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Vicks Rochester. Astor 
The Official Hower of the City of Rochester 

Wholesale Prices for Florists and Market Gardeners 

To our Customers: 

This year we are better equipped than ever before to serve 
you. We value your patronage, and hope we may continue to 
receive your orders. 

For eighty-two years Vicks Extra Value Seeds have been 
widely used by the Florists and Market Gardeners of America. 
They know Vicks quality, and Vicks service. Experience has 
proved to them that Vicks Seeds ‘‘Grow the best crops the 
earth produces.” 

The majority of our customers order from us year after year. 
They rely upon us to give them the high quality of seeds they 
need to make a success of their business. 

Additional to the large number of orders we receive from 
these old customers, to whom we owe our sincere thanks for 
helping us build up our immense business, we welcome orders 
from those who have not previously dealt with us. 

Trustworthy Seeds 

Experienced Florists and Market Gardeners everywhere 
realize that the first essential to success is the use of the best 
seed obtainable. It surely is poor policy to take a chance on the 
quality of the seed from which you hope to make your profits. 
During all the years Vicks Extra Quality Seeds have been on 
the market, they have enjoyed an enviable reputation. 

Many New Varieties 

We have had an important part in the development and in- 
troduction of many of the best varieties of Flowers and 
Vegetables in use today. We also are in constant touch with 
other seed specialists, and after checking values and comparing 
qualities, we are able to offer the best stocks obtainable. 

We are offering this year the largest number of new worth- 
while varieties it has ever been our privilege to list in a single 
season. Additional to the information in this Wholesale Cata- 
log, you will find complete descriptions of these varieties in 
our 1932 Vicks Garden and Floral Guide. Be sure to get a copy 
of this valuable Book. 

Send Your Orders Early 

We have made preparations for handling the largest business 
in our history. Every detail of your orders will be given quick 
and careful attention. 

We earnestly solicit your patronage, confident you will be 
more than pleased with your purchases. 

Let us prove to you that our prices, our service, and our 
seeds, bulbs, and roots are right. 

No matter how small or large, your orders will receive our 
best attention. May we hear from you early! 


‘“*America’s Oldest Direct-by-Mail Seed Concern’’ 

JAMES VICKS SEEDS, IN C.,, 45 South Avenue, 

‘On Their Way In A Day” 

You can rely upon getting prompt service when you 
order from James Vicks. From our many years of expe- 
rience we know what it means to the customer to have 
quick shipment of all orders. 

Centrally located, with favorable Freight and Express 
conditions, we pride ourselves on handling orders 

“On Their Way In A Day” is no idle phrase with us. 
Every order for seeds we receive, unless there is some 
special reason requiring special handling, is shipped the 
same day it is received. 

Bulbs and Roots which may be planted indoors, or 
which can be safely kept until your proper outdoor 
planting time, will be sent without delay, but packed 
separately from seeds, because they require different 

Asparagus, Horse Radish, and Rhubarb Roots will be 
sent at your proper planting season. 

Nursery Stock and Perennial Plants are shipped 
direct from our Nursery in Ohio, when safe to be 
planted in your locality. 

Transportation Charges 

Unless otherwise expressly stated, we pay the postage on 
vegetable and flower seeds. On grass, clover and field seeds, 
onion sets, potatoes, vegetable roots, nursery stock, fer- 
tilizers, insecticides and supplies, the purchaser pays the trans- 
portation charges. Shipment may be made express or freight, 
your option. 

Credit and Terms 
To Florists and Market Gardeners 

Our terms are cash with order unless you have an account 
with us, or are satisfactorily rated by the commercial agencies. 
To regular customers and those of approved credit, our terms 
are 60 days net; 2% discount for cash in ten days from 
date of invoice; 3% discount when cash accompanies the 
order, for vegetable and flower seeds, and flower bulbs. No 
discount on grass, clover and field seeds, onion sets, potatoes, 
vegetable roots, nursery stock or supplies. 

New customers, unless satisfactorily rated with commercial 
agencies, should furnish us with at least three trade references. 
Orders from new customers amounting to less than $5.00 
should be accompanied with cash. 

If you want your order sent C. O. D., 25% of the amount 
should accompany the order. Due to their perishable nature, 
Bulbs, Roots and Nursery Stock cannot be sent C. O. D. 

We Follow Your Instructions 

To help us fill your orders quickly, please use our Order 
Blank. If shipment is not to be made by Parcel Post, state 
distinctly whether Express or Freight and give, on each 
order, the name of your express or freight office and on which 
railroad you wish goods shipped. Correct routing then is 

Damages or claims on account of any apparent error or 
shortage, or for any other reason, should be reported to us im- 
mediately. It is our earnest desire to make every sale a satis- 
factory purchase for you. 

High Quality—Low Prices 
Satisfactory Service 

We value your good-will highly. We realize that our success 
depends upon pleasing you. In our constant endeavor to fur- 
nish only the highest quality seeds, we also keep as our ideal, 
“Satisfactory Service.” 

It is our aim to give you such satisfactory seeds and service 
that you will recommend James Vicks Seeds to your friends. 
Our long and extensive experience as seed growers and dis- 
tributors, and the excellent reputation our seeds enjoy every- 
where are the best proofs of our ability to please you. 

It is just as safe and convenient to 
order of us as if our store 
were in your town 

High Germination and Purity Tests 

In order that we may supply our customers with only the 
highest quality seeds and maintain Vicks high standard, as 
soon as our seeds come in from our growing station, tests of 
every variety are made for vitality. 

Purity tests are made during the summer months in our trial 
grounds under the supervision of experienced men, which 
accounts for the fact that Vicks strains are unrivalled. 

Our Guarantee 

We guarantee, to the full amount of the purchase 
price, the safe delivery of everything you order from this 


We also guarantee satisfactory germination and 
purity of our seeds, plants, and bulbs purchased from 
this catalog to the full amount you paid us for same. 



“‘The Flower City”’ 


1203—Heart of France 
Our Most Popular Novelty 

Here is one of our varieties that is now catalogued by nearly 
every seedsman in America as well as abroad. Its popularity is 
ever increasing, making it a “‘record seller’? with both seedsmen 
and market growers. 

When we introduced this variety during the World War, the then 
French Ambassador, afterwards President of France, sent us a 
letter of appreciation that this beautiful flower had been named in 
honor of his country. 

It is the best pure red Aster ever introduced without any trace 
of a bluish or purple cast found so often in red varieties. Heart of 
France opens red as the purest ruby, deepens with age and re- 
tains its remarkable beauty to the very end. The petals appear 
strikingly changeable, showing now a glow and sheen quite unique, 
now a soft warm velvety texture. In any light, natural or artificial, 
Heart of France is startlingly beautiful and will command instant 

The flowers which are large and full to the very center are borne 
in masses on strong plants of branching type and very robust 
habit. Long and strong stems, having very few laterals, add 
greatly to the value of this variety. The plants begin to bloom 
quite early in the season and are at their height with the mid- 
season varieties. They retain their brilliancy and luster for a 
longer period than almost any other color. 

The marvelous satiny sheen and luster on some petals and the 
velvety softness of others are faithfully reproduced in this photo- 

1/16 oz. 20c; % oz. 35c; 14 oz. 60c; 1% oz. $1.00; 1 oz. $1.75 

1202—Black Prince Aster 

Black Prince is a California-developed Aster, belonging to the 
Beauty Class, of which it has all the desirable qualities. The plants 
are of broadly branching type, yielding an abundance of flower 
_stems which are strong, stiff and fairly long. The flowers are of 
medium size and of good quality. Black Prince is a blue black as 
compared with Vicks Black Knight which is a maroon black. For 
those who plan to have a wide selection of colors and classes, we 
recommend Black Prince. 

1/16 oz. 25c; 1% oz. 40c; 14 oz. 70c; 1% oz. $1.15; 1 oz. $2.00 

We have grown Asters longer, and 
have introduced more new varieties 
than any other seedsmen in 

Page Three 


For wide range of color, beauty of flowers, 
general usefulness and popularity, no other 
annual flower in cultivation compares with the 
highly developed American Asters, nine-tenths 
of which were introduced by us. 

‘Page Fous 

1240—Giant California Sunshine Asters 

With this variety we present to our friends and customers a wonder- 
ful improved strain of Anemone-Flowered Asters, the original type of 
which had been introduced as Sunshine Asters several years ago in 
Europe. The flowers of our strain are much larger than those of the 
original one, are true Anemone-Flowered, and of excellent form and 
substance. Another feature is the sturdier, upright growth of the 
plants and the extra long stems which make our Giant California 
Sunshine Asters foremost cut flowers. Plants 2 to 2% feet tall. 

We recommend this type highly to both florists and home gardeners, 
as we consider it one of the finest cut-flower Asters yet introduced. The 
illustration on this page does only partly justice to the beauty of the 

We offer Giant California Sunshine Asters in mixture only which 
contains many fine pastel shades including flesh, pink, lavender, 
violet and also white, which colors are in wonderful contrast to the 

creamy white tubular center florets. 
Vy oz. 85c; 14 oz. $1.50; 1 oz. $4.50 

1209—Vicks Silvery Pink 
1210—Vicks Silvery Rose 

These exquisitely beautiful flowers derive their distinction from the 
delicate silvery sheen which overlays the predominating color. Vicks 
Silvery Pink appears a warm, glowing pink, while, as the light reflects 
upon them, the tips of the petals have a silvery sheen which makes 
them appear almost white, the whole effect of which is indescribably 
beautiful. Vicks Silvery Rose—each petal is a combination of deep 
lilac rose, almost cerise, very delicately threaded with white. The 
threads are so tiny as to give the petals a silvery sheen, and not the 
impression of a striped variety. Even the slightest change in light will 
change the petals from a rich glowing rosy cerise to a silvery rose. 
The plants of both of these varieties are very vigorous. Stems are 
long and the flowers large. Very desirable for cutting. 

1209 Silvery Pink, in packets only, each 40c; two for 75c 

1210 Vicks Silvery Rose: 1/16 oz. 20c; 1% oz. 35c; 14 oz. 65c; 14 oz. $1.20; 
1 oz. $2.00 


1205—Vicks Peerless Blue 

This is the nearest approach to a blue yet developed in Asters. For 
many years Vicks Lavender has been called by many “‘Azure Blue,” a 
very fitting name, but we have with ‘Peerless Blue’ developed a 
deeper, darker shade, distinctly different from Vicks Lavender, but 
somewhat lighter than Purple. Peerless Blue is a splendid addition to 
our list of colors in the Late Branching class. Plants are very large and 
strong, and produce an abundance of flower stems of good length. 
The blooms are large and fully double. 

Packets only: each 20c; 2 for 35c 

1206—Vicks Peerless Pink 

This is unquestionably the finest pink variety in the late flowering, 
branching class. The plants are of very sturdy growth and free branch- 
ing habit, growing about 2 feet tall. The large flowers, which average 
4 inches in diameter, are ball-shaped and double to the very center. 
The arrangement of the petals is most artistic, forming a slight whirl 
in the center. The color is a rich warm pink of unusual purity and 

Vicks Peerless Pink Aster has been awarded countless prizes when- 
ever exhibited by professionals or private growers. 

VQ oz. 25c; 14 oz. 40c; 1 oz. $1.25 

1207—Vicks Peerless Yellow 

By far the most satisfactory yellow Aster yet produced. The flowers 
are large, remarkably full and ball-shaped, with centers deeply covered 
with curled and twisted florets. Every flower will come a beautiful, 
true, light yellow. The plants are of branching type and very vigorous. 
A single plant will frequently have from twenty to thirty good stems 
of sufficient length, with flowers of ample size for fancy cut-flower 
purposes. So numerous and large are the flowers, that the plants are 
completely covered like a golden dome. On account of crop shortage, 
the seed is very scarce, so that orders for this variety will be accepted 
only with orders for other varieties. 

Packets only: each 40c; 2 for 75c 

It’s not your investment in 
seeds that counts—it’s the 
returns from it. Vicks High- 
Grade Quality Seeds will give 
you best results. 

Vicks Peerless Pink 

Page Five 


For succession of bloom, include in your 
order early, mid-season and late varieties. 
Also try varieties you have not grown before. 
They are likely to be of value to you. 

Vicks Royal Aster 

Page Six 

Vicks Royal 
A Splendid Early Variety 
Superior to Queen of the Market 

Without.doubt one of the best, by many considered the very 
best, general purpose, early Aster ever introduced. The flower 
stems start from the plant close to the ground, are free from 
laterals and consequently give their full strength to the produc- 
tion of numerous large, handsomely proportioned flowers. It will 
come into bloom almost if not quite as early as Queen of the 
Market, but is immensely superior to that in size, quality and 
productiveness. Possessing all of the characteristics of Vicks Late 
Branching, but blooming much earlier, it will succeed because 
of its vigor and productiveness under conditions which would 
be fatal to most other early varieties. A sure money-maker. 

Royals are especially well adapted to growing under glass. 

1170 Deep Rose 1171 Lavender 1172 Purple 
1173 Rose Pink 1174 Shell Pink 1175 White 

Any variety above: 14 oz. 25c; 14 oz. 40c; 1 oz. $1.20 
1776 All Colors Mixed: 14 oz. 20c; 14 0z. 35c; 1 oz. $1.00 

Queen of the Market 

One of the few varieties offered by us which we did not 
introduce. Originally a European variety. Our stock is American- 
grown and superior to the original type. It is extra early, very 
vigorous and yields large, double, salable blooms in great abun- 
dance. By sowing inside, transplanting to pots and transferring 
to open ground when safe, flowers can be had in May or June, 
depending on latitude and climate. 

1135 Crimson 1136 Dark Blue 1137 Light Blue 1142 White 
1139 Flesh Pink 1140 Purple 1141 Scarlet 1138 Deep Rose 

Any variety above: 1% oz. 20c; 14 oz. 35c; 1 oz. $1.00 
1143 All Colors Mixed: 14 oz. 15c; 4/4 0z. 25c; 1 oz. 85c 

1204—Vicks Lavender Gem 

This is the largest extra early lavender in existence. When 
the flower first opens it is a delicate lavender, deepening with age. 
The flower is always full double, showing no tendency to produce 
single or semi-double blooms. The feathery effect of the Ostrich- 
Feather type, to which it belongs, is enhanced by the fact that it 
bears a large proportion of long, partly tubular, florets that are 
irregularly cut and slashed, so that the flower looks like a ragged 

Comes into bloom about the same time as Queen of the 
Market, but the flowers are usually larger and bring higher 

1/16 oz. 20c; 1% oz. 35c; 14 oz. 65c; V2 oz. $1.20; 1 oz. $2.00 


1208—Vicks Pink Enchantress 
One of the Best Varieties in Many Years 

Anyone who has grown our Pink Enchantress knows that all the 
good things we have said about this fine Aster have been fully 
warranted. Among its other good qualities it has proven a very 
desirable variety to grow under glass. 

The color is a soft delicate pink, like Pink Enchantress Carna- 
tion, and does not fade. The flower is unusually lasting, both as a 
cut flower and on the plant, and is always fully double; the petals 
are of medium length and very broad. Those toward the center 
incurve very regularly, while gradually toward the outer edge the 
petals stand out more and more until those on the outside recede 
from the center, thus increasing the diameter of the flower. The 
general effect of the loosely arranged, delicately colored flower is 
indescribably soft and pleasing. 

Vicks Pink Enchantress is upright in habit, as distinguished from 
the branching type. The plants are very vigorous, and the stems 
long, strong and graceful. A cut-flower Aster of great value. 

1/16 oz. 20c; 14 oz. 30c; 14 oz. 50c; 1 oz. $1.50 

Vicks Triumph Comet Aster 

A magnificent new class of mid-season Asters, with extra long 
stems and large fluffy, fully double flowers of the finest type. In 
season, Vicks Triumph Comet Asters are about the same as Vicks 
Royals. Splendid Mikado or Rochester flowers of the best type, on 
tall, upright plants. A great improvement over any Upright Comet 
heretofore offered, in size of plant, length of stem, and in size and 
perfection of flower. 

1186 Crimson 1187 Dark Blue’ 1188 Lavender 1189 Purple 
1190 Rose 1191 Shell Pink 1192 White 1193 All Colors Mixed 
Any of the above: 1/16 oz. 20c; 1% oz. 30c; 4 oz. 50c; 14 oz. 85c; 1 oz. $1.50 

Early Beauty Aster 

A recently developed early strain from the Late Beauty Aster 
which comes into bloom in September and October. Distinguished 
by their very large, densely double flowers on unusually long 
stem. About the same season as Vicks Late Branching. We offer 
seven colors. 

1037 Azure Blue or Dark Lavender 1038 Carmine Rose 
1039 Crimson 1040 Peach Blossom 1041 Purple 1042 Rose 
1043 Shell Pink 1044 White 1045 All Colors Mixed 

Any of the above: 14 oz. 30c; 14 oz. 50c; 1 oz. $1.50 

Start some of your seed early, indoors 
or in hot-beds, to have strong plants 
ready for planting outdoors after the 
weather has settled and the nights 
have become warm. 

Page Seven 


Our Aster seed is grown from the best stock 
seed which is improved from year to year. We 
do not keep with the crowd, we keep ahead, 
which accounts for the fact that the names 
“‘Vicks’’ and ‘‘Asters’’ are inseparable. 

Vicks Late Branching Aster 
The Peerless Queen of Asters 

The popularity of Vicks Branching Asters continues to grow. Today 
more seed of these Asters is sold than of all other American-grown 
strains. While many other varieties are needed in any well propor- 
tioned crop of Asters, few florists could afford to be without a large 
planting of this exceptionally fine strain. Vicks Branching Asters are 
catalogued by many reliable seedsmen, from whom it would be per- 
fectly safe for florists to order. There are imitators, however, against 
whose worthless substitutes we caution our customers and friends. 

Bear in mind that Vicks Branching has steadily improved so that 
it surpasses the type sold only a few years ago, and is still the very 
best late Aster, and remains unsurpassed in those qualities which are 
demanded of a high-class, quick-selling, commercial variety. 

Plants are extra large, of strong and vigorous growth, yielding a 
profusion of flowers from the middle of August until heavy frost. The 
flowers are of extraordinary size, and stand erect on long graceful 

1016 Azure Blue 1017 Crimson 1018 Dark Blue 

1019 Deep Rose 10620 Lavender 1021 Lavender Pink (Rose Pink) 
1022 Mary Semple Shell Pink 1023 Peach Blossom 

1024 Purple 1025 Snow White 

Any variety above: 1% oz. 20c; 14 0z. 35c; 1 oz. $1.00 
1026 All Colors Mixed: 14 oz. 15c; 1/4 oz. 25c; 1 oz. 85c 

Vicks Early Branching 

This excellent Aster is similar in character of plant and flower to the 
Late Branching, but blooms about a week or ten days earlier, enabling 
the grower to market his Asters in advance of the main crop of Late 
Branching, at a time when there is a scarcity of good Asters, with 
prices correspondingly high. 

The flower stems are comparatively devoid of side shoots, enabling 
the entire vitality of the plant to go into the development of the few 
long, graceful stems, crowned by immense double flowers. Practically 
every bloom is an exhibition flower. What is needed today is not more, 
but larger and better Asters. Very sparse seeding. 

1000 Crimson 1001 Dark Violet 1002 Lavender 
1003 Lavender Pink 1004 Purple 1005 Rose 
1006 Shell Pink 1007 White 1008 All Colors Mixed 

Any of the above: 1/16 oz. 20c; ¥% oz. 30c; 14 oz. 50c; 14 oz. 85c; 1 oz. $1.50 

Page Eight 


Named at Request of Rochester Chamber of Commerce 

This foremost type of Aster has originated in our Mikado Aster We have specialized in Asters longer, and introduced more varieties, and 
over which it is a remarkable improvement. Although similar in Oe ares, than Suyio tier seedomien in America, We pride DUIS 
c i O have the finest strains o sters that can be had anyw nere, and the ever 

appearance, the flowers are much larger, of heavy substance, and s y 

increasing demand for our seeds proves their outstanding quality. 
always double to the very center. The long narrow petals are at- 

tractively curled and twisted in the center, whereas the ray or 
outer petals are gracefully recurved, all in all making the flower 
resemble the large shaggy Chrysanthemum offered by florists. 

