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B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bureau. 



J. We DEV EG, 






B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bureau. 

f Ri ts Eat 


3 s 
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Ky 9 
J’ wr ty DUVEL, 



Issuep May 28, 1904. 


Brverzty T. GAuutoway, Chief. 

J. KE. Rocxkweur, Editor. 

Freperick V. Covitin, Bolanist. 

O. F. Cook, Botanist in Charge of Investigations in Tropical Agriculture. 

Ropney H. True, Physiologist, Drug and Medicinal Plant Investigations. 

Lysrer H. Dewey, Bolanist in Charge of Investigations of Fiber Plants. 

EpvGar Brown, Botanist in Charge of Seed Laboratory. 

Cart 8. Scorretp, Botanist in Charge of Grain Grade Investigations. 

G. N. Couuins, Assistant Botanist, Tropical Agriculture. 

A. ©. Crawrorp, Pharmacologist, Poisonous Plant Investigations. 

Wituiam FE. Sarrorp, Assistant Curator, Tropical Agriculture. 

F. H. Hitiman, Assistant Botanist, Seed Herbarium. 

J. W. T. Duvet, Assistant, Seed Laboratory. 

W. W. Tracy, Jr., Assistant, Variety Trials. 

W. FF. Wiant, Assistant, Geographic Botany. 

W. O. RicutMann, Pharmacognostical Expert. 

Auicrk Henke, Assistant, Drug and Medicinal Plant Investigations. 

W. W. SrocksperGcer, Expert, Drug and Medicinal Plant Investigations. 

JAN 8 19 
D. of b. 07 


Washington, D. C., March 26, 1904. 

Str: I have the honor to transmit herewith and to recommend for 
publication as Bulletin No. 58 of the series of this Bureau the accom- 
panying technical paper entitled ‘* The Vitality and Germination of 

This paper was prepared by J. W. T. Duvel, Assistant in the Seed 
Laboratory, and has been submitted by the Botanist with a view to 

Respectfully, B. T. Gattoway, 
Chief of Bureau. 
Hon. JAMES WILson, 
Secretary of Agriculture. 


Because of variation in the amount and quality of each year’s crop 
it is frequently necessary for seedsmen to carry over large quantities 
of seeds from one year to another. Such seeds often lose their ability 
to germinate, and either are a loss to the seedsman or, if they are 
marketed, cause still more serious losses to those who plant them. 
Since 1899 Mr. Duvel has been engaged in a general investigation of 
the causes affecting the vitality of seeds, with special reference to the 
conditions under which they are stored commercially. This investiga- 
tion was begun in 1899 under the Dexter M. Ferry Botanical Fellow- 
ship at the University of Michigan, and since September 1, 1902, it 
has been continued by the United States Department of Agriculture. 
An account of the whole study is presented herewith. 

The general method pursued has been to store seeds experimentally 
under all sorts of conditions, and afterward to ascertain the exact per- 
centage of germination. It is now possible to speak with precision of 
the extent of damage caused by careless methods of storage, to express 
in actual figures the greater liability of seeds to loss of vitality under 
the warm humid conditions existing in the South Atlantic and Gulf 
States than under colder and drier conditions, and to demonstrate the 
utility of storing seeds, when they must be kept in a humid climate, in 
moisture-proof packages. A further investigation, i. e., of the extent 
to which vitality may be preserved by means of commercial cold stor- 
age, Is NOW In progress. 

Washington, D. C., December 5, 1903. 



[DARN ONG i tee Ey ate er al ee 
NicttenialcramcemlenhOds: 2 58.5. <.2 Aram aera ele ear oe Me bse ee eke 
SISS0R Soha 225 eo eae Oe = nes ee ee 
Germination tests and apparatus._...---------------------------------- 
Effect of climatic conditions on the vitality of seeds_.-........--.----:--...- 
Causes of the losses in vitality in different climates ..... .-..--..--.-------- 
Effect of moisture and temperature upon vitality .-......-.. -.---.--------- 
SECON AG MOC sLSIG Cee Dat pS See Se Mee eee ee Se ge ok oe 
Iffect of moisture on vitality at higher temperatures ._......------------ 
SADA OUN PERN ee agree a a ee a 
Effect of definite quantities of moisture on the vitality of seeds when they are 
kept within certain known limits of temperature _...........-..---------- 

A comparison of methods of storing and shipping seeds in order to protect 
them from moisture, and consequently to insure a better preservation of 

(PURSUING chee tte TR eg a eg 
Suggestions of earlier investigators............---.-------------------+-- 
The necessity for thoroughly curing and drying seeds.......-.---------- 
Character of the seed warehouse or storage room ........-.------------- 
The value of good seed to the market gardener .........---------------- 
Ship pinessceds i Charcoal, MOss, (ClC 5.2.22. 4.--ccacsseenges- onc. eee ee 
Mature On, bic CXPehMeNts -2sechas -- a. cee cca ne eases eadbasaeesessees 
PISPOsIMOUO! CG SaMNpleS=< si. . csc bos cece ee abic ss costae tee eee ee ses 
Resultssoi.theveerminationutests. .25.o22.52c.cetc tek lteee cece ease e cose 
Experiments in keeping and shipping seeds in special packages .....-------- 
RES IbAGlOMEOM SCEUS.- Sie 4 peer Toke RS ee oe en a See aie 

SUDUOOUAGEEAY cre ies See iein, Se S52 2 SS Sa ne a a eee a eee 
Enzymes in seeds and the part they play in the preservation of vitality ...--. 
[SMUG ON OEE ip DE, ees en eo a een re ee 
Interauure Cllcuneee Senne Sate a ee ee ee a Beno eh odes ded 



Kia. 1. Apparatus used to determine the effect of moisture and temperature on — 
the vitality of seeds in communication with free air.......-..:----- 
2. Apparatus used to determine the effect of moisture and temperature ie 

on the vitality of seeds not in communication with free air... ---- See 


B. P. I.—94. B. I. E.—56. 



It has long been known that the conditions under which plants are 
erown and the degree of maturity at the time of harvesting are fac- 
tors which play an important part in the life of seeds. But, granting 
that seeds are of strong vitality at the time of harvesting, there 
remain to be considered the methods of gathering and curing, the 
water content of the seed at the time of storing, the methods of stor- 
age, the humidity and temperature of the surrounding atmosphere, 
the composition of the seed, the nature of the seed coats, activities 
within the cells, and numerous other factors which play important 
parts in the life of the seed. 

The conditions necessary for the successful germination of a seed of 
good vitality and the chemical transformations accompanying these 
early stages of development have received considerable attention from 
numerous investigators. These changes and conditions are fairly well 
understood for many of our common seeds. However, several impor- 
tant facts still remain unexplained, and our knowledge will not be 
complete until each and every species has been carefully studied. 

On the other hand, the conditions influencing the vitality of seeds as 
commercially handled are but little understood and have been almost 
wholly neglected in research work. Likewise, but little attention has 
been given to the complex chemical and physical changes which take 
place in mature seed during the slow process of devitalization. It was 
in order to determine some of these factors that the work described in 
these pages was begun, and the results are thus of considerable practi- 
cal value as well as of scientific importance. The present paper treats 
chiefly of the conditions influencing the vitality and germination of 
seeds when subjected to such methods of treatment as are generally 
met with in the ordinary handling of seed. Particular attention has 
been given to the effect of climate, moisture, and temperature on 
vitality, supplemented with a discussion of the changes taking place 
in mature seeds, especially the respiratory activities and the part 
played by enzymes. 



The results of the above experiments have suggested improved 
methods of storing and shipping seeds so as to prolong their vitality 
and also to secure the production of more vigorous seedlings. 

The work for the present paper was begun in 1899 at the University 
of Michigan and was continued for three consecutive years while the 
writer held the Dexter M. Ferry Botanical Fellowship in that institu- 
tion. During this time the investigation was under the direction of 
Prof. V. M. Spalding, Ph.D., and Dr. F. C. Neweombe, who showed 
great interest in it and gave valuable suggestions as the work pro- 
eressed, at the same time placing the facilities of the laboratory and 
of the library at the disposal of the writer. Since September 1, 1902, 
the work has been continued in the Seed Laboratory of the U.S. 
Department of Agriculture. Valuable assistance in storing seeds was 
rendered by Prof. C. W. Burkett, at Durham, N. H.; Mr. E. E. Smith, 
Wagoner, Ind. T.; Prof. W. R. Dodson, Baton Rouge, La.; Prof. F. 8. 
Earle, Auburn, Ala.; Zimmer Brothers, Mobile, Ala.; Prof. H. H. 
Hume, Lake City, Fla., and Prof. Charles B. Scott, San Juan, Porto 



For these experiments thirteen different samples of seeds were used, 
being so selected as to include representatives of ten different families 
and twelve genera and species, as follows: 

Poaceex—Lea mays, sweet corn (two samples). 

Liliacee— Allium cepa i., onion. 

Brassica oleracea i, cabbage; Raphanus sativus L., 


I pracee— Daucus carota Li... carrot. 

Fuhacee— Pisum sativum Gee pea, Phaseolus vulgaris are bean. 

Violacee— Viola tricolor Li., pansy. 

Polemoniaceee— Phlox drummondadti Hook, phlox. 

Solanacee— Lycopersicon lycopersicum (i.) Karst., tomato. 
Cucurbitacee— Citrullus citrullus (.) Karst., watermelon. 
Asteracee—Lactuca sativa l., lettuce. 

It will thus be seen that the seeds used cover a wide range as to 
family characteristics, as well as size, structure, and composition of 
seed. Likewise they are all from plants of the garden or field that 
have undergone a high degree of cultivation, thus enabling the seeds 
to withstand more or less variation as to conditions of vitality and 


All seeds used throughout these experiments were provided by 
D. M. Ferry & Co., of Detroit, Mich., and the seed furnished was of 
strong vitality and of known age and origin. The corn *‘ A” (Minne- 
sota Sweet), onion (Yellow Danvers), pea (D. M. Ferry Extra Early), 
bean (Yellow Kidney, Six Weeks), tomato (Dwarf Champion), and the 


watermelon (Sweet Mountain) were grown in Michigan. ‘The corn 
‘*B” (Minnesota Sweet), was grown in Nebraska, the cabbage (Win- 
ningstedt), in Washington, and the lettuce (Black-Seeded Simpson), in 
California, while the radish (Karly Searlet Turnip-Rooted), carrot 
(Chantenay), pansy (mixed), and Phlox drummondii (mixed) were 
grown in France. The seed was all of the harvest of 1899 and was 
received at the botanical laboratory of the University of Michigan on 
January 27, 1900. 

On January 30, 1900, germination tests were made, showing the 
vitality of the seeds to be as follows: 

> Vitality of seeds tested January 80, 1900. 
Percent- Percent- 
rs ay ew. age of res a | age of 
Kind of seed. germina- Kind of seed. germina- 
tion, | . | tion. 
BGS Tie ee ecco e ane eee ai ae ate! Sjale wrdlose 100 IPSS VWreepta tet en eget Bl A 69.5 
OADDAS OMe tener eas Sone sti. | 93 1ofot eee Ae ee ae ae | 97 
GOnYObwersmescete cas see ne clones ce ccee scl SBE | pOElsWhab:< SESS. Oh 3 Soo: Seon ee pe eee 78 
(COMPAR WECUS EAS case emescocscecesesnen. Of |i Radish! oal2 222 een aes aan are Saas 81 
Gonwrsweet cb. .cee sis. ocacsemeee ase: 88 | MOTTON ae EM ee Alans Sos Saas | 98 
GUN teeters aian swine on icic onorsiaieints ayarala e's cre | 8725)1|| Watermelon. 2224 teceece. cece cts anes 99 
OmiOnhese ese eseke s-4-ssccaeesacceeene | 98 | 


In the preliminary work several methods of testing were tried, but 
as none proved as serviceable as the ‘*Geneva tester,” this apparatus 
was adopted for all subsequent tests as recorded in the following 
pages. The detailed construction of this tester need not be described, 
for it is simple and quite familiar to all. However, some modifications 
were made in the preparation of the apparatus, and some precautions 
taken in the manipulation, which have proved to be of much value. 
The brass wires originally and ordinarily used to support the folds of 
cloth were replaced by glass rods of 6 to 7mm. diameter. Rods of 
this size are much heavier than is necessary to support the folds of 
cloth, but the chief advantage in having rods of large diameter is that 
in case of the germination of large seeds the folds can be drawn near 
together at the top and still have suflicient space within the fold for the 
seeds. On the other hand, in the germination of small seeds that 
require considerable quantities of air, the folds can be closed at the 
top by bringing the rods together, thus insuring more uniform condi- 
tions throughout the fold and at the same time leaving suflicient space 
above the seeds for an abundant supply of air. The chief advantage 
in substituting glass rods for brass wires is in removing the possible 
source of injury resulting from the poisonous action of the dissolved 

Another error frequently, if not always, made in using such a tester 
is in allowing the ends of the cloths, or sometimes the bottoms of the 


folds, to dip into water in the pan. This should never be permitted, 
for in that way seeds are kept too moist, especially near the ends of 
the folds. Likewise such methods give an opportunity for the trans- 
mission of dissolved copper and a resulting injury to the seeds. For 
this same reason the strips of cloth should be made sufficiently narrow 
not to come into contact with the sides of the pan. 

Much better results are obtained if the seeds, before being placed 
in the germinator, are soaked in water for several hours, the length 
of time depending on the power of absorption of the seeds. In these 
experiments the seeds were always soaked in distilled water for twelve 
or fifteen hours before transferring them to the germinator. This 
preliminary soaking gives a more speedy germination, which is always 
advantageous, especially in making comparative germination tests. 
In order to supply the requisite amount of moisture for subsequent 
growth, the cloths were first uniformly and completely wet with dis- 
tilled water; moreover much care was taken to see that there was only 
avery small quantity of water in the bottom of the pan. In case of 
seeds that germinate readily, such as cabbage, lettuce, and onion, it is 
necessary that all surface water be removed from the bottom of the 
germinator if good results are desired. The pan then being covered 
with a glass plate, it is seldom necessary to increase the amount of 
moisture, for seeds when once soaked need only to be kept slightly 
moist and not wet, as must necessarily be true if the ends of the cloths 
or bottoms of the folds dip into the water. After soaking, the water 
in the seeds and cloths is ample for the completion of most germina- 
tion tests. However, in an occasional test the seeds may become 
slightly dry, which happens when the cover is kept off the pan fora 
considerable time while counting germinated seeds. In such cases the 
remedy is to pour a small quantity of water in the bottom of the pan, 
or in extreme cases to moisten the folds with a fine spray. 

If the above modifications be adopted and the necessary precautions 
taken, many of the objections frequently made to the Geneva tester 
will be removed and the difficulties will be overcome; at least it is a 
most excellent method of testing seeds where comparative results are 
especially desired. It must also be borne in mind that the Canton flan- 
nel (which is generally used in making the pockets) should always be 
of the best grade and should never be used a second time without being 
thoroughly cleaned and sterilized. 

In selecting samples for germination the impurities and the imma- 
ture seeds were first removed. The samples for test were then made 
up of the remaining large and small seed. For the most part 200 
seeds were taken for a test, but with the larger seeds—corn, pea, bean, 
and watermelon—100 seeds were usually used. In all cases where any 
irregularity was apparent, tests were repeated. The controls are 
based on the results of several duplicate tests. 


All germination tests were made in a dark room where the temper- 
ature could be comparatively well regulated and was maintained nearly 
constant throughout most tests. Germinated seeds were removed daily 
during early stages of the tests and a complete record of the number 
germinating each day was kept. This is of value in seed testing, 
because the germinative energy of a seed tells much as to its vitality. 
If seeds have a high vitality, the germinative energy will be very 
strong, 1. e., germination will take place rapidly, giving rise to strong 
and vigorous seedlings; but if the seeds are of very low vitality, there 
will be a corresponding retardation in germination, giving rise to 
weak seedlings, 1. e., showing a low germinative energy. In most 
cases throughout this work only the final percentages of germination 
are tabulated. 


It has long since been known that seeds under ordinary conditions 
lose their power of germination after the lapse of a few years, or in 
some cases within a few weeks or months. Many investigators have 
also learned that the rapidity with which seeds lose their vitality, when 
stored under ordinary conditions, varies greatly with the section of 
the country in which such seeds are kept. This loss in vitality is espe- 
cially marked in the case of seeds stored in places of relatively high 
humidity. The rapid deterioration of seeds in localities having a 
humid atmosphere has become a source of much embarrassment to 
seedsmen, for they have experienced many difficulties in shipping seed 
to such places. This is especially marked in the case of seeds sent to 
growers or dealers in the vicinity of the Gulf of Mexico. Gardeners 
and planters in that part of the United States are continually com- 
plaining about the nonviable seeds sent out by seedsmen. Some grow- 
ers have learned how to guard against this difficulty to a certain extent. 
Zimmer Brothers, of Mobile, Ala., wrote, on February 28, 1900, con- 
cerning this matter, as follows: 

During thirty years’ experience in market gardening, we have learned that seeds 
of many hardy plants will not keep in our climate, and when ordering we so time 
our order that we can plant the seeds as soon as received. If such be impossible, we 
are very careful to keep the original package unopened until conditions are favorable 
for planting. If we find it necessary to keep seeds of hardy plants for some months, 
we put them up on arrival in dry bottles, put on top a bit of cotton saturated with 
chloroform and cork tightly. We have kept, in that way, cauliflower seed. satisfac- 
torily for twelve months. At the shore seeds keep very badly; one-half mile back 
they do much better. As a rule seeds of tender plants give but little trouble. 

As far as has been ascertained, no definite experiments have been 
made with these points in view, and especially with the idea of deter- 
mining the cause or causes of this deterioration of vital energy. In 
order to obtain reliable data on these points, a series of experiments 
was undertaken in February, 1900, to determine how seeds are affected 


when distributed to different parts of the United States and submitted 
to the free influence of various climates. Likewise at the various 
points where tests were made the seeds were subjected to different 

The places selected for these tests were San Juan, P. R., Lake City, 
Fla., Mobile, Ala., Auburn, Ala., Baton Rouge, La., Wagoner, Ind. T., 
Durham, N. H., and Ann Arbor, Mich. 

A sample of each species of seed was put up separately in double 
manila coin envelopes and in closely corked bottles. Duplicate sets 
of each series were then subjected at each of the above-named places 
to the following conditions: 

Trade conditions.—Conditions similar to those in which seeds are 
kept when offered for sale by retail dealers, the seed being more or 
less exposed to meteorological changes and subjected to natural varia- 
tions in temperature and humidity. For the most part the seeds were 
in rooms that were never heated. 

Dry rooms.—Rooms in the interior of buildings which were artifi- 
cially heated during cold weather, and where the quantity of moisture 
was relatively small and the temperature comparatively constant. 

Basements. —Rooms where the temperature was comparatively low 
and uniform, and the relative humidity of the surrounding air was 
much higher than in *‘ trade conditions” and ‘** dry rooms.” 

These conditions varied in the different places at which tests were 
made, and a more detailed description will be given when the results 
of the germination tests are discussed. 

For the first part of this paper, treating of the influence of climate 
on vitality, none of the seeds need to be considered save those pre- 
pared in paper packages and kept under trade conditions, these coming 
more nearly under the direct action of the surrounding atmosphere. 
A sample of each kind of seed was put up in a manila (No. 2) coin 
envelope. and each of these packages was then inserted in a second 
(No. 3) coin envelope. Duplicate samples of every kind of seed were 
sent to the various testing places, where they were subjected to trade 
conditions. At San Juan the packages of seeds were kept in an open 
room, being subjected to the full action of the atmosphere but pro- 
tected from the direct rays of the sun and from rain. At Lake City 
the packages were kept in a one-story frame building which was not 
artificially heated and the doors of which were open the greater 
portion of the time. At Mobile the packages of seeds were stored in 
a comparatively open attic of a private dwelling. At Auburn the 
seeds were stored in a greenhouse office, with the doors frequently 
standing open. At Baton Rouge the packages were kept on a shelf in 
a grocery store, the doors of which were closed only during the night. 
At Wagoner the conditions were very similar to those of Baton Rouge, 
save that the packages of seeds were kept in a drug store. At Dur- 
ham the seeds were kept over a door at the entrance of one of the 


college buildings. This door opens into a hall which communicates 
with the oftices, chemical !nboratory, and the basement. At Ann 
Arbor the seeds were stored in the botanical laboratory, with slightly 
varying conditions, they being near a window which was frequently 
open during the summer, and at irregular intervals during the early 
part of the summer the packages were placed in the window so as to 
receive the direct rays of the sun. The seeds stored at Ann Arbor 
served partially as controls for those sent to the various other places, 
and, in addition to the last-named series, seeds from the original 
packages, as received from D. M. Ferry & Co., were kept in a dry 
and comparatively cool closet on the fourth floor of the botanical lab- 
oratory. These seeds served as checks for the complete set of exper- 
iments, and are designated throughout this paper as ** Control.” 

The samples were sent out to the above-named places in February, 
1900. The first complete set was returned in June, or early July, of 
that year. The second complete set was allowed to remain throughout 
the entire summer, and was returned in October and early November 
of the same year. The average time of treatment for the two series 
of experiments was 128 and 251 days respectively. When the seeds 
were returned, germination tests were made as soon as possible. The 
length of time that the seeds were in the various places and the vitality 
as shown by the germination tests are given in Tables I and II. In 
both tables the columns from left to right, beginning with Mobile, 
Ala., are in the order of the degree to which the seeds were injured. 

TABLE I.—Kffect of climate on vitality, as shown by percentage of germination—first test. 

San Baton |Wagon-| Lake Dur- Au- 

Bebe Juan, | Rouge, er, | City, ham, | burn, 
C Feb. 17| ae ee eet | ES ae ae ao ae | Ann 
Kind of seed. Ae : to i Bc, 5 Sa y See : | to. ‘ ta 1? neo I Arbor, 
‘ ae June20,) Junels, June23. June1s. July 14.) May 30. Mich. 
dave: 129 121 126 | 129 147 | 102 
: days. | days. days. | days. | days. | days. | 
Gorm sweet.) “SAU 22k. 95.9 80.0 96.0 | 96.0 96.0 94. 0 100. 0 96. 0 100.0 
Gorm, sweet,“ B?* 2...222.. | 89.3 48.0 72.0 80. 0 70.0 86.0 89.3 88. 0 92.0 
Omiomeeeseeees 6 ee on deco | 95.8 er 70 84.5 90.0 93.5 95.0 96.5 96.0 95.0 
Ga bAge eee. zsescetestaa sce c: 92.7 64.5 82.0 88.5 83.5 89.5 93.0 TIO 96.0 
INGLE ee see eee eee eee 83.6 58.5 64.0 77.5 77.5 79.0 80.6 7T5zD 7) eased 
pee OUea tar cee ares 8878 16910" | 71.6 74.3 | 81.5 | 76.5 | 78.0 | 84.5 76.0 
ROB osecctice a seetese es oes 95.3 69.2 94.0 94.0 98.0 96.0 98. 0 93.3 90.0 
BGA Bap secisceieeece cesses 98.7 58.0 100. 0 96. 0 96.0 98.0 100. 0 98.0 98.0 
PAIS Vriaee ecoeectnsaematicee 63.0 3.0 20.0 28.5 18.5 14 |) Baap 57.5 5a. 
Phlox drummondii........ 69.0 | 0.5 | 23.5 47.5 0.5 11.5 67.0 61.5 67.0 
ROM a LOGE eee ee Se 95.5 90.0 94.0 | OIE) | +9625 94.0 94.5 95.0 89.0 
Watermeloneete oe... se5.- 98.3 98. 0 96. 0 100. 0 98. 0 98.0 | 98.0 94.0 100.0 
HE LIUGG Soren mene ane: | 81.6 | 63.0 79. 0 82.5 78.0 87.0 82.0 86.5 82.0 
Average of all seeds .| 87.79 | 53.59 | 75.12] 80.48 ~ $2.12, "83. 00 | 85.57 | 85.70 86.23 

From Table [it will be seen that the loss of vitality in the case of 
seeds stored at Mobile was much greater than in those stored at any 
of the other places. The greatest loss in the samples tested was in the 


phlox, where the germination was only 0.5 per cent, or a loss in vitality 
of 99.3 per cent as compared with the control. These results were 
closely followed by a loss in vitality of 95.9 and 92.7 per cent for the 
pansy and onion seed, respectively. The percentages of germination 
in the other cases, except the ‘*B” sweet corn, pea, and bean, were 
sufficient to have produced a fair stand, i. e., if we consider that far 
too many seeds are usually sown. But a decrease in the percentage 
of germination means seeds of a low germinative energy. Even 
though the final percentage of germination be up to standard, the 
retardation may be of vital importance. A very good example of the 
retardation in germination is shown in the tests of the watermelon 
seeds. In the control sample 94 per cent of the seed germinated in 
47$ hours, while the seed returned from Mobile showed, during the 
same time, a germination of only 12 per cent; yet the difference in the 
final germination was only 0.3 per cent in favor of the control. Like- 
wise the seed returned from San Juan germinated only 20 per cent in 
474 hours, the final germination being 96 per cent or only 2.3 per cent 
lower than the control. 

Many similar cases might be mentioned in which the final per- 
centages of germination, as shown by the first set of tests given in 
Table I, represent a loss such as might be justly considered well within 
the limits of normal variation. However, that all of the samples of 
seed were injured as a result of the unfavorable climatic conditions is 
shown in the second set of tests set forth in Table II. In the latter 
case the seeds remained in the various places nearly twice as long as 
those used for the first test. 

Taste Il.—F feet of climate on vitality as shown by percentage of germination—second test. 


— = = ers 
Mobile.| Dur- Au- Lake | Wag- San 
' Ala ©;! Rouge, | ham, | burn, | City, | oner, | Juan, 
Feb I7| La., N-H., | Ala., Plas, india Paks Kear 
=e nie Con- *~"| Feb.17 | Feb.17 | Feb.17| Feb.9 | Feb.17| Feb.9 | x. 
Kind of seed. trol. | N to 6 to | to to to to to area 
; one | Oct. 22. | Oct. 26. Nov. 19.) Oct.1. | Oct. 13.) June 20. ; 
dave.) 2247 251 275 | 234 238 129 
eae SCL ONS: days. | days. | days. | days. | days. 
=< = - Slt | | ea | 7 | = } 
Corn, sweet? HA ee cc ake jes 94.5 | 20.0 | 88.0 96.0 88.0 92.0 90:0 | (92:0 98.0 
Corn, sweet, *°B*” ..2.2252- 88.5 12.0 | 54.2 82.0 62.0 | 77.0 78.0 78.0 80.0 
OnIOM we. ees eee 97.0 | 0.0 0.5 0.0 1280) 4) 2655) 24.5 00.0 97.5 
Cabbareaie. se cacnee eee 92.4 17.0 Deb e th A220, 61.5 63.5 70.5 W6o2 91.0 
Radishieeecs soaeessce tee 78.8 51.0 | 55.5 59.5 63.0 58.5 60.5 62.0) “len 775 
| | 
Carroteeess 2 sacs sees 8240) |) 845 25.0 2:0 36.0 43.5 49.0 | 48.5 | 86.0 
| | | 
RGae Puce eset aee cones | 95.7 44.0 | 80.0 94.0 97.9 86.5 80.0 98.0 98.0 
Beate. tai)8. 80. ccm 98.7 0.0 60.0 78.0 56.0 84.0 82.0 96.0 100, 0 
PANS Vise see o eee 53.0 0.0 0.0 0.05] 4250 ila) Viet ey eka) 46.5 
| = ~ 
Phlox drummondii ...-.--.- 53.9 0.0 0.0 OVS ea ateO 2.5 pty) |) alibi 10.0 
MomatOzee= cc ncaes seer eeee 97.5 79.5 96.0 87.0 94,0 94.0 94.0 96.5 | 98.0 
Watermelon. .</222.2e0--25 99 64.0 92.0 82.0 86.0 92.0 94.0 88.0 | 96.0 
MetiMCh asta: see eee 92.3 20.0 84.5 88.5 86.0 85.0 82.0 | 83.5 92.5 
Average of all seeds .| 86.77 | 24.31] 50.86] 52.42] 57.3 61.27 62.11 68. 21 84.58 


Kven though the columns in both Tables I and IL are arranged in 
the order of the loss in vitality as shown by the averages of the 
various places, it will at once be seen that the relative degree of injury 
did not remain the same throughout the experiment. This is probably 
best explained by a variation in the climatic influences. It is evident 
that in some of the places where seeds were stored the effects were 
more deleterious during the time between the first and second tests 
than they were during the first period of storage of 128 days. The 
results given in Table II are of the greater value in showing the 
relative merits of the different localities as places for storing seeds, 
extending as they do over a longer period of time. 

As a result of the second series of tests it was found that the average 
percentage of germination of all of the samples of seed that were 
stored in trade conditions at Mobile for 262 days was only 24.31 per cent. 
This is equivalent to a loss in vitality of 71.98 per cent as compared 
with the average percentage of germination of the control samples, the 
average germination of the controls being 86.77 per cent. The pansy, 
phlox, onion, and beans stored at Mobile wholly lost their power of 
germination. The tomato seed, which proved to be the most resistant 
to unfavorable conditions, gave a germination of 79.5 per cent, or a 
loss in vitality of 18.46 per cent, as compared with the control sample, 
which germinated 97.5 per cent. The degree of deterioration in the 
seeds stored at the other places was much less marked than for those 
stored at Mobile. The loss in vitality was only 41.39 per cent in the 
seeds returned from Baton Rouge. The results from the seeds which 
were stored at Durham, Auburn, Lake City, Wagoner, and San Juan 
differed but little from those from Baton Rouge. The relative losses 
in vitality are in the order given. The seeds kept in the packages 
which were stored under trade conditions in the laboratory at the 
University of Michigan showed a loss in vitality of only 2.52 per cent 
as compared with the control, the seeds of which were stored ina cool, 
dry closet on the fourth floor of the botanical laboratory. Ordinarily 
a loss of 2.52 per cent would be considered as a normal variation due 
to sampling and testing, and such was probably true in these two sets, 
with the exception of the greater deterioration of the phlox, pansy, 
and ** B” sweet corn, which were undoubtedly injured by the unfa- 
vorable trade conditions, as repeated tests have shown. 

