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Pacific  Coast  Entomological  Society 
October  19,  1951 

Memoirs  of  the  Pacific  Coast  Entomological  Society 

Volume  1 



Professor  o t  Entomology 
Stanford  University,  California 

With  the  Collaboration  of 

Chester  J.  Stojanovich 

Communicable  Disease  Center 
United  States  Public  Health  Service 
Atlanta ,  Georgia 


October,  1951 

Published  and  for  sale  by 

California  Academy  of  Sciences,  Golden  Gate  Park,  San  Francisco  18,  California 

Printed  by 

New  York  Lithographing  Corporation,  New  York 

"In  the  progress  of  this  work,  however,  the  author  has  had  to  contend 
with  repeated  rebukes  from  hts  friends  for  entering  upon  the  illustration 
of  a  tribe  of  insects  whose  very  name  was  sufficient  to  create  feelings  of 
disgust.  " — Henry  Denny,  1842. 



Tli is  volume  represents  an  attempt  to  summarize  existing  knowledge  on  the 
systematics  of  the  sucking  lice,  which  are  here  considered  to  be  the  Order 
Anoplura  of  the  Insecta.  Since  sound  taxonomy  should  rest  upon  morphology 
and  anatomy,  an  extended  consideration  will  be  given  to  these  subjects. 
Included  also  will  be  a  review  of  the  historical  development  of  our  knowl¬ 
edge  of  the  group;  a  consideration  of  the  classification  here  adopted;  keys 
to  the  families,  subfamilies,  genera,  and  species  and  a  review  of  all  these 
categories;  illustrations  of  all  the  available  types  of  genera  and  of  the 
species  occurring  on  domestic  animals;  an  extended  discussion  of  the  spe¬ 
cies  occurring  on  man  and  other  Primates;  a  list  of  the  mammalian  hosts; 
and  finally,  a  consideration  of  the  problems  of  geographical  distribution. 

I  wish  here  to  express  my  appreciation  of  the  assistance  given  me  by  my 
collaborator,  Mr.  Chester  Stojanovich,  whose  unusual  skill  in  minute  dis¬ 
section  and  in  illustration  has  made  possible  the  sections  on  the  mouth- 
parts  and  internal  anatomy.  Mr.  Stojanovich  began  this  work  while  he  was  a 
graduate  student  at  Stanford  University  and  later  was  granted  leave  from 
his  duties  with  the  Communicable  Disease  Center  of  the  United  States  Public 
Health  Service,  which  enabled  him  to  return  to  my  laboratory  during  the 
summer  of  1950  and  complete  it.  I  wish  here  to  express  my  thanks  to  Dr.  R. 
A.  Yonderlehr,  Medical  Director  in  charge  of  the  Communicable  Disease  Cen¬ 
ter,  by  whom  this  leave  was  officially  granted  and  to  Dr.  G.  H.  Bradley,  by 
whom  it  was  recommended.  My  part  in  the  preparation  of  the  sections  in 
question  has  been  that  of  supplying  the  textual  material.  Mr.  Stojanovich 
assisted  also  in  the  preparation  and  testing  of  various  of  the  longer  keys 
to  species. 

The  purely  taxonomic  portion  of  the  work,  all  names  therein  proposed, 
and  all  opinions  herein  expressed  are  to  be  ascribed  strictly  to  myself. 
This  work  has  its  basis  in  a  series  of  studies  published  by  me  over  a  peri¬ 
od  of  years  from  1919  to  1935>  in  eight  papers  entitled  "Contributions 
Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice."  These  appeared  as  Volume  II  of 
what  was  in  part  entitled  Leland  Stanford  .Junior  Publications,  University 
Series,  and  in  part  Stanford  University  Publications,  University  Series, 
Biological  Sciences.  In  them  will  be  found  illustrations  of  almost  all  of 
the  species  known  up  to  1935>  together  with  a  statement  of  the  sources  of 
the  material  upon  which  the  work  was  based.  Owing  to  the  cumbersome  nature 
of  the  full  citation,  this  work  will  herein  be  cited  merely  as  "Contribu¬ 
tions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice." 

This  volume  is  closed  as  of  July  1,  1951* 

Stanford  University,  California 




The  Ectoparasites  of  birds  and  Mammals .  1 


The  Morphology  and  Anatomy  of  the  Auoplura . 


Growth  and  Development .  50 


The  Taxonomic  Status  of  the  Sucking  Lice .  53 


The  Classification  (Vithin  the  Order  Anoplura .  63 


Review  of  the  Families,  Subfamilies,  Genera,  and  Species  of  the  Anoplura  71 
Errata .  285 


Host  List .  286 



The  Distribution  of  the  Anoplura . 




The  Ectoparasites  of  Birds  and  Mammals 

When  in  the  course  ol'  their  evoLution  the  birds  achieved  leathers  and 
the  inanunaLs  achieved  hair,  a  new  world  to  conquer  was  offered  to  the  Arth- 
ropoda  which  must  have  swarmed  upon  the  earth  from  almost  the  earliest  a^es 
of  terrestrial  life.  Some  of  the  arthropods  moved  into  this  new  world  and 
became  adjusted  to  the  peculiar  conditions  of  life  that  it  presented.  From 
these  pioneers  came  the  ectoparasites  that  today  infest  in  some  measure 
probably  every  species  of  bird  and  evex'y  species  of  mammal  except  the  Ce¬ 
tacea  and  the  Sirenia. 

These  ectoparasites,  as  we  see  them  today,  have  been  derived  from  many 
sources.  One  may  surmise  that  the  earliest  to  enter  this  world  of  hair  and 
feathers  were  mites,  for  the  mites  are  a  very  ancient  group  and  they  may 
very'  well  have  fed  upon  the  blood  of  hairless  amphibians  and  reptiles,  even 
as  they  do  today,  before  the  birds  and  mammals  had  evolved.  Today  the 
mites  constitute  probably  the  major  ectoparasitic  fauna  ol'  the  vertebrates. 
They  have  penetrated  into  the  lungs  of  their  hosts,  into  the  ears,  into  the 
skin,  and  even  at  times  into  the  intestine  and  bladder  and  they  swarm  in 
the  hair  and  the  feathers.  They  induce  pathological  conditions  of  their 
hosts  by  their  own  activities  and  they  act  as  transmitting  agents  of  numer¬ 
ous  diseases  that  are  already'  known  and  undoubtedly  many  more  that  are  not 
yet  known.  They  are  the  greatest  of  all  the  groups  of  ectoparasites  and 
scarcely  more  than  a  beginning  of  their  study  has  yet  been  achieved. 

It  seems  probable  that  only  after  hair  and  feathers  had  become  well  de¬ 
veloped  did  the  insects  move  in.  These  insect  ectoparasites  have  come  from 
various  Orders.  There  are  the  blood-sucking  flies  of  the  family  Hippobos- 
cidae,  which  occur  on  both  birds  and  mammals,  and  the  families  Streblidae 
and  Nycteribi idae ,  which  occur  only  on  bats.  There  are  the  "bedbugs," 
which  are  llemiptera,  of  the  family  Cimicidae,  and  which  occur  chiefly  on 
birds  and  bats.  There  is  the  more  or  less  closely  related  Hemipterous  fam- 
i  Ly  Polyctenidae,  which  occurs  only  on  bats  and  which  numbers  scarcely  two 
dozen  known  species.  There  is  at  least  one  speciesofthe  Order  Dermaptera, 
which  occurs  on  an  African  rodent.  There  are  a  few  beetles,  including  that 
singular  parasite,  Platypsylla  castoris  Ritsema,  which  occurs  only  on 
beavers.  There  is  even  a  moth  which  lives  in  its  larval  stages  in  the  hair 
of  a  sloth  and  which  may  justifiably  be  included  in  the  list.  There  is  the 
whole  Order  Siphonaptera,  the  fleas,  which  in  their  adult  stage  live  upon 
both  birds  and  mammals  and  feed  upon  their  blood. 

There  are  two  groups  of  what  are  commonly  called  lice.  One  of  these 
groups  comprises  what  are  frequently  called  "bird  lice,"  although  a  consi¬ 
derable  number  of  them  live  upon  mammals.  They  are  more  appropriately- 
called  "biting  lice"  and  constitute  what  is  here  considered  to  be  the  Order 
Mallophaga,  which  includes  something  more  than  2,000  known  species.  And 
finally,  there  is  the  little  group  which  is  the  subject  of  this  volume,  the 
sucking  lice,  comprising  what  is  here  called  the  Order  Anoplura.  At  pres¬ 
ent  scarcely  more  than  225  species  of  Anoplura  are  known.  They  live  exclu¬ 
sively  upon  mammals  and  feed  upon  the  blood  oi  their  hosts. 

The  ectoparasites  of  birds  and  mammals  present  many  features  of  general 
biological  interest.  Some  of  them  are  zoological  curiosities  because  of 
their  unusual  modit ications  ot  structure  or  habit.  Thus,  the  paiasitic  bat 
flies  of  the  families  Streblidae  and  Nycteribiidae  are  strange  forms  be¬ 
cause  of  their  structural  modifications  alone.  But  combined  with  this 
strangeness  of  form,  the  members  of  these  two  families  and  of  the  more  or 


less  related  family  Hippoboscidae  have  the  habit,  rare  among  insects,  of 
retaining  the  larva  within  the  body  of  the  female  where  it  is  nourished  by 
glandular  secretions  until  it  is  ready  to  pupate.  The  members  oi  the  little 
family  Polyctenidae  likewise  retain  the  immature  insect  within  the  tody  of 
the  female  until  it  is  partly  grown,  but  in  this  case  it  is  nourished 
through  what  is  functionally  a  placenta  that  is  developed  from  the  body  of 
the  young  itself.  The  extraordinary  developments  of  both  structure  and 
habit  which  occur  among  the  mites  offer  an  endless  variety,  the  exploration 
of  which  has  scarcely  more  than  begun. 

Throughout  the  entire  series  of  these  ectoparasites  there  are  phenomena 
of  special  interest  from  the  point  of  view  of  evolution.  There  are  beau¬ 
tiful  examples  of  what  appears  to  be  convergent  evolution  which  has  re¬ 
sulted  in  the  development  of  similar  habits  and  similar  structures  in  quite 
unrelated  forms.  There  is  the  problem  of  perennial  interest  which  has  to 
do  with  the  occurrence  of  related  parasites  upon  related  hosts  and  the  con¬ 
sequent  suggestion  that  the  relationships  of  the  parasites  may  perhaps 
throw  some  light  upon  the  phylogeny  of  the  hosts  and,  conversely,  that  the 
relationships  of  the  hosts  may  throw  some  light  on  those  of  the  lice.  This 
will  be  discussed  in  detail  in  a  section  of  this  work. 

Above  all  there  is  the  circumstance  that  certain  of  these  ectoparasites 
are  concerned  with  the  transmission  of  disease.  Most  of  what  is  known  con¬ 
cerning  this  has  to  do  with  the  transmission  of  disease  in  man,  but  it 
seems  clear  that  the  same  thing  must  occur  in  the  case  of  many  other  ani¬ 
mals.  Since  numerous  diseases  of  man  have  unquestionably  come  over  to  him 
from  other  animals  the  whole  picture  of  the  epidemiology  of  these  diseases 
cannot  be  grasped  until  the  background  in  the  animals  from  which  a  particu¬ 
lar  disease  has  come  is  understood.  In  many  instances  the  occurrence  of  a 
particular  disease  in  man  is  to  be  regarded  as  purely  an  accident.  This, 
for  example,  seems  to  be  true  of  "murine  typhus, "  which  arises  each  time 
independently  from  the  background  formed  by  certain  rodents  and  their  para¬ 
sites.  One  of  the  most  illuminating  instances  of  this  sort  is  the  recogni¬ 
tion —  as  late  as  1947 — of  the  disease  called  "rickettsial  pox, "  a  disease 
that  was  previously  unknown  and  was  shown  to  have  been  transmitted  to  man 
through  the  agency  of  mites  from  the  ordinary  house  mouse,  an  animal  that 
had  previously  not  been  known  to  be  connected  with  any  disease  of  man. 

We  are  not  here  attempting  to  recite  the  story  of  the  relation  of  ecto- 
parasitic  insects  to  the  transmission  of  disease.  The  intention  is  merely 
to  emphasize  the  principle  that  no  blood-sucking  arthropod,  even  if  it 
occurs  only  on  a  bat  on  some  remote  island,  may  be  eliminated  entirely  from 
the  range  of  our  interest.  The  time  is  at  hand  for  the  building  up  of 
greater  knowledge  of  blood-sucking  ectoparasitic  insects  in  all  groups. 
Almost  none  of  these  groups,  except  perhaps  the  fleas,  has  received  the 
attention  which  it  deserves.  And,  as  will  appear  in  subsequent  sections  of 
this  volume,  our  knowledge  of  the  little  Order  of  the  sucking  lice  is  still 
barely  past  its  earliest  stages. 



The  Morphology  and  Anatomy  of  the  Anoplura 

As  has  already  been  noted,  the  sucking  lice  are  very  peculiar  forms. 
They  are  commonly  described  as  degenerate,  but  this  is  a  word  which  has  no 
proper  place  in  a  biological  vocabulary,  since  it  carries  with  it  certain 
purely  anthropomorphic  connotations  that  involve  a  flavor  of  reproach.  It 
would  be  better  to  say  merely  that  they  are  highly  specialized  for  life  in 
the  peculiar  environment  which  they  occupy.  The  evolutionary  processes 
which  have  been  at  work  upon  them  have  produced  a  large  amount  ot  speciali¬ 
zation  by  loss  and  reduction  of  parts.  There  is  not  the  slightest  vestige 
of  wings.  The  eyes  have  been  very  greatly  reduced,  being  scarcely  or  not 
at  all  recognizable  in  the  majority  of  species  and  consisting  of  a  single 
facet  even  when  best  developed.  The  tarsi  have  been  reduced  lrom  live  to 
one  or  at  the  most  two  segments.  The  antennae  have  been  reduced  to  at  the 
most  five  segments.  In  many  species  the  sclerotization  of  the  abdomen  has 
been  almost  completely  lost.  There  has  been  a  reduction  of  the  number  of 
spiracles,  no  known  species  having  more  than  one  pair  on  the  thorax  and  six 
pairs  on  the  abdomen.  The  structures  which  comprise  the  ovipositor  of  the 
more  generalized  insects  are  reduced  to  mere  vestiges. 

Along  with  these  reductions  and  losses  there  have  gone  some  specializa¬ 
tions  of  a  quite  different  type.  Thus,  the  mouthparts  of  the  sucking  lice 
are  perhaps  as  highly  specialized  as  are  to  be  found  anywhere  among  the  in¬ 
sects  and  the  claws  have  become  highly  developed  in  correlation  with  the 
habit  of  clinging  to  hair. 

The  great  degree  of  reduction  and  modification  found  in  these  insects 
has  led^to  much  misunderstanding  concerning  their  morphology  and  this  mis¬ 
understanding  has  centered  especially  about  the  mouthparts.  Here,  even 
yet,  we  cannot  give  a  final  answer  to  all  the  questions  involved  although 
we  are  undoubtedly  somewhere  near  that  answer. 

In  the  preparation  of  the  following  section  on  morphology  and  anatomy, 
Mr.  Stojanovich  has  done  all  the  laborious  work  of  dissection  and  of  pre¬ 
paring  the  illustrations.  Parts  of  this  material  have  already  been  pub¬ 
lished  by  him  in  a  paper  entitled  "The  Head  and  Mouthparts  ol  the_  Sucking 
Lice,"  which  appeared  in  "Microentomology , "  Volume  10,  Part  1  (194b). 

There  are  certain  minor  points  concerning  the  anatomy  of  the  lice  which 
have  not  yet  been  adequately  explored,  but  the  lollowing  account  will  cover 
the  major  features,  especially  those  which  may  at  some  time  have  a  bearing 
upon  problems  of  taxonony. 

The  Head 

Preliminary  Statement 

The  most  difficult  problems  connected  with  the  morphology  of  the  suck¬ 
ing  lice  are  those  which  concern  the  mouthparts.  The  head  itself  is  not 
difficult  to  understand,  but  before  entering  into  a  discussion  of  its  mor- 
pholon-  it  may  be  well  to  review  certain  developments  which  have  occurred 
within"  recent  years  in  the  study  of  the  comparative  morphology  of  the  in¬ 
sects.  These  developments  have  resulted  chiefly  from  a  series  of  papers 
which  have  appeared  in  the  journal  'Microentomology,"  which  is  published  from 
the  Natural  History-  Museum  of  Stanford  University.  A  briel  summary  ol  the 
conclusions  which  have  been  derived  from  this  work  and  which  are  pertinent 
to  an  understanding  of  the  Anopluran  head  follows. 


There  has  long  been  difference  of  opinion  among  morphologists  as  to  the 
segmentation  of  the  insect  head,  opinion  as  to  the  number  of  segments  in¬ 
volved  having  varied  from  as  low  as  four  segments  to  as  many  as  nine.  Fur¬ 
thermore,  there  has  been  much  disagreement  as  to  the  arrangement  of  these 
segments  and  certain  concepts  that  we  believe  to  be  based  upon  grievous 
errors  have  become  deeply  imbedded  in  the  literature  of  the  comparative 
morphology  of  the  insects.  Not  until  those  errors  have  been  removed  is  it 
possible  to  arrive  at  any  understanding  of  the  morphology  of  a  specialized 
head  such  as  that  of  the  Anoplura. 

The  work  that  has  been  done  in  this  laboratory  has  involved  studies  of 
external  structure,  of  musculature,  and  of  the  segmental  distribution  of 
nerves.  The  study-  of  the  nervous  system  of  the  head  region  has  been  carried 
through  a  long  series  of  forms  ranging  from  the  Oligochaete  and  Polychaete 
worms  to  the  insects  and  has  demonstrated  that  a  unified  system  of  segmen¬ 
tation  of  this  region  exists  throughout  the  Annulata.  The  following  con¬ 
clusions  have  been  derived  from  these  studies. 

1.  The  head  of  insects  involves  a  total  of  six  segments,  these — in  mor¬ 
phological  order — being  the  labral,  clypeal,  ocular-antennal,  mandibular, 
maxillary,  and  labial  segments. 

2.  The  labral  segment  is  segment  one  of  the  body'  and  the  anterior  por¬ 
tion  of  the  alimentary  canal,  which  is  called  the  stomodaeum,  is  an  invagi¬ 
nation  of  this  segment.  The  ventral  portions  of  this  segment  are  much  re¬ 
duced  and  seem  to  involve  only  the  "hypopharyngeal  suspensor  plates, "  upon 
which  the  mouth  angle  retractor  muscles  insert. 

The  clypeus  is  the  dorsal  element  of  segment  two  and  the  hy-popharynx 
is  basically  the  ventral  portion  of  this  segment. 

4.  The  hypopharynx  is  primarily  a  ventral  lobe  of  segment  two,  but  it  is 
possible  that  in  some  insects  elements  derived  from  the  mandibular  segment 
may  be  involved  in  it. 

5-  The  ocular-antennal  segment  bears  the  antennae,  the  ocelli,  and  the 
compound  eyes.  It  is  commonly  divided  transversely  by  a  suture,  usually 
called  the  epicranial,  suture,  which  usually  forms  a  Y-shaped  line  across 
the  head,  with  the  lateral  arms  terminating  on  each  side  between  the  com¬ 
pound  eye  and  the  corresponding  antenna.  This  suture  is  definitely  intra- 
segmental  and  is  something  more  than  a  mere  line  of  weakness  along  which 
the  derm  splits  at  the  times  ol  ecdysis.  It  is  a  line  of  very  ancient  ori¬ 
gin,  the  antecedents  of  which  can  be  seen  even  in  the  Polychaete  worms. 
The  area  anterior  to  this  suture  and  posterior  to  the  clypeofrontal  suture 
may  properly  be  called  the  frons. 

No  ventral,  element  ascribable  to  the  ocular-antennal  segment  can  be 
identified  in  any  insect  thus  far  examined,  although  morphologically  some 
such  element,  however  much  reduced,  should  theoretically  be  present.  No 
muscles  ascribable  to  this  segment,  other  than  those  of  the  antennae  and 
cei tain  evanescent  muscles  ol  the  ptilinum  in  flies,  are  known  to  exist. 
The  anterior  tentorial  pits  apparently  belong  to  this  segment. 

6.  In  cases  where  the  mandibles  have  been  lost  the  mandibular  segment 
may  entirely  disappear,  at  least  as  lar  as  any  muscles  and  anyr  sclerotized 
elements  are  concerned. 

7.  The  maxillary-  segment  is  usually  much  reduced  and  in  many  insects  is 
entirely  membranous.  In  many  insects  it  forms  no  part  of  the  sclerotized 
head  capsule.  The  posterior  tentorial  pits  seem  to  belong  to  this  segment. 

,lhe  Lablai  segment  is  always  much  reduced  dorsally  and  no  insect  is 
known  in  which  the  dorsal  wall  of  this  segment  is  sclerotized  and  enters 
into  the  composition  of  the  sclerotized  head  capsule.  The  area  called  the 
submentum,  however,  is  commonly  sclerotized  and  forms  a  portion  of  the 
ventral  or  posterior-wall  of  the  head  capsule,  although  at  times  this 
area  may-  he  entirely  membranous.  The  submentum  is  merely  a  portion  of  the 
ventral  wall  ol  segment  six.  The  salivary  glands  belong  to  segment  six 


and  the  point  of  opening  of  the  salivary  duct  belongs  to  this  sequent  and 
is  a  definite  landmark  of  this  segment.  It  does  not  belong  to  the  hypo 
pharynx  although  it  may  become  involved  with  this  structure. 

9.  The  distribution  of  segmental  nerves  to  sensory  structures  and  mus¬ 
cles  is  a  positive  indication  of  segmental  homo  Louies  when  all  uerves  are 
present.  At  times  nerves  may  be  lost,  if  the  structures  which  they  serve 
are  Lost,  and  at  times  the  clarity  of  segmental  relations  may  be  disturbed 
by  the  fusion  of  nerves. 

1U.  The  insertions  of  muscles  are  constant,  but  the  origins  may  shill, 
even  from  one  segment  to  another,  if  the  ectodermal  areas  upon  which  they 
primitively  originated  are  lost  or  displaced. 

With  these  general  conclusions  in  mind  it  is  possible  to  proceed  to  the 
problem  of  the  organization  of  the  Anoplurau  head. 

Of  ail  the  species  of  Anoplura  now  known,  those  of  the  genus  Pediculus 
seem  to  present  the  least  modification  of  the  head.  Therefore  it  is  appro¬ 
priate  to  begin  with  the  head  of  Pediculus. 

The  Head  Capsule  of  Pediculus  humauus 
Figures  1,  2 

In  this  head  the  anterior  apex  is  more  or  less  membranous  and  fox-ms  a 
slightly  eversible  protuberance,  commonly  called  the  haustellum,  which  sur¬ 
rounds  the  apparent  mouth  opening  and  is  beset  with  small  hooks.  In  this 
membrane,  on  the  dorsal  side,  there  is  a  small,  sclerotized  plate  which  is 
by  all  criteria  the  labrum.  Posterior  to  the  labriun  is  a  large  plate  which 
extends  across  the  head  in  front  of  the  antennae  and  is  continued  somewhat 
to  the  ventral  side.  This  plate  is  clearly  the  clypeus,  since  it  bears  the 
origins  of  the  cibarial  muscles  and  the  place  of  origin  of  these  muscles  is 
constant  in  all  insects  that  have  been  examined.  This  plate  is  separated 
by  a  broad  suture  from  the  next  plate,  which  makes  up  the  greater  part  of 
the  dorsal  wall  of  the  head.  The  entire  posterior  portion  of  the  head  cap¬ 
sule,  dorsally,  is  composed  of  the  ocular-antennal  segment.  The  antennae 
are  attached  to  the  head  at  the  anterior-lateral  angles  of  this  plate  and 
the  eyes  are  placed  on  each  side  at  about  the  middle  of  the  lateral  border. 
The  plate  is  divided  by  a  V-shaped  suture,  the  lateral  terminations  of 
which  are  between  the  eyes  and  the  antennae.  The  base  of  the  V  is  connect¬ 
ed  with  the  median  coronal  suture.  The  portion  of  the  ocular-antennal  seg¬ 
ment  anterior  to  this  V  is  the  frons,  while  the  areas  posterior  to  the  su¬ 
ture  constitute  the  ocular  lobes  or,  as  they  are  sometimes  called,  the  pa- 

The  dorsal  sclerotization  of  the  ocular-antennal  segment  extends  around 
somewhat  to  the  ventral  side  of  the  head.  There  are  no  dorsal  areas  that 
can  be  assigned  definitely  to  the  gnathal  segments. 

Except  for  the  reduction  of  the  dorsal  elements  there  is  nothing  in  any 
way  peculiar  thus  far  about  this  head  capsule. 

On  the  ventral  side  of  the  head  the  areas  not  occupied  by  the  ventral 
extensions  of  the  dorsal  sclerotization  are  entirely  membranous  and  show- 
no  indications  of  segmentation. 

The  tentorium,  as  in  all  Anoplura,  is  lacking  and  there  are  consequently 

no  tentorial  pits.  ,  .  ,  ,  .  . .  , 

The  mouthparts  are  entirely  retracted  within  the  head  and  will  be  con¬ 
sidered  later. 

The  Head  Capsule  of  Haematopinus  suis 
Figure  3 

The  head  capsule  of  this  species  is  considered  because  it  presents  cer¬ 
tain  features  which  would  not  be  readily  understood  on  the  basis  ol  what 












O 3 












Head  structures  as  shown  in  Pediculus  hurnanus  Linnaeus 

Figure  1 



grig  in  of  labial  compressor  muscle 



origins  of 
cibarial  muscles 

or  if/ in  of  lateral 
pharyngeal  muscle 


WV  > 

.  N 

\  \ 

origins  of 

origin  of 

muscle -  / 

clypeo frontal  sul are 

origin  of  dorsal  labral 

prigins  of 
_  >/  pharyngeal 

1st  anlennal 


origin  of  formal  muscle 



coronal  sutur / 

postfrontal  suture 

ocular  lobe 

Origins  of  muscles  in  head  of  Pediculus  humanus  Linnaeus 

Figure  2 


Structures  and  origins  of  muscles  in  head  of  Haematopinus  suis  (Linnaeus) 

Figure  3 


is  found  in  Pedlculus. 

It  will  be  noted  that  in  this  head  there  is  no  external  indication  of 
eyes.  However,  the  ocular  nerves  are  present  and  end  in  a  small  spot,  just 
at  the  base  of  the  areas  designated  in  the  illustration  as  the  oculai 
points,  which  are  morphologically  the  eyes.  Webb  has  demonstrated  that  in 
some  specimens,  at  least,  definite  but  small  lenses  can  be  recognized. 

In  comparison  with  the  head  of  Pedicul  us  i  t  wi  11  be  noted  that  one  transr- 
verse  suture  is  missing.  On  the  basis  ol  all  the  available  evidence,  in¬ 
cluding  the  study  of  other  species  not  here  considered,  we  interpret  the 
conditions  as  follows.  We  assume  that  the  clypeus  has  been  produced  pos¬ 
teriorly  until  it  has  crowded  out  the  frous,  and  the  frontoclypeal  and 
postfrontal  sutures  have  become  confluent.  Therefore  nothing  is  lelt  ol 
the  Irons  except  the  small  areas  at  each  side  which  bear  the  antennae.  The 
transverse,  V-  or  U-shaped  suture  is  therefore  morphologically  the  post¬ 
frontal  +  clypeo frontal  suture.  This  conclusion  is  supported  by  the  posi¬ 
tions  of  the  origins  of  the  cibarial  muscles. 

One  other  feature  of  this  head  calls  for  mention. 

At  the  posterior  border  of  the  head  are  two  invagiuated  sclerotizations, 
the  occipital  apophyses.  To  these  attach  muscles  which  serve  to  retract 
or  elevate  the  head.  Evidence  derived  from  the  innervation  ol  these  mus¬ 
cles  indicates  that  they  and  the  structures  upon  which  they  insert  belong 
to  the  head.  To  just  what  segment  of  the  head  they  belong  remains  to  be 

determined.  „  ..  ,  ,  ., 

The  ventral  side  of  the  head  is  so  similar  to  that  ol  Pedlculus  that  it 

is  not  here  illustrated. 

The  Head  Capsule  of  Other  Anoplura 

There  are  some  modifications  ol  the  head  capsule  in  other  species  ol 
Anoplura,  but  they  can  all  be  accounted  for  on  the  basis  of  the  two  species 
which  have  been  discussed.  Consequently,  we  need  belabor  this  subject  no 


The  Mouthparts  and  Internal  Structures 

As  has  already  been  noted,  the  mouthparts  ol  the  sucking  lice  are  ol  a 
very  peculiar  type  which  is  not  found  elsewhere  in  the  insects.  Function¬ 
ally  they  are  to  be  described  as  "piercing  and  sucking,  but  their  mecha¬ 
nism  is  very  different  from  anything  that  is  to  be  lound  in  other  piercing 
and  sucking  forms  such  as  the  Hemiptera  and  the  blood-sucking  (lies,  lhey 
have  been  the  subject  of  much  controversy  and  there  are  still  certain  de 
tails  which  remain  doubtful  and  which  will  require  emhiyological  work  lor 

their  final  elucidation.  ...  ,,  .  ,  , 

Since,  apart  from  the  space  occupied  by  the  brain,  the  internal  struc 

tures  of  the  head  are  almost  exclusively  associated  with  the  mechanism  ol 
feeding  we  may  consider  all  these  structures  together. 

The°first  necessary  step  is  that  of  forming  a  clear  picture  ol  the  re  l  a 
tionship  of  the  piercing  structures  and  the  food  channel.  It  must  be 
grasped  at  the  very  beginning  that  the  piercing  structures  do  not  in  any 
way  form  the  food  channel.  In  order  to  understand  this  clearly,  reference 
maV  be  made  to  Figure  4.  In  Part  A  of  this  figure  is  shown  a  longitudinal 
section  through  a  normal  insectan  head,  with  the  lateral  parts  such  as  man 
dibles  and  maxillae  omitted.  The  roof  of  the  oral  chamber  or  cibanum  is 
here  formed  by  a  continuation  of  the  ventral  wall  of  the  labrum  and  the 
floor  of  the  chamber  by  the  hypopharynx  and  the  anterior  wall  ol  the  labium. 
Leavincr  aside  any  argument  as  to  where  the  true  mouth  opening  actually  is 
we  ma\B  for  the  present  consider  it  to  be  the  opening  into  the  pharynx. 
Note  especially  the  opening  of  the  salivary  duct  between  the  hypopharynx 


Diagram  of  mouthparts 

Figure  4 


ami  the  labium. 

In  Part  B  oi'  this  figure  is  shown  a  similar  diagram  of  the  head  of  a 
sucking  louse.  Note  that  the  upper  portion  of  the  head  remains  unchanged 
and  the  modifications  involved  are  all  in  the  lower — morphologically  the 
posterior — portion.  It  is  evident  that  the  parts  involved  in  the  piercing 
structures  have  been  pulled  back  into  a  sac  that  lies  entii'ely  beneath  the 
mouth.  The  three  needles  which  form  the  piercing  instrument  originate  from 
the  base  of  this  sac.  When  the  instrument  is  brought  into  action  it  is  ex¬ 
truded  through  a  small  opening  in  the  lloor  ol  the  oral  chambei  jusi  in 
from  the  apex  of  the  head.  It  is  very'  evident  that  the  blood  of  the  host 
does  not  pass  into  this  sac  on  its  way  into  the  alimentary  canal.  The  ac¬ 
tual  arrangement  of  the  sac  and  its  relation  to  other  parts  is  shown  in 
less  diagrammatic  form  iu  Figure  ?• 

The  questions  at  issue  have  to  do  mostly  with  the  homologies  ot  the 
three  stylets  which  comprise  the  piercing  instrument.  In  the  diagrammatic 
illustration  they  are  greatly  exaggerated  in  thickness.  Actually,  they  are 
exceedingly  delicate  and  are  closely  appressed  together.  However,  the 
questions  concerning  these  stylets  are  not  all  there  is  to  the  problem, 
since  there  are  certain  other  structures  which  do  not  appear  in  this  dia 
irram  and  which  have  to  be  explained. 

For  our  explanation  it  is  necessary  to  turn  to  the  musculature  and  the 

innervations  of  the  muscles.  . 

Perhaps  the  most  favorable  subject  for  study  ol  these  problems  is  the 
hoj  louse,  Haematopinus  suis.  This  is  a  rather  large  species  and  it  shows 
ail  the  structures.  It  may  be  noted  that  all  the  work  on  which  the  accom¬ 
panying  illustrations  were  based  was  done  by  the  method  ol  dissection  em 
ploying  powers  up  to  xll5  of  the  binocular  dissecting  microscope. 

In  Figure  6  are  shown  the  structures  which  appear  upon  removal  ol  the 
dorsal  wall  of  the  head.  We  may  in  passing  note  the  muscles  ol  the  anten¬ 
nae,  which  originate  upon  the  dorsal  wall.  In  insects  which  possess  a  ten¬ 
torium  they  would  originate  upon  that  structure,  but  since  the  tentorium  is 
here  lacking  the  origins  must  of  necessity  shift  to  another  position, 
some  Anoplura  they  originate  in  part  upon  the  lateral  wall  ol  the  head  ven 

trad  of  the  antennae.  ,  „  , 

The  "brain"  is  relatively  large  and  is  composed  of  the  supraoesophageai 
and  suboesophageal  ganglia*  which  are  connected  by  the  very  short ^circuni- 
oesopha<real  connectives  that  pass  around  the  oesophagus  (see  Figure  -h  • 
One  landmark  to  be  especially  noted  is  the  frontal  ganglion,  which  in  all 
insects  lies  in  front  of  the  brain  and  between  the  ci banal  and  pharyngeal 
muscle  bundles.  Just  posterior  to  this  frontal  ganglion  the  alimentary 
canal  swells  into  a  bulb  which  is  the  pharynx  and  which  forms  the  sucking 
pump  From  the  pharynx  large  bundles  of  muscles  extend  to  the  dorsal  wa 
o7the  Lad.  It  is  'these  muscles  which  function  to 

cause  it  to  operate  as  a  pump  in  sucking  up  the  blood  ot  the  host.  There 
is  nothing  in  any  way  unusual  about  them  or  their  arrangement. 

Anterior  to  the  frontal  Ganglion  are  several  muscle  bundles  originating 
upon  the  cUeus  anT  inserting4  upon  the  dorsal  -all  of  the  oral  chamber 
These  are  the  cibarial  muscles,  as  is  confirmed  by  their  innervations  whic 

WllAnteriorirStodthestr muscle  bundles  the  dorsal  wall  of  the  mouth  chamber 
is  formed  by  a  sclerotized  plate,  somewhat  in  the  form  of  an  inverted  Y. 
From  the  apex  of  each  arm  a  muscle  extends  forward  to  a  little,  external 
p[a?eihich  we  have  previously  identified  as  the  labrum.  These  muscles  may 
be  regarded  as  the  compressors  of  the  labrum  and  are  essentially  e  sam 
as  are  to  be  found  in  most  insects.  The  plate  to  which  they  insert,  and 
which  forms  the  dorsal  wall  of  the  chamber,  is  here  called  the  palatal 
date  It  is  morphologically  equivalent  to  the  plates  which  are  to  be  found 
t  the  dorsal  wa?l  of  the  oral  chamber,  in  one  form  or  another,  in  a  wide 


variety  of  insects. 

There  is  nothing  here  that  is  in  any  way  unusual  or  markedly  different 
from  what  is  to  he  seen  in  any  typical  insect. 

Disregard  for  the  moment  the  pair  of  structures  which  lie  one  on  each 
side  of  the  palatal  plate.  They  present  one  of  the  most  obscure  problems 
involved  in  the  mouthparts  of  these  insects  and  we  shall  discuss  them  later. 

Look  again  at  Figure  5  in  which  the  relations  of  the  various  structures 
are  shown  and  note  the  position  of  the  ventral  trophic  sac  and  the  point  at 
which  it  joins  the  cibarium. 

In  Figure  8  the  ventral  wall  of  the  head  has  been  dissected  away  -to  re¬ 
veal  the  trophic  sac  and  its  associated  muscles.  The  piercing  stylets  are 
concealed  within  this  sac  and  only  the  branching  ends  of  the  apodemes  upon 
which  the  muscles  of  the  stylets  insert,  and  which  are  formed  from  the 
walls  ot  the  sac,  appear  at  the  posterior  extremity. 

Note  that  from  these  apodemes  slender  muscles  extend  forward  to  attach 
to  a  sclerotized  transverse  band  in  the  ventral  wall  of  the  sac  at  about 
the  midpoint  of  its  length.  Also,  certain  muscles  extend  from  the  apodemes 
and  attach  to  the  obturaculuin,  a  structure  which  will  be  discussed  later, 
and  there  is  a  relatively  huge,  transverse  muscle  at  the  base  of  the  troph¬ 
ic  sac,  this  originating  at  each  of  its  ends  upon  the  obturaculum.  Aloncr 
the  trophic  sac  are  inserted  certain  slender  muscles  which  originate  upon 
the  outer  head  wall. 

In  Figure  9  the  base  of  the  trophic  sac  is  shown  as  with  the  walls  cut 
away  to  reveal  the  apodemes  of  the  stylets  which  are  contained  within  the 
sac.  It  must  be  emphasized  that  the  stylets  are  outgrowths  from  the  wall 
ot  the  sac  and  so  are  these  apodemes,  the  sac  being  closed  apically.  There 
are  no  muscles  inside  the  sac.  The  sac  is  an  invagination  of  the  body  wall 
and  anything  inside  it  is  morphologically  outside  the  body.  We  may  note 
in  passing  that  certain  illustrations  of  these  structures  which  have  been 
published  show  the  apodemes  as  being  inside  the  sac  and  thus  in  effect  in¬ 
dicate  an  arrangement  that  is  a  morphological  impossibility. 

Let  us  now  turn  our  attention  to  the  stylets  themselves.  There  are 
three  of  them— a  dorsal,  a  middle,  and  a  ventral.  Th-e  dorsal  and  ventral 
stylets  are  flattened  and  relatively  broad;  the  central  stylet  is  cylindri- 
cal  and  very  delicate.  The  three  are  very  closely  appressed  together  and 
extend  forward  so  far  that  when  at  rest  their  anterior  ends  lie  just  within 
the  mouth  chamber.  They  enter  the  chamber  through  a  slit  in  its  floor  If 
they  are  extended  to  reach  a  blood  vessel  the  base  of  the  sac  must  be  pushed 
tar  forward  to  lie  close  to  the  apex  of  the  head. 

The  homologies  of  these  stylets  have  been  much  disputed. 

The  nature  of  the  median  stylet  is,  however,  quite  clear.  It  carries 
the  extension  of  the  salivary  duct  and  except  for  the  lumen  of  the  duct  is 
solid.  There  is  no  reason  whatsoever  to  consider  it  as  anything  more  than 
a  greatly  elongated  papilla  which  arises  from  about  the  mouth  of  the  sali- 

1J'  1S  bere  cailed  the  salivary  stylet.  It  has  been  consid- 
ered  to  be  the  hypopharynx,  but  only  because  of  a  complete  misunderstand¬ 
ing  which  has  been  widely  spread  among  morphologists.  The  salivary  duct 
does  not  belong  to  the  hypopharynx  and  the  opening  of  this  duct  defines  a 
point  that  belongs  to  the  labium. 

Nor  can  there  be  much  doubt  concerning  the  ventral  stylet.  It  is  un¬ 
questionably  derived  from  the  labium  and  its  muscles  are  innervated  by 
nerves  that  seen,  clearly  to  be  labial.  Presumably  the  stylet  is  formed 
lorn  the  terminal  portion  of  the  labium,  the  part  generally  called  the  lig- 

vUn  li  \hifre  n°,  i£bial  palp1'  To  understand  the  structure  one  mult 

h?-iCn  re  ablUm  aS  bein^  puiied  back  into  the  head,  part  of  it 
forming  the  floor  of  the  consequent  invagination  and  part  of  it  bein<r  free 

and  extendmg  forward  to  form  the  tree  stylet.  We  consider  that  the  “floor 
the  trophic  sac  is  lormed  from  the  labium  as  far  forward  as  the  point 


indicated  as  the  "limes  labial  is,"  or  boundary  of  the  labium  in  Figure  8. 

There  now  remains  the  question  ol  the  identity  ol  the  dorsal  stylet.  In 
the  earlier  work  upon  which  this  presentation  is  based  this  stylet  was  con 
sidered  to  be  the  hypopharynx.  At  that  time,  however,  the  innervations  had 
not  yet  been  studied.  In  the  light  ol  further  studies  we  have  been  forced 
to  conclude  that  this  stylet  is  actually  formed  from  the  fused  maxillae. 
The  reasons  for  this  decision  will  be  discussed  when  we  consider  the  ner¬ 
vous  system  of  the  head. 

The  hypopharynx  here,  on  the  basis  of  evidence  presented  by  the  nerves, 
is  represented  by  the  dorsal  wall  of  the  trophic  sac  and  the  floor  of  the 
oral  chamber  as  far  posteriorly  as  the  opening  into  the  pharynx.  Muscles 
inserting  upon  this  area  are  innervated  by  nerves  which  can  be  nothing  but 
nerves  of  the  hypopharynx. 

We  are  Left  now  with  the  problem  of  the  pair  of  structures  lying  inside 
the  head  just  in  from  the  apex,  one  on  each  side  of  the  palatal  plate  and 
to  which  we  referred  earlier. 

In  our  previous  work  we  considered  these  structures  to  be  vestiges  ol 
the  maxilLae,  but  in  the  Light  of  the  information  now  available  this  opin¬ 
ion  can  not  be  maintained.  The  maxillae  have  already  been  accounted  for 
and  there  remain  but  two  possibilities  in  regard  to  the  structures  in  ques¬ 
tion.  It  wouLd  seem  that  they  must  be  either  completely  new  structures  with 
no  antecedents  in  other  insects  or  that  they  must  be  derived  from  some  pre¬ 
existing  movable  structure  and  the  only  such  structures  that  exist  in  this 
part  of  the  head  of  any  insects  are  either  the  mandibles  or  certain  develop¬ 
ments  from  the  dorsal  wall  of  the  cibarium  to  which  the  name  "premandibles, " 
or  the  better  name  "inessores,"  have  been  applied.  We  discard  recourse  to 
the  first  suggestion— that  they  are  completely  new  structures— as  a  matter 
of  principle  and  concentrate  upon  the  thought  that  they  are  derived  1 rom 
some  pre-existing  movable  structure  provided  with  muscles  and  nerves. 

First  let  us°describe  them  as  they  occur  in  Haematopinus  (Figure  10). 
Here  they  consist  of  a  pair  of  somewhat  wedge-shaped,  sclerotized  bodies, 
lying  within  the  head  cavity,  one  on  each  side  of  the  palatal  plate.  Each 
of  them  is  connected  by  a  strong  and  undoubtedly  chitinous  ligament  to  the 
head  wall  just  at  the  margin  of  the  labrum  and  each  is  also  connected  by  a 
slighter  ligament  to  the  margin  of  the  palatal  plate.  Each  is  provided 
with  one  very  large  muscle  that  originates  far  back  on  the  lateral  wall  oj 
the  ocular  lobe  of  the  head  and  inserts  upon  the  doubtful  structure  bv  waj 
of  a  long  and  strong  apodeme.  A  much  smaller  muscle  originates  upon  the 
sclerotized  wall  of  the  pharynx.  Both  these  muscles  are  innervated  by 
branches  of  a  nerve,  which  is  one  of  the  first  pair  to  arise  from  the  sub- 
oesophageal  ganglion  (Figure  2P0 . 

In  the  light  of  this  innervation  we  are  forced  to  conclude  that  the 
structures  in  question  are  actually  the  mandibles.  They  cannot  have  been 
derived  from  such  structures  as  the  messores,  which  are  developed  from  the 
dorsal  wall  of  the  cibarium  and  whose  muscles  are  innervated  by  branches 
from  the  labral  nerve. 

How  these  mandibles  have  become  withdrawn  into  the  body  and  how  they 
have  acquired  two  connections  to  the  body  wall  are  problems  which  can  only 
be  solved  by  careful  and  detailed  embryological  studies  that  are  still  to 
be  made.  But  that  no  interpretation  other  than  that  here  presented  is  con¬ 
sistent  with  their  innervations  is  clear. 

These  structures  vary  somewhat  in  form  and  position  in  different  groups 
of  the  lice,  in  some  species  lying  close  to  the  ventral  side  of  the  head 
(Figure  11)  and  close  together,  but  they  seem  to  retain  the  same  connec¬ 
tions  to  the  head  wall  and  to  the  palatal  plate  and  to  retain  also  the  same 
musculature.  It  is  possible  that  a  minutely  detailed  study  ol  them  would 
offer  some  evidence  that  would  have  a  bearing  upon  problems  of  relation¬ 
ships  within  the  group  but  at  the  present  time  this  seems  impracticable. 


Structures  Associated  With  the  Mouthparts 
Pawlowsky's  Glands  and  Salivary  Glands 
Figures  5.  6,  7,  9,  10,  11 

These  are  a  pair  of  small,  glandular  structures  each  of  which  opens 
through  a  short  duct  into  the  trophic  sac.  Their  function  is  unknown,  as 
are  their  homologies.  They  are  innervated  hy  branches  of  what  we  here  con¬ 
sider  to  be  the  hypopharyngeal  nerves.  There  exists  very  little  informa¬ 
tion — and  that  mostly  very  vague — concerning  glands  of  the  head  region 
other  than  the  salivary  glands  and  at  present  we  can  make  no  statement  con¬ 
cerning  Pawlowsky's  glands  other  than  to  record  their  position  and  their 
innervation.  We  have  suspected  that  they  may  be  homologous  with  what  have 
been  called  "pharyngeal  glands"  in  other  insects,  but  an  extended  study 
would  be  necessary  to  determine  whether  or  not  this  is  the  case. 

In  those  lice  which  have  been  investigated  in  regard  to  the  matter  there 
are  two  pairs  of  salivary  or  labial  glands.  These  lie  in  the  thorax,  dor¬ 
sad  of  the  alimentary  canal.  In  Pediculus  humanus  the  members  of  one  pair 
are  small  and  oval  or  somewhat  kidney-shaped,  those  of  the  other  pair  are 
tubular  and  folded.  From  each  gland  a  duct  extends  forward  and  unites  with 
the  duct  from  the  other  type  of  gland  on  the  same  side  of  the  body.  These 
two  ducts  then  unite  into  the  common  duct  near  the  point  of  their  entry 
into  the  head.  This  common  duct  then  discharges  at  the  apex  of  the  median, 
salivary  stylet  which  has  been  described. 

The  Obturaculum 
Figures  7,  8,  12 

The  mouthparts  themselves  are  not  the  only  peculiar  feature  of  the  head 
in  these  insects.  We  have  referred  earlier  to  a  structure  which  we  have 
called  the  "obturaculum, "  literally  the  plug  or  cork,  which  represents  a 
most  peculiar  development  that,  as  far  as  at  present  known,  occurs  only  in 
this  Order. 

The  extreme  posterior  portion  of  the  head  is  filled  by  a  mass  of  tissue 
which  in  histological  preparations  has  the  appearance  of  being  minutely  fi¬ 
brous  and  which  may  be  regarded  as  connective  tissue.  This  tissue  forms  a 
plug,  or  a  transverse  diaphragm,  which  fills  the  occipital  foramen  and  ex¬ 
tends  into  the  thorax.  There  it  more  or  less  completely  envelopes  the 
ganglia  which  are  concentrated  in  that  region.  The  anterior  end  of  the 
plug  is  concave  and  cup-like.  Through  this  plug  the  alimentary'  canal,  the 
tracheae,  the  salivary  duct,  and  the  tracheae  enter  the  head  in  the  manner 
of  tubes  through  the  cork  of  a  bottle. 

The  base  of  the  trophic  sac  extends  into  the  concavity  of  the  anterior 
end  of  the  obturaculum  and  certain  of  the  muscles  which  have  their  inser¬ 
tions  on  the  apodemes  of  the  trophic  stylets  originate  upon  the  walls  of 
the  cup.  Thus,  the  large,  transverse  labial  muscle,  which  inserts  upon  the 
ventral  surface  of  the  trophic  sac,  originates  in  this  manner  as  do  the 
folded  maxillary  retractors  and  the  labial  retractors.  The  importance  of 
this  will  be  apparent  upon  reference  to  the  illustration  of  the  head  of 
Llnoinathus  vltuli  (Figure  12).  Here  it  will  be  seen  that  the  trophic  sac 
extends  Jar  luck  into  the  thorax.  Upon  what  would  its  muscles  originate  if 
the  obturaculum  were  not  present?  This  mass  of  connective  tissue  is  evi¬ 
dently  a  part  of  the  solution  of  the  problem  of  functioning  which  is  pre¬ 
sented  hy  the  peculiar  trophic  mechanism  and  its  significance  in  connection 
with  this  will  be  discussed  later. 

The  origin  and  homologies  ot  the  obturaculum  are  at  present  quite  in 
doubt.  It  seems  evidently  to  be  a  mass  ot  connective  tissue,  but  at  pres¬ 
ent  there  is  very  little  information  concerning  the  occurrence  of  such  tis¬ 
sue  in  insects.  Other  work  at  present  in  progress  has  shown  that  a  sheath 


cibarium  and  cibarial  muscles  pharynx  ami  pharyngeal  muscles  supraoesophageal  ganglion 

Internal  structures  of  head  in  Haematopinus  suis 

Figure  5 


labial  retractor  muscle'  folded  labial  retractor  muscle 


mandibular  ligament ^ 




^ palatal  plate 

eibarium _ 


compressor  muscle 

cibarial  muscles ^rsSS 

1st  antennal 
segments  _ 

mandibular  vestige 

japodeme  of 


- mandibular  muscle 

Jtgpo pharyngeal 

-frontal  ganglion 



trophic  sac 

tormal  muscle _ 

pharynx^- -zZZ."-  _  _ 

mouth  angle 
retractor  muscle- -- 

pharyngeal  muscles 


muscles - 





stator  muscle---"' ' 

transverse  labial  muscle- 


protractor  muscle-'' 

folded  maxillary 
retractor  muscle 

antennal  muscles 

- ocular  point 

__  op//c  nerve 

—» —  ' 

- ... oesophagus 



_ obluraculum 


origins  of  transverse  J 
~ - ^  labial  muscle  i 


_ thoracic  mall  ! 




salivary  duct 

Structures  in  the  head  of  Haematopinus  suis,  dorsal  aspect 

Figure  6 


manditnilar  ligament 



palatal  plat? 





_ apodeme  of 



mandibular  muscle 

,1st  antennal 

- ocular  point 

."^clypeofrontal  suture 

Jormal  muscle 

_ labial  adductor 


_ obluraculum 

r origins  of  transverse 
labial  muscle 

thoracic  mall 

salivary  duel 

mandibular  vestige 

opening --- 

Paivlowsky’s  glands' 


muscles  ---- 



stator  muscle - 

trophic  sac - 

labial  protractor  muscles . 

(-  flexor  of  glossa 
paraglossa ) 

labial  muscle 



retractor  muscle**' 


compressor  muscle -■ 

ci burial  muscles ^ 

Structures  in  the  head  of  Haematopinus  suis, pharynx  and  brain  removed 

Figure  7 


mandibular  ligament ^ 


labial  compressor  muscle l 

man  dib  u  lar  nest  ige 

apodeme  of 

pharynx _  __ 

ocular  point. 

formal  muscle _ 




hypo  pharyngeal 
stator  muscle _ 

obturaculum _ 

labial  protractor  muscle 
(-flexor  of  glossa  and 
paraglossa  ) 

folded  labial 
retractor  muscle-^---- 


, ventral  fold 

trophic  sa 

-  -^palatal  plate 

~  --- mandibular  muscle 

1st  antennal 


pharyngeal  muscles 

-- xientral  pharyngeal 

'--ventral  labial 
adductor  muscle 

-  transverse  labial  muscle 

----  -  maxillary 

protractor  muscle 

Structures  in  the  head  of  Haematopinus  suis,  ventral  aspect 

Figure  8 


maxillary  apodeme- 

folded  maxillary 

retractor  muscle< 

salivary  bulb - 

a- — 

maxillary  stylet- - 

labial  protractor  muscles 
( -flexor  of  y l ossa  and 
paraglossa  ) 

labial  adductor  muscle 

salivary  styleL _ 

_  Jabial  apodeme 

salivary  stylet 

\transverse  labial 

W '•^maxillary 

protractor  muscle 

_  J\y popharyngeal 

anterior  by  popharyngeal 

dimes  labialis 

labial  stylet - 

Base  of  trophic  sac  in  Haematopinus  suis 

_ maxillary  stylet 
Figure  9 


haustellum ^ 


origin  of  labial 
compressor  muscle . 

palatal  plate _ 

apodeme  of 


mandibular  ligament 

,■ mandibular  nest ige 



''mandibular  muscle 

A.  dorsal  aspect 

haustellum^. . 


labral  compressor  muscle ^ 

palatal  plate _ 

apodeme  of 

muscle _ 

trophic  sac  opening - 

/ nandibular  ligament 

jnandibular  vestige 



'mandibular  muscle 

B.  ventral  aspect 

The  mandibles  in  Haematopinus  suis 

Figure  10 


haustellum „ 

(interior  mandibular  ligament 



labial  is 

anterior  hypopharyngeal  stator  muscle 

labrum - 

trophic  sac  opening _ 

jnaiulibular  vestige 

dorsal  labral 
/  retractor  muscle 

labral  compressor 

muscles ^ 




hypo  pharyngeal 
plate , 

trophic  sac. 







Paudowsky's  gland' 

muscle -  ' 



labial  protractor  muscle  ' 

(=  flexor  of  glossa  and  paraglossa ) 

- palatal  plate 


Cibarial  region  in  Pediculus  humanus,  trophic  sac  removed 

Figure  11 


Inbrnm _ 

cibarium _ 

palatal  plate 

Jabral  compressor  muscle 

--^dorsal  labial  retractor  muscle 

2nd  coxa 




.trophic  sac 

folded  maxillari/+  labial  / 
retractors  muscle 

|  cibarial  muscles 




formal  muscle^ 

pharynx _ 

mouth  angle 
retractor  muscle 


1st  coxa 

1st  antennal  segment 


-  Jabial  protractor  muscles 
( =  flexor  of  glossa  and 
^  paraglossa ) 



protractor  muscle 



'  -dransncrsc  labial  muscle 

~  -  — obturaculum 

supraoeso  phageal 







hypo  pharyngeal 

pharyngeal  muscles 

Structures  in  the  head  of  Linognathus  vituli  (Linnaeus) 

Figure  12 


of  connective  tissue  which  envelopes  the  thoracic  ganglia  and  extends  into 
the  head  occurs  in  a  cockroach  and  offers  the  material  from  which  the  ob¬ 
turacuium  could  have  been  derived. 

The  Functioning  of  the  Mouthparts 

Some  idea  of  how  the  trophic  mechanism  may  function  can  be  derived  from 
contemplating  the  arrangements  that  have  been  described. 

It  seems  probable,  from  purely  mechanical  considerations,  that  the  slen¬ 
der  muscles  which  extend  forward  from  the  branches  of  the  maxillary  and 
labial  apodemes  and  attach  to  the  walls  of  the  trophic  sac  must  act  to  pull 
the  stylets  forward,  but  it  seems  improbable  that  they  can  furnish  the  en¬ 
tire  drive  necessary  for  the  complete  exsertion  of  the  stylets.  We  may 
therefore  sumiise  that  the  action  of  these  muscles  is  aided  by  blood  pres¬ 
sure.  That  pressure  might  very  well  be  developed  by  the  conti*action  ot  the 
powerful  dorso-ventral  muscles  of  the  abdomen.  The  pressures  thus  devel¬ 
oped  would  be  transmitted  through  the  obturacuium  to  the  head  cavity  and 
thus  brought  to  bear  upon  the  trophic  sac. 

In  any  case,  however  the  necessary  force  is  developed,  the  stylets  are 
pushed  out  of  the  trophic  sac  and  forced  into  the  tissues  of  the  host.  It 
is  evident  from  the  structure  of  the  stylet  bundle  that  the  blood  does  not 
pass  through  any  channel  formed  by  the  stylets  themselves.  II  it  did  so  it 
would  merely  pass  into  the  trophic  sac  itself  and  not  into  the  pharynx.  We 
may  assume,  therefore,  that  the  stylets  merely  serve  to  pierce  a  blood  ves¬ 
sel.  The  membranous  area  at  the  apex  of  the  head  can  be  unrolled  and  ap- 
pressed  closely  to  the  skin  of  the  host.  It  seems  probable  that  the  blood 
is  drawn  up  around  the  stylet  bundle  and  into  the  mouth  by  the  action  ol 
the  pump  formed  by  the  pharynx. 

The  retraction  of  the  stylets  offers  some  interesting  mechanical  prob¬ 
lems.  Presumably  the  muscles  which  accomplish  this  are  those  indicated  in 
the  illustrations  as  the  folded  retractors  ot  the  labium  and  maxillae. 
These  muscles  when  at  rest  are  actually  folded  upon  themselves  and  raise 
the  question  of  how  such  a  folded  muscle  can  function.  This  may  possibly 
be  accounted  for  in  the  following  way. 

It  seems  probable  that  in  forms  such  as  Linognathus  vttuli,  where  the 
trophic  sac  extends  far  back  into  the  thorax,  a  rather  peculiar  muscle 
wou Ld  be  required  to  permit  of  the  extreme  degree  ot  relaxation  and  exten¬ 
sion  that  would  be  necessary  when  the  stylets  are  fully  extended  and  that 
this  muscle  would  have  to  be  extremely  long.  We  suspect  that  when  the  mus¬ 
cles  are  extended  they  are  under  little  or  no  strain.  Note  that  these  mus¬ 
cles  originate  on  the"  obturacuium  which  is  composed  of  a  tissue  that  seems 
to  be  extremely  elastic,  as  can  be  seen  in  dissections  of  fresh  material. 
We  may  suppose  then  that  when  the  stylets  are  to  be  withdrawn  the  retrac¬ 
tor  muscles  give  merely  an  initial  pull  and  that  the  completion  ol  the  re¬ 
traction  of  the  parts  is  accomplished  by  the  elasticity  of  the  obturacuium. 
As  the  retraction  comes  to  completion  the  retractor  muscles  simply  lold 
upon  themselves.  We  see  no  other  way  of  accounting  lor  the  mechanics  of 
such  a  peculiar  arrangement. 

The  Antennae 

The  antennae  are  normally  five-segmented  and  no  species  of  sucking  louse 
is  known  that  has  more  segments  than  this.  In  a  few  species  there  is  ap¬ 
parently  a  fusion  of  the  two  terminal  segments,  leading  to  an  apparent 
four-segmented  condition.  In  one  genus,,  the  antennae  are 
definitely  four-segmented.  In  a  few  species  the  three  terminal  segments 
are  but  weakly  separated  from  each  other  and  the  antennae  have  the  appear¬ 
ance  of  being  three-segmented. 


Each  of  the  two  terminal  segments  usually  bears  upon  its  posterior  bor¬ 
der  a  ring-like  structure  that  may  be  regarded  as  a  sensorium,  but  in  some 
forms  these  are  lacking. 

No  especially  peculiar  developments  of  the  antennae  are  known.  In  some 
forms  there  is  a  slight  sexual  dimorphism  which  involves  segment  three  in 
the  male.  This  segment  may  have  its  apical,  preaxial  angle  somewhat  pro¬ 
longed  and  this  prolongation  may  terminate  in  a  recurved  spine  or  a  short, 
stout  seta  or  some  other  modification  of  setae  may  occur.  In  some  cases  a 
modified  seta  may  here  be  present  unaccompanied  by  any  other  modification. 
No  instance  is  known  where  the  antennae  of  the  male  are  developed  into  such 
extreme  clasping  structures  as  occur  at  times  in  the  Mallophaga. 

The  Eyes 

Definitely  developed  and  clearly  recognizable  eyes  are  present  in  only  a 
few  species  of  the  sucking  lice.  In  these  species  each  eye  possesses  a 
single  lens,  beneath  which  is  a  pigment  spot.  The  presence  of  such  eyes 
has  been  accepted  as  a  taxonomic  character  and  has  been  much  used  in  the 
definition  of  genera. 

Webb  in  a  recent  paper  has  shown  definitely  the  existence  of  eye  ves¬ 
tiges  in  Haematopinus  suis,  each  eye  consisting  of  a  very  small  and  obscure 
lens,  "beneath  which  there  are  two  or  possibly  four  ovoid  crystalline  bodies 
surmounting  a  cluster  of  pigmented  sensory  cells  ending  in  nerve  fibres." 
He  has  identified  in  all  probability  quite  correctly — what  he  considered 
to  be  eye  vestiges  in  a  considerable  number  of  species  of  Haematopinus , 
Linoinathus,  Solenopotes,  Ratemia,  Prolinoinathus,  Hybophthirus,  and  Ant- 
arc  tophthirus.  They  are  definitely  present  in  Pedtculus,  Phthirus,  Ped- 
icinus,  Microthoracius,  and  Pecaroecus. 

Unfortunately,  the  great  majority  of  all  the  species  of  sucking  lice  are 
known  only  from  preparations  made  from  dried  specimens  and  in  the°course  of 
making  these  preparations  any  spots  of  eye  pigment  are  destroyed  and  the 
lenses  themselves  at  times  become  difficult  or  even  impossible  to  recognize 
and  to  differentiate  from  any  small,  clear  spot.  For  this  reason  the  ex¬ 
istence  of  eyes  cannot  at  present  definitely  be  demonstrated  in  many  forms 
where  they  may  actually  exist.  For  this  the  study  of  properly  preserved 
material  must  be  awaited. 

It  is  clear,  however,  that  the  presence  of  recognizable  eyes  cannot  form 
a  sound  basis  for  any  system  of  classification  within  the  Order  Anoplura, 
although  in  some  instances  it  may  offer  good  key  characters  for  identifica¬ 

Webb  has  referred  to  these  eyes  as  "ocelli,"  but  their  position  indi¬ 
cates  clearly  that  they  are  the  morphological  homologues  of  the  compound 
eyes  of  other  insects  and  not  of  the  structures  for  which  the  term  ocelli 
is  ordinarily  employed.  Morphologically,  they  are  vestigial  compound  eyes. 

The  Thorax 
Figures  13,  14 

In  association  with  the  absence  of  wings  the  thorax  is  very  much  re¬ 
duced.  While  three  separate  segments  are  definitely  present  they  are 
closely  fused  and  certain  marked  modifications  have  taken  place.  The  meta¬ 
thorax  is  the  most  reduced  of  the  three  segments  and  may  be  represented 
only  by  small  lateral  elements.  Only  one  pair  of  spiracles  is  present 
this  belonging  to  the  mesothorax. 

An  understanding  0f  the  structure  of  the  thorax  in  these  insects  rests 
upon  the  recognition  of  certain  landmarks.  In  the  vast  majority  of  insects 

*  Webb,  J.  E. 

o  logical  Society 

1948.  Eyes  In  the  Siphuncul ata. 

of  London,  Volume  118,  Part  III,  p 


age  575. 

i  n 


the  7o- 


prothoracic  pleural  apophysis  and  pit 


natal  pit 

pi  r  aide 













Structures  of  the  thorax 

Figure  13 

occipital  apophysis  of  head 



prothoracic  pleural  apophysis, 

'  pit  and  phragma 

coxae  prothoracic  sternal  apophysis  and  pit 

B.  ventral  aspect 

Structures  of  the  thorax  in  Haematopinus  suis 

Figure  14 


there  occurs  on  each  side,  on  the  so-called  pleurite  of  the  prothorax,  an 
invaginated  tubular  internal  process  called  the  prothoracic  pleural  apophy¬ 
sis.  The  external  opening  of  this  apophysis  lies  in  a  fold  or  sclerotized 
stiffening  rib  that  is  known  as  the  pleural  fold  or  pleural  ridge.  The 
latter  is  best  characterized  as  the  prothoracic  pleural  phragma.  The  point 
of  origin  of  this  apophysis  in  the  body  wail  is  a  precise  landmark  which 
definitely  defines  the  "pleurite" — morphologically  the  subcoxa — of  this 
segment.  A  similar  phragma,  but  without  such  a  deliuite  apophysis,  occurs 
ou^each  of  the  other  two  segments.  The  principal  coxal  articulation  in  all 
insects  is  with  the  apex  of  this  phragma. 

On  the  basis  of  the  landmark  afforded  by  the  prothoracic  pleural  apophy¬ 
sis  and  of  other  minor  indications  it  is  clear  that  the  apparent  notum  ol 
the  thorax  in  the  Anoplura  is  composed  for  the  most  part  ol  the  so-called 
pleurites,  morphologically  the  subcoxae.  The  true  notum,  at  the  very  most, 
includes  merely  a  narrow  median  area,  usually  unsclerotized,  and  a  lateral 
extension  of  this  area  on  each  side  which  includes  the  spiracle.  In  some 
species  the  notum  is  reduced  almost  completely  to  a  median  notal  pit,  the 
subcoxae  having  fused  with  each  other  across  the  mid-line  of  the  dorsum, 
even  to  the  extent  of  enveloping  and  isolating  the  notal  element  about  the 

Perhaps  the  nearest  approach  to  a  normal  thorax  that  is  to  be  seen  in 
any  sucking  louse  is  that  found  in  the  genus  Solenopotes  (ligure  1JA)  . 
Here  the  pronotum  is  reduced  merely  to  a  median  told,  but  the  mesonotum  is 
of  considerable  extent  in  its  anterior  portion,  although  its  posterior  por¬ 
tion  forms  merely  a  median  pit  which  lies  in  the  subcoxai  phragma.  In 
Haematopinus  suis  (Figure  14)  the  notum  is  reduced  to  a  slight  median  line 
throughout,  with  a  very  large  median  pit  which  is  entirely  enclosed  by  the 
mesothoracic  subcoxai  phragma,  and  the  spiracles  seem  to  form  isolated  is¬ 
lands  of  notal  origin.  In  Pediculus  humanus  (Figure  13B)  there  is  a  some¬ 
what  broader  notal  "area  left,  this  being  membranous  and  enclosing  the  notal 
pit,  but  the  spiracles  are  even  more  completely  isolated,  being  surrounded 
by  a  sclerotized  area  of  the  mesothoracic  subcoxa. 

Apart  from  the  modifications  ot  the  mouthparts  this  reduction  oi  almost 
complete  obliteration  of  the  notal  areas  ol  the  thorax  is  perhaps  the  most 
characteristic  feature  in  the  morphology  of  the  sucking  lice. 

The  ventral  side  of  the  thorax  is  always  quite  simple.  Nothing  at  all 
remains  of  the  primitive  ventral  arcs  of  the  subcoxae  and  the  whole  ventral 
area  normally  is  membranous  except  for  a  single,  median,  sternal  plate,  even 
this  not  bein'1,  present  in  some  species.  It  is  not  clear  whether  this  plate 
belongs  to  any  one  of  the  segments  or  is  a  fusion  product  derived  from  all 
of  them.  In  a  few  species,  such  as  in  the  genus  Raematopinus ,  it  is  clear 
that  the  plate  belongs  at  least  in  part  to  the  prothorax,  a  pair  ol  sternal 
apophyses  being  present  which  fuse  with  the  prothoracic  pleural  apophyses 
in  a  manner  like  that  found  in  many  other  insects.  These  sternal  apophy 
ses  are  present  in  only  a  relatively  small  number  of  the  sucking  lice.  . 

In  many  Anoplura  the  sternal  plate  becomes  free  from  the  body  around  its 
margins,  especially  at  its  posterior  end.  In  some  species  it  is  lacking 
and^in  a  few  it  is  merely  an  irregular,  sclerotized  area. 

The  Legs 

The  principal  modifications  of  the  legs  are  found  in  the  tibiae  and  tar¬ 
si  and  are  connected  with  the  grasping  of  the  hairs  of  the  host.  There  is 
a  sin  'le  tarsal  claw  on  each  leg,  except  in  four  species.  In  these  four 
suedes  the  anterior  tarsus  bears  a  short,  somewhat  hooked  structure  which 
arises  at  the  side  of  the  usual  claw.  This  structure  has  the  appearance  ol 
a  claw  but  there  is  difficulty  in  being  certain  about  its  true  nature  and 
the  opinion  is  here  held  that  it  is  not  actually  movable. 


The  tarsus  is  at  the  most  but  weakly  two- segmented  and  even  this  appear¬ 
ance  of  segmentation  is  usually  obliterated.  In  almost  all  forms  the  tar¬ 
sus  is  closely  joined  to  the  tibia  and  is  but  doubtfully  movable  upon  the 
tibia.  The  tibia  is  usually  more  or  less  produced  at  its  morphologically 
ventral  apical  angle,  a  thumb-like  process  being  formed  that  opposes  the 
claw  and  thus  participates  in  grasping  the  hairs  of  the  host. 

Usually  the  anterior  legs  are  smaller  than  the  others  and  have  a  slender 
claw.  In  the  majority  of  forms  the  middle  legs  are  somewhat  larger  than 
the  first,  with  stouter  claw,  and  in  most  species  the  posterior  legs  are 
much  broadened  and  flattened,  with  a  stout  claw.  There  are,  however,  var¬ 
ious  combinations  of  these  characters  and  in  a  few  species  the  legs  are  all 
of  essentially  the  same  size  and  form. 

There  is  never  anything  that  can  be  called  a  pulvillus,  but  frequently 
there  is  a  small,  membranous  lobe  or  blade-like  process  on  the  inner  margin 
of  the  tarsus.  In  Haematopinus  there  is  a  peculiar,  sclerotized  plate  in 
the  "palm"  at  the  base  of  the  tarsus. 

Certain  very  peculiar  developments  found  only  in  the  genus  Euhaematopi- 
nus  will  be  discussed  in  connection  with  that  genus. 

The  Abdomen 

The  primitive  number  of  segments  in  the  abdomen  of  insects  is  here  con¬ 
sidered  to  be  eleven.  The  anus  is  borne  upon  the  eleventh  segment,  the 
gonopore  of  the  female  upon  the  eighth  (usually  appearing  as  between  the 
eighth  and  the  ninth)  and  the  gonopore  of  the  male  upon  the  tenth.  If  the 
full  complement  of  abdominal  spiracles  is  present  there  are  eight  pairs, 
borne  upon  segments  one  to  eight.  There  is  a  rather  general  tendency  for 
the  number  of  abdominal  segments  to  be  reduced  by  the  reduction  or  obliter¬ 
ation  of  segments  either  at  the  anterior  or  posterior  ends  of  the  body  or 
at  times  in  both.  In  order  to  determine  the  homologies  of  segmental  struc¬ 
tures  in  any  insect  it  is  necessary  to  rely  closely  upon  established  land¬ 
marks.  Of  these  landmarks  the  gonopore  in  either  sex  may  be  regarded  as 
the  most  useful.  In  the  Anoplura  the  spiracles  are  of  but  little  "aid  since 
no  known  species  has  more  than  six  pairs. 

Among  the  Anoplura  the  genus  Hoplopleura  seems  most  nearly  to  retain 
evidence  of  the  full  complement  of  abdominal  segments.  Here  the  paratergal 
plates,  which  will  be  discussed  later,  are  present  on  eight  segments  and 
the  eighth  of  these  segments  bears  the  gonopore  in  the  female  and  also 
bears  a  pair  of  gonopods.  The  ninth  segment  is  well  developed,  but  the 
tenth  and  eleventh  are  reduced  to  mere  membranous  areas  around  the  anus. 
The  first  segment  is  evidently  much  reduced,  but  can  still  be  distinguished. 
Since  in  this  genus  all  the  evidence  is  harmonious  and  consistent  we  need 
have  no  hesitation  in  accepting  it.  We  may  therefore  take  the  position  of 
the  vulva  in  the  female,  which  lies  between  the  gonopods  of  segment  eight, 
as  the  initial  point  for  all  reckonings  of  segmentation  of  the  abdomen. 

In  some  forms,  such  as  the  genus  li nognathus,  the  abdomen  is  membranous 
almost  throughout  except  for  the  tergum  of  segment  nine  and  certain  sclero— 
tized  areas  on  the  ventral  side  in  association  with  the  genitalia.  In  oth¬ 
ers,  such  as  Haematopinus,  the  derm  of  the  dorsum  is  slightly  sclerotized 
almost  throughout  with  small  plates  of  denser  sclerotization  and  with 
sclerotized  paratergal  areas  along  the  lateral  margins.  But  in  the  major- 
ity  of  known  species,  the  abdominal  segments,  both  dorsally  and  ventrally 
bear  distinct,  segmentally  arranged,  sclerotized  plates  in  addition  to  the 
paratergal  sclerotizations.  These  tergal  and  sternal  plates  are  usually 
associated  each  with  a  row  of  setae  and  the  arrangement  of  the  plates  and 
rows  of  setae  is  to  some  degree  distinctive  of  the  various  genera.  Thus, 
in  l olyp lax  the  lemale  bears  two  plates  and  two  rows  of  setae  on  most  of 
the  segments  both  dorsally  and  ventrally,  while  in  Hoplopleura  there  are 


aonnaLly  three  plates  and  three  rows  of  setae  on  most  of  the  segments. 
There  are  some  species  in  which  the  plates  are  entirely  lacking,  but  the 
rows  of  setae  remain.  There  is  a  certain  measure  of  sexual  dimorphism  in 
regard  to  the  numbers  of  the  plates  and  rows  of  setae  in  certain  of  the 

In  the  majority  of  known  species  there  is  at  the  lateral  margin  of  each 
of  at  least  some  of  the  abdominal  segments  a  distinct,  sclerotized  plate 
which  bears  or  is  at  least  closely  associated  with  the  spiracle,  although 
these  plates  may  be  present  on  segments  on  which  the  spiracles  are  lacking. 
In  earlier  literature  these  plates  were  characterized  as  "pleural  plates,  " 
but  since  the  spiracles  may  be  regarded  as  belonging  morphologically  to  the 
dorsum  the  term  "paratergal  plates"  or  the  term  "iaterotergites"  is  prefer¬ 
able.  They  are  here  called  paratergites. 

The  number  and  form  of  these  plates  is  of  very  great  importance  for  the 
recognition  of  both  genera  and  species.  In  some  genera,  such  as  Hoplo- 
pleura,  Schizophthirus ,  and  Pterophthirus,  they  form  an  overlapping  series 
along  each  side  of  the  abdomen,  with  their  posterior  margins  free  from  the 
body  and  at  times  extraordinarily  prolonged. 

The  External  Genitalia  of  the  Female 

As  already  pointed  out,  the  gonopore  of  the  female  belongs  to  the  ven¬ 
ter  of  the  eighth  abdomiual  segment.  Morphologically,  the  gonopore  and  the 
vulva  are  not  necessarily  the  same  thing,  since  the  gonopore  may  be  re¬ 
tracted  into  the  body  with  the  consequent  formation  of  a  genital  chamber 
or  vagina  into  which  surrounding  elements  may  be  withdrawn,  even  to  the  ex¬ 
tent  of  involving  the  venter  of  one  or  more  segments,  however,  in  the  Ano- 
plura  there  seem  to  be  no  complications  involved  which  disturb  the  appar¬ 
ently  normal  segmental  arrangements. 

The  sternal  plate  of  segment  eight,  lying  anteriorly  to  the  transverse 
fold  which  forms  the  vulva,  is  always  or  almost  always  in  some  degree 
sclerotized  to  afford  support  for  muscle  origins  and  this  sclerotization  at 
times  involves  also  the  venter  of  segment  seven.  These  sclerotizations, 
which  are  usually  in  some  degree  united  if  more  than  one  segment  is  in¬ 
volved,  collectively  form  what  is  here  called  the  genital  plate. 

The’gonopods,  which  represent  the  primitive  paired  segmental  appendages 
of  semnent  eight,  are  practically  always  indicated  at  least  by  the  presence 
of  a  cluster  of  setae  on  each  side  at  the  end  ol  the  vulvar  fold.  In  the 
majority  of  species  they  are  definitely  represented  by  a  pair  of  flattened, 
apically  free  lobes  which  at  times  are  of  considerable  size.  The  mesal 
margin  of  each  gonopod  is  continued  into  the  fold  that  torms  the  lip  or  an¬ 
terior  margin  of  the  vulva  and  this  lip  is  at  times  beset  with  a  fringe  ol 
delicate  processes  or  is  at  other  times  simple. 

Just  within  the  vulva  is  the  vaginal  chamber.  In  some  species  the  dor¬ 
sal  wall  of  this  chamber  is  slightly  sclerotized.  Into  this  dorsal  wall 
opens  the  duct  of  the  spermatheca,  if  the  spermatheca  is  present.  In  some 
species  the  spermatheca  seems  not  to  be  developed,  as  in  Pediculus  and 
Haematopinus.  It  is  very  strongly  developed  in  Pthirus  and  in  at  least 
most  of  the  species  of  Lino^nathus  and  occasionally  in  other  torms.  in 
some  instances  where  it  appears  to  be  lacking  this  may  be  occasioned  merely 
bv  its  weak  sclerotization  or  perhaps  even  by  its  destruction  in  the  making 
of  the  preparation.  It  is  a  structure  which  calls  for  further  investiga 

U°The  spermatheca  itself,  at  its  best  development,  is  a  swollen,  sclero¬ 
tized  structure  at  the  inner  end  of  the  sclerotized  spermathecal  due  lg 
ure  124)  and  there  seems  never  to  be  more  than  one.  Usually,  the  openin 
of  the  duct  through  the  wall  of  the  vagina  is  surrounded  by  a  small  area  ol 
dense  sclerotization,  if  the  duct  is  present. 


The  venter  of  segment  nine  bears  near  each  lateral  margin  a  tuft  of 
setae,  one  or  more  of  which  may  be  enlarged  and  flattened  and  is  also  at 
times  produced  at  each  posterior  lateral  angle  into  a  distinct  lobe.  These 
structures  may — and  very  probably  do — represent  vestiges  of  the  gonopods  of 
this  segment. 

The  sucking  lice  are  therefore  to  be  characterized  as  possessing  at 
least  vestiges  of  an  ovipositor. 

The  External  Genitalia  of  the  Male 
Figure  15 

In  all  insects  the  go nopore  of  the  male  belongs  to  the  venter  of  seg¬ 
ment  nine  of  the  abdomen.  We  cannot  here  enter  into  the  much  disputed 
problem  of  the  homologies  of  the  parts  associated  with  these  genitalia  and 
their  morphological  origins.  A  study  of  the  general  problem,  made  by  Dr. 
Joel  Gustafson, *  has  been  published  and  the  following  conclusions  are  de¬ 
rived  from  it. 

Fundamentally,  the  structure  of  the  external  genitalia  of  the  males  of 
insects  is  a  simple  matter.  There  is  the  median  gonopore  itself.  There  is 
a  pair  of  the  primitive  segmental  appendages  belonging  to  segment  nine 
which  form  claspers,  each  consisting  of  a  coxite  and  a  one-segmented  mov¬ 
able  piece  which  is  considered  to  represent  the  coxal  style;  and  there  is 
another  pair  of  movable  appendages,  likewise  belonging  to  the  ninth  segment, 
and  derived  morphologically  from  the  primitive  eversible  sacs  of  this  seg¬ 
ment.  These  are  the  parameres.  This  simple  basic  set  of  structures  may, 
however,  be  modified  in  fearful  and  wonderful  ways. 

First  of  all  the  gonopore  may  be  borne  at  the  apex  of  what  we  may  regard 
as  a  papilla  which  may  become  so  greatly  enlarged  that  it  forms  a  sac,  here 
called  the  genital  sac.  This  sac,  when  at  rest,  is  usually  retracted  into 
the  body.  The  gonopore  may  be  surrounded  by  a  sclerotization  of  the  walls 
ot  the  sac  and  a  penis  is  thus  formed.  Furthermore,  other  sclerotizations 
of  the  walls  of  the  sac  may  form  as  supporting  structures  for  the  penis  and 
these  structures  may  become  extremely  complicated.  The  entire  structure 
included  in  all  this  is  the  aedeagus. 

The  pair  of  structures  formed  from  the  primitive  segmental  appendages  of 
segment  nine  may  form  elaborate  clasping  structures  for  holding  on  to  the 
female  during  copulation,  or  they  may  be  reduced  or  even  lost. 

The  othei  pair  of  movable  structures,  the  parameres,  may  become  very 
closely  associated  with  the  base  of  the  aedeagus  or  may  even  seem  to  become 
a  part  of  the  aedeagus  itself.  Or  they  may  be  lost.  Only  rarely  do  both 
the  claspers  and  the  parameres  appear  clearly  developed  in  the  same  insect 
and  consequently  doubt  has  at  times  been  expressed — or  in  fact  the  definite 
opinion  has  been  expressed — that  two  pairs  of  movable  structures  do  not 
actually  exist.  But  the  fact  that  both  pairs  were  a  part  of  the  primitive 
genitalic  complex  is  indisputable  and  there  are  insects  in  which  both  are 
re tained. 

Because  of  these  factors  of  loss  of  some  parts,  coincidentally  at  times 
with  unusual  development  of  other  parts,  the  homologies  of  the  parts  are  at 
times  much  obscured.  But  if  we  cling  closely  to  principles  and  identify 
the  Landmarks  consistently,  genitalia  of  even  the  most  complicated  appear¬ 
ance  can  be  shown  to  consist  merely  of  modifications  of  these  few  basic 

Now  to  apply  these  ideas  to  the  Anoplura. 

The  structures  appear  in  a  very  simple  and  even  somewhat  reduced  form  in 
the  male  of  Pedlculus  (Figure  15)  as  shown  in  their  expanded  position  when 
engaged  in  copulation. 

..  *  Gustafson,  Joel  F.  1950.  The  Origin  and  Evolution  of  the 

the  Insecta.  H l cro «n tonol ogy  15:2. 

Genitalia  of 


basal  apodeme 

Genitalia  of  the  male  of  Pediculus  humanus 

Figure  15 


We  have  here  a  very  large  genital  sac.  Near  the  apex  of  the  sac  is  the 
gonopore,  which  is  borne  upon  a  sclerotized,  tubular  process,  the  penis, 
formed  as  a  continuation  of  the  walls  of  the  sac.  Close  to  this  penis  is 
another  sclerotization  of  the  walls  of  the  genital  sac,  for  which  the  term 
"statumen  penis"  was  employed  by  Nuttall — and  which  presumably  serves  to 
aid  in  supporting  the  penis.  Arising  from  the  dorsal  wall  of  the  sac, 
toward  its  base,  is  a  fold  of  the  wall  which  is  partially  sclerotized  and 
forms  a  quite  large,  Y-shaped  structure,  the  apex  of  which  is  free.  For 
this,  no  better  term  than  "pseudopenis,"  which  in  the  past  has  been  em¬ 
ployed,  is  available.  Partially  fused  with  the  base  of  the  pseudopenis 
there  is  on  each  side  a  short,  strongly  sclerotized  piece  which  is  apically 
free.  These  pieces  are  here  interpreted  as  the  parameres,  a  term  that  has 
commonly  been  employed  for  similar  structures  throughout  the  group  and 
which  is  in  all  probability  morphologically  correct.  Articulated  to  the 
base  of  the  sac  is  a  long,  flat,  sclerotized  apodeme  which  extends  into  the 
body.  This  piece  has  commonly  been  called  the  basal  plate,  but  the  term 
genital  apodeme  would  be  better. 

When  the  genitalia  are  at  rest  they  are  retracted  into  the  body,  with 
no  more  than  the  apex  of  the  pseudopenis  extruded.  The  parts  are  then  nec¬ 
essarily  folded  upon  each  other  in  such  a  manner  that  it  is  difficult  to 
determine  their  exact  relationships  and  in  our  systematic  work,  in  which 
the  details  of  the  genitalia  of  the  male  are  of  great  importance  for  the 
separation  of  species,  we  can  as  a  rule  do  little  more  than  merely  to  rec¬ 
ognize  the  sclerotized  parts  as  seen  in  the  retracted  position. 

The  changes  in  the  structure  of  the  genitalia  are  very  largely  concerned 
with  changes  in  the  details  of  form  of  the  various  sclerotized  parts,  the 
parameres,  the  pseudopenis  and  the  sclerotizations  of  the  genital  sac.  In 
some  species  apparently  certain  additional  structures  are  formed  from  the 
walls  of  the  sac  which  are  not  yet  completely  understood  and  remain  to  be 
elucidated  in  the  future,  but  this  happens  in  only  a  few  species.  In  gen¬ 
eral,  if  one  will  recall  the  simple  basic  plan  of  structure,  it  will  not  be 
difficult  to  understand  the  illustrations  which  will  be  presented  in  con¬ 
nection  with  the  species  which  are  to  be  treated  in  detail. 

The  Tracheal  System 
Figure  16 

As  has  already  been  pointed  out  the  thorax  always  bears  but  a  single 
pair  of  spiracles,  these  belonging  to  the  mesothorax.  They  have  at  times 
been  ascribed  to  the  prothorax,  but  this  is  definitely  in  error,  since  no 
insect,  with  the  very  dubious  exception  of  some  of  the  Apterygota,  pos¬ 
sesses  prothoracic  spiracles.  It  has  at  times  been  claimed  that  a  pair  ex¬ 
ists  on  the  metathorax  in  some  of  the  sucking  lice,  but  this  too  is  defi¬ 
nitely  in  error. 

No  species  of  Anoplura  possesses  more  than  six  pairs  of  abdominal  spir¬ 
acles,  these  being  on  the  third  to  eighth  segments.  In  many  species  the 
number  is  less.  In  one  genus,  Neol inognathus ,  there  is  but  one  pair,  this 
being  on  the  eighth  segment. 

The  tracheal  system  itself  is  very  simple.  There  is  but  one  tracheal 
trunk  on  each  side  of  the  body  and  there  are  no  tracheal  sacs.  The  accom¬ 
panying  illustration  of  the  tracheal  system  of  Haematopinus  suis  will  suf¬ 
fice  (Figure  16). 

The  spiracles,  however,  present  some  points  of  special  interest.  While 
they  have  in  the  past  been  illustrated  for  a  few  species,  the  only  compre¬ 
hensive  studies  of  them  are  those  of  Webb.*  Webb  has  studied  them  to  some 

*  Webb,  j.  E. 
49-119;  1947,  p 

1948,  Proceeding 

194fl,  Pro c ee d ing s o f  the  Zoological 
roceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society 
s  of  the  Zoological  Society  of  London 

Society  of  London  116: 
of  London  116:575-578; 
118:  582-587. 


spiracles  of 

VI _ 

t-V/z - 


IV _ 

V _ 

mesothorax _ 



III _ 

Tracheal  system  of  Haematopinus  suis 

Figure  16 


extent  in  histological  preparations  and  also  has  given  an  extensive  account 
of  them  as  they  appear  in  such  preparations  as  are  used  for  taxonomic  pur¬ 

It  is  not  possible  in  a  general  work  such  as  this  to  go  into  this  sub¬ 
ject  in  all  its  details,  but  since  Webb  has  proposed  a  partial  classifica¬ 
tion  of  the  Anoplura  on  the  basis  of  the  spiracles  they  must  be  considered 
at  some  length. 

It  may  be  noted  at  the  beginning  that  the  thoracic  spiracles  usually 
differ  somewhat  from  those  of  the  abdomen,  usually  being  definitely  larger 
— as  is  common  in  almost  all  insects — and  also  slightly  different  in  de¬ 
tails,  although  of  essentially  similar  character.  They  are  ordinarily 
somewhat  difficult  to  study  because  of  the  presence  of  other  structures 
that  somewhat  obscure  them  and  we  shall  here  concentrate  attention  upon  the 
abdominal  spiracles. 

In  its  simplest  form  an  Anopluran  spiracle  consists  of  the  following 
parts.  There  is  an  oval  or  circular  opening  which  leads  into  a  somewhat- 
expanded  chamber  called  the  atrium.  This  chamber  possesses  quite  strongly 
sclerotized  walls  and  may  be  subglobular  or  more  or  less  elongated.  On  its 
inner  end  it  is  constricted,  usually  very  suddenly,  and  then  continues  into 
a  tapering  second  chamber  which  finally  becomes  much  attenuated.  At  the 
point  of  greatest  attenuation  there  is  usually  attached  to  its  wall  a  mi¬ 
nute,  sclerotized  rod  which  is  the  apodeme  of  the  occlusor  muscle.  At  this 
point  the  trachea  begins  with  its  usual  ctenidial  threads. 

The  occlusor  muscle  originates  upon  the  body  wall  and  by  contracting 
seems  to  bring  about  a  pinching  of  the  attenuated  inner  end  of  the  atrium“ 
thus  closing  the  spiracle.  In  some  forms  the  apodeme  of  the  occlusor  mus¬ 
cle  seems  to  be  lacking  and  the  muscle  inserts  directly  upon  the  wall  of 
the  atrium. 

Webb  has  described  a  gland  which  accompanies  the  atrium  and  discharges  a 
waxy  material  that  coats  the  inner  walls  of  the  chamber.  This  gland,  how¬ 
ever,  will  not  appear  in  ordinary'  taxonomic  preparations.  Webb  has  indi¬ 
cated  that  in  some  cases  what  he  considers  to  be  the  duct  of  this  gland 
has  taken  over  the  duty  of  forming  the  narrowed  air  passage  into  the  tra¬ 
chea,  while  a  portion  of  the  attenuated  atrium  has  been  left  as  a  side 
chamber  that  ends  blindly.  This  side  chamber  is  at  its  greatest  develop¬ 
ment  quite  small.  On  the  basis  of  Webb's  own  illustrations  and  upon  gen¬ 
eral  morphological  grounds,  it  is  here  maintained  that  Webb  has  misunder¬ 
stood  the  situation.  The  present  writer  does  not  believe  that  any  such 
change  as  that  indicated  has  occurred.  It  seems  much  more  probable  that 
the  atrium  at  times  is  produced  on  one  side  somewhat  past  the  internal 
opening  into  the  spiracle  and  thus  forms  a  slight  diverticulum. 

The  walls  of  the  atrium  may  be  beset  with  little  points  or  ledges  which 
project  into  the  chamber  on  the  inner  side,  as  Webb  has  clearly  “shown  in 
histological  sections.  These  ledges  vary  greatly  in  their  size  and  extent 
and  in  the  degree  and  manner  in  which  they  may  anastomose  with  each  other. 
Viewing  a  spiracle  from  the  side  they  are  indicated  as  dark  lines  which 
sometimes  form  rings  about  the  chamber  or  form  a  network.  At  times  they 
correspond  with  deep  furrows  on  the  wall  of  the  chamber  that  may  result  in 
constrictions,  which  divide  the  alrium  in  ring-like  sections  as  shown  in 
Figure  17. 

The  simplest  spiracle  which  appears  in  the  extensive  material  at  hand  is 
that  o I  Sctpio  aulncodi  (Figure  17).  Here  we  have  an  almost  spherical  atri¬ 
um,  with  apparently  no  internal  ledges.  It  constricts  very  abruptly  into 
the  slender  prolongation  that  leads  to  the  opening  of  the  trachea.  A  very 
similar  arrangement,  is  seen  in  Haematoptnoides  squamosus  (Fi<mre  17)  Tn 
kultnotnathus  aculeatus  (Figure  17)  the  appearance  is  the  same  except  that 
the  second  chamber  is  somewhat  swollen  and  has  thickened  walls.  The  next 
step  seems  to  be  represented  in  Hae.modlpsus  ventricosus  and  Neohaematoptnus 


Haematopinoides  squamosus  Hesperoctenes 

Phthirpediculus  propitheci 

Neohaematopinus  sciuropteri 


Hoplopleura  acanthopus 

Neolinognathus  praelautus  Polyplax  spinulosa 
Spiracles  of  Anoplura  and  Polyctemdae 

Ctenophthirus  cercomydis 
Figure  17 


sciuropteri  (Figure  17)  where  the  transition  from  the  atrium  to  the  second 
chamber  is  more  gradual  and  shows  annular  constrictions  which  appear  as 
slight  ledges  inside  the  chamber.  In  Phthirpediculus  propithec i  (Figure 
17)  and  Hoplopleura  acanthopus  (Figure  17)  the  walls  of  the  atrial  chamber 
present  a  number  of  slight  furrows  marking  the  position  of  internal  ledges 
which  anastomose  to  some  degree.  In  Enderleinellus  longtceps  (Figure  18) 
the  chamber  presents  deep,  annular  constrictions  which  are  widely  spaced. 
In  some  species,  such  as  Neol inognathus  praelautus  (Figure  17)  and  Ender¬ 
leinellus  malaysianus  (Figure  18)  the  lines  marking  the  internal  ledges  be¬ 
come  more  or  less  anastomosed,  forming  a  network  which  marks  out  cell-like 
areas  on  the  surface. 

In  Microthorac ius  mazzai  (Figure  18)  the  lines  mark  out  very  distinct 
cells,  but  here  we  have  a  quite  distinctive  feature  in  the  fact  that  at  the 
points  of  intersection  of  the  internal  ledges  the  ledges  form  pointed  proc¬ 
esses  projecting  into  the  atrial  chamber. 

Very  beautiful  examples  of  a  network  and  enclosed  cell-like  areas  is 
furnished  by  Linognathus  setosus  (Figure  18)  and  Linognathus  stenopsis 
(Figure  18)  .  In  these  species,  what  seems  to  represent  the  diverticulum 
formed  by  the  spiracular  gland  appears  as  a  slight  swelling  at  one  side  of 
the  base  of  the  second  chamber.  In  Solenpotes  cap illat us °( Figure  18)  the 
atrium  is  elongated  and  almost  cylindrical,  with  the  lines  which  mark  the 
courses  of  the  internal  ledges  forming  a  quite  distinctive  angular  pattern, 
but  in  other  species  of  this  genus  the  atrium  is  more  nearly  spherical  al¬ 
though  the  pattern  of  the  lines  is  similar.  In  this  genus  also  there  is  a 
tendency  for  the  spiracle  to  be  borne  in  a  slightly  elevated,  more  or  less 
sclerotic  tubercle,  but  this  is  at  times  much  reduced  or  but  little  evident. 

In  Hybophthirus  notophallus  (Figure  18)  the  atrial  chamber  is  short  and 
almost  cylindrical,  with  its  walls  marked  by  very  short  and  non-anastomo¬ 
sing  lines  indicating  the  presence  of  short  and  interrupted  internal  ledges. 
The  second  chamber  is  but  little  narrower  in  diameter  than  the  atrium. 

In  Pediculus  humanus  (Figure  18)  the  atrium  is  more  or  less  conical  with 
the  opening  at  the  apex  and  is  marked  by  longitudinal  lines.  Inside  it  is 
beset  with  slender  points.  A  quite  similar  arrangement  appears  in  Pthirus. 

In  Haemtopinus  suis  (Figure  18),  as  in  other  species  of  this  genus,  the 
atrium  is  elongated,  apparently  including  the  second  chamber  of  the  area 
usually  occupied  by  the  second  chamber,  and  is  marked  throughout  by  little, 
circular  areas  which  correspond  with  multitudinous  points°which  line  its 
inner  wall. 

The  most  distinctive  spiracles  in  the  Order  are  those  of  the  lice  of 
max ine  carnivores.  These  are  here  illustrated  (Figure  18)  as  they  occur  in 
Antarctophthirus  callor hini,  a  species  in  which  the  membranous  derm  permits 
them  to  be  clearly  seen.  Here  the  spiracle  opens  through  a  short,  mem¬ 
branous  papilla.  Slightly  in  from  the  apex  of  the  papilla  is  a  peculiar, 
sclerotized  collar  which  marks  the  beginning  of  a  short,  simple,  sclero- 
tized  tube  that  constitutes  the  atrium.  The  spiracle  then  expands’  into  the 
second  chamber,  which  may  be  membranous  or  partially  sclerotized  and  forms 
a  sort  ot  bulb.  To  the  wall  oi  this  bulb  attaches  the  lar^e  apodeme  of 
the  occlusor  muscle  and  then  the  trachea  begins.  This  type  of  spiracle  is 
very  distinctive  of  the  little  group  of  species  considered  to  form  the  fam¬ 
ily  Echmophthimdae. 

The  significance  of  these  structures  in  the  intra-ordinal  classification 
Anoplura  will  be  considered  in  the  chapter  on  classification 
a  possible  bearing  upon  the  question  of  their  value  for  such 
there  are  here  presented  illustrations  (Figure  17)  of  the  spiracles 
genera  ol  the  Hemipterous  family  Polyctenidae,  which  are  ectopara¬ 
sites  occurring  on  bats.  It  may  be  noted  that  in  their  general 
they  quite  closely  resemble  the  spiracles  of  some  of  the 
display  the  same  characteristics  of  an  atrium  and 

of  the 
in  two 


Anoplura.  They 
second  chamber,  with 


Solenopotes  capillatus 

Hybophthirus  notophallus 


Enderlemellus  longiceps 



Microthoracius  mazzai 

Pedicinus  obtusus 

Enderlemellus  malaysianus 


Haematopinus  suts 





Spiracles  of  Anoplura 

Figure  18 

the  walls  of  the  atrium  beset  internally  with  ledges.  The  principal  dif¬ 
ference  lies  in  the  presence  of  a  very  well-developed  diverticulum  which 
may  possibly  represent  the  atrial  gland  described  by  Webb  for  the  Anoplura. 

We  may  here  call  special  attention  to  the  spiracles  of  Enderleinellus 
malaysianus  (Figure  18)  and  Enderleinellus  loniiceps  (Figure  18).  It  may 
very  well  be  that  at  some  time  in  the  future  these  two  species  will  be  re¬ 
ferred  to  different  genera,  but  with  the  utmost  degree  of  splitting  they 
will  stand  as  still  belonging  to  closely  related  genera.  Yet  the  pattern 
of  these  spiracles  does  not  suggest  any  close  relationship. 

Internal  Anatony 

There  still  remain  numerous  details  of  the  internal  anatomy  of  the  Ano¬ 
plura  which  have  not  been  well  investigated  and  which  cannot  here  be  consid¬ 
ered.  This  chapter  is  therefore  somewhat  incomplete.  It  will  be  con¬ 
ceited  only  with  the  major  features,  especially  as  they  may  have  a  bearing 
upon  the  understanding  of  external  morphology  and  thus  aid  in  the  problem 
of  taxonomy. 

The  Head 

It  was  necessary  to  consider  certain  aspects  of  the  internal  anatomy  of 
the  head  while  we  were  attempting  to  explain  the  homologies  and  functioning 
of  the  mouthparts.  What  remains  to  be  reviewed  consists  chiefly  of  the 
nervous  system. 

We  have  briefly  mentioned  the  musculature  of  the  antennae.  In  insects 
which  are  provided  with  a  tentorium  the  muscles  of  the  antennae  originate 
upon  it.  But  since  there  is  no  tentorium  in  the  Anoplura  the  muscles  orig¬ 
inate  upon  the  head  wall.  There  is  some  variation  in  the  position  of  their 
origins,  in  Haematopinus  all  being  upon  the  dorsal  wall,  while  in  some 
other  species  a  portion  of  the  origins  are  upon  the  ventral  side. 

This  is  a  matter  of  some  general  interest,  since  the  claim  has  been  made 
by  one  morphologist  that  the  origins  of  muscles  do  not  shift.  There  can  be 
no  possible  question  of  the  fact  that  they  do  so  in  these  insects. 

Pawlowsky's  glands,  as  previously  noted,  are  a  pair  of  rather  large, 
apparently  glandular  structures,  opening  separately  through  the  dorsal  wlall 
of  the  trophic  sac  (ligure  11) .  They  are  innervated  by  a  branch  from  the 
hypopharyngeal  nerve  and  thus  may  definitely  be  regarded  as  belonging  to 
the  hypopharynx  and  consequently  to  the  clypeal  segment.  A  general  study 
of  the  occurrence  of  glands  in  this  region  in  other  insects  will  be  requir¬ 
ed  before  their  homologies  can  be  determined. 

We  ma)  here  call  attention  once  more  to  the  peculiar  mass  of  connective 
tissue  which  occurs  in  the  posterior  portion  of  the  head  and  which  we  have 
called  the  obturacuium.  It  extends  into  the  thorax,  where  it  envelopes  the 
thoracic  ganglia  of  the  nervous  system.  It  serves  as  the  point  of  origin 
of  various  muscles  and  in  this  respect,  if  in  no  other,  presents  a  quite 
unique  development.  Again,  no  conclusions  concerning  this  mass  of  tissue 
can  be  drawn  until  a  general  study  of  connective  tissue  in  this  region  of 
the  body  of  other  insects  has  been  made.  The  present  knowledge  of  the  oc¬ 
currence  of  connective  tissue  in  the  bodies  of  insects  is  exceedingly 
sLight.  &  J 

The  salivary  glands  have  already  been  noted  and  described  in  connection 
with  the  morphology  of  the  head  and  mouthparts. 

The  muscles  found  in  the  head  have  been  considered  to  some  extent  in  con¬ 
nection  with  the  description  of  the  mouthparts.  We  shall  not  here  describe 
them  in  detail,  muscle  by  muscle,  relying  rather  upon  the  illustrations 
which  have  already  been  presented,  but  we  shall  refer  to  them  again  in  con¬ 
nection  with  the  nervous  system. 

The  Thorax 
Figures  13,  14,  19 

It  has  already  been  pointed  out  that  the  true  notum  of  all  of  the  thor¬ 
acic  segments  is  much  reduced.  Apart  from  the  ganglia  of  the  nervous  sys 
tem,  which  will  be  considered  later,  the  thorax  is  occupied  mostly  by  the 
muscles  connected  with  the  legs.  We  shall  here  content  ourselves  with  a 
general  description  of  the  disposition  of  these  muscles  which  will  aid  to 
some  degree  in  understanding  the  external  structures. 

In  Figure  19 A  the  muscles  are  shown  as  they  appeal'  when  the  dorsal  derm 
has  been  removed.  In  Figure  19B  are  shown  the  muscles  which  are  revealed 
by  the  removal  of  the  first  layer  of  dorsal  muscles. 

Note  in  Figure  14A  the  prothoracic  pleural  ridge  or  phragma.  Upon  this 
phragma  there  originate  on  each  side  of  the  body  a  little  cluster  ol  muscles 
which  insert  upon  the  anterior  margin  of  the  sternal  plate,  these  being 
properly  designated  as  the  dorsoveutral  prothoracic  muscles.  Just  anterior 
to  the  phragma a  little  cluster  of  muscles  originates  and  these  muscles  pass 
forward  to  insert  upon  the  posterior  border  of  the  head  near  its  lateral 
margin .  From  each  of  the  two  apophyses  at  the  posterior  bordex-  of  the  head 
narrow  muscle  bauds  extend  posteriorly  to  the  median  notal  apophysis  or  pit. 

The  muscles  of  all  the  legs  converge  to  points  of  origin  upon  the  trans¬ 
verse,  sclerotized  band  which  includes  the  notal  pit  or  apophysis,  this 
band  is  apparently  formed  by  a  continuation  and  fusion  of  the  pleural  ridges 
or  phragmata  of  both  the  mesothorax  and  metathorax. 