The plants are of vigorous growth and well branched, carrying 
their flowers on long, stiff stems. This, as well as the beauty of the 
flowers, makes Vicks Rochester Asters foremost cut flowers. 

The blooming season is about the same as that of the Branching 
Comet or Crego, but a little earlier than Vicks Late Branching. 

1152—Lavender Pink Rochester 
Official Flower of the City of Rochester 

4 Although of rather recent introduction, the popularity of this 
lovely Aster is steadily increasing. The beautiful clear lavender- 
pink color of its attractive, gigantic flowers makes it a favorite 
with both commercial Aster growers and home gardeners. The 
flower illustrated on this page was over 61% inches in diameter. 

1/16 oz. 20c; 14 0z. 35c; 14 oz. 65c; 1 oz. $2.00 

1150—Heart of Rochester 
Our Newest Rochester Aster 

Of the same rich ruby red color as Heart of France, the most 
popular red Aster ever grown. These two, Heart of France and 
Heart of Rochester, are the only true ruby red Asters found in any 
class either in America or Europe, and, therefore, are given the 
preference over all other red varieties found in Asters. This 
variety must be seen to be fully appreciated. 

Packets only: each, 40c; 2 for 75c 

The following varieties complete the color range found to date in 
Vicks Rochester Asters. Each and every one is a beauty in itself, 
and so will make it worth your while to grow some plants of all of 
them, as all are sure to find a ready market. As our strains are re- 
selected year after year and most carefully rogued, your planting 
of Vicks seeds will prove a money-making proposition. 

1151 Lavender 1153 Purple 1154 Rose 
1155 Shell Pink 1156 Silvery Rose 1157 White 

Any color above: 4 oz. 40c; 14 oz. 70c; 1 oz. $2.00 

1158 All Colors Mixed: 1 oz. 35c; 14 oz. 60c; 1 oz. $1.75 Vicks Rochester Aster 

Page Nine 


Sow liberally. Have plenty of plants 
coming on after your fields are first 
set. Then you will be prepared to re- 
plant at once in case of the destruc- 
tion of your field by storms ordroughts. 

Vicks Giant Branchine Coniet Asie? 

Giant Branching Comet or Crego Asters 
Our strain of this lovely variety produces only double flowers of 
the true ragged Comet type, and is the result of untiring efforts 
carried on by us for many years; and we are justly proud of it. The 
plants resemble the Branching Asters in size and habit and in season 
of bloom. Giant Branching Comet Asters are exceptionally fine for 
cutting and always will bring a good price. 
1060 Azure Blue 1061 Crimson 1062 Deep Rose 1063 Lavender 
1064 Purple 1065 Shell Pink 1066 White 
Any variety above: lg oz. 25c; 14 oz. 40c; 1 oz. $1.25 
1067 All Colors Mixed: Vg oz. 20c; 14 oz. 35c; 1 oz. $1.00 

Vicks Perfection Asters 
Splendid Mid-Season Uprights 

We consider this the finest upright mid-season Aster in cultivation. 
The flowers are exquisite in form, and the plants equal in height 
those of the late upright Asters. 

The petals of the opening flower fold gracefully toward the center 
like enormous peonies, while the outer surface of the petals shows a 
glow or sheen characteristic of some of our newest Asters like Heart 
of France. 

In mature flowers, the outer rows of petals are straight, but the 
center is completely covered by a mass of curved and twisted petals 
regularly arranged in a sort of curl or whorl. The broad petals are 
slightly folded lengthwise, making them appear rather narrow. 

The plants are extremely vigorous, with unusually broad, dark 
green leaves and stout stems. They carry from six to twelve large 
flowers on long stems free from side branches. 

1120 Crimson 1121 Lavender 1122 Purple 1123 Rose 
1124 Shell Pink 1125 White 1126 All Colors Mixed 
Any of the above: 1/16 oz. 20c; ¥g oz. 30c; 14 0z. 50c; V2 oz. 85c; 1 oz. $1.50 

1225—Vicks Novelty Aster Mixture 

We are offering this mixture to our friends in the belief that it is 
one of the most valuable mixtures which any florist can use. The seed 
of this mixture was saved from plants grown in our Aster experi- 
mental grounds, where the work of improving, selecting and produc- 
ing new varieties is carried on. You can imagine the wonderful 
assortment of types and colors which this mixture contains. 

1/16 oz. 20c; ¥g oz. 35c; 14 oz. 65c; V2 oz. $1.20; 1 oz. $2.00 


The “King Asters” represent quite a distinct and valuable class or 
type with their many outstanding qualities which make them favorites 
with many Aster lovers. Plants are of vigorous growth and sturdy 
habit, growing 1% to 2 feet tall. 

The fine, large, substantial flowers, which are very double, are pro- 
duced in great profusion on long, stiff stems, which accounts much for 
their popularity as cut flowers. The petals are long, narrow and 
folded lengthwise, being more or less quilled, which gives the large 
flowers a bold and striking appearance. In season they are rather 
early, coming into bloom shortly after the Royal Aster. 

King Asters are ideal for both market growers and home gardeners 
as they are equally desirable for bedding and cutting purposes. The 
flowers, when cut, have an unusual keeping quality, lasting longer 
than any other class. The purity of their gorgeous colors, combined 
with the exquisite form and texture of the graceful, charming flowers, 
gives King Asters an unusual distinction. 

1100 Crimson 1101 Lavender 1102 Lavender Pink 1103 Prince of Wales 
1104 Rose 1105 Shell Pink 1106 Violet 1107 White 

Any variety above: 4 oz. 25c; 14 oz. 40c; 1 oz. $1.25 
1108 All Colors Mixed: 14 oz. 20c; 14 oz. 35c; 1 oz. $1.00 

1201—Black Knight Aster 

The darkest Aster yet produced. There is a delicate sheen of deep 
red which prevents the flower from being a dead black, thus giving it a 
rich velvety beauty and enhancing its usefulness and value. It har- 
monizes beautifully with flowers of almost any color or combination of 
colors. While it wins instant admiration alone, either in bouquets or in 
garden planting, in combination with other colors it is not only strik- 
ingly attractive itself, but brings out and glorifies the beauty of the 
other flowers. Black Knight belongs to the Early Branching class. The 
plant is extremely vigorous, stems of good length for cutting, and has 
few lateral side buds. Flowers are of good size and well filled. 

1/16 oz. 20c; 4 oz. 35c; 4 oz. 65c; 2 oz. $1.20; 1 oz. $2.00 

The difference in cost between Vick 
Quality Seeds and the common kind 
may be only a trifle, but trifles frequently 
make all the difference between success 
and failure. 

Page Eleven 

Vicks Autumn Glory, the Best Late Pink Aster Ever Grown 

It is our constant endeavor to produce varieties 1200—Vicks Autumn Glory Aster 
suitable for all seasons, circumstances of locality 

and trade and every individual taste. That is the An Extraordinarily Beautiful, New, 
Anse for the rapidly growing demand for our Very Late Branching Aster 
Pure seashell pink. While similar in color to Semple’s Pink, with 
which all growers are familiar, it has a better and more substantial 
flower, a deeper and longer-keeping color, larger and stronger type of 
plant. Its most distinctive characteristic and chief claim for recogni- 
tion, however, is the fact that it is later in season than any of the other 
While it cannot take the place of Silvery Pink, or Peerless Pink 
Branching and others of like color, all of which are earlier, it supple- 
ments them by blooming after the other Late Asters are past their 
prime, and before the early Crysanthemums are ready, thus prolong- 
ing the Aster season two weeks, and coming at a time when good 
flowers are extremely scarce. Vicks Autumn Glory is a money-maker 
for the commercial grower, and a delight to the amateur. It comes uni- 
formly true to color and type. The flowers are very double and are 
borne on stems of unusual length. 

1/16 oz. 20c; 14 oz. 35c; 4 oz. 65c; 2 oz. $1.20; 1 oz. $2.00 

Improved California Giants 

California Giants possess all the good points an up-to-date Aster 
should have—large, double flowers, long stems, and excellent keeping 
qualities. They are a splendid mid-season to late flowering variety, the 
plants of which grow 21% to 3 feet high. The long, wiry branches meas- 
ure 18 to 24 inches in length, thus making them one of the most de- 
sirable cut flower varieties on the market. The beauty and size of the 
flowers, 5 inches and over being not unusual, are quite outstanding. 
The broad, long petals are loosely arranged, curled and twisted much 
in the same way as the Giant Chrysanthemums which we so often 
admire in florists’ window displays. Our strain has been perfected in 
every regard so that it can easily compare with those of other growers. 

The separate varieties which we offer below are true to type and 
color. Our mixture is properly blended so that each color will be in 
perfect harmony with the balance of the mixture. 

1080 Dark Purple 1081 Deep Rose 1082 Light Blue 
1083 Peach Blossom 1084 White 

Any variety above: 14 oz. 35c; 1/4 0z. 65c; 1 oz. $2.00 
Vicks Autumn Glory Aster 1085 All Colors Mixed: ¥ oz. 30c; 14 oz. 55c; 1 oz. $1.75 

New Flowers that are Sure to Please 


A splendid, new variety of the Half-Dwart class, 
with massive spikes of large flowers. The individual 
blooms are closely set on strong stems 15 inches long, 
making this a foremost cutting variety. The color is 
a rich deep crimson of velvety appearance, which is 
almost unequalled for beauty. 

1/16 oz. 50c; 1/4 oz. $1.50; oz. $4.50. 

Carnation, Enfant de Nice 

3618—Enfant de Nice, Mixed Colors 

Unquestionably one of the finest strains of Carna- 
tions that are grown from seed. The large flowers, 
which measure 21% to 3 inches across, are borne on 
strong, long, wiry stems, and are indescribably beau- 
tiful. An additional point of value is that, in spite of 
the large size of the flowers, the calyx does not split 
which has been a disadvantage with other large 
flowering varieties. A fine outdoor variety for florists 
and home gardeners. 

1/32 oz. 70c; 1/8 oz. $2.40; 1/4 oz. $4.50. 

1627—Tom Thumb, Dazzler 

A bedding plant of exceptional attractiveness. 
The plants, 12 inches tall, are literally covered with 
lovely, good size flowers with a maroon red center 
broadly bordered golden yellow. 

1/8 oz. 30c; 1/4 oz. 50c; oz. $1.50. 


This is an entirely new type of Annual Chrysan- 
themum, growing about 2 feet tall. The large golden 
yellow flowers, which are borne profusely on strong 
branching plants, are very attractive and excellent 
for cutting. Fine for forcing under glass. 

1/4 oz. 85c; oz. $2.50. 

3701—Allwoodii Alpinus 

Rock garden enthusiasts are sure to welcome this 
fine addition to the collection of Alpine plants. The 
perpetual flowering plants, which grow but 4 to 6 
inches high, have glossy green leaves and are covered 
during June and July with large, brilliant rose, fra- 
grant flowers. Prefers limy soil and some shade. 

100 seeds $1.25; 1000 seeds $10.00. 


3789—Carnation- Flowered 

Mixed Colors 

The flowers of this new Hollyhock variety, 5 
inches across, are double to the very center without 
any decided collar or outer petals, and consist 
chiefly of dark colors with lacings and markings of 
contrasting lighter colors. The plants grow 4 to 5 
feet tall and are of strong upright habit. An out- 
standing novelty. 

1/8 oz. 75c; 1/4 oz. $1.35; oz. $4.00. 

Larkspur, Miss California 


Giant Imperial 

A great advancement in Larkspur of upright or 
Delphinium growth, with rich green foliage. The 
flowers are large, fully double, and well placed along 
the spikes. Excellent for cutting. 

2203—Carmine King—Rich carmine rose. 

2209—Miss California—Rich deep pink on 
salmon ground. 

Either variety: 1/4 oz. 50c; oz. $1.50. 

Marigold, Guinea Gold 

2300—Guinea Gold 

Quite a departure from the old-fashioned Mari- 
gold. The plants are of pyramidal habit, growing 
from 2 to 2! feet high and are literally covered with 
semi-double flowers about 2!% inches in diameter, 
borne on long stems well above the dark green 
foliage. The color is a dazzling shade of orange 
flushed with gold. The broad petals are artistically 
and loosely arranged. This variety must be seen to 
be appreciated. 

1/8 oz. 50c; 1/4 oz. 90c; oz. $3.00. 

Nasturtium, Golden Gleam 


Double- Flowering 
2403—Golden Gleam 

The first double Nasturtium ever introduced. Of 
vigorous, rather bushy growth, bearing large golden 
yellow flowers in profusion well above the foliage, 
on erect stiff stems. A most attractive variety. The 
delicately fragrant flowers, when cut, will last for 
quite some time. 

1/2 oz. 70c; oz. $1.25; Ib. $15.00. 

Ornithogalum thyrsoides 


Attractive racemes of 30 to 40 white, star-like 
flowers, one inch across, arranged in triangular 
form. Ascending in florescence, the flfwer spikes last 
for a long time. The plants form bubs which must 
be taken up shortly before frost. 4 wonderful cut 
flower of unusually long lasting qudity. 

1/32 oz. 50c; 1/4 oz. $2.50; oz. $7.50. 

Scabiosa, Vicks New Giant Tybrids 

2738—Vicks New Giant Hybrids 

A marvelous improved strain whici is truly un- 
rivalled both as for size of flowers and iange of beau- 
tiful colors. Individual flowers measuje 2'% inches 

1/8 oz. 70c; 1/4 oz. $1.25; 02. $3.75. 

Page Thirteen 

Novelties of High Commercial Value 

Sweet Wivelsfield 

3975—Sweet Wivelsfield 

In gowth. this entirely new race of Hardy Pinks 
is very similar to Sweet William which constitutes 
one of tle parents used by the hybridizer. However, 
the flowes are far superior to the latter both as re- 
gards and range of colors. The-various self colors 
and color-:cmbinations are too manifold and beau- 
tiful to be adequately described. The flowers are 
borne in unbels, six inches or more in diameter. It 
remains in loom for many months and is equally 
desirable for>edding and cutting. 

1/8 0:.50c; 1/4 oz. 90c; oz. $2.75. 

Venidium Fastuosum 

2885—VYenidium Fastuosum 

A half-harcy annual from South Africa for both 
indoors and tutdoors. The glowing orange flowers 
with dark ceiter and bla purple zone, measure 
three inches ccross and are in wonderful contrast to 
the long, serated leaves. Start indoors or in a hot 
bed and traisplant outdoors when danger of frost 
is past. Excelent for cutting. 

1/16 a. 70c; 1/4 oz. $2.25; oz. $6.75. 

Four New 
Glorious Sweet Peas 

(Summer Flowering) 

3201—Ambition—A perfectly distinct new lav- 
ender with a darker shade on the base of standar 
and wings when young. The extremely large flowers 
are beautifully waved, substantial and well placed 
on long, stiff stems. The finest lavender yet intro- 

1/2 oz. $1.65; oz. $3.00; 4 oz. $9.00; Ib. $30.00. 

3254—Floradale—A new salmon-pink on cream 
ground, unusually rich and pleasing. The extraordi- 
nary size of the charmingly frilled flowers and the 
long wiry stems are two of the main features of this 
desirable novelty. Of strong and vigorous growth, 
producing an abundance of flower sprays, each bear- 
ing four blooms. 

1/2 oz. $1.65; oz. $3.00; 4 oz. $9.00; Ib. $30.00. 

3333—Mrs. Luther Burbank—Large substan- 
tial flowers of a pleasing cerise with the standard 
slightly suffused salmon-pink,- while the wings are 
lighter in color and show a white blotch at the keel. 
Carried in fours on strong, cane-like stems. Extra 

1/2 oz. $1.65; oz. $3.00; 4 oz. $9.00; Ib. $30.00. 

(Winter Flowering) 

3105—Betsy Ross—lIntensely ruffled flowers of 
charm and distinction. The color is clear rose on a 
cream ground. In the standard the rose color con- 
geals into a penciled design with a bright sulphur- 
vellow picoteed edge. The wings are a warm, soft 
rose, shaded with cameo-pink, diminishing in in- 
tensity toward the edges. Awarded the Silver Medal 
at the Philadelphia Flower Show; also received two 
Certificates of Merit and an Award of Merit at the 
Chicago Show. 

1/2 oz. $1.35; oz. $2.50; 4 oz. $7.50; Ib. $25.00. 



Every year we receive many complimentary 

letters from growers on the results from Vicks seeds. 
Give them a trial! 

Giant Verbenas 
2902—Lavender Glory 

The unusual color and distinct fragrance of its 
flowers make this new variety one of the finest in the 
class of Giant Flowering Verbenas. It is a true laven- 
der with a creamy white eye which accentuates the 
exquisite lavender tone. The large flower heads are 
composed of individual florets the size of which is 
quite outstanding, measuring 114 inch in diameter 
and over. 

1/16 oz. 60c; 1/4 oz. $1.70; oz. $5.50. 


This is a truly charming pendant to Lavender 
Glory, described above. The flower heads and in- 
dividual florets are equally as large and beautiful. 
The color is a true pure salmon-pink attractively 
set off by a white eye. An outstanding feature of 
this variety is that it can be depended upon to come 
true from seed. 

1/8 oz. 30c; 1/4 oz. 50c; oz. $1.50. 

Beautiful New Zinnias 


Another distinct and appealing shade of bright 
rose of unusual attractiveness. It is practically im- 
possible to give a description that will do full justice 
to this novelty. It may be briefly described as an 
artistic combination of various bright deep pink 
shades, all in one flower, with a suffusion of salmon, 
a few tones darker than Exquisite. A valuable addi- 
tion to the much desired Dahlia-Flowered class. 

1/8 oz. 50c; 1/4.0z. 85c; Loz. $2.50. 

Zinnia pumila 
3084—Picotee Delight, Salmon-Rose 

The flowers are of small size with charmingly 
curled petals and Picotee markings, carried on 
slender, erect stems. Of deep rich salmon-rose color. 
A novel cut flower of great value and beauty. 

1/8 oz. 60c; 1/4 oz. $1.00; oz. $3.00. 

Zinnia, Early Wonder, Rose-Pink 

Early Wonder 

The first of a new race of dwarf, early-flowering 
Zinnias producing a wealth of Pumila-type flowers 
on medium size stems which start from the ground 
and have no laterals. 12 to 15 inches high. Early 
Wonder Zinnias come into bloom very much ahead 
of all other kinds now on the market and are truly 
unsurpassed for cutting. If cut early in the morning 
and placed in water at once they will remain in per- 
fect condition for a week or longer. Whether used 
alone or in combination with other cut flowers they 
will command instant admiration. 

3080—Fiery Salmon-Cerise—A color highly 
prized for cutting. 

3081—Rose-Pink—An exquisite shade of deep 
rich rose-pink which is very appealing. 

Either Variety: 1/8 oz. 60c; 1/4 oz. $1.00; 
oz. $3.00. 

