uttering^casting^out. 
Edcntarius, i. m. 2 a dcntist. 
Edentatus, a, uui. pt. having tlic 

f ccth pullcd, ©>• knockcd out. 
Sdc.nto,(c,dens],are.a.l to knock, 

«r dash out a persorr s tccth. 
£dcntulus,a, iun adj. toothless.Yi- 

num cdciitulum, racy, old winc- 
Kdcpol, atlv. by 1'oIIux, an oath- 
?dico,erc,ixi,ictum «.to tcll plain- 

ly,to dcclarc,to advcrtisc,to frive 

Yarning, or noticc, to publish hy 

cdict,or proclamation,to ordcr,to 
F.dicor, ci- // vide Kdico- (spcak. 
cdictutio, onis f- 3 a decl.iriiifr 
Edictio, onis./. 3. a chargc, or in- 


cation, an exliibition of playg, a 
naminjr, or crcatinjr. (I° wc d* 

Edititius a, um arij. namcd al 

Editor.oris.wi . an cditnr. a scttcr 
forth, a pubhsher, an uttcrcr 

Editunis, a,iim. pt about to pub- 
lish. producc, or cxhibit. 

Editus,a, uni ptU atlj, uttercd, dc 
clarcd, publishcd, inadc knovni, 
sprcad abroad, set for\h, cxliibit- 
nprung, dcscended, hatchcd, o> 
contrived, cxaltcd, lofty, high. 

Edo,dcre,(bdi,ditum a. . tos]>cak, 
to uttcr, to dcclare,to tcll,to pro- publish,to makc known, 
to show,or producc,to put, shoot, 
orbrinjr forth,to lay. Kdere extre- 

exlieto, are. frt/. 1. to declarc* on uuim spiritum,to dic,Oc uriiiam, 
pronouncc, to proclaim, to tell, ; to piss, Plin. With nouns it is 
to inforni, to makc knov.n. | cntrhhhed by verbs of tliost 

>:dictum, i. ». 2. an cuict, a com- iiouns,a%Kdcrc sonos,Oc.caiitus, 
niand, or ordiiiauc*-, apublicoi-. risus, C/t.frcmitus, /,*/<•/•. planctus, 
dcr,a proclamation, a mandamus. Juv. ijiicslus, Ov. pugnam, hinni- 

sdicturus, a, uni. pt. about to de- tum,/./r.latratum,/ J /m. tosouml, 
clare. li:*hcd,dec!arcd, iinniuuncfd. sing-Jaug-h groun,wail, complain, 

laiictus, a, um./tf.procluimed,pub- fijrlit neigh, baik. [&c. 

idiiis, c. atlj. catuble. cdor, di. p. to be uttcred, issucd, 

£di*ccndus, a, um. pt. worthy, orcdo, onis. m. 3. a great cater. 
proper to br lcarncd by heart.,dcrc,re/ csse,cs,cst,cdi,csum, 

adiscf), ccre, didi i. a. *.to get, or 7v/. estum.a..». to cat, to jrrazc,to 
taarn hy lcarn perfcctly, devonr, to consume, to waste, to 
to learn,to rl:sccrn,to distingnish. corrode. Kdere scrmoncm, to 

Ediscor,ci./>.to bc learnt by hcart. hcar with grcat plcasurc, Plaut. 

tdiss.rcndus, a, to be dis-r.dor, di. pa*s. to bc eatcn. 
cou".scd of. idoccns, tis. pt. instructing.fwa} . 

cdisscrcns, tis. pt. dcclarinjr. Edbcctitcr, adv. in a tcaching 1 

?dihsero, rcri»,ui,tum. act 3 to dc-rdocco,Cre,cui.octum. a. totcacli, 
clarc, or rchcarse, to disputc, or tp instruct, to ccrtify, to inform 
discourse. (tion. Edoctus,a,um./>/ taught. instruct- 

Edisscrt~:ti«>, nni» /■ 3. a disscrta- cd, advertiseil, informed. 

Adi.ssertivtor, oris. m.i. a declarcr. Edblatus, a, um. /»/. uolished. 
cdi!vcrt<> A uyv.ttr(.l. to ttffi »articci- t?dolo, are. *. 1. to pomrti, U fintsh. 

in, brouglit into subjo 
?d6mo,are.ui,itum.o 1 . 

makc gentle, to conqt 


tidbnior, ari, atus. pas8 
t"dormio,Trc,ivi,itum.n. ■ 


Kdormior. iri. p. to bc 
ffdonniico,cerc,iitc.3. to 
Kchicandus,a,um./>/ to bc 
E(lucatio,6ins/3. educa 

in^abrecding; up, om 
Ediicator, orisro. 5. he t 


Eduratrix, icis. /. a 1 
fulucatus, a, um. part. 

broujrht up. 
kduccndus.a, um. pt. to 
?duco,urcn cducat 

orinstmct,to bring up,1 

to maintain, to fecd, to 
cducor, ari. p. to be dt 
cdfi c o,ce rc,i i.\i ,uct um. a . 

or draw out,to lcad forl 

or bring away, to brin] 

world,to briiijr,orraise f 

rish, to build,to drink i 
Educor, ci, uctus. pamt 
E(luctio,onis./i i.a lcadinj 
Eductilrus, a, um. />/■ ab< 
2ductus, a, um. pt. t\r%\ 

fortli drawn,unsheathc< 

up.brcd, miscd,run out 
Fdulco, arc. act. 1. to sv 
Edfilis, e. atlj eatahle. 
Eduliuin, i. n. K 2. mcat, f 
Eduratio, 5nis./. 3. a ha 
tdiirc, adv . vcry hurdly, 


•?duro,are.7i.& endur 
K.dums,a, umaii/.very hi 

unkind, hardheartcd. 
i:f, in composition, staiM 
&ftaMffe i c •$. tkx\ j*^ 




itteredt w expressed. 
, a, umft. to be declared. 
ire,tam.o^ stuff,to fill. 
, Iri, ctus-l, to be filled 
i, a, um p/.crammeoVstuff- 

ins,tis witchwg< 'ed 
ktio,6ni»/a bewitching, a 

), ftrc. a. 1. to bewitch- 
i.:4- J. a m&xim. Effata, pL 
pr&yers,or specches of di- 
Hxcles, prophecic» 

to elate.ortrsntportjto surmount, 

to disengage,to cxtricate,to bury. 

Efferre aliquem vcrbis, higiily to 

commend liim, Cic. 
Efleror,erri,elatus/>. to be carried 

out, buricd, transported, &c. 

stuflcd, full, plcntiful. (hot. 

E/fervco,ere,vi.n*K/. 2. to be very 
Effervescvns, tis. pt. fuming, vcry 

hot (boiling, angcr, fury, rage. 

Effcn CM:cntia, x. / 1. a suddcn 

tjaxnft. speaking» baving Effers i >co,ce>e.»j 3 to bc very hot, 

dedicuted* consecratcd. 
6nis./ effecting, or 
ts^UDi-o^'. effcctivc. (cr. 
6ri*.«-3.a makcr»a tinish- 
,ici*/;J. ehc tliat niakcs, 

i, i. n. 2. sji cffect. 
is t a,uin./u\about to effect ior, rsmp. cffcct 
jjbt to pass,orabout,made, 
ivpatcbcd, finished. 
, effect, a bring 
ntSaft thingmadeysucccss. 
atc, vid. ErTurmiuate. 

, mdv. madly, wildJy. , o , w 

syb, um.^. ior, comp. isst- having power,able,available,pre- £/flco,ere,Cvi,ctum weepout. 
Mnade wild, or fiercc, en- valent. Efflictim,fl<fo.beyondmcaaure, ut- 

ava|re,CTiieI, unruly[angry Eff lciendusa,um./>f.tobeeffected Efflictio, dnis./ 3. torment.(terly. 
i£re,bui- n. 2. to be hot^r Eff iciens,tis./»f8c aoj. cfficient, cf- 

to boil ovcr,to fcrment,to ragc,to 

i>c chafcd, troublcd, or moved,to 

bc allaycd, to grow cool. 
EjTorvo, 3. to boil over. 
Efl'crusa,um. arf/wild, savage,cru- 

el, outragcous, diatracted, ficrcc, 


Eff icacia, ae. / 1. efficacy, force. 
Eff icaciter^iW7'. ius. comp. lKsinic, 

sup. eflectually, with effect, or 


Eff Tcax,5cis,ac7/.ior, comp. isstmus. 

EfTlcior, d. pOM. to be made. 

En r TcItur,if»/>.it is brought to psjS. 

Effictio, 6nis./ 3. an expressing. 

Effictus,a, expressed, form- 

Efl tgin, *./ 1. an image (cd: 

Eff igiatus, a, um. pt. fashioned. 

Eff Ygics,£i/ image,or stature, 

a shupc,pa tern,orrepresentation> 

a rcsemblance,or likeness,& form, 

or manner, a shadow 

Effigio,\ portray.(cut. 

7C/findo, dere, aci. 3. to divide, tn 


£ytingo,£re,nxi,ictum a form, 

or fashion,to work,or make,to en- 

grave,to portray,to rcprescnt, or 

express,to imitate,to rub,or wipej 

Effiu^ to be fashioned[done 

Kj\ 'io4^ri,factus,n. to bc made, or 

Efflagitatio, dnis. f. an earoest re- 

quest. (required, importuned. 

Kmagitatus, a, um. part. earnestly 

Efflagit&tus,us. m. 4. importunity. 

Efflagltans, tis.j»^importuning, dev 

siring. (to extor*. 


[ex. farciol, fre. act. 4. to 
• crsm, to nll fbJl. (out. 
UiSyS, to be carried 
ttis./M. liftin^ up, advanc- 
ioUing, boastmjr. (enrage. 

re-orf-l. to makewild, toEfflcio [ex, facio], c€re, ftci, fcc- 
Iri. p. to bc made wild. rt " «•--*- i— ? l * 

fers,extuli, clatum.a. &n. 
ry ofl,out, or car- 
rin,r fonh, w produce, to 
vanur, «r oxalt, to praisc, 
■v^tf.'. ,f » utlc;*.or pro- 

f^flagito^ire desire, or craye, 

Efflictor^ri./». to be vcxcd, or toiv 

fecting, bringing to pass, caus- racnted. 

ing t making. (fect Efflictus, a, wretched. 

Efl icientcr,a<fo. causally, with cf- £/fHgo,£*re, in,ictum. act 3. to 
Eff iciencia, x./ I. efficiency,the straighten,to vex sore,to torment 

virtue, or power to eftect. K/flo^are. a. 1. to brcuthe out. Ef- 

flareextremuni halitum/odic, Cic. eftcct, to bring about, colorem,to lose colour Licr. (oa% 
orio pass,to accomplish,to fulfill. Efflor. ari, atus- p. to bc brc<tthc<t 
to do,orpeiform,to procure,orgct f //floreOjCre ui. n. 2. loblrcm, 10 

/ytl6resco,ccre.nfM'. 3 ln Movc, t» 

Hprip.gfonhjtc flourshfTestiy, \o 

to makc,orrender,to take care,to 
prevent,to provx:,or concludc, to 
supply ,orherve instead of Efticcre 

to^Uvuiti-icrniuifcvX-iown,! epijitolam, to writc a lctt%r, Cic. bc di»t ; .ntruwhc-l, to t> .• 

*»•»■ ■ 





Enarr4tio,5nls./3. a pUin declafa-JEitgeariS, tis. pt. kiUing. 
tion,*rintciprcUtionroTdescriber Ene^tio,5ni*/3 a slaymg(ehoke 

emulceo,ere.a. 2. to stroke gently 
imulctrale, is. n. 3. a milk-pail. 

imulgatio, 5nis. /. 3. a pubhshmg.lEnarrator, 3. an interpreter, 
imulgendus^mini./> be milked. 
Zmulgeo, 5re, Isi Sc lxi, lsum. vel. 
Ictum, a. 2. to milk out, to stroke. 

Entfcalus, a,um. paru killed, iba 

?narro, tell,to dcclare,to £neco, vel intco, ftre, eul, fc ctvi 

rclate, to recite, to recount ctum,& catura.o-1- to kill, orssg 

inarror, are. pat$. to be told. to teaze, plague, #r troubk. 

imulsus, a, um. pt. drained, dry. inascens, tis. pt. growing. Enecor f ari,ctus,& catus.^.to besl 

imunctio,5nis./a wiping the f natuB. d3. to be born of, most killcd. ' killed, alraost desj 

imunctor,5ris.m. a snuffer, a chou-j to grow,or spring out of, to arise. Enectus, a, uiu. pt almott slain, i 

Smunct5rium,i.n. 2. snuffcrs. [ser.iinatans, tis. pt- swimming out. Knema^atis. n. 3. a clyster. ftM 

3munctflra,ae/.the snuffofa candlefnato.are./uru* 1 to swim out, or to Energia, ac. / 1. energy, effieicj| 

imunctus, a,tun^. wiped^nuffcd,. land, to escape, to disentangle- Enervatio,5nis./ 3. a weakesisf 

gufcd,chcated,choused. Emiinc-Enatus,a,um./M.grown out, sprung EnervatusU>um.parf.feeble,6fl4 

tx mvris homo, a man of a delicatej up, arisen. (ployed, bestowed. heartless, soft, effeminate. # j 

taste and judgment, H>r. Enavatus,a,um, part. carefuUy em- Enervis, e. atjj. feeble, weak^fiM 

imundate, adv. vcry clcanly. linavTgandus, a,um.jM.tobesailed void of sinews, lank, slim. 

imundatio, 5nis./ 3 a cleansing. over, or through, to be passed. Enervftas, atis./. 3. weakness. ; 

imundatus, a, um. pt. cleansed- jinavTgatus, a, um. pi. sailed over. Encrvo,[e > nervus],are csel 

emunclo,are a 1 .to clcansc,to clear enavTgo,art.n.l to sail out,orthro\ vatc, to enfeeble,to wcaken,to4 

imundor, ari. p. to be clcanedL | to escape, to gct out of, to land. feminate,to make tender^raioi 

imungcns,tis. pt. wiping the nosc.£navo,are.a.l.toemploy,to bestow Enervor, iri. p. to be enerntoij 

?mungo,g£re,nxi, nctum. act. 3. toEncxnia,5rum./tf.n. 2. anniversary Engonatus^,um.o4j. muhangukfl 

wipc the nose, to snuff a candle, feasts to commemorate the build- Enhydris, Idis/ 3. a water-fmM 

to cheat. [ned,fenced, or secured. ing of cities, or the dedication of enigro,are. act. 1. to make bJssk 

Smuniendus, a,um. pt. to be forti-j temples. (work. Enim,conj. for,twly,verily,iaoee4 

imuriimentum,i.n.2 a fortification. Encaxpa, orum. plur. neut. 2. fruit- yea, forsooth, but, therefort. ■ 

£mtinio,irc,ivi,itum.a. 4. to fortify , Encaustes, ac. m. 1. an enameller Enimvero,co9|;.veiily v truly jndes| 

to fence, to inclosc, to secure. Encaustice, es./. 3. enamelljig. real!y,on my word,! warrantjsl 

imflnior, Iri, Itus. p. to be fence&Encausticus^,um. ao}'. enamellcd. forsooth,immediately, on theeJti 

imunitus,a,um./>*. fortified,fenccd. Encaustum,i n.2. enamel, varnish. er part, or side. 

Emu9co,[c,muscus3,are.a. 1. to rubjEncaustus, a, um. atfj. cnamclled. part. clamberingp^ 

off moss, to clear from moss. ;EnchirTdium, ut. 2. a manual, a deavouring, endeavoured. j 

imuscor,ari. pat». to be clcarcd ofi pocket-book, a dagger, a handle. Enitcndu&Aum. pt. to cndeavssj 

imutatus,a,um./t/. changed. (moss EnclUicus,a,um af(/»enclitic; thus, Enltens,tis./>f. endeavourinun) 

cmutio,ire,ivi,ltum.n. 4. to mutter, que,ne, ve, arc caUcd enclitics, i. ing, yeaning, brins^ng forth-J 

to mumble, to hum. (hetter. e. added unto a word. 'a praiser. Enltens, shining, gTitterdSj 

rmftto,arc.ocr.l. to changc fortheEncdmiastes,ae.m.l. an encomiast, enYtco,Sre,tui.n-2. to shine, tosf 

Encomiasticus, a,um. aqj. encomi- pear fair, bright, or charmint>t 
astic be famous, or renowned. 

Knc5mium,i.n.2.encomium,praise ?n!tesco, c£rc. n.'o. to shine, toh| 
Encyclius, i. m. 2. all litcrature. come ^lorious. 
EncyclSpxdia, x. f. 1. lesxiiing'?nitor.tiJsus,&ixussuiii.rftp.&t 
that comprehends tll the liberal climb up with pain,to clainbeftjl 
scienccs. (tle, tug, endeavour,to stxsj 

inarrandus t a,um. pt. to be related. Endr6mis,Idis/.a thick shag-man- hard,to tra\-ail with cbild,tobrk| 
enarrtte, iite, *Jr>. phlrity. jiti^candus» a, ua. pt. to be sjcI txLl fsrrt^> to ficrrov f effcj ttji ^ 


En, adv. lo! see! bchold! 
inallage, cs. / 3. a changc 
Knargia,x./1. cvidence, clearness. 
inarrabYlis, e. adj. that may be dc- 
clared, described, or shown. 



ua, —mp. Uijmi. ««*.' contrariea, a syllogism wanting 
>oth and nmil. the roajor, ©r minor proposition. 

m. pt. about to strive. 0nubo,berc,upsi,uptum.n. 3. to be 
.pt ior, c*mp. issunus, raarried out of one's degTce. 
endeavoured, having Enucleandus, a, um partto be ex- 
th, farrowed, yeaned, plained,9rclcared.(actly,politely. 
i% laborious, industri- Enuclcate,atfVclcarly,plainly, ex- 
;; foaling, yeanin, &c. Enuclcatus, a, um. pt. naviug thc 
m 4. a deliveriru? of kcrncI,erstoncs pickedout,clear- 
o swim out,to cscapc, ed,declarcd, made maiufest tho- 
to pass throuirh. roughly scrutinizcd, siftcd, 

v, ius, comp. clcarly, weijrhcd. 
Lently.[orexplanation. Enucleo[e,nucleus],&re.a.l totakc 
is/. i>- an cxplication, out the kerncl, to explain. 
um. part. clcarcd of Enuclcor, ari- p- to bc explained. 
kincd, made roanifcst, Enudatcadr. vcry plainly (pound. 
ain, void of difliculty.£nudo, make bare,to ex- 
.voidof knots,smooth, Enumerabilis, c adj. that may be 
t 1. to unknot,to cut counted. 
, to clear up, to de- Enumeratss, tis. pt. enumeratinjr. 
plain. or expound. Enumfcratio, 5ius/3. an enumcra- 
pu*3. to be cleared. tion. 

# void of rulc, enor- EnumSratov, 5ris. m. 3. a counter 
augc, irregular(ness. Enumeratus,>/. enumeratcd. 
itU/ cnormity, huge- £ numero,* cmuncrate, 
adv. irregulariy. count, ©r reckon up, to recitc, to 

•e,tui u. o. to come to pay-(bered,orrcckoncd,tobe paid 
, to become known. Enumeror, ari, atus. p. to bc num- 
umake out,to observe Enunciandus,a,um./rf.tobe uttercd become,or made Enunciatio, dnis/ 3. an axiom, or 
f sum, bcing. (acw. maxim, jl proposition. 
. being, cxistence. Enunciativus,a f um.a4/.expressive. 
m. 2. alittle sword. Enunciatrix, Icis,/ she that de- 
erum.fl'(f.that beareth clares. 

(a sword.Enunciatum,i. n. 2. aproposition 
% Iword. atuck, an of- Enunciatura,z/ la pronouncing. 
unand, gpvernment. Enunciit&rus,a,um./p/.about to ut- 
um. pt. inspired with Enunciatus, a, umpt. spoken.(ter. 
<ed, moved. (ed. enuncio,are.a.l. to speak,to utter, 

jn. atfj. sacredyinspir- to express, to tell, to dcclare, to 
iaji. «■• 2. enthusiasm. pronounce,toshow,ordiscover,to 
x. m. 1. an enthusiast. publu»h,disclosc, or reveal,to sig- 
u*a, um.a4/. cnthusi- nify. 

Enuncior, ari. p. to be uttcred. 
AtU mtut. 3. an enthy- Enuptio, Snis/ a woman's marry 
igumcnt drawn frona iny out of, er bclow her tribc, 



quality, &c. 
£nutrio,Tre,Tvi, nourish* 

fced,or cherish,to maintian, sup- 

port, or bring up. 
Enutrior, iri, itus. pas*. to be fed; 


Eo,is,ire,eundi,Tvi,Ttum.n.4. to g§> 
to go on, to walk, to travel, to 
march, to pass, to procecd, or ad- comc, to come in, or cn« 
tcr,to sail,to swim, to flow, to run 
down,oralong,to fall. to fly,to flr 
away,oralong. Being ioincd with 
theflrst supine, it denotcs the 
samc as the infinitive mood of 
tliat supinc. Ire inncias, to deny, 
Plaut obviam alicui,to gt) to meet 
lum,/ arma, to take up arms, 
Cicad saga,to go to be a soldicr» 
/ melius,to grow better,/a*.in 
auras,to vanish, Ov. exemplis, to 
imitate,/</.in hostem, to sct upon 
him,5/ jus,to enter, an action 
against,Pa'n. jun. in lacrymas, to 
dissolve into tcars, Stat. in opui 
alicnum,to meddle witli \tyPlaut. 
in ora alicujus, to flv in his face, possessionem,totake 
posscasion, Cic. in secula, to be 
ever romcmbered* PUn. jun. in 
scntentiam alicujus, to subscribe 
to his opinion, Liv. 

Eo, adv. thitlier, to that place, to 
that, orsuch a pass,orcondition,to 
tliat cnd.or intent,so far asthere- 
fbrc.or thereupon.Kd loci,in that 
statc,or condition, CicNec eo se- 
cius, and neverthcless, SuetJfer. 

E5dem,a<fo. to the same place, to 
the same purnose, tothc same 
state, or condition. 

Eos, onis. / 3. thc morning. 

Edus, a, um. adj. eastern. 

x5us,i.fn.2.the day star, one of tfcc 

bOTBCH Of ti\^ IMXU 




EPU far forlh, solong,] is devotcd wholly to pleasure. ! tenant, the clerk of u 
to that hcight- Epicus, a, uro, adj. epic, heroic. Epistates,ae.m. a stewar 

Epfcyclus, i. m. 2. an epicycle. Epistdla, x.y. 1. an cpi 

EP# Epidemicus a,um.a<#. epidemic&l. Ab epistohs, » secrct 

«pactx, irump/./ 1. the epact. Epidermis, ulis. / 3.the outward Epistblaris.c.arf/ episto 

apigon, ontis. m. 3. a trucklc. thin skiu of thc body. (tive. laris charta,writjng-pi 

kpaphxrcsis, is. / 3. rounding, or EpTdicticus.a, ura. aaj. demonstra- EpistdlYcus, a, nm. adj. 

aecond clipping of the hair. Epidipnis, fdis. /a collation,a des- Epistolium, l n 2. a lil 

Kpastus. a, um. pt. eaten 

«paticus, a, um. aaj. of the liver. 

*phebatus,a,um. atlj. fiftecn yearslEpidr&mii* i.m, 2- the mizzen-aail 



iphebia, x./ 1. the age of stnp- lnscription uponastatue abrand. 

«pliebicus, a, um.aaj youthful 
kphebium, i n. 2 a pJacc wbcre 

youngmcnezercisedthcmsclvesEpfgT^phe. cs./ inscription. 

Ephcbu%i m 2.a striplimr, a youth. 

a lad a man.Evcedcrcexcphebis, 

to writc himself man, 7 W. 
Eph€meris,Tdis/.>. au ephemcris, 

a day-book,a jouru:U,a mcmoran- 

EphCmeruSya um. adj daily. Ephe- 

mcra fcbris, a quotidian fever. 
&phetx, arum pL m. 1. judges at 

Athens, fifty in numbcr. 
Ephialtes, r. m. 1 . the nightmare» 
Kphippiarius, i. m. 2. a saddlcr. 
Ephippiatus, a, um, adj. saddlcd. 
sphippiuin,i. n 2. a saddlc,a hous- 

ing, or horsccloth, harness. 
£phbrua,i. m, 2. a chief magistrate 

amongst the lAccdcnionians- 
Epioata,vcl Epibates,x m. 1. asol- 

dier serving on shipboard, a ma- 
ipibuthra, x. / 1 , a Iadder. ■ nne. 
apicediuni, i n. 2 a funeral aong. 
ipichireraa, atis. n. 3. a proof ofa 

proposition by argument 
Epicccnus, a, um atfj. epicene, 

common, of both scxcs, or kinds. 
F.pTcrdcus, a, um. adj. yellow. 

sert. Epist5minm.i n 2 a coc 

Epidixis, is./ 3. a demonstration. tap aspigot, 

Epistylium, i.n. 2 aciia 
EprigTamma,aU8.n>anepigTam,an|Epitaphium,i n- 2. an e 

a fugitivc*s mark. (grammatist>JEpTthalamium,i n a son 
Rpigrammatista, x. m. epi-kpithSca, x./. 1 anad 

Epigrusi.m.2.a.shoe,anintofastenEpTt6}rium,i. ». 1 atal 
F.pilepsia x./lthe epilepsy wood ment worn upon ago 
Epileptfcus. a, um. adj. epileptic, Epftomc, es/. 3. & Ep 

ncral song (of a m 

Epithfton, i. n 2. an e 

Eplldgo. are. act. 1. to conclude 
Epil6gris i. m 2. an epilogue, the 
closingofa speech. 
EpTtncnia, drum. pl. n. 2. small 

prcsents sent cvery month from£pdclia,x/l.asolemi 

1. an epitome. an abi 
EpitOnium, i n 2. a p 
EpTtyrum. i n. 2. a kj 
EpiQrus, i. m 2- a kef 

r.p6des,is.m 3 a kind 
E])6dus, i. f. % an cpc 
Kpol, ath\ hy Pollu: 
Epos. ii. inttfd. epic 
etry. a lofty strain 
rpoto are. a 1 to di 

jvfrica to Komc, a soldier*s 
mont!il\ pay. 

Epinicion,i n-2.a Fong of triumph. 
pl fi.epiphaiiy t ortwett"tii-«la\ .(tion 
Epiphonema,atis n. a r.ioral reflec- 
Epiphora. x.f. 1 a runningofthc:Kp6tus, a,um. pt d 
eycs, a fall of water, a repctition.' lowcd up, suckcd 
Epirhcdium,i.n-2.a waggon,a cart. Epulx»uium./>/./ b 
Epiroticum malum, an apricot,' a fcasting*, giuxl 
Ptin. dishcsof utcaU f« 

Epirriicdiiim,in. 2. a cart, or wag-! turc. dcvou 

Epiilandus, a, u:n 
Epuhtns, tis. pt. t\ 
Epularis,e.r/'// bc 
Epiilurium, i. ;i. 

gon, the harncss of a carthorsc. 

Eppischidion, i. n 2. a wedgc. 

Episcbpalis, c. adj. episcopal. 

Episcopitus us. m. 4 episcopac) . 

EpiscOpiusphasclus, a brigantinc, 

£pisc6po, oversce Cic. EpulFitio. onis. j 

iipicQrcus^uum adj. ofthc scct of kpiscnpor, ari. pat*. to bc madc a' banqucting, a 

Epicurus, cpicurean, voluptuous,- bishop. ;F.pulaturus,a.ui 

givcn to nothing but plcasurc Episcopus,» m.2. a bishop, an over-^Epuiatus, a,um 

*pfcQruB f i.m.2jtii cpicure,oiic tluit sccr^i supcrintendant^i lord-licuJEpuio,ouis.m.3 





i, fttns auni. dep. & tranA ing,acompanyof horsemenjiorsc 

featft, or banquet,to cat. 
t.2.afcast^ banquct, an 
iment, atreat, a mcal. 


: 1. a marc. 
7!1- a itud of mares. 
l. m. 2 a horscbrcakcr. 
nedicus,afarrier,a leech- 

a warrior, a knight, or called aiies, a scafish, a star- 
r f one of tlic thrce or- „ 

lome betwixt tlie scna- 

L commonaKy, a Iiorse, Eradendus.a, um pt. to be erased- 
the place in the thcatre Er&dicatus. a, um. pt. eradicatcd. 
4e jrentry sat Eradicitus,<Mfo.rrom the vcry root. 

vcl cqucstris, c. adj. of, ?radico,are. act. 1. to cradicatc,to 
ging to a horse, or to ca- root,orgruh up,to dcstroy utterly. 
lightly, of, or bclonging Eradicor,ari pastAo be rooted out. 
rder of kniirlithood. Erado tlere asi,astim a 3. to scrape 3.fourtecn seats off, or out. to blot out, to cfface. 
leatre for the gentry. Eranns,i.«* 2. ataxguthcrcr,a tax 
, cmj. verily . indced Erasus,a,um. pt. rased, scraped, o/ 
i, i. m. 2. a wild horse. taken out, effaced, blottcd, put 
* n. 3 a stable for horses. out of pcnsion, or pay. 
tum, i. n. 2. Uic hire of a Erciscendus,a, 
for covering a inare. Ercisco, cere. neiit. 3. id. quod. 
tyxxm aaj. bclonging to a Erciscor, ci dep. 3. to divide land. 

Nervus equinus, a bow- Erciscundus, pro Ercisccndus, a, 

eFremlgo, are. act. 1. tosailovcr. 

cavalry. ' " Eremita,ac m.La hermit. (ahcrmit. 

Bquito WreMCt.kneut. 1. to ride to Eieuiiticus,a,um.<i<0 pertainingto 

run, scour, or gallop along, to Ercmus,i/2.a wildcnicss adcsert. 

pass swifUy to bestride. erepo,perc.psi,ptum.n.3. to creep 

cquitor, ari, atus. p. to be ridden out, to get oin\ or pass over witk 
Equula, x.f.l a mare-colt a ftlly. diflicidty, to ascend gradually. 
Equuleus,i. m. 2- a colt an instrii- Ereptio, 6nis. / a violcnt taking- 

me nt of torturc made lik e a horse . away . ( oftcn. 

nde of horseliair Ov. 
e, Ivi. n. 4. to desire thc 

Irum. pl n. 2. horse rid- 
aces, tournaments. plays. 
nis. m. J. a horse's rider, 
jr, an cquerry, or groom, 
r. (men.faiT 

• aautki,mariners.or sea- 
m» e. atfj. Uiat may be 
easjr tonde. 
t riding. 

* 6nis- / v. a riding. 
k a, um. pt. ridden. 

um. pt- to be divided, or parted. 
Erebeus,a,um. ailj. hellish, of hcll. 
Erebus, i m. 2. hell. 
Erec\c,u(Iv niBjComp. rightly. (iug 
Erectio oius /*. >.an erection, a rais- 
Erectus,a,um pt. & aaj. ior, c mp. 
made ercct, or upright, standing 
upright, raised lngh, ur up, rous- 
ed, stirrcd up, encouraged, cou 
rageous, undaunted, intent, ear 
nest, sublime, aspiring, proud, 
haughty, gay, tprighUy, very 
joyiul, fixcd. (recUy. 

Eregion^, adv> over againat, di- 

l, ua. m, 4. the act of ridrJEremigatus^ um. pt. saUed orcr. 


Ercptus, a, um. pt- taken trom, tm 

out. rcscued, dclivercd, savcd, 

stolcn, dead. 

Ercs,is.m.3.a hcdgchog, an urchin* 

F.retria, x. / a kmd of cenise. 

Erga prxp. towards, against, ovcr 

Ergastularis, e. adj. of a prison. 

Erga.stiilarius.i-m. 2. a keepcr of a 
workhouse,a keeper of a j>;'i<on # 
or housc of correction, a jailer. 

Krgastuluni, i. n. 1. a workhousc, 
a house of correction, a prison, 
a prisoner, n slavc. 

Ergastulus, i. m. 2 a roguc,a slave. 

Ergata, x.f. 1 a cap*tan,a crane* 

Ergo- c-inj. thereforc,then,for, be. 
cause, for thc sakc, a partirlc of 
expliration for inquam, I say. 

irica, ac/1. hcath, swect broom. 

Krlcseum, mc). wild honey, Plin. 

Ericctum.i.n.a hcath^ l>room-closc 

Er\ccus,&Erlcius.i. m. 2. a hcdgc- 
hog, a chevaux-dc fi-izc. 

Erigendus, a, to bc raiscd. 

Kngcns, tis pt. erccting, rnisiiif*. 

Kngeron, outis. m. 3. grounds..'. 

ErYgldus, a, um. «n#. very cold. 

Erigo[e^-ego], gere, rexi, rcctum. 
a-> to ercet, or makc upright, to 
build up, to raisc, to set, Uft, or 
hold up,U> prick up,to draw up,to 
stir up, to rouse, or excite, to ad- 
vanc%to p»mioXeA.OTAaa^«n»VKav 





Erlnaceus, i. m. 2. a hcdgehog. 
£rinnys, yos, & yis./ 3. a fury. 
ErTpienduR,a,iim./>/to bc taken a- 
Er¥piens,tis. /tf.taking away.(way. 
En*pio,( c,rapio J .p£re,pui,rcptum. 

take away,to pluck,pull,orsnatch 

out, to draw out, to save, to free, 

deliver, ©r rcscue. 
Eripior, i. be takcn away. 
srisma, atis. n. 3. a short laddcr. 
Brisma, *./ 1. a prop, abuttress. 
Erfthacus,i.m.2. a robin-rcdbrcuj>t. 
Entius, i. m. 2. a warlike enginc. 
Eriv&tio,6nis./3.a drain of water. 
ErTvo,>£, rivus],arc. a.l. to drain, 

or carry off water by a sluice. 
Erlvor, ari,/*w*. to bc draincd 
krix,Icis. / 3. broom.(carthenpot. 
Erncum, i- n. 2.a cake bakcd in an 
Er5dens,tis.^f.gnawing.(to eatinto 
er6do,cre,si,sum.a. 3. to gnaw off, 
Er5gandus, a,um. ptXo be bestow- 
Erdgans, tis. pt. bcstowing. (ed 
Erogatio, 5nis./.3. a laying out, a 

profuse spending, a distribution. 
Er5gator, almoncr.( out, 
Er6gaturus,a ( about to lay 
Er5gutus,a, um. M.distributcd f de- 

livcred, or laid out, bcstowcd, 

spent, entreatcd,prcvailed upon. 
?rdgito^re. Jreq.lXo ask,or dcsirc 

heartily, to get out, to extort 
?r5go,arc.acf. 1. to lay out, to cx- 

pcnd,tobestow,to beg,or entrcat, 

to gct.or obtain by bcgging.Jout. 
Erogor, ari, atus. pass. to bc laid 
Erdsio, 6nis./ 3. a consuming. 
ErSsus, a, um. jM-eaten into,or up. 
iroticus, a, um. adj. oflove. 
Errabundus, a,um.aaj.wandering. 
Errandus,it,um,/ bc straying. 
Aroi^ti5./>/.wan<kring, ttraying, 

crcepinghcrc andthere,creepin 

tosuccour, relieve, or comfort. I 

Erigor, pi. bc raiscd (star. about, mistakcn, unfixt, mutable. 
Erig5neius, a, um. adj. of thc dog Erraticus, a/um. adj. unfixt, wan- 

dcring, straying abroad, wild. 
Erralio, 6nis./ 3. a wandering, a 

mistake, mutability, inconstancy . 
Errator, 5ris. •». 3. a wanderer, a 


act. 3. to take away by force, to Erratrix, Icis./. 3.a she-wanderer. 

Erratum,i.n2. an error, atnistake, 
a fkult, a miscarriagc. 

Erratur,»*m/x?r*.they are mistaken. 

Erraturus,a,um. /tf.about to crr,or 
wandcr about. (strayed ovcr. 

Krratus,a,ura. jM.wandered about, 

Erratus, us. m. 4. an crror. 

Erro,are.ra 1 to rovc up and down, 
to roam, to wander, to wandcra 
bout,to stray,to saunt 
er,to walk abroad,to run,to feed, 
grazc,or pasture,to mistakc,or be 
mistakcn,to misunderstand,notto 
kno\v,to be at a loss, to offcnd, 
last.(erer, a vagabond,a fugitive. 

Erro, onis. m.3.a wandcrer,a loit- 

Errones,um./>/.m. wandering stars. 

Krrdneus, a, um adj. erroncous, 

Error, crror,ormistake, 
a false,orwrongopinion,a deceitjE 
or a mazc,or wandcring 
a winding,or turning,a 
or infirmity, a frailty. 

Erubescendus, a, um. pt. to be a 
shamed of,base,mcan,sorry,poor. 

Enibcscens, tis. pt- blushing. 

Enibesco,cere,bui.r; be rcd, 
to color, to blush,to bc ashamed. 

eruca,ae./l.the cankcr,or palmcr 
worm, the hcrb rocket. 

ffi-uctuzis, tis. pt. bclching, cast 
ing, or vomiting out. 

Eructatio, onis./. 3. a bclching. 

Eructator, 5ris.m,3.a belcher.(up. 

rructo, are.n.l. to bclch, to throw 

Eructus, a,um./>l. bclchad up. 

wcakness, rrum] 

ig>Eruderatus, a, nm. pt. c 

or freed from rubbish. 

erndero, are. n. 1. totl 

Erudiendua,a,um, pt.Xo b 

Erudicns, tis. pt. teathir 

Eriidio,! e,nidis],irc,i\i,i 

to teach, to instmct, t 

to bring up, or exercise 

Erudior,iri,itus/>a*t. tob 

Eriidite,a</tMus, cvmplat 

learnedly. skillfully, art 

Eriiditio,5nis. /3.cruditi« 

ing, scholarship, litcrati 

Eruditrix,icis./a raistrcs 

Erudltiilus, i. m. a smatt 

ErQditulus, a, um« udj. i 


Eruditus,a,um. pt& atfj. 

isslmus. eup. taugiit ii 

educated, bred up, pn 


ed, skilftil, curious, nic 

,to Enicndus,a,um pt. to be 

Erugatio, onis./ 3. a tat 

ofwrinklcs, a smootkii 

Erugutus, a, um. pt. mad 

?rugo, 1. to tnak 

Krugor, ari./>.tobe mad 

Erugo, gerc. neui. 3. to 

Enilia, ac./ 1. a vetch. 

Erumpens, tis. pt. break 

^rumjio, perc, riipi, rup 

a. 3. to break, burst,or 

to issuc, or sally forth, 

send forth, vcnt, or disi 

arisc,or become knowu 

or discovcr. 

Erumpor,pi,uptus sam- 1 
brokcn forth, &c. . ( 
?muco, arc. a. 1. to wee 
eruo, uere^ utum. a 3. 
tear, root, or dig up, i 
ovcrthrow,or destroy, 1 
or pull out, to draw"ot 
out, to diacover, orbri 

firuor^tttuft.jk.tobt phj 





na./ eruption,a sal- ing of a tliing-. 

ting fbrth, w p out. out- Essentialis, e. ar(/. cssential. 

,a,um- /rf.that will break Esscntialit^r, uaY. csscntially. 

l, um. ^f- to pluck out Est a sum ;, he, she, ©r it is. 

n.^r.plucked, erweededEst ab cdo,] he, &c. eatcth. 

i,or torn up, subverted, Esto, imper. a sum, • l>e it so. 

vn, dcstroj ctl, dujr up. Estor, oris.m 3. an cater, a frlutton 

rown up,found out, dis-Kstrix, Icis/. 3. she that eatctli. 

•Kstrix, icis- wlj. ravenous. greedy. 

2.a pulse like tares fire. Kstur, imp. a v*r6.edor, thcy cat . 

atis. n.3. st. Anthom 's Esurialis. e adj. bclongin,rtofastiiig > 

a,um; lapillus, u Esiiribundus, a. um. adj. vcry hun- 

outofthelicd Stn % Stat. pry. ■ vctous, greedy. 

ium, i » 2. madder. ^suricns, tis pi. bcing hungTy, co- 

n.2 s;i;uach,a shrub us- Esiirienter, adv. hungrily. <ness. 

Esiirics, £i./ 5. hunger, niggardli- 
F-Rtirio, irc. fvi itum. « 4. to desire bc hung-ry. to bc poor. 
Esurior, iri. pats. lo be longed for 
Esurio, 6nia. m. ». a huiifrry fellow. 
Esiiritio, 6nis / 3. hungcr. (gry 
^suntor, 6nis. wi.3. one oftcn hmi- 

rien 10 dress leatber. 

, f a stun ], thou art. 
r. i a sumj, be tiiou. 
( ab, edo : , eat thou. 
1. meat, or food, a bait 

, um aij. pcrtaining to ^uriturus, a. um. pt. that sliull iic 

lod.Escaria vinculu,tied 
eth, Plaut. 
;,scando ,,derc,di, nsum 
ccnd, to go up. 
us.71.4. a scalade.(food. 
6rum. pl, nmtt. 2. mcat, 
ua 9 > to 
acu ento orc htmo,one 
t in bis moutii, Plin. 
, i. n. 2. a becch-grove. 

it inade of becch. 
ft, of bcech 
/". 2. & beech-trec. 
. um. pt. catcn. 

i., to eat. a wagon. 
Cl. a chariot, a seat in 
r i.m.2.a CArter, a chario- 
. n. 2. a chariot. teer. 
,/llAhv e*Bence, orjK- 

IEtiam atquc ctiam, again and a- 
gai n. Ter. Etiam dum,yct, till that 
■ime, Fd. Etiamne, what still? Id. 
Etiam nunc. still, immediately, 
/ J /ai</.Postetiam,inthc nextplacc. 
• ic Etiam tum,evcn then,*W.Eti- 
am tu,why don'tyou? Plaut Auc- 
ta ctiam, yearathcr, PUn. Ktiam» 
scclus! male loquere? what ! you 
rogue,do you / J /a//f.Atetiam, 
aut non, eittier yea,or no, Cic. 

Etiamnuin, a</r. as yct, still. 

Etiamsi, c nj. alttiou^Ii. (albeit. 

Etsi, c r)tj.c\Ln\ ind &*//A;'.althou^h, 

nty molotfia.x/. 1 etymologrj-( gical. 

Etymblo^icus, a. umadj. ctvmolo- 

Etymolo|rus,i. m. ctymologist. 

cty mon, i. n. 2. thc ctynion, or orj- 
^innl of a wonl, a primitive. 



Ehfirus, a. um. pt. about to eat- 
esus, us. m. 4. an euting". 


Et, canj. and, also, yct, cvcn, both, 
andafterwards^ulthoiig^h. also,but 
£tenim,r n/.for, bccausc, that,aud 
itenimvcro, ad\: for truly. 
Etesias, ac. m- 1. a north-east wind. 

Eu, interj. O brsivc! (tied. 

^vacuandus, a, um. pt. to be cmp- 

ivacuutio, dnis./ .5. an emptjinj'. 

Evacuatus, a. um. part. evacuated, 
madc void, emptied, clcanscd. 

Evacuefactus, a. um. ptt cmptied. 

fvacuo,are </.tocvaruato,toempty. 

cvadcns, tis./>/.^cttingfaway, orofr. 

?vado, dcrc, u>i,asum /i.&a.^.togfet 
ofl', or away, to escapc, to avoid, 
comc, p),fret, o;TcacIi to, toclimb, 
inount, or ascend, to pass over,to 

r.thfca^ orum. pl n- ethics. 
Ethicc, cs./ vcl Ethica, sc./ mo- 
ral philosophy. 

.um.u.^.o^or belonging Etcsius, a.uni. adj. yeariy, casterly. grow, or bccomc,to comc to pass. 

Etesticulatio, onis. / 3. a gelding. Evagandus, a. um. pt. to wandcr. 

r.vagans, wandering-. 
ivagatio, 6nis./3.a rovinjrahroad. 
Evagator, 6ris. m. lie tliat stray». 
EVdfrutus, a. um. part. wandering, going out, spread. 
Evaginatus, a. unsheathcd. 
Evaglno le,vagina,| are. un- 

slieath, to draw out of thc sheath . 
rvagor, ari,atus.sum '/.1 .towander. 

stra , orrun abroad,to: ove about, 

to ramble, t« ^wji VwABvn^ys. 


countcrfeiting men's manners. 

Ethftldgus, i.m.2. a mimic,a jcster 

Etliopccia, x f. 1. a represcntation 


«Urm, mnj. also, t««, yca farth"T 




Excarn ificory&ri .^-to be cut in pic- to void by stoo1,to ha wk,orspit out^ spoil . 
Exca«tratus,a,um./>f. geldcd* (ccs. Exccrnor, ni. p. to be nfted. £rcio,ire,iTi,Iturn.a.4. ti 

Excavatio,/ 3. a hollowing 
Excavatus,a,um. pt. made hollow. 
llrcavo, 3rc act. to hollow out. 
Excavor,ari. puss. to be hollowed. 
Excedcns, tis. />/. cxcecding, sur- 
passing, departing, d\ ing. 
Exceditur, imper*. il is dcparted. 
£rc£do,dere.essi.esgum. n. to de- go forth f 9** out,to quit, toExcerptio dnis./. 3. a culling out. cepting, taking in shoi 

go, come, ©r arrivc at last, to bc 
worn out, to die ; <#. to exeeed. 
to surpass 
Excellenstis/^.Jv adj. ior, comp. is- 
simus, rub. excelling, sunaount 

ing, rising, high, excellcnt, ex- Kxcessus,us. m. 4. exccss, a going cxcept,or cxc!udc,top 



Kxcellcntir,fi . ? ve\'ccllentJy. (uity 

Kxcellcntia,:c/ 1. cxccHcncc,dig- grcssion,* deviation, an aberrati- inshoithandwhatanot 

Kxcello.lcrc,Iuj,lsiim.n 3. toexccK 
to surmnunt,to be high,to asccnd. 
to lili u p, to raisc aloft. 

Exrclse,(JdV. ius. cvmp. is.sime,*r//j 
highly, on high,u>flily,haughtily 

Exccpiitius, a, um adj excepted. 
E ceptiuncula, x. /. a small c.\- 

takcor diaw iu,1o reccive ofti-u. 
Fi\ccpto»rt//i«c vctpt «saving,unless 
Exceptiirus, a« um. pt. about toJExcidor, di. p. to bc cut up. 

cxcept, about to rcceivc. 
E*ceptus. y^fwm. pt e \cept cd, rc- 

ccived, uclcoined, entcrtained 

takeii prisoncr,takcn.iuiderstood 
h cc:- iculuiu, i. » 2. a sievc. 

fii-cerno nerc crevi,cretum.H. 

Exccrpendus,a,um./tf to bc picked; to tend fbr,to raise, or \ 

Exccrpens, tis pu picking out- j waken,to rouse,toexcil 

F.xccrpo|ez,carpo.,pere,psi,ptum mon, to chaJlenge. Exc 

l.S.Xjo pick.take, or single out, to masalicui,tomakeoncv 

sclect, to choosc, to exempt. Excior, Iri, Itus. p to be 

Excerpor,pi,ptus. p. to bc picked. Exdpicndus^t,um.^t to 

Exccrpta, orum. pl> n. 2. things ed, caught, e ' cepted, 

cul'ed out. E^clpiens, tis. pt. recei 

Exccrptor,6ris.m.->. a cullcr. (sen.E<c.Tpio[cx,capio],perc 
Excerptus,a,um /rtpicked out-cho- tuni.rz .torcccivc,tota 
Exccssis, /rr Exccsseris, 7Vr. ; up,to pick up,to catch, 
ExcessQrus, a, um. about to cx- : take,tosustain,tocntcr 
cccd, ©r depart. i light. to cnsnare, to si 

out, a dcparturc dcath,dccease f a hcar,orlcarn,to succcec 
standing out, a projection, a di- toanswcr.Notisocipci 

Excctra,x/l.avipcr,a curse. (on.- cth, Suei. 

Excidendus, a, um. part. to beExcipior,pi,ceptus./».tol 

destroyed. jExct piila,ac./l.a wcel,a 

Excidens, tis. pt. fullingaway, fail-Kxcjpiilu^ i. m. 2. arect 

ing, cutting off, dcstroying. jExcTsatus,a,um. pt. cut ( 

Excclsitas, atis. / 3 hcight, lofti-JE cidio, onis. /. 3. destruction. ! E\cisio,6nis./3. an exc 

ness, haughtinesfl, nobleiiess E.\cidium.& Exscidium,i.n. 2. thc struction, a brcaking < 

Excelsus, a,um. ot// ior, c mp. iasi- 

mus,*i//; high,t:dl,lottv.rttatelv,no- 

Exccptans, tis. pt. taking up v ble. 1 

Exceptio,onis./ ».an exception, rc- 

straining clausc, demur, rescne. 

sarking of a city, ruin, dcstruc-Exciso,arc.(7.1. tocrop, 
tion. K.Ncisorius, a, um. at\j. 

E\cido [ex,cadoj,cre,/i>*m.3 tofail. to cutting, or carving. 
out,or away . to slip or cscape, to E •• cisus, a, um. part cu 
drop,to fail,to be disappointed,to down l-ased, dcstroyci 

forgrt, or be forgotten, to disup-Excitandus,a,um./>f.tob 
forniula,to bc cast in a suit. «SW. Excitatio, tinis /. *l. as 

Kxcepto 1 cx,capto],:lre m freg. 1. toExcido: ex,ca:do|, dcre, Idi, isuiii.Excitator,oris.rn.3.aii e> 

n.3to cut out,down,or up,to hcw,.Excitaturus& vim. pt. ul 
to root out, to rasc, to uestroy. E\clUitus,a,um. /#i. fct ul 

issimus,<x//». stirred up 
E\ciens, tis. pt. raising. I wakcd,raiscd,e.\alted, 

Kixico, tre, Ivi. o. 2. to raisc. loud, shrill, brisk, vch 
K cindo [cx, scindo]. crc, idi, is-TiJa-cito^arc.^cf 1. to c 

sum.a..>.to cut oti',out,or down,to 
ovcrthrow, root out, or abolish. 


raise,rouse,orjmt up,tc 
incite,to instigate, U> i 

EKcindor,di.issus./i. to be cut ofl'.| encourage,to quickcn, 

s.ftiomervi, topurge, v cleaD£c,|£r«ingo,£re,xi.a. to ungird,to deJ tQ inTigormtc,to et^ct, 


J ._.".' 




)__xc_lo,l-re,lui,cu.tun. a. 3. io till, _Ej'crucio, arc. o. to &K» 

ut. . , ,- , 

ri/ be rouscd. [voke! or cultivate, to ih>pro\e,to adora, 
e.act.l. to excitc, to pro-< dcck. or polish, tn triin up, to in- 
ly^um pt. about to s.irupj struct to pcrform, pructise, or cx- 
,um ^..c__lled,orraisedup ercisc. 

.io, dnis./. :i- an excluma-|K\color,li nilius./». to bc dccked. 
outcry, a shout, a noise.jExcommunic;iti'_, onis f '•'». an c\- 
or, 6ris. m. 3> one tliat. commuiiicat ; un. 'niunicatcd. 

• K cominunicatus, pt. cxcom- 
, Jkre. n 8c a cxcl:iini,Mrconirnuitico,;ire a. 1. lo excom- 
ut, to call out, frraloud,to; inuuicatc. 

K\cornpacto,....r.on purji^e (sul. 
&r..p l.tobeenliphtenedJKxconsuLulis m or.e loruurly cou- 
is,tis./i/. cxciud_ng,hatch- Kxcontmcnti. mlv imu.cdiately, 

out ot h.uid. forthwith. 
i_lrconuo.cre,o\i,.ictum n .'• 
tliomi}riil\o r> :i\vay«iodiy up.torc- 
.inc. to d'.vi.;e,invcnt,or prot:ur.'. 

r»x ci-Liidoj, dfcre, flfli, 
.to i'Xclude«tc shut-erput 

..jerT,_irefusc.;o « 

, *r hindcr. to liatch. 

vti.usus/. to be rcjecled. 

, oms./ j. an exclusion, a 

■ out 

e, *irfr. exclusively. (out. 

ui,i> urn-/'f thut will nbm 

Kxcftrio |cx. coriitui}, ure.4f. 1. K» 
excoriatc, to ilay, to whip. 


K.vcrticior, ari. _ft. to bc tormcntcd. 

Kxcubans, tis. pt. kecping' watcTi. 

Kxcubatio, onis. / 3. a wriichinjr. 

K\ciihiitiii',im/i nieii wutoh (watc K 

Kxcubfituru. , a, w.n.part. about to 

KxcuJ>ia-,firiiiii//./l. wutch, ward, 
thc scntry, the ^uard, a layin}.f. 

Kxciibitor.cJris._n 3 a sc uiincl.the 

K\cubitMs,uD.7n.t.a \vatch.»\vatch.\)/.l. to watch, to krcp 
«atrh, to slaud scniry, »o stand 
upon one*s take cxrc, to 
lie d'»\vn, o ■ imi. \o jrn>.\- 

/'>ciido.dcrc,di,i*sum.M. *. to beat, 
ur strikc out,t.o strvnip, or coin, to 
for>re,to i.i:ikc,to halcli,to lind ~ut 

• — . j- - - - .- » » »-— ...... ... 

Kxcoquor, i. octiiH. ft to bc boilcd. with study, to compose, to wrcst 

froni, or obtain by ontrcat). 
Kxcudor, di. pa**. to be fortfed. 

.-» | . i _ _ _ _ - - - n _ .. 

K\cor«,«^ harmUss bpiritk-K_, Kxculciitor. oris. m. 3- a sliui;cr 
uitlcbi, foolith si:uplc. siliy. JKxculcAtus. a, utji pt. kickoti oill, 
Rvcreabilis.c.fii{f'itiatuiav be spit; out of diite, or usc, aiiiiiiu:it"iL 

e^ pcrfectU tned K _creo,are ti-to l:awk, v. Kxscroo. pull i>ut to er:isi',to^ct iiardly. *.• 

nditit.R. iini./.r to be foun<l Kxcresccns tis pt jrniwinj: out wnst tVo..i oi:i . 
ievi«cd K:-cri*scenti't jr/1 :i.:c ccscenci Kxcultu.s,:i,u*.n,/u'.c -ih.v.ited.drrsii- 

m, t«s. pt- dcviHingf. i^ruri a sco cerCjCi-jvi.crctum. /:. 3.| i.Ml,:id.«ri.v'd. ^:_ , hh!iv»I, jr.-islic i. 

tio,6nis/ . an invention, to ^rrow out, «.•• i»j>, to iii"re'i.»,Kxcur tu.v, », ium. />/. &, „ f */. )i;md- 
^tinedit ition adcviser risc (c\cr_..._!it„ orord.rcl sonieh r-.-ci -ived, div..M*d'. '.rhan- 

?or,^r : .s m •> aninvcntor K>.trt"tio, 6u:s./. 3 t!.c w,i.i .^of 1 cileu uili^-eiitly, cuoicc, curious, 
.i!S _, 'i.n. Ut 5t ./r/7. insi- Kxcrctuiii, i. n J -.vl .s.«. oi'f.1. 

. «:■ ** ised.:iivcnted, found 
:jrlr. iipon, excpiisite. 
tus iih *n 4 a dcvice. 

K\c.vluru_.'-.ii'i../... ;i">f; it 
by s».>ol. |)U=-j:v '. voiiled, vf;eii. 

K\crelus a, irn./i-.-j. wdl ^rowu 
,.»«• uctm 1. lofind 0'it,&:i»-.\criiiiiu.iti*i. ••:.;« /. i-un :n—. i.ati- 
,to tlevi_e, to projoct to|K\cniciihih-. .'. ' ij p:i:ii.-!i .'.'c on 
conv.der thoroujrlily. cd;K\cruc ,i « '-.!..■* ; , viu.. /#r. '. . '•.. _nr- 
■•,'m iitus» /».to')i«»-i\-j i-k-:'»!-.!, ■■ .:..'«."_•. I.' (ti./t.irv. .1, 
tis a,Min /•/. tob<- taujvlwJiCxcnr.-Iacis, ii.-nn /..' 1'-.::,. :ited, 
*& sr trafned Mfj. 

u.iiii y. 

Kxcurrenn.ti»././. s.dl\ in,r 
pcn!'i'Kis.i\'il:ui.':ir.i. Suiniua ex- 
cunv.ui, .liuui witb an u\ei*pTus. 

-\Veurr<», itiv, curri 5< «Micurri, 

-'Huin.;.. i.tfipiuout-o: ii:t_.tilv.tois 

su.!. '-■• salK *\i\.or pusn 

iui«, *o .nake :iii iitioad. to ^Ti, to 

., bf c-.ieihL lo ^_\v_K\ \N^ \\ 

'Kicniciut-:«i *•. w. t. *-:r»:. nt. ; t.. e.\c..v<\ Vo v vi qn*_t «_A-A- wv 





Deccm aurci,& quod excurrit,ten| off, to be overcomc, to shake ofl'.| lowcd 

crownsand oddmoncy, /'<«//. J.C. Excuticns,tis./>f.shaking off,orout. Exedendus,*,um./W.tobe ei 

Excursatio,6nis./ X an cxcursion. 
Excursator, 6ris. m. a light-horse- 

Bxcursio,5nis. f. 3. an excursion, a to drop, orfall. to shakc,to bran 
sally,an incursion,inroad, orinva- dish, to throw, or fling, to dis- 

sion, a digrcssion, a divcrsion. 
.Ercurso,are.«.to run up anddown 
Excursor.dris.m.J. a courier,strag- 

gler,skirmisher corsair. (abroad. 
Excursunis, a* about to go 
Excursus, a, nm pt. passcd over 
Excursus, us- m- 4. an cxcursion, a' 

Exciitio | ex,quatio], ere, ussi, us- 
sum,ar/.3. to shakc oflf. or out, to 
strike,dash, or fetch out, to makc 

chargc, to rouse, to dislodgr , to 
banish, to drive, to search, to 
examine, to canvass, to pick, or 

select, to pillage. Lacrymas ex- drawing, or dining room. 
cuterc, to makc one cry, Ter. in- Exggesi vs/ explanati 
tclligcntiam, to rousc it, Cic. 
Exciitior, i. pas*. to be shakcn off. 

8tac^c,acoursebeyondducbounds,tKxdono, are- see. 

a digrcssion, a sallt, a charge. Exdorsuofex,dorsum|,are. a. 1. to 

flay, split out, or part along the 
ridgc-bone just in the middle 

Excu8abflis,e.«'//. ior, c*tmp. cxcu- 
suhlc, that may bc excuscd. 

Exciisandus a,um./> bc cxcuscd 

Excusans, tis. pt. cxcusing. 

Exciisate, ath. ius, comp. with ex- 
cuse, tolcrably. (tcncc. 

Excusatio,5nis/ an cxcusc, or de- 

Execo |ex,secqj, care,cui, ectum. 

a. 1. to cut off, or out, to cut. or Excmplum,i.n 2. an cxampl 

makc a hole in, to castrate, to 
takc otf, or away, to remorc, to 
destroy, to gut, or plundcr. 

Exciisaturus,a,um./>f. about to cx- Exccrabilis, c. aaj. ior, comp. exc 

Exr.usatus,a,um./tt.&. aaj. ior,com/>. 

Kx«dens« tis. pt. eating, coi 
ExSdentuJus, a,um. tufj toi 
/Sxedo,erc,edi,eBum.«.3- tc 

cat up, or out, to const 


Exedor, di, esus. p. to be \ 
Rxedra,x/1. a by-place, a 

building with seats, a pai 

Kxcggtkcus, a,um adj. exp 

Exemplar,aris. n. & Exemp 

n.a.a pattern.plan, « r mod 

py, a rescmblance, a sim 

Kxcmplatus,a,um. pt. exem 

Exemplo, to exem) 

copy. so tranacribe. 

stance, a prccedent, a < 
draught, or plan, a model. 
plc, a rescmblance, or tik< 
way,or manner,a waming. 
pla,tortures,torments. Ter 
Exemptilis, e. adj. eadly 1 

crahlc, abominable, detestable, 

odious, horrible, drcadful, crucl. 

iss1mus,*u/>.cxcuscd, takcnforanExccrabTKtas,atis/ 6. curscdness.lExcmptio v 5nia-/.3. an exe: 

excuse, forgiven. jExecrabihter, adv. cxecrably. •Excmptor,6ris. m. 3. atakc 

Excusolex,causa|, arc. a. 1. to ex-'Execrandua > a,um.parf.'execrable.jExemptus,us. m. 4. a Ukinj 

ise. jExccrans,tis./»r. cursing. (cursedJExemptus, a, um. partmtsi 

cusc, to allcge for, or in cxcuse. . 

Excu*or,ari,atus./>. to bc cxcused. Kxecratio,onis./ 3. an execration, 
Excusor,5ris. m.3. a printcr.found-j or cursing, a curse, hatred. 

er,coiner,makcr of pots,orimagcaExecratus, a,um. pt. istftnus, wup. 

Excussc, adr. exactly, strictly. 

Excuss6rius,a,um. adj. thatshakcsi voting. 
out Cribrum c\cussorium,a bolt- 

ing sievc, Plin. 

spared, privileged, taker 

away,chosen out, excludc 

Exent£ra,5nim./tf t; r n. 2. tl 

cursed, abhorred, detested, de- Exenterltio, finis./. 3. a \ 

ExcnUratus, a, un}. part. 
punched. (to draw. to 
Excntcro,arc.a.l togut,to 

to ahhor, to detest, to devote. 
Kxcussus,us. m. 4. a shaking outJExcctio.dnis./.acuttingorl, rout. Exenter )r,uri,atus.p/tobe 
Excussus, a, um. pt. issimus, •«/»■ Excctus.a,um./>f.cutott,<.rout,cut, lv vexccl. 
shakcn ofl",or out,chased,ordriven castrated. dcprived* dcbarrcd. j/J.rccsire.ivi,Hum.n 4. to g 
out, flung, thrown, or cast, bran- Execntio,6nis /. 3. an execution, u set,get,orcomc oi 

dishcd,moved, cxamincd, search- 
ed, savcd, rcscucd. dclivcrcd- 
ExcQsus^,um./>/. forged, printed, 
ExztitJcndu*,3L, to be shaken 

pcrformancc, a govemmcnt. j saiK to dcpart, to retire» 
Ex£ctltor,6ris. m. 3 . an executor, a draw*to escapcto avoiiUo 

punisher, an avenger. (ccute. tinucd.ore\tendcd,to prc 
Executurus, a,um./^. about to cx- urisc,to sprout, i.r springl 
Ex«cuttn.a,um. p*rt. that hath fol-' grow up, to be diJscovere 




oad t frr divulged,to putlxexeitiurn, i. n. 3. use, pra*tirc. jExhillatu», s, breathcdout. 
iblish,to be po*»t,to v.i-E iercftius,a<Jf* comp. inorc biisriy.jf&rhalo, are. act. 1. to cxhalc, to 
l.,,r concludcto faU^irExercito^rc^/rcy.l to e*crcis«' of- brcath»: <uit,ti>»ciidtbrt]i > to einit, 
:ccd. (or bc cxecuted. tcn. (U*r. lo stcum. 

sa, uin. pt to etecutc,E\crcitor,dris. m. a rutor, or mas- l*xhulor, uri. /»<w. to be exhaled. 
ia.^f .&«<//. issimus, tup. Excrcitorius, a, UM^a^'.belontfinir|K\hauru:ndus,a, tobc emp- 
perfonniiij*;, busicd. ■ tc excrcisc. Xavis cxerciioria, a 
um. pi./l funcral so-[ kctch for carryhuf jroods 
•r ritcx, a burial, rclic».iExcrcitiis,a, xini/it. x.rciscd, cin 

e. ailj. of a fuueral. 
L,scquorj,i. cQtus sum- 

stius Exsequor. 

a, that hath fol- 

owin^. < ud. 

ployed, inurcd to. hurdcncd in, 
tonncnted,U*ased, \i*.\cd, weari- 
nrtcto doy;rpcrfbrto,tot cd, fatigucd, tricd, approvcd. 
scomplish,to follow, toExcrcitus,us m 4. un ariny.a host, 
protecute, to go on, to. or band of arnicd soldicrs,a grcat 
mitate,to puniah,to re-j flock,or shoa],troiiblc,gric^cxer- 
:count, rreUtc,towiah, : cise. 

■eatly.Exequi suumjuaEtero[ex.scro] l crerc,roi, rtum. a. 
t,C**'Scntentia*,to re«» J.t * excrt, to thrust, or draw out, 
7'tic. mortcm, to die,j to put forthvr out,to briii£ forth, 
~ toexpose,to view,toshow,todis- 

covcr, to display, to raise, to lif 1 
up, to advancc, to lay bare 
^ be cxercis-|Excrratio.dnis./.».a st.rayui)f(cliiic 
i.^.exercisinir,driving'. Ejrerro.are.n.l. to deviate, to dc- 
t,arceoj, cere, cui, ci-Excrtans. \i%- part. thrusting out, 
exercise,to practiae to ahowing. 

e,tomakcusc of,toeiu- FiXertc,u«/r.plainly,opcnlv,niccly. 
lemployment rwork, Exertxvire ../;**</. 1 to holci, put. n 
arn, to till,«r cuitivatc, thruat out,to sliow-(oizt put forth 
fJ r iiistruct, topass, or Excrtus.a, um.part. shown. drawn 
x, .tr troublc. Exesor,6ris m an cater up^awastcr 

ri, cftUK. p. to be excr- Excsurus,a,uui./</.that will cat up. 
loyed, busied. Jfcc- ExCsus^um.p/.catcn up, consum- 
u^um^ tobe«Aer eb^gnawn»worn,oldrottcivhollnw 
tercise. &rt'olio,arc<i. 1 .to takc out lcavcs. 

5nia/-v». cxcrcise, use, ExfiituruH, a, um. pt. cxtiaustcd. 
:rektion. (cr. Exjjfiirjrito, scc E^ir^ito. 

dris. m. .'. an cxcrcis- Exhaercdans, disinhcriting. 
,Icia/3. thc art, akill, Exhxred&tio.bnis./a disiulicritiu^ 
of cferciac. Exhxredatus a,uin./»r.rUinlR*rite;l. 

a,um. pt. ior, conp. is-Exhcr£do[ex,hxres], are. «. 1. to 
esercised, practiscd, disinherit, to dcpriveof fortunc. 
d, avccustomed, hard-Exh;cres,£dis.f -^.•j.oiic disinhcrit- 
^Ujquieted,tiinnoiledExhalanM,tis/>: breathiiijr out. (cd. 
mav/ 3. eserciae, 

ticd, or drawn out, to empty. 

£./ a haurio,irc^iusi, auatum u. 4. to* 
c\'hiiust,to cnipiy,to drawo'.it,to 
spcnd, cpnsuni", or vvasfc, to pii- 
la^c.or roh,to dig* up,to d ; spatcli, 
or takc away ,to dc- 
tracl, to suftcr, or undergo. 

Exliaurior, iri, uuslus p. to bc cx- 


E^haustus. a, iim. ftart. c duu.>t>. :i t 
emptied, draincd, drawn out, or 
dry, bcfrfrarcd, wcaried. tired, 

E .hcdru,x-./.a |)ar]our;m* Evcdra. 

Exlicdrium, i. /i. J. idein. (cd- 

Exucrhandus,a,um./'J to bc weciU 

E^herbo[c\,hcrbal, arc. act. i. to 
clcar of irruss, or wccila, to wced. 

ttKhcrbor, ari. p to bc weeded. 

ExhibciHlus,*/.to cxhibit, ar 
c c liibite<l, to show. 

Exhihcn> t ti*. p£ suo,vin<r. 

E.\hibco |_ca, haoco], ere. bui, b\- 
tu:u.a.2.tocxliibit,to show,lo dis- 
covcr, to uiukc appear, to makc 
}rood,to producc, 10 oticr,to pre- 
scnt, ov tfivc, to aiiiinly to rcpro 
scnt, to r«jsc!ii*jiv', -wo cause- 

r'.Mirwo:',».v',i'iiU*j./ hc shown. 

P'. \!nl(Uio,on 4 .v/'.o.:i.i cxhihition, a 
['i'OutK'in£ fur jiu"»':c v.r w. 

Exhibit'irus,a, ahout to ex- 
hibit, siiow, or producc. 

Rxhibitu.*». a, um. pan. cxhibitcc^ 
shown, discovcred, j,i*csi;nt, jriv- 
cn, gr.intcd, allovvcd, law iA. 

ExhilaratiOvdnis.yiJ.a o^iiifoi-tinfr. 

aJttxlialatio,6nis./ :>. an c&halatio;i. , Exliilai*aior,') cnlivcnci.. 
(Exhfiiatus, <b*. m. 4. an c*halation. Exhilat»V\\*#v^ni^t AtPtoi^t tvviTt-^ 




Exosao[ex,os],arc. a. 1 . to bonc, to' }y afraid, to be frightcncd al, to engige, about to se 1 

strengthcn vith bones 
Exossor, ari, atus. />. tobc boncd 
Kxossus, a,um nJ/. void of bones. 
Kxdsus, a, um. pt. hating, hated. 
Kxotericus, a, um- «<(/. e\oteric. 
Exdtic us.a,um .at(j . e xotic,forcign- 
jExpallco,creJui.n2. to bc, or turn 

palc,tofear, todrcad,to shuddcr at 
/irpallesco. ccre, lui. n 3 id. 
Expalliutus, a, uni. />/. strippcd, or 

deprived of a cloak. 
*>palpo, arc «1 i o grope,to fcel, 

to sooth, to flattcr 
f>pamn'fno.are.rt.l to prunc vines 
Expanditor, firis. m. :*. a rivertbat 

flows over its banks. 
/irpando,derc,di,passum. act.3. to 

txpand to display, to sprcad out, 

ov abroad, to opcn, or lay open, 

to expound. cd 

/.>pango,i.rc,xi,ctum. act. to mar- 

shaU, to set. 
Expansio, dnis-/ 3 cxpan<MOii. 
Kxpansum, i. n. 2. the iirmamcnt. 
Kxpansus, a, um. part. expandcd, 

sprcad abroad, laid open, dis- 

pla} ed. 
RxpapillatiiA, a,um. adj extendcd. 

Expupillato brachio,with t.»e arm 

madc barc to the paps, Plaut. 
Expassus, a, um pt opened, 
KxphtianSjtis- pt. cxpatiating, run- 

ExpatiFitor,oris.m.a gaddcr,a wan- 
Kxpatiatus, a,um. pt. that floweth 

specdily, quickly, readily, easily 

Expatior [cx,spatior]. uri d. 1. tdEipcdit, imp. it is cpedicnt. 
cxpatiatc, to cnlargcto wandcr, Expe^lite,«</r>, 
or rove about, to pass. 
Expatritius, i. m- 2. a past scnator 
JErpivtfacio,cerc, «• ; *. to tcrrify, 
to frightcn, to make afraid. (ing. 
Expavesccns, tis. pt. grcatly fcar 
./Jrytii i 'escor&rc. vi.r/rvi J.ta>begreat 

dread. Exp6dftus > a,um.6f.&. 

E*pavtclus, a, um. wjj. frighted. isffiimu, »up disenf 

E*pectabtlis,e.a4?.tobe expcctcd. rid of, nimbly throw 

Kxpcctandus, a,um./>/. expccting provided«prepared4 

Kxpcctatio. 5nis/,3.expectation,a rcady, nimblet light 

hoping, longing, or looking for tive. easy, fluent. ( 

hope, fcar,attcndance. attention.ExpcUcndu!i,a,um./M 

K pectfitum,, tis pt ei 

Expectutur,*m^ thcy wait. (pect ErpeUo,1*re,puli,piiJ 

Kxpcctatiirus,a,um./>f .about to e x- e i pel,to banish,u> cb 

KxpcctatiiB, c inp issT- thrust out,forth,or ai 

mus «/£.expccted,hopcd,orlook- to drive on shorc, ti 

edfor.carnestlydesired,welcome.B*peHor, li p. to be 

Expecto[e ,spccto,]are-rt.l.toet-K\pendens, tis pt. w 

pect, to hope, wish,«r look for to /irpendo, dcrc, di, m 

hopc, to stay, to tarry,to wait, to wcigh,to consider, tt 

wait for . to await, to watch in or- rate,orva1ue,to spenc 

dcr to attack, to fcar to dread, out. Kxpendere pcc 

to respcct, to dcsire to know. sufler punishmcnt, C 

E- pector, ari. p. to be e pected- be put to death, Ta 

E 'pccto terc. «. 3. to comb out. Kxpendor,di.^.to bc t 

K pcct6rocx,pcctus ,ure.a. l.toKtpcnsa,*./. 1 expt 

ci pcctoratc, to bani-h. /b*penso,&re.a.l to la 

Kxpecrdiatus, a, um adj. having to use, to weigh, to : 

lost,07-strippedofhisflock readyKxpensum, i. n. 2- e* 

Exp^dicndus,a,um. ftart. to be got E* pensus, a, um. par, 

Kxpcdio irc,itum.a.& n. 4. tofive, weighcd, considerei 

to dcliver, to cxtricatc, to discn- gTadu, with a slow | 

gagc, to unloose, to undo, to dis- stcp,/ J re/urfKxpensi 

patch,to finish,to put an end to,to rc, to own oneself ir 

bring to pass,to get,or pKKUu-e^to Eipcrgetacio [e * pc 

gct in re.adiness,to set out,to has- c8rc,K'ci.factum. a. i 

ten, to go. or send in haste,to de-| to stir up, to rouse, 

clai a c,tcTl v oruttcr, toshow,orex-|Kxpergcfactus, a. um 

plain, to be enpcdient. Rxpedire!Kxpcrgificiis, a, um. 

nomiiia, to pay dcbts, Cic 
Kxpedior, iri. /»«*#. to bc freed. 

KxpcdTtio^onis/S an expcdition,a 

'vovagc, a military prcparation,aExpcrgitus a, um. U 

quick dispatch, Bpced. 
Kxpeditional s, e, adj. spcedy. 
Ezpc(TTtrinis 4 a,um. i /^. aboutto iDs- 

Kxpergeflo [cxpergtj 
/*. 3. to be awaked, i 

Kxpergiscens, tis- pt. 

Kvpcrgiscor, ci,rrecti 
wake, to bcstir one 

Eipergo[ex,spargo] f i sprinkJe all oi 

urperco,ere,e«H e«M 





duM,iim. pt. to be triedJ piate, atone. &c. (ed, purffed. 
Mjtis-pLbLadj issimus, »up. E vpiatus a,um pt. expiated, aton- 
utpenenced, acquaintcd Expict\w,a,um.p/. paintcd, drawn 
urcd, sr accustomed to. KxpiUtio,dnis./J>pillagc«extortion 
tia, x. f 1< expcricnce, Expilator, dris. m. >. a pillagcr a 
, trial, skiU, knowledge plundcrcr<arobber«ancxtortioner 
snUiniyi ntut. cxpe- Expilatus a, um. pt. robbed. 
proof, or trial, an cssay, Arpilor are.a pluiider, to pil- 

lag"e, to rob, to spoil, to cxtort, 
iri,ertus sum d. 4. to ex- Arpingo erc xi,ictum.a. >.to paint, 
j to try. to essa>, or to draw, to limn, to describe. 
3 find, to attcmpb £rpinso,sere.a 3 to grind out. 

tus i,um./>/.Sc adj awak- Expinsor,si/> to be ground out 
kciied.riscn, brisk pert Krpio,are a.l to expiatcor atonc 
*.ar//.voiddestitiitc, trce, to p ir$re by 
n, that liath no experi- hallow, to consecrate, to punish 
urjiiuabscnt from. (over Expior, ari. p. to be expiated. 
<,wetalI Expirans. breat!iiii£ out. 
oris m >.'& tricr, acauscr. Expiratio, onis./. a brcathing out. 
lestJwip.itisexperienccdjExpIratur, imp. a man dicth. & a (} issimus, Expiriiturus,a,um. j&>. about to dic 
erienccd, tricd, proved. Expiro [cx,spiro],arc act. 1. to ex- 

ried, expert skilful. 

uff without, void of, or to brcathc out, cast,o/ 

»e, hopelcss. 
ns a,um/»f to be desired 
,tis./tf ior comp. desiring, 
ig, fond of. (sire. 

pire,to g-ive up the jrhost. to die 

scnd out, to c^hale. 
£jrpiscor,ari,atus sum.r/ 1. to fish, 

or get out, to search diliffcntly. 
Expissatus, a. um. bt. thickcned 

>ere.a 3. pjreatlyto de-E.pisso, ten Exspisso (plaincd 
b, e. adj. desirablc. (for. Kxplanabilis, may bc cx- 
^cre.a.o. greatly to long Explrmandusa um part- to be c.v 
mpern. it is mect. plained. or made distinct. 

us, a, ura. part. about to Explanatc adv. ius, comp. plainly, 
demand (uianded. clearly, distinctly, intelligiblv. 

, a,um. part. dcsired,de-,Explanatio, dnis. f, k an cxplana- 
:re„ivi,Itumarf. >. to de- tion, au exposition, a dcciara 
ivcuto endeavour to gct, tion, uttcrance 
;, to ask, to deinand, toExplanator,*. an explainer 
• !u»ppcn,to light Explanaturus,a,um./>f.about to ex 
c remembcred. I plkin, clear out, or declarc. 

i, titus. p. to be desired. Expl&natus.a,um. part cxplained 
i, e atff. e piablc. madeplain«distinctly pronounced 

ktuiD*i m.2ja\ atonement. Explano [e ,planus], cx- 
*j* be e piated/ plain, to e pound, to make plain 
ftnis./ 3. an atonement to clear up to smootli. 
Bh%«"./r. aboutto c*.E*pfcta*r,aLri,ataV' to lic <51e»rcd 

Explant&tor,dris.m. 3. a p\dlcr up. 

/Jx-pUnto, are act. 1- to pull up. 

E ]>Iantor bc torn of? (o1! , . 

/^rplaudo,dcre,ausi act. 3 to clap 

K plebdis,c.aoy. that may be fill- 
ed, that may bc satisfied. 

Binlcmentum,i.n.2 a fillmg' or satr 
istying-. ( shinc fortJi, or out. 

Explcndeo [e . »splcndeo]^rc.n«//. 

Explcndcsccns, tis part. shining", 

ExpTendcscofe * ,splendesco].cerc 
splendui neut.3 to grow bright,to 
shine,o»'glitter to be eminent to 
be conspicuous. filled. 

E plcndus.a,um. part. to fill.or be 

E pleo,cre l evi.ettima 3-to fill up, 
to fulfil,to complete,to perfect,©»» 
finish to make up,to fill,to g"lut,to 
satiatc. to satisfy, or content, to 
comfort,to quencli.toclose up,to 
rliminish, to perform. Vulnus cx- 
plcvit tenebras, tlic wouud madc 
him stark blincl, S:at 

Explcor, Cri. p to bc fillcd. (ing". 

li\pletio, onis./ . a?i accomplish- 

E^pICtTvus a. um. a.lj evplrtive. 

Ecplctfirus, a, um pt. about to fili, 
ov saiisfv, in onlcr to fill 

Ex;)lStus,a,um.^- fillcd up, finish- 
e.ljcompleted, accomplimed, rc- 
plcnishcd. satisficd contentcd. 

Exphcabilis, e adj. that may bc 
cxplained plaincd. 

Sxplican(lus,a,um pArt. to be cx, 

tixphcatc, adv. plainly, clearlv. 

Explicatio,6nis./ .) an unfolding; 
onintwisting,an exposition,an et 
planation, a dctcrmination. 

Hxphcator, oris. m. an cxplainer, 
an intcrpreter. eth. 

Expltcatrix,ic:s/shc that cxplain- 

Explicaturus,a, um p'. a!>out to t or 
that would e plain, or unfold. 

E iplicatus a,um./>/.Sca'//.".or,con^. 





©reMy^dkplaycdicxposedtoTiew, 1 mus, tup. explored, examincd, lone. Exporrigere front 
finishcd, pcrfectcd, dispatched.! scarchcd,tried, well, or certainly look eheerful, Ter. 
resc.icd, freed, recovcred, plain, 1 known,undoubted, certain, surc- Exporrigor,gi. p . to be ext 
easy. smooth. JExpl5ro,are.a. 1. to cxplorc,to cx- Exportandus, a, um. pt. to 

Ex;dicfiiiis,us.m.4. an explicationj amine,to search or view diligent- ried out, to carry, ©r com 

an exposition, an unfoldin^ 
Explicit, i e. Dcfinit, it is tinished- 
Exphcitc, adv- plainly, clcarly. 
Explic]turus,a,um.j» about to un 

fold, draw up, dispatcli, &c 
Exphcitus, a, um. pt. ior, c m/>. 

nnfoldcd,dcclared,drawn up,dis- 

patchcd, finishcd, ended. 

ly,toscarch,togTope,orfeel,totry, Exportatio, 5ais./. 3- expo 

©rprove,to inquire,to sound,to cn- o>n vcytagvercaiTYing' out 

dcavour to find out, to spy out, to' ment. 

scout, to cry, to laincnt. Exportator, 6ris. m. 3. an ci 

E pldror, ari p. to bc explored. Exportatus, a, um. pt exp< 
Expl5sio,onis. f. 3. a casting oftorlLrporto^lre.a 1 to cxport,' 

rcjecting, a rejcction- I out. (exported or carn 

Expl5sus,a,um. part. cxploded,rc- Exportor, an, atus patt. to 

up,orout,tounravel,todiscnjragc,l improve, to fitiish, orcomplctc. Exposcor, ci. p. to bc den 
tofrcc, to dcliver, to rcscue, to-'Exp6]ior,iri/'. tobe polishcd. (ly. Exposite,arfi>. luanifcstly. 

makc vay clear,to explaiivExpolite, adv. very finely, or neat- 
to jrivc an account, to rclatc, toExpolitio,onis/.J.a po]ishinfr(nicr 
trcat morc fulK,to enlar£e,to cx-Exp6litor,5ris.f»a pohsher,a trim- 
tcnd, to aocomplish, to finish, toExpblitus, a, um. pt. & atfy. ior, 
conclude, to dispatch, to smouth, 1 comtt. issimus, *uj>. polishcd,madc 
to calm. ^ I smooth,uinnowcd,ncat,trim,fine. 

Explicor ari. p. to bc explaincd.'f>pondcro to weijrh, to 

Explodo [ex,plaudo], dere, osi, 1 consider, to think dclibcratel> . 
osum. a. 3. to cxplode, to hiss, or Exponcndus,a,um be cxpos- 
clap off, to rcjcct, to dislikc. I cd, to be expoundcd, cxphuncd, 

Expl5dor,di,6sus./>.to be cxploded describcd, o'r related. 

Expl6randus,a, um. part. to be ex-"jE.rp5no,ncre,6sui, to 
plorcd, examined, &c. (ninjr.j expose,toset fortli,out,orto view, 

Exp!orans, searchinjr,exami-i to sct to sale,to Jav ab»-oad f 


scout, a spy. comp. strctched out, extonded, 

Explor-torius, a, um. atfy. pertain- smoolhtwitiioutwmikles«brisk,ac 

ing i» scarchiiifT, or spying. (cth.Exponigeiis.tis/^exten<ung(tivc 
Ehpl'iratri\,icis./. she that watch- *:.rporrigo,gere,rexi,rectum. a. 3. 

Jl tp)orutue,*,\ ior, cmp. issi- 

to cxttnd, or strctch out,to pro« 

Expbsitio,5ms/. 3. an exp 
or declaration, an expos 

Expositftius, a, um- atlj. c 
Expositor,6ris. m- 3. an cx 
ExpbsTturus^a, xmipt. abou 

Expbsttus,a, uin. pt cxpo* 

jectcd open to,situateaVst 

latcd, propounded, intei 

opcn, obvioux, reaily, a 

tnHing", put on shore, lan 

Expo8tulandus,a,um- pt. to 

tulate, or bc cxpostulatef 


Expostulatio,onis/! an cip< 

Expostiilutus,'/»r den 

required, callcd for. 

£lqiostulo,ure d.l. to expo 

to arjruc, to demand, to 

camestly, to require» to • 

Expotus, a, tim. pt. drank 

Express£,fl</v.ius. comp. ex 

uptly, to thc purpose, to 1 

Kxprc3Sio,6nfs./.3. an expf 

straining' out^a extract ia 




to.M.4. a squeezing ou 
a,um^.& a4/.ior,eomp. 
, squcezed, or beatcn 
, conitrained, wrestcd, 
madc, formcd, framed, 
e lifc, declared, sound- 
ouncedtoo full, written 
ktcd, Het forth,cxpress 
us, a,um./>ar/.to bc cx- 
> be squeezed. 
, tis. pt. cr.prcssing. 
r», prciiioj, crc, ressi, 
.toeipn^to squcczc, 
press, force, bcat, or 
to cxtort, to constrain, 
nt,to pourtray,to form, 
o dcscribe, to imitate, 
•copy out, to transUte, 
ice,to declare,to makc 
i. essus.' pari. to be cx- 
lis, e. adj. blameablc. 
i, tis pt> upbraiding. 
3,dnis./3- a rcproach. 
r,6ri».in.'>.an upbraidei 
tx ,Tcifl.y. a ahc-upbraid- 
(upbraid, or reproach 
nrus, a,um. pt. about to 
is, a,um pt. upbraidcd. 
rx,probrum],are a.l to 
L-proach, or cast in tlic 
large with, to reprove 
5ri. p. to be upbraided 
, tis p. drawing out. 
n», 6ris. m. 3. a surety 
>£re,TOp«i» mptum, a-*>. 
bring out, to produce, 
rtli, to tell plainly, to 
spcnd, to employ. 
mi,omptu8 pan. to bc 
iwn out, produced, &c. 
aAum p/.drawn,ortak- 
tractc<U shown, ready. 
s, pt. spitti ng out. 
is, e. adj. that may be 
•r takeu by storm. 

Expugnasserc./>ro.Expugnaturum tory, cleansing. (clcar, or justify 
esse. Expurgaturus,a,um.^ar/. aboutto 

Expugnatio,dnis/3. a conquering £>purgo, arc. act. 1. to purgc, to 
by force, the storming of a town, clcansc,to scour,to clcar, to justi- 
8tc. (or, a subducr, a ravisher. Exputatio,dnis/3. a lopping- (fy. 

Expugnator, 5ris. m. 3. aconqucr->Exptitatus, a,uin./>/. lopped off,cut 

Expugnfiturus, a, um. part. abouk£xputo,arc.a.l. to lop,or prune,to 

to U!cc by assault, or storm. 
Expugnatus, a,um />/. vanquished, 

won by assault, taken by storm. 
Expugnai, acis. adj. acior, c. mp 

powcrful in subduing, strong. 

understund perfectly,to imagine, 

to guess,to cxamine,or weigh(rot 

-£rputresco,ere. ui. putrifyto 

HxquIrendus,a,um./>/. to be exam- 

Exquircns,tis./M.cxamining (ined 

/JLtfpugno,are.a.l.U>takebystorm, Exquiro, [ex quxro] rcre, sivi, sl 

or assault,to take,to sack, to con- 
qucr, to subdue, to overcome, to 
vanquish, to gain, or win over, to 
brcakopcn by violencc,todestroy 
Expugnor, ari./>. to be overcome. 

Expulsim, adv. by striking. (cd- 
Expulriio<dnis./3>banishmen : (beat 
£rpulso,area 1. to bajig about,to 
Expulsor, oris. m 3. an e peller, a 

tum,a.3. to scarch out, in!o,after, 
or for, to seareh, to cxplorc, to 
cxaminc, to seek, to inquirc, to 
ask, to pray for, to 'nnplore. (ed. 
Exquiror,ri,isitus /#. to be exa?uin- 

Expulsatus,a,ump.'.razed,destroy-Exquistte,ius. conip. isiiinc, sv.p. Jfc 

E?quisitim, aoV e ^uisiuiy, cu- 
riously,nicely,exactly i accuruiery 
Exquisititius,a, um. wtj. gottc n,or 
accjiiired by art, not naiural. 

banisher,a driver out,a remover ;E\quisitum,est,im/».it is foundout* 

Expulsus, a,um. pt evpcJled, ban 
ishcd, driven, thrust, or put out, 
drivcn, or forced away, torn up. 

Expultrix, icis./ an cxpeller. 

&rpuinfco, arc. act, 1. to polish, 
to smooth. 

Expunctio, dnis./. 3. a crossing. 

Exponctus, aum.part. expungcd, 
crossed out, pui out of pay. 

cxpunge,to blot,cross,or pidl out, 
to crase, to etf ace, to clcar. (cd 
Expuo [ex,spuo],uere,ui, utum, a. 
3. to spit out, to pour out, to cast 
out, to drive out, to banish 
Expuor,ui. 6-to be thrown out.(ed 
Expurgandus,a,um./> be purg- 

Exquisiturus, a.uiii. ^ar: about to 
scarch into, or c.amine 

Exquisitus,a,um />r.&ca'V.tor.(*om/>. 
issimus,*u/>. searchc i : >r, oi »nto, 
exquisite, choice, curious :*arc, 
dainty,nicc, fine, acourati e\.ct 

£lrsacnfico, are. a- to saci/kv. 

/irsaevio, ire, Ituni, vcut. to cease, 
to rage. 

£xpungo,gcre,nxi,nctuni,«c/.3. to Exsangumatus, a,um./><. hloodlest 

E\sauguis,c.a^/ bioodlcss,lifcles8 
Exsanio [cx,saniesj urcac/ 1. to 

squeczc out corruption(patch up 
Krsarcio, Irc, rsi num, act. 4. to 
Exsatiatus, a, um Jurt. sutiated, 

cloycd, gorged, glutted. (or glut 
/•>satio, ure u-1. to satiate, gorge 
Exsatior, uii. p. to be satiatcd. 





E\tortor,5ri9. m. 3. an extoitioncr.]Kxtricatus.a,um. pt. discntangled. 
£\tortus,a cxtortcd, wrtst-Extrico[ex,tricse jt are. a. 1. to ex- 

cd, or toTCfd trom, torturcd. | tricate, to disentangle, to disen- 
Er.tra^nrp. without, out of, not in,j gagc, to ileliver, to get rid of. to 

not concerncd in,bcyond,e\cept, gct an account of,orunderstand,to 

saviug, bcsidcs, ovcr and above. . gct,to ohtain,toprocure,toc1canse 
r.:- tr*,affr.without, on the outsidc. Extrlcor, ari. p. to be clcared. 
EMractio, onis /. 3. an cxtraction. Extnlidus, a, um. aaj. dauntless. 
E\tract6rius, a, uro aay.thatdraw-ExtrinsiJcus, a, um. adj extrinsic. 

eth out, d awing. (draw out. E trinseciis^itfr.e trinsicaUy, out- 

Kxtractfinis, a, >:m. part. ahout to 
K *ra- : 'i:sa un pt Vnu n ou',;iro- 
longcd. contimied, spun out. 
/>fr«eo, lrc. n. 4. to go out- out. 

E^tnhcndus, a,um. pt\o bc drawn Extnictio 6nis./3.a huilding up. 

wanlly. from without, bcsides. 


Exturbandus^a,um./>/. tc 

Exturbans, tis. pt. thrus 

Exturbatus,a,um. />arf 1 

driven out,puUcd up bi 

/£rturbo,arc.a.l tothn. 

tum out,to dischargc,* 

trouble,discompose, or 

Exturbare alicui ocul 

out his eyes, PUwt. 

Exturbor, ari,/>. to bc ( 

E tritus,a, um./ri .rubbcd, or rascd Extussicns, tis pt. coug 

out struck out, worn out (sidc 
E trosum, adv. towards, thc out- 

jELrinho.herc^axi e^ 
tract,to draw oi't,to pu1I,p1uck.or 
drag ^ u ^° root (mt » to c\tricatc 
gfct, ot l bring oif, to c:«tort, to in- 
duce,or pcrsuailc to pn>lnng,con- 
tinuc, ur dcfer. gcd out 

E ti^ailior. hi, actus. p. to bc drag- 

Extrancus, a, um. adj. forcign, 
strangc, outwanl borrowcd. 

E traonliiuirius, a. um adj. cxtra 
or-hnarv, not common, gTcat. 

ExtrHquam, aav except tliat. 

E triirius, a, um adj. outward, 
stmngc, of anothcr kindrcd. 

/2.r'.rtf nvscOjCtrc j«c«». to tremblc, 
tc> shakc. 

Evtrcmita.s.atis./ 3. an extrcmity 
an cnd. un «djrc, hrink, or brim,a 
bordcr. a frontier, a boundarv. 

ExtrtTmo, adv., in the cnd. 

Extrcmum, adv idem. 

Ext.cinuiu,i /i.3.ti c extrcine, last, 
orrcmotest part.thc beginning,o.* 
cmi, a licm,ha7.ard,daiigcr,death 

E\trcmus, a, um. aaj. sup.xhe e: - 
tr- ".uc, outcrmost, or utniost, th. 
last the loweftt.the most afftictcd 
the basest, rworst,remo1 c,far otl 

J$..triculf'A\*fC adj. that may be got 

srnt of, er disejigagcd. 

Extructor, oris. w. S a bnildcr. 

Extructfmis, a, um, part. about to 
litiild, ftrcrect, to build. 

K • tructus,a,um part. issimus, tvp. 


/.'u*trudo,dere.usi, fisum. act.3. to 

uway with spccd, to utter, or tcll. 

E trftdor,di,iisus p tobethniat out. 

E trucndus,a,um hc crcctcd, 
huilt. orfuniishcd, to build. 

Kxtruo cx.stnio] uere,u i.uctum. 
act.o to crect,to sct,or pilc 
huild, to furuish E tntcre vc rba 
in nunicrum,to rouchwordsfun-ly 
or make tlicm clume, jld f/er. 

E truor, ui, uctus. /;. to be built. 

K>tub;;raiis, tis. pt. swelhng oul- 

Extuberutio, onis./. 3 a swcilin^. 

/Mubcro,are. n. 1. to swell much, 
or out; a. to make to swell. 

E tubo, antiq. unde E tuli. frise- 

f!rtunico,erc,ui tu*ut swell, to 

E tiiinescens, tisp^. swclling- out. 

/>tiHiiesco,ere.7it*M/.3 to bcjpn, to 
swcll (eth. 

Extiunidus a, um- adji that swcll 

E tiiiic,a<ii> from tliat timc. 

£.» tundo,derc,tudi, 3. to £\ulccrandus,a,uni pt. 

bcat,knock,or hammcr out,to in 

vcnt, to cMort, todrivc away, totl^xiUcei^tioydnxs/. j5. %\ 

/Jo*tussio,ire,i vi,ituni .«.• 

up.orout, to void with 
Extussior, iri p. to be cc 
Exiibcrans tis. pt issi 

abouudinjy', ovcrftowii 
Exuberantia,x.y 1 an a 
Kxubenitio,6nis.y'. an a 

aswell,an overtlow,an 
£o*Hbero,3re.fifi!ff.l. to 

makc to abound, to o\ 
Exuctusa,uni pt.iar, c > 

ont. \-oid of moisture, 
Exudatus, a, um. pt. sw 
E.\ud6 [ex,sudo],are.a 

sweat out,to swcat Exi 

rem,to sweat at work,j 

to takc much pains in 
Exvelatus, a, um pwrt. i 
tlvw llo»Iere«a^>to plucl 
E ^ucndus,a, um pt. to 
iirverro. rere. a. 3. to 
Exugo [eX|Sugo] f ere,xi, 

to suck out, to drink u|,uctus./>.tobc 
Exul,ulis.c.^..). a banish 

woinan, an exilc 
Exulans,tis pt banishei 
Exulatio, onis. /. o. ban 
E.vulutMrus,a, ab 

in baiiishment, or exil< 

Esulc£rans,tis. pt. exuV 





ifabotch,an aggrarationj Bfuor, ni, fHiis. p. to bc put off. 

■*.' !• it..i. •«■» .. A... .-. .^-. 1 . _ 1 ". . — ...I. *!.-« _--_.. U 

5rius^,um.<r4f«that caiw- 

:cn to rise, apt to frct. 

rix, icifi. avrfl. blistering. 

us, a, um. pt. madc sore, 

rallcd, aggravated 

arc a exulccrate to 

t,to gall, frct, or eat thc 

.•cx, provokc, «r fret. 

, ftri. p. to bc vcxcd. 

n.l to be be 

cing", to live m exilc. 

i, atus p id.(rejoicing. 

idus, a, um atlj. likc one, rcjoicing, 

, up,*purtingout 

i,x/l anexulting,alcap-E»urgens, tis. /»/. rising up. 

y f a beating,orthrobbing. Exurgo [cx, surgo], gcrc, rrexi 

n» a*lv. comp. rnore jo- rrcctuni./ rise up,orout,to 

arisc, to comc on, to incrcasc 
5n_a./3.cvuItation,arc-]^run).cre.syi,stuin. act. 3. to burn 

out.orup to huru,to parch,to con- 

sumc. (out, or up, to be purged. 
Exuror.ri, ustus. pat». to be 
Exuscitiitio, onis. /. a rousi 

stirring up. a wukcning 

snakc, or addcr, a slough. 
E.\uvium, \.n.2. idcm. Salv. 


FaT1A,x/1 abcan.Isthxc in me 
cudcturfaba, I shall bcarthat 
| blame, Trr. 
Fabiicrus, »■ um. adj. of a bcan. 

EiupcrahilU, c. tulj. tliat may bc» 

surpasscri that niay be got ovcr. 
E^iiperans, tis. pt. cxcecding, cx- 

cclling, surpassing, prc cminenU 
fijrupi-rantia, x./.l. e\ccllcncc. 
K upcratio, 6nis/ an cxcelling 
Exiipcratus, a, t um.pi:rt. exceedc'.! 

Exupero^cXjRupero^ cx- 

cccd, to surpass, to overcun.c, to 

get ovcr,orbryond,tobc prcdoiui-lFihrilc,» i..».a bean straw,orstalk. 

nant,or gct thc preiail.JFahJl-.-*, o. adj. of a bcan. 
Exurcns,.'!.*/// buniing, con-*uminp,;F.d>arihs n, um a\j. full of bear*. 
AJmrgco, cre, rsi, rsum n«/. 2. to F:'ibella,:e/ 1. a short, or liltle fii- 

squeczc, ov cr.ish out. 

Fabacia, x.f 1 a bcan-cakc. 
Fabiiginus, a, um, arfj. of hcans. 
Fabiigo, inis. /. 3. bcan-charT. 

lemping for joy, aboast 


tdv with leaps. 

•amlto ,arc.n. 1 tn eiuh, 

^to1capabout,to bouncc, 

; f toboil,toswell,to hoast, Exuacito[ex,suscito],*. 1. to!/V7//r<»facio,cerc, ftci, fuctum.«.3. 

blc, or story, an cpiloguc. 
Fuhcilator, oris. m. 3. a maker, or 
tcllcr of storics. 

Falur, bra, brum. adj. rYmus, svp. 
Fabcr.ri m 2. a workman, a amitli. 
a forger, a hammcrcr, a maker, a 
fish, a trout. 
; burntlFabetum, i. n. 2. a bean-plar.t. 
iug, or , F.tlJrc,l , Il7?■ cmmc tttp. vvorkmauly 
cunningly, artificially, skilfully.' 

jo insult, or dominccr. 
9j 5nis>/. 3. a cr\'ing out 
s, a, uxii. /»/. howling. 
re.n crv out 
,tis- part 0%'erflowing, a. 
;, rapng, boding. [ing. 
►,6nis./ o. an overtiow- 
rt.neut. l.Xo ovei*flow, to 
t,to ragc,toboil,tosprcad 
fuse, or e • tend iteelf 
re, i.ctum a..»to anoint. 
uo].uere,ui Qtum.u.i to 
»rshakc ofl',to ttrip,todi- wakcn, to n»usc, to stir 
up, to raisc, to encouragc. 

Exuscitor, ari. p. to be niuscd. 

Exustio, onis/3. aBctlin^ on firc. 

K U5>tor,6ris m..J. hc uumeth. 

E ' ustulatio, 6n w/ ».a st Iiorching. 

/voistulo,arc a 1 losr.orrlulo burn 

Exustums ai^out to bum 

E U3tns,a, uin. pt burnt, parchcd. 
scorchcd dricrl withc?-' a d. 

Exfitusa, upi pi strippcd plunder- 

towork, or makc ariificially. 

Fabrcfactus.a,uin. purt. cunningiy 

wroiight. or dcviscd. 


thi: ait of fiamin^, or making, a 

fabric.fraii.c.niakc, fashion,or dc- 

ft:;^:i,a wiic,dcccit,orcrat>y ticvi^e 

Fal>nc:«ndiis a,um./rf. to l»c mado, 

FabriraiiK l tis-/*r.niaking(orformi'tl 

Fabricatio, onis./. 3. afraniing. 

FSbrTcator, ori.s m. 3 a framcr, a 

ed,dc]>rived, divcs l .cd, frccd, de- niak«.r a forgor.a conirivcr,an in- 

vt:iiffi:' t a di.^isc:*. acauser. 
Fa b o ra. x . /. 1 . a f raming. 

^>rive,tofrec K uercali-lE iivix, aruin, plf.X. spoils takcn 

■no.todethronCj/^/in.E^- rroni an cnciny ui wur,l)ooty, pil |FabricUtu.;, u >• m. 4. a making. 
tcm,to changc bis mind, lage,c!othcs.huir, &c. put, or li:fi!Fiibriratus t i f uTii./i/. framed,mude. 
n,tobreak bis word,7Vic. ott the fckin,f'jlt,or liidc of a Ik -a^ Fabrico,!' r; a.Ci. i >a abncor,atiL>.c/. K 
kslria, t^beathrm outof taken fi-om the ticsh, a lcaihcrj to frame, to build, to iivvcciV. 

whip.^r tHong-, ftie caCst slstn of *' Vnhr iciw, ".o . ^ . ^ V\^ xtxtn^A. 


Fceditas, atis / ■**• foulncs9, fiUhi-^Fuencro.lrc.a l.tol(mdoniL*'Fn1iruiis.a,um./M. Ieaved,thin 
iiesi nastincss. dirrincss, ra:\k- br.n,rin tsiiry*tomakc advuntajrc Folior, Ure. p 1. tobc leavcd.j 
ncss. bascncss, v ilcncs* ujrlmcs.H, o',\ to lciid, to afford, to bcstow. Foliosus, &, fiiliof Ic 
dcformity, horror. Fumcror ari atusstim.r/. 1 to lcnd, J*'6|ium. i- n.2. a lcaf. 

Faedo,arc.<u.l to danb, to stain, to or I>oitow on usury. Firncrari bc- :'olliculus,i m.2. a litile bajro 
dcfilc, to pollute, to disfijrurc, to| ncticium, to doakindncss with a ther, asmall leathcrn hallb rend,to lay in thc dust, to view of rcccivinjr a greater, Cic witli wind ahu3k,coiL,hull,or 
beardown,to harassto disjfrace. Fumcus, a. um- udj. u.ade of hay. : a bodv,/>rcase of flcsh,the w< 

Fu-dor, ari. p to be defded. Faeniculirius.a, um.adj. bcloniring Follisjs m.> abaj?,purse ©rsci 

ineau. sorry, rude, boistcrous Fumisecium.in2.hayniakinjr.timc, pemtim scd (bllitini duCarc 

drcadful cruel. base, shainclcs^^armscctor, oris. m >. a niowcr. i to play atsinaIlgamc,notto< 

desUyictive. Focniscx. icis. m- .1. a mower. ■ for pcncc but pounds, Pnv 

FicdiiSf.ns n. ". aleaguc, a covc- FaMiisicia, x.f. 1 hay harvcst. .F6mcntatio,dnis./ ».afoment 

nant, a trcaty, a stipulution, an Fccnuin i n 2 hay. Famuin habcreFdincnto,are.a.tofomcnt,tov 

ajrrccmciit. a conspiracy. an alli- in cornu to bc mischicvous, // r. Fnmcntum,i.n 2.a fomcntatio 

aiicr,a mutual rchttion, maiviajrc Fccnus oris. n. 3. intcrest, usury.! application to assuajre pa:m: 

hospi alitv. an ordcr.or dccrov, ;l Famuseulum i.« 2. a littlc intercst. Iayinjr,a mitig-ation, a cnerisj 

rijrht a promisc. Fe^ta,a:/l.afcmalebijrwith jounjr« consolation, softncss luxury 

Voeiictor ( us.rir//.c mp. morc liappy. an cwc tiiat hath ncwly hadyounjr. Fomcs,itis m. :.fuel,any thing 

Falici.-ss.nic, adr>. most happilv. jFidco, cre.n. 2 to stink,to havc a kindlcth,srkecpcth firc inji 

Falintas, htis / J happiness badsnicll.tobc muiscoustooflcnd. ccutivc, an induccnicnt. 

Fcclicitcr. adv happily, tiod givc.Fa'tul ism, um ««//"- sti kinjr rank. Fons tis.m -a fountain,a spri 

youjoy. JFa-trfcr, a, uin adj. fmitfuj. , well. a strcara, water, a tp 

Fociix.icis.ri'//. happy, hicky,kiiid.Fa»tif ico, aro n. to bc fruitful, to hcad.or principal caiise.a*>i 

Foemin:i,-c/l. afemale a wuinan.j brccd younjr. Fontfdis, afountain,tr 

FucniLnatus.a, um. adj. belonginjr.Fwtif iciik, a, um. adj. fruitful. Fontfmalia ium./i/. neut. 3 so 

or rclatlnp to a woman. ',Fato,r;rc brinjrforthyoung', fcasts relatinp to wclls. 

Farmincus,:!. um. tnlj- of a woman.' to inakc a stiuk, to smcll strong*. Fontanus,a,um adj.uf a spring 
soft, lcndcr uinc-Firtor, oris. m. 3. u stink, a smell. Fonticulus/im-alittlespringi 

Famminus a nm.a'//.fcmalc«fcmi-F(rtulcntus, a, um. adj. stinking-. FontT^^.bomofafooi 
Furnavius, a. uin. adj ofhay. F(ctfira,n:/ 1 thc hrecilinjr of cat-For fari,fatussum.r/.l.tospei 

Fixiiebris,i'.fir//.pcn..ininfrtousury tle.tiic timc lrom roncrption to spcak plainly, to dcscribe. 
Faneralia -iuiii /»/ n Ja> sfor • ia\ in^ thc birth.thc ffi^owtli.or -priiiK-injr F6rabilis.e adj thal may be p 
Fa*nenitio,onis/. .us.iry. iulercKt ofjri-ass an cdition of abook. ■For.ifro inis. f. 3. a slip of ; 
Fancrutiiius, udj taken in usun Fu?tus.a,um.r.'i/f. bijf,&r grvat witli thrcad. 
Fancr.uo adv with intcrcst, or \ (11111^, that liath \ounjr, abound- F"ritmcn,inis n. V aholc. an t 
profit l iii^, full. ;Foi*aiidus.a,um.^f. tobe bore 

FoMicrator. oris. m- '*. an usurer- Fu'tus us m. 4. thc younjr o r :-.ny picrced, 
Foriierut6rius a a.uni adj. peilainiiifr crcaturc, frult of tr«.-cs, a birth " Forasor/v out of doors, forth, 
to ustiry. Foliiiccus,a,um adj.n\\ rlikclcavo*|Vrritor,6ris m 3.a borer.s pie 

Fu'iicratrix,icis./ashcpawnhrokcr Foliiitio ouis/o.foliajrc alxuldimr.iFbratus, a, um. /M.borcd. p«0 
^irncnitu^ put out to inte- Fr)]iiU>jm,i./i 2. ointmciit of spikc-^Forcc^s, ipis. dub. ^wi. ."iJi pi 
*e*t, ivUimed vritk auVantage. Fotiatttra, sc / 1. foil«|rc. (nuni. 1 t^nj»,nippcrs,piB3sc»> tw^| 






claw of a crah.or lobster.lKormleatio, Snis,/.3. a tinfrling, a 

hook, a grapple. 

!Fnrmicctum,i.n.2.anant-hi]l(risingFornicutrix, Icis, f. 3. a whorc. 

./ 1. a cow with calf. (Formicinus, a,um o///. like an ant. 
>i. a sum- to be hcreafter.|Formico,are.».l torisc in pimplcs. 
s,, forent, 1 might bclFormicdsus, adj. fullof ants. 
c cuij» belonging to the-Formldabilis, c adj. formidable 

Fornicator, 5ris. m.3. a fornicator. 

r courts of pleading 
m. pl f&. a door or gatc. 
;is f.y. a pair oi scissors, r 
n ironhook.a bodyof mcn 
rniVtoreccivcthe cunciis. 
mptm2 decksofaship, 
% r galleries, alleys, r 
ibtces in gardens 

Formidamcn, Ynis. n.3. a bugbear 
Formidandus, a, um. part. to bc 
dreadcd. (ing. 

Formldans, tis. pt. fearing, dread- 
Formldatio, onis. /3. a fearing. 
Formidatus, a, um. pt. drcaded. 
Formido, to drcad- 
Formldor, uri. />. to be fearcd. 

npl.n.*. thin excrements.:FormIdo,in!s,/.3. fcar,drcad, tcr 
e-/l. a house of office. I ror, astonishmcnt, ascarecrow. 
is,i.jR.« acleanscrof jakes.'Formidbl6se, adv. ius, comp. fcar- 
,«/1. ai/n. a wieket. fully, timorously, tcrribly. 
iks, oi/r. from without. FormidblSsus, a,um. adj'\ov. comp. 
f 3. a d >or. Scd usita- issimus, tup. fearful, timorous, to 
itur in phir. ' be fcarcd, dreadful, horriblc. 

'r from abroad,without,on Formo,arc {brm.framc,nish 
sidc from without.extrin- ion,ormould,to build,to coniposc. 

Fornicatus, a,um.p/. arclicd ovcr. 
Fonnco, ure, a. 1. to arch ovcr. 
Fornicor, uri, p. to be arched ; <f. 

to commit fornication. 
Fornix, icis,/3 an arch, a broUicl. 
Fbro, arc, <i. 1. to bore, to piercc. 
Foror, ari, p. to be borcd (hazard. 
Fors, tis./ •. fortunc,luck,chance, 
Forsan, adv. pcrhaps. 
Forsitan, attv. pcrhaps, it may be. 
^orslt, adv id. (ture. 

Fortassc, adv. perhaps, pcradven- 
Fortasse au, adv. peradventjrc. 
Fortax, ucis, /. 4. tlic compass of 

a kiln. 
Forte, ath>. bychancc.Fonc fortu- 

na.asgood luckwould, 7Vr. 
Fortesco.ce^rc, ti.j.Xo gmw sfrong. 
Forticulus, a, um. adj. snrnewhat 

Ktrong,*)»- patieut ■ tion,aforti ' v ing. 

r,in othcr peopleVs atfairs. to instruct, to fcig», or imaginc. Fortif icatio, 6nis,/. 3. a f. /rtifica- 

Fortif icator, oris, m. hc that mak- 
eth strong. 

c. f. 1. aforin. a ihape. aFormor, uri, p. to bc mouldcd. 

>r f&shion, u figure, an ap-,Formftse, adv. bc-autifully, neatly. 

zc 9 a LikencKs. or reseuib- FormdsUas.utis/ ^handsomencss.^rtif ico, are, a. 1. to fortify. 

spectrca vision,aghost,ar*'ormosus, a,um. adj. ior comp. issi-Fortis,c. adj. ior. c m/Mssinvis,*:.'^. 

a heauty,a plot. or modcl, inus^ri//>ikir,beautiful, handsome, counigcous, valiant, bold, hrave, 

l.a btamp, a coin, moncy,' chamiing, delightful, bright. g:dlant, magnanimous, rcsolutc 9 

i cheescvat, a thought, an Formu /.l.aform,a ndc,a max- constant, stout, strong,po%vcrful, 

rcscripl, or niandatc. i im,a writ.a siut,process,orindict- hardy, paticnt* rich, honourable» 

i v e-»e//.formal,propcr,duc ment, an ordcr, a last, a hcaiity. 

:cr, ai/r. funnaJIy. ^mould. Formfilarius, i. m. 2. hc that mak- 

entum, i. 7i. 2. a ibrm, a etli out writs, a practiscr in law 

* tiii pt. forming. 'Fomacalia, drum, pin.2. s:icrifict*s 

lus a, to l^e formed. offered bcforethegrindingofcorn. 

>, onis- /• >. a fonning. iFornaccus,a,um a^/.likea njrnace. 

r. oris. m. 3. a formcr, aFornacula.^/.l.afurnacc.anoven. 

a creator, an instructor. Fornax,acis. /*.3.a furnace,an ovcn- 

honc^t, swift, fair, beauiiful. 

•■'ortltcr, adv. iiis,com/i.issimc,«riA. 
couragcously, valiantly, bold'y f 
b»mvcly, resolutely,un(buntc dlv, 
briskly,quick,soon,in a short imc. 

Fortitudo, Inis,/. fortitii'1-», cour- 
a hravc action, greatness, pa- 
ticncc, strcngth. 

Fortiusculus, a, um. adj. stoutish. 

Fortuito, adv. by chancc, by acci- 

, - %r , , , - , dent. 

w s iis. pt. crcping. | an ai-ching, or vaulting uvcr. iFo^uilu, qu. abU Tt^\^N.«\&RXBu x 


«/.1 ashupe.aforming. Fomicaria, ac. / 1. a prostitute 
i y a.uni. r ft|.abonttoform.Fomicarius, i. «. 2. onc bclong- 

i^umpt formci,framccL> ing lo stews. 

„ x./ 1. a littlc inould. [FomTcAtim, adv. likc an arrh. 
. f.l.&n ant, an cmmct.jForniciltio, onis, '*. 3. fornirution, 





Fortuftug,a,um <u$'.thathappeneth| piereed. 
bv chance, casual. accidcntal.jFdtus, a, 

tle,mortal, weak,pei 
um- pt- cherished. I mav be casily brckei 

sudden, cxteuiporary, unprcmc-jFdtus, us. m. 4- a nourishing, a fo- moisture. (tlcnes 
ditatcd. * mentation (cave, a fox'a holeJFragilftas, atis. /. 3. 

Fottitn^x/l fortune.hap,hazard,iF6vea, ac/ 1. apitfall, a den, ajFragmen inis.n a frag" 
advcnture, chancc, luck, cvcnt.iFovcnduSjajiim.p/.tobechcrishcdlFi^ajBfmentuni i «.^ ide 
«tatc. condition, uu cstatc, a god- Fovens tis./»f. chcrishing,favoring Tragor, oris m.3. a nc 
dcbs. Foveo, ere fovi.fotum a 2to warni, Fragose, uiiv. with a 

Fortcuz, ftl. f. 1. onc's fortune, ©r to chcrish, or nounsh, to fced, or Fragosus, a. nm. aaj 

maintain, to makc much of, to crajcgy, rough, unei 

fondic, to embrace, to cspouse,or hoarsc,or jarriug, bri 

favour. to fomcnt, or bathe. Fragrans tis. pt. & a 

Fbveor, eri- p. to bc cherished. Fragranter, adv. fragi 

Fragrantia, «./. 1 . a 1 

* ™ • Fragro, arc . neus . t o sn 

Friicco,?re,ctii n.o.toputrify,torof strong, or sour. 

Fraces, ium. />/./ .lccs of oil- (dy Friigum, i. n. 2. a stn 

Fraccsco, cerc i/zc.3,to grow tuoul- Framea, av /1 . a jave 

eslatc, richcs, wcalth, substancc 
F ortunaic .adv- nix com/> forUmatc- 

ly,luckiiy,pro<»perously, happily. 
Fortunatusui,(im. «*#. ior. comp is- 

•r.nus, •*//>. fortiinaU', favourablc, 

kind, blest, happy, wcalthy,rich. 
Fortunium, i. n. 2. good iuck. 
Fortiino, arc. a 1. to makc happy. 
Fortunor, ari./>.to bc madc liappy 

Ffcruli, pl. wj. hatchcs, shelves forFracidus, a, um. adj. rotten-ripe, short spcar, a hunte 


F5rum, i- n 2. the fonim a markct- 
placc, a market,a court of juslice, 
a vcssel Ccdere fbro, to bccomc 
bankrupt, Juv Uli foro, to suit 
himself to the time, Tvr. Dcce- 
dcre foro, to live privately Jl>/i 
In :ifienc>foro litigare, to follow a 
biiSiiicss he doth not undei-stand, 
JHurt. jkgere forum, to hold a 
court, to trv causes* 

Fo:i9"irius, i. m- 2. a «titchcr. uui, i. n 2. a fossc,a trrnch. 
Fossilis, e. adj fossilc, that is, or 

maybe dug out of the earth ing. 
Fossio, duis,/ .a digging, a dress- 
Fossitins, a. um. adj dug, drlvcd. 

Fobsitia nigra, sca coal, Jun. 
Fosso, are, a 1 to dig often. ' nccr. 

Fractio, ftnis,/;>.a fraction(hoary Frangcndus,a,um.fcf ti 
Fractior,ius.«c//.com/> morebrokcn. Frangens, tis. pt. bre: 
Fractor, 6ris. m 3. a brcaker. Frango, gerc,fr€gi, frs 
Fractflra, ac-/ 1 a fracturc. ; brcak,tobruisc.tobn 

Fracturus, a,um ^«.aboutto break. to wcakcn. 
Fractus, a,um./>/.hrokcn,humhlcd, diminish,to abate,ori 
discouru^cd, out of hcart, spcnt en,to (la\iut,to disco 
lost.vunquishcd,routcd,nicc,cff'e- pirit,to humble,to va 

Frxnatio, finis,/ 3. abridling. 

olate, to movc, to < 
disappoint, to spend 

Frxnator, oris, ;;i. X a rc«itraincr> ^Frangop.gijfractus./i.ti 

thc bridl«, Frxnigera ala,a troop- a confcderatc, or alh 
of horsc, Stat. I of thc Hamc autlior, 

Frxuo. arc. u.l.tobridle,tocurb,toFriltcrciijo, arc, n 1. 

together as brothcrs 
Fraterculus, i. m-2.a \i 
Fraterne, udv. broth 

rcstrain, to kecp. or hold in. to 
chcck. to stop, or stay. 
Fncnor, ari /». to bc rcstrained. 

Fr.rnum, i./i.3.;>/.frieni.Mi.vclfrsena, , Fraternita8, Sitis./ 3 

/i a hridlc,1hc bit of a bridlc,theFraternus a,um.cic//. fi 

Fossor, 6ris m. 3. a digger, a pio-; curb, a chcck, a rcstraint. Darc. thcrly- Fratcrna c* 

Foasula, x./l. a little ditch,a pud- frarna,to subduc,Ox;. accipcre, to comnutted by a brot 

dlc. i submit, Jd. (bleFritilli, 6rum ' pl. m.2. 

Fossrira,s/l. adigginjr.aditcliing. Fragesco, cre. brcak» orcrum- Fi*atria, ae./.l. a sister 

Fomis, n,um.part. du^", wottnded, Fragdis, c. a<£ ior, eomp. frail,brit-FratricidA» «• c*£> 1« » 

«r-r t- * -=-^^- .-=«—•.— , r 






rder of one's brothef roar, to neijrh, or bray. to raake aJ Pricatio, Ania.y. 3 nibbintr. a plas> 
, i- n 2 a kiHimj, or jrreat noiac, t« blu*t.<:r,to shout, toj tcring, a parjrettin£, friction 
1,141.2. an estate that &ound, to rcsound, to buzz, to Fricator, oris. m. 3 a nibbcr 
en by abrother. I ter, inurinur, »■ gTumolc, tolFricutura, ac. /. 1. a parjrettinjj jrrow plump.(ed.{ fret, ..«r chufc,tobewail, rlamcntjFricatus, a, um. pt. mbbrd 
a uni ^ be defraud- Fromor, oris «i. 3 a roariiur 
iii./. 3. a deccivinjr. Frendcns tisp'. gnashinjrtheteetli 
i». «. 3. a deceiver, ajFrendco cre, dui u & Frendo, erc 
raon. n. 

um. pt. cheated, dc-; groan 
rivcd of. Frc 

act. 1 todcfraud, toj %np. frequent,onlmary, thatofvcn 

Fricutus us. m. 4. a rubO;njr 
Fnco, iire, cui & cavi, ctuni & cH* 
tum- a. 1. to rub, chafr, or frct 

priva, to keep back. 
eniura, to pinch thc 


p. to bc dcfraudcd 
a</i*. iiia, com/*. fruu- 
uviihly, by a trick 

. fraudulcnt, knavish 
u fraud, deccit, jruilc 
t, knavery, trcachcry, 
on ordesijrn. a fauit, 

cosnctli. or isoftcndone rcsortinir 



Frequentumentum, i. n 2. a wurb- 

Frcqueutu.iduH, a, um./j/.tobcfre- 

quently intersperscd, or mixcd 

x : /!l.knavery,deccit|Fix'q'.icnUns, tis. pt. frcquentinjr 

, a, um aJj. ior, ci/np. Frequcntatio, onis /*. 3. afrcqucnt- 


Frequcntativus. a<lj. frequcntative 
FnSqucntator,dris m. i.afrcquenter 
,nconvenience,prcju- Frequentatus, a, um pt. frcquentcd 
eut, loss, dumuge, u.Frequenter, adv. ius. issiraj, 
acheat, a pickpockct tiip. frcqaently, oftentimcs, oftcn 
n. pt. cueated oil Frequentia, x. / 1, trcqueiicy, a 
. thc ma*n, v lees of| grcat company, an as&cmbly 

i. n. 2 an ash-grovc 
Pratinus, a. um, aJj 
ii, madc of ash 
'. 2. saii ash, a spear 
*, a, um. a:tj. thut ma- 
blc noiae, rattling 
a, um. pt. roaring 
/w.roirmg" ragtng, re 
-ighing, braying (ous 
um aJj ragiug, furi- 
m. 4. a roaring, a roar, 

uhing, a iniitteriiig, 
,*r ^rumblinjr 
^ wy, flhtam, n 3. to 

Fnsqitento, are. a 1. to frequcnt, 

to liAunt, to rcsoit much to, to pco- 

ple, to brin;r to^ethcr, to amans 

or heap, to celcbratc, touse often, 

to rcpcat (cd 

Frequeiitor, Ari. p. tobc frequent- 

Freasusit*/ Fre.ius,a, umpart bro- 

ken, bruisc.U craiuichcd, shaled 

Fretalis, e. adj. of a narrow sca 

Fretum, i. n. 2. a narrow sea^tfrith, 

the straits, the sea 
#r brayinjr,^a greatiFretus, a, um. a*lj. relyin^ upon, 
itin,r, a shout, ;>r ac- dependinjr on, trustinjr to 
■ound, rbla*t,ablus-)Fretua, us m. 4. an anuof tlie scn 

Friabilis, e. adj. that may bc cruni 

Frictus, a, um. pt fried, panrhcd 
Frictus, As- m. 4. a nib!>ing a 
Friiredo, inis- / 3. chilnctti. cold 
Fri|refactJo, onis,/ 3. a cooiing' 
Frijrcfjuito, frigiisfacto,)3re n U 

to \nakc cold, or to cool often 
FrTpfctartor, oris. m. .i. a cooler 
Frljrefacttis, a, um. pt. made cold 
Frijrcns, tii /;* gro\vin)rcold,co]d # 

fcarful, fainthcarted, dcacl 
l*>i}rco, ere, i\i. n- 2 to be, grow, or 

caichcold, to bc faint, tobeout of 

favour, to havc not!iin^todo } or^sy 
Fngcrans, tis pt. coohng- 
Frijrcratio, onis,/. 3. a coolinjr. 
FrijrCro, sirc. <*■ 1. to cool 
Frig^eHccns tis pt. ^rn^wing 1 coid' 
Frig^cscit, imp. it is cold 
Fri^e??co, ccrc inc.A. to jrrowcold. 
Fnjrida, x.f. X cold viater 
Frijruhirium, i. n 2. u «*old bath 
Frrridurius, a, um. u<lj. cold 
Frijride, adv. issunc, ittrp. coldly 
Fri^iditas, atis./3. frigidity, cold- 

ness what colrj 

r rijridiuschlus, a, um. adj. sc»mr- 

'rijridiile, adv. some*-hu« roMh*. 
^ng^idulus. a, um. adj. chill, cold 

rigidus.a, um.a<7/. ior, c mp. issi- 

mus, «(//9.fri^id,col-.l,ciuI], slijrht, 

faint, dull bald Hat, silly, dc.idly, 

fatal, dcad 

i-Yij^dla, x/. 1 acliafRnch, a spink 

Fri^tus, a, um pt, crurablcd (blcd rrijro,jrere.ixi,ixuin ve/ictuma '■ 
Fricaociut, a, «m. fW. te be mbbeJ to fry,.to parch, lo drv WvrA 





Graphiam thcra, a pcn, orpencil.tiratis, tnh\ gratis, frecly, te ■• •i«vYdufus,a,um./>f. im 

ca*e. (ing, limiu^g, r/rdrawing.| purpose. Graviditas,atis./ 3. * l 

tiraphicc, es./. .'•. the art of paint-GratJssinic. f aaV.very willingly • klej with voung,pregiianc 

Graphice,af/r. artiticialh , cxactly .-Griitito, arc. w. 1 . to cac- Gravia^arca 1 to im] 

t;ripliirh61crua,aay.more pcrfci't.'riratitfi(to,inis./^.jrratitudc»thank- Ioad,to opp 

Grjplucus,a,um.atif/. perfect, doncGratd, tulv. thankrully. (fuincss. Gravidor, ari./wiw. to I 

1o thc lifc, wcll delincatcd. Grato, are. n. 1. id. qu. Gravidus,a, xim.aoj. im 

Graphis, idis /*. 3. thc art of draw-Grator,arir/. 1. to congratulate, to 

ing, or designing, a pencil (cil.l wish joy,to bid wclconie,to thank 

(traphium,i.ri.2. an iron pcn,a pen-,Gratuitd, arfi». frcely, without re- 

Grassandum c*i 9 imp. we must pro-j ward. -frce. 

cccd- Gratuitus, a, um. adj gratuitious, 

t>rassans,tis. /rf.passing, attacking.'Grathlabiindus,a, um. adj. congra 
Grassatio,AniH./3. a procccding, a| tulating, rcjoicing with, wishing 

robbing on the highway. 
Grassator ( dris./3. a higtiwayman. 
tira.ssatiira,3e/ Grassatio. 
Grassatus, a, um. />/. attacking 


Grattilans, tis. pt. congratulating. 
Gratulaiio.dnis. f. 3. a congTatula- 

Gras*or,ari ( atiis,</l.togo ( to march, Gi-atulutor,6r;s. /n-3. hc that rejoic- 

to procecd,or advance to spread, 
to rage,to fall up 

eth at tlie good of another. 
Gratulatdrius, adj. congratulatory 

on, to rob, to plunder, to cnter.^Gratnlor/ari.r/.l.tocongratuIatCjto 

Gratahundus, a,um. adj. with joy 

or thanks. 
Gratans, tis. pt. congratulating. 
Gratantcr, atlv. kindly. williiigly. 

wish joy, to be jrlad, to thank 
Gratus, a, um. adj ior, comp. issi 
mus, 9up. gratcful,thunkful,kind, 
acccptablc, pleaeing, agreeable. 
(Jratc, adv. gratefully» thaiikfully.:Gravuiiien, inis. n. *J. a gricvancc 
(iriitcs, pl.f '». in vom. & accu*. Gravcndus, a,um. p$. to be weigh- 

tanliim, thanks, a rvquital. ' cd down, to weigh down. 

Gratia,:e./1. gnicc f favor,goodwill, Grivans, wcighing* down. 

kindncK*,* good t;irn, acourtCHy.Gravatc, adv. jrrievously, nmvil- 

an oblig-ation, an acknowlcdjr- lingly, grudjringlv, with rejrrct. 

mcnt,a ft?taliationJioiiour v rcputvGra\atim. adv idcm. 

tion, inicrest, jrraccfulncss, lovc-Gravitu8,a,um. />i. weighcd down, 

lincss, clnquciicc, a vake, cau^e, burdened,Ioadcd drowsy, hravy, 

»r occasion, cxr.usc, purdon. j hangin^iowiiogrudgiigvinwilling^lGravor.ari^itus, /» to b> 
Gratije, irum. p!. f. 1. tlunks. jGmvcdino.siiB, a, um- adj. hcavyJ weighed down, to 
(iratificans, tis. pt. qrratifying. : hcadcd,f».ill ofrheum in the hcad- gTudgc,tobe uuwilhnj 
(ir«ltific.atio,bnis f.3 a jrratifying. (iravtdo,mis/.3.,rh<Mim (iregalis,*of the sci 
Gratifioator, [gratus. fucio], ari.tiravcolena, tis. aaj. stinxing-.noi-: company,conunon, xvfli 

UtuM suui. dep.l. to grarify t to do a somc- JGrejrarius, ** um. aa\h t 

frood turn, toobligc, to give up. Gravcolentia,*./. 1 a strongsmc1l| mon set common,ordii 
nrutiis. id. qtiovl. Gratis. Grar^sccus, growing worsc!Greg"atim.a*/»'»b> ftockf 

tirAtiAsiis,a,iiin.a<//. ior, comp. issi-(inivcsc«),ccrc ( /»ir.3.tobc burdcn-'Grcgatus.a um^/keep 

mus, *i/p. xrrarioiiH, in great cs- cd, tojrrow hcavy, or big, to in-Gremiunvn.^ alap,th< 
f eem,pn>c*re dbrftrotfrjthankfin\ a*o«sc,to jrrow stiranjrcr^r worecl rniddle, #r hc^rt rf a o 

big" with > oung,or chi 
ioadcn, laden. filled 
weighty. plcntiful, mh 
Gravil6quus,a/(i speak 
Gravis,e rt#//.ior,r«?n/».is 
heavy, weighn, gTcat 
child, loaded, full, f 
riblc,grievous trouhh 
dcnsonie, hard, diitici 
unwholesome, * stinki 
dangerous, bad, oppr 
sideRtble, important, 
dear, bas% dcep, ah 
sevcre, old, faint, lanj 
Gravistelhis, i. m. 2. a 1 
Gravitas,atis /"3. heavii 
tmcss, gravity, wearii 
rity, majcsty. gTca*nei 
unwholcsonicness, rai 
Graviter^arfi* ius.eom/f.i 
ly, sorely, sevcrcly, lis 
(iraviu4c.ii)us,a,um 'u*ij.\ 
Gravo,aro.a l.toload t< 
wcigh down, to opprt 
blc ( todistress,to distu 





i river, a baao. (Gtilosd, ius. adv. gluttonoualy. | sjihoolraaster, a principat, ©r head 

» ^rthat goeth,going. Gulosus, a, uiu. adj. gluttonousj of a collcge, a mastcrof an aca- 
.a step pace,or going. greedy. Gulosua Lector, a grcat!Gymiui*iarchus,i.j».2.jJe/». • demv- 
. 3. a flock, a hcnl, ai rcadcr. iGyiiiuusium, i. n. a placc whcre 

ey acompany,band,©r|Gumia,x./ 1. aglutton, gluttony.l wrcstlvra, &c. performcd feats of 
i : - i — a\~ Gummatus, a, um. aaj- gummed, activity, a bchool,a college, a hall 

horus, a bundle. 
i. 2. a net, a riddle. 


sa. /. the art of sur-jGuinmi n.ind.b. Gummis is/ gum. 

Gumroindsus, a, um. aaj. gummy. Gymnicus,a,um. « 
|. a goosebcrry(buih. Gummitio, dnis. / 3. a gumming.!Gynxc£um,i.n. 2. a nursery, a sera- 


bclongto excrcisc. lexcrcise. 

adj. belonging ta 

». /. 1. a goosebcrry Gummdsu», 

m. 2. a green ftg. *•--—»— = 

16. gen. 2 idcm. 

m- adj of a crane 

r. 3. a cranc. 

i a littlc hill >ck.a bed. 

2. a billock 

HA, interj, ah, away. 
llabeua, x./ l.lhe rcinsof a 

a, um. adj. gunmiy. :l iy psatio,dnis./ j.a plastering glio 
Gurdus, i. m. 2. a fool, a sot jGypsator, oris. ro. 3. a plastercr. 

Gurges, i. a whirlpool,a gulf,G> psatus,a,um-^/. plastcrcd, whit- 
thc dccp, a riotous spcndcr, aGypso, urc aitA.lo plastcr ened. 
glutton Gypsum, i ». *. plaster, mortar. 

:k.* bed. Gurgu]io,dnis.m. 3. the windpipe.'Gyratilis, c adj. turningabout. 

. «. . , clottcdjGurgustiiiiii,i n©ttagc,acabin.Gyratio oni* / 3. a,turning about- 

ivi,itum. pr - (blood.JGugtandus, a, uni. pt. to be tastcd .G/ratua a, um. pt. turncd about. 
n. 4- to grunt. Gustatio, oni*./ >. a tasting. jGyrgillus, i. m. 2 a whecl, a reel. 

Gustatorium,i.7t.2 an eatingroom,jGyn>, are. act 1. to ttirn round. 
a dram-cup, a taste. .'Gyroaii^uiii.Mtj/.whceling round. 

Giisuitus,a, tasted. (tastc.'Gynis, i. m. 2. a circlc, a circuit, 
Gustatus, u*. m. 4. a tasting, thc a compa^,a revolution, a carecr. 
Gu»to,arc.<j. 1. to ta*»tc, to sip, toj liA. 

try, to Hbtcn, to ovcrhear. • 

Gustor, iiri, pats. to Ijc tastcd. 

Gustulum, i. n 2 u taxtc, a morsel-. bridlca wliip, a lash, a thong, or 
m, i. «. 2. the hclm, r Gustus, iis. m. 4. a gust, a taste, a| strap, powcr, rule, goveniment» 
ihip,stccnigc,govirn- smack, a relu»li, thc scusc of ta^t-j iiianagcmcut. Cla<»i immittere 

ing. I habcnus, to sct sail, Vi $. 

GuUa, x./ 1. a drop, vcry Uulcvllabcndus^um.^.tobc had,pos- 
a spot, ov spcck, a mark. ! scsscd, mailc, uccountcd, &c. 

tiuttaus ^*- P f ' droppiug. |Ii.ibcns, tis. pt. haviug. 

Guttatim, adv. by drops, drop byllabcntia, .«. / 1. richcs, fortune. 
diop. (Icii. Ilabeuula, *.. / a little bridic, a 

(-iuttatus,a,um. pt- spottcd, spccL- thong. 

tHittitht, x.f. 1. dim. a littlc drop. IIabco,crc,bui,bitum.a.2. to havc 9 
Guttulum, i. ft. 2. a Httlc cruisc. to jjo»»ohs, to cnjoy, to embrace, 
tiuttum, i. /*. i. a cruisc, au cwer. 
Guttur, ui'U. n. & m. 3« the throat 
Guttur infcriortt he arsc-gut, Hlaut 
uuttu^ i- £0. 2. a cruiae, a cruct. 

s. m. 4- a gruiiting. 
ui. ii. 3. to cninklc. 

». a crancr., an instru- 
w, or pull up stones. 

2. a crickcty a trick. 
1.2. & 

m. 3. a griffon. 

(ov bc govcrncd. 
S a, uui. pt. to govcrn, 
i» pt. governing 
•nia./ 3. govcnunent, 
t,guidancc,a stccring 
irism. .. agovcrnor.a 
ager, a guidc, a mas- 
or atccramau. 
icis/ 3. a gnrerncss. 
« n. 2 government. 
a.lto govern, to con- 
:ct, to guidc, to stecr- 
i. p to bc governcd. 
sgiil)et v the windpipc 
ie tiiroat, the palatc, 

e nozle. 

3 gutrtOT5, gh^tUns. 

Gymnasaadia./. 3. the actof wrcst- 
ling, a fcmale wrcstlor. 
Bywsj ftsh ticmH x 


i .a Ckicl 

to Uutd, to contain, to kccp, to 
gct,ur ucquirc, to handlc, ur use y 
to acL, to managc, to estccm, to 
account, • r rcrkon, to think, to 
trcat, t*> find, to know, or under- bc abU* to dwell,ur con-,to givc, to ocruHion,to hav^ 
j rukcn, sct%c4, u- sarpri&cd. 

• »?£ 

II «M 



llabcor, Cri. pa.fs. to bc had. 

H.ibessit, pru llabcat. t':ic. 

Habilis, c. «»(/. ior, cujr/j. issimus. 
attp. iit,su'.table, propcr, adaptcd, 
apt. handsoine, able, sound. 

HabiJit:», atis./ i. fitne .8, ability 

lfahiliter, rtc/r. issime, *i//j. fitly. 

II;» «v(/. habitable. idcn 

II ibitaeulum, i n. 2. a dwcllin$, i; 

Ii'.tiHtandus,a,u.n /rf.lo bc inhabit 

JlahiUms, tis. pt iiiliabifmjr. (cd. 

IluiiiUtio, onis. / .5 a haliitatiou,, an anoie, housc-rcnt. 

Tlair.titor, 6ri.-./»i.-.». aii inlubitant. 

Hibitttrix.icis./ 3. an inbabitaiit. 

Habitutus, a, uni. pt> inhabited 

TJ.mioiThajria,a:/l.a fiux of hlnod 
ihtinorrhdis, idis. C :>. thc piles. 
llarrcdiolum, i- u 2. tVm. a sniall in 

hcritauce, •;• patrimony. 
ll.crcdi[>ct:i,:c c.^.l.onc whoseck- 

eth an iiihcritaurc.hy flattcry. 
1 Ixrcditariusa, um.aJ/hercditary 

ITallficlnans tis. pt. blui 
llalliicmatin, onis / d. , 
j I lall iici not or,oris. /«..J.a 
Il&llucmor, ari. d**p, 1. 1 
Malo, brcathc, 
ilalo, onis. m 3. a circ 
about thc sun, nioon, * 

i{ a:rcditas,atis/3. an heritajre, aujllaldsis.cos/ ucc sii 

inhcritancc, an cstatc. .estatc. 

i Ixrcdiuin, in-2. a small estatc, an 

tlxrcns tis pt. stickmjr fast. 

II.crco,crc,%si.assuni./i. 2 to stick, 
to bc iixcd, or fastcncd, to conti 
nwe,to rcinain,to sit. to lic, to lin- 
jrer,0r loitcr, to slop, to doubt, to 
\vavcr,to follow closc, to imitatc. 

1 Lcrch,edis.r ;\ hcir,an hcircss 

llahitio, onis./ •'». an cnjoyiuent. 
Hahitn. ."irc. u &/i.l. to inhabii, to!ila.Test*o, ' , c!\.y/.« r//3. tocoutinuc 
dwvIi.toiive,to abidc,to have nft-jjlarcsis is / 3. a licrcsy, a scct. 
Ilabitoi\ari. /'.tobc inliabitcd.(uii. ii.crclicc, mlv. herctically. 

Ifabitudo, ins./ .'».a habit,»)/' con 
stitution of tlic bo-.h .plunipuc 
fatness. f um./ > f. that shall havc. 
ov oiijVtit tohavc, to c:ijo\. 

Ilabitus. a, \\ .'v w(i. ior,r./;/i/» 
K-uinus, mtp had,iriven,'- 
cd, cstcciiic.d. idfecU-d, inchnctl, 
tif-aled, han-ll^d, uscd, uijovcd 
fat, wcll-likiiur, in good ph,rht. 

Hamtiis "•>■"*. 1 ahabit.amaiuicr, 
slatc, uv i.ishioii, au appcarance 
fcatuiv..carri:i^c,(/r dcincanour, :, 

llac, uih. by this way, »r placc 

llacproptcr, inh. thcreforc 

Ilactcmis,i.'./r.bithcr*.o, tlius,tr 
this iiinc,or placc.tims much anci 
tio ino:v. 

Ilxdiculus, i. m. a littlc kid. 

Ila-ildc, is "• •>• a fold for kids. 

Iliedillus. i. n J. J*wi.a littlc j;oat 

Uicdmus a, iim. m(J <>f a kid. 

Ilxdrilus, i. m.2- <//#« a littlc j;oat. 

//.fdn.s. i tn '2. a kid. 
'iximtitps, x.m. i. a bioodston? 

ILuvinvis a. ir.ii. a<(). herctical. 
Ihercticus, i. /w. 2. a hcrctic 
ll.cror, oris. /». •). a stickin^r. 
ffarsitahundus, 11,11111.1;./;. doubtful 
ila-siiaus, tis. pt. doubun^r, staui- 


ri*;aiit:a, x.J. 1. a stiimmcrinjr. 
tlivsitatio, ouis. / d. hcsitation, 

Il.vsitatoi*, oris m. .». a dcla\cr. 
li.csitatus, a, um. pt. doubtcd of. 
Ilasito, are. n. 1. to hcsitalc, to 

doubt, to faltcr, to stainmcr, to 


II:csitudo, inis. /! .). doubtfulncss. 
!I.csui*us, a, uin. pt. that will btick 

to, hun^ upon, or remain. 
Ilulaus, brcathing'. smclling 1 
Ilalcvon, onis./. 3. a kin^-fisher. 
tIalc\oucus. a, uin, adj. halcvon. 
llalec.ccis,/ ^ n. a hcrrin^, brinc 
.laiccula. x.f. 1. a vapour 
'ialitus. us. //1. 4. brcath, a £asp t a 

Jlallclujali, praisc yc tUc Hoixl. liarpya, .r. / 1. a do^ 
:l:dlc\, ici^.y. 6. a jrrcat toc; viri,'!larpyix, afum. ;>.'./ Iu 

a dwarf. iiar;»pcx # i«:i'*. .-.« . .'. a » 

tlic takin^' aud sackin^; 
llaltcr, cris- m .>. aplu: 
ilalus, i./ 2. comtrcv. 
Ilama, x./. I. a lcathcv 
lianiattlis, c. mii. of a h 
liamatus,a,um.fji/;. \\chj\ 

cd, bciit, entan^Icd, b 
llamava, x./ 1. Chark 
liamaxago^a, x. m 1. ; 
lIamo\or.ari.<A/>.l. to d: 
llaiuidta, x. m. 1. an an 
llamu!a,;c/l.a sinall bu 
llamulus.i.m. 2.asmaU li 
liuinus,i. m.2.u hook, rin 
llaphc, cs./. 3. a dust t 

wrcstlcrs with aftcr ar 
llapsus, i. .fi. 2. ahai.viii 
Ilaro,*/!. a ho^r sty,a { 
Ilariola, x.f. 1. a prop 
liar^latio. ouis.y. 3. a 
liaridlor, ari, atus- <l. 1. 
Ilariolus, i. m.2. a sooth 

vincr.a prophct, a frant 
ilarinama\a t .c /'.1. a i'cr 
1 larmonia^c.y'. 1 . harrnoi 1 

a duc projjortion, anit 1 
Harmonice, cs. / 3. i-'u 
Ilarmouicus, a. um. a t 
I 1 .to hon) 

plc • 

I Iarp.ajro.onis.wi. ».a hoo 
ilurpalus. i. m. "I. a do,: 
Ilarpabtumd.n.a h.dha c 
llarpax, aj*is. m. ;». ambs 
I iarpc.cs. ''.;.'». a 





)Yca,«./.l- the that divineth 
the entrails of beast*.(tion. 
ifcna, st/ the art of divina- 
iidfmia, a, am. <u(p bclong- 
m rclating to divination. 

ry ,blockJsh, inactivc, void of spi- 
nt, flat, langiiid, weak, fceblc. 

Hebesco,ccre, f-vow blunt, 
dull, dim, larigiiid, or feeblc. 

Hebltans, tis- pt. makjng- dull. 
:>Triujn,iii.2.soothsayinfr, di-jH6betatio,5nis/.3.a making" blunt, 

011 by the entrails of beasts. 
rc/1 a spear, Iance,or pike 
etion, a public sale. 
ua, a, ura. adj. carrying, ot 
ng vith spears. (to a spcar 

01* duil 

Hftbctatrix, Icis/. t. shc that mak 
eth blunr, or dull (dull, orstupid. 

HSbctatus, a, um. /* raad i blunt. 

Hebttcsco, cere. n 3. idemac. 
rjs, a,um.a*{*\of,or belonging^Hebcto^ari. a. 1. to make blunt, or 
e,is n-tf.a tpear, a halberd, a| dull, toblunt. dullcd. 

a,re/l.a *mallspcar.(point.'Hcbctor,ari./> bc bluntcd, or 
nierj alas ! O strangc ! jHcb2tudo,Tnis/3 fc bluntnc?w, didl- 
adv. not* in no wise. HebraicO, adv. in Hebrcw. mess. 

|ulquain,arft*. by no racans.^Hebruicus, .i, um. adj Hebrew 
un, adv. uot yet. ;Hec.itombe,eH/. 3. a saarifice of a 

harSto, pr Avc, aveto. 
ena, tis. £*. drawing*. 
a>ire y aiiai& auslvi, austuui & r 

huiulrcd oxcn, &c. 
Hecyra, ae./ 1. a mother-in-law. 
Hcdcra, ae / 1. ivy, thc ivy-trce. 

mn.a draw, to draw, orjHederaceus, a, um adj. of ivy. 

, Up,to receiTe,or take in, tojllederatus, crownedwith 

bnnk. eat. sr swallow up, to! ivy, adorncd with ivy. 

i^o eih*ust,to waste, spend,:Hederigcr,a, um. adj. bearing- ivy 

Mamc,to picrce,or wound,tO'Hederdsus a, um. adj. full otivy 

r, undergo, or experience. iHSdr) chum,in.2.asweetointment. 

>r v irt pat. to be drunk* ]H5dysmita,um./>/ n.3 .twcctmeats, 

©r, otis. m. 3 a drawer. i saucea, perfumcd ointmcnts. 

rara,i n, 2 abuckct.apump.,IIci ! intevj. wo! a!as ! 

OBAiun. p. drawn,taken up,Htja, interj. O brave ! 

lowed up, drunk in, sunk .Hclciarius,i m.2. a man that haletb 

us, us. m.4. a draught,a s'ip-' a barjre, a bargeman. 

iniiA abouttosuiicr/Hclcium, i. n. 2. a horse-collar 

jj E |Helcysma,atis n 3 dross.. tiic sun. 


Hclluo,rt/ Heluo,6nis ma gluttOQ. 
Hclluo librorum, a great readcr, 
Hclluor,& Hcluor, aji ,atus sum«/* 
1. to jrormani/e, to gnttle, to de- 
vour.or consume,to cat jrreedily. 
Hclvcnaceus, a,um. adj. pale-red, 
Hcivlnus,a,*' of a flcsh-color. 
Hclvblus, Hclvi61u% & Hclvus, a, 
um adj. of a palc-rcd color. 
Hclxinc, cs./ 3. pellitory. 
Hem! an intcrjection expressing" 
various motions .uid affcctions of 
the mind. Aamirantis, how ! say 
you so? Iaudantis,well,rarcly.Re- 
cor lantirt, ho! ycs. Interpcllantis, 
hold! stay!Corrigentis, how! how 
is that .' what is tliat ? Oflcrentis, 
herc,sce hcrc! Verbcrantis,thcre 
is for you,tukc thatforyour pains* 
Admoncntis,look yo,mind.Osten- 
dcntis,see! lo* behold! HorUntis, 
O rarc! Kcspondentis, anon, sir? 
llcmci*esius, adj. ofone day. 
Hemerodrdmus,i.m.2. a day-couri- 
Hemicyclus,i.m.2.a scmicirclcer. 
Hcmtiia,x/.l.half a sectar}', tlires 
quartcrs of a pint (hcmuuu 

ncminarius,a,um. adj. holding- an 
H5mi6lus,a,um.a ( //.one anda halfl 
HCmistlchium, i. n 2. ahalfverse» 
Hemit6nium,i.*i.2.a halfloneiague« 

^.1*11.10113,^ um. a^(/ ^01011^*1^^ tollcmitritreus, i. m. a scmitcrtain 
dfifcojCs/.S.thQ jrr^atbear. (salc. Hcndccasylhbus, i. m 2. a verso 

containlnrr clevcn syllablcs. 
Hepar, atis. n. 3 thc livcr, a fish, 
Hcpatarius, adj. of the livcr. 
Henaticus a, um adj. of tlie liver- 
Hv.'.jrf"Tcs, is/.a seven-bankcd tral« 
ley. (hdy,agod eheri> c^ary, 
Hera, e./l. a dame, a mistrcss, a 
H^r«cLeon, i. n. C milfoil, yarrom» 

ontTm0rOmeno4,i.m thc self-lleliotropium.1 n 2. thc hcrb turn- 
entor,one ofTercnce^Com-Helix^icis m. 3. crecpinjr ivy ,a spi. 
(madA. x/1. a wcek.(cdics{ raJ. (lahorc, frantic, distratcd. 
ln«klaliJse.ttr//.ofaweek.(ny Hcllebrtr5sus,a,um adj'S\i\\ ofhcl- 
Mis^i./.?. an ebony-trcc, ebo-jHeUebdrum,i n.2.& Hellcbdrus, i. 
I lre,bui.« bcbluntyduUJ m.2.tbe herb hcllcborejan^wor' 
aty, to chill, to curdle- Hcllvnismu*, i m. Z. a GreciSin. 
lWi,as]f. ior, comp issimus^HcIluatir>, vcl Heluatio, Onis./ .V 
^ - • " tlow.sfUpid, hea-| yloitont, (ormatduhi^ grtswfl 







H5muncio, Onis.m.3. a scrub,a ras- creditable, done, «r spoken to a 

cal. mart'8 credit. 

Hbinunculus, i m. 2. a littlc sorry Honftro, are.a.l. to honour, to re- 

fellow, k scrub. vcrence, to respect, to reward. 

HoneRtamentura, i. n. 2. an orna-JIbnoror, ari. p. to be honoured. 

ment, uu embellishment (cd. 

H6nesiandus,a,um / be honor- 

Hbnestans», tis. pt. adorning. 

Iibne*tas,atis/ ?. honcsty prpbity, 
crcd: putation,fame .(credited 

HbneJ aius, a, um. pt. adorned, 

Hftncstc. adv. ius. c*mp. issfme, 
tup. honourably,honcstly,bccom- 

H6ncsto,ere.a gTace,to adorn, 
to embelHsh, to sct off. 

Honestor, ari. /». to be adorncd. 

H&ncstum, i. n. 2. honesty, virtue. 

U5nestus, a, um. adj. ior, c -mp. 
issfmus, iup. honourable, honcst, 
dtscreet, chaste, decent, becom- 
beautiful, fair, wcll favoured. 

H6nor, & Honos,oris. m.j. honour, 
post, or dignity, gracefulness 
t>cauiy,a prosent, a reward, a fee, 
a rccompence,a sacrifice,an obla- 



HonSrandus, a,um./rt. to be honor- 

Hbnorarium, i.n.2. an honorary, or 
free gift.a present.a physician's or 
lawycr , sfee(pcrtaining' to honor 

HbnorTirius, a, um. adj. honorarv, 

HttnoratO, adv. ius. c •mp. issnnc, 
*up. honourably, worshipfully. 

H6n6ratu9,a,um pt.h adj .ior cmp 
issimus a«/> honoured,rcwarded, 
honourablc, worshipful. 

H6n6i-ificc,aJv.centius,com/>. cen 
tissime,ru//.b.onorably,with honor 

H6n6nfico, are. a. 1. to honour. 

Hbn&rfficus, a, um. ai{j ccntior, 

ctopcentistfnww^ujH henorable, 

Hondrus, a. um. a$. honourable. 

Honos, vid. Honor. 

Hoplites, 3». m. I. a soldicr. (ccr. 

Hoplbmachus, i.m. 2. a sword-fen- 

H5ra,ae/ hour,a day,a month, 
&c.time,a time,srseason,the time 
of one'i birth,or death,a goddess. 
In horas, cvery hour, Hor. Omni- 
um horarum homo, a man fit for 
all purposes, Quint. 

H6rarium, i.n.2 an instrument to Horridulus, a, um- adj. 

know the hour by thehelp of wa- 
ter,an hour glass,clock,watch,di- 

H5rarius a,um.aoj.hourly. (al,&c. 

Hordeaceus, a, um. aaj. of barley 

Hordearius, a,um. *dj. relating to 
barlcy, living upon barley. 

Hordeum, i- w. 2 barley. 

Hordcus, a, um. adj. of barlcy. 

Hbria, <e./. 1. a fishing-smack. 

Hbribla, x.f. 1. a little smack. 

Horizon, ontis m- «J. the horizon. 

Hornot?nus, attf, of this ycar. 

Hornus. a, um- adj. of this year. 

Hor61bgium,i.».2. aclock,a watch, Horrtsbnus, a, um. adj. 

Hdroscopium, i n.2. a dial. (a dial. 

Hdroscbpus, i. m 2. a horoscopc. 

HoroscOpus, a,um. aijj. of a horo- 

Horrca, «e./ 1. a barn, a jrranarjr. 

Horrendum, adv. drcadfully. 

Horrendus a,um//r & a^/.liorrible, 
terriblc,drcadful,dismal, strang-c, 
mar\'cllous, awful, revcrctid> 

Horrens, tis. pt. & adj. rough, rag"- 
g-ed, ruggcd.standing-up on end, 
prickly, dark, dismal, horrible, 
shivering, shaking» quXking 

Horreo,erc,rui.n.2. to be rough, to 
look terribleito shake>quake»shiv. 
«r y or tr#mblc, to shuddej at, to 


Horreblum, i n. 2. autti 

Horrescens, tia. pt. drea 

Horresco, cere> iueepe. I 

rough, or rugged, to 

shake, to wave, to shuc 


Horrcum, i. n. 2. a barn, 
a storchousc, a reposit< 
gazine, a warehouse, a 
HombYlis, e. aay. ior, c/ 
ble, tcrrible, dreadful, 
rough, rugged, awful, 
HorribllTtcr, adv. horrib 
Horrfde, aJt>.roughly, n 

rough, rugged, «r rude 
HoiTidus.a,uma^(/. ior, t 

rid, horrible, dreadful, 

frightnil, rough, mgge 

ish, grave, austere, ui 

Horrtfer, ^ra, ^rum, adj 

cold wcathcr, biusteru 

Horriffc«B, adv. horribh 

frightfully, awfully, rel 
Horrinco, are. a 1. to fi 
Horrlficus, a, um. adj. i 

frightful, or drcadful n 

Horror, Oris-m.3. a horro 

a great fi-ar, a friffht, a 

or shaking, a cold fit, 

ness, awe, vcncration, i 

riorsuum, adv. hithcrwar 

Hortamen, inis.n. 5. an ei 

Hortamcntum, i ;i.2. ide 

Uortandus, a,um. pt. to 

to be exhortcd, to enc 

Hortana,tis./rf. exhorting 

Hortatio,6nis/ 3. an ex 

an encouragemcnt, adi 

Hortatlvus, a,um.oo>. ei 

Hortator, 6ris m£. an en 

Hortatrix^cis./ 5. •<& (< 





i, um. M. exhorteil, en- 
, having chcouragcd, or 

a. nu 4. id 9 qu Hortatio. 
e. a 1} grrowing' in, or 
r to a p*ard?n- 
a, u?u alj idem 

lng enmity. 

ilostilis, c. alj. hosti!e, bitter. 
i los? ilitas/itis/. j.hostility, cnmity. 
iIostihter,'i'/v in a hostilc manner. 
Mo6timcntum, i. n 2. a rcquita! 
Hostio,irc, Ivi. a. 4 to rcturn like 

for likc to rcijuite, to s 4 .op 
/. 1. to evhort,couns2l.:llostis,is ct*. .">. an enom/, a foc, a 

o cn*:ourairc, imboldcu 
p to be advis^d. 

i, i r»i 2 a jrardener. 

« 2.d'tn a little jrar lcn. 

; a £*r Icn, or orchard 

r: , iar:i»rt'j.V'T-noi»/"tfii. 

i/ -<7 Voc ll.-br 

i.r cc >• a jrues!,a host,a 

a fricnd, a straiurcr 

/'.1 a h'iHtcss,:istra:iirer 
c adj. ior, c mp. issi- 

ho*;>itu de.iisin.-T hospi 

jHunviLi ijSnis./ 1* a h;iryin.7.'eth. 
'{■unitur^rii. ■». '• one thv. buri- 
Hu;natrinis.a,u'.n./>f.aboul to bary. 
II'im:itiis,a,um..V buried. intr.rrjd. 
Uumcctans, tisi pt. moistcninjr. 
1 1 ii : nccta i -.n, a, 'i m A*- moistened, 
>I'iruect>, «./.•. .noistly. (wctted. 
} lumccto.iuv.ri. l.lo mois:en,o:\vet. 
Hfimcstus a,um «//. uioist,da!iip- 

foreijrucr, a siraiiircr. 
Hoslus, i. //• 2. the qumtitv of o'.! 
yicldcd :it onc prcssin^ of olivcs.j ish 

'llumjfarius a, irn. />/• moistenerl. 

ilfi.iiLMiH,ti> p' moist (moisicned. 

H-i ne>, •.•c..ii , ii /i.2 tobo wet.toie 


Iinbcr, eris. n. .'*. an ud-ler. 

IIu::. aiv hithcr, to thUpiac?, V» '.|irn.T".lo.i».ri. j.a jrri liat *'s hood 

t I*i .i«ro.s a is..i v ii:n.r: ;7 h.iv.nj «rrcat 
sfioulders. tnll of risincrs 

llumeri!s,i.m.2 a slrm! der,a stalk. 

this issuc, to tliis onini 
II iccinc, (ith. what h»ther ? 
•PiciWfie, aiv hithcrto. 
Hui, inUwjfrt. Iio ! wiiow ! 
Mijuseo, q-rn. [:vb hicc.c] q. v. 
ndly, kiud, ot\ or for|lI ijusccmodi,« f/ of i!iisdort,s'jch 

Hijusmodi, idcm 
Hiiinandu*,:t* uni '>!• to be buricd, 

nr intorrcd, t'> bury 
Vlmirinc^fir/T' iiis.c mp is-imi-}, n;>p 

lrt:u:iiicly,fricndly k ndly, civiih 

o >l'jf ii{;iy,in ldly,paticntly,i:i thc 

ls, ati.i. f >. hosnitalitv. 
:r, aJv.-rb, hosiitably, 
t *./!.• ■lwoH;!\!;'.(trion lli 
7i,i/i. 2 M.n.% litlh* inn 
,i. n 2 a.i iun/i phrc t.* 

fciran^crH, ©r jj^ijbts, u m nucr or mcn. 

. slicltcr, a relrcat. hos 
e-itci-iain.nen», frcnd 
imacy, fricnds, allics 

iri. atus sum. drp. 1 to 
|ua"tcr,to at)ide, or stay, 
i a strangc place. 
i, uin. alj hos])itablc, 
itruiire» neig' ibourin^, 

1. a sacrificc, the host. 
iJj loaded with iacri- 

i. n. a foreign-co intry 
e ny's countiy. 
, iin. adj. hostile, per- 
an eneray 

•lUiirinifasitis f. 3. lmminity lm- 
■nm naturc, friondl.ncs"*, k. nd- 
icssci\ility jro i'1-n ituro jrcntli*- 
ncss,courtesy jroad.nannirs pO 
litcncss, brccd n^, hii.iiau lcarn 
ing", libcrd k.nowl ul^e 

tI'imiiMitcr, ar/71. ias, romp is>iiuc, 
bravcfullv. manfullv, noblv 
irimlmtus. adv as men arc wont. 
Si (jui l mihi li'iman>t >x is accidis- 
set, if 1 had chanccd to dic, C'«'c. 

'Iilninus u,um. alj. ior, c mp. issi 

IIu lii-s.* ."is, t'i pf.;r moiBt. 

M.iiiicso.c.Tc i?ic 3 to ^rowrno.H», 
o/'A'ct,to moihtc;i..\Iodicis poculit 
Im.ncscvTc, to r*'fresh himsclf 
wir.i a frlass ortwo, '/ r. 

Ti ul, 0.1 tli.* jrroi.i 1. 

Mfimidc <;7" iiostly. (:noi tur?. 

t!'iiiiidra<», atis. /' ,). bu:n dity, 

Slfi -md i.are.i« mois* 'n,t'> veut* 

■ luuiiduiiis. a, irn. ci7/. d;imr>;sh. 

;I<lmr.l 1-11. i. n 2 ino:siuv 

Uu iiidiis.a/i.ii alj ior, comp. iss:- 
111'iij, •//;). mo st, wcl. d.*:np 

lluuulc-' er. criim. aij. T.iu/uijr 
moisture, m-> st 

llnin't'ii'0, arc. «• 1. tomo:st<*n. 

MQmificus,a, /j. th-i* iuo stcn^ 

lirnnijro.are a X to mois en(eth. 

Humili itio, 6u:s. /. i. bi :iilia«;on. 

Iluniiliiltus, a, iun. pt. Iiutiblcd. 

Humilio, arc. act- 1. to huiublc, 
to aliasc. 

Humihor, ari.p to be hum')lcd. 

Uumilis, c- adj :or. c .••/'. d!imu«, 

mjs, «7/1. human, b.-longinjtr. to 

uiankind, or a rational creaturc, *np. hinnnle lowly, sii!)niissive, 
h jin;tnc,fricndly,kind,Cjvil, obli.^- sii}>;)l,int,low,m «a i,poor,t rifling', 
in^.ircntlccourteous.politcskili- ins-rnificant, smaV,, lcf.hl^, 
l^ ^niiD. odj' occtsioD^ od in artsr fcc. fnil, rirUble, \w\ Vcskj ^y^^^i^^^ .^»V>\r.« 





Humiu'taii,utis.£ 3. humility, lowH- 
ncss, lowness, Tncauness, poor- 
ness,weakncss. in.ibtl«tv, want ■»' 
powcr, bascncss. a ch-prcciatinjr. 

Ilfimiliter, adv. iiis, r /.*,'*. illimc, 
aup. huinb1y 9 sii!)m'iRsivL'lv* lowly, 
mcanly abjcctlyjbaselyjobscurch 

lliimipeta,x.-ii 1. a sparrow-havk- 

Hiimo,'arc a.\. to set, or lay in thc 
ground, to bury, to intcr. 

Humor, siri p. to bc huriecl. 

HGinor 6ris. m. 3 an humor, mois 
ture,water, any liquid juicc, sap. 

Hfimdrd&us, a, um adi. nioist, wct 

JHiimus, i / 2. ground, earth, laud 


HyScinthiiius,a,uin.af0. of a violct, 

Ilyemalia, ium. pL n. winter-quar- sition, a prctcxt, or pTCti 

tcrs. casc in Iaw,the argumeni. 

H venulis, &c. vid. Hlcmalis, &c tcnts of a book, or discou 
l!vku-tor,6ris.ffi. 3. a dojr. Habblc. Hyp6thetfcua,a um.adj co 
Hylxus, i- tn 2. a dog, Woodger Hy pbthyrum, i. n. 2. a thi 
Hylax, iicis r.. .*. a dog. Barkcr. 
Ilymcn.enis.m S.the god of marri 

age, marriagc, a thin skin. 
Hymcnxus,x. i m. 2. niarriagc, a 

Hymnifcr, era, crum. udj. that 

brinjreth hymns, «r songs. 
Hymnus i- m - 2.a hymn, a song. 
Hypxthrus,a,um. adj. opcnabovc. 
Hypallagc,es/3 a transpositiou of 

thc ordcr of constmction. 
Hypatc, es./ 3. thc bass-string. 
Hypcnemius, a, uni. udj. wind 

©r purplc colour. (jaciiUh.!llyperb61e,es./3. a hypcrbolc,an 

Hyacinthus, i. m. *?. a hyacinth, a. cxajrgcration in the scas. 
Hyarna x/ 1 a ficrcc beast likc allvpcrbolice, adv. hypcrbolically. 

wolf, a scafish a serpcut. 'glas.s.iH)pcrholfcus, a, um- adj. hyper- 
Hyalinus, a, uni. adj. glassy, htcs holical. 

Hy:ihis,i.m.2. gl.iss,a grccn colour. H/pcrboreus, adj. far north. 
Hybirma, 7'/'/. 11'berna. 
lKhcrno vid. Hihcrno. 
llybernus vid. Ilihcrnus. 
Hybrula, x. m. 1. a nr*njrrcl. 
llydra, x.J. 1. a watcr-si-rpcnt 
Hydrarjryriim, *■ n 2. quicksihvr 

Hysstipitcs, x. m. 1. hyssn 
Hyssopuv-m.2. & Hyssdpi 
2. the herb hyssop. 
Hystcncx,arum. pt.f. 1. hi 
Hystrix, lcis. /. 3. a porcu] 


I\to,imp. ab, co, is. go 1 

Hypuoticus, a, um. adj. causinj; 

slccp. ihousc 

Hypocaustmn, i. ». a stovc, a hot- 

Hypoc.hondria, oruin. />/. n. 2. tliat 

part of thc bcnly undcr thc short 

rths. (chondriacal, lowspirited. 

Hydraula,^. / 3. a p1a\cr on au in-!U; poclioiKlriacns.a.urn. adj. hypo 

stiiiment that jrocs b\ waicr. 1I\ i)i.crisis, is. f. 3- Inpocrisy. 
HydruihcMs a. um. adj ■ hyclraMlic. Hypof-rita, x m. 1. a hypocritc, 
Hydri-ux./.l :i watcr-pot,a !)iickct.' a proinptcr. 
Hyc"rr«cclc,cs/. 3 ihc cod-nipturc. Kypod-dasca!".-!, i. m. 2 an umlci 
llydro|:ipathoii,i .i. .a watcr-vlock; tcachcr, an u^hcr in a school. 

Jacens, tis. part. lyinj 

d^wn.alongr.or clcad. sitna 

in;r afflicted,dcj^-ctcd, po 

irish, hcavy. 

.lacco,crc,cui.n lie.tol! 

alonjr,, or at lcnj^th, to lic 

dcad, to bc slain, or clrstn 

perish,to bc fallcn, or sun 

disivjrardcdjo; nejilccted bc s;iII,on*al: 

hcavy,c*r shi^.^h, to bc » 

to stand, cr rcmain. 

.laciendus, a, um //.'. tobc 

Jaciens, tis. pt. castinjr, tl 

tiinjr.iiur, hurlinjr, la\injr. 

Jacii »,re rcjcci.jactum a. & 

to tiu*ow,to ftinjr,to hurl,* 

to cast,orthrow away,to h 

orput,to speak,orutior,to 

Jucior, i. jactus. p to bc< 

Jacitums, a, um. pt. abou 

Jactabundus, a, um, a*/j. 



(lifV. pcr-wn of thc blcsscd Trinity, a 

Hydr^ptiylaxjucis. m. a watcr bai- scdiment. 

Hydrmicusa, um. adj. drr>])sical. ],z/.l.aiihypoilicnuse, 
Hydrops, opis. m. ;J. a dropsy. thelinc undcrthe arch ofacirclc. 

Jfyrlrw; ). nu 8. a watcr-scrpcnt, Hypothcca, x.f.\. aplcdgc. 
wy aerpcn 4 . |llyp6th^sis^s.xt/eos./. 3. a suppo- 

Jactantia,H*/l .boasting,va 

i__***:.. .-i. •*_ r 't _ .^._: n « 

Jactatio,onis./ 3. a tossinf 
ing,a niotion, or action, a 
or throwing,a boasting, § 
ing, applausc, or favour. 

Jactator, 6ris. m. 3. ab<a» 





c,Icit./.3.shethat boasteth 
,a,um. jfrMosscd.tosscd. or 
about, frouhlcd, wavcd, 
$.fl, disputed, boasted 
.,us m. a tossin^, a flutter- 
nis,/.3 athrow,a cast (ing 
s, tis. pt. boasfmg. 
:o,6nis./o.a vaiii boasting. 
or, oris- m. .3. a boastcr 

sent, just, or cven now, immedi-jTcon,6nis. /.$.an imajre,picturc, or 
atcly,prcscntly,crc lon£,besidcs, statuc, a^fifrnre in rhctoric. 
furthcrraore, henccforth, cven, Icbmcus, a,um. adj. of an imagc, 

lamhcus,a,um.rif//.of lamhic (cvcn cvact, madc, &c. to thc lifc. 

Iambicus, a, um. adj. Iambic- lcrium,i.».2.a cross sct on a toml), 

lambus,!. m 2 a foot in vcrsc,hav- 
ing thc first syllable short, aud 
thc othcr long ; as, Doces. 
Jamdridum, adv longago,alrcady. 
\rv.frea 1. to cast. ov toss. Jampridcnvjr/r.somc >\ iiile sincc 
e /jfr/.l.totoss,toshakcto«Fan'itor,oris m 3. a portcr,a guur- 
;r throw about, to cast,j diaii. 

©r fling-, to emit, vr RcndJinitr.x.Tcis./. 3. a fcmale portcr.! dus ictum, a lcaguc m.idc, Virrr. 
outtcr,to pi blish,orspreadiimthini,6rum.m /»/.// 2.gariuents.lctus, us. (K. cti. ant.) m.a strokc, • 
Lto brag 1 &rboa*l, ofa vi-ilct, or purplc colour. 
*tc,to doubt, or lanthiims, a, um «#//'. purple. 
x % to bc ofiicious, to excr- I.inthum. i- n. 2. a violct. 

or in thc higliway. (jaundicc. 
Ictcncus. a» iim. adj. sick of thcl 
lclcrus, i. m.2.tho jaundicc,a bird. 
Ictis, idis. / 3 a white wcuscl. 
Ictiirus, a, um. pt about to strikc. 
lctus.a um. /// strickcn, wounded, 

ki]!cd.hl.istetUucited,movcd Fic- 


iri/wn*. to bc tosscd. 

us. a, um. adj. boasting. 

a blow, a rap, a stin,r, a blast, a 

pulsntiori, a ray of thc sun. (pct. 

lcuncuiu,;v/l.a litllc inia£e,apup- 

Janua, ae. f. a gatc, an cntrancc. 

Junuurius,i m 2.the montli .lanua- IH- 

Iapyx,ygis,ro3.the wcst wind.(ry Id,/w-o7i.that.(cause,onthatacro\int 

.3C./1 alossby shipwrcck, Iaspulcnsa,uin<i#(/ of iuspci-color.Mcirco, conj. thcrcforc, for that 

r throwing of goods ovcr-iaspis,idis./. ».a stone of a beauti-ldca,a-/au idca,a modcla pattcrn 

in a storm, any loss, ©rda-l ful grecn colour, ajaspcr. Idcin f c.adem,:dcin pror thv smnc. 

a chargc.cxpciicc, or prc- latraliptice, cs / 3. quackcry. • thc sclf^anic. sclf, :tli!;-\all onc. 

'Mcntidc:n,«77'.novv and thcn.sun- 
* ■ dry tinics, oftcn, cvcr ;nd:inon- 

'ibcrirc nxni- simplc stories, Can-ldco.('&/i;.t; ( f'rc(orc.ibr thatcausc. 
fLS.jn.4-a throw,cast/>r hurl,{ tcrbury-talcs, Ilwr. ldion-.a, atis. n. 3 an idiom. 

winyovcrb.ianUa draught.lbcnca, x ./. I. a kind of hcrb. Id;6ta.:c.;ti 1 an idiot un ilhtcratc, 
>ilis,c/<.//- that may bc cast. Ibcx, ic's. m. 3. a wihl jroat. Mii.plc, or pr\: tc man ( spccch. 

i,um. pt thrown, cast, hurl- 
st in, si:attcn<l, sown, laid 

drius *j\\\\.ad) of darting. lbis,Ul'is,^ is. / 3. a stock, a snipc :i]>parition. 

rix,icis/3.shcthatshootctii hionca, omm. pf.n. placcsfly. 

rcss ; adj. shooting. (shot ^- |lilonci,rtr/T-.fitly,aptly,convciiicnt- 

us,a, um./wdartcd,thrown. Ichneumon, Snis. m. 3.alargv rat.irloncus, a, um. adj.iov. comp. fit, 
js, u» m. a cxsting, a fling-|lchnol)atcs t .r. m.l.adog 1 . Traccr. j^per.suitablcrf-oiivcniciit, 
irc a.l lodartjto cast.(ing. , Iclmopra))hiu.a:./l.aplan,amodtT sufnciciit,ablc, substitntial, crcdi- 
^iri.«/.l.toclart,tothrow, lolchth>otrophium,i.n. 2a fishpondj blc, pious, honcst, woithy, rich. 
sl*oot tothrow out.tohunt a stovc to kccp fish in. |ldus,uum,dibus, ///. f. 4thc idcsof 

o puniuc, to strikc. Ico ccrc,ci,ctum. a.3. to strike, toj a mouth, thc cightli itiy afier tl-e 

l, i. n. 2. a dart, a javelin. smite,to bcat away, Icerc fur<lus Idyllium.i. n.2. a pastoral (noncs. 
i, m- 2. a kiml of scrpent. to make a lcajruc,' Cic- ed. &c JK. 

.aow, *X tnisUmc^ at prc-lcor,ci,ctus. be strickc.n,blast^cicAiT,ciT\%^cV'vv&m.u.^^^VN^ 





Jecuscaluni,i.n-2 'Jfr*.a1ittlc liver. 
Jejfuiatio, 6nis. /. > a fasting 
Jejitnator, 6ris. m. 3. a faster 
Jejunea</v.ius. com/i. coldly, slen- 

Jejunitu9,uUs. /. ;>.ouiptiness, pov- 

crty, barrencss, flatncss. 
Jcjunium,j.7j. 2 fasting, hungcr, a 

Jejiino, are. neut 1 tofast. 
•icjunum,i. «. 2. thc empty gut 
Jc Juiiuk,u, um. a<Ij. fnsting. cmpty,' 

bright, shining, heavenly, (der.tgnoror, ari. p. to be nnkiio 
Igniariuni,i ». *.a tioder-box, tin- Ignoscendna, a, um pt to b 
fgiiiarius fomes, a match, tinder. f xnoscena,tis pt partLoni-'ij*... 
I^mcomus, a, um. adj. having fla- Lgnoscentia. ae /. pardo.i. fo 

ming tresses, redhaired. (stinc; . 
(gniculus, i. w- a little nre, an in 
lgnifer,a,um tt*//.bearingfire,fierv 
Igmfluus a, um. adj. flowing with 


Ignigena x.c. j^.l.oncborn in firc 
I gn igc Inus .a,um .adj . produci ngfi rt 
Ignipcs, fiery tlret 

|rrcedy,cravin^diun>rry 9 dr>',bai i e 9i r(riiip6tciiH,tis aiij. miglity by tir*. 
barren, poor, meagrc, flat. Ignis,is m,a flamc, lightning", 

Icns, cuntis. pt. going. 
Jcntaciiluin, i. n. 2. a breakfast 

a thundcrbolt, wrath, love. Tgnis 
sacer, St. Anthony'» fire, PUn 

Jcntutio, onis./ <. a brcakfa.shRg.Ignispiciiuii,i fi.2.diviniti-~ rhy firc 
Jcnto,ai'c.iit?M/.l.tobreakonc'sfastIgnItabulum.i m2. a c! aflntf dis:.,a 

) war:ningfian'ing,nVy 9 hot,strong 
***• |lgnTtus,a,um. adj. ior comp. burn 

Jg, in composition, stands for *;i. 1gniv6mus,a, um.a^'.S|/, .iig fire 
lgitur,co/i/. thercfore, tlicn, therc-Ignobilis c.adj ior, c mp issanus 

upon, for, from, hcnceforth 
Ignarus, a, um adjct. ignorant 
unskilfid, unacquainUd with,; 

u/^.igiioble,basc,scandalous, dis- jruts 

iiot knowing, unwary, unknown,! mon, unknown. 

scendcd vulgar, ordinary, com- 

Ignave,«rfe. iiis, comp. idly, lazily, 
slowly, cowardly mcanly 

lgnobilitas, atis./. ignoblcncss. 
Ignobiliter, adv. ignobly, meanly. 
Ignominia, ae. /. 1. ignominy, dis- 

Jgn.\via,-<e./.idlencss,Iazincss,slug-: grace. reproach, discredit, dis 
gishness, iudolcncc activity,! honour. 
cowardlinesss^flutncss, an idle,or,IgndmTniatus,a, um. pt. disgraced 

lazv fcllow. 
Ignavio, 5nis. m. 3, an idlcr. 
lgiiavitas,atis/. 3. id. r/u. Ignavia. 
lgnuviter. adv. idly, lazily. 

IgnSminiose. adv. disgracefully 
Ign6mini6sus,a, um. adj ignomin- 



Ignavus, a, um. adj. ior comp. issi-Ignorabtlis, e. adj. that is. orthat 
mus,jrw/i.idle, lazy, slothful, slug- may casily.bc known.(notice of 
gish,indolcnt,inactive, cowardly, . f rn6randus,>/ to bctaken no 
base, mean, ineffectual, weak. IgiidranSjtis. p/.notknowing,igno- 

Igncblus. a, um. adj. fier>', warm-lgnorantcr adv. ignorantly.(rant. 

Ignesccns, tis. p/. growing hotlgnorantia, jc./ 1. ignorancc. 
like tirc. lgn6ratio,6nis /. >.id (ignoraut of. 

Itfi.csco,cere.!/ic. ■* to be on fire,toTgn?>rriturus, a,um. pt. about to be 
t:iktfirc,to inflame,to gfrow angrylgnoratus, a, uin. pt. unknown. 


•gnoscihilis, e. atfj pardona 
;.;noscitur, imp. it i* for^vc 
. ^nosco,cCre,5vi»dtum u .t> forgive,toexcuse,ta 
l^noscor, ci. p to be par-.lor 
• gn6tum est, imp all is partl 

rnoturus a,um p/.that will p 
< ai5tus,a, um adj. ior, c h\p 

must, tup- unknown, ignor. 