There  are  three  muscles  inserting  upon  each  coxa.  Since  the  muscles  of 
the  coxae  in  other  insects — there  usually  being  four  of  them — have  been 
named  according  to  their  functions  as  promotor,  remotor,  levator,  and  de¬ 
pressor  muscles  and  since  these  various  functions  seem  here  to  be  carried 
out  by  but  three  muscles,  it  becomes  a  very  dubious  procedure  to  assign 
specific  names  to  them  and  no  attempt  will  be  made  to  do  so.  They  are  per¬ 
haps  best  called  simply  anterior,  posterior,  and  dorsal  muscles.  The  dor¬ 
sal  muscle  of  the  anterior  coxae  sends  a  small  branch  to  the  corresponding 
pleurostemal  apophysis. 

From  the  notal  pit  bands  of  muscles  radiate  posteriorly  to  attach  at  the 
posterior  border  of  the  thorax  (which  may  involve  an  element  belonging  pro¬ 
perly  to  the  abdomen)  and  presumably  function  to  move  the  thorax  in  rela¬ 
tion  to  the  abdomen.  , 

Ventrally  there  are  very  few  muscles  (Figure  19B)  .  Attention  may  be 

called  to  a  single  small  muscle  strand  extending  from  each  coxa  to  the  mar- 
r\u  of  the  sternal,  plate;  to  a  anaLl  strand  which  passes  across  between  the 
prothoracic  pleurostemal  apophyses;  to  another  quite  large  strand  which 
extends  across  between  the  posterior  coxae. 

The  musculature  within  the  legs  themselves  shows  no  especially  interest- 
in  f  features  and  will  not  be  discussed  here. 


The  Abdomen 

The  segmentation  of  the  abdomen  has  already  been  discussed. 

Apart  from  the  muscles  connected  with  the  genital  organs  the  principal 
muscles  of  the  abdomen  are  found  in  the  relatively  huge  dorsoventral  bun¬ 
dles  arranged  in  a  row  on  each  side  of  the  alimentary  canal  and  extending 
from  the  termite  to  the  sternite  of  each  segment.  It  may  very  well  be  that 
upon  these  muscles  depends  to  a  large  degree  the  compression  of  the  abdomen 
which  sets  up  internal  pressures  in  the  body  fluids  by  which  various  move¬ 
ments— such  as  perhaps  the  extrusion  of  the  trophic  stylets— are  at  least 

in  part  accomplished.  . , ,  ,  ,  . 

The  muscles  of  the  reproductive  structures  will  be  considered  in  connec¬ 
tion  with  the  account  of  these  structures. 


prothoracic  pleuro- sternal  apophysis 

notal  ^ 

stomach-  —  " 

- occipital  apophysis 


A.  thoracic  musculature , dorsal  muscles  in  place 




stomach -  ^  ^  ^  ''^salivary  gland 

B.  thoracic  musculature,dorsal  muscles  removed, and  tracheal  system 

prothoracic  pleuro- sternal  apophysis 




^  occipital  apophysis 

Musculature  of  thorax  of  Haematopinus  suis 

Figure  19 


The  Alimentary  Canal 
Figures  20,  22 

The  very  slender  oesophagus  passes  through  the  obturaculinn  and  then  ex 
ponds  abruptly  into  the  relatively  huge  mid-gut.  Keiliu  and  Nuttall*  indi¬ 
cate  the  presence  of  caeca  at  the  anterior  end  of  the  mid- gut,  but  these  do 
uot  appear  in  Haematopinus  suis.  This  large  intestine  then  passes  directly 
through  the  body  without  any  convolutions  until  it  becomes  the  small  intes¬ 
tine.  The  small  intestine  is  somewhat  convoluted  and  variously  swollen, 
these  swellings  perhaps  depending  upon  the  contents.  It  passes  finally  in¬ 
to  a  swollen,  bulbous  structure,  the  rectal  sac,  then  narrows  again  to  the 
anus.  Upon  the  rectal  sac  are  four  or  more  pad-like  or  plate-like  struc¬ 
tures  which  are  the  rectal  "glands"  or  rectal  pads  as  found  i n other  insects. 

The  Organs  of  Excretion 

There  appear  to  be  but  four  Malpighian  tubules  in  Haematopinus  suis  and 
four  are  recorded  by  Keilin  and  Nuttall*  for  Pedtculus  humanus.  These  dis¬ 
charge  into  the  alimentary'  canal  near  the  anterior  end  of  the  small  intes¬ 
tine.  Keilin  and  Nuttall  have  indicated  that  excretory  products  may  be 
stored  in  certain  "nephrocy tes"  or  cells  of  the  fat  body,  but  this  is  ques¬ 
tioned  by  Wigglesworth . 

The  Heart 
Figure  20 

The  dorsal  vessel  is  of  a  peculiar  form  in  the  sucking  lice.  It  con¬ 
sists  mostly  of  the  very  long  and  slender  aorta  which  continues  posteriorly 
almost  to  the  end  of  the  abdomen  and  then  forms  a  bulbous  swelling,  from 
which  muscles  extend  apparently  to  the  body  wall. 

The  Reproductive  Organs  of  the  Female 
Figure  21 

Each  ovary  consists  in  Haematopinus  suis  of  five  ovarioles  and  the  same 
number  is  recorded  by  Keilin  and  Nuttall  for  Pediculus  humanus.  Apparently 
at  any  moment  only  one  of  these  tubules  will  contain  an  egg  ready  for  de¬ 
position.  The  ovarioles  are  distributed  along  an  oviduct  which  leads  to 
the  uterus  from  each  ovary.  Opening  into  each  oviduct  there  are  in  Haema¬ 
topinus  suis  apparently  three  quite  large  accessory'  glands. 

The  common  oviduct  or  uterus  is  a  very  large  structure  with  apparently 
muscular  walls.  The  duct  from  each  ovary  opens  into  the  uterus  far  back 
toward  the  posterior  end  of  the  latter. 

At  its  posterior  end  the  uterus  opens  into  the  vagina  and  from  the  vagina 
various  small  muscles  pass  to  the  body  wall. 

The  spermatheca  has  already  been  described.  It  apparently  does  not 
occur  in  all  species  of  the  Anoplura  and  the  details  ol  its  histological 
structure  remain  still  to  be  studied. 

The  Spermatheca 

A  single  spermatheca  is  present  in  the  female  of  so  many  species  of 
.Anoplura "that  it  seems  justifiable  to  regard  this  structure  as  a  part  of 
the  basic  structure  of  the  group,  although  in  some  species  it  seems  to  have 
been  lost.  Thus,  it  appears  to  be  lacking  in  Pediculus,  Haematopinus,  and 
some  other  genera. 

- *  Keilin,  D.  ,  and  G.  H.  F.  Nuttall.  19  30.  Parasitology  22:Plate  XI. 


oesophagus „ 

caecum _ 

ventriculus _ 

accessorg  glands _  _ 

tnalpighian  tubules 

heart-  -  -  -  " 

vagina  -  - ' 

Internal  abdominal  structures  of  female  of  Pediculus  humanus 

salivary  glands 




rectal  plates 

heart  muscles 


Figure  20 




oviduct - - 

vaginal  muscles^ 

__  accessory  gland 

~ vagina 

Reproductive  organs  of  female  of  Pediculus  humanus 

Figure  21 



. mycetome 

_j)as  deferens 

.  _ pylorus 

^'s^vas  deferens 

vesicula  seminalis 


caecum . 

ventriculus _ 

testes - 

malpighian  tubules 

rectal  plates. 


Internal  abdominal  structures  of  the  male  of  Pediculus  humanus 

Figure  22 

In  appearance  it  consists  of  a  deLicate,  weakly  scierotized  tube  which 
extends  from  the  dorsal  wail  of  the  vagina  for  a  short  distance  and  termin¬ 
ates  in  a  membranous  or  more  or  less  scierotized  bulb.  The  opening  into 
the  vagina  is  commonly  surrounded  by  a  crescentic  or  circular  ring  ol  strong 
sclerotization  and  this  ring  is  at  times  almost  the  sole  evidence  ol'  the 
presence  of  the  spermatheca. 

The  bulb  is  commonly  extremely  delicate  and  subject  to  distortion  in 
preparations  and  even  to  loss.  Because  of  these  circumstances  it  is  gener¬ 
ally  of  somewhat  dubious  taxonomic  value.  In  one  group,  however,  that  of 
certain  species  of  the  genus  Knderleinellus,  it  is  extremely  helpful,  its 
variations  presenting  the  only  apparent  means  of  separating  the  females  of 
certain  of  the  species.  It  merits  an  extended  study,  throughout  the  Ano- 
plura,  which  is  scarcely  practicable  in  a  work  of  the  present  type. 

For  an  example  of  a  well-developed  spermatheca  the  reader  is  referred  to 
the  illustration  of  the  genitalia  of  the  female  of  Pthtrus  pubis  (Figure 

The  Reproductive  Organs  of  the  Male 
Figures  22,  23 

The  number  of  testes  can  be  interpreted  either  as  four  with  the  members 
of  each  pair  connected  together  by  a  short  and  slender  tube,  from  which  the 
vas  deferens  issues,  or  as  two,  each  of  which  is  much  constricted  to  form 
a  dumbbell-shaped  structure,  with  the  vas  deferens  issuing  from  the  con¬ 
stricted  portion.  Each  vas  deferens  proceeds  for  some  distance  as  a  slen¬ 
der  tube  and  then  expands  to  form  a  thick  tube  which  has  been  considered  by 
various  authors  to  represent  the  vesicula  seminalis.  The  two  vesiculae  lie 
close  together,  appressed  against  the  ventral  side  of  the  alimentary  canal, 
and  are  twice  convoluted,  the  convolutions  extending  forward  almost  to  the 
anterior  border  of  the  abdomen.  Posteriorly,  the  vesicles  unite  into  a 
common  tube  which  forms  the  ejaculatory  duct. 

The  ejaculatory  duct  terminates  at  the  apex  of  the  scierotized  penis,  so 
that  when  the  genitalia  are  extruded  as  in  copulation  it  must  traverse  the 
length  of  the  aedeagus. 

The  musculature  of  the  genitalic  parts  has  been  studied  in  connection 
with  this  work  only  in  Haematopinus  suis  (Figure  24)  and  here  only  suffi¬ 
ciently  to  give  a  general  idea  of  the  mode  of  operation.  It  is  probable 
that  other  species  will  show  some  departure  from  the  arrangements  here  il¬ 

A  relatively  massive  muscle  inserts  upon  the  base  of  the  basal  apodeme 
ventrally  and  originates  upon  the  terminal  sternite  of  the  abdomen.  Appar¬ 
ently  this  muscle,  probably  with  the  aid  of  blood  pressure,  serves  to  ex¬ 
trude  the  genitalia.  From  the  dorsal  side  of  the  basal  apodeme  arises  a 
mass  of  muscle  bundles  which  curve  toward  the  mid-line  where  those  from  the 
two  halves  unite  and  finally  insert  upon  the  base  of  the  genital  sac. 
These  are  undoubtedly  concerned  with  the  retraction  ot  the  sac.  From  each 
side  of  the  sac  a  series  of  muscle  bundles  extends  to  the  ventral  body  wall, 
where  the  bundles  originate  upon  the  genital  plate.  These  apparently  also 
serve  as  retractors.  Another  small  muscle  inserts  on  each  side  near  the 
apex  of  the  sclerotization  of  the  genital  sac  and  inserts  on  the  termi¬ 
nal  sternite  of  the  abdomen  close  to  the  apex  of  the  body.  The  function  of 
this  is  not  entirely  clear,  but  it  is  evidently  concerned  with  the  retrac¬ 
tion  of  the  complex. 

The  Nervous  System 
Figure  24 

For  an  understanding  of  the  elements  of  the  nervous  system  as  related  to 


vas  deferens 

_ vesicula  seminalis 

—  —  aedeagus 

ejaculatory  duct 

Structure  of  male  reproductive  organs  of  Pediculus  humanus 

Figure  23 


nerve  to  labral 
compressor  muscle 

nerve  to  formal  muscle _ 

nerve  to  mouth  angle 
retractor  muscle _ 

nerves  to  minor 
mandibular  muscles*.  ' 

ganglion - 

nerves  to  major 
mandibular  muscles 

undetermined -  " 
structure  X 

suboesophageaL  "  " 

salivary  nerve-'' 

nerve  to  folded 
retractor  muscle'' 

nerve  to  transverse'' 
labial  muscle 

prothoracic  nerves' ’ 

nerves  to  cibarial  muscles 

Jrontal  ganglion 

recurrent  nerve 

_  _ antennal  nerve 
_ optic  nerve 

''  /  //'X 

^ nerves  to 
Pawlo iv sky 's  glmuts 

nerve  to  hypophargngeal 
stator  muscle 

- - ventral  nerve  cord 

'  ''''^nerves  to  folded 
maxillary  and 
\  labial  protractor  muscles 



^  \  ' 

nerve  to  folded  labial 
retractor  muscle 

^ mesothoracic  nerve 


abdominal  nerves 

s metathoracic  nerves 

Nervous  system  of  Haematopinus  suis 

Figure  24 


the  segmentation  of  the  head  the  reader  is  referred  to  a  series  of  papers 
hy  Laura  M.  Henry*  in  which  the  significance  of  the  innervations  is  dis¬ 
cussed  in  detail.  The  conclusions  there  presented  are  here  adopted  without 
reservation  and  have  been  employed  as  the  basis  for  an  understanding  of  the 
head  and  mouthparts  of  these  lice. 

Some  description  of  the  arrangement  of  the  nervous  elements  in  the  head 
has  already  been  given  in  connection  with  the  consideration  of  the  mouth- 
parts,  but  we  may  review  this  again  in  connection  with  the  nervous  system 
as  a  whole. 

From  the  supraoesophageal  ganglion  there  originate  three  pairs  of  nerves. 
Of  these,  one  pair  innervates  the  eyes  and  one  the  antennae.  Those  of  the 
third  pair  are  the  nerves  of  the  labrum  and  the  stomodaeum  and  innervate 
all  muscles  which  insert  upon  these  parts.  All  muscles  which  they  inner¬ 
vate  are  therefore  to  be  identified  as  inserting  upon  structures  that  be¬ 
long  morphologically  to  the  labral  segment,  which  is  segment  one  of  the 
body.  These  nerves  pass  forward  and  branch.  A  mesal  branch  from  each 
leads  to  the  frontal  ganglion  and  close  to  the  point  of  origin  of  this 
branch  is  a  lateral  hranch  which  passes  to  the  muscle  which  we  identify 
as  the  mouthangle  retractor.  The  main  nerves  continue  forward  and  give  off 
laterally  a  branch  which  innervates  what  we  consider  to  be  the  tormal  mus¬ 
cle,  a  muscle  that  inserts  upon  the  posterior- lateral  angle  of  the  palatal 
plate.  Continuing,  the  main  nerves  innervate  the  muscle  that  we  consider 
to  be  the  compressor  of  the  labrum. 

From  the  frontal  ganglion  a  single  median  nerve  extends  posteriorly, 
this  being  the  recurrent  nerve  which  cares  for  the  innervations  of  the  an¬ 
terior  portion  of  the  alimentary’  canal,  that  is  to  say  of  all  those  por¬ 
tions  derived  from  the  stomodaeum.  We  have  not  followed  it  in  complete  de¬ 
tail,  but  Florence**  has  indicated  that  it  forms  a  small  ganglion  which  may 
be  identified  as  the  occipital  ganglion,  and  then  branches. 

The  circumoesophageal  connectives  are  very  short  and  the  opening  en¬ 
closed  by  them  for  the  passage  of  the  oesophagus  and  other  structures  is 
extremely  small. 

Arising  from  the  suboesophageal  ganglion,  somewhat  toward  the  meson,  is 
a  pair  of  nerves  which  through  branches  supplies  the  two  pairs  of  muscles 
that  we  identify  as  belonging  to  the  mandibles. 

Next  comes  a  pair  of  nerves  which  arise  from  near  the  side  of  the  sub¬ 
oesophageal  ganglion  and  which,  through  branches,  innervate  all  the  struc¬ 
tures  that  we  identify  as  belonging  to  the  hypopharynx,  these  including 
Pawlowsky' s  gland  and  certain  muscles.  From  each  of  these  main  nerves, 
near  its  base,  there  arises  a  short  stalk  that  terminates  in  a  little, 
knob-like  structure,  indicated  in  Figure  25  as  X.  We  have  no  evidence  as 
to  what  this  structure  is. 

There  follows  a  pair  of  nerves  which  we  consider  to  be  formed  by  a  fu¬ 
sion  of  the  maxillary  and  labial  nerve  trunks  and  which  innervate  the  mus¬ 
cles  assigned  to  the  maxilla  and  labium.  The  last  pair  innervate  the  sali¬ 
vary  glands  and  are  connected  by  a  small  cross-nerve  to  the  labial-maxil¬ 
lary'  trunk. 

Following  the  suboesophageal  ganglion  the  ventral  nerve  cord  is  very 
slender  for  a  short  distance  and  then  expands  into  the  huge  mass  of  fused 
ganglia  in  the  thorax.  This  ganglion  mass  is  very  evidently  composed  of 
the  three  thoracic  ganglia  and  includes  also  all  the  abdominal  ganglia. 
From  its  posterior- lateral  angles  there  arise  on  each  side  four  nerves 
which  supply  the  structures  of  the  trbdomen.  We  have  not  traced  these  nerves 
beyond  the  point  of  determining  that  the  last  nerve  of  the  series,  which  is 

♦  Henry,  Laura  m!  1947,  M  icroent  on  o  logy  12:  3:  65-82;  figs.  23-29;  1947, 

Mi  croentono  lo gy  12:4:83-110;  figs.  30-45;  1948,  M  i cr o e n t ouo  lo g y  13:1:1-26; 
figs.  1-9;  1948,  Microentomology  13:2:27-48;  figs.  10-16. 

**  Florence,  Laura.  1921.  Cornell  University  Agr icul tur al  Sxp er inent 
Station,  Ithaca,  tew  fork.  Memoir  51,  pages  642-743. 


the  largest,  cares  for  all  the  reproductive  system.  There  is  evidently  a 
considerable  decree  of  fusion  of  the  nerves  to  the  various  segments  and 
this  remains  still  to  be  worked  out. 

We  have  not  traced  the  innervation  ot  the  heart.  It  is  therefore  evi¬ 
dent  that  there  is  more  work  still  to  lie  doue  before  all  the  details  of  the 
nervous  system  are  finally  established. 

The  Mycetome 
Figure  22 

The  structure  called  the  mycetome  has  been  noted  by  several  authors  in 
various  species  of  Anoplura  and  knowledge  concerning  it  has  been  summed  up 
by  Steinhaus  in  his  book  "Insect  Microbiology"  (1946).  The  entire  subject 
of  the  mycetome  is  a  rather  complicated  one  and  will  not  lie  reviewed  here. 
It  will  suffice  for  our  purposes  to  uote  it  as  a  visible  disk  of  cells  ly¬ 
ing  on  the  mid-gut  in  the  larvae  and  in  the  adult  male.  In  the  adult  female 
the  enclosed  symbionts  leave  the  region  of  the  stomach  and  migrate  into  the 
ovaries.  The  mycetome  has  been  observed  in  Pediculus  humanus,  Pthirus 
pubis,  a  species  of  Pedtctnus,  Haematopinus  suis,  eurysternus,  and  asini, 
Linognathus  vituli  and  setosus,  and  iu  Polyplax  spinulosa.  The  position 
of  the  mycetome  appears  generally  to  be  essentially  as  is  indicated  for  the 
male  of  Pediculus  humanus  in  Figure  22. 



Growth  and  Development 

The  Egg 

Figures  25,  26 

As  far  as  is  known  the  sucking  lice,  with  one  single  exception,  always 
attach  their  eggs  to  the  hairs  of  the  host.  This  single  exception  is  a 
louse  of  man  which  will  attach  eggs  to  the  clothing.  Even  here  the  method 
is  essentially  the  same  as  in  other  forms,  the  eggs  being  attached  to  pro¬ 
jecting  fibers  whenever  possible.  The  attachment  is  by  means  of  a  drop  of 
cement  which  surrounds  a  single  hair,  or  in  some  instances  several  hairs, 
and  encloses  one  end  of  the  egg  itself.  Florence  (1921)  has  indicated  that 
the  cement  originates  in  the  collaterial  or  accessory  glands  illustrated  in 
Figure  21. 

The  free  end  of  the  egg  is  always  provided  with  an  operculum  that  breaks 
away  to  permit  the  exit  of  the  larva  and,  as  far  as  observations  go,  the 
egg  is  always  oriented  with  this  end  away  from  the  base  of  the  hair  upon 
which  the  egg  is  attached.  The  eggs  are  always  arranged  singly  along  the 
hair,  although  at  times  they  may  be  placed  in  a  very  closely  spaced  series. 

The  total  amount  of  information  concerning  the  eggs  of  the  Anoplura  is 
relatively  small.  The  eggs  of  a  number  of  species  have  been  illustrated 
from  time  to  time  but  these  illustrations  are  usually  but  little  detailed 
and  the  structures  of  the  egg  shell  have  only  rarely  been  studied  in  de¬ 
tail.  Such  information  as  there  is  has  been  derived  mostly  from  the  egg  of 
Pediculus  humanus. 

In  many  forms,  such  as  Pediculus  humanus,  the  operculum  is  beset  with 
small,  knob-like  tubercles,  each  of  which  carries  a  minute  external  opening. 
This  pore  communicates  with  a  somewhat  expanded  chamber,  which  in  turn  com¬ 
municates  with  the  interior  of  the  egg  by  a  pore.  However,  this  arrangement 
is  by  no  means  present,  at  least  in  such  form,  in  the  eggs  of  all  species. 

Unfortunately,  the  total  amount  of  material  available  in  connection  with 
the  present  work  has  been  quite  small  and  the  eggs  of  only  a  few  species 
can  be  illustrated.  These  are  sufficient,  however,  to  show  that  there  is 
considerable  variation  in  details  and  to  suggest  that  an  extended  study 
would  be  worth  while  and  might  throw  some  light  on  the  problems  of  general 
classification.  It  may  be  remarked  that  eggs  can  be  obtained  with  no  dif¬ 
ficulty  from  the  skins  of  mammals  in  museum  collections,  even  if  remains  of 
the  lice  themselves  are  not  present.  However,  this  presents  difficulties, 
since  as  many  as  three  species  of  lice  may  occur  upon  a  single  host  and 
consequently  doubt  will  arise  in  many  instances  as  to  the  ascription  of  the 
eggs  to  the  proper  species.  Also,  there  is  the  difficulty  that  a  large 
percentage  of  the  eggs  will  have  hatched  and  consequently  the  operculum 
will  be  lacking.  In  such  examples  the  most  distinctive  characters  of  the 
eggs  will  have  been  lost. 

On  the  basis  of  the  material  that  is  available  the  following  notes  are 
ottered.  In  Figure  25C  is  shown  the  egg  of  Pediculus  humanus  corporis  as 
attached  by  an  irregular  drop  of  cement  to  a  cluster  of  fibers  of  the  cloth¬ 
ing  of  the  host.  The  operculum  is  shown  as  detached  and  flattened.  It 
wiLL  be  noted  that  there  are  15-20  of  the  little  air  cells  or  cellulae, 
these  being  arranged  in  an  eccentrically  placed  group.  In  eggs  of  what  is 
here  for  the  moment  called  Pediculus  chapini  (Figure  26D)  the  number  of 
cells  is  lewer ,  but  material  has  not  been  available  to  permit  the  dissec¬ 
ting  away  of  an  operculum  in  such  a  manner  as  to  reveal  the  exact  number. 


Eggs  of  Anoplura 

Figure  25 

A.  Neohaematopinus  sciuropteri 

B.  Haematopinoides 

C.  Linognathus  breviceps 

Eggs  of  Anoplura 


In  Pthirus  pubis  (Figure  25F)  the  cellulae  seeiu  to  occupy  practically  the 
entire  area  ot  the  opercular  surface  and  are  large  and  elongated.  In 
Hoplopleura  oenomydis  (Figure  25A)  the  cellulae  are  moderately  large  and 
are  arranged  in  a  single  row  extending  around  the  operculum  close  to  the 
margin.  In  Hoplopleura  crypt  lea  (Figure  25B)  the  cellulae  are  very  small, 
being  scarcely  larger  than  the  enclosed  pore  and  there  seem  to  be  about  16 
of  them.  In  Pahrenholzia  microcephala  (Figure  26D)  there  seem  to  be  only  3 
or  4  cellulae  and  these  are  very  small  and  are  displaced  towai'd  one  side. 
In  L inognat  hus  breuiceps  (Figure  26C)  there  are  perhaps  10  cellulae,  these 
occupying  the  centi’al  area.  In  Enderleinellus  osborni  (Figure  2f»t )  there 
are  no  cellulae  and  no  evident  pores.  In  Haematopinus  suis  (Figure  26E) 
there  are  no  evident  cellulae. 

The  egg  shell  appears  sculptured  in  some  species.  Thus,  in  the  egg  of 
Hoplopleura  oenomydis  (Figure  25A)  it  is  mai’ked  by  two  sets  of  diagonal 
ci'osslines  which  divide  the  surface  into  little,  lozenge-shaped  areas  that 
can  be  seen  only  in  favorable  specimens  and  by  proper  adjustment  of  the 
light  in  the  microscope.  In  Haematopinus  suis  the  entire  shell,  including 
the  operculum,  is  marked  with  minute,  clear,  cellular  areas.  In  Hoplopleura 
crypt ica  the  shell  bears  somewhat  irregular,  cellular  areas.  In  other 
species  here  illustrated  there  seem  to  be  no  markings  of  any  kind.  In  the 
egg  of  Neohaematopinus  sc iuropteri  (Figure  26A) — or  at  least  on  the  basis 
of  circumstantial  evidence  an  egg  presumed  to  belong  to  that  species — the 
available  specimens  have  lost  the  operculum,  but  the  base  of  the  egg  is 
very  distinctly  marked  by  transverse  folds  or  ridges. 

The  form  of  the  cement  pedicel  varies.  Its  attachment  to  the  hair  may 
be  very  short  or  may  be  much  extended.  It  may  be  rough  and  irregular  or 
smooth.  The  attachment  to  the  egg  may  be  strictly  apical  or  may  extend  up 
one  side  of  the  egg.  In  the  egg  of  Haematopinoides  squamosus  (Figure  26B), 
which  seems  usually  to  be  attached  to  a  cluster  of  hairs  of  the  host,  the 
cement  itself  is  transversely  wrinkled  on  the  side  away  from  the  attachment. 

The  number  of  hairs  enclosed  within  the  cement  seems  frequently  to  be 
variable.  In  general,  it  appears  on  the  basis  of  the  small  amount  of  avail¬ 
able  material  that  ordinarily  a  single  hair  is  involved.  There  seems  to  be 
no  special  choice  as  to  the  size  of  the  hairs.  Thus,  eggs  are  at  hand  of 
Fahrenholzia  microcephala,  taken  from  the  same  host  individual,  some  of 
which  are  attached  to  small,  slender  hairs  and  others  to  large,  spiny  hairs. 
In  the  latter  case  the  cement  is  spread  very  thinly'  around  the  hair. 

In  the  form  of  the  eggs  there  seems  in  general  to  be  nothing  especially 
distinctive,  although  certainly  in  some  species  this  is  not  true.  The  egg 
of  Haematopinoides  squamosus  in  the  material  at  hand  is  somewhat  constric¬ 
ted  medially.  The  egg  of  Pediculus  chaptni  is  quite  pointed  basally.  The 
egg  of  Heohaematopinus  sc  iuropteri  is  noticeably  long  and  slender.  In  most 
of  the  species  here  illustrated  the  actual  form  of  the  egg  is  probably  more 
slender  than  is  indicated,  since  dried  eggs  usually  collapse  with  consequent 
apparent  broadening. 

Developmental  Stages 
Figures  27,  28  ,  29  ,  30 

The  existing  knowledge  of  the  immature  stages  of  the  Anoplura  is  quite 
scanty,  there  being  probably  not  more  than  a  half-dozen  species  of  which 
all  the  stages  are  known.  TTie  only  species  at  hand  of  which  all  stages  are 
represented  are  Pediculus  humanus,  Pediculus  mjQber§i  (Figure  27)  and 
Pedicinus  obtusus  (Figure  28). 

There  seem  to  be  a  total  of  four  instars.  It  will  be  noted  that  in 
these  species  the  principal  changes  which  occur,  apart  from  the  development 
of  the  genitalic  structures  and  alteration  of  proportions,  are  associated 
with  the  development  of  the  paratergites .  In  Pediculus  mjH>ber£i  these  are 


2nd  instar 

Nymphal  stages  of  Pediculus  mjobergi  Ferris 

3rd  instar 

Figure  27 



2nd  instar  2 

Nymphal  stages  of  Polyplax  spinulosa  (Burmeister) 

Figure  29 

recognizable  in  the  second  instar,  while  in  Pedicinus  obtusus  they  do  not 
appear  until  the  third  instar.  Also,  in  these  species  there  are  certain 
changes  in  the  antennae,  the  last  three  segments  being  scarcely  or  not  at 
all  indicated  in  the  first  three  instars.  This  is  not  generally  true,  the 
first  stage  usually  having  five  antennal  segments  as  does  the  adulf. 

Of  other  species,  there  are  at  hand  only  a  few  immature  individuals,  no 
complete  developmental  series  being  represented.  Consequently,  it  is  dif¬ 
ficult  to  assign  these  specimens  to  their  proper  instars.  On  the  basis  of 
present  indications,  however,  it  appears  that  th*e  only  species  in  which  the 
immature  stages  present  any  especially  peculiar  developments  are  those  of 
the  genus  Hoplopleura.  In  this  genus  there  seems  to  be  a  general  tendency 
toward  the  development  of  sclerotized  tubercles  on  the  antennae  and  on  the 
ventraL  side  of  the  head  and  also  of  unusual  setae  on  the  abdominal  margins. 
It  is  not  clear  in  which  stage  the  paratergites  appear  in  these  forms. 

The  appearance  of  the  immature  stages  in  the  genus  Hoplopleura  is  such 
that  an  incautious  worker  might  very  well  be  led  to  suspect  the  presence  of 
more  than  one  species.  Illustrations  of  some  of  these  stages  of  this  genus 
are  herewith  presented. 



First  stage  of  species  of  Hoplopleura 



The  Taxonomic  Status  of  the  Sucking  Lice 

Historical  Review 

The  sucking  lice  are  for  the  most  part  very  small  forms  and  require 
special  methods  of  preparation  for  study  under  the  microscope.  Such  meth¬ 
ods  were  scarcely  available  until  comparatively  recent  times  and  in  fact 
have  reached  a  satisfactory  decree  of  development  only  within  the  last 
thirty- five  years;  even  yet  very  few  entomologists  have  become  fully  aware 
of  them  or  have  become  proficient  in  their  use.  Moreover,  the  members  of 
this  group  of  ectoparasites  were  long  regarded  as  merely  "disgusting  para¬ 
sites"  and  therefore  scarcely  worthy  of  the  attention  of  anyone  possessed 
of  esthetic  feelings.  And  still  beyond  that,  it  requires  a  special  effort 
to  secure  material  of  any  large  representation  of  the  group,  since  the  col¬ 
lector  must  first  obtain  specimens  of  the  mammals  upon  which  they  occur. 
For  all  of  these  reasons  they  have  until  relatively  recent  years  received 
but  little  attention  from  entomologists.  Their  taxonomic  history  repre¬ 
sents  a  series  of  stumbling  attempts  to  assign  them  to  some  generally  ac¬ 
ceptable  position  in  the  scheme  of  classification  of  the  insects  and  to  de¬ 
vise  a  system  of  classification  within  the  group  itself.  Even  yet  there  is 
no  absolute  agreement  in  regard  to  either  of  these  aspects  of  their  classi¬ 

Fahrenholz,*  in  a  paper  published  in  1936,  gave  a  detailed  review  of  the 
taxonomic  history'  of  the  group,  which  has  been  utilized  in  preparing  the 
following  summary.  This  has  been  supplemented  from  other  sources  and 
brought  up  to  date,  especially  with  the  aid  of  a  work  on  the  history  of  the 
development  of  insect  classification  published  in  193V. ** 

We  need  not  concern  ourselves  with  anything  thatmayhave  been  done  prior 
to  the  appearance  of  the  tenth  edition  of  Linnaeus'  "Systema  Naturae"  of  1758, 
upon  which  our  present  system  of  classification  and  nomenclature  is  ground¬ 
ed.  In  this  work  Linnaeus  adopted  the  ancient  Latin  name  Pediculus  for  a 
genus  into  which  he  threw  almost  everything  that  could  conceivably  be  called 
a  "louse,"  placing  this  genus  in  the  insect  Order  Aptera  along  with  the 
mites,  fleas,  and  the  primitively  wingless  group  now  called  the  Thysanura. 
The  genus  contained  a  weird  assortment  of  forms,  including  biting  lice, 
sucking  lice,  Corrodentia,  a  beetle  triungulinid  and  a  Hippoboscid  fly. 

In  1775,  Fabricius,  in  his  "Systema  Entomologiae",  included  the  genus  with 
essentially  the  same  composition  in  his  Order  Antliata,  placing  in  it  a  mis¬ 
cellaneous  assortment  of  forms  that  included  mites  and  some  flies,  and  this 
system  was  followed  in  his  "Systema  Antliatorum"  which  was  published  in  1805- 

In  1806,  Latreille  recognized  the  Order  Parasita,  which  was  composed  of 
the  two  groups  of  lice — the  biting  lice  being  placed  in  the  genus  Ricinus 
and  the  sucking  lice  in  the  genus  Pediculus. 

Also  in  1806,  Lamarck,  in  his  "Histoire  Naturelle  des  Animaux  sans  Ver- 
tebres, "  placed  these  genera  in  the  Order  Arachnides  Antennistes,  in  the 
strange  company  of  the  centipedes,  the  myriopods,  and  certain  insects  now 
generally  referred  to  the  Order  Thysanura. 

In  1815,  Leach,  in  the  "Edinburgh  Encyclopaedia,"  placed  the  lice  in  the 

•Fahrenholz,  H.  Zeitschrift  filr  Parasitenkunde,  Volume  9,  Part  1,  pages 
50 -  57 .  1936. 

*•  Wilson,  H.  F.  ,  and  M.  H.  Doner.  The  Historical  Development  of  Insect 
Classification.  1937. 


uew  Order  Anoplura,  this  including  two  genera  of  sucking  lice,  Fediculu s 
and  Huematopinus;  and  one  jfenus  of  biting  Lice,  Nirmus.  This  arrangement 
was  adopted  also  by  him  in  "Zoological  Miscellany"  in  1817,  where  he  placed 
the  sucking  lice  in  the  f;unily  Pediculidae  and  the  biting  lice  in  the  lam 
ily  Nirmidae. 

In  1818,  Nitzsch,  in  a  paper  entitled  "Darstel lung  der  Familien  uud  (jat- 
tungen  der  Th  ierinsekteu, "  published  in  Volume  ill  of  Geimar's  Magazin  fiir 
die  Entomologie,  recognized  these  two  groups  but  placed  the  sucking  lice  in 
the  Hemiptera  Epizoica  and  the  biting  lice  in  the  Orthoptera  Epizoica. 

In  1823,  Dumeril,  in  his  "Considerations  generates  sur  le  classe  des  in- 
sectes, "  placed  the  sucking  lice  in  the  group  Khinaptera  along  with  the 
fleas  and  at  least  some  mites. 

In  1825,  Latreille,  in  his  "Families  uaturelles  du  regne  animal,"  re¬ 
tained  the  Oilier  Parasita  and  divided  it  into  two  groups,  Siphunculata  for 
the  sucking  lice  and  Mandibulata  for  the  biting  lice. 

In  1826,  Kirby  and  Spence,  in  Volume  IV  of  their  "Introduction  to  Ento¬ 
mology,"  placed  all  the  lice  together  in  the  Order  Aptera,  still  along  with 
the  Thysanura,  the  inyriopods  and  various  arachnids. 

At  some  time  between  1835  and  1840,  burmeister,  in  his  "Handbuch  der  Eu- 
tomologie, "  which  was  published  in  five  volumes  during  these  years,  placed 
the  sucking  lice  under  the  Order  Rhynchota  and  the  biting  lice  in  the  Order 
Mallophaga,  this  apparently  being  the  first  use  of  the  latter  name. 

In  1842,  Denny,  in  his  "Monographia  Anoplurorum  britanniae,"  restored 
the  Order  Anoplura,  dividing  it  into  two  suborders.  For  the  sucking  lice 
he  employed  the  subordinal  names  Rhynchota  or  Haustellata  and  for  the  bit¬ 
ing  lice  the  names  Mallophaga  or  Mandibulata,  in  each  case  apparently  as 

In  1874,  Giebel,  in  his  great  work  "Insecta  Epizoa, "  placed  the  sucking 
lice  as  the  family  Pediculina  in  the  Order  Hemiptera,  calling  the  group 
Hemiptera  Epizoa. 

In  1880,  Piaget,  in  his  monumental  "Les  Pediculines, "  very  frankly  a- 
voided  the  use  of  any  ordinal  names,  but  regarded  the  sucking  lice  as  con¬ 
stituting  a  single  family,  the  Pediculidae,  and  the  biting  lice  as  two  fam¬ 
ilies,  Liotheidae  and  Philopteridae,  the  three  families  being  considered  as 
of  equal  rank. 

In  1896(7),  Haeckel  referred  the  two  groups  of  lice  to  the  Order  Phthi- 
raptera  and  this  name  has  recently  been  taken  up  by  Weber  and  by  Eichler, 
these  authors  using  it  to  include  the  suborders  Anoplura,  Mallophaga  and 
Rhynchophthirina,  the  last  name  being  that  which  was  proposed  by  Ferris  for 
the  reception  of  the  genus  Haematomr/zus. 

At  some  time  during  the  latter  part  of  the  nineteenth  century  the  idea 
became  established  in  the  minds  of  entomologists  that  the  sucking  lice  are 
related  to  the  Hemiptera.  Thus  in  the  earlier  editions  of  Comstock's 
"Manual  for  the  Study  of  Insects,"  and  in  fact  in  an  edition  as  late  as 
1913,  they  are  placed  as  the  Suborder  Parasita  under  the  Hemiptera.  In 
Kellogg's  "American  Insects"  (1908)  they  are  thus  placed.  On  the  other 
hand,  the  Mallophaga  were  recognized  by  Comstock  as  a  separate  Order  as 

early  as  1895- 

In  1903,  Cholodkovsky,  in  "Zoologischer  Anzeiger, "  Volume  27,  recognized 
the  sucking  lice  as  an  independent  Order  and  proposed  the  name  Pseudorhyn- 
chota  for  them. 

In  this  same  journal  and  volume  Shipley  proposed  the  ordinal  name 
Eliipoptera  for  them  in  an  attempt  to  establish  a  uniform  system  of  endings 
for  the  names  of  the  insect  Orders. 

Also  in  this  same  journal  and  volume  Borner,  in  a  projected  classifica¬ 
tion  of  the  insects,  recognized  the  sucking  lice  as  the  Order  Siphunculata, 
crediting  the  name  erroneously  to  Meinert. 

In  1908,  Handlirsch,  who  probably  had  a  broader  understanding  of  insect 


classification  than  any  other  man  who  has  ever  lived,  recognized  the  suck¬ 
ing  lice  under  the  ordinal  name  Siphunculata  and  he  adopted  this  assignment 
in°a  section  of  Schroeder's  "Handbuch  der  Entomologie,  "  which  was  published 

in  1923. 

In  1908,  Dalle  Torre,  in  Wytsmann's  "Genera  Insectorum,  '  published  a 
catalogue  of  the  sucking  lice,  calling  them  the  Order  Anoplura. 

In  1910,  Mjoberg,  in  a  work  entitled  "Studien  iiher  Mallophagen  und  Ano- 
pluren,"  which  appeared  in  Volume  6  of  "Arkiv  for  Zoologi,"  reverted  to  the 
opinion  that  these  two  groups  constitute  a  single  Order,  for  which  he  ap¬ 
parently  used  the  name  Siphunculata,  while  employing  the  subordinal  names 
Anoplura  for  the  sucking  lice  and  Mallophaga  for  the  biting  lice. 

In  1916,  Lancelot  Harrison,  in  a  paper  published  in  Volume  18  of  the 
"Proceedings  of  the  Cambridge  Philosophical  Society,"  also  supported  this 

Apparently  as  a  result  of  the  conclusions  of  these  last  two  authors,  the 
writers  of  various  textbooks — notably  Imms  in  his  "General  Textbook  of 
Entomology" — have  adopted  this  opinion  and  have  united  the  two  groups,  Imms 
employing  the  ordinal  name  Anoplura  for  both. 

Ferris,  in  his  series  of  papers  entitled  "Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice"— published  in  the  Stanford  University  Publica¬ 
tions,  Biological  Sciences  Series,  over  a  period  from  1919  to  1934 — consid¬ 
ered  the  sucking  lice  to  belong  by  themselves  in  the  Order  Anoplura. 

Fahrenholz,  in  a  paper  published  in  1936  in  "Zeitschrift  fur  Parasiten- 
kunde, "  Yolume  9,  followed  this  procedure,  but  included  in  the  sucking  lice 
the  peculiar  genus  Haematomyzus,  which  has  but  one  species,  the  louse  of 
the  elephants.  Ferris  had  shown  earlier  that  this  insect  is  not  a  sucking 
louse,  being  an  insect  with  biting  mouthparts  and  probably  more  closely  re¬ 
lated  to  the  Mallophaga,  to  which  Order  he  assigned  it.  Fahrenholz  retained 
it  in  the  sucking  lice  purely  on  the  grounds  that  functionally  it  is  a 
sucking  form.  He  divided  the  Anoplura  into  two  Suborders — Rhvnchophthirina, 
a  name  previously  proposed  by  Ferris  as  a  Suborder  of  the  Mallophaga  for 
inclusion  of  Haematomyzus ;  and  the  new  name  Inrostrata,  for  the  true  sucking 

In  1939,  Weber,  in  "Biologisches  Zentralblatt, "  Volume  59,  took  up 
Haeckel's  name  Phthiraptera,  as  already  noted,  placing  under  it  as  suborders 
the  three  groups  Anoplura,  Mallophaga,  and  Rhynchophthirina,  the  last  named 
including  only  the  louse  of  elephants.  In  1946,  Eichler,  in  "Archiv  fur 
Naturgeschichte,"  Neue  Folge,  Volume  10,  Heft  3,  also  adopted  this  arrange¬ 
ment  . 

In  1946,  Webb,  in  "Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society  of  London, 
Volume  116,  adopted  the  opinion  that  the  lice  constitute  a  single  Order,  to 
which  he  applied  the  name  Anoplura. 

In  1949,  Hopkins,  in  Volume  119  of  the  same  journal,  followed  Weber's 
procedure  of  placing  all  the  lice  in  the  Order  Phthiraptera. 

Throughout  all  this  time  the  authors  of  various  textbooks  of  entomology 
and  parasitology,  none  of  whom  had  any  personal  acquaintance  with  the  in¬ 
sects  involved,  have  adopted  one  or  another  of  the  various  arrangements  and 
one  or  another  of  the  various  names.  It  would  be  useless  to  consider  these 
textbooks,  since  they  contribute  nothing  original. 

The  problem  of  the  name  to  be  used  for  the  sucking  lice  involves  two  as¬ 
pects,  one  being  purely  nomenclatorial,  the  other  zoological. 

The  problem  of  nomenclature  being  the  simpler  may  be  disposed  of  first. 
To  the  question  of  what  name  should  be  employed  for  the  sucking  lice  there 
is  no  absolute  answer.  The  International  Rules  do  not  cover  situations  of 
this  kind,  since  they  do  not  extend  to  the  names  of  groups  above  the  super- 
family  and  even  here  are  not  definite.  The  only  rule  that  can  be  followed 
is  some  rule  of  reason.  The  subject  is  subjudice  at  the  moment,  to  be  set¬ 
tled,  perhaps,  at  Copenhagen  in  1953- 


Apparently  the  first  ordinal  name  employed  for  all  the  1  ice  was  Paras i ti , 
proposed  by  Latreille  in  1796.  If  priority  holds,  this  name  would  have  to 
be  maintained  either  for  al L  the  lice  together  as  combined  in  a  single  Or 
der,  or  for  one  of  the  groups  if  the  Order  be  divided.  But  priority  does 
not  necessarily  hold  in  such  circumstances  and  there  is  the  objection  to 
this  name  that  it  is  entirely  too  broad  in  its  connotations.  Furthermore, 
the  name  Parasitidae  has  been  employed  also  for  a  family  of  mites. 

The  second  available  name  seems  to  be  Anoplura,  proposed  b)  Leach  in 
1815.  This  name  has  come  into  quite  general  use  and  conveys  no  suggestion 
of  applicability  to  any  group  other  than  the  lice.  The  opinion  here  held 
is  that  there  is  no  reason  why  it  should  be  replaced  by  any  of  the  names 
which  were  later  proposed. 

Now,  since  this  name  was  originally  proposed  for  the  biting  and  the 
sucking  lice  as  combined  in  a  single  group,  the  question  arises  as  to  which 
group  should  inherit  it  if  the  Order  is  divided.  The  opinion  is  here  main¬ 
tained  that  since  the  biting  lice  were  very  early  removed  as  the  Order 
Mallophaga  and  were  thus  supplied  with  a  name  that  has  long  been  employed, 
the  reasonable  procedure  is  to  retain  the  name  Anoplura  for  the  sucking 
lice  if  they  be  recognized  as  an  independent  Order. 

We  come  now  to  the  zoological  question  involved,  that  of  whether  the  two 
groups  should  be  recognized  as  separate  Orders  or  merged  in  a  single  Order. 

This  problem  has  no  objective  solution,  whatever  answer  is  adopted  being 
merely  one  of  opinion .  The  two  groups  exist,  but  the  rank  to  be  assigned  to 
them  depends  solely  upon  the  mental  processes  of  the  protagonists  of  either 
opinion  and  upon  subj ective  ideas  concerning  philosophical  questions  involved 
in  the  general  process  of  classification.  The  groups  are  nearly  enough 
alike  to  justify  union,  or  they  are  sufficiently  different  to  justify  sepa¬ 
ration,  either  step  being  dependent  upon  the  weight  assigned  to  similarities 
of  habit  on  the  one  hand  or  to  differences  in  morphology  on  the  other. 

The  author,  being  a  morphologist,  claims  the  greater  weight  for  mor¬ 
phology.  And  from  the  point  of  view  here  adopted  this  argues  for  ordinal 

The  principal  distinction  between  the  sucking  lice  and  the  biting  lice 
(the  latter  including  the  Rhynchophthirina)  lies  in  the  mouthparts.  The 
feeding  mechanism  of  the  sucking  lice,  which  will  be  described  in  detail  in 
a  later  section,  differs  very  greatly  from  the  mechanism  found  in  the  biting 
lice  and  there  are  no  known  transitional  forms  between  the  two  groups.  Nor 
is  this  all.  The  arrangement  of  the  thoracic  elements  is  quite  different 
in  the  two  groups. 

As  a  matter  of  fact,  the  idea  that  the  biting  lice  and  the  sucking  lice 
are  related  finds  but  little  actual  morphological  support,  although  there 
is  a  suggestion  of  some  sort  of  remote  relationship.  The  feeling  of  rela¬ 
tionship0  seems  to  arise  chiefly  from  the  fact  that  the  biting  lice  offer 
the  only  known  source  from  which  the  sucking  lice  could  have  been  derived. 
The  writer  is  not  impressed  by  Webb's  insistence  upon  the  evidence  afforded 
by  the  tracheal  system,  in  the  light  of  the  very  profound  differences  in 
the  feeding  mechanism. 

The  opinion  is  here  maintained,  therefore,  that  the  sucking  lice  should 
be  recognized  as  the  Order  Anoplura. 

The  Characteristics  of  the  Order  Anoplura 

An  insect  Order  the  members  of  which  are,  as  far  as  known,  ectoparasites 
exclusively  upon  mammals,  living  in  the  hair,  feeding  upon  the  blood  of  the 
host  throughout  their  entire  life  cycle,  and  attaching  their  eggs  to  the 
hairs  of  the  host.  Metamorphosis  of  the  type  commonly  called  hemimetabolic, 
consisting  chiefly  of  changes  in  size  or  proportions  of  parts,  in  the  de¬ 
gree  of  sclerotization  and  in  the  development  of  the  sexual  apparatus. 


Antennae  normally  five-segmented,  although  at  times  apparently  only 
three-segmented  or  four-segmented. 

Mouthparts  highly  modified,  being  formed  of  three  stylets  which  are  re¬ 
tracted  into  a  trophic  sac,  lying  beneath  the  pharynx,  these  stylets  being 
protrusible . 

Thorax  with  the  three  segments  closely  fused  but  recognizable,  the  true 
notum  being  reduced  in  all  segments  to  a  narrow,  median,  membranous  area  or 
at  times  to  a  median  pit  and  slight  lateral  extensions  which  surround  the 
spiracles.  The  apparent  thoracic  nota  formed  almost  entirely  of  subcoxal 
(=pleural)  elements  and  these  at  times  fused  entirely  across  the  notum, 
thus  almost  completely  obliterating  the  true  notal  plates.  Never  more  than 
one  pair  of  thoracic  spiracles,  these  belonging  to  the  mesothorax. 

Ovipositor  of  the  female  present,  but  reduced  to  at  most  a  pair  ot  flat¬ 
tened  lobes  which  represent  the  gonopods  of  segment  eight  and  a  pair  of 
small,  sclerotized  areas  or  mere  tufts  of  setae  which  probably  represent 
the  gonopods  of  segment  nine.  Male  never  retaining  the  gonopods  of  segment 
nine^and  consequently  without  claspers,  but  usually  retaining  the  parameres, 
the  genital  structures  being  retracted  into  the  body  when  at  rest. 

Legs  modified  as  clasping  organs  by  having  the  distal,  ventral  angle  of 
the  tibia  prolonged  into  a  thumb  which  opposes  the  claw.  Tarsus  normally 
one-segmented  and  at  most  only  obscurely  two-segmented.  Tarsal  claws  al¬ 
ways  single  except  in  a  few  instances  where  a  very  doubtful  second,  claw¬ 
like  structure  is  present  on  the  anterior  legs. 

NOTES.  The  extraordinary  mouthparts,  which  are  among  the  most  highly 
modified  that  are  to  be  found  in  the  Insecta,  are  the  principal  basis  for 
the  recognition  of  the  Order  as  distinct  from  the  Mallophaga.  No  transi¬ 
tion  between  such  mouthparts  and  those  of  the  Mallophaga  is  known  to  exist. 
However,  other  distinctive  characters  are  to  be  found  in  the  thorax.  In 
the  Mallophaga  the  pro thorax  is  always  definitely  separated  from  and  mov¬ 
able  independently  of  the  other  segments  and  the  dorsa  of  at  least  the  pro¬ 
thorax  and  the  metathorax  seem  always  to  be  composed  of  the  true  notal 
plates.  In  the  Anoplura  the  prothorax  is  always  fused  with  the  mesothorax 
in  such  a  manner  that  it  cannot  be  independently  movable,  and  the  thoracic 
dorsum  throughout  is  composed  primarily  of  the  pleural  (=subcoxal)  elements. 
While  it  is  highly  probable  that  the  two  groups  go  back  to  some  common  an¬ 
cestry,  that  ancestry-  is  entirely  hypothetical  and  even  if  definitely  known 
would  still  not  preclude  their  being  considered  as  separate  Orders. 

The  feeling  that  the  two  groups  should  be  united  into  a  single  Order 
seems  to  rest  chiefly  upon  the  similarities  of  habit  and  metamorphosis. 
Thus,  the  members  of  both  groups  attach  their  eggs  to  the  hairs  of  their 
host,  but  exactly  the  same  procedure  is  adopted  by  certain  mites  and  by 
flies  of  the  family  Oestridae.  Webb  has  considered  the  two  groups  to  be 
closely  related  because  of  resemblances  in  their  spiracles  and  tracheal 
systems.  No  comparative  study  of  the  spiracles  through  various  Orders  was 
made.  Thus  spiracles  in  some  respects  very-  similar  to  those  both  of  Ano¬ 
plura  and  Mallophaga  appear  in  members  of  the  families  Polyctenidae  and 
Cimicidae  of  the  Order  llemiptera.  We  have  here  a  situation  very-  similar  to 
that  of  the  presence  of  "combs"  of  setae,  such  as  those  on  the  fleas,  which 
occur  in  various  ectoparasitic  groups  but  which  are  also  found  in  other 
forms  that  are  not  parasitic  when  once  those  forms  are  examined  by  the  same 
methods  which  are  employed  in  the  case  of  the  ectoparasites. 

It  is  quite  true  that  no  other  group  than  the  Mallophaga  is ‘known  to 
which  the  sucking  lice  may  be  closely  related,  but  this  in  itself  is  no  ar¬ 
gument  for  combining  the  two  groups  into  a  single  Order. 

Concerning  the  general  relationships  of  the  sucking  lice,  it  may  simply 
be  noted  that  if  there  is  in  fact  some  connection  with  the  Mallophaga  then 
the  Anoplura  are  probably  remotely  related  to  the  Corrodentia,  since  the 
Mallophaga  seem  thus  to  be  connected. 



The  Classification  Within  the  Order  Anoplura 

For  many  years  after  the  formal  naming  of  the  genus  Pediculus  by  Linnaeus 
all  the  known  species  of  lice,  both  biting  and  sucking,  were  referred  to 
this  genus.  It  was  not  until  1806  that  the  biting  lice  were  removed  and 
placed  in  the  genus  Rtclnus.  It  was  then  not  until  1816  that  the  sucking 
lice  remaining  in  Pediculus  were  in  part  transferred  to  two  new  genera, 
Haematopinus  and  Pthirus.  The  next  genus  of  sucking  lice,  Pedlcinus,  was 
not  named  until  1844  and  the  next,  Ecdinophtdirius,  not  until  1871.  As 
late  as  1880  Piaget  recognized  only  these  genera,  most  of  the  species  being 
referred  by  him  to  Haematopinus.  In  1891  Osborn  named  the  genus  Haematopin- 
oides  and  in  1896  the  genus  Kuhaematopinus,  which  is  definitely  a  synonym 
of  Haematopinoides.  During  all  this  time — perhaps  fortunately — no  attempts 
were  made  to  develop  a  higher  classification,  Giebel,  in  1874,  placing  all 
the  species  in  the  family  Pediculina  and  Piaget,  in  1880,  using  the  same 
arrangement  with  the  alteration  of  the  family  name  to  Pediculidae. 

As  late  as  1904  but  seven  genera  had  been  named  as  belonging  to  the 
suckiug  lice,  and  of  these  one  was  a  synonym  and  one,  Haematomyzus,  is  now 
known  not  to  be  a  sucking  louse. 

In  1904,  Enderlein  began  the  publication  of  a  series  of  papers  which 
represent  the  first  really  intelligent  work  done  on  the  group.  He  recog¬ 
nized  the  superficial  character  of  the  genus  Haematopinus  and  hegan  the 
process  of  dismembering  it.  He  uamed  a  total  of  eight  new  genera,  of  which 
six  were  removed  directly  from  Haematopinus  and  two  were  based  upon  new 
species.  At  the  trine  when  Enderlein  began  his  work  there  were,  according 
to  a  count  later  made  by  Fahrenholz,  but  6 ‘S  known  species,  one  ol  which  was 
later  shown  not  to  belong  to  the  Anoplura,  and  nearly  60  were  referred  to 
the  genus  Haematopinus.  Up  to  this  time  there  was  no  need  for  a  system  of 
classification  above  the  generic  level.  Enderlein  essayed  the  beginnings 
of  such  a  system  and  this  was  later  followed  by  Dalla  Torre  and  by  Ferris. 

Eliminating  the  genus  Haematomyzus ,  the  sole  member  of  the  family  Haema- 
tomyzidae  established  by  Enderlein,  which  we  now  know  is  not  a  sucking 
louse,  Enderlein's  system  was  as  follows: 

FAMILY  Pediculidae  Leach  FAMILY  Haematopinidae  Enderlein 
Subfamilies  Subfamilies 

Haematopininae  Enderlein 
Linognathinae  Enderlein 
Euhaematopininae  Enderlein 

Pediculinae  Enderlein 
Pedicininae  Enderlein 

FAMILY  Echinophthiriidae  Enderlein 

In  1909,  Enderlein,  in  a  paper  on  the  lice  of  marine  mammals  published 
in  the  report  of  the  Deutsche  Sudpolar  Expedition,  Volume  X,  divided  the 
Echinophthiriidae  into  two  subfamilies,  Echinophthiriinae  and  Antarctoph- 

thiriinae.  „  it  .  ,  .  „  .  . 

In  1908,  Dalla  Torre  published  a  catalogue  of  the  Anoplura  m  Wytsman  s 
"Genera  Insectorum."  This  work,  while  useful  as  a  first  attempt  at  a  cata- 
logue,  was  an  entirely  mechanical  bit  of  bibliography  involving  no  knowledge 
of^the  insects  on  the  part  of  the  author  and  represented  a  none- too- thorough 
search  of  the  literature.  Only  65  species  were  listed.  The  classification 

adopted  by  Enderlein  was  followed.  „  . 
In  1916,  Ferris  published  a  "Catalogue  and  Host  List  ol  the  .Anoplura  in 

the  "Proceedings  of  the  California  Academy  of  Sciences,  (Fourth^  Series), 
Volume  VI.  The  system  proposed  by  Enderlein  was  here  followed.  Some  names 
were  overlooked  and  there  was  some  false  synonymy,  but  the  number  of  known 


species  at  this  time  must  have  been  quite  close  to  the  120  listed. 

In  1929,  Ewing,  in  a  book  entitled  "A  Manual  of  External  Parasites," 
proposed  an  extended  classification.  This  still  included  Haematomyzus  and 
the  family  Haematomyzidae .  Excluding  the  Haematomyzidae  the  system  was  as 

FAMILY  Haematopinidae  Enderlein 

Enderleinellinae  Ewing 
Hybophthiriinae  Ewing 
Uoplopleurinae  Ewing 
Linognathinae  Enderlein 
Neolinognathinae  Ewing 
Haematopininae  Enderlein 
FAMILY  Haematopinoididae  Ewing 

Haematopinoidinae  Ewing 
Hamophthiriinae  Ewing 

FAMILY  Pediculidae  Piaget 

Pediculinae  Enderlein 
Pedicininae  Enderlein 
Phthirpediculinae  Ewing 
FAMILY  Phthiriidae  Ewing 

Contains  but  one  genus  Phthirus 
FAMILY  Echinophthiriidae  Enderlein 

Echinophthiriinae  Enderlein 
Antarctophthiriinae  Enderlein 
Lepidophthiriinae  Ewing 

In  1931,  Ferris,  in  an  extended  paper  in  "Parasitology,"  Yolume  XXIII, 
showed  that  Haematomyzus  does  not  belong  to  the  sucking  lice.  He  trans¬ 
ferred  this  genus  doubtfully  to  the  Mallophaga  and  proposed  for  it  the  sub¬ 
ordinal  name  Rhynchophthirina. 

In  1932,  Bedford,  in  a  check  list  of  the  parasites  of  birds  and  mammals 
of  South  Africa,  published  in  the  "18th  Report  of  the  Director  of  Veterinary 
Services  of  the  Union  of  South  Africa, "  considered  the  biting  lice  and  the 
sucking  lice  together  to  constitute  the  Order  Anoplura,  with  three  Subor¬ 
ders,  Mallophaga,  Rhynchophthirina,  and  Siphunculata.  Under  the  Siphuncu- 
lata  he  adopted  the  system  proposed  by  Ewing. 

In  1936,  Fahrenholz,  in  a  paper  in  "Zeitschrift  fur  Parasitenkunde, " 
Volume  IX,  Heft  1,  proposed  a  classification  in  which  he  considered  the 
suckincr  lice  to  constitute  the  Suborder  Inrostrata  of  the  Order  Anoplura. 


Under  this  Suborder  he  proposed  the  following  arrangement: 

FAMILY  Echinophthiriidae  Enderlein 

Echinophthiriinae  Enderlein 
Antarctophthiriinae  Enderlein 

FAMILY  Haematopinidae  Enderlein 

Haematopininae  Enderlein 
Linognathinae  Enderlein 
Polyplacinae  Fahrenholz 

Haematopinoidinae  Ewing 
Lemurphthirinae  Fahrenholz 
Hamophthirinae  Ewing 
FAMILY  Neolinognathidae  Fahrenholz 
Containing  the  single  genus 

N  eolinognathus 
FAMILY  Pediculidae  Leach 

Pedicininae  Enderlein 
Pediculinae  Enderlein 

In  1946,  Eichler,  in  "Archiv  fur  Naturgeschichte, "  Neue  Folge,  Volume  X, 
Heft  3,  adopted  the  name  Phthiraptera  of  Haeckel,  for  an  Order  which  in¬ 
cluded  the  three  Suborders  Mallophaga,  Anoplura,  and  Rhynchophthirina.  Un¬ 
der  the  Suborder  Anoplura  he  proposed  the  following  arrangement.  If  we 
substitute  the  term  "superfamily"  for  his  "family  series"  we  shall  be  more 
nearly  in  accord  with  usual  entomological  practice. 

FAMILY  Echinophthiriidae  Enderlein  Polyplacinae  Fahrenholz 

Subfamilies  Lemurphthirinae  Fahrenholz 

Echinophthiriinae  Enderlein  Hamophthirinae  Ewing 

Antarctophthiriinae  Enderlein 

FAMILY  SERIES  Pediculiformia  Eichler  FAMILY  Pediculidae  Leach 
FAMILY  Haematopinidae  Enderlein  Subfamilies 

Subfamilies  Pedicininae  Enderlein 

Haematopininae  Enderlein  Pediculinae  Enderlein 

Linognathinae  Enderlein  Phthirinae  Ewing 


In  1946,  Webb,  in  a  paper  in  the  "Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society 
ot‘  Loudon,  "  Yolume  116,  Part  1,  proposed  a  partial  system  ol‘  classi Ideation 
of  the  sucking  lice  "based  solely  on  differences  in  spiracle  structure " 
as  he  himself  said,  but  influenced  to  a  considerable  degree  by  considera¬ 
tions  based  on  the  distribution  of  the  lice  according  to  hosts.  The  system 
as  there  presented  was  only  partial,  since  some  genera  were  not  placed  in  it. 
Webb's  system,  as  far  as  it  has  been  carried  at  the  time  of  the  present 
writing,  is  as  follows:  The  biting  lice  and  sucking  lice  are  uuited  in  the 
Order  AnopLura  and  are  regarded  as  Suborders,  the  names  Mallophaga  and 
Siphuuculata  being  employed  for  them.  The  Siphunculata,  so  lar  as  treated, 
are  divided  into  six  families — Docophthi ri idae,  Pediculidae,  Eulinognath- 
idae,  Linognathidae,  Haematopinidae,  and  Echinophthiri  idae  .  No  subfamilies 
are  named. 

In  the  opinion  here  held  this  classification  is  in  part  correct.  But  in 
part  it  also  rests  upon  some  very  peculiar  concepts  of  taxonomy.  Thus  the 
louse  of  elephants,  Haematomyzus  elephant  is,  is  not  only  regarded  as  a 
sucking  louse  but  is  even  placed  in  the  family  Haematopinidae  on  the  basis 
of  spiracle  structure  alone! 

In  1949,  Hopkins,  in  the  "Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society  of 
London,"  Volume  119,  recognized  the  biting  and  sucking  lice  together  as 
constituting  an  Order  Phthiraptera  with  the  three  Suborders  Anoplura,  Mal- 
lophaga,  and  Rhynchophthirina.  Under  the  Anoplura  he  recognized  but  three 
families — Pediculidae,  Haematopinidae,  and  Neolinognathidae. 

In  attempting  to  develop  an  intraordinal  classification  ol  the  sucking 
lice,  here  considered  to  be  the  Order  Anoplura,  consideration  has  been 
given  only  to  morphology.  It  is  here  held  that  the  problems  associated  with 
the  distribution  of  the  lice  on  their  various  hosts  should  be  approached 
only  after  conclusions  have  first  been  reached  by  way  of  morphological 
studies.  It  may  be  very  agreeable  in  the  end  to  find  that  the  conclusions 
drawn  from  the  lice  themselves  are  in  accord  with  those  drawn  1 rom  their 
hosts  and  if  the  two  sets  of  conclusions  serve  to  confirm  each  other  we  may 
be  justified  in  feeling  that  some  approach  to  truth  has  been  achieved.  But 
to  use  A  to  develop  B  and  then  to  turn  about  and  use  B  to  develop  A  is  a 
process  that  presents  certain  illogical  aspects.  This  is  especially  true 
if  a  priori  ideas  concerning  A  and  B  have  been  employed.  On  the  other 
hand,  if  A  has  been  competently  and  logically  developed  and  then  B  is  found 
to  agree  closely  with  A  there  may  very  well  be  situations  where,  a  point  in 
A  beiug  doubtful,  B  may  at  least  be  used  as  a  tentative  aid  in  testing  A  or 
in  supplementing  it. 

Thus  in  developing  a  classi fication  of  the  sucking  lice,  if  on  morpholog¬ 
ical  grounds  a  certain  set  of  relationships  is  clearly  indicated  and  then  a 
definite  correlation  with  the  distribution  of  the  lice  according  to  hosts 
appears  in  harmony  with  these  indications,  we  may  be  justified  in  employing 
the  evidence  of  distribution  to  supplement  the  evidence  or  morphology  where 
the  latter  is  inadequate  or  confused.  But  we  are  certainly  not  justified 
in  employing  the  evidence  trom  distribution  if  it  completely  denies  or  is 
otherwise  not  in  harmony  with  clear  evidence  from  morphology.  Especially 
is  this  true  when  the  evidence  from  distribution  is  itself  based  upon  ques¬ 
tionable  concepts.  ,  .  ,  .  ,  . 

For  example,  the  genus  Polyplax  is  a  large  group  which  is  confined  to 

rodents  of  the  family  Muridae,  except  for  one  or  two  species  which  occur  on 
shrews.  To  say  that  since  the  shrews  and  the  Muridae  are  not  closely  re¬ 
lated  to  each  other  lice  of  the  genus  Polyplax  should  not  occur  on  shrews 
and  that  therefore  these  lice  actually  from  shrews  do  not  belong  to  the 
renus  Polyplax,  despite  the  morphological  evidence,  is  an  utterly  illogical 
procedure'.  To  say  that  such  genera  as  Schizophthirus  and  Ancistroplax  can¬ 
not  be  related  to  the  genus  Hoplopleura  because  of  the  wide  differences  in 
the  assumed  relationships  of  the  hosts  would  be  to  deny  the  plain  evidence 


of  morphology. 

But  in  the  case  of  the  Enderleinellinae  we  have  a  different  situation. 
The  genus  Enderleinellus,  which  is  of  considerable  size,  is  known  only  from 
Sciuridae.  There  are  two  peculiar  genera,  M  icrophthirus  and  Verneckia,  which 
in  certain  respects  are  like  Enderleinellus  but  which  depart  from  that  genus 
in  the  lack  of  a  certain  structure  that  we  are  inclined  to  accept  as  of 
morphological  significance.  But  in  certain  other  respects  these  two  genera 
are  like  Enderleinellus  and  all  three  generaareas  far  as  known  confined  to 
the  squirrels.  The  totality  of  the  evidence  thus  indicates  that  the  absence 
of  the  structure  in  question  is  probably  not  sufficient  to  indicate  that 
the  two  genera  which  lack  it  should  be  excluded  from  the  Enderleinellinae. 
We  are  not  here  denying  the  evidence  from  morphology,  we  are  merely  supple¬ 
menting  it  where  it  is  weak,  for  experience  in  other  fields  of  taxonomy  in¬ 
dicates  that  the  loss  of  a  structure  in  the  course  of  evolution  may  occur 
without  disturbing  or  invalidating  the  evidence  of  relationship  that  is  de¬ 
rived  from  other  sources.  What  it  does  disturb  is  really  nothing  more  than 
the  ease  with  which  keys  for  identification  may  be  developed. 

In  attempting  to  develop  a  classification  of  the  sucking  lice  certain 
considerations  should  be  kept  in  mind. 

1.  This  group  is  probably  something  of  a  remnant  of  what  it  once  may 
have  been.  The  living  mammals  represent  but  a  very  small  part  of  all  the 
species  of  mammals  that  have  existed  in  the  past.  Let  us  reflect  upon  the 
number  of  proboscideans  that  are  known  only  as  fossils.  What  were  their 
parasites?  The  single  louse-like  parasite  of  the  elephants  is  all  that  is 
left  to  accompany  the  dwindling  line  of  its  hosts.  The  same  situation  may 
very  well  hold  in  regard  to  other  lice. 

2.  Being  a  very  small,  very'  specialized,  and  perhaps  remnant  group,  we 
have  left  but  few  or  none  of  the  connecting  links  that  one  may  hope  to  find 
in  the  Orders  of  insects  that  still  contain  thousands  of  species. 

3.  There  has  evidently  been  a  very  large  amount  of  evolution  by  loss 
among  the  Anoplura  and  this  leaves  us  with  a  rather  small  complement  of 
structures  with  which  to  work. 

4.  We  still  know  probably  not  more  than  half  of  the  species  of  sucking 
lice  that  exist  in  the  world. 

5.  Under  these  conditions  we  have  but  limited  bases  for  judgment  as  to 
the  relationships  of  such  forms  as  Hybophthirus  notophallus,  the  louse  of 
the  aard  vark;  Haematopinoides  squamosus ,  the  louse  of  certain  moles;  the 
two  known  species  of  Neolinognatlius  from  elephant  shrews;  as  well  as  some 
other  peculiar  forms.  Each  of  these  genera  contains  the  solitary'  or  almost 
solitary  representative  of  some  ancient  line  and  we  have  no  basis  for  judg¬ 
ment  as  to  whether  its  peculiarities  are  merely  those  of  an  individual  spe¬ 
cies  or  were  common  to  the  members  of  what  may  once  have  been  a  much  larger 
group . 

Actually,  whatever  basis  for  classification  we  may  adopt,  the  grouping 
of  the  genera  of  the  sucking  lice  is  not  at  all  clear.  Certainly  no  satis¬ 
factory  arrangement  can  be  obtained  by  focusing  attention  upon  a  single  set 
of  characters.  We  must  take  into  consideration  the  totality  of  the  charac¬ 
ters  which  are  available. 

The  opinion  is  here  held  that  in  the  light  of  our  present  knowledge  of 
the  Anoplura  any  system  of  classification  within  the  Order  which  elaborate¬ 
ly  divides  it  into  superfamilies,  families,  subfamilies,  tribes,  subtribes, 
genera,  and  subgenera,  can  be  nothing  more  than  pretentious  nonsense.  Such 
minute  subdivision  can  very  well  wait  until  a  substantially  larger  propor¬ 
tion  of  the  species  is  known. 

In  the  light  of  these  considerations  the  system  here  adopted  will  be 
rather  conservative,  only  families,  subfamilies  and  genera  being  employed. 
It  is  presented  with  a  full  realization  of  the  possibility  that  it  may  very 
well  be  inadequate  and  at  some  points  may  actually  be  wrong.  However,  there 


is  the  thought  that  the  number  of  species  concerning  which  error  is  most 
likely  to  exist  constitutes  only  a  small  part  of  the  whole.  Thus,  there 
may  be  question  concerning  the  seven  species  referred  to  the  Fedicininae 
and  to  certain  isolated  species.  But  the  great  mass  of  the  species  and 
genera  fall  into  clearly  recognizable  groups. 

The  genera  of  Anoplura  are  reasonably  clear  and  uncomplicated,  except  as 
they  may  be  complicated  subjectively  by  workers  who  see  a  new  genus  in 
every  slight  departure  from  the  normal  form.  These  genera  to  a  consider¬ 
able  degree  fall  into  groups,  the  central  pattern  of  which  is  rather  evi¬ 
dent,  but  which  becomes  clouded  as  we  pass  out  from  it.  In  fact,  around 
their  peripheries  these  groups  become  so  misty  that  no  very  definite  out¬ 
lines  can  be  detected  and  it  is  here  that  the  principal  difficulties  arise. 
To  name  families  that  cannot  be  defined  is  to  create  difficulties  lor  all 
future  workers,  to  overemphasize  the  differences  that  exist  and  exaggei'ate 
the  boundaries  among  these  differences. 

At  an  earlier  time,  when  1 ittle  or  nothing  was  known  about  the  morpholo^ 
of  these  insects,  certain  ideas  concerning  their  classification  seemed  valid 
which  now  appear  at  least  dubious.  Thus  it  was  assumed  that  the  presence 
of  a  distinct  lens  marking  each  compound  eye  separated  the  Fediculidae  from 
all  the  other  lice  and  defined  a  family.  We  now  know  that  such  lenses  are 
present  in  various  other  forms  which  seem  not  to  be  closely  related  to 
Pediculus  and  this  once  apparently  beautifully  defined  family  becomes  ex¬ 
tremely  difficult  to  define.  Evolution  by  loss  has  occurred  so  extensively 
in  the  Anoplura  that  the  persistence  of  a  structure, may  indicate  only  the 
retention  of  what  was  once  a  widespread  character  in  all  the  ancestors  of 
the  group.  It  is  therefore  difficult  to  properly  evaluate  the  remnants 
that  are  left. 

One  other  quite  secondary,  but  nevertheless  important,  problem  arises. 
This  has  to  do  with  the  names  which  should  be  employed  for  the  families  and 
subfamilies  that  are  recognized.  This  is  a  problem  which  is  inherently 
difficult  and  which,  probably  because  of  this  difficulty,  is  not  even 
touched  upon  by  the  "International  Rules  of  Zoological  Nomenclature." 

Should  priority  rule?  If  so,  what  constitutes' priority?  Does  it  date 
from  the  first  recognition  of  the  existence  of  a  group  in  any  status  what¬ 
soever  or  from  the  first  unequivocal  employment  ot  a  group  name  with  a  par¬ 
ticular  ending?  Are  family  and  subfamily  or  any  lower  category  names  such 
as  tribes  and^ subtribes  to  be  regarded  as  nomenclatorially  equivalent,  m 
the  nammer  in  which  generic  and  subgeneric  names  are  equivalent?  What  de¬ 
termines  the  type  of  any  category?  Should  it  be  the  oldest  genus  referred 
to  the  category — as  some  maintain — or  should  it  be  the  genus  upon  which  the 
category  name  was  first  based — as  others  maintain? 

And  who  is  to  be  cited  as  the  author  of  a  group  name— if  this  recogni¬ 
tion  must  willy-nilly  be  accorded  to  someone?  Shall  it  be  the  ^person  who 
first  recognized  the  group  and  employed  a  group  name  of  any^rank?  Or  shall 
it  be  the  person  who  used  the  name  which  is  now  employed?  Thus,  is  the 
author  of  a  subfamily  name  to  be  regarded  as  the  author  of  the  name  if  it 
is  elevated  to  family  rank,  or  shall  it  be  the  person  who  first  used  the 
name  to  characterize  a  family?  If  a  subfamily  is  raised  to  1  am ily  rank  and 
then  reduced  again  to  a  subfamily  of  some  other  family,  who  is  the  author 
of  the  name?  Or  should  we  refuse  to  bother  about  the  name  of  the  author  of 

^There  are  no  fixed  answers  to  these  problems  and  in  the  absence  ol  an¬ 
swers  one  is  left  very'  much  to  follow  whatever  course  seems  reasonable. 

The  writer  of  these  lines  has  puzzled  long  over  all  these  questions  and 
has  come  to  no  answers  to  any  of  them  that  are  entirely  satisfactory  to 
himself.  As  far  as  classification  is  concerned,  there  is  on  the  one  hand 
the  undesirability  of  obscuring  facts  by  too  comprehensive  groupings  or  on 
the  other  hand  of  going  beyond  all  reasonable  limits  by  the  indiscriminate 


naming  of  groups  that  cannot  be  supported  by  any  cogent  reasons. 

As  to  nomenclature,  the  stand  here  adopted  is  in  part  based  upon  prior¬ 
ity  in  actual  recognition  of  a  group,  whatever  category  may  have  been  as¬ 
signed  to  it,  and  in  some  degree  upon  arbitrary  action  in  refusing  to  rec¬ 
ognize  a  group — such  as  the  Haematopinoididae — which  would  assign  a  family 
name  to  a  large  group  on  the  basis  of  a  very  aberrant  member. 

As  to  authors'  names,  it  is  here  held  that  the  matter  is  too  unimportant 
to  bother  with,  or  above  all  to  argue  very  much  about  one  way  or  another. 
The  names  of  authors  are  indicated  in  accompanying  discussions  but  not  con¬ 
joined  with  the  names  of  the  groups  in  section  headings. 

Family  Echinophthiriidae 

This  family,  which  was  established  as  such  by  Enderlein  in  1904,  is  re¬ 
tained.  It  was  united  with  the  Haematopinidae  by  Hopkins  but  this  step  is 
regarded  as  erroneous  on  morphological  grounds.  Two  subfamilies — Echinoph- 
thiriinae  and  Antarctophthiriinae — were  recognized  by  Enderlein  and  accept¬ 
ed  by  most  later  workers,  but  are  here  rejected  since  it  does  not  appear 
that  anything  is  gained  by  recognizing  them. 

Family  Haematopinidae 

First  established  by  Enderlein  to  contain  the  vast  majority  of  the  suck¬ 
ing  lice  and  later  accepted  by  all  workers  with  various  restrictions.  It 
is  here  accepted  for  two  genera,  Haematopinus  and  Pecaroecus. 

Family  Hoplopleuridae 

This  family  contains  within  it  the  genus  which,  under 
the  synonymic  name  Euhaematopinus,  was  placed  by  itself  in  the  subfamily 
Euhaematopininae  of  the  family  Haematopinidae  by  Enderlein  and  later,  under 
its  correct  name  Haemal opinoides,  placed  by  Ewing  in  the  family  Haematopin¬ 
oididae.  This  family  is  rejected  as  zoologically  unjustified  and  referred 
to  the  Hoplopleuridae.  It  may  very  well  be  argued,  and  perhaps  correctly, 
that  the  family  name  Haematopinoididae  should  be  employed  for  the  family 
Hoplopleuridae,  to  which  it  is  here  referred,  but  it  is  a  very  aberrant 
form  which  is  quite  unsuited  to  be  used  as  the  type  of  the  family. 

The  group  of  which  H op l op l eur a  is  here  taken  as  the  type  was  recognized  by 
Ewing  in  1929  as  the  subfamily  Hoplopleurinae  of  the  family  Haematopinidae. 
Since  at—the  same  time  Ewing  recognized  the  subfamily  Ender leine.llinae,  it 
is  necessary  to  make  a  choice  between  these  two  names  for  the  family  here 
considered  to  include  the  two  groups.  Hoplopleura  is  chosen  as  being  more 
nearly  central  than  is  Enderleinellus . 

Subfamily  Enderleinellinae  Ewin»r 

v  to 

Established  by  Ewing  in  1929  as  a  subfamily  of  the  Haematopinidae.  Here 
accepted  as  a  subfamily  of  the  Hoplopleuridae,  to  contain  three  genera. 

Subfamily  Hybophthirinae  Ewing 

This  group  was  named  by  Ewing  in  1929  as  a  subfamily  of  the  Haematopinidae. 
Webb  has  considered  the  members  of  this  group  to  be  closely  related  to 
Haematopinus  and  has  placed  them  in  the  family  Haematopinidae,  but  since  he 
also  placed  in  this  family  the  genus  Haematomyzus — which  is  not  even  an 
Anopluran — the  importance  of  the  spiracular  characters  which  he  employed 
may  be  somewhat  discounted. 


The  three  genera  here  placed  in  the  Hybophthiri inae  are,  in  their  tree 
paratergal  pLates  of  the  abdomen,  much  more  closely  similar  to  the  members 
of  the  Hoplopleur idae  than  to  any  other  group.  They  agree  among  themselves 
in  the  possession  of  a  claw-like  structure  arising  beside  the  claw  on  the 
anterior  legs  and  in  this  appear  to  be  related  most  closely  to  each  other. 

Subfamily  Pedicininae  Enderlein 

It  is  concerning  this  group  that  there  will  probably  be  the  greatest 
difference  of  opinion  and  the  writer  does  not  expect  agreement  with  the 
point  of  view  here  adopted. 

The  group  was  first  recognized  by  Enderlein  as  a  subfamily  of  the  tamily 
Pediculidae,  which  was  restricted  to  Pediculus,  Pthirus,  and  Pedlcinus. 
The  genus  Pedlcinus  has,  ever  since,  been  placed  as  a  subfamily  ol  the 
Pediculidae  because  of  two  factors.  One  ol  these  factors  is  undoubtedly 
that  of  the  feeling  that  anything  occurring  on  the  Primates  should  be  re¬ 
lated  to  Pediculus.  The  other  factor  is  that  of  the  common  possession  of 
eyes  by  Pediculus  and  Pedlcinus  and  this  character  was  employed  as  the  dis¬ 
tinguishing  mark  of  the  Pediculidae.  But  in  the  light  ol'  what  is  now  known 
it  does  not  appear  that  this  character  by  itself  is  especially  significant, 
since  it  is  known  that  genera  such  as  Pecaroecus  and  Hicrothoracius — which 
certainly  do  not  belong  with  Pediculus — have  eyes  and  they  can  even  be  dem¬ 
onstrated  in  Haematopinus  although  they  are  not  there  so  evident. 

In  fact,  present  evidence  indicates  merely  that  the  presence  of  eyes 
represents  merely  the  retention  of  a  primitive  character,  once  common  to 
all  the  sucking  lice  and  their  ancestors. 

If  we  remove  the  eyes  from  consideration,  the  remainder  of  the  body  in 
Pedlcinus  contraindicates  any  association  with  Pediculus.  In  fact,  with  the 
eyes  removed  all  the  characteristics  of  the  body  seem  much  closer  to  what 
is  found  in  the  Hoplopleuridae .  The  free  paratergal  plates  and  the  absence 
or  great  reduction  of  the  gonopods  of  segment  nine  in  the  female  are  more 
nearly  in  harmony  with  what  appears  in  this  family. 

We  might  raise  Pedlcinus  to  family  rank,  but  this  is  merely  to  increase 
the  number  of  families  by  emphasizing  the  difference  in  one  structure. 

With  these  thoughts  in  mind  the  author  has  decided  to  "take  the  bull  by 
the  horns"  and  remove  the  genus  Pedicinus  from  close  association  with 
Pediculus ,  assigning  it  to  the  family  with  which  it  shares  the  majoritj  ol 
its  features,  regardless  of  whether  or  not  it  ouiht  to  be  related  to  the 
Pediculidae . 

Subfamily  Polyplacinae 

Established  by  Fahrenholz  in  1936  as  a  subfamily  of  the  Haematopinidae . 
It  is  here  considered  to  contain  the  genus  Eamophthirus ,  which  was  employed 
by  Ewing  in  1929  as  type  of  his  subfamily  Ramophthirinae  of  the  family 
Haematopinoididae  and  thus  on  grounds  of  priority  it  might  be  argued  that 
the  name  Ramophthiriidae  should  be  employed  for  it.  However,  the  genus 
Hamophthirus  is  very  badly  described  and  quite  unsuitable  to  stand  as  the 

type  of  any  group.  ,  ,  „  ,  .  , 

It  contains  also  the  genus  Lemurphthirus  which  was  employed  by  fahrenholz 

in  1936  as  type  of  the  subfamily  Lemurphthirinae  of  the  family  Haematopin¬ 
idae.  This  subfamily  is  here  rejected. 

Family  Linognathidae 

First  recognized  by  Enderlein  as  the  subfamily  Linognathina^  of  the  tam- 
ily  Haematopinidae  and  retained  in  this  position  by  later  workers.  It  is 
here  elevated  to  family  rank. 


Family  Neolinognathidae 

This  group  was  first  recognized  by  Ewing  as  the  subfamily  Neolinognathinae 
of  the  family  Haematopinidae  and  later  raised  to  family  rank  by  Fahrenholz. 

Family  Pediculidae 

This  family  was  apparently  established  under  a  family  name,  with  the  fam¬ 
ily  ending  as  now  employed,  hy  Piaget  in  1880,  although  it  had  earlier  been 
recognized  by  Giebel  under  the  name  Pediculina.  It  is  here  utilized  for 
two  genera  only,  the  genus  Pedicinus — which  has  usually  been  assigned  to  the 
Pediculidae — here  being  regarded  as  belonging  rather  to  the  Hoplopleuridae. 



Review  of  the  Families,  Subfamilies,  Genera  and  Species  of  the  Anoplura 
Family  ECHINOPHTOIRllDAE  Enderlein 

1904.  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  28:136.  (Names  the  family.) 

1909.  Enderlein,  Deutsche  Siidpolar  Expedition  10:506.  (Divides  the  family 

into  two  subfamilies,  Echinophthiriinae  aud  Antarctophthiriinae.) 

1910.  MjSberg,  Arkiv  f8r  Zoologi  6:177.  (Names  the  family  Lepidophthiri- 

idae . ) 

1916.  Ferris,  Proceedings  of  the  California  Academy  of  Sciences  (Series  4) 
6:180.  (Rejects  the  family  Lepidophthiriidae  as  a  synonym  of  Ech- 
iuophthiriidae. ) 

1928.  Freund,  Die  Tierwelt  der  Nord-und  Ostsee,  Teil  XI  dx.  (Reviews  the 

family  and  accepts  the  two  subfamilies  Echinophthiriinae  and  Lepi- 
dophthirinae .) 

1929.  Ewing,  A  ManuaL  of  External  Parasites,  page  148.  (Recognizes  three 

subfamilies,  Echinophthiriinae,  Antarctophthiriinae,  and  Lepidoph- 
thiriinae. ) 

1936.  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fiir  Parasite nkunde  9 :  56  •  (Recognizes  the  two 
subfamilies  Echinophthiriinae  and  Antarctophthirinae. ) 

1946.  Eichler,  Archiv  fur  Naturgeschichte ,  Neue  Folge,  10:345-398.  (Recog¬ 
nizes  the  family  with  two  subfamilies,  Echinophthiriinae  and  Ant¬ 
arctophthiriinae  and  places  the  family  in  the  "Family  Series  Echi- 
nophthiri formia. ") 

DESCRIPTION  OF  THE  FAMILY.  .Anoplura  which  occur  exclusively  upon  marine 
mammals  of  the  Suborder  Pinnipedia  of  the  Order  Carnivora.  Eyes  not  exter¬ 
nally  evident.  Antennae  four-  or  five-segmented.  Body  more  or  less  thick¬ 
ly  beset  with  setae  which  are  in  some  species  modified  into  scales,  in 
others  only  somewhat  flattened  and  in  at  least  one  species  normally  cylin¬ 
drical.  Abdomen  never  with  sclerotized  tergal,  paratergal,  or  sternal 
plates,  membranous  or  leathery.  Abdominal  spiracles  of  a  distinctive  type, 
with  a  lom>',  slender,  and  more  or  less  membranous  atrial  chamber,  the  walls 
of  which  donot  bear  transverse  markings.  Female  with  the  gonopods  of  seg¬ 
ment  ei^ht  never  forming  free  lobes.  Males  with  the  genital  sac  forming  a 
flattened,  median  plate,  alongside  which  lie  the  flattened  parameres. 
Thorax  never  with  a  sternal  plate  which  is  apically  or  marginally  free,  al¬ 
though  at  times  with  an  irregular  sternal  sclerotization.  Middle  and  pos¬ 
terior  legs  always  with  a  very  stout  tibiotarsus,  in  which  the  tibiotarsal 
division  Is  scarcely  or  not  at  all  evident.  Anterior  legs  usually  small 
and  slender,  with  the  tibiotarsal  division  evident,  but  in  at  least  one 

species  similar  to  the  others.  ...  .  , 

NOTES.  Nothing  is  to  be  gained  by  dividing  this  family  into  two  sub¬ 
families,  and  still  less  by  dividing  it  into  three  as  has  been  proposed. 
Division  on  the  basis  of  the  presence  or  absence  of  scales  is  contraindi¬ 
cated  by  the  fact  that  Proechinophthirius  fluctus  (Ferris),  which  lacks 
scales  is  in  other  respects  very  similar  to  Antarctophthtrus  callorhini 
(Osborn)  in  which  the  vestiture  of  scales  is  less  than  that  to  be  found  in 
other  members  of  the  latter  genus.  A  division  on  the  basis  of  number  of 
antennal  segments  also  is  contraindicated,  since  such  a  division  would  cut 
directly  across  any  division  on  the  basis  of  the  presence  or  absence  of 
scales/  Nor  is  anything  to  be  gained  by  division  on  the  basis  of  the  dis 
tribution  of  the  species  for,  upon  whatever  basis  such  division  may  be  made, 
it  does  not  follow  the  relationships  of  the  hosts. 


Key  to  the  Genera  of  ECHINOPHIHIRIIDAE 

1.  Antennae  ^segmented . ANTARCTOPHTHIRUS 

Antennae  4-segmented . 2 

2.  Abdomen  with  scales . LEPIDOPHTHIRUS 

Abdomen  without  scales . - . 3 

S.  Leers  all  of  same  size  and  shape,  with  stout  ti  bio  tarsus  and  claw . 


Anterior  legs  much  smaller  than  the  others  and  with  small,  slender  claw 


1906.  Antarctophthirus  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  29:661. 

1910.  Arctophtirius  Mjoberg,  Arkiv  for  Zoologi  13:177. 

1934.  Antarctophthirus,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  7:484. 

1941.  Achimella  Eichler,  Archiv  fur  Naturgeschichte,  Neue  Folge,  10:375- 
GENERIC  TYPE.  The  typ.e  of  Antarctophthirus,  by  original  designation,  is 
Antarctophthirus  oimorhini  Enderlein.  The  type  of  Arctophtirius  Mjdberg 
is,  by  original  designation,  Eaematopinus  trichechi  Bohemann.  The  type  of 
Achimella  is,  by  original  designation,  Eaematopinus  callorhini  Osborn. 

CHARACTERS.  Echinophthiriidae  with  five-segmented  antennae.  Anterior 
legs  small  and  with  slender  claw;  middle  and  posterior  legs  very  large  and 
stout  and  with  stout  claw.  Body  more  or  less  beset  with  flattened,  scale¬ 
like  setae. 

NOTES.  There  is  no  justification  for  the  recognition  of  the  genus  Arc¬ 
tophtirius  Mjoberg.  There  is  perhaps  some  justification  for  the  recogni¬ 
tion  of  Achimella,  but  that  evidence  is  not  considered  sufficient. 

Key  to  Species  of  ANTARCTOPHTHIRUS 

1.  Thoracic  sternum  beset  only  with  slender  setae;  scales  on  the  abdomen 

very  few,  arranged  more  or  less  in  patches  on  the  dorsum  of  the  abdo¬ 
men  and  on  the  posterior  portion  of  the  venter;  occurring  on  the 

Alaska  fur  seal . CALLORHINI 

Thoracic  sternum  bearing  scales;  scales  very  abundant  on  the  abdomen.. 2 

2.  Thoracic  sternum  with  a  few  long  setae  on  its  posterior  border . 3 

Thoracic  sternum  without  long  setae  along  its  posterior  border . 4 

3.  Scales  of  the  abdominal  dorsum  all  very  uniform  in  size  and  shape, 

ovoid,  the  apex  slightly  pointed;  occurring  on  Phocarctos,  Eumeto- 

pias,  and  Zalophus . MICROCHIR 

Scales  of  the  abdomen  (according  to  Enderlein)  elongated-oval  and  of 
various  sizes;  occurring  on  Lobodon . L0B0D0NTIS 

4.  Ventral  side  of  the  head  beset  with  small,  flattened,  oval  setae  in  ad¬ 

dition  to  scales;  occurring  on  Ogmorhinus . 0GM0RHINI 

Ventral  side  of  the  head  with  long  hairs  or  with  minute  hairs  only.... 5 

5.  Ventral  side  of  the  head  with  many  long  hairs  posteriorly . TRICHECHI 

Ventral  side  of  the  head  with  only  3~4  minute  hairs  posteriorly  MAWSONI 

Antarctophthirus  callorhini  (Osborn) 

1899-  Eaematopinus  callorhini  Osborn,  In  The  Fur  Seals  and  the  Fur-Seal 
IsLands  of  the  North  Pacific  Ocean  3:553;  figure  1. 

1915-  Antarctophthirus  monachus  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  Anoplura  and  Mallo- 
phaga  of  North  American  Mammals,  Stanford  University  Publications 
(no  volume  number),  page  49;  text  figures  17A  and  18;  Plate  III, 
figure  4. 


1934.  Antarctophthirus  cal lor  hint  (Osboru),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward 
a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Fart  7:495;  figures  289,  290. 

1941.  Achlnella  cal lorhini  (Osborn),  Eichler,  Archiv  fur  Naturgeschichte, 
Neue  Folge,  10:275- 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  The  types  of  Osborn's  Haemal  op  in  us  cal lorhin  i 
were  from  Callorhirius  alashanus  from  the  Pribilof  Islands.  The  specimens 
upon  which  the  name  monachus  were  based  came  from  Osborn  as  a  loan  but  bore 
no  data  other  than  as  from  "seal,"  but  they  were  in  ail  probability  from 
the  type  lot.  Since  that  time  a  tew  more  specimens  have  come  to  hand  lrom 
the  type  host  on  St.  Paul  and  Pribilof  Islands  in  the  Bering  Sea. 

Antarctophthirus  lobodoutis  Enderleiu 

1909.  Antarctophthirus  lobodontis  Enderlein,  Deutsche  Siidpoiar  Expedition 
10:510;  Figures  KK,  NN. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Known  only  from  the  original  record  from  Lobo- 
don  care inophagus ,  Booth  Wandel  Island  in  the  Antarctic. 

Antarctophthirus  mawsoni  Harrison 

1937.  Antarctophthirus  mawsoni  Harrison,  Australasian  Antarctic  Expedi¬ 
tion,  19 11-1914,  Scientific  Reports,  Series  C-Zoology  and  Botany 
2:1:11;  figure  1. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Ommatophoca  rossi,  King  George  V  Land  in 
the  Antarctic. 

Antarctophthirus  microchir  (Trouessart  and  Neumann) 

1888.  Schinophthir  ius  microchir  Trouessart  and  Neumann,  Le  Naturaliste  10: 
80;  figures. 

1906.  Antarctophthirus  microchir  (Trouessart  and  Neumann),  Enderlein, 
Zoologischer  Anzeiger  29:663;  figures  3,  4. 

1934.  Antarctophthirus  microchir  (Trouessart  and  Neumann) ,  Ferris,  Contri¬ 
butions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  7:489;  fig¬ 
ures  285,  286. 

1939.  Antarctophthirus  microchir  californianus  Fahrenholz,  Mitteilungen 
aus  dem  entomologischen  Verein  Bremen,  page  42. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Types  from  Phocarctos  hookeri,  Aukland  Island. 
Recorded  also  from  Zalophus  californianus  and  Eumetopias  jubata  from  the 
coast  of  California. 

NOTES.  The  supposed  variety  californianus  was  named  by  Fahrenholz  pure¬ 
ly  upon  the  basis  of  differences  in  the  illustrations  presented  by  Enderlein 
and  Ferris.  These  differences  are  of  an  order  inevitably  associated  with 
differences  in  the  preparation  of  specimens  and  involve  no  actual  morpho¬ 
logical  characters.  Actually  the  agreement  between  specimens  from  Califor¬ 
nia  and  the  beautiful  illustrations  given  by  Fkiderlein  is  extremely  close. 
The  supposed  variety  is  here  rejected. 

Antarctophthirus  ogmorhini  Enderlein 
Figure  31 

1902.  Echinophthirus  setosus  (Burmeister) ,  Rothschild,  Report  of  the 
Southern  Cross  Expedition,  page  224.  (Misidenti fication > 

1906.  Antarctophthirus  ogmorhini  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  29:662; 
text  figures. 

1909.  Antarctophthirus  ogmorhini  Enderlein,  Enderlein,  Deutsche  sudpolar 
Expedition  10:509;  figures  174,  175,  181,  182. 

1934.  Antarctophthirus  ogmorhini  Enderlein,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 


Antarctophthirus  ogmorhini  (Enderlein) 

Figure  31 


Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Fart  7:486;  figures  282,  283- 
1937.  Antarctophthirus  ogmorhlnt  Enderlein,  Harrison,  Australasian  Antarc 
tic  Kxpedition,  1911-1914,  Scientific  Reports,  Series  C,  /oology 
and  botany  2:1:11. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION .  Described  as  from  Otnorhinus  leptonyx,  Victoria 
Land  and  booth  Waude 1  Island  in  the  Antarctic.  This  is  apparently  now 
placed  in  the  genus  Hydrurga. 

NOTES.  The  accompanying  illustration  was  made  from  the  types  in  the 
British  Museum. 

Antarctophthirus  trichechi  (Bohemann) 

186 5 .  Haematoplnus  trichechi  Bohemann,  Vetenskaps  Akademie  Forhaudl inger, 
Kobnhaven  22:557;  Plate  35,  figure  2. 

1909.  Antarctophthirus  trichechi  (Bohemann),  Enderlein,  Deutsche  Siidpolar 

Expedition  10:512;  figures  172,  173.  185-188.  _ 

1910.  Arctophtirus  trichechi  (Bohemann),  Mjoberg,  Arkiv  tur  Zoologi  1U : I3 : 

178;  figures  90-92.  . 

1934.  Antarctophthirus  trichechi  (Bohemann),  Ferris,  Contributions  loward 
a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Fart  7:492;  figures  287,  288. 
HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Recorded  by  various  authors  from  the  walrus, 
Odobaenus  rosmarus  and  Odobaenus  obesus,  from  various  places  in  the  Arctic. 


1871.  Bchinophthirius  Giebel,  Zeitschrift  fur  die  gesamten  Naturwissen- 
schaften  37:177- 

1934.  Bchinophthirius,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  ol  the 

Sucking  Lice,  Part  7:475-  .  ,  u.  . 

1946.  Bchinophthirius,  Hopkins,  Annals  and  Magazine  of  Natural  History, 
Series  11,  12:566.  (Bears  date  of  1945,  but  published  May,  1946) 
GENERIC  TYPE.  Pediculus  phocae  Lucas,  which  is  considered  to  be  a  syno¬ 
nym  of  Pedlculus  horridus  von  Olfers. 

CHARACTERS.  With  four-segmented  antennae.  Legs  all  ol  essentially  the 
same  size  and  form,  stout  and  with  stout  claw.  Abdomen  thickly  beset  with 

stout,  flattened,  but  not  scale-like, setae. 

HOSTS.  Occurring  as  far  as  known  only  on  seals  ot  the  genera  Halichoerus 

and  Phoca,  of  the  family  Phocidae. 

NOTES.  Ferris  11934)  reviewed  a  considerable  amount  ol  material  ann 
concluded  that  this  genus  contains  but  one  species.  Hopkins  (1946)  sug¬ 
gested  although  apparently  not  on  the  basis  of  an  examination  ol  specimens, 
that  "anaLogy  with  other  genera  suggests  the  possibility  that  it  may  prove 
necessary  to  divide  the  genus  again  into  several  species  or  subspecies. 
After  reviewing  such  material  as  is  available,  the  opinion  is  here  still 
held  that  the  genus  contains  but  one  species,  as  far  as  morphological  evi¬ 
dence  goes,  although  at  present  nothing  certain  can  be  said  concerning  the 
supposed  subspecies  from  seals  in  Lake  Baikal. 

Echinophthirius  horridus  (von  Oilers) 

Figures  32,  33 





'edlculus  horridus  von  Olfers,  De  vegetativis  et  animatis  corporibus 
animatis  reperiundis  commentarius,  Part  1,  page  84.  (Fide  Fahren 

•edlcuLs  phocae  Lucas,  Guerin's  Magazin  de  Zoologie  4:Classe  IX; 

Plate  121.  „  x  o  • 

> ediculus  setosus  Burmeister,  Genera  Insectorum.  Species  12. 
’edlculus  annulatus  Schilling,  Gurlt,  Archiv  fur  Naturgeschichte  23: 



Echinophthirius  horridus  (von  Olfers) 

Figure  32 

1874.  Echinophthirius  setosus  (Denny)  (sic),  Giebel,  Insecta  Epizoa,  page 

1880.  Echinophthirius  setosus  (Lucas),  Piaget,  Les  Pediculines,  page  656; 
Plate  54,  figure  1. 

1886.  Echinophthirius  iroenlandicus  Becher,  In  Die  Internationale  Polar- 
forschung  1882-1883,  Beobachtungs  Ergebnisse  3:60;  Plate  5,  fig*  1* 
1897*  Echinophthirius  sericans  Meinert,  Vetenskabelige  Meddelser  Kjobenhavn 


1919.  Echinophthirius  horridus  (von  Olfers),  Fahrenholz,  Jahresbericht  des 
Niedersachsischen  zoologischen  Vereins  zu  Hannover  5-10:22. 

1928.  Echinophthirius  horridus  (von  Olfers),  Freund,  In  Die  Tierwelt  der 
Nord-  und  Ostsee,  Teil  XI  dj:6;  figures  1,  2. 

1934*  Echinophthirius  horridus  (von  Olfers),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward 
a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  7:475;  figures  277,  278. 
1935*  Echinophthirius  horridus  baikalensis  Ass,  Travaux  de  la  station  lim- 
nologique  de  Lac  Baikal  6  :  21:25-29  ;  5  figures. 

1946.  Echinophthirius  horridus  (von  Olfers),  Hopkins,  Annals  and  Magazine 
of  Natural  History,  Series  11,  12:5 66.  (Bears  date  of  1945,  but 
published  May,  1946) 

female  genitalia  male  genital  plate  male  genitalia 

Echinophthirius  horridus  (von  Olfers>  Figure  33 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  by  von  Olfers  as  from  Phoca  vitulina. 
The  type  of  phocae  Lucas  was  said  to  have  been  taken  from  the  same  host 
species  in  a  zoological  garden  in  Paris.  The  type  of  ser icons  Meinert  was 
from  Phoca  iroenlandica  and  the  type  of  iroenlandicus  Becher  was  ascribed 
to  the  same  host.  The  species  was  recorded  by  Ferris  from  Phoca  vitulina 
from  the  Shetland  Islands,  from  Scotland,  and  from  specimens  taken  at  the 
Hamburg  Zoological  Garden;  from  Phoca  hispida  in  the  Beaufort  Sea  off 
Alaska;  from  Phoca  richardii  at  Pacific  Grove,  California.  The  species  has 
been  recorded  on  various  occasions  from  Phoca  v itulina,  Phoca  v ar ieiata, 
and  Halichoerus  ir’jphus  from  the  North  Atlantic.  Freund  recorded  specimens 
from  Phoca  baikalensis  from  Lake  Baikal. 

NOTES.  Hopkins  has  reviewed  the  literature  and  has  pointed  out  that  the 
name  annulata  is  a  nomen  nudum  and  that  Burmeister's  name  setosus  was  pro¬ 
posed  merely  as  a  substitute  for  phocae  Lucas. 

The  status  of  the  supposed  species  iroenlandicus  is  somewhat  obscure. 
Ferris  has  examined  specimens  from  "Greenland  seal,"  but  it  is  possible 
that  this  label  meant  nothing  more  than  "a  seal  from  Greenland."  Mjoberg 
recorded  specimens  from  Phoca  iroenlandica  which  he  considered  to  be 
horridus.  Freund,  who  reviewed  the  whole  subject,  considered  it  very  ques¬ 
tionable  that  a  distinct  species  occurs  on  this  host.  It  is  here  held  that 
the  evidence  is  all  against  the  distinctness  of  the  species  Echinophthir ius 
iroenlandicus  Becher. 

