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Full text of "Vaughan & Sperry wholesale cut flowers : receivers and forwarders of all horticultural supplies"

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SPRING 1908 
| Vaughan Sperry 

(Wholesale Cut Flowers 

Receivers and Forwarders of all Horticultural Supplies 

Rose, Carnation and Chyrsan- 
themum Cuttings, Guaranteed 
Analysis Fertilizers, all Sea- 
sonable Cut Flowers, Spring 
Bulbs, Rubber Hose, Sphagnum 
Moss, Budding Knives, Tissue 

and Wax Paper, Flower Boxes 

Violets Our Specialty 

58-60 Wabash Avenue, lscace: Til. 


Rooted Cuttings 

"E OFFER for immediate shinee strong, 

clean, healthy cuttings of the following f first- 
class, up-to-date varieties; well rooted, well: packed 9 
and guaranteed to be satisfactory in every respect. — 

Aristocrat, Per100 Per1000 Beacon, —- Per 100 
beautiful cerise. $6.00 $50.00 orange-scarlet.. $6.00 
Windsor, -- Red Chief, 
i 50.00 Xmas searlet .. =a 0500 
Victory, ¥ ~. 
50.00 SCALP Obie ou craic e 3.00 
Rose- Pink Andrew Carnegie. .12.00 1 
Enchantress .... 3. 25.00 Defiance, 
Enchantress, the one scarlet. .12.00 
light pink.... . 2. 15.00 : 
White Enchantress, 6.00 
Melody or Daybreak . ; : ’ ‘. 
25.00 While Perfection oe 3.00 
Tahe . 12.50 Lady Bountiful ... 3.00 25. 
White Lawson ‘ 25.00 Boston Market.... 2.00 | 

as e |. 
Rose Be 
Strong, Clean Well Rooted 
100 1000 
American Beauties, $4.00 $35.00 
i 20.00 
Chatenay . 4 20.00 
Killarney. : 50. 00 

Chivkhniheniene Cuttings | 
$1.50 per 100; $12.50 per 1000 

Pink White : Estelle 
Maud Dean T. Eaton Yellow — ee 
Glory Pacifie M. Wanamaker Col. Appleton 
Amorita Tvory Golden Wedding 
Pink Ivory _ Mrs. Robinson Golden’ Chadwick 
Marie Ligur May-flower - Monrovia . 

Vivian Morel W. H. Chadwick Pennsylvania — 

Also a Grand Bronze Pompon. Very Appropriate for Fane mi >. 
“~ " ~* 

Cut Flower Work and Pot Plants. Price, $3.00 Per Hundred my’ 

Pure Bone 200 1bs. 1000 bs. 2000 Ibs. 
Meal ‘ +183. 50 $14.00 $27. 50 

"Nitrate af 25 ies 1001bs. 2001bs. 
Soda sone SL. 25 $4.25 $8.25 - 


comment i is CEES 

9 _ odor, Write for prices on car lots. 

Rubber Hose 

We handle only one brand, The Acme 
“Plorist”’ Brand, the best in the world. 

oi Per hundred feet. a0. -$10200 
. American Beauty 
Tissue Paper 
M12siwnGehinicle HRae Oe mIsemat a) 
Per bundle of ten reams... 5.50 

: White Wax Paper 

J2Grenehhes) Wee dene eppeeses lea) 
Five reams............++. 6.75 

Green Boxes 
Best Grade 
Ready for immediate shipment. 

-3x18x5 inches, per 100... .$2.50 
Bx21x5 inches, per 100... Een ate) 
-314x21x7 inches, per 100.. 3.90 
3146x30x5 inches, per 100.. 4.20 

5x28x8 inches, per 100.... 5.75 
-5x35x8 inches, per 100.... 7.50 

_ Bone 


Guaranteed Analysis 
Florists’ Fertilizers 

\ROM NOW to replanting time you will need some of these. 
Our prices can’t be beat if you insist on having the pure 

article. (There are lots of «‘cheap’’ offers to be had—but an 
ooo. fertilizer i isnot sas valueless, but harmful, as growers all know, 

Blood and 200lbs. 1000Ibs. 2000 Ibs. 
.-»- $4.00 $15.00 $28.50 

100 Ibs. 
SHAVINGS... 022ccceesee- 93-00 

1001bs. 500]bs. 10001bs. 2000 lbs. 

ep vertcen! Sheep Mantra veneecceseseSl.50 $6.25 $10.00 $18.00 

The above fertilizers are so well known to all growers of flowers that further 
Write for prices on larger quantities. 