U, in composition stands for 
!>e, is n. the flank 
I!co>,t.W lleus,ei.m.2.thc snw 
Uix,icis./ '■ the scarletoakl 
Uia, um fd.n. the Hank, thc 
Uiica passio, thc twisting c 

lhas,adis./. 3 the Iliad, a po 
Homcr*s on the destructi* 
Troy Ilias malorum a woi 
disasters. Cic. 
lUcct, adv. you may go whc 
list,or- p1ease,the busincss is 
Uicetuiu, i u 2 a grovc of< 
lhceus,a,um adj. of oak, or\ 
Uiosus, a, um. adj.' brokem.*i 
Illabefactus,a, um. /M.never i 
encd, r made feeble. 
lUabcns,tis. />/.sl'uling in,enti 
7/lubor, bi^tpsus sum.i/. 
flow, r glide in,to enter, *r 
to fiill down or upon. 
Uliiboratus, a, um pt. unkbo 
//laboro, are. a. 1 to take p 
Ulac, adv. on that side, that 
with, or for tliat party. 
lllacerabflis,c. adj taat cani 
ttUacwituj.a, um. pt> uBpror 





ibiHa, e. adj. not to be 
itli tcars, unlamentcd. 
.ndus, a, um. pt. worthy 

ns, tis- pt lamenting. 
>, arc. n. \- k //lichry- 
:us,su:n dep. 1. to wecp 
•nent,or bewail, to shcd 
•.iii, to sweat. 
e. a:lj. not to be hurt 
im. a //.uiihurt,uninjur- 
l v uncomiptcd. 
e.rir// 9orrowful. (upon. 

'* ■» 1. a sliding in. 
',6. us /3. an cnsnaring. 
v, a, uni. pt cntanglcd. 
rco l.toentanglc,tobias 
are /». to bc cnsnjired. 
e. /i.(/ without brcadth. 
i t Uicbra}. are a- 1. to 
onceal in comers 
is,a, utii a-lj full of cor- 
trking places. 
#/•■ sofar f-irth (terment 
/*.>. -*n infcrcnccan in- 
5nis- f •>. a barking at. 
neui. 1. to bark ajriinst. 
.um-tt-aboutto bnn^" in. 
n./jf.brought in.iuferred 
s. c. a:lj. unworthy of pt. not worthy to 
d, or namcd, unpraised 
nm. pt. unwashed 
id.pron. ref. he,s!ic,that, 
: one, thc one- the self- 
: very same, tttc aforc- 
i and such an one 
:./. 1. an enticement, or 
ltf&n attraction,a charm, 
r, a charmcr. 
o, dnis./l3. an alluring. 

lllecfbrdsus, a,um. adj. fiill of en-fllTgatus,a,um.p/.botind, tied, fast» 
ticcmcnt8,aUuremcutM,or channs. ened,entanglcd*engagcd*obliged 
ULccto[in,lacto], are.o 1. to allurc. /Aigo,arc.a.l. to bind, to tie,to en- 
Ulcctus, pt. enticed, allurcd. tangle, to intermix, to wrap. 
Illcctus, us. m. 4. an alluremcnt. Uligor, ari, ttus. p. to be bound. 

Ul€gitimc, aitv. unlawfully. 
Ulcgitimus. a, um adj. illegiti 

mate, unlawful, base-born. 
I llemet, pron he himsclf. [ly,badly. 
Ulepfdus, a,um. adj. unliandsome, 

ungraceful, disagreeablc, gross 
IHcx, egis. c ff- 3. an outlaw. 

tim./r/. sliddcn in,falling Hlex, icis. adj. enticing, alluring. 

Ulex, vcl. IHix, icis. / 3. an entice 
mcnt,allurcmcnt,decoy, birdcall. 

IU1, adv- pro IlNc, thcre, Ter. 

IHlbabilis, c. adj undetiled, pure 


lllilritus, ndj. untouchcd,un- 

llliberalis, e adj. ihiberal, ungen- 
ly» grow, nigg&r.lly, sordid. 

lUrjcralilas, atis /. 3. illiberality, 
uiggardlincss. • ly 

Ulibcriljtcr, o<ir.illiberally,mean- 

Illic, ill jfc, illuc, pro Ule, illa, iUud. 

Illic, adv there, in that place. 

Ilhciendu3,a,U!n. pt. to bc allured. 

Uhcio [iu.lacio], cerc, lexi, lectum, 
o.3 lo entice, to allure, to decoy, 
to invei^le, to trepan 

UlTcior, ci, lcctus, p. to be allurcd. 

(HTcTte, adv. unlawfully. 

(Uicftus, a, um. adj. unlawful. 

Mlicium, i. n. 2. an cnticemcnt. 

lUicd,o//r>.in that very place,therc, 

UUmus, e. adj. without mud,clear. 
Illhic, adv. from thcnce, from tliat 


ilUnc, on cvery side, 7Vr. 
Illinendus,a<um pt. to bc anointed. 
//linio,irc,Tvi, Ttum. a. 4. to anoint- 
//lfno,ncre,lini,livi & lcvi,Ktum, a. 

3. to anoint,0rbesmear,todaub,t9 

lay over, or colour, to covcr. (ed. 
Ultnor, nijlitus, pan. to be anoint- 
//liqucf acio, cSre, f Cci, factum, a, 

■3. to mclt. 

UlTqucfactus, a, iim. pt. melted. 
/iITquef Io,ieri np 3. to bc meltcdL 
llliscc xdibus. in tliat house. 
Ulisti.«, a,um./>f. dat>hed, or beatcti 


Ulisus, us fn. 4. a dashing againtt; 
Illit :ritu?, a,um. adj. issimus, *up. 

illiterute, unlearned, not written. 
Ulitus,ii, um/> besmcared, stain- 

ed, dipt, tincturcd, taintcd 
Ulitus, u?. ?/i. 4. an anointing. 
Uliusmddi, adj indecl of Uiat sort. 
l\\\ adv. thithet, to that place. 
Uldcabilis, c. adj. that cannot be 

hircd, let out,orbestowcd in mar- 
lllorBiim, rdv. thitherward.(riage. 
Ul6tirs,a,um./>r. unwashcd, sloven- 
[\U\Cyftro lllud,that tliing(ly,nasty. 
Illilc, adv. Uiithcr. 
//lucco,Crc,u\i.n.2. to shine upon. 

immediately, forthwith, directly ,j 07t>ut,to be day,to be conspicuouB 
from thence, from the prcmiscs.'//lucesco, ccrc. incep. 3. i<lem. 

Ulidcns, tis. pt. dashing against. l//lucct, illuxit, imp. it is day. 

Hlido[in,lardo], erc, Tsi, Tsum. a. 3. Hluctans. tis. pt. struggling. 
to dash, or heat against, to thni3t ,//luctor,:iri,atus sum. d.l. to 

Ulidor.di.isu'*./) t.o be dashed. (into tle, to strugglc, to strive. 

r, brif. m 3. an enticcr. Illigans tis. pt. tving, fuitcning. illlud horx. pro Ka hora, Siiet. 

:, adv. ius, comp. entic- 
ahn^ly, attractivcly. 

Uligatio, Onis. /. 3. au cntangling/IHfHlciiSytis.^/. mocking,dcridin.t. 
lUig&turua, a,um- PU about to tic. //iado,d<it^^\^^.o,^\»\saoOa* 






ImptgTC, adv. quickly, djligently. infoldcd, «ntanglcd, involved, ti- J/up5no.ncre,6sui, bsituni 

Imprtgritas, atis/ quickucss, dili-, ed,impl:ed,undcrstood, joined in impose,to put,set,or lay 

gence. affinity. (ly. set over,to assign, to gii 

Impilia,6rump/.7i 2.woollensocks.'lmplicite,a</r\ implicitly, obscurc- join to annex, to iufli» 

Impigcndus,a,uni pt tobc clapped.!lmplicito, are a. 1 to interweavc. ceivc,to embark. 

Im; ingo [.•, pango], gcrc, pegi,!lmpliciturus, a, um pt that will Imp6nor. iii- p. to be sct 

pactum o J. to dash in,or against i b aid, or tnm up, to infold. Imporco,are.a 1. to mak< 

to run aground, to stumble, t0|lmphcitus,a,um//r & adj. wreath- Importandus,a,um./>Mo ii 

put, clap, G7'fasten upon. I cd, entangled, intricate, implicit. bc importcd, tobringir 

Impingor,gi./» to bc dashed upon.7//;plico care, cavi &. cui,catum & lmportatitius,a,um. adj. i 

J/7ipio,are. a. to profanc, to misbc ! infohUto cntanglc,to hnportatus, a, um. pt. iio 

have. fold,or clasp to surrotind,to tte,to,7n/porto arc.a impor 

Impius,a,um.fl'(/.impious,ungodIy, intorwcavc,tointcnnix,touivolvc,importor,ari./^to be imp< 

irreligious,profanc,wicked,undu-j to engagc, to cncuniber, to puz-lmportune, adv. ius, com 

tiftil, unnatural, cruel. mercilcss | zle. to drcss, or adorn. $////.importunatel),unse: 

Implacabilis, c. adj. implacable jlmplicor,ari,atus & ltus./i to bc in- Importumtas Itis/o.imp 

Implacabflitas, atis./. j. implaca-; foldcd, perplexed, troublcd, &c !unscasonablcncss,outrag 

Implacabiliter, adv. implacably. 
Implacatus, a, um- pt. insatiablc. 
lmplacidus,a,;\ issimus, s////.1mpl6ratio,bnis/ 6. an imploring 

Iiiip]orabilis>c.Uf//.obtained by im- 
lmplorans, tis. pt. imploring. 

ungentle,obstinate,unkind,cruel.Jnipl6rutunis, a, about to eas),unscasouablc, incoi 
Implementuin, i. n. 2. aiillingup. implorc, or rcqucst. (invoked. 

lmplcndus, a, um pt. to be nlled.:Impl6ratus, a, hnplored, 
lmplens, filling. //Mpl6ro,are.«.l to implore,to bcg, 

Impleo,ere,evi,ctujn.i* fill,to, to bcscech,to entrcat, to invokc. 

tillup,to complcte,tofulnl,to per-^lmpldror, %ri. p. to be implored. 

form, to accomplish, to satisfy,j/mphiiiibo, are. a. to soldcr with 

content,or please,to fatten,to im- 

pregnate.lmplerc arrum,to draw 

a bow to thc head,fVsf\libram, to 

weigh a pound; facultatcs cques- 

tris ordinis, to liavc a knighfs 

cstate, Plin. 
Impleor, cri. patt. to be filled. 
Impletnrus a, um. pt. about to fiil. 
Iniplctus, &i uin. pt. rillcd up. 
Implexus, a, wu. pt interwoven, 

Implcxus. us. m. 4 an intwming. 
Iinphcandu>,a,um/>/. to be cntan- 
Implicans, wrapping.(gled. 
lmplicatio,onis/ cntanglcincnt, a 

imphcutc, 'adv. intricatcly. 

Iinportfmus.a um.a<//.ior, 
simus, 8itp importuuatc 

shrewdi *i//>.withoutpor 

Importuosus, a, uin. tulj. 

Impos, blis. adj. unablc 

mand, wcak. 

Impbsitio, onis./ an imp 

Imposititius, a, um. adj. 

lcad. (witliout feathers, or hair. radical. 

lmplumis,e udj unfledgcd, callow, ImpdsitkvuK, a, mu. adj, 

///ipluo,uere,ui,i"itum. «. 3. to rain Impdsitimis,a. umpt. ab( 

upon,to niin,to light,or fall upon. posc, or put on, about t 

Implutus, a, um. pt. rained upon. lmpbsitus &.Impostus,a,u 

Impluvia, x.f. a cloak wore in the poscd,put,.sct, ov laid u; 

rain. (rain. placcd, sct ovcr, immct 

Imphiviatus, a, um. adj. wct with Impositus, us. m 4- impc 

Impliivium,i «.2 agutter for watcr, Impoasibilis ca^/.iniposi 

a court-yard whcre rain fails. Impossibilitas, atis./ J. L 

Impocnitens, tis adj. impenitcnt. Impostor, oris. m.o. anin 

Impohtc, adv, unpolitely, mdely iinpostura^x.yil.impostiu 


ncss.(politc,rude,honiely,coarsc. tup impotent,weak feeW 

lmp61itus,a,um.^. unpolished, un 
Impollutus, a. undehlcd- 
Imp6nendus,a,um/>< tobe impos- 

to govem, or moderate 
wild, unruly, unjroverna 
nigeous, insolcnU intole 

UBgQa^tis/i^ i&DQging.(e4 QQt^potenter/Kfo. i^Cff^ 





wittiillv cnicllv, lumllv. 
i,at/l.impotencc,wi'o k - 
it of powcr, inactivitv, 
, outragcousncss 
itato, adv without prc- 

iurum, atbc. at prcsent, 
ne, for the prcscnt. 
, a, um. pt. uot dincd, 


>, ftnis- /. :>. an imprecu- lcd. 

ari. d. 1- to wish evil. \a 
wish well, to pray for 
ath\ forciblv, carcf»: ; Iv 3. a printcr(anc 

Tmprnbulus, a, um. adj. waggish.Tmpubis, e. adj. idem. (of agc. 

Imprbhus. u,um.«<7/. ior» comp iss*-|/inpubesco cerc, incep- to grow 
mus, 8up. dishancst unjust, kna- Impudens, tis. atlj ior, comp. issf- 
vish, wicked, had,base.infamous,[ mus,»t//>. impudent brazenfaccd, 
audacious, impudcnt» lcwd, wag-' bold, shamelcss, graccless. 
gish, rash, cagcr, excessive, vio-1mpudcntcr,«//r.ius. comp. issim&, 
Jent, ficrcc, crucl, ugly, unsound,! *f//j.impudcnt]y«bolcUy«shamciessjt 
rottcn. Ilmpiidcntia.z./l.impudcncc. (ly. 

Imprdcerus, a,um. adj. low, littlcjlmpiidicatus, a,um p/.dcbauched. 

lmprofLSSus,a, um- adj. conccalcd.>Iinpiidic&, adv. issimc, n/p. wn- 
mpromiscuus a,um. adg. unming-j chastcly, immodestly, lewdJy. 

slow. Impudicitia, x. / 1. unchastencss» 

Impromptus, a,um. adj not rcady, immodcsty, lcwdness, obsccnity, 
;npr5pcr*tus, a, um. adj. siuw. s<Klomy. 
r «iprbpero. are «j.l to makc hastc Impudiuis a,um. adj. ior, comp. is- 

* 11«. 1 ' ■ 1 A • V * 

dnis. f. 3. an imprcsslon, o go, to go slowly, to reproach. 
., attaok, or onsct. uttcr- Improperus, a, um- adj slow 

simus, sup- unchastc, immodest, 
wanton lcwd. (be fought against. 

lmpropr-e,a</r».impropcrly,unfitly Impugnandus, tofight, or 

* "■ a 1 ft ■ • ' • , | r^ ' A CJ ' 

, a, um. pari. engraven, 2mproprictas.atis.yl3. impropricly ilmpugnans.tis./»/. fightinjjagainst. 

iiade, unmilkcd, loaded 
i, tis. pt. imprinting 
adv- in thc first placi ., 
»«pecially, particularh 
in, premo], merc, rcssi. 
... to impiint,to imprcss, 
makc, to thrust or stick. 
mi prcssut. /». to be im- 
impresscd, nr fixcd. 
ilis, e adj. im])robablc 
his^L,um.//r disallowcd. 
t, tis. /•/. disallowing 
r»,*nis./.3. a disallow ; ng. 
»r, dris. m 3 a disliker 
irus, a, um. pt. ti:at will 
rc, or dislikc- rcjcctcd 
is, a, um. /'/. disallowcd, 
irfv luSfOmp. issimc, tup. 
Jy, wickcdly, badly, au 
■/ eagcrly cxccssivcly, 
ablv, too hite. 

Improprius, a. um. adj. unprospe-Impugnutio, onis.y*. a fighting a 
rous, unfortunatc, advcrsc, indif-j gainst. 

Impugnatus, a um pt. fought a- 


Improspcre, adv unsucccssfully- 
!mprfitectus,a,um.flf// itndcfcndcd 
Improvid^. adv. 

gainst, attacked. rcsistcd. 
/mpugno, Ji-rc.n.l. to fight against, 
to attack, to opposc, to thwart, 

»,itis/J. dishoncsty, in-| ly. 
njust violcncc, wickcd 

Impr6vuicntia«?c./l.improvidence or cross, to drive away. 
Improv~idus,:i,um /w//improvidciit, Impugnor. Sri. /". to hc attackcd. 
carelcss,notforcsecing,unforsecn Impulsio, onis./". 3. a forciblf mov- 
Improvlso 8c Improvisc.o#/r uncx-i ing,foi*cc, a motion orpassion, of 

pcctcdly, on a sudden, unawareJ thcmind,pcrsuasionvonnstigation 
Improvisus, a, um. adj ior, c mp Jmpulsov, oris m. .a pusher on,an. 

unfircsccn. uncxpcctcd. unlook^' instigntor,a promotc enticer. 

cd for, unthotight of, suddcn. Ilmpulsus, drivcn, forccd, 
Imprudcns tis- pt /r///.ior,c iw/mssT- thrown.scnt,shot,bcatcn,shakcu, 

mns, *up. impruduit, unwisc,un-l incited, cnforced. wrought upon. 

■a ary.foolish,unad\ iscd,unskiIful,]lmpulsi]s,Gs.m.4. an impulse,a mo- 

ignorant, unwilling, against thc! tion,an instigation,or persuasion, 

uill. I an attack, a contiict, a shock. 

Iinprudcntcr.flrfr.ius.rom//. impru-.linpulvcit»us. a, um. adj. without 

('cntlyjUiiWMchsunwarilyifooiish- 1 dusi, or much troublc. (ed in. 


Imprudcntia, x.f. 1. iniprudcncc. lmpunc,«Jr.ius. comp. iss i mc, tr//>, 

r,adv gricvous!y,ill(ncss want of carc, unskilfulncss. igno- with impunity, *r safcty, without 

re fl.l todisal!«iW,todis- rancc?, shallowncss. puniNhmcnt, hurt. ioss, dangcr, 

to rcjcct, to condcmnJlijipubcr,Tv7lmpribcs,rris. anj. un- ur ftar, safcly, scotfrce. 

Iri. be disapproTed. \ ripe of agc, youthful. [tnipQnitaSiiltvs j'.o .vk\\^\^ ^K^i . 





punished, unrcvcnjed, safc. 
Impuruius,a,uin. adj, issiraus, sup 
impurc.defilcctnasty, sliabby, vil- 
lainous i i Ithi ly,lcwdly*srumcfu lly 

ImpilnTU, wh. with impunity. I times for into; as, infundor sorae- InatTectatus, a,um. pt. 

lmpilmtus, a,um. pt. ior, comp. un- times for upon; as, incubo: some- Inagitabilis, e. adj. ur 
* " timesforovcr, as,illino f immineo: " v '*"* " " 

sometimes for about; as, incingo: 
sometimcs for on, or iorward; as, 

wards; as, inclino: sometimes at. 
or against; as, illatro,illido: some- 

Impurus,a,uin n.7/.issimus,t up. im- 

J>ure,uncleau, tilthy, nasty, dirty, 
ewd, wicked, dislioncst (ed. 
Impiitandus, u,um./>r. to hc imput- 
ImpGLiiiis, tis. pt. imputiiifc. 
Iriiputativus,a,uin.a(ft imputotivc 
Imputator, oris. m .;. onc thut im- 

/mputo, are. a 1. lo imputc to aa 
Cribe,to attribute,tochurfcc,to Iun 
the fault,to lay,tocess,to account, 
or reck,on,to look upon as a favor, 
or obligation, to place to account. 
Jmputor, ari. p to be imputed 
/mputrcsco, ctre. n. 3. to rot. 
Iraulus, a, um. adj. a littlc towards 

the boitom. 

Imus, a,um.<u/;. lowest,lowcrmost, 

dce pest.i nnermost,remotest,low- 

; cr, thc bottom of. 


Tn,pntp. cum. accus- into,in,orun 
der,to,against,for,until, after, ac- 
upon; cum ubl. in, within, in thc 
powcr of, at, among-, or amongst, 
dicerv,to uhispcr,Ov In chcm vi- 
vcrc, to live from hand to mouth, 
Cic. In diem, every day,day after 
day, llor. for onc day, Or. till u 
longer time, 7Vr. 

In f in composition, stands some- 

times it increases, and signifies /namaresco,*to 

the samc as vald^,gTcatly>or verv 
much; as, inxstuo; somctimes lt 
denies.and standsfor, non,not;as, 

indecco: and sometimcs it b re- Inambulandum est, int t 

dundant. and has no particular 


Inubruptus, a, um. pt. brokcn. 
Ina!>s51utu8, a, uuupt. impcrfect. 
/ziuccedo, dere. a.3. to enter(tire. 
Inaccensus, a, not set on 
Inacccssu». u,uin. adj. inaccessible 
///aceo, cre. ?i.'J. & /ziacesco, c£re. 

/..• to be turt, or sharp, to prick 
Inaduiabilis, e- adj. not to be flat- 

(nadustus, a. um. pt. unbumt. un- 

sing-cd, unscorched, uninjured 
lnar, arum. pl.f. 1. fibres. 
Iuardif lcatio. onis./. 3 a building*. 
luxdif icatus, a,um pt built upon, 

unbuilt, pulled down, destrovcd. 
/wstdif ico, arc.u.1. to build,to pull 

down thut which is built. 
Inxdif fcor, ari p. to bc built. 
In.Tcquabilis,e.«<// uncvcn 
Inxquabihtcr, a<fr. unequally. 
Ina:qualis,c.ri'//. issimus, $up. unc 

aual, uncvcn, odd, unlike, disor- 

In«equalitas, atis./. 3. incquality. 
(na.-qu&liter, adv. unequully. 

(na:quatus, a, um. pt. made equul. Inanitus,a,um./>f. empti 
///aequo. are. a. 1. to makc cven,jlnapcrtus a,um./;/. no 

Iiiapparatio, onis. /. 3. 

Inagitatus, a, um. pt. \ 
//ialbcsco,cere.n.3. to \ 
/nalesco, c&re. n.3. to 

instimulo: sometimcs down,or to- /;ialgcsco,ce < t 

InamabiHs, e. adj. ior, 
miablc, unplcasant, <i 

lnamatus, a, um. pt. ui 
lnambitiOsus, a, um. a 
bitious, hoinely. 

walk, or go about. 
Intimbiilans, wal 

[nambiilatio, onis. /. 3. 

about, or up and dov 

///:unbulo, arc. nl. to - 

Inamocnus, a, um, acf/. 

Inunc, is. n. 3. a void p 

thc sky, or air, cmptii 

Inancsco, cerc. ine. 3. 


Inaniac,arum.;>// cmpl 

Inanildquus, a, uin. adj 

lnanimalis, c. adj. voii 

Inanimans, inani 

lnantm5tus,a,um />/ ina 

(iianiincntum, i. w 2. c 

Inanimus, a, um. aaj. i 

Inanio, lre. a. 4- to em 

Inanior, Tri. p. to be c 

Inanis, e.adJAor t comp. i; 

empty, void, destitute 


inettectual, useless fc 

scnseless^irrogaiit. (u 

I nanitas,utis./*.3.einptii 

Inamter, a<Jv. in vain. 

tunea for int $9, incJudo: loqic-llaxUruuui, adv. forcver. 

to levcl. 

InxsUmubilis c. adj. incstimablc. cdness 
///xstno,arc// boil up,to chafcllnarandus, a, tim. pt t 

[Inaratus, a, uu. pt. unJ 





re, nLflc/nardesco, cere. 
,tobe on fire,tobe inflam- 

e, frrow dry 
s,tis. pt.grovrinfg dry(dry 

gild, er overlay with ffold. 
Inauror,ari. be gilt with gold. 

ns,tis.^.growinghot(edInauspicatd, adv. unluckily. 
13, a, um> pt. made dry, 

Inausplcatus, a, um aH. Issimus, 
tup. unfortunatc, unlucky. 

Inausus, a, um. pt. unattempted 

Inc2eduu3,a, um.adj. not loppcd, or 
sercrui dry up,to,Incalesccns,tis /»/ growinjr hot(cut 
tus, a, um. adj. covered/wcalesco.crcui grow liot, to 
rir/v-*imply.(with silvcr. be warm,to bc warincd,to be car- 
l a,um.a///.simple,witress, nest. 

vv, stupid. (manurc.j/ncalfilciOjCSrc, f €ci. a 3. to heat. 
tict. 1. to plough, tilli onlncallide, adv- simply, artlcssly. 
ilis, c.ailj iiiartificial, art- Incallidus,a,um.a'(/- ior, comp. sim- 

I ple, plaiit, artless, without craft. 
diter, adv without art.7/icandcsco, ccre, dui. inc. J. to 
s,a,um pf.that cannot bcj grow very hot, to bc inHamcd. 
up, or rcachcd unto. |//icancsco,ccre,nui.//ic. grow 
s, fts. «. 4. an ascent. I hoary, or whitc hcadcd, to foam. 

Incantamentum, i. «. 2 a charm. 

Inccdcns, tispt. walkin^. (cd. 
/Mcedo,dcrc,essi,cssuni./jfu/. 3. to 

go, to walk, to niaivh, to come. 
Ince)ebratus,a,uin. pt.not celcbra* 

ted.not spokcn of, unfrequcnted. 
IncClebris, e. ailj. not famous, ne- 

Inccndendus,a,um. bc burht. 
Incendiarius,i m. inccndiary. 
Inccndmm, i w 2 a firc,a flamc^ 

vchemence of any passion. 

a >.to burn, to burn up, t.o set on 

fire,to inflamc,to vex, 

to rousc.orstir up,to raisc, to ani- 

mate, to actuate, to encourage. 

IiiCx?ndere aunonam to uiake vic- 

tuals dear, Varr. 

Inrendor, di, nsus. p. to bc burnt. 
Inccnsc, adv. earnestly. (on firc. 

s, a, um. pt. unsecn. 

s, a, um adj invisible. :Incantritor,6ris. m. cnchanter. 

a, um. pt wcll roastcl. IncanUttus, a, um. pt cnchantcd. Inccnsio,6uis./.aburnin£,a setting- 
ua,um.W.uiiaccustomcd,'//icanto, are. o. 1. te enchaut, toIncensor,6ris ra3 a fircr of houscs. 

adv. inconsidcrately. 

tus, a, um. pt. unwasted 

cis.a*(f.cowardly, fearful 

c,tvi, itum 

l* to overhear. 
a, um. pt. unhcard, un 
strange, incrcdible, un 


hicamis, a, um adj. hoary, white 
lucapat. acis. adj. incapable. 
Incarceramcntum, i. /*. imprison- 
a. 4. to hcar 1 ment. ^ injr. 

lncarceratio,5nis./ 3.a:i 
Incarccro, [in, carcer],are a. 1 to 

imprison, to cast inlo prison. 

iila,ae./ l.aquirk. tricdlncarnatio, 6nis./3. incarnation. 

*, ti» pt guessinjr at 
io,dnis./ an inauiruration 
}, atfv. Iuckily.(is done 

Incamatus color, a flesh-colour 
lncarno,[in,caro]iUrc.a.l to incar- 
natc, to brin-r, or producc flesh. 

im aftjmp thc busiucsslucassiim, adv. in vain, amiss. 
jsauuti. pt. consecrated. Incastc, adv. unchastly. (ed. 

^ire. a. 1- to divine, tolnca8tijjatus,a, um. pt. not chastis 
:o <lcdicate,orconsccratc lncastus,,a,um.a^(/.unchastc. ncn. 
3x\ be consccrated Incasflrus, a,um. pt that may hap- 
dri» *•- ^- * gilder. Incavatus, a, um.^.made hollow 

lncenium, i. n. 2 fraukincensc. 
Iiiccnsrirus a um. pt.jbout to burn* 
Inccnsus.a^um.^. & ailj. \ov,romp. 

burnt, fircd,set onfire, inflamed, 

incensed enragx?d,provoked, stir-" 

red up, notre^i.Hteretl. 
Incentio, onis / .5. a conccrt. 
Inccntiviim, i. /i. 2. an inccntivc. 
Incentivus, a, um. adj. inccntive, 

lucentor,6ris./«.3 an incendiary, a 
Inc;-psit./»;' .Incepcrit. '.be^inner. 
Iuceptio, 6nis. f. S. a beginning. 
Inceptlvus, a, um. adj. iurcptive. 
Inccpto, [in, capto],are.a.l to bc- 

^ln, to undcrtake, to attcmpt. 
Inceptor, 6ris. m. X. a bcp^inner. 
Inceptunv.«-2 abe^inning', an un- 

auruinl, are. a* i. to;liica(Qtu3iVum«a>'- ior^oinp.vac^ VuttrtoitTvVvixsv^ u ^. ^ xu^ w<tx . 

Inccr-__tus,a, um. pi. ccred, vtxed 

Jncetniculum,I.n.2a srarcc, 
/ncer r 10, n e rc.cti! vi.crc t u m . 

»ifttOSearCC,tt>.;. p:ir:i l'-liljf: 

Incernor, ni. /V 1« bc siflcd. 
Jnccro,arc.,i.l. lo coi-cr with wax 

liicert.,»!-- ..■iiiiccrtainlc, donLitiiil- 
Incvrtiti!rlo,iiiis./." iiiiccrl:iiiily(ly 
Inccrt.'>,.i .'-'.iiiicert.iinly.rnii lYc. h 
JnClTUm. i n.2.lllici'|-t:iirily,.lr)ii)t 
Inee-lus.a, um ailj. ior. ciwii, >__,!- 
mus, «i/. uncrrtaii., iliiiiln.iil. in- 
conatint, nnTcring, perplexcd. 

Iticcssrns.tliS- /'r.U5is:iiLliiu;r.pritiiiji 
Inccsso , scfc, si fi7sivi, jiitum. « ittack,as-:nilt,ir s,-t np,,:,,!» 
provnkc, vcl, ','■ nlininl, r 
upcn.tii ;;■'.), _ ■■ cunir.tri approacli. 
IiiCt"Lii. 11. /i tn bc aisaulled. 
lnct'iKiis,t;s »i,4 ii rr;iit.\v:ii;.iri:ii'ili 
slep, pacc, pass, lUftlc. 1v. 

Int-cs' '..mli' iin-i-slntiuslv. iinrliif.1- 
luci.s:ifivus.a, i.m luli iiiccsinons 
IllCCSln.:.r|-..l .l.toclcii.cbv inccst. 
er ot . t ei- (illhy *uj irf hist, lo [iol- 

cncYdeni, tis. pl. falling into, inci 

InoiJit, Im/i. it hn ppenrd (dent 

i cadol.dertr, id 

Incitimentum, itic 
m oiiv e, «reneouiajjenien 

lncrtnndus,;i,uinjW, t 

'. .. II, oriip.m.tofil (ncitsti ail-r. ius. 

out,to f,ill,to mcet ivitli, befal, 
or happcn, to ariae. 
Inci.Iu, [in, crcdo]. dere, iili, Isum. cut sliort,toshorten. 
to parc,to cliip,toengravc, 
to etch, to malte an cnd 
of, lo lcavc oll', to ljy nsidc. 
li)i-i.|.ii',:li,isii. v p.\,j be' cut. be cut 
Incidnus, a, um. adj. not lo 



I-torcprove,to blame 

nniiiL-nia,;i, iun /if(rirt,en 

(■iiciticroirerc.nxi, nctum 

Frird, t« siirround, to cm 

lncitstor, oris. m. 3. a n 
1 noi l j 1 Qrt i s.a,um^f ahout 
[ncltatiis,a,um./it. ior,< 
mus, rup. incited, stirri 
stipited,hasty, ipecdv, 

nciUlus, fls. m. 4 * stir 

ii.!.is.a,iitn. /i. tobc bcgun. 
ns.tis./J. bcifinnin^ 
■ .ijcapiojjitrp cilpi, rcp- 


■on,to instipatcto i 
W, ari. /i to bc inci 

lasly.specih, tpiick, tl 
e moi rd.fjouc as far i 



cest. fli.i. 

. />.. lobcgiu, . 

vo Jjc _>eg-un. 
Inchoan», titi. fil. licginniojr. 
Inchnalio, finis./ i a bcginnin; 
>>j. inceptiv 


•IflTOMiS, tis. pt. callin 
lucTiim_>liisiL,iun./if. ca 
'/,. l-irmto, are. u. 1. to 


i. to rhide-, scold. 


pvt rainous,to ( 

irns, tis mf/. ior, 



Iiicluio.r.i-e.a ] ■ 
Inchoor. aK. /i. 
Incicur, flris, ai_ 
Inddendun) a, n 

m pi about 

i pt. bcjriiii. gin, 


-I,-, P i. ccm 

rilir,;, n„i;,l 

rio.oiiis. /i 
[iicisdrcs denlcs, the fii 

Inc ™m.i.n JAconrtiia. niust tccili 
lliCLsrim.ii /1 n rm,a -isb.a linc. 
Im ■isns.a. um./,(. ctit, can-ed, R ru- 

vc(i, i j i ij;- s -( ! .l.,.n(. otV.ilisap: n.,,1 

Irniv.ii., us-n 4 icL qti. Incisio. 
bicit.i,,,. /'pnipri,, „,/;. /Tsrjiiaurl 

^SS^&XSJ &"-** ^ SS£~ 

iLT-lTnf, 1 .! lis. e. atjf. inc 
Inclinaiiictituin.i.n.J i . 
] nc I i nand i l s .a, u m . /if_to 
inclinans, ils, /i.. inclir 
l,u iiriuiiii.onis f.'i.u 





t&rus, a, um. pt. about tolTncSgitantia, ac. /. 1. inconside- 

:us,a,um pt. & adj.\'p. 
•d, <lisposcd, bowcd, bent, 
, dechning, jroing 1 dowii, 
ncd, fallen to decay, flag way, ready 

us, us nr 4. a declining- 
c. adj. stooping, unbcnt. 
kre a.l to inclinc,to bcnd, 

Inc6efitatus,a,um./>/.ncver contriv- 

ed bcfore,inconsiderate,thoug-ht- 


/«cdfrTto.arc.? contrive,tothink 
lncognItus,a,um. pt. unknown, un 

hcard, untricd at law, strangc 
Incoibilis, e. adj not to be joined 
Inc6la, ar. c. g. 1. an inhabitant. 
Incblatus, us. m. 4. a dwellinjr. 

down to chan£C,9r turn,to Incolcndus,a, um- pt to inhabit, or 

impair, ©r debase, lo lay ; 
*rlinc, to g?ow worsc, or 
to rccoil, to £ivc back, to 
Inrlinarc rr.alos, to strikc, 
JLri.p. to bc inclincd.(//n» 
idus, a, um. pt. to be in 


[in.claudo], crc,fisi, usum 
ucludc, to inclosc, to shut 
top,to hindcr, to suppress, 
3 in, to chasc, to sct. 
- t di,fisus/; to be included. 
,5ni*./". 3 a shutting in. un 
lg", an imprisonment 
, a. um pt. included, con- 
inclosedfshut up,bcj»iejrcd. 
^iim.fli(/'. issimiis, *"p fa- 
oble.exccllcnt.of grcat rc- 
ilihti n^uishcd. ( voluntary . 
li^a, um pt. unconstraiucd, 
ia, c adj. tinncd, lcadcd. 
i, a, um. pt & adj. sodden, 
bakcrf, sunburnt, soakcd, 
ed, unsoddcn, uwipc, un 


is, tis. pt. supping. 

us, a, iim- pt. supperless. 

, c adj. suppcrless. 

9, incccpto, incacptor, in- 
i, jrid. Inccptio, &c. 
khilia, e. a/(/. thoufrhtless. inconjideratc, 

be inhabitcd, to dwell in. 
IncMens, tis pt. inhabiting. 
//icblo,lcrc, lui, cultum. a.o. to in 

habit, dwcll, continuc, or abide. 
Incolor, li p. to bc inhabitcd. 
Incblorfit c,rt'/r. withnut pretencc. 

Incolumitas, atis./. 3. sufety, pre 
lncomis e. adj. rudc, churlisli 
Incbmitatus, a, iimfpt. unaccom- 

panied, unuUendftl, alonc. 
Iiiconutcr, adv. rudely. 
Incommcubdis, c. atij unpassablc 
Incoinmcndatus, a, um. pt. uncom 

mcnded, unpraiscd. (moding. 
IncommOdatio.diiis/. 3 an incom 
Incoinui6de,<j//r. ius, comp. issime 

sup. incommodiously, inconvcni 

cntly, unsuitably, scurvily, unfor 

Incommoditas, atis. /. inconvcni 

cncc, unscasonableness, disad 

vantagfc. (mode, to cross. 

/>icomm6do, 5rc. act. 1. to incom 
Incomm6dum,i.N. 2. an incbnveni 

cncc,disadvantagc,or misfortune, 

loss, dumagrc, annoyance, illness 

.ji-tosup,orbeatsiipper Incommddus,a,um. adj. inconvcni- 

cnt, unsuitablc, impropcr, disad 
vantagcous, hurtnil, noisomc 
troublcsome, disagrecable, tcaz- 
ing, vexatious, uneasy, bad, iU. 
incommunicabllij. c/aaj. iacom- 

municable. (able. 

Incompar&bHis, c. adj. incompar- 
Incompcrtus, a, unv pt. not found 
lnconipcsitc, udv. disorderly (out. 
Incoinp6situs,a,um./>/. discompos- 

ed, disordcrcd, confused, disor- 

Incomprehcnslbilis, c. udj. inconw 


Incomprehensus, a, um. pt. idenu 
Incomptus,a,um./;r uncombed,un- 

trimmcd, rough, unpolishcd. 
Inconccssus, a, um. pt. unallowcd» 

not pcrniittcd, uulawful. 
//jcoucilio,arc. act. 1. to sct at dis- 

cord, to disturb, to provoke, lo 


Inconcinnc, adv. unhandsomely. 
lnconcinnitas,utis./. unhaiidsouic- 


lnconcinnit^r,«rf7». unhandsoincly. 

Inconcussus, a, um. pt. unshakcn. 
Incondtte, adv. disordcrly, con- 


Incondttus, a, nm. /;/. disordcrcd, 
do^jrcrcl, unripc, uncovercd, un- 

Inconfcctus, a,um. pt. undi^cstcd. 

'iicoiifessus,a,uin pt.iwi confesscd. 

Inconfusus,a,um.//. not confound- 
cd. ( zcn . 

Incongclubvrus.e adj.nnt to be fro- 

IncongTuc. adv. incongTuously. 

Incon^ruens, tis. pt. unsuitablc. 


IncongTucntia,ac/ 1. incongruity. 

lncoiigTuitas,atis/ 3. incongruity. 

Incongruus,a,um aaj. inconpruous* 

InconnTvcns, Us./»/. not twinkling*. 

Inconscius,a, conscious 

Inconscqucns.tis.^r. incons«quent. 

Inconscqucntia, ac. / l % vofimayt^ 

. i 





Indcflcxus.a, um. /•/. unbcnt, stifF.i show 

Indejectus,a,um /j/.not cast down.!lndicatu%a,um. />/. shown, prized. 

¥_.l='l -* _ .. • .1 'i_.l 1 m.* l <„!.. »„1.1 

Indc lassfitus, a, um,/i/ unwearicd. 
Judclcbllis, c. adj indclihlc- 

undiminislied,undefilcd,purc. cd 

Indcmiiis.c.a<(f unhurt, harmlcss. 
Indcmnitas, atis./ 3 indemnity 

Indiccndus a,um./>/.not tohc told. 
IndTccns, tis. pt. not tclling, not 

Indclibatua, a. um. pt. untouchcd,Indlcium,i.7i. 2. a discovery, an in- 

fonnation, a commumcation, a 

Indcmnatus,a, nm.//f. uncondcmn- sign,ahiirt,atoken amark,aproof 

a symptom, a guide, a*= : stancc. 
Indico arc.a.l.todiscovcr,to show, 

dctcrmined. ;lnd.cri!tira.x./. la sctting a price.| conftiscd. 

Indcfletus, a, um. /-Minlamcntcd. Indiciturus, a, um. pt. about toIndigCtur, imp. mcn 1 

Ind.gito [in digitus .ai 
nify, to point at or c 
to call by namc 

Indignabundus, a. um 

Indignandus, a, um. p 
daincd, displeased, c 

Indignans,tis/>/ hadj 
disduining cnragcd 
nation, unworthy, m 

lndignanter, dis 

Indignatio, finis /. .>. 

Indignatiuncula, ar/. 

Indignatui, a um- pt. 
scorning, not cnduri 

Indigne,rt'/r.ius,c m/# 
unworthy, unfleserri 
grievously, hcinoush 

IndigniUs, atis./. .». ii 
worthiness, mcannc 

/•Kli gnor,iiri, atus sum 
<lain,to scorn,1o bc ci 
gry, not to enduro, t 
frct,to gricve,io rvtii 

Indignus, a, ura. adj i( 
mus, tup. unworthy,i 
unbecoming, unfit 
lian.Isomc. sad, shai 
hcinous, horriblc, dr 

Indigus. a, um. adj. 
need wanting. ghg* 

Indcndus.a, um. pu to bc put into.| to makc kno\vn,to disclosc,to re 
Indenunciatus. a, um pt. not dc- late,to tell,or set tbe price. 

nounccd, ©r dcclarcd bcforc. | to accuse, to promisc. 
Indepldratus,*,um./»/ unbewailcd.Indicor, ari, utus. />. to bc shown. 
Indcpravatus\a,um./'/. notdcprav-.//idico, cSrc, ixi, ictum. a. to dc- 

cd or corruptvd. 
IndeprchensibilU,c. adj. tliat can- 

not be found out. 
Indcprehensus, & Indcprcnsus. a, 

um. pt. untaken, unfound- 
Indcptus, a, having golten. 

nounce,to proclaim,to dcclarc,to 
publish, to appoint, to cnjoin, to 
sct. nr lay upon, to bcspcak, or 
providc, not to say. ed., ctus. p. to bc dcnounc 
Indictio/»nis f ,>. an indiction, thc 

lndcscriptiis f a,um./>Mindescribcd.! spaco of fifteen ycars, animpost. 

Indcscrtus, a, um. pt unforsakcn. 
Indcses, idis. a/Ij. actiw, quiek. 
Indcsinenter, adv. continuallv. 

Indictus,a,um. pt. dcnounccd, pro 
claimcd,dcclareil, ordcred, invit 
cd to,unspoken,unsaid,not plead- 

Indcspcctus,>/.undespised.Indicu:n, i. n- 2. indigo. cd. 

Indestrictus, a. um /■;. unhurt. jlndidcm. adv. from thence. thcre 
lndcterminatc, adv. indctcTmUlndiOs.arfr.dailv, crcrv dav. nice. 


Indf tonsus a, um. pt. unshavcn. 
Indcvitatus, a, um. />/. un^iring. 

Indiftercns.tis.a///. indiflercnt, not 
Indifivrcnter, adr. indhTcrentlv 


InditfOcntia, zc.f 1 . indiflerencc 
lndevoratus,a,um./'/. umhvourcd/lntligcn.i.w.r.^. 1. a nativc nent. Indiligens. tis. adj io 
Indcx.icis.r.jT-.o.adiscovcrcr^anin-Indigenitrdis^- arij. natural, pcrti-IIndiligcntcr, ad->'. ias, 
formcr.aprognoMic,or svmpiom,lndigcns, lis. pt. & adj wanting,! gcntly, carelcsslv 
a mark,ortoken,a titlc.o/' ta!>lc of<ly,poor ty.'lndiligcnti:ur/. ncgli 
a book,atouchktone,lhe foiv-fin-Indigcntia.x./l. i«idigcnce % povcr-lIndimcnsus^«um/»/ ui 
|fer.Indexchartn,thc card turncdlndigco [in,ogco],crc, gui. n. 2. tolndipismr [in.apiscor 
ii p truinp, TauI Viv- lndex nautl- want, to sf.ind in d 2-to ob'ain.^'.t,.-j/-.^ 

cus, thc sa'»lor's coinpass. Camh. Indigcs, ctii». r. r. a goil made of a; takc, to cumprchcmi 
lndicandus.a,um. pt to bc bhown. man, a nativc god, a canoni/c«ljIndircctus, a, um.- aif, 
Indtcans, tis showing. saint. (out ordcr. Indireptus, a, uin. pt. 

lndicatio, 6nis./. .3. an indication, adv. indigcstcdly, with 
tbe .sc-ttinjj»* a price upon warcs Indlgestio, onis. /. ). indigcstion. 
IhdtciltiYus, a,um. arf/. indicativcludigcstus, a, um /•/.. andi|;csted, 

?ptus, a, 

Indiscrctus,a,urn./»/. «n 

cd,not ni-paratccUin^l 

lndiscriminatus,a, unr 





idistinguiflhcd. jlnddtitug, a,um./>Minendowed,not to grant, to dispense with. 

uhf. without eloquencc honoured withfuneral obsequicslndulgcor, eri. p- to be indulged. 
t, um. adj uneloqucnt. Indubitiibdis e. adj. indubitablc Indispens-.tus,a,um.//r\unboundcd 
t adv. coi__-iseclly,disor Indiibitaiitcr, adv. without douht. lndultus.a.uin pr. indulged, suffcr- 

Indubitute, adv. without doubt. ed. pardoncd, given, trrantcd. 
s,a,ura. pt. disordercd. Indubitatus, a,um- pt. uudoubted.Indultus, us. m. 4. indulgence. 
bflis, e. adj. not to bej/ndubito, are. n.l- to doubt much. fndumen, mi«. n. 3. id. quod. 
1, or conccalcd. tlndubius, a, um. adj. ccrtain. Indumcntum, i. n. 2. a garment, 

•tus a um. />/ not dis-tnducendus,a,um./>/.to be induccd dress, attire, apparel, clothe*. 
lot concealed. jlnducens, inducing 1 («pite. lnduo,ucrc,ui,utum. a.3. to put in- 

lis, e. adj. indissoluble Induciac, aruru pl f a truce, a re- to,on,or covcr, or clothe, 

//iduco,cere.uxi,uctum. a 3. to in- to covcr,besmear,or daub ovcr,to 
ducc»topcrsuade,toprevailupon, tnkcupon, rassumc,to cntangle» 
to draw over, or in, to ca jole, to Sc iiiduerc in florcm, to blossom, 
lcad, or bring 1 in, to intrcKlucc.tolnduor,ui,utus/».to bcputon- Virg. 
covcr ovcr,to put, or draw on. tolndupei^ator, pro Im])crator, Juv. 
makc void, or abolish, to cancel^lnduranduBjajUm./W. to be harden- produccorbring fbrtli,'.Indiirans, tig. pt. hardening. : ed. 

ludiirf.tio, onis. /. 3. a liardcning. 
lndGrutus,a &. adj.ior, comp. 

i, a, um. pt. not loosed. 
a<tv. confuscdly. 
ijS^ & mdj undis- 
., confuscd, indistinct. 
, a, um. pt unhurt. put,or set in,or in- 
*p, set, or built upou. 
a, um. adj. individual, 
t be divided, inscpara 
i,e.a«#.indivisibl<r (blc. 
, um. pt. undivided- 
a, um. pt. unscpu.ra.ted. 
lidi, ditiun a.o to put, 
into,to put,orlay upon, 
iiDprint, to give. 
. to be put, or given. 
vlj. unmanageable,un- 
untau^ht, natural- ly. 
/. ius, comp. unleamed- 
, um. pt. ior, comp. issi- 
ntaught, unlcarncd, ig- 
skilful. unaccustomed. 
t.y.thc fccling no pain. 
e. lui, litum, neut. 2. to 
feel pain. 
:ere. n. 3. idcm 
.j».a gTowth,orincrcasc, 
i race,a brccd, a slrain. 
t, c. adj. untameablc. 
__,un_. pt. untamcd, un- 
e. invincible, raging. 
, tia pt slecping". 
•e ivi,ltum.» siccp 
u& «higg&b» v Aovr. 

or erase, 

to give 
Inducor, ci, ctus p. to bc induccd. 

Inductio, dnis./ o. an induction,a| hard;»ncd, niade hard. 

I • * •_. I !__•*■ _T 1 — — > * 

bringing into,or along,a bringing 

in,an introduction,a persuasion,a 


Inducturus.a,um pt. about to bring 



brought in, introduced, covcred 

ovcr, bcsmearcd, plastcrcd, put 

on, canccllcd, crascd. 

Inductus us 77i. 4. a pcrsuasion. 

/iidureo, cre. n. 2. & //ulurcsco, 
ctre.;'//rc'/; jjrow hard. hard. 

7/iduro, urc- a. to harden, to makc 

lndfiror. uri p to bc hardcncd. 

lndu_':arius,a,um adj. that makcth 
under ^arnients. (ncath. 

Indrisiatus,a,um- adj. woro under- 

Indusiuui.i ii .2 a shirt.shiit,sn.ock, 
pctticoatjorotiicr undcr-^itrnicut 


InUuciila, x.f. 1. a woman's uudcr activity,labour, care, carcfL.lncss f 

g_unient, a waistcoat. ' ' 

Indugredi, pro Ingredi, Lucr. 
/,;dulco, arc. a. 1. to makc swcet. 
Indulg > ens,tis./>/.& adj.tor c mp.h- 

stmus, nup. indulging, indulpent, 

gracioufc, kind, tcnder. ii.dulgcd 
Indulj^enier adv.ias.c mp. issmic 

nup lndulg-cnt!) , kiudly. 

ncss, lcnity, inildness, gracc, f:i- 

vour. a pardon, u dis|>c.isation. 

lndulgeo,cre, indulgf,t< 

•^c indul^eiit,to iiiakc iiiuch of.ti 

fivc pnc's ^dfup to, to cpnccd^. 

thoujrht. J)e iudiistriu, Cic. Ex- 

industria, Liv. Jndustriu, Plaut. 

on purpose, designcdly. 
Industrie, adv. ias. cump. industii- 

ously, carcfully. 
Industii6_c, adv industriorjjly. 
I n du_>triosus,a,urr.,u_//. i ndustrious 
i;ulustrius,a,um. adj. ior, comp. iu- 

dustrious, ac.ivc, hrivk, blarp. 
I:\«lutus, a, um. pt. put on, clad. 
Iudutus, us.ffi 4. clotiiing^^apparel. 
:.iduvi;c, aruin. pl.f. 1. cloth. 

r.iiiviuin,'] M.2 tucbarkofa trce. 

neJ^rjiiUO^ivis J* .i.^Tft^v^^srsxvX 





/nebrio, Sre. a. 1. to makc drunk. 

Inebrior, ari. />. to be intozicated. 
Ine*dia,x./1. want of food^asting. 
Incditus, a, uxn. /W. not declared. 
Ineffabllis, e. adj ineffable, that 

cannot be uttered, or expersscd. 
InefFabihter, adv. mexpressibly. 
Ineff icax,acifl.o/(/.i neffectual,vain 
Ineff Ygiatus, a,um. aaj. deformed. 
InclabSratus, a,um. pt unlaboured. 
Inelegans, tis. utij- inelegant. 
Incluctabllis, c. adj. inevitablc. 
IneTncndahllis, e. adj. not to bc a- 
/a£ni5rior,i.a* dic in (mended 
Incmptus, a, unbought. 
Inenarrabilis,e. adj. inexpressible 
Inenarratus, pt. not told. 
InSnddabYlis, c adj. intricate. 
/neo, ire, Ivi, Ytum. a. 4. to go, or 

entcr into,to entcr upon,to com- 

mencc,to undcrtake,to lie.orcou 

ple with,to form. or pass 
Ineor Yri,Ytus. be entered mto 
Incepte adv. issTme tup. foolishly. 
Ineptia,z./l.foolishncss,folly, ab- 

aurdity, a story, a tale, a jest. 
Ineptio, triflc, to talkfool- 


ntptus,a, um. adj. ior. comp. issY- 


plc. (ovcr. 

Inequitab^lis, e- adj. not to be rid 
/w£quito,are.a.l. toridc in, or up 

on, to ride about, to insult. 
Inermis,e. adj. unarmed,defcnce 

lcss,\veak fcoble,mde,unIeamed. 
Inermo, are. a. 1. to disarm. 
Iucrmus, a, um. adj. unarmcd. 
Iuerrans, tis. pt. fixed. 
/7ierro,are.n wander,to strag- 

gle, to scizc on. 
lncrs,tis.a<7/. inactivc,heavy, dull, 

sluggisli,lazy, slothful, slow, mo- 
tio/iIc38,artiess, unskilful, stupid, 

faint,fceblc,weak,helpless, insip-, incxtricable. 

id, flat, stiff, barrcn, unfruitful. lnexpllcatus, pro. 

Incrtia,*./ 1 inactivity,heaviness, Inexpllcitus,a, tun. pt.i 

idleness : laziness,indolence.sloth, ed, dark, obacure, mt 

softness,dissolutencss,luxury, ig- IncxplSrate, & Inexph 

norance, unskilfuUness,stupidity. without search, preci 

(nertYciila, «./ 1. a hcavy winc. Inexpl5ratus,a,um-/>r u 

IneTudlte aaVunlearnedly,unfitIy untried, undiscovere< 

Ineriidltus, a, isslmus, sup. Inexpug-nabilis, e. adj. 

unlearned,unskilled. (with a bait Inexpugiiatus, a, um. p 

[nescandus, a, um. pt to be taken. conie. 

[nescans, tis/tf. catching». 

fnescatus,a,um. /H.aUured,caughL Inexs&urabYlis, e. aaj. 

Inesco,[in, esca],are. a. 1. to lay a 
bait,to allurc,to catch, 
to entrap» to trepan. 

fnescor, ari. p. to be allured. 

fne v?tabilis»c.atf)'.inevitable . (upon 

Incundus, a, um. be entered. 

InevftKitus, a, um. pt. enrolled.un- 
foldcd, unread. (be awaked. 

[ncxcitabYlis, e. adj. that cannot 

Inexcltus, a,um. pu notraiscd. 

Incxc5gitatus,a,um. pf.unthought. 


Incxcusabilis, c. ac\j. incxcusable. 

Inexpiitabilis, e. adj. ir 

lnextinctus,a,um/M inc 

InextinguYbllis, e. tul 

ed out. 

Inextrlcabilis, c.adj. in< 
Incxsiiperabilis, e. adi 

bSc, invincible, unpas: 
lnfubri.-atus,a, um pt.u 
lnfacete,& Inf icete, at 

santly, unwittily, not : 
Infacetiz,X'W Inf icetiac. 

InexcrcYtatus, a, um. pt. uncxcrci- 

sed. (cd. lpoor jcsis, little pui 

lnexcrcTtus,a, um. pt. undisciplin- Inf acetus, & Inf icetus, 
Inexcussus, a, um. pL unshaken. 
[nexhaustus,a um. p/inexhausted- 
iiiex5rabilis,c. aa/inexorable, cru- 

cl. (ed 

lnexpectatus,a, um. pt. unexpect-lnf acundus, a, um- adj 
lnexp£ditus,a,um. pt unprepared. uncloqucnt, rude in %\ 
fnexperrectus.a,um/>*not awakcd Inf amandus,a,um. pt. to 

ior, comp unpleasant, 
rude, unpolished, clo\k 
lnf acundia, 3C./ 1. a w 

f nexpertus, a, um pt. untried, un 

attempted, unexperienced. 
f inexpiable, irre 

concileable, obstinatc, bittcr. 

/ncxplanabilis.c.a<(/.incxplicable.!lnf amia, x./ 1. infiuny ; 
Incxplanatus, a, um. pt. stammer- dishonour, aspersion,c 
lnexplebtlis,e.a'(/ insatiable- (ing.W amis,e, tu(j. infamwM 
Inexplctus a,um/>f.not completcd, grac.eful,dishonorableJ 

bc dcfamcd, to dispan 
Inf amans. tis. pt. defan 
Inf amatio, 5nis. / 3. a 
Inf amatus, a, um pt. de 

not ftiiished, insatiable. 
lncxplicabilis^e. ai{/\ inexplicable, 

dismal, unlucky. Infam 
the middle finger, F*r 





i, fama% are. a. 1. to dc-" ful. curseii. 

• digTace, to diparagc, to Infensaus, tis. [>t. destroying. 

:o confutc, to sprcad a-jlnfcnse, Infctiso, adv iiis, c mp. 

> accuse, to wajtc, to des-j hostilcly, spitefully, cagerly. 

Infenso,i4re.« harass, to spoil. 

Infcusus, u, um. pt. ior, vomp. issi- 
iiius,tf///>.eiir:i«eed,furious, hostilc, 
a, tnn. adj. ibsunus, snp. Infcrcio, *rr (Lad 

&bominable,hcinous, cru-|hifcrciidus.a, um pt to he carricd 

Inf crcns tis. pt. carrying' on. (on. 

Infcri, o.iun. [U. m 2 the gods, o: 

iri./ bc madcinfamous. 
t, dftr. O aboininablo. 

g, bittcr, gTeat. 
adj. ior, r.wi/i. issinius, 

ig liitle,sinaII,ieiidiT,un- shadcs below, mancs. hcll. 

pcak, uncloqucnt. ^hifcrirc, uruui, pl.f 1. sacrificcs to 
;. r. ^. 3. au infuit. babc.j tbe infernulgods forthc dcad. 
:hild 9 thc \ oun^r oi" aiiVjjnfcrior, or.s «i'//. inforior, lowcr. 

inf criiis,n,um.fff// bclongiug to fu 

fnfernalis, c. adj infenial.(ncr:ds. 

InfernasjUtis. adj. growiiur bclow. 

Infcrnc, adr. hclnw, bciicath. 

;iifcrnus,:i, infcrnal of hcll 
hcllish, l\in;r bclow. lowcr. 

/;if cro, frrre, iiv.uli, Miatum.n.3 
to infvT, or conchule, to bringin. 

./. 1. infiucy.cbillhood. 
c. adj. bclong-iiirj to in 

5, i. m. 2. a mcrc infant. 
i, tis. pt. stuiftngin. 
re.a. 4. tostutf, tu cram. 
xri. p. to bc siutfVd. 
ilis,c. adj. indefati^ablc. 

Tnfcsto,are.a.l to infest,to disturb, 
to disquiet, to plaguc, to spoil. 

Infcstor, ari. p. to be infcstcd. 

Infcstusa, um, adj. ior, comb, issi- 
malicious. savagc, troublcsome, 
vcxatious, pcrplexed, adverse, 
daiigcrous, hatcd, envied, cxpos- 
cd, obnoxious. 

ln f ibulo,& ; ntiblo, clasp, 
to huckle. to join together. 

Inf iccti.c, rid. Lnfacctia;. (I*Iin. 

Infirctissimc, adv most rudcly, 

Inf icialis.c. adj. pertaining to de- 

Inf iciandus,;/. to be dcnicd, 
to bc disprovcd, to bc ashamed. 

Inticians, tis.///. denying\ 

inf icias, acc plur. f 1. a denial. 

•nf icifitio, onis.y? 3. a dcnial. 

Inf lriator, oris. m. »i. & denicr, onc 
that. plcadclh non assumpsit to % 
d^bt, ur not guilty to a crime. 

into,upon,o;*up,to bring or carry. Inf iciatus a, um./r/.dcnying. (idle. 

i.fatuus , are. a. 1. toin- lo lay to,to npply,to makc,toset 

to m ike a fool, to bcsi.t . lnf cror, crri. p. to bc brought in 

a,nm.<if(/ unprospcrous, Jnfcrtilis,c a<//.unfruitful[tn sceth. 

, inauspicio>iM. /«fervcf acuy.vre u.3 to makc hot, 

lnfcrvcfactus,a, um. pt. madc hot. tocolor toiiiibuc, to spoil,to pou 
lnfcrvcfio fin. fcnco, fio] ficri, son, to tincturc, to instruct. 

5nis./ 5. aninfcction. 
^ini. af(j. bclon^ing- lo 
^lourin^, or painting. 
iris.m,.1 a dicr,wiiat dics. 
a,um/>r. infcctcd. pollut- 
, btaincd, poisoncd, cur- 

a, um. adj. undonc, not 

wrought,iinfinishcd, un- 


tis. m. 4. a dying". 

s,atis/. 3 inf«licity, un- 

r, adr. unliappily. (py. 
,are.a.l. to rnake unhap- 
s adj'\OT t comp. unkappy, 

factus.-i..). to be madc hot, to bc 
hcatcd, to bc made to boil. 

/wfcrvco, ere.& ///fcr»osco, ccrc. bc hot,to bc boiling hot. 

Infcrus, a. u:n. a Ij. ior, c mp. infi- 
rior,lower lntiiiiis prccibus, witb 
moii huniblc ])ctitions, JJv. \\\- 
fimx radics montis, thc lowcst 
part of the mountain, t\ct. 

Infestans, tis. pt. infesting. 

Infestator. oris. m. 3. a robber. 

lnfcste,uc/v.ius, c mp. issime, sup. 

hostilcly, outrag^cously, mischicv- 

unfortiinate, uusuc-iliifcstivitcr^uf/vunplcasantly^ously 

iselct% harrcD, unfruit- 


InfmrtiTns, a, lln. adj. unpUasaut. 

lnficicns, tis /;/ infccting, dyiny, 

lnfiei<>[in,facio ,crc,fcci, fcctum. infcct,to pollutc,to vitiatc, 

to corrupt,to die,to stain totinge^ 

lnf icior, ari, atus. sum. dcp. 1. to 
deny, to disown. to abjure. 

Inf Tde, adv. unfaithfully. 

Infulclis,e adj. ior, comp. isstmui, 
tvp. uufaithful, tieacherous, dcr 

lnf:delitas, atis/. unfaithfulnetl.- 

infideliter, adv unfaithfully. 

Inf idus, a um.adj. unfaithful, dit* 
loyal, trcacherous, falsc, deccit- 

Inf if^cndus, a to bc fiied. 

//tfi^o,gvrc,ixi,Uum a. 3. to fix, t© thmst,push, or drive to 

Infigor, jri p. to be fixcd.(imprint. 

hjfunaUfjUin./»/ m.?. tk« raBoafit^. 






Tnfimu6.a,um.a<#.#u/). lowcst,last, Inflans tis./r/. swelung,puffing iip.'///f&dio,dere,odi,ossuri 

low,uiean, contemptible, Bubmis- inflatd, adv. ius, com/>. haugiitily. 

sivc, Iiitlfitio. onis / 3 a swclling. 

//ifindo, dcrc, f idi, fissum. a. *• tolnflalus a, um./>/ & adj. ior. c m/> 

cut,to cleave,toplough,toengTuft blown up, orabout, blown, swel- 
Inf inItas,atii/o.infinity, gencral- led, purted up, elatcd, ha<ight\, 

ity. pi-uud, inspired, moved. 

Infinitc Sclnflnito, adv. infinitcly, Inflatus,u*.?». 4- a blowing upon, : 

without measurc vehenicntly. sound, or blast, an inspiration. 
Tnf-nitio, dnis./ J. an intinity. lnflcctens,tis./>/.bendingdecliuin^. 
Infmilivus, a, um. adj. infinitive Inflectio 6n.s./ 3. a turning, oi 
lnfinitus,a, um atlj. ior, comp. in-j windLig.a decunsion, a conjuga- 

finitc,in(lcfinite, endlcss, bound- 1 tion. 

lcss, excessive,vast,gTcat,much. 
Jnfirmatio,6nis/3. a weakening a 

conlutmg a disproving. 
lnfirraatuB,a,um./>f, weakencd, cn 

fecbled,wounded, hurt,coufutcd. 
Infirme, adv ius, comp wcakly. 
liifinmtaa, itis. f. 3. infirmity fcc 

blenessjWcakncss ficklcncss. in- 
Infirmiter,«dv wcakly. constuncy. 
//ifirmo,are.a. l.tu wcakcn,to uiva 

lidate to opposcto confutc,todis- 

Inlinnor, :»ri. p- to be opposed. 
lnhrmus,a, uui. adj ior, comfi. is>i 

muK,*«/ , -mfii.n, fcchle weak,no 

durabl«,unse tled irresolute iiv 

constant, fickle. (saith or said 
Jnfit, v. deject. he bcginnelh, he 
lnUvus a, um. pt. fixcd, fas^cncil, 

Went upon, rcsolvcd, besicging. 

//jflccto,terc,cxi exum a..> tobow, 

into,or in,to dig,to pli 
Infodior, i. ossus. p. tc 
Infuccunde, atfY.unfrui' 
luforcunditas, atis / 3 
mforcundus, a, um. ad 

unfruitful, barrcn, p< 
tnfucliciias,&c vid Inf 
lntirtus, a, um. adj. ba 
informandus,a,uin./>/ 1 
Informatio, onis./. % i 

a sketch. imiginatior 
luformaturiis, a, um.y 

lorm, conslitute, or ii 
• nformfitUK,a umpt. fo 

thcr way,to declinc to w..rp,to a - ed,made, drawn out, 

Inflcctor, ti.^. to be bent. 
lnfletus,a,um./?/ unbewailed, unla- 

mented, unpitied. («tinate. 

Inflcxibilis, e. adj inflexiblc, ob 
Inflcxio, onis./ 3. vid. tnflcctio 
lufl x s. a, n m pt. bowed, bent, 

turned,crookcd. winding, varicd. 
Inflcxus,us vi 4 abending altcrcd 
Inttictio,6nis/ & Infl.cius, us. m. 

4. an inflicting, a striking. 
Inflictus, a, um pt. inflictcd. 
//ifligo,gcre,ixi, icium. a. 3. to in lay,or bring upon,to fling. 

or throw, to, or dash. 
//zfio,arc,avi.atum.«.l to blow up- 

on, to blow, to swcll. to pufl* up 

Inilammandus, a, um. pt to bc iu- ■ inflatc,to increase,toheightcn 

fl.ancd, to bc sct on fire. 
Iuflammaiiter, adv. ii.flamcdly. 
]nttammatto,onis/ .inflammation. 
lnflaiiimfttor,6ris m 3. an ijiflamer. 
liiflainmatus, a, um pt inflamcd 

sri oti firc, cxcitcd. stirred up. 
/ytrlaiimio,are. a 1 to inflame. to 

sei on fire.toexcite,to stir up to 

proroke,to transport to cxaggt - 

Tn1)*mmoT t ari. p. to be inflameu. 
J/i£ljyidu3,u,mm./jt.hi fae puil^d up. 

'nflor, ari, atus p. to be bloun. 
/«floreo, ere, rui, n 2. to flourish. 
!nfluens,tis./>/. flowing in, rushing 

in, abounding, lalling off. 
'nfluo,ucre,u\i uxum./i. ».to flow, 

•r run into, to flock, or run in, to 

i^et admittance,to abound, to de- 

cr -asc. to slip out of, to fall off. 
infiiivium, i. ?i. 2. an effusion. 
i irtuxio,6nis/:> influenct, power. 
Infinxus, us. m. 4. an influx. I 

tnf odiens, tip. pt. digging in. |lnfrxno,are.o.rto bric 

instnictcd, imperfcc 
lnforimdatus,a,um. /*/. 
informis,e. adj shapel 

cn rude fdthy.fou), d; 
/ foi 

fashmn, to make, to 

dcsign to tcacli, to i 
Infonuor ari p. to bc 
.nforo.arc.fl.l.toborc i 
lnf'ortun.itus, a, um at 

Infoilunitas, atis./ 3. 
Infortunium. i n. 2 m 
infossio, onis./ a co^ 

infossus, a, um. pt. di 

with eartli set inthee 
»ufra,//r»r/>.bclow bcni 

less than, fcwcr tlian 
Infractio, ouis /' .». a ! 
InfraQtus, a, um pt. ioi 

ken, broken to peicc 

.veak,subinissive, ab; 

«*d,daunted, discoura 

ken, undaunted, unc 
tnfrxnatus & lnfrenati 

bndlcd, unbridled, n 
Infrxnis. e. & lnfrenu 

unbridled, ungovem; 




rrstrain, to kecp, or liol<l in. inf ulatus a,um. /*/ wcarinjr a mitrol /ngvmo^mtre.rnui.n.S-to RToan, to 
t^-ilis e.tulj. not cisil) brokcn, //ifutaio irc v ivi,huni a. 4. to iament, bcwail,tomourn for. 

incihic. umlainted, bold' ken. i.i, to erani n. to foist in. 
tnjribi! s, c a*!j not to bc bro-unfulcior, iri, />■ to be crammed in 
?:no merc,r.iai. n ■ . to roar a- himljreiiB,tis./jrshininfr,Kli!terinjr. 
d,io roar t«> ra^c, to murmur. infftniatus a, uin. pt. <lric«l in thc 
'ntlens tis. /;/ jrnashinjr snioke. ( 'aro infumata,hun;r becf 

•nileo, *«*e Frcn :eo. :/»if mo, are. a 1. to smoke «lry. 

qurns, tis «/<;. >or. r m/> issi-j!nfundcnd'.s,a,um /> be pourod 
»#'//> unfrc'1'.iciit, .nusual, un-J in,0rupon.(injr,orissuinjrthroujrh 
):non.rarc. scluo-.n secn «r vi-lnfmdens pourinjr in pour- 
d.MiiiVequfiited, unaccustom- . ufundibttlum, i. n 2 a tunncl. oi 
fcw, thi.i. (ncs» H funnel, thc hoppcr of a mill. 

qucntia,^./ l.fewncsa, thin-j/;;nindo,tlCrc,fudi, fusum. a 3. to 
tn.liLsa um. pt tobc crumbled pour in, or into, to pour upon, to 
atus. a, um pt. crumbled. \ diffusc tospread, tocmpty 
catus a,um. //f.rubbcd.frcttcd lnfundor. di. /; to he pourcd in. 
co,are,cniSc cavi, ictum & ca-; nfuniibiilum ( i. n.2.abaker'spcc1 
\ja to rub in, or upon, to rul)., nfuscans, tis pt. darkcninjr. 
eur, ari. /». to bc rubbcd. jlnfuscfitio, ouis. / 3. a darkeninjr. 
ctio,flnis. /*. • a rubbinjr (hcd.jinfu9catus,a um. pt made dark, or 
Bttu-a um. pt. rubhed in, rub-' blackish.darkciicd trouhled, «lis- 
jreo*ixi, 7i. 2. to hecomc cold.j turbc.d, muddy, corruptcd. 
{rrdltio, onis f >. n coolinjr. !/;ifiisro/ 1 to niake d.irk, or 
•rido, arc. a 1. to cool. ed., muddy, to tlarkcn, to tarn : sh, to 
njrciuliLs.a,iim pt to hc Icsscih corrupt, to dilutc to 
r^ns^tis./W.brcakinjrtbruisinjri allav, to drown the voicc 
nj*o» in,franjro|, jrcro, rcjri.'Infuscor,ari atus. />.tobedarkcncd 
tuma. break.tear.or rcnd!nfuscus.a, um adj. swarthy dark. 
uece*. to break, to bru'sc» to*nf>so, nnis. f an infusion.a pour, 
irn,« qucll orsub-lnf nsor,J>ris.;>i. 3 a pourcr in.(injr 
», to humble, to d-.joct, to dis- nf fisus,a,um. pt po.srcd .nto,onip. mov(-,9r prcvuil upon 0!i,pourinjrin,diftused,falliii,(;ii[>- 
RJfur. Ifi P to he brokeu. on. injr 

oJkrc a.l tocrumblc in picccs!,ni. an infusion, a stecp- 
w f -xp p to be crumblcd •n^ciiicnst ; s. />f.gToaiiin£.lament 
»n«, dis atlj witliout lc-tves. InjremTnanstis. /ri.rcdoul>!injr.(in 

/yij^cnerasco.cere.w to he enjrcnd- 
n^cncritus a,uu. pt hrcci in (erc«l 
/;ij^eiien),are.f« bcget, to pro- 
ducc(bc con inucdon m dcscents 
njrcneror 9 ari./> to he produced,to 
Jn^eniatus, a, uui. tulj. naturally 
jriven. (hoxv, to courtcsy. 

'njrcnichln, arc.a 1. to knccl, to 
lnjrcni^sc, auv. itls, c mp. issimc, 
*up injrenious^v. wittily. 
iigcniosi!S,a,uui. atlj. ior c rup is- 
simus, 8iip. infrcnious, shrcwd, 
rally ailaptcd, iit, suitable. 
fnjrcnitt!S,u,uni /if.inbrcd naturaj 
njrcnium i rw^.thc naturc.uual.U » 
o;disi)osition of a thing^.orpcrson» 
the mind-thc Iwart^g-cnius, capa- 
city, ahilitics, judjrment. apprc- 
hcnsion/mjrcnuity wit lcaniinjr, 
mcTiion,a «levicc or contri\ancc, 
a wit, or witty man. 
npfcris.tis.rj#//.gTeat,larjrc, nJjrhty, 
hujre, prodijrious. 
inj;-onuatus. a uin. «//•'. well born» 
well brcd, wcll diaposod 
.ijrei.ue.tir/r.injrciiuously frankly. 
njrcnuitas.atis./.i.iuge,.uit\ , can- 
d«»»:r. • 

:igrc:iuus, a, um. adj. irjrci.uoua, 
frui.k- honest, lihcral, IVeehorn, 
handsomc, r.icc, da.nty, natiral. 
'njrcrendus^uin /i/.to!)c thro\%n, 
or c:;st cast(upon,hcapi jr 
Jnjrercns, tis pt. thrcwiiig 1 ii-to, ov 
trtuo*iis& um. a*(h unfruitful, njrcminutio, onis- /';> a doul)iin^.i/>ijren>,rcrc, cssi, cstum. uct. 3- to 
irofitabl^ iinavailui<r, h:irrt;n Injrciuiintus, a,um. /».'. rodoublod. thi*ow,cast,or pour in,/)r i:pc:«', to 
iglferus a,um a*lj unfru.tful /;;jremin:),uro. a douhlc or rc- heap up,to throw out,or 
in<t*>u* si.uni a tj silly, foohsh doublc to repeat ; ;i. to incrcase. Jr.jrcror, i /; to he cast into.(uttcr 
«yitio.nnis /*.>adisjr«risin.'r.(edlnjrcm:nor, ari. />. to bc douhlcd. Injrcstahilis,c. «///. caMiot be 
cMuv 1 tini-/tf j^aint«d.di:«^uis-injrciii ; sccns, tis. pt. laineiiliujr borno.|<:d.onai«!upoi,,forc<:«hipon 
coyarc.a « d.s^ iise Injreiriisco ccre.;;ir.3. to jrroan,to injrostus, />.\thrown in,heap- 
la, m.f. 1 a mitrv, a iur'ian,a sijrh,to sob,»o mourn^o /;iirip!0.nere,sc..ui,j: , eiiitum. a. 3. 
lem,a fillct, a vcil, a ^rarland.j hcwail, to lamcnt, to bciuoan. t«> cujTL-ndor, or hrccd iu. 





Ingftas*alis./3.want,povcrtY.(up.lngTien.T]us.n. 3.thc groin,the pri- 
/nglomero.ure.a.l to wind,orhcap vy parts, a discase in thosc parts. 
Ingloridsus, a, tim. arfj. inglorious.lnguln iria, x / 1. an hcrb. 
Ingldrius, a, um. adj. inglorious,of Ingurgitatus, a, um. j&i, devourcd 
no rcputation, mean, obscurc |Ing^irgito,[in,giirges],arcac/.l. toi 
Ingliivies, €i./. 5. the weasand,orj devour greedily, to swallow, toJInh6nestus,a, uwTatlj.iOT, 


gullet,tbe craw,crop,©r gorgc of aj pour clown, tocram, to stuff, to 
ird, yluttony, gormandizing. plungc o\ cr hcad and ears. 
Ing-liiviosus, a um.adj. gluttoiio!ia.'lngiistuhilis,ca<l7.not to be tastcd. 
/nfrrandcsco,cerc<nc. ^.toincreascjlngustatus, a. inn. pt. untastcd. 
IngT ; itc,aJi'.ungTatcfulIy,unthank-.lnhibilis,e. adj unfit, disqualihcd, 

fully» discontcntedly, unkindly. unuble, unwicldy, unmanagcablc 
Ingratif icus a,um adj. ungratcful. Inh2hitabi1is,e. adj. uniniiabitablc. 
Ingratiis, fm spitelnhabitutio.onis./.S an inliabiting. 
f of one's tecth,againstone's will.l/7ihabito,ure. oct. 1. to inhabit, to 
Ingratis, adv. by constraint. * I dwell. 

Ingratitfido, inis./ *, ingratitude. Iuhabitor, arc./». to be inhabitcd. 
Ingralus,a, um. arfj ior. r mp. issi-,inh«crens, tia- pt. clcaving to. 

m\is,sup. ungratcful unthankfulJ/nhxreocre, arsi, xsum. n. 2. to in 

unptcasant, unacccptal)Ic, con- herc,to stick in,orto,tocleave to, 

Ingravans, tis. pt. growing bcavv. 



TahSncstas, atis./. 3. disli 

Inhoneste .o/fo.dishonestl; 

//ih6nesto,are.a disp 

discrcdit, to disgracc 

to fiaiur about,to rcmain,or conti 
nnc,to stay,to be wholly given up 
Ingriivesccns,tis./>/.gTowmg worscj to, to dv-ell, or live ncar to. (in. 

and worsc, increasing. |/#ihacrcsco, ccre. n 3- to stick fast 

/npravesco,Ccrc.j?/f.o.togTowhca-lnhicsi\rus,a,uni /il.about to stick 

vier,worse or increasclinhalatio, onis. /S.abreathing in 
Jngravo,arc act.l. to makc heavy,l//xhalo, breath in.orupon 

more painfuhorworscto incrcascilnh dor, ari. p. to be breathed on 

to ovcrload, tocry out against Inhaustus, a, um. pt. tastcd- 
Ingravor, ari p. to b^increased. Inhians, tis. pt- gaping, coveting. 
Ingrediendus,a,um. jtt .to bc entcr-Inhiiitio, onis./. 3. a gaping upon. 

cd upon. ilnhibcndus.a,um. be restrain- 

Ingrediens, t\ entcring into. jlnhlbens, tis. pt. rcstraining. (ed. 
Ingrcdior, [in, gradior], i, essusInhibeo,[inhabeo],cre,bui. bitum 

sum.«*.3 to go to walk,to cntcr in- a.2 to rcstrain,to hold in,to keep 

to f or upon, to attcmpt. 
Ingrcssio, onis./ cntcring in. 
Ingrcssurus,a, um. pf.ahout to cn- 

ter into, or upon-(entcriug upon. 
Ingressus,a,uin. pt. gone,entering, a going, a walk- 

ing. (proaching. 

Ingrucns, tis. part. violently ap- 

/ngruo,uerc, invadcto at- 

tMckfto sctfOr fall upoxi,to ragc,to 

* acar at band. 

back or in, to hinderto forbid,to Inhiimatus, a, um. pt. unt s*op,to dctain, to havc, 
to apply,to use, or exercise(ed 
Inhib? or,eri,'itUi. be rcstrain 
lnlnbitio,6nis./. 3an inhibition, a 

lnlnbitor,oris.m.a forbidder.(stoptInjecto, [in, jacto], arc/ 

Inlubitus, a, um. pt. restraincd, 

//iIiio,arc«.l .to'^ape upon,oraftcr, 

to ppipe, to covct,to desire much. 

simusjsup. dishonest, du 

blc, mcan, shameful, ns 
Inh5noratus,a,um. pt- ior, 

simus, sup. unhonoured 

honoiu-, unsaluted» unr 
Inhonorif icus. a, um. a<{ 

ourablc, disgraccful, ba 
Inhon6ru3,a, um. aaj. not 

cd, disregardcd, unrcw: 
/nhorreo,?rcrui.n. c 

shake,to shudder,to grc 

ful.. ' roygh, or 

Inhorrescens, tis. part 
/nhorresco, vid Inhorrc( 
Tnhospitulis, c. adj. inhc 
InhospTtalitas, atis./3. r 
InhospTtus,a,um. adj.whc 

cruel, wild, dcscrt, unii 
Inhostus, a, um. arfj. unji 
Inhumaue, mlv. ius. com 

manly, discourtcously, i 
Inhumanitas, atis. f. inb 

InhQmaniter, adv. ius. c~i 

manly, mercilcssly. cruc arfj. ior, 

sTmus, »up. inhuman, bi 

crucl, severc, stern, un 
Inhumatio, onis./ 3. a bi: 

Inhflmigo,arca. 1-tomo 
/whumo,are a. 1. to burv, 
InTbl^i^r.even thcre,in tl 
Injectio, onfe. /. 3 an inj 
casting in,or upoma layn 

cast m ofien, to Uy. 
Injccturus,a, uro- pt. abou' 
Injectus,a, castin» 

lnUoucisUuu«ntujn,i. n, 2. a discrc-J or laid upon, cast, «cnt,r 





ks.m.4.i casting" in, or «l.f ed into orders,licenscd. or admit-[Injustitia,x/ 1 injustice,ill usagr. 
intis* pt. beginning eapJy.j tcd to, instructcd in firat princi- ln justus,a^ ior, comp.yinjust, pt to bc cast in 
t, jacio], cere, jgci, jec- 
to cast,throw,or 

plcs.(to give the first instructions unreasonable. iinmodcrate. 
■ nitio,area 1 to initiate* to begin, Innabilis, e. adj. tliat cannot be 

Jnitior, ari p. to bc initiated. 

:>on, or about, to cast, vr nitium,i.n. 2 a beginning, an cn-Iunans, tis pt swimming in- 

.to cast,or throw, to clup, 
,to cause, to raisei or cx- 
trike, to hctakc* 
,jectus.p. to be cast. ly 
dv. issime' " •--*.., 

, x. /. 1 & 

ar.cnmity, rariance,a fal- 
a quarrel an atfront. 
•c.« 1 . to set at variancc, 
« to be onc's encmy 
ari. «/- to become ani 
o hatc. 

lyiiin. adj. ior, c»mf>. issl 
. unfriendlv, hostilc, ad- 
nrtful, pcmicious, dc- 

. nup. spitcful- ter in niturus gratiam, he who lnn;itatio,5iLs./ 3. a swimming in. 
usitatius inpl.\ will oblige, hiv. (undertaken. //inato, : irc n.l.toswim in or upon< 

nnatus.a. um pt. inbred growin^. 

Innavigabilis, e. adj. innavigable* 

.m 2. an encmy,a foc,an 
•■• an opposcr a ficnd. 
U,e. adj inimitable 
v, out of that placc. 
v. ius. comp issime, aup 
tinfairly, uncinially, ilis- 
eously, amiss, unkindly- 
atis f. 3. iniquity, in- 
partiality, uncvenncss, 

trancc, a nte, or ccremon/, 
causc, a draught, a platform. 
iiitur. imp- 1, thou, hc, &c go in. 
Initums,a,um pt about to go,or en- 

swiinmcd in. 

//inascor,ci,natus.</ bc born in, 
or with, to grow, or spring up. 
tnnatabilis, e. adj eee fnnabilis. 
Innatans, tia. pt. swimming upon. 

um. adj. ior, comp isst- 
njust,unfair, partial, iin- 
even, disadvantageous. 

Initus, a, um. ///. cntcred, beguu 
(nitus iis. m. 4. copukition. 
Iiijficunde, adv. ius, &tmp. unplca 

santly, disagrccably. ness 

'njucunditas, atis./l 3. unplcasaut- 
1 n|ucundus.a,um. adj» unpleusant 

disagrecablc, hatcful. odious 

njfldicatus, a, um pt. unjudgcd. 
•mugis e adj. unyokcd. 
'njunctio dnis.y*. >. aninjunction. 
lnjtinctus,a,um pt. cn joincd, coin- 

mandcd, ordcred, laid upon. 
/wiungo,gerc t nxi f nctum a en- 

join,command imposc or appoint, 

to lay orbring upon. to join to, or 

with, fo entcr into. 
'njungor, gi p to bc onjoincd. 
r njuratus, a, um. pt. unsworn 
'njfiria.x./ l.injury,damage hurt. 

wrong, injustice, trespass, dcs- 

pitc, displcasurc, crimc, oflcnce, 


Injflria, ac/r.un justly, wrongfully. 
unkind, crucl, angry, Injiirior, ari. dep. 1. to injure. 
i 9 impatient, discontent- Injflriose, adv ins, comp issimc, 

•up. injuriously, wrongfully. 
Injflrifisus, a, um adj. injurious, 


InfQrius, a, um adj. wrong^fu! 
Injussus, pt- unbiddcn, with- 

out bidding, spontaneous. 
Injussu.monopt. abl. m 4. without 

order, conunand, or lcave. 

d^too grcat,or too little. 
m 2. an encmy. 
\.pl n- 2. sacriiicc9, thc 
t of a sciencc. 

adj. initial, the iirst. 
ijdTum. pl. «. 2. the first 

principlcs, or crounds 
nia,/ J- initiation. 
am. pi. iiutiatect enter 

nnavigans, tis. pt sailing down. 

Inncctens tis./i^.clasping, knitting, 

/wnecto,tcre,cxui & exi,cxum.a..'$. 

to tic, bind, or put about, to sur* 

round,to devisc 
:nncctor,ti,cxus.)&. to be ticd, join- 

cd, &c. (cd, relatcd. 

Innexus,a,um pt. ticd, bound join^ 
Innisusa, um pt. oee lnnixus. 


Innitcns, tis. pt. lcauing upon. 
/;mUor,ti,ixus. vel isus suin. d.3. 

loan,r(. st.ordepend upon,to ansay. 
Innixi:s,a, leaning upon. dc- 

pcndingupon supportedby (on. 
/nno,arc. n. to swim in,to float up- 
Innbcens,tifj.«f//.ior, comp issimus/ 

«f/^.innocont, guiltless, harmloss, 

wliolesoinc, safc- 
Innoccnter,ar/v. ius, comp. issYmc, 

Inndccntia, x.f. 1 innocence. 
innocuc, adv. harmlcssly simply. 
Innocuus,a, um. nr//".harmless,inof- 

fcnsivc, innocent, safe. 
/nn&tesco^;ic.3 to becomc 

known, noted, rr notorious. 
Inn6\-atio.6nis. /^ 3- an innovation. 
Inndvator dris. m. 0. an innovator. 
Innovo,arc c.l to innovate, to re- 
Innoxie, adv. innocently. (new. 
lnnoxius,a,um.a/(i'-ioT. e> m£. bcv^cv 

Injuste^ adv, issiro^^ enp,unjastfyj\ itt^, VwwKfc^ Sx^^vA^, «»Ndi% 





be pursucd. (ing, ensuing, nert. 

Inscqucns, tis- pt. fbllowing,pnrsu- 

Insequ*. ntcr*aoVnottothe purposc 

/«scquor,qiii,sccQtus,8um. d. 3. to siim. n.2. to sit, or rcst bc 
follow, to follow after, to purstio, fixed-to be settled in.tolic in wait 
to pcrsccute,torail at,to suceeed, for,to hcset, to bcsiegc, to teazc 
to procccd,to sue atlaw topersist liisnlcor,€ri, scssus. />. to bc bcsct. 

lnscrcndus,a,um/»f tobe inscrted. 

Insercns,tis.///- inscrting,thrustinp 

Inscrcnus, a, um adj. cloudy in. 

//isfcro.rcrc,C*vi,itum a sow in, 
•r »inonpr, to implant, to graft. 

lnsci'oc,ri,insttus. p to be grafted 

/«scn),rcrc,scrui,3crtum a.\Xo in- 
6crt,to ptLt,orthrust in,to apply,o/ 

1niTdcns,tis. pt. lig-liting", or sittingi ably, notablv, signallv, exn 

on. ly, finely, mightih . cx 4 - 'cn 

l nsTdco [in, sedeol, 5rc, scdi, scs-I;,sig-nitus,a,um ptior 9 co.ap : 

ccl. markcd, blemished, re 

al>lo, notorious. (ver*s 

InsYlc, is.n.o. the trcadle of ; 

Insiiicns tis pt lcapiucr up< 

Insidise, arum pl- f a lying in" ^''~ '' , " 1 T ~" '"' *" ' 

wait, an ambush, an amhuscadc, 
a snarc, a plot, trcachcry, dcccit, 
a lurking placc. 
Insidians, tis. ///. lyinjr in wait. 
nstdiantcr. adv. insidionslv. 
Insidiator, oris m.3 a licr in wait, 
a plottcr, a trcachcrous person 

put intermix, to mcddle, to lusTdiatrix,icis/3.a femalc plottcr /nsimulo, are- a 1. to fiign, t 


intcrposc YitK inscrcrc aliqucm, 

to brinjr onc to Iife, S:at St/lv. 
Inscror,ii,serius,/;. to bcinscrtcd 
/«scrpojcre,/* l 2 tocrccpin orupon 
Inscrta,^/.! . a piece put in,an or- 
Inscrtans,tis/// pulting iu.(namcnt 
Insci*tim, adv. bv wav of insertion 
Inscrtivus,a,um.<z///.min£lcd put. 
Inscrto.iirc//v// putin oftcn,to 
Inscrtus, pt put in, or upon, 

minglcd aniongst. 
Iiiscrvicns,tis./»f. sening, complv 

ing, fallingin with. 
//tscnio,Irc,ivi,itum-7i. 4 to scrvc, 

to do scn - icc, to attcnd upon, to 

inind, or tnkc care of to complv 

with,to consult, oraim at.(scrvcd. 
InservTtum cst, imp. 1, thou hc,&.c. 
/uscrvo, arc. kcep, or pre- 

scrvc, to obscnc 
Tnscssor, oris. m. 3. a robbcr. 
Inscssus, a,um. />/• sat, or perchcd 

upon,bcsct,blockcd up, infcstcd. 
/nsibTlo,arc.n. to whistle, to makc 

a hissing. 

Tnsiccatus, a, um. pt. undried. 
/usicco, arc. a. 1. to dry. fon. 
<'f/sidcndus,a, to be sat up- 
rnsidens, sitting bi # or upon 

Insidiaturu.s,a,um./>/.about to lic in 
wait, to lic in wait. 'in wait. 

Insidiatus, a, um. pt. lying, or laid 

lnsidior,ari, atussum i/ 1- to lic in 
wait. or ambush, to havc a design 
upon,to impose upon,to dcceivc. 

l.isidiose, adv issimc, tub. trcach 
crouslv, dcccitfullv, craftilv 

lusidiosus, a,um adj ior, comp. is- 
smius, *up. treaclierous, dcccit- 
ful, craftv, ensnaring. dangerous- 

//c.ido, dcrc, sedi scssum n. 
liglit,scttlc,orsit upon,to sink into 

Insidor, di p. to bc scttlcd on. 

lnsigne, is n-3. an ensign» an onia- 
mcnt,a badae,mark,sigii,ortokcn 
an appcllation,or distinction,adc 
vicc, an imprcss on a shield, thc 
crcst of a helmet.ablemish,ascar 

Insignio, Trc, Ivi, itum. a to adom, 
to cnnoblc, to signalizc, to dis 
tir.guish. (cd. 

l.isignior, Tri. p to be distingniish- 

lusignis. e. adj. ior, comp issfmus. 
*up rcmarkablc. uotable, notori- 
ous, famous, noblc, illustrious, 
glorious, cxtraordinary, markcd 
distinguished " (bly. 

Insigmte,a</r\ ius. comp. rcmarka 

Lnsllio [in,sabo], ive, lui k 1 
tum. 7i. 4 to lcap in, or un 
Insfmnl, adv. jointly, togctli 
fnsimulatio,5nis/ accun 
Insimiilator, dris m an acci 
Inslnuiluturus, a, um pt. ab 
Insnniilutus, a, um. ///. accu$ 

ijlngupon, continual, coiistonWlus\^u\ir,t4ij.'\^ cip^. rcHuirk- 

scmble, to pretcnd, to ucci 
Insimulor, ari- p. to be accu 
Lnsincerus a,um adj insinccr 

ccitful, comipt, putrid. ( 
Insmiiandus,a,um. pt. to be ii 
Insmuans, tis. pt iiuiuuatinp 
Insinuatio-cmis./. insinit 

a crafty, or artful address. 
hismuatus, a, um pt. insinu 

crcpt into favour unfolded 
/nsinuo, are act to insinua 

wind, crecp, put, or tlirust 


Insinuor. ari p. to be insinu 
fnsipidus, a, um adj. insipid 
Insipicns, \\%.adj\or % comp. issi 

sup. unwisc, foolish, doting- 
Insipientia,x/1. follv,indiscr 
Lnsistendus, a, ura. pt. to insi 

bc msisted on, to stop. 
Insistens, tis- pt. rcsting upoi 
/zisisto, terc, stfti, stituni. n 

insist upon, to stsnd 

lean, or d\ upon, to rcsofo 

out, or procced on, to soct 

to stop, to t tand still. 
fnsistor, i. p. to bc insisted II 
Insirio, onis./ 3. % grifting. 
In^iUtitkm f i. n. 2. a sausagfe 





,a,um.a<j/. ingrafted, put,l//is6no,are, nui. u. 1. tosound, to hold,*o ob*erve,to inspcctjtosur- 

rafting.not naiural,spuri-!1nsopItus, a, u*n.p/.not laidaslccp,jlnspirand is a,im />/. to be blowa 
ris. m ) a graftcr (ous j slccpless, watcliful ilot.jlnspirans, tis. pt. breathing. (into. 

n 2 a graft,coin,or _hoot.|fnsortitiLs, a,um />/ not partcd by 

,a,uni./>..aboutto ingvaft. 
, um. pt grafted, set, or 
in, Luplantcd, adopted 
i.w 4.agrafting (cordant. 
li*, c. « //'. irisociablcdis 
% ..* _i //. inconsolablc. 
t^r, 6t /i«. iuconsolahly. 
onis f 3 a laving in the 
eacbing. (_■ inny, brig it. 
a,um.A'.<lricvl iu tho sun, 
tis. :nfj.\or t cQ : iif>. issunus, 

ciit,h:iup;hty,proud, sau- «vcr.iecr, a survcver, a viewer. 

niii-.nt, s'r.i ijc,odd,un- 


r adv. ils comp. Nsimc, 
lerr.Iy, raroly 
- xf.l. insolcnce,haugu- 
Hlain-stran^cncss, disusc 
ia-tis />/.,frowiiigiii_olent 
ccre,/;ic. >. to grow inso- 
>roud, to be eiatcd. 
atlv wbolly, cntircly. 
a. u.ii. a<tj. wcak, not 
utv. unus.ially (sound 
a, nm.p*. uuaccustomed, 
strangv, extraordi nary. 
>.a. 1. to dry in thc sun. 
i,atus p. to bc blcachcd- 
% c. adj. in.soluble, tliat 
e loosed, ov rcquilcd. 
tas, atis. /13. iusoluhiliiy. 
Ler, div. insolublv. 
a,um. pt. unpaid, undis 
_../". 1 watching.fcharjrcd 
*is, a uin adj full of. oi drtraim. (ing 1 

5,i_ {/'.wilhout slecp.wak- 
Dfl.M.? a drcam,a vision. 

Ins )cctans, lookingon, bc- 
hoIdiu£, guarding, protecti ng. 

fnspcctatio, onls. / 3.a beholling 

lns..cctio, dnis/ 3 an ins,)e<-tion, 
au ovrrsight, an inslght, a bok- 
iiig into,an c\a ninatioii,a survcy, 
orv"cw s;_<*c'ilation, thcory 

/ns;)'-cto,ar .Jr^q. 1 to inspec^, to 
takcasurvcy,o/'v'!ew,to behold to 
look in,->r upon,to ke;:p,or guar I 

Inspector. ari. /#. t'> bc bchcld. 

Inspcctor inspoctor,an 

Inspertrix, icis / 3 a bchol lor. 
InspectMrus, a, um. />.'. about to 

vicw, or ovcrlook t«> vic.v. 
Inspcctus, a, um. pt. in_pcctcd,c\- 

amincd, sccn. (vicw 

Inspccus, u.s. /n. a looking- on, a 
lnspcrahilis,c.a///.not to bc hopcd 
Inspvrans, Os. pt. not hopinjr for 
Inspcratio, adv. ius, comp. uncx- 

Inspgratus, a, not hoped, o 

lo :>kcd for, uncxpectcd, suddcn 
fnspcrgcndus.a,um./)/.to sprinkle 
Inspcrgo [in, spargol, gcrc, rsi, 

rsu:n a to sprinklc upon,to pow 

dcr,orcorn,to sprinkle,to scattcr 
Inspcrgor gi,rsus./>.tobc sprinklcd 
lnspcrHio,onis./!3. a sprinkliugon 
l}]Si)ciNMs,:i,um./i t '.sprinklcdupon, 

spnnklcd, scattcrcd hcre and 

Inspiratio,onis. /*.3. an iuspiration. 
Insp-ratus,a,u , ii. i 4. inspircd,blow» 

into, br-.athc 1 into, or upon. 
//ispirojirc.a. 1 to inspirc , to bloir 

in, or upon, Vy brcaLhc. 
Inspiror, ari p. to bc inspircd. 
Inspissatus. a, mn. /»»• thickcned. 
In_poliatis, a, un //.'. not spoilec^ 



//is >iio cre, ui, fltirn. a. 3. to spit 

In.sT-nir, bc spit upon(upo» 

•//sputor, iiri. />. 1. t.o b-; oftcn spit 

Instibihs, c. adi iinst ible, unstea- 

dy uniirin, tottcrinjr, wagging; 

slippciy, iucon.tant, c!i inj^cablc, 

liglit. (ficklcncss. 

Instabilltas, atis. /. J instability, 

Instandus, a, um. insist upon. 

Instans, a f lj ior, comb. issi- 

iius, $up. standing in, approach- 

ing, coming on, ncar at hand, in- 

stant, urgcnt, earncst, importu- 

natc, prcscnl, immcdiatc. 

Instantcr. atlv. ius. comp- issime 1 , 

»up. instantly,carncstly, importu- 


[nstantia, sc./.l. instanc?,urgency 
carncstnc3s, importunity. 
lnstar,/i. intlecl. (inst^irisin g"cn ha- 
bcl Probus) bigncss,thc full pro- 
portion, likcncss, valuc, ciHcacjr. 
Tnstar, adv. likr, a3 it wcrc 
//fstat. imticv3. it is at haud. 
//istat"irus,a,um. *>t. about to urpfe. 

thcrc [upon, or approvcd |Ins:a mindus,a,um pt. to rw*ncw,or 

fnspicicndus,a,um./>/.tobc lookcd bc rcneweil, to restore. 
Inspic.icns.tis pi. inspcctinjr, be- fnstaurans, tis. pt rcncwiny. 

holding", vicwmjr. InstaurMio, Ati;s./..S. an instaiurxti- 

fnspicio [in,spccio],ccrc,pcxi.pec- on, a rcbuilding', a solcmniz&tvQ** 

tuin>a* look upon J o/'into,tobc-\ltvSUv\TliXv>l\ws ) *, >xnv. ad^ .^&^k^ 





discern,to be wise,or sensible, tolntendor, di. p. tobc intcndcd. 
mean. ^ Jlntcnsio, onis/ 3. a bending*. 

Intelligor, gi./>. to 6c understood.*lntensu% a, bent, intcnsc. 

Intem€randus,a, um/ri. inviolable. 
Inteinerutus, a, um. pt. undcfilcd, 

Intemperans,tis adJAOT, comp. issi- 

mu8,w#.intemperatc, disorderly. 

Intcmpcranter,atfVius, comp issi-Intentatus,a,um />/.pointed at, un 

•ma m..h ir»f nninoiNitol v" im;rtrkr1f>_ tm/i^ iinnaiiaVAfl nnoffnmntArl 

mc,«r</>. intemperately, im.node- 
Intemperantia, x / 1 intcinper- 

Intentans, tis. pt.. strctching out, 
holding out, tlireatening 

Intentatio, dnis / 3. a menacing 
with something held outtostrike, 
a threat. 

tricd unassayed, unattcmptcd. 
Intent£,aov.ius, c mp. isslme, tup. 
attcntively. d ligently, earnestly. 

ance, cxccss, incontincnce, inso- Intentio,5nis/. >.an intentioiv;rd<.' 

lencc unjusi, or disorderly bch:i 
• viour, injustice, unseasonable- 
ness, unwholesoaiencss. 

Intemperate 4 , adv. inteniperately 

Intemperatus,a,um. adj. ior, comp 
issimus, tup. intcmpcrate, exccs 

Intempcna, ae /. 1. unscasonable 
ness, a want of temper violencc, 
evil spirits, blasting, mildcw. 

Intemperies,ei /5 uuseasonablc- 
ncss, extremity, indiposition, a 
want of modcration, madncss. 

Intcmpcstas, itis. /. 3. unseason- 
ableness, badncss. 

Intcmpesttve, adv. unscasonably. 


Intempcsiivitas, see Intcmpestas, 

Intcmpestivus,a,uin.a<//. ior, comp 

Intempcstus,a,um. adj. unseasona- 
ble, unwholeaorae, intempcrate. 

Intendcndus, a, um. / be bent. 

iritendcns,tis./>f. bcnding, stretch 

Intcndo,dere,di, nsum- & ntum. o. intcnd,to des-gn, to purpose 
to dircct, or carry, to extcnd, to 
hold,or stretch out, to stretch, or 
bcnd,to strain,to knot,ortie,to ap 
p\y, or employ, to displav, or lay 

operij to uugmcat, toe^Uarge, 

sigiyi purpose,or aiin, attcntion, 

carc,diligcncc,intensencss,an ef- 

fort, a strctching, a straining > , a 

/wtento are.a.l- to strctch out, to 

shakc, to mcnacc, or threatcn, to 

chargc upon, or to tax at law. 
Intcntor, ari./>. to be threatencd. 
Intcntus,a, umpt. Sc adj. ior, comp. 

issimus,tffy/i.strctchcd bcnt. bent 

upon,incrcased,intcnt, attentive, 

cxact, intcnse, strait, close. 
lntentus,us.rn 4. a strctching out 

/r to gTow warm, to be warm. 
lntepcscens,tis./r/\ growingwarm 
IntcpYdus, a, um. adj. very warm. 
Inter,/>r\ep. cum acc. betwen, be- 

twixt,in,witliin, at, whilst, abovc, 

before,incomparison;with a pro 

noun,mutually, reciprocally, one 

anothcr, one with anothcr. 
Intcr,incomposition,hasscvcralof|lnterceptio,6nis/.3. an int 


sus,a foot,or refret of the 
vcrse often repeatcd, thc 
of the »ong,<Serv. (intot 

Intercilarium,i. n. 2. a tint 

lntercalarius.a, um. a /f. ii 
ry, put in between. Triu 
mense intercalario prid 
Martis, the lasi of Febru 
Uere it scems a whol 
was intcrcalated, the 
whcreof werc callcd Intc 
by Cic. Fam. which w* 
away soon aftcr by C» 
reformation of thc C 
Suet. Ctxar. 

Intcrcalatio,6iiis/3.the pi 
a day, or month betwecr 

In'crcalatus,a,um./>r. dela; 

/wtcrcalo,are a. 1. toinsei 
fer, to delay^ to put off 

Intcrcalor, an, atus. p. to 

Intercap€do,mis./ 3. ani 
sion,a pause,orrcspito,& c 
intcrval, or distance, a re 

lntcrcardTnatus,a,um pt. jc 
gether by means of hiug 

Intercedcns, tis. pt. interc 

fnterct do,de re,essi ,essum. 
intercedc, to intcrpose, I 
go pass,orbe bctween,to 
or-withstand,to forbid^r \ 
gativc,to put a *top,to hi 
fall out,to prevail, to coa 
cngag^e, or be surety fbr. 

Interccntus,us.m. the met 

the significations of in. 
Interocstuans, hot by fits. 
Interanea,6rum.^/ ;j.2.the cntrails 
Interancus.a um. adj of the guts 
//i/£raresco,cere./i.->.tobe driedup. 
//i^rbibo,bere,itum.a. 3. to drink 

all up. 
Intercalaris, e. adj. put, or set be- 

twccn Dies intercalaris, th : od! 

day of leap ycjar.lnWrcaaiary vcr- 

on, a stoppagc» a foresti 

lnterceptor,5ris.m 3. an in 

cr, a forestaller, an encro 

lnterccptus,a, um. pt. intei 

stopped, prevented, surj 
lntcrcess>o,dnis./. 3. an faS 

on,an interpositk>n»a prd 
^Qtiwwor, 6ri#, M^ui 





mcdlator, an opposcr. Interculco |inter,Ci!co~ure./r.l. to kill, or slay, to kill. 

ssuruh,a,uni />f abouttoin- 1 tread in upon, or bciuccn. lutcn-inptusa killcd, slain. 

c,*tepin,oppose,orprcvcntIntcrcuirc?is, tis. />/. running' 1>c- ////rreo,rir;:,rivi &i-ii,iitum/i.l. to 
■wus. us. m. interposition. . twcen.lntercurrcn4pulsus ( an un- dic,to pcri&h,to ccusc,to bc anui- 
lcndua, a, uni. pt. to be cut cvcii, i irregular pulsc, J/r,/. hiluu-d, r exiiu;rtii*licd, lo be 
•r. //i/ercurro,rerc ri,rsum.f/..,r. to run, slui n,o/ -dcstro\ cd, to bc ruiucd,or 

lcns, \\n- pf- fullinjr, lost. orgo bctwccii>toco:ueiiithciucuiij uiidonc, to bc lost. spcnt, or cx- 
lo [intcr,cado| t derc, idi, tiuic,tocomc upnn,to bcfu)(downl haustcd. (tween. ' 

.-i.J.torullbctxveciKarnutiti^IntcrcurhaiiKftib./t/.runiiiii};' up uir.i hiterctjuituns. tis. />/• ridinjr bc- 
n,todccay to bc lost,to pe-InU-rcus, lis m. 4. u riinuiiijr bc-./;</rrc<piito, are. ;/. 1. to ride be- 
bc fiir^ottcn, to miscarryj twccii,orto£clhcr.aiiinicrvviitioiij twecm 

o [intci*,ruiio , uerc nui/InU-rdicciidus a, um. ///. to bc 
:i. «. 3. to sing bctwccn. I dcbarrcd. 

ijcndiiH, u, u;ii. pi. to bc //i7frdico,cere,ixi ictum.a. 3 to in- 

tcrdict, to forbid, to forhid, / 

chargc straitly, to dcbar, to liin- 

! <lcr,to kccp dcprivc oiilo 


•io iiitcr,rapio ,pcrc,c,epi 

i.u.3. to iutcrcept, to stop, 

;ent, to coinc upon una- 
to surprisc, to usurp. to 

or.Icr,or cnjoin, to spcak, ©r incn- 
tion. (den, himkrcd. kc. 

tl or-uway,to cut ofl', or kill. lntcr.Iicor,ci,ctus. pt to bc forbid- 
ior,i, c<-ptus. pXo bestop-!lnterdietio,6nis/ 3. u ]>roliibitioii, 

(cluuscs. u bunishiiur. 
c mlv by cuts, with short Intcixlictuin, i. 7/. 2 an intcrdict, : 
o, dnis / .>. u cuttinjr otl. prohibition.un ordcrtoi-injiiiiciioii, 
us, a, iim. pt. cut oH, cut un excoiiimunication. (nished. 

iroken down, purtcd ab 

IntcrdiCtum cst, imp. I was bu- lo cousumc, to dcprivc of 

i>rt.DicMiitcrcisi,hulf holi- liitcnlicturu%a,um.///.about to dc- 

uurk b\ tii», to sct luuid to. 
hitcrfuiis, Lis. pt. intcrposing-. 
InUrfuiio, onis / 3. a digi csssinn. 
lnterfatiis,u,uiii./>/.addrcsscd. der 
lnicjfcclio.onis./ .%. u killiii#,mur- 
Inu rfeclor, oris. wi. o. u murdercr. 
hiUTicctrix, Ici.v/. 6. a uiurdercr. 
InU-rfi ctiinis, u, ubout to 

kill, or suy thut would k-il. 
Ih:crfcciu% u, uiu. pt. killcd,sluin. 
InU i-r:cicndiis,a,um pt to be killed 
IhUrficio , intcr.fucio , ccrc, fcci, 

iccUiin a. -to kill, to &Ia\, to liuir- 

lcr, to put to dcuth, to dcstroy, 

no.ure /i 1 .to crv out(duvs 
dendus a,uni/// to bc shut 
ipcd, or hindcrcd. 
do[inter,claudo ,de>e,usi, shut in,or up, to stop 
ive,to hindeT, to prevcnt, 
a , or concludc with. (pcd. 
lor,ili. usuit. p. to be stop- 
uo, onis. / •>• a stopping- 

iUS,aL,um. pt. shut in,or up. 
lrnniuin, i. n. 2 thc spucc 
n pillars. (t»r win fuvoiir. 
:ilio^rc. a. 1. to procurc, 


bar. #r dcprive. (bumvi- 

hitcnlictiis,a.uui. pt. forbiddcu,dc- 
Intcnliu, tulv in the duxthuc. 
Intcrdius, tidv. in thc duytiuic. m. 4 u sLon,or thc 
fclchin^ of onc's hivuth ui rcufl- 
in^,o/-writini^,a pointin^. whik-. 
Intenium, udv. somctimcs. nicun- 

Intcrea, ndv in thc mcun 
uirus, a, um. />/• ibout to| the interim, notwithstunding' In- 

tcrei Uiiuporis,in thc meantiine, 

Trr. (der. 

hitcrcmptio,onis./3. a killing,mur- 

Iiitcrciuptor, 3 a uiurdcrer. 

InUurmpturus, a, about to 

intirficior, ci. past. to bc killcd. 
// /t'i-fio ii.ri.N.^ to be slain,todie. 
Iiit«-i'iluchs,vis./i/ flowin^- betwccn. 
fuirrWiiOi iuiv, uxi, uxur.i ;/ .*. to 

flow.orniii bctucen,to pass ovcr. 
'ntcrfliiu^ a, um. adj. riiuuiii^r 

bctuceii. -tiT. 

//ir<*rfodio dcre a todi.^into^to cn 
'ntciivjcnuncum, i w. 2. the jrroin. 
In/r/for, ari. */ 1 to intcmipt any 

one wlulst hc is spcakinir. 
InU-rfringo inter, fran^o , g"crc f 

Kiri,ractuin.a. •*. to brcuk in two. 
Intcrfulirens tis. pt shininir. 
i///e/*furo,rere,; rafre,».- be mad. 
Intcrfusio, 6nis /. a pouring bsj- 





rolve,toinfold,tofold,oiwrapup,: lo jcst, to rally. I tifm, they are fallcn out, 

to entanjr,lc, to cover, or hidc. toJbcose,n /r ius,c;m/Mnjcsi,mcrrily Iracunde, adv. in anper,sptt surround, to grasp, toJoco!»us,a,iim. pt. jocosc. checrful Fracundia, x.f passion, wr 
roll, or tumble give up.JocuLibundus, a, um. adj. jcsting. Iracunditer, adv. an^rily. 
fnvo!vor,vi lfitus p. to he involvedjbculans, tis. pt. jcsting, sporting.;Fracundiis,a, lor. c n 
Invblnte, adv. closcly, covcrtly. Llbcularia,6rum. )>l «. 2 bracclcts.j sionate hasty, snappish, 
Invblutio, 6nis./. .1. an infohlmg.jjbciiluris, e. adj. jocular,amusing.! petty, bo:.sterous, raging. 
Invblutus, a, um. f>t. issimus, «t0JJ5co1ariter, adv jocosL*ly,merrily..Fraccns.tis. pt being anjrry, 
wrapt up, covered, hitricate. iJbciilarius, a, um. «<(;. jocular- ilrascibilis, e. adj irascible. 
Involviilus, i. m. 2. & vinefrettcr. |Joi ulator.oris m.i. a jestcr,a droll.jirascur,ci,utus d. to be angr 
Inufbanc,a(/r. uiimannerly,nulcly.Jbculat6riusa,um.a/^.merry,drollj cd,or displcased,to giieve 
Inurbanus, a, um- adj. ungenteel,Jbculor,ari.a\to jcst,toshow trickslrate, adv. iiis comp. angrih 
nide, clownish. Jriciilus.i m 2.alitlle jcst,a1owJcst1ratus a,um.a<//> i°iV m P- ' s 

Infircns, tis. pt. scorchinjr. Jbcundus, a, um. adf plcasant. I *up. angry, displcased,pro' 

Inurendus, a,um. pt. to bc nipped.Jbcus, i m. in pluv. Jbci,/n. & JocaJ eiiraged, agitated, tenipei 
/«urzcojcre.a 2 to urgc, to push- v. a jokc, a jcst, sport, fun, rail-jlre, injin. ab Eo, to >ro. r 
/iiiinno,are.n.l. to wxsh as geescj lery, a hanter. a jcer, a^ofa!! colors 
/nuro.rerc,ussi,uslum.a 3. to burn or witty spcech, a triflc. Innus, a, um «<{/. of a flow 

in, up, or to ashes, to mark, to[on, i. «. 2. a violct, a g"em. Iris.idis/. t arainhow,aflo« 

. brand, to imnrint, to fix upon, to lota,» hidrcl thc lcttcr j, ©r jod. a kice, a stone, thc circle bc 
enamcl, to pmch. to nip, to curl. jot,a tittle the lcast thing that is.l thcwhitcandthe appleoft 
Imlror, ri, ustus /*.to be burnt in. Jovis^rn.i JupiterJovisarbor,the'lrnnia, K.f. 1. irony, a fig 
Inftsitatc ,a//r.unusually,stranfrely.'. oak, Ov Jovis barba,ir/cauiis.sea-! speech. 
Inus:tato, ai/r. idcm. comnion. grecn, o/ houseleek. .Jovis dios, Ironicc, adv ironically, jec: 
IniisYtatus, a, mn. adj unusual,un-' tlmrsday. Jovis flos,rosccampion,Ir6nicus, a» um adj ironica 
1nustums,a,uin./tt. about tobrand.j Vlin. Jovis ales, the eagle. ilrpcx icis./. ^. a rakc, a h; 

Imistus, a, um pt scarcd^brandcd. 1 IP. Irradiatio, 6nis/. .>. an iirad 

InusiiA,Utf.fn.4. want of life, disusc. Fpsc, a um. pron I, thou, bcforc a Frradiator, 6ris. m. 3. & lrnu ; 
Inutilis, e. at{j- ior, c mp. issnnus, 1 verb of thc iirst and sccond pcr-i icis/. he,or shc UiatgivetJ 
tnp uscless.unprofitablc gooilfor son;he shc thc same,hisoun sclf/Zrradio, are. a. 1. to shine u 
nothing 1 , unfit, necdlcss. | he alone, nonc but hc, hc of him- brig-htcn, to enli^htcn, to 

I mttlitas, atis / >. inutility,unpro-' self Alsodemonstrative.illiip«idi., nate. 
fitablcncss, usclcssncss. ! those vcry gods we are speakinjc,Irrasus, a, um. pt. unshavcn, 

Inufilitcr,ar/r unproutabIy,vainly.. of.lpse ego,ipsc egomet,I myself,;IiT«iti6nfibilis,{/. unrcaso 

own.. 7'tfr- Tutc ipse, thou, thvsclf, Id. Irnitionalis, c, adj. irrationi 

Tnvuljratus, a,um./>/. madc known-! i tr l utc ipse, 
//ivulg^Ojarc.a.l to puhlish-orblaze, I!oc ipsum, this very thiug', Cic. 
Iiivulnerabilis,ea.{/ invulnerablc , Ipsummcnosti youknownic,Tc^' 
lii>"ulneriltus.a,um./>/. uuwoundcd. Ipscmet. pron. hc himsclf (^inio. 
K). 'lpsissimus«a, thc ven 

Vynterj.SLcry ofjoy,oh! (sporting-.lpsus, a,vim.//;o/i pro Ipsc, lie. 
Jbcabundus, a, uin. m(j j«-sting , > ' IU. 

Jocahtcr, aih. in jcst, mcrrily. Tr, in composition. stands for in. 
Iftcans, tis pi. jcsUng". l;-a, .t /1. anger, wrath ragc,pas- 

Ibcatio,6ius/.:>. a jesting.raillcn r . si jn, displcasurc, resentmcut. a 
/oaitmt. a, um. pt. jrstiiig 1 . " | quaiTcl, a fa11ingout,afault,lust. 

Jocor,iiTi,ii!Hi& aum. tkj'. 1. to jokc, lv* suv\'. iuter Cilycerium & jjna- 

//■niucesco, ccre, rausi, in 

grow hoarse 

lirecuperabilis, e- adj irre 
Irrcdtvivus,a,um.o4/* notto 

vivcd. l cannot safely r 
IiTcdux, ucis.o/(; from whk 
Irrcfragabilis, e adj. irrefra, 
[iTcrra^abiUtcr,af/f irrcrra 
Irrcfuiabilis, e. adj not to 1 
lrregulaxis,c attf irrcgtilar p 
[rreguiuriua» atis/.3. irrega 





Irr2vocatus,a,um. pt not to be call 
ed back or withhcld, undcsircd. 
{rrevolutus, a, um. ///. imopened 
Imdcndus,a,um. be dcrided 
,a, um. ailj. irreligious, Irridens, tis />f. dcriding, jecrinjr. 
ingodly. CHiinot retuni /rridco,ere,isi,isuni a '2 to deride, 
4.e adj.from which om »o mock to scoif, to jcer, to ban- 
dis,e u<//.irrcmediah)c. ter,to ridiculc, to laugh to scorn. 

sr, mdv. irre|rularly. 
lis /. •'>. irreligion. 
adv. irrcl : .|rtoiiftly. 

is, e. adj. irremissiblc. 
a, um. pt. unremovcd. 
bilis. e. adj. not to bc 
or returncd. 
a. e adj. irrctrievablc 
ter,a//r, irrecoverably. 
a, um. />/ not found. 
s pt. crecpingin. 
,psi,ptum n 3-tocrccp 
, to steal into. or upon. 
ilbtlis, c ailj. irrepre- 

kis, & Irreprensus, h, 
jneless,harinless, just. 
n.1 tocreep in by iittlc 
► iteal into,to encroach 
tis* at/j. restlesss. 
vet Inrequictus, a, um. 
:d, disturbed, restless cut,orpared 
Lca*/j.nol to be looscd 
i^iun. pt ncver loosen- p/.unquenched. 
te],ire,ivi,itum a. 

Irrideor, eri./>.to bc laughcd a'..l\ 
[rridicule,«</i\ unplcasantly, bald- 
!rridlculuin,i.ri.2.a laughiit^-stock 
lmgandus,a,um. pt.Xo \vater,or bc- 

watered. to moistcn. 
Irrigatio, miis./ 3. a watering. 
Irrfjrritor, oris. j». 3. a watercr. 
lrrig!Uu.s,a,um. /,bedcw- 

cd. Irrigatus plagis,whipt till tlit 

blood runncth down, J J /uttt. 
/mgo,are. a.l to bcdcw, 

to moistcn,to soak,to diflusc ovci 
Irrigor, ari. p. to be watered. 
Irrigua,6rum. /// n. 2. streams. 
frriguus a, um adj. watcred, wct, 

moist, watering. soaking. 
frripio, [in, rapio], pcre, pui, rcp 

tum. a. 3. to hurry, or hastcn in 
(rrisio, 5nis./3. derision. (cr 
{rrisor,6ris.*n.3. a deridcr, a scorn 
Irrlsus,a um. pt. derided, niockcd 4 derision, mockcrv. 
tmtabilis,c-rt(//'. irritablc, waspisb. 
Irritamcn,inis n. & Irritamentum incitemcnt,or provocation 
> insnare,to cntrap, to|lrritandus*Mim./> be provoked 

p. to be ensnared. 
\.m. insnarer.(cd 
71. pt insnarcd, involv- 
jm £/ unmoved,hxed. 
i». pt irreverent. 
, ovtv. irrcvcrently. 
, z. /. irrcvcrence 

lrn'tans,tis.)W. provoking. cxciting 

of no efTect, addlc. Irritus spc '* 

disuppointed of his hopc, ('»»>•/. 
/rroboro iire.a. 3. to grow sirong. 
lr.*<^iiulus,a. um- pt.Xo be bcstow- 
iiToj^itiojOniSj/J an inftiction.(cd. 
Irrbg.itor,dris *i. 3. he thatimpos- 

liro^atus, a, um. pt. imposed. in» 

tiictcd,cnjoincd,laidy ov set upon r 
//Tbgo, inHict,to impose, 

to lay, or sct upon, to ordaiu, to 

enact, to makc, to bestow. 
Irrojror, ari. p. to be infticted* 
lrroRindus,a,um ptXo be sprinkled 
Irrbrans, tis. pt besprinkling- 
Irrorat.i'in/». there is dew,it mislef. 
Irroratio, onis /. 3. a bedcwing. 
/rrorcsco, ere. inc. to grow moist 

with dcw (to wct, bedew,to sprinkle, 
Irroror, ari. p. to be bedewcd. 
/n*ubeo,5re.w.2 vel /rrubcsco,ccre 

n. 3. to bc, or g^row rcd. 
l;ructo, arc- n. L to belch. 
Irruens,tis. pt. rushing in,orupon. 
(rrugatio. oni». /. 3. a wrinklinjr. 
hrugo,are. make wrinkled» 
lrrugor, ari. p. to be wrinklcd, 
Irrumatio, 5nis./ a sucking. 
Irrfimator, oris m. 3. a sucker. 
Irrumo,arca. ltosuck, or sucklc. 
liTumpcns,tis. /«.brcakinjf.or rush- 

ing in, blustering, boistcrous. 
Irrumpo,pere,riipi,ruptum.n.3. to 

brcak,rush,orhurry enter. 

Irritasso, /»;•/. Irritavero, Plaut Irruo, uerc, iii, utum. w. 3. to rusU 
Irrltatio. Anis. / .>. a provoking, a in, or upon,to rush into, or upon 

provocation,a desire,an appctite 
IrrltStor, 6ris m. 3. a proroker. 
Irritatus,a,um. pt & adj. \or,comp. 

enraged. provoked, angry. 
Irritouire a.l to irritatc,to cnragc, 

i,c.adj. ior, comp. irre- 

Irruptio /. 3 an irruption. 
Imiptfirus,a,um /«/.about tobrcak^ 
or hhIi in, that would rush in. 
Irruptus.a, unbroken, firm, 
lrtibla, x.f. 1. a kind of vine. 


to provoke, to vex, to stir up, af 

fect. or move, tosacrifice. I 

that cannot be recall-jlnitor, ari. p. to bc provokcd. |ls,ca,id. pr- n.he, shc, it, thc same^ 
«, s, nm. pt. idem.(ed. : lrrltus,a,uni.tff(/. void, vain f in vain,( UvaI, ^ick. V^. VviXv^v^i, «? v^\^» 





tween (t>reen,sprinldcd,markcd 
Interfusus, a, um. pt. flowitig be- 

be prcsent 


Fiiterlcgemlus, n, um. /»/. to bc g&- 
thcrediorpickcd up hcreand thcrc 

Interfuturus, a, um. pt> tliat is to/nterlino,nere,lihi,Iivi f ve/lcvi, li- 

tum. a. 3. to interlinc,to blot out 

/nforjaceo, cre, cui. ». 2. to lic 

IntSrrlbl, adv. in the mean while. 
Interjectio,anis./ 3. aninterjecti- 

on,an interposition,a parenthesis 

Intcrnunatus, a, um. pari. U atij. 

thrcatencd.tbrhiddcn, unlinriicd. 
/n/rnnino, arc. n. 1. to tlireaten. 
//i/rmHnor,uri,atus sum. dep. 1. to 

threatcn, to chanje, to tbrbid. 
hitcrininus, udj. unbounded. 
/7»/rrmibcco.€rc,scui, stum. a 2. to 

intcnninglc, to interuiix, to mii. 
Intcrmissio, onis / 3. an intermb- 

sion. (omit. 

Intcrmissurus, a, um. pt. about to 

Intcrgerinus paries, a partition- [nterlitiis.a,um. pt interlincd,hlot- 
Intenrferium, i.?i. 2. idem. ted, blurred, daubed, efTaccd. 

Interjacens, tis. pt. lying- bctwcen. Interlociitio,ouis./ 3. an interposi- 
"" '"' rt *~ *'-- tion ofspcech, an intcrruption 

hitcrlocutorius, a, um. adj. inter- 

//iterl6quor,i,cutns </ interrupt 
in discourse to cVtcrminc in part 
Interjectus, a, um. pt. cast, put, or 1 ! ntcrlucatio, onis. /. 3. a loppingjliitcrmissus, a, um. pt. left oft, dii- 

placcd between, intervcninjr. "*' ' '* ' - — *" ' laying betwcen 
Intcrjlcio (intcr.jacio), cerc, jfici, 
jectum. a. 3. to cast, sct. put, or 
place bctwecn, or amoii£. 
nterjicior, ci. p. to bc bctwccn. 
Intenm, adv. in thc meantimc in 
thc mcan whilc, somctimcs, now 
and thcn, on a suddcn, notwith- 
Intcrim jndus, a, um. />/. to be kill- 

ed,or slain, to bc rent away. 

Interimo l'mter,cmo ;, mcrc, rcmi, 

mptum.a. -. to kill.orslay, to takc 

&way,to consumc, toreducc. (cd. 

Interi'mor,mi,rcmptus.^. to bc kill- 

Int£rior,ius,ac(/. comp. mncr, deep- 

er, ncarcr. 
InterItio,onis./3.a perishing.(rish- 
Interiturus, a, um. pt. about to pe- 
InterTtus, a, killed, slain, 
InterituSjds m 4.death,dcstruction, 
Jnterjunctus, a, um. pt. joincd to- 

getlicr, or in thc middle. 

7nJcrjunjro.£ere,nxi,nctum.a. 3. to 

join together, or bctwccn, to un- 

yoke,to bait .orstay at a place. ed. 

Intcrjur.jror,gi,nctus p. to be join- 

Interius,tt'/i" morc inwardly. 

Jnterl;ibens,tis.///. sliding bctwcen 

inJerlal>or,i apsus.rfto fall between 

>57/ur^teo4ui'n.2-tolie hidbetwcen 

off houghs. 

IntcrliicUtus, a, um. pt. loppedso 
that it may be secn through. 
/n/L'rluceo,cre,luxi.« shinc be 
twcen,to bc conspicuous,to stand 
thin and hc sccn throug-li. 
intcrluco [iiiter,lu\],urr. act. 1. to 
makc a ^hulc in thc midst of wood, 
to lop, ur clcar away bou«£hs. 
|iit crludcns,tis //f.playing- aiiion^st 
Intcrludium, i. /;. 2. an intcrhuh: 
lutcrlunis, c. adj. moonlcss, dark. 
lntcrluuium,i n. tlie chnn^eof thc 

moon, conjtinctiou of the sun and 

//iferluo,uci'e,iii,utiim.a.3. to flow, 

or ruti bctwccn, to wush. 
[nterluor, ui. /». to bc washed by. 
lntcrluvics,ci/. 5. a strcam, a cur 
'ntcrluvium, i n. 2. idem. (rcnt. 
//i/crmanco, ere, nsi, nsum- 7». 2 

to abidc, to coutinuc. 
Intcrmcdius.a, um- adj. intermcdi- 

ate,lying.or placcd in the middle. 
!ntermcnstruum,i./i.the new moon 
[ntcrmcnstruus, vid. Intermcstris 
fniermco, are. n. 1. to gfo, pass, or 

ilow betwcen, or throug-h. 
[ntermcstris, e. arff. bcloninng to 

thc spacc betwccn the olu moou 

and the new; luna,the new moon, 

Plin. (among. 

//ifcrniicoj i>e. cui, n. 1. to bhine 

continued, omitte^i, standing »- 

sunder. (ance. 

'ntennissus, us. vi 4. a discontimi- 

intermistus, & Intcrmixtus, a un. 

pt. mixed amongst,min^led with. 

intcnnittcndus, h, uni. pt. to be 

omittcd. (time. 

Intcrmittens, tis. pt. ccasingfors 
//i'mnitto,tcrc,isi,issum. act. 3. to 

lcavc offto lay aside,tothrowup, 

to discontinuo, to omit, to ccase. 
tntcrnuttor.ti.issus./) to be lcftoff. 
/»/e/'m6rior,irtuusr/ dic in tbe 

meun time,to dic,to be for^ottrt 
lntcrmonturus,a. thar slnB 
lntcrmisccor.eri./>.to bemixed die 
Intcrmortuus, a, halfdeadi 

fecble, lifelcss, heartlcss, forgoV 

teiii ncj^lcctcd, corrupt, naughtr. 
Intermundium,i, n. 2. thc di&uncc 

bctwecn divers worlds(two wab 
lntcrmuralis,e.o<(/.that is bctweei 
//i/c)'iiaicor,ci,natus.f/.to spring up 
Litcrnutus, a, um. part. cum diL 

^rown up among , or betwoen. 
Intcrnccatu9,a,um./)/- killed, sUfe. 
lntcniccialis,e. adj. mortal,deadlj< 
Intcniecies, ei./. 5. utter rahi- 
Intcniecinus, & Intcrnednit i, 

um. adj. mortal, deadJy, crucj 

Internecio, 5nis* / 3. univent 

slauyhter, utternib, great ci 






!cTvc\ adv. with utter dc- 
co, are. ciii.Kc cavi, ctum & 
.«.1 to put all tu tlie sword. 
:cto,tcrc,xui & xi,xum-a. o. 
t,ortic togethcr»tointcrlacc. 
;ctor.ti p. to bc intermixed. 

lnterpolatio dnis/J.ancwdrcssing 
Interp6lator,dris. 1,1 .i. a mcnder <>. 
old things, a vamper. .1 polishcr 
lnterpblatus, a, um />/. rcpaiied 
Interpblis, e adj. vampcd up. 

.hf ico,are. n. 1. to builditsIntcrpoTo : intcr,polio],are. a. 1. tc 


gran», tis /•/. blackish. 
tens,tis.^/.glittcring among 
kliuni,i.?j. & intcrnddius. i 
ic spacc bctw eentwoknots, 
11 s, a knuckle. 
sco,cere,n6vi,notum a.3. to 
umougst othcrs,to disccrn 
.inguish. (tinguishcd 

>scor,ci, ndtus. p. to be dis- 

interpolatc,to inscrt, to mcnd,U 
vamp up,to repair,torcncw : tofur- scour,to polish, to reiinc, 
to interrupt, to hindcr. 

Intcrpolor, iiri./j. to bc renewcd. 

Intcrp6nendu8, a, um pt to be put 
bctwcen, ttr intcnnixed. 

/n/?rpdno,erc,sui,situm.a.3. to in 
tcrpose,to intcrmeddlc,to put be- 
tween, or in, to insert, to mix, to 

iculus,i m.2 a catamite.(ger Intcrpdnor,i, sYtus./k. to bc mixcd. 

mcia,a-./'l afcmale messcn- 
incio,ure a. to go ona mcs- 

mcius, i ra.2. a mcsMcngcr 
is, u, um. adj. internal, 111- 
sccret privatc, conccalcd 
, ur cnunblc into. 
• f ri. p. to !>c rubbed into. 
tlinium, i. «. 2. a spacelcft 
•cn two rows or ranks. 
irtio,irc.u.4.topart bctwccn 
dlans, tis. pi. hindcring. 
:llator, intcrrup- 

Jhto<plico,are a\ to foldbclwcrr. 

:llatHH,u,urn pt intemiptcd, 
bcd. hindered, discontinu 
iportuncd, dcmundcd. 
dlo,arc.a.l.tointcrrupt, to 
b, to hindcr, to dcmandi to 
ro. lnterpcllarc dcbitorcm 
erau KCtion ugainst adebtor 
?Uor,ari./>tobc intcrrupted 
itcatio,dni*./ interfold- 

Intcrpbsitio,Onis/i. an intcrposi 

tion, an interlineation, on inter- 


lnterpositus,a, intcrposcd 
lntcrpbsitus,us- tn. 4. an intervcn- 

//iMqjrcmo,mcrc,cssi,cssum. a 

to prcss hard to stop, or closc in. 
Interpres,ctis. c g. an intcrpretcr, 

an cxpoundcr,atrauslatnr,usooth- 

saycr. a mcdiator, a confidant. 
Inierpivtiuulus, a, uni/ir. to bc in 


Interpretans, tis. pt. intcrprcting. 
Intcrprctiitio finis./LV un intcrprc- 

tation,a tr.mslation,a conjecturc 
Interpretator, oris. wi. 3. an intcr. 

Intcrpretaturus.a,um. pt. about t( 

interprct,or expluin. cxpounded. 
Interprctritus, ^/.iutcrprtteci 
Intcrpretor,ari atussum,</.l to in 

tcrpret,to explain,t( 

understand to translatc,to judgc, 

to account. to estcem. 

fiitcrpunctum,i m.2. a point^t stop. 
/.•j/irpungo,cre,nxi a-o-to point, to 
l..tcrj)urgatio,6nis./.J u cle;msing. 
//i/crpurgo,are. a. 1 to takeaway 

superfluous branchcs. 
//iterputo.are. a 1. to prunc away 

littlc branchcs 

luterpiitor, ari. p- to bc pruned. 
//i/erqucrorjrijesius sum. dep. 

com()lain frcqucntly. 
Interquicsccns, tie pt. rcstimr be- 

/?//<rrquie.sco,cerc,evi,etuin.n.3. to 
/nfe rrado, erc, asi, asum. act. 3. to 

scrapc otT, to thin. 
fntcrrasilis, e. adj. filcd,polishcd. 
lnterrasus,a,um />/scraped,carved 
Interregnum, i.n.2 an interrcign. 
lntcrrcx,egis w.a regcnt,aviccroy. 
interrTtus.a,um^/. undaunted, un- 

dismaycd, fcarless, hold. (ed. 
Interr6gandus,a, to beask- 
Intcrrbgatio,dnis/.J. au intcrroga* 

lio:i, qucstion, inquiry, demand. 
lntcrrogativus, a, xxm.adj. interro- 

g;itivc, of asking. 
latcrrogatiuncula, x./ 1. a short 

qucstion,or dcmand.a catcchist. 
Intcrri5gritor,Oris.w.3 a demander, 
lntcn a ogutdriai/»/.n. 2. intcrrogato- 
li^.tcrrbgatus^a, asked. ries> 
/"///rrrbgo, ure. a. 1 to ask, to dc- 

mar,d,to examine,to accusc,to ar- 
lnicrrbgor,ari p to bc asked.'gue. 
lnterrumperidus,a,um./».'. to be in- 

ten*upteil, or brokcn iu upon. 
intcrrumpcns,tis. /•/. interrupting. 
.'/i/rrninipo,pere.rOpi ruptum.a3. 

to intcrrupt,to disturb,to hindcr, 

to breuk oiT,ordown.(te:TUpted. 
intcrntmpor, i. uptu^. be in- 

/n/erruo,ue rea ^ .totwivVi^ew^.«v- 

Intcrpunctio, 6nis. /3. a pointu\|;\lii\mii\i^ x aide« % >s^i^^ 





voIve,toinfoUl,tofold,orwrapup,; to jcs', to i-ully- j tdm, thcy are fallcn o 

to entangle, to cover, or hide, toJ6cose,a /t» ius,c7*n/Mnjest,mcrrily Iracundc, adv. in an^cr, 

conccal to surround, to fjrasp, toJ6c5sus,a,um. pt. jocosc. chcerful Irucundia, tz.j. paasion, 

roll, or tumble upon, to give tip.Joculabundus, a, um. adj. jcsting. Iracunditer, adv. an^ril 

Involvor,vi.lQtus be involvedjtfciilans, tis. pt. jesting, s;')orting.;lracundus,a,uni.u/#. lor 

fnvblute, adv. closely, covcrtly. |j6cularia,drum. pl. /». 2 bracclets.j sionatc liasty, snapp; 

Invftlutio, ftnis./ .*. an infoldjng^.SJociiluris, e. aitj. iocular,amusing.! petty, boiatcrous, ragi 

Invhlutus, a, um. pt. issimus, *M/*JJ6c61arTter, adv jocosely,mcmly.Iraccns.tis. pt beinganj 

wrapt up,- covcred, intricate. Ll6ciilarius, a, um. adj. jocular. jlrascibilis. e. adj irasci 

Involviilus, i. ia. 2. a viiiofretter. jjoi ulator.oris m.>. a jester.a droll.|irascor,ci,utus //. to bc a 

Inurbanc,a</z*. unmanneriy,riul(:ly.J6culat6rius, v^nci^.merry.drollj ed,or d.splcased,to gTi 

Inurbanus, a, um. a'//'. ungentccl,J6ciiIor,ari.r/.to jest,toshow tricks'lrutc, ath. ius comp nnj 

nide, clownish. Jficiilus,i m 2.allttle jest,a low ior,c m 

Inurcns, tis. /»/. scorching. Jncundus, a, um. adj. pleasant. mp. angry, displcascd, 

Inurendtis, a,um. pt. to bc nippcd.Jdcus, i m. in pfur. J6ci,m. Jk JocaJ cnragetl, agitated, tei 

brand, to imprint, to fix upon, to [ota,n indrcl the letter j, ov jod. a luce, a stone, the circl 
enamcl, to pmcli. to nip, to curl. jot,a tittle the least thing that is. thewhiteandthe uppk 
Infiror, r\, ustus /».to be burnt in'Jovis,i>r;i.a JupiterJovisarbor,thclr«uiia, <c/ 1. irony, a 
Iniisitatc ,af7r.unustially,strangelvv oak,Ot> Jovis barbu,7Wcaulis,sea-j speech. 
Inusttuto, flc/r. idcm. cominon.. grccn, oi houseleck. Jovis dius, Ironicc, adv ironically, 
Inusltatus, a, uin. adj unusual,un-' t!mi^<lav. .lovis flos,rosccumpion, Irontcus, a, um adj iro 
Inustums,a,um./>*. about to brand.j Vlin. Jovisales, the caglc. 'irpcx. iois./ ■->. a rake, 

Inustus, a, um pt. scart.d,branded.: IP. |jrradiutio, onis/. X an i 

I>iusus,us.m. 4. wantoflifc, disuse. Ipsc, a um. pron I, thoti, beforc a " 

fitablcncss, usclcssncss. I those very gods we are speaking|Irras.:s, a, um. /».'. unsha 

Infitiliter,flr/r.unproiitably,Tainly! of.Ipse ego,ipsc egomet,lmyself,jliTationabilis, unr 

itus,a,um./«. madc known.| Ter Tute ipse, thou, thvscif, Id. Irratidualis, c, adj. irra 


//ivulgo,are.a.l topuhlish-orblazc, I!oc ipsum, this very thing, Cic. 
lnvulnerabilis,c «(// invulncrablc, Ipsummcnosti you knowme, 7Vr 
Iuvulnenltus.a,um.^. unwounded. Ij>scmet pron. hc himsclf (sumc 
K). l I|isissimus,a,um.(i^'.cven thc ver\ 

V^nterj.a. cry of joy.oh! (sporting.lpsus, a,um. pron pro Ipsc, he. 
Jocubundus, a, uin. atfj ji-sting*,' IR. 

Jocaliter, a«/i-. in jest, merrily. Ir, in composition. stands forin. 
16>ans,tis pt. jcsting. Ira, ;t /l.anger, wratli rage.pas- 

J6catio,6nis/.;>. a jesting.railler>-.| siun, displeasure, rescntment, a 
IocHUis, a, um. pt. je«Jting. ,' quarrcl, a falling out,.afault, lust. 

//rauccsco, ccrc, rausi 

grow hoarse 
lrrecuperabilis, c- adj 
lm ; divivus,a, n< 

vived- 'cannot safi 
liTedux, from 
I n•'.■ fragab i li s, c a dj in 
I rrc frugabihtcr, ath* in 
irrcfulabilis, c adj not 
lrregtilaris,c adj irregu 

^ocorykri^tus 4,uin. tirj: I. to jokc,. Lvx au\V. iuter Cilyccrium & gna- Irre^ulariUs, atis/3, k 





ungodly. CHiinot return 
lis.e a>lj.t'rom which on< 
bilis,c <jt//.irrcmediablc. 
ilis e. wtj. irrcmissihle. 
. a, um. pt. unremoved. 
abilis. c. u/j. not to bc 
I, or returncd. 
lis c a<ij. irrctrievahlc 
liter,<i</:*, irrecoverably 
, a, uin. pt not fouml. 
is p:. creepitijrin. 
*e,psi,ptuni nJ.tocrcep. 
1, to steal into, or upon 
lsibllis, e udj, irrepre- 

isus, Sc Irreprensus, a, 
lamele*s,harinlcss, just. 
t.n.1 tocreep in by littlc 
;o tteal into,to encroach 
etis- adj. restlcsss. 
iyvel Inrcfniictus, a, um. 
led, disturbcd, restless 
n um./>/ not cut,orpare<i 
Lse a«//.not to bc looscd 
^um. pt ncver looscn- 

i.aum. /tf.unqucnched. 
<ctc],irc,ivi,ituin a. 

trrevocatus^um. pt not to be call} of no efTcct, addlc Irritus spe » 

ed back. ur withhcld, uiidesircd. dis:ippointcd of his hope, Cwt. 

irrevblutus, a, um. pt. unopcned. frroboro are.a 3. to jrrow stroii{r. 

Lmdcndus.a,um. be derided. lrr<«tf:iiulus,a, utn- be beHtow- 

ftcr, adv. irrcfrularly. 


6nis / >. irreligion. 

:, adv. irrrr.jriously. 

iVt, um. «!•(/". iircligioiisJlrridcns, tis f»t. dcridimr, jeeriiijr. 

/rrideo,ere,i'si,i"sum a '2 to deride, 
to mock to scott*, to jeer, to ban- 
ter,to ridiculc, to laugh to scorn. 
Irrideor, eri. be latitfbcd a' .. 1\ 
Irr7dfcrile,n//i*. tinpleasantly, bald- 
lrrid!cuhiin,i.N.2.a laughitiir-stock 
(rri{randus,a,um. watcr,or bc- 

watered. to moistcn. 
Imjratio, onis./ 3. a waterine;. 
Irrijrritor, oris. nt. 3. a watcrcr. 
cd. lrri^atus pla)rW,\vliipt till tht 
blood runncth <lown, Pluut. 
/Vrt£0,are. </.l to water,to bedcw, 
to moistcn,to soak,to diflusc ovci 
Irrigor, itri. p. to bc watered. 
Irrigua, 5rum. pl n. 2. streams. 
Imguus a, tim adj. watercd, wct, 
moist, watcrinjr. soakitifr. 
Irripio, [in, rapio], pere, pui, rep 
tum. a. 3. to hurry, or hasten in 
Irrlsio, 5nis./3. derision. (er 
lrnsor,dris.wi.3. a derider, ascorn* 
lrrlsus,a um. pt. deride<l, mockcd 4 dcrision, mocken . 
Irritabilis,c-a<//. irritable, waspish. 
lrritamen,inis n. & Irritameutum 
i.nan incitemcnt,or provocation. 
to insnare,to entrap, to|lrritan<lus,a,um./ be provoked 


p. to be cnsnared. 
is.iR. insiiarer.(cd 
im. pt insnarcd, involv- 
,'.im pt unmoved,fixcd. 
tis. pt irreverent. 
r f a./r, irrcverenlly. 
if x. f. iiTcvcrcnce, 

i^e.aJj. ior. comp. irre- 

IrritAns,tis./w. provokinj?. cxciting 
ImtasHO, pr '•, J*taut 
Irrltatio, 6nis. / 3. a provokinjr, a 
provocation.a dcsire,an appctite 

Irrit&tor, dris m. 3 a proroker. 

Irritatus,a,ttm. pt & arfj.» . 
enrajred. provokcd, angry. 

Irrito.are n.l to irritate,to cnrajrc, 
to provnke, to vex, to stir up, af 
fcct. or move, tosacrificc. 
that camiot be recall-|lrrItor, ari. p. to be provoked. 

», a, mn. pt. idc in-i <y\ . Irrftti$,a, '. voi«, \ vainJ tlvaX, «ick. \4 \,vi\" A^> %v vkk 

irroj^atio,onis./.3 an iniliction.(ed. 
irrb£*ior,dris m. 3. he that impos- 

Im\ratus, a, um. pt. imposed. in» 

riictctl,cnjoinecl,laid, or set upon r 
/;ro^o, inHict,to im{)Ose, 

to lay, or sct upon, to ordaiu, to 

enact, to make, to bestow. 
Irrbjror, ari. p. to be infticted, 
lrror«uulus,a,um be sprinkled 
Irrbrans, tis. pt besprinkling- 
lrrorat.i/n/». there is dew,it mislec. 
Irroratio, onis / 3. a bedcwiiur. 
/rrbresco, ere. inc. to fjrow moist 

with dew (to wet. 

//Toro,are.o-to bc<lew,to sprinkle, 
Irroror, ari. p. to be bedewcd. 
/rriibeo,erc n.2 itf/ ^rrubesco,ccre 

n. 3. to bc, or gTOw red. 
I.-ructo, arc n. 1- to belch. 
Irrucns,tis. pt. rushing in,orupon. 
Irrii^ratio. onis. / 3. a wrinkling. 
lml|ro,arc. make wrinkled» 
Irriijror, ari. p. to bc wrinkled. 
Irriimatio, 5nis./ a suckinfr. 
imlmator, oris m. 3. a sucker. 
Irriimo,are a- lto suck, or sticklr. 
Irrumpcns,tis. />/.brcakinjr,or rush- 

ing in, blustering, boistcrous. 
I;Ttimpo,pere,riipi,niptum.».3. to 

brcak,rush.orhurrv enter. 

Irruo, uerc, ui, utum. n. 3. to rusli 

in, or upon,to rtish into, or upon. 

Irruptio / ;> an imiption. 

Imipt.urus,a,um /»/.about to brcak^ 

or rush iu, that wouhl rtish in. 
Irru|)tus,a, unbroken, firm, 
Irtibla, x./ 1. a kind of vine. 


Is,ca,id- //r: nhe, she, it, thc same^ 





whatislaw, executive powcr in|JiistTfico,urc,a. 1. tojustifv f 'tice.^iivo f arc^Ti,fit«m.o.: 
tryinjr. judging and punishing. allusuf Icuvmwi ndj thatdolh jus-| sist, succour,favour, 

di&trict. • in the kiu f a law* er. 
Jurisperitua,i.m.2 a pcrson skillcd 
JtirisprQdcns, tis. m. 3. a lawyer. 

Justilia,ne/1 justice,iiitegrity, up- 

rig > htncss,rig > )itcousnf , H.s, clemcn 
cy,mcrry, the mcthod of justice. 

good-tn prufitjto plea 

Jtirisprudentia, ac./. 1. jurispru-Uustitium, i- n. 2. vacation. astop. 

dtnce. jjuslo, adv. [JustoJongiusJJonger, 

Jfiro,arc.<z. 1. to swear, to take an than just, or mect. 

oath, to comprisc Jurare ai-as, to Justus,a,um.«.7/. \or t comp. issimus. 

]:iy his hands on the altar, and *f//jjiist,rijrlit y mcct, propcr, rca- 

swearby the £ods, //. r. sonablc,cquitab!c due, dcservcd, 

Jfiror, ari. /mi*«. to be sworn lawful,lioncst,upright, rigiitcous, adj full of juicc, pious, exact, perfect, coniplcte, 

or liquor, stewecl in hroth. I .lustified.madc.or accountcd just. 

Jus.jOris.i». «.justice, cquity, rijjht, Juvaiiicn, , l. help, assistaHrf. 

finncsty,:reason,)aw 1 anordinance,Juvand | is.a, uui./jMo he hdpcd,o 

«r Ktatute, a comt, a tribunal, au- Jiivans, tis pt. helping. /assistcd 



gnicl, pottag^e Suininum jus, the Juvatiirus,a, um /./. about to hc.lj 

rijrottr ofthc la\v,CV. Jui Quiri-Juvenalia itim./#/ n. '6. games, or 

Juvor, ari //. to belu 

Juxtas, f/rap. cum. aa 

iicar, near to, hard 

ncxt, after,accordin; 

Juxta. adv cven, al;k 

well onc as the othc 

Juxtim, adv nigh, oj 

Ixia, ac./! mistlctoe. 


KAlendx, sivc Cal 
pl.f l.thc calends 
Kalcndarium,i. n vt-h 
i. m. 2 a calcndar, ai 


FXbans. tis jw. totte 
Jing",droopi nj»",jf i vn 
. . .. t dy to yield, or th , d( 

tum, the cominon law of thc Ko- fcasts for the e\ercise of youth. La*barum,i w.2.the rov. 

r. niniu»., «. vuui i, m. liiijiiihU} mi-iiuTnnni i». y... »»%. »■"■■,*, . | w^iaiv.u 

!hority.powcr,comimn(l,libeiayiaJuvar, imp. lt plcascth. or delijrht 
statc, or condition, juice, broih,' eth, it prcfiteth, or docth gtjod 

miuis J*lin. Optiino jure prredia,Juvcnalis. e adj Juvenalis dies, a 

fi-ccliold-Iandjdischarg-c d fi*om all day added to the Saturnalia Suet 

taxes,ordutics,t7r.<iuojurcqua-Juvenca, rc./ 1. a hcifcr. (man. 

que injuria.right, or wrong", 7Vr. Juvcnculus i. m. 2. a little youngjL 
Jusciilum,i n. 2 dim. broth, jrruel Juvencus, a, um. adj younff. 

Jusculum coactum, jelly, Jun Juvencus,i.7/i 2a bullock, or stecr, 
Jusjurandum, jflrisjriraiidi, & jus- a youngman. (spnmting- forth. 

•uraudi.n. a solemn oatii, an oath Juvencscens,tis p/.^rowin^young-, 
Jusso. pro Jussero, /V*/- Jiivcnesco, cere, inc .i. to grow 

Jussor, dris. m- 3. a commandcr. \ youn^to grow wanton,orplayful, 
Jussum,i.H2.acomm:iud,acharge.i to friak 
Jussurus, a, um/»f. about toonlcr, Jiivenflis,c.«r(/.ior, c mp. juvenile, 

couimand ©r will(ed, aj)pointcd. ! youtliful, wanton, gTeat, hugc. 
Juss'.!s,a4im./>/ ordcrcdjCoimmnd.Juvcnilitas^atis /* 3- youthfulness. 
Juss*!^ us« m . 4. an ordcr, a com-Juveniliter, adv. yotithfully. 

mand^ acharg^e, consent, will. (Juvcnis, e. adj. young. (woman. 
Justa n. 2 funcral ritcs, aJuvcnis,is.c. ^3.a young man, or 
dailv, r ordinary task,aduc rate f : Jiivcnor,ari,atus sum.^/ play a 
proportion, r allowance. | youthful part, to wanton 

Justc, adv. iusi comp. issime, aup. 
justly» lawfully, uprightly. 
Juhl), pro Jussisti, Te\ 

Juventa, x.f 1. youth, young 1 age 
Juventas,atis/. youth,thc ^roddcss 
of vouth 

JustificCitio, (5nis/J. justification. Juvcntus,utis/. youth, youngf pco- 
^tstiiicHtor, dris. m. 6. a juatifier \ ple,covjagc,thcgoddessof youth. 

al standuinl, a fiug 1 , oi 
Labasco,cere,/;ic *• to 
to givc wav, to be rc 
^abascor. ci. d. o. idc; 
Labda, x m \. a vilc c 
Labecula, x. f. 1. a lit 
Labcfaciendus./ b« 
L^ibefacio [labo,facio] 
factum a.S. to mukc 
ready to fall,to weakt 
to shakc, to frig-litcn 
ragv, tospoil, to infci 
I ,abefactaudtts,a t u m pt 
gtircd, or shakcn. to ! 
Labcfactatio, 6ms/.J. i 
Labefactator, 6ris. m. 
wasted, tottering, sh 
dv to revolt. 
LabSfactio, oiii* / a lo 
Labcfacto. labojacto], l 
to weaken,to loosen,to 
confound,ro shake,to u 





L-iborans,tis£*.labouring,opprcss-; Lac recen.s. new milk, P/in Flos, 
cd, sick, bitten- Laborans luna,' cremor, vel pingue lactis, crcam. 
the moon in eclipse. Utero Iabo-Lacer,6ra,enun.«j//.tcaring, rend- 

rans, be.njr wlth child, Jfor. 
Labftratur, impcn. a gre it deal of 
pains is taken. Ltboratum est 

pestilentia siccita^e. there was aLicerabflis,c.a'//.that may betorn 

ing^, mangled, maimcd, 
shattcred disablcd, battered, dis» 
hevellcd, scatUred dispersed 

Lacerandus,a,um-A'- to be rcnt, >r 

torn to pieces(tearing inpieces. 

Lacerans, tis. pt tearing, rcnd ; nflf, 

L-iccritiOjOnis. /*a tearing,arend- 

inx- (eth. 

ce, to chaige, or alter, to o-| heart gocs pitapat for fcar, Piant.'. juicc of hcrbs,the pulp of figs,&c. al nostruin,totempt.|Laborandus, a, um pt. to labour. | Pressum lac,cheese-curds Yirg. 
ic or.iri.p. to be weakcncd. 
ic us, a, um. pt. weakcncd, 
n.'d, totterjng, jjivimr way, 
lshed, decaye 1, undermin- 
nost ovcrthrow;i,unccrtain. 
\o labo.fio], fieri. nent ptus. 
b ■ looscned, or weakencd. 
lum.U >. a little lip, a lip, a 
vat u »edin ba.hs to wash in. 
,n of endcarraent. 
is,ti* pt. slid nir.glidinjr, run- 
passingon, ©raway, falhng", 
jjto decay,d?cli ung fain^.ing 
>, onis. m. >. a person that is 
)?r|ipped a kiid of fiush. 
,is/.3. a sjot,a stain. or ble 
, a dash, or blot, a fault, guilt, 
e, d:*Uonoir. di»crjlit, dts 
e renaorse, compunction, in 
,ruin,dcstruct -on. a gTcatfail 
,-r.f.l alip(ofrain,orground 
ua^L,uma.// sli ppcry -slabby 
s,e.a J 0.apt to slip, slippery. 
*us*a,u n adj full lippc l (Hp. 
m.i.n 2.alip,a thick, or lo.ver .pret.n 1 to totter, to 
i%dy to drop down,or out ,to 
;r,tohesitate,to droop,io H -ig; 
rink.tofail,to dceay 
e. to bulge. A limus labat 
>le lose their seiises. (?■•/?. 
',labi,lapsut sum.J.ito slidc, 
de,to fly,to fiuctuat 
lil, to run, to run or tricklc 
i,i o pass on,or away, to fall to 
decay, to faint, to trip, or 
ike. lAbimentc, tobedeli- 
i» to rave. Ceh. 

great plajrue, droujrht, &c Cic 

Liboratus,a, um pt. well wrougiit, 
formed, or done with care. (inr 

Labirifer,e'ra l cru;n.a Ij. p.iins tak 

Llb5riose, a-iv ius. conp. is?imc, 

»up. painfully, hardly, with much LaceVator, oYs m 3 hc thattew- 
ado !Lice'ratiis,a,um.p/. torn, manglcd. 

ljab5riosu3,a,um.a/;. ior, comp. is-!Licema, *./, 1. a riding^-coat, a 
si'mus,».v/i laborious, pa : >iistakin^«| cloak, a cassock, cowl, or hood. 
toilsime, wcarisome, fatiguing 1 . j.lAcernatu-j, a, um. a'lj cloaked. 

Laboro, arc. rt.k n. labour, to LicSro.are.a 1. to tear,to rend, to 
work to take pains, to strive, on tear,orpull in make, orforge,to be" spendriotously.La.:erareprorbis, 
p.izzled,or pcrplexc d,f o be trou-» to revilc one. Laccrare famam ali 
bled,or bc in want, 1 - cujus, %o blemish his reputation, 
distrcss,or dan^cr,to be a^Hictcd. 1 Iax*. 

or oppressed, tobc sick, or ill, toLiceror, !iri atus. p. to be torn. 
sufFer, to lic under. Lice>ffs<is,a, um,«'/;. raggcd.rcnt. 

Laborare causa, to have a bad Licerta,ac /*.l. a lizarJ. newt, fish. 
causc, Qwnt. Sfon hboro de no LIcertosu3,a, um a^/.stron^.braw- 
mitic I circ not for the namc,/</. ny. (forcc, a li/ard, a fish. 

Lib^ror, ari./>. to be donc. 'Licertus,i.w. 2. an arm, streiigth» 

Libos, oris. m. J. virt. Labor. ,Licesscndus, a, um pt to bc pro. 

Lab53us,a,um.a'(;.slippery,slabby.' vokcd or provoke(ing 

Labros, i.m 2. adog, Worrier. Lacessens,tis pt provokin^attack- 

Ijabrosus, a, um. alj havin^gTeat [ncessftio, onis / :S. provocation. 

lips. or brims like lips 

Liccs&iturus,a, about to at- 

Labrum,i.n 2a lip,a krink, »rbrim, tack, or abuse. 
a bathing-tub, a bath, a vat,a cii-Licess!tih>,a,um pt. provokcd, ex- 
tcrn a brcwcr's coolcr. asperated, attackcd. 

abrusca,x/.1.8c T^Driscum, i. yi.Licesso,sere,sivi & ii,sltum. a. 3. 
2. a wccd, the wil l vine. to trouble, to tease, to 

Pi 8c L4bos Aris. m. 5 labour, 

s,eiercise, clrud^ery,toil,fa-|Liibumum,i n'2. a shrub. byrinth. 

i^hyriiit icvis, a, um aij. ofala- 
oern, anxietv. distress, a bur Libyrinthus,i m. 2. a labyrinth, a 
i*icknesi, illnrss, an nazc,a dirfi^ult,- nntricate thing" 
de labxirc pe<$u tumlit, raf iLac^ctis. ». i.mdk, the brcait, the 


importunc, to ask, nr request, to 
challenge,to provoke, tostirup, 
to drive,orpush on, to encourage, 
to attack, to harass, to injatc N <A 





Laceasor, i. & Llcesaior, iri, TtusJLac.tarius,a,uma((/. raade of milk, 

aum.pata. to be provoked(faint 
LichSnisso,are n. to bcfceble. or 
Lachano,are.n.l to fecd on herb9. 
Lachanum, i, n. 2. a potlierb. 
Lachnc, es./3. a dog, Sticklc. 
L&chryma,x/1. a tear,a drop, the 

dropping of a tree, distress 
Lachrymibilis, to be bewail- 

ed ,lameatable,mournful.[to weep 
Lachryjnubundus,a,um.a<(/ rcady 
Lachrymandus, a, to bc 

wepUorlamentcd^to lamentfping 
LacVymanstis./rt. wecping, drop 
Laclirymatio,6nis./.3.a wecpinjr, a 

dropping of moisture, gaim, &c 
LAchrymator,6ris. m. 3. a weeper 
Lachrymatus, a, um. pt distilled 
Lachrymo,are.n 1. 8c Lachrymor, 

ari dXo weep,to lamcnt, to distil. 
Lachryomose, adv. wccping*ly 
Lachrymosus, vel Lacryraosus, a, 

um.a<(/.full of tears,wccpin£,sad, 

dolcful, mourrrful, troublcsom j 
Lachrymula, x.f 1. a littlc tcar. 
Lacinia,?e/l.thc flap.or hcm of a 

garment,a jag, or rajr, a scparatc 

fold, a surnamc of Juno. 
LSciniattm, adv. by picccs. 
Laciniatus,a, hemmcd,fold 
L&cinifoe^aoVjag-gedly ed,plaitcd 
Lacini69us.a,um a<# full of plaits, 

crurabled, jagrged, intricate. 
Lacio.cere.a. allure, to dccoy. 
Licon,6nifi.m.^.a do£.Lacon(stew 
LScdnicuxr, i. n. 2. a hothousc, a 
Lac6nTcus,a,um.a<//. Lacedemoni- 

an, laconic, short and pithy. 
Jxic6nismus,i.m. 2 a short way of 

giving", or yielding milk, milch 
Lactariu&ji.m.a dairy-man, a railk- 
Lactatus.&s. m.3. a sackling (raan- 
Lacte, is, n- 3. milk. 
Lactcns, tis. pt. sucking, having 

milk,made of milk,milky, younjr 

I-acryma,v«/.Lachryma.'spcakingLxdcns, tis pt. hurting", injuring-. 

Lactincus, a, um. aaj milky. 
Lactans.tis />/.milk,givinjr l milk, or 
suck, ruckling, tendcr. 
J,actantia,um./>/ n. 3. white mcats. 
jMtarta, x.f.l. milkwced. 
Z*MctSrium, i. ;i. 2. a dairy-house. 

Latdor, di. past. to be hurt, 
Lxlaps,apis.m 3. a dog, Tempett. 
L:ena, ac / 1 a cloak, nr mantle,! 
roughfrock,afrieze-cassock acope 
Lxsio,dnis./3.a hurting, r anrcoy* 
Lrcsura, x / 1. hart,loM (ing. 
Lxsurus,a,um.)>r. about to hurt, «" 

Lacteblusa,um.aoj' milk white,fair Laesus, a, um- pt. hurt, wounded, 

rent,torn, craoked. sullied, inj©- 

ed, violated. wrongcd, onended, 

opprcsscd Lxsa majestas tra- 

son. Siurl.Rea \xsx 9 adver^ity, Ot. 

Lactabilis,e .atfy .g-ladgojiul. joyocs- 

L.netabundus,a,um a*(/ vcry mcnj. 

L<etamcn,ini&,n. . co.npost,ouiun 

Lxtandus,*» to bc rejoiced 

Lxtan*. tis. pt. rcjoicinfr. «L 

Lxtantcr, adv. gladly, joyfullj. 

Lxtutio, onis / 3. mcrriness. 

Lactatus,a,um- pt. having rcjokd 


Lactcs, ium./ the small guts, thc 

Lactcsco,cSrc,mr.3 t0 becomelikc 

milk,to havc milk to grrow milch. 
Lactcus,a, um. atlj. oi\ ..r likc milk, 

milky, whitc as milk. 
Lacticinia, vid. Lactantia 
Lactic61or, oris vid Lacteus. 
LacU), to sucklc, toallurc, 

to tleccivc 
Lactfica, x.f 1 a lcttucc. Lactuca 

leporina, sow-thistlc, Apul 
Fiactficula, x. f 1 a littlc lcttuce 
Lacfma^x/.l. a ditch, a puddle, a 

dmin, anv littlc hole, .<r hollou 

place,adefcct, rwant, Lacunafa- 

nuc,ablcmish in onc^sgood namj 
Lacunar, aris. n. 3. a ceilcd roof, 

archctl, "r frettcd, a main bcam. 
Lucunatus,a,um pt. wrought with 

frctwork, uiadc hollow. 
Lacuno are.a-1 to work with fret 

work,to'pit,to Iay witli planks es 
Lucunosus,a, um.a/i/.fiill of ditch- 
Lacus,i,&.us. m. a lakc, a standing' 

por>l,a vat.acooler, a troug"h, the 

main heam of a house a corn-bin. 
Lacusculus, i m 2 a little lake, . r 
Lacuturria brassica, a savoy. (vat. 
Lacuturris, is. / 3. a caulinower. 

Lxdo,derc,xsi,xsum.a. 3. to hurt, 
to wound, to injure, to infect, to 
violate,to offcnd^to trouble,to af- 
nict,to condemn,Lxdere famam, 
to speak ill of one, CicLxderc fi- 
dem, to break a promisc, la\ 

L.cte, ius, isalm^. ah- mcrr3ji 
checrfullv, abundantlv.truitfoti^, tis. pt. inakinggU& 
L.ctif ico[lxtii9,Ta<.ic»], are. o. !■• 
makc g"lad, to cxhilaratc. 
L.ctif icor,uri, atus, p to bc wb 
jrlad, to rejoice. ^hi 

Lxtificusa, um. adj that nub^ 
Lattisco.ccrc./t ;. to bccome^A 
r^titia,x/l . g^ladness joy, Dilsj 
abundancc, fruitfulness. 
LxtitQdo, Inis / X idem. 
L%tor,ari,atus bc gW» 
joyful, i-r mcrry, to rcjoice. 
Lactus, a, um adj. ior, comp. 0** 
mus./rt//). g"lad, joyful, joyou^ i** 
joicing.merry cheerful, pleasA 
delig-htful,brisk.livelv, s»ift»<^ 
lin^welcomc, acceptable, luckjt 
dant,plentiful,f>ujtful, verdarA * 
cattle, fat, sleek, in good fikuf- 
Lxva, x-/ 1- thelefthand- 
Latvandus, a, udb. jm. to beiw 





h. IiimentabiHs. c. a<\j. lamcntable 

or.ius c#m/Mn*de 8moother[Lamcntariua,a,um.«<(/. causing la- 

aVdully, heavily.(planinjr 
itio onis. /..'-. a sinooihing o* 
itus, a, um. />/ smoothed. 
»,are smooth,to planc 
ss, to polish, to looscn. 
jr, ari. p to bc smoothed. 
i.adj.ior.c mp. issimus, sup 
h, phiin, cvcn, pohshcd, 
soft, bare, bald. 
s.atis /5.s>moothncss,plain 
cvcnness, slcekness, b:i!d- 
.xvitas intestinonun,a flux. 
iire. (i 1 to smooth. (tV> 
ari./> to be niadc stuooth 
dris. m. 3 smoothncss, soft- 

a, um. «</V. left,on the lefi 
unaeasonablc; in cadcst,au- 
im,i.n.2 athincakc,afritte, 
i, x.f 1 . a ftagon, a bottlc 
^adj.z kindof gTape.'a hare 
jt. /3.a bird w ith flesh likc 
, dnis. m 3. a dogf, Ilnrricr. 
intfno*, i. m 2. thc gripcs. 
ophium,i ri.2.a harc-warrcn 
:uh, vc.f 1. a littlc flagon 
, a um. arf/. laic. 

i. m 2. a layman. (ass. 
• finis. m. 3. a foal of a wilil 
ire. n. 1. to sing lullaby. 
, i. m. ~. a lullaby. 
t./l.a'slough,a bog,a ditcli 
\\% % \\» pt licking.(to mangle 
:ro,are.a 1 to teorin picccs, 
tus, lis. m 4. a lickinjr. 
3,bcre,bi 8cbui,bitum.a&. 71. 
iick with the tongue,to lup 
uch softly, to rcach, or as- 
. to run, »r flow gvnlly by 
la, x./.l. a little thin plate. 
UUa, x.f. a very tUin plate. 

mcntatiou, or mournmg. 
Lumentatio.Snis /3. laincntation 
LamcnUtus, a, um. pt lamented. 
Lamentoryari.r/ 1. to lament,to bc- 
wail, to bemoan, to wecp. 
Lamcntuui,i n 2. a lamentation, a 
bcmoaning. a shrick, an outcry 
Lainia,x /la hag,a witch a bull 
beggar, a bawd, a greatscalish. 
platc,07lhin picce of metal,u bar, 
c»r*ingot of gold,or silver.a sword- 
bladc, a thin board, a plank, thc 
tip oftheear, a nutshcll. 
Lamtndsus,a,um.a<{i.havin<r plates 
Lamium, i. n. 2. dcad-nettle 
Lammiila.x./ l.oVm.a little plate 
IJimdsus,a,um.*<{/. full of plashes 
Lampada, x.y. 1. id. <jn. Lampas. 
l^ampadius, x. m. 1. a comct. 
Lampas.adis /J.a lamp,a torch, a 
ficry mctcor light, brightncss 
Lampada alicui tradcre, to ap 
point,a successor in works, Pers. 
Lampsana, x./. 1 com-sallad. 
LttinpMirus, i. m. 2. adog, Fox. 

Lancf nator, 5ris. m. 3. a lancer. 

Lancfnatus,a,um. />r. lanced, con- 

Lanclno,are.a.l. to thrust 
through, to rcnd, to consurac. 

Lanciila, x./ 1. a small bason. 

Lanca, x./ 1. flesh-sliambles. 

Lancstris, c atfy. of wool 

Lancus,a,um.a</j'.woolen, made of 
wool, or ftocks, soft as wool. 

I-anga, x./ 1. an Italian beast. - 

a 3. to wearj, to tire, to stop. 

Langucns, tis. pt languishing. 

Languco,crc,gui n2.*itp. car. tolan* 
guish,to be sick,orfaint,to droop, 
or flag,to fade, or dccay, to gTOW 
fecble, dull, heavy, or LatledS, to 
pinc away, to bccome weary, or 
cloyed. Languet jubarlunx, the 
moon shincthdim,or faintly, Sfa*. 

Lunjruescens, tis pt. languishing. 

I^ grow lan- 
guid,to bccome duil, to abatc, to 

I>angnTde, acv. ius, eomp. faintly» 
feebly, without spirit, a little. 

Languidul^.aoTJ somewliatnuntly. 

Lampyris. idis. / 3. a glow-wormJLangutduius,a,um. adj. somcwhat 
L4na,x./l.wool,hair,down, moss 

cloth. Lana cuprina,a tlungof no 

valuc, H r. Lana facta, yam. 
Lanaria. x.f 1- fullars-wced. 
liinaris. c atij. that bearcth wool 
Lunarius, a, um. adj. of wool. 
Lunarius,i m.2.a c1otliier,a draper. 
I^lnata, x / 1 a shccp, an cwc. 
Lanatus,a,um.aa]/.ior, c mp wool- 

ly, beariii{r, or like wool, mosjy. 
Lancea, x.f. l.a lance,ajavclin, a 

pike, a spear. a dart. 
Lancearius,i.m 2.a pikeman(lanct 
Lanccatus,a,um. pt. armed witha 
Lancebla, x./.l. a little lance. 01 

faint, fading 1 , or short. 

fceblc,wcak wcakcncd,decayed, 
fadcd,gentle,slow, spiritless, mo- 

Languidiora vina, racy, mcllow 
winc, Hor. (faintnesf. 

LanguiHcus a, um aqj. cauaing 

Langnla, x./ 1. a broad platter. 

Languor,5ris m. 3 a languor.faint- 
ncss,fccbleness . weak ness,weari- 
ness,a want of spirit,dulncs.s. liat- 
lctisness, inacti\itv lazincss. A- 
quosus languor, tfic dropsy, Hor. 

Laniandus, a, um pt. ready to be 

I^ancinans, tis, pt. tearing". spcar.l torn, or cut in pieces. in piecea. 
Lanclnatio, dms./. 3. a lancing. |LiSiniaiui t ti&. ^l.NKftxvK^ifc ^kmCxk^ 






Lfcnmrium,i.7i.2. a slaughterhouse.|Lapidutor, firis. m. * throwcr ofl falling.desccnding, winding, ft£ 

JLaniatio, dnis/. 3. slaughtcr, car-jLapidatus,a,uin. pt stoued. stonca 

Laniator, oris.m. a tcarcr.(nage. 
Laniatus, a,um. /w.torn in pieces, 

torn,reut,siu.ttered, slaughtered 
LauiiLtus,usm.4 a tearing topicc- 

cs, a buichcrin«f, a quartcring*. 
Lunicium,i./i 2.a woolen,or cotton 

nuiKitacture, or tradc. 
Lanienu,x./.l.thc rl^.sii shambles 

ihc butcUcrv,tl>e tradc of butch- 

«»ry, iuivovk,dcstruction,carnugc 
Lamier, cra, trum. a»//. beuring 
Lanif ica, x.f 3.aspmster.(wooi 
Lamficium,i./j. 2 thc art of 

ingclotn,, carding, Stc 
Lamficus,a,um adj. clothworking, 

spinmn^, itc mdustrious (wool 
Lunigcr, cra, crum adj. bearing 
Lam^nus. a um. udj ofabutcher. 
L.imo, oms. m. 3 a buUhcr- 
L:iniu,are.a tear o^pull inpiec 

es,to tcur,to butchcr,to cnt up(cd 
Linior,arL />.tobe torn,orbutcher- 
Luuidnius,a, um. ■*</;■ ofa butchcr. 
Lttnipc.idia, x.f 1. a spinstcr. 
Lanisia, ;e m 1. a fencing niastcr, 

Lamstaavium.acock muster,C /. 
Laiutius, a. uni adj. of wool. 
J-anius, i. m 2 a butcher. 
Lanosus, a, um wo-jlly. 
Lanig-in68ua,x,uin ailj. ior, comp 

dovvny, soft like wooJ, or colton 
Laniijro-ini*./.3.down on thc ikce, 

on b.rds, on irviii, ckc. saw lust. 
L.inula,x /l.a s.ualllockof woo* 
Lanx,cis./3.a charger,adcep dish, 

u plattcr, a scale. a lancc deck 
Lapathus,i./ &. Lapathum- i n. a 
Lapicida,a:.m a cutter, a ;na- 

60 i. 
L*ipicidina,x/.l.a quarry.(stones 
L-ipidarius,:i, umj//.p:*rtainin£ to 
Lipidarius,i w a lapidary.a mason 

l*yjidul\o, ouis./. o. a stoning, a'Lapsus,a,uiu pi. slipping, sliding. 
throwin£oie/cvv*ringw\\h±tQ\\d\ ^lidlniTjranning^/trickhngdown, 

f «apiduvit, &. Lapidutum est, imp 
it raincd stones, stoncs fc!l 

Lupidcsco, ccrc. inc 3 to petrify, 
to jrrow as hard as stone. 

Lapideus- a, um adj. stony.full of 
stoncs, inadc of stones, of stone, 
heavy.Lapideus sum,l stand like 
a statue, or 1 am pctrified,/^»!/ 

L:iprdo,arc a 1. to throw stones,to 
stone to death, to cover with 

Lapidbsus, a, um. adj. ior, comp 
stony, fuil ofstones hard,knotty 

Lupillus,i m 2.a little stonc,a jew 
cl iiunc diem signa roeliore 1* 
pillo,rcckon this aliapp\ day, Per* 

Lapio ,*.a 4 tomakchardasastoiR 

Lapis id:s.7/i attone apcbblc .. 
prccious sto ie, a gcin a milc, a 
placc raiscd hig:i whcre thing> 
wcrc cried.a slow,heavy dull,fel 
low,a h:ird hcartcd man,Lap>dem 
ferrealtera manu, panern oscen 
tarc altera.togive onc roast ineat, 
and beat him with the sph } Ptaut 
l)e lapide empti, slavcs gt>od foi 
nothing, /c/Jovemlapidcm jurarc, 
to swcar,throwing a stonc out oi 
ins h:iud,and sayiu^May .lupiter 
thus cast mc away, C/c. Lapis sa- 
ccr, a boundar}', or landinark, 

Lappu., x.f. 1. a bur, a clot bur. 

Lappuccus, a, um. of a bur. 

I„app\go,inis./ shcpherd's rod, a 
tcasel. fall 

Laps.ibundu9, a, um adj. rcady to 

Lapsma, x.f. 1. wild colcworts. 

Lap^ans, tis pt slippmg, sliding. 

Lapsio, onis. f. i. a trip, or fall. 

Lap*;>,:ire./r<»«y.l. to slip oflen to 

l.aps'irus,a,um /if.rcavly tofall(trip 

lcn down,past ovcr,failcd Lapsoi 

spe,disappointed in expicuuwt, 

Car*Lapsusanimi,misUken,/ J /«ri 

Fides lapsa a brcach of promis^ 

Lapsus,us m.4. a sliding,a friidins 

a slip, 0/- fall,a mistake, a tiuhire 
Liqueans. tis. pi. ceilinjf, archiif • 
Laqueur,aris m & Laqueare, n s. 

>.a ceihiig done wiih frctwork. 
r.iquc-atus,a,uni /^.insnared, rorf 

ed,ceilcd,archcd,vaultcd, fiutcd 
Liqueo,are a insnarc, to hift 

tcr to roof, to ceil, to arca. 
Liquedlus, i. m. 3. a loop. 
Laqucus, i. m. J. a siUire^i tnp, I 

gnn,a noose,ahalter,a trick^i vik 
^ar, laris m. a household-gtKLtbt 

tirc side,a dwclliug-house. ondi 

home Ad ipso lare, to beginrt 

ho:ne, Prov. 

Larjison, i n 2- antimony. (cos. 
L.irdum vel Laridum,i./i janl,bs»^c, ativ iiks c+mp-,*^ 

plciitifully, abundantly.liberslry» 
Largiens,tis. //.'.givmg bc>tovu^ 
.'«irgificus, a, um ajjhoi-rd 
Largifluus, a, um. adj. flowin^sj 

bundant, heavy- t 

i.argil6(piiis, a, uin a^tsJkstiM^ 
j<argior,iri, Itus sum. tl. tc Ltr^s/ 

ire a 4 to givc libcrully, to p*%' 

to bcstow, to jrrant, to p^nm ' 
L ^rgi tas,itis/3 lar^e iiess,bouslp 
Largiter,ac/r.idem quod iJfp- 
^argiiio,dnis./J.a alargess^ift^ 

l>ribe, bribery, extravajrinct 
Largitor,6ris.m.J.aliber*l give^l 


Largitudo inis./. ^». liberalitr. - 
l.argitus,a,um. ^.ha>ing £i v tnjr 

bcstowed, gTanted,pcrmitted. 
Largitus, Ljirge. 
Lar^rus^uin adj.\or % c*mp. isiinMst 
#.■//!. lar^re, great, pleutiiul, jgetd 





libval, profure, prodijral. 
icia. /. 3- thc lareh-trec 

»11. Fcs lassx, advcrsity, Plant. 

^ . Latu, a./. 1. a lath. 

e./l. a visor,or mask, a bpi- Late, iu_- i-simc, wiY. ahroari, fr.i 
2"host, a pbantom, a scarc- ahrcari. wiric, far uuri widc, ii 
i n_Mlinan.(dismal,frii*;litfuJ many placcs, au.ply, copiously. 
_,c.<;r// likcaghos^hustU, l-itcbru. a: / 1. a lurkin{<-placc,: 
i* f a, um />f. rii_fruised,mas- dcn,a covcrt, n sheltcr, u, 

a difcjruisc, a cloak, a prctencc, 
an excuse. (clicr. 

LaK-br.cola, a*. com. srrn. 1. a lur- 
ins, he jrnpeth for prcfcr-jl-" tehnW-, adv. pr-.vily, closciy. 
jri-*/.- .the wind*iip*-(ment!Lateb:osus a, un: </<//. full <<f liiri- 
n, i. r. 2 a ch-tmbcr-pot, a| >n% places, or dcns, dnrk, sbariy. 
locUtrcon eneimfcnuen.I/itens, tis. \.t. lyinjr. hid, _ccret 

_ , — . -. — g — — _ j — 

ri*<htc(l with spirits, ma<l. 
ire. a. 1. to put on a mask. 
m.2. a seamcw,_r jrull. La 

,& Lascivitcr/.c/f.wanton-jLatanicr, udv. seci\ tlv, piivately. 