From Table IL it will also be seen that the ‘‘A” sweet corn, peas, 
tomato, and watermelon, with the exception of those returned from 
Mobile, show a fair percentage of germination. In some cases the final 
percentages of germination were even higher than the controls; but, as 
previously stated, the final germination is not always a good criterion 
for the determination of vitality, it being necessary to consider the 
germinative energy as a basis for comparison. In order to show this 
more fully some of the detailed results are herewith given in Table IIT. 
These results show to a good advantage the degree to which germina- 
tion has been retarded. 

25037—No. 58—04——2 


Tasie I1l.—Retardation in germination due to injury caused by unfavorable climatic 

Peas. Watermelon. Tomato. 

Corn: “SAG” 
Germi- Germi- Germi- Germi- | Germi- 
nation | Final nation | Final nation Final | nation | nation | Final 
at end | germi- | atend | germi- | at end | germi- | at end | at end | germi- 
of 64 | nation.| of 40 | nation.| of 84 | nation. | of 88 of 107 | nation. 
hours. hours. hours. hours. | hours. 

Place where seeds 
were kept. 

Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent.| Per cent. | Per cent.| Per cent.|Per cent. | Per cent.| Per cent. 

Controle 222-6234; 81.3 94.5 79.6 95.7 98.0 99.0 78.0 92.7 97.5 
Mobile, Ala ....... 4.0 20.0 a 24.0 44.0 0.0 64.0 1.5 1255 79.5 
San Juan, P. R.... 64.0 92. 0 60. 0 98. 0 12.0 88.0 38.5 78.0 96.5 
Baton Rouge, La .. 50.0 88.0 36.0 80.0 | 0.0 92.0 9.0 56.0 96.0 
Wagoner, Ind. T .. 64.0 90. 0 36.0 80. 0 2.0 94.0 40.0 81.5 94.0 
Lake City, Fla..... 68. 0 92.0 50.0 86. 0 | 0.0 92.0 | 16.5 65. 0 94.0 
Durham, N. H..... 86.0 96.0 54. 0 94.0 | 0.0 82.0 0.5 5.5 87.0 
Auburn, Ala....... 80. 0 88.0 a93.7 97.9 22.0 86.0 59.0 75. 94.0 
Ann Arbor, Mich.. 82.0 98.0 82.0 98. 0 94.0 96. 0 75.5 91.0 98.5 

a After 62 hours. 

In order that the results of Tables I and II may be more readily and 
fully comprehended, it has been deemed advisable to summarize them 
in another table. For this purpose the average percentages of germi- 
nation of all of the different samples of seed have been determined for 
each of the different places. From these average percentages of ger- 
mination the deterioration in vitality, as shown by both the first and 
second tests as given in Tables I and II, have been calculated, the ger- 
mination of the controls serving as a basis for comparison. ‘These 
results furnish more trustworthy data as to the relative merits of the 
different focalities as places for storing seeds. Likewise the per- 
centages of deterioration between the time of the first and the second 
tests are shown in Table IV. 

TaBLe IV.—Average percentages of germination of all seeds kept at the various places, their 
deviations from the controls, and the increased percentages of loss in the second series of 

Average germina- | Deterioration in | Deterio- 

tion of all seeds vitality as com- | ration in 

used in experi- pared with con- | vitality 

Place of storage. ments. | trols. between 

iF ; | first and 

First test.| © sds oe First test. Becond second 

| Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. 
Control): 225: eeeeesccosesreoeeee see sole sem ns oles see | 87.79 SG 7lu |e osss cece See eeeere ee 1.16 
Mobile y Al asc ces ss 8a nome ee ncaa ce sects. eee 53. 59 24, 31 38.95 71.98 54. 64 
San Juan, SPiiRisecs: eee eee seen ae eae oes eee ae ae fos 12! es | v.31! paca see 
{| 45.18 |J || a 47.93 39. 86 
Baton Rouse sia ste e see ees eee a ea 80. 48 50. 86 8.32 41.39 36.81 
Durham SNH sees oo) sees eee Sea Seen 85. 57 52. 42 2.52 39. 58 38. 74 
PANU ATT PAN Gy 2 Sat crce soya oe ree oe pee ternal ten rere 85. 70 57. 34 2.38 33. 91 33.10 
Takes Citys c Bs ee eee ee ee ee ae ae 83. 00 61.27 5.45 29, 38 26.18 
Wagoner, Inds Dy cs tens ra ee ee ean 82.12 62. 11 6.45 28.41 24.37 
AnnvATbor, \Mich ses2=--neeeuet merece eee ace ee lee 86. 23 84.58 VE 2.52 OU 

aCalculated results. 


In Table IV the results are arranged in the order of the loss in vital- 
ity as shown by the second tests. However, a few words of explana- 
tion will be necessary, especially concerning the loss at San Juan. In 
the first place, the seeds were kept at San Juan only 131 days” during 
the early part of the summer, while during the most critical period, 
June 20 to November 6, they were in the botanical laboratory of the 
University of Michigan. Those marked Mobile, Ala., were, during 
the entire time, 262 days, under the influence of the warm, moist cli- 
mate of the Gulf of Mexico. The seeds kept at other places can well 
be compared with those from Mobile, the time being approximately 
the same. The average loss as shown by the second tests was 3.35 
times greater than the loss in the first test, which by calculation would 
bring San Juan next below Mobile, with a loss of vital energy in the 
seeds equal to 47.93 per cent. But more data are necessary before 
such a gradation of injurious climatic influences can be established. 

Table IV, however, brings out another interesting point, as shown 
by comparing the results of the first and second tests at San Juan and 
Mobile. In the first test the loss in vitality of the seeds from Mobile 
was 38.95 per cent, while the seeds returned from San Juan showed a 
loss of only 14.31 per cent as compared with 71.98 and 21.39 per cent, 
respectively, as shown in Table Il. The degree to which the seeds 
were injured while they were stored in San Juan was such that they 
continued to deteriorate much more rapidly than the control sample. 
This deterioration was most marked in the case of the pansy seed, the 
germination of the first test being 20 per cent and that of the second 
test only 6.5 per cent, showing a loss in vitality of 68.2 per cent and 
87.7 per cent, respectively. Thus when seeds are once placed in con- 
ditions unfavorable for the preservation of their vitality for a sufficient 
length of time to cause some injury, this injury will always be mani- 
fest and cause a premature death of the seeds even though they after- 
wards be removed to more favorable conditions. 

Seeds of strong vitality can withstand greater changes in conditions 
than seeds of low vitality without any marked deterioration. Through- 
out these experiments a wide difference has been observed between 
the ‘* A” sweet corn and the **B” sweet corn. The original tests 
made January 30, 1900, at the time the seeds were received, showed a 
germination of 94 per cent for the ‘‘A” sample and 88 per cent for 
the ‘*B” sample of corn. The control tests, made in November, 1900, 
showeda germination 0.5 per cent higher in each case; but the average 
loss in vitality of the two samples of seed kept at the various places 
was 12.17 per cent for the *‘ A” sample and 26.10 per cent for the ** B” 
sample. As with the pansy and the phlox these samples showed that 

«The number of days here given for San Juan is not absolutely correct. The time 
was reckoned from the date the seeds were sent from the laboratory until they were 
received in return. 


the stronger the vitality of the original sample of seed the more harsh 
treatment can be undergone without being injured. Strong vitality 
implies long life as well as vigorous seedlings. 

Another very important factor to be considered in the handling of 
seeds is the relative resistance of seeds of various species to adverse 
conditions. Certain seeds under one set of conditions may retain 
their vitality exceedingly well, while seeds of other species of plants 
under identical conditions may be killed ina comparatively short time. 
For this reason no general rule can be laid down for the preservation 
of seeds. Table V shows the varying degrees of deterioration of the 
different species of seeds used in the experiments. 

TasLe V.—Different degrees of deterioration of various kinds of seeds. 

First test. Second test. 
| Deterio- Deterio- 
Average | ration in Average | ration in 
Senay: ’ : rermi- | vitality 1 - | germi- | vitality 
seed. Germi- sern | 3 srmi- Belt 3 
Kind of seed rermi- | nation | ascom- |. C&™™!.| nation | as com- 
nation of) -¢ - nation of 
Gontrolt | eons the, pared " Outtol from the) pared 
‘| various | with the} ~ * | various | with the 
places. | control places. ) control 

| Samples. samples. 

| Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. 

MOMAtO- S222 Sa dedccasvice cece seater ease | 95.5 93. 06 2.55 97.5 92.43 5. 20 
dig =| ep Ah me SR nm, i et Nt | 95.3 91.56 | 3. 92 | 95.7 84. 80 11.39 
COLrn, SWEGU oral a Be atc acs seeecess | 95.9 94,75 | 1520 94.5 | 83. 00 APA Aly 
Watermelomiss -c.2so ci. seeescs access | 98.3 | 97.75 Sy 99:0 86. 62 12.51 
THOTEUCE Satie accisatepere wisieis Soler cures cewiae cied 81.6 80. 00 1.96 92.3 aed: 15.77 
Ragishi ees ac 3S owswe kt Ao eee oe beset ae | 83.6 | 74.38 11. 02 78.8 60. 938 22.67 
Corn paweet, SB. 2a. teen etew hee 89.3] 78.16 12. 47 88.5} 65.40 26.10 
Boat + tee ne te nee | 98.7] 93.00 | 5.76 98.7] 69.50 29,58 
Cabbare sees ie ee oe eee ee 92.7 86. 00 Woe 92.4 52.15 43.56 
CaTrotetiseesse sen aa ware oo cere tee a nsee eee | 83.3 75.16 | 9.77 82.0 | 37.81 53. 89 
OMIOM Ee pcee ose oes saeeeiane ee aneatiomes | 95.8 82.18 | 15. 26 97.0 | 25. 12 74.10 
Parisy). ec ue Suectees eco se. Oe: |} 63.0] 38-87] 38:33) 158.0 8.00 84.90. 
Phlox Grummondite: Poss 5.2 2ee. cack 69.0 14.87 | 34.97 | 53.9 7..62 85. 85 

In the above table the list of seeds is arranged in the order of their 
power to withstand the action of diverse climatic conditions, as shown 
by the results of the second test, given in Table II. Tomato seeds 
were found to be the most resistant, the control sample germinating 
97.5 per cent. Theaverage germination of the samples of tomato seed 
kept at the various places was 92.48 per cent, or a loss in vitality of 
only 5.20 per cent. The seed showing the next least injury was the 
peas, with a deterioration of 11.39 per cent. The phlox, which was the 
most affected by the unfavorable conditions, germinated only 7.62 per 
cent, thus showing a loss in vitality of 85.85 per cent. 

It is also interesting to note that the order, as shown by the second 
series of tests, is quite different from that of the first. This lack of 
uniformity increases the difficulties that must be overcome before the 
causes of the loss of vitality in seeds can be fully comprehended. Were 
all seeds affected in the same way when subjected to identical con- 


ditions, the order should have remained the same throughout, but the 
wide variation in atmospheric changes affects different seeds so very 
differently that no uniformity of results can be secured. For example, 
the conditions prevailing from February until June were much more 
disastrous to the vitality of the tomato and pea than to the ‘‘A” sweet 
corn, watermelon, and lettuce, while the conditions existing from June 
to November were more injurious to the ‘‘A” sweet corn, watermelon, 
and lettuce. An examination of the table will show other results 
of a similar nature. During the earlier stages of devitalization seeds 
undergo a gradual deterioration in vitality, but after reaching a cer- 
tain stage in their decline there is a comparatively sudden falling off, 
and seeds, except perhaps a few of the most persistent, soon cease to 
show any power of germination. Such factors as these must be taken 
into account in determining the relative length of time that different 
kinds of seed will retain their vitality. Put as yet sufficient informa- 
tion is lacking in order to make any trustworthy attempt to classify 
seeds in respect to their viable periods when subjected to different con- 
ditions. Numerous experiments are now under way, with the hope of 
furnishing a basis for such a classification. 

In order to obtain more data as to the influence of climate upon 
vitality additional samples of seed were sent to Mobile and Baton 
Rouge, where they were stored under the same trade conditions as for 
the former experiment. For these tests only cabbage, lettuce, and 
onion seeds, put up in envelopes, as for the previous tests, were used. 
The different packages of seed, placed in paper boxes from which 
they were not removed, were sent from the laboratory on May 20, 
1901, and were returned November 26, 1901, the total time of storage 
being 190 days. The results of these tests are shown in Table VI, and 
are even more striking than those of the former tests shown in Tables 

T and II. 

TasLe VI.—Relative merits of Mobile, Ala., Baton Rouge, La., and Ann Arbor, Mich., 

as places for storing seeds. 

[Period, 190 days. ] 

Cabbage. Lettuce. Onion. 
NARA : Percentage of seeds | Percentage of seeds z . P 
Ceeds ted t F High oreentare seeds ge > 
s ceugen bec to germinated at the germinated at the Percentage of seeds ge rminated 
ade condi- a 5 at the end of— 
Moria end of— end of— 
36 60 14 36 60 ib 60 | 84 108 |) 04 
hours. | hours. |} days. | hours. | hours. | days. | hours. | hours. hours. | days. 
= = — f 32% 2 eS” 4 E |e oe ee eS 
: | | 
Mobile, Ala......-- 0.0 0.0 S25 0.0] 14.0} 64.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | 0.0 
Baton Rouge, La .. 0.0 0.0 22°°5. 2.5 $5.5 74.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | 0.0 
Ann Arbor, Mich.. 10.0 64.5 86.5 67.0 82.5 96.5 3.0 10.0) 438.0 | 93.0 
| | 

Table VI shows quite clearly the deleterious action of the warm, 
moist climate of the Gulf of Mexico on the life of seeds. The onion 
seed which was stored at Mobile and Baton Rouge did not germinate, 


while seed from the same lot stored at Ann Arbor germinated 93 per 
cent. The cabbage seed was injured nearly as much as the onion, the 
sample from Mobile germinating only 8.5 per cent. The conditions 
at Baton Rouge were slightly more favorable to the preservation of 
vitality. The cabbage seed stored at the latter place germinated 22.5 
per cent, while a like sample of seed stored at Ann Arbor germinated 
86.5 per cent. The lettuce was much more resistant than either the 
cabbage or the onion seed, but here, too, the injury was quite marked, 
especially as shown by the retardation in germination. The conditions 
at Mobile were also the most disastrous for the lettuce seed. During 
the first 36 hours that the tests were in the germinating chamber none 
of the lettuce seed from Mobile germinated, while the seed from the 
corresponding sample from Ann Arbor germinated 67 per cent. The 
final percentages of germination were 64 and 96.5 per cent, respectively, 
for the seed from Mobile and Ann Arbor, showing a loss in vitality of 
33.68 per cent in the seed stored at Mobile. Here it will be seen, as in 
Table V, that the onion seed was most sensitive and the lettuce seed 
most resistant to the unfavorable conditions. In the first tests shown 
in Table V the average loss in vitality of the lettuce, cabbage, and 
onion was 15.77, 43.56, and 74.10 per cent, respectively, while for the 
last tests, as shown in the foregoing table, the losses in vitality of 
similar samples of seed kept at Mobile were 33.68, 91.29, and 100 per 
cent, respectively. The ratio is practically the same in both cases, the 
loss in the cabbage seed being 2.7 times greater than that of the lettuce. 

The foregoing data are sufficient to indicate that climatic influences 
play a very important part in the life of seeds, and that the degree of 
injury varies greatly in different places and likewise in different seeds. 
Some seeds were practically worthless after an exposure of four or five 
months in such places as Mobile, Baton Rouge, or San Juan, as shown 
in Table I. After longer exposures, six or nine months, similar results 
were obtained from all of the places to which seeds were sent. Many 
of the seeds were killed, as shown in Table II. The conditions at 
Mobile were fatal to all of the seeds; that is, the seeds were worthless 
so far as the gardener is concerned. 


Having shown that seeds lose their vitality much sooner in some 
localities than in others, the question naturally arises, ‘‘ Why this 
loss in vitality?” Unfortunately only two of the places where seeds 
were stored, Mobile and San Juan, have Weather Bureau stations which 
are equipped for making complete observations of the meteorological 
conditions. It has been observed, however, that there is a very close 
relationship between the precipitation and the loss in vitality in seeds; 
that is to say, ina measure the loss in vitality is directly proportional 
to the amount of rainfall. This deterioration is more apparent as the 


temperature increases, but the injury due to the increase in tempera- 
ture is dependent on the amount of moisture present. 

The following table has been compiled in order to show the ratio 
between the loss in vitality and the precipitation and temperature. 
The loss in vitality, as given in the second column of Table VII, rep- 
resents the average losses in percentages, calculated from the results 
of the germination tests of the 13 different samples of seeds, as shown 
in Table II. ¢ 

The third column shows the annual precipitation in inches. The 
annual precipitation has been taken, because in some instances heavy 
rainfalls occurred just previous to the time that the seeds were put 
into storage. Then, too, the annual precipitation furnishes more accu- 
‘ate data for a basis of comparison. The mean temperatures, as given 
in column 4, are not the mean annual temperatures, but the averages 
covering the time during which the seeds were stored. The mean 
annual temperatures were not taken, chiefly for the reason that the 
eritical period, in so far us temperature is concerned, is during the 
summer months. 

Taste VII.—Ratio between vitality, precipitation, and temperature. ? 


loss in vi- | Temperature 
tality of Annual I , 
Place where seeds were stored, the 13 dif- | precipita- 
| ferent sam- tion, —— = 
| plesof | Mean Fahr, Maximum 
seeds. an "~~ Rahr, 
Per cent. | Inches. Degrees. | Degrees, 
IMO DI Ghe Al Hie fae oa eee ace Qo Bo es Sends cioesis bos | 71.98 | 91.18 71.4 96.0 
BarOUmRON Or ace cca se ane cemacesaskcec ces ok 86ce aie 41.39 66.37 A). 98.0 
Pan amise NEVE 23s. eee Renae eee cite eee ea ae 39.58 18.20 5253 98.0 
PAU PEIN TDR AU ihc aeeia ye, Sisk Someta ats clot maisiaciowic cals, vaia a ectstbes 33.91 | 62.61 64.4 98. 0 
TAK CVOMLV EMH Mika svecie ae Sameer rae aes an cane oe mecad 29, 38 49. 76 W300 103.0 
WSS ONTO TEOIUTL CAMP cfarcts Svars Saeiaearcimrsisis o Sistere xo sieieataten.cjaicialba 28. 41 42,40 | 67.1 167.0 
PATAMEAT DOM WLC Sg oo es hose eroneels season atts « horses ce 2052 28.58 49,12 98.0 
»aThese seeds were sent out in February, 1900, and were returned to the botanical laboratory and 

tested in Oetober and November, 1900. The average time that the seeds were kept at the various 
places was 252 days. 

b The results of the San Juan tests have been omitted from this table beeause, as has been previously 
stated, all of the seeds were returned from San Juan on June 20, 1900, when the first tests were made. 
The seeond series of tests was made in October, 1900. During the time intervening between the first 
and second tests the San Juan samples were kept in the botanical laboratory at the University of 

According to the table the seeds kept at Mobile suffered the greatest loss in vitality. However, it is 
quite probable that the greatest loss would have been from the seeds stored at San Juan had the time 
of storage been the same for the two places, so that the results of the San Juan tests could have been 
included in the table. This conclusion is based on the following facts: Normally, the number of rainy 
days at San Juan far exceeds those at Mobile. In 1900 there were 211 days on which rain fell in Gan 
Juan, while the records for Mobile show only 146. Likewise the average temperature of the dew-point 
for San Juan was 71° F. and only 59° F. for Mobile, which, when expressed in terms of absolute 
moisture, gives 8.240 and 5.555 grains of water per cubie foot at the time of saturation. On the other 
hand, the relative humidity of San Juan was 78.5 per cent, or slightly lower than that of Mobile, the 
latter having a relative humidity of 80.5 per cent. However, the mean annual temperatures were 
77.6° and 71.4° F., respectively, hence a mean absolute humidity of 7,099 grains of aqueous vapor for 
San Juan and only 6.718 grains per cubie foot for Mobile, 


From the foregoing table it will be seen that precipitation is a factor 
of much greater importance than temperature. In order to show the 
real value which the amount of precipitation furnishes as a basis for 
judging the length of time that seeds will retain their vitality when 
stored in localities having a marked difference in the amount of rain- 
fall, the results set forth in the above table are represented diagram- 
matically as follows: 

Effect of precipitation on vitality. 

Place. Percentage of loss in vitality. Inches of precipitation. 

Mobile? 22. 2S 3.22 2-6 71.98 
Baton, Rouger sce. s2-2e 41.39 
Durham. cases -- eae 39.58 
AID UTT SE Rose see eee | 33. 91 
Tuakker@ityeco ss cess. ce | 29.38 | 49. 76 
Wagoner.........- eee 28. 41 | 42.40 
Ann Arbor... 2222s2--5- Deb2 28.58 

A discrepancy is very marked for Durham, N. H., which may be 
partially explained by considering again the conditions under which 
the seeds were stored. It will be remembered that these samples of 
seeds were stored ina hall which opened directly into a chemical labora- 
tory. It is quite probable that the low percentages of germination 
were due to the injurious action of gases emanating from the labora- 
tory. Of these gases, ammonia probably played a very important part, 
as it is well known that seeds are very readily injured when subjected 
to the action of ammonia. 

It is to be understood that the above comparisons are somewhat 
indefinite. If the amount of rainfall were equally distributed through- 
out the year a definite ratio could, in all probability, be established; 
but in the majority of places there are alternating wet and dry seasons, 
which make such a comparison very difficult and unsatisfactory. Yet 
for ordinary considerations it is sufficient to say that seeds will retain 
their vitality much better in places having a small amount of rainfall. 
For more exact comparison other factors must be taken into account, 
especially the relative humidity, mean temperature, and temperature 
of the dew-point, which ultimately resolves itself into the absolute 
amount of moisture present in the atmosphere. 


From the foregoing experiments it is quite evident that moisture 
plays an important part in bringing about the premature death of 
seeds and that the detrimental action of moisture is more marked as 


the temperature increases. Formerly the general consensus of opinion 
has been to make this statement in the reverse order—that 1s, that 
temperature exerts a very harmful action on seeds if much moisture 
be present. For comparatively high temperatures the latter statement 
at least it is not misleading, and in a certain 

would probably 8 
measure it is true; vat at the lowest known temperatures, as well as 
at ordinary temperatures, moisture is the controlling factor, and in 
order to be consistent it should likewise be so considered for higher 
temperatures—that is, within reasonable limits. 

That temperature is only of secondary importance is brought out in 
the results obtained by a number of investigators. It has been well 
established by Sachs,“ Haberlandt,’? Just,¢ Krasau,” Isidore-Pierre,¢ 
Jodin,’, Dixon,’ and others that most seeds, if dry, are capable of 
germination after being subjected to relatively high temperatures for 
periods of short duration. The maximum for most seeds is a tempera- 
ture of 100° C. for one hour; but if the seeds contain comparatively 
large quantities of moisture they are killed at much lower tempera- 
tures. It has been reported that lettuce seed will lose its vitality in 
two weeks in some of the tropical climates where moisture is abundant. 
Dixon has shown that if lettuce seed be dry it will not all be killed 
until the temperature has been raised to 114° C. 

In case of low temperatures the factor of moisture is of less impor- 
tance, yet even under such conditions the moisture must not be exces- 
sive or the injury will be quite apparent. But if seeds are well 
dried it can safely be said that they will not be killed as a result of 
short exposures to the lowest temperatures which have thus far been 
produced. Our knowledge of the resistance of seeds to extremely 
low temperatures is based on the experiments of Edwards and Colin,’ 
Wartmann,’ C. De Candolle and Pictet,? Dewar and MecKendrick,” 
Pictet,’ C. De Candolle,” Brown and Escombe,” Selby,’ and Thiselton- 

«Handbuch d. Exp. Phys. d. Pflanzen, Leipzig, 1865, p. 66. 

»Pflanzenbau I, 1875, pp. 109-117; Abs. in Bot. sabeesb. 1875; ps 7717. 

¢ Bot. Zeit., 33, Jahrg. 1875, p. 52; Cohn’s Beitrige zur Biol. der Pflanzen, 1877, 
2: 311-348. . 

“¢Sitzungsbr. d. Wiener Akad. d. Wiss., 1873, 4 : 195-208. I. Abth. 

e Ann. Agron., 1876, 2: 177-181; Abs. in Bot. ine a 1876, Il. Abth., 4: 880. 

/ Compt. Rend., 1899, 129: 893-894. 

¢ Nature, 1901, 64: 256-257; notes from the Botanical School of Trinity College, 
Dublin, August, 1902, pp. 176-186. 

2 Ann. sei. nat. bot., ser. 2, 1834, 1: 257-270. 

é Arch. d. sci. phys. et nat., Genéve, 1860, 8: 277-279; ibid., ser. 8, 1881, 5: 340-344. 

JIbid., ser. 3, 1879, 2: 629-632; ibid., ser. 3, 1884, 11: 325-327. 

k Proc. Roy. Inst., 1892, 12: 699. 

! Arch. d. sci. phys. et nat., Geneve, ser. 4, 1893, 30: 293-314. 

mYbid., ser. 4, 1895, 88: 497-512. . 

” Proc. Roy. Soc., 1897-8, 62: 160-165. 

6 Bul. Torr. Bot. Club., 1901, 28: 675-679. 


Dyer.“ In the experiments of the last-named investigator seeds were 
subjected to the temperature of liquid hydrogen (—250° to —252°C.) 
for six hours, and when tested for vitality the germination was perfect 
and complete. ? ; 

Much more might be said on the effect of high and low temperatures 
on vitality. But for the commercial handling of seeds the extremes 
of temperature are of secondary importance and need not be further 
discussed at this time. In the present work the purpose has been to 
show the effect of moisture on the vitality of seeds when subjected to 
such temperatures as are usually met with in the storing of seeds. 


On February 6, 1900, samples of each of thirteen kinds of seed 
were put up in duplicate, both in manila coin envelopes and in small 
bottles. The bottles were closed with carefully selected cork stoppers. 
These two sets of duplicate samples were then divided into two lots. 
Each lot contained one of each of the packages and one of each of the 
bottles of seeds. The samples thus prepared were carefully packed 
with excelsior in wooden boxes, the boxes being then wrapped with 
heavy manila paper. In one of the boxes was also placed a Sixes’ 
self-registering thermometer, so that the minimum temperature could 
be ascertained. 

These boxes were stored in a large ice house near Ann Arbor, being 
securely packed in with the ice at the time the house was being filled. 
The first box was taken out with the ice on June 12, 1900, after a lapse 
of 126 days. The thermometer in this box registered a minimum of 
—3.6° C. It is safe to assume that this temperature was uniform, at 
least up to within a few days of the time when the seeds were taken 
out. Unfortunately, absence from the university at this particular 
time delayed an examination of the seeds until June 20. During the 
eight intervening days the box of seeds was kept in the laboratory 
and there many of the seeds in the packages molded, so that they were 
unfit for germination tests. In fact, the results of the tests from the 
packages are of little value within themselves; but in comparison with 
the vitality tests of the seeds kept in the bottles some important facts 
are brought out, and it has been deemed advisable to tabulate these 
results with those of the second series. 

The second box of seeds was packed approximately in the center of 
a large ice house (100 by 60 by 20 feet) and was taken out with the 
ice on July 21, 1900, after having been 167 days in cold storage. The 

«Proc. Roy. Soc., 1899, 65: 361-368. 
> Brassica alba (oily), Pisum sativum (nitrogenous), Cucurbita pepo (oily), Triticum 
sativum (farinaceous), and Hordeum vulgare (farinaceous). 


box was brought directly to the laboratory and the seeds were exam. 
ined at once. Those contained in the paper packages had absorbed a 
considerable quantity of moisture and were much softened. In all of 
the packages except those containing the onion and watermelon seeds 
some mold had developed; but in the seeds used for the germination 
tests care was taken to avoid using those that showed any trace of 
a mycelium, thereby reducing the injury due to fungous growth toa 
minimum, even though subsequent experiments have shown that such 
injury is practically negligible. 

An interesting point concerning the germination of some of the 
seeds at this low temperature may be stated in this connection. Hight 
of the peas, or 4 per cent, had already germinated, the radicles vary- 
ing in length from 1 to 2.5 em., thus corroborating Uloth’s results in 
germinating peas at or slightly below the temperature of melting ice.“ 

Taste VIII.—The vitality of seeds kept in an ice house in envelopes and bottles, and like- 
wise the vitality of the controls. 

First test, after 126 days. Second test, after 167 days. 

Germination. Differ- | Differ- Germination. Differ- | Differ- 
lence be- encebe- ence be-|ence be- 

Kind of seed. tween | tween tween | tween 

| envel- | envel- envel- | envel- 
Gone | Havel | orto, Opeenelapeand) Con | Buvel-) pottie, PPE and opening 

sam- | sam- sam- sam- 

ples. ples. ples. ples. 