Page Foureen 

1338 Ruby. ix: ........(zs 0z. 20c) $ .65 $2.00 
ABRONIA (Sand Verbena) A, (Oyz,. - O% : 1339 Salmon-Rose..... Dea Ge OZ GOOG) mae S Onn 7 50 
1275 Umbellata grandiflora................ $ .20 $ .50 ig PS 1340 Snowflake, pure w hite......( ts 0z. 20c -65 2.00 
ABUTILON Wilowering Maple) Paid Fin’ 1341 Sunnybrook, orange-salmon . (q's 0z. 20c) 65 2.00 
1277 Hybridum mixed. . ... (ge 0z. 80c) 2.85 10.00 Xi, Q m9 1342 The oer rose-pink and z ay 
ACHILLEA oo ‘ene Be oe yellow....... Abas . (Fe 0z. 20c 5605) 200 
3500 Ptarmica fl. pl. The Pearl (Per.) ('¢ 0z. 35c) 1.00 3.00 oe os \ a 1343 Wallflower, coppery crimson. ( A oz. 20c) HO See 00. 
ACROCLINIUM (Everlasting) 1344 Giant mixed. Glcp ein ony O'S ( is oz. 20c) .50 1.50 
1280 Mixed colors............... Save eee 5 US) 40 AQUILEGIA (Columbine) 
1282 ADLUMIA Cirrhosa....... (1% 0z. 35c 65 2.00 ey . oer uss a, a7 pine ang ey hite. ( As OZ. fee ae i is 
AGERATUM 2 ong-Spurred, blue shades. . . (7 02. 45c) 1. 4( 5758) 
‘ 5 3532 sink shades . .(75 0z. 40c) 1.20 3.50 
wmssmbBluerBalls news ....... 04. - (1% oz. 20c) 235 1.00 fl I i6 U LU U 
Uiebis ; ; : : 3533 Hybrids... ..(#g 0z. 25c) HIS. aD) 
1289 Blue Perfection, dwarf... ... (14 02. 15c 2/5) 75 Se ihe FEM eO. ie 6 Vs 
1290 Imper ial Dwarf, Blue. o 1 % OZ. 15c) 20 50 3534 Mrs. Scott Elliott’s Hybr ids. ( 6 oz. 40c 135 4.00 
1291 PS NANIER aloe c (lA oz. 15c 20 50 ARABIS (Wall Cress, Rock Cress) 
1292 Little Blue Star............ (1% oz. 35¢ 65 2.00 3540 Alpina, white (Perennial).............. .20 50 
aren ine ¢ 1426 Reece 75c) 1.35 | 4.00 
1297 Coeli-rosa (Rose of Heaven)........... 10 o25) LevisCa Dare trepae eee (1% oz. 75c) oI) A 
3505 Coronaria mixed (Perennial)........... 10 25 14254Grandisasn-ee cee SEE ae wah 20 50 
AGROSTIS ARMERIA (Sea P alle Thrift) 
1390 Nebulosa (Cloud Grass)..... (14 0z. 25c) FA OT enti '5 3543 Formosa (Perennial)........ (4% oz. 25c) .40 1.20 
1402 Benthami (Sweet Alyssum).. (1% oz. 15c) 20 Especially selected 100 500 
1401 ” compactum “Little Gem” for florists Seeds Seeds Lb. 
(14 Ib. $1.35) 15 40 1440 Plumosus nanus..$ .20 $ .60 $8.00 8 
1400” » “Vilac Queen”’.. (14 Ib. $1.50) 15 45 1441 Sprengeri........ .20 RODEO) 7 
3510 Saxatile compactum ‘‘Gold Dust,” (Per.) 25 sth) ASPERULA 
AMARANTHUS 1445 Azurea setosa, lavender..... (14 oz. 20c) 30 
1410 Combustion............... (% 02. 50c) .85— 2.50 BABY’S BREATH—See Gypsophila 
Pat ielicicolomsplendenSie.....--. oe ee 20 50 BACHELOR’S BUTTON—See Centaurea 
ee eo ok a eA Antirrhinum 1510 BALLOON VINE (Cardiospernum) ... . .20 
eles ONO (BOSQUE A Seer W202 54206) Bets Half-Dwarf BALSAM Improved Camellia-flowered 
ANCHUSA 6 ; 1501 Rureswhiteneen- ce : 20 60 
MAT OM G@AIDENSIS pcr eere. ok Sha uriassne en Ae oes ole BAIS) A : 1 502eS hiningyscarleta err acer er tence 20 60 
PAS meee blue’ Birds. 342 is edene on igh oe e295) 75 ANTIRRHINUM— Continued Oz. Oz. 1500 Pure pink.......... Race ee Bonner 20 60 
3518 Italica, Dropmore (Perennial).......... 20 .60 | 1311 Madonna, Impr., white..... (qe 02z. 50c) $1.50 $4.50 | 1503 Mixed colors.......... O41 Ib. Ple2 5) elo 45 
3519 ” Lissadell (Perennial)...(1% 0z. 20c) =.35 1.00 | 1312 Nelrose, silver-pink........ (8 OZ 396) O00) tes BALSAM APPLE—Sce Alsatminal 
ANEMONE 1313 Orlando, rich bronze........(q’ 0z. 55c) 1.65 5.00 Gee Beceem ec: 
3524 Coronaria De Caen (Perennial) 1314 Penn Orange, rich orange... (i oz. 60c) 00 =3.00 BALSAM PEAR See Momordica charantia = 
(% oz. 15c) 25 -75 | 1315 Primrose Monarch, fine... .. (gs 0z. 55c) 1.65 5.00 | 3550 BAPTISIA australis........(% oz. 30c) .S0_—- 1.50 
3523 ” St. Brigid (Perennial). .(1¢ 0z. 35c) .65 = 2.00 1316 Silver Pink, extra fine (4% 0z.35c) 60 «1.75 1/128 1/64 1/32 
3527 ANTHEMIS Kelwavi...... (1% 02. 20c) ree 00 ee abi Rec: mammoth w hite. Gie0z:95c)) 165) 25500 ise SON Bedding Meuctics) nes ee ee 
S arge-flowering, semi-ta ordhook Pink (gracilis)....... $1.50 $2.75 $5.25 
EER INUM (Snapdragon) TTMUK Cle, Oe rane opera ay (% oz. 15c) D5 .70 | 1516 Luminosa (gracilis)........ ee .70 1.20 2.00 
Giant-Flowered Semi-Dwarf 1360 Majestic Orange King. ..... (Je oz. 50c) 1.50 4.50 | 1517 Prima Donna (gracilis)......... 90 1.65 3.00 
1300 Brilliant Rose............. (14 oz. 20c) 35 1.00 | 1361 ” Red Chief, deep scarlet.(4'§ oz. 45c) 1.40 4.25 | 1518 Vernon (semperflorens). .. u( 1g oz. $1.00) 20 B35 
1301 Ceylon Court, canary-yellow.(75 0z. 55c) 1.65 5,00 | 1362 ” Sunset, salmon-red....(4'§ 0z.50c) 1.50 4.50 | 1519 Vulcan (semperflorens).... (1% 0z. $1.00) 20 35 
1302 Cheviot Maid, best pink... (q’§ 0z. $1.50) 5.00 1363” Twilight, apricot......(q oz. 55c) 1.65 5.00 | 1526 Special mixture........ ay oz. $1.00) . 20 35 
1303 Climax, orange, yellow lip... (1% oz. 25c) AO OS UIE oH Sanibel eon oaoduccbacos (Js 0z.45c) 1.40 4.25 BELLIS fl. pl. (English Daisy) Oz. Oz. 
1304 Eclipse, deep rich crimson... .(#50z.50c) 1.50 4.50 | 1319 Dwarf mixed.............. (44 oz. 20c) .35 1.00 | 3553 Monstrosa dark rose........ (1% 0z. 35c) $.65 $2.00 
1305 Geneva Pink, finest strain... (is oz. 55c) 1.65 5.00 | 1320 Dwarf Rock Hybrids....... ae OZ 506) ale 5 Oar OG a5 54 ys Meena ic ue nt ines ey 1s oz. 35c) h650 22.00 
1306 Golden Pink Queen, Eola $1.25) 4.00 ANTIRRHINUM MAXIMUM 3555 ” fine double mixed. .... (1% oz. 30c) 55 1.75 
1307 Helen, bright salmon..... (ae oz, $1.28) 4.00 New Giant-Flowered Tall BLUE LACE FLOWER See Didiscus 
1308 Jennie Schneider, pink...... (Js oz. 55c) 1.65 5.00 | 1335 Apple Blossom............. (#5; 0z. 20c) .65 2.00 BRACHYCOME (Swan River Daisy) i Me 
1309 Keystone, rose-pink........ (6 0z. 55c) 1.65 5.00 | 1336 Canary Bird, yellow........ (qe 0z. 20c) N65) 2400) 1535! dberidifolia mixed ey) ciy ia acy. : 25 ie) 
P . 
1310 Laura, deep rose.......... (ge oz. $1.25) 4.00 11337m Onchichyan ates teers: (q's 0z. 20c) .65 2.00 | 1550 BRIZA maxima (Quaking Grass)....... aS 40 

Bae Fifteen 

CANDYTUFT (Iberis)—Continued : O¥Z, CENTAUREA—Continued 
Umbellata carmine...... 5 : Imperialis amaranth red 
Ua dank? CrimSOnte se ae ; a8 dark purple . 
flesh-pink ; e Ke 
lilac : 2 
Rose-Cardinal . 
white. . Pea aa 
mixed . ..(% oz. 15c) 5} 
Gibraltarica hybrida (Per.). . (1% oz. 20c) ASS : Suaveolens (Yellow Sweet Sultan) 
Sempervirens, white (Per.) . .(1¢ oz. 30c) 65 : Candidissima (Dusty Miller) (14 0z. 25c) 
CANNA (Indian Shot) Gymnocarpa, fine-cut silvery foliage... .. 
Large-flowering mixed 4 oz. 20c) #35) || Montana, blue (Perennial) 
CARDIOSPERMUM—See Balloon Vine CERASTIUM tomentosum.. (1% 0z. 25c) 
cardinalis) .. . -(K% oz. 20c) : CHELONE barbata Torreyi(!¢ oz. 15c) 
CARNATION (Dianthus cary ophy llus fl. 5 CHINESE LANTERN. 
Chabaud crimson-maroon. g oz. 50c) CHINESE WOOLFLOWER —See Celosia 
deep yellow..........(4% oz. 50c) CHRYSANTHEMUM 
Calendula ” flesh-pink. ... 5 hs s oz. 50c) 5 Nivellii 
Orange King 5 Saad -....(% 02. 50c) 
‘ | scarlett = ee ee e10zZ0 06) 
whites = ony. g oz. 50c) 
i ; ' : ” mixed . : g oz. 35c) : (Perennial) . (#5 oz. 35c) (14 oz. 95c) 1. 
_ CALCEOLARIA hybrida 4 Oz. Ze Enfant de Nice, mixed CINERARIA 
Grandiflora, finest mixed A 2 (gz oz. 70c) (1% oz. $2.40) é Hybrida grandiflora, large-flowered, tall 
(1/128 oz. $1.25) (gz oz. $3.50) | Early Dwarf Vienna mixed. .(1% oz. 30c) 48 350)|| ‘mixed... . (1/128 oz. 65c) (gz 0z. $2.00) 
CALENDULA officinalis fl. pl. Marguerite pink..... g oz. 30c ; 5 Hybrida grandiflora nana, large-flowered 
Golden Ball, deep golden yellow S$. 50 . 50 Zenscarletap acer g oz. 30c oS) 5S} dwarf mixed 
Lemon Queen. .(% oz. 15c) 725 ay PIStnIped i vice nee etal CLOZS OG 58) .50 | (1/128 oz. 65c) (#5 oz. $2.00) 
Orange King (special select). (1 4 oz. 30c) : ” white Bos soca UA OA sic a a5 CLARKIA, finest double mixed 
Radio, bright orange, quilled petals..... 30 6 2 yellow... CK oz. 30c 50 : CLEOME pungens, rose 
5 Sensation (Campfire) eee? as : | ” mixed. (4% oz. 25c) 4 ws COBAEA scandens, blue 
Orange Ball, bright orange. ‘Excellent . oS) . 50 Hardy Border, double mixed (1 0z. 35c) ; COCKSCOMB—See Celosia 
Double mixed... . (1 Ib. $1.50) Silk CASTOR OIL BEANS—See Ricinus COIX LACHRYMA—See Job’s Tears 


5 Drummondii (Golden Wave) Ea : .30 | Gay Cavalier . 3 ¢ oz. 30c) 
Tinctoria (bicolor) i) ens : Pyramidalis magnifica 
Tall mixed . : ine i aX Carmine 

Tom Thumb, Dazzle g oz. 30 3 : | Crimson-scarlet 
Dwarf mixed. nea Ney = il(0 30 | Golden-Yellow. . 

CAMP ANULA Crenge-red a 

Mixed . 
Medium single dark blue Pride of Castle Gould 
single light blue . 

ae Plumosa Childsii (Chinese Woolflower) 

1 Ss Crimson . an C102 425e) 
white -. Pinkaeeeeeoe Sores 2 5C) 
mixed . y 

double mixed. Yellow. bee ore ittay canbe NAGS) 

Mixed . : 
caly cpt ark blue( 1s if Cristata nana (Cockscomb) 

Empress, crimson-dark foliage 
rose . (14 oz. 30c 
wate Dwartumixedensea sme. ne a atOZ 25 
Carpatica, blue. .. CENT AURES 
ca Dae € Americana, lilac, Giant-flowered. . 
Pyramidalis, blue . 

: \; : Cyanus fl. pl. double blue. . (14 Ib. $1.10) 
5 CANARY BIRD FLOW ER * fl. pl. double maroon. (14 Ib. $1.10) 

(Tropaeolum peregrinum). (1% oz. 20c 5 » 9» ” mauve... (14 Ib. $1.10) 
CANDYTUFT (lIberis) Deon 2 red... =. .G4 Ib. $1510) 
Giant Empress... . betes eae, Seren : So 5 Dealt. ZO NTOSC nas (14 Ib. $1.10) 
Giant Hyacinth- Flowered . it ae , 5 Brats aie ” white....(14 lb. $1.10) ; , 
Little Prince ee ies *50))| ane ye AIMIXed wens C4ulbers5c) ; .30 | Cineraria Large- Flowered Tall Mixed 


Coronarium, double mixed 
Early single flowering mixed 

0160100100100 00> 
Rho bh bh bo bt bo 




Page Sixteen 

Vicks Sunset 
Fine mixed (gz 0z. 40c) 
COLUMBINE—See Aquilegia 
CONVOLVULUS—See Morning Glory 
COREOPSIS (Perennial) 

Grandiflora. . 

Grandiflora fl. pl. (double). 
Early Flowering crimson 


Ww hite. 

mixed . (Ib. $3. 00) 

double crested pink. 
white..... : 

(gz 0z. 50c) 

Giant Crimson 
Lady Lenox Pink 
Winters Waciyalbenoxe sca seiys scien sels 
Finest Giants mixed (Ib. $2.25) 
Double Crested Crimson King A TRIER 
Pink Beauty 
White Queen 
TMXeC ages. 

CYCLAMEN giganteum 

By Gintama e Clnensch ees aya, come trenches Ais eas 2 
Bright rose 

Giant pure white 

Glory of Wandsbek 

Improved Rose of Marienthal.......... 
Pearl of Zehlendorf, deep pink 

Persicum giganteum, mixed. 
Amabile, ultramarine-blue. . 
Pink. . (% oz. 35c) 
CYPRESS VINE (Ipomoea Quamoclit) 

Cactus-flowered, mixed..... 
Paowcred d double...... 
Pompon mixed. 

Single mixed. 

DAISY—Shasta, ‘Alaska... 
DATURA (Angel’s Trumpet) mixed.... 

Belladonna, light blue...... 
Bellamosum, dark blue... .. 
Gold Medal "Hybrids . Sine 
Wrexham or Hollyhock Strai 


Formosum, dark blue. 
Cc hinense pumilum, w hite.. 
Azure Fairy.. 



” ” 


.(% oz. 15c) § 

Vy Oz. 


Ree Awe eee 







W oo CO 


$9.00 | 2 

DELPHINIUM— Continued 

Vicks Prize Exhibition Mixture 

(ge 0z. 40c) $1.35 

Chinensis fl. pl. double mixed 
Heddewigii single mixed. 
fl. pl. double mixed. 
” Mourning Cloak 
Fireball . 36 
laciniatus mirabilis single mixed. 
fl. pl. double Snowball 
Salmon Queen 
Chavos: rose .. 
Single and double mixed 



(Hardy Perennial Pinks) 

Deltoides . . 
Plumarius, single mixed. . 
double mixed 


DIDISCUS coeruleus.......(1 
DIGITALIS (Foxglove) 
Gloxiniaeflora, white........(4 0z. 15c) 

enOSCe ee .(% oz. 15c) 

purple (16 oz. 15c) 

Lutea, yellow (14 oz. 15c) 
Fine mixed (% oz. 15c) 
The Shirley. _ (14 0z. 20c) 
DIMORPHOTHECA ( African Daisy) 

” Hybrida geal sNiu ie Sia 
Pluvialis ringens........... (16 02, 45c) 
DRACAENA indivisa........ (Ib. $4.00) 
ERIANTHUS ravennae (Hardy Pam- 

pas Grass) 

ERYSIMUM Perofskianum.......... 

s oz. 20c) 

A Oz. 


$4.00 | 
-40 | 


.00 | 





Seeds | 
$8.00 | 


1.00 | 


Autumn Glory (double) 
Double Gold Cup 
Enchantress (double) 
Gold Cup. . 

Golden West 

Orange Flame 

Orange King 

Scarlet Beauty 

Sunset Mixture 

Heterophylla (Fire-on-the-Mountain) 
Marginata (Snow-on-the-Mountain) 
FEVERFEW Golden Ball... (1% 0z. 30c) 
FORGET-ME-NOT—See Myosotis 
FOUR O’CLOCK—See Mirabilis 
FOXGLOVE—See Digitalis 
FUCHSIA, single and double mixed 

(50 seeds 50c) (100 seeds 90c) 
Picta, single mixed . ; 
Picta Lorenziana, double mixed. 
Grandiflora (Perennial) ene 
Portola tybrids (Perennial) (1% oz. < 
Bremen (Perennial) (qe 0z.. 55e) 
GERANIUM (Pelargonium) 
Zonale, fancy mixed 

Giant-flowered mixed 

HOLTZIA (California Poppy) 

(1/128 oz. 75c) 
(1/64 oz. $1.25) 
GODETIA grandiflora, mixed. 
GOMPHRENA globosa mixed. 
GOURDS—Fine mixed. (% oz. 15c) 

Cloud Grass—See Agrostis 
Fountain Grass—See Pennisetum 
Hardy Pampas Grass—See Erianthus 
Plume Grass—See Trycholaena 
Quaking Grass—See Briza 
GREVILLEA robusta......(1% oz. 15c) 
GYPSOPHILA (Baby’s Breath) 
E legans eaeiios white....(14 Ib. 50c) 
carmine Oy Ib. 60c) 

Paniculata, white (Perennial) 

” fl. pl. double white. .. . (q§ 0z. 45c) 

HELIANTHUS—See Sunflower 

HELICHRYSUM (Strawflower) 

Fire Ball, red... ... (14 Ib. $1. 
Golden Ball, yellow.......(% Ib. $1. 
Rose Queen, carmine-rose .(14 lb. $1. 
Salmon Queen........... (4 lb. $1. 
Silver Ball, white 4 \b. $1. 
Silvenyabink wae. eee . $l. 
Violet Queen... .........(4 lb. $1. 
Mixed ; yee piles 

aww SS 
BDUnnnnn wn 


Vy Oz. 