. LaU o/ic,tui,titmii n.2- io !ic hicL, 

. ar/1. waiitonnefiijustful- 
mnriua, adj. wantun. 
:n9,ti».pf. plnyiiijr. tbe wan- 
ortinjr. fnsking-. 
),uc,ivi,itum, /i 4. to be or 
the want^n, to jrrow wan- 
Visk abont, to grow rank 
i, a,um. atlj. ior, comp. ^si- 
up. wanton, frolicksornr, 
e,jramesomc,frisk iu£,*.kit- 
cherous, smuttv, bawdv. 

ris. n. 3. benzoin,_L*«a-f-_ti 
i-ttu., a, um. u/J-'. mixcd 

ifcr.cra crum.ciJ-.hcaring lonjrinjr to a brick, or tilc 

_■ - _-h_ - _— %M Ik __ ___ _-._>. _ ■__ I_. __ __ _. __ I _>*£_!_ __■»% 4a*i*% _-i ._>_r_--. _■_ ■>« iv _*_.♦ ■_ <k* * 1 _i 

ium i n.2. benzoin,bcnja- 
,onU/.3.a wcariness.(min 
,6ris m 3. he that wearieth 
, autim pt wcaried, tired. 
,cere inc.o.togTow wcary 
o, lnis./ 3. la_»itude,wca- 

&r concealccU to be unkuown, tr 
conccaled,io conceal,to lurk, to kbscond Latet mihi cau- 
*a, I know not the rtason, Luc. 

Latcr,eris m..5.a brick.a tilc I.ate- 
rcm labour in vain,7'«r. 
I_htercsaurci.injrotsofgoId,/ /.7;. 

Latcr&hs, c arfj. Ijclonpin^ to thc 
sidc. («r jng uacd for wine. 

Latei*ainen,inis n carthcn not 

LalCrani, orum. pi. m. 2. ycomcu 
of thc guard 

Lateraria, ac./ 1. u brick-kiln. 

I^itcrfirius, a, um. ci^/y. of tho sidc. 

L^ter&rius, a,um. aaj.[i\ later] bc-J 

JJithyr, is. m. 3. the herb spurge. 
Lali;dis, c. & I^itiaris, c. «r/-\ of 

Italy, I.atin. ito hiric onetelf. 
L: til nlo,5rt .;il. to lurk to ftkulk, 
Latibiilmn, i. w. 2. a cavc,a den, a 

covcrt, a shclter, a rctrcat. 
Laticlavius, a,i:m. atlj. scnatori«ul. 

Jjiticlavia tunica, a parliament 

purplc robc adomcd with studs> 
I.;;ticlf'vius, i. m. 2. a senator. 
Iiitirolius,a,um udj. broari-lcavcd. 

Lutinc (;Jr.ii. J atin,clcarly I^tini 

sciic, to bc skiUed in the Aatin 

tonjrud,* /r.Latint spea^ 

g"ood Ijitin, LL 
I-athiitan.ati'*./ 3. Latin, thc pro* 

priety of that !anjruage,freeriom. 
l^tinug,a,um. aaj. Latin, Homan, 

of, or bclonjrinp to the country, 

or the pcople of Latium. 
I.atio,i5nis/. 3 a bearing-,or carry- 

inp, a givng-, or makinir of Jaw. 
I^titan*,t;s pt. lyinghid, lurlgnff. 
Latitiitio, onis./. J. a lurkinjr. 
Latititor, oris. m. X a lurker. 
Latito, to lie hid, to lurk. 

Latitudo,iivs./:3.1atitude,brcadtb f 
widUi.c xtcir.Latitudo verbonim 
a rirawling- Hpcech, Qvint. 

Latius, a, um arlj. of ltaly. 

I^* comp. wiricr. I^atiuilp. 

l^tcr-titn,n»7v 011 both sides. (roll.l qui, to spcak at larg-e, Cic. 
Laterculum,i/i.2.a skte,vrini-<ter.|Latomix,-ntm./i/./. 1. quarriej-of 
I-itcrculus, i m. 2. a little brick, or -tone, a prison. 
tilc, a muster-roll, a list, a cakc.Ixitomus, i. m, a mason. 
Laicjitius,-,uin.fu//.nuidcot'bricksIiitor,6ris. m 3. a bcarer,a porter, 
Laienia.x./:i. a lanteni. (or tilci.i a mcsscmjer, a uiakcr, or jrivc.r 

iziness. Lassitudo soli,tbc Iiitc*ni&rius,i.n.-. a laniern-be_rer| of laws. (cravinjr. 

rifhmcnt of land, Vol. LatcniCilayx/alittlclautci-nfguaKiljitrans, tis. pt barkinjr, roariuir v 
e. a 1. to wuary, to tirc,to Lateroncs, um./)/.w. yeomen of the 1 Jttrutio, dnis. / 3. a barkifig-. 
ri. p. to bc tircd (jade. l^tcrunculuria,a:/".l.a chcssbc_rrljl atr_tor, oris. m. 3. a b:rkcr. 

a, um. adj. somevvhat 
,11111. aa]j weary,tired, jad- 

t, wom ontjfadcd; fa-ut> 

Liitcsco,; 3. to grow broari, Ijttrutnr, imp. thcy hark. (cd. 
!Jitesco,cerc.i/ic tobcgintobi hkt,L_tr_tus a,urn./*r barkcd at, crav- 
IiiUx,fcis m.liq-ior.orjuice^tpringjl^atratus, us. m. 4. a baiking",» C ry 
water,watcr,a sjiring-^or fountain | a bawlinjr, a railia^» 
C4 • 





LCnitudo, inis. / 5. gcntlcncss, jA-nMnculai,i.fn.2. ayoungbawd^lxvamontum.i.n. 2. case, confcft. 
mildncM (ed.| skill". Levandus, a, um. pt. to be cued. 

bawdry,cmiccment, alliiring lan- 
guage, carriage, or drcss. 

L€n6c1nor, ari. d. 1. to play the 
bawd,to wh eedle,entice,decoy >or 
trepan to recommcnd, to sct oi!'. 

Lenomus, a, um. adj. of a bawd. 
( Lcns, dis. m. 3. a nit. 

Lcns, tis. /. 3. lcntil.s, ducks-meat. 

sus Ic 



ni. verscs that likc a h Levator, aris. m. 3. a lifterup. 
ons taii rhymc in the middlcand Levutiirus,a. um. /tf.about to eate. 
at the end; such as this, Jurr Lcvatus,», u:n. pt. ior. c mp. ltftrd 

up,ca*cd, relievcd, assisted, sup- 
Lcuca, x.f 1 a leagnc. (portrd 

tibi aane per mystica sacra Dianre 
I*eonticc,cs/3. wild chervil ( Uv 
Lcontios,i.m 2. a kind of prcciou.- 

stonc like a lion*s skin. (thcr. 
iLcopardus, i. m. a leopard,a pan 

Lcntandus, a, um. pt. to be bnit. tLepidc,a//r prcttily,wittily,smart 

Lcnte, attv. ius, c mp. issime. * //Jl.cpidium, i. n. 2. crcsscs" ]y 

slowly lcisurely, carclcssly, pati-Lcpidule, adv. prcttily,plcasantly 

Lcntco,crcw J. to be slow. lently. 
LentcscOfCcre n bccome clain- 

my, to stick, to weaken. 
Lcnticula,x/1. a littlc lentil.frcc- 

klc, chrismatory. 
Lcnticularis, c. adj. likc a lcntil. 
Lcntigmrisus, a, um «///• frccklv 
Lcntigu.inis/3-a pimplca frccklc 
Lcutipes, cdis. adj. slow-fooicd. 
Lcntiscifer, vcl Lentiscifferus, a, 

um. adj. bearing inastich-trccs. 
Lentiscma resina, mastich. 
Lcntiscus, i./ 2. a mastich-trec, a 

touJipick. 1 .limbcrncss softncss 
Lcnti udo,ins/3. slowncssjo tcr- 

ing, tctliousiu-bs, cusincss, mo- 

l^nto«arc o.toraakc pliant,tob(*nd 

Lentor, dris. m. toughness,clammi- 
ncss. (ani. 

Lentulus.a,um. adj. somcwhat pli 

Lcntus,a f \or*comp. issimus, 
8Hp. shij*',lingcrng.cliiato:-;., idle. 
lazy,indolcnt,ncavy, dull, stupid, 
unmoved quiet, pcaccablc, i;*en- 
llc,modcrate,liinber, pliant, hcvi- 
ble,supplo.tough,clammy. i,entua 
coJor, a dnrk dusky colour, Ov. 

cniiJus, i. m. 2. ayoumj bawd. 

Lcpidum, adv. pv • Lepid':, Pluut. 

Lcpidus,a, um adj. ior, comb. issi- 
mus,*"A prctty,, tart 
quick, brisk, facctious, wagtfish. 

Lcpista, x.f 1 a litlle pot. 

Lcpor,Tv7Lcpos, oris. m 3. mirth. 

wit. drollcry, comphusance, clc- Lcvidciisis,c. adj. coarsc & »&&• 


Lcporarium, i. n. 2. a harc-warrc: 
Lcporinus, a, um. adj of a Iiarc 
Lcpra, ac / 1. tlie leprosy. 
Lcprosus, a, um adi. leprous. 
Lepus, 6ris- m. 3. a, star 
Lcpusciilus, i. m. 2. dim a lcverc.: 
Lcssus, us. m. 4. a funcral lamc.i 


Lcthrdis,c.a/// dcadlv,mortal, fatal 
Lcthahtcr, adx>. deadlv, mortallv 
Lethargia, x. *'. 1. a letharjry. 
LCthar t i»;icus, a, um. atf. lethargic 
Lctharg-icus,i./N a lcthar^icpci^sos 
Lethar£us,i. m 2. a lethargy. (cd 
Lcthatus,a,um pt. killed, murdc 
Lcthifcr,era, um. adj. dcadly,fatal 
Lctiuticus, a, um. adj idem. (kili 
LCtho.arc. a. 1. to put to 
Lcthuin, vcl Letum, i. n. 2. deatti 
Levaniv.n,in i. n 3. ease,an casing^ 

rclicf, mitig-aUon, comfort 

Iamicc, cs f- 3. foul spottedncn. 
Lcucon,i».2 a hcron,a dog.Wlihe 
Lcuconictis,a,um. adj. of I^eucom- 
um. romcntumLcuconicum»flockl 
of white cotton, Mart. (wiad. 
Lcuconbtus. i. m. the south-vat 
Leucophscatus, a, um. adj> jjny, 
russct, brown, dusky. 
Lcurophwiis, a, um. adj. idcm- 
Lcucopheruiu, i. n. 2. boru. 
Lcvenna,x.m.l alig-htman. (dik. 
Lcviathan^Rc/ec/. a whale.a croco» 
Lcviculus,a,um^ic{/ fliphty waatoi 

Lcvidcnse munu*,a very auujr 
triflinjj prcscnt, Cic. (A 

Lcvif idus,a, um. atlj. of slightcr^ 
LevTgt), are. a. 1. to make sligfet 
Lcvipcsedis.fwm. < ^<*;i. swiftfootei 
Levir, iri. m. % a brother4n-l»v. { 
L,£v\s % e.ailj. ior, c mp isstmus^ 
ligfht,sli^ht.smaJi, trifling, triws\ 
i nconsidcrable*meanichangttbk w 
h*ckle, iuconstant, unsettled,*" 1 
certain, friddy, inconiidcnt^^ 
swift, uimble, easy, gentle, toto* 1 
niblc, f;dsc, comipt. 
Lc vis,e.aJ/.smooth; ttJLxris. {«!•■ 
LevTsomnus,a,um adj. easilv «ik*| 
Levitas,atis./. 3. levity, lig&tnesV 
Hcklcness, inconstancy, mutahifr 
ty,want of gravity,vanity,buiiiotf. 

Lcviter,iJt;.ius, ccmfi. isslmc, <#• 
litriitly, slightly, poorly, a wki 
gcntly, paUently, ujiconccnic^r» 
bfiefty. • . ' 





Jfritftdo, tnia /. 3. lightnes*. i tafion, a libel, or declaration inlJbtf rt turus, a, um. pt. about to 
4Tiu^uluv^uin.a///.raUicr light 1 kw,a writ of attachment,a bill of, deliver. 

-cvo£re.a.L to lui up,to raise, to rccord,a certificute, or bill under Liberatus, a,um. pt. frecd,set free, 
e*»c,tohg1itcn f lo ltsscn, ordimi- a man's hund,a lampoon, a book- delivcrcd, released, itischargcd. 
n.ii^ rvliivc, tofrec, o/- seller's thop, a mcusurc. Iuin-lli, Libcrc, ativ ius comp. hber.dly, 
dclivcr,to curc*,to bcgude,U> sup- letters missive, Lic. A libcli*, a frankly,frech,without cunsiraint. 

-cvur, an/> to hc liiicd up. port. 
cx, ligis / law,a i*w,a dccrce, 
& caimon, any rulc, pluu, incu- 

maaier of requesta^y^/ Libellua boldlv, gcntcelly, profuaely» dis- 

rcpudii,a bill of divorce.rumosus solutely 

libellus, a libel, or tcurrilousLibcri bnun.///.m.2, children, sons 

Mirc, or dcs^u to act by, good. pamphlet, Jd. | and daughters, gTand-children. 

Muer, a condition, stipulatiun,or Libens,vis./>». 6iadj. ior, c mp. igBi-'Libero,rire n.l.toiroc, to set fref, 

•eruit a£i-ccd on. mus,* u/t.wilhng, ready, glad, joy 

eucoii.i./i.J. a Grcek dictionaryj riil pleaaed dehghted. 
Ckipyrcuis, a. uin. adj. good a-Libentcr,a</»ime, oup. 

£ftin*t fevcrs, aiitifebnlc. 

SJbs, i*/^. a word,an exprcaaion. 


Srulum, i. n. 2 ajoiner'* plane. 

willing-ly, rcudily, freely, gladly, 
joyfully easily, uith plcasurc. 
Libcntia,a\/ 1. delight, plcasurc 
Libco,i'e/Lubeo/< to Lke 

to debvor, to discn„-age, to un- 
loosc,to relcasc, to acquit, to cx» 
cmpt,to cnfranchise. Libcraro sc 
;erc alieno, to clear his dcbts, Cic 
Libcrare lidem, to makc good a 
promise, ld. Libcravi animain, I 
have dischanrccl mv conscicnce. 

Libei,bri.»i 2. tlie inward bark, •TfLiberor, ari. atus- p. to bc freed. 

LIbcrta,x/la bond-woman made 

&amen,inis n. .a sacrilice. ling.j rind of a trcc,a book, an invento 
ifcftmcntum, i n 2. a drmk oftvr-i ry,»rregister,an cpistlc, or lcttcr 
feandiut, * um. pt. to be oflercd. Liber, cra,eruin.a///.crior,com/>.er- 

kanbus idis-/ «>. rosemary 
feanotut,! m.the south-west wind 
faftni,ti*/tf offenng,pounng out 
lnnui.i/2. afrankinccnse-trce. 

rimus,«u/>. irce, disengaged, at li- 
berty,orleisurc,not suujcct to,c.i- 
empted from, void of, uncontrol- 
led,bold, open. libcral, gencrous 

aftrius, i. m. 2. a cuke maker. |Liberalis,e udj. ior, comp. iasimus, 
Mtio,6nia/ ii a libation a drink- 

free, a freed-womau 

Libcrtas, atis./. ^». libcrty, a free- 
dom,or power in ucting, boldnebs 
of Bpccch,frurikuess goodnaiurc, 
a dcmoLiacy, a conunoiiwealtb, 
u goddese. 

Libortlna, x./ 1. see Libcrta. oflerer. oflcring 
Nktorium, i n. 2 a ctudice. 
>itiM, a,um^. tatted,tipped,et- 
Med,gatiiered, or letched from, 

3ped, enjoyed, detiled. 
»,a%/ 1. a tinali coiu of about 
tt fartiiingt in valuc, a line,le 
trphimmet uscd by musons, 
tepentcrs.Ad libcllamexigcrc 
H^eVsure by line andlevel, Ptin. 
MMein facere ex libclla, to 
ppr one his wliole estate', Cic. 
llttOtduU m.3. a lcttcr-carrier, 
fehMphletecr, a viie scribbler. 
IpllUus^ m 2.a very littlc book. 
i m.2.a, Lttle book.a lct- 

^BpcUlion^r tupphcuUon,a ci-]Libcrator 

ovp. libcnd, bountiful, gencrous Liberttiius, i. m. 2. a frecJman^the 

frcc, gentccl, well-brcd, ingenu-l son of a frecduian 

ous, faahionahlc, bandsoine.largc,'Libcrtus, i h* 2. a bondman made 

amplc- Liuendcs artes, lihcrul; frce, u frccdmun. 

artt and scicnces, so culled as bc-iLibrt, libuit,Sc libitum est, imp. it 

ingiit forscholarsundgcntlemenj liketh plcaseth or contcntcth. 

Llbcralltas, utis. / 3. liberality,Libidinans,tis.///. lustful, umoroutv 
bouuty. gcnerosity, kindiiess,,Libidinor,uriMitu3 sum i/.Ltu play 
good usage, a gruut, frcedom. i tlic lcchcr, ov wanion. 

Liberahler adv. ius, cump issimc, Libi(lin6sc,u</7».ias,cov//> lustlul!y, 
*up. liberallv, bountifully. gcnc-' wilfully, aftcr his uwn plcasure. 
rously,hospitably,frecly, genteel-Libidinosus. a,um. adj ior, c mp. 
ly, handsumely, largcty, ainply, issimus, »up- lustful, lccluTods, 
profuscly, splcndidly. wantou, sensuul, Ilcwiiy, j/rovocu- 

Liberandus, a um. pt. to be frced, tive, urbitrary, uurcusonable. 
ov sct at liberty. Libido.nii^./iJ. lust, lechcr>, wan» 

L]b£raus,tis.///.frecing,dcHvering. toiincss t eoneupiricnre,sen^uulity v 

,01119./. 3. a delivcraricc. auyunbridled p.iHvtioiif&rtiuluwfnl 
:, oris. ih. 3. a dchvcrcr. \ d«biiv, w\U t Uxivvv^xiy^^^o^- 





L3fbftina,x/1. thegoddew Vemis^LibrTlia, iuro. pl. n. 3. slings. jLicftator, 6ris. m. 3. a ch 
•r Pro«crpine,the carc of provid-:Libnpens, dis. m. 3. a weiglicr. JLfcitatrix, icis/. 3. a cbaj 
ing for a funeral, a bier, death. il jbro.are weigb,to poise,to ! Licitc, vcL Licito, adv> b 

Lib)tinarius,i. m. J. an undcrtaker 
for funcrals, a very old man. 

Ubitum,i n 2. will. Vix legiinYi in 
acc. ad libitum, at plcasurc. 

Libo,are. act. 1. to tastc, or sip, to 

counterbalance,to leve1,totry byLicitcr,ari chcapei 
plumb-rulc. to divide equally, toLicItnin,est. pntt. imp. 1, 
throw, sling, ©r swing. to guagc ; we, Scc. might. 
I <ibrat se exalto aquila.thc eagle Licilunis, a, um. pt. that 
hovereth on high, Phn. Ltcitus,a,uni./>r. lawful, al 

Libs, hbis. m. o. the south-west| a web, thread, yarn. 
Libum,i n.2.a wafer,ahoney-cake.Iictor,6ris.m 3. a scrjean 

touch ligluh ,to otier up, to pour 1 ibror, ari. p. to be poiscd.(wind Lic.tum,i n.2.the woof or 

out,to sprink)e,to gather, ur pick 
Llbor, an./j. to be tastcd. out. 
Libon6tus.i.m.thc south-wcst winu 
Libra*ae/ l*a pound-wcight apound 

in in>ncy, a pint, a pair of scales, 

onc of the tweive signs,a carpcn-jLicebit,/u/. piv conj. although,al- 1 Jct6riui,a,um. adj. of, or 

Liburna, ae. / 1. a galley. 
Uburnica, x / 1. idem. 
Liburais. i. m. 2. a litter, a couch. 

dle,a macehcarcr,er vcrj 
jcant at arms a marshal. 
cutioner. [ing to a terj< 

tcr*s hne. or mason's rule a plum 
met,or lcvcl, a poise, . countcr- 
poise, tiie height, or lummit of a 

Libraiis,e n<//. ofapound. (place 

Librumcn, ims. n. 3. a balancing. 
equai weight, a poisc, a bias. 

LJbranicntuni,i. n. 2. .*ven weight, 
the tonguc of a balance,a lcvel, a 
cord to tic ordnance, a weight of 
lcad,& stcady motion,a ibrccr 

Librans, tis. pu wcighing, poising. 

Libraria,x./l.a library, a bookscl- 
lcr's sliop, a weigher of wool, & 
maid. (clerk 

LibnirJ6lus, i. m. a bookkccpcr, a 

Librarium, i. n. 2. a library, a re- 

j.ibririus,a» um. adj. pertaining to 
books,ora pound.Scalprum libra- 
riuiii,a pciikiiifivVuef.Scriptor li- 
brarius, a transcriber, H.,r. 

Libniiius, i- m. 2. a scrivcner, 
ckrk, an amar.uensis, a prititer, i. 
book.^llcr, »r stationcr. (ing 

Libratio,6nis/ a wcighing, a pois- 

Librator ; 6ris.m. 3 a weigber,a le- 
veilcv of grouml, a slinger. 

LibrAtiira, jc./ 1. a wcighing. 

Lin/atus,a,um./>f.Ior, c mp. wcigh 
cd, poiscd, lcvelled, deliberatc. 
ZJbriieMs.n.&tkc bcainof a baluncc 

t.Ycens, cheapening. (beit. Llcuit, prxt. it was lawf 

Liccns, tis. adj. ior, comp. licen-|Lien, enis. m. 3. & Lienifl 
tious, extrnvagant, luiurious | the milt, the tpleen, sp 

Ltcenter,a</v.ius. comp. licentious-.Licnicus, a, um- adj. sple 
ly. with too much libcrty, rnshlv.Licnoius, a, um. aaj sic 

Licentia,<r/1 licence.pcrmission i spleen,swollcn, subject 
Ubcily, indulgcncc, )icentious-{ tation. 
ncss, unruliness, furiousncss, ar-jLicntcrir^x.y.l. a loosene 
bitrarincss. Infinita licentia, an;Lientcricus,*i. m. one tli 
unliinitcil commission, &c?i. Po jl.ij;aculum, i. n. 2. a sco 1 
etica liccntiu, a libcrty assumccrLijramciis,iius.i».^. a banc 
by poctsof coiningnew words,Stc 

Liccntiutus, i. m. 2. aliccutiutc. 

Liccntiosus, a, um. adj. liccutious 
dissolute, assuniing rash. 

Liceo.erc cui,citum n bc law-jl 
ful, to be prizcd, or valued 

L.iceor,eri,citus sum.c/ cheap-j tied up,fettervd.joined 
cn,to offer a price,to bid money.|Li£cllum,i.n. a lodge, a 

Lj ce ssit, pro Licuerit, l J laut. (L;gnaruim,i.n.2 a.tiniber 

Licet, ebat, licuit, & hcituin cst. Lignarius^i,um. adj. bek 
imp. it is lawful, it is ircc, or pos- wood, or timber, of woc 
siblc, I tbou,he,we,&c have pow-^Lignarius, i. m. 2. a tin 
cr. authority or leave to do it, l|Lignatio,5nis./3.fuellin{ 


Lig-amcntum, i. n. a lig 
Li^ans, tis. pt. binding 
LigiUio,onis/.S.a hindin{ 
Ligatura,a;./l.a hgaturc 
I igatus.a,um./>r.boun(L, I 

um content. you may if you wiil.iLignator, orii. m. 3. n 

:.icct,con/< although,albeit. (wort. 
Liclicn,enis.m.). a ringworni,livcr 

L»cirit6riuni,i.n.2.a weavcr f s beam woodcn Ligncolarigun 

ger, a hewcr, or tellcr 
i .igneblus,a,um.a(/> mad< 

.tciiius^; tumed upwiuxh. 
Licitatio, dnis./ 3. a chcapcning. 
a setting out ibr salc. 

Ligncus,a,um-ai(/. woodc 
Lignicida, z. m. 1. a wc 
Lignlle, it. n. y. a wood 





i.a wooden shoe, 
t > p'irvcy wood 
,m.d.L to gather 
'y.hard like wood 
xUalo£ achum-)» 
arkcriiel in fruit. 
»ind,to bind,ortie 

>c bound. 

1 spadc,a pickax. 
little toiifrue,ihf. 
>e, a lonjr .wor 1 
jr.ic, ;i spatula, ;\ 
, ov ladle, a inca- 
ichmsatulas r.t- 
ce.thc llap,or tip 
gulu cmralis, u 


LTmen,?nis.n.3a threshold.a door, LTnca,x./l. a line,a string,a cord, 

•/• gute, an cntrance, a house, a 
£0ah a limit, a frotitier. 1n uminc 
impin£cre,to be out at first das.i, 
Pv v. Liminc sub:n >vcr., to bc 
turncd out. of waitinjr, Jnv. 

Limcs,itis m. 3. a limii, abounia- 
ry a fro:itier,a Iandmark, a jrreat 
broad way, a road a puth- 

LimlcOla, a:. r. g. Uvinjjr iii mud. 

Lim ffer. cra, erum. a Ij. duubed 
with nnd. 

Liminaris, e. adj. of a threshold. 

Liinitire itcr, a footpatli 

Limitutio,onis. /. 3. a bouudingr, a 

Li.mtfitor, oris. m. 3. a limiter 

Lim.titus ujr^r, ta county divided 
into hidcs, or ploujrh lands. 

Limito,arc.ei 1- to limit, to bound, 
l to fct-d nicelyJ to sct boun U, to part, or dividc. 
o sUbbcr up, fb| 
rio.ouslv, to han- 

>. lickcrishncs:*, 
i. '*. a glutton. 

Limitor,ari, atussum. <l 1. idcm 
LTdio, ftnis. m. 3. a coach-beam. 
(frluttony. LTmo, fire. «.1. to iiie,to polish, to 
corrcct,to cut, to )esscn,to mud. 
Limor, ari, attis. p. to be filed- 
pr:vct, withbind.]Limo,iiire-n.l.tolookaskew,to join 

LTmones, \ wi. 3. lemons. 
LTmdnia, x.f. 1. an anemony. 
LTmositas, atis./. 3. muddincs*. 
Lfmosus a,um. adj. mtiddy, slimy. 
Limpidus,a,um. adj. clcar, brijrht, 

pt to bc 
:•»/*// accurately. 
>. a filinjr. 
3. a polisher. 
i. adj. ncat. fine. 
,&f adj. ior, rowip. 
ncat, curious 

adi of ldics. 
a lily.bed. 
7/. of a lily. 

,a polish,a finish 

corrcction. I purc, transparent. . brightncss 

bc polishcd, Limpitudo, Tnis. f 3. clearness, 
Limulus,a,uin.a/(/.somewhat awry 
LT.nus,a, um &Li'mis,e.<u//. crook 
ed, sjjuinting;oblique.(tar,drc;rs 
Limus,i.wi- mud, slimc, clay, mor- 
Linumentum, i. n. 2, lincn, lint, 
thread,a wick. Liuamenta,/>/.any 
thinjr madc of linen, VUn. 
a snail, a harlot. Linarium, i. n. 2. a flax-plat. 
dj. cmbroidcred.Linarius, i. ;/». 2. a flax-dresscr. 
2.aneinbroidcrer.JLinctus,a, um. pt. licked, sucked. 
>rdcr, an cdging,iLinct>is, us.wi 4. alickingr, ov suck- 
a selvage. | ing down softly,%n clcctui^y. 

a streuk,a rail,a bound, r limit, %, a degree of kndrcd, a 
a^rC thc points in thc table. Linea 
dive-i.thc pitandboxcsin thc thc- 
a'.re, whcrein the senatorj and 
equestrain onlcr sat,vlfar/-Extre- 
inu linca amarc, to lovc at a dis- 

LTucalis. e. adj. lineal, in a line. 

Lin^u.ncntum,i.n.2.a lincamcnt, a 
featurc.a for:n,ors!iape .udruught, 
a dia<rram, au outlinc* 

Linearis. e. adj. lincai*. 

LincrTtio, onis f. .5. a delinoation. 

r<Tncatus ( a,um./>/. drawn. (lineatc. 

Ll:ico,arc n.l. to dravv lines,to dc- 

Lincus, a, um. adj. lincn. tlaxcn. 

(^inucndus, a, inn. bc lickcd. 

Lin£ens. tis. ///. licking'. 

Lin^»,'^i*rc,nxi,nctum.rt. 3. to lick 
wit^i thc t')n,ruc, to lap, to suck 


Lin^f:ia,T./!l a tonpruc.a lanjaruajre, 
nv specch, clojU'.:nce,dctraction, 
slandcr,a proiiiontory, ov neck of 
laii l runn'n;< in:o the S"a, the 
n:i;nc of soveral herbs, as iinprua 
biibuljiilan^ de bucuf.{kc.Linjruani 
siticntis canis imitur'., to loll out 
thc tonjruc, Psrs. 

Liii$'.^.if/. q:t. Linprulaca. 

Lin a iruaculus,a, um. adj. talkr.tive, 
habbliiijr, full of ton^ruc. 

Linjruurium,i/7 2a %\g% aprnalty. 

Lin>ciiutas,:i,um. adj. sk.ll*d \n l a n- 
^uajres, Icarned. wcl! rea l 

Ling-iiax, acis. adj- longtongucd, 

Ling-uhi, x.f. 1. a 1'mjrel, a littlc 
tonjr\ic,tbe end of a lever, alittle 
tenon,a promonton*; vid. L-rula. 

Linj^uluca.x* /^l a solc-fish, a prat- 

L'mjrulatus,a,um. adj. tong\icd-(cr. 

Lingudsus, a, um. adj. talkativc. 

LfnicnduAjjLjVira.^t.ViNa^ ^xsskQNK.^ 





MagnYftcentia, sc. /. 1. magnifi- Majrusa,Am. adj. magical, magic.|Male^ictio,5nis/»lander,detncti- 

Maia, ac/ 1. a kind of crabfish. LVafcdicto,lre.u l*eeHaledko- m 


ccnce, grandeur, a hig-h value, 
or estcem. 

Magmfico [magnus.facio], are. a. 
1. to magnify, to extol,to praisc. 

Magnificor,ari. p. to be magnified. 

Magnihcus, a, um. adj. entior, 
c^tw/i.entissimus,*///» magnificent, 
lv,gTcat,noble. glorious, extraor 
ciinary.adorned.Aifimus magnifi- 
cu9, a large soul, Cic- Mafrnifica 
verba,great vaunting words,7Vr. 

MagnYl6qucntia,rc/ 1. a boasting. 

Magnilbquus.a, um. adj. lofty, ex- 
altcd, highHown, boasted. 

Mafrnipcndo [magnus,pcndo], dc- vulue,orcstecm highly. 

Magiiipcndor, di. p. to be much 
vaiucd, or regardcd. 

Magnitudo, inis./ 3. magnitudc, 
greatncas, size, bulk, quantity, 
length.Hiemis magnitudo.the se 

Majalis,is.m.;J.a barrow-pig,a hog.!MaledictuJn,i. n. 2. foul languagc 

Majestas, atis./ 3. majesty, gran-j reproach. 
deur,dignitv^olemnlty«authority, Maledictus, a, um- pt. cursed. 
power. Crimen majcstatis, high!Maledicus.a,um.a<#. foulmoulbed, 
trcason, Ci c. Majestatem hedcrc, reproachful,rcviling, slanderov. 
to commit trcason, Snet. Jlfa/rfacio,erc,feci,factum da 

Major, us. a({j. comp. grcater, big- amiss,to wrong,toinjurc,toabuie 
ger,eldcr,more emcaciotis, more Malcfactor, oris. m. l>. a criminK 
powcrfuhmorcvigorous.weighty. M&lcfactum, i. n. 2. an ill deed r 
momcntous,important. Quodma-j an injury. ify 

jus cst,which is morc, C/c. MajorMaleficc,o«V. mischicvously, bae% 
natu, eldcr, Id. Majorem in mo- Malef iceutia, *./ 1. mischievoufr 
dum, more earncstly, Id. Major ness(most wicked,cjrmigchievool 
morbus,thc failing sickncss, Celf Male'ficentissimus*a, tun. aaj. «0> 

Majorcs, um. pt- m. 3. anccstors, Maleficiose, adv. niischievouilv. 
forefathers, foundcrs of a sect. jMalef icium,t.n.3.a wicked actioE) 

Majus, a, um. adj. of May. ! roguery, act of hostility, vhfk- 

Majus,i.wi.2thc month of May. I craft. 

Majusciilus, a, um. adj. 8omewhatMhlcTicus,a,um. attf. mischicTOO* 
greater, bigger, or older. [ wickcd,envious, hostilc, unkini 

Mula, x / 1. thc cheek, the jaw. Malef icus,i m.a wizardasorceitt 

verity of winter, t/c. Matfiiitudo Mulabathrum, vid. Malobathrum. Malef idus, a, um. adj. faithta*. 

scrvitii, abuudance of *laves, Id. 

Magn6perc\a</r grcatly,niucli,ex- Makiciu, x.f. 1. a calm, sUllncss,.Malesanus, a,um- adj. unhealttyf 

ccedingly,vcr} r , chiefly, eagrrly, 
strietly, scvcrcly, by all means, 
oftcn, frequently. 

Maguiim, adv. gTcatly, aloud. 

Magiius, a, um. adj. major, comp. 
maxlmus,ffH/>.great, much, large, 
rich,powei*f ii,loud,hartlKlifiicult 

Mahchc, es./ «>. mallows. 


longing, sqcamishuess, tawdri- foolish(todoamiss,temptingto4! 
ness. strokc. Malcsuudus,a, persusdJBf^ 

Malacisso, arc. o. 1. to sofLcn, to Male vblcns, tis. atfy. issimus,«t\ 
Malacus, a, um. atlj soft, supplc, : malevolent, illnatured, envkj*, 
ticxihle,casy,voluptuous,dclic4itcMklev61entia,r./ 1. malevoknetX 
Malagma, iitis. n. i. a poultice. envy. (spiteful,unkiiid,enviie*; 
Milaxo.area l.tosoften,to supple Malevftlus, a, um. adj. malicjJt^ 
juo natu.ofgreat age, Liv Mile,m/7.badly,impropcrly-ill,dis-;MalIferus a,um.«f/ fruit-besrio^f 
Os magnum, astrongvoicc,JV/^ ^racefully*wickcdily,hurtfully,un- Malificus, a, um. adj. maleficeA 
Magna ling-ua, proud lanjruage.j successfully, unhappily, greatly, Malign^,a</v. ius. e<.«i£. xnalicio* 
Uur. Magnum marc, a tempcstu- witii reluctance,scarcely,hardly. lv,spitefully,enviousl) -spsrinrifi 
oub sca, Catull. Magni esse,to be Matedice, adv. abusively,slander- little. Maligne rcspondet fidd% 
highly valued, Cic. M;igno ve.j- ously. , the jar doth not nng wcll, *«* 

dcrc,tosclldear,7J. Ma:rna urbs, Malodiccntia, x.f 1. detractiou. IMaligTiitas, atis. f. 3. malig«^ 

Male.licentior, adj. comp. issimus, mahcc, envy, il 
*itp. morc and most slanderous, 1'mess. 

or baekbiting. JMalijifno, arc. a. 1. to exafpen*J 

7/«.VdIco,erc,ixi,ictum. a Z. to rc- Mai;^aus,a,um.a4?. ior, c mfi-' "* 

Kome, Tibull. Majpia dea, Ca- 
tull. mater, Cic. Cybele mothcr 
of the gods. 

:nvy, illnature, nigp») 

an e^jchantcr, a channer, a wise proaeh,torevile,torailat,tocursej mus, »up. malicious, initenil,*' 
""" \MakdIcioL' } ci. p. to be rcviled. I vious, unkiud, pceviDi wa&G 1 






im*U.njurrow,feferredf mvvst, tricking, chcatihg, fraud- 
m adj of an applc-trcc ulciit,dcf'ij;iiing deccitful, arliul, 

1 mulice, mischicvous 
:ss, unkindnesa» bard- 

magical, silly, foolish, weak, tn- 
fling, cowardly. ugly, dcformed. 
irfi». ius, e mp malici- Manulla,ac/l.a Jittle orcast,adug 

Mamillarc, is. n. o. a Htomachcr. 


a, um. adj. malicious, 
ckcd, kuavLsh, crafty, 
ig, wrcstcd. (heatcr 
ns.m.S.a hammcrer, a 
*, um. pt hammered, 
ur beaten with a ham- 

e. atfj- young.tendcr. 
m. 2. a mallet, a smail 
me,abundlc of hemp, 
ranklc honc,an arrow. 
2 a mallct, a maid a 
lisease in cattle(basoi. 
uoi. pl. /a wash hand 
i. verb. jitc?. J. to bc 
lg, to wisli rather* 
n,t.n- lndian leaf 
iknardis madc,spikc- 
Ui alarge mallow(nard 
t, um. adj. efteminate, 

" 1. a ccmcnt, a wax. 
a 1 to glue, or soldei . 

1. the herb n.allows. mallows. 
an apnle, orange, &c. 
an evil,evil,<*in, wick 
,a crimc, a fauit, mis- 
flering, calamity, dis- 
. badlv, amiss. 
*rj. with a mischief ! 
. an applc trcc 
2. amast of ship. 

a*lj> pejor,ct t»p. pes- 

Mamma, x.f. 1. a brcast, a pap, a 
dug a child's word for mothcr, a 
grandam, or grannam, a bump. 

Mammcatus, vid. Maminosus. 

Mammona.x. /1 .mammon,richcs. 

Mammdsus,a,um ac(/.having grcat 
breasts, paps, or dugs femule. 

Mammiila, x.f. 1. a littlc dug. 

Munabilis, e. adj. apt to ttow, or 
picrcc . 

Manacus i m. 2. thc orb. or cour>c 
of the moon, a comj)lcte montli. 

Manalc, is. ?i. '6. an cwcr. 

ManUlia, c adj. that bclongeth to 
thc gliost or gods below,that out 
of which watcralwavs flowcih. 

Manans, tis ///. ilowing, gushing 
out, running down, spreading. 

Manatio. 6nis./3. a flowing. 

vlanccps, «ip:s. r. g. a larnicr of 
«.nypart of thepuphc revcnues,an 
undertakcr of anv public work,a 

MancVpo, 1. to scll, alicnate 
oi mukc ovcr,to cnslavc,to give • 
right, i,r title to warrant. 

Mancipor, ari. p. to bc sold. 

Mancupium, vid. Mancipium. 

Mancns, a,um. ur//.maimed,defec' 

Mandamlws, a, to be cora- 
mandcd, commitcd, &c. 

Mandans,tis. pt. coiiimanding, OT- 
dering, instigating, iutrusting. 

Mundator,6ris m. 6. a commandcr, 
a committcr.a suborner,a surety. 

Mandutrix,icis. f.\». a commander; 

Mandatum,i.n.2.a command,<m or, 
dcr,an injunction,acharge,acom) 
mission, a messagc. 

Mandaturufi, a, um, pt. about ffr 
command, or intni!»t. 

Mandutus, a, um pt. commanded» 
comnicndcd, committed, intrust- 
cd. (charge. 

Mandatus, us. m. a comroand,; s 

Mandcndus, a,um pt. to bc catcn. 

Maudcnstis pt. cating,catmg up. 

Maudibiilum, \.n. 2. Uie jaw-bone. 

>lando,arca commamMobid, 
to onlcr,to comniit,to intrust, to 
scnd awa\ ,to scndword. Mandare 
litcris nicnioria:quc,toput inwrit- 

proprictorthat sclktha thingup-| ing,and delivcr down to postcri- 
on warranty, u postmaster,an a- ty, Cicsalutvm alicui. to prcsent 
bcttor, a hircr. (uiii! his scrvicc, Ov. inalis, to «at & 

Mancipatio, onis./. vid. Mancipi-| thing, Lucr. 

Mancipatus,a,um/»/.sold,enslavc(lMandor,ari p. to bc commanded. 

Mancipatus, us. m 4- a sclling onMnndo, onis. m. J. a great catcr. 
warranty, or beforc witiics8cs..Mando.dcrc,di,n.suin.M.3. to cat,to 

Mancipium,i.7*-2.])ropcrt^,orright. eat up,to chaii>]>,to bito» 
ofpcrpctual*posscssion,aslavc orMandor, di. p- tobc chcwcd. 
dcpendant on agreatman.Manci-Mandra,:<r./. l.ahovel forcattle,a 
cipiodarcto wairautthotitlc»&.c. i tcam of hcasts tbatbcar burdcni^ 
nS'«i.accipcrc,tohavcaconvcyancc the points whcrc tlie chcssmeii 
of an cstatc madc toliim, Twrr.Sui stand, a monasitcry, or convcnt. 
mancipli cssc,to bc at at his own MaudragorasiX./.l. a mardrake. 
disposal, CVr. In mancipiojn thc Mandiicutio, dnis./ 3. achcwinr« 
aot #»f «»«nvcyin>r» Jd. .Manducarus uvcu ^.^Cv^k^^njcv^ 





MandGco, 5nis.m 5. a great eatcr. Maiufcstor.ari atus. /».to be shown Mansuetudo,inis./. 3. gentk 
Manduco, arc.u 1. to chew,to cat. Manifestus,a,um.m^. ior, comp. i»-; majcsty. 

Manducor, ari. d. 1. idem. 
Manducuin, i.n. 2. meat (bugbear. 
Manducus, i m. 2 a grc&t euter, a 
Mane, udv. in the morning. 
Mane n.notn.ucc. & «6/. thc morn 

ing, tirst part of duy, daylight 
Manebitur, impers. 1, thou, hc, it, 

we,ye, tliey wdl tirry, Cic. 
Manedum, itnp. tarry awhile. 
Manendus.a, um. pt.Xo bc awaited. 
Manens,tis. y>f stayin;;\continuing. 
MineOjC-rc, nsi, nsuin. /i. & a 2. to 

atay,to tarry,to wait,to continue, 

to remain,to stny, . r wait for, to 

•xpcct,to await, to pcrsisl, to bc 

Maues,ium />/.m.3.infernal ffods, a 

•p'irit,r g^hostjthc siiades bclow. 

dcad boclics, tlic placc of thc 

dead,hcll,a tornientor,an avcng- 

er, the «tings of conscicnc, rc- 

morse, a fury. 
Ma?igx>,6nis m.3.a buycr andscller 

of slavcs, horses, &c. a regrater 
Mangdnicus.a,um adj of rc^raters 
Maugdni/atus, a, um. pt trimmcd 

up,po!ishcd;.set off y pampcre I(Scc 
Mangdnizo arc.w to trim up,pain1, 
M<tni<c,uruKi/>.' /hob£oi)lii.s,imag- 
Maniacus, a, um. adj mad. (es. 
Manica,a\/l. a slccvc, a glove, a 

niittcn,a gauntlet,a fcttcr for thc 

hauds, a grappling-iron. 
Ma.iicatus, a,um ««V/.with slccvcs. 
M*inicon,i.u 2.n.£;htsliade handlc 
Mamciila, x. / 1- a littlc hand, a 
Manifestarius,a wm.adj. nolorious 
Manifestutio, jnis. / ;>.manifcst:tti- 

oii. «^.nian.festlvjopenly^plain.y 

Mamfestc, adv. ius, c: mp- issimc 

Mamfesto, adv. idcui. 

ItenifesiOyhrc a. 1 to mauifest, to 

*how, to diaeovcr, to betray. 

simus, *></>. manifc^t. clcar, pJain,Munsactus,a,nm adj.iot.comp. 

cvidcnt appavem. Mauifcstis in m\is t sup tunie, gentle. court 

rcbus tencri, to bc tukcn in thc Mansum i 7i.2.mea.tche*ed ( 

fact, Cic. iMansums, a, um. pt- that wU 

Manipl r s, vid. Manipularis. ",ubidc,orstay for,Li 

Maniplus, xvW Mumpulsufi. Mansiis a,um /u.che wed,ch*ii 

Manipularis,e adj. ot\- r belongingMansus, i. m. a f. rm-house 

to a band Of men.Mauipularcs ju- land. (a clouk,a cover,a dei 

dices, judg-es chosen out of theMantelc. is, n. J.a towel^m 

soldicrs, Cic. Munteum,i. n. 2. tlic place o 

Manipiilaris,is.m.3. a common sol- cles. 

dicr, a standard-bearcr. Mantica, ar/ 1. a wa.let,a b 

Manipularius,a. um- adj of, <;r be- script,a cloakba^,orportma 

longing to a common soldier. Mantice, es./ 3. dlvination. 
Manipulatim, udv. by bands, ( rManticula, ac /. 1. alittle ba. 

compauics. in hcaps, r bodies. Manticuiariu.s,i.m.2- a pickpc 
Manij>iklus,im. 2.a handful,a c/ pickpo 

dlc,an cnsign aband or company,Mautile,is n. ..a towcl,a tabU 

of j*oldicis. a giove, or gauntlet. Mantis, 3.a prophct.a Qi 
Manna, indecl. n Jlcbr. maiina Mantiba, x. / 1 over mcasu: 
Maiiniiliis,..m.J. a galloway.a na^ i wcight adrautagc. 
ManmiH, i ,i 2. a nag,an ambhng^Manto, are. n. 1. to stay, to 

nag, ajennct. JManualc, is. n a nianual, * 

Mauo,arc n.&.a flow,to run, r\ book belonging to the 

trickle down,to drop,to distil, to,Munuulis,e. </«>;. nianuai, of, 1 

spread, to diH\ise, to extcnd Klanuarius «<//.got by nandi^ 
Manon, i. n. 2. asoil sponge. ^Munubia^arum pl f.\\:\c^ 
Mansio, onis./ 3. a stay, continuJ war,booty.piunder,pdla£etS 

anccan inn,a day's journey,little;, ing of thundcrbolts. 

casc cuntinuc,to cat.tolivc upon Manubialis pccunia, moncTi 
Mansito, ure. freq. 1. to tarry, ' r\ out of tlie spoils of war, & 
Mansucf acio, [mansuctus, facioj.Manubriatus, a, um. aaj hal 

ccrc a. ->• totauic, to civili/e. |Manubri6liuin,i, »Ja littlc k 
Mansucfactus, a, u:n. /».'' handlc. (hanile, p 

vilizcd, soficned, made sof~. or.Manubrium, i. n. 2. a hilt, ha 

mallcable, husbaudcd and inanu- Manfifuctus, a, um. pt. mul 

red, I hand. 

Mansuelio, [mansuetus, fio], fieri, Mamilea, x. /*. 1. a slecve, i 

factus. ii. p. 3. to bc nndc timc.Maniilcariua, i. m. a nuk< 
Mansucs.etis. c. j». pm Mansuetus.| clothcs. 
Mansuesco,ccrc.Cvi.i/ir.3 to growjM.miiIeutusAfUTn.fl'{/. ha\ing 

ttine,or gentlc,t«> gi*ow sofi 9 niihli sleevcs», ciTtminate. cauifli. 

or mclIow,to makc Ume,totanie.j.\l:inuinijwio,dni9./Xa nuki 

I asci-yant frcc^j. d]«uia«ioiwJ 

Mun^uctc, adv. g-cntly, mildly 






Imissns, a, um. pt. madc free, 
-ancliised. set at libcrtv. 
lmittendus, a, wn. ///. to bc 
le firee. ©r set at libertv. 
Qmitto, terc, isf, issum. n. 3 
nakc free, cnfranchise,to dis- 

lmittor, ti.p. to bc inadc frce. 
ipretiuin,i n.wajrcs,a rcw ird. 
i%us/.4.a liand,art,worknian- 
lybbour^a workmm.a body,or 
(J nf soldiers, kc. a fijrht, a 
»',&>«? cmijrht, powcr, dibpos- 
dnct, action by thc hand, a 
'Uwritin; a1tcmpt,a throw 
iice, an elephant's trunk, a 
k. Manihus pcdibiwquc, with 
one's power, ^Vr. Manuru 
*, to chcat, or iinposc upon 
«f Manum fcruhc subdurcrc, 
e no lon^cr a school')oy,./Mr. 
Uia, uni:M. pl. n. 2. coitajrcs, 
k cloih. 

p**x. f. 1. a tible napkin, «r 
fthus i in.2.fcimcl. (quahnish. 
«ns, tis. /*.'. withcrlnjr, wcak, 
eo,cbrc,cui n.2 to withcr»to 
eaway. to droop, to flajr. 
etcens.tis./»/. wcak.qualmish. 

•scOjCcrc. ihc pinc awa>> 
tooop, to flajr, to lau^uish, t<> 

S, to putrify. 
usAnm. atlj. Iean,poor,flajr- 
Lhingrinjr fceblc, dull, hravy, 
■ve, flat, dcail. rotten. 
■r,oris.m t. Icanness, drowsi- 

ls f i. m. 2. a brazier*s ham- 
. i. m. 2. idcm. (iiut 

y*. n- 3. thc sca, thc ocoan, 
riTer. tbc vast cxpa'isc. 
t.f.\. marl, a fat clay. 
.,x/J-a pcarl,jrcm,jcwel 
'cr^uni atlj. proilucinjr. 

nearls havinjr pcarls. 
Marjrarituni, i. n. 2. a pearj. fcd. 
Marjrinandus.a, to bc cdjr 

inarjrin. broad-brimmed. 


Marticfcla, x. c- er- warlike. 
Martijrciia,i».r.jjr.bcjrottcnof Mars. 

M:trjrinMus,a, um- />r. tliat hath a,\fartius, a, um. iulj. dcdicated to 
• i i i ? _- . i _- ■ • ■ 

Mars, hclonjrimr to war,warlikc, 

Marjro,inis.r/ j^.3,a m.trjrin,a hrink, hcloujrinjr to thc month of March 

a bank,a side,oredjre, a brim, an Martulus.i m. a bra/ier's hammer. 

cnd, ov cxtrcmity. (sca Mariyr,tyris.r..y , ..5.a martyr, a wit- 

MarTnus,a,um. «.•// marinc of thc Martyriuiii,i. n martyrdom. (ncss. 
Marisca.x/La «rcat unsavorj' li^, Mariiin i. n. a hcrb likc ma.joram. 

thc pilcs, a sorc hlibtcr- 'Mas, maris. m 5. a niale. 

Mariscus, i. m 2 a liulrush. |Mas<-ulcsco. ccre .i,ic. .». to tarn 

Mirita.a, / 1. a marricd woman.a, to jrrow inaulv, or strong". 

wife, a ipiccn. (maiTiajrc. Mxsciilinus, a, um. ,;i!j masculine. 

MiritsHis,e.fif//.of, «r bcloii^injr to Masciilusa, nin u.u. inalc, rnanlv, 
M intaiidus a, um pt to b.: marri- hardv.MascuIus a r rii!is.a hc-lanib 

cd, ©r joincd, to marry. r Masciilus, i m . '2. a male, man. 

Miritatus, a, um. /»/. married. Massa .c/. 1. a mass orhnnp of anv 
Miritimus,a>uni «7/. maritimc, of, thinjr,thcboilv ofabook,a vcijrht 

ofbcloirriu^tnthesca^iicklc.rrii- tos.vinjrinonc'shand toprovoke 

cl. (tojoin.tosct to imprcjrn:itc. swcat i i bathinjr, afai*m. 
Mtnto, arc. a. 1. to uiarry,to wcd. ^lassaris, is /. 3 a uild jrrape. 
Maritor. ari. //. to bc niarri.-d. Massula, x f. 1. a littlc clumo, a 
Maritus,a,um. fir// of, «/• bclon^inj; **lr>t a j^rai ; i. 

to maiTiaf^c, inarricd. bridal. Mastr.aMo.onis /..>. a mastication. 
Marltus,i.m.2 a!iiiHband,thc male- Masiirhc, cs / 3 giun mastich. 
Mannor.oris n.."* snarblc, a inarblc Mastico, arc. a 1. to masticate. 

statuc, thc sca. (marblc Mastiiria a rojruc, a bcatcn 

Marrnrtrarius, i. m. 2 a worker inM-isto-.,;./. J y cock an hcrb.(s1ave. 
MaiTnor.'itiiin,i n i.rnru^Ie-plastcr. Ma*tiM<.M, .t / 1. a fur jrarment. 
Marmbratus, a, uni. pt. cascd, or u*j a,um adj. that wcar- 

covtTird with marblc I eth a jrarmcnt. 

Marm^rcus^ a, um. adj. madc ofMastus, i m. 2. acock, an hcrb. 

marblc,wlrtc. smooth, or Irird as-M itnra f x/.l.& Matiris,is./ 3 abU 

marblc, like marblc. marhlc matiiri, a (Jallic javelin, or spcar. 
Marmorosus a, um. adj hanl us.Mit-lli, x. f 1. a chambcr-pot. 
Marra, x f. I a matto<\a pickax, Mitcllio, onis. m. .5. a watc--not. 

a wccdinjr-hook, :i hoc. Mateola, x f 1. alittlc mallct. 

Marrftbium, i. /i 2. horclioun l Matcr. tris./3 amother, afostcr- 
Mars,tis. f/i. •>. a planet thc jrod of mothcr adam, a makcr, caiser, 

war,war,a fijrht a battlc.courajrc,; 8cc. a namc givcn to matrons, ©r 

s*i*cnprth. Mars forcnsis, clo- 1 troddcsscs, a trcc, the carth. 

quencc, Ov. I.Mutcrrnla, ac./. 1 a litclc- mothcr. 




a house-keeper. 
Materia,ac. /. 1 . rhattcr, stuflf, sub 

stAnce,matcrials, timber, wood. a 

branch,fueh a sub jcct-inatter, &? 

ground, a sitbject, or argumcnt 

an occasion, ©r cause. 
Materialis, c. adj. of matter. 
Materialftcr, adv. materially. 
Materiarius, a, ura. aihj of timbcr. 
Materiarius, i. m. a timber-mer- 

Materiatfira, x.f 1. timbcr-work. 
Materiatus. a, tnn. pt. timbcred 
Miterics, li. f. 5 id. tju. Materia 
Materior,ari.c/.l toiiakc provision 

ofdmber(orbelonging to a mother 
Maternus,», um. adj maternal. of, 
Matcrtcra, x.f 1. an aunt. (tic.s- 
Mathcmatic.a, ar/ l.themathema 
Mathcmaticus, a, um. udj. mathe- 

matics,of the mathematics (cian 
Mathematicus, i. m. a mathemati- 
>Iathcsis, is, wl cos / 3. judicia 

astrotoiry, astronomy. kc. 
Matralia.ium. pl n. 3. the feast of 

matrons to the goddess Mater 
Matricalis, e. adj. of the womb. 
Matricaria, ac./ 1. feveifew. 
Matrieido, x. c. g. 1. a murdcrer 

of his mother, a matricide. 
Matncldium, i n. 2. rnatricide. 


Mattca,at/l.a dainty dish of raeat 
Mattiacac pilx, washballs 
»fattya,a:/l..wr Mattea(coxcomb 
>IaUila,z./. a chambcr-pot,a silly 
4aturandus,a,um,/>t to bc liastcn- 
Matiirans, tis pt. hastemng. (ed 
Matnrate, udv hastily, quickly. 
Maturatio, onis./ 3. a hastening, 

Matfirutus, pt ripcncd, ripc, 

full, perfect, hastened- Maturato 

opus cst,wc must makc haste,7ta 

Vfature, adv ius, comp issimc, & 

urrimc . *up. in duc timc, se&son- est,highest, chief, hieb 

Rst maximo prctioiit is v< 
riin. Maximi aliqucm fi 
lovc one dearly, Ter 111 
multo maximum cst, I 1: 
strcss upon that, Id. 

Maza, x.f 1. flummery. 

Maz6ndnum,i.n a platter^ 

Matriciila, «./. 1- a roll, or list of ly,scasonable,carly, quick, spee- 

registered persons. the church. 
Matriciilariusj. m. 2. a rejristcr of 
Matrim>inialis.e adj ofmarriage 
Matrimonium,in matrimony,mar. 

riajrc,wedlock,a wife (therliving 
Matnmu9,a um. adj havinga mo- 
Matrix/icis/3.the womb a mothcr 
Matrdna,*./ 1. a matron,a wife : 

consort,a lady,a mistress. (fcast. 

MatrSnaliaiium pl.n. 3the matroiis 

Matr6nalis,ca///-matron-like,mod- 4. ladyship. <est. 

MatruClis, is. c. g. 3. acoibin. 

Mattu, x.f.l.z mat, qv mattrej». 

ably, early, qiuckly, soon. 

Mntfircsccns,tis. pt. frrowing' ripc 

MatGresco,cere. i/ic 3. to ripen,to 
grow,orbe ripctocome to a hcad 

Vtatuntas, atis / 3. maturity, 
ripcncss, pcrfcction, a seasou, a 
conveiiicnt time. Fcstinata ma 
turitas occidit celcrius,soon ripc, 
soon rotten, Quint. 

Vfaturo.Firc. a 1 to ripen,or make 
ripe to hasten, to makc haste. 

vfatfiror, ari. p. to be hastened. with all speed. 

Maturri'mus,a, um. adj. most ripe. 

>Iaturus,a,um. adj. ior, comp. isst- 
mus &. urrimus,#//p. mature,ripe, 
melIow,pcrfect,opportune, time- 

dv. too soon, or hastv. 
Matiltinum. i. n- 2. the morning' 
Mritutinus,a,um. adj. of, or in thc 

morning, carly, sour, cross. 
Mavortius, a, um. adj. warlikc. 
Maurus,i.r/i.2.a moor,a blackmoor 
Maurus, a, um. adj of Mauritania. 
vlaurusiacus. & Maurusius, a, um. 

dj. of Mauritania. 
Mausolcum, i. n the tomb of Mau- 

solus, a stately monument, on 


Maxilla^x-/.the cheek-bone-n corab 
M-jLxiUuris, c. adj. maxiikry. 


MaxImdyOife.tff ft.moflt, x& 

chiefly, especially, part 


ver-so much,yes. Quun i 

abs te oro atque postulo,] 

earncstly desireyou Ter 

maxime memini,to the b 

rcmcmbrancc at presen 

Maximitas, atis./ 3. mag 

Maxim6perd, adv- vcry e 

Maxtmus,a,um aaj.*vp.\ 


orlarge,most roightv, nio 


Meubilis,ea({;.that runnetl 

Mcans,tis./>/. passing.glidin 
Mcaptc causa, for my qwi 

on my own account, Tet 
Meatus,us. m. 4. a passage 

veyancc, a course. a raot 

moutli of a river, a pore. 
Mecxnas, atis. rw. a pat 

friend of lcarncd men, I 

minate person. 
Mecastor, adv. juran, btf 
Mechanice, es. / 3. mecbi 
MS chanicus^L,um^ujrBMcl 
Mechanicus, i. m. a cottt 


Meconium, i. n. juice of pi 
Mecum, tor.t cum me, witb 

me, with xnysclf. 
Meddix,icis.m. vid. Medissl 
Medela, ac/ 1. aremedv,; 
Medcndus^» um.^. to bel 
Medens, tis. pt~ heafinffi Oi 
|Mcdeor,en-4 3. t»h^k< 





>edy. Ejm-scit medendo.lie iiJ preparntion, «r application, ajiltdaerrineus. a, um. adj. in the 


•iiore oastinatc tor 
su«dcd, y>r$., tmfterjt. thcy curc, tliey 
rcct.they reform. 
iuK\i*.ri.J tlic pitb,or middlc. 

Medicina,.c./'l mcdicinc, physic, 

orthe artofph\ sic,a purj»-e,a curc, 

or rcmcdy, poison, "a physician*s 

&c. shop, a phvsician. 
lanus, a, um ad'. middlc. iMcdicindis. c. adj. mcdicinal. 
i;istin>ii><i*ni 2«a slavc.a drudjr*' Mcdicn,art*.a 1 to cure tohcaI,to 
iastnticii*,!.*» 2. thc cliicf n.a- jrive au artificial prcparation. 
:rate in Campania, Liv. I.Mcdicor. ari, fitus. />. to bc curcd. 

iatio, dnis f. .">. a iiirdiation. iMedicor ari,utus. d 1. to curc, ov 

iJtor.dris./n. .3 a mcdiatur, an. hcal,to amcnd,rcforiii,«r rcclaim. to the jroddcss of physic. 
:ric«or, an uinpirc jMcdicus a,u>n.wi//.Modian/>r Pcr- ! Mcditulliuni,t>n.2.thc vcry middle 

ica, x.f 1. a m.dv. ile. I sian ofthu Mcdcs (sical,hcalinjrJMcdium i n 2.themidst,<?rmiddlc, 

ica, a: . /* 1. a ciiron, oraiijre^Medicuvi, um adj. nicdical, pliy-i what isp]accdinthcrniddlc,what 
cinon trec. cinal.iMcdicus i m 2.a physici;tii,a letrch iscommon to 8cvcral,thc public. 

;cabilis,c. adj curablc, incdi-jMedie^aJi'. indi.i'crciitl\, cqualiy, Mcdius,a, um. adj thc uiiddle, iu 

middlc of the land, midland, that 
livclh far from the sca, Mediter- 
raneum mare, the sca which di- 
videth Europe from Africa,/'»». 

Mcditor,ari,atus sum. </. 1. to me- 
upon to study dcsign, intend, or 
contrivc,to cxcrcisc,orpractisc,t* 
play upon an instnimcnt. 

Mcditrinulia,orum. />/. n 2. fcasts 

icabulum,i.N. 2. an iiuirniary. to.crably 

icaincn, inis. //. a niedicinc, aj.Mcdictas, atisy .3. a moicty. 

paring" mcdicincs. 
icatjrictitaria,:e.thc urt of prc- 
icumcntarius, i. m. 2. an apo- 
:ary, a chcmist. (ciiial 

icanicntoMis,;mim. adj. medi 
icamcnluni,i m 2. a mcdicinc, 
Hii-^i purjrc,acurc,or remcdy. 

h, a tincturc to d\e with. 
icaris *»•■* l*' iji** ii»i*r a iuolU- 

J vi.-tue- 

catio,6ni.s/ '». n proparation. 

cat~irus.a,uni /// to prcparc 

thc iniddlc, middling'. ordinarv, 
iudirfcrcnt.ncutral, equally suit- 

Mcdimnus,i.m.&, Mcduunuiii, i n. ed.or inclincd,common, frcncral, 

^.a mcasure coutainin^six bush 
cls- (ablc,ino!iiicrci]t,suiall,mcan. 

dctcnnininjr,intcr\*eninc;, middle 
ajred. Krigonbus mediis, in the 

Medior.ris.cro.a/// middIin;r,tolcr- middlcof uintcr Virp. Mcdio xs- 

Mcdiocntas atis f. >. a iiican, or tu,in thc heat of thc day,/r/. Mc- 

middic way, mcanncss in an\ dia vocabula, words» uscd in % 

circumstancc, indiflcrcnt parts ! goml, or bad scnse. 

ioii, i\\ oiiitmcnt a paint, oijMcdiocntcr, adv with;Mcdiusf itlius, adv by JTcrcuTcs. 

Mcdioxiimc. adv. tolcr.iblv. lr. 

%t m 

Mcdioxiiinus, a, um. adj middic- 


Mcdulla x.f. 1 marrow, pith, the 
quintcsscncc, or prime, a cliicf 
point, flour, mcal thc hcart. 

(ing 1 upon. Mcdullaris, c. adj inward,dcep 

Meduiritus. adv. to thc niarruw, 

deepl\, cordially, afVectionatcly. 

MbMliillo, takc outmarrow 

Mcdita:iundus»«um. adj. mcditit 

calus,a,um./)/ ior, comp. isMi-Mcthtanicn, inis. n. nn ditation. 

,*?ift. mcdiciual.j)h\Nical, nicMctlitumfutiim.i./i. i 1 an e\>:rcisc 

nalfy,9r piivsically prcparcd/Mctlitans, tis. f-t. mcditatin^, rc-jMcdullosus, a, um. atfj. full of 

oncd, licdaubcd with oint-j volvinc;,Tiiusing' upon, desijj ning', marrow. 

its,^tcepcd, dycd,cnihautcil.l aimiiij^. 

Lonicarncdicatapocula vir^ajMtdita^.ar/r with prcmcditation 

aniiwood-potion^l/ur/. lanajMcditarm, onis. f. J. mcditation, 

licata fuco, wool tlycd, // r.j tiioni^ht,stiidy,]>racticc,cxcrtisc 

bdata virjra, Mcrcury's rod, Medit;iti\ us,a um.m//. nicditativc. 

^cally prcpared to cau^c.Mcditatus, a. uin. />/. lia^in^iuus-iMchcrclc, Mchcrcule, 5c Mchcr- 

p, Ov. Medicatus somnus, a! cd,or thou^ht upon, cousidcrcd, cuKs.nt/v. so hclpjnc Hcrcules, 

p canscd by magical prcpa- 1 thou^ht upou. prcmcditatcd,cx- indccd. 

ons, Li. ! crciscd. (ofthc land, or couiitry. l Mciciis l ti*i./> i # .pissin(r(make water 

ic&tU9>uy. m, 4« a mcdicinalMcditcrrancum.i.n 2. thc midd2c.Mcio/u'rc,inlctnm. .i. piss^MQ 


Mcdullula,z./! l.thc fincstdown. 

Mc^alCsia. onim./// n. 2. plays in 

honor of Cvbclc on thc 4th ot 


April (uccs. 

Mcgistancs,um.p/. w. noblcs,gran- 





Mel,mellis,n.3. honcy.a swect,the Melftensii, e. a//i. of Malta. 
jtticcoftheflowcrsoflihes,ade^Meh'turjrus, i. m. 2. a bce-dcaler 


lum, thc surface of a t 
nea mcmhrana,the lis 

light,a darlin{r,my honey, or dcar Mclius,ar/v. comp. a Wene, bcttcr.j stancc in the middle< 
heart! Meliusculc, ativ. a Jittlc better. | Plin. (skinny, like \ 

Mcliusculus, a, um. adj. souiewhatjMcmbranaceus, a, um 

Melamaetos,i.m.2.the black eaglc. 

Mciainpus,i.m.3. a do£,Blackfoot| better. (ney Mcmbraneus, a, ura. a 

Mclanchxtes. ae. m. 1. Blackhair.'Mclizdmuin.i /i.a decoction of ho 




Mclanchlaenus,a,uni. aaj. wearing-Mcllariunv.n.2. a bec-hive,or stull Mcrubniniila, x.f 1. 
■ black clotlies .McUarius, a, um- adj. bclon^-ingfMcmbranulum, i. n. 

MSlanchblia, x.f. 1. melancholy, to honey. brane. 

Mclancholicus, a, um. atlj. mclan-Mellarius,i,m.a honcy-scller. (ncy. Mcnbratim, arfv. limb 
cholic. i.Mellatio,6nu»/.3.the takingof ho- picces,pieccmcal,in&h 

Mclaneus,ei m.2.a dog.Blacfccoat. iuj*. 

(of honcy. a part, an clcnienr, ac 

Melania,s./1. blackness, a black Mclhf icati0,6nis/ 3. thc nuikiiu; MC-mct,//r««.ru c. nu, m 
spot. jMellificiuni, i. ii.2. idcm. Mcuu!ii,inciiicnto, iikm 

Melanurus,!- m 2. aruff,a bream. Melhf ico [mcl, facio], are. a. 1. ti-',ivrjA.</r/i'»7.lo : 
Mclapiura, i. n. 2. a peannain. ] make,or produce honey. ihoncy ; to think of, to niakc i my swccthoncy ! MrUificii.s,a,iiin. cdj. thut makcth 1«» takc care, to provi< 
MclCtf>l t H.vid. Mch)S s on^s,notc«.!Mciliflucns tis aJi. cloqucnt. .Mv'imionia:aves..Y ii.tM 
MelcagTis,ulis./. 3. a guinca-hcn ^Mellifiuus^Miin. atij. Uowing wkli Ov.birds wliich came « 
Mcles.-tW Mclis.if./. »>• a badgcr. h*»ncy, dc1ic:our 9 sweet. i outof Ktiiiopia toMcm 

Mcleteus,a, um. adj. belonging to.M«:llig , cnii^..i,um. aJj. like honcy.' at Troy.aiid tture lou^ 
Mclcs Melctcx charlx,IloiiicrVi.tlcUi£o, inis /*. 3. ruildcw. | killcd oue anotlicr. 

Ycrses, uv poems. Tilml jMcllillus, a, uiu. adj. of honcy. J.Me:nor.oris,u</.\oiiiii zc 

Mchbocus, a, um- atij. of Melihnra ' M*»l 1 i:ii;i,re , i /* 1. s\vt.".-tncsH % dcli};ht. thankrukffr.ttct'iil.Lotir 
Mchcx gaUin.c. turkey huns, f.' /. , Mellinus,a,um.«//'.of honcy. (ncy. Ms.-inorubilis l c.u<//-.ior. i 
Mcl(ccinbalfcs,um./</. //. pcriwink-jMellitfilus,a,uin. adj. swecl :i» ho- bc talked tr 
Mehcus,a,um aifj harnioniou».(lcsi.M< , lli:us, a, um. attj. is&imu:;, ntp hle. notablc, rcnownc 

Mclilotes, uf 2. mehlot- 
M61imelum,i.n. 2. a honcy-applc 

Hhecp-skin, or badger-skin. 
Mclior,u*.<ia>'- crmp. a Donus, bct 
tcr.more excellent, more valiant, 
more cxpcrt,orskilfil.morc y\*l. 

prcscr\ccl,o*-.swectciicd with ho- Mem6i>andus.a,uni./;/.to 
ncy, of a honcy-tastc, dclicious' rccordcd,meiiioi-ablf,i 
the quince madc into liiarmaladc ^tclo,dii:s. m. 3. a mclon. {lovcly. c;l«irious gallant. bniv< 
Mehmuin,i.n.2 o'd of the blossomsjilelfldus, a, iun- atfi. mclodicus. Mcmorans, tis. pt spcak 
of applcs, a whitc paint. niint. .Mehvncli, ;i. intlscl marmakulc. ! hiting 1 , rcporting", sayin 
Mfihnus,a,uin.a^;'. ycllow,madc of Meiomclumj :i. 2 a swcetprin!?- Memorator, oris. m. .>. a 

Melo])epo,6nis m.* in /tf.acf.TiieJo-Memoratrix, icis.y. 3. a 
pepnnas, a musk-mclou. jMcmbratus, a. um. pt. I 

.\Iclos n.def.ahl mclo,/i/. niu9,«://».s])okcns^men 
h»dy, harmony, mu5ic. asong-, y- counted, famous. « rcinc 
or iipri^ht^greatcr, bi^er. (tcrj tune, a sinping- in measure- JMcmoratu, abl. &t ui. d\ 3. to jyrow hct-|Mcmbrana,x /'. 1. a membrane, ajMcm6ria,x,/ 1. mcmon 
Meli6so-jlivll>.i,i<n.2.parsIey.balml film, the pcel bctweenthe bark brance, mention, conw 
Mehtxus, *, udi« adj. of MdiU, ( and thc iree, p^rchmcnt, or vel- rcficction.thc time witl 





lg is remcmbered, mcmorl- 
lironicles, records, a sepul- 
a monument. 

riiilis, c adj. bclonginjr to 
jryjorivmcmbrance Mcmo 
adjutores, clciks of tlic 

riola.x/.l . .1 short nicmon. 
nti-ivji/v by heurt,pertcctly 
ro,fi:v.«.l lo muke mcntion, 
ruk ct', to tell, rchcarse, rc- 
, or rerite, to say, to cal),ot 
,to remcinher. I >e natura mc- 
it. hc wrole of naturc, Cic. 
ror,ari,atus.p. to be rcbcurs- 
ported, reineinbcred, &c. 
e/.l. a lierrinfr,or pilcharcl 
f x. /l. a blcinish, a spnt,a 
amistukc,aii crror iu writ- 

(tcIU lics 
ciloquus, a, um. «*//. that 
ciuin, i. n 2. a Iit*,a story,an 
th, a Hction, a ricceit* 
ritinculum, i n.2. ant. Mcn- 
.icuia, x.J 1- a little lie, o? 
Lion, a hb. 
ciilus, i. m. 2. a liar. 
x, acis. a<(/. ior, cnmp. issl- 
r//p. lying, deccitful, ialsc, 
crfcit, dccciving", invcntcd. 
eudax protc inihi.ldcceived 
f on \ our bchalf, (Jv. Mcn 
ininus.dcceivingby dream*. 
f.Mtirice mendax,thuld\clh 
purple, JHart. state. 

cibulum, i. /i. a beggarh 
cans, *•» /»'■ bcggiug. 
catio. onis./. J. a bcgging. 
catus, n, um. ///. bc^rged. 
ce, «t/f heggarly, ineunly 
citas, atis. /. J. beggarh- 
extreine povcrty. 
co, arc a. 1. to bcg, to ask 
to provoke. 
uor, ari. drp. 1- to bcg. 
tula,*../. 1 . a bcggur'» coat 

Mcndiciilua, i. m. 2. a nujatnuffin. 
Mcndicus, a,um. adj. begg-ar-like, 

sorry, mean, pitiful. 
Mcndjrus, i. m. *. a bcjrgvr. 
Mciido*t',ar/i'.ibsuiit, sitp. faultily, 

inconvcily, coriuptly, falselv, 

wrong, erroncouslv, unskilfully. 
Mcndosus, a.uili. adi.\or f comp. full 

of blemishes, or spots, faiilly, iu-Mcnsurabilis. t* utij. mcasurable. 

corrcct, crroucous, blundcring, Mcnsuriitor. oris 7/1.0. a njcasurcr. 

lcwd, vicimis. .Mensuro, are a 1. to mcasure* 

month, montbly, cvery nyrath. 

Mensula,x./. 1. dim. alittlc table. 

Mcnsiilarius, i. m 2. a baiiker. (ty. 

.Mcu!»un),i.n.2. a measured quanti- 

M ensura,a*./. 1 . a mcasurc,or quan- 
tity mcusured, mcusuremcnt, % 
proportion,glory, dignity, autho- 
rity, place. capacity, ability, &i/.e. 

\icnduin, i. n. 2. a faull. 

Mcnsus, us. m. 4. vid. Meusura. 

Mcniana.omm./)/ w.J. standin^»lo Monsus, a, um. pt. measurcd. 

scc shows from, bul^omcb. 
Mcnsjtis/.o. tltc iTiind,thc ratioual 
soul,reuson,sLiisc, ur undcrslaml- 

Mcuta, x.fl. amun's privy purta» 

miut. scab likc a r ; ng-worm. 

MentagTu, x.f. 1. a foul tcl cr, or 

inj;, thoufrht, judfrmcnt. opinion, Mcutba, x.f. 1. thc horb inint. 
vlcsign.intcntion.rc^olulion, jmr-JMenthnstrum, i. n. 2. wihl iuint. 
po>c,]>rovidtMicc,will,iiicrmation.jMcnt"il>or, /r 

ati'ection,thc tempcr of the rnind 
thc nicxnory, advicc, counscl, 
heurt,cour;i^c,u goddcas. Alcntis 
su.e cssc,to bc in his righl scnses, 
Ctc Sux mcnti aliquem relin- 
qucrc, to lct a person take his 
own coursc, «SY/. 

Mcnsa, i /.1. a tablc,a mcal,a scr- 
vicc,0T' course of dishcs, a trcnch- 
er,orplatc,acountc r Mcn-a luiiio 
nia, an executioncr^s chopping 
block, Suct. 

Mcnsalis, e. adj. of a table. 

Mens.irius, i. m 2. a bunkcr. 

Menses, iuni. /'/. nt. .">. thtr tlowcrs, 
or mnnthly icnns of woiiicn. 

Mcnsio, ouis./. J. a mcar>uring. 

Mcnsi*, i>. m. 3. a nionth. 

Mensor, ons. m. 3. a niea&urrr, o/ 
survcyor of lands,a gcomctriciaii- 

Menstmu.oruin pl.n. 'J.the mcnscs 

Mcnstruiilis, c. iulj. rncnstrunl. 
monthh , or cvcry montb, of u 
iuouth,lustin)r for a iuonih.(terms 

Mcu.ttruuiii, tis pt. thut hath thc 

Meiiatruum,i /Miionthly allow uucc 

Mcnstruus. a, um. adj. of, or fur a 

^ieniiur, Piaiit- 
Mcnticns, tis ?;t lviiu - . 
Mcntlgo, liiis/C. a scab about the 

mouths of sht:cp,callcd thc pock. 
Mcntio,6nis/. inention } a spcaking 

Mcntior, Tri.itus stun dA. to lic, to 

brcak one*s wonl, to deceivc, or 

impose upon to feign,or prctcnd, 

to countcrftit,9r resemblcto de- 

vise, # r inveut, to dcny. 
Mcntitio 6nis /. a tclling a lic. 
Mcntliuims, a uni.///. that v. ill lic, 

fulse (dcccived, fci^*ntd. false. 
Mcntitus, a,uin. JM. licd,or 
Mciituhi. je./ 1. nV/. Mcuta. 
Mcntum, i /;. 2. thc chin. 
Mcans, tis. /»/. going, or ]>assinff. 
Mco, ure n.l to go,or pass,to ghdc 

along. to How, to itself. 
Mcopte iug-enio, by my own wit. 
Mcphiticus a, um. adj. stinking 1 . 
Mephitisis/.,». a stink,an ilJ savor 
Mci-Ticulus. a,um ndj. pretty pure, 
Mcrucus a,um. a<//.ioi, amp. issi- 

mus, ittp. purc, \viu:.>ut mixturc. 
Mcrcubilis, c adj. thut iii:«y bc 

bought, or hircd, incrchivvN^V^ 





McrcanMus,a,um/>/. to be bauglit,l}tert:trix, Icis/3. a whore a har- 

•r purchased. 
Mercatio,dm*/j. a bu ying,tradc 
Mercator, oris m a merchant 


buyer- to a merchant, or tradc 
Mercatdrius, a,um. adj. belonginjr' 
Mercatftra.xyi.thc trad* ot* mer- 
chandise. ybought, purciiascd. 
Mercatus,a,nm./>f. Iiavinjr bought, 
Mercatus,us m.4.the trade of mcr- 
chandise, a salc, a market. 
Mcrcedula re/.l.a littlc fce,orrciit 
Merceiiarius. a,utn. adj mercena- 
ry,hired, bribed, corrupted witji 
money, fecd suborncd, dcsigiicd 
for the making 1 of gain,belonging 
to trade.(hireling,a hired soldici 
Merccnarius,i fn,2. a merccnary,a 
Merces, edis/3. wages, or hirc,a 
reward, a recompence, a punish- 
ment,interest,rcnt, proHts, gains, 
Tate, cost, pams. condition, con 
sideration, proof. 
Merctrnbnium, i. n. 2. traflick. 
Mercor, ari, itussum. d. 1 to buy to 
purc.ase. Hocmafrnomcrccn.u.- 
Airidse would give evcr so muc 
to have thi» doue, Virg. 
Mcrcunalis, e. udj. lcarned (ry 
Mercurialis,is/. .the herb mercu 
Mercunus, i. »i. 2. quicksilver. 
Merda, se/ 1 ordurc, dunjr (ilth. 
Mcre, adv. mercly, purely. 
Mercnda ae/.l abcaver,acollation 
Merens, tis. pf.dcservin£,serving- 
Mereo,5ri,rui,rituni- n- &. Mereot, 
c*n,ritus, d 2. to descrve, to gain, 
•r eani,to get,purchase,or obtain, 
to sen e in war. 
Meretrfce, adv. whorishly. 
Meretricium, i. n. 2. whorcdom. 
Meretncius, a, uui. udj. mer^tric- 
ous, of. or bclonging toa whorc. 
Mercjncor, ari. d. 1. to whore. 
Mcrcftriiula, x./.l- u litUe whore 

lot,a strumpct(in;r hook,or*cythe 
Mcrga, c/.l- a pitchfork a rcap- 
Mergens, tis./>^sinkiiur,drownin£. 
Merges itis/.J. a handful of corn 

in reaping, a rcaping hook. convenicntfpm 
Mcrbbihus, a, uin. adj dri 
Mcrops, 6pis. m. ■>. abirdth 

elh hccs, a wood-pcckcr. 
Mcrsatus, a. um. pt. dippcd 
Mersio, 5nis / J. a drownii 

Mcrgo, gerc,.rsi.rsum. a. S. to put Mersito. are n. 1 to dip oi 

" Merso, ire. a.l. to wash,to 
tcn, to drown, to overwhe 
Mersor uri,utus p. to bc w 
Mcrsfirus, a, um pt. about t< 

Mergus, i m 2. a cormonni,a vinc 

branch turned bow-wise. 
Meriduhs, e. at(j. soutSicr:i. 
Mcridians, tis.jM.*Ieeping at noon 
Meridianus. a, uro. adj. lncridian, 

southcm, at noon-day. 
Mcrldialio, 6nis. / -. noon-rcst. 
Mer idics«c i .m 5.mid«day .nooutide 

noon, thcsouth,orsouihcrn part 

ofthcworLd.Meridicsnoctis,mid-]Mcsa tc f 1. tbc middle. 

uuder watcr to immerse . to dip, 
duck,or plunge,to sink,to drown. 
to ovcrwhelnijto ruin,to dcstroy, 
to involve. (watcr. 

Mcr^or,gi,rsus,/>. to be put undcr Mersus a, um pt- sunk» drc 


ed.sunk dccp into (Jie wi 

McruU a. / 1. a blackbinl 

Mcrmu, i. n-2. pure. or ncsl 

Mcrus, a, um> <i''j. mt-re, : 

downright, plain, pure, ne 

mixcd, alouc, bare naked 

Mers, cis./..). nierchandise, 

ronunoditics, a wretc l i. 

ni^rht, Varr. d.\ to s!c.'|> at noon 

Meridio, are. n. &. Mcndioi, ari 

Mcrididnalis, e. adj. nieridioii::l 

^lcritissuno, mlv sup. n\ost dcscr\ 


Mcrito, arc./iTfjr 1 to cam, or jfct 
gain,to be rcnted at,orbring in b\ 
way of rent, lo serve. 

>ieritorium, i;i 2. an inn.tavcrn, ot 
public house, a bawdy house 
lcruorius,a,um.a^/;. that carneth, 
or bringcth in moucy ,or g^ain, let, 
or set for advantag*e. 


valuc,cxcellcncc,a scnicc.favor, Mcssor,6ris wi.^i. a rcaper,* 
ori;indncss,a good turn,a reward, Mc*sorius,a,uin. adj. j>crtain 
a hire, ♦»• stipcnd. • reaping, or mowiu^. 

Mentunis, a, Bcne meritu- Messura,* / l. a reapin£,*r 
rus iuihi vidcris dc tuis civibus, Mcssus, a,um. pt. reapcd,iw 
si— you will lay a grcat oblijjpi- Metajar^/ll. a the eti 
tion on your count.rymcii,if — Viv. coursc,a gt)a),a bouml,9 p b* 

Morltus, a, um. pt. &mdj. issnnus, ry,a liiiiit,4/ a cn.l^tunung > ,«r 
anp. rner.ted, dcscrved, or liavinjr ing" anuppermillstPMic^ico» 
deservedjdcservii^wonhy, duc, ma udolescentis paulum hs 

Mcsaula, x.f. 1- a pas-agc, 

Mlscs,3c.ot.1 flcr mesciiitlie 

west wmd and by north 

Mcspiluin, i- n. 2. a mcdUi 

Mcspilus, i./ 2 a mcdlar-tr 

Messia<< x. Hcbrcw 

of our Saviour, thc sar 

Ciirist in tireek, viz. Anc 

Messio,onls/.a rcapin^,orDU 

Mcssis is./. 3. a harvcst,! 

corn,harvest-work, plcnty 


ty. Tuamcssisinherbaest 

hopes are but in thc bud,0 





i rcputation nict with a 
: vcry goal, Cic. 
, a, uni adj. mctallic 
, i. m 2. a rchner of nic- 


a, um. ndj. producing 

n 2.mctal,a mine-Dum- 

u'talhini,condenincd to 

thc inines, Plin. (tion. 

ioms, is / a transforma-| 

/)/. mcasuring-. 

,*/a mctaphor,a trope 

, is. / «:. a transpofiition 

is./ 3. a nicasuring, 

Metitus, a, um./>f. having mcasur- 
ed, measunng. 

Meto terc,me>ii>ui,messum.|fl. 3. to 
mow.reap,orcut do\vn,to crop, er 
gathcr, to cut, or strike oft\ 

Mctor. ti. p. to be mowed. 

Mctonymia.x./l a trope whcn the 
cause is put for the eftect, the 
subjectfor the adjunct,tr contra- 
rily. (nomist. 

Metoposcopus, i. m. 2. a physiog. 

■ii. m. 3. a measurer, o; 
•f land,a planter. Meta- 
hc hiat quartcreth out 
r s')ldii-rs plundej 1 ,/'/»!. 
:./ 1. a measurintf.(cd 
um pt. uictwd, measur- 
raw silk t tlircad,a ropc. 
, i ki. 2. a nicrrer. 
liosis, is.y. 3 a transmi- 
f rt-moval of the soul. 
l, um. pt. to be rcapcrl, 
■ cut dow n, to mow. 
pt. r^aping', mnwing». 
cs./3.thc part of gTum- 
ij» tlio whv of spcaking-. 
;,a,um u'j. nielhodical. 
a inilhnd. rrgular. 
,i. n 2. a trick, a chcat 
i /. 2. a invthod. 
! , a, iim- adj. fearful,ti 
i/ardous, frightful. he measured 
/#/. mcasurimc, pufeun^ 
:min£, valuing 
nv:nsiis Mum, & meti 
ii inctc. oi- mcasurc, to 
\it, to survcy, to go, er 
Lo l.ouud,^rlJmit,to va. 
leeui, to j :dge of, to 
» placc, #r rani. 

my honest blunderer, the special 
fellow of mine J J futdr JN'ihil addo 
de m*o,nothing of my own inven- 
tion.CYc.Deo irato meoi. < me 
irato,TVr. MeiiB hic dies est,I will 
be merry this day, Plaut. 

Mf • dat. pre Mihi, to mc. 

Mi, voc. a Meus 

Mica,%/ 1. acrumb, a gain, a lit.- 
tle banqueting house. 

Metor.ari, atus, sum. d. 1. to metc Mxcans, tis. pt. shining, glittering, 

er mcasurc, to mcasurc out, to beating,panting, moving" nimbly. 

sct out, dividc, disposc, ordcr, ov Micatio, dnis./ 3. a ahining. 

limit by measurc,to pitch,orplace Mico,are,cui.«ir.M*/>.n. 1. to shine, 

Metreta,*/. 1. akilderkin,arund- glitter,*rsparkle, to beat,or pant, 

Metncc f es/3thc art of metre(let to move quickly, to move thc fin- 

Metricus, a, um. adj. mctrical, of gcra fast up and down.(spirited. 

metre, ermeasure, m mctre. 
Mctr6polis cos/ 3. thc chief city. 
Mctrhpohtanus, i. in. 2. an arcli- 

bishop. (surc 

Mctmm,i. n. 2. mctrc, versc-mea- 
Mctucndus,a, um- pt. to be fcarcd, 

or drcaded,tremcndous, tcrriblc. 
Mctuens,tis^ &.aaj m foT f cemp. fcar- 

iug, drcading 1 , afraid, fcarful, re- 

ganlful, concerned fbr. 
M5tu)a,a*/l.alitt]c butt, or mark 

Micropsychus, a, um o^. mean- 
Mictnrio,lrc,ivi& ii itum. neutA.Xa 

makc watcr, to piss. 
Micula,x/ 1- a very snuUl crumb. 
Migrans, tis pt departinp, rcmov- 

ing.In mncroncm migTantia,nat». 
rallytendingtoa sharp point,^ J tfii. 
Migrossit,/>r.' Migravcrit, Gc. (aJ. 
Migratio,6nis/a cluuige.a remoT» 
Migratur, imper.f. it is removed. 
MigT-iturus, a, about to re- 

Metuo,ucre^ii,(<mr,ntum) a. 3. toMigrfttus, rcmoval.(moYe. 
fcar,to <|read,to bc afraid.s r con- Mi^ro,arc n&.fl.l to dcpart,to re- 

ccrned.tobc cautioua,to avoid, to 

doubt Mctuo patrcs,quot fucre, I 

wondcr how niany fathers thcrc 

wcrc,/ J /uM/Mctuo ut substet hos- 

pcs.I fear lesthc should not abidc 

bv what Iie Iiath said, Tcr. 

Mctuor, ui, p. to bc fcarcd 

Mctus,us./n.4. fcar, dread, carc, vr 

coucern, rcligiou9 awe, terror. 

Mctutus, a, um. pt, fcarccL 

Meu, wl. Mciim t i. n. 2. wilddill. 

Mjus, a» um. pron. adi. my, mine, 

mineo\vn,at my owndisposal,frce, 

iny own man, of niinc own mak- 

ing. er contrir&ncft. Mcus homo, 


move,to go,or get away, to go,tfr 
depart from,to pass, to slip,to b% 
altcrcd, er ciiunged. 

Migror^irl^tus p. to be remoyed. 

\Tih'i,dat.bjium. F.go, to, «r for me> 

Mihimetipsi, dat to me royielf 

Mihipte, pn* Mihi ipsi- 

MIles,itis.c.y. a soldicr,a foot aol- 
dicr.tlie soldicry, a novice,an at- 
tendant,a serjcant,bcadle,«rsujn- 
moner. Milcs ad navcj, a sea-tol- 
dicr, er martne, Liv. 

Miliaria, x/ 1. a linnet,an herb- 

Mdiarium,i ;i.2 a vcs»iel belonging 
to au oil-milU a, n^fitout. 




, a, iim. adj. of millct. 
, tis. /»/. serving\ ti^ting'. 
iiCattj mililary.warlikcof 
.tcr a Jr.soldicr-like. (war. 
ms, a* um. adj. miiitary. 
urus, a, um. pt. ahout to 
: in war,rea<ly to serve in war 
a,x/l. warfarc,war,service, 
jil, an anny. soldicrs. 
.o, arc. vi. & n. 1. to iifrht, to 
ve, to pursuc, to liaunt, i. m. 2. a writcr of.M,mmc,aaV.lcaft,<>rfewcst,iic 
plays, or ia» ck-h. (a mis*. 1 all. in no casc» in no wise, bj 

\Iiinula.;c./l dhn. a little actnss, nu-ans,at least,mtichless,«rl 

Mimus,i.m 2 a mimic. an uctor, a" i»f all. Quam nunime, aslHtl 
scurrilous buftbon. or jestcr any inaybe/Yr^.Minimeobiicurev 
farce, ov ridiculous story- . tlic ^rcatcst clcM-ncss, CVc. 

Mihi, ftro Mihinc ? lo mc r Pera- ninic saepe, seldomcst, Cm$. 

♦I ina.a*./. 1. a pound,a measurc of Mimmum, i. n 2. thc least 

Minimiim, adv. at the least,E 

gTouud 120 fect srjuarc. 

Minacix, aruin. ///./ 1. menaccs,' Non miniinum, vcry much,. 

thrcatcniiifrs, thrcats. (cnin^ly. Minimus. a, uin. adj. theleai 

itor, ari, atus /» to bc fought.lMinaciter, a>lv. ius, comp. thrcat-. smallest. very little MininM 

,ium, i. n- 2. miilct. 

ile,&. Millia. *••£. pf. a thousand, 

umberless, Mille pussus,a lnilc. 

jlle,ii.caret trenbs. sinj? in a/d 
otilli ln plur. h;cc millia,ium,ibus. 
& ihousand. 

Aillefolia, *c / 1. milfoil. 
4iIlefolium,i. n. 2 milrbil.vorrow. 
Ifillcfonnis, e. udj. of a thousand 
shapes, or fashions. 
Aiilepcda,x/. 1. a palincr-wonn 
klillcsiinus, a, um. adj. thc thou- 

klilliarc,is.n.3.a milcstonca inilo. 
•liliiurium, i n.2. t,ee Miliurhun. 
fcfilliarius, a* um. adj. a thouvnid. 
Oillies,a</v a thovwind tiines.vcn 

oftcn. (collar made of lcatiu-r. 
kl.llus,i w & Mi)lum,i.7f.a inastiff» 
U.ltus, i / 2 a vermillion. 
Milva, se./. 1. akitc 
H.lvina, ae./ 1. a shrill pipc. 
Milvinus,a,ura aJj of.wlike akitc. 

Miivina, acil. appetentia, a sto 

mach likc a kite, Plaut. 
M.lvius, ii. m- 2. id. qn Milvus. 
Milvus, vel potiits Mduus, i. m 2 a 

kite, a rapacious fcllow, a iish 

a sifrn. 

Uima,a?./ 1. a mimic, an actress 
Mimicc. adv. mimically, apishU 
Uimicu*,a, um. aJj miniic, apisli 
Mffccted, wanton, bawdy. 

Mina:, aruni. pl.f. 1. tltreats mc-| provocat.jc digi'o,hc holdetl 

naccs.tcrrois,storms(warrantin|rj littlc fingfer at mc, H> r. 
\l inans,tis./k/ i lircatcninfr, hissin^j.M color red,to| 
\liti;vnicr t ndv. thrcatcningly. 
Mnatio, 5uis./ 3 a tiircatcning;. 
\1 iii.~ii6riu.s,:i,uui.a((/ thrcatcnin^- 
Minatus, a, iuii /;/ having* thrcat- moter orfurthcrcr, a maitty 

cncd. povernor. Opcri vehemeBtt 

\liiiu.\,acis,ni//.ior,com^ cissimus. nistor,onetliut is too obliginf 

#!//>. thrcutciiing-, mcnacin^, im-Ministcr, tra, tnim. atlj unt 

pcrious hau^iiiy. surly. 

Minister tri.m. 2. a miniiter.s 
vant.a waiter^a cupbearer.u 
tcndant,an assistant,a helperj 

Minco, iic /i '2. to hung-. 

\ltncivu,;':./Ji.tlic ^otldiss of wis- 
(ioin l-.-urnin^ arts andarins; n:i- 
luiv v. it c;"ift sj)inni»i{c,wcavinjc 
Crassa .Mincrva plainly, // r. lu- 
viia .\iintrva, u^-ain&t iiulurc, Jd 

vii.icrvul.-.-c/ •linervtilcyi.s n .> cn- 
tr.inrcni<in"\ on^oing^to scliool 

Miiij:'o ^cr». ,iiAi,iciuni.a . to piss, 
tomuliCyOiili.scharge watcr Min- 
^crc iu ^rciniutn nutipto coinuui 
incol ^ilii, CatuH. 

Min^oi*, j«*i. p. te be piss;*d. 

\lini;.i-..".is,a,uiii udj.of $ \>y. or witli 
vi.nuilion ^cd witli vcrnuliou 

Miniuiidus a, um /*/. to bc puint- 

\liniaria x/l.a minc ofveniiilion 
k iiiiifirius,a,uni. adj of vcrmilion. 

\liuiutulus,;i,iiiii «'(/. markcd wit! 
red wax,disu]>pro\cd of. 

Mtuiftuis,u,uui/fr rcd Minialacc- 
rula notandus to h^- markcd ah 

Miiiistcrium,i n. 2. scrvice,*' 
ancc.uny honorablc oflicc, 
ploymcnt, pcrformance, 
puins. a servicc, or onpt 
plutc. a ritc, scnants, Wf 

Ministru^./l a maidserv; 

MinistraiiR.tis pt sening 

M inistpttio onis / iJ. at 

\linistrltor. ori<. m. a 
attcndant t hc thut fecd 
ctii uiUi mcat, a plca 

Minibtiutorii urccoli, 
tho ^aitci-s scn'c w 

Mmistalrix. Tcis./ a 
M mistratur^m/).it i- 

Miuistro, are. u. 1 
scn*c, to scivc wit 
:isMst,to furnisli,a1 
pcrliirin, or cxcc 
to p*ovcrn. 

up, to bc carefc 

• m. 

iton, oawuy. ruia noianuus »o nc marKcti ah up, to bc carcfc 

2* rattle,l9UttW0rU\ iiulty, *r cnUciscd upon, Cic. |Minitabuiidus»af 





reatening grcatly. 
Bpt. threatening*. 
inis. / 3.a thrcatening. 
. o. 1. to threatcn. threatcn sorc, 

2. redlead,vcrmilion. 
a. 1. to drive cattlc. 
dj. cm. a Parvus, less, 
caner, lowcr, inferior. 
apitis mlnor,degraded 
itate pf a frecman, //<>?-. 
M. to threaten,to pro- 

n. pl m. 3. our succes» 

Tity, or ofispring, the 


itis. /. $minority. 

, a, um. pt. to be dimi- 

i. pt. diminishing, lcs- 
ting lcss, abating, dc- 

,ui,utum. a 3. to dinii- 
sscn, or make fcess, to 
ipair,to violate,ordero- 

to injure. 

itus. p. to be lessencd. 
.a sing with a low 
oo, to chatter. 

less lcss than, fcwer 
s time than, not so of- 
ner not at all, not so 
i welljiot so very.QuojM 
i a verb.that— not,not 

,*, um. adj. less, little. 
. .minced meat,a hash 
idv in bits,in gobbcts, 
•op.very sparingly, by 
.ittle, by dcgreca. 
.ius, c. mp. issirac, tup. 
cccs nicely, preoiaely 
w, poorly. 

! l.a vcry small thiog 
pL HtUo" «icctic*. 

Mmiities, ei./ 5. smallncss. 
Minutim, (idv xec Minutc. 
Mmutio,5nis./3. a lcssening,a di- 


M¥nutulus.a,um.aoj. littlc, prctty 
VfTnutus,a,um. bt.V. adj ior, comp 

issimus, 9up. aiminished lcsscn- 

cd, dishcartencd, dispirited, mi 

nute.small,littlc, mcun, low, sub 

tilc, nicc 
vlirab'ilis,c.Aifi'. ior, comto. issYmus, 

8up. to be udmircd, admirablc, 

wondcrftil mancllous, strangc, 


viirabilitas, atis./ admiration. 

zingly, strangcly, excecdingly, 

honourahly.^.full of won- 

der, or admirution. wondering. 
vllrriculosc, adv manellously. 
MTraculum>i.n. 2. a miracle,a pro 

digy. /// to be admircd, 

wondcrful, manellous, strange. 
vlimns, tis. pt. wondering, admir- 
Miratio, onis. /. 3.admiration(ing 
Mlrator, dris- m. 3. an admirer. 
Vliratrix, icis./ 3 she that admir- 

eth. Turba imratrix, the gaping 

Miraturus,a,um. pt. about to won- 

dcr, or admire, to wonder.(with. 


Miratus, us m. 4. wondcr. (ly. 

Mirc.aoV. wonderfully .excecding. 

Mirif ice, adv- wondcrfully. Miri 

fice* cst nactus it is gotten in a 

v^ry prctty manncr, Catutt. 
MirIfIco,[niirus, facio],are a. & n. 

1 to makc maxveUous, to do 

strange, «r wondcrful things. 
Vlirtficus,a um adj issimus,& cn 

tissimus, $up. wonderful, marvel- 

lous, strangc, extraordinary. 
MirmaUo, doU. m, J, a fcncejr. 

Miror,ari.r/.lto wonder,tomarvcJ, 
to admirc, to be fond of. 

Mirus,a, \im.adj wonderful, mar- 
vcllous. strangc, cxcecding. ex- 
cellcnt, mighty,prodigious, por- 

M : sccllFinea, n.miscella* 
nics,mixcd collcctions, plays,&c. 
a mixturc, a hotchpotch. 

Misccllrmus,a, um. a'//.!2.miscella- 
ncous, mixed, jumblcd togcthcr» 

lcd,ofdivcrs kindstogether.Mis- 
cellse vitcs, vincs tliat will grow 
in anv soil, Cnt t. 

Misccndus,:i,um./»/.to bc mixcd,or 
minglcd. to mix, • r minglc: 

Vfisccns tis. /»f lnixiii^minglin^. 

Vli.scco,erc,cuuniistiiin,&mixtiim a 
a min^ b)<;nd. to 
confound,to disoitli'r,to interlace, 
to intcrspcrsc, to divcrsiiy, to 
slirink, to man:i<rc, to communi- 
catc, to excrcisc. 

Misccor, c-ri. p to bc mixcd. 

Misellus, a, um. adj. miscrabfci 
wrc.tch^d,poor # pitifuI,soiT\',Hhab« 
by- ' 

VI iBcr,2ra,crum.a///\ior,rm»/>. crri- 
mus,*r^.miscr.tblc t wrctchc'l,wo- 
innocent, sorry, paliry nican,ah- 
jcct, stingy. .Miserrimus fui fngi- 
tando.wcary and faint '/Vr.Misc- 
ros nos! unhappy as wc arc* C/r. 

Miscrum mcmoratu, a sad, dis 
mal story, Plaut. 

vllscrabile ,ac/v.iniserably wofully 

MischSbilis, c. adj. iniserablc,* 
wrctchcd, unhappy. lajncntablc» 
piticd. , wretchcdly. 

liscrabHTtcr, adv. misera^r, 

Mis(3randusa,um pt. to be pitieoV 

Miserans, tis. pt, ovtNVxA. 






Miscratus, a, uni. pt. having pity. 

Miserc, udv. njiserably,wrctchcd- 
ly, sadly, mightily, {p*eatly. Qui 
miserc afcTeque est,hc who is ill. 

MiVreo,ere.7i vid. Miscret (huer. 

Misercor, eri, ertus. d. 2. to pity, thc hungings being let down, 

to Uikc pity of, to havc liicrcy on 
Miscrcscit, imper*. it piiicth. 
Mlsercsco, cerc. n. ii. to |>ity. 
Miserct, nusertum, &. miseritum 

cst. impera. it piticth, I ani horr>' 

Menedemi viccm mi&crct me, I 

pity his case, 7Vr. 

Miscria, <c. / miscry. distrcss, 

wretchedncss, aiHiction, t: oublc. 


Missus, a,um./'/. scnt,thrown,hurl 
ed, dnrtcd, shot, dischargcd, clis- 
misscd,dishandcd, scnt forth, lct 
go,lct out, uttercd,pardoned,for 
given. Misso aulxo, i. e. dcmisso, 

Phadr. Corpora raissa neci.dead 
bodies, Ov. 

Missus, us ra- 4. a spending, a dis-I.Mitratus, a, um. />#.~niitred. 
patch, a tlirow, or cast. a turn,or Mittendus, a, uirf. pt. to be i 

tured. kiml, gracious, calr 
undisturbed, soft, mcllov 

Mitius udv. compA^simi,nip 
geiitly,evenly easily,or paf 

Mitra x.f 1. a mitre a boni 
tnrhan, a kind of girdle. 

course, a servicc of meat. 
Mistim, adv. mixtlv. 
Misttira,s/a mixture.a compound 
MisUis, a,uin. pt. mixcd, mingled, 

hicmlcd, joincd tojfctiicr. 
Mistus, us. m. 4. a mixturc. 

MisericordiH, x.f 1. mcrcy, com- Misxs, yos. #i. 3 a mush»-oom. 

passion, pity, charity, ahiis. 
Miscncorditcr, adv. inercilully. 
, ful, pitiful, conipassioiiutc. kiud. 
Mi.«entcr, tuiv. pitifullv, sadly. 
Miscritiido.inis./'^. wrctrhcdiicss. 
Mlsentus, a, um. pt. piu ing. 
MTseror, ari,atus sum. d.h to pity, 

to dcplore, lamctit, or bcwuil. 
Misertus, a, uin- pt. pit\ iiijT. 
Miscrulus, a, uui. udj. wrctchcd. 
Miseruin, itwrj. O sad! (poor. 
Missa, ae /. 1. thc mass. 
Missiculo, are. u.l. to scnd often 
Missile, is. ?i. »>. a dart, a javelin. 
M.ssilia. «. 3. gifts thrown 

amongthe people(darted,orshot 
Missilis,e.aJi.that may be thrown, 
Missio,6nis./3. a scnding, a send- 

ingavray, a dispatch, a throwing, 

or hurlingv a dischurge, a rcleasc, 

sio sanguinia, blood-letting, Cels. 
.Ludorum miMUCthe end, # r con 
clusion ofgiui\c*,CU\ 
MMtiltus, Mj ©ftcn scni. 

Mitclla, a;./.l. a littlc miti'e,u tur- 

hau, a sash, a srarf. (ripc. 

Mitcscciis, tis tot. growing" milcl.o;' 

Mitesco,c crc,//:c.3 to jtj\jw mild. 

calni,£cfit]c,tractahk',9r tunic, t«i 

bc a])pcascd,pacificd,or reconcil- 


cn,cjrgrow ripc,to bccomc mcllow x.m.l. thc sun. 

Mithndaticum, \-n.2. mithridatc 

Mitificatus, a, digcstcd. 

Mltifico [mitis.facio], ai*c.« 1. to 

tamc, to inake geutle, to soflen. 

Mitificor. ari. p. to be tamed. 

M itif icus,a,um.a«|/.making > gcntlc 

Mitigaiidus, VLfWm.ptto a[)peasc,t<> 


Mitigatorius. a, uro. adj. easing 

pain. (peascd, pacih*cd, tamcd. 

MittgutuB, a mitigatcd, ap- 

MUigo,arc.a.l. to mitigute,to soft 

t^c privilegc ol begging life. Mis- cn,to appease,to assuagcto paci- 

fy, to casc, to lcssen, to tamc, to 
civilizc, to ripen, to boil, or roast- 
Mitigat ajjrum, iittetli it for til- 
lage, Hor 

Mittens, tis y/. scnding 
Mitto, tcrc nilsi, (niisti pr< 
t')) missuin,a.3.toscnd. Thii 
is oficn use<l for its compoi 
fordimitto todismisstodis] 
tosciulaway,to banish,toc« 
to throw olf ; for deiuitto. cast,to throw-to pl 
to put in,to prcscnt with,to 
an oblation f «/-or!'cr up,tom 
pass : for transmitto, to shi 
vcr; for omitto,to lct alone,! 
bear ; for rcmitto, to fnrgif 
cmitto,to put forth,to brinf 
to lct out,to uttci ; for admrt 
put the male to tUc femak 
siu*sum mitto,to lift, or set i 
raise; for immitto, to kt loc 
slackcn ^L nonie n niitten* 
to scnd tliem to the war. ( 
Mitte hunc de^pcctore ci 
trouble not yourself aboutit 
In acta mittere,to recordV^ 
tcr, Sen. 

Mittor, ti. p. to bc sent 
Mixtura, x.f 1. a mixture>t 

Mixturus, a, uxn- pt. about to 
Mixttft, a,uni. pK mised, mio 

Mna, x./.l. pro liina, a poff 
money. (for mcaory, preo 

•Huenibnlca A oxuiw^. n* 2 - ] 

■ : ■ *!■!— m 


fnc cs /3.memory(tokeii 
vnuin,i-/i.2. a meinonal, u 


e. adj. ior, comp, issfmus. 
.'eablc,casily movcd.shak- 
iinjf, tractahlc» managea- 
MKtaut.vuriablc, tfckle, a- 
lick, kccn, sharp, siuart. 
s,itis. f 3 mouon, swift 
lickncss, activity, incun 
ickleucs* change, loosc{fhtly,inconstantly 
r, adv. iu», cauth. swiftly, 
•. are a. 1. to move. 
r iri. £. to bc moved. 
iilis, e. aaj moderate. 
iie n . inis.n-3 .manageracnt, 
:c, conduct, a helxn. 
aentum, i.ti. 2. an acccnt 
dua, a, um. pt. to bc ma- 
•r froverncd, to govcrn- 
is,tis. pt modcrating, ma 
irovcrning', ruling, dircct- 
utcly, leisurely, carcfully 
\tr,adi>. ius. comp. modc- 
c, atlv ius, comp. issimc 
y, leisurely, by dcgrecs. 
\m,adv. lciiurely, gcntly. 
io.6nis. f i modcration, a 
Lc dcgrec, managcracnt, 

or, dris- n-3 a managcr, a 
>r, a rult-r, a director. 
■ix, icis,/. #.a jrotenicss 
ilru4,a,um. ///.hkelv, or a 
govern, to govcrn. 
us, />f.lka<(iior,cflm/>. 
«u/unoderatcd managed 
■d, reguibtcd. ^ovcrnm^, 
lc, cvcii. iuild, paticnt, 
UC,sobcr,tolcrablc, indif- 

arc. a. 1. to modcratc. 
, iri. H. 1 . to modcrate f to 


bound, limit, or rcstrain, to ma-| one wliilc, anothcr while, somc- 
na^cor guidcto guvcrn rulc, ».r limcs, atlcast, in casc that pruvni- 

Mbdeste,a//t' ius,coM/>.issimc, Mttp. 
modcstly bashfully, humbly, mo- 
dcrutcly,with duc tcnipcr,kindl\ 

cd ihat only, but. Mudo non, ai- 

inost Paulumm-ido.evcrso -i*le, 

Modul~nncn, fnss. n. .a tune.f (.'*.• 2. a nieasurc. 

Modcstia x /l.modestly ha*»hfiil- Modulaiidi:*,a» uiii./»/. to bc mea- 

ncss,modcratioii., so 

M6destus,a,um.fl<y/.ior f r mp. issl- 
mns, tiip modest, bashful, modc- 
ratc, sobcr, courteous, closc, re- 

Mddialis,c adj contaiuing abushcl 

Modice fl</r.modcratcly«tolerably 
a littlc,by dc£rccs,patiently. mo- 
destly,by rulc and mcasure. mo- 
dicc utile, somcwhat usefiil, Cic. 
JEdificia modice ab humo extan- 
tia, houscs of an indiffcrcnt 
hcight, J J lin. (little. r small 

Mbdicellus a, um. adj. very mean, 

Modicum i. n. 2. a littlc. 

Modicuui« adv. but a littlc. 

M6dicuK,a,*'.modcratc. mid 
dlinj?- tolcrablc, not lar^c, small 
littlc,meaii t tcinpcratc t bricf, con- 
cise; in pl not many ,but a fcw.Pc 
cunix modicus, of a compctent 
cstatc,not vcry big, T*«c.ori^inis, 
of an ordinary family, Id. 

Modif ic^tio, bnis. /. >.a mcasurc. 

Modif tcfitus, a, imi- pt. moditicd. 

Mbdif icor,[inodus,facio]. ari, iitus 
sum.i/ mcasurc,tn rulc,to bc 
sparinjr, to' fonn, ur sliapt . 

Modiolus, i m. 2.:i littlc buslicl, a 

surcd, or tunea, to sci, to^ilay. 

M6.'lula]is,tis. pt. rnodulutin^, t;i:.- 

Motiulate,ac/TMTiiiHically t swectly. 

Modulatio, <nis./. aintaoLiv, a 
tuninfr. (o. 

Mndiilator,oris.m 3 atuncr,a s'iiig- 

Moduliitrix, Icis. /. 3. a 

Modulatiis, a, um. pt. mcasurcd, 
composcd,Hct,tuncd, tuning. :..... 

Modu1atus,us-ifi. 4.a tuniiitf.(sical. 

Modulor, ari d 1. to moduiatc,to 
measurc, to composc, or sct \o 
tunc,to sinjr,to \varble,to play u,i- 
on.(surc,a si/c,or quantity,a note 

Modiilus, i. m- 2- a mudcl, a mca- 

Modus, \. m 2. a mcasurca due 
proportion amcan, moderation, 
boundsdimiU. an cnd t a nilc,oror- 
dcr, a mctliod, way, mannur, or 
fus!iion.artificc,a rank,or dcgTcc, 
a statc or condition, a sizc, bi,r 
ii' a ss,or lcngth,a quaiitity,ar nunt- 
bcr.time in music.a notc, a pitch 
of voicc,a uiood.llabcre vitx suse 
inoduin,to bavc tlu* gt)vcrnnicnt 
of himsclf, Tfr. Miris mndis odis- 
so,gTcatly. exticmcly, pcricctly, 
l J luut. liono modofacci*c t M itbino- 
rlcmtion. Cic. (coquette. 

nmdlct, a btickct, a littlc cup, a,Ma»cha t x./.l an adultress,\vliorc 9 

Ircpan-iroH, a navc. 
M6dium, i. ;i. 2. a bushcl. 

square piece of frrouiMl, \'2<) fcct 

Mu:cliutio,nnis : /)Adultery whorin^ { 
Mu:chator,bris. m. .> an adultcrcr. , 

M5dius i. m. 2 a hushcl,a tici-cc, a Mucchia x f. 1 adultcry, whorin^. • 

Ma*chilc, is /r. .>. a brothcl. 

cach way,thc holc for a mast,tht\Mirclnm6nium,i n 2.:idultciy lcn r 

titlc of oncof V'an*o's satii-cs. jMurch*HM),;trc / coiiuuit .»• «Ui • 

Mbdd,«r7v.iust now,cvciuuow.latc-MvLchor,ari.r/.l tocominit a ', r 

ly,ahttle wliilc npo, awhilc :ijro^Ma*cUus, !. /n. 2« ^ -oaW\.m^\% v 





whorcinastcr, or dcbauchcc. 
Moenia,iura.(& orum, Scal.) pi. n 

walls, the works of a cit\, eampjMolestus a,um a.lj ior, c mp. issi 

&c. citics, towns 
Mcrnio, irc. uct. \. to wall in. 
Manitus, a, wullcd round 
Murnus, eris /i '6. a g-iil. a fuvoiir 

sorrowful, afHictcd, hcavy. 
Mccreo, cre, matstus suin. p.n. ' 

grieve,to mourn,to lanient,to be 

grievcd at, sorro wfully , or sail. 
Moercor, eri. tlep. 2. i<L 
Mecro, arc. uct, 1. to makc sud. 
Mocror, ons m. 3. grief, sorrow, 

lamentation, sadncss, hcavincss 
Mccnis, i.m.ant. pr. Mums,a wall. 
Mocstc*, adv. sorrowful, sudly. 
Mtcstif icus a, m:iking* s:ul 
Mocstitcr, adv. sorrowtullv, sadlv. 
Moestitia,z./.l. sorrow, hcavincss. 
Moestitudo,inis. f.3. sorrow, jrricf. 
Mocstus, a, um.adj. sorrowfnl, sad ( 

pensivc, disconsolate, doleful. 

if yofl can couvcnientljr, Cic. (hlc 
Moicsto,arc.</ molest,to trotr 

mus snp. troublcsomc^uncasy, ol- 
fensive, uuseasonuble, iuternipt- 
iiifr. allccted. Tunica molesta, a 
ccatl.ned withpitch.put on those 
who u ere to be burnt, Juv. ed.j 

M6licndos,u,um./>f to he attcmpt 

Moliens. lis pt. strivin^ to puh 
down,or out.attcmpting, dcsign- 
injr, meditating. 

Mohle, is. n. a collar for a mill 
horse, a handlc for a mill. 

Molimcnjnis n.. . an undertaking', 
a project,an attcmpt,an eifort, or 
cxertion.poinp,or statc,difiicuh\ . 

Mdlimcntum, i. ;i iJ.</«.Molinien. 

M6lior,Tri,itus sum J.4. to undcr- 
takc,to attempt, to endcavour to 
dn,to toil,or 
ditalc,pi'oject,plot,or cohtrivc to 
maiiagv, or ordcr, to prcpurc, ot 
makc readv,to build, lo raise. to 

Mola,x./l.amill,ainillstonc,mcai: hcap ihrow,eas ! , or strike, 
©rtlour.a mooncalf,a jaw-tooth, a to wii'M,to movc,orsiir,toploii$r;i, 

grinder, thc pattlc-bonc. 
M61aris,e.a<Y/ pcrtaininjr to a mill, 

millstonc, or chcck-tooth (a mill 
Moliirius, a,um. adj. hclonjrinir to 

towcigh^tobcstoppcdior hir.dercu 
Molitio 6nis-/3 an undcrtaking a ,n atteinpt,labQur inmo' - 
injr, icc. a removal, athrowin b u 

Mdlcndinarius, a, um. adj.oi, orl.Molitor. ons. m. 3 a grindcr. 

pcrtainiiur to a niill. jM<ihtor,oris.m.3. a dcsigiu-r, con 

Mblcndus, a,um. pt \o bc jrround.j trivcr, uutlior,framer. or huildcr. 
Molcs,is./....a mas',,ahcup a bulk«jMolitrix,icis. /"..i.a fcmalc contriv- 

any tliins,- huirca jrrcat j.iie,orfa-jMolr«'ira, x. f. 1. a grinding'. {cr. 

brie,a picr.or daiu, a roci', u vust|Mohtus, a, um. pt. j^round. 

quantiU ^/'wci^uifiorcrstor |>ow- 
er of mcii,adcf'en«e. ■bul\vark,an 
earncstcridcivou ,diifu*ulu -pain^ 
graiulcur, cncuuiorancc. 
Moh '-:c,fi<h". ius,c.''»/i/>.issimc,*w/> 
grieviou^ly, discontrntcilK, un 
kindly, ill. Iuccdcrc molestc, to 
wu!k w ith an afirctcd ^ait, Catui,'- 
. Jio)c3Uu t x.f. 1 .trouble,uncasincss, 

Molitus, a, uin./»r.havin^attcmpt- 
ed, endcuvoured, or madc. 
.\iullcsco,<ere.///c.J. to jrrow sor. 
or e;i!iitle,to become clfeminaK. 
Mo!hc.ellus,a,uui. atlj. softish.ten- 
der.(teudcr, ri]c.:ninutc ( \vunton 
Molhculus.a ii;u.u<//.soft,deli( ate 
Ntollieudus,a,um.///.to 'u' soileueo 
«lollicns. tis pt. softenin^. 

jcliyquict. Slnt iliolcitia tuu liatftMollhncnUim, i./i. 2. a mitiiriition. 

MoHio,lre,ivi,itum. a. 4. to i 

to makc soft,tender,ftrsnp 

miti ^ate,tolcsscn f orabate.i 

or ussuagc , to caki., appe uiovc.oraHecVo 

weak.or cUcminatcto dei 

Mollior,iri. p to be softene» 

Moliipcsycctis. atij. havin^, v. adi ior, r mp. i 

*ii />.suft,pliant,tcnder.w,.'2 

inild,teiiiperatc,g'-;;tlt ki 

plain,smootli^Wr ect.jilca*. 

li£htful,incllow vripe, eiie 

fond, amorons, wanton. L 


Molitcr,of/r ius c mp. issii 
softly tenderly, calmly, 
li^htly, easily patien*.lv. 
nateIy,wantonly, i-icelf,»! 
MoMitiu, re /Sc — es, ci / § 
steadincss, cficnrinacx, « 

Mollitudo.inis. cri*. ! 

^lollitusta, um. /».'.!>'. ftciKtl 

Mo!r.uscuhis,a,'im udj. vott 

Moilusca, s.J\ 1 a kindof 

Vmlo, lcrc, luijlitum a. ti 

Molor, li. pus* to he jrroa 

M- lochc, cs f 3. a l.u*^e ' 

vt'»loiSus, ; ..f-2.J a (oot cons 

tliii-e lor.g syllubles. a IS 

\loJ', .vos. ?i. •>. allhcal, ra 

«li'!yl;dxn:i,x f l.aveinc 

and !c-vl, litliarg-c, lesd* 1 

Molyhditis. \h.f. •>. spumt 

Vicincn, ini«.. n 3. an impu 

Monii ntancus^kjUin adj tm 

•l'Mu.ntosus,a,uin adj. im|, i. n. 2. a mcn 

minutc, wcight, ibrcc, 

iih]tulsc, bias, a lurn, ah< 

or rhung-c, importiRCC 

a'lvantagc, consequencc. 

|), or quaniity, a poi> 

tonguc of a balunce. 





. 2. a monlr. 

f. 1. a monarchy. 

3. a nnit, a grain. 
um. a({j monustic. 
.a flagcolet, a pipe- 
■ 1. a jackdaw.(cd 
i be admonish 

li, nitum, act. 2. to 
wlvise, t counscl 
istruct, to inform, 
mind,to rcbukc. 
xs.p. to be advised. 
. a one-bankcd gal- 

oin, monev.a niint, 
ivlc in Ytriling. 
.of moncv,orusurv. 
m. 2. a coincr, an 
aint. a mintmaster. 
. a necklacc, a col- 
>hrcl for a lione. 
iMoiriiincntum,i. n. 
t, a mcinorial,ato- 
dcrtgv, a tokcn put 
childrcn. a sepul 

M6n6p5lium, L n. 2. a monopoly. 
M6nopt6ton, i. n. 2. monoptotc. 
Monbsyllabus, a, uin. adj. of onc 

Mons,tis.m. X a mountain, a grcat 

quantity. Montcs aurei,vast trca- 

sures, Ter 
Monstrabilis, e. adj. worthy to be 

shown,ortakcn noticc of ing" out 
Monstrans, tis. pt. showing, point- 
Monstratio,5nis/. ».a sliowinjf/ lcr 
Monstrator,6rism.a showcr, a tcU 
Monstruturus,/a, um. pt. aboutto 

show. (pointed out, invcntcd. 
Monstrutus,a um.^f.shown,taught 
Monstratus, us. wi. 4. ^showing 
Monstrifcr, era, £rum. adj. mon- 

strous, vast. 

Monstnficc, a<h>. mon9trously. 
Monstrif icus,a,uni.fu//.monstrous. 
Monstrb, are avt. 1. to show, to 

tcach, to inform, to direct, to 

persuadc, to accusc 
Monstror. ari.^. to be shown. 
Monstrose, adv. 


M6numentalis, e. & M6mimcnti-- 
rius, a, um. adj. of sepulchres, #r 


Mbniimentum, vid Monimcntum. 

Mora, ar./l.a delay,stay,stop, let, 
obstacle,or hindranccAJa pause, a 
chnicc body cfmenamongfehc I ii 
ccdemonians.Inmora esse alicui,. 
to make one wait,7Vr.Nec mor j, 
and presently, Virg. 

Morulis, e.adj moral, of manners. 

Moralitas, atis./ 3. morality. 

Moralitcr, adv. in a moral eense. 

Moramcntum,in. 2. a stop, or lc.t.. 

Mbrandns,a,um/)*. to be stoppcd* 

Mftrans, delaying, lo^ter- 
ing, staying- behind, stoppng-, 
hinderiAg*. Morantem dicm Lran- 
frorc, to case the carc-s and I roi~ 
blcs of the day. (or stcpg. 

.Morate,a_/u.ii.s. comp. by dcg.ecs* 

Mbratio, onis. /. 3. a staying*. 

Morator, 5ris. m, 3. a loiterer, or 
staycr, a hiuderer, or deJayer. 
inonstrously, Mbratoria cautio, a caveat. 

JM(Sratuni^n, um. pt. about to stop. 

Moustrosus, a, um. adj. issTmus, ; M6r3tus,A,um- pt. havin? staid, ©r 

a chronir.lo, or re- sup. monstrous, hideous, strange 
r's work.orwritinjrs Monstrum, i n. 2. a monstcr-a pro. 

1» mrmitor,:in ad 
llor,atcaehcr,or in- 
minder, a remem- 

nstruction, a com- 

/>/.arlmonished 9 ad- 
)d, wamed. 
J. an admonition, 

tarricdySiavingrfxcd. Haud n;tilta 

moratusyafteradiort puiiac, 9> V>y. 
Mdratus, a, um. adj. cndued w ith 

manncrs,of good morals,tcmp«'jr 9 
Mcrbidc, adv sickly. (or humour. 
Morbidus,a,, diseas- 

ed,brlonjpng- to a disease,infert ?. 

digy,a vastjhu^e,©!' dcformed bo J] 
d/,apci-son prodigiously wicked 
or mischievous, a wrctch. 
Monstrudsus, vid- Monstiwus. 
mptcr, a nomencla-^Montana, orum. pl.n. 2. hi^hlands. 

n adj. monitorv(tor Montanus,a, um. ur(/.mountainous, Morbonia, x. f. 1. a mischicf (ous. 
idmonition,advice, of, or full of mountains, dwelling^,lMorbdse, adv. sickly, faintly. 

orgTowinjj upon mountains'ta'uis:Morb6sus,a,{;. sickJy, fall of 

Montatus,a,um. adj. havingmoun.l discases, or viccs, passionatc. 

MontIc61a, x. c. g. 1- an inliabiter.Morbus,i m 2. a discuse. a distcm- 

of mountains, a mountaineer. | per.orsickncss, any defcct in tlie 

Montivafrus, a, um. adj ranging" body,any odd humor, unrcasona- 

m, or instniction, a on mountains, orlulls. 

.mmand, a prcdic- 


». m, an unieorn. 

ci-tketchcM of gods M^uUiOiq^ a, um. aaj- id. 

i ble nassion, orTice,*nr..nlc,gRcf« 

Mont5gus,a, um acj/. mountainous, Mordacitas,atis./3. a biting quali- 
standing, or ^rowine on moun- ty 

tains, luliy, full of h_JJi. 

MordftcTtcr,a_ft»>. sharply. 
Mordaciilus.a. uia» odj» vs-G-Cv^ca-l 





Multatus, *,Hra^/.fincd, amerced, 

puntshed, ruined. (ny, small. 
MuUtsimus, a, um* atlj. onc of ma- 
Multibibus, a, um. atfc. tippling 
Multicavutus, a, um. ailj full of 

holei. * (stalks. 

Multlcaulia, e. adj. having many 
Multicavus a,uma<(/ full ofholes. 
Multicia, onim. pl n. 2. garmcnts 

tinely, ©r curiously wroujrht. 
MultlcSlor, 6rU. aaj. of divers co- 

MoUifariam, adv. in many places, 

ways, or fashions, variously. 
Mullifarie, adv. sundry ways. 
Multlfarius a, um. adj. of divers, 

or siindry sorts various 
Multifcr,era, rum.a/#. bearingma- 

nv sorts of things, bearing in 

Multif ldus, a, um.adj. having ma- 

ny slita, clcfts, crevices, mouths. 

er strcams, many. 
Multif6ris, e. at{j. that hath many 

cntrances, or holes. 
Mult1formis,c.aay of many shapcs, 

fashions, . r sorts, various. 
MuUiformiter, adv. divcrsly, va- 

riously. (holcs. 

Multff orus, a, um. at(j. with many 
Multig€ner, eris. adj. id. gu. 
Multfgenus, a, um. attf. of divcrs 

kmds, sorts, • r fasliions. (dlc 
MultYjngis, e. aaj. many in a bun- 
Multijugus,a,um.a/{/. sevcral ) ok- 

ed, i.r harnessed together itive. 
Multtlbquax, aci*. adj. verv talka- 
Multil6quium, i. n. 2. much bab- 


Multil6quus, a, um. adj. talkative. 
Multim6dis, udv. many ways, va- 

Muliun6dus, a, um. adj. various. 
Multinodus,a,um. adjXvXL of knots. 
Multin5minus, c. adject. of many 

Multinummus, aq\i. gainful, dear. 
UuUipartitus, a,um. pt. divided in- 

to many parts. or ways, various. 
Multlpcda,x. /an insect, a checs-|! 

lip. (fcct. 

Multipcs, euis adj having many 
Multiplex. icis adj. consisting ofl _ 

many folds,turnings.orwmdui£S,j hx, tcdious, tiresome. 

manifold,various, differcnt. ofcli-|Mulus,i.m. 2. amule, aporte 

vcrs sorts,or ways.many times as Mundandua,a,um. be c 

MuUum,a/fo. much,fr6quentl 
ry often,long befbre; cun* 
ry, excceding, cxtremelv 

Multus, a t um.adj. anl. Moftu 
ny, several ; with a subst 
sing.orpl.much, great, thic 
quent,often,long,or too lon 

Mundanus,a,um.arf/. worldly 
belongiugto tiie worlil. 

much, or more Multiplex proavis, 

of a very noblc fanuly, AW. 
Multiplicabilis, e. unj. that hath Mundatio, dnis / 3. aclean 

many windings, and twistings- |Mundat6riu.s t^nm.aaj. clcai 
MultTplfcandus, a, um. pt. to bc Mundatus, a, utn. pt. cleansc 

multiplied. Munde, adv. ncatly, dccentl 

Mulfipifcans, multiplying. Mundialis,c o^.woridly (!y,f 
MultlplIcatio,6nis./3. multiplica- Munditer, adv. issimeV*".** < 

tion. (plicr. : Munditia,x. /".l.cleannesa, cl 

MultfpUcator, oris. m. 3. a limlti- nc8s,neatncss,deHcatcncsi. f a,um.^.midtiplicd.j ditias fuccrc, to makc t 
Multfphciter, adv. ius, c mp. idcra.(clean, 

vcrsly,to manifoldly, ven - much,'|Mundo,are,a 1 toclcan, rcli 

fully ' tomultiply, to incrcuscJ to purgv, or purify. 
Multfplico, [multus. plico], arc. a. Mundiil^, adv clcanly, neatl 

MulU|)hcor,ari./>.to be multiplicd. ! 
Multipotcns, i\ great pow- 

cr. (loudly 

Miiltisbn6rus,a,iim adj. souiidin^ 
Multisouus, a, um. adj. soundmg 

Multitudo, Vnis./3. a multitudc, aMundus,i.fn.2. thc world, tlw 

R-reat numbcr, grcat store, thc| vcrsc,thc sky or fnmancnt, 

niob. j man*s ornamcnts, pi-ovisioa 

Humliilus. a,um. w//. dcan, 

spnicc, snug, fine. 
Mundus,a, um. adj. ior .comt 

mns, tup. clean. ncatly, nca 

ccnt, sprucc. nicc, dclicatr 


MultivUgtis,a,um. adj. wandoring',, 1 mundo, ready at hand, 7Vm 

rovinj^, straj»yh"g up and down. MuneraUs. e. «<//. pcrtaiiufl 
Multi\ius,a, uiii adj. manifold. jpfts, bribcs, or fccn. 
Multivolus, a, um. adj. loving pas- .Miincrarius, i. m. a giver of ] 

sionately, inconstant in lovc. or games to thc pcoplc. 
MuIto,are.a. 1. to finc, to amcrcc, 

to punisht to bcat, to dcprive. 
Multor, ari. p, to bc fiiied. 
Multo. adv. by much, far, long, a 

grcat dcal, or while. 
Multbpere, adv. vcry ^reatly. 
|MultOUC8, ath, ofien^mcs, often- 

Mrmcrarius, a, um. adj. ofgi 
Muneraior, oris. m. 3. a rewi 
Muneratrix.icis. she that rev 
MOnero, arc- a. 1- to ffircgif 

prcsents, to reward,io rcqui give,tr bc* 

to prcsent, to offer, to bribc 





iu*» a, um. a<tj. liberal. MQnTtio,6ni*./.3. a fortify ing, a re- 
gere. rixi, nctnui, a. 6. to pairing, a fortification, ammuni 

tion. (*age. 

Munito, are. a. 1. to secure a pas 
Muiutor, dris. m. a fortificr, a pio- 

neer. (fy 

MunitQru9,a,um./j/. about to forti- 
f)s,ipis c g.3 one free ofJMumtns, a, uui/>*. & at(j. fortiried, 

fenccd. made strong, armed, se 

cured,defcndcd t repaired,sccure 

the noso clean, blow, oi 


irtim. plur. neut. 2. officcs, 

s, ptaces of trust, duties ot 

v of Koine, a frceman. 
s&lis, c. adj. municipal, be- 
r to a town,or corporatiou 
palis vita, a private coun 
JMurt. Municipalcs homi- 
ie plain ignorant men of 
ountry towns, Cic. Munici- 
icra, rites of worship par- 
to placcs, Fe$t. 
>atim, adv. town by town. 
>atus, us .Tii.l. burgdership 
)ium. i.n.2. a city, or town 
ate with particular laws. 
ius, a, um. part. to be 
hened,orsecured to fortify 
Cicis c . jr-3.dne performing 
x t «r duty. Munifcx mam 
ringsuck, Plin. 
e athf- bountifully, freely 
entia, x. f. munificcnce, 


x> [muBuSffacio], axc- a. 1. 
ch, to bless, to reward. 
us, a,um. ar(/.libcra1,yicld 
:at profit, bounteously bc- 

■ m 

n, inis n. 3. a fortification, 
art, a .ihclter, a defcncc 
:ntuin,i «. 2.a fortification, 
:, «r mound, a defencc. 
rea.4. to fortify,to inclose 

, orsecure, tojircpare, to 
iri/>.to bcfortihcd. rcpairl 

Munus, eris.w.. a gift,or present,a 
favour, or kindncss. a blessing,an 
orTenng,or sacritice, a bribe^ rc- 
ward, or retribution, a punish 
ment,a duty ,or oftice, a business, 
or employincnt, an imposition» or 
tax, a show, or game, a thcatre. 

Mfinuscukim, i. n. 2 a small gift. 

Murzna,z./1- a lamprcy,a chain 

Murali8,cai*'. uiural.pertaining 
a wall. Tormentum muralc,a bat- 
tering-ram, Virg. Muralis honos, 
thc houour of a murul crown 

Murcidus, a, iim- adj. slotliful. 

Murcus, i m. 2. a coward, or 
tardly fcllow, a sluggurd. 

Murex,icis./n.3. a burret, the theli 
of that fish, a truinpct made 
such shell, purple, a purplc co 
lor,a robe,or garment of purple,a|M 
rock,©r point of a rock,a caltrop. 

Muria, x./.l. a *auce niadc of thc 
tunny, brine, pickle, salt watcr. 

Muriaticus, a,um. adj. powdcred 

Muricatim, adv. like the fish mu 
rex. (points,or prickles, prickly. 

Murleatus, a, um. pi. full of sharp 

Murics, ei./. 5. brine, salt liquor. 

MGrtna, x. /. 1. a delicious wine, 
tcmpcred with prccious odoros 

Munnus,a,um adj. of,or belongin 
to a mousc. Pclles murinx, mar 

s. e g. onc tliat bcars of- 
is ready to do good turns. 
uW. adv. ■trongh 

ten's skins, Ju*tin. Murinum hor 

dcum, a weed like barlcy, PUn. 

Murmur, uris. ». (m. Non.) a mur 

mur, a gentle* great» or drcadftl 
noisc, a hiunming, or buzzing, a 
whispcr, a rustling, or whistling, 
a muttering, or grumbling, a re- 
port, an applause, the roaring of 
the sea, beasts, &c tlie sound of 
a trumpet, &c. 

Munnurabundus, a, um. adj. m\iv* 
muring, muttering, grumbling. 

Murmurans, \ispt. muttering-^roar- 
ing, crackiing. {or low sound. 

Murmuratio ,dnis/.U.a murmuring. 

Murmurator, oris. m.3. a murmur- 

Murmtirillo,are.a.l- to mutter-(er. 

Murmtiro, arc. n.l. to murmur, «r 
repine, to growl, or grumble, to 
roar, to sound, to buzz. Mihi ina- 
nitate intestina rourmurant, roy 
belly crieth cupboard, Plaut. 
to|Murra,z./.l. a stone of divers co- 
lours, and as clcar as erystal 

Murrcus, a, um aaj of porcclain. 

Murriilna, x.f 1. vid. Murina. 

Murrhinus, vel Mumnus, a, um. 
adj. of China» or porcclain. 

s, ant. Mocms^i wall, a 
bank. a protcction or sccurity, a 

Mus, mQris.m^. a rnouse. (towcr. 

x. f. 1. a rnuse, a song, er 

poem, study, good letters, leam- 

usscum, vid. Museum. (imr. 

Musca, x./l. a fly,acuriousinqui- 
aitive man, a parasite. 

Muscarium.i.n.2.& Muscaria,*./. a 
flap to kill flies, the tuft oi herbs 

Mu>cariiiB, a, um. a<^'.of flies.boss- 

Muscerda,ac./1. mousc-dung (ed. 

Mubcicul», sc / 1. a niouse trap. 

Muscdsus. a, uni. aaj ior, c- mp. 
mossy, covered with moss. 

Muscula, sc. f. 1. dim. a little fly. 
usciildsus, a,um. adj. xnusculous, 
brawnv, full of muscles. 

Musciilus, i. m. 2. a littlc mouse, % 
rouscle» a fish, an enginc of wasu 

Mmcuft, V. m.^,;^^^ 


of Musa, 






)lfia£uin,i.7i.2. a study,or library,aMustum, l n. 2. musl, ncw winc. tare liabitu, to change on 
repotfitory of natural aiid arbfi- Mu»ius see Mustcus. tire.//o/ .Mutarc acrc,to sci 

cial curiositics. a muscimi. !Mutabil:s,e «•//. mulahlc, changc-Mutor, ari. p. to bc cli*ngv 

Museus a, um. £U#- proceeding! ablc variahle.incoiistant, unstca-Miito diiis.m.J. the priv) m 
from tlic muses, poclical, plca-J d\,wavering,difrering, changing. ofa man, H r 
aant 8wcct Mutubilitaa, atis./ 3 mutab lity. Mutoniatus,*, um. a<fj. wel 

Musica, x.f. 1. tbc art of niusic.lMutabilitciyirfr. mutabl),change-Mutuarius a, xim.auj rccip 
Musica,6rum. pl n. thc science of ably. Mutuatio, onis / '6. a borr 

Mutandus.a. um./ be changed, Mutuatitius.a, um. aaj bor 

or vancd,to change. JLre mutan- Mutuator, oris. m. o. a boi 

dus, to oe sold, C .1 (altercd. MutuAtus, a, um. pt. havin 

M utan*,tis./ > /. changing chaugcd,; rowed 

Mfitassis, //iv Muta\ eris, Plaut. jMtituc, adv. id. qu llutud. 

Mutatio, onis f. 3. a changing, aMutuitans, tis. pt. desii 

change,a rcvolution,an exchangej borrow. 

Mututor, oris. m. 3. a changer. JMutulus & Miittlus, i. «i. S. 

Miitat&rius,a,um culj changcablel in buikling, a corbei, a bi 

MutfUurus, a, um pavt. that wilLMtituo, atfv. mutuall), togi 

Miuuce, cs. / ■* music. ;mu5ic 
Mus;ce,a</T*. imiSicaUy, pleasautly 
Mtisicus, a, um. atlj. musicul, foud 

of music, sweet, poctic:d. 
Musicus, i. m. 2. a musician. 
Musmion, vitl Musmon. 
Miuivum i. ?i. 2. mosaic work. 
Musmon,5nis.m. . . a mongrcl ram 

that hcars goats' hair instcad ot 
Mussans, tis. pt. muttering (wool 
Mussutio, oius./ 3. v muttering. 
MusMtundus, a, to be con- 

nived r winked at. (periiig. 
Mussitans, muttering,whis- 
Mussitatio,6nis./ o. a muttcrinjv 
Mussitator, oris m. 3. a muttcrci-. 
Mussfto, Hrv-fivq 1. to muttcr,t( 

gTumble,to murumr to bc siicnt. 
A ! us9o, :; rc.a 1 to mutter,togrum. 

blc,to buzzjto doubt,to demur,to 

be silcnt. 
Mussor. ari. /». to bc kept in. 
Mustacca, <e. / 1 a sort of luurel. 
Mustaccum, i. n 2. a br'ulc-cakc. 

Laurcoiam in mustaceo (]uxrcrc, 

to seek for glory in pititiil j>cr- 

for.nanccH CVc(must, rncw win 
Mustariua,a,um. «(^'. bclor.ging 1 to 
Mustela,& Mustc!la,x/. 1. a \\i-:i 

sel, a bca-iampre), an cclpnut. 
Mustclmus a,um udj. of, uv likc,a 

wcasel tawny, Vcliowibb. 
ilusteus.a um. a:[j swect as ncw 

Mutuo. ure. a 1. to korrov 
Miituor, ari. dtp. 1 tobotr 
Mutus, a, um adj. raute, 
spccchles9,silent, still. Mi 
])cctus the bare sight,Qiffl 
ta est hitjus tcmporis acc 
for all tliis timc you accui 

Mutaivis.a,um. pt. changcd, alter- 

ed, vancd, turncd, transformed 

trans])lantcd, cxcluingcd, altcr- 

ing, rar)inj? diifcrcnt swir. 
Miitcsro ccrc inc 3 to grow dumb 
Muticus,a,un) adj without a bcard 

Mutilaus,tis./>r mainiing, lisping,- ofm:th;iig, Cic. Mut* art 
Mutilutio, onis / 6. a maiiuin^, aj pjcatly famed, Vivg silent i 

huil. { ^s];caking of statuary and 

MuUiatus,u, um. pt. maimcd, ma. - ing in opposition to orator 

^led.cut ofl',bn>kcn. d.minishcd Xx literx, consonants that 
Mutilo,Ci-e.a mahmoriuanglc. givc any sound Fett. 
Mutil(.r,r.ri.atus. p to bc ma.inci!. Mutuum,i.n 2 # a lo.« n^an e<] 
'■fuiilus, ii, um. ailj. uuiimcd, dc-i turn. Mutum mecum faci 

iVctivr, bruken, void ofhorns. but evcn with mc,Hlaui. 
M'jiilus, i. w. 2. a niu.s"ic. fiunt a mc,I ain of thc sam 

iuti'%tr/Muttio ire.;/.4to s;>eak towanls you, ld. 

soi.iv, io muttcr, to crcak. Mrtuus^vun.a^.mutual, n 

Miitnjn3 ( tis. />/. muttciinjr. — 

\i>;:ilio, onis /. .*. a uiutlcring. 
Mutitus, u, uni. pt. making words 

Muto.uri>.<i.l.toch»nge t to allcr,to Virg. 

wincfrehh.newjutclv madcncw-, shift touirn cfrtran.tforin,tomo\c, 

ly publishedjor dn>"ccn. 
> ustricii l a,%./.a niousctrap,a last. 

cal, lcnt, or borrowed. T 
opcms mutuas, they assu 
other, Ttr. l*cr mutua, tog 


07inclinc,to rcmovc tocxchan^c, 

to bartcr, to trafiic, to i>c chang.jMyax, acis. m. 3. a sbcllfisl 
-MiwtijJentu^ a, um. adj. suicUing! ed.M/altcrcd to tin.^c.onlic to re-iMvg-alc, ea./ J. a field-roo 
*Ux>ng I scind^tovioiatCftopassby.tScmu-jMyinda, ac./. 1. bfind-miirf 





y.£2. aconite. ' (£alley crcd rhcs of Bona Dca, Cic. Mys- Nardum,i.n.& Nardus, i./ 2. nard, 
nis.w.3 apiratical oar-1 teria, the rites of Ccrcs, &c. /*/■ ointment madc of it, spikenard. 

i/J.tcnthousaud (risi.lMysticc adv mvstically. 
vrl. Myrice, cs/ tama-'Myaiicus,a, mystical, mys- 
. m. 2. u nuric iamprey. terious, hiddcn, secret. ry. 

lon, i. n. 2. yarrow. ,Mythistbria,;r./l.a fabulous histo- 
i,i.».2. a spidv.-r,a wart.klythologia, x. f I. mythology. 

s,x ml. a stonc huvini; 
ignre of a pLsanure. 
idv. slowly as an ant. 
•iiis.m. ■'>. a fciicer.(nut. 
uin i n,or E^ypt- 
i:irii,drnni />/.w 2. thosc 
itcd am l perfumcd theii 
£ m,l.i pcrfumcr (hair- 
n, i. «. 2 a pcrfufiier** 
f. 1. niyrrii. [shop 
a,£lcd with 

,um.a'//.of thccolouroflN 

l Iythol6gicus, adj. mytholo- 

" l *;f'!ll 

ft lW1, 

rfumcd with myrrh. 

a, um. «<//'. of myrrli. 
" 1. a m\ rtle. 

a, um. udj. of myrtlc 
., um. adj. mixed with 

i. w. a myrtle-grove. 
.im . a djA )1" 1 1 ivrt le, mad c 
Df tlic colour of myrtlc. 
i, uin, adj. of niyrtlc. 
a, uin. lidj. of unrtle. 
. m. 1. wiucof myrtlc- 

Naris, is / .;. the nostril, thc nosc, 
judgmcnt,discernmcnt,a banter- 
ing.a scotiing. Naris emunctse. of 
a clear shrewd judgment,PA««/r. 
Nimis uncis naribus indulgcs, 
you allow yourself too much in 
ridlculing cvery thing, Pert. 
My;hologus,i«K 2. a mythologist Narrabilis, c adj that can be toW. 
Mytilus, i. ro, 2. the tisli liinpin. JNarrandus, a,um. pt. to bc told. 
My\a,;e./l.a kind of prunc,a wickNarrans, tis. />/.tclhng, describing 1 . 

iNHrratio, dnis./ .5. a narration, aii 
^*^ m 1 aocount, arelation, a story. 

Narratiuncula, «./. a short narra* 

tion, or story. (porter. 

Narrator, oris. m. 3. a tcller, a re- 

Narraturus, a, um- pt. about to tell. 

Sx^ulv vcrily,rcally, ou niy word.|Narratus,a, told, reported. 

N:cnia,x/l.rcct Nenia, u funcrallNarratus, us. wi. 4. thc telhngofa 

"VT aIm<:. is./. 3- a girafia. 

Nabliuui, i. n. '2. a psaltcry. 
Nactus, a, um. pt. having 1 gotten, 
ohtaincd, or found. 

n. 2. a myrtle-berry. 
a, um. adj. likc uiyrtlc 

1 pcarl in it. 

«. 2. a barbal. (pricst. 

i intcrprctcr of mvstc- 


ict. x. m. 1. a chicf 

soiuf. I story. 

N:evulus, i. m. 2. a lfttlc blemish.| tcH,relate,report," 
\xvus,i.w. 2. a natural m:irk, irec- ov account,to dcclarc, say, atfirm» 

kle, spot, or cxcrcscence, a knot ortcll plaiiily.Burdo narrare fabu. 

in uood. a blemish, a fault. lum,7Vr.aHscllo, Hor. to spcak to 

Nain, conj for, as for, but, sccin^ oue that doth not mind. 

that, novv. [Narror, ari. p. to bc told. 

NainquL*, cottj. for, as for. iNarthScium, i. n. 2. a boxof medi- 

Nuna, x.f. l.n fcmale dwarf. | cincs, gallipot. 
Nanciscor, ci, nactus sum. d. 3. toNa^cens, cominpp into tlic 

j;et, obtaiu, or attain, to catch, or 
ikll into, tofind, or mcct with. 
NanctTis, />r?Nactus, Liv. 
Nans, tis pt. swiiuming, ilowing 1 . 
Nanus, i. m. 2. a dwarf, a mulc. 
. mvrtlc-treCjorg^arlandjNapc, cs./ X a dog, Forester. r Nascibilis,e.n«(/".that nmy by bofn. 
.3. a shclliish tliat hatli 

world,begiiining to rise,cr grow, 
risinjr, springiujr, gTOwing, in- 
crcasing. Nascens laus, blooming 
rcputation, Cic 
Nasccntia, ae. / 1. birth. 

Naphtliajx/.l.akindofmarljclayiNasciturus, a^ about to b« 
likc brimstone, liijuid petrol. born. 
Naphthc, es. / 3. i* d. gu. Naphtba-;Nascor,ci,n2tus^um d.^ aw/.Gnas- 

&. Mystes, sc. m. 1. uNapIna, x/ 1. aturuip-bcd 
»,i.m 2. hc that showcd Napus i. m. 2. aturnip. 

Narcissus, i. m. 2. a daftbdil- 
Narcdti'ca,5rum./^/. n. 2 narcotics. 

i ».2.amytcry, a great Nanhnus, a, um aaj. madc of, or 

^cor, bc born,to bc form- 
cdfOriramed by naturc, to beiriii, 

Narcissinus^, um cdj. of dafTodil^ or takc a beginning, to arisc, or 

rnana mv^tcriai the sa- 


sraclHng- Hke fiplkcnard. 

procecd from,to be produced, to 
riscto risc up,to spnng, or rrow 
up. In pedes nascuntur^m^v^Sx 





nata est scdecim, she is sixtcen 
years old, Trr Ita natus cst,such 
by naturc, Cic. Ab hia phis aii- 
quanto ablatum essc, quam na- 
tum sit,that thcy werc obli^ed t< 
jrive more corn than their crop. 
Jd. (handles and a wide mouth 

Nasitcrna ae/l.avcsHelwith thrcc 

Naasa, x /. 1. a whecJ, or bow-net, 
tc catch fish, a net, u snare. 

Nasturtium, i. n. 2. crcsscs. 

Nisum, i. n. 2. id. quo. 

«Vatlitor, oris. m. 3. a swimmcr. 
Natfttoria, x. f 1. afishpool. 
Xaluiitrus, a,um./>/. about to swiin. 
\ntatus, a, um. pt. swam aw»y. 
V itatus, ua. wi. 4. a swiraming. 
N.Ucs, »./. & Nates,ium. pif. 3. 
a buttock, ahaunch. 
\atmo, iire n. 1. to bc busv. 
NiHiOjOnls/. \. a nation, people, or 

cottntry,a company, scct, clan, or Xatus, i. m. 2. a son, a nep 

party a brccd, a multittide 
Natioi.cs. unv//./.J the Gentiles. 

.Nasus.i. ra.2 u nose, sly jecrinjr. a;Nati tas, V.s /. 3. birth. 
sueer, inockery, severity, anger, Nativus, a.iim.<i//j. native.natural, 

.1 1—11 M* ' •'■ 1 i ^ m A ' m. A. 

w atly e handlc,?.- ear of a cup. 
Na.sutc, adv. with scorn, censori- 

Nasuttilus, adj. shrewd. 

orijyinal, mb.xil Nativa: tcsto* 
shells pro.-in^ with thc fish.O/c. 
Veri);i nativa.words in their natu- 
ral aud usual si;riiiticationSi Jd. 

sirc to ease natnre, 0«/. 

Natflrahtir, adv. naturally. 

Natus,a,um .p/.born,brougut i 
bred, created, frazned by na 
appointed.wh ch athirrowr 
cccded, ©r risen. Iterum nat 
dt-or, I am quite a ncw man, 
overjoyed; Plaut Pro re ni 
niatters have fallen out, 8» 

posteritr, ofTsprinjf younj 
Navdlr, ». n. 3. a dock for a 
a harbour, an arsenal. 
Na vulis,c.a///. naval,maritime 
valcs pcilcs,oars, ©r fcallcy-sl 
Tvrnrb Nnvale ccrunicn, a 
ing for a prize, Virg. NavaHi 
rona, a crown for a sei-tie 

Nub"t*iS a, um. adj. ior c ump. issi N to ;»rc. /?&(/. swiin,toRwin' /*Va/. 

(ouslv c:«deaV0i 

liii.s, ttup that hath a grcat nos*..- upoji.ovcr.or^vi^ii^tofloaStowavc. 
\\ .y censonous or jtcrinj^. to movc to aikl fro,to l>c loose.or 

Nata- sc / 1 a daugluer. (place.! ui:k' 4 Jc<I. to waver fiuctuatc, or 
. Natabuhmi, i. n. 2. a swiinniiny- doul>t, to tottcr. 

Nat.ilc, is. 7i. i* a place of \mrt\i. NV.or, ari. //. to bc swum in. 

NatnieSjmm.///. m. «.«. tbe. stock, li-Vitrix icisc/ v r, >. a water-suako. a 
nca^c,orfa:nilv,whercof one com- pcstiforous pcrson, a whip, an ori^innl,or bcginn.ujj. pa- lierb. 

rcnut^e, dcscont, or c:»traction, a Natta, x. m. 1 a dirty mcchanic 
binhday, nativities. IVr '|iiini]ii Natu ubl m 4by birth. Animus na- 
nauilibusactis,bcing tifVcen ycai*sj lu ^ravior, iiiore solid and wisc 
old, Ov ! by a^(%7V'r.tirand;sw/ major na- 

Natfdis,c.a'//. of or bclonging 1 to u tu.oldcr, Cic. Minor natu, young 

jnan^sbirth/ in na- 
tive. natural, produccd, or g*row- 
in^, frojn the beginning-. 

Natalis, is. m. •> a birthday. 

Natalitia,dmm pl ?i. 2. a calculat- 
ing: of nativitiea, a birthday-fcas>. 

Natalitium,i.7t.a gift an a birtiida) . 

NatahUu£,a«um adj. of, or hclong- 

er /./. 

Natur.i,r./1.naJ.\irc,the power. or 
law of inclination, dis 
position, qualiiy, fuculty, 8tc. a 
way,ormetliod,a site.or situation, 
shape,sub»tance thc privy parts. 
of a mun,woman,oranimal ltcnim 
natur:i the wholc world,(.Yc.(tics 

ing to onc's nativity or birthday.i.\at»irrdia. ium. /*/. n. 3. thc prvi 
Natans, swimming, sailin^NutuniliSjC. adj. natural, of, or be- 

wavin^,spreading on the suriact 
Nitfitrie, is. n. 3 a place forducks 
toswim m 
Jfaiulie, &ms. f, a swioaninj 

Nfivandus, a, iun. pt. to be rti 

\7ivarchus,i.w 2 th<* ciiitain 

m:>n of war, an admiral, >p 

Niivatuv, imp. it is vig^orouslj 

deavoured (dcavour stren»« 

Nivuturus, a, um. pt. abootti 

Navatus, a, um, pt. cmployei 

Nauci.^r/i.Scnauco, abl. tlieb 

of an olivc, the shell of a Bi 

tnfling thinjrH that arc of K 

lue.Nauci non habere,CVcfc 

Plaut not to valuc a straw- 

Naucltricus a. um,* 

lonjring' toashipmastcr. * 

Nauclf ms, i. m. 2. the masM 

Nave, adr. vid Navitcr. 

Naufragium, i. n- 2. a ship* 

rtiin. Ex naufragio tabuh- ' 

remains of a mighty loss, C 

Nautrag5sus a, nffi. adj. id>\ 

N aufragiis,a,um.fw//.ship vra 

wrcckcd, causing sbipvrcc 

Naufrtgus.i. m. 2 one shipw 

cd, ruined, or of broken fin 

Ionfringtonature 9 innate» implant- 

cd by nature,agrceable to,orsufti- Patrimonio naufragus, ap 
cicnt for nature, conccniing na-l of broken fbrtune, Vie. ( 
Vnto. Naturalia doaideria, a de^Navicula, ae*/. 1. * fitfk ri 





Iriua, i.m. 2. the n_aster,0rXauni&chiarius, i. m. 2. he that 

iria,x./.l freight of _hips.| totherepresentationofaseafightj rogation in general ; when it is 
__•.._.__ o _. _ _- ____•__ . « _ __ . . usedby wayofeHipsis,itexpres - 

cth an interrogativc affirmation, 
mixed with angcr and admirati- 
on; whcther,repeatcd,whether--- 
or, whether or no. Nihilnc esse 
proprium cuiquam? strange, that 

of a ship. 

Itor, oris m. 3. idem. 

>r,ari-</. 1- to steer a ship. 

-js, a,uxn. attj. making, or ert, to show. 

thipwreck, wrecking. 
flis, e adj. navigaolc. 
dus, a, um. pt to sail. 
s, tis pt. sailing. (age. 
o.Cnia/. > a aailing,a voy- 
>r,dris m-iVhe that saileth. 
ir, imp. there is sailing. 
inia^,um />f about to sail. 
is, a, um. pt. sailcd over. 

^ra, erum. adj that will 
* support a ship. (bark 

ura, i.n.2. a smaH ship, or uncasy, to vomit. 

i. n 2. a ship. 

fighteth a battle at sea. 
Navo,are a l.toperformvigorous- 
ly,earnestly, ©r diligently, to ex- 

Naupegus, i m a shipwright. (tle. 

Nauplius,i.m.2.a seatish like a cut-l nothing shall bc, &c. Ter. 

Nausea, ae. / 1. a sca-sickness, a Nebris, idis. /. -i- a dcer's skin. 

sickness, a qualm, a cmdity. 
Nauscahnudus, a,;. sea-sick 
Nauseans, nauscating,ready 

to vomit,oppressed with qualms. 
Nauseator,ons,m one sick on thc 

Nausco,area.8c nauscate,tc 

dislike, to loathe, to be sick, o» 


tre.a.l tosail,to sail upon, 
,to pass ovcr specdily. Iu 
fcvigorc, to be sccure,7Vr 

an. p to be sailed on. 
./. >a ship,a bark,a vcsscl. 
a navis, a galley,Z_iv. Na- 
rariae,merchant-ships, Ctc. 
es, boats, Ldv. piraticae, 
arxdatoriac, Iav. piratcs; 
riae,fishcr boats,spectdato- 
38 of espial, Id. Prztoria 
ifte admiral, 1<L Naves ta- 
•, advice-boats, Sen. Una 
it jam bonorum ommum, 
1 men are now embarked 
jottom, Cic. (a pilot. 
c. m. 1. a marincr,a sailor, 
itis./3 industry. 
uhf. industriously .manful- 
;ly, resohitely, perfectly, 

ii / 5. industry. (quitc- 

i. n. 2. a psaltcry. 
jb.2. a freight,or iare io a 
over a ferry. 

otation of a seafight. 

. «#. reiati__gJNc, 

Nausebla.x/1. a little pain at the 

stomach, or qualm. 
Nauscdsus, a, um adj. nauscous. 
Nauta, ac. m 1 a aailor.a marincr. 
Nautea,x./1. bilgewater,tanner*s 

water, curricrs' black. 
Nauticus, a, um. adj nautical, bc- 

longing to ahips, ©r mariners. 
Nauticus, i.m.2 a sailor,a manner. 
Nautilus, i. m. 2. a curious fi-h 
N5.vus, a, um. adj. industrious, ac- 

tive, etrcnuous, laborious,heavy. 

Nd, adv. & conj. not, that not,so aa 

not~and — not,lc_t,lest\hat, much 

less. Nc quidem, no not, no not 

e ven,neither evcn#aot so much as 

Ncbrophduos, i- m. 2. Killbuck. 

Nebula,a./.l a mist,or fog,a cloud, 
Ncbulasllclicone legunto,cloiids, 
swclling vanitics b:- - insignihcant 
words» Pcr*. Nebula hnea,a vcry 
thin veil, Petron. 

Nebnlalus, a, um. />/. cloudcd. 

Nebulo, onis. m. _•. a scoiuidrel, 
knavc, prodigal, hec < r\r, coward. 

NiSbolositas, utia». / o. cloudincsfi. 

Nebulosus, SL,\\m.adj.wT : c:-mp mis- 
ty, foggy, tliicl., hazy, cloudy» 

Nec, c nj. neithcr, nor, awl y_\, — 
not, notwithstanding* that, note- 
ven, no not. not so niucn as. Nec 
quidcm, no not even. Ncc vei*6 f 
uotyct,nor.Nec non,andaiso.N-_c 
injui*ia,and not unju-tly,not v/ith- 
out causo, Cic. Nec co minus,and 
besidcs«and notwithstanding that 
head nor tail, whcu an aHUir is 
vcrv intricate, J J rov. (rd. 

Necjindus, a,um. /»f. to be dcstroy- 

Necans, tis pt. killing,murdering« 

N2cutor, killer,or dayer. 

longum fkciam, not to be tedious, 

JE/orNe multa, tVc multuSj/J. to be Necd _m, adv. nor asyct. 

brief. Ne dicam dolo,to speak tlic 

Slain truth,7Vr. Ne dicam gravi- 
i, to 8ay no worse, C7c- In culpa 
es, nc cemere posaia, it is your 
fault that you cannot sce, Lucr, 

jbw a.. / 1. a seafight # the Ne tantillum quidcm, not in tlie Necessftriiis i- m-2. a particular a~_ 

least. Cic. 

9 denoteth am mVcr 

Ne vivam si,let me die if, CVc. Ne NecatQnis, a,uin pt. that will kill. 

Necatus, a, killed, slain. 

Necess-trie, adv. neccssarily. 

NecessArio, adv of nrccasity. 

Ncce__arius, a, um aaj. nccessarr, 
necdful, of neccssity, indispensi- 
blc, inevitable, ncarly allicd. 

quamtancc, »r friqend^ «^. ^c&^ak.- 





ftv.<;L.'MllHil. , ) I.ll?».^/.».»* IHW>WJVittWit, lUVYlllI. WII-M.U, vr V11IUIIIUU9 ill.i> 

iicrt ssity»^iv:it m i :<!•■■: riot friciid-' on,a crinic,an impicty, «r villaim , 
i»h'p f rl.*..,c , ncar kiirJrcd,4r joiilt,a wickcd,orimpio-S wrctch, 
sJ.laii.v, an c-.iiigulion, *r tic to a prodifty, an impossibility. 

• _ n I ... ... . 1_ ___'» _■• m _.•!•• 

Kicc.osilikii. 1 , i:iis./\». uuavoidablc. lawful. wickcd, or villainous acti. rcgard to,not to carc for, 

to uisrcyard, to ^litfln, 

tcn.n, to pass by, to ovc 

\cgligor, g*i. /*. to b« neg 

»i. ;'». a harrow-pig. 

Wco, ap', c~t\i, catiim, varA cu:, \i frciuli». is. 

ciui:i.«/.l.ti)kiI],tosi.iy l toiivMniy NVfn-ns, ilis. m 3. idcm. 
Nccor, ari. h. to bc slain. to spoi.. Wfuncra fitiwm, funcrals i 
Nccrc .r.autia, x.J'l, i.cerf>:na:ic}. irnicralSjCVrlw." 
\ccroiiiaiuicus f i.;ri :i ii-comaiic. W-:'ubiinclu«.a ( um. tttl/. drnviii!?. 

and no 

//. rt busmc 
niuttcr in j»*entr.d. 
Ncgotians, tis. w.\ -•. n mci 
Wgotians, tis. /*/. trading' 
W-g6.if»_'ius n, utn. «•//. t 
.Vc^r.Lftiio, o.i.s /■' :•. ncg» 

.iL'Ci.-ircu:», a,uui.iu//.3\. n i .».> .i*. c-.^v^, i; • j- i.. in-^-iuu-i. ii_u..; n)ir.uic,i;.iiiKh,' ii»; 

tar f diviiic\ Xcctarcx ac[u.v,rch:s-\c;;.';tio f 6iiis.y'... a iu'£atioii,:i dc-'Wj:6tiatri\-, Tcis. /". . :i fcii 

«■ii ___ -rv . :._ «_•-.- f. _ _ _ v- '-_• i • • i'_l.i i 

tial dcvv.Or. : winc. Wj;utivus a, um. adj. iic;_,ati\c. 

-NcclariU'*, _c. fn. 1. cler.impanc-W-fitor bris. m. .3 . u drnkr. 
T\"cct.-«id:is, a uni. />/. to hc joincd Wudiorius, a, uni. adj iirj;ativc. 

^ctlu:r,i.oliiik f w/coiincct, to cn-.\cjjlcctio, onN.y. ;>. a disrctfard. 
tan^ie, or cncirclc, to forni, toNctflccturus,a,um././. ahout to nc- 
fraiuc, to dcvisc, lo plot, vr con-' i^lcrt. 
tiiw, to frcczc, ©r congeal. Afri- Ncp-lcctus, a,um /)/.& adj. issiinus. 

•.. , • _. _ r- : _.i «__._.__._ "l.-.l .1" __ _. 

its in ^lacicm frigore nectit a- 
mu.s frcc/cth thcm, Pr /«r/. 

Ncctor, ti. /i- to ho linkcil. 

Wctiis, a, um. /■/. kiilcd, slain. 

Nccnhi, tulo. lcst in any placc. 

Vc;:ijyiilc t a</t>.lc»t from any placc, 

0>-/>.rt.(not to mcution, not oiily» 
^-tlumsoni. nrtch lcs^not to nay, 


caI, unrullivatcd, uiitrinuneci. 
Ncf^lcctus, us. m. ■!• a ncj^lcct. 
Ncyhjjcndus, a, to hc nc- 

Mcglijjcnst tis. atlj ior, cnmp. issi- 

i lftbs, \xl'jl\ wv».V_x\.\i no account of. 

Vc^ntioliini.i.*. 1 . J. a litslc l 

W-^oiior, iiri. #/ 1. i« ir*iO 

tiiulc,9r traiiick, lc: iradc nc^liaii (dc i.icdi 

tradc in nicn'.s Iiv«:>,Vi £c 

hy dispatrhiii}* thcm, /'''.j 

Ncg-otio.vitas, uiis.y. «. ruii 

\c)COti65us,a,uiii.uc/;.ic»r r: 

of busincss trouble^r-nic. 

ov wci^hly, Ncgt;tiosunr 

soundh, and frcquciitlv 


NcgoLium,i n.S.bnsiucs-VJ 

or timc of busiiirs«i,aii atT: 

tcr.or thing^,acausc in Uv 

firc, or cmploymcnr,troub 

culty, warcs rocrchanchs 

cssc ncgotii arhitror 1 aiiif 

to bc a vcry casy rar.ttcr f ( 





^haerenegotiuinestJnthisiNepa, x.m.l.ascorpion,a crabfishj ucry, malice, sharpncss, tartnes, 

Ncpenthes is.M.3an herb drivmgl jcsting. 

away sadness, bugloss iNcquitics, ei./ 5. dcbauchery. 

Ncpeta, x.f. 1. wilcl pennyroyal- iNervatio,dnis./3a strcngthening 


r all things run •moothly, 

iiis.c^ 3^aretvocativo3cn : 

ilural^nomanfOrwoiuan^iio-lNephalia, oruro /»/• n. 2 soberNervia, ae / a string of an instru» 

no one, a fellow of no ac- 

. Unus nemo & nemo unus, 

t man. Nemo quisquam, 

s wbatever,or in the world 

HiSyCadj.of a grove,encom 

l with woods, or groves. 

feasts, a wood for sacriiices. i ment. 

Nepos, 6tis. m. .j. a £raiidson, a.Ncrv'iceus,a, um aqj. made of si- 
spcndthrift, a secoml dcscent in ncws, or strings (news, «trong* 
bcast, a sucker; nepotes, dc- Nervinus, a, um. adj. made ofsi- 
scendants, postcrity. Nervium, i. n. 2. vid. Ncrvia. 

Ncpotalis, e atfj. lavish, riotous. Nervose, adv. ius c mp. strongljr, 
enst*,e uJ/. pcrtaimng to aNepotutus, us. m. 4. luxury, de- stoutly, vigorously. (stoutueas. 

•r grove. Nemorense mel, 
honey, Col Kexneniorensis, 

na Ancina Suet 
fcultrix.icis./ inhabi- 
f the woods. 

voods, or forests 
AsnsAunu o*# woody, full 
klsggroves, or trees sbady. 
^odv.what then ? well then 
io you roean i 1 suppose, 
er, for ail that, it is to be 
d,I grantj confess. r it is 
surcly,verily . for exam- 

bauchcry, extravagunce. Ncrvositas, atis. f. Z>. strength» 

Nepotmus a,,a, \im.adj.\or 9 c mp.nctr» 

lief priests in the sacnhcesNepotor, ari. d. 1 to bc cxtrava- ous. full of sinews, or fibres, si- 

Nepotulus,i.m.2 a little gTandson. newy, stiil', strong, pithy. (new. 
Neptis,is. /. a grand-daughter, aNervUlus, i. m. 2. dim. a little si- 
niece, ^mcans.Nervus,i m- 2. a nerve, • r sincw, a 

iragus. a,um. adj wander- Nequi, adv. lest by any way, «>r string, a cord, a thrcad, a chain, 

Siqyiam.adjJndecl. icr, c mp. isst- tlie stocks,&c a nian's yaru; ner- 
mus,tup.nauglity,wortiilcs*,]cwd» vi /r/.strcngth f force. niight, pow- 
riotous. extravajrant. inconsider-i crjVigvui^pir^tfmdusLriousappli 
atc,careless,idlc lazy, unfruitful, cution of mina. In ncrvum erum- 
lewdly,/>ro ncquitcr ; tubtt. n. a pere,to brcak and dcceive. Ncr- 
mischief, a bad tlung- vos intendere, to do one's ut- 

Nequando, adv. lcst at any time. most, 7Vr. (norant. 

Nequuquam, adv. by no means. Nesciens, tifw pt. not knowin^, ig« 
it iSjto wit,namely, for,see-|Ncquc, c nj ncither, nor. Nescicnter, adv. ignorantly. 

Kt« becauae, why, why in-Nequedum, conj not yet. vVVscio,irc.ivi, itum.n. to be igno- 

n responses.Nempe' ea se-A>queo,ire,*ivi,ituin.?i.4.1 cannot,; rant,not toknow,artell(unknown 
it, &c I supposc those I am not ablc. Neseitur,///!/». wc cannot tell, it is 

are uext, Cic. N mpe dcNequeor, iri. d. 4. T cannot. JNescius, a, um. adj that knoweth 

u mean otyour ow n f Plaut. Ne<iuicquam,a</T/.in vaiii,to nopur-l not.ignorant, unexperienced, un- 
6hs.n^>.a wood, >.r grove*. pose,by no means,not in theleast, known Ora frxnonun nescia, ne- 

! sCotfrce, nothing at all. I ver bridled, Lucun 

ij/Iljifuneralsong^adirjrcNgquidquani id «ic.Nequicquam. Ncssotrdphium, i. n 2. a place, or 
i. .r moumful verse, a tri- Nequiens, tis. pt. not ablc. ' yard used to tattcn ducks in. 

pngysr writing^iny song,orNequis.rar.Nequi, ne(jua, iiequid,NctU8, a, um pt spun. twisted. 
llaim nenia^t magic song, tWuequod, pr n lcst any one, rNftus, us. m. 4. a spinning. 
%. pt. spinning. a charm.i tiiing; cum ut,no one ur thing. :Neu,cofi/.nor.neither,and not,lc&&, 
+9. not. (spin. Niquiter, adv. ius ,c mp. isslmi.Nevc, c 7i/.id.(lcsteither,andlest. 

Ive v nivi, nCtum. a. 2. to «r^.lewdly,wastefully,pr<>digally,Nevis, pro Nonvis, Pluut. 
Bli. p. to be spun. idly, crattily, slily, cunningly. Neunt, /»•« Ncnt, TihaU. 

tVSjS^um. at(j. lately plant-Neqmtia,x./ 1 wickednessdewd-Ncumt: adis / *.an hei-b, artlirub, 
set, Utely convertecl. , ness, debauchery, cxtravagance,! good against the noitim o»< ^^ 
BsnAUBhMy.ncWyinodern.. carelessness, idlcness, craft, rog-\ TubeU^^ii^tx^^^^i^Tvs^^- 





Neuricus, a, um. aty. having theNictus, us. ra.4.a winklinjpa wink.J Nihil quod, quamdbrem, 
gout,orsome other pain in the si- NIdamcntum,i.n.2. stuff tor ncst*. reason why. Nihil audio, 
news, sincw-shrunk. 'Nideo, crc. «hine,to glittcr - A — ■--* "* v '' 

Ncurftbata, x m. l.a ropedancer.Nidif fcans, tis. jM.building a nest 

Ncurftbatcs, x.m. 1. idem. 
Ncuroidcs, is. w. 3. wild bcet. 
Neuter,tra,trum,/>roM.j?'. ius, dat. i. 

neither, neithcr of the two. 
Neutiquani, adv. by no means, in 

no wise> not in the Icast. 
Neutralia, e. adj. neutral, neuter. 
Neutro, adv. neitlier way. 
Nevult, pro Nonvult. J*lant. 

Nexans, tis. pt. knitting, tying. 
Nexlbilis, ca'{/.that may be knit. 
Nexilis,e.aaj.knit,tied, or wreath- 

ed togcther, twining, or winding 
Nexo, are. a 1. toconuect.(%hout 
Ncxum,i.n.2.a mortgage,aconvey- 

ancc arcordingto tnellomanlaw, 

a possession upon such a titlc. 
Ncxus, a, um. pt. tied, bound,fast- 

ened, or joiued togcther, linkcd, 

wreathcd, dclivercd bound to a 

Nidiffcatio, dnis. / a building of 

Nidi&icium,i.n2. a nest, a lullock. 
Nidif ico, [nidus, facio], arc. a. 1. 

to build, or makc a uest 
Nidif icus,a,um auj-making a ncst 
Nldor,5ris.m. 3.asavour,a scent,oi 

smell,a strong smell, a stehcb, oi 


ex,necis. /*. 3.death,ruin.destruc-Nidulor,ari</ hui1d,or makc u 
ion. Necis in pl. VaL Flacc, nest,toplace inanest,tosit a brood 

Nidulus, i. m. 2. ditn. a littlc ncst 
NTdus,i./n.2. a nest, a bechivc, thc 
youngin a nest,a child in a cradle, 
a litter of pigs, a shelf, a cup. 
Nlgellus,a, um. adj. dim. blackish- 
Nigcr,gra,grum.<H//. ior, comp. cr 
nnius, tntp. black, dark, swarthy, 
deep,dusk,gl oo i ny,sliady ,dec p iy , 
illnatured, false. knavish. 
Nigians,tis. /»/.b!uck,dark,cIoud) 

crcditor. Ites nexa pignori, laid Nigreuo,mis / •> blackncss. dcep 

to plcdge, pawned, JJv 
Nexus, us. m. 4. a kiutting, tying, 
a conuexion, a union, a bond, a 
covenant togive posscssion. Ali 

cui nexum dare,to bccome onc'sNigncans,tis. pt. blackish. vblack. 
bondman, Iav. Nexum inire, toNigntia, ae./ 1. blackness. 
submit to that condition, Jd. Nigrities, ei./ 5, blackncss. 
NI. NigTitudo, inis./. 3. idem. 

tsifConj. unless, except, save tiiat,Nigro.arc,avi.n.l.tobeblack(ness 
but that, but if not. Nigror,6ris./n. 3. blackness, dark- 

Nigrefio, [nigrco,fio],fiere,factus. 
n- p. 3. to bc niadc black. 
Nigrco,cre jui.7x2. to gro* black 
Nigrescpns, growing black 
Nigresco, turn,o<- grow 

Nlc2rotirinum,i.n.aswcet ointment 
Nicr*ieriuiii,i.n.2.a rcward for vic- 

tory. :i prize, a public banquet. 
Nictans,tis. /ri.winking, twinkling. 
Nictutio, onis./ 3. a twinkling. 
Njcto, wink,to twinkle. 
Kictor, &ri. d .1. iilem. 

foundation,oKruth,nothing clse, 
in nothing, not at all. not in tlic 
least, nobody at all. Nihil aliud 
(juain t nihilpro2teiT[uani,iiiliil,am- 
plius cmam, by an cllipsis inay bc 
cnglished by exccpt,oroni). Ni- 

Kicto, open asahound. hil ad,nothi/^,if comparcd wiUi. 

not wJiat\ou say.Tn.Nil 

you labour in vain, Cic. 

Nihildum,n.*tufec7. notliing 

^WA/^faciOjCei-e fcci.o 3.1 

no account of, not to caU 
Nihilonnnuus, adv. notwit 

ing,nevertheless no lesaj 

NihiIum,i,n.2.nothing. Nili 

to be gclded 9 JPluul. (no 
Nil,contr. pvo Nihil itidecl n 
Nilum, pvo Nihilum, Jaict. 
Nilus, i.m 2 & Nili druni 

pipe,or channcl to convcj 
Nimbatus.a,um. adj weani 

hair, anointed, pcrfiuncd 
Nimbifer,a,um- a({jcciivc b 


bringing, or causing rain, 
Nimbus, i. m. 2. a black, 

cloud, a bright cloud, a c 

storm, ashowtr, rain, v 

gTeat crowd or quantity^t 

tumult, disoriier, or coufi 

vcsscl for wine, a scar^ a 
Nm.ietas, s&tis. /. 3. too | 

storc, or quantity. 
Nimio,ac/t/.by a grcatdeal 

aequius more than is fit 

miop6st,not ven long afti 
Nimi6pert,cu/T. with too on 

bor. (surch y eril v,that ist« 
Nnnlruni,fi</r doubtle*s,cc: 
NTmis, adv. toO much, ir 

tle, \Qty much, exccedin( 

trcmcly, too. Nc cjuid nh; 

much of one thing is good 

thine, TVr. 
Nimium,a Jv.too much/)re 

too far,cxceedingly, rery. 

um quantum, exceeding^ 
Nimius, a, um. attf. too muc 

Diucb, excetsiTe, rery gn 






,supcrfluous,very. Nimi-lNiffditas, atis./ 3. cleanness. \Nixans,tis. pt. labouring, striving. 

Nixor, ari. Jtrp. 1. to lcan upon, to 
Nittdiusculus,a,um.r'<//. somewhatfXixus, a, um. pt. leaning, rcsting, 

•ii possessedof too grcatl.\itidc«a(/r.ncatly,handsomely(ly 

Vv. sermonis,too frcc ot' Nitidiusciile, adv. somcwhat ncat- 


:rc, nxi. n. 3. to snow- 

ris. m. ;>. a fall of snow. 

s, a, um. <if//. snowy. 

is./ 3 SROW. 

, pro Nullus, Enn. 

i. n. 2. a basin, a lavcr. 
if not.unless, exccpt, cx- 
t, but that, but only, sav- 
<]Uod,except tliat.(vour. 
, um. pt. that will endca- 
m. 2. a sparrowhawk. 
n.4. an cndeavour, an ef- 
iinbin<r, a motion, a firm 

birth, tcndcncy, incli- 

x./ 1. a ticld-inousc. 
Wtella.x/a iield-mousc, 
»l,a glitterin^ brightncss 

color, of a bright gold- 
rllow colour. 

inore iraily drcsscd, or bctter a 
Nitido, are. a. 1. to clcan,to makc 
Nitidus, a, um. adj. ior, comp. issl- 
mus,tu/>. ncat,clcan,spruce, trim, 
gay^tinc.gcntccl, briglil, tmining, 
glitterin£,f.*ir,beautiful, dclicatc, 
clc^ant, splcndid, sinooth, slcck, 
fat, plump, tiourishing. 
Nitor,ti,nixus & nisus sum d. 3. to 
cndcavour, to labour,to strive, to 
>tnitri£lc, to thnist again, to con- 
tcnd,orinsist,to lcan,or rcst upon, 
to bc supported,to rely,«rdcpcnd 
upon,to trust to. to confidc in,to 
risc, or mount, to movc, or pass. 

m-pt. lcanintr, rcsting 1 , or 

Hjriipon>4upportingitsclf Nitor, 6ris. m. 3- neatness, clcan- 

ness,sU*ckness. trimncss, graicty. 
finery, gcntility, {rracefulness, 
origlitncss, bcauty, elegance, 
clearness, transparency. 

s. pt. ior, cimp. shining, Nitroria, ac/ 1. a nitre-pit 'tre. 