Per ct. | Per ct. | Per ct. | Per ct. | Per ct.| Per ct.| Per ct.| Per ct.| Per ct. | Per ct. 
MU OTT SAC anes fevare oe 96.0 36.0 94.0 60.0 58.0 92.0 86.0 96.0 6.0 10.0 
Wom SB"? ss acc 5a... 90. 0 60.0 96. 0 30.0 36.0 92.0 74.0 94.0 18.0 20.0 
OMLOMIAeS 22 oes ao 95.0 92.5 96.5 a5) 4.0 95.0 94.5 95.0 fm) 0.5 
Cabbage’....<.=-...<. 93.5 89.0 94.0 4.5 5.0 92.0 90.0 94.0 2.0 4.0 
RGISN es -keeccse. CASH 3h] ee Se eee Rees pare te 80.5 74.0 89.0 6.5 15.0 
CATLODssc.c5< 5215.2 TIED Newser BOL) Pee sere | Ss acheter 73.5 52.0 75.5 21.5 23.5 
ReMr tn. acscencicces 92730 ||s6 352-52 Bos UNM Sete osntece2 94.7 90. 0 96.0 4.7 6.0 
SEC ae eon LOOK ae see bs T00u0) Ses = ee lea 100. 0 0.0} 98.0 | 100.0 98. 0 
HANS) Ae .5 25: pees 52.5 5.0! 65.5 47.5 60.5 52.0 2.5 65.5 49.5 63.0 
PWIOR a eisece ct cecs PaO) eyo @AGsD |i... 2-22 ava 54.0 11.0 68.5 43.0 57.5 
MOMEBtOs= scaecas 22 9.5 | 73.0 93.5 22.5 | 20.5 96.5 51.5 96.0 | 45.0 44.5 
Watermelon....... oS. 0 90. 0 100.0 $.0 | 10.0 100. 0 96. 0 100. 0 4.0 4.0 
WG GUUILG Os ajatarssin acta SOKO Sees ac 66:0) 22-2 seal oo sto. 81.5 66.0 71.0) 15.5 5.0 
Average ..... 87.3; 63.6) 87.9| 25.0| 27.7| 849] 621] 87.6] 243] 27.0 

«In making up the averages the result of the germination of the phlox was omitted because a sub- 
sequent examination showed that the bottle containing this sample of seed was broken at the bottom, 
thus admitting sufficient moisture to destroy vitality, as is borne out by the second test. 

The above table shows, as previously stated, that the results of the 
first tests are incomplete and not very satisfactory, owing to the fact 
that the germination tests were unavoidably delayed for eight days 
after the seeds were taken from the ice house; but with the second set 

@ Flora, 1875, pp. 266-268. 


of sainples the counts for the vitality tests were begun within an hour 
from the time the seeds were removed from the ice house. Thus, the 
conclusions for these experiments must be drawn chiefly from the sec- 
ond series of tests. However, comparisons will be made with the 
first where such seem justifiable. 

It will at once be seen that the seeds which were in paper packages 
gave a much lower percentage of germination than either the control 
samples or those kept in bottles. The average germination of the 
controls was 84.9 per cent, and the average germination of the seeds 
kept in bottles was 87.6 per cent, while only 62.1 per cent of the seeds 
kept in paper packages germinated. This is equivalent to a loss in 
vitality of 24.3 and 27 per cent, respectively, as compared with the 
vitality of the control samples and the samples from the bottles. The 
results of the first tests are practically the same, save that the differ- 
ences between the control and the bottle samples are less marked. In 
the second case the average vitality of the seeds kept in envelopes was 
much reduced by the complete failure to germinate in the case of the 
beans, which are most susceptible to the deleterious action of moisture 
at the given low temperature. 

One of the most important points brought out by these experiments 
is the result obtained with onion, cabbage, and watermelon seeds. In 
both the first and the second tests the germination varied but little 
throughout. However, in all cases the seeds in the paper packages 
were slightly injured by the action of the moisture. This factor is of 
much importance, especially in the case of the onion seed, which, 
when kept in a moist atmosphere at normal temperatures, soon loses 
its vitality, but when maintained at temperatures slightly below 
freezing it becomes very resistant to the action of moisture. The 
beans, on the other hand, were all killed, although they are ordinarily 
much more hardy than onion seed. It is quite probable, however, 
that the death of the beans may be attributed to the reduction in tem- 
perature. Containing as they do large quantities of starch, they 
absorb more water than less starchy or more oily seeds. This factor, 
together with the large embryo, renders them much more susceptible 
to the injurious action of freezing temperatures. 

Another important feature brought out by these experiments was 
the better germination of the seeds which had been stored in bottles 
in the ice house. The average germination of these samples was 2.7 
per cent higher than that of the control. Ina measure this may be 
included within the limits of variation; but when it is considered that 
all of the bottle samples except the beans, tomato, and lettuce showed a 
vitality equal to or greater than the control, it can hardly be considered 
asa normal variation, especially since only the lettuce gave any marked 
variation in favor of the control. Likewise, the average percentages 


of the first series of tests show a slight increase in favor of the seeds 
kept in the bottles, though the increase is not so well marked and is 
less uniform than in those of the second series. 

Aside from the final germination there is still another factor that 
must be taken into consideration as bearing evidence of the advantage 
of keeping seeds at low temperatures, provided that they are kept dry. 
All of the samples that were stored in the ice house in bottles showed 
a marked acceleration in germination. It is quite evident that the res- 
piratory activities and accompanying chemical transformations were 
much reduced by the reduction in temperature, and the vital energy was 
thus conserved; but when the conditions were favorable for germination 
the greater amount of reserve energy in these seeds gave rise to a more 
vigorous activity within the cells and a corresponding acceleration in 

Numerous other experiments showing the effect of moisture on the 
vitality of seeds were made. In contrast to those just given, the 
injurious action of moisture at higher temperatures, yet temperatures 
well within the limits of those ordinarily met with in the handling of 
seeds, will be next considered. 


This set of experiments was undertaken particularly to furnish con- 
ditions somewhat similar te those existing in the States bordering on 
the Gulf of Mexico, or, in fact, all places having a relatively high 
degree of humidity and a temperature ranging from 30° to 387° C. 
(86° to 98.6° F.) during the summer months. In order to secure the 
desired degrees of temperature two incubators were utilized, one being 
maintained at a temperature varying from 30° to 82° C., the other 
from 36° to 387°C. The thermo-regulators were so adjusted as to 
admit of a possible variation of nearly two degrees in each case. 

Beans, cabbage, carrot, lettuce, and onion were used for these tests. 
In each of the incubators the seeds were subjected to four different 
methods of treatment: 1. In a moist atmosphere, in free communica- 
tion with the outside air. 2. In a moist atmosphere, but not in con- 
tact with fresh air, the seeds being in. sealed bottles of 250 ce. capacity. 
3. In a dry atmosphere, in free communication with the outside air. 
4. Air-dried seeds in sealed bottles. 

In order to obtain the conditions requisite for the first method of 
treatment, an apparatus was used as shown in figure 1. The seeds were 
put up in small packages and then placed in a 250 cc. bottle. The bottle 
containing the packages of seeds was placed within a specimen jar 
which was partially filled with water. This jar was then closed with 
a large cork stopper which carried two glass tubes, each of 1 em. bore. 
These tubes extended 25 cm. above the top of the jar and out through 


the opening in the top of the incubator. The primary object of the 
tubes was to prevent any water vapor from escaping within the incu- 
bator and thereby doing damage to the seeds that were to be kept dry 

Fic. 1.—Apparatus used to de- 
termine the effect of moisture 
and temperature on the vitality 
of seeds in communication with 
free air. 

in the same incubator. For the same reason 
the cork in the jar was well coated with paraf- 
fin. Approximately the same volume of water 
was maintained in the jar throughout the ex- 
periment, more water being added through 
tube a, as occasion demanded, to replace the 
loss by evaporation. The chief advantage in 
having two tubes was the comparative ease 
with which the air within could be displaced 
by afresh supply by forcing a current of fresh 
air through one or the other of the tubes. 

Two such preparations were made, one being 
left in the oven maintained at a temperature 
varying from 30~ to 32° 
C., the other in the oven 
maintained ata tempera 
ture varying from 36° 
to 87" C. In both cases 
the bottles contained 
five packages of each of 
the five samples of seed, 
thus making provisions 
for testing at different 

In order to supply the 
conditions for the second 
method of treatment, 

similar packages from the same samples of seeds 
were put into 8-ounce bottles, which were then 
kept for five days ina moist chamber. The in- 
crease in weight due to the absorption of water 
within the five days was as follows: Beans, 3.03 
per cent; cabbage, 8.09 per cent; carrot, 8.26 per 
cent; lettuce, 7.45 per cent, and onion 8.43 per 
cent. This increase, with the water already 
present in,the air-dried seeds, gave a water con- 
tent of 13.23 per cent for the beans, 13.99 per 
cent for the cabbage, 13.60 per cent for the carrot, 
12.45 per cent for the lettuce, and 14.84 per cent 
for the onion. 

Fic. 2.—Apparatus used to 
determine the effect of mois- 
ture and temperature on the 
vitality of seeds not in com- 
munication with free air. 

The bottles were then corked and sealed with paraffin, but were so 


constructed that the relative humidity of the inclosed air could be 
increased without the admission of more free air. The detailed con- 
struction of this apparatus is shown in fig. 2.” 

The seeds continued to absorb moisture toa limited extent. In order 
that the inclosed air might be maintained at approximately the same 
degree of saturation, a crude hygroscope was attached on the inside of 
each bottle. These hygroscopes were made from awns of Sé/pa 
capillata L., the tip of the awns being removed and a short piece of fine 
copper wire used as an indicator. These hygroscopes were suspended 
from the under side of the cork, as shown at /, and by the side of each 
was suspended a fine fiber of silk, which, being carried around by the 
indicator, recorded the number of turns made by the awn. 

Five such preparations were made for each of the two sets, so as to 
furnish seeds for a series of tests. One set was kept at a temperature 
of 380° to 32° C., the other at 36° to 87° C. The seed from one of the 
bottles, at each of the temperatures, was weighed after eighty-one 
days, at the time the germination tests were made. These weighings 
showed that at the lower temperatures the average increase in weight 
for all the seeds was 8.6 per cent, and at the higher temperatures, 6.3 
per cent. The increase in the case of the beans was quite marked at 
this time, being 13.3 per cent for those maintained at a temperature 
ranging from 380° to 32° C., and 9.8 per cent for those maintained at 
Beto ot G. 

The third set of conditions consisted simply of packages of the air- 
dried seeds kept in open boxes in each of the incubators. This series 
of tests was made especially for the purpose of determining the effect 
of dry heat on the vitality of seeds when maintained at the tempera- 
tures above given for some considerable time. 

For the fourth series small packages of the seeds were put into 
2-ounce bottles, which were then corked and sealed with paraflin. Five 
of these bottles were kept in each of the ovens and germination tests 
were made at irregular intervals. The results of these tests furnish a 

« The wide-mouth bottle (/) contains the packages of seed (s). Through an open- 
ing in the cork is inserted a short piece of soft glass tubing, being first fused at the 
lower end and having a slight constriction drawn atc. At a distance of 1 cm. 
above the constriction is blown a small opening, as shown ato. <A short piece of 
heavy rubber tubing (4), cemented ona piece of heavy brass wire (i), serves as a 
stopper. This stopper, which must fit closely within the glass tube, is operated by 
means of the heavy wire. When drawn up, the water in the tube may give off 
aqueous vapor, which can escape through the small opening (0) into the bottle. 
When suflicient moisture is present the supply is shut off by pushing the stopper 
down firmly against the constriction. The stopper must be well coated with vas- 
eline to prevent its sticking to the sides of the glass tube. To make the apparatus 
more secure against the entrance of fresh air, a second piece of rubber tubing (7) 
is placed in the upper part of the glass tube, the top of which is then filled with oil. 


basis for comparing the relative merits of keeping seeds in open vessels 
and in sealed bottles. 

Table LX will show the effect of the various methods of treatment 
on the vitality of the seeds. 

TasiE LX.— Vitality of seeds when subjected to the action of a dry and a moist atmosphere, 
both when exposed to free air and when confined in glass bottles, at relatively high 
temperatures, & 

| | | Vitality of seeds when | Vitality of seeds when | 
| kept ina moist at- | kept in a dry atmos- 
| | mosphere. phere. Ger- 
End of Hoviiie =a aaa ee i 
Begin- | experi- a ‘In open bot-,| In sealed In open | Insealed | tion 
= ie | ning of mentand ;~ | |tles, at tem- bottles, at | boxes, at | bottles, at of 
Kind of seed. | experi- date of pee peratures tempera- tempera- | tempera- | con- 
| ment. germina- eae varying | tures vary- | tures vary- | tures vary- | trol 
|tion tests. ‘| from— ing from— | ing from— | ing from— | sam- 
| | |_ = 2) ee = — | ples: 
| '30° tol36° to'30° to!36° to/30° tol36° to/30° tol36° to 
| BoE NES ios | e2oe oie occa sohoen | tozeculeoiee 
| | | 
| Days. P.ct.| P.ct.| P.ct.| P.ct.| P.ct.| P. ct.) P.ct.| P.ct.| P. ct. 
Beans 2522255. 22%:< | Mar. 4) Apr. 4 31 |100.0 |100.0 | 78.0 | 44.0 | 86.0 | 84.0 | 98.0 | 98.0 | 94.0 
DOT Grssnwaee = eee do....| May 12 69 | 97.5 0.0 , 75.0 0.0 100.0 | 90.0 | 92.5 | 95.0 | 98.7 
Doe eee do....| May 24] 81] 94.0|...... 0.0 0.0 98.0 90.0, 98.0 100.0 | 98.0 
DOrs acasesecens eee do July 22 140 Dee Miciete eve 0.0 0.0 |100.0 | 94.0 | 98.0 | 96.0 99,4 
Cabbage ........-.|--- do....| Apr. 4] 31 | $7.8 | 90.5 | 73.0 | 72.5 | 86.5 | 84.0] 83.5 | 86.9] 91.0 
DO Se ee aen ee eee do....| May 12 69 | 71.6 0.0 30.0 050))| 67.5) | 87.9 |) 7OSO UL 8sbe S8e0) 
| | | 
WO ees cece ler do....| May 24 BL 80HO ese ee 13.0 0.0 | 89.0 | 92.0 | 92.5 | 92.0 92.5 
Do...te422 ce ap ee do....} July 22 TAO tO Os eee 05.0 1) 0:10) 48420: 83501 e8855 IKS6N7 | 93.1 
| | 
@arrotsss< 5 ee os| Apr. 4 31 | 83.5 | 77.5 | 54.5 | 29.5 | 84.5 | 88.0 | 89.5 | 89.0 | 92.5 
r | [ | | 
DOSS. 20 Ae 227d0-- 6.) May 12 69 | 69.5 | 0.0) 22:5 | 055. 82:0 |.8550")'88.5-1) 82.5: |" 4780 
| | 
DOie ieee ook 22d - 2. May 24] 81 | 48.0 ]....-. 2.5] 0.0] 44.5 | 50.0 | 50.0 | 48.0] 64.5 
DO’ Sisco eae do....| July 22 140 OD DaR. eee Ob} 1Os0" P8120) | Si. 2. | 578457 |"83id 83.1 
| | | | 
L6G: sc. ee ces oe eee do =| Apr. { 31 | 92.5 | 90.5 | 78.0 | 58.0 | 91.0 | 86.5 | 91.5 | 90.0 | 90.0 
190 eee a ete Peer do....| May 12 69 | 38.0] 0.0] 44.5) 2.0 | 42.0 | 38.5 | 38.5 | 51.5] 81.5 
DOusrscee ees ...40....| May 24 S81) "bbs: [e222 se 1.0] 0.0 | 65.0} 58.5 | 62:.5.)°67.0))) 5325 
Gta es2: Shee ..:do....| July 22} 140] 0.0 |...... 1.5] 0.0] 82.0 | 87.0 | 81.5 | 88.0 | 79.9 
| | | | 
(OhokVo ita See FaeGO! oscs) CAIs 31 | 95.5 | 89.0 | 64.5 | 45.0 | 95.5 | 93.0 | 96.0 | 97.5 | 96.0 
DOU| May 12 69 | 68.0 | 0.0} 2.5] -0.0 | 97.0 | 95.0 | 97.5 | 93.0 | 98.5 
DoysSeanesssses do....| May 24] 81 | 59.5 |....-- 0.0] 0.0 | 95.5 | 94.0 | 99.0] 95.0 | 96.5 
MOg ae eee = July 22: || 140.) 0/0'|..-.-- 0.0} 0.0 | 90.0 | 92.0 | 97.5 | 94.7 | 95.4 
| | 

aA study of the table will show that the lettuce and carrot seed germinated very poorly at the end 
of 69 and 81 days. This, however, was not due to any inherent quality of the seed, but to an excess- 
ive temperature at the time the tests were made. Both of these seeds require a comparatively low 
temperature for their successful germination, lettuce germinating best at 20° C., and carrot at an 
alternating temperature of from 20° to 380° C. 

The amount of moisture absorbed or expelled under the different 
methods of treatment has an important bearing on the duration of 
vitality and will be considered briefly at this time. Only the general 
results will be dise~ssed in this connection, inasmuch as later expert- 
ments, carried out in a similar manner, show the detailed results to 
much better advantage. Nevertheless, it requires only a glance at 
the above table to show the marked difference in the germinative 
power of seeds which have been stored in moist and in dry conditions. 
The seeds which were exposed in a moist atmosphere to the higher 



temperatures (36° to 87° C.) were killed much earlier than those 
subjected to the moist atmosphere at the lower temperatures—30~ to 
32° C.—in both the open and the closed bottles. 

A weighing at the end of 31 days showed that the average increase 
in weight of the seeds kept in the open, moist chamber, due to the 
absorption of moisture, was 6 per cent at a temperature of 380- to 
32° C., and 5 per cent at a temperature of 36° to 37° C. For the 
seeds kept in the oven, maintained at the temperature of 30° to 82> C., 
another weighing was made at the end of 134 days, at which time the 
average increase in the water content had risen to 8.67 per cent. 
Unfortunately the seeds from the second oven, maintained at the 
higher temperature, had become badly molded in 69 days, so that only 
the one weighing was made. 

Vitality tests made at this time, 69 days, showed that all of the 
seeds from the open, moist chamber, at the higher temperatures, had 
been previously killed as a result of the drastic treatment; conse- 
quently no future germination tests were made. Those maintained at 
the lower temperatures were almost entirely free from mold at the 
expiration of the experiment, only an occasional seed showing any 
trace of fungous growth. Nevertheless, germination tests showed 
that the vitality had been destroyed in the cabbage, lettuce, and onion. 
Beans and carrot were most resistant, the former having germinated 
2.3 per cent and the latter 0.5 per cent. All of the seeds had become 
very much softened. The beans and the lettuce had changed very 
materially in color, the beans (Karly Kidney Wax Six Weeks) having 
become much darker and the lettuce (Black-Seeded Simpson) almost a 
lemon color. 

With the seeds constituting the second series, 1. e., 72 @ most atimos- 
phere but in scaled bottles, the injury was much more severe. Here, as 
with the open chambers, the seeds subjected to the higher temperatures 
were killed first, even though the amount of moisture actually absorbed 
was less, as was also true with the other series. A weighing made at 
the end of 81 days gave an increase of 8.6 per cent for those from the 
oven maintained at a temperature of 30° to 32° C., and 6.3 per cent at the 
higher temperature. Likewise, in this series, the seeds had become 
very much softened and a very disagreeable odor had developed as a 
result of the putrefaction of their nitrogenous constituents. A close 
examination made at the end of 81 days revealed slight traces of fun- 
gous growth, but there is no reason to believe that these played any 
part in the destruction of vitality. However, in making counts for 
germination tests all molded seeds were carefully discarded. 

The results of the germination tests showed that the vitality of the 
seeds kept at the lower temperatures had been practically destroyed 
at this time. The beans and onions failed to germinate, while the 

25037—No. 58 3 


abbage, carrot, and lettuce germinated only 1, 2.5, and 1 per cent, 

During the succeeding 60 days much mold had developed, and at 
the expiration of the experiment, 140 days, only the carrot and the 
lettuce gave any indications of vitality. It is especially interesting to 
note with what rapidity the deterioration took place between the sixty- 
ninth and the eighty-first days, showing that when vitality reaches a 
certain point in its decline there follows a comparatively sudden 
death. This same fact is also shown in the case of those seeds in this 
sume series kept at the higher temperature. After 31 days’ treatment 
they all failed to germinate, except 0.5 per cent in carrot and 2 per 
cent in lettuce seeds. 

In the two series of experiments just considered there was an increase 
in water content as a result of the humidity of the air in which the 
seeds were kept. But the third series, open and dry, presents quite 
another factor. A weighing made at the end of 30 days showed that 
there had been an average loss of 2.5 per cent for the lower tempera- 
tures and 3.5 per cent for higher temperatures. After this time the 
weight remained nearly constant. Subsequent experiments, which 
will be considered later, also show that the water capable of being 
expelled at any given atmospheric temperature is driven off in a com- 
paratively short time. In case of seeds this condition is practically 
completed in eight or ten days when maintained at temperatures as 
above given. This extra drying of the seed causes a greater contrac- 
tion of the seed coats, and in a number of cases a corresponding 
retardation in the rapidity with which germination takes place. The 
retardation in the germinative activity is dependent on the increased 
difficulty with which the seeds absorb water, and in many cases has an 
important bearing on the vitality tests. 

The fourth and last series, in which the air-dried seeds were sealed 
in bottles and subjected to the temperatures at which the two ovens 
were maintained, gave still another very different set of conditions. 
Here there was also an increase in weight, due probably to some 
process of oxidation, but the increase was very slight. The average 
increase from those kept at either of the temperatures was less than 
one-half of one per cent. 

Seeds, if well matured and thoroughly air-dried, are not injured 
when kept at temperatures below 37° C., whether they be kept in free 
communication with fresh air, or in sealed bottles, or tubes. In the 
experiments under discussion the average percentage of germination 
was slightly higher in the case of the seeds which had been stored in 
the sealed bottles. The mean percentage of germination for the seeds 
which had been exposed to the open air at a temperature of 30° to 
32° C. was 83.05 per cent. Those from the sealed bottles kept at the 
same temperature germinated 84.82 per cent. At the higher temper- 
atures—36° to 37° C.—the mean germination of the seeds from the open 


and the closed bottles was 82.68 and 85.62 per cent, respectively. The 
control sample germinated 85.45 per cent. That 87° C. is about the 
maximum temperature at which air-dried seeds can be stored without 
injury is shown by the following experiments. 

Preparations similar to those above mentioned were used, and after 
being subjected to a temperature of 87° C. for 219 days, there was no 
appreciable loss in vitality, except the deterioration of 4 per cent in 
the case of the cabbage seed that was kept in an open bottle, and 6.3 
per cent in the seed from a closed bottle.“ But by increasing the tem- 
perature, during an additional period of 68 days, from 87~ C. toa 
maximum of 44° C., the injury was much more marked, especially in 
the closed bottles. In the open bottles the vitality of the cabbage was 
lowered from 91.3 per cent to 77 per cent, representing a loss in vital- 
ity of 15.66 per cent. The onion seed fell from 95.7 per cent to 87 
per cent when kept in an open bottle, and to 61 per cent when kept in 
a closed bottle. The beans showed no apparent injury in either case, 
except that they became very dry; consequently there was a retarda- 
tion in germination as a result of the slow absorption of water. 

The greater loss in vitality of the seeds kept in the bottles was the 
direct result of the higher humidity of the air immediately surrounding 
the seed, and not because there was a deficiency in the supply of fresh 
air, as might be readily assumed. In the open receptacles the additional 
amount of free water expelled, as a result of the increase in tempera- 
ture, was allowed to escape, while in the sealed bottles it only gave 
rise to a relatively moist atmosphere, and consequently to a premature 
death of some of the seeds. If seeds are to be so confined, they should 
be previously dried at a temperature at which they are to be stored. 

All of these seeds had become very dry and brittle. The odor of 
the air confined within the sealed bottles had become very unpleasant; 
likewise there was a marked change in the color of the seed coats of 
the inclosed seeds. 


Most seeds if kept dry are not injured by prolonged exposures to 
temperatures below 37° C, (98.6° F.), it being immaterial whether they 
are in open or in sealed bottles. 

If the temperature be increased above 37° C., vitality is seriously 

If seeds are kept in a moist atmosphere, a temperature even as high 
as 30° C. (86° F.) works much injury in a comparatively short period. 
The degree of injury rapidly increases as the temperature rises. 

Provided the degree of saturation is the same, the deleterious effect 
of moisture is fully as great in open as in closed bottles. 

“Only cabbage, onion, and beans were used for this experiment, the carrot and 
the lettuce seed being omitted. - 



The results of the experiments just discussed furnish a fair criterion 
by which to judge the vitality of seeds when influenced by tempera- 
ture and moisture. It was still necessary to determine the effect of 
definite quantities of moisture on the vitality of seeds when they are 
submitted to temperatures well within the limits of that which may 
be encountered in commercial transactions. 

On December 19, 1900, preparations were made to determine these 
factors. Seeds of cabbage, lettuce, onion, tomato, and peas were used 
for these experiments, which continued for 70 or 72 days. All of this 
seed was of the harvest of 1899 and had been in the laboratory during 
the eleven months immediately preceding the setting up of the experi- 
ments, being thus thoroughly air-dried. The amount of moisture 
present in the seeds at this time, as indicated by drying at 100° C., 
was as follows: Cabbage, 5.90 per cent; lettuce, 5 per cent; onion, 6.41 
per cent; tomato, 4.71 per cent, and peas, 8.44 per cent. 

The preparations were made as follows: 

(a) Air-dried seeds were placed in bottles of 125 ce. capacity. The 
bottles were closed with cotton plugs in order to protect the seeds 
from dust while permitting a free circulation of air, This set served 
largely as a check. 

(>) Air-dried seeds were carefully weighed and then put into 125 ce. 
bottles, closed with firm corks, and sealed with paraffin. 

(¢, d, e, and 7) These samples were also carefully weighed and 
sealed in bottles as 4, but in the different series of bottles there was 
first introduced 0.5, 1, 2, and 3 cc. of water which had been previously 
absorbed by small strips of filter paper. 

(vy) The seeds constituting this series were first dried for 30 days at 
a temperature of from 30° to 82° C. and then put up in bottles which 
were sealed with paraftin. The loss in weight as a result of the dry- 
ing was as follows: Cabbage, 2.41 per cent; lettuce, 2.59 per cent; 
tomato, 2.71 per cent, and onion, 3.47 per cent, leaving a water con- 
tent of only 3.49 per cent, 2.41 per cent, 2 per cent, and 2.94 per cent, 
respectively. (Peas were not included in this series.) 

One of each of the above preparations was then subjected to different 
degrees of temperature as follows: 

(1) Outdoor conditions, protected from rain and snow, but freely 
subject to all changes in temperature and humidity. The temperature 
during the time of the experiment, December 19, 1900, to February 28, 
1901, varied from a minimum of —21.6° C. toa maximum of 8.9° C. 

(2) In a fruit cellar having a comparatively low and uniform 
temperature ranging from 10° to 13° C, 


(3) In the ‘dark room” of the botanical laboratory, which was 
quite dry and maintained at a temperature of 20° to 22° C. 

(4) In the herbarium room on the fourth floor of the botanical labo- 
ratory. The air here was very dry and the mean temperature about 
the same as for No. 38, but with a much wider variation, reaching at 
times a maximum of 30° and a minumum of 10° C. 

(5) In an incubator maintained at 30° to 32° C, 

(6) In an incubator maintained at 37° to 40° C. 

It will be observed that all of the preparations, except Nos. 1 and 4, 
were kept at temperatures which were quite uniform. The increase 
or decrease in the weight was determined at the expiration of 70 or 7 
days by again carefully weighing the seed, after which germination 
tests were made. The results of the germination tests and the gain or 
loss in weight are given in Table X. 






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The foregoing table, showing the conditions under which the seeds 
were kept, has been made quite complete. Aside from the final per- 
centages of germination, the percentages of germination after a defi- 
nite number of hours have likewise been given, the latter being better 
expressed as germinative energy. The germinative energy, as has been 
previously stated, is an important factor in determining the potential 
energy of a seed. This is quite clearly shown in many of the germi- 
nation tests recorded in the above table. The preliminary results show 
a marked contrast as a result of the different kinds of treatment, while 
the final results reveal nothing more than the regular degree of varia- 
tion usually met with in testing seeds. Of the five species of seeds, the 
onion has yielded the most striking variations in the earlier stages of 
germination. Take, for example, No. 1535, the sample that was kept 
in an open bottle in the fruit cellar. The moisture absorbed was sufli- 
cient to cause a chemical transformation, which injured the vitality of 
the seed and consequently caused a retardation in germination. No. 
1539, the onion seed from the incubator maintained at a temperature 
of 87° to 40° C., germinated only 16.5 per cent in 77 hours, while 
the final percentage of germination was 95.5 per cent. Onion seeds 
Nos. 1532 and 1533 germinated in 77 hours 18.5 and 2.5 per cent 
respectively, while the final germination of the former was 98.5 per 
cent and of the latter 96 per cent. All of these tests gave final per- 
centages of germination somewhat higher than the mean of the control 
samples. But the germination was considerably retarded, the control 
samples haying germinated 29.5 per cent during the first 77 hours. 
These retardations in germination must be due to a lowering of vitality, 
asa more careful study of the table will show, and not to any excessive 
drying that may have taken place during the time of treatment. 
Numerous other examples are to be found in the table, some even 
more striking than those mentioned, but it is not deemed necessary 
that they all be pointed out and discussed here. 

The table also shows the results of the various weighings made of all 
of the different samples which were kept in closed bottles. With but 
very few exceptions there was an increase in weight, which increase 
was quite marked in all cases where free water was introduced. The air- 
dried seeds that were sealed in bottles without the introduction of free 
water all increased slightly in weight, with the exception of the peas, 
which showed a slight decrease in weight. It has been observed that 
the absolute loss in the weight of the peas was slightly greater than 
the total gain in the four other samples of seed. This, however, is 
not of sufficient uniformity throughout to fully justify the conclusion 
that cabbage, lettuce, onion, and tomato seed have a greater affinity for 
water than peas, and that the former robbed the latter of a portion of 
their water content. Yet a portion of the increased weight of the 
cabbage, lettuce, onion, and tomato seed is probably best accounted 


for in that way. On the other hand, it is quite probable that a por- 
tion of the increase in weight was due to the results of intramolecular 
transformations and to the coexistent respiratory activities of the 
seed. The means of making these determinations are far from easy. 
Van Tieghem and G. Bonnier have shown“ that seeds kept in sealed 
tubes in atmospheric air increased in weight during two years, but the 
increase was very small. In their experiments the peas which were 
in sealed tubes increased 74,5 of their original weight. A corresponding 
sample kept in the open air increased ;!; of its original weight. 