. 20 
. 20 












Lemoine’s Giant Hybrids. . .(1 0z. 25c) $ .45 
HESPERIS matronalis mixed.......... als) 

HEUCHERA sanguinea hybrids 
Ge i0z. 55c) 1265 
HIBISCUS (Giant Mallow Marvels)... 20 
Double crimson..... ..(% oz. 25c) 40 
lightspinks ss ..(% oz. 25c) 40 
* maroon ; .... 0% oz. 25c) 40 
* Newport Pink ..C% oz. 25c) 40 
” rose : ; ~:.. (YQ oz. 25C) 40 
* salmon- pink ache Gra wel Ora: are)’ Preee40) 
” scarlet. Bice ..(% oz. 25c) 40 
a whiteeeernt weet .. CK oz. 2Sc) 40 
ello Wee eri ee os oz. 25c) 40 
De inixedesee ee iene (4% oz. 20c) 535 
E xquisite mixed ...... (1% oz. 45c) SUS) 
Allegheny mixed........... (& oz. 15c) 25 
Single mixed. an .C% oz. 15c) 20 
Carnation-flowered mixed . . N@Bt0zs foe) 135 
8 Double Begonia-flowered.... (1g 0z. 45c) AS 
Annual mixed aes ain eeu eee 20 
HONESTY—See Lunaria 
HUMULUS—See Japanese variegated Hop 
HUNNEMANNIA fumariaefolia....... 20 

IBERIS—See Candytuft 

ICE PLANT (Mesembryanthemum 
Crystallinum) Seek eee ease aes: al) 

IMPATIENS Holstii hybrida 

Large flowering mixed...... (gz 0z. 50c) 3.00 

IPOMOEA—See Morning Glory, Moonflower 
IRIS Kaempferi (Japanese Iris)........ a5) 

JOB’S TEARS (Coix lachryma) 

(14 Ib. 40c) 
KOCHIA Giant Christmas (Childsii) . . . .10 
KUDZU VINE, Japanese (Pueraria 

(ehun'bergianad eeseaee wrest twenties exe eal) 
LANTANA hybrida finest mixed....... . 20 

Tall Branching Double Stock Flowered 
Carminenesesr .(1 Ib. $4.50) oS) 
aghiran Cem eiysariaceere: “1b. $7.50) 29. 
EosrAngelessen si sonnei lel eS 9500) 30 
Orchid eae i ... (1 Ib, $4.50) Ball 
Sky Blue...... RE ae eR (1 lb. $4.50) a5 
Mixed... ps2 (1 Ib. $4.00) m5, 

Giant Imperial ( (U right form) 

Carmine King....... Me eyo nected: 50 

Dark Blue Spire Bare en Ea ae ED 325 
Exquisite Pink Improv ed... #25) 
Exquisite Rose. . een Rea ats nZ5 
Ila CiSpIne eat oa ee ECs 50 
MissiGalifomniajaasceiean. Eee : 50 
White Spire...... MET ee AY PAIR ee oa veo) 
Giant Imperial Time cannes gee arene 225) 


NDR RP eRe eee ee 

ANnNOuUnnainnonnima wn 






LARKSPUR— Continued 14 Oz. 
Early Giant Hyacinth-flowered 
PY Mbeya cceeg ble nddobane oe (1 Ib. $6.50) $ .20 
Dwarf Branching Double Stock Flowered 
2226 Brilliant carmine.......... (1 Ib. $7.50) 5oS 
2227 Cameo pink acowwy aes (1 lb. $8.50) .30 
2228) Pink) Delight... 0226-3 (1 Ib. $7.50) .25 

LATHYRUS latifolius (Perennial Peas) 

S825 Eink Beautyate sei eerie ee 5) 
3826 Red or pale SPN Meno oe ie 
3827 Giant White Pearl.................... 56 
S828 e Mixed secs ee tear ee see ee a2 
2250 LAVATERA trimestris Loveliness..... . oll 
3835 LAVENDER (Lavendula), true........ 2 
3840 LILIUM regale (Regal Lily)..(1% oz. 35c) 50) 

2255 Grandiflorum rubrum, scarlet flax... ... at 
3845 Perenne, blue (Perennial). . py ne 20 

LOVE-IN-A-MIST—See Nigella 

2266 Erinus (gracilis), blue.......(1% oz. 15c) 725 
2267 Erinus varieties, finest mixed (1¢ oz. 15c) 25 
2265 Crystal Palace compacta, dark blue for 

edging and carpet bedding .(4@ oz. 35c) ~—.6 

2270 Pendula Hamburgia........ (16 oz. 30c) &§ 
22 Tee ae Sap p hike wear yee (% oz. 35c) 6 
3848 Cardinalis (Perennial) ......(g5 0z.40c) 2.0 
2275 LUNARIA biennis (Honesty) IO Cree ONC 5D 

i=) SCUnNOnon 


on as 


Subcarnosus (Texas Blue Bonnet) 
(14 oz. 20c) 

Annual varieties mixed... .. (1% oz. 15c) 

Perennial Varieties 

Polyphyllusiblucmer seen eee $ .10 
Ui OSE eos eon ol ete Oe ae 25 
2 WIE cake e ee ne 10 
SEMEL CLb ¢2XG (Ae er ar dies, YG tea 10 
” Moerheimi, rose and white... .... 30 

LYCHNIS (Perennial) 

Chalcedonica, bright scarlet . Se: B'S) 

Haageana hy brida, mixed... (1% oz. - 30c) 50 

LYTHRUM roseum SSR (Pem)Aee .20 

MARIGOLD (Tagetes) 
Tall African 

Guinea Gold. New.......... (4% oz. 50c) ~=—. 90 
Remon? Ballfac tne ee ee 225) 
@rangeRB allies ese ae B25) 
African double mixed................. .20 
Dwarf African, Pride of the Garden... . .20 
Dwarf French 
Double; Oranges Balle sera 20 
2GoldgStripedhia-as sneer 20 
Robert? Beistascch soe eee eee .20 
Doublevmixedtseeeeres eee eee 15 
Legion of Honor (single).............. 15 
Single Tall Josephine................. 20 
Signata pumila—excellent for edging... . 25) 

MARVEL OF PERU—See Mirabilis 
MATRICARIA—See Feverfew 
MAURANDYA (Fine Ornamental Climber) 

Kinestamixedesyera nee Gs oz. 25c)) 75 
Giant Machet (Bismarck)............. .20 
Goldent{Queenkea-- eee eee 15 
Goliath ananen eee ee Lee e25 
New York Market (best for forcing). ... .40 
Reds Mlonsten eee eee 525 
WihitesPearlkess one nee eee 538) 
Wickssiinestumixedearetan mercer 5S} 
MIMOSA pudica (Sensitive Plant)... .. .20 
MIMULUS (Musk Plant) 
Moschatusreas eos eee (gs 0z. 40c) 1.20 
Hybridus tigrinus grandiflorus, prize 
Strainer eos ikea es (14 oz. 30c) .50 
MIRABILIS (Marvel of Peru or Four O’ Clock) 
Mallemixedearc saeeeeroice (1 Ib. $1.00) 
MOMORDICA (Ornamental Climber) 
Balsamina, (Balsam Apple)............ al’S 
Charantias(BalsamiPean) essere mt 
GiantaWwihites jaar (1% oz. 20c) 
Giant Pink Hybrid......... (% oz. 25c) 
SkysBlue sence ew was cheer cee .30 
IWiGB ecko ecw acts eeteo aly cs (1% oz. 20c) 

Page E1ghteen 








ID aid TEC do doaneonasuoesc (Ib. 85c) 
Mallgtineumtxedine see (% oz. 15c) 
sball@Rochesterna.. 2... ess. -: U8 oz. 20c) 
Imperial Japanese mixed... . (1% oz. 15c) 
Brazilian)((setosa)). .....-... (1% oz. 20c) 

MUSK PLANT—See Mimulus 
MYOSOTIS Gorse) Me-Not) 

Alpestris blue. . .C% oz. 15c) 
indigo Dice : Ce oz. 25c) 

TOSG Mesa ah craton ne ..C% oz. 15c) 
WNWIOssaco6 date .(% oz. 15c) 
MREBTTIUC Cloth wry eI eota. Wr welsh Sins a 
AUSUGISM es) oe ane .(% oz. 35c) 
” semperflorens........ (1% oz. 35c) 



Nasturtium, Dwarf Beauty 
NASTURTIUM (Tropaeolum) 

Dwarf or Tom Thumb Oz. 
@hrennyaROsem ane Piva esis sae po eLS 
IDyyvaudt IBYERAUI wana cise no hols ouis bh e mc eee aS, 
lSimpressiOt IhiGhaigec goekues oa cece shee: 15 
Golden Gleam (new double). (14 oz. 70c) 25 
Coldenykin cers ra isis eat 15 
King of Tom Thumbs................ IH 
Kemomitheodore sans cies in Nerds 15 
W@RENTUG oc HS ee) ole ol ce Eas ee 15 
IVI KCC RPA nie Eons con See 10 
Variegated-leaved mixed. .......... a Btls) 
Ivivcleawediimixed:.. sc... 0. anl ee. 515) 

Tall or Trailing 
incr lpm vecisicea. nt Ps icpe eee cape 15 
STDULIT® - 215 /eogoho ip RIOR ese ee 15 
Swinlbialnit .. 2 2 Sopa rete ieee (ae cone lS 
TNWAID ott 3 ic Hiaa oP choles eae aoe thnk den gS) 
Witte di paari ae ett pict ap Wk Ls tee 10 
Ivy-leaved mixed................ mage 15 
Variegated-leaved mixed.............. a1'5 








NEMOPHILA (Baby’s Eyes) Vy Oz. 
Iinsignis§bluchenin caer Leer $ .10 
Affinis, pure white, fragrant........... 15 
Sanderae, Crimson King.............. 20 
NIGELLA (Love-in-a-Mist) 
Damascena, double mixed. ranierh 10 
” Miss Jekyll, double blue... 10 
ORNITHOGALUM thyr soides 
(See also page 13)... ...... (gs 0z. 50c) 2.50 

Vicks Giant-Flowering 



Our strains of this most desirable bedding plant have been 

| selected and reselected by us for many years past, and we pride 

ourselves to have them perfected to such an extent as to meet 

with the demands of even the most critical ea or fancier. 
Trimardeau or Giant Pansies M6 Oz. 







Cardinal . 
Golden Queen ae 
King of the Blacks 
President Carnotin ots lac. ce 
Snow Queen 
Choice Bedding Mixed......... 
Vicks Giant Superb Mixed. 
The very finest strains obtain- 
able from the best Pansy spe- 
cialists at home and abroad. 
Flowers of immense size, per- 
fect form and wonderful com- 

binations of color . (44g 0z. 70c) 
Masterpiece (Germania). A new 
class of Giant varieties. Fine 

rich colors; large flowers with 
frilled edges. ..... (q's 02. 30c) 
Oregon Giants. A new strain of 
American Pansies of immense 
size, splendid form, beautiful 
COlOrsee eee (45 oz. $1.20) 
Swiss Giant Blotched Mixed. 
Contains a wide range of colors, 
including many red_ shades, 
beautifully blotched with con- 
trasting colors. The stately 
flowers are borne freely above 
rich green foliage. An outstand- 
ing strain.......(7§ 0z. $1.00) 
Orchid-Flowered. Rare colors 
and combinations of soft and 
delicate tints frequently found 
in choice orchids. Flowers of 
good size and form, daintily 
Ruthed eee (5 0z. 30c) 


Vy Oz. 

$ .60 









LS Se OA ie a aes an 






| 2635 



| 2563 





Pansy Trimardeau Mixed 


lg Oz. 
Well-formed flowers of im- 
mense size and heavy texture 
carried on strong stiff stems. 
Excellent colors... (45 0z. 75c) $1.20 
PANSY VIOLET—See Viola cornuta 
PAPAVER—See Poppies 

Balcony Petunias 
Blucteascerice ee .. (Fs oz. 30c) 
Grimson eee (sz 0z. 25c) 
Roseaee eae .. (Fz 0z. 25c) 
WWAMIKHS 6 opanbocucccon6 .. (gz 0z. 25c) 
Shining purple-carmine AG OZgZOC) 
Mixed . SoA Shae Meat a eelta (ge 0z. 35c) 
Single Bedding Varieties 
Brilliant Rose Ns Hn GienOzaZ 0c) 
Howard’s Star Improved. : ys 0Z. 20c) 
15 0z. 20c) 

Rosy Morn, soft pink... ze oz. 20c) 


5 (( 

Rose of Heaven, brilliant rose( 

Snowball, pure white. ...... (4 

Bedding mixed. (146 oz 
Large- flowering single 
Burpee’s Blue... . (gz 0z. 30c) 
Giant-flowering single 1/128 Oz. 
Berolina, rich dark blue........ $ .45 
Pliktcekurp learn a easter 40 
Fluffy Ruffles........ ; 50 
ScanleteBeautynenas See 40 
Theodosia. . . ed 60 
Dwarf Giants of California 80 
Fringed mixed. .... 50 
Petunia Double 
Large-flowered fringed mixed... 1.75 

ly Oz. Oz. 
$2.00 $6.00 
.20 60 
1.50 4.50 
12S: Sew 
LDS Sails 
lS S308 
1.00 3.00 
50 1.50 
60 los 
50 1.50 
65 2.00 
50 1.50 
50 1.50 
1.50 4.50 
37 Oz. YOz. 
$1.35 $4.25 
1.25 4.00 
OS: SSS0) 
LAS 4.00 
2.00 6.00 
2150) 8.00 
IOS)» Son) 
75 20.00 

Page Nineteen 

PHLOX—One of our specialties iE Oza OZ POPPIES—Continued YyOz. Oz. 


Drummondii grandiflora Perennial Varieties 
2606 Brilliantecee eee (14 oz. 20c) $ .30 S$ .95 | 3915 Orientale, darkest red... . --(% oz) 20ce))'$ 235) “$1200 
2600" Garneas aaa a ee ..(% oz. 20c) .30 95 | 3912 ” Princess Victoria Louise(+ 0z. 30c) #85 250 
2601 Grimson nee eee .. CK oz. 20c) 30 .95 | 3916 CPTI KR CCee Moca pater cee (4% oz. 20c) 5855) 1.00 
2602) hilacepe seen rere (% oz. 20c) 30 95 | 3900 Nudicaule (Iceland Poppy) Coonara pink 
2603) Primrose kee es ere .. (% oz. 20c) 30 .95 (1% oz. 45c) SOS 225) 
2604) RoseyStaleee see (1% oz. 20c) 30 .95 | 3901 me EliiNiontems= steer (% oz. 35c) .60 LETS 
26057 Rubyise cre re eine oe. 0Z-220G) 30 95539031) 4 vOrange-redia 4 ag=" ae: (4% oz. 20c) so0) s LEO) 
26072Scarlet ey see eee ..% oz. 20c) 30 19 5181259. 05 meee ello weer ee enter (14% oz. 20c) Sone 1500 
2608) SplendenSs. 35 te .% oz. 20c) 0) SO SFIS 9 OL ee whites sc ee Ae Ce ehOZ. 06) soy 0) 
2609 Violets sr ise ee eee ere (1% oz. 20c) 30 BOSS I02 ao ee eMIXCULen. Snes Pe eee (1% oz. 20c) 30 90 
zen White. ... eurenie ose ( “6 oz. 20c) 30 2951-3906, 7) ‘double:mixed: . 4..-2- (1% oz. 30c) (2 1S 
611 “Finest mixedaa <2. cecnn (4% oz. 15c) AS) tS) JILAC:! ; 
2612 Starred and Fringed mixed. .(1@ oz. 20c) .30 .80 | 2671 UN eee cne _(% oz. 15c) 25 60 | 
Drummondii nana compacta 2670 Double, choicest mixed. ....(14 0z.40c) .65 2.00 
2625 Dwarf Fireball... . . en 02 740c) mai= 2225 PRIMULA Pri Stet) rah eae ee rs Se ag 
2626 Pinkcasos ve ee (gioz40c) ss 155 025 Sane ieri a Cae te RS YS SA AT 3 
9637) PE Saes pall See (ieee WO) a5 9 25 2678 Obconica grandiflora, large- Oz. Oz. Oz. 
” 7 = = flowered mixed............-. SEAN Se Ole S225, 
2628 Mixed 77 atc grpreeee (14 0z.35c) .65 2.00 a ess ee 
2 2679 Sinensis fimbriata, large-flowered 
PHYSALIS—See Chinese Lantern pene Rn ae = 0 90 3 
3920 PHYSOSTEGIA virginica gigantea 2680 M FAS Oe URC Ora tetas 3 3.00 
> Val aceps Za) Sey SO) Malacoides (Baby Primrose) lilac : tell 
5 - = = l 92-25) 225 0 
PINKS—See Dianthus ZOD5 UA Gene CChoiees \ (4 1 p ‘al “Oo; 0 : 
3922 PLATYCODON Mariesii.. (1 0z. 40c) 1.35 4.00 nse Sin enna cueemizan os ene raya Cope ECO TR 
ae Bi. LIE as Mz. 
5 3927 Vers (oly auhus) First Queene’ 1.35 4.00 3945 SAPONARIA ocymoides (Perennial)... $ 25 
3926 Vulgaris, the true English Vellow serine ie = SCABIOSA’ (Mourning Bride) m 
Be SS Dae ane Supe cE) Sa) 2730 Tall double Azure Fairy... (14 Ib. $1.50) 20 
x soils he sr Oe SRS Stee ecan teen || oa SL black4 Since (14 Ib. $1.50)  .20 
PUERARIA—See Kudzu Vine 2732 * +” Peach Blossom. .(14 Ib. $2.25) 25 
PYRETHRUM 2733 ae piel 50 enti hates oe ciel te (44 lb. $1.50) .20 
3933 Aureum, Golden Feather..... .. 55) .40 |.2734 ” TI STOSCSe Eee eee Cael boils 0) meee 0 
3935 Roseum, single mixed. . (Ke oz. 25c) SEUSS) © ALS. 2B EY. 7 2 Shastae spe a CZelb a S225) 325 
3934” double, mixed... . @510z5956)) 21651) 5200) 2736-2 ” sulphur-yellow. . (14 Ib. $1.50) .20 
2685 RHODANTHE, single mixed........ E B15 5 Ose 7/57 ”  large-flowering mixed 
RICINUS (Castor Oil Beans) Oz. Lb. een een eA SIS) ols 
2690 Cambodgensis, leaves nearly black...... $ 15 $1.50 | 2738 Vicks New Giant Hybrids _ a 
2692 Zanzibariensis, in finest mixture......... aS WSo 3 : (% Oz: 70c) 1.25 
2691 Crimson Spire, new splendid red........ 30 2.70 | 2743 Dwarf double mixed. . .... (%4 Ib. $1.30) -15 
D693 Mixed ich crcus cp hte pen ee ae ate 10 90 | 3948 Cee las Grea Ca ee 45c) 75 
V 3949 Columbaria, lavender (Perennial) 
fan EEC Cs) ea ee ee Use) 8 
3041 atantae SS aiShiencal (Le 75.) “40 1.20 3950 Columbaria, pink (Perennial) (1 oz. 50c) .85 
I Say lstersl nay ae ee 8 cr SCHIZANTHUS 
SALPIGLOSSIS (Velvet Trumpet) 3 | 2750 Wisetonensis.............. (4% oz. 20c) 30 
2700 Blue and gold... .......... (4% oz. 20c) .35. 1.00 | 2751 Giant hybrids, extra........ (4; oz. 35c) 1.00 
‘Primula Obconica arge-flo ered Mixed op Seaucnand Sole ray $02 2.208) SS Eee SENSU DD 1S CAN See tultenoss puctten 
f , £e-jlow MIX {02 Nelvetyatedy sarge rer eer (% oz. 20c) -35 1.00 | SHASTA DAISY—See Daisy Shasta 
POPPIES 2703 WVelvety violet.....-....... (4g 02.20c) .35 1.00 | 2755 SMILAX-BOSTON (Myrsiphyllum 
Single Annual Varieties 2704 Large-flowering mixed. ..... (% 02. 15c) .30 -80 | asparagoides).......... (14 Ib. $1.50) 20 
2650) -Amencanilecionhy- toe eee eee eee 5 115) 50 SALVIA SNAPDRAGON—See Antirrhinum 
2651 Shirley Improv ed niem RG Aled ie Ona nie .10 .25 | 2712 Splendens, large-flowered. ... (14 oz. 30c) sa) 4) 1575) STATICE (Everlasting) 
Bes dulip (glaucum), single scarlet ..... age 15 -45 | 2713 ” America or Globe of Fire 2760) Sinuata blues]. 4-5- eae eee als 
655 a WaldbRosesery es scr eee er eee 5 .50 G4'0z55e)- 00) 3500) |R27610 = 2 iroses ee ae eee eee als 
Double Annual Varieties 2715 a OstrichyPlumes.s-e ee (efoze10c)) 12S eS S15 27102 = i winter eee eee aS 
2662 Fordhook Hybrid Poppies............. .20 =60) |; 2710" = “compacta *Bonfire= .. .34(@410z5 450) bee 2252703) ee en Keds  eee 10 
2652 Shirley Hybrid Poppies........... SEP 245 OOM e271 es compactayZuriche=ps- (Y0z) 450) 685s 122.659|2 2765) Bonduellityellowzsee see eee eee 5S) 
2660 Carnation-flowered mixed............. .10 .15 | 2716 Patens, navy-blue.......... (44 0z. 55c) 1.00 3.00 | 2764 Suworowii, bright rose spikes.......... 35 
2661 Peony-flowered mixed................. .10 .15 | 2714 Farinacea, fine for cutting... (4 oz. 40c) .70 2.00 | 3956 Caspia, lilac (Perennial)... ..(1 oz. 50c) .85 
2654 Vicks Brilliant tall double mixed - Be 10 .15 | 2723 SANVITALIA procumbens..(1% 0z. 25c) .40 1.20 | 3955 Latifolia, blue (Perennial)...(4 0z.25c) .40 

Page Twenty 



7s OAS tel AOA 






LIGHT CERISE Oz, Oz. -4£0z Lb | ROSE 6 Oz. Oz. 40Oz. Lb. 
Adorable. Cerise on cream..$ .15 $ .20 $ .60 $1.60 Brilliant Rose. Bright rose.§ .15 $ .20 $ .60 $1.60 
SCARLET—-CERISE Renown. Rosy carmine.....  .15 20 ROOM 160 

Vicks Giant 
Spencer S W eet Peas Fire. Flaming red.......... 3 85 4.65" 8.50 | Ruffled Rose. Salmon-rose.. .20. .35 1.00 3.50 
Royal Scot. Brilliant shade. .15 60 60 | LAVENDER 

Summer Flowering | ORANGE | Ambition. New. True laven- 
Colorado. Bright orange.... 15 : 60 1.60 | der. Mammoth flowers. . 
Fordhook Orange. Extra... . 5 .60 2.00 Austin Frederick Improved 
Guinea Gold. Orange-gold.. .15 ; 60 60 Bright lavender.......... 
Orange Flame. Deep orange .. 25S HOST) BIg) Powerscourt. Pure lavender 
Tangerine. Tangerine-orange : 60 75 R. F. Felton. Deep lavender 
WHITE Von On On le | Pesan arene: Syctav ley: peeps lavender 
3205 Avalanche. Pure white.....$ .15 $ .20 $ .60 $1. | each-red shaded orange... 1 : 60 silvery p ia yago sheen 
3229 Constance Hinton........ lS e202 (C0). eco roel _ BLUE | 
3316 King White Improved..... .15  .20 .60 1. z | Glen Eagles. Light blue 
3329 Model. Best black seeded... .15 .20  .60 1. Blue Bird. Dark blue 


We have this year added to our list many new and desirable | 
varieties of great beauty to encourage our friends to grow more 
Sweet Peas. 