Nivalis,c.u<// snowvtmadc of snow, 

g^irUrine^looking brijrht, 
iir 9 bcautjfitl, ncat, ck-an, 
iliving well, or splcndid- 
ishinfr, appcaring. 
injr,, straininjr, thrustiug', 
ny against forciblv, sup- 
rclytn£,*r dcpcnding on, 
,tui n. 2. to shinc,to g-lit- 
>k bright,fair, ©r beauti- 
ncat, clean, fine, or ele- 
be well writtcn» to be 
* plump, Xo live well, or 
ly,to Mourish, to appear. 
\p tis. pt. shining. 
Kre.sUI. to shine,lo grow 
flomisb,to be improved. 
um. aefj % rcJy ing on. 

or depcnding" on t supporied by. 
Nixus,us m 4. force, an efTort. la- 
bor.travail,inclination. Astra c { \ix 
sc Sc nixu suo conglobata conti- 
ncnt, &c. by thc tcndcucy of all 
thc parts to thc ccntrc, Cic. 

. no. 

No,narc,niivi.n.l. to swim, to sail, 
to fly. Nabis sinc coi*ticc,you will 
shift for yoursclf, lfor. 

Ndbilis, c. adj. ior, comp. issimus, 
»up. noble,famous,rcnowned,not- 
Cihwell known*!iotorioiis>rcmai k- 
ablc, principal, chicf, gcncrous, 

NobVlis, is. m.3. a noblcman. 

Nobihtas.atis-/ 3. nobility,noblc- 
ncsa, dignity, cmincncc, cxccl- 
lcnccjgcncrosity ,bravcry f "vii tuc, 
famc, rcputation, renown, %\ory, 
honor,distinction,the nobility, or 
pcntry, noblemen. 

Nitratus,a,um. adj mixed with ni-Nobihtatus, a, um. pt. cnnobled, 

Nitrdsiis, a, um. adj. full of nitrc. 

. famed, rcnowncd. noted. 

Nitrum, i. n. 2. nitrc, satlpctrc. N6bi1ftcr,.«f/v issimc, t np. nobly, 

bravcly, admirably, cxcellcntly, 

co\'crcd with snow, exceedin^NftbiIito,arc-a.l.tocnnoble,todig 


Nivarius,a,um. adj. of,or for snow. 
NTvaticum, i. n. 2. a snowball. 
Ntvatus,a,um.«c^'. of meltcd snow. 
Nivens, tis. pt. winking\ 
Nfvco, Src, ivi & ixi. ictum. neut. 

2. to:wink, to twinkle, to snow. 
Nivesco,cere. ncut. 3. to grow, or 

becomc as white as snow 
Nfveus,a,iim.a///.of snow,white as 

snow,shlning,bright, fair, happy. 
Ntvdsus, a, um. adj. snowy, cold. 
Nix,nfvis/ 3. snow,a fall of snow. 

Capitis nivcs, hoary hairs, Hor. distinguish, to make fajji- 
Nohi^, ilat. & nbl. pl. ab E^o. 
Nobiscum, pron with us. 
Nocensjtis. adj ior, cmp. issimus, 
« rtfuI,niischievous,noxioiis, 
pcrnicious,poisonous, dcadly, in- 
fcctious, guilty, criminal. 
Ndcenter, «w/v/mischicvou^ly. 
Nbcco,ere,cui,cituma. 2. to hurt, 
to wo a utd, to iujiirc, to <lo hurt, 
harm, or mischicf, to annoy, to 
wrong.Ob eam rcx no*iaj\v^ssK»55.- 

f •*■■ 





veltVi ui infancy, or infant tUtc. Nl\ NucifrAngTbidum i.n a nutcrv 

NSvttir, fltfn. newly, lately. NfibCcula, m.f. 1. a little cloud, aNucinus, a, um. atij. of a nut-1 

Ntivitius,a, um.adj. newly iuvcnt- spot. Frontis nubecula, ananect-Nucipcrsica, sc/ 1. % [>cach 
cd, or madc, newly come, unac- ed threatening frown, Cic. Nuciprunum,i ri.2. aphimgn 

quaintcd. Nubcns,tis./>r.ready to bc marricd on a nut-lrec stock. 

NoVitiui, i- m. 2. a novice,n frcsh- Niihcs, is/o. a cloud a Jiiist,a co-Nucleum, i. n- 2. a cat's tail. 
man, a slavc ncwly bought. verin^, or disgiiise, a vast multi-Nuclcus, i. m. a kcnicl, a <r 

Ntivo,are.fll to make new, to re- tudc,tcrrof , confusion, udversity, stont,a pinc apple,a clovc of 
new f to fbrm ancw,to rcpair,to rc- tlistrcss,a sour countcnancc, gra- lic, t hc lieart ot iron,*ueI, a I 
fit, topcfrcshjtoalter, changc, or 1 vity. crust, apparcl. 

transform,to makc altcrations,orNfibifcr, cra, enim."fltfj. bearing-Nucula, x. f. 1. a small nut- 
changcs, to makc clcan. clouds, causing- cloud*, rainy. Niidandus, a, to be len" 

Nftvor, ari. p. to bc madc new. NGbifiigus, a, um udj. driving kcd, bare, or ung-uardcd, ti 
No>us, a,um.a/£. ncw,rcnewcd,rc- away, or dispersing 1 clouds. thrashcd, to make barc. 

paircd, strangv, wondciful, un-Nfibigona,x.c?.l.onccloud-born,Nudans, tis. pt. discovcring^h 
neard of,unexpectcd,uiiusua] 9 un- or coming froin thc clouds, a ing. ( 

common, cxtraordinary, admira- ccntaur. Nudatio,dnis / J. a strippingl 

ble, cxccllcnt,tender,bcginning \ubi£er,a,um.ii#.bringing cloudsNud:itus,a,um.//r inadc.wldt 
infant, young, youthful, brisk, \ubila, 6nu\\.pi n'2. clouds,mists, ked,wbarc,uncovc rcdjaidbp 
inspired furnished with naw mclancholy, dejcction. discovercd, cxposcd, drawi i 

matter, unprejudiccd. NovusNiibilans,tis /;/.dazzling thc cyes. of deprivcd,ordcstitute of.fl 
homo, the first nobleman iu his\ubilar, aris. ;/. ;J. a shcd,a barn.. ped of, strippi-d, piliugcd,pfc 
family Tabul?cnovx,alaw forthc^NTibdirium, i. n. 2. id 

eencral remission of debts. licsNiibilatur, imp. ii is cloudy. 
novae, a changc, or alteration in 
thc government, or state. 
Nox, noctis./. 3. night, a nighfs 

j dcred, dc^rradcd. 
tNuditas, atis./ 3- nakeilnc*^ 
Nubilis, e. atlj. lnamagcablc. ' plicity, or plainnessof styk- 
\fibilo,are«n 1-to be cloud\ *ordark Nudiuscpjartus.czar.four tUyi*! 
Nubildsus a,um-fir//.cloud\ .(cloud Nfidiusquintus, adv nvc ibj»*! 
lodging, thick darkness, (Wk- Nubilum, i. n. cloudy weather, a Niidiusscxtus, adv. 
ness,mist,obscurity,blindness. ig-iNubilus s^um.adj cloudy,causing'Nudiu8tcrtiuii, mdv 
norance, confusion, sleep, rcstj orbiin^ingclouds, sliady, dusky, 1 Nudiustertiu» dcc 
death. I threatcnin^ilovverin^, melancho-| days since, Cic. ^ 

Noxa,x./.l.hurt,harm,injui7',dam-Nfibitur,2*^/>. it is marricil. (lv,sad.jNiido, ai*c. a. 1. to makcniMJ 
agc,mischief,ruin,acrime,ortrcs-Nfibivag'iis, a,uin. adi. wandering barc to la\ opcn, show d*^ 
pass,gtiilt,punishment,an olicnd- throu^li, or amoM^ the clouds. o;-expo^e,to deprive of,torty 
er, or criminal, n brawl, or scuf-Nubo, bcre, nupsi, 5c nu|>ta sum, pillagc,f/r plundcr,to sthp«M 


Noxalis, c. adj. bclonjring to an 
^oflTcncc, or nunishment. 
Noxia,3t./a crimc,fault,or olfencc, 

a disagrcemcnt, or quarrcl. 

miptum. a. & nM. to marry,to be 
married. or joiued to, to interinix 
with,tocover. Uxori nubere nolo 
mea-, I will not havc a wife that 
shall bc my mastcr, mUart 

Noxidsus, a,um.a<//.hurtful,sickly, Nucamentuiii, i. n. 2. a cat*s tail,a 

*Noxit, pr'.t Nocucrit, Lucil 

long cxcrescencc from a pinc 
trce, &c. 
Noxius^ a,um. adj. ior, c .mp- noxi-'Niicctum,i.7i. a placc for nut-trees. 

otis, hnrtful, injurious, destruc-Niiccus, :i,um. adj. of a nut, or nut unburicdfiobbed. pillaccd, 
• tirc, poisonov»,'sick\y, guijty . | Ucc, hazcl, of hajel. dered. Nuda valhM vilky 

shell. tiladios nudarunt, 
tlieirswordSjOr. Monlcini 
syl vis,to he w do wn thc *( 
Xudor, ari. utus. p. to bc 
Xfidus, a,{;.ior, c ff>- 
titute.desolatc, poor^veaK* 1 

less,defcnceless mcre.pW" 





3, or bushes, Uv. Nudi Numi-rutor, Oris-m. 3. a numbercr Numrniilari51us, i. ro. a money- 
open mouth, IVr^ NiidoNunicr.itus, a, um. pt. numbcrcd 
•c vestimcnta, to rob thc 
Pltfit. Nudo sub xthcris 
:r thc open sky,or in thc 

im ^/l.triflinyr,orsillv 

•iflestoys. gewgaws, fop- 

U> stories.lics, rogueries, 

hcats. a Iriflcr. 

c. «■//. trillinpj*. silly, idlc 

tum, i 7i 2. ;i triflc. 

5ris m.J. a trirter,:ichcat. 

:, ci 7u. frivolouslv. 

i<? ivini.aJ/.vaiiijtrifling, 

fht, iinpertinent. 

c'n c . ir •/• a trifler. 

lus,i. m 2.a haberdashcr, 


•i, fitus sum, </.l. totriflc, 

:o cheat, or bubble. 

is, a lv in no wise. 

iv. nn wlicrc. 

um. ailj t(rn. nulliiis, dat. 

ie,no,nohodv, voidiof no 

w • r 

mient, account, value,or 
lined, undonc. Nullius 
i>1 for nothing-, Cjm. 
whc-hcrornot 3 whethcr 
r/l.a collar, a yoke 
nis it. 3. will, plcasure,u 
ctcrininaiion, ©r decree, 
ici a v pnwcr,aiiilio:ity,pro- 
aV(iur,abcnl,or inclinati- 
mcc,iu.tpiration, a divinc 
,a dcity.a %o l,org-oddefts. 
ivcn to tlie latc Itoman 
"S much bkc that of sa 
jesty toour king-s. Numi- 
fol,a diviuity-(nuinbcrcd 
ilist c. adj. that may bc 
j,caJ/. numcral. (bered. 
dufi. a, um-/ri. to bc num- 
o.onis. /^3- a numeration, 
lin;?» a paymont. 
>, ai/v in ready moncy 

countcd, musturcd, paid down 
leady (actly. 

Numcro*, presently,soon, cx- 

Numero,rire.fl tonumbcr,to count. 
torcckori,to pay,to lend 

Numeror, ari. />.rto be counted. 

Numerosc, a/lv ius, com/>. issime, 
»m/>. in great numbers, fluently, 
swectly,musically, harmoniouslv 

Niimerositas, atis. / 3. multitude. 

Num jr6sus,a, um.adj.\or, c>mp. is- 
sinius,ffu//.numerous, niany, seve- 
ral,manif'old,jjreat,fruitiul, larg-c 
roomy, spacious, amplc, oratori- 
cal,tuncful, musical, harmonious 

Numerus,i.m.2. a numbcr, quanti 
ty,store,mcasure.a notc, music, a 
daiicc.a regular motion. rejrular, 
ormilitaiy order,order,deccncy.:i 
rankjdcjrree, ov condition, a part. 
or circumstanrca list,alcgion,co- 
horl,band, or company. Nuiiieriis 
cburncus.a die.Or.Ad numerum, 
numericallv, .. ic.Nos numcrus su 
mus, only for tale, or to make iq-. 
thc nuuibcr,of no othcr usc, Hor 
Ksse aliquo nuincro, to bc some 
thin<r, or looked upon as somebo- 

dy, &c. Ubi aliquo iiumcro sis, Vunciatum, i n. 2. a report. 


Nummularius, i m.2. s/bankcr.(er. 

Nummularius,a, jf. of a bank- 

Nummulus, i. m. 2. a Uttle raoney. 

Nummus, i. m. 2. money, a picce of 
money, ov coin. Qui cuderc soles 
plumbcos nummos, who use to 
chcat by fair outsidcs, Plaitt. 

Nutnnam, adv. whether? Numnam 
hxc audivit? did he hear wliat I 
said, I wonder? Ttr. 

Numnc, adv. whethcr. 

Xumqui, adv. if any wherc. 

Numquis. vid. Nunrmis. 

Nunc, adv. now, at present, at this 
time,just now,now at lcngth,now 
for thc first timc, one while, ano- 
ther whilc, thcn, but, thercfore. 
Nunc ipsum, at this vcry time. 
Niinc nupcr,even now,ver} r lately 
Nunc,nunr„ now is the timc,now 
or nevcr. Nunc homincs,the pco- 
ple of the prcsent age. 

Nunccine, adv. what now. (er. 

Vuncia,x /. l.a messe nger,arcport- 

Nuncians, tis pt tclling,declaring'. 

VuBciutio,onis.y.i. a dcnunciation. 

Nunciator, dris. m. i. a teller. 

whcrc you mav havc somc cquals 
Cic Quod omncs habct in se nu 
mcros veri tatis,perfectly true,/i/. 

Niunidianus, a, um. adj. African. 

Niimidica, x /■ 1. a Guinca-hcn. 

Niimisma, Sc Ndmisma, atis n. 3. 
moncy, a piecc of moncy, coin. 

Nummarius, a, um. adj. bclonjring 
to money.corniptcd with money 
liatio iiummaria,conccm,or busi 
ness of moiiey , Cir. DiHicultas rci 
nummarj.e, a want of money, Id 

Numm?itus, a,um. pt. \or t comp.ricU 
in moncv, wcalthv, monicd. 

• w • r 

Nummosus, a, um. arfj. itl. 

Nunciatur imp. news is brought. 

Nunciatarus, a, um pt. going-,or a- 
bout to tcll,or bring- ncws of. (of. 

Nunciatus, a,um. />/.told,informed. 

Nuncio, arc. tell,or rclate,to 
dcclare, to carry ncws, or ordcrs, 
to rcport,to advise,to bid,or com- 
mand. Salutem nunciare, to pre- 
scnt the service of one absent, 

Nuncior, ari./>. to be told.(advicc. 

Nuncium, i- n. 2. tiding*, ncws, 

Nuncius, i.m.2. a mcsscn^er, ade- 
clarer, a message, tidiiigs, news, 
a bill of divorce, a nuncio. 





Nuncius,a,uro.<u#. carrying a me^' quidqua*p, nothing at all. 
ftage scnt, reporting, foretelling, Nunquando. adv. whcthur over. 

expressive, declarativc. 
Nuncubi, aih. d:d you evcr? 
Nuncupundus, a, um pt. to name, 

pronouncc, ov offer up 
Kuncupuns, tis. pi naming, pro- 

nouucing, dcclaring. 
Nuncupaiiin, adv- b\ namc. 
Nuncupfitio onis/o.a naming,pro 


a dcdication.lheform cf publish- 

ing and decluring oiie'* last wili 

and tcslament 
Nuncupaturus, a, um. pt. about tc 

pronouncc, or declarc. 
.Nuiiciipaius, a,um pt callcd,nam- 

ed,pronounced declared, engag- 

ed. Tcstamcntum nuncup.ituin, w 

will declorcd, und publishcd b; 

word ot" mouth onlv, /7/?i. 
Nuncupo,ur< .a 1 to name, or call, 

to rccitc, or rehearsc, to pro 

fro, to totter, to be in dan 
ready to fall, to bend, to i 
to doubt,orwaver,to be dc 
unccrtain, ©r unscttlcd 

Nunquhl, adv whether. 

Xunquidquum, pron. n any thing 

Nunquis qux, quid. pron rcl. isNutvibilis, e. adj. nourisha 

thcre an\,if any. Nunquid vis, au : Nutr:candus,a,um.)W.tobe i 

usuul tbrin oi taking lcave. JNuLricans, tis. p$ breeding 

Nuncio, &c- vid Nuncio &c. JNutricatio 5nis./. o. a nm 
Nuo,uerc, nui, nutum. n. j. to nodjNutricitor, oris. m . a not 

with thc liead, to upprove. jNutricatus us m. 4 a nun 

Nrper, adv crriinc, tup. iately, ofj b/inging up, a growth. 

late . not lung sincc, a fcw hours,'Nutr»cia, orum. pt. n a 

daya, years, or ag'?s ago. 
Nuperus, a, um. adj. lnte, or ncw, 

ncwly come, or tukcn* 
Nupta, x.f.l a wife, a bridc. 
Nuplix,arum./j/./l. a wedding or 

mi.rriuge a match, thc mamageiNutricula, * J. 1. a litile n 


Nutueium, i.n. 2. a nursing 
Nutnco.areo.l. to t< 
Natricor un.p to bc nourish 
Nutricor, ari. d. 1 to nourii 

soleiTinitios, a wedding-day, the 
marriage st&tc. Vetula nndtaruni 
nuptiiiruni, oftcn marricd,< ic. 
Nuptuhs, e. at(j niiptial, bridul. 

nouncc, or dcclare, to appoint. 
.Nuncupor, ari. p. to be naincd. 
Nundinac,arum.////3 a fair,a niart, 

the placc whire a fair is kt pt. 
Nundinahs, c. adj. pcrtaining toa 

fair. or market, ignorant. 
Kundinans, tis pt inarkttting 
Kundinurius a, um. adj of, or be- 

longing to iiiarkcts,or fairs.Oppi 

dtim nundinarium^i inurket-town. 

/7*7i. Foruin nundinarium,a niar- 

ket placc, Id 
Nundinatio, onis./ *. a public sale 

of justicc. 
Nundinator.3ris m. amarket-man. 
Nundiuor,ari,utus sum. d.l. to bu\ 

eublickly, to sell publickly for 
ribes to asscmblc ut markcts 
Nundmum.i ;; 2.u markct duv, thc 

day for iiiuking- cons.ils. 
Nunquun, uttv. uwcr. Nunquam 
bodie, by no ir.fcana. Nnnquiim 

br:ngcr up,au encourager ( 

Nutiiendus a,um pt.Xo be n 
cd,takcn carc of. drcssed, 

N':,;)t'-nis u, wiii pt. rcadyjoraboutiNutncns tis.jbr.nourisbing (: 

to !>c marricd, to murr* . 
Nuptus, a, um.^. mariied. Nuptri 

verba obsccne wonls, Piaut. 
\'u]>tus. i. m 2. a male bird. 
Vuptus us m. 4. inarriagc 
Vurus, us./4. a daughter-in-law,a 

bride. a matron, a ludv. 
Nusquam, adv. no where, in no 

placc in no thing,in nopoint, ne- 

\er, no whither, to no placc 
N:iU'.;ncii t inis n- 3- a nodding. 
Niitans, tis. /;/. nodding*, muking 

«ig-ns, shaking, waverinjr to and 

Nutrimcn, ims. n. 3. nourisl 

Nutiimentum,i. n. 2. food,nfl 
mcnt, a numng up,educati 
el. a dressing" or pruniDg. 

Nuti-io, irc, ivi, itum.u.4. toi 
suckle,or feed young, to Dfl 
to support, keep up, cherii 
vauce,encourage,«r abet,li 
cate, or bring up, to inoRi 
dressor apply medicineatK 
i*ossuos iionnulli avare V0 
give them but a niggatd^ 

ii-i», inovnig, tottcring, rcady toj cation, C U 

full.nending inclining, wavejing.Nutrior, Iri. p. to be nunei 

rl:icti:aiin^,undcterniincd, nji3et-.Nutrior, iri d 4 to no*u*iifc»* 

tlecl, ficklc. 
Nuiatio, oms/.i.a nodding,a shak- 

i:i;^, a moving a throwing. 
Nutatiirus,u, uin/>/. thatwill nod. 

or shakc 

Uvc licad,to ihakc,lo wavo toand^ &c. 

tivate, to make to grow. 
Nutrititis, a,um o<(;.ni 
Nutntius, i. m. 2 a tutoi^aj 
Nutritor, dria. m. o. a 
tliat breedeth cattle, a 
employed in drettuiJj^ 






S29 nurscd, suekcd. out;as,obdormio. oblitcro; some 

> m.4.nntirishmcnt.(fcd 
./ 3. a nurse, a nursery, 
tiie brcusts, r r paps. 
m. 4. a noil* a bcck, 
itrc, dircction, conscnt, 

/..J.a nut, a nut-trce, aii 
ec. Nux cas»anca, :» 
"/>;$• Nu\ cass.i, a worm. 
, r thc most \vnrtii]i. a $i> 
.Nucibus rt.lirtis, whci 
to bc cliiUlrcn 7V: *. 


Ios,/. J. a bat. 
, ac.s, m. J. .111 owl. 
/! 1. a miupii, frcsh 

timcs for to ; as, obvcnin, oftigo: 

somctimes for to, or towards ; as 

objicio, ob>crto: somctimes for 

up;as oborior,obnubo: somctimes 

for u]),or fast;as,ob]igo,ohstringo: 

somctimes for upon ; as, obrcpo, 

otfundo: sometimes it signincs 

for,or on account of: as, obsccro: 

sometimes it increascth, andsig*- 

nilics the same as valde, greatly, 

or\ crv nnicli; as. obdnresco,obo- 

loo ; somctimcs it dcnics and 

staiuLs for v<m not: as, obsolco, 

oiiiitto; und somctinics it is rc- 

d.w_ii:nit. (whelmed with debt. 

' -b.vr.itus, adj.iov comp. ovcr- 

* jObumbulans.tis f*t w alking up and 

•r.Nymphx \ou_ifj -iccsJ |low|lf wa ikinj. r before, or near 

nis just lormrd^ (rose U bainbulatio, onis./ a walking a- 

bout wa'ks tiiout rupanddown- 
Ohambu]:>tor, oris. m i. hc that 
O.V.HVtbuIo,arc rt.l. to walk about. 
bt f\)ic,or with, to jostle in walk- 
ing- • sliine. 

fMardco,ere,si. n. to bc on fire, to 
O/armo, iirc. a. 1. toarin.(round. 
OAaro, iirc a.l. to plough all a- 
Obaror, ari. p. to be tillcd aboul 
O/mulio, Tre. <z. 4 to obcy. 

t. f. a watcr lily, *i 
la. x. f. 1. a picciotis 
1 a bar uv goaL(stonc 



rp. for,by rcasnn of, on 
\ according- to, before, 
st. about. to, towanls. 

triam, on sct purposc^ohaiiratus, a, uni. pt. gilt ovcr. 

position, stands somc- 

Ohha.x./l.a jug.anojrjjin abottle 
OAbibo, berc. a. o. to drink up. 

ibout,or up and down ; Obbrutcsco.crc inr.iogrow sensc 

Obcarcans, tis./if. biinding'. (lcss. 
Obrxcutus, a. um pt hlindcd. 
Oftcaco,;ire.a.l to biind. to covcr. 

iilo : somctimcs for a- 

Hiud ; as, obaro, obeo: 

i Ibr :igainst,as, obluct- 

ncs for atfai nst,or at;as, 

nctimcsfor aguinst, i r v< rcd ovcr, *r shaded. 

obdo, obsto: somctimesO'ic:»:dcs, is./. 3. slau^htcr. 

t or up; as, obs«pio,ob-!or";ph.o, erc. n. 2. to licat round 

etimcs for bctorc, \\h 
btfrepo: som*-«iii»'* , « for 

po?e,or sct closc^top, 
or shut, to put across, to bar, to 

fMdormio,ire ivi,itum.n. 4. to fall 
aslcep,to slccp out,sound,or fast. 


Obdormituras, a, um. pt. about to 
slccp, aboul to fall aslccp. 

OMuco, ccrc, uxi, uctum. a. 3. to 
drawday, cast, cover, or bring- o- clraw out,to opcn toconti- 
nuc,to Icad against, to drink up. 
Curiam obducerc, to sct hini up 
asacandidatc, Cic.Obducerc fron- 
tem, to knit the brows, Qttint. 

Obducor, ci-p to be covercd. 

Obduciio, onis /. 3. a covcrin|r. 

Oftductor, ari. p. to be brought. 


thrown, sprcad, or broug;lit ovcr, 

covcred,closcd,.shut against, hid- 

dcn. cloiiileil, frownins;. 
Obduratur,i«i/». lct us harden our. 

selvcs, Cic. 
OAdrtrcsco,c€ grow, ar be 

haiil,» r callotis, to becomc hard- 

Oodun>,are harrlen onc's 

sclf, or be hardencd and immove- 

<^bcdicns.tis.M kadj. ior, comp. is- 

simus.iff/i.obcdiciit, pliable, apt, 

fit prospcrotis,successful, favour- 

ablo (ently. 

Obedicntcr.aJT.-. ius. comp. obcdi- 


Obrxcor, Hri t>- to be Obc<linfob,audio,]Irc, ivi, iUm, n 

■ . * i_ _ i .» * ___»___ i-.ii i..:_^__ 4_. _.•_.! 

0<'"allco,cre,lui. w- 2. to jjrow cal 
lous, }iai*tl f or inscnsible. 
tbturbo : somctim s tor OI#i*ant!-tr.H, a, cnchanted. 
ro, ohrctio: somotiiiHsjObditim. a, shut, barrcd. 
.nb(lu«*n:*ioiiictimcsfor)fiAdo,dvrc.diili, dltum a. op- 

4to follow advice,to ful- 

low. to coinply with. 
Obcditur imp- obcdienee is givcn. 
Obcditunis^ump^rcady to obey. 
Obcliscus i m. f 2. an obciisk. 
06co,ire.ii re7ivi,itum.n.& n. 4. to 

gu lo, ov bc. read\ at, to go over. 




OBL surround, Objcct<r'[ob, jacto], Sre.freq. 1. toj provert rebuker, «r upbn 

to cover,to dischargc,execute. or 
perform, to undertake, to inakc 
use of,follow,orobserve,to set, to 
die. Mortem, letlium, vel dieni 
obire, to dic. 

Obcor. Iri, itus. p. to be covered. 

Obcquitans, tis. />/. riding about. 

OArquito, ride over,orbc 
fore. (ing. 

Oberrans tis pt. wandering, pass- 

0Aerro,fire n.l. to wunder, run, or 
«prcad about,topass,orfly 
mistake. Chorilaqui scmper ob- 
crrat eadcm, blunderetli always 
on the same string, II r. (ncss. 

Obtisitas, atis /. 3. fatness, gross- 

ObcsuBva-um.arf/. issunus, mp. fat, 
pluinp gross s\\ oIlen,heavy, diill, 
stupid, lean, slim. 

Obeundus,a, um./>/. to be gonc to, 
ovcr. or through to be passed o- 
vcr, to be visited, to bc cncom- 
passed, to bc donc. performed 
managed, or lookcd atter. 

Oi»cx.icis.</./r- ; *-a bar,a boh,astop, 
«rimpediment, a gate. 

Obfirmate, adv tirmly. fixcdly. 

Obfinnatiis aeu Offirmutus. a, um. 
pt & udj ior comp fixed resolved. 

OMirmo *eu OffimioAre a 1 to re. 
solve. to become inflexible. 

OAgaiinio,«wOggunnio,Ire. «. 
yclp. to muttcr, io bu/.z. 

Obhxrens, tis. pt sticking 

Obhxrco cre,xbi acsum m 2.tnstick 

objcct,to upbraid- to tlirow, casvObjurgatdrius, a, um. adj. 

orgive,to thrust, or dasb against, 
to sct, placc, or exposc. 

Objurgatus. a, um. pt. ha 

Objector. ari- p. to be objected. Objurgito, are. a. 1. to ch 

Ob jecturua a, um pt. about to ob- 
ject. opposc, or place against. 

Objcctuv*,urn./>/ objected,thrown 
to cast,orset before.opposed, ex- 
posccl, liable, subject- 

Objectus, us. m. 4. a placing bc- 
tween,bcforc,'<r against,an inter- 
position,a spcctaclc, or sight, an 

Obieiis,euutis. pt going or passing 
ovcr, covering, surrounding, dis 
charging, going down, setting. 

Objexim.//r ■ Objecerim, 1'Utut. 

Ohjicicndus,a,um./'/. to be objcct- 
ed to cause. 

Objiricna, interposing. 

Objicio[ob,jacio], ccre jeci, ject- 
um.a.3 to throw.cast or throw,cast ar sct before 
to shut against to hold out, r op- 
poscto exposc, to pay, to cause, 
or occasion, to excite. 

Objicior, ci.p to bc cast. 

Obtnunis, c adj. rather empty. 

Obirascens,tis/>/ angry witli t 'r at 

OATrascor, ci. d. to be angry. 

Oblrutio, onis./ 3. a bcing angry. 

Ohiratus, angry with, en 
raged against. 

Ol)Itcr,«</ thc byc,by tlie way, 
by chance. 

Obiturus, a, um. pt. that will cxe- 
cutc, i.r pcrform, about to die. 

at, to stick fast. or stand still. 
OMioiTco,ere,ruitt look ficrcf 

O xacens, \\ hiny in thc way. Obitus,a,um/>/.pa.sscd,performed. 
cre,cui. n. 2 to lie in the Obitus,us.m 4.acomingto, rmcct- 


way to lieagainst,o»be exposed to 
0»>i«ctriculuin,i.w -.a dam,asluicc 
O ijectaincntum, i n 2 a charge 
Ohicetans, tis pt. objecting. 
/>/>/<;(-tatio dnis./;).a charging onc 
*yhjc;futtrSj :i, objecUd. 


ing, a setting, death, dcccasc- 
Ohjurgandus,a,um. pt. to be chid- 

dcn, rcproved, t.r blamcd. 
Objurgans, tis. pt. rcbuking. 
Objurgaiio, onis. / 3. a rebukc. 
pbjur^ator,6ris./?i. 3. achider, rc 

0£jurgo,are cliide, 
prove,< rrcbuke, to blann 
braid. to cbastise, • r con 
Objurgor, ari p. to be chi 
OMangueo.crc«ui.n.2<& Ool 
co, cere. n. 3. to bc cnfei 
Oblatio,dnis./ oblatio 
fering,a benevolence, rf 
Ob^atrans, barking. 
Oblatratrix,icis/.>. ascold 
O/datro are.a.l. to bark, r. 
Oblutum, i. n. 2. an oflcrii 
Oblaturus pt. that wi 
Oblutus a,um./>/ broughtt 
forc, shown, offered, pit 
raised,excitcd, brotigiit n 
flicted,given,donc by viol 
dcsign,done on purpose- 
Oblcctamcn,mis. n- » a plrt 
Oblcctamentum, i n. 2. dc 
Oblectutio, dnis./ J. pleu 

Oblcctatorius. a, um. attjo 
oblecto[ob, iacto], are a. 1 
U*act,allurc,or invite,to en< 
amuse,plcase, cr dciight, 1 

Obicctor, ari. p. to be ddig 
OM^tiio, ire,ivi. a. 4. tosd 
Oblido[ob,laHlo], dcre,i«, B 
3. to squeeze close tsgetl 
Obligaudus,a,um pt to bc ol 
Obhg:ins,tis-/r/ obliginjr( » 
Obhgutio,onis/3 an engsg 1 
Obligatdrius,a,um.a<$. obaj 
Obhguturus, a, um. pt. >b 
oblige,cngage,' r bind,toc 
Obligatus, a, um. pt kad 
bound,bound,ortied np> to 

bout, joined togeUKT, p» 





effaeed, forgotten, obsolete, out, 

of datc. 
Oblitcro[ob,1itera],are.a 1 to obli- 

teratc, to blot, or rase out, to cf- 

face, to abolish, to dcstroy. 
o, to exempt, vow, orlOblTt£ror,ari p to be blottcd out 

Oblltesco [ob,latesco],cere, tui. n. 

3. to lie hid, to be conccaled. 
Oblitus,a,um./M. smeared, daubed, 

pollutcd, stained, disgraccd, co- 


d, vowecL promiscd, 


■o-l .to oblige,tocngagc, 

■, to bind, to bind,or tie 

ibto pawn,to rcnder ob 

ri, atus. p. to be bound. 
, a, covered with 

t,um. pt. smeared over. 

• . a. 1 .to cover with mud, 

icavy,or blind,or Obhtu%a, um. pt. [cx, obliviscor 
to consume. or waste. having forgotten, or lost, forgot- 
yvi f Ttum.a.4. to anoint. tcn, forgctful, regardless. 
over, to daub, to makc Oblivio,5nm/..).obiivion, a forget 

ting,forgetfulness, neglect. Obli- 

re, levi, lltum. a. 3. tol fulness. 

ub, or lay ovcr with, to 
r defile, to defame. 

,tis. pt. placing oblique- OblTviscendus, a, to be 

rasidc,oraskcw. (edlv 
i,a,um./>minning crook- 
rcctly,slily, covcrtly, by 
obscure insinuations. 
, atis. / 3 oblic|uity. 

Obliviosus,a,um. atlj very forget- firm, rcsolutc. steady. 

ful, causing forgetfulncss. 

OAnafllior,Tri, Itus snm. »/. 4. to set 

against,to oppose.(ed in sacrifice 
0bm6vendtis,a, um. pt. to be wav- 
06m5vco, move.orware 
OAmurmuro, are. to murmur, •*• 

roar at. 
Oomutesco, cfcre, tui. inc. 3. to 

become dumb, to be silent, to 

be out of usc. 

Obnatus, a, um. pt. grown abotit. 
06ne cto. tere. a. 3. to bind close. 
ObuTtcns,tis /fl.stniggling against. 
06nitor,ti, nixus. d. 6. to struggle 

aguinst, to strivc, to cndeavour. 
Obnixe, adv. earnestly. 
Obnixus, a, um. part.' struggling, 

vioncs, pl. goddesse* of forget- thrustin<r,pushing,bcating, bear- 

ing, ■ r leaning against, sianding- 


Obliviscens, tis. pt. forgctting. 
Obliviscor, ci, itus sum, d. 3. to 

forgct, to omit, to pass by. 
Oblivium.i.n.2.0blivia,orum./>/. n 

fivtj. oblivion,forgetfulness. (cd. 

*e a.l. to make oblique, Ohliviiis,a,um atlj, obsolcte, disus- 

um, dircct*or drivc ob 
* *idcways,to turn asidc, 
to insiuuate, to vccr. 
ari. p to be bcnt. 
^nm-adj. obliquc,crook- 
ct« transverse, winding, 
sending* sly, malicious. 
Ilcgitimatc, or smirious 
nn. pt squeczed, prcss- 
. Faiicibua oblisis, they 
angied, Tac. 
b,latco],cre.n to lie hid. 
Ius,a,um./ bc wipcd 
mory, or forgotten. 
i blotting out. 
t>,dnis/.3.u blotting out, 
ing, a decay a loss. 
3, a> tim. pt. oHRtcratcd, 

OblScatus, a, um pt lct out. 
OMoco,are. a. 1. to let out,to hire. 
Obl6ciitor,5ris m interrupter 
( )blongfilus,a, [ish 
Ohlongus a,um. adj. oblong long 

to givc badlanguagc,torcproach, 

to rcpcat, to say. to sing. « with. 
Obluctandus, um- pt. to contcud 
Obluctans, tis. pt. struggling a- 

gainst, hard to bc removcd. 
Obluctatus a,um pt. having strug 

gled against, struggling against. 
OMuctor. ari. d. X. to struggle a- 

gainst,to conlcnd with,to pull at 
0Mudo,derc,si,sum.a.3. to banter. 


Obnoxi5se,aaY.favorabiy (rcscrve 

Obnoxiosus, a, um. adj. haughty. 

Obnoxius,a,uin.aoy. obnoxious lia- 

blc subject, exposed, pronc, in- 

clincd,attachcd. cngagcd, oblig- 

cd,bcholden, obedient, influcnc- 

cd, aftrighted, conscious, prc- 


Obnubilatiii, a, um pt. obscurcd. 
06uabilor, uri. p. to be tbrkencd. 
06nubo,bcre,upsi,uptuni act.3. to 
veil, to hide, covtr, or conccal. 
Obniibor,bi./' to be vciled. (gainsl 
Ol>nuncianK, tis. pt. dcclaring a- 
Obminciatur, imp. it is dcclarcd 
that thc timc is inauspicious. 
06nuucio£rc.a 1. to dcclare pub- tcll,or bring bad i^ews. 
Obniincior, ari. p. to bc declarcd* 
Obnuptio, 6nis f 3. z vciling. 
Obnuptus, a, uin. pt. covcrcd. 

O0olco,crc,lui,htum.a. 2. tosmell 
ObmdlienduB, », tim. pt. to bc op-l strong.orstink of ; n. to be smeK. 
poicd. obol\S^L m.*^ ^ woaBl N*c«to«».^ 





vcr coln.worth about 5 fstrthings. 

a snuill wcijrht. (to shinc ibrth. 
fM>6rior,iri,ortus smn.</ 4. to arise, 
Obortus, a, um. purt. ariscn, ovcr 

sprcad, causcd, pruduccd, burst- 

mg out. 

fMosculor. uri . </. l.tokiss. 'on. 

Obrcpens,tis./»*. creepinp.stcaliiip 

OArcpo,perc,p*i,pttim n .■.tocrcep 

in privateh, to crccp upon. to 

steal hy dej*recs, to surprise. to 

come bcyoud. (upon. 

06rcpto,arc. ?i. 1. to crccp in. or 

Obrctio[ob,rctc],7rcn.4. io catcb, 

or entantfle in a nct 

Obrussa, x. f. an assay for gok! 9 al rrafh ,artful,i jrnoM:\of i 


Obriitus, u, um. pt. covcred ovcr, 
rakcd over,buried, sown, dro\*n- 
ed, ovcrwholmed, dammed up. 

0/;sacvio,ire. n- 4. to rage against. 

fMsattn'or,ari/>.to havc cnou£h ot 

Obscxna.oruin pl. n. tltc privitics. 

Obsc<cnc,ac/r.issimc,ff?///. obsceiie- 
ly, fihhily, unchastly. (lewdiios 

Obscurriitas, atis f .>. obscenity, 

Ohscxnus,a,um. adj. issimus. *np. 
obsccnc, hawdy, unchastc, lewd, 
filthy,nasty, beastly, dctcstable, 
disgraccful» unnatural, ominotis. 

0Arijrco,crc.?i.'.?.to bc frozcu,tn bc inauspiciotis ill-boding-, forcbod- 

»tift,to be witbout sensc. •• nioti-j in£. 

on. stift,senschss,o»inotionlcs». Obsccrvo,arc.a l.totbrcbodc ill to 
0&ri£esco,ccre. jjui n. to hccomc Obscfirandus. a, um. pt. t.o bc dis- 
OArodo.crc, si, sum. a. 3. to £naw,i guiscd (erin<c. 

to fccd upon. ;Obsciirans, tis. /*/. obscuring^, cov- 

ObrojrTitio, onis. /. 3. tJic propo-:Obsciiratio onisf.o. a darkening. 

sing of a new law instead oi* oncjObscurattirus, a, um. pt. that will 

repealed. I rcndcr obscurcdarken.orcover. 

Obrogatur, hnp. amotion is madc Obsciiratus, a, um ///. obscurcd, 

for a ncw law to be 

trarv to a formcr 

claiiscs of it, Cic 

Obsccrandus a, uni pt. 
Obsccran*, tis. pt. besccc 
Obsccratio^oius/. .». sup 

Obsecratiirus, a, uni. /■'. 
Ob.sccra!ijs,a,uiii pt. tun 

sotitfht, hcsought. entn 
Obsccro [ob.saeer, arcu 

orcon jurc, to begyjr he 

God*s sakc, to ciiinat. 
Obsecundans, tis. pt. o 
Obsccundantcr, udv. ol 
(Msec.uiuhvircc/. 1. to i 

comply with, to stthiuit 
Olisccuttirtis, a, um pt. 

huniour, or complv wjt 
Obscciitus, a, uni. pi. hv 

plied with, r<r tubii.itii 

shut, or block up, ty h 
Obs£pior,iri./». to l.-c bk 
Ocscptum, i. n. '2. a iicd 

be cnacted,con-j darkcncd,co\ ered,lost.forgotteii, Ohscptus,a, um.^.hcd^e 
©rat leastsomc Obscurc «</rius,c w?/Mssime, nup. lObscqucla, x.f 1. co:»r 
| obscurely, darkly abstru.sehJobscqtiens.ti.s!/>.*.x t..!'- 

0'TOjro, arc a. 1. to proposc thej closcly, disscmblingly, withou: 
cnactin<£ of a law contrarv to a oublie noticc. 


Obrosus, a, um. pt. ppiawed. 

Obrucndus, a, um pt. to bc c.n 
tirelv covcrcd. 

Obrucns, tis. pt. coverinjr ovcr. 

O^ruo. ucre,tit,utum. ii. i). to cover 
over, to hide, to bun', to burv iti 
oblivion,to o\ er 
«'lurpfe to overnm,ovcrbprcad,«r 
ov crc»st,to fall confound, 
lo oppr».ss,to ovcrthrow,or over 
whclm, to crush, to destroy, ©r 
ruin,to wcakcn,o;lcsscn,to avert, 
"r abolish. 

Obruor, ul p. to be covered. 
Ohruntfj*. a. Iim , p tt brokqn. 

Obscuritas,atis./' ohscurity, darfc 
ncs-s, ,c;loominess, dimmcss. ob 
strusencss, mcanncss of birth, or 

Obscuro,arc.a.l.t.o makc ohscure, 
to darkcn,to blind,to dis^«iisc,9> 
perpkx^tohid'.', or e- 
clipsc, to losen, or diminish. 

Ohscuror, ari. p. to hc darkcncd. 

Obscurum, atlv. darklv. 

Obscr:rus.a,tiiii.fif/?'. ior, c uf:. is<j. 

is.s.iiiiiK,s.-/f. coii)]>l.ij:it. 

dutifii! \ohiptati oh«.vi; 

cn to pi uiuiv, r*-t . 

rouiphancc, dti-.ihilK . 
Obse(pienti:i, x..j. 1. co 
ObscquioMis, a. um. »;•;'• 

ous, kiiul 
0Dsc«puum,i.7i.^. «'hsvti 

coiii])l-i".saiicc, cimnlu: 

nesv. uivour, iiidiil^m 

uianag-eincrtt, cr u<.ijr ; 

noss, riuttcry.suhinhs:o: 

tion, obcclii v.c^. Iu\:i!tv 
• ... . . • 

niiis.«f//f. obsctiri',(lark. hlacki^h, 
bro\vii,diisky.shuJ\,^Ioo:ir\, itii.-.-i coition, cripulation 
ty. hidden, or cmvn. »', douhth;l,j« / >. , .seijuor,«pi\.st-ti«iu^ ?mt 
little.known,absrrusc<scrict tnys-: fol!o\v,to pursuc.roi.nriin 
toiousjcioscrescived^ly^ubtlc, 1 tif\,«rcomplv ^itli, to/ 





o,lo submit to,or obey, to 
asnst Animo obsequi,tc 
onc's self,ermake merry 
barrcd up, shut up, deaf 

i, a, um. pt. locked, or sum.o &n. besiege, to beset. 

■e a.l to lock,bar,trbolt, 
n, to close up, to stop 
re,s€vi,situm a.->.io sow 
i seed over, to plant. 
ilis.e.a^/ observable. cd 
ius^,um /rf.tobe observ 

Obstdeas, tis./>/.sittingabout>tak- 
ing up. 

Obsidens tis, pt. blocking up 
ObsTdeo,[ob.sedco],ere, jidi, ses- 

to block up to surround, to sit a 
bout, to guard, to secure, 10 pos- 
sess,to engage, to watch, to wait 
to wait before, to cover, or over- 

Obsideor,Sri,sessus. /f.tobe beset. 
s,tis. pt.hadj.\or 9 comp.\&- Obsidio, 6nis./3 a sicge a block- 
p. observing, observant, ade. an inclosure, a restraint. 
o pleasc,regarding find- Obsldionalis, e. atfj. of a siege. 
ter adv. carefully. (ing Obsidium,i./t 2.a sicge,ablockade, 

a ambush, apparent 
dangcr, a hostage. 
Obsido dcrcsedi. a.3. to bssct, to 
block up,to possiss,to interccpt. 
Ohs!gnandus,a,um. be sc&led 
up. (ing. 

Obsignans, tia pt. stamping, sign- 
Obaignatio, onis. /. 3. a signing 
Ohsignator, dris. m. '1. a sealer. 
Obsignatus a,um. />.'.sealcd.Tabel- 
lis obs:gnatis agerc cuni ahquo 
to hold onc to hia bargain, Cic 
0/s'tfno,are.a scal up,to seal 
tend,*rkeep,to wait for,|Obsignor, ari. />. to bc sealcd. ter 
ait,to csteem,honour c;»Obsipo arc a 1 to sprinkle,to sc&t- 

Lia, x f obscrvation, ob 
..rcspcct rcgai*d,csteero, 
3 onis./. observance, at- 
idherencc. obscrrer an 
scrvc or obligc. 
rus a um./rf.about to ob- 
s 9 a, um pt. observed 

s, us. m 4- observation 

Skre nl to observe often 

xe. act to obscrve, to 

firi. p. to bc observed. 

Obsistens, tis. p/.opposing,crowd- 
cotn.fen 3.a hostagc, ajObsistftujym^.rcsistance is made. 
tsrcurity. 06sUto,tcre stiti, stitum. n. 3. tc 

»nis. /.3. a bcsicging, a stand in tiic way to stop,orhinder, 
up. I to opposc, to rcsist,to withstanri 

>ris m a besieger, a ait- Obsitus, a, um- pt sown ovcr witl 
d keeper of a place, a' sced,sct,&r pIantecl,covered,over- 
T- (siege. grown, loaded, oppresscd. 

t, a, um. ^f.about to be-Obs&lef icio [ot»solco. facio] cfcre. 
,um./H.besicgcd, beset, n 3 to bccome obsolcte. 
p^urrounded.guarded,Obsolcfactus, a, um pt. grown ob 
i- frequented, Uironged soletc, old, er unfit for usc. 
re. n. 1. to whistle. O6s3leo,e>clui8clevi.n 2 to grow 
M^lin fV. to watch, to out of use, to lose authority. 

of use,to lose value,to be sullied. 
Obsnlct£,ao t i> ius comp. in an old» 

fashioned, or antiquated way. 
Obs5letus,a,um adj. ior, comfi. issY- 

mus, siip obsolete, antiquated, 


stained, polluted, dishonoured. 
Obsohdatus. a, um. pt. hardcned 
Obsdnator, oris. m- a purveyor, * 


Obsonitus, us. m. 4. 
Obsdnium,i n 2.any victuals, catcit 

with bread,provisions,mcat, fish. 
Obsftno, are. o- 1 to catcr. 
Obsonor, ari. d. 1. idcm 
06s<5no,are n to speak whilst ano- 

ther is speaking, so tliat hc canr 

not bc hcard. 

06sopio,irea 4 tocast into asleep 
OAsorbeo,ere ui.&psi a to si;p up. 
Obstantia, ae/. 1. opposition. 
Obstatur, imp. opposition is made. 
Obstaturus,a,um. / wili witli- 

stand. or oppose. 
OA8tcrno,nerc. a.3 to lay before. 
')bstetricium,l n 2. midwifery. 
Obstetrix, Tcis /. 3. a midwifc- 
0')StTnuns, tis pt. obstinate. 

Ihstinute, ius, issime, adv. ob- 

stinatcly, resolutely, constantly, 

strongly ^ (ncss. 

Obstinatio,6nis. f obstinacv, hrm- 
Obstinatum, cst imp. it ls firmly 

rcsolvcd and fixcd. 
Obstmatus, a, um. pt. & adj. ior, 

c mp. issimus, tup fixed,unmov- 

ed, detcnnined, resolved, obsti- 

nate. stubborn, resolute, steady. 
Obstino,ire bc obstinate,to 
OAstTpo, stop upCpei^sist 
- )bstTpus f a,um adj. stifl',^r that is 

carned stiil* oii onc sids.crooked, 

Obstitum,i.n.2 aplace struck V^ 

& aftinst^ to b«siege. jObs6lesco,ccre. inc.3. to grow outl t\vaxvd^t % «r \\^qMaxv^ ^ivc^cc^- 





Obstftus, a, htzi. adj. blasted, af- 
frighted, oblique, crookcd. 

0£sto,are..stiti,stitum & statum.n. 
&a. 1 .to stand in the way,9rbcforc, 
to withstand, to oppose, to lct,or 
hinder,to chcck,to prcjudiccyto 
intcrvene, or intcrposc, to limit. 

Obstragblum, i. «. 2. a covering. 

ObstrSpciiSytis. /rf.making a noise, 
roaring", makingdcafto advice. 

Obstrcperus, a, um- adj. noisy* 

Otatrepito, Jkxe.frcq Kto resound 

Obstrepltur, imp. they cry out. 

0.6strepo,perc,pui,pitum.7i. &«.3 
to make a noisc,to roar,to sound, 
to rcsound,to interrupt,to lcs*en. 

Obstrepor,pi. pXo be interrupted. 

Obstrictus, a, um. pt. tied about, 
bound, entangled. insnarcd, cn 
gajrcd,ohli{r,ed Obstrictus patrix, 
owing to his country thc suffcr 
ing 1 of punishment for attempt- 
ing 1 its destruction. 

Obstrlctus, us m. 4. narrowncss. 


Obstrigi]lo,«c*M Obstringillo,arc. a. 
upon,to jeer,to stand in the way 

Ohstringillaturus,a,uni./t;that will 
hiiulcr, or oppose, to hindcr. 

OAstringo,fferc,nxi,ictum. a. 3. to 
ti e,or bind about,to tie,e/r 
entungle, to enpfag^c, to pawn, to 
oblige,to bring' underthe powcr, 
or giiilt of, to violate or profanc. //.to bc bound 

Obstructio, dnis./. 3. obstniction. 

Obstructurus, a, um. pt. tliat will 
etop up. 

Obstructus, a, um. pt. obstructcd, 
stopped, sliut, or built up,preju 

OAstrudo,derc. cramdown. 

OAstruo, uere, uxi, uctum. a.'). to 
*to/>,fi]l,skut,block,or dam up, to 

dtopfto oarricade,to interposc, to 

Obtervndus,a,uni jW.tobc 
destroyed, or harassed. 

to crush to picces, to d< 
tramplc upon,totreadui 
to ovcrrun to bear dowr 
come, to batfle, to lesse 

Obteror, ri,trltus^. tobc 

Obtestans,tis.^.caHing tc 
or assistancc, besccchin; 

wcakcn, to lesscn, to eclipse. Obtcnturus,a,um./>/. read; 
Ol)Struor, ui p. tobe blccked up Obtentu.% a um. pt sprt 
Ooslupefacio, c?rc, ftci a to a-j held bcfore, covering. 

maze to astonish,to abash,to con 'Obtentns, a, um. pt. \ah o 

found. (cd. obtained, cffected. 

ObstupcTactus, a,um. pt. asfonish- Obtcn*.us,us.m.4. acoveri 
OAstupefKveri.n./ be aslonish. er,o»"shelter»aprctence.a 

cd. 'ed 

OAstupeo,erc, bc astonish 
OAsaipesco,cerc i/tctobcamazed 

or astonished, to jrrow dizzy, oi 


Obstupftlus, a, um. adj. sensclcss. 
CMsum,cs,fui, csse. n to injurc,to 

hurt,to bc hurtful,or prejudicial, 

to do mischicf, to hinder. 
Obsuo,ucre,ui,utum.u. 3. to stitch 

up, to covcr round, to stop. 
Obsuoi. ui./>. to bc stopped. 

OAsurdeo, erc,dui. / bc deaf. Obtestatio,6nis./. *. a sup 
0//surdesco,cerc */ic.3.togTowdeaf arcntrcaty f iniportunity, 
Obsfitus, a, um. pt. sewed up. \ tion (trelted,camcstly 
Obtcctus, iis. m. 4. a covering'. Obtestatus, a, um.\\ 
Obtcctus,a,um./// covcred,shadcd, fMtcstor, iri, atus sum /i 

disguiscd, defcnded. ■'< r hidden.; to witness, to pro*. \.%to 
t )btegendus,a,uimW.tobe covercd,' to besecch,to implorc fc 
Obtcgens, tis. pt. concealing. jObtexcns, tis. ///. co.erii 
^Mte^o,^crc,cxi,ectum.rt. >. to co-:0//texo»xcre«xui«xtura.fl. 

ver ovcr,hide» rconceahtoprotectObtexor xi. p. to be co> 
Obtegor. gi. p. to bc covered. lObtlccntia, x. f. \. apos' 
Obtcnipcrandus,a,um.//f to obcy.Ohtir.c-o [ob, tiiceo], ere, 
Obtemperans, tis. pt. o!)pyinjr ' to bc silent, nr laid asi« 
Obtempcranter, aiiv. ofjcdicutly.-Obtincndus. a, um pt.Xjol 
Obtcmpcratio,onis./3 a submissi- ed, posscsscd or hehL 
Obtctnperatiir.fifi//.thcy obey. on.Obtineus tis /// obtaininj 
Obtcinperatrirus,a,um./»/ thatwill iiuj, govcrning 

comply with, r oblij^e. 
0//teinpcro ( arc> com- 

ply with,to submit,to f/ekind to 
Obteiidens, tis. pt. prctendinjr. 
0/;tendo,derc.di,nsuin&ntum .«.to 

Obtineo [ob, tcneo], ck 
tum a. 2. to obtain, to 
complish.eftcctjor brin| 
cam r ,or gain, to have, « 
to hold,koep,o) 

sprcad, rplace pretcndi or last,to prcrail, to nuti 

Obtcndor.di./>.tobc spread befnre 

^/>tenta, posscss frequent- to bear *or ru 

ly. ^ (ed 

Obtentum cst, imp. it was obtuin- 

fend,o)«upport,to provc' 

ern,to supply, tocover,'- 
ObtVneor, cri.p. to be hcl 





:ur, imp. it prevaileth 
t ' ob,Ungit. t lg-it.; hap. 
r fall out, to bc allotted. 
t, imp. it falleth by lot- 
o, ire. /t. 4. to tingle. 
zo.erc.vel OMorpesco, cre. 

to be numb, hardcncd, or obturatus, a, um. /*/. stoppcdup. 



uc, cre, rsi, 

rtum. a. 2. to 
to twist round, to turn 
ly. (ed 

is,a,um./if . \v reathcd twist- 
nns,tis. pt. cnvyinjr,, dispa: 
, cU tractin^ from. 
utio.onis. f 3 an envyinj*» 
.rag-injy, dctraction, a mu 

ator,oris m 3 a dctracter, 
rious opposcr. 
utur, imp. a slur is put. 
o [ob,tracto"j,are. n. 1 to speak,o/act aj^ainst. lcsscn, to opposc. 
tyUyiim W.crushed, crushcd 
:es,trodden to dcatli, bcat 
towdcr.slightcd, dcspised. 
i 9 iis. m. 4. a bruising. 
,derc, usi, fisum. a. to ob- 
to put, or forco upon, to 
i alicui,to cajole, or whec- 

r di./>. to bc forccd upon. 
atio,duis./. 3. thccutting 
head. . cut ofl' thc hcad. 

wcaken,to tcase,to weary. 
Obtundor,di,usua./>.to bc blunted 
Obtunsus,tw/Obtusus,a>um./>/. buf- 

feted. bruiscd, bluntcd, cloycd 
Obturamcntum,i.7i. 2. astopplc, a 

bmur,a dam, bank, or sluice. 


Itus, a, um. pt. bcheadcd 
o, S&rc- a 1. to bchcad to 
thc liead, to kill, to slay. 
or, ari. p to bc killed. 
,eri,fitus sum. d 2 to look 
ok •teadfastly, to discern 
^ us. m 4. a vicw. 
ico, ccre ». 3. to swcll. 


Obturbatur imp. iiitcrruption is 

ordered, confounded, nmddicd. 

OAtuibo,are-rt. 1. to disturb,to dis- 
order, to disquiet, to beat down, 
to run ovcr, to intcrrupt. 

06tur>resco,ccrc.w. 3. to swell up. 

Obtfiro,urc-a-tostop amorem 
obturet cdendi, may satisfy hun 

Ohtfirorari«/»«to bc stopp^-d up(jjcr 

Obtfisiiis.aaV. c.nnp. morc bluntly. 

Obtusus. a. um. pt. & adj bcatcn, 
bruiscd,blunted,dulled, wcakcn- 
C'd,obtiisc,bliint.diill,wc*ak, faiat, 
dim, i^norant, inscnsiblc. 

Obtfitus, us. m. 4. a sight, a cast. 

O^vajjfio, ire. 7vi, itum. ;i. 4. to be 
troublcsome by whine. 

Ohvallatus. a, uin. pt fortificd. 

OAvallo, iirc. a 1. to fenec about. 

OAvenio, Trc, Cni, cntum. n. 4. to 
meet,to happcn,to fall out, to fall 
by lot, to bcfal, to fall, or comc. 

Obventio, onis. / 3. a revcnuc 

Obventurus,a,um./>/. that willcomc 

Obvcrsans, tis. pt. conversant. 

Obversatus, a, um. pt. appcaring. 

liand, to be come at, putting a 

stop to, remedying, to exposc to» 
O/nigilo are.n.lto watch against 
Obvius,a,um. rui;'. mcetmg.tiinder- 

ing, oppositc, hostile.otferingit- 

self, free, easy, forward, affable, 

courtcous, cxposcd, obnoxious. 
Obumbrans,tis.JH. ovcrshadowing. 
Obumbratus, a, um. pt. oversha- 

Obumbro, overshadow,to 

shadc, to darken, to hide, to con- vcil,to (UsguisL\to protect 
Obumbror, ari. p to bc oversha- 

dowcd. (ed- 

Obuucus, a,uma<(/. hookcd,r.rook- 
Obundatio,diiis/.^.an overflowin^ 
Obuudo, arc. n. 1. to ovorHow. 
Obvolvendus, a,um. pt. to l>c muf- 

fled up, to be concealcd. 
OAvolvo, vcre, vi, lfitum act. 3. t» 

m.ifHe. to disguise, to conceal. 
Obvoliitio.onis/3. a wrappingup 
Obvblfitus, a, imi. />.'■ mufHcd. or 

wr.ipped up, covered,conccaled, 

duubcd, besmeared. 
Obustus. a,um. pt. parchcd, burnt 

at thc point, hardcncd. 

atunis,a, um. pt. about to Obvcrsc, adv. towards oue. 

OAvcrsor^ri«/ilto bc prcsentto^-ap- 
pcar.Obversatur ad aurcs,pcrpc- 
tually soundcth in the ears,//ucr 

Obversus,a,um./»rturncd towards, 

06verto,tcre.ti^sum. a. 3. to turn 
against,0rtowards, to turn about, 

to turn, to be situate towards. 
>,dere, udi, Qsum. a. 3. toiObvertor, ti. p. to be turncd. 
batter,to blunt,to dtdl, to|obviam,ac/ the way,to meet,at 


Oc, in composition, stands for ofo. 
Occa, x.f. 1. a harrow, or drap. 
Occ«ecans, Scc. viil. Obc.vcans, &c. 
Occxcatio, 6nis.y. 3. a blin^linj^. 
Occallatio, dnis. f. •>. a hardeniiig'. 
Occallatus, a, um. pt. hardcncd. 
Occallco, cre, lui, neiit. 2. to grow 

callous, or liard, to bccome hard- 

cned, fixcd, or inscnsible. 
Occallcsco,cerc.t; grow hard 
Occano, nerc, nui, ccntum. a. to 

Occasio, 5nis./.3. occasion.scason, 

oropportunity,occurrcnce»a find- 

[ OccasiuncWx^.f .X.n^xvvO^^^xsi»». 



odorifcrous, producing odours. 

Od6ro,are perfumcto scent 

Odbror,;iri.atus siun d. 1. to smell 

to,or out,to scarch, or get out, to 

guess, to liave a dcsign upon. 

CKlbriis,a,um. ai//.quick-sccntcd,of Ctts. 

a strong siucll sweet pcrfcmicd 
Odos, oris m. J. smcll 
Odyssea, x./.l. the Odyssicy. 


Oecttntfmia. x. / l.occonomy 


to find, to run, or fall, to hurt, to 
foundcr, to miscarrv,to havc bad 
8UCccss,to bc rast. Navcs in rede- 
undo offenderunt, were unfortu- 
nate. fcll into the enemy's liands. 

Oeconomicus, a, um. atlj. uxono- 
tnic, apt, fit. 
Oecus.i.m. 2. a large dining room 
Oenophbrum, i.n.a winc 

Offendor,di.nsus/>.to be offendcd. 

Offcnsa, xf.l .otfcnce y displcasurc, 
disgust, distastc, disagreeablc 
ness, a fault, or misdcmcanour, a 
trip, or stumblc, a niiscarriage, 
illncss, injury. 

0{'.«-nsaculura,i n astumblingblock 

Oflensans, tis pt. trippmg, stum- 
ung room. hling, failing, miscarrving 
: pot.aHa-ojJonsutio, 6nis./. 3. a"trippi 

,f. 3. a trippmg. 

Oen6p6lium,i n.2.awine-shop(gon ott'cnsator,6ris. m. 3. a blundcrer 
Oestrus, i. w. 8c Ocarum, i. /i. 2. offensio,6nis./3. oflence, displca- 
a gadfly, poetic rage, fury. 9ure , disgust, dislike disagreea 

Oesus,/>r. Usus, Cic. (swcat. blcness,a trip t >;rstumble,miscar- 
Oesypuin, i. n. medicamcntj Yx ^ % \\\ success, indisposition, 

< itfViui iiicula,a*/la littlc dis<rust 

Oetuin, i. n. 2. an Egyptain hcrb. 

OH'enso,are.M.toknock,strikc, rhit 
Of, in composition, stands for ob.[oflcnsuin,i.ii. 2 ofl'ence,disagrec:i- 
Ofclla, x.f. l.acollop, astcak. | blencss, disgust. (bcfallcn 

Offa,.t./l a gobbct, a iuoiithful,a'OHen<uni est,.im/CTt.ill success is 
piece of flcsh, a collop, chop, or,offeir 3 Qrus, u, um. tt.about to of. 
stcak, a cake, a pastc, or pcllet! fend, or find, to oficnd. 
for fowl, a round lump, a biiiiip,j()HeiibUs,a,uni./;r oflcndcd, provo- 
lling, an embryo, an im- ked,disple:ised, digi 

or swc 

maturc birih, a inishapcn, or ug- 

ly crcature 

Offatim,a</ littlc bits,or picccs. 
Offectus,a, u m. pt. stoppcd (craft. 
Oflectus, us m. hurt from witch- 
Offendendus. a- um pt. to bc dis- 

plcascd, r disparaged. block. 
Offcndiculum.i. n 2. a stumbling 
Oflcnditur, imp. oflence is given 
Offe-ndo*, dcrc,di,nsum. a. 3 to of. 

fcnd, rgivc ofl'encc,to displeasc, find afault,to find,*/|ott'ei-o, ferrc,'obtuli,obfatum.a. 3. 

»ct amiss, to mistakcto stumblc, 

to hit, strike,or run against,to hit, 
trstrikc, tosirikc, orcome upon, 

digustcd, dislik- 
cd, disattected, dispa.agcd, trij)- 
ping, stumblcd, hit, or stnick a- 
gainst, hurt, ill-treatcd. disordcr 
cd, oftcnsivc. C)H'cnsa fonna, a- 
gainst which one hath bccn pro- 
vokcil, // ; 
Oflcimis, iis. m 4. a rlashing, a 
strokc,a stop,orimpcdimcnt, dis- 


trudc,to raisc, or excitc, 

upon,oroccasion .Opporti 

fcrs,I am very glail to n 

voiijTc-r.Jae offerre venic 

meet, or cpme up to de 

Offeror^erri./ be offer 

Ortertissrmus,a,um adj. v 

tiful, or largc. (lash 

Offe ramentae, 4 arum./»//. 

Oft* iciens,tis.//. obstruct 

ful. iaschoo!,a 

( )ft'icina.x ./ 1 .a workshc 

Officlnator, 6ris. m. 3. a 

Officio [ob, facio], cere, 

tum hindcr, to st< 

s;ruct,to stand in the w. 

scure : to hurt,or be hurr 

Otl'icior,ci/> to be hindcr 

Ofl'icibsc,ac/v.ius comp is. 1 

ofliciously, rcadilv, cou 

Oflici6sus,;.ior, c 


kind, courteous, painfu! 

Olficiosus i- m- - *" atl 

Ofl'iciun,i./' oflicc, hi 

euipIoyiiH:nt t duty,scrvif 

ance, aul, assistancc, o! 

allcgiancc, honour. rcp 

ty,c ourtcsv,a compliino 

t.ition, behaviour, a kin 

obligation, an cng:igem 

stancy, or resolutiou,a s« 


0/Vgo,gc rc,ixi. act. 3. to 

(Hfigor, gi p. to be fastc 

Offmuutus, vid. Obfirmat 

0/tlccto,tcre,exi,e\um t 

a thing about, ov thc o\ 

Oflocandus a,um./(/. to b 


Ofrcrendus,a,um. pt to bc offcrcd. l Oft'6co[ob,faux],are.a.l. 

Ofterens, tis. pt. oftcring. Ottrarnatus, a, uni. pt. fo 

)tt'ei"o, ferrc, obtuli,oblatum.a. 3. ceivcd. 
to ofter,toprcsent,togive,*rbringOftringo [ob, frango], gt 
to give up,to hold forth,or out, toj fnictum. act. 3. to twy€ 
show,to expo8c,to opposc, to ob- plough across,»rtho secc 





i,*/l paint,a cHcat,a trick.OleastrcnVis e. «i*//. likc an olive.' annointin;» with oi!,a* 
,*./ 1 a little chop, a iittk- i 0luitui,atis./. thegathcrinir of ovOiivum, i. n 2. oil of oli 
«.r lump of paate. (minjr. livcs. (stinkinjr.joila, pro 11 ia, Varr. 

fltock of oil 

cns,tis. /•/.stopping, rcram-OIcns, tis. pu snicllinjr, sccntinicjOUa, ar. / 1. a pot. Convcnit ollis, 
3 a,um. />/.stopped,f>rcraiii-Olco,erc,lui & lcvi litum & lctuin.j it is propcr to hc pottcd, //< r. 

i w.Stn Xto smcll, to yicld a sinelLOllaris, e. adj. kt-pt in pots. 
]o,dcrc,fidi,usiim. act. 3. to, /»r suvour, to sineil stronjr, r:Ollarius, a,uin.(i/{/. madc in a pot. 
»rsprinklcupon,to castover stink, to savonr of, to jrivc a to-!oilic,/7//7\//rollIic, ti.en,thercupon. 
or,di, fisus. p to hc sprink- 1 kcn,tohc smelt out. iiruesscd at.jOlli, olli?>, pm Illi, ilUs 
jon,*>i-spreadbefort\\c(iuisOlc6sris,a,uin<if/;.full of oil«oily,fatiOllula,a:. ( /.l a littlc pot, a pipkirt. 
vobis olVundatur, Ic<st, um adj. of pot hcrbsjoilus, /-r/>. lllc, Varr. (smcll. 

1 bcdecched orin thc dark Olcsco. ccrc. n. '■}. to jrrow. 

anl a jukes 

JiTunditur luce solis Iumcnoictum,i./i ' oli\c-\s 

iar, Uovcrcomc. Cic. Oleum,ei ;i J.oil F.t olV 

Sa,um /j/.pourcil «rsprink- ram perdidi.l liavc lost hoth cost 

crwhchucdjprcbcntcd, ex- and pains, Plaut. '\o. 

( Olfacicndus, a, um./»/tohc smel- Olympias, adis./ .'. an olympiad. 
n . < 01f:icio.[olco,facco] f c.crc,fcci,fac-!Olyiii]ii6niccs v x. m. 1. a victor at 

"' | tum.a.o sinell,* » 

romposition, stands for ob. out, to find out, to lonjr, to jrei. 

Olor, oris. m. ... a swan. a strong 
Ol6nfer,a,iiin. adj. bearing swans. 

uiu k opc-|,um./i///.likeasuan,saft 
Olws.cris »..i.pot-hcrhs,caulw'ortt. 
Ohisculuin, i n- 2 small salading. 

o, vitl Objf>nnio, 
>,rvi*c,cssi,L"Stuin. avt 3 
>r put in pluitv, Piau!. 


■v/. oli ! 
,*crj. cnough ! 

\lr J. oIlO ! 


r/. oi 

,Olfactandus,a,uin./// to hc suicltto 
to01f.ictans,iis /// smclliujr to. 
;OMaclatus, u, uin. ///. snx-lird to- 
!o!facto,riri ./'•*// 1 lo sincllof*cn to 
jOif.ictiirium.i. ii. aho\ of ]K-rfuiiii's, 
! Olfartoria.thinjrs good to sim 11 to 
•Olfacirx Tcis. «7/. cmlucd wiih 
i i!ic faculty nfsiucUinjr. (lilifT- 
.Olfactus,us m. 4. thc smcll.a smel- 
■Ol idus,u,um. adj issnuus,«r//>.smel- 
4 j linjr stror.jr, stinkinir, frouzy. 


jOhjrarchia, «./ 1. an olijyarrhy. 

'Olim,M//t< in timc past, lonjf sincc 
./ oJive-trcc,an olivc-' formcrly,Iatcly,somctinics, hcrc 
li, un olive. Kxtra nlca*, tc>! artcrtimcs.foralong^time 
yond Uic hounds, J J rov. Olitor, oris. ;m. .i. a|rardcncr. 
is.jt, iiiti. <!«//'■ of, 0i>iike an Olnor, ius, a,um uffi of pot-hcrhs. ')niissunis t n,um. pt. » ! at will, or ia 

the Ohinpic. gumcs. 
Olympiis, i. m. '\ hcavcn. 
Olyra, x.f. 1. a kindof wheat. 


Otnasun, i. n. 2 fat tripc. 
m . ,mis. r i. .au f;Uicn,atokcn of 
frood.or had au^un ( i .:ct 
Min n^atiis, a, uiu. <i '/ n ' : '^ * ^itU 

Diiicuium i // thc caiil of tln »ow- 

Oininans, tis /■/. jjrcsijrinj- tds. 

Muunator, oris. ;>i. Z. a fon.oodcr. 

Onuuutusa, um. /«/. pri.s^^nijr. 

Oniiuor.firi r/.l-to prcss/ forc- 

<;uiinnsc, adx*. ominously. (hode. 

Oniiuosus.a, iim. adj. oniinous, ill- 
hoilin^, inauspicious, unlucky. 

OTiiissio,oni:4./.).an omission,a losi 

oih . 

Ohva,jc. /" olivc-trcc,an olivc 

:i!»out to forcjro. to licj-K-c*. 
Oniissus,a.tini. pt. <f «: ' .ior,r mp. 

omiMed*lcf\«carclcss o ntglcctcd 
Oiuitit*ndiisa,um./>/.toi>c let alone 
Omittcn*. tis. pt- omittin^. 
Omittn,[oh,mitto],tcrc, isi, issum. 

/i. ». to omit,to |>ass by,to &i.y no- 

thinjr of. to ncg"lcct, to sliplit, to 
/ # tri/»i.2. a wild o!i\c tivc ! thc timusof jratUcrin^ 1 olivcs an la\,*>rthrow aj&^^VnVcwc ^^ 

neii*, a, um. «///. olivc. jOlivans, tis. ///. jrrithcriiiK" olivcs. 
ius, a, mn. adj. of an olivc-.Olivaris, c. adj of oil, oih . 
ifthc colour ofolivc. jOlivilriii*». a, iun udj> of<»livcs € 

tt.adj.of au olive-lree.oroiljOlivcUim, i. n. 2. an olivc yard 
;S,m, um. adj of, or for oil/Ohv'ifcr,:i«um. adj- hcarinjr olivcs. 
H, i. m. 2. an oiluian. '.Olivina* :c. /. 1. au ol : vc-y:*rd. 

rlloji, i. «. 2. a hi\v olivc. |i)llvitas,ulis./. S. a crop of olivcs, 




OPE put ofi',0rdcfi:r,tolcavc,to 
lct jro, to scnd oi!> nr away. 

Omittor. ti. /».to bc onuited.f ways. 

Omnifariam, adv. all manucr oi 

Omnifer,a,um.W/.th:it bcarclh al- 
thinjrs, or of all kinds. 

Onmiformia, c adj. ol'&\\ kinds oi 

Omnigenus,a,uin.<ir'?. of all kindr-. 

Omnimddis, adv. totallv. whollv. 

Omnimbdo. adv. by ull racaiis 

Omnimodus,a,um adj. of all sorts. 

Oranind,rt/" in all,at all,but.whol- 
\y entircly,altojr,cther,uttcrly,ve- 
ry,by jroncral, whatsoever. 
by all mcans, surely, indced, in 
short " t (in 

Omnipiircns, tis. adj. all-produc- 

Ommpotcns,tis. pt omnipotuiUal- 


lay upon v to hcap up. to acciimu- 

7ViVDat operam ventus,t 

sorveth,/ i /a«f.!?sl operscj 
//or.Est opt-ra it is worl 
/Vow/.Nonopcree CbtSccl 
is not at othen 

latc, to covcr,to oppress,to troi - 

bh*,towcary,to till to cloy,orjrlut. 

tvi ajrjrravate, to enhance, to a< - 
Oneror. ari./>.tobe loaded.(rusc. 
Ondrosusa. um- adj. burdensouu v p1oyed,/'fcf ur. Thcatrale! 

heavy,wcijrhty,troublcsome, o\u thosc thut were cmpln 

pre:;sive. hiss, applaud, or make p; 

Oniscus, i. m. 2. a woodhous<% the tlu-atrc, Tac. 
Onocrotiilus, 1. m. 2. a hiitcrn. 
Onus, eris. 7i 3. a load, burdcn, orA 

wcijrht, acargo, a hard Usk, ajOperarius, a, um. atij. of t 

troublesomc eruployment astrictiOper5rius,i m. a workman. 

oblijration, aprcssurc, or afflic-Operatio, onis./ 3. a worl 

tion, a scvciitv, ir- rcstraint, pn;Oper"itus, a, um. pt. worki 

impcdiiiii-nt, hinclruncc, or ob- plqycd, busied, sacrincir 

staclc, a troublc, or charjre, an| pllant. 

imposition, tax, ortrihutc. jOpcrutus. us. m. 4. a saci 

Onustus,u, um.fiftj loaded, hurdcn.jOpcrculatiis.a f um.^f.covcP 

cd, ovcrcharjrcd, full of (colour.|Operculo,arv.a l.tocovcr f 1 
Onychinus, a,um. adj. of a purple.Operculum, i. n. 2 a covc 

Operans tis. /tfworkinjrja 
'Opcraria, ae. /*, 1. a worku 

Omnipra-.scns,iis.<if(/.onmiprcsciit. Onyx ychis.</. g «;. an onyx, alabas-IOperieiidua,a,um .ptAo bt c 

Omms,e.a<(/. all,thc whoh., cvcry, 
.any, the utmost, vcry carncst. 
Omniscius adj. omniscicnt. 
Omnitucus, tls. /i/. a!l-sccinjr. 
Omnitucns, tis. f>i all-conscrving. 
Omnivag-us, u,um. adj. wuiulcrin 

evcrv whcrc- bcuutif.d womcn. 
Onmiv6los,a,um adj. <-nv;-tiiijrnll 
Omnivorus a, um. adj catinjr all 

sorts(madc of unripejrrapcs Piia 
Omphaciuin vinuin,mcdicinulwinc 


tcr, an alabuslcr-box, a muscle 


Op, iii romposiiion. slandsforoh* iitis. /*. ». durkncss. 
Opuco,.irc a.\ to snadc.ordarkcn 
Op.iror, ari. pant* to bc shaded. 
Opacus.u,um <?r//.ior,r mft.issnnus 
*■.».•/' shad}, dusky, durk, jrloomv, 
prrowinjr in thc shadc, thick. 
Opalus, i. m. & Op tlum, i.n.2 thc 
ojj d stonc shininjr likc fii-c(ncss 

Opella x /l.littlc lahour,or bus. 
Onagrerjrri m a wild ass«an cnginc.O,>i.ra,u-. /*l.\\ork,!ubour,pains,at- 
Onajrrus jrri m.2 idcin j tcntion,cndcu\our,scrvicc,assist- 

Oncruudus a..»ni. />r. to bc loadcd and ln-lp, uscfulncss, au cmploy 
Oiicr;ins,tis./>f.loadinjr buixlcningV incn* busincss,ortrade. atask, a 

bcing" buixlciisoine, or trouhlc-j ^^ciionnuncc.workmauship hk..hs 

somc to. (dcn.l anarcouuUorsakc.timc-rlcMsiiri 

OTicr~r'iis.a,iim.rii//. of, G."for liui*- 1 u labcr.uvr,- »«slavc In plur,oper , 

Oneiaturus, a, um. pi to loud. | thcbusincss of a|>uhlirplucc. f ln:-( dicrum, employed in the 
Oncrat»is,a,um /if.loaded, burdcn- bus opcr.e cst trahcrc heilum.i work of writinjr, /*!«/)", 0r.t 

ed,sudiik>\ fullof , whosc intcresl, or bus-ncs iti».,l sus cibiis.hard of digcsu 1 * 

Qucro,urc.u I.toload^to burdciUo Z.jrDcditu oj)cru,on sct purposc| Opcrosaccultibus, verTricJi 

Opcriens, tis. pt. covcrinf 

Operimentum.i,/!. 2. acovc 
lid,a coverlet, or counterj: 
winkle, a housinj? for x lio 

Operio, [ob, p:uiol, irc, rui 
a covcr, to close, lo sl 
to hide, to conccul. to bur 

Operior,iri./».tobe covcredj 

Oj)cror, ari. tiep. worl be employcd in,top 

Ope rose .udv. iusc Mpissin 
>pei"f>.sitas,atis/.-» too niuch 

Opcr6siis,&,um.a<7/. i<>r. comj 
mus,ff7</>.luborious,bu!»y, ift 

ous,activc.etficarious, opfi 
built,or adonied with grcs 
curiously wrought, troubl* 
hujre.murhtv,vast. Vatesoj 





adv. covertly. 
<, diuaj.3. a covering ovcr. 

iiim, i n.2. a covcrlet.(crct Opino, arc. n pr>* Opinor, Enn. 

n,i.n.2.asccret placc,a sc 
i, a,um./>/.covcrcd,covercd 
wncealcd, shut, shut up, 
, secrcl, ilark. abstruse. 
i, us. m. 4. a covcring. 
id. Ops. 

;, is- m. 3. a black marblc. 
mlcus, \. m 2. an ocul : st. 
a,uin-<if/ barbarous rnde 
a, utn. adj succouriu^r. 
cis.c ;'.3 a workm*n,:;n ar- 
o?-aiiist,a mcchanic, a ma- 
ramcr,a produci-r.or caus- 
sviscr, or invcntor. 
ta, x. f 1. a contriving. 
im, i. n. 2. workmanship. 
nis.-».3.:i shepherd,a bir.l 
aitv. richly, ahundantly. 
min vinum, old wino. 
-S utis. f. plcrttv of good 
are . n. \. to fattcn.(things. 
a, um. «r#. ricb, fcrtile. 
, plcntiful, ubundanl,wcll- 
tcl, wcll groundcd, fat. 
ro«,very grcat,or honour- 
is,e adj. iina.irinary. (ablc. 
us, imagined 
ctcd,to cxpcct.(speaking 
,onis./M. an ioi&ginatioii 
adv suddenly,unexpcct- 
Mid supposer or iinagincr 
'« dris. m. '6. a bclievcr, u 
:, a,itm. pt. h adj. issmiu^. 
, mh m 4. faiiry, imagina- 
nw.y. J. opimon, persuasi- 
ef, acntiinciit, judgincnt. 
maginsttion, suspicion, a 
conjccture.a rumour,rc- 

29 • 

port, or talk, estcem, credit, re- 

leus, a, tim. «i^. sccrct. { putation, account, self-conceit, 

selflovc (opinionativc. 

Opmidsissimus, a, um. adj. vcry 

Opjnor,ari.r/ lto think,to belicve, 
to atscnt judgc, to estccm, 
to suppose, fancy, orimagine, to spcak; p to be thought, 
supposcd, or imagincd. 

Oplnu.4, a, um. adj. thought of,cx- 
pcctfd, thinking of. • ly, daintily 

Opjpjre, alv. richlv, magnificcnt- 

Opipanis,a,um .adj rich,plentiftil, 
sumptuous, costly, dainty. 

Oppctcndus,a,um. pt. to be undtr- 

gone, or suflered, to undergo. 
Oppetitus, a, um. pt. undergone. 
0/>pcto, ttre, tlvi, ve l tii, tltum. «, 

•J. to undergo, to suffer, to die. 
Oppetor,ti./»a*». tobe undergone. 
Oppcxus, us. m. 4. a combing. 
Oppico, are act. 1. to pitch over. 
Oppldanus, a, um. aaj. of a town. 
Opprdanus, i. m. 2. a townsman»ft 


Oppftlatlm, adv. town by towrn 
Oppidd, adv. vcry much, quitc, 

Opp>dulum, i. n. 2. a little town. 

Opis, $rn. v. : d. Ops. (on both sidcs OppTdum, i. n.2. a walledtown, 
Opistho£raphus,a,um.w(/. written town, or borough, a city, the citY 
Opislhotonicus^ifum o/(/wry-neck- Rorne particularly, a goal. 
Ojjitulutor, dris. m.3.a he1pcr.(cd. O/^pignero. 3re. act. 1. to pawn,tb 
OpituJor [opis, tuli d fcroj. ari. d. emragc, or bind one's sefr. 

1. to hc-lp, assist, or aid, to rc 

licve, or rcdrcss, to bc good. 
Opium, i.;> 2. tlic juice of poppics. 
Opobal.tanium,'! n.2balm of (iilead 
Opobals.iuictiun, i. ;;. 2. a placc 

wlici m balm of Gilcad gTOWs. 
Opopana\,acis/..J juice of all-heal 
Oporothcca, tc./ 1. a fruit-loft. 
( )portco,arc.«. behove,to bc fit 

Oppiirneror, ari. p. to be pawncd. 

Oppflatio, 6ius./ 3. a stopping. 

Oppilatus, a, um. pt atopped. 

0/)pil , arc. stop, or fill up. 

Opplco, 5rc, Svi, etum. a.2. to fiu 

full, up, or all ovcr, to fill. 

Opplcor, eri. pa*i. to be filled- 

OppI<5tus,a,um.^/. filled(orwhin«i 

O^pldro, aro. n. 1. to weep, wail, 

Oportct, cbat.tuit, crc. imp. it be-jOpponendus,^/.to he oppos- 

hovctli,it is incct, or tit, it ought.iOppducns, tis. pt. opposing. fed. 

it must nceds bc that, hc must, 0/>pdno,n5rc,6sui & osivi^SsItum. oppose,tosctj)bcc,lay,fix, 
clap, hold up, or offer 
sct,put,orlay bcfore,orinthe way, 
to tuni put ,orlay cloac, 
to put. or lay to stake,to cxposc, 
to give up, «r consigu to int«r- 

Oftpcdo,i.rc n."J tofartatjtoailnjn'} po-i;', to allcdgc ai an cx.:usc. 

or can. 

O/jpalleo, frc. n- 2. togrow pale 
0/>nando,dcrc, spread out 
0/'pan|ro, frcrc?, pcgi, pactum. act. 

3. to fastcn to, to givc closcly. 
0/>pcctor, ti. pa*s. to bc pickcd 

stay, w tarr}- for, to watch, to scasonablciiciiSyCunvcniciicc, bc« 
obscrvc, or uurk. (against nclit, u*e. 

Opesiulatus, a, um. atf/. bArrcUiOpporrXuMJs» a^tim. aly W^^wt^. 





isiimuM"£- »easonablc,wcll-Um- propcr, mcet convcnient, 
commodious uscful, serviccablc, 

tiut, to eupprcss, to stiQc, to cov- 
cr, to hide, to conceal. 
Opnrimor, mi. p. to bc opprcsscd 

«dvantagcous, liablc, subject, ttHOpprobrumcntum, i.n. areproach, 
cxposcd, powcrful- Opportunus a disgracc 

flammis combustil)lc. Lucr Op 
portunus crimtnibus, against 
whom accusalions ai*e easily bc- 
lieved. ZJv. 

Opp5sitio, 6nis f. 3. opposition 
Opp6siti~irus.a,um/>t. about to op- 
Op*>6situs,a, um /»f .&. adj opposed, 
sct,put, or placcd aguinst. beforc, 
orin tbe wuy 9 lviiifr bctwccn shut, 
objccted, pawncd, opposite 
Opposkus, lis. m- 4. opposilion. 
Oppressio, onis./ o*>prcssu)n,s!.ip- 
pression» (inj-. 

Oppressiunciila, x.f a littlc prcss- 
Opprcssor,6ris-//i.J. an opprcssor,a 
supprcssor(opprcss,that will sink 
Oppressurus, a, uin pt. about to 
.Opprcssus a, um pt. oppn.*.scd. 
])resscd,07' bornc down,squccy.c(i 
flat, or to death, crushcd, killcd. 
overpowcrcd. ovcrchargviKroui- 
eil, vanquishcd. subducd, enslav- 
stifled, conccaled, hcavy, dccp 
Opprcssus sol, thc suu havinir 
his lijclit *>to ped,/iT/cr.(pressed. 
•Opprimendus, a, um. pt. to bc op- 
Opprimo [ob s premo] v merc, ressi 
vcssiim a. o. to oppress,to press 
thrustfOrbcar dtuvn,to i)car,crrfall 
heavy upon,to depress,or dispirit, 
to cnish, to squcczc to dcath, to 
kill, to destroy.toroot out,to cf- cut,or take otf, to ruin,to 
4)vcr\vhelm,to overthrow,9r ovcr- 
come, to, to subduc, to 
make one yicld, to cnslavc, to 
comctfalhor scizc upon, to catch 
to lay hold of, or overtake, to sur 
7>rii>e, to stop, to qu«nch, «r put 

Opprobrans, tis pt. revilinjr. 'inp 
Opprobratio, 6nis./.3. an upbraid- 
Opprobratus a,um. pt. upbraidcd 
Opprobrium, i. n. 2 a rcproach, ;. 
taunt, a disjrrace, a scundal. 
Opprobro [ob,probrum],are a.l.t 
upbraid, to twit, to objcct. 
Opprobor, ari. p. to be upbraided. 
Oppufrnandus, a, um. pt. to be at 
tackcd, or assaulted, to attack. 
Oppugiians, tis./>/. assaultiiijr. 
Oppu-rnatio, onis. /3. an assault, 
a sicgc, oppos-.tion. 
Oppujrnator, oris. m.3. an opposcr. 
a bcsicjfcr, an cncmy. 
Oppupnaturiu, a, um. pt ahout t< 
assault, or besicjrc, .'weakencd 
Oppujrnatus, a, um pt atlacked, 
0/jpuj~no, are « attack,to as- 
sault, to invadc, to iiffht airamst 
lo opposc, to beat, to bcsicg-c 
'Ippupior, uri. p. to bc cuftcd. 
O/jpiif or, iiri. p. 1. to bc pruned,or 
»)ps, vel Opis,/. undc. cut otT 
Opis.(Tc*n Opcni acc OpCjrtW/.pow- 
cr,ini{rht,ru1c, dominion, cuipire, 
hclp,assistance: Opus pl.f. powcr, 
pire,troo|)s,forccs, riches,wealth, 
substancc, estate, influence,inte- 
rest, hclp. assistance, support. 
Ops6nator,Scc viil. Obsonator,8cc 
Optuhdis e. adj- ior, c n mp. desira 
hlc,elijrible,to be wishcd for. bh 
Oplabihter, adv. ius. comp. dcsira- 
Optandus,a,um./tf.tobc wisiicd for 
Optans, tis pt wishing, desiriiHj. 
Optassis, pro Optavcris, Plaut. 
Optatio, 6nis./.3. a wishing*,a wish 
■ )ptato, adv. dcsirably. ("injr. 


Optatuhi, i. «. 3. a wish, or d 

Optatus, & adj. ior, 

issimus, tup. wished, desin 

longed for,entreated,acccp 

)ptimas, atis c. ^. adj. that 

arijtocracy, of the flrst qua 

Optlmatea, m. o. grai 

noblcs, gTeat men, mcn of 

dcfendcrs of thc scnate, & 

Optimc,af/t; bcst, ver>* wcl 



Optlmus,a, um. adj. *up. bcs 

clig^iblc, most tit, mcet, p: 

or convcnient most scaso: 

cxccllent, or perfect, ino*t 

ccnt, virtuous, or honcst, 

beneficcnt, most fiiui. delic: 

rich most cxpert,skillful,« 

tcrous, of scnators. Opt \h 

appcllatjon of Jupiter. <)p 

maximus fundus, optinix 

mx zcdes, a fi*cehold. 

Optio, onis. /. .5. opt.on. cho 

lptio,6nis m.^an assistanUti 

ty, an advantapre. Optio fiil 

theoverseerundcrthc nwstt 

Optivus,a,um o<//.assumcd,aw 

Opto, are. a 1. towish,«rdei 

wisli for, to want </'• reqnii 

choosc,to choose out,to \0c 

choosc, to pitch upon, to p 

Optor, ari. pun. to hc wisl« 

Opulens, tis udj. opulenuwe; 

Opidenter. a//r.ius.c M^plei 

ly, ubunduntlv, mu^ninccn 

Opulcntia ac /1 opulence,* 

riches, wealthiness, grcs 

powcr, plcnty, abundancc. 

Opulentitas. atis-/. 6. id. 

OpuIcnto, enrich,ti 

Opiilentus, a, um wij. ior, 

issfmus, sup. opulent, «*e 


powerful, plcDtxniJ* abcun 






t c&rej ncep- 3 .togrow rich 
. /. «5. witch-hazel. 
m.3. a work, a perform- 
orkmanship, an employ 
msiness^. task,toil,pains, 
fficultv,an act,or dccd,an 
•rachievmcnt,a manlycx- 

Orat5ria,x./. 1. oratory, rhetork. 
Orat6ri£, adv. rhetorically. 
Oriitorium, i. n, 2. a temple. 

Orat5rius,a,um. adj. oratorical, of Orca,ac./l a fish, a precious stone, 

Oratum,i.7t 2 a request. (an oratoi 
Oratuni8,a,um./tf.about tu pray foi 
Oratus,a,um./>f . praycd, besought. 

earnestncKS, thc part, or|oratus,us.rn.4.adestrc,reqiiest,cn. 

the use,orscrvice,athing Orbatio,6nis/3.privation. (treaty 

indecl. nccd, occasion. 
•indt c/.ncodfu 1 ,ne cessary 
im, i. it. 2. a littlc work. 

saken,barren,lame,rlefective, im- 
perfect- Orba pedum, born with- 
out feet, Lvcr. 


1. aooast rc^ion^part, or 
the border of a countrv, 
:oast, a tract, or climate, 
rcmity, edjre, brim, mar- 
l, or border ofathing. an 
circumfcrence,»r limit, a 
^uminis or*, thc light, or 
of light, Lucr. Ora: vul 
e lips,orcdjres of a wound 
iram solverc,to unmoor a 

itis, a* um. adj oracular 
n, i. n 2. an oraclc,apro 
or pretlictiou. an answcr, 
cc whcre divinc answcrs 


Orbator,6ris.»i. 3. hc that bercav- 

cth, or deprivcth of childrcn. 
Orbatfirus, a, that will bc- 

reave of a child, orchUdrcn- 
Orbatus, a, um. pt. dcprived, oi 

bcreaved of, dcstitutc. 
Orb!ciilritim,oJr.iii round fitrurcs 
Orbiculatus,a,um adj of a circulai 

form,rcund(thc whccl of apullej 

:n, an adage, 

Orhfculus,i.m.2.alittlc round ball. 
Orbicus a,um. adj. circular. (tree. 
Orhilcis. 7i. 3. thc end of an axlc- 
Orbis, orb, a circle. a cir- 
cular,or round fijrure, acircuit,o/ 

a jar, a dicc-box, a ship. 
Jrchestra,x/1. a stage for music, 

seatsforthesenators,&c scnators 
Orchis, is m. .1. an herb, a fish. 
Orchis, Itis./ 3. a sort of olive. 
Orcinina sponda, a bier, Jlfart. 
OrcTnus libertus,a person who had 

his freedom givcn him at his 

master^s dcath, Uip» 
Orcivus, a, um. adj .pcrtaininjr to 

death; thesaurus,the jrrave, (ielL, 
tirciila, x.f. 1. tlim. a littlc jar. 
jpicus, ci. m. 2. Pluto, thc state, 

hou>«c place, or rcccptacle of thc 

dcad. hcll. Ubi ratio cum orco 

habctur, wherc one exposcth hi» 

lifc to danger for unccrtain ad- 

varitagc, Varr. 
Ordiendus,a, um. pt. to bc bcgun* 

compas%a round,a whecl.or navc Ordwns, tis. pt. befrinning" 


of a whcel,aring,a rinjrlet,orcurl. 
a roll^a wrcath a coil,a roundness 
orfulness of style,a round trcnch 
a ball,agIobc.a shicld,o>*buckler 
a concoursc of peoplc, a table, a 
snakc,a bound,orlimit,thc world 
a part ordivision of the world the 
yim. pt. to be prayed to, Koman cmpirc Magni orbcs 

vcars, Virg. Oculi orbis,thc eye- 
ball, Evc. jrcnuum orbis,the round 
bone of thc knce, Ot\ 
Orblta x/ 1. a rut, a print, or im 

5nis / i. an oration, aj pression,a mark, or trace, a cart 
a ucclamation, a d"s-Orbftas, atis./ 3. a heinjr without 

• speakinjr, or manner of| childrcn,a loss of rclations,a loss. 

!g , ,words,lunjruage a plcaVOrbitudo, tnis./ 3. idcm. 

•ated, to bc pleadod. 
3. pt. beggiu^, prayuiE 


a, um adj. of the shore. 


s*r defenc* an adagv, an Orbo,are.o 1 .to deprive,o**bcrcavc 

escript or mandatc. | of. to abridjre, to lcave hclplcss. 

t ilm«x/ 1. a littlc oration Orbor, ari pa»» to bc bcreavcd. 

rit m 3 au onitor.a spcak-Orbus,a,uni.«<//. fatherlcss. or mo^OnlindtUH,a & ndj ior, comp. 

«1Utor 9 an intctccteor, an thcrless,childless, deprivcd, bc- set in onKr, onlcrciU ^v(fc^ wc 

idQf, '<i leffatc ' rcavcd,or4cstiutc of, loneh , fQr-\ cou^n^A^^^^x^^S*^*'*^^ 

Ordrualis, e. adj. ordinal. 

Ordinandus,a,um.^/.tobc mctliod- 
ized*manag , cd«settled,orgoverned 

al.placcd.sct^r planted in oixlcr. 
rcjrular. Oixlinarium jus. the 
course of coinmon law Oratio or- 
dinaria,a^ctdiscourse. Deusor- 
dinarius, a god of the first rank* 
Ordinarius liomo, an idlc fellow. 

Ordinate, adv. nicthoxlically. 

Ordinatim, aih>> in j^ocmI ordcr, in 
rank and file, re^ularly,in ordcr. 

Oixhnatio,onis /* 3 a nicthod,;>rac- 
ticc,crcation of gfovernors» admi- 
nistration, governmenl, mana^e- 

Ordinator,6risni 3.a managvr(tle 

Oixlinatiirus,a,um./^. about lo sct- 





up, well ordered, or regular, np- 
pointed, ordcrly, mcthodical. 

Ordino,are jj. 1 .to sct, or put in oi 
dcr,to ordcr.or manage,to settle, 
to rcgulate,adjust,or compose,t( 
rangc,to sct in array? or draw up, 
to scUorplauUto reckon,orcount, 
to contrivc, to ordaiu, to appoint, 
to cnvite, or commission. 

Ordinor.ari.utus. p. tobe ordered. 

Ordioi,iri,orsus,& orditus, «/. 4 tc 
bcgin. to enter upon to decrcc 
or ordain, to writc, or speak of. 

Ordium, i. n. 2. a principle. 

Ordo,Ynis. m. X ordcr, rcgularity, 
methoda wav» rma nner-a coursc, 
tenor,series,or surcession, a lavf,. 

crcasin^. I habit,attirc, parade, lrm 

Iricns, tis. m. 3* thc east, casternj coutrcments, furniture, : 

partSjthc risingsumthemorning.Ornatus, i. m. 2. idem. 
OricntaliStC. adj. oriental, eastcrn. Oriieiis,a,um. udj. of the \ 

rule, >r decrcc, a disposnl, or ma- sed. roccasioned»tospring',shoot,Oi , sa,6rum. j />/7i- a design,a: 

nagement, .aslatc, condition, o/ 
circuinstancc, a post, a degree, 
»tation,rank,orqualit v,t hc senal e, 
or dccurionate,a row, or rank, ar- 
ray, disciplinc, troops, forccs, u 
bauk of oars,a bciirh,orlon£ seat, 
asctof curls. Noinina in ordincm 
refeiTc, to post dcbts, Cic. Iicc- 
tc atque ordinc,regularly,legalU 
duly, Id. In ordicm coactus, rc- 
duced from au officer to aprivatc 
man, Uv. In ordincm rcdigcrc, 
to humble, or dcgrade, Plin 
Orea,w/l. thc rcins, or head.stall 
Orc8itrophus.l.m. 2. a dog, Rover 
Orexis,is^ 3. an appetite to mci»t. 
Organicus, i. w. 2. an organist, a 
playcr on musical instruments. 
Organicus, a, um. adj. organical, 
mMsical- strument, or machinc 
Orgiinum, i. n. 2. an organ. an in- 
0»gia, orum. pl. n. 2. sacred rites. 
hachanals, revels, largc bowls. 
Onb.isus, i. m. 2. a dog, ltangcr. 
Orichalcum, i n. 2 a brass metal 
Orlcularius,a,um adj for thc cars. 
Qiicns, arising, rising, bc- 
finning, blowjng, growing, \n- 

Ortf icium, i. n. 2. an oriftce. 
Originatio, onis. /. X etymology. 
OrfginYtus, <z«7t». by desccnt. 
Ong , o?inis./ origm,ororiginal, 

a beginning<a causca hcad«source 

orfountain, a first stock,a iirst an- 

ccstor,a foundcr,a brecd.or kind, 

a birth,a pcdigrce.extraction,lin 

eage,ordesccnt Origines,mothcr! 

citics, r towns, that had founded;C«ius, i. f 2. a wild ash. 

colouics, Sall. iOro T are fll. to beg, to crf 

Orior,uri, ortus sum. d arisc,to| pray to,to deprccate, to p 

rise,tobegin,tobcproduced cau-Oror,ari./>.to be enlrcatetl. 

Ornithon,oiiis>/i J. a coop, 
Orno,arc. a. l.toadorn,to 
dress,to sct off,or out,to < 
commend, to gracc, to c 
prcfer, radvanccto honc 
orfit out,to arm, raccoutr 
nish, to providc for, to u 
to set down in order. 
'Ornor, ari, atus. p. to bc < 

orstartup,toappear,tobrcak out,Orsus.a,um./>*. bcginning^ 

to brcak, to bc made,- r born, toOrsus, us. m 4. a worddel 

rcsult. (<>r be born. Orth6g6nus,a,um.n//;.right 

Onturus,a,um./»Mhat will appcar. Orth6graphi.i,3c./!l.orthop 

Oriundus,a,um./>/ that had iis rise, draught of the iront ot % t 

sprur.g,descended,born ofj or at. Oilhomium, i. n 2. flax, h 

Ornamentum,i n. 2. an omamcnt,Orthopnca,x.y 1. anasthm 

an cmbellishment, an ensign of Orthopnoictib,a,um. adj. as 

dignity,accoutremcnts,furniture, Orthostlta, ae. f. 1 a huttr 

harncss, an endowment, advan-Orlivus,a»um. adj. ortiTc,< 

tage, credit. Ortus. a, um. /».'. risen, spn 

Ornandus,a,um. pt. to be adorncd, sprung<born.dcsccndea*pi 

dressed, beautifitd, .rfittcd out. ing, happening occasion 

Ornaus,tis.^/.adorning.sctting off., gfun. A sc orus, beingt 

OmsLtt^adv. ius, comp. issimc, rup. of his family Cic 

elcgiintly,gT:icefully,eloquently. Ortus,us.«n.4. a risin£. tlic* 

t)rnatio. cnis/. o. an adorning. : part, r people, birth, exti 

Ornator, oris tn 3. an adorncr. \ dcscent. a production a 

Ornatrix, Icis./ :*. a lady's inaid. Ortyx, ygis-f 3 plantain 

Ornatuiiis,a,um./>/.aboHt to adorn. Oryx ygis m.3.a kind of vil 

Ornatus.a um pt. & adi. ior, c fn//.Or}*za, x.f.l. ricc. ■ 

issimus, Hitp. adorned, embellish- 

cd, dccked, dresscd, clad,set off', OS3" 

g^iced, crowned rigged. equip-Os, in coraposition. slands: 

ped, accoutred, harnessed, fur Os,oris./»3 themouth,thefi 

nished, fine, ilorid. ; countenance. alook, theJ 

Ornatus,iis. m. 4. an ornamcnt, aiv mask rvizarb^a voke, a ti 

{ cinbcllisjimcnt, a beauty, drcssy langua^*pwchjUlfc*dii( 





icifttion, elurution, impu- 
)rcscncc,or*i<rht,the front 
rmy, a hill,«r bcak, a holc, 
brc&ch, a passagc or cn- 
ahcad,orfountain,a souree, 
tr, or figurc. l"no ore,with 
iisent,7Vr.Niilli lacdere os, 
ust uo man in his compa 

(in fruit. 
/t.J.a bone.a tooth,astone 
A\ comiotlv. 
Inis /. 3 a yawning 1 
us./ 3 a bird that forebo- 
jr sin^ing, chirpiuir, or thc 
(sacred ritc, oscillation. 
o,6nis/. 3. a swiuiuiinsr, u 
i,i. n 2. a vizard, au imagc, 
tid Osccn. (a stonc. 

1,1.91.2 a chirping" of hirds. 
iiultL%a,um.a.//. yawnin^. 
i, tii. pt. yawniiitf, «yapiii^, 
s, indolcnt, iiiactivc. 
:cr,aa*r carclcssly,slccpily 
:*, dn»3 f 3. ii jav.uing. 

m cttO|*arc. n. 1- to yawn,| puhlish, to provc, to boast of, to 
?, toopcn, to bo lisikss 
ari. atus. / yawn- (tcn. 
nndus,a,U'.ii.<i.// kissintf of 
Jus, a, uni.ftf . to bc kibsed. 
1^ tis- /M kissin^. 
o, onis.y. 3 a kissinjr. 
is, a, tun. pt kissing, hav- 
*ed. kisscd. salutcd. 
ari r^ 1. to kiss. 
i f i n. 2.a kissa hp,a Mttlc 
iffl.3 a liatcr(moiilh«ahoIe 
i, um- a((/. of boiie, bonv. 
tim. adv. bonc by bone. 
m,i n.2. di<n alittlc bone- 

to show, to dis])luy. to cxp- se,u: 
manifcst,or discovertto bctray, to 
or tcll,to r.iake ploiiutn 
cvinccorprovcttogivc a proof of. 
to makc,or lct onc know, to si^- 
nify. to rcprescnt, to bcliavc. 

Ostcndor* di. p to bc shown. 

Os 4 .cns : iO,dn'iM./. 3. a show, aproof 
>stensurus a,um,/>/.ahoutto .ihow. 

Ostcnsus a,um /j/.shou n, hoastcd. 

Ostcntandus.a,uui./>/ to bccxpos- 
cd, to bc boastcd of to display. 

■ )st«uitotio, 6nis/*..S ostcutation 
ilisplay paradc.boast"mg,\":un^lo- 

'Htentator.oris wi.3 a boastcr- n. 

9 m 

)stcntatri\, icis/.i. idcm.(sentcd. 
)stcntatuK.a,um./>/. kcld out, pi*c- 
Ktc;ito[ol>,teiitol,urc sliow 
oftcn, or iiiueh to show,to makc 
show of, to cxposc, to 
discover,to point to,to prebtnt,ti 

boast to vaiint,to thrcatcn,ormc- 

nacc, to give hopt .• of. 
Ostcntor, ari atus. />.to hc showi . 
Obtcntum,i.n.2a pro 1'try.Oitciit.i 

faccrc,to do very odd. r incrcdi. 

!>Ic thin«rs, C\t7. ud. CVc. 
Obtcntus<t, pt. show n, lyinjr o- 

pcnto uxpost-d appi-.irin^iiivicw 
Ostcntus,H*.m 'i- ;i puhlicshow. :n 

examplc.a show, a spcntar.le, pa- 

r.ide. a dcclar.ition, a proof. 
OslHrium,i.M "2: atax tipou doors. 
Ostiarius i m. a doorkcepcr,a por- 

Ostrea, k. f, 1. an ovstcr. 

'^strc irium, i. «• 2. an ivstcr-bed. 

' )strcixrius.a,um.«'«7 olpysters,eat- 

cn wit!» oystcrs. 
Os'rcatus. a, um. tufj, roujrh as an 

Osfci^sus.a um.n-/» ior.rovift.plcn- 

• iful in. r- brerdin^r oy«tcrs. 
')stnfiT, irra, crum. udj. oys'.cr« 

'>strinus f a, um. «.■(/. s^u**lct. 

)strum, i. /i. 2. thc p.irple fish, a 

purplc rolour, cloihs dicj of 

that colour. 

Osurus, a, um. pt. that ^\.\]\ hate. 
r >sus, a, um. pt. that hath hatcd. 


Otifibundus a, ntn. adj, idlc. 

Otiolmn, 2 oVw. a liMe l<'isnre. 

Otior. ari. //. 1. to livc at e.ise, to 
spcnd onc's timc ac onc*s own 

Otinsc «isc le:snrely,with- 
out intcrruption, unc.mrvrr.edly, 
<rentlv,soAlvt bv little ^n»! little. 

')>iosui a. u:n. n j- ior, r •». fi issi- 
iiuis tup. fne from busiiu s toil t 
ortroublf. a*. easc or lcisur-, ea- 
sy, disrnjfajjc.l. unemploycd.dis- 
riiarjrcd froso work, pcaccablc, 
quict.cahn sctlatc.sccure unc<»n- 
c^Tsicdi unrnovcd, carcl-^s, illc^ 
triflin^, insiirniiicant, ]>le:Mii ( -; 9 
\oid vacant. 

Otj^idis./ ; .asort of owUa Ivistirl 


ati'»:ii r.-t.irfnituit pcace» <]<uet. 

truujMillitv, seeunty, in^ctiii^ 

i-llc:i.\s>, rccrcation, > port, wa^- 


Ostiatini.a.7r frointloi>riOtloor(tcr. 
i^xf. 1. an onprcy bones.|()sti a (ro,ini i i./'si"iIj in lainSs. r kids. 
I9,ft,iim adj. lUdt brcaketh Ostiolum, i. u. 2. dim. a littlc door. 
m,i./i-2. a cliarncI-housc.Ostiuin,i'.«2.a <loor c:itrancc. pus- 
i^ n, um. adj. full of bones. s:i«ce.thc niouth of arivcj-^ihavcji OV. 

tdus a i'i n> -/'' to ne showii,Ostr.icisiiius i- «'• 2. ostnicism, a.Ovrdis cadi. hclon;fin;r to ovat : o". 
\v, nuule ptain, »r provcd. sort of votiiur with oystcr-shclIs.-Ovans,tis./>M riumpuinjriii l?i.: •/» »- 
is,tii ^/. iiiowing-. lOstrca, orum. pL n. 2. oysters. j tioiijtrhuiv^lvux^v:^^^^^^^.- 





ing, joyful, glad. resounding. I tle toeat. (ing^rgathcringfood.- tcr/jrcichangej/Mobcco 
Ov^tio 1 5ni8/.anovation.atriiiinph|Pabu1Iltio,&ius.^3.afccdin^ l fbrag > - cd,or agTced upon,to he 
Ovatus,a,um.a<//.made, or markcdPabnlator. 6ris, m. 3. a forager. erl,to be contracted in m: 

like an egg, of an oval fijrure. Pabulatbrius,a, um adj. of foddcr. Paco,nri. a. 1. to make pea 
Ovatus,a,um />/ carricd in triumph PahulatFtrus, a, um. />/ to graze. gentlc, r tractable, to a 

Ovutu8,us.w 4.a shout for victory 

Oviaria, *./. 1. astockof shccp. 

Oviarius, a, um. adj- of shecp. 

Ovictila,»./ 1. (Um. alittic shccp. 

OvIle,is.n. 3 a shecp cotc, or fold. 

Ovilis, e. adj. belongingto shcep. 

Ovillus, a, um. adj. idem. 

Ovinus, a, tini. <*//. idem (spawn. 

OvTparus,a,um. udj that breed by 

Ovis, is./ (& m. (Ve//.) 3. a shccp, 
a ram, a flecce. 

Ovo. inusit. unclc ovas,ovat to tri- 
umph in thc lesser triumph,to tri- 
umph, to rcjoicc, to look big, to 
exalt. Non Africus alto tantus o- 
vat, doth not ridc over it with so 
great power and forcc . l'ul Fiucc. 

Ovum,i./i 3 an e^g, spawn of tish, 
&c. Ab ovo usque ;ul inuht, iVoii; 
the bcginning of supper to thc 
end, ttor. 


Oxalis, idis. /. 3. wild sorrcl. 

sition (ov sauce, a kiiul of salad. 
Oxygarum. i. n- 2. a sharp picklc, 
Oxymcl,ellis./i.3. a prcparation of 

vincgur, honey, &c. 
Oxyporus,a,um. ndj. easilv digest 

ing, causing quick digcstion. 


Qtena, x./. 1. a polypus. 
Ozc, cs. /. 3. a stron^ brcath- 


PAbu1nndus.a,um. pt. to be fcd, 
to be dtinged. or manure.l. 
" fcedinp^, foraging. 

Pabiilor,ari,atus sum. d.\. to fecd,' oalm,- rquiet,to conquer, 
or graze, to forage, to manure. Pacor,are./> to be subduec 

Pabiilum,i.? meat, foddcr, Pactilis e. adj. wrcaihcd, 
provender,nourishmentPabulumPactio,onis./ 3 acovenai 
Acherantis , an old fellow ready grecment,a promisc of mi 
to drop into tlie gTavc, Plaut. Pactitius, a, om adj. mad 

Pacalis,e<i<//.significativcofpeacc greemcnt. 
belong-ing to the goddcss Pax. jPactor, oris. m. 3. a mak 

Pacandus a, to bc subducd. Pactum, i. n 2. a contract 

Pacate\<i/fo. ius. comp. issimc, snp. 
peaccably, quietly, withuut dis- 
turbance, calinly, gcntly. 

Pacator, oris. «?. 3. an appcaser, 
a conqueror. 

Pucuttis,a, um. pt. & adj. ior. comp. 
issunus .fup reduccd to pcacc, or 
obedicnce,livingin peace, pacifi- 
ed,appeased,reconciled, pcacca- 
blc quict,undisturbcd.calm, still, 
serenc Ex pacatis, out of a 
fricnd* s. or allv's countrv, Sa'l. 

Paci'fcr,a,tuii. adj. bringingpeace, 
signifvin^ j>eace. 

Pacificans, tis. pt. rnaking pcacc, 
Oxalmc, es./ asharp salt compo-l endeavouring to makcpeacrw ith 

nant, -t agrcemcnt. a cor 
a promisc, a way, . r niaro 
Pactus, us. f?i. 4. a covenar 
Pacttis,a,um./>i. having barj 
:: ragrced.agreed upon-coi 
marriagv. betrothcd, cspc 
P,-ean;mis m 3. a triumpual 
a titlc of Apolio, a foot. 
Pasdagtij^imiM n. '2. an apa 
for pa^es, < r younjr fcbtve. 
PicdJjro^-us, i. m. J. a pcd^j 
a srhoolmasier. a tutor, an 
dant, a ccnsurer, a bu\vb 
Pacdia, x./. 1. instruciioo. 
Pxdicator, oris- m. 3-alibe 
Pafdico^are.tic-f. 1 .lo dcbauc 
Pxdor, oris. tn. 3. nastiiic» 
Pa,'iiiiki,x./ 1. acloNcrldia 
a cloak. (a strait tliic 

Pacif icatorius, a, um adj. pcr-jPwniMatus. a, uin. wi//. clol 
tainingto pcace. I'cc6nia.x./"1. the pcony.w 

!*acif icatus, a, um. pt. rcconcilcd.,Pxttilti.s. a, um. n«.'#. *«. 

Pacificatio,6nis./.3. pacihcation, a 
trcuting for pcace, a mcdiation. 

Pucificator.dris.fif3. a pcacemak- 
er, inediaior, or ambassador. 

Pacitice, adv. peaccably. 

Pacif ico [pax, facio], ure act. 1. 
lo niakc peacc, to appeasc. 

l*aciflcor.ari.ptt#ji to be appeascd. pacific, pcacc- 
ablc,peaceful .pcrtainimrto peacc 

Pxtus, a, um. a<!j piuKoye 
ing a cust witli the v; es. 

Pagauicus a,um. udl- nfth< 
try, pcrtaining lu tlu \k* 
Paganica ])ihi, a stow-bal 
ed with feathcrs. .Vart. 

Paganus, a, um. adj. in, «■ 

Pacisco^.ci paclussum d. 3. to co-| country, vr* country nlh 
PSbfiJuris, c. at(j\ tliatis titfur cal- vcnant,bar^ain, or agrce, to bai/Pagunus, i. m. m ctfuntrya 




»7 separate districts. 

the cope, or arch of heaven. 
Palatus, i.m. 2. id. qn. Palatum. 

■ l.a little page.or leaf. Pul&tus, a, uni ■ pt straggling, wan- 

l.a pagc,a Ov>ok,apath. 
/1. tlim. alittie pugc 
mj. 2. a crabtish. 
2. a village, a canton, 
a division, a tribc. 
i s!iovel,a fan for corn, 
of a ring", a tig-trec. 
, a, um a((/.waiidcring< 
/. 1. gold-ore. 
/l.a wrcstling,a placc 

dering,flyin^|it>uted,brokeii 9 poi 
ed, supportcd by poles.propped 
up. (jrling f A 3. a wrestling" a strug- 
Palea, ae. / 1. chatf*, short straw 
refuse, a cock*s gills. 
Palcar, aris. ;/. 3. thr dcwlap of a 
bcast; usitatius in phirPatcaria 
Palure,is.n.3. a chaH' 
Paleatus, a, um. «f(/.mingled with 
ng, disputation, study«Palimpscston,i.7t.2.a sort of paper 
, a stew, any exercisc,! for writing 1 things oo the tirst 
erity address, managv-j time. 

r,gracefulness. co;iieli-Palinddia, *./. 1. a rccantation. 
nointed wrestlcrs, &.ciPalitans,tis. pt. wandcring up and 
x.f. 1. a woman thatl down. (a sort of thorn. 

adv. like those whop.diurus.i m.2 (/««ccw*.paliuron), 
ir tiine in thePalcxstruiPallu,»:. /La cloak,a mantle,along 
,a.uin.a^//.of,or belon^- robe, a short jcrkin, a veil 
: oxcrcises of thc Pa- Pallaca».-e./.i.aconcubine[palcncss 
it favourcth the qias- p&llens,tis. /M.bcing pale. causing 
c Palxstra, starchcd, Pulleo,crc,hii w.ito he,*ow, 

d. (tcr 

,i. m 2. a f»:ncing-ma.s- 
:.m. la wrcstlcr, inas- 
:nce,lover of c\ercises 
, pluinly, notoriously. 
, tnn. pt. to be polcd, 
ed with polcs, to pole. 
»/. stragH^lin^, wander 
»».*d, seattcred, routed, 
ist ract e d, wa v eri ng, u n - 
• like a vagraiit(stead) 
., uni. adj paluune,be- 

or turn pah*, rwan,to turn hlack, 
to be aifcc.ted, ur couceriied* 
Pallesccns, tis. pr. growing pale. 
Pallesco, cere. inccpt. o. to grou 
pale or wau. (pall. 

Palliastrum, i. ncut .2. a mantle, a 
Palliatus,a,um. pt. cloaked. cloth 
Pallidiilus f a,um.a((/.pah9h(cd,girt 
Pallidus, a, uin. adjiw.c mp. is*i- 
mus, 8up. pale, wau, whitc, mak 
iiur pale, iufernal, of ffhosta, 
Palliolatiin, adv \\\ a littlc cloak. 

Pallidlatus, a, um. cuij. clothed in 
the einperor*s courLJ a little poor mantlc, or uppergur- 
./a foundation ofpilesj ment. (cap: 

n. 2. mouut <palatinc,iPalliolum, i. 7/. 2. a short cloak, a 
aurt, the placc of a,P;dlium, i. n. 2. a cloak. a cover- 
-Vidence, a grcat tow-i let, a curtain, a cap. Tunica i>al- 
diiiff. J lio propior Q%\^Prov. sonie are to 

,2.thc palatc,or roof oft be rcgurdcd more than othcrs 
, thc mouth, thc tastc,j nca/ is uiy suirt, but nearcr is 

my «kin, Plaitt. 

Pallor,6ris.m.3 palencss, wannes*, 
gloominess,mouldiiicss in vessclt 

Palhila, x.f. 1. dim. a little cloak. 

Palma,* : /*.l.thc palm of the hand, 
the hand, a hand's breadth, a - 
span, or thrcc quarters of a foot, 
a palm, or date trec, a date, a 
chaplet, a mark, or tokcn of vic- 
tory. victory, the prefercnce, or 
pri/c,a conqueror,the shoot of a 
vine, the broad cnd of an oar, a 
broom, or besom. 

Paliuaris,c v flr(/. of a palm-tree, of 
a hamPs brcadth* the pnncipal,\ 
most notable,or remarkablc. 

Palmarius, a, um. adj. exceilenU 

Pahnatus, a, um. adj having thc 
tig^ire ota nalm-branch, haviny 
broad honis withlittle shoota.Tu- 
nica ]ialmata, a triumphal robe, 
cmbroidered with devices, 7ir. 

Pahnatus,a, markcd witU 
the palm of one's hand. 

Pulmes,!tis.m.^.thc shoot ofa vine 
or pahn tr; k e,a branch, • r bougiu 

P:ihiiesia,6ruin ./#/.». 2 pahn wine. 

Pahnetum, i- n. 2. a place plautcd 
with pahn, or datc trees. 

Palmeus, a, um. adj. madc of t^je 
pahn-tree,made of dates,o. a Rpa» 

Palmif«.:r,a. um.ndj bearing palms, 
Palmiferi Arabcs, livingamongst 
palm-trees, ()v. (trees* 

Palmi^er,a,um .adj. Ticarinjr palm- 

Palmipcddlis, c. adj. of tlic mca- 
stire of a foot and a span. 

Palmipcs, cdis adj. wcbfootcd. 

c*almi|)es, edis. m. iive hands 

Palniiprimus,i. m 2. date-wine. 

r*almo, make the print 
ofthe palm ofonc's hand,tonail 
up the shoots of a vine. (tcr. 

Palmor,ari.</ huinour, or flat- 

Palmdtus, a, um.« <k(|. ^^isK^ . 





Pa]mttla,z/.l.a little palm,orhand 
a date, the broad part of an oar. 

lustre, /adj fcnny, marsliy* of, m ' 
bclonging to a fcn, growing" in 

PalmiiB i. m. 2.a span, thrcc quar- marshy placcs, foggy jrloomy. 

ters. (or poles. 

Paior,ari./>.l. to bc set with pales 
Paior, uri <i. 1* to stra£glc, wan- 

der. ov bc disortlcred. 
PaJpumcn, inis. n. 3. a strokc. 

Pulpundus,a,u"» /''•<« t je strokcd. 
Palpans, tis/tf. stroking. (ing. 
Palpatio,6nis /a slroking;asooth- 
PaipLUor, drism. *>-a rlattercr.(ed. 
Pa!;julus,a,um. /M.stroked sooth- 
Paipcbra, x.f 1- the cyclid. 
Palpcbrolis, e. ai(j. of the eyclids. 
Pal: cbrum, i. n 2. the cvelid. 

Pampmaceus, a, um. adj made of 

Pamphag-us, i.t/i.2. a dog", Glutton. 
Pampinarium,]. n 2. ayonng vinc 

hranch, or shoot(lo a vinc-brancli 


Pn!j;ituns, tis. //..palpitating, beat- ing to vincs,fullof,©rcoveredwith 

ing, panting, shaking, afruid 
Palpitutio ouis. /. 3 a paipitation, 

a beating*. 
Palpitatus, us. m. 4. idcm. 
Palpito,urc.#i.l to pulpitatc,tobeat 

Pampiiiarius, a,um adj. belongingjPandor, di. pcut to bc ih 

Pando, arc n.l to bcnd in 

Pandor, uri.patt. to be be 

Pandufl, adj. bent,( 

Pancgyricus, i. m. 2. a pa 

Pan€gyricus, a, um. auj.y 

Panegyris,is/.3. a paneg 

Pangendus a, um. pt. ti 

plunted, composed, r % 

Pang^o J5^£rc ,nxi,pegi Sc pe 

to fasten,todrivc in tosct 

to fix, r scttle, to writc 

Pampinatio. 6nis./-3. a pulling, 
rubbing orF supcrfluous leaves,- t 
tendcr shoots froin vines. (er. 

Pampinator,6ris.m«3. a vinc-drcss- 

Pampinutus, a, um. pt. branched 
likc a vine leaf 

Pampineus, a,um adjo^or belong 

vine-lcavcs, of vine, vinous. 
Pampmo, are a.l. to drcss. trim, 
or prunc vincs 

Pampindsus, a,um.arfyVcf/Y<*,fu11 of posc. to covcnant, con 

leavcs,';»* shoots,like vine-lcavcs 

pant,throb,wlcap,tobrcathe fast. Pampinus,i.</.^\2.avine-leaf a tcn 
to licavc, to strugxlc, to wavc.j dril, thc spawn of Uic polypus. 
Palpo,fire //.1 tostroke, to handlc,!Panaca, x.f 1. a wine-vessel. 
to sooth,or carcss, to make tuiiiclPauaccu, x /1. an universal reme 

Paipor.iiri r/ strokc gcntlv, to 
sootli \viiccdlc,caiolc,orriattcr,to 

P.;ipo,6nis/f}.3 a flutlcrcr,(grope. 

Palpuin,:.;i.a jrcntlc stroking,a pa J . 

PaliidIimeiiUi:ii,i.;i.a military gur- 
mcni,o/* ornaincnt,a cloak,a robc- 

Paludutus,a,um n<Ij. cloUicd in mi- 
litary garuicnts, cloaked. 

Paliidosus, a,u:n.«'// inarshy,fciim 

Palum, i. //. 2. a prop for \iucs. 

Panaccs, is ?i. 3. id. (dy an hcrb. 
Panaretiis, a, um adj. all-pcrfect. 
Punuriolum, i.n. a littie bread-bas 

kct (bag,bin,or pantrv for brcad 
Panarium, i n 2. a baskct,pannier, 
Panax, acis./ 6. an lierb. 
Pancarpi», iiruni./j/ /11. gurlands 
Panchrcstos, scu. Panchrastus, a, 

uui adi. gt>od aguinstall diseascs 

Puucraticc, udv strongly, histil\ . 

Palumbrs, is.M/ &./-3. a ring do\e, Punrratiiiiii,i.M 2.a wit>tling,l)o.\- 

or wood-pigt on. (dove 

PahimbTiius, a, um. </r//. of aring- 

Palumbus. i m. 2. a wood-pigcon. 


a lake, sedjrc. Diis juranda palus, 

the infcrnal ri\er Stv.x, Or. 

iii.;*, &.c. suecorv, a sca onion. 
Pancturus, a,um.///.about to j)lant. 
l'andans,tis fit bending,orsiuking-. 
Paudutio, 6nis./3. abcnding.(in 
Pandutus, a, um.//f. bowed, bcnt 
PauiW^etx, uruiu./»/. m l.pandccts. 

Paius, i. /ii. '2. a pin, orpeg,a post,!i»andcndus,a,um./i/.tobcstretched 
a />ole, ■ /• prop for vincs. (Pandcii.s tis. ///. opcning.opcning 

Pandiciilutio,6nis/. 3. a ) 
Pandlculor, ari, atassuni 
to stretch in ) awning, U 
Pando, derc pandi, pansu 
sum a.3.toopen,toset,or 
to sprcad,oninfold,to stn 
or extend, to display, to 
discover,to telUrelate^r 

agTce upon, to promise, 
Pungt>r, gi- pasi. to be sc 
Puniccus,a,um. adj. makin 

madc of Lread. 
Paiucula,ac./.l. down upe 

catstail, woof in the shul 
Panicum,i. n. panic,a gr&in 
Pamfe\, icis. adj thatof « 

usually niake bread(br« 
Panif icium, i. n. the ra 
Panis, is. m.S. bread, alos 
Panmciilus, i. m.2. a cM 

Panniculus bombycinuiJ 

silk, Juv. (ten, lank, sb 
Pannosus, a, um. adj. ng) 
Paiinuceus, a. um. adj. 

wrinkled, soon shrivcUe 
Pannulus, i. m. 2. dim-%1 
Pannus, i.m.cloth t a ragtili 
Pansa, ae. m. 1. one gphjrf 
Pansus, a, um. pt. opened 
Pantag^thus, a, um. «$*• 
Pantex, icis. m. 3. the ptf 


2'Slutilvr, hxc pulustrLs, & hoc \Ki-|Paudiculaiis,Us./k/.yawmri^.(wlde PanUior, Srift» ai-3* pwft^ 





x. f. I. apanthcr. > ftantur birds, of a frathcr flock P.*r""<.tio,- 6ni* / :*. prcparation. 
ius,a, <im.adj. of, or likc toffcthrr, (Vi-..l'.irLi ilu:civ,tob:i : Pi!;i:r^a?i!io, r.7 Parutr ■•ra-Jo, 

»r,.iri. *lep. 1. to fill oni:"« 

ia,x/ 1 a clanccr.(m : .c. 
lir.os.a.iim.a.*//. putitomi- 

lancc accn.mts, /.-/. 
Par.nris n •>. a puir, hracc, match. 
Piralxliti c- «7/ procurc ' 

mcan. (ris'i:i 

ms,i. m 2. a pantom.imyPirTcioIn, a\/ aparablr», a romp..- a,um a .j ! mlic:J. 
P.irirlctus, i. m. J. a co!ii!'ortor 
I* iraili^ivn, itis *». .5. an rxumplc. 
Pir*di-.iis.i. i/ g.'2 p:ir;tdisc,tin* trnr- 
(lrll ofRd-MI thc *»:it oftbc lcs-tcd 
! **r •do\.is,a.iiui. <•■.'/. 
P*irnlo\:, , .-ru , n./i/..-ii 2 a'.:t'>.\'. frv 

irc. «»»•*.'. 1. to cxcli-im tragicallv' 

»■ irutum, i n. provision. 

".i:\iMrus a uni. ///.aboul to prc- 
pa''% settlc, or gct. 

:*»:-«us, is.w 4. prcpar.^Ion. pro- 
vis.on, furnituiv, jr.ii'b, habil, 
Ircss, cc|U!pa,ro, paradc. 

*' [ti.iui lj. ior,c. irh. i$. 
S!:n>:s *'if>. prooared, provided, 
Kt'";i.titUsl.t , :iri ished 
<*'piippcd,f \,jo i , I/in:.:iule;l , rca- 
dy,r|'iirk for , .v.*r.*<Lii.trciy rcsolutc. 

ofpa:itiniim<*s adancer. 
•i.a quill of \arn a pod 
r . 1. ptp for rliildrcn 
m. 1. thc popc. 
•;/. f > stra*igv! wondcrful! 
'cellcnt ! mijrhtv ! cx- 

*is. m. 4. thc papacv. 

-r s n. ■?. i p"p : ">y. 

x jrurmcnts 

a finc soi-t r-f bncn- 

is, a, UTii. *;7/. of ponpy. 

>ms. wi. 3. uhiiUcrfly, a 

ont, or pavilion. 

../11 anipplc, or tcat,|*'urall~lisniiH. i. w: 2. par:di.. , i!sin.|P:i. , «-iprt"»n.»i**. :. r«. 2 a iiijrjrard. 

it, a cock to a \tater-jP..r.d!cl<»s, i./ * a purrallcl l:ii«..!Pa , .'i lU.-ilis/.-jjaringT.csSjfcwiiess 

: raple 'P-trul.cbis a um. «.7/. p.-.rdlel. ; , -\irt :t«:r, /■.■.•/■ it i-t sp.tred . 

. (&. itis ) m. a scrvanijP i..-d\yis, i»./ .'#. thc puN\. lParcn.rc.-c, pcpcrci. par-*i ($-, par- 

ijrht up and attendctl : Pii*dyticus, a. u:ii. o l j. paralytic.J ri'.i),pnrs':ni u.Un. .». to sparc, to 

P *r.<.ndus,a \im.p? '■> !><• p--.»vidc.lj u--.-v.-ith modi , ra f ii*n,tos.ivi.k»-crp t 

procurcd, <lc»ifrJ:cd, r srt p:*cscrvc ';.':vsi:rvc,tolclaIonc,:o 

P.iniiis.tis/iijircp-jrin-r aticmp^iiii,- i"»rhcar, . r hcarwitli, ..)• 

Piriphra^is, is. f .'>. a pai-.ipiu > -.<t-.:.j f.ivour, to foririvc, - r pardon. 

P »radr iniis,":- '■>./! » • n opcii pd!<:- :, :ira/**iiiiuin i. n J. a u:i:'dl sword* 
.' ir.rncy. ,,coj, »•• ' \if. uii a -liiion -;P,."J r. n</r. ius, coh'/i. ir.sunc, ttttp. 

*i<m sp:ii!«ijr , .y,frii^-allv, thr".l' !, ly f carc- 

P.iiM.ncUciis,a,Viin.</'// .■•lmor.itnry. fully ncarly,pouuriousiy, tcmpe- 
P ti !l'p'"»ni:;.a, /.'. h. 2- tiu-; r::t«'I\, niO<l"ratcly,raici ,scidom 

t ■.'.<> hnok:* c»f (.'lu' •jniclrs. a!isi.iin"ncr f;*oni I.i/y, s1<hv.(Ic-ss. 

Pjr.dla\«s. i;» f .1. tli*' parallax.'-..^' sparinjr. foi ,: .caring". 

cirY.l to eat pap. to cat 
•n, 2 a jrrundsirc, an 
down, ktouii.LscI 

f l.a ])i:npcl, ahlistcr. Pir.i^sis, ulis/ .1 u pl.. 4 .tc: , .(i , ucr jP.iVr-us a r uui. i/<//. ior comp. msi* 
iS a, uin ii-// madc of Pararius i. aj. *. a moni-y-.scriv-! " .'/./•. s-parinjr, fsupd.tlirifty, 

l*i«/»t »'w, of papcr Piras»an^ra, x. f 1. a purux-.iu 

u, um. atl/. hcaring, or Paranita- x f 1 u parasitc 

£ the 

i, iMTi #;#//. of papcr. 

./ & Pupyrum, i. n. 2 

dmih of which papcr, 

r.aclc, papcr 

i'!j issimus, *///;. cvcn, 

c, similar, ccirrr.**pond 

»lr,mc»ft fil,proper,cc»n- 

iiutual, rcciprocal, ablc 

itcr,07- hcar,of thc s4)te 

P insitastcr,i >n 2a younirpara^itc 
Par.isitutio, onis / 3. flatu-ry. 

caicful* tviilpr:rut»Mliodcratc. lit- 
tlc,sm:dl,scant\ .poor,slo\v, slack, 
ncjrlijrciit hackward. (ard. f.x panthcr, a «!i<*-h:np. 

iis a, um ('.<[]. pur.ifit.icai. Pardus, i. //; Z. a malc pur.lhcr, '" 
,ari d.\ to pla\ tlic pura- P-ircu^ar.m.l. a scrpcnt.(lcopar»f. 


Parasitor,ari d.\ to plaj tlic pura- P-ircu^ar.m.l. a scrpcnt.(i«-njj 
sitc. to ftattcr. sooth, oc fawn Paivns,tis.c /,-.■.. a parcnt.:i iathcr. 
Parisitus»* «■■2- a |fara s itc, or ilat- . una-stor, :i brccdcr. 

tcrcr,a spoii{ycr,a pi:iyri\n.-'arioi*. 

Pirastas, adis./ »». a.j.imh. 

Parastata, %. /;i. 1. a hutuvss. 

Parastalica. x. nt. 1. u pilastcr. 
i.rt.«r sijrnificution. Pa-[Paratc, adv. ius, comp. i. fc sunc, &up- 
ari buaf:tciIlimccoujrrc- rcadily, «^uickry, cuixfully. 


cht rishcr, ;■ nourishvr. a found- 

cr, ! :• huildcr. an invcntor. 

Parcns, tis. fmrt £f a»!j ior, rqirp. 

appuariu^, visihh*, ohcdicnt. 

P-ircnttliaJiiin././ ?i.3. i'*::**** al ihc 

■ f.mcrojs of pr-iviil-i, c»?' rt.!:vll« ,, A*s , 




.t, or tlelight. 

; any crc&lurc Ihat hath yotmg; ui sutrcring, hardincwc, 

igiutus. «, mn. titlj. cmbroMcr-; foiinlcr, n, .111 auUior. 
, studdcd wilh purph- knobs.J Pa-cr p.itratus, thc kinjfoftlic 
alis, e> udj. h-.«ximr sprcailin^H hcralds, LLv. 

jrns (rovcrcd, or madc plain 

tcfat'icndus,a,iim./'/.to hc chs 

ucf ticio.Lpa 1 co.fnciol.ccrc, f cci ■ • to npcn, to srt, nr l;t 

Patcra. x.f 1. a gohlct. 
i'atcri'aiiiil*as.m..;v.t. patrisfamil.- 

Palma .t./l.apaten,; 
a dis'.i, a pan. Anini 
tinis. niy bcllv crict 

P.itin.iriusa*um attju 

thc masit-r of a fvinh . 

opcn,todiscoivr,tn ditcrttodU jt 1 .-c.rnitn.s aiis f. 3. frtthcrhood 

close. or inakc rcvcal 

. <l atct.u-tio, Miis./.o a !aj. :njf ppcn 

a manifcstation. (iuauc cvidcn. 

Patcfactfirus, a, 1.111. /»/. tiiat Will 

Patcfaci :s, a, uin /rf opcucil, laui 
opcn, v.idcncd thscovcrcd. d s- 
cJoseit,mu'lc known.thowu.clci-.r- 
cd, t xplaiiu (I iiiUi:.cstcd 

Patcf 10 icri fart:»> .»? // *o!>c opcn- 
ed dis-rovrt-I, ■*»■ uij<*h»cd. 

Pa«cfit. piUi'.. • m i-.v. iti.« 
dis«*ovc:\ d "7- M-.tli- to r.npcar 

Patcllu, .*./" I. - ■;Vlc d.c> d".d: 

as patcrf nniili.r. & putrisfuiudia:, Patiuariug, i n. 2 u g 

Putior, ti. passus sum 
siiilc.r,tol)fur,t> eini.. 

JTO.tO cXpr.riCV'.'c,U>1l 

cdh ,t«» '.y.ur^jt c.idm 
hcar wi*!», 10 forlica 
*#»• fon..c.n f to ici, p 
lov. , to admit. to s» 
suhjcctto, to defcv. 

Patcrnus, a, uin. <n[j. p.iternal, of, 
iiki .rcccivcd, or dcrivcd fro:i» a 

P :tcs(*'-iis,tis pt. op»*n":nf;, hi cnm-' 
\\vg p!:t'i , t c • K-.iv...;,-, S;.:*tu'l«njr 

P^t.-sro ccrj.# v r >. \\» nnen, to h:- 

r jn-.i. to :-c c\poscd to vicvv. :sccns, tis. pt ope 
!:c,iin,to upi.«':.r, tt» appcai* pia''!:-|»*:'.?or ons w 3. un 
h, to l>c c\tc:i-L-d, tir sprcrul- *alr..ii'lMS,a,u'n pi.lo 
o .t lu.ruiij», ti^, pi rohiiij 

!' -Ut, ■'.•>//. \x is plVn. 0>* ( vidt-m ■••*?ratin,6nis./J.anae 

P ■ i'" t c aruin. ptf. L :•. -'>;•'. r.i a tLt' . 
: Mji.-ti.-v- euiv i).».t!i--!i»?a!lv. 
with a hriui, u p !.•.«: cr, :.',P.'iii«. t:t ..s, a, liiii- wh. ;.a»'.ol":c. 
skillct, or pipkiu, l!.i- k:i- , v-j'-..;i. l i , i,!i ru-, 1. ••/. '. a c.itftu.iU*. 

Patclluf.ns, a, iim- tiitj ijcl'».i^,' , i f ;-.r >.,'-, a, uui. n ?j ls^unus, nuf . 
to>i ji!.ittcr. ! fpihv, ohi«*. iic, i.« icc». Rt. 

PatciiSjtis /•:' t v V tul;. ior, ro»*»,'». iss*- !' i.:io.-» i ./. 2. pa*«>i >n, >c\a?ion 
mus *■/'.». laxi.i;; •pcii,»;\ip'r k v- !' »' :!>ili4 c- •!.-'/ r.,)a'>lc oisuilcr- 
iuj^ opcned •i:i«..-svc'\d, c 1 »s. d, .ir t'i.i* Mia»hc !> iriKV'."cn<hircd 
clcarcu rxtc:i-.lcd,s;jfv a<lt-u , .. - i* i« i a )--l.tii:s v .1, u :i /»' rriniicd 
cn,borc.ii.ikc>l, r!r w ii:i''.ir:iin.»-.i':ti , » , ! , i! n,«./i 2.tlic /f. , ."r«/,a cross 
crcd.l.i.r J , ;r,\v:dc,ro n;n<)ii./-- •"'«■v." ;;)>') ■:.••• •mIIows a oar 10 a doo;-. 

PitcntL-:', «./:- ius (•»•«/1. « , p««ii;.i ;«.n iii«4": M -i.;vnt uvtl i»v j^rapc ant 

Pitco,rrc, Uu.n 2 to hc op.-u. •/ oi •-»••*^rcr*., a ;»:-o:>. li- o:/t.;i,*.n!>»- » \,;')s- .1 Piti-iidus /«»* io h » sullrrcl, 
or St.Sjcct, to hc (•:■.»• ly utv.c.iiii!, m- c:i'!iu- ■.! t» hc.«r <irc ndurc 
ort omc a* to hc pl.ii::, •«.- .-. 1:1:1.- P i*i».- ;i -,:'.:•. /'.'. kN i.//.io\ cn«,i/». issi- 
fcst, to !»c iavci:ir.i '•)!•:•, ov pr.)]/u.- liiis. -.-i viiNM-iu.j.bcariii.r, hrar- 
ous, lo !»«: c%'cnlci, <//• .-prca.l i.:^ p :'.«'.«'J\, aMc, or willin^ to 
out, to hc %:ntcrwd. ii'tt.-. t- s !«ir •, '.»■ u.vlcrj^o, ahlc to 

Patcr,lr:s. m. •. a faJlirr, fVhcr, a i\m'i.i'ji* i: !% p:i*':v.nt. hardy 
titl.i ^iven to s iperi /r, P.iticii:»* ;*.r /.-.iiis r •>//« ifiiiiir ,«//// 
sc.i.ors, prcscrvrr.-., h.-n-fir.riri p-iti: » »' * \ - • r » • 1 to 11 -. < •• il\ .1 1 1« ». i« • :iit %■ I > j thcr, a palc 
sc itV)i-s,:na^istrat«?s.!i)in:tnrin- Pi.icni'-.i,.v f.\. paticin*'.-.",Patrius a,uir 

Jfemm^uul a\1 thc |rods,h'it cspc- :: wc. lo:ij;* sm ;?'•!• n r , sufl«M':tiicc' natural, ©r 

C4r'.i//t. fnpitm\ M sirc, Vge m\\c fif s.-rv.b stitimsMoii, a hcuiiiir, 9r Pati-Ujarca 

.'atrator,6ris m. .. a d 
Patra 4 ;jius,a, um. pt.X 

•»r pcrforui. 
Pa'r"t«iH,a,iim. i *>r.pc 

thc chicf oftln- lic 
P.ttr.a, t f. \. oiu* 
Palriarclu, x m \ 
J'atririatus, us. m. 

P.itriciim, a, um. 1 
Patricius, i.m.2. a 

tor onc of thc c 

' a 
Patrimoniuin, i 

patcrnal cstatt 
''itriiuus, n, uu 

fatiicr alivc- 
PatriSio^.iivw t» 

out by ovir !': 
Palrius,a. uin 

is thc fiihei 


— -— — fVI 





rrform,to consiini:itai<-,'o Jwi-Puwn lu<, to ho drcaded Paupcries,iM/..5.povefty.(priTe©f 
o attain, or gut, to c*jtabh*lijPuveii<, tis. />f. feariiif£, clreocliiipr Paupero, are. c. to beggar, to de- 
itttv. Pmo, cr :,vi 'i.lkri.2. to bc afraid, Paupertas,atis/.i u\ piur paupcr- 

r, ari /^m. to be performed. to icur, 1o ilrea.i, to shuddcr, to tatcs, povcrty, want, scantines». 
c:iiuns. tis. pt. defend".!ic\ hatc. Mread. Paupci-tirms, a,tiiu. a-Jr. poor,low. 

cinium i.n.*J P.*\csco, cr-'. inc. to bo ufraid, tojPausa,.e/ :i stop,an end. 
'»n, dcfriice,suppnrl.e.\i-iiai a . Pat ilminlirs a, um. ntlj. fcarful. PaM-firius, i.w.2 a beater of time. 
i*inor,uri,MH<.i/ l.tobcapat- PivTcula, .c./. 1 ji r&Tiim.-r. i Pausia x.f 1. a kind of olive. 

:odcfend,iii'im r a!n 'Wt^rihi Pavul • .f;77'.tiinoroiis!y,\^ithdrca{! | l *ausilluJuin, a!'.\ never so littlc. 

r, an advocatc, *r plcader. a 
tcr, r oraior, Jic Uiat mad-» 
•c free. (inir.. 

iy.-n'icn>i,a,uni. aiij. patrom- 
lis c. atlj ,the beiiitf, or bc 
n;f to brotb:T f s childrcn of 
:-:lc (lather^sbrother'* son 

mcd. '/■■ made. bard, to ram 
Pavimentatus. a,um./'.'.pav •.■.•! v.itb 

Moniac work* pavcd, ranunod. 

?' 'vfm<:iito,are..* rarn. i'ax, jucis./. . 4 V pcacc, praceable- 
J'.iviiucntujn, i. /4 a pavcmcnt, a r.ths, stilliirs-s, a culin, easc, qui- 

floor. (ram. 

P.i'i\iUiilii«,a v uiii. atlj. vcrylittle. 
Pauxillus, n, um. adj. little, very 

P.\\io, irc, Tvi, Tturn a 4. tobcaf, » 
Iss,is.r t* J.a cousiii-gcniiaiujPat itans tis. pt. tri~nibliiijr. 
ssinius, i. m 2 bes* u:irte. jPavito, iire -hiver. 
s.i m.' iiuclc.a rcprovcr 'Pavitus, a,uni./>; rummed. closed. 
s, a,um.a///.of, or bcionfrin^Paulfitiiii^af/:' by littlc and littlcby 
:her'sbrother,e/**uricle harshj dc^rccs, Icisurely, #cntly,easily 
S a um. a Ij opcn, wide.jPaolisper. atlv a littlc whilc. 
■iinjr. broad and fl:it, plain. PuuJ6,(j</;-.hy a lit'U\:i little,somc 
e auri:s, cars j^api.-j»; after 
/1 apcahcn.(sccrct.s lltr 
e.a. attj. /■/. iorcs amft. is»i- 
p. few. thr i\*w y the eiiief. 


ct,ronteut,an agrccment,a tnicej» 

favour, leave, or permission, a- 

toncmcnt, recoRcifiation. 

Pax,u.'/i/. ytl. ititerj. pcace! (palc. 

l'a\illus, i. m. 2. u stake, post, ar 

Pccrans, tis./>' sinning t ofTcn(line;. 
Pcr.citio, onis./. 3. an oHendinijp. 
. I'cr cator,dris.4»l3 a sinner,au adulr 
wliat 1'anlo mox, in a little t!me,| tcrcr. 

by and b\,/'«*i. Paulo minus, tc-;I'< ccatrix, Tcis /. 3. a sinncr. 
r\ ritar, wiibin a littlc, .V-/t/. ,'Pcccatum.i u-2. sin, faidt,otTence. 
1'aululun), adv. a littlc (shoi1.;l'ecc.itur, imperf. it is donc amiss, 

J,partic<dar. 1'aucisdicb.i^'PauluIus, a, uin. a<l). littlc, small | nr ill.»hcy sin,y; ottcnd.(oroflcn»j 
i a fcw <la\ s f '*//;///. ln pdii-|l*aul<un, nr/.< u little, pro 1'aulo. .1'eccatums. a.uin pt about to w^ 
:h*is (|U'im,iu a fc w da\ s af-jl > a*ilus,a,uiu.ii///.vcr\ littlc rsmaH|l'co(-.ttus, us. m.\. the coinmitting 
uet. Intcr patiros f.uniliari|l'a\o,onis m.iif'.> a pcacock (cockj of a criute, or olfcncc,a crime. 
ne of his iiitimate fricnd>, 
^atlv. &v\ lom ('l\ii . 

*i:iium t i n. a want ot" words 
jj, a*is./ A. fcwncss, snull 

l'.tvonaccus,a. iim. a<!j iike a pc:i. I'« '*.*<). arc n. &. a l.tosin,to aeta* 

l'avoiiiuus,a,um.a<//. ol'a pcaccck, 
madc of pc;icock's fcathcr». 
l'avor, oris. m- \. fcar, ilifad,io otfcnd,to err, 
to ui.ktuke,to blundcr, *o commit 
adultcr} . »*brccd:n,";muchcuttle. 

:r, scan:it\, rarcncss, con-l*aiiper,cris a./z.ior.r mp eiTini»is, , l'cro: , oMis, :i,um i/./;.full of cattle. 


, jc a. very fcw. 
cio ![pavc,fasioi t cere fcci, 
I, act. 3. to makc afraid 

*up poor, iiced\,itieari,Io\v,li'.i1e 

scanty, triliin^, feeble. Mcoj>ur*i 

paup'T iu .cre. I ain poor,but not 

in dcbi,//*r. I' uri^r \ ohiutas.uii- w 1i«t«. w iili t«. pi:*-y upon au instru- 

Pcctcn.i'iis..'.*i.x-/..>.;i comb.a rake f 

a wool-card, a h-irrou tlc* s»l;i\ ct' 

u weavi r's li.on.iiic stick,or(iuilt 
.. i - .. •. i- ..... .. • 

rtus, a»um pt, astonished» jjcncrou.s, r «lig^urdly, Ov. I mcnt acocklc. Pcctiuc^^*^^ 
ited, put in irreat fear. poor,m€a*o.\ f%Ui* \\\ *\»*aA. V «4<s»vxN %^v%x\*^ 




PEL .; :/.ior,r/M//;.issi-.Pedis-.eqiius l i, m. l 2. a f< 
niiis.s\-.\"> iiiim".«.-<l,r'«'li, prohtaidr.jPed-tatuvi* m 4 thr* foo 
Pcus, opv. «. 3 sh.:ep, u flock of Peditum, i. /i 2. a foist, 

**ild chirvil, /\7»». ' c;:ai.v, /*.* s-nn of irnr..\v, goods. Pcdissequa, *rW Pedesqu: 

Pcctcn-.iUi,j, um /» .tohecoiribcd !Pceiinr:r'.ii.s,a, uiii r •//. pvcuni::r\ .j w:iitinj;*-maid an atteni 
Pectcns. t.s. /»/. cvnbmjc 
Pectinatim. atlv like a lom!) 
Pcctiuutus, a. uin. ftt. rumhcd. 
Pectino.arc.o.1 to roml\loharro\\ 
Pectitu>,a,um pt com!>cd,!..u kled. 

cardrd, dre-sr.l wecdcd. 
Pecto tcre.exi &.rxin,cxu?n,a.S to 

comb,to dreN% to hoe,to we« d, t 
Pcctor, ti. p. to !>e cor*i:'ed. (!)«-;;' 
Pectdrale is. n » a brrasipi:* 

Pcdum,i.n ashephr*nP*u 
Pcjrascius,a,um a.lj. mos 
Pegnseus, a, um «•/# m< 
1Vjpiia,utis n .ia woodci 
for plays,a bookc.i.<..\ari 
1'eginaris.e atlj.oi' o/ on t 
Pejerfitu.% a, um- pt. pci 

sheep.a shecp,caU!r, aumltitudc 
of calfle. brutc, ahiutish prrson. 
a Siave.Volutile 1'cris.UnK* fowl, 
•'"•//. Oimio quum Protcus pecus 
nj-it, sva-calves Ihr. Neptuni pe- 
ci.s». a M*a monsle r.fVr/rir/. 
P.rus rertus o')solcvit,udis./ 
Pectoralis, e. •.«//. pcc';o:.d, of thJ i\ •.» o. a sh? ep 

brcust. (having* r. •j.vut hi\ uv. Pc«l.d \ is n .» the lrnjjtli of.i foot, P».jcro [pcjor.JMro"!. arc 
Pectorosus, a, um. «•// ior. n. ;;/•. u foot-cloth a sock- (spacc. f«>rswear, er be forsww 

Pecuinculus, i *.*. 2 u s1iel!li»h. !Vd.d'.s, cr/«//. ofa fi-otmcasurc,oi Pejor, us r:/';. \ H cimp 
Pectus,^ris /i.a the hvea^t/he.^t oiji\:!.r,urn mis.»' >. a prop,or pole worsr. Kapere iu pcj< 
bosom a p.ip, the lif-urt. r/*|!*\dimcntum, i ?» /.' //■/. Pedamcn put thcscvcrest 
soul, cou/agc. rc-.olution, str.ii!i i-^dand*.!*» a, um/..' tobcpropprd tion upon. <■ 
fi^enius(rattle.ailockofsliei p, np. (of a foot, inferior,nr/?-. c mp- wor*c. 
Pecu n indtch in //////• pccii.vum. ■Pc«* , .:"c* *.-:.,niii «; .'/.ofthc mcasurciPcl, in composition,stan 
Pecuaria, ium /•/ ;/.p:is*.'."iA ^ c.»P.l. .'P- ... :ii s.ui.^o:-. -*, those senatorsjPchigia, x f. 1 tlie pur 
Pecuuri:i,a.'./.tlie bus : ncss of^.» ! \\\> t'.-.\ v iv«l not tluir sense in'Pehtfisi'S,i P*ilairiu>,a,i 
ing 1 \\K | \» 'ii-. !, :* wrnt to thc part, or »r belonjrinjrto thesea 

PecuTirix anim pl f. ilorkic! r.i'-. sj!>. i.fthosr vvhos;.- opimon the\ livinjc in sult watrr. 
Pecuarhio, a. uiii. r/.-V. ofca* '.!.•■ iPrd/^sm.r./r.fVjfit h\ ir.-itrwercforPelaGfus, i. n 2. tlie soa. 

Pecu.irius. i n.2 a tfv:. /!»".•. a iar ,! ; c Intir, e - 1» i <s /! 

i pr.irrpnifrilp. 

Pecuinus n, iiin i.'r/i.of bhi-1'p'.u •.:* P«.d'.t':» a.inn /'/.iooted.proppei 
PerMlatio,onis. /'. . ;/./ Pr ".il.iti- . [i\ '. \ : s, t,s /./. an attack 

Materix tanto in prlag 
orcan of mattcr, Lucr 
Pchmis ldis Jt \s.vdis 
Pcc.Mlator,6r:s .//..) liethai* *'id. >, n;s r w/ :>/»..;. u foutman, of the tumiy kind. 

/les public u.oiuy, a plundnc:-. c»iieoufo<»i,.»f'»o*.-s''!dicr,;hr foot.Pclasgiis, \. f. '2. a sort ( 

Pccnhmisus.w.-l.tlic rrime oieni ;i body of f"ot Pcd'.to>,tlie cnm-.P-licrimw, i. m. a pelics 

bezzlin^piibiicnioiiey,/f;*]rood-,- . i.i-m p.-oide, a!l ranka. -Pellabor viil. Perlahor. 

dcspoilin^v/cheatin-aplundr» ji^de- •rhrc. ;>.,!;., Ks.^hocpc iPrllacia,ar/ invitin 

Pe.cfiliaris, r.irlj. peruliar.partien ileMre, • 'hie .^ h :*c p« «l -s ris, ^iPcllax, aci*s.r/.'/;'.whredli 

lar, remarkabie'ir.pri\ati . hoc: pi d. Mre c.!j ou footj.elonjc i , clIectio.6iiis,/3. an ei 

Pecidiar.tcr. atfc es^rciully, sin- in^ m .iforitir.:r.',.>;fo(it..!.old : .er,M>i Pellectus,a.iim.>>f. cntif 

jrtdarly. propcrly. ?'.ri\::t« V. lar.:l.Iiuiiible.Ui\\,p.*ior v lv,\vyril ^V/lc^o,p-erc.r;.3torrai 

Pcc»ilio,arc*.f.l. to mid to Irs o\vn.J n c Icuniiii.^^/.step hvstcp-slow-Pelleiulus x,um.p: tobe 

Pcllens.tis /if.banisUinc 
Pellcx, lcis. / . a whoi 
a stmmpet,*aniistrcss. 
Prllicatus, ikmi thc: 
Pclliceu*s a, um. afy U 
Pellicio [per.lacio], ctr( 

Pccfiliosus, n, um. tulj. wealth-. . \\\.t\u a, x.J. a fetter a snare. 

Peculium,i.;i.^.privato posscsfilo* .|;relli.ib',i.ffj 2.tUm a little louse. 
o.-session, sihstunre. v.caltii Pcdieinus i.w 2. the footofa press 
oricU, a ivan's privy parts. Pcd!c«d;ir!«, e. tvlj. «f a lnuse. 


Pcr.rdur.uri, atii8S!im, J.l. to roh, Pcdiculhsus, a, uiii. ntlj. lousy. 
ordcfraiidtliepubi;r > top(culatcl\d.i«;uius, i. m . 2. a little foot, a 
/V-#«f»ia j ar i /Cl.iB«icy,an«sVatcipc- *ulk, § r stwm, a lonsc, an inscct. 

1 mtfj 




ttract.9rdraw,to deceivv, stant, drooping. 

ac / 1- u littlc skin 

is. m. 3 a tanncr, a fur- 
f the skin, or hide of :• 
nuuv*s skin, parchmcnt, 

t» am. a*(/. clothcd with 
:\pepuli puls iiu. a :i. to 
drive, *■ chuse out, or n- 
expel, to banUh, to rc 
> cpteuch, to dcstroy, t.o' 
to drive back, or rcpcl. 
r> piH?i,4i'thru9t,to strikc 
ir play upon,to knock at, 
, allect, t>r tno\c. to vcx, 
?, tocnre. 

putsus [>. to be drivcn. 
»,tis pt clcar, pcrspicuou.- 

crc, uxi. u- to be tr.i ,s- 


endeo^cre.pependi.n. 2. tohang*. 
tohauirup,tobc supportcdjtodv. 
9rstoop,tolinf?cr,oj*stay l tor? 
or continue, lo wcigh, to float, '// 
swim, to wiivct, to bc doubtfu!- 
unscttled or in suspe.i»s:\ to "•>» 
uueasy. Aninus tibi pcndet, yoi 
arr in a cpian-.iary, 7W\ 

Pend:tur imp.-f. thcy pay. 

I'i:udo dJri:,j)C;)cndi.j.cns'im a.3. 
to w«:i|^!i,to poudcr, to thiiik, or 
consi lcr esiccin^ratCjVahu 
or regardvO p:iv, tos'i!J'er,to u:i- 
derjro pcndcre ( «Tates,t;j 
rcturn duc thanks. Stnt 

i\ n.lor di, ustis. p. to bc wcijrhe 1, 


Pcnctralis^^/n^p^bclonfctng to 
thc iumost purtsof any placc, or 
jialacc picrcinjr. Dii pcnctralcs, 
«lic houschold tfods, VitctH. 

.'cnctrandus.a,uiii./»/ to pcnctrate 

•intr. entcri njr, pnstiiur throu^h. 

Pcnetratio, onis /'. 3 a picrciiijr* 

-'cnvtratnr,dris.m 3. a peuctr.itur. 

Penctratur, /"••//■ r\ they enter. 

Pcnctratus, a, um. p: pcnelratcd, 
picrced, enteivd in.o. 

1'c.nclro, are. acf. 1. to pcnetratc, 
throujrli '*r to, to imade to smk 
d'»\\' d'.S'.e!i.i,t) cxaminc.Pc- 
netriTc .»•■?, to thrus', run, w put 

tobcco:isidcrciH\»:i.ip."idcntup oncV s.lf iiito. Vihil Tibcri-in» 
muY,l sh.dl be paid or punisiicd.' mn<rii pcnctravit, more.scn.Mbly 

Pcndtilus,a,tr.u <..//' hanjri:ij*;down.; alrccu-d lii-u,7'tjc Tuiipc«'-lr.i- 
Pendula vcsti^ia suftly/jiitiptuc.j b.n c.o*, it came into thcir niiu-is, 

Us,atis./. 3. transparen CUiwl Dubi.\' spe pe-id:iiiMhor.v,i I.ur.' Quin p"ii'.s m.- a l plmvH 

ilus. a, um uilj pivttyi at uiiCertai:ries, doubifii!, //■-■r. : pcnctrai ; ? had d.Cil ' /'.'<*/.'. 

:lear,transparent brijrbt. • > ctiv-.«i/:- isai'nrisf/;'al.ii<vst.:K-ni'i;*I'cnctrisr, «iri. pw v. to b-: ,jicrced. 

is, a, uin. mlj. ior, c fnft.-l^cncs.^i-.c/ iti oii^sp:)^-' v.i; •c:llu.4 l i. '■•; ^ Pcnictlluuj, i /i. 

e. ocr. 3 to wash all over. 
II Is f. 3. a 
f. 1. a targ^et in foriii of a 
)ii (arnicd witli a pefaj 
W Pcltastcs,x« m. 1. one 
gim. atij. haviinja /'?//<*. 
f .i. a basin for water to 

er.dsp ; i»al pos«ic is" : . ••uorcuslody. 
at,vith," -ruin;:. Qucji. 
pencs e-^t virt 1 !"., is a«!orr.*.\t wi:l. 
it Plaut (lu^: te e »t pi-r.cb is in\ o. 

'2 a m;uu\ : , 'sp;'i:cil.:' -.ofi -^onjre, 
a p : . •''■ oftciit,*.' hut. 1'cnicillv 
t."*'iO"ii. v. ' .- ! ..:: '■-1;;m.?]ic4 us*..d 
by :v, /•'• 

7*cr.l»cnes te cj ; :u - .* yoa iuyou: i*c ; ii cuhi-, i. ." :. i^-niiriii.i"^, :. ;:. 
wits? Ilftr, Fidi-s cjiis rci pcni a| 2. a pai '*.:•.: '*» |K- .c.l any thinic 
auctorcs erit, thc a;t*:!i:):-s rOud' ibai. sc:v.'!i t-.i v.ipn, u- ■;'.*ol;: 
answi-r fur i<s truth, «V:/ 1 . v.ltlt, a c ):»!;'^ r.n.-.i a,Ton 

e feet.and for othcr uses. Penetra ! >i'lis,ca'i/.ior, c ;../>• ])ene-PC-uiu -id:i. :c. f. 1 a :icn!n»ida. 
tfl.A butterj', or pantry.l trablcitliat mav I>c picrced,picr. - i'ci*i*f, ; s. //;. .1 a 1:.'.I, :\ ii:;i. f 's \ard. 
a,um.^(/'of.e/ bclon^injr' in^ t pciictraiin|r. Cupnt ha.'ii pc- 

feiona, or victuals 
ia. m. in $ing. undc 
ium. pl m 3. houschold 

nctrabile Nili, n(/. to bc toumi 
out, Stiit. 
Pcnclrale is.Sc Pcnctml. alis. «. 3 

onte, seat or fixcd habi- tlie rcccs*. c/r ininost part of an\ 

gate-(hishousehold {rods 
rAUiD. o4/- that carricth hnnjrin^, depcnd- 
ing, reauly to fall, er hap- 
i|itudwjB« iouiuoeat, in 

place, a house, seat, place of lu- 
bitation,orab<hlc Kli<piidi«i penc- 
trahbus, out of tbe dccps, .Vi/. 

'':ui»c, «■/■.■ n i": [. m-:'i ', ■.■.v/i. Iii- 
warJlv, \vi , i::, , 1 ib cp'v- 

Pcn : fii.>.a, u:n. tutj. ioi* r. xtxp \%%\- 
nius, *■•//■ isiv. ird, f;ii* wlihin, re- 
moic, t];.it liath a t:iil. 

PC'nit(is,cH/v. wiiliinjn thc inmns'. 
aiui most«<?cTCt partjiiorouj^hly, 
pcrfectU «clcarK »cnlirrly.\vhoUy. 
Aniini pcnetralia ima, Stai. inen-l aJtogcther. remot* 1\ , tar ovU 
Ui pcnetnJuitCVa-iii mtt«t5CCiv.tJl*e,unx;x.f.\.^\\:*ft^t^v*^^ 





m wing of a bird,a plume on a hcl- 
met«\fcae alz pcnnas non habent. 
my winjrs are unflcd;rcd, 1 have 
no powcr, Pmr. Sinepcmis vo- 
lare hadd facilc cst,to work with- 
outtooI&jf&iiif.Mc demiscre Phi- 
lippi decisis humilcm pcnnis, 
turncil out of my coinmand, and 
ruined in my cstate, // r. Ma- 
jorcs peiinis nido cxtendissc lo- 
<nieri*,that 1 have illustratcd thc 
nicanness of my desccnt,/'/. Fcli- 
cibus cdita pcnnis,born in a h:ip- 
py minutc,to a good fortune,/ J r.'/ 
Pennaria theca, a pcncast*. 
Pcnnatus.a,um. arfj. wingcd. Pcn- 

nati amorcs, Cupids, ClamL 
Pennifer,a, um aiij. havinjr wiiijrs 
Penni£er,a,um.<z.(/ havinjr wings 
Pcnnipcs,cd''S.w/(/.that halh win£- 
cd feet, or winfrs on the fect. 

Penmtor 9 ari/»(in. to be cxamined« one in a. word. (mcat,am 
Pcnsiuncula,x./ an acknowledg-Pemim.i n. 2. all kindsofi 

ment . . pcnury,grci 

Peuso,are.a. weiph,to ponder, want,scarcit y, rareiieis, i 

to consider,to cxammc,toestecm Pc 

nus,i,?*l us. d #. all ms 
prnvisions for a family,pr 
food, a stock of provisii 
dcr,fucl,an inner room ol 

purple jrarrnciitwiUiouti 

lonjr robc for goddesses, 

Pepo dnism.3.apompion( 

Pcpticus. a, um adj. dig< 

„ . a pcntaptote(feet 

Peunipotens,tis r.g. a b"?rd aibwl. PcuLitcuuhuin, i. »i -. the Pcnta- 
Penniila,a:./!_.alitUcwin{r(pense»l tcuch. or fivc books of Moses. 
Pcnsandus,a, um. pt. to hc recoin 
Pcnsans wci|rhinjr,coiLsidci'- 

injr.recompcnsiu&inaking' good 
Pcn_alio,onis. /*. 3. a recompcnsc. 
Pcnsator, oris. m a wcijrher 
Pensatiirus, a, that will rc- 

Pen„atus, a, um. pt. considcrcd. 

orvaluc,to cxchangc,to supp!y,to 

compcnsatc, to requite, to makc 

amcnds for, to repair. 

Pcnsor, ari. pa** to be estcemcd.jPenu* bns o. 3 all kindsol 
Pcnsum,i. n. 2. ahandtulof wool,| ons,orvictiials»picklcdpp 

&c. yam, tbrcad, a task, a work^Peplus.i.m &Peplum«i.a.2 

uiulertakmg,chargc,or office, re- of thc ship Panatheniica 

gard, thought, care, conccrn, or 

account. (ing 

Pensura, «./ aweighing, ©rpay- 

Pcnsurus,a,um./>/aboutto wcijrh. , _ 

Pensus,a, um. pt- & adj. ior, c mp. Pev 9 pr.r(> hy,through,in, h 

weijrhcd,examined*paid,weighty across. al, during, after. 
Pcntag6nus,a,um.rtf// pentafronal. causc of,by reasnn of, on 
IVntiTneter. tra, trum. adj. of live of,undcr pretence.o.colc 

thc leave,or permi.ssrmi 

_._._. by thc power.oranUioritj 

\\ •ntathhim, i- n 2. an exercisc ofj vata perac vumttcmally. 

tivc jr.uncs orsports. vis leaping 

runniiiir, (juoiUug, darting, :uid 

Peutathlus, i. m. thc statucof onc 

who had bccn victor in thc fivc 

gamcs. (Whitsuntide 

Pcnt.roste.cs./. 3. Pcutecost, or times for through ; as 

Pc.isiciilo.arca 1 to consider wcll I'..nti7ris,is./ i.a vcssel having iivc 
Pen.iciilo- (irfv. with gre: ' ' . - 

Pensilis,e. atii. hanirinjrir 

.*at care. 
dj. hang^injr in Uic air, 
nr up, uppcr. 

Pcn.-iain, udv. willi frrcat carc. 
Pcnio, oiiis. f. •». a pcn>io:i,a pay- 
&c a rccnjnpciisc.orrc.|uital.(eil. 
Pen.sitandus,a,iiiTi./».'. lo he wcigu- 
Pensjtati >* -a coinpcns ition 
Pcnsitat«.ir,oris m. 3. «an cxaniiu.r. 

banksofoars. (mer 

Pent hCMrnnicris,is./3.a pcnthemi- 
Pcntorobon, i. ru 2. piony 
Penu. indccl. id. quod Pcmis. 
Pcnuarius, a, um. adj bclonjring' 
to provision. 

PcriuI,i,T'f/'P;cnula,?c/ 1. acloak, 
ashort.thick.nappcd coat, a cov- 
cr,orwrapper Peiiulum scindcrc, 
to hold onv fist ( Vr. vix attin- 
pere, to ohtain not casily, /«/. 
J '~ ;n:Iat'iy %TV ,* p;uniil:it!is,a« l * m « *•'• 

I m 

tcmpus cg^redi, scasona! 
Pcr otiuni, at tlieir own 
Uv, Per omnia,in cven" 
C /.I*erse sibi quisf|iie< S 1 
naturallf dear to hiinsel 
Pcr, in composition, staiv 

us, u, um. pt. w.*i^hed. 

COIlSldc!cd, thoilgbt UpOll. -■iiuwiy.TV" |);bh;ii;h!iv. iim,;i;. iiiuwii , as, |".*-«* vy i~ 

Peiuito,ikrc.a 1 to ponder otVxyji ■ Vwcairm^ •» •: c!i ak|Pera,x./ll.a bag,*crip,«r 
, w^ioej.ojnauicmucU i to payo_\ct\\^wu\^ satchvl a a pokc,bud^ * 

sometimes for through,o: 
peRAinbulo: somctimcs f< 
er ; as, pcrfricn : sonift 
times for upon.- as, pcrfl 
timcs for up or in r **• I 
.someUmes for thomug 
percoquo: somctuncs fm 
for strictly; as, perconto 
timcs for vcry; as,pence 
sometimcs For greatly, 
inuch , as, pcrcnp.o. pci 





rde, ath\ ▼ery ab*unVv. ! r^erijror, y\, actus. />. to bc per- 
rdus a,um.arf/.very ahstinl fonncd. 

, cris, crc. attj. very sharpJpenurraudus, a, um. pt. to travcl 
r.9ncu\ c (tarl or £ricvousj ovcr. (veviiifr 

!>us,a, uiti adj. vcry sotir, Pcrugrans tis./>r.passinjcovor, sur- 

co,cere,cui-n. . to be very " "'- ~~'~ r 

ucasy, or displcasing'. 
is, a. um. a<(/. vcry sour. 
,omfl./!a closiii£,an ending 
*, oris. m 3 a performer 
•us,a,um pt.thsi' wi i picad. 
t, a,u.u./>t\ pcrfonncu, dis- 

rtied, obtalned. dcclarcd, 

Pcragraiio. onis./. u pnifrnss 
PcragTatus,u, um. pt pasncd ovcr. 

tivc. (tboroughly, ©r clcarh . 
Pcraudicndus, a uin pt to !>e ln-ird 
/Vrbarchor, ari .Itus ..■ uji. d:p. K 

to rovel. to riot, to rayv. 
Pcrbvatus, a,nm. at\j very happy. 
Perbelle. adv. vrrv wcll. 

Pcragro pcr- agerj.are act 1. to Pcrbenc, arh\ excecd.n^ly «vell. 
pass,travcl, wan Jer, r nin ovcr |,um. aJ/ v% n kiiid 

topass. rtravel thrciUfrh tovicw, 

■ rsurvcy,to discovcr,to lay opcn 

©r disclose, to spv :ad, r dnTusc. 

l.finisucd, complclcd, ac.-Peraflror, ari/> tobc passcd owr 

Pcralbus, a, uni. adj. vcry * p h!le 

kribcd,picaded,pasticdov-Peramans, tis pt. loving* cntircly,|PcrbIande, adv. vcry kiudl.v. 

Pcrbcnijrne, a//r.vcn k ndly.vcry 

courtcouah, or civiily. 
r*erb«bo, bcnr, bi, bitum act.o. to 

driuk, oj- sur.k up, to takc in. 
lYrbun, crc &. urc. /i.l to pcriih. 

Pcrhlandus, a um. <i<(/ vcry kind^ 
courteous. r complaisant. 
Pcrbonus, a, uin. adj very good, 

7uu{rh,pust,spcnt,>.\haust- vcry fond. 

ed expircd. hcld kept. Pcramanter. adv most lovingly 

uerc ui, utiun. act. 3 to*Pcramhulans, walkinjr ovcr. 

•ry siiarp. (mucb Vmmbiilo,are a 1. to walk, pass convenient, curious, or fruiiful. 

:, attv. vcry sharply, H ertravd ovcr to sprend ovcr fsanVPer:>revis. c. adj. vcry short. 

s,a .-m jitj. very sharp,jPcrimxnus. a, um. atij. vcrv pl •..•■.uPcrbrcVitir, adv. vcry bncHy. 
Jtlc-w.ttyjiij^, rftnePcrainplus, a, uni trlj vcry larsfc Pcrca, x f. 1. a perch (IvheatciL 
:&ceu», tis. c. ,§• ouc vcTyJ!'cninrr^i»tc ar/t\vcrycl%iflc1y-(fair.|Pci*C'i1cfactuv, a t iini pt. thorouffh» 

(youth. PcTiin.r.-Mis.a^uiii.a^// / J ercalco, crc,ui. »<*7i/. to bccoiae 
-^centfdus i. fn a ..icre' rnarow, very confinod. vcrv hot. 

'C.ttD.a, um /;/ fnnslicd. 

:, ««/r vcry e pially 

), iic act. 1. ro c.juul. 

:s, a, mii adj v.. ry c- jual. v<% rapposit , .is,a,U!n.a((/ ver\ propvr! » V.cand .-iucio, makc \ ery 

d>i!va,uui./»i' tnbcpcrform- 1'crtra .s tis. pt. plowinjr, turrow. Pcrcandidusu,;».-..a 'j vcry whitc 

dlcd puSncd or •>;*». nt. 

Peraano [pcr, ;«:uuis] arc r-rit. l.,7Vrcallco,crc lui neitt to bc har- 

toliv.oot rsurvivc a ycar.(cnt ! dcucd, w un:iiovcd, to undcr* 

Pc*raTiti<pr..s,a uin adj. vcr\ ;uici- »iand pcrfoctly (Kot. 

in r ;. r wr.lin.rall ovcr (writtcn.Pcivarus, a, i,m ». [i % :cr\ dcar. 
is, tis/>/. pcrio^niu^. driv-l\rirritus f :i,uni fit. ploujjhcd ovcr, Pciv.iMt-iti a, uni al; .cry vvarv. 
!u. a,uin. /i/. |^:dlt'd.(iiiir-jPt : ranliius a,um adj. • er\ di!licik. IVrecl» b"ulus, a,um.jX'- divuljrcd. 
i, ui"e. ar/.l to r.usc upJ^frares^M-crc w,.J to bc, r frrow Pciv.i^br:?». c. c ^. \cry famous. 
to mix. I vcry dry, or hard. (»;■ witty. VrcclchiWjUri /».to !)•: d!v;:Ij^;d. 

irAri/>. to bc wcll stirred. Pcrarjrritusu uiw* « 1/ vcry siuart, Pcrcclcr, '•». c. a-//. vcrv «pcedy, 
yjre, cjri, .ictum. n. •• toPcriridim a.u.n. «/// too dry. ■ or<t.ddcn. 

i, tucsrcutc, to d.s»)atcli,:Pcr.trfiiatus.a, uni pt- \vc!l urincd Pcn*cU ritcr, uth: vcry specrlily. 
i lo pcrfcct,to uccoiuplish, /Vnro,fjrc.a.l to furrowsdl ovcr Pcrccllo,lcr»:,cii1i & i •!**. cuUam, 
irc, writc, r dcscribc, to; to suii ovcr.totr.iu:icribc,yr\vTitc. n. >.to >triki',hit,Qr sniii , . , ')orcr- 
j pcnisc, to read ovcr, tr>Pcrarur, uri /»/;jiv. t<> bu writtcn • throw, ovcrs.t or bc;U down, to 
r loweijrii,t«>pus!»thnMi£'>cr, a, uni wtj verv rou^h.' s;)o.'",t<) wouud lo uIvci,io toucli 
to spcnd,to wastc, to kiil. ! Pcra»tutc, adv very subliily \ ©•■ ino\r v to aMhcL,to xstouish or 

itcli, to, tr» till, loPcratnn, adv. by suiail parccls. . surprisc, to uba^h. ur r»-t of 
hol<l,or kccp, t« coucoc(,:Pcra1tcntc, adv. vcry attcntively.' counlcnuucc to dcicr,- r \ •■.» oif. 
k». n?cratlcnt us,:u'ini. #t //. vcry attcn- Pcrccllor, li^cvi.Vavxa»^ .Vm\»^ ^-^m^v 





Perceptio,6nis/3.a pcrceiving,o/ 
Perceptum, i. n 2. a spccuIaUon. 
Perceptiinis,a,»©utto per-iPcrcdmis^c o/#. vcry courteous, ov 

ceive, or lcarn, to perceivc. nllablc.very civil or obliging.Oy. 

Perceptus, a v unu pt. pcrceivcd, Pcrcomm6dc,a</t.'.veryconveniLiit 

known, lcarnt, perfectly, gxittcn, Percommc<lus l a,um.«4/. vcry con- 


dcck, adorn, r beautify, to pcr- /'ercunctor,5ri.d!r'/>.l. to ii 
fect,orfinish,to reverence greulh quire, to deraand, to coi 

ftdvisc with 

Pcrciipidus, a,um. atfj. vc 

/Vrcupio,} crc,Tvi,itura> n 

sire euniestlv, or -rcallv 

Percflrutus, a, um pt tho 

vcnicnt, or scnsonable. 

cccidi. aet. o. to beat all o\cr, to 
bcat thoroujrhly, or entircly. 

Percidor, di. puss to be beatcn. 

P«rcieo»irc,ivj,Hum. a. 2. to call, 
or proclaim, to move, or stir up, 
thoroughly, U> strikc, or piercc. 

Perciiigo,girc,nxi,nctu.n.rti.-/. ?.. tn- 
encompusaround to gml, or lie. 

/ , tfrc'io,irc,ii.& ivi, uct. 4. to movc 
frreatly,to ciira^ provoke. 

pLrcipiemlus,a,um. pt. to Lc secn. 
orundcrstood,to bc rcaped,or ga- 

Percip':cns,tis />/.rccciv ing(iherc:i 

Percqro [per, capio], pcrc, cfpi, 
crptum < pcrceivc,to undtr- 
stund, ar apprchcnd, to know, to 
conccivc,to recollect to reccivo, 
to learn,to retam,to mind,attcnd 

seizc seizc, to guilicr. 
Percipior.i.ccpius»/.*to be reccivcd 
Pcrcisus,a,um/'.'. beatcn,or maul 

cd ail ovcr, beaten thoroujrhly 
.Percito,urc.a. ro-isc.or stir up. 
PtrciUis,a,uJii. /•/. movcd,aniittcn. 

highU disturb. d,|Hit in a passion. 
PercTvilis,c.«(//. vcry uifable- (ed. 
Perco£nitUtf,u, uui. W. discovercd 

thoroug"hly.(know pcrfcctly wcll' 


l'ercuntator,ons. m. J. an asker ofl througii, thickcning 

Pcreunvns,tis pt. paising 

qticstions, an inqutsitivc person 
Percwuutus, a, Um. pt. askcd. 
^<frcontor, ari, atus. r/. 1. to ask 

tion,to e\pcct, tany, or wait for. 
PercontuinaXyacis. adj. very stub- 

born. (ous 

Percnpiosusi a, um. adj. very copi- 
/V.'co<juo,ucre,oxi.octum. a 6. tc-. 

boil thoroughly ,to c.ook,or d:vs.s 

to scurcli.* ohcut rwamifto r»pci 
l , crcoquor,u:,coctus./.jf. to bc boil- 
Pcrcrassus,a,uin.(i(//.vcry thick[C(' 
/Vrci a cbresco,ccrc,brui& bui./i. ... 

to bc divulg-cd, to bc sprcud, or 

noiscd abroad, to prevail. 

to.or rcgurd, to form, or take, to P«.rc c u t, imp it liath bccn di- 

vulged, or spread. 