100lbs. 5001bs. 1000lbs. 2000 lbs. 

nae Shr edded Cattle Mamure..............$1.20 $5.00 $7 00 $13.00 

This we believe to be the coming fertilizer. 
Tlinois. after using two cars for trial, ordered three hundred tons, and say: “It 
is fully three to four times as strong as rough manure, and being put up in bags, 
not a pound is wasted, which makes it cheaper in our opinion than rough manure 
_ which we got for freight and cost of loading.”’ 

' Not only should cut flower growers give this a trial, but florists who do 
bedding and other planting will find it a good seller to put on lawns. 

Bassett & Washburn, Hinsdale, 


Sphagnum Moss 

Wisconsin Hand-Picked 
POLAR LOmiaeiereic tcrrisets oret sate $1.25 
Five bales ........ a aie OLOO 

PBeti Dales ateimetatsre alem vine’ LO 00 

Write for prices on car lots 

Budding Knives 
Single blade, each........ $. 75 
Two blades, each......... 1.00 

The best and most practical florist 
knife in existence, 
Star Design Boxes 
6x36x14 inches, per 100. .$12 50 
8x24x24 inches, per 100.. 18.00 

Violet Boxes 
23(x6%x3% in., per 100..$2.00 
34x8x4 inches, per 100... 2.20 
5x9x6 inches, per 100..... 3.20 
5%x11x8 inches, per 100.. 4.40 

: Gladiolus in Mixtures 
Young, vigorous bulbs, sure to produce fine flowers. 
Per doz. Per 100. 
Light and White, extra fine grade.........- 
Light Colors, specially selected...........++- 
Red and Scarlet, mixed shades............- 
Red and Scarlet, extra fine 
Striped and Variegated, very choice.. 
Yellow Shades, (always scarce) .. 
Pink Shades 
Lemoine’s, mixed 
Grojff’s Hybrid Mixture 
Childsti, giant flowered........ Ch Amaihs vicia nie 
Superfine Mixed ....-.-e cere secsee wearer ints 
Good Mixed 



Named Gladioli 
First-class Bulbs of Good Size and True to Name 
Per doz. 
America, flesh-pink 
Augusta, white, very fine 
Brenchleyensis, vermillion scarlet ......... 
Ceres, pure white, spotted with rose 
Eugene Scribe, rose, variegated carmine. 
Isaac Buchanan, yellow, very fine 
John Bull, white tinged with yellow 
Madam Moneret, delicate rose 
May, white, striped crimson 
Napoleon III, scarlet, white lines in petals.. 
Nezinscott, scarlet, white throat 
Reine Blanche, white, carmine blotch 
Shakespeare, white, flaked rose 
““1900”’ crimson, with white spots 
Japan Lilies 
25 at 100 rate, 250 at 1000 rate 
Per doz. 
Auratum, gold banded, 8 to 9 inches....... he 80 
Auratum, 9 to 11 inches 
Auratum, 11 to 13 inches 
Album, white, 8 to 9 inches 
Album, 9 to 11 inches 
Album, 11 to 13 inches 
Rubrum, spotted, 8 to 9 inches 
Rubrum, 9 to 11 inches 
Rubrum, 11 to 13 inches. 
Dahlias Under Color and Mixed 

Our mixed Dahlias include many very choice varieties. 


es bs 

Double or Show, separate colors 
Double or Show, all colors mixed 
Cactus and Decorative, separate colors 
Cactus and Decorative, all colors mixed 
Pompon, separate colors 
Pompon, all colors mixed 
Single, mixed 

Caladum Esculenlum, all sizes at market rates. 


Dwarf Pearl, large bulbs 
Dwarf Pearl, second size bulbs 
Tall Double, prime stock 

We have in stock, Cold Storage Lilum Longiflorum and Lily of ae Pips. 
If interested, write for prices.