Nos. 1540 to 1545 in Table X show an increased weight in seeds 
when sealed in bottles for 70 days. These seeds were previously 
dried for 30 days at a temperature of 30° to 32°C. Disregarding the 
increase in weights as above given and the factors to which such 
increase may be attributed, it is quite evident that in all cases where 
water was added the increase in weight was due chiefly to the absorp- 
tion of the water. The absolute increase was approximately the same 
as the weight of the water added. 

The amount of water absorbed by different seeds varies greatly 
under identical conditions, depending largely upon the nature of the 
seed coats and the composition of the seed. The average increase in 
weight of the seeds used in these experiments was as follows: Onion, 
6.27 per cent; pea, 5.51 per cent; cabbage, 4.12 per cent; lettuce, 3.99 
per cent; tomato, 3.99 per cent. The loss in vitality of the corre- 
sponding samples was 28, 12, 23.7, 18.5, and 14.7 per cent, respec- 
tively. The relationship here is quite close, the amount of water 
absorbed being roughly proportional to the loss in vitality. The 
peas, however, afford an exception to this general statement. But it 
must be remembered that peas require a much larger percentage of 
moisture to start germination and are likewise capable of undergoing 
much wider variations than the other seeds in question. However, 
before a definite ratio can be established between the absorption of 
water and the loss in vitality, many other factors must be taken into 
consideration, such as the composition, water content, and duration of 
vitality of the seed under natural conditions. 

Another interesting factor is shown in No. 1546 of Table X. These 
seeds were dried for 30 days at a temperature of 80° to 82° C., after 
which they were kept in an open bottle in the laboratory for 40 days. 
During the 30 days’ drying the cabbage lost 2.41 percent, lettuce 2.59 
per cent, tomato 2.71 per cent, and the onion 3.47 per cent of moisture. 
These same seeds when exposed to the free air of the laboratory for 40 
days never regained their original weight, the increase being as follows: 
Cabbage, 0.6 per cent; lettuce, 0.58 per cent; tomato, 1.56 per cent; 
onion, 0.89 per cent. The average quantity of water expelled was 2.79 

a4 Bul. Soc. bot. France, 29: 25-29, 149-153, 1882. 


per cent in 80 days, while the average increase in weight during the 40 
days was only 0.91 per cent. These results show that if seeds are once 
carefully and thoroughly dried, they will remain so; that is, if kept in 
a comparatively dry room. This is an important factor in the preser- 
vation of vitality, as is borne out in the results of the germination 
tests. Later experiments were made with very similar results, and an 
analogous method of treatment promises to be of much value as a 
preliminary handling of seeds. It is not detinitely known to what this 
stronger vitality is due, whether it be simply to the effect of the dry- 
ing or to some process of chemical transformation which makes the 
seeds more viable. These results are now under consideration and will 
be reported at some future time. 

The table also shows in a very striking degree the decrease in the 
number of germinable seeds with an increase in the moisture and 
temperature. The amount of moisture absorbed by the seeds, with a 
limited amount present in the bottles, was inversely proportional to the 
temperature. At the higher temperatures the inclosed air held a larger 
portion as water vapor; however, there was a greater deterioration in 
vitality. Where the seeds were kept outdoors at the low temperatures 
(—21.6° to 8.9° C.) of the winter months, no injury was apparent 
except where 3 ce. of water was added, and then only the onion seed 
was affected. This sample of seed had absorbed a quantity of water 
equal to 10.38 per cent of the original weight, which together with 
the original water content (6.41 per cent of the original sample) made 
17.88 per cent of moisture in the seed. Practically the same results 
were obtained with the seeds kept in a fruit cellar at a temperature of 
10° to 18° C. The samples of this series, in the open bottles, were 
also injured, as has been pointed out. With the samples that were 
stored in the dark room and in the herbarium room, the injury was 
more marked as a result of the higher temperature; but even here the 
seeds in the bottles which contained 0.5 ce. of free water deteriorated 
very little. The injury was confined to the onion seed, which showed 
a slight retardation in germination. Where 1 cc., 2 ce., and 3 cc. of 
water were added, vitality in some instances was likewise remarkably 
well preserved. The lettuce, tomato, and peas gave no indications of 
any deterioration save in the bottles containing 3 cc. of water. Here 
the lettuce and peas were permanently injured, while the tomato seeds 
suffered only sufficiently to cause a delay in the rapidity with which 
they germinated. The cabbage seed was retarded with 2 ec. and a 
lowering of the final percentage of germination with 3 cc. of water. 
The onion seed, being very sensitive to these unfavorable conditions, 
deteriorated very greatly, being practically worthless where 3 cc. of 
water were added. <A brief study of the table will readily show that 
many seeds were killed at the still higher temperatures of 80° to 82° 
C. and 37° to 40° CG. The onion seed was slightly injured even where 


no water was added. However, a temperature of 40° C. is sufticient 
to injure many seeds, even though the liberated water be permitted to 
escape, as is shown in the tests of the onion, No. 1539 of the table. 
The greatest injury when air-dried seeds are sealed in bottles and then 
subjected to a higher temperature is due to the increased humidity of 
the confined air, asa result of the water liberated from the seeds. 

At first glance some of the conditions given in the above table may 
seem to be extreme and far beyond any normal conditions that would 
be encountered in the ordinary handling of seeds. This may seem to 
be especially true with the seeds kept in the bottles with 3 ce. of 
water where the additional amount of moisture absorbed eave rise, in 
some of the seeds, to a water content of approximately 20 per cent. 
Yet this need not be thought of as an exception, for such extreme 
cases are often encountered in the commercial handling of seeds. 
During the process of curing even more drastic treatment is not 
infrequently met with. Pieters and Brown” have shown that the 
common methods employed in the harvesting and curing of Pow pra- 
tensis Li. were such that the interior of the ricks reached a tempera- 
ture of 180° to 140° F. (54.4° to 60° C.) in less than sixteen hours, at 
which temperature the vitality of the seed is greatly damaged and 
frequently entirely destroyed. The interior of one rick reached a 
temperature of 148° F. (64.4° C.) in twenty hours, and the vitality 
had decreased from 91 per cent to 3 per cent, as shown by the ger- 
mination of samples taken simultaneously from the top and from the 
inside of the same rick. 

On the other hand, the extreme cases need not be considered. 
Take, for example, the onion seed that was sealed in a bottle with 
1 ce. of water and maintained at a temperature of 387° to 40°C. The 
increase in weight due to the water absorbed was 3.91 per cent, thus 
giving a moisture content of 11.2 per cent and a complete destruction 
of vitality. The cabbage seed, kept in the same bottle, had absorbed 
a quantity of water equivalent to 2.35 per cent of its original weight, 
which, with the 5.90 per cent contained in the original sample, gave 
8.25 per cent of water. This sample of seed germinated only 11 per 
cent, having thus no economic value. In neither of these samples 
was the amount of water present in the seeds greater than that ordi- 
narily found in commercial samples. Moreover, the temperature was 
much below that frequently met with in places where seeds are 
offered for sale and likewise well within the limits of the maximum 
temperature of our summer months, especially in the Southern 
States. Take, by way of comparison, the maximum temperatures of 
some of the places at which seeds were stored to determine the effect 
of climate on vitality, as shown in another part of this paper. During 

4 Bulletin 19, Bureau of Plant Industry, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1902. 






the summer of 1900 the maximum temperature at Wagoner, Ind. T., 
yas 107° F. (41.1° C.), while that of Lake City, Fla., was 103° F. 


If these points are kept in mind, it is not at all surpris- 

ing to find that seeds lose their vitality within a few weeks or months 

in warm, moist climates. 

In order to make the above facts more clear the preceding table has 
been summarized and is presented in the following condensed form, 
showing the relation of the water content of the seed to vitality: 

Taste XI.—Marked deterioration 

content of seeds. 

in vitality with an increase in the quantity of the water 

| Average in-| Average 
Amount of water | _ CTease 1n moisture In | Average 
7 wane ey Terri : | weight asa | seeds at the cane 
How preparations were made. introduced into Ries tl 3 Sahar germina- 
the bottles resulvortthe | tine Sern, tion 
| os greater water) nation tests ; 
content. were made. 
| CG: Per cent. Per cent: Per cent. 
Controlisam ple). 2. 2 - oe mitin sb wie Se eens ce SE ekintee wielaiai tents ein atereralll eee oaeiesies 6.07 | 93.3 
Closed bottles, sealed with paraffin.....-. Water expelled. 0. 06 Bei | a 93.9 
1 DF 0 Se Seen peee Se ee seers bey is sh oneten tn Panee Car a ee None. .08 6.55 94.0 
DO rye iiss tea bs ote oooe seecbecc eee 0.5 1275 8.3 91.7 
PO nce os eee eee Seno See eee 10 3. 24 9.91 83.3 
| DY 8 lpr nnn ey ER MEN Dee ae Se Be 2.0 5.91 12575 67.5 
POG pcan mea eae coe ee ae aeee See 3. 0 8.13 15:10 58.6 

a Peas not ineluded in this set. 

Numerous other results of a similar character might be cited, but it 
hardly seems necessary at this time, since there can be no doubt that 
moisture is the prime factor in causing the premature destruction of 
vitality in seeds in the usual conditions of storage. Why they lose 
their vitality as a result of the unfavorable conditions is quite a differ- 
ent question, and has to do with the very complex composition of the 



As early as 1832, Aug. Pyr. De Candolle® wrote a chapter on the 
conservation of seeds, in which he said that if seeds be protected from 
moisture, heat, and oxygen, which are necessary for germination, 
their vitality will be much prolonged; moreover, that if seeds are 
buried sufficiently deep in the soil, so that they are protected at all 
times from the very great influence of oxygen and moisture, their 
vitality will be preserved for a much longer period. 


«Physiologie Végétale, Paris, 1882, Tome II, p. 618, 


Giglioli” goes so far as to say: 

There is no reason for denying the possibility of the retention of vitality in seeds 
preserved during many centuries, such as the Mummy wheat and seeds from Pompeii 
and Herculaneum, provided that these seeds have been preserved from the begin- 

ning in conditions unfavorable to chemical change. * * * The original dryness 

of the seeds and their preservation from moisture or moist air must be the very 
first conditions for a latent secular vitality. 

Some of the earliest suggestions for storing seeds in quantity were 
made by Clément and Fazy-Pasteur, and were reported by Aug. Pyr. 
De Candolle in his Physiologie Végétale. Clément suggested the use 
of large cast-iron receptacles, made impervious to air and water, the 
well-dried seeds to be poured in through an opening at the top, after 
which the opening should be hermetically sealed and the seeds with- 
drawn through an iron pipe and stopcock at the bottom of the tank. 
The scheme of Fazy-Pasteur was to store seeds in wooden boxes well 
covered with tar. This method was especially applicable to small 
quantities of seeds, and was used to a limited extent at that time, but, 
so far as has been ascertained, it has long since been discarded. ‘The 

keeping of seeds in large iron tanks, as suggested by Clément, has 

never been practiced to any extent. It seems quite possible, however, 
that the present ** tank” grain elevator, now so universally used, might 

readily be modified in such a way as to make the method suggested by 
Clément quite practicable. 


In addition to being well matured and carefully harvested, seeds 
should be thoroughly cured and dried before being put into the stor- 
age bins. Much better results would be obtained if such seeds were 
artificially dried for several days in a current of dry air at a tempera- 
ture not to exceed 35°C. With this method of drying, from 2 to 4 
per cent of the moisture usually present in air-dried seeds is expelled. 
The accompanying contraction of the seed coats makes them more 
impervious to the action of moisture, and consequently the seeds are 
better prepared for storing and shipping. Experiments made with 

abbage, lettuce, onion, and tomato seeds gave results as follows: The 
average loss in ee of the air-dried oe after an additional dry- 
ing of 30 days at a temperature of 30° to 32° C. was 2.79 per cent. 
Yet these same seeds, when kept for 40 days in the laboratory, reab- 
sorbed only an average of 0.91 per cent of moisture. Like quantities 
from the original sample gave only the slight variations ordinarily met 
with, due to the humidity of the atmosphere. Thus seeds, when once 
varefully and thoroughly dried, will not regain their original weight, 
provided they be kept in a dry room. 

@ Nature, 1895, 52; 544-545, 


Another important factor in the storing of seeds is the character of 
the seed warehouse or storage room. ‘The first point to be considered 
is dryness. Such houses should be kept as dry as possible, which can 
be accomplished either by means of artificial heat or by the use of 
strong drying agents, or better still, by both. True, if the seed ware- 
house be located in a section having a dry climate, this difficulty is at 
once largely overcome. But in many cases such a location is imprac- 
ticable or even impossible, and other means must be resorted to. As 
a matter of fact, most large seed warehouses are not heated and a 
great loss in vitality inevitably follows; but each seedsman must 
determine for himself whether or not this loss is sufliciently great to 
justify the expense of heating such a storage room. 

Experiments carried on during the progress of this work have 
shown some very marked differences in favor of seeds stored in rooms 
artificially heated. The averages of the thirteen samples of seeds from 
the eight places at which they were stored show a difference in the 
loss of vitality of 9.87 per cent. Those kept in rooms that were arti- 
ficially heated during a greater portion of the time deteriorated 25.91 
per cent, while those stored in rooms not so heated deteriorated 35.78 
per cent. The loss here given for seeds stored in dry rooms is greater 
than such conditions warrant, owing to the very unfavorable condi- 
tions at Mobile, Ala., and Baton Rouge, La. At Lake City, Fla., the 
relative percentages of deterioration were 29.42 and 16.27 for the 
unheated and heated rooms, respectively; at Auburn, Ala., 33.90 and 
10.34 per cent, and at Durham, N. H., 39.58 and 3.57 per cent, respec- 
tively. Unfortunately these experiments were not made with this 
definite point in view, and the results are not entirely satisfactory, as 
no records were made of the temperatures and humidities. 


This work was undertaken chiefly for the purpose of finding some 
improved methods of shipping and storing seeds in small packages, 
wherein their vitality might be better preserved. The rapid deterio- 
ration in vitality causes great losses to gardeners living in districts 
where the climatic conditions bring about the premature destruction 
of vitality in seeds. In many cases the seeds are practically worthless 
or altogether fail to germinate after a few weeks’ exposure. The loss 
in such cases is not in the greater quantity of seed required, but the 
retardation or complete failure of the germination often means delay, 
making the difference between success and failure in the desired crop. 
Seed of low vitality is even worse than dead seed. With the latter the 
difficulty is soon discovered, while with the former, although the seed 
will germinate, the seedlings are not sufficiently vigorous to develop 


into strong and healthy plants. True, most enterprising gardeners 
usually have vitality tests made immediately preparatory to planting, 
but this is not always convenient, and they rely on the results of tests 
made at some earlier date. In such cases it quite frequently happens 
that they accept the results of tests made several weeks earlier. With 
many seeds this will suffice, yet there are many others that will dete- 
riorate very materially within a few weeks or even within afew days 
in such unfavorable climates as exist, for example, near the Gulf of 
Mexico. Ina letter dated January 15, 1903, Mr. J. Steckler, of New 
Orleans, La., wrote as follows concerning the vitality of seeds: 

Some seeds are not worth being planted after being here three months. This is 
especially true of cauliflower seed. We have-made repeated tests and this seed after 
remaining here 90 days was worthless and had to be thrown away. 


Bornemann” made some experiments with seeds of V/etor/a regia 
and Huryale forox, in which he found that when packed in powdered 
charcoal they soon lost their vitality, but when packed in powdered 
chalk slightly better results were obtained. On the other hand, 
Dammer? recommends powdered charcoal as a method of packing for 
seeds that lose their vitality during shipment, especially the seeds of 
palms and a number of the conifers. 

Charcoal is undoubtedly much better than moist earth or moss, 
which are frequently used, the latter affording abundant opportunities 
for the development of molds and bacteria during transit. Some such 
method as moist charcoal is necessary in case of seeds which lose their 
vitality on becoming dry. Numerous other reports have been published 
from time to time concerning the shipping of seeds of aquatic plants, 
us Wellas those of low vitality, but they need not be discussed further 
at this time. 


Aside from some popular accounts and miscellaneous suggestions, 
but little has been done toward finding improved methods of shipping 
and storing seeds of our common plants of the garden and field. 
Accordingly, in February, 1900, a series of experiments was under- 
taken to determine some of these factors, in which three questions 
were considered: (1) How may small quantities of seeds be put up so 
as to retain a maximum germinative energy for the greatest length of 
time? (2) What immediate external conditions are best suited for the 
longevity of seeds? (3) What part do climatic conditions play in 
affecting the life of seeds? 

«Gartenflora, 35. Jahrg., 1886, pp. 532-534. 
> Ztschr. trop. Landw., Bd. I, 1897, No. 2. 


In order to answer the first question, duplicate samples of the various 
kinds of seeds were put up in double manila coin envelopes, as 
described on page 14. Likewise, duplicate samples were put up in 
small bottles, the bottles being closed with good cork stoppers. Some 
of the bottles were filled with seed, while others were only partly full. 
In some cases there was a surplus air space five times as great as the 
volume of the inclosed seeds. This space, however, had no b ring 
on the vitality of the seeds as far as could be determined. 

In order to determine what immediate external conditions play an 
important part in the destruction of vitality, samples of seed, prepared 
as above described, were stored in different places. At each place 
they were subjected to three different conditions of storage, which, for 
convenience, have been designated as ‘* trade conditions,” ‘*dry room,” 
and ** basement,” as described on page 14. In addition to these three 
methods of storage, numerous other conditions were tried in and near 
the laboratory; such as in incubators at increased temperatures and with 
varying degrees of moisture, in cold storage, in greenhouses, and in 
various gases, In vacuo, in liquids, ete. 

The third question, ** What part do climatic conditions play in affect- 
ing the life of seeds?” has been answered for the most part in a dis- 
cussion on the effect of climate on vitality, page 18. In fact, the seeds 
in the envelopes kept under trade conditions were the same in both 
cases, being used here simply as a means for comparing the vitality of 
seeds when stored in paper packages and in bottles, as well as to show 
the relative merits of trade conditions, dry rooms, and basements as 
storage places for seeds. 


A more definite description of the treatment given the seeds in the 
various places may be summed up as follows: 

San Suan, P. P.—The seeds were sent to San Juan on February 9, 
1900, and were returned on June 20, 1900, after a lapse of 131 days.¢ 
At San Juan the seeds were stored under trade conditions only, and 
the various packages were not removed from the original box in which 
they were sent. While in San Juan the box containing the seeds was 
kept in a room well exposed to climatic influences, being protected 
only from the direct rays of the sun and from rain. 

@San Juan, P. R.; Lake City, Fla.; Mobile, Ala.; Auburn, Ala.; Baton Rouge, La.; 
Wagoner, Ind. T.; Durham, N. H., and Ann Arbor, Mich. 

» The places of storage represented by trade conditions have already been described 
for each of the localities, but it seems advisable to rewrite the descriptions here so 
that they may be more readily compared with the dry room and basement conditions. 

¢The exact time that the seeds remained at San Juan was much less than 131 days, 
the time of transportation being included, as has been done for the other places. 


Lake City, I’la.—The seeds were sent to Lake City on February 9, 
1900. The first complete set was returned on June 18, after 129 days. 
The second complete set was returned October 1, after 234 days. The 
‘*trade conditions” at Lake City were supplied by keeping the seeds 
in a small, one-story frame building, the doors of which were open the 
greater part of the time. This building was not heated, and the seeds 
were stored approximately 5 feet from the ground. ‘* Dry room” 
conditions were those of a storage room on the fourth floor of the 
main building of the Florida Agricultural College. The third set was 
kept in a small bulletin room in the basement of the same building. 

Mobile, Ala.—The seeds were sent to Mobile on February 17, 1900. 
One set was received in return on July 7, after 180 days. The other 
set was received on November 6, after 262 days. The ‘* trade condi- 
tions” in this case consisted of a comparatively open attic in a one-story 
frame dwelling. The set ina ‘dry room” was kept in a kitchen on a 
shelf 5 feet from the floor, and not more than 6 feet distant from the 
stove. Here they were subjected to the action of artificial heat through- 
out the entire period.“ The seeds under ** basement” conditions were 
kept ina small cellar, which during the season of L900 was very moist. 

Auburn, Ala.—The seeds were sent to Auburn on February 17, 
1900. The first complete set was received in return on May 30, the 
second on November 19 of the same year, or after L102 and 275 days, 
respectively. ‘* Trade conditions” consisted of an office room connected 
with a greenhouse, with the doors frequently standing open; ‘* dry 
room” conditions were obtained in the culture room of the biological 
laboratory on the third floor of the main building of the Alabama 
Polytechnic Institute, ‘* basement” conditions being found in the base- 
ment of the same building, a comparatively cool situation, yet with a 
relatively high degree of humidity. 

Baton Rouge, La.—The seeds were sent to Baton Rouge on February 
17, 1900. On June 18 the first complete set was received in return. 
The second set remained until October 22, making the time of absence 
121 days for the first and 247 for the second set. ** Trade conditions” 
at Baton Rouge were furnished by keeping the seeds throughout the 
entire time of the experiment on shelves in a grocery store, the doors 
of which were not closed except at night. These conditions were thus 
identical with those to which seeds are subjected when placed on sale 
in small stores. The ‘‘dry room” was a class room on the second floor 
in one of the college buildings. A storeroom in the basement of a 
private residence, having two sides walled with brick, furnished 
** basement” conditions. 

«Presumably these were in a dry place, but further evidence showed that the pre- 
sumption was erroneous. The vapors arising while cooking was being done on the 
stove gave rise to conditions very detrimental to a prolonged life of the seeds. 

25037—No. 58—04——4 


Wagoner, Ind. T7.—The seeds were sent to Wagoner on February 
17, 1900. The first series was received in return on June 23, after 126 
days; the second set was returned after 238 days, on October 13, 1900. 
The sets for ‘trade conditions” were kept ina drug store, on a counter 
near an open door. The ‘‘ dry room” was a sleeping room on the first 
floor of the same building, while ‘* basement” conditions were supplied 
by keeping the seeds in a large depository vault in a bank. 

Durham, N. H.—The two sets of seeds were sent to Durham on 
February 17, 1900, and were returned on July 14 and October 20, after 
117 and 231 days, respectively. The seeds under ‘‘ trade conditions” 
were kept over a door at the entrance of one of the college buildings. 
The door.opened into a hall, which led into office rooms, the chemical 
laboratory, and the basement. An office room on the first floor of the 
same building supplied ‘‘dry room” conditions. The seeds were 
located well toward the top of the room, which was heated with steam 
and remained quite dry at all times. The ‘* basement” conditions 
were found in a storage room in one corner of the basement of the 
same building. 

Ann Arbor, Mich.—The set of samples placed under ‘‘ trade condi- 
tions” was kept in the botanical laboratory, being moved about from 
time to time in order to supply the necessary variations to an herbarium 
room, to an open window, and to an attic. From February 18, 1900, 
until May 12, 1900, the set of seeds under ** dry room” conditions was 
stored in a furnace room. The seeds were only a few feet from the 
furnace and were always quite dry and warm: The maximum tem- 
perature recorded was 43° C., with a mean of 38° during cold weather, 
and of 30° C. during milder weather. On May 12 this set of seeds 
was transferred to the herbarium room on the fourth floor of the 
botanical laboratory, where they remained until vitality tests were 
made. ‘* Basement” conditions were found ina fruit cellar, having 
two outside walls anda temperature fluctuating between 10° and 13> C, 

These packages and bottles were all securely packed in new cedar 
boxes from which they were not removed until after their return to the 


After receipt of the seeds, germination tests were made as rapidly 
as possible, the results of which are given in the tabulations which 
follow. Likewise, in each case is shown the vitality of the control 
sample. Furthermore, a summary of each table is given, showing the 
average percentages of germination of the seed from the various 
places for the first and second tests, respectively. From these results 
the average percentage of loss in vitality has been calculated, reckoning 
the germination of the control sample asa standard. It is thus a very 
simple matter to compare the relative merits of the different methods 
of storing and the role they play in promoting the longevity of seeds. 


Taste XII.—Percentage of germination of beans subjected to various conditions of storage 
in different localities. 

[Germination of control sample: First test, 98.7 per cent; second test, 98.7 per cent. ] 

Percentage of germination. 
Num- ae Tae. 
Pines offstorace Order of | ber of She hae Dry rooms. Basements. 
ech heaStoL ican fe tests. |days in ES 
storage.) aig | ate a eee | —< 
Envel- Bottles. | Envel- |Bottles. Envel- |Bottles. 
opes. opes. | opes. | 
Wake: City hla sen ceeecte em cs sees WOUrStioais 129 | 98 98 98 98 86 98 
DO oe ee ee Bee Sete ata bicict. Second . 234 S4 98 96 98 0 100 
FACIL DUIS Al Qa autre act wate csmeme Hirst.c-2 102 98 97.5 100 100 97.9 97.5 
DI) Ohneneee sooo eee emasmetssc Second . 271 DO 98 94 98 66 100 
IMO DITO SA awe eat cate soc cls sinwiaae First. =<. 140 | 58 96 82 100 0 100 
1) OMe ten seinen aeccase Second . 262 0 90 0 98: dikecccese 98 
Bae toneROuce. as <a.coe-~ccece kes Birsto.c- 121 96 100 92 100 Ad 98 
WO s sc seeeeaadcemeec cece Soc ee Second . 247 | 60 96 28 100 0 98 
ELIS UAT beet Evistclote s:ecerararste ato cimeiafee Furst... 131 | 100 HOOT NE eee bee el ee ennemened Ee eve 
ND Onset ticee: eee cs ces 2 Second .|........ 96 OS Me eee =| aces see ei es cea tsscars cate 
Wiaronen imdl Pasi: scce cess ont First... 126 | 96 96 98 100 100 98 
WOWsera st aie ccc cess cis.e'ces5.5 3 Second . 238 | 82 OOH Clececeess 100 S84 98 
Minha Ne Hse cec ss scescccce ses Wirsts.2- 147 | 100 100 100 98 | 100 | 100 
WOWeMe see ot acces ce eke aes Second . 251 78 96 98 96 92 98 
ANINGATDOLMACh S252 Jckas Geen oe insta t=) 5 aces 98 84 98 $4 98 92 
Ogee cesecececetoceeaestnen tec Second .].......- 100 100 | 100 91.5 92 | 100 
Average percentage of ger- |/First.... 128 | 93 96.44 | 95.43 | 97.14 | 66.99 97.64 
mination. {Second . 251 | 69.50 | 97 | 69.33 | 97.36 | 55.66 98. 86 
Average percentage of gain |{Virst.... 128 5.78 2.29 aval 18.58. [32:13 1. 06 
. : : ; e ec s | Ae . > 
or loss in vitality. [Second . 251 | 29.59 1.72 | 29.76 1.36 | 43.61 | +0.10 

The beans at Mobile were seriously affected under all conditions 
except when put up in bottles and thus protected from the moist 
atmosphere. Those kept in bottles under ‘trade conditions” deteri- 
orated to 90 per cent, but the result of the first test of the same series 
indicates that some moisture passed through the cork and that the 
seeds were injured in that way. 

At Baton Rouge the beans retained their vitality somewhat better; 
but even here all those from the envelopes were practically worthless 
after 247 days, for beans that germinate only 60 per cent are of no 
value for planting. 

The ‘‘trade conditions” at Auburn, Ala., and Durham, N. H., were 
also very unfavorable to the prolonged vitality of the beans. At 
Wagoner, Ind. T., San Juan, P. R., and Lake City, Fla., there was a 
marked deterioration, yet not sufficiently great during the time given 
to render them worthless for planting. However, it is quite evident 
that beans subjected to such conditions of storage would not be fit for 
planting the second season. 

A summary of the table shows that the vitality of the beans when 
kept in bottles and subjected to either of the three conditions was not 
interfered with. The averages show a variation of less than 2 per 
cent. With those kept in paper packages the results were quite dif- 
ferent, the advantage being slightly in favor of the ‘trade condi- 
tions.” The loss in vitality was 29.59, 29.76, and 43.61 per cent, 
respectively, for ‘‘trade conditions,” "*dry rooms,” and ‘* basements.” 


Taste NITI.—Percentage of germination of peas subjected to various conditions of storage 
in different localities. 

[Germination of control sample: First test, 95.3 per cent; second test, 95.7 per cent.] 