Freund  examined  specimens  from  Phoca  baicalensis  which  he  considered  to 
belong  to  horridus,  this  being  anterior  to  the  description  of  the  supposed 
subspecies  baikalensis  from  this  host.  We  may  therefore  consider  this  sup¬ 
posed  subspecies  to  be  a  synonym  of  horridus. 

As  already  pointed  out  in  connection  with  the  discussion  of  the  genus, 
the  opinion  is  here  held  that  there  is  no  evidence  to  justify  the  naming  of 
more  than  one  species  of  this  genus. 

Genus  LEPIDOPUTHIRUS  Enderlein 

1904.  Lepidophthirus  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  28:44. 

1934.  Lepidophthirus,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Suck¬ 
ing  Lice,  Part  7:498. 

GENERIC  TYPE.  Lepidophthirus  macrorhini  Enderlein,  the  only  included 
species . 

CHARACTERS.  Echinophthiriidae  with  four-segmented  antennae.  Anterior 
legs  much  smaller  than  the  others  and  with  slender  claw;  middle  and  poster¬ 
ior  legs  very  large  and  stout,  with  stout  claw.  Body  very  thickly  beset 
with  setae  of  various  sizes  and  shapes,  these  mostly  more  or  less  flattened 
and  the  dorsum  of  the  abdomen  also  very  thickly  beset  with  scales. 

Lepidophthirus  macrorhini  Enderlein 

Figures  34,  35 

1904.  Lepidophthirus  macrorhini  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  28:46; 
figures  1-5* 

1929.  Lepidophthirus  macrorhini  Enderlein,  Bedford,  Director  of  Veterinary 
Services,  Union  of  South  Africa,  Report  1^:607. 

1934.  Lepidophthirus  macrorhini  Enderlein,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  7:499;  figures  291,  292. 

1937.  Lepidophthirus  macrorhini  Enderlein,  Harrison,  Australasian  Antarc¬ 
tic  Expedition,  1911-1914,  Scientific  Reports,  Series  C-Zoology 
and  Botany  2:Part  1: 13- 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Known  only  from  the  southern  sea  elephant  or 
elephant  seal,  from  Kerguelen  Island  and  also  from  near  Cape  Town,  South 
Africa,  and  from  Macquarie  Island. 



Lepidophthirus  macrorhini  Enderlein 

Figure  34 


Lepidophthirus  macrorhini  Erderlein 

genitalia  of  male 

Figure  35 



1923.  Proec hlnophthir i  us  Ewing,  Journal  of  the  Washington  Academy  of 
Sciences  13:149. 

1934-  Proechinophthirius,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  ol'  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  7: 48U. 

GENERIC  TYPE,  Echinophthirlus  fluctus  Ferris,  the  only  included  species. 
CHARACTERS.  Echinophthiriidae  with  four-segmented  antennae.  Thorax 
with  uo  sclerotized  sternal  areas.  Abdomen  beset  with  setae  ol  various 
shapes  and  sizes,  but  none  flattened  and  none  being  scale-like.  Anterior 
legs  smalL  and  with  weak,  slender  claw;  middle  and  posterior  legs  large  and 
stout,  with  stout  claw. 

Proechinophthirius  fluctus  (Ferris) 

Figure  % 

1916.  Echinophthirius  fluctus  Ferris,  Entomological  News  27:366;  figure. 
1923.  Proechinophthirus  fluctus  (Ferris),  Ewing,  Journal  of  the  Washington 
Academy  of  Sciences  13:149* 

1934.  Proechinophthirus  fluctus  (Ferris),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  7:481;  figures  279.  280,  281. 
HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  The  types  of  the  species  were  taken  from  the 
stuffed  skin  of  an  Otariid  pup  in  the  collection  of  Stanford  University, 
this  bearing  no  data.  The  pup  was  identified  as  being  that  of  a  Stellar  s 
sea  lion,  Eumetopias  jubata,  but  this  may  have  been  an  error.  The  species 
has  since  been  taken  from  the  Alaskan  fur  seal,  Callorhinus  alashanus,  on 
St.  Paul  Island  and  on  the  Pribilof  Islands  in  Bering  Sea. 

Family  HAEWATOPINIDAE  Enderlein 

1904.  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  28:136. 

DESCRIPTION  OF  THE  FAMILY.  Anoplura  in  which  the  paratergites  of  the 
abdominal  segments  are  strongly  sclerotized  and  form  lateral  lobes  or  prom¬ 
inences  but  are  never  marginally  free  from  the  body  wall.  Spiracles  with 
the  atrium  beset  internally  with  numerous  points.  Legs  all  of  substantial¬ 
ly  the  same  size  and  with  claws  of  the  same  size  and  shape.  Clearly  de¬ 
fined  eyes  present  or  absent,  if  absent  the  head  with  pronounced  ocular 
points  just  posterior  to  the  antennae.  Thorax  always  with  a  well-defined 
notal  pit  and  with  a  pair  of  sternal,  apophyseal  pits.  Abdomen  usually 
with  the  derm  of  the  dorsum  at  least  very'  finely  wrinkled,  at  times  slight¬ 
ly  sclerotic,  and  with  sclerotized  areas, which,  while  somewhat  more  sclero¬ 
tized  than  the  surrounding  derm,  are  defined  more  by  the  absence  of  this 
minute  wrinkling.  Gonopods  of  segment  eight  of  the  female  always  well  de¬ 
veloped.  Genitalia  of  the  male  never  with  free  parameres.  Female  apparent¬ 
ly  without  spermatheca.  . 

NOTES.  At  one  time  this  family  was  considered  to  include  the  great  ma 
iority  of  all  the  sucking  lice,  but  it  has  been  progressively  reduced  until 
here  it  is  considered  to  contain  but  two  genera,  Baemtopinus  and  Pecaroecus, 
the  latter  having  but  one  species.  Webb  (1936)  considered  it  to  include 
four  genera — Haematopinus ,  Baemtomyzus,  Bybophthirus,  and  Scipio  and  pos¬ 
sibly  also  the  genus  Mlcrothoracius.  Baemtomyzus,  as  has  already  been  and 
cannot  too  strongly  be — emphasized,  does  not  belong  in  this  Order  and  the 
present  writer  is  unable  to  see  any  special  affinity  between  Baemtopinus 
and  the  two  rrenera  Bybophthirus  and  Scipio.  There  has  been  some  temptation 
to  include  Mlcrothoracius  in  the  family,  but  this  has  finally  been  resisted. 

Actually  the  family  is  very  difficult  to  define,  unless  it  be  restricted 
to  the  single  genus  Baemtopinus .  In  the  past,  when  the  presence  of  deiin 


f/cnitalia  of  female 

Figure  36 

ite  eyes  was  recognized  only  in  Pedlculus,  Pthirus,  and  Pedictnus,  the 
problem  was  not  difficult,  hut  now  that  well-defined  eyes  with  a  distinct 
lens  are  known  to  occur  in  Pecaroeus  and  morphologically  true — although  ex¬ 
ternally  scarcely  recognizable — eyes  have  been  established  in  Haenatopinus, 
there  remains  little  by  which  the  Pediculidae  and  the  Haematopinidae  can  be 
separated.  Perhaps  even  yet  it  has  not  been  possible  to  tree  our  thinking 
from  the  presupposition  that  the  classification  of  the  lice  should  follow 
the  phylogeny  of  the  hosts.  This  matter  will  be  considered  further  in  con¬ 
nection  with  the  discussion  of  the  Pediculidae. 

Key  to  the  Genera  of  Haematopinidae 

Head  with  pronounced  ocular  points  posterior  to  the  antennae. . .  HAEM  ATOP  1NUS 
Head  without  ocular  points . PECAROECUS 

Genus  HAEM ATOP  IN US  Leach 

1815-  Haenatopinus  Leach,  Edinburgh  Encyclopaedia,  Supplement  1:24. 

1842.  Haenatopinus,  Denny,  Monographia  Anoplurorum  Lritanniae,  page  24. 
1880.  Haenatopinus,  Piaget,  Les  Pediculines,"  page  6 33 • 

1904.  Haenatopinus,  Enderlein,  Zooiogischer  Anzeiger  28:138. 

1933*  Haenatopinus,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking 
Lice,  Part  6:419. 

1942.  Haenatopinus ,  Webb,  Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society  of  London 

GENERIC  TYPE.  Pediculus  suis  Linnaeus. 

CHARACTERS.  Haematopinidae  in  which  the  head  is  produced  into  distinct 
ocular  points  posterior  to  the  antennae,  but  with  distinct  eyes  lacking. 
Legs  with  a  prominent,  apically  free,  and  more  or  less  sclerotized  process 
on  the  ventral  side  between  tibia  and  tarsus. 

NOTES.  The  members  of  this  genus  occur  on  hosts  of  the  families  Suidae, 
Bovidae,  and  Cervidae  of  the  Order  Artiodactyla  and  the  family  Equidae  of 
the  Order  Perissodactyla. 

Key  to  Species  of  HAEMATOPINIJS 

The  species  breviculus  is  omitted  from  this  key  because  of  the  inadequate 

1.  Female  with  the  gonopods  of  segment  eight  slender,  apically  acute, 
curved  and  almost  sickle-shaped;  known  from  Equus  burchelli  in  Africa 


Otherwise . ;2 

Female  with  the  gonopods  of  segment  eight  elongate  and  narrow,  their 
mesal  margins  straight  and  divergent;  occurring  on  Cervus  unicolor  in 

India . UONGUS 

Otherwise . 3 

Genitalia  of  the  male  with  the  penis  strongly  asymmetrical,  strongly 
sclerotized  at  one  side,  this  sclerotization  much  swollen  and  forming 

a  large  knob  or  hook  at  its  base . 4 

Genitalia  of  the  male  with  the  penis  otherwise  formed,  V-  or  Y-shaped 

if  present . . . 

Female  with  a  deeply  pigmented,  somewhat  W-shaped  spot  in  the  wall  of 
the  vacrina  just  anterior  to  the  vulva;  occurring  on  Taurotraius  and 

Streps  iceros . TAUROTRAGI 

Female  without  such  a  spot . ;••••• . 

With  5-8  slender  setae  in  a  cluster  on  the  posterior  side  of  each  of 
the  lateral  lobes  of  the  abdomen;  occurring  on  Bos  bubalus  normally 
and  apparently  also  on  camels . TOBERCULATUS 




With  not  more  than  2-3  setae  in  this  position  on  any  segment . 6 

6.  Head  very  short  and  broad,  the  length  only  slightly  greater  than  the 

breadth:  occurring  on  domestic  cattle  throughout  the  world . 


Head  elongate,  from  2-2.5  times  as  long  as  wide;  occurring  on  Equidae.. 
. T . . . ASINI 

7.  An  elongate,  slender  species  in  which  the  paratergal  plates  of  the  ab¬ 

domen  form  prominent,  acutely  conical  points;  occurring  on  Syncerus 

caffer . BUFALI 

Stout-bodied  species,  the  paratergal  plates  forming  rounded  prominences 

_  . . . . . 8 

8.  Head  very  short  and  broad,  the  width  of  the  hindhead  more  than  half  as 

great  as  the  length  of  the  head . ....9 

Head  relatively  slender,  the  width  of  the  hindhead  normally  definitely 
less  than  half  the  length  of  the  head . 10 

9.  Margin  of  the  vulva  with  a  pair  of  marginally  serrate  lobes  between  the 

bases  of  the  gonopods;  occurring  on  Phacochoerus . PHACDCHOERI 

Margin  of  the  vulva  with  an  undivided  and  simple  median  lobe  between 
the  bases  of  the  gonopods;  occurring  on  Poramochoerus . LATHS 

10.  A  stout-bodied  form  with  well-developed,  broad,  paratergal  plates  and 

with  the  dorsum  of  the  abdomen  normally  with  sclerotized  areas;  oc¬ 
curring  on  domestic  pigs . SUIS 

A  more  slender-bodied  form  with  very  weakly  developed  paratergal  plates 
and  with  the  dorsum  of  the  abdomen  membranous;  occurring  on  the  wild 
boar  of  Europe . APRI 

Haematopinus  acuticeps  Ferris 

1933-  Haematopinus  acuticeps  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of 
the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  6:467;  figure  275. 

1948.  Haematopinus  acuticeps  Ferris,  Webb,  Proceedings  of  the  Zoological 
Society  of  London  118:581;  Plate  I,  figure  G. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Known  only  from  the  original  record,  from  Hip- 
potigris  (= Equus )  burchelli,  Mpwapwa,  Tanganyika  Territory,  East  Africa. 
This  host  is  later  cited  by  Webb  as  Equus  burchelli  muansae. 

NOTES.  Whatever  may  be  the  status  of  the  two  supposed  subspecies  bur- 
chellis  and  elegans  of  Haematopinus  asini  which  actually  or  presumptively 
occur  on  this  same  host,  there  can  be  no  question  of  the  status  of  acuticeps. 
The  form  of  the  gonopods  of  the  female  is  alone  sufficient  to  distinguish  it. 

Haematopinus  apri  Goureau 

1866.  Haematopinus  apri  Goureau,  Bulletin  de  la  Societe  des  Sciences  His- 
toriques  et  Naturelles  de  l'Yonne,  Auxerre  20:205. 

1870.  Haematopinus  urius  (Nitzsch),  Giebel,  Insecta  Epizoa,  page  45;  Plate 
2,  figure  2. 

1880.  Haematopinus  urius  (Nitzsch),  Piaget,  Les  Pediculines,  page  654; 
Plate  48,  figure  4. 

1933*  Haematopinus  aperis  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  6:431;  figures252B,  253B,  255A-D,  256F,  G,  M,  N. 
1939.  Haematopinus  suis  (Linnaeus),  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fiir  Infektion- 
skrankheiten,  parasitare  Krankheiten  und  Hygiene  der  Haustiere  55: 
2:138;  figures  1-5. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Sus  scrofa,  the  wild  swine  of  western 

NOTES.  The  confusion  of  this  species  with  Haematopinus  suis  (Linnaeus) 
will  he  discussed  in  more  detail  in  connection  with  the  latter  species.  It 
is  sufficient  here  merely  to  remark  that  the  lice  of  Sus  scrofa,  the  wild 


boar  of  western  Europe,  seem  clearly  to  be  distinct  from  the  lice  of  the 
domesticated  swine  of  the  present  day,  which  are  thought  to  have  been  de 
rived  from  pigs  of  eastern  Asia  that  have  been  imported  into  Europe. 

The  purely  uomeuclatorial  problem  concerning  the  proper  name  lor  this 
species  presents  some  difficult  points.  In  pre-Liunaeau  times  the  name 
Pediculus  urius  was  used  very  evidently  for  lice  from  the  pigs  of  Europe 
which  were  derived  from  the  wild  swine  of  Europe,  but  Linnaeus  did  not  em¬ 
ploy  this  name.  It  was  revived  by  Nitzsch  in  1818  and  used  by  him,  clearly 
as  a  substitute  for  the  name  suis  employed  by  Linnaeus,  since  suis  is  placed 
as  a  synonym  of  urius. 

In  1870  Giebel  used  the  name  urius  for  lice  of  domestic  and  wild  swine. 
His  illustration  was  said  by  him  to  have  been  prepared  by  Nitzsch  in  1805. 
In  the  writer's  opinion  it  clearly  represents  the  lice  of  wild  swine.  A 
case  might,  therefore,  be  made  out  for  the  use  ot  the  name  urius  since  the 
type  of  the  name  urius  as  employed  by  Nitzsch  would  fix  the  application  of 
the  name  if  suis  be  regarded  as  a  separate  species. 

In  1880  Piaget  used  the  name  urius.  The  writer  has  examined  Piaget's 
material  and  used  his  specimens  as  the  types  for  the  name  aperis,  which  was 
published  in  1933 * 

However,  according  to  Eahreuholz,  the  name  Haematopinus  apri  Goureau  was 
proposed  in  1866  for  the  lice  of  wild  swine  of  Europe.  The  present  writer 
has  not  seen  this  work  and  accepts  the  name  on  Fahrenholz '  word.  In  any 
case  this  name  certainly  reduced  aperis  to  synonymy. 

Hopkins  has  expressed  the  opinion  that  this  form  should  be  regarded  as  a 
subspecies  of  suis,  but  the  writer  cannot  concur  in  this. 

Haematopinus  asini  (Linnaeus) 

Figures  37,  38 

1758.  Pediculus  asini  Linnaeus,  Sjystema  Naturae,  Edition  X,  page  612. 

1829.  Pediculus  asini  (Linnaeus).  Stephens,  Catalogue  of  British  Insects 
2: 329 . 

1838.  Pediculus  macrocephalus  Burmeister,  Genera  Insectorum,  Rhynchota, 
Species  18. 

1916.  Haematopinus  elegans  Fahrenholz,  Archiv  fur  Naturgeschichte,  Abteil- 
ung  A,  81:11:22;  figure  8. 

1916.  Haematopinus  minor  Fahrenholz,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  48:90. 

1933.  Haematopinus  asini  (Linnaeus),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  6:464;  figures  273,  274,  275C. 
1948.  Haematopinus  asini  asini  (Linnaeus),  Webb,  Proceedings  of  the  Zoolog¬ 
ical  Society  of  London  118:578. 

1948.  Haematopinus  asini  macrocephalus  (Burmeister),  Webb,  Proceedings  of 
the  Zoological  Society  of  London  118:578. 

1948.  Haematopinus  asini  minor  Fahrenholz,  Webb,  Proceedings  of  the  Zoolog¬ 
ical  Society  of  London  118:580;  figures  g-i ;  Plate  I,  figure  U. 
1948.  Haematopinus  asini  burchellis  Webb,  Proceedings  of  the  Zoological 
Society  of  London  118:580;  figures  d-f;  Plate  I,  figures  A,  B,  E. 
1948.  Haematopinus  asini  elegans  Fahrenholz,  Webb,  Proceedings  of  the  Zoo¬ 
logical  Society  of  London  118:580. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  The  type  host  is  Equus  asinus.  Recorded  also 
from  domestic  horses  in  various  parts  of  the  world  and, in  the  opinion  here 
adopted,  apparently  occurring  normally  on  zebras.  The  type  host  of  macro¬ 
cephalus  apparently  was  the  domestic  horse.  That  of  minor  was  Equus  bur- 
chelli,  and  it  is  recorded  also  from  Equus  burchelli  grant i.  The  type  host 
of  burchellis  is  Equus  burchelli  grant  i.  The  type  of  elegans  was  not  speci¬ 
fied,  being  recorded  merely  as  from  Gobabis,  Southwest  Africa. 

NOTES.  ^In  these  species  from  the  genus  Equus  we  have  a  most  extraordi¬ 
nary’  situation.  Webb  (1948)  has  reviewed  the  group  and  adopted  the  point 


Haematopinus  asini  (Linnaeus) 

Figure  37 


Haematopinus  asini  (Linnaeus),  details 

Figure  38 

of  view  that  we  have  to  do  with  a  series  of  "subspecies,"  some  of  which 
occur  upon  the  same  host.  They  are  described  by  him  as  differing  only  in 
the  form  of  the  head.  It  may  be  noted  that  Haematopinus  acuticeps  Ferris 
occurs  also  ou  Equus  burchellt ,  but  this  species  is  very  evidently  distinct 
in  every  respect,  including  the  genitalia  ol  the  female. 

The  point  of  view  adopted  by  the  present  writer  toward  the  establishment 
of  subspecies  in  this  group  will  be  considered  elsewhere  in  this  paper.  It 
is  the  opinion  here  adopted  that  in  the  case  of  these  supposed  subspecies 
the  evidence  for  their  separation  from  asini  is  not  convincing  except  in 
the  case  of  the  form  identified  by  Webb  as  minor.  The  present  writer  exam¬ 
ined  the  types  of  this  species  in  connection  with  his  earlier  work  and  no¬ 
ticed  no  difference  which  would  justify  the  recognition  of  this  form  in  any 
way,  but  the  illustration  given  by  Webb  (his  Plate  I,  figure  D)  suggests 
that  it  may  merit  some  recognition,  although  it  is  not  evident  that  the 
form  illustrated  by  him  is  the  same  as  that  to  which  the  name  was  applied 
by  Fahrenholz. 

Haematopinus  breviculus  Fahrenholz 

1939.  Haematopinus  breviculus  Fahrenholz,  Mitteilungen  aus  dem  entomolog- 
ischen  Verein  Bremen,  page  $2;  figures  1-3- 
HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION .  Based  upon  a  single  female,  without  indication 
of  host  or  origin.  Said  by  Fahrenholz  to  be  very  close  to  eurysternus. 


Haematopinus  bufali  (de  Geer) 

1778.  Pediculus  bufali  de  Geer,  Memoires  pour  servir  a  l'histoire  naturelle 
des  insectes  apteres  7:68;  Plate  I,  figures  11,  12. 

1781.  Pediculus  bufali-capensis  Fabricius,  Species  Insectorum,  Volume  2. 
1816.  Pediculus  papillosus  von  Olfers,  De  vegetativis  et  animatis  corporibus 
in  corporibus  animatis  reperiundis  commentarius,  page  85. 

1844.  Pediculus  phthlriopsis  Gervais,  In  Walckenaer,  Histoire  naturelle 
des  insectes  apteres  3:366. 

1915*  Haematopinus  neumanni  Fahrenholz,  Arch iv  fur  Nat urge schichte ,  Abteil- 
ung  A,  81: 11:8. 

1935*  Haematopinus  bufali  (de  Geer),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  6:460;  figures  270-272. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Originally  described  as  from  "le  Buffle 
d'Afrique,"  from  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope.  Later  recorded  from  Buffelus 
caffer  and  "buffalo"  in  Nyasaland  and  the  Congo  Free  State.  Mr.  G.  H.  E. 
Hopkins  has  kindly  supplied  specimens  from  Buffelus  (or  Syncerus)  caffer 
radcliffei  on  the  shores  of  Lake  Edward. 

Haematopinus  eurysternus  (Nitzsch) 

Figures  39.  40 

1818.  Pediculus  eurysternus  Nitzsch,  Germar's  Magazin  fur  die  Entomologie 

1829.  Haematopinus  eurysternus  (Nitzsch),  Stephens,  Catalogue  of  British 
Insects  2:329. 

1916 .  Haematopinus  quadripertusus  Fahrenholz,  Archiv  fur  Naturgeschichte, 
Abteilung  A,  81:11:19;  figures  15-17. 

1916 .  Haematopinus  parviprocursus  Fahrenholz,  Archiv  fur  Naturgeschichte, 
Abteilung  A,  81:11:21. 

1933-  Haematopinus  eurysternus  (Nitzsch) ,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  6:448;  figures  263,  264. 

1950.  Haematopinus  quadripertusus  Fahrenholz,  Muesebeck,  Journal  of  Eco¬ 
nomic  Entomology  43:119,  133* 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Originally  described  from  domestic  cattle  in 
Europe  and  known  from  these  hosts  from  many  parts  of  the  world. 

NOTES.  Haematopinus  quadripertusus  was  described  from  males  only,  from 
cattle  at  Banjo,  in  the  Cameroons.  Haematopinus  parviprocursus  was  de¬ 
scribed  from  females  only  from  unknown  host  from  the  then  German  Southwest 
Africa.  The  types  of  both  these  supposed  species  were  examined  by  Ferris, 
who  came  to  the  conclusion  that  they  represent  the  same  species  and  that 
this  species  is  to  be  identified  as  Haematopinus  eurysternus. 

This  question  has  been  reviewed  again  in  connection  with  the  present 
work  and  the  opinion  previously  expressed  is  still  maintained.  It  was 
pointed  out  by  Ferris  (1933)  that  specimens  from  cattle  in  tropical  coun¬ 
tries  seem  to  be  much  larger  and  of  deeper  pigmentation  than  those  from 
northern  areas,  although  no  morphological  differences  could  be  detected. 
The  only  basis  then  for  the  separation  of  the  cattle  lice  into  two  or  more 
species  is  that  of  size.  It  must  be  noted,  however,  that  the  cattle  of 
many  tropical  areas,  such  as  Asia  and  Africa,  are  derived  apparently  from  a 
different  source  from  the  cattle  of  Europe  and  North  America,  the  former 
apparently  having  come  largely  from  the  "hump- backed"  type  and  there  may  be 
an  association  with  these  differences  of  host  origins. 

Specimens  of  the  large  form  have  been  collected  in  Florida  in  the  United 
States.  These  were  sent  to  the  writer  by  Dr.  C.  F.  W.  Muesebeck  of  the 
United  States  Department  of  Agriculture  and  the  information  noted  above  was 
imparted  to  him.  He  elected  to  regard  these  specimens  as  representing  a 
species  different  from  that  usually  found  in  the  United  States  and  has  pub- 


Haematopinus  eurysternus  (Nitzsch) 

Figure  39 


female  genitalia 

ventral  -  male  genitalia  -  dorsal 

Haematopinus  eurysternus  (Nitzsch), details 

Figure  40 

lished  the  record,  using  the  common  name  "Cattle  tail  louse,"  for  this  form. 

The  question  of  the  specific  name  to  be  used  for  this  form,  if  it  be 
recognized,  arises.  It  would  appear  that  the  name  quadripertusus  Fahrenholz 
is  available.  However,  this  form  is  not  here  accepted  as  distinct. 

Haematopinus  latus  Neumann 

1909.  Haematopinus  latus  Neumann,  Archives  de  Parasitologie  13:595;  Fig¬ 
ures  6-9. 

1911.  Haematopinus  peristictus  Kellogg  and  Paine,  Bulletin  of  Entomological 

Research  2:145.  (In  part) 

1912.  Haematopinus  incisus  Harms,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  40:293- 

1933*  Haematopinus  latus  Neumann,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph 
of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  7:477:  figures  260C,  262. 

1939.  Haematopinus  latus  Neumann,  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fiir  Infektions- 
krankheiten,  parasitare  Krankheiten  und  Hygiene  der  Haustiere  55: 
151 ;  Plate  4,  figures  9-11. 

1939.  Haematopinus  latus  latissimus  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fur  Infektions- 
krankheiten,  parasitare  Krankheiten  und  Hygiene  der  Haustiere  55: 
152;  Plate  4,  figure  12. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  The  types  of  latus  were  recorded  as  from 
Potomochoerus  africanus  at  Kaporo,  Nyasaland.  The  types  of  the  supposed 
variety  latissimus  are  the  specimens  recorded  by  Ferris  from  Potomochoerus 
choeropotamus ,  Luangwa  Valley,  northeastern  Rhodesia.  Recorded  from  the 
same  host  from  Zululand  and  South  Africa  and  also  from  Potomochoerus  affinis 
from  the  former  German  East  Africa. 


NOTES.  This  species  has  at  times  been  contused  with  Haematopinus 
phacochoer l  Enderlein,  but  is  clearly  distinct. 

The  writer  sees  no  excuse  for  the  naming  of  the  supposed  variety  latis- 
simus.  Among  the  specimens  at  hand  are  some  of  evidently  very  early  adult 
females  and  others  of  fully  adult  individuals.  There  is  enough  difference 
among  these  specimens  to  suggest  the  presence  of  two  forms  and  this  seems 
to  be  the  only  basis  for  Fahrenholz'  supposed  variety. 

Haematop inus  longus  Neumann 

1912.  Haematopinus  longus  Neumann,  Bulletin  de  la  Society  Zoologique  de 
France  37*141;  figure  1. 

1933 .  Haematopinus  longus  Neumann,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph 
of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  6:469;  figure  276. 

HOSTS  .AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Known  only  from  the  original  record,  from 
Cervus  unicolor,  at  Kota,  Nepal,  India. 

Haematopinus  phacochoeri  Enderlein 

1908.  Haematopinus  phacochoeri  Enderlein,  Wissenschaftliche  Ergebnisse  der 
Schwedische  Expedition  nach  dem  Ki limandj aro,  dem  Meru,  und  dem 
umgebenden  Massaische  Steppen  11:7;  figure. 

1911.  Haematopinus  peristictus  Kellogg  and  Paine,  Bulletin  of  Entomological 
Research  2:145;  Plate  4,  figures  3-6  (in  part). 

1933.  Haematopinus  phacochoeri  Enderlein,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  6:444;  figures  260,  261. 

1939.  Haematopinus  phacochoeri  Enderlein,  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fur  In- 
fektionsk rankhei ten ,  parasitare  Krankheiten  und  Hygiene  der  Haus- 
tiere  55:149;  figures  9a,  9b. 

1939.  Haematopinus  phacochoeri  peristictus  Kellogg  and  Paine,  Fahrenholz, 
Zeitschrift  fur  Infektionskrankheiten,  parasit&re  Krankheiten  und 
Hygiene  der  Haustiere  55:150. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  The  types  of  phacochoeri  were  from  Phacochoerus 
aeliani  massaicus  in  the  region  of  Mt.  Kilimanjaro  and  those  of  peristictus 
from  Phacochoerus  aethiopicus ,  at  Akamanga,  North  Nyasa,  Africa.  The 
species  has  been  recorded  from  Phacochoerus  sp.  in  the  former  German  East 
Africa,  and  from  phacochoerus  sundevali  in  Zululand.  In  addition,  there 
are  records  given  as  merely  from  "wart  hog, "  in  East  Africa,  northeastern 
Rhodesia  and  southern  Rhodesia.  Certain  records  from  "buffalo,"  in  Kenya 

are  open  to  doubt.  .  «...  •  . 

NOTES.  There  has  in  the  past  been  some  confusion  ot  this  species  with 

Haematopinus  latus  Neumann,  but  it  appears  that  these  two  species  are  char¬ 
acteristic  of  different  host  genera.  Fahrenholz  has  attempted  to  resurrect 
the  name  peristictus  as  a  variety,  but  the  types  of  this  name  are  at  hand 
and  offer  no  justification  tor  this  procedure. 

Haematopinus  suis  (Linnaeus) 

Figures  41,  42 

1758.  Pediculus  suis  Linnaeus,  Systema  Naturae,  Edition  X,  page  611. 

1810.  Haematopinus  suis  (Linnaeus),  Leach,  Encyclopaedia  Brittannica,  Sup¬ 
plement  1,  page  24.  «  nn p- 

1818.  Pediculus  urius  Nitzsch,  Germar  s  Magazin  der  Entomologie 
1903.  Haematopinus  irritans  Law,  Textbook  of  Veterinary  Medicine  ^:13- 
1911.  Haematopinus  suis  aduenticius  Neumann,  Archives  de  Parasitologie  14. 

406 ;  figure  8.  . 

1916.  Haematopinus  suis  chinensis  Fahrenholz,  Fahrenholz,  Zoologischer  An- 

zeiger  48:90. 


Haematopinus  suis  (Linnaeus) 

Figure  41 






'Haematopinus  suis  (Linnaeus), details 

Figure  42 


Haematopinus  suis  germanus  (misprint  tor  germanicus)  Fahrenholz,  Zo- 
ologischer  Anzeiger  48:90. 

Haematopinus  suis  sardiniensis  Fahrenholz,  Jahrbuch  der  Hamburgisch- 
en  Wissenschaftlichen  Anstalten  34:Beiheft  2:10. 

Haematopinus  suis  (Linnaeus),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  6:425;  figures  252A,  253A,  254. 
Haematopinus  adventicius  Fahrenholz,  Ewing,  Proceedings  of  the  Hel¬ 
minthological  Society  of  Washington,  page  76. 

Haematopinus  chinensis  Fahrenholz,  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fur  In- 
fektionskrankheiten,  parasitare  Krankheiten  und  Hygiene  der  Haus- 
tiere  55:Heft  2:138;  Plate  3>  figures  1-3- 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  The  name  Pediculus  suis  was  applied  specifical¬ 
ly  By  Linnaeus  to  the  lice  of  domestic  swine,  presumably  those  of  Sweden. 
Since  that  time  it  has  been  used  for  the  lice  of  domestic  swine,  as  recorded 
from  almost  all  parts  of  the  world.  The  only  records  from  undomesticated 
swine  seem  to  be  those  given  by  Ferris  (1933)  from  Sus  cristatus,  from 
Tanjong  Badak,  Tenasserim  and  from  Dinapore,  India. 

NOTES.  Concerning  this  species  we  have  a  problem  that  is  compounded  of 
both  nomenclatorial  and  zoological  questions,  for  none  of  which  is  there  at 
present  a  satisfactory  answer.  The  story  is  long  and  complicated  and 
nothing  more  than  a  mere  abstract  of  it  can  here  be  presented. 

The  reasons  for  the  complications  rest  largely  upon  the  fact  that  the 
domesticated  swine  population  of  Europe  has  changed  within  relatively  recent 
times.  The  domesticated  swine  of  western  Europe,  throughout  most  of  his¬ 
toric  times,  were  presumably  derived  from  the  wild  swine  of  that  area. 
Early  in  the  eighteenth  century  domesticated  swine  from  eastern  Asia  were 
introduced  into  Europe  and  swine  of  this  type  have  now  become  the  common 
domesticated  animals  of  almost  all  the  world. 

Because  of  these  facts,  references  to  the  lice  of  swine  in  European  lit¬ 
erature,  certainly  prior  to  such  a  date  as  1758,  undoubtedly  concerned  the 
lice  of  the  wild  boar  of  Europe,  Sus  scrofa.  Even  at  that  date,  1758,  the 
population  of  domestic  swine  in  Europe  was  changing. 

Now,  if  the  native  swine  of  Europe  originally  had  upon  them  a  louse  of  a 
species  different  from  that  of  the  domesticated  swine  of  eastern  Asia — as 
seems  to  be  true — to  which  of  these  species  should  the  name  suis  apply? 
There  are  two  indirect  approaches  to  the  problem.  One  of  these  rests  upon 
pre-Linnaean  history  and  the  other  upon  post-Linnaean  history.  On  the 
basis  of  pre-Linnaean  history  it  is  clear  that  the  name  suis  should  apply 
to  lice  from  the  wild  swine  of  Europe.  But  on  the  basis  of  post-Linnaean 
history  the  name  has  been  used  for  almost  200'  years  to  apply  to  lice  de¬ 
rived  from  the  swine  of  eastern  Asia,  which  even  at  the  time  of  Linnaeus 
were  beginning  to  replace  the  other  type. 

No  one  knows  what  Linnaeus  actually  had  in  hand  when  he  named  the  species 
Pedicuius  suis.  The  probabilities  certainly  are  that  he  used  the  name  for 
lice  of  swine  of  the  older  European  race,  although  it  must  be  noted  that 
the  Asiatic  swine  had  been  introduced  into  Sweden  a  few  years  before  the 
appearance  of  the  tenth  edition  of  the  Systema  Naturae  and  it  is  possible — 
since  they  undoubtedly  attracted  a  considerable  amount  of  attention — lice 
may  have  been  taken  from  them  and  come  to  Linnaeus'  notice. 

From  the  point  of  view  of  the  present  writer  the  reasonable  procedure  is 
to  accept  the  name  suis  for  the  lice  of  domestic  swine  as  we  now  find  them 
and  to  consider  that  as  used  by  Linnaeus  the  name  covered  a  compound 
species.  We  may  legitimately  argue  that  the  general  usage  of  the  last  150 
years  or  more  constitutes  a  de  facto  restriction  of  this  name  to  the  form 
for  which  it  has  commonly  been  used  and  that  to  change  this  at  the  present 
date  is  unnecessary  and  confusing. 

Furthermore,  it  should  be  noted  that  as  early  as  1818  Nitzsch  revived 
the  old,  pre-Linnaean  name  urlus  as  a  substitute  for  suis,  and  that  later 







evidence  has  indicated  that  lie  actually  had  at  hand  the  lice  ol  the  wild 
swine.  This  name  might  be  considered  thereby  to  have  become  established. 
In  any  case,  in  1866  these  lice  were  definitely  given  the  name  Haemtopinus 
aprl  Goureau. 

Fahrenholz  and  Ewing  have  opposed  the  point  of  view  here  held  and  have 
maintained  that  the  name  suts  should  be  transferred  to  the  lice  of  the  wild 
swine  of  Europe,  thus  leaving  it  to  be  detennined  what  name  should  be  used 
for  those  from  the  present-day  domesticated  swine.  Fahrenholz  has  main¬ 
tained  that  the  proper  name  to  be  used  is  Haema top inus  cbinensis  Fahrenholz, 
while  Ewing  has  supported  Haematopinus  advent  ictus  Neumann,  both  overlooked 
the  earlier  name  Haematop inus  trritans  Law. 

The  problem  can  in  the  end  be  settled  only  by  a  ruling  of  the  Interna¬ 
tional  Commission  on  Zoological  Nomenclature,  and  lor  the  present  the  writer 
refuses  to  disturb  the  long-established  nomenclature. 

So  much  for  the  nomenclatorial  problem.  The  zoological  problem  is  also 
involved  and  complicated. 

To  begiu  with,  it  appears  that  the  lice  of  the  wild  swine  of  Europe  dif¬ 
fer  to  such  a  degree  from  those  ot  domesticated  swine  tliat  they  utiy  justi¬ 
fiably  be  called  a  distinct  species.  After  we  have  eliminated  the  lice  of 
the  wild  swine  of  Europe  from  consideration,  there  remains  the  question  ol 
the  forms  to  be  found  among  the  lice  of  domesticated  swine.  Among  these 
there  is  present  a  considerable  variety  ot  size,  lorm,  pigmentation,  and  ol 
some  morphological  characters.  At  least  three  of  the  forms  have  been  first 
named  as  varieties  and  then  elevated  to  the  rank  of  species  by  Fahrenholz. 

Ferris  (1933),  on  the  basis  of  an  examination  of  specimens  from  numerous 
parts  of  the  world,  gave  an  extended  account  of  the  variations  to  be  found 
among  them.  Here  and  there  appeared  individual  collections  which,  if  taken 
by  themselves  alone,  might  justify  some  nomenclatorial  recognition.  But 
after  these  specimens  are  removed  we  are  left  with  a  residue  ol  material 
which  presents  almost  every  possible  combination  of  the  characters  seen  in 
the  others,  indicating  a  completely  interlinked  genetic  chain  which  con¬ 
forms  to  the  concept  of  species  here  adopted  and  previously  discussed.  In 
the  end  the  problem  can  be  settled — if  at  all — only  by  genetic  studies. 
For  the  present  the  single  name  Haemtopinus  suis  (Linnaeus)  will  here  be 
used  to  cover  this  complex  of  forms. 

Haematop inus  taurotragi  Cummings 

1914.  Haematoptnus  taurotragi  Cummings,  Bulletin  of  Entomological  Research 

5:155;  figures.  _ 

1933.  Haematopinus  taurotragi  Cummings,  Ferris,  Contributions  I oward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  6:453;  figures  265,  -66. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION,  type  from  Taurotragus  oryx  ( =Boselaphus  oreas) , 
from  a  menagerie  in  England.  Later  recorded  by  Bedford  from  the  same  host 
at  various  placed  in  South  Africa  and  also  from  Strepsiceros  kudu  in  South 

Haematopinus  tuberculatus  (Burmeister) 

Figures  43,  44 

1800.  Pedtculus  bufall-europaei  Latreille,  Histoire  naturelle  et  parti culi- 
ere  des  crustaces  et  des  insectes  8:96  (nomen  dubium,)  . 

1839.  Pedtculus  tuberculatus  Burmeister,  Genera  Insectorum,  Khynchota, 

1862  Haematopinus  tuberculatus  (Burmeister',  Lucas,  Annales  de  la  Socieie 
Entomologique  de  France  (series  2)  10:529;  Plate  11,  number  2. 

1869 .  Haematopinus  punctatus  Rudow,  Zeitschrift  fur  die  gesamten  Naturwis- 
senschaften  34:16*. 


Haematopinus  tuberculatus  (Burmeister) 

Figure  43 


neutral  male  genitalia  dorsal  female  genitalia 

Haematopinus  tuberculatus  (Burmeisterb  details 

Figure  44 

1919.  Haematopinus  bufali-europaei  (Latreille),  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschnft 
fur  angewandte  Entomologie  6:154.  . 

1933.  haematopinus  tuberculatus  (Burmeister),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward 
a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  6:455;  figures  26  /  269  - 
HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION .  Burmeister' s  name  was  based  upon  specimens  irom 
the  "common  buffalo  or  buffalo  of  India,"  presumably  Bos  bubalus,  i and 
are  manv  records  of  the  species  from  this  host  in  India,  China,  the  Philip 
pine  Islands  and  Guam.  In  addition,  there  are  records  of  the  species ;  from 
the  yak,  Bos  trunniens,  and  from  camel  in  Australia  and  Africa.  Latreill  s 
snecimens  were  recorded  as  from  buffalo  Irom  Ital} .  . , , 

NOTES.  There  is  a  strong  probability  that  the  species  named  3  La  rei 
(1800)  is  the  same  as  that  named  by  Burmeister  in  1839,  but  the  writer  has 
In  the  oast  declined,  and  still  declines,  to  accept  the  synonymy  involved. 
A  verv  considerable  literature  has  grown  up  under  the  nam e  tuberculatus, 
while'  under  the  clumsy  name  bufali-europaei  there  have  been  but  occasional 
nassinii  references  since  it  was  first  proposed. 

P  Specimens  from  camel  have  been  examined  by  the  writer.  They  seem 
differ  from  the  typical  form  only  in  smaLler  size. 


Genus  PECAROECUS  Babcock  and  Ewing 

1939-  Pecaroecus  Babcock  and  Ewing,  Proceedings  of  the  Entomological  Soci¬ 
ety  of  Washington  40:197. 

GENERIC  TYPE.  Pecaroecus  javalii  Babcock  and  Ewing. 

CHARACTERS.  Haematopinidae  with  distinct  eyes,  these  being  represented 
by  a  facet  and  a  pigment  spot  just  posterior  to  each  antenna.  Legs  without 
a  sclerotized  plate  in  the  "palm"  of  the  tibia.  Thorax  without  a  sclero- 
tized  sternal  plate.  Abdomen  with  small,  sclerotized,  tubercle-like  para- 
tergites  present. 

NOTES.  The  single  known  species  of  this  genus  is  a  strange  form  which 
seems  rather  definitely  to  be  related  to  Haematopinus. 

Pecaroecus  javalii  Babcock  and  Ewing 
Figures  45,  46 

1938*  Pecaroecus  javalii  Babcock  and  Ewing,  Proceedings  of  the  Entomologi¬ 
cal  Society  of  Washington  40:199;  figures  103 - 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Known  from  a  single  record,  from  Pecari  aniula- 
tus,  between  Juno  and  the  Pecos  River,  State  of  Texas,  United  States. 

NOTES.  Specimens  from  the  type  lot  have  been  made  available  through  the 
kindness  of  Mr.  Babcock  and  the  accompanying  illustrations  are  based  upon 

Family  HOPLOPLEURIDAE  Ferris,  new  family 

DESCRIPTION  OF  THE  FAMILY.  Anoplura  in  most  of  which  there  is  no  exter¬ 
nal  indication  of  eyes,  lenses  being  present  in  only  one  genus.  Abdomen, 
in  all  but  one  species,  with  paratergal  plates  on  at  least  one  segment, 
these  plates  always  at  least  in  part  with  an  apical  portion  which  is  free 
from  the  body  and  not  forming  a  mere  cap  over  the  apex  of  lateral  lobes  of 
the  abdomen.  Thoracic  sternal  plate  usually  developed,  commonly  with  its 
posterior  apex  free,  but  at  times  weakly  sclerotized  and  at  times  lacking. 
Ventral  prothoracic  apophyseal  pits  lacking.  Abdominal  tergal  and  sternal 
plates  very  commonly  present  and  well  developed.  Antennae  normally  five- 
segmented,  in  one  species  described  as  three-segmented,  at  times  with  the 
terminal  three  segments  tending  to  be  more  or  less  fused  together,  frequent¬ 
ly  sexually  dimorphic,  the  male  having  either  the  apical  preaxial  angle  of 
segment  three  more  or  less  produced  and  bearing  one  or  more  short,  stout, 
retrorse  setae  dorsally,  or  having  such  a  seta  on  the  dorsal  side  of  each 
of  the  last  three  segments.  Female  with  the  gonopods  of  the  ninth  segment 
usually  short  and  not  strongly  developed,  never  elongated  and  leaf-like. 

NOTES.  As  here  understood  this  is  the  largest  family  of  the  Order,  most 
of  its  members  occurring  on  rodents,  but  a  few  on  Insectivora  and  Primates, 
and  one  on  Ungulata. 

The  principal  objection  that  may  be  urged  against  this  family  is  the  in¬ 
clusion  in  it  of  the  genus  Pedicinus,  which  has  long  been  associated  with 
the  Pediculidae.  This  matter  will  be  discussed  at  length  under  the  sub¬ 
family  Pedicininae  and  it  may  here  simply  be  noted  that  in  the  writer's 
opinion  the  genus  is  more  closely  related  to  the  Hoplopleuridae  than  it  is 
to  Pediculus . 

The  general  pattern  of  the  Hoplopleuridae  is  reasonably  consistent,  be¬ 
ing  marked  especially  by  the  development  of  the  paratergal  plates  of  the 
abdomen,  which  always  have  at  least  an  apical  point  free  from  the  body  wall. 

The  famiiy  name  is  chosen  from  a  genus  which  is  large  and  in  which  the 
characters  of  the  family  are  especially  well  developed. 

The  family  is  here  divided  into  five  subfamilies,  which  may  be  separated 
by  the  following  key. 


Pecaroecus  javalii  Babcock  and  Ewing 

Figure  45 


genitalia  of  female 

Pecaroecus  javalii  Babcock  and  Ewing, 

Figure  46 


Key  to  the  Subfamilies  of  Hoplopleuridae 




Eyes  present  externally  as  a  pair  of  distinct  lenses;  occurring  on  Old 

World  monkeys  of  the  superfamily  Cercopithecoidea . PEDlCININAE 

Without  any  external  indication  of  eyes . .  •  “ 

With  a  small,  claw-like  process  alongside  the  true  claw  on  the  anterior 


Without  such  a  claw-like  process  on  the  anterior  legs . •••3 

Anterior  and  middle  lej/sot  the  same  size  and  ionn,  both  small  and  slen- 
der,  with  slender  claw;  ventral  side  of  the  abdomen  in  all  species 
except  three,  with  a  pair  of  small,  sclerotized,  detached  plates  on 

the  venter  of  abdominal  segment  two;  restrictei  to  Sciuridae . 


Anterior  legs  the  smallest  of  the  three  pairs,  the  second  pair  at  least 
somewhat  larger  than  the  first  and  with  stouter  claw;  venter  ot  ab¬ 
dominal  segment  two  without  such  a  pair  of  detached  plates,  except  as 
the  pa rater gal  plates  of  this  segment  may  be  longitudinally  divided 

into  a  dorsal  and  a  ventral  piece . •••••  ••  **  •*.•••  * 

Second  abdominal  segment  with  its  sternal  plate  extended  laterally  on 
each  side  to  articulate  with  the  corresponding  paratergal  plate...... 


Second  abdominal  segment  with  its  sternal  plate  never  thus  lat¬ 

Subfamily  EN DERLELNELLIN AE  Ewing 

1929.  Ewincr,  A  Manual  of  External  Parasites,  page  132. 

DESCRIPTION  OF  THE  SUBFAMILY.  Hoplopleuridae  with  the  two  anterior  pairs 
of  le.rS  slender  and  with  slender  claw,  the  two  pairs  being  of  the  same  size 
and  shape,  the  third  pair  stout  and  with  stout  claw.  All  but  three  ol  the 
included  species  provided  with  a  pair  of  small,  highly  sclerotized  plates 
on  the  ventral  side  of  the  second  abdominal  segment,  each  ot  these  plates 
bearing  a  strongly  sclerotized,  flat  projection.  Usua  ly  very  sma 
species.  All  the  known  species  occurring  on  the  rodent  family  Sciuridae. 

NOTES.  The  members  of  this  subfamily  are  among  the  smallest  ol  e 
Anoplura,  some  of  them  attaining  a  length  of  scarcely,  more  than  .3?  mm- 
The  peculiar  plates  on  the  venter  of  the  second  abdominal  segment  are  at 
present  of  undetermined  homology.  In  some  species  each  plate  articulates 
laterally  with  the  corresponding  paratergite.  It  nay  be  either  a  detache 
oortion  of  the  paratergite  arising  from  some  such  phenomenon  as  the  ventral 
portion  of  the  longitudinally  divided  paratergites  of  this 
■innpars  esDeciallv  clearly  in  the  genus  Fahrenholzia — or  it  may  be  an  ex 
treme  development  of  the  divided  sternal  plate  of  the  second  segment  which 
appears  in  s^ch  genera  as  Schizophthirus  and  Haematopinoides  and  is  at 
times  indicated  in  Roplopleura  itself.  In  any  case  the  development  seen  in 

^ ^ iCo" -enera —Hicrophthirus  and  tterneckia— totaling  three  species,  which 
are  here  assigned  to  the  Enderleinellinae,  lack  these  plates  but  in  o 
respects  seenTproperly  to  be  associated  with  Enderletnellus ,  both  on  the 
basis  of  general  structure  and  host  relationships. 

Key  to  the  Genera  of  Enderleinellinae 

The  pair  of  pUtes  on  the  venter  of  abdomnal  se^t  two^res^i...^^ 

^Seteroaal  SplaTes°of  abdominal  segments'  three'  to  'six  iaih  connected 
ventrallyP»ith  the  corresponding  sternite  by  a  narrow,  sclerotized 




bridge;  paratergal  plates  with  their  posterior  margin  not  free  from 
the  body  wall;  occurring  on  American  flying  squirrels. . .MICROPHTHIRUS 
Paratergal  plates  of  the  abdominal  segments  not  thus  connected  with  the 
stemites,  their  apices  free  from  the  body  wall;  occurring  on  African 
squirrels . WERNECKIA 

Genus  ENDERLEINELLUS  Fahrenholz 

1912.  Enderleinellus  Fahrenholz,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  39:56. 

1919.  Enderleinellus,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Suck¬ 
ing  Lice,  Part  1:7. 

1929.  Cyclophthirus  Ewing,  A  Manual  of  External  Parasites,  page  195 * 

1929.  Euenderleinellus  Ewing,  A  Manual  of  External  Parasites,  page  197. 
1929.  Hoplophthirus  Ewing,  A  Manual  of  External  Parasites,  page  194. 

1929.  Rhinophthirus  Ewing,  A  Manual  of  External  Parasites,  page  196. 

GENERIC  TYPE.  Pediculus  sphaerocephalus  Nitzsch  =  Enderleinellus 
nitzschi  Fahrenholz. 

GENERIC  SYNONYMS.  Cyclophthirus  Ewing,  type  Haematopinus  suturalis 
Osborn.  Euenderleinellus  Ewing,  type  Enderleinellus  larisci  Ferris. 
Hoplophthirus  Ewing,  type  Enderleinellus  euxeri  Ferris.  Rhinophthirus 
Ewing,  type  Enderleinellus  heliosciuri  Ferris. 

CHARACTERS.  Enderleinellinae  in  which  a  pair  of  small,  sclerotized 
plates  is  present  on  the  venter  of  abdominal  segment  three,  these  plates 
bearing  a  flattened  point  which  is  apically  free  from  the  body.  All  the 
known  members  of  the  genus  occur  on  hosts  of  the  rodent  family  Sciuridae. 

NOTES.  In  1929  Ewing  proposed  to  divide  this  genus,  forming  from  it  a 
total  of  five  genera.  Actually,  if  one  wishes  to  overlook  the  basic  simi¬ 
larities  which  exist  throughout  the  group'  and  to  seize  upon  the  peculiari¬ 
ties  of  individual  species,  this  number  of  genera  could  be  doubled  with  no 
special  effort.  It  may  very  well  be  that  when  the  numerous  species  that 
must  still  remain  to  be  discovered  have  been  incorporated  into  the  system 
some  division  will  be  justified  and  at  least  a  part  of  the  names  proposed 
by  Ewing  will  deserve  to  be  accepted.  For  the  present  nothing  much  seems 
to  be  gained  by  such  division  and  all  the  species  are  here  retained  in 
Enderleinel lus. 

Certain  very  troublesome  problems  arise  in  connection  with  some  of  the 
groups  of  species  within  the  genus.  These  can  be  illustrated  especially  by 
referring  to  the  group  which  occurs  on  New  World  members  of  the  genus 
Sciurus.  A  very  considerable  amount  of  material  representing  this  group 
has  been  assembled,  but  there  remain  many  host  species  from  which  nothing 
has  yet  been  collected.  Within  this  material  it  is  possible  to  recognize  a 
wide  variety  of  form  in  the  genitalia  of  the  males,  although  all  the  dif¬ 
ferences  represent  merely  modifications  of  a  single  pattern.  Some  speci¬ 
mens  are  so  different  from  others  that  it  would  appear  nonsensical  to  refer 
them  to  the  same  species,  but  there  are  numerous  instances  of  intermediate 
forms  differing  only  in  some  small  detail.  We  have  on  the  one  hand  the 
constantly  pressing  temptation  to  name  a  new  species  or  "variety"  for  each 
of  these  slightly  different  forms,  or  on  the  other  hand  to  throw  all  these 
variants  into  a  few  species.  Either  method  produces  results  which  are  un¬ 
desirable  and  which  may  equally  effectually  obscure  any  approximation  to 
truth.  At,  the  time  when  the  section  on  this  genus  was  prepared  by  Ferris 
for  his  "Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,"  he  was  but 
an  inexperienced  student  of  the  systematics  of  insects.  Disgusted  by  the 
results  of  unrestrained  "species  mongering"  he  revolted  against  the  prac¬ 
tices  of  certain  other  workers  and  went  to  the  other  extreme.  It  now  ap¬ 
pears  that  this  conservatism  was  in  its  turn  unsupportable  and  certainly 
some  of  the  so-called  species  recognized  by  Ferris  are  actually  species 


Dr.  Fabio  Werneck,  of  the  Instituto  Oswaldo  Cruz,  of  kio  de  Janeiro, 
Brasil,  in  the  course  of  a  few  months  spent  at  Stanford  University,  inde¬ 
pendently  worked  over  the  extensive  collection  oi  Enderletnel lus  there  a 
vailahle .  He  detected  some  of  the  errors,  not  only  of  judgment  but  ol  ob¬ 
servation,  on  the  part  of  Ferris  and  named  certain  new  species  Irom  the 
collection.  However,  a  considerable  amount  of  material  was  lelt  b)  him  as 
still  doubtful  and  remains  for  further  study  to  elucidate  it. 

With  the  addition  of  the  species  recognized  by  Werneck  the  number  ol 
species  now  assigned  to  the  genus  is  29,  which  we  may  suspect  represents 
scarcely  more  than  halt  the  species  that  exist.  El  lender,  in  his  review  ol 
the  rodents,  recognizes  *14  genera  in  the  Sciuridae,  these  containing  ap 
proximately  1300  named  forms.  The  vast  majority  of  these  forms  are  listed 
as  subspecies  and  as  there  appears  to  be  an  averaged  about  live  subspecies 
for  each  species  it  may  be  assumed  that  about  300  actual  species  exi^t  in 
the  family.  Of  these  only  about  50  have  as  yet  yielded  species  of  Knder- 
leinellus,  although  the  evidence  indicates  that  every  Sciurid  possesses  a 
member  of  this  genus.  It  therefore  seems  probable  that  the  total  number  ol 
species  of  the  genus  in  existence  will  probably  be  between  oO  and  60.  When 
the  majority  of  these  are  knowu  we  shall  be  in  a  much  better  position  than 
at  present  to  develop  a  classification  of  the  group. 

Key  to  Species  of  ENDERLELNELLUS 

1.  Paired  ventral  plates  of  abdominal  segment  2  each  produced  laterally  to 

meet  the  corresponding  paratergal  plate . ••••• . * . 

Paired  ventral  plates  of  abdominal  segment  2  circular,  not  thus  produced 
laterally  and  completely  detached  from  the  paratergites . •• 

2  (1).  Abdominal  segments  4-8  each  with  a  pair  of  very  long  setae  on  the 

paratergal  plates  or  at  the  lateral  margins  of  the  body,  the  lat¬ 
eral  margins  thus  fringed  with  pairs  of  long  setae;  occurring  on 

Marmota  in  North  America . •••••; . MARMOT AE 

Such  long  setae  present  only  on  the  paratergal  plates...... . J 

3  (2).  Female  with  2-4  very  long  setae  on  the  dorsum  oi  abdominal  seg™ent 

4,  these  setae  reaching  to  the  apex  ot  the  body;  known  lrom 
Ci tel lus  beecheyt,  Cttellus  variegatus,  and  Cite ll us  teret icaudus 

in  southwestern  and  extreme  western  United  States . UbttJKNi 

Female  without  such  long  dorsal  setae;  known  from  many  species ;  ol 
Citellus  from  Siberia  throughout  North  America . aJiLRALiS 

4  (1).  Paratergal  plates  present  only  on  segments  2n4.. . Q’ 

Paratergal  plates  present  on  segments ^2-5  or  z-b . . 

5  (4).  Spiracles  present  only  on  segments  S~i. . . . .  E 

Spiracles  present  on  at  least  segments  3-5  and  at  times  on  3 

6  (5).  Both  sexes  with  abdominal  setae,  both  dorsally  and  ventrally ,  1'  g  , 

^  flattened,  elongate-cuneiform;  known  from 

Both*  sexes  with  the  abdominal  setae,  both  dorsally  and  ventrally’, 
all  slender;  known  from  Paraxerus  in  Africa. .......... - Z/UhAlbS 

7  (6).  Dorsum  of  the  abdomen  very  sparsely  haired,  the  lemale  with  no 

more  than  4-5  setae  on  each  half  anterior  to  segment,  these  all 

very  ’ong;  the  male  with  not  more  than  3-4  such  setae  and  with  a 

median  series  of  pairs  of  very  small 

Dorsum^fn^both' sexes j  with  seUe  more  numerous  and  none  much  longer 

than  the  length  of  its  segment . . . 

q  (7)  Dorsum  of  the  abdomen  with  numerous  setae,  there  being  as  many  as 

8  UorsumQ  ^  ^  almost  continuous  row  across  segments  4-6  m  both 

sexes:  known  from  Lartscus  in  Borneo . •••••• . . . LAKlbtl 

Dorsum  of  the  abdomen  with  not  more  than  8-10  setae  in  any  row  in 


the  female  and  less  on  the  male;  known  from  Menetes  in  Siam . 


9  (4).  Paratergal  plates  present  on  abdominal  segments  2-6 . 10 

Paratergal  plates  present  on  abdominal  segments  2-5 . 12 

10  (9)  .  Thoracic  sternal  plate  with  a  slender,  median,  anterior  prolonga¬ 

tion  which  extends  forward  between  the  anterior  coxae;  occurring 

on  the  European  Sciurus  vulgaris . NITZSCHI 

Thoracic  sternal  plate  without  such  anterior  prolongation . 11 

11  (10).  Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  3  bearing  a  seta  which  is 

as  long  as  the  abdomen  itself;  known  from  Xerus  erythropus  in 

Africa . EUXERI 

No  seta  on  any  paratergal  plate  longer  than  the  plate  itself; 
known  from  Dremomys  pernyi  in  China . DREMOMYDIS 

12  (9)  .  Thoracic  sternal  plate  with  a  narrow,  median,  anterior  prolonga¬ 

tion  extending  forward  between  the  anterior  coxae . 15 

Thoracic  sternal  plate  without  such  median  anterior  prolongation.. 

. 13 

13  (12).  All  spiracles  extremely  large,  their  outside  diameter  equaling 

almost  half  the  width  of  the  plates  which  bear  them;  known  from 

members  of  the  genus  Calloscturus  in  the  Malayan  Region . 


Spiracles  small,  equaling  only  a  small  fraction  of  the  width  of 
the  plates  which  bear  them . 14 

14  (13) .  Paratergal  plates  of  segment  4  with  1  of  their  2  setae  equaling 

2-3  times  the  length  of  the  plate  that  bears  it ;  attributed 
(possibly  erroneously)  to  the  North  American  Tamtas  striatus... 


Paratergal  plates  of  segment  4  with  the  setae  much  shorter  than 
the  length  of  the  plates;  known  from  Nannosciurus  in  Java . 


15  (12).  Thoracic  sternal  plate  divided  longi tudinally  into  2  oval,  strong¬ 

ly  sclerotized  pieces  which  are  separated  from  each  other  by  a 
more  or  less  membranous  median  area;  occurring  on  New  World 
squirrels  of  the  genus  Sciurus  and  closely  related  genera  (see 

special  key);  the  group  of . LONGICEPS 

Thoracic  sternal  plate  without  such  division;  known  from  Sciuro- 

t ami  as  in  China . SCIUROTAMIASTS 

The  Longi ceps  Group 

The  members  of  this  group  constitute  an  extraordinary  complex  of  evi¬ 
dently  closely  related  forms  which  occur  on  New  World  members  of  the  genera 
Sciurus  and  Microsciurus ,  the  latter  being  a  little  genus  that  is  confined 
to  Central  America  and  northern  South  America.  While  a  considerable  amount 
of  material  is  available,  it  represents  only  a  small  portion  of  the  forms 
that  probably  exist.  The  development  of  an  understanding  of  this  complex 
has  only  begun  and  consequently  uncertainty  concerning  the  species  which 
should  be  recognized  must  remain  for  a  long  time  to  come.  All  that  has 
been  accomplished  thus  far  is  to  segregate  a  few  of  the  forms  that  are 
clearly  recognizable,  while  there  are  left  on  hand  numerous  specimens  that 
cannot  he  assigned  to  one  species  or  another. 

In  his  treatment  of  the  genus  Enderlelnellus  in  Part  1  of  his  "Contribu¬ 
tions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice, "  Ferris  called  attention  to 
the  existence  of  numerous  variants  of  the  males  of  the  four  species  of  this 
group  which  he  recognized.  Later,  Werneck  worked  over  this  same  material 
and  from  it  and  other  specimens  available  to  him  later  named  six  more 
species,  bringing  to  ten  the  total  number  of  species  recognized  in  the 
group.  Neither  Ferris  nor  Werneck  was  able  to  point  out  characters  by 


which  the  females  could  be  differentiated  and  the  species  were  based  almost 
entirely  upon  characteristics  of  the  genitalia  of  the  males. 

A  renewed  study  of  the  group  in  connection  with  the  present  work  has  re¬ 
vealed  certain  minute  characters  which  serve  to  make  at  least  some  of  the 
species  identifiable  in  the  female  also,  but  even  yet  there  remain  some 
which  can  be  associated  with  their  males  only  by  being  found  in  company 
with  them. 

The  males  present  what  is  probably  the  most  unusual  complex  of  struc¬ 
tures  that  is  to  be  found  in  this  sex  in  any  of  the  sucking  lice.  Material 
upon  which  to  base  the  much-needed  dissections  to  explain  these  structures 
has  not  been  available  in  connection  with  this  work  aud  such  a  study  must 
be  left  to  the  future.  All  that  can  be  done  at  present  is  simply  arbitral^ 
ily  to  identify  the  same  structure  throughout  the  series  without  attempting 
to  discuss  its  morphological  nature. 

In  the  material  at  hand  and  among  the  species  which  have  been  named 
there  are  males  with  genitalic  structures  so  different  that  there  is  noth¬ 
ing  to  be  done  other  than  to  regard  them  as  distinct  species,  but  between 
these  extremes  there  exist  many  intermediate  forms  with  which  nothing  can 
be  done  at  present.  These  must  either  be  left  unnamed  or  referred  tenta¬ 
tively  to  the  nearest  recognized  species. 

Because  of  these  facts  separate  keys  are  provided  for  males  and  females, 
that  for  the  males  being  the  most  nearly  complete. 

Key  to  Males 






Arms  of  the  basal  plate  bent  laterally  at  the  posterior  end,  but  not 
expanded  at  the  apex  nor  with  apical  lobes  or  with  any  subapical  spur 

or  expansion . 2 

Arms  of  the  basal  plate  expanded  apically,  or  divided  apically  into  two 

lobes  or  with  a  subapical,  mesal  spur  or  expansion . ....3 

Piece  X  elongate,  widened  posteriorly;  known  only  from  Sclurus  iriseus 

in  California . KELLOGG! 

Piece  X  very  short,  transverse;  typical  of  Scturus  niter . LONGICEPS 

Arms  of  the  basal  plate  with  a  distinct  little  subapical  spur  which  is 
set  well  in  from  the  acute  and  simple  apex;  type  from  Sciurus  boothiae 


Arms  of  the  basal  plate  without  such  subapical  spur . ;-;-4 

Arms  of  the  basal  plate  with  the  two  very  small  apical  lobes  containing 

the  articulation  of  the  corresponding  arm  of  the  pseudopenis'  and  with 
a  marked  subapical,  mesal  expansion  set  well  in  from  the  apex:  type 
from  Orosciurus  in  South  America . URDSCIURI 

Arms  of  the  basal  plate  with  a  quite  shallow  apical  emargination . 6 

Arms  of  the  basal  plate  with  a  deeply  V-  or  U-shaped  emargination - , 

Arms  of  the  basal  plate  with  the  mesal  apical  lobe  larger  than  the 
other  and  rounded  at  the  apex;  type  from  Sciurus  aestuans  in  Brasil.. 


Arms’ of  ’ the* basal"  plate  with  the  outer  lobe  larger  than  the  mesal  lobe 
and  with  both  lobes  apically  acute;  type  from  Sciurus  nesaeus  in  Ven¬ 
ezuela . INSULARIS 

Median  complex  of  the  aedeagus  with  a  pair  of  minute,  recurved  hooks  at 
the  mid-line,  just  posterior  to  the  gonopore ;  type  from  Sciurus  truei 

in  Mexico . ' . ; . MEXICANUS 

Median  complex  of  the  aedeagus  without  such  hooks............... - 

Arms  of  the  basal  plate  with  the  mesal  apical  lobe  shorter  than  the 
other;  pseudopenis  with  its  apical  stem  at  least  half  as  long as  its 

arms;  type  from  Sciurus  arizonensis . •.•••••••• . . .  AKlZONeHSlo 

Arms  of  the  basal  plate  with  the  two  apical  lobes  equal  m  length, 

stem  of  the  pseudopenis  less  than  half  as  long  as  the  arms,  at  times 
forming  merely  a  short  projection . 9 

9.  Arms  of  the  basal  plate  with  the  apical  lobes  short  and  narrow,  not  ex¬ 

panded  basally;  from  Microsciurus  in  Colombia . MICROSCIURI 

Arms  of  the  basal  plate  with  the  apical  lobes  very  large  and  broadened 
basally . 10 

10.  Arms  of  the  basal  plate  with  the  mesal  lobe  definitely  broader  at  the 

base  than  is  the  outer  lobe;  type  from  Sciurus  social  is  in  Guatemala. 


Arms  of  the  basal  plate  with  the  apical  lobes  of  the  same  width  at  the 
base;  type  from  Sciurus  £riseo$ena  in  Venezuela . VEHEZUELAE 

The  distinctive  characters  in  the  females  are  to  be  found  in  connection 
with  the  genitalia.  The  anterior  margin  of  the  vulva  is  beset  with  small 
fimbriae,  medially  forming  a  relatively  stout  and  somewhat  sclerotized 
point.  Just  anterior  to  this  median  point  is  to  be  seen  a  sclerotized 
structure  which  is  presumably  the  spermatheca.  Its  exact  relation  to  the 
surrounding  parts  remains  to  be  determined  from  fresh  material  and  here 
nothing  more  can  be  done  than  to  describe  and  illustrate  its  appearance. 
In  one  species  of  the  group  ( kelloggi )  it  appears  to  be  lacking.  In  other 
species  its  form  is  quite  distinctive  and  it  ranges  in  size  from  a  large, 
oval  body  as  seen  in  venezuelae  (Figure  41)  to  a  very  minute  structure  as 
in  microsciuri  (Figure  41).  This  structure  maintains  its  characteristic 
shape  throughout  all  the  specimens  available  from  the  type  host  and  is  here 
illustrated  for  nine  of  the  eleven  species.  A  careful  special  study  of  the 
entire  group  is  needed. 

Key  to  Females 
Figure  47 

Two  species,  brasiliensis  and  urosciuri ,  are  omitted  from  this  key  be¬ 
cause  of  lack  of  material. 

1.  Spermatheca  apparently  lacking;  median  tooth  of  the  vulvar  fimbriation 

strongly  sclerotized,  this  sclerotization  extending  forward  until  it 

merges  with  the  sclerotization  of  the  genital  pJat-' . KELLOGGI 

Spermatheca  definitely  present . 2 

2.  Spermatheca  forming  a  relatively  very  large,  oval  body . VENEZUELAE 

Otherwise . 3 

3.  Spermatheca  strongly  bent,  its  ends  expanded,  the  expansion  of  the  an¬ 

terior  end  being  larger  than  that  of  the  posterior  end . . . . ARIZONENSIS 
Not  so . 4 

4.  Spermatheca  forming  a  relatively  straight,  simple,  tapering  tube . 5 

Not  so . 6 

5.  Spermatheca  with  a  slender,  tubular,  posterior  prolongation .. .LONGI CEPS 
Spermatheca  larger  and  stouter,  without  such  posterior  prolongation.... 


6.  Spermatheca  forming  an  elongate  body  which  is  anteriorly  swollen,  then 

reducing  by  an  abrupt  constriction  to  expand  again  gradually  toward 
the  posterior  end,  then  becoming  terminally  truncate  with  a  small, 

strongly  sclerotized  terminal  appendix . EXTREWUS 

Not  so . 7 

7.  Spermatheca  forming  an  elongate  body  which  is  more  or  less  constricted 

about  the  middle . MEXICANUS 

Not  so . 8 

8.  Spermatheca  extremely  minute,  short,  anteriorly  swollen,  and  then  con¬ 

stricting,  its  posterior  end  prolonged  into  delicate  tube  MICROSCIURI 
Spermatheca  similar  in  form  but  much  larger  and  apparently  without  the 
slender  prolongation . HONDURENSIS 



hondurensis  extremus  microsciuri  insularis 

Details  of  genitalia  of  females  of  the  Enderlei nellus  longiceps  group 


Figure  47 


Eaderleinellus  arizonensis  Werneck 

194S.  Eaderleinellus  arizonensis  Werneck,  Memorias  do  Instituto  Oswaldo 
Cruz  45:288;  figures  13— 15  * 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Sciurus  arizonensis  from  the  Huachuca 
Mountains  in  Arizona.  Also  recorded  by  Werneck  from  Sciurus  apache  from 
Colonia  Garcia,  Chihuahua,  Mexico;  Sciurus  alleni  from  the  Sierra  Guadelupe. 
and  Sciurus  nayaritensis  from  the  Sierra  Madre,  Zacatecas,  Mexico. 

NOTES.  ■'This  species  was  included  by  Ferris  in  Eaderleinellus  extremus 

Enderleinellus  brasiliensis  Werneck 

1937.  Enderleinellus  brasiliensis  Werneck,  Memorias  do  Instituto  Oswaldo 
Cruz  32:399;  figure  11. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Sciurus  aestuans  at  Abaete,  state  of  Para, 
Brasil . 

Enderleinellus  dremomydis  Ferris 

1919.  Enderleinellus  dremomydis  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph 
of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  1:29;  figure  16. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Dremomys  pernyi,  West  Szechuan,  China. 

Enderleinellus  euxeri  Ferris 

1919.  Enderleinellus  euxeri  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of 
the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  1:37;  figures  22,  23- 
1929.  Hoplophthirus  euxeri  (Ferris),  Ewing,  AManual  of  External  Parasites, 
page  194. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  as  from  Euxerus  microdon,  which  is  a 
synonym  of  Xerus  erythropus,  from  Wambugu  and  Oni,  British  East  Africa. 

Enderleinellus  extremus  Ferris 

1919.  Enderleinellus  extremus  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of 
the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  1:24;  figure  12. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Sciurus  socialis  at Nenton,  Guatemala. 
Also  recorded  from  Sciurus  aureogaster  from  the  states  of  Vera  Cruz  and 
Oaxaca;  from  Sciurus  deppei  from  the  state  of  Tabasco;  from  Sciurus  griseo- 
flavus,  state  of  Chiapas;  from  Sciurus  negligens ,  state  of  Tamaulipas;  from 
Sciurus  poliopus,  state  of  Oaxaca;  ail  these  being  from  Mexico.  All  of 
these  specimens  are  left  in  extremus  by  Werneck. 

Enderleinellus  heliosciuri  Ferris 

1919.  Enderleinellus  heliosciuri  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph 
of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  1:40;  figures  24,  25. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION .  Type  from  Heliosciurus  gambianus  (as  undulatus) 
from  British  East  Africa  and  from  the  same  host  (as  rufobrachlatus  and 
multicolor)  from  Uganda;  from  Heliosciurus  ruwenzori  i,  Mt.  Ruwenzori, 
British  East  Africa;  from  Protoxerus  stanieri ,  British  East  Africa. 

Enderleinellus  hondurensis  Werneck 

1948.  Enderleinellus  hondurensis  Werneck,  Memorias  do  Instituto  Oswaldo 
Cruz  45:286;  figures  7-9. 


HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION .  type  from  Sciurus  boot  hi ae  1‘rom  San  Pedro  Sula, 
Honduras.  Also  from  Sciurus  melanin  at  Boquerou,  Colombia,  and  from 
Sciurus  uar iegatoides  (as  gohimarii)  from  the  state  of  Chiapas,  Mexico. 

NOTES.  This  species,  with  the  above  records,  was  included  by  Ferris  in 
Under l e Ine l l us  kelloggl. 

Eriderleineilus  insularis  Weraeck 

1948.  Enderleinellus  Insularis  Werneck,  Memorias  do  Instituto  Oswaldo  Cruz 

4?:  293;  fibres  25-27. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION,  type  from  Sciurus  nesaeus  from  Margarita  Is¬ 
land,  Venezuela. 

NOTES.  This  species  was  included  by  Ferris  under  Enderleinel lus  extremus. 

Enderleinellus  kelloggi  Ferris 
1916.  Enderleinellus  kelloggi  Ferris,  Psyche  23:10^. 

1919.  Enderleinellus  kelloggi  Ferris,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  1:22;  figure  11. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Sciurus  griseus,  Stanford  University, 

NOTES.  Specimens  erroneously  recorded  as  kelloggi  are  here  placed  under 

Enderleinellus  larisci  Ferris 

1919.  Enderleinellus  larisci  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of 
the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  1:17;  figures  7,  8. 

1929.  Euenderleinellus  larisci  (Ferris),  Ewing,  A  Manual  of  External  Para¬ 
sites,  page  197.  .  - 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Lariscus  insignis  (as  diversus) ,  from 
Lanchut,  southwest  Borneo. 

NOTES.  This  species  was  designated  as  type  of  the  genus  Euenderleinellus 

Enderleinellus  longiceps  Kellogg  and  Ferris 

1915.  Enderleinellus  longiceps  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  Anoplura  and  Mallophaga 
of  North  American  Mammals,  Stanford  University  Publications,  Uni¬ 
versity  Series  (no  volume  number),  page  44;  Plate  2,  figure  5> 
Plate  4,  figure  12;  Plate  6,  figure  2. 

1919.  Enderleinellus  longiceps  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  Ferris,  Contributions 
Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  1:19;  figures  9,  10. 
1948.  Enderleinellus  ^longiceps  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  Werneck,  Memorias  do 
Instituto  Oswaldo  Cruz  4^:284;  figures  1—3* 

HOSTS  .AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Sciurus  niger  or  Sciurus  carolinensis , 
at  Lincoln,  Nebraska.  Recorded  from  Sciurus  niger  at  Valentine,  Nebraska, 
and  Waterloo,  Indiana;  from  Sciurus  carolinensis  at  Bayou  Saint  Louis, 
Mississippi;  from  Sciurus  kaibabensis  from  the  Kaibab  National  Forest, 
Arizona*  from  Sciurus  aberti  at  Estes  Park,  Colorado;  from  Sciurus  alleni, 
Co  Ionia’ Garcia,  Chihuahua,  Mexico;  from  Sciurus  oculatus,  state  of  Vera 

Cruz,  Mexico.  .  ....  , 

NOTES-  The  records  given  above  are  those  of  Ferns,  which  have  been  ac 

cepted  by  Werneck.  Specimens  from  Sciurus  apache-  in  Chihuahua,  Mexico,  re¬ 
ferred  by  Ferris  to  longiceps  have  been  placed  by  Werneck  in  Enderleinellus 
arizonensis  as  have  specimens  from  Sciurus  arizonensis  in  Arizona  and  from 
Sciurus  nayaritensis,  state  of  Zacatecas,  Mexico. 


Enderleinellus  malaysianus  Perris 

1919.  Enderleinellus  malaysianus  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph 
of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  1:12;  figures  3>  4. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Callosciurus  caniceps  (as  Sciurus 
lucas)  from  Saint  Lukes  Island,  Mergui  Archipelago,  Malaysia.  Also  record¬ 
ed  from  the  same  host  (as  Sciurus  bentinckanus)  from  Bentinck  Island  in  the 
same  archipelago,  (as  Sciurus  domelensis)  from  Domel  Island  in  the  same 
archipelago,  (as  Sciurus  lancavensis)  from  Pulo  Teratau,  and  (as  Sciurus 
davisoni)  from  Trong,  lower  Siam;  and  from  Callosciurus  prevosti  (as  Sciurus 
borneoensis)  at  Pulo  Kanchut,  Borneo. 

Enderleinellus  marmotae  Ferris 

1919.  Enderleinellus  marmotae  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of 
the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  1:47;  figure  30. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Marmota  monax  from  Grafton,  South 
Dakota;  also  recorded  from  the  same  host  at  Elk  River,  Minnesota,  and  Marble 
Cave,  Missouri,  at  Sandy  Springs,  Maryland,  and  Washington,  District  of 

Enderleinellus  menetensis  Ferris 

1919.  Enderleinellus  menetensis  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of 
the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  1:14;  figures  5>  6. 

HOSTS’ AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Menetes  berdnorei,  Roh  Rut  Island,  south¬ 
east  Siam. 

Enderleinellus  mexicanus  Werneck 

1947.  Enderleinellus  mexicanus  Werneck,  Memorias  do  Instituto  Oswaldo  Cruz 
45:289;  figures  16-18. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Sciurus  truei  at  Chacala,  Mexico. 
Also  recorded  from  Sciurus  nelsoni  from  the  state  of  Morelos,  and  from 
Sciurus  colliae,  state  of  Nayarit,  Mexico. 

NOTES.  The  specimens  recorded  above  were  recorded  by  Ferris  under  Ender¬ 
leinellus  extremus. 

Enderleinellus  microsciuri  Werneck 

1947.  Enderleinellus  microsciuri  Werneck,  Memorias  do  Instituto  Oswaldo 
Cruz  45:287;  figures  10-12. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Microsciurus  mimulus  from  unspecified  lo¬ 
cality  in  Colombia. 

NOTES.  The  specimens  upon  which  this  species  was  based  were  previously 
recorded  by  Ferris  as  Enderleinellus  kelloggi. 

Enderleinellus  nannosciuri  Ferris 

1919.  Enderleinellus  nannosciuri  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph 
of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  1:30;  figure  17. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Nannosciurus  melanotis  from  Batavia,  Java. 

Enderleinellus  nitzschi  Fahrenholz 
Figures  48,  49 

1818.  Pediculus  sphaerocephalus  Nitzsch,  Gennar's  und  Zincken' s  Magazin  fur 
die  Entomologie  3:305-  (Not  Pediculus  sphaerocephalus  von  Olfers) 


Enderleinellus  nitzschi  Fahrenholz  Figure  48 

1912.  Enderleinellus  sphaerocephalus  (Nitzsch),  Fahrenholz,  Jahresbericht 
des  niedersachsischen  Zoologischen  Vereins  zu  Hannover  2-4: 52; 
text  figures  22,  23;  Plate  2,  figures  5-7.  . 

1916.  Enderleinellus  nitzschi  Fahrenholz,  Archiv  fur  Naturgeschichte,  Ab- 

teilung  A,  81:29.  .  . 

1919.  Enderleinellus  nitzschi  Fahrenholz,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  1:8;  figures  1,  2. 

HOSTS  .AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Originally  described  from  Sciurus  vulgaris  in 
Europe  and  recorded  numerous  times  from  this  host.  Recorded  also  from 
Sciurus  anomalus  (as  syriacus)  from  Syria;  from  Sciurus  huds on icus  from 
Alaska;  from  Sciurus  douglasii  from  western  United  States;  from  Sciurus 

frenonti  from  Colorado.  ,  ,  ,  , 

NOTES.  Wemeck,  who  examined  all  the  material  recorded  above,  has  agreed 

that  no  specific  differences  exist  among  the  specimens  from  the  different 
hosts . 





female  genitalia 

Enderleinellus  nitzschi  Fahrenholz,  details 

3rd  claw 

male  genitalia 
Figure  49 


Enderleinellus  osborui  Kellogg  and  Perris 

1915*  Enderleinellus  osborni  Kellogg  ,uid  Ferris,  Anoplura  and  Mallophaga 
of  North  American  Mammals,  Stanford  University  Publications,  Uni 
versity  Series  (no  volume  number),  page  43;  text  iigure  15;  Plate 
4;  figure  11;  Plate  6,  figure  6. 

1919.  Enderleinellus  osborni  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  Ferris,  Contributions 
Tow;ird  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  1:46;  figure  29. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION .  Type  from  Citellus  beecheyi  (as  douilasi)  at 
Covelo,  Mendocino  County,  California,  and  recorded  from  this  host  species 
at  various  localities  in  California.  Also  from  Citellus  varieiatus  (as 
buckleyi)  in  Texas  and  (as  g rammurus )  in  Arizona.  From  Citellus  (as 
Xerospernophi lus)  teret icaudus,  Imperial  County,  California. 

Enderleinellus  platyspicatus  Ferris 

1919.  Enderleinellus  platyspicatus  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  1:26;  figures  14.  15. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION .  From  Funambulus  palmarum  (as  tristriatus)  in 

Enderleinellus  replicatus  Redikorzev 

1937.  Enderleinellus  replicatus  Redikorzev,  Parasitology  29:4;  figure. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Set uropterus  volans,  Tartar  Republic,  with¬ 
out  closer  indication  of  locality. 

NOTES-  Members  of  this  genus  very  commonly  in  dying  contract  in  such  a 
manner  that  the  head  is  drawn  back  over  the  body  as  the  result  of  opisthot¬ 
onos,  and  iu  preparing  specimens  for  study  they  must  be  unfolded.  Unlortu- 
nately ,  in  describing  this  species  its  author  made  his  illustrations  from  a 
specimen  that  was  thus  contracted  and  consequently  his  illustration  is  en¬ 
tirely  useless.  It  is  impossible  to  determine  what  the  species  is  actually 
like  and  to  include  it  in  the  key. 

Enderleinellus  sciurotamiasis  Ferris 

1919.  Enderleinellus  sciurotamiasis  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  1:45;  figures  20,  21. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Sciurotamias  davldianus,  Shensi  Province, 

Enderleinellus  suturalis  (Osborn) 






Eaematopinus  suturalis  Osborn,  United  States  Department  of  Agricul¬ 
ture,  Division  of  Entomology,  Bulletin  (old  series)  7:27;  tig.  15- 
Enderleinellus  suturalis  (Osborn),  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  Anoplura  and 
Mallophaga  of  North  American  Mammals,  Stanford  University  Publica¬ 
tions,  University  Series  (no  volume  number),  page  40;  Plate  4, 
fiiru  re  9* 

Enderleinellus  suturalis  occidentalis  Kellogg  and  terns,  Anoplura 
and  Mallophaga  of  North  .American  Mammals,  Stanford  University  Pub¬ 
lications,  University  Series  (no  volume  number),  page  42;  Plate  2, 
fiim re  3;  Plate  4,  figure  10;  Plate  5,  figure  17. 

Enderleinellus  suturalis  (Osborn),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  1:42;  figures  26,  27,  28. 
Cyclophthlrus  suturalis  (Osborn),  Ewing,  A  Manual  ot  External  Para¬ 
sites,  page  196. 

HOSTS  .AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Originally  described  as  from  Citellus  tndecim- 


lineatus  and  Citellus  franklini  (as  Spermophilus)  at  Ames,  Iowa.  The  first 
of  these  has  been  designated  by  Kellogg  and  Ferris  as  the  type  host.  Ferris 
has  recorded  the  species  from  a  long  series  of  species  of  Citellus  as  fol¬ 
lows:  eversmanni,  Altai,  Siberia;  mongolicus ,  Kansu,  China;  beldingi, 
California;  elegans,  Colorado;  franklini,  North  Dakota;  mollis,  Nevada; 
osgoodi,  near  Circle,  Alaska;  townsendi ,  state  of  Washington;  tridecimline- 
atus,  Kansas  and  Oklahoma;  madrensis  (as  Callopsermophi lus) ,  Chihuahua, 
Mexico;  nelsoni  (as  Ammospermophi  lus) ,  California;  Cynomys  gunnisoni, 
Colorado;  Cynomys  leucurus,  Colorado  and  Wyoming. 

NOTES.  In  the  rather  extensive  material  at  hand  there  is  a  quite  wide 
range  of  variation  in  various  details,  but  a  study  of  the  material  by  Dr. 
Edwin  Cook  has  shown  no  clear  basis  for  recognizing  more  than  one  species. 
The  two  species,  osborni  and  marmotae,  which  have  in  the  past  been  separ¬ 
ated  from  suturalis  are  the  only  ones  in  which  the  situation  seems  reason¬ 
ably  clear.  Studies  are  continuing  with  an  accompanying  attempt  to  secure 
additional  material  and  it  is  hoped  eventually  to  publish  a  detailed  report 
upon  the  group. 

Enderleinellus  tamiasis  Fahrenholz 

1916.  Enderleinellus  tamiasis  Fahrenholz,  Archiv  fiir  Naturgeschichte,  Ab- 
teilung  A,  81:11:27;  text  figure  22. 

1919.  Enderleinellus  tamiasis  Fahrenholz,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:288;  figure  176. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Known  only  from  the  original  record  from  Tanias 
striatus  in  the  Berlin  Zoological  Garden. 

NOTES-  It  is  entirely  possible  that  Tamias  striatus,  which  is  a  native 
of  eastern  and  central  United  States,  is  not  the  normal  host  of  this  spe¬ 
cies,  no  species  of  Enderleinellus  having  yet  been  recovered  from  this  host 
under  natural  conditions. 

Enderleinellus  urosciuri  Werneck 

1937.  Enderleinellus  urosciuri  Werneck,  Memorias  do  Instituto  Oswaldo  Cruz 
32:400;  figure  12. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Recorded  from  Sciurus  (as  Urosciurus)  ignivent- 
ris  from  Acajutuba,  Rio  Negro,  state  of  Amazonas,  Brasil. 

Enderleinellus  venezuelae  Ferris 

1919.  Enderleinellus  venezuelae  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph 
of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  1:25;  figure  13. 

1948.  Enderleinellus  venezuelae  Ferris,  Werneck,  Memorias  do  Instituto  Os¬ 
waldo  Cruz  45:292;  figures  22-24. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Sciurus  griseogena  from  Macuto,  Vene¬ 
zuela.  Also  recorded  from  the  same  host  (as  meridensis)  from  Merida,  Vene¬ 
zuela,  and  from  Sciurus  gerrardi  (as  versicolor)  from  Rio  Aurare,  Venezuela. 

Enderleinellus  zonatus  Ferris 

1919.  Enderleinellus  zonatus  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of 
the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  1:32;  figures  18,  19.  (In  part) 

1948.  Enderleinellus  zonatus  Ferris,  Werneck,  Memorias  do  Instituto  Oswaldo 
Cruz  45:295;  figure  28. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  type  from  Paraxerus  ochraceus  (as  jacksoni) , 
Kijabe,  British  East  Africa. 

NOTES.  Werneck  has  pointed  out  that  two  distinct  species  were  included 
in  the  material  recorded  by  Ferris. 



1914.  Microphthirus  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking 
Lice,  Part  1:49. 

GEKBRIC  TYPE,  Enderleinellus  unclnatus  Ferris. 

CHARACTERS.  Enderleinellinae  iu  which  the  pair  ol  1  ittie,  scleroti  zed 
plates  on  the  venter  ol  the  second  abdominal  segment  is  lack ing .  Paratergal 
plates  of  se>jments  3"6  each  continuous  with  the  corresponding  sternal  plate, 
being  connected  with  it  by  a  narrow,  scleroti zed  bridge.  Paratergal  plates 
not  free  from  the  body  at  any  point.  Antennae  with  the  proximal,  postaxial 
angle  of  segments  2-3  produced  into  a  scleroti zed  hook. 

NOTES.  As  known  at  present  this  genus  contains  but  a  single  species. 
This  is  a  very  pecuLiar  form,  known  only  from  North  American  flying  squir¬ 
rels  of  the  genus  Glaucomys.  The  assignment  of  the  genus  to  the  Enderleiu- 
ellae  is  based  entirely  upon  the  character  of  the  legs,  since  there  is  lit¬ 
tle  else  to  connect  it  with  any  other  group  of  the  Anoplura.  The  host  as¬ 
sociation  supports  this  assignment  and  iu  this  particular  case  has  been 
taken  into  consideration  iu  placing  the  genus. 

Microphthirus  uncinatus  (Ferris) 

Figures  50,  51 

1916.  Enderleinellus  unclnatus  Ferris,  Psyche  23:108;  figures  6,  7. 

1919.  Microphthirus  uncinatus  (Ferris),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  1:49;  figures  31-32. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Known  only  from  the  original  record  from  Glauc¬ 
omys  sabrinus  at  Yosemite  National  Park,  California.  The  host  is  a  member 
of  the  rodent  family  Sciuridae. 

NOTES.  This  is  one  of  the  very'  smallest  of  all  sucking  lice,  the  male 
attaining  a  Length  of  only  about  .35  mm.  The  insects  are  so  small  that  as 
seen  upon  their°  host  they  are  very  likely  to  be  mistaken  for  }oung  of  one 
of  the  other  species  which  occur  on  these  squirrels. 

Genus  WERNECKIA  Ferris,  new  genus 

GENERIC  TYPE-  Enderleinellus  minutus  Werneck.  One  other  species,  Ender¬ 
leinellus  paraxeri  Werneck,  is  here  included. 

CHARACTERS.  Enderleinellinae  in  which  the  paired  sclerotizations  01  the 
second  abdominal  sternum  are  lacking.  Differing  from  Microphthirus  in 
which  this  also  is  true,  in  not  having  the  paratergal  plates  connected  with 
the  sternites  by  sclerotizations. 

Occurring  on  African  squirrels  of  the  genus  Paraxerus. 

NOTES.  Since  each  of  the  two  included  species  is  known  from  but  a  single 
male  very  little  can  be  said  about  the  group.  It  is  by  no  means  certain 
that  these  two  species  should  be  placed  in  the  same  genus,  since  thej  dil- 
fer  materially  in  various  respects  and  it  appears  possible  that  they  are 
independent  derivatives  from  species  of  Enderleinellus  that  also  occur  on 
their  hosts. 

Key  to  Species  of  WEFJsECKIA 

Genitalia  of  the  male  with  all  parts  of  the  terminal  complex  slender - ... 


Genitalia ’of ’the' male’ with  the  parts  of  the  terminal  complex  short  the 
parameres  broadened . . 


Microphthirus  uncinatus  (Ferris) 

female  genitalia 

male  genitalia 

Microphthirus  uncinatus  (Ferris), details 

Figure  51 


Werneckia  minuta  (Werneck) 

Figure  52 

Werneckia  minuta  (Werneck) 

Figure  52 

1947.  Enderleinellus  minutus  Werneck,  Memorias  do  Instituto  Oswaldo  Cruz 
45:296;  figure  30- 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Known  from  but  a  single  male,  from  Paraxerus 
jacksont  i=ochraceus) ,  from  Kijabe,  British  East  Africa. 

NOTES.  The  single  male  representing  this  species  was  discovered  by  Wer¬ 
neck  among  the  type  material  of  Enderleinellus  zonatus  Ferris  and  described 
by  Werneck  who,  however,  did  not  note  the  absence  of  the  paired  ventral 
plates  of  the  second  abdominal  segment. 

Werneckia  paraxeri  (Werneck) 

1947.  Enderleinellus  paraxeri  Werneck,  Memorias  do  Instituto  Oswaldo  Cruz 
45:295;  figure  29. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Known  from  but  a  single  female,  from  Paraxerus 
palliatus,  from  British  East  Africa. 

NOTES.  The  circumstances  surrounding  this  species  are  the  same  as  those 
connected  with  minuta. 


Subfamily  HOPLOPLEUKINAE  Ferris,  new  subfamily 

DESCRIPTION  OE  THE  SUUFAMILY .  Hoplopleuridae  in  which  there  is  no  evi¬ 
dence  of  eyes.  Paratergal  plates  reaching  an  extreme  degree  ol  development, 
those  of  abdominal  segments  4-6  enclosing  the  sides  of  the  abdomen  and  each 
to  some  extent  overlapping  that  of  the  segment  next  succeeding.  Sternal 
plates  of  abdominal  segment  two  prolonged  laterally  on  each  side  to  articu¬ 
late  with  the  corresponding  paratergal  plate  and  at  times  divided  mesaliy 
by  a  membranous  area  into  two  plates  which  may'  be  much  expanded.  Anterior 
legs  always  small,  with  slender  claw,  the  middle  legs  larger  with  stouter 
claw,  the  posterior  legs  still  larger,  generally  flattened  and  with  very- 
broad  claw.  Antennae  4—6  segmented,  never  sexually  dimorphic. 

NOTES.  In  its  basic  pattern  this  group  is  quite  homogeneous,  although 
some  of  its  species  present  some  extraordinary'  specializations.  The  group 
is  as  a  whole  probably  the  most  specialized  ol  the  AnopLura. 

The  five  included  genera  may  be  separated  by  the  following  key. 





Key  to  the  Genera  of  HOPLOPLEUKINAE 

Antennae  clearly  5-se^ment'etl . \ 

Antennae  4-segmented . .4 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  2  each  prolonged  into  a  Made- 
like  process  which  projects  from  the  tody  wall . PTER0PHT1URUS 

Not  so . - 3 

Sternal  plate  of  abdominal  segment  2  divided  longitudinally  into  Z  much 

expanded  plates . SCHIZDPHTHIRUS 

Not  g0 . . . ....HOPLOPLEURA 

Posterior  le fs  with  a  membranous,  bladder-like  expansion  on  the  coxa 


Genus  ANCISTROPLAX  Waterston 
1929*  Ancistroplax  Waterston,  Parasitology'  21:161. 

1932.  Ancistroplax ,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking 
Lice,  Part  5:38. 

GENERIC  TYPE.  Ancistroplax  crocidurae  Waterston. 

CHARACTERS.  Moplop leurinae  in  which  the  antennae  are  1 our-segmented . 
Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  3-7  each  having  the  appearance  of 
bein'1,  divided  into  two  equal  parts  by  a  longitudinal  line  of  weak  scleroti- 
zation.  Terml  and  sternal  plates  of  the  abdomen  strongly  developed  in 
both  sexes,  the  female  having  three  plates  and  three  rows  of  setae,  both 
dorsally  and  ventrally,  on  segments  3-6;  the  male  having  but  one  plate, 
either  dorsallv  or  ventrally,  on  any  segment,  but  this  on  segments  4  , 

both  dorsally  and  ventrally  having  two  rows  of  setae  and  presenting  an  ap¬ 
pearance  which  suggests  that  it  is  composed  of  two  transverse  plates  which 
have  partially  fused.  Tergal  plate  of  segment  six  of  the  male  having  its 
posterior  angles  each  produced  into  a  free  process  which  is  bent  apically 
toward  the  mid-line  of  the  body.  Posterior  legs  strongly  expanded  and  flat¬ 
tened,  with  broad  claw.  Sternal  plate  of  abdominal  segment  two  divided  Ion 
kritudinally  into  two  expanded  plates.  First  sternal  plate  of  segment  three 
not  produced  laterally  to  articulate  with  the  corresponding  paratergites. 

NOTFS  The  affinities  of  this  genus  seem  to  be  most  closely  with  Schiz 
ophthirus.  It  seems  also  to  be  more  or  less  closely  related  to  the  genus 


Ancistroplax  crocidurae  Waterston 

Figures  53  >  54 

1929.  Ancistroplax  crocidurae  Waterston,  Parasitology  21:161;  figures. 
1932.  Ancistroplax  crocidurae  Waterston,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5 : 308 ;  figures  188,  189- 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  There  is  but  a  single  record  of  this  species 
which  attributes  it  to  a  shrew,  Crocidura  horsfieldi,  in  Ceylon. 


1891.  Haematopinoides  Osborn,  United  States  Department  of  Agriculture, 
Division  of  Entomology,  Bulletin  (old  series)  7:28. 

1896.  Euhaematop inus  Osborn,  United  States  Department  of  Agriculture, 
Division  of  Entomology,  Bulletin  (new  series)  5:186. 

1929.  Haematopinoides,  Ewing,  A  Manual  of  External  Parasites,  page  140. 
1932.  Haematopinoides,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:289- 

GENERIC  TYPE.  Haematopinoides  squamosus  Osborn.  The  genus  Euhaemato- 
pinus  Osborn,  with  Euhaematop inus  abnormis  Osborn  as  type,  is  synonymous, 
its  type  species  being  synonymous  with  squamosus. 

CHARACTERS.  Hoplopleurinae  in  which  the  antennae  are  4-segmented.  Pos¬ 
terior  legs  with  a  membranous,  bladder-like  expansion  arising  from  the  an¬ 
terior  margin  of  the  coxae  and  a  similar  structure  on  the  anterior  wall  of 
the  tibia.  Apart  from  the  usual  sclerotizations  of  the  terminal  and  geni- 
talic  segments,  tergal  plates  are  developed  only  on  segments  1-3  and  ster¬ 
nal.  plates  on  segments  2-3  in  the  female,  while  they  are  present  on  all 
segments  except  the  first  in  the  male.  Female  with  two  rows  of  setae  both 
dorsally  and  ventrally  on  most  of  the  abdominal  segments,  the  male  with  but 
one.  Sternite  of  the  second  abdominal  segment  divided  longitudinally  into 
two  expanded  plates  each  of  which  articulates  by  a  lateral  extension  with 
the  corresponding  paratergal  plate.  First  plate  of  abdominal  segment  three 
not  produced  laterally. 

NOTES.  This  genus  (as  Euhaematop inus)  was  employed  by  Enderlein  in  1904 
as  type  of  the  subfamily  Euhaematop ininae  of  the  family  Haematopinidae  and 
in  1929  this  was  elevated  to  the  rank  of  a  family,  under  the  name  Haemato- 
pinoididae,  by  Ewing.  Actually,  the  genus  is  very  closely  related  to 
Hoplopleura.  The  membranous  expansions  on  the  posterior  legs  are  unique 
structures  but  do  not  in  any  way  justify  the  assignment  of  the  genus  to  an 
isolated  position. 

Haematopinoides  squamosus  (Osborn) 

Figures  55>  56 

1891-  Haematopinoides  squamosus  Osborn,  United  States  Department  of  Agri¬ 
culture,  Division  of  Entomology,  Bulletin  (old  series)  7:28;  fig¬ 
ure  16. 

1896.  Euhaematop inus  abnormis  Osborn,  United  States  Department  of  Agricul¬ 
ture,  Division  of  Entomology  (new  series)  5:18?;  figure. 

1922.  Euhaematop inus  abnormis  Osborn,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  3: 150 >  figures  98,  99- 
1929.  Haematopinoides  squamosus  Osborn,  Ewing,  A  Manual  of  External  Para¬ 
sites,  page  140. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  First  recorded,  undoubtedly  quite  erroneously, 
from  a  rodent  of  the  family  Geomyidae  in  Iowa.  Later  described  again  as  a 
new  genus  and  species  from  its  true  host,  a  mole,  Scalopus  aquaticus,  at 
Ames,  Iowa,  United  States.  It  has  since  been  recorded  from  this  host  from 
localities  in  Kansas,  Illinois,  and  New  York.  Also  specimens  are  at  hand 


Ancistroplax  crocidurae  VVaterston 

Figure  53 


Figure  54 

Ancistroplax  crocidurae  Waterston, details 


thoracic  sternal  plate  male  genitalia 
Haematopinoides  squamosus  Osborn, details 

female  genitalia 
Figure  56 

3rd  leg 




from  another  mole,  Parascalops  brewer l,  from  eastern  United  States. 

NOTES.  Ewiug  has  recorded  finding  the  types  ol  Haematopinoides  squano: ti¬ 
lts,  which  had  presumably  been  lost,  and  has  confirmed  the  suspicion,  previ 
ously  expressed  by  Ferris,  to  the  effect  that  Euhaematopi nus  abnormis  is 
the  same  species.  Apparently  Osboni  was  misled  into  naming  two  genera  sim¬ 
ply  by  differences  in  the  nature  of  the  preparations  then  at  hand. 

Genus  HOPLOPLEURA  Euderlein 

1904.  Hoplopleura  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  28:221. 

1921.  Hoplopleura,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Suck¬ 
ing  Lice,  Part  2 : 59 - 

1929.  Ctenura  Ewing,  A  Manual  of  External  Parasites,  page  199 - 
1929.  Euhoplopleura  Ewing,  A  Manual  of  External  Parasites,  page  198. 

1929.  Ctenopleura  Ewing,  A  Manual  of  External  Parasites,  page  199 • 

1929.  Ferrisella  Ewing,  A  Manual  of  External  Parasites,  page  199. 

GENERIC  TYPE.  Pediculus  acanthopus  Burmeisler. 

GENERIC  SYNONYMS.  Ctenopleura  Ewing,  type  Hoplopleura  crypt  lea  Ferris; 
Ctenura  Ewing,  type  Hoplopleura  pectinate  Cummings;  Euhoplopleura  Ewing, 
type  Hoplopleura  trisp  inosa  Kellogg  and  Ferris;  Ferrisella  Ewing,  type 
Hoplopleura  ochotonae  Ferris. 

CHARACTERS,  tloplopleurinae  in  which  the  sternal  plate  of  abdominal  seg¬ 
ment  two  is  always,  and  the  first  sternal  plate  is  usually,  extended  later¬ 
ally  to  articulate  with  the  corresponding  paratergites,  these  two  plates 
always  being  narrowly  transverse.  First  sternal  plate  ot  segment  three 
usually  with°  two  or  three  enlarged,  stout  setae  in  two  groups,  rarely  these 
not  developed.  Paratergites  of  the  abdominal  segments  never  showing  any 
indication  of  a  partial  longitudinal  division  into  dorsal  and  ventral  parts. 
Antennae  clearly  five-segmented.  Posterior  legs  with  no  bladder-like,  mem¬ 
branous  expansions.  Paratergites  of  abdominal  segment  two  not  produced  in¬ 
to  a  long,  blade-like  extension. 

NOTES.  This  genus,  as  here  understood,  forms  a  very  homogeneous  group. 
In  two  or  three  species  the  first  sternal  plate  of  abdominal  segment  3  does 
not  attain  the  paratergal  plate  of  the  segment  but  any  attempt  to  separate 
these  species  into  a  different  genus  on  this  basis  seems  to  gain  nothing 
and  would  result  only  in  the  formation  of  an  evidently  unnatural  grouping. 

The  four  genera  named  by  Ewing  and  listed  above  do  not,  in  the  opinion 
here  held,  merit  recognition,  but  the  genus  Pterophthirus,  named  by  Ewing, 
is  here  accepted. 

Key  to  Species  of  Hoplopleura 

1.  First  sternal  plate  of  abdominal  segment  3  extended  laterally  to  ap¬ 
proximate  or  articulate  with  the  corresponding  paratergal  plates....? 
First  sternal  plate  of  abdominal  segment  3  not  extended  laterally . 2 

2  (1).  Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  4-6  in  the  female  and  ot  at 

least  segment  4  in  the  male  with  a  pair  ot  short,  stout,  apically 
flattened  and  truncate  setae;  known  from  Octodontomys  in  Bolivia. 