Percumtur^mp it is run o 
citcd told, or sct fortii 

/V»"curro,rcre,ri5ccucurri » 
to nin urpass over,or tlin 
ruuin hastc, to run 

PcreuiTor ri /» to be run t 

J'creurs:itio, oms./. 3. a ra 
pr-»;rro.-»s :i pass.r.g throu; 

Pwicur^ir , oins/* j. a -*pci 
ni.urovcr in l\u uiincLUun 

/ J crcurso,urc« i tor:uijf»rh 

Pt. a rcursus,n,uui pt runovc: 
vcil,rccited,recouat^v!, n 

PercMasio,Anis/. -.a strokc 
ing:,beutin^,c" knocking, 
ping 1 , or rr..ckin^ , ,(i I .*.i'c:r v 

l*ercussi)r,6ris.»«..i a^ 

/VrcrcpOjpui.ituin.w.lto rcsound Pcrcussurus, a? um. pi- » 

/ J rrcn.lcior,"ari/* bc vexed, 

r wounded to thc very 
Percrudus.a uin. atlj- very unripe 
PcrciilNiis,:i,iini./;/.stnick, smittcn. 


l\ , xvu.«sus,;»,iim.^f.*truck. • 
bcatcn,iiit,stautpcil,cr inc 
ed,* ouiidcd.killcd,s].'iin,! 
fd,:ts.onished, ailiicU-il, (I 
c<i,a1icctcd,movcd, rai»ci 

overtln-own. wounded, shocked, 

adccted touchcd, movrd, alHict-; or forniud. cut, dujr, cait 
ed,astoui: l iicd,ama/.ed, sMr])riscd i 1, rcussus v us m.a*lrokc V 
1'erculsus, us m 4. a sirokc ! |>rcu.ssiis/'i:e beaunjrofll 
Pe7-cojrnosco.crc«nbvi.iutuni«a..>tol l <'!cuUus, a. iun /•/. wcil-dresscd. Vc cuiieudus.a, um./f*to! 
Pcrcolutio, onis / o. a straining-. il , crcunctans,Us//r. askiujr, in([uir-J tcn. 
Fercotitu», a, uui. pt. Htrained* { in^. |pcrciltio[per, quaUoj, tere 





:. ti. to strikc, smite, ov vcry lonjr timc. 

drawn. pcr«uaded, blottcd out. 

rike ofT,to strike,9rbeatPerdix, icis. <l. j. 3. a partridj^. 1Vnhidunv'«/^lonirsince(trcasnB 

kill, slay.or munlcr, tu'/Vrdo,deriYli.ry!ituiii.ri 3.'.olo,c, 

»r terrify,to astonish, toj to spend,*r consurne,to wastc,t( 

ulilc, r i\\ ifjuict, to :if- lavisli«squ:indcr,'/rthrow aw.iy,tc 

)vc,to plcxse wdelijrht, riiin, r undo,lo de*tn»y,tn kill,v/ 

e, or cozcii, l.) iiiakc,©'- slay,to r.ivigVjtospuiljtocorrupt, 

ut a tlitch, o." trcnch. or dt-b.tuch. to forjret. 

:i cusstis / bc slruck7Vnloceo,crc cui,ct'im o.totearh, 

>,a um ai/j.vcry coinely'. r iiistrucl pcrfccUyCthorou^hh 

,a,um. atij. vcry ridiou-1'crdocte, aJv very knowinirly.o- 

.-d,Lillcd,<9r slain,to losc.Pcrdoctus.a,iiiYi.p'.cr*fi /-.p.ifcrth 

.a,ui:i. /f/.to he loV,deS-| taujrht,«r instructcd, vcry Icarn 

, a, um. «'//. vrry thick.j cd, very knowiiv, o- skihul kiie:ul,to/Vrddlco,tTe.hii,l;luin. n. 2. to be 

baucli, to dclilc. 

, i. ». 2. pcllitorv- 

vc\cd tothc vcrv hcart. 


l-crd61utuvd,iun. /M.hcwedsmooir 
lis, c. acj/.vcry dillicult. / J mlolor,firi,atu.s. />. l-t*j bc hcwcd 
iUT,Of/v.ver\dim'cultlv.l suiooth.or verv carefullv. 

* » * i • * 

a,wnW/ inost worthyofjPerdomandusa.nm. /»Mo bc whol- 

iStis. adj vcry ddijrcnt. 
t-T,« 7i\very dilijrcntly, 
fully, cxactly. 
lus,:i,um. pt. to bc tho- 

crcvlidici.a. 3. to lcarn 
ly, perfccUy,»!* e\actly. 
ci . /*.to bc learned pcr- 

ly subducd, or conqucrcd. 
Penlomitiirusa, iim f>t ahoutto 

subduc,or conquer(ducd,bn>k;cii 
Pcnlnmitu*,a,um- pt. tamed sub- 
/Vrdonio mui,mitum.a.l. to tamc, 

to Kiihductolally, to vanqiish, to 
Perdomor.uri />.to bc subducd h kill 
/Vrdormisco, crc. n-3. to slcep c- 

, at/v very eloquentlv.lPenlMccndua, a, um. pt. to bc lcd. 

«/-•. corruotlv, baselv, 
;-is./»iu niincr,a dcstroy- 
^a, imi. pt ahout to loso 
uin pt. ?c « // ior. conip. 
#/*Jo<.t t spon\ ronjiiimcd, 
t«'l away, bfjrjrared, ru- 
lone, dchmidi-d, ahan- 

/Vrdiie i.ccrcuxi, nctiiin. a. 3. to 
t:aiTy,briiijr,orlead, to convcy, or 
hold on,to |>roionjr,0rcontiiuu\to 
hrinjr over,»r pcrsuadc, to brin^ 
down.tolower.tocovcr orovcriav. 
t.) anoint,tlaub,rub,or lay all ovcr 

tocross. ohliterate, or hlot out. 
ssolute, profusc, pn>di- Pcrdi\cur,ci,ctus. p.Xo bc brought. 
wickcd, repmbate, des- IVrduetio, dnis. /. ■*. a brinfriiig. 
inous desolate, wi-ctcli- /'erducto, arc. a. to lcad along-, to 

Pcrdiicllio onis.m.ti murdcr hiirk. 
i'cnlii'. i IHs t ifc c- 17. 3. an cncniy, an 

opcn cncmy. 
1'enliiclliini i. n. 2 war. 
Pcrdiin), pru Pentom, Tcr. 
IVrJiir uurus, a, um pt. that will 
i'ci\Iiir.itus,n,um pi \\nh\ out. (last 
• V. Jiiro, are. n. to last, to conti- 

m:e, to hr)ld out, to endurc, tr> 

st iy paticntly. 

i*crv.dia,a: /". 1. a countryofcatinir. 
/'«■rctlo cs. •,•*•/ edis derc, edi, es- 

11111. a. .1. to cat throujrh, to con- 

siimc, /r wistc awayi to rcducc. 
iVrcjrrc a Jv. ahroad, from homc. 

from abr.ia;], or forcign parts. 
IVrccri. ati,\ ahroad- (lot. 

l*crc^rina..-c/l. a stranjrer, a har- 
l'crc^nnabundus,a,um adj loving 1 

to travcl about forcijru countrics. 
1'crcjrrlnans, tis. /»/. travdling, or 

sojoumiiijr in fnrcifrn parts. 

a waiideriiijr, a sojouminjr. 
Pi.*rcjrrin:itor,6ris. m.3 a travcllcr- 
Pcrcjrrinatus a,um.^/.havinjc hceii 

or s-.ijouriicd in forcijrn parts. 
1'crcyrnnitas, at : s./ thc rondition 

of a foroijrncr, the comiption of 

tlic Itoman langiiag-e, a tonc in 

1'crcjrrluor. iiri, atus, sum. t/. 1 . to 

tr.vd itito fnn ijrn countrics, to 

w.mdcr,to bc astranjriTat,to live 

aforeiiriier in :iny sojoum 

Pcre^rrinusa y inn.a///.forcijrn > v out- 
Lin.lisli, cominjr fmm abroad, 
straii}re,rcmotc,ncw, frcsh, raw, 

y. for a jrrcat whilc. 
itis. a*(j. vcry ricli. 
um. atlj. all day lonjr. 
iiis, a, um. o/jr.lastin^ a 

con<luct,( jruitle,a pimp,orpandcr 
l'cnluctor,oris.) attendant,a 
.'eitluciur.tsa urn p/.about tobrinjc 
l'cnhirttis r a,uin pt brought, led, 

carricdon continued, prolongcd 

l*crCj4Tinu>,i.m. 2. a 8trangvr,a fo- 


IVrelcjrans tis- atij. rcry elc|raiit. 
IVrflejrantcr, of/7'.ven'elejrantly. 
Pcrel6quenstit.<i<ij .sorj 0^«^r.v,v 





Pcrcmptor, ftris. m. 3. a muraVrcT Iperc riiditus, a, very learn-j to rctain, or preservc. 

Pcri iiiptoriiiK adj. percmp 

tory, expivsK, flcutlly. (ofl 

Peremi>!urus.a,um./i..about to cut 

Pcrvmptu: , a,um /*/. kille<i, slain 

inrd, vvahted, or takcn away. 
Pcreudie, adv. two days licncv. 

cd. |Perferor, ri latus. />. to 

Peresus, a, um. part. catcn qiiitciPcrfertus, impert it is t 

through.iiian£lvd t torn,cnfe,chlcd Pcrfervcf io t pcr, fcrvcc 
Pcreundns,a,uin/;f . to ]>ci i*h. Iv factu&.n /> 3. to be madt 

cut oti, destrowri, cousuntcd ruJ rrexcrucio iire «.l.totcasc soiv-.PerfcrvidiiS, a, um. adj. 

Percxigmvxf/r vcry ni{r^ar\ily ipcrfcrus, a, uni. c{/. vi 
PcrcxifFiiusa uin adj very liuliv^Pcrficiendus, pt 1 
Perenriinns,a,um aili tlic ncxt day Pcrvxilis,c adj wry sleiidcr(siiiall' plcte«i,w fin^hcd, U> V 
aftcr to-moriow, tiie third ria\ |pcrexpcditus, a/// vvry ob\i-!Pcrficiens tis /i/.perfcrt 
Pcrennc, adv. al 1 thc ycar roundj/V > fabrico« t to oitor icfmnvPerfiCaO : ptT,tsicio..ccr 
Percnnia, iuni. pl. n. S aujruries. PcrfacCte «oY. \ery merrily, jo- tum.a.5 to pcrfvrt,coir. 

nish,to cxccutc, orpcrl 
complish,tocflcct,to bi 
or to pass,to *rain,or obt 
cocf, or digcst,to drcss, 
'Pcrfirior ci,fectus./jtf** 

Pvrennis.e. adj. ior, romp that cou- cnst ly, or wittily. 

tinucth all thc ycar n>unri;lasting,|Peif aceUis,a,um.a«7/ very plc:isant 

durable, stcady, stcadfast ron- PcrfacilCvioV verycasily,orTeadily 

Btant,continual,unintemiptcd iu-,l\rfacilis« , .«r//.ver\ easy.(qucnt. 

ccssRint^nc^erceas-njr, »r f.iihii£,'Pcrfaeun.lus. a,um adj. vcry clo-j 

perj'1 tuaUenrilcss,< \erlastin£, c Perfanuliuris, v.udj \cry famlliar.| fectcd, finished, Stc 

terilal. Peremies stcll.v,thc fi\< dPcrfatuus, a, iiui. adj. vcry silly jPcrficiiindus, \ 

star-. I*!in. (vant. Pvrfccte, ailv iiin.vump issune, «/i/JPcrficus, a, um. adj. pe 

Pcren»imcrvus,i m. a constaut s«*r- ^irifrctly^idly^oiiipletvly^xactlyjPt-rfide, adv. truaciiem 

1'crer.ui'as, Citis./ .> lastiiurticss. Perfvctio, ouis /,i. pcrfec.tion ful-jPvrfidclis, c adj. vcry 

P;n*iriitcr, i >r- *j>» rjiftuully. uess, coinpleicncss,a finishiii|r t ti.Perfid:a,x/.l. pcrfidy \ 

Pcrciuu» .irca l to las'.,tocontir.nv ni;ikiii£(aivompli.sIicr f apcrfcctcrj nesstri-achery abnac 

Pt-*vn f icria. a- r 'f. 1. aculpurse. Peifertor, ons »/i .*. a finishcr, «i-.PcrfKli6sc, rt</;'. peiiivii 

J'er< i>.riri-,vii ntuin « perUh, PcrfcctiN.v Tcis./ .5. idem. iPcrfidiosi.s f a,um.«ii/;' is- 

to he ijiiite sp«Mit wffonc,to\an-Perfcctfinis, a, uui pt. that will 1 treachcrous, deccittul, 

3slv>. d ; sa]»|»e:ir,to wastv away,t«» ! < omplcte, finish, or accomplish. Peif idus, a, um. «»:;. iri i>eki!lc«Uor>laiii lohe dcs-Pcrfeetus, ii*. m 4. pcrfection /Vrfinio, irc. ccf. .V t'ul 

trov' % d,or la : nl v MSt«-. f o be mined. «]fectijs,a,uni./*/ Jk«/r//. ior, vvmp. Pt rfixus pt. picri' 

or uinlo!u-,tii fall do\i n,to be lost, i.sMinus,..- »p. eomjileted. finished, tr thnist throiifrh. atfc 

tobe thro-.\n'iwa\,tobedvcpl\ in indeil, jjerfonncd, donc, n.adc, Pcrflab.lis, e. cdi. tlw 

lovc Per«.am,let nieiii» 9 w\*vrh\.% formcd, accnmplished, efVectcl, blown throucji. 

<Vr. (t>vt-r or hetwccn, ridini; '• sct j)eifect, cntirc, coin,jletv e\. I\rflaj;itie>sus, a, um. c 

l*eivcuntans,tis /ir.ridinji" ihrou^h ' act, aiMr.iu, skiilcct, c\ccl-Pcrll:«ns,ti«i./i/.bloAin^\ 

Pcn -rputo urc.« 1 to riilethroujrh, l.-nt, rarc. I hlowintr. 'dustcrir.jr. 

round, ur all ovit (Mir\«-\iii|f- Pcrfercndus.a.uni pt tohorarried Pcrtlatus.u^.-* ahioum; 

Pcrcrrans,tis./i'.v. aiMlcnnjc aboui, *<r conv».\ cd, to bc undcr^oiie t to /vHVf.d. ttiv.cxi.exun 

Pererr."itii.>,a,uni.//Mtavclleil o\ vr, bcar, to be pa.iscd, or t. n.icted. Perik \u%a,i:m /*/.q*.iite! 

passed ovcr, saih d o\ cr. l Pcrfcrcns,tis /» arinjv naticntly./^vflo, urv.iff-r.l .ro blaw 

iV»vrro,iirc.«.l.towander all ovcr' • c;fcro, f rn , Uil , 1 atuin. <nt- •' throujfh, ovcr, -#•• upon 

or round,to travcl over, to pass; to h» ar,caiT\ ,i»r eonwy thi-riujrh, Perrtor,uvi./»ij.:. •.♦.•> lu-hl' 

throujch,o\er,o?' round, to diflusc m- brinjr,bi -ar,«#r carn, to /Vrfluctin, ure. n. 1. 1" 

itself, to tmvcrse, to run o\cr, to ad\ise,to bcar pati-Pcrfltiens«tis-/«7 runrjn^ 

survuy t to cxamiiic,to missr.»- fail.' ciith «tosuflci^orundcrg-Ojtoniake /'»rfluo t uviv.n\i uxum % 

rcrvrmr, m.p. tobcpstb^vVoTer.! ^'pass,to cuacUto liave.»r cnjo\ , to rnn «iov.n, ».»• hv, v 





nd. Plenus rimarum sum, ^rfri^csco, erc- n. lo grow verv 

tquc illic perfluo,! spring a 
I cannot keep il secrct 7Vr. 
us, a, uxn.aaj. gliding,swim* 
xus, a, um. aaj. transient. 

iio, dfcre, 6di, ossum- through, brcaking» in 

lroutrh. Mcum pectus me 

pcrfodst. pcnetratcth, or Pcrfringo [pcr,fnuigo1, ge'rc,regi, 1 Pcrfi"i»»io,6nis /*.3.a \vashing,abath 

th adccp impresjtion on my 
, Clc. (tilc 

cundus, &,um. adj vcry fer- 
andus, a,um pt, to be bored 
igh, to bore through- 

mldatus, a, um. aajec very 
Tnid6l6sus. a, um. adj. very 
ll, cr timorous. 
ro, arc. act.l- to hore, or run 
igh. Itadiis pcrforat sol, thc 

nor.ari.atus pau.Xa 
ed, or run through. 
rtcr, fl//w. very bravely. 

sprinklcd, anointcd, or filled. 

cold. («old. /Vifunjror, gi.nctits. oty.3. to dia- 

Pcrfrtgfdus, a, um «t#. extavmcly chargc,</rexccute complctcly,to 
PcrfringenduH.a,um be brok- be clear of.or free from, to share, 

enopen,tobe brokcn,tobeviolatcd or partakc of, to cnjoy. 
Perfrinjrens, tis. part. brcaking /Vrfiiro,cre,yi?iff 5. to be in a very 


pieces,! grcat fury, to ragc. 

iPerf fisc, adv. abundantJv. 
t.~.: ',i r.-. .-. : • . * ■» . ■ •* 

ui. u.3. to brcak through, toj in^, a wctting, a moisteninjr. 
,onlashinpicces.tobrcakup^Perffisdric. adv. confusedly. 



to hreik to infringe, ov violatc,to Pcrf tis6rius,u,um. u(\j superficiah 

dissolve, or dissipate. to corrupt Pi rfusurus to covcr 

Pcrfringor gi ractus/i.tobebrokcn Pcrffisus,a,iim./Vf. pourcd all over, 

r&tu^iim.M.borcdthrou-fhl/Vrfrico.arc a.l.torub thoroughly washed, wettcd, spriuklcd, bc« 

re.jui. to bc.(much drcadcd Perfructus a,um. pt f iilly cnjoycd. *tprinkled,hedcwrd,anni]Ued,bc* 

PcifmiMuiiis,a,um.pftoe4tyoy fully smcared,polluU<d,dcfiled,coIour. 
/V/fnior,ucris,uiJruitusfcfructus.! e d, died, covercd, ovcrsprcad, 

f/.3. to cnjoyfully,orthoroii£hly.i ovcrlaid,gilt,ti!led,iinpregnated, 
Perfuga, x. m. 1. a dcscrtcr. | aflectcd, sttiuir. 
^cifrtj^io, gerc, ufri l fritiim.we?i//.3. , Pcrjramena, x.f 1. parchment 

nteretli,0renli{rhtcnctli,£ta/ to fly for succour. or shcltcr. |/V;fraudeo, be vcry frlad 

bc bored, Pcrf ujrium,i.»j.2.arcfujr«,o/ , shcltcr Perg-i r.s,tis ///.going 1 on,goin'g,pro- 

a sanctuary,an cxctisc aprctcnccj cccding,passiug thmiurh (ducc. 
/V/fulcio, Irc. act 4. to support. i/ J «'jrifrno,ere act. to bived,or pro- 

isor, dris. m. 3. a diggerPcrfunctio, 6uis./ 3. a discharfrc,Pcrg'itur,,jwip.thcy go fonvard (fat 
isrli. (tlirough. turned up. an enduring\ i/V -^lJsco, ccre. n. » togTowvcry 

sus, a, dug.or pierccdiPcrfunctoric,a</i'. sliglttty,lightly. : Pcrgn;iruH,a, knowinjr 
ctc^cjr/v.obstinatclytbroken carclcsslv, easily, covcrtly. iPcrrro [pcr,rego], frerc,rrcxi,rrec- 

ctus«a^im /#/broken inpicccs Pcrfunct6riuso, tiin adj. Ciiixdcsi. tu m.i/. I to \£0,tr comc,to go on,or 
mo,tre.ui.itiim.n toroarout Pcrfunctus, a, um pt. liaving dis- for»-. anl, to procccd, or advanrc, 
qucnjptui.ariy.vcry frcqucnt. chaifrcd,orl>orne,beingdi»charg-: to pros^cutc, or pmr.uc, tocouti. 
auis, tis. pt. ruhlung (ovcr. ed or frccd fnim,clcar,or frcc.un-. nuc,to pass by, or omit, to hastcn, 
situs, a, uni. pt. rubbcd all dergone, partaking of, enjoycd. | to cndcavour, or attcmpt.(small. 
co,arc. cui. ac/1 to rub alJjPerfundcndus, a, um. pavt. to bcPcrgracilis, c- adj. vcry slendcr, 

spread. or anointcd all ovcr. /Vifrraccor Sri.o' to guzzlc,io rcvcl 

Pcrfricarc os, to cast off 
e, or become impudcut, Cic 
:or^lri.fttus />.to bc rubbed. 
^io, 6nis./ i. a vehcment 
ring by rcason of cold 
^facio [perfri^co,faciol,cS- 
zia.3. to put ln grcat fear. 
reo ?re.ixi,ictum n toahiver 
Eold,to bc hoarsc withm cold 
reratus, a, um. pt cooled. 
peroj ire. mcz. 1. to cooL 
1 31 

Perfundcns, \X%pt ovcrsprcading.jPcrgrandis, e adj. vcry grcat, or 
Perfundo, dere, Qdi, usuiu a.3. toj iarge. very agcd, far advanced. 
pour all ovcr,to wash, or bathe,to,PcrgTaphicus,a,nm adj. couiplcte. 
wct. to bespriiiklc, to bcdcw, toPcrgratus, a.uni. adj. vcry acccpt- 
bcsmcar,to imbue^»cason.i>r give! able, or wcll-plcasin^. 
a tincture to. to warro. Qui mc|Pergr%vis-c oJ/.very hcavyorgrie- 
Uorror perfudit! scizcd me all vousto bebomc,very wcighty,<w 
over! Cic. \ solicUvery substautiul,o;' matcrial. 

Perfundor, di, Qius p- to be pour-PcrgvavCtcr, adv. ven gi*catly. or 
ed tfarough t washcd, wctted, be-, s^cvoualyivcr^^^^^irws\^x^os 





Pcrmlraudus, pt. to be nauch ad-Pcrmittor, t:, issus. p. to bc lcft. (Pe*mutatu3,a,um. ^/.ehangc 

mired. (derful. Permbdcstuo a,um adj. very mo- 

Permirus, a, um. adj, vcry won- derute, sober, «• regular. 
Perniisceiulus a,um. />/.to be mx-PermoUicc, adv. very Lttle. 

ed, or confoundcd togUhcr. ( Pcmi6dicus,:i,um.«f//'. vcry mean 
Pcrmiscens, tis. pt. mLxiug. jPermoleste 4 , uttv ve:y gr evously. 

/*emuscco ( crc,cui,istum&ixtum.» Permolcstos^,um. ad/- verv trou- miXiininglc,blcnd,6r jUiublc Pcrmolli*,c adj very *oft(blesom<. 

together,to di» conibund 7'ermblo, lcrc. a. 6. to grind very 
Permisceor,cri,ixtus./>.tobe mixcd biuull, to lie with. (s acy 

PermUsio, 6mu.f. 3. pcrinisaion,,6nis /unemot o.,ancc 

lcavc, or liccnsc, bufkrance. 

Pcrmis6iim, i. n. '2. id. 

Permiasfirua, a, um. pt. that will 
permit, givc icave, ov intrust. 

Pcrmissu, abl. m. wiih pernuasi 
on, or lcavc. 

PeimisMia,u,um./'r.pcrmit ed, su 
fcred, al lo wcd, g rantcd commit- 
ted, intnisted, exposcd, spuiTcd 
on, reraittcri, slackencd, ubaled. 


Pcr)nistii>,^Pcr;iuxtio,onis / 3. i 
mixture, a conlusiou. (togctner 

Permisturus,a,um./>/ that uiil mix 

PermistuSjk Pcnni • tu.-», a, um. pt 
xmxed,iuinglcd,or blcndcd togc- 
ther,mixed,chcckcred, disorder 
ed,confuscu,concenR-d, cinp o\ - 
ed. An main c edit p . ,mi» a .. 
corporc toto, ditiuscd alioter, 
Lncv. Perrnisti cum coporc ani- 
mi, acting jouiliy with it, Cie 

Permitis, ripe, mcllow 

Pcrmittendus, a,um. bc per- 
mitted. (mg. 

Perrmttens.tis./;/ permitting, leav- 

Permittitur, imp. leave is givcn. 

jfVisnitto,tcrc,isi,isum.<i. *. to per- 
niit surier,allow,orgivc lcave, to 
grant,to give,to commit,or intrust 
to leavc,to yieid o del . cr up to 
vcnture, r hazard, to expose, to 
spur on,to cast,throw,or riiiitf, to 
<v.<t down. Pcrmittcre vcla vcn- 
tl*, to hoint sail. 

PernK ti.s,a,um atry moved 
«r^ftccteo^alaniietUl scurbediugi 
ta. c*l,iiiOvcd influencediinduccd, 
peisuadcd Meute permotus,cusi 
into a truncc,&c.(rouglilymo e 

Pcrmovcndus.a,um. pt. to b- tlio 

P«.nnoveo.€re.fl.2,tomo . e,o/ afftc inftucncc,to persuadc 

Peniioveor,cr,6tua.£.to bc movc ; e:.dus, a,um pt. to b a,. 
pe sed, or a suaged, to strokt . 

Pcrmulcens,tis. />/.gently stroking 

/Vrmuicco,erc,lsi,isum&.lcturn. a. stroke,to appeasc,or assuage, 
to plcasc, or dclight, to cherish. 

Pcnnulceor,en.lsus & lctus. p. to 
bc strokcd, to bc ap];ea>ecl. 

Pcrmulrtus. a, um pt. ap eased. 

Pcrmuls ,5iim / 3. a assu ging,a,um. />/. stroked, used 
g ntly,uppca$cd<assuHged«c>icer 

Pcrniult6,«f/f.verymuch,byfar L ei! 

Pcrmultum, ailv. very much. 

Pcnnultu8, ar//. vcry many, a 

. grcat mauy, vcry much. 

Pcrmundus, a,um ntj. vcry clean. 

'''?rmunio,fre,Tvi,& ii,ltum. a. 
fortuy strongly, to finish. (tified. 

Permiinttus,a,uin pt. strongly for- 

Pcnniitandus, a, um. pt. to bc cx- 

changed, to exchange. (i n g- 

t'crmutaiiH,tis. pt chjLnging,bai*tcr- 

Pcrmutatio,oms. fo.a changc, an 

cxchangc, an exchanging, a baj:-|Pcrniunculua, i. m. 2 a IHtle 
tcr, a payment, a confusioiu )Pcrnix,Ici .o^;. ior, d,mp. itf 

/>rnnuto,nre ci change. 

chauge,to ba.tcr, obuy,or 

confound, or d.sturb. Pert 

pccun am,u» receive,orpaj : 

by bills of exchangc, Cic 

PcrmQtor, ari. p. to bc cha 

Pcrna,x /,1 a garomcn ot'b 

stock, a shellhsh- (eth th 
Pernavrgator f 6risin.o hc th 
Pem^vigaius, a,uiii pi. vid. 
/Vrnav.gorjarijatus.^. to be 

quite through, or ail over. 
Peineci-tsariusk,unia<^'. vt 

cctsarv, or needful. 
Pcnecc: sarius i.m. 2. a psr 

fr.end,o;. cquain^nci',3 cl< 
Pe neco. are. cui. a. 1. to 1 
Pern\.gan.». tis pt. denying 
■■'ern g;Uio.5nis. /3 a fiat < 
Pc-n gatur,*R*/>.ir is fl^tlyd 
Pfrnego, are «i.l. to dcuy i 

tiatly, utteriy, or to tlie ia* 
PcrnCgor,ari,atus p to be J 
Pernc» spin outfti 

str. ctive, of fata! con*-.que 
Pcniicialis,e wlj. caus.i.g d( 

ton, ordcath, dcadly, mo: 
Penvcies ci.(&i',0'c /o.di 

tion, ru»n, violent dcath, d 
Pe: nicirjsc, adr. ius cmp- i 

sup. perniciously, dcstrue 

mischievously, injuriously 
Pernlciosus,a, um af/;.ior. r 

simus, *up. pernicious, dc, fatal, causing dcath-^ 
Pcni icitasatis/.3 .s wiftnes» 
Perniciter, adv. ius.cfns^. n 
Pernicium» i. ». 2.dcstrucb 
Pcrnigcr,gra,grum atljTtry 
Pern lnium. ailv. toomucb. 
Peruio f onis.m.3.a kiucontlH 





wift,quick, nimble, contfnu4 decluiming. 'oration, or speechfPerpenaans, ponderin£.(on% 

iersocrii»g;patientcflabour Pcroriitio, onis/1. the closcof an PerpenHatio,dnis/ .3. considerati-*,c u/(/. vcry noblc, fum- | Pcr6r.ttunis,a,um,p^aboutt<>makc 

Jltutrious, or rcniarkublc. ancndofadiscourflc(cnd,pleadcd 

rtun.M»s./;MaiTying-allni£htjPwrdrfttus,a, vnn pt. brought to an 

ctutio,6nis./a fltuy ali niglitJPerrtri^a, ac. m. a grooin. 

c taturus^iyUni./rr.about^or inPc>ornatus,a>um />/.6?a</;\ much a- 

r to pass tbe night. | dorned.very eloqucut,nnc, ncatl 

Perpcnsc, a«/r. with duc tlioutfht. 

Pcrpcnsus,a, wcighcd Uio- 

roughly, wcll cousii<'.ored. 

Pcrpcrim,«i(/T' rashlv.l ,::itly4Jnad. 

vitcd!y,amiss 1 hadly ').»s ly,asely 

Perperufl,a,um atjj. heady, ioolish, 

rto[pcr,noxj,irc./ pass rVrorno^rire.a 1 todotrrcat honour silly, ignorant, good for i.o + !nng. 

Pcr6ro f ure a.l. to make an cnd ofI , crpfS,cti.s.a«//.wl]oIc,aIl, continu- 

k'holc nitfht, to continuc all 
:, to lic ull night, to lodgc. 
cturmi!*,a,iim. atlj. all night. 
iiis.uiis/..). a little gummon 
loeudwj.a, lun. pt. to bc tho- 
lily, or pcrfectly known. 
*L-o,cCrc,ndvi. a. 3. to know 
ciry,to discciriorditftinguiflh. 
Le*co,ctre,tui.n o-tobemade 
inly. or fully known. 
tuitamp. it was made, or be 
ccrtainly known. [known. 
.us,a, um. pt thoroughlj 
e octhyi<(/.abiding > , coutinu- 
r lasting all night. 
uufl»a, um-aa* v . very hurtful. 
nentus, a, um. pt paid. 
nero are.a.l.tonumber,tcll, 
int over, to tell oat, to pay. 
neror, ari. /> to be paid. 
ier, adv. rery latcly. 
nis.ia- 3. a sort of high shoe 
of raw Icathcr. 
cunis, a, um- adj. vcry ob 
hard to bc undcrstood(ous 
ifltu^a, ura u(\j. rery gjiev- 
c ,>*£,uJv mostrcspcctftdly 
t\Sre,lui&levi./i.2. tostiuk 
Uis^um u4/.we&rin{pt pero 
«fcufl-M.3 a ftaiiflagc,» link 
cua, a, um. adj very dark. 
ortfine, adv. m the nick. 
ortumifl,a,um adj.rery sca- 

>peakiug,to plead, to dcclaitn, to|Pcrpessio,niiifl/3 ancndurancc(id 

spcak, to answer a chargc. Pcrpes>sitiuB,a,um.a/(/ accustomed 

Perdior, ari, atus. p. to be cnded. to bear hardships, or misery. 
PerAgtis. a, um. 0/. that hath tho- Perpcssu, tup to bc surTercd, ci* 

rouirhly hatcd,hating.(appcased. endured. (durc. 

Perpacatus, a, um. pt. thoroughly Perpcs!»iirus,a,um.M. about to en- 
/V/ bring to atho-Perpessus.a,um.^/ navingcndured 

roughohediencc rquictsubj\xti.jPerpetiendus,a,um pt that mustbe 
Pcrpallidu.vMiin.a<(/ vcry p&le(on suffered, or endured, to suffer 
Perparc j, adv. very sparingly. Perpetiens,tis.p/.sujTcring, cndur- 


Perparum, adv. vcry little 
Pcrparvulus,a, um adj> vcry little. 
Per]>arvufl.a um.a<(/.vcrv httlc,ve 

ry >mail, vcry trining.(icd, sleck. 
Perpantus, a, um. pt. full, or well. 
Perpaucuii, ac. a. adj. pl. very fcw. 
Pcrpauci,x.a.a<(/. isslini, sup. very 

fcw Hic homo c»t perpaucorum 

Pcqietlm, adv. continually. inccs- 

Pcrpetior[per,patior]ti,essus sum. 

d 3. to suf^er, to undcrgo to eni 

durc, to bcar, to bcar or comply 

with,to allow.orpcrmit,to have^r 

rcceivc,to be able to reccive.(ed 

Perpctnmdu^,>/.to bc tinish- 

hominum.oiie of a tliousand / icr.|Perpctratio,dnis./J a commiflsion. 

/'erpaveficiOfCere, f cci, factum.a Perpetrlturus, a, um. ///. aboutto 

3. to fri^rhten, or alarm gTeatly. finish. 

Pcrpai:lulum,a</i'. as little afl may|Perpctpatu8,a,um/>/. perpetrated, 
Pcrpaultim, adv very littlc (li< J committed,donc, perforuicd, ob- 
Pcrpaupcr, crlfl. adj. vcry poor. | tained 

Pcrpauxillum, aih> rery "littlc .'Pcrpf tro [per, patrol, are, o. |. to 

/ > «rpello,lcre,ptili,pulflum. a 3 tol p«.r]>ctratc,to pcrfonu^ efiect, or 

forccorconstruiu to pcrsuadc,in-| fmish, to pcrsist. to continue, 

duce, or prevuil with. cd/Perpetiui^ari, atus p. to be doiif. 

Perpcllor, li, pulsus. p to be forc- Pcrpctiiulifl,«ik 

Perpendens, tis. pt. weighiu^r, or PcrpetuandiiSja^um.^/.to bc conti- 

conflidering; well,cxamiuing ular Perpctuiriiis^jum adi. nerpetual» 

\xdpadv as otie would wish. 

i» atff. indeel. very necdful 

i^fri.^f. makinic a spceob.H 4 ftrpeJi2or.dS.n8'*9.j» tobtweigkcid Peraftpj^ v ict^a. \/\.v« Y^T>^NJ^fc* 




it, 9r understanding. ^ IPcrstudidsus, a, um atij. rery stu-j/VHero,*re,trTvi.a^. to rub ban 

»pfcacitaa,atia-/ 3. quickneaa dious. < r fond. /'«lemfrrio 1 ceiY l feci t fiictum 

understanding. Pcnuadcna, tis. pt. penuading. 3. to affnght,scare, ar dismay. 

-aplcucIteiWv. plainly.clcarlv. /'ersuadcoyCre a'2 to penuade,to Pcrterefactuso,um. /tf aftrighte 

rspiCAX,arisai'(/.ior,roml quick- prevaii upon,to suggest.Sic mihi /Vrtcrrco,£re,rui f rHuin.a 3. tei 

ghted, quick-witted, quick oi 
4u^ment.orundentandingr 9 kcen 
inpiclbilia, c. <m#- manitcst 

enpfciendus^i, um. pt. that is to Persuasibilis, e. aaj. persuaaivc 

persuadeo,so I verifv believe, Cic 
Pcrsuadeor, bc persuaded 
Penuadetur, imp. it ia persuadcd. 

be sounded, proved, r tricd. 

*enp\cicntia,z/l pcrfect know 
ledgca thorough undentaiiding. 

Persplcio [per s|»eciOj,cere,spCfci 
a.:*.to sec, sr discover plainfy, tn 

undcntandfullyito try thoroughh,pectu* bc tried 
Perspicuc" adv clcurly manifcstly, 
Penpicuitas,atis/. .*. perspicuity. 

clcar, plain, evident, manifcst. 
Pcntandus«a*um^/*to bc continucd 
Pcntans,tis pt continuing (sist in. 
PerstatQrus^,um.6/. that will pcr- 
/ > ?rstcrnor,i.stratus./> bc pav 

ed,orstrewed all ovcr- (to rouse 
iVrato^are stiti.u.l. to staiid all llie 

time,to continue,to persis(,orper- 
Perstratus.a,um./tt.pavcd. ( sc verc 
P*rstrepo.pcre wut. 3. to make a 

grcat noisc, to rcsound, to ccho 
Pcrstrictiis, a, um pt. bound up 

Per»trictus gelu, vcry hard froz- 

cn,/ J A'n Pcrstrictum leviter, fc- 

mur mucronc,slightiy hurt, Curt 
Pentringcns, tis. pt dazzling. 

Pc rsuaslbi lite* r, adv. penuasi ve ly . eth ■ (alarmed^scmred d 
Penuasio,dnis/3. penuaaion be- Perterritua, a, um. pt. affrij 
Penuaftor, adviscr.(lict1 fertexoixereotui^ weavt: 

fright.orrrghten to scarc,*o k*4 
l*erterreor,en./?. to be frigfcteiw 

cth a dread vith the noiae it : 

to go ou with, to cloac. sr fii 
Pertica,x/.l.a perch,a pole^i 


-Perstringo gCre nxi,ictuui a. 3 to /Vrtcntoiurc.a.l totrythoroughly,Pcr!inco [per.ieneo]. ere 

raze, or graze, to graze upon to 
run over gently.toglancc,orhint 
at,to aflect,to da/zlc to din,stun, 
o;-stupify,to tic closc, or hard, to 
wring, to hurt, to wound. 

Pcntringor, gi. p. to :>e affected. 

ferstrno, ucrc. uct. 3. to build. 

Persuaa6riua,a,um.a4> penuasive. 

Pcrsuaatrix icis /. • -. a peiauadcr 1 

Penuasurus,a« um.^rabout toper Pcrticaliu,e*art>beIoi>ginpto] 

simdc(perBuaded«madctobeIievePcrtimefactius a, um. aaj- 
Penuasus. a, um. pt isalmus. *up. roughly affrighted, sr 
Persuasu^us. m. 4. a persuading../ > erttmeo. ire. n. 2. to 
Pcrsubtilis. c. atij. very subtilc fraid to fear grcatly. 

thin iinc, r lu.ut (wrinkled.Pertlmeacendus, a, um. pL 
Pei-sulcatus a, um pt. furrowcil, gTeatly fcared, dreadfui 
Penultans tis. pt. making incur .rV/timebco ccrc mui a. 3. tofcf 

sions. grcatly, to dread 

Pcrsulto[pcr,saltol are.n.l tofrisk Pertimescor ci.^. tnbe dirsaV 
rakipovcrto prancc, rcapcr,toPcrtinaciai ac/ 1. obstinacvtsV 

make incunioiut, r inroads to bornnesa, reaolution, constai 

marchaiong,orrangcabout(somcPertinacHer,ar/o iiis, ct*p*& 
Pertxdescit, itnp it groweth irk- tup obhtinately,wilfullyJtaol 
/*<rtxdct, duit & scsui.j est imp. ly, constantly, continuaUy, » 

it irkcth, I am quite weary santly. 

Pertxsus, a, um pt. wcary, tired.Pc.tinax, acis. aaj. ior c mf 
/ J c/ , tego,v'rc.a.>tocover,tooeapup muv«/» obstinate,stubbor< 
Pcrtcndcns,tis.p/ fuily purposing. ful. froward, perverse, rt 
/V/tcmlo 3. to extencl, or constant^teady v penuriouf 

strctch ovcr,to go ihrough to fin- crat», ot long continuanc 

ish to complete, to comp:u*e min-Pertinena,tis. pt. pcrtainin 
l'crtcntatus,aaim.^/.tried (utely. longing, extendmg, rear 

to ruu seize»toaflect,to pcrtain,belong,orreUtc # 
Pcrtcntor,ari./>.tobetricd.(disturb viccable,to be iit tocoi vcry thin, slcndcr, tcnd,to extend,orreach 

sniall poor, or mcan- Pertmet, imp. it pertainc 

iPcrtercbroare-a.l*toborcthroughPcrtingena, tb pt.ttacl 

J «rrtcrgco,ercirsi.a*2.towipcgeiit-Pcrtiiigo [pcr, tango]. 
/ f crtci*go,gerc,ni.a.« wipc. (ly.: tocxtend, 

*cntudios<d, wfo. vcry carcfuBy.^^rlw^it» ^>. t- t0 Dc W »P« J « ! •prcad, dil}'use, tr pai 





o«&re a toendurc,to Aififer|Perturbor, ari. p. to be disturbed.; ing. (come, or be broaght to 

ieo,cre,rsi.«.2. to distort 

indus, a»um pi. to be lum- Pertussis, is / 3. a grcat cough. ,Pervcrse>&Pervorse , »aaV-pcrverse- 

ntly. to bc treated of. 
«ns,tis/rr. handling often, 
g upon,coii*idering.(way- 
ite ^aoVafter the coramon 
ltio f Onia /. "». a freouent 
g, a diligcnt pcrusal. 
itus, a,um. pt. thoroughl} 
rcd, r dcbatcd. 
e*arc.a handlc mucli, 

r thoroughly, to debate 
»r, ari. p to be handled. 
is, a, utn. pt. drawn. 
ndu!sa,uin^.tobc drawn, 

i,ere,xi, draw,to 
r, i. actus. p. to bc drawn. 

Pcrturpis,c attf very base,«r le wd. Perventorus, a, um. pt. that will 

Perinsus a,um. pt. bored,broken.- ly, crossly, pecvishly, frowardly, 
/Vrvado,*re n 3 to go through, «r* mischievously^aukwardly.unskil- 

over,to pass to sprcad, to escape, fully. 

to enter. Pervcrsitas, atis/3. pcrvcrsenei*. 

Pervagiitus, a,um/ftior, comp issi- Pcrversus,& Pervorsus,a,um./>/. &. 

miLs,#M/>.having wandered^spread 

abroad,commonly known,nublic. 

/Vrvagor, ari. d 1. to wander, or 

rove abou , to overrun, to aftect 

, to handlc, to trcat of, to Pervagus, a,uiu. adj. wandering* 

/ > ervaTeo, 2re. n. 2. to cotitinue. 
PervaUdus. a,um. aoj. very strong. 
Pervarie 4 , adv. very variously. 
Pervarius, a,um. udj. very various 

r«d,tobe prolonged(drag Pervastandus, a, um. pu to be laid, 

or to lay utterly waste. 

Pcrvastatus, a, um. pt. laidutterly 
eo, Ire. n.4. to pass by, to wastc,i i uined,dcsolatcd.(destroy- 
strike through- (parcnt 
lttcidus, a,um. aaj. trans 
d, viti. Pertracto. (lingly. through, or over about to spread. 

Pervectus,a,um/>/. brought along, 

o, tre. a. 3. to tcstify wil 
Mis^,um.fl/(/very trifling. 
i e aay.dismaJjvery severe 
^ pnwdcred,sUle 
JtuAsc,a</i>. veryriotousi) 
o,dcre,tudi,tusura. a.3. u> 
•r hore througli, to beat 
or,di.usus./> be broken 
ins, tis./»f. disturbing,trou- 
ite,aaV. confuscdly.(bling 
Itio 6n]s./.3.£reattrouble 
r f confusion indisposition 
itor, 6ris m.3. a disturber. 
Krix, Icis./3- a disturber 
itus, a um. pt. & adj. ior, 
ifmus^t<p. djsturbcd,trou- 
sordered, confused, con 
t, mixed, mingled. 
i, Ire. a l to disturb, to 
i to disonlcr,to confounri. 
oiLto discompose,onnov* 
>r blsndg to drive, or cast. 

at{j ior,a;»»l.issYiriua,«r<jfr.pervert- 

ed, overthrown, awry, perverse, 

cross,morose,untoward, unlucky, 

unhappy, aukward. 

A*erverto,& Pervorto, tere. a.3. to 

pervert,to alienate,to bring over, 

to corrupt,to turn upsidc down,to 

overthrow, to destroy, to ruin. 

Pcrvertor ti,rsus.^.to be perverted 

Pervesperi,aox>. very late.(search. 

Pervestigatio, 6nis./«wi. a narrow 

Perveatlgatus, a,um.£f.thoroughly 

searched. (a thorough search after 

P<rrvasto,are. al to lay waste, tolfVfrvcstigoiure a. l<totrace,tomake 

Pcrvasurus, a, uin. pt. about to go Perv£tus,eris.aaj.very old,or anci- 

carried, shipped ovcr. 

Pervihendus, a, um. part. to be 
brought, or carricd together. 

/^rveho,here,exi,ctum, a.tocarry 
along, to convey. 

Pcrvchor,hi,ectua./>. to be carried. 

/J ervello, lere, 1i. vei vulsi. a.3. to 
twitch,w pinch, to fret, sr afflict, 
to ezcite, sr raise, to disparage. 

Pervenibo, pro Pcrveniam, JV *#n. 

Pcrvenicns, tis pt. coming to. 

/Vrvcnio, ire, Cni, entum. n.4. to 
come to, io arrivc at, to rcach, to 
fall to,to obtain, procurc,or get,to 
come by,recover, or rejjain, to be 
madc known. Pervemre ad fru- 
gem, to come to goodt Quirtf. 

PervCnftur, ivnp. they comcj per- est, they came. 

**e/-\enor,ari i/.l. to hunt all over, 
touse the utmostdiligepee in 6nd. 

ent. (stale, obsolcte, antiquatcd. 

Pervetustus, a,um. attf.vety old»tr 

Perviam, adv. to be comc at. 

Pervicacia, x.f peevishnc<M,obsti« 
nacy, wilfulness, perscverance, 

PervicZci\ku,aa\\comp. more obsti- 

Pervlcax, acis. at{j ior, comp. issi- 
strong,wilful,immoveable, inexo- 
rablc (ly,to sec at a distancc .tosee 

/ > rrvfdeo,6re see thorough- 

P ervigeo. erc. n. 2. to ftaurish. 

Pervigil, ilis. adj. very watchfuV 
watching,wakeful, cver burning. 

Pcrvigilans, tis. pt. watchin^. 

Pen'igilatio,&nis/.3.a watching,er 
sittingup all night long( watching 

Pervtgilatus, a, um. pt. spent in 

PervTgilium,i n 2.a watching^isit- 
ting up all night,a wake, the vigil 
of a holiday (slecp all night long. 

PcrVigilo^ ire nA.tA^V^VvRNN» 




rvilis. e. ndj. verycheap. 
rvincciidus,a,uiii./»f . to be ove r- 
onif, nr mastcrcd, to conqucr. 
erMnco,ccrc.a.3. to overcome,to 
iurpasa, to prcvail, to obtain, tc 
'crvirulii v e.<ir//.vvry frreen(provt 
:'erviso,erc,si.<;.to vie w,or bcliold 
*crvium, i. n 1 u thoroughfure. 
/Vrvivo,ere.n survivc. (siblc 
Pcrvius,a,uin. adj. passable, hcccs 
Peitila,ac/.a little scrip.or satciicl. 
PcruncUo,dnis./ anoint ing- all 
Feruncuis, a, um. pt anointcd al) 
Ptran^ndus^Miimtt.tobc «noii.t 
cd all ovcr. (all over, to besmcar. 
/*e)iiiigo,t:rc,\i,ictiini. u. to anoint 
Peiungor, jp. p. to bc iinointcd. 
Pcrvolg-o : 'per,vuljro], arc a. 1 to 
make known,to pass iiirough, to 
frcqaent. lo prostitute. 
Pcrv^iitans, tis. pt. flying over 

puhlish, ermakeknown. a j r6s^ic,avilUin.Pe*tcmoppcti 
Pervulgatus, a, k arjj. ior,| to come tnd, Fiaut. 

c m/M*t-inus,fftf/>^venjpctalium, i. n i aooinUT.tnt. 

coniii.- n1y,orwcll known(kr.owi ; Petrsltus, a, uoj nr£. wc»rin 
Pemi lg ;o«iii (.•« Mopub !ibh*tomak . 
Pervulgor, uri p to be divulged. 
Pcftjcdis. m.3 thcfiiot afoot,accm 

ingto orapproaching,. streum,o/ 

course,an oar a halser. u founda 

ticii,orbottom,a louse. Pe» milv,- 

nuvbe herb liartshom, Co/. IV s 

ga11inaceits,a kindof umitou ,o> 

bastardpars!ey,/'A"M Ante pcdcs, 

things prcscnt,7Vr. Metiri sc suc 

pcdc,;o cut his coat accidii^, t 
his cloth, Hor A pcdibus scr\ u-. 
& o6to/. a pedibus. a lackey, ©j 
footinan, Cic Pcdem faccre, t. 
sail with a sidc-wirid Vivg. 

Pessm-c adv.wiip very sadly,or ill. 

Pcs<iiiniis,a,^. thc wor>t. 

Pessuhis,i.m.a bar.orbolt of a doo 

/*ervouto, fly all ovcr,or Pessilm, adv. right down undc 

JVrv61o,iire n.l. to flv about.or all fiprcad,to post,to husten 
./Vrvolo.vellc.r. irr. to dcsirc car 

nestly, Pcrvelim scirc, I would 

fain know(run,orrcad ovcr,to rol 
/*e/Tolvo»verc f vi l lutum.a J to roll, 
Pervoh*or,vi,lutus.£.tobc engagc d 
Pcrvolutamluii,a.uni./M. to bctiiin- 

blcd over, or pcrused. (pursae 
/*ervolflto,arc.« 1 to roll ovcr, to 
Porurhanus, a, iini. adj. vcry cour- 

teotis. (ly. 

/Vnu geo,crc. «. 2. to urge grca, - 

on tire, to inflamc, to scorcb, to 
hlasMo nip withcold.tovex orfrct 

Periiror,ri,ustus. p to be burnt up. 

Pcru*msa,um./j/. burnt up,sct on 
fire, scorched, parchcd. gallcd, 

Pcrutilis,'.vcry useful(beatcn 

JVrrul^ato, aav. very comnion!\ . 

foot. Pcssum ire, to fall to tiu- 

bottom, to run, to dccay, V L 
Pessindo ^pessum, do , arc, dcd- 

dattim- a. X tooverthrow to va.. lay wastc,to dc^ 
Pessundor.aii p.tobcundone.(tr'i\ 
Pesstis, i. m '2. a pcssary. 
Pestife-, a, um. adj pcstifertuis. 

dcKllVfpemicious poisonous, i - 
Pestifcrus, a, um. udj. pestifcwis. 

pcstilcnt, oonta^ious, infectiows. 
Pcstilens,tis adj \or % comp. isstmus 

9\tp. pestilcnt, or pestilcntial. 

i^erQro^crci.o. to burn up, to sct Pcstilen+iaiar./ i. a pesiilence, o» 

plaguc^i murrain,^ contagi n n,un- 

wiiolcsomcness, spite, malicc. 
PcHtileutus, a, um- adj pcsiilcnt 
Pestihtas, aus. /. a pcstilcncc, a 

l^estis^is/ .J. a pcst,or plaguc, po. 


1'enrulgutQrWi a, um pt. about to\ Uon,dcatli,disiractioii,ma<hicss,a Pcto,tcrc,Uvi& tii,tit 

broud hat. 

PeUisio.onis.m.o a flitch of bti 
Petaso 6nis. tn* hand,orleg of| 
Petasunctlus, i. m 2 asuali 


Petasus, \.m 2. a broad 
Petaurista,x.iw l.alcaningi 
Pctaurum i.n- 2. aniacuine f 

whlch insccts, or actors, 

thrown into the air ( 
Pctaurus Ln.2 a post 
Pett ndua, a,um.//.to be aske&j 

sircil, sought, er as^ailed. 
Pctcns, tis pt- asking, desja 

scekin^ gc*iug to, makint; ■ 
Pctensttis.c^ J.a petxtioner,»^ 
l\tigo.lnis-/.0. a runningtctk 
Pctnius, i. m 2. a wildro*. 
Pctilus. a, um. atlj slcnder, f 
IMimcn, inis n. J. a factioi 
l'ctiolus i. m. 2. thc atalk of f 

i littlc foot. 
Petisius a,um. adj very pl< 
Pctisscns, tis. pt. deiinng.' Pctcsso, cre.a»' 

sirc earncstly,to wis!i,«n 
1'ctitio, dnis./. J. a petiti' 

(picst a canvas^ng-,* tbn 

tack, the action uf a pl 
Petitor. 5ris m.3. asuiter 

datc, a dcinanucr, a pl 
Petitrix,icis fo a fumal 
Petitum,i. ;i 2.a petition 

a dcinand f a pix>blcm. 
Pctilurio.ire n ■i.tobev» 
Pctiturus, a, um pt. *:> 

stand candidatc, or y 
PetTt-is, a, um. f>: xst 

sou{rhtibon*owc< 1-str. 

Pctitus,us m.i. a rcq 





st,toentrcat,tobeg,tosuclphxn6m*non, i. n. 2. ao appearJPharos, & Ph*ni% i. d. j. sedsx- 

* * ---■- -- ance. piiis /. a small i-»le in the mouth 

Ph:t££<I*na v x./.l.a runningcainvr of the Nilo, a watch-towcr, sr 
PlnjccM.rnicus,a, corrwlinjr lifchi house. 
Phihc-6cora«:,acis.>n. 3. a cormo-,Phas jlinus, a, um adj. ofphasels. 
ran: .( i lever. a ro'ler for a ship jPha_clus8cFas£lus i d.g.2. sxpiu*. 
Phal:_n;ra v x./'l..i club uscd iu war, m.a little ship, a bark, a pinnace,. 
Phalan^i-U 1 " milites, brigadicr*. | a jpilley. a pulsc, aph-iscl 
Phdan;ritx,arum. pl.m. 1. twIdicrfcPhas'an:i,x/l.ahcn-pheasant.(ant 

_ure,tO'lernan l ftrrequirc 
i, to scek, to seck oit, to 
iook aftcr, to aim at to fc" 
a»ti *k,- » pcl -towoun- V * 
,erniakc rctxrc to,to 
o get, pro^ire, or obtaiti. 
uoc ia«; ab al 14110, to pun- 
E tlamnni pc.ere cibum. 
: any sYift for it, 7Vr. 
. pan to bc sought. 
m, & Petorritum, i n. 2.a 
chariot, or w.i<jjron. 
/l.arock, a tfreat stonc 
a, um attf. growing on a 

is»'//. rocky, stony 
i . m.a clnwn.a bcllwcther 
non i. m. 2. r .ck. parslcy 
^um.alj. rocky, crag_ry 
,t s.n //.ior, comp. issnnus, 

si callcd. 

Pl.jftiun'MU3, alj. of a phcas- 

Plnlanx,gis/ X aphalanx, a four-Piiasianus, a, um. adj. (tolchian. 
squarc body of 80JJ fect stl inPhisiauus,i w.2. 9 

a cock-phcasant. 
close array/a battaliou of foot, aPhasiitttitis. n. 3. an apparition, a 
hriirade of liorse,a squadron,a rc- v sion, the titlc of onc of Mcnan- 
jfinnciit, thc body of an army, ihi* dorVi plays, a play of Catullus 
ranks. Phcllus. i. m. 2. a cork, apart oT a 

Phalanca &Fal'irica 1 x./ 1 an in-Ph-.*retrum, i. ». 2. a bicr. (dial. 
stnnu*nt nf war with wiKlfire in-Phiila,x-/.l.u phial, r vial, a jrold 
closc 1, sliot out of an cnjrinc in cup, u pot for drink.a heaker. 
or lertosct wooden turrctsonfirc P!uditia,onim. fd n. 2. public s-ip- 
a s:)rt of lonjr spcar, or durt. pcrs kept vvith jrr:»at tempcrance 

ilant,*aiicy t in.4olciit, abu-.piriUris,idis./ *• a hcrb.Philautia, x./ 1. self-lovc 

ihonest, lustful, obsccne. Plrilirismus, i. m. 2. tyranny. Philftes, x. m. 1. a thicf. 

_r, alv likn.comp. isiiinc, lMiilerx, r »ruin /i//l. trappinfrsforPlulippc-is. vid. Pliilippu*. 

ly.impcrtinently.WsrfuUy horses,orna T nents worn bythcllo-Philippfcus, a, um. «.7#. of philip. 

ik)',misc!iicvous,unliicky Philiuticus, a, um. attf. fanatical, PhilojjT*cus, a, um. adj. fond of 
a um alj wanton, 1 istful jPhintasia,^/l thc fancy, r imagi-P!iilolo)ri:i,x./l.philolo>r\-.the stu- 
i. m 2. one cast-eycd. nation, an idea, a vision iu slecp. dy of humanity, loqunntv. 
!,is/J thespune of silvcr|Phantasma,atis n \ a phantom, anPhilolojj;us f a.iim fl'(/. of philolojry. 
mn.a.// ciothc 1 in s!ia^-.| apparition, an idle conccit. Philolofrus, i. "• 2. a philolo^cr, 

U/3a combedstatt, lupjPhUimm, i. n. 2. a templc. I or humanist, a lovcr of discourse combcd, curled,|Pharetra,ae./ 1. aquiver.(quivcrJ and lcaminf*;. 
khigh nap. Munera pcxa,Phare'ratu», a, um. adj. wcarin^raPhilomela.x.^.l.a nightin^ralc.fes. 
un, Atdri. Pexmn folium, 
ren cloth,Ct7. Pcxus pin- 
doctor, silly, ignoraat, 
,m.l. a sort of mushroom. 


Pharetri^er, a. um. aij. idem. PhflHmrtsu%i.m a lover of thc mus- 
Phaxicon, i. n 2. a poison. Plnlnpxs. dis. / ;J. the herb hore- 

Pharlsxus, L m. 2. a pharisee. | hound. (the Roman nation, Cic. 
Phai-maceutria, x. /. an eclojrue PhilbriiAmxus, i. m. 2. a lover of 
treatins; of charms. a soreeress, aPliI16»oplians,tis./>/.philo5ophizinjr 
witch. (an apothccary, a quack. Phlloaophatus, n, having 1 

im, i. n. 2. a sort 

Pharinacbpola, x. m. 1. a dru^ist,; played the philosopher. 
rt of shoe P ift-macum, i. ru 2.a druu medi-Phllds6phia,x/l.philoiophy, 


las, % um. a*ii* Wcarins; I cine^potion,poison(inanv villanyj quisition, strict scarch ; philoso- 

iPhannacus,i. w. 2. tlic chicf artist) bix, pl. Mnhun_SYW«&&T-— 




mrltYcus, a, um. a<#- pleuritic. 
curitis, idis./. 3. a plcurisy. 
cxus, u. um. />.'• platted, wovcn. 
lica, ac./l a plait, fold,wrinkle 
licais tis. ^/ folding, writhing 
hcatil:s<c.aa/that may be foldcd. 

'hcatio, onis. f >. a folding. 

Pluratura ac./.l. a fbkiing. a fold. 
Plico, are ac/ 1. tofold (gcthcr. 
Plicor,ur.,Qtus past to be knit to- 
Plin-his id.s f 3 & 
Flinthus,i.m. 2 the squarc foot of a 
• pillar, a dial-post (tablc 

Plorabilis.e a<(/.deplorablc,lamen 
Plorabuiidus,a um.a<(/.m a wecp 

ing; or wailingmanncr.wccping 
Plor.indus a,um. pr.tobc lamcntcd 
Pl"» ans. tis />r wceping. wailing 
Plor iiio, onis f. . a bewailing. 
Pio.ator, oris. m 3. a lanicntcr. 
Plor itus,a,um ./>*. be wailcd,lamcn- 
Plorutus us.m avecping,a cn^tcd 
Ploro, arc. act. 1 to wecp,to cry, 

to bcwail, to himent todcplorc. 
PlwsUllum.i. /i 2.dim. a littlc cart 
Ploxemum, i w. 2. atumbrel. 
Pluit, imper». it raincth 
Phiina, x.flo. feathcr, thc first 

dowu upon the checks,a platc,or- 

spun- e wrought on accoutrv- 

mcnts. Homo pluina levior, onc 

goodfor nothing-, or vcry ticklc 

l 9 laitt. 
PlfLn >rius f i.m 2. onc who makcth 

feat «cr-work. an embroidcrcr. 

Tlumbcum,in.2.a lcadon caldron. PlusciiliM a,um adj. a litt 

Plumbcus,a,um aaj. leadcn, or of Flute&lis, e. adj. kept in 

lead, of the colotir of lcad, dtill, Pluteus, i. m. ScPlutcum, 

stupid, thick, hcavy, slow, vcry kind of engine made < 

wcighty, sevcre, or gricvous. i like apenthou*c,undcr> 
Plumbcus. i. m 2 a blockhead. | proaches were made it 
Plumbo,; 1 to lead,to covcr, sicging of a city ; a pa 

o." soldcr witli lcad. j brcastwork, a bcdstead 

Plumbor iri.p. to be soldered; | atmeals, a cbair-back, i 
Plumbosus, a, um> aaj issiinus,' write on^a casc for book 

9up full of lead. turca, a shclf. 

Plumbum i n.2.1ead,alcadcn pipc, Plutdnius, a, um. atfj of 

a bullct of lead,solder aplummct Pluvia, se./ 1. rain. 

to rulc wiuYa disease in thc eye l > liivialia,e.nri/.of rain,rah 
JMameBco.ccrtvrtc3.tobe tiedgcd. cry, bringing, • r cau&inj 
i > iumeus,a,um.arf;. of fcathcrs[ers Pliiviatilis e adj. rainy, i 
PlHmi'gcr,a,uiii.ar0.bcaring fcath- Pluviosus, a, am. atfj. vei 
PlOmipes,edi8.aaj feather-footcd. Pluvius,a, um ndj. of rai 
Plfimo, are n & a 1 to bcgin to Bhowcry,bringing,or cau 

have fcathers, to work feathcr- 

work, to embroidcr. [crs. 

Plfimdsus, a,um adj. full of fcath- 
Plfimula,ic./l.<£m a little fcathcr. 
Pluo, ucre, plui. (& pluvi, Plattt) 

act. 3. to rain, to showcr down. 
Pliiralis, c. ndj. plurul. 
Pliiralitcr adt> plurally- 
Plurativus, a, um. adj. plural. 
Plures, plura & plfiria, adj. pl. 

morc. or many, thc dead 
Plurif uriani. adv sundiy r wa\ s,va- scvcral p1aces[fashions 
Plurifariiis, :i, tim. adj of divcn» 
Pliiriir.uinY///r vcry much, for ihc 

most part, most ofall. 


Pneumaticus, adj. 
tic. windv. 

Plnm^ inadc offcathcrs.lPlilrimus a,um «/^'.*M/k.ver\'much, 

Piumiitus a,um pt feathercd intcr- 
woven with divcrs colours likc 
feathers.Molli plmnata lanufrinc 
covcrcd with a soft down, Plin. 

Plumbago,inis» /*3.a mine, or vcin 
of lcad, or silvcr lcadwort. 

Plumbarius, a, um- atlj. of lead. 

Plumbarius. i. m 2. a plumbcr. 

Plumbata, x.f 1. a p ummet. 
PJumbStus, a, lcadcd. [ 

verv manv, niost, scvcral, nume- 

rous, thc inost, or grcatcst part. 

vcrv loii|7, or largc, ven* big. 
Plfiris.^71 of morc worth,or vahie. 
Plus, adj. n. uris, jrcn. more. 
Plus.ri//t».morc,lonR'er,bettcr. Plus 

minus,ovcr or undcr,nior.' orles**. 

Plus plusi|uc,morc andmorc, CYcjPoematium, i. n. - T 
Plusculuiu, i.?» 2.sonicwhat morc.Pu:mcnis,is/ 
Pltisc.ilum, udv. too much. PcrnajX./.l.punisl 


Pocillator, oris. m. .ac 
Pdcillum, i n 2 dim h 
Pocidciitus, adj. 
Pociilum, i. n 2.a cup 
a potion, a baiicnict, 
P d jgcr, gra, gruiu. t 
Pddagni, x.f. 1- thc ) 
Podagricu> a um. a 
Podagrosus, a t um. a 
Podaiviis,i.m.2 a <loj 
P6<lcris,e a^.rcachi 
Podex, icis m. «. th 
bcehivcs,that part 
next thc Orchcs^ 
empcror and no 
plav s actcd 
Pocma,utiu. n. 3. 




Lin,anevil f orsiifrcrinfr,troub1c,jPblitor, oris. tn. 3. a scmircr, oiIPollftcYbilis, e. atlj. sum 

orsc.rejrrct, tormcnt, a fury a armourer, «ircsscr of {rround. | costly. 

ment of loss at g*mc,a fault, a Poli"tulus,a,um.f/f//.somcwhat finc Pollucibditcr, adv. magiufi 

alis, e. atlj. pcnal. (crimc 

arius, a, iim. adj. penal. 
iceus, &, um. v at/j. red. 
ftcnd ufl.a,mn./M. to bc rcpent- 
>f, ©r dislikcd,to rcpcnt.(tent. 
itcns, t«s. pt. repentinp, pcni- 
itentia. ac./l- rcpentanceviis- 
rteo,cre,tui «2 torepcnt(likc 
itet. Shat,tuit, ere. imp> itre 
[tetl^grieveth, ortroubleth; I 
n,hc, we, &c arc sorrv. griev- 
troublcd, or ashamcd of. 
fturus, a, um. pt. to repent. 
is, is-/ 3. pocsy, poetry. |Pc 
l, x. m. 1 . a poet, an artist. tl 

Polltura ar./apolishingvitrimniiii].. 


rca,x.&Poeticc y cs./ theart 
locts poctiy. 
fce, tulv p<H:ticalIy. (cd. 
cus.a,um. at/j. poctical,fcigii 
r,lri. «/<•/». 1 to play the poct. 
i, x.f.l a poct«*ss. 
ias. x. m 1. a coinct. 
V by Pollux. 
e. ai/j. polar. 
.ne/ harlcy.flourdriedand 

Politus, a, um. pt k at/j. \or,comp 
is$'imus, tup polishcd t dcckcd, 
madc h'nc, adornwd, sct oH', trim. 
neat, sprucc, elcjrant politc. 

Pollen.tnis «i. finc tfour.small dust 

Pollens,tis. pt. prcvailing, abound 
inp with. powcrful. 

Pollcntia, ae / 1 . powcr, sway. 

Pollco, ere. n 2- to be ablc,to bc of 
grcat force, virluc, ur pnwcr, to 
bcarntlc cxcel,tobc 
morc profitaldc,or advantagvous. 
>llc\, icis. m. .>. tltc tlunnb, a 
thumtrs brcadtb, any linger, thc 

frrcat toe. Vcrlcrc polIiccm,tocon 
dcmn oj\v,Juv. Prcmcrc pollircm, 
tofavourone,./ J //M.Infc8tuspollcx, 
a sig-n of di«plcasurc. Quin. 

Pollicatis, c- «'(/• of a thumb. 

Polllccns tis. ///. proiiii.Miig 

Pollueor, crit »tus siiin tfrp. 2. & 
Pollicco, cqiii. to promisc. to cn- 
gagv,1o assure, to affiiin, to nflvr- 

Pollicitans.tis />/ promisin# oftcii 

Polluctc, uth. sumptuou.sly, 
i'oIluctuin, i. 11. a costJy bai 
frood cbccr. 

Polluctura, x. f. 1. good che 
Polluctus, a, um. pi. consecr. 
Polluctus \ u*^is, soundly bca 
Pollucndus. a,um-/>/.to bc polh 
Polluo [pcr, lues\ uerc, ui, fitt 
d.3 to poHute f to dist: 
to poison 
violatc, brcak, ur jiilriiijru. 
Polluor, ui.iitus. p to be pollutc 
Pollutio, onis./ J. pollution. 
Pollutus, pu & at/j. \or,comf 
•ssiimis, *np. polluted, dcfdcd 
violatcd, brokcn. unchastc. 
Polvinar£ri* n.3.a. cushion,apil!otr 
Polus, i m. 2. thc polc. hcavcn. 
Polybutcs, x. m 1. an owner of a 
grvat manv oxcn. 
Polyjfamia,"ar./ 1. polygamy. 

Polyhintor, oris- m. 3. a n:an that 

liatli rcad much, a collcction of 


• adonu (I. C^iddcd hojr IVlinarius, a,um- at/j of tine flour Poly]jbdium, i. ji.2. polypody, oak- 
m, i 7i. 2. thc stonc of a,PoUincio,ire, n\i, nctum. a to cnv fcrn. (lypus in thc nosc 

ivi, itum. a"4. to polishj balm toundertakcaburial,tobur\ P61yp6sus, a, ha\ing-a ra- 

Pblypus, i.n.iWpodis. m.S afish,* 

to sct off, adorn.or cm- Pollinctor, dris-m 3 an embalmcr, 

an undtrtakcr, a scxton. 
Pollinctura, ae./l. an cmbalminjr 

piccc of flcsh in the nosc, an e.\. 
tortioner, a pinchpenny, a miacr. rakc.or har 

inow, to play at ball. 

n#t to bc polishcd. 

xs.comp. neatly,finely 

xquisitely, smoothiy. Pollubrum, & Polubrum, i. n. 2. aPomarium, i. n. 3- an orchard, ait 

l. civil governmcnt j basin, or bowl to waali in. ! appk-loft, a fruit-loft, an applc. 

Pollinctus a,um pt. preparcd for Pcl> sy llabus, a, uiu. eUj. luvin^ 
Pollis, inis. ro.3. finc flour.(burial-| many syllablcs. ° 

1. pl- n 2. politics. 
1. ar(f'.politica1,civil. 
' 3. a polishinp. 


Polluceo [pcr, luceo], 6rc, uxi, uc-Pominus, i m. 2. a fruit-«,cllcr. 
tum. o. 2. to flourishtto bcautiry»Pfinieridilnus a,ura u,/ ; . j n> r f |(>r 
to prcparc a fca%t, or btnquct. 1 rcUting to thc a£tcrnoon. 




a, u n* 2. an orchard. | posettrpropounditoappointieren- haunter of public hoote 
,a,um. tu#. beariirjf apples J act,to employ,orbestow,to quote, P6pmo4nis.m.3.adninke 
. 5nia. m. ■>. a dwarf. j produce,or alledgc, to feckon, or PoplesJtis.m-3.the ham,t 

is, a, um. aaj. dwarfish. | account, to suppose, to prcfer,to Poppc&na, 6rum. pl n. 1 
ium,i.n.2.aspace about the sow,orplant,to build, ar crect, to mentf. 
of a city, a limit, or bound. draw, er.portrav, to hang up, to Poppysma, atis.n.3. a cla; 
sus, a, um adj ftill of apples. consecratc, to devote. Sumptum the baek orstroking with 
ia- x./.l. a pomp, a solcmn ponerc, tobe at the expensc, Cic. Poppysmus, i.m. 2. a cla 
rt, or snow, a train, r rctinuc, accusatorem,to suborn,/</. Venti P6pulabHis,e.o/{/-that ma 
edding, or burial, a proccs- posuerc, the winds were laidJ troyed. («r piUaging, de 
n, show, ostentation, paradc. r*/xr.PoneTijrcllinuni,cxpo«ehimjP6puiabtuidus, a,um.<4 
np&nianiimpyrum,aroundpcar Pdnor, ni, dsitua,/). to be put (Juv. P6ptilandus, a, um. pt. t» 
•se.nblirig a woman's breast. .Pons, tis. m. 3. a bridge, a float,or waste. 
<mum, applc,all manner of raft, a plank, a step, or stair. Popiilans. t\».pt. wasting, 
ruit that gro veth on trces,a fniit Ponticiilus, i. m. 2. a littlc bridge. P6pularia, ium. bl. n.3. th 
6miis,i/.afruittrec,anapple(trccPoiiticu8, a,um. adj.o£ Pontus. Ca-j most seats in tnc playbo 
'ond£randus,a,UtTi./>{ to bc weigh- nis Ponticus, a bcavcr, Jun. Nux; the populace. 
ed, cxamined, or considered. Pontica, a filberd, Plin |P6pularia,c.a<#.ior,c'mJ.f 

Pondcrans, tis. pt. wcighing. PontYfex, Tcis.m.3. a pontiflT,a chief favourcdof thepeoplcla 
Ponderatio, rinia./ 3. a wci^hing.' hisliop, a pricst, a magistratc. j pcople, seeking to gtio I 
Ponderatus, a, um. pt. wctghcd. Pontit\calis,e cu//.ofapontifF.Pon-| ple's favour, commonly 
Pondcro, are a 1 to weigh,to exa- tiiicalcs libri, books containing vulgar, trivial trininftd 
rninc,toconsider,to judge tocs* their cercmonics, Liv. Pbpularis, is com-genJL • 

timatc, to value, or estcem. Pontif icatus,us.m 4 the dignity ofj inan, or woman, one of 

Ponderor, ari. p. to be weighcd. a pontiff,or chief pricst(cal books! town,brecd, &c. a parto 
Pondcrosus,a,, e tnp is-Pontiffcia,drum./>/.n.2.the pontifi-i complice, a subject. 
stmus, aup pondcrous, vcry hea- Pontiflcialis, e. atlj. of, or bclong- Popularltas, atis./ 3. ' 
▼y,weighty,substantial,pithy,long ing to a pontiff, or chicf pricst. apopularaction t frieo 
Pondo, n indecl. ung. & plur. aPontificium,i.n 2. the charge,aii-| ncss 

pouud weight, weight. thority,powcr,oro(Bce of a pontiff Pdpulariter. acfo. pof 

Pondus ens.n.3. weight,a burden,pontif iciiu, a,um- adj. of a pontiff. 
orload,aquantity,numbcr,orsum,Poiitilis, c. tulj. likc a bridge. 
abalance,orscal'es, value, import- Ponto, onis. m. 3. a pontoon. 
ance,power, authority, gravity in Pontus/i m.2.thc sea,thc black sea. 
xnanner8,iudfrment, Scc. a child in P6pa,x.n».l. thc sacrificing pricst, 
the womb, a pound. | one >rluttonous, or grcedy (frods.iPdpulatrix, lcis-y 

Pondusciilum,i.n.2.a small weightPopanum,i.n ^.acakeoficrcdtotlic^Pdpulatarus, a,um 
P6nc. prccf). & adv- after, behind.!p6dcllus,im 2. the rabble,or mob. vag-c- (waste,raT 
Pdnendus,a, laid asidc,T6pIna */l. a tavern, a tipplimj. Pdpulitus, a, un? 
to be bcstowcdrto be accounted. house»a cook's shop . or ordinarv, m.< 
Ponens. tis 6/. placinjr, bestowing. victiuils sold in such pUces,cook- P6piiletunM.n.2 
Pdno,ncre,6sui(& slvi). 6sltum. a. P6pinalis>c a<(;*ofcook'sshops(cry Pdpulcus, a,um. 
3. to set,p1ace, or pitch,to P6plnaria, x/ 1. a hostess. P6puhfer, a,um 

put off.or out,to lay down, aside P6pinarius, i. m. 2. avictuallcr. P6puliscitum,v 
eut or up,to set do wn,orbefbrc,to P6pTnatio, onis./3. riotous living. Populneus, a, i 
^takc,to dcposit, to leave, topro-fPopinator, oris. m« 3. a common|P6pulnus f a, r 

plcasurc of the \x)\w 
Popalatio,6nis./3. a 

latring, a wastinjr, > 
Populator, oris. m. ; 

a wastcr. 





i.l. pIunderJPorrTciat, ftrum. pl. f. 1« entr__la. : PortTcula, *./. 1. a little porch. 
^vag^, to ransack, to Porricio^cfcrejecijectiim.fl torcRchPorticuj», &s- m. 4. a portico, ©r 
to waste, to dcstroy. er strctch out, to lav npon the al-| piazza, a porch, a gallery. 
, &tua sura _J. 1. idem; tar(ed out#>rextended,to hold oiitPortio,6nis/. 3. a portion, part, or 

Pon-Tirciidusiafiin). pt-to be stretch- 1 shansa quantity,ormeasure,a pro- 
Porrifrcns,ti«- /M- giving, reaching.| portion. or rate, bigness, or size. 
Porrlg^Tnftsus, a» um. atij. measly.PortitOy&re./re?. 1. to carry about. 
Porrijro.Tnis./3. scurf in thc head,|PortTtor,oris.m. 3. a portcr, or car- 
dan(lniflr,manfriness,the measles.| ricr, a ferryman ; fa,portusj the 
Porngti [pcr.rejro], jr£re,rexi,rcc-' custom-receiver of a port. 
tum. a 3. to stretch, rcach, hold*Portiuncu1a, se. / 1. a little part. 
loll,or lengthen out, to cxtend,toPorto,are.<i 1. to carry, or bear, t& 
prostratc,to lay long,to kill,to de- carry away, to bring, to import. 
fer.orprolong Manum porri£crc,Portor, iri. fttus. p. to be carried. 
to help orassist, C!ic. llcrbam por-Portftrium,i.n.2. custom,or impost 
rijrere, to yicld up thc conquest, paid for goods imported,orcxpor- 
Plin. pcdes, to die, Afart. (cd. ted, toll, rcnt for toll, a tax. or 
Porrr^or f pi,rcctus./^.to becxtend- duty, freijrht, a waterman'a (are. 
PorriivifX-/l.agurdenbed,aleekPortdla, x./. 1. dim. a little gate. 
..*2.a pigviyoung' hog". Porro, atfa. farthcr, afur ofl*,or at aPortu5sus,a«um.aaj.ior ( eomp. issT- 
/. 1. a young sow. I dist_mcc,morcover, furthermore, mu% sup. full of, or abounding. 
f. 1. pork. bcsidcs.hcreafterrhencefbrth, af- with havcns, or harbours. 

terwards, still, lonjr beforc, but. Portus, us. m. 4. a port, haven, or 
Porrum, i. n. & Porrus, i. m. 2. a harbour, a duty, tne mouth of a 
scallion lcck, nr shalot. river,a placc ot refupe,a defcnce 

Porta^ae./^l.a g»te of a city,a door,Pflrus,i.m?.a pore,a kind of stone. 
an entrancc, a passafro, a straitPdrxi, pcr Sync. pro Porrexi. 
betwcen two hills, a mOuth. Posca»ar/winc with water 
PortabTlis, e ooj. portablc. Posccns, tis. pt. asking-, desiring. 

Portandus,a,um pt- to bc carried. Posco.c_re,poposci. a. 3. to ask ( to 
Portans, tis pt. carryinpr, bearing. call for,to ciemand, to requirc, to 
Port&tto, 5nis. / 3. a carryinff. pray carnestly,to provoke,to bid, 
Portatunis~a,um /ri.about to carry.- or ofler a price, to send for. 
Portatus, Qs m 4* a carriagc. Poscor, ci. p. to bc dcmanded. 
ortcndo [perro,tcndo] dere, di,P6sTtio,dnis./3. a position,a situa- 
ntuma. \ to portend,orforebode, tion,a disposttion»state, or condi- 
to betoken, to ordain. ; tion. a temper, a concurrence, a 

Portendor, di. p. to be portended. termin_.tion,primitivcness,a prin- 
nis./. 3. an cxtension. Portentffer.a, um. adj. doing" won- cipal in raotiey, asetting, a plan- 
,um!p*.9iart)'. ior, c *mp. Portentfffcus,a,um. oo)" id. (ders. ting. (lute. 

*r held out, extended, Portent6sus,a,>' ior,c"m/>. is-PftsttIvus,a,um.a4/. positive, abso- 
sdelaycdiorprolonged, 9tmus,*«p.monstrous, wonderful P5sTtor, 6ris. m. 3. a fbundcr, a 
orricio] kud upon the Portentum,i n.2 a prodigy^a raon- builder. (turc. 

' cxsa& porrecta,many ster an omcn,a token, a vain fan-P6sTtuim,K./ 1. a position, a poe- 
r fall betwixt the eup Portentu<sa,um^/fbreshown. (cy. P&sTturus, a» um. pt- about to put, 

itroyed, &c 

[ (m. Prite.) a poplar 

pcn tree. 

^.tlie pcople.the com- 
_ subjects of a nation, 
rrowd, or multitudc, a 
, r corporation, 
lood, a atock of bees. 
x sow,a rid^e between 
s.a balk of land,a mca- 
d 130 fect in length 
, um. af(j. of asow. 

m. 2. a swinehcnL 
./ 1. purslain 

,i*m. l i. a hog-.butclier. 
ima^/ of a hog.(swine 
5ris m. a tceder of 
n 2. an implement to 

the screw of an oil- 
ild the rope. 
m. 2. u littlc pijBf. 
2. pork, hofr^s flesh, a 

pig^ a ghttton, a fish 
.. pt. pro Porrigenfl. 
urn. adj. porous. 
;us.a, um. aqj purple. 
i% a, um. adj. purple. 
i, x. m. aaj. porphyry 
*, um. adj. ffrcen. 
is, adv fartner on 

>, Q'< 

Porthmeus, cos m. 3. afenrnaan! sct, pitch, lay down, or end. 





Pervilis. e. ncj)'. verycheap. 

Pervinccndua,a» u ™-£'- to bc over- Pervulgatus, a, uni. pt k arij. ior, 

conn- , or martcrcd, to conquer. 

Pervinco,ccrea.3. to overcon*e,t<j comm ..ii1y,orwcll known(kr.owi 

surpass, to prevail, to obtain, to 
Perviridis,e.a<7/very grecn(provt vicw,or bchold 
Pcrviuro, i. n 2. & thoroughfurc. 
JVrvivo, stirvivc. (siblc 
Perviu*,a,uin. adj. passable, accis 
Perula,ac/.a littlc scrip.or satchel. 
Pcrunctio,dnia./ anointing all 

PeruncUis, a, um. pt- onointcd nll 
Perungendus^ be itnoiut 

ed all over. (all over, to besmcar. 
/ > e>^in^o,crc,SLi,ictiim. a. to anoint 
Pemngor, gi. p. to be anointed. 
Pcrvolgo ] per,vulgt>], are a- 1 to 

make known,to pass through, to 

frcquent, lo prostitute. 
Perv^litana, tis. /»/. flying over 
/*rrvdnto,are.w.l. to fly all over,or 

J*tfrv6lo,5ren.l. tofly about.or all 

ovcr,to spread,to post,to hasten 
JVwblOiVelle.i*. irr. to dcairc ear 

nestly, Pcrvelim scirc, I woulrl 

fain know(nin,orrcad ovcr,to rol ; 
Pervolvotvere,vi,lutum.a J to roll, 
Pcrvolvor,vi,lutus.£.tobe engagcd 
PcrvMutan4us,a,um./>/. to bctum- 

bled over, or perused. ( 

puhtithf tr make known. 

c m/».is&rmus,*w/> pub1ishe(',vei} 

Pcntrbanus, a, iini. adj. vcry cotir- 

teous. (ly. 

/Vnygeo.ere. a. 2. to urge grca # - 

iVrGro,rere.a.3. to burn up, to sct Pcsttlen*ja,ar./ 1. a pestilence, o 

on ftre, to inflamc, to scorch, to 

blasttonipwithcold.tovcx orfret 

Pcruror,ri,ustus. p to bc burnt up 

PcrusuiH,a,um./i/. burnt up,sct on 

tire, scorched, parched. gallcd, 

Pet -vulgo,Ui oal-topub lish.tomak 

Pervulgor, uri. J* to be divtilged. 

Pes,edis.m.3 thc fcot afoot,accm 
ing to orapproaching,. strcum,o; 
course,an oar a halser. u founda 
tion,orbottom,u lousc. Pe 9 milv.- 
ntit,tbe hcrb hartshom, Col. l'cs 
gallinaccus,a kindof umitoiv,o> 
bastardparsIeyj/Vin Ante pedcs. 
things prescnt, 7Vr. Mctiri sc suc 
pcdc,;o cut his coat accordii. lt t 
his cloth, Ihr A pcdibus scn u*. 
& abnl. a pcdibus. a lackcy, oi 
footman, Cic Pcdem faccre, t 
sail v* ith a sidc-wirid Virg. 

Pessiu.e verysadly,or ill. 

Pcs^lmtis,a,^. thc wor^t. 

Pesstilus,i.m.a bar.orbolt of a doo 

Pessam, adv. right down undc 
foot Pcssum ire, to fall to tht 
bottom, to run, to dccay, C l. 

Pessi;ndo [pessum, do , arc, ded: 
dattim. a. 1 to overthrow to va/. ruin,to lay wastc,to dcs- 

l»cssundor,aiT p.tobeundone.(tr- >\ 

Pcssus, i. m. 2. a pessary. 

Pestrfe-, a, utn. adj pcstiferous, 
dc, pernicious poisonous, i - 


fVrvbluto,&re.a 1 to roll over, to Pesfiferus, a, uin. adj. pestifero>js. 

pcstilent, eonta^ious, infectious. 
Pcstilens,tis adj ior,c&m/>. isstnius 
eup. pestilent, or pestilential. 

plaguc^i murrain,a conUgi^n,uJi 
wholcsomeness, spite, malice. 

Pestilentua, a, um- adj pestilcnt 
Pestihtus, atis. /. a pestilcnce, a 
Pcrfltilisje.arf.vcry useful(bcatcnPcstis,is/ .5. a pcst,or plague, po 
J'ervulgHt6 t adv. very comuiou!). son,inischief.havoc,ruin,dcsti'uc- 

t'etitus,&s tn.i. a rcques;, 
1'crrulgiktQrtB, n, om- pt. ibout to\ Uon,dcatli,disLraction,madne»b, a Pcto,tcrc 1 tlYi& lii,utum j 

roguc.avillain.Pestcm i 

lo come to an ii end, 1 
Pctaliurn, i. n '*. an oint 
Petrs£tus, a, uiu (kQ. t 

broad hat. 

Petasio, a flitch 
PCtaso-dnis. m.ahand,orlc 
Petasunciilus, in2ii 


Petasus, i. m 2. a broad 1. a lcapi; 
Petauruni i.n 2. a machi 

which iusccts, or act( 

thrown into the air (h 
PCtaurus i.m.2 a postn 
PeU udus, i,iira./-Uj be i 

sircd, sought, or as^ule< 
Pctcns, tis pt aski^g, 

sceking gc^iug to, maki 
Pctens,tis.c. < ^ M J.a pctition 
Pctigo.Inis/->. a running 
Pctmus, i. m 2. a wildr* 
Petdus. a. um. adj slciul 
1'ctimen, mis n. .5. a. faci 
Pctiohis i. m. 2. thc st&lk 

i little foot. 
Pctisius a,um. adj very 
Pctissens. tis. pt. dciinn 
Pctisso.7«tf/ Pctcaso, cre.a 

sirc earnestIy,to wis!i,«r 
Pctftio, onis /3. & pctiti 

rpiest a canvaasing,a thr 

tack, the action of a ph 
Petltor. 5ris m.o. asuiter 

date, a dcmanucr, a pl& 
Petitrix,icis/3 a fcmalc 
Petitum f i.)i 2.a pctition«a 

& dcmand,a pi-oblcm. (c 
Petiturio^ire n ^.tobcvcr* 
PetitVirua, a, umjw. alnut 

stand candidatc, or go t< 
Petitus, a, um. /i/ asked- 

sougl it»bont>w ed-str.c k ci 

ed,fctchcd,cau sc(.L,raade 

~-_ 3-W 





9t,tc>entrcaMobcg,tosuelPhznttniEnon, i. n. 2. an appearJPharos, & Phams i. rf. $>. seds*- 

*ire,tode:nan l arrequire 
tu scek, to seck aut, to 
>ok afler, to aim at to se" 
.*ti.:k,- i pcl ,towoin V » 
>rmake for.' '> retiro to,to 
jrct, projure, or obtaiu. 
ice.ias ub aliquo, to pun- 
K flammi perere Ctbum. 
anv shift for it, 7Vr. 
pur§ to hc soujrht. 
i, & Pctorrilu-n, i n. 2.a 
rliariot, or w.ijf<ron. 
r .l.a rock, a jrreat stone 
l, um atlj. jrrowinjr on a rockv, stonv 
i ;«.a clown,a hellwether 
lon i. n. 2. r <ck.parslcy. 
i.uin.a//. rocky, erajr;ry 
.' {.n.ff.ior, row/t. i*ii.n;is, 
■anVtaiicy/uuolciit» abu- 
lonest, lustful. obscene. 
r, aJv Itl+.comp. is.siinc, 
i,x. /. l.petulcnc.',sauci- 
ircrse nc$v>'> «iti naey ,mis- 
nc&» . I ustful • ics.4 ,e xuh cr- 
i um «7/ wanton, l.istful. 
■ m 2. one cast-eycd. 
ris/3 of silvcr 

u:n.<i.// ciothe 1 in sha£. 

s/3 a coinDcdsUtc, i:tp 
uro. p* coml>cd, curlctl, 
hijjh nap. Munera pexa, 
in, Mari. Pexuin folium, 
encloth,C*>/. Pcxuspin- 

doctor, silly, ignorant, 
■i.l. a sort of mushroom. 

ancc piiis /• a small islc in the mouth 

Ph"isr2d*na,ae./l.a runninjrcancvr of the Nilc, a watch-tower, or 
Phajre'dxn\cus,a,um.«f(/coiTodiiig ligfht house. 
PlriljLC^nra<c, 3. a cormo- Phasjlinus, a, um a.lj. ofphasels. 

ran .( i lever. a ro'ler for a sliip jPhaselus,8tFascUus i d.g.l. sxpiu*. 
Phalanira,* .fl.x club uscd iii war, m.a litlle ship, a bark, u pinnace,. 
Plillan.riirii milites, brijradiera. j a galley. a pulsc, aplnsel 
Philanjrltx,aram. /»/.w. 1. soldiersPhas : an:i,x/l.ahcn-pheasant.(ant 

S3 callcd. iPhlsianmus,a,um. a-lj. of a phcas- 

Phrilanx,jris/ 3. a phalanx, a four-Viiasiaiius, a, um. atlj. Colchian. 

squarc body of 80Ji> fect sel in iMnsiauus.i ra.2. a cock-pheasant. 

closc array,'a battaliou of foot,aPhasina,itis. ». 3. an apparition, a 

hrigadc of horse,a squadron,a re- v sion, the titlc of one of Menan- 

jriment, tlie body of an army, thc der's pluys, a play of CaUillus 

ranks. Vhclliis, i. m. 2. a cork, apart of a 

Phalanca fcFairirica, x./ 1 an in-Phiretrum, i. n. 2. a bicr. (dial. 

stnnir nt of war with wiklfire in-Phhkve./.l.a phial, ■ r vial, a jrold 

closc 1, shot out of an cnjrine in cup, apot for drink, a hcaker. 

or lertoset wooden turrctsonfire Phidltiaj^rum. pl n. 2. puhlic sup. 

a s:)rt of lonjr spcar, or dart. pers kcpt with jrr?at tcmpcrance 

P!i-ilaris,idis./. *■ u bird, an hcrb. Philautiu, x./ 1. self-lovc 
Phalarismus, i. m. 2. tyranny. 'Philftes, ac. m. 1. a thicf. 
Plrilerx,arum />/./l. trappinirsforphilippc-is, vid. Philippus. 

horses,nrna*ucnts worn bythello-Philippfcus, a, um. a:li. nf Philip. 

Phunt-asia,2e./!lthefancy, r imaffi-Pliilnlnjria,3C./lphil<»Injry.the stu- 
nation, an idea, a vision in sleep. dy of humanity, loqunrity. 
Phantusma,atis n .*. a phantorn, anPhil6l6jfiis,a.uni .a*fj. of philology. 
apnarition, an idle conceit. Philriln^us, i. m 2. a philolo^rcr, 

jPhanum, i. /i. 2. a templc. | *nr humanist, a lover of discourse 

Pharctra,x./ 1. aquiver.(qiiiver.| and learninfr, 
Phare^ratus, a, um. wij. wcaringaPhitOmcla,?c./.l.a ni{rhtir.ppde.(es« 
Pharetriger, a, uro, a>lj. ideoi. ,Phf lKmusus,i.m a lover of the mus- 
Phaiicon, i. n 2. a poison. Philnpxs. dis. / .1. the hcrb hore- 

Pharisseus, i- m. 2. a pharisee. | hound. (the Roman nation, Cie. 
Pharmaceutria, x. /. an eclojrue Phil5rhom3eus, i. m. 2. a lover of 
treatiiig" of clianns, a sorceress, aPliilosophans.tis.p/.philo-ophizinjr 
witch. (an apotliecary, a quack. Phflosophatus, a, um. pt. having 1 
Pharmicftp^la, x. m. 1. a druggist,. playcd thc philosopher. 
n, i. n. 2. a sort of shoe IP »a-macum, L iu 2.a drug,a medJ-,PhI16sbph"ia,3c/l.philosophy, dis- 
us, % um. at(j* Wcaring I cinc^potion,poison(inauy villanyj quisition, ttrict search ; philntA- 
«. tPharmacus,!. m. 2. the chief artist) bis» pL M^sa^\Aan&sy&x.^ 






Philds&phice^aaVphilosopMcallyiPhthsYsYcuB, a,um. adj phthiaical. 

Philosttphicus, a, um. adj. philo- 
sophicui. (phise 

Phi]6sbphor,ari. dep, l.tophiloso- carriage. 

Plul6sophus,i.m.2. a philosopher. 
PlrtI6sdphut&aUina/{f. philosophi 

Philbtechnus, a, um. mcchanical. 
Philothedrus, i. m. a contempla- 

tive man. 
lMii1tra,drum. 2 love-charms 
Philus, i. m. 2.a gallant, a friend. 

Phthisis, is veleos f a phthisic 
Phth6rius,a, um. atlj. catismg mis- 

Phu,n indecl a sort of nard,a shrub 
Phy, inierj. fie ! strange ! 
Phylaca, ae./l.a jail for servants. 
Phylacterium,i.n.2.a philactery,an 

amnlet, a charm, •/• spcll. 
Phylarchus,i.m the headof a tribe 

clan, or family. 
Physica,*./ 1 natural philosphy, 


Philyra&Piiilura, x.f 1. the lin- the knowledgc of nature. 

den-tree, tlie thin skin betwcen Phy sica,brum pl n.2.books of 

thebark and thc wood of that tree tural philosophy. 

a leafyor shcet ofa sortof paper.physicc, adv. naturally. 

Phimus, i. m. 2. a dice box. !physicus, natural.(phor. 

Phlcgma, atis. 7*. 3. phlegm. (tic.'Physicus,i.m. 2. a natural philoso- 

Phlegmaticus,a,um./i<0. phlegma-|Miysiogn6mia,x./l.physiognomy 

Phlegmon,6nis.m.3.a hot 8welhng'physiogn6mon,6nis m. 3 a physi- 

Phleg-mbna^ae/.lanintlammatJoii. ognonnst, a fortunetellcr. 

Phdca, ae./ 1. a seacalf, a scal. Physi616gia,*./lphysiology,natu- 

Phocbe, es / 3. the moon. 
Pharbus, i.m. 2. the sun. (wind. 

ral philosophy. 
Physibl6gus,i.m. 2 a physiologist 

Phoenlce. cs./ 3. the south-easi;Physis,is./3.nature,theprivvmcm- 
Phamiccus, a um.adj. of a purplei bcrs; physes, jfr/. precious stones 
Phanix,Icis m.3.a phacnix(colour. 
Ph6nascus,i,m that teacheth ***• 

to pronouncc words properly. Piabilis, c.aojf.that may be expiat- 
Phosphbrusa.m 2 ihemorning-star Piacularis, e. at$. cxpiatory. (ed. 
Phrasis,is,xr{eos. / u.a phrasc, f.r|piaculum,i ».2.agrcat crime^asa- 

cxprcssiou,tlie proper mannerof crifice foratonemcnt,aremedy,tr 
Phrencsis,is/ ,. a phrcnsy(speech Piamen,Ynis n.3 an expiatioiKcure 
Phrenetlcus, a, um. udj. "frantic 
Phrenitis, idis. / 3. a phrensy. 

Piamentum, atonement, «r 
expiation, a remcdy, or cure 
Phrygianus,a,^cmbroiderc(lpiandus, a, um. pt \o be atoncd 
Phrygio,6nis.m.3 au cmbroidcrcr Piatio, 6nis. / 3. an atoning. (for. 
Phrygidnius, a, uin adj. wrought Piatus,a, um. pl. expiated, atoned 

witli a needle, embroidered. Pica, x.f 1. a pic, a magpie. 
Phrygius, a, um. adj. Phrygian. Picandus, a, um / bc pilched. 

wrought witli ncedicwork Phry Picans,tis pt. daubing with pitch. 

gius modus,a chcerful, vigr>routJpicaria,3e./l.a place where pitch 

mcasurc in dancing, r a tunc in is madc, or perhaps dug. 

Binging, Mart. Cap. Phrygius la- Picltus, a, um pt. pitchcd 

pis,a kiiidofpumi'ce,/J.(djscase. Picea, *./. 1. apitch-tree. 
1'nihiriitihM. vel cos/,3.thc lousjf Pi 

v — - ^ — — § 

'iccustcr, tri* m. 2. idem. ^ 

PYceMus,a, um. otf. phched 

nus picc*ta» one who steafet! 

vezy thing he toucheth, Mat 

Piceus, a, um. atff. made of pi 

black as pitch. (pi 

PTcfnus i,um.a(jf. of the colou 

PYco, ftre. act. 1. to pitcfc. 

Picor,ari. be pitchedt 

Picris, Ydis. / 3. wild cichory.( 

Pictilis,e adi. painted, embrn 

Pictor, 6ris. m. 3. a painter. 

Pictdrius, a, um. adj. of paiatii 

Pictilra.x- /lApicturcarejmJ 

tation t painting,punt,aplaia>< 

sign.Pictura textilis,embroidfl 


Picturatus,a»um.a<fy'. wrougfct, i 

Pictus, a, um- pt. & atf.wz* 

painted, drawn, erobroide«i 

dorned, speckled, spotted. 

Picula, ae./. 1. alittlepitA 

Picus,i m.2a woodpeckerA^ 

Pie,a«/r* issim6,tii^.pioi»1y^*4 

Pientissimus, a, um adj. a^M 

pious, or kindlv affectioMWj 

Pietas,atis./3piery f devo^»ji 

gion, duty, dutifuiness, sftcjj 

love, attichmcnt, kindneM 

meney,pit}% compa«ion,jt 

cquity, righteousness, a 


Hgendus a,um. p/.tobe 
Pigeo,ere, be ubi 
to grieve, vex, or troubk. 
Pfgvt, & gitum est, 1 mh. H '? 
grievetli, w repcntctn. 
Piger,gTa,grumarf;". rior. 1 
rimus,tujfr «low, dull, hctTt, 
zy. listlcss. benumbed, 
bound(seller of paint,* ' 
Pigmcntarius, i. m. 2. a 
Pigmentatus a, um.^ ; 
Pigmentum^. n 2. women , i 
paint,a figure,trfiourisbifll 
riQ,a pretcnce,tr dif guiif , »1 





(ed.jPiltlGdius, i. w. 2. x/J. Pilarius. 
idus,a,unv/»Mo be plcdg-iPilo, arc. «cf. 1. tu drivc closc, lo 
io,6nis./.5.a pawninjr (er.f thickcn, to pillagc, lo plundcr. 
or,drih.;/i. 3 a pawii6rok- | Pilo,are.;i. 1 tobeginto bc hairy; 
rix,icis./o.a pawubroker pccl,to make bald,to bare. 
us, a, um. patt pawncd, Pil6sus,a,um. atlj. ior, comp. full of 
l, having ciigagcd. hair, huiry.(knob, shccp's clung. 

irc.act. 1. to pawn, to re- Pi1uln,x./a little baIl,apill v around 

i a pawn, to mortagc. 
,ari rf.l. to tukc a plcdgc 
engc as his owu,toassumc 
us,a,ura./i/ha\ ingplcdgcd 
c,a gage»a mortgugc,a to- 
>of, testimony, a»s»uraiicc, 
*ity, a wager, a chiid. 
o.ius, comp slowly, dully. 

inis/. 3. slolhfulncss. 
,ccre,gui *; slacken 
e./.l. k P.gritjc , ci./. 5. 
!-*i.flip%ior,ari, atus d. 1. 
>w, r loatii to do a thing. 
ris. m. J. sluggishness. 
1. a ball, a pill, an etiigy 
witli straw, a tumip. 

1 a jnortar and pestle, a 
piUster, a pilc, a mole, a 
>rop ii shcp. pillaging, darting. 
i. m. i. a pikeman. 


Piluin, i. n. 2. a dart, a javclin, a 
spcar, a pestlc. Pilum rudcrari- 
um, a ranuncr, Cot. Priinum pi- 
lum,thc chict band of thclioinaiis 
about tiic stamlard.thc cldcst, oi 
first company in a regiuient. Cam 
Pihis i. m. 2. tkc van of unarmy; 
alxo thc sair.c as pilum. 
Pilu?,i./>2 2 hair,u thiug of no valuc. 
Nc faccrct pili cohortcm, v.\lucd 
it not a hair of his hcad, Cutull. 
Pinacothcca.x /l.a picturc gallc- 
Pinastcr, tri. m 2. a wild pinc.(ry. 
Pinax, acis m.3 thc fraiiie of a pic 
ture, a tablc, a board for orguii 
pipcs,the index ofa book(bcarcr 
Pinccrna, x. m. 1. a butlcr, a cup 
Pindo/lerc.u. pouud, to bcat 
Pincu, x./l. apine-trcc.(ofpincs 
Pluctum, i. n. 2. a wood, or grovc 
Pineus, a, um. adj of pinc 
Pingcndus,a,uin./>;- to bc paiiitcd, 
to bc adorncd, or illustratcd. 

adj. ofa baLl,or hair,lusio- Pingo, gcre, nxi, ictuin. act. .;. to Pinso, scrc, naui & nsi, . . m, ist 

fat,grcasy plump, corpulcnt, un- 
wicldy.dull hcavy,hunpish. fruil- 
ful,lhick,coarM.-,rude . unpolished 

Pinguitcr, adv. thickly. 

Pinguitics,ci./ 5. &. 


Pimfciscraycrum a/(/.bcanng pine 

Pimgcr, a, um. adj. pinc-bcariug. 

Pinna. x./ 1. a shcllhsh a nakcr, 
a (in, a fcuthcr, a wing, a plumc, 
a nichcd battlcmcnt. 

Piimulis, c adj. woolly. 

Piniifilus, a, uiu. ai{j. feathercd, 
\\ing..'d.nichcd,notclicd. pointcd, 
prickly. Pinnata, plnr huiUcrs' 
toiU btuck with fcathcrs. {.cd. 

Piniiigcr,ra,runi.(i/^ tinncd, wing- 

PiiuurapuSji.wi. 2. a suord plujer, 
who with a nct catchcd ott the 
crcstofhis adversar>'s hclmet, 
which was adorncd with pea- 
cocks' feutlius. 

Pinnula, x./. 1 a little fin, a little 
ciuill,fcuihcr,orwiug tli*- t.p olUic 
car;pinnulx,^. qrnamcnts of rich 
fcathcrs fastcncd to c;ipi# 

Piiibatio, dnis. /. a poiiiuUug. 

Pinsito |K>und in a mort. r 

Pinsitor ari.//. to bc pouiidcu. v cd« 

PinsiUis,a,uni./f/ poundcd stamp- 

Pinso,arc.u.l. to pound, to :.ncad, 

paint,to dra\v,to stain,o/* daub, to 

i.m.aball-playcr,ajugglcr gracc,or bcuutify, to udorn,or sct 

i</r.pillar by pillar closc. 
,um. atfj armcd with tlic shavcd. (pilum. 
i,um.o/j|. wcaring a cap. 
14.11-2. a chariot r /4* coacli, 
ii tl»e Homan ladics wcrc 

oft',to dcscribc, to dcvise, invcut, 

or fcign. 

Pingor, gi, ictus. />. to bc paintcd 
Pinguc, jj n. o. fat. 
Pingiiedo, Inis./ .i. fat, fatne^s. 
Pinguef acio,ccrc,f cci, factum. a. 

when they wcnt to pcr- 3. to make fat, to fatten. 

cir rehgious ritcs. 
i, Pilcolus.i. m. 2. a 
mnet, . r cap, a covcring. 
.n.2 jteap[libcrty,fi cedom 

Finguesccns. gro*ing fat. 
Pingucsco,ccrc.iuc. J. to grow fat, 
to bc madc fertilc, or cnriched 
Pinguiarius, i. m 2. a lovcr ol fu*# 

um & iiisum. a v . to pound in a kncad,to pe ..iv mock 

r scoO' (er. 

Pinsor,dris m.X a pounder, a bab> 

Pinus,i,Si. us./(& ant. m., a pino-, a pinc a ship. 
Pio,;»rc.u to c\piui.c,oj atone,topo1- 

lutc. or dcfiic to lovc, to Aorstup. 
Pior, uri, at;i^./>. to be e piut -d. 
Pipatus us.m-4.tb« cry * cluckcn* 
Pipcr, ciis. n. 3. peppir. 
Ppcrritus, a, um ut\j. p^ [>j.cred. 

Pipcntis, ldia j. •>• pepjjci-wort^. 

vr. 2jihat, bonnct,«r cap, V^^.QMdjX^tgmp^p^up. P)ipil^ ftf A WU^ U^fe 
• J3 ....■■•■ 





npio,!re,ivi,7tum neut 4. to pccp. 
Pipo, are. n. \. to cluck as a hcn, 
Pipulum,i n. rrf. Pipulus, i. m. 2 a 

railing, a scolding, an outcry. 
Pirata,ae.m l.a piratc, aplunderer, 
PTratica, x. /. 1 piracy (a tliief 
Plr&ticus, a, um adj. of pirates, r 
Pirum, i. n. 2 a pear. (piracy. 
Pinw, i / 2. a pcar-trec. 
Piscans, tis pt. tisbin^. 
Piscaria, x f. l.afish-markct. 
Piscarius a. um adj pcrtaining 1 to 

fish, fisherman, v fishing". 
Pisc Jrius , i. m. 2. a fishinoiujrcr. 
Pisc&tio, on s./ . tishing-. 
Piscator, oris. m. :\. a fishcrman. 
Piscatorius. .,, orbclong- 

ing" to fishcrs, or fishing'. 
Piscatri •, Icis / 3. a kind of fish. 
Piscatus, iis. (ti, Non.) m. a fish- 

injr, fishintf, pleuty of lish, the 

cating 1 of tifch,a tish-markct. (fish 

Pistillum, i. 7/. 2. a pcstle. 
Pistor,oris.m. -. a bakcr, a millcr- 
Pistorius a,um. at(f. belonging to a 

bakcr, baking, or pastry 
Pistrensis, e atfj. of a bakchousc. 
Pistrilla,x./ 1 a small bakehouse. 
Pistrillarius i. m 2. amillcr. 
Pistrtna.w/l.a grinding-house, a 

bakchouse, a mill 
Pistrlnalis, e. ae(i. of a bakehouse. 
Pistrinensis, c arfj. belonging to 

abakchouse, rmil). 
Pistrmum, i n 2 a bakehousc, u 

workhouse,a bridewcll, a prison. 

drudgcry,toil [thc hcavens,a fish. 
Pistrix, icis. / 3. a mill, a sign in 
Pistm-a,x./theartofpounding com 

Placans, tis. pt. appeuing. 

Placatc, adv. iufti comp. ca3 

Placutio,6nis/3 an appeasi 

cirying, sr calming. an ati 

Plaoaturus^um./^uibout t< 

PUlcIltu8,a,um./tf. & o<#. ioi 

isMraus, 8iip. appeascd, < 

stilled. hushcd, allaved, p 


Piaccndiis, a, to pld 

Placens, tis pt pleasing. 

Placenta, a%/.l. a cake, a < 

Placcntinus,i.m.2.amaker o 

Placeo,cre,cui t citum.» 

to deli£ht,to like.Placcre 

tliink well of himsclf, Qui 

Placct,cbat,cu;t velcitum c 

Pfsum, i. n. 2 a pea 
Pithecium, i ». 2. an ill-favoured 
wonian. likc an old npc. [little 
Pitisso,are a. totaste bv little and 

Pisciculus, i. m. 2 u littlc fish, s-Pittacium.i.n. 2. a roll, list. patch 
Piscina,?c./l.afishpond,apool, or!Pituita,x/l phle£m,rhcum, snot 

pond,aplacc to bathe in, a vat, a 


Piscinalis,c.f!r#.of fishponds. (fish 
Piscinarius, i. m. hc that kcepeth 
Pi»cinurius,a,um.<irj/ of fishponds. 
Piscinul i,rc/l»isclnclla, sc/.l. dim. 

& small iiahpoiid r pool. 
Piscis, is m 3. a fish, a si^n inthc 

Ziidiac Piscium vita, Prov. the 

wc&kcst gocth to the wall, Van 
Piscor,ari.«/c/>.l tt> fish. Piscari in 

aerc, to labour in vain, Plaut- 
Piscdsus,«t(/ full of fish,fishy. 
Pisculentus.a, um. adj. full of fisii. 
I'iscns, tis. pt. pounding. 
Pisillum, i. ». 2. a pcslle. 
Piso,are act.lto stamp, cr pound. 
Piso. serc. act. 6. idem. (cd. 

Pisor, be stampcd, rpound- 
*'iss i nu s . a, um . adj. «f pitch 
JtALV/a, r./ 1. a pistachio-nut. 
MeticA aarOtw, «pikciiard. 

Pistus, a, poundcd, baked.J it iiketh, orpleascth, it u 

£Ood. Si diis placet, an't 
you, 7Vr. 

Placidi: : ar/TMiis.c mp. isslm 
etly,s'oftly,kmtU) ,peaccabl 
ently, pleasingly, delibert 

Pliiciditas, atis./ 3. mildne 

Placidus,a, wm.adj. ior, am^ 
mns,^///» calm,smooth,raiU 
gvn tJc,quiet,tame .casy^ol 
courteous, patiei.t, coustai 

Placito,arc//-e9.1 to pleaie ' 

a watery distemper, the pip. 
PituTLaria, tc. /. 1 siaves-acre 
Fituitosiis,a um adj.fuWof phlcg^m 
Pius,a,, rttp pious 
godh , devout, ndigious, dutiful, 
uprij^ht, uncorrupt, just, lawful 

naturca,Bcrene,calm,mild. meck,p]acitum, i. n. 2an opimu^ 

modcst, ingenious, learncd. 
Pix, picis. /. '6. pitch. 


Placabdis, c. adj. ior, comp. placa- 
ble, easy to be plcascd, or paci- 
fied,mild-}rentle,appcasing; mak- 
ing- propittous. 
Placamen,inis.7f. .3. an atonemenU 
Placamcntum,i.n. 2jin atonement. 
Piacandus,a, be appeased 
cr softened. 

tence,a resolvetadecreej»! 

Placiturus,a,um.p/.that wll 

Placitus, a, um pt. issimo 

pleasin^, greatful, agrecab 

Placo,ure « 1. toap ease,u 

to smooth,still,orhusli,to sf 

toallay,topacify,to recoacil 

tify,to atone,to rcnder pnn 

Placor, ari. pau. to be *ff 

Plaga, ae/. 1. a climate, att 

spacc,a legtontircountrr^ 

a way ,a net.srtoil.a cord»» * 

a garment, a becVcwrtaJ»- 

Pla^a, ar./. 1. attrDke,»» 




pe,a print, or mark, a wound, llie sole ofthe foot .(rv uf plautfi.Plausus,a,um. pt. applaudei 
it, gash, w inciiion, a loss, »rPlantaiiuin,i.?i. 2. »plant,a utirsc- pcd, strokcd, flappcd » 
rthrow jPkintatio, 6nis./ 3. a plantin^. Pluususus. '"■ 4- applausr, a 

V t arum.^./l.nets,toils.(perjPlanti£cr, a, um> adj. ^raficd. Plcbccula.K./lthc poor pc 

iarius,i.m apla£iary,a kidnap- 
[lgcr* a, um. udj. born to be 
itcn- (stripcs. 

ijfcrulus, a, um. a<(/. usecf to mus, #w/>. plain, flat, k-vel, evcn, Plcbicola x. m. 1 a popular n 

Planto,arc.u*iJrPlantor f uri. />,l.toPlcbcius,a,uin.u<// plcbian, o 
bc plantcd, or sct. comnionpcoplc f poor,low f coit 

Planus,a, uin. adj. ior, com/fr. issi-Plcbes,is./3.the cominonpcc 

ipatida,* m.l.a parasite, who 
a mcaTs meat would sutfer a 
ind bcating- (flogpng. 

|6*tia,u v um.<:<{/full of wounds 
nlla, at./ 1. a small curtain,or 
iging. a sheet of papcr. 
pileius, i. m. 2. a plagiary. beating,a roarinfr, 
0ise,a wading» or lamentation 
icusy i- m. one splayfooted, an 

le, flrfr. ius comp. isstmc, tup. 

ialy v clearly, evidcntly. inani- 

ly "uttcrly.entircly^alVog-ether, 

trately, withotit fail, truly. 

ta, x. «. 1. aplanct. 

aris, e. adi. plauctary. 

;ns,tis. pf .bcalingybcating a- 

wecping, wailing 

gtrc,nxi,nctum.a. to bcat, 

knock, or dash against, to Plaiideiidus,a,uin./!>c applaud- 

lamcnt, er bemoan, to re- 

gi. nctus /> to bc bcatcn 

iris m i.a bcating.a uail- 

iiTi<-ntation, au outcry. 

ila,x./l.a puppct(mind 

is,a,uin a<#.Sj>cakinghis 

tdis. adj. without skocs. 

f. 1 .a plain,a levcl picce 

plai:iiit'ss cvcnness. 

. f. 5 idcro. 

nis. /• 3 plainness. 

a piaut,a cratt^cioiuor 

ilccifthc toot.the foot 

» / 3. plantain. 

3. aplant. 

smooth, clcar, cvidcnt, manifest Plcbiscituni, i.ii. 2 a law, dcci 
Dc plano,standing on the ground ordcr,orstatute iuadcby thc jo 
Sur/ciearly manifcstly,/.i/cr.Pla- conscntof thc pcoplc. 
ni pcdisxdificium,abuiluUii£hav-Plcbs,ebis/ •'•. thc common pe 
ing no ccllar, nor vault, Vitwv ple, thc rout, mob,or rabblc, oi 
Pcr tutum planumque, ovcr, or of tlic coiumon sort, a plebeian. 
upon thc plain ground, Ov Plcctilis, c. adj- that is platted 

Plunusji. m.2 an impostor,a chcat. Plccto tcre,cxi,c.ttim..u3 totwist 
Plasma,atis?i.3.a garglc, aiiction.- cr twinc, to plait, fold, knit, ot 
Plastcs.x.m.l a pottcr, a statuary • \veavc,to corrcct, punish,^- bcat- 
Plasticc,cs./ >. thccRifi f or art of Plcctor,ti,cxus. bc punishedr 

ntakinf*' things of carth. (ti*cc 
Plataninus, a, um. aaj. of a planc- 
Platanon,onis. m. 3 a placc piant- 

cd, or sct witli planc-trecs. 
Platanus i & us./ a planc-trcc. 

Platc.i, sive PlatCa, « f. 1. a gTcatflCnc, adv. i«b c mp issnnc, mp 

to suflcr, to go to u ruck. 
Plcctrtun,i. n. 2 a qiull,bow,&c to 
play upon thc strings of musiclal 
iiistrumcntsa harp,a lutc,ahclm 9 
a niddcr, a spur tbr a cock 

street, a strcct, a court, a bird- 
Plutcssa, ac / 1. a flat fiah. 

cd, to be jrcntly stroked 

PlaiidciiSftis. pt. applaudinjr, com- 

lncitding, clappiug* hands, clap- 

ping (&c. rcjoicc, or clap hands. 

Plauditur, impent. I thou, hc, we, 

Plaudo,dcrc,ausi,ausuni ap- 

plaud,to encouragc, 

to clap hands, tn clap, to flup, to 

strokc»to hug tn bcat.(plaudcd 

Plaudor, di. plausus. p. to bc ap- 

Plausibilis, e adj. plausiblc 

Plausor, oris. m. 5. an applaudcr 

Plaustrum,&uM/ Plostrum, i. n. 2. 

a wagxon, a cart, a dung^cart, a 

ilra\, CharPs wain ncar thc nortl. 

polc, Plaudtrum pcrculi, Ijiavc 

>'. of, or belonging tol miitcd all, 7'ror. Pla»t. 

ly, iarg^ly. at kirge, foudly 

Plenilunium.i n. 2 thc full raoon. 

Plcnitas, atis./ •. fulncss, plcnty- 

Plcmtcr, adv fully. 

Plcnitfido,ntiK /3 fulncss, corpu- 
lcncy, lar^rencss, thickncss.,uin.a<// ior,c mp. issimu.% 
Hup. full, ]>leiitifu1, abounding, or 
funtislicd wilh,lar^c,grcat, flosh- 
y, plump. corpulcnt, jrross, load- 
cd, hig* with youii{r, bigbcllied. 

Plc-Onasintis, i. m. -;.a plconasm, a 
rcdundancv of words. 

Plcri(mc,plcr:equc,pleraquc, aa])» 
\tl thc nio.-Jt,or^Tfatcst part,many 

Plerumquc-vWPlCrunquc, adv.fov 
thc most part, sometimcs. 

Plcnisque,aquc,umqHC rWunquet 
adj. most. vid. Pl( rique- 
Plethoia^ x. 1' . \ . -i.Sx\w^ia^ 





POmEtum, u n# 2. &n orchard. I pose»orpropound»toappomt»©ren 

PdmYfcr f a,um.a<#. bearinfc applesJ act,to employ,orbestow,to quote, 

Pdmflio. Onis. m. i. & dwarf. j pr6ducc,«r alledge, to reckon, or 

Pdmflius, a. um. aaj. dwarfish. | account, to suppose, to prcfer,to 

P3maerium,i.n.2.aspace about the sow,orplant,to build, sr erect, to 

walls of a city, a Umit, er bound. draw, or, portray, to hang up, to 

P5m5sus, a, um anj full of apples. consecratc, to devote. Sumptum 

Pompa- st. /*.l. a pomp, a solemn ponerc, tobe atthe expense.Cic. 

sight, or snow, a train, r retinue, accusatorem,to suborn, /</. Venti 

a wcdding, or burial, a proccs- posuere, the winds were laid, troyed. (or piUaging, 

sion, show. ostentation, parade. Virg. PoiieTijrcllimim,cxposehimP6piilabuiidus > a,um.« 

Pomp&nianiimpyrum,aroundpcar Pdnor, ni, &siUis,/>. to be put (Juv. P&pOlandus, a, um. / 

rese.nbting a woman's breast. ^Pons, tis. m. 3. a bridge, a float,or waste. 

P&mum,i.n. an apple,all manner of raft, a plank, a step, or stair. Popiilans. t\ wmsti 

fruit that gro vetli on trces^ fruitponticulus, i. m. 2. a little bridge. Pbpularia, ium. bl. n.i 

P5mus v i/.afruittrcc,anapple(trccPonticii8, a,um. Pontus. Ca-| most seats in the ph 

haunter of public ho 
Poples,Itis.m.3.the ha 
Poppcftna, Orum. pL : 

Poppysma, &tia.n.3. a 

the baek ontrokingv 
Poppysmus, i. m. 2. a 

Pond^randus,a,Uin./>/ to be weigh- nis Ponticus, a bcaver, Jun. Nux] the populace. 

ed, cxamined, or considered. ' Pontica, a filberd, Plin jP5pulariB,c.a<0.ior,r>i 

Pond&rans, tis. pt. weighing. PontTfex, Ycis.m.3. a pontiff, a chief, favoured of thepeop 
Ponderatio, rtnis. / 3. a wcighing.' bishop, a pricst, a magistratc. pcople, sceking 1o g 
Ponderatus, a, um. pt. weigucd. Pontificalis,c.a<//.ofapontiff.Pon- ple*s favour, comnu 
Pondero, are a 1 to weigli,to cxa- tificalcs libri, books containing vutgar, trivial trifiin 

minc,to considcr,to judge to cs* their ccremonies, Liv. P6pularis, is comgcn. 

timate, to valuc, or estcem. Pontif icalus,us.m 4 the dignity ofj man, or woinan, one 

Ponderor, ari. p. to be weighcd. a pontiflf,or chief priest(cal books; town,breed, Scc. a pa 
Pondcrdsus,a,um.a<4)'.ior, e mp is-Pontittcia,6rum./>/n.2.the pontifi-l complicc, a subjcct. 

stmus, 9itp pondcrous, very hea- Pontiflciulis, c. adj. of, or belong- Popularitas, atis./. 3 

▼y,weighty,substantial,pithy,Iong ing to a pontiff, or chicf priest. 
Pondo, n indecL ung. & plur. aPont\ficium,i.7i.2. the charge>au- 

pouud weight, weiyht. 

a popular action, rriei 
thority,powcr,oroRice of a pontiffPbpulariter, adv. popi 

plcasurc of the poptil 
P6pulatio,dnis/3. a rc 

laging, a wasting, or 
Pdpulator, oris. m. 3. t 

Pondus ens.n.3. weig"ht,a burden,Pontif iciuj, a,um- adj. of a pontiff. 

orload,aquantitv,number,orsum,Pontilis, e. adj. likc a bridge. 

abalance.orscales, value, import- Ponto, oni». m. 3. a pontoon. 

ance,power, anthority, gravity in Pontus,i ;;j.2.thc sea,thc black sea. 

mannersjudgment, &c. a child inpbpa,x.n>.l. tlic sacrificing priest,! a wastcr. 

the womb, a pound. | one gluttonous, or gTcedy (go<ls.jP5piilatrix, lcis../ a d 

PondusciiIum,i.n.2.a small weightPopanum,i.n 2.acakeoflercdtothc Pdpulaturus, a,um.^r- 
P6ne. prap. & adv- after, behind.!p6dcllus,i.m 2. the rabblc,or mob. vage- (wastc,ravagec 
P6nendus,a,um.^.to be laid asidc,^P6pina x/.l. a tavern, a tippling. P6pulatus, a, um. pt. 

to be bcstowcdrto be accouoted. house^ cook's shop . or ordmary, P6piilatus,us. m.4. a b 
Ponens, tis o/. placin^, bestowing. victuals sold in such places,cook- P5puletum y i.n.2.agrot 
P6no,ncre,6sui(St slvi). SsHum. a. P6plnalis.e ao)**ofcook'sshops(ery Pdpuleus, a,um. a%* o 

3. to put.lay set,place, or pitch,to Pbplnaria, x/ 1. a hostess. P6puhfer, a,um. adj. b 

put off,or out,to lay down, aside P6pinarius, i. m. 2. a victualler. P6puliscitum,T»d Plek 

eut or up,toset down,orbefore,toP6pTnatio, onis./.3. riotous living. Populneus, a,um- a%. 

fit»kc,to deposit, to leaye, fopro-fPSplnator, oris. m* 3. a commonlPdpulnus, a» om. afy i 





fcrea.l. pIunderJPorrTciae, ftnim. pi. /. 1« entrails.-PortYcula, *./. 1. m little porch. 
l,toravage, toransack, toPorncio,cere,cVi,ertum.a torcachPorticua, b.%. m. 4. m portico, or 
ite» to waste, to dcstroy. or stretch out, to lav Rpon the al- 1 , piazza, a porch, a gallery. 
, ari, atus sura d. 1 . idetn; tar(ed out«rextendcd,to hold outPortiOfOnis/. 5. a portion, pmrt, sr 
e destroyed, 8cc Porhfjfc.uluwwini. jM*to be stretch- share*a quantity v ormeasure,a pro- 

, i. /*. (m. Prioe.) m poplar- Porrijr,ena,tiJ. pt. friving, rcaching. portion, or rate, bigness, or size. 
n aspcn tree. PorrigTndsua, a, um. adj. measly. Port ito,are freq. 1. to carry about. 

•,'i.m. *.the peop!e,the cora- Porrigo.inis./3. scurf in thc head,|PortTtor,oris.m. 3. aportcr, or carw 
y,thc stibjects ofanation, dandrufF,man{riness,the mcasles-l rier, a ferryman ; fa,portusj the 
n, a crowd, or multitudc, a Porrigu [per.rejro], frcre,rcxi,rec-' custom-reeeiver of a port. 
inity, r corporation, a tum. a 3. tostretch, reach, hold, Portiunciila, x.f. 1. a little part 
>ourhood, a atock of bees. loll,or lengthen out, to cxtend,to Porto,are.a 1. to carry, or bear, te> 

prostrate,to lay lonjr,to kill,to de- carry away, to brinjr, to import. 
fer.orprolong Manutn porri^erc,Portor, 5ri, atus. p. to be carried. 
to help.orassist, Cic. Herbam por-Portorium,i.n.2. custom,or impost 
rifjere, to yield up the conquest, paid for goods importcd,orcxpor« 
Plin. pcdes, to die, Mart. (cd. ted, toll, rcnt for toll, a tax, or 
Porrijror,fri,rcctus./ be extcnd- duty, freijrht, a waterman's fare. 
PorrJivi,?e/l.apardenbed,aleekPortula, *./. 1. dim. a little frate. 
Porro, athf. farther, afar otT,or at aPortu5sus,a*>ior, comp. issT- 
distancc,moreover, furthcrmore, mus, *up. full of, or abounding- 
bcstdcs.hcreaftcr.henceforth, af- with havcns, or harbours. 
tcrwards, still, lonjr beforc, but. Portus, us. m. 4. a port, liaven, •»• 
Porrum, i. n. & Porrus, i. m. 2. a harbour, a duty, the mouth of a 
scallion leck, <*r shalot. river,a placc off refu^c,a defence 

Porta,»/l.a gate of a city 9 a door,Porus,i.m%.a pore,a kind of stone. 
an entrance, a passajrc, a straitPdrxi, pcr Sync pro Porrexi. 
betwcen two hills, a mouth. .Posca»ae/winc minjrlcd with water 
Port&bllis, e attf. portablc. Posccns, tis. pt. asking, desirinjr. 

Portandus,a,um pt. to be carried. Posco.c£re,poposci. a. 3. to ask,to 
Portans, tis pt. carryinjr, bcaring. call for,to aemand, to reqiiirc, to 
Portatio, dnis. / 3. a carryiujr. , prav earnestly,to provoke,to bid, 
Portaturus,a,um /w.about to carry. . or ofter a price, to send for. 
Portatua, us m 4s a carriagc. Poscor, ci. p> to bc demanded. 
ortendo [porro,tendo] dere, di,P6sftio,oni*./3. a position,a situa- 
ntuma. I. to portend,orforebode, tion,a disposition,state, or condi- 
to betoken, to ordain. ; tion, a tempcr» a concurrcncc, a 

:i, ius, adv fartber on Portendor, di. p. to be portcnded. termiuation,primitiveness,a prin- 
io, ftnifl./. X an cxtensi^n. Portenttfer.a, um. adj. doing won- cipal in money, asetting-, a plan- 
vuysL, ior, c inp. Portentfffcus,a,um. ajj id. (ders. tinjr. (lute. 

ied,i»r held out, extended, Portcnt6aus,a,^' \ar t cmp. is-P5sYtTvus,a,um.iu//. positivc, abso- 
lon^rflelavedvorprolonged, stmuM«*p-™ on5troua » wondcrful PosTtor, 6ris. m. 3. a founder, a 
[a porricio] laid upon the Portentum,in.2 a prodigy^ mon- builder. (turc. 

nter cxja& porrecta,many ster an omcn,a token, a vain fan-P5sItura,ic./ 1. a poaition, a pos> 
may faU betwixt the cup Portentus,a,um.^/fbreshown. (cy. PosItQrus, a, um. pt. about to put, 
e lip, Qic. Portbmeus, eos m. 3. aferryaun | sct, pitch, lay dowiv, «r «osV» 

/. la sow,a rid?c between 

Tows.a balk of iand,a mea- 

" land 130 fcct iu length 

in breadth. 

iia, a, um. atfj. of a sow. 
iis, i. m. 2. a swineherd* 
a, x./ 1. purslain. 
is,i.m.2.a pi^i youn^ hog". 
a, x / 1. a young sow. 
f ae. / l.pork. 
irius.i-m. 2. m hog--butcher. 
\Mj&jim.alj of a hog".(swine 
tor, 6ris m. a tcedcr of 
un,i. n 2. an implement to 
t in the screw of an oil- 
to hold the rope. 
ls, i m. 2. a littlc piff 
i.m 2. pork, hofr/s flesh, m 
lW »* r pif» a fflutton, a fish. 
s. tia. pt. pro Porrigena 
ii a, um. adj. porous. 
rtttcus.a, um. adj purple. 
riacus, a, um. adj. purple. 
rites, z. m. adj. porphyry 
rus, a, um. aaj. grcen. 





jftus^,um. pt. put, laid, set, or 

?ossessiuncuU, *./ 1. a small es- 

PosteriuSi adv. cnmp. afterward. f#'o«/mitto t t£re,isi.a. S.tonegfc 

laced,laid down,aside,or out set Postcrd, adv. thc ncxt day. 

rer/ituatediappointed,grantedj Posterus.a,um aoj.the nezt; post£- 

upposcd,planted,founded.built, rior, c tnp. aftcr, Utter, worse ; 

>owed.bent,dropped, dead. (on postrcmus «tip.the last,the worst, 

6sTtus,us m.4. a placing,a situati. thc meanest, or most contempti- 

ossessio» Snis. / 3. posscssion, ble. In, vcl ad posterum, for thc 

estate (tatc | future, or the time to come. Cic. 

PostferenduK»a,um*p*tobesctaftcr Postponor,ni p. to be recknned 

PosscssiTU8.a,um. aty possessivc. P «ffero, ferrrc. postuli, tlatum. 
Possessor.drism* 3. a possessor,an a. 3. to put aftcr, or behind, to 
owner, a tcnant. a seizer. (scss estecm lcss. 
Posscssurus,a,um./w about to posj Postferor,ri./).to be less esteemed 
Posses8us,a,um.^f.possesscd,own. ' s ffitit,it was Uid aside,#a//.(ter 

Possc8sus,us.m.4-a possession.(e(L 

PossfbYlis, e. at(j. possiblc- (er. 


PossTdendus, a. um. pt. Xo be pos. 
sessed. Bona publice possidcn. 
da, to be confiscalcd. 

Possidens, tis. pt. possessing. 

PossYdeo [potis, sedo], €re, scdi, 
sessum.a 2. to possess,to havcor 
enjoy to occupy,to get, r obtain, 
to make himself mastcr of, to 

Possidcor, eri. p. to be posscssed. 

PossTdo, derc. a. 3. to occupy. 

Possiem, ttro Possim, Ter. 

Postm&dc\iKfo. afkerwards, hcn 

Postmffdum, adv. afterwardsjl 

Postpdnendua^a, to be l 

estecmed, or laid aside. 

Po</p6no 9 n£re,bsui,6situm.a. & 

set after, to esteem less, to 1 

aside. [ti 

postfitturu8,a,um. pt. to be hereaf- 
Postg enftus, a, um. pt. born after. 
Poomabeo,erc,bui.- bftum. a, 2. to 

■et lcss by,to postpone,to neglect 
PosthabTtus,a,um./>f. disrerarded. 
Posthac,Txr/ Posthxc «ooV.liereaf. 

ter from hcnceforth, after this. 
Posthlnc, adv. afterward. 
Posthumus.a,um.o<jf posthumous, 

born aftcr a facher*s dcath, pub- 

lished after an author*s drath,Ust 
Postibl. adv. afterwards 
Posticulum i.n 2.gTound beliind,or 

on thc back part of a house.(em. 
Posticum.i.n i a backdoor,a post- 
Posticus,a, um adj that is on the 

bchind one's back, Pert. 

Possum,p5tcs,Stui,posse.r. irr. to 

may,orcan,to may,orcan bc,to bc 

abfe to do,9reffect,to havc powcr, 

to be well. Non possum quin, I Postldea, adv. afterwards. 

cannot forbear, Cic. Nihil po- Postidcin, adv. afterwards. 

tesse, to be impotcnt. Tcr. Postilena, *./. 1. a cruppcr. 

Po8t/>nr/>.after,behind,since.Po8t Postilla, atlv aftcrwards. 

tertium diem,upon the tliird day, 
P6st,aaWlerthat^flerwards( Cic. 
Posta, pro Posita, Lucr 
Postautiiranalis^.flrf/.after harvest 

back part. Postica sanna»a flout Postveniens, tis. pt. coroiar rf 

loci, after that. 
Posteaquam, adv. after that 
Posten, drum. pl. m. posterity. 
Posteritas, fttis* / postcrity, fu« 

turc time, « breci* 

Postindc, adv. after that. 
Postis, is.m.3 a door-post, a door 

PostpdsTtus,a, aside.fc 
Postprincrpium.i n.2.a continus 
Potfputo^ reckon lesn 

Postquam,aaV sfter that, as, ■se 

forasmuch as because that. 
\ ostremior, ius, aaj. comp. txm) 

postrcmus, worse. baser. 

nup postremuSjthe worst«arrik8> 
Postrcmd, adv. *up. lastly. fiss^ 
Postrimum, adv. oup. for the m 

time.[the worst, basest,#rrihsV 
Postrtmus a«um. adj. *vpti**X 
PostrTdic,aoV thenext da^tsedf 
Postriduo. adr. idcm. (ste 
Postsc^nium, vtt Yosceniusy ** 
tlie tiring-room behind tbe rtsjl 

Post scenia vit*,actionihidft* 
the sight of the world,!*^!* 
/*o«/scribo t psi4itum a.tovrite> 

Postlim'inio, way of recove- motion at the bar, an tx\ 

ry, by stealth,secretly,privately. 
Postea, adtf. afterwards. PosteaiPoslImTnium, i. n. 2. a retum to 

one's own country, right and cs- 
tatc a^rain, a rcturn, a recoverj', 
or rcprisal 

Postmeridiaaus, a,um^x4/.o f ,iD, or 
beWmging to tke afternoon 

P. «A'eiiio l irc.n.4.toconiesft0 
Postulandus,a,um /X.tobede» 
PostuUns,ti8 pi desiring, def 

PostQUtio,6nis/ 3. adcsire 
quest,» petition jmexposta' 
orquarrel,an aecusation be 

sacrifice (quested, «r deif 
PostiilatTtius,at umaoj. th 
Postulator v dris.M.3 asuit 

titioner, a plaintifT, an s/ 
PostiilatOriusAum.a^;. e 
PostuUtrix, icis. / tte 
| mandetb» 





L n. 2. a desirc, a re-| ment, authority, control, domini- 
ctition, a demand, an^ 011, apost, a command, ability, 

possibility leavc, libcrty, pcrmis- 
sion. opportunity, the essential 
form of an animal,cfficacy Jbrcc, 
i, u, um./j/. about tol possession.Exire de potcstatc,to 
1, desired ask. run mad, I^iaut. 
ed, sued t'or, demand-,Pntcstatus, us m 4. vid Potcstas. 

P->tcstur, pro Potest. Plaut 
P6tiens,tis pt. obtaining. 
IJotin* pr Potcsne 'VVr. 
Potio.onis./ a portion.a draught, 
the act ot drinking, drink. 
Potio,irc,ivi, a. 4. to bring under. 
Potionatus, a, um. pt. poisoned 
Pntior,iris&cris. iri itussum. d. 4. 
to cnjoy,to possess,gct, r obtain, 
to conquer rget the upperhand; 
p. to come into anothert hand- 
Potior,us.<j<0.c .#1/1 morepowerf.d, 

cst,/m/>.I,thou, hc, Scc. 
[ue&ij c, dcmand, &c. 

1 r complained of 
s. m 4. l deinandui^* 
. a. 1. tudcsirc, to cn- 
seech to .cinaud, or 
call for, to complam 
e, to suc at la\v. Pos- 
ili luo, to mak j intcr- 
appcal for one. 

piiit. to bc requircd. 

um atij. tiip. the last. 
np. they drank. 

um. pt. to bc drank. 

)t. drinking, drinkingj more cligi.>lc,better, prcferablc 

ng, •;■ soakingin. 

./ -5. a drinking bout. 

>M.3.adrinker,ab)bbcr will drink 

un. pt. drank, drank 

nbibcd, sucked in. 

71 a drinking. 


Potis,e adj or, comp issimus, tup. 
able,possiblc, in tlie power.Qui 
potcP iiow can that be ? Ptr*. 
Potissim^, adv. $up. cspccially 
PoUsafmum,aaV tup. cliicfly par 

Potissim-is^a, wm adj.sup the bcst, 
the ch ef,the choicest, the main. 
.& a<y ior. comp. issY-!P5tito, irc act. 1. to tipple. 
jIc powerful, strong, Potitor, oris- m. 3 a victor 
aut.prcvailing, excel- Potiturus,a about to obtain 
; power, or commandP6titus,a um pt. having obtaincd 
lc, - v ffc for, (Potiuncula, ae. /1 .a little portion 

s./;i 4. lominion, ruIc/P6tiundua.a gct,orobtain 
-cminence. Pbtius, adv. comp rathcr, bctter. 

•.ius.c //</). issime, ji//J"6to,are,tavi, & pdtUB sum, tatum, 
mig-htily eflccluallyj 8tpotum.a. drink,totipple, to 
1 power,abiliiy,forcej fuddlc, to suck, or soak in- 
anty, officacy, influ-jP6tor,tari,tatus,/5ww*. to be drunk. 
st, possibility. P6toi, drinkcr,a drunkard 

P6t6rium,i.n. 2. a drinking vcsscl. 
Pbtorius, a, um. adj of drinking, 
P6lrix,icis/ >a drunkard(drunk 
Potiilentus, a, um. adj. drinknblc. 

P6turu8,a,ura./>/.that would drink. 
Potus,a,um./tf.drunkcn, drunkup. 
Potus, us. m. 4. drink, drinking. 


:. a tj. potcntial. 
, a Iv. powcrfully. 
n. 2. a cup, an hcrb 
Possc, 7V/\ 

/. J. power, govom-Pdtura, x./. 1. adrinking. 

PractXcus, a, um. adj. practical. 

PrK f f>r.ep serv abL bcfore, in com- 

panaon,in rcgard rin respectof» 

for, rby reason of,in; prchxed to 

verbt bcforc, beforehand. above, 

over,by, oflT, very grcatly; to adj, 

cxccedingly,vcry much.Spcciem 

prx sc fert, hc pretended to be, 

/ J rjracuo,uere.a,'>.to sharpen[7Vr 

Prxacut^, adv. vcry wittily. 

Pn£acutus^,um.^.*&ar(/. suarpen- 

cd at the cnd, very sharp, keen. 

Prxalte\ aor». very nighly. (dcep. 

Prxaltus,a um. adj. very high, or 

Pr.xbcnda, drum. pl. n. 2. salt and 

wood, r any necessaiy, provided 

for a magistrate coming- into any 


Prxbcnda, ae / 1. a prcbend.(ry. 
Pr.tbendarms,i. m. 2. a prebenda- 
Prxbcns tis./^.affording^upplyinr 
Prxbeo aflbrd,to yield* 
to allow to minitter,to supp!y,to 
furnish to give up, to expose, to 
ofler,to givc occasion to,to cause 
to show, or approvc. 
Pnebcor ,vri. pa*t. to be supplied. 
/*r«rb ibo,bere .a. -i. todrinkfirst,«rto 
Prxbitio, dnis./. 3. an allowance. 
Prxbito, passby,to kill. 
Prxbitor,6ris.m.3.a pur\eyor(ply 
PrxbitQnis,a,um pt. about to sup- 
Prxbitus,a, given, allowed» 
Prxcalnlusj^ um- adj very warm* 
Prxcalvus,a, um. adj. bald befbre. 
Prxcantatio,Anis /. 3. a charming. 
Prxcantatus, a, um. pt. charmcd. 
Prxcantrix, Icis / 3. a ■orcercss. 
Prxcanus, a, um. at\}. very grey. 
Prxrarus, a, um. adj. verj* dcar. 
|Pi\rrivcudusa l um.(»(.ta^ 



•r taketi hced of beforchana' . PraeccrpoT,pi/». to be fint cropped 

Prxcavens, tii pt providing f*r. 
jpr^caveo. fcre, c&vi, cautum. a.2. 

Prxceqitus, a, uin. pt. gathcred. 
Prxcertatio,5nis/3. the first onsct 

to beware aforehand, to providc Prxcharus, vid. Prxcaru*. 


Prxc&vcor, erijfr. to be prevented. 
Prxcautum est imp. carc baa becn 

taken beforelund (gainst. 

Prxeautus, a, um. pt. provided a- 
Prxcddens, tis. pt. going 1 befbre. 
J*rvec£do, dSrc. a.3. to go beforc, 

to outgo, or outstrip, to surpass, 

or excel. 
Prxcclcr,eris,2re. o/(f very swift. 
Prvecelero -he a.l.tohastenbeforc 
Prxcellens,tis. /M.& «//• ior, c mp. 

Prxcello lerc.n.3 to excel»surpass, 

or Burmount, to presidc over. 
PrxceNus, a,um. adj vcry hijrh. 

Prxcentor, oris. m 3. a chanter. 

hazardous, hasty, speedy, ntsh, 
headstrong,sudden , uncxpccted, 
declining-. (a dangcrous posturc 

Prxccps, cipitis n. 3. a prccipicc, 

Prxceptio, onis. /. 3. a prccept,an 
instmction, an information 

Prxceptivus,a, preceptivc. 

Prxcepto, ure. vid. Prxcipio. 

Prxceptor, 6ris. m. 3. a master, a 
tutor, a teachcr, an, 

Prxceptrix, icis./ 3. a mistress. 

Prxceptum, i. n. 2. a preccpt, or 
rulc, a commandment, an ordcr, 
a maxim. advice. 


tang.bentdown, come hj 

Prxclpltium, i n. 2. a pre 

Prxciplto, are. a.l . to prc 

to throw,»r cast hcadlon 

Prxcldaneus, a, um. aaj. slain, or\ ry down, to hastcn, to h 

sacrificed bcfore. Prxcidanex fe-j downwithviolencejtoov 

rix, holiday-cves, GelL \ to bow, or bend down, 

Prxcidendus,a,iinvp*. to be cut ofT| towards an end. (h 

Prxcido [prx,cxdo], dere, a. 3. toPrxclTpftor, ari/ww. to b> 

cut, or chop off, to cut short, to Prxcipltur, itnp. it Ls ord 

slit,orslice,to mark,0mote,topreiPrxcipue, adv. chiefly,es 

vent,todeny flatly Prxcidere osj particularly, very much 

to slap oneon the chopg, Pkmt. Pixcipuus, a,um. adjchii 

Prxcidor, di,isus/>. to be chopped, pal, special, singular, ps 

off. (in stairs. a landing place. peculiar, sovcreign. esc 

Prxcinctio, ftnis/3. a broad place Prxcisc, adv. preciscly. b 

Prxcinctdrium, i n. 2. an apron. jPrxcisio,0nis/3.precisioi 

Prxcinctura, x./ 1. a girding». ;Prxcisus, a,um/rf.cut off, 

Prxcinctus a, um pt. girded ticd^Prxclamitatio, onis./ a \ 

inclosed, overlaid, prepared, a- 

asong-.a flourish,a singing* bcfore Prxcingens. tis. pt. encompassing*. 


Prxclamltator, dris. m- a p 
Prxclare. Prxclariter, a 
comp. issirae, sup. very 
plainly.or well,bravcly,n< 
cellently» Prxclarc cum 
um, he comcth wcll off, 

Pr*c\ngo.%m t a.3. toencompass. 

Prxcingor, gi, nctus. p. to be girt. 

Prxcfno [prx, cano], n£re, inui, 

centum. act. 3. to sing before, to 

mumblc, to prophccy, to foretel.Prxclanis, a,um adj ior.n 
Prxcipiendqs, a, um. pt. to be in-j mus tmp. very bri^ht.trf 
striicted,tobeuppnzcd(itructmg' 1 mous,noble,rcnow.ned ex 
Prxcipieii8./iMiM.preoccupyin£,in-' distingtiished, bravcgall 
PrxcTpio [prx, capio] perc, c€pi,- nourablc. honcst, uprigfr 
ceptum u.3 to prevent, to antici-.Prxcludo, [prx,claudo], ifc 
pate,to direct,to instruct,totcach, usum a. 3. tostop, to fhf 
tocommand,orchargc,toforesce.|Prxclridor, di. p. to bestc 
Prxcipior, pi.^. tobc anticipated. PrxclOsio, dnis./. X i ih»| 
Prxcipitandus, a, um. part to be l , rxclusurus,a,um ^.abotf 
thrown, or cast headlong 1 . jPrxclusus, a«um. pt. stopf 

Prxcipitans.tis. />r.falling f or gt>ing>! up (er, a publisbcr^ pi 
headlongthum-ingvviolent^rapid. Prxco,6nis m^5. a crier^p 
PrxctpVtanter, advcvb. with g^reat Prxcoctus, a,um pt boiW 
Prxceptus, a,um. pi. commandednPrxcipitantia,x/l./a'^u. (specd.Prxcogitatus, a, p 

receivcd beforehand. Prxcipitatio, 6nis./ i. a falling^ tatcd. 

Prxcerpens, tis. pt. anticipating. headlong', hastc. {/ > r<fcdg^to^re.a.t-to;x>odi 

Prxcerpo [prx,carpo],pere.a.3.toPr?ccipitaturu8, a,nm. pt. about torrxcogmtus<a,um^.knov 

crop, clip, or cut off, to gather,j cast down headlong. {/'riecbTo, lere. aJ*. to love 

to anticipzte, to dcprivc of. (PrxcipiUtus,a,ujn ^rthrownhe^Jl^xcompdsrtuiiS^uiii^^ 





ted before. (ceived. jspoil, plundcv,pillajrc, gain. (&ng, 
tus,a,um. pt. before re-Prxdabundus,a, um. atlj. plundcr- 

i«i .«. a crier l som' ce, voicc 
publishing, rproclaim 
rt,fame,re now n,praise 
no.mcre.a. 3. tu waste, 
r spcnd before hand. 
iptus, a, um. pt. wasted 
d(def!owtrbefore hand handlcor prcy. 

3. to 

uere,oxi,octuin a 
chand.toboil too much, 
>r prepare, to ripcn. 
, a,um. adj. early ripc. 
Dnim. pl. n.2. the parts 
heart,thc heart,the di- 
or midrift . the cntrails, 
, the breast, the inind, 
or afiections. 

tua, a, um- pt. bribed. 
§ & Prxcoquis, c. adj. 
•ly ripe,too ripe,toofor- 
lasty, untimely. 
a, um* adj. very thick, 
mim pt.SK. adj, drcssed, 
vcry ncat. 
s,a, um. adj. very fond 

Prxdaceus,a, um. adj. got by rob- 
bing(or disapprovcd bcforchand 
/Vxdimno, arc. a. prejudgc. 
Prxdam,tis /»/ plundt-ringipreymg 
Prxdatio, onis / 3. a plundering. 
Pracdatitius, a, um. udj gottcn by 

Przdatoridns m.4, a robbcr. Prx- 

Prcdator apro. um ,a hunter.Ov. 
Prxdutdrius l a,uni.ari/.of.orfor rob 

bing, or plundering. piratical. 
Pradatri:x,icis/.3. shethat robbcth 
Prxdatus, a, um. pt have made a 

prey of, robbed, or plundered. 
Prxdatus, us. m. 4. a plundcring. 

po,pcre.a 3 to corrupt/V.edclasso,are. o tirc before. 

clarc, or aifirm, to own, acknow. 
Iedgc,orcoiifcfls,to show ,©rdiaco- 
vcr,to praisc,orcxtol,to cclcbratc 
to boast, to order, or charge. 

Prxdicor, aii. p to bc relaied. 

Pnrdico, ccrc, ixi, ictumv a. '.$. t» foreshow,to propheey, 
to order,orcommand beforchand, 
to prcmise,to warn,to spcak be« be forctold.(fore. 

dator corporis,abug^crcr,Pciro7iPnetlictio, onis. / 3- aprcdiction. 

Prxdcnso, iire. a. 1. to thickcn. 
Prxdcnsus^i,um m#.very thick[on 
Prxdcsl matio,5nis. /'prcdcstinati- 
Prxdextcr.a, um. adj. vcry lucky. 
Prxdiltor, 5ris. m. 3. a lawyer cx- 
pert in cascs conccrning lands. 
PrxdiatSrius, a, um. adi. of lands 
,onis./3.a bespeakinglPrxdiatus, a, um adj. that hatli 

Prxdictum, i. n. 2. a prophccy. 
Prxdictus,a, foretold, pro- 

phecied. appointed, aforesaid- 
Prxdiblum, i. n. 2. a little farin. 
/>r<?disco,cere,didici a.3. to lcarn. 

Prxdispositus,a,uni. jW.prediHpos- 
Prxditus, a, uin. adj. euducd. 
Prxdives, itis. attj. vcry rich,very 

plcntiful, or abundant. 
Prxdivinalio,onis/3 a conjectiire 

s, tis- pt. going bcfore 
erv.ri.k cncurri. rsum. 
,orgo bcforcjto forcrun 
.to outstrip, to surpass, 
to obviate. 
ri. p. to bc outrun. 
dnis./ 3. a forcgoing 
dris.iii. 3. a forerunner 
us, a. um. adj. sent bc- 
sct or done bcfore. 

run before. 

us mA. a going bcforc 

good lands, farms, or manora. 
Prxdicabilc,is ; aftirmation. 
Prxdicabilis,ca<(?.tobc boastcd of 
Prxdicamcntum, i. n. a prcdica- 

mcnt. ( rpraised, todeclarc 
Prxdicandus,a,uin./i/.to bc rclated 
Prsedicans,tis. /pr.rcportin^declar- 

uig 1 , prcachihg". 
Prxdicatio,onis /3. a publisbing 

prcaching, . r vaunting talk. 

Prxdivinutor,5ris.m. >.a forctcller 
/'ricdivinoArc.« forcsce.(ing 
Prxdivinua, a, um. adj. foreshow« 
Prxdium,i.n.2 a farm,a manor, an 

estate in acity,o»Tountry- (dcrer 
Prxdo,oms. m. 3. a robher.a pluiv* 
Prxdoctus, a, um. pt. forcwarnocU 
Prxdomans, Us. pt rubbing hard. 
/ , r t rdomo,muic,juui, mituin. a. 1. 

to tamc, or >ubduc bcforchand. 
Prxdor,ari,atus,r/ rub,to spoil 

to plunder, to clcvour, to catch* 
/'raliico ccru,xi, mark, 
Prxdulc«i,(*c/t' vcn swcetly(to act 
Prxdulcis,c.arj/. very sweet. very 

plcasing, or dcli^htful, luscious. 

is,a,um. /M.aboutto run Prxdicutor,6ris.m o.a proclaimer. PrxduraUs, a, um. />/. hardened. 

Prxdicatuni, i.?i. 2. aprcdicatc. 
Prxdicatiirus,a, tosax 

^um aaj. ver\* crooked Pr.cdicatus, a, um. ///. spoken of- 

irz,quatio], tcre, cussi. 
. 3. toshakc butbrc. 
1 aprey,abootr,orpTtze 

Piadiccndus, a, um forctel. 
rr.ediccns, tis pu fiireteiling;. 
/'•'rftco, ar*. a l. to wwi-:'»*?»!, to 

/ J rirduro, makcvcrv lurd 
Prxdurus, a, um. adj. vcry huxd» 
jrricvous,stronjr.»tilf,or stubbora 
/V^cmineo, erc. «. 2 to excel- 
Pj',rco,ire.ivi,ituui.7i. 4. to go bc- 
■ forc, to dicU.^^Xft^towwafea.^^ 






Pnef&cilis» e. arj/. vcry ctay. 
Przfaudus,u,um. pt to bc forcspo- 

'ken> llonos prxfand*i.s est, sav- captain of tbc watch,/ottf. Prz- 

ing your prcscnce, C/c 

Przians, tis. pt. speaking befnrc. 

'/•Vvrfari, fatus. d. to prcfacc. tc 

Przf itio,6nis/. o.a prcface,a titlc 

Przfctuin, \..n 2 idem. 

Przfatus,a, um /j/. having spokcn 
before, having invoked, addrew» 
ing, preordaincd, predcstmalcd 

Prxtectdriu3,a,um . adj. of a pi-cfc ct 

Przfectura^z/ 1 a lieutcnancy,*. 
captainsliip,a govemment.a pro- 
vince. Przfectura morum,thc go- 
vernmcnt of manners, Sitct 

Przfectus, a, um pt. set over, ap- 
pointed to ovcrsec, r direet- 

I^zfe.ctus,i. m. 2 a prcfcct, a go- 
vcrnor,any principal otticcr.Piz 
fectus regius, the lieutenant of u 
cou nty Jav . Przfc ctus AugiiHta ! j .■». 
a viceroy Mc. Prxfectus zrarii, 
the lord-trcasurer, Jd. Przfectus 
classis, an admiral, JYrp. Praefec- 
tus cquitum the mastcr of the Pracfectus custcdum.:: 
marshal of a prison,JW/>. Praefcc 
tus arcis,thc constablc, r licutc- 
naiit of a towcr, r ioruJun- Prz- 
fcctus Augustalis prztorii, a 
knight-marshak/</ Przfcctus cas. 
trornm,the marshul of the ficld, t 
thc quartcr-ma&tcr-gencral Tuc. 
Przfcctus fabiorum, thc masUi 
of the engincers, ftgrf. Gymnasii 
przfcctus, a schoolmaster,>7ai//. 
Przfectus lcgionis, thc lord-nuu 
shal ot tlie arniy.a sergeant-mujoi 
ofaregiment, Vcget. Przfectuu 
rationariorum, an auditor of uc- 
counts, Jun. Przfectus rerun. 

capitulium. a provost-marshai, 

&C071. Prxlectus scriniorum^tue 

mastcr of the rolls-Vtm- Przfccti 
thcsaurorum, under-treasurers. 
Ptincir. Przfectus vigilum, tlie 

fectus prztorio, alord chief-jus 

tice, r lieutenanl-gcncra), Tuc 

momm, a censor. (rcd. 

Pi-zfiiendus,n,um.)W.tobepicfcr-!Przri6i*o[prz, ttos], i 
Przferens, tis. pt casting ovei-,| tastc beforchand, tn 

showing,discovering,prctciulingtPrzflucns, tis. ///■ nir 

PrzfiscTnl, adv. id. r/« 

foic,tippcd, tli 
PrzfldrUtus, a, « m. /• 

]>rc cnjnvcd, aiiticip; 
J nrfloreo,ci c,rui. & 

ccrc to blossom bcft 

/ J ncfero,ferre. tiili latun. act. o 
to prcfer,to wish, or choose rat)i- 
cr,to bear, r carry before,to car- 
ry, r bring. to show, to disrov 
cr, to pretcud. (ed 

Przieror,fcrri pat* to be prefcrr- 
Przferox, dcis. adj. very boid 
Przicrratus, a, um. pt pointcd, ; 
shod with iron, bound in fettcrs 
Prxfcrtilis, e at(h luxuriant 
Przfcrvldus, a, um. adj very hot. 
Przfcstinuns, tis. pt making too 
muck hastc(toohustily, 7-toosoon 
Przfcstinatus.a. uin pt ov «r(/.donc 
Pizfcstinc, uttv. veiy hastily. 
/ J nrfestino, firc- n 1 to make too 
muchhaste(mourn.& a buriai 
Pi;vf-ca,z.y! 1 a wonian hirt.d to 
Przficiendus, a, um pt. to bc sc 
Przficio [prz, facio], ccre f. ci, 
fectum <j. 3 to sct,or place over, 
to appoint, or makc oversecr 
Przticior, ci. pas* to bc set ovcr 
frafigo.gcrcjixi/ixum.rt to sct uj 
in front,to tix f o»faster.,to displav 
/-'ro-finiojire.ivi, Itum a. 4. to dc- 
termine, ov appoint beforehand, 
to prcscribc, or limit. 
Pra.finior, iri. paat. to be limitcd. 
Przf uiitio, onis. /. .i. a limitation. 
Przfm*td, adv. by limitatiou- 
Przfimtus, a, um pt. determincd, 
prcscrihcd. (s:iy 

Pr^fisgln^, cidv. give me lcavc tojPrzfuxnium, l n* ?♦ t 

^■«rfluo uei*c,uxi,uxu 
flow, or nui bcfore, < 
Prrf catio, onis/. * : . 
sufli cation. Przffjca 
a fit of the mother, • 
Przft cf> [prz, faux j, 
thrortlc. to strangle 
Przfocor, iiri />«>.». tc 
hciore to ilig trtncln 
dig dce]i, to hide in 
l^rztacundusja um. a 

Praformatus.a,um. f-i 

/'}*.rfoi i miclo,kre.<7.1.t( 

i'i'afoi a lliO ( UI'C rf.l.toi 

struct bcforc (stiffly. 

Prxlracte, «</7\ ius, c 

Piztractus, a, um pt 

rb/N/*oken beforc 9 1 

short. concisc, harsh 

Przfric;idus, a, um- a> 

Przfringo^prz, frang 

gi.fractum, a. -1. to \ 

es,to break short, to 

/ J r.tfulcio,ire,lsi ltum 

to undersct 9 to supp< 

bcforchand. to set ( 

Przfulyi^nsjtis./jr shi 


Przfulf<i(his,a um adj 

7'rjfulgnrosarc***. 1 -to 

J'ra f* .ii:i go/a re a. 1 .to 

forc. (an oven, s 





. to rage »uch.|PrxjndTcatua>a, um.jM.prcjudged 
k. pi. about to beP.* jfldicium,i.». 2. ,:\ prcjudice, » 

conjccturca hurt,damagc, or in 
jury, a precedcnt in law. 
/Vr.rjQdico, prcjudge, to 

ro,ere. n 3 

turus, a, um 


lidus. a, um. ad\ very cold. 

rmfno,are budbeforc 

itiens,tis />/ greatly desiring give an opinion bcfore hancL 

stio,Ire,ivi,Itum n 4 to de 
reatly, to lone 1 , to dclight 
mor,ni./>.3.tooe firstbcgun 
ins, tis. adj. pregmnt. big 
:hild,er young, big. s wollen, 
«raboundinjr with,f il'of sap 
itio, dnis. / & bciug witli 


cilis. c- atty. very slendcr 
ndus,e adj. vcry large,hugc 
rans, tis. pt. wcighing 1 , ©r 
igdown,gTowiug- immerous 
vaturus,*, that will 
urden, or load 
vatus,a, um./;f ovcrloaded. 
ridus,a um w(/.very heavy. 
viH^MiIj too, or vcry hcavy, 
us,burdensome, unwieldy 
ro, are. a. I, to weigh, i 
own,to sink, to 
ince, to load, or burden. 
iiena, tis. pt going' before. 
iior [prx, gradior]. i. d. 3. 
or get bcfore, to outgo, to 
p, to surpass, or exccl. 
«io,oriia./3 a ftoing bcfore 
wus, a, um pt. bein^ gonc ! 

outgoing*, prcventin?. 
«uaius.m.4.a g»>ing beforc. 
jum, tis. pi. tasting beforc. 
Itor, dris. m.3. a taster. 
ttus, a, tasted first. 

.a to taste beforcerPrxliator, oris. m. 3. a warrior. 

lo, vid. Prehendo. (first 
ns, tis. pt. lying before. 
«,Cre, lie before. 
9^c4re.o. 3. to cast befote. 
» euntia, pt. going before. 
itaHjS. #i> 2. a prejudice, 


PrxjfidIcor,uri.^.to be pnyudged 
/Vxjuvo, are* uvi a. to-hdp bc- 


Prxlfibens, tis. pt. sliding alonjr. 
fr^lubor, bi, apsus. d 3. to slide, 

or glidc and pass before, ©r by. 
•'r.t'?ainbcns,tis. /»/. tasting firat. 
Prxlapsus, a, um. pt. flowing by. 
Prxlarjrus, a, um. adj verv large. 
Prxlatio, onis. / 3. a prefercnce. 
Prxll'u ,a, um./>/.carried or drivcn 

forcibly, advauccd before, prc- 


/^nelavojarc. a. 1. to wash before. 
Prxlautus a. um- a:{j. very gullant. 
Prxlcctio,6nis/3 alccture, a: » 
P. xlector, 6ris m.a lecturer (son. 
Prxleg-endus, a, to be rcad 

in lccturc. 

Prxlcgens, tis. pt. pass'ng- by. 
/'"«flego, gere, cgi, ectum. a. 3 

to rcad to oue, to pass, or go by. 
A-iClego.are.». to bcqueath in the 
first bequcath before onc 
Prxliandus,a,um./>/.to fight(dieth 
Praelians, tis. pt h^hting in battle 


Prxliaris,e. a//y*. beionging" to war, 
crbattle.ltxliares pu(rnx,set bat- 

\.les, Plaut. Pradiarcs dies, tlays Pr«matflrus,a, nm.adj. prematurc, 

whcn they might fight the cne- 
my, Macro. 

Pra.'Iiatus,a,um pt that hath fought 
Prxllbo, arc. a. l.totastebcforc 
Pr*llcenter,a/fo. too freely.(ered, 
Prxtfgancus,a, um atlj. first gath 
Pnel(gatus,a,um./»r. bound, r tied 
before, up, or to, bewitched. 
Prxtig; are, o. 1. totic bcforc 

Prxliiror, ari. p to be tied befbre. 
/'r.clYno, nerc. a. 3. to d;iub over. 

^invlior^ri.rf fig^iit in battle,to 
skirmish, to contcnd, < r strive. 

Prielit.:s, a, daubed orer» 

Priclium,ir/Prcciium,i.n.2.abattle f 
an engagement,a fight a combat, 
strifc, contention a disturbance, 
or tumult, a warrlor Praclialatro< 
num ,the gamc at ch°ss, O: ( cfora 

Pr<e]bcutus,n,um./»/.having > -*poken 

Prxlongo, arc. a. 1 to lengthcn. 

Prx]ongtis, n<^'.vcry long*,too 
long, very long, .rhigh. 

/ J r.tloquor,ui bcutus.r/ J. to speak 
bcforc, or first, to preface. (fore. 

Prxluccns,tis^/ giving a light be« 

/'rfluceojerc carn aligbt 
bcfore, to givc light, to be very 
bright, or shining, to outshine 9 
surpass, or cxcel. 

P.a:lQcVdus,a,um adj. vcry bright* 

Prxludcns, tia. />/. trying first. 

Pr.elildHur, imp. atrial is made. 

Prjeludium,i n.2 aprelude, a pn« essay.(parc for singin, • 

P r«clfldo,derc,si,sum. n. 3. to prc- 

Pralum, i. n. 2. vid. Prelum. 

'V.rluo, uere. a. 3. to wash beforc. 

Prj:lusio,dnis/3.a flourish before 

a fight. 

Prazlustris, e. adj. rery stately. 

/^r.rmando^arc order befbre 

/ J r.cmando,<lere.rt 3 tochewbeiore 

PrxmIuirc,«arft>.too snon,untimely 

untimcly, too, or very carly. 
Prxm^dicatus, a, um />/. fortified 

with spclb, or mcdicines before- 


Prxm6dItatio,6ius/. 3. premcditu 

tion. (teiL 

Prxm^dftatus,a,um pt. premedita- 
Pr^m^ditonari, atus sum. d. 1. to 

prcm?ditate,tQ th'wvk^^x^r5w^. 




nensus,a,um./;f . measured out 

OTe(nother,o;-out of one"s harid /V»mordeo,ere,di&rai,rsum o-2-to Pnroccido, dfcre, di, duuxn. nei 

mercor>ari.d. 1 .to buy before a- 
:metuens,tis.^/ fcaring before 

era ican«/ is.jM-shini ng(dreading 

*nrigro,arc.a. quita place. 

xmInco[prx, cminco] ere n. 2. 

9 ezcel, r surpaas far. 

V*minor,ari.d,tothreaten before 

Uitor,to instruct,to show the way Pr«obtikrc4&e^l*toa*opupbefa 

bite,oranip off,to share,to partake 
/'r«m6rior,i,rtuus. d 3. to dic be- 

fore duc time, to faiJ, to decay. 
Pramortuus^, dead 

Etai prxmortui um ait pudoris, 

though loat to all shame, Iav. 

r*ministro, waitupon. Prxmuniendus,a, be rais- 

ed. er supported befbre hand. 

rxmior, ari. d. 1 to reward, to /Y*munio,ire,ivi,itum.a.4 toforti- 

get money, to make prizes. 

?raunissa,6rum.p/. n. 2. first fniitsJl > rxmunior,iri , /wt to be aecured. 
Prxmiasus, a, um pt. tent before PrxmOnitio, 6nis f. 3. a defence 
Prxmitis, e. aqj. very mild. Prxmunitus, a, um. />/. aecured. 

Prxmittens,tis. /rf.sending" beforc /*r<rnarro,are tell beforehand 
Pr.rmitto, tcre, iai, iasum. a. 3. to /V»nato, flow,or run by. 

•end beforc, or bcforehand. 
Prxmittor, ti. p. to bc sent before. 
Prxmiuro,i.n.2 a rcward, arecom 
pence, <r retribution, wages, a 
prize,a prcy,orbooty,money,a be 
nefit,oradvantagc,an honour(forc 
Prxmodulatus.a, tuncd be- 
Prxmbdum.a#/v. bcyond measurc, 
Prxmolcstia, x. f. troublc bcforc 
hand (or preparcd beibrchand. 
Prxm6liendus a,um be tricd, 
/Vvrmolior, in, Itus sum. d. 4t. to 
makc provision bcforehand 
Pi\rmoHio, Trc. a. 4. to softcn 

Prxmollitus, a, um pt. softencd- 

soothcd, made mild, looscned. 
Prxmbnens, tis. pt. forewarning. 
/'r<rmbneo,n€re nui,nitum.a. *. to 
forcwam tocaution, to foretel 
Prxm6neor, bcforewamed 
Prxm6mtor,6ris.m.3a forewarner 
Prxm6nltum,i.n. 2 a forewarning. 
Prxm6mtus.a,um pt. forewarned 
Prxm6nitus, admonition. 
Prxmonstrans,tis pt. foreteaching 
Prxmonstrator,6ns. m. 3. a guide. 

^v/Donstro^re. tf.toforcahow, to 

fy bcforchand,to accure the guardj forehand,to anticjpate.toprer. 

to trepan. to surprise. ( 

Prxocciipor, ari p. to be pre 
Prxoptandua, a, um>/>/. to beprt 

Prxoptans.tis. pt. wiahing ratbcr. 

3. to sct, rr go down bcfore. 
Prxocc&pandua, a, um* pt. to I 

seized on before,to be preventi 
Prxocciipatio, 6nis /. 3. m aeiiii 

befbre, anticipation, aurpriae. 
Prxoccupatus, a,um. pt. aeized I 

bcfore, prevented, empkye 

/>r*occupo,are. o. 1. to aeize 

Prxnavigans,tia./>/ aailing by.(by 

Prxnavigatio, 6nis./ 3. a sailing 

/ sail,or row by, 

Prxnavigor,ari.p. to be aailed by. 

Prxnimis, adv. too much. (brijrht. 

Prxnitens. Xis.part. shining vcry 

/*ivrnk'tco,ere,tui shinc bright, 

to ontshine,to be famous.(noblc. 

Pra.nobilis. e. at\j. ior, cotnp. very 

Prxn6mcn,inis.n.3. the first of the 

threc namcs which thc Itomans 

usuully had- (bcforehund. 

Pr«rn6nii'nor,ari^ 1. to be namcd 

/ J r<rnosco,cerc.acf.3. to foreknow. 

Prxmollis,; vcry soft.ortender I*rxnoscor, ci.^. to be forcknown. 

Prxn6tio,dnis./3.a prcconccption 
/ > r.rn6to,are.acl.l. to notcbefore. 
Prxnubilus,a,um. aaj. very shady. 
Prxnuncia, x. /. 1. a foretcller. 
Prxnunciandus, a, um. pt. to be 

shown before, to foretel. 
Prxnuncians, tis. pt. foretclling. 
Prxnunciativi ignes, beacons/*a'n. 
Prxmmciatus, a, foretold. 
Pnrnuncio, fire. a. 1. to forctcl, to 

carry,or bring word beforehand. 
Prxnuncius,a, um.aoV. foreboding.^i foreahown Prxnuncius.i. m. 2.a messengtr» a 

harbingcr, a forcrunncr. 

/ J r«opto wish,*r 

rathcr, to prcfer, to presi. (•* 
Prxordinatuv^uoi.p/. pROidM 
/ > r > rpando,derc,di f passuro- a. S • 

sct,- rleaveopen,tospreidbefc« 
Prxi^arandu&Aum pt tobe proj* 
Prxparans, tis. pt. prepariog. {• 
Prxparsitio, dnia. /. J. aprcpH^f 

a preparation. 
Prxparato, adv. readily. 
Prxpar&turus, a, um. pt- iW 


Prxparatus, a, um. pt. preptff 
Prxparatus, us. m. 4 a preptf 
Prxparcus,a,um atfi. very sv 
/ J r«rparo, are. act. l.toprew 

make ready, to provide. 
Prxparor, kri.. />. to be prej 
Prxpcdimentum» i. n. 2. %\ 
Prxpcdio [prx,pes], ire, Iri 

a.4\o hinderjtopreventftf 

gle,to tie, to shackle, to f 

impedc,to seize v 
Prxpcdior,Tri/w*.to be sl 
Prxpedltus, a, um. pt. h 

prevented, shackled, ti< 
tTxpenden&jtia.^/ hangir 
Prurpendeo^ere^di, nsun 

to haogj 9T fall down b 





toaring aloft, winged, plain, 
rs,ctis c.£\3.abird,afowl(fore 

s, *Wn.a4j. swift,quick,ium-lPr<fradio, Sre.a.l. to shine bright,.Prxsanesco,cSre,n.3.tobeliealed, 
" - A --' ->•>•- to outshine. Prxscatens, tis./rt. abounding* 

/' sliavc Prxscientia,x f\ pivscicnce,fore- 

Pr-f rancfdus a,um.«f//. musty,old. knowlcdgc, forcsight 
*to, t£rt- a.3. to go,or fly be-IPr^rapTdus, a,um adj. vcry "swifi. Pt «scindoidcre'<j.3.tocutofr(know 
latus<a*uin<a/{f.headed>point-Pra. k reptQrus.a,um.^-aboutU>takc'/ > ?\rscio, Irc, Ivi, Ituiu. a. to fote- 

away (snatchedaway,takcnfromi > r<t'Scisco,ccre. a 3. toforcknow, 

Prareptus, a, um. pt. caught, or tosettle. 

/ J nerigeo,erc «tobecomevcrystifFPrxscitio, dnis./. 3. prcscicnce. 

Prxrigidus, a,um. adj. very hard PrxscTtum, i. ntut. 2 a thing foro 

nguis, c adj. very fat (cd. (pass. 
)Jleo,cre.n. to sur- 
>n lero, i*re. «. & n.l. to out- 
h,to prcfer. to be prcfc-rred, 
ofgreat valuc, rcsteem(ed 
>nderor«uri./fto be outwcigh 
Inendus, a, um. pt. to be set 
•e, «r prefcrred to prefer. 
inens, tra. pt. sctting foefore 
:r:-ing, estecming above. 
}no,ncrc,6sui(& sivi)6situm 
let bcfore first,orover,to pre- 
mor,ni.p. to be preferred(fei 
>rtans,tis pt- carrying before 

•e> to show. (a preposition 
tsitio,5nis /*3.a aettingbefore 
«2ttviis,a,ttm.<i<(/. set befor 
>sitiis,a, um. /»/. sct before, or 

istere, adw prcposterously 
Mtems, a,um adj prcpostcr- 
bsurd, pretcrnatural, unsca- 
»lc, crossgrained, froward, 

»lens tis. pt. vcry powcrfal. 
rtentb, x./ 1. mightiness. 
rto, to drink before 
perantcr, a<h. very hastily 
perc, ativ. too hastily. 
pdrus, very hasty, 
hasty, too early. (foteskin. 
txnin, iw 3. thc prepucc,the 
am, adv. in comparison of. 
;atiu, a,um. pt. having com- 
e4 bcfore. 

Prxripio, [prac, rapio]. pere, pui, 
reptum a.J. to snatch, or take a- 
way,to prevent,toforcstall (way. 

Prxrlpior, i. />. to bc snatched a-Prxscribftur, & priscriptum est, 

Prxrbdens, tis. pt. gnawing.biting. 

r«rddo,d6rc,si,sum.u 3,tognaw. 
Prxrddor, di. past. to be gnawcd. 
PrxrbgatT va, -c ./,1 a prerogativc, 

privilege, advantagc ©r gift 
Pr*rojrativus,a,um. a<7/. thatvotes 

first, principal, lcading. 

HtCvire.a.l. to carry ,or ocar Prxrbgatua,a,um-/>*.asked beforc 

/V^rdgo, arc. act 1. to ask before. 
Prxrdsus, a,um. pt. gnawn, eatcn. 
/Y«rumpo,perc,upi,uptum a.3. to 
break asunder, or in pieces. 

tetover,sctup,prcfcrrtd (or Prxrumpor, pi pau to bc broken 
isitus,i.m aprovost,agovern- asunder, §r in pieces. 
>ssuni ,p6tcs,poUii^*' vrr. to Pr erupte, adv raggedly,abruptly 
o/e ublc,«r of greHfcr powcr Pr.eruptus,a,um./>/.St aaj \or,comp. 

i^mius,#i<p. brokcn,rugged,crag- 

gy. rough, stcep, abrupt, surly, 

falling; prxrupta, pl. n. rocks 

Prx-s, dis m.3. a suretv in a money- 

mattcr, a real secunty, a farmer. 

Prxsagiens, tis pt. prcsaging. 

'V^rsagio, Irc,Tvi,itum. a.4. to pre- 

sage. to forebode, to bctoken. 

Prursagior, Tri p to bc gucssed. 

PrarsagTtio, dnis. / 3. a divining 

Prxsagiumti-r».2*aprcsage^inomcni Pr^sensio, dnis J 3. a foresight. 

known, a tokcn, s>ign, «r emen. 

Prxcius, a, um adj. foreknowing, 

boding. (imp. it is ordered, Cic. 

/ J r<rscribo bere,ipsi iptum- a . to 
write before. to prcsc/ibc, to or- 
dcr, appoint. or ordain to teach, 
or dictate, to prefix, to lay an ex- 
ception against or put in a de* 
mur, toset 

Pracscnbor, bi, iptus. p to be pre» 
scribcd, ordered, &c 

Prxscriptio,onis/. ■. aprcscription, 
an appointment, a rjle, or hiw, a 
contract, an cxception, or demur 
in law, a prctcnce, or colour. 

Prxscriptumrf.n anorder^rtlecrees 
a pivccpt a task,a limit,a border. 

Prxscriptus, a, um. pt. written, H- 
mited (in pieces. 

Prxs£co, are, cui. act to cut off,or 

Prxsecor, ari pats. to bc cut off. 

Prxscctus, a um. pt cut oi\\ 

Prxsegmen, Ynis n. 3. a paring. 

Prxsegnis, e- adj. vcr} slothful. 

PrxsemTnatio. 6nis /. ■• « -o . ing 
beforehand, or very early. 

sup. preient,ready,kind,gracious, 
favourablc, eftcctual, constant. 

a surmisc, gucss, or conjccturc 
PrxsSgus, a, um adj. presaging, 
forcboding, bctokcning, apprc- 

Prxstsnsus, a, um. pt. forcknown. 
Prjctentanee, adv imnicdiately. 
Pr.\-scutaneus, a, lun. at\}> present, 
resdy, quick, deadly. 

Prxsanatut,a,um.^r.heal«d bcforc.PritvixVCMiS ^*- ^ 1 * \«^t«w»&»%' 





judgc» a provost. 

Quxsitum, i. n. 2. an inquiry, a 

queslion, a tliing ^ottcn 
Quzsltura, x./. 1. ldcni. 
Quxsiturus,a,um /tf.about to seck. 

inquirc, or demaud 
Qu3CBltus,a,um./>/.8c adj. ior, comp. 

isslmus, sup. sought, sought for, 

asked, inquired into» or about, 

Quulisqualis, e. adj. bc it what it 

Qualitas,atis/. 3. aquality, aman- 

ner,sort,fashion,condition, or na- 
Qualiter,«dh/.like as^as how.(turc 
Qualitcrcunque, adv. howsoevcr. 
Qualubet, adv. any way- 
Qualus,i.m. a twig-basket a work- 


wantcd,gottcn,obtaincd,aiiectcdQuaiii,C(/? how! than 

studicd, cxquisite. (injr. 

Quxsitus,us. sceking,or{ask- 

Quxso, verb. dcfect. plur. quxsft 
inus,i/i/ quaesere; quacso, quxsis, 
quxsit, quzesi, quscsum, vel. quar 
Mvi,quzsitum,to seck,to besccch 
to pray, to dcsirc, to get. 

Quxsticiilus, i. m. 2. little protit. 

ordcbatc,a inqinry,an cx- 
amination by torture Qucstioni 
cssc alicui, to bc out of thc way, 
or to be to scck, Plaut. 