Percentage of germination. 
Num>=| Sense tay is la. 
BINGO etorare Order of | ber of a rade cougt Dry rooms. Basements. 
= BIOTEC: tests. |days in ice 
storage. ] y 
Envel- .¢ | Hnvel- .¢ | Envel- ¥ 
opes. Bottles. opes. Bottles. opes. Bottles. 
Dake: Olby, Plate ost oes deen eee te ArSte ees 129 96 97.9 94 94 96 98 
DOs semen soe cminece ana Second . 234 86 98 92 92 6 98 
ATID Ut WAU 8 eee re eee Hirstate. 102 | 93.3 94 87.8 97.8 93.9 94 
IDO ceseee eee SoS oe betes Second . 275 97.9 94 90 96 86 95 
MobilevAla aoc eee aac nes Rirst=-. 140 | 69.2 92 88 96 10. 2 98 
DOs Soh se eae eile Sao cee Seer Second . 262 | 44 _ 100 42 962 VE Soence 98 
Baton Rougeslsa,.°2. 2245-22-52 First... . 121 | 94 | 92 94 90 90 98 
DO ce ee aa fetes ooo eon Second . 247 80 88 70 98 0 98 
SaniJUanvPwR ceeescc see eee | Hirst-22: 131 | 94 LOO) (Sass ores flepterctocnsye'| sere ee oe eeeetee 
1 Be eke Oe Se es ae re | Second)... s-c22 98 98h 1 eae soe aeeeee | se eee |e eae 
Waconer Ind. stones oaceee Hirst=. -- 126 | 98 90 96 92 90 88 
DOR st emeaste setae scenes ees Seeond . 238 80 PAR Wr) Bree 96 88 92 
DUH aN, see see see ee oe oe | minsteees 147 | 98 94 100 98 94 98 
DO eee ee ee ae eee see Second .~ 251 94 98 94.7 96 v8 90 
AnnevATbOr Michio 2 2..g22 sexes oc Hitsteseclaeee ese 90 O4 94 ie 96 94 
ID) Oaeeiciestdep see cetoee ores eee Second 2) 2.222222 98 94 94 92 86 100 
Average percentage of ger- | { First. ees 128 91, 56 94.24 93.4 91. 41 81. 44 95.43 
mination. '|Second E 251 | 84.74} 95.25 | 80.45 | 95.14] 60.66 96. 28 
Average percentage of gain || First ee 128 3. 92 ne bs 1.99 4,08 14. 55 +0.14 
or loss in vitality. |Second - 251 | 11.45 0.47 | 10.94 0.58 | 36.62 | +0.60 

The peas retained their vitality much better than the beans. How- 
ever, the greatest loss in both peas and beans was in the envelopes at 
Mobile and Baton Rouge. Some of the samples from the envelopes 
germinated fully as well or even better than the control, but the gen- 
eral averages of the second tests for all of the localities show a loss of 
11.45 per cent in ‘trade conditions,” 15.94 per cent in ‘‘dry rooms,” 
and 36.63 per cent in ‘S basements.” The beans under identical condi- 
tions lost 29.59, 29.76, and 43.61 per cent, respectively. 

The seeds kept in bottles deviated but very little from the standard 
of the control. 


Taste XIV.—Percentage of germination of cabbage subjected to various conditions of 
4g , { ,) , 
storage in different localities. 

[Germination of control sample: First test, 92.7 per cent; second test, 92.4 per cent.] 

Percentage of germination. 
Num- : 
- | Trade condi- ; 
Order of | ber of : Dry rooms. Basements. 
Tae = . ’ 
Place of storage. tests. \days in | tions. 
storage.) an? 3 I a 
Envel- ie | Envel- .< | Envel- a 
opes. Bottles. opes. Bottles. opes. Bottles. 
ake, Citys Wate se too esac. sean APRs oa: 129; 89.5 92.5 89.5 94 86.5 90.5 
1) Ce ee aes eae a ciere ercjacit nie Seeond . 234 | 63.5 89.5 81.5 89.5 14.5 94.5 
PATI DUT sAl Wears. soe bcocese eae First. ... 102 | 91 90.5 89.5 81 92 | 91 
DO ee cecna ete ees ceemwe ssc. Second . 275 61e5. 90 90 89 60 85.5 
MODE A a a eeiceessecee mac ce aoe - Hirst.3.- 140 | 64.5 93.5 58.5 96 58.5 92.5 
1D YO) th epee eed Ae Reine RO Second . 262 | 17 87.5 5 95 Speuokest . GE 
Baton ROUSC MIA sts2 5. cece ones 222 First... 121] 88.5 | 93 90.5 | 91 79.5 | 94 
WOR ze cri cose ae ee tios canes Second . 247 25.5 90.5 11.5 86 0.5 90.5 
(S{DV aid (LOE oT 2 5 0 Hirst-c.. 131 | 82 CS gS | NS aera ey arse pe (Pm Oo tte (ener 
1BYO). 5532555 ae ee eae Second) s\en sac 76.2 Stet ead | | Sarees 3 2 PE ae ee ee <2 
\aifivexave yc) ine] Bats [SM Weegee eee [irate s-- 126 | 83.5 93 94 95.5 88.5 97.5 
DO eSeee os. 2s nce ees Seeond . 238} 70.5 Css | | Moen Ee 92.5 76.5 | 89 
Mum ams Ne Hiss sees dane neces First....| 147] 98 97.5 | 89 96 95.5 | 94.5 
1D Yn yes ee as ee nen eee ere Second . 251 1, 92.5 93 95.5 92.5 | 96.5 
ATINGAT DON AMICK! <5 26.055.5 24.25. BITSt sl besar cee 96 92 94 90.5 89.5 94.5 
TY ete ele ee Satie se ars ei csas ove aisis | Second .|........ 91 94 88 82 76 95.5 
Average percentage of ger- {First i ache 128 | 86 93. 47 86.43 | 92 |) 84,29 93.5 
mination. Second .| 251 | 52.15 | 90.56] 61.5 | 89.93 | 53.33 | 92.21 
Average percentage of gain {First joss, 4 128 7.23 | +0.83 6.77 0.86 9.07 | +0.86 
. . . ec a laled | 
or loss in vitality. Second . 251 | 43.56] 1.94] 33.44] 2.67] 42.29] 0.22 

Table XIV shows that the cabbage, like the peas, was injured to a 
less degree at Mobile and Baton Rouge than the beans, but even the 
cabbage seed kept in the paper packages in these cities were all but 


cabbage than in the beans. 

The average degree of injury, however, was greater in the 
Ina majority of cases there was more or 

less deterioration in the case of this seed kept in the envelopes. Aside 

from those already mentioned, the trade conditions at Durham, N. H., 
and the basement at Lake City, Fla., should be expressly noted. 

The seeds kept in the bottles deviated but little from the control, 
while those kept in paper packages germinated only 52.15, 61.50, 
and 53.33 per cent for the trade conditions, dry room, and basement— 
equivalent to a loss in vitality of 43.56, 




44, and 42.29 per cent, 


Tasie X V.— Percentage of germination of radish subjected to various conditions of storage 
in different localities. 

[Germination of control sample: First test, 83.6 per cent; second test, 78.8 per cent.] 

Percentage of germination. 
Num- : a 
. > di- 
Place of storage Order of as of apaaecon di Dry rooms. Basements. 
te tests. |daysin in 
storage.) mn =] es 
~ | Envel- sc | bovel-'|,, 4.4. | Envel- 
opes. Bottles. opes. |Bottles. opes. Bottles. 
hake CibywWlaevccs esac eceee Hirsttse 129 79 78.5 84.5 7D 66 83 
DOyanes eet. 2 a ae Second . 234 | 58.5 64 67.5 7 Ale3) 48.5 67 
AMDUPT SAU Sia. sont aoe oe se HITSt ss =- 102} 75.5 85 85.5 80.5 86.5 85.5 
DOs wen tees Sea Nee Senee ee ee Second . 275 | 63 71255 66 73.5 60.5 76.5 
Mobile: Ale scence cis scwee eee MiTrsi aoe 140 58.5 81 HOA 81 75 76 
DOL Seniesa c ee eet Seeond . 262) 51 yjalatsy 49 Ok alee aes 2, 
BatonuRoure: a 2. ses escsesee PArStass 121 hed 89. 5 73.5 78.5 61.5 78.5 
DO) Se oan ee ae ee etenronie a eeeere Second . 247 55.5 69.5 49.5 74.5 6105 75 
Sannin PAR eeboe oo ane cere Firsts=-- 131 64 81559) nace qaelese ce el Seno. S| Soe 
DOW aoe See reese. oe Second :|:=--225- 62 13209) )|eecscces 1S sano | ee ees | 
Wagoner; Inde. 5 c.s% scceiciecce = Birstsi:- 126 | 77.5 80. 5 79 84 80.5 86.5 
| D0 SY chee ere ee ee eee Second . 238 60.5 TERE HISAR Seese 77 63 70.5 
Durham Nie ceeses.cese cote cs ee Firstsac- 147 | 80.6 DD 76.5 85 81 74 
DOE Le cess SO eaeeeces Seeond . 251 59.5 81.5 74.5 85 68 79 
Anmnesrpor Michi: 2-222 sr scene WiTSb= 5-2 see eee] 82.5 85 82.5 79.5 78 82.9 
DOW cee Stivetrn cc eteaeseeeees Second 2)zs82e2-< 77.5 80.5 79.5 67.5 62.5 78.5 
Average percentage of ger- [First.... 128 74.39 $1. 56 76.86 80.5 75.5 80. 91 
mination. |Second . 251 | 60.94] 73.56 | 64.33 | 72.71 | 59 74.07 
Average percentage of loss |{First..-- 128 | 11.02 2.44 8.07 3.71 9. 67 3. 22 
in vitality. [Second .| 251 | 22.67] 6.65] 18.37] 7.73 | 25.18 6 

The results of the tests of the radish seed are very similar to those 
of the cabbage; the latter, however, showed a greater loss in vitality. 
As shown by the second tests, the average percentages of deterioration 
of the cabbage seed which was kept in the envelopes were as follows: 
Trade conditions, 48.56 per cent; dry room, 33.44 per cent; basement, 
42.29 per cent, while the loss in vitality of the radish was only 22.67, 
18.37, and 25.13 per cent, respectively. 



Taste XVI.—Percentage of germination of carrot subjected to various conditions of storage 
in different localities. 

(Germination of control sample: First test, 83.8 per cent; second test, 82 per cent.] 

Percentage of germination. 

INUniea eee ae aa ee = 
£ - | Trade condi- 
: Order of | ber of : Dry rooms. Basements. 
Ilaea » : 2 
Place of storage. Peta. days a tions. 
storage. n > Ales as =e ee ae 
: Envel- .| Envel- | .| Envel- 

| opes. ‘Bottles. opes. Bottle 8.| opes. Bottles. 
Make: Clty Was ..o2e. Js Soc S0c s First... 129 | 76.5 83 78 78:0° | 78 77.5 
1 DY) ayes caps eee eee ar | Second . 234 AS. 5 80.5 67.5 718s 3 S4.5 
(AITOUTM Ala: 25 23 5- o. Scsco020 4. <5 Hirste.<. 102 84.5 82 83 86 86.5 86.5 
LYS SR SIS a ge a Second . 275 36 76.5 72.5 76.5 47.5 82.5 

Mo pilenAlleeeee-woese ee oo) Stel. First....) 140] 59 87.5 | 51.5 | 83.5 | 20.5 87 

WOM 28a ee eae suis csc o nes. Second . 262 8.5 86 ai) (1 il ene ee ee 7s 
Baton Roure: Wassscc. .c.cccc acess HITSt 2c « | ial 74.3 82.3 75e1 86.8 57.3 82.3 

mp c 

1D Yo ge ein Se ee ee ee Seeond . 247 25 72.5 6.5 52.5 0 39 
SiH a fq eon 0 ke eae! 6 a First... 13 71.5 OAaie Poch tects de eane| tele ceed Ameo 
MO pees eo eras Sais aistaieie lea PSeCOUd = |Souecec 48.5 Gr Dm ei ene | ole oso nie, eal eee 


Waronerm Inds. o2s.2 os ce ceck ss Hirst... 126 | 81.5 82 vie) SI Teh 87.5 

1D 0) ea = eee ee ee Second . 238 | 49 Ried nlessecce. S1 45,5 S4 
MIM AIMINN GE teaecaccccsens cn Birstece. 147] 78 82.5 S41 85.5 83.5 82.5 
1D /0).nx ee, ae ae es ke Second . 251 2 85.95 87.5 85.5 12 87.5 
ATIMEAT OOM MLGHE 2 sala a stars a/s;caio-s = BPS Usa jee< socio 76 79 83 75.5 78 ) 83.5 

Operate «tees ainseeceiatcicies's a»-| SCCONG, .|2. 2... | 86 78 78.5 80 58.5 71 
Average percentage of ger- (First... 128 715; 16 82.6 76.01 82.4 68. O4 3. $3 
mination. '|Second . 251 x7. 31 80. 87 13. 83 74.71 Bis tO |) © (Dae 
Average percentage of gain | First... . 128 9, 72 0.84 8.75 1.08 18.32 | +0.63 
or loss in vitality. |Seeond . 251 | 54.5 1.38 | 34.35 8.89 | 53.96 9.5 

Table XVI shows results very similar to those of Table XV, except 
that the carrot was affected slightly more than the cabbage. There 
was also a greater falling off in the case of the seeds kept in the bottles 
in dry rooms and basements. The reason for this is not very clear. 
Apparently it was due to some local conditions, inasmuch as it was 
confined chiefly to the bottles kept at Mobile and Baton Rouge. The 
average results of the germination tests of the seeds kept in packages 
are quite low for the carrots. Seed from trade conditions germinated 
37.31 per cent, from basements 37.67 per cent, and from dry rooms 
53.83 per cent, with a loss in vitality of 54.5, 54.06, and 34.36 per 
cent, respectively. Under similar conditions the cabbage lost in vital- 
ity 48.56, 42.28, and 33.45 per cent, respectively. 




Taste X VII.—Percentage of germination of ‘A’? sweet corn subjected to various condi- i 
tions of storage in different localities. 

[Germination of control sample: First test, 92.7 per cent; second test, 92.4 per cent] 


Order of | ber of 

Place of storage. tests. |daysin 
Make! City MPlas 2.222% ses sscecacees Hirstssce 129 
1D Yo Ss Re ge ae CRE Second . 234 

ATI DUTT IA ae oe 8 nw ees eee oe Rawste. se 102 
DO nce et Eons ie cece 2. SA Second . 275 
IMObile: Alar eos e se cceek cera Harstoeee 140 
IDO ek access a. neces Second . 262 
Baton Rouge! hae. .ce-essose2 =e Birsts..- 121 
DO Seem ce Soo eee seeeeee nce | Second . 247 
Son Jan Peas secestse cet aye Mitstsece 131 
DO ie sa eee Se ee taistestae laeec sce Second: <|2=-2 22.7 
Waroners Inde Wl ee see penne PUTSt seals 126 
POPS A Se eee s sale ee Second . 238 
[Doigatherpl tees eee eR a ae Hirsi sees 147 
DGS stecaseccs sos teclenoeeh eee Second . 251 
AnnoATbOYs.WiCh: < soe kee cere arate BYTSE eel aces 
DO oes Soca eek eee ae cease Second’ :|2.2-o2<5 
Average percentage of ger- |{First.-.. 128 
mination, Second . 251 
Average percentage of gain {First. ae 128 

or loss in vitality. |Second . 251 


Percentage of germination. 
Trade condi- i : 
one Dry rooms. Basements. 
Envel- Envel- Envel- : 
opes. Bottles. opes. Bottles. opes. Bottles. 
94 96 94 92 88 98 
92 100 96 90 54.5 100 
96 98 94 98 100 92 
88 98 94 90 80 100 
80 100 80 96 94.1 96 
20 96 26 100 | Sse2see 96 
96 94 96 88 86 100 
88 96 88 96 14 100 
96 || Oe Paneer lester isscobsos 
92 Qh el accel saeco seem teats 
96 98 94 96 96 96, 
90 OG) Bilaeaeess 96 92 94 
| 100 92 95.9 90 100 96 
96 96 96 96 100 98 
100 86 94 89 100 96 
98 98 100 96 92 98 
94.75 94.75 92. 56 94. 14 94. 87 96.29 
83 96.75 | 83.33 | 94.86 | 72.08 98 
+2.21 | 4+2.21 0.15 | +0. 01 2.34 +3. 87 
10.11 | +4.71 9.81 |} +2.66 | 22 +6. 06 

Tarte X VILI.— Percentage of germination of ‘‘ B’’ sweet corn subjected to various condi- 

tions of storage in different localities. 

[Germination of control sample: First test, 89.8 per cent; second test, 88.5 per cent. ] 

Percentage of germination. 
Num- F 
Noa - | Trade condi- 
yeas a Order of | ber of A Dry rooms. Basements. 
Place of storage. tests. |daysin tions. y 
storage. E 1 E 1 E 1 
Envel- a nvel- , nvel- 

opes. Bottles. opes. Bottles. opes. Bottles. 

AES City aeccssn eh. see aoe Hirst-...+ 129} 86 60 90 38 76 46 

1 Ds Sens eee pe pare ty se ee Second . 234) 77.1 2 64 0 30 0 

ATbUrn AS eee ccee cee een ee BiTrst=s.. 102 | 88 92 86 86 86 84 
DOst 5 sees asec ee ener Second . 275 62 56 82 38 82 $9.6 

Mobile Ala).cc2cosa2 saeco sce irstvs.- 140 48 81.2 60 87.5 75 86 

DO ees bak bee Se eee eee Second . 262" 12 52 16 64 iy Ese 76 

Baton Rouge; Udi seccscsase- eee First... - 121 | 80 82 S4 94 64 88 
DO soo. ad come oe patentee Second . 247 | 54.2 36 66 46 4.5 61.2 
San UMA wes Reo oe oe nar eeetene eee Mirstse=- IDA) 72 yp Raa eee iy eo celle Net 
DO con oc ceeeee wend Seen eee Second’ .|2--5--c- 78 FAST. | ch osleck Senses ee se sece=s ee eeeeee 

Waroner mois. cen baat eee ce First... 267 ese 82 90 88 84 84 

Oa ot ee oee te eeen eee Seeond . 238 | 78 LA — ge oe 88 88 76 

Durham N. A ool sost Sees cece Binsts==- 147 | 89.3 69.5 84.2 83.6 80 SO 

DO pee eee se eee cee een Second . 2611 82 91.8 84 88 76 88 

‘AMD VATDOT MIC ce: oe soe eens Mirsts 3. s|sesse-e% 92 88 88 48 88 96 

DOs Sa chee eat ee ea Second e|-on-aoee 80 92 86 22 82 88 
Average percentage of ger- |{First.... 128 | 78.16 | 78.381} 83.17} 75.01 | 79 80.55 
mination. Second . 251 | 65.41 59.70 | 66.33 | 48 60. 41 68. 40 
Average percentage of loss |{First...- 128 | 12.47 | 12.31 6.87 | 16 11. 54 9. 80 
in vitality. Second .| 251 | 26.09 | 32.55] 25.06] 45.76 | 31.74 | 22.71 

en inspire CAs 


Tables XVII and XVIII have been considered together, since both 
have to do with the same variety of sweet corn. The difference in the 
quality of these two samples was quite marked when the seed was 
received. Germination tests were made January 30, 1900, and showed 
94 per cent for the ‘‘A” and 88 per cent for the ‘*B” corn. In 
November, 1900, samples of seed from the same original packages 
were tested, giving a germination of 92.4 per cent and 88.5 per cent 
for the ‘‘ A” and ‘* B” samples, respectively, as shown in the controls 
of the above tables. Thus, when two grades of corn are subjected to 
favorable conditions of storage, both are well preserved; but when 
subjected to unfavorable conditions, the one of poorer quality is much 
more susceptible to injury. The ‘‘ A” sample which was stored in 
envelopes in trade conditions lost 10.11 per cent, as compared with 
26.9 per cent for the *‘B” sample. The ‘‘ A” sample which was 
stored in dry rooms lost only 9.81 per cent, while the ** B” sample 
lost 25.06 per cent. In basements, the ‘‘ A” sample lost 23 per cent 
and the ‘* B” sample 31.74 per cent. In both samples the corn in the 
packages stored in the basement at Mobile was so badly molded at the 
time the second tests were made that they have been omitted from the 

The most interesting feature in comparing the results of these two 
samples is found in the seed which was stored in the bottles. The 
average results of the ** A” samples show a much higher percentage 
of germination for those from the bottles than the control, while the 
averages for the ‘* B” sample were much lower than the correspond- 
ing controls. The average germination of the ** B” sample from the 
bottles was 59.7 per cent for the trade conditions, 48 per cent for dry 
rooms, and 68.4 per cent for basements, or a loss in vitality of 82.55, 
45.76, and 22.71 per cent, respectively. This difference was due to 
two causes, first, a difference in the quality of the seed at the begin- 
ning of the experiment, and, secondly, the larger amount of water in 
the second sample, ‘'B.” The greater quantity of water present in 
the seed gave rise to a more humid atmosphere after the seeds were 
put into the bottles, especially when subjected to higher temperatures 
than those in which the seeds had been previously stored. This is an 
important factor always to be borne in mind when seeds are put up in 
closed receptacles; they must be well dried if vitality is to be preserved. 


Tarte XIXN.—Percentage of germination of lettuce subjected to varicus conditions of 
storage in different localities. 

[Germination of control sample: First test, 81.6 per cent; second test, 92.3 per cent.] 

Percentage of germination. 

Num- Trade 
ie Order of | ber of Nips es Dry rooms. Basements. 
Place of storage. tests. |daysin conditions. 
storage. E a 1 . ae 1 ae aay 1 ar ae 
invel- .¢ | ENvel- .¢ | Envel- ae 
opes. Bottles. opes. Bottles. opes. Bottles. 
Dake Citys Wlaecss<<cseesseeectose Mirsts-=4 129 87 84 81 76.5 68 77 
DO eee eet hoes se cee eee oe Second . 234 | 85 92 92.5 90 43.5 95.5 
AMUIDUT Ale te. scence eee ee HITStes. 102 | &6.5 85.5 88.5 84.5 84.5 88.5 
DOr eee eho tea ae eee eeeeee Second .} 275 | 86 90.5 90. 5 91 83.5 90 
Mobile, Aloe ctecse eo eases eeetee Hirst ec 140 63 78 58 87.5 eA: 83 
DO) sth Sie este kets cls eee Second -| 262 20 88.5 3l 90RD) eae ee 91.5 
saton Rouge, las. 222.2.52-cscceee First.... 121 82.5 81.5 79 78.5 70.5 76 
DOE ester ec nee Second . 247 84.5 93.5 74.6 87.5 a) 92.5 
aM Ms Pee. cen mcoecas occtmie oe First... 131 | 79 S725 ie sakseed bance aewaeee |e ae 
DoW e ee eee ee ree ee Second .|........ BBO A289 Vike ee ee el cere seen ree 
Wagoner, Ind. T....-....... eee | First-223 126} 78 76 80 82 81 76.5 
DOR Scat 5. eae ee cost cce ss | Second . 238 | 82 O25 Mies seen 94 87.5 89 
Dima Ne dee seco. ot see ae First. :..- 147 82.5 80. 25 83. 25 77.5 80 done, 
DO oe occa coe ae cee Second . 251 88.5 93 92 93 90.5 90.5 
ATIMeAT DOT, mMiCMiee se oer = cee ee Mirsts=2 ales cscs 82 68.5 84.5 S15 78.5 ie 
WOe et ahs Bose sees eee ane ore Second .|.......- 92.5 90 89.5 90.5 88 9155 
Average percentage of ger- |{ First aise 128 80. 06 80.15 79.18 81.14 | 66.28 78.31 
mination, {Second - 251] 77.75 | 91.12 | 78.33 | 90.93 | 65.58 90.78 
Average percentage of loss |{First...- 128 1.89 By irs 2.97 .56 | 18.78 4.03 
in vitality. [Second . 251 | 15.76 1.29] 15.14 | 1.49 | 28.95 1.65 

The lettuce has shown no very marked deviation from the controls, 
save the seeds from the packages kept at Mobile, and those which were 
stored in basements in envelopes at Baton Rougé and Lake City. 
The average results of the second series of tests show a similar loss in 
vitality of all of the seeds from the envelopes. Thesamplesof seed from 
the bottles germinated practically as well as the controls. The results 
of the first series of tests are not entirely satisfactory, none of the 
tests having gone to standard. The low germination of the lettuce in 
this series was due to inability to properly control the temperature in 
the germinating pans. The proper temperature for the successful 
germination of lettuce seed is 20° C., while in this first series the ger- 
mination tests were unavoidably made at 26° to 27.5° C. Neverthe- 
less, this seeming objection is of little consequence, since all of the 
results are directly comparable with the control. 


aw ner = 


Tasie XX.—Pereentage of germination of onion subjected to various conditions of storage 
in different localities. 

{Germination of control sample: First test, 95.8 per cent; second test, 97 per cent.] 

Percentage of germination. 

Num- | , ‘ 
: appr | Lrade condi- , 
Order of | ber of : Dry rooms Jasements 
D]< ad 7 Ss 2 - ° 
Place of storage. tests. |days in tions. 
storage. ir lpia. ‘ 
~ | Envel-i,_ ig | Envel- |p, _| Envel- |, ’ 
opes. Bottles. opes. Bottles. opes. Bottles. 
Lake City, Fla Hirst... 129 | 95 95 95. 5 95 | 80 97.5 
Do Second . 234 16.5 95.5 79 96 | 0 97.0 
J\iot ob id ogee dE Wes eae nee ne a First.... 102 96 96.5 96 98.5 | 97 97.5 
TD Oar orcercie unio sterca dis love aes Second . 275 12 96 96 98 | 23.5 99 
MIODUGHAIR (eee Sc cocnc sees tedaees Hirst... 140 i 94.5 11.5 96.5 7d. 99 
1B X0 Yi Aine a es errs na Second . 262 0 94.5 0 96.5 ad 97.5 
Batom Rouge; Lase.----2..----.-- First.... 121] 90 | 93 o4 93.5 | 35 96.5 
D0 eS OSS Cee eee Seeond . 247 0.5 97.5 0 65 0 48.5 
Me Ulan bmn vsticts = 20sec, ae alee cye.erse Firsts. 13 84.5 OR at eke neyo |heairettaeclliciok Sace sil eee 
1 BX 05 ti, See ee eS ee a Second <|.......: 50 QGa en meee oe 2 less. cocclee anetan noeee 
Wittoronver thes M2822 kee cles First....| 126 | 93.5 | 97.5 95.5 97 96 94,5 
1DYS) 53 AR Aas cee Eee Sees Second . 238 ZO ECS Tee ames 97.5 34 97.5 
MST New Ele. eo ec oie cee Bursts... 147 | 96.5 96 | 94.5 96 93 94.5 
1D Yo, Sais a or Raa eee Sel ee a Second . 251 0 97.5 96 oy 4 |} 98 
ATTIPAT DOM (MICH). ivceics oc.atjeeeeod MnSts 222 le so. se 95 96 99.4 97 93 97 
ID (Pepe ee Sees nies Se esc oF Second .|........ 97.5 97.5 95 96.5 47 98 
Average percentage of ger- {First.. As 128 82.19 | 95.81 83. 79 96. 21 81.36 96. 64 
mination. |Second .| 251} 25.12] 96.25] 61 | 92.36] 33.08] 90.86 
- | 
Average percentage of gain | First... =| 128 14.20 | +0.01 12.53 |+ 0.43 15. 07 +0. 87 
or loss in vitality. |Second . 251 | 74.11 1.20] 87.12] 4.80] 65.90 6.33 

we Ths ee pa een included in nbing up ihe averages inasmuch as the eds were badly 

The onion seeds which were stored in the envelopes were very seri- 
ously affected in many of the places. Those from the basement at Lake 
City, from all of the conditions at Mobile, and from the dry room and 
basement at Baton Rouge were entirely killed. The seed from trade 
conditions at Baton Rouge germinated only 0.5 per cent. In many 
other cases the samples from the envelopes had become practically 
worthless. In only two instances was there any loss in vitality where 
the seeds were stored in bottles, viz, the second tests from the dry 
rooms and basement at Baton Rouge. These two tests have lowered 
the average results quite materially. If they were not included the 
averages would be raised to 96.91 and 97.90 per cent, respectively, 
instead of 92.36 and 90.86 per cent, as given in the table. The average 
percentages of germination of the seeds from the envelopes Were very 
low in the second test, and were as follows: Trade conditions, 25.12 
per cent; dry rooms, 61 per cent, and basements, 33.8 per cent. This 
represents a loss in vitality of 74.11, 37.12, and 65.9 per cent, respec- 

Onion seed is relatively short lived, and very easily affected by 
unfavorable external conditions. For this reason onion seed should 
be handled with the greatest care if vitality is to be preserved fora 
maximum period. This may be done successfully by keeping the dry 
seed in well-corked bottles, or in any good moisture-proof package. 



Taste XXI.—Percentage of germination of pansy subjected to various conditions of 
storage in different localities. 

[Germination of control sample: First test, 68 per cent; second test, 53 per cent.] 

Percentage of germination. 
3 Trade 
ae: Order of | ber of ane Dry rooms. Basements. 
Place of storage. tests. |daysin conditions. 
-. storage. : 
Envel- Envel- Envel- 
opes. Bottles. opes. Bottles. opes. Bottles. 
LakerGity, Wat... 2. 22452 22 See2e Firstse-- 129 | 44.5 63 45 58.5 10.5 62.5 
SO Sean oa ee eae ee ess | Second - 234 1.5 d4 22.5 47 0 57.5 
SAID UI PAC frais ee seer eee | First.... 102) 57.5 68 66.5 62 60 59.5 
Dope he et wate sciee tastes | Second . 275 2 20.5 28 27.5 0 33n0 
Mobiles AN aso ak ete eee ee HiTsteeee 140 3 57.5 2 61 a! 59 
DO Me 2 ae seen eee eee | Second . 262 0 20.5 0 2050) || |senecens 2.5 
Baton) Rouge: a 222s--heescer acer | Hirst. 2. < 121 | 28.5 53 38 44 4.5 54 
DO ae BA aa scare Second . 247 0 34 0 17 0 OED) 
Sam Jian Ret = a eee eece Bins tee. 131 | 20 GOLD Si ssececacleckcccllseoeateeeleeseeetee 
DOSE Ae oS ks RE Soe Secondyaliaeeceee 6.5 5 | eens Maeno beeriter esp aaaaS 
Wagoner snd Mee ss-acceeeonee lenirsheee. 1Q6ueASsp: 61.5 50.5 62.5 46 59 
ID) Oe te eee RECO Ga 238 qa i seats 59.5 8.5 b2n0 
Durham wN eS oene cone eee ees | Birsteen. 147 55.5 66.5 49.5 63.5 49 63.5 
OAs Se eh ne cs ce ee eee Second . 251 0 60.5 44 60.5 36.5 60 
ATMeAT DOr, Michie. ssaes-seees see Birst=-ealaeeseece 53.5 51 59.5 40 50 53 
Do weer. See aati oer Second .]........- 46.5 45 52 48.5 3.5 60.5 
Average percentage of ger- |{First.... 128 | 38.87} 60.12 44743) 55.93 B1e57 58. 64 
mination. |Second .| 251] 8 44.75 | 24.41] 40.80] 8.08| 38.438 
Average percentage of loss |{First...- 128 | 38.3 4.67 | 29.48 | 11.23 | 49.89 6.92 
in vitality. Second . 251 | 84.91 15.60 | .53.97 | ‘23.02 | 84.76 27.49 

TapnLte XXII.—Percentage of germination of phlox drummondii subjected to various con- 
Tg sy 7 
ditions of storage in different localities. 