Descriptions here are necessarily condensed. For more com- 
plete descriptions see Vicks Garden and Floral Guide. 









Daffodil Improved........ 5g 20 60 
Matchless. Deep cream....  .15 20 60 
What Joy. Light primrose.. .15 .20  .60 
Ascot. Bright pink......... mls 20.60 
Deeper Hercules. Deep pink .15 ~ .20 60 
Hawlmark Pink. Rose-pink. .15 20 60 
Pinkie. Clear deep pink....  .15 20 60 
Fluffy Ruffles. Rosy pink 
andssalimonsaaeet sagen ce of 35) 00 
Happiness. Coral-pink and 
ORGAN so cas ce Golaie nee oie ees malts a2 60 
Idyll. Lovely salmon-pink... .15 m2 60 
Margaret AtleeImproved.. .15  . 60 
Mary Pickford. Cream-pink 
suffused salmon......... 
Picture. Creamy pink 
ALDINE. an sre die Mtoe 
Ruffled Beauty. Creamy 
lacopinkse ae eee sae 
Barbara. Glistening salmon . 
The Burpee. Soft chamois- 
cerise suffused salmon. ... . 
The Fawn Improved. Bright 
inl) Cabinet ob abeeo ne eae 
Gold Crest. Light orange... 
Orange Picture. Sun-proof 
Floradale. New... 

George Shawyer. Bright 
Charming. Bright cerise, sal- 
MLOMESHEEMS se eel shee ss 
Flaming June. Rich color. . 
Mrs. A. Searles. Orange- 
cerise with golden glow. .. 
Mrs. Luther Burbank. 
Cerise shaded salmon-pink. 1. 

Mammoth. Very bright.... 
Huntsman. Bright scarlet. . 
Mrs. C. P. Tomlin. Fiery .. 
Ruddigore. Brilliant scarlet. 
2 L.O. The best scarlet. .... 
Charity. Rich crimson. .. .. 
Crimson King. Sun-proof .. 
Honour. Bright crimson.... 

A ee 

Fordhook Blue. Light violet 
Mrs. Tom Jones. Delphin- 
IUM=bD LUCE ee ; 
New Wedgwood. Clear blue. 
Tom Webster. Mid-blue.... 
Commander Godsall. Deep 
Fortune. Rich dark blue. . 
Floradale Purple. Rich, soft 
PUIGIOS doceosobcs seen t ; 
Olympia. Bright purple. . 
King Mauve. Rosy mauve. . 
Ruffled Orchid. Lavender- 
Pinks een or ee 
The Sultan. Rich maroon 
Warrior. Reddish maroon 
Sunkist. Cream edged pink. 
Youth. White, edged rosy 
CAMIUINO> cs pcoda veer coco 
America. White, striped red 
Senator. Claret stripes on 
heliotrope! 4s. 4a. ase 
Vicks Ruffled Mixed. . : 
Vicks Superior Mixture... 



Early Flowering 
Sweet Peas 

For early Spring flowering or for forcing under glass. 

WHITE 146Oz. Oz. 402z. 

3175 Snowstorm Improved.....$ .25 $ .45 $1.35 
3188 White Harmony. Large.... . SS 202s 


3115 Canary Bird. Deep cream... 2: PAD imal e 

Page Twenty-One 


DEEP PINK Vs Oz: Oz Oz aleb: Double Large Flowering, Dwarf 3965) White: ere ae ae ee eee SS td 
3104 Ball’s Rose. Deep pink.....$ .25 $ .45 $1.35 $4.50 Ten-Weeks | 3966 Single, finest mixed................... 
3116 Charm. Rich rose-pink..... 25 245) eile 35° 4°50 Ideal for outdoor growing and potting. | 3901eHolborniGlonyes see eee eee ee 
3130 Giant Rose. Deeprose-pink. .25  .45 1.35 4.50 | 2771 Bright pink................(4%0z. 40c) $ .65 $2.00 | 3967 Double mixed............. (% oz. 15c) 
3167 Pink Profusion. Sparkling..  .25 A> yelies Out Opn Oe Bb lood=reder.s ho ene (14 oz. 40c) .65 2.00 | 2835 Annual single mixed........ (1% oz. 15c) 
3177 Superior Pink. Excellent... .25 45 “1-35; 42508 (02772) Canary=yellow..<). 2.23222 (1% oz. 40c) .65 2.00 | 3975 SWEET WIVELSFIELD...(}% oz. 50c) 
3195 Zvolanek’s Rose. Deep pink .25 45 1.35 4.50 | 2773 Light blue. . atts oa (4% oz. 40c) 05ne= 2800, TAGETES—See Marigold 
CREAM-PINK 2774 Pure white................ (7g 0z.40c) .65 2.00 | 3980 THUNBERGIA alata mixed.......... 
3105 Betsy Ross. Rose on cream. 1.35 2.50 7.50 25.00 | 2775 Purple..... awe aAaa Se Sig (4% 0z.40c) .65 2.00 | 2855 TORENIA Fournieri....... (3; 02. 35c) 
3176 Sunburst Improved. Cream | 2776 Mixed....................(440z.30c) .50 1.50 | 3982 TRITOMA, Early Hybrids. (1% 02. 30c) 
suffusedspin kereeere yee SR ee Se less) Sea Double Early Giant Imperial TROPAEOLUM—See Nasturtium 
SALMON-PINK | 27810 Antique! Copper... --2 =. oui Gie OZ" 40c)) 1235= 4-00 | 2860 TRYCHOLAENA rosea (Plume Grass) 
3151 Mrs. Calvin Coolidge. Sal- | 2782 Canary-yellow...........-- (24'0z, 506) 285) 2250" osaenlINT@Ateawitracal (Perennial = 
mon-pink, orange cast.... .25 .45 1.35 4.50 | 2783 Elk’s Pride...... _....-..(Geoz 40c) 1135 4.00!) 5875 URSINIA ancthoides 0. Cae, O30) 
SALMON | 2784 Fiery blood-red............(40z.50c) .85 2.50 | 3986 VALERIANA. red (Perennial... 
3153 Mrs. Kerr. Best salmon. .... SOS Ome SORTS nO0m E27 Som leshbeycies see ere ee (44 0z.50c) .85 2.50 | 2885 VENIDIUM fastuosum._.__.(=: oz. 70c) 
SALMON-CERISE 2786) Golden-rose.. ne (#5 0z.40c) 1.35 4.00 VERBENA ia 
3132 Gleam. Bright salmon-cerise .30 .50 1.50 5.00 | 2787 Lavender................. (% 0z.30c) = .83. 2.50 | n935 7 Seed az 15c) 
ORANGE E27SSyRoscmeee eo ee en eee (WeiOz. SO) 285) ~ <2 150)\| an nics era een ae ie oetaaes 
3108 Burpee’s Orange. Glistening .35  .60 1.75 6.00 | DSO hite see eee eee ee ee (3402. 50c) .85 2.50 | 504 1an E ASAE So eae os Ag SOs) 
3162 Orange King Improved..... .30  .55 1.65 5.50 | 2790 Imperial mixed............ (4% 0z. 40c) .70 2.00 | 5993» eee sista rier eat tRNA OCR a 
d avender Glory, new .. (5 oz. 60c) 
ROSE | Double Perpetual Branching 2903 luminosa see eee % oz. 30c) 
3117 Chevalier. True rose....... .25 ebyerilessy 22 Sa) py Aes i ihe lime hia ain = ele ae (% oz. 40c) =O 2200 | 2904 ” Rose-cardinal...._.... (4X oz. 30c) 
3166 Penrose. Clear rose. ....... 725 45 1.35 4.50 | 3958 STOKESIA (Cornflower Aster) 2905). 2 eRovalenenn ces ete (4% oz. 30c) 
CERISE AND ORANGE- | Cyanea (Perennial)......... (44 oz. 30c) =.50 1.50 | 2910 =” salmon-pink, new ..... (2% oz. 30c) 
SCARLET 29067 seeisCanletes a eer eee (4% oz. 30c) 
3127 Fire King. Fiery red....... 25 cA Se etessy 4505) ; 2907 2 awhitey eer eee ree (4% oz. 30c) 
3133 Glitters. Orange-scarlet.... .25 .45 1.35 4.50 | 22908 see eee mixed peas eee ee (&% oz. 25c) 
3135 Grenadier. Orange-scarlet.. .25 .45 1.35 4.50 | | 2925 Compacta Fireball, new... . . (#5 oz. 40c) 
3150 Miss Spokane. Orange, | 2926 Royal Bouquet mixed ...... (#5 oz. 30c) 
shaded! peach=-red.- 9. -.-.. —.25 45 12635 4.507] | 2909 Citriodora, lemon-scented .. . (#; 0z. 40c) 
3185 Vulcan. Scarlet-cerise...... 25 cy TSS, LES) | VERONICA (Perennial) 
CRIMSON | 3990 Spicataimixed =e meee ee seers (14 oz. 30c) 
3124 Early King. Bright crimson. .25 p45 W135) 4.50 VINCA 
3171 Red Bird. Best crimson-red.. .35 .60 1.75 6.00 || DOL Rases ee tenes ene 
LAVENDER AND BLUE | | 2952 White with rose eye.................. 
3106 Blue Bird. Pure blue.......- .25 .45 1.35 4.50 | 2953 Rurewwhiter renee eee eae 
3107 Burpee’s Lavender. \is- | 2954) Mixedirs ee ee ee ee 
tenia-bltiese ences eee .30 SOME SOS ECO | 3993 VIOLA cornuta finest mixed (1% oz. 25c) 
3142 Harmony. Clear lavender... .25 A501 35" 4250) | WALLFLOWER 
3145 Lavender King. Deep...... 25:45 1.35 4.50 | | 3996 Fine double mixed (Perennial) (7 oz. 30c) 
3152 Mrs. Herbert Hoover. Clear, | 2975 XERANTHEMUM mixed (Everlasting) 
TIGh De aes eee .30 =90) 1.50) 5.00 ZINNIA me 
MAUVE AND PURPLE | ede 4 Double Lilliput 
3134 Glorious. Rose-purple...... .25- .45 1.35 4.50 | aaa Be i ; HAxIYAI) \Caerateadalloay. 02 - e245 ee so eke 
3149 Mauve Beauty. Rosy mauve .25 .45 1.35 4.50 | Vinca, Pure White | yYiy2 (Galiien (Gam... = ee eee 
STRIPED, MAROON AND SUNFLOWER (Helianthus) _ 3063 Salmon-rose Ne eras Ss seen 
BICOLOR RIS sna ture(GUuGuneto lie) 15 35 | 3061 GrimsoniGem's pao 6) eee eee 
3100 Aurora: White-flaked scarlet 25) 145 1.35° 4.50 | 5a5, peg ee 72) Sy>. 13064) White! Gem sees rae ban eee eee 
: PAGS rae | CO: ed Sete ee oe ee AS, 40 = ae 
3118 Columbia. Rose-pink, DSD7 AGH then gad ral 15 en) 3065) Mixed Rarer eee eee ee eee ee 
cream-rose wings......... 525 45 1.35 4.50 mies oe SD DOM EL EC AOL ee ¥ Pumila Picotee Delight 
3131 Gilda Gray. Salmon-cerise, SWAN RIVER DAISY—See Brachycome 3084 Salmon-rose, new.........-. (% oz. 60c) 
pinkshueresy eee Se 5 See ASS ES) SWEET SULTAN—See Centaurea Early Wonder 
3148 Maroon Prince. Rich red- 3 ¥ $ wert SWEET WILLIAM (Dianthus barbatus) | A new race of dwarf early flowering 
ECishyMaKOOn es .3 4 eee ae 25.45. 1.35 4.50 | 3960 Dark crimson, semi-double............ 20 50 Zinnias of the Pumila type. Very florifer- 
3192 Yarrawa. Pink oncream....  .25 -45 1.35 4.50 | 3962 Newport Pinks) 4:4 eee. (% oz. 20c) =35) 100 ous and long stemmed. 
MIXTURE | 3963 Pink Beauty..............(% oz. 20c) .35 1.00 | 3080 Fiery salmon-cerise-pink..... (1% 0z. 60c) 
3198 Vicks Novelty mixture.... .15 225 (Die O0) t,o 9O4+eScarlet Bbeautys- eee ee eee (% oz. 15c) 525) fon|) 308i PRose-pinkee= a2 ee eee eee (% oz. 60c) 

Page Twenty-Two 

m Oo 

Wn~1 Ur bo ron 




Dass I I 


— ” Vicks Giant 

Zinnias, because of their excellent 
bedding, cutting and lasting quali- 
ties have long been a general favor- 
ite with both florists and home 
gardeners. They were found in our 
grandmothers’ gardens, although 
not in such a wide range of color or 
with such large and manifold 
flowers. The continuous efforts of 
plant hybridizers have been awarded 
with flowers of exquisite beauty 
heretofore unknown. 

The Giant Mammoth varieties 
produce large, almost ball-shaped 
flowers with petals arranged in 
shingle-like form. The colors are 
rich and bright. Dahlia-Flowered 
Zinnias are still larger and come in 
the finest pastel shades. The shape 
of their flowers reminds one of the 
Queen of the Fall—The Dahlia. 
Giants of California Zinnias are 
large and rather flat with broad, 
loosely arranged petals. All of them 

Zinnia —Giants of California 


3020 Buttercup, deep creamy yellow 
3021 Crimson Monarch, crimson-scarlet 
3022 Dream, deep lavender 
3023 Exquisite, rich rose with deeper center 
3024 Illumination, deep rose 
3026 Old Rose 
3027 Oriole, orange-yellow 
3028 Polar Bear, pure white 
3029 Scarlet Flame, bright scarlet 
Any of the above varieties: 
1/8 oz. 35c; 1/4 oz. 60c; 1 oz. $1.75 
3025 Luminosa, deep pink suffused salmon 
1/8 oz. 50c; 1/4 oz. 85c; 1 oz. $2.50 

3030 Mixed Colors. All of the above in a glorious 

1/8 oz. 20c; 1/4 oz. 35c; 1 oz. $1.00 


3040 Enchantress, light rose 
3041 Golden Queen, golden-yellow 
3042 Lemon Queen, lemon-orange 
3043 Miss Willmott, soft pink 
3044 Orange King, burnt orange 
3045 Pink Profusion, shrimp-pink 
3046 Purity, pure white 
3047 Rose Queen, bright rose 
3048 Scarlet Gem, glowing scarlet 
Any of the above varieties: 
1/8 oz. 20c; 1/4 oz. 35c; 1 oz. $1.00 
3049 Mixed Colors. A well proportioned assort- 
ment of colors. 
1/8 oz. 15c; 1/4 oz. 25c; 1 oz. 80c 

_are equally as desirable for cutting 

as for bedding. 


3004 Burnt Orange 
3000 Canary Yellow 
3001 Crimson 
3002 Flesh-Pink 
3003 Golden- Yellow 
3005 Primrose 
3006 Purple 
3007 Rose 
3008 Scarlet 
3009 White 
Any of the above varieties: 
1/4 oz. 25c; 1 oz. 75c 
3010 Mixed Colors. A splendid mixture of all 
Giant Mammoth Zinnias. 
1/4 oz. 20c; 1 oz. 60c 


3090 Mixed. A semi-tall type of Zinnia with 
medium-sized, well rounded blooms on stems long 
enough for cutting. Of compact growth. 

1/4 oz. 15c; 1 oz. 45c 


3077 Mixed. Giant flowers with quaint, quilled or 
tubular petals in many bright shades. The plants, 
which grow three feet tall, produce flowers in 

1/4 oz. 50c; 1 oz. $1.50 


3075 Mixed, Elegant double blooms with oddly 
twisted and curled petals in a wide range of fine 
pastel shades. Two feet tall. 

1/4 oz. 25c; 1 oz. 70c 

Fine Lawn Grass Mixtures 

Florists and others who are looking for the best lawn grasses for sale or for use in making fine lawns can 
depend on any of the formulas offered below. We use only high-grade grasses in making these mixtures and 
comparative analysis tests published by official authorities are convincing proofs that no other concern 
offering grass seeds in New York State uses better grades. Records year after year prove that these grasses 

are better than most and surpassed by none. 

Recommend, sell and use Vicks Lawn Grasses to win satisfied customers and secure steadily 

increasing trade. 

At Lowest Prices 
F. O. B. Rochester; Terms Net 


For a Thick Heavy Turf which will stand Hard 
Usage and make a good Velvety Green Carpet 

Years of experience testing combinations of dif- 
ferent grasses that will make a thick, firm, elastic, 
yet smooth turf, one that is deep rooted and will 
stay green in both wet and dry weather, has given 
us this splendid Park Grass Formula. 

This mixture is composed of low growing, fine 
leaved, tough, hardy grasses that will stand a lot of 
wear. Unsurpassed for fine, smooth, lasting quali- 
ties required in the best home lawns. Used exten- 
sively for seeding Baseball Parks, Cemeteries, Play 
Grounds, Public Parks, School and Picnic Grounds. 
5 Ibs. or more, 37c per Ib.; 10 Ibs. or more, 35c¢ 
per Ib.; 25 lbs. or more, 34c per Ib.; 100 Ibs. or 

more, 33c per lb. 


A highly recommended formula composed of 
several grasses of high standard of purity and ger- 
mination in proper proportions to produce a thick 
sodded lawn in a few weeks after sowing, and to 
provide a deep green velvety lawn throughout the 
entire season. 

5 lbs. or more, 30c per Ib.; 10 lbs. or more, 28c 
per Ilb.; 25 Ibs. or more, 27c per Ib.; 100 Ibs. or 
more, 26c per Ib. 


For Places So Shaded That Ordinary Grass 
Seed Will Not Grow 

This is a combination of dwarf growing evergreen 
grasses, especially formulated to secure a good 
growth in shaded locations. We believe that this 
mixture will form a fine thick sod where any grasses 
can possibly grow. 
5 Ibs. or more, 30c per Ib.; 10 Ibs. or more, 28c 
per Ib.; 25 Ibs. or more, 27c per Ib.; 100 Ibs. or 

more, 26 per Ib. 