Not  so,  all  setae  of  the  paratergal  plates  apically  acute. ....... .3 

3  (2).  Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  6  with  the  dorsal  apical  an¬ 

gle  prolonged  into  a  thumb-like  process,  the  ventral  angle  round¬ 
ed;  known  from  Octodon  in  Chile . CHILENSIS 

Otherwise.  #••••••••••••••••••• . •  •  •  . . .  •  * 

4  (3) .  Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  4-6  with  the  posterior  mar¬ 

gin  almost  straight,  the  posterior  angles  each  forming  but  a 
slight  tooth;  known  from  the  squirrel  genus  Sciurotamias  in  China 


Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  4-5  with  the  posterior  mar¬ 
gin  presenting  a  deep,  median  emargination  between  the  two  broad 
lateral  lobes;  known  from  Hydromys  in  Australia . BIDENTATA 

5  (1).  Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  8  in  both  sexes  with  each 

posterior  angle  prolonged  into  a  tapering  apically  acute  lobe.. 6 
Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  8  never  with  more  than  one 
apical  lobe  or  process,  usually  with  none . 7 

6  (5)-  Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  2  with  each  posterior  angle 

prolonged  into  a  tapering,  apically  acute  point;  known  from  unde¬ 
termined  rodent  in  Brasil . BRASILIENSIS 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  2  with  the  posterior  margin 
truncate,  the  angles  not  at  all  prolonged  into  points;  female 
with  the  apex  of  the  abdomen  bearing  a  comb  of  stout  setae;  known 
from  Rattus  surifer  in  the  Malayan  region . PECTINATA 

7  (5)  •  First  sternal  plate  of  abdominal  segment  3  with  two  groups  of  def¬ 

initely  enlarged  setae . 8 

First  sternal  plate  of  abdominal  segment  3  without  such  pairs  of 
enlarged  setae;  occurring  on  Ochotona  in  Asia . 0CH0T0NAE 

8  (7).  Enlarged  setae  of  the  first  sternal  plate  of  abdominal  segment  3 

arranged  in  two  groups  of  3  setae  each . 9 

Enlarged  setae  of  this  plate  arranged  in  two  groups  of  2  setae  each 

.  . 11 

9  (8) .  Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  $-6  each  with  the  posterior 

border  bearing  4  prominent,  almost  equal  points  or  processes. .. 10 
Paratergal  plates  of  these  segments  with  merely  the  apical  angles 
prolonged  into  points;  occurring  on  North  American  flying  squir¬ 
rels  of  the  genus  Glaucomys . TRISPINOSA 

10  (9).  Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  2-6  each  borne  upon  a  dis¬ 

tinct  prominence;  tergal  and  sternal  setae  of  the  abdomen  ex¬ 
tremely  numerous  and  heavy;  known  from  Tatera  liodon  in  Africa.. 


Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  2-6  not  thus  borne  upon 
prominences;  setae  of  abdominal  tergites  and  sternites  slender 

and  of  normal  number;  known  from  Tatera  boehmi  in  Africa . 


11  (8) .  Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  8  with  1  apical  angle  pro¬ 

duced  into  an  elongated,  apically  free  process . 12 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  8  entirely  devoid  of  any 

apical  process  or  with  only  a  very  slight  lobe . 14 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  3~6  each  with  the  poste¬ 
rior  margin  divided  into  4  slender  processes  of  which  the  dor¬ 
sal  process  is  longer  than  the  plate  itself;  probably  normal  to 

Lemniscomys  in  Africa . PELOMYDIS 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  3~6,  if  divided  into 

lobes,  having  the  dorsal  lobe  no  longer  than  the  others . 13 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  7  with  the  posterior  mar¬ 
gin  divided  into  2  equal  major  lobes,  each  of  which  is  divided 
into  2  equal  minor  lobes;  known  from  Arvicanthis  in  Africa . 


Paratergal  plates  of  segment  7  with  the  posterior  margin  divided 
into  2  lobes  of  which  one  is  apically  acute  and  the  other  apic¬ 
ally  truncate  or  slightly  emarginate;  known  from  various  hosts 

in  Africa . INTERMEDIA 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  7  with  at  least  one  of  the 
apical  angles  produced  into  a  lobe  which  is  in  some  instances 

as  long  as  the  body  of  the  plate . 15 

Paratergal  plates  of  segment  7  with  neither  of  its  apical  angles 
thus  produced . 27 

12  (11). 

13  (12). 

14  (11). 


15  (14). 

16  (15). 

17  (16). 

18  (16). 

19  (18). 

20  (18). 

21  (20). 

22  (21). 

23  (15). 

24  (  23). 

25  (24). 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  7  with  but  one  of  its  ap 

*  ,  +  s 

ical  angles  produced  into  a  lobe  or  poiut . lo 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  7  with  each  of  its  apical 

angles  produced  into  a  lobe  or  point . 23 

Paratergal  plates  of  segments  3~5  each  with  the  posterior  mai-gin 
divided  into  4  slender  lobes  or  processes  which  equal  at  least 

half  the  length  of  the  body  of  the  plate . 17 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  3_5  with  the  posterior 
margin  divided  into  2  major  lobes,  each  of  which  may  be  apical- 
Lv  more  or  less  emarginate  or  deeply  divided  into  2  minor  lobes 

7. . 7 . is 

Dorsal  apical  process  of  the  paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  seg¬ 
ments  3-7  very  long,  longer  than  the  body  of  the  plate;  known 

from  Lemniscomys  in  Africa . ENORMIS 

Dorsal  apical  process  on  no  paratergal  plate  longer  than  the  body 

of  the  plhte  or  longer  than  the  other  processes . NEUMANNI 

Ventral  lobe  of  paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  3  divided 
into  2  apically  rounded,  equal  lobes;  from  species  ol  Oryzomys 

in  the  New  World . ;19 

Ventral  lobe  of  pai*atergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  3  otherwise 
. 20 

Ventral  lobe  of  abdominal  segment  6  divided  into  2  equal  lobules; 

known  from  Oryzomys  in  southeastern  United  States. .. .ORYZ0MY D1S 
Ventral  lobe  of  abdominal  segment  6  forming  a  single,  acute  point; 

known  from  species  of  Oryzomys  in  South  America. . .NES0RYZ01YDIS 
Ventral  lobe  of  paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  3  acute... 

. ; . 7 . AFFINIS 

Ventral  lobe  of  paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  3  broadly 

truncate  or  apically  emarginate . 21 

Ventral  lobe  of  paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  6  acute; 

known  from  the  genus  Apomys  in  the  Philippine  Islands. . APOMYDIS 
Ventral  lobe  of  paratergal  plates  of  segment  6  truncate  or  emar¬ 
ginate  . ^ 

Ventral  lobe  of  paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  6  deeply 

emarginate;  known  from  Dasymys  yelukus  in  Africa . SOMERENI 

Ventral  lobe  of  paratergal  plates  ol  abdominal  segment  6  truncate, 

known  from  various  rodents  in  South  America . TRAVASSOSI 

Both  dorsal  and  ventral  apical  lobes  ol  paratergal  plates  ol  ab¬ 
dominal  segment  7  apically  acute .  ......24 

At  least  one  of  the  lobes  of  the  paratergal  plates  of  abdominal 

segment  7  apically  acute . . . 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  3— ^  with  the  postenoi 
margin  divided  into  4  nearly  equal,  apically  rounded  lobes,  oc¬ 
curring  on  the  iTenera  Nectomys  and  Oryzomys  in  South  America... 


Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  3_6  with  the  posterior 
margin  divided  into  2  apically  truncate  or  slightly  emarginate 
1  b&  •  2 1 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  4-6  with  the  setae  ol  the 
posterior  margin  extremely  minute;  occurring  characteristically 
on  members  of  the  New  World  genera  Peromyscus  and  Onychomys, 
but  recorded  also  from  Hus  musculus  in  North  America  and  Eurasia 


Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  4-6  with  the  setae  of 
their  posterior  margin  almost  equaling  in  length  the  depth  ol 
the  median  emargination  in  which  they  are  placed;  occurring  as 
far  as  known  on  the  genus  Cricetulus  in  China . CKloMlLi 


26  (23). 

27  (14). 

28  (27). 

29  (28). 

30  (28). 

31  (30). 

32  (30). 

33  (32). 

34  (33). 

35  (34). 

36  (33). 

37  (36). 

Dorsal  lobe  of  the  paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  7  defi¬ 
nitely  truncate,  the  ventral  lobe  acute;  from  members  of  the 

New  World  genus  Reithrodontomys . REITHRODONTOMYDIS 

Both  dorsal  and  ventral  apical  lobes  of  the  paratergites  of  ab¬ 
dominal  segment  7  narrowly  rounded  apically;  known  from  Mus 

triton  in  Africa . .RUKENYAE 

Female  with  3  rows  of  setae  dorsally  and  ventrally  on  most  of  the 

abdominal  segments . 28 

Female  with  but  2  rows  of  setae  both  dorsally  and  ventrally  on 
most  of  the  abdominal  segments;  probably  normal  to  species  of 

Tatera  in  Africa . BISERIATA 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  6  with  the  posterior  angles 

not  produced  into  points . 29 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  6  with  at  least  one  of  the 

posterior  angles  produced  into  a  definite  point  or  lobe 30 

Sternal  plate  of  the  thorax  broadly  triangular,  occurring  on  the 

North  American  squirrel  genus  Talhlas . ERRATICA 

Sternal  plate  of  the  thorax  narrowly  produced  posteriorly;  known 

from  the  Asiatic  genus  Phaiomys . PHAIOMYDIS 

Both  dorsal  and  ventral  basal  angles  of  the  paratergal  plates  of 
abdominal  segments  4-5  with  a  process  which  projects  toward  the 

mid-line  of  the  body . SI 

Basal  angles  of  these  paratergal  plates  without  such  processes. 32 
Outer  seta  of  the  pairs  of  enlarged  setae  on  the  first  sternite 
of  abdominal  segment  3  longer  than  the  other  and  distinctly 

bent;  known  from  the  squirrel  genus  Callosciurus  in  China . 


Outer  seta  of  these  pairs  not  longer  than  the  other  and  not  bent; 
known  from  the  squirrel  genus  Callosciurus  in  the  Malayan  area. 


Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  6  with  4  almost  equal, 
slender  processes  on  its  posterior  border;  known  from  Mylomys 

cuninghamei  in  Africa . MYLOMYDIS 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  6  without  such  processes.. 

. . 33 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  4-6  without  setae,  even 

of  the  most  minute  size . 34 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  4-6  definitely  with  setae, 

even  if  small,  on  the  posterior  margin . 36 

Both  dorsal  and  ventral  lobes  of  the  paratergal  plates  of  abdom¬ 
inal  segment  3  broadly  truncate;  occurring  on  Micromys  in  Europe 


Both  dorsal  and  ventral  lobes  of  the  paratergal  plates  of  abdom¬ 
inal  segment  3  apically  acute . 35 

Dorsal  apical  lobe  of  the  paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments 
4— 5  apically  broad  and  emarginate;  known  from  Oxymycterus  judex 

in  South  America . FONSECAI 

Ventral  apical  lobe  of  the  paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments 

3-6  acute;  from  Oxymycterus  in  Peru . OXYMYCTERI 

Apical  lobes  of  paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  6  both  a- 

cute . 37 

Apical  lobes  of  paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  6  other¬ 
wise . 42 

Apical  lobes  of  the  paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  3  with 
the  dorsal  lobe  apically  acute,  the  ventral  lobe  broad  and 
slightly  emarginate;  occurring  on  various  members  of  the  sub¬ 
family  Microtinae  of  the  Muridae  in  Europe,  North  America,  and 

certainly  Asia . ACANTHOPUS 


38  (37). 

39  (33). 

40  (39). 

41  (40). 

42  (  36). 

43  (42). 

44  (43). 

45  (44). 

46  (43). 

Apical  lobes  ot‘  the  paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  3  otb 

erwise . 38 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  4—5  withadeep,  rectangu¬ 
lar,  median  emargination  in  the  posterior  border,  this  dividing 
the  plate  into  two  broad,  apical  lobes;  known  from  Reithrodon 

in  Argentina . ARGENTINA 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  4->5  without  such  emargina- 

tion  ol  the  posterior  border . 39 

With  but  1  or  occasionally  2  setae  between  the  ends  ol  the  tergal 
and  sternal  plates  of  the  abdomen  and  the  corresponding  para- 
teraal  plates;  known  from  the  squirrel  genus  Kunambulus  in  Asia 


With  not  less  than  2  and  usually  more  setae  between  the  ends  ol 
the  tergal  and  sternal  plates  of  the  abdomen  and  the  correspond- 

ing  paratergal  plates . . . . 40 

Paratergal  plates o f abdominal  segments  4-6  with  the  apical  angles 

strongly  produced  and  acute,  the  posterior  border  of  the  plate 

arcuately  and  quite  deeply  emarginate . . . . . . 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  4-6  with  the  margin  be¬ 
tween  the  toothed  apical  angles  almost  straight,  not  at  all  e— 
martrinate;  occurring  on  the  genus  Siimodon  in  North  America.... 

. . . . . . 7 . HIRSUTA 

Parameres  of  the  male  apically  notched;  occurring  on  the  genus 

Neotamias  (better  known  as  Sutamias )  in  North  America . 


Parameres  of  the  male  apically  entire;  known  from  the  genus  Sciurus 

in  North  America . . SCIURICOLA 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  6  with  the  dorsal  apical 
angle  forming  a  slight  tooth,  the  ventral  angle  without  a  tooth, 

known  from  Phyllotis  in  South  America . ....REDUCT A 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  6  with  both  apical  angles 

produced  into  points  or  lobes . . . 43 

Ventral  apical  lobe  of  paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  b 

acute,  the  dorsal  lobe  more  or  less  truncate . .*44 

Dorsal  and  ventral  apical  lobes  ol  paratergal  plates  ol  abdominal 
segment  6  essentially  similar,  truncate  or  apically  serrate  or 

emarginate . ••***, . . . .  . 

Paratergal  plates  of  segments  3~5  each  with  1  very  minute  and  1 
longer  seta  on  the  posterior  margin;  known  from  various  hosts, 

including  domestic  rats,  in  various  parts  of  the  world - ..... 


Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  3—5  each  with  2  setae 
which Tire  as  long  as  or  longer  than  the  depth  of  thd  emargina- 

tion  in  which  they  are  placed . /“o'c  ' 

Ventral  apical  lobe  of  the  paratergal  plates  ol  segments  j-h  a- 
cutelv  pointed;  known  from  the  genus  Chrotonys  in  the  Philippine 
Islands. . ! . ...CHR0T0MYDIS 

Ventral  apical  lobe  of  paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments 
3_5  narrowly  rounded  or  truncate  apically;  known  trom  nottu s 

sabanus  in  the  Malayan  area . . . .  MALAYSIAN  A 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  4-6  each  with  1  very  min 
ute  seta  and  1  seta  which  is  about  as  long  as  the  depth  ol  the 
emargination  in  which  it  is  placed;  known  from  Rhipidonys  in 

South  America. . . . *  V - -  '  ‘  *V  *2 

Parateral  plates  of  abdominal  segments  4-6  each  with  2  setae  ol 
nearly  equal  length,  these  as  long  as  or  longer  than  the  depth 
of  the  emargination  in  which  they  are  placed ;  known  fro™ 
in  China . MERIONIDIS 


Hoplopleura  acanthopus  (Burmeister) 

Figures  57,  58 

1839-  Pediculus  acanthopus  Burmeister,  Genera  Insectorum,  Rhynchota,  Num¬ 
ber  5;  Plate  1,  figure  2. 

1842.  Haematopinus  acanthopus  (Burmeister),  Denny,  Monographia  Anoplurorum 
Britanniae,  page  25;  Plate  24,  figure  3- 
1880.  Haematopinus  acanthopus  (Burmeister),  Piaget,  Les  Pediculines,  page 
638;  Plate  52,  figure  4. 

1904.  Polyplax  acanthopus  (Burmeist;cr) ,  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger 

1904.  Hoplopleura  acanthopus  (Burmeister) ,  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger 
28:221;  figures  1,  2. 

1915*  Hoplopleura  acanthopus,  variety  americanus  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  Ano- 
plura  and  Mallophaga  of  North  American  Mammals,  Stanford  University 
Publications,  University  Series  (no  volume  number),  page  16 ;  text 
figure  3;  Plate  4,  figure  2;  Plate  5,  figure  8. 

1916.  Hoplopleura  acanthopus,  variety  aequidentis  Fahrenholz,  Archiv  fur 
Naturgeschichte,  Abteilung  A,  81:26;  figure  21b. 

1921.  Hoplopleura  acanthopus  (Burmeister),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:63;  figures  34,  35  • 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  First  described  from  Microtus  (as  Arvicola ) 
arvalts,  somewhere  in  Europe.  It  has  since  been  recorded  from  Microtus 
airestis  and  Microtus  nival  is  in  Europe ;  from  Microtus  constr ictus,  Microtus 
californicus,  Microtus  intermedius,  and  Microtus  ochroiaster  in  various 
parts  of  the  United  States;  from  Lemmus  alaskensis  in  Alaska;  from  Synapto- 
mys  borealis  at  Athabasca  Landing  in  Canada;  from  Pitymys  pinetorum  in  eas¬ 
tern  United  States.  It  has  also  been  recorded  from  Mus  musculus  in  Rumania 
and  Mus  spicileQus  in  Sweden,  these  records  very  probably  being  due  to  con¬ 
tamination  or  straggling. 

NOTES.  An  examination  of  the  abundant  material  at  hand  offers  no  excuse 
for  the  naming  of  the  supposed  variety  americanus.  Furthermore,  on  the 
basis  of  such  evidence  els  was  given  by  its  describer  there  is  no  apparent 
reason  for  the  supposed  variety  aequidentis. 

Hoplopleura  affinis  (Burmeister) 

1839-  Pediculus  affinis  Burmeister,  Genera  Insectorum,  Rhynchota,  No.  10. 
1842.  Haematopinus  affinis  (Burmeister),  Denny,  Monographia  Anoplurorum 
Britanniae,  page  36. 

1904.  Polyplax  affinis  (Burmeister),  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  28: 

1921.  Hoplopleura  affinis  (Burmeister),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  aMon- 
ograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:75;  figures  42,  43* 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  First  recorded  from  Apodemus  a£rarius  and  Apo- 
demus  sylvat  icus  in  Europe.  Later  recorded  by  Ferris  from  both  these  hosts, 
from  agrarius  in  Germany  and  from  sylvatlcus  in  Manchuria  and  Siberia.  In 
addition,  Ferris  has  recorded  the  species  from  a  number  of  South  American 
mammals,  including  Akodon  mollis  in  Peru;  Akodon  arviculoides  in  Paraguay; 
Akodon  amnicola  in  Argentina;  Phyllotis  pictus  (as  Euneomys  sp.)  in  Peru; 
Phyllotls  micropus  in  Argentina.  Certain  other  records  by  Ferris  from 
South  American  mammals  are  here  transferred  to  other  species  as  will  be 
noted  below. 

NOTES.  Specimens  from  Cricetuls  incanus  from  China,  previously  referred 
to  affinis  are  here  described  as  Hoplopleura  cricetuli  new  species,  and 
specimens  from  Heithrodon  hatcheri  from  Patagonia,  axe  referred  to  Hoplo¬ 
pleura  argentine  Werneck. 

The  records  ol  affinis  from  other  South  American  hosts  appear  to  be  ut- 


Hoplopleura  acanthopus  (Burmeister) 

Figure  57 



terly  unreasonable,  but  a  re-examination  of  the  material  at  hand  offers  no 
basis  for  their  separation.  It  would  seem  very  probable  that  biologically 
more  than  one  species  is  involved,  but  nothing  morphological  appears  that 
will  justify  a  separation. 

Hoplopleura  angu^Lata  Ferris 

1921.  Hoplopleura  angulata  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:73;  figures  40,  41. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Rhipidomys  uenezuelae,  somewhere  in 
Venezuela.  Also  recorded  by  Ferris  from  Rhipidomys  sp.  (ascertained  by 
Hopkins  to  be  Rhipidomys  leucodactylus) ,  from  the  Rio  San  Miguel,  Peru; 
from  Rhipidomys  venustus,  Merida,  Venezuela;  and  from  Thomasomys  cinereus, 
Balsas,  Peru. 

Hoplopleura  apomydis  Ferris 

1921.  Hoplopleura  apomydis  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:84;  figures  49,  50. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  as  from  Apomys  bardus,  which  is  Apomys 
insiinis,  from  Malingdang  Peak,  Mindanao,  Philippine  Islands. 

Hoplopleura  arboricola  Kellogg  and  Ferris 

1915.  Hoplopleura  arboricola  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  Anoplura  and  Mallophaga 
of  North  American  Mammals,  Stanford  University  Publications,  Uni¬ 
versity  Series  (no  volume  number),  page  19;  text  figures  0,  7; 
Plate  4,  figure  8.  (Part)  . 

1921.  Hoplopleura  erratica  arboricola  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  Ferris,  Contri¬ 
butions  Toward  a  Monograph  ol  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  ^.10,. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  This  species  occurs  on  members  of  the  genus 
Neotamias,  which  has  usually  been  referred  to  in  North  American  literature 
as  Eutamias,  under  which  generic  name  the  host  records  have  in  the  past 
been  placed.  type  from  Neotamias  hindsi,  Inverness,  Mann  County,  Califor¬ 
nia.  Recorded  from  various  other  species  of  this  genus  in  California. 



Hoplopleura  argentina  Werneck 

Hoplopleura  af finis  (Burmeister) ,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mon¬ 
ograph.  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:75-  (Part;  misidentification) 
Hoplopleura  affinis  argentina  Werneck,  Memorias  do  Instituto  Oswaldo 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION,  type  from  Reithrodon  sp.  from  the  Republic  of 
Ar  'entina.  Specimens  recorded  by  Ferris  from  Reithrodon  hatcheri  from  Cor 
dilleras,  Patagonia,  as  Hoplopleura  affinis,  seem  definitely  to  be  this. 

NOTES.  The  differences  between  this  form  and  Hoplopleura  affini s  are 
very  slight,  as  indicated  in  the  key  to  species,  but  in  accord  with  the 
practice ’here  adopted  of  not  recognizing  any  form  below  the  species,  it  is 

here  regarded  as  a  species. 

Hoplopleura  bidentata  (Neumann) 

1909.  Haematopinus  (Polyplax)  bidentata  Neumann,  Archives  de  Parasitologie 

1916.  ,o$$llroblZ*faio  (Neumann) ,  Ferris  Contributions  Toward  a  Non- 
ograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:129;  figures  86  87. 

uh^tc;  DISTRIBUTION.  Originally  described  as  from  Rattus  rattus  at 
Lakfl^s,  Sal™  this undoubted  an  error  in  host  attrrbutron.  It 


has  since  been  recorded  from  what  seems  undoubtedly  to  be  its  normal  host, 
Eydromys  chrysogaster,  from  Sydney  and  an  undetermined  locality  in  New  South 
Wales,  Australia. 

Hoplopleura  biseriata  Ferris 

1921.  Hoplopleura  biseriata  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of 
the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:103;  fi<pire  64A. 

1949.  Hoplopleura  biseriata  Ferris,  Hopkins,  Proceedings  of  the  Zoological 
Society  of  London  119:477. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Originally  described  as  from  Malacothrix  typicus 
at  Bothaville,  Orange  Free  State,  Africa.  Hopkins  has  pointed  out  that  this 
record  was  undoubtedly  due  to  contamination  and  has  recorded  the  species 
from  Tatera  brantsi,  Tatera  lobengulae ,  Tatera  joanae,  and  Tatera  angolae 
from  unspecified  localities  in  Africa. 

Hoplopleura  brasiliensis  Werneck 

1932.  Hoplopleura  brasiliensis  Werneck,  Comptes  rendus  de  seances  de  la 
Societe  de  Biologie  de  Rio  de  Janeiro  119:754;  figure. 

1932.  Hoplopleura  brasiliensis  Werneck,  Werneck,  Memorias  do  Instituto  0s- 
waldo  Cruz  26:235;  Plate  45- 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  an  undetermined  rodent  from  the  state  of 
Goyaz,  Brasil. 

Hoplopleura  chilensis  Werneck 

1937*  Hoplopleura  disgrega,  variety  chilensis  Werneck,  Memorias  do  Insti¬ 
tuto  Oswaldo  Cruz  32:406;  figures  15,  16. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Octodon  degus  from  Chile,  without  closer 
indication  of  locality. 

NOTES.  On  the  basis  of  the  very  clear  illustrations  given  by  Werneck 
this  appears  certainly  to  be  a  distinct  species  and  not  merely  a  "variety" 
of  disgrega. 

Hoplopleura  chrotomydis  Ferris 

1921.  Hoplopleura  chrotomydis  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of 
the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:81;  figure  46. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Known  only  from  the  original  record  from  a  skin 
of  Chrotomys  whiteheadi  at  Irisan,  Benguet,  Benguet,  Philippine  Islands. 

Hoplopleura  cricetuli  Ferris,  new  species 

1921.  Hoplopleura  af finis  ( Burmeister) ,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:75*  (Misidentification) 
HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Several  specimens,  both  male  and  female,  from 
Cricetulus  incanus,  Shensi,  China;  from  skin  number  172,550  in  the  United 
States  National  Museum. 

CHARACTERS.  In  all  respects  practically  identical  with  Hoplopleura  af- 
finis,  as  that  species  is  described  by  Ferris  (1921),  differing  significant¬ 
ly  only  in  the  form  of  the  paratergites  of  abdominal  segment  seven.  In  af- 
flnis  the  paratergites  of  this  segment  have  the  dorsal,  posterior  angle 
produced  into  an  elongated  point  which  is  free  from  the  body  for  most  of 
its  length  and  the  posterior  margin  of  the  plate  is  straight  or  but  slight¬ 
ly  emarginate.  In  cricetuli,  the  dorsal  lobe — while  of  the  same  shape  as 
in  afftnts — is  tree  from  the  body  onLy  at  its  apex  and  the  posterior  margin 
of  the  plate  is  deeply  emarginate,  this  emargination  forming  a  ventral  lobe 


which  is  only  slightly  shorter  than  the  dorsal  Lobe  but  is  not  lree  I roiu 
the  body. 

Holotype  and  paratypes  deposited  in  the  collections  ol'  Stanl'ord  Univer¬ 
sity.  Paratypes  deposited  in  the  United  States  National  Museum. 

NOTES.  Complete  illustrations  and  an  extended  description  ol  this  spe¬ 
cies  will  be  presented  elsewhere.  Enough  is  presented  in  the  above  de¬ 
scription  and  in  the  accompanying  key  to  permit  the  identi 1 icatiou  ol  the 

HopLopleura  cryptica  Ferris 

1921.  Hoplopleura  cryptica  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  ol'  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:104;  figures  65,  6613,  D,  E,  G. 

1929.  Ctenura  cryptica  (Ferris),  Ewing,  A  Manual  of  External  Parasites, 
page  199. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Tatera  Liodon  at  Kikondu,  Uganda. 

Hoplopleura  disgrega  Ferris 

1921.  Hoplopleura  discrete  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:132;  figures  88,  89. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Octodontomys  simonsi,  which  is  placed  by- 
Hopkins  as  Octodontomys  gliroides,  at  Orura,  Bolivia. 

Hoplopleura  distorta  Ferris 

1921.  Hoplopleura  distorta  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:115;  figures  72C,  H. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Recorded  as  from  Rhinosciurus  sp .  Hopkins,  who 
has  investigated  the  matter,  states  that  the  host  is  actually  Callosciurus 

vest itus. 

Hoplopleura  edentulus  Fahrenholz 

1916.  Hoplopleura  acanthopus ,  variety  edentulus  Fahrenholz,  Archiv  iiir 
Naturgeschichte,  Abteilung  A,  81:26;  figure  21c. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  as  from  Evotomys  rutilus  "aus  Sieben- 
burgen,  Kronstadt."  From  the  description  and  the  accompanying  figure  it 
seems  probable  that  this  is  nothing  more  than  a  slight  variant  ol  Hoplopleura 

Hoplopleura  emarginata  Ferris 

1922.  Hoplopleura  emarginata  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of 
the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  3:130;  figures  90,  91. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  as  from  Sciurotamias  dav id  ianus ,  a 

skin  from  Shensi,  China.  , 

NOTES.  This  is  a  peculiar  form  which  m  some  respects  more  cioseij  re 

sembles  members  of  the  genus  Heohaematopinus  than  it  does  Hoplopleura.  It 
is  retained  in  Hoplopleura  because  of  the  character  ol  the  sternal  plate  ol 
the  second  abdominal  segment.  Future  authors  may  possibly  wish  either  t 
remove  it  to  Heohaematopinus  or  to  name  a  new  genus  lor  it. 

Hoplopleura  enormis  Kellogg  and  Ferris 

1915.  Hoplopleura  enormis  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  Annals  of  the  Durban  Museum 
1:155;  Plate  16,  figures  4,  4c. 

1921  Hoplopleura  enormis  enormis  Kellogg  and  Ferns,  Ferns,  Contnbu 


tions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:94;  figures 

57  ,  58B,  C,  59B. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  as  from  Arvicanthis  dorsalis  from 
Mfongosi,  Zululand,  for  which  the  name  Lemniscomys  £r iselda  is  now  employed. 
Later  recorded  by  Perris  from  Lemniscomys  barbarus  from  Gondokoro,  Africa. 

NOTES.  The  supposed  subspecies  of  enormis  named  by  Ferris  are  here  re¬ 
garded  as  species. 

Hoplopleura  erismata  Ferris 

1921.  Hoplopleura  erismata  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:113;  figures  72B,  E,  F. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Sciurus  ferruiineus  from  Southeast  Siam. 
This  host  belongs  to  the  genus  Callosc iurus.  Recorded  also  from  Callosci- 
urus  caniceps  (as  Sciurus  davisoni)  from  Lower  Siam  and  from  Callosc iurus 
maclellandi  (as  Tamiops  sp.)  from  Tenasserim. 

Hoplopleura  erratica  (Osborn) 

1896.  Haematopinus  erraticus  Osborn,  United  States  Department  of  Agricul¬ 
ture,  Division  of  Entomology,  Bulletin  (new  series)  5:186. 

1921.  Hoplopleura  erratica  erratica  (Osborn),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward 
a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:106;  figures  67,  68. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  recorded  as  taken  from  a  gull  in  Iowa,  but 
this  very  evidently  in  error.  The  host  is  clearly  Tamias  striatus,  from 
which  the  species  has  been  recorded  by  Ferris  from  Indiana,  Tennessee,  New 
York,  and  the  District  of  Columbia;  all  in  the  United  States. 

NOTES.  The  supposed  subspecies  recognized  by  Ferris  are  here  considered 
to  be  species. 

Hoplopleura  fonsecai  Werneck 

1934.  Hoplopleura  fonsecai  Werneck,  Memorias  do  Instituto  Oswaldo  Cruz  27: 
412;  figures  7-12. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Oxymycterus  judex  at  Humboldt,  state 
of  Santa  Catharina,  Brasil. 

Hoplopleura  hesperomydis  (Osborn) 

1891-  Haematopinus  hesperomydis  Osborn,  United  States  Department  of  Agri¬ 
culture,  Division  of  Entomology,  Bulletin  (old  series)  7:26;  fig¬ 
ure  14. 

1915.  Hoplopleura  hesperomydis  (Osborn),  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  Anoplura  and 
Mallophaga  of  North  American  Mammals,  Stanford  University  Publica¬ 
tions,  University  Series  (no  volume  number),  page  17;  text  figures 
4,  5;  Plate  1,  figure  3;  Plate  4,  figure  2.  (The  name  Hoplopleura 
hesperomydis  occ  idental is,  appearing  in  the  legend  of  Plate  4, 
figure  2,  is  due  to  an  error.) 

1921.  Hoplopleura  hesperomydis  (Osborn),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:70;  figures  38,  39. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Originally  described  as  from  Peromyscus  (= Hes - 
peromys)  leucopus  at  Ames,  Iowa.  Recorded  by  Kellogg  and  Ferris  and  by 
Ferris  from  Peromyscus  boylei  and  Peromyscus  maniculatus  in  California. 
Recorded  by  Ferris  from  Onychomys  torridus  in  California  and  Onychomys 
leucof aster  in  Colorado.  All  these  localities  are  in  the  United  States. 
Recorded  by  Ferris  from  Oryzomys  fulvescens  at  Orizaba,  Mexico;  from  Oryzo- 
mys  chaparensis  at  Santos,  Bolivia;  and  from  Eli£modontia  collisae  (which 
Hopkins  has  determined  to  be  Hesperomys  callosus)  at  Goya,  Argentina. 


Ferris  has  also  recorded  it  from  Hus  musculus  in  Virginia,  U .  S.  A.,  and 
Russian  Turkestan;  from  Hus  tanaus,  which  is  apparently  a  synonym  of  Hus 
nusculus,  from  China;  from  Hus  uagneri,  which  is  also  a  synonym  ol  Hus 
nusculus,  from  China. 

NOTES.  The  material  recorded  above  has  been  examined  in  connection  with 
this  work  and  still  appears  to  be  Hoplopleura  hesperomydis.  The  normal 
hosts  of  this  species  seem  quite  definitely  to  be  species  of  Peromyscus  and 
the  closely  related  genus  Onychomys.  Some  of  the  other  records  may  be  due 
to  contamination.  The  occurrence  of  the  species  on  Hus  nusculus  in  the 
United  States  may  possibly  be  due  to  an  actual  transfer  1 rom  the  normal 
hosts,  but  its  occurrence  on  this  host  in  Asia  is  very  strange. 

Certain  specimens  from  hosts  of  the  genus  Re ithrodontomys,  which  have 
previously  been  referred  to  hesperomydis,  are  here  transferred  to  a  new 
species,  Hoplopleura  re tthrodontomydis. 

Hoplopleura  hirsuta  Ferris 

1916.  Hoplopleura  hirsuta  Ferris,  Psyche  23:112;  figures  8,  9A,  10,  11U. 
1921.  Hoplopleura  hirsuta  Ferris,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph 
of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:117;  figures  75>  76. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Sigmodon  hispidus,  Raleigh,  North 
Carolina.  There  are  various  records  from  this  host  throughout  southern 
United  States,  as  far  west  as  Yuma,  Arizona.  Ferris  has  recorded  it  from 
Sl^nodon  ocrognathus  from  the  state  of  Chihuahua,  and  from  Sigmodon  peru- 
anus  from  Peru.  Two  records  by  Ferris,  each  ol  a  single  specimen,  1 rom 
skins  of  Rhipldomys  venustus  in  Venezuela  and  Xenomys  nelsoni  in  Mexico, 
are  most  probably  due  to  contamination. 

Hoplopleura  hispida  (Grube) 

1851.  Pedlculus  hispidus  Grube,  In  Middendorf f ' s  Reise,  Parasiten,  page 
497;  Plate  2,  figure  2.  . 

1921.  Hoplopleura  hispida  (Grube),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph 

of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:67-  .  „ 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Recorded  as  from  Lemnus  obensis  "am  Taimyrsee, 

in  Siberia.  .  .  ,  . 

NOTES.  On  the  basis  of  the  illustration  accompanying  the  original  de¬ 
scription  this  species  seems  to  be  a  Hoplopleura  and  should  be  identi liable 
if  taken  from  the  type  host. 



Hoplopleura  intermedia  Kellogg  and  Ferris 

Hoplopleura  Intermedia  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  Annals  ol  the  Durban  Mus¬ 
eum  1:153;  Plate  16,  figures  5,  5a-d.  ...... 

Hoplopleura  intermedia  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  Ferris,  Contributions 
Tb ward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:90;  tigures  S4,  _.B* 

from  Rattus  coucha,  Mfongosi,  Zululand, 
Rattus  tullberii  and  Rattus  (as  Zelotomys) 
and  from  Dendromus  insignis  from  British 

C,  56B. 

South  Africa.  Also  recorded  from 
hildeiardae,  British  East  Africa 

II  l  i  Lit;  5li»  tiUC  f  LJ *  A  VAOU  **  ,  •  i  • 

East  Africa,  this  last  record  probably  due  to  contamination 

Hoplopleura  laticeps  Ferris 

1921.  Hoplopleura  laticeps  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:92;  figures  55A,  56A. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Known  only  from  the  original  record  irom  Hybomys 
(as  Arvicanthis)  unlvittatus  from  Benito  River,  West  Africa. 


Hoplopleura  longula  (Neumann) 

1909.  Haematopinus  (Polyplax)  longula  Neumann,  Archives  de  Parasitologie 

13:513;  figures  15,  17- 

1910.  Hoplopleura  lineata  Fahrenholz,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  35:715- 

1921.  Hoplopleura  longula  (Neumann),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:68;  figures  36,  37. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  by  Neumann  from  Micromys  minutus  at 
Colchester,  Essex,  England,  and  by  Fahrenholz  from  the  same  host,  presumab¬ 
ly  from  Germany. 

Hoplopleura  maniculata  (Neumann) 

1909.  Haematopinus  (Polyplax )  maniculatus  Neumann,  Archives  de  Parasito¬ 
logie  13 : 521 ;  figures  21,  22. 

1921.  Hoplopleura  maniculata  (Neumann),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:112;  figures  71,  72A,  D,  G. 
HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  from  Funambulus  (as  Sciurus)  palmarum, 
Rajkote,  Rajkote,  India,  and  at  the  same  time  erroneously  attributed  to  a 
bat.  Later  recorded  by  Ferris  from  the  type  host  from  Navapour,  India,  and 
from  Ceylon. 

Hoplopleura  malaysiana  Ferris 

1921.  Hoplopleura  malaysiana  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of 
the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:79;  figures  44,  45. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Recorded  as  from  Rattus  vociferans  lancauensis, 
which  is  apparently  Rattus  sabanusj  from  Lankavi  Island,  Malay  Straits. 

Hoplopleura  merionidis  Ferris 

1921.  Hoplopleura  merionidis  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of 
the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:98;  figure  60. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Recorded  from  Meriones  psammophilus  from  Shansi, 
China,  this  apparently  being  identical  with  Meriones  meridianus. 

Hoplopleura  mylomydis  Ferris 

1921.  Hoplopleura  enormis  mylomydis  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:97;  figure  59C. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Known  only  from  the  original  description  from 
Mylomys  roosevelti,  which  is  apparently  a  synonym  of  Hylonys  cuninghamei , 
British  East  Africa. 

Hoplopleura  nesoryzomydis  Ferris 

1921.  Hoplopleura  nesoryzomydis  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph 
of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:90;  figure  53A. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Recorded  as  from  Hesoryzomys  narboroughi  and 
Mesoryzomys  defessus  in  the  Galapagos  Islands.  According  to  Ellender, 
Nesoryzomys  is  merely  a  subgenus  of  Oryzomys  and  evidently  defessus  is  an 
error  for  indefessus. 

Hoplopleura  neumanni  Fahrenholz 



Haematopinus  praecitus  Neumann,  Archives 
(In  part:  error  for  praectsus) 
Haematopinus  praeclsus  Neumann,  Archives de 


de  Parasitologie  5:600. 
Parasitologie  6:144.  (In 

1919-  Boplopleura  neumannt  Pahreuholz,  Jahresbericht  des  niedersachsischen 
Zoologischeu  Vereins  zu  Hanuover  2-4 : 26. 

1921.  Hoplopleura  neunuinnt  Pahreuholz,  Perris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mon¬ 
ograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:101;  figure  63. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION .  Based  upon  specimens  recorded  merely  as  "gros 
rats,"  from  Abyssinia.  Perris  lias  recorded  the  species  lrom  Tatera  ni£ri- 
cauci a  from  British  past  Africa.  Hopkins  has  noted  that  this  species  occurs 
iu  Abyssinia  and  it  is  probable  that  it  was  the  type  host. 

HopLopleura  ochotonae  Ferris 

1922.  Hoplopleura  ochotonae  Perris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  ot 
the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  3:142;  figure  92. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  as  from  Ochotona  cansus,  which  is  a 
synonym  of  Ochotona  thibetana,  from  Taochao,  China.  Recorded  also  from 
Ochotona  danur  ica,  Tabool,  Mongolia,  and  trom  Ochotona  roylei  without  iudi 
cation  of  locality. 

Hoplopleura  oenomydis  Ferris 
Figures  59,  60 

1921.  Hoplopleura  oenomydis  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of 
the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:82;  figures  47,  48. 

1924.  Hoplopleura  pac if  tea  Ewing,  Bishop  Museum  Bulletin  14:9;  figure  lb,  e . 
1932.  Hoplopleura  oenomydis  Ferris,  Ferris,  Bishop  Museum  Bulletin  98:121; 
figures  38a_k,  39- 

1947.  Hoplopleura  oenomydis  Ferris,  Pritchard,  The  Journal  of  Parasitology 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Oenomys  hypoxanthus  at  Molo,  British 
East  Africa.  Also  recorded  from  Dasymys  incomtus  and  Grammomys  (as  Tham- 
nomys)  surdaster  from  British  East  Africa;  from  Rattus  exulans  (as  calc l s) 
and  Rattus  mearnsl  from  the  Philippine  Islands.  Described  by  Ewing  as  Hop¬ 
lopleura  pacifica  from  Rattus  exulans  (as  hawaiiensis)  trom  the  Hawaiian 
Islands  and  recorded  from  this  same  host  from  the  Marquesas  Islands.  It 
has  recently  been  shown  to  be  the  most  common  louse  on  Rattus  norveiicus  in 

southeastern  United  States.  . 

NOTES.  Hopkins  has  recently  expressed  doubt  concerning  the  synonymy  in 
dicated  above,  considering  it  to  be  "extremely  improbable  that  all  the 
published  records  can  refer  to  Hoplopleura  oenomydis.  _  A  re-exam  mat  ion  ol 
all  the  available  material  reveals  no  reason  for  altering  the  opinions  pre 
viously  expressed  by  Ferris  in  regard  to  the  matter,  whatever  the  iraproba 

bilities"  may  be. 

Hoplopleura  oryzomydis  Pratt  and  Lane 

1951.  Hoplopleura  oryzomydis  Pratt  and  Lane,  Journal  ol  Parasitology  3< • 

HOSTS  AND’  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Oryzomys  palustris,  Oatland  Island, 
Chatham  County,  Georgia,  and  other  specimens  from  the  same  host  species  in 
Delaware,  South  Carolina,  and  Florida,  United  States. 

Hoplopleura  oxymycteri  Ferris 

1921  Hoplopleura  oxymycteri  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  ol 
the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:122;  figures  79,  80. 

HOSTS  .AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Oxymycterus  par  omens  is  at  Occabamba  Pass, 



Hoplopleura  oenomydis  Ferris 

Figure  59 


v  fed 


para  tergal  plates 

thoracic  sternal  plate 

female  genitalia 
Hoplopleura  oenomydis  Ferris, details 

male  U  genitalia 

Figure  60 


Hoplopleura  pectinata  Cummings 

1913*  Hoplopleura  pectinata  Cummings,  Bulletin  of  Entomological  Research 


1921.  Hoplopleura  pectinata  Cummings,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice.  Part  2:99;  figures  61,  62. 

1929.  Ctenura  pectinata  (Cummings),  Ewing,  A  Manual  of  External  Parasites, 
page  199. 

1932.  Hoplopleura  pectinata  Cummings,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:282. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  from  Rattus  (as  Epimys)  surifer  at 
Biserat,  Jalor,  Malay  Peninsula,  and  later  recorded  from  the  same  host  from 
Trong,  lower  Siam. 

NOTES.  This  species  has  been  designated  as  type  of  the  genus  Ctenura,  a 
genus  which  is  here  rejected. 

Hoplopleura  pelomydis  Ferris 

1921.  Hoplopleura  enormis  pelomydis  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:96;  figures  58A,  59 A. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  as  from  Pelomys  fallax,* Summit  Sagalla, 
British  East  Africa.  Also  recorded  from  Lemniscomys  striatus  (in  part  as 
pulchellus)  from  the  Cameroons  and  from  British  East  Africa.  It  is  probable 
that  the  species  of  Lemniscomys  are  th£  true  hosts. 

Hoplopleura  phaiomydis  Ferris 

1921.  Hoplopleura  phaiomydis  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of 
the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:120;  figures  77, 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Recorded  as  from  an  undetermined  species  of 
Phaiomys  from  East  Ladak,  Kashmir.  Hopkins  has  ascertained  that  the  host 
species  was  Phaiomys  blythi,  which  Ellender  considers  to  be  a  synonym  of 
Phaiomys  leucurus. 

Hoplopleura  quadridentata  (Neumann) 

1909.  Haematopinus  ( Polyplax )  quadridentatus  (Neumann),  Archives  de  Para^- 
sitologie  13:5:3-15;  figures  13-14. 

1921.  Hoplopleura  quadridentata  (Neumann),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:87;  figures  52,  53B,  C,  E. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Recorded  by  Neumann  from  Holochilus  squamipes, 
which  apparently  is  Nectomys  squamipes,  from  Haut  Peru.  Later  recorded  by 
Ferris  from  this  same  host  at  Sapucay ,  Paraguay,  and  from  Nectomys  palmipes, 
which  is  perhaps  the  same  as  squamipes,  from  the  island  of  Trinidad;  from 
Orizomys  fulvescens  from  Orizaba,  Mexico;  and  from  Oryzomys  rostratus  from 
Alta  Mira,  Tamaulipas,  Mexico. 

hoplopleura  reducta  Ferris 

1921.  Hoplopleura  reducta  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:124;  figure  81. 

1935-  Hoplopleura  reducta  Ferris,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph 
of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  8:615. 

HOSTS  AND  Dl STRI 11! TION .  Described  as  from  phyllotis  micropus  from  Todos 
Santos,  Guatemala.  Later  recorded  from  an  undetermined  host  from  unspeci¬ 
fied  locality  in  South  Anerica. 


Hoplopleura  reithrodontomydis  Ferris,  new  species 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIUJTION .  Type  from  a  female  Reithrodontonys  dorsalis, 
Todos  Santos,  Guatemala,  U.S.N.M.  skin  number  76917.  ParaLypes  from  Heith- 
rodontomys  australis,  Volcan  de  Irazu,  Costa  Rica,  U.S.N.M.  skin  number 
116623,  and  Reithrodontomys  chrysopsis,  Ajusco,  near  Mexico  City,  Mexico. 

CHARACTERS.  Female  in  all  respects  identical  with  Hoplopleura  hesper 
omydis,  except  for  the  shape  of  the  paratergites  of  abdominal  segment  seven, 
which  in  hesperomydis  have  both  dorsal  and  ventral  lobes  definitely  acute 
apically,  while  in  reithrodontomydis  the  dorsal  lobe  is  broad  and  apicaily 
truncate  or  slightly  emarginate.  All  of  the  rather  numerous  specimens  at 
hand  from  the  three  host  species  and  three  localities  agree  very  closely. 
An  extended  description  and  illustrations  of  the  species  will  be  presented 

Hoplopleura  rukenyae  Ferris 

1921.  Hoplopleura  sukenyae  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:86;  figure  51*  (Misspelling) 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Known  from  a  single  male  from  Hus  triton,  Mount 
Rukenya,  British  East  Africa. 

NOTES.  Mr.  G.  h.  E.  Hopkins  has  called  attention  to  the  fact  that  the 
type  locality  of  this  species  is  more  commonly,  and  perhaps  more  correctly, 
spelled  Rukenya  rather  than  Sukenya.  It  is  probable  that  an  error  in  read¬ 
ing  a  label  was  committed  and  under  these  circumstances  it  seems  justifi¬ 
able  to  change  the  spelling  of  the  specific  name  to  rukenyae. 

Hoplopleura  sciuricola  Ferris 

1921.  Hoplopleura  sciuricola  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of 

the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:110;  figures  69,  70. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Sciurus  carollnensis  at  Bayou  St. 
Louis,  Mississippi.  Also  recorded  from  other  species  of  Sciurus  as  follows: 
hudsonicus  iu  Alaska,  douglasi  in  California,  ignitus  in  Peru,  nesaeus  in 
Venezuela,  variabllts  in  Colombia,  and  undetermined  species  in  Bolivia  and 

Hoplopleura  somereni  Waterston 

1923.  Hoplopleura  somereni  Waterston,  Bulletin  of  Entomological  Research 
14:99;  figure  lb,  c,  d;  figure  2c,  d. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Dasymys  helukus  atWamia,  Okedi  Camp,  Kenya. 

Hoplopleura  travassosi  Werneck 

1932.  Hoplopleura  travassosi  Werneck,  Revista  Medico-Cirurgica  do  Brasil, 
anno  40:345;  figure. 

1934.  Hoplopleura  travassosi  Werneck,  Memorias  do  Instituto  Oswalno  uruz 

27:409;  figures  1-6.  D  . 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION,  type  from  Oryzomys  flavescens  at  Angra  dos  Keis, 
state  of  Rio  de  Janeiro,  Brasil.  Also  recorded  from  Kannabateomys  amblyonyx 
and  Oxymycterus  judex  at  the  same  locality. 

Hoplopleura  trispinosa  Kellogg  and  Ferris 

191^.  Hoplopleura  trispinosa  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  Anoplura  and  Mailophaga 
of  North  American  Mammals,  Stanford  University  Publications,  Uni¬ 
versity  Series  (no  volume  number),  page  22;  text  figure  8;  Plate 
4.  figure  3.  ^ 

1921.  Hoplopleura  trispinosa  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  Ferris,  Contributions 
Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:115;  figures  73>  74. 
1929.  Euhoplopleura  trispinosa  (Kellogg  and  Ferris),  Ewing,  A  Manual  of 
External  Parasites,  pages  135>  199* 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  T>pe  from  Glaucomys  sabrinus,  Brownsville,  Ore¬ 
gon.  Also  recorded  from  the  same  host  at  Yosemite  National  Park,  Califor¬ 
nia,  and  from  Glaucomys  volans  from  Maryland. 

NOTES.  This  species  has  been  designated  as  type  of  the  genus  Euhoplo¬ 
pleura,  which  is  here  rejected. 

Hoplopleura  veprecula  Ferris 

1921.  Hoplopleura  veprecula  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of 
the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:105;  figures  64B,  66A,  C,  F. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Tatera  boehmi  at  South  Guaso  Nyiro,  Brit¬ 
ish  East  Africa. 


1923*  Pterophthirus  Ewing,  Journal  of  the  Washington  Academy  of  Sciences 

1932.  Pterophthirus,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Suck¬ 
ing  Lice,  Part  5:280. 

GENERIC  TYPE.  Hoplopleura  alata  Ferris.  Three  other  species  are  here 
referred  to  the  genus. 

CHARACTERS.  Hoplopleurinae  with  f ive-segmenced  antennae.  Paratergal 
plates  of  abdominal  segment  two  produced  into  a  long,  tapering,  blade-like 
process  which  projects  from  the  body.  First  sternal  plate  of  abdominal 
segment  three  not  produced  laterally  to  articulate  with  the  corresponding 
paratergal  plates.  Otherwise  essentially  as  in  Hoplopleura. 

NOTES.  This  genus  is  very'  close  to  Hoplopleura,  differing  from  the  lat¬ 
ter  only  in  the  form  of  the  paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  two. 
Even  here  it  appears  from  the  illustrations  presented  in  connection  with 
the  description  of  Pterophthirus  imitans  Werneck  that  this  species  is  some¬ 
what  of  an  intermediate  between  the  two  genera.  As  known  at  present  the 
genus  is  confined  to  South  American  rodents. 

The  four  known  species  may  be  separated  by  the  following  key. 

Key  to  Species  of  PTEROPHTHIRUS 

1.  Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  3-4  each  with  the  ventral,  api¬ 

cal  angle  produced  into  an  acute  point . 2 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  3~4  with  the  ventral  apical  an¬ 
gle  not  at  all  produced . ’ . 3 

2.  Paratergal  plates  of  segments  3-5  with  both  dorsal  and  ventral,  apical 

angles  produced  into  an  acute  point . IMITANS 

Paratergal  plates  of  segments  3^5  with  the  ventral,  apical  angle  pro¬ 
duced  into  an  acute  point,  the  dorsal  angle  broadly  truncate .WERNECK1 

3.  Paratergal  plates  of  segments  3~4  with  the  dorsal,  apical  angle  pro¬ 

duced  into  a  point . ALATA 

Paratergal  plates  of  segments  3-4  with  the  dorsal,  apical  lobe  broadly 
truncate . AUDAX 

Pterophthirus  alata  (Ferris) 

Figures  61,  62 

1921.  Hoplopleura  alata  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:127;  figures  84,  85- 


Pterophthirus  alata  (Ferris) 

Figure  61 



1923-  Pterophthirus  alata  (Ferris),  Ewing,  Journal  of  the  Washington  Acad 
emy  of  Sciences  13:147. 

1942.  Pterophthirus  alata  (Ferris),  Werneck,  Kevista  Brasil iera  di  Bio- 
logia  2(3): 317. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Recorded  by  Ferris  l'rom  Hicrocavia  (as  Kero  Ion) 
australis  from  the  Upper  Rio  Chico,  Patagonia,  Argentina,  and  later  record¬ 
ed  by  Werneck  from  the  same  host  (as  Cauiella)  from  the  provinces  ol  Jujuy 
and  Catamarca,  in  Argentina. 

Pterophthirus  andax  (Ferris) 

1921.  Hoplopleura  audax  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  2:125;  figures  82,  83. 

I923.  Pterophthirus  audax  (Ferris) ,  Ewing,  Journal  of  the  Washington  Acad¬ 
emy  of  Sciences  13:148. 

1923.  Pterophthirus  audax  (Ferris),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice.  Pttrt  5 - 281  *  < 

1942.  Pterophthirus  audax  (Ferris) ,  Werneck,  Revista  Brasiliera  di  Biolog- 

ia  2(3):317. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Types  from  Proechimys  semispinosus  and  other 
specimens  from  Proechimys  (as  Nelomys)  mincae  at  San  Javier,  North  Ecuador. 
Recorded  by  Werneck  from  Proechimys  oris  at  Abiete,  Para,  Brasil. 

Pterophthirus  imitans  Werneck 

1942.  Pterophthirus  imitans  Werueck,  Revista  Brasiliera  di  Biologia  2(3): 

317;  figures.  , 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Cavia  aperea,  Santo  Amaro,  state  ol  Sao 

Paulo,  Brasil. 

Pterophthirus  wernecki  GuimarSLes 

1950.  Pterophthirus  wernecki,  Papeis  Avulsos  do  Departamento  de 
Zoologia,  Secretaria  da . Agricultura,  SSo  Paulo,  Brasil  9:8:83; 

figures.  .  f 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Proechimys  iherinti  at  Boraceia,  state  01 

SSo  Paulo,  Brasil. 


1922.  S chizophthirus  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Suck 
ing  Lice,  Part  3:143. 

1932.  Hasellus  Jancke,  Zeitschrift  tiir  Paras itenkunde  4: 33^.  . 

GENERIC  TYPE.  Pediculus  pleurophaeus  Burmeister,  by  original  designa¬ 
tion.  One  other  species  is  included  in  the  genus. 

GENERIC  SYNONY’M.  Hasellus  Jancke,  by  community  of  type. 

CHARACTERS.  Hoplopleurinae  with  five-segmented  antennae.  Abdominal 
segments ,  exclusive  of  the  usual  terminal  and  genital  segments,  without 
tergal  or  sternal  plates  in  the  female  except  for  plates  belonging  appar¬ 
ently  to  segments  one  to  three.  Male  with  such  plates  on  all  segments. 
Female  with  three  rows  of  setae  on  most  of  the  segments  both  dorsalh .a  < 
ventrallv,  the  male  with  one  row  on  each  segment  both  dor sally  and  ventral^ 
lv.  Sternal  plate  of  segment  two  divided  longitudinally  into  two  much  ex 
nanded  Dlates,  each  of  which  articulates  by  means  of  a  process  with  the 
corresponding  paratergal  plate  and  each  of  which  bears  on  its  posterior 

border  2-3  stout,  thorn-like  setae.  f  -i  aiiridae 

The  members  of  this  genus  occur  on  rodents  ot  the  lamily  Giindae. 


Key  to  Species  of  SCHIZOPHTHIRUS 

Dorsal  and  ventral  lobes  of  the  paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  3~6 
deeply  divided  into  2  very  unequal  lobes,  the  dorsal  lobe  being  much  nar¬ 
rower  than  the  ventral  lobe;  known  from  the  European  genera  Muscardinus 

and  Eliomys... . PLEUROPHAEUS 

Paratergal  plates  of  these  abdominal  segments  not  thus  deeply  divided,  and 
with  the  lobes  equal;  known  from  the  genus  Graphiurus  in  Africa. GRAPHIURI 

Schizophthirus  graphiuri  Ferris 

1922.  Schizophthirus  graphiuri  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of 
the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  3:147;  figures  93A,  96,  97. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Graphiurus  murinus  from  British  East 
Africa  and  recorded  also  as  from  Graphiurus  murinus  (as  raptor)  from  the 
same  region;  from  Graphiurus  nanus  from  Natal,  South  Africa;  from  Graphiurus 
alticola,  locality  not  specified  in  available  reference. 

Schizophthirus  pleurophaeus  (Burmeister) 

Figures  63,  64 

1839-  Pediculus  pleurophaeus  Burmeister,  Genera  Insectorum,  Rhynchota, 
Number  7. 

1922.  Schizophthirus  pleurophaeus  (Burmeister),  Ferris,  Contributions 
Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  3:145;  figures  94,  95- 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Dryomys  nitedula  (as  Myoxys  nitella) 
from  somewhere  in  Europe.  Also  recorded  from  Eliomys  quercinus  (as  pall idus) 
from  Italy  and  from  Muscardinus  avellanar ius  from  Germany. 

Subfamily  HYBOPHTHIRINAE  Ferris,  new  subfamily 

DESCRIPTION  OF  THE  SUBFAMILY.  Hoplopleuridae  in  which  there  is  no  ex¬ 
ternal  indication  of  eyes.  The  most  distinctive  character  is  the  presence 
of  a  short,  claw-like  structure  which  arises  beside  the  true  claw  on  the 
anterior  legs.  Paratergal  plates  present  on  abdominal  segments  2-8  or  3-8, 
with  at  least  one  of  the  posterior  apical  angles  forming  a  lobe  or  point 
which  is  free  from  the  body  wall.  Abdomen  with  but  a  single  row  of  setae 
on  any  segment,  both  dorsally  and  ventrally,  in  either  sex  and  without 
sclerotized  tergal  and  sternal  plates  other  than  those  normally  present  on 
the  terminal  and  genitalic  segments,  except  at  times  in  the  male.  Antennae 
five-segmented,  sexually  dimorphic  only  to  the  extent  that  the  male  may 
bear  a  single  enlarged  seta  near  its  apex. 

Occurring  on  African  mammals  of  the  rodent  family  Echimyidae,  subfamilies 
Thryonomyinae  and  Petromyinae,  and  the  family  Orycteropodidae  of  the  Order 

NOTES.  A  considerable  amount  of  doubt  is  felt  concerning  the  validity 
of  this  subfamily.  The  presence  of  the  peculiar  claw-like  structure  along¬ 
side  the  true  claw  on  the  front  tarsi  seems  to  link  the  included  species  and 
there  are  no  other  characters  which  specifically  deny  such  an  association. 

Webb  referred  the  two  included  genera  to  the  Haematopinidae,  but  the 
present  writer  is  quite  unable  to  agree  with  this  assignment. 

Key  to  the  Genera  of  HYBOPHTHIRINAE 

Hindhead  almost  triangular,  the  lateral  margins  strongly  convergent;  occur¬ 

ring  on  the  genus  Orycteropus  of  the  Order  Tubulidentata . HYBOPHTHIRUS 

Hindhead  with  the  lateral  margins  approximately  parallel;  occurring  on  rod¬ 
ents  of  the  family  Echiiqyidae . SCIPIO 


Schizophthirus  pleurophaeus  (Burmeister) 

Figure  63 


2nd  stcrnite 

3rd  claw 

paratergal  pl<de 

nude  genitalia 

Schizophthirus  pleurophaeus  (Burmeister), details 

Figure  64 

Genus  HYBOPHTHIRUS  Enderlein 

1909.  Hybophthirus  Enderlein,  Kenkschrift  der  medicinishen-naturwissen 
schaft-ichen  Gesellschaft  zu  Jena  14:79* 

1922.  Hybophthirus ,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Suck¬ 
ing  Lice,  Fart  3-175* 

GENERIC  TYPE*  Hybophthirus  orycteropodi  Enderleiu,  which  is  a  synonym 
of  the  earlier  described  Haematopinus  notophallus  Neumann. 

CHARACTERS*  llybophthirinae  in  which  the  head  is  short  and  broad,  sharp¬ 
ly  expanded  posterior  to  the  antennae  and  then  constricting  sharply,  the 
hindhead  being  almost  triangular.  Thorax  without  any  sternal  plate;  pro- 
thoracic  sternal  apophyses  present,  forming  a  pair  of  pits  on  the  ventral 
side;  with  the  metanotum  forming  a  distinct,  apically  tree  lobe  at  each 
posterior  angle.  First  pair  of  legs  slender,  with  slender  claw;  second  and 
third  legs  equal  to  each  other,  large  and  stout,  with  stout  claw.  Abdomen 
with  paratergal  plates  present  on  segments  2-8,  each  with  the  posterior, 
dorsal  angle  prolonged  into  an  apicaily  rounded,  free  lobe.  Abdomen  with 
but  one  row  of  small  setae  across  each  segment,  both  dorsally  and  veutrally, 
in  both  sexes. 

Hybophthirus  notophallus  (Neumann) 
Figures  65,  66 

1909.  Haematopinus  notophallus  Neumann,  Jahresbericht  des  Nassauische  Ver- 
eins  fur  Naturkunde  in  Wiesbaden,  page  2. 

1909.  Hybophthirus  notophallus  Enderlein,  Denkschrift  der  medicinischen- 
naturwissenschaft-ichen  Gesellschaft  zu  Jena  14:79-80;  Plate  8, 
figures  1-3* 

1922.  Hybophthirus  notophallus  (Neumann),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  3:176;  figures  117-118. 

HOSTS  AN  ^DISTRIBUTION.  Neumann's  types  were  from  Orycteropus  afer 
{■=-capensls)  ,  the  "Cape  ant  bear,  "at  "Gochas,  Afrique  occidentale  allemande," 
and  Enderlein's  types  were  from  the  same  host  in  "Klein— Namaland,  Umgebung 
von  Steinkopf."  The  species  has  later  been  recorded  from  the  same  host  in 
South  Africa. 

NOTES*  The  priority  of  Neumann's  specific  name  over  that  applied  by 
Enderlein  has  been  pointed  out  by  Cummings.  The  accompanying  illustrations 
are  from  specimens  from  the  type  host  in  the  Zoological  Garden  at  Pretoria, 
South  Africa. 

Genus  SCIPIO  Cummings 

1913*  Sclpio  Cummings,  Bulletin  of  Entomological  Research  3:393- 

1916.  Neumannel lus  Fahrenholz,  Archiv  fur  Naturgeschichte ,  Abteilung  A, 


1922.  Scipio,  Ferris, Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking 

Lice,  Part  3:170.  ^  n 

1936*  Bed  ford  i  a  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrilt  iiir  Parasitenkunde  9.  bp. 

"GENERIC  TYPE.  Haematopinus  aulacodi  Neumann,  the  only  included  species 
at  the  time  of  the  naming  of  the  genus.  Heumannellus  Fahrenholz  has  the 
same  type.  Bedfordia  Fahrenholz,  type  Scipio  tripedatus  Ferns,  is  here 

considered  to  be  a  synonym.  ...  ,  , 

CHARACTERS.  Head  with  the  posterior  lateral  margins  more  or  less  nearly 

parallel.  Antennae  of  the  male  with  the  third  segment  somewhat  modified  by 
the  presence  of  a  stout,  subapical,  dorsal  seta.  Thorax  at  the  most  with  a 
verv  small  sternal  plate  which  is  not  apically  or  marginally  tree.  Poste 
rior- lateral  angle  of  the  metathorax  dorsally  with  a  pronounced  lobe,  ex 
cept  that  this  is  weakly  developed  in  one  species.  Abdomen  with  definite 


paratergal  plates  on  segments  3-8*  Female  in  all  the  species  with  the  ab¬ 
domen  membranous  except  for  the  usual  ninth  tergite  and  the  genital  plate; 
male  in  two  species  with  a  single,  very  small,  tergal  plate  on  each  of  most 
of  the  segments.  Anterior  legs  small  and  with  slender  claw  with  a  short, 
claw-like  process  arising  beside  it.  Middle  and  posterior  legs  enlarged 
and  with  stout  claw  or  middle  legs  larger  and  stouter  than  the  posterior 

NOTES.  Four  species,  one  probably  invalid,  are  here  referred  to  this 
genus.  Of  these,  one — Scipio  tripedatus  Ferris — is  a  rather  peculiar  form, 
having  the  middle  legs  enlarged  and  with  stout  claw,  hut  the  posterior  legs 
definitely  smaller  and  with  slender  claw.  Fahrenholz  has  considered  this 
sufficient  to  justify  the  erection  of  a  new  genus,  Bedfordia,  but  this  is 
not  accepted  here,  as  the  relationships  of  the  species  seem  very  definitely 
to  he  with  Scipio.  All  the  species  occur  upon  hosts  of  the  rodent  family 
Echimy idae. 

Key  to  Species  of  SCIPIO 

One  supposed  species,  longiceps  Ewing,  is  omitted  from  this  key. 

1.  Middle  legs  larger  than  posterior  legs  and  with  stouter  claw. TRIPEDATUS 

Middle  and  posterior  legs  of  approximately  equal  size . 2 

2.  Head  very  noticeably  elongate . AULACODI 

Head  but  slightly  longer  than  broad . BREVICEPS 


male  fjenitalia 

Hybophthirus  notophallus  (Neumann), details 

female  genitalia 

Figure  66 

tst  claw 


Scipio  aulacodi  (Neumann) 

Figures  67,  68 

1911.  Haematopinus  aulacodi  Neumann,  Archives  de  Parasitologie  14:403- 
fi -.mres  5-7. 

1913.  Scipio  aulacodi  (Neumann),  Cummings,  Bulletin  ol  Entomological  Re¬ 
search  3:393-  _  ,  M  . 

1922  Scipio  aulacodi  (Neumann),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  aMonogiap 
of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  3:170;  figures  113-114- 
HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Originally  described  from  Thryonomys  (- Aulacodus ) 
suinderianus  from  Dahomey,  Africa.  Later  recorded  from  Thryonomys  sp-, 
Mfon.ros,  Zululand,  and  from  Thryonomys  suinderianus  (  aulacodus)  vaneta.J. 
from= Rust enburg,  Transvaal  District,  South  Africa.  The  hosts  are  mem! pis 
of  the  rodent  family  Echimyidae. 


Scipio  aulacodi  (Neumann) 

Figure  67 

Scipio  breviceps  Ferris 

1922.  Scipio  breviceps  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  3:173>  figures  114,  115,  116. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Originally  described  from  Thryonomys  sp.,  Zulu- 
land,  and  later  recorded  by  Bedford  from  Thryonomys  swinderianus  variegatus. 
The  hosts  are  members  of  the  rodent  family  Echimyidae. 

Scipio  longiceps  Ewing 

1937-  Scipio  longiceps  Ewing,  Proceedings  of  the  Helminthological  Society 
of  Washington,  page  81;  figure  29. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Thryonomys  gregor  pus  Ulus  from  Majiya- 
cgumvi ,  British  East  Africa.  The  host  is  a  member  of  the  rodent  family 

NOTES.  The  description  and  very  inadequate  accompanying  illustration, 


female  genitalia  male  genitalia 

Scipio  aulacodi  (Neumann), details  Figure  68 


both  based  upon  the  male  alone,  offer  no  convincing  evidence  that  this 
species  is  distinct  from  Scipio  aulacodi. 

Scipio  tripedatus  Ferris 

1932.  Scipio  tripedatus  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:285;  figures  173-175* 

1936*  Bedfordia  tripedata  (Ferris),  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fur  Parasiten- 
kunde  9:55* 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION*  Type  from  a  "rock  rat,"  one  of  the  species  of 
the  genus  Petromus  {-Petromys )  without  locality  other  than  South  Africa  and 
also  recorded  from  Petromus  typicus  tropicalis ,  Windhoek,  South  Africa,  and 
from  Petromus  sp .  at  Khan  River,  Southwest  Africa.  The  hosts  are  members 
of  the  rodent  family  Echimyidae. 

NOTES.  This  species  has  been  designated  as  type  of  the  genus  Bedfordia 
Fahrenholz,  but  this  genus  is  here  rejected. 

Subfamily  PEDICININAE  Enderlein 

1904.  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  28:136,  138. 

DESCRIPTION  OF  THE  SUBFAMILY.  Hoplopleuridae  in  which  distinct  eyes  are 
present  as  external  lenses  accompanied  in  life  by  pigment  spots.  Antennae 
five-segmented,  the  last  three  segments  at  times  more  or  less  fused  togeth¬ 
er;  sexually  dimorphic,  the  males  having  a  small,  stout  seta  on  the  dorsal 
side  of  each  of  the  last  three  segments.  Paratergal  plates  present  on  ab¬ 
dominal  segments  4-6  or  5-6  in  the  form  of  distinct  plates  of  which  at 
least  one  of  the  apical  angles  is  free  from  the  body.  Abdomen  otherwise 
membranous  except  for  the  usual  terminal  and  genitalic  plates.  Spiracles 
present  on  abdominal  segments  3-8.  Legs  variable  in  form,  either  all  more 
or  less  similar  and  relatively  slender  or  the  first  pair  slender  and  the 
others  larger  and  stouter.  Gonopods  of  segment  eight  of  the  female  always 
obsolete,  their  position  represented  only  by  a  row  of  setae.  Gonopods  of 
segment  nine  likewise  represented  merely  by  a  row  of  setae,  the  apex  of  the 
body  never  with  lobes  or  processes.  Genitalia  of  the  male  always  with  par- 
ameres  which  are  fused  basally  to  the  base  of  the  aedeagus. 

Occurring  on  Old  World  monkeys  of  the  superfamily  Cercopithecoidea. 

NOTES.  The  removal  of  the  genus  Pedicinus  from  the  family  Pediculidae, 
with  which  it  has  long  been  associated,  has  been  decided  upon  only  after 
much  doubt.  The  morphological  community  with  the  Pediculidae  has  lain  only 
in  the  presence  of  distinct  eyes,  but  it  is  now  known  that  the  eyes  are 
present  in  various  forms  and  they  presumably  mean  nothing  more  than  the  re¬ 
tention  of  a  primitive  character  which  was  once  common  to  all  the  lice.  In 
the  remainder  of  its  morphology  Pedicinus  departs  as  widely  from  Pediculus 
as  do  most  of  the  other  genera.  Even  the  spiracles,  which  have  been  in¬ 
sisted  upon  by  Webb  as  indices  to  relationship,  have  not  been  claimed  by 
him  to  have  any  special  resemblance  to  those  of  the  Pediculidae.  In  other 
respects  the  members  of  the  genus  approach  quite  closely  various  forms  of 
the  Hoplopleuridae  and,  considering  the  morphological  evidence,  there  have 
been  but  two  alternatives  apparent.  One  of  these  is  to  mime  a  new  family 
for  the  genus  Pedicinus .  The  other  is  to  regard  this  genus  as  constituting 
a  subfamily  of  the  Hoplopleuridae.  The  second  alternative  has  been  chosen. 

The  removal  of  Pedicinus  from  the  Pediculidae  and  its  assignment  to  the 
Hoplopleuridae  will  doubtless  be  viewed  with  horror  by  those  whose  ideas  of 
the  relationship  of  the  various  genera  of  lice  are  at  least  colored — if  not 
determined — by  the  relationships  of  the  hosts.  The  genus  Pedicinus,  being 
from  a  Primate,  ought  to  be  related  to  Pediculus,  but  the  morphological  ev¬ 
idence  does  not  support  such  a  relationship.  Possibly  future  workers  will 
see  some  other  solution  of  the  difficulty. 


Genus  PEDICINUS  Gervais 

1844.  Pedlclnus  Gervais,  In  Walckenaer's  Histoire  naturelle  des  insectes 
up teres  3 *  30 1 - 

1912.  Phthirpedicinus  Fahrenholz,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  39:64. 

1916.  Neopedictrius  Fahrenholz,  Archiv  ftir  Naturgeschichte,  Abteilung  A, 


1934.  Pedicinus ,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking 
Lice,  Fart  7 :5U2. 

GENERIC  TYPE.  The  question  of  just  what  name  the  type  of  this  genus 
shouLd  bear  is  open  to  a  difference  of  opinion,  the  genus  having  been  based 
upon  a  niisidenti  f ied  species.  The  genus  was  based  by  Gervais  upon  speci¬ 
mens  which  he  identified  as  being  the  Pediculus  euryiaster  of  Burmeister, 
but  which  on  the  basis  of  his  description  and  illustrations  was  clearly 
misideutified.  The  opinion  is  here  held  that  the  generic  name  belongs  with 
the  species  which  he  actually  had  before  him  and  upon  which  he  based  his 
generic  concept,  not  with  the  species  which  belongs  with  the  name  that  he 
mistakenly  employed.  The  questiou  then  remains  as  to  what  species  Gervais 
actually  had. 

Ferris  has  maintained  that  in  all  probability  it  was  the  species  later 
described  by  Piaget  as  Pedicinus  loniiceps.  Hopkins,  however,  has  main¬ 
tained  the  opinion  that  longiceps  should  be  regarded  as  a  synonym  of  the 
earlier  name  Haematopinus  obtusus  Rudow.  This  opinion  is  here  reluctantly 
accepted  and  the  type  of  the  genus  Pedicinus  thus  may  be  given  as  Haemato¬ 
pinus  obtusus  Rudow. 

GENERIC  SYNONYMS.  Neopedicinus  Fahrenholz,  type  Heopediclnus  patas  Fah¬ 
renholz;  Phthirpedicinus  Fahrenholz,  type  Phthirpedicinus  micropilosus  Fah¬ 
renholz,  which  is  here  considered  to  be  a  synonym  of  Pedicinus  euryiaster 
(Burmeister) . 

CHARACTERS.  With  the  same  characters  as  the  subfamily,  of  which  it  is 
the  only  included  genus. 

NOTES.  In  the  opinion  of  the  writer  there  is  no  justification  for  the 
two  genera  named  by  Fahrenholz,  although  the  names  are  available  should 
future  workers  desire  to  employ  them. 





Key  to  Species  of  PEDICINUS 

With  but  2  pairs  of  paratergal  plates  on  the  abdomen . EURYGASTER 

With  3  pairs  of  free  paratergal  plates  on  the  abdomen . 2 

All  legs  of  essentially  the  same  size  and  form . . . 3 

Secondhand  third  pairs  of  legs  definitely  stouter  and  with  heavier  claw 

than  the  first  pair . * . . . 

|p,rc  verv  Ion ^  and  slender;  penis  of  the  male  apically  acutelj  pointed. 

Le'rs  not  thus  long  and  slender . . . . . ;4 

Female  with  the  genital  plate  trapezoidal  and  with  the  posterior  margin 
deeply  emarginate ;  male  with  the  penis  apically  flattened  and  pro¬ 
duced  into  two  slight  points . . .  .ALBIDUS 

Female  with  the  genital  plate  transversely  narrow;  male  with  the  penis 

merely  slightly  swollen  at  the  apex . OBTUSUS 

With  small  paratergal  sclerotization  on  segments  t-S,  in  addition  to 
the  3  pairs  of  paratergal  plates  in  both  male  and  female. ..... .PICTI  5 

Without  such  sclerotizations  in  addition  to  the  three  pairs  ol  parater¬ 
gal  plates . . . 

Penis  of  the  male  with  a  tooth  on  each  side  just  anterior  to  the  apex.. 


Penis  of  the  male  without  such  preapical  teeth . PATAS 

Pedicinus  albidus  (Rudow) 

1869-  Haematopinus  albidus  Rudow,  Zeitschrift  fur  die  gesamten  Naturwis- 
senschaften  34:168. 

1934.  Pedicinus  albidus  (Rudow),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph 
of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  7:511;  figure  296. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  the  "barbary  ape,"  Macaca  s’jlvanus. 
Ferris  has  recorded  the  species  from  the  same  host  from  Morocco  and  in  the 
London  Zoological  Garden. 

Pedicinus  ancoratus  Ferris 

1934.  Pedicinus  ancoratus  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  7:518;  figures  299,  300A,  F,  H,  I. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Presbytis  pullata,  Pulo  Sebang,  East 
Sumatra.  Also  recorded  from  Presbytis  cristata  and  Presbytis  germaini  from 
the  Malayan  region,  from  Presbytis  schistacea  from  Kashmir,  from  Presbytis 
rubicunda  from  Borneo,  doubtfully  from  Pygathrix  priamus  from  Ceylon. 

Pedicinus  eurygaster  (Burmeister) 

1838.  Pediculus  eurygaster  Burmeister,  Genera  Insectorum,  Rhynchota,  Spe¬ 
cies  21. 

1864.  Pediculus  microps  Nitzsch,  Giebel,  Zeitschrift  fiir  die  gesamten  Na- 
turwissenschaften  23:32. 

1880.  Pedicinus  eurygaster  (Burmeister),  Piaget,  Les  Pediculines,  page  630. 
(In  part) 

1880.  Pedicinus  longiceps  Piaget,  Les  Pediculines,  page  632.  (In  part) 

1880.  Pedicinus  breviceps  Piaget,  Les  Pediculines,  page  632.  (In  part) 

1881.  Pedicinus  piageti  Stroebelt,  -Jahresbericht  der  zoologischen  Sektion 

des  Westfalischen  provincial-Vereins  fiir  Wissenschaft  und  Kunst 
9:82;  Plate  1,  figure  3* 

1912.  Phthirpedicinus  micropilosus  Fahrenholz,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  39  :  55. 
1932.  Phthirpedicinus  microps  (Nitzsch)  ,  Werneck,  Annales  da  Academia 
Brasiliera  de  Sciencias  4:163;  figures  1-5- 
1934.  Pedicinus  eurygaster  (Burmeister),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  7:521;  figures  303— 30 5 * 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Recorded  by  Burmeister  from  Innuus  sinicus, 
without  locality  data,  presumably  from  a  captive  animal.  Recorded  by  Piaget 
under  three  specific  names  from  Macacus  cynomolgus,  Cercopithecus  cynomol- 
cus,  and  Cercopithecus  mona ;  by  Stroebelt  from  Macacus  erythraeus;  by 
Mj oberg  from  Macacus  silenus ;  by  Fahrenholz  from  Macacus  rhesus  and  silenus 
and  from  Cercopithecus  sp.;  and  by  Ferris  from  a  long  series  of  hosts  of 
the  genera  Macacus,  Pithecus,  and  Rhinopithecus;  from  skins  of  wild  animals 
from  Kashmir,  the  Malayan  area,  and  the  Philippine  Islands.  The  full  list 
will  be  found  in  the  "Host  List"  at  the  end  of  this  volume. 

NOTES.  The  original  description  given  by  Burmeister  fortunately  men¬ 
tions  specifically  the  distinguishing  character  of  this  species,  which  is 
the  presence  of  but  two  pairs  of  abdominal  paratergal  plates.  Since  in  the 
long  series  of  specimens  examined  by  Ferris  no  other  species  having  this 
character  appears,  and  since  the  one  species  that  does  appear  is  frequently 
encountered  on  captive  monkeys,  the  identification  may  be  accepted  as  prac¬ 
tically  certain.  Ferris  was  able  to  examine  the  specimens  of  the  three 
species — eurygaster,  breviceps,  and  longiceps — recorded  by  Piaget  and  found 
all  of  these  to  be  compounded  of  eurygaster  and  obtusus.  It  is  probable 
that  viirious  published  records  under  the  name  of  eurygaster  are  erroneous, 
as  was  the  identification  employed  by  Gervais  when  he  founded  the  genus 


This  species  has  been  designated  as  type  of  the  genus  Phthirpedlc inus, 
which  is  not  here  accepted. 

Pedicinus  hamadryas  Mjbberg 

1910.  Pedicinus  hamadryas  Mjbberg,  Arkiv  for  Zoologi  6:13:172;  figs.  86-87- 
1939.  Pedicinus  hamadryas  Mjoberg,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  7:613;  figures  86,  87- 
HOSTS  .‘AND  DISTRIBUTION-  Type  recorded  as  from  Hamadryas  sp.  from  the 
ZooLogical  Garden  at  Hamburg,  Germany.  Ferris  recorded  the  species-  from  a 
single  specimen  from  "monkey,"  bearing  no  indication  of  place  of  origin. 

Pedicinus  obtusus  (Rudow) 

Figures  69,  70 

1844.  Pedicinus  eurygaster  ( Burmeister) ,  Gervais,  In  Walckenaer1  s  Histoire 
naturelle  des  insectes  apteres  3:301;  Plate  48,  figures  1,  lb. 
(Mis  identification) 

1869-  Haematopinus  obtusus  Rudow,  Zeitschrift  fur  die  gesamten  Naturwis- 
senschaften  34:169- 

1880.  Pedicinus  eurygaster  (Burmeister),  Piaget,  Les  Pediculines,  page  6 30 - 
(Part;  misidenti f ication) 

1880.  Pedicinus  longiceps  Piaget,  Les  Pediculines,  page  632.  (In  part) 
1880.  Pedicinus  breviceps  Piaget,  Les  Pediculines,  page  632.  (In  part) 
1886-  Pedicinus  graciliceps  Piaget,  Les  Pediculines,  Supplement,  page  141. 
1910.  Pedicinus  paralleliceps  Mjoberg,  Arkiv  for  Zoologi  6:13:174;  fig.  88. 
1912.  Pedicinus  rhesi  Fahrenholz,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  39:54. 

1916.  Pedicinus  vulgaris  Fahrenholz,  Archiv  far  Naturgeschichte,  Abteilung 

A,  81:11:32- 

1917.  Pedicinus  parallel  iceps ,  variety  colobi  Fahrenholz,  -Jahrbuch  der 

Hamburgischen  wissenschaftlichen  Anstalten  34:2:3,  8. 

1934.  Pedicinus  long  iceps  Piaget,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph 
of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  7:506;  figures  293-296D. 

1946.  Pedicinus  obtusus  (Rudow),  Hopkins,  Annals  and  Magazine  of  Natural 
History  (Series  11)  12:564. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  The  types  of  Haematopinus  obtusus  Rudow  were 
said  to  be  from  Semnopithecus  maurus,  without  indication  of  locality.  The 
lectotype  selected  from  among  the  material  of  Piaget  is  from  Semnopithecus 
pruinosus.  The  types  of  Pedicinus  graciliceps  Piaget  were  recorded  merely 
as  from  monkey.  The  types  of  Pedicinus  paralleliceps  Mjoberg  were  said  to 
be  from  Hacacus  rhesus.  Pedicinus  vulgaris  Fahrenholz  was  named,  on  the 
basis  of  the  literature  only,  for  the  specimens  recorded  by  Piaget  from 
Innuus  nemestrinus,  these  here  being  considered  actually  to  represent 
Piaget's  Pedicinus  longiceps,  and  therefore  being  obtusus.  All  of  the 
specimens  noted  above  were  apparently  taken  from  captive  animals. 

The  list  of  hosts,  other  than  as  recorded  above,  is  very  long  and  is 
.’iven  in  full  with  all  available  corrections  in  the  host  list  at  the  end  of 
this  volume.  Some  ol  these  records  are  of  specimens  taken  from  captive  an¬ 
imals,  but  others  are  from  wild  animals  or  their  skins,  and  the  indications 
are  that  the  species  may  occur  on  almost  any  Cercopithecoid  monkey.  It  is 
apparently  the  species  which  is  most  likely  to  be  found  on  captive  animals. 

NOTES."  Ferris  was  able  to  examine  the  types  of  the  four  supposed  spe¬ 
cies  recorded  by  Piaget,  of  which  three  were  described  by  Piaget  as  new. 
He  reports  (1934)  that  there  were  but  two  actual  species  recorded  under 
four  names  and  that  in  some  of  the  preparations  both  were  included  on  the 
same  slides.  He  selected  the  lectotypes  for  longiceps  as  indicated  above. 

In  the  same  work  Ferris  placed  Haematopinus  obtusus  Rudow  as  unrecognizr- 
able  other  than  supposedly  as  a  species  of  Pedicinus,  although  he  recorded 


Pedicinus  obtusus  (Rudow) 

Figure  B9 

the  examination  of  specimens  from  the  Hamburg  Museum  which  might  conceiv¬ 
ably  contain  Rudow' s  types.  Hopkins  (1946)  has  adopted  a  different  point 
of  view,  advocating  that  a  neotype  be  selected  from  among  the  specimens  in 
the  Hamburg  Museum.  By  doing  so  no  name  would  be  left  as  belonging  to  an 
unrecognizable  species  and  as  obtusus  antedates  lonHceps  the  latter  would 
become  a  synonym. 

We  need  not  go  into  all  the  arguments  concerning  this  matter.  In  prin¬ 
ciple  the  writer  is  opposed  to  the  replacement  of  any  name,  the  application 
of  which  is  certain,  by  any  name  which  is  at  all  uncertain  or  clouded.  Nor 
is  the  opinion  here  held  that  every  name  which  has  been  proposed  and  of 
which  the  type  is  lost  or  apparently  lost  should  have  a  neotype  named  for 
it.  To  adopt  such  a  procedure  is  to  open  endless  vistas  for  abuse  and 
nomenclator ial  instability.  In  this  particular  case,  however,  there  is 
some  legitimate  argument  for  following  the  suggestion  made  by  Hopkins  and 
for  selecting  a  neotype  from  among  the  specimens  in  the  Hamburg  Museum, 
thus  getting  rid  of  an  unattached  name  that  has  been  cluttering  the  litera¬ 
ture  for  more  than  seventy-five  years.  The  point  is  here  somewhat  reluc¬ 
tantly  conceded  and  the  mime  obtusus  is  employed. 


Pedicinus  obtusus  (Rudow), details  Figure  70 


Pedicinus  patas  (Fahrenholz) 

1916.  Neopedicinus  patas  Fahrenholz,  Archiv  fur  Naturgeschichte,  Abteilung 
A,  81:11:6;  Plate  f,  figure  2;  text  figure  7. 

1934.  Pedicinus  patas  (Fahrenholz),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  7:615;  figure  300G. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  recorded  as  from  Cercopithecus  patas  with¬ 
out  indication  of  locality.  Recorded  by  Ferris  from  Erythrocebus  whitei, 
Lasiopyia  kolbi,  and  Lasiopyia  albogularis  from  East  Africa. 

Pedicinus  pictus  Ferris 

1934.  Pedicinus  pictus  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  7:518;  figures  301>  302. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Colobus  caudatus  from  Mount  Kenya, 
British  East  Africa.  Also  recorded  from  Pygathrix  entellus  from  the  London 
Zoological  Garden. 

Subfamily  P0LYPLAC1NAE  Ferris,  new  subfamily 

DESCRIPTION  OF  THE  SUBFAMILY.  Hoplopleuridae  in  which  the  antennae  are 
always  five-segmented  (with  the  exception  of  one  poorly  described  species 
in  which  they  are  said  to  be  three-segmented)  and  are  very  commonly  sexual¬ 
ly  dimorphic,  the  male  having  the  apical,  preaxial  angle  of  segment  three 
more  or  less  prolonged  and  terminating  in  a  sclerotized  point  or  bearing 
one  or  two  short,  stout,  retrorse  setae  dorsally.  Anterior  legs  (except  in 
one  species)  small  and  with  slender  claw;  middle  legs  larger  than  the  first 
and  with  stouter  claw;  third  legs  (with  the  exception  of  a  few  species  ) 
distinctly  larger  than  the  second  and  with  stouter  claw,  but  not  flattened. 
Paratergal  plates  always  present  on  at  least  one  abdominal  segment  (with 
the  exception  of  one  species  in  which  they  are  entirely  lacking)  and  always 
with  at  least  one  of  the  posterior  angles  forming  a  point  which  is  free 
from  the  body;  never  forming  the  apices  of  spiracle-bearing  abdominal  tuber¬ 
cles;  never  overlapping.  Abdomen  most  commonly  with  well-developed  tergal 
and  sternal  plates;  although  in  a  few  cases  without  such  plates  other  than 
on  the  terminal  and  genitalic  segments.  Sternal  plate  of  segment  two  never 
extended  laterally  to  articulate  with  the  corresponding  paratergites.  Tho¬ 
racic  sternal  plate  well  developed,  except  in  a  few  species  in  which  it  is 

NOTES.  This  subfamily  is  a  bit  difficult  to  define  definitely  because 
of  the  existence  of  a  few  species  which  in  one  respect  or  another  depart 
from  the  normal  form.  Thus  the  genus  Lemurphthirus,  with  one  included 
species,  has  paratergal  plates  only  on  the  second  abdominal  segment,  al¬ 
though  in  other  respects  it  is  a  typical  member  of  the  group.  One  species 
assigned  to  the  genus  Haemodipsus  entirely  lacks  paratergites  and  other  ab¬ 
dominal  plates,  although  an  apparently  closely  related  species  has  parater¬ 
gal  plates,  even  though  they  are  very  small.  In  a  few  species  the  sternal 
plate  of  the  thorax  is  lacking,  although  in  most  species  it  is  well  devel¬ 

These  departures  from  the  normal  form,  however,  are  limited  to  a  few 
species  and  do  not  disturb  the  general  homogeneity  of  the  group. 

The  hosts  of  the  subfami ly  are  found  among  various  groups  of  the  rodents, 
although  a  few  occur  on  insectivores  and  the  Lagomorpha,  and  one  doubtful 
member  of  the  group  occurs  even  upon  an  ungulate. 

Sixteen  genera  are  here  recognized  as  belonging  to  the  subfamily. 


Key  to  the  Genera  of  POLYPLACINAE 



1.  Antennae  described  as  3- se^rmen t ed ;  ascribed  to  a  lemur  in  Borneo . 


Antennae  definitely  5-segmented . 2 

With  no  trace  of  paratergal  plates  on  any  abdominal  segment;  from  Euro¬ 
pean  hare;  one  species  of  the  genus . HAEM0D1PSUS 

With  paratergal  plates  definitely  present  on  at  least  one  segment  of  the 

abdomen . 3 

Paratergal  plates  present  only  on  the  second  abdominal  segment;  as¬ 
cribed  to  a  lemuroid  in  Africa . LEMURPHTHI RUS 

Paratergal  plates  present  on  more  than  the  second  abdominal  segment... 4 
With  the  paratergal  plates  present  only  on  abdominal  segments  4-6;  as¬ 
cribed  to  donkey  and  zebra  from  Africa . RATO1IA 

Paratergal  plates  present  on  at  least  four  abdominal  segments . 5 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  2-7  consisting  merely  of  narrow, 
longitudinal,  sclerotized  strips;  ascribed  to  a  South  American  rodent 


Paratergal  plates  otherwise . 6 

Paratergal  plates  of  the  abdominal  segments  very  small,  consisting  of  a 
single  point  which  projects  from  a  slight  base;  ascribed  to  hares  and 

rabbits  in  Europe,  Africa,  and  North  America . HAEM0D1PSUS 

Otherwise . 7 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  3~6  each  with  the  basal,  ventral 
angle  produced,  the  angle  bearing  2  slender  setae;  ascribed  to  a 

lemur  in  Madagascar . PHTHIRPEDICULUS 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  3~6  otherwise . 8 

Both  sexes  with  one  of  the  transverse  rows  of  setae  on  the  abdominal 
tergites  and  sternites  with  setae  which  are  flattened  and  leaf-like 

or  cuneiform;  ascribed  to  a  South  American  rodent . CTENOPHTHIRUS 

Setae  of  the  abdomen  otherwise . •••••9 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  2  definitely  divided  longitudi- 
nallyinto  2  plates,  one  of  which  lies  on  the  dorsum  and  one  on  the 
venter,  the  ventral  portion  with  a  flat,  raised,  apically  free  point; 
occurring  on  the  New  World  rodent  family  Heteromyidae . . . .FAHRENHOLZIA 
Paratergal  plates  of  segment  2  of  the  abdomen  with  at  the  most  slight 
evidence  of  being  thus  divided,  the  ventral  part  never  independent  of 

the  dorsal  part . . . 

Abdominal  segments  with  not  more  than  2  median  setae  and  a  single  seta 
on  each  side  near  the  lateral  margin  on  any  segment,  either  dorsally 

or  ventrally ;  occurring  on  the  South  American  genus  Lagidium . 


Abdominal  segments  with  more  numerous  setae . 11 

Antennae  with  both  basal  and  distal  anterior  angles  of  the  basal  seg¬ 
ment  proloncred  into  a  distant  hook;  known  from  Anathema  in  India.... 

Antennae  not  thus . • . . .  12 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  2  with  evidence  of  a  distinct 

longitudinal  division  into  2  plates . . . . . . .  •  13 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segment  2  with  no  evidence  ol  such  lon¬ 
gitudinal  division . I4 

Abdomen  in  both  sexes  with  distinct  transverse  tergal  and  sternal 

plates . POLYPLAX 

Abdomen  in  both  sexes  without  such  transverse  plates,  there  being 

merely  a  small,  tubercle-like,  sclerotized  area  about  the  base  of 
each  seta:  occurring  on  African  rodents  of  the  genus  Cricetomys . 

. . . . 7T . proenderleinellus 

14.  Paratergal  plates  present  on  a  variable  number  of  abdominal  segments 








but  never  on  segments  7-8 . EULINOGNATHUS 

Paratergal  plates  present  on  abdominal  segments  2-8 . 15 

15.  Second  plate  of  the  second  abdominal  tergite  in  the  male  always  at 
least  slightly  modified,  having  its  posterior  border  emarginate  and 
with  a  group  of  setae  set  in  an  aster-like  fashion  at  each  end  of 
this  emargination;  if  the  tergite  is  not  sclerotized  some  modifica¬ 
tion  of  the  row  of  setae  still  appears;  occurring  chiefly  on  the 

rodent  family  Sciuridae . NEOHAEMATOPINUS 

Second  plate  of  the  second  abdominal  tergite  in  the  male  not  thus  mod¬ 
ified;  occurring  on  the  Murid  genus  Acomys  in  Africa . SYMOCA 


1922.  Ctenophthirus  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Suck¬ 
ing  Lice,  Part  3: 153- 

GENERIC  TYPE.  Ctenophthirus  cercomydis  Ferris,  at  present  the  only  known 

CHARACTERS.  Hoplopleuridae  of  the  subfamily  Polyplacinae  in  which  the 
antennae  are  five-segmented  and  not  sexually  dimorphic.  Paratergal  plates 
present  on  abdominal  segments  2-8;  those  of  segment  two  very  small;  those 
of  segments  3-6  narrow  and  with  each  posterior  angle  produced  into  a  pro¬ 
nounced  point.  Female  with  a  distinct  tergal  plate  on  abdominal  segment 
one,  two  tergal  plates  which  are  more  or  less  fused  together  on  segment  two 
and  two  tergal  plates  on  segment  eight,  the  remaining  segments  with  three 
tergal  plates.  The  posteriormost  plate  on  segments  3~8  bears  a  single  row 
of  flattened,  almost  foliate  setae.  On  the  ventral  side  the  arrangement  of 
the  sternal  plates  is  similar  except  that  segment  three  bears  three  plates 
which  are  fused  together.  Male  with  two  tergal  plates  on  segment  three, 
these  more  or  less  fused,  and  two  sternal  plates  on  segments  3-7,  the  pos¬ 
teriormost  plate  with  a  row  of  mingled,  simple,  and  flattened  setae.  Spir¬ 
acles  present  on  segments  3-8.  Sternal  plate  of  the  thorax  present. 

Ctenophthirus  cercotqydis  Ferris 
Figures  71,  72 

1922.  Ctenophthirus  cercomydis  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of 
the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  3:153;  figures  100-101. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Known  only  from  the  original  record,  from  Cer- 
comys  cunicularis  (recorded  as  fosteri)  from  Sapucay,  Paraguay.  The  host 
belongs  to  the  rodent  family  Echimyidae. 

Genus  DOCOPHTHIRUS  Waterston 

1923-  Docophthirus  Waterston,  Bulletin  of  Entomological  Research  14:101. 
1932.  Docophthirus,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Suck¬ 
ing  Lice,  Part  5:303- 

GENERIC  TYPE.  Docophthirus  acinetus  Waterston,  the  only  known  species. 

CHARACTERS.  Polyplacinae  with  five-segmented  antennae  which  are  not 
sexually  dimorphic;  with  the  first  segment  having  the  anterior  margin  pro¬ 
duced  basally  and  ventrally  into  sclerotized  hooks.  Second  and  third  legs 
both  enlarged  and  practically  equal  in  size.  Paratergal  plates  of  the  ab¬ 
domen  present  on  at  least  segments  2-6,  those  of  segment  three  not  longitu¬ 
dinally  divided,  those  of  all  the  segments  with  each  posterior  angle  pro¬ 
duced  into  a  distinct  point.  Abdomen  of  the  female  with  two  rows  of  tergal 
setae  on  segments  3-7,  and  one  row  on  segments  one  and  eight,  with  a  small 
tergal  plate  present  in  connection  with  the  anteriormost  row  of  setae  on 
segments  2-7;  with  two  rows  of  setae  on  the  sternites  of  segments  2-7,  but 
with  a  distinct  plate  present  only  on  segment  two.  Male  with  a  single  row 


Ctenophthirus  cercomydis  Ferris 

Figure  71 

of  tergal  setae  on  all  tergites  except  segment  two,  which  has  two  rows, 
with  one  row  and  one  plate  on  segments  one  and  4-7  and  two  plates  on  seg¬ 
ment  two;  ventral ly  with  but  one  plate  and  one  row  of  setae  on  segment  two 
and  with  but  one  row  of  setae  on  any  other  segment  and  no  plates  except  on 
segments  seven  and  eight.  Spiracles  present  on  segments  2-8.  Thoracic 

sternal  plate  not  developed.  .  .  .  ,  ....  .  -Klr 

NOTES.  None  of  the  known  material  is  in  very  good  condition  and  possibly 

the  above  description  will  require  some  modification. 


Ctenophthirus  cercomydis  Ferris, details 

Figure  72 



Docophthirus  acinetus  VVaterston ,  details  Figure  74 

Docophthirus  acinetus  Waterston 
Figures  73,  74 

1923.  Docophthirus  acinetus  Waterston,  Bulletin  of  Entomological  Research 
14:101;  figures  21a  and  21b. 

1932.  Docophthirus  acinetus  Waterston,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mon¬ 
ograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:304;  figures  185,  186. 

HOSTIS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Known  only  from  the  original  record  in  which  it 
was  ascribed  to  Anathana  ellloti,  which  belongs  to  the  family  Tupaiidae 
the  tree  shrews. 


Genus  KULINOGNATHUS  Cummings 

1916.  Eul Inognathua  Cummings,  Annals  and  Magazine  of  Natural  History  (ser 
ies  8)  17:90. 

1929.  Bathyergicola  Bedford,  Annual  Report  of  the  Director  of  Veterinary 
Services,  Union  of  South  Africa  15:5^5* 

1932.  Bathyergicola,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Suck¬ 
ing  Lice,  Part  5:311* 

1932.  Eul inognathus,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Suck¬ 
ing  Lice,  Part  5:318. 

SYNONYM.  Bathyergicola  Bedford. 

GENERIC  TYPE.  Eul inognathus  dent  iculatus  Cummings,  by  original  designa¬ 
tion.  The  type  of  Bathyergicola  is  Bathyergicola  hilli  Bedford,  b^  original 

CHARACTERS.  Polyrplaciuae  with  five-segmented  antennae  which  are  not 
sexually  dimorphic.  Anterior  legs  small,  with  slender  claw.  Middle  legs 
larger  than  the  first,  with  stouter  claw  and  at  times  as  large  as  the  post¬ 
erior  legs.  Paratergal  plates  present  on  abdominal  segments  2-6  at  least, 
except  that  they  are  lacking  on  segment  two  in  one  species.  Abdomen  always 
membranous  throughout  except  for  the  ninth  tergite  and  the  usual  genital 
plates.  Abdominal  segments  with  either  one  or  two  transverse  rows  of  setae 
on  most  of  the  segments,  both  dorsally  and  veutrally,  in  the  female  and  al¬ 
ways  with  but  one  row  in  the  male.  Spiracles  present  on  segments  3 -7  or  3-8. 

NOTES.  A  most  unsatisfactory  situation  exists  in  regard  to  this  genus. 
Ferris  (1932)  recognized  Eul inognathus  and  Bathyergicola  as  distinct  genera, 
although  it  was  indicated  that  neither  of  these  genera  was  entirely  homo¬ 
geneous  or  sharply  defined.  A  re-study  of  the  question  in  connection  with 
the  present  work  does  not  support  the  separation  there  accepted.  In  1932, 
it  was  indicated  that  the  two  genera  could  be  separated  by  the  number  of 
abdominal  spiracles,  Eul inognathus  having  spiracles  only  on  segments  3-7 
while  Bathyergicola  has  them  also  on  segment  eight.  But  this  seems  to  sep¬ 
arate  species  which  are  actually  more  or  less  alike  on  the  basis  of  other 
characters.  A  separation  on  the  basis  of  the  rows  of  setae  on  the  abdominal 
segments  of  the  female  will  not  permit  a  separation  of  the  males.  A  separa¬ 
tion  of  one  species  called  Bathyergicola  laii’rensis  Bedford,  on  the  basis  of 
the  absence  of  paratergal  plates  on  segment  two  of  the  abdomen  would  remove 
this  species  from  association  with  others  which  resemble  it  in  other  re¬ 
spects.  A  separation  of  the  species  which  have  tubercles  on  the  head  brings 
together  certain  forms  which  seem  to  be  connected  by  host  aissociations,  but 
is^not  supported  by  other  characters.  A  separation  on  the  basis  of  the 
presence  or  absence"  of  the  thoracic  sternal  plate  leads  to  an  evidently  ar¬ 
tificial  grouping.  Any  arrangement  that  may  be  made  seems  to  receive  no 
support  from  host  or  geographical  distribution,  yet  all  the  species  seem  to 
share  a  general  similarity.  The  soLution  of  naming  several  genera  suggests 
itself  but  seems  to  offer  no  especially  sensible  arrangement,  although  this 
mav  be  the  eventual  solution. 

"This  solution  is  in  part  here  accepted  by  recognizing  the  two  genera 
Lagidiophthirus  and  Galeophthirus  which  have  previously  been  named  for 
species  referred  to  Eul i nognat hus. 

Key  to  Species  of  EULINOGNATHUS 

1.  Head  with  at  least  1-2  stout,  sclerotized,  hook-like  processes  or  tuber¬ 
cles  on  the  ventral  side  near  the  bases  of  the  antennae . 2 

Head  without  such  hooks  or  tubercles . 4 

2.  Head  with  both  dorsal  and  ventral  hooks  or  tubercles . DENTICULAT1  S 

Head  with  hooks  or  tubercles  only  on  the  ventral  side . ••••••  *3 

3.  Ventral  side  of  first  antennal  segment  with  hooks . ACuLEATi  'S 


Ventral  side  of  first  antennal  segment  without  such  hooks . RmNCAlUS 

4.  Paratergal  plates  present  only  on  segments  3-6 . LAWRENSIS 

Paratergal  plates  present  on  at  least  segments  2-6 . 5 

5-  Abdominal  segment  7  with  distinct,  apically  free  paratergal  plates . 