Quxstiuncula,x. /11. a littlc doubt. 

Quac9tor,oris./«.o.a questor.a trca- 
surcr, a paymastcr, a jud^e. 

Qua:stdrium, que stor's tcnt. 
an exchcqucr, a trcaaiiry- 

Quxstdrius,i. W.2 upust treasurcr. 

Quxst6rius,a,um ai(/.bclonging to 

very, vcry much, vcry greatly, as 
much as, as long as, after, 
that, ratlier than.Tam— quam,as 
well — as. Quam — taro, thc raorc 
-— the more.Quam moxPhow soonr 
how long till ? Prius— quam, 
quam prius, bcfore. (as long as 
Quamdiu, adv how long? until, 
Quamdudum, adv how long agor 
QuamlTbet, adv. as you will, al 
though,albeit. (for which rcason 
Quamohrcm,a</v whcreforerVhy 5 
Quamplurimus, a, um. adj. vcry 
Quampridem, long sinccr 

nnd bv, as soon as possiblc. 
inuch,grcater, nevcr so — Quam- 
vis sublimcs dcbcnt, such as are 

Quantillum, adv. how Ett 
Quantillus u,om.a<£. hov 
Quantisper, aoV.-as long 
Quantftas, fttis / 3. qua 
Quanto,a< howmucl 

diutjus,the longer, Trr. 
Quant6pere v adv. how g 
Quantuluni, i. n. 2. how 

much, as much, « r far a 
Quantulumcunque, tuh 

socver, ever so littlc. 
us, a, um. adj. h 
Quantuluscumque. adj. I 

socver, cvcr so little. 
Quantum, i. n. 2. howm 

great, so much as, vh 

vantagc ? Quantiun ad, 

ing, or conccrning, /*A"i 
Quantum, adv as f*r as 

as- iuimanu quantumjji 
Quantumcunquc,a</v. as 
Qtiantumvis,ca7i/. altliou 

aftcr Quantuh 

thc qucstor,ofthat ofiice,«»rdigni-| cvcr so high, Phxdr. 

ty(ciscth a tradetogain thcreby.|Quandiu, adv. vid. Quamdiu. 
Quxstilarius,a, um. adj. tliat cxcr-;Quaiid6,ar/L\when? whcn,at w 
Quscstuose, adv. with gain. 
Qu.cstuosus, a,um. adj. ior, votnp. 

issimus, sup. g:unful, proiitable, 

lucrative, greedy, carcful. (tor 
Quxstura,3c/. l.tlic officc of a qucs- 


tinic, as, sincc, sccing that. 

Quandocunquc,aoY. whcnsoevcr 

Quandoquc,aJf.onc time.orotlier, 

whensocver, aftcr somc time, in 

timc, somctimcs. now and then. 

Qu7Stus,us, (sti, vd stui) m. gain, Quamld(midem,c<;7t/forasmuch a^, 
profit, lucrc, advantage, a tradc. sceingtuat,sincc,becausc,wherc- 

Quahbct, adv. any way. 

QuUlis, manncr,of what 

kind, such as, likc as, as. 

QualiscuiKjuc.ecunque atij. what- 

soever, whatcvcr, sucli as it is. 

QuaMsbbet, adv. \vhat you will. 

as. (howcvcr, how much soever, 
Quanquam, co?tj. altliough, albcit 
Quanti, tren. as much as, of how 

grcat conscquciiccforhowmuch! 1 

at what rate? Quanti quanti, 

what rate aoever, Oc. 

evcr so much, howcv 

Quantus,a, how ( 

nnich,how manv ' howi 

brave ! as much as. 

cpic nJ/.how grcat or\i\ 
Quaiituslibct,altbct, uml 

how gTcat soevcr,neve 
Qiiantusquantus. a, um. 

great soever, all ovcr. 
Quantusvis, avis, um\i 

great as you list.Quant 

homo, worth gold, 7V; 
tiulproptcr,«r/r. vel c i 

fore, whv r for which \ 
Quaqua, adv. what nay 
Qua(^uuvcrsum & Quai; 

adv. on everv side, c 
Quare , adv w hczvfore, 

wliich reason, to thc ci 
Quartadecumanus, i. « 

ilicr of the fourtecnih J 

atjQuartana, x.f. 1. a quar 

Qiiart4iurius l a l am ( if^ o 





rura^/. m. 2. soldiers of 
1 lcgion. 

a,um.<u(/.of the fourth. 
a, i. n. 2. a qiurter. 

guard offour soldicn. 

Quatieiu tis./M shaking, hrandish 

Quatinus, conj. vid. Quatcnus. 

Quatio, tere, assi, assum. a. 3. to 
,i. m 2. a quart-(faintly.j shakc, to movc, to brandish, to 
rerba, spokcnj batter 
(, ipis. aaj. haviii"' four.Quatior, ti. pt. to bc shaken, to bc 
v. fourthly. (heads | thrust. 
2fh. thc fourth tinic JQuitriduo, adv. in four daya 
, um. adj. thc fburth;Quatriduum, i- n. 2. space of foiirlQ.ieriilus, a, um. adj. querulous, 

_ _ .1 _ _ _ _ _ 1 '— . »• . I • J 1 i»_ _ / 1 . _ _» I , * «■ 

(ing*. pIain,to lament,to bewail, to war. 
ble,chirp ■ r sinjj, to expostulate. 

^ucrqucdula, ae./ 1. a teal. 

Qucrquera. x. / 1. a cold fit. 

Querqucrus,a,um. attj. cold,c.iil). 
Qucrqucrx vililig-ines, gricvous 
leprosics, Arnob. (edwithoak. 

Qucrquetiilanus,a,um. adj. cover- 

Querquetum,i.*.2. a grove of oak. 

later, the great grand-Quatuor,«<// pl indeci four(da\s. 
.ther,Fjrg\Hora quarta, Quatuord?cie8 flr/f.fourtecntimcs. 
:k, /_/. (fourtcenth Quatuordccim, adj. pl. ujc&c/.four 
:imus,a, um. aaj. thc tccu. 

mournful, creaking, croaking, 
warbling, mus cal loud, shrill. 
Questio onis./. 3.a complaining,cr 
n.oanimr, a complaint. 

hconj. asif, as it wcre t Qiiatucrriratus, us 4 thc offic, of|Qucstus,a having complain- 

,as,in a manncr, almost fbur rulin^r togcthcr. 

the samc import Quatuoniri, m. 2. four 

a,x/ 1 a basket-wench; surveyors* 

i n.&Quxs.liu_,i. ro- 2. a Qu R 

pannier, a slave. Qic,c •n/.and also for sccing that, 

i, c. adj. to be shakcn/ forasmuch as. or.Quc — que, both 

dus,a,um adj. shaking.Qucis; pro Quibus. ( — and 

s, a, to bc bran. Quciscum pro Quibuscum. 

Lis. pt. shaking (dishcd Quemadmoduin, u<lv. aftcr what 

dnis./. 3 a shaking u\ sortormanncr.ho\7,l_ow? by v/hat 

i,ac./l.a shaking(s!*ikcj mcans ; likc as. (uiay, «r can. 

a, um /•/. shukcn, sdiat .Quco, Tvi, Ttum. n. 4. to be ablc,to 

lised. afHictcd. Qucor,Tri,itus suin//.4. to may, or 

.a 1. to shake, to bran-Qucrct;tum,i.n.agrovcofoaks(can 

lattcr, to endauger. 'Qucrccus, a, um. adj of oak. shakcn,shattcr-Qucrcicus, a, um. at\j. of an oak 


Quc_tus,us w.a comp]aint,a moan. 

Qui,qus,quod.^r n who(& in obli- 
quis, whom), which, that, who ? 
whatP what kind of person, bc- 
cause,sccing,that any, every onc, 
all,whethcr;in ablxpii, in which, 
bv v.iiich, whcrewith. 

Qui,tt;/T;.ho\v,hy what mcan.,why. 
^uia, conj. cum- indic & *nbj. bc- 
cau-'c, forx«:nuch as for that. 

Qviiuuam, ttdv why? whcrcforc! 

Qu'uinO. adv. is it brcause? 

Quicquam, ». r.ny thir.g 1 . 


•ed, wcathcrbcatcn. Qucrcula,^:/ 1. oakof Jerusalcm. Quicquid,u.\vhatsocvcr(any thing 

M IS* --. _ • _______ .'V-.A . •_■ « 

s. m. 4. a shaking. IQiicrcula minor, gcmiander. 

[quatio,facio], cere, fS-Quei*culrinus a, um. a<(j- of oak. 
4i. 3. to causelo shakc. Qucrcus, iis /. 4. an oak- 

\dv.wo far forth as, howQuerela. ac /. 1. a complaint, a la- quc /»'on.wliosocver,whatsocver. 

Quicum./ir . cum quo, witli whom, 
with wliom? with which. 
Quicunquc.quaecunque, quodcun- 

far; conj. forasmuch as, menting. a wailing, a warbling 
at sincc. sound. (plained of, to complain 

». four times,ver}' oftcn. Quercndus, a. um. pt. to be com- 
ies, adv. forty times. Quercms, tis. pt complaiuing of 
i, x- at{j. pl. forty. Queribundiis,a,um. adj. complain- 

UA, a, um. ai(l. of four. 1 a complaint(ing 
us, i. m. 2. the number Querltans, tis. pt. complaining. 
c a. au]}* pl. four. (four JQucrnciis, a, um adj. of oak- 

Cnis. m. 3. the number ( Quernus-a,um a/// ofanoak,oaken 1 need of manj words?Quid rci cst 
jrteral dicc,8cc.a nlo 4 < r;Qucror,ri,que«tua suin.t/ coin | tibi cura 1114 : what h*N-_ ^v_v_. \x_ 

every one,how meansoevcr,how- 
gTeat socver. 

Quid, n. substantive posit, what, 
what sort of any manyi 
how grcat!why?howrQuid> quod, 
what shall wc say bcsidcs' Quid 
istud?rc/Quid isthic? what mean- 
eth all this stiWQuid multa.Vhat 





dowithher?7VrQuid itthuc ver- 
bi est?what meaneth \]xri*Plavt 
Quid actatis? how old? Id. 

dxm.pron- one, such a one,somc 

Quidc m,axfv.truly,indeed,too,also, 
at lc.tst, however, but, even. 

Quidnam, n. what? how. 

Quidni, adv. what elsc? why not? 

for »11 thati tliercfore, nay. 
Quinarius,auim a^.comainingfive 
Quinirius, i. «. 2- five, a Roman 

silver coin worth five asscs. 
QuinAviccnarialex,alawinRome _ . _, 

forbidding to lend money unto a Quinquefolium, i. n. 2. ciiiq 

son under twenty-five ycars of QiiinqueUbritfis. c aJjec. c 

age, during his father^s Hfe. 
Quinccnti,ae. a.aa)\_^j Qiungcnti, 

quatrix,arum. /. & Quinqu 
uum/a feast in honour af 
va for five days- 

Quinque, aaj. indecl. pl fiv< 

Quidpiam,cujuspiam n somcthing Quincuncialis, of fivc inchcs, Quinquennalis. e. aaj lastu 

Quidque,vrfQuicquc, cujusquc, n 
every thing 

Quidquid, u whatsoever. 

Quidvis, cujusvis n. any thing. 

Quidum, adv why so? how so? 

Quies ctis/.3. rest,easc,leisurc, in- 
activity,peace,a respiie,a private 
life.A ceasing iror-.i^ui end, slecp, 
a drcam In />/ur. Quietes, resting- 
placcs, dens. Dura quies, dcutli 

Quiescen<lus.aum./> resl( Virg. 

Quicsccns,tis._W.resting, slecping. 

Quicscentia, x.f 1. quicscence. 

Quiesci, imperf. to be at rest. 

Quiesco,ccre,evi n. & rcr. a. 3 to 
be quict,calm or still to rcst, take 
rest • r slcep,to hold one's pcacc, 
to let alone to bc abated, to be 
fir stand ncutcr. I 

ordered by the quincunx. 
Quincuncis usurx, usury of five 

in thc hundred. 
Quincunx,cis.m.3 five ounces, five 

inclies, half a pint, an interest at 

fivc pcrccnt,apo.itionoffivctrces 

Q iinciipedal,alis.n 

dii, Tt.f 1. a mcasure of fivc fcet 
Quincuplex, icis. at(j. fiwfold. 

Quincussis^s wi.firepoundsA-eightJivc oars on a scat. 

Quindccics, affo. fiftcen times. 

pounds weight,of fivcpottn 
Quinqemestns,e adj. tiver 

years. every fifth year 
Quinquennis,c.a4?t fire yej 

of fivc ycars. (nre 

Quinquennium i. n. 2.thc Bp 
Quinquepartlto, adv. in fire 
Quinque partitus,a,uraa4d 

into five parts. (tive firt 
Qiunqucprimi, drum- pf. *■ 
Quinqucrcmis,is/. 3 a gallcj 

Quinqucrtium.i.ri.2.& Quinq 

Qaindccim, adj. indecl. pt. fiftecn- ns,i.m.2 tlie five principali 

Quiete, adv. ius. comp. issime, sup. 

quietl) , peaceably, casily, con- 

tcntcdly,without noise (atpcace. 

Quicturus, a, um. pt. that will be 

QuiC-to, are. a. 1. to calm. 

Quietus,a,um adj &pt. ior, comp. 

issimu*, fup. quict, calm, still, 

peaceable,at rest,ea»se,or leisurc, 

frce trom ture, or trouble, tame, 


Quilibet f qu«ehbct,quodlibet_&ro/i. 

whosoever makcth no mat 

ter who.any oii.,whateverhc, or 

it be, :is much as you plcase. 

Quim! of five years- 

Quln,ai/v.&ro;y.why not? but, but 

f h*t t ny, and lnore than that, yet, 

Quind-ciinvir,ri.r».2. onc ofthc lif. 
tcen magistrutes, or commission 
crs that wcre jointly in ofi"icc for 
the ordcring of rcligious afiairs 

Quindccimvirulis^e.a^' of thc quiti 

Quindcni, rc. adj. pl fiftcen- 

Quingcnarius, a. um. adj iivc hun 
Quin;ccntcsimus a> um. adj. thc 
fivc hundrcdth* 
Quiugcnti,ae.a hundred 

Quingentics, adv. five hundrcd Quiuturius, a, um. adj. of tb< 

Qulni, x. a. adj. pl. five. (times 
Quinlmo,con;'.yeaand what is morc 
Quinisco, ccre,quexi. n. 3. to nod. 
Quinquagcnarius, a, um. adj. tifty 
ycars old, containing fifty 

Quinquageni, «. a. ai\j. pl fifty. Quintuplcx, icis. a*fj fi»vfcl 

QunquagesTnnis,a,um. wlj. the fif. 
Quint_uiigics,a</v fifty times.(U_th 
Quiuquuginta, mlj. fifty. 

rn thc Olyinpics, viz hurlii 

<_uoit,ruuning, leaping 1 , thn 

tSic dart, and wr_silin^. 
Quii>ci|ncvir,iri. m ' oftk 

Quinqueviratus.its.m.4 tk 

of fivc in like authoritv. 

^uiuquics. adv. five tiinci 
Qiuntadecuinani. drum.^ 

soldiers of thc fificentliK| 
Quinluni,6rum./>/.m. 2. sohfi 

thc iifUi legion. 
Quintanis,a6/ evcryfiftb: 
Quintanus,a,um.ar_7. fifihia 1 

Quinticcps, ipitis.aaj. of tb 

Quintilis,is.m.3.the month^ 
Quinto, adv. iifthly. 
Quintum, adv. the"fifthti* 

Quintusa,um.a/^?.the tifih-P 

Quintutdecimus.a,um.a4> ^ 
Q u i ntU8sis,is.a»,fiTcpotLTOi* 





i*a,uin.a*7. fivc, ftrt by five. loitg? how soon, as much as,as far' howaoever itbe, by all means. 
te", adv. how can that bc? a%as to,with respect to,until(as Qudquftversum, & Qu6qu5vcrsus, 
2, ooV. for, because. for aa Quo&dusque\ adv. sofaras,aslong atfr.eyery way, on every side, on 

Qudcirca*co^/whereforc*therefore all sides, all around. 
Qu5cum, pr n. abl. with whom. Quorsum, adv. whither, toward 
Qu5cunqu£, adv whithcrsoever. what p1ace,how far,on what side, 
Quod, cujus, pron. n tubtt. posit. to what end, intent, or purpose. 
which thing.all that,for which,onQuc«us,atfi>.towhichside,towhat 
which account. Militum quod ha- issue, how, thc same way as. 
berent, what soldiers they had, Quot,<u//.i nrkW./j/ howmany,how 
C.V>QuodcastrorumfaIlthecamp> many? so many as, cvery. 
Tac Quod floris.qiiod roborisha-Qu6tannis,a</i> yearly.every year. 
buit,alltheprimc,aUthestrcngth,Quotca1cndis,aaV thc first day of 
IJv Quod ad me attinct, as for evcry raontli. (soever. 

i as, as one, as bcing,to wit, 

is to say, surcly, yea. 

inl, adv. why not? 

i&lia, itim. pl.n. feasts sacred 


* is./ 3 a spear. a javelin 

•> Itis.m.3. a citizen ot Rome. 

ans, lis. pt. ^rying' for help. 

atio,5nis./.a callingforhclp. 

itujjds m. awailing,amoAn 

y acryforhelp,acomplaint. 

ns. or commons of Kome. 
J» are. a. 1. to cry for hclp. 
|mx, quid, vt! quod. pron 
vhich? whatkindormannct 
me one, whcther? eithcr. 
m,quxnam,quodnam, pron 
which? what> what. 
im,quaepiam, qmdpiam, vei 
»iam, pv.n. somebody, oi 
a ccrtain pcrson. 
am, quxquum, quidquam. 
icquam, pron- anyoncany 
•r person, any thing". 
e, quxqtic, quodquc,//ro?i 
nan.cvcryone evorything, 
cver. whatsoever, each. 
iKae,arutn. pl.f thc swcep- 
r refuse of any thing, the 
>f the peoplc, tools. (ry. 
dium,i n.2 thc srarlet bYr- 
a, m.&f pron whosoevcr, 
cr, whatnocver, any onc. 
a, Uiu. jtt possiblc. 
quaevii, quidvis, vel quod. 
it. whosocvcr, any onc 

v.y c ry.whithcr? to wha» 
by how much, that,to the 
ii,becausc,for whicb caus<- 
on. to what 
gi/v. as lonjf 

es, um. & ium pl. m. 3 theQuod, pn. Quoad. (my part, Oic. Quotcunque,a«*?.tW./>/. how many 
... r » Quod, coq/.that because, as, forasQuotcni, x, a. adj. how many. 

much as, whereas, in that, since,Qubtidiano, adv. cvery day,daily. 

but. (sure.Qu6tidianus, a,um. atfj. daily, or- 

-luodamm&do, adv. in somc mca-! djnary, common, usual. 
r luodcunquc, pr n. n. whatsoeverQu&tldie, adv. daily, cvery day. 
Quodpiam,cujuspiam, pron n. anyQubtfdio, are. a. 1. to do daily. 

thing, something. Aliquodquod-Qu6ties,arfi'.asof\cnafl,howoftcn? 

piam membrum, some certainQu5ticscunqu£, adv. as often aa. 

mcmber, or part, Cic. |Quothbet,a4;.in o>c/ />/. how many 

Quodvis,cujusvis./iron.n any thing! soever. 
Quoi, pro Cui, PUiut* 'Quotmensibus, adv. monthly. 

Quomlnus, adv Quominus hae fic-jQuotquot, aaj. indecl. pl. as many 

rent nuntiz, tliat — not, Ttr. as, how many soever. 

Qudmddo, adv. after which fash4Qu6tumus, a,um adj. how many? 

ion, or manncr, by what means Quotumodie?on>vhatuay?/Vaii/. 

how, how! how? &n. (QuStupleijicis.a^/.howmanyfold, 

Qu5mdd6ctinquO,ar/r.howsoeverJ ofhowmany sorts. (how rauch- 
^udmdd6nam,ar/v howIprayyoti?Qubtus,a,um aaj. what,how tmaU» 
iu3nim, adv. to what place, whi jQudtuscunque, acunque, umcun- 

ther? Quonam nostri tua cura re-l que, aaj what person is there? 

cessit? what is become of ? VirgS never so little, how small. 
luondam,ar/ii.intimepast,former-|Qu6tusquisque, adj Upron. what 

ly, herctoforc, sometimes,in time one amongmany 1 how few? 

to come,when once.whensoevcr Qu5vls,a</f. whither any whither. 
luoniam coijj. sinccthat.since,be-Quousquc, advtill wliat tiinc?how 
Qu5piam,ac/i'.any ( whither (causc. long? how far? until 
Qudqtiam, adv. any whithcr. 

|u5que,c nj. also,likewise,verily. 


■iu5qud,aaV toward what part so-Quum, conj. when; adv. since,see- 
evcr, whithcrsoever. ing", forasmuch as, whereas, al- 

Qudqu5m5dd, adv. in any wise,! thoughj vid. C^m% 






RA. ,KiidTccsco, ccre. inc. to bcgin tolRtimuIus, i. m. 2. a little bough,i 

Alttll, m. indecl. mastcr. \ take root. shooL (polc, an arni uf thc set 

Kabboni, idem. (ly.KadicitiiH a</t« by the roots, fromjR;imus,t. in.2a bough,&r b«Wu,i 

I{abi'de,ci//v furiouHly.outrajreous- the root, utttrrly.quitc and c!can.;K y i. w <?•» snul bouA 
Rnbulus, a, uni. atljl mad, fiiriousjttdicor, 3n,utus.f/.l to takc root llJ."ina,;c./l. a frog,a to*tU »«l 
ragin^fOutra^ioListturriblciiiercLsKidic^stis a, uni. adj full or"roots.|Ka:irco, ere n- 2. to bc r*nkfi_f 
cruel, savagv, rv. enou:i. K.idicula, x./l dim. a littlc root,, nrfi'- miutilv. 

l&ibicH, ei /5 madness,fury,r.irfe, a r&dish soot, soupwccd. R^ncidulus, a, um. a>tj. mool-jlr 

outrageousness, fierccncss, poi- Riidi •>, Fire n 1 to s'iine,toglitter.j somewhat rank, suiikingr, pJ» 
son. Kabi&s cdjncli, insatiable K.idior ari f/.l.toshinc,or j^Iittcr. Rincidus, a, um. adj ior, cnf 
greediness. Ridic-lus i.m. shuttl'.',an o- ra.;cid,rank rammisii nriitf,* 

Kihio. tcrc n. 3. to rave, or rafre. Radinsi-%a,iim._i<.J/ fnll ofra;.si(Iive plejsaut. nasty. mc&n, pitiftl ' 
Ribiose, mlv. f.iriously, in a ra^c. Ra-iius, i. m._> a bc:_m of thc sun.a Kancor or.s m. S.ranknessmiji* 
Kabiosulus, a. u:n. adj maddish ray bri^itness, a rod, a ,faro!)N Rfintiiictilus,i.m.2.atadpole,tK-i 
Kabiosus, a-um. adj. mad, furious, Htaff,a spoke.or fclloc,a thutlkvi o?'fl-.wei, crowfbot. 
outngeous. full of ruge Rahio«T_ str-.kc ayoke-stickjorpcgyi bone,, x./ 1. thc rape-rootft* 

Tcmpora signi, thc dog-days,//c/r. a>. olive 
Kaho, pvj Arrhabo, flaut K-idi.x.icis/.o.a T^oUpnrtiruUirlr ■. 

Rabo. hcre- n. o. to ravc. \ radish, aground, founda:.on, -j, 

Kabula ?c. m. I. a pettifo-rjrer, a principlc,a nnmitivc word,afoo 

wranglcr, a brawler, u glutton or boitom. Rndiv. dulcis, lico ic 
Kabuscida uva, a tawny grapc Jun. \i'\d\\ pontir.,,r!iubaib C?b 

R_.piciias,ati.-/3 piur.der rtt» 
K*jpas,uci>. adj. \o? t cjr.ip^^ 
anft. rupacious, ravenous dct* 
in^, covctous. dcsirous r-pA 
KipVinmus.a um.a^. ohrtM 
•{a-^i-int» i. m 2. a' 

._ — , .- — ..j ^.—^.-^ _. _, ,.... — — — t _ _, .^ - 

KacKniariiiK, a, uni odj. bcarin^K .ido derc t asi,as im._..j to shavc.JKapicius, a, uma<// ul, orTto^ 

to a lap^-not, ur tunifp- 

iiapHic.a.'/r'.ii!!sr mp -W- : »l. r ."* 

Kapnlitas. atis./. rapuLx i*» 

Kapulus a, urr. aiij. ior, <• "^ *. 

nius,j*7.r f r.rapiil, sirif;, quifk»>n 

Vc::cmc!U,^ioleiil,r_iVcnott>»W p 

tcrous, tompcsHious. j 

K'tpicml..s i a > uiT../'. , .t«« , .*etakrtI? 

foicv tt i bc dnatf \u ^U to **^5fj 

l{.ipion9,tis.y>:. ]>»':..^.i.jc»^ u!T ?5 

Kapina, se. J\ l.r.ipiitc, plw! 

rohbciy, a prcy, ar»j>e. 

Rfip!iia,x./!l.a rape,oi-turriip 

Kipio,j)cre,pt.i.ptuni._i. -.t» 1 

ov carry away b^foice.torsrr/ 

to huny awuy,toliurn",tf> ^w 

sci/c upo:i-toplundcr,Tnriv 

s'lo:i1 .to snap up,to*^ 

to rcscue. Kaporc in admin^ 

em,tt > makc onc admiir, Cir «J 

vidiam,to makc him oriiotis hang- h!m,^>rR>?«J 

aliquid inpcjorciD partcm,too* 

poov bunclies of irrapcs, kc. ; to S'_rapc, o scraich up,to c/rati- 
Kaccmutio, 6nis-/3. a^lcaning* of to skirn al.n^. Kadcre 'ittora, 

^rnipcs. ! coasiido; g" Kr^nomcu,toscrapv. 

Uacemuttis, a, um. />/. hung' with; it out, to cumel, Tuc- 

bunchcs, 0rclu4l«nofgr-tpt:s, or.K «dor, di p. to bc shavcd 

berrics. iltadula x.f.l a nr/o-, a sc"ap_r, : 

KacSmtfcr, ra, rum. adj. tlmt hcftr-' jrrntcr, a joiiu r*s p;anc. 

eth clnstcn of (frapcS'ro.?ri'i-'8 K..duiamis,a,Uiri adj scrapcd o.. 
K «ccmor. ari. d. 1. lo ylcan. (i» n. i.nia, x f. "2. a ray or skatc. 
". "ccmosus, u,!iin.(i(//'. lull of clus--R;.iium t \n. 2. a p^ddlc-:st_ifT. 
!S'!Ceiims,i.m-2. a hui;ch,er clustcr^allus a, um. adj tlnn, finc. 

of p:rapes, or berries. (teiiipt.:f!.«m tlc, lis. w. 3 adead bough. 
^aclia./nc/cc/. Hckr.n word of con-lR.inicnta x /. 1- a cltij), 
•Jiidcndus a um/ }>c rascd out'!rimcntMin,i n 2.a chip,a shaving 1 , 
Uidcns, tis. pt. .scraping. glidin^' or filing', pindust. sawdust. 

along. :Kri;iH'Us, a, um. adj. of a boujrh. 

[Jadians, tis./»/. shiningjg-littcring, i{anicxicis m 3. a pectoral vcin, 

.'?idiatio. 5nis./ a shining*. 
It.idiatiiH, a, um />/. shinin^, bcsct 
with rays, sct about with spokcs 
.'Jadicalis, e. n.7/. radical, inbrcd. braw.hcs, branching. 
JS.idtciitus, n, um- pt. rooied. U.unulosus, y, um. *uij. idcm 

a ruptur.'«a rail t or bar 
Kamicosus, a, iim adj. bureten. 
■'iamosus, a, um adj. ior, cornp. 

is.Htmus. 9\tft. fiill of boughs, or 





we^r takc it in thc want iearce, few, thin, excellent, fubWRitia^U./. 3. a ship,a boat^i float, 
•,lp to bc dragged. (§ ensc. tile, scarcely perceived. or raft, an oar. (account. 

rum, i n. 2. wild muatard RasTlis, e. at(j. that is, or may be RatiuncQla,*/.! a little reason, or 

tdiu,* 9 um.pi.U> be dragged. shaven, smoothed. 

\**tis pt. dragging. Rasfs, is. /. 3. a hard pitch. (ten. 

:us,a,um.^.dragged,ravish- Rasfto,lre.a. to shave,or scrape of- 

*,adv. swifUy, in haste (ed Rasor,oria.m. 3. a barber, a sheer- 

>. oni» / 3. a seizing upon. man, a fuller, a fidler. (shaving 

o, ire. a. 1. to seize on. RasOrius, a, um. aa). belonging to take bv violence, Rastellum, \.n.2 a little rake, cr 

rry away, to pull, ©r drag. harrow, a spade, a hoe 

rJtoi p. to be oragged (er. Rastrum, i. n. pUtr. Rastri, Ter. vel 

Vdris.m.a robber.a plundcr-f Rastra. Juv. a rake, a harrow, a 

n,i. n. 2. robbery, plunder,|Rasura, ac. /. 1. a shaving. (drag. 

!a,ac/l.ravishment (booty 

< us,a,um p/.ready to seizeon 

ta, unv pt. carried away by 

carried away, or oflT,pulled 

out,torn,seized upon,plun- 

U*visheb%stoicn, snatched, 

tus.m.4. a ravishing,a rape 
is ncrvorum, the cramp. 
un, L u. 2. a tittle turnip. 
ti n. 2. a rape,a turnip. Ra 
xircinum, sowbread, Jun. 
m sylvestre rampions, Ger. 
rtilus. i m. 2 a wild rape. 
\«h. ius, comp issime, *up. 
, seldom, not often. 
uo [rarus, facio], c€re,f£ci, 
l. a. J. to rarefy. 
stus, a, um. pt rarcfied. 
i [rarus, fio], fieri, factus 
u p. «J. to be rareficd- 
:ns,tia/J growing thinner. 
HCSre-tnc. 3. to grow thin, 
ir, to clear un, to widen. 
i*. a, um. atg. thin-haired 
, ftlis / 3. rarity, scarcc- 
scantiness, fcwness, thin- 
utity. (ness 

Ratus,a, um. pt. & adj supposing, 

dceming, thinking, believimj, 

iudging,ratified,confirmed, esta. 

bliahed, allowed, authentic, good 

in law,constant, firm,steady. Ra- 

to tempore, at a time prefixed, 

Cic. Prorata^n proportion, Liv. 

Rauca, * / 1. a worm in oak. 

Raucedo, mis./ 3. hoarseness. 

Raucesco,€re.snc.3.togrow lioarae 

Raucio.ire,si,8um.> be hoarse/ 

Rauclsdnus, a, um. aa]jec. hoant» 

sounding, roaring. (deep sound; 

Raucitas. atis./ 3. hoarseness, a 

Raucus, a, um. adj. hoarse, harsh, 

jarring.unpleasant, disagreeable, 

Raudusciilana porta, thc brazen 


Ravldus, a, um. adj. ycUowiah» 

brown, grcy. 

Rosus, a, um pt. shaven, scraped, 

scrap?d out, polished, smoothed 
Kasus, us m. 4. a scraping. 
It^tiuria navicula, a bargc. 
Ratiarius. i. m. 2. a bargeman. 
Ratio,5nis/. 3. reason,considerati- 

on«advice,rc8pecttregardta cause, 

a design,orpurpose^i way,a man- 

ner, a rule, means, a condition. 

terms proposed, a reckoning, oA 

account, an afikir, or buainess, a Ravio, Ire. n. 4- to rave. 

purport,srmeaning^icause^rsuit Ravis, is. / 3. hoarseness. 

in law. (arguing, or disputing. Ravus, a, um. a%. hoane, tawny. 
Riti5cfnatio,dnis/>. a reasoning, RE. 

Ratidcinatlvus^i, um. aqj. belong- Re, in composition, rignijteo bacfc* 

ing to reasoning, or debating again, often. against, over, upon> 
Kati6ctnator 9 dris.m. 2. a reasoner. up,down,along,in, by, afar, ofr, a* 

an accomptant . an auditor. way »at a distance,greatly »or very 

Ratidcinium,i n. 2 a reasoning, or much : sometimes, it denies. 

dispute,a reckoning, ar account. Reactio, Onis./ 3. reaction. 
Ratiocinor, ari, atussum. d. 1. to JtaedTftco,are. a. 1. torebuild r tO 

reason, to debate, to consider, to Realis,e^i^;.real(repair,toconn>m 

reckon,to account (able,logical. Reapse, i. e. re ipsi, in truth, in 
Ratidnalis, e. a<fj rational, reason- very dccd. 
RatiOnalis, is. m. 3. the auditor of Reutus, us. m. 4. supposed guilL 

tlie cxchcqucr Ribellans, tis pt. rebelling. 

Ratidnftliter, adv- rationaHy. R2bellatio,5nis/3 a rebelllng.(ar 

Ratidnarium, i. n. 2. a book of ac- Rebellator,6ris.m a rcbel,a revolt- 
oJTnis f. 3. thinness, liglit- counts. (count. RebeUatrix,Icis/a she-rebel.(btl t 

sfv. rarely, scldom. RatiOnarius, a, um. auj of an ac-ltfbeUaturus,a,um^/. aboutto rt^ 

,ttiasf(f. lor, cotnp. issYmus, R>tibn irius,i.m. 2. an accomptantlRebellio, Onis / 3. a rebclhon. 
irc# tinusuaJ, uncommon^RatiOnator, 6ris. m. 3. idcm. [Rebelltf, c. adj. rcbelliout.^W 




Rfcbellium, i. n. 2. a rebeHion. 
22?belkMLrc.ft 1. to wage 

war,«r break out again,to revolt 
JttfeooJUre.n. 1. to beilow,roar, ti 

sound again,to resound, to echo. 
J&calcftroAre*ji» kick,to winc? 
Ittealco, ftre. ovlt totreaddown 
J?&aUfacio, cere.feci, factura. a 

3» to warm, #r heat again. 

Recem, adv. lately, newly. 
Rcensens, tift pt, reviewing. 
ftecenieo 4 Ere sui,sura & sTtum. a 
3. to rehearse,to recite,to relate, 

JV£caleo,€re,lui*n. to be hot again. Recensus, us. m 4. a review 

Jftfe&leaco, e>e. mc. to grew hot 


Recalvaster f tra.trufn tufj. baldish 
Recalvus, a, um. aaj. bald before 

Rgcandens,tis./M. hot, very white. retreat 

RcrTdendu8,a,um.jM. to bc 
Rectdena, tia. pt. faffing 1 
Recfdlvatio, 6nist/ 3. a 
Recldlvua, a, um. adj. rc 

to recount,to reckon uporover,to Recfdo [re,cado],cere, Tdi 
- .« n.3.tofiai,to fcllbacl 

upon, to recoil» to come 
RecTdo [re, cado], dere, » 
a. 3. to cut offtaway, sr i 
shave, to retrench, to gt 
RecTdor,di. p. to be cut oi 
Reanctua^t,um pt. ungird 
J?£cingo,€re,xi,ctum a to p.U> be loosed 

countito review,to mus- 
}Ucenseor,en be recked.(tcr 
Recensio,onis./.*.a vtew,a survey, 

a mustering,a levying. (viewed. 
R£censitus^k,um.£*. numbered*rc 

K£ccnter, orh- issfrne, ntp, latcly 

Reccpso, pra Hecepero, Catull. 
Receptaculum,i n 2. a receptacle, 

a storehouac, a place of refuge £ Recin!atus,a,um. aaj. eltd 

it£candeo,Sre.dui.n.2 to be hot,to 
glow.te be palo,or white, to foam 
ifccano, nere. a. to sound a rc 

RScantatio, dnis./ a recantation 
RecantUus a, um. pt. recanted. 
enchanted, disenchanted 
Jfccanto, are. a. 1 to recant ©» 
retract, to sing over again, t< 
rcpeat, to return, to disenchant. 
RecapTtttlor arvH-to rccapitulati- 
Recasflrtts, a, um pt. about to.fali 
Becavus,a,um.aay concave (baci 
Recedens tis. pt. departing, with 
drawing, ehbtng remote. 
Y?£ccdo dere,essi,essum n.l-to re- 
cede,to go,or depart,to retire, •» retreat, to return,t. 
ebb,to 8hrinl:,to cca.e^o vpnist», 
to be scparated, rat :t dismnce,to 
differRecedere a viia.iodie, Cic 
ab oculis, to disappear, rlin- 
RcceIJo,lere,lui.a*to be:>d,tn hrust 
or p\ish down ; n to fall bnk 


R2ceptator,8ris. m. 3. a harbourer wbich the fore lappet *u 
Receptio, onis / 3. reception. back again, a mourningJ 
Receptltius, a, um adj. kept forRecino frc, cano], nire, » 

Recinkim,! n.3.a square n 

onc'sown use»returned»worthles9 
R^cepto [re,capto].are.»l. tore- 

cc-ive oftcn,to betake,todraw out 
Rcceptor, ftri p. to be received. 

R^ceptor. dris. m J. a recciver, a Reclpio [re,capio],pcre^ 

tupSreah, «ate, new, newly come, 
not tired, near, not far rc ; oved 

Reccuurc,pr^sently, immea . e- 1 maris the ebbing of the sea. 

\y,Pla*u Pullus a partti reccns,^ 
colt newly foaled, fair. 

tum.a 3 toreceive, toi* 

gsin,to recover, to gxin, « 

himself master of,totske 

engagfe,to undertake, to 

to admit of,to perroh>ri 

entertain to resolvcPceni 

quo recipere,to be revea 

FiV^.Ad me recipio,! sr 

gaged,*rl will warrant,? 

pere se, Cic. mentem, F; 

mum, Ter. to come to 

again. to pull up a good 

Recipior,i./>. to be recei^ 

retreat. (tired Rccipr8cans,tis-p^goingb 

R^cessior, us. atlj. c^mp. more re-R*cipr6catio, anis./ o. i 

•^ccat)Qms.:i,uni/>/ aboutto retire RScipr6co,are.a. 1. to fct 


Receptrix, Tcis./ a receiver. 
Receptum,i. n. 2 an engagcment. 
Reccptum est, imp. it is atlowed. 
R .-cepturus, a, um. pt about to 

Receptus a, um. ^/..receivcd. re- 

covcred re^ained acquired, ad- 

mitted, allowed, entertained. m.4 aplaceof refuge, 

a shelter, a retreat, a retiring. 
Uccesslm, adv giving back. 
Rccessio, onis. / a recession, a 

ttim a soimd 
R^cipiendus, a, um. pt. to 

or be received. to recow 
RecTpiens, tis. pt. receivis 

Recens,tis o^.tior comp w simn , R^cessus,us. m.4. a retreat,the in- to draw in»to return bsc 

side, an aversion Recessus oris, 
the hollowncss of the mouth ; 

Rechamus.i m.2.a truckleto draw 
up water, a windjass. 

Recipr6cor,ari p. to ebb t 
to depend on one anotb 

RgciprbcusA um. adj re 
mutual«ebbing and flowii 

Reclsaxnentum,L a. 2. i • 





mis/".3.a cuttinf?,orchop- 
', a cuttinjr aguin. 
s,a,um./>/.about to cut ofT 
a,um pt cut, ©r choppcd 
:d, short, brief. 
\\% fiL 9 \\ to bc recited. 
tis./tf.reciting", repeating. 
«, onis. / 3. a recital. (cr 
•,6ris.m a reciter, a rcad- 
x, icis / 3. a rehearscr. 
rus.a, about to re- 
i,a,un> /tf.repeutcd (cite. 
re o-l to recite,to rcpeat, 
out aloud to call over a 
ri./>.to be repcated(gain. 
qs, tis. pt. guiiisaying. 
tio,onis/. o.a reclaiining. 
tor,dris m. 3. a gainsayer. 
tum est, «ni^. they oppo- 
rains»ud. (ing- 

.itio, onis /*. 3 a guinsay- 
Lo,arc.a.l.togainsay often 
,&re-a 1 to cry out,orvote 
to gainsay,to echo,to rin^ 
o resound. (jjainst 

r, 'Uri. pdi- to be voted a- 
Js,a,um./>/ ly.n^ all along 

e. atlj. lcaninjr on. 
lre,».l to rcchnc,to lean, 
o bcnd, to stretch out, to 
g'j f to free, or deliver 
. An h to be iuclined 
L'.ar(/.dending bacK, lying 1 
, u. ii:n alj. idem.(along. 
w tis. pt. opening. 
re,claudo~| lere ns:,usum 
pe.i, to u.tbar, to unlock. 
i», lnclose or discovcr.Uc- 

eincm, to dr.uv it, V*rg 
\ di. p to bc opened. 
, oni* / >• au openiiifT. 
,a, set open, hroke 

vcaied, discloscd, disco- 

,;>/.o!t':n boiled,fo»- 
\v t purKied, eicrcised 

Rccdgftana, tis. pt. reflecting". 

/frcogitOjare a.l to tliinkor consi 
der again, to rcflcct, to recai. 

Recog-nitio,6nis/3 a recollection, 
a review, a reftection. 

Rccogmturua, a, um. pt- about to 
revicw, or revise. (reviewed 

Recogmtus,a, recognized, 

Recogiioscendus,a,ump;.to bc rc- 
cognized, to revicw. 

Recognoscens, tis pt reviewing. 

/frcogno*co,cere,n6vi,nitum.a. 3. 
to recojrnize,to know again,to rc- 
collcctorcall to remembrance, to 
acknowledtre, re- 
view,to revise,to muster, to takc 
an invcntory, oraccount of. 

Recognoscor, ci,nitus. p. to be re 

U£c&lendus,a,um./>f to bc renewcd 

Rcc61ens,tis pt. rencwing, reriew 

Recollectus. a, um. pt. recovered 

Uecolligens, tis. pt, recovcring. 

/Jfcolhgo^erejlegijlectum o.3. to 
recollcct, to gatlier up again, to 
rccover, to reconcile. (cred up. 

Rccolhgor^gi lectus.p. to be guth- 

/?£colo,lw]*e,lui,cultum.a 3. to till, 
or dress aguin, to cultivate.or im 
•prove, to furbish up, to r«sncw,to, to bring iuto remcm 
brance, to call to mind, torecol 
lcqt, to refleci upon 

RecbIor,li be c»dtivatedanc\v 

/tecoinminiscor. ci. d. 3. to invcnt 
anew, to consider a^ain. 

/?rTomp5no,ncrc 6iui osftum «»3 
to rccompo*e,to foniworadjust a 
new. (anew, adjuited afrosb. 

Uvco'nTv»sit<»s,a,um- pt- compos. 

Rjconcilianiuts a,um pt to rec<> 

Ucc^ncliltio/mii/ a reconc:» ■»;•- 

UccoTicilutor or.s m.3. a reconod 
er, a bringcr about, a proovrcr 

Rc'concYliatus,a,uni./K. reconciled» 
regained, recovercd. 
f?rconcilio,arc reconcUe 9 t9 
regain,to recover,to re-establish r 
to reinstate,to brin? over,to g^ain 
Reconcflior, be reconciled 
/^concinno, arc a. 1. to rcpair. 
Reconcinnor,iri./>. to bc repaired. 
llecondlttin, a, um. pu & ci'(j. ior, 
comp. hidden, covercd, laid up, 
closc, secret, rcservcd, abstruse # 
dcep profound.Reconditac voces, 
wordsgrown out of use, Suet. 
/fccondo,dere,didi,ditum. a. 3. to lay,put,or'hoard 
up,to close, or shut, to lay down, 
to spout, to tlirow otit. 
Recondor, di. p to bc laid up. 
/foconduco,cere'uxi,uctum.o.3. to 
hire again,to carry u» and down» 
or to and fro. (make anew- 

/?fconflo melt aj^ain, to 
Uccoquendua,a,um.ftf. to be boil- 
edag^in, to be polished anew. 
Rccoquo, uere, oxi, octuin. a. .- to 
boilor seetli again,to forge anew» 
to amp up, amcnd rfurbis'1, to 
polish, to instruct, or teach. 
Uec6quor.ui./> to bc boiled(bered 
Recordandus,a,um pt.tnhc remem*> 
Recordans, tis. pt culling to mind* 
Rccoi d'i\ io, dnis./ :1. a callin^to 
mind,a remcmbraucca recollcc- 
tion (ing. 

l{;cor<latus, a. um. pi. rcmember- 
Ucconlo, pr R'_cord .r, A - n. 
Uw*c>i-<lctr[re cor..."iri,.'/ 1. tocall to 
rnind. tor.^in^m^cr. to recollcct, 
/»Vconi£o,ere,exi, cctum. o. 3. to> 

Uacra.siino[ri*,cnistinus], are. a. 1* 
to uelay, to ilelVr, cr put off. 
Uecrastinor.ari. p. to be dcfcrred» 
Uecrcjtiulus^a.Mm^? to berestored 
Uccrcatio,dnis./3 jl r(^<yrs^^xv 





ReTectSriuny.w arcfectory (onew, grant,high (hot,to be coldaguin-? anew, to be rencwed. 
ReTecturus,a,um./^abouttorcpatri-_^erveo,_rc .vi.n.2 to be scatding Rcform-tfio 6nU/3. a refornu 
*,__.______ _ — ._ i_. — _._ /jrf encor0fC g PCin togrow hot a- R_formator,dris m. 3. arefon 

_?rfibiiln,ar^.ii.l.tounbackIe(gain!Tleforin-itU9 l _, um. j»/ refora 
Rcficiendus, a, um. pt. to be re-^teTormidans.tia.jW. greadyfei 

Rgfectus, a, um. //.. made again, 

restored, recovered, refreahed, 

recruitcd, frcsh not weary. 

ReTectus, us. m. a repasta repair- 

RcTcllens, tis. pt. disproving. (i»g 

Refello [re,fallo], lere, li. a. 2. to 

refute, to disprovc, to confute. 

ReTellor, \\. p. to bc refuted. 

ReTerbco,£re,biii grow cool 

ReTercio [rc, farcio,] irc, rtum. a. 

4. to fiU, to stufi", to cram. 
Refcrcior, Trt. p. to be fUIed. 

R2ft.rend3.rius, i. wi. 2. an officer l?efigo,gerc,ixi.ixuin «... to fix,* r /?<fruco,.re,5vi, 2 tod 


that made an.wcr to petitions, 
andof tlie emperor , a plcasitre 
Referendus, a, um pt. to be 

brought back, or rclatcd. 

Rcfercns,tis./»< rela t .ing', applying 

/?_ferio, Ire. a. to strikc atfain, 

Referior,iri./>.to l)c rcttectcd(back 

JMcro, fcrs, tiili. litum. a. 3. to 

bring,carry,pidl, . rturn back,to 

return, to bring, to refor, to pro- 

poscormovc,to rcport,to describc 

orrelate, to mc.ition. to spcak,to 

answcr, rreply,to put orplace,to 

rank,tocountrrcckon,to bctake 

«rapply.toturnor rcn 

derorrcquite,to imitate or follow 

to rcsemblc, to bring in, yicld, 

produce, to transfer, to imputc 

Fedcm refcrrc to jfive groiind to 

flcc, Cas. Referre intcr divos, to 

canoni/.e,_f?;</r p. licfcrrc accep* 

tum aliquid alicui, to imputc, oi 

charge lt upon him, to takc him 

forit, Cic. 

ReTCror.rri.^ to be brought back. 

ReTert. retiilit, imp, it conccrneth, 

importeth, signifieth, r matters. 

R£fertus,a,um/?f.& adj. ior. comp. 

issimus, sup. filled_,crainmcd,well 

furnished, replenishcd, full. 

Btfervcns, tis pt. boiling hot, fla- 


paircd. refittcd, <.r refreshcd 
Rcficio [rc, facio], cere, feci, fcc- 
tum. a. S. to repair,to refit,lo re- 
build,to makc anew,to restore,to 
recovcr, or.cure,to revivc, tore 
frc9h, to recruit, to fill up. 
Ref icior, i p. to bc rcpaired- 
Rifigcndus, a, um. pt. to be fas 
tcncdanew, or ovcr again. 

fustcn anc w,lo pull down, 
to abrogatc, or disnnnul.^. to bc fastened again 
Ucfixus,a,um pt takcn down,fixcd 
/?,iire. a. 1. to importunc. 
Reflans, blowing contrary. 
KefirituH f Cis m. _•. acontrary wind. 
Keflec.cns, tis. pt. turning back. 

K c form ittittio . 6nis/. . grrit I 
/. rformido^re a. 1 . to fear nK 

to dread, to be afraid of. 
/?cformo, 1. to refornvto 

new, to makc better, tor« 
R,fossus,a um./tf.dugup. (bi 
Iicfotus,a,um. pt. chcrishedigj 
Rcfbvcndus.a,um pt tobe chefli 
Refdvcns tis pt. clicrishng. (« 

rish again. to rctresh toit-* 
Refdvcor, cri. p. to be reft* 
Refractariolus, a, ttm. a!j. «■ 

what stubborn,o'?st : i:a'.wiinrt 
li efractari u^ .a,u m u '//. r. :V-f W 

ohstinate, stubbo*. n, -inri^ 

Itcfractio, 6i;is./. 3 a Mra-W 

iicfr:ictus,a, um. pt. brok.n «s 1 


/.<?fiecto,terc,exi cxumn-to bcnd, 
boworturnback,toturn tostopjor.Kefnig-atus, a, um. pt g- , «*' n ^ 
Keflcctor ti p.\o be bent. (hindcr. Kefragor ari utr.s s'.:m *L 1.»» 
Kcflcxus, .a, um pt. turned back ! sist, to guinsay t3 voteap* 
r.1 to blow back againjliefrenandus,a um ^/.tobcciB^ 

rcAtraincd, nv stoppcd 
RcfrenTitio, onis f. 3- a -rifl^ 
a checking, a supprewnjf 


contrary.oratfainst, to thwart, r 

cross ono, to fetch brcath 
Ueflor,_tri./».to be blown out again 07 , t 

'eflorco^ercjiiii./i toflot_rishaifain!Kefr_n7itiis, a, um. pt. bridlfd-l 
Ucfldresccns, tis. pt flonrishing! straincdicheckcd(ketpin<«** 

again. (rish again.l/_eiVeno,i_rc o.l.tobridle rt^ 

/Mlorcsco.cerc.n tobegin,toflou-jKefrenor,ari,atus./». tobcnaW 
Ueflucns, tis pt flowing back. Iiefricatio, oms.f. 6. ag*lb(- 
/_pfluo,uerc,uxi uxum.n to flow a-ilicfricaturus, a, um. /•/■ to m-' 

jrain,toflow back,toebb (cbbingl/?.frico,are,ciii,ctum. a- -•^fl 
licfluus, a, um. adj. flowing back^ hard,ti]), or again. to tono-A< 
Ref6cillator,dris m 3 a comforter.; hurt. to pain, to rene»« 
Uefocillatus a, um. pt. refrcshed. Itcfiicor, ari. p. to bc renert» 
/.tfocillo, are. a. to comfort, to _?c*frTgeo,cre,ixi n.2 tog.t»-' 1 ' 

cherish. |Kefrigenmdus, a um pi. w*| 

/?efodio, dig anew,_r out^Uefngcrutio» 6nis./. 3. a cofljj 
ief^dior, i. p. to be dug again. Rcfrigcrator, oris. m. 3. atfg 
iicformandus,a,um./>r. to bc madeKcfrig-ratdrius^iam.-wJ'*-* 





;eico, ccre, ixi, inc. to grow" of honour granted by the king, 

. robes and cnsigns uscd at a coro 
i£t»ndus,a. um pt. tobc bro-' nation (ingto a king,reg d,royal 
curbed or lessencd, to curb Regulis,c aqj ior.c mpof rbelong 
ngcvs, tiv pt brcaking Rcgahter, adv kingly, royally. 

130 t rj, frangol, gere, r£gi tfegclo, arc. act 1. to thaw. 
j.n v act. .. to ureak opcn, t:> Kegelor, ari. p. to be tliawed. 
it,to bend.torefraclorreiicct, j?..»gemo ercmui n to groanagain 
\.\ikenorab:itc,to diminish,or .Regcndus,a,u'.ii./ be managcd 
:n, t«> oiuiii, 10 lunnhlc- Ucgencra'uo,dnis/3 a ncw birtb. 

;eratrix,IcLs f.3* cooler. she RSfutatus, a, um. pt. refuted, dis-jltSgidnaUtir, adv. country b/ 
refresheUi (freshed.allayed proved. country. (try. 

fcratusa um. />f. cooled, re- Rcf iitatus, us m. 4. a confutation Rcgidnarius, B,um. adj. of a coun- 
rtriuin, i. n. 2. rcireshrncnt. /fcf Qto,are a. 1. to refute, to con* RiSgidnatim, adv ward by ward. 
rcro, are a 1. to coo .to re- nu-,to disprovc,torestrain,todis- Kegistrum.i n 2.a. registcr-book. 
i, to assuage, to disheartcn. Rifutor ari./> to bc refuted(patch. itcgito, are a. 1. to govern often 
iiror, ari p. to be coolcd- Regulia,ium./>/.n 3 royalties, fecs Regius,a,um.a<(/ of a king,orcour- 

ticr, like a king, kinjrly, royal. 
Morbus rcgius, the king^s eyil» 
the scrofula, Celt Via rcgia,tho 
king's highway/^CC. 
Rcgluti natio,6nis. / ungluing 
R *glutYno, unglue,tolctgo 
rteglutinor,;.ri. />.tobe glucdajrain 
Reglutinosus,:i, um- adj. vety irlu- 
ish. (ed. 

Ifcgnandus a,um pt.tohc govera- 
Rcgnans^tis.jM.rcigningjan owncr 
Regnator,6ris m.3 a ruk-r, a kiitg, 
Rcgnatiix Icis./. 3. agovcrnen. 
Regnatrix, icis adj. impcrial 
Regiiatur, imp. thcy rcign*(rcigi. 
Regnaturus, a, um. part. about to 
Rp£piatus,a,um./>;.ruled governed 
Rcgno,arc/i.& reign,flrbc a 
king, to rule,or bearrulc,to gov- 
ern, lo do as onc liketh. 
ilegnor, ari. p to bc governcd. 
Uegnum,i.n 2.akingdoin,or rcalm, 
a reign,sovcreignty tgovcrnment, 
Rcgua vini s'>rtiritalis,to casttbe 
dicc, who shall bc king of good 
fellows.o.-mas^er of thc fcast,ifor 
govcrn,to command to manageor 
guide,todircctorset right,to keep 
•tegor,i. bc govcrncd. (down. 
Rcgrcdicns, tis. pt. returnmg. 
ltegr£dior, [rc, gradior], ,i, csius 
sum. d. go back, to rcturn, to 
recoil. In mcmoriam rcgredi, to 
bcthink himsclf, Plaut. 
itcgressio, 5nis/ 3a rcturning. 
Rcgrcssurus, a, um. p/.about to re* 
turn, toreturn. 

»gor,^i./».to b<! brokcn open. 
pcns, us. pt. flj lng back. 
^io,gerc,.igi,iLum flcc 
in b:4ck,fi*om,or away. to es- 
',to slrjuor avoid,to dcclinc, 
*eor:lcny,to forbcar. lo start, 
itddcr at to drcad. 
^uni,i.n 2 a rcfugc,a sheltcr. 
^us, i. m. 2. a runaway. 
jus,a,um <i///'.nying back, rc- 

ftns, tis- />.'. glittcring. 
fcntia. x,f. 1. bri^htncss. 
feo, erc, isi neut. 2. to shinc 
it. to glittcr, to smilc upon. 
ridus. a, um. adj. a shining- 
dcns, tis. pt. pouring back. 
do, dcre, ildi, usum a 
,scnd or pay back, to return, 
lit, to melt, r dissolvc. 
:lor,di./> to be pourcd back. 
adv. ius. comp. abundantly, 
ly, plentifully. 
o.onis./. 3. a pouring back 
iA,a,u.Ti-/M.poured or drivcn 
poured in again, overflow 
iprcad, intcrvening. (led. 
iidus.a,um. pt. to bc rcnel- 
itio, Onii./. 3. a rcfut»tion 

Regc nero,are. a. 1 -to regencrato,to 
rcnc\v,to rcsemblc somc anccstoi 
Ucgcncror, ari. p> to bc produccd 

Ucgcns, tis. pt. ruling, govcrning, 
maiiaging, dirccting. (ing agaiu. 
Rcgernifnatio, owxs.f. >. a spriiijr- 
/^"jrcrmino,urc n ltosproutagain 
/? t '^-ei'o,rcre,esRi cstum.a. >,to cas; 
uporback again,to cast rthrow, 
to retort, to put or sct down. 
Rcgcslum, i. /i. a ridgc in plough- 
ing, a rcgistcr-book.^back again 
USgestus, a, um. pt. thrown up o» 
Rcgia,x./1 a palace,an olivc-trcc 
Ucgic adv royally. princoly- 
Rcgitic5,aJv.sumptuous)y.(ficcn t 
Ucgif icus,a,um ai(j rccal, magni- 
IiSglfiigium,i.n.2.thc kin^*sflighi 
/?tfgigno,nerc.a-3. to begctagain. 
Ucjrignor, ni.p to be produccd a- 
Uigilla. «./. 1. aroyalrobe (ncw. 
Ucgimcn, inis. n. 3. rule,govem- 
mcnt, management, a rudder- 
Regina, x./. 1. a quccn, a lady. 
Uegio,Anis./*3.a rcgion,acountry, 
acoast,a climatc, a road, a ward 
a limit or bound,a straight UncE 
regionc, ovcr against, opposite 





R2portandus,a,um./><.to bringarWl.eprehensti*,a, caught a- 1 R^puEnantia.:e./ 1. k 
brought back. to carry away. gain,reproved,blamcd,eensured. Repu£nator,oris m 3. : 

agam, restoreu, rcpaircu. ilicprcssuft, a, um. pt. represscd 
Jfoporto, are. a. 1. to bring again,! rcstraincd, hcld in, hindered, 

or off, to restore, to rwport, toj stopped. 

takc, to eet. ^Rcprimcndus, a, um. pt. tobe re 

Keportor,ari.jMo bc broug-ht backj prcsscd, hindercd _ r made short 

Reposcen_,tis/»f.demanding back'Rcpri'mo [re, prcmo], mcrc,ressi 

RSpoaco, c£re, pbpo&ci. o. 3. to 

reclaim, to demand, to rcquire. 

Rcposcor,ci p> to be called on for. 

RepdiKio, onis /. 3. a rcplacing. 

to o])posc, to refuse, 

//r'pulliila_cOrrcrc f inrt 
/.( jrullulo, arc. ». 1. tc 
Kcpulsu,x/.l. arcpuh. 
dcfcat, a rcfusal, a d< 

reB8urn.a-3..orepress,torcstran,K£puls.ttio, onis /. 3. 

to hold, or keep in, to hinder, to 
chcck, to stop, to suppress. 
Keprimor, mi. p. to be reprcsscd- 

Rfep5sit5rium,i.n 2. a rcpo8itory,aRt_prbhutio 5nis/3 a disallowing' 
storchousc, a cupboard, a sidc-;Rfeprob&tor,5ris. m 3. a rcprovcr. 
board. (cd,sct up tt^ain,rcstored!/^fpr6bo,arca'todisallow,torcjcct 

Rc|)csitu8,a,um./#. iiudup,r_serv. ; Ucprdmissio, onis. /. 3. an en 

R£postor, oris. m. 3. a replacer. 
R£pdstun,a, per Sync. loid 

up, remotc, at a disiancc 
Rcp5tia,5rum pl n. afcast :\ftcr the i'casl(prosented 
Rcprxscntaiidus,a,um./»/. to be rc- 
Reprxsciitans,tis pt. reprcsciiting 
Repr.rscntatio, ftn;»./ 3. a rcpre- 

scntation,a paying" of rcady mo- 

ney. (rcpresent. ©r pay down. 
RcpraescntatQrus,a,um pf.ahout to 
Rcp v -cs-.i.t-tU.s,a,um />/ paid down 
_//<?pr<escnto, : ir.v/.l to reprcscni, 

toreseiiihle t tocxh ;> >it v t0'-eclare l 

to f>;iv mouev in tukc 
Repr.**cni»»r,:~-ri ;>. to be restorcd 
Re p rc 1 1 -_ nd _ndus,u,um/»/.tol.lame . 

to be blamed, nr censured. 
R- p -fihendens, iis-pt. blaming, 
/iVprehcndo,.x /?/prendo,dercjd-, 

nsum.a-3. to lay bold ofagain» :>r 


Uupromiltcns, tis. pt. promising. 
/-*«:promitto,'.erc,isi,is_iuTn. a. 3. to 

Kcptabundu.s a,uin.rt.//. crccping. 
Reptans, tis. pt. creeping" along-. 
ilcptutio, 6nis /. 3. a creeping. 
Rcptutn* t a ( um.^/. crcpt, cr.iwled 
Rcptatus,_s. m. 4. a crceping up. 
Keptflis, c. atlj. crecping 1 . (in. 
Keptttius,a,um.(jf(/. that crecpeth 
Hepto.firc u.l.tocreep along^gain 
/iVpubrsi.o,cre.7i togrow ycunga-^/ to bc reject- 
Kepudiatio,onis/3 . a rejecuon (ed 
Repiidiaturus, a, um pt. about to 

divorce, .-r abandon. 

Rcpulsator, 5ris. m. 3. 
/frpulso, are./rey. 1. 1 

Kepulsus,a,unri /tf.rcpti 

back,drivcn away, ov 

rcjected,often struck 
Kepulsus,us.m 4. arep 

ing" back, a s.riking 

flection, or reTcrber» 
Rcpumicatio,diiis/. 3. 
/f-pung^o.crcnxiSc pur. 

a 3. to prick aguin,t< 
Kcpurg^indus,u,um. pt> 

or bc clcanscd, to bc 
Repurgans, tis. pt. cle: 
Kepui-g"atio,6nU / ».*. 3 
Kepurgatus, a, um. pt 


/?rpurg"o,are u.l tocle; 
R_purgt>r,ari/>.to bccl 
Kcput_itio,6nis/. 3. coi 
//ri>uto,arc.«. 1. to cor 

volvc, to rcckou up, 
Kepiitor, ari. /». to he 

Kcpudiutus, a, um. pt. divorccd, 

rejected, disown«d, abandoncd. Kequii _,ei, &: ctis/. r 
Ucpiidio.irc <7 . 1 .to divorce,to cast spite, intermission, n 

ofr',toivicct,torefusc(ed infamou:<i Kequicscendus, a, ura. 


rccovcnto scize upon,toovertake]Kcpiidiosus,a,um «///".to be divorc- 
tochcck.toreprove,blamc'rceu- Kcpudium, i. n. 2. a divorce. (cr 
aurc, to conceive, or undi*rstand.|//ft'puellasco,cere.«.'.>.to ^row nir- 

Rcprehendor.di/>. to be rcproved 


//r^rehcnso^arc^i.l-to Uikc holdof 

BcjJtvhcnsor,6r\s m. 3. a rcpruvcr 

to takc rest, to slcep 

//crpuerasco, cere. n. «». to bccouic case,to sitc.-lic down,t 

a child u^aiu- 
Kcpug^naus tis. pt. rcsisting'. 
Kepugnaiitcr.fl./v. discontcntcdly 

lo acqiiicscc, to deli 

«piic 1 . to stop. rr caus 

Kcquictudo, inis. J 3- 1 





iEto_ta,um.JM.fc adj.lo^comp. 
ng restcd «r laid uutillcd. 

irendus, a,um. pt. to seek, or rcply. 

/taxvio, -rc.7vi.ft .4. to rage anew. 
Resal&tatio, onis./ * courtcous 

e souglit fbr. (ing, asking. 
irens, tia. pt. sceking,inquir- 
ilito [re.quxrito], arefregl 
dc, sr requirc for oftcn. 
iro [re.quacro], rcre» Isivi,IsT- 
« 3 to scck, scarch,look, or 
ire for, or aftcr, to seck iii 

,to iuquirc,ask, r dem__ud,to Uesarcior,iri./> to bc mcnded.(up. 

._ __ __^ 1 • 1 __• '■_ -- _._ _!-__ .11 

re, to stand in necd of. 
tror, ri. p. to be rcquired. 
Eiitio, dnis. / 3. an inquiry 
toitus, a, uro. pt. dcmanded, 

, the nceds of nature, SalL 
ci/5.a thing-a matter s an af- 
a concern, a cause,or suit. a 
>ose,orpoJnt in hand,an argu- 
t,orbubjcct a mcaning,a way 
anner,a bu&iness,po_t.or em- 
nient, profit, advantage, mo- 
vealtb, substance, propcrty, 
unsUnces,ability, power, va- 

Resalutatus, a, um pt. saluted a- 
-fcskluto, are. a. to salute again. 
/fcsanesco,cere,nui,it recover 

one's senses, to be rcctified. 
/fes&no, are. a. 1. to heal again. 
/faiarcio,ire,rsi,rtum a.4.topatch, 

to mend,to recompcnae, to make 

songsset with mutieal notes, Oic* 
R<-secanduB,a,um.p* to becutoflTor 

(gain. down,to be pafred,or retrenched. 

Resarturus,a,um./>f. tbat will com- 
pensate, or make good. 

Rcscindcndiis, a, um. pt. to be cut Resector, ons. m. 3. a cutter. 

off, or down, to be made yoid. 

ite, nccessary. Rcquisita na- Rcacindens, ti_w pt. cutting off, a- ResectUus, a, um. pt. following *. 


/fescindo, derc, idi, issum. a. 3. to 
cut off,down,up,oropen,to break 
down,up,or through,to opcn,to a- 
boiish,cancel,or scpeal,to renew. 

Rescindor, di. p. to be cut down. 

Jfcscio, Tre, ivi. a. 4. to know, to 
undcrstand, to hcar of. 

iYcscisco, cere, n 3. to comc, to 

nexploit,* dced,afact, a rc-j know, to understand. 

jk juncture,oroccasion, vcne - 
iUtc,government,or empire 
ommonwealth,t]ic world,thc 

Rcsecatio,6nis/a cuttingorparing* 

Arseco, are.cui, ctum. a. 1. to cut 
off, down, or out, to dip,to parc> 
to retrcnch, to cxamine. 

Resecor, ari. p to bc cut off. 

Res*cro [re,sacro], totak* 
off,or rccall a curse,or excomma- 
nication,to sacrifi ce again,to pray, 
entreat, or desire again. 

Resectio,5nis./a cutting,orparin$ 

Rescctus, a, um. pt. cut off. 

Rescissio, 6nis. /. 3. a cutting off. 
/fcscissurus, a,um._M. about to cut 
down, or abolish, to cut down. 
Res seversc, busineas,|RescissuB, a,um ^f .cut down,cleft, 
Quandd rcs redierunt. in lanccd«opened>abolished«distroy- 
4ime-_P£au*. Ubi res prolatz ed-(knowledge of, about to know 
in the vacation, Id. Rerum|Reacitt_nis,a,um.^/. to come to the 

tio, a putting off thc term, 
tes •ccund-_,pro.ipcrity, 7Vr 
«ae, advcrsity, Cic. angustx 
rct-t,straits, Fal.Flacc. Rem 
e, to get wcalth, Ter. £ rc 
iiA,&c. to one's own advan- 
fd Alicui rciesse,tobcgoo.i 
mething»Jd. Rci nulli cssc, 
pod fornothing, PZaw/. Rem 
e, to manage an aft.ur, Cic 
ifT_jre,tobc industrious,TeT 
a rero metuerc,to be afraid 
liabacnt, Pl&it. 

v6 • 

Rescribendus, a, um. pt. to write, 
or to be written back. 

KescTibOy bere, ipsi, iptum. 
write backtowrite 
write against,to pay moncy by bill 
Rescribcre lcgionem ad equutn, 

. to put tlic foot on horscback, Ca» to be written baek 

Rcscriptum, i. n. a rescript. 

Rescriptttrus, a, um. pt. about to 
write back. 

Rescriptus Mmpt. writtenagain, 

ncw> «hoscn. Cantstk rescripti,]R«s(dfo[r«^c^t>oltrt^dl ^v*l 

gain, answcnng, replving. 
ResCda, x. / 1. an herb, a dock. 
J?£s£do,are.a.l .to appease,toqaie\ 
R^segmen, _nis. n 3. a paring. 
Res€minatio,dnis./a sowuig agaift 
jffrsefulno, are. a to sow its own 

seed. (again,to answcr,to reply. 
^sequor, ui.£cQtus,</.3. tofollow 
Reserandus,a,um pt- to be unlocks 

ed, or disclosed. 
Riserans, tis. pt. unlocking 
Res.i^tus, a, um. pt. opened. 
/frsoro.& opeif^ 

to set, or lay open, to disclosc. 
Il£s_ror,ari./^ to be opened.(gain» 
iVrsSro, ere, evi,atum. a. to sow s> 
Reservandus^i,um./>r.tobe resert- 
R£serv_itus,a,um /tf.rcscrved. (ed. 
/-^ reserve,topre> 

serve, to keep alive, or apart. 
RSservor, 5ri. p. to be reserved. 
R^ses, \6lB.aaj idle, iazy, slothful, 

fkint,unaccustomed. Rescs aqua^ 

standing water, Varr. 
Rdsex, ecis m.3. a vine-branch,the 

cuttinr of a vine.which springcQi 

again better than before. 
R£sldena, tis.^. residing,coHtinu- 

ing, sitting. ' 



reiide*tocoiUinne»toreii^ on» eomideriog, tepri 

»btdc,to sit down, sr otill» to sink Re*olven8,tis /M.loosenit^frfreeing RespYcio [re, specioj, oi 

down»to ttick,sr cleave to, to mv Rgsoivo, v£re,vi,lutum. £3. to un- pectum.' look bsd 

pen^todeclinejtoabmtoitobeex- loose,«ntie,unbmd>ungifd»tr un- Jookjtoconsider.toregi 

tmguished. Reaidere estnsales buekle, to loosen, to soften, dis- pec%tomvour,toatsiiM 

fisnai, to lit idlc*nd faat, JPtawt. solveer melt,to relax,to nritigmte,Ole»ptcior, d. jf - to be « 

JMfeTdo, dJSre, stdi» to abide, to weaken/todissipate,toabolish/Respino [re^pina],Jje.t 

*r continue, to fix, sr settle, toj to separaie or divide, to reduce,! move, ar clear away tfa 

ait down,to be assuaged, #rcaln> to open, er break open,to break,jtesp?rftmen,¥nia»sv3.tbe 1 

ed, to abate, to rctrcat» to discover,to explun,to conrutevResplrans, tu. pt. bretJ) 

Httflkdw», i* fi. 3. the reaidue. or refute, to acquit, or absolyc,tacspir*tio,frria./3.a ret| 

ReaYdnatAuma^. remaining left to pay hack. . j breathing, #r fetcUa| 

mnifnViiii a, um. pt. unsealed,o- Resolvor, vi. p. to be looscned. Istesm. 

pcned, discloaed, stopped. Resolutio, dnii. /. a resolutkm, a^RespIrttus, us. m. 4. a ■ 

Retigno^&rc.4.1.toresign > tr give looseness. Ztapiro, Ire. • flfa.l.ti 

aErv to epen, to difoover, or dia- R£solotus, a,um.^/.&'04tf.ior,c«f»6. to breathe out,to esshY 
ose, to cioae up, to abrogate. unbound, looaened, dissolved, ed, ar have respHe, ti 
Resniendua^um.pi. to leap back. weakcned,unfeebled,broken upvResplendens,tit^r jbmb 
RtfeHio [re, salio], Tre»lui. Sc lii sul- ploughed,overflowed, dishevell- Jfcsplendeo, ere. dui m. 
tttai.».4 k toleapback y torebound. ed, loose, dissolute, effeminate. brighfc 
. to retire, to shrink in, to go from Rfcsonabtiis, e. a*j. resounding. Resplendescentis, «./ 
: a bargtin, to be obstinate. Rfesonans, tis pt. resoUnduig,echo- Respondens, tia. pt. aosi 

R/esimut, a, um. aaj. orookedup- ing, roaring. * A^pondeo^ere^diJMonv 

Reiina. «./ 1. rosm. (warda. Rgsonantia, *./. 1. an echo. swer, to reply, to re-ei 

Rfeslnaceus, cufj. of rosin- Resbnatur, imp. a saund is made. gi^eorcorreipoiKUoac 
R^sinariusi a, um. atf. of rosin. A^s6no,are.nui & nftvL n. 1. to re- to succecd, to appem 
Rcsinatut.atum. aaj roained, effe- sound, to re-echo, to ring again. to pay, t satisfy, to n 
minated, debauched. Resonus. a, um. afy reaounding.jRespondeor,Sri./i.tobei 

RSsinosus, aaj. isilmus» §uju Resorbens, tis. pL supping up. Kespondo, dere. n. 3. 1 
fuU of rosui, «r gum, clammy. /Sffsoirbeo,Sre,boi.<^2>tosupagain,^Responsto> Cnit / 2. si 
RgtfpientH tit. f* tasting of. to drink in, to swallow up. (up.l agreeahleness. 

B5ttpio[ro,8apio],pire,pivi & pui. Retorbcor, eri p. to be swallowed|RcsponaTto,are. 91.I. to 1 savourtnm6ll f to tatte of to Respectans, tit. pt. beholding. Reiponao,are. «.1. to tt 
be wke r to come to one's sentet. J?especto,are.a.l. to look back of- cho,to ansver sancuy^ 
Besfpiscens, tia. pt. commg to bit ten to retpect^tr regard,to open. oppose,to agree with.t 
tcnses. Respectus,us.m.4. a&oking back, Responaor, dris. «. a e 

RfcsXpiacentia, av/. 1. repenUnce a sight, respect, regard. a surety. 

Rettpitco, ere,ui n.3 to repent,to Ucspergo[re,spargo]^ere.o. 3. to|Responsum,^^. an « 
come to one's senses again,to re- besprinkle, to stain, to pollute. ply,a rejoinder, an on 
Resistent,tit/»/.resisting. (cover.Respergor^t/>.tobebesprinkled* phesy,anopioionofti 
Betistiftur. imp. it is withstood. Respemo,dnis/.34t.besprink1ing. tnthelaw. 
Jff^fsistOyUre^stYti^tiruim o. & n. 3. Respersus, a,nm. pt. besprinkled. Responsurut^, um ptA 
to tetitt,to withstandf to oppose, Respersui, us. «.4. t sprinkling, a swer, e- reply, that « 
tobegoodagjun^,tottop,tohalt, dashing, a flapping. [gardcd. Responsus,ua.«.4.aeB 
toriseagain. ^ Respiaendus,a, um. tt. to be re- werablem. st,imt^gr>M 

^cltfttor, ti'/. tohc withstood* lBespIcicns,tis .^lookmg back uplRcspQhgcn, ril l mh ff B i 





snweahh, a state, the publicj/fcstTpiilor,&ri,&tus sum.r/. an 



puendus,a,um. pt. to bc refus 
pucns, tis. pt. refusing. 
puo,ucr«,ui,utum. a. 3, to spit 
t tgain,tocast back,to spout up- 
,to refuse,to rcject, to dislike. 
puor, ui. p. to be refused. 
tagnanfl, tia. pt. overflowing. 
Ugnatio,6nis/ 3. an overflow. 
bagnOfftre. n. 1. to overflow, to 

:mns, tis. pt. remaining, resist- 
"« hokling out in a siege. 
tat, imp. it remaineth. 
3Miratio,5ni8./3.a restoration- 
:auralor, 6ris. m. 3. a restorer. 
isuiraturus, a, about to 
tore, sr repair, to restorc. 
SMir&tus, a, um. pt. restored. 
s*nro,are.a restore, to re- 
■Mo rebuild,to rene w,to re vi ve 
Arius, L m. a roperoaker. 
ixbflis,e.a4/.sown or tilled eve 
pear. Rcstibilis seges, com 
Sriseth of theseed that was 
*» the year before, PUn. 
Beftla,*/ 1. dim. a little rope 
UUuM-s^ 3. a halter, a cord 
j|kvare.a. 1. to inspire again. 
•inctio, 6nis./ 3. a quenching. 
inctunis, a, um. pt. to extin- 
■h. (tinguiflhed,aJUayed,ended. 
inctuflA um.jM quenched, ex- 
ingucndusAura. pt. to extin- 
fth, sr be extinguished* 
«nguo,u£rc,nxi,ncttim. a. 3. to 
sjnch, extinguish, or put out,to 
jiry. to appeasc, to destroy. 
■nguor, m.p. to be put out 
io, Anis. m. 3. a ropemaker, a 

ao,Ire,tvi,ltum betilled. 
ipo^re a. environ aguin. 
fcp&litiotdnifl./ 3. areciprocal 

r^emeD^ #r corcjntnt. 

R£sulto[re,salto],arc. leap 
swer to an action, to cnter intol bock, to rebound, to rcsound, or 

covcnant, to give a pledge. 

Rcstis,is/3.a halter,a corda ropc, 
a cable. lies ad restim rediit, the 
matter is dcsperate, I may go 
hang myself, Ter. Kestim duc 
tarc, to dancc the hay, /</. 

Restito, stayorstop oftcn 
by the way,to stagger,to struggle 

Restftrix, icis. / she that stayeth 
behind. (stored. 

Restttuendus, a, um. pt. to be re- 

Restituens, tis. pt renewing. 

Re9tttuo[re,statuo] ufcre, ui,utum. 
a. 3. to restorc, to repair, to re 
build,to renew, to raakc good, to 
rep!ace,to set in order,to rally,to 
pardon,to forgive. Restituere se, 
to reoover, or revive, Varr. 

Restituor, ui. f>. to be restored. 

Restitutio, 6ms./3. a restitution. 

Rcstftutor, oris. m. 3. a restoror. 

Restituturus.a, about to ro- 
store, renew, or revive (coverod. 

Restitutus,a, um.]p*. restored, re- 

/fosto, ore, titi, olim tavi, titum- n. stay, or stand,to stop, to re- 

ground, to persist 
Restricte, adv. ius, cjmp. isslme, 

•K^.straitly, sparingly, prccisely, 


Hestrictio, dnifl. /. 3. a restraint. 
Rcstrictus, a, \un. pt. 6? adj. ior, 


pinching, covetous. niggardly. 
Aestringo g^fre, nxi, ictum. a.3. to 

restrain,to bind,to stoporstay, to 

loose or unbcnd. Dcntcs rostrin 

teetli, or grin, Plaut. 
R^sQdans, tis. pt. sweating again 
A^sftdo,arc a.1 to sweat out again 
licsultans, tis. pt. rebounding 
UcsulUftio f &i!iB./3.a lespim; back. 

echo.(bc resumed,to take again. 
ResOmendftis,a,um ptxo resume, or 
RSsumens, tis. pt. rcsuming. 
/tesumo,me're»mpsi,mptum.a.3. to 

resurae,to take again,tb recover. 
R2sumptio,dnis./ 3.a resumption* 
R€sumpturus,a,um.^about to re- 


Uesumptus, a, um. pt. recovercd. 
Aesuo, u£re, ui,uturo. a. 3. toscw 

again# to unstitch. (back- 

Resiiplnatus l a f um.p/. lying on the 
/?<-stipino, arc. a. 1. to lay on the 

back, to turn up or upside down. 
UcsapInor,ari be laid upward. 
R^suplnu8,a,um. adj. lying on tho 

back, laid supinely, effeminate. 
ltcsurgensjtis./»/. riaingor growing 

up againj rcncwing, flourishing. 
/7<ysurgo,gere,rexi,rectum n 3-to 

risc, or nourish again, to revire, 

to recover, to be renewed. (on. 
Resurrectio,5nis/ 3. a rcsurrecti- 
llesurrecturus, a, um. pt. about to 

rise again, to revivc. (on. 

RSauscTtatio,dnifl./3. a rcsuscitati* 

main, to be left, to keep hUA^suscito,are. a.l. toraisc again» 

to rouse, to revire. 
KesQtus, a, um- pt. unstitched. 
Retac,arum./r/. f. l.trecs by rivers. 
ReUUio[rc,talis]are,a. to rctaliatc. 
Rctardans,tis.^. stopping, hinder- 
Retardatio,onis/3.a stopping(ing 
Rctardatus, a, um. pt. retardcd, 

ffctardo^lrc.a.l to.retard,tostop,to 
Retardor, ari. p. to be rctarded- 
Re\A\o f arc. a.l. to tax, to clieck. 

gerent, they should sliow tlicir Rete, is. n. 3. a oet, a toil, a siure. 

Ketectus,a,um.^'. discovcrcd, cov 

Rt te ge na,ti s-jM discovering.(ered« 

/ife < tego,gerc, mnco- 

ver,to lay opea, to rcvcal, to dis- 






& nose, a stcm, or prow 
R6snrus,a,um. pt. ready to gnaw. 
R6ta,ae./. 1. a whecl, a chariot, a 

wild goat, a whalc (ed round 
R6tabilis,e.a#. that may be turn- 
Rotans, tuminground. 
R&tatilis, c. adj. whirling, swift. 
Rotatim, adv. like a wheel. 
Rbtatio, 6nis. /. 3. a rotation, a 


R6taLor,6ris. m. 3. a turncr round 
Rotittus, a, um. pt- turned round, 

whirled about, quick 
R6Uitu$,us. m 4. a turning round. 

nmus,.™/>. rcd, rud( Iy^blumhing-.IRQd^rariu 3,^,11 m. adj. of rub 

*" ! * : " " "' — *~ _1 Kudcratio, dni»./ 3. a pavin 

layingwith rubbish. 
Ruderator, 5rjs- m. 3. a pave 
Kuderatus, a, um. pt. paved 
Rudero, parc. (rubl 
Rudiariusj. m. a botchcr ad 
ser of cloth, onc discliargedf 
sword play. 
Rttdiciila, ae. / a spattle.s & 

Kubcsccus, tis. pu growing rcd, 
Rubesco, ere. n. to grow red, to 
Kiibcta, x/. l.aland-toad.(blush. 
Rubctura,i./i.2 a bramble-bush, a 

thickct. (bushy. 

Riibcus, a, um. adj. red, ruddy, 
Rubia, se./. l.madder. Rubiasyl 

vcstris, woodroof. 
Kiibicilla, 3c./. 1. abiillfinch.(red. 

RubicunduUus^um.arf/.soaicwhatRudlmentum.i. n. 2 arudioci 

Riibicundus, a, uin u<(j ior, c m/>. 

ruddy, very rcd, blushing-. ripe. 

Riibidu.%a, um. oo). of adeep rcd 

Ubto, are. a. 1. to turn, suing, or colour,rcddish, brownish, rough. 

whirl round,to shakc,to brandish 
R6tor, ari. p. to bc tumed round. 
R6tiila,x/.l. alittlc whecl. in ge- 

nu.thc puttlc-bone^/r J. (round 
Rotundutio, onis. /. 3. a turning 
Rotundatus, a, um. pt. roundcd. 
Rotundc, adv. ius, comp. roundly, 

volubly, aptly, elegantly. 
Rotnnclitab, utis./ 3. roundness. 
R6tundo,arc.a. 1. to makc round, 

toround, to pilc, or heap up. 
Kotundus,u, um. adj. ior, cmp. is- 

simus, zvp. round, circular, volu 

I)lc,quick,nimble, full, completc, 

neat, fmc, handsomc. 


Riibccula,?c/.l arobin-rcd-brcast. 
Riihcdo, inis./ 3. rcdness. 
Ruhefacio [nibco,fncioj,cerc,fcci, 

factum a. 3. to makc, or dic rcd, 

to liiake to blush,to stain. 
RuhcfactitB, a, um- pt. made rcd. 
Rubcllianus.a,{f. of a rcd co- 
Riibcllio,dnis.m.G. aroach. (lour. 

Ruhcl-um vimim, clarct, Mart.; ior, c*mp. red, 

blushing. (blush, to reddcn. 
Rubeo,erc, bui «.2 to be red, to 

Rublg)n5sus,a,um adj. rusty, foul, 

envious, spitcful, furious. 
Rubigo, Inis./. rust, foulness, mil- 
Rubimis, i. m. 2 a ruby. (dew. 
Rubor,dris.m. 3. rcdncss, a blush, 

modesty, shamc, disgTace. 
Rubrica, x.f. 1. red earth, niddle, 

red ochrc, rcd lead, vermillion, a 

rubrir, thc civil law. 
Rubricutus. a, um. pt. coloured, or 

murked with red. 
Rubrico, urc. a. 1. to mark red. 
Kubric6bus,a, um. adj. full of rud- 
Kubricus, a, um. adj. rcd. (dlc 
Kubus,i.</ V ?. 2. a bramble. a bush. 

Kubus Mxus,thc raspberry-tree, 
Kuctans tis. pt. bclching. {Jun. 
ftuctutio, onis. /. 3. abclching. 
Kuctutrix,'icis.a<(;. brcaking wind 
llv.ctatus,;i,um./;r helched out(ing". 
K uct itutio,6nis./a frequcnt belch- 
Kuctito,urc.//rc/. belch oflen. 
Ftucto, urc. n 1. tobclch. 
R ctor,uri.r/. 1. to belch out Sub- 

limes vcrsus ructari,to writehas- 

tily very incorrcct verses, Ifitr. 
Kuctudsus,a,um aaj. that belcheth 
Ructus, us. m'4. abclch. (much 
Rildens,tis.c/. g. 3. a cable, a gveat 

ropc of a ship. 

principle, a first niie, rr tnl 
bepinnin^, an apprentkrtk» 
Kiidis,e.a//j" mde, rnu;Mo*fl 
rustic, homcly. simplc, igsstt 
acquainted,une xpcricnccd,»* 
fresh, unwrought, negiectci 
Rudis,isy.3. a ludle^foilforfi* 
ers, a wand. Donauuniife* 
charged from further bu«J* 
Ruditas,atis/ 3. ignonnce. (*■ 
Kuditus, us. m. 4. a braviif 
Rudo,dere,di (& divi, Jpi)» 
to bray like an ass. to r«& 
Kudor, 8ris. m. 4. aroarinr^ 
Kudus,e1ris.n.^.rubble, w wj* 
Kuens, tis. pt. rushing, tuiw*f 
falling-down fallingtodcc^- 
Rrtfesco, cere. inc. .\ togf* 
Rufo, arc. a. \. toraakc«i j 
Rufor, ari. p. to be redde**j^ 
Kufuli, orum. pl. m. 2. opjjg 
madc by the consul,w g^J 
withoutthe consentofthePT 
Kufulus, a, um. adj. rtd^.^ 
Kftfus, & Rufliis, a. um. 4 
comp. rcddish ,y ellov,h*»iSf 
or yellowish hair. ^. 

Kuga, ae./. 1. awrinkk\»r*i 
fold, a furrow, austcrity 
Rugatus,a,um ,pt . wrinUei 
KQgio,ire f ivi,itum.n 
RugTtusus. m.4.a roaring 

Ruber^brajbrumMdj. ior» c w/>. er- Rudeoa, tis, pt. braying, roaring. KQg6#us,a,um.a4 i»r$ **t 





.', rough, rn^cd.^THicTna.x/.l.alargesa^P^nc.. «_i_B sjTvestris, thc holly, Juv. 

ti.crcil. (loutfh.j :i sc\\.c. 
•UJ. uotucli hakcdJKuiicino, Hrc. a. 1. to pi&nc. 
11 adowi.ful],iiavoc,.:.iiiico, urc a 1. to wccd- 
.'utlijC-asluihin^-cr. Kuncur, ari./>. to bc wccdcil. 
i aJj- ruinous,dcs-.i!. , .-.K:o l'i. 3. a wccdinp-hook 

Jtuspor, ari d 1 . to scratch,to root, 
to scarch dilitfciitly. to cut. 

Kus-atuH, a,nm. cdj. clad in rcd. 

Kuss.bhis, Kus-cn:s Jfc Kussus, a, 
utu-adj. flcsh-colonrcd.rcd (try. 

JKuo. r.u:rc,riii ruitum & ri.ium. n., r.,um <*v//.rustio,coun- 

I.ustic-irius,a,ur.i «<//. ofthccoun» 
Kusticf.tio, onis /..». adwclling in 

— . . _ — _ _. — _-.__. . — ,. — . — .. ... 

p*. rcady tofall.on c*.i ~- to r.:sli,to n_.i!i on,down,o< 

.«'i<_Ie-st:di-(dccu\ , out, to run hcudlou£,to comeon 

l.c cud cf biaMii, nj apac«v,r in Ji.-.sti. toiiurry,*rpre- 

c bclly/li.' paiincl.j f.ilI,to ialldown or up- thc country, a doing of countiy- 
. thc c.idnfbcaHts,] cn,io t'.:"tw f o;tu!iiblcd'Jivii,tolc- work. • 

. ?. S'.>iTcl. ■ vcl, t<» Kciid out, to !>c ruincd, nr Kustice,r;</t'.iu8. cornp. clowiiishly*", arc. a. 1 [Kfipc-V.s/. .a rock l 9rli,i-l{cheaU-.d liustiritas, ut.-»./ rut.tic":ty,cIowTi- 
>:-. ',•■» ic!I t.ilcs» jKiipcT, icis.wi.J. a country-clown ishn.-=s pluiriiicss-rudcuc-is^chur* 
rii>./..).:ir^pordiig > ili::p>i':tpm, ;c/ 1. a wild £oat. lishncss. 

rn J.ancwsmoiigtrr .iupiiiu, ?_. f 1. rocky jp-ound. Kusticor, ur.yuttm, d.\. to dvrcll Xn 
ti.c ! ' : j7-:rco undcr/fuptiiii. a.fv i:i c .>:<f....i'iii. 
.woltissaid tohav^ l .t- ; .t .-_-,:'»• ._^_/*. * abrcach.ariipturc 
il s and Kruiiis. iRup.or, oiis. m ... u. hrcakcr. 
7 ch-.uin^the cu.l ;K'.i;)Uii*i;_». :i,um/./ ahou* tobrcak. 
/ ». a chcw_:ig \>\ Ki.ptus,a.i-in./'f brokcn,rcnt,torn. 
si-lcrir.p a mvdita-, bursi, bursU i-bellied, iiVcrrupt 
r ,tii^ii;.'!ii(nicditatc| cd/nadc void,i.ifr'.n£cd,viol.iti-d 
1. to c Lcw uvciyr/K !r.i!is v. w[i. rur.d rustic. 
■..!:-. s'i:n. iVr/i. 1. to Kur«ti'»,6n : .s/.J country-busisicss 
, to u cditaic. Knricol-i, .• cg la pc/son livmg i: 

at a', //.- dug". ; tlic cnuntry oililling" thc jfnmnd. 
> :irnKi'.r,arcpor, a . ustii., a labourcr. 
Vi-*. r;..ri p'1'atic.n, Kiiriirciia ;c ctf. 1. a countrymar. 
::urs.- !.i!!i,orc ."»l* JMro ujv. ii. cJ K.iror, ari d.\. tt. 
!i».- ■..' , :i. , l r."-.'-. . dwill in thc ci.untry, to work. 

t:ji . : \w b.'cak,crrUiir!-iinv;'/r. irrain, ositln* conlra 
• :.'.■ ;> opc:i. n . K-irsv.,,. j,:\>rsim, backwar.' 

»■■'■■' ^ ' :nd fnruaril, to aud fro, 7\r. 

; ruptuni. a.o. to Kt:r ■>$>,.. '.■ .-^aii 1 , a scror.d tiiiic. 

j." v iii-vi!vc, t(.' tiu- «tficr siJr prarsu.t, 
l( • !■ ., :r vio!aU . Iiarl.wurd ^n.. lorward. 

', '•*} ..::"ict. fius, ru.-is n.A. thccountr/.acourj 
tn : >c !)•.;;. i j try-liiii.!.c, a rustic, ruslicity, ui.-ji.iitiIrindus.a,uin./'Mii:.dc shinin^. 

.' . '■■.•in-* tijdin- politciicss. Kutilut.s, ts*. W, sl.ininp;. 

i i: '••■ -•<;■.•;., ur ta: !i*Hcurius, a, unv «/.;;. of broom. 
•■/.- J.a i::lh; /unioi.r liusrcus, a,;mi- ndj. tavvm . 
» .i i%c!iii. Ku <•' ivir,i i. ;j 2. al'*t1c fami. 

••/ ' ;| wcLihnj». |Kiisi'm:: f i. » i< i;uscjs« i. #/: 2. 
. /'/. a wcc.icr. i brooin,btlm,fux^c, a whim. Rui 



thc c^untry, to docountiy workt 
Kust icnla,:: f. 1 a iai l ,a woudrock* 

K.isticula n.:;ior 9 a S'.ipe. Jun. 
Kiisticuhi:;, ?,uiii.f//// ofthccoun* 

try,nii_'\.n'.sii,riidc, siniplc» 
l-i_.^:rul-.-.-, i. »i _J a countrvnian* 
Ku *:i«:»r;. a,:'i:i. r; '//.*-. -r.c t.-tb of, or 

].er:. : i:iiijr t - -» '*>" ( oi.ii^.ry ■ ru-»tic f 

ctov. ii :■»!:. r :dc, il! brcd. s;tvage< 

sintp-c. plain, hoiiicly. 
(•■i-itictis,..! 1 : ~. a rusiic,aconntry- 

niaii, a p.^santa swnin, a clown, 

a S'-r\ ..::!. ofa litn: ,an : ^nor^nt # 

or iinlcurncd pcrion, a \c,»iian. 
Ki~ita, a: f 1. ruc In ruixfoiiura 

coMJic!,tobcconf;iiCil ina :i._rroir 

coi::p:i 4 .S /V.'r ■» 
i'i_;abulnm,i n 2. a ir.ulkin.aslioe,. 

a 'od rakc, a jicnii. 
Kn:accus, r, \v\\ a-lj nf ru<*. 
Krit.itus.:i,(ii*i. «'■';. iiuidc witli nie. 
KutcllMiii. i.;i.2 ash;:vv'1, a slrikc* 


Kiitilat<is,a.uiu /::.niaJc bri^ht(dy 
lintilcsro ccrc.i/.c.i (figrow rud- 
f{utilo,aic.n c a\ .oslnnc,o>inuktt 
<o shiuc, io ^IiLtcv. to look rccL 
UuUitu^ ajiUD.iJt^.glarin^sUiiiia^-, 





the shank of a cancllestick, &c. 

thc shaft, or shank of a pill:ir,tlie 

chief post of a gfttc, thc tonguc 

of a balancc,t~ic spindlc in wind- 

ine* stairs, ihe post, cr pillar of a 

staircasc,t'ic yarn-bcam in weav- 

injj, a rcam, or quirc of paper. 
Scaral>,-euj$,i.m.2.a bectlc,a chafer. 
ScarYf fcatio, onis./ a scarifying^a 
Scanflco, fire. ari.1 . to scarify, to 

lance, to oit, to opcn, to easc. 
Scarifrcor, ari- p. to bc lanccd- 
ScarrSsus, a, uni. «#//'. rough 
Scants, i. m. 2. a scar, or char. 
Scatehra, sc./ 1. a spring^a source, 
Sctitobro, 1'ue. ci. 1. to abound. 
ScHtcns, t'.s. /;?. aboundinjf. 
Sca"tco, crc, tonin oul, to 

overlhiw, to abound. (sprinqs. SocptrirpiT, a, um. adj. idcm. 
ScitOrJ^inosus, a, um. a/(/. fiil ofSceptrum, \.n.2 a scvptrc,a mace 
Sct^rT.^o, iwa.f. J. u spriii£, a accmimandcr^slafUriilejfjovcrn- 

sourcc Tuc.nt, snvcrcijynty, supremacy 

Scatwrio, Ire, Ivi. n. 4. to abound., i m-2- a pcrson hoid- 

wickc d wretch, a villain. 
Sccna, ae/.l.a sccnca stagc,sliow, 

or statc,an arbour.Sccux scrvirc, 

to tcmporize, Cic. (stagc 

Sccnalis, c. adj. bclonp/inj to a 
Sceiuce, adv. likc slajre-playcrs. 
SccnYcus, a,um. adj. 

longing to a stagc, or comcdies. 
Scenicus, i m.2. aplaycr,an actor. 
Scen6praphia,ae./1. a rcprcsenta- 

tion of a scenc, the draught of a 

wholc housc,front, sidcs and all. 
8cc^i6pcfria,-.e/l.thc Jcwish fcast 

HccpTnus, i. m. 2. a scafish. 
Sccptica, x.f. 1. scepticism- 
Sceptfcus, a, um. adj sccplical. 
Scrptrifcr, a. um. adj. bearing' a 


Scaurus, i. m.2, a man clubfootcd. 
Scclcratc, atlv. ius. ro.w/>. issimc, 
*?//>. wicke.Uy, lcwdly, bascly. 
Scelcralus, a,' & adj '\or, 

iii.T. or hcarlng a sccplrc. (lca! 

Schcda, x f. 1 as!icct of papcr,a Scicntcr.iir/?* ius,c nift,i>sii 

Schcduia,rc./"1 aschedulc.a scroll 
$ch<MTta,'itis-n.3 a scheme.(livcry 

comp. issintus, *M/>.dcfiled,polIut- Schi-ma, x.f.l a fashion, a dress,a 

cd, wickcd l \ilc,iingodly 9 iiiiuaUi-:.M']i'id!a, ftrum. ///• n. 2. chips. 

ral, cnicl, mischicvous, nij>i»inj*,|sc ! ii<Ii;:i. a,um. a'lj. clcft, split. 

bitin£,unlucky,unfortMn.uc. l'< r-|Schisiua, Cttis. n.'1. schisui. a rcnt. 

ta scelcrata, the gvate by \ih!chiSch'isiiu; J iif'iis, a,um arf/.sehismati- 

thc Fabian faniilv inadc auunibr-jHchlsion, i. w- 2 wild curds (cal. 

tunate expcdition, /7 r. iSchistum, i. n. 2. alum, a kind of 

Scelcrcvirc a.l.todelile topollute! onion. 

SccU-i^osiisii^uiii.M^.wickccl.lewcljSclnstus^^ that may bc cut 
Scvdo.ttc, udv. wickcdly,mischiev-Sch<rnic- : ila, x.f. 1. a pftinted, or 

or.sly. I common whore, a strunipct. 

Sci-lcstus, a,um. ar{i'.ior,com/>.issi-jSchirnbb:itcs,a:.fii.l.a ropcdancer 
Sc-';l!o, onis./n 3. a robber- (lucky. Scha'iidb:iticus,«<0.of a ropcdanc- 
Srtiirtos, i. »i. 2. a skeleton. " cr. 

Sci-lii*, cri B .;i.3. wic!vcdnc9S,lewd-Sc!iocnos, i. m.2. abulrush,a ropc 
nrss, villuiny, fault, crime, tuu-l madc<ifbulnishcs,askcinofsilk, 
f i.!?F, c/a.Txag-c, a lcwd fcllovr» A ^ UMittM** «HVwv^ 

Sclicrnum,i n.a chcap oiuti 

ed bv whorcs. 
Schola,ie./.l.a school,or c 

piazza,»r walkin^-p!ace, 

sub ject,cxcrcise, or dis$< 
^chohisticus, i. m. 2. a t 

schoIar,a youu^tudent.: 
Scholasticus,a, um ttdj ac 
>cholia.stes, x.m. 1 a sr -i 
s^holicus, a, um. adj sch 
Schoiium, i. n Z3 Scholior 

a short commcnt, a ^lo^ 
Sciagraphia.w./ 1. plalfc 

first draught. a profilc. 
Sciamachia, x./l a mock 

privatc scholasttc exerci 1 
Sc.iathcras,se.m.l .the. pin i 
Sciithertcum horologmi 
Sciatica, ac/1. thc hip-jro 
Scibilis,c.«r//.that mav bc 
Scibo, prj Sciam. 7Vr. 
SciboneSjiim./^/a sortof 
.Scicns f tis./if.& «•(/• ior, v .* 


oms, acc[iiaintcd. wilful. 



Scientia,»:/. scicncc, 

Scihcct, at/r you may be 

waiTant you,tnily,in:leed 

Icsr, ihatis to say, to wil 

Scill.i xf 1. :i sea-ciion, J 

S<Mlliuusa,um.»J/. ofa i« 

Scdlltes ucctiini.vincgarof 

Scillitic;is,a,iiin. adj. infus 

squilh, mixcd witli &[U\l 

Scilli~tus,a,um atij.mndt of' pro Scisne 3 vlo jwi k 


Scindens,ti H /» f - cuttin^, ci 
Scindo,dcrc,scidi (& scbc 
sum.o. cut,©r sla»Mo 
break oif.torcnd totear,« 
picccs,to destroy,tod:Tid< 
to plough, to rtJSrash» •» J 

■ — -.. -_:t:l _-.-_-. 





re pcnulam,to be earncst 
\e to stay. CYc 
<ii, i>sus. /-. to bc cut 

Sc.s_us,Cis.m.4. a culting, a clcav- Scordalus,a,i.m. adj. nasty, rank, 
iii«\ | stronj^. stinking,swagg-erin£. 

Scit-.ii.cnt!ini,i.n 2.a plcasantfood Scordium,i.;i.2.watcr gcrrnander. 
. :«■./. 1. a shiiigle. (lic.Vicitans, t:«*. pt. usking. Scoria, x.f 1. dross, misery- 

,,:./" i.a sp.rk oi'_irc,, 3 an inquiry. iScorp_o.6:.ism 3 & Scorpius, i m- 
iio, ftn.s./.. 1 ». u ipurhling". Sciritor, 6ris. m. 3. an inquircr. { 2 ascorpion,us:£n of _he zodiac, 
. urc. /i. 1. to sparkic. 'Sci -£,...•-_•. liin, c -mp. issimc. #_//#.' a scahsh, an hcrb, an cngine, a 
!a,;i./l.r.V;?..a Jiitic spark.j cuiini.^ whip, or scourge, abouiidary. 
ivi,i't:ui...-. •. to know, to 1 ly. (to cleii.Hiul, to consult. Scorpi6nius,a,um....l/.ofascorp.on. 

1 ... to ord:'Jn,oriicr, dt-:Sf:tnr,: ii- d 1 to ask, or inquire, Sco.tator, 6ris «;,._... w horcmoT.g- 
u(.{.i.)iut >. -_ii, #_■*/. ;:.4. i»y dccnc Scort-_tus, us w- 4 a whoriiij^tjr. 

/-. to bc kno-.vri. ,s , .. i . 1 1 r .--, ?_, wm. u_//". prctt.i ,brave. Sortca, ,_•/. 1 a teathcrn frock. 

■_ ;_..%:./. !.;i _i'- 

"•!» <ji 



•i 2. ar. cnlinancc, a stu-Scoiieum, i- ;; 2. a lcatiicrn coat. 

i« :' irn.- oi ;t ii ■• •■ :: ., . ..• tutc,u dccrcc, a law, asc:_tcnce.;Scortcus,a,uiT-.fl-// maueof lc.i. licr 
..-.__ :_ s.Vi. ■ . -i.iatu-r-!scitunjs,a, um/>/. about to kiww. Scortidum, i. «. 2 aycuny v.liorc. 
•r_,:..'i.2._is _■ -..d (asUlI-Sri, /^.c^a^/'- ior, cofn/>. is-jScortcr, firi. rf. 1. to whortMhide, 

!.'• v*. a;i!;_nick. 
^i.*s. ?n. .>. t.ic noiiii-wesi 
/.1 .a e '. ( wind. 
.n. i n '2. u ru-bljcd. 
, a,um. mij. of bulrushes. 
:i :?. /.1. a • J >.~uiin^'-hook. 
!uiii,i n.2 ;t wiiskc-ofVusli- 

si.!uis,*v/>.k^oving-,8kilfui, wise.-Scortum, i. n avrhu.e, a harlot,a 
pra lent cunning-, craf*y, oourte-Scbtia x.f.l the rundlc in the bot- 
m_s,cm],plcasant,dcsirablc, gal-! tom ofapillar., gondly, fair, bef-itiful. Scraptia, xf 1. a drab, or qucan. 

Sf.iiius, i. m. 2. o sfjuiricl. 
Sc.u *, a, uin. at/j. skiifvil. 

Scrcabilis,c. udj. tbat inay be spit 
Sc_H::itio,6n:s. > /".i. a hawkni£.(out. 

nu,\.rn.2. a liltlc bulrusb. 
rc a 1. to bind, orwind. 
x a /. 1. a kind of vinc. 
/m.2 a rusli.a bulrush.No. 
» * : r;> o q-i.-crcre,to stum- 
:i plain ground. J J rov. 
. m. 2. a Iku\1 swcllin^. 
S tis. pt iuquirinp:. 
o, 6ni_ /. o. :tu inquiry. 
is, a, iMii. /if iiNjuinn^. 
_iri. i/. 1. toiuquitc. xsk, 
!ul to be iiuormcd. 
rc,Tvi,ituni inquire 

rc! >;;;; souud made witlrScivritoi', 5ris m. o. a bawker. of tlic clieeks, apopjftin. Scrcfitns, us. m. 4. a hawking 1 . 

Scoblna, rt./. 1. a gmver uscd by Scrco, arc a. 1 to hawk, «r spit- 

..i #>.• . Scriba,se.m l.a scribc,a writcr, an 

amanucusis, a secrctary » town- 
clcrk, a notiiry. (bc writtcn- 

sowycrs. a _ile,f:lin<js, scrapin^s. 
Sc<jb£,sc6bis/3. sawdu-st,pindust. 
Sco!r«cia,x./l.vcrtlijp*easc (snipc- 

Scclopax, flcis. m. a woodcock, ajScr:bcndus,a; um. pt. to write, or 
Scolomos, i. m. 2. an artichoke. |Scribcns, tis pt. writing. 
Scombnis, & Scombc:',bri. m- 2 aScribillo, are. a. 1. to scribblc. 
simplcton, a dolt, a tunnv-nsli IScriblita. x.f. 1. a tart, a wufcr. 
Scomuia. ntis. n. 3 ascoll, a jcer. Scribo,bdrc,ipsi,iptum.a3 towrito 
Scopa, x.f. l.a broom, a bcsom. to composca book,todcscribc,to 
Scop;c aruin />//l.a broom,a wisp. institutc to paint to Iin.n,ordraw a 
of straw, loosc rcasonings. 'Scribor, bi. p. to bc written 

Scopio,onis.m.).a cluster,a bunch Scrinium,i.w.3 a c:tsket, a dcsk, a 
mine,o_\l.iin,ordccjcc, to>>c<ipo.arc .«.1 to swccp,tocleansc screcnScrinii ina^ister,tbe mas- 
nutkc a law, to know. jscopula, x.f 1. a littlc bcsom, a; tcrofthc rolls, lAimpr. 
ri. p. to bc o_\Uhicd. | bnisli. (rocky, danjccrous.'Scriptio,6nis./..i.the actofwiitin^ 

.a<!j. that :ua\ bc cut, or,'Scopuidsus,a,um adj.WiU of rocks, a stylc, a comj>osition. 
nis./. .i. a cuttiii£.(clcft.jscp|mlui<»i.i?i. 2. a ruck, daujjcr, aScriptitTitus, a nni. /;/. written. 
•i-: m..3. a ci.ttcr,a t ar\ cr.| mnrk to shoot at. jScriptito/arc./iv/.l .10 writc o!tcn 

e.y.l.a cu^clcft, orchap. Scopus,i.m 2 a scopc,a mark, an Scripto, «rc. u. 1 to writc 
, u.n. pt. cut, rcnt, torn,' cml, :um, dcsig-n, o»- p.-rposc. Scr ptor,oris m. .'•. a writcr^a.vv^s^. 
bvidcd, brokc:i,bruised.Sccrbiitus,i. m. 2. thc scuny. v l\\w^^t\^^OiK.^^v^^<^K« 





ScriptSrius, a,um. adj. of writing. 

Scriptu__i,i.«.2.awriting,a letter a 
work,a book,a pocm,a clerkship 

S^ri])t:»ra ae./.l a writ.nj_r,thc writ- 
in£a bool:,tlse stvlo.ormanner of 
writin£,aii in>cnption, ihc scrip- 
turc, . r «acred writinjrs, a fcc. 

amine, to pry into, 1o traec out. Scylla,:e. /11. a dangerous \ 
Sculpcndus,a-iim./»/.to bc carved. th_ Sicil-an sca 
Sculpcns, tis. pt cii£ravin£. .Syiimus, i m. 2. a lioirs * 
Sculpo.perc,psi.plum. <;.toearve,Scyphus,i.m 2. a larjrcju;? 

to cr.grave- Scyiicum, i n. 2. a blush- 

Sculpouca.x./l. a wooden shocScyt da, x /.1. £- Scy*aic,e 
Sculptile, is.w.3. a graven imagc! round statf.a rollof parch 

Scripturiojrc rt.4.1o loi.£ to writc Sculptilis, e. udj. carved, gravcn* 1 shining sci-pcnt, aficldiDi 

K-' .___!.- 4 ...... ._ _. ._._ _i_. — l. ....4-J... ..._.*__ L_-.. «1..4.... X>_£V> _ ■_ _nr> .n -_._.« <_ __■».-<---*• ' ninnliwi ( **r\mf*t» t.f CK'M 

Si.ulptor,6ris.m.a carver,a gravcr. cnnine. (conce, _r sv« 

t ,„, . r __., Sculptura, x./. l.sculpturc. ;Sc> ./. &8cydiice< 

ing,niarkcd, paintcd, appointed- Schiptus,vim./»f. carved, pniven. Scythica mustcla. a sable. 
Scriptus, us. m. 4. a writmg. Sciirra.3e.m.l a scofK r,a bufioon,aScythis,Tdi9./. 3- aprec.ous 
_.___._.. _:.i.... : ... o _ r.._ ii#im.c, a wit, a viituoso. | Sl. 

Scurrens, tis. pt.', »cstin£. Se. in coir^r.s.r.on, smn 

Scuinlis,c.«*//.jicurrii',us, bu \o. ;-ta dsf rno, .vptt ! 

Scumlitas, atis./ 3. scurrility. 

Scurriiitcr, udv. scurriloiislv. 

Scurior,3iri.</ l.toplay Uic buflocn. 

Scurrida, x. m. 1. a wag.(to jcst 
a dish. (ordait. 

S cri pturus, a. um .pt. ab out to write . 
S-riptus,a,um pt. writtcn, in writ 

Scrohiculus, i. w. 2. a furrow. 
Scrobb, Scrobis, is. d.g. 3. a 

ditch, a dike, a furrow. 
Scrofa, xf 1. an oldsow,thc sur 

na:ne of a l.omanfaniily. 
8crbf.pascus, i. m. 2. a swinchcrd. 
_5crofula,a./ , .l.alittlepi,j(',thckinp , s 

"1 •__ _ t _ f t 

itseh", thcmsvhcs 

cvil, a wcninthc throat (hag. Scuta. sc./ 1. _ 
Scrctum,., ?;._?. thc cod, alcat1_.T.^cutule,is./i.3. thcstr-ngot 'a.slliiprsrl um i n. 2. tallow, siel 

apari: smsi «iir.i-s. i'«n' sfin 
somctimcs iV»r sc.*-,siv trui 
times it denics. 

ticcu» a 9iti. himself, 1 


isus, a-um 

Scrupcdus, a, um. adi shamblJiijc.jScritariiLa, a. um tulj. of a shicId.jScbuccus, & Scbcisus 
Scrf»peus,a,um.«^/.ofliulestones,!scf!tarius,i m.2.a maker cfbucklr rs balisc. «_4/. tallow, ... — 
siony. coarstt, sharp. sVields/jrtprgatSja soldicr armcdiSucabilis, e. atfj. ti;:it niay I 

Scnipi,oruin.///.m.2.chess (pulous. with ashicld-ancsquire(bucklerSfcc-t!c, is n- ^. rye. 
Scrfrpdsus,a,um.M^//.ra^cd,,a, um. a^j. armcd witli a 
Scr.'piilaris, c. utlj. of a scruplc. Scfitclla.a:/.l.asai 
KcTOpidatim, udv. by picccmcal. Sc!.tica,a , /.l.a sci 
Scrfipulose, adv\hs t comp. icsimc, 

■ iccr 9 achilii*span 

Pfci-licus a,um adj. ofrjt 
Sccamcntum, i. n acut*< 

scour^c,wl)ip Jasli Sccam.m . pt to cat, r 

t , ...... r . , "Cfii.i>-eridu.s 1 i.m.:ipag , c,anes(juireSecans tis ///. cuttirg'. 

*up, si:rupuloasly, exactly. Scf tilv:s,a,um adj.vcry t§iin,frleanjScc-iri* .-ip<»rtT, b?.skct> W 

Scrupidositas,rit:s/..>.scrupulositv,Scutra, ac. /. a chaftcrn. |Si..carin B onis. / 3 a cuttv_| 

Scrfipulri_us,a, uni. udj. ior, ro/.'j/>.Scfit..:la, x.f. 1. a sauccr. a 7"oundS.cii«or, ons. m. 3. acuttd 

issimus, nvp. scmpulous, fiitl of pi^*:cof bark,:.liith , ])itccofstonc|Scc~.if;rus pt. abfliili 

do:ibts,nicc«prcci_iCtCui'ious*stoiiy ormarble for pave;ncnts,a roller, Seccdriii. tis. /<*. witiul-it 

Pcnij)Lilum, i. n. 2. a scr.iplc. :■ holc for si^ht in a croi-sljo - ". »S7rc.Cd'», «k*r.' ; .; -i. ts_um 

. — ..j ,-. — -._. j._. . — . _.j, ..- — — — — _ ^ --...-.-.-, , -- ^. 

Scri~!pulu'>.i.m.2.ascruplc..a doubt Srfitulutus.a, iul:. ndj. wroi.^ht in wilhiiraw, to rc.irc. ** 
Scrujui^.i.jn.^. a pi.ce o: s!(nic , > a thc form ofa scutchcon Scutul:i|SPctTiiriis t"s /.*. s-.p_---«i 

_I . .. A •_ _ .. _ I '. _ _ I -i .. 1 1 _■_!•__ »■ __._-__.' li — __ _ ■ — - .." T. Ii.ifl 

ecnrchjto 6twch diLgenl\y,lo «_>- Vt.v, iNiXvMv. 





) fcc«'h;dc, toshut out, en. rent, roar.glcd, nr.r.lrred. 

;8i ciiritas, ntis/3. sccurltj-jSafcty, 

i m-| iu :vtc, to 1:»\ aside. Vccuhitus, us. m. 4. a lyingalone 
jnr S\ i:c. /ro fcccuh m ;/■<"( i?bo, ure. hui,bitr.m.7;. to lie a- 
cn;.i.ri.2 ac( Ci]i.(])biat'.c]M-i , i , ;a.a: a /.l as,c)tlic,asickle(lu;c 
a,rni pt.s\.w\ up j'.pMi,>c- btci Iiiris, c. udj. sccular. Caimct 
ciii,rtii:i,.i\ rruum.«-.l. to hcculare pro in.pcrii Kcm. inco- 
x\c,to cut « fr.</r;<sir.der, luminate. a pocm . e ung by boj* 
torci ri,»// Ua:,ios<r:ttch, antl girls at tl;c .-tcular pla\s." 
01 dividc, to fc.raw,todc-StcuIum, i. ;/.2. anage, r.enple of 
dclcrniinc. u» wulk. • ibc sgc, a biccd, the worlcl. 
i.puts. io bc cut. , . s -i'cini,/;rc/! with thcmsclvcs,&c 

**<• hocordia. Sccuiuh -,6irm./;f./j.2. piospcriiy. 

adv. «■ecictiy. \ rlvatcly. ^cciti.d:c,arum./7./.lhesccuBdine. 
onis./. 3. a sc] aiatirn. or nficibirth,thescccnri, or ne.\t 
jc/t. ius. v ;.></> plarc. (of thc sccondkgion. 
>ri\il\ apart, in a corncr. Strcunrlani, orum pL m.2. soldiers. 
,i w.;»'.a sccict,ani)stt.iy,Sfcundans, \\». pt. fuvcuring. 

placc, arctirciiitnt, pii-^tcundicriijOium./'/. W7.2. soldicrs 

rivatc audieuc c.A sccre- of the sccoi.d lcgicn. (mcal 

pri\y coi.ncil. Sttiiulinium, i. tj. 2. thc coarscij be appeascd, %r calrncd. 

, cxo<//. : .or,coi*?/' Sccuj.diiriv.B, a,um. c.tlj. cf thc se-Scriiir.s, tis- />/. appeasing, layin; 

tup. stparattri, ^e\crcd,■ cind soit, ur class, serondary; 

irivy, privale,soI.ian ,rc-Secunric, <j//v.f(u < tunaicly.liKki1y. 

,r ofl. S-cuiido, adv. thc sccoi:d timejn 

f.l. a scct, a party,Gr fac- thc sccond placc,stcoiiri)y,aguii: 

tray, an opinion.>ure.fl*l'tosecond*tofkVorJ appeasedjCalir.cdjCcmposcd c-iii- 

im, i. ;;. 2. a pedigrec. to inakc pro*pcrotis, to obey, to cicdjCnflcd.scth-.tCjCaJinjsmcctli, Uowintr.pursning. accon:modatc, to suit, to aclapt. still, yr.bci", cor.sidtiate. 

,a ( um.c/r7/. otascct. Vcr-'Sccuiidor,aii/KiA*.tobesccondcd.iS(.(!ecii]a ( x.f. 1. a Rtle scat. 

urius,abellwethcr,/ J /ai/*J..Sccundum,/Trf'/>. evrv. arrvfMiighjjSidc r3, tis. /?.'. s>ttin.-- 

oris. ni. :>. a fullowcr. ; ur ncar ncxt, after, or to, in, ior.SLiIcnta^.rt. a,i'in. </■;.". htricniaLy. 
c. adj easily rut ysuimcr.; oni/sMdc, for,ficcor<i«ng to, con-S..d( :•- -.'"liuj, ^<Tkn.Aii 
U/ J a scc.tion a cuttintr ( i ccrning, or Lbnut. S^-dco, crc,sCd : ,v :ruv,\.n.'.}- tu sit, 

ing.a coniiscation, or ior-.*JLCinvii?;s, a,um.f.i/;.:or.comy>. issi- tosit siilV^v. :., n:pc;i ti: iijfhii-r 
what is l'crft:t< d, u lot., u:p. svciiid.ncM.folIowing', rcst,to £e!t!c,to !>c sct.placcd, or 

a, um udj. cf.tncut. iitV.ri(r, Acccnipanyir.g.presper- siti:ati.<I,t'.)yt;.y, roi. uin. orconti- 
ri. d. 1. to iollow,atttnd,j cus.lucky,f:tvot:ra!.dc,propilious. h i^cr^tc/ 1it,*o :./rcc witii. 
upon, to hunt, or chascy Anjnesecundo.down thc .'•rreampi^^ 3.:i:. : e:tvipla< •:< 
ipt, to imitate | r.'r j-.atcuiidisavihus hickily»AiV cr dv. clliiig,'^::.:'»^^ ioi M:h!icr.» 

a station, a sej 'Vbre.a bu.-.c, or 

foundalion,tiicfiiiid*r. tiil (gcr*. 

Si-dij^itus. i.mhc thal hath sixiin- 

Scdilc ( i» n o.*K»ut^ibenf h,a sct- 

(^uitthcifs, carckf.sntsi>. 
^tttiiusiajum.r?^/. ir.r,ccn»^. issi- 

n.u?, *up. sccurc, sufc,cjuict,care- 

lcs.s, fcarlcsK, 
^tCLStWc/i-.r scciwstr/bcquiuf^ 

cthcrwist, amiss, iil. 
.Strus, prap tirr.acc. by,or nigh to. 
.*■( c».:tor, oris. m. 3. a foilower. 
S. cuti:leia,a:./. l.awoman thatibl» 

lcwcth a mun up and down. 
Scc':1firus,a,uiu/.'.al>out to follow 
Si cfitus, u,um/>Mhat hath ibllow- 

ed, relyirg on, tmsting in. 
Sed,cdW7.but,!.utalso hcwcvt r Sed 

autt-ni, yca but,i7oi//. Scd cnim, 

but truly, l"i;y. 

Scdninc n, n 3. an appcasing 1 . 
sr-danclus. a,i:i:i./>/. to appcasc^to- 

htciatc,(;c.'r. iiis ct/m6ciUmIy,paii- 
Scdator, 6ris. m. o. an ?]>peaier. 
SoclsUtis, a.^m. //• i^ (.'{/■ i-r.c '.;/•/*» 

isrn J acutitr,iicutpurse 
^trator,an informc r, a scl- 

'.«eciirc, udv. iiis. corup. >ecurcly. 

>c:ci:ritula,K./.l.klittlc ax,a joint 
zi&J 3 a se(|uestratrix(h:ri"cciinicT,re/ Scc.rmgcr^siim.c:^'. 
ac./ 1. a cutting,a vcin. wbeuring, amit-d witli an ax. 
, a, i:ni. pt. abcut to cut. 
um//*cut,ch<»p;x d shrcd 
liced.p»rU'd } dr. idcd,lorn 

a iub in his way 9 Cic. 

'acuris, Is.f. o. an ax, or halchct. tlc J #rstooI.aroost,a peich.(lccs. 
Sccuriin injiccrc alicui,tu tlircw Scdtmcntuni, i- n. 2. a sed'inent, 

S£diUo,i>ail (><i* wlft^t*»^ 2 **"-* 



Sempfterne 4 , adv. evcrlastingly 
Sc npitcrnitas.atis. /everiasUnjj- 

Sempitcrnus, a um. a'(/ cndlcss, 
cvc'lasting,perpetual, continual. 

Scm halfanounce Brc- 
vis semuncta recli, a drach n of 
seiisc, Pcrs Terrae scmuncia, a 
plat of ground thirty fcet broad, 
an.l fony fcel lon^, Cato 

Scmunciulis, e. & Scmunciarius, 
a, uin. ur^/.of half an ouncc.(tus. 

Semustus, a, um. a(# pro Scmius 

Scn iculum,i./i.2.thc scnate.orpar 
lianen house,a counc 1 chambe 

8e unoli vers is,verses of six feet 

SSnarius, a, um. a Ij. of six fect. 

SSnltor, oris. m. .>. a Komau sena. 
tor, a parliament-m.tii, an alder- 
man(iii£ to a s nalonan 

Scn<it-)riiH,a,u n <idj.of.or bclong- 

Scnitiis,iis.//i *. a -.enate, r chief 
Counc ,ana uiienceofthesenate. 
a pa"t amcnt the bcnchof aldcr- 
me i.Scnati.n edicero.tooall thc 
house hy order, or prnclamation 
Cic Movcre senatu aliij iem, to 
turn him out,/7.Scnatum vocare 
ineor coi!siliarium,to advise With 
onc'sself, Pla .#. 

Sena(us-:oiiHiilt.iin. i. 7» 2.a decrce 
ofthe act ofparliamcnt 
an order of the housc. 

Scnecio, onis. m. > groundsel. 

Scnecta, xf 1. old igv, a slough 

Sencctus fitis f. 3 old age gravity 
se\crity, thc skin of a scrpent 

Senectus, a. um. pt old, ag*cd \vi- 
tlicred, dccjvpit, decaycd. 

ScfW),erc,ui./i.J to grow wbe old 

Scnescalliis, i m a steward 

SenescvnSjtis./;/ growing" old. dc-". 

Scnese),eere nui.a- *.to frrow old, 
to dciiy, to lecl.:ie, to lossen. 
&tncx,i$,adj. 10 >, comp. old, ajred, 


withered, wrinkled. 
Sene .,is. (&. Icis, Plaut.)c.g3. an 

old man, r woman 
Seni,x.a by sixes, each six, 
Senilis, e at(j. of old age. (six 
Sfnihtcr adv. Hke an ol.l man. 
Senio dnis. m. .>. the number six, 

the sice point, or cast. 
Scnium i. nent. 2. old age, an old 

churi, pcevishnes9, moroseness, 

scvcrit) , trouble Lunx senium, 

the lattcr part of the wane of the 

moon, Plin. 

.3cnsatus,a,um adj. wise prudent. 
Scnsibihs, e. atff scnsible. 
Scnsibilitas, atis / 2 sensibility 
Scnsictilus, i. m. 2 a slight argn- 

Sen-srfer a,um aoj.causingfeeling. 
Scnsif icus, a. uin adj. idem 
Scnsdis, e. adj. seiwblc. (ratcly 
Sensim, udv by dofrrecs, mode- 
Sensitivus. a um. adj sensitive. 
>c ns ullis, e adj sensual (ing- 
Scn um,i 7i.J. a thought, or mean- 
Scnsunis, a, um. pt that will bc 

sensible of that shall feel 
Scimus a,um./>/ known by sense.»i 4scnse,meaning. ac- 

ceptation, sentiment, thoujj^ht. 

jiidgment capacity, unrlcretand- 

ingycason, iu:nor,way»behavioui 

Scmentia x.fl a scntence, adc- 

crec or vote,a sensejorsi^nificati 

on,a wise baying.onnaxini, opin 


Sentfna,x./l.a sink t & pump 


Sentinosus, a, um. oJ;.filthy, 
Scntio,Ire.n»i,nsum be perceiveorundcn 

to feel to taink,to be of opi 

to intcnd. 

Sentior. Iri p- to be felt. 
Sentis, is m 3. a briar, a tho 
Sentisco, cere. inc 3. tobeg 

know. (raggcd, shabby, b 
Se ntus,a,ura o^.roug-h, j\ cnji 
Seorsim, a//r aside; s.drcct 
Seor.stim,a Jr.apan .scpantrh 

pecially Seorsam a te scoti 

a.n nut of your opinion, Fk 
Seorsas, adv apart 
S^par, aris adj sepantc, unl 
Scpjirabilis, c adj separable. 
Se])araiidns,a,um. /;/. to scpii 

to bc scparated or rcmovec 
Separatim^oY-ius com£ ^pu 1 

ly, sevcraUy, apart,in paruw 
Scparatio 6nis / > separjtio 

scpamtion, a scttin^apart , 
Sfcparatus, us. m. 4 ascpin* 1 
Scpuratus.a, sepantftii 

vercd,distinct, differcnt, prto 
.Vpparo are.a scparite.tos part,to divide,to disiiaj« 
Scparor, ari p. to be scpan» 
SepTitius,a,um adj.of talloff.(n 
KepelibilLsc adf.tibA nuy be 
Scpelio ire t ivi.pultum <^ 4 »' 

ry,to inter,to conceal,to bi^ 

be forgotten,to overwhel»-. 

ion scntimcntjthought.jud^ment 

deliberalion advice,mind,desirc, Sepelior,iri,pu1tus^.to bcbtf* 

wish,will,arcsolution,a dcsignjorjSepclitus, a, um pt. buricA 

purpose- (tence 

Sententiola, x.f 1. a short scn 
Sententiosc, adv sententiouslv 
Senticctum,i n a placc full of bri- 


^enticosu3,a,um adj. bricn^roug"!! 
Sentiens, tis. pt. observinp. 

Scpcs. is./ X a hedjc. a fi* 

Sepia, x.f 1. a cuttlclisK mk- 

Sepiciila, *./ 1 ahtdebe* 

Sepimc-n,inis.7».j &Sepira« B 

i.7i.2.a hcdff c,fence, ar inck" 

Scpio,irc,ivnWpsi, itumtWpi 8 

a. 4 to hedjre in, to fence,» 

closs, tesurround, tpbesA 





secure,0r shelter, toco- 1 mtrtn. 


i. p to be g-imrdcd.(ver. SepticoHis,;.built upon sevcn 
:■/ 1. aperfumcr'* shop Septicus, a, iun. adj. putreiactivc. 
1, i. n a kind of swcct Scpties adv scvcn times. 
r, ov perfume. (asidc Septlf ariam, adv. in scven parts. 

lus, a, to be laidSeptlfiuus a,um.«d/' having seven tura, when all thc funcral ritef 

lerc osui, ositum a 3. to channcls, or strcams. 

: apart, to reservcto se-Scptimana, x.f.l awcek. (vcnth. Sepultus,a,um./*/.buricd.intcrred, 
»r durtinfrtiish, to send a Scptimanus* a um. adj. of thc sc- covcred ovcr quite ruincd,or un- 
n\.p. to be laid up.(way. Septimatruus,uum.£/./3 the se- donc, finishcd, extinct. 
, rWbCposttw, a, , vcnth day aftcrthe idesofMarch Scquax, acis adj.un.comp follow- 
•r by, rescrvcd, rcrnete. Septimum adv. the scventli timc. injr,or secking after. fitrxiblf pli- 
is. «. 3. a venomous aer-.Scpttmus, a,um. adj. the scventh ant,ohcdicnt bprcadingr, clsn my. 

.Scptingcnariii3,a,um adj. ofsevci; Scqucla,*/1 a st-qucl,atnisu ■( ,, d- 
m. pln 2. a place of ex- hundrcd Scqucndus a,uu.. pt. to bc follow- 

ilcd about* Hars's field. ScptingenijX.a aaj.stven hundreri 
his udj. heptangu- ScptingentesYmus a* um. adj. tlu 
tdf. pl.indccl scvcn.(lar j seventh hundred. 
:r bris,brc.rc/hic &c hxr.ScplingxMititXawioy.scvcnhundrcu 

Scpulchrftum, i. n. 2. a bur/ine- 

placc (gravc, a tonb, burial. 

Scpulchrum, \.n.'2. a sepulchre, a 

Sepultfinuv/.l. burial, thc act ot' 

buryinjr,a grave lnstpulta scpul- 

arc not performcd, Cic. 

iris &, hoc Septembrc.^Scptingcntie^aoVscvcnhundred 
rclatinjrto Septembcr.) times 

r, bris. m 3. Scptembcr Septio, finis. /3- a dike,a mound 
ius,a,um.a</;. running- in Septircmis, e. adj having seven 
anne!s,or strcarns. (fold. benchrs, or banks of oars 
rminus, a,um. a<(j. sevcn 3eptuagenarius,a,um a<(j scvent\ 
:dalis, c. wlj. scven feet years old. (ticth 

Septiiag€nus,a,um adj the scven 
ex, icis. adj. 8cvenfold.:Septua}resimua,a f um. adj. thesc- 
r, iri. m. 2. one of sevenj venticth. 
tcs. Scptcmviri cpulo-Septaagics adv. seventy times. 
:n prit-sts who took caicjSeptiiaginta,aaj'./>/.mat*c/ scventy 
asts of the Gods, Liv. jSeptucnnis,e adj scvcn ycars old 
ralis, e. adj of the sep-.Scptum,i.n 2 a hedjre,or fcnccan 

inclosurc afoldof sheep, a lock, 
a wear, sluicc, a floodgate. Scp- 
tuia transversum, the midriif, 
Cel*. (es 

us,i.m 2. the numbcr sc.;Septuncialis,e aaj. ofsevcnounc 

(teen.Septunx, cis./. 3 seven parts. 
cim indrcl. seven-'Scptuplcx, icis. adj. sevenfold. 
z. a scven. ISeptuplus, a um adj. scvcntimes 

, e. adj. of scvcn vcars.! so much. sevcnfold 

ratus fismi thc autho- 
»tfice of the septeniviri. 
us* a, um adj. of seven. 

im, i. » 2. se\cn vears. 
o, onis. m. 3 the nortii. 
inaiii, c adj. northern. 

Scj>ttis.a,um pt. inclosed,enriron 
ed, bcsct. guarded. 
Sepulchraiis, c.auj. scpulchral,fu- 
Snanu^a^um. adj. of the' ncral, «f a sepulohre, or funcral. 

Scqucns,tis /'.' fullowiii}. .jjursuing 1 
Scqucntia, z./ 1. a rtsj onsc. 
^equcs^ci^a.tun adj intciTncdiute. 

Pax scqucstra, a truce, Virg 

Sequcstcr, i vel is. m. a n cdihtor, 

or umpirc,asohcitor ot a pr< ccss, 

an attorncy, r proctor,a briber, 

a brokcr* or procurcr (tion,. 

Scquestratio.onisyo. a sequcstra- 

Sequcstratus, u,um./;/. scijuestcr- 

Seq estro.aJf by arbitratmn ^ed. 


Scquestruni,i.n.2 arbitration.(ver 

Sequior,^/ .c»»i/> wor^c.wiak- 

Scquitur, imp. it followctii. (cr. 

Sequor,ui ctitus. d . . to follow to 

imitate, to hunt,to chase, topur* 

sue, to seek for. or endcavotir to 

attain, to ohe\, to trust to,to dc- 

lig"ht m, to spcak to be suitable, 

to fall to. 

Scra, x / 1. a lock, a bar, a bolt. 
seraphicus, a, um. adj sciaphic. 
Scraphim, />/*n</ m thc scraphim. 
Scrapias, adis./. . ragwort. 
Serarius, a,um. atlj of whcy. 
ScrSitus, a* um. pt. lockcd. 
Serenatusu um./i/.cleared,appea- 
Screndus,a,um.^/.to be soun (sed 
Scrciiitas. iitis /. 3 fair or clesx 
\ w«xtJb&ti^\*>xw%Wi«sfcaafeaat>. 





Se'reno,are.fl calm,to clear upj goo,a louse. (by little and littlc Scrvia x/l a frarland,! no 
Scrcns, tis. pt. sowing, mlxinjr. iSerpensjtis./^creeping.spreading^Scrvicns, tis./\'. serving 1 . (;; 
Sercnum. i. n. 2. tair wcathcr. .Scr])t:nti^cnatae*r.^l*cngcndcred,)Servihcdlx, uium pl. c. ?.i 

S&reiius, a,um at7/. ior, cc.ip. \n\- or bred nf a serpcnt. 

jScrvilis, c. a-(j. ior, comp s 

muM»P'Scrcnc, calm, fair, clcar, Scrpcntijrer» aum. m(j. that bear-i slavish, of, or like a sluvc. 

bri>rlit, dry, cheerful. ' eth a serpcnt, having dragons. iServilitcr, aiiv. s!av:s!ily. 

Sercsco, cere. n. to jrrow dry, toScrpentinus.a,uin adj scrpcntinc Servio, ire, ivi, itum.n. 4. t 
JSerjria, x. f akind oi'ol:vc.(tiirn.Scrpcraster,tri m 2 a hanycron.i slavc,tascrvs:,tcjohcy a total providc for,to consnlt 
Scrvior, iri p. t j bc servcrt 

Servltiido inU.y servitudi 
Scrvitur, imprv*. ull isclnnc 

fcJeria,/. 1. a butt, apipc, a jar. Serperastra, 6runi. pL n. bands, 

fckvi, n 2 scnous a:fa":8. swathj. 

genca, ;t J. 1. a sLikcn, or *iusliivSrrpo t pcrc, pai. ptum. neut. 3. to,Servitium, i u.2.slavcrr,bai 

garr.c;it. j crecp,tospread iUelf,toincreasc sorvicc, flattery, slavcs. 

8er:carius.te.vter t a silk-weaver Scrpvllum, i. «. 2. wild thyme. 
SeiK\itus,a,um e /j.chvlied ui sdkSer.M, x./. 1. a saw, a fish. 

Sericum, i n 2. siKc, mmlin. Senv.bilis c.tuij tiiatrciaybc sawn Si.rvituru«* aHim./M-thttsha! 
Scricu*, a, r.m. tt J. nudc of 8;lk,Scrn:rius. i. i». 2. a iiwycr ordohoma^c to. (vcr-aSoi 

ftilkcn. .i< :Tai:a f x-y.l £eiinandcr,trcakle. icrvuus, utis. f 3 scrviti 1 .* 

Suius- }'. f 5. aoncalciiatinn, '.iVc.Tiiiin, adv. likc a saw. Seruin. i n. 2. wiicy, butu 

ti .ln, a rjw, or ra.i;:, uii is-iuc, on ■ic-rriu-.ila, x f 1 betony. 

d. tciit. .iciritti.ra, ;c /. 1 a nawing- 

Si-r*». a-!v. wrioiibly. in carnetf. ^erraU.s. a,u..i pt sawn, notcheri 
4T ■.!:», ,./" 1. ./i'i a lit.L- l:kc a suw. \umini scrrati, miil- 

«. d :n >nev, Tar. 
Si«rro, arv.*. m\'. 1. to saw. 


S.. », s. / »J. ciciioiy, cndite. 

tJ-. ;i<is. a u.a «:*.'/" s. ri iU--. gravi- - eri-iia. x f 1 d.m. a h md-s: 
Scr.uo, .iii s. r.t .* i !»■*;*« >:i*'yc 'm\*l .'■'■■. v.isxfl aciiaj)Iet t al.nw-,.ncliio. 

s, i.v.:.i, li-.u^ua^c^a u^alcct, a i\ j '•.riiila. .c /. 1. clover. 

pori. crt m, ».;* 2 a garlund a ciiaplc*. 

S. ').•;»;» :if, \}r. j>t. discoursinjr; a p:)csy, or nos> p.i/, -.i flowt-r. 
8i-r:iinc:iiii(.i« f on.s.y' o. udi, d:s-j-cri;i»,a.viin pi. p aitcd wrcathcd. 

coiirsc. twidtcd, set with flowcis (sli\c 

8er .iOc.iia'autis y a,um p' to talk.Scr. a. \x. f 1. a wo ua . scrvant, r. 
b*. iii'i..:iuor t .cr;iivi,can j-, iri '/.l.iScrvabilis, c adj to bc prcs.:r\ .<1 

to laik, ti^ d:S-*o.!is> , t / parlcv . iServ;urlus,a*uni.^/.tobckcpt.prc- 
S^ :. i. lnoi*, .*4ii. dlt. 1» idcin. f serve 1, watchcd, robscrvcd 

S< r iiii-.ii.:' i. m. 2. t.ltlctatt.e 
HOi'*, tidv. n;s. vomp. issu;ic, nup. 

\.i\j t iii ihc Lvrn.iig, too latc. 
IScro. iirc. uct. 1. to Jock, o;« abiit 
Scro,rcrc,-ic\i,satum sow,*o 

]:!ui!t,to bcj^et, to sprcad aiiroa»;. 
S» rc,:« l re scrui,scitum.u.3 topla.t 

Scrvan». tis />'.£.*' atfr. is»inuis j "' r *- 
kccpiiiK , «])i'c , icn - inj3f«saviiijy t g , ..arri 
ni^r, ohscrving, markin^waiting, 

: crvaior,6ris m.P». a saviour,a prc- 
acrvcr, a dclivcr. 

Sc:vatn\, ici«. f. 3. a presr-rvcr. 

or v, ivatbc. to knit, to join. iScr\airiru.s,a,uni./>/ aboutto kccp. 
bcrui n./».lo bc bc joincd -ci valus,a,uni /i?.kcpt,pr< «.crvcd, 
HProlimnfm a, ui;t. udj. latc. savcd, obscrvcd, rcjrsirdcd. 

Sttrpcns, tis.rf^.o.Ubwrnitnt^At^S^wx, (ro v^cvi, (.«/». 

Seru T n,i.;i.2.a latc purt,:ilon 

3orundu$, u/»/. Se n eadus. 

^crvo arc.a.l ;o kccp.topn 

or savc,U» g";ia»"d to dei".'!nl 

scrve, t<» pctform, to pns* 

Servor, An atus fsjss. tobc 

Si ri;s.a,um n»//.ior, c «0- i« 

»»/'\la-e.l sic ii tiic evi*in;i| 

iii^ I n< atcr. long" a }?r 

dry.w.tbercfl,sad v d^lcf 1-t 

Scrvu^a, x.f. 1. a haiiiUiJ 

Senulus, i.m.i?. as rva::t,i 

Scrvus, a ww.wlj that iibo 

ccria n scrvico. scnilc,*!; 

Scrvus i fn-2 aslaYc.abon; 

SvM-vant Servui libidinmv 

Scsama, x.f 1 corn callci » 

Dicta <5c lUcta jiapavcrc & i 

s;«arsn, soft and swcct, Pi 

s< siminus, a, uui. adi. of * 

'C *cu an ounccaiui 

Sescuncialis.c «'{'/.ofsknojii 

a half. or an inrh irvJ a ha 

Scscunx, ci *..«? 3 i« ^a. Sc*« 

Sc«cuplun>, i. n.C thc wiinl 

balf asmnch more. (ihcrn: 

Scsc pton acc. hims^lf.btr 

Scselis, is./. 3. atftwcHt 




idecl. the wholc, & luJf ns8estcrtiiis, asesterce, a Koinai);Scxoem>_,x._.. adj. pl nix hundrcd 
iorc,onc awla half (half. SCta.x/l. a bristle, a very stronf;!Sc\ccntn.>;.f?r/r._»ix luni«lrccl times 
ter, &, um. <ulj. onc and a hiur,a hair, a iishiug linc (chief. iSexdccics, adv si-.trcu times. 

gitalis,c. adj. of afnifrLVsSctaba sudaria, a Jawn-hnudkei- 
, and a half. thalf. Setuccus, a, um. adj of brisllcs. 

tra, x. / 1. an hourand aSc.ania, x. / 1 a kind of onion 
^crum.i./i tnacrc & ahalf S?t;iniun.,i.n.a medlar,coar_e fcod 
;ia x./a poundiiml a half Sctuniu*, a, um. alj. of tliis yeui 
en«is, is. m 3 si\ weeks. S?tigcr,a. um< .;///. bristly, rou^l.. 
.M_ius,r»vabushel&ahalf Sctijfcr cri. m. 2. a boar. 
i-»li:s i.ui. 2.thrce far.hiiitfsSrt.iium vmum a gcneroun wine 
*.uvuq,a, uin adj one audSct6>iui,a, um «r/j full of bri_tlcs, 
i part, and a hulf. ' bristly, very hairy, •_• rough. 
.•_ra,x/l oiu* da\ v s workScu, coty % either, or 
ilf (task and a lul:".,Scvectus, a um pt. carried away 

iiiS cris. n. ■ a work rS€voho t ncrc,cxi.a.3.tocarrvasldc 

Se\d ccim, adj. fd. indrcl- si'fcen« 
Scxcnnalis, sixt h year. 
.scxcnnis, c. adj. six ycarsnld. 
Scxeiininni, i. n. . six \ears. 
Sexics adv. six times. 
Scx?iiimani,6riim./»/. m- 2. soldicrs 

olthe sixtli lejfion. 
Scxtadecimuni.6rum/»/.m 2. sofdi* 

ersofthe six.eciith lcgion. (part. 
Sextins,tiH.m.o two cunces,a sixlh 
S_xtanurius,a iim. adj. wcighing 

two ounees. of two ounccs 

((rdis (;.afoot & a ha;fScve>c ur/v.ius, c mp. issmu , »tt/».|Seit-triolus,i.m. 2. n small sextary. 

i ••_ .. ___. _ 9e vciTlv,s^rictly,^r«»erlyiSexiririiis.i.m. 2. ascxtury, a mea- 

Se\critas,atis./ 3 scvcrity, sharp-! sure of about a pint and a half. 
ncsa, strictnc:», roughncss, Beri-:Se\tiunus,a, tini. adj. \ery round. 
ousncHS. Sextilis, is. m. 3 Aujrtist". 

'S>iuipedalia verba,gTcat 
intiiitf wortls, Hor. 
-dmeus a» 
ilf. ( 

s.cdis - m. 3 a foot aiul a 

Scxcnter, ath\ scvcrclv, strictlv. 

iitji.a/I murc thana bl(>w l SevCritudo,dinis./.J.ir_?c Scveritas 

L*\,icis adj' so niucli 

Severiis,a, uiii a<{j ior, covip. ia»i- Sex:i.t:i, adv. the sixth time. 

alfas much.aisix to fotir mus, tnp severe. rig-id. austerc. 

isa.uni.rt'//' as muchand 
ne\,is.r.^ovrr,orvery o!d 
HuV l »um arV/.as as 
, an<l a third part morc 
im,i./i.2 a settle, a closc- 

. a<lj. tha. may be sat on, 
low. dwarfish, broad. 
ium, i. n. 2. a shrinc. 
nis- /. 3. a scssion, assiz- 

i.onis/. 3. a sitting often 3. agrcatsitter 
•e -frtrij. 1 .to sit often (tant 
ris> m a sittcr- an inliabi- 
a, iim. pt. about to lit. 
is. m. 3. id tju. Sextans. 
riuis, are Sextantarius. 
ium,i.n.2.a iittle scstcrcc 
m,i. n. 2. a thou«and ses- 
piCvtoMinwiUe. (coio 

Sexcentesimus,a, um. udj. the six 

hundrcd^ «f jsy. kWikf^. 

3* * 



Se.\tula»;i/ 1. the sixth part of an 
ouncc. a mcasure. 


fu!, scrious, demurc, coy, stalc 
Sevo, Sire act. 1. to grease. 
Scvor. ari. patt. to be tal owed. 
Sevocandus,H, um pt to bc wi'h- 

drawn (r.ite,to withdraw 
.Vrvb^o^ caJJ astde,to sepa- 
Sevocor.ari. pass. to b sepavated. 
Sevosus, a. uui. adj. fuil of tahow, 
Scvum,i.n.'2 ta!low,suct. (gTeasy. 
Sex,o</;y>/.m./.c/.s.x(sixty ycars oM 
Sexug-enarius.a, um. atij. of sixty, 
Seiu^e ni,x*. o.a. sixty. (sixty. 
Sexa^esimus > _.,uHi._i./;.thesixtielh 
Scxa^ies, aJv. threcscore times. 
Sexa^lnta, udj. pl. indrcl. sixty. 
Sexang-.lus,a,um.a.// six-cornered 
Scxc£iii,x.u. atij. pi. six hundrcd. 
Sexcente«i,x.n..i({;./i/ slx hiindred|s.bilus,i.m.2 a hiss, a *histling > , a 

Sextt:s.a,mp.Rr/; thc stxth. Scxtut 
casus thc ablutivc case, Van\ 

Sexus,us.m.4.S- Sexus,i n. 2. asex. 
Sc>:usvirilc,then.ak sex, J J laut. 


Si, conj. if, scoiuj^ that, sincc. aU 

thougrn,oh that,07* would to (iod! 

whe hcr or noi wh tlicr, as soon 

as T Si minus, if not, Cic. 
Sibi,i/a.'tT'. a Sui, to, or for himself, 

hersclf, itsclf, er thcmselves. 
Sib.Iator, 6:is. ni. ',>. a hisscr. 
Sibilatus, lls. m. 4. a tussin^. 
Sibtlo,arc.d. 1 to hiss, » r whistle. 
Sihilor, il-i./». to be hissed at. 
Sibilum,i. n. 2. a hiss, a hi-jkinjr, a 

whistling'. a growliug. 
STbilus, a, um. aitj. hitsing*. 

creaking, a whisper, a i^r^cnt* 

Bp;rrths,i.M 2 a*--:ins:i. 

ftprilri.i, , >. 3- a onnlhla!"., » fi* 
8;:aiinflsrJ ». um. ■■(, *|>J"ii"tli' 
8 .asmus.i .w '3 a spas.r, Ihc crun 
Bfiasti>is,a,>im. adj sifflicled with 

the er.'.mp. 
Spstiliiim, i. n. 2. a brarelet. 
3p ttlflCMi.nluifcji.M -. acatamil 
Sp'itha,x/1 aiKce, ■ ■kimncr, 

fcullca spatula, ■ lan»e swoi-.l, 

wc.iver's Ijthc or aluv, a branc! 

of a palin.or ilntc trtc. (trw 
Spitliltiiim.i.n a branch of a dale 
Sfnthariin,», um «ff)' nf ■ swor.l,.. 


! Iiv, ;i rnu&stiri-, 07- quantitv. 
.lSp\li,| ;i ,; l ../l. ;l s 1 .re S .lm-,I'.-, 
,S;,i(i,l;v, ; iv,.m /..'./slidiiU.-.-lilad-.a 
■S:>::..i'.-, e u :j speeial pr;ip r 
Jspo-li-ile!-,.^ ^^H-ei^lU.pj-.r. 
iSii-i-.-iljiTi, ,,,/;■ p irlie.ilsivli ularl 
■ SpC-]L'S,ci/j iifo- n.fijruro. failii 
011.»'' ■ha.pc, an i.Jlajje ttatue, o. 
pirturi',ii vision &ipcctre an o': 
j.iC-./ni^bt,» view a 1'kcnew, o 
rep-cse;ii..t ; ;m,asho»-,orapp.'ar 
since.acolor, rpretc , iee,.i:i escam 
ple as,ieii:ni.-it t au imt.ince ttu 
quality, r nsiliirc ofatliiiie;,.! ao- 
orkiniiill kiiuls uf apice, > dru^, 
corn, ■)' fruit, anyaort of meat, . 
piece of inmiey.a j*nrincnt, .wap 
parel. a contruvcriy «r tlisputi . 
Ispfiifi.-t, nifi* pa-ticiilariy. 
ipecificus, u, um. adj spccifie. 


•pcctativm a,u 

S-iccWcr 6r',s., 
Imiioldcr, a u- 
iitilK^ _ 

pfooUlv. t 
Speetio, o iis _, 

Spectii,lre.a l. 

Speetar.ari.,». t 
Spector.arii m. 
Spcctrum,i n. . 







ment, a covcr. iSphsraTis, e. adj. spherical. 
ita looking-glas> SphxricuK, a um. aaj spherical 

Sphxristeriuni,i.n.a place to phv. 

at ball, a tcnms-court, a bowhiiL 

green. (sphcrc. 

Spharroides, is. adj. round like ;■ 

Sphxroniachia,*/. 1. a playing a 

bouls, tennis, « rball. 
Sphxrula,ac/.l.a httle globeaba 
Sphinx.gis,&. gos. / o. a sphinx, . 
bcast hkc an ape,a Theban ha^ 
Sphragis, idis. /. 3. fine ruddle 
Spica,x/ earof com,a clo\i 
of garlic.a sign. Spica mutila, ai. 
car of corn withoutihebeard,Jtt» 
Spica Cilissa, tlie suflron fiowcr, 
Ov.Spica Ccltica» a moss callct: 
woivcs-claw.Spika nardi,lavcnd- 
der-spike, spiktnard. Jun. 
Spicaturi,a, uin. pt. eared ascorn. 
spiked, pointcd, madc sharp- 
Spiceus,a,um. adj of ears ot com 
Spicilcr,u,um udj bearing ears t.i 
Spicilegium, i. n 2. agleaningot 
corn, a collcction from the bcsi 
SpiciJegus,i m 2 a gleaner. 
Spico,iire a shoot out as a ear 
of corn to spike, rpoint the cnd 
Spiciilator, oris. m.'6. anarchcr 
Spicido, arc. a. 1 to sharpen the 

Spiciilum a dart, a javclin, a 

halbcrd.a shaft,an arrow,a head, 

point, or barb, a sting,a spadc in 

iin, to sconi, to|sdicum,i.n.2 an car of corn(card» 

: f»lighlcd(slight Spicus, i m. 2 an ear of corn. 

Spina, x/.l.a thorn, a prickle, a 

sting, a pin, the quill of a porcu 

pine,the finof a fish,&c.the chint 

orbackbone,a subtility,a difficult 

point Spina sacra,the rump, Iritl. 

Spinacea x/. 1. spinage. (bone 

Spinalis,e adj spinal, oi the back- 

Spinea,x/.l.a kind ©f Yin*,srroae 


htower clcar 
'■ 3. adiscovcr} 
m. adj. spccula- 
, conU-mplativc 
3 a beholdcr,an 
a scout, a ccnti- 


3. an ouserver 
t tn.4 b> watch. 
jm. pt, about to 
i, or consider 
xumining, lin- 

j behold,to vieu 
>y,to consider,to 
*eai chi to cxam 
ook, or waitfor. 
looking-g], a 
' 7i aden,a ca\c. 
i den, a retrcat 
Uat may be hop 
pt. to be hoped 
ing for. expect- 
s hoped (mg 
. hoped for, cx- 
pt. to be dcspis 
despihing. (cd 

pretum. a. 6 to 

ope to hope tor, 
xpect,to rejoice 
be hoped for. 
xpectation, joy 
. adj. baked in a 

'. agangrcne. 
pherc, srglobc 

8piB?tum,i. n. 2. a thorny brake. 

Spineus,a,um adj. thorny, bushy. 

Spinlfcr,a,um.aJ/.bearing thoms, 

Spimger,a.uni o/(/\ideni (prickly. 

- : pindsus,a,um.a<j)'. ior, comp. issY- 

mus, tup. full of thorns, thorny, 

prickl) ,crabbed»difticUlt*>bscure 

Spinther,eris,n3.a buckle,abrace* 

.^pinula,»./ 1 a little thorn (let* 

Spinus,i.m.2 a black-tliom,a sloe- 
trce, a buUace-tree, a snag-tree. 

Spidnia, x.f. 1. a kind of vme. 

Splra,2c/.l.a spire, a circle,s fbld, 
9 coil, a wreatli, a band, a curl, a 
knur, a cracknel, a chapile, the 
square part of a pillar. (living. 

Spirabilis, e. aaj- to bc breathed, 

Spiraculum i.n o.& breatbing-hole 

spirxus, a, um. aa^". pliable. 

Spiramcn, inis. n J a breathing* 
hole, a vent 

Spiramciitum,i.n.2 avent,apore 9 
aninterval. Spiramenta animac, 
the lungs, T/ry. 

Splrans,tis />/.breathing,or casting 
out breath.panting, blowing, sa« 
vouring, smelling. living, 

Spiritalis,^. breathing, hrely. 

Spintualis. e. adj. spiritual. 

SpnitualHcr, adv spiritually. 

Spmtus,us m.4.8pirit,the soul,the 
mind,lifc,breath,a brcathing, aip 
wi nd,avapour,orsteam,:: aavour 9 or 
smell astench, a sound, or noise> 
ambition, courage, haughtinesa, 
dignity, state, a man, a person. 

Spiro,arc.a.l to breathe, toblow, 
to oelch out,to exhale,orsteam,to 
savour,to smell, to live,to aspire 
to,or after, to aim at, to aeek for. 
spirare queitem, to be aaleep, 
Prop. Spirant cinnama surdum, 
have lost their imell, Per*. 

Spirula,x/.l the baae of a piHar. 

Spissamentum,i.n.9.a thickening, 

Spisfan»>Us.^i.tJu€ktnjng(a bung 

Spiigitio, 6uU /. 3. a thictcBiug. 
Spiuatus, a, um pt. thickcned. 

8 pi *U,adv iu»,co mp tlii C fcl y .close 

fy, alowly, whh much ado. 
SpUseaceniitU pt growing thicfc 
api!»esco,ccre.i> grow thick 
SpUaigTfuiiia,j,iiin otf/.slow-paceii 
SpUsiias.atis/.L thickneBS.dosc 

Splmludo, Inis. / 3. tliicknesB. 

SpUto, fire. act. 1. to thickm, i 

■Irepgtheii, to close. 
Bpiuur, Sri. p. to hc thickened. 
Spiuus, i, um u<(f. ior, c mp. uu. . 

mus, ■np.tliick, grosi,he»vy ,firm, 
hard, solid, clauiniy, crbwded? 
alo», long, ttdiuiis, toilsomc. 
Spitlianui x.f 1 a span 
8pithlnntuB,n,uir. tulj.ot aspan. 
SpUu.enis.m.j the spleen.ormilt. 
Spiendeiis, tis. f i. 4/ otf;. entior, 
ctimp. thining, glittering, bright 
famous.renow ned illiislriousftci 
Sp Ic II deo.S re, J i li n. tosf l i n e.toglit- 
Spleudesco,cere.ine.3 to begin tc 
shine, to sbine, todisplaj itseif 
Splcndlde, (ufo. ius. comfr. issiniv, 
»ii^.»plendidly gvily, tumptuoi^s- 
i y , i 1 1 u 1 t n 1 1 1 1 si v . gracefully . 
Splcndido, are- tt. 1- to brighten 
Splendldus a,um <irf_r'.ior, c mp. a- 
■Imui,tup splcndid, bright, sliiu. 
ing.gutte ring, cl i* »r,gny,fi n e,gor- 
grouii, aumptuons, magnificent 
noblc,f amous, ne al, ge nt er 1, u ravc 
3|ilendor, oris- m. .'. epleinl'!". 
briglitncts, a ahining, a g ■■s 
aumptuousneu, m»gnihccnce n 
nown, honotir, gloi-;, gtntility- 
SplonetlcuB.a. um. adj. splcnetit 
Spleniitus, a, um. adj. patched 
plaatered, covered with * px ' 
Spl£nicus,a,um.adf.of thc splt 
8 jilt n i u m , i . n . 2 jp le e n wort,apatcb 
Sp;t(idsu»,a,um.fl4i.fuU of ipbttl 

, i. n. X. cinden, toot. 

Spolinndu»,a, toberobbed, 
SpSli»ns,tis- ft. spoiling jrobbmg. 
3phli&rinm, i. n. apkce nearthe 
tage.for w o und e d . ork i M ed gladi- 
itors.Cbing ■ pilUging^pluniicr, 
!>poliStio,Onii/3 » spoiling,» rub m.3 a spoiler.a rob- 

Spfllutriji ic.s/.o. ahe that rob- 
Spoliiitua,a,imi.^(.ior. c mp spuil- 

ed.rubbed, plundcred, stript be- 

wager «t kw, ■ eott 
8ponaor,6rU «Jjmuil 
nuui bc who in hw bin 
self to ■und trial, ■ be 

•poifflum, L ■- 2. ■ prn 

iponaus t betr 

S p onsui,i jl 2 ■ hridegr 

rob- S ponsu»,u». 1H--4 jbonii 

ion tineoiui »,uin.floy 

consisting Spumans. 

Sphlior.Bri^tus. bc stripped. 

6 pc-lito, arc.ii 1. to waate, 
ipbliuiii.i n-2.iipoil,a booty.iprey, 
(ji-pilkig-e, tlic skiu of a beatt, thc 
slungh oi'a anake. 

Spondu xf 1 a bcd,orcouch,ahed. 
steiid.flrciuiaim Bponda,» bier to 
cam- thc dettd oii, J/nr/. 
iponilzus pes, a foot oftwolong 
sj Ihdilei. (of spondr — 

SpoEidilium.i n.aliyinn consi:' 

Spondeiui, tis. pt promising. 

ijpondoo ire*])03pondiw/sp6pon- 
di^poiisuma S.tti promUefrcelj 
to engnge, to oaaure, to betroth. 

fpondyUs. is./ 3. aserpcnt. 

Spundjlus, i n 2. » joillt of th< 
bnckbonc any snisllboneofhcui 
ninl, ovfisli, tjie licad of an arti 
choke-thistle.a whirl of ■ spintlli 
tlie luril white in an oyatcr^br^sb 
counter used in giving rotui «i 
Alhens. (rag-us-nioi. 

Upongia,x/l. a apongc, an atpa- 

Spongiolu, z / 1. a spongy bail. 

i<pongi6»us,»,um au>'.spungy, put- 

SponBa,z/la bride.t spousc (fj 

Sponsllia.orumjif.Ti 2. espousals,! 
marriage gift, or pledge of love. 

Sponsi0fdiue./^«,a wager 

Spoute.uA/Ji »ponti«,if 

Bc!f,orof hi» own btt 

Sporta,*./ l.abaaket/ 
Sportella */ 1 dim J, El 
Sportnla, M /. 1 ■ little 

pa n nier,a suisil suppei 

gratuityin monej. ifai 

aellort fee. 
Spnitio, 6nis/3. eontt 
sp. etor, 5ria m. 3. ■ dc 
Spre(us,Cui m. 4. adeap 
Hprctus,a,um pt detpite 
Spiima, x f. \., fn 
SpQmibundua a,um adj. foaming 
Spumltonum. i. a, % ■ 
Spumatus,a um.M-otr 

toam, or ftuth 
S puraat us,(is.ib 4-a foalli 
Splimesco, ere, inc 3 tl 

foam. (foaming,like,i 
s,um ailj faut 

Spttiiilfer.atUisuuji. b. 

Spumiger, a, um adj fi 
dpOmo.ire n 1. U flW 
SpumoBua, », um. adj.i 
fbaniy , frothy, foajaunr 
!puo,ucre,ui,utuij» -»■ * 
spit upon. to apawl, W 
Spurcatu », a, nm. pt. or 
Spurce,arfc.iua, cw t ■ 
filthily, ruuKily, dirtut, 
Spurcidtci rartn», bat 





ft,um. adj. pollutinjr.Squatus, i. m. 2. a skatc. 

r .l &. Spurcities, ei./* 
s, nastiness slovcnli- 
*oss,baseneKs,villany . 
.l.todeftle to pollute 
n adj. ior, com/>. issi 
hy,nasty. dirty» ribal 
y,rascally, base, cru 
:lishoncst vilo 
m aaj. spurioAS. 
nis n. 3, spittle. 
,a,um. adj. deaerving 
t. (ler 

j m.3.aspitter,a spaw 
is. n* 3. spittlc. 
l.tospit often,tospi(t- 
p. to be spit out.(ter. 
. 2. spittle, paint 
n. 4 a spitting. 


pt daubed, covcred 

lui. n to be filthy,or 

i mouraing,to be full 

iv. filthily, dirtily. 
atis /. V. filthiness. 
. ,um. ai^j. ior, comp. 
/. dirty,slovenly, foul, 
ancultivated, unplea- 

. m 3. filthiness, nasti- 
2.a skatc, rray [ness 
'. 1. the scate of a fish, 
ils in a coat of mail. 
atlv like scales. 
mim pt. scaled. scaly. 
,uiiih^ scaly. (scales 1. a squill, a lobster, a 

prawn, or shriinp. 

be uuiot, out! (bc scttlcd 

Stabiliendus, a,um./>/. to settlc, -n 
Stabilimen,inis.u. 3 a settlement.n 

stay, <r support, an assurancc. 
Stabilimentum, i n 2. idem. 
Stabtiio,Tre ivi>itum.a. 4. to estu- 

blish,to settle,to fist to fasten, to 

steady, to secure. to repair. 
Stahtlis.e a<//> ior, c mp. issnnus, 

•w/j.stable, firm. durablc, lasting". 

cons'ant,sire,nxed, deteruiined 
Stabihtas, atis./". 3. stability, finn- 

ness, steadiness, conslancy 
Stibilitus, a, um. pt. established, 
Snbililer, adv. firmly. (fast, fim». 
Stabilitor,oris m.3. an e^blisher 
«Jtnbiilans, tis./rt. abiding; restin^ 
Stabularius.i hostltr,agrooii 
Stdbulatio, dnis./ a housing oi 


Stabiilo, arc. n liouse beasts. 
Stabulor.iiri p to st:md,orbe set up 

in a st.iile, to bc pul Lo roost 
Stahiiluin, i.n 2 u stablc. a stall, u 

sheepfold, a roost, a beehivc, n 

den,a ref.i,re,shcltcr,or retrcat, & 

stew, a stutuling. 
Stachys, yos /. wild sa;re. 
Stacte.cs"/3.&. Stacfci,* •/. 1. the 

oil of cinna .»on, o»* nivrrh. 
Stadi:'itus,a, um.a'//* for excrcises 
StididrA&nus i m. 2. a course 
Stadium, i« /i 2 a furlon^, a plot oi 

a, u;n. ailj. bcaring ground for cha*npions aconn> 
i,um.« //.havinirscales a r<ice. (standin£ still, stagnuut 
?. a. 1. to scale. Stagnans, tis. ///. <J adj. ior, com!> 

a,uin u<//.fullofscalcs,.^ta(riiaiilts, e. tufy. ofa lake. 

Sta}rnfitUM v a,-in^/M.stA{rnateil,over- 
f.\ scurfinciis, ascar. flown- S:ajrn:it.i tcrra, amorass., oarse Stajriio.arc.n. l.tost.ajrnatc,to.itan<i 


StagnGsus, a, um. aqj. stafrnatin^. 

^tagnum,i.n.2.a standing water, a 
pool, a lake, the sea. 

Stajrbiiias,.c. m l.a frankincense. 

Stnlajrinias, ac. m 1. ahoemaker's 

stilag-mium/i. n. 2 a {rem 9 adrop. 

Sr.amcii,inis.n. ;.hemp,rlax,&c set 
on a distaffto spin»thread,yarn^i 
warp in the looro cloth, silk, a 
string- of a musical instrument, a 
chivc, a veui, or grain of wood. 
Stamen v*tz, /the thread of life. 

^lamii^rius^ntum.AJ;. of threads. 

•f\mlncus a,um tuij full of thrcads 

<Unnarius, a, um adj. of tin. 

<tta:incus,a,um.u<{/ of tin, or pcw- 

" annum, i. n °. »in, pewtcr. 
l:tns, tis pt. s aiding, calm. 

Stapiiis, iflis./. 3. a wild.vine. 

<itaph\iinus,i.m. a parsnip, a car- 

.'•tat,im/>. it is resolved upon (rot 

^titarius,a, um. adj. standing 1 , fix- 
cd, stablc, quict Statarii milites, 
jrarrison soldiers, Iav Stataria 
ui^na, a p.tchcdbatt e. 

Stitcr.ers.m 3 a coin worth two 
shillings and four pence. Stater 
aurcus,a piece of coin ofsixteen 
siiillings and fo:ir pence, Jitn. 

Siatcra, x.fem. 1 a balance, troy- 
wcij^ht a silver plattcr, or vessel. 
'tatiro,cs/ i.the art of balancinjr, 
ov wcig*!iinjr in scales, seatliin»t. 

St.atlcnluiiifi. n. 2 a little cart, ov 
churiot a horseliUcr. 

statlculus. i. m. 2. a figiirc-dance. 
Oare slaticulos, to dancc, Plaut, 

Staiim, adv. still. (with, statedly. 

St.itiin. adv. itnmediatcly, fofth- 

Statio, onis./ 3 a station, a post, 

guard. duration, continuancc, a 

bay,crcekorroad,a harbour,* stjt* 

. /. 1. a skate, a sole.j still,to oyerfiow,to drench,to for- blc, a ptint icv.t^v^MsK^ 

B"amamis, i, m. 2 a siatuary. • itnnj;. oveniiiu.cre.ui, 

Blatuendus.a, um fit. to be deter-Stellifer, a, um. atff starry. to crackle. 

mined.{prop,a lioUom,sflo-ring-Slellrger, », um. adj. starry. SternOtamentu 

Stalumen, tnis. n. X a butLn-as, aSu.llio, an cf), a newt, a snuff. 
Statftmtnatio, onis / 3. a paying. liiard, a knave, » rascsl, a wag. Stemiitatio. 5n 
Statatnino.arc.a 1. to prapup. loStello.are.u. 1. to shine like atars. Sternutatorius, 
■itpport, to pavc, ti> floor. (up. Stellor, ari. p- to be marked witli Steriiiito, n, 
Statiinnnor, un p to lie propped BtaTs. Sterquiltn 

8tatunculutn.i.n.2. a smtjl statue. btcmma,atis ii.j.apedij,Tee,a line- laystall.a 
Btatuo,uere.ui,utum oX to aet,er! age, a garland, an achievemeiit. Stertens, tiB. p\ 
place,to set erect, Stephimlus t,ura. aifj. tied up in Sterto,tere,tui, 
ttS »ppoint,to rean]ve,to; tlie forni of a garlind. Stibadium,i h thlnk.lo passjudg-.StCphan6pdlia,is /3.a woman tfurt St:Tbium,i n.2i 


fitltur, imp. it is stooii. 

8tat0ra,z/: 1. Btatiirc, si«, pitch. 

Staturus,», um pi. aboitt to Kand. 

St4tus,a,um.pi.«urf) »ct, appoint. Stercbreus, 

ed, settled, fiied, well-proporti- Stercftro, Bre. 

oned, regular, certain. .-..._-..._.. ._: 

Status,na.m. 4 a sute,coiidition,i 
■ «itustion,» itanding, a posture, 


principal point, tr issue, order, 

coinmand, rule, govcmment In 

atatu esac, to bc upon hji gu»rd, 

elleth g 

maketh and selleth garlandi 

Stercfirarim, a, um. aifj. of dung. 
Stercoralio, Onia./ 3. a dunging. 
Stercoratus,», um. pl. U aiff. 111 ' 
mua,<Ti/i duhged mucked, nast 
~" aifj. of dunjj. 

Sterc5ror, ftri- p. to be dunged. 

Stercorofius, a, um. adj. issfmus, 
.pfull «i,orfilthy ».'ithdung [fikh 
ercns.oris. n. 3. dung.corop ' 
Stereobites, K, m. the patten 
9tergethroD,i . n . 2 .san gree u(pi 
" -""lesc","ere n j.togrow barren 

Bticte, es. f 3 

Stigma.atis ji.3 
reproach, disj 
StigmOsus, », < 
.t ijrmatized. n 
Stilbon unlis-i» 
Btiu*,*/ 1.» 

of - Stil)firium,i.n.3 
l Stillltitiu-AHI 





t, tis. pt. excitingr. |StTnftla,xY.l.straw,stubb!e,a pipe 

:>,6nis./ exc»tcmon*, e . aiti ofstubble 
ir.oris.m a pncker, an .Stvrd ■itici 1 *nis./3.:i stipulation, a 
i promoter. 
ix. icis / ». an inciter. 

mu9,*'</>foolish,simplc,dull, hea- 

vy. . (fooL 

Stolo, onis. m 3 a shooi, sucker, 

Stooncace, es./ 3 thescuvy. 

c-neivmt, an agroement, a pn> 

insc. gain.Stomachabundus, a,um.a<{/.angry, 

is, a, um. pt. e*citc.l. St«'p'?ntiunciila, x./ a small bar^ frettin^, surly, sullen. (ting. 
is us. m. 4. a stirrinjr itp.jsti.p iHtor^ris.m .». acovenantcr ,St6:nachans, tis. pt. fuming, fret- 
"», a, um ali. siii^inir stipMlatu, mnnopt, m. 4 by covc-|Stftmachicum,i. n. 2 a stomachic. 
re a. 1. to prick to t >r. n;inl(l.ited,bar:r*ined, /)r.ifrrecd.|St6uiaciucus,a,um. adj sick in, #i»' 
i vcx to provokc, to •5l:rStipiil'it"s,:i,uni pt. havinjr stipu- havimr lost his stomach. 
eitc-jrcxcitL*, to pushun. Stipidor ari r/ stipulate. to a-StomacSor/iri.i/ be angry, #p 
uri p. to bc privked. gree; U to be required, «r askcd displcascd, to fume, to fret. 

StomiichosC*,//.*/?' ius, c mp. aagri* 
ly, peevishly, in a fivt. 

ui. n. 2. .«/ t/u. Stimulus. by .inothcr, to make a barprain 
i m 2. a prick, a goad, a^tiria/e/.l an iciclc, snivel, snot. 

our «r whip,:i, a, um adj. rootcd. jStomarhdsus,a,um adj. tor, comp. 
U.incit^mcntorinrcntivc ^tirpcs ■■•o,cJre.i«ri»/>.o.tospr'.ngupj anjrry, pccvish, frctful. 
'S?inguo,crc a 3 to putStirpis, is. /. 3- pro Stirps, Serp. jStotnv;hu.s,chi. m 2. thc stomach, 
xtinguish, to rjuench. ,Stirpit;is,</</7> by the roots utterlv thc jrulict, angvr,indignation,lik- 
ri p. to be cxtinjr lished. Stirps,is.(/ ? 3the roo*,<item,stock' ing,humoiir Slomacho laborare, 
f. 1. tow, oak-im. | ofstdkofa tivo,orpiant a bottoui, to have a paiu at thc stomach, 

s/>f.guardin«r(rounding j orfoundation,a grwuid/in oriirin- 1 (W*.stom:iclu> suo vivere,to livc 
>nis/ >.acrowding asur-; al, kindtvd, linea,re, race, is*uc. aftcr h'.s own humoiir. Plin. 
iris m. 3. an attcndant, aSt!va,x/l.a plouirh tail,orhandlcSton»iticus, a, um adj. having a 
i stower of goni- (ded Stlata, x. f 1 a ship, «•• lj»*it ' sore, orswclled mouth. 
i,um./>/. crowded atten-Stlatarius, a/j. ofaship, orS;-::ij'» , MP., atis/i 3. br.iss powder. 
iriumd.n.2. tribute atax. boat. (hlowuiir up thc checks. S;or:ix ac'n.»i. 3 a {••uin so calied. 
iriusji,um.a^// tributan*, Stl6pus,i.m 2 the sound made by Stoico, arc. a 1 to make mats. 
,mcrccnary. Sto,stas,steti,stitum.;i.l. to stand,Storca. x f 1. a mat, acarpet. 

),are.a l.totake intopay to stand still, uprifrht, on cnd/mStnl^a.xy 1. a sqwiutinfr. woman. 
isus, atlj taking 1 pay continuc,reiiiain,Str;i!)0, onis. m. 2. a g^og^lceyvd 
im,i. »■ ^. * stipend,pay. orcndure,to bc fixcd,dctermiiied man. 
ribute, asubsidy,a penal- placciI,atten<Ied.orcovercd«toac-.Straircs is./ 3. a slauirhtcr, a car. 

iiaj^v, ha\oc, a defeat, an over- 
throw,a irreat ruin andiall,a cut- 

ting 1 down- 

,service,a campaifrn. Sti-| quicse-to cease, to side, v takc 
nereri,tobe asoklier,C;c part with, to cost, to plead. 
icdibus, to be a foot-sol Stoa, x f 1. a porch, uv portico. 
serve on foot, Liv. Stacchas,adis/2 Frcnch lavcndcr 

s.m. J. a stake, a club, aStorce. artv. likc a stoic. 
inkof a trcea firebrand, Stoicus, a um. adj stoical, of thc 

lead, a dunce . a dolt* Stoicns, i. m. 2. a stoic •(stoics.Stra^uluni,i. n 2 an v covering, a 
i.a lto crowd,to stutT, or Stola,x/l.a stole longrobe,gown, blanket. a housing for a horse. 
fill.orlay up,to surround, Stolatusa,um at\j- wearing a longStnimeiijYnis. n.3 straw,litter,abcd 
d, to guard. | robe with a train.StoIatamulier^Slramcntarius, a, um adi. ofcorn. 

Mrajrulajar/l.a carpet, hangings. 
a counterpane?aco> ;rlid,a horsc 
cloti», any outer jrarment. 

ri. p to bc crowded. | a la/lv of quality, Yitv. 
\f J.a piecc of money giv- Stoltde, adv. foolishly, simply 
?ggars, &c wagcs, profit, StblTditas, atis/ >. folly, dulness. 

< St5Hdu^a ) um. adj. ior, comp. iwi- 
•39 • 

Straincntitius,a, um. adj. made of 
Strammeus, a, um. at\j. ot, w 
thatchc^ with straw- 

SttungoUns, tii. pt- choking. »ti- g«»t wittt writlied homs. 
■tttOfuttthsoni»./ 3.» strang]ing|%tri», «./ 1. . cronve, r rabbe 

» « kill. to 
de»troy, to itop. to pinch. 
.fltnuigfilor.lri p to be itrun gled 
Stranguri», *■ /. 1. ■ «tnmjriwry 
StrtWig* 1 "' ^StrategEm», ati» 
n 3. » ttr»t»)reni, polioy in wu 
■ Btrittegi». *./. 1. ■ lieutenancy. 

to -itrYbIigo,Inii f.3 ssolec;»m(lo| 
Strfblit», sj./ 1 , tart, a cake. 
. 4tri«ti,<wh-.iiX c mp issime, .«/. 
■trictly, rigidlv, closrh-, (i^tilli 
hriefly »hon .. (W, bv-tliv-U, 
Strictivus, a, um litlj. pithcred. 

Btrttcgii»,i m 3. » captain-genera] 9trictoT,6ris m i i i;-:,tli 

nf »n trmy^the master oi» feaat ■"--'-■- 
BtrttJStei K. m, 1. milfoil. 
Btrtltiotictis.a, um nify. of soldiers. 
Strttor, 6ris. m 3- » groom. 
Btrltum i.n. *•» couch. i-bcd. 

cring, » corr rlid. a. Colinterpttne. 

bedclothes u. horseloth, lir "' - 

h»rne»Bi'T si'Mk',1 paved 
. Viarum strat». causeways, Virg . 
. StrMflr», ■./. 1- apaving. 
Stritus,a,um. !•< spread, strewcd, 

ae»ttcrrd,UiifI ovcrthrow.cslmed 

■moothed. paved. prostrste.*. i". 4-« strcwing, » l»y- 

ing, « fbotcloth. ■ covering. 
Strena, * / 1 a new year'» gift 
Strfnue a-ic.issTnie.jti/J.strenoiisly 

eame stly .boldly .ni mbly.qu ickly . 
Stre n uitas,atis./stoi it ness,a cti vity 

rous,«up.strenuous,earne»t, vijjo. 

pous,reso1i!te,boM, brave, coi 

geous, briik, ninible, octive. 
BtriSpen», tii. pt. making a no adj. noisy.jarring. 
Btr*pltan»,tis pt. ckttering, clash- 

ing. (uoiae- 

Btreptto.lre. n. to make ■ grcat ** nnise, a creak 

8trHpo,pSre pui.pttr " - 

strictfira js/1... 
■ »park. •r-flske, rrorj o 
StricturuM,um pi. about 
Strictu».» ui» pt & aili. ii 
iasfinu», mp. jjnlhered, c 
der.drawn, nafccil, tied, bound. 

Striden», tis i,t mskinga noisc. 
creaking, rosrinsr, dapping. 

Strideo Sre fc stndo.clerc nrni.u 
make * noisc.lo crcak, to crack, 
towhii! to t to buzz, to roar, 

Stridor.ori* m.3 a noise a creak. 
ing, a screakinj; a crackiiHT u 
whizzing,» hissing.a wliiatliiig, a 
grunting, a rosrine;, a i^nasliiriK 

Stridiilus, a. um. ailj. crcaking. 
cracking. noisy. 
i- ^trlga, *./. I. i f.ifrow. ate»m. 