Page Twenty-Three 

Select Vegetables 
of Recent Introduction 

Pole Lima Bean 
4078 Sunnybrook 
standing features of this excellent variety are extreme earliness. 
tremendous prolificness and finest quality. Each spike carries from five to 
ten large-sized pods, each pod being closely packed with four or five large, 
thick, meaty beans. Its pods are ready for picking earlier than any other 
large seeded Pole Lima. It has even proven to be as early as Carolina or 
Sieva Bean. Of vigorous growth. 

1/2 Ib., 35c; 1 1b., 50c; 5 1bs., $2.00. 

4213 Penn State Ballhead 

strain will out-vield ail others in tonnage per acre and, therefore, is 

The out 


highly recommended to market gardeners. The heads are large, round, of 
remarkable solidity-and heavy weight. It will keep in perfect condition 
throughout the winter. Penn State Ballhead is the result of a single plant 
selection made by the Pennsylvania State College of Agriculture. 

1 oz., 45c; 1/4 Ib., $1.35; 1 Ib., $4.50. 

Cauliflower Super Snowball 

4281 Super Snowball 

No other strain of Cauliflower can claim superiority over our Super Snow- 
ball, which appeared to be the best of all strains in the trials conducted by 
the Pennsylvania State College. It is very early, with the large, round, pure 
white heads forming all at one time and showing a uniformity of size, shape 
and type that is truly astonishing. The plants are of compact. dwarf growth 
with dark green foliage. 

1/4 oz., $1.15; 1 oz., $3.50; 1/4 Ib., $10.50. 


4256 Goldinhart Ce 

An outstanding variety which rep- 
Tesents a remarkable improvement on 
Chantenay or Model. The 
gradually tapering roots average six 
inches in Jength by a diameter of 2? 
The attractive deep golden 
orange flesh is fine grained, deliciously 



sweet and tender, showing no trace of 

stringiness. Goldinhart is extremely 
productive and will be found to be of 
value to both market and home 

1 oz., 20c; 1/41b., 55c; 1 Ib., $1.35. 

4551 Fordhook Early 

This is a foremost, quick growing 
melon which will reach maturity un- 
der normal conditions in 85 days, and 
which will give excellent results in cool 
sections ~where later varieties would 
fail. The large fruits, averaging 25 
pounds each, are of slightly oval shape 
and have delicious pink flesh. The 
thin rind is dark green, mottled and 
striped blackish green. Excellent for 
local markets but not suited for long 
distance shipping. 

1 oz., 15c; 1/4 1b., 35c; 11b., 85c. 

4557 Sunnybrook See 
Without question a most remark- =e 

able new Watermelon of excellent size, 
weighing 30 to 65 pounds each. The 
flesh is fine grained, very sweet and practically melting in the mouth. The 
fruits are oblong and uniform in shape and size. A tough rinded variety ex- 
cellent for shipping to distant markets. 

1 oz., 20c; 1/4 Ib., 45c; 1 1b., $1.15 

Carrot Goldinhari 

4750 California Wonder 

As implied in the name, California Wonder was originated in California. 
It quickly has found its way to the east, due to its wonderful qualities. This 
new variety is one of the largest peppers grown, with remarkably thick and 
sweet flesh. It is particularly noted for its great productiveness. 

1/2 0z., 35c; 1 oz., 55c; 1/41b., $1.70; 1 Ib., $5.75. 

Lettuce Burpee’s Buiterhead 

4454 Burpee’s Butterhead 

A newer variety which has fast become popular with market and home 

| gardeners. The attractive heads are of largest size, often measuring 12 inches 

or more in diameter. They are very solid, with light green outer leaves and a 
beautiful light yellow heart. Quite tender and of fine texture. Withstands 
moderately hot weather. 

1 oz., 20c; 1/4 Ib.. 65c; 1 Ib., $1.75. 

4602 Extra Early Yellow 

One of the finest early Onions of medium size with a bright. vellow skin. 
The pure white flesh is mild, juicy. firm and of fine grain. In shape the 

| Onions are somewhat flattened, vet not to the extent of Flat Yellow Dan- 

vers. A sure and evenly ripening market sort. 
1 oz., 35c; 1/4 Ib., $1.10; 1 Ib., $3.25. 


4714 Laxton’s Progress 

Where an extra fine dwarf early Pea is wanted. 
Laxton’s Progress will fully answer the purpose. 
The plants average 18 inches in height and beara 
profusion of attractive, rich green pods, four inches 
long, each filled with eight large, sweet and lus- 
cious Peas. It is a marrow variety, the seed of 
which is wrinkled. 

12 Ib., 25c; 1 Ib., 45c: 5 Ibs., $1.80. 

4801 Burpee’s Relish 

A new, bright crimson red variety of appetizing 
appearance with pure white, firm, crispy and 
juicy flesh. The roots are of quite regular size and 
form, being distinctly heart-shaped. The time to 
mature is about 30 days. We know from our com- 
parative trials that this variety is outstanding in 
Burpee’s every regard. Will force readily. 

L, Relzsh loz., 20c; 1/41b., 55c; 1 Ib., $1.40. 

Page Twenty-Four 

Superior Varieties of Beans, Field or Shell Per 100 CABBAGE—Continued Oz. 14 Lb. [EDA OnUDS: 
Lb. Lbs. | 4210 Louisville Drumhead.... $ .25 $ .70 $1.75 $ 7.70 
4085 Large, White Kidney................. $ .17 $14.00 | 4211 Mammoth Rock Red... 30 95 2.85 12.80 
Vesetable Seeds BOSG Red idney ee eke aly heey wey 48 15.00 | 4212 Tall Stem Danish: Ball- 
E 2 4087, RobustiPea or Navy oo... 52-0016. 8e0 .15 12.00 head we OL) SS» ASO 
ARTICHOKE Oz. 44Lb. Lb. | 4088 White Marrowfat.................... -18 15.00 | 4213 PennState Ballhead.... 45 1.35 4.50 20.25 | 
4092 Green Globe.................. $ .60 $1.80 $6.00 BEETS 4214 Premium Late Flat 
che Dutchicane ee a) .70 ats Thin (AY) 
ASPARAGUS Oz. 4Lb. Lb. 10Lbs. | 4215 ied ees Jersey : ; Pe) ta 
4096 Mary Washington, Improved... —_. 20 450 1.15 | 4100 Early Blood Turnip.... $ .15 $ .35 $ .85 $6.35 Wakefield sa 25 Nid) 22008900 
4097 Vicks Summer....... wees .20 -45 1.15 | 4101 Vicks Half Long....... 20 .50 1.15 9.20 | 4216 Surehead.... 25 .75 2.00 9.00 
4095 Washington ‘‘Rustless’....... .20 -45 1.15 | 4102 Crosby’s Egyptian...... 5 15 35 .85 6.35 | 4217 20th Century } VAS eS 45 0m 025 
ASPARAGUS ROOTS [ite Devoe Pa Redirnaaac a ep BS é a2 pi Wiss Beles rhead aoe tek ESOP 50} Se OOM22"'50 
- “i “ar y Cc Wore 5.5 556 alsio'o c . S) 38 ~) ac Oia 1CKS mprovec anish 
Burchaser pays transportation charges on Asparagus | 4195 Early Wonder... .... W385 8D) 6.75 Ballhead, middle stem .35 1.00 2.85 12.80 
Roots. Per Per 4106 Extra Early Dark Red 4220 Vicks Short Stemmed 
: Loom 1000 Egyptian... JB) 35 385 6:35 Early Danish Ballhead .35 1.00 2.75 12.35 
5900 Washington “Rustless” 1-year, No. 1... $1.75 $11.00 | 4107 Long, Smooth Blood Red .20 45 90 6.75 
BEANS 4108 Rochester or Improved CHINESE CABBAGE 
ss Crimson Globe....... £15 40 85 6.35 an Bee 3 ae NE 
Purchaser pays transportation charges on Beans. CHO) Whe ein Menor... 1S “40 90 «6.75 | 4240 Chihli.................  .30 90 2.50 11.25 
Note: Ten pounds or more will be supplied at 100-pound rates. i 4241 Pe Tsai....... DiDEOIC OID .25 .80 1.95 8.60 
Beans, Dwarf Green-Pod Per 100 SO PEELS SWISS CHARD (Salad Beet) 
Lb. Lbs. | 4120 Danish Improved....... 15 .20 55 4.10 anaes 
7 ¢ ak 8 815 4121 Giant Half Sugar Rose. . elt 20 59 3.75 | 4130 Broad White Ribbed.... 15 30 515. SaAY 
PR ne SAE eee alo Men peraInvUIteSteae 1) t's ele 70) Me 55a) 1011) ats iurGranooGanc ane e WA) GO 1S = Bs 
AUG Bountitul eS aes es es tg bene Sedo O0 Sats : : 4 
4002 Dwarf Horticultural. ................ 20 17.00 MANGEL WURZEL br rere at ads Ae se ci 
? I : 5 Ste i ie BVANIEINE So cis tpouabs ale 6 é s 
Teed Valentine oo oe es TOMA ool 21so) Golden iankarde 715) 2200 050 913/75 | 4133) tucullus or Mammoth... 15 soie 8593.60 | 
ae cin EES Be eae Pete eigen sats islcdstropiBames ee 159) | 2015003875 | 
u LEAS 80. Gao day o aNp ; ve licks G jant.. 22: sls ye, 75 , 9 
4006 Burpee’s Stringless Green-pod.......... .18 15.00 re vile den oa ong = e Seeds CAULIFLOWER 
4007 Keeney’s Stringless Refugee........... .19 16.00 Rady eine pts 45 20 50 3.75 9 OZ-8o1 Oz Oza a ale bse bs 
Beans, Dwarf Wax-Pod BORECOLE—See Kal 4275 Burpee’s Fordhook. $ .80 $1.40 $2.40 $7.20 $24.00 
. E mT e ASAE 4276 Danish Perfection. . .80 1.40 2.40 7.20 24.00 
ANIDAL). LeyritithS VIC aioe serge ate ue ae ae ae .20 17.00 4 ; 4277 Early Snowball 80 1.40 2.40 7.20 24.00 
A021 Vicks Kidney Wax... ....0. 0.00 eo 22 19.00 BROCCOLI Oz. 14Lb. Lb. Ae Rie tee 4 
4022 Davis White Kidney Wax............. .20 17.00 | 4150 Curtis’ Perennial Nine Star..... $5.85 $19.50 $68.00 Da a ice 80) ale S5r 25306290 237.00 
4023 Pencil Pod Black Wax................ mOmeIGR00) EAT 51" Green! Sprouting «(Calabrese <..- 0). S011 40) V5! 00) ooo nec ie si eiemidin” Hiei sO 
BivAsProlinc Black Wax... 50)... s Owe 6' 008 4152)/St. Valentinchee = aa AS eS ALSO" || rer Ga giers.. Ry LOM) Fo aan | 
4025 Refugee Wax..........0.02 00sec 19 16.00 now dnt Pe eh cn ceca 
ees BRUSSELS SPROUTS 4281 Super Snowball . 1.15 2.00 3.50 10.50 35.00 
4026 Rustless Golden Wax................. .20 17.00 , | 4282 A Gi 15 7 © MG aR 7.) | 
4027 S Strincless Wax............... .19 16.00 | 4160 Long Island Improved......... 30 .80 2.00 \utumn ian oe OLS) @ 58) i oe 8)) Los) oy) | 
pagenopuungless Wa 4283 Vicks Danish Giant | 
4028 Wardwell’s Kidney Wax.............. 19 16.00 | 4161 Vicks Improved or Paris Market. .30 80 2.00 Seve Westone A Lee D.D GoD oa.0N4 
Beans, Pole or Running CABBAGE 4284 Vicks Ideal...... 80 1.35 2.30 6.90 23.00 
4055 Burger’s Stringless Green-pod.......... 20 17.00 Our American-grown stock comes from the best Cabbage : 
4056 Early Golden Cluster Wax............. .20 17.00 | growing section in Puget Sound district. CARROT 
tae Be ecuttural stot STR oR cea eee eet ae eal ante ‘ % Hes Oz wba Eb.) Shlebs: Oz. W%Lb. Lb. 10Lbs. 
cCaslan....... 22-22-02. s -20 17.00 | 4200 Allhead Early. ... $ .25 $ .75 $2.00 $9.00 | 4250 Amsterdam Forcing..... $ .20 $ .45 $1.40 $11.20 
4059 Old Homestead (Kentucky Wonder)...._ .18 15.00 | 4201 Vicks all Seasons, choice , : MBit se 20 : 45 a 00 : 8.00 
GIT) S@aValet ISU ee ea eee Oe ole ea geen cee -26 23.00 Straline enh cr sri 25) 70 1.75 7.70 | 4252 Chantenay Stump- rooted 15 40 90 6.75 
Beans, Bush Lima 4202 Autumn King.......... 52S) .70 ES: 7.70 | 4253 Danvers Half Long 
4203 Charleston or Large Orange. . nS ESO HSON OR Go 
26 2 
pw LONGO Bush MS Petia bahay Ser es ala AD. BSA Wakefield. .......... 525) 75 2.00 8.80 | 4254 Earliest French Forcing. 20 AS ilstS: O20) 
4041 Burpee’s Improved Bush.............. .24 21.00 : = z me 
ALD Wiens New Sei Hieee ln eee “18 15.00 | 4204 Copenhagen Market... . 30) 1.00 3.00 13.50 | 4255 Early Scarlet Horn..... ALS .30 -90 6.75 
2 4205 Earlier Golden Acre,new .45 1.35 4.50 20.25 | 4256 Goldinhart............ 20 BOOM Le SommLORSO 
Beans, Pole Lima 4206 Early DwarfFlat Dutch. .20  .60 1.75 7.70 | 4257 Guerande or Oxheart... .20 .40 .85 6.35 
AV Tom CarolinawOmSieva..9. 255.0. 00-6s05. .18 15.00 | 4207 Glory of Enkhuizen..... 20 75 2.00 9.00 | 4258 Half Long Nantes | 
4076 King of the Garden..................: .20 17.00 | 4208 Improved American Sa- Stump-rooted........ 5 1S) .40 1.00 8.00 | 
4077 Burpee’s Giant Podded............... .26 23.00 VOV EN aero 25 75 1.90 8.35 | 4259 St. Valery’s Intermediate . 20 45 .90 6.75 
AOS BOUNTY LOOK S. Gh ee cece ks .26 23.00 | 4209 Improved Succession.... — .25 70 1.75 7.70 | 4260 Vicks Coreless......... 20 BS iL SS OBA 

Page Fe Five 

V3i0z; Oza! : : Oz; 44,0b: Lb: S. Oze Yb: 
4300 New Fordhook......... $ .45 Arlington White Spine.....$ .15 $ . Dwarf Blue Extra Curled...$ .15 $ .35 § 
4301 Giant Rascals face Black Diamond .15 Dwarf Green Curled Scotch. .15 .35 
4302 Golden Plume....... White Wonder .20 Tall Green Curled Scotch... .15 .35 
4303 Golden Self-blanching Cool and Crisp m5 zi 
(French grown) Davis Perfect LS = KOHL RABI 
4306 American Self-blanching. EarliestiofsAll ae ae eel. Early Purple Vienna -20 
4307 Vicks Easy Blanching ... Early Fortune S15 Early White Vienna 
4304 White Plume 7 Early Green Cluster a5 
4305 Winter Queen Fordhook Famous......... aS 
4295 Celeriac, Turnip Rooted, Green Prolific (Boston Pick- 
Giant Smooth Prague 

4320 Witloof or French Endive 

SWEET CORN | Everbearing 

; : Vicks Abundance.......... 

Purchaser pays for transportation of Corn. Vicks Early Perfection 
Note: Ten pounds or more will be supplied at the 100-pound rates. White Spine 
Vicks Improved Early White 

4325 Bantam Evergreen Vicks Lemon 
4326 Black Mexican 5 : DANDELION, 
4327 De : 20. proved Thick 
4328 White Evergreen 2 : Leaved 
4329 Country Gentleman 
4330 Early Evergreen 
4331 Extra Early Golden Bantam 

Pe mor mec) 
10) to NAW 

Ge Go He Ur 0 

Oho He O10 

Broad Flag, American... .. 
Monstrous Carentan....... 


AIS caSOnSeere eee eer 
Big Boston 
Black-seeded Simpson 
Black-seeded Tennis Ball... 
Burpee’s Butterhead....... 
California Cream Butter... . 
Crisp as Ice 

7 Early Curled Simpson or 




Improved Long Green..... 
Japanese Climbing........ 

rm Od Orn Go 
mR Re 




NOR O00 0 

fed peek fe ek pe pe 



Gu jon 

Early May King 
Golden Queen 
Grand Rapids Forcing, Im- 

Oa eA 
LS al cl 



Golden Giant 

Black Beauty 
New York Improved 
Purple Spineless. . . 

Improved Hanson 
New York No. 12, New 

4334 Howling Mob : -1 0 , 7 New York or Wonderful... . 

4335 Mammoth White Cory : ) Prize Head 

4336 Stowell’s Evergreen sl Sigel or ? : : : B= Wayahead 

4337 The Burpee : Dor. Broad-leaved Batavian Es- NV iteibicub aston 

4338 Vicks Earliest of All 00 | carolle .. . $. ee r y 

4339 Vicks Golden Nugget, extra........... .2 Green Curled LETTUCE, COS or ROMAINE 

4340 Vicks Morning Dew sv 5 Moss Curled Dwarf White Heart........ -50 

4341 Whipple’s Early Yellow Paris White Cos.....-..-.: 5a) 
Vicks Trianon 60 

POP CORN (Shelled) 

4355 Japanese Hulless 

4356 Queens Golden : : 

4357 Red Beauty. . slike = 1S) 4417 
4358 White Rice alOmel Se 4418 

WN RN N mR Re 

ell eet eel eel bo eel ell ol nd 


Burrell’s Gem, pink flesh... . 
New Delicious 
Emerald Gem 


mem bo 

Prices subject to change without notice. 


Fennel, Florence 
Fennel, Sweet 
Lavender, true (Vera) 

Extra Early Hackensack.... 
Extra Early Knight: ....-. 


HaleseBestizose eee 58) 
Hearts of Gold 45 
Honey Ball .55 
Honey Dew, green flesh 2 -55 
Honey Rock , .70 
Lake Champlain : 45 
Montreal Nutmeg a1Siae 240 
Osage or Miller’s Cream.... .15 .45 
Rocky Ford, green flesh.... .15  .35 

: 2 1000 Benders Surprise.--......- -2 45 
Fine Curled 2 ye z ; 12 100 500 Roots Vicks Irondequoit 9 60 
Water, true ; : ; : | 5910 New Bohemian...........$ .35 $2.00 $6.00 $11.00 | Prolific Nutmeg : 40 

5711 Canada Yellow Flint 6.5 4422 
5710 Early Orange Dent 5s 4423 Savory, Summer.......... 

5713 eS lalley. Ue Sts : | 4424 Sweet Marjoram oe : : 
57 Cee ME ey cay, vellos eight row 4425 Thyme 35 45 35 
5714 Improved Leaming, early yellow dent... HORSE RADISH ROOTS 

5712 Vicks Snow-Capped Gold Mine 5 5 
Purchaser pays for transportation charges on Horse 
CRESS or PEPPER GRASS Radish Roots. 

ee en a moh 


He bob bo U1 he 
Fem k fase fame yf fe fee fee) foe Jo) 

Page Twenty-Six 


Citron or Colorado 0z. ljLb. Lb. 10 Lbs. 
Preserving 5 .20 $ .45 $1.10 $ 8.80 
Cole’s Early wtS 35 85 6.35 
RordhookBarly....0.4--2-- Lo 18) 185) 10.35 
Golden Sweet 20 40 0S 8. 
Ice Cream or Peerle Resta sol 235 OF 6.35 
Kleckley Sweets..... 20 40 8: 6.35 
Kleckley Sweets Impr oved.. .20 45 SiS) 2): 
Stone Mountain .20 45 SAS eO)s 
Sunnybrook 3) 620 - oASe algal 9. 
Sweetheart . 5S) 40 8: 6.35 
Tom Watson . .20 40 8 6. 




generally successful, the popularity of this food has increased 
enormously. Bottle spawn is the most prolific ever developed. 
Simply break the bottle and plant small pieces an inch deep a 
foot apart each way in rich, cool, loam soil. To insure fresh 
stock, we have every order shipped direct from the laboratories 
where this spawn was scientifically developed. 
Per bottle, $1.10; per case of 12 bottles, $12.60 

5920 Pure Culture Brick Spawn 

Many successful growers still rely on Brick Spawn. “ 
Culture” is the most reliable brick spawn. 