Abdominal  segment  7  without  distinct,  apically  free  paratergal  plates  6 

6.  Sternal  plate  of  thorax  well  developed . AMERICANUS 

Sternal  plate  of  thorax  not  at  all  developed . HILLI 

Eulinognathus  aculeatus  (Neumann) 

1912.  Haematopinus  aculeatus  Neumann,  Bulletin  de  la  Societe  Zoologique  de 
France  37:143;  figures  5>  6. 

1916.  Eulinognathus  aculeatus  (Neumann),  Ferris,  Proceedings  of  the  Cali¬ 
fornia  Academy  of  Sciences  (Series  4)  6:168. 

1932.  Eulinognathus  aculeatus  (Neumann),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:321;  figures  196,  197- 
HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Originally  recorded  from  " Dipus  sp. , "  at  Dj erha, 
Tunis.  According  to  Ellerman's  list  this  is  probably  a  species  of  Jaculus. 
Recorded  by  Ferris  from  Allactaga  mongolica  which,  according  to  Ellerman, 
is  Allactaga  siberica.  These  hosts  are  members  of  the  family  Dipodidae. 

NOTES.  There  is  a  possibility  of  a  misidentification  in  the  record  by 
Ferris,  since  the  types  of  the  species  were  not  seen. 

Eulinognathus  americanus  Ewing 

1923.  Eulinognathus  americanus  Ewing,  Journal  of  the  Washington  Academy  of 
Sciences  13:148. 

1932.  Eulinognathus  americanus  Ewing,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:325;  figure  200. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Ctenomys  brasiliensis  on  the  Salade 
River,  Paraguay.  Recorded  by  Ferris  from  Ctenomys  serlcus  from  the  Upper 
Rio  Chico,  Paraguay.  The  hosts  belong  to  the  family  Echimyidae. 

NOTES.  The  curiously  modified  setae  on  the  paratergal  plates  of  seg¬ 
ments  5-5  offer  a  basis  for  the  generic  separation  of  this  species  if  this 
should  prove  desirable.  It  is  at  present  known  only  from  the  female. 

Eulinognathus  biuncatus  Ferris 

1932.  Eulinognathus  biuncatus  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of 
the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:324;  figures  198,  199. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Dipodipus  sowerbyi  in  Shensi,  China.  Ac¬ 
cording  to  Ellender  this  is  Dipus  sagitta. 

Eulinognathus  denticulatus  Cummings 
Figures  75.  76 

1916.  Eulinognathus  denticulatus  Cummings,  Annals  and  Magazine  of  Natural 
History  (Series  8)  17:90;  figure. 

1932.  Eulinognathus  denticulatus  Cummings,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:3 19 ;  figures  194-195- 
1940.  Eulinognathus  denticulatus  surdasteri  Werneck,  Revista  de  Entomologia 
11:724;  figure. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Recorded  by  Cummings  from  Pedetes  coffer  with¬ 
out  indication  of  locality,  and  by  Bedford  from  the  same  host  in  South 
Africa.  Ferris  has  recorded  it  from  Pedetes  larvalis  and  Pedetes  sp.  at 
Nairobi  and  Machakos,  British  East  Africa,  and  from  Mastomys  coucha  and 
Rattus  rattus  at  Nairobi.  Werneck  has  described  the  supposed  subspecies  or 


Eulinognathus  denticuiatus  Cummings 

Figure  75 



female  genitalia 

Eulinognathus  denticulatus  Cummings, details 

Figure  76 

variety  surdasteri  from  Pedetes  surdaster  larvalis  at  Nairobi,  basing  it 
upon  slight  differences  in  the  form  of  the  pseudopenis  of  the  male.  Males 
at  hand  from  the  type  host  at  Nairobi  show  definitely  that  the  supposed 
difference  depends  merely  upon  whether  or  not  the  pseudopenis  happens  to  be 
turned  upward.  The  subspecies  surdasteri  is  consequently  rejected.  Ac¬ 
cording  to  Ellerman's  list  there  are  but  two  species  of  Pedetes,  these  be¬ 
ing  caffer  and  surdaster ,  larvalis  being  a  subspecies  of  the  latter.  The 
hosts  belong  to  the  rodent  family  Pedetidae. 

Eulinognathus  hilli  (Bedford) 

1929.  Bathyeriiicola  hilli  Bedford,  Report  of  the  Director  of  Veterinary 
Services,  Union  of  South  Africa,  1^:506;  figures  6,  7,  7a,  8. 

1932.  Bathyerticola  hilli  Bedford,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:312;  figures  190,  191. 

1932.  Proenderleinellus  hilli  (Bedford),  Bedford,  Report  of  the  Director 
of  Veterinary  Services  and  Animal  Industry,  Union  of  South  Africa, 


HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  from  Georhychus  hottentotus  at  Pieter¬ 
maritzburg,  Natal,  South  Africa,  and  recorded  only  from  this  host  and  lo¬ 
cality.  According  to  Ellender  the  generic  name  of  the  host  is  Cryptonys. 
It  belongs  to  the  liunily  Dathyergidae. 

Eulinognathus  lawi-ensis  (Bedford) 

1929.  Bathyer£icola  lawrensis  Bedford,  Annual  Report  of  the  Director  of 
Veterinary  Services,  Unionof  South  Africa,  15:  5U6  ;  ligs.  7b,  9.  ID. 
1932.  Bathyergicola  lawrensis  Bedford,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mon¬ 
ograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:314;  figure  192. 

1932.  Proemierleinellus  lawrensis  (Bedford),  Bedford,  Annual  Report  of  the 
Director  of  Veterinary  Services  and  Animal  Industry,  Union  ol 
South  Africa,  18:401. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  from  Bathyerius  suillus  ( =maritimus ) 
from  unspecified  locality  in  Cape  Colony,  South  Alrica.  The  host  belongs 
to  the  family  Bathy ergi dae . 

Eulinognathus  lophiomydis  (Ferris) 

1932.  Bathyergicola  lophiomydis  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph 
of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:315;  figure  193 • 

1940.  Bathyerticola  lophiomydis  Ferris,  Werneck,  Revista  de  Entomologia 
11:728;  figures. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type,  the  female,  described  as  from  Lophiomys 
thomasi  from  Mount  Garguez,  and  recorded  also  from  Lophiomys  ibeanus  at 
Nakroru,  British  East  Africa.  The  male  was  described  by  Werneck  from 
Lophiomys  sp.,  "probably  testudo,"  from  Kenya,  British  East  Alrica.  Ac¬ 
cording  to  Ellender  all  these  names  represent  subspecies  of  Lophiomys 
tmhausi.  The  host  genus  belongs  to  the  family  Lophiomyidae. 

Genus  FAHRENHOLZIA  Kellogg  and  Ferris 

1915.  Fahrenholzia  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  Anoplura  and  Mallophaga  of  North 
American  Mammals,  Stanford  University  Publications,  University 
Series  (no  volume  number),  page  32- 

1922.  Fahrenholzia,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Suck¬ 
ing  Lice,  Part  3:158. 

GENERIC  TYPE.  Fahrenholzia  pinnata  Kellogg  and  Ferris. 

CHARACTERS.  Polyplacinae  with  five-segmented  antennae  which  are  not 
sexually  dimorphic.  Anterior  legs  small,  with  slender  claw.  Middle  and 
posterior  legs  equal  in  size,  with  very  large  tibiotarsus  and  stout  claw, 
the  tarsus  with  a  sclerotized,  retrorse  point  at  the  outer  basal  angle. 
Parater'ral  plates  of  the  abdomen  present  on  a  variable  number  ot  segments, 
alwaysAowever,  with  at  least  three  pairs  present.  The  paratergal  plates 
of  what  is  apparently  segment  two  consist  each  of  two  plates,  one  lying  on 
the  dorsum,  the  other  on  the  venter,  distinctly  separated  from  each  other, 
the  ventral  piece  provided  with  a  flat,  apically  free  process  which  arises 
somewhat  anterior  to  the  apex  of  the  plate.  It  is  possible  thai  we  have  to 
do  with  the  paratergal  plates  of  segments  one  and  two,  one  or  the  other/,t 
which  has  been  somewhat  displaced  posteriorly.  Following  these  plates 
there  are  always  plates  on  segments  three  and  tour,  these  having  the  apical 
an rles  free  from  the  body.  Plates  which  do  not  have  the  apex  thus  free  may 
occur  as  far  posteriorly  as  segment  eight.  Abdomen  entire 1>  membranous  ex 
cept  for  the  usual  dorsal  and  ventral  plates  of  the  terminal  and  genital 
segments,  each  segment  with  but  a  single  row  of  setae,  both  d ^or sally  and 
vent rally,  these  setae  strikingly  stout.  Spiracles  present  on  segments  j-S. 
Thoracic"  sternal  plate  strongly  developed. 


The  members  of  this  genus  occur  exclusively  on  members  of  the  rodent  fam¬ 
ily  Heteromyidae,  which  occurs  in  North  America  and  northern  South  America. 

NOTES.  The  status  of  some  of  the  species  included  in  this  genus  is  not 
clear.  The  author  has  in  the  past  named  certain  "subspecies, "  a  practice 
which  he  would  not  now  approve,  for  some  of  these  forms.  These  are  here 
considered  as  species.  It  is  probable  that  a  considerable  number  of  forms 
remain  still  to  be  discovered  and  until  more  is  known  about  the  group  it  is 
hopeless  to  talk  about  subspecies. 

Key  to  Species  of  FAHRENHOLZIA 

1.  Para tergal  plates  present  only  on  abdominal  segments  2-4 . 2 

Paratergal  plates  present  on  more  than  these  segments . 4 

2.  Paratergal  plates  of  segment  3  with  both  apical  lobes  acute . 3 

Paratergal  plates  of  segment  3  with  the  dorsal  lobe  apically  broad  and 

truncate  or  slightly  emarginate . MICROCEPHALA 

3.  Paratergal  plates  very  small  and  slight;  male  with  free,  elongated  par- 

ameres  and  with  a  distinct  pseudopenis . REDUCTA 

Paratergal  plates  well  developed;  parameres  of  the  male  broadly  expand¬ 
ed;  with  no  distinct  pseudopenis . PINNATA 

4.  Paratergal  plates  of  segment  3  with  but  a  single  lobe . TRIBULOSA 

Paratergal  plates  of  segment  3  bilobed . ZACATECAE 

Fahrenholzia  microcephala  Ferris 

1922.  Fahrenholzia  microcephala  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph 
of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  3:161;  figures  106,  107. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Holotype  recorded  as  from  Heteromys  pictus  at 
San  Carlos,  Vera  Cruz,  Mexico,  which,  according  to  Ellender,  belongs  to  the 
genus  Liomys.  Also  recorded  from  Heteromys  goldmani  at  Achotal,  state  of 
Vera  Cruz,  Mexico,  and  from  Liomys  irroratus  in  Texas  and  Mexico. 

Fahrenholzia  pinnata  Kellogg  and  Ferris 
Figures  77,  78 

1916.  Fahrenholzia  pinnata  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  Anoplura  and  Mallophaga  of 
North  American  Mammals,  Stanford  University  Publications,  Univer¬ 
sity  Series  (no  volume  number),  page  32;  text  figure  13;  Plate  3, 
figure  2;  Plate  5,  figure  5;  Plate  6,  figure  10. 

1922.  Fahrenholzia  pinnata  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward 
a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  3:159;  figures  104,  106. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Dipodomys  cali fornicus  at  Covelo, 
Mendocino  County,  California.  Recorded  also  from  Dipodomys  merriami  at 
Independence,  California,  and  Dipodomys  desert i  at  Mecca,  California;  from 
Dipodomys  ornatus  at  Valparaiso,  state  of  Zacatecas,  and  Dipodomys  phillipsii 
at  Amecameca,  Mexico;  from  Perodipus  sp .  at  Coulterville ,  California;  from 
Perognathus  parvus  in  the  Pine  Forest  Mountains,  Nevada. 

Fahrenholzia  reducta  Ferris 

1922.  Fahrenholzia  tribulosa  reducta  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  3:165;  figure  109B. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Recorded  only  from  Perognathus  formosus  at  Vic¬ 
torville,  California. 

Fahrenholzia  tribulosa  Ferris 

1922.  Fahrenholzia  tribulosa  tribulosa  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mon- 


o^raph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  3:163,  figures  108,  109 A,  D.  E. 
HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Known  only  from  Perofnathus  californicus  at 
Pleasant  Valley,  Merced  County,  California. 

t  Fahrenholzia  zacatecae  Ferris 

1922.  Fahrenholzia  tribulosa  zacatecae  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mon¬ 
ograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  3:166;  figure  109 C. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  trora  Perofnathus  hispidus  at  Valparaiso, 
state  of  Zacatecas,  Mexico.  Specimens  are  at  hand  from  the  same  host 
species  in  Savala  County  and  at  Somerset,  Atasco  County,  Texas. 



male  genitalia 

thoracic  sternal  plate 

Fahrenholzia  pinnata  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  details 

Figure  78 


Genus  GALEDPHTULRUS  Eichler 

1950.  Galeophthirus  Eichler,  Bolletino  della  Societa  Entomolo rica  Italiaua 

79: 12. 

G  01  ERIC  TYPE-  Hul i nognat hus  caulae  Werueck,  the  only  included  species. 
CHARACTERS.  Antennae  t'i ve-seguieuted ,  not  sexually  dimorphic.  First 
legs  small  and  weak,  with  slender  claw.  Second  and  third  legs  about  equal 
to  each  other,  large  and  stout,  with  stout  claw.  Paratergal  plates  present 
ou  abdominal  segments  3~7,  each  consisting  of  an  elongated,  narrow,  sclero- 
tized  area  which  bears  two  long  setae  at  the  apex,  the  apex  not  free  from 
the  boify  wall.  Abdomen  membranous  throughout  in  both  sexes  except  for  the 
usual  sclerotizations  of  the  terminal  and  genital  segments.  Female  with 
two  rows  or  partial  rows  of  setae  ou  each  of  most  of  the  segments,  the  male 
with  but  oue  row.  Abdominal  spiracles  present  ou  segments  "1-8.  Thoracic 
sternal  plate  present. 

NOTES.  About  the  only  basis  for  recognizing  this  genus  appears  in  the 
form  of  the  paratergal  plates.  The  writer  is  somewhat  dubious  concerning 
it,  but  it  is  here  accepted. 

Galeophthirus  caviae  Werueck 
Figure  79 

1934.  Eulinognathus  caviae  Werueck,  Meinorias  do  lustituto  Oswaldo  Cruz  29: 
183;  figures  6-11. 

19^0.  Galeophthirus  caviae  (Werueck).  Eichler,  Bolletino  della  Societa  En- 
tomologica  Italiana  79:12. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Known  only  from  the  original  record,  from  Galea 
leucoblephara,  which,  according  to  Ellender,  is  a  subspecies  of  Galea 
musteloides  at  Jujuy,  Republic  of  Argentina.  The  host  belongs  to  the 
family  Caviidae. 

Genus  HAEMODIPSUS  Enderlein 

1904.  Haemodipsus  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  28:139,  143- 
1932.  Haemodipsus,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Suck¬ 
ing  Lice,  Part  5 : 59 - 

GENERIC  TYPE.  Pediculus  lyriocephalus  Burmeister.  Two  other  species 
are  included  in  this  genus. 

CHARACTERS.  Anoplura  referable  to  the  Polyplacinae .  Antennae  five- 
segmented,  not  sexually  dimorphic.  First  pair  of  legs  small  and  with  slen¬ 
der  claw;  second  and  third  legs  moderately  stout  and  with  stout  claw,  about 
equal  to  each  other.  Type  species  with  the  abdomen  membranous  throughout 
and  without  trace  of  paratergal  plates;  in  other  species  of  the  genus  with 
small  paratergal  plates  on  segments  3-6,  these  being  merely  a  slight,  scle- 
rotized  point  which  projects  from  the  body  wall  and  is  supported  by  a 
slight,  expanded  sclerotization  at  the  base.  Abdominal  segments  in  both 
sexes  with  a  single  row  of  setae  on  each,  both  dorsallv  and  ventrally . 
Thoracic  sternal  opiate  present,  but  very  weakly  developed  and  at  no  point 
free  from  the  body.  Spiracles  present  on  abdominal  segments  3-8. 

The  members  of  this  genus  occur  on  hares  and  rabbits  of  the  family 
Leporidae  of  the  Order  Lagomorpha. 

NOTES.  The  situation  concerning  this  genus  is  very  unsatisfactory •  The 
type  species  is  unfortunately  but  little  known  and  the  information  concern¬ 
ing  it  quite  incomplete.  It  is  possible  that  the  other  species  which  are 
referred  to  this  genus  are  so  placed  chiefly  because  of  their  hosts.  As 
based  upon  the  type  species  the  genus  can  scarcely  be  referred  to  the  Hop- 
lopleuridae,  but  the  other  species  seem  to  belong  to  this  family  and  to  the 
subfamily  Polyplacinae.  A  thorough  redescription  oi  both  sexes  of  the  type 
species  is  much  needed. 



f  ( 

Galeophthirus  caviae  (Werneck) 

Figure  79 


Key  to  Species  oi  HAfMODI  PSUS 

1.  Paratergul  plates  of  the  abdomen  entirely  lacking . LYRIOCEPH ALLIS 

Paratergal  plates  present  on  the  abdomen . 2 

2.  Head  slender . AFRICANUS 

Head  strongly  widened  posterior  to  the  antennae . 3 

3.  Sternal  plate  of  the  thorax  forming  a  rather  narrow,  transverse  bar.... 

Sternal  plate  of  the  thorax  filling  the  space  among  the  coxae  and  more 
or  less  hexagonal . SETONI 

Haemodipsus  africanus  Bedford 

1934.  Haemodipsus  africanus  Bedford,  Onderstepoort  Journal  of  Veterinary 
Science  and  Animal  Industry  2:48;  figure  10. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION .  Recorded  from  Lepus  zuluensis  at  Jericho,  Trans¬ 
vaal,  South  Africa. 

Haemodipsus  lyriocephalus  (Burmeister) 

Figure  80 


1839 -  Pediculus  lyriocephalus  Burmeister,  Genera  lnsectorum,  Rhynchota, 
Species  11. 

1842.  Haematopinus  lyriocephalus  (Burmeister),  Denny,  Monograph i a  Anoplur- 
orum  Britanniae,  page  27;  Plate  24,  figure  4. 

1904.  Haemodipsus  lyriocephalus  (Burmeister),  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  An- 
zeiger  28:143. 

1932.  Haemodipsus  lyriocephalus  (Burmeister),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward 
a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:330;  figures  202,  203. 

1935-  Haemodipsus  lyriocephalus  (Burmeister),  Freund,  Die  Tierwelt  Mitte- 
leuropas,  Band  4,  Lieferung  3 : 20 ;  figures  87-89- 
HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  from  Lepus  timidus  in  Europe.  Ferris 
has  recorded  it  from  Lepus  ilacialis  without  further  data.  Hopkins  records 
it  from  Lepus  europaeus  in  Europe. 

Haemodipsus  setoni  Ewing 

1924.  Haemodipsus  setoni  Ewing,  American  Journal  of  Tropical  Medicine  3:  548. 
1932.  Haemodipsus  setoni  Ewing,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph 
of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:335;  figures  205B,  E. 

HOSTS  .AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  from  Lepus  californicus  at  Wichita, 
Kansas,  and  recorded  from  the  same  host  at  San  Diego,  California.  Recorded 
by  Kellogg  and  Ferris  from  the  same  host  in  California  and  Arizona.  Speci¬ 
mens  from  an  undetermined  species  of  "cotton  tail  rabbit,"  presumably  a 
species  of  Sylvilaius ,  are  at  hand  from  the  state  of  Montana. 

Haemodipsus  ventricosus  (Denny) 

Figures  81,  82 

1842.  Haematopinus  ventricosus  Denny,  Monographia  Anoplurorum  Britanniae, 
paj/e  30 ;  Plate  25,  figure  6. 

1904.  Haemodipsus  ventricosus  (Denny),  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger 
28: 143- 

1932.  Haemodipsus  ventricosus  (Denny),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mon¬ 
ograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:332;  figures  204,  205. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  from  the  European  rabbit,  Oryctolaius 
(- Lepus )  cuniculus,  from  England  and  many  times  recorded  from  this  host  and 
from  domestic  rabbits  which  are  supposed  to  have  been  derived  from  this 
species  in  many  parts  of  the  world. 



Haemodipsus  ventricosus  <Denny>  Figure  81 


Haemodipsus  ventricosus  (Denny), details 

Figure  82 



192S.  Hamophthirus  Mjoberg,  Psyche  32:283. 

1932.  Hamoph  tht  rus,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Suck¬ 
ing  Lice,  Part  5:3%. 

G 01  ERIC  TYPE.  Hamophthirus  galeopi thee i  Mjoberg,  the  only  included 

CHARACTERS.  Unfortunately  this  genus  is  known  oni)  from  the  original, 
veiy  inadequate  description  and  the  accompanying  crude  figures.  The  fol¬ 
lowing  abstract  of  the  important  characters  which  can  be  gained  from  these 
is  given. 

Polyplacinae  with  three-segmented  antenuae,  the  basal  segment  much  en¬ 
larged  and  with  an  apical  hook  at  the  anterior  distal  angle.  Head  very 
broad,  its  posterior  angles  produced  each  into  a  prominent  point.  Parater- 
gal  plates  present  on  abdominal  segments  3-7*  Legs  said  to  be  "fairly 
equally  developed." 

There  is  in  this  description  and  the  accompanying  fibres  a  suggestion 
that  this  genus  is  rather  closely  related  to  Docophtht rus ,  although  the 
three-se  gnented  antenuae  would  immediately  suffice  to  separate  it  from  all 
the  other  members  of  the  subfamily. 

Hamophthirus  gadeopitheci  Mjoberg 

192*1.  Hamophthirus  £aleopitheci  Mjoberg,  Psyche  32:283:  figure. 

1932.  Hamophthirus  galeopitheci  Mjoberg,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:3^7;  figure  187. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  a  Dermopteran,  Galeopithecus  sp.,  at  Fes- 
seltan,  British  North  Borneo.  This  is  a  Cynocephalus  variegatus. 

NOTES.  In  spite  of  the  inadequate  description  and  poor  illustrations  it 
should  be  possible  to  recognize  this  species  if  it  is  recovered.  Ferris 
(1932)  merely  reproduces  the  description  and  figures  given  by  Mjoberg. 

Genus  LAGIDIOPH'ffllRUS  Eichler 

1950.  La^idlophthirus  Eichler,  bolletino  della  Societa  Entomologica  Itali- 
ana  79:12. 

GENERIC  TYPE-  Haemodipsus  parvus  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  the  only  included 

CHARACTERS.  Polyplacinae  with  five-segmented  antennae,  which  are  not 
sexually  dimorphic.  Anterior  legs  small  and  weak;  second  and  third  legs 
large  and  stout,  about  equal  to  each  other.  Paratergal  plates  of  the  ab¬ 
domen  present  on  segments  2-6,  these  quite  small  and  with  each  posterior 
angle  produced  into  a  strong  point.  Abdomen  otherwise  membranous  except 
for  the  usual  plates  of  the  terminal  and  genitalic  segments.  Body  setae 
very  few,  there  being  a  single  row,  both  dorsally  and  ventrally,  on  each 
abdominal  segment,  each  row  having  a  median  group  of  2-4  setae  and  there 
being  a  single  seta,  both  dorsally  and  ventrally,  close  to  the  lateral  mar¬ 
gin.  Spiracles  present  only  on  abdominal  segments  3 •  Prothoracic  ster¬ 
nal  plate  well  developed.  .  . 

NOTES.  Recognizing  a  new  genus  for  the  single  species  included  in  this 
renus  is  the  only  way  of  escaping  from  the  problems  which  it  presents  in 
regard  to  its  generic  assignment,  in  spite  of  the  weakness  of  the  charac¬ 
ters  on  which  the  genus  is  based. 

Lacidiophthirus  parvus  (Kellogg  and  Ferris) 

Figure  83 

1915.  Haemodipsus  parvus  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  Anoplura  and  Mallophaga  ol 


Lagidiophthirus  parvus  (Kellogg  and  Ferris) 

Figure  83 

North  American  Mammals,  Stanford  University  Publications,  Univer¬ 
sity  Series  (no  volume  number),  page  30;  text  figure  12;  Plate  2, 
figure  4;  Plate  4,  figure  6. 

1932.  Eulinognathus  parvus  (Kellogg  and  Ferris),  Ferris,  Contributions 
Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:327;  figure  201. 
1940.  Eulinognathus  parvus  (Kellogg  and  Ferris),  Werneck,  Revista  de  En- 
tomologia  11;726;  figure. 

1950.  Lagidiophthirus  parvus  (Kellogg  and  Ferris) ,  Eichler,  Bo lletino  della 
Societa  Entomologica  Italiana  79:12. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Lagidium  peruanum  from  an  unspecified 
locality  in  Peru.  Werneck  has  recorded  the  species  from  Lagidium  inca — 
which,  according  to  Ellender,  is  the  same  as  peruanum — from  the  Cordilheira 
Songo,  Province  of  Murillo,  Department  of  La  Paz,  Bolivia. 

NOTES.  This  species  was  originally  described  from  the  female  alone  but 
Werneck  has  described  the  male.  It  is  possible  here  to  illustrate  only  the 


Genus  LhMIlkPWTHIKIJS  Bedford 

1927.  Lemurphthirus  Bedford,  Parasitology  19:263- 

1932.  Lemurphthirus,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Suck¬ 
ing  Lice,  Part  5:299- 

GENERIC  TYPE.  L>  murphthirus  galut*us  Bedford. 

CHARACTERS.  Polyplaciuae  with  f i ve-segmented  antennae  which  ai‘£  sexual¬ 
ly  dimorphic,  the  male  having  the  distal,  preaxial  angle  of  the  third  seg¬ 
ment  strongly  produced  and  curved  posteriorly  and  bearing  two  short,  stout 
setae.  Anterior  legs  small  and  weak,  with  weak  claw;  middle  and  posterior 
legs  definitely  larger,  but  not  greatly  so,  about  equal  to  each  other. 
Paratergal  plates  present  only  on  the  second  abdominal  segment,  consisting 
of  a  simple,  flat,  somewhat  cuniefoim,  sclerotized  piece,  the  extreme  apex 
of  which  is  free  from  the  body.  Abdomen,  in  both  sexes,  with  a  single 
plate  and  a  single  row  of  hairs  on  each  segment,  both  dorsally  and  ventral- 
ly,  except  that  the  female  appears  to  have  two  plates  and  two  rows  ol  setae 
on  segment  two.  Thorax  unusually  elongate,  with  a  very  large,  marginally 
free,  sternal  plate.  Spiracles  present  on  abdominal  segments  3~8- 

NOTES.  The  head  and  thorax  of  the  species  of  this  genus  might  very  well 
belong  to  a  species  of  Neohaematopinus,  hut  the  abdomen  is  quite  diffei*ent. 
The  genus  contains  two  known  species. 

Key  to  Species  of  LfcMl’RPHTHI KUS 

Sternal  plate  of  the  thorax  with  a  slender,  median,  anterior  prolongation.. 


Sternal  plate  of  the  thorax  without  such  anterior  prolongation . GALAGUS 

Lemurphthi rus  galagus  Bedford 
Figures  84,  85 

1927.  Lemirphthirus  galagus  Bedford,  Parasitology  19:263;  figures. 

1932.  Lemurphthirus  galagus  Bedford,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  6;30U;  figures  183,  184. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  type  from  Galagus  moholi  (which,  according  to 
Hopkins,  is  senegalensis) ,  a  Lemuroid,  from  Onderstepoort,  Transvaal,  South 
Africa  and  recorded  at  the  same  time  from  Southwest  Africa.  Ferris  has  re¬ 
corded  the  species  from  the  same  host,  without  data,  in  the  British  Museum. 
Hopkins  records  it  without  locality  from  Galago  demidovil . 

Lemurphthirus  verruculosus  Ward 

1951-  Lemurphthirus  verruculosus  Ward,  Entomological  News  62:190;  figures. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Known  only  from  "mouse  lemur"  from  Bemangidy, 
Fort  Dauphin  District,  Tulear  Province,  Madagascar.  Presumably  this  refers 
to  some  species  of  the  genus  Cheirogaleus. 


1910.  Neohaematopinus  Mjdberg,  Arkiv  for  Zoologi  6:13;  160. 

1910.  Acanthopinus  Mjoberg,  Arkiv  for  Zoologi  tv.  13;  160. 

1914.  Linognathoides  Cummings,  Bulletin  of  Entomological  Research  3:393- 
1916.  Lutegus  Fahrenholz,  Archiv  fur  Naturgeschichte ,  Abteilung  A,  81: 11: 31- 
1923.  Neohaematopinus,  Ferris,  Contributions  loward  a  Monograph  ol  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:237-  , 

1929.  Ahaematopinus  Ewing,  A  Manual  of  External  Parasites,  page  19(- 
1949.  Petauristophthirus  Eichler,  Bolletino  della  Societa  Entomologica 
Italiana  79: 12. 

Lemurphthirus  galagus  Bedford 

Figure  84 


thoracic  dorsum 

thoracic  sternal  plate 

female  genitalia 
Lemurphthirus  galagus  Bedford, details 

male  genitalia 

Figure  85 


2nd  or  3rd  claw 


GENERIC  TYPE.  Haematopinus  sciuropteri  Osborn. 

GENERIC  SYNONYMS.  Acanthopinus  Mjoberg,  type  Haematopinus  antennatus 
Osborn;  this  specific  name  being  preoccupied  was  later  changed  to  Acantho¬ 
pinus  sciurinus  Mjoberg.  Linognathoides  Cummings,  type  Linognatho ides 
citelli  Cummings.  Lutegus  Fahrenholz,  type  Haematopinus  ( Polyplax )  pectin- 
ifer  Neumann.  Ahaematopinus  Ewing,  type  Heohaematopinus  inornatus  Kellogg 
and  Ferris.  Petauristophthirus  Eichler,  type  Heohaematopinus  petauristae 

CHARACTERS.  Polyplacinae  in  which  the  antennae  are  usually  at  least 
slightly  sexually  dimorphic,  the  third  segment  in  the  male  having  the  dis¬ 
tal  preaxial  angle  slightly  prolonged  and  bearing  dorsally  1-2  small,  stout, 
recurved  setae.  Head  usually  abruptly  broadened  posterior  to  the  antennae. 
Legs  with  the  first  pair  small  and  with  slender  claw;  second  and  third 
pairs  larger  and  with  stout  claw,  usually  almost  equal  but  the  third  pair 
at  times  larger  than  the  second,  although  never  flattened  and  expanded. 
Thoracic  sternal  plate  usually  well  developed,  although  lacking  in  one 
species.  Abdomen  always  with  paratergal  plates  on  segments  3-8>  and  occa¬ 
sionally  with  a  vestige  of  such  plates  on  segment  one,  the  plates  of  seg¬ 
ment  two  never  divided  longitudinally.  Abdomen  always  with  some  develop¬ 
ment  of  tergal  plates  in  the  male  and  usually  so  in  the  female,  but  in  some 
species  with  the  plates  very'  weakly  developed  or  present  only  on  segment 
two  or  2-3-  Female  normally  with  two  transverse  rows  of  setae  on  segments 
2-7  dorsally  and  segments  3-6  ventrally,  but  in  a  few  species  with  three 
rows  on  these  segments.  Male  normally  with  but  one  row  of  setae  on  any 
segment  dorsally,  except  that  segment  two  has  two  rows;  normally  with  two 
rows  of  setae  on  segments  2-6  ventrally.  In  all  known  species  the  row  of 
dorsal  setae  which  is  probably  the  second  row  of  segment  two  is  associated 
with  an  at  least  slightly  developed  tergal  plate  which  is  posteriorly  emargi- 
nate,  with  some  of  the  setae  at  the  lateral  ends  of  the  plate  somewhat  dif¬ 
ferentiated  in  size  or  form  from  the  others  and  more  or  less  radiately  ar¬ 
ranged.  In  some  species  this  character  is  weakly  developed  but  in  all  it 
is  to  some  degree  indicated. 

NOTES.  In  spite  of  some  departures  by  certain  species  from  the  charac¬ 
teristic  pattern  of  the  genus  this  group,  as  here  understood,  seems  to  be 
quite  natural  and  relatively  homogeneous.  The  group  of  species  for  which 
the  name  Linognathoides  might  be  employed  departs  most  widely  from  the  typ¬ 
ical  form,  especially  in  its  type  species,  but  it  would  be  very  difficult 
to  advance  any  very  cogent  reason  for  its  separation.  The  genus  Lutegus 
would,  in  any  event,  be  a  synonym  of  Linognathoides.  The  genus  Ahaemato¬ 
pinus  is  utterly  without  justification  and  there  is  no  satisfactory  reason 
for  the  naming  of  the  genus  Petauristophthirus. 

The  genus  Heohaematopinus  is  characteristically  associated  with  members 
of  the  rodent  family  Sciuridae,  but  two  species  occur  on  North  American 
species  of  the  genus  Heotoma  and  perhaps  some  other  closely  related  genera, 
these  being  members  of  the  Murid  subfamily  Cricetinae.  One  species  record¬ 
ed  from  a  South  American  rodent  of  the  family  Octodontidae  probably  does 
not  belong  to  Heohaematopinus. 

Key  to  Species  of  NEOHAEMATOPINUS 

1.  Sternal  plate  of  the  thorax  entirely  lacking;  known  from  Spermophilus 

leptodactylus  in  the  Caspian  Sea  area  in  Asia . CITELLI 

Sternal  plate  of  the  thorax  present  and  sclerotized . 2 

2  (1).  Thoracic  sternal  plate  always  with  the  posterior  angles  each  pro¬ 

duced  into  a  distinct  point . 3 

Thoracic  sternal  plate  not  with  its  posterior  angles  thus  produced. 
. 13 

3  (2).  Paratergites  of  abdominal  segments  4-6  with  not  more  than  2  setae 


4  (3). 

5  (4). 

6  (4). 

7  (6). 

8  (7). 

9  (3). 

10  (9). 

11  (9). 

12  (11) 

13  (2). 

14  (13) 

15  (14) 

on  the  posterior  border . 4 

Paratergal  plates  ot‘  segments  4-6  each  with  3  or  more  setae . 9 

With  an  enlarged  thorn-like  seta  at  the  extreme  apex  of  the  postax- 

ial  angle  of  the  first  antennal  segment . 5 

Without  suchaseta,  or  if  an  enlarged,  thorn-like  seta  is  developed 
it  is  not  at  the  apex  of  the  postaxial  distal  angle,  being  more 

or  less  removed  therefrom . 6 

Abdomen  of  the  female  with  a  definitely  developed  tergal  plate  as¬ 
sociated  with  the  anterior  row  of  setae  on  segments  3— 7 ;  attribu¬ 
ted  to  many  species  of  squirrels . SQUR1NUS 

Abdomen  of  the  female  with  no  tergal  plate  on  segments  3— 7 ;  known 
only  from  Sciurus  griseus  in  western  United  States. ..  .GRISEIOOLUS 
Head  very  broad,  definitely  broader  than  long;  known  from  North 

American  flying  squirrels  of  the  genus  Glauconys . SClliRUPTERI 

Head  definitely  longer  than  broad . 7 

Known  from  Sciurus  vulgaris  in  Europe  (see  notes  under  species).... 


Known  from  New  World  Cricetinae  of  the  genus  Neotoma  and  closely 

related  genera . 8 

Female  with  no  trace  of  abdominal  tergal  and  sternal  plates  other 
than  those  normally  present  on  the  teimiiual  and  genital  segments 
and  extremely  small  tergal,  plates  on  abdominal  segment  2;  known 

from  Neotoma  cinerea  in  western  United  States . INORNATIJS 

Female  with  definitely  developed  tergal  and  sternal  plates  associ¬ 

ated  with  the  first  row  of  setae  on  each  abdominal  segment;  known 
from  Neotoma  albigula,  Neotoma  fuscipes,  and  Neotoma  micropus  in 
southwestern  United  States  and  Hodomys  alleni  in  Mexico . .NED TOMAE 
Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  3-6  each  with  3  setae  on 

the  posterior  margin . 10 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  3“6  each  with  5-6  setae  on 

the  posterior  margin . 11 

First  antennal  segment  with  a  stout,  thorn-like  seta  borne  at  the 
apex  of  the  distal  postaxial  angle;  known  from  members  of  the 

genus  Neotamias  in  North  America . PACIFICUS 

First  antennal  segment  with  no  trace  of  such  a  seta;  known  trom 
Citellus  tereticaudus  in  southwestern  Unuted  States. . .Cl TELLINUS 
Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  3-6  each  with  6  setae  on 
the  posterior  border,  these  arranged  in  2  groups  of  3  setae 

each;  known  from  Sciurus  anomalus  in  §yria . SYRIACUS 

Paratergal  plates  with  the  setae  otherwise  arranged. ...... . 12 

.  Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  3_6  each  with  5  setae 
which  are  arranged  with  a  single  seta  near  the  ventral  angle 
and  a  group  of  4  near  the  dorsal  angle;  known  from  Funambulus 

in  Ceylon . .  •  •  •  •CEY1DNICUS 

Paratergal.  plates  of  abdominal  segments  4-5  each  with  their  setae 
arranged  in  2  groups,  the  dorsal  group  with  4  and  the  ventral^ 
group "with  3;  known  from  Funambulus  palmarum  in  India  ECHINATUS 
Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  3~6  each  with  one  or  both 
of  their  posterior  angles  produced  into  a  short,  slender,  some¬ 
what  finger-like  process;  known  from  Abrocoma  cinerea  (a  Crice- 

tine)  in  Peru . . 

Paratergal  plates  not  so . .  •  •  . . •••••>•*  * 

.  Female  with  3  rows  of  tergal  setae  on  abdominal  segments 

Female  with  2  rows  of  setae  on  these  segments . 18 

.  Abdomen  of  the  female  with  sclerotized  tergal  and  sternal  plates 
present  only  on  the  terminal  and  genital  segments;  male  with 
the  pseudopenis  joined  to  the  apices  of  the  parameres.  known 
from  Atlantoxerus  getulus  in  Africa . PECTINIFER 


16  (15). 

17  (16). 

18  (14). 

19  (18). 

20  (18). 

21  (20). 

22  (21). 

23  (22). 

Abdomen  of  the  female  with  well  developed  tergal  and  sternal 
plates  in  both  sexes;  male  with  the  pseudopenis  enclosed  be¬ 
tween  the  parameres;  a  group  of  species  from  African  squirrels 

of  the  genera  Heliosciurus  and  Paraxerus . 16 

Antennae  with  the  distal  postaxial  angle  somewhat  produced  and 

bearing  a  stout,  apically  blunt  seta  at  its  extreme  apex . 


Antennae  with  the  distal  postaxial  angle  not  at  all  produced  and 

if  it  bears  a  seta  this  is  small  and  apically  acute . 17 

Genitalia  of  the  male  with  the  parameres  having  their  lateral 

margin  strongly  arcuate . SUAHELICUS 

Genitalia  of  the  male  with  the  outer  margin  almost  straight . 


Thoracic  sternal  plate  in  the  shape  of  a  7-sided  polygon,  all  the 

sides  of  which  are  almost  straight . 19 

Thoracic  sternal  plate  otherwise  shaped . 20 

Tergal  and  sternal  plates  in  both  sexes  entirely  lacking  except 
for  those  present  on  the  terminal  and  genital  segments;  para- 
tergal  plates  extremely  small;  known  from  Petaurista  petaurista 

in  the  Malayan  area . BATUANAE 

Tergal  and  sternal  plates  definitely  developed  on  all  abdominal 
segments  in  both  sexes;  paratergal  plates  strongly  developed; 

known  from  Petaurista  inornatus  in  Kashmir . PETAURISTAE 

Thoracic  sternal  plate  longer  than  wide,  relatively  narrow,  some¬ 
what  irregular  in  shape;  known  from  Xerus  inauris  in  Africa.... 


Thoracic  sternal  plate  as  wide  as  long  or  wider,  usually  more  or 
less  transversely  oval;  a  group  of  forms  occurring  on  the  Mar- 
mota  section  of  the  Sciuridae  (see  notes  under  laeviusculus )  .21 
Thoracic  spiracles  notably  large,  their  diameter  equaling  about 
one-half  the  length  of  the  second  coxae;  known  from  Marmota  and 
perhaps  occurring  on  some  species  of  Citellus  in  North  America. 


Thoracic  spiracles  smaller,  scarcely  exceeding  one-fourth  the 

length  of  the  second  coxae  and  usually  smaller . 22 

Rows  of  tergal  and  sternal  setae  on  the  abdomen  continuous  across 
each  segment,,  not  interrupted  by  bare  areas . 23 

Rows  of  tergal  and  sternal  setae  across  the  abdomen  interrupted 
by  bare  areas  which  divide  them  into  lateral  and  median  groups 


Setae  of  the  ventral  rows  of  segments  all  noticeably  stout  (ac¬ 
cording  to  the  original  description) ;  described  as  occurring  on 

Citellus  adocetus  in  Mexico . TRAUBI 

Setae  of  all  the  ventral  rows  slender;  2  described  species  of 
which  one,  PATIKI,  is  probably  a  synonym  of . LAEVIUSCULUS 

Neohaematopinus  batuanae  Ferris 

1923.  Neohaematopinus  batuanae  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of 
the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:261;  figure  167B. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Petaurista  batuana  from  the  Batu  Islands, 

Neohaematopinus  ceylonicus  Ferris,  new  species 

1922.  Neohaematopinus  echinatus  (Neumann) ,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:250;  figure  161.  (Misiden- 
ti fication) 


HOSTS  AND  DISTR1  Lil'T ION .  Type  a  male,  upon  which  the  illustration  cited 
was  based,  from  Funambulus  palmar m  at  Colombo,  Ceylon.  Allotype  and  para- 
types  from  the  s;une  species  at  Kandesanturai ,  Ceylon,  received  through  the 
kindness  of  Mr.  Gordon  15.  Thompson. 

ChARACTERS.  Male  as  described  and  illustrated  in  the  reference  cited. 
Female  about  ihiun .  Ion .  As  in  the  male  the  paratergites  of  abdominal  seg¬ 
ments  each  bear  four  stout  setae  of  varying  length  on  the  dorsal  half 
and  a  single  seta  on  the  ventral  half,  this  being  well  separated  from  the 

NOTES.  It  was  indicated  by  Ferris  that  the  single  specimen  upon  which 
his  description  was  based  did  not  agree  entirely  with  the  description  given 
by  Neumann  and  it  is  now  clear  that  it  does  not  represent  Neumann's  species, 
since  specimens  of  the  latter  are  now  available  which  agree  with  the  types. 
It  is  undoubtedly  close  to  the  true  echinatus. 

Neohaematopinus  citelli  (Cummings) 

1914.  Linoftnathoides  spermophili  Cummings,  bulletin  of  Entomological  Re¬ 
search  5:160;  figure  3*  (Specific  name  preoccupied) 

1916.  L ino£nathoides  citelli  Cummings,  Annals  and  Magazine  of  Natural  His¬ 
tory  (Series  8)  17:107. 

1923.  Neohaematopinus  citelli  (Cummings) ,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:261;  figures  168,  169 • 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION .  Originally  recorded  from  Citellus  leptodactylus 
and  from  Cr icetulus  phaeus  from  Transcaspia.  The  record  from  Cr icetulus  is 
almost  certainly  an  error  and  can  probably  safely  be  disregarded.  The 
probable  true  host  is  now  known  as  Spermophilopsis  leptodactylus. 

Neohaematopinus  citellinus  Ferris 

1942.  Neohaematopinus  citellinus  Ferris,  Microentomology  7:85;  figure  41. 

HOSTS  .AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Citellus  tereticaudus  at  Tucson, 
Arizona,  and  other  specimens  attributed  to  Ammospermophilus  harrissi  from 
the  Santa  Rita  Mountains,  Arizona,  United  States. 

Neohaematopinus  echinatus  (Neumann) 

1909.  Raematopinus  (Polyplax)  echinatus  Neumann,  Archives  de  Parasitologie 
13:517;  figures  19,  20. 

1912.  Neohaematopinus  echinatus  (Neumann),  Cummings,  Bulletin  of  Entomo¬ 
logical  Research  3:393- 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Recorded  from  Funambulus  palmarum  from  Rajkote, 
India,  this  being  some  other  species  of  the  genus.  Specimens  are  at  hand 
from  the  same  host  genus  at  Agra,  India,  which  agree  with  the  original  de¬ 
scription,  these  received  through  the  kindness  of  Mr.  Gordon  B.  Thompson. 

NOTES.  The  specimens  at  hand  from  Agra  indicate  clearly  that  this 
species  was  misidentif ied  by  Ferris.  The  species  attributed  by  him  to 
echinatus  is  here  described  as  Neohaematopinus  ceylonicus . 

Neohaematopinus  faurei  (Bedford) 

1920  LlnoQnatholdes  faurei  Bedford,  Report  of  the  Director  of  Veterinary' 
Research,  Union  of  South  Africa  7-9:710;  Plate  1,  figure  2;  Plate 

7,  figure  3-  .  _ 

1932.  Neohaematopinus  faurei  (Bedford),  Ferris,  Contra  but  10ns  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:292;  figures  1<8,  179  - 
HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Recorded  by  Bedford  from  Geosc iurus  capensis, 
which  is  now  known  as  Xerus  inauris,  Bloemfontein,  Orange  Free  State.  It 


was  later  recorded  by  Bedford  from  this  host  in  other  localities  in  South 
Africa,  and  from  Tatera  and  Rattus  coucha.  Specimens  at  hand  received  from 
Bedford  are  indicated  as  being  from  Mongoose.  It  is  practically  certain 
that  the  true  host  is  the  species  of  Xerus. 

NOTES.  This  is  an  extreme  member  of  the  genus,  even  of  the  section  to 
which  the  name  Li  nognat  ho  ides  has  been  applied.  The  male  has  no  sclero- 
tized  tergites  and  the  characteristic  form  of  tergite  two,  with  its  associ¬ 
ated  grouping  of  setae,  is  here  represented  only  by  a  slight  irregularity. 

Neohaematopinus  griseicolus  Ferris 

1923.  Neohaematopinus  sciurinus  griseicolus  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:248. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Sciurus  griseus  at  Inverness,  Marin 
County,  California,  U.  S.  A.  Also  recorded  from  the  same  host  at  other  lo¬ 
calities  in  California. 

NOTES.  It  is  perhaps  inconsistent  to  recognize  this  form  as  a  species, 
in  view  of  the  wide  range  of  forms  retained  in  sciurinus,  but  all  the  spec¬ 
imens  at  hand  agree  in  the  almost  complete  absence  of  abdominal  tergal  and 
sternal  plates  in  the  female,  while  in  all  other  specimens  included  in 
sciurinus  no  such  departure  occurs. 

Neohaematopinus  heliosciuri  Cummings 

1913*  Neohaematopinus  heliosciuri  Cummings,  Bulletin  of  Entomological  Re¬ 
search  3:393;  figure  1. 

1923.  Neohaematopinus  heliosciuri  Cummings,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:255;  figures  164,  16  5A,  C, 
E,  H. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Paraxerus  (as  Heliosciurus)  palliatus 
from  Uchweni  Forest,  Witu,  British  East  Africa.  Also  recorded  from  Paraxer¬ 
us  ochraceus  (as  Paraxerus  jacksoni  and  as  Parasc iurus  animosus)  from  vari¬ 
ous  localities  in  British  East  Africa. 

Neohaematopinus  inornatus  (Kellogg  and  Ferris) 

19 15 -  Linognathoides  inornatus  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  Anoplura  and  Mallophaga 
of  North  American  Mammals,  Stanford  University  Publications,  Uni¬ 
versity  Series  (no  volume  number),  page  25;  text  figure  10;  Plate 
4,  figure  7;  Plate  5>  figure  5;  Plate  6,  figure  3* 

1923.  Neohaematopinus  inornatus  (Kellogg  and  Ferris),  Ferris,  Contribu¬ 
tions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:252;  figures 

162,  163- 

1929.  Ahaematopinus  inornatus  (Kellogg  and  Ferris),  Ewing,  A  Manual  of  Ex¬ 
ternal  Parasites,  page  198. 

1942.  Neohaematopinus  inornatus  (Kellogg  and  Ferris),  Ferris,  Microento¬ 
mology  7:84;  figure  39* 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Neotoma  cinerea,  South  Yolla  Bolly 
Mountain,  Tehama  County,  California.  Recorded  also  from  the  same  host  from 
Yosemite  Valley,  California,  and  from  "mountain  rat,"  which  was  almost  cer¬ 
tainly  the  same  host,  from  Colorado. 

NOTES.  This  species  has  been  designated  as  type  of  the  genus  Ahaemato- 
pinus  tVing,  a  genus  for  which  there  is,  in  the  opinion  here  held,  no  ex¬ 
cuse  whatsoever. 

Neohaematopinus  kenyae  Ferris 

1923.  Neohaematopinus  kenyae  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of 


the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:258;  figures  16 f)IJ ,  F,  G. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  He l lose  iurus  gambtanus  (as  keniae) ,  Mount 
Kenya,  British  East  Africa. 

Neohaematop  iuus  laeviuscuius  (Grube) 

1851.  Perticulus  laeviuscuius  Grube,  In  M iddendorff ' s  Reise  2:498;  PLate 
32,  figure  7.  (Figure  labelled  s permophili) 

1896.  Haematopinus  montanus  Osborn,  United  States  Department  of  Agricul¬ 
ture,  Division  of  Entomolor^y ,  Bulletin  (new  series)  5:184;  lig.  107. 
1900.  Haematopinus  columbianus  Osborn,  Canadian  Entomologist  32:215- 
1904.  Polyplax  laeviuscula  (Grube) ,  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  28: 142. 
1923.  Neohaematopinus  laeviuscuius  (Grube),  Ferris,  Contri hut  ions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  part  4:264;  tigs.  170,  171A,  L,  D,  G. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  from  Cite llu s  (as  Spermophi lus) 
eversmanni,  .Jakutsk,  Siberia.  Later  recorded  from  this  host  1  rom  Altai, 
Siberia,  and  from  a  long  list  of  other  species  ol  Cite l lus  1 1 om  North 
America  ranging  from  Point  Barrow  through  westeni  United  States  into  Mexico, 
and  from  Cynomys  leucurus  from  Colorado  in  the  United  States. 

NOTES.  A  re-examination  of  all  the  available  material  shows  no  satis¬ 
factory  basis  for  breaking  this  species  up,  although  a  considerable  degree 
of  variation  exists.  Rubin  has  named  three  species  of  this  group,  which 
will  here  be  listed  as  distinct  although  the  opinion  is  held  that  they  can¬ 
not  be  definitely  recognized.  Even  the  species  marmotae ,  which  is  probably 
the  most  definitely  differentiated  form  in  the  group,  presents  no  very  pre¬ 
cise  limits  turd  some  specimens  have  been  seen  which  are  dubiously  referable 
either  to  this  or  to  laeviuscuius. 

The  prayer  may  be  voiced  that  future  students  will  attempt  to  learn  some- 
thing  about  the  group  before  engaging  in  the  indiscriminate  naming  of  new 

Neohaematopinus  longus  Werneck 

1948.  neohaematopinus  longus  Werneck,  Revista  brasiliera  de  Biologia  (8)2: 
175;  figure. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Recorded  from  Abrocoma  cinerea  at  Caccachara 
near  Llave,  Peru.  The  host  is  a  member  of  the  subfamily  Abrocominae  of  the 

family  Echimyidae.  .  ,  ,  ...  „  .  ,  . 

NOTES  This  species  is  known  from  but  a  single  female  which  was  evident 
ly  very  imperfectly  prepared  for  study.  It  is  highly  probable  that  it  does 
not  belong  to  this  genus. 

Neohaematopinus  marmotae  Ferris 

192S  Neohaematopinus  marmotae  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of 
the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:268;  figures  171C,  E,  F. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Ha rmot a  flaviventns,  iosemite  Nation 
al  Park,  California.  Recorded  also  from  M armota  species  at  Florence, 
Montana!  Specimens  which  agree  very  closely  with  the  type  are  at  hand  1 rom 
unspecified  Harmota  at  Bannock,  Idaho,  and  from  La  Manga  Pass,  Colorado. 
Fe??is  has  previously  doubtfully  referred  a  specimen  from  Harmota  aurea 

from  Pamir,  Asia,  to  this  species.  .  11  + 

NOTES.  While  in  its  typical  form  this  species  seems  clearly  to  be  sep 

arable  from  laeviuscuius,  specimens  have  been  examined  from  Armota  and 
from  species  of  Cttellus  which  raise  some  question  as  to  the  validity  ol 
Ke  species,  or  at  Least  as  to  its  Limits  and  definition.  The  study  ol 
more  material  will  be  required  lor  any  satisfactory  solution  ol  the  problem. 


Neohaematopinus  mathesoni  Rubin 

1946.  Aeohaematopinus  mathesoni  Rubin,  Proceedings  of  the  Entomological 
Society  of  Washington  48:121;  figure  1. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  from  "citellus  v.  couchi , "  which  is 
presumably  Citellus  uar iegatus  couchi  from  the  state  of  Nuevo  Leon,  Mexico. 

NOTES.  A  specimen  from  the  type  lot  of  this  and  other  specimens  from 
the  same  host  species  (as  subspecies  grammurus)  are  at  hand  from  Arizona. 
It  is  very  doubtful  that  the  species  can  be  distinguished  from  laev iusculus. 

Neohaematopinus  neotomae  Ferris 

1942.  Neohaematopinus  neotomae  Ferris,  Microentomology  7:84;  figure  40. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  T^pe  from  Neotoma  albigula  at  Tucson,  Arizona, 
and  other  specimens  from  the  same  host  near  Tucson.  Also  recorded  from 
Neotoma  streatori  from  the  Hastings  Reservation  near  Monterey,  California, 
and  from  Hodomys  alleni  from  Manzanillo,  Mexico.  Specimens  from  Neotoma 
micropus  from  White  Sands,  New  Mexico,  have  been  somewhat  doubtfully  re¬ 
ferred  to  the  species. 

Neohaematopinus  pacificus  Kellogg  and  Ferris 

1915.  Neohaematopinus  pacificus  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  Anoplura  and  Mallophaga 
of  North  American  Mammals,  Stanford  University  Publications,  Uni¬ 
versity  Series  (no  volume  number),  page  28;  text  figure  14C,  D; 
Plate  5,  figures  3,  7a,  b. 

1923.  Neohaematopinus  pacificus  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  Ferris,  Contributions 
Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:249;  figure  160A-D. 
HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  TyPe  from  Neotamias  townsendii  at  Freestone, 
Sonoma  County,  California.  Recorded  also  from  Neotamias  hindsi,  merriami, 
alpinus,  and  speciosus  (as  Eutamias)  from  various  localities  in  California, 
U.  S.  A. 

Neohaematopinus  patiki  Rubin 

1946.  Neohaematopinus  patiki  Rubin,  Proceedings  of  the  Entomological  Soci¬ 
ety  of  Washington  48:121;  figures  2,  5. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Recorded  as  from  an  undetermined  species  of  the 
subgenus  Ammospermophilus  of  the  genus  Citellus  at  Delta,  Utah. 

NOTES.  Unfortunately  no  material  from  any  species  of  Ammospermophilus 
is  available  and  consequently  it  is  not  possible  to  offer  any  observations 
in  regard  to  this  supposed  species  of  Neohaematopinus,  other  than  to  ex¬ 
press  extreme  doubt  that  it  can  be  recognized. 

Neohaematopinus  pectinifer  (Neumann) 

1885-  Haematopinus  setosus  Piaget,  Les  Pediculines,  Supplement,  page  143; 
Plate  15,  figure  6  (preoccupied) . 

1909.  Haematopinus  ( Polyplax )  pectinifer  Neumann,  Archives  de  Parasitologie 
15:528;  figures  28  ,  29. 

1914.  Ltnognathoides  pectinifer  (Neumann),  Cummings,  Bulletin  of  Entomo¬ 
logical  Research  5:160. 

1916.  Luteius  pectinifer  (Neumann),  Fahrenholz,  Archiv  fur  Naturgeschichte. 
Abteilung  A,  81:11: 31  - 

1923.  Neohaematopinus  pectinifer  (Neumann),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:268;  figure  172.  (Descrip¬ 
tion  of  male) 

1932.  Neohaematopinus  pectinifer  (Neumann),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 


Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:291;  figure  177.  (Descrip¬ 
tion  of  female) 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Recorded  from  Xerus  tetulus  (Now  referred  to 
Atlantoxerus)  in  South  Africa. 

Neohaematopinus  petauristae  Kerris 

1923.  Neohaematopinus  petauristae  Kerris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph 
of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:258;  figures  166,  167A,  C,  E. 

1949.  Petaur istophthirus  petauristae  (Kerris) ,  Eichler,  Boiletino  della  So- 
cieta  Entomologica  Italiana  79:12. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Petaurista  inornate  in  Kashmir. 

NOTES.  This  species  has  been  designated  as  type  of  the  genus  Petaur is¬ 
tophthirus  Eichler,  a  genus  for  which  no  very  cogent  reason  can  be  offered. 

Neohaematopinus  sciuri  Jancke 

1931.  Neohaematopinus  sciuri  .Jancke,  Zeitschrift  fur  Paras i ten kunde  4:241; 

HOSTS  .AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  from  Sciurus  vulgaris  in  Germany  and 
later  recorded  from  the  same  host  in  that  country.  North  American  and 
Asiatic  material  that  might  be  referred  to  this  species  is  as  follows:  from 
Sciurus  aberti  in  Arizona,  Sciurus  carolinensis  from  Mississippi,  Sciurus 
poliopus  from  Oaxaca,  Mexico — all  these  Irom  North  America;  1  rom  Malayan 
squirrel"  in  the  Zoological  Gardens  of  London,  from  Callosciurus  finlaysoni, 
caniceps,  and  procerus  in  the  Malayan  area.  Other  specimens  approach  the 
condition  seen  in  these  with  various  degrees  of  closeness. 

See  notes  under  Neohaematopinus  sciurinus. 

Neohaematopinus  sciurinus  Mjoberg 

1891.  Raematopinus  antennatus  Osborn,  United  States  Department  of  Agricul¬ 
ture,  Division  of  Entomology,  Bulletin  (old  series)  7:25;  figure 
13.  (Not  Raematopinus  antennatus  Piaget) 

1910.  Acanthopinus  antennatus  (Osborn),  Mjoberg,  Arkiv  for  Zoologi  6:161. 
1910.  Acanthopinus  sciurinus  Mjoberg,  Arkiv  for  Zoologi  6:161. 

1915.  Neohaematopinus  antennatus  (Osborn),  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  Anoplura 

and  Mallophaga  of  North  American  Mammals,  Stanford  University  Pub¬ 
lications,  University  Series  (no  volume  number) ,  page  36;  text 
figure  14A,  B;  Plate  5,  figure  10;  Plate  6,  figure  5. 

1916.  Neohaematopinus  antennatus  semifasciatus  Ferns,  Psyche  23:1UU. 

1919.  Neohaematopinus  macrospinosus  Fahrenholz,  Jahresbericht  des  nieder- 

sachsischen  zoologischen  Vereins  zu  Hannover  5~ 10. 24.^ 

1923.  Neohaematopinus  sciurinus  (Mjoberg),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Mono  Taph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:243;  figures  155>  l-®>  ^59- 
HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  The  types  of  Osborn's  Raematopinus  antennatus 
were  from  Sciurus  niter  rufiventer  at  Ames,  Iowa.  The  types  of  Mjoberg  s 
Acanthopinus  sciurinus  were  recorded  as  from  Sciurus  vulpinus,  which  is  a 
synonym  of  niter,  in  the  Hamburg  Zoological  Garden,  Germany.  Later  record¬ 
ed  by  Ferris  from  a  long  list  of  species  of  Sciurus  and  related  genera  from 
North  .America,  Central  America  and  South  America  and  from  the  Malayan 
Region.  The  list  will  not  here  be  repeated,  since  it  will  be  necessary  for 
future  workers  to  reconsider  the  entire  situation  in  any  case  before  the 
problem  of  the  extent  of  the  species  can  be  settled.  This  is  considered  in 

theN0TESOW1Tbenven’ considerable  amount  of  material  at  hand  has  been  care¬ 
fully  renewed  in  connection  with  this  work,  with  results  but  little  more 
satisfactory  than  those  recorded  by  Ferris  in  1922.  Within  this  material 


the  only  character  that  seems  to  offer  any  basis  for  a  separation  into 
species  is  that  of  the  enlarged  seta  on  the  first  antennal  segment.  In 
typical  sciurinus  this  seta  is  quite  large  and  is  borne  upon  a  prolongation 
0 t  the  posterior  apical  angle  of  the  segment,  the  whole  structure  forming  a 
pronounced  hook.  Every  degree  of  variation  in  this  structure  is  present  in 
the  material  at  hand,  down  to  specimens  in  which  the  seta  is  scarcely  pres¬ 
ent  at  all.  Attempts  at  arranging  this  material  in  groups  according  to 
hosts  and  according  to  geography  have  revealed  no  logical  pattern.  Thus, 
specimens  from  squirrels  of  the  genus  Callosciurus  in  the  Malayan  area  are 
practically  identical  with  specimens  from  Sciurus  aberti  from  Arizona  in 
the  United  States. 

Certain  of  the  material  at  hand  would  apparently  be  referable  to  Neo¬ 
haematopinus  sciuri  Jancke,  described  from  the  European  Sciurus  vulgaris, 
on  the  basis  of  the  development  of  this  seta  on  the  first  antennal  segment. 
But  if  we  attempt  to  group  specimens  on  this  basis,  again  no  logical  pat¬ 
tern  appears.  While  the  species  sciuri  is  here  listed,  this  is  done  solely 
in  order  not  to  prejudice  any  development  of  later  studies  and  for  the 
present  all  other  material  of  this  type  is  referred  to  sciurinus. 

The  problem  must  be  left  to  future  workers  who  may  be  able  to  accumulate 
a  great  mass  of  material  from  a  long  series  of  squirrel  species. 

Neohaematopinus  sciuropteri  (Osborn) 

Figures  86,  87 

1891.  Haematopinus  sciuropteri  Osborn,  United  States  Department  of  Agri¬ 
culture,  Division  of  Entomology',  Bulletin  (old  series)  7:23;  fig¬ 
ure  12. 

1910.  Neohaematopinus  sciuropteri  (Osborn),  Miobers,  Arkiv  for  Zoolo^i  6* 
160;  figure  79. 

1923.  Neohaematopinus  sciuropteri  (Osborn),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:241;  figures  156,  157. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  as  from  Sciuropterus  volucella,  which 
is  a  synonym  of  Glaucomys  volans,  at  Ames,  Iowa.  Later  recorded  from 
Glaucomys  sabrinus  at  Yosemite  National  Park,  California. 

Neohaematopinus  suahelicus  Ferris 

1923.  Neohaematopinus  suahelicus  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph 
of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:258;  figures  165B,  F,  G. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  as  from  Paraxerus  palliatus  from 
British  East  Africa,  and  recorded  from  Paraxerus  ochraceus  (as  jacksoni  and 
as  Parasciurus  animosus)  from  the  same  area. 

Neohaematopinus  syriacus  Ferris 

1923.  Neohaematopinus  syriacus  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of 
the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:250;  figure  160E. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION .  From  Sciurus  anomalus  (as  syriacus)  from  Sjyria. 

Neohaematopinus  traubi  Rubin 

1946.  Neohaematopinus  traubi  Rubin,  Proceedings  of  the  Entomological  Soci¬ 
ety  of  Washington  48:120;  figures  3.  4. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  as  from  Citellus  adocetus  from  the 
state  of  Michaocan,  Mexico. 

NOTES.  This  species  is  supposed  to  be  separable  from  laeviusculus  and 
other  members  of  that  group  by  having  the  abdomen  with  three  rows  of  setae 
on  each  "typical  segment."  However,  the  accompanying  illustration  does  not 


iuropteri  (Osborn) 

Figure  86 


female  genitalia 

male  genitalia 

Neohaematopinus  sciuropteri  (Osborn), details 

Figure  87 


agree  with  the  description.  It  provides  only  fourteen  rows  of  setae  to  be 
distributed  among  six  segments,  this  allowing  but  two  rows  per  segment  with 
two  left  over,  which  does  not  indicate  that  a  "typical  segment"  can  have 
three  rows.  The  discrepancy  is  probably  due  to  an  error  in  counting  and 
the  surmise  may  be  hazarded  that  the  species  is  not  distinguished  as  its 
author  supposed.  However,  according  to  the  illustration  given,  the  stout 
ness  of  the  ventral  setae  may  possibly  afford  a  basis  for  its  recognition. 


1922.  Phthirpediculus  Ewing,  Journal  of  the  Washington  Academy  of  Sciences 

1932.  Phthtrpedtculus,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  ol  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:295. 

GENERIC  TYPE.  Phthtrpedtculus  propithect  Ewing,  the  only  included  spe¬ 

CHARACTERS.  Polyplacinae  with  five-segmented  antennae  which  are  sexual¬ 
ly  dimorphic,  the  male  having  the  distal,  preaxial  angle  of  the  third  seg¬ 
ment  produced  and  bearing  dorsally  two,  stout,  retrorse  setae.  Anterior 
legs  small,  with  weak  claw;  middle  and  posterior  legs  about  equal  to  each 
other,  enlarged  and  stout,  with  stout  claw.  Paratergal  plates  present  on 
abdominal  segments  3-6,  distinctly  developed  and  with  free  apical  angles; 
marked  by  having  the  basal,  inesal  angle  produced  into  a  distinct  sclerotiza- 
tion  which  extends  somewhat  toward  the  mid-line  ol  the  body  and  bears  two 
slender  setae.  Otherwise  the  abdomen  in  both  sexes  is  membranous  except 
for  the  usual  terminal  and  genitalic  plates.  Each  abdominal  segment,  both 
dorsally  and  ventrally,  with  one  row  ot  setae  except  that  in  the  female  the 
dorsum  of  segment  two  apparently  has  two  rows.  Abdominal  spiracles  present 
on  segments  3-8.  Prothoracic  sternal  plate  distinctly  developed,  of  a 
pecaliar  type,  being  divided  longitudinally  into  two  plates,  each  ol  which 
bears  a  pair  of  slender  setae  at  its  posterior  end. 

Phthirpediculus  propitheci  Ewing 
Figures  88,  89 

1922.  Phthirpediculus  propitheci  Ewing,  Journal  of  the  Washington  Academy 

of  Sciences  13: 149 •  A  T  . 

1932.  phthirpediculus  propitheci  Ewing,  Ferris,  Contributions  lowara  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:296;  figures  180,  181. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Propithecus  edwardsii,  a  lemur,  from  Mada¬ 

Genus  POLYPLAX  Enderlein 










>olyp lax  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  28:142,  223. 

Iremophthirius  Glinkiewicz,  Sitzungsberichte  der  mathematischnatur- 
w is sensch aft lichen  Class  der  kaiserlichen  Akademie  der  Wissen- 

schaften  zu  Wien  116:381.  • *  1  •  19. £90 

laematopinus  {Polyplax) ,  Neumann,  Archives  de  Parasitologie  13: >"• 
'olyplax,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking 

Lice,  Part  4:184. 

^olyplax,  Ewing,  A  Manual  of  External  Parasites,  page  1J/. 
n olyplax ,  Ewing,  Proceedings  of  the  Biological  Society  of  Washington 

Irem'ophthirius,  Ewing,  Proceedings  of  the  Biological  Society  of  Wash- 

30 iyp i ax ,  ^Fahrenho lz ,  Zeitschrift  fur  Parasitenkunde  10 : 239  - 
Iremophthirius,  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fur  Parasitenkunde  10:„4Z. 




Figure  88 

k  i 

\  mf  I-tiir. 

female  genitalia 

Phthirpediculus  propitheci  Ewing 


GENERIC  TYPE.  Pediculus  spinulosus  Burmeister. 

GENERIC  SYNONYM.  Eremophthirius  Glinkiewicz,  of  which  the  type  by  mono- 
typy  is  Eremophthirius  werneri  Glinkiewicz. 

CHARACTERS.  Polyplacidae  with  five- segmented  antennae  which  are  usually 
at  least  slightly  dimorphic,  the  males  commonly  having  the  distal,  preaxial 
angle  of  the  third  segment  somewhat  produced  and  bearing  at  its  apex  a  re- 
curved  spine  or  short  recurved,  stout  seta.  Head  usually  abruptly  widened 
behind  the  antennae,  but  not  always  so.  Thorax  usually  with  a  well  devel¬ 
oped  sternal  plate  which  around  its  margins  is  free  from  the  body  wall. 
Anterior  legs  small  and  weak,  with  slender  claw.  Middle  leers  definitely 
somewhat  larger,  with  stouter  claw.  Posterior  legs  similar  to  the  second 
but  still  larger,  with  stouter  claw,  but  never  strongly  flattened  or  ex- 
panded.  Abdomen  with  paratergal  plates  always  developed  on  segments  2-8 
the  plates  rarely  if  ever  overlapping  each  other  in  an  expanded  specimen 
the  plates  of  segment  two  having  the  appearance  of  being  divided  longitudi- 

+  ir +y+i-t°/WO  Ple?es>  one  of  which  lies  upon  the  dorsum.  It  is  possible 
that  this  dorsal  piece  actually  represents  the  paratergite  of  segment  one 
although  occasionally  the  plates  of  segment  three  are  similarly  divided’ 
Paratergites  of  segments  4-6  usually  with  each  posterior  angle  produced  in- 
to  a  siight  point,  or  occasionally  into  a  slender  process^  the  posterior 
margm  between  these  points  being  entire;  at  times  with  only  the  ventral 
angle  produced.  Tergal  and  sternal  plates  always  developed  and  sclerotized, 
the  female  having  two  plates  and  two  rows  of  setae  on  segments  4-7  dorsallv 
and  on  sepients  ventrally;  the  male  with  not  more  than  one  plate  and 
one  row  of  setae  on  any  segment  dorsally  and  with  either  one  or  two  plates 
on  the  abdominal  segments  ventrally.  The  ventral  plates  on  segments  2-2 
are  never  produced  laterally  to  articulate  with  or  approximate  the  parater¬ 
gal  plates  of  these  segments.  v 

NOTES.  The  opinion  previously  expressed  by  Ferris  that  Eremophthirius 
should  not  be  separated  from  Polyplax  is  here  still  maintained.  Fahrenholz 
has  attempted  to  revive  Eremophthirius  on  the  basis  of  the  presence  in  the 
male  of  but  one  ventral  plate  on  any  abdominal  segment,  but  any  such  divi- 
sion  results  merely  m  quite  meaningless  groupings  of  the  species. 

The  members  of  the  genus  Polyplax  occur  almost  exclusively  upon  members 

,'ly  althouSh  at  leasl  ■>"<=  species  seems  to  occur 

normal  upon  members  of  the  msectivore  family  Soricidae. 

Key  to  Species  of  POLYPLAX 

in  AVS  fn^deraUe  ' °f  difficulty  has  been  eucouutered  ip  prepar- 

JS  ™  y  fpecles  °flh;S  genus'  The  characters  separating  some  of 

the  species  are  clear  enough  when  specimens  are  compared  directly,  but  are 

y  treno.hant  to  be  “f  •“="  use  in  a  key,  or  are  of  such  a 
nature  that  they  cannot  be  expressed  with  the  conciseness  which  is  desir¬ 
able  in  a  key.  Furthermore,  of  some  species  only  one  sex  is  known  In 
some  other  instances  the  male  only  may  present  especially  distinctive  char¬ 
acters.  Because  of  these  facts  the  presentation  of  separate  kevs  to  the 
sexes  is  no  more  practicable  than  it  is  to  include  both  in  the  same  key. 
This  introduces  serious  difficulties,  but  at  the  present  time  there  seems 
to  be  no  way  to  avoid  them. 

It  should  be  remembered,  also,  that  some  of  the  species  are  known  from 
but  very  few  specimens  and  consequently  the  possible  range  of  variation  is 
unknown  Jnder  these  circumstances  the  key  must  be  used  with  caution. 

Ihe  following  species,  known  only  from  their  original  descriotions  arp 

(Bilmeiste^r.  lhC  ^  dentattc0rnts  Ewin*r>  eriopepll  (Ewing ),  spini£era 


1.  Posterior  legs  with  a  distinct,  sclerotized,  retrorse  tooth  at  the  oub- 
er  basal  angle  of  the  tibia;  known  from  Rattus  sabanus  iu  the  Malayan 


dl  Uli*  . . . .  ^ 

Posterior  legs  without  such  a  tooth . • . . . " 

2  (1).  head  with  a  long  seta  at  or  close  to  the  apex  of  the  lateral,  pos¬ 

terior  angle . •••••**' . ,*.*.*  *  'i*  v 

head  with  this  seta  borne  on  a  small,  apically  free,  ear- like  lobe 
which  is  somewhat  removed  from  the  apex  of  the  posterior  lateral 
angle;  occurring  on  New  World  species  of  the  genera  Peromjscus, 
Onychomys,  and  Retthrodontomys . AUK1CULAR1S 

3  (2).  Abdomen  with  tergal  and  sternal  plates  undeveloped  in  the  feuutle, 

except  for  those  associated  with  the  genital  segments  and  one  or 
two  very  small  tergal  plates  at  the  base  of  the  abdomen;  known 

from  various  hosts  in  India . •• . ASIATIC  A 

Abdomen  of  the  female  always  with  distinct,  even  it  attenuated,  tei - 
tral  and  sternal  plates  on  all  segments . ...4 

4  (3).  Thoracic  sternal  plate  with  a  distinct,  narrow,  hanlle-like  proton 

.ration  extending  forward  between  the  anterior  coxa,  this  prolon¬ 
gation  being  one-fourth  as  long  as  the  plate  itselt  or  longer...*) 
Thoracic  sternal  plate  at  the  most  with  nothing  more  than  a  slight 

median,  anterior  point . . . -***::*  - - •••]“ 

5  (4).  With  a  pair  of  long  setae  on  each  abdominal  paratergite,  these  se  ae 

longer  than  the  plate  which  bears  them . . . '.V  *.*’.***,' . b 

With  not  more  than  1  seta  on  any  paratergal  plate  which  is  longer 
than  the  plate  which  bears  it,  and  such  setae  not  present  at  all 

6  (5).  Lateral  margins  of  the  hindhead  in  the  femaie  short  and  almost  semi- 

circularly  convex  (known  only  from  the  female);  from  undetermined 

rodents  from  Abyssinia . .  . . . .  .PKj^J.lbA 

Lateral  margins  of  the  hindhead  straight  and  almost  parallel  in 
both  sexes;  known  from  Tatera  indica  in  India . oihrnhNol 

7  (f)).  Male  with  a  row  of  very  short,  almost  thorn-like,  setae  on  the  ter 

cral  plates  of  segments  4-7,  in  addition  to  the  usuai  slender 

setae;  known  from  Tatera  bohwi  in  Africa . . . .  .ttlbhKl A1A 

Male  with  only  the  usual  row  of  slender  setae  on  any  abdominal  ter^ 

8  (7)  Setae  on  paratergites  of  segments  3~6  almost  or  quite  equaling  in 

8  (,)’  "length  the  plate  that  bea^rs  them  except  for  one  longer  seta  on 

se.ment  3;  known  from  Tatera  vicina  in  Africa. . ......... • • 1 AILKAh 

Se2?  on  paratergites  of  segments  3-6  shorter  than  the  plate  which 
"bears  them  except  for  1  long  seta  on  segment  3  or  se^nnents  3  •  9 

9  (8).  Paratergal  plates  of  segment  3  only  with  1  long  seta  which^is^much 

longer  than  the  plate  that  bears  it . . . .  . 

Paratergal  plates  of  segments  3-4  each  with  1  long  seta  which  is 

much  longer  than  the  plate  that  bears  it. . • . . 

10  (0)  Ventral  apical  angle  of  paratergites  ol  abdominal  segments  J-b 

10  (9).  Ventra^  ^  that  .g  about  twice  as  wlde  at  its  base  and 

twice  as  long  as  the  tooth  at  the  dorsal  angle;  known  iron  Ger- 

billus  pyramidum  in  Egypt. .  ........ .WXBILLi 

Ventral  apical  angle  of  paratergites  of  segments  3-6  forming  mere 
ly  a  slight  tooth  which  is  not  larger  than  that  of  the  doi sa ^ 

11  (10)  Lateral  margins*  oV  "the  "hindhead"  in  "the  male  (female  unsown) 

11  (10).  La^tr*  Convergent ;  occurring  on  Pachyuromys  in 

Lateral  margins  of  the  hindhead  in  the  male  ivergen  0  P 

n),llv  parallel ;  from  Meriones  auceps  m  China . 

19  (4)  ferater^'i  teso  f  abdominal  segments  2-6  with  both  posterior  angles 

12  (4K  produced  into  a  slender,  apically  acute  process  which  is  heset 


13  (12) 

14  (13). 

15  (13). 

16  (15). 

17  (15). 

18  (17). 

19  (18). 

20  (18). 

with  minute  squamations . WATERSTONI 

Paratergites  not  so . \\\  w 

.  Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  3-6  posteriorly  emargi- 
nate,  the  setae  borne  close  to  the  apices  of  the  points  formed 

by  this  emargination . . 

Paratergal  plates  of  these  segments  not  so . 15 

,  Paratergites  of  abdominal  segments  3~6  only  shallowly  emarginate; 
tergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  3-6  occupying  scarcely  more 
than  half  the  width  of  their  respective  segments;  occurring  on 

Arvicanthis  in  Africa . 1 . ABYSSINICA 

Paratergites  of  segments  3-6  deeply  emarginate;  tergal  plates  of 
segments  3-6  occupying  at  least  three- fourths  of  the  width  of 
their  respective  segments;  occurring  on  Arvicanthis  in  Africa.. 

Tergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  3-6  each  with  the  ventral  pos¬ 
terior  angle  only  forming  a  tooth  and  each  with  a  pair  of  setae 

which  are  about  as  long  as  the  plate  which  bears  them . 16 

Tergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  3-6  not  presenting  this  com¬ 
bination  of  characters;  if  the  setae  are  as  long  as  the  plates 
each  angle  forms  a  tooth,  if  one  angle  does  not  form  a  tooth 

Head  truncate  anteriorly  immediately  'in  'front* of’ the’  antennae ; 

occurring  on  Lophuromys  in  Africa . PHTHISICA 

Head  acutely  pointed  in  front  of  the  antennae; . OXYRRHYNCHUS 

Genitalia  of  the  male  with  the  pseudopenis  entirely  enclosed  with¬ 
in  the  apices  of  the  parameres;  tergal  plates  in  the  female  all 
ot  almost  uniform  length  in  the  longitudinal  axis  of  the  body- 

occurring  on  Saccostomus  in  Africa . JONESI 

Genitalia  of  the  male  with  the  pseudopenis  art icuiating  to  the 
apices  of  the  parameres;  anterior  tergal  plate  of  abdominal 
segments  4-/  in  the  female  distinctly  longer  in  the  longitudi¬ 
nal  axis  of  the  body  than  the  posterior  plate  of  tho  same  seg¬ 
ment  . 

Paratergites  of  abdominal  segments  4-6  each  with  1  seta  which  is 
as  long  as  or  longer  than  the  plate  which  bears  it,  the  other 
seta  somewhat  variable  but  never  so  short  as  to  appear  thorn- 

^1*<e  •  . . . IQ 

Paratergites  of  abdominal  segments  4-6  with  seta  otherwise  20 
Paratergites  of  abdominal  segments  3-6  with  well  developed  points 
at  the  posterior  angles,  these  points  set  somewhat  anterior  to 
the  posterior  margin  of  their  plate,  this  posterior  margin  pro¬ 
jecting  posteriorly  beyond  the  points;  spiracles  noticeably 
iarge ;  two  supposed  species  which  are  probably  identical-  oc¬ 
curring  on  shrews  in  Europe,  Africa,  and  Asia . _ 

........ -  ....  . RECLINATA  and  DELTOIDES 

Paratergites  of  abdominal  segments  3~6  with  the  points  at  their 
posterior  angles  very  small,  or  perhaps  at  times  lackin'*;  pos¬ 
terior  margin  of  these  paratergites  not  produced;  spiracles  ex- 
tremel.)  small  and  obscure;  occurring  on  Rattus  apoensis  in  the 

Philippine  Islands .  TARSfiMYrn! 

D°rsal  seta  of  paratergites  of  segment  4  about  m  iin^as  the 

plate  itself,  the  other  seta  of  these  plates  and  of  the  plates 
of  segments  2,  3,  S  and  6  being  much  shorter  than  the  plate;  a 
slender-bodied  species  which,  as  far  as  known,  occurs  on  the 
bouse  mouse  and  other  closely  related  species  of  Mus  and  on 

members  of  the  genus  Apodemus  in  Europe  and  Asia . SERRATA 

U tnerwiSG • ^ 

. 21 


21  (20).  First  abdominal  sternite  in  both  sexes  quite  strongly  arcuate  and 

with  its  lateral  angles  somewhat  prolonged;  occurring  on  Microtus 
and  related  forms  in  northern  Europe  and  northern  North  America 


First  abdominal  sternite  in  both  sexes  not  thus;  its  posterior 
margin  almost  straight  and  the  lateral  angles  not  prolonged. 

22  (21).  Dorsal  lobe  of  the  pseudopenis  very  short,  scarcely  one-iourth 

the  length  of  the  ventral  lobe;  parameres  well  developed,  ex¬ 
tending'  forward  between  the  posterior  arms  of  the  basal  plate; 
occurring  especially  ou  species  ol  Rattus  throughout  the  world. 

. . . . . SPINULOSA 

Dorsal  lobe  of  the  pseudopenis  equaling  about  half  the  length  ol 
the  ventral  lobe;  parameres  quite  weakly  developed  and  extend¬ 
ing  forward  only  slightly  past  the  apex  of  the  arms  of  the  bas¬ 
al  plate;  occurring  on  species  of  Microtus  and  related  genera 
in  North  America . ABSCISA 

Polyplax  abscisa  Fahrenholz 

1925.  Polyplax  spinulosa  (Lurmeister) ,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mon¬ 
ograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:187.  (In  part;  mi sidenti 1 lca- 

1938.  Polyplax  abscisa  Fahreuholz,  Zeitschrilt  liir  Paras i tenkuude  10:277, 

figures  13,  14.  _  QC  .0 

1942.  Polyplax  abscisa  Fahrenholz,  Ferris,  Microentomology  7:bb ;  tigure  42. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  as  from  "Arvicola  spec.,  Californien. 
This  was  in  all  probability  a  species  of  Microtus,  much  less  probably  ol 
Phenacomys.  The  species  has  been  recorded  by  Ferris,  under  the  name  ol 
polyplax  spinulosa,  from  Microtus  californicus  and  Microtus  sp.  in  Caiitor- 
nia',  from  Microtus  intermedius  from  Nevada,  from  Microtus  pennsylvan  icus 
from  New  York,  United  States. 

NOTES.  This  species  is  exceedingly  close  to  Polyplax  spinulosa,  appar 
ently  differing  only  in  certain  details  of  the  genitalia  ot  the  male  as  in¬ 
dicated  in  the  accompanying  key. 

Polyplax  abyss inica  Ferris 

1923  Polyplax  abyss inica  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  ol  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:230;  figure  150.  „ 

1940.  Polyplax  abyssinica  Ferris,  Werneck,  Revista  de  Entomologica  11:722, 

HOSTS  AND11  DISTRIBUTION,  'type  from  Arvicanthis  abyssinicus  at  Bugondo 
Te so  Uganda,  and  recorded  by  Ferris  from  the  same  host  lrom  other  local- 
ities  in  U-anda.  Recorded  by  Perris  from  Otomys  tropical t«  and  Oeno»j/s 
bacchante  in  Uganda.  Recorded  by  Werneck  from  a  subspecies  of  the  type 
host  at  various  ^localities  in  Uganda:  from  Arvicanthis  sp.  ,  and  from  Mastomys 

coucha  from  the  West  Nile  District  in  Uganda. 

NOTES.  If  is  probable  that  the  normal  hosts  of  this  species  are  species 
of  the  genus  Arvicanthis.  Ferris  described  only  the  female.  The  male  has 
been  described  byr  Werneck. 

Polyplax  alaskensis  Ewing 

Polyplax  alaskensis  Ewing,  Proceedings  of  the  Entomological  Society 

of  Washington  29:118.  ,  0 

Dniimlnx  borealis  Ferris,  Parasitology  2b: 12/;  tigures  1, 

Polyplax  alaskensis  Ewing,  Ewing,  Proceedings  of  the  Biological  bo 

ciety  of  Washington  29:118. 





H0J1S,AN,D  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  by  Ewing  from  Microtus  sp.  from  un¬ 
specified  locality  in  Alaska.  Described  by  Ferris  from  Evotomys  sp. 

ru%TanusS?  lr0D1  Beskenj arrSa->  Finmark,  Norway.  This  host  is  Clethrionomys 
NOTES.  It  is  here  accepted  that  borealis  is  a  synonym  of  alaskensis. 

Polyplax  arvicanthis  Bedford 



Polyplax  arvicanthis  Bedford,  Report  of  the  Division  of  Veterinary 
Research,  Department  of  Agriculture,  Union  of  South  Africa  5-6 • 716  • 
Plate  1,  figures.  ' 

Polyplax  arvicanthis  Bedford,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:227:  fi/nires  148  14Q 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  as  from  Arvicanthis  pumilio  at  Onder- 
stepoort,  Pretoria,  South  Africa,  and  later  recorded  from  a  subspecies  of 
this  host  from  Mount  Kenya,  British  East  Africa.  The  correct  name  for  this 
host  is  Rhabdomys  pumilio. 

Polyplax  asiatica  Ferris 

1923.  Polyplax  asiatica  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:233;  figure  lfi2D. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Crocidura  caerulea  (a  shrew)  from 
Rangoon,  Burma.  Also  recorded  from  Nesokia  hardwickii  from  Quetta,  Baluch- 
istan.  Material  not  previously  recorded  is  at  hand  from  Bandicota  bental- 

mvvt  Akivb’  aD>d  fr0in  Rattus  ooncolor  at  Bellaiy,  Madras,  India. 

NOTES.  The  additional  material  now  at  hand  tends  to  substantiate  the 
suspicion,  previously  expressed  by  Ferris  and  by  Hopkins,  that  this  species 
is  normal  to  a  rodent  and  not  to  shrews. 

Polyplax  auricularis  Kellogg  and  Ferris 





Polyp\lx  aurlculaiMis  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  Anoplura  and  Mallopha<ra  of 
Noith  American  Mammals,  Stanford  University  Publications,  Univer- 

4  fibre's  D°  Volume  number) '  P^e  13;  Plate  1,  figure  4;  Plate 

Polyplax  auricularis  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward 
a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:218;  figures  140,  141. 
Polyplax  auricular -is, ^  variety  californiae.  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift 
fur  Paras itenkunde  10:270;  figures  19,  21. 

Polyplax  pa inei  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fUr  Parasitenkunde  10-270- 
iitmres  20  22.  1  > 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Peromyscus  maniculatus  at  Inverness 
Marin  County  California,  and  recorded  from  the  same  host  at  Yosemite 

FoirestirPT^l4ndCalAV°r|IliaV  AiSo°  rehcorded  froir  Peromyscus  sitchensis  from 
Forrester  Island,  Alaska,  from  Onychomys  torridus  at  Victorville,  Califor- 

nwirV'  m zhomy^lT°taSUr  at  Colorado  Springs,  Colorado,  and  at 
Liberal,  Kansas.  All  these  records  are  from  within  the  United  States.  Al¬ 
so  recorded  from  Reithrodontomys  mexicanus  at  "Tehontepec,  Chiapas  "  which 

liiioobCity,  Mexico!’6'’'0’  *"  ^ 

it  came  actually  from  this  host  there  must  have  been 

itTnnhp^  Lrood  evidence  that  the  members  of  this  family  harbor  only 
lice  of  the  genus  Fahrenholzla.  There  is  a Peromyscus  maniculatus  streatori 
and  Hopkins  suggests  that  there  may  have  been  an  error  in  reading  a  label 
No  reason  appears  for  naming  the  supposed  variety.  g  1 


Fahrenheit  has  aLso  named  the  species  Polyplax  painet  i'rom  Peromyscus 
caltfornicus  from  San  Mateo  County,  California,  but  in  the  light  ol  the 
available  material  there  seems  to  be  no  reason  for  recognizing  this  species. 

Polyplax  biseriata  Ferris 

1923.  Polyplax  biseriata  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:199;  figures  125A,  126. 

1938.  Eremophthirius  btserlatus  (Ferris) ,  Rahreuholz,  Zei tschri ft  fur  Para- 
si  tenkunde  10:243- 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Tatera  bohmi  at  South  Guaso  Nyiro,  British 
East  Africa,  and  from  Tatera  lobengulae  at  Bothaville,  Orange  li'ee  State, 
South  Africa. 

Polyplax  chinensis  Ferris 

1923.  Polyplax  chinensis  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:209;  figures  132,  133- 
HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  But  one  record,  from  Heriones  auceps,  Shensi, 
China.  According  to  Ellerman  this  is  listed  as  a  subspecies  of  Heriones 
ner  id  ianus. 

Polyplax  deltoides  Fahrenholz 

1923.  Polyplax  reclinata  (Nitzsch),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:192;  figures  120C,  120G.  (Mis- 

1938.  Polyplax  deltoides  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschnft  fur  Paras  1  tenkunde  10:29b; 
figure  12. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  This  species  was  based  by  Fahrenholz  upon  the 
specimens  recorded  by  Ferris  as  from  Crocidura  coerulea  at  Rangoon,  Burma; 
from  Crocidura  sp .  at  Atchebal,  Valley  of  Kashmir;  Pachyura  luzonensis  at 
Manila,  Philippine  Islands,  and  from  Scut  isorex  sp.  at  "Medjie,  this  place 
name  being  without  other  data  and  perhaps  being  a  misspelling. 

NOTES.  Since  this  species  name  was  based  entirely  upon  the  records  pub¬ 
lished  by  Ferris,  the  type  must  be  selected  from  among  the  material  record¬ 
ed  by  fterris.  The  type  is  therefore  designated  as  a  female  from  Pachyura 
luzonensis  at  Manila,  Philippine  Islands,  which  is  in  the  Stanford  Univer¬ 

sity  collection.  ,  , 

As  far  as  any  evidence  given  by  Fahrenholz  is  concerned,  no  good  reason 

appears  for  regarding  this  species  as  anything  more  than  Polyplax  reclinata. 
But  since  specimens  from  the  type  host  of  the  latter  are  not  available  the 
name  is  here  accepted. 

Polyplax  dentaticornis  Ewing 

1935.  Polyplax  dentaticornis  Ewing,  Proceedings  of  the  Biological  Society 
of  Washington  48:20V;  figure  2c.  .  .  „ 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Recorded,  on  the  basis  ot  a  single  male,  irom 
Cricetulus  andersoni,  Shensi,  China. 

Polyplax  eriopepli  Ewing 

1936.  Eremophthirius  eriopepli  Ewing,  Proceedings  of  the  Biological 
ety  of  Washington  48:209.  ,  , 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Eriopeplus  incanus  Iron  Celebes, 
host  is  Cricetulus  longicaudatus. 




Polyplax  gerbilli  Ferris 

1923.  Polyplax  gerbilli  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:203;  figures  128,  129. 

1938.  Eremophthirius  gerbilli  Ferris,  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fur  Para- 
sitenkunde  10:243. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Gerbillus  pyramidum  at  Khartoum,  Egypt. 

Polyplax  gracilis  Fahrenholz 

1910.  Polyplax  gracilis  Fahrenholz,  Jahresbericht  des  Nieders&chsischen  zo- 
ologischen  Vereins  zu  Hannover  2-4:42;  text  fi<mres  16.  17;  Plate 
1,  figures  10,  11. 

19-3 -  Polyplax  gracilis  Fahrenholz,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:234. 

1938.  Polyplax  gracilis  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fur  Parasitenlomde  10:263- 
figure  231.  ’ 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Recorded  from  Mus  minutus,  presumably  in  Ger¬ 
many.  The  host  is  now  known  as  Micromys  minutus. 

Polyplax  insulsa  Ferris 

I923.  Polypi  ax  insulsa  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the 
Sucking  Lice’  Part  4:231;  fig111*63  151,  152A,  C. 

1929.  Ahaematopinus  insulsus  (Ferris),  Ewing,  A  Manual  of  External  Para¬ 
sites,  page  198. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Known  only  from  the  original  record,  from  Epimys 
\-Rattus)  sabanus  from  Bunguran,  Natuna  Islands,  Malaysia. 



Polyplax  jonesi  Kellogg  and  Ferris 

Polypi  ax  jonesi  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  Annals  of  the  Durban  Museum  1- 
151 ;  Plate  15,  figures  3-3e. 

Polyplax  jonesi  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:216;  figures  138  139 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Known  only’  from  the  origin^  record,  fL  Sac- 
costomus  campestris ,  at  Mfongosi,  Zululand,  South  Africa. 

Polyplax  otomydis  Cummin<?s 






POlJEl2X  otomydis  Cummings,  Bulletin  of  Entomological  Research  3- 
396-7;  figures. 

P°iAa\al-ir^illL¥^enho^>  ¥erris’  kimals  of  the  Durban  Museum  1: 
240,  figures  23C,  24.  (Misidentification) 

Polyplax  cummingsi  Ferris,  Annals  of  the  Durban  Museum  1-240;  fig¬ 
ures  25,  26A. 

Polyplax  otomydis  Cummings,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:211;  figures  134,  135. 

Polyplax  cummingsi  Ferris,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph 
oi  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:213;  figures  136,  137. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  by  Cummings  from  Otomys  Irroratus 
from  Mount  Kenya,  British  East  Africa.  Also  recorded  from  this  host  from 
Onderstepoort,  Pretoria,  and  from  Mfongosi,  Zululand,  South  Africa.  Re¬ 
corded  from  Otomys  angoniensis  from  Naivasha,  British  East  Africa,  and  from 
Otomys  bran t s i  without  indication  of  locality,  this  last  host  now  bein<r  re¬ 
ferred  to  Parotomys.  Recorded  by  Ferris  as  Polyplax  cummingsi  from  Datymys 
Incomtus  from  Mfongosi,  Zululand,  and  from  Kaimosi,  British  East  Africa  and 
from  Rattus  (now  known  as  Aethomys)  chrysophilus  from  Mfongosi,  Zululand. 


NOTES.  A  re-examination  of  the  material  at  hand  reveals  no  sound  basis 
for  the  recognition  of  the  species  cummtntsl,  the  characters  given  b>  Ferris 
for  the  separation  of  the  latter  species  now  appearing  to  have  been  quite 
illusory . 

Polyplax  oxyrrhyuchus  Cummings 

1915-  Polyplax  oxyrrhynchus  Cummings,  Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Soci¬ 
ety  of  London,  page  251;  text  figures  4-6,  8,  9,  11.  13- 

1923.  Polyplax  oxyrrhynchus  Cummings,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 

graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:225;  figures  146,  147. 

1938.  Polyplax  oxyrrhynchus,  variety  hystrellae  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschnft 
fQr  Paras itenkunde  10:275* 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Acomys  cahirinus  at  Assiut,  Egypt. 
Recorded  by  Ferris  from  Acomys  hystrella  from  Numule,  Uganda,  and  irom 

Acomys  perctvalt ,  British  East  Africa.  .  . 

NOTES.  Fahrenholz,  apparently  without  seeing  any  specimens  and  working 
merely  from  the  illustrations  accompanying  the  original  description  ol  this 
species  and  the  later  record  by  Ferris,  assumed  to  establish  the  supposed 
,lvarietv"  hystrellae  for  the  specimens  illustrated  by  Ferris.  The  type  ol 
this  naine  will  therefore  be  among  these  specimens.  The  differences  cited 
by  Fahrenholz  for  his  "variety"  are  merely  such  as  are  inevitable  in  illus¬ 
trations  made  by  different  persons  from  specimens  which  were  dillerently 
prepared  and  this  supposed  variety  is  here  reduced  to  synonymy. 

Polyplax  phthisica  Ferris 

1923.  Polyplax  phthisica  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  ol  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:223;  figures  144,  145.  . 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Lophuromys  aquilus  trora  Ngani  Narok 
River  and  from  the  same  host  species  (recorded  as  zena )  from  Molo,  British 
East  Africa;  from  Lophuromys  sikapusl,  Rhino  Camp,  Uganda;  from  Lophuromys 
sp.  from  Nyasaland.  A  record  from  Thamnomys  ibeanus,  British  East  Alnca, 
is  probably  due  to  contamination. 

Polyplax  praecisa  (Neumann) 

1901.  Haematopinus  praecitus  Neumann,  Archives  de  Parasitologie  ?-600.  (In 

part;  also  typographical  error  for  praecisus,  later  corrected  by 

1902.  Haematopinus  praecisus  Neumann,  Archives  de  Parasitologie  6:144;  fig. 

1904.  Polyplax  praecisa  (Neumann),  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  .  3 

1919.  Polyplax  praecisa  (Neumann),  Fahrenholz,  Jahresbericht  des  Nieder- 
s&chsischen  Zoologischen  Yereins  zu  Hannover  5-lU:Zh. 

1923.  Polyplax  praecisa  (Neumann),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph 
of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:196;  figure  123.  f  f  p 

1938.  Eremophthirius  praecisus  (Neumann),  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschnf  u 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Recorded  as  from  "gros  rats,  in  Abyssinia.  Hop- 
kins^notes  that  T^tera  nlgri cauda  occurs  in  Abyssinia  and  assumes  the  spe- 

^^OTES^^ Neumann  included  two  distinct  species  in  his  praecisus.  This  was 
•  ' 1  vv  Fahrenholz  who  in  1919  named  one  of  the  two  as  Hoplopl eura 
th"Acted  the  Le  to  the  other  ,  -hic^is  a  » 
Fprric;  saw  the  type  specimens  and  confirmed  this  procedure,  r  ye 
praecisa  is  still  known  only  from  the  female  and  without  precise  host  desig 



Polyplax  reclinata  (Nitzsch) 

1864.  Pediculus  reclinatus  Nitzsch,  Zeitschrift  fiir  den  gesamten  Naturwis— 
senschal’ten  25:23. 

1874.  Haematopinus  reclinatus  (Nitzsch),  Giebel,  Insecta  Epizoa,  page  37. 
1904.  Polyplax  reclinata  (Nitzsch),  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  28: 
142  ■ 

1910.  Haematopinus  ( Polyplax )  reclinatus  (Nitzsch),  Neumann,  Archives  de 
Parasitologie  13:524;  text  figure  24. 

1912.  Polyplax  rec l inata (Nitzsch) ,  Fahrenholz,  Jahresbericht  des  nieder- 
sachsischen  zoologischen  Vereins  zu  Hannover  2-4:37;  text  figures 
11,  12;  Plate  1,  figures  12,  13;  Plate  2,  figures  2,  4;  Plate  3, 
figure  7. 

1923.  Polyplax  reclinata  (Nitzsch),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:192.  (In  part) 

1932.  Polyplax  reclinata,  variety  leucodontis  Jancke,  Zeitschrift  fiir  Par— 
asitenkunde  4:525;  figure  2. 

1938.  Polyplax  reclinata  (Nitzsch),  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fiir  Parasiten- 
kunde  10:254;  figures  9,  10,  11. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Originally  recorded  from  the  European  shrew 
Sorex  araneus,  and  since  recorded  a  few  times  from  this  host.  Also  record¬ 
ed,  as  variety  leucodontis,  from  another  European  shrew,  Crocidura  leucodon . 

NOTES .  Ferris  has  previously  referred  to  this  species  specimens  from 
various  Asiatic  shrews,  but  Fahrenholz  has  considered  these  to  represent  a 
distinct  species  to  which  he  has  applied  the  name  deltoides.  Also  -Jancke 
has  recorded  material  from  a  European  shrew,  Crocidura  leucodon,  as  a  vari¬ 
ety  of  reclinata.  In  the  absence  of  specimens  from  the  type  host  it  is  not 
here  possible  to  come  to  any  deiinite  decision  regarding  this  variety.  On 
the  basis  of  the  published  notes  and  descriptions  by  Jancke  and  Fahrenholz, 
the  present  writer  still  believes  all  these  to  represent  a  single  species 
for  which  the  name  reclinata  is  correct.  The  supposed  "variety"  leucodontis 
is  here  placed  in  synonymy  with  reclinata,  but  the  species  name  deltoides 
is  admitted,  in  the  absence  of  the  material  which  is  necessary  before  it  is 
definitely  reduced  to  synonymy. 

Polyplax  serrata  (Burmeister) 

J§39.  Pediculus  serratus  Burmeister,  Genera  Insectorum,  Rhynchota,  No.  6. 
1842.  Haematopinus  serratus  (Burmeister),  Denny,  Monographia  Anoplurorum 
Britanmae,  page  36. 

1904.  Polyplax  serrata  (Burmeister),  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  28: 

1912.  Polyplax  affin is  (Burmeister) ,  Fahrenholz,  Jahresbericht  des  nieder- 
sachsischen  zoologischen  Vereins  zu  Hannover  2-4:39;  figures  13-15. 
(Misidentification)  ’ 

1923.  Polyplax  serrata  (Burmeister),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:191;  figure  120B,  E. 

1932.  Polyplax  serrata  (Burmeister),  Jancke,  Zeitschrift  fur  Parasiten- 
kunde  4:252. 

1938.  Polyplax  affinis  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  f(ir  Paras itenkunde  10-261. 
(As  a  new  species) 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Originally  described  from  the  house  mouse,  Mus 
musculus,  in  Europe.  Later  recorded  as  Polyplax  affinis  (Burmeister)  from 
Apodemus  syluaticus  in  Europe.  Ferris  has  recorded  it  from  this  host  from 
Switzerland,  Bohemia,  and  England;  from  Apodemus  airarius  from  Manchuria 
and  China;  from  Apodemus  speciosus  from  China;  from  Nus  spicilegus,  which 
is  merely  a  subspecies  of  musculus,  from  Spain;  and  from  Nus  musculus  from 
Scotland  and  England. 


NOTES.  The  species  described  as  Pediculus  af finis  by  burmeister  was  at 
one  time  placed  in  Polyplax  but  is  now  regarded  by  both  Kali renholz  and 
Perris  as  be  in;'  a  Hoplopleura.  A  species  of  Polyplax  which  has  been  misi- 
dentified  as  afflnis  is  considered  by  Perris  to  be  the  same  as  Polyplax 
serrata.  Fahrenholz  (193^),  however,  has  maintained  that  this  species  is 
distinct  and  has  described  it  as  new,  giving  affints  as  a  new  name  lor  it. 
Under  the  revised  Rules  (bulletin  of  Zoological  Nomenclature  4:97-125.  1950) 
this  name  is  available,  since  at  the  time  of  its  proposal  (193&)  if  was  a 
nonconcurrent  secondary  homonym. 

In  connection  with  the  present  work  the  material  at  hand  lrom  Hus  muscu- 
lus  and  the  various  species  of  Apodemus  has  been  carefully  re-examined. 
The  opinion  is  here  maintained  that  there  is  absolutely  nothing  in  these 
specimens  which  will  justify  a  specific  separation.  Polyplax  afflnis 
Fahrenholz  is  therefore  placed  as  a  synonym  of  Polyplax  serrata  (burmeister). 