"itrtgil.ierf M/n'it ■itngtliH.ib./: j 

slow.stender.barrcn. emptyfnj 
ttriiigcndus,a,'!m.pi. lo be hgml bindiiipup. i 
itrin(ro,^8rc,inii,ictUTEi*.3 !»!«■ 
fast to tie cloie, tn bind,to prsj touch lightlyorbriefljj 
hrush, i^r«jeupon,IorrlatrC«i 
cisely to Idu waste, lo gatMl 
Strin^or, gi pan to be bmiral 
iri>. n. .1 a c niipilaj 
i 1. to cbattutl, to ■•■ 
paiB. to be flultd j 
r 3 a screeeho*I,i»«V 

Strio arc a 

Ki.lilio.a harr.j chinnel.n^ 
Strobilus i.m «n «rtkhote, ii 
p i n e-trcc<ipi neapple.awtiW» 
tmpha, K.f I .subtiliiv. * 
irn[.hi."irius,i.nj.2.t m»ker, 
lcrs of garland», o peiilir. 
Strfiphiolum.i n 2.a little p 
Htr6phium,in.2, «garlani» ("* 
Strophos, i ut. 2. the b*ilT»o»v 
Strophosas^,umoDj ofuim 
Strv.phus,i.iB.3 astrapoflof" 
Stroppus,!. m.2 a niitrc. i « 
Strcipus,i j».2.» sli(^il ci 

boiii ; 

., . array.riisposei 

ri'comb,a Hcrapcr.n flpilibrnsli prcpared taid. ciintrirnl-!' 
aninsmiment rtloth to ruh fihli StrueivLijs,i.inn-p( toMiU.' 
■nd sweat frorn iiic Hnilv.a siriill ■'trucns.ti*. pi !>uililinc, fni« 
syringe,» sm^ill vesscl, a piece of Stities,is f. l^ hc»p,»iTji' f » ' 
rine gold fouud in rnincs,» crease Struii,Ici«/^ » htap, r?>H> 

3trigmentum,i.n2.lecs.ordre)rs of» wenASCropl"^cra|jiiij ! r;s iiumour.the king's e»il a* 1 

Strigo.are n 1 to breathe, tr rest. on the baek.StrumativitiU 
in work, to »top, or stand still. | pcst of the state, QV. 

3tfigosu»,a,um.(ji//. ior e ■«'. iisi. Strilmea herb«.pil(>rort.[ir< 






io,iiSre,axi,iictum.a.3. to pilc, 
heap up, to build, r make, to 
• pare, to set in array, to order. 
f>lacc,to contrive,devise,or de- 
n« to excite, to prociire. Stru- 
- comam, Petron aedificare ca 
t Juv. to dress it high. 
or, ui pas$ to be built. 

f>ua,i- m 2.a garland a wreath, Stupefio, [stupco, fio],fi£ri, factus 

^fapt a thong, a stirrup 
tTtocSmelus, i. m. 2jm ostrich. 
thium, i. n 2. fullert herb. 
lens,tis/>/. studying, studious. 
loo.ere,dui n. 2-to study, to be 
•^identjto labour.or endeavour, 
fc-Tect,to desirc, rbe dcsirous, 
'«Vend.totake carc of, to pro- 
•«£ fbr, to favour. 
MEtur, impera. thcy study. 
"afl-^jOrfu ius,cow//. issTm~, *vp. 
diously, <ii)igently, carcfully, 
pestly, aflTectioiiatcly, fondly. 
U4ns,a,um adj. ior. comp. issi- 

Stflpa,w/.Stuppa,TWStypa,3e/ 1. 
the coarse part of flax, tow, oak- 
im to calk snips with (dress tow 

"ttiiparius, a, um adj. serving to 

Srtip£f&cio,[9tupeo,facio]cSre, fe 
ci,factum.a stupify,to aston 
ish, ©r surprise, to amaze. 

Stupefactus, a. astonished. 

neut. pass. 3. to bc astonished. 
Stiipcns.tis. pt. astonished Vinum 

Stupens, palled wine, Plin 
Stiipeo,e*re,pui n.2 to be stupifled, 

amazed, astonishcd, charmed, or 

dazzled, to faulter. 

speech. (or bepersuaded,to advise 
Suadendus,a, topersuade, ns,tis p*.persuading,invitmg 
Su_.deo.£ri, asi, asum. a 2. to per- 
suade,to advise,to recommend to 
Su_d£tur,j*m/>.it is advised.(suade. 
Suadus, a,um.a<// tending to per- 
SualtemYcum.i.n 2 ayellowamber 
Suamet,a6/ by its own.(or motion. 
Suaptesponte,a£/of his ownaccord 
Suarius, i fft. 2.a swinehcrd [vice. 
Suasio,5nis/ 3.a counsclling, ad- 
Suasor,5ris.m a counsellor, an ad* 
S uasoria,x /. 1 . a pcrsu asi ve . ( viscr- 
SuasSrius, a, um. adj exhortative. 

Stdpidttas, atis /. 3- stupidity. 
diill,amazed,dismayed, immersed 
Stitpor,5ris m :3.amazemcnt.aston 
ishment,sttipidity.dulness hcavi 
ncss dimness, a stupid fellow. 
*up studiotis. diligcm% care-Stiipratio, 5nis./. 3. a deflouring 1 . 
«•arnest,desirous.afTectionate, Stuprator, Oris. m 3. a ravisher 
^L(cdman,a lover,an adinirer. Stupratus, a, um. pt. ravishcd, 
[itous.i. m.2-a student,a lcarn- buggered. 

Stupro, are a 1. to deflour. to ra- 
vish, to commit adultcry with. 

l*um,i. n. 2. study,appIication, 
:nce,care, concern, earnest- 

«*desire,excrcisc,cmployment Stupror,ari./> tobe defloured(lewd 

"•irsuit, an art, a science. pur- 
^ design,tempcr.humour fkn- 
K reipect, regard. opinion 
Ue adv. ius, c mp issfme, sup. 
Ushly, unadviscdly. 
tctco, cfcre. n. 3. to bc foolish. 
ti1oquentia,3c /*1 a babbling 
tjlrtquium,i n.2. babbling[ish?y 

Stuprosus, a, um. adj. dcbauchcd, 

Stuprum,i. n 2. ravishment,a rape, 


nesty, reproach, shamc disgrace. 

Sturnus i m. 2 a starling, or stare 

Stygius.a umadj of Styx, 

fernal, poisonous,deadl> (trough. 


Stilpeus,tr/Stupyeus,a, um.adj. of Suasurus, a, um. p:. about to per- 
^.w »„. ._._ /. » __.__..■•___ Su5sus,U8 m Suasio.[suade. 

Su£.ve6lens,tis adj. sweet-smclling 
Suaviandus, a, um pt. to kiss. 
Suaviatio, 5nis / 3. a kissing. 
Suaviator, 5ris m. 3. a kisser. 
Suaviatus, a, um pt kissing. 
Stiavidlcus a um.adj. pretty. mer- 
Suavillum, i n 2 a swect cake.frv. 

0..X...1X *:-. _ j. __i __ _: 

Suavil6qucns. tis- adj. nleasant in 
spcech, agreeablc, courteous. 


Suavildqutis, adj courteous, 

swect,pleasant,agrccable. [heart. 

Suavio, dnis. m a kisscr, a sweet- 

Suavi61tim,i.n.2 a little kiss, a lov- 

Suuvior, ari. dep 2. to kiss. (er. 

Suavis, e adj. ior comp issimus, 

sup. sweet, pleasant, agrceible, 

courteous. (sure. 

Suavitas,atis./ 3. swcetness.plea- 

'StiavYter, adv. ius, comp. sweetly, 

Styl6bata, *. m 1 a pedestai. a 
^^ St_flus,i.m 2 a style,a pen, a p : n, a| plcasantly dclightfully. (light. 
t s1ftqtius,a, peg,a pillar,a manner of writing |SuavTtOdo, Tnis. /. sweetness, de- 
tltij^ ae / 1 folly, simplicity. [stymma^atis n 3thickmattcMrcgsSuavium,i.n 2.a kiss alip,a sweet- 
ttilus a, um. atfj. silly. Styptlciis.a,um. a*V- styptic.(gum ! heart, a dcar, a darling. 

Uu a-um.aJ/ ior, c m/>.issTmus,'Styrax,adis.c ^. 3. storajc, a swceiSub,pr_r£ under,about,nes_lo next 
• foolish, simple, unadvised. I after, a littlc before, at the point 

tus, i. m.2 a fool.a simpleton,a| 9U# of, in,umlcr the power of, before 

r fcliow. a oozcojnbt \Suadela, *./ 1. persuasion, fairl Sub condiUone^n^vi^^t^ftiSM»- 







flaccesaus,{_*.is. 4. tuccess; retire-| beur upon the shra]ders,orb*ck.SQdfttOrium, L w. ft. ad 
jnent. Sifccdsiias, utis./. <, juiciue». | houae. a b«t b*th. 

Succida, *•/. 1. new.shora wool. Sucrdsus,.a,um.a<// ior, c«inft. fuU£(klfttflrma,a,um.fl<fr. tl 

_7^T_«. *• -i _ _-:-_t. __•_.__«.-, « ^r :..:«,-. .-...:-*. :.«.:. _._.__ «___. __L____ 

8uccldis»x./ l.a flitch of bacon, a 
CQllop, a dainty adesert. 

«. 3. to cut down, to mow,to fell 

Juccldor di. p. to be cut down.,[tub,cado],uvre,di,casum 

ȣ. to fall down, to'&il,to totter- 
8usc.dus, a, um. <wtf. moist, juicy 

Mulier succida, a pluinp girl» 

Plaut. Lana succida,grcasy wool. 
3uccTduus^L,um <z<#.smking.beiid- 

ing, tottering. fattering. 
Succincte, adv. briefly. 
Succinctim, adv. compendiously. 
8uccinctus a, um. pt. & a<{l ior, 

C9 tnp girt surroundcd, encom 

Sassed, well-set, succinct, com 
Succineus,a,<#.of amber (ble 
£uccingu,gtre,nxi, nctum. a .>. tr 
gird,io beset,io tuck 

' Succingor,pi. p- to bc surrounded. 
Succingulum, i n 2 a belt, a truss 
Snccfno,[sub.cano],nere, nui, cen- 

tum.n. sing sing low 
Succinum, i. n. 2. amber. 
Succinus, a, um. aaj of amber. 
Succisivua»a,um*«<i/.cut off Succi- 

aiiunv tcropus, leisure-tfrne, Cic. 
Sti<xi9'is^i,r-in./K cutdown,felled, 

lo, ped*orl', ^Ji, <}n:9./.3. a sliouting. 
jSuccl&natum est,im_&. they g*ve u 

ahout, they shoutcd (against 
SuccUunatus, a. um. pt. exclaimed 
<SM£clamo, shout,to hum. 
Succollan8,tis.p..bearing on shoul- 


Succollatio,dnis /3. a carrying oti 

the ahoulders, (the shoulders 

Succollatus, a, ujn. /M. borne upon 

Succo/io,_sui>,conura},are. «• 1. to 

of juicc.or moisture, juicy,8appy.| eth to sweating, tweat 

AVccresco eere,crevi,rStum,»2 toSudfctrix icie.<Mp. aweai 

growunder to springandgrowup» cauce sweat 

uccirtus,a,um /w.bolted, acreen-tSudatur,t*u>.they sweai 

ed. SQdfttus^unijMjnreate 

Succuba, x. cg. 1. an a6U_lterer,or Sfcdes-is /*.3ji ttake*] 

adulteress, a strumpet. (yield.' a cudge), a wooden n 

SuccubHurus, a, um. pt. about to SOdtf icus a,uro «#p.cau 

'SWcftdo, dere, di, fisum. o. 'X toSiidis, ts / 3. a sword : 

forgc(jtiicy,plump,in good plight Siido, ftre. a & n. 1. to 

Succiilentus, a, utn. a<# succulentj sweatout, todrop, tc 

Succumbens, tis. pt. submitting* toil, to take great paii 

Sficcumbo,bete,iibui,ubituin.n. 3. S(idor, Jtri p. to be sw< 

to lie or fall down under,to sinkSador.dris- m 3. sweat 

under,to faint,to yield,to submit,! labour,toil,great pams 

to give up,to give way.tolie withjSildum i.n 2 fair weath< 

.Vi/ccurro.rere comejSudus, a, um* atfy. £ur, 

into one's mind. thoughts, or re-'SuenduR. a um. pt. to b 

membi*ance,to cause tohelp, be- Sueo,ere,sutvi,su£tum 

custom,to be wont,ors use^ 

to be wont, or accusto 

iriciuUaid, or succour, to relieve. 
niccnrsum cst, itnp. they helped. 
^uccursfirus. a, um. pt to reheve. 
Succus, juice, moisture, sap,8u6tus,a,um. pt. accust 

l >rotli, \ i^our, strength |Suf,in compositionstan 

iuccussator, oris. m. 3. a trotter. |Suies.etis.m. J a chief i 
liicci.sMo. onls. /. 3. a shaking. jSuffarcinatus a,um. pt. 
;uccusso,urc.a. shake,to jolt,!suffectOrus,a,um. pt al 

to trot inthe place of anothc 

uccu>»sor,oris m 3atrotter (ting.Suffectus, a, um. pt.% 
^uccus^us,us. m. a shaking, a trot-i chosen,or put in the p 
Miccutio, [sub. quatio], t_re. ussi, other, marked, stained shake,to jolt,to jog. Suffero, erre, sustuU> 

uccutior, *.i. p. to be thrown up. 
Suctws,us mA a sucking,orlicking. 
Sucula x*/. 1. alittlesow, a crane, 

a kind of undcr garment. 
-ucula:,arum />//.l.tbe sevenstars 
SQdabundus, a,um. adj. sweating. 
Sudans,tis )M.sweat_ng, dropplng. 

SQdarium,i«n. .. a handkerchicf, a Suff icient_r, adv.mA 

napki n- (bagnio, a hot house. 
Sudatio, Onis. /. 3 a swcating, g 
dudator, 5r_t. m. a sweater. undertake,tobear 

to endure,to take, or c 

to cut off, to pass, or p 

Suffertus, a, ftui 

Suff ibaio^renc bo 

SufTiciens,tJ$- pt & adj. 

able, answerable, tuit 

Suificientta,cY l.aff 

tum.«.€/« fdm 1 

> j 





able,tobe ablc to bear,or Suffossio,5nis./ undermining I shot. 

td,tt>siibstitute,tochooseJSuffossus, a, um. pt. undenniucd. 
,or put in thc place of an- cast down, stabbed, dcstroycd 

'itg,in composition.stands for sub. 
Mlgens, tis. pt. sucking. (fordiiir. ■ 

•upply,orfuniish with,to Suffr&gans, tis. pt. voting. givinai-i.i^gerens, tis /»/• suggesting, afc 
to stain, cr die. his vote, favouring, assisting. w/o-gero, rere, essi, estum a 3. to 

', ci. p to be substituted. 

is,a,um./rf.tobeperfumeu Suffragator, 6ris. m 3 a voter ai 

gere,ixi,ixum.a. ii tofix, 
n,to nail,to stick in,to adti 
gi p.Xo be fixed up (runu 
,f nis.u.a fumigation,aper- 
, fnis. n a perfuming. 
dere- a.3 to cleave under. 
: ivi.itum.a perfumc 
ri. p to be perfumed 

6nis. /. a perfuming, a 

6ris m 3. a perfumer. 
aum^. perfumcd,smok- 
is.oi.4. a perfuming. (ed 
;s,a,um pt. about to fix,ot 
. up. (stuck upon,hangcd 
a, um pt. fixcd,fastcncd 
n, mis n 3 a trigger, a 
dclay. (scorclied 

landus, a, um. pt to be blowing, puffing 

oms./ 3. a blowiug up 
, a,um/u. pufled up.swol- 
id, haughtv. Sufftata ora- 
ibust, Ad iferenn. 
, us. m 4. id gu Sufflatio 
i, a. um. adj ycllowish 
e. a 1 to blow,or puff up, 
, to whisper. 
o, 6nis/ 3. saffocation 
isAum.yw. almost choked 
nib,faux] are a suffo 

Suffragatio, 6n»s». /. 3. a voting. 

advocate. [longi ng to a votcr 
Suffragatorius, a,uin. adj of,or b<. - 
Suffrftgatus, a um pt. voted. 
Suffraglno, are. act. 1. to hough 

suggfSt,to prompt,to put in mind, 
to supply,to>add,to yieldoraftbrd, 
lo assign, to insert to choose, or 
appoint in tht- place of another,to 
iuggcror»ri ^«to be put under[raiM 
Suggestio, flnis./3 a promptimj. 

Suffraginosus- a,um. aJj (iiseasedtSiiggestor 5ris. m. 3. a prompter 
in thc honghs.having tlie spaviii Suggcstuin, Suggestus, us.m. 

Suftragium,i n 2 a s;ittrage,a votc, 

tavour, assistance, support 
Suflrago Inis /3 thc hough, the 

pastern, the sucker of a vinc. 
Suflragor,ari « vote,tofavour.kuggredior [sub,gradior], i, 

to speak for to support. (er.( rf 3. to surprisc to comc 
Suffrenatio 6nis/ajoiningtogeth 
■Vfi/frico, care, cui & cfivi, ctum & 

catum, a. 1 to rub otf, to rub. 

a pulpit,a pe\v,a reading chair, or 

dcsk. a roll of hair.a suggestion. 

Suggcstus^um./»*. heaped or rait- 

cd up, insortcd, added. 


rprisc to comc upon. 

S uggre ss '»«,*,» im.JW stealing upon. 

Si\,um./«. to bc jeer-d, 

Sugillfitio 5nis /3. a blacV n ark. 

Suttricor, aii. p. to be vubbcd off a bl:ick eye, a slandcr. a taunt, a 
SutTringo, [sub,frango], gcrc,regi. SOgilrttor oria.m o.a jcerer (flout. 

ractmn.a.S. to brcak undcrueath,;Sngillatum, i. n. 2 a black cye. 

to brcak in thc middlc. !Srtgillatus,a, beaten black ot 

Suflringor, gi p to bc brokcn I bluc,<lefamcd,slandcred,mocked# 
Vt(/fugio, gcre, gi.gituin a. & n 3 :Sfigillo,iu*e.a 1. to beat black and 

to flce r4Jcc # .(»crl blue,to buffct,to dcfamc,to taunt* 
Sutfaginum i.n'2 a refugc.a shcl- to flout to jecr, to dcride. 
&//YUICIO irc,!si,ltuni a toumlcr-Sugillor, ari p to be buffeted. 

prop, to hold, er bcar up, toSflgo.gerc uxi,uctum.a 3- to suck, 
SuffulcrumH.n*2.aprop(strcM)fthen| to takc in. 

Suffultus. a^ underpropped.jsui, tfffnpronom. of himsclf,of hcr- 
.5»i/fflmigo,are al. 1 osufVumigatc ' self, of itself, of thcmselves. 
Su^fundo, dere, ndi, usum a .i. toSullc, is. n. **■ a hogsty. 

pour down,or sutfusc, toSuillus^Suinus,a um adj of swine 

overuprcad, to covcr, to staiu. to C.iro suilla, pork. (ed, or cut. 

itrangle, to choke, to sti<| sup|)ly. Sulranilus, pt. to bc furrow- 

:ill, to cause to perish. Sufluudor, di p. to bc ovcrspread. Sulcuns, tis M. furrowing, cutting*. 
sub,focus] are.«i pu- .S'//T"iror,iri.</. 1. to pilfcr,tostcal.Sulcatim. adv. in, or by furrows. 
i incense,to[out Sufl' r isio 6uis./. >. a pouring upou. Sulcutio, 5nis./. 3. a ptoughing. 
idus. a, inn. pt. to hc <lug Suff isor, brm.m 3. a pourcr upon. Sulcator. oris. m. 3. a ploughman, 
,ere,ddi,ossum.a.3. to dig Suffusus, n,um. pt suflused, over-j u iiUughcr, & rowcr, a fcrrj man, 
to underinine, to tlu\ist 

sprcad,spriiiklcd, bcdcwcd. mix ;Sul^it«'i, a, um. pt made ia €^s&« 
ed. Oculi iangiiine suttuii, blood' r^^ > '>i*t»siafc^H , w*^' w,efc " 





Superjacturus, a, um. pv about to opon. rorer.j ^ pass,to jyet b 

caat, or lay upon (leap over. •£///>rrintegor,gi. p. to be covcred to go,orpa*sc ver,toprevu1 

to abound,to be over aml 

to remain, to outlive, to s 

£&^robruo, o?ei 

SOperjectus, & Superjactus,a,umJS#/>Mnungo, gSrc. a. 3to anc4ntSupe>obrutus a,um///oven 

pt cast upon, thrown over. over. 

Superjectus, us. m. 4. a covering Sftperinungor,gi.jfr. to be smeared 
Superjicio.[super,jacio.]c^rej?ci. .S>//^rinvolvo vcie a 3.torolldown 

jectum fl.3 to cast,or lay upon, to Superior,ius adj .gen.ori* supcrior, 

add, r aay further, [bouna upon, upper, higher, iormer, older. 
SupeVilllgatus, a, um. /rf.tied, or Superidres, um. pl. m. superiors, 
Supe rilli£o, tie, or bind betters, anceston, predeccsaors, 

upon. or over. [ovcr. seniors, elders. [otthe borse. 

S&per\\\ino t fere a. 3. to smcar all Siiperjumcntarius,im. the maater. 
SftperiUftus^.um ^t.anointcd over Siiperius a//r.above,before.| over 
8uperimpendens, tis. pt. hanging Sftperlabor, hi. apsus. d. 3 toslip 

over.[putupon,orover,toputupou .S'///>erlachrymo,arewlto wccp ov. 
Superimpdncndns a,um./>/. to be er. to drop upon. (cxcellencc. 
£fipeTimp5no,ncTC,6sni,bsitum a. Superiaiio, 6nis./3 a preiVrrin^ put* r lav upon, to overlay Siiperliitivus,a,um ai\i superlativc» 
8uperimp5nor,ni./>.tobc put upon Superlfitus.a, um /i/.liftcd ovcr,ad- 

Supcrimp6aiti;s.a,um./>f.put upon 

laid open. [to innamc moic. 
SiipfrinccTiila* derc,di,nsum. a. 3. 
Suptrincido, derc, cidi n. tofall. 
5i//£rincrcsco, cere.n. Z. to grow 

Superincumbcns,tis./>/ lyingupon 
SfiJ^rincumbo^bc^e.ti 3.tolieupon 
Superinductus, a, um. pt. drawn 

over, laid upon, or ovcr. 
5u/>?rinduo,ue>e, ui.utum.o.3. to 

put on, to put ovcr other dress. 
SupcrindCitus.aaim /i/.clothcd. [on 
£w^erinfundo,dere o.3 to poump 
Super\n%CTO t rere, essi,estura.o.3 

to cast, or heap upon»[on orover 
Supcrinjectus, a, um. pt. cast up- 
^»^/rerinj*i'cio.c€re jeciyjedum.0,0. add. 
Siipcrinjicior.i.^. to be caat upon. 
Stipe rinstcruo, vide. Supersterno. 

vanced, amplificd. (or lintel 

Superliminarc, is.w. 3. a transom, 
iS7,/wlino, nere, livi, litum. a. o. 

to anoint, or hcsmcar ovcr. 
Supcrhtuy,u,um./i/. smcarcd over. 
^///"•hiiando.dcrc a 3 to eat after 
Sffpanwn. arc n 1. to tlow over. 
Sitpfnuici), arc. ;j. 1. to ouishinc, 

to CXCel 

iSV/^«ini\io.t( ; rc.« pour upon 
Supcrnans,tis./»/ swimming above. 
Supemas, atis. adj that isahovc. 
Supernutans,tis /*/.floating at top. 
6"///wnato, arc /?. swim upon 

or at the top, to float. 
Supernatus,a, um pt. grown after 
Superne, adv. from above, above. 

a loft. 

Supernofirc. n. 1. to swizn above. 
Supcrnus, a,um.ooj.upper, above. 

cclestial, heavenly, high. 
Supent^areol toovercome,tocon 

Sufterinst\\\o 9 * to pouruponj quer to bcat,to 
¥//4trinstriio, uerc. a. 3. to W\\&„\ ^wseciVb t\&&«d*to exccl,t 

© sur- 

Superor^tri.^ to be overcw 
Superpellicium,i. n. 2. a a 
<Sii/ierpendeo,ere n 2.tohw 
.Sii^rpingo gere. o u topai 
^u//<rrpondero > are a. 1. tc 

exactly, to weigh carefull 
Snperpondium,i n.2 over 
•Sii^erpfino» nere, 6sui,&sit 

to put, set, or lay upon, • 
Superponor, ni p. to be pu 
Siipcr])oVitus,a,um/>t. put, 

laid upon. 
Siipcrquam, adr. besides' 
Su])crrasus,a,uin./j/. >crapt 
Snpcrscandcns, tis. pt cl 

upon. (climl 

Vii/w*rscando, cre. i, sum. • 
S'u/.Ti , scribo,beiv,o to supe 
Supcrscriptus,a,um/</ inti 
Supcrsedcndus, a, uui ptu 


Supcrsedcns, ti<«. pt. sittiii| 
•S'ii/'«-;'Scdo ere ctli, esMiin 

sit upottyio supei"sedc f toi 

ccase, to lcavc olf. to foH 
SupcrsedCtur i#»/»,theyfod 
Supcrsidens, tis.//. swimm 
Siipcrsiliens, tis />/• lcapii 
Siipei-sdio, (supcr, salio).] 

to leap, jump. or hop up 
Su/t<rrspargo, gcrc, rsi, rsu 

to sprinkle, strew,or sprc 
Superstans,tis./tf standin^ 1 
Su/>«?r8ten\o, ere,stravi.str 

3to strew>rcoverover,to 
Supcrsternorni. p to be o 
Superstcs, ftis. aay. surrb: 

mainhig» staying, prcscnt 
Siiperstitio, «nis/J. «pei 





rBt'iti3s&,a(/r. sup "«' !tiously. 

rstitiftsus,a,um. aih'. nupcr^.- 
«, religious, nice, an.xious. 
r*tito,ure.n 1. to siirvive; act. 
reserve^rkeep safc( rovcr. 
rsto, arc. n- 1. to s*and upoii 
ratratus a,um./>/ strcwedovi."- 
rstruo,ucrc, uxi, urtum. a. 3 
►uild upon, to erect upon. 
Tffum, esse,fui n to be super 
' abound,to reinain, to bc 
i to sunrive, to cxccl, to sur- 
*. to overcome, to defend. 
sriurgo.gerc rise above '.>. to covcr over 
**triho,herc a.3.todraw over 
srturbo, are act. 1. todisturb 
;rvacancus,a.urn a/i/.superflu 

Stipe'rurgens,t"s./if. pressing hard.j£»/>pfanto,are iupp1ant,totrip 

.i;ierus,a,ur. . :<(/.abovc,theuppcr 

high, aloft, divine, heavenly. 
Suplnatus, a,um. pt. laid npright, 
turned up, holden up bent up. 

MnnrvVif/rvstipinely negligently. 
SupTnftis, atis. /. 3. supinenris 
SGpino, are. a. 1 to lay supinely, 
to hold, or snuff up, to puffup. 
S\tpinor, ari. pans. to be held up 
SfipTnum, i. n. 2. a supine- 
Supinus, a, um. adj. ior, comp. su- 
pine. upward, held. or lifted up 
nroud, statcly, steep, sloping 
hecdlcss, careless, ncgligcnt 
Suppactus, a, stuck under. 
Su/>palpor ari r/ stroke gcntly 
to whcedle, tocajolc, to sooth 
i necdlcss, unncccssary su-fSupar, aris adj. nearly equal. 
"Qumerary, rcscrved. (ouh. Vuppaiasitor.ari. d- hang on, 
Jrrico,are.f».l. to be superflu- to spongc, to flatter, to pimp. 
ttvaeud, atlv. supcrfluously. Supparum,i w.& Suppanis, i m 2 

any garment of linen, a topsaiI,a 
flag, a srreamcr, a shroud. 
3uppe'daneum, i n 2. a footstool 
Suppgdltatio, dnis. f. 3. a supnly 
Suppcditatus. a um. pt. supplied, 
Supr)£dIto[sub,pesl,are.a.fcw 1. to 
pop, or stay up, to supply, t.-> af- 
ford, aid or strengthcn, to si-rvc 

srracuus, a,um< adj. superflu- 
,needlcss, unneccssary, to nc 

irridcns, tis pt goingovcr 
•rvldo dcrc. asi, hsum.n 3. to 
i ovcr,to s«irpass,to surmoun* 
rvft£or,ari.;!.l towaudcrmuch 
rvcctus,a,*um pt. cir. ied.(u; 

rvehor, hi/> 3. to bc carried SuppSditor, ari- d. 1. t > supply, or 

>*tnio.irc,eni,enttim n 4. tu 
ic upon, to come upon sud- 
ly. to come, to rise, ov grow 
re to Icap upon. 
rventus, us. m 4. a rirpnsc 
-vestio, ire. act. 4. to covcr 
rvivens, tis. pt. survivinjr 

affbrd: pats. to bc s p. licd. 
Sw/>pcdo, diire. nent. J- to fizzlc. 
SuppernaMis, a. um pt. houghed. 
Suppctix />//l.arc.suppetias, dip- 

tototu aid,heIp,succour, supplie*. 
Suppetiatus, Qs. m 4- idem. 
Vuppcto, ask crafti!y»to 

up, to supprcu, to plant under- 

•vfvo,v<re,ixi.n. 3. too "0've. be supply, toserve, 

irrive, to live. (an-Zint ovcr 

ningo 9 ^re,nxi,nctum. a 3. to 

T^lans.tis.^/.flying ov,-r(tcn. 

▼dlfto kre.freq.\.o fly over of- 

▼6lo, are. n. 1. to fly over 

TtflQtiiB.a.uin.Mrolled ovei 


Supplantor,ari p.Xo hc tripped itp» 

Suppldmentum. i. n 2 asupply. 

Supplendus, to suppfy, or 
bc supplied. 

Supplens, tis. pt supplying. 

Suppleo,cre,Svi etum.a 2. to sup- 
ply, to fdl up. to recruit, to help» 

Suppleor, Cri./»ay* to be filled- 

Supplex, fcis. adj. suppliant, hum> 
ble, snbmissive, prostrate. (ing. 

Supplicans,tis./k/. humbly entreat- 

SupphcAssis, pro Supplicaveris. 

Supplicatio, 6nis./.3. supplication» 
prayer,entrcaty, rcquest, a sacriv 

SupplTcntur, imp. pmverismade. 

SupplicaMrus, a, um. pt. about to 
(*ntrcat,to entreat,orbcscech(bly 

Mipplicitcr,a#/r>.su|ipliantly v hum- 

^upplicium,i.n.2 a supplication, a 
pr.iycr,ai atonemcnt, a sacrifice, 
a gcncral proce<wion,punishment 

■Vi/pplYco,arc.a &7i, 1 .to supplicatc* 
to beg entifat^rbesecchjto pray 
to m:ikc an ohlation,orproccssion 

\"/iphcor, ari p. to be cntreated. 

Supplcxlo [sub, plaudn], dcre, oii, 
ds<im.a.ii. to stamp wilh thc foot* 

with the feet.(or half rcpenteth. 

5.7/>]xrnitet,iiit. imp- it sonicwhat, 
f//»p6no,n5re.6sui, b«itum. a 
put,set,orlay substitute, 
to overwhelm, to a|>|> 
submit, to expose, to forge. Ta- 
mulo supponcrc. to burv, Ov. 

to help, to remain, to bc. Dictis Suppdnor, nL/» to bc substitute^* 
facta lupp tunt, when onc is asl\«/>porto,are.« l.tocarry,toconvcy 
good as his word, and doth ashe|Supportor,ari./><m to be conveycd 
sath. Plaut. -—— =. -:- ^ -. • 

Sitpp Io,are.a l.topilfcr, to stcal. 
Suppingor[sub,pan|;or]gi, pactus. 

Supp<)sHio, onis/ 3. a setting un< 
der, a substitutmg, a forging. . 
SupposTtitius^urcu o.v<i- 'k^tcCsns^.- 

vdoiCHmcfre.A.n. to vomit up| p,l toHosewedjOrfaatCiitd nt\4tf Aj^nA^^vs***^* 

»lve, I 

requiretb, iomeJl'ec«inii^,itin pi. th» 


Tantisper, otfo. «o loug ai. ui theT»rtiireu*,a,i .. , 

tMan time. ■ ' . infcrnal, terrible, dreadful- 

Ttctd, athi. w much, tjj K mnQh..Tartartiiiis, a, um. adj. idem. 
' Tantoptre, lurv. so gre»tly,»r ear- Tartarus.i.m JJ./i/.tarfcir». n. hell, a 
Tutakm, mh. • liule. (nestJy.Tau, *. m. 1. d»ddy,f»ther.(guli 
Tftntfihw, a, um. «4. ao Ii ttle, m Tifjc, inierj. strange! 

amaU. Tauraye/l.abarrencowCernwhip 

, r»jitini,ni*rjomuch 1 »om»nj r ,cml)'T»ure»,a:.^» bu]l'»pi;tile,alearth 

•loM^nomBre.Taiitataaheatuta-.Tanrcu», *, um.nji ofibull 
j^ior«ri*befroradoingit,Cie.T»urifer,n,umai(; brceding biilla 
T«ntiU»i ndn, very. ne»rly,almost.!T»urtformis, c «#. likeabull 

/*r.Taiituinquod,notquitc,Siiti r»uriL'a,orurn.^/.ii. Honuut games. 

Miled,hidden, prtXt 
Tecum^ra.Cnrn te(el 
Tfd»,* /- 1-» pine-U 

rrarriagc, a wedding 
weddiug, a married 1 
redSfer,a,um-ai#. bea 
regendus,a,nm.6« te 
to bc keptKCRt.te 
Tegens, t» /* cuTCTi 

Tige», itis /8.s« 

1, Iheat 

Tautui^ much,ao great, 
_ »mmj. •oaruall, bo 
ble,or ikilful VM t»nti,it is wortli 
the while, Cic. Tamu» 1 
oM Hlaul Tribu» tantii minus, 
Ibree tiinea^lcsH, Id. 

Tiipe», eti» . m 3. upestry 
Tapttr, i».n, Tflpctum, ' 

thing, »11 onc. rsutBWgia, ■./ 1 tautology. 

T»v,n.p'nifcc/.the imack rf » whip. 
Tuxatin. oni»./ 3. a Uxing. (sor 
ilor, 3rii. m. » uxer, »n MseB- 
rasatus»,um.p( taied, puniilied.' ww. 
Taxillus, i. m. a imall die, a pile. 
[•axo.are.o.I. to tax,te rcprove, dj 

Taxor, irL^. to be valuedat 
Iaius, i./ 2- an yew.or yew-trec 

Tardeaco, erc. n. to grow s!ow, to Tecli 


Tardipes, edis. adj slow-foofcid 
Tirdrtudo, ini» /. 3. slowncsi. 
Tartliu«ctili,mfij.somew]iat alowty 
Tardiusculus. n,um.uiij. aomewhat 

»low,he»yy «rdullofapprehtnaior 
Tardo.are a.l toitop,to impede, to keep back 
Tardor, ari,»tus- p. to be itopped 
Tardua, a, um. aaj ior, camp. Usi- 

mus, mp. ilow, slack, tardy,lcmg 

hearj, dull, atupid thick, gross, 

unnrqurcd. TardumcsVditt^itlTectura,!./. 1. » cn»ering. 


rec!ina.»-/l.crsft, a trick,. ahift. 


■/iim.teacher»ofarti Teb, 
1. adj, technical. 

iufj.slowapoken Ti-chngphyon, i. n 2. conjuring 

recte,.7ite iij,cooi/-cOTertly,clo3e. 
l'ector, oris m. i. • plaatcrer.(ly. 
Tectori81um,i n 2 a little plaater. . , 

Tec:nnum,i n.2,the plaiter.parget TeUua,Hria./ 3. the e 

or ro'ighcait of • wall .1 white-'**'" — : """" 

waabt ajiiimulation, flattery. 
Tectorii :• a,um adj. uf, or belong- 

ing to plnsti:rer«' work 
['cctum.i 11 2.the roof oT b housc, 

house, an abode a covcring, 

iheep-Cxca, tecta, » labyrinth, Ou- 

"'" tecta, sliipi, /rf. 


TiSgJmen, biia. ill 
garment, clothing. ■ 
ing,a skin,» coverM 
Tegmentum.i n. 2.» 
to conceal,to hide.ti 
to defend,to prtstm 
Tigor. gi pa*t. tobc 
Tcgiil»,»:./ 1. atUe. 
Tegiilum t it.S.a corei 
Ttgumen, inis. ■ 3. 1 
tunv. n. 2. acovfrin 
" " ,*./!.» web,a]oo 
»re nterprise.Penelol 
tevereito do and unu 
'['elimo, onis. M. 3. 1 
Tcltier,», um. adj . ew 
Telui. ii. /. 3. fenugr 

Te los.i eudfcoon 
Telum,i.n 2,awe»p0i 
arraw, a swortL an 1 
beam of the nn 
Temerandu», a, af» f_ 
Temerarius, a, ua.nj 
hirdj.indiscreet, wiB 

T«meritor, ori». * 5- ; 





ed^lishonoured^broken.i moderate, or allay, to calra, or as- 
dv. ius, comp rashly, uji- suage,to ruleorgovcrn,to restrain, 

TSnax, aci i.aoj. ior, comp. isstmms, 
9up tenacious holding fast, grip* 

r, without causc, or<lan- to forbear, r refrain,to be tem- ing, niggardly, covetous, stingy. 

lly, scarce, confuscdly. perute, or use moderation. 
;,atis/. 3. rashness indis-Temperor, ari. p. to begoverned 

Tempestas, atis / 3. a tempcst, 
p. arfv. rashly, hastily* storm . or commotion. weather, a 
re o. X. to violatc, to dc-j season,time.agc,ruin,dcstruction 


, i n. strong wine 

Tempestivi, a/fc.ius, comp. scason- Tendiciila, ac./ a tenter-book, « 

ably, in season, r proper time 
is.a,umpf tobedcspiscdTempestlvrtas, atis/ 3. season. despising. jTempestlvd, a*/r. seasonably. 

ere,mpsi,mptum. a.3. tolTempestivus, a,um. o<#. ior, c m/> 
to slight, to contemn. I scasonably/m duetime,ear)y,ripc, 
\.m .>u team, thc pole of Tcmpcstus. a,um- adj. stormy.(nt 

e, a stake, a helm. 
ncntum.i tempera 
ncan, a government 
idus,a,um pt. to be tcm- 
\lered rcgulated, &c. 
ts,tis pt & attf. ior, c nnp 
up. moderating forbear- 
ing, tf mperatc, sober. 
itcr, adv. ius, c fiip. tem 
, modcratelv. 
ltia, z / 1. temperance 
on. (rately, moderately 
e arjv ius. c m/fr. tempe- 

Tcmplum.i n.2.atemp!cor church, 
an image or statue in a temple, a 
tomb, a recess, a quartcr of the 
heavens which in auguries was 
markcd out with the lutuus, hca 
ven. (the head. 

TempBra, n- 3. the temples, 
Tcmporalis, e acjf.temporal,incon 
stant, of the temples (inconstant 
Tempbranus t^xaa.adj tcmporary, 
Temp6>e\aoV in time, seasonably. 
Tempori, adv. in good time 
Tempdrius, adv. c mp very carly 
Temptor, oris m 3 a despiser. 

^ulating, a management 
or,oris m.3 atemperer 
;r. (forbear, orrefrain 
um cst, imp. thcy did 
ura,x./ temperature,a 
mper, mix, or modcratc. 
Qrus, a» um pt. about to 
us, a, um. pt. & arh ior, 

red, moderated, tempe 
lerate, mild calm 
s,€i./5. temperatcness, 

s adv comp. more early 
are a.\ to tempcr, mix, 
?,toorder,ro rcgukte, to 

constant to, persevering in,obsti- 

nate, headstrong, retentive, last- 

ing, tough, clammy. 

Tendendum est, imp. we must go 

Tendens,tis£f.stretchingout. (on. 

f,a constitution,an order- Tempus,6ris.n. J time,season,con- 

veuicnce,opportunity, an occasi- 
on,a caaeof affair,autnority,dclay 
an age a season ofthe year.aclime 
orpart of the world.tempcrament 
the temples of tlie head,the head. 

Temidentcr, adv. drunkenly, sot- 

Temulcntia. x /. 1. drunkenness. 

mus oup. tempereo,mix- Temulentus, a, um. atij. ior, comp 

drunken, drunk, cupshot. 
Tenacia * / 1. & 
Tenacitas, atis./ 3. tenacity,tena 

ciousness, a gripe, stinginessi 
Tcnaclter, adr> ius comp isslmi, 

tu*>. tcnatit»sly,braTely,«tntinu 


snare. (3 the tendons,the sinews. 

Tcndmes, x'<r/Tend6nes,um./>f vu 

Tcndo d^re,tetcndi & tendi nsum 

& ntum ao to stretch or hold out* 

to extend, to swcll, to grow, or 

shoot,to spread,to pitch a tent or 

camp, to lay, to bend, to try, to 

strive, or endeavour to aim,or as> 

pire,to go,to proceed or advance, 

to reach, to tend. r point 

Tendor. di. p. to be stretched out» 

Tendor, 6ris m. :?. extensioni 

r«nebrac,arum./)//l darkness,th* 

dark night,a dark place^i prison» 

death,obscurity, difficulties, mys- 


TencbricOsus, a, um- aaj issTmu% 

Tenebricus, a, um- adj. ilark, ob- 

scure. (a knavc. 

Tanebrio,5nis.m.3. a nightwalker, 

Teiiebrtisus, a, um adj. dark. 

1'encUulus, a,um.aoy very tender. 

Tenellus, a, um. adj. somewhal 

tendcr oryoung. delicate. 

Tenendus,a tobc held,kept, 

preserved, hedged in, embracctL 

Ttnens,tis^/ holding (or enjoyedi 

Teneo,6rc,nui,ntum.a % hold or 

keep,to hold in the band, to hold 

fast to hold on to hold orkeep up f 

to hold, or keep back, to hoJd,or 

keep in, to keep fixed, to check f 

orcurb to reprets, to rcstrain, to 

stop r hinder,to forbear,to ruleor 

govern, to command, to manage, 

todetain to engage, to aniusc, to 

eattrtaio,to pltttt» &r itiif hl, |» 




TEl 1 


embrace, to bc cnibraccd, vv fol- Tentaturus, ///. aboiit to try.Tcpulc, adr. ius ccpuY 
lowcd, to maiutui:i, to Mippon,toTtnt.'.tus, a,um. pt triv1l9t1.n1ptecl.lc1 itlo, au: «.1 U» ua: 

1 cpicbiius, a, um. o^ 
Tcpidus, a.unri. adj ioi, 

iiiu.h, *////. lukcuanv.. \ 

cold uml slack in brsii 
Tcpor, 6ns. m. 3. vanr. 
Tcporatus, a, um. pt rr. 
Tcr, cit/r tlircc times,! 
I craphiin. itlols Ileb. 
TcrrcWcni, x u.adj pf. ' 
Tcrrc i\\'\,x.:i. thre 
Tcrctntics, adx\ thret 

Ti rci ntiim. c.di. indecl ' 
Tcnkcit s,aaV.thir.y tin 
Tcnlcni. x.a a«//.//. thi 
IVrcbiiitliiiia x.f. 1. t' 
Tcrcbin:hinus. a,um. ci*/ 

lonpr.jr to turpentine. 
Tcrebra, ae /T an augur, 
Tcrt'brutio,6nis/a borii 

in ff 

Tcrvbr?.t»is pt. hv 
Tcrcbro,arc.a bore. 
Tcrcbror.iiri./». to bc bo 
Ttrcdo, niis / 3 u htt! 

parljtodcfcnd.tolastoj' continue, 1 ultackccl, afflictctl, \cxed (^iicsn. 
to per*ist,orpewevcrt',totrace,toTi-.itigo, mis / a stictrhiiur stiii 
foll'.).*t/»pursue,todrivr,to iv:u.h..Tento,;uv,a l.totry to ciulcavour. 
«r arri\ c at,io bcsct or l>t sic.^t ,to to atleinpt to assay , to piovc. to 
takc.iw sic/.c upo i,to appn hend, tcmpt,to liur; 
to secure 10 biiul, to convict to : or injurc,lo fccl,to srarch abou.. 
win, or cjpuii a causc to c-arry al cmor. ari, atus. /> tc* bc trccl. 
point toaccoriipli»ii,to pt-rforin,tol cntnrioliun, i. n 2 a littlc tcnt. 
navi-.Mi e:»jo\ ,'o possi ss,to cUvcII TcntTiuiii i.n.2. a tcnt,a pa\ihon 
, \nor iu)ia:)ii,to e,ruw,to takcTOot, Tcntorins, a, um. adj of a tcnt 
to nil, to coul:tin to ntain, to re-;Tcutus. a, um pt. sttcUeii, bcnt 
meuibcr,tooijsciw,to rcprcscnt/IVnuatiin, udv thiiily, slcmlerly. 
to un.Li rsiaml, to bc cutious, tO|Tcnu.~it)0, ouis/ 3 a makiny*- tlmi 
xncet wii.ii.upuru auribtts tencrc, .TcnuatuK, pt mailc thin, / 
to bc in<laii£crboth ways», /Vor.J .slciulcr, wcakencd, dimiuishcd. 
Mare be rnastcr at sc:i.;Tcntnculu8 a,um. adj vcry little. 
Tciicor.cri.tciit!r./.tobibild( CVc.j 1'cnuis c adj. ior, evmp. issiinus, 
Tener, a,urncic/,.:oiv mf>. crrin.u-»,' *?//» thin,]c:.n,poor,s)cndir,sr:iall 
anp. tcndcr, \ounfC pliant ucc, litUe,n:i'i*uw.nicaii sorry. jrcntle, 
dainly,deliiale, clleiiunalc, ften. acute, sliarp, -subllc, finc 
tlc, sott, incrciful. (nicel) ,£cntly I 'cni.iU'.», ati*./ ->. thini.ess, lean- 
Tcncrc,r/c/r.crnuie,tf2/// trudcrk | iit'ss l slcndii a ncss,pcwcrt\,Hiiht!it) 
Tencrasco,crc,///i .to yroxv tcnder.'1'cnuittr, adv. iu.t, con j>. issunc, 
Tencnta-, ati*. / o. tcndorncss,' .*//».tlil!il),poorlv,slcndcrl\,liijiit- 
Tciientcr,ai/r. tcndcrly (softnes».; i\ .niccly,»inel\,iIoscly,conciscly. 
TeiKritudo, inis./. ,3. soitm ss. ,Tcnuo, make thin,lcan 

Ti-nc-inus,i.wi.'J. a frccpicntdcsirc! firslentkr,tolessen,towa»teaua\ Tcrcndus, a, um. /»/. to 

Tcrcii*, tis. pt rubhing' 

Tcrcs,ctis.uc«y. ior, c«m/». 

| t-r sriiCtotli.cvin tinc, 

kccn, cxact, curiou>. 

Tcrgcniinus. a,um adj. 

Tcrpco,crc.r>i.i-sum. g.2 

to clcan, to scoi;r. to e 

Tcrjri-or, cri. p. to bc •* 

TenUiiiieu, inis. n. an attcrnpt, ajTe[icfio, [tcpco, iio,] fieri, ncic/.-1'cr^niiis, a, um ndj.oW 

of tfoin-j lo slool without eflcct. ITcnuor. isri. /•. 
Penor oris. m •>. atenor.a eoursc,. I\ nus, us: m. 4 

an order, a statc, an acccnt. 
Tcnsio, 6111.1. f. 6 an c vtension. 
Tcnsura, ^-/ 1. an extension. 
Tcnsii8,a,um pt. stretched,cxtcnd-j 

cd, raiscd. cxaltcd, bcnt. 
TcntaOundus a,um. udj. assaying-. 

to bc Iessened 
a snarc, a (rin. 
1'cnus, prxp. up to. as far as.only 
Vcrbo tcnus, in worclt only; orc 
tcnus. by word of mouth, Cic. 
Tepcf acio [tepco,facio] ccrc.f cci 
factmn, a o. to warm. 
Te]icfactus, a,um. /// niadc warni. 


Tentanicntum,i n.2.a trial,aproof. 
TcntanduSja^um./»/ to be tricd,at- 

temptcd, or assaycd. (arrliclii g-. 
Tcntans tis pt. trying", assayinff, 
Tciitutiotdnis -f.A- a trial an assay- 

inir, a tc:mptation, an attack (er* 

rentiitor,dri)i w.3. a tncr,a tempM di-on. 


l? ,i, >K■• 
Tcrjfivcrsantcr. adv. un 
TcrgivtTsatio,dnis f3. b 
l , cpe8CO,cerc'//icv>»togTOW wamiorj ncss. 
roufrh«tofei*nient«to relent,toccM>l-lVr(riversator,oris.«.^*> 
Tcpidarium, i. 7/. a botbath, acal-'lVi>'iv<is)r [tcrj^-m v» 

pais. o. tu bc Jukewarm 
Tepcns tis. /ir\varm,^lowing,tcni. 

perate, modcratc, (rcntle. 
Tepco.crc pui / be warmor hot; 

d- 1 . to shuffle, to tritie, 1 





bafllc, to turn back. r*i,.!>um a ,>. to wipc 
gorovire. « 1 to cover witha 
n, &c to bcluub 

jTcrrcnum i -n-a fic1d,land,jrround. 

JVrrenus, a, um. a< l j carihly or 
carthv,on the carth, by lund.Yi:; 
tcrrena, a wuy not paved. Vlp 
gum,i. /i.U.tlic back a hidc, o#-jTttrrco,crc,rui,rilii!ii.ri.2. to fri^rh- 
H, a fluccv,a turjet.a buckler, cu to aflVi|rht,fo Urnfy toulariu, 
r top,o»ridjrc i»f u iiill. A tcr^o, to frighlcii, or drivc uway. 
aindut his> l/uck, on thc back- JVrrcor, eri /». to be tcrnficd. 
c, fVr Tcrjracavaid.ums.^rhiiic IVrrcstris*e.fir{f' of the cartli«eurth- 

]y,by t </f'uu lund.t'u:na tcrreMTis u 
suppcr of hcrbs,ruots &c/7<jm.' 

gus,ons./». 3. u hide, or ukin, u 
rneiitarium.i.n.2 u lincn clolh 
Wcs.iiis ra. .i.a 'joii^h, t/r twij;, 
aaggKt, ajrcnilc. 
KHiualis c ttiff. boundiitfr 
ttinitio, onis / 3.u ijoan li:t^. 
end, or couclusion, u <L*tt,r- 

liin.iturus, a uni. /»/. to houwl 
imnitus, a,um. fit boundcd, li 
led, bnrdercl, eiidcd. 
Uuno,arc.f< 1 to bo-m.l, to *ct 
-fu- lVo hmitto, to ciid 
FjHnor, :"iri />. to bc bouii icd 
llinus i m *J.i bo.ind,«r huii } , .. 
fcj.a bonL-r i!i«- cndofu t;i:ii.^,:i 
&jri'.is,u,ii:ii.rj.// ofiir/cc ^Lcnn 
li, x. u. <!•(/./'/. thrcc 
lulcm, x u. tulj. ,'<'. thirteen 
%us.4nis.j/i.t> tlu* uumbcrthrcc. 
feiiSfU, u.n.ii///.thrcc an.l thrcc 
Sk.rcrc trivi tniu.ii.a. .?. to r>ib 
iruisc. to siautp, to thrji'i, to 

JVrrcstris rejjio, un inlund coun 
IVrrcus a uui atij carthciiitty, Cic 
rcrnl>ilisfC«tfr//. ior, cm/i.terriblc, 

divadful, awful, to be fcarcrl. 
IVrricolu a: r.^.l.a dwcllcr on thc 
IVirtcuhr.ii,i n.2 u bugluur.jJand 
iVrrifico [tcrrco, fucioj.firc. a. 1. 

to tcrrify, to frigrtten, to upjiul. 
IVrnficus, a, um. n«// tcrrilic. 

iVitf.itfiil, drcadlul, ularmiiig. 
IVrnjrcna,ac <:.;•-. 1 oik cartii born 
iVriil^(piUK.a,uiii.ri.//. thut bpcuk- 

cth tcmblc, or fri£:i; » 
IVrr:sniius,:i iiui.ff.7j .soundintrter- 
IVrriio. arc.n. ullr;:riit .riblv. 
iVrnio.Iuin, i. a 2 u tcriitory. 
r.'rritus,u,uni f>t uliriirhtc.l, tcrn- 

ticd, divnuycd, d.iinp>'d 
I'crror,ori.i.i/i. tcrror,-lrcad fcar. 
IVrrf»s is. a, tini adj eurlhly, 
iVrr-ilcu iin u' u:n tn!j cuithlv tu^c-w <pcn>l io i-i- oj lVrs;i».u, um fit.C J titti.w.\vjni l 't i.-, 

«tO i'l:^ckt,ar Co:ic ut, •:) ;^o .. 
*r f ri /#. fo bt* rtib. 'i'.t. v" >;i ^" 
*3L,X. /"1 Cifl, ».- ,." , ou .»1, tlu 
th, tiie '.voi-I I, -jr ii;i .cr-.c. :in 

.«puiis tiu/t wiped, clc.411, neut. 
Tcr-i is us vi. 1 h scouriii^ 
ri'i*tiaii:i* u- f. 1. utcitiun u«ruc. 
iVrti iui, oimiii. />/ //i. 2. soldicrs oi* 

■VJ, u nniiir., U>il, <i ■• p-*-.- i!ic tiur<l cou;pan\, or ro^.mcnt. 

^v. a lichl. Tit:**', a IV-. :. uius, u. mlj tuitiun. (r«. 

"iTti.»r:ti:ii,i./ru ticrcc, fnir ouiu*- 
lVrtl-iritis.a uni. atlj. oitbc tiiud 
IVrti .itio.oiii \.f. J. a doin^u thiril ovcr. (thc tliirdlinic 

IVrtio, u-c. /i. 1. to do uuy th'.ii r '. 
IVtii^ ij/;- thc tnird tiihc, tliricc. 
'■ .JVrtiiim, <//i*. i-.uili. 

«;a^* pci'i:>ii. 

* e.uViH ns .•.•! :uiraith':irr;c. 

"tfficio tcr.ei; fa.i«»!, "'.rr, 

■I, I;»"f l .». -*. '• to ti*. f 1'cil 
*c:i l s ;. .,'1 li. /»'. ' » .i.IVi^iit, o. 
«:i> ^liti-i», *>) t» rrli'v . 
■CiH, Ub. ///. uliVi^Miui^ 

TcrtiuVu uni n^.tlic third.[teenth 
Tertiusdccniii s.u,unic/r/i'. thethir- 
JVrvcncf ic i>;;.,um <uij most niis- 

chicvous, thrccfold. 
JVruncitiK, i. n>. 2. a furthing-. 
Tcsqua oruui f>l n.2- rough placcs 

un'.illed. siiady pluccs. 
Tcssella x.fl u smull scpiarc stone 
IVhsellatun, arlv. chequcrwise. 
IVsscllutus.a, uni. ///. wrought, or 

inudc in chcqticr-work. 
JVsseru,x/l asquarepieceofany 

thin^, a iour squarc tile, a die, a 

ticket. a Utllv. or scorc, u mark,a 

watchword. Tessera nuiumariu,a 

bill of cxchanjrc, Suet. 
JVsscrurius, i. m. 2. a dicc-player, 

hc thut g-ivdh a watchword. 
Tt-sscrula, rf. 1. ttim. a Tcs>cra. 
Tcst:i,a'/1 nn cartiicii pot,«r jar 9 

a cusk, u potiliciil. u splinl. cc- 

nicut. chalk, a shcllfith, u shcli. 
1'cstabilis, c. (iilj. tltut muy bear 

w:tncss (mudc of c.irtli baked. 
rcslucous,u,»mi.t//// h.ivin^HshcU. 
IVst:tii!CM':"triiis,;i,« oi a will. 
IVst.niicntar i:s,:.fu J. u writcr, or 

fur^cr of will.t, u scrivcncr, a no- 

tury. ( r lus; will. 

rcstumcntum,i. n 0. utcstument» 
l\-stun^, tis. ///. v.itncri.sin;^. 
IVst.itio, onis / .1. u witncssinjj. 

IVst.itor, oris m. ,\. a tcitutor. 

IV>'.»lr : .x, n*i«» f o- atcstutiix. 

IVstut iis,u uni. ftf i/tu[i. ior, comp. 

'smiiius, *»/// viincsscd uttcbtcd, 

tcstiiicd. shown. cullinjT to wit- 

ncis, snrc. cvidcut jmblic. 

IVstcus,a iim. ri.'/. shclly, carthcii. 

I'c •ticilus i f«. J.a testiclc,astone. 

IVstif'C:tnd»is,a, um pt. to tcstify, 

• r hc tcstilicil, to !>c wiMicssed. 

Totificuns, tis./n* tcstifyiiijF. 

IVsiiif u;atio,onis. /". 3 atcstifying. 

iVstif lcuiuvt, u;n. fit. witnesscd» 
• culicd, «?• cu'il:ng to witnca^. 

il.tCtJ>ewwiUus.., to testifj,Ui 

decUre, tocjjll ta witnesi 
TMbmSwlii* e. oi{p. lestimonial 
TeMlmfiiittin^-Q - - ■ j tcstimony. o 

tM*lnKim*]^pr<X't (b^sfs aton 
Tcttia^e^S^ wiuies»,» m«i'* 
TMtnrJte»-* 1- to witneBS, or be*4 

witnci^to Usttify, to «ttest " J - 

cjm*, U) calU "• t»ke «itn 

eonjure, to niaki ;■ !»ji will «b.| 

teiUunejrt.topw-'. ,■■■■' ■■■-■■ 
Teatu, *. ttioWl- • plattciyin ovcn 
TeMiAOEUM,Uin. - ofan earth 
'afipot («rched 

TewtfcUnaetui, «. um. vaulted, 
"'" sbm. un a4i Kke i tor. 
ir-paced, v »u 1 1 e d ,h o 1 1 o iv 
JnU / 3.k tortoisc. a tor- 

toiae-iheU, a friil . lute, thc roof 

ofahoute, eiigiiie, a Tcxo.iere.xui vel 

Tetraphirrnacum.i. n. 3. • 

consistinir of foiiringredicnli[er» ing to tbe *ea, like 

Tctriiphori flrum pl. m. foiir beur-ThaliisainiiB,ii,um.o({ 

l'etrarclii»,a.m » tetrtirch,» govel* Thalaasio, onii. ir. B 

- l'fi.r:ircliia,i /'.!.» u-tntrclij . [nor.», i. m. 2. a 

1'etraRtichoti, i- n. 2. » tetriiiic Thalictrum i n. 2 • 

Tttrc,tnft\ iiii, c mp errrali, fup.Thnlhis.i m 2 the n, 

dirtily, hidcotisly, cruelly. I olive-l 

Tetricltas, atil / cr»bbcdne8s,The5tnli» e aifj. of 

stcmess ThenlndiulnJ nli ! 

Tetrlcus, *, tim orf/ rude. rough f T hratnim.i.ii? * thc 

iggeJ-soiir.siirly.crabbed.snllen *c»Bbld,*peetalor* [ 

trtgOni »,*./ ■'smill gra*shop-Theca,x/l » »he»tli 

tiilit,/»-» Tulit, Ttt. ( per Thcm»,atuji.3 a thet 

Teiichitcs, i», i» 3. » »weet rushlii iiortneope, arnati 

Teucrion.i.n. jrermnnder, pimpcrjTtiemklisrnu», i, m. i 

reuthnlU.ido». /".j.knntgr.i59 (ml Thtmist», Jt m. l.a. 

:3 k 'I liLr>l(igicu»,a*m.o J 

1'ejtor, ti , 
TeiU, *./. 1. i 
Testlle, is. r J 

T'hc61cgus,i.Fi. 2. a 
ThcBrcma ati» «.3 
Thefiri1tii:u»,«,um a<i 
Vbcdiu, *./. thcorv 

/ 3. treadei» remed 
thrum. rheriacu*, », um. 01$ 

llicrntatim antis. m. 
Thcrioma,at"i* ii. 3.» 

target fence, a pcntlionsc (tili. 
Te»«l»,«-/. ■ *mull ilnll, a littlc 
Te«tuny.ii»-e«rtlienp»ii forfirel 
Te*tu*,u»/a cover.or liU fors pot. T 
Teuinieu» a, um.orf/ very tubjcct T 

to tUe crainp, *rh stiffnes». 
T-et»nu»v*. n. 2.» contraction. 
T-etsrtziM»,um otJ(. ofthe fourlh T 
Titer,tr»,truni.o({i.ior. &>mp erri ~ 

QUMiii fouljitink hor 

riblcjhideou», dreadliil bluck, o 

usrk, »h»rp, »evei crucl. 
TetlnJ»»»oineniie,s um. atlj. mixJl 

ed with, t ttdded ■ Bcawater. 1 
Ttthe*, »»./ 1 ■ kind of oyster. Tt 
Tetntehqrdum i.n.2 an instrumcnt! « 

of four itring*. (fuur «u-iusjtt., eovertiU thv fraaiing ofsuiy tliin^, . bkth* 
Tetrachordu», ». um. adj. h»ving TestQr», x /1 » teiture.(tbrtiiediT!i*r»in,8ni«. m. 3. at 
Tetrldoron.i nfour h»nd»'bre»dth ! Teitii*. », woven, pl»ited,|Thejtiur*riu» a,unj«! 
Tetradrachni*, «•/. «miu», i.n. ■Textu*,u*. m 4. ■ wtnring^*. teit iThCtaurlriu*, i. «t.3. 

Greek coin of the v*lue of threej . frh«»«uriw4re.n lto 

Tetr»lii,ieis/3 linfr.h«»th;den*rii * ™" rThf lauruv-nt. 2- tte* 

Tetriirftnii»,»,uin. ai(j. quadrangTi. ThilaniigTi».'!.-»!. 2. ■ y»eht, a pin-[we»lthj» trewurj,* 1 of, »r belonc;- 

\ng ln a wc»ver,o-™e»vinp[tr»de TherKitrophhim^ 1 
Tcntrin»,-« / > wcaver'» »hop or ThcrniK, arum. pl.f. 
Teitrinum, i. n 2. idem. (st 

Tcitiim, i 

(put. n«ce of ple**ure, ■ preutirc boatmttibi. 

Tetnn^tit. m. » qutxhtr, «r tuunjaTuiiiiT».ii»,',.in. 3. » btdclautvbar, afThiirut 

i. w(U./S 





acis. m. 3. the brcast, a hay-leaves, a furious, or mad hu 
ilate a stomacher, a bust. Thysus, i m. 2. a •wine. [raour. 
. m. 2. a (lopr, Swift. [wiml. 

is, se- m. the north-west 
>ms.m. 3. a bullv;a hcctor 
cis. m 3 a fencer. 
ica,dru»n./>/n. swords. fccc. 
lia, x. f 1. a lamcntation. 
Ipis- m. 3. a moth. 


Tiara, x / & Tiaras, se. m. 1. atur- 
ban, a crown, a sash. 
Tiaratus, a, um. adj. turbaned. 
Tibi. fiut. a tu, to, for, or by thce- 
Tibia,x./.l.the lejr, apipe,a flute. 

rSair, or scat of state. 
.a,um. adj. of frankinccnse. 
lum i.n. 2 anincenst-pot, 

., i- m.2. a throne, a royal Tibiale, is. n. 3. a stocking. 

Tihifdis, e. adj. of legs, ©r pipes. 

Tibicen, Tnis. m. 3. a piper, a min- 
strcl, a prop, shorc, or pillar 
r. [eth frankincense.lTibicYna, x /1. a woman playing 

inaus,a,um o/7/ that burn- on a flute, a female piper 
\ a, um. adj. that beareth, "ncrillum,i. n. 2 a lojr,a littlc raftcr, 
reth forth frankincense a oeam, afunnel of a chimncy. 
jits, a, um. adj. tliat jrath- Tijrnarius, a um cdj of raftcrs 
ankincense. [ccnse. Tijruarius fabcr,a carpcnter, Cic 

is. n. 3. frankinccnse, in-Tipno, Sre a 1 to roof. 
rac, ffround-pine, Plin. 
im, i. n. a littlc frankin 

:hus, a frantic revel. jThymum, i. n- the herb thyme- f timoMiisly, meanly, cautiouslv. 
r\ i. n. 2. wild senna. Thymus. i. m. 2. thyme, aWart. jrimiditas/atis/ 3. timiditv,timo- 
i. m. 2.the centreof anar- Thynnus.i.m. 2. a tunny. [thvrsus.l rousness.bashfolncss.carctiilness. 
iof, a cupola, a ceiling. ThyrsYger» a, um. ad* caming o ^imidiiliw, a, ura. adj. somcwhat 
.tus a,am atij that ismade Thyrsus i.m.2.the s»em ofan herb fearful. 

ircastorwith abreastplate. a spear wrapt about with ivy, o; Timidus,a, um. atlj- ior, cmp issu 

mus tub- timorous, fcarful, faint- 
hearted, cowardly, fearing, bash- 
ful, providcnt, cautious. 
Tlmor, 6ris. m. 3. fcar, cowardice, 
rcverencc, awc. drcad, supcrstU 
Tinca, se./. 1. atcnch. [tion* 

Tmctilis,e a'{/-scrvin£to dic with» 
Tinctor, 6ris. m :i. a dier. 
Tinctorius, a, nm adj of diers. 
Tinctura,ae./Ia tincture,colorordie. 
Tineturus,a um /x about to stain. 
rinctus,a*um./>/ died, stained, dip- 
ped, sprinklcd. imbued. Tinctus 
vcneno, poisoncd, Suet. 
Tincluvlsm.-l.a. dyinjr, a dipping. 
Tfiica, x.f 1. a niotli, a worm. 
Tinc&ms, a, um. adj. full of moths. 
Tinircndtis a, :im. pt tobedipped. 
Tingcns, lis. /*r. dynifr dipping. 
Tinjrn,gvrc,n\i,iictuiu. a 3 to dic, 
to stain,tn tin|rc v to imbuc, to dip, 
to wa«h v to paint. Tin* 
prcrc alitpicm poculib, to fuddle 
liim, Jlor. 
Tingor, jrt. p to bc died. 
Tinniens, tis pt. ginpflinp. 
twecn thc bark and the wood JTinnimentu^, i «. 2. a tinklinjr. 
riliaccus,a, um. adj. of atcil-tree Tinnio, ire, Tvi, itum. n. 4 to ringf, 

to jrinjrle, to tinkl^, to prattle. 

Tijrnum,i. n 2.a rafter.a beam, tim- 
ber used in building a vine prop 
Tignus. i. tn 2 idem. 
Tigrinus, a. um. adj. of a ti^er. 
Tifrris. Tdis. vel is- / a tigcr,Tijrcr 
Tilia,ac /'l.ateil-tree, the skin bc- 

/ 1. a wihl cyprcss-tree. 
i m 2 a chorus, orfrantic 
i honor of Bacchus. 
i. n. 2. frankincense. 
,cs/a pulpit, or stand forh 

Tilos, i. m. 2 a woodhousc. 
:i. 5nim. pL m 2. mimics rimcfactus, a, um pt scarcd. 
:us,a um aaj. of mirolcs Timcndus, a, unj. pt> to bc fcared 
:um choragium, thc play Timens. tis pt fcaring. 
liture, Apul. Timeo, are mui a. & n.7 to fcar.or 

us, a, um. adj. of thvme be afraid. to dread,to dislike, to 

ia, atis. n. 3. a twcct jrum. scorn. Timeo te, lest thou do meJTintinnstotilu*,i m.2 a beadlc.[cart, 
s, a, um. ndj of thyme hurt, Ov tibi, lest thou come toiTintinnio, ire. n. 4 to rinpf. 
, i. n. 2. a wart [thyme. some hurt, Ter Tintinno,tWTintrno ^re.n.l torinp 

Sis. m. 3. wlnemade with Tfmeor. eri- p to be fcarcd. [ful Tlnus, i/ 2. a kind of bay-trce. 
% $ a, tn. atti. smeUinjr ofJThnesco,c£re. tnc- 3. to jrrow fear Tipiila,TWTipnina,fen*ipulla, */. 

T*in4de,«s*i»ta # c v ft»p. issimc, t^> | 1. a water-spider witii six fect. 
41 • 

Tinniturus,i,um pt. aboutto ring. 
Tinnitiis,us m 2.arin jring-,atinkling 
Tinnuhi8,a,um.oJ? tinklmjr, shrill. 
Tinnunc\ilus,i.m.2 a kind of hawk. 
Tintinnabulum,i.n.2 a littlc bcll. 

Tltillor, »n p. to oc licnr-cl. {.i 
Tltio,^n : » m.3.a firebranrt ,uiencli 
Tltnb:ina. tis pi. Miuiihlinp, tn.g-1 

sulter.l,r:itei_l, bomc, IdUHtMI 
iTolerStus, ». mn. /if.ior cuni/i.tole 
ero.are u toler«te,tobcar, 
endurc to unlerpo, 

o brinp (ip. 

Tiiiii.Jt.o-onij /.1. nsUgffsrinp 
TTtubatui, x, um. pi. «tumbline; 1 to »lumble,to st»g- 

«■ tripito stammer, * 



lus, JL, oui 
rol[tm>.'"tiiis.niA . ., 
iTollens, tia, fit . taking away 
T«llo ).Tf.siniuli,sublatum,u.3. 
lake.pickJttW rsisc takc. 
carry take away, 

Tone*cit, tm 
Tmiitr-ilui, e 

der, * ruml 
Tbnltrm, iU 

hIin K uoise 

1'iSunt oris. 

alung' witli, u> briuglToiisi.i/ tl 

title,» trophy, hou 

, .... _i inscriptton, a hill 
Mt upon adoor a itiark sct tipot 
a vcmcL the fnim of a »ow. 

T»yrus,i.m 3 » rced.s snlyr, rwili 
man,a h*-jJoat, a tinti of »pc. 

Tmesis, i»/ 3. a division. 


TBdilhu. a, uin. aoV tinj'. 

Tttgu. i/.l.upwnii cover,9rwr«pJ 
per,time ofpeace, management 
of civil affaifa * r.l 

clippcd, cu 


['utisill.T,~iru dvfer.tu put off, 
tocut nff Tiillerc animos to takc 
lic:irt,/'/flTi«. nuimos ctv 

fcrnieni.Cii-jfrisum. /for cachiiv lau K ii li, «rtilv, roii«m>, ,ir t . 
r,s l|..rreii.! sct up f,V.r frn- ronsor.oris 
dTiiii.t.. u';dk aruru, /'iW 
!>u- :il, T „> t,,lv K :ily t„ '.■ i .mi„,.h,l,|' f ,„,nr. Ui . s 
tVi',i»l'irc*t it Uv. s!i-T<iii-,ir;cu|:i, 
fjiicni fnrtn. to kidnjp liirn IV.^.Tnuitrii.j, ,* 
afi |>icm ij mctliu. U*. de mclio.Tnnstii-i.ic;, 
to kill, Cic. (/). lo betukeri up.T„„,iir;.,.r./". a/u 





tops of small trecs. |Torpedo, Xnu. f.3. numbneai, bui 

iina,.r/ 1. the art of making 1 ncss, a fisli. 
ours, or figiires with trees]er Torpens, tis. pt numh, dull, fain» 
iarium,i./iZan arbour, a bow-Torpco,cr<»,pui n'Z to he henunih 
iari>is,i. m. 2.a gardencr, ouc cd, tobc numb,stifr.dullm-hcav\ . 
q maketh arbours i to licinactivc,tobe boundup,tol>< 

:arius,a, um ailj. ornamcntul. in ai ccstarv. to faint, vlanpuish 
ica, orum. pl. n. 2. topics. Torpesc.ens,tis./*7. growinp* nuiiit>. 
1c*,cj /*3.the art of invtntion.Torpesc*>,ccre inc. • togrownumb. 
icc, fli/r topically. i stiir, slu^ish r faint, to tarnish 

'icis,a uin «'//.topical anarbor Torpide, ath' torpidly, heavily, 
•i.uin,i n. 2. a knot ina frarden. Torpidus, a, um ndj. torpid, stitf", 
>ftjfr.iplii;i, x./.l. topofjraphy. clull, heavy, drowsy. 
*l, St Torfile, is. n •> the furni-Tflrpor.ftris.m.3 nu nbnets, hcavi- 
cofa bcd.ortablca tablccloth ncss. drowsiness, listlessness la- 

rorresco. ere n. f> f»t? roastcd ©r 
rorrklus, a, w\ : . torrid, suhry, 


shrivclled, shnmk up. starvcd. 
Torris, is m 3 a firchrand. 
Torsio, onis.y -«a twistin^ a \rrith- 

injr, a torturing', a jfripinj;. 
TortO ndv. crookcdly, aviry 
Torti1is,e. adj wreathed. wiiid!'i;r. 
rortivus, /..// sqiirf/cd.pres- 
Tortor, iiri p. to bc pained [ned. 
Tortor 6rU.-ji.3a torturcr, Kqiins 

tortor,a hard trottinjr Iiorse^\«n. 
Tortuflsc adv crookcdlv. 

cQlar,TW Torcul.ire, is n 3. a' sincss[a collar,0rchain,wrcathcd H'ortunsus, a, um. adi. ior, c mp. 
sm for winc oil. Scc Torquitns a um «.-// that wearcth wiiidin£,crookcd.intricate, pain- 

CiUirium, i. n 2. a press-room Torqucndus,a um pt. to bc tortur 
cftlarius, a um. adj. of a prc»s. ed, tormcntcd r wrcstcd 
ciilarius, i. m. 2. a prcssman. Torquens tis pt. twistiiijr roll : n<r 

c:ilum; i n 2. a pie»s 

CUliis, i. m 2. idein 

sulus, a, um a>lj. of a prcss. 

Torqiieo.e>c,rsi,rtuin&.rsiim. a 2 
to twist, twirl, to whirl orturn a- 

Mima, atis. n. i platc chascd, hout tocurl, tobcnd to 

!>ossed, rengTavcn. 
■Umntum i. m 2 idcm. 

<listort,to pervciit,towrcst totor- 

ture, torment.orrack, to exmici- 
Uticc.e.4 /"tlieartofcngTavin^. ate,to %'c3C,to throw or hurl,io or|Torvitcr.»i./T-.sour!v, stcrnl; [ncss. 
nen# inisn ^tormina! um. pl. dcr ©r ^ovcrn Torquere itvr,to Torulus i m.J.a httlc oci!:: nn<^lct 

Tortura, x.f 1 a twistinjj. fful. 

Tortus, a, u:n. pt twistcd, curlcd, 
friz/.h d,writhcd,v.indin^, tortur- 
cd dartcd, thrown, huri^.-d. 

Tortus, u». m. crookcdncds, a 
wrcath, a s]>ir»*. 

Torvc, «//»•. soui-lv, flternlv. 

Tm-\-iiius,a,ii:n.*jv. Torvus. 

1'orvitas. alis^/' ., v>u«'ik*sh, stcrn- 

irripinjrof thc ^uts thcchohc. 
aenttim, i.n 2 a torment, tor 

stcp asidc Stat. stannna, to spin, 
Ton|iicor t cri p to be tortureil^O:'. 

a woinanN ciwl, a,i.Mi.'^. a ho.l.a coiwJi a h»*.l- 

;Apinrhinc;,»ruippin^ au cn-Torques,& Torquis. is il.r- -J acol- st.vid. marriri^r. a r>i>-'. or corfl, 
:tottirows'oncs,&c.acannon, lar, or chain, r.itf, a wrcalh, h ! twi«>-.-il p/rivr-j». s«ra", , 1 a wr.'!i'!i, 

•p*j [lCrip*-" s 

iintlis, e. atlj causiuyr ttn 

iin6*ius, a, um ndj subjcct to 


^tor. oris m 3 aturncr. 

It.iii, a. um. pt. tumcl. 

o, irc a. 1 totum, topolish. 

or, ari p to he turnel 

'i* i. m.2 a w lecl, a lathe, a 

r ?r. Anj^usfo versus inclu- 

- torno to make vcrscs in a 


*n%x,*vi\.atlj. io r, c-»mji.hnw> 

«tmnjr, lusty, rough. 

frarland of Ho.vcrjL 
rnircfacio[torrco,facin ,ccrc, fe- 

ci, factum- a 3 to p.ircli 
Torrefactus, a um pt scorchcd. 

u tuf», :i rin^^rt, a kn'it, n •" i:!l- 
in';•; tori, />■' liriwuv m-isi- 1 . s. 
rorvus.a,u:u.i; f/'.M»r c m/» .»*«., :.u« 
»ttp, «*:>,ir, stcrn,»;:nm. *\\n- 9 c-w). 

Torrcns,tis p:Zfa'lj.tor,comp. i*,um. pt to.,s;M. rnasU- 1, 
mufMKp toastinjr. ruastin^.parcli-j broilci, bakcd, %r ^hvd.^nmrli. 
in^r, hasty. violent, hcaUlontr. ^a-jToVlrfl.'f. , |||f/.'r. , . so inanv. '*■..* *o 
pid fluent 8>i'try. [tlooil JTfitulis. c uij tota», who-c. ■ n* r - 

rorrcns.tis m > a tornmt,a land JTot^litcr, adv. *ota!ly, wh^ li- 

'1'orrcntiut, adv. comp. morc vio- ro»!d»* n.«i // 'tt.^tdec! hi«t«r> .puip . 
lcntly. :T6t:vi» «*./»•. il.qu T'i> s. n /- s-> 

T »rr«.-o,8re,rui,tostum.* toxst.i many tim«-s t.< ofr <.*n. broil to bake to porcii, o*-Trttus.a,u-n.aJ/.so «rreat *o m..uv 
■corrhi to buni, to dry, to pin«u T6tus,8>,um adu \v».vs^ ^ -cv&.x- 





sus i/ to go '>rpas* o\ cr,bc> ond, 
(r by, to excecd, to transgress 
Traiisjpvssio 6nis /. 3. a pussiiu? 
over, or bcyond a transgrcssion. 
Truiib^rressor, ori* m. 3 a trans 

Traiisgrcssus, a, »ni. pt. that hath 
pussed over, a going over, ex 
ceeding. (sio 

Trunsgrcssus, us.1V/.77/. Transjrrcs 
T'-an^ioctiO,6ni8/ 3.a casting ove; 
Transjecius, a« um. pt. laid ucross 
Tr.nisn:ns.«'intis, /»/. passmg over 
lY-in>ijrsi itrans, ago], gcre, sC-gi, 
sv.ctuui, ad. ' to nin, or tlirus 
thru.i/li, to pierce, to concludc. 
to finisii. to dispatch to transact. 

tO puSS 

Trciii-cgor, fri. p to hc transactcd. 
Ti':iiisj'i«mo, viti Trujieio- 
Tr«-*silio [tr m-.,\ Wrc. lfvi, ir 

lui. « ■* toleup, orpass 

vond, ©r hy, to excecd, to ouiit. 
T*i!'si!is e adj. tliat pusscth over 
Trunsitio.-Viis. / 3. a transitiun, u 

ftfOiiijr ovcr. a rcvolt a passuge 
Ti.iiisiionus, a transi'or> 
TransiUir.iturn cst imprrg he-we, 

or t-iev puss over, (pa*s ovcr 
Ti':insst»'iriis, a, um />/. ahout to 
Tra:H*t!i.s. a, »im ///. passcd ovcr 
Transitu*, us m 4. a passingover, 

a passa.?^, a chaiigc, u transit 
T-a ivjunr.i jjcre a.3. to rcmove 
7' i7'<ria!>(>r,hi,a]>sus,r/.toslidi' ovcr 
Ti.i wlrUio, onis f3 a translation.a 

tra .si^iTin^ca transplantiii^a rc- 

lii - ). al, a^rc, a dcinur. 

ve> cd, mctaphorical. 
7Va«*lcgo,ere,egi,a .> toreadove 
rrauslficciis, shiningthrougi 

Transpadanus, a um. mij- s 

beyond the rivcr Po (thr 

rranspcctus, us. m 4« a 1» 

YVu/itlucco, erc, xi. «. to shinv». 'ranspicio [trans,specio]. cr 

through (reiit 

Transliicidus, a. um adj transpa 
Transmarinus, a,um <zr(/ foreign. 
! 'ransmcabilis, e adj. that may bi 
passed over, or through. 
Crausineans, tis pt. passing over 
!Vansmeatio f 5nia. f. a passin^ 



7V«/i*meo, ure. n. to ptss over 01 \ rransportatus<a,um-/>MrtiHp 
y , ifi«*migro.are remove[er IVarwporto, arc. a.l. to trani 
! 'r:insniissio,tnis/3 ascndingov to banish, to convey over 
rransmissurus, a,um pi about to IVansportor.uri //.to hecamt 

scnd ovcr 

"Vansmissus, us m. 4 a passagc. 
I 'raiis-nissus,u, 8ent,or puss 
cd ovcr spent. 

p ransmittendus, a um. pt to bc 
traiisn.ittcd, ov po&tponcd 
r ransiiiitti'iis passingovcr. 
rra}ism\lto % tcrc.Tsijissum. a. 3. to 
trans nit,to scnd,makc,piss or go cast, »r throw ovcr, or he- 
vond to lef.orrun tlirough,topass 
'>?• spcMi.l to pass hy, to omit. 
rransmittor,ti pa.ns.Ui bc sent over 
rransuiontanus, a, uui. adj. living 
hcvondthc mountains. 
Prap.s.iiotus, a, um. pt rcmovcd. 
"/Vaiwmovco, ere,6vi,6tum. act 2. 
to rcinove, to transfcr. 
Transmutans tis- pt. changin^. 
Transmutatio, onis./ 3. a change, 
or transposition, an exchanjre. 
YVii/ivinrito, ilrc act 1. to chanjre. 
Tra i^- :ti!iii9.a.>ini.ii //.traiisfcrrcd|Trausmtans,tis./i/ swiinmingovcr. 

ii-k-i\> vo l us:ial, orlinarv, mcan 7'/*«/i.fnlto urc «.1. toswim over. 

■>. to look through, to btlio 
rranspicior,i.p to he seep tln 
*."a»«p5no nerc.a.3- to tniu 
"ransportMio 6nJ8/"ti-ansp«r 
!>ansportaturu»i,u,um./w. sIm 
transportortranspose (tramp 
rranxportuiidus, a um. ^-' 

rranspositiOtOnis/3-a tranK 

rranspbsitus,a,um/>f. tnui^) 

IVausrhenanus. a uin. <iij-* 

hc>ond thc- Kliinc (tl»?l 

Transtiberiiiiis a,um. 

rranstillum.i 71 aliuk tm 

rranstrum i n 2.a hcncli.^rfc 

a hoat,or ga!k*> ,a bcam, u f 

!'ransvectio,onis ^a cam.tuj 

l*ransvectus.a,U!ii pt carritd 

jrone,o>-j>ast(carry ci 

I ruuwveho,h.r* ,cxi,'Ctum.ii 

Transvchor. hi /• to iic ra.rl 

Transvcrbcrutus a, «i!i »./'(. * 

through (through. tu 1 11 

Ti-awsverhcro.lrc arr l to f» 

Transvivsi adv »>ke*, - st 

Transveniiriti:n, i. .1 - * "** : 

Transvcrsirius. a. 11:11 r* '» 

Transvcrsc. atlv rt^r.iss '.tli 

Trunsvcrsio.onis./.>. atr»**! 

Trans\ crsus a,ii.:i.«'//- tr»:«' 

ucross,o\ ertliAurt.-onTarM 

. . site Transvcrs:s a^.t" ^ r ' J 

Tr.t 1»; t«v is i.-rn a //•id. co n non, rran>nU'irus, a, um. pt. ahont to: portcd -vith :>»i f Vl ' f 
'Jmujhior. oris m. ». a tranaUlQi',a' swisn ©vcr. | TeTsanid!g':tam,an.ijcrijrc 

«•.*•* «-Hkvi 





insvcrsum pfrcrcaliqiirm shakinff, a twinkling", gTcat fear.iTribucns.tis pt. a trihnting, gran^- 
onc act indircctly, Flor. Trcmulus, a, um. udj. trcmbling.JTnbulA, x.J. 1. a little cart (ing. 
[tran». salto], are a. 1. 6hakinjr,quiveriiig > , warbling. tot-jTnbfilis. is. m. 3 oneofthe suine 
»r jump over, to vault terinjr, twinklingymcertain (injr.! tribe. stock, er ward, a plcbeian. 
,mcre,:npsi, mptum. a o.TrcpidanB tif. pt, trcmbling-. panl-;Tnbulo,are a 1 to thrash, to vex. 
rom onc to anothcr. |Trcpidanter, attv. ius, c mp. fear Tnhulum. i n 2. i</. v«. Tribula. 

tio, 6nis./ 3. a takinjj fuily [icar 

to another (sumptive |Trepidutio, ftnis / o a trembliu^. 
tivus, a, um «</;. tran-lTrepidatur, impere. thcy tremble. 
erc « .5 to scw throufrh iTrcpidaturus, a, um. pl. about to 
ii./>.to be sewed throiifrhl tremblc 

ns,tis />f .flying- ovcr(tcn 
:o,arc.n fly over of 
,are fly ovcr,orbc- 
haste, to det»ert. 
9 m 3 an oil-prcss.(cd. 
,i #i. & Trapctus, i. 7/1 2. 
z.f.l.a bankcr's tablc. 
,dc.m.l. a bankcr, an ex- 

11, i. n. 2. f quadranjrlc- 
ioron,i n. 2. a cupboard, 
, thc foot of a tablc. 
ri//. Tr.insveho. 
a atlj pl three hundred. 

t, adv. thrcc hundred 
«/./r.thirty tiiiics.(timcs 
atlj. pl indeel. thirteen,um. adj. trcmbling*, 
harful, :.fraid. 
Ot [trcmo, facio]. c£re, 
m,a S. to m#ke to trcm 
akc, to put 111 fear 
us, a. um pt. shaken, 
tcrrified, trcmbling-. 
s,a,.im./>/. to he startled 
ndous, drcadful. 
ds pt- tn:mblmg\ 
s. ti». pt tremblinjr. 
:urc S. totremble,or 

Tnhulus i.m 2 a thistle,a brambJf, 

an irou spike,a caltn>p[mcntscat 

J'rihunal,alis,u. a tribunul, a judjr- 

Tnhunalia, ium. pl. n. 3. banks to 

kecpthc watcrfrom ovcrfiowmg 

Trepide «flf/r fearfully, in a hurry.j rrihunattis,U9. m. 4. tribuncship. 

Trepido, are ?i. 1. to tremblc, to 
shakc, to hcat, or pant, tohastcn, 
or bc in a hurry, to rim along. to 
bc anxious, or conccrncd, to, 
or bc wcak. 
Trepidor,ari be in fcar(fraiii 
Trcpidulus,a,uiu adj somcwhat a- 
Trepidus, a, uni. adj. trembling*, 
frighted, astonished, fcurful, ti 
morous. conccrned for, doubtful, 
uncertain, suddeu, uucxpectcd, 
swift, hasty. 
Trepondo, n. indecl. thrcc pounds. 
•amJj pl. three lnmdrcdTres, & hic tria three Te- 

tribus verbis volo, three wonk 

with you, Jlaut. <). the wcigbt or valut 

of tliree uttes, or fartlungs. 
Trcssis, c adj vile, mcan, pitiful 
Tresvlri, vid Triumvir. 
Triangnlaris, c at\j. triangrular 

rit • % f\ m 1 g 

rribOnttius,a, um. adj. tribunitial. 

rribunus.i.m.2 a tribunc. Tribuni 
plcbis, keepcrs of the hbcrtics of 
the pcople.Tribuni militiun,those 
who had the command >- 1 . a ltrcrion 
six to each leg".on, an i * «•mmar.ti- 
ed h\ turns, coloneJs. 1 nbuni x- 

rarii, rcccivers-jrcncrrl 

!'ribuo,ut re,ui,fitnr.i u. .». to attri- 
butc,to a*>sifrn uscribt',«>r imput**, 
to grant y pvc f «r bestow,to dividc, 
to pay regarri, or rcspcct. 

!>ibuor, ui./>.mj to l'o attributed. 

iYibus, ds/4 1 tribf, or ward. 

I 'ribiitarius, a. um uUj. tribiiLam . 

rnbutlui, tutu. wanl by uard. 

rributio 011111./ 3. a ilistiuniting* 

1 rfbittor oris. m. 3 :i bcstovrcr. 

rnbiltmn, i n. 2. tributc, custom* 
impost. a tix toll, . r abacssmcnt. 

rributnriis,a,um/>r. that willg\ve. 

rriangulum,i.n.2a triaMglu(nercr' ;'ributus,i. m ~.trib\ite, a su) wdy 

Tr.angnlus a, um. adj. three cor 
rriarii. drum pl. m. 3 oldsoldici*' 
sct in the rcar, as a reservc Au 
triarios rcs rcdiit, thc busincss ia 
conic to the Ust push, J'rov. 
Trias, adis / .> the trcy, or threc 
Triba», aclis. / 3- a mran wliore. 
t, to shake, toquake iTnbracliys, jos tu. 3. a foot con- 
,m»ii n 3. to trcmble, or* taining" fhree short sylbblcs. 
1». to shakf, to quake,lo l;us, a, um. adj.ofz tribc 

iTnfmciKkiB^um ptJLo bc attri!>ut 
. .i a IrambKnjr, a 1 cd, t« ke given, t© bc b««u»wc4. 

r.s. m. 

rnbiHus, a, um. p: attribi»:':f). 
i'i ii>uti:s, a, um< udj ot 111: »r,be». 
'Vic.c, aruni./i/./.l.a ltt, r imprdi 
mcnl.tritio, ^owgaws, lo<dcrics, 

t rircnurius a. um a:(! of thiriy« 
. nceni, x. a thirty. 
ru:cntcni,x a au/. three hurflrcd 
. -.'fijciitics, adv. thi-ec hun*.^ ;; J 
tiincs. (triple* 

J'n cco% itis. «.tij 





T0tdphiM,ttm.o4; of f or belongingfryro, ftfifo.m. fcc. wdl Tiro, &e. 

to a tutor, or euardian. 
Tiitulus, i m. 2. a woman's rolK 

tbe peak ortuft of a priesfs hair. 

•r cap, a tower, or turret 
Tutus, a, uro. a$< ior comp. issf 

muMif^.safe» secure, out of dan 

Tyrrhena vincula, 1 uscan smdals. 

\r&cans,tis M. vacant, uninhabit- 
ed, voio, free frotn, without, 
at leisure, supernumerary. 
VAcantcr, adv. at leisure, idly. 

srer. M al£ tutae mentis Orestes, Vacat, imp. I am at leisure 

disordered, distraeted. N-r 

Tuus, a, um-pron adj. thine,thinc Vacatio, dnis/3. an exemption, a 
own, favourable. Tuum est, itis discbarge, afreedom- (leisure 
your part, Ter. De tuo, out of yacaturus,a,uin pt. about to bc at 
your own pocket, Plaut 

Tymbos^.m.atorab, afuneral pile 

Tympan)cus, a, um aaj having a Vaccinus, a, um. aqj. of a cow 

tympany, of a tympany 
Tympanista, x.m. 1. a drummer 
Tympanitcs, ae. m. 1 a tympany 
Tympanizo, are. a 1. to drum. 
Tymp&uotrfba,s. m 1 a drummer 
Tyuii)6miin,i n.2.a timbrel,adrum, 

a wneel a sobd orb, a pannel 
Typhon, 5nis m» 3. a whirlwind 
Tjrpice. adv. typically. 
T^picus, a, um. aaj typical 
Ty^griphia, ae./ 1. printing 
Typographus,i.m. 2- a printerfple 
Typus,i.m 2. a type, ftgure, exam- 
Tjrrannlce, adv tyrannically 
T^ranmcida,* c.g.\. the killeiso 

destroyer of a tyrant (a tyrant 
Tyrannicidiuin, i. n.2. a killing of 
Tyrannicus. a» um. adj tyranmcal, 

tyrmnous cruel, despotic 

TyraTiisjfdis./^.tyranny, despotic VicueTacio, [vacuus, facio], c£re 

govcrn.nent, usurpation, sove 
reignty, goveroment (a 

VacHUm adi> leisurely. 

Vacca,ae./.l.a cow, a iittie harlot 
Vaccinium,!. n a blackberry,» bil 

Vacciila, ae./ 1. dim. aheifer. 
VaceTlo [vacuus, fio], fie*ri, factus, 

n. p. 3. to be made empty. 
Vacerra,*./ 1. a rail of timber. a 

post, a coxcomb, a fool. (ple 
Vacerrosus,a um. a<%„ doltish,sim- 
Vacillans.tis.£*. wavering, shaking, 

moving.staggering, drooping,un- 

stcady. [staggering, inconstancy 
Vacillatiooms./ 3. a wavering, a 
Vacillo,arc n. 1 to wavcr, to shakc, 

to totter, to stag^er, t« fail 
Vacive, adv. at leisure. (poverty. 
Vacivus,a,um . a dj . em pty>atleisure 

Vaco,are. n. 1. to be empty, void. 
free from, disengaged, at liberty, 

•rat leisurc, to want,to be intentl a case, the cod of corn 
upon, or study, to be employed. Vaginarius, i m.2. a nhesJ 

ed^t libeTtyoHetsure^i 

insignincant (bail, 

VgdAturus, a,um. pt. ab< 

Vadfttus, a, um. pt. goi 

sureties, requinng bail 
Videns, tis. pt. goingv n 
V&dfm5nium,i.n.2*a rec 


Vado ire,si t go. to give bail* 
Vlidosust a, um aqy. for 
V&dun>i.n. 2.a ford, ;.r i 

a river, a narrbw passa; 
sea, the sca, a bottom 
Vadus« i. m. 2. idem 
Vadus,a, um.uaj fordabl 
V&interj. alas ! woe to, 
Vafeis a, um- aaj. frior, t 

mus,t»^rafty f wily« cui 
Vaframentum,i.R.2. ani 
Vafr^, adv. craftily, cun 
VafrHia, ac./.l. crattine* 
' slvness 

Vafrites, 6i./ 5. crafiJ 
Vagabundus«a,um.<ii{i i 
Vagnns, tis. pt. wanderh 

Vagatio, dnis. / 3. s s) 

strolling a roving ubw 
Vagatus, a, um pi ha*«in| 
Vagt^, adv dispersedl^' i 
Vagiens, tis pt. cryingli 
Vagina, ac./l.a scabiwM 

Tyrannua,i.m. 2. in old time it was 
used, in good part for a king,now 
for a tyrant; also, a usurper. 

Tyrianthlnus,a,uui adj. of a bright 
tioJet colour 

Tyrios,a,am» a^*. of the c\ty Tyre 


f^ci, factum. a. 3« to lay waste 
Vacuefactus, a, um. pt emptied, 

T^rannoctdno.i,i./n 2. the killer of made void, freed» deHvered. 

Vacuitas,atis /3. eooptiness. free- 
dom. (void. 

Vacuo, are a. to empty, er make 
Vacuor, ari. p. to be emptied. 
Vacuuin, i. n. 2. an cmpty place 

Vacuus,a, um. adj. issimus, sup\ to be unsteady, to diajn 
k ^^^^^^e.Cr^n^d^sengagJvagua, a,um. ^ 

Vaginiila, ae f 1. a littk 

Vagio, ire, Ivi. ituous 

as an infant, to squeak 

Vagfto, are. n.l. tos^us 

Vagitus, us m. 4 toe ( 


young childreni s crjfi ■ 
Vagor. 6ris. m 3. ntas 
Vagor, ari. rf.l to w*ni#r 

rovc up and dowm to ' 





ling, excursive, loose, Valglter, aaV. with & wry mouth I Vanno, are. o.l. to fan,or wino#. 
inconstant, uncertain. Valgus,a,um. artj.bowlegged, ban-fVannus, i./ 2.a van,or fan to win- 
hoida, bravely? O rare! dyleg^cd. Valgura suavium, a| now com, a seed hopper» 
tupon it! klss vithapouchedmouth,fV<2u/.|Vimis, a, um. aaj. ior, comp. iarf. 

1- ha, ha. VaHde,aOT> ius corap. isslmc, tu/». mus, tup.vtun, cmpty, uselew. in. 

very much grcatly eai- stronglv, stoutly, lustilv, loudk, ■•' — ** «--«-■- - •«• 

earnestly, greatly. much. 

ldius,mnch,or far more. 
arewell, adieu 
ire.a 3 to bid farewcll 
us, a, um- aaj- valedic- 

pt. U attj ior, c mp. is- 
►. strong, powerful, va 
. eflficacious, nourish 
or in good hcalth. 
4v. ius, c mp valiantly 
./. 1. strength (strong 
a, um. atfy. somcwhat 
ji,litiim.» be wcll, farc wcll,to profit, prcvail, to 
t,orbc pittin exccution 
g,to have,orbe of force, 
or power, to be ablc, 
,to be worth, to be. to 
ean or signify. VaJe 
ebis a form of wishing 
. V&leaa, valeat, vale- 
rith,out upon,fic upon 
, si, fec let me die, if f 
ilere gratia apud ali 
be in his favour, Cic. 
S to influence him, Itl. 

e.fec gct atrength Valvltus, a, um. oo)' havng, or 

a ium, infirmary 
•iua,a um.atQ sickly, 
aickncsa, oflen sick 
is/. \health, sickness 
ady,diseaae, pain, pet- 
jnxy, distractioti Re 
iidines principis, to be 
physician v 7 1 ac Nervo- 

Validitas, atis./. 3. validity. 
Validus a, «m arlj ior, comp. issi 

m\m%*up. strong. stout, powerful, 

mighty,valiant, ablc, good, brisk. 

lively, active. well, ov in health. 

secured, furoishcd, provided 
Va1itiirus,a,um. / avail.(great 
Valluris e. a<fj. of atrench, or bu«- 

Vallatus,a,um./U. intrenchcd, for- 

tified fenccd, surrounded. 
Vallia, tW Vallcs, is / 3. a valley, 

or dalc Alarum valhs,the arm pit 
ValIo,are.a. 1 to trench round, to 

fortify to fcnce, to sccurc. 
Vallor, ari p. to be sccurcd. 
Vallum,i. n. 2 atrench,a bulwark. 

or raoipart with palisades, a fan 

Vallum aristarum, tlie beard in 

the ears of corn, Cic. 
Vallus,i. m. 2. a trcnch, a rampart. 

significant, foolish, triflinr, «illy, 

\ iplde* adv. vapidly. dully iU. 
Vnpiditaa atU /. 3 vapidne&s. 
Vapidua,a,um o<tf.vapid,flat,nasty. 
\ apor, oris. m 3 a vapour^team, 

heat. (u,. 

\ apdrarium, u n- a stove to sweat 

■ipdratio.dnis./. 3.aca*tjng up of 

vapours, a stcaming. 
* tip6ratas,a,um. />/ rxhaled, drie4 

ipwith heat, hot, scorched. 
v"ap6nfer,tW. Vapdriferus,a, um. niakethvapoursjonteaint 
\ apopo are.a. U a. I to send out 
vapours, to evaporate, to sraoke, 
to dry hcat,tobc scorched, 
to perfume 

Vaporor, ari p. to be nerfumed. 
VapArdsus,a,um.aa>fulj ofvapoan 
\ aponis, a. um. a<(f. sultry. 
v.»pos, 6ria m, 3. vapour. 
\ :ippa,ac./ I.pal1cdu»rdead wine. 

a palisadet a stake.or post.a fcttlej a spendthrift, an idle fcllow. 
fan for com. Valliis pectinis, the Vapiilans. tis, /i/. being beaten. 

row of the eomb-teeth, Ov. 
Valor, 6ria. m. 3 vahie, price. 
Valvae,arum pl.f l.fbldingxloors. 

made with folding-doora 
Valviilus i m2 a shell of peas. &c 
Vanesco, cere inc 3. to vanish,to 

come to nothing. to wear off 
VanTdlc\is,a,um aaj talking vainly 
Vaniloquentia,*./. vain talk. rant 
Vanil6quus-a,um.aa>talking vain 

ido, the goutp or rheu- Vanitas Itis/3 vamty. emptiness, 
u€t. inconstancy,vain-boasting,pride, 

>. it U well. ambition, ftattery, fahehood. 

n. 4. U make mouths- \1nftado, Inis./. 3, idcm 

4« • 

Vapularis, e. at/j that is beaten. 

Vapiilo. arc. n. 1. to be beaten,to 
bescoui-gcd, orwhipped 

Vara, «./ 1. anetsl\orc, a rafter, 
or transom.the small-pox ermea- 
sles,rcd pimpIes,o/ apecka in the 

Vari, Srum. />/. m 2 pita made by 
the smail pox,red pimplea in the 
face. (ther 

Varise, anim. jsf. f a streaked pan- 

rarians, tia. M varying. chan^ng, 
variablc. changeable, iiKxmatant, 
partiug, aeparating. mized. 

VariaAus,a.iim aay oftcn changia» 
colour, of a pale-red colour. 




VeriftBffatan» l Jt 2. a true repc^V*tt_--lrt*r orfr. like a bt>h«a i re f ]V«il61*it lt»l i 
.___*__._ — ___• — rudely, fawningly. [flourfcthing | ed^turoiogwH^uita 

Vcnttio^nit/- Utm 

a right wterpretation. 
Ve*itonritlis<e. ajf. iar. e mp. iffi-Jyeniens, tit, /* Verdfiit, ^reen, 

mut._i/£ likely.probable.crediblelVeroatio, flnis / 3. 1 growmg a- 
V£rt__m_lit_r, adv. probably. 

probability, a true likeneaa. 
Veristime.aaV mQtttru_y. 
VCi-tftt, Jktfa./. 3. truth, the truth 
Vtat_*»-a,um_ pu reeredt fearing 
Vermic__Ians, tit. pt. breeding 
. Vorms, creeping like a worm 

Vermfc&l-td, adv> like worms. 

Vernuhe fibelli^ merry booka, 

VerfculJUio, Onia /. 3. a breeding Vern&la, x. c *. 1. a IHtlgitare 

of worms, a gripmgof thc gutt. "" ,_ VL ■-— ■— 

VerrolciiUUut, 7 « ' unv£#. infested 

With woims,int*id, embroidered 
VermiriMor, trL dep. 1. to breed 

wormt,to be wormeaten,to make 

ehequer work, &c. to inlay. 
Vcmiciilosus, a, um. atfj. full of 

wqrmt, tr grubs. (a grub. 

Vermfcfilus, i. m. 2. a little worm, 
Vermic&lua, a,um. atf}. red. 
Vermina, um. pl. n. the gripes, 


Vermmltto, _nis/3.a brceding of VerrIcui_Lt_s,a,uin o^.like a drag 
worras, *nr bots^. wringing of the VerrTculum.i n 2 a sweep, or drag 

guts, ariy acute pain. 

with, or breed wormt, to shoot, 

or pain. 
Vermlnor, ari. <lcp. 1. to 

pain; pa*% to be griped. [worms 
Verm.ndsus* a, um. a_(f- full of 

Vermis, is. m. 3. a worm, a grub, a tole. 

creeping thing, vermin. 
Verna.aBc.f.l. a bondslave, a tau 

cy fellow. a rude scoffer. 
Vern^c»Uus,a,um. adj. tliat it born 

in one _ houte peculiar to a coun 

try, native, taucy. 
Vern-xulus, i. m. 2. a homeborn 

te/vant, a rude scoflfer. 

gain, a tkin, tr slough. [rade 
VernUit, e *#• tervile, fawning, 
VernUltaMtit/ 3 .affectedctvility, 

taucy language, acurriBty. 
Vemritter, adv. tlavishly. 
Vernd, ado. in the spring-time. 
Verno, ire. n. 1. to be, tr growlVertff ic2t_o,6nis/ 3 

rerdant,orgreen to bud, tr tptout Ver__-_cato^dris, •. 

out, to catt the ikin, tr slough, Vertrf ico [versut, fi 

to awarm, te sing. " "~ " *" 

Vernus ,a, um adj. vernal, of the 
Vero,c fy.but,nay, rather, yea tru 
ly ; adv. indeed» truly. 
V_ro,are. n 1 to tell the truth. 
Verpa,ac./ 1. i e. Penit 
Verpus, a, um adi. circumcited. 
Verpus, i m. 2 a Jew, a worm 
Verreni,tii.jM.l* eeping, tcouring 
Verret, it. m. 3. a boar-big. [net. 

Vermind, ftre. n. to be troubled Verrlnut, a, um. atf ofaboar-pig. 

Vernulus.a,um.e^.tervile.[tpring^Verso, &re. act 1. to 

often, over or up, ti 

ble, to stir about, t 

contider,to agitate, 

to drive, to manage 

nimum toM>lyit,l 

testea, QutSr verbi 

mine them thoroug 

Versor,_Iri./»«*» & dt 

ed, to be convenan 

or employed, to cot 

continue, to be, to 

Versdria, ac/ l- a iti 

Versara, ac. / L atui 

ram facere,to take ' 

on interest, Ci{ V 

you will pay fbr all 

Vert-U-ut, a, um. pt i 

Veraua,a, um M. turt 


inclinrd, propente. 

mi disiNrbea in mi 

net, a dart, a flew. 

Verro r£re, ri, rsum. a 3. to brath, 
to tweep, to draw along, to rtke 
Verror, ri. pat». to be cleaned. 
Vernlca, *./. 1. a wart, ahillock. 
Verrucaria, x,/ 1. wartwort, turn- 

Vertatus,a,um-pt. tui 
ttirred, about, eom 
ttted, mana^ed, eti 

Verttc61or^n__e-{p. f 


Versic^lut^ • aahor 

1 to vernly, to mak 
Vertioi Snit./ 3. a ti 
Vertipellit, e. _t_(f. tl 

the skin, sr fornt, il 

Vern.cds_s,a. um a^.fuU of wartt, 

ar hillockt rough, uneren. 
Verructila x. / l.dim a little wart. Versus,ua. m. 4ut tur 
Verrunco, 9_re. act. 1. to change aj a line, a note, or t 

thing for the better. [ed fickle.j tcription. rank, •* i 
Versabriis,e adj thatmay beturn- plat of ground a 
Vers-ibundus^^.abouttobe! every way. 

turned, to turn round [stirring. VersA_s,/»r^.toward 

r^i^/i^e.aay.vernaUofthetprin^^ao-W tis. pt. tuxning, rolling, Versis^»*., towarA» 





, adv. ius. cemp. craftily, uneu^Plaut. In seipsum vcrtitur, 
giy, artfully, subtilly. he is all for himself, Cic. Salus 

i,x.f. 1 craft, subtiltwart. mea in eo vertitur, roy safety de 
ioquus, a, um. adf. talkingi pcndeth upon it, Liv. 
r. jVeru, n, indeci pl. VSrua, uum, 

sa um. aaj. ior, comp. UsY-j ubus, a spit, ur broach, a dart. 
tp. crafty, witty, cunning-, Vlruculum, L n. 2. a littlc spit. 
witted, ready, shifting. Verveceus,a, um adj. of a wether. 
iV- »•. a hound, a tumbler. Vervex, ecis» m. .». a wether. 
a,z/ 1. any turning joint. VSruIna, ac / 1. aspit, or broach. 
utuf ,a,um aaj.maidc in the Verum,i n.2.truth, rcason, justice. 
f a rvrtebra, or joint. Verum, c n;. but, but yet, just so, 

yes truly, yes indeed- 
Vfcrumtamen, c nj. nevertheless, 

lus,a,um. pt. to be turned. 
Stis/>f. turning abeut. An- 
tente, at the end of the 

. vel Vortex, tcis. m. 3. a 
ind,a whirlpool,the crown 
head, the head itsclf, the 
any thing, a pole of the 

Vetpfre, vel Vesperi, adr. in the 

evening, at thc end of the day, 

Vesperna, ac./ 1. a suppcr. [late. 

Vespertilio, dnis. m. 3. a bat, a 


Vespertinus, a, um. ady. of the c- 
vcning, evening. Rcgio vespcrti- 
na, the west-country, Ifor, (star. 
VesperQgo.lnis./ 3. the evening- 
Vesperus,i.m. 2- the evcning" star. 
Vespillo,6nis.m.J. a common bear- 
Vestalis, e. adj. of thc Vc&tals.(er« 
Vester, tra, trom. pron.atfj. yours- 
Vcstiariunv».a wardrobe,apparcl 

notwithstanding,but yet,howbeit Vestiarius, a, um. adj. of clothes. 

Llum4.n&Verticillusj. m. a 
rhirl,an axia^a joint, a peg 
rdius,a, um. ath that tum- 
b beart (fuil of whirlpools. 
sus, a, um. adj whirling. 
la. *./ 1. & Vertlculum, 
a screw, a key in musical 
nentg,a whirl for a spindle, 
in the backbone. 
ndsus, a, um. aaj. dizzy. 
».fnif./ 3. a turoing.or rol- 
ddiness dixziness, a swim- 
n the head, a change. 
r, impert. it is debated. 
tere,ti rsum. act. 3. to turn 
i up,over, rout,to turn up- 
>wn, to overturn, r over. 

V£rus,a,um. aaj. ior, comp. issimus, 
tup. true, real, right, just, meet, 
fit, proper, natursJ. 
Vfcrutum, i.n. 2. a dart like aspit 
VSrQtus, a, um. a<#. armed with a 
Vesania,x/1. madness,fury (dart 
VSsanio,irc.n 4to be mad,to rage 
Vesanus,a.uma<(/.mad,raging, fu- 
rious, vart, mighty, sickly 
Vesccndus, a, um. pt. to be eaten. 
Vescens, tis. pt eating. 

L© trmnslate, to die. to im. 
to be turned, or changed 

flight, Liv. stilum in ta 
to rase, or blot out, Cic. 

to ruinto ehange,to trans. Vesper,eris.m.3. the evening star, 

the evening, a supper, the wcst. 
Vesper, a, nm.maj. of the evening. 

■c aliquem in fugamtto put Vespera, c /. 1 the evening. 

Vestiarius,i, m. 2. a kccper qf the 

wardrobe, a broker. 
Vcstibulum,iii.2.a porch.or entxy» 

an entrance, or rudinient. 
Vcstlceps. lpis.c. g. 3. a striplirnj- 
Vesticontubernium, i. n, 2. a lying 

in the samc bed. 

or wide garments. 
Vestlgans, tis. pt. searrhing out- 
Vestigalio, dnis./ 3 a searchins^ 

Vescor, sci, pastus sum. dep. 3. to Vcstigitor, oris.m.a tracer, a bua- 

live upon,to dcvour. to en- 

joy,to breathe. Vescendo esse, to 

be fit to be eaten, Plin. 
Vescus x^umadj eaculcnt, cating, 

picrcing, little small. lcan. 
Ves!ca,x./l.a bladder, a swelling 

style,the privy parts of a woman 
VSskcaria,z/l.the wintcr-cherry. 
Vesicula, x.J. 1. a litde bladdtr. 
Vespa, *./ I. a wasp 

ir in nco foro> it it ny bu 

Vestigium,i.n. 2. a track, «r trace» 

a footsteptor print of the foot,the 
foot, a print, or mark an impres. 

sion,a sign,or token,a relic, a mo 

mcnt or instant. Equi vestigium, 

a horscshoc, Hin. 
Vestigo,arc. a. l.a track, or trace, 

to hunt afler, to scarch, to ezam 

Vestimentum, i. n. 2 a g^arment, a 

cloak, clotlies, drcss, apparel. 
Vestio,Ire,Ivi,itum a. 4, to clotbe 

to cover, to deck, or adorn. 
Vestior, iri. pats. to be clothcd* 
Vesperasccns, tis. pt, drawing to-l Vestipllca, ac / 1. a laundry^naid, 

wmrds evening. declining* 

ti pa*t tobeturned. Res- VesperasciVmp night cometli on. 

Vosptrat, Ibat. imp. it is evening. 

a chamber in^id. 
Vestis, is / a garment,a robe, a 
coat, ciotkes, dress % a. 

■ ^06 VHL VIN 

by ritting op, spe_it.(Ui_t, VuynHHU, te. /. _$■.. » Ktdefam. 
V.gflki, *ci*. 0$. watcbiul, vigi- Villum, i. *. 3 ■ «mafl winv" 
'" J *- ■- " - --*->•- — - -..— i V"ffiui,L«».3 WooL bair n«p.' 

.. vigiUnce, dJUgonce, 

i^refutacsa^flgfl.VilgiUlE.iiigfct VaoIrAJia, ium. pt.n.3. oder*. 

brtgbt. (ing. be tpentin wiicJ_- 
VlFHti, <u$ pL intlacl twenty. 

Vleintfvti* m. 4 the omce Vinfilia, 

' ^Si ' 

, in in like authority fint broarhing.erUitinf; of ' 
iTlti,Bntm pi. ■»- 9. twetity Vinilli •,«.«$. of vritie. Vin__l_» tct- 
Jfecers of like mrthority, ba,wor*U ipoken inliqudr.Furr. 

Vtgor, Oris. m. 3. vigor itrength. V initrium, L»l.| wineTesseL 
Jivclineat, coungc, bravery. Vinarius, «, um a<fr. uf wine. 

VlK"rltui, « um. pt. invignrated Vinfiriiuv. ut, 3.a vinter, a Urera- 

Fftfpemlo, dcrc, a. j. to vilify. fceeper, a wiiie-bibber. 

VIlu,e. urfj icir, cowip huniM jup. Vinca x./ 1 a perwinkle. 
vile despic»ble,uf no Talue,»rac-Vincem___* »,um / bccoitquer 
count, abject. meail, low littJeVincen», lis. p l. conqueriuj* (ed, 
worth,at «lowrotc r,lieap,uiflin|jVinccs. potio ■ lialtcr, 1'laut. 
unpleasant. !y, r -«v.n.. .. 

VinScea, *./ 1. 

Vlnficeus. s, utn aif/ 

n pi a. .. feuta «t the 

obBgatien, ■ ga<-land. 

r.ndemia^__./ 1* vintage, 
ntherinr of fhiiis, w bs 

Vindemifilis, e. adi. <rf ■ v 
Vind?miltor,firii -i-3 ■ n 
« g*therer.a _ur.(» 

ripe fruit» 
iminh, K./lalittle 

-_n» M . *__-, -_.*-.. 

Y-UUs,lti*/3. vilenesa, basenets,! tilled, sr 

meanress, chcapnes*. ,: -- 

VflK-T,o<r-- iin, crnnp iailmi, tuj 

vilely basely, meanly, clic-iply 
ViHa.x./.l.ainanor house,af__m 

housc ■ country-aeat. 
Villfiri«,r ,ai# of ■ village, «r ianr 

house-(viUatiq!-,tame-fowl, PSn. 
\111& <ia>'. idem. Alitei 
, YTIttoa, x./ 1 a fanner 1 ! wife. 

> UR ht. 

fice of a bauif, er eteward. 
Villicatio.onr». / 3. > maiU-ging nf 

a nurm, ■ stewardjiliip. 
Yillico, Snj«. «_..>.& 
Villicus, i. m. 2. a husbandrtian, i 

firraer, ■ bailiff a ileward. 
VillOaus, a$. ior, ctmp. i___f- 

mu», rap. wooliy, hairy, ■ln.g-gy 
rougti, oi fricKj thick, Dbroui. 

Tl il *. tl 

tie> tu wtap, to hoop 
connect, to lecure, to drown 

Vincior. iii. p- to be bound. 

Vlnclum, i n 2. pro Vinculum. 

Vinco,ccre,Ici,ictum o. 3. to con aubdue, U> vanquiah de- 
feat rout, w ovcrcoroe, to outdo, 
exceed,srexcet,to pre- 
vail, r take pUce, to make ■• 
menda,to prove, to digeBt,er csn- 
coct, tu eipct. 

Vmcor, ci. p. to be orercume (i 

Vinctio,ania/o a binding, ui u 

Vinctura,__/l.a bbiding, srtyinr. 

ViuctOruD.a.umpl. about to bind. 

Vinctu-vmtm pt. bouod, girt, con. 
cd protuUed. ■aauret' 

Viuctii». i, m, 3, ■ priaoner. 

Vi» .adj-vftttp nf 

' 'ndTcanilu*,H. «m pi. to I 
cated, punished, &c 
lndfcansjtii. Af.reTengin; 
V'nd:c9<ia,An,s/. , » tii» 
ViodlcBtum vtLjmp thry 
vengerl,(li»er,rev engr^ 
V indicaiann,a,nni - Ai.atx) 
''indicS.tin,ii,iiru/.. frecrU 
Vndicix ru-um.p/./l.ui > 
'.'iodtco, ire a ] toriK 

'itfcnd,to tl 
tave,orpre*erve,to treen 
to resto ■vengc,to t 
to punish, to cliinwtr ch 
i^indlcor, firi- p tobeie* 
vimll U,«/l wnpnt* 
punishmcnt, defence, > 
on the head of adave *hi 
free, freedom, liberty. 
Vlnca, «. f. l.avine, «-n 
an enfrine of war for ttcp 
nf .timber and hunlle* 
I1nealu,e <ug.ufvi-.e4_ rrii 
\"lneiriuM^um ju^. of t ri 
. VfnefiUcua, a, um •$ ick 
.'rnttuin, i. n. SL a «iniyu 
Vlnip04or,ariw3-i wae- 





. vineyard, a vintager.rvTp&ra, *./. 1. a viper, an adder. 
, um. adj. «f vincft. Vipereus, a, um. adj. of vipers. 
x.f 1 drunkenness. Vipennus, a, um. adj idem. 

a, um. adj fond of or 
.nic, drunken 
i. ru//'. ior. c mp issi 
inous like, ©r fond o(' 
ih. drunken 
m. <i<(/ tipsy, wanton. 
2. wine, liquor,driiik, 
Vma coronare to fill 

a violet, purplc. 

aV/.that may bepro 
, ur woundcd <.///. of a violct co- 
\. »Ic* (hurt,orinjurcd 
,uiu. jt. to be broken, 
w 2 a bed of violcts 
i.d dier ot\ iolt t colour 
r*7» by violei ce. 
".»■ / 3. a v.olatinn. 
s /... > a \iolator, a pro- 
■lUitcr (late rlovcc 
•, ,;m />/ about to vio- 
m/y/ vioUted,profnn- 
\1 «ufilcd, denouit-d, 
ured, hurt, broken, in 

Vipio, onis m. 3 a young crane. 
Vir,viri.m. 2 a man, a bov, a hus 

Virgultum,!. .i. 2. a twig, a shrub- 
Virgunciila, z. f 1 a little girl. 
\lria,riT<?Viriola */l. anecklace 
Vlriatus, a, ui.i. adj strong. 
Vlnailum, i, n. 2. a graving-tool 

baitd, a male, virility Vir vinin.lvi idans, tis adj. vcrdant, green 
lcgit,\vhcn a soldicrchooseth one Viri : arium,i.?i 2. a green, a grecn 

to stand by him in whosc valour 

he mogt confideth, Virg 
Vircns, tis. pt gTeen, flotirishing, 
Vireo,erc,rui n. 2. to bc green. to 

flourish, to bc Iusty, or strong, to 


V irco, onis. m. 3. a greenfinch. * 
Vin-s, vid Vss. (to rccover. 

VirescOjcere.i nc 3. to grow green 
Viretum, i n 2. a grass-plat. 

Virga, x.f J. a twig, a branch. a Vfrtdor,ari.^.l. to be mude green 

wand,a rod<a irtakea pole,a streak 
Virgjtor, 6ris. m. 3. a beadle. 
Virgatus.a,um atfj. made of twiga, 

garden, a green plat or walk. 

Viridarius, i. m. 2 a vcdurer. 

Vfride, adv. ius, c mp greenly. 

Vir?dia,um />/.*. green walka.herb« 

Vmdicatus a \in\.adj madc green, 
or tresh, become green. 

Viridis, e. adj. ior, comp issimus» 
nup green,ota^reen colour,gras- 
sy suppv, flourb>hing, youtliful, 
frcsh liale.lusty,vigourous (our. 

Vinditas^tis/. 3 grcenncss. vig* 

Virilis,e adj.of a man, or tlie ruale 
kind, manly, manlike, valiant, 

beaten with rods,spotted,strcak- Virllitas, atis / 3. manliness, the 
ed, striped. privy parts of a man, &c 

Virgetum, i. n an oaier-ground. Virtlitcr,orfi* ius c mp like a man, 
Virgriis,a,um.<z4/.of twigs,orrods. manly, manfully, valiantly. 

//'/•violent vehcment, 
. : id swift, cruel 
i<.v. iiis cump issfm^ 
itly, heinousU, cruelK 
j / 1. violcnce, force, 
rcciieMS,fury rashncss 
,um<i///ior c mp. issf- 
iolcnt, forciblc, injuri- 
uercc furious. l>oistcr- 
l>tro'iji, unjcovcmabjc 

l t<: \iolaie.loprofane 
,to defile,to dcflour to 
ij;ir«- hii«t, orahuse, to 
traii grcss, to spoil, or 
i;ri' o;iLc, tocut dciwn.i 

p. to be injured. 

Virgifei-, ri. m. 2 a verger. 
Virtfinahs.e. at(J virgin life, of, nr 

belongingto a virgin.Feles virgi- 

nalis- a bawd PUiut. 
Virgfnari«s,a,um. adj. of a virgin. 

rods, osiers, &c a flugging. 
Virgfneus,a,um. id rpt Virginalis. 
Virginltas. atis. / 3. virginity, 


damsel,adaughter, a young mar- 

Vinpdteus,tis.<ic(;.mighty, strong. 
Virittm, adv. man by man, sepa- 
ratelv, singly 

\tror oris m. 3. gTeenness (man. 
Virdsus a, um. adj* lusting after 

Virgindem4a,.-e.y!l. a gathcruig of \ ir^sitS,*, uni. adj. poisonous, ve- 

nomou», nast\,^trong, hard. 
Virtus,:itis. f. 3. virtue, any good 
quality,orproperty,merit, desert, 
worth value.valor courage brav- 

Virgo,inis/'.t. a virgin r maid, a erv, fortitude, ihi cc, strength, a« 

bifity, good management, care. 

ried lady. an aqueduct. Virgo Vlrulentus, a, um vindent- 

charta, not yet publislied, Murt. 

aaliva, fastiiig spittle, ( J lin. 
Virgiila ae/1. ahttle rod* Virgiils 

divina,when things fall as it werc 

lntoourlaps from heaven- Cic. 
Vir^ulatus, a, um. piy. streaked 
| stripti '. 

ness, shar.-ness, a nasty taste, a 
nasty, or strong siuell, painl, the 
juice of the purplc fish, thc seed 
in animals. 

Vis. vi», v.m, vi./.i.p^. ViressiuJ». 

lyru», 1. M. 3. the WMt-wiad 
Ki rn», *../- 1. aiingvonn- 
Z -roa, wiHloi, i- ■- 3. s cryital. 
Z<.m,r./l.»clo-ewan_. ! 
ZOticiUa, *./. 1 a doaet. 
' 2-ugItca, *. m. l.areed,* 
Zo _gm»,-t-- ■ 3* fijjir- whi. 
muuv CMUfM t_e joued wilh 

Z-iktuum, i. ». 3. darncl cec__e, 

_i*yphum, i- «. 2. jujnii**. 
i_i_yphui, _,/. 9. jujube-tree. 


_ .■_..» friexecn 
SOpiaw-t/prtcli -cnp_d o 
(cfiS/efli. __ 3. thTii», 

Ettn, »./ 1- m haw. 


UnbiM.a,nm. «ftVrfaiirdltJy.ft^a-tlbiiapipe piayed» 
•r pu___. dinge, 

iMnlrim. i.m. S-ayipdie-nwJter. I 
, ZOnatlm, adv. like. cirtk. 

ZCui, i, m. 2. a goHfiih, a daM 

Zinrfber, erit. n. k ZingTbtri, . ___.._ 

. r J.c.. & Xiugititnt, U./.gin ger. Z-nula, _c /. 1. «*f*» litde ginDe. Zythata. 
Kjj-Uu*, k./. l.fc Utc4ftthalnN_, i. tt- 3. haoMkeh. *fthM,i 

-.3. t 


XOttl>T\JM. TB.0PRI0TU3.M 


<ra^«mii^it9A &Erat<&wift<t 








opp. J 




yet of princely deacent, madel try,whoselovetoHerohathmad« 
u: r «u^ v.. ii 3-- *u- jj^ piacet f*mous. 

Abylla,*./ a kigh hill in Maurita- 
nia, alao another bill in Spaint 


, x/ Zeilain Africa.j 

tes sinus, the bay of king of Sidon by Alexander the 


».[1] a pcrson killed by AbdSra, x.f. a city of Thrace- 

2} a Rutilian slain by Ab&rigTnes, um. pL m. a very an- which two hills are known by 
f3] a Scythian, and cient people dwelling on moun- the name of Herculea'a pillara» 
Pythagoraa. taina, whom Saturn brought into Ac&dtmia,»./* grore nearAthen* 

m.[l]akingcf theAr-4bi*t5num, Tripoli. (Italy where Plato taught philoaophy. 

) a Grecian alain the Abayrtet , is. m* the aon of .ffites» Acanthua,i/Erisao in Macedonia. 

t that Troy waa aet on king of Colchis, whom hia aiatet Acamania,*./: a reglon of Eptrua. 

Tuscan, and friend of Medea,running away with Jason, Acastus, i.m. the aon of PeKaa^nd 

in by Lausus;[4] a conv tore limb from limb. a famoua hunter. (ter of CamiUa. 

fneaa; [5] one of the Abydoa, i. /. & ibydon, i. n. a dty Acca, m'f. the companion and fta- 

of Aaia, by the Hellespont, orer- Acca Laurentia, the nurfC of Ro- 

tts^apoorgardenerj agaJMt 8«aUMs Lctader'» coun^ muh* aad Rcom* 






Helicon near Thebes, and was 

sacrcd to Apollo and the Muse» 
Agathbcles,is.m. a Sicilian tyrant 
son of a potter,wno,being advanc 

ed to thethrone slew many of th* 

nobles (pelier in Franct. 

Agath6p61is,is/. the city of Mont 
Xgavc, es / the daughter of Cad 

mus and Hermione, and wife of 

Echion king of Thebes 
Xgfndicum, i, n. Sens in France. 
Xg£nor,6ris.m. aking of the Phoe 

nicians, son of Belus/and fathi-i 

of Cadnms and Europa. 
XgesHnus, ai*. m. the sixth king 

<if the Lacedemonians the son of 

his brother Agis; hc was a very 

Taliant princc. 
Agis,is. m. a king of Laccdemonia. 

who was slain by his pcoplc, bc- 

cause hc would havc ronewed 

the laws of Lycurgus. 
Aglaia,ac/onc of tlie tliree Graces 

Aglauros,i f.thc daughterof Krec- Albania, x f a country of Asia; a 

tneus king of Athens, turned in- part of Scotland called Braidal 

to a stone by Mercury. Albanus fluv, Cohan. (bain 

Aglaiisj.m.a poor Arcadian,whom lacus, lakc sf Albano. 

tus, for his naral victory over 
Sestus Pompeius. 

Agrippina,se/V>e motherof Nero. Alcixnedon,ontis> m. a& 

all men's humours (Se 
Alcldes,ae.fn. a name of 

and wife of Claudius, whom she 
poisoned, thatshe might makc 
ner son emperor. 
Afrylla, opp, Cervetori in Etruria 
Ajax,acis m. a warrior in the Grc 
cian camp -against Troy, and the 
most valiant Grcek next to Achil- 

Archidamus, and succcssor of tical fable of Theseus'8 descent 

into Hell. 

Alabanda opp> Eblebanda in Caria 

Alani./> p. Scythians, Lithusnians. 

\larlcus,i. m. Al&ric, a king of the 
Goths who took the city of Kome 
A U 1164 (built by Ascanius 

Alba Longa, ar./ a city in Italy, 

Apollo judged morc happy thun 
Gygcs. bccause he never travel- 
led bevond his own ground 

Agdnaha.ium.^/ n. fcasts celcbrat- 
ed in January to the honour of 
Janus. (hill in Sicily. 

Agragas. vcl Acragas, antls. m. the father-in-law of 
Tacitus, who wrote his life, with 
his exploits in Greut Britain. (ly- 

AgrTgentum,o/>/> Gergcnti in Sici- 

Agrippa, ae. m* [1] Herod Jlgrippa, 
thc husbandand brother of Bc 
rtnice, eaten up by worms for 
hispride; [2] the son-in-law of 
Augustus,a victorious prince; hc 
was, first of all the Romans, ho- 

m n* mount Albano.(ain. 
AIbion,i.n,the island ofGreatBrit- 
Albis J9uv the Elbc in Germany. 
Albula, *./ the ancient name of 


Alclnotisj. m a king of 1 
Corcyra, much comnH 
his strict justice bv the 

Rheus: his orchard was 
ll that it gavc occasio 
proverb, Poma Aku 
which we render, to ci 
to Newcastle. 
Alctthots, es / the dao 

\id6ncus, i. m. a king of the Mo- 
lossians, who imprisoned These- 

us for attempting to stcal his Myneis the Theban,nir 
daughter Proserpine near the a bat for ridiculing the 
river Acheron; wnence the poe- 

the river Tibcr. (fountain in Italy. 


Alcmacon,6nis.m the son< 
araiis,hauntcd with fiirie 
ing his mother Eriphjle 

Alcmena, ae/ the wife ol 
tryo,with whomJupiter 
ed in thc shapc of her l 
and begat Herculc*. 

Alcon,dnis. m.[l] a famou 
archer; [2 . an engraver 

Alcyone, vel Alcione, e 
daughter of Neptune. i 
of Ceyx; who,hcaringof 
band's death at sea ctf 
into it, and was change 
bird called a kingsfaher 

Alecto,us/one of the thrt 

Albunca, ae. f. a wood snd dccp 
Alburnus. mont. Albomo in Italy. 
Alcxus,i.m l]a Grcek lyricpoet, 

who lived in the 44th Olympiad; 

[2] the grandfathcr of Hercules 

whence he was called Alcides; 

[ >] the son of Hercules by Om 

Alcestis. is./. the wife of Admetus 

king of ThessaJy.who voluntsrily 

died for her husband. 
Alcihiades,ism a nobleman of A 

Alcmanni, p p Gcrmans. m a companion 

Xlexander. dri. m. Aleui 
Great, son of Philip kinj 
ccdon, and Ol>mpias;b 
his grcat cnterprise* »& 
twcntieth yearofhwsg* 

Alexander Severus>- «• u 
ror, who by his virtue si 
dcncc restorcd theitite' 

Alexandria, «./[11 s crty ii 
near tlie caliedl 
ra ; [2]acitv inS.vnstcr 

uourcd with a garlaudby Au^i«-\ v thens t who could suit himself tol now called Scantkrooa, 





ua, #/>/>. Alise in Burfrundy. 
(\nmopp. Kocca del Papain I- 
«lns, mon*. dell AgTio. (taly. 
mon,./fiir.Pelcc-asin Grcece. 
Ujlnv Alme in Germany. 
ijtm: Aja in ttaly. (pliin. 
>r6gcs, />•/>. of Saroy or Dau- 
»- ium. />/•/. hijrh mountains, 
ch part Italy from Germany 
*nu«,rr/ Alfenus, i. m.a man 


Ameria, opp. Amelia in Umbria. 

Xmerlca, x. f. America, thc biir- 
geftt by far of all the four part* 
of the world, flrst discovered bv 
Christopher Columbus, A. I) 
1492 ; but had its namc from A- 
mericus Vesputius,a liorentinc, 
wiio made a farther discovcn 
thcrcof in 1497. 

Xmitemtim,9/>/>.S.Yitorino in Ttaty 

»med Varus : who, beinjr a Ammianus Marcellinus, i. m a fa- 

er,turned lawver,and was af- 
rards consul at Konic. 
Bus,i-m. Alphc, a famous riv- 

• r Arcadia near tbe city Elis. 

■ _ __ - 

mous historian in tlie rciirns or 
Gratian and Valentiniau ; lie bc- 
jran his hintory with Nerva, ancl 
ended it witli Valen.. 

ta«z./a country in Germany, Ammon,onis. m. a name of Jupiterl nonesuch. 
r <£en ths Khinc on the eastJ wliosc tcmple was in th* dcserUAnacreon. tis. m. 

jAmphrysuSji.m. a rivcr in Thcssa- 
Iv. (Italv. 

Vmpsanctus, lacu*. Amsaintc in 
\inyclzc, arum. /./ / [1] a city of 
Lacnnia.thc birlh placc of Castor 
and Pollux, hcncc callcd Amy- 
claci fratrcs ; [2] a city ot Italy, 
hetwccn Cajeta and Taracina/ 

Miicliarsis. is. «1. a Scythian phi- 
losopher,who said lawswcrc like 
spidcrs' wcbs, which catrh thc 
small flics, but that grcat ones 
brcak throu<?h them; he was thc 
only philosophcr of his nation ; 
whcnrc thc pruverb, \nacliarsis 
intcr Scythas, of a nonpareil, or 

east,| w liosc tcinpl 
jn on thc west. Xmorgus, ins. Amorgxr (,oi' Lib\a 

n\ *pp. Palo in Italy. (tiusjAmphiaraus. i. m- a famous Creci- 
sa,ae/the daufrhter of Thes-I an aiijrur, discovcred fora ncck- 
iia.a,x/.and Melissa, daujrh- lace hy his wife Eriphylc, when 
ofMclissus king of Crete, hc hauconccaledhimstlfthathe 
*re s&id to have nurscd Ju- might nut g-o to the Theban war 
' with goafs milkand honey Amphictyon, is m. thc son of He- 

w, mont. Scandarona, in Sv- 
-nus.^irc.Toppia iu Italy[ria 
rs_,fii*.Xmitstratus, opp. Mis- 

ris, opp. Famostm. (tretta. 
a ac. / the wifc of krag La- 

lcnus, who institutcd the great 

a lyric poct of 
Greecc, whosc lifc like his poc- 
trv was Ytry lascivious : he was 
choakcd with a grapehtone (rus. 

Xnactorium, opp. Vanizza in Epi- 

Anagnia, opp. Anaprni in Italy. 

anaphc, iiiM. Xamtio. m. a philosophcr of 
Clazouicnc,of hifrh birth,and the 

council of Greecc, called Am-j scholarof Anaximcncs. He was 
phictyonium, whitlicr scven ci- askcd, whcn dyin^, whcther he 

ties scnt their dcputics, who 

were callcd Amphictyoncs. 

and mothcr of Lavinia. lAmplitmalla, opp. Suda in Crete 

Kls, o{>p. I jmisso in Cypnis. Amphim£don f Libyan, slain 
fc ^ j_.« + * * . + ^ v Perseus. 

>n,dms. / Amaz6nes,um pif. 
ke womcn, who anciently 
ssed a great part of Asia, 
nhabitcd Scythia. Diodonis 
a large account of another 
* of thcm in Africa. 
Hum, o^/> Amiens. 
icia, x /. a famous city in 
is, Af\er Aufrtistus had con- 
:d Marc Anlony, in memo- 
his victory he called thc ci 
Copolis : its port was parti- 
X famous; hod V Arta 
cius siira^, iue gulph of l'- 1 of ATrmvna. 


Amphion, onis. m. the son of Ju- 

piter and Antiope. and founder 

of the city Thebcs by tlie uiusic 

of h:s harp. (dunia. 

AmphIpdlis,o/>/k Embola iu Maee- 

Amphlsa, s./ atownin Greece 

AmphitrHe,cs./ thc daugiitcr of 

Nereus aiid Doris, andwife of 


Amphitryo, vel uo, onis. m. a no- 
bleman of Thcbcs, commander 
of Crcon's army.and thc toband 

would not bc carricd to his owa 
cnuntn ? \o mattcr. said hc, 
there is a near cut to hcavsn 
from evcrv place. 

Xna^amlritlcs, is m- a comic poel 
of lihodes,who livcd in thc reign 
ofPhilip, fathcr to Alcxandcr 
thc Grcat. 

Anaxarchua,!. m. a philosophcr gf 
Abdcra in Thracc. and followcr , 
of Democritus, Nicocreon kiii.i^ 
of Cyprus had hiin poundcd in jt 
inorUr ; dunng 1 which h.s paU- 
ence was so great.thathe crici\ 
Beat as lons; as thou wilt on ih* 
ba^ of Anaxarchus, lrmsclf ihoii 
canst not hurt. Whciithe tyrant 
tfeteatcned to cdt «^V&snw^sc^ > 





Belgica, Gaffia; h d. the Nether-Bibrax, opp. Brayne.tof^kshirelBor^-stlrfnes, s». m. 

Belgfcus^uni. adj. Bclgic.(lands.plibr6ci, 6rum. jtf. m. the people eper, one of the 

Belgium,i.n. the Nctherlands, $ed. Bibulus, i. mat a consul joined rope v wbich ariset 

impropri : Belgiuin enim pro- with Caesar, but he acted not at Bospbriini, />. £. Ta 

pne\thc inhabitants of Beauvais. all, except in protesting against Bosporus,tW Bospt 

Behdeajiun/rf / thcfifty daught- the acts of his colleague. 

e» of Danaiis. BIon,6ius. m. a very snarling poet 

BeUeriphontes, is, & x vel BeU£-jBisaltae,/> p. of Thrace. 

rdphon,tis. m. the son of Glaucut Bistbnis. n. / a lakc in Thrace ; 

king of Ephyra, whom SthenoJ h d. Bouron. 

baca, wifc of Praetus kinr of thejBithynia, ae./em. a couhtry of thc 

Argives courted to her bed, but 

in vain. Euxme sca ; h d. Bcesangial. 

Bellticassi, p?p. pt\ Bohan. Blturiges, p b. of Guienne. 

Bell6na,&Ducll9na,3e. J. the sister Cubi, pop. of Beny. 

ofMars stiled the goddess of war. Blandae, ipp Belvidere in Italy 
Bell6narii, Orum-jM. m. priests of Blandusia, ae. / a fountain ccle 

Bellona. (France. bratcd by Horace. 

Bellftvaci, pop. of Beauvais in 

Lesser Asia, under Troai, on the Bovillae, vpp Baucc 

Bocchus, 1. m a king of Maurita- Brenni, pop. Bavari 

straits of the sca 
us,and Cimmeriij 
is now gcnerally 
di Coiistantino]K) 
Stretti di Gaffa. 
B6vianunu pp. Bo 

Brachmanes, um. 

Shers of Indja, w 
esh, nordrink w 
so Gymnosophist* 
BratuspanUum, opp 

Beluv-m thc son of Kimrod, and nia, and ally of the Romans 

father of Ninus, and the first stu- B6dotriae, sin. Ecunburj£h-frith.(ly 

dent in atronomy;the ChaldeansiBGcbSis, lac. of Jenifarin Thessa- 

deified him. Boeotia, ae. f. a qpuntry of Greecc, 

Benacus, lac- lake of Garchv (ly. between Achaia, Thessaly, and 

Bcneventum.o/jp.Benevento inlta- Euridus ; h d. Stamipula. The 

Berecynthus, i. m. a mountain of soil is fruitful, but the air thick 

Phrygia. and fbggy, and tlie natives dull 

Berenice, es./ the daughtcr of and phlegmatic. Hence 

Philadclphus and Arsinoe, and Bocdticum ingenium,dull,stupid. 

the wife ofEurgetcs. BoW, pop. of Bourbon 

Bergomum, />A.Bcrgamo in Italy. BdmUcar, is. m thc son of Hamii- 

Beroe, es/ the nurse of Semele. car, a commander of the Cartha- 

Bercca, Maced. Acria. ginians, who. upon suspicion of 

Syrijr, Aleppo. conspiring with Agathocles was 

Ber6sus, i. m. anancienthistorian, crucified in thc midst of Car- 

who wrote of the Chaldean and thage 

Assyrian afTairs,intermixingsome- B6na Dea, ae. / a Roman lady fa 

things relating to medicinc. 
Berytus, opp. Barut in Asia. 
Besidiae, opp. Bisignano in Italy. 
Bessi,/> p. of Bessarabia (Mantua. 
Bianor, 6ris. m. the founder of 

Brennus, 1. m. a c 
the Galli Senones 
Italy with a grcai 
the Romans at th 
and took Kome. 

Brenni, p*tp. Bavari 

Briareus, i. m tbe 
and Terra, a huge 
also JEgaeon; th< 
him to have had a 
and fifty heads. 

Brigantes, ium. pi 
of England, inha 
shire, Yorkshire, 1 
berhind and Norti 

BrisSis, idis / a I 
of Lyrnessus. a c 
at the taking of th 
tothelotof Achi.I 

mous for chastity; called also 
Fauna and Fatua ; her sacrificeu BrlUnnia, ae. / the 
were performed secretly, or by Britannia mmor, 
night and by women only ; the France. 
«,....*,., w.«. «.. —w ™.™. ^., victim was a sow-pig. Britann icus, a, um. 

Bias, antis. m. the Priencan phi-jB6n5nia, opp. Bologna in Italy. a, um. adj. of, or 
losopher, and one of the sevcnJBodtes, x. m. a constellation fol- Britain, British. 
wisc men of Greece. I lowing the greatcr bear ; itis al-briftannus, i. & BrS 

Bibracte^ opp. Autunr. | so cailed Arctophylax, | man of either Brita 





lum, opp. BrefceTi in Itary.l the seat of empire would havej ne GHi. 

us»i m. a title of Bacchus. | had tt called Nora Roma; butjCaenis, is. /. a ThesssKan virgin 

is. is. m. one of Vulcan J s 

isium, & Brentesium,i. n. 
itime town in the kingdom 
iples, famousfbr the Appian 
pavcd all alongfrom Rome 
jr; h*d. Rrindm. 
m, prom. Punta del Saetta. 
S i. m [1] Lucius Junius, 
vas the first consul withhis 
ijrue Callatinus, after the 
Ision of the kings U C. 266; 
. Junius, an acute orator, 
pood lawyer; [o] Domitius 

Constantinople, from his own 
name, prevailed, and isjBtillin 
use; only thc Tnrks, sjnce it 
came into their power call it 
Byzia, opp. Vize in Thrace. 


the daughter of Elathcus, one of 
thc Lapithx. 

Caere, opp. Cervcteri in Italy. 

Cxsar, aris. m. the snrname of tbe 
Julians in Rome; from whence 
the succceding Emperors from 
Julius Cxsar, who wasthc first, 

were honoured with the name. 
f^Xbillftnum, ,pp. Challons surjCaesar Augusta, *pp. Saragosa ia 


Cacua, i. m. the son of VulcanJi 
fabled to have had three hcads, 
a notable thicfaud robher, keep- 
ing flocks on mount Aventine. 
is, onc of the conspirators|Cadm€is, fdis/. Iao, thc daughter 
st Jul. Cxsar. of Cadmus 

liala, opp I,*bor in India. Cadmus,i.m.the son ofAgenorking 
halus, i. m. Alexander the ofthe Phcenicians and founder 
horse. killcd in the bat-l of Thebes; he livcd about thc|4 

time of Joshiia. 

Cadiiccui, i. m. MercuiVs golden 

rod, or wand; it was figurvd by Caius to men, as Caia to women; 

rulia, x. /. a country ofl the Egyptiuns likc twoscrpcnts whence that custom of thc bride's 

dividcd intotlic lower knit together in thc middlc, saying,as soon as she was brought 

wherewith, as the fable says, hc into lwr htisband^s house, Ubi tu 
[1] the son ofl had powcr to bring soulsoutof 

iiinst king Poms. 
Regia,/^ Beljc. 
is, i. m. astatuary. 


i, idis. m. 

nne by Lybia the daughter 

aphus, a most cruel t> rant ; 


tftoi, m*. ByzacEna, rtg. 


ium, & Byzanfcoo, i. n. 

il city of Thrace. Constan. 

thc Crcar, when h* imdt it 




Cxsarta, Cap&d. Tisaria. 

Mwtrtt. cape Pingale. 
PuUstin Caisar. 
Paneat, Belina. 
P/dUppi, Belina. 
Carsarta, ae f the island Jersey, 
bcionging to Great Britaiii.Cxsa» 
rca Julia, Algiers in Africa. 
Caicta, fwrtttt. Gaietta in Italy. 
Caius, &. Caius, i. m. a common 
prxnomen among the Romans, 

Caius, ego Caia, i. e. where you 
hcll, and to cast any one into aj art- master, I will be mistress. 

city in Egynt built bv him. Cadurci, pop. of Guienc ; 

is m. [1] tiic son ofAmy- Quercy. 
king of the Bebricians; [2] Caecubum, opp of Campania. 
j«n. Ciecttlu8 f i. m. thc son of Vulcan, 

ktos.c^. Butrinto in Epirus and foumler of Prxncste. 
Idis./. tlie daughtcr of Mi- Cselius, i. m. one of the seven hills 
and Cyanc, who fell deep. on which Rome stood; hod. M. d, 
love with her brother Cau- 8. Giovanni. 

Caelus, i. m. a deity among the Ro- 
«./. a eitadel inthemidst mans, from whom heaven was; 

Calabria, n.f the most southcrn 
part of the kingdom of Naples. 

Cahcta, pp. S Mario in Sicily. 

CaH^firis, ( o/>/>. Calhaorra in Spain. 

Calatia, opp. Cajazzo in ltaly. 

Calauria x, fem. an island df 
Greccc, in the gulf of Egina;Asd* 
Sidr», wherc Demosthuncs noi- 
soned himself; and here Uiana 
was worshippcd, who is hence 

called Czlum. Those ancientCalchas, antis m. a Greek sooth- 
worthies, whoee original was no< sayer, who went to the Trojon 
known. as Saturn, Atlas, ficcJ war. 

were said tobe Caelt 8c TerrxflJcalCdonia, «./. Scotland,or North 
liil aa those that were of mean' Britain. (ple of Seotland 

paremtage were ttrmed only Ter- Caledonin otua. i»L **• ^n. \?»- 





'tii fabled, was the kecper of it beginneth a little above tliet serpents: hence the fsb 

Pluto's palace iu hell. confluencc of the Tigris and Eu J monster with a lion's 1 

CirUtx, geng. Circassia 111 Asia phratcs, and is extended as farj goafs belly and a drago 
Ccrcdpes, um. pt m. a. people of as liasaora, between these twoChi&ne*es./ the daugjiter 

the island of Pithccusa. changed rivcrs. 

by Jupiter into apes. Chaldsci, 6nim- pl. m thp Chalde- 

Cercyon, ftnii. m. a very noted ans, great students in Astrology. 

robber slain by 1'heseus. Chamavi, pop pr. Munster. (land. 

Cerealia, Orum. pl. n. the sacred Chananaea, rivc Chanaan, the holylchlron, Onis. m. one of th 

rites of Ceres, which Ifcmmit» Chaonia, reg. Canina in Epirus. J taurs. 

Jfidilis Curulis first cclebrated atlcharaxua. 1. m th<* brother ofChoaspes, is. m. now Tki 

dalion, who preferrinj 
for beauty to Uiana, w 
througNthe tonguewits « 
Chios, ins Scio 

Romc; but the Atneniana long Sappho. 

bcfbre ojulkeptafeasiinhonourCharfdtmus, i m. an Athenian, 

of her who being banished from Athens 

Ceres, tns/ the daughter of Sa- by Alexander** o der, fled to 
turn and Ops, and the goddess Darius, where he did the Persi- 
of corn andtillage. ans considerable service against 

Ccrne, es. vcl Cerni. an isle in thc Greeks 
the Ethiopian sea; hod. Mada- Chantes, um. plitr. fem thethree 
gascar ttraces Aglaia Thalia,and Eu- 

Cethtgus. i. m. a person who was phrosyne, daughters of Jupiter 
concerned iu Cataline's consp.- and Antonoe or Eurynome 
racy. Charon» ontis m the son of Bre- 

Ceyx, ycis. m. a king of Thrace, bus and Nox, and ferryman of 

who witli his wife Alcvone, wa* 
transtbrmed into a bird callect 
Chabrias, ae. m. a famous Athcnian 

Chitronea, av/ a village of Bxo- Chcrsonesus, vel Cherronelxus, i/ 
tia in Greece, where Plutarch the naroe of «evcral countries 

wasborn, whence hc is callcd ChcrsoncsusTaurica,pariof les- Cicero, the fatheroftl* 

Philosophus Chseronensis : fa 
mous for two battles. the one 
whcrein Philip of Macedon con 
qiicred Greece, the other in 
wliich Mithridates was routed by 
the Romans. 

Chalcedon, Onis / a city of Bithy- 
nia on the Asiatic coast of the 
Black-sca, over-against Constan 

Chalshis, opp. JEiqH*. pr Jamboli 
Eubm*. Negropunt 
8yri* f Chinserin. 

C&aJdea, «./. * country of K&Vv. 


Chiirybdi.%is/ a dangerous whirl 
pool in the straits of Sicily, over 
against Scylla.aperniciousrock. 

Chauci pop. pr. Lunenburgh. 

ser Tartary; Cimbrica Cherso- eloquence, and greste* 
nesus, part of Denmark, about that ever the Konun stsfc 
Jutland; Chersonesus Aurea in Cfcones, pop. of Thrace 
thc East Indies, hod. Malacca; 
Chersonesus Magna, Bosaotin; 

Chcrsonesus Tliracix, near the diterranean^over-sgunlt 

Chllo, dnis. m. a Lacedemonian 

philosopher, and ouc of the sc- ron* 

vcn wise men of Greece. 
Chinnra, k. f a moun.ain of Ly 

cia rn Asia Minor, tue top oftCiminerii drum. pi * *J 
which uboundcd with hons, thc 

ri ver in the northempsrti 
sia, which having pssml 
sa. falleth into the gusf « 
sora supposed to be tfcsl 
Daniel; the waterwaewi 
so delictous, that the ti 
Persia had it carried Jos| 
them in thcir joumiei to 

Choerilus, i. m. a foosss 
who undertook to «rite < 
gTeat explotts of AleBis) 

ChrysSis, ldis. / the dftip 
Chryses priest of Apab 
Agameninon took ss sp» 

Chrysippus, i. m s Stoic p) 
pher, son of ApoHoniies 
at Tarsus; he wss **a 
Zeno, and a grest logicsi 

Clcero, 6nis. m Msrcoi 1 

CIlTcia ac / x coantrt* 
Minor, extending aJoaj^l 

hod (jaramjinia 
Cilicix portx, straits of& 

Cimbri, orum. pl m- s psi 
Jutland and HoWaid* '*&* 

„.„«„ „„ v „..„^ „*„. «w..«^ M ,w. of Italy, dwcllinpms^ 
«\.de>« vvita ^oats, and the bottomj twcen Baix aad Canu * 





icd m ith hills, tbat thcy sa\ 
* 9U1) never camc at it Hen 

■ SiiiyllaV* grot, and hcre thej 
cied was thc dcsccnt to hcll 
ic:h gave occasion to Virgil'. 
ilious acrount of Kneas's dc- 
nt thithcr. 

iicriiH Rosph&rus, i m. thc 
itaof Caflii, which join thr 
iinc with the Palus Mxoti* 
»v«en thc coast of Crim Tar 
and Circassia, anrl are a: 
*»*.ed lcn lcugues long 
'Itis, int. Kimilo. 
>*i 9 is. i». an Athcnian genc- 
^nowned for his libcrality a 
l asvalour. 

tHnatua, i. iTuit. a scnalor oi 
^^twboywhcn tiic city waa ih 
** distress, was taken froiii 
I*lough, and madc dictator- 
** x. m. a favourite Th^a*aJi 
^dfavwiritc of king Pyrrhus 
^lsim, opp Cingoli in Italy. 
t» x. m. a Rnman who in the 

■ of the civil war, iu his first 
^lship. slcw his partncr Oc- 
■* ; but in his fourth hc was 
^tl to death at Ancona, by 
*U*my tor his cruelty. 
*Hius, uve Clnyps, Jfuv. Ma- 

"%», se. m. a, kinjr of Cypnis 
» c». / a sorccress, well skill- 
* thc naturc of poisonous 

•ium, opp. Alchabur in Me- 


••idos-/ Hecuba,thc daugh 

■f Ciascus king of Thrace. 

^Oi, dnis. m. a mountain of 

*l* sacrcd to Bacchus : fod 

t« di Stives. 

* JIhv. 1'Agno in Italy. 

■* fat . Cabino. 

Clastidium,o/>/; Chiastezo in Italy. 
Claudia, x.f a vcstal vinrin. 
Claudianus, i. m. Claudmn, an ex- 

cellcnt poet in thc timc of Thco- 

dosius and llonorius, born at 

Alexandria in Egypt. 
Claudius, i- m an cmpcror, who 

succcedcd Caligula. 
Cla/dmcne, opp. Urla in Asia. 
Clcauthis, is m a Stoic ph.loso 

Alcxander the Grcat. who, in a 
drunkcn humour, stabbcd him 
with a dart as they sat at tablc, 
because he spoke against adopt- 
ing thc customs ofthc Pcrsians. 

Clodius. i m a noblc Roman, of 
thc ancicnt family of the Clodii, 
but a vcry dcbauclicd person. 

Clotho, us./rm onc of thc three 
Dcstinics who spin the thread 

phcr, who took cxcessivc pains; of life. 
m improving- knowlclge. jClucntitis, i. m a noble Roman. 

Cledbulus. i. m. the son of Eua- Cliipea, pp Quipia in Africa. 

goras, and onc of thc sevcn wisc 

ClGsium, opp, Chiusi in Italy. 

ClyTatfnc, cs./ [1] the daughtcr 

of Occanus and Tethys ; [2] thc 

mother of Phaeton. 
Clyteinnxstra, «./. thc daughtcr 

of Tyndams and Lcda, and wife 

of Agamemnon. 
Clytia,ac.f«/Clytie,es./ anymph» 

diiughter to Occanus, and belovr 

nten of lireccc. 
Clcomhrntiii, i. m. a young man, 

who, having rcad Plato'* book 

of immortality. thrcw hitr.sclr 

headlong otf a wall into thc sca. 
Clconx. opp. Sanvasdli in Grecce. 
ClcopaU^a/ / aqueen of Egfpt, 

and nUtcr and wife to Ptol||my 

thc last, who clapt two a*ps to ed by Apollo. 

hcr brcasts, and dicd upon her Cnldus. ohp Cnide in Caria. 

lovcr*s Marc Anthonv's tomb. " " 


Clcostratus, i. m. [1] ayoumrmaii 

of Thcspix, who was chosen b> 

lot to be sacrificcd to a dragt>n, 

which destrovcd tBe countiy ; but 

Mencstratus in pity armcd hini- 

self, slcw thc monstcr, savcd hi> 

fricnd. aiul delivcred thc clty ; 

[2] an ancicnt philosophcr, who 

first compilcd a dlscoursc con- 

cerning thc constcllations, \vxr 

ticularly Arics and Sagifary. 
Clio, fis.'/ onc of thc Muscs, thc 

mistrcss of history, and thc pat- 

roncs-H of hcroic pocts. 
Clltarchus, i. m a historian, who| 

wcnt to tho wars with Alcx- CSdrus, i. m. thc son of Mela.i- 

ander, aml wrotc his acts with der. and last king of Athens,who 

more wit than truth. voluntarily gavc his lifc for tfie 

ClItorium,o/)/>.Clctorio in Greecc- good of hw country. 
Clitumnus,/iwt. Clitunnoin ltal^X«V^^** ^^^^^wK^ 

Clmi% t. m. an \rtimxz tncfAA «R^> ^^ «** ^^ • 

(Jnobsus, - pp Ginosa in Cretc. 

Cficalus, i in. a king of Sicily. 

Cocira, ltis. m, a noble ltomaa» 
who alonc opposcd the invasion 
of thc Tuscan army, under Por- 
sena, when thcy were rcady to 
cntcr Romc ovcr the woodcn 
bridge, till it was brokcn dnwu 
behind him,and thcn hc cast him- 
self into tlie Tibcr, and swam to 

Cocytus. i. mat a small rivcr of 
Campania in Italy,which ninnctJi 
into thc Luciine lakc, fcigncd 
by thc pocts to bc a rivcr of hcll. 

Cdd&nus simis, the Kaltic. 

53* COR 

«hoic cliicf crty TU Aiitioch, 
»r, »1 ronic »a), Damascus. 
Catiuvi.m th. son of Titin snd 
oerra, a liuge guuitwho warrcii Jupitcr. 

ajolchii klis. /. a cowitry of Aiii 
near Pnntu» having thc Euxim 
Ka on the wat ; it incluilcth thi 
pruacnt Mingrelia and GeorgU 

■Collitfnu», i. n the hiiibind 01 
I.ucrctia, and one of the first 
cnniul» at Ilome. 

culSniu Agrippina, Cologn- 

Colopbon, 011.«./. AltoboKO, . 
ly of Ionia, in Asiu thu LeKyBe- 
tween Kpheau» atul Smyrna, fa 
-mousforatcmpleuf Apollo: ani) 
■one of theci'ii'B contcnd- 
cd for the blrth nf llomcr. 
Coliimelw Giuhtanus, an eicel- 
Icnt writcr on huibsndty, 


coiniwith n c 

liand, and a comucopi 

otlicr, to denote tbat plenty at- 

trndeth a ttate, «here the peo 

ple live in concord. 
Cong*dui-*irD Congedo-in Spain. 
' ;nmmbrica, pp- Coimbr» inPcr- 

C6non, ii. m [1] a famou* math- 

of the Ath 

Conm»ntiuopc.hs, is. /rm tlie city 
Conituntinuple, thc seat of tlie 
grand seignior formerly called 
(tyiaiitium, now Stambolin. 
:flns, iiw Cos./. ftnisinnd inthc.- t:b»j ,, 
Arcliipelnffo with a city of the Cotta, «. ■> anoblel 

Vnlumnx ncrciilia.tii ■ 
inthc Stnuta,the one on thi 
sidc of Hpain callcd Calpc, lln 
■other in Barbai-y cniled Abvb. 
tiSmigtna, rer AiarinSyri* 
Commbdus, i. m. a Boiiiaii cmpc 

f Mar 


Coronea,^./. acityg 
C6ronis,tdis/. a bcuit 
called abo Aninoe, 
Corsi, Orum. pL m. th 
Cnrsica. «. / U u* 
Mediterranean, betir 
ia »nd Italy, about : 

ofSamoii [2]« gcne- CortOn», *./ > city 

Corfbantea, um. M. 
pricst*. ao callea fh 
rybnniua, one of hei 

to Hhodcs 
hcre Uippocratesthe great phy 
sician, and Ape'lcs, the tamou» C61; 

Hincc tlio Copl 
orj, -pp Cnri i 

cu» Aurclius, a vi-ry prefiigate 

Compltales. dii. a «ort of deitie» 
who were lookcd npnn as thr 
giiardians of eities and highwav» 

Cumpitali» ucra. fcaita ii\ whicli 
thcy olTtfreil sacrifices to thosc 

Comps». epp Cont» in Italy. 

Coinum. "pp. Como. 

Comua, i m tliegod of featirals 

iJoEciiia, K./acitvinRpain. 
«.o-jicinvlia, 1 / a g idiieas among 
tbc Roimns, to who:n Tib«\u- 

Co .liilia. ic. JKord' 
lletic Spain, thc country of I.u 
can mui the twu Scnecas 
6r nna, x / [1] Ovid'i miatrr-ss, 

■im- s"f>iiled Piiulir 1uir.ii.-lf, 

:d agaim 

rrcnnciled Cwartni 

0». / aThrt 

de a godnei 

a Crttnon, pfi.Cm* 
c huigiutgc bad Crsntor, oii» 

iher acnobt 
ind schooKellov to 
aml Pakmon. i- ". the »1 
ral Roininsi V- l 

Cratcs, etis. iiiiiiw 
ophcr of Thcne». 

wbo fivc Cntinu», i. «■ a 

_ of AclbiU in the mid- 

dle of the islbmus going : 

.0 ■■ Jinns, i. fn. a uoblc Roman, 
b n*h dby the malioe of the 
ungrateful people. 
Co^nrlia, x. /. a noble matron, 

poct, veiy fond of ih 

'1 iitippn», i. n. an Al 

imopher, who was t 

ero*sson Harcaa 

the DrtBiera.Jht». laVai 

CrJm&na, 1 /iht 
rity hi Italy. 

Crcon, ontis. m. the 

accus, and king 1 

kiUed bj 1 

cipio, f 

ue Uoimns, to whom TtbenuA VittiKliu», and mother of Ttbc- uihabitant ot Crete. 
crected* temple ; «h«'ute^\ tVawA^^^^w.. fcrtu, «- /. an ialani 

ife of Semp. Crea, «tis. m. fc Cra 





m, near the Arclkipcbgo 
i Rhodcs and Peloponne- 

./ the daughterofCre 
of Corinth, whom Jason 

having deierted his fint Cyclldes, int in the Archipelago 


fiuv. Frcddo in Sicily. 

unus, the bav of Corinth. 

*j. a handsoine youth 
ng* in love with a voung 
lcd Smilax. piried awa) 
)wer of that name. 

ffe the last king of Ly- 
son of Hal yattea; so ricn, 
:si divitiat became a pro- 

denote abundance of 

Cycldpes, m the sons of Cyrnus, i./. the island of Corsic?. 

rum. pl. «. feasts in ho- 


t*p. Crotone in Italy. 

trium, opp. Marcigliano. 

p. jEolix, Foia Nuova. 

Jampan Cuma. 

Neptune and Amphitrite, whu as 

sistcd Vulcan in making Jupiter 9 * 

thunderbolts. Polyphemus,Bron- 

tes, Steropes, and Pyracmon, are 

ofmostnotc among the poets; 

who have given this namc to the 

ancieut inhabitants of Sicily,who 

werc looked on as giants- 
Cycnus, i. m. a king of thc Ligu 

rians, turned into a swan. 
Cydippe, es./ anobleand beau- 

tiful lady beloved by Acontius. 
Cydnus, Jlwv. Carasu xn Cilicia, 
Cydon» upp Canea in Crete. 
CyllEne, es./. a mountain of Arca-1 Transylvania, and Wallachia. 

which therc werc two, 

cr, the inciter of celes- 

,the othertheson of Ere- 

Nox, the author of ter- 

ir (ilthy amoura. 

p. Conese in Italy. 

im. pl, m the same as^the 


«• a nobleman of Rome 

d Dentatushe was thrice 

nounttd hh Itersc. gml 

Cyiinc,J?uv. Cicabo in 8icily. increase it. 

Cybelc, es/ the goddess Cybele,Cyrtnc, es /. vcl Cytcnte, Irum. a 

■ I | | .1 ^^ ^X^ A°A.f_ J •*. A* Ji ** * ■ » ^% • 

called also the raother of the gods 
daughter of heaven and earth, 
and wife of Saturn. 

dia, on wlrich Mercury was born; 
h. d. Cylleno. 

ois. m. Cupid the ged of Cy nici. m- thc Cynic phi 


lofVenus, and bcgotten Cynosura, av/ the lesser Bear the observing of which the 
marincrs of Tyre aml Sidon steer- 
ed their coursc, as the Greciaju 
did bv the grcater* 

Cynthia, a%/ a title of Diana. 

Cynthius. i m. Apollo, bom on 

Cynthus, mont. Cintio in Delos 

youth, beloved by Apollo, and 
. m. a noble Koman whol turned hy himintoacypress-tree 
lifc for his country: thc Cyprus i. /*• an island in the Ifedi- 

terranean sea, betwixt Syria and 
Citicia, called the happy isle 
•eported thatit could notJCyrenaica regio, Barca in Africa. 
up, unlcss some priinc 
ableman was put into it, 

city of AfiricA. hori. Cairoan, one 
of the five. which makethe Pcn- 
tapolis. from whcncc the whoie 
country vas cailcd Cyrenaica. 

Cyrus, i. m. the famous Persian 
emperor, andson of Cambyses, 
by Mamlane tlie daughter of A&. 

Cythera, drum. pl. ». an isiand be- 
twixt Peloponnesus and Candy, 
now called Cerigo: it was consc- 
crated to Venus. 

Cythnos, iiu. Citno. 

Cytfirus, rpp. y mofit. Castellc. 

Cyzlcus, pp. Chizico. 


DAcia, ae./ a country, contaia- 
ing the prcscnt Moldavia* 

Dxdalus,i.m an Athenian artificer 
thc most ingenious in the workL 

Dalniatta, x./ a country in Kirro- 
pean Turkey, bounded on the 
wcst by thc gidf of Venice- 

Dimascus. i / anciently tlie no- 
blcst city of all Syria, in the raid- 
way between Antioch and Jeru- 
salcm: h d. Damas. There grow 
store of those plumbs we call 

Damocles. tis. m a flattercr of Di- 
onysius th : Sicilian tyrant. 

Cyparissus, i. m. a ver>' beautiful DSLmon & P\thiaa, two Pythagore 

an philosophersfamoua for their 

strict friendship. 
Dan, opp. Iielenas. 
Dinac, es. / the daughter of A- 

crisius king uf tbe Argives. 
Dana-.des & Danaidz, the 

fifty (Liiightcrs of Daiutiis, who 

wcre married to the €L^n 

Cyrtnaici. drump/ m certainphi 

losophers, who accountcd plea- wcre marnea to tne wv;ws» ^^ 
lure the chief good, and ea-l iE^f^\^\^Nyt^^«^^W^^^ 





husb&nds upon thcir wcdding 

night, and were sentenced fbr it 

to fill * tub futl of holes withwate: 

DanaUs,i m. akingof the Argives. 

and brother of A2gyptus j whc 

sailed into Greece. and having 

expellcd king Sthenelus, fixed 

his habitation at Argoa, whence 

the Grecians wcre called Danai 

Danubius, i. m. the Danube, tbe 

gTeatest rircr in Europe : as it 

passeth by Illyricum, it changeth 

lts name to Ister; it rcceiveth 

shcty more rivers in its course 

and falls into the Ruxine sea. 

Daphnc,cs/. a nymph thedaugh- 

tcr of Pencus, a rivcr of Thessah 

Daphnis, Idis. m. a yoiing man of 

Sicily, thc son of Mcrcury, and 

thc first writer of pastorals. 

Dardania, ae. / a country in Asia 

Minor, on the side of thc Archi- 

pelago ; ho d Servia 

Dardanidx, anim.Jfc/. ro. Trojans, 

as descendcd froin Dardanus. 

Dardanldcs, is. m. JEncas. 

Dardanus, i. m tlie son ef Jupitcr 

and Electra, who, having killed 

his brother Janus. flcd into thc- 

Lcsser Phrygia, where he built 


Dares, etis. m. [1] one of the mosl 

ancient historians.that wrote tlie 

Trojan wars; [2] a boasting 


Darius, i. m. thc son of Hystas- 

pes, chosen king by the neigh- 

ing of his horse. Another sur- 

named Codomanus. was the last 

emperor of thc Pcrsian monar- 

mans,who wilKngly gave up their 
lives for their country : the fath- 
er. iii thc Latin war; the son, in 
the Hctruscan, and the grand- 
son, in the war against Pvrrhus 

Deianira, x. / the daughtcr of Deniocntus, i. ntu. an exo 

Oeneus king of JEtolia 
Deldamia, x.f. the daughter of 

Lvcomcdes king of Soyros, on 

whom Achillcs begat Pyrrhus 
Deibpeia,*/ one of the n/mphs 

of Juno. 

discrect govcrmneiit mw 
riched Athens. 
DSmochures, ctis. A 
an orator, nephcw to De» 

D6i5tarus,i. m. a person who was DSmosthencs, is. m. tlie 

pliilosop h cr of Abden; be I 
ed at men*s cajfer pursritfll 
es and honour 
Dembphoon ontis. sfcthei 
T*hescus andPhxdn*aldtf 
king of Athens 

DauUs, />/> Daulla in Greccc. 

Daunia, regi • Capitanata in Italv 

jDauiius, i. m. thc son of Pilumnu 

made king of Galatia by Pompey 
on whose side he fought against 

Dciphobe, es./ thc daujjhter of 
(ilaucus, callcd also Sibylla Cu- 
mana (and Hecuba 

Delphobus, i. m. the son of Prinm 
Dclos, i.f. an island in thc ADfrcan 
sca, thc cliief of thc Cyclades 
where Latona was delivcred of 
Apollo and Diana,to whomthere- of Epimetheus. 
forc thc island was consecratcd; Dla, ina. Standia. 
h d. Saillcs. 

Delphi, orum pl. m. a city of Pho 
cis in Grccce, scatcd bn the hill 
Parnassus, wherc the oracle of 
Apollo was:it was 8 ipposed to be 
exactly in the midstof theearth, 
and thcretbrc called umbilicus 
orbis torartun; h d Saloni 
Dclphicus,a,um.a</r.of, or bclong-- 
ingto Delphi. 

Dclphmi portus, Porto Flro. 
Demadcs, is- m an Athenian ora 
tor, a great advcrsary to Demos- 
thcnes, and infamous for his de 

chyiandconquercdbyAlcxander Demetrius.i.fn.tlic son of Antigo 

nus, surnamcd Poliorcetes <>i so 
manly a deportment thatno pain \ - 
crcouldtruly reprcscnthim;ano- 

*nd Dttnat, and father oiTuxwwA tXwc, v\s\vwtted Phalereus scho- 

mous orator of Grcece. 

Dcrhc opp. Dcrihia. 

Derceto us tW DcreeUs. ii, 
idol worshrppcd at Jopps 
Ascalon called also Dagoc 
uppcr part like a BWfc dc 
wurd like a fish. 

Deucalion, 5nU mat tfoe sa 
Prometheiis kinj of Thrt 
and husbandol Pvrrla»diig 

Diagoras, x. mttf. [1] » ■" 
Rhodcs, whose threc so»' 
ing on tlte same day goB* 
prizcs in the Olympic gan* 
tathcr dicd with joy in \»* 
arms; [5] an Athcnlin »■ 
phcr, who <lcnied thero «* 
God or rathcr contemnedflj 
dols and faHc gods of •*■ 
for which hc wasbanished V 

Atlicnians. . 

Diana,x/. the daughtcroWJ 
by Latona,atthe samebil*" 
Apollo; she was called ii*J 
by the name of Phocbe,** 
Daina, and in the paitsM*' 1 
eartli Hecatc. 

Dicxarchus, i- m. » ■— - ^ 
philosonher, who **Jr h 
a succcssion of men b» •" 
^Qni ail ctcrnity. 





<5nis.8t tis /. the daughter of 
9 king of Tvre, and wife of 
seus. Virgil nretended that 
kilied herselr,because iEne 
►vsook her; butthatbythe 
» vint of chronologers is impos- 
r for JEnc*M came into Ital) 
r~ears before the buikling of 
«, whereas Dido did not be- 
U> build Carthage till 70 
» after Rome was built 
crte, sa« Salibe. 
>*Tter, a title given to Jupiter 
Fmene ea/. Cybele,worship 
on Mount Dindymus. 

•.nuium, opp Dictamno. Ilhe TYojan wars, Titus. 

?• m n» Lassiti in Crete. piftne, es /. asea-nymph, andtheDftres, ium pl. m. evtf k Deru, & 
nna, ac. f a nvmph of Crete,! mother of Venus Ddrienses, a people of Doris, a 

m1 bcfore Pntomartis, whojDidnysia, 6nim. pl. n. festivals in part of Achaia, from whom the 
rtted hunting nets. honour of Bacchus Doric dialect received its origi- 

yo*m Cretcnsis, who went Dionysius. i m. [1] aname of Bac- naL; h d. Livadians. 
id wrote the wars ofTroy. J chus ; [2] the natne of two tyr- Dftris, Ydis /. a nymph of thesee, 

ants of Sicily ; [3] a Stoic philos- daughter of Oceanus and The- 
opher, one of Zeno's scholars; tis,who,beingmarriedtoherbro- 
[4] Dionysius Halicarnasseus, a ther Nereus, liad many nymphs 
historian, who wrote the history by him called Nereides. 
of Rome; [5] Dionysius Areopa- Draco, 5nis. m. a lawgiver of the 
gita, he, when in Egypt, saw an Athenians, so severe,that he pu- 
eclipse of the sun contrary to nished every fault with death ; 
nature, at the passion of our Sa- for which cause Demades said, 
viour, and said, Aut Deus natu- That he wrote his laws not with 
rae patitur, aut mnndi machina ink, but with blood. (nua, 

dissolvetur; [6] Dionvsius Peri- Drances, is. m. an enemy to Tur- 
egetes, who lved in the time of Dravus./uv the Drave in Hungarjr 
Augustus, and wrote a book of Drcpanum, Cretg, eape Mechia. 
geography in Greek hexameter SiciH*, pp. Trapani* 

verse, still extant. Druentia, fiuv. Durance in Gaul. 

'iuus,i m & Dindyma, Anim-tDioscdndes is. m a famous physi- DruYdc, arum vrl Druides um. 
a mountain of Phrygia, so cian of Anazarba-in Nero's time. pricsts of the ancient Gauls 
ed because of its two tops ; Dir*, arum. pl f the Furies; Tisi- Drusus. i. m. the grandfather of 
mi. Chizico. (ror. phone, Megxra, and Alecto Cato,very etoquent and learned, 

-sjianus i m. a Roman Empe- tne wife of Lycusking but too ambitious, and was slain 
ri, iut Babelmandel of Thebes (wise called Pluto in his owu house. (the woods. 

r*ui. i. m. [1] a Sicilian, an Dis, Ttis. m. the god of hell,other- Dryades, um pl.f. goddesses of 
Hent histonan in the time Discordia, ic. /. thc goddess of Dryas. antis. m. tne aon of Orion, 
Jius Cxsar; [2] a Stoic pbi- discord, banishcd out of heaven slain by Dxana in the Theban war 
tlier. for exciting divisions among the Dryopes, p*p. of Epirus. 

. is. m. [1] a Cynic phi- gods. Duftchinum, ins Thiachi. 

»tier^cholar to Antisthcnes; Div5dumm, epp. Metz in* France. Dnrius,/tn;. Douro in Spain. 
*.<! no food but such as was D6d6na, x. / a city of Epirus in Dur5cort6rum, <pp. Kheims m 
^ him daily; whence he was Greece, on the borders of Thes- France. 

d a beggar; [2] another sur- saly, famous fbr hi rbuntain, and Dym*, opp. Clarenxa in Greece. 
^«i Lae'jtius, who wrote the a grove in which was a temple Dyrrhachium, opp* Durazzo in 
of the philosophers. consecrated to lupitcr, andan Macedonia. 

is. m. [1 a king of oracle. £ 

who fed his horses with D6lon, Onia m. a Trojan, taken _ 
flesh : Hcrculcs slew hiro and slain by Ulysses. |f B»ra, cpp. Evora in PortugaL 

him to be eatenby hia D6l6pes, p p. Grecians of Epirus. W* ibQdx, in* Hebrides. 
Hmes; [21 aking of £tolia D6mUianus, i m. tbe twelfth env EbOrdnes, pop. of Liege. 
*>n of IVdcus and DeipylaJ peror of Rome, successor to his nbusus, iiu. Vvica. 
»f Uie tirecian wortbitainj father Vespuian, and brother tQ.EftbjaA^a» **»&.$.. ^.vq 

MHunariin. «cholar of Cora 
Franto, in the tinie of HadrUn : 
he «Tote30boolu, withthetitie 
of Nocte» Attic*, becaute stu. 
dfadin the winter-nigbta ' 

Geryon, vel Gtryones, is. a. ■ gi- 

ant, whoie oxen, ■fter he had 

«Uintheir owner. Herculea cu< 


. ,, Bw' 

Getar, Srum. pi. n. 

Thrace, oa both lideithe 

Uter.nowMoIdavU fc W»lUchU 

to be more terrible to their ene. m. the 

n»uni,Sot? c 
niaareth lai 

ia«*..theie»ofG»li. Gipp"m»,L*. ■ Roman, who wouM 

GCnCra, -./ » eity ofthc u 

Geniui, L m. ■ genius, »r angel 
good *r b»4> which Utter they 
caBed Alwtor; both of thcm 
wm beliered to be bom with ■ 
■an, and to die with him, uid to 
preside over pUces ai well 
peraons ; they u*ed to pr»y 
thii god with sacririce». 

GSmi», x. f. the chief city of the 
jjgurUn» in Italyi h:d. Geno». 

Gaorgfca, Orum. pl. *■ tlie mo 
Tilu»ble, and by himtelf mo*t 
Talued, poem uf Virgil, comprU- 
cd in four book*. 

Gtrxstu», app. Geresto. 

GergflvU, ojli>.Gergove in Fnnce. 

■c called Tungri . 
vided into the upper and lowei 
but the Ttoman and modcm di- 
ia are not the 

Ihey were three^ndl 
eyc, serring them »1 
their namcs »re Bthr 
sa, and Eoirale. 

GorgOniu», i. ■.inm 
ing fcllow. 

Gnrtyna. tpp. of Cnrb 

GSthi, onau. pl. m- 
Gfithfines. Goth*, ■ p 
northexn part of Bd 
Swedei, »nd Korwef 

GridiTut, i. m. ■ title 

ji «nd Tellus,of monltrou» size, Gracci, «tnun. pl. 

i n»Tly they of Theis»] 

feign to be atleep.while hU wifc 
prostituted henetf, but 

Grccu, r. f. the whol 
Greece-, the leto»' 
«o «i» called Htga» 

Grcculi, m. i 

ng whom he likcd not, he fcrie J. Grnjiigen», 

cutNon omnibia dormio,whcnce 

it bccame proTerbial. 
Glaucus, i. m. ■ fishernunof An- 

thedon, who leaped into the sei, 

where he was transformed into 

aTriton and became oneof thc 

Glycirs, x./ ■ beautiful, butcny 

miatreuto Iloracc and Tibullui 
Gtyccnunui n the mistrcss an 

wife of PalnphUui in Tercncc- 
finStho, Onii. m. a comic penon 

parasite in Terence. 
Gn6»u*,'Ce/ Gnoasus, i.f. acityol 

Crete, the court of lung Minoa : 

haii. Cinosa 

menia; htd. Gibel Noe. 