Per brick, 40c; 25 bricks or more, 35c each 


Oz. 14 Lb. 
Chinese Broad Leaf........$ .15 $ .25 
Fordhook Fancy .... > 3A .30 
Vicks Giant Southern Curled _ 15 5 


Lb. 10 Lbs. 


4635 Perkins’ Mammoth 



Crystal White Wax Bermuda 
Danvers Yellow Globe, extra 

4602 Extra Early Yellow (new). . 

4603 Japanese or Ebenezer 

4604 Large Red Wethersfield... . . 

4605 Mammoth Prizetaker 

4606 Riverside Sweet Spanish... . 

4607 Silver King or Mammoth 
White Garganus......... 

4608 Southport Red Globe 

4609 Southport White Globe. ... 

4610 Southport Yellow Globe. ... 

4611 Vicks Mountain Danvers... 



WR we 

Rt N Rb 

MUSHROOM SPAWN, New Method Bottle Spawn | 

The new method of growing Mushrooms is so easy and so | 

Pure | 

| 4708 


4612 White Bermuda. : 
4613 White Portugal or American 
Silver Skin . .20 : 2 
4614 White Queen or Extra Early 
Barletta... . tee ee mead) ; 2k 


Purchaser pays transportation charges on Onion Sets. 
100 Lbs. 

Oza cba ebs 10 ebs: 
40 $1.15 $3.25 $27.60 

00 16.00 

00 17.20 


Yellow. ; Naas eee 
Japanese or E bene SZC Lee bee ee eee LONSO 
White. PESO: 

Ov SANE) as I Boy, 

Elcombes Giant... .. ..$ .20 $ .40 $1.00 
Improved Guernsey....... 15 “35 85 
Long Hollow Crown.......  .15 aoe 85 


Champion Moss Curled . 
Exquisite Moss Curled. . 

Hamburg or T urnip Rooted. 

5 Lbs. 

$ 4.40 


4655 Vice Triple Curled... . 
Purchaser pays transportation charges on Peas. 

Note: Ten pounds or more will be supplied at 100-pound rates. 


Extra Early Round [i’b: Lbs. 

Alaska. One of the most popular extra 
early varieties with canners and mar- 
ket gardeners. Half dwarf 

Vicks Extra Early. Very prolific. Of me- 
dium-tall growth. 18 

Carter’s Early Eight Weeks. One of the 
best new varieties. Of good quality. 

Very dwarf (semi-wrinkled). 

Early Bird. Very early. Dwarf 

Vicks First Choice. One of the earliest 
half dwarf 


18 $15.00 

5 O00 

Extra Early Wrinkled 

American Wonder. Excellent 
early. Very dwarf...... 

Burpee’s Blue Bantam. Gross yielder. Of 
highest quality. Dwarf 

Extra Early Premium Gem. 
Little Gem. Dwarf 

Gradus (Prosperity). One of the most 
popular early sugar Peas. Half Dwarf. 

Laxtonian. Very dwarf. Large pods. Early 

Laxton’s Progress. Dwarf. Few days ear- 
lier than Laxtonian . 

Little Marvel. Early. 


Improv ed 

$ 9.50 | 


| 4752 ( 


| 4757 




| 4763 


All leading varieties. Write for prices, 


Nott’s Excelsior. 

Thomas Laxton. The leader of the extr a 
earlies. Very dwarf. Large pods. . 

Vicks Peerless.......... 

World’s Record. Earlier 
Half dwarf 

Early, dwarf. Superior 

than Gradus. 

Second Early and Main Crop 

Alderman. Dark podded Telephone type. 
Tall. Late pe ats: 

Champion of England. One of the 
flavored late Peas. Tall 

Everbearing. Late tall wrinkled variety. 
Good cropper ; 

Improved Stratagem. An old time favor- 
ite. Dwarf. Large pods. Late. 

Telephone. Standard late market varie ty. 

Vicks Daisy. Dwarf aelephene type. 

Dwarf Gray Sugar. Edible pod 

Mammoth Melting Sugar: Edible 
Tall. Late eae 

Canada Field 





California Wonder... 

Chinese Giant 

Golden Queen, bright yellow 

Harris’ Earliest . fe 

Harris’ Early Giant........ 

Large Bell or Bull Nose. . 

Long Red Cayenne. . 

Neapolitan, extra early sweet 

Pimento, extra fine sweet 

Ruby Giant (Worldbeater), 
large sweet... 

Ruby King, bright ted... 

Small Red Chili, for pepper 

Sunnybrook . 

Sweet Mountain or Mam- 
moth. oe ty 

Sweet Tomato (new) 

Vicks Giant Red. 

WWWwWwUe Pua? 







Roh be 


variety wanted. 




Connecticut Field 

Golden Cushaw.... 

Green Striped Cushaw 

King of the Mammoths or 

Large Sweet Cheese....... 


$ .18 

stating quantity 


> .65 






WwWWwWWoP aM. 


He Oo 


10 Lbs. 
$ 4.85 


Page Twenty-Seven 

PUMPKIN—Continued Oz. 4Lb. Lb. 10Lbs. | SQUASH— Continued Oz eli be webs eelOnlebs: | Miscellaneous Farm and Grass Seeds 
4785 Large Tours or Mammoth..$ .20 $. 90°$1235) $10580")| (4879) Delicious:=. 22-2: ---. 26255 $ .20 $ .50 $1.35 $10.80 | Purch ca t i F. d 
4786) Suvar, Onbies eee S{Si) 4355) 200m nOa7S | 4870 Early White Bush Scallop | G as ages Pays transportation charges on Farm an 
4787 Winter Luxury............ SAS 5 AON tO oe eT0 (Pattyaban)eee eee 15-- YS50/1020.. SOs60N li tees ee : : : 
aD 4871 Early Yellow Bush Scallop.. .15 .45 1.10 8.80 | Prices subject to change without notice. ae 
Me : : : 4880 Fordhook Vine............ SOS AE OAD boty aie abs. 
AS40n Victonlaseeee eee eee 20. .50 1.25 10.00 | 4872 Giant Straightneck........ A) = 60 LD. 1.00) &2 ARLEY Alpha. LB E399- ee eae $ 4.00 
RHUBARB ROOTS | 4881 Improved Hubbard........ 220) = 656532201 5703 | BUCKWHEAT a0 
: 3 Se ESI : 1 | 4873 Mammoth Golden Summer | of a2 DaANESC re eee eee a eee : 
Bucchoser pays transpot ae charges on Rhubarb | Groolnccl eee “90. 50. 16 35° 10 801 | D204 sSilver ELulll usec aire e 6 ee ieee emia 5.50 
; . Sea 10 100 | 4874 Mammoth White Bush FIELD CORN 
5940 Victoria ee $-307$32-60)-$1205i- $700 Scallops eee oe eee 25 eo E207 956015574 0s early, OrancedDentee ee ee 6.50 
RADISH 4882 Red or Golden Hubbard.... 15 45 1.15 9.20) 5711 Canada Vellow bliin eae en 6.50 
On 27 Teo nee AST SP /ACCHI IGS ies) -20 .45 1.15 9.20 | 5712 Vicks Snow-Capped Gold Mine..........___. 6.00 
Bop Passa Caen a | SWISS CHARD-—See page 25 \.07132 Genesee: Valleyneas heey ee ee 6.50 
4800 -All Seasons... .... 2225 5- $ .15 $ .35 $ .85 $ 6.35 5714 Improved Leaming................. 6.00 
4801 Burpee’s Relish........... E20 Peay 09740 120 TOMATO MILLE Oo ; 
4802" Sparklerzeses eye ee SIS edll)  SGY WATOye Oye WAITS iLIh. zn Fe 2 
4803 French Breakfast-.......... .15 .40 .90 6.75 | pee Re ace 5720 Eungavian! Crass ee ee 5.00 
aie - Ze (54900 (Bonny: Best=.c.2 05-020 or 20S) eo nol 00) eS3800R E5721 Golden s>. S25. ea ee 5.50 
4804 Glowing Ball............ .20 Lesy Testor sale), | aes : = oe = ope es aw, 
= = eae (24901 Breaks OuDayaras. aac 45 [SES ee 7S 50H 25722 a lapa nese eee ie Sears nee ea 5.50 
A805) lcicles see eee .15 .30 jio S5O0F} a Le BS = 5 
| 4902 Burpee’s Dwarf Giant..... .45  .80 2.40 8.00 OATS 
4806 Long White Vienna or Lady ae sis ae = 4 =a 5 d 
Bingen oe ee R15 meess 85), 965354] 4903 Burpee’s Matchless........ 5 -40 1.25 _ 4.25 | 5725 American Banner...2) 92-0222 5.00 
4807. Vicks Scarlet Button. et 525) () ete d() OSema7at0 Acye Chalk’s Early Jewel....... .20 3555-99 (2319-5726 Swedish Selectawws eat one eee 5.00 
& = = oe ates 5D wart Champion==255.s-7— 35) lO. ILO GC EEOO. SS 7 rake ae = 
4808 Vicks Early Crimson. . IES) 2 eye See SY OSH) || i = 2 - | 5730 GOW PEAS Whippoorwill. ................. 5.00 
4809 Vicks Early Scarlet G ‘lobe, | 4906 Dwarf Stone.............. 2s 40 1.250 4.25 | 5735 RAPE Dwarf Essex 7.00 
: : 4 | 4908 Golden Queen............. .25 .40 1.20 4.00| ses mecha en ic PEC te 
best forcing variety ever | ; S | RYE 
jnAteodieed Se Sancho | 4909 Improved Stone........... .20 30F 7 902250) : 
fesse asee te her yeeaees iehe eee oul 4910p lohn Baer. ep eee 20. 35. 1-00 3.00 | 5740 Spring - 3.00 
4810 Vicke Giant Red 50. 55 1.40 11.20 | 4907 Livingston’s Globe........ 25 .40 1.15 3.75 | 5741 Rosen..............---...-...--.--.--.+--- 4.00 
4811 Vicks a BES OF ee Ea Se “~~ | 4911 Marglobe, new, extra fine... .25 .40 1.20 4.00 | 5743 SOY BEANS Black Wilson.................. 5.50 
Short To a 15 35 85 6.35 4912 Norton (new) ............ Sp O20 a ODN 5 7453S BARIEIN G AWE A 5.50 
5 Dee veces Fe eae ee, oe aera pio lowbondecosas sty eee pe £35). -55ue1065,) 5150) | 5749 CELA VET Cie oe an 13.00 
4812 Vicks Three Weeks........ a5 45 95 7.10 4914 Vicks I red Bari 25 Ae sl ilS 3 5 
4813 White Strassburg.......... .15 .30 .75 5.60 | pe et ean en aos) Seed) Te ete el pear eceneen GRASS aoe 
RADISH, Winter Varieties POMATOs Staal Rrutted Varigties 5751 Colonial Rents ee se eaRESRS EME HUNG 
4814 California Mammoth White .15 .40 .90 6.75 | 4925 Husk or Strawberry....... .30 .50 1.55 5.25 | 5752 Crested Dog’s Tail......................--. 32.50 
4815 Chinese Rose Winter...... .15 .35  .85 6.35 | 4926 Pear-Shaped Red.......... 30s = 90-1750) 53007) 5753 Rancy Redifopyts =) soe 19.00 
= | 4927 Pear-Shaped Yellow. ...... SSI TODOS es ORSON ES 754 She war cs ESC Lice ene ie eee em anc 39.00 
SALSIFY | 4928)-Plum*Shaped Yellow... 2-92) 235. #55) 13650 S503 5755 stealiariieye teen eee 12.50 
Oz ZU bs aitb: ay lebs=|(*4929eRed) Chertye oe oe ee -30) .50 1.50 5.00 | 5756 Kentucky Blue Grass...............----.--- 26.50 
4866 Mammoth Sandwich Island.$ .30 $ .80 $2.00 $9.00 | 4930 Red Peach............... .30 200 ESS) eeoe2 918195775 7/1 Tea do wa esc ie aie ane ee eae 10.50 
SPIN ACH | 4931 Yellow Peach DO SOUS 2. OS'S 59_O .35 -35 1.65 5.50 | 5758 Orchard Grass Io Sse deo wooo aor asdesseass 15.50 
Note: More than ten pounds will be supplied at 100-pound rates | TURNIP, Table Varieties | 3259 Perennial Rye og oe eee ee POA 
¥. O. B: Rochester. we (0200 RediPescuesten asec a eee eee 39.00 
| 100 Oz. %Lb. Lb. 10Lbs. | 5761 Sheep’s Fescue............................. 24.00 
4 Lb. Lb. 10Lbs.| Lbs. | 4950 Early White Flat Dutch....§ .15 $ .25 $ .60 $ 4.50 | 5762 Sudan Grass.......................-...-- 5.50 
4850 All Seasons or Long Season..$ .15 $ .35 $2.60 |$16.00 | 4951 Early White Snowball or Six |=5763 -RoughiStalkaieadowa- == as) sae eee re 25.50 
4851 Bloomsdale or Savoy-Leaved .15 539) /2;,00)|/15500 N\Wieekse asthe eee een 5 .25 .60 4.50 | ALFALFA 
4852 Bloomsdale Long Standing... .15 .35  2.60/ 15.00 | 4952 ExtraEarlyPurpleTop Milan .15 .30 .75 5.60 | BSO0UNorthwmecton hy ese 2500 
AB53: balicsee, sane ee ae 15.35. 2.60), 15.00 || 4953) Large VelloworAmber Globe .15-|.25 4 1559 410 |eaqqh Gaara Gans 3300 
4854 Improved’ Thick Leaved.--.-. 20) =40) 300)|, 16.00 |" 4954 Purple Top Strap-Leayed"<" = 15) ~~ 25") 59) 4210 esp Ginsdianl Vanieonte dee ee eee 40 “00 
4855 King of Denmark......... .20 .40 3.00; 16.00 | 4955 Purple Top White Globe... .15 .25 .60 4.50 | CLOVE eos ana : 
4856 New Zealand............. 235 ede 29300) 7905007) 54957 WihitetBechs sme eae l'5 525 60 4.50) 5810 Medium Red R 30.00 
5 7 AVICLOLIaRe ee ee eee 5 35 2.60} 16.00 5 sOlden Bally ee .15 525 50 50 | Sg Nk EEN Pa SSSA =)» Sac faa a pa a al AS 
4857 Victoria pais 60 | 16 | 4956 Golden Ball. 1 6 4.50 | Si. Mammoth Red 3 fone ee ee as 30.00 
- SQUASH | TURNIP, SWEDES or RUTABAGAS |OSt2eAlsikeion uceme ne a. he ee eee 25.50 
Oz. “4 Lb. Lb. 10Lbs. | 4975 Butter Yellow Table....... .15 -30 80 6.00 | 5813 W hite}((inutoliumire pens) eee eee ere 58.00 
A877 Bananaman soe oe $ .20 $ .60 $1.50 $12.00 | 4976 Golden Heart (new).. .. 20 .40 .90 6.75 | 5814 Crimson.....-.............-...------------ 12.50 
4876 Blue Hubbard............ 20.65 1.65 13.20 | 4977 Vicks Purple Top Yellow... .15  .25 .65 4.85 | 5815 Sweet or Bokhara...................--.---- 9.50 
4878 Chicago Warted Hubbard... .20 .65 1.65 13.20 | 4978 White Sweet Swede.. te ed eS) 25 169), (4285125825: TIMOR Yc. a ee eee eee 8.50 

Page Twenty-Eight 

Bulbs and Roots 

All bulbs and roots listed on this page are quoted 

f.o.b. Rocheste 

r, N. Y. and will be sent at cus- 

tomer’s expense. 



Equestris . (20c ea.) $ .50 
Giant Amer. Hy pads ...(45e ea.) 1.25 
Johnsoni .(35ce ea.) 1.00 

St. Brigid. : 

Single De C: aen, rede 

6013 APIOS tuberosa 







BEGONIA Tuberous Rooted 

Double Flowering 
Orange-Yellow. . 
Rose-Pink. . 

Scarlet. .... 

Single Flowering 
RoSe=Pinksy. ois.) 2)..: 
Scarlets 235.2...) 


Ann Mm ¢ 




Elliottiana, yellow.......(35c ea. 
Ethiopica, white........ (30¢ e 

City of Portland 
King Humbert. . 
The President. ... ; 
Yellow King Humbert. BH nities . 20 


Vicks Dahiiac 

Each 3 for 
Avalon A TOD mage 
Belle of Springfield 
City of Trenton 
Copper King 
Dee Dee...) 
Fairy Queen 
Fordhook Aviator 
Fordhook Bridesmaid 
Fordhook Chevalier... . 
Fordhook Crawfish 
Fordhook Erecta 




6376 Fordhook Marvel 
6500 Golden Queen. 

6520 Jane Cowl. 

6521 Jean Kerr... . 

6522 Jean Nichols 

6523 Jersey’s Beacon 
6524 Jersey's Beauty.... 
6525 Jessica... 

6540 Kleine Domittea 
6550 Little Jennie. 

6560 Margaret Masson 
6561 Mrs. Elinor Martin. 
6562 Mrs. I. De Ver Warner. . 
6600 Neatness...... 
6601 New Jersey... 

6610 Porthos...... 
6650 Tommy Keith. . 
6651 Trentonian. 

6680 Yankee Queen. 

Ghoice Glad ioli 

3 for 12 100 
6700 Alice Tiplady $ .10 $. : 
6701 America .10 
6702 Anna Eberius. . é gill} 
6715 Baron Hulot... 
6716 Berty Snow 
6740 Capt. Boynton. 
6741 Carmen Sylva. . 
6742 Catherine Coleman 
6743 Copper Bronze. 
6744 Cowee’s Scarlet Wonder 
6745 Crimson Glow... . 
6760 David Airdrie ; 
6761 Dr. F. E. Bennett... 
6775 E. J. Shaylor.. 
6776 Evelyn Kirtland. . 
6785 Flora. . : d 
6790 Golden Dream.. . 
6791 Golden Frills 
6792 Golden Measure 
6800 Halley.... 
6810 King George. 
6820 Le Marechal Foch. 
6821 Los Angeles. . 
6830 Mrs. Dr. Norton... . 
6831 Mrs. Francis King 
6832 Mrs. Frank Pendleton, ae 
6833 Mrs. F. C. Peters 
6834 Mrs. Galbraith 
6835 Mrs. H. E. Bothin 
6836 Mrs. Leon Douglas...... 
6837 Mrs. Von Konynenburg. . 
6850 Ni 
6866 Pink Wonder............ 
6867 Primrose Princess........ 

Each 3 for 

$2.00 $5 

w& ¢ 

MAaAnn ¢ 



wo \ 

A kwr 

) oun 
AnNnAnn nanan 















6941 W 









Prince of Wales.... 
Purple Glory 

Richard Diener 
Rose Ash 

Scarlet Princeps. 

Senorita. . 
Souvenir..... 3s 
Vaughan's White. 

. H. Phipps. 

Red Shades 

Yellow Shades 

Pink Shades...... 

White Varieties. 

Vicks Finest mixed... . 

Pure White.... 

Purple.... Ks 

Purple Bordered... . 


Scarlet Bordered 

Mixed. . 

HYAC INTHUS candicans: <1...) 



. 50 

a oi ore 


(25c ea. 
. (20c ea. 

Auratum platyphyllum ) 
Batemanniae ) 
Canadense (20c ea.) 
Hansonii (30c ea.) 
Henryi...... . (35c ea.) 
Regale. . ate (30c ea.) 
Speciosum album....... (30 -)) 

melpomene. ... (30 ) 

rubrum (30c ea.) 

superbum.... (20¢ ) 

Tigrinum fl. pl. Double 
higerse ee 

Tigrinum fortunei 


(100 for $1.15) 
Lasiandra (100 for $1.15) 
Shamrock.........(100 for $1.15) 
RANUNCULUS French mixed... 
TIGRIDIA mixed...... 