Polyplax  spinigera  (burmeister) 

1S39.  Pediculus  spiniger  burmeister.  Genera  Insectorum,  Rhynchota,  No.  9- 
1909.  Haematopinus  ( Polyplax )  splniger  (burmeister) ,  Neumann,  Archives  de 
Paras i to logie  13:524;  figure  24. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  from  a  rodent  cited  by  the  older  au¬ 
thors  as  Hypudaeus  amphibius,  which  is  now  referred  to  the  genus  Arvicola. 

NOTES.  Since  its  original  description  only  one  author,  Neumann,  has 
seen  specimens  from  this  host  and  the  species  cannot  be  definitely  identi¬ 
fied  from  his  notes  and  figures.  It  is  apparently  distinct  from  Polyplax 
spinulosa  and  the  suggestion  that  it  is  the  same  as,  and  there! ore  ante¬ 
dates,  either  Polyplax  alaskensis  Ewing  or  Polyplax  abscisa  Fahrenholz  will 
need  to  be  explored  when  specimens  are  obtained  from  its  type  host. 

Polyplax  spinulosa  (Burmeister) 

Figures  90,  91 

1839.  Pediculus  sptnulosus  Burmeister,  Genera  Insectorum,  Rhynchota,  No.  8. 
1842.  Haematopinus  spinulosus  (Burmeister) ,  Denny,  Monographia  Anoplurorum 
britanniae,  page  26;  Plate  24,  figure  5. 

1864.  Pediculus  denticulatus  Nitzsch,  Zeitschrift  fur  den  gesamten  hatur- 
wissenschaften  23:24.  . 

1905.  Polyplax  spinulosa  (Burmeister),  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger 


1923.  Polyplax  spinulosa  (Burmeister),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mon¬ 
ograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:187;  figures  119,  120A,  D,  F,  H. 
1929  Polyplax  praomydis  Bedford,  Annual  Report  of  the  Director  ol  Veteri¬ 
nary  Services,  Union  of  South  Africa  15:503;  figure3  2-5-  . 

1938.  Polyplax  spinulosa  (Burmeister),  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift.  fur  Para 
sitenkunde  10:249;  figures  1-8,  23c.  .  . 

1945.  Polyplax  campylopteri  Zavaleta,  Anales  del  Instituto  de  Biologia 

HOSTS  SdXDISTOIBUTION.  Originally  described  from  the  brown  rat,  Rattus 
(=Mus  =  f!pimi/s)  norveiicus,  in  Europe.  Later  many  times  recorded  from  this 
host  and  from  Rattus  rattus  and  some  of  its  subspecies  in  many'  parts  ol  the 
world.  It  has  been  recorded  by  Ferris  from  Rattus  calc  is,  which  is  consid¬ 
ered  to  be  exulans,  in  the  Philippine  Islands  and  Rattus  strtdens\n  the 
Malay  Peninsula  and  from  Bandicota  (as  Gunomys )  benialensis  in  Burma.  De 
scribed  by  Bedford  as  Polyplax  praomydis  from  Praonys  (now  called  .hallomys) 

namaouensis  at  Onderstepoort,  South  Attica.  .  _  .  . 

Records  by  Ferris  of  the  occurrence  of  this  species  upon  various  specie- 
of  Hicrotus Synaptomys,  and  Phenacomys  are  erroneous  and  are  here  trans¬ 
ferred  to  Polyplax  abscisa  Fahrenholz. 


Polyplax  spinulosa  (Burmeister) 

Figure  90 


Polyplax  spinulosa  (Burmeister), details 

Figure  91 


NOTES.  A  male  from  the  type  lot  of  Polyplax  praomydis  Bedford  is  avail¬ 
able  and  is  very  precisely  spinulosa.  Polyplax  campyloptera  Zavaleta,  de¬ 
scribed  as  from  a  bird,  is,  on  the  basis  of  illustrations  presented  by  its 
author,  very  obviously  nothing  more  than  spinulosa. 

Polyplax  stephensi  (Christophers  and  Newstead) 

1906.  Haematopinus  stephensi  Christophers  and  Newstead,  Thompson,  Yates 
and  Johnston  Laboratories  Report  (new  series)  7:3;  Plate  1. 

1923.  Polyplax  stephensi  (Christophers  and  Newstead) I,  Perris,  Contributions 
Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:206;  figures  130, 
131  • 

1938-  Eremophthirius  stephensi  (Christophers  and  Newstead),  Fahrenholz, 
Zeitschrift  fur  Paras itenkunde  10:243. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  First  described  from  Gerbillus  (-Tatera)  indica 
from  India,  without  precise  indication  of  locality.  Cotype  specimens  are 
labeled  as  from  Madras.  Later  recorded  by  Ferris  from  the  same  host  from 
various  localities  in  India. 

Polyplax  tarsomydis  Ewing 

1935-  Polyplax  tarsomydis  Ewing,  Proceedings  of  the  Biological  Society  of 
Washington  48 : 206 . 

1938.  Eremophthirius  tarsomydis  (Ewing),  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fur  Para- 
si  tenkunde  10:243. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION .  Described  by  Ewing  as  from  Tarsomys  (a  subgenus 
of  Rattus)  apoensis  from  the  island  of  Mindanao,  Philippine  Islands. =  One 
male  taken  from  a  skin  in  the  United  States  National  Museum.  Two  females 
which  may  be  considered  to  belong  to  this  species  are  at  hand  frcm  the  same 
host,  taken  from  a  skin,  United  States  National  Museum  Number  144616,  from 
the  summit  of  Mount  Bliss,  on  the  island  of  Mindanao. 

NOTES.  This  species  was  described  from  a  single  male.  It  is  not  prac¬ 
ticable  here  to  describe  the  female  except  as  it  is  included  in  the  key  to 
the  species. 

Polyplax  taterae  Ferris 

1923.  Polyplax  taterae  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:198;  figures  124,  125D. 

1936.  Polyplax  subtaterae  Bedford,  Onderstepoort  Journal  of  Veterinary 
Science  and  Animal  Industry-  7:63;  figure  7. 

1938.  Eremophthirius  taterae  (Ferris),  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fur  Para- 
si  tenkunde  10:243. 

1938.  Eremophthirius  subtaterae  (Bedford),  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fur 
Parasitenkunde  10:243. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  TyPe  of  taterae  from  Tatera  vicina  from  Mount 

Rukenya,  British  East  Africa.  Type  of  subtaterae  from  Tatera  liodon  at 

Kampala,  Uganda. 

NOTES.  Specimens  of  subtaterae  are  at  hand,  through  the  kindness  of  the 

late  G.  A.  H.  Bedford,  and  it  is  upon  these  that  the  above  synonymy  is  based . 

Polyplax  waterstoni  Bedford 

1919.  Polyplax  waterstoni  Bedford,  Report  of  the  Division  of  Veterinary 
Research,  Department  ot  Agriculture,  Union  of  South  Africa  6—7* 
715:  Plate  1,  figures  1,  2,  4,  6. 

1923.  Polyplax  waterstoni  Bedford,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:193;  figures  121,  122. 


1938.  Polyplax  emlnatus  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  t’iir  Parasiteukunde  1U:266; 
Figures  16,  17. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTE  ON .  First  described  as  from  "several  rats,"  at  On 
derstepoort,  Pretoria,  South  Africa.  Recorded  by  Ferris  from  Eptmys  pero- 
myscus,  for  which  the  proper  name  is  apparently  Rattus  tullbergi,  at  Moio, 
British  East  Africa.  Described  as  Polyplax  emlnatus  by  Fahrenholz  from 
"Paderorycte s  tadat,  "  from  East  Africa.  No  such  host  name  appears  in  any 
available  Lists.  Hopkins  has  hazarded  the  guess  that  this  is  a  corruption 
of  Tachyorycte s  audax,  but  this  is  purely  a  surmise  unsupported  by  any  spe¬ 
cial  evidence. 

NOTES.  On  the  basis  of  the  description  and  illustrations  given  by  Eah- 
renholz,  there  is  not  the  slightest  justification  for  the  separation  of 
Polyplax  emlnatus  from  waterstoni . 

Polyplax  werneri  (Glinkiewicz) 

1907.  Eremophthirius  werneri  Glinkiewicz,  Si tzuugsberichte  der  mathemat- 
i sch-n atu r wi sse nschaftlichen  CLasse  der  kaiserliche  Akademie  der 
Wissenschaften  zu  Wien  116:381;  figures. 

1923.  Polyplax  werneri  (Glinkiewicz),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:202;  figure  127. 

1938.  Eremophthirius  werneri  Glinkiewicz,  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrilt  liir  Par- 
asitenkunde  10:243* 

HOSTS  .AND  DISTRIBUTION .  Described  from  Pachyuromys  duprasi.  Natron  Val¬ 
ley,  Egypt,  and  recorded  by  Ferris  from  the  same  host  and  locality. 

NOTES.  This  species  is  the  type  of  the  genus  Eremophthirius. 


1923.  Proenderleinellus  Ewing,  Journalot  the  Washington  Academy  ol  Sciences 

13* 147. 

1938.  Vaterstonla  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fur  Parasitenkunde  10:244.  (Pre- 

1939.  Symysadus  Fahrenholz,  Mitteilungen  aus  dem  entomologischen  Verein 

Bremen  (no  volume  number),  page  44.  .  . 

GENERIC  TYPE.  The  genus  was  based  upon  Proenderleinellus  africanus 
Ewing,  which  is  a  synonym  of  Polyplax  calva  Waterston.  The  generic  names 
proposed  by  Fahrenholz  were  based  upon  Polyplax  calva  Waterston.  This  is 

the  only  included  species.  .  ,  ,  .  .  . 

CHARACTERS.  Polyp lacinae  in  which  the  antennae  are  live  segmented,  not 
sexually  dimorphic.  .Anterior  legs  moderately  large,  but  with  slender  claw; 
middle  legs  but  slightly'  larger  than  the  first  and  with  slender  claw;  third 
legs  much  larger  than  the  others  and  with  stout  claw.  Paratergal  plates  ol 
the  abdomen  present  on  segments  2-8,  those  of  segment  two  divided  longitu¬ 
dinally  into  two  pieces.  Abdomen  entirely  membranous  in  both  sexes  excep 
for  the  usual  sclerotizations  of  the  terminal  and  genitalic  segments  and 
even  these  are  much  reduced.  Abdominal  segments  ot  the  female,  both  dor 
sally  and  ventrally,  with  for  the  most  part  two  rows  ol  setae,  these  setae 
borne  each  on  a  small,  sclerotized  plate  or  tubercle  which  surrounds  its 
base.  Abdomen  of  the  male  with  one  row  ol  such  setae  on  all  segment^  or- 
sally  except  perhaps  the  second,  which  has  two,  and  with  two  row.,  on  most 
of  the  segments  ventrally.  Sternal  plate  of  the  thorax  well  developed. 

AM5"0Tb'  S ll^'wrYteT',6 Ssuspec t,  ing*  th\t  p"roe nderleinellus  .frlcanue  Ewing 
might  be  a  synonym  of  the  earlier  Polyplax  calva  Waterston  enlisted  the 
aid  of  Mr.  C.  F.  W.  Muesebeck,  who  examined  the  single  male  type  ol  the 

former  and  agreed. 


Proenderleinellus  calva  (Waterston) 

Figures  92,  93 

1917.  Polyplax  calva  Waterston,  Parasitology  9: 199;  figures. 

1923.  Polyplax  calva  Waterston,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph 
of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:234;  figures  153,  154. 

1923.  Proenderleinellus  africanus  Ewing,  Journal  of  the  Washington  Academy 
of  Sciences  13:147. 

1938.  Raterstonia  calva  (Waterston),  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fur  Parasiten- 
kunde  10:244. 

1938.  Vaterstonia  calva  zanzibariensis  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fur  Para- 

sitenkunde  10:244. 

1939.  Symysadus  calva  (Waterston),  Fahrenholz,  Mitteilungen  aus  dem  ento- 

mologischen  Verein  Bremen  (no  volume  number) ,  page  44. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  by  Waterston  from  Cricetomys  iambianus 
at  Accra,  French  West  Africa,  and  also  recorded  from  Cricetomys  sp.  from 
Zanzibar.  The  supposed  subspecies  zanzibariensis  was  based  solely  upon  the 
illustration  given  by  Waterston  of  the  male,  this  male  having  come  from 
Zanzibar.  The  supposed  species  africanus  of  Ewing  was  based  upon  a  single 
male  which  had  been  taken  from  a  skin  of  Thryonomys  £regorianus  which  Rad 
come  from  British  East  Africa.  There  are  at  hand  specimens  from  the  type 
host  at  Accra  and  also  from  Cricetomys  from  Zanzibar. 

NOTES.  The  specimens  at  hand  deny  the  slight  differences  offered  by 
Fahrenholz  as  a  basis  for  the  naming  of  his  supposed  form  zanzibariensis. 

Genus  RATEMIA  Fahrenholz 

1916.  Ratemia  Fahrenholz,  Archiv  fur  Naturgeschichte,  Abteilung  A,  81:11:31. 
1922.  Ratemia,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of°the  Sucking 
Lice,  Part  3:156. 

1949.  Ratemia,  Webb,  Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society  of  London  119: 

GENERIC  TYPE.  Haematopinus  (LinoPnathus)  squamulatus  Neumann,  the  only 
included  species. 

CHARACTERS.  Polyplacinae  with  five-segmented  antennae  which  are  not 
sexually  dimorphic.  Anterior  legs  relatively  small,  with  slender  claw; 
middle  and  posterior  legs  about  equal  to  each  other,  larger  than  the  first 
and  with  somewhat  stouter  claw.  Paratergal  plates  of  the  abdomen  occurring 
on  segments  3-6 •  Abdomen  otherwise  membranous  in  both  sexes  except  for  the 
usual  terminal  and  genital  areas.  Abdominal  segments  in  both  male  and 
female,  both  dorsally  and  vent rally,  with  a  single  transverse  row  of  setae 
which  along  the  mid-line  of  the  body  becomes  merged  with  a  median  cluster 
of  two  or  three  rows  of  setae.  Spiracles  present  on  abdominal  segments  3-9. 
Thoracic  sternal  plate  well  developed. 

The  type  species  of  the  genus  apparently  occurs  normally  on  hosts  of  the 
Perissodactylous  family  Equidae. 

NOTES.  Because  of  the  hosts  of  the  type  species  it  is  difficult  to 
shake  off  a  prejudgment  that  this  genus  should  not  be  assigned  to  the  Hop- 
lopleuridae,  which  are  primarily  parasites  of  the  rodents and  there  is  a 
pressure  to  find  some  excuse  for  placing  it  in  the  Haematopinidae  or  the 
Linognathidae.  However,  no  morphological  reason  for  eithur  of  these  latter 
assignments  appears  and  it  is  here  placed  in  the  Hoplopleuridae.  Webb 
(1949)  has  assumed  the  genus  to  be  related  to  Linognathus  because  of  simi¬ 
larities  ol  the  spiracLes,  but  the  present  writer  remains  unimpressed  by 
this  supposed  resemblance,  especially  in  the  face  of  other  morphological 


Ratemia  squamulata  (Neumann) 
Figure  94 





j ematopinus  (Linot*nathus)  squamulatus  Neumann,  Archives  de  Para- 
sitologie  14:401;  figures. 

itemia  squamulata  (Neumann),  Fahrenholz,  Archiv  fur Naturgeschichte, 

Abteilung  A,  81:11:31-  .  T  ,  M 

itemla  squamulata  (Neumann),  Ferns,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono 

rrraph  of  the  Sucking  Lice.  Part  3:167;  figure  103- 
-Hernia  squamulata  (Neumann),  Hopkins,  Annals  and  Magazine  oi  Natural 
Historv  (Series  11)  12:666.  (Dated  August,  1946,  but  available 
copy  bears  the  notation  that  it  was  published  in  May,  194b) 


pai  atei  gal  plates  female  genitalia 

thoracic  sternal  plate 

Proenderleinellus  calva  (Waterston),  details 

Figure  93 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Originally  described  from  an  undetermined  host 
f>  Dl*je_I)a°Va»  Abyssinia.  Since  that  time  Hopkins  has  recorded  the  species 
from  domestic  donkey  at  Liro,  Lango  District,  Uganda,  and  from  Burchell's 

gZlS  ^U.rls)  burchell  l ,  taken  on  the  Athi  Plains  near  Nai  robi! 
K,.  uh  aPPar®n1;ly  establishing  the  normality  of  the  species  to  members 
of  the  Perissodactylous  family  Equidae.  It  should,  therefore,  enter  into 
anj  list  of  the  parasites  of  domestic  animals. 

NOTES.  Through  the  kindness  of  Mr.  Hopkins  it  has  been  possible  to  see 
IT  fr°:  b0fVhc  hosts  recorded  by  him.  In  the  accompanying  illus^ 
ha  nihPh  i°  temaie  15  lr0m  a  sPecimen  in  the  original  type  lot: 

as  a  !!an  Sr!SHoprHn“s!PeC1"Cn  ‘'r°"  ^  bur^“1’  ^  ™  received 


male  genitalia 

female  genitalia 


•  *  vl  / 

ii  A  ^ 

I*  1 

Ratemia  squamulata  (Neumann) 

Figure  94 


Genus  SYMOCA  Fahrenholz 

1938.  Symoca  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fiir  Parasi tenkunde  10:245. 

GENERIC  TYPE.  Polyplax  brachyrrhynchus  Cummings,  the  oniy  included  spe- 

CHARACTERS.  Polyplacidae  with  five-segmented  antennae  which  are  sexual¬ 
ly  dimorphic,  those  of  the  malq  having  the  distal,  preaxial  angle  of  the 
third  segment  slightly  prolonged  and  hearing  a  stout,  recurved  seta  at  its 
apex.  Head  with  the  basal  segment  of  the  antennae  set  very  close  to  the 
truncate  anterior  margin.  Thorax  narrow  and  somewhat  elongate,  with  no 
distinct  sternal  plate.  Anterior  legs  small  and  weak  and°with  slender 
claw,  middle  legs  distinctly  larger  and  with  somewhat  larger  claw;  posteri¬ 
or  legs  with  the  tibio-tarsus  much  enlarged  and  with  a  stout,  heavy  claw. 
Abdomen  with  paratergal  plates  present  on  segments  2-8,  the  plates  on  seg- 
ment  two  apparently  not  divided  longitudinally.  Female  with  abdominal  seg¬ 
ments  4r- 1  each  with  two  plates  and  two  transverse  rows  of  setae  both  dor- 
sally  and  ventrally .  Male  with  but  one  row  of  setae  on  any  segment  both 
dor sally  and  ventrally,  except  for  the  sternum  of  segment  three  which  ap¬ 
parently  has  two  rows.  Sternal  plates  not  developed  in  the  male. 

NOTES.  While  the  relationships  ot  this  genus  are  certainly  with  Polyplax 
and  the  bases  for  a  generic  separation  are  not  especially  convincing  the 
genus  is  here  accepted. 

Symoca  brachyrrhyncha  (Cummings) 

Figures  95,  96 

1915.  Polyplax  brachyrrhynchus  Cummings,  Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  So¬ 
ciety  of  London,  page  246;  figures  13,  14. 

1923.  Polyplax  brachyrrhynchus  Cummings,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  SuckinS  Lice,  Part  4:220;  figures  142,  143. 

1938.  Symoca  brachyrrhyncha  (Cummings),  Fahrenholz.  Zeitschrift  f&r  Para— 

sitenkunde  10:245. 

1939.  Symoca  brachyrrhyncha,  variety  minor  Fahrenholz,  aus 

dem  entomologischen  Yerein  Bremen,  page  32. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  as  from  Acomys  cahirinus  at  Assiut 
Egypt.  Recorded  by  Ferris  from  Acomys  hystrella  in  Uganda  and  from  Acomus 
perctvali  in  British  East  Africa. 

NOTES.  Fahrenholz  based  the  supposed  variety  minor  entirely  upon  a  com¬ 
parison  of  the  description  and  illustrations  given  by  Cummings  with  those 
|Jve°  v  Ferns,  although  Ferris  had  compared  his  specimens  with  the  types, 
pie  differences  cited  by  Fahrenholz  are  merely  such  as  may  readily  appear 
m  work  of  two  individuals,  even  utilizing  the  same  material. 


1904.  Trichaul inae  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  28:138. 

1905.  Linoinathinae  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  29-194. 

1946.  Linojnathidae  Webb,  Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society  of  London 
116 : 107 . 

DESCRIPTION  OF  THE  FAMILY.  Anoplura  in  which  external  evidence  of  eyes 
m.iy  or  may  not  be  present.  Abdomen  entirely  membranous  in  both  sexes  ex¬ 
cept  for  plates  associated  with  the  terminal  and  genital  segments  and  rare¬ 
ly  (one  species)  tergal  plates  in  the  male.  Abdominal  segments  each  with 
at  least  one  row  of  hairs  both  dorsally  and  ventrally,  usually  much  haired. 
Second  and  third  legs  almost  always  equal  to  each  other  and  much  larger 
than  the  first  pair.  Thorax  usually  without  any  trace  of  a  sternal  pllte 
but  ll  present  always  without  the  apex  free  from  the  body.  Spiracles  as 


Symoca  brachyrrhyncha  (Cummings' 

Figure  95 

far  as  known,  with  distinct  internal  ledges  which  show  externally  as  rings, 

or  with  the  ledges  forming  internal  points. 

The  members  of  the  family  are  restricted  to  members  of  the  Orders  Artio 
dactvla  and  Hyracoidea,  except  for  two  species  from  Carnivora. 

NOTES.  To"  this  family  there  are  here  assigned  four  genera— Lino$nat  hus, 
Microthoraclus,  Solenopotes,  and  Prollnoinathus.  A  certain  ajnoun^  of 
is  felt  concerning  the  genus  Microthoraclus  since  an  •argument  can  be  made 
for  its  assignment  to  the  Haematopinidae.  One  other  question,  that  ol  t 
lelns  H^mdlpsus,  is  troublesome.  The  type  of  this  genus  is  unfortunately 
an° imperfec t ly  known  species  and,  because  of 

SDecies  which  are  assigned  to  the  genus,  it  is  here  placed  in  the  Hoplo 
nleuridae  Taken  by  itself  it  might  very  properly  be  assigned  to  the 
Linognathidae  and  eventually  it  may  be  necessary’  to  break j^P^-enus 
Haemod  ipsus,  assigning  its  type  species  to  a  position  near  Linotnathus. 




abdominal  seta 


f  emale  genitalia 

Symoca  brachyrrhyncha  (Cummings),  details 

male  genitalia 

Figure  96 

Key  to  the  Genera  of  LINOGNATHIDAE 

1.  Eyes  indicated  externally  by  a  definite  lens;  occurring  on  Camelidae 

u  . . . . 

No  external  trace  of  eyes . o 

2.  Abdominal  spiracles  borne  in  a  slightly  sclerotized  tubercle  which’ pro¬ 

jects  at  least  slightly  from  the  body;  occurring  chiefly  on  Cervidae, 

but  1  species  known  from  domestic  cattle . SOLENOPOTES 

Spiracles  not  thus  borne  in  sclerotized  tubercles . 3 

3.  Setae  of  abdomen  greatly  reduced  in  number,  there  being  normally  but *2 

setae  in  each  median  group,  both  dorsally  and  ventrally,  on  any  ab¬ 
dominal  segment,  these  in  a  single  row;  spiracles  extremely  small; 
occurring  as  far  as  known  only  on  members  of  the  Order  Hyracoidea _ 

. . prolinognathus 

Setae  ol  abdomen  more  numerous,  usually  abundant,  and  in  2  or  more  rows 
on  each  segment,  spiracles  not  minute;  occurring  for  the  most  part  on 
members  of  the  Order  Artiodactyla,  but  represented  on  the  family 
Canidae  of  the  Order  Carnivora . LINOGNATHUS 


(k'lius  L1N0GNATHUS  Enderlein 

1904.  Tr  Ichaulus  Enderlein,  ZooLogischer  Auzeiger  28:139,  141.  (Preoccu¬ 


1905.  Ltno£nathus  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  29:194. 

1909.  Ltnotnathus  (Haematopinus) ,  Neumann,  Archives  de  Parasi  to  logie  13:529. 
1932.  L tnognathus ,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking 
Lice,  Part  5:336. 

1949.  Stobbella  Kichier,  Bolletino  della  Societa  Entomologies  Italians 


GENERIC  TYPE.  Pedlculus  plllferus  Burmeister,  which  is  considered  to  be 
a  synonym  of  Pediculus  setosus  von  Olters. 

GENERIC  SYNONYMS.  Stobbella  Eichler,  type  Linoinathodes  plthodes  Cum- 

raings . 

CHARACTERS.  Linognathidae  in  which  there  is  no  external  evidence  ol 
eyes.  Antennae  five-segmented,  the  fourth  and  fifth  segments  not  lused. 
Spiracles  of  the  abdomen  usually  more  or  less  spherical,  the  internal  ledges 
of  the  atrium  appearing  externally  as  partial  rings;  never  elongated  and 
never  borne  in  a  sclerotized  tubercle.  Thoracic  sternal  plate  lacking,  or 
it'  present  very  weakly  developed  and  divided  longitudinally  into  two  small 
plates.  Abdominal  segments  usually  much  haired  both  dorsal ly  and  ventral- 
ly,  with  the  hairs  in  at  least  two  rows.  Abdomen  terminally  with  a  pair  ol 
ventral  lobes,  but  these  never  produced  into  flat  processes.  Genitalia  oi 
the  male  always  with  pararoeres  well  developed  and  enclosing  the  oedeagus. 

NOTES.  This  isagenus  of  considerable  size,  26  species  now  being  known. 
These  are  confined  to  the  families  Bovidae  and  Giralfidae  of  the  Order 
Artiodactyla,  except  for  two  species  which  occur  on  carnivores  of  the  iam- 

'  Eichler  has  recently  named  the  genus  Stobbella,  with  Linotnathus  plthodes 
as  its  type,  but  this  genus  is  here  rejected. 

Key  to  Species  of  LINOGNATHUS 

1.  Abdomen  beset  with  short,  stout,  more  or  less  fusiform  setae . 2 

Abdomen  with  no  such  fusiform  setae . • . . •  " 

2  (1).  Anterior  legs  of  same  form  as  the  others  and  almost  as  large,  ab¬ 

domen  very  thickly  and  uniformly  beset  with  fusiform  setae ;  on 

Gorton  taurinus  in  Africa . . . . . .  .bPILATUS 

Anterior  Legs  definitely  smaller  than  the  others  and  with  slender 
claw;  fusiform  setae  more  or  less  numerous,  but  leaving  bare 

are  as ..»••••••••••■•••••••  •••**"**********#*********************~^ 

3  (2).  Gonopods  of  female  well  separated  mesally  from  each  other ;  on 

ope  cervicapra  in  India . _ . ;; . PITHUUEb 

Gonopods  of  female  very  broad  and  leaf-like,  meeting  each  other 

4  (3).  Median  genital  plate  of  female  expanded  at  its  posterior  end,  on 

Gaze  1 1  a  thomsoni  in  British  East  Africa . . .  ...LLWlbl 

Median  genital  plate  of  female  not  broadened  at  its  posterior  ex 
tremity;  on  Antidorcas  marsupialls  in  South  Africa. ..... .BEDFORDI 

6  (1).  Female  with  no  trace  of  a  sclerotized,  median,  genital  plate . . 

Female  with  at  least  a  small,  median,  genital  plate . l‘’n 

6  (5).  Gonopods  of  the  female  apically  truncate,  emarginate  or  serrate.../ 

Gonopods  of  the  female  apically  rounded  or  acute . . . -9 

7  (6).  Gonopods  of  the  female  with  the  posterior  border  somewhat  emargi¬ 

nate  and  bearing  a  sclerotized  hook  at  the  mesal  angle;  torehead 
elongate  and  apically  acute,  hindhead  longer  than  wide,  almost 
rectangular;  occurring  on  domestic  cattle  throughout  the  world^ 


8  (7). 

9  (6). 

10  (9). 

11  (5). 

12  (11). 

13  (12). 

14  (13). 

15  (14). 

16  (11). 

17  (16). 

Not  with  this  combination  of  characters . 8 

Head  long  and  slender,  the  forehead  acute,  the  hindhead  with  the 
lateral  margins  slightly  convex;  gonopods  of  female  with  a  slight 
tooth  close  to  the  posterior  border  near  the  mesal  angle;  occur¬ 
ring  especially  on  domestic  goats,  but  also  at  times  on  sheep  and 

recorded  from  the  European  Capra  ibex  and  Caprella  rupicapra . 


Head  very  small  and  short,  not  prolonged  in  front  of  the  antennae; 
gonopods  of  the  female  with  the  posterior  margin  irregularly  ser¬ 
rate;  widely  distributed  on  domestic  sheep . PED.4LIS 

Head  elongate  and  slender;  dorsum  of  metathorax  with  an  apically 
free  lobe  close  to  the  margin  just  above  the  posterior  coxal  con¬ 
dyle;  occurring  on  Cervicapra  in  Africa . FAHRENHOLZI 

Head  short  and  broad,  the  anterior  margin  broadly  rounded,  the  fore¬ 
head  not  at  all  prolonged  anteriorly . 10 

Abdomen  in  both  sexes  with  very  few  elongate  setae,  there  being  a 
median  pair  and  a  single  seta  near  the  margin,  both  dorsally  and 
ventrally,  in  either  sex,  with  a  few  extremely  minute  setae  be¬ 
tween  the  median  and  lateral  setae;  occurring  on  Gorgon  taurinus 

in  Africa . '.HOLOGASTRUS 

Abdomen  with  numerous  slender  setae  both  dorsally  and  ventrally  in 
both  sexes;  occurring  on  Canis  brasiliensis  in  South  America.... 


Genital  plate  of  the  female  oval,  triangular,  or  lozenge-shaped, 
and  never  with  a  slender  median,  stalk-like  prolongation  con¬ 
necting  with  the  lip  of  the  vulva . ?, . 12 

Genital  plate  of  the  female  with  various  configurations,  but  not 

as  above . 16 

Genital  plate  relatively  very  large  and  definitely  lozenge-shaped; 
head  unusually  elongate  and  narrow;  occurring  on  "North  African 

antelope  " . PETASMATUS 

Not  with  this  combination  of  characters . 13 

Female  with  the  genital  plate  transversely  oval  and  with  a  slight 
median,  posterior  point;  gonopods  elongate,  apically  somewhat 
spatulate;  male  with  the  terminal  sternite  produced  and  with  a 
flattened,  sclerotized  lobe  on  each  side;  occurring  on  Conno- 

chaetes  and  Gorgon  in  Africa . GNU 

Not  with  this  combination  of  characters . 14 

Head  elongate  and  slender,  anteriorly  acute;  genital  plate  of  the 
female  forming  an  almost  equilateral  triangle;  occurring  on 

Hippotragus  in  Africa . HIPPOTRAGI 

Head  broad  throughout,  genital  plate  of  the  female  forming  merely 

a  small,  slightly  elongate,  oval  area . 7 . 15 

Head  very  short  and  broad,  scarcely  longer  than  wide;  occurring 
on  domestic  dogs  and  on  foxes;  occasionally  taken  from  other 

carnivores . . SETOSUS 

Head  broad,  but  fully  twice  as  long  as  wide;  on  domestic  sheep  in 

various  parts  of  the  world . OVILLUS 

Female  with  a  pair  of  small,  hook-like  processes  on  the  lip  of 
the  vulva  between  the  gonopods;  male  with  a  deeply  pigmented, 
transverse  plate  just  in  front  of  the  anus;  occurring  on  Tauro- 

tragus  in  Africa . TAUROTRAGUS 

Not  with  these  characters . . 

Female  with  the  genital  plate  definitely  spatulate  (not  merely 
slightly  expanded  anteriorly)  and  with  a  slender,  stalk-like 
posterior  prolongation  nearly  or  quite  connecting  with  the  lip 

of  the  vulva . . 

Female  with  the  genital  plate  not  thus  spatulate . 21 


20  (19). 

21  (17) 
22  (21) 

18  (17).  Genital  plate  of  the  female  described  as  more  or  less  T-shaped, 

the  arms  of  the  T  uuite  short;  occurring  on  Peleus  capreolus  in 

Africa . • . PELEUS 

Genital  plate  of  the  female  otherwise . 19 

19  (18).  Gonopods  of  the  female  curved,  their  apices  directed  toward  the 

mid-line  of  the  body  and  with  setae  extending  from  the  lateral 
margin  around  the  apex  and  well  up  the  mesal  margin;  head  rather 
smoothly  fusiform;  occurring  on  Cephalophus  maxwelli,  an  African 

species . . 

Gonopods  of  the  female  almost  straight  and  parallel,  their  setae 

confined  to  the  mesal  margin . . . ...20 

Gonopods  with  mesal  margin  from  apex  to  j  unction  with  body  straight, 

occurring  on  Aepyceros  melampus  in  Africa....... . AEPYCEKUS 

Gonopods  with  mesal  margin  from  apex  to  j unction  with  body  convex, 

occurring  on  giraffe . BREVICORNIS 

Gonopods  of  female  with  setae  confined  to  the  apex . 22 

Gonopods  of  female  with  setae  extending  well  up  the  mesal  margin 

from  the  apex . ;:*••••*•*  •  *  * : 

Gonopods  of  the  female  apically  convergent;  genitalia  ol  male  with 
definite  pseudopenis  and  with  parameres  not  basally  swollen.. 2J 
Gonopods  of  female  described  as  parallel;  genitalia  ol  male  de¬ 
scribed  as  having  the  parameres  basally  swollen  and  as  lacking 
pseudopenis;  occurring  on  Antilope  cervtcapra,  an  Indian  spe- 

22  (22).  Gonopods  of  female  extremely  small,  strongly  convergent  through¬ 
out  their  length;  occurring  on  Antilope  euchore  and  various 

other  species  of  Ant  Hope  in  Africa . TIBIALIS 

Gonopods  of  female  with  sc lerotization  elongate  and  strongly 
curved  at  the  extreme  apex;  occurring  on  domestic  sheep,  widely 

distributed,  and  perhaps  on  Oreotragus  saltator  in  Africa . . 


24  (21).  Forehead  slender  and  apically  acute;  lateral  margins  of  the  hind- 

head  smoothly  convex;  gonopods  of  the  female  short  and  quite 
broad;  genital  plate  of  the  female  elongate,  somewhat  expanded 
anteriorly  but  scarcely  to  be  described  as  spatulate;  occurring 

on  Tragelaphus  sylvatlcus  in  Africa . FRACTUS 

Forehead  truncate  or  at  the  most  broadly  rounded....... . 

25  (24).  Gonopods  of  the  female  with  their  mesal  margins  straight,  parallel 

and  only  these  margins  bearing  setae;  genital  plate  of  the  te 
male  shoe  sole-shaped,  projecting  slightly  from  the  vuLva  api 

oally ;  known  from  Tragelaphus  gratus  in  Africa . LIMNUIKAbi 

Otherwise, occurring  especially  on  species  of  Cephal°phus 

Linognathus  aepycerus  Bedford 

1936.  Linognathus  aepycerus  Bedford,  Onderstepoort  Journal  of  Veterinary' 
Science  and  Animal  Industry  7:62;  figures  5>  o.  , 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Aepycerus  melampus,  commonly  called  impaia, 
between  Pretoria  and  Johannesburg,  South  Africa. 

Linognathus  africanus  Kellogg  and  Paine 
Figures  97,  98 



nognathus  africanus  Kellogg  and  Paine,  Bulletin  of  Entomological 

Rpc;parch  2-146;  Plate  4,  figures  1,  5*  .  „  , . 

nognathus  stenopsis  (Burmeister) ,  Ferris  Proceedings  of  the  Cali 
fornia  Academy  of  Sciences  (Senes  4)  6:155-  (Part,  misidentit 

cation)  22f. 

Figure  97 

female  penitalia 

Linognathus  africanus  Kellogg  and  Paine, details 

Figure  98 

1927.  Linognathus  stenopsts  (Burmeister) ,  Bedford,  ReP°rt  °f  Director 
•0f  Veterinary  Education  and  Research,  Union  ol  South  Africa  11  12. 

737.  (Part;  misidentification)  A  ._  ..  -  . 

1932.  Linognathus  africanus  Kelloggand  Paine,  Ferris,  Contri buti ons  Tow 

a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:83  ;  tigures  212B,  G,  E,  21J. 
1932.  Linognathus  africanus  Kellogg  and  Paine,  Bed  lord,  Report  ol  the  D 
rector  of  Veterinary  Services  and  Animal  Industry,  Inion  ol  South 

1939.  Linognathus  africanus  Kellogg  and  Paine,  Fahrenholz,  Mitteilungen 
aus  dem  entomologischen  Verein,  Bremen,  page  3.- 
HOSTS  ANT)  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  "sheep,"  Abeokuta,  southern  Nigeria, 
AfrfS ulr  SSriSfr-  domestic  sheep  and  domestic  goats  fr-jmj- 
localities  in  South  Africa,  Abyssinia,  India,  and  the  K' 

nnrded  bv  Fahrenholz  from  Ovis  longipes  from  Algeria,  North  Africa. 

NOTES  There  are  apparently  four  species  of  I inognat hu$  namely,  ov 1 1 1 us, 
Dfidal is  stenopsis,  and  africanus— which  may  be  encountered  on  domestic 
sheep  and  goats.  They  are  quite  distinct  species  and  the  probability  is 
that  here  has  been  some  interchange  of  hosts. 


Linognathus  angulatus  (Piaget) 

1885*  Haematopinus  ungulatus  Piaget,  Les  Pediculines,  Supplement,  page  144; 

Plate  15,  figure  7.  (A  misprint  for  angulatus,  since  that  name 
appears  on  the  plate  and  on  the  label  of  the  type  specimens.) 

1932.  Linognathus  angulatus  (Piaget),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:380;  figures  231D,  232G,  233. 
HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Cephalophus  nigrifrons  without  indi¬ 
cation  of  locality. 

NOTES.  Since  this  species  was  described  from  the  same  host  genus  as  was 
breuiceps,  it  might  be  suspected  that  synonymy  is  involved,  but  apparently 
the  two  species  are  distinct.  There  may  have  been  some  mixing  of  material 
or  some  misidentification  involved.  Actually  the  species  aepycerus  ap¬ 
proaches  it  very  closely. 

Fahrenholz  has  maintained  that  the  spelling  ungulatus  should  be  pre¬ 
served,  hut  it  seems  clear  that  this  was  a  typographical  error,  the  spell¬ 
ing  angulatus  being  used  in  connection  with  the  plate  accompanying  the  o- 
riginal  description  and  on  the  label  of  the  type  specimens. 

Linognathus  bedfordi  Ferris 

1932.  Linognathus  bedfordi  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:387;  figures  236  ,  238B,  C,  11,  I,  and  239A,  D. 
HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Antidorcas  marsupialis  at  Anderstepoort, 
Union  of  South  Africa. 

Linognathus  breviceps  (Piaget) 





Haematopinus  breviceps  Piaget,  Les  Pediculines,  Supplement,  page  142; 
Plate  15,  figure  5* 

Linognathus  gazella  Mjoberg,  Arkiv  f6r  Zoologi  6:157;  figure  78. 
Linognathus  gilvus  Fahrenholz,  Jahrbuch  der  Haraburgischen  Wissen- 
schaftlichen  Anstalten  34:2:18;  figure  5- 
Linognathus  breviceps  (Piaget),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:107;  figures  216A,  231B,  C,  E. 
F,  H;  232A.  *  ' 

1932.  Linognathus  gazella  Mjdberg,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a Monograph 
of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:111;  figures  ^2B,  E,  F,  234. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  First  described  fTom  Cephalophus  maxwelli  with¬ 
out  indication  of  origin.  Described  as  Linognathus  gazella  Mjoberg  from  a 
gazelle,  in  the  Hamburg  Zoological  Gardens.  Described  as  Linognathus 
gilvus  Fahrenholz  from  Cephalophus  sp.  from  the  same  Gardens,  these  having 
been  some  of  the  same  specimens,  apparently,  as  the  lot  that  Mj5ber<'  had. 
Erroneously  recorded  by  Ferris  and  by  Bedford  as  Linognathus  angulatus 
(Piaget)  from  Cephalophus  natalensis  and  Sylviacapra  grimmi  from  Zululand 
and  Transvaal. 

NOTES.  Concerning  this  species,  or  perhaps  closely  related  group  of 
species,  there  is  very  muoh  of  a  problem.  Ferris,  in  connection  with  the 
reference  cited  above,  was  able  to  examine  types  of  all  of  them  and  a  con¬ 
siderable  range  ol  this  material  is  still  at  hand.  This  material  has  been 
examined  and  re-examined  in  connection  with  the  present  work  and  no  consis¬ 
tent  basis  for  the  separation  of  these  species  has  appeared.  Perhaps  even 
Linognathus  l imnotragi  cannot  definitely  be  separated. 

In  specimens  from  the  type  lot  of  gazella  the  forehead  is  almost  rectan¬ 
gular,  but  there  is  some  variation  in  this  and  the  character  does  not  hold. 

Specimens  from  Cephalophus  grimmi  and  Cephalophus  natalensis — over  36 
specimens  from  the  iirst  being  available — show  enough  variation  in  head 
form  to  represent  two  or  three  species  if  these  characters  can  be  taken 


seriously .  Some  specimens  have  the  hiudhead  definitely  annulate  laterally, 
while  in  others  it  is  parallel  sided. 

The  typical  "shoe-sole  shaped"  genital  plate  ol  the  female  appears  in 
the  types  of  limnotragt,  hut  does  not  hold  in  other  specimens  which  are  at 
hand  from  the  same  host.  There  is  also  some  range  of  variation  in  the  form 
of  the  gonopods,  some  being  acute  and  others  rounded.  However,  the  species 
l tmnotragi  is  here  accepted  as  probably  distinct. 

The  result  has  been  that  the  species  gazella  and  gilvus  are  here  placed 

in  synonymy  with  breviceps.  _  . 

This  species  has  sometimes  been  placed  in  synonymy  with  L inognat  hus 
angulatus  (Piaget),  which  also  is  attributed  to  Cephalophus,  but  the  two 
are  clearly  distinct. 

Linomathus  brevicornis  (Giebel) 


1874.  Haematopinus  brevicornis  Giebel,  Insecta  Epizoa,  page  43. 

1932.  Linognathus  brevicornis  (Giebel),  Perris,  Contributions  'lowardaMon- 
O'jraph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:3^5;  figures  216D,  219- 
HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Prom  Camelopardalis  giraffa  in  a  zoological 

NOTES.  The  redescription  given  by  Ferris  was  based  upon  specimens  in 
the  Piaget  collection.  Whether  or  not  these  belonged  to  the  same  lot  as 
did  Giebel 's  types  is  not  known. 

Linognathus  cervicaprae  (Lucas) 

1847.  Haematopinus  cervicaprae  Lucas,  Annales  de  la  Socidt£  entomologique 
de  France  (2)5:534;  Plate  8,  figures  II,  l-lh. 

1938.  Linognathus  cervicaprae  (Lucas),  Werneck,  Libro  jubilar  do  Prol .  Ira 
vassos,  page  527;  figures  1-5- 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  by  Lucas  from  Antilope  cervicapr a, 
from  a  menagerie  in  Paris.  Not  seen  again  until  recorded  by  Werneck  fr°™ 
specimens  taken  from  the  same  host  species  in  the  Zoological  Garden  of 

^NOTES  In  1939  Fahrenholz  recorded  under  this  name  and  described  speci¬ 
mens  from  the  Museum  d'Histoire  Naturelle  de  Paris  which  he  assumed  to  have 
been  left  bv  Lucas  and  therefore  possibly  to  be  the  types  of  the  ^cies. 
However  Werneck  had  already  redescribed  the  species  and  later  published 
note  in' which  he  indicated  that  Fahrenholz  agreed  that  these  specimens  were 
d  rob  ably  not  those  recorded  by  Lucas  and  accepted  the  interpretation  given 
bv  Werneck.  The  species  involved  was  referred  by  Werneck  to 
tibialis  (Piaget)  and  the  pertinent  reference  will  be  found  under  that  name. 

Linognathus  damaliscus  Bedford 

1936.  Linognathus  damaliscus  Bedford,  Onderstepoort  Journal  of  Veterinary 
Science  and  Animal  Industry  7:61;  figures  3,  4.  -nnl m-iral 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  IVpe  from  Damaliscus  aibi ^rons^lhe  n°  %u th 
gardens  at  Johannesburg;  also  from  Damaliscus  dorcas  at  Bredasdorp,  South 

AfrNOTE5.  On  the  basis  of  the  illustrations  given  by  Bedford  this  appears 
to  be  identical  with  Linognathus  taurotragi,  but  disposal  of  it  must  await 
a  re— examination  of  its  types. 

Linognathus  fahrenholzi  Paine 

linognathus  forficulus  Kellogg  and  Paine,  Bulletin  of  Entomological 
2i47;  Plate  4.  fibres  2.  4.  (Not  Sae.atoptnus  forficulus 



Rudow,  which  is  supposed  to  be  also  a  Linognathus) 

1914.  Linognathus  fahrenholzi  Paine,  Psyche  21:117. 

1932.  Linognathus  fahrenholzi  Paine,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:370;  figures  224,  225. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  as  from  Cervicapra  arundtnarum,  Marim¬ 
ba  District,  Nyasaland,  and  later  recorded  from  Cervicapra  fulvorufula  at 
Mfongosi,  Zululand. 

Linognathus  fractus  Ferris 

1932.  Linognathus  fractus  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:366;  figures  220,  221. 

1932.  Linognathus  sp.,  Bedford,  Report  of  the  Director  of  Veterinary  Ser¬ 
vices  and  Animal  Industry,  Union  of  South  Africa  18:409. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Tragelaphus  sylvaticus  at  Onderstepoort, 
South  Africa. 

Linognathus  gnu  Bedford 

1927.  Linognathus  gnu  Bedford,  Transactions  of  the  Royal  Society  of  South 
Africa  14:349;  figures  3,  4. 

1927.  Linognathus  ferrisi  Bedford,  Transactions  of  the  Royal  Society  of 
South  Africa  14:351;  figures  5,  7« 

1929.  Linognathus  gorgonus  Bedford,  Report  of  the  Director  of  Veterinary 
Services,  Union  of  South  Africa  15:502. 

1932.  Linognathus  gnu  Bedford,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of 
the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:368;  figures  222,  223. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  The  type  of  Linognathus  gnu  was  from  Connochae- 
tes  gnu  at  Clocolan,  Orange  Free  State,  and  the  type  of  gorgonus  was  from 
Gorgon  taurinus,  Zoutpansberg  District,  Northern  Transvaal .  The  species 
was  later  recorded  from  this  host  at  Maastrom,  northern  Transvaal,  and  in 
the  Zoological  Gardens  at  Pretoria. 

NOTES.  This  species  was  described  by  Bedford  as  gnu.  and  as  ferrisi  be¬ 
cause  of  the  fact  that  he  had  the  two  sexes  separately  from  different 
hosts.  The  name  ferrisi,  being  preoccupied,  was  later  changed  by  him  to 
gorgonus.'  He  later  concurred  that  they  represent  the  same  species.  Fah- 
renholz,  in  1939,  without  seeing  any  specimens,  considered  the  two  to  be 
distinct  merely  on  the  basis  of  illustrations  given  by  Bedford  and  by 
Ferns.  There  is  no  reason  to  accept  this  opinion. 

Linognathus  hippotragi  Ferris 

1932.  Linognathus  hippotragi  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of 
the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:373;  figures  226,  227. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Eippotragus  niger,  in  the  zoological  war¬ 
den  at  Johannesburg,  South  Africa.  0  0 

Linognathus  hologastrus  Werneck 

i937.  Linognathus  hologastrus  Werneck,  Memorias  do  Institute  Oswaldo  Cruz 
32:397;  figures  7-10. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Gorgon  taurinus  at  Grootfontein  Southwest 

NOTES.  Although  this  species  occurs  upon  the  same  host  as  does  Linog¬ 
nathus  gnu,  the  two  species  are  very  distinct  and  no  confusion  between  them 
need  arise. 


Linoguathus  lewisi  Bedford 

1934.  Linognathus  leulsi  Bedford,  Onderstepoort  Journal  of  Veterinary  Sci¬ 
ence  and  Animal  Industry  2:48;  figure  11. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Gazella  thomsont  at  Naivasha,  British  East 

Linognathus  limnotragi  Cummings 

1913.  Limnognathus  limnotragi  Cummings,  Bulletin  of  Entomological  Research 
4:36;  figure. 

1932.  L inognathus  limnotragi  Cummings,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mon¬ 
ograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Fart  5:333;  figs*  231A,  I,  J,  232C,  D. 
HOSTS  AN D  DISTRIBUTION.  Types  from  Llmnotragus  (= Trage laphus)  gratu s  in 
the  zoological  garden  of  London.  Recorded  also  trom  Tragelaphus  s ylvaticus 
at  Onderstepoort,  Pretoria,  and  from  Tragelaphus  scrlptus  in  the  zoological 
garden  at  London. 

NOTES.  See  the  discussion  under  Linognathus  breulceps. 

Linognathus  oviformis  (Rudow) 

1869.  Haematopinus  oviformis  Rudow,  Zeitschrift  fur  die  gesamten  Naturwis 
senschaften  34:170. 

1916.  Linognathus  ovl form  is  (Rudow) ,  Fahrenholz,  Archiv  fur  Naturgeschichte, 

Abteilung  A,  81:11:33*  „  4 ,  „ 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Recorded  by  Rudow  from  Hircus  manifrlclus,  a 
host  name  that  appears  in  no  available  lists.  The  host  was  presumably  a  goal . 

NOTES.  This  is  an  utterly  unrecognizable  species  that  Fahrenholz  as¬ 
sumed  to  Linognathus  purely  as  a  guess. 

Linognathus  ovillus  (Neumann) 

Figures  99,  100 

1907.  Haematopinus  ovillus  Neumann,  Revue  veterinaire  32:520;  ligure. 

1932.  Linognathus  ovillus  (Neumann),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:346:  figures  209,  210 A,  B,  C,  E. 
HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  by  Neumann  as  from  domestic  sheep 
from  New  Zealand  and  Scotland.  There  have  been  various  records  which  are 
dubious  because  three  other  species  of  this  genus  occur  on  domestic  sheep . 
The  types  were  examined  by  Ferris  and,  on  the  basis  ol  this,  records  Irom 
domestic  sheep  in  the  Falkland  Islands  and  New  South  Wales  are  here  accepted. 

Linognathus  pedalis  (Osborn) 
Figures  101,  102 

1896.  Haematopinus  pedalis  Osborn,  United  States  Department  ol  Agriculture, 
Division  of  Entomology,  BuLletin  (new  series  S.liO,  l^ure  . 
1911.  Haematopinus  microcephalus  Garnett,  Journal  of  Comparative  Patho  ogj 
and  Therapeutics,  page  2;  figures  1,  2.  M 

1932.  Linognathus  pedalis  (Osborn),  Ferris,1 Contributions ^Toward  a.  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:344;  ligures  207B,  D,  2DS. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  First  described  from  domestic  sheep  in  the 
United  States  and  recorded  from  this  host  in  South  America,  New  Zealan  , 
Australia,  and  South  Atrica. 

Linognathus  peleus  Bedford 

1936.  Linognathus  peleus  Bedford,  Onderstepoort  Journal  of  Veterinary  Sci 


Linognathus  ovillus  (Neumann) 

spiracles  (above)  compared  with 
same  of  stenopsis  ( below) 

female  genitalia 

male  genitalia 

Linognathus  ovillus  (Neumann), details 

Figure  100 

ence  and  Animal  Industry  7:59;  figures  1,  2. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Pelea  capreolus  at  Onderstepoort,  South 


Linognathus  petasmatus  Ferris,  new  species 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Holotype,  a  female,  allotype,  and  several  par ar- 
tvpes,  young  and  eggs,  from  "North  African  anti  lope,  presumably  tron.  a 
zoological  garden  in  Manchester,  England.  Types  in  the  collections  oi 

Stanford  University,  California.  .  ,  u  , 

FEMALE.  About  2.25  mm.  in  length.  Body  form  rather  slender.  Head  e 
Ion  crate  and  relatively  slender,  ven  smoothly  fusiform,  the  forehead  on  y 
slightly'  shorter  than  the  hindhead  and  apically  acute,  the  widest  point  o 
the  hindhead  being  slightly  posterior  to  the  center  of  this  p0^10"'. 
rax  and  legs  entirely  normal.  Abdomen  with  an  uninterrupted  row  ot  short 
setae  and  a  median  cluster  of  similar  setae  on  segments  3-6  both  dorsJ^ 
j  ventrallv  Median  genital  plate  of  the  female  unusually  large,  very 
definitely  lozenge-shaped,  the  anterior  extremity  slightly  Prol^ed*  ^“- 
opods  of  female  slightly  convergent  posteriorly,  narrowly  rounded  apically 
and  with  setae  around  the  apex  and  slightly  up  the  mesal  margin. 


Linognathus  pedalis  (Osborn) 

Figure  101 

MALE.  About  2  mm.  long.  Genitalia  with  basal  plate  long  and  slender, 

®xpanded  ^nd  slightly  bifid  at  posterior  end  and  somewhat  expanded 
at  the  anterior  end.  Parameres  apparently  strongly  curved  dorsoventrally • 
the  pseudopenis  very  short  and  indistinct,  the  endomeral  piece  either  lack¬ 
ing  or  very  weaklj'  developed. 

NOTES.  This  species  was  received  some  years  ago  from  a  correspondent  in 
Birmingham,  England,  whose  name  has  unfortunately  been  lost,  and  it  is  not 
clear  whether  the  specimens  came  directly  from  North  Africa  or  from  an  ani¬ 
mal  in  a  zoological  garden.  The  species  seems  to  be  quite  distinct  from 
anything  else  that  has  been  described. 

Linognathus  pithodes  Cummin ^s 

1916.  Linognathus  pithodes  Cummings,  Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society 
of  London,  page  260;  figures  3-5. 

1932.  Linognathus  pithodes  Cummings,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  ot  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:385;  figures  235,  238D,  239F,  G. 


Linognathus  pedalis  (Osborn),  details 

Figure  102 

1949.  Stobbella  pithodes  (Cummings),  Eichler,  Bolletino  della  Societa  En- 
tomologica  Italiana  79:13* 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Antilope  cervicapra  from  India,  in  the  zo¬ 
ological  garden  at  London. 

NOTES.  Eichler  has  designated  this  species  as  type  ot  the  genus  Stob¬ 
bella,  which  is  not  here  accepted. 

Linognathus  saccatus  (Gervais) 

1845*  Haematopinus  saccatus  Gervais,  In  Walckenaer,  Histoire  Naturelle  des 

Insectes  Apt^res  3:307*  .  . 

1905.  Linognathus  saccatus  (Gervais),  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  29: 


HOSTS  .AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Known  only  from  the  original  record  from  "un 
Bouc  d ' Egyp te . "  An  utterly  unrecognizable  species  which  has  been  placed  in 

Linognathus  purely  as  a  guess. 

Linognathus  setosus  (von  Oilers) 

Figures  103,  104 

1S16.  Pediculus  setosus  von  Olfers,  De  vegetativis  et  animatis  corporibus 
in  corporibus  animatis  reperiundis  commentarius,  page  80. 


Linognathus  setosus  (von  Olfers)  Figure  103 

1838.  Pedtculus  piliferus  Burmeister,  Genera  Insectorum,  Rhynchota,  Spe¬ 
cies  13. 

1842.  Haematopinus  piliferus  (Burmeister),  Denny,  Monographia  Anoplurorum 
Britanniae,  page  28: Plate  25,  figure  4. 

184 1  .  Haematopinus  bicolor  Lucas,  Annales  de  la  Soci6t4  Entomolo<rique  de 
France  (2)5:538;  Plate  9,  figure  2a. 

1861.  Fed  iculus  isopus  Nitzsch,  Zeitschrift  tiir  die  gesajnten  Naturwissen— 
schaften  18:290. 

1864.  Pediculus  flavidus  Nitzsch,  Zeitschritt  tiir  die  gesamten  Naturwis— 
sen  schaften  23:2 7 . 

1874.  Haematopinus  piliferus  (Burmeister),  Giebel,  Insecta  Epizoa,  page  40. 

1905.  Linognathus  piliferus  (Burmeister),  Enderlein,  Zoolo^ischer  Anzei<rer 
29:194.  0 

1919.  Linognathus  setosus  (von  Olfers),  Fahrenholz,  Jahresbericht  des  Nie- 
dersachsischen  zoologischen  Yereins  zu  Hannover  5-10:23. 


female  genitalia 

male  genitalia 

Linognathus  setosus  (von  Olfers) 

Figure  104 

1932.  Linognathus  setosus  (von  Olfers),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mon¬ 
ograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:70;  figures  206,  207A,  C,  F,  G 

and  216E.  .  ,  „  j 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  from  the  domestic  dog  in  Europe  and 
reported  from  this  host  throughout  the  world.  Also  recorded  from  the  white 
fox  "  or  "Arctic  fox,"  presumably  Alopex  lagopus,  from  various  localities 
in  Canada  and  Alaska;  from  fox  in  Manchuria;  from  Canis  cupus  in  Croatia, 
from  unspecified  captive  fox  in  the  United  States;  from  coyote,  ( Can 
sp.)  in  the  United  States  and  even  recorded  from  ferret  and  from  rabbit. 
NOTES.  This  is  the  type  of  the  genus  Linognathus . 

Linognathus  spicatus  Ferris 

1932.  Linognathus  spicatus  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the 
Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:388;  figures  237,  238A,  G,  and  _39E. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  From  Gorgon  taurinus,  Maastrom,  northern  irans- 

^NOTES.  This  species  need  not  be  confused  with  either  of  the  other  two 
members  of  this  genus  which  occur  on  Gorgon.  They  are  very  distinct  fonrs, 
as  will  be  seen  by  reference  to  the  key. 


Linognathus  stenopsis  (Bunneister) 
Figures  105,  106 









Pediculus  stenopsis  Bunneister,  Genera  Insectorum,  Rhynchota,  Spe¬ 
cies  j.  ’  r 

Haenatoptnus  stenopsis  (Bunneister),  Denny,  Monographia  Anoplurorum 
ontanniae,  page  36. 

PetlCsUJu!ohln!u°23-S0  NUZSOh’  ZeitSohrift  f“r  die  eesmtea  Natur- 

“Sfi°nr»  RUd°W’  ZeitS°hrift  f“r  die  «— *« 

"ZllZTZnT^m.  RUd°W’  ZeHs0hrift  di°  Natur- 

L%‘m'!US  stenopsts  (Bunneister) ,  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger 

linognathus  forflculus  (Rudow),  Fahrenhoiz,  Archiv  fur  Naturge- 
schichte,  Abteilung  A.  81:11:24;  figures  19,  20. 

Linoinathus  stenopsis  (Bunneister),  ferris.  Contributions  Toward  a 
212ASCaPD  °F  the  Sucklng  Llce>  Part  5:349;  figures  210D,  211, 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Originally  described  from  domestic  goats  in 
Europe  and  since  recorded  many  times  from  this  host  in  various  parts  of  the 
world.  Some  o i  the  numerous  records  are  perhaps  erroneous  because  of  the 
presence  of  other  species  of  this  genus  on  this  host.  Described  by  Rudow 

N0t£C  FerrTs”1  MqS)  ^  *S  ru^ica^ae  from  Caprella  rupicapra. 
with  thf;  Ipip'j  9 ?  has  discussed  at  length  the  problems  connected 

W)  ^  d  ^  various  names  that  have  been  employed  for  it.  He 

had  at  hand  specimens  from  Capra  ibex  and  Caprella  rupicapra  which  he  con- 

H1  erte+Kt0  lde!ltlcal  with  those  from  domestic  goats  and  consequently  re- 

review^of  “1  ruPic^  to  synonymy  with  s tenopsil  A 

™  oLni!  Tk11  connection  with  the  present  work  indicated  no  rea- 

1D  SPlte  °f  the  faCt  ^  attempted 

Linognathus  taeniotrichus  Werneck 

1937'  Ll^hUlt"nl0t:iChU3  Werneck-  Memories  do  Institute  Oswaldo  Cruz 
3^:3yi;  iigures  1-5. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  from  Canis  brasiliensis  at  Sao  Ber¬ 
nardo  das  Russas,  state  of  Ceard  and  recorded  also  from  Canis  azarae  from 
Lassance,  state  of  Minas  Geraes,  Brasil.  azarae  t rom 

NOTES.  This  species  seems  clearly  to  be  distinct  from  Pediculus  setosus 
which  occurs  on  the  domestic  dog  and  also  on  arctic  foxes.  * 

Linognathus  taurotragus  Bedford 

1927‘  “ZSSTJSZ'gfiflSSSi  r“TCtiM,s  0f  the  ^ 

193;-  iKSS  gr  ‘ MOD- 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  from  TaurotmZ!  07ux  \ t  CloeoLn 
Orange  Free  State.  Also  recorded  from  the  sume  host inNaJX  South A,  A*”’. 

Linognathus  tibialis  (Piaget) 

K80'  '“^8.“  ttbta“S  Piaeet’  US  Pedic“lines>  page  646;  Plate  52, 

188°.  Saenotoptnus  tibialis,  variety  antennatus  Piaget,  Les  Pediculines, 


Linognathus  stenopsis  (Burmeister) 

Figure  105 


female  genitalia 

Linognathus  stenopsis  (Burmeister), details 

male  genitalia 
Figure  106 

1880.  Haematopinus  tibialis,  variety  append  iculatus  Piaget,  Les  Pedicu- 
lines,  page  647. 

1916.  Linognathus  tibialis,  variety  euchore  Waterston,  Annals  of  the  South 
African  Museum  10:275;  figure. 

1932.  Linognathus  tibialis  (Piaget),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:360;  figures  217,  218. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  "Antilope  maori "  from  the  zoological 
garden  at  Rotterdam  and  recorded  also  by  Piaget  from  Antilope  subgutturosa 
and  Ant  Hope  sp.  from  the  same  place.  The  type  of  Waterston's  variety 
euchore  was  from  Anti  lope  euchore  in  South  Africa  and  the  species  has  been 
recorded  by  Bedford  from  Aepyceros  melampus  from  South  Africa. 

NOTES,  ieiris,  in  connection  with  the  reference  cited,  examined  the 
types  of  the  forms  recorded  above. 

Specimens  from  Antidorcas  marsupial  is  from  Onderstepoort ,  Pretoria 
South  Africa,  which  were  recorded  by  Ferris  as  tibialis  have  been  re-exam¬ 
ined  and  raise  some  doubt  as  to  their  identification.  They  are  certainly 
very  close  to  tibialis,  but  differ  in  the  form  of  the  genital  plate  of  the 
female.  Other  specimens  from  Raphicerus  campestris  from  the  Rustenburg 
District  in  the  Transvaal,  South  Africa,  are  extremely  close  to*  tibialis 
but  are  somewhat  different.  Questions  concerning  these  may  be  allowed  to 
rest  until  someone  with  more  material  can  approach  the  problem. 


Linognathus  vituli  (Linnaeus) 

Figure  107 

Linognathus  vituli  (Linnaeus) 
Figures  107,  108 

1758.  Pediculus  vituli  Linnaeus,  3ystema  Naturae,  ^Edition  X,  page  611. 
1829.  Haematopinus  vituli  (Linnaeus),  Stephens,  Catalogue  of  British  In¬ 
sects  2:  329 . 

1838.  Pediculus  tenuirostris  Burmeister,  Genera  Insectorum,  Rhynchota, 

Species  17.  M  . 

1864.  Pediculus  oxyrrhynchus  Nitzsch,  Zeitschrift  fur  die  gesamten  Natur 

wissenschaften  23:21. 

1932.  Linognathus  vituli  (Linnaeus),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono 
Taph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:356;  figures  214,  2l5,  -16C. 
HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Originally  described  from  domestic  cattle  in 
Europe.  Since  reported  from  domestic  cattle  in  all  parts  of  the  world. 
There  are  certain  unusual  records  from  wild  boar  in  Europe,  t rom  sheep,  and 
even  from  domestic  dog,  which  may  result  from  erroneous  information  as  to 

the  host. 


thoracic  dorsum 



Linognathus  vituli  (Linnaeus), details 

Figure  108 

Genus  MICROTUORACIUS  Fahrenhoiz 

1915.  H icrothoracius  Fahrenhoiz,  Archiv  fur  Naturgeschichte,  Abteilung  A, 

81: 11:89. 

1932.  Hicrothoracius ,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Suck¬ 
ing  Lice,  Fart  *1:390. 

1933*  Hicrothoracius,  Werneck,  Memorias  do  Instituto  Oswaldo  Cruz  27:21. 

GDi ERIC  TYPE.  Haematopinus  (Linoinathus)  praeloniiceps  Neumann. 

CHARACTERS.  Linognathidae  in  which  clearly  evident  eyes  are  present, 
these  being  represented  by  a  lens  just  posterior  to  the  base  ol'  each  anten- 
na.  Head  greatly  elongated  and  more  or  less  fusiform,  at  times  being  al¬ 
most  as  long  as  the  abdomen.  Thorax  very  small,  with  no  indication  of  a 
sternal  plate  but  with  the  sternal  apophyses  present  and  with  a  definite 
notal  pit.  Antennae  five- segmented  but  with  segments  4-5  at  times  more  or 
less  fused.  Spiracles  beset  internally  with  points.  Derm  of  the  abdomen 
tending  to  be  minutely  wrinkled. 

NOTES.  The  assignment  of  this  geuus  to  the  Linognathidae  is  open  to 
question,  for  an  argument  can  certainly  be  made  supporting  its  assignment 
rather  to  the  Haematopinidae.  The  chief  reason  for  the  present  assignment 
is  the  absence  of  the  paratergal  plates,  but  the  presence  of  the  thoracic 
sternal  apophyses,  the  definite  eyes,  the  thoracic  notal  pit,  and  possibly 
the  spiracles,  argue  for  its  placement  with  the  Haematopinidae. 

Such  understanding  of  this  genus  as  we  have  we  owe  chiefly  to  the  work 

of  Dr.  Fa  bio  Werneck. 

The  history  of  this  genus  and  especially  of  its  type  species  is  ol  in¬ 
terest  and  is  worth  recital.  In  1688  Redi,  in  his  famous  work  on  the  gen¬ 
eration  of  insects,  illustrated  certain  ectoparasites  of  birds  and  mammals, 
among  these  being  one  which  he  designated  merely'  as  the  louse  of  the  camel. 
There  was  apparently  no  discussion  of  any  of  these  species,  identity  being 
indicated  merely  by  the  legend  on  the  illustration. 

In  his  "Systema  Naturae,"  Linnaeus  gave  this  louse  a  binomial  name,  call¬ 
ing  it  Pediculus  cameli,  purely  on  the  basis  of  the  illustration  given  by 
Redi.  From  the  time  of  Redi  until  as  recently  as  1934  the  insect  was  never 
again  reported.  In  fact  the  illustration  given  by  Redi  seemed  so  fantastic 
that  its  faithfulness  was  doubted  and  the  peculiarities  ol  the  species  were 
ascribed  merely  to  bad  drawing  of  some  other  species,  perhaps  Haematopinus 
tuberculatus,  which  was  the  only  sucking  louse  known  from  camels.  However, 
in  1909.  Neumann  described  a  species  from  a  llama  which  was  sufficiently 
similar ’to  cameli  to  indicate  that  the  latter  was  not  imaginary.  In  1915 
Fahrenhoiz  assigned  Neumann's  species  to  the  genus  Hicrothoracius. 

In  1932  Ferris  discussed  this  genus.  He  had  examined  a  female  from  the 
type  material  of  praeloniiceps  and  had  also  at  hand  specimens  from  a  llama 
from  the  zoological  park  at  Washington.  His  conclusions  concerning  the 
species  were  thus  based  upon  what  seemed  to  be  quite  authentic  material. 

However,  in  1932,  Werneck  described  a  new  species,  Hicrothoracius  mazzal, 
and  in  1933  he  discussed  these  two  species  at  length,  the  result  of  his 
work  being  to  indicate  that  Neumann  actually  had  two  quite  distinct  species 
in  his  type  lot  of  praeloniiceps .  Neumann  had  indeed  indicated  that  one  ol 
his  specimens  differed  from  the  others  in  the  form  of  the  head  and  it  seems 
clear  that  this  was  the  specimen  examined  by  Ferris. 

Then  in  1934  Werneck  reported  the  rediscovery  of  the  long-lost  Pediculus 
cameli  on  the  basis  of  specimens  taken  in  Algeria  and  he  described  another 
species,  Hicrothoracius  minor,  from  another  llama.  In  1935,  Ferris  dis¬ 
cussed  the  crenus  again  but  his  work  had  gone  to  press  before  kerneck  s 
paper  of  1934  had  become  available  and  full  account  had  not  been  taken  ol 

Werneck 's  conclusions.  .  . 

It  is  now  evident  that  there  are  at  least  four  species  ol  this  genus  on 
members  of  the  family  Camelidae,  a  family  that  according  to  Itfdekker  s  work 


•1,,t  ®  a,s  contains  but  tw0  genera,  Camelus  with  one  species  and 

Lama  with  but  two.  Whether  or  not  we  even  yet  have  the  full  complement  of 
Anoplura  occurring  on  this  family  remains  to  be  determined. 

Key  to  Species  of  MICR01H0RACIUS 

a,HkreCk4haf4dKiS4CUSfd  the  problem  of  separating  the  species  of  this  genus 
and  has  noted  that  it  is  difficult  to  do  so  upon  the  basis  of  any  single 
character  but  that,  m  the  totality  of  their  characters,  they  seem  to°be 
readily  recognizable.  Unfortunately,  specimens  of  minor  are  not  available 
and  this  species  must  be  included  in  the  key  solely  upon  the  basis  of 
Werneck  s  description,  while  available  material  of  the  other  species  is  ex¬ 
tremely  scanty.  Furthermore,  differences  in  the  treatment  of  the  specimens 
may  cause  apparent  differences  in  the  form  of  the  head  and  lead  to  confu- 
sion  thus  in  mazzai  a  species  in  which  the  head  is  extremely  slender,  a 
slight  collapse  of  the  specimen  will  exaggerate  this  slenderness.  In  the 
light  of  this  the  following  key  must  be  used  with  discretion. 

1.  Head  very  narrow  throughout,  but  with  a  quite  definite  swelling  on  each 

side  just  posterior  to  the  antenna,  this  swelling  bearing  the  eyes: 

it  P°s^erior  this  swelling  the  head  narrowing  aorain .  MAZ7AT 

Head  broader,  definitely  fusiform,  expanding  into  a  moderately Tharp 
angle  just  posterior  to  each  antenna,  narrowing  again  immediately 
posterior  to  the  swelling,  the  margins  of  the  hindhead  being  smoothly 

2.  Anterior  legs  almost  identical  in  size  and  shape  with  the  others:  a iar- 

?®r  t01rm'  attaining  a  length  of  4  mm.  for  the  female  and  2.5  mm.  for 
the  male;  4th  and  5th  antennal  segments  quite  closely  fused. ..  .CAMELI 
Waller  forms  the  adult  female  not  exceeding  3  mm.  in  length;  first 

-*-egs  definitely  more  slender  than  the  others .  9 

J.  Female  attaining  3  niro-  in  length .  PRAFT/lNrTnrpQ 

Female  recorded  as  less  than  2  mm.  long . 5^77. N^MiSr 

Microthoracius  cameli  (Linnaeus) 

Figures  109,  110 

Pediculus  cameli  Linnaeus,  Sy sterna  Naturae,  Edition  X,  page  611 
18/4.  Haematopinus  cameli  (Linnaeus),  Giebel,  Insecta  Epizoa,  p^ge  47.’ 

1909.  Haematopinus  tuberculatus  (Burraeister) ,  Neumann,  Archives  de  Para- 
sitologie  13:499.  (Misidentification) 

1916.  Microthoracius  cameli  (Linnaeus),  Fahrenholz,  Archiv  fur  Naturcre- 
schichte,  Abteilung  A,  81:11:30.  "  ° 

1932.  Microthoracius  cameli  (Linnaeus),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a Mon- 
int),  ograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:394;  figure  242. 

1934.  Microthoracius  cameli  (Linnaeus),  Werneck,  Memorias  do  Instituto  Os- 
waldo  Cruz  29:179;  figures  1-5. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  The  only  actual  record  of  the  species  is  that 
given  by  Werneck,  from  Camelus  dromedarius  in  Algeria.  P  13  thdt 

Microthoracius  mazzai  Werneck 

1909.  Haematopinus  (Llnoinathus)  praeloni iceps  Neumann,  Archives  de  Para- 
1014;  stogie  13:509.  (In  part;  specimen  recorded  in  a  footnote) 

1916.  Microthoracius  praeloni iceps  (Neumann),  Fahrenholz,  Archiv  fur  Na- 
ioo9  turgeschichte,  Abteilung  A,  81:11:30.  (In  part) 

93  •  Microthoracius  praeloni iceps  (Neumann),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward 

(MisYdenUftcation*  Dg  LlC6’  Part  5:S9:  fi6ures  24°-  2«- 


Microthoracius  cameli  (Linnaeus) 


female  genitalia 

Microthoracius  cameli  (Linnaeus), details 

Figure  110 


1932.  Mtcrot  horac  lus  mazzal  Werneck,  Revista  medico-cirurgica  do  Brasil 
40:346;  figure. 

1933*  Mlcrothoraclus  mazzal  Werneck,  Werueck,  Meaorias  do  lnstituto  Oswal do 
Cruz  27:26;  figures  9-15* 

1935*  Mlcrothoraclus  mazzal  Werueck,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Fart  9:612;  figures  338B-E. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Types  from  Auchenia  liana  at  Santa  Catalina, 
province  de  Jujuy  in  Argentina.  Presumably  also  the  specimen  recorded  by 
Neumann  in  the  footnote  to  his  description  of  praeloniiceps,  this  from 
Auchenia  llama  from  Choquecomato,  Bolivia,  is  this  species,  and  the  speci¬ 
mens  recorded  by  Ferris  from  the  same  host,  froman  animal  in  the  Zoological 
Park  of  Washington,  are  the  same. 

Microthoracius  minor  Werueck 

1935.  Mlcrothoraclus  minor  Werneck,  Revista  medico-cirurgica  do  Brasil  43: 


1935.  Microthoracius  minor  Werneck,  Werneck,  Revista  de  Entomologia  5:168; 
figures  1-4,  5- 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Types  from  Lama  pacos,  Abra  Pampa,  province  de 
Jujuy,  Argentina,  and  other  specimens  from  Lama  ilama  at  the  same  place. 

Microthoracius  praelongiceps  (Neumann) 

1909.  Haematoplnus  ( Linoinathus )  praeloniiceps  Neumann,  Archives  de  Para- 
sitologie  13:508;  figures  10-12.  (In  part) 

1916.  Microthoracius  praeloniiceps  (Neumann),  Fahrenholz,  Archiv  fur  Na- 
turge schichte,  Abteilung  A,  81:11:30.  (In  part) 

1932.  Microthoracius  praeloniiceps  (Neumann),  Werneck,  Revista  medico- 

cirurgica  do  Brasil  40:346;  figure. 

1933.  Microthoracius  praeloniiceps  (Neumann),  Werneck,  Memorias  do  Insti¬ 

tute  Oswaldo  Cruz  27:21;  figures  1-8. 

1935.  Microthoracius  praeloniiceps  (Neumann),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward 
a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  8:610;  figure  338A. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Types  recorded  as  from  Auchenia  huanaca,  Choque- 
comato,  Bolivia.  Also  recorded  by  Werneck  from  Auchenia  llama.  A  specimen 
at  hand  from  "llama"  in  the  zoological  garden  at  Onde rstepoort ,  South 
Africa,  received  from  the  late  Mr.  G.  A.  H.  Bedford,  seems  definitely  to  be 
this  species. 

Genus  PR0LIN0GNATHUS  Ewing 

1929.  Prolinoinathus  Ewing,  Manual  of  External  Parasites,  pages  136,  201. 
1932.  Prolinoinathus,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Suck¬ 
ing  Lice,  Part  5:408.  _  ,  ......  i  . 

1939.  Prolinoinathus,  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fur  Parasitenkunde  111:1.1. 
GENERIC  TYPE.  Pediculus  caviae-capensis  Pallas. 

CHARACTERS.  Linognathidae  in  which  there  is  no  external  indication  of 
eyes.  Antennae  apparently'  four-segmented  because  of  a  close  fusion  of  the 
fourth  and  fifth  segments,  although  the  sensoria  of  these  segments  remain. 
Thorax  without  a  sclerotized  sternal  plate  and  the  ventral  thoracic  apophy¬ 
ses  lacking.  Spiracles  of  the  abdomen  extremely  small.  Abdominal  setae 
much  reduced  in  numbers,  there  being  usually  not  more  than  two  setae  in  the 
median  group  on  each  segment,  either  dorsally  or  ventrally,  and  never  any 
indication  of  more  than  one  row  of  setae  on  any  segment.  Gonopods  ol  the 

female  well  developed  and  produced  apically.  .  „  r  4. 

NOTES-  The  members  of  this  genus  occur  exclusively  on  members  ol  the 

family  Procaviidae  of  the  Order  Hyracoidea. 


The  material  at  hand  representing  this  genus  is  quite  scanty  and  does 
not  permit  an  extended  treatment. 

Key  to  Species  of  PROLINOGNATHUS 

This  key  is  based  largely  upon  that  given  by  Fahrenholz  in  the  reference 
cited  above,  with  some  modifications  suggested  by  such  material  as  is  avail¬ 

1.  Head  definitely  more  than  twice  as  long  as  wide . 2 

Head  not  more  than  twice  as  long  as  wide . 3 

2.  Sclerotized  areas  at  the  lateral  margins  of  the  forehead  produced  some¬ 

what  posteriorly  on  the  dorsal  side  about  the  bases  of  the  antennae.. 

^ . •••••: . CAVI AE-  CAPEN  SI  S 

These  sclerotized  areas  produced  posteriorly  on  the  dorsal  side  of  the 

head  until  they  meet  at  the  mid-line . ARCUATUS 

3-  Abdomen  with  a  single  long  seta  on  the  lateral  margin  of  each  of  the 
segments  anterior  to  the  seventh,  in  addition  to  the  usual,  long, 

paired  setae  at  the  margins  of  segments  7  and  8 . LEPTOCEPHALUS 

Abdomen  with  such  setae  absent  only  on  segments  5  and  6 . 4 

4.  These  setae  present  only  on  segments  2  and  3 . AEftilOPICUS 

These  setae  present  on  segments  2-4 . pj 

5*  Forehead  rather  short  and  the  sclerotized  transverse  area  so  broad  that 

it  involves  at  least  half  its  length . FERRISI 

Forehead  with  this  transverse  area  involving  at  the  most  one-fourth  of 
its  length . FOLEYI 

Prolinognathus  aethiopicus  Fahrenholz 

1939-  Prolinoinathus  aethiopicus  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fur  Parasiten- 
kunde  11:1:13;  figures  8 A,  9. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  as  taken  from  Procauia  shoana  in  the 
zoological  garden  at  Copenhagen.  According  to  Hopkins  the  proper  name  of 
this  host  is  Procavia  habessinica  sciona.  A  specimen  that  seems  to  be  this 
species  is  at  hand  from  a  host  identified  merely  as  Procauia  capensis  from 
Rooi  Krans,  Transvaal. 

Prolinognathus  arcuatus  Fahrenholz 

1939.  Prolinognathus  arcuatus  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fur  Paras it enkunde 
11:1:5;  figures  lb,  2-4. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  as  from  the  same  animal  as  recorded 
under  aethiopicus .  Certain  specimens  at  hand  from  a  host  identified  as 
Procavia  coombsi  at  Onderstepoort,  Pretoria,  South  Africa,  seem  to  be  this. 
This  host  seems  to  be  regarded  as  a  subspecies  of  Procavia  capensis. 

Prolinognathus  caviae-capensis  (Pallas) 

Figures  111,  112 

1767.  Pediculus  caviae-capensis  Pallas,  Spicilegia  Zoologica  2:32:  Plate 
3,  figure  12. 

1816.  Pediculus  collaris  von  Olfers,  De  vegetativis  et  animatis  corporibus 
in  corporibus  animatis  reperiundis  commentarius,  page  84. 

1913.  Linoinathus  caviae-capensis  (Pallas),  Cummings,  Bulletin  of  Entomo¬ 
logical  Research  4:37;  figures  2,  3. 

1932.  Prolinoinathus  caviae-capensis  (Cummings),  Ferris,  Contributions 
Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:409;  figures  250A. 
251A,  E,  F,  G,  H,  I,  J.  ' 


Prolinognathus  caviae-capensis  (Pallas' 

Figure  111 


Prolinognathus  caviae-capensis  (Pallas), details 

Figure  112 

1939.  Prolinognathus  caviae-capensis  (Pallas),  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fur 
Parasitenkunde  11:1:2;  figure  la. 

1949.  Prolinognathus  caviae-capensis  (Pallas),  Hopkins, Proceedings  of  the 
Zoological  Society  of  London  119:2:515,  516. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Originally  described  as  from  Procavia  capensis 
t  rom  the  Cape  ot  Good  Hope.  Recorded  by  Cummings  from  this  host  and  from  a 
host  identified  under  the  same  name  in  the  zoological  garden  at  London. 
The  species  was  redescribed  by  Ferris  on  the  basis  of  Cummings'  material 
and  a  record  1  rom  a  host  identified  as  Procavia  coombsi  from  Onderstepoort, 
Pretoria,  South  Airica,  was  added.  Hopkins  records  the  species  from  a  lono1 
list  ot  subspecies  ol  Procavia  capens is,  this  including  capensis,  narlothi , 
klaverensls,  grlquae,  albaniensis,  natalensis,  windhuki,  reuningi,  and 
waterbergensls,  and  from  Procavia  johnstoni  johnstoni  from  various  local¬ 


NOTES.  The  present  writer  has  previously  maintained  that  the  first  gen 
uine  validation  of  the  name  cav iae-capens is  is  to  be  ascribed  to  Cummings 
but  Fahrenholz  has  given  cogent  reasons  for  accepting  Pallas  as  the  author 
of  the  specific  name. 

Whether  or  not  Cummings  actually  had  the  species  described  by  Pallas  is 
open  to  question,  but  there  is  no  special  point  to  inquiring  too  closely 
into  this.  The  accompanying  illustrations  are  based  upon  his  specimens. 

Prol inoguathus  ferrisi  Fahrenholz 

1932.  Prolinognathus  leptocephalus  (Ehrenberg),  Ferris,  Contributions 
Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:142;  figures  25011, 
251C.  (Misideiitification) 

1939.  Prol i nognat hus  ferrisi  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fur  Parasi tenkunde 


HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  The  name  given  by  Fahrenholz  seems  to  have  been 
based  entirely  upon  the  illustration  given  by  Ferris  and  consequently  the 
type  of  the  species  must  be  the  specimen  from  which  this  illustration  was 
made,  this  having  been  recorded  as  from  Procauia  brucel  rudolfi,  Marsabit 
Road,  British  East  Africa,  which,  according  to  Hopkins,  is  Heterohyrax 
syriacus  rudolfi.  This  type  specimen  should  be  in  the  United  States 
National  Museum.  Hopkins  has  also  recorded  the  species  from  the  same  host. 

Prolinognathus  foleyi  Fahrenholz 

1939.  Prolinognathus  foleyi  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fur  Parasi tenkunde  11: 
1:9;  figures  5—7,  8b. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Recorded  as  from  Procavla  rufescens  bounhloll 
from  Algeria.  This  is  the  only  record. 

Prolinognathus  leptocephalus  (Ehrenberg) 

1828.  Pediculus  leptocephalus  Ehrenberg,  Symbolae  Physicae,  Decas  Prima, 
page  f. 

1874.  Haenatoplnus  leptocephalus  (Ehrenberg),  Giebel,  Insecta  Epizoa,  page 
47.  (In  part) 

1932.  Prolinognathus  leptocephalus  (Ehrenberg),  Ferris,  Contributions 
Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:142.  (In  part;  not 
as  to  figures) 

1939.  Prolinognathus  leptocephalus  (Ehrenberg),  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift 
fur  Parasi  tenkunde  11:  1:8. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  from  Procauia  syriacus,  presumably 
from  Syria-  Ferris  recorded  a  single  immature  specimen  from  this  host  from 
Syria  and  Fahrenholz  has  given  additional  notes  on  the  species. 

Genus  SOLENOPOTES  Enderlein 

1904.  Solenopotes  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  28: 143- 

1909.  Haematopinus  (Solenopotes)  Neumann,  Archives  de  Parasitologie  13:530- 

1915.  Cervophthirius  Mj&berg,  Entomologisk  Tijdskrift  36:282. 

1916.  Linognathus,  Ferris,  Entomological  News  27:199- 

1921.  Solenopotes,  Bishop,  Journal  of  Agricultural  Research  21:797. 

1929.  Cervophthirius,  Ewing,  A  Manual  of  External  Parasites,  page  136 . 
1929.  Solenopotes,  Ewing,  A  Manual  of  External  Parasites,  pages  I36,  139. 
1932.  Solenopotes,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking 
Lice,  Part  5:395- 

GENERIC  TYPE.  Solenopotes  caplllatus  Enderlein.  Typ e  of  Cervophthirius: 
Cervophthirius  tarandi  MJoberg. 


CHARACTERS.  Linognathidae  without  eyes.  Antennae  five-segmented.  Head 
variously  shaped  hut  usually  slightly  elongate  and  broadened  but  little 
•posterior  to  the  antennae.  Thorax  with  a  sternal  plate  filling  most  of  the 
space  enclosed  by  the  coxa  but  not  marginally  or  apically  free  from  the 
body.  Abdomen  membranous  throughout  except  for  the  usual  ninth  tergite  and 
the  ventral  genital  areas;  with  not  more  than  one  row  of  setae  on  any  seg¬ 
ment  either  dorsally  or  ventrally.  Spiracles,  in  the  type  species,  more  or 
less  cylindrical,  their  apices  projecting  somewhat  from  the  body  on  slight¬ 
ly  sclerotized  prominences.  In  other  species  they  may  be  shorter,  in  some 
species  being  almost  spherical,  but  some  indication  of  the  tubercle  is 
present.  Genitalia  of  female  including  a  pair  of  quite  large  and  prominent 
gonophyses.  Ninth  segment  terminating  in  a  pair  of  ventral,  flattened 
lobes  which  may  be  quite  long  and  slender.  Genitalia  of  the  inale  with  the 
parameres  well  developed,  elongate  and  enclosing  the  penis  and  pseudopenis. 

NOTES.  The  type  species  of  this  genus  was  based  upon  a  single  male 
specimen  which  was  rather  poorly  described  and  led  Ferris  to  the  belief 
that  it  was  simply  an  immature  specimen  of  Linognathus  vltull.  This  was 
later  shown  to  be  quite  erroneous  when  the  species  was  rediscovered  in 
North  America.  MjOberg  described  the  supposed  new  genus  Cervophthirius  in 
1915>  but  this  was  placed  as  a  synonym  of  Solenopotes  by  Ferris  in  1932. 

Except  for  the  one  species,  capillatus,  all  the  members  of  this  genus  at 
present  known  are  from  Cervidae.  It  is  probable  that  several  more  remain 
to  be  found . 

Key  to  Species  of  SOLENOPOTES 

Only  a  partial  key  can  at  present  be  given,  and  identifications  must  de¬ 
pend  largely  upon  host  associations  until  the  genus  has  been  completely  re¬ 
viewed  by  someone. 

1.  Head  with  the  lateral  margins  posterior  to  the  antennae  tending  to  con¬ 

verge  and  presenting  neither  postantennal  nor  posterior  lateral 

angles . . 

Head  with  the  lateral  margins  posterior  to  the  antennae  tending  to  be 
nearly  parallel,  with  definite  postantennal  and  posterior  lateral 
angles . g 

2.  Abdominal  spiracles  strongly  protuberant;  female  with  apical  lobes  of 

the  abdomen  which  are  short  and  moderately  broad  and  then  are  con¬ 
stricted  sharply  into  a  short,  slender,  terminal  process;  male  with 
the  parameres  enclosing  a  broadly  Y-shaped  pseudopenis;  as  far  as 

known  occurring  only  on  domestic  cattle . CAPILLATOS 

Abdominal  spiracles  but  very  slightly  protuberant;  female  with  the  api¬ 
cal  lobes  of  the  abdomen  constricted  gradually  into  long,  tapering 
processes;  parameres  of  the  male  enclosing  merely  a  very  short  aedea- 
gus;  occurring  as  far  as  known  on  New  World  deer  of  the  genera  Odo- 
co ileus  and  Mazama . BINIPILOSUS 

3.  Abdomen  of  the  female  with  not  more  than  2  long  setae  in  the  median 

group,  either  dorsally  or  ventrally,  on  any  segment . CAPREOLI 

Abdomen  of  the  female  with  4-8  long  setae  in  the  median  cluster,  both 
dorsally  and  ventrally,  on  the  abdominal  segments;  occurring  as  far 

as  known  on  New  World  deer  of  the  genus  Odocoileus . FERRISI 

(The  species  tarandt  and  burmeistert  will  run  in  this  key  to  the  last 

Solenopotes  binipilosus  (Fahrenholz) 

1910.  LtnoQnathus  an£ulatus  (Piaget),  Mjbberg,  Arkiv  f6r  Zoologi  2:157. 
(Misidenti fication) 


1916.  Linognathus  btnlpl  losus  Fahrenholz,  Archiv  fur  Naturgeschichte,  A t»- 
teilung  A,  81:11:11;  Plate,  figures  11—  1^ - 
1916.  Linognathus  coassus  Fahrenholz,  Jahrbuch  der  Hamburgischen  Wissen- 
schatt Lichen  Anstalten  34:2. 

1927.  Lino&nathus  panamens is  Ewing,  Proceedings  of  the  Entomological  Soci¬ 
ety  of  Washington  29:119. 

1932.  Solenopote s  binipilosus  (Fahrenholz),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:131:  figures  245,  246. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION .  First  described  by  Fahrenholz  from  "Mazaina 
liirsch"  without  indication  of  origin,  but  this  name  implies  a  host  of  the 
genus  Mazama  from  South  or  Central  America.  Recorded  by  Falirenholz  from 
"Ooossus"  from  the  Hamburg  zoological  garden,  this  generic  mune  apparently 
being  a  synonym  of  Mazama.  Recorded  by  Ewing  from  Odocoileus  chiriqulensis 
from  Panama  and  by  Ferris  from  the  same  host  species  from  the  Panama  Canal 
Zone.  Specimens  are  at  hand  from  Mazama  s  imp l ic icorn is  at  Juj uy,  Argentina; 
from  Odocoileus  couesi  at  Tucson,  Arizona;  United  States;  and  from  "deer," 
at  Sonora,  Texas,  United  States. 

Solenopotes  burmeisteri  (Fahrenholz) 

1818.  Pediculus  crassicornis  Nitzsch,  Germar's  Magazin  der  Entomologie  3*- 
305.  (Not  Pediculus  crassicornis  Scopoli,  and  therefore  preoccu¬ 

1916.  Lino^nathus  crassicornis  (Nitzsch),  Fahrenholz,  Archiv  fur  Naturge- 
schichte,  Abteilung  A,  81:11:34. 

1919.  Linofnathus  burmeisteri  Fahrenholz,  Jahresbericht  des  Niedersach- 
sischen  zoologischen  Vereins  zu  Hannover  5-10:23- 
1935-  Solenopotes  burmeisteri  (Fahrenholz),  Freund,  Recueil  de  Travail  d6- 
di£  au  25me  Anniversaire  scientifique  du  Professor  Eugeni  Pavlov¬ 
sky,  1909,  1934,  Leningrad  et  Moscow,  page  278;  figure  A- 
HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  from  Cervus  elaphus  in  Europe  and 
known  only  from  a  few  records  from  that  continent. 

NOTES."  European  authors  have  considered  that  the  species  recorded  from 
North  Anerica  by  Ferris  as  this,  under  the  name  of  Solenopotes  crassicornis, 
is  distinct,  as  is  also  the  species  illustrated  by  Ferris  as  burmeisteri  in 
1932,  and  which  has  been  named  as  Solenopotes  capreoli.  The  name  crass i- 
cornis,  being  preoccupied,  was  replaced  by  the  name  burmeisteri  in  1919- 
These  three  species  are  very  closely  similar  and  it  remains  to  be  deter¬ 
mined  just  how  they  can  be  separated. 

Solenopotes  capillatus  Enderlein 

Figures  113,  114 

Solenopotes  capillatus  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  28:144;  lig- 

ures  14,  15-  ^ 

Linotnathus  vituli  (Linnaeus),  Ferris,  Entomological  News  27:199- 


Solenopotes  capillatus  Enderlein,  Freund,  Zentralblatt  fur  Bakteri- 
ologie  und  Parasitenkunde  (1)84:142;  figure. 

Solenopotes  capillatus  Enderlein,  Bishop,  Journal  ol  Agricultural 
Research  21:797;  figures. 

Solenopotes  capillatus  Enderlein,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:397;  figures  243,  244. 

HfKTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION-  First  recorded  from  domestic  cattle  in  Germany . 
Now  known  from  domestic  cattle  from  various  localities  in  Europe  and  North 

America.  ,  .  , 

NOTES.  The  opinion  is  held  by  the  writer  that  this  species  has  trans 

ferred  to  domestic  cattle  from  deer,  although  it  has  never  been  taken  1 rom 







Figure  113 

female  genitalia 

Solenopotes  capillatus  Enderlein, details 


male  genital  plate 
Figure  114 

any  cervid  and  this  opinion  may  be  entirely  erroneous.  An  extended  discus¬ 
sion  of  the  biology  of  the  species  is  given  in  the  reference  by  Bishop 
cited  above. 

Solenopotes  capreoli  Freund 

1932.  Solenopotes  burmeisteri  (Fahrenholz) ,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:404;  figures  247,  248.  (Mis- 

1935.  Solenopotes  capreoli  Freund,  Recueil  de  Travail  dedie  au  25me  Anni- 
versaire,  Scientifique  du  Professor  Eugene  Pawlowsky,  1909,  1934, 
Leningrad  and  Moscow,  page  278;  figure  B. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  The  specimens  upon  which  the  record  and  illus¬ 
trations  given  by  Ferris  (reference  cited  above)  were  based  were  from  Cap- 
reolus  caprea  from  Czechoslovakia.  Freund  described  the  species  as  new  on 
the  basis  of  specimens  from  the  same  host  without  indication  of  origin. 

NOTES.  This  species,  as  Freund  remarked,  is  "In  alien  Details . prak- 

tisch  identisch  mit  Solenopotes  ferrisi . "  differing  only  in  the  ar¬ 

rangement  of  the  abdominal  setae.  Differences  cited  between  this  and  bur¬ 
meisteri  are  so  slight  as  to  offer  no  definite  "key  characters"  for  the 
separation  of  these  two  species. 

Solenopotes  ferrisi  (Fahrenholz) 

1916.  Cervophthirius  crassicornis  (Nitzsch),  Ferris,  Entomological  News 
27:197;  figures.  (Misidentification) 

1919.  Linoinathus  ferrisi  Fahrenholz,  Jahresbericht  des  Niedersachsischen 
zoologischen  Yereins  zu  Hannover  5-10:24. 

1932.  Solenopotes  ferrisi  (Fahrenholz),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mon¬ 
ograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  5:134;  figures  247,  248. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Odocoileus  columbianus  at  Laytonvi lie, 
Mendocino  County,  and  recorded  also  from  the  same  host  at  San  Gregorio,  San 
Mateo  County,  California,  United  States. 

NOTES.  This  species  was  identified  by  Ferris  as  the  European  species 
which  is  now  known  as  Solenopotes  burmeisteri,  but  Fahrenholz  considered  it 
to  be  distinct  and  named  it  as  new  on  the  basis  of  Ferris'  description. 
For  this  reason  it  appears  that  the  types  of  the  species  must  be  regarded 
as  being  in  the  material  recorded  by  Ferris.  Freund  has  given  a  redescrip¬ 
tion  of  burmeisteri,  but  it  is  still  not  clear  wherein  the  two  species  dif¬ 
fer,  if  they  do  so  at  all. 

Solenopotes  muntiacus  Thompson 

193S.  Solenopotes  muntiacus  Thompson,  Annals  and  Magazine  of  Natural  His¬ 
tory  (Series  11)  1:634;  figures. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Known  only  from  the  original  record  from  Munti¬ 
acus  malabaricus  at  Mousakande,  Gammaduwa,  Ceylon.  According  to  Hopkins 
this  is  Muntiacus  muntjak. 

NOTES.  Unfortunately  the  description  and  illustrations  of  this  species 
are  not  adequate  to  permit  any  very  clear  concept  of  it  or  to  afford  any 
"key  characters"  for  its  identification.  It  is  said  to  be  very  similar  to 

Solenopotes  tarandi  (Mjbberg) 

1915.  Cervophthirius  tarandi  Mjoberg,  Entomologisk  Tijdskrift  36:283;  fig¬ 
ures  1-4. 

1932.  Solenopotes  tarandi  (MjOberg),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono- 


graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Fart  5:136. 

HOSTS  AM)  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  as  from  Han^ifer  tarandus  at  K;tresu- 
ando,  Sweden.  Hopkins,  in  his  recent  host  list,  indicates  another  record, 
which  has  not  been  traced  in  connection  with  the  present  work. 

NOTES.  The  original  description  and  illustrations  of  this  species  are 
inadequate  and  offer  no  basis  for  its  separation  from  such  species  as  bur- 
nelsterl  and  ferrtsi. 

Family  NEOLINOGNATHIDAE  Fahrenholz 

1929.  Neol inognathidae,  Ewing,  Manual  of  External  Parasites,  page  133* 
1936.  Neolinoguathidae,  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fur  Farasi teukunde  9:1:56. 

DESCRIPTION  OF  THE  FAMILY.  Auoplura  in  which  the  abdominal  spiracles 
are  reduced  to  a  single  pair,  this  belonging  to  the  eighth  abdominal  seg¬ 
ment.  Abdomen  membranous  throughout  except  for  the  usual  sclerotizations 
of  the  genital  region  and  the  terminalia  and  except  for  the  presence  at 
times  of  minute  sclerotized  points;  almost  devoid  of  setae  except  for  a 
pair  at  each  lateral  angle  of  segment  eight  and  in  the  genital  area.  Legs 
with  the  first  pair  small  and  slender  with  sleuder  claw;  second  and  third 
pairs  enlarged  and  stout,  with  stout  claw.  Antennae  five- segmented,  sexu¬ 
ally  dimorphic.  Thoracic  sternal  plate  present  but  not  apically  free,  di¬ 
vided  into  two  longitudinal  plates. 

NOTES.  This  family  was  first  recognized  as  an  entity  by  Ewing  who  es¬ 
tablished  it  as  the  subfamily  Neolinoguathinae  of  the  family  Haematopinidae . 
It  was  elevated  to  family  rank  by  Fahrenholz  in  1936. 

The  single  included  genus  with  two  species  occurs  on  members  of  the  fam¬ 
ily  Macroscelididae  of  the  Order  Insectivora. 

The  members  of  this  family  are  peculiar  forms.  The  probabilities  are 
that  their  actual  relationships  are  with  the  family  Hoplopleuridae  but  they 
are  so  peculiar  that  even  if  referred  to  this  family  they  would  have  to  be 
maintained  as  a  subfamily. 


1920.  Neol i nognat  bus  Bedford,  Entomologist's  Monthly  Magazine  (3)6:88. 
1922.  Neol inognathus,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Suck¬ 
ing  Lice,  Part  3:166. 

GENERIC  TYPE.  Neol inognathus  elephantuli  Bedford,  by  monotypy.  One 
other  species  is  included  in  the  genus. 

CHARACTERS.  Without  eyes.  Antennae  five-segmented,  not  sexually  dimor¬ 
phic.  Head  fusiform.  Thorax  with  the  sternal  plate  not  apically  or  mar¬ 
ginally  free,  divided  longitudinally  into  two  small  plates.  Anterior  legs 
small  and  with  slender  claw.  Middle  and  posterior  legs  enlarged,  somewhat 
flattened,  with  stout  claw.  Abdomen  membranous  throughout  except  for  the 
ninth  tergite  and  the  genital  sternites  beset  with  small,  sclerotized 
points  and  entirely  without  setae  except  for  a  pair  at  each  lateral  margin 
of  segment  eight.  Abdominal  spiracles  present  only  on  segment  eight,  these 
noticeably  enlarged. 

NOTES.  The  two  species  referred  to  this  genus  may  be  separated  by  the 
following  key. 

With  a  retrorse,  tooth-like  process  on  the  dorsal  (outer)  distal  angle  of 

the  tibia  of  legs  2  and  3 . ELEPHANT!  LI 

Without  such  a  tooth . PRAELAl  ITS 


Neolinognathus  elephantuli  Bedford 
Figure  115 

1920.  Neolinognathus  elephantuli  Bedford,  Entomologist's  Monthly  Magazine 
(3)6:89-90;  figure. 

1922.  Neolinognathus  elephantuli  Bedford,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a 
Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  3:166;  figures  110-111. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  First  described  as  from  Elephantulus  rupestris 
(  myurus)  jamesoni  at  Onderstepoort,  Transvaal,  South  Africa.  Later  re¬ 
corded  by  Ferris  from  Petrodromus  tetradactylus  and  Nasilio  brachyrhynchus 
delameri  from  British  Central  Africa  and  Loita  Plains,  British  East  Africa. 

Neolinognathus  praelautus  Ferris 

1922.  Neolinognathus  praelautus  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph 
of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  3:169;  figure  111E  and  112. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  Elephantulus  pulcher  phaeus  at  Lime 
Springs,  British  East  Africa.  Also  from  Elephantulus  rufescens  at  Vor, 
British  East  Africa. 

Family  PEDICULIDAE  Leach 

1817.  Leach,  The  Zoological  Miscellany  3:64. 

1842.  Denny,  Monographia  Anoplurorum  Britanniae,  page  1. 

1880.  Piaget,  Les  Pediculines,  page  6 15- 
1904.  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  28:136. 

1929.  Ewing,  A  Manual  of  External  Parasites,  page  141. 

DESCRIPTION  OF  THE  FAMILY.  Anoplura  in  which  the  eyes  are  very  definite¬ 
ly  present  externally  as  a  pair  of  distinct  lenses  which  are  accompanied 
each  by  a  distinct  spot  of  pigmentation  that  shows  in  uncleared  specimens. 
Antennae  five-segmented,  not  sexually  dimorphic.  Legs  variable  in  form, 
either  all  practically  the  same  or  with  the  first  pair  small  and  slender 
and  the  second  and  third  pairs  large  and  stout.  Paratergal  plates  repre¬ 
sented  on  certain  of  the  abdominal  segments  by  a  sclerotization  which  covers 
the  apex  of  lateral  lobes  of  the  abdomen  and  which  never  has  any  part  free 
from  the  body  wall,  although  at  times  with  lateral  lobes.  Abdomen  other¬ 
wise  membranous  except  for  the  usual  terminal  and  genitalic  plates  and 
small  tergal  plates  in  the  male.  Female  with  well-developed  gonopods  on 
the  eighth  segment  but  with  no  definite  indication  of  the  gonopods  of  seg¬ 
ment  nine  present.  Genitalia  of  the  male  with  the  parameres  fused  basally 
with  the  aedeagus. 