{Germination of control sample: First test, 69 per cent; second test, 53.9 per cent.] 

Percentage of germination. 
Num- : 
Trade condi- 
oe be Order of | ber of F Dry rooms. Basements. 
Place of storage. tests. | daysin tions. 
storage. meee Paget? Envi 1 E 1 
envel- .g¢ | Envel- Envel- 
opes. Bottles. opes. Bottles. opes. Bottles. 
Lake City, Blavecossceccsecesseseee First-.-- 129 | 41.5 78 62 62 20.5 77.5 
DOM Sane eo te ee eee eee Seeond . 234 2.5 57 6 25.5 0 63 
Auburn) Alga 2- 22S. esmee eee eee HirSte eee 102 61.5 W230 62 63 65.5 67.5 
DO a2o5 oo tos aes oe eee Seeond . barf) 1 56.5 13:5 59 1 65 
Mobiles Als,..5f2 4.0 ete eee Hirsts...! 140 0.5 5d 0.5 74.5 0.5 58.5 
DO )0 2 Bis: Zee) Ee eee Second 262 0 51.5 0 Nha. |Leetesec 48.5 
Baton Rouges Liaoa.. eo+ eee eae irstesn 121 47.5 62.5 A305 58.5 2 70.5 
DO asec ase eee eee Second . 247 0 58 0 58.5 0 6L.5 
Sani Jian’ (Piacoa cases see Buirstess- 131 23.5 C5 ytd Ssaerciociel Syeie seae |oe cine | Cees 
DO eset teean efor 2 eee Second) 22. ste 2 11.5 615% Wisse cond Ss eo docel be aeeetss| eee 
Waronert Ind phe 2. o5-ee eee Hirste--2 126 | 50.5 Bed 61 70 65 75 
DOM oc PEAS Sock See eeloneeeee Second . 238 ah) 66% aces 57 9.5 47.5 
Durbam’ INH ote eee eee eee Hirstes.; 147 67 74 62.5 45.5 69.5 led 
DO wel ote e ce ccent Bo eee eee Seeond .~ 251) 0.5 62.5 33 30.5 45.5 70 
Ann UArbor,.Mich\- ...2s2--ssseeees Mirstoeen Saas see 67 66 75.5 69.5 64.5 72 
DO) sn 204 2 Ne cone. meee Second .|.......- 40 54 55 58.5 10.5 61 
Average percentage of ger- |{First-..- 128 | 44.87 | 68.31 | 52.76} 63.28 | 41.07 70.35 
mination. |Second z 251 7262)" 68y3i |) WOE 495645 ts08 59. 5 
Average percentage of gain |{First..-- 128 |} 34.97 1 23. 54 8.29 | 40.49 | + 2.01 
or loss in vitality. |Seeond - 251 | 85.86 | +8.27 | 66.78 7.91 | 79.45 | +10.39 


Pansy and phlox have been considered together, since their behay- 
ior was almost the same. Both of the controls deteriorated to a con- 
siderable degree during the 123 days which elapsed between the time 
of the first and the second test, pansy losing 15.87 per cent and phlox 
21.88 per cent. In both cases the mean loss in vitality of the seeds in 
the envelopes was very great. The results of the second tests show a 
loss of 84.91 per cent for pansy, and 85.86 per cent for phlox where 
stored under trade conditions. In dry rooms there was a mean loss 
of 53.57 per cent for pansy and 66.78 per cent for phlox, and in base- 
ments a loss of 84.76 per cent for the pansy and 79.45 per cent for the 
phlox. These results are obtained by considering the second test of 
the control as a standard, the depreciation of the control being dis- 
regarded. Some samples were dead and many more were of no eco- 
nomic value. It is especially interesting to note how quickly the seeds 
died at Mobile, Ala., there being only a few germinable seeds at the 
end of 140 days. 

The behavior of the seeds in the bottles was more or less variable. 
Some of the pansy seeds showed a higher vitality than the control, but 
the averages were somewhat lower, the mean loss ranging fron 15.60 
per cent under trade conditions to 27.49 per cent in basements, while 
with the phlox the means for trade conditions and for basements were 
higher than the control by 8.27 and 10.39 per cent, respectively. 

Taste X XIUL.—Percentages of germination of tomato subjected to various conditions of 
storage in different localities. 

[Germination of control sample: First test, 95.5 per cent; second test, 97.5 per cent. ] 

Percentage of germination. 
Num- : [ 
Trade condi- 
Order of | ber of : Dry rooms Basements 
» Ee 3 oe 4 + A . . 
Place of storage. tests. |daysin tions. 
StOlaD Om GES g wr [emer eles 
Envel- Bottles.| Envel- Bottles. Envel- Bottles. 
opes. opes. opes. | 
ISN Re Ol aed OE Ae Pitstesae 129 | 94 94 94 95.5 88.5 | 94 
1D 0) is SS See eS Seer a oer Second . 234 |° 94 98 94 97.5 77 97.5 
JN DUO BE bi See ee ee First... . 102 | 95 94.5 93.5 97.5 96 | 94.5 
WOR Bea a. tok Oe. ue eee sees Seeond . 275 | 94 98.5 97 94.5 98 96.5 
VIG [oil CMAN See See. <:crajsiarsicr sre Sisiave.notece Mirstass. 140 | 90 94.5 91.5 96.5 64.5 93.5 
1X0) (OO ESS IESE eS eee Second . 262 | 79.5 97.5 87 95.5 19.5 98 
BaAtLOnP ROUSE MLE 2. seen cecin-~ 2 << Hirstacec g AL es ped) 95 91 95 83.5 95 
WO Peene ia sae ccececicadeses cs Second . 247 | 96 96.5 93 98 Beda 96 
SATIMMAT MP MREAMer ores Suc8se ees Rurstess- 1316) Od eee ede DN |S ceece | ones oe eee ee ee eee 
DO Ree eee ie ae meets iceteees Second .|........ 96.5 GP Bp. «| Bin es sine | eee te cell rece cae ses see 
WACO EME T Cte Mae wants anrlacieatejce 3 FTSUS es 126 | 96.5 97 98 96.5 98.5 96 
IDO) soos daece Cen Bee eee eee Second . 147 | 94 CSF) lascccuss 97.5 98.5 93.5 
ID) Cnr ee NEE ae Sore aici js cwieteie saa Witstesss 147 | 94.5 95 97 94 97.5 96.5 
1D) oa ee SOS ee nese aes Second . 251 | 87 98 97 99 97.5 97 
FATITIBAT DOL MUCDi st ec acca ce seas bibs hes) Bee 89 94 93 91.5 89 92.5 
Osteen sas emeceacbosceteece Second .|..:..... 98.5 9S 98 97.5 95 98 
Average percentage of ger- { First. roe 128 | 93.06 | 94.81 S84 95. 21 88. 21 94. 57 
mination. [Second . 251] 92.44] 97.31 | 94.33] 97.07 | 84.25] 97.21 
Average percentage of loss |{First...- 128 2.56 0. 72 1.57 0.3 7.64 0.98 
in vitality. \Second.| 251] 5.20] 0.20] 3.29] 0.44] 13.63 0.30 


The tomato seed, as shown in Tables V and XXV, was the most 
resistant to the unfavorable conditions of storage. The seed in the 
bottles was not injured at any of the places. The lowest germination 
was 91.5 per cent from the seed kept ina dry room at Ann Arbor, 
Mich. The seed in the envelopes gave a much wider variation, falling 
quite low in some of the samples which were stored in the basements. 
The average losses in vitality for the entire series of the second set of 
seeds which were kept in envelopes were as follows: Trade conditions, 
5.20 per cent; dry rooms, 3.29 per cent; basements, 13.63 per cent. 
The average percentage of germination of the seed which was kept in 
the bottles differed from the control less than one-half of 1 per cent. 

Tabie XXIV.—Percentage of germination of watermelon subjected to various conditions 
of storage in different localities. 

[Germination of control sample: First test, 95.5 per cent; second test, 99 per cent.] 

Percentage of germination. 
Num- ee ean: ae : 
Place oF slomise Order of | ber of CO Dry rooms. Basements. 
Ca re tests. |days in a 
storage. ea) 
Envel- ,< | Hnvel- iq | Envel- a 
opes. Bottles. opes. Bottles. opes. Bottles. 
hake City) Mlascnoss-s cose mao. First... 129} 98 98 96 98 98 100 
DOne=e hare aae =< eee eae oes Seeond . 234 92 96. 2 86 98 70 94 
ATIDUIN Alacss eee ean ene cee eee Pirst.s.< 102 | 94 94 96 98 99 100 
1) Oe PE eee ccs Sea Sener Seeond . 275 | 86 100 98 98 94 96 
MODE MAIS ck oeactenscsscweasnaes Hirstosss 140 98 98 98 100 80 100 
TG, = chee oot Soe ewes ecco Second. 262 64 96 68 96 0 100 
Baton houre: baseceoese- sone. so Hitstoece 121 | 100 98 96 | 100 98 98 
DG ist oc koe ate ote Lok eae e sass Second . 247 92 98 86 | 100 20 100 
San UameiPs Roses. es5: cence. es First....| 131 | 96 LOOEIR® (222288. 20.20. 
WGics feceecec kad eeseces a cce S@CONG clesacucc 88 LOO! @ yee see Naccme see ||eeoeoes sees 
Waconer ind (hoa eee cece Kirst... 126 98 98 98 | 100 96 98 
DO easter an ae ee eases Second . 238 94 OS Weecceees | 96 88 98 
SUD at Ne ceeseeacces oeeacclek Hirst. ... 147 98 98 100 98 98 96 
DS rete oscne eee icia ee cetayae oe Second . 251 82 96 98 92 94.1 98 
Ann Arbor, Mich ................. Hirst cqces sce 100 100 94 94 98 96 
DOES. pemece aes ceca ceesemtes SeEconG elo-s- cee 96 | 100 96 92 100 96 
Average percentage of ger- {First eile 128 97.75 | 98 96.86 | 98.29 | 95.29 98. 29 
mination. |Second 2 251 86.75 | 98.02 | 88.67 96 77.70 97.43 
i | | 
Average pecentage of loss {First.... 128 0. 56 0.31 1.47} 0.01 3. 06 0. 01 
in vitality. |Second " 251 12587. 0.99 10, 44 3.03 | 21.52 1.59 

What has been said of the tomato seed is practically true for the 
watermelon, save that there was a greater loss in vitality in the latter, 
when seeds were kept in envelopes. The average percentage of ger- 
mination of the second tests was 86.75 per cent for trade conditions; 
88.67 per cent for dry rooms; and 77.7 per cent for basements, or a 
loss in vitality of 12.37, 10.44 and 21.52 per cent, respectively, as com- 
pared with the vitality of the control sample, which germinated 99 
per cent. 

An examination of the foregoing set of tables will show that in 
most cases the deterioration was comparatively slight during the first 
128 days. Yet even during this short period the losses in vitality 
were very marked in some of the more critical localities, particularly 


et Mobile. However, the greatest loss, as shown by the germination 
tests, was during the 123 days immediately following. 

While seeds, like other living things, are capable of withstanding 
quite unfavorable conditions for a considerable time without showing 
any appreciable deterioration in vitality, still the forces destroying 
vitality are at work. When the turning point is once reached and can 
be detected by germination tests, the decline is more noticeable and 
death soon follows. 

The preceding tables show that the loss in vitality was very differ- 
ent in the different places. The conditions at Mobile, Ala., proved to 
be the most injurious, while those at Ann Arbor, Mich., were the 
most conducive to longevity. These results, however, are given in 
another part of this paper dealing with the effect of climate on the 
vitality of seeds. The results are tabulated on pages 18 and 23 and 
represented diagrammatically on page 24, so that any further discus- 
sion at this time is unnecessary. 

Likewise each table has been summarized, giving the average per- 
centages of germination and the average percentages of the loss in 
vitality of each sample of seed for both the first and second tests. 
These averages include those of the three conditions of storage—trade 
conditions, dry rooms, and basements—in both envelopes and bottles. 

Naturally, the results of the second tests are of the greater impor- 
tance, and, in order that the results may be readily compared and more 
critically examined, they have been collected and tabulated herewith: 
Taste XX V.—-lrerage percentage of germination and average percentages of loss im 

vitality of the different kinds of seeds when kept under different conditions. 

at Trade conditions. Dry rooms. Basements. 

OP tan a aaa Pee i . a 

A Envelopes. | Bottles. | Envelopes.) Bottles. Envelopes. Bottles. 
oO —- fs = ey | ee z = a == 7 a 

|S 2 ia oa ia 4 ba 

Kind of seed. & a = d aS S| Ho a = | — a a 

2) ios} ° ios} ° os] fo} a (o} 3 2) oC 

rs = se = re! — 4 aa Be = Be} 3S 

ra - 3 - 3 > 3 - 3 - o - 

= = a a S| = a = q - S| a 

bs | = | Am | a = ‘fe = 45 3 =| 

Elealilgi-£ieti|#ile)2ile|él eg 

o o} o ° o ° ov (2) v ° v ° 

, 4s) 4 oO a oS = o Hn id) 4 o A 
MOMPBtOs ss) San oe. 97.5) 92.44) 5.20) 97.31) 0.20) 94.33) 3.29] 97.07} 0.44} 84.25) 13.63) 97.21) 0.30 

Sweet corn, ‘°A’’..| 92.4) 83 10.11] 96. 75}+-4.71) 83.33] 9.81] 94. 86}+-2. 66} 73.08} 22 98 eo 6.06 
GAS ose atc. 95, '7| 84.74) 11.45) 95, 25) 47 80. 45} 15. 94 95.14 . 58} 60. 66) 36.62] 96.28/+ .60 
r | | 

Watermelon......- 99 86.75) 12.37) 98.02 . 99} 88.67) 10.44; 96 | 3.03) 77.70) 21.52) 97.43 1.59 
WettuGer..cass0.s2 92.3] 77.75] 15.76) 91.12) 1.29] 78.33] 15.14] 90.93} 1.49] 65.58) 28.95) 90.78} 1.65 

Raggi. =. ofcss a0 78.8} 60.94} 22 67 73.56] 6.65] 64.33] 18.37] 72.71) 7.73] 59 25.13] 74. 07 6 
Sweet corn, ‘“B”’..] 88.5) 65.41] 26.09} 59.70) 32.55} 66.33] 25.06) 48 45.76 60.41) 31.74) 68.40) 22.71 
BOBS oss 3- hee ees 98. 7| 69.50} 29.59] 97 1.72! 69.33) 29.76) 97.36) 1.36! 55.66) 43.61) 98.86, +.10 
Cabbage 22. esc. 92.4) 52.15] 43.56 90.56) 1.94] 61.50) 33.44] 89.93) 2.67) 58.33) 42.29] 92.21 - 22 
Carrols sss8ssee-55 82 37.31] 54.50; 80.87} 1.38] 58.83) 34.35) 74.71) 8.89) 37.75) 53.96) 75.21 9.50 

é | 
ONTO = she ace ina 97 | 25.12) 74.11) 96.25) 1.20) 61 37.12) 92.36) 4.80) 38.08) 65.90) 90.86) 6.33 
| | | | 
PaNISY: oo sss see 53 8 84.91] 44.75) 15.60] 24.41] 53.97] 40.80] 23.02] 8.08] 84.76] 38.43] 27.49 
| | 
121011 00)>. coe agp = ee 53.9) 7.62) 85.86) 58.37 +8. 27) 17.91) 66.78 49.64, 7 M1 11.08) 79. 45} 59.50) +10. 39 
| is 
Average loss | | | | 
‘ aad: | - 
Ie VLbAIGG Ye eee S| eee USSU S| GS err | eI ols) ae bt SN OS lice aaa 42: 28]. sacc - 4.51 
| | | aed 


In comparing the average results shown in Table X XV, it will be 
seen that different seeds behave very differently under practically iden- 
tical conditions. The list of seeds has been arranged according to 
their loss of vitality as represented by those kept in envelopes under 
trade conditions, as shown in the fourth column. The tomato seed 
gave a loss in vitality of 5.20 per cent, being the most resistant to the 
unfavorable climatic conditions. Phlox, on the other hand, germinated 
only 7.62 per cent, representing a loss in vitality of 85.86 per cent. 

Likewise the same seeds behave very differently under slightly 
different conditions, as will be seen by comparing the percentages of 
deterioration in the case of seeds kept in envelopes under trade condi- 
tions, in dry rooms, and in basements. In dry rooms the order, except 
the peas, is the same as for trade conditions. The loss of vitality in 
the seeds stored in the dry rooms was uniformly less than for those 
stored under trade conditions, excepting for the peas and beans; but 
in the series from the basements there was great irregularity. The 
loss in vitality for the most part was uniformly greater than under 
trade conditions or in dry rooms save in the last five—cabbage, carrot, 
onion, pansy, and phlox—where the loss was less in the case of those 
kept in the basements. This indicates that these five species of seed 
are less susceptible to the evil effects of a moist atmosphere when the 
temperature is relatively low. 

The relative value of these three conditions for storing seeds in 
paper packets is best obtained by a comparison of the general averages, 
The average losses in vitaliy for the thirteen different samples of seed 
which were kept at the eight different stations were as follows: Trade 
conditions, 36.63 per cent; dry rooms, 21.19 per cent; basements, 42.28 
per cent. From these results it is quite clear that seeds put up in paper 
packages will retain their vitality much better if keptin dry, artificially 
heated rooms than if they are subjected to trade conditions or stored 
in basements. 

But another comparison needs yet to be made, and is the most impor- 
tant of the series, i. e., the vitality of seeds when kept in closely 
corked bottles. In the majority of cases there was but little deviation 
from the control samples, and many of the samples germinated even 
better where the seeds were kept in bottles. The ‘‘A” sweet corn 
offers the best illustration of the increased germination. At the same 
time the ‘*B” sample of sweet corn was very much injured. Here are 
two samples of the same variety of corn behaving very differently 
when kept in bottles. This difference in vitality is directly attributed 
to the greater quantity of water in sample ‘* B,” showing the necessity 
of thoroughly drying seeds if they are to be put up in closed vessels. 
A comparison of the general averages of the bottle samples and of 
those kept in envelopes indicates that the former is far superior to the 
latter as a method for preserving the vitality of seeds. Under trade 
conditions the loss in vitality was 86.63 per cent in envelopes and 


3.93 per cent In bottles; in dry rooms, 21.19 per cent in envelopes and 
8.08 per cent in bottles; in basements, 42.28 per cent in envelopes 
and 4.51 per cent in bottles. 

The necessary precautions to be taken, if seeds are to be stored in 
bottles, are (1) a well-dried sample, preferably artificially dried seed, 
and (2) a cool place for storing, at least a place in which the tempera- 
ture will not be higher than the temperature at which the seeds were 
originally dried. 

If the above precautions are taken at least two beneficial results will 
follow: First, protection against moisture, which is of considerable 
importance, as many seeds are soon destroyed in that way when kept 
in paper packages. Secondly, vitality will be preserved for a longer 
period and consequently there will be a more vigorous germination, a 
better growth of seedlings, and a greater uniformity in the resulting 

Having thus shown that seeds retain their vitality in warm, moist 
climates much better when kept in bottles than when kept in paper 
packages, the necessity of finding a more suitable method for sending 
small quantities of seed to such places at once presents itself. 


At present the greatest disadvantages in sending out seeds in bottles 
are the inconvenience and expense involved by this method of putting 
up seeds. The increased cost of bottles, as compared with the paper 
packets now so universally employed, the additional labor and expense 
necessary to put up the seeds, the greater cost in handling and pack- 
ing the bottles to insure against losses by breakage, and the increased 
cost of transportation, are all matters of vital importance. Seedsmen 
claim that the existing conditions of the trade will not admit of their 
raising the price of seeds sufficiently high to justify the increased 
expense of glass containers. Although to the seedsmen the preserva- 
tion or the prolongation of vitality is an important factor, yet the 
demand is for an inexpensive and at the same time a neat and service- 
_ able package. 

Accordingly, duplicate samples of the following-named seeds were 
put up in special packages, one set being sent to Mobile, Ala., and the 
other kept at Ann Arbor, Mich. The seeds used for these experi- 
ments were beans, peas, cabbage, lettuce, onion, pansy, and phlox.4¢ 

@The lettuce, onion, pansy, and phlox were from the same bulk samples of seeds 
~ as those used in the earlier experiments; but the beans, peas, and cabbage used for 
these tests were from samples received at the laboratory on February 4, 1901. How- 
ever, the latter three were from the same general stock of seed, differing from those 
used in experiments already given only in that they were stored during the interval 
in the warehouse of D. M. Ferry & Co., Detroit, Mich., instead of in the botanical 
laboratory at the university. 

25037—No. 58—04—— 5 


All of these samples were first dried for ten days in an incubator main- 
tained at a temperature of from 30° to 32° C. The amount of mois- 
ture in the samples before and after drying, as well as the moisture 
expelled during the drying process, was as follows: 

Moisture test of seeds in special packages. 

Kind of seed, ‘airdiied | Moise | Moise 
Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. 

B@ans 52 Bis fice Sap BSS Se eiwielora chats Seralarsinve sass Safar s csimeceeisinie a oats sisters 10. 32 | 4.90 5.42 
PGBS Sra od deca e oe ces ase EAE ees tan awe seas casas ee acces 9.70 | 6.00 3.70 
(OF 10) of: 04 oh Pee ie, SR ec Sia ee a ye ee A ei eed a nee See 4.89 | 3.47 1.42 
Lethe s2o5 64.28: ot ao ae Sere Sete es Se cameos eet erie See eeneetas | 5. 33 | 3.80 1.53 
C10 C0) «eee sr ecg ee eR OE MR at EE SS Aen See er IE aS Io 6.48 4.47 2.01 
PSY ices Sete a epee een Seay pate ets ey ara age mee Can hee to clahela enter siete tatrtar cic 4.82 3.13 1,69 
PHIOX 2)shcesses seewn cto os oceate mceees he eee eebedheweteece nesses | 5. 82 4.30 1.52 

These well-dried seeds were then put up in seven different kinds of 

(1) Double coin envelopes, of much the same quality as those in which 
seeds are commonly sold. 

(2) Bottles of 120 cc. capacity, closed with firm cork stoppers. 

(8) Bottles of 120 cc. capacity, corked and sealed with paraffin. 

(4) Tin cans having closely fitting lids, the whole being then care- 
fully dipped in paraftin. 

(5) Double coin envelopes, as for No. 1, the packets being then 
dipped in melted paraftin. 

(6) Double coin envelopes, the inner one paraftined, the outer envel- 
ope being used simply to protect the paraflin and to facilitate ease of 

(7) Double coin envelopes, with both the inner and the outer coated 
with paraftin. 

On February 15, 1901, one of each of the above preparations was sent 
to Mobile, Ala., and stored in a cellar approximately 400 feet back 
from the bay. After the lapse of 108 days, i. e., on June 3, these 
samples were received in return, at which time germination tests were 

The other complete set, retained in the botanical laboratory at Ann 
Arbor, was subjected to a very moist atmosphere. The samples were 
kept in a damp chamber made by taking two battery jars of different 
sizes, the smaller containing the seeds being placed within the larger, 
which was lined with filter paper and then partially filled with water. 
The whole was covered with a glass plate, and the atmosphere within 
was always on the verge of saturation. 

A third and an extreme set of conditions was established by keeping 
some of the paraflined packages immersed in water for twenty-seven 


days. At the end of that time (March 14) the seeds were tested for 
germination, as were also those from the unprotected envelopes in 
the moist chamber. The seeds that were kept under water in the 
paraflined packages germinated readily and normally, showing no 
deterioration in vitality; but the seeds from the packages not paraflined, 
which were kept in the moist chamber, had been injured to an appre- 
ciable extent, there being a marked retardation in the germination of 
all of the species of seed. The cabbage at the end of thirty-six hours 
had germinated only 11 per cent, as compared with 57.5 per cent for 
seed from the immersed paraflined package. The relative merits of 
the two conditions as affecting onion seed may be expressed by a 
germination of 13.5 per cent and 39 per cent, respectively, after sixty- 
one and one-half bours. Not only was there a marked retardation, 
but likewise a reduction in the final percentage of germination, with 
the single exception of the cabbage. These results can be more care- 
fully studied in Table X XVI. 

Germination tests were made of all of the other samples on June 3, 
1901, the date when the seeds were returned from Mobile. Atthis time 
the seeds in the unprotected envelopes in the moist chamber were so 
badly molded that no germination tests were made. The samples from 
Mobile, which were directly comparable with the above, except that 
they had been stored in a basement, were greatly injured. The beans 
had deteriorated to 88 per cent, the onion to 27 per cent, the pansy to 
8 per cent, while the phlox was dead. However, seed of the other 
species—cabbage, lettuce, and peas—gave final percentages of germi- 
nation varying but little from the control, but the slowing down in 
the rapidity of germination was sufficiently marked to show a corre- 
sponding loss in vitality. 

With the samples which were put up in bottles, tin cans, and 
paraftined packages the results were quite different from those given 
above. Inno case was there any marked deviation beyond that which 
might be justly attributed to ordinary variation, except in the phlox 
from a tin can which had been stored in the moist chamber in the 
laboratory. This sample of phlox germinated only 3.5 per cent. 
Unfortunately, both the pansy and the phlox seeds used for these 
experiments were not very satisfactory. These samples were at this 
time nearly two years old and consequently of a low vitality. The 
tabulated results of the foregoing experiment follow. 


Tabnte NN VI.— Vitality of seeds preserved in different kinds of packages. 
Dura- Percentage of germination. 
se li eree any te) ToS er : A ' Cab. | Let- On- ane Pan-| . - |Aver- 
ment, | Beans. bage.| tuce. | ions. | P&8S-| sy. | hloX.)"5 ses, 
CONGLOLS sec ostee fase Soe nets eee | aes ees 94.0 | 90.2 | 89.5 | 97.5 | 90.0 | 37.7 4255 |. 77.34 
Ann Arbor, Mich., moist chamber: 
EDV ClOPGS aa scan swtcas cee neceseasseees 27 80.0 | 91.0 | 76.5 | 90.0 | 88.0 | 25.0 0.0 64.35 
Bottlecorked ssc nc acs ao cee oe fees | 108 98.0 | 91.5 | 91.0 | 93.5 | 94.0 | 36.0 31.0 | 76.43 
Bottle; parafiined. 22-2. osansccc a © | 108 97.5 | 93.5 | 90.5 | 95.5 | 90.0 | 39.5 | 39.0 | 77.93 
Tin Can paraimined: = aa== sane asec 108 96.0 | 87.0 | 90.0 | 93.0 | 90.0 | 35.0 3.5 | 70.63 
Two envelopes, outer paraflined .... 108 98307 | 91.5} 9155" 1)97.:0)-92305) 838250 )) Q7iZoele7ba6b 
Two envelopes, inner paraffined .... 108 98.0 | 94.0 | 89.0 | 93.0 | 88.0 | 24.0 | 47.0 | 76.14 
Two envelopes, both paraflined ..... 108 96.0 | 90.5 | 86.5 | 95.5 | 92.0 | 23.0] 38.5 | 74.57 
Two envelopes, both paraffined and | 
immersed in water.........--..... 27 | 100.0 | 88.5 | 88.5 | 94.5 | 90.0 | 34.5] 80.5 | 75.21 
Mobile, Ala., basement: 
IRUIVClOPES acces nkie a een cuwatiewiteseee ae 108 88.0 | 86.0 | 88.0 | 27.0 | 96.0 8.0 0.0 (56.14 
Bottle Rr COTKedie. eae Sos eee 108 | 98.0 | 91.0 | 90.5 | 95.5 | 84.0 | 34.5 | 92.5 75.14 
"SBOE, PALHiMCd..s.ceensecessceuee- 108 98.0 | 90.5 | 92.5 | 95.5 | 92.0 | 34.5 44.5 | 78.21 
Tin can, paraffined...............25. 108 | 96.0 | 88.0 | 95.0 | 96.0] 88.0) 26.0] 23.0 | 73.14 
Two envelopes, outer paraftined .... 108 94.0 | 90.5 | 89.0 | 95.5 | 92.0 | 29.5) 34.0 | 74.78 
Two envelopes, inner paraftined .... 108 | 96.0 | 92.0 | 88.0 | 90.0 | 98.0 | 38.0] 38.0 | 76.43 
Two envelopes, both paraffined ..... 108 100.0 | 92.0 | 89.5 | 88.5 | 90.0 | 2.5 Oo. | V4aed4 

Subsequent experiments were made, using envelopes of different 
qualities, as well as varying the treatment of the packages. Samples 
of cabbage, lettuce, and onion seed were put up as follows: 

(a) The regular seedsmen’s envelope, made of a heavy grade of 
manila paper. 

(4) Envelopes made of a medium quality of waterproof paper. 

(c) Envelopes made of a thin parchment paper. 

(7) Envelopes made of the same quality of parchment paper as for 
the preceding series, but paraftined previous to being filled with seed. 
The packages were then sealed by redipping the open ends. 