TUBEROSE Excelsior 

Dwarf Double Pearl. 5 
IROS@ Hers ctoierclevencrateashenehteye 




Ann nn 

NOnNnn NY 








| 80P40 Anita Ballard 



| 80P44 Mrs. Raynor.... 


Perennial Plants 
and Roots 

Our plants are strong, healthy and well rooted. They 
are freshly dug from the field the day your order is being 
filled. Every shipment of plants from our Nurseries 
carries a State Inspection Certificate. 

The prices quoted do nol include transportation charges. 

No charge is made for packing. 
3 for 

80P00 ACHILLEA ptarmica The Pearl S$ .45 

80P03 ACONITUM Fischeri 
(Monkshood) . 

80P07 Italica Dropmore 
80P08 Myosotidiflora . 

80P15 ANTHEMIS (tinctoria) 

Kelwayii yellow 

80P20 Long Spurred Hybrids. 
80P21 Mrs. Scott Elliott’s Hybrids 

80P30 ARMERIA maritima 
80P33 ARTEMISIA Silver King 


80P41 Blue Gem. 
80P42 Climax... 
80P43 Mauve Cushion 

80P45 Mons............ 
80P46 White Climax..... 
80P53 } 



Page Twenty- Nine 

Perennial Plants—Continued SRPI? Scat eeeeeseeeee eS ae | Peonies | Hardy Shrubs and 
3 for 

ASTILBE 2 : : 5 3 for 
aOPCOn AT eae 82P14 Yellow 356 - - 83P50 Baroness Schroeder............ $1.60 

AKEBIA Quinata ....(45c ea.) $1. 
ALTHEA (Rose of Sharon) 


80P61 Gladstone........ A neni ias 82P15 Mixed 3 : 83P51 Duchess de Nemours 80 
80P62 Granat 82P20 INCARVILLEA Delavayi . 65 wile 83P52 Edulis Superba .80 
80P63 : 83P53 Eugenie Verdier -85 
S0P64 ° $3P54>Belix/Crousses 4-2 see eee eee 1c 
80P65 Iris 83P55 Festiva Maxima 
80P72 B 83P56 Jeanne d’Arc 

TALL BEARDED 83P57 Karl Rosefield. . 
83P58 Mme. - 
83P59 } 
83P60 } 
83P61 Officinalis rubra fi. pl 
83P62 Rubra Superba 

WW Ww 





ooo 0 oO 


mH 6) Gs Oo We Wo OO 

(30c ea.) 
(30c ea.) 



CAMPANULA | 82P32 - 
80P76 Calycanthema mixed : : | §$2P25 
80P75 Medium single mixed - 40 5 8$2P33 
CARNATION (Grenadin)  $2P34 

82P36 Her Majesty 

| 82P37 Jeanne d’Arc 
82P38 King of Iris...... 
82P26 Lent. A. Wi TEraea- 
82P27 Lord of June......- 
82P39 Ma Mie 
82P40 Monsignor......... 
82P41 Pallida Dalmatica 
82P28 Shekinah 
82P29 Souv. de Mme. Gaudichau. 
82P42 Mixed 

Veitchii. .. -- (30c ea.) 


(60c ea.) 
BIGNONIA radicans. . . (30c ea.) 
83P63 Sarah Bernhardt BITTER SWEET. .... (30c ea.) 
83P64 Umbellata rosea 5: BUTTERFLY BUSH 
83P65 Walter Faxon. ..... ($2.50 ea.) (Buddleia) (30c ea. 

5 Jackmani (70c ea. 
OX | 5 Panicilatace eee ee eee (30c ea. 
5P35 DEUTZIA Pride of 

te | 




Os ST He Ot He He Se Oo Ie Ge tS to Ur, 

fs ts a 









81P07 S 

81P08 S 


81P10 White Doiy.......-.-. 
81P11 Yellow Normandie... . 
81P25 COREOPSIS lanceolata 
81P30 DAISY Korean... 


$4P00 - 


84P02 B. Compte 
84P03 Bridesmaid 
84P12 Commander 
84P13 Elizabet 

84P04 Europa 

84P14 Firebrand 

82P60 As e = < S4P05 J S 

82P61 Go 0 : a8 : 84P15 } 

82P62 He 2 z ; 84P06 Miss 

82P63 Patrocle eked certs e 2 | 84P07 Mrs. Wm. Jenkins............. 
$2P64 Proserpine... : _79 | 84P08 Professor Virchow 

| 82P65 Purple and Gold : | Seo Rygeaon (70c ea.) 
82P66 Sky-No-Ryo ¥ ers : S4P11 85P52 MOCK ORANGE (Philadelphus) 
81P490 45 : Pe ee | 3 virginale 5 
82P67 Universe. .... ren ss = ake. 
81P41 = 3 -45 4 $2P68 Mixed PHLOX subulata 85P56 LILAC purple......... (45 S) 
S81P42 G ets 4: 4: .e ae ak Ftiios "| §$4P35) Licht lilac 85P98 SILVER LACE VINE. (60c ea.) 
81P43 \V icks apace EnIbione SE = .65 Jus PUMILA | $4P36 Ro 85P62 SNOWBALL Japanese (Vibur- 
DIANTHUS 82P80 Dwarf; mixed colors 35 4: 45 $4P37 White. 2 num tomentosum plicauum) 
ees ‘ ‘ = a % (60c ea. 
See aeoides . és a5 : 5255 45 SIBERIAN 84P45 PL ATY CODON Marie sii blue. 3 85P60 SNOWBERRY (Symphoricar- 
umariu ele;mixed®=ce = -- a 4: 82P85 Emperor De : 84P49 PYRETHRUM roseum single. - s 5 

$1P62 double mixed 82P86 Perry's Blue... 45 ; RUDBECKIA 
DICENTRA 82P87 White : : 84P54 Golden Glow 
sa acees Poynton ays 82P88 Mixe < p 84P55 Purpurea 3 | 
84P60 SCABIOSA caucasica a 2 | WEIGELA 

NE RUS latifolius 84P65 SHASTA DAISY Mrs. C. 5P75 Eva Rathke 
81P80 EUPATORIUM coelestinum... | 83P00 Pink Beauty 32) Lothian Bell ; TONES 

81P82 GAILLARDIA grandiflora mixed 83P01 Red or Purple “ts -45 | 84P70 SAPONARIA ocymoides 325 8 WISTERIA purple. ...(45c ea.) 1.25 

GYPSOPHILA 83P02 White Pearl 3 5 | SEDUM 
Cane Plants 

81P88 Bristol Fairy........ 45 4.25 | 83P03 Mixe ; -35 | g4p73 . 

QUINGE? ee (45c ea. 


[I Ym Sat = Oi nl Wt = ont r= Sir at Se ar my 

5 HONEYSUCKLE (Lonicera 
Halleana) Cc 
| 85P45 Arborescens grandiflora. (45c ea.) 
85P46 Paniculata grandiflora .(45c ea.) 
| 85P50 KERRIA Japonica fi. pl.(45c ea.) 
| 85P54 MALUS (Bechtels- 




Hs fe ed 
nw we 1 7] 





5) 210 


Fee be eR RR ee LO ek 

He He He He de He He Ge 
Amana WUnouUd 

Hee ef ee fe 
Tee eed 


81P75 v i irley mixed 




ifn ob 
oro Ge Gen 


SEPS9) Paniculatay, 22-2 gece. rant 45 | 83P15 LAVEN ay, ie 84P74 Spurium coccineum. ........-- 
ies ; | 84P75 Sieboldi 
HEMEROCALLIS (Day Lily) $3P10 LIATRIS scariosa............. - 45 | - 

} 2 : 84P78 STATICE latifolia 

[eA LAT ON EY ALLEY 84P80 STOKESIA cyanea blue 

LUPINUS polyphyllus | §4P82 SWEET WILLIAM single mixed 
| s4P90 TRITOMA Péitzeri 

Ot de is 



81P97 Florham 
81P98 Kwanso fi. pl 

| 88P01 




| 83P25 

He Ha ts ee 
oor an Ur Ut 
He of ee 


81P99 Thunbergii $3P26 84P92 TUNICA saxifraga 
82P05 HIBISCUS Giant mixed $3P27 ree TEE ene 

1 88P20 
2 1 
HOLLYHOCK (Double) | 83P28 Mi . 1. 85P00 VIOLA Jersey Gem. 



82P10 Newport Pink 5 1. 83P40 : | 85P03 VIOLET Prince of Wales. ee 
82P11 Rose : 1.45 | 83P45 LYTHRUM roseum superbum. . 53 | 85P06 YUCCA filamentosa........... 

“The ayes quoted on this page do not include transportation charges. No charge is made for packing. 

1 to 134 feet 

Annonwnownwn Ou n 

OF i is Gt ia it Ot iS is 

Page Thirty 


F.O.B. Rochester. Terms Net. 

9100 Ant Killer—For use on lawns, golf courses, etc. A small quantity 
will destroy a whole colony of ants. 
4'2-oz. sifter-top can, 50c 

9101 Ant Foil—A slow, sure acting poison containing honey syrup by 
which the ants are attracted. Very effective. 
Set consisting of 6 filled feeder bottles, 75c per set 
8-oz. can, 40c; 1 pt., 75c; 1 qt., $1.35 

9102 Atlacide—Non-poisonous. Kills weeds, grass, roots as well as tops, 
without danger to animals or kirds. 
1-lb. sifter-top can, 50c; 314-Ib. can, $1.50 

9103 Ansect—An effective insecticide for rose bugs, Aster beetles, red 
spider, aphids and other outdoor and indoor pests. 
4 ozs., 30c; 1 pt., $1.00; 1 qt., $1.50 

9104 Arsenate of Lead Powder—The standard insecticide for the con- 
trol of chewing insects. Very effective either as dust or dissolved. May be 
mixed with Lime Sulphur or Bordeaux. 

1 Ib., 50c; 5 Ibs., $2.00; 10 Ibs., $3.00; 25 Ibs., $5.00 

9115 Black Leaf 40—40% nicotine. A concentrated preparation for 
aphis, thrip and red spider. 
1 0z., 35c; 5-oz. bottle, $1.00; 2 Ibs., $3.75; 10 Ibs., $11.85 

9117 Bug Death—Kills quickly insects eating the foliage and flowers. 
Can be used on vegetables or flowers dry or diluted. Safe, non-poisonous. 
10-0z. sifter-top can, 35c; 5 Ibs., $1.40 

9125 Crow Dope—Non-poisonous treatment guaranteed by manufac- 
turers to prevent crows, pheasants and squirrels from pulling corn. Does not 
clog planter or injure seed. 

1/2 pt. (bushel size), 60c; 1 pt., $1.00; 1 qt., $1.50 

9126 Cyanogas—Forms deadly gas when exposed to air. Grade G. 
(granulated) is slow acting, chiefly used for fumigating greenhouses. Grade 
A. (powdered) forms gas rapidly. Used for rats, moles and groundhogs, etc. 
Grade A: 1/2 Ib., 45c; 1 Ib., 75c; 5 Ibs., $3.00. Grade G: 5 Ibs., $3.00 

9135 Evergreen—Non-poisonous, stainless spray for beetles, aphids, 
worms, etc. May even be used on plants when in flower. 
1 0z., 35c; 6 ozs., $1.00; 1 pt., $2.00 

9141 Fish Oil Soap—A wash for roots of roses, shrubs and trees infested 

with insects. 
1 Ib., 35c; 5 Ibs., $1.50 

9160 Mag-O-Tite—Helpful in the control of root maggots. 
1 Ib., 50c; 5 Ibs., $1.50 

9188 Red Arrow—A highly concentrated Pyrethrum insecticide of out- 
standing merit. Deadly to all insects. Very economical. 
1 0z., 35c; 1/4 pt., $1.00; 1 2 pt., $1.75; 1 pt., $3.25; 1 qt., $6.00 

9190 Sulpho Tobacco Soap—An excellent spray for aphids on plants, 
and a wash for fleas on cats and dogs. 
3-0z. cake: each, 15c; 1 doz., $1.50 
8-0z cake: each, 25c; 1 doz., $2.50 

9195 Terro Ant Killer—Exterminates ants quickly. Can be used in the 
house, greenhouse or any other -uilding. 
2-0z. bottle, 50c 

9198 Tobacco Dust—Fine for dusting, or extra fine for fumigating. 
1Ib., 15c; 5 Ibs., 50c; 25 Ibs., $1.75; 100 Ibs., $5.00 


_ 9116 Bordeaux Powder—Standard mixture for fungous diseases. Direc- 
tions for use on packages. 
1 Ib., 40c; 5 Ibs., $1.75 

9140 Fungtrogen—Controls black spot and mildew and is highly recom- 
mended by the best commercial growers. Fungtrogen may be used on all 
plants as soon as they show signs of mildew or rust. 

1/2 pt., 75c; 1 pt., $1.25; 1 qt., $2.00 

9150 Lime Sulphur Powder—For spraying fruit trees while dormant. 
Destroys San Jose Scale, Apple Scab fungus, peach rot, leaf spot, etc. 
1 Ib., 35c; 5 Ibs., $1.40 


F. O. B. Rochester. Terms Net. 

9000 Bloomaid—An effective fertilizer of great value. Can be used with 
perfect safety. Makes flowers grow larger, bloom earlier and longer. Makes 
shrubs and hedges more vigorous and is of particular use for vegetables which 
will mature earlier and will be found to be of better quality. 

Tablet Form (125), 25c; Liquid Form (8-o0z. bottle), 50c; 

Pulverized Form: 1 Ib., 25c; 5 Ibs., 50c 
9005 Bone Meal (Steamed)—An excellent fertilizer for lawns, shrub- 

bery and plants of all kinds. Essential to production of best class of green- 
house flowers. Finely ground. Quickly available plant food. 

5 Ibs., 40c; 10 Ibs., 70c; 25 Ibs., $1.25; 
50 Ibs., $2.25; per sack of 100 Ibs., $4.00 

9025 Floranid—The New Nitrogen Fertilizer—A highly concentrated 
fertilizer which is 92 times stronger than manure, containing 46% available 
nitrogen, an essential constituent of all plant foods. Produces quick, 
vigorous growth. 

1 Ib., 25c; 5 Ibs., 90c 

9035 Hardwood Ashes—No. 1 Canada unleached ashes. Contain all the 
elements which make poor and worn out soil rich and fertile. It is said that 
insects will not attack roots of plants or leaves where Hardwood Ashes are 
used on the ground or sprinkled on the foliage. Ashes are water retaining and 
beneficial to all kinds of plants. 

25 Ibs., $1.25; 50 Ibs., $2.00; 100 Ibs., $3.00 

9046 Nitrate of Soda (Chile Saltpeter) The best known and cheapest 
form of nitrogen for plants. Highly concentrated and immediately available. 
Very effective. Is best applied with a filler or as a liquid. 

5 Ibs., 50c; 10 Ibs., 85c; 25 Ibs., $1.75; 50 Ibs., $3.00; 100 Ibs., $5.00 

9047 Nitrophoska—15:30:15. Highly concentrated, water soluble, 
quickly available complete plant food. Very economical. Only four to six 
pounds for 1000 square feet of ground. 

1 Ib., 25c; 5 Ibs., 90c; 10 Ibs., $1.50; 25 Ibs., $2.75 

9060 Peat Moss—An excellent, dry, odorless material furnishing humus 
to the soil. Splendid for mixing with heavy soil to make it mellowy and tilla- 
ble. Fine for compost for pot soil and greenhouse benches. 

Large bale (about 200 Ibs.), $4.00 each; 3 bales or more, $3.75 each 

9061 Pulverized Sheep Manure—A strictly pure animal product with 
high chemical analysis for both indoor and outdoor use. Odorless, and pro- 
ducing quicker and better results than stable manure without unsightly 

5 Ibs., 40c; 10 Ibs., 65c; 25 Ibs., $1.25; 50 Ibs., $2.00; 100 Ibs., $3.50 

9062 PlanTabbs (Fulton’s)—An odorless plant food in tablet form con- 
taining 11% nitrogen, 15% available phosphoric acid and 20% potash. Im- 
mediately available, clean, easy to handle and very effective. Easily dissolved 
in water. 

30 tablets, 25c; 75 tablets, 50c; 200 tablets, $1.00; 1000 tablets, $3.50 

9075 Stim-U-Plant—A fertilizer in tablet form. The essential plant 
foods are contained in the tablets in highly concentrated form and are, there- 
fore, very convenient to use in the home as well as in greenhouses. 

30 tablets, 25c; 100 tablets, 75c; 1000 tablets, $3.50 

9090 Vigoro—Vigoro is easily applied and each package contains full 
directions on how to use it. It is a quick acting valuable general fertilizer 
that will show results within a short time after it has been used. May be 
used on lawns as well as flowers, vegetables, shrubs, trees, house plants, etc. 

5 Ibs., 50c; 25 Ibs., $1.75; 50 Ibs., $3.00; 100 Ibs., $5.00 

9095 Zenke’s Plant Life—A liquid, odorless plant food for all kinds of 
plants. Use one teaspoonful to one quart of water, and apply same as when 
watering plants. 

8 ozs., 25c 

Sundry Supplies 

F.O. B. Rochester. Terms Net. 

9352 Smith ‘‘Blizzard’’ Con- 
tinuous Sprayer — A_ handy 
sprayer with copper tank and 
seamless pump, giving a fine con- 
tinuous mist. For spraying all insecticides as well as disinfec- 
tants and fly sprays. Has two nozzles, one for spraying straight 
ahead and the other for spraying at an angle. Capacity one 
quart. $2.00. 

|| - Goel 

9353 Smith U. T. K. Continuous Sprayer—One quart size, made of 
galvanized steel with brass nozzle. Check valve and discharge tube removable 
for cleaning. Throws large, continuous, fine, misty spray. Tank is double- 
seamed and durable. $1.00. 

Smith “‘Lightning’’ Sprayer 
(Compressed Air Sprayer) 

For manifold use such as spraying insecticides, whitewash, paint, lacquer, 
etc. Will spray any liquid easily, quickly and satisfactorily. 

9350 Model A.—Solid brass tank, seamless brass pump, all principle 
working parts brass. Twenty inches of best quality one-half inch hose with 
famous Golden Automatic Non-Clog Nozzle. Capacity four gallons. $7.00. 

9351 Model D.—Similar to Model A. 

5 except that the tank is heavy 
galvanized iron. $4.75. 

9354 Smith Savage Junior Duster—Handles all dusts, insecticides and 
fungicides perfectly. Long air chamber develops strong blast. Dust will not 
escape through air chamber when handle is pulled. Built of finest material 
and made to stand long hard service. Dusts evenly and uniformly. $1.25. 


‘rower Llower Pots 

(Waterproof Paper Flower Pots) 

500 or more at 1000 rate prices 

Per 100 Per 1000 

Per 100 Per 1000 

9375 212 inches.$ .60 $5.00 9378 4 inches...$1.30 $11.40 
9376 3 inches... .80 7.00 9379 5 inches... 2.00 eS) 
9377 312 inches. 1.00 9.00 9380 6 inches. 2.70 ZAP, 

Wooden Pot and Garden Labels (Painted) 
9385 4 inches long: per 100, 35c; per 1000, $2.50 
9386 6 inches long: per 100, 60c; per 1000, $3.25 
9387 12 inches long: per 100, $2.25; per 1000, $13.50 

Excellent to protect plants Germico 
against frosts, rain, wind and 
insects. Made of wax paper in Hotka iS} 
cone shape. Indispensable for 
early plantings. Best used with a 
metal setter and tamper de- New Method of 

scribed below. The 100 and 250 t Protection. 
packages contain a_ papier- 
maché setter and tamper. 

100 for $2.50; 250 for $4.00; 1000 for $11.50 

9396. Hotkap Setter with Tamper. Fits over the Kaps making setting 

an easy, quick job. 2500 Kaps a day can be set by one man with setter and 
tamper. $2.50. 

Page Thirty-One 



Flower and Vegetable 

Plants, Bulbs, Roots 
and Supplies 

Wholesale Prices for 
Vick’s Giant Calendula 

Florists and Market Gardeners Orangekine 

JAMES VICKS SEEDS, Rochester NY The Flower