NOTES.  As  here  understood,  this  family — which  at  one  time  included  all 
the  Anoplura — is  reduced  to  two  genera  that  are  here  considered  to  involve 
not  more  than  four  unquestioned  species.  Ewing  has  held  that  the  genus 
Phthirus  should  also  he  removed  from  it,  leaving  only  the  genus  Pediculus 
in  the  family.  While  an  argument  can  he  made  for  this  step  it  is  not  here 

A  step  is  taken,  however,  which  undoubtedly  will  not  meet  with  general 
approval,  but  which  is  supported  by  the  facts  of  morphology.  That  is&  to  re¬ 
move  the  genus  Pedic inus  from  the  Pediculidae.  Those  who  base  their  concept 
of  the  classification  of  the  Anoplura  upon  the  relationships  of  the  hosts — 
real  or  supposed— will  object  to  this  procedure,  but  the  fact  remains  that, 
considering  the  question  from  a  morphological  basis,  the  genus  Pedic inus 
appears  to  have  very  little  to  do  with  Pediculus,  being  apparently  more 
closely  related  to  the  members  of  the  family  Hoplopleuridae  as  here  under¬ 
stood.  The  question  is  discussed  at  length  in  connection  with  Pedicinus. 

The  two  genera  remaining  in  the  Pediculidae  can  be  separated  from  each 
other  so  readily  that  no  key  for  their  differentiation  is  here  presented. 


/  1  i  V,* 

I'XAv^J’^v  v 

f"  t  1  ♦  t 

abdominal  ornamentation 
Neolinognathus  elephantuli  Bedford 

female  or  nit  alia 


thoracic  sternal  i>late 

2nd  or  3rd  clam 

i  »  f 


^  i  * 

1 T  y  i  i  *• 
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'■f  '#yif 

I)/;;-.:;-:  ; 

r  *•  -f  r,  V  ,  *»  s  -  V4- 


>•“  . ..  • 

Genus  PEDICULUS  Linnaeus 

It  would  be  utterly  impracticable  here  to  present  a  complete  bibliography 
of  this  genus.  Consequently,  only  those  references  are  given  to  which  a 
specialized  student  of  the  group  may  refer  for  his  purposes. 

1758.  Pedlculus  Linnaeus,  §ystema  Naturae,  Edition  X,  page  610. 

1926.  Pediculus,  subgenus  Parapediculus  Ewing,  Proceedings  of  the  United 
States  National  Museum  68: Article  19: 7. 

1926.  Pediculus,  subgenus  Paenipediculus  Ewing,  Proceedings  of  the  Biolog¬ 
ical  Society  of  Washington  45:117- 

1935-  Pediculus,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking 
Lice,  Part  8:534. 

1938-  Pediculus,  Ewing,  Journal  of  Parasitology  24:13. 

GENERIC  TYPE.  The  type  of  Pediculus  is  Pediculus  humanus  Linnaeus.  The 
type  of  the  proposed  subgenus  Parapediculus  was  stated  by  Ewing  to  be 
Pediculus  consobrinus  Piaget.  The  consequences  of  this  latter  type  selec¬ 
tion  will  be  discussed  in  the  notes  which  follow.  The  type  of  the  proposed 
subgenus  Paenipediculus  was  stated  by  Ewing  to  be  Pediculus  simiae  Ewing, 
which  is  here  considered  to  be  a  synonym  of  Pediculus  schaffi  Fahrenholz. 

CHARACTERS.  Anoplura  in  which  eyes  are  very  distinctly  developed.  Legs 
all  of  essentially  the  same  size  and  shape,  the  tibiotarsal  articulation 
distinct,  the  claws  slender.  Margins  of  the  abdomen  more  or  less  strongly 
lobed,  the  lobes  covered  by  the  sclerotized  paratergal  plates  which  are  not 
at  all  or  at  the  most  but  in  part  and  then  only  slightly  free  from  the  body 
at  any  point  on  their  margins.  Thorax  with  a  distinct  notal  pit.  Thoracic 
sternal  plate  sclerotized,  but  with  its  margins  not  free  from  the  body. 
Dorsum  of  the  abdomen  in  the  female  membranous  or  at  the  most  with  slightly 
developed,  sclerotized  plates;  that  of  the  male  usually  with  small  tergal 
plates,  the  surrounding  derm  not  minutely  wrinkled.  Spiracles  present°in 
normal  position  on  the  abdomen,  six  pairs  being  present,  these  all  enclosed 
within  the  borders  of  the  paratergal  plates.  Male  with  the  genitalia  bear¬ 
ing  very'  small  parameres  which  are  united  basally  with  the  pseudopenis. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Occurring  on  members  of  the  Order  Primates,  es¬ 
pecially  on  man,  the  chimpanzee,  and  the  New  World  monkeys  of  the  family 
Cebidae.  There  are  records  of  its  occurrence  on  gibbons. 

It  may  be  stated  at  the  outset  that  the  two  supposed  subgenera,  Para¬ 
pediculus  and  Paenipediculus  are  here  categorically  rejected.  The  author 
of  these  two  subgenera,  himself,  indicated  (1938)  doubts  as  to  the  justifi¬ 
cation  of  the  first  of  these  but  suggested  that  the  second  might  well  be 
raised  to  the  rank  of  a  genus.  That  anything  at  all  is  to  be  gained  by  the 
recognition  of  either  remains  to  be  demonstrated.  In  the  case  of  Para¬ 
pediculus  we  have  a  question  arising  from  a  misidentified  generic  type. 
The  type  of  this  proposed  subgenus  was  definitely  stated  to  be  Pediculus 
consobrinus  Piaget,  a  species  that  has  been  shown/  on  the  basis  of  an  exam¬ 
ination  of  the  sole  remaining  specimen  in  the  Piaget  Collection  at  the 
British  Museum,  to  be  Pediculus  humanus.  Ewing,  however,  had  before  him 
when  he  named  this  subgenus  specimens  which  were  not  this  species  and  he 
had  never  seen  this  type  specimen.  If  Parapediculus,  as  a  name  for  the 
lice  of  the  New  World  Cebidae,  is  ever  recognized  the  question  as  to  the 
status  of  its  type  species  will  need  to  be  settled,  but  since  it  is  here 
rejected  no  time  will  now  be  spent  on  the  question. 

Key  to  Species  of  PEDICULUS 

Only  those  forms  are  included  in  this  key  which  in  the  writer's  opinion 
have  a  reasonable  claim  to  be  recognized  as  species. 



Spiracles  of  altdominal  segments  3~5  each  borne  within  a  very  small,  cir 

cular,  sclerotized  area;  occurring  on  chimpanzees . SCHAFFI 

Not  so . 2 

2.  Paratergal  plates  throughout  clearly  without  evidence  of  lateral  lobes; 

occurring  normally  on  man  although  at  times  to  be  found  on  monkeys  of 

the  family  Cebidae  and  on  gibbons  in  captivity . HUMANUS 

Paratergal.  plates  of  at  least  some  abdominal  segments  showing  clear  ev¬ 
idence  of  lateral  lobing,  both  dorsally  and  veutrally . 3 

3.  Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  5-6  bearing  strong  lateral 

lobes,  both  dorsally  and  veutrally;  occurring  on  monkeys  of  the  fami¬ 
ly  Cebidae . MJOfflRG] 

Paratergal  plates  of  abdominal  segments  5-1  with  slight,  but  distinct, 
evidence  of  lateral  lobes,  both  dorsally  and  ventrally;  occurring  on 
man  and  Cebidae  in  the  New  World  tropics  and  on  man  in  the  southwest¬ 
ern  Pacific  area . PSEUDOHUMANUS 

In  presenting  the  following  review  it  has  seemed  desirable  to  consider 
the  species  by  host  group  rather  than  alphabetically. 

Pediculus  humanus  Liunaeus 
Figures  116,  117,  118,  119 

The  literature  on  this  species  is  very  extensive,  but  for  the  most  part 
is  not  pertinent  in  considering  the  taxonomy  of  the  species.  Only  those 
references  are  cited  which  are  of  importance  in  establishing  synonymy  or  in 
presenting  evidence  concerning  the  status  of  the  various  forms  that  have 
been  described. 

17f>8.  Pediculus  humanus  Linnaeus,  Systema  Naturae,  Edition  X,  page  610. 

(The  original  description  of  the  species,  containing  no  indication 
that  the  head  and  body  lice  were  considered  to  represent  varieties.  ) 
1761.  Pediculus  humanus  Linnaeus,  Linnaeus,  Fauna  Suecica,  Edition  2,  page 
475.  (The  beginning  of  the  controversy  concerning  the  two  varie¬ 
ties.  "Qui  in  vestimentis  victitat  ab  eo,  qui  in  capite  vivit, 
non  differt  ut  species,  sed  tantum  varietas.") 

1767.  Pediculus  humanus  Linnaeus,  Linnaeus,  Systema  Naturae,  Edition  XII, 
page  1016.  (The  two  supposed  varieties  are  designated  as  1  and  2, 
respectively,  for  the  head  louse  and  the  body  louse  and  character¬ 
ized  thus:  "Varietas  Capitis  durior,  coloratior;  Vestimentorum 
laxior,  magis  cinerea.") 

1778.  Pediculus  humanus  Linnaeus,  de  Geer,  Memoires  pour  servir  a  l'his- 
toire  des  insec tes  7:67;  Plate  1,  figures  6,  7.  (Here  the  terms 
"capitis"  and  "corporis"  are  first  employed.  "II  y  a  done  une 
difference  palpable  entre  ces  deux  sortes  de  poux,  et  qui  semble 
indiquer  qu'ils  sont  d'espece  differente,  a  moins  qu'on  ne  veuille 
plutdt,  comme  a  fait  M.  de  Linne,  les  regarder  comme  deux  variates. 
Quoiqu'il  en  soit,  on  pourroit  les  distinguer  par  les  demoninations 
suivantes:  (1)  Pediculus  (humanus  capitis)  cinereus,  thorace  ab- 
domineque  fascia  interrupta  nigra  marginatus ;  (2)  Pediculus  (hu¬ 
manus  corporis)  albidus,  totus  intmaculatus. ") 

1803.  Pediculus  humanus  Linnaeus,  Latreille,  In  Nouveau  dictionnaire  d'his- 
toire  naturelle  18:403-  (This  reference  not  seen.  According  to 
Nuttall,  the  name  "humanus"  is  here  definitely  restricted  to  "le 
pou  du  corps,"  which  would  constitute  the  first  type  fixation.) 
1803.  Pediculus  cervicalis  Latreille,  In  Nouveau  dictionnaire  d'histoire 
naturelle  18:403-  (This  reference  according  to  Nuttall.  The  name 
is  indicated  as  applying  to  "le  pou  de  tete.") 

1805.  Pediculus  nigritarum  Fabricius,  Systema  Antliatorum,  page  340.  (Es- 


Pediculus  humanus  Linnaeus,  the  typical  form  called  capitis 

Figure  116 

10-.C  tablished  for  lice  having  their  "habitat  in  nigritarum  corpore.  ") 

1816.  Pediculus  ni£rescens  von  Olfers,  De  vegetativis  et  animatis  corpor¬ 
is5  in  corporibus  animatis  reperiundis  commentarius,  Part  1,  pare 
81 .  13 

1816.  Pediculus  albidior  von  Olfers,  De  vegetativis  et  animatis  corporibus 
in  corporibus  animatis  reperiundis  commentarius.  Part  1,  page  81. 
(Merely  a  new  name  lor  the  body  louse.) 

1816.  Pediculus  pubescens  von  Olfers,  De  vegetativis  et  animatis  corpor¬ 
ibus  in  corporibus  animatis  reperiundis  commentarius,  Part  1,  page 
81.  (Merely  a  new  name  for  the  head  louse.) 

1818‘  pp'ilJLulu?  vesttmenti  Nitzsch,  German's  Magazin  der  Entomologie  3; 
306.  (New  name  for  the  body  louse.) 

1824.  Pediculus  tabescentium  Alt,  De  Phthiriasi,  page  7. 

1834.  Pediculus  capitis  de  Geer,  liumieister,  Genera^lnsectorum,  Rhynchota, 
Order  1,  Tribe  1,  Family  1,  Species  1. 

1880.  Pediculus  consobr inns  Piaget,  Les  Pediculines,  pa<re  626:  Plate  61 
figure  4.  (Doubtfully  described  as  new. ) 


Pediculus  humanus  Linnaeus,  abdomen  of  male 

Figure  117 


Pediculus  mjobergi  Ferris,  from  Ateles  dariensis  .genitalia  of  female 

Pediculus  humanus  Linnaeus,  genitalia  of  female 

Figure  118 


corporis  capitis 

typical  form  typical  form 

Pediculus.paratergal  plates 


from  man, 
Marquesas  Islands 



Ateles  dariensis 

Figure  119 

1911.  Pedtculus  capitis  de  Geer  and  Pediculus  capitis  vestimenti  Nitzsch, 

Neumann,  Archives  de  Parasitologie  14:410-413-  (Neumann  concludes 
that  the  body  louse  is  but  a  variety  of  the  head  louse  and  assigns 
to  it,  contrary  to  all  rules  of  nomenclature,  the  name  combination 
given  above.  He  concludes  also  that  Pediculus  consobrinus  Piaget 
is  identical  with  Pediculus  capitis.) 

1912.  Pediculus  capitis  de  Geer  and  Pediculus  corporis  de  Geer,  Fahrenholz, 

Jahresbericht  des  Niedersachsischen  zoologischen  Vereins  zu  Han¬ 
nover  2-4:2-12;  text  figures  1-7;  Plate  2,  figures  16-19;  Plate  3, 
figures,  1-4.  (Maintains  the  distinctness  of  head  and  body  lice.) 

1915.  Pediculus  corporis  niiritarum  Fabricius,  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fUr 
Morphologie  und  Anthropologie  17 : 596-597 ;  text  figure  1.  (Assumes 
to  recognize  this  form  on  the  basis  of  a  single  specimen.) 

1915.  Pediculus  capitis  aniustus  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fur  Morphologie 
und  Anthropologie  17:597;  text  figure  2;  Plate  21,  figure  1.  (From 
Japanese. ) 

1915.  Pediculus  capitis  maculatus  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fur  Morphologie 
und  Anthropologie  17:598;  text  figures  3,  4;  Plate  21,  figures&2, 
3.  (For  the  head  louse  of  African  negroes.) 

1915.  Pediculus  corporis  marginatus  Fahrenholz,  Zeitschrift  fur  Morphologie 

und  Anthropologie  17:599.  (The  body  louse  of  Japanese.) 

1916.  Pediculus  humanus  Linnaeus,  Fahrenholz,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  47: 269- 

271.  (Points  out  the  proper  application  of  the  name  "humanus,  " 
and  gives  data  on  literature.) 

1916.  Pediculus  friedenthali  Fahrenholz,  Archiv  fur  Naturgeschichte,  Ab- 
teilung  A,  81:11:2;  text  figures  1,  2;  Plate,  figure  1.  (For  a 
louse  from  Hylobates  mulleri.  Date  of  issue  indicated  as  July.) 
1916.  Pediculus  oblongus  Fahrenholz,  Archiv  fur  Naturgeschichte,  Abteilung 
A,  81:11:15;  text  figure  14.  (Fora  louse  from  Hylobates  syndacty- 
lus.)  (Not  Pediculus  oblongus  Geoffroy) 

1916.  Pediculus  humanus  marginatus  Fahrenholz,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  48: 

87 .  (This  apparently  was  intended  as  a  preliminary  diagnosis  to 
appear  before  the  description  in  the  reference  cited  above  which, 
however,  has  priority.  Date  of  issue  indicated  as  October.) 

1916.  Pediculus  corporis  aniustus  Fahrenholz,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  48:88. 
(The  same  note  applies.) 

1916.  Pediculus  capitis  maculatus  Fahrenholz,  Zoologischer  Anzei rer  48'88 
(The  same  note  applies.) 

1916.  Pediculus  friedenthali  Fahrenholz,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  48  :88 .  (The 
same  note  applies.  The  intended  later  description  ^f  this  species 
apparently  has  priority  of  three  months.) 

1916.  Pediculus  oblonius  Fahrenholz,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  48:88.  (The 
same  note  as  for  the  next  preceding  species  applies.) 

1916.  Pediculus  humanus  chinensis  Fahrenholz,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  48:87. 

(Preliminary  description  of  the  body  louse  of  Chinese.) 

19 1  / .  Pediculus  humanus  chinensis  Fahrenholz,  Fahrenholz,  Mitteilungen  aus 
dem  zoologischen  Museum  zu  Hamburg  (Beiheft  zum  .Jahrbuch  der  Ham- 
burgischen  Wissenschaftlichen  Anstalten  [2]  )  34:2,  6;  text  figure 
1.  (Definitive  description.) 

1917.  Pediculus  capitis  maculatus  Fahrenholz,  Fahrenholz,  Mitteilungen  aus 

dem  zoologischen  Museum  zu  Hamburg  (Beiheft  zum  Jahrbuch  der  Ham- 
burgischen  Wissenschaftlichen  Anstalten  [2]  )  34:2.  (Records  this 
form  from  Negroes  in  Dutch  Guiana.) 

1917.  Pediculus  humanus  Linnaeus,  Nuttall,  Parasitology  10:1-79.  (An  ex¬ 
tensive  bibliography  is  presented.) 

^•919.  Pediculus  assimilis  Fahrenholz,  Jahresbericht  des  Niedersachsischen 
zoo.1  ogischen  Vereins  zu  Hannover  5-10:27.  (New  name  for  Pediculus 
oblonius,  which  was  preoccupied.) 


1919.  Pedlculus  humanus  Linnaeus,  Nuttall,  Paras! tology  11 : 3^9- (Sy  s 
tematic  position,  syuouymy  ,  and  iconography.  All  the  species  of 
Pedlculus  thus  far  described  are  regarded  as  being  probably  syno¬ 
nyms  of  humanus.) 

1919.  Pedlculus  humanus  Linnaeus,  Nuttall,  Parasitolojp’  11:  279-328 ;  27  text 

figures;  Plates  12-17.  (Records  of  abnormalities,  together  with 
consideration  of  hybridism  between  "capitis"  and  " corporis "  and 
other  evidence  tliat  they  constitute  but  races  of  a  single  species.) 

1920.  Pedlculus  humanus  Linnaeus,  Nuttall,  Parasitology  12:136-153-  (On 

Fahrenholz1  purported  new  species,  subspecies,  and  varieties  of 
Pediculus .  A  scathing  and  well-justified  criticism  in  which  it 
is,  however,  erroneously  concluded  that  all  the  named  forms  of 
Pedlculus  belong  to  the  same  species.) 

1924.  Pedlculus  capitis  de  Geer  and  Pediculus  vestimenll  Nitzsch,  Freund, 
Tiex'arztliches  Archiv,  Prag  4(A)  :42;  text  figures  1-4.  (Revives 
the  idea  of  the  specific  distinctness  of  head  and  body  lice  and 
presents  evidence  intended  to  support  this  view.) 

1926.  Pedlculus  ( Pedlculus )  humanus  nlgritarum  Fabricius,  Ewing,  Proceed¬ 
ings  of  the  United  States  National  Museum  68:19:16;  text  figures 
1C°  2,  3C,  5.  6;  Plate  2,  figures  6,  7-  (Revived  for  lice  from 
Negroes. ) 

1926.  Pediculus  ( Pediculus )  humanus  angustus  Fahrenholz,  Ewing,  Proceed- 
ingsofthe  United  States  National  Museum  68:19:19-  (While  assuming 
to  identify  this  form  on  the  basis  of  two  specimens,  the  author 
united  with  it  Pedlculus  capitis  mariinatus  Fahrenholz  and  Pedlrul us 
humanus  chinensls  Fahrenholz.) 

1926.  Pediculus  (Pediculus)  humanus  americanus  Ewing,  Proceedings  of  the 
United  States  National  Museum  68:19:20;  text  figures  IB,  2,  3B ; 
Plate  3,  figures  9,  10,  11.  (Established  for  lice  from  the  heads 
of  Peruvian  mummies.) 

1933.  Pediculus  humanus  americanus  Ewing,  Bequaert,  Carnegie  Institution 
of  Washington  Publication  Number  431,  page  573-  (From  Maya  Indi¬ 
ans,  Yucatan  and  Guatemala.) 

1936.  Pediculus  humanus  americanus  Ewing,  Proceedings  of  the  Helmintholog¬ 
ical  Society  of  Washington  3:36. 

1938.  Pediculus  pseudohumanus  Ewing,  The  Journal  of  Parasitology  24:23; 
figures  5a,  6a. 

Review  of  the  PEDICULI  Ascribed  to  Man 

The  nomenclatorial  history  of  Pediculus  humanus  begins  with  the  tenth 
edition  of  Linnaeus'  "Systema  Naturae"  in  1758.  Here  he  named  the  species 
but  trave  no  indication  of  recognizing  more  than  one  form.  In  his  Fauna 
Suecica"  of  1761  he  indicated  the  head  and  body  infesting  forms  as  varieties 
and  in  the  twelfth  edition  of  the  "Systema  Naturae  they  were  numbered  as 

varieties  1  and  2  respectively.  , 

In  1778,  de  Geer  named  these  varieties  as  Pedlculus  humanus  capitis  and 

Pediculus  humanus  corporis.  We  need  not  go  into  the  nomenclatorial  problem 
as  to  which  of  these  varieties  should  be  called  Pediculus  humanus  humanus, 
in  accordance  with  the  present  rules  of  nomenclature,  other  than  to  indi¬ 
cate  that  following  the  literature  it  appears  that  this  name  should  be  used 
for  the  head  louseT  while  Pediculus  humanus  corporis  should  be  used  for  the 
body  louse,  if  the  distinction  between  them  is  to  he  recognized  in  nomen¬ 
clature.  ,  „  ..  ,  .  *> 

In  1805,  Fabricius  named  a  Pediculus  nitritarum  trom  Negroes  and  it  the 

form  which ’seems  actually  to  occur  on  Negroes  is  to  be  recognized  nomencla- 
torialiy  it  would  appear  that  this  name  is  available  tor  it. 

In  1816,  von  Olfers  named  a  Pedlculus  nigrescens  from  Negroes  and  re- 

named  the  head  and  body  lice  as  pubescens  and  albidior  respectively. 

In  1818,  Nitzsch  used  the  name  capitis  for  the  head  louse  and  employed 
the  name  vestimenti  for  the  body  louse. 

JD  Son’  ProPosed  the  name  Pediculus  tabescentium  for  the  body  louse. 

In  1880,  Piaget  named  Pediculus  consobrinus  from  a  New  World  monkey  of 
ghe  tenus  Ateles,  this  bein^,  according  to  the  evidence  of  the  one  specimen 
remaining  in  the  Piaget  collection,  nothing  more  than  Pediculus  humanus. 

Now  the  idea  came  to  be  generally  accepted  that  the  head  louse  and  the 
body  louse  constitute  two  distinct  species,  these  being  referred  to  under 
various  combinations  of  the  names  previously  mentioned. 

In  1911,  Neumann  concluded  that  these  two  forms  can  at  the  most  be  re¬ 
garded  as  only  subspecies  and  employed  the  names  Pediculus  capitis  and 
Pediculus  capitis  vestimenti  for  them  in  complete  disregard  of  the  accepted 
rules  of  nomenclature. 

Fahrenholz,  beginning  in  1912,  maintained  the  distinctness  of  the  head 
louse  and  the  body  louse  as  species  and  began  the  process  of  supplying  each 
presumed  race  of  man  with  a  subspecies  or  variety  of  each  of  them.  He  as¬ 
sumed  to  recognize  Pediculus  corporis  nigritarum— on  the  basis  of  a  single 
specimen  and  named  the  varieties  Pediculus  capitis  angustus  and  Pediculus 
corporis  marginatus  from  Japanese.  In  1916,  he  named  Pediculus  humanus 
chinensis  from  Chinese  and  added,  also,  the  supposed  species  Pediculus 
friedenthali  and  Pediculus  oblongus,  both  from  gibbons,  and  the  species 
Pediculus  lobatus  from  a  New  World  monkey  of  the  genus  Ateles.  The  name 
oblongus  being  preoccupied,  he  later  altered  it  to  assimilis. 

During  the  first  World  War  the  recognition  of  the  importance  of  the  lice 
as  the  carriers  of  disease,  most  importantly  typhus,  led  to  a  very'  large  a- 
mount  of  study  of  them.  Professor  6.  H.  F.  Nuttall  gathered  a  large  amount 
of  material  from  various  parts  of  the  world  and  various  races  of  man  and 
came  to  the  conclusion  that  the  lice  of  man  constitute  at  the  most  two  un- 
stable  races  of  a  single  species.  Work  done  by  Bacot  seemed  to  show  that 
the  head  louse  can  be  converted  into  the  body  louse  experimentally,  although 
he  did  not  demonstrate  the  converse  of  this.  His  experiments  are  open  to 
question  in  regard  to  the  material  that  he  employed,  but  he  at  least  demon- 
strated  that  the  two  forms  will  interbreed  successfully.  Nuttall  concluded 
that  all  records  up  to  that  time  of  supposedly  distinct  species  of  Pedicul us 
on  New  World  monkeys  referred  also  to  humanus,  although  this  conclusion  can 
not  now  be  supported.  He  vigorously— and  from  the  point  of  view  here  held 
quite  justifiably— criticized  the  work  of  Fahrenholz,  although  in  some  re¬ 
spects  his  conclusions  were  erroneous. 

Freund,  ina series  of  papers  (1924,  1925,  1927)  maintained  the  distinct¬ 
ness  of  head  and  body  lice  as  species. 

In  1926,  Ewing  accepted  the  opinion  that  head  and  body  lice  of  Europeans 
constitute  a  single  species,  but  clung  to  the  opinion  that  they  represent 
subspecies.  Although  he  was  unable  to  accept  Fahrenholz'  assignment  of 
three  forms  to  Japanese  and  Chinese,  he  assumed  to  recognize  one^of  these 
forms  and  also  accepted  the  Pediculus  nigritarum  of  Fabricius  for  lice  from 
Negroes.  He  then,  for  his  own  part,  added  a  supposed  subspecies,  Pediculus 
humanus  americanus,  for  lice  from  American  Indians.  In  addition,  he  named 
two  supposedly  new  species  for  lice  from  New  World  monkeys  and  accepted  two 
already  established  names.  ^ 

The  result  of  alJ  this  naming  stood  at  this  time  at  about  twelve  names 
tor  the  lice  of  man  himself,  two  names  for  lice  from  gibbons,  two  names  for 
Lice  of  the  chimpanzee— which  are  discussed  elsewhere— and  seven  names  for 
theT  in*?*  new  W°rid  monkeys>  whic6  "ill  6e  discussed  elsewhere. 

In  1935,  Perris  reported  upon  his  studies  upon  the  large  collection  of 
lice  assembled  by  Professor  Nuttall  and  material  accumulated  from  other 
sources.  He  was  able  to  examine  types  or  other  authentic  specimens  of  the 
forms  named  by  Fahrenholz  and  the  type  of  Pediculus  humanus  americanus, 

named  by  Ewing,  as  well  as  the  solo  remaining  specimen  from  the  type  lot  of 
Piaget's  Pedlcu l us  consobr  intis. 

It  muy  as  well  be  frankly  stated  that  his  conclusions  were  to  a  consid¬ 
erable  degree  influenced  by  disgust  at  what  he  had  seen  in  the  course  of 
this  work  and  revolt  against  the  methods  that  had  been  employed  in  the  sys- 
tematics  of  this  group.  It  was  clear  that  some  forms  had  been  named  solely 
upon  differences  in  the  method  of  preparation  of  specimens,  upon  supposed 
differences  of  the  utmost  triviality  which  had  not  been  checked  against  a 
series  oi  specimens  to  determine  normal  variation,  and  upon  a  philosophy  of 
taxonomy  which  apparently  adopted  the  concept  that  a  species  "is  a  specimen 
which  looks  different  from  other  specimens."  It  is  entirely  possible  that 
iu  this  revolt  against  such  methods  he  may  himself  have  gone  too  fax  and  in 
his  turn  made  errors  that  arose  from  too  great  conservatism,  but  he  still 
holds  that  the  revolt  was  sound  in  principle. 

In  1936,  Ewing,  in  a  paper  dealing  specifically  with  the  lice  of  New 
World  monkeys,  expounded  the  view  that  Piaget  must  have  had  two  species  in 
his  material  of  Pedlculus  consobrinus,  one  from  monkeys  and  one  from  man. 
He  recognized,  however,  that  in  selecting  the  sole  remaining  specimen  from 
the  Piaget  collection  as  type  Perris  had  relegated  this  species  to  synonymy 
with  Pediculus  humanus.  In  addition  he  named  a  new  species,  Pedlculus 
pseudohumanus ,  which,  while  based  upon  lice  from  monkeys,  also  included 
specimens  from  American  Indians.  It  will  be  discussed  especially  in  con¬ 
nection  with  the  lice  of  the  Cebidae. 

This,  then,  iu  brief  is  how  the  matter  of  the  lice  of  the  genus  Pedlculus 
occurring  on  man  stands  at  the  present  moment. 

The  Problem  of  the  PED1CULI  of  Man 

This  problem  has  been  recognized  and  argued  about  for  nearly  a  hundred 
and  fifty  years,  with  still  no  satisfactory  solution.  Ferris  (1935)  has 
presented  the  story  in  detail  up  to  that  date  and  it  will  here  merely  be 

As  early  as  1761,  Linnaeus,  in  his  "Fauna  Suecica,"  recognized  the  exis¬ 
tence  of  two  forms  of  Pediculus  on  man,  these  being  the  head  louse  and  the 
body  louse.  In  1878,  de  Geer  applied  names  to  these  forms,  calling  them 
respectively  Pediculus  hrnanus  capitis  and  Pediculus  humanus  corporis.  Un¬ 
der  our  now  accepted  rules  of  nomenclature  one  of  these  forms  should  have 
been  called  Pediculus  humanus  humanus.  Tracing  the  matter  out  it  appears 
that  the  first  restriction,  at  least  by  implication,  was  by  Latreille  about 
1805,  in  such  a  manner  that  the  name  Pediculus  humanus  humanus  should  be 
applied  to  the  body  louse  and  humanus  capitis  he  used  for  the  head  louse, 
if  the  two  forms  are  considered  sufficiently  distinct  to  be  worthy  of  sci¬ 
entific  names. 

Since  our  present  rules  of  nomenclature  were  not  well  developed  and  not 
widely  followed  until  almost  1900,  other  names  came  to  be  applied  to  these 
lice/  Thus,  the  names  vestimenti,  cervlcalis,  and  tabescentium ,  as  well  as 
both  capitis  and  corporis  were  variously  employed  and  the  name  vestimenti 
especially  was  much  used  for  the  body  louse.  Also,  the  idea  developed  that 
the  head  louse  and  the  body  louse  constitute  two  distinct  species  and  it 
was  not  until  1911  that  this  idea  was  challenged  by  Neumann.  Since  that 
time  it  has  been  both  supported  and  attacked.  Fahrenholz  and  Freund  espec¬ 
ially  have  supported  the  idea  that  two  species  are  involved,  while  Nuttall 
and  Ferris  have  maintained  the  opposing  point  of  view.  It  should  here  be 
emphasized  that  at  the  bottom  of  this  difference  of  opinion  lies  the  funda¬ 
mental  question  of  "what  do  we  mean  by  species?"  So  important  is  that 
question  that  a  brief  discussion  of  it  and  of  the  writer's  point  ol  view 
will  be  presented  somewhat  farther  along. 

Concurrently  with  the  idea  that  two  species  are  involved  has  gone  also 


the  idea  that  different  forms  occur  on  the  different  races  of  man.  As 
early  as  1805,  Fabricius  named  a  Pediculus  ni£ritarum  from  Negroes  and  in 
1816  von  Olfers  named  a  Pediculus  nigrescens  from  the  same  source.  In 
1912,  Fahrenholz  not  only  maintained  the  distinctness  of  head  and  body  lice 
as  species,  but  apparently  set  out  to  provide  every  race  of  man  with  its 
own  "variety"  of  each  of  these  species  and  this  was  added  to  by  Ewing,  who 
as  late  as  1936  named  Pediculus  humanus  americanus  from  American  Indians. 

Now,  in  the  light  of  the  evidence  afforded  by  some  other  quite  clear  ex¬ 
amples  of  the  occurrence  of  two  or  more  species  of  lice  of  the  same  genus 
on  hosts  of  the  same  species,  the  possibility  must  be  admitted  that  we  may 
have  to  do  with  a  similar  situation  in  connection  with  the  Pediculi  of  man. 
Thus,  leaving  out  of  consideration  the  extraordinary'  situation  connected 
with  the  biting  lice  oi  the  Order  Hyracoidea,  it  appears  that  something  of 
this  sort  occurs  in  the  sucking  lice  of  the  Hyracoidea.  Three  clearly  dis¬ 
tinct  species  of  the  same  genus  of  Anoplura  occur  on  domestic  sheep.  Two 
clearly  distinct  species  of  the  same  genus  occur  on  rodents  of  the  genus 
Thryonomys .  Apparently'  two  quite  distinct  species  of  Haematopinus  occur  on 
zebras.  So  in  the  light  of  these  considerations  there  is  no  a  priori  reason 
to  assume  that  a  parallel  situation  could  not  occur  in  the  case  of  the  lice 
of  man.  The  question  is  merely  as  to  whether  or  not  it  does. 

It  is  a  risky  business  for  an  entomologist  to  become  involved  in  anthro¬ 
pology  without  any  personal  basis  of  knowledge  and  in  the  face  of  the  very 
considerable  differences  of  opinion  which  exist  among  anthropologists. 
However,  there  are  certain  ideas  which  seem  rather  widely  to  be  accepted. 
Thus  it  appears  rather  generally  agreed  that  present-day  Homo  sapiens  falls 
into  three  broad  groups  which  seem  to  be  subspecies  as  that  term  is  general¬ 
ly  understood  by  mammalogists.  Furthermore,  it  is  to  be  recalled  that  up  to 
a  relatively  few  thousand  years  ago  there  existed  what  is  generally  consid¬ 
ered  to  have  been  a  distinct  species  of  man,  Homo  neanderthalensis — if  one 
can  untangle  the  weird  nomenclatorial  practices  of  the  anthropologists— who 
must  certainly'  have  had  contact  with  Homo  sapiens  and  whose  females  may 
very  well  have  furnished  sport  and  variety  for  the  males  of  a  conquering 
race.  Somewhat  parallel  situations  are  not  unknown  today.  It  must  also  be 
recalled  that  there  is  evidence  of  other  ancient  forms  of  man  regarded  by 
some  anthropologists  as  distinct  species,  which  doubtless  were  to°some  de¬ 
gree  contemporaneous  with  the  ancestors  of  the  living  subspecies. 

In  fact,  it  appears  that  these  three  existing  groups  or  subspecies, 
which  display'  an  apparently  unlimited  capacity  for  exchanging  genes  with 
unimpaired  fertility  to  unnumbered  generations,  offer  one  of  the  best  ex¬ 
amples  of  the  biological  meaning  of  the  word  "species."  Relatively  pure 
representatives  ot  each  of  these  groups  exist  and  if  considered  bv  systema— 
tists  working  from  a  few  preserved  specimens  would  almost  inevitably  be  re¬ 
garded  as  belonging  to  distinct  species.  But  there  exist  in  the  total  pop¬ 
ulation  of  man  every  conceivable  degree  of  variation  and  every  conceivable 
combination  of  the  characters  that  mark  these  races  as  they  presumably  were 
constituted  in  their  original  state  of  nature. 

Thus  man,  as  he  exists  today,  is  a  species  within  the  formula  which 
seems  best  to  express  the  biological  concept  of  that  term  as  used  in  zool- 
ogyr .  That  formula,  as  the  writer  has  attempted  to  express  it  after  a  care¬ 
ful  weighing  of  every  word  is  this: 

A  species  is  a  population,  the  members  of  which  are  parts  of'  a  continu¬ 
ously  interlinked  genetic  complex,  which  is  separated  from  other  such  com¬ 
plexes  by  barriers  or  incompatibilities  of  genetic  origin  and  which  under 
natural  conditions,  that  is,  the  conditions  which  have  been  concerned  with 
evolution,  maintains  itself  from  its  own  genetic  resources. 

An  enormous  experiment  lias  been  going  on  for  many  thousands  of  years,  in 
which  man  has  been  the  experimental  animal.  In  the  course  of  that  experi¬ 
ment  we  may  assume  that  certain  mutants  appeared  from  an  original  common 


stock.  These  mutants  became  geographically  localized  and  distributed  as 
subspecies  and  minor  groupings  within  the  population  of  man. 

Certain  of  these  minor  genetic  groups,  being  perhaps  more  aggressive 
than  others,  spread  from  their  original  centers,  and  since  no  genetic  bar¬ 
riers  existed  betweeu  them  and  the  groups  which  they  overcame  or  with  which 
they  mingled,  hybridization  resulted  and  finally  we  have  a  world  population 
in  which  all  the  mutations  are  mingled  in  every  combination  and  to  such  a 
degree  that  the  population  as  a  whole  is  continuously  genetically  inter¬ 
linked.  Nor  do  the  hybrid  offspring  have  to  be  renewed  by  continued  hy¬ 
bridization  in  order  to  maintain  themselves.  In  contrast  to  this  we  may 
cite  the  case  of  the  domestic  mule,  which  must  continually  be  re-established 
by  renewed  crossings  and  which  otherwise  cannot  maintain  itself. 

This  would  seem  to  be  a  reasonably  objective  statement  of  the  conditions 
which  exist  in  the  human  population  of  the  earth  and  of  the  basis  for  con¬ 
sidering  man  to  constitute  a  single  species. 

Now  it  would  seem  probable  that  something  of  this  sort  may  very  well 
have  happened  in  connection  with  the  Pediculi  which  have  been  the  constant 
companions  of  man  and  which  have  accompanied  him  in  his  original  process  of 
diverging  into  subspecies  and  his  later  reunification  by  hybridization. 

These  Pediculi  may  very  well  have  begun  to  develop  into  genetically  dif¬ 
ferentiated  forms  upon  the  various  species  of  man,  for  the  past  existence 
of  which  there  is  evidence,  and  the  various  subspecies  that  still  exist. 
But  as  their  hosts  have  intermingled  with  each  other  the  opportunity  for 
the  intermingling  of  the  parasites  also  has  occurred.  Thus  we  would  arrive 
at  a  condition  among  the  parasites  which  may  rather  closely  parallel  the 
condition  found  among  their  hosts.  A  population  has  resulted  which  con¬ 
forms  to  the  same  formula  as  does  the  host  population.  Here  and  there  rel¬ 
atively  pure  populations  of  the  parasites  may  exist.  It  is  conceivable 
that  certain  forms  may  have  inherited  physiological  as  well  as  morphological 
differences  which  would  lead  to  some  degree  of  segregation  in  the  hybrids 
in  accord  with  the  degree  of  inheritance  of  these  physiological  character¬ 
istics.  But  the  population  as  a  whole  presents  a  picture  which  closely 
parallels  that  presented  by  man  himself. 

It  is  the  writer's  belief,  based  upon  an  examination  of  many  specimens 
of  lice  from  different  races  of  man  and  from  various  parts  of  the  world, 
that  the  situation  above  described  is  that  which  actually  exists  in  the 
population  of  Pediculus  on  man. 

Material  at  hand  from  Negroes  in  Africa  and  South  America  would  offer  to 
a  systematist  working  merely  from  a  few  specimens  a  real  basis  for  the  be¬ 
lief  that  a  distinct  species  of  Pediculus  occurs  on  Negroes.  Ten  specimens 
of  this  form  compared  with  ten  specimens  of  the  characteristic  "body  louse" 
of  Europeans  would  almost  inevitably  lead  to  such  a  conclusion.  These  lice 
from  Negroes  are  very  darkly  pigmented,  their  bodies  are  very  compact, 
their  length  is  scarcely  more  than  one-half  the  length  of  the  European  body 
lice.  However,  other  specimens  present  in  a  lot  from  Negroes  in  Africa 
show  every  degree  of  gradation  into  normal  head  lice  of  Europeans. 

And  so  with  a  comparison  between  normal  "head  lice"  and  normal  "body 
lice"  of  Europeans.  The  body  louse,  in  its  most  characteristic  lorm,  is 
much  larger  than  the  typical  head  louse,  is  paler  in  color  and  differs  mor¬ 
phologically  in  the  fact  that  the  parater^al  plates  of  the  abdomen  do  not 
extend  around  the  apex  ot  their  abdominal  lobes  into  the  intersegmental 
notch  as  is  the  case  with  the  paratergal  plates  of  typical  head  lice.  But 
every  degree  of  variation  among  these  forms  exists. 

There  have  been  available  a  wide  range  of  specimens  from  Europeans, 
Eskimos,  Hindus,  Arabs,  Negroes,  .American  Indians,  Chinese,  and  so  on. 
From  the  point  of  view  here  adopted  these  constitute  a  single  species, 
within  the  definition  oi  the  term  explained  above. 

There  remains  the  questions  involved  with  the  nomenclatorial  procedure 


which  should  be  followed  in  dealing  with  this  material. 

Within  this  material  certain  rather  well-marked  forms  can  be  recognized 
and  certainly  some  basis  exists  for  the  recognition  of  two  or  more  groups 
that  might  be  called  subspecies,  within  the  meaning  of  that  term  as  em¬ 
ployed  by  those  who  accept  it  on  a  biological  basis.  Actually,  however, 
onl;y  a  certain  portion  ot  this  material  will  fall  within  these  subspecies. 
The  remainder  consists  of  variants  from  the  typical  forms  in  such  combina¬ 
tions  that  nothing  more  can  be  said  of  them  than  that  they  are  Pediculus 

Under  these  conditions  and  until  the  whole  problem  can  be  submitted  to 
examination  by  experimentation  the  opinion  is  here  held  that  nothin*  what¬ 
soever  is  to  be  gained  by  naming  a  series  of  "varieties"  or  subspecies.  In 
fact,  if  this  process  is  once  started  and  carried  to  its  logical  conclusion 
the  number  of  named  forms  could  be  extended  indefinitely.  “  For  example,  a 
lot  is  at  hand  from  natives  of  Rennell  Island,  one  of  the  Solomon  Islands 
group,  that  could  certainly  be  named  as  a  new  species  if  we  were  to  employ 
criteria  of  the  order  of  those  used  by  Fahrenholz  and  Ewing.  And  when  we 
have  carried  this  process  of  naming  to  its  ultimate  limits,  what  have  we 
gained?  Nothing  more  than  a  series  of  names  of  forms  which  can  be  recog¬ 
nized  only  if  a  perfectly  typical  example  is  at  hand,  which  will  be  rela¬ 
tively  seldom.  When  the  needed  experimental  work  has  been  done  it  may 
prove  that  some  definite  nomenclature  can  be  supported,  but  there  seems  to 
be  no  justification  for  complicating  the  nomenclatorial  situation  in  ad¬ 
vance  of  such  work. 

The  employment  of  the  name  Pediculus  humanus  Linnaeus  to  cover  this  pop¬ 
ulation  as  a  whole,  with  the  addition  of  the  vernacular  names  head  louse 
and  body  louse  for  those  forms  when  the  occasion  demands,  would  seem  ade¬ 
quately  to  take  care  of  the  situation  as  it  exists  at  present. 

Review  of  the  Purported  Species  of  PEDICULUS  from  Gibbons 

In  the  bibliography  of  Pediculus  humanus  there  are  included  two  names 
which  have  been  given  to  lice  reputed  to  have  been  taken  from  gibbons, 
which  are  Primates  of  the  genus  Hylobates.  The  two  purported  species  are 
Pediculus  assimilis  Fahrenholz  and  Pediculus  friedenthali  Fahrenholz. 

The  writer  has  earlier  seen  specimens  of  the  first-named  of  these, "deter¬ 
mined  by  Fahrenholz,  which  came  from  Hylobates  syndactylus  in  the  Zoological 
Garden  at  Berlin,  but  has  not  seen  specimens  of  the  second,  which  was  de¬ 
scribed  as  from  Hylobates  miilleri  without  indication  of  locality. 

The  examination  of  specimens  of  assimilis  and  the  description  of  frieden¬ 
thali  indicate  no  reason  whatsoever  for  the  recognition  of  these  species  as 
distinct  from  Pediculus  humanus. 

Review  of  the  Purported  Species  of  PEDICULUS  from  New  World  Monkeys 

As  will  appear  from  the  following  discussion  the  question  of  the  name  to 
be  used  for  the  characteristic  louse  of  the  New  World  monkeys,  which  belong 
to  the  family  Cebidae,  is  much  confused.  In  the  opinion  here  held  there 
is  but  one  species,  apart  from  the  at  present  very  dubious  question  of 

Pediculus  humanus  Ewing,  but  if  this  be  true  what  shall  this  species  be 

Actually,  not  until  the  matter  has  been  subjected  to  an  extended  inves¬ 
tigation  involving  an  examination  of  a  large  mass  of  material,  including 
the  types— such  as  still  exist — and  an  experimental  genetic  study  of  all 
the  forms  involved,  will  it  be  possible  to  arrive  at  absolution  that  may  be 
generally  satisfactory.  J 

Leaving  aside  the  name  quadrumanus,  for  which  no  evidence  of  any  sort 
is— or  is  likely  to  become— available,  the  first  possible  name  is  Pediculus 

mjobergi  Ferris.  But  this  is  clouded  by  the  deficiency  of  the  original  de¬ 
scription  and  b}  the  tact  that  the  type — the  whereabouts  of  which  is  un¬ 
known  has  not  been  re-examined.  The  ntuue  lobatus  Fahrenholz  is  entirely 
unclouded,  although  the  type  is  probably  not  now  in  existence. 

Pending  the  tinul  stud}  which  must  be  made,  the  writer  is  inclined  to  re¬ 
tain  the  use  of  the  name  Pedtculus  mjobergi  Ferris  pending  a  final  settlement. 

Realizing  fully  that  the  questions  concerning  the  species  of  lice  on  the 
New  World  monkeys  involve  many  differences  of  opinion  and  that  future  wor¬ 
kers  may  decide  that  certain  of  the  purported  species  are  valid,  the  fol¬ 
lowing  review  lists  these  names  and  their  bibliographies  separately  in  or¬ 
der  to  minimize  future  confusion  as  far  as  may  be. 

Pediculus  atelophilus  Ewing 

1926.  Pediculus  ( Parapediculus)  atelophilus  Ewing,  Proceedings  of  the 
United  States  National  Museum  68:19:9;  figures  4A,  6- 
1931-  Pediculus  ( Parapediculus )  atelophilus  Ewin  %  Hinman,  Parasitology  23: 

1935-  Pediculus  mjdbergi  Ferris,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph 
of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  8:688;  figures  318E,  319E,  322F,  3231, 

1938.  Pediculus  atelophilus  Ewing,  Ewing,  The  Journal  of  Parasitology  24: 
26;  figures  2,  6b,  6b. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  The  type  of  this  species  was  recorded  as  from 
Ateles  geoffroyi  with  unspecified  type  locality.  Recorded  at  the  same  time 
from  skins  of  the  same  host  taken  in  Costa  Rica.  Recorded  by  Ewing  in  1938 
from  Ateles  pan  from  Guatemala;  from  Ateles  dar iensis  from  Panama;  from 
Ateles  hybridus  from  the  National  Zoological  Park  at  Washington,  D.  C. 

There  is  at  hand  a  considerable  amount  of  material  undoubtedly  referable 
to  this  name,  including  specimens  from  the  material  recorded  by  Hinman  out 
of  a  lot  identified  by  Ewing  from  Ateles  geoffroyi  in  captivity  and  others 
from  this  host  in  Panama;  numerous  specimens  from  Ateles  dariensis,  Cebus 
capuchinus,  and  Alouatta  palliata,  all  from  Panama  from  monkeys  in  captiv¬ 
ity;  "ring-tailed  monkey"  from  the  Bronx  Zoological  Park  in  New  York. 

NOTES.  No  basis  appears  in  all  this  material  for  the  recognition  of 
more  than  one  species.  It  is  here  held  that  all  these  specimens  are  cov¬ 
ered  by  Pediculus  lobatus  Fahrenholz. 

Pediculus  chapin'i  Ewing 

1926.  Pediculus  ( Parapediculus )  chapini  Ewing,  Proceedings  of  the  United 
States  National  Museum  68:19:13;  figs.  2,  4b,  6;  Plate  1,  figs.  3 -4. 
1935*  Pediculus  mjobergi  Ferris,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph 
of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  8:588. 

1938.  Pediculus  chapini  Ewing,  Ewing,  The  Journal  of  Parasitology  24:23; 
figures  4a,  5c,  6c. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  The  types  were  recorded  as  from  Ateles  ater 
from  the  National  Zoological  Park  at  Washington.  Specimens  considered  by 
Ewing  to  be  stragglers  were  later  recorded  by  him  (1938)  from  Ateles  geof¬ 
froyi  from  the  same  place  and  from  Cebus  capuchinus  from  Panama. 

NOTES.  Unfortunately  the  only  specimens  at  hand  from  the  type  host  of 
this  supposed  species  are  immature.  In  the  absence  of  authentic  specimens 
it  is  not  possible  to  assert  that  this  species  is  identical  with  any  other, 
although  in  the  opinion  here  held  it  is  the  same  as  atelophilus. 

Pediculus  lobatus  Fahrenholz 

1916.  Pediculus  lobatus  Fahrenholz,  Archiv  fur  Naturgeschichte ,  Abteilung 


A,  81:11:16;  Plate,  figures  6,  7.  (August) 

1926.  Pedi cuius  ( Parapediculus)  lobatus  Fahrenholz,  Ewing,  Proceedings  of 
the  United  States  National  Museum  68:19:8;  Plate  2,  figure  5.1" 
1935-  Pediculus  mjbbergi  Ferris,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  °a  Monograph 
of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  8:588. 

1938.  Pediculus  lobatus  Fahrenholz,  Ewing,  The  Journal  of  Parasitology  24: 
29;  Plate  2,  figure  5- 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Recorded  by  Fahrenholz  from  Ateles  rellerosus 
from  the  Berlin  Zoological  Gardens.  Ewing  (1938)  identified  with  this 
specimens  from  Ateles  paniscus  from  the  National  Zoological  Park  at  Washing¬ 
ton  and  recorded  specimens  which  he  considered  to  be  stragglers  from  Leon- 
tocebus  nigricollis  at  the  same  institution. 

NOTES.  The  original  description  of  this  species  is  composed  chiefly  of 
useless  detail  which  aids  not  at  all  in  recognizing  the  species  and  the  ac¬ 
companying  photographic  illustrations  do  nothing  more  than  indicate  from 
the  form  that  the  species  is  probably  of  the  type  of  those  known  from  New 
World  monkeys.  Actually,  comparing  the  illustration  of  the  male  given  by 
Fahrenholz  with  that  given  by  Mjoberg  for  his  Pediculus  af finis  {-mjobergi) 
there  is  no  more  basis  for  the  identification  of  a  species  on  the  basis  of 
one  of  these  illustrations  than  of  assuming  it  to  represent  some  other 

Pediculus  mjobergi  Ferris 

1910.  Pediculus  af finis  Mjoberg,  Arkiv  for  Zoologi  6:169,  258;  text  fig¬ 
ures  85,  151 ;  Plate  5,  figure  8.  (Preoccupied) 

1916.  Pediculus  mjobergi  Terris,  Proceedings  of  the  California  Academy  of 
Sciences  (Series  4)  6:136.  (May) 

1935*  Pediculus  mjobergi  Ferris,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph 
of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  8:588. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  The  types  were  recorded  from  Ateles  sp.  in  a 
traveling  menagerie.  This  constitutes  the  only  positive  record  of  the 

NOTES.  The  name  mjobergi  vtas  proposed  by  Ferris  to  replace  af  finis  of 
Mjoberg  which  was  preoccupied  by  an  earlier  Pediculus  'af finis.  A  question 
might  arise  as  to  the  priority  of  mjobergi  and  lobatus,  both  of  which  were 
established  in  1916.  In  1913>  Fahrenholz  used  the  name  lobatus  without  any 
accompanying  description  and  the  name  was  not  nomenclatorially  established 
until  August,  1916.  Unfortunately,  the  name  mjobergi  was  established  by 
publication  in  May,  1916,  to  replace  the  preoccupied  name  af finis  of  Mjoberg 
and  therefore  has  priority  in  case  any  question  arises  in  the  future  con¬ 
cerning  these  names. 

If  it  be  concluded  that  the  lice  of  the  New  World  monkeys  represent  but 
a  single  species  it  apparently  should  be  called  by  the  name  mjobergi. 

Ewing  (1936)  has  put  forward  the  thesis  that  MjSberg's  description  indi¬ 
cates  his  specimens  to  have  been  Pediculus  humanus .  Actually,  Mjobercr's 
* pp0ns<T description  and  the  very  poor  accompanying  illustrations 
offer  little  or  nothing  to  demonstrate  anything,  one  way  or  another.  The 
photograph  of  a  male  contains  nothing  more  than  a  faint  suggestion,  which 
can  be  magnified  by  a  slight  application  of  the  imagination,  into  the  char- 
actenstic  louse  of  the  New  World  monkeys.  Ewing  has  maintained  that 
Mjoberg  s  illustration  of  the  egg  indicates  lumanus,  but  in  fact  the  draw¬ 
ing  is  erroneous  even  for  that. 

Hie  writer  will  concede  that  until  and  unless  Mjoberif's  types  axe  redis¬ 
covered  the  status  of  this  name  will  have  to  be  te Id  in’ abeyance,  although 
on  the  basis  of  a  theory  of  probabilities  it  is  used  in  this  work  to  cover 
the  entire  list  of  names  employed  for  the  lice  of  Cebidae  except  as  is 
later  indicated. 


Pediculus  pseudohuuutuus  Ewing 
Pi  gu  re  120 

1938.  Pediculus  {Parupediculus)  pseudohumanus  Ewing,  The  .Journal  of  Para- 
si  tology  24:23;  figures  3.  5a.,  6a. 

H0ST8  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Type  from  a  monkey,  Pitchecla  monachus.  Also 
recorded  by  Ew  ing  from  another  monkey,  Cacajao  rubicundus,  from  the  National 
Zoological  Park  at  Washington.  Also  recorded  by  Ewing  from  an  Indian  at 
Cohan,  Guatemala. 

NOTES.  We  have  here  a  most  extraordinary  situation.  The  lorm  which 
Ewing  described  exists,  without  question,  but  its  distribution  is  extremely 
peculiar.  Ferris  (1935)  mentioned  the  presence  in  his  material  of  speci¬ 
mens  from  Central  American  Indians  and  from  natives  in  the  Marquesas  Islands 
in  the  south  Pacific  which  show  a  sli  dit  lateral  iobin of  certain  ol  the 

CD  O 

paratergal  plates.  This  is  the  form  that  Ewing  ascribes  to  his  pseudo- 
humanus  and  the  illustration  here  given,  based  upon  a  specimen  from  the 
Marquesas  Islands,  almost  duplicates  that  given  by  him.  It  may  be  noted 
that  the  specimens  from  the  south  Pacific  all  liave  a  noticeably  larger  num¬ 
ber  of  setae  on  the  dorsum  of  the  abdomen  than  do  those  from  the  New  World. 

The  material  at  hand  which  appears  to  be  covered  by  the  name  pseudo- 
humcinus  is  as  follows:  from  natives  at  the  village  of  Kakahitau,  Uapou, 
Marquesas  Islands;  from  natives  at  Hitiaa,  Tahiti;  from  Indian  hut  at  Santa 
tinilia,  Guatemala;  from  "dried  head  from  Ecuador."  Specimens  from  head  of 
Maya  Indian,  Xichel,  Yucatan  (from  a  lot  one  time  identified  by  Ewing  as 
americanus) ,  and  others  from  "natives,"  at  Guayabilete,  Panama,  have  the 
lobing  of  the  paratergites  of  segments  5~6  even  more  strongly  developed  and 
approximating  that  to  be  seen  in  typical  specimens  of  atelophilus. 

Unfortunately,  no  specimens  of  this  form  are  at  hand  from  monkeys,  but 
since  Ewing  himself  has  recorded  this  supposed  species  from  man,  there 
should  be  no  objections  to  the  records  given  above. 

The  name  pseudohimanus  is  here  recognized  to  cover  a  form  which  may  pos¬ 
sibly  be  worthy'  of  recognition. 

The  Problem  of  the  Lice  of  the  Cebidae 

This  problem  has  been  reviewed  by  Ferris  (1935)  and  by  Ewing  (1926, 
1938) ,  these  authors  coming  to  quite  different  conclusions.  The  general 
story  is  briefly  this: 

In  1877,  Murray  ("Economic  Entomology,  Aptera, "  page  3)  described  a 
Pediculus  quadrumanus  which  was  said  to  have  been  taken  from  a  captive  mon¬ 
key  of  the  genus  Ateles.  The  species  is  entirely  unrecognizable  from  the 
description  and  inquiry'  has  led  to  the  conclusion  that  if  there  ever  were 
any'  types  these  are  not  now  in  existence.  Whatever  the  possibilities  may¬ 
be  there  is  certainly  no  justification  for  dispossessing  any  later  name  in 
favor  of  quadrumanus. 

In  1880,  Piaget  ( "Les  Pediculines, "  page  626;  Plate  51,  figure  4)  de¬ 
scribed  a  Pediculus  consobrinus  taken  from  Ateles  pentadactylus.  Museum  of 
Leyden,  whether  from  a  living  or  preserved  animal  not  being  indicated.  No 
indication  was  given  as  to  the  number  of  specimens  examined,  except  for  the 
statement  that  no  male  was  observed.  Ferris  (1935)  reported  upon  the  single 
specimen  from  the  Piaget  Collection,  which  still  exists  at  the  British 
Museum,  and  illustrated  this  specimen.  It  is  in  his  opinion  definitely  not 
separable  from  Pediculus  humanus.  There  is  no  reason  to  suppose  that  this 
specimen  is  not  one  of  those  which  Piaget  had  before  him  but  Ewing,  entire¬ 
ly  on  the  basis  of  a  comparison  of  the  figures  given  by  Piaget  and  by 
Ferris,  has  offered  the  entirely  gratuitous  assumption  that  Piaget  had  two 
species  in  his  material.  Only  some  exercise  of  the  imagination  and  a  lirm 
will  to  believe  in  the  results  of  that  imagination  could  lead  to  such  a 


Pediculus  mjobergi  Ferris,  from  Ateles  dariensis 

Figure  120 

conclusion.  The  opinion  is  here  maintained  that  we  must  accept  the  evi¬ 
dence  from  this  one  remaining  specimen  and  place  Pediculus  consobrinus  as  a 
synonym  of  Pediculus  humanus.  This  is  supported  by  the  fact  that  othpr 
specimens  of  what  seems  undoubtedly  to  be  hLnus,  Lcribed  to  monkeys  of 
this  group,  have  been  seen  by  the  writer.  y  1 

to  have19belnM'!»l;!rgfdeS0,'ibed  “  Pedicul“s  “Minis  a  louse  which  was  said 
to  have  been  taken  from  some  species  of  Ateles  in  a  traveling  menagerie 

pr4eo,ccupied  u  was  later  changed  to  \jbberii  by 
Dn  Unfortunately,  the  description  given  by  Miobere  is  useless 

and  the  illustration  of  the  male  given  by  him  falls  short  of  being  actually 

decisive.  Not  until  the  types  have  been  re-examined — if  they  exist _ can 

the  question  of  what  this  species  actually  is  be  definitely  settled.  '  Perris 
UJJ.))  was  willing  to  accept  the  species,  but  Ewing  (1938)  considered  the 

^  °"  the  °f  “  i^ticm  of  [he  £ 

The  next  name  available  is  Pediculus  lobatus  Fahrenholz  (1916).  The 


mune  mjdberfil  has  precedence  of  about  three  mouths  over  lobatus  which,  al 
though  tirst  proposed  in  1913>  remained  a  nomen  nudum  until  1916.  The 
present  writer  has  examined  the  types  of  lobatus  and  illustrated  them 
(19*1*1).  This  species  is  here  held  to  be  distinct  from  humanus  on  good  mor¬ 
phological  grounds.  The  illustration  given  by  Ferris  was  based  upon  the 
uncleared  type  specimen  and  represents  that  particular  specimen  as  well  as 
possi ble. 

In  1926,  Freund  recorded  specimens  from  A  tele s  ater  from  the  Leipzig 
Zoological  Garden  and  employed  for  them  the  name  Pedlculus  capitis  forma 
atelis.  This  is  unrecognizable  from  the  description. 

In  1926,  Ewing  presented  an  extensive  paper  on  the  New  World  lice  of  the 
genus  Pedlculus  (Proceedings  of  the  United  States  National  Museum  68,  Ar¬ 
ticle  19)  in  which  he  presumed  to  recognize  Pedlculus  consobr tnus  Piaget 
and  Pediculus  lobatus  Fahrenholz  and  named  two  new  species,  Pedlculus 
atelophilus  and  Pediculus  chapini  from  New  World  monkeys. 

In  1935,  Ferris  (Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice, 
Part  8)  reviewed  the  whole  question  of  the  species  of  Pediculus  and  came  to 
the  conclusion  that  there  is  but  one  valid  species  on  the  family  Cebidae — 
exclusive  of  occasional  occurrences  of  what  seems  definitely  to  be  Pediculus 
humanus.  For  this  species  he  employed  the  name  Pediculus  mjdberfi  Ferris. 

Iu  1938,  Ewing  (The  Journal  of  Parasitology  24:13- 33;  figures  1-6)  pre¬ 
sented  another  paper  on  the  lice  of  the  New  World  monkeys,  maintained  the 
validity  of  the  two  species  previously  described  by  him  and  named  another, 
Pedlculus  pseudo humanus. 

A  considerable  amount  of  material  has  been  available  in  connection  with 
the  present  work  and  on  the  basis  of  this  material  the  writer  still  main¬ 
tains  the  opinion  that — apart  from  Pediculus  humanus,  which  apparently  can 
transfer  to  and  survive  upon  members  of  the  Cebidae,  and  Pediculus  pseudo- 
humanus — there  is  but  one  actual  species  which  seems  to  be  normal  to  the 
New  World  monkeys  of  the  family  Cebidae.  That  species  seems  to  be  distinct 
from  Pediculus  humanus. 

Pediculus  sch&ffi  Fahrenholz 
Figure  121 

1910.  Pediculus  schdffi  Fahrenholz,  Jahresbericht  des  Niedersachsischen 
zoologischen  Yereins  zu  Hannover  1:57;  Plate  1,  figures  1-3;  Plate 
3,  figures  1,  2,  4.  5;  Plate  4,  figures  2,  6. 

1915*  Pediculus  schdffi  Fahrenholz,  Fahrenholz,  Archiv  fur  Naturgeschichte, 
Abteilung  A,  81:11:1. 

1919.  Pediculus  humanus  race  schdffi  Fahrenholz,  Nuttall,  Parasitology  11: 

1932.  Pediculus  (Paenipediculus)  s imiae  Ewing,  Proceedings  of  the  Biologi¬ 
cal  Society  of  Washington  45:117. 

1933-  Pediculus  (Paenipediculus)  simiae  Ewing,  Ewing,  Proceedings  of  the 
Biological  Society  of  Washington  46:168;  figure  2c. 

1935-  Pediculus  schdffi  Fahrenholz,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Mono¬ 
graph  of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  8:599;  figures  322H,  333>  334 - 
H0ST5  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Recorded  by  Fahrenholz  from  chimpanzee,  Pan 
(=  Simla)  troilodptes  from  the  Zoological  Gardens  in  Hamburg,  and  by  Ewing 
from  the  same  host  from  the  London  Zoological  Gardens. 

NOTES.  The  accompanying  illustrations,  which  are  those  given  by  Ferris 
in  1935,  were  made  from  specimens  which  are  apparently  a  part  of  the  same 
lot  on  which  Ewing  based  his  name  simiae. 

The  type  of  schdffi  was  not  seen  by  Ferris,  but  the  description  is  suf¬ 
ficient  to  indicate  clearly  that  only  one  species  is  involved. 

Ewing  has  based  the  subgenus  Paenipediculus  upon  this  species.  This  is 
not  here  accepted. 


Pediculus  schaffi  Fahrenholz 

Figure  121 


Suggestions  for  Future  Research 

In  tiie  species  of  Perlicul  us  occurring  on  man  and  on  the  New  World  monkeys 
ot  tiie  tamily  Cebidae  there  appear  a  number  of  problems  which  should  be  ap¬ 
proached  t rum  a  biological  point  ot  view  and  submitted  to  examination  by 
the  methods  ot  experimental  biolo^.  It  is  evident  that  no  solution  can  be 
achieved  merely  by  the  contemplation  of  preserved  specimens. 

First  of  all  there  is  the  problem  of  the  lice  of  man  himself.  While 
this  has  been  submitted  to  a  certain  amount  ot  experimental  investigation 
those  experiments  are  not  entirely  free  from  criticism  and  they  are  not 
sufficiently  extensive  to  permit  definite  biological  conclusions.  Thus  the 
experiments  of  Bacot  seemed  to  show  that  it  is  possible  to  convert  the  head 
lice  of  man  into  forms  having  the  appearance  of  body  lice,  but  the  converse 
of  this  experiment  was  not  described.  The  experiments  of  Bacot  showed  a 
complete  hybridization  of  what  he  considered  to  be  head  lice  with  what  he 
considered  to  be  body  lice.  But  in  the  offspring  of  these  hybridizations 
there  appeared  a  large  number  of  abnormalities  that  have  been  considered  by 
Keilin  and  Nuttall  (Parasitology  11:279-328;  text  figures  1-26;  Plates  12- 
17.  1919).  Some  occurrence  of  abnormalities  seems  to  appear  in  "wild"  pop¬ 
ulations,  but  that  shown  in  this  material  is  relatively  large.  Certain  of 
the  abnormalities  are  perhaps  genetic.  The  suspicion  occurs  that  these  ab¬ 
normalities  may  have  in  part  resulted  from  the  hybridization  of  genetically 
disharmonious  individuals.  Also,  as  the  work  was  done  in  Egypt  there  is  a 
suggestion  that  perhaps  the  supposed  head  louse  employed  represented  a 
strain  that  is  possibly  farther  removed  from  typical  humanus  than  are  typi¬ 
cal  head  and  body  lice  from  each  other.  Attention  has  been  called  to  the 
existence  on  African  Negroes  of  a  form  which  is  so  different  from  the  typi¬ 
cal  head  lice  of  Europeans  that  if  specimens  of  both  extremes  were  placed 
side  by  side  the  conclusion  would  almost  inevitably  be  reached  that  we  are 
dealing  with  different  species.  It  is  conceivable  that  Bacot  had  this  ex¬ 
treme  form  actually  in  his  possession  and  that  the  experiments  on  hybridi¬ 
zation  were  in  part  based  upon  it.  If  so,  these  abnormalities  might  be  ex¬ 
plained  on  this  basis. 

Nuttall  records  experiments  (Parasitology  11:345.  1919)  which  led  him  to 
the  conclusion  that  the  two  supposed  subspecies,  capitis  and  corporis,  rep¬ 
resent  merely  two  unstable  races  of  a  single  species.  He  indicates  that 
the  head  louse  can  be  converted  into  the  body  louse  by  environmental  condi¬ 
tions.  But  it  remains  to  be  shown  that  the  changes  of  color  and  size  re¬ 
corded  by  him  also  extend  to  the  apparent  differences  in  structure  which 
are  revealed  by  typical  specimens  of  either  race. 

So  it  appears  that  this  experimental  work  should  be  done  again,  with 
proper  precautions  as  to  the  status  of  all  the  material  employed  and  proper 
attention  to  all  changes  that  might  be  ascribed  to  changes  in  environment 
and  proper  consideration  of  all  genetic  factors  that  might  be  involved. 

But  this  problem  of  the  lice  occurring  normally  on  man  is  by  no  means 
all  of  the  problem.  There  remains  that  of  the  lice  of  the  Cebidae. 

The  Cebidae  are  supposed  to  be  rather  far  removed  from  the  remainder  of 
the  Primates.  Simpson  (The  Principles  of  Classification  and  a  Classifica¬ 
tion  of  the  Mammals,  "Bulletin  of  the  .American  Museum  of  Natural  History," 
Volume  85,  1945)  divides  the  Primates  into  three  superfamilies — Ceboidea, 
Cercopithecoidea,  and  Hominoidea.  There  occurs  on  the  Cercopithecoidea  a 
group  of  lice,  the  genus  Pedicinus,  which  is  far  removed  from  the  lice  of 
the  Hominoidea.  Why  is  it  that  the  lice  of  the  Ceboidea  seem  to  be  so 
closely  related  to  those  of  the  Hominoidea  that  they  belong  in  the  same 
'■enus?  The  Ceboidea  are  considered  to  be  connected  with  the  remainder  of 
the  Primates  only  at  the  base  of  the  stem  of  the  Order.  Is  it  to  be  sug¬ 
gested  that  the  members  of  the  Ceboidea  have  retained  the  genus  Pediculus 
from  the  time  when  the  various  stocks  diverged,  or  is  it  to  be  supposed 


that  they  have  received  them  from  man  in  the  time  that  man  has  been  in  the 
New  World?  How  close  are  they  genetically  to  the  lice  of  man? 

And  yet  it  is  supposed  that  the  lice  of  the  Cehidae  are  sufficiently 
plastic  in  an  evolutionary  sense,  to  have  formed  at  least  four  species,  al¬ 
though  at  the  best  the  characters  assigned  to  those  species  are  extremely 
unconvincing.  What  are  the  genetic  relationships  of  these  supposed  species 
to  each  other?  It  certainly  appears  on  morphological  grounds  that  the  New 
World  monkeys  have  upon  them  a  species  that  can  he  easily  distinguished 
from  the  lice  of  man,  but  even  this  is  somewhat  clouded. 

And,  to  add  the  last  hit  to  this  tantalizing  problem,  what  is  the  situa¬ 
tion  in  regard  to  the  supposed  Pediculus  subhumanusl  Here  is  a  form  that 
is  supposed  to  occur  both  on  New  World  monkeys  and  upon  man.  More  than 
that,  it  occurs  not  only  upon  man  in  the  region  where  these  monkeys  occur 
naturally  but  what  is  apparently  the  same  form  occurs  on  man  in  the  far 
distant  South  Sea  Islands?  What  are  the  genetic  relationships  of  the  lice 
oi  this  form  in  the  New  World  to  those  on  man  in  the  New  World  and  to  those 
of  the  South  Pacific? 

These  are  problems  for  which  the  solution  is  to  be  obtained — if  at  all— 
by  experimental  methods.  Speculation  on  the  basis  of  the  present  known 
specimens  might  easily  lead  the  systematist  to  the  endorsement  of  some  idea 
that  this  form  developed  on  man  and  monkeys  after  man  appeared  in  the  New 
World  and  then  passed  to  the  South  Pacific  following  the  migration  of  man 
from  the  New  World  to  that  area,  supporting  the  views  of  the  'author  of  Ron- 
Tiki.  It  is  futile  to  speculate  upon  such  matters  when  all  that  is  known 
of  the  lice  is  actually  but  a  relatively  few  specimens. 

The  author  holds  that  this  is  a  problem  which  is  eminently  suited  to  an 
approach  by  experimental  methods.  Should  some  one  gather  together  at  one 
place  representatives  of  typical  head  lice  and  bod}  lice  of  Europeans,  typ¬ 
ical  lice  from  African  Negroes,  lice  of  the  type  of  Pediculus  pseudohumanus 
from  both  man  and  monkeys  from  Central  America  and  from  the  South  Seas,  and 
typical  lice  from  a  wide  assortment  of  New  World  monkeys,  subjecting  them 
to  careful  genetic  experiments,  we  might  at  last  put  an  end  to  the  other- 
&  n  concerning  thei  r  relationships  to  each  other.  More 
than  that,  we  might  possibly  have  an  answer  that  would  apply  to  other  cases 
involving  parasitic  insects  and  thus  to  a  general  biological  problem. 

Until  that  has  been  done  the  problems  associated  with  the  genus  Pediculus 
will  remain  for  mere  opinion  and  for  speculation. 

Genus  PTHIRUS  Leach 

1815-  Pthirus  Leach,  Edinburgh  Encyclopaedia  9:77. 

1817.  Pthirus,  Leach,  Zoological  Miscellany  3:365. 

1935-  Phthirus,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking 
Lice,  Part  8:602. 

GENERIC  TYPE.  Pediculus  pubis  Linnaeus. 

CHARACTERS.  Pediculidae  with  distinctly  five-segmented  antennae  which 
are  not  sexually  dimorphic.  Anterior  legs  very  slender,  with  slender  claw; 
middle  and  posterior  legs  very  large  and  stout,  with  stout  claw;  the  coxae 
of  all  the  legs  set  at  the  extreme  margins  of  the  thorax  and  thus  the  mem¬ 
bers  of  corresponding  pairs  set  far  apart.  Thorax  very  wide,  forming  the 
greater  part  ol  the  body,  without  a  sternal  plate  and  without  a  notal  pit, 
the  sclerotization  of  the  apparent  notum  confined  to  the  lateral  areas.* 
Abdomen  relatively  small.,  as  broad  basally  as  the  posterior  part  of  the 
thorax  and  tapering  somewhat  posteriorly,  membranous  except  for  the  projec¬ 
ting  lateral,  segmentaJly  arranged  tubercles.  These  lateral  tubercles 
sclerotized  and  prominent,  there  being  one  at  the  margin  on  each  side  of 
segments  6-8.  Spiracles  of  these  sejjments  borne  slightly  removed  from  the 
base  of  tubercles,  those  of  segments  3-4  being  crowded  close  to  those  of 


sequent,  tour,  somewhat  displaced  toward  the  median  line  and  being  the  only 
cleax-  evidence  of  these  segments.  The  spiracles  are  of  a  peculiar  fonn, 
the  atrium  be in^r  much  enlarged,  conical,  with  the  base  of  the  coue  at  the 
inner  end,  the  walls  marked  by  parallel,  longitudinal  ridges.  Female  with 
well-developed  gonopods  on  segment  eight  and  with  a  very  large  spennatheca. 
Male  with  small,  pointed  paramei*es  which  articulate  near  their  apices  with 
a  pair  ot  small  sclerotized  points;  no  endomeral  plate  present  and  no  scle- 
rotized  peuis,  the  gonopore  being  surrounded  merely  by  a  partially  sclero- 
tized  ring. 

NOTES.  This  genus  was  employed  by  Ewing  (1929)  as  the  type  of  the  family 
Phthiridae,  it  beiug  the  only  genus  of  this  family.  Other  woi’kers  have  rec¬ 
ognized  it  as  the  type  of  a  subfamily,  Phthirinae,  of  the  Pediculidae.  It 
is  a  peculiar  form,  indeed,  yet  its  relationship  seems  to  be  with  Pedieulus 
and  to  place  it  in  a  separate  family  is  to  obscure  this  relationship.  Its 
peculiar  position  is  here  recognized  to  the  extent  of  accepting  the  subfam¬ 
ily  Pthirinae  of  the  Pediculidae. 

Pthirus  pubis  (Linnaeus) 

Figures  122,  123,  124 

1758.  Pedtculus  pubis  Linnaeus,  Systema  Naturae,  Edition  X,  page  611. 

1815*  Pthirus  inguinal  is  Leach,  Edinburgh  Encyclopaedia  9:77- 
1816.  Pediculus  ferus  von  Oilers,  De  vegetativis  et  animatis  corporibus  in 
corporibus  animatis  reperiundis  commentarius,  page  83-  (Definite¬ 
ly  a  synonym  of  pthirus  pubis  (Linnaeus) 

1904.  Pthirus  pubis  (Linnaeus),  Enderlein,  Zoologischer  Anzeiger  28:136; 
figures  10,  11. 

1918.  Phthirus  pubis  (Linnaeus),  Nuttall,  Parasitology  10:383;  figures  1, 

3-5,  7-9. 

1935-  Phthirus  pubis  (Linnaeus),  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph 
of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  8:603;  figures  335>  336,  337. 

1935*  Phthirus  chavesi  Escomel  and  Velando,  Cronicas  de  Medicina  (Lima, 
Peru)  52:335- 

1936.  Phthirus  pubis  (Linnaeus),  Bedford,  Onderstepoort  Journal  of  Veteri¬ 
nary  Science  and  Animal  Medicine  7: 105- 
19 39 -  Phthirus  pubis  (Linnaeus),  Buxton,  The  Louse,  page  93;  figure  25. 

HOSTS  AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Occurring  on  man  in  many  parts  of  the  world. 
Bedford  (1935)  has  recorded  it  from  a  chimpanzee  from  the  French  Congo. 
There  have  been  occasional  records  of  its  occurrence  on  dogs,  but  no  infor¬ 
mation  exists  that  these  are  anything  more  than  incidental. 

NOTES.  The  original  description  of  Phthirus  chavesi  Escomel  and  Velando 
has  not  been  seen  in  connection  with  this  work,  but  the  species  was  recorded 
as  occurring  in  the  eyebrows  of  man  and  since  this  is  well  known  for  pubis 
there  is  no  reason  to  suppose  that  any  other  species  was  involved. 

The  account  by  Buxton  (1939)  sums  up  what  is  known  concerning  the  biology 
of  the  species. 

Pthirus  gorillae  Ewing 

1927.  Phthirus  gorillae  Ewing,  Proceedings  of  the  Entomological  Society  of 
Washington  29 : 120 . 

1933.  Phthirus  gorillae  Ewing,  Ewing,  Proceedings  of  the  Biological  Soci¬ 
ety  of  Washington  46:170;  figures  lc,  2b. 

1935.  Phthirus  gorillae  Ewing,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph  of 
the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  8:608. 

HOSTS  .AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Described  from  eggs  and  first-stage  nymphs  taken 
from  skins  of  Gorilla  berengeri  in  the  Belgian  Congo. 

NOTES.  In  the  absence  of  any  information  other  than  that  given  by  its 


Pthirus  pubis  (Linnaeus) 

Figure  122 

describer,  nothing  can  be  said  concerning  this  species  other  than  that  it 
presumably  demonstrates  the  occurrence  of  a  species  of  Phthirus  onagorilla. 

Unplaced  Names 

Th®  following  species  names  have  been  proposed,  but  the  original  descrip¬ 
tions  are  unavailable  or  are  so  inadequate  that  the  genera  to  which  they  be¬ 
long  cannot  be  determined.  Perhaps  future  workers  may  be  able  to  clarify 

them  either  through  the  rediscovery  of  their  tj^pes  or  through  circumstan¬ 
tial  evidence. 

Pediculus  aquaticus  Pontoppidan 

1763.  Pediculus  aquaticus  Pontoppidan,  Danske  Atlas  1:69Q. 

The  original  description  of  this  species  has  not  been  available  and  I 
know  nothing  of  it  except  a  bibliographic  reference  by  Fahrenholz. 

Pediculus  clavicornis  Nitzsch 

1864.  Pediculus  clavicornis  Nitzsch,  Zeitschrift  lur  die  gesamten  Natur- 
wissenschaften  23:32. 

1874.  Haematopinus  clavicornis  (Nitzsch),  Giebel,  Insecta  Epizoa,  pa^e  37 
Perhaps  a  species  of  Hoplopleura,  if  we  may  judge  by  Giebel' s  redescrip- 
tion,  which  was  based  upon  a  single  female  from  Meriones  sp.,  from  Africa 



male  abdomen 

male  yenitalia 

Pthirus  pubis  (Linnaeus) .details  Figure  123 

Pediculus  spiculifer  Gervais 

1844.  Pediculus  spicultfer  Gervaris,  In  Walckenaer's  Histoire  naturelle  des 
insectes  apteres  3:302. 

This  is  apparently  a  species  either  of  Polyplax  or  Hoplopleura.  It  was 
recorded  as  from  "Hus  barbarus"  from  Algiers.  This  host  is  now  called 
Lemniscomy  barbarus. 

Polyplax  miacantha  Speiser 

1905.  Polyplax  miacantha  Speiser,  Centralblatt  fur  Bakteriologie,  Originate 
38:318-  (The  figure  does  not  belong  with  this.) 

193?.  Polyplax  miacantha  Speiser,  Ferris,  Contributions  Toward  a  Monograph 
of  the  Sucking  Lice,  Part  4:237. 

Recorded  as  from  a  small  rat  with  very  thick,  spine-like  hair,  from 
Salomona  in  Abyssinia,  in  the  collections  of  the  Museum  at  Konigsberg  in 
Prussia.  The  original  description  is  entirely  inadequate  for  placing  the 
species  even  generically,  although  it  is  probably  either  a  Polyplax  or  a 


1st  clam 

Pthirus  pubis  (Linnaeus), details 

2nd  or  3rd  claw 

Figure  124 



The  following  references  have  been  omitted  from  the  preceding  text: 

Haematopinus  asini  (Linnaeus) 

1865.  Haematopinus  equi  Simmonds,  Journal  of  the  Royal  Agricultural  Soci¬ 
ety  of  England  (2)1:60. 

1880.  Haematopinus  astni,  variety  colorata  Piaget,  Les  Pediculines,  page 

Schizophthirus  pleurophaeus  (Burmeister) 

1874.  Haematopinus  leucophaeus  Giebel,  Insecta  Epizoa,  page  37. 

Haemodipsus  lyriocephalus  (Burmeister) 

1864.  Pediculus  lyriceps  Nitzsch,  Zeitschrift  fur  den  gesamten  Naturwis- 
senschaften  23:24. 


Host  List 

The  preparation  of  a  dependable  list  of  the  mammal  species  from  which 
Anoplura  are  known  is  not  entirely  a  simple  matter.  In  the  first  place, 
some  of  the  hosts  have  been  recorded  merely  by  their  vernacular  names  and 
these  are  not  always  sufficient  to  fix  the  record  to  a  particular  animal 
species.  Then  there  have  been  a  certain  number  of  definite  errors  by  the 
entomological  recorders  and  there  have  been  errors  in  the  transcription  of 
names  from  mammal  specimens  and  also  in  regard  to  the  identifications  of 
mammals  from  which  Anoplura  have  been  taken  in  zoological  gardens  where  the 
mammals  may  have  been  misid entitled.  But  the  greatest  source  of  difficulty 
arises  Irom  the  tact  that  in  many  instances  mammalogists  themselves  are  not 
or  have  not  been  in  agreement  either  as  to  the  nomenclature  or  even  the 
zoological  status  of  the  mammals. 

Furthermore,  there  is  no  one  master  list  of  the  mammals  of  the  world 
which  we  may  utilize  as  a  source  of  reference.  The  catalogue  of  the  mam¬ 
mals  of  the  world,  which  was  published  many  years  ago  by  Trouessart,  has 
long  been  obsolete  and  nothing  has  been  published  that  takes  its  place.  We 
are  therefore  compelled  to  rely  upon  a  series  of  lists,  some  regional,  some 
applying  only  to  the  mammals  of  a  limited  group,  and  where  these  lists 
overlap  they  are  not  always  in  agreement  either  as  to  nomenclature  or  as  to 
i  status  °f  some  particular  species.  Under  such  circumstances  an 
additional  source  of  error  is  added,  since  the  compiler  of  a  host  list,  in 
pursuing  names  through  these  various  lists  of  mammals,  may  himself  go  wrong 
and  commit  errors  o f  his  own.  All  this  should  be  understood  by  future 
students  of  the  parasites. 

In  preparing  the  following  list  the  following  sources  have  especially 
been  utilized. 

First  of  all  appreciation  needs  to  be  expressed  of  the  work  of  Mr.  G.  H. 
E.  Hopkins,  who  has  published  a  host  list  of  the  Mallophaga  and  Anoplura  of 
mammals.  This  was  very  carefully  done  and  has  aided  greatly  in  checking 
the  records  of  the  names  which  had  already  independently  been  arranged  in 
such  a  list  for  this  work.  Hopkins'  paper  is  replete  with  notes,  many  of 
which  are  beyond  the  scope  of  the  list  here  presented.  The  reference  to 
his  work  is  as  follows. 

HOPKINS,  G.  H.  E.  The  host  association  of  the  lice  of  mammals  "Pro— 

^d!nfS  -i0£nthe  Zool°gical  Society  of  London,  "  Volume  119,  Part  2,  pages 
387-604,  1949.  ^ 

Fortunately,  a  large  percentage  of  the  known  species  of  the  Anoplura 
occur  on  rodents  and  for  this  group  we  have  available  the  great  work  of 
Ellerman  which  relatively  simplifies  the  preparation  of  this  portion  of  the 
host  list. 

ELLERMAN,  J.  R.  "The  Families  and  Genera  of  Living  Rodents."  Tliree  vol¬ 
umes.  Published  by  the  British  Museum  (Natural  History) .  Volume  1,  issued 
June,  1940;  Volume  2,  issued  March,  1941;  Volume  3,  issued  March,  1949. 

for  the  so-called  "Ungulates,"  the  only  work  that  the  writer  has  been 
abfe  to  find  that  is  at  all  comprehensive  is  that  of  Lydekker,  in  which 
although  it  is  scarcely  recent,  one  can  at  least  find  the  names  that  have 
been  employed  for  most  of  the  mammals  of  this  series,  very'  few  havin  '-  been 
described  since  its  publication. 

/.I.  1  1,1  f  V  II  ,1-  13  1  ^  Mamina Ls  in  the  British  Museum 

(NaturaJ  History).  five  volumes.  Published  by  the  British  Museum  (Natur¬ 
al  History).  Volume  1,  issued  1913;  Volumes  2  and  3,  issued  1914;  Volumes 


4  and  5>  issued  1915* 

For  the  Primates  the  large  work  of  Elliot  appears  to  be  the  only  avail¬ 
able  general  reference  although  the  entire  group  seems  still  to  be  in  a 
cout'used  condition  nomenclatorially .  Thus,  Simpson  (1945,  page  181)  re¬ 
marks  that  "most  Primates  have  alternative  names  and  hardly  any  two  stu¬ 
dents  use  the  same  nomenclature  for  them."  Simpson's  work  (cited  below) 
has  been  employed  for  the  names  of  genera  and  larger  groups  and  Elliot's 
for  the  names  of  species. 

ELLIOT,  D.  G.  A  review  of  the  Primates.  "Monographs  of  the  American 
Museum  of  Natural  History,"  Volumes  1-3,  1913. 

Of  regional  lists  the  most  useful  are  the  following.  The  first  named  of 
these  is  especially  important  because  of  the  large  number  of  mammal  species 

ALUU ,  G.  M.  A  checklist  of  African  mammals.  "Bulletin  of  the  Museum  of 
Comparative  Zoology  at  Harvard  College,"  Volume  83,  1939. 

MILLEK.  G.  S.  "Catalogue  of  the  Mammals  of  Western  Europe  (Europe  exclu¬ 
sive  of  Russia)  in  the  Collections  of  the  British  Museum."  Published  by  the 
British  Museum.  1912. 

MILLER,  G.  S.  List  of  North  American  laud  mammals  in  the  United  States 
National  Museum.  "Bulletin  of  the  United  States  National  Museum"  79,  1912. 

For  the  higher  categories  of  the  mammals  the  recent  work  by  Simpson  is 
here  relied  upon. 

SIMPSON,  G.  G.  The  principles  of  classification  and  a  classification  of 
the  mammals.  "Bulletin  of  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History'"  85,  (350 
pages)  1945. 

For  a  few  forms  such  as  the  Pinnipedia  it  has  seemed  necessary  to  accept 
all  names  as  given  by  the  recorders  of  the  lice. 

Since  the  hosts  of  all  the  comparatively  few  sucking  lice  known  from 
South  America  are,  with  few  exceptions,  rodents,  they  are  cared  for  in  the 
work  of  Ellerman,  as  are  also  the  rodents  of  Asia.  The  Carnivora,  except 
for  the  Canidae  and  the  Pinnipedia,  have  no  sucking  lice  and  the  few  names 
here  needed  cause  no  special  difficulty.  The  Insectivora  are  cared  for 
chiefly  in  the  list  of  African  mammals  given  by  Allen  ahd  in  various  other 
regional  lists. 

Names  of  hosts  are  usually  given  in  the  review  of  species  of  lice  in  the 
text  as  given  by  the  original  recorders  of  the  lice,  but  the  correct  names 
— as  far  as  they  can  be  determined — will  be  found  in  the  host  list. 

One  other  source  of  possible  error  in  this  list  should  be  noted.  This 
begins  with  the  collecting  of  the  mammals.  The  writer  has  himself  partici¬ 
pated  in  such  field  collecting  and  is  familiar  with  the  problem  involved. 
The  collector  of  mammals  is  likely  to  obtain  a  considerable  number  of  spec¬ 
imens  and  to  pile  them  up  on  his  work  table  before  preparing  the  skins. 
As  the  animal  becomes  cold  the  parasites  tend  to  come  out  to  the  ends  of 
the  hairs  and  from  that  position  may  cross  over  to  other  animals  that  may¬ 
be  in  contact,  thus  leading  to  their  ascription  to  the  wrong  host.  Then 
the  dried  skins  may  be  packed  together  in  shipment,  leading  to  the  possi¬ 
bility  that  the  dead  lice  may  be  shaken  from  one  host  to  another  and  this 
may  be  followed  by  other  possibilities  of  accident. 

Many  of  the  records  of  lice,  especially  from  the  rodents,  have  been 
based  upon  specimens  secured  by-  examination  of  museum  skins.  It  is  there¬ 
fore  probable  that  at  least  some  of  these  records  are  erroneous.  Not  until 
repeated  collections,  or  the  finding  of  the  parasites  on  freshly  collected 
animals,  have  been  made  can  this  possibility  be  eliminated.  On  the  other 
hand,  merely  to  dismiss  any  peculiar  record  immediately  as  the  result  of 
such  straggling  or  contamination  is  probably  also  a  mistake  and  is  likely 
to  produce  a  too  great  assurance  that  normal  transfers  never  occur. 

A  small  proportion  of  the  records  of  lice  from  the  larger  mammals  are 
based  upon  specimens  taken  in  zoological  gardens.  Some  of  these  are  espe- 


cially  questionable,  but  they  must  be  accepted  until  more  positive  informa¬ 
tion  is  available. 

Considerable  thought  has  been  given  to  the  question  as  to  whether  or  not 
the  host  list  should  include  subspecific  mammalian  names.  The  decision  has 
been  to  ignore  subspecific  names  and  to  present  all  mammal  names  under  the 
species  names  to  which  the  subspecies  are  to  be  referred.  The  reasons  for 
this  action  are  as  follows.  In  the  first  place,  the  writer  knows  of  no  in¬ 
stance  where  the  subspecies  make  any  difference  in  the  distribution  of  the 
lice,  except  perhaps  in  the  Hyracoidea.  The  whole  subject  of  the  lice  of 
the  Hyracoidea  must  be  subjected  to  later  review  on  the  basis  of  much  more 
extensive  material  of  the  lice  than  is  available  to  anyone  at  present.  In 
the  second  place,  a  listing  of  the  mammalian  subspecies  would  greatly  ex¬ 
tend  the  host  list,  to  no  special  purpose.  Mammalogists  have  been  much 
enamored  of  the  subspecies  concept  and  have  employed  it  to  such  a  degree 
that  in  the  rodents,  for  example,  most  "full  species"  have  at  least  five 
supposed  subspecies,  if  not  more.  Peromyscus  maniculatus  is  credited  with 
forty- five  subspecies.  Since  the  Anoplura  from  Peromyscus  seem  not  even  to 
discriminate  among  species,  it  becomes,  from  the  point  of  view  here  held, 
merely  pretentious  nonsense  solemnly  to  list  the  parasites  according  to  the 
subspecies  of  the  host. 

In  the  following  list  the  arrangement  of  the  higher  categories  of  the 
mammals  is  in  accord  with  that  presented  by  Simpson,  but  the  families,  sub¬ 
families,  tribes,  and  genera  are  arranged  alphabetically  under  the  next 
higher  category. 

From  the  writer's  point  of  view  nothing  is  to  be  gained  in  such  a  list 
by  attaching  the  names  of  the  authors  of  mammalian  names.  They  are  there¬ 
fore  omitted. 

Subclass  IHERIA 
Infraclass  EUTHERIA 
Family  Macroscelididae 

Elephantulus  pulcher  and  rufescens 
Neolinognathus  praelautus  Ferris 
Elephantulus  rupestris 

Neolinognathus  elephantuli  Bedford 
Nasilio  brachyrhynchus 

Neolinognathus  elephantuli  Bedford 
Petrodromus  tetradactylus 
Neolinognathus  elephantuli  Bedford 

Super family  SORI COIDEA 
Family  Soricidae 
Subfamily  Soricinae 

Sorex  araneus 

Polyplax  reclinata  (Nitzsch) 

Subfamily  Crocidurinae 

Crocidura  aranea  (see  Sorex) 
Crocidura  coerulea 

Polyplax  asiatica  Ferris 
Crocidura  horsfieldi 
Ancistroplax  crocidurae  Waterston 
Crocidura  leucodon 

Polyplax  reclinata  (Nitzsch) 
Pachyura  luzonensis 

Polyplax  reclinata  (Nitzsch) 
Scutisorex  congicus 
Polyplax  reclinata  (Nitzsch) 

Suncus  coeruleus 

Polyplax  reclinata  (Nitzsch) 

Family  Talpidae 
Subfamily  Scalopinae 

Parascalops  brewer i 
Haematopinoides  squamosus  (Osborn) 
Scalopus  aquaticus 
Haematopinoides  squamosus  (Osborn) 

Family  Qynocepalidae 

Qynocephalus  sp.  (-variegatus,  ac¬ 
cording  to  Hopkins) 
Hamophthirius  galeopitheci  Mjoberg 
Galeo pith ecus  sp .=Qynocephalus 


Suborder  PKDSIMII 
1  Hi  niorder  LEMUR  I  FORMES 
Super family  LEMUKOLDEA 
Family  ludridae 

Prop i the cus  diadema 

Phthirpediculus  propitheci  Ewing 
Propithecus  edwardsi. diadema 

Super family  TUP AIO IDEA 
Family  Tupaiidae 
Subfamily  Tupaiinae 

Anathana  ellioti 

Docophthirus  acinetus  Waterstou 

Infraorder  L0R1S1F0RMES 
Family  Lorisidae 
Subfamily  Galaginae 

Cheirogaleus  sp. 

Lemurphtbirus  verruculosus  Ward 
Galago  demidovii 

Lemurphtbirus  galagus  Bedford 
Galago  moholi 

Lemurphthirus  galagus  Bedford 
Galagus-misspelling  of  Galago 
Mouse  lemur  (-Cheirogaleus) 

Superfamily  CEBOIDEA 
Family  Cebidae 
Subfamily  Pithecinae 

Cacajo  rubicundus 

Pediculus  subhumanus  Ewing 
Pi thee is  monacha 

Pediculus  pseudohumanus  Ewing 

Subfamily  Alaouttinae 

Alouatta  palliata 

Pediculus  mjobergi  Ferris 

Subfamily  Cebinae 

Cebus  capuchinus 

Pediculus  atelophilus  Ewing 
Pediculus  chapini  Ewing 

Subfamily  Atelinae 
Ateles  ater 

Pediculus  chapini  Ewing 
Ateles  geoffroyi 

Pediculus  atelophilus  Ewing 
Pediculus  chapini  Ewing 

Ateles  dariensis 

Pediculus  atelophilus  Ewing 
Ateles  hybridus 

Pediculus  atelophilus  Ewing 
Ateles  pan 

Pediculus  atelophilus  Ewing 
Ateles  paniscus 

Pediculus  lobatus  Fahrenholz 
Ateles  vellerosus  (recorded  as  rel- 
lerosus) .  This  name  apparently 
has  been  applied  to  Ateles 
beelzebul  and  Ateles  pan. 
Pediculus  lobatus  Fahrenholz 
Lagothrix  sp. 

Pediculus  pseudohumanus  Ewing 

Subfamily  Callithricidae 

Leontocebus  nigricollis 

Pediculus  lobatus  Fahrenholz 

Superfamily  CERC0PITHEC01DEA 

In  speaking  of  this  group  Simpson 
(1945,  page  185  and  following)  refers 
to  the  "confusion  bequeathed  to  us  by 
swarms  of  students,  of  all  degrees  of 
competence  and  shades  of  judgment," 
and  further  remarks  "the  macaques  have 
been  placed  in  at  least  twenty-five 
different  genera  or  subgenera,  yet  it 
is  the  present  consensus  that  all  be¬ 
long  to  one  genus  with  perhaps  three 
subgenera,  requiring  a  total  of  three 
names,  only  one  of  generic  (and  hence 
also  subgeneric)  rank."  It  is  hope¬ 
less  for  an  entomologist  to  try  to 
untangle  all  of  this.  Consequently, 
records  are  cited  as  they  were  given, 
with  such  accompanying  notes  as  are 
possible.  There  is  always  the  possi¬ 
bility  that  in  trying  to  do  even  this 
many  new  errors  have  been  added.  Al¬ 
so  probably  many  of  the  host  names 
are  misidentifications. 

Cercopithecus  aethiops  (synonyms 

griseoviridis  and  pygerythraeus) 
Pedicinus  obtusus 
Cercopithecus  albogularis=mitis 
Cercopithecus  cynomolgus-Macaca 
Cercopithecus  diana 
Pedicinus  obtusus 

Cercopithecus  griseoviridis-aethiops 
Cercopithecus  kolbi-mitis 
Cercopithecus  martini-nictitans 


Cercopithecus  mona 

Pedicinus  obtusus  (Rudow) 

Pedicinus  eurygaster  (Burmeister) 
Cercopithecus  mitis 
Pedicinus  patas  (Fahrenholz) 
Cercopithecus  patas- Erythrocebus 

Cercopithecus  pruinosus,  apparently 
-Pygathrix  cristata 
Cere  o  p  i  th  ec  us  py ge  ry  thr aeus-ae  th  i  ops 
Comop ithecus  hamadryas 

Pedicinus  hamadryas  MjOberg 
Erythrocebus  patas 

Pedicinus  patas  (Fahrenholz) 
Erythrocebus  whitei 
Pedicinus  patas  (Fahrenholz) 

Guenon.  Perhaps  an  Erythrocebus 
Hamadryas,  as  a  generic  name  this  ap¬ 
pears  to  =Comopithecus 
Innuus  nemestrinus=Macaca  nemestrina 
Innuus  sinicus=Macaca  sinica 
Lasiopyga*=Cercopithecus,  under  which 
genus  all  names  are  listed. 
Macaca.  Frequently  spelled  Macacus. 

Includes  Silenus  and  Rhesus. 

Macaca  adusta 

Pedicinus  eurygaster  (Burmeister) 
Pedicinus  obtusus  (Rudow) 

Macaca  albibarbata 

Pedicinus  eurygaster  (Burmeister) 
Macaca  andamensis 

Pedicinus  obtusus  (Rudow) 

Macaca  arctoides-speciosa 
Macaca  cynomolga.  Probably  -Macaca 
fascicularis,  although  according 
to  Elliot  the  name  was  long  mis¬ 
applied  to  Macaca  ira. 

Macaca  ery thraea-rhesa 
Macaca  fascicularis,  possibly',  for 
records  under  the  name  Macacus 

Pedicinus  eurygaster  (Burmeister) 
Macaca  innuus,  most  probably  Macaca 

Macaca  ira,  possibly  for  records 
under  Macacus  cynomolgus. 

Pedicinus  eurygaster  (Burmeister) 
Macaca  mindanensi-philippinensis 
Macaca  mindora 

Pedicinus  eurygaster  (Burmeister) 
Pedicinus  obtusus  (Rudow) 

Macaca  nemestrina,  recorded  as  Innuus 

Pedicinus  obtusus  (Rudow) 

Macaca  philippinensis 

Pedicinus  obtusus  (Rudow) 

Macaca  rhesa 

Pedicinus  eurygaster  (Burmeister) 
Pedicinus  obtusus  (Rudow) 

Macaca  silena.  Apparently  -Macaca 

Macaca  sinica 

Pedicinus  obtusus  (Rudow) 

Macaca  speciosa 

Pedicinus  obtusus  (Rudow) 

Macaca  sylvana 

Pedicinus  albidus  (Rudow) 

Papio.  Includes  Qynocephalus. 

Papio  sp. 

Pedicinus  obtusus  (Rudow) 

Papio  griseipes 

Pedicinus  hamadryas  Mjoberg 
Pithecus-Macaca ;  all  names  attributed 
to  it  will  be  found  under  the  lat¬ 
ter,  except  as  listed. 

Pithecus  patas.  Is  probably  Erythro¬ 
cebus  patas. 

Simia  sylvanus-Macaca  sylvana 

Subfamily  Colobinae 

Colobus  cauda tus- Colo bus  polykomos 
Colobus  polykomos 

Pedicinus  pictus  Ferris 
Pedicinus  obtusus  (Rudow) 

Nasalis  larvalis,  error  for  larvatus. 
Nasalis  larvatus 

Pedicinus  obtusus  (Rudow) 

Presbytis.  Includes  all  records  un¬ 
der  Semnop ithecus 
Presbytis  cristata 

Pedicinus  ancoratus  Ferris 
Presbytis  entellus 

Pedicinus  obtusus  (Rudow) 

Presbytis  germaini 

Pedicinus  ancoratus  Ferris 
Presbytis  pullata.  Regarded  by 

Elliot  as  a  subspecies  of  cristata 
Presbytis  rubicunda 

Pedicinus  ancoratus  Ferris 
Presbytis  sanctorum 

Pedicinus  obtusus  (Rudow) 

Presbytis  schistaceus 
Pedicinus  ancoratus  Ferris 
Pygathrix  aurata 

Pedicinus  obtusus  (Rudow) 

Pygathrix  priamus 

Pedicinus  ancoratus  Ferris 
Rhinopithecus  concolor.  Presumably 
is  Simias  concolor. 

Simias  concolor 

Pedicinus  eurygaster  (Burmeister) 
Semnopithecus  entellus.  Here  placed 
as  =Presbytis  entellus. 


Semuopithecus  inaurus.  Apparently  Ochotona  danurica 

-Presby  tis  aumta.  Hoplopleura  ochotonae  Ferris 

Semuopithecus  pruinosus.  Here  placed  Ochotona  roylei 

as  -Presby tis  cristatus.  Hoplopleura  ochotonae  Ferris 

Ochotona  thibetana 

Super tamily  H0M1N0IDEA  Hoplopleura  ochotonae  Ferris 

Family  Pongidae 

Subfamily  Hylobatinae  Order  R0DENT1A 

Hylobates  syndactylus 

Pediculus  humanus  Linnaeus 
Symphalanges  syndacty lus=Hy lotates 

Subfamily  Ponginae 

Gorilla  berengeri 

Phthirus  gorillae  Ewing 
Pan  sp. 

Pediculus  sch&ffi  Fahrenholz 
Phthirus  pubis  (Linnaeus) 

Family  Hominidae 

Homo  sapiens 

Pediculus  humanus  Linnaeus 
Pediculus  subhumanus  Ewing 
Phthirus  pubis  (Linnaeus) 

Cohort  GL1RES 
Family  Leporidae 

Lepus  arcticus 

Haemodipsus  lyriocephalus  (Bur- 

Haemodipsus  setoni  Ewing 
Lepus  cal i torn icus 

Haemodipsus  setoni  Ewing 
Lepus  europaeus 

Haemodipsus  lyriocephalus  (Bur- 

Lepus  glacialis-arcticus 
Lepus  saxatilis 

Haemodipsus  africanus  Bedford 
Lepus  townsendi 

Haemodipsus  setoni  Ewing 
Lepus  zuluensis=saxatilis 
Oryctolagus  cuniculus 

Haemodipsus  ventricosus  (Denny) 
Rabbit,  domestic 

Haemodipsus  ventricosus  (Denny) 
Sylvilagus  sp. 