GauU, wbo in the time of Taci- Gordiuijm. a PhrrgUn huaband 

"''"" " ing hy the oracle of Gyarai, h. Qytra, «-. 

of the £ge*n «ea, oa 
Gorguu Leontlnua, the tchoUr of claUes; l,od. Calotro. 
"- G?gea,U. ~ »L)*j 
Candaulu» »ho*eJ ai 
«he conapired to n 

Empedocle», and maater of lao- 

BermanTcLis, L m the »on ot Kero cratea; he dechumed on any lub- 
Dnijtui, univeMalh/ otWeA^aiy V^wttmnor», 
desjgned by Auguktu»ftitVai«^£cn^ia,'a. J.U jA.^^tr^™.,*,^ «1 

odj. Gn 

SrfinTcu», i. 
rising in mount lu» 
in» of Troy, and dU 
sclf into the sea of 1 
andcr fought nesr it- 

Granta, x.f. Csmbrid] 

"fritix, Srum. pl. fim 
three «Utcrs called i 
IU> and Enphrojjne, 
ters of Bacchus and 
Jupitcr aud Euirnon 

Grundile» lares,appoi 
mulus inhonour cft 
thirtypiga mentioDt 
Mn 8 42. »nd bante: 
:n»L 12, 74 





mists, arum. pl. f. In- put to dcath, and hss wholc flt- 
osophers.of whom there xnily cut off. 
> scctfl thc BrachmansHarm6dius>. i. m- an Athcnian, 

| who delivered his -country from 


\pp. Tachi Volicati in the tyranny of Pisistratus. 

[Harmoma, *. / the daughter of 
•//>.Paleapoli in Grecce Mars and Vcnus» whom Vulcar 

presentcd with a fine but fatal 

tTA, ac. m. the Adriatic.Harmbnides, is. m. a Trojan bc 


the city Adria. 
-, \.m. HaJrian, the 15th 


*./. Thcasaly. 
'n#,Argcntaro*in Thracc 

loved by Minerva, who taught 
him all kinds of workmanship. 

of Kome ; he reignedjHurp&gus, i. m. a friend of Asty- valiant of all the Trojans. 

ages the Mede, who preserved 
Cvros, and betrayed the army 
ot the Medes. 

m. a river and mowv Harpalyce, es./. thedaughters of 


opp. Habarta. 

isus, i. / a maritime oi 

iia» a colony of the Ar- 

country of Herodotus, Harpdcrates. is. m. the Egyptian 

s, the Roroan liistorian 

iclitus the poet; also fa- Harpyrfx, brum. plf the daugh 

a noble mausoleum»but 

pp. Saleme in Sicily. 
is. m. vtl Hilyattfcus, 
fatherof Cnrsus king 

des, / nympha, 

; tliought to be bom and 


i, 6nim. ptm.n. kind of 

i» living in carts, and 

% as occasion served, 

« to place : thcir coun 

vid. Ammon. 
alis. m. vicL Annibal. 
lis. m. a Carthaginian 
the son of HamiJcar, 
imnfto be kiag, w, 

Lycurgus king of Thrace. aml 
queen of the Amasons, who set 
her fathcr at liberty, when taken 
by the Getoe 

god of silence 

tersof PontusandTerra; whencc 
they are said to live partly in isl- 
ands, and partly in the sea ; the; 
had the faces of virgins, and the 
bodies of obscene bmis ; Hesiod 
calls thcm Iris, Aello, and Ocy- 
pcta. and Virgil, Furias, and Di- 

HarQdcs, pp pr Franconia (ras. 

Hebe, es. / tne daughter of Ju- 
piter and Juno ; but some make 
•her Juno's dauehter alone, con- 
ceived by too rrcely feeding oi> 
lettucc ; she was called the god- 
w Bessarabia, Moldavial dess of vouth. 
a, and part of Transyl- Hebrus, 1. mat. a rapid river oi 

Thrace.rising in mount Rhodopc 
6nis- m. a surname of| and falling into the .£gean tea ; 

hod. Mariza. 

Hfcate, es./ a goddess, the same 
below as Luna in heaven \ «&v) 

was painted wichthree heads» 
one of a horse, another of a dog, 
another of a virgra 
Hecatoflsp51is, is. / the isle of 
Crete, so called from its 100 ci- 
ties» which it had in time of Mi- 


H&cStompolis, i. fem. the city of 
Thebes,in Egypt, which had 100 
gates; alsolspahan. 

Hector, dris m. acc. Hectcra, thfj 
son of king Priam, and the moit 

Heciiba, «./. Cisseis, wife to king 

H£g€aias, x. m a philosopher of 
Cyrene, who d spbyed the mis- 
eries of life wxth such eloquenoe 
that several slew thcmselves, to 
be out of them : he was com- 
mandcd by Ptolemy to discourse 
no more on that subject 

Helena, «. vel Hel6ne.~es. J. tho 
daughter of Leda, begot by Ju» 
piter in the shape of a swan, and 
the most beautirul woman of her 
time, married to Menelaiis fcunj 
of the Lacxdemonuns, t» whom 
she bore Hcrmione ; afterwardfl 
Paris stole her away, which oc- 
casioned the war between 
Greece and Troy. 

Hclenus, i. m a son of king Pri- 
am. spared by the Greeks for hU 
skill in divination. 

Iielkides, um. pLf. the daughtera 
of Phabus and Clyraene, called 
Phaethusa and Lampetie, who, 
bewailing the fatc ot' their bro- 
ther Phaeton, were turned into 
poplar-trees» of whose tears camsj 

H^lice, et. f, \kfcOs«!*j«r**»- . 

arJ Diana on carth -, whenrtxe 11 ca\\ wwUtW. V^d. ^^^^^^s». 
««/ kd triceps and terjemvTxa s fa\ %^OTNfc\ x% Kv^»^^ 




of Laconia. It is aaid that Jupi 
ter, in the shape of a swan, em 
braced her when with child by 
her husband, and she laid two 

egffs; of the one came Poliux Leucas, &dis./ an itb 

and Helena, of the other Castor 
and Clytemncstra. ■ 

XAptths, Irum. a/. m. a people offUftaut, a, um. m#. 'of Lariiri^Lepontii,^. of the A 

Theasaly,whonrsttamedhor8es. Italian. Leprium,r£/fr. Chaiapai 

Lar, aria. m. p\. liirea, certain de- Laurena, tia. a4j. Laurentian. Leptia magna, Lebeda 

mons, genh, sr spirits, believed Laurentum, opp. S. Laurenko. P*r**> Monatte 

to prende on varioua occationa, Lausus, i. m. the aon of Mezenti. Lcrno, «./ a lake nea 

dittmgniahed by their ephheta -ua, ahun by JEneas. Peloponnesua, whew 

Lftrmum, opp. Larina in Italy. Learchus, i. m. the son of Atha- alewthe hydra. 
Ltrjs&a, opp. Larza in Theasalv. mas apd Ino, kiUed bj hirdis- Lera, fo./. an iabnd a 
Urisss»us, a, um. a$. Thesaahan tracted ftther. of Frances hod. Fitle 

Lftrisfusj/w?. Larisao in Greece. Lcander, dri. m. a young man of gareti. 
Larius. lacus, Como in Raly. Abvdoa, on the Aman «de of the Leabfcles, um/rt/ Lc 

Lirvmna, opp Talandi in Greece. HeHespont, opposite to Sestos, Lesfroa, i. / an isle in t 
Latia, «./ the wife of Saturn. where his beloved Hero Kred. n 
Latiahs, fc Latiaris, e. «nff. o£ at Labadia, opp. BadU in Bceoti*. ' 

belonging to Italy. L£b£dut, ofp. Lebiditai Chisar in 

Lfctlni, orum, U. m. the Latint, LSbvnthos, in*. Levita. (Asia. 

inhabituntt orLatsum, irltaly, Lech*um, opp. Leateiocori in 
Lfctlnus, i. m. fte ton of Faunus, Greece. 

king of Latium, who etpouted L5da, ac. /. the daughter of Thes 

his daughter I^vinia to JEneaa, tiut, and wife of Tyndarua kinp 

which watthe groundof the war " " " " -••-•---- 

bctween JEneas and Turnut. 
Latium, i. n. acountry of Italy,ly- 

ing betweenTuscany to the west 

and Campania to the east. 
Latius, a,um- atfj. of, or belonging 

to Italy, Italion 
Latmua, i. m. Palatia, a mountain LSUges, p p. of Asia. 

in Caria, chiefly famous for thc Lemanus lacus, the lake Loman 

feigned amours of Cynthia and near Geneva: the river Rhone 

Endymion. runs througli it. 

Latobrigac, arum. pl. m. apeople Lemnos, \.f. an island in the JE 

of Lausanne in Switzerland. gian sea- sacredl to Vulcan; hod. 
Latdia, at. Latois, idos. & Lat5- Stalimene. 

nia, x f. Dzana, the daughter of LemGvices, pnp. les Limosins. 

Lestrygbnes, um./i m 
of Italy, wbo roatWi 
companions of Ulywo 

Lethe, es. / a rirer in J 
teringthe city of Berei 
the poets feisncd to 
the rivers of hell; ani 
the word signifieth obl 
whoever drankthereot 
that was past 

Leucadia, penin* S. Mai 

LemSvu, p-ip. pr. Mechlenburg. 
Lemuralia,xW Lemuria, um 


Latdna, s./ the daughter of Cacj 

ut the Titan, or as some say, ot n- a fcstival on the 15th 
Saturn,and mother of Diana and of May, wherein they sacrificed 
Apollo. ^ (koti. Ocscl to the Lemures; unlftcky to mar- 

Latrit, is./ an islahd in the Baltic; ry in. 

l^verna sc./thegoddessof thieves LcdnYdas, & es. se. m. a king of 

IJfvicum, <//)£. Yalmontone in Italy 

Ionian sea from a roc 

despairinjj loversutw 
. themselvcs, as Sappl 

cure love-sickness. 
Leucatcs, prom. Leucsl 
Leuci, 6rum. pl. m a 

Lorrain» near the chj 
Leucippus, i. m. a ph 

from whom Democriti 

doctrine of atoms, as 

&|Leuc5p2tra, prom. pr. I 
Leucosyria, x./acouBt 

Leuctfthoc, es. /. the * 

thamas, who cast scf 

her son Melicerta in 1 
-i intothe-sea. 

Sparta, who with 400 men de 
l&viniib Tt.f. the daug^tet o^\A\^tAfcA.^^t%ita of Tiiermopy-lLeuctra, 5rum. pl.+ » 
tinus \\tiit5fa»^5*»^Vi&ifk^^ 





of Normandy. lingone, pop. Langres in Cham-jLucrttius, i. m. a Latin poet, who 

nuu. a sophist, who Imola. (pagne. wrotc of thc nature of things in 

at Antiocn and Con- IJjius, i. m. a Theban, the son of six books, still extant. 

Apollo and Terpsichore, who Lucrlnus, a, um. adj. of the Lu- 
. a mountain in Sy. taughtmusic and letters: he waa crine lake. 
jsfrom east to west, the masterof Orpheus, and Ilcr Lucullus,i. m [1] Lucius Lucul- 

lorth is thc bounda- cules. 

>ly Land. Llpare, int. Lipari near 8icily 

. name of Bacchus. Llquentia,/uv. Liquenza in Italy! 

name of Proserpine. Lins, jfav. Garigliano in Itily. 

& br\ n. reasts Lissus, Dabnat. Alessio. 

' Bacchus,celebrated| Crtut % Fionissi. 


illia, opp Evora, wc call Titus Livy, of Padua. 

f a fountain #f Mag. Locri, drum pl. m. Locrians. 

1 to the Muaes. Locris, rtgi • of Greece. 

s. adj Libethrian. L&custa, x. /. a woman skilftd in 

f- the goddess Ve prcparing poisons : she helped 

crpine, for she prc- Nero to poison Britannicus, and 

ner births and buri- Agrippina to dispatch Claudius 

. Croatia. (als. Londinum i u. London. 

n Latin writers, that L5p£dGsa* ins. Lampcdosa. 

ca, which bordereth Lopsica, opp Selissa. 

t, but is often taken LGt6phagi,6rum.£/.in. a people of 

rxtcnt by the poets, Barbary,who are said to have liv- 

hc Greeks, and so cd on the fruit of the lotc-tree. 

rthage ; hod. Barca. Luca, opp. Lucca. 

m. Llbyssus, a, um. LQcania, rcgio. Basilicate in Italy 

a, um & Llbystis, LQcajius, i. m. Lucan, a famous 

dian, African. poet of Corduba in Spain. 

i, se. / the country LQcSria, opp. Lucero in Italy. 

in Africa, Lftcianus, i. m. Lucian, a witty 

. a Lybian. writer of Samosata,autbor of ma- 

\e boy of whom Dei'-| nydialogucs in a pure Greek sty le 

lie poisoned shirt to 

lus, a noble and valiant Roman r 
who beat Mithridatcs out of his 
kingdom ; [2] Marcus, a kins- 
man of the former, who subdued 

LudgQnensis ara, an altar at Ly- 
Livius, i. m, the historian whomj ons, where Caligula ordcred 

Greek and Roman orators to vie 
with one anothcr, when hc that 
was overcomc was obliged to- 
praisc and reward thc conqueror 

LudgQnum B&tavorum, Lcyden in> 

Lupercal,isna place under moant 
Palatine,consecrated by Evander 
to Pan, the god of Arcadia, that 
he might prescrve thcir flocks 
from wolvcs. 

Lupcrcalia, um. & <5rum. pl. n. a 
festival sacred to Pan, on the 
15th of February. (Pan. 

Liiperci. drum pl. m. priests of 

Lupia, Germcn, Lyppe. 
Ital. la Kocca. 

LQsItani, p-.p. Portuguese. 

LQsTtania, ae. / the third part of 
ancicnt Spain, chiefly that part 
callcd Algarve in PortuguJ. 

bo for it threw him tirist, cotemporary with Accius 
:o the Eubxan sea. and Pacuyius. 
oire in France. LQcIna,*./. the s^oddess of cbild 
»urjs. m, a Ligurian b«aring,a title given to Juno and 

a conntry of Italy, Diana, < r Luna. 

osjb the Aaasuune to LGcretia,*./ the daughter of Lu 

»ea. f oretius prefect of the city, and 

m. cape Boco. wife of Tarquinius Collatinua^a- 

Marsala. vished by Soxtus Tarquinius. 

Lucilius, i. m. a smart Roman sa-Lutetiu, ac./. vel Lutetia Parisio» 

rum, Paris. 

Lyxus, i. m. a name of Bacchus. 
Lycacus, i. m. a mountain of Arcs> 

dia, sacrcd to Pan and Jupiter. 
Lycaon,6nis m a king of Arcadia, 

who would havc murdered Jupi- 

ter. (Lycaonia in Asia. 

Lyca6nes,0m. fct ^.xS^^v^^- 

isiandnearIreUnd:L&cretIlis, is. *t. a mountun w ^wi^vl« ^\.^^; «s^s^S^ti» 

/ tbe Stbints ^Jf&v^******** 1 * 





'Lycius, a, um. _h#. Lyoian. 

LycbmEdes, it m. t King^ of Scy 
xus, and fatber of Deidamia, on 
whom AchiUes begat Pyrrhus, 

with her, and followed ML Anto- 
ny to the camp 
I^curgus, i. m. [1] the son of Po 
lvdectes,a noble Spartan:his bro 

Athens; ako Cicero's schoolinJLyaMa,»./ acityof Pales^ 

the Tusculum. fcrfrom Joppa; hod. 8. Georgia raco-riinesaf Lyoaoni 

JLychnTdum, t>pp. POchrida. Lydi, fruimjk/. m. Ihe people of 

L/cia,*/a country betWeenjPam- Lydia, ac. /. an inlarid country ol . *» 

phyua andCaria ; h d Menteai*. the Lesser Asia, h d, Carasia. in myrjtd&rens, i. m- the 9 

r __*_ _ _., . — •__. which is tbe golden river Pacto- JjJL Iub ; having had a 

lus: it was anciently a very war- his sister Canaee, he 
like nation» but much given to his father^a im_iguat»oA 
intemperance. (er of MaCedonia MacSdttnia. k /. a fert_fc 

l_ycon,6ras.«t. a Penpatetic philo-tLyncestes,Ydis/.acountrvmndriT- betweett Thrace, £pi 
sophcr, so eloquent in tos dis-Lynceu8.j»-{14 oneafthe Argo- ftoeece. 
couweSjthathewascaHedGlycon nauts,whoni £he poets fabled to HacSd&nicus, & MacSd 

Lycophron, is. m. a&mous tragic be so quiek aighted utoiee um adj* Macedonian. 

. poet of Chalcis. through trees and roel_f*yea,the Macer, 1 «.a Roman po. 

JL) c&ris, .dhi / a freed-woman qf earth; by which was mewit, that porary witfc Orid, wbo 
the senator Volumniua, who he fbund out metals in the deep- , botany, artd the virtoet 
slighted C. Gallus-deeply in lovej est mincs. he accompamcd Jason he alto made a suppk 

toColchis; |2jone ofthesonsof Homei*. 
Egyptus,whom his wifeHyperm- M&chston,&nis.m» the *m< 
nestra saved.when the rest werc .apius, a skilful phyaa 

_..... slain by her bloody sisters. performed several gre*t 

tner Eunomus dying,he took up Lyncus,i.m a king of Scythia,turn Macra, fluv. Ix Magra in £ 
on him thc name of King; but cd by Ccres into a lynx. (dia Macri campi.jkr.Brescefii 
soon afltcr fmdinjr his brothei^s Lyrcjeus, i. m. a fountain of Arca- Macrobius,i. m. thei_m*< 
wife was with chdd, hc laid it a- Lyrncssus, opp, Pamph. Lyrnesso. of comular dijmity» cota. 
side,rc*igned thc kingdom to his TroatLpr. Troy. with Serviusme wrotetK 

ncphew Charilatis,and actcd 011- Lysander, dri. m* a Lacedemoman on Scipio's dresfl^ tff 
]y as chief minister. He rcdress- commander, who put an end to a ealled Saturnalia. . 
ed the state, whcn much disor- war ol 26 years between Sparta Machrontlcos, •#>. ^L 
dcred, by a body of laws, and o- and Athens, by ruining the A- Madaura, opp. Madaraia-" 
bligcdthe Spartansto keep thcm thenian fleet. Mxander, & MxandrAV^ 

inviolable tdl he returned from Lysias, <c. m. the son ofCephalus, verofPhrygia, havinf^" - 
Delphi ; whcn he camc thither, and onc of tlie ten famous orators ble windings; W * 
he dismissed his fricnds, and re- commendcd by Cicero. Mscn£des,ura. pif> ' 

tircd a voUmtary exilc to Crete ; Lysimachia, JEtol. Lysimachia. Mxnss, &dis.woi 
where dyirig, hc ordercd liis bo- 7'hrac. Hexamili. Bacchus. 

dy to be thrown into the sca,that Lystmachus, i, m. a valiant Mace- \lxn_dus, m_ict 7 Mefl-fr 
thc Spailans might not think donian, and son of Agathoclcs. o/^.ydia 

thcmselves dischargcd of tlieirLy_ippus,i.m.anoblestatuary,who Mxonia, *./ apsrt 
oatli, by proCuring his bones to niudu his statues with sucii art, Ma^6ntde^ie.mJititle 
be broupfht to Sparta ; [2] a king tliat tliey seemed to have real life roer, frs^i Mzonis ' 
of Thracc, wlio, finding his peo- Lyslsjs.m. a Pythagoreanphiloso^ Ma.6nius,a,um. s# 
r /e too much addictcdto wine, pher, inaster to Epaminondas. Mac6tis,ldis,/t w** 

the Euxine ses. m* 

crc/ercdiiJltlicvsneaof tocov-iv-^^^vx^^st. anexccllent sta- __» ^„„„ w — . 

• U*v to bc rootcd up. \ Vvvw l XTV ^ass«i ^ \_a>*t^^5L nver Tan£* fl fcf* 

*7cii% i m. a king of B*o\^ A V^Vv^^^^ VisWi^^f^i 





in circumfcrence. 

n. a pitiful poet in Vir- 

c. / [1] a country of 
i, bordcring' on Thcs 
citv of Asia thc Lcss, 
lcandcr.given to Thc- 
whcn in cxilc, bv tJiri 

Mand*.nis, is. m. an ln-lian jrym-! far from Crcwonv. 
nosoph:st,whodtspisecibo.h thL :-I;i vhuii, o;i : 4 /. Maretona, a 

rc* ards aiul menaccs of Alcxan 
dcr the tircat. 

Maniicl.i, jc f- a villagc of the Sa- 
bint s; hml. IVj^io XJrrteto. 
Maiulrcpolis, aixx •Mandiopus,*/»/-. 
/•/•• lhtruz. 
cr*ia; [o) anothcr in:M:idt»bii, // p. Auxi"s in Francr. 
ider inount Sip^lusJMaudmia, /.//. Casal novo. (ple. 
ltiochus Magnus w ;is Mania .av/.thcgGddcss of inad pco- 

>y the liouians; /j. '/..Mjiuhus, i. tn. thc nriiic of scvc- cd Ensis R;>manorum, who first 

J r:d ionsdcra!;Ie iioir.ans ; [1] 

towu in Attica, f.unoii* for ')1ic- 
scub k;lling > a mon.strous bull; al- 
sofor Milti^tdes routin^ an army 
of rYrs-ian» of 100,0<>0 foot, and 
10.000 horsc, with only 10,000 
bravc Athcnians. 
Marccilus, i. m scveral Romans 
of ihis name; [1] Claudius Mar-» 
ccllus,a valiant comnmndcr,call- 

proved it \\ as not imooHsiblc to 

Sc Magiicssus, a, uiu. Odawus Manilius, u kinp; of K- conquor llmnihui: afu-r a lonjy 

cslan. trf.r;;», and son-iii-law to Tur- 

m. [11 thc hrotlwr of quhv, [2] anothcr, who wrotc a 
who u rotc JJ volun:cs jmciu to Aiitrustus ou thc suhjcct 
.rv inthcPiiui-" to:i!i*ik oi Astrono:;iv. 
•■cnaie of Curtha;»v ' »'- '.i.uilius, (V.iinns) i. m. [V a no- 

c tKitislaicci ii. * > Ls- h!c Komun.whofcarlnjr tiie wall.ijMarccdun;;ii, ©/.*.». Ucren in ti*:n- 
i1 M;*ho:i,in thc islaii'.!, of llor.ic could not hohl out u-jMarcomaiini. /- /<. Bohcmians. 

'■.ainsl t..c Ciaids, chcsc 10C0 va-iMare +h!::c.;*cun % Adriatic. 

sic^e, hc tcok Syrneuse; [2] Mar- 
cus Marrc.]Ui?,a iVicnd cf Ciccro, 
who,:dnr t!tc defeut of Pompey, 
livcd :»ii cxihs in Asia, but was al 
lenjrth cdl»*d homc. (many. 

_, _ — , — 

,ni, «>/>/». Mcntz. liant ircii, v.ith w ;u>ni heivfiredi 

the «luu^iitcr of Allas the .*apitnl,aiidsaicd itfrom 
ic. ■ thc eneii.y; ,'J) T. Manlius Tor- 

. Mula^ain Sprtin. | quatu*, *,:> callcd froin a C.uul, 
capc Mahoiu (irccce.j who lc';:c:uhd hia sosi f.;r .;^"ht- 
i'.is, the jyulf of Ziton.! in^ ui.hfiiii crdcr, tlioujrh suc- 
v/i/'.-. iOonin (.rcccc. 1 r. Hsfully; [o] ar.other, v ho f«>? 

>lalh> in 1'ihr.a | thc ^lo^ncss of his ton^ic, an: : 

is m. a (orinlhian,, s:ip|>oscd stupiditv, wasoidcivf! 
lis hrof!iiT's son,to hc 1 by liis f.ithcr to rctirc to iht- 
cir; for which fact his; ciiuiitry. and ncver to see Komc, 
uscd him lobctorniu liul this youiiLf man aftciwams 

(sinaJ flefcii''cd his lathcr, and frccil 
pop. pr- Faro di Mcs- liiui fom a trial, whcn accuscd 
: m. a Houian of thc hy M. ': omponitii. 

ordcr. whofirslo\er- Mantinca, a;. f Mantcgna, a city 
alls of liis house with 1 of Ar«*:iciia, where Epaminoudas 

• : i\^;*'.'/i, Archipcl-.g , o. 

Ctnfin:;i, Caspean. 

l'".:u t pr. Grcciilaud. 

/;i."' / >.i.vm, Kcd Sea. 

GiiliU.e* sca of Gahice. 

GlLcich; Norlh sca. 

//'/;•( tinnm, Caspiun. 

//«'•eibor, hv. ^lnscovv. 

ltc.r'.uiH % Nicari. 

*Mvrfrutm % I"*vad sca. 

•Vi/r.'o?.ffi«sea of Manclria. i/,7i, the Ji.dtic. 

Tif:t:riutk\ st*a of C.;iiilce. 

T ijn heii wrij Tnscaii. 
MarcSta?, p"p. pr t IJarc :. 
Mareotis, rrg. Libya*, pr. Harcau 
luchut. of Uuohiara. 

tl had marblc pillars. paincd a Lflorious victory, bui Marjjiana,rc3 p .//r.Cuorasan in Asia 

m. a consul of Rome, died ' f a wound. 
aking- a dishonourahlc Manto.u .f.a. sorcercss.the daufrh- 
s given up to tliu JS'u- ter of lircsias: shc builtateniplc 

Mariandyni, brum. pl m a pco- 
ple of Asia, on thc conliiiet ot 

i to Api.llo atClaros. fbr instnict- Marica, x.f. thc wife, <\C V-«a»»!w> 
i./.thc chujrhtcr of As- infr h: r in the art of i\wvmJ.wa.\ wA\BRft»« ^XsSs»»* m^X^t 
d mothcT of Crrus. iAfant»u, x. /. a c\ty sA \V*\j » \\^\\2^ro» VJ^ww^^ ^ 1 »^ 





from his father. 
Maroncu, Ital. Marona. 

Tnraci.v. Marojrna. 

at Arpinum, of mcan parentafre,! at Bilboa in Snain. Mauritania, x.f. thc fartliet 

but by his valour raiscd to tncMartiua,proprie ar{/.[ l]*asurname of Africa to the aouth. 

hitrhest ;>itch of RTcatncs*; [2]' of Ancus, the fourth king of the Mauritania, rcgio. Barbary,! 

Marius Pristus, who being pro-l Romans; [2] Martius Campus, so CrtanVaw*, Al| 

consul of Africa. pilla^ed thc callcdfrom Mars, to whoro it was Sitifcinth, pr. Si 

province, was condcmned, and consecratcd, situated bctwecn Tingitana, Tan 

banisiicd. j Itomc and the Tibcr. Mauriisius, a, um. atlj. Maui 

Marmvrica* rr? f llarca in Africa. Maruilus, i. m. [1] Sencca^s mastcr Mausdlus, i. max. a kinp ol 

Mannaridx, p p. of Ilarca. \\\ rhctoric; [2] auother (Pom- whosemonumcntcalledtl 

Miro 6nis. m- VirgiPs surname ponius) a grammarian, who soleum was reckoncd ai 

taught at Romc, - wus a severc the wonders of the world 

critic in his art, and rcprchend-Maxentius,i. m. acrueltyra: 

ed Tiberius Cxsar, telling him, usurped the name of Czs 

Maroncus, a, uin. adj. & Maronia-' hc had the govcrnment ot mcn defcated Severus, but, be 

nus, of, uv pertaininjr to Virgil. indccd, but not of words. . vercome by Constantine 

MarpiFsia, rr.l MartheVi.i. x f.t\\c\L\nis,jluv. Morave. drowncxl in thc Tiber. 

first qucen of thc Arna/.ons. Massinissa, x. m. a king of Numi- Maximinus, i. m. first a Tt 

Marpcssa. *./. a very bcautiful la- dia,anda1lyoftheRomans,though shcphcrd, tlicn a soldier, 

chynothcr of Cleopatra. thcwife at hrstanuttvrcncmy^thcgrand- commander, and lastly cii 

of Mtleaj^cr: Apollo fallin<r in father of Ju«rurtha. ■ of Rome, succecding' AJcj 

love with hcr, und taking her a-Massxsyli, p'*p. pr. Barbary. i Sevcrus. 

way.hcrhusband pursucJMassagciiC/w/». pr. Zagathy. Maximus, i. m. thc namc n 

but could not ovcrtake them. Massicus. mm*. Mondragonc in ral inen; [1] one, madc a 

Ivlarriibium, opp Marubio in Italy. Campinia. ■ by Maximinus, and calleJ 

Marnicini, p /# of Abru/./.o. Ma>s;lia.?c./. Marseillcs. a city of ceps jdvcntulis ; ['2] Sh 

Mars, tis.m. ihc sonof Jupitcr and ProvenceinFrance.ofvery great Tyrius a Platonic philos 

Juno, a.idthc g*d of war. . anti(piity,unrc inhabitcdby a co- and niastcr of M. Autoniu 

• ^la-si, /; /;. of ftaly und licrmany.. lony of Phccnicians outof Asia. Mazyces, /i /». of Muuntani 

alarsic is, k Marsus, a,uin. a.lj. of Massyla, x.f. a town of Cyrcnc inMOcamas, atis. m. a nc»i»ien 

thc ifari»i, Marsian. i Afrira. (Massyliun. Ronie, patron to Yir^ilw 

Mursinrri. p>p. pv. Ilohcmia. 'M:tssylcus,& Massylus, a, um. atlj. race. 

Mursyas vrl Murs.a, w. m. [1] a M -itho, onis. m. a cornipt lawyerMedca, x. f. thc daugh'er< 
satyr, and Phryjoan musician, : jn UomitianVtime, whuis often tes king- of Colchis^a wicke 
who ciialle-ig-cd Apollo, and be-' lashed by Murtiul. \ ccress 

inj^ ox-rcome by him, was Aayed Malinus, motu. of Apulia. iMcdia, x f. a largv countrr 

sia, boundcd on thc s-juti 
! Pcrsia, and on the cast b\ 
' cenia ainl Parthia. 
iMedidlanum, ofip. Milan inft 
tlie i^oddess of thc'Mcdi5matrici, pop. pr. M^tt 
(war.MSdonv tis. m. the son ofCoJ 
an<I >y ,iirn jrivcn to his friciid'M:ivors, tis. ;«. Mars, thc £od of thc last kinjj of Athcns l» 1 
i/on ensitis, uFulafte.r lusdiscase'Mavortius,a,um.rtf(/. of,orbelon^-j their lirst Archon afor^ 
takcn br back u^aaiv. \ \yv^ V^ NVv^, \w«v!v\U warlike. ! thenians hadchan^edll»«f B, 

MariLllU,' is. m. a wittv em^m-^NV^vviv» ^vv^. \>V. ^^V^\^v^^V^^^^\ment. 
*MUt, but too p:ir^Vlka\; \wm\ ^t=A\v^ ^^ <* >A«^^ v^ta^ 

alivc; ['2] a river of tbe samc Matisco, opp Mascon in Francc- 
nainc iu r*ur\£ia, /i tl. Xutolia,Mitrona,/«T. Murne in France. 
inU wliich he is fei^ned to bc Afattiaci, p p. oi' Marburg. 
cliaiijfcd. Muttiucum, opp. Marhurg. 

Martia, x. f. a I?o nan lady, who^Mutiia, x. f 
was marriod to Cato Uticcnsis ! moruiTi^. 





,x/the daughtcrof Phor- because Srayma, near which the 
hence she is callcd Phor- 1 rivcrMclesrunncth,seemstohavc 
and 1'horcis; she was ex-j the best title to his birthplace 
itrly beautif ;!,and had thc Melibaca, x. / acity of Magnesia 
hctul of liair in the worldj ncar to Thessaly, famous for its 
msformation of which into! purple dic, and oyster-fishing 1 

t, &c ia rclatcd in Ov. 
> (or Pegasus. 

Ltis, a, wn. pdj. of Mcdusa, 
i, x.f one Jof the Kuries, 
righicned Mercidcs niore 
lie si^iit of Pluto had donc*. 
iijts ludi a fcstival. and 
in honour of Cybelc, the 
mothtr of the £ods, who 
ceived into the city on thc 
f April, U. (,'. 546. and thc 
:alled Megalcsia, fixcd on 


siacuH, a, um. atfj, Mega 

polis, opfi. Ixontari. 
, se. f. [11 the daughtcr of 

kinjr of Thcbes and wife 
cult-s; [2] a city of Acha- 
wecn Athens and thc isth- 

Corinth, thc birthplacc of 

/ Mcllu f x. m. [1] a river of 
l -'] Pomponius Mela,a ge 
ler, and Spaniard, wholiv 

Mcliccrta. ac m. the son oflnoand 
Athamcs, king of Thcbes; whose 
story is in Ov. Mrt. 4. 

Melissa, x.f thc daufrhter of Me- 
lissus kinjr of Crete and sistcr to 
Amalthca. who tog-cthcr nursed 
Jupiter with goafs milk. 

Mehssus, i m. [1 1 an ancicnt king 
of Crctc, the father of Amalthc 
and Mclissa ; he is said to be the 
first who bacrificed to thc gods ; 
[2] Melissus TChius] a gramina 
rian, presentcd to Mecxnas, and 
by him enfranchised ; he wrotc 
conccrning" bccs ; [ >] a Samian 
philosophcr,bclovcd at Ephcsus, 
whcrc hc was chicf magistrate, 
and commandcd thcir flcet. 

Vlelita, i7i«. Malta. 

Mclius [Spurius], i. m. a Koman, 
vcry ricU and popular, who, for 
affectingthc supremc power,was, 

ulntn l\»« f ttAWHIC AKala liinutj>i> 

great city of F.gypt, in, the islo 
Delta, anciently the court of the 
Egyptiau kiug, and famous for 
the pyramids, soiiic whcreot are 
standing to thia day. 

Mcnalippc, es /. the sistcrof An- 
tiope, quccn of the AmazcnH,ta- 
ken captivc by Hercules :.nd gi.j 
ven to Thcscus to \i ife. 

Menalippus, vcl Mclanippus, i. m. 
a Theban, who gave Tydcus hut 
mortal wound. 

Mcnander, Cr\. m. a comic poct of 
Athcns, vcry scntentious and a- 
cute ! Tercnce imitalcth hin 

Menapii, pop. pr. Rrabant. 

Mendcs, pp. of F.pypt. 

Menccrates, i.s. m a boasting phy- 
sician, wlio callcd himsclt Jupi- 
tcr in a lctter to king Philip 

Menclaus, i m hrother to Aga- 
mcmnon: he was kiug of Sparta, 
and hiii-band to Helcna whoe- 
lopcd from him with Caris;which 
occasioncd the final dcstruction 
of Troy . 

McnCphron, onis. m. a man, who 

slain by C. ServiusAbala.inaster. wnuld havc committcd inccst 
ofthehorsc. J with his mother. 

'Mclos. ins. Milo. .McncMnitus, i. m a statcary who 

.ic iiiuc of CKiudius C.xsar Melpomcnc, cb./. onc of the nine made the im;«gc offkcatc in the 
>us, i. m. a f:tn.ous sooth-i Muses presiding in mournful ar-1 tcrople of Diana, \\\ marhie to 
ur.rl ph\ sician, froiu whom gumcnts shiniug, tbat it dazzlcd thc eyet 

ore is cailcd Mekmpodi- Mcmmius, i. m C- Memmius Gc- of the bcholders 
.hcrewith hc curcd tiic mcllus, the son of Lucius, to Menippua i. m. [T, a (Vnic philo- 
(ers of Protcus of thcir rae-j whom Lucrctius. scnt his books, sophci,of bcrvilc com! f i<Mi,roi'f:h 
dy. j andCiccro sevcral epistlcs. in his tempcr, nnd saiiricul in his 

io, ug. / thc daughtcr of Mcunnon, 6nis. m. thc son of Ti- writmgs; which \ arro iii tntmg, 

is,:m.l mistri-ss of \t -ilune. 
^in.of Mygdonia; kod. Cri- 



Melcagros, & M£lca- 
m. Scc his Btorv iu Ov. 

thonus and Aurora. Mcmnonit. culled hisouu satircs *Vc i:i| ].c:c; 
cfligics,a statuc of Mcmnon madc ['.] an orator, thc most eiiKjucnt 
with such art by thc Egyptiani,! in Asia. 

of hard marble, tliat a lutc which Meniiu, i m [11 a Ilcmaiv. n:Vx^ 
it hcld iii its hand would, «l «wvJ -Wxw^ ^^ v ^^^^J^x!« 
risisfr, strikc up oi \Vsc\?. \ Vw>j 

v\ w». w^^t ^.v «a9»se«^^« 

>• nsisfr, stnki: up o\ iVscW. \ \wps ^ ^^ «r^ C«5ub, ^ ^ 

\envB,is.m.Hoiner no ca/Zed Meiiiphis, \». /. UiawI Civio, iL.Kv»»^^^ N 




o Troy. 
Irron, m a famous statuarv. 

« • . _ _ -. 

■8,'N-lrisci, pop. of upp . Palatinate. ^Nebradcs,mpn#. Madnnta in Sid-J 
rs-.Narnta, otip. Narni in Italy. Neleus, i. m. theson of NeptuM 

and father of Nestor. 
Nen.ausus,*/>p. Niwnei in Fruci 
Ncmca,/»n\ Langia. 
pp. Tristena. 
NcmeVis, is./. thc6_aug-tterofJ. 
Nuulocha, »nf. Naulochus, ©/>/>. piter and Necessitas, and '" "" 

ip-; hcncc thc fable ny 

t t thc sun setleth up his hors- 

thcrc. jNlrAna, V. Narcnxain Dalmatia 

ndttft, ©/>/.. Mentcnc in Caria* jNasanioiies, p p. of Africa. 

ra,o/>/>. Strumita in Lycia. |,,'/f/f. Nabe in Gaul.^ncs, uni. />/ «. a people;Naucrate.% is m. a considerable 
i* -f-Kina, who followed Achillcsi orator, scliolarto Isocratcs. 

lyrrha, x. / the daugnter of Ci-]Naupantus, pp. Lepanto. 
liyras king of Cyprtis, 
llyrua, x. / a name of Venus. to 
wiiom the mvrtlc was sacred 

Nauplia, opp Napoli i/i Greece* 
Naupliades, is. m Palaniedes, the 
Hon of Nauplius. 
Myrtilns. L m. tlie chariotccr ofNauplius i. mai thc son of Nep- 

___ a . - ■ a • f". •_ «_•_> _ _ m _t 

Oenomaiis,who took abribc from 
Pelops to ovc-rturii his mastcr'» 
chariot, in the race whcrein he 
was cithcr to rrain a bcautiful 
bride/or lor._ his life. 
MvYi, onim. />/. tn. thc people of 
Mysia, x /. a country of Asia thc 
Less, hoidcring uponTroas, not 
far from the l.ellespont ; h d 
Hccsun^il, in Natola. 
My us», i pp 



buter of rewards and p<isi*_ 
mc.its; ohieflv tlie latter. 
Ncmetcs, pop. pr. Spire. 
Nemusstts, of>p in France. (doca 
Ncbcxsartaptf/p. Tocat in CipfJJ 
Neopt6lemua,i. m. Pvrrhui,ioBi 

M*.lasso in Ionia- 

NAUaTHLA, jc. / a country 
of Arahia Felix 
N.ibatha-uorum. pl m. the pcople 

of Nabath-ca. 
Nxni.i, & Nenia, *./. thc goddcss sonjfs 
?\ r xvius, • tn. au ancient Roman 

Naiadcs, nm. /■'■/ & rar in ««?, 

NaV.ts & Nats, uviiiphs of th.* 

sprinjrs and fotintains 

Naniict --i/j //./►»-. Nantes. (wood».' l.iou\si.-i. 
N. » ;> .c : . a i".im /»/ /. ny u i phs of th e, ».'"t At'Ri'11 italv. 
Na~ )'»rK-i.>» s (.■alli'., />r. Narbonnc. 
Nar:-«su..,i m. tuc son of the nvit 
Ccphisiis and the uyn\\ih Liri 

tunc and Kubza. who, hearinep Achillcs ; ao calle<f becanse b 
his son was unjustly put to deatnj went yonnjf to the wars of Tnf 
in tiie Grcck camp, sou^ht re-JNepete, '*pp- Nepi in Italy 
veng-c, by cndcavourin^ to de^Nepheldi8jdos/.IIclle f tliedHgl. 
bauch tlic wivcs and daug-lters 1 terof Nephele wifc of Atha-Bi 
of thc absent princes; and asNepO-t, 6tia. m. (Corncliuj)ifr 
thcy wcre returning home, hej mous biognpher in theretgid 
sct up falsc lig-hts on mount Ca-| Augustus. 
pharcus, whercby many o. theirNeptuiiius,a,uni adj- of NeptaK 
hliips w»-rc losi, but he.irin^ thatNcptunust. m. the sonsof SjW 

Diomcdcs tu.d Ulysses. thc prin-| and Ops, the god oi thcse^ii 
cipal encmies ©flii.s s«in ha i es-l fathcr of fountains and riwf 
capcd, he thrc.v liiuiself intjthc- bcaringatrident for a sapW 
sca- | lic also prusided in horse V 

Nansicaa x.7r^Nausfcal : , sc./. thc! chariot raccs, whence Pi^ 
datiffhtcr of Alcino i«,kinj; of titcj cailcth him liippia», and \nd 
Pinracian.s«wlio mectin; Thsscs' riot was drawn by Hippoc* 
shipwrcckcd, conductc I hi ii to whicii wcre horses in tha# 

part, and in their hinderfiA 
NerGis, ^ plur. NcrcideSi « 

her fatlicr*!» court. (saycr 

Nautus, is. vi. an oldskilful sooth- 

Vaxos, i. / onc of the Cyrlade^; thc daughtcrs of Ncreui-* i 
/m>.{. Naxi, which also for thc ris, n\n\phs of thc sca 
poodncsrtof its wincs, was callcdNcreus^i.&feos.m. the son«" 

amis and Tethys. 
Xe.vthus, ,//.*..■. of tircecc. 'Neritos, ina. in the Ionisai 

Vciipclis. is. / [11 a vcry famousNcro, 6nis m Nero Chudi 
city ol*Jt;d\,calied uncicntly Par-( ar, adoptcd by Claudif 
tlicnopcafierwardsNvapolis^anil' most infumous forcruclrr, 
nowNaples; [5] anotncr,on thej sac.rdegx», lust, ingT-ttitu. 
o;;e a bcaiitiful \outh wVio s\\\^\l-\ c_\wJtiw^ QiCWw^K.^ ^arthc riv-| he was the worst of tbe 
■■•' *Nr roiirtblnp ot" V.cVig ^tv^oA wSV.T^xvxwv^Vts^^^v^^^.vv^ 

1 x \\ik^ ^r.%0--.^. \>mv«. 






> tuccecdcd Domitian, and 

a good man, a good statcs- dcd by him for his suurular ex. 

i, and a good soklicr. 

iii Ilainuult. (Istria 

csium, ;ftp. Castcl nuovo in 

> & Ncssis, in«. Nisita. 

us, i. m. a Centaur, whom 

in Cicero's time,higiriycommen- 

cillt-ucy iu all parls oflcarning 
divine and hunmn, cbpccially *n 

f>hysic and astrology: Vurro and 
ic were cert&lnlv tlie m. st Jearn 
ed men in the most leamed agc, 
•culcs intrtifted to carry his> ; Nlliaciib, & \ildticus, a, um. aify. 
i DcYanira ovcr the river K-lof the NilcNilotica tell s.Kgypt. 
us; but uhcn he had her oiiSNiIua i. mat. thc rivcr Nile, thc 
otber side, he would havd grcatest iu all Atrica; its Vise is 
ed hcr, upon which llercu- on this sidc ihe sequator, in thc 
ahot him. I countn of the Abvssines: it runs 

Nflla.x./.acity ofCampania,whcre 
bells werc "first foundcd. or at 
lcast used in churches : hcre al- 
so wasthc conflict betwecn Han- 
nibal and Marccllus» and hcre 
Augustus dicd. 

N5mades v um.. / >/.m. a people, prin- 
cipally in Africa ncar thc Syrtes, 
but dispersed in Scythia, where 
thcy are now callcd Tartars ; 
also in Parthia, whcre Sallust 
saith thcy first inhabitcd ; also in 
India. Arabia, &c. (ly. 

or, oris. in. the son ofNelus into thc Mediterranean by fCTen*Ndmcntum»r/>p.Lamentanain Ita- ' 

Nflna, x./. one ofthcthrcc Dcsti- 
Nflnacris, tpp of Arcadia- (ni<*s- 
Norba, ofp. Nonma in ltaly.(many 
Xdrtca, opp Nurcmbcrg in Gcr- 
Nflrfcum, • cg. Austria. Carniola. 
mediterran Stiria, Carinthia 
repenie. Saltzburg. 
NoVaria, rpp. Novare in Italy. 
Novelius, i. m. a Milancsc, who in 

;• of Fjrln^jrought up to arnis mouths. 
n his childliood: when young.Ninoa, i./. tlic capitol of the At- 
vas onc of thosc who unu^rht; syrians, in thc Bible called Ni- 
lthe Ccntaursat the weddingl ncvcj hod. MosuJ; it is washcdby 
'irithoiis; whcn old he wcntj the rivcr Tigris. 
i 50 fthip* lo the Trojan war .Nioue, cs./. tlic daughter of Tun- 
eloquencc was so great, thatj talus, and wifc of Amphion king 
tu dropped from his bps like of Thcbes, by whom she ha4 scv- 

cn sons, and aa many daughtcrs ; 


m, vpp. Nato in Sicily. 

a, & Nicea, z /. Nice, h~d. birth, Niobe grcvv so proud, as 
ch, a city of Ilithynia, iamous to slight tlie sacrificcs wuich the 
Lha council tliere held,where-i Thcban matrous offcrcd to Lato- 
tiedoctrine of Arius wascon-! na, comparing and evcn setting 
med, A D. 324, andforthe; herself above her; whichApoIlo 
d Uierc made, called tlie Ni-| and Diana, the children of Lato- 

na» rcsenting, he nlcw thc males 
and she tlie fcmalcs: upon this 
Niobe was struck dumb with 
gricf, and rcmaincd stupid; for 
which rcasonCiccro was ofopin- 
ion, the poets fcigncd hcr turn 
cd into a stone 

• J 


lauj» Damascenus, i. »o* 
nd of Augustus Cxsar ; he 
both a grcat philoaopher and 
oriau: hc uscd to scnd thc 
>cror a sort of datcs frora Sy- 
* ho callcd tiiem Nicolai from 

mf des, is. tn. a king of Byth- 
mcdia, tpp. Coiuida. (poli. 

. Irmciur, C hiron. 
Rithii7UA\ Mon tanca 

of whicli, togcthcr w ith hcr higlij thc time of Tibcriua was conaul 

of llomc ; hc was a greut drink- 
cr and gained tlie name of Tri 
congius. having in public swal- 
lowcd thrcc gillons of wiuc at 
one drauirht. 

'Ndvcnsiles dii, Cods rcccived by 
the Romans from the Sabincs. or 
thc gods of t!ic pnniuccs and 
kingdoms whicii t •Hovianshad 

Nnvcxium, opp. Neus. 

Ndviddunum, /»/i.Noyon in France 

Nouum Cbmuiu, pp 1'omo ■ ia 

Nubat, p p pr Nubia in Africa. 

Nuccria, Campan. 
Cami'!.'ttr f 

(nia. Niph&tcs, m iu & fluv. Curdo. 

Nlsus, i. m. a kiiu? of thc Mera 
rcnses : he hau a hair on hi» 

pdhi, upp. ad lUmum* Nico4 head of apurplc colour by wliich 



was limitcd thc duratipn of hiniNuma Fompilius, the succcssor 
rcigii ; Scylla hisdaughtcr, fall- nf KomuItH &. h rdipious prince*. 

r.ftiri* l*rcvesu. I iiijj «n lovc wlth kiug Minosdur-i hc vras^ ^wxt% v^>\\.*.*aw«ksac^\ 

i. ! ii)lrthctime oth\abw«C>\\zV»!e>\ «R^aft %^w««^ \ ^^"^ ^?S 

.i/d'«M, Nicofmli _ 

«lius V tjrtflris, i w.*noblcmr.r gnn, q*\ ofV the ia>sA Viitt^ 




n.and gaincd a rcverence and 

,ction to them, by givinjr out'/"kAxcs, is. m. a rivcr af,Crctc. 


Oenbmaiia, i. m. the son of Ib 
and kinff of Klis and Pisa, «I 

it he rcceivcd llicm nitfhtly:V-rOaxis tcllus, Cretc. 

nn thc goddcs^ Egeria ; hc Oiilogencs, vel Ophiog*enc?.um./j/. contending tritli l*elops io d 

■st dividcd the ycar intotwclve rrui peoplc of Cyprus,whose am-j chariot racc, loat his life, fbsfl 

onths : and was scholar to l'y- 
lagorus a Spartan, whencc hc 
iscrtcd many of tiieir inatitutes 
n thc Itoman riles. 
iimann, opp. Humana in Italy. 
♦umantia, x.f. Almara, a city ofj 
Spain- v. hich wilhstood thc Iio-! playcd witli him 

bassador at Uome, disooursiiig tcr, and kingdom by thr trwd 
about the virtues of herbs, saidl cry ofhis drivcr, Sh rtilus. 
no poisonous crcature could hurt.Ocnone, es. f a nymph <rf nwri 
him: thc senatc, by his own con-l Ida, with whom Paris cMM 
sent, put him into a vessel fullof! bcfore hc whs acknowlttjpdl 
serpents, who only lickcd and be thcsnn of king \*\rm. 

Ocntfpia, in*. J^gina. 
an power twcnry ycaus. joccanus, i m. the god of the sca, Oenotria, «./ uu ancicnins»t f 

iniidac,arum. /»/. m. a barbarous' son of Coclus and Vesta, husbandj Italy. 

people, chicfly inhabiting thc 

shorc of Africa, ncar Algicrs.but 

who dispersed thcmschcs mto 

Asia and Europc Vid. Nomadcs, 

who arc tlic same pcoplc. 

Viumdia, ;c /. a country of Afiica, 

in itsstrirtost scnsr,.\li,"icrs, thc 

nymphs prcsidingover rivcrs aud 

Ocnus, i. m. a lazy fellow, whom 
they paiuLed twisting ropcs in 
helljwith an ass standi.ig b\ him, 
who bit thcm in pieces as fast as 


his eiiinit} aiul tnencisiup 

ltomans, in a large bcnsc, all A-J ;!ie provcrb, Ocni fuuiculum tor 

c;ucre, to laoourin vain. 
Ocncnlurn, upp. Ohicoli in Iialy. 

frica socalied. 
Nuinistro, opp. Nicastro. 
Numitor,6ris. m. thc son of Prcca* < >cU\ i;i, x. f. \ 1} thcsistcr of Au- 

kin^ ofthc Albansand graiuMa- gustus, ;:ud wife of M. Antoniuv: 

thcrto Ttoinulus and Itc:i;us, who 

also restorc d him to his kingdum 
Nursia, opp. Norsia in Italy. 
Nycleis, idis. fm. Amigune, tlie 

daughtcr of Nyctcus son of Nep- 


of Tcthys and fathcr of theiOcnuSy./far. Innc in (lernuflT. 

ogygcs, is. m. an ancient k»f ■ 
Thebcs in Ilarotia, in mhmetiB* 
agreat deluge o* crflnwtd(«* 
ogS^ia, x. /. an idand in tbe i* 
souian sca» called alw CJjr* 
fron» i:ah-|)s.), who thcn; tt» 
taincd L"l\sses. 
o^vpus. a, iiin. tufj. Thcl»ai 
OiieiiSji m a kin^ uttl.e 1*1* 
Olba, •/./*■ Bvttimcpr. Jaw^ 
J^atnpfiuli.r, Acopcwf- 

.Viiri/#"«/.i,(>Ii»ia«f-? 3 * 
[J the (hiughtcrof Claudius. aud olcnus, . pp. . ii-Ai.»/ f f ia"-"* 

of .Masinissa, famoustVr! hc twistcd them,hc being toola- 
lit^ and friendship l) thcj /v 1o drivc him awav; whencc 

wife of Nero, who causcd hcr to 
bc put to deatli: uponwhich Se- 
i.eca wmtc a tragcdy callcd by 
hcr namu. 
Oclodurum, opp. Martioach. 

Nyclijnciic, cs.f the dausrhtcr oi*6c) roc, cs.f tlie daughtcr of Chi- 
Nycteus, wlio, having l:un with! lonturned into a marc. 
her fa*.hcr,washyMintna c!ian^-»dcs.-«us, pp. I.cniann in Mysia. 
cd into an owl; which, as conbci-j6drvs.v:,/;w/>. ofThrace. 
ou» of tlic fact, hatetli the light. (>cagrus ( i. »i. a kin^of Tliracc. 
iysa, *./. [1| a city of Arabia,Ocbalia,ar/[l] thc country of La- 

whcrc Itacchuswas nnrscd; kod 
Nisi ; T21 a citv of India. built bv 

conia; [2] thc city Tarciitum. 
Ocbalius,:i,um./.' //.Laccdcmonian. 

olympia, 3c./.Lar,rs:i>». i!J,s 
Peloponncsus whi« «ai»* 
ple of Jupitcr: wliCi.:i^ 1 
lic was called OljBiprJ** 

olympiacus, vti Ohu,-!-* 1 '»* 
adj v\\ or bclun^ir.^ ^ °? 
Olympiaci ranii, p.Jiw'' ?' 
giwn U> \ictor-i m t:u |* rf 
games, which» cck-^ 
ho.iour of Jupitcr i?Iyiiir** 
Olvmpia, c\ cry Isti-i yirf- 

01\mpjis,i.wr aliilil!c:*ft £ 





notad for calmncss and wre- Deam. 

f opus, opp. Talandi in Locris. 

tlius, i./ Olintho, an ancient Orbiliu», i. m. a floggin;j school- 
►• of Thrac.c, on the borders of niastcr. 
cedonia, which was taken by Orcftdes, m> thc islands of 
ip Philip by gold, after he had the norlh of Scotland. 
?diron to no purpose. Orchamus, i. m aking-of Asyria, 

sipo,iWri\ sipo 0nis. f. aci-' who bttriod hisdtiughter Lcuco- 
of Lu-iitaniu, said '.o be fou nd- thra alire,for lyinfr with Piiurbus. 
by 1'lysacs. it was a frce towu Orc" as, adis/. />/. drcades, nymphs 
hc timcofthe Roiikmis; uow of Diur.a'* train. 
metropoh* of 1'oriugul, byorestes, is & ac. m. tlie sonof A- 
nanie of Li*bon. (ly. 1 guiucmnon and CMcmncstra: 

'e t cs/ a niountuin of ThcMaJ he slew his own molber, and JE- 
hclle, cs./ a quccn of Lydia,- gisthus her adulterer, who had 
i whoin Herculcs hcing in! murdcred his tathcr : he also 
bccanie hcr slnve, cluin^cd slew I*yrrh stha jon of Achilles, 
:lub and lioii't skin with hcr in ihe temp'c of Apo!!o, for roar 

rying* Hcrnionc, who had been 
promised to hiui oj her fatber 
in thut forni; and aJso sub-!or(pa orum pl. n. sacred ritesof 
- «.I to the chtu»ti-eTnent of tliel liacchus, cc!e!,ra(ed in thc ni^ht 
► cr. r \ t i r h£Tc:.t privacy,!owdnes«,and 

•» ornm. pl. w- sacri'W*% ru' «liy.r-Vr. (inss. 

^"sil in honour o! :J.c jyoudcbfc -j^ch, 5c or?cum,e/' ( &. 0:*ca in F,pi 
ttic wifi ol" Satun.; oelcorut- Oppii, &. T.*non, oiui m. a grcut 

t spindlc and a distaif, and 

■i"ed hims*df to be drawn, 

fttatues of them both to hc 

rfc the l*)th ot Dccciuber. 

tes, x. m. thc sou of Lycur- .Vlas; whichissupposcd to Iiaw 

**lain by u hcrpcnt. 
^**, in* rormcntcra. 

fwp of U d \ . 

**•/• onc of l)i:r':i's nymphs. 
r *fium, ojtp. Odtrzn in J.;dy 
Tis, i. m. a poct horn :.t A 
*-><is, a citv of ('ilicia: 1:< 
" live hooksof llalicntic*, so 
* v cd b\ Scvcrus,ti»ai \w ic 

* a. p:cce of jfold for cv«.r\ 

a^tronomcr. and the schol^r of 

frivcn lUc lo thc fahle of liis bc- 

in" aii ettcjulant on Diaua, Ir.s 

fate on attCiTiptinjc to forcc iit .*. 

and hik bcin^* ni.ulc a constclia 

t":on in tlie h».:i\cnh. 
5n(ii\ /'. tlie da:i frhtorof Erc- 

otheus, and mi<rcss of Porcas. 
:iroilc>*, is f;i.a kinjj of Parthia,who 

pourcd mcitcd g-olti into thc 

descent into hell, is plcasantly 
touchcd by Vir^i! in thc latter 
part of thc last Georgic. 

Orphnc, es./. an infcrnal nvmph. 

tJrtygia, x-f [1] an ancient name 
of thc island Delos; [2] an islantt 
ncar Sicily; [.>] a grove ncar E- 
phesus, whcnce Diana is callcd 

Osci,> p of Capua in Italy. 

5m f p ppr. Osnabur^ in Germany. 

dsiris, is. nias. tho son of Jupitcr 
and Mobc, who firnt tauj?;ht thc 
Egyptians hushandry; he wai 
murdcrcd by lils brother Tiy 
phon; but his wife Io. daughter 
of Inachus, fcnmd his body, and 
buricd it in thc i<land Abatos. 

Ossa, *c. m. a high rr.ountain m 

i )sti a, opp. of I ttdy . ( Th essaly ^ 

6tho, onii m. [1] a Koman cm- 
pcror, who nucceedcd Gfdba, a 
\ery cfierninate man; [2] a tri- 
bunc ( f the pcople, and author 
ofthe Koic'::\a law,wliich assign- 
i.d scats in tiic Tlieatrc to the 
Kquestrian order dillercnt frora 
tiioHe of ihcSenatorian,tiiat were 
common bcfore. 

Othryudcs, is. m. a Spartan v one 
of .Vuu who survived the combat 
witli jCv) Athenians, that wcre 
iiv this wav 1o decide a dis.mte 
al.'nut some Ia:uU; two on the 
othcr bide wcro left.hut bothrait 
away; and hc, unwilling: to sur- 
\ ive thc loss of his cottntrymcn, 
having- writtcn on !iis target VI- 
CI, slcw himsclf. 

throat of tlie Koman Crassus. 
■»*jsidesthc said luok-i ofprontcs. is. m. a hir^e river of Sy-Othn*s f mont. Dclacha. 
-\ -^nd tislu-rs, lic wrote ulsoj ria riuiiiji; in mount Libanus and.ovidius, i. m. sumamcd Kaso, a 
*. liunting. r»t 11 extant. [ runniii^ hy Antioch into thesca*! Ihnnan of thc Kqucstrian order. 



as hasta,thc spear of Achillch PcrcGte, vpp. of Troas. 

Pcrdiccus, x. m. onc of Alcxan- 

ia#, x. m. tl:c son of Ncptune 
id '1'yro, and king of Thessal}, 
at to picccs hv his oundaugli- 
ers, who ch pcndid on thc fulsc 
promisc of .Mcdcu to makc him 
youngagain. (Pclcus. 

f clidcs,;c. m Achlllcs, thc s u .i of 
i^chgir., p /'. of Abruz/.o iu llah 
Pclion, i n. a high mountain iit 
Thcsaaly, on which tiic giuntfc 
K?rn\c to put ()<sa 
Pcll-i, e,'f'. .Iciinh:ar iu Varcdcnia. 
Pilcp;.ius, *e. m a nohlc Th*ban 
giiKw.l, who dchvcrcd hiscoun 
try, oppresscd bj thc I.accdc- 
Fclcponiicsus, i. J. a vciy lavgt' 
pcnir.Mila of Achuia; n<» phicc on Pcriclcs, is. m. a wise statcsTuan, 

der's favourite captains. 
Pcrdix, icis.m the ncphcw of Da> 

dalus, turnvd into a partridgc. 
IVrga, (pp. Per^i in Asia. 
Pergamus, i./ 6c Perjc.ima, 6rum 

/*/. h. propcrly the fortof Tro\. 

Lut used hy thc pocts foi* the ci- 

ty: also un iuland city ncar Tro 


7of Oic nncient kings,butdftf 
cd hy Alcxandcr, atlhc iw*i 
of the cuurtcisiii ThaiM«/S 
nut, Tzilminar, or Ctulmiure 

l\rscs,is. i». a king of ibc* 
niu subdicdhy Paulus -fjni 
aud hy him, to^clhcr lritb 
c!iildrcn,carriedto Honic;v!i 

l.c dicd with jrr.ef in prisoo, 
as otherssay, by f&sung, rv 
as,\vhcrc papcr, bcr parch- of rcst. 
incnt \vas niadc; from hcncc call-jPcrscus, ci, & cos. m. tlic Km 
cd Pcrgamcna, *r. charta, vti Jnpitcrand l>anair,io whnnM 
mcinhr.ina. * cury gave a falchiou. aml «j 

m. a lake of Sicilv. for his fccL» and Mincni p 

Pcrjrus, 1. 

VflCUJf £• ##■• •» ■ tlfTh I \Mh IFIVk&T • ■ V»* __L ___ • -<_r • W"fc_> *toQ tUI«l **_»*■»-» • -— g— i 

'criander, dri. «i. thc 'as. kiii£ ofj iiim an /fc^is : thus fumisbeij 
Corinth, nud onc ot tlie bcvcn wcnt aponst thc Gor£W*H 
wisc incn of (irccce. attacked Mcdusa, when d m 

tl.c j;""" l,,,i * • ,:i,|l b*. ;i tlu scciic oi 
u "]•(: ^o.-iou-> act on.s; /.'/</ Morca 
J'tioj;'-, npis. m. 1 li • si;h of Tanla 
li-, wlio kilh<l, drci»cd air.l sct 
t'.:i: ihid hcforc thc ^-'ds, h\ 

who govcrncdAtlicm forty ycars 
i'crillus, i tu. an urtist,whomadc a 
hull of brass, \s l.icli whcii madc 
hot, aiui a nian wus put into it, 

wiionii w.v.. ivsiorcd to liiV ; huij soundcd likc thc roarinp of a 

jt . cin.ti'1 Ccr.-» c: , li , n :. : hull; \ihich cnjfinc of cruclty hc 

picic oi" *hc s-M.i.l.Jcr, wlnch jud^cd would in a wclcomc pi\ - 

thi rciorc tiic\ iiia lc (ifivorv. scnt to 1'hal.iiis tlic tvrant, whc 

rc.orum, p-w.. l"a:*o. 

1'cliisium. '*/'/>. l>«.l!.ais iri K;.r>j)t. 

I i iicis, ; c!i>./. I)aphii.*, ti.c d.uiyh- 

tcr of Pciuiis. 
Pcik-us, ci. t/i. a < th-!#.._t( <l rivcr 

in Thc.--vah; it runncth bctwccn 

f)ss:i and Olynipu-.. 

askcd hini if hc had pro\ cd il< 
and hc rcplxi.i^ uo, thcn it is but 
ic:iS'Hnihlc, said thc tvraiit. thaf 
yoii lirsf < Sy.iv your own work, 
an.l onlcrcd him lii*st to hc sliii: 
Pcriiithus, /#/» llcracha. (into it 
Pvripatctici» oruiii. ///. tn. th.c fol 

Pcnclope, (<. J thc Ciiu.^litcr olj h_i\\c;-s of Arii_totic'bphilosoph\. 

Iranis, aud wiic of l ivssc^a wo- \\\ i; ( .i s.sus i.':i. " ii\cr in lhvotia. 

man ianiou^ for cl.a i .;. | ssuud to tiie .Moscs. Lccausc it 

Ponthc-ulca, a\ / a*i \'ji:.zoiiiaii| ari^i tii froin u.o-iiit Ikhcon. 

qurcn, slain hy Ac^ iiics, cr, a>Pcis:i-, :sr„m. /■/. tn. inhabitants cf 

sopu* sa\ hy Pyrrhii*. Pcrs.a, Pci-siu::^. 

PcMihcU-s ci, Js. tos. w. 1hc .\ >n of»./. liccatv, the 

KcliioM und A^a*«c, torn in picc- tcr ofPci-scus. 
cs |i\- !ijs inothci\s\sVcY> % *u\CL-jLV\\\vyvit^^V» \\v^vs. ('. Proscrpinc. 


snakcs were aslccp, cutGf» 
hcad.andsctit in his-Ej?i*«*"J 
with he lumcdsevcrdiritort" 
Hc dclivercd AndromcdaA* 
sca-monstcr.and marriedhtrJ 
turninp into hi» coun.r-jlit* 
dcntU killcd his graiiuttt-Kf 
crisius with a ipioit. 

!»crsia, :c \ Pcrsis idi*-/*" 
rountrv of Asia, hiV ^* 
thc Cuspiun sca amitiic o* 
of thc Mu£ti). , 

Pcrsicus siiius, thc Peiwtf^ 

Pci-sius, i- m. A. IVrsiui W 
an c.\cclh'iit satiri>t uniip 
]>hcr,hrcd undcr Amw»? 
t s ; i.c wus honiint- tfI * 
l'il>. C.-vsar.aiid JicJil^ 
t\ -cijjjht \cai-s 0» 'agei}** 
\'\ comr.ic.ndcd by U'&* 

'.-cnWia, opp. ofltalv. t- 

Pc«sinus t ippYosS^ta* 

Pvtdia, (>/'■/». Polic-ttWj' 

Pct6vio,6/v*>. Petaiuin» 

^ctroconi» /'*/>. /'■"■ Yrf 

Pctrunius \/ *.«&"' 
-vrddc Komanitftto-» 

*' ' •■»» in«r t\ic ntes o^i \i'AC.c\\\Miy cxw^ .viwvt \.W.vw*>\w 1 rddc Komans <tf tw h 
"* . ,.„\ \ -A\i\\N V>\ VvL^VCi.-, >\wt \«^\v\^\v.\\xvc{^Vs^w.'a3i' tf 





idloxury,thenceby lomel feU in love, espeeially, SapphoThYladelphia,*./ a city of Egypt- 
Nequitiae Arbiter : hejpharia, i/it. Lesina. (the poetess. Phil-idelphus, i. m. thc surname 
le hfe ot his prince, un-jPharnricusa, ae. / Farmacusa an of onc of the Ptolcmies king of 
feigned name of whoresj island in the JEgean sca, where Kgypt, who founded a library at 
sunitcs, but in the purestl Caesar was detaincd by piratei A1exandria*wherein was 100,000 
hence some have calledjtill he paid a ransom. books, amonjr which were, the 

rissimae impuritatis auc-Pharnaces, i». m. the son of liith 

n«. pr. the Ister. (torem. 
*pop. of Corcyra- 

Onis m. one of Elis, a 
of Socrates,to whom Pla- 
ibcd his books of immor 
f the soul 

*./. the daughtcr of Mi- 
g of Cretc, by Pasiphac : 

in love with Hippolytus 
iroved fatal to him. 
, i. m. a frcedman of Ti 

volumes of the Old Testatnent, 
at his request translated into 
Oreek by 72 interpreters, whom 

ridates king of Pontus whoro 
Caeaar in bis war with Pompey 

so quickly diseomnted,that in hisj the Jcws had sent for that pur- 
account thereof he wrote Veni x pose 

vidi, vici. iPhilxni, drtim. pl. m. two Cartha- 

Pharos, & Pharus, i /. a small isJ genian brotherv, who chose ra- 
land at tlic mouth of the NileJ therto be buried alive.than that 
wherin was a tower witii lights; their country should not enjoy 
to guidc sliips in the night. ; its just bounds. 
Phanalia, */. a part of Thessaly, Phtlammon, bnis. m the son of A- 
famous for the battle bctwccnj pollo and a famous poet aud mu* 
Saesar, who wrote abooklPompey and Caeaar. ^ | sician. 

s in the jEsopian way. Phaselis /^.Piondain Pamphylia. Piuletns, x. m- an elcgiac poetof 
n, npp. ofCrete. PhUis,/uv. \ pj^^ j n colchi» l * ie kland Cos ; a sevcre critic, 

sa, ae./ the daugfcterof PP-S preceptor to Ptolemocus Phila- 

t and Nexra, and the el- PhSm5noe Slbylla, thc daujjhter delphus. (imr to 

Phaeton's tliree sisters, 
,for oyermuch laroenting 
other^s fatc,to be chang- 
trees,which dropped am- Phtfncus, /ac. W pp. 

Phcrz, opp. Metten Cheramidi. 

Thcnal. Jenizar. routcd by Octavius, and M. 

Pheraeus, a, um.adj. of, or belong- tonius 

ing to Phcrs. PhilippTcae orationes, Demosthe- 

Phefecydcs, ae m a Syrian philo- nes'sorarioiisagJun4tPhihpking 

sopher, in the timo of 8crviur of Macedon in imitation of whom 

, ontis. m. the son of Phce- 
l Clymenc: his rashncss, 
fate that attended it, are 
cscribcd by Ov. Met. % 
, fdis. m. a cruel tyrant of 
utum,famous for shutting» 
i in a brazen bull.and put- 
e undcr it. 

is portus, porto Leone 
ts, i. m. surnamed Dcme- 

nt by Cassander king- of 
nia, after whosc death hc 
to Egypt 

lis.m- a handsome young 

Lesbos, with whom all 

ng weuea at Mdtylene, 



nius Urutusand O- C&ssius wcre 


Tullus: he was master to Pytha- 
goras, and first taught the im- 
mortality of thc soul. 
Phldiacua, a, um. adj. of, «r be 
longiog to 

ptiilosopher, and scholarlPhldiaa, se. ss. an excellent paint- 

iphrastus, madegovernor 

Ciccro called his 14 orations a- 
gainst M* Antonius, Philippics. 

Philippus, i. m. Phdip king of Ma- 
cedon, father of Alexander the 

erand statuary.who inclosedhisj Grcat 

own picture m tlie buckler of Philo, 5nis. m. Judxus, so callcd 
Minerva, because he waanotsuf- becau^c bom of Jewisii pirents 
fered to put it on the outside, so at Alcxandna so^well r^tk in Pla 
accurate was hia workmanship, to's Dlulo«^^K^^^^'»^>»^« , ^-^ 
that any perfecA thinft ^lia* Wj&\ >Jk»X >^^ Vix^>fc» vi^ <*- $*?^tS 
parcd to^U \^to ^sa«^«^ «^»^ ^ 

to tbe plarc and nlstrapcd with 
bilfoot, wliich roon afler by the 
fntl of «iic ofthnse EUTOWI upon 
it, panjjrt-ricil, und stunlc so,tha 
thoy left hiin bchind thcm in tli 
iaiaini Lemnos; lint lic waaafter- 
wards curcd by Muchaon. 

Fhflodcmus, i- m. an Epii 
pliiloBOplier and poet. 

Philflm*la, x. f. the dughtcT of 
Fuidiun king of AthcnaSee her 
«oryinOv.Mct 6.7- 

Fhllostratus, i. m [1 , k famous ( 
ntnr, «ho t»ugh.t ut Rome in Ui 
reipi of Nero: he wrole nuuiy 
panegyrics aud dedamationB[[3] 
the buii of the formcr, secretjuy 
to Julia thc empresa, wife of 
Sevenia : he wrotc theUfcof A- 

Phllflti», idia./ a "tiiaid-servsint at 
Hortie.who by her courage savcd 
the city from the Kidcnates, nnd 

, ijuwanu uic k'"" 

Plilcgyas, x. m. the son of Mars, 
and king of ,the Lapitliw, killcd 
aml «.■liinilcrahugcstone inhel' 
i i y Apollo.for hurning his tcnipli 

Phficaa, npp. Foc.chia Vccchia. 

"' an Athenian, wlu 
aftcr many aignal scrvicea donc 
to liiscoui.rry,n a.» condemned to 
dic,anrl Cnddl his lifi by poiaon 
'liocis, Tdii./ n. smaJI country of 
Greecc, ar I.avadia, famoua for 
the oracle at Dalphi ttnd mount 
Pamassm. (pollo 

rliccbas.adJEi./'. tlie prieitew of A. 

Phccbc, cs./.the lister of Piurbus. 

Phcrbigcna, x. m. .£aculapius,thc 
sonof Apollo. 
•hichm, i. ui. a name of Apollo, 

Ph*nicc, a». t Phtenici*., *./ 

country of Asia, in which wer 
Tyrus and Siilon, famoiia for the 
purplc die, from hcncc calle " 
Pliccniceua. vel Punkeaa color- 

Phcenlcei, um. i>L m. the Phosni- 
is,who were reputed the first 

tailonandtheinvcnton ofletten. 

Phrygiua, a, i 
of Atheiu, * 
ticr trade u 
whicb has hi 


. fp«- 

Phryui,w/ P 
of Atliainai 
and queen o 
his siiter Hc 
clty of thcir i 
tured to iwi 
■ea bctwcet 
on the hack 
goldcn fleec 

Phtlila, opp. 1 

a Phlhlflticua, I 


Phycuh pnm, 

Phylice, Ppp. 

PhyUia, Idla/ 
thos king of 

ia, opp. Viccnza in ltaly. 

inus, fc Plcenus, a,um. adj 


im, rtgio. oi Italy. 

irum. £/. m. thc Picts, who 

ci bctween England and 

and; they painted their bo- 




^%ypop of Poictou in Francc 
i. m. the son of Saturn, and 
4ather of Latinus, a kfaig of 
«aid hy Ovid to have been 
:ed into a woodpecker by 
aarms of Circe. 

Plraus, portus. Porto Lioae 
Plrene, es. / a fountain in Acro- 
corinthus sacred to the Muses, 
not far from Corinth. 
PlrfthoUft, i. m. the son of Ixion, 
husband of Hippodamia, and 
sworn friend of Theseus; slain 
byCcrberus,when he went dowii 
to hell to carry off Proserpine. 

Plsa, x. /. Larganico, a district sf of the emperor Trajan: Ue wrote 

Elis in Peloponnesus. 
Piax, opp. Pisa in Italy. 
Pisaurum, opp. Pesara in Italy. 
Plsldia, rvgi/. Versacgeli in Asia 

x. /. Veria, a district of Pisistratus, i. m. an cloquent and 
lonia, where Jupiter begat ■ * ■*"---■— — «--- «- 


idis.y. [1] one of the Mus- 
lio were called Pierides; 
ss daughters of Pierua, fa- 
o have been metamorpho- 
Xo magpiea for vying with 
» a, um. tu(j. of, er bslong 

the Muscs. 

us, i. m. the god of conju- 
iguries, and education ol 
*sn; he wasan ancient king 
i Rutilians, and invented 
sstle to grind thcir corn. 

x/. a ssountain of Bteotia, 

?a, x. & PimplcU, Idis. /. 

l*, i-m. a priest of llsrcules. 
os, i. m. a Theoan in the 
fcf Xerxes; accountcd the 
tif the nine Lyric pocts; 
kJccus, Alcman, Anacreon, 
^lides, lbycus, Sappho, 

learncd Athenian, who bccame 
absoluto at Athens, though a 
private citizen: he foundcd thc 
nrst library at Athens, and a as 
cotemporary with ScrriusTuIlus 

Piso, 6nis m. a noble Roman 
head of the Calphurnian fumil) , 
derived from Numa Pompilius, 
and so callcd from hisson's name 

Plthecnsx, npp. of the island Pi- 
thecusa* (quence. 

Pitho, Cto.fem. thc goddess of elo 

Pittacus, i. m. a philosopher of 
Mytilenc.cotcmporary withCru-- 
sus, and one of thc sevca wisc 
men of Greece. 

Kehcon,sacred to the Muses Pittheis, Idis./. <Kthra,the daugh- 

►f Arcadia, sacred to thc 


m/f. rfltidr. f 

ter of Pitthcus. 

PYtyusx, int. Yvica. 

Placentia, opp. Placenza in Itary. 

Planaria,*iv<r Planasia^ns.Pianosa 

Platxx, pnt PlatCx, arum. pt.f t 
city of Bxotia, famous for the 
dcfcat of Xetxes's army by Pau- 

morus, Simbnidej, and Pin-jPlato, dnis. m. thc son of Ariston 

aml Parectonia^n Athenian phi- 
i. m, Mozzova, a moun-| losopher, thc most lcarned and 

eloquent of all the Grceka. 

aad the tail of Aries, called also 

\ Vergilix, because of their rising 

aboutthe spring: the poetsmaka 

them the daughters of Atlas by 

the nymph Plcione. 

Pleuron, opp. Bozichristran. 

Plutarchus, i. m. an emincnt his- 

torian and philosopher, born at 

Chxronea rn Bxotia, in thc time 

the livet of the most famout 
Greeks snd Romani, and sevc- 
ral moral treatises. 

Pluto 5nis. m. the son of Saturo» 
and brother of Jupitcrand Nep« 
tune; in thc division of his ta- 
ther*s kingdom,hr had the west- 
ern parts, which gave rise to thoj 
poctical fable, that he was kinaj 

Platus, i.m. the god of wealtli^ind 
thc son of Jasion, or Jasii<s, by 
Ceres: the Greeks painted him 
lamc in hi^ approacli, but wing- 
ed in his leparturc; also blind, 
andfoolis 1 . because hc cither 
giveth with/Mt distinction, or to 
the most unworihv. 

PocHhrids, i. m. a famous Greek 

Pocni, orum. pl. m a pcoplc of Af- 
rics,near Carthage; synccd. Car- 

Pcrnlcus, fc Poenus, a, um. adj. 
Carthaginian, African. 

P6lemon, Onis. m an Athenian,of 
a loose and intcmperate lifc,who 
by chance coming into thc school 
of Xsnocrates, aad hearing him 
discourscof tempcrance and mo- 
desty, rcformcd his life, also be. 
camc the philosophcr^s scholar, 
and succecded him in kia «ctank. 

Plciades, um. pl. J. *•*%* sAn&tJIKA, \Ki\^>»V J^TSSessiwa 
placcd ntar thc kn«WQCTt>XT\»\ msxi «sjw^te»^^ ■* ^ 





(Uing; licnce thc fuble savs,'Marisei, polt. of upp. PalatiiMte. iNrbr5dcft,moiu. Martnnia in Sit3j 

that the sun setleth up his hors-.Narnia, obp. Narni in Italy. 

esthcrc. INlrfina, V . Xarcnza i n Dalmatia 

Mrndtis, opp. Mentesc in Caria. jNasamdnes, p p. of Africa. 
Myra,o/>/*. Stmniita in Lycia. |Niiva, tim: Nabe in Gaul. 
Myruiid^ncs, um. hl. m. a peoplejNaucrates, is m. a considerable 

of -t^ina, who followed Achillesj orator, scholar to Isocratcs 

to Trov. 
Mtfron, 6uis. m a famous statuary. 
Myrrha, oc. / the daujrater of Ci- 

nyras king of Cyprus, 
Myrtca, x./ a name of Vcnus. to 

wiiom the myrtlc was sacred 
MvTtilu». i. m. the chariotcer of Xauplius. i. mas the son of Ncp 

Ocnoma\is,who took abribe from 
Pclops to ovcrturn his master's 
chariot, in the racc wherein he 
was cithcr to .^ain a bcautiful 
bridc. or lof.e his lifc 
M7si, oruni. pl. m. the people of 
Mysia, x/.a country of Asia thc 
Lcss, bordcring' :ipon Troas, not 
far from the llellcspont ; h d 
nccsanpl, in Natolia. 
Mvus, i/»/> pr /.Irlasso in Ionia. 

NaIIaTHKA, x. / a country 
of Vrabia Fclix 
Nab;itha:i,orum. pl m. the people 

of Nahathrea. 
Nxni i. & Venia, x./ thc goddcss soujcs 
Nxvius, • tn. nn ancient Iloman 


Naiadt-s, um. /•/./ k rar in tini'. 

NaYas & Nais, uyiiiphs of thi 

sprinirs and fountains 
Nalinct >-s /; p. /►»■. Nantcs. (woofh. 
Nin.t-.vanini p! /. nyinphs of the 
?\ji\ t!'rv \*<r.i n itaK. 
-N;i-'.)'»!icn'> s (.aHi\, pr. Narbonne. 
Aar:\ : *s'»|j t j m. tiie son of the river 
iJephimis am\ thc nvmph L\ri 

Naulocha, sive. Xaulochus, opp. 


Naupantus, pp. Lepanto. 
Nauplia, opp Napoh in Greece- 
Naupliades. is. m Palaniedes, tlie 
son of Nauplius 

Xeleus, i. m. the son of NcptuiM 
aiid father of Nestor. 
Nemausus, <>/>/>. Nismcs in Franee 
Nemca^wr. Langia. 
pp. Tristcna. 
Nem&sis, is./. thcdaughterofJi 
piter and Nccessitas, and dittri 
buter of rewards and punub 
mcnts ; ohiefl v the latler. 
Nemetes, pop. pr. Spire- 
Nemossus, ottp in Francc. (doca 
NeocarsarCa ,<;/>/> Tocat in Cappa 
Neoptolemus,!. m. JHrrhus, sond 

tuuc and Eubxa. who, hearing 1 Acfiilles ; so called becanse U 
his son was nnjustly put to death! went younjftothe wan of Troj. 
in tlie Grcek camp, sought re-jNepetc, *>pp» Nepi in Italy 
veii£c, hy endcavouring 1 to de-;NephfeIcis,Idos/.HelIe,tli^dau^ 
buuch tlie wives a;id daug-ltcrs' ter of Nephele wifc of Athifltti. 
of thc absent princcs ; and as Nepos otis. m. (Cornelius) a fr 
they were returnin^ home, he mous biogTaphcr in the rcign d 
set up fui&c lig-hts on muunt Ca- Aui^ustus. 
phareus, whereby many o. theirNeptfinius,a,um adj. ofNeptuot 
bhips w» losv, but !ie Lrini^ that Neptfinus, i. m. tlie sons of Saturt 
Diomcdcs and Ulysses. the prin-! and Ops, the jrod ot thc sea, iad 
cipal enemies of his sjii ha i es-' father of fountains and ri^en, 
caped, hc thre.v hiiiiselfintj tlic! bearing-atrident for a sceptrt: 
sea. hc also prcsided in horse iai 

N"ans:raa w.rWXausicae, ?c.f. tho- chariot races, whencc PinAf 
dau^hicr of Alciuo is,kin^ oftlu-j callcth him Hippias, and hi* cfcr 
Phcracia:is,who meetin c Cl\sscsj riot was drawn by Hippoesnpl 

whicii wcre horses in the ftr^ 
part, and in theirhindernjha 
Nereis, & plur. NerOides, uSi/ 

shipwrccked, conductc.l hi u to 

her fatlicr'scourt. (sayer. 

Nautus, is. «i. an ohlskilful snotli- 

Vaxos, i. / one of the Cyclatle-.| thc daughtersofNereuiandP^ 
ho l. Naxi, which also for the, ris, nymphs of the sea> 
g-oodnes^of its wines, was caJledNtreiis,i.£jfeos.m. the son of 0» 

anus and Tethys. 
Nerrtos, in*. in the IonianKt. 

l)ion\ sia. 
Xc.vtUud.y/jtr. of Creecc. 

Vcfipclis. is. / [1] a very famousNcro, ouis m Nero ClaudiuiC»* 

city ofltalv.called uncicntly Par- ar, adopted by Clauuiu^ •" 

thenopc,af:erwardsNeupolis,and most infamous forcruelty,r»pi*» 

nowNapIes; [21 &nothcr ( on the; sacrilege, lust, ingratitudc, fcc* 

one .i /ir-i'i 1 ir"il vimO.iwhosUy^M c*wSvt\c^ c!t , \\vt^K,t» , »Kwt.he riv-' hc was the worst of thcCtt^» 

r»cl thc courtbliip of EcAio aind o\ ct s\.rj™v^W*v^^^^ 

titcr i:;:nplrs. 

«\a^ ^t^V*^, 

"^sXXHV^ *«.» «W\» 






nicceedcd Uomitian, and 

irovd man, u g-uod statcs- dcd by him for his «injsiilar ex 

m 111* II • 1 1 * 4^ 1 

md a good soldicr. 
pop. pr. Ilainaiilt. (Istriu 
uni, ./>/>. Castcl nuovo in 
: Ncssis, inn. Nisita. 
i. m. a Ccntatir, whom 

in Cicero's time,hig-hlycommen. 

cdle.tcy in all parts ol learning 
divine and huinan, cbpccially *n 

f>hysic and astrology: Varroaud 
le were v the m.,st learn 
ed mcn in the most learned ag-e, 
lcs intnrtcd to carry hisJNili&cus, & Viloticus, a, um. ai\). 
Jeianira over the river FJ of the Nile-Nilotica tel! s.Kgypt. 
; hut wlien hc had her oriiNihis i. mas. the river Nile, the 
ber side, hc would havcj grcatest in all Africa; its Vise is 
i her, upon which Hercu- on this aidc ihc sequator» in the 
)X him. countrv of the Abvssines: it runs 

, oris. fii. the son of Nelua into thc Mediierrancan by 8CTenjN6mentum,f/>/> Lamentana in Ita- 
)f l'yliUy>rought up toarms mouths. Nflna, *./. one ofthe three Dcsti- 

tis childhood: when young,Ninos, i./. thc capitolof the As- Ndnacris, tpp ofArcadia. (nios. 
s one of thosc who ibu^hti syrians, in thc Bible called Ni- Norha, vpp. Nonma in ltaly.(many 
le Centaursat tlie wedihngl ncvc; hod. MosuJ; it is washudby Ndrlca, opp Nurcmberg in Gcr- 
ithoiis; whcn old he wcnij thc rivcrTigris. NorTcum, *eg. Austria, Carniola. 

>U ships to the Trojan war.^Niobe, cs./. thedaughter of Tan- mediterran Stiria, Carinthia 

xiucnce was so grcat, that talus, and wifc of Amphion king repente. Saltzburg. 

droppedfrom his lips like of Tliebes, by whom she had scv-jNdvaria, <f>p. Novare in Italy. 

Nftla,x./acity ofCampania,where 
bells werc first foundcd, or at 
least used in churehes : hcre al- 
so was the confl ict bet wecn Uan- 
nibal and Marcellus, and here 
Augustus died. 

N6mades,um.r»/.m. a people, prin- 
cipallv in Africa near thc Syrtes, 
but dispersed in Scythia, wherc 
they are now callcd Tartars ; 
also in Parthia, whcre Sallust 
aaith thcy first inhabitcd ; also in 
India. Arabia, &c. (ly. 

, npp. Nato in Sicily. 
& NTcea, x / Nice, 


cn sons, and as many daughters ; 
of which, togcther with hcr bigh 
birth, Niobe grcw so proud, a» 

, a city of Hithynia, iamousj to slightthe sacrinccs which the 

i council there held,where-i Theban matrons oflered to Lato- 

doctrine of Arius wascon-! na, comparing and evcn setling 

ed, A- D. 324, and for the 
therc madc, cailcd thc Ni- 

is Dainascenus, i. tnat- a 
. of Augustus Cxsar ; he 
oth a great philosopher and 
iau: he uscd to scnd thc 
ror a sort of datcs from Sy- 
10 callcd them Nicolai froui 


?des, is. m. a king of Ryth- 

?dia, *pp. Comida. (poli. 

•lis, upp. ad /Ltmum, Nico- 

•frme/ur, Chiron 

Bithyni*, Montauca 

herself above her; which Apollo 
and Diana, the children of Lato- 
na, resenting, he slcw thc niales, 
and she tlie femalcs: upon this 
Niobe was struck dumb with 
gricf, and remuined stupid; for 
which reason Ciccro was of opiiv- 
ion, the poets fcigiicd her turn- 
cd into a stone 

Xiphates, m m £J 4uv. Curdo. 

Nisus. i. m. a king of thc Mega- 
rcnses : he had a hair on his 
head of apurplc colour hy which 

rcigii ; Scylla his daughtcr, fall 

iJ/ii>i, l'rcve»»u. 
. i/.i*/.f, Nicopoli 
rs FijriHus, i m.anvblcniar] gara, cnt cft' VNi« («TtxA Vitt 

Nbvclius, i. m. a Milancse, who in 
thc time of Tiberius was consul 
of Romc ; hc was a great drink- 
cr and gaincd the name of Tri 
congius. having in puhlic swal- 
lowed thrcc gallons of wine at 
one draught. 

Novcnsiles dii, Cods rcccived by 
the Romans from thc Sabincs. «r 
the pods of the proviuces and 
kingdoms whicii t •Romauahad 

Novesium, opp. Neus. 

Noviddunum, /#/*.Noyon in France 

Nouum Corouin, <pp lomo ia 

Nubse, p p pr. Nubia in Africa. 

Nuccria, Ctitnpan. 7 •*.- 

n j v > Noccra. 

waslimited the duratiqn of hisNnma Pompilius, thc succcaaor 

of Romulus &. a rdigious nriuae;. 

I iiii^ in lovc with king Minos dur-. lu». «%&^ ^wxvl^ ^kw^m. ^ 5 *** 26 *^^, 
! ing thc tim^i ot h\&besimm Vm.\ cJl^ti %t\v«^ -. Xv« ■'^t JSSS 





frion,and gaincd a rcvercnce aud O 

Banclion to them, by givinjr out /"fcAxcs, is. w. a 
that he rcceivcd thcin nifthtlyiV-r Oaxis tcllus, Cretc. 

Oen&maiis, i. i». thc son of ito 
and king" of Klis and Piaa, »fc 

froin thc goddes* K^eria ; heOuttjrcncs, rr/ ./>/.. contcnding» with Vetop» ia tfc 
first dividcd thc ycar intotvclve ro.a people of C\prus,whoBe am- chariot racc, lost liis lifc, uatig) 

months : and was scholar to l'y-i bassador at ltoine, discoursing 

thagoias a Spartan, whence hc 

inscrtcd many of tlicir institutes 

in the Itoman ritcs. 
Nfimanri, opfu Humana in Italy. 
Kumantia, x.f. Ahnanu a city ofj serpents, who only lickcd and 

ter, and kingdom by the irtad 

about tlie virtues of herbs, said cry ofhis dviver, Myrtilus. 
no poisonous crcature could hurtjOcnone, es. f a nymph oi moui 
him: tlie scnatc, by his o\m conj Ida, wilh whom Pari* cc-habite 
«ent, put liim into a vessel fullof before hc wa* acknowledgedt) 

Spain : which wiihstood the Ilo- 

man powcr twc ny ycaas 

Kumidx,arum. />/. i». a burbarous 

peoplc, cliiefly inhabiting thc 

shore of Africa, near AlgicrSjbut 

who dispcrsed thcmschcs into 

Asia and Europc Vid. Nomadcs, 

who are thc samc peoplc. 

Kumidia, x/. acouutry of Afiica, 

in its strictest scnsc,Alpcrs, thc 

countrv of Masinissa, famcusfrr 

his enmity and fricndship t.) tht 

playcd with him. 

bccanus, i m. thc god of the sca, 

son of Coelus and Vesta, husband 

of Tcthvs and fathcr of the 

nymphs prcaiding over rivcrs aud Oeta, monr. Banina in Thcs%ih. 
spriugs. ogyg-es, is. m. an ancicnl kinf d 

Ocnus, i. w. a lazy fcllow, whom Thcbcs in Jlzotia, iu whoseiis* 
thcy painied twisting ropcs in agreatdehig-coM-rfiowedliftvtt 
helljwith an ass standmg l»\ him,6gygia, se. f. au istand in tbr \* 

bc the son of king Priaxn. 
Ocnopia, ins. JTIgina. 
Oenotria, %./. an uncicntmmed 

Ocnus, ^ur. Inne in C.erraany. 

who bit thcm in picccs as f;ist as 
Iil* Uvistod thcm.he beiin? toola- 
zv to drive him awav; whence 

liomans, in a largc bcnsc, all A-, the proverb, Ocni funiculum tor 

frica socallcd. 
Kumistro, opp. Nicastro. 

c k uerc, to lahourin vain. 
Ocriculum, opp. Otricoli in Ilaly. 

Numitor,6ris. m. the sonof FrccasOclavia, x. J\ |1] thc .^ister of Au 

giistus, ia\(\ wife of M. Antonius: 
[■J^tiic daughtcrof Claudius. aiui 
wife of Nero, who causcd hcr to 
hc put to dcatli: uponwhich Sc- 
ncca wrotc u U^agcdy called by 
hcr uame. 
Octddunnn, opp. Martinach. 

kin^r ofthe Alhans»nd ^ran.lta- 
thcrto Romuhis and I(c;nus, who 
also rcstorcd him to his kin^dom 

Nursia f opp. Norsia in Italy. 

Kyctcis, idis. fcm. Am^nnc, thc 
daughtcr of Nycteus soii ofKep- 

KyctYmcnc, cs.f thc daujrh'cr (jr^ccj rol : , cs.f. the daughterof Chi- 

Nycteus, who, having l:un withj lon turncd into a marc. 

her fa*.hcr,washy Mincna chanjj-odcsvas /•/;. l.tmano in Mysia. 

cd into an owl; whicli, as conbci-ddr/s;c,/j»ci/#. ofThrace. 

ousofthc fact, hatcth the ligbt. OtagTu», i. m. a king^of Thracc. 
Kysa, ae. /. [1| a city of Arabia, Oehalia,^*;/^!] the, country of l-a< 

whcrc liacchusuas nnrscd; hod 
Kisi ; [2] a city of India, huilt by 

conia; [2] thc city Tarentum. 


sonian sca, called also rJjj^ 
fmm Calypso, who thtrt tr.;a 
taincd Clxsscs. 

og^ypus. a, uiri. udj. Thcbaa. 

Oilcus,! iii a king of t!;e I.ooi^i* 

Olba, 9pp- HhtUiu c , pr. Isnich. 
J*ataphuli.T % Acopeacc 
iVnrr fini.t ,OlbIa ii :S!Pc9. 

olcnus, ./>/». *ichai.c, tlinuruut 
*£toti.v r Okiitt 

olympia, x.y.Larg"s;vco, a :3«1« 
PeloponiicMis where wasjt* 
ple ofJupitcr; wlicncc sonw*f 
hc was called 01\m;>iu«. 

olympiacus, ir/ Olyn.^icuJta.* 
adj of, qv belorjj^ir.^ to (fl»Trj»A 
Olympiaci raini, puj iati!l« ^o-' 8 
gi ve n t o vi ctovs in thc 1 1} «?** 
^mes, wldch wcr<r ct-kbsn-' J 
lio.iour of Jupittr Olyirrits* 51 
Olympia, c\cry itfth w^r. 

OU uipus,i.m. a iiill bctwccn T|i* 
s:ily and Maccdonia, so bi^ 
that it i» said no biidrlictb toti* 

Bncchui, [3] :i liillncav V\\v\V c\V\^)t<liu;.s % i. ik dipodis. m. thc s 
14] onc of tho tops of Va.TivASs\\i\ o v l \:\\\^ Y\\\^ vJv*\\\^^ 

Ktcrcd to llacchus; \S\ U\c wolwA^wa^ wm.^V^v.^W,» ^vidsarc sem ib.«J 
•fHaccJjus'8 nursc V^TiS^*^ w.%v^^«^^^\^^^VH^^^«i.i< 





rtod for calmncss and §ere- Deftn. 

opus, opp. Talandi in Locris. 

ms, \.f. Olintho, an ancient Orbdius, i. m. & fiogging- «chool- 

sf Thraoc, on the borders of master. 

:doniu, which was takcn byOrctales, m. the islands of 

Phihp by gold, aftcr he had tiie north of Scotland. 

iron to no purposc. Orchauius, i- m akingof Asyria, 

[iu,T'e/rh.-sipo onis. f. aci.' who buricd hisdaughter Leuro- 

Lmituniu, suUl to be found- tica alire,for ly injc with Phorbus. 

/• (.'lysscs. it was a free town Orfas, adis/ ^/. oreades, tiymplis 

e timc ofthe Koiikmik; uuw of Diuna** train. 

uetropolm of Porlugul, byorestcs, is & x. m. tlie son of A- 

iame of Li_bon. 

(Jy.« gamcmnon and Clytcmnestra: and Niobc, who first taught thc 

;,cs/ a oiountain of ThcMa-l he slcw hls own motber, and ___- 

dJe, es./ a quccnof Lydia, gisthus hcr adulterer» who had 

whom Uerculrs being in! murdcred his fathcr : he also 

>ccanie hcr slavc, chan^ed, slew Pyrrh- sthc *on of Achilles, 

in lhetemp"c of Apollo, formar- 
rying HernLone, who bad been 


luh aud lion's skin with hcr 
spiudlc and a distaiT, and 
ivd hiinsdf to bc drawn, 
«*t_tue_ of thein both to bc lfciidaus. 

: in tliut form; and aJso suh-:t>rg_a orum pl. n. sacred rites of .._ __. _ _. 

dtothc clia-tincmeiit of the! DucchuH, ce!e_rafed in thc r.i^ht very cfiV.rninale man; [2] a tri- 
er. I - '..i'li rrrcut privacy,!,_wdness,und bune < f thc pcoplc, and author 

, omm. /»/. n. «acr. ; Ws, r u| di*»< r<!(.r. (ru... 

al inhonour o!' :hc j.;ou.le_* 
:hc w _*'«.■ of Sutur:.; ivl.-'»ir_t- 
1 t.hc V.hh of Deccn/.cr. 
cs, x. m. tbc sou ofLvcur- 
«iain by u herpent. 
;a, /;..* _-'orii.c..ti-ra. 
f.op oflitiy. 

»./ onc of i)i:i-a*s nymphs 
•fcium, npp Udu-r7.ii in _..dy 
mih, i. m. a poct born ut A 
■bus, u citv of t.ilicia: hc 
: livc hooksof Hulicutics, so 
)vl«1 b\ SfVcrustiiat hc ic 
d u pvo: of jfold for c\vr\ 
: bt^.j«. , cs tlic saivl buoks r.[\ 
X uiid lishcrs, hc wrotc ulso 
if hiintinj^. st 11 cxtuiit. 

Jr»c ,^, & orfcum,*/»^. 0:*ca in Epi- 

Or*oiu & 1. T rIoii, onii m. a prcat 
ast:onomtr. and the scholar ot 
A'las; which iMsupposcd to huw 
piven i:_c to thc fablc of liis bc- 
in^ an Qttcndant nn Diana, h!s 
fulc on attcmptinvc to force iit-_*. 
and hi_ bcin^ m.ulc a constcllu 
tion in thc h*.avrns. 

•iritlivia.x- /". thc daurclitcrof Erc- 
othcus, and mistrcss of Poreas. 

<>rodcy, is ;:/.a king; of Parthia,who 
potircd nicltcd (fohl into thc 
tliroat of the Komun Crassus. 

"»rontcs. is. m. a larg-e ri\cr of Sy- 

descent into hcll, is p!casantly 
touchcd by Virtfil in thc latter 
rmrt ofthc last Geor^ic. 

Orphnc, es./. an infcrnal nymph, 

tlrtycia, ac/ [1] an ancient name 
of thc island Delos; [2] an island 
ncar Sicily; [„] a grovc ncar E- 
phcsus, whcncc Diana is callcd 

Osci, p p of Capua in Italy. 

5si,/> OsnAburg' in Gei many. 

osir_- t is. nm-8. tho son of Jupitcr 

Egyptians husbandry; he was 

murdercd by his brother Tiy 

phon; but his wife lo, clutighter 

of Inachus, fotind his body, and 

buried it in thc island Abatos. 

Ossa, _e. m. a high mountain in 

proniiscd to hiui by her father Ostia, ©/>/•. of Italy. (Thessoly.- 

Otho, oni_ m. (.11 % Rornan cm- 
pcron who succcedcd Gnlba, 

oi* thc l?o^-':an law,\vhich assign. 
cd scats in tiic Theutre to thc 
l.qucstrian order diffcrcnt from 
tiiosc of thcSenatorian^that werc 
common bt^forc. 
Othivi-des, is. m. a Spartan, one 
oi".'o'0 who survived the combat 
witli .10"') Athcnlans, that wcre 
iiv wav to dccidc a dis.)_te 

• • • 

u<'out souic Iand"«; two ori thc 
othcr side wcrc lcft.but bothrsn 
away; and hc, unwilling: to sur- 
vi\ * thc loss of his countrymen» 
having written on liis targct VI- 
Ci, slcw himsclf. 
Othrjs, m.iit. Dclacha. 

riu ri-in^- iu fiiount Libanus andovidius, i. t.i. surnamcd Naso, m 
rnnnin;; hy Antioch into thc sca. Homan of thc Equcstria»! order. 





Pelias hasta,thc spear of Achilles 
Pelias, x. m. thc son of Neptune 

and Tyro, aiul king of Thcssal} , 

cut to picccs l)y his own daug-h- 

ters, who dcpemiid on thc false 

promisc of iicdcu to make him 

younjrag-ain. (Pelcus. 

Pciidcs,a:. m Achlllcs, thc Suu of 
Pchgiii, p. p. of Abruz/o in llaly 
Pciion, i n. a liijrh mountain in 

Thessaly, on wluch tlic giunts 

strnve to put <)ssa 
Pclla, f ;■/'. .Jcnni/.arin Vacedonia. cd Perjramcna, tc. churta, yei 
Pi -icpidus, ;c. m. a nohlc Thcban mcmhraii;i. 

gxncrul, whodchvoridhiscoun-Pergus, i. m. a lake of Sicily. 

Pcrc6te, vpp. of Troas. ' 

1'erdiccus, x. m. onc of Alcxan- 
dcr's favourite captains. 
Pcrdix, icis.m.the ncphew of Dse- 
dalus, turned inlo a partrid^c. 
Perga, ipp. Per^i in Asia, 
Pergamus, i./ 6t Pergama, 5rum 
pl. n. properly thc fort of Troj 
but uced by the poets for the ci- 
ty: also an inlaud city ncar Tro- 
as,w hcre papcr, or r.aiicr parcli- 

*of the ancient kings, buU 
ed by Alexatider, ut the i 
ot vhc cviirtewiii Tliais;A# 
rus, Tzilminar, ov Chtlmir 

1'erses, is. m. a king of J 
nia subdiied by Paulus J 
and by him, tojrcthcr v 
childrcn.carriedto Komc: 
hc dicd with p°'Cf in pri 
as others suy , by fasiing, 
of rest. 

try, opprcssed b) the JLaccdc- 
Pclcponnfsus, i. /. a vcry larjre 

Periandcr, dri. m. thc <as: king of 
Corinth, nnd onc ot the seven 
wisc incn of (jrecce. 

pcuiiiculaof Achaia; iioplacc on Pericles, is. «i. a wi>c statcsman, 
tl.c frlobi iiuiii Ik .ii thc M.VHC ofl whog-ovcrncdAtheiisforty ycars 

n:»rc ^joriou* act ons; /;W Morea 

Piiops, opis. ///• tli ■"■ mjii of Tanta 
1 1>, uho killcd, drcssed. aiul sct 
t'.ic chlid bc-forc the gods b\ 
w !iou i . w;l.. rcstorcd to lifc ; bui 
ji . ccn.ciii Ccr.-s hud crlcn :. 
pierc of t.hc sjioukler, vlnch 
thi r»-fori' liicv ni-lc ofivorv. 

Pclfirum, pn?r.. 1'aro. 

Pelusluin. r.pp. Uiihuis in F.irypt. 

|-ciicis,»(!i*../". Iiaphu.', thc d.oiyh- 
tcr of 1'cni iis. 

Pcnciis, ci. m. a i ( icbratcd rlvcr 
in ThcsNiily; it run.ieth bctv/ccn 
Oss.*i and Olyiiipu?. 

Ptnclopc, ts. / thc flaujL^lstcr of 
Icarus, aud wifc of t i\ sscs,a wo- 
rnan iamous tor cl:a>i..\. 

mcntwasmadc; from liencc calliPerscus, ci» & co». m. the 
" " ... Jupitcrand whr 

cury )^ave a talchion. aihl 
for hi» fcct, and Mlnen. 
him an JE^iS: thus fum : .s)i 
wcnt Hguinst thc Gorgo 
iitUickcd Mcdusa, wben i 
snakcs wcre aslccp, cut 
hcad,undsctit in his,t';:i* 
with hc tumcd scvcn:liijtu 
lic dclivcred Androaic^ 
sca-mon;»tcr.and manicJa 
turnimr into h'»s covirT;,!» 
dcntly kilicd his granti&tl 
crisius with a. quoit. 
!'crhia, ac. k Pcrsis, ulls./ * 
country of Asia, hiii|r bci 
thc Caspian sea and \ht ci 


Pcrillus, i m. an aitist,whomadc a 
bull of brass, wliich whcn madc 
hot, and a inan wus put into it, 
souudcd likc tlic roaring of :% 
bulh uhich cnjrincofciiiclty hc 
judgvd wouKl l»c a wclcomc pr^ . 
sent to Phularis tlic tyrant, whc 
:iskcd hirn if hc had provcd it, 
aud he rcplyinjr no, thcn it is but 
icasonablc, saicl thc tyrant, that 
vou iirst cssav vour own work, 
aiivl onlcrcd hiiu iii-st to bc shut 

Pcrinthus, pp. Ilcraclca. (into it 

1'cnputcii'cit m. thc fol- 
low crs <;f Aristotlc's phi1osoph\ . 

t\ i]i.< -sus, i.wi. ;> jj\cr in Ihvoti.i. 
sauv.l lo thc Muscb, becausc it 

Pcnthcsilcu, x. f. an Auiaznuiaiij ariMtit from i: o'int lkhcon. 
quocn, slain hy Ac^ iilcs, or, a.^ Pcr.«:c, uimui. p 1 . m. inhabitants oi 

sopic sav hv Pvrrhu*!. 

Pcrsla, Pcrsiuns. 

Pcuihcus, ci, iv cos. m. thc t. >n of Pcrsf is.idis.yi Ilccate, the daugli- 
Jichioii and Aga\c,torn in picc- tcr of Pci^eus. 
cs l.»v hi.smolhttiss\sVcw,^\\i , A\»wyviT^vV^ ('» Proserpinc. 
inr s» ; --'-iitiiv r the ntcis o^ Vi^cA\\i^«^v v - v ^-^ v ^ v ^ x , v 

of thc Mo^id. 

Persicus sinus, the PeivjBf 

Pcrsius, i. iii. A. Pcr*iu* Pfi 

an cxccllcnt s;itirist una J* 

phcr,brciL undcr Anntnst 

t* s ; hc was liortt in t!ie W 

Tib. C'xsar,and dicdab^n 

ty-cigiit ycai-s of agre; t'* 1 

ly cornmcndcd by QuiatS* 

!'cnVia, opp. of luh". I* 

Pcssinus, ipp Po^scncinrt! 

Pctilia, opp. Policastnihft 1 

l»ctd\io, opp. Petau in I^j 

i»ctr6cdrii> pop. pr. rerij** 

Pctrdniiks i- «• seit»* * 

^dilo Homans of ths |»* |BB ■ 


' PHI 



iandlaxury,thencebysjrave|feU inlove, espeeially, a city of Egypt> 
1 Necjuitiae Arbiter : hePharia, in». Lesina. (the poeteat. Philidelphus, i. m. thc surname 
i the hfe ot his prince, un-jPharnricasa, ac / Farmacusa- *n of one of the Ptolcmies king of 
le feigned name of whoresj island in the -Ejrean sea, where 
atamitcs, but in the purestl Cxsar was detained by pirates 
; whence some have calledj till he paid a ransom. 
Purissimx impuritatis auc- Pharnaccs, is. m. the son of liith 

:, in*. pr. thc lster. (torem. 

:es, pop . of Corcynu 

>n, onis m. one of Elif, a| 

ridates king of Pontus whom 
Caesar in bis war with Pompey 

account thereof he wrote Vcni, 
vidi % vici. 

Kgypt, who founded a library at 
Alexandria,wherein was 100,000 
books, among which were, the 
rolumes of the Old Tcstament, 
at his request translated into 
Oreek by 72 interpreters, whom 

so quickty disoomfi ted,that in hisj the Jcws liad aent for that pur 

Phrixni, m. two Cartha- 

ar of Socrategjto whom Pla- 
cribcd his books of iramor 
of the soul 

•a, x./. the daughter of Mi- 
:ing of Crete, by Pasiphae : 
ell in love with Hippolytus 
h proved fatal to him. 
•us, i. m. a freedman of Ti- 
s Cxsar, who wrote a book 
>les in the jEsopian way. 

rum, opp. otCrete bMdiit/nr. > pfc ^ . Co , chu 

iQsa, x./ the daugmter of ; £p. j 

>us and Nexra, and the el- PhSmdnoe Sfbvlla» thc dau^htcr 
of Phaeton's three sisters, ofApoUo,and 
ed,for oycrmuch laraenting who first ga 

brothcr^s fate,to be cliang- phi, and invented heroic versc. city of Maccdonia, bordering 
to trecs,which dropped am-Phdneus, lac, & pp.Feneo. Thracc, in whose plainp M* Ju- 

Phcrx, opp- JSteuen Cheramidi. nius Bnitus and C* Cassius were 
Thettal. Jenizar. routed by Octavius, and M. An- 

Pherxus, a, um.adj. of, or belong- tonius. 
ing to Pherx. PhilippTcx orationes, Demosthe- 

Pherlcydcs, x m a Syrian philo- nes*s oratious againit Philip king 
sopher, in the timo of Scrvius! of Maccdon in imitation of whom 

Pharos, & Pblrus, i / a small it-j genian brothert, who chose ra- 
land at Uie motitli of the NileJ therto be buricd alive,than that 
whcrin was a tower with lights their country should not enjoy 
to guidc ships in the night. j its just botinds. 
Pharsalia, x/. a part of Thessaly, Phflammon, onis. m the son of A- 
faraousfor the battle bcUcenj pollo.and afamous poetaudmu* 
Pompey and Cxsar. | sician. 

Phaselis /p.Fionda in Pamphylia. Philetas, x. m. an elegiac poet of 

Ihe island Cos ; a severe critic, 
preceptor to Ptolemaeus Phila- 
delphus. (ing- to 

jn, ontis. m. the son of Phce- 
nd Clymenc: his rashness, 
he fate that attended it, are 
r dcscribcd by Ov. Met. 2 
•is, idis. m. a cruel tyrant of 
geutum,famous for shutting 
icn in a brazen bull.and put 
hre under it. 
-eus portus, porto Leone. 
rcus, i. m. surnamed Dcme- 

leophrastus, made governor 
hcns by Casflinder king of 
donia, after whose death he 
into Egypt 
i,6nis.m a handsome youne 
of Lesbos, with whom all 
Qimg womeo at Mitylene 


Tullus: he was master to Pytha- 
goras, and first taughtthe im- 
mortality of the soul. 
Phldiacus, a, um. adj. of, ar be* 
longiog to 

a philosophcr, and scholar Phldias, ac. m. an ezcellent paint- 

er and statuary.who inclosed his 

Ciccro called his 14 orations a- 
gainst M* Antonius, Philippics. 
HJ..Upp6p«IU < Jraft : J F . 1 . ppopolL 

Philippus, i. m. Philip king of Ma- 
cedon, fathcr of Alexander ths 

own picture in the buckler of Phflo, onis. m. Judseus, so callcd 
Minerva, because he wasnotsuf- becau<*c born of .Icwisii pircnts 
fered to put it on the outsidc, so at Alexandrta sojwcil r^tA in Pla 
accurate waa his workmanship, to's philosouhY% os^ v^ ^v^.x^^- 
that any perfect thiuc ^aa cj^\BL\^aX.>^ v3r^^^>^^^^^ 
parcd to^U * V^ ^»*«^ — ^- ^ 



Phfloctetes, is m. the son of Px- 
as: he lighted thc funcral place 
of Hercules, who gave him his 
quiver and poisonous arrows, 
cJiarging him to tell no onc of his 
scpidchre;which promisc hckept 
in word : hut when thc Grceks 
wcre urgent wLth him> becausc 
the OTacle had told them, that 
Troy was impregnablc, unless 
they had the ashes and arrows 
of Herculcs with thcm, he went 
to the place and slarapcd with 
his foot, which soon after by the 
fall of one of those arrows upon 
it, eangrened, and stunk so,that) by ApoUo,for burninghistemple 

thcy left him bchind them in tlie 
island Lcmnos; buthe wasaftcr 
wards curcd by M&chaon. 

Phllbdcmus, i- m. an Epicurean 
philosopher and poet 

Philomela, ac. f the dasghter of 
Pandion king of AthensSce her 
story in Ov. Met 6. 7 

Phllostratus, i. m [1 , a famous o 
rator, w,ho taught at Romc in the 
rcign of Ncro: he wrote many 
pancgyrics and declamations;[2] 
thc soii of the formcr, sccrctary 


hisown chiklrcn, and soon after 
waa struck blind himself, and at- 
tondcd by the Harpies, who ate 
and spoiled his victuals, so that 
hc had periskcd by hunger, if 
Calais and Zetes, his'.wives bro- 
thcrs, had not driven them into 

Phlcgcthon, tis. m. one of the in 
fernal rivers. 

Phlegra, a. / a city of Campania, 
famous for tlie fabled battle be- 
tween the gods and the giants. 

Phlegyas, x. m. the son of Mars, 
and king of ,the Lapithx, killed 
and sctundera hugestone inhell 

Phdcxa, opp. Focchia Vecchia. 

Ph5cion,6nis.m an Athcnian, who 
aftcr many signal services donc 
to hiscouiitry,was condemned to 
die,and cndcd his life by poison. 

Phocis Ydis. / a small country of 
Grecce, or Lavadia, famous for 
thc oracle at Delphi and mount 
Pamasstis. (pollo. 

Phcebas,adifi./. thc priestess of A- tured to switn ovcr the au 


danghtcr of Phorcus. 

Ph6ronis, Tdos./. lo, tho g 
danghter of Phoroneos. 

Phraates, is. m. a klngof the 
thians, who was bamahed b 
subjects, but restored by A 

l*hrygia,x/a country of the 
aer Aaiia.wheretn were few < 
but raany villages: it was i 
ed into the Greater and 1a 
the Greater is called Gen 
the Leaser Ssrcum. (Tr 

Phrygiua, a* urn. adj. Phrj a beautifiil courl 
of Athens, who grew so rk 
her trade as to rebuild Tbi 
which has been destroycd b 
lcxandcr the Grcat. 

Phryx, ygis, m. a Phrygisi 

Phryxas,tW Phrixo% i. m. Uw 
of Athamas and Kcphele, 1 
aod queen of Bxotia, who, 
his sister HeUe,to avoid the 
clty of thcir stepmother Ino: 

to Julia 

thc emprcss, wife of Phocbu% i. m. a namc of ApoUo. 

he wrote the lifc of A 
pollonius Tyanxus in Grcck,the 
livcs of thc heroes in thc Trojan 
war,the livcs of thc sophists,&c 
still cxtant 

Phildtis, idis./ a 'maid-servant at 
Rome,who by her courage savcd 
the city from thc Fidcnates, and 
caused tlieir army to be dcfeated 

Philvridcs, is. m. Chiron, thc son 

Phlneui, i. «• a king of Arcadia 

Phocl>c, cs./thc sistcr of Phcebus. 
Phccblgcna, x. m. JRsculapius,thc 
son of Apollo. 

Phxnicc, cs. & Photnicia, x./ a 
country of Asia, in which were 
Tyrus and Sidon, famous for the 

purplc dic, froin hcnce callcd Phylace, opp. in The«saly. 

Phucniccus, vcl Puniceus color- 
Phccmccs, um. />/. m. the Phoeni- 

cian%who wcre reputed the first 

sailors<and tlie invcntors ofletters. 
Phxnissa, x. /. a woman of Phac- 

Phorbas,antis m.a Thessalian, the 

son of Lapitha, a great robber : 

or of Papldagonia, vYio % \\\«,i«\ Y» -A*» tWWixced the gods to 
cd bv the calumwcs o« ^A ^N^^^^V^ te^ 

sea bctwcen Europe aed J 

on tlie back of thc ram vitb 

goldcn flcece. 
Phthla, opf>. Ziton in The^ 
Phthldticus, & PhthJus M»-< 

Phycus, prom. cape Cairosa. 

PhyUis, Vdis/. thc daugbtertl 
thos king of Tlirace, wboe* 
tained Demophoon tbeas 1 
Theseus as he came fron W 
and was contracted to hi» ■ 
took a journey, and not i<J 
ing by the time prom»H* 
hanged htrself, sr, ai lOBftrf 
died with grief, and w»c*«i 
«dinto an aunond-tree. 

^/l hv the calummcs ot \mw ^«SL^iMa^ ^saa. v^mtoan almond-TO 





i, opp. Viccnza in ltaly. |Ptraus, portus. Porto Liose 

nus, Jfc Picenus, a,um. adj. 


u, regio, oi Italy. 

rum. pl. m. the Picts, who 

l bctwecn England and 

nd; they painted their bo- 


and the ttil of Aries, called also 
Pirene, es. / a fountain in Acro-f, Vergilix, because of their rising 

aboutthespring: thepoctsmak* 
them the daughters of Atlas by 
the nymph Plcione. 

Pleuron, opp, Bozichristran. 

Plutarchus, i. m. an eminent his- 
torian and philosopher, born at 
Chxronca rn Bxotia, in the time 

corinthus sacred to the 

not far from Corinth. 
Pirfthoua, i- m. the son of Ixion, 

husband of Hippodamia, and 

sworn friend of Theseus; slain 

byCcrberuSfWhen he went down 

to hell to carry oif Proserpine. 
Plsa, x./ Larganico, m district efl of the emperor Trajan: hc wrote 

s,pop of Poictou in France 
. m. thesonof8atiira,and 
ather of Latinus, a klng of 
aid by Ovid to have been 
id into a woodpecker by 
arras of Circe. 
X* / Veria, a district of 
onia» wberc Jupite* begat 


:dis.y. [1] one of the Mus- 
10 were called Pieridcs; 
: daughters of Pierus, fa- 
) liave been metamorpho 
o magpies for vying with 

a, um. adj. of, or bolong 
tlie Muscs. 

19, i. m. the god of conju- 
guries, and education ot 
:n; he was an ancient king 

Itatilians, and invcntcd 
rtlc to grind thcir corn. 
xf. a sountain of rkeotiaJ men of Grcece. 
elicon,sacrcd to tlie Muses 
a, ac. & Piunplcis, Idis. / 


i, i.m. a priest of Ilercules 

s, i. m. a Thenan in tiie 

F Xerxes; accountcd the 

if the nine Lyric pocts; 

lcxus, Alcman, Anacreon, 

flides, Ibycus, Sappho, samas. 

lorus, Siinonides, and Pin-jPlato, dnis. m. thc son of Ariston 

and Parectonia^an Athenian phi 
Mozzova, a moun-| losopher, thc most lvarned and 

eloquent of all tbe Grcckft. 

i. m. 
f Arcadia, sacred to the 

fip. oflttir. 

Elis in Peloponnesus. 

Pisx, opp. Pisa in Italy. 

Pisaururo, opp. Pesara in Italy. 

PTsTdia, refi;. Vcrsacgeli in Asta 

Pisistratus, i. m. an cloquent and 
learncd Athenian, who bccame 
absoluto at Athens, though 
private citizen: he foundca thc 
firet libnry at Athens, and was 
cotemporary with ScrviusTullus 

Piso, onis m. a noble Roman 
headof the Calphurnian famil}, 
derived from Numa Pompilius, 
and so called from lus son's name 

Plthecusx, cpp. of the island Pi- 
thecusa, (quencc. 

Pitho, us./fm. the goddess of elo 

Pittacus, i. m. a philosopher of 
Mytilenc.cotcmporary withCru.-- 
stis, and one of tlie aevc«i wisc 

Pitthcis, tdis./ Atthra,the daugh- 

ter of Pitthcus. 

Pftyusx, itu, Yvica. 

Placentia, opp. Placenza in Italy 

Planaria,Ww» Planasia^ni.Pianosa 

PlMxx, pot Plfttex, arum.a/./ * 

city of Bxotia, famous for thc 

dcfcat of Xetxes's army by Pau- 

the livet of the most famout 
Greeks and Roraana, and seve- 
ral moral treatises. 

Phlto 6nia. m. the son of Saturn, 
and brother of Jupitcr and Nep- 
tunc; in tbe division of his nu 
ther , s kingdom,hc had the west- 
ern patfs, whicli gave rise to tho 
poctical fable, that he was king 

Pltttus, i.m. the god of wealth,and 
the son of Jasion, or Jasii'*, by 
Ceres: the Greeks painted hira 
lamc in hi<i approach, bnt wing- 
ed in his departure; also blind, 
and foolis' becaus^ hc cither 
giveth with->.it distinction, or to 
tae most unvturlhv. 

Podillirius, i. m. a famous Greek 

Pceni, orum. pl. m a peoplc of Af- 
rica,near Carthage; synccd. Car- 

Pccnlcus, lc Poenus, a f unu adj. 
Carthaginian, African 

Pdlemon, 6nis. m an Athenian,of 
a loosc and intcupcrate life,who 
by chance cominginto thc school 
of Xenocrates, and hearing him 
discourscof tcmpcrance and roo- 
desty, rcformcd his life, also be- 
came the philo9ophcr*s scholar, 
and succeeded him in hia*cVv<vJ^ 

eioqueni 01 au «e urceu. www»a,«.xwvew»>^Y — — ^*« 
Plcikdea, um. pl. /. s*n%t\ sJOKt&fNs^ \fcAw»** ^^S^sfc* 
placcd ntar tli^ kxi^» oAT%w»\ twmx w»« > ^^ 


. death by ApoUo. 
as culled Pytluus^ind in 
'■ ry of which the PyU-ian O 

were institutcd. 
i. Hfthoni.Ki.17. » wohum in»| 
with prophccy- 


,Va.d\.pnp. pr. 1 

llie oncle. ' |Pylos. "pp. of Pelopi 

J'rdlcm, 003. in. One of Uie ifwUPvracmon, fiiiis. m. one of Ncp- 

ofthe soa, forctelliiiff future cJ tunc'sCyclopB,whoforgedJi 

vcnU : lic could tmisfonji hiruJ thundcr-bolla. 
sclfinWanvahap. Pyrimus.jWj. Malmistrein Ania- 

Prjisn, livt Prusus, opp. Ruraa Pyramua,i «. a llabylonianyouth, 

Prusas, x. m. a. kinjj of Bithynia, in love with Thisbe ; Uieir itoiy 
to wliom lUnnibal ncd aftcrhia; iiin<)T. Mct 4. 
ovcrllirow: thc Koinansdeinand.jPyitiie, ea / 1 hc daughter of Be- 
fdhiin; but hc, to prerent his| bryi . who bcinj* ilefloured, wan- 
being delivcrud up, poUoneil dered u|> snd dov.n, and waabu- 
liimaelf. I ricd in thc mountailuj, which »f- 

Prytancs, um. pl m. chief ruspis-l lerwards bore her num: : viz 
traLesof Aihcns,choscn nfter UiePy rtnci monles, Uic Pyrcnean 
e.tpulaionof the tliirty tyrants. | mounuins. dividinir Spain from 

PLoi-miis, tipp .-£ gpti, Sjiuijiiend France.nnd runniiiu; from cut to 
tWn,Tolcmud«,.| west, ei;rhtv-five leBfrues. 
1'lian. Acrc. I'i rrha.i/ tlie wife of Deiirahon 

Ptoliimsuj, i. m. [1] thc nninc of pjrrho. oiiis. n. a tirecian philo- 
tlie F.jryplinn tings aftcr -K\v\- sojiher.founder of thesect of the 
andcr tlie tirctt, in a continucdj sccptics. 

serics, distinguished only by Pyrrhus,i.m .a king of Kpynis,who 
thcir surnames : [£] a iamous as- bcine; deccived hv the ambipii- .— 
tronomci' aml jjcoiriiiplicr of Al- tt of thc oraclc of Apollo, AioXluiiitllianoii 
cumlria in tbe timc of 51 Aurc-j ti-,.1 jcida, Uomanos vincerc poa. 
Iju». . | sc. wnged war with thc Itomans 

Puppiu*, i. nt. n trairical poct, whq iinsiicccsifiilly, and wns killcd 
had a m ;;hty art in movinfrthe| by a stone or Ule in asssulting 
passioii nfgricf. (s.tncto| Anroa. 

Piirpiiraria: i.-is. Madera, Portu PyihSjjorai, x. m. a philosopher. m.a city of Cani- « ho lcfl Lii countiT.Santos. tht-r 
piuiia in luly 1 h d. Yaixuuio. \ under thc tyrant 1'olycratcs, tra 

ryjrirwi, ilnmi. /i(. m a peoplj of\ veDcd through Egypt. as far ai 
Thracc, suid to be 01 Jy J incties liiilia, in scarch of knowledffe 
111 heiglit, who liad conUuual waii and retiirning, opcncd a school 
with the cranes. in n rcmotc part of luly, called 

PygTnri-lirjn, onis m. tlie boii of Bc4 Mngna Gnroia, in tlie reign 
his kinjr of Tyrc, who inui-dcrcd; Tarc|nJDhn Superhua. 
Sirlixiii, liis sietcr l>Jdo's hu«- l l , yU;ia,s /Uic pricstcs» of Apol- 
/laiiil. forhis moncv ■, wtiich slie( 1o, who f^.tvc out llie oraclcs. 

diucjverinjr, nviile rcvTisaV* uvi'y^'Xw.v,oTv™.\i\n,.^'o.\tt4^.*t.iuited 

011 Liiivintt fled secr-% vo Wv\\\^W^ * ^fiS^,—., 

Quinciui, v*l Quintius, L ■.«»■> 
blc Albin, founder of the Q»*i- 
anfamilyi wttchcomingtolsM 
hranched i tself into sevml •>■ 
tinct houscs, a> the Capitnfc* 
Cincintuti, FUminii,Cris)jioiiif- 
The most eininciit of ttui &■> 
ly ™ L Quiutiui CinciurnW 
who.when the ltomans «reiisv 

hy the seiiate, to be nadeo* 

_.. _. M. rsoiWI 

Spsniard who faught i4ietoc* 
Itome in Domilian'* tia*: •■ 
had a salary out of tht nrssBT, 
and waahonouredaia pitnaB^ 
hc wrote twelve bnoki-c-* 
tut. Orntor, now extant 

i)uilltiliUI, i. m. Quintiliia f»* 
a Itoman prafcct under i< 
tus in GermanY, vhete *'** 
dcfe»;ed, smi had threc •** 
lcgioni cut off- 

li 11 1 r i n alia, e ■ o ilj. Qulrinal. >■** 

"" ■Jnus, i m. a namc of a-s>** 

is.itis.serf./iTo. «W**** 

lion with * * 
mly ««-(«■« 








tive Ragen, «ive R&ge*' 


, opp. Ravenna in Italy. 
/»op. £r. Bazil. 
»/>. Rieto in llulj. 
vel RegiUi, /^. in Italy. 
. m. the brothtrof Romu- 
n in a scdition betwecn 
1 hts brother. 

the wonders of the worid. 

RhcrtCunj, pr, Troy. 

RhatEius, & RhartSus, a, uxn. adj 
of Rhacteum, Trojan. 

Rhoxane, vel Roxane, ea. / the 

daughter of Oxyartcs, a noble- 

man of Pcrsia, wbom Alexanuer 

married for hcr beauty. 

.nthus, i. m, a lawgiver, um. & drura. pl. n. a 

amous for his impartial 
whercfore the poets have 
nted him as one of the 
idges of hell. 

typop of Rannes inFrance 
i, cpp. Reggio in Italy. 
m.the great river Rbinc, 
nciently dividcd Genua 
Krance; iU head is in thc 

Alpn; after a course of 
miles, it falls into tlie 
md then by two outlets 

(xerman ocean. 
a, vcl Riphaeus, a,um.a<#. 
n, Muscovian. 
rom. cape Rio. 
pp. Kio. 
s, i. m. tlie Rhonc,a very 

ThU place was famous for a Co- 
lossub 7U fect high, viz. the sta- 

Rubi, opp. Ruro in Italy. 

tueof Apollo, accounted one ofRublcon, 6nis. m. a smail river, 

which formerly partcd Francc 
and Italy: hod. Luao. 

RubrIcatu8,/vD. Ladog in Spain. 

Rudiz, opp. Rudie in Italy. 

Rufse,vt/ RMr^jpp. Ruvo in Italy. 

Rufus, i. sa> [1] a poct of Bononia, 

greatly beloved by Martial; [2] 

Rufus (Ourtius), who wrote the 

life of Alexander the Grcat. 

festival celebrated on the 25th of Rumia dca, the goddess of suck- 

Anril, in honour of 
Roblgus, ixl Rubigus, i. A. a god 

worsbipped to kcep blaiting and Ruspina, opp. Susa in Africa 

Ivia, x. / thc mother of mildew from corn. 

R6ma, «e./. Rome, the chief city 

of ltaly, and formerly of the 

i, opp. Jttic Taurocastro whole world, suppoaed to have 

RutTliua, i. m. the Rutilian family 
was very Ulustrious at Rome, of 
which wasP. Rutilius Rufus con- 
sul with Cn. Manlius, A. U. 649. 

becn built by ltomulus in the first Rutuli, drum. plm. a very ancient 

year of thc scventh Olympiad. 

Romani, m. the Romans 

Rdm&nus, a, um. atff. Roman. 

Romulus, i. m. the supposed §m> 

of Mars, bv Ilia the niece of Nu 

mitor, and the twin brother of 

Remus. He built Rome, settled 

the commonwealth there, made 

good laws, and rcigned 37 years: 

after his death, he was worship- 

ped as a god, by the namc of Sabaeus, a, um. adj Sabean. 


Rdmulus, a, um. adj. Roman. 
,_. . Romuleus, a,um. aajj. ofRoraulus, 
k-er, rising from the AlpsJ or Rome, Roman. 
from thc sources of the Roscius, i. m. [1] an excellent ac- 

tor in the sccnes, and Cicero's 
mastcr in pronunciation and ac- 
tion; so perfect in his way, that 
such as excelled in any art wcrc 

nd Danubc. 
, es/. Argcntaro. a high 
n in Thrace, covered all 
r with snow 

i Uie Mcditerrancan.Piii- 
tth it the daughter of 
nd spouac ofApollo, for 

i / Rhodcs, a famoui called Roscii; [2] a tribune o.thc 

peoplc, by whom Lex Roscia,for 

ing childrcn. 
Ruscrao, opp. Rouaillon in Spain, 

people of Italy, who undcr tlieir 
leader Turnus endeavoured to 
driva JEneas out of Italy . 
Rutupina littora, the forcland of 


Slbe, es. vel Saba, x. f a cjty 
and district of Arabia Fehx, 
productivc of rich gums, fruits, 
and spices 

Sibclli,/*//». ofltuly. 

Sabellicus, & Sabcllus, a,um. atffi. 

Sabini, an ancicnt peo- 
plc of Italy, between thc Linbri» 
ans and Latins, famous for incor- 
rupt manners.CicerocaIlctUt hem 
valiant, and tiie very ftower of 

Sabist/ut'. Sambre in Flamlera. 

tre, waa enacled. 

\*, *. fcm* the riw ^^^^W 
resruluting thc aeaU \ii \^m ^«i%\ >«V\c\\ ^»i^>^ ^ ^^^hJ 1 ^ 

ntntwnd harntd mrn . 'Ros6lBiii,f>*^.fiv U^wiw wwSJJ «^ks*-*»-»»- ***•* 



a passajrc to thc Ctit itnl ar.d 
poinp iiftriumplia ancurrieil. 

Siulilii.-Li.iinmi. /il m. a scct uf tlic 


of uiipeli sml »1» 
6a<;u«'.iini, ,.</*. .Mnr. i.dro in fcpaia Halon, epp. kjhre. Xalon in Spain 
Sais, ;■;>. tiinl in litf} |'t. Salnna, & Salon*; o/#. bpoletr '— 

Suls, •/;/'■ Sullee in l}a hiu.tia. 

SHic.niin^/Sjliiiiiis.iiiiii/ S; Sulii- Siitiiri, iilis. thc jjoitdcss of IicaJtli 

'/Siiliniif.iniii/ & Siilii- fjalua, ' 
■f.\i] iin i»!iU«i:ii»l cityof ~' 
th.cjFftcan sr:i,iiitlicS:iioiiici'ia}, 
bclacin Attkaani] l*efapoiino 

BUS «litrc Tl ' 

anil 'I 

1'idcstine, bctwecn Jiulca nnd 
hc fntlterot ' tjsinic, im. Ccpl.alooic. (tinLJn ... 

rtiipicil; h d. Sumiillca,/) p.of Abruzzn :ii ltulv 
Samos, vit S-iliiiis, i. f, tlierc art 

falapij, /'/<. S:.l|ii in ll-.Ij. 
Siiinssi. /■,/•. /"■. Ai.sla 
Piitt-iplliii, /i />. i.f Tciri di 01 i'-n 
Siilcnmni, o/./u Sali-mo m lnlj 

Salii, nniui. /il. n. pi-ii-sls uf V;i 

"ifi cnrricd 

11 ic s 

vli :, 

ly, ilmt llte ntttini* of tlie chari-. froni Abraliamby tlag* som 
n\» oicr it niiRht imitatc thim-i nay.whcncp tlicj ivcre CidWip 
ilcn hut Jupilcr. to punifh his j»rircni:hiittln> aoHnd ofth.: tsM 

SanHnb.ic/ alai^™ iilandiitta 
Mctlitcmtiiean, vrrv plmrinila 
rurn anii fi u.U or.c of thc Eana 

fo-injie/ aconntry and city of Sardi*, ia./. the cliief i'ny rflr. 

ihice ihlands of ihis 

otic,(I;c liir(cciliu tl,r lcniim sca, Sarcpta, opp- Sarphst. 

Biatntthc bavof Coiijiih.uiiilLr SL.niiatn, ar. m. larii-atiin. 

Sarn.itia, Tc.f. a brj;i- neriiiJi 

-oi."-try,pai't wlivnof i".rt 'lini 

iiii, culleil (lircartni* aml Tirir 1 . 

c- Jiinci vu edut-uu-d. antl tlu' ctlier in Kurnpc ron'*iii.'V 

Jupitcr; h il. Samo; 1'oland, 1'msaia, 1» 

|.i] a lliini in Thrauc, for ilis- 
lliu-lioil more comnuinly culleil 
Sniiiulliiuria, in tlic jKgc&n «cn. 
iiinioic.ta, /p.Kccnipnat in Sjria 

ii-. -:ur,o;l,i',,ce.,-s & Saiiuitliraria. s 
/. SaiuBiiitrnchi, un ialund ncat 
l.ciiii.i.B, nol fiir fium Thracc 

« crc nunit soli.ii uily 

aml partof Mil-rnir. 

-'amicntua, i. m». a silly hift*- 

thmijjli rf an c(]iiL-atriunf»?< 

incits !iinti».ilic ptlfafftf*, nnis. m. thcmin»'* ; 
■rlir Landumiat htr «*■'»? i 

u!,r.,.li.W lioV."i".itcAl.. r ,-\v 
«•i-i< ,">■'. .itni II.-» •.t'.iv»l'A'-"\ 
I...... . . .... ..i- i\....,\-\ 

iiiost olllic ParUiiau|sarHiniii< a, mn. arij. Tyri» 
jSiirraite», f»/i. of Italy. 

'. tiii ingciuous pui'1- Siirsna, o/,l.. ^asajnain Itih 

m •" „. -...,.,. is.ii. tlic 4'ltli<iliiii-j:;:i!irnli, opp. ".'asenainMF- 

». .V.-'. \iV,iA, t-V.i \w.v-v\tA vt,\« vci'Mi-:..trj.n, Inrn*. nf llsly 





wardsofthrec;itbegiaBe-' ariverof Troas, risUg eut •fSc^tha v &Scfthe8,^/.8cythx, Scy- 
>cr the 17th ; Ibut the wo-| mount Idm and runuing intothc thianM *cry ancient peoplc,who 
ii was kept in Uic beginning- Archipelago, over-against thc is- extcnded their government far 
arch, for the calends of thatj land of Tenedos and wide in the north, and parU 

h were sacred te Juno, andScandia.x /the island of Scandia,] of Asiabut possessed themselve» 
d also Mutronalia #r Schonen,bcyond the Orkneys; 

liavx. f [1] a name of Juno, alto the rcgion between the Bal- 
Laugliter of Satiirn ; [2] thc tic and the Northern sea; h* d. 
j of a Roxnan colony, and al- Scandinavia and Scandinia 
Italy. Scandinavia,«/.Swcdcn and Nor- 

lini, drum. plmm people of way. 
any Scaptia, <pp. of Italy. 

imus, i. at. L» Antonius Sa- ScSnitx, p p of Arabis> 
mis, who, being abused bylSciathos, in§. Sciato. 
itian, raiscd a civil war iniScTpio, 6nis. nu the surname of a 

iany, and was there taken 

vis»i.iii the son of Coclusand 
a, t Vesta,whom somc call 
attghter ; ©r, as Plato, of O- 
js andTethvs. 
fluv. Saone rn Italy. 
r\Xtx 9 pop. pr. Muscovy 
,j!uv. Save, Saw. 

i pjople of Germany, first 

ioned by Ptolemy, who liv- 

the reign of M. Aureliua : 

noble family in Kome; firct giv 
en to P.rornelius,who was aSci- 
pio. or stafTto his father, leading 
mm about when blind 

SOon, dwu m. a famous robber 
slain by Theseus, 

Scl&v&ma* ac. / a country so osll- 
ed from the Sclavi, a stout peo- 
ple of Germany; it was formerly 

>nis. m. UJrtq. pL Saxones, called Pannoma interamnis, be- 

omuseof ita situationbctween the 
Sate and the Drave. 
Scodra, «pp. Scutari. 

were once mastcrsof agoodjflcordisci. p p. of Servia. 
)f Gcnnany; great numbers3c6tia. x. f. the northcr 

northcrn part of 

em scttled in England ;' Great Dritain. called Scotiand, a 

ofthegreater part of Europe; 
for the oid Germans, Gauls, llly- 
rians, Spaniards, and Britons, 
were Celto Scythae: their frugaU 
ity, justice. honour. and chastity, 
are even preferred by a learned 
Roman to those of his own coun- 
try; nor were they unlearnedfor 
a warlike nation. 

Scythia, * /the country of the 
Crim Tartars properly butafter- 
wards all Sannatia, and farthor 
stiu>s they extended their con?» 

Scythia Miatica, Great Tartary. 
Ewop*. Crim Tartary. 
intn Imawn. 
*x$. Imaum pr. Cathay. 

Scythfcus. a, um. ad§. Scythii 

Scythldes» um. pl.f. Scythian 

Scythissa, «./. a Scythian woman. 

Sebaste, opp. Sebastio in Syria. 

Sebastia •/>/>. Sivas in Cappadocia. 

Sebtthtis Jluv. in Italy. 

Sediuii, /wp. pr. Swabia. 

Segesta, opp. Castel a\ mare in Sir 

cUy. (Hampshirc. 

Segontiaci, bopul. ofSilccstcr ia 

ice the pcoplc of Walescall very ancicnt kingdom. 
'«nglisli Saissons. ScOticut, a, um. <uff. of the Scots, 

orta, a gate of Troy. Scottish. j 

la,x. m. Mutius Scxvola, so Scdtus, i. m. & pl. Sc6ti,people oFSij^dvia. tpp of Spain. 
i, because, having attempt-l Scotland, Scots. (ly.Sejanus,i m tAe son of Sejus Stra- 

• kill Porsena king of Tus- Scylacseum rpp* Squillace in Sici-j bo, an ecjuestrian ' this man wa^ 
in his tent, he bunit off' his!scy')a,ac f.a dangeroiis rock in the by Tibenusraised to the highest 
hand in theking^sprescncel midway between Italy and Sicily dignity next to himself; butcon- 
Hit flinchine,because it liad|Sc?ros,i./au island in the Archi- spiring against his master, he 
iutake killed onc of the no-| pclago, where Achilles hid him- wms put to death, and dragged 
nstead of the kin^; whicli, self m women's apparel,for fearj tlirough the strcetsof Itomc. 

ofgoing to the warsof Troy: it Seir, m ru. Sardenay . 
is one of the Cyclades, and 15 .Selcucia, opp. Babylvni** Bagdafc 
miles from Dcloi, au< %, ^wti^ «A ^^»»^^»»^ 

untcd act so surpnscd 
that hc pardoaed him. 
s,/ur. Schcld. 
indcr, r*JSc&qr a «. i. 



gio di Scyre. 

\%WtkTVK ^^^K* 5 »^' 

57* SEQ 

PierU, Soldin. 

Beleucus.i. m. one of A]exaiidcr*t 
csptnins.who aftcr tiis death uu 
«1 on Syria, and was firatfound- 
er of thekingdom. 

Selinus, «pp Vilidie, 


Belj-mbria, . pp, Selombria. 

SemHe, e». f the rqother of Bac- 
chui by Jupitcr, 

SSmirimiB, Jdia. f the widow 
JVinus king of Assyria, whc- pnt- 
tinjr on man'n appnccl, afterhav- 
ing done njnnv jjrcat esploits iii 
the diguise of her 1011, confessed 
Iier sux,and »as themore 
cd by her people. 

jBcjik, Gallica, Srnefraijli» 

TutcU, siena. 
SeniSca, ■. m, , 1] Marcus Annat- 
MsScneca.of thc equestrianrank, 
jh leanicd man^uida good orator; 
[2] Lucius, hia son, born attor- 
lUiba in Spain, wis uir.-le te I.n- 
can the poct,andappoinledtuti<t 
to Ncro by AgTippina,who rccal]- 
edhim from banishmcntj hc «u 
mnorator, philosopher. poet, 
historiau.and became eicccding 
■icluNcro cauied hiin to blccd a people of thc 
ancient rac.e of thc Celts, inhab- 
iting the I jonnois in t.aul, who, 
«liuicr iheir iLvuicr Brennils,sack- 
«d and biirnt Itome, and besicjr- 
«d thc mpilol, but were defeat 
ed by tlic dictatnr Cjiuillusrtlieii 
capitsl city i* Sens. 
■ Scnla, x.f the tluigfiter of king 
Pictia, und wifc of Faunus " ' 
brollier: so chaste, tliat sliu 
nevcr uccn aller she wai ntarriedJSiceli 
by any but lier liusband. 

Scpiniim, app. uf ltaly. 

SGquiina, Htt». Swne m l'r».iwj> 


Sequini, poptlui, of BuriJUJtdy iti 
France. (tians. 

-icrflpis,is <n. * god of tho Bgyp- 

Sere», pvp . ofCathay, 

Sergesttis, i- m. one of the com- 
panious of Cieu 
. Scnria, i.f. one of the 170 ma- 
is condemned for poisoning 
airofthecity afRome. 

Seriphus, ini. Seiphino. 
oF Sertdriut, i. m. ■ noble Roman, of 
Msrius's parly. 

Scrv-ius, i. m. TnDius, tbe sittli 
king of Rotue born ofacaptiTe: 
he rcigned 44 yeari, aiul was 
killed by L Tarquinius. 
icauntrii, is. Egyptiaii king, 
who causcd captive kinfpi to 
dnw his cliariut. 

Seitos, wiSestus, i./.Sesto.a city 
iii thc Thracian Chcnoiiesus.op- 
poaite to Abydos,fiimousforthe 
lovea if Hero und Lesnder. 

Ittabi», npp. of Spain. 

jttia, jpp. of IlaJy. 

icvenu, i. th- a Itoman empcror, 
who uriccceilcd Djdiu» Julianus 

A ■ l ' . 9 '{ i. a 1 1 ; 1 e nlargedthebomiils 
of the empire; hc huilt thc Ficu 
wall in Gngland from sca to sea. 
and dicd at York. 

libylla,Jr/.a woman whoprctend- 
cd to bedivinelv inapired; Var- 
ro reckons 10 of thein, othera 7, 
others niorc, orfcwer, tlie mosi 
iderable wcre the Fersian 

the altar for the tucr» i£ 

Slchem, »pp. Naplouze. 
Sicilia, x f. a larg-e and fc 

land, betweejt Africa and 
Slciniu*, gui U ai. Bicriu 

Utiia,;. m a valiunt soldie 

bcpniiiiigcjfthe coBtulirj 


Sic6ris,/up. ]e Segre is f\ 
Slcillii Bnim, pl. m. SirituM 
"Tcyoli, opp. Baiilicain Gn 

idlcinum, thfi. TnnainHt 
=<Tilon, fiv\*.f. a cityof n> 

tbrmerlv the mctropoiii ibi 

htit. Skyde. 
Sidoniti», ft, nm. aij. Siim 

«Eiiia, opp. Scgni in IlaJj-. 
manus, i. m. tbe son-ui-b" 
Claudiiu Cwsijr, wboile» * 

iicnmbri, m. a pcopli 

of Cuclderlandand Zutphen.who 
marched into Italy, but, bcing 
cspellcd thence,scttlud in sicilv 

iiciuia, x.f. Sieily. 

idis. adj. ptic«t ofHer- 
cules, and liusliand olDido, alain 
by bis brother V ygnwliun bcfoit: 

, ^id fiven hcrtoSei». 

SllenusJ. rn.the fostc^fi*» , 
pedagoguc of Bictbtt rf| 
sented as a littlc Aat-iMBi* 1 
tunhellied, old, dlual»'* 
riding on an ass^and yet itfa* 
cd the goduf abitniK*;* 11 
a.,d knou-lcdge. 

Siliircs, m. thEpejp 1 
uth Wale» . 

Ja;thus.Jft^■.l»JareWlll , ! 

Slmois, tuv Chiiimi nntW 
i.moiiidea, is, m. »J"*»j" 
whu tirstinveiHedtJie**" 
mot^'1 abotlie thrtc IW*' 
tcrs, epsilon, pai, theta: b* 
cemuired for hiii coreto«*«" 
cenary, Uiough perbtpi 1 ** 
wiis not free from itull^ 

Sina, «./, the inosi tspw** 1 
erapire in ia* • 





s. m. a crafty perjured 
ho deludcd the Trajant» 
ito their city the Greci- 
full of armed men, who 
m thence in tbe night, 
tie gutes^and let intheir 
iO sacked and bumt the 
h had held out 10 years 

./. acity of Pontus, the 

e of Diogcnes the cynic 

opp. Kocca di Mandro 

iu. Siiano. 

1 °PP' Sponto in Italy. 

f a city and mountain 


ed.t<ep-pf. Hlrcnca, poct 

tcrs,partly virgins,part 

feigncd to have lived 
astof Sicily,and hy thcir 
lging temptcd passen- 
ihore to their dcstruc- 
nc make threc of them, 
ily two- 

nifi* Sermione. 
f)p Simach in Germany. 
p. Almaden in Spain. 

8, is. f a bemutiful lady, 
cr o{ Darius. 
i. m. thc son of JEolgt, 
tlj* infested Attica with 
:ncs ; hc was slain by 
and by the poets con 
in hell to the vain U 
•lling a*great stone to the 
nountain, from whencc 
i on his hcad. 
e. / a part of Thrace. 
a, um. adj. Thracian. 
:is./ a beautiful virgin, 
by Crocus. 

title of A 

time city of Ionia. \ Lacedcmonian. 

Sdcrates, is. m. the son of Sophro- Spercheos, & Spcrehlus, Jvv. A- 

nitcus,a stone cutterof meanfor 
tune, and Panafete, a midwife ; 
an Athenian philosopher, reck- 
oned the wisest man of his time. 
Sogdi&na, regio. Zatagay in Asia- 
S61oe,es./ vel 861i, 6rum. pL m. a 
city of Cilicia, thc birthplace of 
Aratus ; also of Chrysippus thc 
philosopher, and of Philemon 
the comic poet : Solon is said to 
havc placed a colony of Atheni 

the purity of their language,gave 

occasion to the Greeks to caJl c- 

very comiption in speech, a so- 

S6)on,6nis.m. one of the wise men 

of Grecce,the lawgiver of the A- 

Solymae, anim. pL / the city of 


S6phf nc, reg. of Phoenicia. 
Sbphbcles, is. m. a tragic poet, to 

wliom Cicero giveth thc epithct 

of divine : he was cotemporary 

with Pericles. 
Sdra, <pp in Italy. 
Sftracte, mono. 8 Sylvcstro. 
Sdt&dcs, is. m. % lascirious poet 

of Crete. 

griomela in Thcssaly. 

Sphinx, gis, & gos. f. a poetkal 
monster, witli the facc of a vir- 
gin, wings like a bird,a body like 
a dog, and claws like a lion : she 
kcpt near Thebes, and destroy- 
ed many. 

Spoletum.opjh. Spoleto in Italy. 

Spdrades, um. pl. / islands scat- 
tcred in the Archipelago, about 
12 whereof are inhabited. 

ansthere; andthcsc forgetting Bpiirinna, *./ a mathematician, 

who warned Cxsar to bcware of 
thc idcs of March. 

Stabiae, epp. Stabia in Italv. 

Staglra, opp. JLiba nona m Mace- 

St&tius, i. m. [1] a Latin comic 
poct, cotcinporary witli Ennius : 
Cicero findcth fault with his La- 
tin, but Horace admireth his gra- 
vity; [2J Papinius,a hcroic po- 
ettwho aspircd to the majesty of 
Virgil, and is by some accountcd 
next to him ; others chargc him 
with aflectation- 

Stella, ae. m. a poet of Padua. 

Stellatis agcr, Campo Mazzone. 

Stentor, 5ris. m. a Grccian, who 
had as loud a voicc as 50 men 

Spartn, x. vel Sparte, es. / a city 

of Peloponnesus, which ancient- Stefepe,ca./ onc of thc Pleiadcs. 
Jy had no walls,the valour of the Sterdpes, is. m. the son of Yulcan, 
iiihabitanta being its best secu- 1 andone of the Cyclops. 
rity ; hod. Muaithra. {Sterqullius, Stenjufllnus, Stercu- 

Spartacua, i. m. a Thracian, first tus, vel StcrcQUus, i. m. the son 
a soldier, then a robber, after- of Kaunus, and the god that first 
wards a gladiator, and lastly a found outthe way tomanure landa 
leaderofrebelslaveswhofcfeat-Stesfch6rus,i. m anexcellentpo- 
ed several Roman armies, but at et of Sicily, whoflourishcd about 
length was overcome by M. Cras- 600 years befbre Christ 
sus, and fcll in the ficld. Sthen£lus;i. m. a Grecian reneral. 

Spartani, orura, pl. m. Spartan*. 8then6b<ra,x/the wife of Prxtu* 
r fem. an ancient mari-|Sparttnus, a, um. adj. Spartan, Stofci, flrum. pl m. philotophe» 

t, cos. m. a 

ud the manied hia enemy Sah 
Ju»t,and aftenrardi aleiaah Cor- 
fimiK «tw tiveet lu3yc*n- 

Terentiui, i. "- [1] M. -Terenti- 
Virro, coten— — - 5,k "'■- 
ero, accountcd 
*f all the Komatu: he Uaaid to . 

" have written JU0volume»,butwe 
liue only hia booki of huabandri 
atot entire; [2] P. Terei.tiua, tr"- 
■freedroan of Terentiua Lucaai 

on tlie CimbrUn* a littjc beforij ittieren jrateai [3] ai 
'Cjeaar*» time they eia,the birtbplace of A 
caltcd (.ennini. Htctor'» wife. 

ThaU.ldi»/a fiunoua courteian atThCbiua, fdU/ thatpa 
' Athen»,ce.ebrated by Meuandtr. neit to EtbiopU, Th< 

Tergcite, •»ft.Tric»te. 

Tcrina, rpp. Nuccri in Italj. 

Terviesiui, opp. Termaain j 

Termlnus, ».. m. the tutclar god 
ofhoundn, 10 ob»tinate in kccp- 
iiuj bU place, ttlat hc would not 
ttir aa inch for Jupiter 

TerpslehBre es._/«n. one of thc 
ninc Huses 

Tethvo yos, & is. f. the daughtei 
of Codui and Terra, wife of Ocr 
anns, andraother of thc nymplis, 

Tetrlca. ai >». di. S- Ciovanni 

Teuca,*. / a raartial queen of the 

T. Coruucanut, Koinau anibssaa. 

dors. to deatli . 
Teucer, cri ni. tlic son of 1-camai.- 

der Cretenii», and the fathei 

law of DardiuiuB, who reiguod 

with him 
Teiicri, orum. pL m. TrojsuiJ 
Teucria, st./. Troy. 
Teumenus, m ni. ofBvotU. 
Teuthrantium, °pp. of Attica. 
.Teittones, um. pl. m. qui & Teu 

of the aeven wUe men ofThemu. IdU. /. thc 4 
Greece, chiefly famoua tn ethics CkIu» and Terra, ai 
and aitronomy: be firat flmtoU Satufli: ahe had an 
the eclipse of the iun. in the the rjver Cephiaua 

Aleiander, iuj orator in tbe titnc o 

_.. byhim. . | ror JuIUa : he preva 

of the nine Muaes i emperor Valenatobe 
#atm :• I Bgunatthe orthodox 


Thamjraa, « m. vel ThamyrU, 

excettent inusician, who;" 

iged the Muaea, and beingj ocles, and a famou 

lwit botb bU eyea and comm&nder, who d 

theni and const. 

Greece, froin thc mi) 

Xerxea; but wai aft< 

Theocritua, i m. ■ pc 
cuse in the time of I 
non of Ij-go*. he wr 
in the Uoric and loi; 
and ia imitated by V 

Theodcctca, U. «. an 

\. f. a maritime town of 
hcrc Ccaurdefeatedthe 
of Pompey'a army 
TliSsu», int. 1'.no. 
Thaumantiaa, adi» tc Thauman- 
tis, Tdis /. Iriu, the diughter ol 
Theagenes U. m. the name ofae- 
veral Greciana, three whereof 
wcre AthertUni: one «i 
Ilomeri anotherwa* 

hlyrUna, who put P. Juniui and ed Capnua, ■ e. «motce. being i 

'"'" "— "-"" ■"'— "1- gfcat promiser, but perfbrm»i| 

nothing; a third, very rich, ani 
beneficent to all. 
rhebz, arum. pl /. 8t Thebe, es 
/ [1] a city in Egypt, built bj 
Busiris k! ng of Egypt, and call 
ed Heliopolis, ar the city of th< 
■un.famou» for having 1^0 gate . 
bence called by Homer lleca- 
toinnyloa; [3] another in Rr— 
tia, built by Cadmus the aon 

(oni>B aiicient peop\ehoi4«i«i^ ^t»<-t,!»JJud Hepupylo», froiii 

gcdiea, and tbc art 
in vcne;he ii caUed i 
ter.both by ArUtotle i 
rhcbdftru», i m a G 
birth,but rather cho» 
ed a RhodUn-. Tiberii 
exile at Bbodea, »«' 

TheodSiia, «pp C-affa. 

Theodotua, L auu a l 
who adviaed the kiui 
pey, and nt therei» 





rnis, fdis m a poet of Ma-Thermse, opp Termini in Sicily. Thftmyris. is/aqueen of Scythia, 
nearAttica, whose Scnten-Thermaieus sinus, gulf of Saloni- against whom Cyrus is said to 
re quoted by tlie most con- chi. Itave Ied an army; whom she 

ablc <»reek writcrs. ThermQdon. fiuv. of Cappadocia took prisoner cut off his head» 

i,rtni>.m. a;i unleariied,carp- and Thrace. andthrewitintoavessel oiblood, 

Tammarian. Thermftpylac, arum. pl. / ttraitsl saying-, Thou didst thirst after 

linus a ( um atij. of Theon. ! that run between the mountains; blood, takc thy filf of it. 
>.ianes is. m. a historian of of Thessaly and Phocis, which!Thraces,um pi. m. & $ing. Thrax, 
len»* f who urote the acts of; divide Greece, where Lionidasj Thraeian. 

pey thc Grent and was by king of Sparta opposcd a vastiThracia, ac / a country in the far- 
presented wuh the freedom army ofPersians; hod. Boccadi thest eastern partof Europe;A*w£ 
ome ! Lupo. Uomania 

ihihis, i. m a friend of St.Theseus, i. m. the son of JEgeusThracius & Thrctcius, a, um. adj. 
t. | king of Athcns, and /Ethra; re-' Thracian. 

)h~astus, i m. a Peripatetic' lated to Hercules whose action#Thracea x m. Paetus, a Roman 

>sopher who succeeded A 

tle in his school; his booksThSsides. x. m. Hippolvtus,.the andthe public good: being mcr 

ants, and moral characters, 


pftlemus,i. m one who, with 

>rother Hiero, robbcd the 

)lc of Apollo. 

son of Theseui 
Thespiz opp. of Baeotia. 

pompua, i. m a Snidian ora- proved by Aischylus within 100 with others,banishedby thethir 

md historian, of chief note 
to Herodotus and Thncydi- 
but too severe. 
sena, */. a Thessalian lady, 
. to prevent falling- in*o the 
Is ofPhilip of Macedon.whose 
i were come up with her, 
: hcr own and her sister^s 
Iren their choicc to dic by 
iword or poison; w'iich be- 
lone, she embraced licr hus- 
I, and both Icaped into the 

i, iru. Santerini. 
unenes, is. m. an Athenian 
isopher, an evcellent politi- 
and a pood speaker; so he 
in death, that taking nis cup 
>is->n, here's to Critias, said 
ind so drank it up. 
unne, pp. of Laconia. 
ipnae, C>-et* pr. Ampela. 
Lacotu Zamora. 

he imitated. 

senator, a gTeat lover of Uberty, 

cused by Nero's sycophants, he 
suffered with great constancy. 

Thespis, is m an Athenian poet^Thrasius. i m. & Thraseas, *. m. 
the mventor of Trajredy, abouti -----» —~^ 

2,300 years ajro; which wai im- 

a noted soothsaver 
Thi-asybulus, i. m. an Athenian, 

years after, and «ince him adorn- ty tyrants, but by thc help ^f 
ed by Sophocles Lysandcr he recalled the exilei» 

Thespr6tia pp of Epinis. and settlcd the state. 

Thessalia, x/ Thessaly, hod. Jan- rhreis»us, 8c Thressus, a, um.a(jj. 
na, a country of Orccce. and a Thracian. 

part of Macedenia; but some Thiicydides, is. m. thc son of O- 
make it distinct, lyin/r betweeix lorus; an Athenian historian of 

Maccdonia northward and Bxo- 
tia southward 
Thessalis, Ydii adj. Thessalian. 

jrreat learning-, probitv, and gra- 
vity, cotemporary withHerodo- 


Thess^lonica, ac / the metropolisThfile, es/. an island the most re- 
of Maccdonia; hod, Salonica- mote n the northem partscith- 

Thessahs, a, um. adj Thessalian. er known to the Komans, or de- 
Thcsttirfdes, is m. Calchas, thc scribcd by the pocts: Pliny, So- 
son of Thestor. linus and Mela, takc it for Ice- 

Thetis idis & idos /. the daug-h- land; Camden and others take 
ter of Neptune, or. as oth rs, of it to be Shctland, still calied by 
Nereus, wife of Pcleus kinjr of wam.n Thylcnscl. 
Thessaly, and mnthcr of Achil-Thnrii, drum. p( m. 8c Thurium, 
les; also the sca ina distnct and town of Majrna 

Theumesits, mons of Rrcotia. Gr<ccia,the place where Hcrodo- 

rhisbe,es/. the unhappy mistresd! tus lived and died 

of Pyramu*. 

♦ThUSCU> K» f » «MNBsa. v* ^5Si»sA^ 


TliyuiUr*, *./ a place 111 TM 
whure Apollu liad » lemple. 

T]ltOllliil)Lls, &. TllJOllCUB. i. 

bris, s. Tybris, & Ti 
Uiiiou:. nver Tiber 
edatfirst Alhiila. 
Tiberis», ii-iis-/ T»h»ria, i 
Ol Coliii-e, buili by llcrod i 
tiujr ol Tibcr 


ii Nazarethi and a laki 
•aine narae.alsu called thi 
11, i. m, the third Rqmmii 

■,v. Teiiae in Gcrmany. 

Tiuull.n"i. m. Albiua, »n elegiai: 
poet, inurume witb Moracc nnd 

Tlbur b Tjbur, iiris. n. Tifoli, n 
Tivoli, a pUasant city of Italy, 
16 milea froin Horae, on thc rivei 

Tib iirn iij, i. m. the aon of Ainphi- 
■r»ii». who with lii" brotlicr Ca- 
tilm», or- Catilm, built Tibcr. 

Ticnium, opp. Pavia in Itaiy. 

Ticinus. 1uv. TeainO ni UiJt.' 

iii,i. aj,,rm,j..iiiM 
Kupln-atca, mid fajleth into tbe 
Persiau gulfj had. Tigrio. 

ligunni, pop. of Zurich. 

1'mixui, i ra. i Pythagorean phi 
losopher, wlioae order Aristotlt 
followed in the diipoiition of bii 

rimlgcnci.i. n. a rhctorician and 
hiatorianot Alexandria, brought 
a captive to llome. and redeem- 
cd by Faurtua the khi of Syila- 
he aaid niusic waa tbe mo»t an- 
cient of all the aciencea. 

Timagbni*, *. m. »n Atbenian, 
«ho bcing aent an envov into i 
Peraia, edorcdthe kingafterl" 
Feraian mannen for whicb. 



livcd in th. 

of Itahr. 
»n Athenita 
ime of the Pclapon- 
ne»an war, be w». cJkd — 
aanthropui. *r the m»n-bat 
becauae having spcnt a great 
tate on bia frierida, wbo efter. 
wartli deaerted him, he m 
disliked the wholc apccie». 
Timdtheu». i. m. (11 theapn «f 

pnte igainat 
piter, who ir 
the gift of pi 
liro, oni» m 
Ciceio,» v«r 
he nimself ci 

of tii» famili 
wholly to hii 
charactera, t. 

Ti tan, ia. vM 
»nn of CnJn 
der brother 
.□■{Jiiered, t 





'1] the son of Vespa- 
venlh Roman cmpe 
1 a man, that he was 

delitfht of mankind ; 

fn was only two yearslTrallcs. of Chora in Asia 

jnths; [2] another, & Trapczus, opp Trebisond in Asia 

of8t Paul 
i. a shephcrd in Vir- 

the son of Tcrra, a 
wbom Jupiter struck 
H forendcavourinjr to 
:>na; he was sent to 
lie covcrednine acrcs 
icn strctched out on 
,\vith yu tures d«voi.r- 
raifs, which grew as 
. i. m. the son of ller- 

Tholouse in France 
*pp. Ztilpich in BeJgi- 

culogy of Ontimus Princcps, as plc of Middlesex, Essex, and 
his coins still witness: onlv one Hcrttbrdshire 
senatoi* suftered during his reign Tnoeala, pp Troccoli in Italy. 
of 19 ycars and six months. TrTpolis, *1fric* t } 

L*idia f V 

Phajiic. j 

Tripoli # 

TrasyinSnus, vel TrasimSnus, TWTripttfleinus, i m. the son ofCe- 
TrtsimSnius lacus, a lake ncar leus, kinjr of Eleusinia in Attica: 
Pcrusia in Tuscany, famous for he was sent by Ceres to teach 
the buttle fotight between Fla- the peoplc of every country to, 
minius the Honian consul and ploujrh and sow, bccause his fa-* 
Hannihal. ; therhad kindJy cntcrtainedhcr 

Treh~itius,i m an cqucstrian, a when in scarch of hcr daughlcr 
gf.ol soMicr, a jroud lawyer, and Proscrpina • 
a jrood mun; greatly belovcd byTrrquctnis, n, um. utlj. Sicilian. 
Ciesar.nor lcss dear to Augnistiisr.Trismefristus, i. m. an Fgyptian so 

callcd, hccausc he was a philoao 
pher, a]>ricst,anda king. 
Trito.i. onis. & nos. m. the son of 
Neptune and Aniphitrite; his 
bust isofaman, his lowcr parts 
of a fish; his fAre fcet are likc 
those of a horse, histail is forkcd 
in a the pocts make 

Ciccro freqnently wrote to hini, 
und IIoTuce was intimatc witl 

Ast\oche, who was|Trebelliiis, i. m. Trebcllitis Max- 

lrpedon, comroandcr 


ih. ofPhrygia. 

imus, a governor ofBritain, sor 

didly covetotis. 
Trcbla./iir ofltaly 
Trebfinius, i m. one whoconspir- 

Rabba in Pontus. 

m the cojrnomen of 
ius, from a gold chain 
le spoil of a Gaul bv 
L U. 393; which the 
nily wore for a badgc 
till it wastaken froui 
"aius Caesar; hc bc 
son for fi|rhtingwith- 
er, thoughhc gotthc 
i brotight home the 
ts ttirice consul, and 

tp. of Thessaly. 
reg. Ilacar 

m the fourteenth em- 
lome, a Spaniard by 
ian deservedly com 
' his civil and military 

ed with Brutus and Cassius to 

assassinate Jitlius Cxsar hut wasTritft:: a, sc 

trcpanned aad slain by Dolabel , Pullas. 

la at Smyrna. " Trivia, x. f 

Trcbula. opp Trentola in Italv. 
Treviri, pp. Triers in Geimany 
Tnhalli, p p. of Bulgaria. 
Tribocci, pop. pr Strasbtirg. 
Tricca. pp- Tricali in Thcssaly. 
Tridenturn. i n. Tront, a city in 

the north of ltaly,famousforthe 

ccclcsiastical council therc be- 

h-in Kcptune'* tmmpcter 

'" - & Thtonis, Idis./. 

Diana, so callcd, be- 
cause slie was fabled to have 
three faces that of Luna in hca- 
ven Dianaon earth and Hecate 
in ficll; or t as others, because 
she prcsidcd ovcr thc trivia, or 
Troas, adis f. a countrv in the 

.«•s-icr Asia near the Heliespon 
alled also Phmria Minor. 

gim. A. I). 1545, and contiuuedl caueci aiso rnrygia 
for 18 vcars rjroei: i, uvtit /»»•. Tabi. 

Trict€rlca 6nim. pl. n. a fcstival Trcczen, opp Trezina in Greece. 

to Bacchus every thrce years. 
TrTmontium, opp pr. Adrianople 
rrinacria, x /. the island of Sici- 
ly t so called from its three pro- 
mentories and triangular form. 
JTrli ^crius, a. um adj. Sicihuii 
tenate g%ve him thc TriiidViaaU», m, Uic pco- 


Trrf'.rlftdyta\ amm. pl m % peo- 
ple bordrringupon Ethiopianear 
the Arabian : ulf, who live in 
caves; whencc they have their 

Troja. ac frm Troy. a city of the 
Lcsser Asia,mott commonlv, but 



1 MMflMk A.D. r«, Sepk*aber 

'Ve*u, av/ two goddease» of thii 
naroe,tbe one thc goddeH of fire, 
the other of tho esrtb; and hei 
itmge i» aeen on Roman cstru, 
with attributea auitable tobota 
£re and earth. Hinc Vert»k» 
ginea, the vestal virgiiia, obEi 
bj r«» to chaatity, and had iii 
great reTcrence;but if they brokc 
their tow, were buried »1its> 

Veatini, pip bf Italy. 

Vesnlita, mmt. Viao in Italj. 

V«erv. caitra, e/>/i. Santelu 

Vcttfine», »..,&. ofSpain. 

Ufens, '«d. Portatore in Italy. 

Vlbiun, Vlriua, i. *. a senator o) 
Capua, who diaauaded the aur- 
nnder of the cily to the ~ 
and afterwarda, with 27 
more, embraced each other, 
drank poison and itied. 

Vienna, ipfi. Vienne in Savoy 

Vicnna,«./the mctropolia of Auv 

Vinilellci ptp. pr Bavaria. 

Virbius.i . - . a descendsnt of Hip- 
polytus, who was 10 called, be- 
cauae intcr viros bii fuerit. being 
reetored to lifc by iEscuia,i 

Virgiliu», !. ». Virgil, the \» 
of Latin poeta, bom at Hanti 
lUly the I4th ot Octobcr, il 
conaulate of Pompey and Craa- 


firtlii, utis./ ■ goddess worship- 
ped by the Romans. l!«r u-m|ili 
Waj drdicated t>y U KofWNi 
atttic Purta Capeiia, and that of 
Honour ncar it,so that the way to 
Waicniplc mustbe thruuph hers. 
ViitJilu, ?rf Visiila, x./. the Wei. 
•elt agreat riverof Pol.Liiil » iii. I 
divideth Germany from Sartnatia: 
" ariieth in mnunt Crapnx in Sii- 
lia, and falleth into the lUltic. 
Iiro , the Weaer in Ger- 

Rojxuuu, Visu, : . .. 

Virgfnia, -■ f. » Roman virgin, 
whom her own father Lucius Vir- 
ginitis, a Itoman ccnturinn, tc 
preTent her being expoaed to the 
luat of Appius, stabbed ln tbc 
middle of the forum; and then 
madehiaway totbe camp, and 
aoincensed the soldiers,tliat tliey 
marched to the city and put an 
eiiii to the decemvirsl power- 
Yirititnt, i. m. *. Spuuaxd, w\m , 


after he had been a shepherd, 
htmter, and nsoldicr, was madc 
ngencnd,and routcil several Ro- 
otan coinmiiiiilen. Afler 14 ycari 
of command, iuvincible in thc 
flel 1, he fcll Liy domestic trcach- 


ViteliiiiBjii.m the ninth Ronun et 
pcror a cuvetuous man, and 
(Treat i-aUTUiiil i.Iriiitcr;iiisarniy, 
forli.i i irioiu litt, iliiMi-kil luiii. 
and [)ri)i:l;iinii.'d Yrsjiiiii.MiiJii.l ln 
uputtodtatb igiioiiiiiiiimal) 
the 8th moulli of his reign 

Vitriii ;i... ii r.i ilI-iii.i.ii-. . n (■ i 
and archittect in tbe tim.; uf Juli- 

a.|*Jtysua partua, Porto Loijiiiii». 
Dmber- Upl- fmbri, tbeptoplcW 
timbria, i./ a «paciou» countri 
ob both sides of ihe Apcnnnel, 
1 Jmbro, fiuv Ombrone in Italy. 
"obisca, epp. ofSpain. 
ocontii, /'..'•. of Gaul. 
Vogcsu», maiu. Vaugo- 
Vfltalewie, opp Voitcrra in I* 
^olesu», i. m a proconsul of lo 
under Augustus, who havinj «■ 
headed SOo in onc day, stniHel 
among thedead bodies, unlai. 
ed out, O nrm rc^iuin * 
"olaci, .-..1-11111. /.;. n ■.. r ' ■■■; . 4 
Lalitim, in Caiupanii Runiua. 
whose oietropolis waa Atisu. 
Vokcui, a, tun cuf/. Vobciaa. 
VulsEnum, -,/./: <3olsena in \J 
Vomiinum, iuv. Vouia num ia Wr 
Vfipiseita,!. m- FlaTiua.a biap> 
pher, wba.under Diocleauad 
Cona&anliua Chlorua, w-ratt<t> 
livcsof HM of the Ronaaaa. 

1'lpiriini.. i. m. a Tyrian by birth, 
uj'i(. Ilem bogftt intLereign 
of Alc^nndcr Severus, to whom 
he was mastcr of the rolla 

Ulubnv.o/:/.. of Italy 

"JlyssLi, ia. m. tbc aon of Latrtcs, 
and kini;- ijltli-.- i ?.?:i i llIs. tthacaand 
DuBchium. Ile wnsthemost clo- 

autnt, poiitic, and wisc comtnan 
erofajthe Greeha who wenl 
tothc sicge of Troy. Aftcr the 
destniciioii of Troy, hc miliered 
many bnnisliipafor ter 
tat6B»te.Wtu bomc. 

iranla, *./. ScUritrue, «. /»> 
dsugtiter of Jupiterand UaVa)> 
ayne, the goddeaa Thoptw 
eth in astronotny ;<mi <■'. :'-.-. * 

Jsipetes, p p pr- Iles*e. 

UsUca, miiu. In ItaJy. 

Uttca, x-f. Biaeate, an inlantl oi> 

of Africa, in tln- couDtrrofTa. 

nis, built by a Ty riau ccJttaTatai 

noted fbr the suicide ttf Cato. 
Vidcanalia, um. & firum. A(**at 

feastsin honour -^. ■, ■ ■ . 

jratcd August 22. 

ulcaniua, i n. at§. of, srhtla»;. 

Vulcanus. i. m. tlie aon rf JajiM 
afld Juno, aa Phnrnara*, *i 
Juno alone » Heaiod Heaat 

Jupilttr's i'uinid«r, aaylwiAar 



eop . h 

servants, the Cyclops,forgcdlhim? raeter of the elder Cyrus, he 
bolts.and taught the Lcmniansj drawcth the imagc ofa perfect & 
the smith's tradc, whcuec he is evcry way accomplished prince 

also callcd Mulcibcr 
Vultur, »10«*, ftr. Forenzo in Italy. 
Vulturnum opp > Voltorno in lta 
Vulturnus, Huv. J ly. 
UxeUodunumi opp. pr. Cadcnas. 


XANThippus, i. mas. a valiant 
and successful Spartan com 
mander, who, with thc Cartha- 
ginians, bcat the Roinans, ajid 
took Attilus Kegulus prisoner, 
but was 111 rewarded for his great 

Xantho, xxa.f a sea-nymph. 

Xanthus, \.m. a nvcr ncar Troy. 
called also Scarnander; it riscth 
in mount Ida, and lims into tiu 

Xanlippc, cs./. thc wifc ofSocra- 
tcs, m> imperious and clamorous, 
that siie would Iijlvc becn intol- 
erable even to him, as hc confes 
aed, if she had uot b«rnc liim 

in eight books, in a sweet and 
natural stylc. 
\erxcs. fs. m. a king of Pcrsia, 
aiid the son of Daiius, a very 
haughty prince* but wcak and 
unsucccssful Hemvaded grecce 
with 700,000mcnof hisown king- 
doms, and 300,000 auxitiaries. 
and 12,000 ships: but this nu 
merousarmv wantedacommand- 

er; for thc king, who shouldiZcnodbtus, i. «.[II a grammai 

have led thcm to battlc, was thc 
last in the field, and thc first in 

VW Xcyntus, ins. Zante, in the 

v A lonian sea 

Zalcucus, i m- a Locrensian law- 

giver. who enactcd thatthea- 

dulterers shonld loose their cycs: 

his son was foundguilty, and hc 

in pity of hisson, pullcdoutone 

of his own eyes, and one of hisj of Calais; said to bc wingcd. 

son*s, that two cyes might bc Zcthus, vet Zetus, i. m. tlie twi 

himself. He placed the tummu 
b num in virtue. 
ZEn6bia, x.f the wifc of Odcn 
tus king of the Palmvrians; 
and Egyptian tongucs rcadil 
soon improvcd much in the I- 
tin, and undcrstood the eastei 
history so wcll, that she is sai 
to have epitoinued it. After A 
relian's triumph over hcr, sl 
was uscd vcry courteously, ar 
livcd in Tibur. 

an, kecper ot thc firr»t Ptolcroy 
libruvy at Alexandria,and schoc 
master to his sons; [2 j anothc 
a grammarian likcwisc of Ale 
andria, who rcvised the ccnsun 
of Ari.^archus upon Ilomer: Y 
wrotc against Plato conccrnir 
the gods. 

Zcphyrium, prom cape Rarzai 
in Italy 

Zethcs, vel Zetes i. m- the son 
Ilorcas and Orithyia, and brotu 

Xenocmtcs, i8. fn. a philosophcrj forfcitcd to thc law. I brothor of Amphion 

of < 'halcedon and onc of 1'lato's Zama, x. f Zamora 

acholars at the same timc as Ans 

to say, the fonncr wanted spurs, 

ima, x. f Zamora an island of Zcugma, opp. of Syria. 

Vfrica, thrce days journey from Zeiixcs, is. m. a famous painter* 

totle; of whom their master used Carihagc. Hcrc Scipio jraincd a Ziobcris,./?Mf. pr. Caspian sea. 

grcat victory against Hannibal Zoan opp. Tanes. 

tlic lattcr reins. IIc succcedcd Zauklc, pp pr. Messina in Sicily Zoilusi. w. a trrammarian of An 
Spcisippus in his school. Zcno, onis. m. a citizen of Citium phipolis callcd Ilomcromasti: 

Xenophancs, is. m a philosopher in Cyprus, and the foundcr of or II onv r*s scoiirjrc, bccausc li 
of ('olophun -. he lived in thc thcsectofthc Stoics. The re-' wrote agalnst Hnmcr; hc ah 
fourth Olvmpiad. and wrote a-l putation of his intcgrity was so carped at the writin^s of I'lat< 
^aiimt thc account of thc gods 1 grcat at Athcns, that they left and othcr appro ed authon 
given by llonicr and llesio-l. ! tlic keys of the citv at his house, whencc it camc to pas% that Zi 

Xenoplion. outis. m a scholar of. |)reRcntedhiinwith agoldcngar-' ilus was commonly uscd for an 
Socratcs cmincnt f>r rcligion, 1 land and set up his statuc in siarling critic. 
and all moral and citil virtues,' brass. He compared logic to a Zopyrus, i. m. 11] a noblema 
and also in tiic m.lltarv art. The closedfist, and rhetoric to an o. of Persia, who. whcn Dariua ha 
ycuiger Cynis gJivc hiin a mili- pen hand lle livcd 90 years in long bcsicgcd Babylon in vaii 
.fkry cominand. Undertucchaj licaith, and at ltngth stranglcd maimcd himsclf by cuttint9 

b«ar ftdowll? latmltothe king, rac Hb judgneM U rwfefc I 
ande Uro tbeir j^eMnli |jtd^ *»• «*tur»lij «ich, but piaoto- 

' Jbwe Stepyn 

ttke t*entT RabyluTM: 3]opby- 
io.^noiniit, trbo tookiog 

ikrpyru* whole, thin tike twyyitiN 

. ... .. a]»pby. udtlMM ... 

D 'onSo«. ■KroMTny, ind the CuMout2frH,j(m>. V 

Mte^&«e,Mddhe«M>p«wni4 «n wau hcra t»ka* bh»*r< ttwBiuiQe- 


« i. 



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