(e) Envelopes of parchment paper, as for the two preceding series, 
except that the envelopes were first filled with seed, sealed, and then 
the entire package was dipped in paraffin at a temperature of from 
Do- to,602..0, 

Samples of all of these packages were then stored under trade con- 
ditions and in dry rooms in Ann Arbor, Baton Rouge, and Mobile. 
The exact conditions of storage in the different places were the same 
as described on pages 49 and 50. 

The samples were put up on May 20, 1901. The period of storage 
ended on November 26, having continued 190 days. Unfortunately, 
no special precautions were taken to dry the seeds. They were simply 
air-dried samples; hence they contained a quantity of moisture sufli- 
ciently large to give rise to an increased relative humidity of the 
confined air in the paraflined packages. This increased humidity was 


accompanied by a greater activity within the cells, and consequently 
by a greater deterioration of vital force. For this reason the results 
are not as definite as the conditions warrant. Nevertheless, some 
important facts were brought out by the experiments which justify 
their being discussed and tabulated (in part) at this time. 

Taste XN VIL.—Vitality of seed preserved in parafiined packages. 
Trade conditions, seeds put up in—| Dry room, seeds put up in— 
Parchment | Parchment 
oe AZ Oe envelopes, envelopes, 
Kind of seed. Paraflined| then dip- Seedsmen’s) Paraffined | then dip- | Seedsmen’s 
envelopes. | ped in par- | packages. | envelopes. | ped in par-| packages, 
affin, at | affin, at_ 
50° to 60° C,) 150° to 60° C. 

Cabbage: Per cent. Per cent. | Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. 
Ann Arbor, Mich........ 91 90 86.5 90.5 | 85.5 86.5 
Mobile, Ala........-.-.-- 30.5 57.5 | 85 || 38 50.5 5 
Baton Rouge, La........ 70 63 2°65: | 73.5 79.5 35.5 


Ann Arbor, Mich........ 89.5 89.5 96.5 91.5 90 93 
MODIe; “Alase22 2 sccicccue 80 75 64 78 78.5 61.5 
Baton Rouge, La........ 81.5 77.5 74 82 78,5 72.5 

Onion: | 
Ann Arbor, Mich........ 91 90 93 91.5 89 89 
MODE: Alas 2s 3.5 cc ass.ce 0 4 0 0 4.5 0 
Baton Rouge, La........ 1 20 | 0 5 40 0 

| | 
AV OTARG Sic cads neeees 59. 39 62.94 | 49, 44 | 61.11 65. 66 49, 22 

In the first place, the injury resulting from the effect of the climatic 
influences is quite well marked in the above table. The conditions at 
Mobile and Baton Rouge were much more detrimental to the life of 
the seeds than were the conditions at Ann Arbor. Secondly, the dif- 
ferences in the preservation of vitality of those seeds stored under 
trade conditions and of those kept in dry rooms were much less marked 
than they were in earlier experiments. This is probably accounted 
for by the marked difference in the two seasons. The summer of 1900 
was extremely wet in the South, especially at Mobile, while the sum- 
mer of 1901 was exceptionally dry. Concerning the conditions Zim- 
mer Brothers wrote on November 26, 1901, as follows: 

We do not think you will find much difference in the two packages. The season 
this year has been very dry, with no rain since the big August storm; in fact, we do 
not remember such a dry season in thirty years. 

Although the season was exceptionally dry at Baton Rouge and 
Mobile, the loss in vitality was very great in comparison with the loss 
at Ann Arbor, demonstrating very clearly that climatic influences play 
a very important part in the storage of seeds. 

This table shows the relative resisting powers of lettuce, cabbage, 
and onion seed, the lettuce being most resistant and the onion least 
resistant, as shown in a preceding table. However, the chief purpose 


of this series of experiments was to demonstrate the relative value of 
different packages as a means of putting up seeds. 

In Table X XVII it will be observed that the results obtained from 
the waterproof and parchment paper envelopes have been omitted. 
These omissions have been made because the results were practically 
identical with those of the ordinary seedsmen’s packets; but the ¢om- 
parisons to be made between the ordinary paper packets and the 
paraftined packages are worthy of consideration. The envelopes that 
were paraflined after being filled with seed gave the best results. 
This difference, however, was due not to the special treatment but 
to the higher melting point of the paraffin. The average percentages 
of germination of the three samples of seed kept under trade con- 
ditions in the three localities were 59.39 per cent for the envelopes 
previously paraftined, 62.94 per cent for the envelopes dipped in 
paraftin after being filled with seed, and 49.44 per cent for the seeds- 
men’s envelopes. In dry rooms the results were 61.11, 65.66, and 
49,22 per cent, respectively. These averages were somewhat higher 
than the true conditions of Baton Rouge and Mobile warrant, as the 
results of the germination tests from all of the packages retained at 
Ann Arbor showed but little variation. Taking the three samples of 
seed which were stored under trade conditions in Mobile, the average 
percentage of germination was 24.2 for the seed from the nonparaftined 
package and 45.5 percent for the seed from the paraflined package, show- 
ing a loss in vitality of 77.3 and 49.5 per cent, respectively, considering 
the germination of the Ann Arbor sample asastandard. At Baton Rouge 
the results were slightly better; the average percentages of germination 
were 32.2 for the seeds from the nonparaflined and 53.5 per cent for 
the seeds from the paraflined packages, representing a loss in vitality 
of 65 and 40.5 per cent, respectively. While in either case the loss 
was very great, still the advantages of the paraflined packages are 
worthy of consideration for the reason that a prolongation of life for 
only a few weeks is frequently of the greatest importance, particularly 
in districts where much fall planting is done. 

In this connection may be given the results of some other tests, 
which really were a part of this same experiment, but included only 
onion seed. This seed was put up in seedsmen’s envelopes and in 
paraflined envelopes like those previously described. In addition, 
seed was also put up in small bottles, which were corked. ‘These 
packages were kept ina small box within a suit case carried on two 
trips across the Atlantic and on a tour through Central Europe, thus 
subjecting them to very variable conditions. Germination tests 
gave the following results: Seed from the ordinary packages, 77 
cent; paraftined envelopes, 90 per cent; bottles, 91 per cent. 

To test more thoroughly the keeping qualities of seeds in paraftined 
packages and in bottles, another series of experiments was begun on 
December 20, 1901. For these tests only cabbage and onion seeds 


were used, but each with three different degrees of moisture: (1) Seed 
from the original packages, i. e., air-dried samples, the cabbage hav- 
ing a water content of 5.80 per cent, and the onion 6.48 per cent. 
(2) Air-dried samples were exposed in a moist atmosphere under a bell 
jar for two days, during which time the cabbage absorbed 1.83 per 
cent of water and the onion 2.41 per cent, thus raising the water con- 
tent to 7.63 and 8.89 per cent, respectively. (8) Air-dried seeds 
which were dried in an incubator for eight days ata temperature vary- 
ing from 27° C. to 39° C. During this interval 2.05 per cent of water 
was expelled from the cabbage and 3.11 per cent from the onion seed, 
leaving a water content of only 3.75 per cent in the former and 3.37 
per cent in the latter. 

Each of the samples, treated as just described, was put up in three 
different kinds of packages: (1) Seedsmen’s regular seed envelopes. 
(2) Similar envelopes which were paraflined, after being filled with 
seed, ata temperature of from 70° to 75°C. The melting point of the 
paraftin was 53° C. (3) In bottles which were closed with firm cork 

One of each of the above packages was then stored at Mobile under 
trade conditions and in a basement; likewise at Ann Arbor in the 
herbarium room of the botanical laboratory, in a greenhouse, and in 
an incubator maintained at 40° C. The duration of this experiment 
was 131 days, from December 20, 1901, to April 30,1902. The results 
of the germination tests are given in Table XXVIII. Two percentages 
have been given for the control sample, one for Ann Arbor and the 
other for Mobile. This was necessary since the two series were tested 
at different times and comparisons can not be made interchangeably 
between the two. 

TaBLE XX VITI.— Vitality of cabbage and onion seed as preserved in various kinds of 
packages and subjected to different conditions of storage. 

[Germination of control samples—Ann Arbor: Cabbage, 81.7 per cent; onion, 74 per cent. Mobile: 

Cabbage, 88 per cent; onion, 84.5 per cent.] 

Percentage of germination. 

Percent- || Scare ees a ee 

se ee Special treat- age of | Ann Arbor, Mich. Mobile, Ala. 

nets ee 2 ment of WHEE alee aay oe anes 
: package, content | 70%" | Trade | «,, Incuba- | Trade ae 
of seed. ical ; ~ | Green- i : ~ | Base- 
condi- : tor at eondi 
labo- - | house. on a aie ment. 
ratory. tions. 40° C. tions. 
| BaF | ge 

Envelope......... NODC 22 225.152 5. 8Q 81.0 81.0 68. 0 72.5 60.0 10.0 
10Yot Soret eons ETAT ce occe 5, 80 80. 0 79.0 85.5 62.0 87.5 52.5 
IBOtIe Re sesee aeeee Corked) 223. .<< 5. 80 79.5 85.0 85.0 68.5 84.0 84.0 
Envelope......... INOUGH s. csc cee fed |e ae ODs, 80.5 65.5 74.6 64.5 15.5 
On. selrsne- aes Paratiness.55- 7.63 80.5 82.0 83.5 69.5 86.5 46.5 
IBOULIG™ eka eee Corked --.....- 7.63 80.5 85. 0 86.5 48.0 82.0 91.5 
Envelope....----- INQMC@%s. 2203 322 3.75 | 76.0 85.5 67.0 73.0 64.0 9.0 
DOSS sone cee Paratiieeees.t: 3.75 | 86.0 84.0 76.0 71.0 82.5 78.0 
Bottle: ssc. ssocecee Corked ....... Be 75iie S3a0 $4.0 74.0 64.5 82.5 85.0 


Taste XN VIII.— Vitality of cabbage and onion seed as preserved in various kinds of 

packages and subjected to different kinds of storage—Continued. 
| Percentage of germinatien. 
| _ = 
5 P | ; 
: Special treat- ear Ann Arbor, Mich. Mobile, Ala. 
See And ment of water |_ ] 
, a package. content | B0tan-| trade |. Incuba- | Trade . 
of seed. nee condi- nee torat | condi- Base: 
apdbo- . . 10use, Wal | « . | ment. 
ratory. tions. 40° C. | tions. | 
Onion: | 
Envelopesés: --...2 None osenaee 6.48 7825) |ty ‘6985 SED 47.0 19E51|"  LONO 
DOS aSe 3 seins = oe Para tim 2j0- 6.48 76.5 66.5 67.0 4.5 83.0 27.0 
Bottle as |\Gorked 2-2: 6.48| 73.5] 71.5] 60.0 64.0} 86.0] 825 
Envelopess--2-- ==. Non@ 223.222. 8.89 74.5 60.0 11.5 28.0 21.0 2.5 
Doe: Leake ss | Paraffin ...... 8.89 | 74.5] 66.0] 56.0 9.0 74.5 21.0 
Bolen tf recescsee Corked:222.-2 8.89 78.0 68.0 67.5 3.0 HES} 78.5 
Envelope.......... eNOneta eres So 6155 63.5 8.5 ? 6.0 17.0 | 6.0 
DOpscaseaess see Parafin =....- 3.37 75.5 72.5 58.0 9.0 77.0 60.5 
Bottlee-tso.cece=e Corked#222 5-2 3.37 76.5 41.0 77.0 59.5 84.5 | 81.5 
; | 

Many of the points brought out by this table are very similar to 
those of the preceding one, yet the differences are sufliciently marked 
to justify its being given in this connection. The seeds stored in the 
botanical laboratory and those subjected to trade conditions at Ann 
Arbor have germinated practically the same, the cabbage slightly 
favoring trade conditions and the onion being better preserved in the 
laboratory. Buta comparison of the trade conditions at Ann Arbor 
and Mobile in the unprotected packages shows the same wide variation 
that has been already pointed out. 

The advantage of drying is not very clearly brought out in this 
table; in many cases there seems to have been a slight injury as a 
result of the high temperature at which the drying was done. Una- 
voidably the temperature at that time reached 39° C., which, as has 
already been stated, is slightly above the maximum to which seeds 
can be subjected for any considerable time without injury. The 
injury due to heat is very evident in the samples stored in the incu- 
bator maintained at 40° C., this injury being more apparent with the 
increased moisture, especially in the paraflined package and in the 
bottle. However, on the whole the percentages of germination are 
higher for the dried seed than for the seed which had absorbed an 
additional quantity of moisture; and, indeed, the comparison should 
properly be made with these two, for seeds as they are usually stored 
contain even higher percentages of moisture than either the cabbage 
or lettuce after they had absorbed the additional amount of water. 

But the chief purpose of the present experiments was to determine 
the relative advantages of envelopes, paraffined packages, and bottles 
as methods of putting up seed in order that vitality might be pre- 
served for a longer time. This comparison is best made by consider- 


ing the vitality of the seed stored in the greenhouse at Ann Arbor and 
under trade conditions at Mobile. It will be readily seen that the 
vitality of the seed from the unprotected packages was greatly reduced, 
while those from the paraftined envelopes and from the bottles germi- 
nated nearly as well as the controls. These differences are better rep- 
resented diagrammatically, as follows: 

Diagram representing the percentages of germination of cabbage seed when treated as 

; Percent- | 
Kind of Bpeciel wea eine Ann Arbor, Mich., green- Mobile, Ala., trade 
package. package. moniter house. | conditions. 
of seeds, 

1D a) (0) oa ea ee eee 580 || a0 60 

DOI aoc aniase Paraffined .... 5. 80 | 92.1 87.5 
IBOuLLeet eae ae Corked ....... 5.80 | 91.5 Sd 
TEV GLO DON ces 92 ees ese aanen = at 7.63 | 70.5 64.5 

DOweee 2... Ss: Paraffined .... 7.63 | 89.9 | 86.5 
Bottles sseeaesc.- Corked ....... 7.63 | 93.1 | 82 
BV. ClO DG esnacee | acces caene aes 3. 75 | (ees | 64 

DOR Ta acecc ex Paraffined .... 3.75 | 81.8 | 8215 
BS GublGL esse cise - Corked ....... | 7a 7Oe7 82.5 
Control sample .| Original pack- 5.80 | 88 | 88 

age, | 

Diagram representing the percentages of germination of onion seed when treated as described. 

Percent- | 
= . Special treat- | age of F ; 
Kind of ares ss ut soe Ann Arbor, Mich., green- | Mobile, Ala., trade 
package. package. content house. conditions. 
of seeds. 
MVE lOMeiek seo52 |e 2-= Sse. eee 6.48 | 4 | 19.5 
= ener 
Doree ce... se | Paraftined .... 6.48 | 76.6 83 
IBOtIE2. 2.5 -52508 Corkeds 222522 6.48 | 68.6 86 
ES eT 
EIEVELO Dew aneres Aaleeeee ee ose: 8.89 | 13.2 21 
Goo a 
DY ea a | Paraffined .... 8.89 | 64 74.5 
Batiles2 262. Ss¢ @orked=+.22.: 8.89 | 77.3 Tisd 
oOo PRR Te RT 
1300210) Ne aR aaa hn ee ee 3. 37 9.7 | 17 
= ; — 
DOS so2e.0e=- | Paraffined.... 3.37 | 66.3 yi 
CURE ee 
IBOtiea. eee ee ee GCorked se.-:<- 3.37 | 88 | 84.5 
| CT ARS | SAW ee 
Control sample..) Original pack- 6.48 | 84.5 | 84.5 
| POTS Se 
| age. 

The percentages for Ann Arbor shown in the graphic representations 
are not the same as those given in the foregoing table. In the diagram 
they are directly comparable with the results from the Mobile series, 


all being based on the vitality of the controls, as shown by the tests 
made at that time, the standard being 88 per cent for the cabbage and 
84.5 per cent for the onion. 

A discussion here hardly seems necessary, as there can be no doubt 
that seeds retain their vitality much better in moist climates if pro- 
tected from the action of the atmosphere. This may be accomplished 
by dipping the packages in paraffin or by putting the seed in bottles. 
Disregarding the expense, bottles surpass paraflined envelopes as a 
means for the preservation of vitality, and also in the ease with which 
the seed can be put up. The results are more certain if care is exer- 

cised in selecting good corks. 

From a practical point of view it has been conclusively shown that 
moisture is the controlling factor in seed life. Seeds stored in a 
humid atmosphere soon lose their vitality, but if carefully dried and 
protected from moisture life is greatly prolonged. 

The question at once presents itself: In what way does the presence 
of increased quantities of moisture, cause a premature death of the 
seed, or why is vitality prolonged if the water content of the seed be 
reduced ¢ 

In a measure, the answer to this question is vesp/ration. Seeds as 
we commonly know them absorb oxygen and give off carbon dioxid; 
that is, respire.“ During their respiratory activities the energy 
stored within the seed is readily evolved, the vital processes are 
destroyed, and life becomes extinct. The intensity with which respi- 
ration takes place is largely dependent upon the humidity of the sur- 
rounding atmosphere, which ultimately resolves itself into the amount 
of water in the seed. The respiratory activity is directly propor- 
tional to the quantity of moisture absorbed by the seed up to a certain 
point, attaining its maximum during the process of germination. — It 
has been found that a decrease in the water content results in a cor- 
responding diminution in the intensity of respiration and consequently 
in a prolongation of the life of the seed as such. 

Bonnier and Mangin’ were the first to show that respiration in liy- 
ing plants increases with an increase in the humidity in the surround- 
ing air. As this is true for growing plants, it is even more marked 
in stored seeds. Maquenne’ suggested that a reduction in moisture 
is accompanied by a reduction in respiration, but at that time no 
experiments had been made to show that such was actually the case. 

« Kolkwitz (Ber. d. deutsch. Bot. Ges., 19: 285-287, 1901) reports respiration in 
recently ground seeds. 

6 Ann. se. nat. bot., ser. 7, 2: 365-380, 1885. 

¢ Ann. Agron., 26: 321-332, 1900. 


In 1832, Aug. Pyr. De Candolle wrote in the second volume of his 
Physiologie Végétale that the vitality of seeds would be prolonged if 
they were buried sufliciently deep in the soil to protect them from 
oxygen (or air) and moisture. Unfortunately, De Candolle did not 
discover the true cause of this prolonged life, for nowhere did he 
make any reference to respiration. Nevertheless his general conclu- 
sions were properly drawn. De Candolle also stated that light acceler- 
ates evaporation in seeds and thus causes a premature death. Here, 
however, his results were wrongfully interpreted. These conclusions 
are applicable only in case of seeds that die if allowed to become dry. 
The real effect of light is to cause a slightly accelerated respiration 
and consequently a greater deterioration in vitality. Jodin“ states 
that light accelerates respiration to a marked degree. His experi- 
ments were with peas which contained 10 to 12 per cent of moisture. 
Two samples of peas were placed, each under a bell jar, over mer- 
cury. One sample was kept in the light and the other in the dark. 
At the end of 4 years 6 months and 14 days an analysis of the con- 
fined air from the sample kept in the light gave the following results: 

Peas, 3.452 grams, in air, in light: Per cent. 
Oey Oth le aha etre sos ese ea Slk eset one Sess tes 19. 1 
INiitraye’ crimes tees er ees 2 es es Se Sele ee etre Sn oes cee oe 78.6 
(Gs RIL el Cleese eerie ae eae ed ne Ge yey Fa. ei ee ees 1.2 


At the end of 4 years 7 months and 14 days an analysis of a sam- 
ple of air taken from the other chamber was as follows: 

Peas, 3.580 grams, in air; in dark: Per cent. 
USS (fel es See 2 ee eee ene ee eee eee 20.8 
Pig ene Re ASS Sok Sia ae Nh oh cigenaewac keen 35, SS ata Ths)! 
Gar momo xd eeewe see ah fede LE eA Se. bee Baa SS ee = ad 

The 3.452 grams of peas that were subjected to the influence of the 
action of light had absorbed, in the given time, 2.4 cc. of oxygen and 
produced 1.8 cc. of carbon dioxid. The seed kept in the dark showed 
but little signs of respiratory activity. Germination tests of the 
former showed the peas to be dead, while five peas from the sample 
kept in the dark germinated perfectly. 

While there is no question that light exerts some influence on respt- 
ration, still the above results do not furnish sufficient data to establish 
the fact that respiration practically ceases in the absence of light. In 
fact, experiments have shown that respiration is also quite marked in 
‘ase of seeds stored in the dark, and the difference is very slight if the 
same temperature be maintained. 

Van Tieghem and Bonnier, in their ‘* Recherches sur la vie latente 
des graines,”?’ demonstrated that 7.976 grams of peas, sealed, in air, 

@ Ann. Agron., 23: 483-471, 1897. 
+b Bul. Soe. bot. France, 29: 25-29, 1882. 


in a tube, respired quite freely. After the lapse of two years an 
analysis of the confined air gave the following results: 

Per cent. 
(0). 6\172(2) 1 Beene ere ee See eee le Ren ke se 8 hoe 14.44 
Nitrogen! 6. 2542 2502 2 See ee a Se Oe ee ee ee ee 81. 74 
Car bony dioxid i. <: ke 2 22 a os es es eee ee ee 3. 82 

These same seeds germinated 45 per cent and had increased 745 
their original weight. 

In the experiments of the writer it was found that 40.1150 grams of 
air-dried beans liberated 7.7 cc. of carbon dioxid in 870 days. The 
concentration of the carbon dioxid in the flask at the time the gas was 
drawn for analysis was 1.54 percent. This sample of seed germinated 
97 per cent, and there was only a very slight retardation in germina- 
tion, which indicated that the vitality had not been materially reduced. 
During this time there was a slight decrease in the weight of the seed— 
0.19 per cent. At the same time two check bottles were set up, one 
containing 40.1184 grams of beans known to be dead, and the other 
bottle containing nothing except air. Analyses of the air from these 
two bottles gave the same results as samples of air drawn from the 
laboratory. These preparations were kept in subdued light through- 
out the experiment. 

That respiration may take place in the dark, that it is very intense 
if much moisture be present, and that intensive respiration is accom- 
panied by a rapid loss in vitality is shown by the following experi- 
ments. On April 3, 1900, samples of beans, cabbage, carrot, lettuce, 
and onion were sealed, each in bottles of 250 cc. capacity, and were 
stored in a dark room which was maintained at a temperature of from 
20° to 25° C. These samples were first carefully weighed and then 
placed in a damp chamber for 175 hours, so that an additional quantity 
of moisture could be absorbed. 

Control samples of air-dried seeds were also kept in sealed bottles 
and subjected to the same subsequent treatment. After the lapse of 
one year analyses of the confined gases and germination tests of the 
seeds were made, the results of which are given with the general 

Beans.—Of beans, 24.9994 grams absorbed 4.70 per cent of water 
while in the damp chamber. The respiration during the year was 
equivalent to 2.5 ce. of carbon dioxid. The loss in weight was only 
0.05 per cent, but the vitality had fallen from 100 to 86 per cent, as 
shown by the control. 

Cabbage.—Of cabbage seed, 10 grams, with an additional 9.79 per 
cent of water, were used for this test. During the year this sample 
of cabbage seed had given off 24 cc. of carbon dioxid, an equivalent of 
2.4 ec. of carbon dioxid per gram of seed per year. The control 
sample germinated 89 per cent, but this seed was dead, 



Carrot.—Of carrot seed, 10 grams were allowed to absorb during 
175 hours an additional 10.25 per cent of water. In one year 27 ce. of 
‘arbon dioxid were produced, giving a concentration of carbon dioxid 
of nearly 12 per cent. The deterioration in vitality was from 84 to 0 
per cent, as compared with the control. 

Lettuce.—Of air-dried lettuce seed, 10 grams were allowed to absorb 
an additional 8.87 per cent of water. During the experiment 19.5 ce. 
of carbon dioxid were formed, an equivalent of approximately LO per 
cent of the original volume of the inclosed air. These seeds were all 
killed. The control sample germinated 94 per cent. 

Onion.—Oft air-dried onion seed, 10 grams were allowed to absorb 
an additional 10.11 per cent of water. The seed gave off 26.5 ce. of 
carbon dioxid during the experiment and deteriorated in vitality from 
97 to 0 per cent. 

A bottle containing 4 cc. of water was also sealed at the same time 
and served as a check for the other analyses. A sample of air taken 
from this bottle gave the same results as the original air sample. 

It is a matter of much regret that no analyses could be made of the 
air fromthe bottles which contained the check samples. These bottles 
contained the same weight of air-dried seeds as was used for the 
experiments. Unfortunately the seals on these bottles had become 
dry and admitted of an exchange of gases, so that the results were not 

Another series of experiments consisted in keeping onion seeds in 
sealed bottles for 1 year and 13 days, with the following results: 

(a) Fifty grams of air-dried seed were sealed, in air, in a bottle of 
500 ce. capacity. There was an increase in the weight of the seeds of 
0.1091 gram—slightly more than 0.2 per cent. An analysis of the 
inclosed gas gave: 

Per cent. 
ORY AOE = ate = eg Se Seen eee ore oe eee ee eee ere 12.27 
INCH RLECOYEC ST AY hes Ra ate ae tet a an eee 85. 87 
Cane CI CPR eee Septet eee ee eee ee ake oe ed elt ee 1. 86 

(>) Fifty grams of air-dried seed were sealed, in air, in a 500 ce. 
bottle, with 4 cc. of water in a small test tube at the bottom of the 
bottle. Nearly all of the water was absorbed by the seeds, there 
being an increase in weight of 3.6475 grams, or 7.3 per cent. The 

composition of the inclosed air was: 


Per cent. 

OEY I Re en te ee ee None 
DG en 8 2h Se erage ea Seems se Sisk Ss oh cin seme ha 86. 65 
Carnhonadioxil wees sate Leesa lies see Roemete obec oo dec eb se tes wateees 13. 3: 

The oxygen had all been consumed and the seeds were all dead. 
(c) Fifty grams of onion seed were sealed in a 500 cc. bottle, in a 


mixture of illuminating gas and air. The increase in weight was only 
0.04 per cent. An analysis of the inclosed gas was as follows: 

Per cent. 

ORY PON £c8 o.50 222 eee Se eee 2 ee ee ee 3.23 
Garbondioxids i242 -< 1 eee eee eee ae ae eee ee Th PAL 
Methane and ‘nitnoven =! dc es ecco sso ee ee ae eee ee 95. 96 

(7) Another 50-gram sample of onion seed, belonging to a different 
series, was sealed in a bottle of 300 ce. capacity, and showed the 
following composition of the inclosed air: 

Per cent. 
OR yen! 23042. poet a ee eee eee eee ee ee ee 8. 02 
Nitrogen. «lic. e~ 24 erate ee i ee ea ee eee ea tela LY 
Carbon:dioxid! =< 200 oe ee eB ee ene oe eee 6.81 

In only one case was there any deterioration in vitality, namely, 
where the large quantity of moisture was present. The other samples 
germinated normally. The seed kept in the illuminating gas germi- 
nated even better than the control. 

In all of the bottles there was a marked decrease in pressure, show- 
ing that the volume of oxygen absorbed was much greater than the 
volume of the carbon dioxid given off. 

During respiration certain chemical changes must be taking place 
which exert a marked influence on the vitality of seeds. What these 
changes are is a question yet to be solved. The protoplasts of the 
individual cells gradually but surely become disorganized. C. De 
Candolle@ takes the view, in discussing the experiments of Van Tieg- 
hem and Bonnier, that during respiration life is simply subdued. 
But the period of subdued activity, he says, 1s comparatively short, 
for respiration soon ceases and life becomes wholly latent. As a result 
of his own experiments in storing seeds at low temperatures he con- 
cludes that seeds cease to respire and become completely inert; in 
which case they can suffer any degree of reduction in temperature 
without being killed. The killing of the seeds experimented with 
(lobelia) he attributes to the fact that the protoplasm had not become 
inert, but simply subdued, and the seeds were thus affected by the low 

Asa result of later experiments C. De Candolle,? in keeping some 
seeds under mercury to exclude air, concludes that ‘* seeds can continue 
to subsist in a condition of complete vital inertia, from which they 
recover whenever the conditions of the surrounding medium permits 
their ‘energids,’ or living masses of their cells, to respire and assim- 
ilate.”’ He compares the protoplasm in latent life to an explosive 
mixture, having the faculty of reviving whenever the conditions are 
favorable. This comparison seems rather an unfortunate one; yet, 
within a certain measure it is probably true. 


« Revue Scientifique, ser. 4, 4: 321-326, 1895. 
b Pop. Sci. Monthly, 51: 106-111, 1897. 


It is now quite generally accepted that respiration is not absolutely 
necessary for the maintenance of seed life, notwithstanding the fact 
that Gray contended that seeds would die of suffocation if air were 
excluded.“ The experiments of Giglioli’ in keeping seeds of Jed/cago 
sativa immersed in various liquids for approximately sixteen years, 
after which many responded to germination tests, has done much 
toward demonstrating the fact that seeds can live for a considerable 
time in conditions prohibiting respiration. 

Kochs¢ succeeded in keeping seeds for many months in the vacuum 
of a Geissler tube without being able to detect the presence of any 
carbon dioxid, and consequently he concluded that there was no gas 
given off by intramolecular respiration. 

Romanes “ kept various seeds in vacuum in glass tubes for 15. months 
and the seeds were not killed. However, his vitality tests can not be 
considered as entirely satisfactory. In the first place, the number of 
seeds used (ten) was too small; secondly, the variations in the results, 
even in the controls, indicate that the samples were not of very good 

In the experiments of the writer cabbage and onion seed were kept 
in a vacuum over sulphuric acid for 182 days. During this time all of 
the free water had been extracted from the seed. When again con- 
nected with a vacuum gauge the dial showed that there was not the 
slightest change in pressure, and that’ consequently no evolution of 
gases had taken place. The cabbage germinated 75 per cent and the 
onion 73 per cent as compared with 81 and 74 per cent, respectively, 
for the controls. 