Haemodipsus  setoni  Ewing 

Family  Ochotonidae 

Ochotona  cansus- thibetana 

The  arrangement  here  followed  is 
strictly  according  to  El ierman,  except 
that  his  ending  oldae  for  the  super- 
family  is  altered  to  ouiea  in  accord 
with  more  generally  accepted  pi'actice 
and  families  are  arranged  alphabeti¬ 
cally  under  super lami 1 i es,  subfam¬ 
ilies  alphabetically  under  families, 
and  genera  alphabetically  under  suit- 

Superfamily  BATHYERG01DEA 
Family  Bathyergidae 

Bathyergus  maritimus 

Eulinognathus  lawrensis  (Bedford) 
Geo rhyc hus  hotten Lotus- Cry p tomy s 
Cryptomys  hottentotus 

Eulinognathus  hiili  (Bedford) 

Super family  HYSTK1C0IDEA 
Family  Chinchillidae 

Lagidium  inca-peruanum 
Lagidium  peruanum 

Lagidiophthirus  parvus  (Kellogg  and 

Family  Echimyidae 
Subfamily  Abrocominae 

Abrocoma  cinearea 

Neohaematopinus  longus  Wemeck 

Subfamily  Echimyinae 

Cercomys  cunicularius 

Ctenophthirus  cercomydis  Ferris 
Cercomys  sosteri-cunicularius 
Proechimys  cayennensis 

Pterophthirus  audax  (Ferris) 
Proechimys  oris=cayennensis 
Proechimys  semispinosus-cayennensis 

Subfamily  Octodontinae 

Ctenomys  b  nasi  liens  is 

Eulinognathus  americanus  Ewing 


Ctenomys  sericeus 

Eulinognathus  americanus  Ewing 
Octodontomys  gliroides 
Hoplopieura  disgrega  Ferris 
Octodontomys  simonsi-gliroides 

Subfamily  Petromyinae 

Petromus  typicus 

Scipio  tripedata  Ferris 

Subfamily  Thryonomyinae 

Tbryonomys  aulacodus-swinderianus 
Thryonomys  gregor=gregorianus 
Thryonomys  gregorianus 
Scipio  longiceps  Ewing 
Proend erleinellus  calva  (Waterston) 
Thryononys  swinderianus 
Scipio  aulacodi  (Neumann) 

Scipio  breviceps  Ferris 

Superfamily  CAVIODEA 
Family  Caviidae 

Cavia  apearea 

Pterophthirus  imitans  Werneck 
Caviella  australis 
Pterophthirus  alatus  (Ferris) 

Galea  leucoblephara=musteloides 
Galea  musteloides 

Galeophthirus  caviae  (Werneck) 
Kerodon  australis  apparently- 
Caviella  australis 

Superfamily  SCIUROIDEA 
Family  Sciuridae 

Ellerman  recognizes  no  subfamilies 
in  this  family^,  but  employs  the  terms 
"group"  and  "section. "  These  are 
here  arranged  alphabetically. 

Pteromys  group 

Glaucomys  sabrinus 

Hoplopieura  trispinosa  Kellogg  and 

Microphthirus  uncinatus  (Ferris) 
Neohaematopinus  sciuropteri 

Glaucomys  volans 

Hoplopieura  trispinosa  Kello^  and 

Neohaematopinus  sciuropteri 

Petaurista  batuana-petaurista 
Petaurista  inornata 
Neohaematopinus  petauristae  Ferris 
Petaurista  petaurista 

Neohaematopinus  batuanae  Ferris 
Pteromys  volans 

Enderleinellus  replicatus 

Sc iur op terns -Pteromys  in  part  and 
Glaucomys  in  part. 

Sciurus  group 

Lariscus  section 

Lariscus  diversus=insignis 
Lariscus  insignis 

Enderleinellus  larisci  Ferris 
Neohaematopinus  sciurinus  (Mjdberg) 
Lariscus  obscurus- insignis 
Menetes  berdmorei 

Enderleinellus  menetensis  Ferris 
Neohaematopinus  sciurinus  (Mjdberg) 

Marmota  section 

Ammo  sp  ermo  ph i lus  sp . 

Neohaematopinus  patiki  Rubin 
Cite llus  adocetus 
Neohaematopinus  traubi  Rubin 
Citellus  barrowensis=parryi 
Citellus  beecheyi 

Enderleinellus  osborni  (Kellogg  and 

Neohaematopinus  laeviusculus 

Citellus  beldingi 

Enderleinellus  suturalis  (Osborn) 
Neohaematopinus  laeviusculus 
( Grube) 

Citellus  buckleyi-variegata 
Citellus  buxtoni-eversmanni 
Citellus  castanurus- lateral is 
Citellus  chrysodeirus-lateralis 
Citellus  columbianus 
Neohaematopinus  laeviusculi 

Citellus  dauricus 

Enderleinellus  suturalis 

Citellus  douglasii-beecheyi 
Citellus  elegans-richardsoni 
Citellus  eversmanni 
Enderleinellus  suturalis  (Osborn) 
Neohaematopinus  laeviusculus 


Cite  11  us  trank  1  ini i 

Enderleinellus  sutumlis  (Osboni) 
Neohaematop inus  laeviusculus 

Citellus  liarrisi 

Neohaematopinus  citeilinus  Ferris 
Citellus  grummurus*variegatus 
Citellus  lateralis 

Enderleinellus  suturalis  (Osborn) 
Neohaematop inus  laeviusculus 

Citellus  leptodactylus,  belongs  to 
Citellus  madrensis 

Enderleinellus  occideutalis  Rellogg 
and  Ferris 
Citellus  mexicanus 

Enderleinellus  suturalis  (Osborn) 
Citellus  mol lis= towns end i 
Citellus  mongolicus-dauricus 

Enderleinellus  suturalis  (Osborn) 
Citellus  nelsoni 

Enderleinellus  suturalis  (Osborn) 
Citellus  oregonus^beldingi 
Citellus  osgoodi 

Enderleinellus  suturalis  (Osborn) 
Neohaematop inus  laeviusculus 

Citellus  parry i 

Neohaematopinus  laeviusculus 

Citellus  plesius=parryi 
Citellus  richardsoni 

Enderleinellus  suturalis  (Osborn) 
Neohaematopinus  laeviusculus 

Citellus  rufescens 

Neohaematopinus  laeviusculus 

Citellus  spilosoma 

Enderleinellus  suturalis  (Osborn) 
Neohaematopinus  citeilinus  Ferris 
Neohaematopinus  laeviusculus 

Neohaematopinus  marmotae  Ferris 
Citellus  tereticaudus 

Enderleinellus  osborni  Rellogg 
and  Ferris 

Neohaematopinus  citeilinus  Ferris 
Citellus  towns end i 

Enderleinellus  suturalis  (Osborn) 
Citellus  tridecemlineatus 

Enderleinellus  suturalis  (Osborn) 
Neohaematopinus  laeviusculus 

Citellus  variegatus 

Enderleinellus  osborni  Rellogg  and 

Neohaeina top  inus  m&thesoni  Kubiu 
Qynomys  guunisoni 

Enderleinellus  suturalis  (Osborn) 
Qyuoiqys  leucurus 

Enderleinellus  sutumlis  (Osboni) 
Neohaematopinus  laeviusculus 

Qynomys  lucovicianus 

Neohaematopinus  marmotae  Perris 
Marmota  aurea 

7 Neohaematop in us  marmotae  Ferris 
Marmota  flaviventer=flaviventris 
Maniiota  llaviventris 

Neohaematopinus  marmotae  Ferris 
Manuota  monax 

Enderleinellus  marmotae  Ferris 

Paraxerus  section 

Indicated  by  Ellerman  merely  as 
section  D,  without  name,  but  for  our 
purposes  it  may  be  listed  as  the 
Paraxerus  section. 

Ueliosciurus  daucinus=gambianus 
Heliosciurus  gambianu^ 

Enderleinellus  heliosciuri  Ferris 
Neohaematopinus  keniae  Ferris 
Heliosciurus  keniae=gambianus 
Heliosciurus  multicolor=gambianus 
Heliosciurus  palliatus-Paraxerus 

Heliosciurus  rufobrachiatus=gambianus 
Heliosciurus  ruwenzorii 

Enderleinellus  heliosciuri  (Ferris) 
Neohaematopinus  keniae  Ferris 
Ueliosciurus  undulatus=gambianus 
Parasciurus=an  error  for  Paraxerus 
Parasciurus  animosus^Paraxerus 

Paraxerus  jacksoni=capitis 
Paraxerus  ochraceus 

Werneckia  minuta  (Werneck) 
Neohaematopinus  heliosciuri 

Neohaematopinus  suahelicus  Ferris 
Paraxerus  palliatus 

Neohaematopinus  heliosciuri 

Neohaematopinus  suahelicus  Ferris 
Werneckia  paraxeri  (Werneck) 
Protoxerus  stangeri 

Enderleinellus  heliosciuri  Ferris 

Sciurus  section 

Callosciurus  benticanus=caniceps 
Callosciurus  borneoensis=prevosti 


Callosciurus  caniceps 
Elide rleinellus  malaysianus  Ferris 
Hoplopieura  erismata  Ferris 
Neohaematopinus  sciurinus  (Mjdberg) 
Callosciurus  davisoni=caniceps 
Callosciurus  domelanus,  misspelling 
ior  domelicus—caniceps 
Callosciurus  ferrugineus 
Hoplopieura  erismata  Ferris 
Neohaematopinus  sciurinus  (MjoLerg) 
Callosciurus  fin lay son i 
Neohaematopinus  sciurinus  (Mjoberg) 
Callosciurus  juvencus 
Neohaematopinus  sciurinus  (Mjoberg) 
Callosciurus  lancavensis—caniceps 
Callosciurus  lucas=caniceps 
Callosciurus  maclellandi 
hoplopieura  erismata  Ferris 
Callosciurus  prevosti 
Enderleinellus  malaysianus  Ferris 
Neohaematopinus  sciurinus  (Mjoberg) 
Callosciurus  procerus 
Neohaematopinus  sciurinus  (Mjoberg) 
Callosciurus  vestitutus 
Hoplopieura  distorta  Ferris 
Funambulus  species  (recorded  as 


Hoplopieura  maniculata  (Neumann) 
Neohaematopinus  echinatus  (Neumann) 
Funambulus  palmarum 
Enderleinellus  platyspicatus  Ferris 
Neohaematopinus  ceylonicus  Ferris 
Funambulus  tristriatus  (presumably= 

Hoplopieura  maniculata  (Neumann) 
Microsciurus  mimilus 

Enderleinellus  microsciuri  Wemeck 
Sciurus  aberti 

Enderleinellus  longiceps  Kellogg  and 

Neohaematopinus  sciurinus  (Mjoberg) 
Sciurus  aestuans 

Neohaematopinus  sciurinus  (Mjdberg) 
Sciurus  alleni 

Enderleinellus  longiceps  Kellogg  and 

Neohaematopinus  sciurinus  (Mjdberg) 
Sciurus  anomalus 

Enderleinellus  nitzschi  (Burmeister) 
Neohaematopinus  syriacus  Ferris 
Sciurus  apache 

Neohaematopinus  sciurinus  (Mjdberg) 
Sciurus  arizonensis 
Hoplopieura  sciuricola  Ferris 
Sciurus  aureogaster 

Enderleinellus  extremus  Ferris 
Neohaematolinus  sciurinus  (Mjdberg) 
Sciurus  bentincanus-Callosciurus 

Sciurus  borneoensis=Chllosciurus 
Sciurus  carolinensis 
Enderleinellus  longiceps  Kellogg  and 

Hoplopieura  sciuricola  Ferris 
Neohaematopinus  sciurinus  (Mjoberg) 
Sciurus  colliae 

Enderleinellus  mexicanus  Weraeck 
Neohaematopinus  sciurinus  (Mjdberg) 
Sciurus  deppei 

Enderleinellus  extremus  Ferris 
Sciurus  domele ns is= Callosciurus 
Sciurus  douglasi=Taroiasciurus 
Sciurus  f remonti=Tamiasciurus 
Sciurus  lerrugineus=Callosciurus 
Sciurus  gerrardi 

Enderleinellus  venezuelae  Werneck 
Hoplopieura  sciuricola  Ferris 
Neohaematopinus  sciurinus  (Mjdberg) 
Sciurus  goldmani=variegatoides 
Sciurus  griseoflavus 
Enderleinellus  extremus  Ferris 
Sciurus  griseogena 
Enderleinellus  venezuelae  Werneck 
Hoplopieura  sciuricola  Ferris 
Sciurus  griseus 

Enderleinellus  kelloggi  Ferris 
Hoplopieura  sciuricola  Ferris 
Neohaematopinus  griseicolus  Ferris 
Sciurus  ignitus 
Hoplopieura  sciuricola  Ferris 
Sciurus  kaibabensis 

Enderleinellus  longiceps  Ferris 
Sciurus  lancavensis= Callosciurus 
Sciurus  lucas=Callosc iurus 
Sciurus  melania-variegatoides 
Sciurus  meridensis=griseogena 
Sciurus  nayaritensis 
Enderleinellus  longiceps  Ferris 
Sciurus  negligens 
Enderleinellus  extremus  Ferris 
Sciurus  nelsoni 

Enderleinellus  mexicanus  Wemeck 
Sciurus  nesaeus 

Enderleinellus  insularis  Werneck 
Hoplopieura  sciuricola  Ferris 
Sciurus  niger 

Enderleinellus  longiceps  Kellogg 
and  Ferris 

Neohaematopinus  sciurinus  (Mjdberg) 
Sciurus  oculatus 

Enderleinellus  longiceps  Kellogg 
and  Ferris 
Sciurus  poliopus 
Enderleinellus  extremus  Ferris 
Sciurus  syriacus«-anomalus 
Sciurus  truei 

Enderleinellus  mexicanus  Werneck 


Sciurus  variabi  1  is-gerrardi 
Sciurus  vulgaris 

Enderleinellus  nitzschi 

Neohaematopinus  sciuri  Jan  eke 
Sciurus  vuLp inus-niger 
Uro sciurus- Sciurus 

Tam  Las  section 

Kutamias  is  retained  by  Ellerman 
soLeiy  for  certain  Asiatic  species, 
whi Le  the  North  American  forms  common¬ 
ly  referred  to  it  are  placed  by  him 
under  the  genus  Tam i as. 

Sciurotamias  davidianus 

Enderleinellus  sciurotamiasis 

Hoplopleura  emarginata  Ferris 
Tamias  alleni 

Hoplopleura  arboricola  Kellogg  and 

Neohaematopinus  paci ficus  Kellogg 
and  Ferris 
Tamias  alpinus 

Neohaematopinus  paci ficus  Kellogg 
and  Ferris 
Tamias  amoenus 

Hoplopleura  erratica  (Osborn) 

Tamias  hindsi-townsendi 
Tamias  merriami 

Hoplopleura  arboricola  Kellogg  and 

Tamias  quadrivittatus 

Hoplopleura  arboricola  Kellogg  and 

Neohaematopinus  paci ficus  Kellogg 
and  Ferris 

Tamias  speciosus-quadrivittatus 
Tamias  striatus 

Enderleinellus  tamiasis  Fahrenholz 
Hoplopleura  erratica  (Osborn) 

Tamias  townsendi 

Hoplopleura  arboricola  Kellogg  and 

Neohaematopinus  paci ficus  Kellogg 
and  Ferris 

Tamiasciurus  douglasi 

Enderleinellus  nitzschi  Fahrenholz 
Hoplopleura  sciuricola  Ferris 
Neohaematopinus  sciurinus  (Mjoberg) 
Tamiasciurus  fremonti 

Enderleinellus  nitzschi  Fahrenholz 
Tamiasciurus  hudsonicus 

Enderleinellus  nitzschi  Fahrenholz 
Hoplopleura  sciuricola  Ferris 

Neohaematopinus  sciurinus  (Mjoberg) 

Xerus  section 

Atlautoxerus  getulus 

Neohaematopinus  pectinifer 

Euxerus  microdon-Xerus  erythropus 
Geo  sc  i  uru  s-Xe  ru  s 
Spemophilopsis  leptodact} lus 

Neohaematopinus  cite lli  (Cummings) 
Xerus  capensi s-inauris 
Xerus  erythropus 

Enderleinellus  euxeri  Ferris 
Xerus  inauris 

Neohaematopinus  faurei  (Bedford) 

Superfamily  GE0MY01DEA 
Family  Heteronyidae 

Dipodomys  califoruicus-heermanni 
Dipodomys  deserti 

Fahrenholzia  piunata  Kellogg  and 

Dipodomys  heermanni 

Fahrenholzia  pinnata  Kellogg  and 

Dipodomys  merriami 

Fahrenholzia  pinnata  Kellogg  and 

Dipodomys  ordi 

Fahrenholzia  pinnata  Kellogg  and 

Dipodomys  ornatus 

Fahrenholzia  pinnata  Kellogg  and 

Dipodomys  phillipsi 

Fahrenholzia  pinnata  Kellogg  and 

Heteronys  goldmanni 

Fahrenholzia  microcephala  Ferris 
Heteronys  pictus-Liomvs 
Liomys  irroratus 

Fahrenholzia  microcephala  Ferris 
Liomys  pictus 

Fahrenholzia  microcephala  Ferris 
Liomys  texensis- irroratus 
Microcipodops  polionotus 

Fahrenholzia  pinnata  Kellogg  and 

Pero  dip  us- Dipodomys 
Perognathus  californicus 

Fahrenholzia  tribulosa  Ferris 
Perognathus  formosus 

Fahrenholzia  reducta  Ferris 
Perognathus  hispidus 

Fahrenholzia  zacatecae  Ferris 


Perognathus  parvus 

Fahrenholzia  pinnata  Kellogg  and 

Perognathus  sp. 

Fahrenholzia  pinnata  Ferris 

Superfamily  PEDETOIDEA 
Family  Pedetidae 

Pedetes  cafer 

Eulinognathus  denticulatus  Cummings 
Pedetes  larvalis=surdaster 
Pedetes  surdaster 

Eulinognathus  denticulatus  Cummings 

Super  family  DIPODOIDEA 
Family  Dipodoidea 
Subfamily  Dipodinae 

Allactaga  mongolica-sibirica 
Allactaga  sibirica 
Eulinognathus  aculeatus  (Neumann) 

Dip  od ipus= Di pus 

Dipus  sp.  Probably  a  species  of 

Eulinognathus  aculeatus  (Neumann) 
Dipus  sagitta 

Eulinognathus  biuncatus  Ferris 

Superfamily  MUROIDEA 
Family  Lophiomyidae 

Lophiomys  ibeanus=imhausi 
Lophiomys  imhausi 

Eulinognathus  lophiomydis  Ferris 
Lophiomys  thomasi* imhausi 

Family  Muridae 
Subfamily  Cricetinae 

Ellerman  remarks  concerning  this 
subfamily  that  the  South  American  mem¬ 
bers  are  "an  appalling  chaos."  For¬ 
tunately,  from  a  nomenclatorial  point 
of  view,  very  few  Anoplura  are  known 
from  the  South  American  species. 

Akodon  arenicola 
Hoplopleura  affinis  (Burmeister) 
Akodon  arviculoides 
Hoplopleura  affinis  (Burmeister) 
Akodon  aerosus 

Hoplopleura  affinis  (Burmeister) 
Akodon  aurosus=misspeiling  of  aerosus 
Akodon  cursorvarviculoides 
Akodon  mollis 

Hoplopleura  affinis  (Burmeister) 

Akodon  pulcherrimus 
Hoplopleura  affinis  (Burmeister) 
Cricetulus  andersoni=longicaudatus 
Cricetulus  incanus=triton 
Cricetulus  longicaudatus 
Polyplax  dentaticornis  Ewing 
Cricetulus  migratorius 
Neohaematopinus  citelli  (Cummings) 
(Probably  an  error) 

Eligmodontia  collisae,  misspelling  of 

specific  najne=Hesperomys  callosus 
Euneomys  pictus=Phyllotis  pictus 
Graomys  griseoflavus 
Hoplopleura  affinis  (Burmeister) 
Hesperomys.  In  part=Peromyscus 
Hesperomys  callosus 
Hoplopleura  hesperomydis  (Osborn) 
Hesperomys  venustus 

Hoplopleura  nesoryzomydis  Ferris 
Hodomys  alleni 

Neohaematopinus  neotomae  Ferris 
Holochilus  balnearum 
Hoplopleura  nesoryzomydis  Ferris 
Holochilus  sciureus 
Hoplopleura  nesoryzomydis  Ferris 
Holochilus  squamipes=Nectomys 

Holochilus  vulpinus 
Hoplopleura  nesoryzomydis  Ferris 
Nectomys  palmipes=Nectomys  squamipes 
Nec tone's  squamipes 

Hoplopleura  quadridentata  (Neumann) 
Neotoma  albigula 
Neohaematopinus  neotomae  Ferris 
Neotoma  cinerea 

Neohaematopinus  inornatus  Kellogg 
and  Ferris 
Neotoma  fuscipes 
Neohaematopinus  neotomae  Ferris 
Neotoma  micropus 
Neohaematopinus  neotomae  Ferris 
Neotoma  streatori- fuscipes 
Neotomodon  allstoni 

Polyplax  auricularis  Fello^r  and 

Nesoryzomys  defessus=Oryzomys 

Onychonys  leucogaster 
Hoplopleura  hesperomydis  (Osborn) 
Polyplax  auricularis  Kellogg  and 

Onychomys  torridus 
Hoplopleura  hesperomydis  (Osborn) 
Polyplax  auricularis  Kellogg  and 

Oryzomys  angouya 

Hoplopleura  nesoryzomydis  Ferris 


Oryzomys  chap  ureas  is 

Hop  lop  leant  hesperomydis  (Osbora) 
Oryzomys  eliurus 

Hoplopleara  affinis  (Burmeister) 
Oryzomys  flavescens 

Hoplopleura  travassosi  Werueck 
Oryzomys  fulvescens 

Hoplopleura  hesperomydis  (Osbora) 
Oryzomys  indefessus 

Hop  lop Leara  aesoryzomydis  Ferris 
Oryzomys  narboroughi 

HoplopLeura  aesoryzomydis  Ferris 
Oryzomys  rat ti ceps 

Hoplopleura  quadrideotata  (Neumann) 
Oryzomys  rostratus 

HoplopLeura  quadridentata  (Neumann) 
Oryzomys  xantheolus 

Hoplopleura  aesoryzomydis  Ferris 
Peromyscus  boylei 

Hoplopleura  hesperonydis  (Osbora) 
Peromyscus  californicus 

Polyplax  auricularis  Kellogg  and 

Peromyscus  leucopus 

HoplopLeura  hesperomydis  (Osborn) 
Peromyscus  maniculatus 

Hoplopleura  hesperomydis  (Osborn) 
Polyplax  auricularis  Kellogg  and 

Peromyscus  sitkensis 

Polyplax  auricularis  Kellogg  and 

Phyllotis  arenarius 

Hoplopleura  affinis  (Burmeister) 

Phy  llotis  boliviensis 

Hoplopleura  affinis  (Burmeister) 
Phyllotis  domorum-Graorays  griseo- 

Phyllotis  micropus 

Hoplopleura  affinis  (Burmeister) 
Hoplopleura  reducta  Ferris 
Phyllotis  pictus 

Hoplopleura  af finis  (Burmeister) 
Phyllotis  ricardulus 

Hoplopleura  af finis  (Burmeister) 
Reithrodon  cuniculoides 

Hoplopleura  affinis  (Burmeister) 
Reithrodon  hatcheri-cuuiculoides 
Reithrodontomys  raexicanus 

Polyplax  auricularis  Kellogg  and 

Rhipidomys  leucodactylus 
Hoplopleura  angulata  Ferris 
Rhipidomys  venezuelae 

Hoplopleura  angulata  Ferris 
Rhipidomys  venustus 

Hoplopleura  angulata  Ferris 
Hoplopleura  hirsuta  Ferris 

Sigmodou  hispidus 

Hoplopleura  hirsuta  Ferris 
Sigmodou  ochrognathus 

Hoplopleura  hirsuta  Ferris 
Si.Tnodon  peruanus 

Hoplopleura  hirsuta  Ferris 
Thoinasomys  cinereus 

Hoplopleura  angulata  Ferris 
Xeuomys  nelsoni 

Hoplopleura  hirsuta  Ferris 

Subfamily  Dendromyinae 

Dendromus  mesomelas 

Hoplopleura  intermedia  Kellogg  and 

Subfamily  Gerbilliuae 

Gerbilius  indica-Tatera  indica 
Gerbillus  pyramidum 

Polyplax  gerbilli  Ferris 
Meriones  auceps=meridianus 
Meriones  ineridianus 

Polyplax  chinensis  Ferris 
Hoplopleura  merionidis  Ferris 
Meriones  psammophilus=meridi anus 
Pachyuromys  duprasi 

Polyplax  werneri  ( Glinkiewi  csz) 
Tatera  angolae 

Hoplopleura  biseriata  Ferris 
Tatera  boehmi 

Hoplopleura  veprecula  Ferris 
Tatera  brantsi 

Hoplopleura  biseriata  Ferris 
Polyplax  biseriata  Ferris 
Tatera  indica 

Polyplax  stephensi  (Christophers 
and  Newstead) 

Tatera  joanae 

Hoplopleura  biseriata  Ferris 
Tatera  liodon 

Polyplax  taterae  Bedford 
Tatera  lobengulae 

Hoplopleura  biseriata  Ferris 
Polyplax  biseriata  Ferris 
Tatera  nigricauda 

Polyplax  neumanni  Fahrenholz 
Tatera  vicina 

Polyplax  taterae  Ferris 
Taterillus  emini 

Polyplax  taterae  Ferris 

Subfamily  Hydromyinae 

Chrotomys  whiteheadi 

Hoplopleura  chrotomydis  Ferris 
Hydromys  chry  sogaster 

Hoplopleura  bidentata  (Neumann) 


Subfamily  Microtinae 

Arvicola-Microtus  in  large  part 
Arvicola  anphibius 
Polyplax  spiniger  (Burmeister) 
Clethrionomys  gapperi 
Hoplopleura  acanthopus  (Burmeister) 
Clethrionomys  nivarius 
Hoplopleura  acanthopus  (Burmeister) 
Clethrionomys  rufocanus 
Polyplax  alaskensis  Ewing 
Clethrionomys  rutilus 
Hoplopleura  edentulus  Fahrenholz 
Dicrostonyx  torquatus 
Hoplopleura  acanthopus  (Burmeister; 
Lagurus  intermedius 
Polyplax  abscisa  Fahrenholz 
Lemmus  alascensis 

Hoplopleura  acanthopus  (Burmeister) 
Lemmus  obensis 
Hoplopleura  hispida  (Grube) 

Microtus  agrestis 

Hoplopleura  acanthopus  (Burmeister) 
Microtus  arvalis 

Hoplopleura  acanthopus  (Burmeister) 
Microtus  californicus 
Polyplax  abscisa  Fahrenholz 
Microtus  constrictus-californicus 
Microtus  mordax 

Polyplax  abscisa  Fahrenholz 
Microtus  nivalis 

Hoplopleura  acanthopus  (Burmeister) 
Microtus  pennsylvanicus 
Polyplax  abscisa  Fahrenholz 
Microtus  sp. 

Polyplax  alaskensis  Ewing 
Phaiomys  blythei=leucurus 
Phaiomys  leucurus 
Hoplopleura  phaiomydis  Ferris 
Phenacomys  longicaudus 
Polyplax  spinulosa  (Burmeister) 
Pitymys  pinetorum 

Hoplopleura  acanthopus  (Burmeister) 
Pitymys  savii 

Hoplopleura  acanthopus  (Burmeister) 
Pitymys  subterraneus 
Hoplopleura  aequidentis  Fahrenholz 

Subfamily  Murinae 

Acomys  cahirinus* 

Symoca  brachyrrhyncha  (Cummings) 
Polyplax  oxyrrhynchus  Cummings 
Acomys  hystrella 

Polyplax  oxyrrhyncha  Cummings 
Symoca  brachyrrhyncha  (Cummings) 
Acomys  percivali 
Polyplax  oxyrrhyncha  Cummings 

Symoca  brachyrrhynchus  (Cummings) 
Acomys  sp.  (Probably) 

Polyplax  miacantha  Speiser 
Aethomys  chrysophilus 
Polyplax  cummingsi  Ferris 
Apodemus  agrarius 

Polyplax  affinis  (Burmeister) 
Apodemus  insignis 
Hoplopleura  apomydis  Ferris 
Apodemus  speciosus 
Polyplax  serrate  (Burmeister) 
Apodemus  sylvaticus 
Polyplax  spinulosa  (Burmeister) 

( questionable) 

Polyplax  serrate  (Burmeister) 
Hoplopleura  affinis  (Burmeister) 
Apodemus  bardus-insignis 
Arvicanthis  abyssinicus 
Polyplax  abyssinica  Ferris 
Arvicanthis  niloticus 
Polyplax  abyssinica  Ferris 
Arvicanthis  pumilio=Rhabdomys  pumilio 
Arvicanthis  univittatus-Hybomys  uni- 

Bandicota  bengalensis 
Polyplax  spinulosa  (Burmeister) 
Bandicota  malabarica 
Polyplax  asiatica  Ferris 
Cricetomys  cosensi 
Proenderleinellus  calvus 

Criceton^'s  emini 

Proenderleinellus  calvus 

Cricetomys  gambianus 
Proenderleinellus  calvus 

Dasymys  incomtus 
Hoplopleura  oenomydis  Ferris 
Hoplopleura  somereni  Waterston 
Polyplax  cummingsi  Ferris 
Dasymys  helukus-dncomtus 
Eropeplus  canus 
Polyplax  eropepli  Ewing 
Grammomys  i be an us 
Polyplax  phthisica  Ferris 
Grammomys  surdaster 
Hoplopleura  oenomydis  Ferris 
Gunomys= Bandicota 
Hybomys  univittatus 
Hoplopleura  laticeps  Ferris 
Lemni  scones  barbarus 

Hoplopleura  enormis  Kellow  and 

Lemni  sconrys  griselda 
Hoplopleura  enormis  Kellog.r  and 


Lemni scomys  quiche L l us~striatus 
Lemiiiscomys  striatus 
Hoplopleura  pelomy dis  Kerris 
Limnomy s  mearnsi 
HopiopLeuru  oeuomydis  Ferris 
Lop hu romy s  sikapusi 

Poiypiax  phthisica  Kerris 
Lophuromys*squi Lus 

Poiypiax  phthisica  Ferris 
Lophuromys  zena=aquiius 
Mastomy  s«Rattus 
Micromys  minutus 

HopiopLeura  longula  Fahrenhoiz 
Poiypiax  ^raciLis  Fahrenhoiz 
Mus  coucha=Rattus  coucha 
Mus  chrysoph  i  lus-Aethomy s 

Mus  decumauus= Rattus  decuinanus 
Mus  gansus,  error  for  gansuensis= 

Mus  ininutus-Micromys  minutus 
Mus  musculus 

Hoplopleura  acanthopus  (Burmeister) 
HopiopLeura  hesperomy dis  (Osborn) 
Poiypiax  serrate  (Burmeister) 

Mus  spicilegus=musculus 
Mus  triton 

Hoplopleura  rukenyae  Ferris 
Mus  wagneri=musculus 
Mylomys  cuninghamei 

Hoplopleura  mylomydis  Ferris 
Mylomys  roosevelti=cuninghamei 
Nesokia  indica 

Poiypiax  asiatica  Ferris 
Nesokia  hardwickei- indica 
Oenomys  hypoxanthus 

Hoplopleura  oenonydis  Ferris 
Pelomy s  fall ax 

Hoplopleura  pelomydis  Ferris 

Praomys  namaquensis=  Thallomys 
Rattus  calcis 

Hoplopleura  oenomvdis  Ferris 
Poiypiax  spinulosa  (Burmeister) 
Rattus  coucha 

Hoplopleura  intermedia  Kellogg  and 

Poiypiax  praecisa  (Neumann) 
Eulinognathus  denticulatus  Cummings 
Rattus  culmorum 

Poiypiax  spinulosa  (Burmeister) 
Rattus  exulans 

Hoplopleura  oenomvdis  Ferris 
Rattus  hawai  iensis 

Hoplopleura  oenomvdis  Ferris 
Rattus  migricaudus- Thallomys 
Rattus  norvegicus 

Poiypiax  spinulosa  (Burmeister) 

Hoplopleura  oenomvdis  Kerris 
Eulinognathus  denticulatus 

Rattus  rattus 
Rattus  sabanus 

Hoplopleura  mainysiana  Ferris 
Poiypiax  insulsa 
Rattus  stridens 

Poiypiax  spinulosa  (Burmeister) 
Rattus  surifer 

Hoplopleura  pectinata  (Cummings) 
Rattus  tullbergi 

Hoplopleura  intermedia  Kellogg  and 

Poiypiax  waterstoni  Bedford 
Rattus  vor.iferans 
lloplopleum  malaysiana  Ferris 
Rhabdomys  pumilio 

Poiypiax  arvi can this  Bedford 
Saccostomus  campestris 

Poiypiax  jonesi  Kellogg  and  Kerris 
Thallomys  moggi 

Hoplopleura  affinis  (Burmeister) 
Poiypiax  spinulosa  (Burmeister) 
Thallomys  namaquensis 

Poiypiax  praomydis  Bedford 
Thallomy's  nigricauda 

Hoplopleura  affinis  (Burmeister) 
Thamnomy  s=Grammomys 
Zelotomys  hildegardae 

Hoplopleura  intermedia  Kellogg  and 

Subfamily  Otonyinae 

Otomys  angoniensis 

Poiypiax  otomydis  Cummings 
Otomys  brantsii=Parotorays  brants ii 
Otomys  irroratus 

PolyplaLX  otomydis  Cummings 
Otomys  irroratus  tropical is= 
Otomys  tropicalis 

Polyp lax  otomydis  Cunmings 
Parotomys  brants ii 

Poiypiax  otomydis  Cummings 

Family  Muscardinidae 
Subfamily  Graph iur in ae 

Graphiurus  alticola 

Schizophthirus  graphiuri  Ferris 
Graphiurus  murinus 

Schizophthirus  graphiuri  Ferris 
Graphiurus  nanus 

Schizophthirus  graphiuri  Ferris 
Graphiurus  raptor-murinus 


Subfamily  Muscardininae 

Dryomys  nitedula 

Schizophthirus  pleurophaeus 

Dryomys  pallidus=nitedula 
Eliomys  pallidus=Dryomys  nitedula 
Eliomys  quercinus 
Schizophthirus  pleurophaeus 

Muscardinus  avellanarius 
Schizophthirus  pleurophaeus 

Superorder  FERAE 
Suborder  FISSIPEDA 
Superfamily  CANOIDEA 
Family  Canidae 
Subfamily  Caninae 

Alopex  lagopus 

Linognathus  setosus  (von  Olfers) 
(blue  fox  and  arctic  fox-pre- 
sumably  Alopex  lagopus) 

Canis  aureus 

Linognathus  setosus  (von  Olfers) 
Canis  brasiliensi^Dusicyon 
Linognathus  taeniotrichus  Werneck 
Canis  cupus,  misprint  for  lupus 
Canis  lupus 

Linognathus  setosus  (von  Olfers) 
Canis  mesomelas 

Linognathus  setosus  (von  Olfers) 
Domestic  dog 

Linognathus  setosus  (von  Olfers) 
Du  si cy on  fulvipes 
Linognathus  taeniotrichus  Werneck 
Dusicyon  thous 

Linognathus  taeniotrichus  Werneck 
Vulpes  fulva 

Linognathus  setosus  (von  Olfers) 
Vulpes  vulpes 

Linognathus  setosus  (von  Olfers) 

Family  Odobenidae 

Odobenus  obesus 

Antarctophthirus  trichechi 

Odobenus  rosmarus 

Antarctophthirus  trichechi 
( Bohemann) 

Family  Otariidae 
Callorhinus  alascanus 

Antarctophthirus  callorhini 

Proechinophthirius  fluctus 

Eumetopias  jubata 

Antarctophthirus  microchir 
(Trouessart  and  Neumann) 

Otari a  hookeri 

Antarctophthirus  microchir 
(Trouessart  and  Neumann) 

Pho  care  to  s«0 1  ari  a 
Zalophus  californianus 
Antarctophthirus  microchir 
(Trouessart  and  Neumann) 

Family  Phocidae 
Subfamily  Phocinae 

Greenland  seal 

Echinophthirius  horridus  (von  Olfers) 
Halichoerus  grypus 

Echinophthirius  horridus  (von  Olfers) 
Phoca  foetida*=hispida 
Phoca  groenlandica 

Echinophthirius  horridus  (von  Olfers) 
Phoca  hispida 

Echinophthirius  horridus  (von  Olfers) 
Phoca  richardii 

Echinophthirius  horridus  (von  Olfers) 
Phoca  sibirica 

Echinophthirius  horridus  (von  Olfers) 
Phoca  variegata 

Echinophthirius  horridus  (von  Olfers) 
Phoca  vitulina 

Echinophthirius  horridus  (von Olfers) 

Subfamily  Lobodontinae 

Hydrurga  leptonyx 

Antarctophthirus  ogmorhini 

Leptonychotes  weddelli 
Antarctophthirus  ogmorhini 

Lobodon  carcinophagus 
Antarctophthirus  lobodontis 

Ogm  o  rh  i  n  u  s-Hy  d  r  u  rga 
Ommatophoca  rossi 
Antarctophthirus  mawsoni  Harrison 

Subfamily-  Oystophorinae 

Qystophorus  cristata 
Echinophthirius  horridus  (von Olfers) 
Macro rhinus-Mirounga 
Mirounga  leonina 

Lepidophthirus  macrorhini  Enderlein 


Superorder  PROTON GULATA 
Family  Oi'ycteropodidae 

Orvcteropus  a  t  er 

ily  bophUi  i  rus  notophallus  (Neumann) 
Orvcteropus  capeusis 

Hybophthirus  uotophalLus  (Neiuitann) 

Family  Procaviidae 

There  seems  to  be  considerable  dis¬ 
agreement  concerning  the  species  of 
this  group.  They  are  listed  here  ac¬ 
cording  to  Lyddeker,  1916,  merely  as 
a  standard  point  of  reference. 

Procavia  bouahioli=ruficeps 
Procavia  Lrucei=ruficeps 
Procavia  capensis 

Prolinognathus  aethiopicus 

Prolinognathus  caviae-capensis 

Procavia  coombsi=capensis 
Procavia  natalensis=capensis 
Procavia  rufescens=misspelling  for 

.Procavia  ruficeps 

Prolinognathus  foleyi  Fahrenholz 
Procavia  shoana  (properly  sciona)- 
Procavia  habessinica 

Prolinognathus  aethiopicus 

Prolinognathus  arcuatus 

Heterohyrax  syriacus 

Prolinognathus  leptocephalus 

Superorder  MESAXONIA 
Family  Equidae 

Equus  asinus 

Haematopinus  asini  (Linnaeus) 
Ratemia  squamulata  (Neumann) 

Equus  burchelli 

Raenatopinus  acuticeps  Ferris 
Haematopinus  asini  (Linnaeus) 
Ratemia  squamulata  (Neumann) 

Equus  caballus 

Haematopinus  asini  (Linnaeus 

Superorder  PAKAGONIA 
Suborder  SU1F0RMES 
Intraorder  SU1NA 
Family  Suidae 
Subfamily  Suinae 

Koiropotamus  choeropotamus  apparent- 
ly-Potomoclioerus  choeropotamus 
Phacochoerus  aeJ iani-aethiopicus 
Phacochoerus  aethiopicus 

Haematopinus  phacochoeri  Euderleiu 
Phacochoerus  sundevali i-aethiopicus 
Potamoclioerus  affinis  (unable  to 

Haematopinus  latus  Neumann 
Po  tamocho e rus  a  f r i  can  us-  larva tus 
Potamochoerus  choeropotamus 
Haematopinus  latus  Neumann 
Sus  cristatus 

Haematopinus  suis  (Linnaeus) 

Sus  scrota 

Haematopinus  apri  Goureau 
Sus  vittatus 

Haematopinus  suis  (Linnaeus) 
Domestic  swine 

Haematopinus  suis  (Linnaeus) 

Family  Tayassuidae 
Subfamily  Tayassuinae 



Pecari  javalii-Tayassu  angulatus 
Tayassu  javalii 

Pecaroecus  javalii  Babcock  and 

Infraorder  0RE0D0NTA 
Suborder  TYLOPODA 
Family  Camelidae 

Auche  n  i  a-- Lama 
Auchenia  lama=Lama  glama 
Camelus  dromedarius 

Haematopinus  tuberculatus 

Microthoracius  cameli  (Linnaeus) 
Lama  glama 

Microthoracius  mazzai  kerneck 
Microthoracius  minor  Werneck 
Microthoracius  praelongiceps 

Lama  huanaca-glama 
Lama  pacos=glama 


Infraorder  PEOORA 
Super  family  CERVOIDEA 
Family  Cervidae 
Subfamily  Cervinae 

Cervus  elaphus 

Solenopotes  bunneisteri  Fahrenholz 
Cervus  nippon 

unnamed  species  of  Solenopotes 
Cervus  unicolor 
Haematopinus  longus  Neumann 

Subfamily  Muntiacinae 

Muntiacus  muntjak 

Solenopotes  muntiacus  Thompson 

Subfamily  Odocoileinae 

Capreolus  capreolus 
Solenopotes  capreoli  Freund 
Coass us— Mazama 
Mazama  rondoni 

Solenopotes  binipilosus 

Mazama  simplicicornis 
Solenopotes  binipilosus 

Odocoileus  chiriquiensis=rothschildi 
Odocoileus  columbianus 

Solenopotes  ferrisi  (Fahrenholz) 
Odocoileus  couesi 

Solenopotes  binipilosus 

Odocoileus  hemionis 

Solenopotes  ferrisi  (Fahrenholz) 
Rangifer  tarandus 
Solenopotes  tarandi  (Mjoberg) 

Super family  GIRAFPOIDEA 
Family  Giraffidae 

Giraffa  Camelopardalis 
Linognathus  brevicornis  (Giebel) 

Superfamily  BOVOIDEA 
Family  Bovidae 
Subiamily  Antilopinae 
Tribe  Antilopini 

Aepyceros  melampus 

Linognathus  aepyceros  Bedford 
Antidorcas  marsupialis 
Linognathus  bedfordi  Ferris 
Linognathus  tibialis  (Piaget) 

Anti  lope  cervicapra 
Linognathus  cervicaprae  (Lucas) 
Linognathus  pithodes  Cummin rs 

Antilope  euchore-Antidorcas  marsu¬ 

Antilope  maori  (as  recorded  by 

Piaget.  The  name  does  not  ap¬ 
pear  in  available  lists). 
Linognathus  tibialis  (Piaget) 
Antilope  subgutturosa 
Linognathus  tibialis  (Piaget) 

Linognathus  tibialis  (Piaget) 
"Antilope,  North  African" 

Linognathus  petasata  Ferris 
Gaze 11a  (possibly  either  a  misidenti- 
fication  or  owing  to  straggling) 
Linognathus  gazella  Mjoberg 
Gaze 11a  thorns on i 
Linognathus  lewisi  Bedford 
Oreotragus  saltator-oreotragus 
Oreotragus  oreotragus 

Linognathus  africanus  Kellogg  and 

Raphicerus  campestris 
Linognathus  tibilais  (Piaget) 

Tribe  Bovini 

Bison  americanus=bison 
Bison  bison 

Haematopinus  tuberculatus 

Bos  grunniens 
haematopinus  tuberculatus 

Bos  indicus 

Haematopinus  eurysternus  (Nitzsch) 
Bos  taurus 

Haematopinus  eurysternus  (Nitzsch) 
Linognathus  vituli  (Linnaeus) 
Solenopotes  capillatus  Enderlein 
Bubalus  bubalis 
Haematopinus  tuberculatus 

Syncerus  cafer 

Haematopinus  bufali  (de  Geer) 

Tribe  Strepsicerotini 

According  to  Simpson  the  generic 
name  Strepsiceros  antedates  Tra^ela- 
phus  and  Limnotra$us  should  be  regar¬ 
ded  as  a  subgenus  of  the  former. 
There  seems  to  be  some  question  here, 
however,  and  the  latter  names  are  re¬ 
tained  for  this  list. 

Also,  there  seems  to  be  confusion 
concerning  Rose laphus.  The  name  has 
been  used  for  Taurotraius,  but  seems 
to  apply  to  an  entirely  different 


Boselaphus  oreas»Tauro tragus  oryx 
Limno tragus  gratus 

Linognathus  limuotragi  Cumrn i ngs 
Tiiuro  tragus  oryx 

Haematopiuus  tauro tragi  Cummings 
Linognathus  taurotragus  Bedford 
Tragelaphus  scriptus 

Linognathus  Iractus  Ferris 
Linognathus  limno tragi  Cummings 
Tragelaphus  syivaticus-scriptus 

Subfamily  Caprinae 
Tribe  Capriui 

Capra  hi reus 

Liuognathus  africanus  KelLogg  and 

Linognathus  stenopsis  (Burmeister) 
Capra  ibex 

Linognathus  stenopsis  (Burmeister) 
Capra  manifricus  (no  such  name  in 
any  list) 

Linognathus  oviformis  (Kudow) 
Caprella  rupicapra=Rupicapra 
Domestic  goat=Capra  hi  reus 
Ovis  aries 

Linognathus  africanus  Kellogg  and 

Linognathus  ovillus  (Neumann) 
Linoguathus  pedalis  (Osborn) 

Ovis  longipes 

Linognathus  ovillus  (Neumann) 
Rupicapra  rupicapra 

Linognathus  stenopsis  (Burmeister) 

Subfamily  Cephalophinae 
Tribe  Cephalophini 

Cephalophus  grimmi=§ylviacapra  grimmi 
Cephalophus  inaxwelli 

Linognathus  breviceps  (Piaget) 
Cephalophus  natalensis 

Linognathus  breviceps  (Piaget) 
Cephalophus  nigri Irons 

Linognathus  angulata  (Piaget) 
Philautomba.  At  times  used  lor  some 
species  generally  referred  to 

Sylviacapra  grimmi 

Linognathus  breviceps  (Piaget) 

Subfamily  Hippotraginae 
Tribe  Alcelaphini 

Connochaetes  gnu 

Linognathus  gnu  Bed  lord 
Damaliscus  alii Irons 

Linognathus  damaliscus  Bedford 
Damaliscus  dorcas*. Damaliscus  pygargus 
Damaliscus  korrigum 

Linoguathus  damaliscus  Bed  lord 
Damaliscus  pygargus 

Linognathus  damaliscus  Bed  lord 
Gorgon  taurinus 

Linognathus  gnu  Bedford 
Linoguathus  hologastrus  toerneck 
Linognathus  spicatus  Ferris 

Tribe  Hippotragiui 

tlippotragus  niger 

Linognathus  hippotragi  Ferris 

Tribe  Reduncini 

Pelea  capreolus 

Linognathus  peleus  Bedford 
Redunca  arundinum 

Linognathus  fahrenholzi  Paine 
Redunca  fulvorufula 

Linognathus  fahrenholzi  Paine 
Redunca  redunca 
Linognathus  fahrenholzi  Paine 



The  Distribution  of  the  Anoplura 

The  problems  associated  with  the  spatial  distribution  of  plants  and  ani- 
JTfipH  7  a,t,tract1ed  a  ™st  amount  of  attention  and  have  come  to  represent 
™nhvid  tk  the^?e11Je?  whlch  1S  gathered  under  the  general  title  of  biogeo  r- 
k-k'  +  k  11)13  tle,ld  lmpin®es  upon  other  fields  of  inquiry  in  relation  to 
w  ich  there  may  be  a  high  degree  of  reciprocal  agreement  and  support,  or 
conversely,  an  equal  degree  of  entertaining  disagreement.  Thus,  the  geo¬ 
logical  concept  of  continental  drift  may  on  the  one  hand  be  supported  by 
conclusions  drawn  from  biogeography  or  on  the  other  hand  he  exposed  to  most 
vigorous  criticism  from  the  same  source.  The  strictly  practical  field  of 
economic  entomology  may  find  a  utilitarian  aid  since  it  may  employ  the  Geo¬ 
graphical  distribution  of  insect  pests  for  which  the  discovery  of  their  na- 
tural  enemies  is  desirable.  The  purely  philosophical  aspects  of  biolo.ry 
and  geography  may  be  concerned  with  the  problems  of  the  spread  of  naturS 
populations  and  the  light  that  present-day  distribution  of  plants  and  ani- 
malsnmy  throw  upon  the  distribution  of  ancient  land  masses. 

The  distribution  of  parasitic  forms  is  a  specialized  aspect  of  bio'?eo  *- 
raphy  and  is  one  of  special  philosophical  interest.  It  is  a  matter  of* com¬ 
mon  biological  knowledge  that  in  the  evolution  of  their  parasitic  habit 
many  or^msms— whether  piant  or  animal— are  very  closely  adjusted,  both 
p  >sicaliy  and  physiologically,  to  the  environment  of  a  single  host  or  host 

7?  Aaoplura  there  is  a  general  adjustment°to  the  environ- 
ment  afforded  by  the  hair  of  the  hosts.  This  involves  the  loss  of  the 
ngs,  the  reduction  or  loss  of  the  eyes,  the  modification  of  the  le  rs  for 
lasping  the  hairs,  and  the  alteration  of  the  ovipositor  for  the  lavin r  of 
eggs  attached  to  the  hairs  of  the  host.  Obviously,  this  physical  ‘adjust¬ 
ment  has  been  carried  still  farther  into  an  adjustment  to  a  particular 
iTr.’  Anopluran  which  can  grasp  the  delicate  hairs  of  a  mouse  would 

be  completely  helpless  among  the  huge  bristles  of  a  pig.  But  beyond  such 
obvious  adjustments  as  these,  there  seems  also  to  bean  adjustment  to  ^e 
ot  the  host.  There  are  indications  that  a  sucking  louse  trans- 
}  j  ™  lts  n?rmal  {iosb  to  one  of  a  very  different  kind  may  find  the 
h«vp  hpL  6  DZ  physiologically  unsuited.  One  may  surmise  that  we 
ha  e  here  something  analagous  to  the  allergies  which  at  least  make  life 
miserable  tor  many  people.  These  factors  seem  to  apply  rather  generally 
among  many  kinds  of  parasites  and  they  appear  very  strongly  to  influence 
the  distribution  of  the  parasites.  uce 

Nor  is  this  all.  The  adjustment  of  the  parasite  may  be  so  delicate  that 
it  cannot  pass  from  one  host  to  another  of  the  same  species  except  under  a 

t",  ?°ndiiio;s I*™'  in  the  Aa°p^a  thePmodificaUons  of  [he 

for  clasping  the  hairs  of  the  host  have  proceeded  so  far  that  the 
louse  is  unable  to  move  about  effectively  when  detached  from  its  host 

Shpne?hpDhlyt  SUCh  aniJ)ial  can  pass  readi1}'  from  one  host  to  another  only 
when  the  hosts  are  in  contact  and  a  bridge  of  hair  is  available. 

The  outcome  ol  all  these  factors  is  that  one  might  expect  to  find  a  par¬ 
ticular  louse  species  confined  to  a  particular  species  of  host.  4t  times 
this  is  true,  but  usually  the  distribution  of  the  louse  species  is  broader 

IpK1pT[  SpcciesT;,a>-  and  very  frequently  does,  occur  on  various  closed 
related  hosts.  It  seems  to  be  a  quite  tenable  assumption  that  the  louse 
bpecies  has  been  inherited  from  the  common  ancestor  of  the  various  host 
KST  ^  that  hG  1106  haVe  evoived  somewhat  more  slowly  than  have  the 


It  this  hypothesis  be  pursued  lurther  iu  its  implications,  it  may  very 
well  be  utilized  to  account  for  the  occurrence  of  related  species  of  lice 
upon  related  hosts,  such  as  the  occurrence  ol  species  of  the  louse  ,'enus 
Knderlatnel lua  upon  rodents  of  the  family  Sciuridae  throughout  the  world 
and  ot  other  instances  that  can  be  cited. 

Now,  the  question  arises  as  to  how  far  this  hypothesis  may  be  pursued. 
Can  it  be  that  the  phylogeny  of  the  lice  has  paralleled  the  phylogeny  of 
the  hosts  back  to  the  time  when  the  ancestors  of  the  lice  first  became  es¬ 
tablished  on  the  ancestors  ot  the  mammals?  It  is  most  tempting  to  surest 
that  the  c lassi  t  ication  ot  the  lice,  which  are  a  small  and  compact  group, 
mit^ht  be  utilized  to  throw  light  upon  the  phytogeny  of  the  much  larger  and 
mote  diverse  group  ot  ttie  mammals.  These  are  most  intriguing  speculations 
tor  the  expression  ot  hypotheses.  But  betore  we  convert  speculations  into 
hypotheses  and  hypotheses  into  expressions  of  opinion  we  need  to  inquire 
into  all  the  available  tacts  and  to  take  into  consideration  all  the  various 
pitfalls  that  may  be  encountered.  Before  the  student  of  lice  presumes  to 
offer  advice  to  the  mammalogist  concerning  moot  points  in  mammal  classifi¬ 
cation  he  should  first  be  sure  that  the  classification  of  the  lice  is 
placed  upon  a  sound  basis  and  that  he  genuinely  knows  whereol  he  speaks. 

In  considering  such  matters,  it  should  be  emphasized  at  the  outset  that 
at  the  present  time  we  know  probably  only  about  hall'  the  species  of  Ano- 
plura  that  may  be  expected  to  occur  in  the  world  and  that  until  we  know 

substantially  the  whole  fauna  we  are  scarcely  justified  in  devising  a  clas¬ 
sification  of  the  Anoplura  that  may  be  regarded  as  approaching  finality. 
At  the  moment,  as  is  emphasized  elsewhere,  we  do  not  have  a  satisfactory 
classification  of  the  Anoplura  as  a  whole.  Most  of  the  genera  are  relati¬ 
vely  clear,  but  the  way  in  which  these  genera  may  be  assembled  into  genu¬ 
inely  significant  higher  categories  is  not  yet  so.  Tribes,  subfamilies, 
families,  superfamilies,  these  elements  in  any  classificatory  system  that 
will  be  biologically  sound,  remain  still  to  be  elucidated. 

A  lew  things,  however,  appear  to  be  reasonably  clear. 

First,  it  appears  that  the  Anoplura  are  confined  to  the  mammals. 

Next,  it  appears  that  they  are  confined  to  the  Eutheria,  although  it  is 
still  possible  that  they  may  be  found  upon  the  Monotremata  which  have  not 
yet  been  adequately  examined.  No  evidence  exists  that  they  occur  on  the 
Metatheria  (the  Marsupials)  although  biting  lice  are  known  from  this  group. 

Then  it  appears  that  they  do  not  occur  on  certain  large  groups  of  the 
Eutheria.  They  seem  definitely  not  to  be  included  among  the  weird  assort¬ 
ment  of  parasites  that  occur  on  the  bats.  Among  the  Ferungulata,  which  in¬ 
cludes  the  living  Orders  Carnivora  and  Pinnipedia,  the  Carnivora  seem  to 
have  no  Anoplura — with  the  exception  of  two  species — although  they  are  well 
supplied  with  Mallophaga.  The  Pinnipedia,  on  the  other  hand,  seem  to  pos¬ 
sess  only  Anoplura. 

Further  it  appears  that  there  are  groups  of  Anoplura  which  are  definite¬ 
ly  restricted  to  groups  of  related  hosts,  so  much  so  that  if  any  Anopluran 
specimen  of  one  of  these  groups  came  to  hand  with  no  host  data  it  would  be 
possible  to  predict  with  a  high  degree  of  probability  the  family  of  mammals 
from  which  it  came.  But  not  always  I  There  are  enough  discrepancies  to  in¬ 
troduce  the  possibility  of  error  into  such  a  prediction.  Some  of  these 
discrepancies  are  very  strange  and  at  the  moment  admit  of  no  logical  solu¬ 
tion  on  the  basis  of  present  evidence. 

Thus,  we  have  the  Anopluran  genus  Linoinathus,  with  about  30  included 
and  apparently  evidently  related  species,  which  is  restricted  absolutely  to 
hosts  of  the  Order  Artiodactyla,  with  two  strange  exceptions.  One  species 
occurs  on  the  domestic  dog  and  the  arctic  fox  and  another  species  occurs  on 
a  wild  dog  of  South  America.  These  are  all  the  Anoplura  that  are  known 
from  the  terrestrial  Carnivora. 

There  is  also  the  genus  Polyplax,  with  about  30  included  species,  which 

occurs  on  rodents  of  the  family  Muridae,  except  that  two  species — clearly 
belonging  to  this  genus— occur  on  shrews  of  the  family  Soricidae. 

But  apart  from  such  glaring  exceptions,  the  species  of  the  various  gen¬ 
era  of  Anoplura  are  as  tar  as  known  rather  generally  restricted  to  host 
groups  among  which  some  degree  of  relationship  is  commonly  recognized. 

Thus  the  genus  Enderleinellus  with  about  28  species  is,  as  at  present 
known,  restricted  to  rodents  ot  the  tamily  Sciuridae.  The  genus  Neohaema- 
topinus  with  25  known  species  is  restricted  to  the  same  family,  except  for 
two  species  which  occur  on  members  of  the  family  Muridae.  The"  ^enus  fficro- 
thoracius,  with  four  known  species,  is  restricted  to  the  family0  Camelidae, 
occurring  in  both  South  America  and  the  Old  World.  The  peculiar  genus  Heo- 
l inognathus ,  with  two  known  species,  is  confined  to  the  elephant  shrews  of 
the  family  Macroscel ididae .  The  genus  Prol inognathus ,  with  at  least  five 
apparently  distinct  species,  is  confined  to  the  Hyracoidea.  The  renera 
Antarctophthirius  and  Echinophthirius  are  confined  to  the  Pinnipedia!  The 
oenus  Schtzophthirus,  with  two  included  species,  is  confined  to  the  rodent 
family  Muscardinidae.  The  genus  Fahrenholzia ,  with  about  five  known  spe¬ 
cies,  is  contined  to  the  rodent  iamily  Heteromy idae .  The  genus  Pedicinus 
with  seven  included  species  is  confined  to  the  monkey  group  Ce°rcop i the co idea. 

These  instances  are  clear  enough.  It  matters  not  at  all  if  there  be 
diife rences  ot  opinion  concerning  whether  these  Anopluran  groups  be  called 
genera  or  are  broken  each  into  more  than  one  genus.  The  group — submenus 
genus,  supergenus,  tribe,  or  whatever  it  may  be  called — as  a  whole  is  asso¬ 
ciated  with  a  particular  group  of  mammals. 

Up  to  this  point  everything  works  out  nicely.  The  hypothesis  that  the 
phytogeny  of  the  lice  and  the  phylogeny  of  the  Anoplura  are  correlated  is 
entirely  tenable.  But  beginning  with  these  instances  we  must  proceed  in 
two  directions.  On  the  one  hand,  how  much  farther  does  the  correlation  <ro 
in  associating  these  groups  of  lice  with  larger  groups?  On  the  other  hand, 
how  much  farther  does  it  go  in  associating  closely  related  species  of  Ano¬ 
plura  with  closely  related  hosts? 

Here  again  we  have  some  beautiful  instances  of  correlation  and  equally 
we  have  some  discrepancies.  J 

Enderleine l l us  nitzscht  occurs  in  North  America  on  squirrels  that  ac¬ 
cording  to  the  most  recent  classification  by  mammalogists  are  placed  in  the 
genus  Sciurotamias.  But  what  is  apparently  the  same  species  occurs  also  on 
the  European  Sciurus  vulgaris,  while  other  species  of  Enderletnellus  occur 
on  other  North  American  species  of  Sciurus.  We  have  here  a  partial  agree¬ 
ment  and  a  larger  area  of  disagreement.  It  would  certainly  be  presumptious 
for  a  student  of  the  Anoplura  to  advise  the  mammalogists  that  Tamiasciurus 
should  be  made  to  include  a  species  which  they  utilize  as  the  type  of  the 
genus  Sciurus  and  that  other  species  should  be  removed  from  Scturusl 

However,  within  one  section  of  the  genus  Enderleinellus  we  have  a  very 
interesting  condition.  There  is  a  certain  group  of  squirrels  that  has  been 
recognized  by  mammalogists  as  a  category,  although  the  status  of  this  cate- 
gory  seems  not  generally  to  be  agreed  upon.  By  some  the  group  has  been 
called  the  subfamily  Marmotiuae,  but  Ellerman  places  it  simply  as  a  "Sec- 
tion  of  the  Sciuridae.  The  basic  genera  are  Harmota,  Citellus,  and  Cyno- 
nys.  I  he  indications  at  present  concerning  the  members  of  the  ^enus  Ender¬ 
letnellus  occurring  upon  them  are  as  follows. 

The  section  of  the  genus  Enderleinellus  involved  has  been  elevated  to  a 
genus,  Cyclophthirus,  by  Ewing  and  whatever  opinion  be  held  concerning  this 
genus  it  exists  as  a  group.  Much  more  collecting  needs  to  be  done  before 
any  finaf  conclusions  are  possible,  but  the  evidence  at  present  indicates 
that  the  members  of  this  group  of  lice  are  restricted  to  what  we  may  call 
the  Marmotinae.  The  genus  Harmota  seems  to  have  a  distinct  species.  The 
:^enus  Cynomys  has  upon  it  a  species  that  seems  possibly  to  be  distinct 
But  otherwise  the  problem  of  the  possible  species  of  Enderleinellus  is  much 

ntused,  and  recent  studies  concerning  the  relationships  of  the  squirrels 
H**avfS  seem  to  be  equally  so.  We  caunot  here  go  into  the  matter  in 

nt.taiL,  hut  the  situation  in  the  classification  of  the  squirrels  seems  very 
much  to  parallel  that  found  among  the  lice.  When  a  stud.)  of  the  lice  has 
been  carried  to  completion  it  may'  show  a  very  interestin  '"parallel  with  the 
conclusions  o t  mainnialojists. 

Other  illustrations  are  even  more  confusing.  Thus,  the  species  of  the 
genus  Hop  lop leura  range  over  a  wide  variety  of  rodents  of  the  various  sub- 
amiiies  oi  what  Ellerman  calls  the  family  Muridae  and  the  Sciuridae.  A 
louse  ot  very  similar  type  occurs  ou  the  Lagomorph  genus  Oc hotona.  Within 
the  genus  Hoplopleura  various  minor  groups  can  be  recognized,  which  seem  to 
be  associated  with  minor  groups  of  rodents,  there  being  a  fairly  well  de¬ 
fined  group  on  the  Sciuridae.  But  one  species,  or  at  least  a  series  of 
very'  closely  similar  forms,  ranges  from  Europe  and  Asia  into  South  America 
on  various  genera  of  both  Murinae  and  Cricetinae. 

A  rather  striking  instance  of  an  anomalous  distribution  is  that  ol  the 
species  Hop lopleura  oenomydls ,  which  was  described  from  a  rodent  of  the 
Murine  genus  Oenomys  in  Africa  and  recorded  from  other  genera  of  this  group 
in  Africa  and  Asia,  but  which  has  apparently  tiansferred  to  domestic  rats 
and  is  now  common  in  southern  United  States.  The  identification  is  on 
available  evidence  correct. 

At  the  other  end  of  the  scale  are  such  genera  as  Ancistroplax  and  Haema- 
topi no  ides which  on  the  totality  of  their  structure  seem  merely  to  be  some¬ 
what  modified  relatives  ot  Hoplopleura,  but  occur  on  Insectivora. 

A  very  peculiar  genus  is  Lemurphthlrus,  with  one  species,  which  occurs 
on  a  lemuroid.  In  the  characters  of  head  and  thorax  it  seems  evidently  re¬ 
lated  to  Heohaenatoplnus ,  which  is  a  genus  that  occurs  on  squirrels,  but  in 
the  characters  of  its  abdomen  it  is  very  much  a  thing  by  itself  although  it 
is  here  placed  in  company  with  Heohaematopinus  in  the  Polyplacinae .  Other 
species  from  lemuroids  show  no  general  agreement  among  themselves  and  are 
placed  in  this  subfamily,  which  mostly  occurs  on  rodents. 

A  very  illuminating  instance  is  furnished  by  the  one  known  species  of 
Phthirpedlculus.  In  describing  this  genus  Ewing  remarked  that  it  stands 
"intermediate  between  Pediculus  Linnaeus  and  Phthirus  Leach."  This  seems 
reasonable  enough,  since  Phthirpedlculus  is  from  a  lemur  and  the  lemurs  are 
supposed  to  stand  somewhere  near  the  bottom  of  the  phylogeny  of  the  Pri¬ 
mates.  But  the  genus  Phthirpedlculus,  considered  on  morphological  grounds, 
has  nothing  to  do  with  either  of  these  other  two  genera.  In  fact,  none  of 
the  few  lice  known  from  lemuroids  seems  to  have  anything  especially  to  do 
with  the  lice  of  the  Primates. 

We  may  here  once  more  call  attention  to  the  genus  Pedicinus.  In  all 
previous  classifications  this  has  been  placed  in  the  Pediculidae  as  a  rela¬ 
tive  of  Pediculus.  This  has  seemed  eminently  reasonable,  since  the  hosts 
of  Pedicinus  and  Pediculus  are  Primates.  But  it  is  here  questioned  that 
these  two  genera  of  lice  have  anything  to  do  with  each  other  and  Pedicinus 
is  here  removed  to  the  Hoplopleuridae,  where  it  is  placed  as  constituting 
a  subfamily  by  itself.  The  morphological  evidence  does  not  indicate  any 
close  relationship  with  Pediculus . 

Webb  has  been  much  impressed  by  considerations  of  host  relationship  and 
the  phylogeny  of  the  Anoplura  and  has  used  host  relationships  to  influence 
his  opinions  concerning  louse  classification  to  a  degree  that  seems  to  the 
writer  not  to  be  supported  by  the  evidence  of  morpholo^'  other  than  his 
somewhat  questionable  evidence  derived  from  the  spiracles. 

Hopkins  (1949)  has  considered  this  matter  at  considerable  length  in  con¬ 
nection  with  his  list  of  host-associations  of  the  lice  of  mammals  and  point¬ 
ed  out  factors  concerned  with  the  presence — or,  of  equal  interest,  the  ab¬ 
sence — of  certain  groups  of  lice  on  various  host  groups.  He  suggests  that 
where  Anoplura  and  Mallophaga  occur  on  the  same  host  there  is  perhaps  a 


competition  between  the  members  of  the  two  groups  of  lice  which  may  result 
unfavorably  for  the  sucking  forms  and  lead  to  their  disap pearance .  It  may 
be  pointed  out  that  the  rodent  family  Heteromyidae  supports  only  sucking 
lice  oi  the  peculiar  genus  Fahrenholzia ,  while  the  Geomyidae  support  only 
biting  lice  of  the  family  Trichodectidae .  let  while  in  most  lists  of  mam¬ 
mals  these  two  groups  of  rodents  are  placed  as  separate  families  there  are 
mammalogists  who  have  maintained  that  they  are  nothing  more  than  subfami¬ 
lies  of  the  same  family.  Again,  the  rodents  of  the  family  Erethizontidae, 
the  porcupines,  seem  to  possess  only  biting  lice,  although  in  general  suck¬ 
ing  lice  are  much  developed  on  the  rodents.  However,  there  are  groups  of 
mammals,  such  as  many  of  the  Ungulates,  on  which  both  biting  and  sucking 
lice  are  well  represented.  The  idea  that  the  absence  of  the  sucking  lice 
may  be  due  to  competition  with  biting  lice  must  be  considered,  but  there 
are  other  causes  that  can  be  envisioned  and  the  present  writer  is  not  con¬ 
vinced  that  this  can  have  been  a  tremendously  important  factor  in  the  pres¬ 
ent  host  distribution  of  the  Anoplura. 

With  such  matters  as  these  in  mind  we  may  approach  the  problem  of  the 
correlation  of  a  classification  of  the  higher  groups  of  the  Anoplura  with 
their  distribution. 

From  the  writer's  point  of  view  the  matter  of  classification  should  be 
developed  first  and  then  the  problem  of  distribution  should  be  considered 
after  the  morphological  evidence  has  been  developed. 

From  the  point  of  view  here  adopted  the  distribution  of  the  lice  in  gen¬ 
eral  is  on  the  whole  rather  consistent  with  the  idea  of  a  correlation  of^the 
phytogeny  of  the  lice  with  the  phytogeny  of  their  hosts.  But  above  that 
point  it  becomes  increasingly  inconsistent,  and  finally  fades  away  into  the 
realm  of  pure  speculation.  If  it  were  pushed  to  its  extreme  limits  one 
would  assume  that  the  original  ancestor  of  the  sucking  lice  boarded  the 
original  ancestor  of  the  mammals  and  the  descendants  of  the  one  have  divid¬ 
ed  and  followed  the  various  successors  of  the  original  ancestor  of  the  mam¬ 
mals  with  the  interposition  of  various  accidents — ever  since.  But  it 
seems  probable  that  the  lice  could  not  have  joined  the  mammals  until  the 
latter  had  already  reached  some  measure  of  differentiation  into  groups. 
Under  this  speculation  it  may  be  assumed  that  some  of  the  ancestral  mammals 
never  achieved  the  company  of  any  sucking  lice.  Also,  it  may  be  speculated 
that  the  originals  of  the  lice  were  not  specifically  adapted  to  a  limited 
host  group  and  therefore  may  have  passed  rather  freely  from  host  to  host, 
even  long  after  the  hosts  were  quite  widely  separated  phylogenetically , 
thus  placing  the  members  of  a  single  phylogenetic  line  of  the  parasites 
upon  many  phylogenetic  lines  of  hosts.  Even  after  the  lice  had  differenti¬ 
ated  to  a  considerable  degree  this  possibility  of  transfer  may  have  re¬ 
mained.  Then  there  may  have  been  a  certain  number  of  what  may  be  consi¬ 
dered  to  be  accidental  transfers  having  nothing  to  do  with  phytogeny. 

Out  of  all  this  the  correlation  of  the  phytogeny  of  the  parasites  with 
the  phytogeny  of  the  hosts  may  have  begun  a  process  of  obscuration  early  in 
the  period  of  differentiation  of  both  groups.  This  being  possible,  it 
therefore  becomes  improbable  that  the  phytogeny  of  the  two  groups  would 
follow  parallel  paths  back  to  the  points  of  origin  of  both. 

The  problem  then  centers  merely  upon  the  question  of  how  far  these  par¬ 
allel  paths  extend  before  they  become  entangled  in  the  criss-crossing  of 
roads  that  may  have  occurred  before  a  system  of  parallel  paths  had  devel¬ 
oped  . 

From  the  writer's  point  of  view  it  is  upon  this  question  that  future  in¬ 
terest  in  the  general  problem  should  be  concentrated. 

The  conclusions  here  adopted  are  as  follows: 

1.  The  distribution  of  the  smaller  groups — such  as  genera — is  in  Gen¬ 
eral  reasonably  consistent  with  the  idea  that  they  have  followed  the  phyto¬ 
geny  of  the  hosts  in  their  development.  J 


2.  It.  must  be  recoguized  that  even  here  there  have  been  occasional 
anomalies  ot  distribution  which  must  be  accepted  as  they  are. 

.{•  lo  a  more  limited  degree  the  phytogeny  of  the  groups  above  the  gen¬ 
et  a  have  followed  a  similar  pattern.  Liut  here  the  number  of  apparent  dis¬ 
crepancies  increases. 

4.  When  we  come  to  the  larger’  groups  of  genera,  which  we  may  call  fami¬ 
lies,  this  parallelism  of  phytogenies  is  but  faintly  shown. 

5.  Speculation  in  regard  to  the  problem  should  remain  firmly  within  the 
bounds  of  ascertained  fact. 

6.  Discrepancies  which  cannot  be  accounted  for  on  a  lias  is  of  known  fact 
should  be  accepted  as  they  exist  and  uot  forced  into  some  framework  of 
ideas  as  to  how  they  ought  to  be  accounted  for  b}'  the  system  of  classifica¬ 

7.  Future  work  should  be  directed  in  large  part  toward  .the  completion 
of  our  knowledge  of  the  species  of  Anoplura  that  still  remain  to  be  found 
and  the  fitting  of  these  into  a  system  of  classification  that  is  based  on 
the  Anoplura  themselves. 

S.  Then  and  then  only  will  we  be  in  a  position  to  theorize  concerning 
the  relation  ol  the  phytogeny  of  the  lice  to  the  phylogeu}  of  their  hosts. 




Index  to  Anoplura 

Acanthopinus,  in  synonymy,  185 
antennatus ,  195 
sclurinus,  195 
Achimella,  in  synonymy,  72 
callorhint ,  72 

Ahaematopinus,  in  synonymy,  185 
inornatus,  192 
tnsulsus,  208 
crocidurae,  120 
ANOPLURA,  58,  61 
Antarctophthiriinae,  63 
c al i for ni anus,  73 
callorhini,  72 
lobodontis,  73 
mawsoni,  72,  73 
microchir,  72,  73 
monachus,  72 
ogmorhini,  72,  73 
trichechi,  72,  75 
Arctophtirius,  72 
Bathyergicola,  in  synonym}',  169 
hilli,  172 
lawrensis,  173 
lophiomydis,  173 

Bed i'ordia,  in  synonymy ,  lf»l 
tripedata,  156 
Cervophthirius,  251 
crassicornts,  256 
tarandi,  256 

cercomydis,  164 
Cte  no  pleura,  in  synonymy,  125 
Ctenura,  in  synonymy,  125 
crypt  tea,  135 
pectinata,  142 

Qyclophthirus,  in  synonymy,  102 
suturalis,  113 
D000PHTHI RUS,  163,  164 

acinetus,  168 

ECHLNOPilTHI RII DAE ,  63,  68,  71,  72,  77 
baikalensis,  76 
fluctu#,  81 
groenlandicus,  76,  78 
horridus,  75 
microchir,  73 
sericans,  76 
setosus,  73 

Ellipoptera,  59 
ENDERLEINELL1NAE,  64,  68,  101 
ENDERLEI.NELLUS,  101,  102,  103 
arizonensis,  105,  106,  108 
brasiliensis,  105,  108 
dreuiomydis,  104,  108 
euxeri,  104,  108 
extremus,  106,  108 
heliosciuri,  103,  108 
houdurensis,  105,  106,  108 
insularis,  105,  106,  109 

kelLoggi,  105,  106,  109 
larisci,  103,  109 
longiceps,  104,  105,  106,  109 
longiceps  group,  104 
malaysianus,  104,  105,  HO 
marmotae,  103,  HO 
menetensis,  104,  110 
mexicanus,  105,  106,  110 
microsciuri,  106,  110 

minutus,  115,  118 
nannosciuri,  104,  110 
nitzschi,  104,  110 
occidentalis,  113 
osborni,  103,  113 
paraxert,  115 
platyspicatus,  103,  113 
replicatus,  113 
sciurotamiasis,  104,  113 
sphaerocephalus,  110 
suturalis,  103,  113 
tamiasis,  104,  113 
uncinatus,  115 
urosciuri,  105,  114 
venezuelae,  106,  114 
zonatus,  103,  H4 
Eremophthirius,  in  s}-non}Tny,  199 
biseriatus,  207 
ierbtllt,  208 
praecisa,  209 
stephensi,  214 
subtaterae,  214 
tarsomydis,  214 
taterae,  214 
werneri,  215 

Euenderleinellus,  in  synonymy,  102 
larisci,  109 
Euhaematopininae,  63 
Euhaematopinus,  in  synonymy,  120 
abnormis,  120 
Euhoplopleura,  125 


Euhoplopleura — 
trispinosa,  144 

aculeatus,  169,  170 
americanus,  170 
biuncatus,  170 
caviae,  177 
denticulatus,  369,  170 
hilli,  170,  172 
lawrensis,  170,  173 
lophiomydis,  170,  173 
parvus,  184 
surdasteri,  170 

FAHREN1I0LZIA,  163,  173 
microcephala,  174 
p  inn  at  a,  174 
reducta,  174 
tribulosa,  174 
tribulosa,  175 
zacatecae,  174,  175 
Ferrisella,  in  synonymy,  125 
ochotonae,  125 
GALEOPHTHIRUS,  163,  177 

caviae,  177 
Haeinatomyzus,  59,  60 
HAJEMATOPINIDAE,  63,  64,  68,  81,  199 
Haematopininae,  63,  64 
HAEMATOPINOIDES,  64,  119,  120 

squaraosus,  120 
Haematopinoidinae,  64 
acanthopus,  130 
aculeatus,  170 
acuticeps,  83,  84 
adventicius,  91 
affinis,  130 
albtdus,  158 
annulatus,  75 
antennatus,  195 
aperis,  84 
appendiculatus,  240 
apri,  84 
asini,  84,  85 
aulacodt,  153 
bicolor,  236 
bidentatus,  133 
breviceps,  228 
brevicornis,  229 
breviculus,  87 
bufali,  84,  88 
bufalt-capensis,  88 
bufall-europaet,  95 
burchellls,  85,  244 
cerutcaprae,  229 
chinensis,  91,  94 
clavlcornls,  282 
coloratus,  285 

columbianus,  193 
crassicornis,  253 
echinatus,  191 
elevens,  85 
equii,  285 
erraticus,  136 
eurystemus,  84,  88 
forficulus,  238 
iermanicus,  94 
germanus,  94 
hesperomydis,  136 
incisus,  90 
irritans ,  91 
laeviusculus,  193 
latissimus,  90 
latus,  84,  90 
leptocephalus,  251 
loniulus,  137 
longus,  83,  91 
lyriocephalus,  179 
macrocephalus,  85 
mniculatus,  138 
microcephalus,  231 
minor,  85 
montanus,  193 
notophallus,  151 
obtusus,  159 
oviformts,  231 
outllus,  231 
pectinifer,  194 
pedalis,  231 
peristictus,  90,  91 
phachochoeri,  84,  91 
pi  lifer  us,  236 
pleurophaeus,  285 
praecisus,  139,  209 
praecitus,  138,  209 
praelonitceps,  247 
praviprocursus,  88 
punctatus,  95 
quadridentatus,  142 
quadripertusus,  88 
reclinatus,  210 
rupicaprae,  238 
saccatus,  235 
sardiniensis,  94 
sciuropteri,  1% 
serratus,  210 
setosus,  194 
sphaerocephalus,  110 
spiculifer,  283 
spiniger,  211 
spinulosus,  211 
squamulatus,  217 
stephenst,  214 
suis,  84,  91 
suturalis,  113 


taurotrajdj  83,  95 
ttbtal Is,  238 
trlchecbl,  75 
tuberculatus,  83,  95 
tuberculatum,  244 
ungulatus,  228 
ux’ius,  84 
ventrlcosus,  179 
vituli,  241 

Haematopinus,  in  synonymy,  199,  251 
HAEMODIPSUS,  163,  177 

at'ricanus,  179 
lyri ocephalus,  179 
parvus,  183 
setoni,  179 
ventricosus,  179 
Hamophthiri  inae,  64 
HAMOPTdIRUS,  163,  183 

^aleopitheci,  183 
RaseLlus,  in  synonymy,  147 
pleurophaeus,  14? 
daustelleta,  59 
Hemiptera,  59 

HopLophthirus,  in  synonymy,  102 
euxeri,  108 
HOPLOPLEURA,  119,  125 

acanthopus,  128,  130 
acanthopus,  135 
affinis,  127,  130 
affinis,  133.  134 
alata,  144 
angulata,  129,  133 
apomydis,  127,  133 
arboricola,  129,  133 
argentina,  129,  133 
audax,  147 
bidentata,  126,  133 
biseriata,  128,  134 
brasiliensis,  126,  134 
chilensis,  125,  134 
chrotonydis,  129,  134 
cricetuli,  127,  134 
cryptica,  126,  135 
dis^rega,  125,  135 

dlsgrega,  134 
distorta,  128,  135 
edentula,  135 

emar^inata,  125,  135 
enormis,  127,  135 

erismata,  128,  136 
erratica,  128,  136 
erratica,  133 
fonsecai,  128,  136 
hesperomydis,  127,  136 
hirsuta,  129,  137 
hispida,  137 
intermedia,  126,  137 


laticeps,  126,  137 
lineata,  138 
lon^ula,  128,  138 
malaysiana,  129,  138 
maniculata,  129,  138 
inerionidis,  129,  138 
mylomydis,  128,  138 
nesoryzomydis,  127,  138 
neumanni,  127,  138 
ochotouue,  126,  139 

oenomydis,  129,  139 
oryzomydis,  127,  139 
oxynycteri,  128,  139 
pacifica,  139 
pectinata,  126 ,  142 
pelomydis,  126,  142 
phaiomydis,  128,  142 
quadridentata,  127,  142 
reducta,  129,  142 
reithrodontomydis,  128,  143 
rukenyae,  128,  143 
sciuricola,  129,  143 
soraereni,  127,  143 
sukenyae,  143 
travassosi,  127,  143 
trispinosa,  126,  143 
veprecula,  126,  144 
doplopleurinae,  68,  101,  119 
HYBOPHTBIRIINAE,  64,  68,  101,  148 
HYBOPUTHIRIUS,  148,  151 
notophallus,  151 
Inrostrata,  60 
LAGI DI0PHTH 1RUS,  I63,  183 
parvus,  183 

LEMURPHTHIRUS,  163,  185 

^alaeTis,  185 
verruculosus,  185 
macrorhini,  78 
Lino^nathinae,  63,  64,  220 
Lino^nathoides,  in  synonymy,  185 
citelli,  191 
faurei,  191 
inornatus,  192 
pectinifer,  194 
spermophtli,  191 
LINOGNATOUS,  222,  223 
aepycerus,  225 
africanus,  225 
angulatus,  225,  223 
angulatus,  252 
antennatus,  238 
appendiculntus,  240 
bedfordi,  22 3,  228 



btnipilosus,  253 
breviceps,  225,  228 
brevicornis,  225,  229 
burmeisteri,  253 
cauiae-capensis,  248 
cervicaprae,  225,  229 
coassus,  253 
crassicornis,  253 
damaliscus,  229 
euchore,  240 
fahrenholzi,  224,  229 
ferrisi,  230 
ferrisi,  256 
forficulus,  229 
fractus,  225,  230 
iazella,  228 
iiluus,  228 
gorgonus,  230 
gnu,  230 

hippotragi,  224,  230 
hologastrus,  224,  230 
lewisi,  223,  231 
limnotragi,  225,  231 
oviform is,  231 
ovillus,  224,  231 
panamensis,  253 
pedalis,  224,  231 
peleus,  225,  231 
petasmatus,  224,  233 
pithodes,  223,  234 
praelongiceps,  244 
saccatus,  235 
setosus,  224,  235 
squamulatus,  217 
spicatus,  223,  237 
stenopsis,  224,  233 
stenopsts,  225,  227 
taeniotrichus,  224,  238 
taurotragus,  224,  238 
tibialis,  225,  238 
vituli,  223,  241 
vitult  ,  253 
ungulatus,  228 

Linognathus,  in  synonymy,  251 
Lutegus,  in  synonym}-,  185 
pectinifer,  194 
Mallophaga,  59 
Mandibulata,  56 
MICROPHTHIRUS,  102,  115 
uncinatus,  115 
MICR0TH0RACIUS,  222,  243 
cameli,  244 
mazzai ,  244 
minor,  244,  247 
praelongiceps,  244,  247 
praelongtceps,  244 
N  BOH  AEMATOPINUS,  164,  185 

N  B0  HAEMA70PIN  US — 
batuanae,  190 
ceylonicus,  189,  190 
cite  lli,  188,  191 
citellinus,  189,  191 
echinatus,  189,  191 
echinatus,  190 
faurei,  190,  191 
griseicolus,  189,  192 
heliosciuri,  190,  192 
inornatus,  189,  192 
kenyae,  190,  192 
laeviusculus,  190,  193 
longus,  189,  193 
macrospinosus,  195 
marmotae,  190,  193 
mathesoni,  190,  194 
neotomae,  189,  194 
pacificus,  189,  194 
patiki,  194 
pectinifer,  189,  194 
petauristae,  190,  195 
sciuri,  189,  195 
sciurinus,  189,  195 
sciurinus,  192 
sciuropteri,  189,  196 
semlfasciatus,  195 
suahelicus,  190,  196 
syriacus,  189,  196 
traubi,  190,  196 
elephantuli,  257,  258 
praelautus,  257,  258 
Neopedicinus,  in  synonymy,  157 
patas,  162 

Neumannellus,  in  synonymy,  151 
aulacodi,  151 

Paenipediculus,  in  synonym}-,  260 
schaffi,  277 
slmiae,  277 

Parapediculus,  260,  273 
atelophilus,  260 
chapini,  273 
lobatus,  274 
pseudohumanus ,  275 
Parasita,  59 
Parasiti,  61 
PECAROEaiS,  83,  98 
javalii,  98 

PEDIQNINAE,  63,  .64,  69,  101,  156,  258 

albidus,  l’57,  158 
ancoratus,  157,  158 
breviceps,  158,  159 
col ob l,  159 
eurygaster,  157,  158 


euryiaster ,  159 
graclllcepx,  159 
hamadryas,  157,  159 
longiceps,  158,  159 
n icropi losus ,  158 
mlcrops,  158 
obtusus,  157,  159 
parallellceps,  159 

patas,  157,  162 
piageti,  158 
pictus,  157,  162 
rhesl,  159 
vulgaris,  159 
PEDICULIDAE,  59,  63,  258 
Pediculina,  59 
Pediculinae,  63,  64,  156 
acanthopus,  130 
affinis.  130,  274,  276 
albidlor,  262 
americanus,  267 
angustus,  266 
annulatus,  75 

aquaticus,  282 
as  ini ,  84 
assimilis,  266 
atelis,  277 
atelophilus,  273 
bufali,  88 
bufali-capensis,  88 
bufali-europaei ,  95 
camel i,  244 
capitis,  262 
cauiae-capensls,  248 
ccrv tcalis ,  26 1 
c bap  ini,  273 
chinensis,  2 66 
clavicornis,  282 
col  laris,  248 
consobrinus,  262,  275 
corporis,  2 66 
crassicornis,  253 
denticulatus,  211 
eurygaster,  158 
eurysternus ,  88 
ferus,  281 
flavidus,  236 
friedenthali,  266 

hispidus,  137 
horridus,  75 
hunianus,  261 
iso pus,  236 
laeviusculus,  193 
leptocephalus,  251 
lobatus,  273.  276 
lyriocephalus,  179 
macrocephalus ,  85 

nac'ulatus,  266 
marginatus,  266 
mjober^i,  261,  274 
mi  crops,  158 
nigrescens,  262 
nigritarum,  261,  267 
oblongus,  2 66 
oxyrrhynchus,  241 
papillosus,  88 
phocae,  75 
pi  It  ferus,  2 36 
phthirlopsis,  88 
pleurophaeus,  148 
pseudohumanus,  26 1 ,  275 
pseudohumanus ,  267 
pubescens,  262 
pubis,  281 
quadnunanus,  275 
reclinatus,  210 
schal'fi,  261,  277 
schistopygus,  238 
serratus,  210 
setosus,  75 

spermophili,  193 
sphaerocephalus,  102,  110 
spicu lifer,  283 
spiniger,  211 
spinulosus,  193,  211 
stenopsis,  2^ 
suis,  91 

tabescentiim,  262 
tenuirostris,  241 
tuberculatus,  95 
urtus,  91 
vestimenti,  262 
vituli,  241 

Petauristophthirus,  in  synonymy,  185 
petaurtstae,  195 
Phthiraptera,  60 
Phthiriidae,  64 
Phthirius,  144,  280 
Phthirpedicinus,  in  synonymy,  157 
micropilosus,  158 
microps,  158 

propitheci,  199 
Phthirus,  in  synonymy,  280 
gorillae,  281 
shavest,  281 

POLYPLACINAE,  69,  101,  162 
POLYPLAX,  163,  199,  209 
abscisa,  205 
abyssinica,  204,  205 
acanthopus,  130 
affinis,  130 
alaskensis,  205 



arvicanthis,  204,  206 
asiatica,  203,  206 
auricularis,  203,  206 
bidentata,  133 
biseriata,  203,  207 
borealis,  205 
brachyrrhyncha,  220 
californiae,  206 
calva,  21 6 
campylopteri,  211 
chinensis,  203,  207 
cummingsi,  208 
deltoides,  204,  207 
dentaticornis,  202,  207 
echinata,  191 
eminata,  214 
eriopepli,  203,  207 
gerbilli,  203,  208 
gracilis,  208 
gracilis,  208 
insulsa,  203,  208 
j  one  si,  204,  208 
laeuiuscula,  193 
longula,  137 
maniculata,  138 
miacantha,  283 
otomydis,  203,  208 
oxyrrhynchus,  209 
paine i ,  206 
pectinifer,  194 
phthisica,  204,  209 
praecisa,  203,  209 
praomydis,  211 
quadridentata,  142 
reclinata,  204,  210 
reclinata,  207 
serrata,  204,  210 
spinigera,  202,  211 
spinulosa,  205,  211 
spinulosa,  206 
stephensi,  203,  214 
s ubtaterae,  214 
tarsomydis,  204,  214 
taterae,  203,  214 
waterstoni,  204,  214 
werneri,  203,  215 

fluctus,  81 

afrlcanus,  21 6 
calva,  216 
hllli,  172 
lawrensts,  173 

aethiopicus,  248 

arcuatus,  248 
caviae-capensis,  248 
ferrisi,  248,  251 
foleyi,  248,  251 
leptocephalus,  248,  251 
Pseudorhynchota,  59 
PTHIRUS,  280 
gorillae,  281 
inguinalis,  281 
pubis,  281 

PTEROPHTHIRUS,  119,  144 
alata,  144 
audax,  144,  147 
imitans,  144,  147 
wemecki,  144,  147 
RATEMIA,  163,  216 
squamulata,  217 
Rhinaptera,  59 
Rhinophthirus,  102 
heliosciuri,  196 
Rhynchota,  59 
Rhynchophthirina,  59,  60 
SCHIZOPHTlilRUS,  119,  147,  148 
graphiuri,  148 
leucophaeus,  285 
pleurophaeus,  1-6 
SCIPI0,  148,  151 

aulacodi,  152,  153 
breviceps,  152,  154 
longiceps,  154 
tripedatus,  152,  156 
Siphunculata,  59,  60 
S0LEN0P0TES,  222,  251 
binipilosus,  252 
burmeisteri,  253 
capillatus,  252,  253 
capreoli,  252,  256 
ferrisi,  25*2,  256 
muntiacus,  256 
panamensis,  253 
tarandi,  256 

Stobbella,  in  synonymy,  223 
pithodes,  235 
SYMOCA,  164,  220 
brachyrrhyncha,  220 
Symysadus,  in  synonymy,  215 
calva,  216 

Trichaulinae,  in  synonymy,  220 
Trichaulus,  in  synonymy,  223 
Waterstonia,  in  synonym}',  215 
calva,  216 
zanzibariensis,  216 
WERNECKIA,  102,  115 
minuta,  115,  US 
paraxeri,  115,  118 


Index  to  Hosts 

Alphabetical  list  of  genera  and  higher  groups  only.  Species  are  listed 
alphabetical Ly  under  their  genera  in  the  host  list  and  can  then  be  found  by 
ret  erring  to  the  index  of  Auopluran  species. 

Abrocoma,  291 

Abrocominae,  Subfamily,  291 
Acoinys,  298 
Aepyceros,  302 
Aethomys,  298 
Akodon,  29b 

Alcelaphini,  Tribe,  303 
AlLactaga,  296 
Alopex,  300 
ALouatta,  289 

Alouattinae,  Subfamily,  289 
Ammospermoph i lus,  292 
Anathana,  289 

Anthropoidea,  Suborder,  289 
Antidorcas,  302 
Anti  lope,  302 

Anti lop inae.  Subfamily,  302 
Anti lop ini,  Tribe,  302 
Apodemus,  298 
Artiodactyla,  Order,  301 
Arvicanthis,  298 
Arvicola,  298 
Ateles,  289 

Atelinae,  Subfamily,  289 
Atlantoxerus,  295 
Auchenia,  301 
Aulacodus,  292 

Bandicota,  298 

Bathyergidae,  Family,  291 

Bathy ergoidea,  Superfamily,  291 

Bathy ergus,  291 

Bison,  302 

Bos,  302 

Boselaphus,  303 

Bovidae,  Family,  302 

Bovini,  Tribe,  302 

Bovoidea,  Superfamily,  302 

Cacaj  0 ,  289 

Callithricidae,  Subfamily,  289 
Callorhinus,  300 
Callosciurus,  293 
Callospemiophilus,  292 
Camelidae,  Family,  301 
Camelus,  301 
Canidae,  Family,  300 
Caninae,  Sublamily,  300 
Canis,  300 

Cano  idea,  Super family,  300 
Capra,  303 
Caprella,  303 

Capreolus,  302 
Caprinae,  Sublamily,  303 
Caprini,  Tribe,  303 
Carnivora,  Order,  300 
Cavia,  292 
Caviella,  292 
Cavi idae,  Fam i ly ,  29  2 
Cavoidea,  Superlainily,  292 
Cebidae,  Family,  289 
Cebinae,  Subfamily,  289 
Ceboidea,  Superfamily,  289 
Cebus,  289 

Cephalophinae,  Subfamily,  303 
Cephalophini,  Tribe,  303 
Cephalophus,  303 
Cercomys,  291 

Cercopithecoidea,  Superfamily,  289 

Cercopi thee us,  289 

Cervicapra,  303 

Cervidae,  Family,  302 

Cervinae,  Subfamily,  302 

Cervoidea,  Superfamily,  302 

Cervus,  302 

Cheirogaleus,  289 

Chinchillidae,  Family,  291 

Chrotomys,  297 

Citellus,  292 

Clethrionomys,  298 

Coassus,  302 

Colobinae,  Subfamily,  290 
Colobus,  290 
Comopithecus,  290 
Connochaetes,  303 
Cricetinae,  Subfamily,  296 
Cr ice tomys,  298 
Cricetulus,  296 
Crocidura,  288 

Crocidurinae,  Subfamily,  288 
Cryp tomys,  291 
Ctenomys,  291 

Qynocephalidae ,  Family,  288 
Qynocephalus,  290 
CJynomolgus,  290 
Qynomys,  292 

Cystophorinae,  Subfamily,  300 
Qvstophorus,  300 

Damaliscus,  303 
Dasymys,  298 
Dendromus,  297 

Dendromyinae,  Subfamily,  297 
Dermoptera,  Order,  288 


Dicotyles,  301 
Dicrostonyx,  298 
Dipod idae.  Family,  $$6 
Dipodinae,  Subfajiiily,  296 
Dipodipus,  296 

Dipodoidea,  Superfamily ,  296 

Dipodomys,  295 

Dipus,  296 

Dryoroys,  300 

Dusicyon,  300 

Echimyidae,  Family,  291 
Echinryinae,  Subfamily,  291 
Elephantulus,  288 
Eligmodontia,  296 
Eliomys,  300 
Epimys,  298 
Equidae,  Family,  301 
Equus,  301 
Eropeplus,  298 
Erythrocebus,  290 
Eumetopias,  300 
Euneomys,  296 
Eutheria,  Infraclass,  288 
Euxerus,  295 

Ferae,  Superorder,  300 
Ferungulata,  Cohort,  300 
Fissipeda,  Suborder,  300 
Funambulus,  294 

Galaginae,  Subfamily,  289 
Galago ,  289 
Galea,  292 
Galeopithecus,  288 
Gaaella,  302 

Geomyoidea,  Superfamily,  295 
Georhychus,  291 
Geosciurus,  295 
Gerbillinae,  Subfamily,  297 
Gerbillus,  297 
Giraffa,  302 
Giraffidae,  Family,  302 
Giraffoidea,  Superfamily,  302 
Glaucomys,  292 
Glires,  Cohort,  291 
Gorgon,  303 
Gorilla,  291 
Grammomys,  298 
Graomys,  296 

Graphiurinae,  Subfamily,  299 
Graph iurus,  299 
Guenon,  290 
Gunomys,  298 

Halichoerus,  300 
Ham;idryas,  290 
Heliosciurus,  293 

Hesperomys,  296 
deterohyrax,  301 
Heteromyidae,  Family,  295 
Heteromys,  295 
Hippomorpha,  Suborder,  301 
llippotraginae.  Subfamily,  303 
Hippotragini,  Tribe,  303 
Eippotragus,  303 
Hodonys,  296 
Holochilus,  296 
Hominidae,  Family,  291 
Hominoidea,  Superfamily,  291 
Homo,  291 
Hybomys,  298 

Hydroinyinae,  Subfamily,  297 

Hydromys ,  297 

Hydrurga,  300 

Hylo bates,  291 

Hylobatinae,  Subfamily,  291 

Hyracoidea,  Superfamily,  301 

Hystricoidea,  Superfamily,  291 

Indridae,  Family,  289 
Innuus,  290 

Insectivora,  Order,  288 

Kerodon,  292 
Koiropotamus,  301 

Lagidium,  291 

Lagomorpha,  Order,  291 

Lagothrix,  289 

La gurus,  289 

Lama,  301 

Lariscus,  292 

Lariscus  section,  292 

Lasiopyga,  290 

Lemmus,  298 

Lemniscomys,  298 

Lemuriformes,  Infraorder,  289 

Lemuroidea,  Superfamily,  289 

Leontocebus,  289 

Leporidae,  Family,  291 

Leptonychotes,  300 

Lepus,  291 

Limnomys,  299 

Limnotragus,  303 

Liomys,  295 

Lobodon,  300 

Lobodontinae,  Subfamily,  300 
Lophiom^ idae,  Family,  296 
Lopbiomys,  296 
Lophuromys,  299 
Lorisidae,  Family,  289 
Lorisi formes,  Infraorder,  289 

Macaca,  290 
Macacus,  290 


Macrorhinus,  3U0 

Macroscel  ididae,  Family,  2H8 

Macrosce  1  i  Jo  idea.  Superfamily,  288 

Mannota,  293 

Mannota  section,  292 

Mas  tony  s,  292 

Mazuma,  302 

Menetes,  292 

Meriones,  297 

Mesaxonia,  Superorder,  301 

Microdipodops,  295 

Micronys,  299 

Microsciurus,  294 

Microtinae,  Subfamily,  298 

Microtus,  298 

Mirounga,  300 

Muntiacinae,  Subfamily,  302 
Muridae,  Family,  296 
Murinae,  Subfamily,  298 
Muroidea,  Superfamily,  296 
Mus,  299 

Muscardinidae,  Family,  299 
Muscardininae,  Subfamily,  300 
Muscardinus,  300 
Mylomys,  299 

Nasalis,  290 
Nasilio,  288 
Nectomys,  296 
Nesokia,  299 
Nesorvzomys,  296 
Neotoma,  296 
Neotomodon,  296 

Ochotona,  291 
Ochotonidae,  Family,  291 
Octodontinae,  Subfamily,  291 
Octodontomys,  292 
Odobenidae,  Family,  300 
Odobenus,  300 

Odocoileinae,  Subfamily,  302 
Odocoileus,  302 
Oenorays,  299 
Ogmorhinus,  300 
Ommatophoca,  300 
Onychomys,  296 
Oreodonta,  Infraorder,  301 
0ocier°PO(lidae,  Family,  301 

0ryc!eroPus>  301 
Oryclol01^115*  291 
Oryzomys>  296 

Otaria,  300 

Otariidae,  Family,  300 
Otonyinae,  Subfamily,  299 
Otomys,  299 
Ovis,  303 

Pachyura,  288 

Pachyuromvs,  297 
Pan,  291 
Papio,  290 

Paragonia,  Superorder,  301 
Parascalops,  288 
Parasciurus,  293 
Paraxerus,  293 
Paraxerus  section,  293 
Parotomys,  299 
Pecari,  301 

Pecora,  Infraorder,  302 
Pedetes,  296 
Pedetidae,  Family,  296 
Pedetoidea,  Superfamily,  296 
Pelea,  303 
Pelonys,  299 

Perissodactyla,  Order,  301 
Perodipus,  295 
Perognathus,  295 
Peromyscus,  295 
Petaurista,  292 
Petrodromus,  288 
Petromus,  292 

Petromyinae,  Subfamily,  292 
Petronys,  292 
Phachochoerus,  301 
Phaionys,  298 
Phenacomys,  298 
Philantomba,  303 
Phoca,  300 
Phocarctos,  300 
Phocidae,  Family,  300 
Phocinae,  Subfamily,  300 
Phyllotis,  297 
Pinnipedia,  Suborder,  300 
Pithecis,  289 

Pithecinae,  Subfamily,  289 
Pithecus,  290 
Pitynys,  298 
Pongidae,  Family,  291 
Ponginae,  Subfamily,  291 
Potamochoerus,  30 1 
Praomys,  299 
Presbytis,  290 
Primates,  Order,  289 
Procavia,  301 
Procaviidae,  Family-,  301 
Proechinys,  291 
Propithecus,  289 
Prosimii,  Suborder,  289 
Protoxerus,  293 
Protungulata,  Superorder,  301 
Pteromys,  292 
Pteromys  group,  292 
Pygathrix,  290 

Rangifer,  302 
Rattus,  299 


Redunca,  303 
Reduncini,  Tribe,  303 
Rei thro don,  297 
Reithrodontomys,  297 
Rhabdomys,  299 
Rhinopithecus,  290 
Rhipidomys,  297 
Rodentia,  Order,  290 
Ruminantia,  Suborder,  302 
Rupicapra,  303 

Saccostomus,  299 
Scalopinae,  Subfamily,  2® 
Scalopus,  288 
Sciuridae,  Family,  292 
Sciuroidea,  Superfamily,  292 
Sciuropterus,  292 
Sciurotajriias,  29  5 
Sciurus,  294 
Sciurus  ^roup,  292 
Sciurus  section,  293 
Scutisorex,  288 
Semnopithecus,  290 
Si ^rnodon,  297 
Simia,  290 
Simias,  290 
Sorex,  288 

Soricidae,  Family,  288 
Soricinae,  Subfamily,  288 
Soricoidea,  Superfamily,  288 
Spermophilus,  29-5 
Strepsiceros,  302 
Strepsicerotini,  Tribe,  302 
Suidae,  Family,  301 
Sui formes.  Suborder,  301 
Suina,  Infraorder,  301 
Suinae,  Subfamily,  301 
Suncas ,  288 

Sus,  301 

Sylviacapra,  302 
Sylvilajus,  291 
Symphalanjes,  291 
Syncerus,  302 

Talpidae,  Family,  288 
Tamias,  299 
Tamias  section,  295 
Tamiasciurus,  295 
Tatera,  297 
Taterillus,  297 
Taurotra^us,  303 
Tayassu,  301 

Tayassuidae,  Family,.  301 
Tayassuinae,  Subfamily,  301 
Tballomys,  299 
Thamnoinys,  299 
Theria,  Subclass,  288 
Thomasomys,  297 
Thryonomyinae,  Subfamily,  292 
Thryonomys,  292 
Tubulidentata,  Order,  30 1 
Tupaiidae,  Family,  289 
Tupaiinae,  Subfamily,  289 
Tupaioidea,  Superfamily,  289 
Tylopoda,  Suborder,  301 

Urosciurus,  295 

Yulpes,  300 

Xenomys,  297 
Xerus ,  29  5 
Xerus  section,  295 

Zalophus,  300 
Zelotomys,  299 


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