The results of the various experiments above given demonstrate 
quite fully that the vitality of seeds, as we commonly know them, is 
not interfered with if they are kept in conditions prohibiting respira- 
tion. Brown and Escombe® hold that all chemical action ceases at 
temperatures of liquid air. They accordingly conclude that ‘* any 
considerable internal chemical changes in the protoplasts are rendered 
impossible at temperatures of —180° to —190° C., and that we must 
consequently regard the protoplasm in resting seeds as existing in an 
absolutely inert state, devoid of any trace of metabolic activity and 
yet conserving the potentiality of life * * * And since at such low 
temperatures metabolic activity is inconceivable an immortality of the 
individual protoplasts is conceivable providing that the low tempera- 
tures be maintained.” 

a Amer. Jour. of Sci., 3d series, 24: 297, 1882. 
b> Nature, 52: 544, 1895. 

¢ Biol. Centrbl., 10: 673-686, 1890. 

@Proc. Roy. Soc., 54: 335-337, 1893. 

éIbid., 62: 160-165, 1897-98. 


Giglioli” arrived at practically the same conclusions when he said: 

It is a common notion that life, or capacity for life, is always connected with con- 
tinuous chemical and physical change * * * The very existence of living matter is 
supposed to imply change. There is now reason for believing that living matter 
may exist, in a completely passive state, without any chemical change whatever, 
and may therefore maintain its special properties for an indefinite time, as is the 
case with mineral and all lifeless matter. Chemical change in living matter means 
active life, the wear and tear of which necessarily leads to death. Latent life, when 
completely passive in a chemical sense, ought to be life without death. 

But even though ordinary respiratory exchanges are not necessary 
for the maintenance of vitality, and granting that intramolecular 
respiration does not occur in the resting protoplasts, there is no exper- 
imental evidence pointing to the fact that all chemical action ceases, 
although some writers, as has already been shown, maintain the view 
that living matter may exist in a completely passive state. If ‘*com- 
pletely passive” meant devoid of respiratory activities none would dare 
dissent; but that seeds are entirely quiescent under any known con- 
ditions has not been proved. To conceive of all activity ceasing 
within the seed under certain conditions, and that with such cessation 
of activity an immortality of the seed is possible, 1. e., if such con- 
ditions continue to exist, is, from our present knowledge of the chem- 
istry and behavior of the living cell, impossible. In Giglioli’s experi- 
ments respiration was undoubtedly prevented, and, according to his 
own conclusions, vitality should have been preserved, for he says ‘*in 
the absence of any chemical change the special properties may be main- 
tained indefinitely.” But, in his own experiments, the special prop- 
erties were not maintained, for all of the seeds with which he experi- 
mented deteriorated yery much, and many died. Granting that those 
which suffered the greatest loss in vitality were injured by the pres- 
ence of the particular gas or liquid used there remain no means of 
accounting for the deterioration in those giving the highest percentages 
of germination. His experiments were made for the most part with 
Medicago sativa, which, under ordinary conditions of storage, is espe- 
cially long lived. Samek? has shown that seed of J/edicago sativa 11 
years old was capable of germinating 54 per cent. Giglioli succeeded 
in getting a germination of only 56.56 per cent after a little more than 
16 years in hydrogen, and 84.20 per cent when they had been kept in 
carbon monoxid. Jodin ¢ kept peas immersed in mercury for 45 years 
and they germinated 80 per cent. After 10 years the vitality had 
fallen to 44 per cent. Nobbe obtained a germination of 33 per cent 
in peas 10 years old which had been stored under normal conditions. — 
Likewise the experiments of Brown and Escombe do not justify the 

“Nature, 52: 544-545, 1895. 
> Tirol. landw. Blitter, 13: 161-162, 1894. 
¢Ann. Agron., 23: 4383-471, 1897. 


conclusions which they have drawn. It is now definitely known that 
all chemical actions do not cease at the temperature of liquid air. Thus 
it can not be granted that the protoplasm becomes inert as a result of 
the reduction in temperature. Maquenne“ more nearly expressed the 
true conditions applicable to low temperatures when he wrote that 
with dessication, at low temperatures, seeds are transformed from a 
condition of diminished activity-into a state of suspended life. But 
there are still other factors to be considered. The vegetative functions 
may cease, metabolic processes may be at a standstill, intramolecular 
respiration need not exist, yet vitality is not, nor ever has been, pre- 
served; sooner or later life becomes extinct. What does this signify? 
The gradual process of devitalization means chemical change, and 
chemical change means activity within the cells. We must not forget 
the great complexity of the composition of the protoplasmic bodies 
which go to make up a seed. The chemistry of the living cell js still 
surrounded by many difficulties and is likewise filled with many sur- 
prises, and before the question of the vitality of seeds can be under- 
stood a more comprehensive knowledge of both the functions and 
composition of the cell contents is necessary. 

It is well known that all organic compounds are made up of a very 
few clementary substances, but the numerous and obscure ways in 
which they are put together furnish questions of the greatest per- 
plexity. Substances having the same elements may differ widely as 
to their properties. Moreover, isomeric substances—i. e., those hav- 
ing the same elements in the same proportions, giving an equivalent 
molecular weight—are usually very different in their chemical reac- 
tions and physiological functions. As yet this intramolecular atomic 
rearrangement is but vaguely understood, and the writer ventures to 
suggest that with a more comprehensive knowledge of the chemistry 
of the living cell some such chemical activity will be discovered. 
With these discoveries will come, perhaps, an understanding of the 
devitalization of seeds, and with it the theory of the immortality of 
seeds will vanish. 

(1) Seeds, like other living organisms, respire when subjected to 
normal conditions of storage. 

(2) Respiration means a transformation of energy, and consequently 
a premature death of the seed. 

(3) Within certain limits respiration is directly proportional to the 
amount of water present in the seeds and to the temperature at which 
they are stored. 

(4) By decreasing the water content of seeds respiration is reduced 
and vitality greatly prolonged. 

«Compt. Rend., 184: 1243-1246, 1902. 
25087—No. 58—O04 6 


(5) In most seeds the quantity of oxygen absorbed greatly exceeds 
the quantity of carbon dioxid evolved. 

(6) Respiration is nearly as active in the dark as in the light. 

(7) Respiration apparently is not necessary for the maintenance of 
seed life. 

(8) A cessation of respiration does not mean a cessation of chemical 


During the past decade the so-called unorganized ferments have 
taken an important place among the subjects of biological research. 
Our knowledge of their wide distribution has increased many fold. 
The part they play in both anabolism and catabolism has furnished us 
many surprises, but with all of the work that has been done our knowl- 
edge of these most complex compounds is very limited. 

The part that enzymes play in the processes of germination is of the 
utmost importance. It is now quite well understood that they are 
developed as germination progresses. They act on the most complex 
reserve food products, converting them into simpler substances that 
‘an be more readily utilized by the growing seedling. 

However, even in this connection there is a great diversity of opinion, 
especially as to their distribution and enzymic action within the endo- 
sperm itself. Puriewitsch,” Griiss,’ and Hansteen¢ are cited by Brown 
and Escombe” as holding the view that the amyliferous cells of the 
endosperm of the grasses can digest their reserve materials independ- 
ently of any action of the embryo—i. e., the starch-bearing cells are 
living cells and secrete enzymes in the grasses as well as in the coty- 
ledonous cells of Lupinus, Phaseolus, and Ricinus. In 1890, Brown 
and Morris‘ did not find such to be the case; but the results of Purie- 
witsch, Griiss, and Hansteen led to a duplication of the experiments 
by Brown and Escombe in 1898. At this time they demonstrated that 
the amyliferous cells play no part in the chemical changes which take 
place during the process of germination, but on the contrary that the 
enzymic action in the endosperm of the grasses is confined to the 
aleuron layer. 

But the purpose of the present paper is not to consider the localiza- 
tionof the particular enzyme, and much less the action of enzymes 
during germination. At this time quite another question is to be 

« Pringsheims Jahrb., 31: 1, 1897. 

> Landw. Jahrbiicher, 1896, p. 385. 

¢ Flora, 79: 419, 1894. 

@Proc. Roy. Soc., 63: 3-25, 1898. 

é Jour. Chem. Soc., London, 5'7: 458-528, 1890, 


considered, viz, In what way do enzymes function in the preservation 
of vitality ? 

Maquenne “ points to the view that the vitality of seeds is dependent 
on the stability of the particular ferment present. He attributes the 
prolongation of vitality in seeds that are kept dry to the better preser- 
ration of the enzymes. This view has been largely strengthened as a 
result of the investigations made by Thompson,’? Waugh,’ Sharpe,” and 
others, in which they have shown that the artificial use of enzymes 
may greatly increase the percentage of germination in some old seeds. 
By the use of diastase the percentage of germination of 12-year-old 
tomato seed has been increased more than 600 per cent. 

If the suggestions made by Maquenne were true in every sense, then 
dead seeds should be awakened into activity by artificially supplying 
the necessary enzymes; but this can not be, or never has been, accom- 
plished. True, many experiments have been recorded in which a 
greater percentage of seed has been induced to germinate by the judi- 
cious use of commercial enzymes than by the ordinary methods of 
germination; but this treatment is applicable only where the vital 
energy is simply at a low ebb and does not in any way affect dead 
seeds. The experiments of the writer with naked radicles from the 
embryos of living and dead beans have shown the presence of enzymes 
in both. The carefully excised radicles were ground and macerated 
in water for one hour. The filtrate was then added to dilute solutions 
of starch paste. The solutions from the living embryos gave rise to 
an energetic hydrolytic action. In all cases hydrolysis was sufficiently 
advanced to give a clear reaction with Fehling’s solution. The solu- 
tions extracted from the radicles from the dead beans also gave reac- 
tions sufficiently clear to indicate that there was still some ferment 
present. © 

However, the hydrolysis was scarcely more than begun, giving only 
a brown color with iodin, but not reacting with Fehling’s solution. 
Results of a similar character were obtained from portions of the seed 

#Ann. Agron. 26: 321-332, 1900; Compt. Rend., 184: 1243-1246, 1902. 

> Gartenflora, 45: 344, 1896. 

¢ Ann. Report, Vt. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1896-97, and Science, N. 8.,.6: 950-952, 1897. 

¢Thirteenth Annual Report, Mass. Hatch Exp. Sta., Jan., 1901, pp. 74-83. 

e This was a sample of ‘‘ Valentine”? beans grown in 1897. The same year they 
tested 97.3 per cent. In March, 1898, the same sample tested 87 per cent. At this 
time they were sent to Orlando, Fla., where they remained until May 8, 1899, 
approximately fourteen months. The beans were then returned and numerous 
germination tests were made at irregular intervals, but in no case was there any indi- 
cation of vitality. Several samples were also treated with ‘‘Taka’’ diastase (solu- 
tions varying in strength from 2 to 10 per cent), but none was stimulated into 
germination. The radicles were tested for enzymes in the spring of 1902, nearly 
three years after the beans first failed to germinate, at which time they were nearly 
6 years old. 


taken from the point of union of the axis and the cotyledons. These 
possessed stronger hydrolytic powers, the preparations from the living 
and dead beans each giving clear reactions with Fehling’s solution. 
A third series of tests was made by stopping the germination of beans 
when the radicles were from 1 to 1.5 em. long. These were then kept 
quite dry for nearly seven months, after which the dessicated radicles 
were broken off and macerated like the above. This solution was then 
allowed to act on starch paste, and the transformations were almost as 
rapid and complete as when a 1 per cent solution of commercial ** Taka” 
diastase was used. 

These results lead one to believe that the loss of vitality in seeds is 
not due to the disorganization of the enzymes present. There is some- 
thing more fundamental and probably more complex to which we must 
look for this life-giving principle. True, as Maquenne has suggested, 
there is a close relationship between the loss of vitality in seeds and 
the decomposition of enzymes. 

In order to determine what such a relationship might signify, the 
following series of experiments were made: 

Beans, peas, cabbage, lettuce, onion, phlox, and pansy seed, with 
definite quantities of good commercial ** Taka” diastase, were put up 
in bottles of 120 ce. capacity, as follows: 

(1) In bottle closed with cork stopper. 

(2) In bottle closed with cork stopper and paraftned. 

(3) 0.5 ce. of water in the bottle with the seeds and the diastase, the 
bottle sealed with paraftin. 

(4) 1 ce. of water in the bottle with the seeds and the diastase, the 
bottle sealed with paraffin. 

(5) 2 ce. of water in the bottle with the seeds and the diastase, the 
bottle sealed with paraffin. 

(6) 3 ce. of water in the bottle with the seeds and the diastase, the 
bottle sealed with paraftin. 

(7) 4 cc. of water in the bottle with the seeds and the diastase, the 
bottle sealed with paraffin. 

The water in each case was carefully added on small strips of filter 
paper and never were the seeds or the diastase wet, only becoming 
gradually moist as the water was absorbed. 

These different preparations, each containing one of each of the sam- 
ples of seeds and a definite quantity of the dry powdered diastase, 
were then maintained at the temperature of the laboratory fora period 
of 85 days. At the end of that time the vitality of the seeds was deter- 
mined and simultaneously the hydrolytic power of the diastase was 
ascertained. The results of the germination tests are given in Table 
XXIX. The effect of the increased quantity of moisture on the diastase 
is given in the discussion following the table. 




Taste XXIX.—Loss in vitality of seeds with varying degrees of moisture when kept at 

ordinary room temperature. 

[Duration of experiment, 85 days. ] 

Percentage of germination, 
Labor- - as 
atory Preparation Amount 
ni 1 iat iple, | Of Water | Average 
a CORE Shoshana: added, Beans. Peas. | Cabbage.) Onion. Phlox. Pansy. of all 
eT, | samples. 
—* | 
Controla@ _..| None .-. 96.0 90.0 91.5 95.0 41, 25 | 16.0 | 76.6 
| | 
1547 | Corked ...-.- None ...| 98. 0 96.0 , 91.0 | 92.5 52.0 32.0 76.9 
1548 Paraffined..| None ... 96.0 92.0 91.5 | 93.0 39.5 31.0 73.8 
ie: 2 adores: O85 | 96.0 92.0 89.0 | 838.8 28.5 255) 69.9 
19 VG eee doy 1.0 96.0 88.0 89.0 | 64.0 12.5 18.0 61.2 
1551 |....- doeacee: 2.0 96.0 86.0 78.0 | 13.0 | 5 Dus 46.0 
HD 2h See Ovens 3.0 | 94.0 94.0 65.0 | 2.5 5 5 46.1 
TOSS eee dome. 4.0 90.0 81.6 54.5 | sO 0 20 37.6 

aThe samples prepared, excepting the control, were in bottles of 120 cc. capacity. 

The above table shows that there was a gradual deterioration in 
vitality as the quantity of water was increased. All stages of injury 
were manifested, but it is not necessary to enter into a discussion of 
the table at this time, inasmuch as similar tabulations, showing the 
injurious effects of varying quantities of moisure on the seeds, have 
already been given on page 38. This table is inserted here in order 
that a comparison can be made with the decomposition of the com- 
mercial diastase used and the loss in vitality of the seeds. 

For a determination of the diastasic activity various quantities of 1 
per cent ‘* Taka” diastase solutions were allowed to act on definite quan- 
tities of a 1 per cent solution of starch paste, the whole being maintained 
at a temperature of from 45° to 48° C. Ten cubic centimeters of the 
starch solution were taken for each determination, and the amount of 
the diastase solution varied from one-half to 1, 2, 3, and 5 cc. In the 
control sample, consisting of diastase from the original bottle as it was 
kept in the laboratory, 2 cc. of the 1 per cent solution were sufticient to 
‘~ause a complete hydrolysis of the 10 cc. of 1 per cent starch solution. 
In Nos. 1547, 1548, and 1549 the samples from the control bottle, the 
paraftined bottle, and the paraftined bottle containing 0.5 cc. of water, 
respectively, 3 cc. of the diastase solution were necessary for a com- 
plete hydrolysis. In Nos. 1550, 1551, and 1552—that is, the samples 
from the bottles which contained 1, 2, and 3 cc. of water, respectively — 
the diastase was very much injured as a result of the increased quan- 
tity of water in the bottle and 5 ce. of the diastase solution were 
required to hydrolyze the 10 cc. of the 1 per cent starch paste. No. 
1553—the sample from the bottle which contained the 4 cc. of water— 
showed that the diastase had been almost completely disorganized, 
inasmuch as the greatest quantity used (5 cc. of the 1 per cent diastase 
solution) was only sufficient to cause a slight hydrolytic action. When 


tested with iodine there was still a deep, purplish-blue color. In this 
last case the average percentage of germination had decreased to 37.6 
per cent, as compared with 76.6 per cent for the control samples. 
Moreover, in the latter case, the onion, phlox, and pansy seeds were 

These results show that there is a remarkable uniformity between 
the loss in vitality of seeds and the loss in the enzymic action of the 
Taka” diastase under similar conditions, but it does not furnish con- 
clusive evidence that the loss in vitality of the seeds is in any way 
governed by the particular enzymes present. In fact, the evidence at 
hand better substantiates the opposite view. In the first place dead 
seeds may still contain active ferments. Secondly, the prolonged sub- 
jection of seeds to the action of ether and chloroform is generally 
accompanied by a premature death, and if the seeds are moist the loss 
in vitality is much more marked. On the other hand, it is generally 
accepted that either of these gases exerts no injurious effect on the 
hydrolytic action of the various ferments. Townsend“ has shown that 
the action of diastase on starch paste is even more energetic in the 
presence than in the absence of ether, but in germination ether usually 
has a retarding influence. In some cases, however, growth is stimu- 
lated by the use of ether. 

In the third place enzymes can not be the chief factors controlling 
the vitality of a seed, because the more sensitive growing point of 
the radicle suffers injury much in advance of the other portions of 
the seed. Not infrequently in making germination tests do we find 
that the growing tip of the embryo is dead, while other portions of 
the seed may still be living and capable of carrying on all normal met- 
abolic processes. The bean is one of the best examples for demon- 
strating this fact. Here the radicle may be entirely dead, yet the 
cotyledons may still be able to make some growth; but in all seeds 
where the growing tip is dead the remaining portion of the radicle 
may be living, in which case adventitious roots may be formed and 
growth may continue for a considerable time, though very rarely will 
a healthy seedling be developed. It thus seems quite clear that the real 
vital elements are closely associated with the growing point, and when 
this portion of the embryo is once dead the vital energy in the other 
parts of the seed is not of such a nature as to enable growth to con- 
tinue for any length of time. Even though the reserve food products 
are digested they can not be assimilated by the growing radicle, which 
should be the case were enzymes the chief elements to which the 
preservation of vitality is attributed. 

Enzymes play an important part in the vitality of seeds, and are 
undoubtedly necessary for the normal development of a seedling, but 
the points above given show that the life of a seed is not entirely 


a Bot. Gaz., 1899, 27: 458-466. 


dependent on the stability of the particular ferment or ferments 
present. There is something more remote, possibly of a simpler but 
probably of a more complex composition, to which we must attribute 
the awakening of the metabolic processes. Reference is not made 
here to the zymogenic substances which develop into the particular 
ferment, for what has been said of the latter applies equally well to 
the former. If the zymogens were perfectly preserved the resulting 
ferments would be developed normally and germination would continue 
in the usual manner. 

In conclusion, it may well be emphasized that no single element or 
compound can be isolated as the sole source of vitality in seeds. 
There must be a combination of factors, each of which plays an 
important role in the preservation of vitality. The destruction of 
any one of these factors may upset the principles governing the life 
of a seed, and consequently cause a premature death. 

It is quite probable that the nucleus is one of the most important 
organs governing vitality, for unless it continues to function no other 
growth can take place. Other parts of the cell, however, may be of 
equal importance. At all events all hope of future gain must come 
from more critical studies of the cell contents to know their chemical 
composition and possible reactions. A correct solution of these perplex- 
ing questions is nothing less than a determination of the fundamental 
principles of life. What will be the ultimate results no ene is prepared 
to say. 


(1) A seed isa living organism, and must be dealt with as such if 
good results are expected when put under favorable conditions for 

(2) The first factors determining the vitality of a seed are maturity, 
weather conditions at the time of harvesting, and methods of harvest- 
ing and curing. 

(3) Immature seeds sown soon after gathering usually germinate 
readily, but if stored they soon lose their vitality. On the other hand, 
well-matured seeds, harvested under favorable conditions, are com- 
paratively long lived when properly handled. 

(4) Seed harvested in damp, rainy weather is much weaker in vital- 
ity than seed harvested under more favorable conditions. Likewise, 
seed once injured will never regain its full vigor. 

(5) The curing of the various seeds is of the utmost importance, and 
great care should be taken to prevent excessive heating, otherwise the 
vitality will be greatly lowered. 

(6) The life period of any species of seed, granting that it has beer 
thoroughly matured and properly harvested and cured, is largely 
dependent on environment. 


(7) The average life of seeds, as of plants, varies greatly with differ- 
ent families, genera, or species, but there is no relation between the 
longevity of plants and the viable period of the seeds they bear. The 
seeds of some plants lose their vitality in a few weeks or months, 
while others remain viable for a number of years. 

(8) With special precautions and treatment there is no question that 
the life of seeds may be greatly prolonged beyond that which we know 
at present, though never for centuries, as is frequently stated. Cases 
so reported can not be taken as evidence of the longevity of seeds. 

(9) It is known that seeds retain their vitality much better in some 
sections of the country than in others. The part which climatic influ- 
ences play in the vitality of seeds is of much more importance than is 
generally supposed. 

(10) Experiments have shown that mo7sture is the chief factor in 
determining the longevity of seeds as they are commercially handled. 
Seeds stored in dry climates retain their vitality much better than 
when stored in places having a humid atmosphere. 

(11) The deleterious action of moisture is greatly augmented if the 
temperature be increased. Not infrequently is vitality destroyed 
within a few weeks or months when the seeds are stored in warm, 
moist climates. If stored in a dry climate, the question of temper- 
ature within the normal range is of little moment. 

(12) The storage room for seeds as they are ordinarily handled 
should always be dry. If seeds could be kept dry and at the same 
time cool, the conditions would be almost ideal for the preservation 
of vitality; but the difficulties to be overcome in order to secure a dry 
and cool storage room render this method impracticable. 

(13) The most feasible method for keeping seeds dry and thus insur- 
ing strong vitality is to store them in well ventilated rooms kept dry 
by artificial heat. This method of treatment requires that the seeds 
be well cured and well dried before storing. 

(14) If seeds are not well dried vitality is best preserved at tempera- 
tures just above freezing, provided that the temperature is maintained 

(15) In no case must the temperature of the storage house be 
increased unless the seed is amply ventilated so that the moisture lib- 
erated from the seed can be carried off readily by the currents of warm 
air. If this precaution is not taken the increased humidity of the air 
confined between the seeds will cause a marked injury. For this same 
reason seeds kept at low temperatures during the winter will deterior- 
ate in the warm weather of spring, especially if they contain much 

(16) Most seeds, if first carefully dried, can withstand long expos- 
ures to a temperature of 37° C. (98.6° F.) without injury, but long 
exposures to a temperature of from 39° to 40° C. (102.2° to 104° F.) 




will cause premature death. If the seeds are kept in a moist atmos- 
phere a temperature of even 30° C, (86° F.) will soon cause a marked 

(17) Seeds can endure any degree of drying without injury; that is, 
by drying in a vacuum over sulphuric acid. It is believed that sueh 
a reduction in the water content is necessary if vitality is to be pre- 
served for a long period of years. However, with such treatment the 
seed coats become very firm, and there usually follows a retardation 
in germination as a result of the inability of the seeds to absorb water 
rapidly enough to bring about the necessary physical and chemical 
transformations for the earlier stages of @ermination. 

(18) Seeds that are to be sent to countries having moist climates 
should be put up in air-tight packages. Experiments have shown 
that by the judicious use of bottles and paraftined packages seeds can 
be preserved practically as well in one climate as in another. 

(19) It is of the utmost importance that the seeds be dry before 
being sealed in bottles or paraflined packages. A drying of ten days 
at a temperature of from 30° to 85° C. (86° to 95° F.) will usually be 
sufficient. However, a better method to follow is to dry until no 
more moisture is given off ata temperature equivalent to the maxi- 
mum of the region in which the seeds are to be distributed. If this 
is not done, the subsequent increase in temperature will liberate an 
additional quantity of moisture, which being confined in the package 
will leave the seeds ina humid atmosphere and a rapid deterioration 
in vitality will follow. 

(20) Experiments in storing seeds in open and sealed bottles and in 
packages with definite quantities of moisture and at various known 
temperatures have shown a very close relationship between the loss in 
vitality and the increase in water content, the deterioration likewise 
increasing with the temperature. 

(21) Of a series of experiments the average loss in vitality of seeds 
kept in envelopes in a ‘dry room” was 21.19 per cent, ‘‘ trade condi- 
tions” 36.63 per cent, ‘* basement” 42.28 per cent, while the loss in 
the case of seeds stored in bottles was only 8.08, 3.92, and 4.51 per 
cent, respectively. (See Table X XV.) 

(22) Seeds under ordinary conditions of storage respire quite freely, 
and respiration is much more rapid if much moisture is present. 
Within certain limits respiration is directly proportional to the amount 
of moisture present in the seed and inversely proportional to the 
duration of vitality. 

(23) Respiration is not necessary to the life of seeds, as they can be 
kept in conditions unfavorable for respiratory activity and still retain 
their vitality even better than under normal conditions of storage. 
Even though respiration be entirely prevented seeds will continue to 
deteriorate, and sooner or later lose their vitality. 


(24) The continued deterioration in the vitality of a seed after res- 
piration has ceased indicates a chemical activity within the cells, giving 
rise to a transformation of energy which sooner or later leads to the 
death of the seed. 

(25) Respiration is almost as active in the dark as in the light, pro- 
vided that the temperature and humidity remain the same. 

(26) Ferments and seeds lose all power of activity under similar 
conditions of moisture, and the former are undoubtedly of the utmost 
importance in metabolic activity, but the evidence at hand goes to 
show that the life of a seed is not dependent on the preservation of 
the particular ferment involved or on the zymogenic substances giving 
rise to the enzyme. 

(27) The life of a seed is undoubtedly dependent on many factors, 
but the one important factor governing the longevity of good seed is 


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285-287, 1901. 

Krasau, F. Welche Wiirmegrade kann der Weizensame ertragen, ohne die Keim- 
fiihigkeit zu verlieren? Sitzungsber. d. Wiener Akad. d. Wiss., Abt. [., 48: 195- 
208, 1873. 

Maquenne, L. Sur l’hygrométricité des graines. Compt. Rend., 129: 773-775, 

Recherches sur la germination. Ann. agron., 26: 321-3382, 1900. 
Sontributions 4 l’étude de la vie ralentie chez les graines. Compt. Rend., 
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Pieter, R. De l’emploi méthodique des basses températures en biologie. Arch. sci 
phys. et nat., Genéve, 30: 293-314, 1893 

Pierers, A. J., and Brown, E. Kentucky Bluegrass seed—harvesting, curing, and 
cleaning. Bul. 1%, Bureau of Plant Industry, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1902. 

Romanes, C. J. Experiments in germination. Proc. Roy. Soc., 54: 335-337, 1893. 

Sacus, Junius. Beschiidigung und Tédtung durch zu hohe Temperatur. Handbuch 

d. exp. Phys. d. Pflanzen, Leipzig, 1865, p. 63. 

Samek, J. Duration of the vitality of some agricultural seeds. Tirol. landw. Blitter, 
13: 161-162, 1894. Abstract in Exp. Sta. Rec., 6: 429, 1894-95. 

Scumip, B. Ueber die Kinwirkung von @iicrotormdsmpfen auf ruhende Samen. 
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Sevpy, A. D. Germination of the seeds of some common cultivated plants after pro- 
longed immersion in liquid air. Bul. Torr. Bot. Club, 28: 675-679, 1901. 

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TrevirANus, Lupotpn ©. Physiologie der Gewiichse. Vol. I, p. 578, section 637, 
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Unorn, W. Ueber die Keimung von Pflanzensamen in Eis. Flora, n. s., Jahrg. 33, 
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950-952, 1897. Also Tenth Annual Report Vermont Agr. Exp. Sta., 1896-97. 


aN Oe a 


Agriculture, Department, Seed Laboratory, relation to present work ...------ 10 
Wlabama, Auburn: seed-storing experiment .s.<.. -........-.-2s255<5-s2-2- 49 
Mla cends sc eculomMor Experiment 2-222 — a. asia ac ieeaie tet eae sees ee 10 
Amyliferous cells, relation to germination of seeds, note.--.-.----------------- 82 
Angina ciurulius. selection fOr CX periment. a5 se 2252-3 - 3-2 sees 10 
Amn Arbors, Mach. -seed=storime experiment -_--2.. 2.52. =< --2 32 554-2. 50 
TeshiMovEXpenlmeniie a6 sees - a eece nse eee 14-22 

Apiacex, Daucus carota, selection for experiment --.......------+-----+--+=- 10 
Apparatus for tests of effect of moisture on vitality of seed .......----------- 30) oil 
SECO estino= CEserl PuOnaNd US 2-8 Sais cre nee Sassen ee oe 11-12 

. Asteracex, Lactuca sativa, selection for experiment .......------------------- 10 
Auburn, Ala., place for seed-testing experiments ......-....-.-------+----+- 14-22 
Baton Rouge, La., comparison with Ann Arbor and Mobile for seed storing -. 21-22 
SEOdestOnin ov ex MeNUNMeNb mse Sale soe 5 lo None asics ciws oa 49 

LestIN Ne PEMIMCN (Sees eee Goto Me 22 sie St ote re S 14-22 

Sanh ee omicemOlse SLOraee, UCC... 2-62 5- eon den secu wes secdesceese scone 28 
Sel PCH OMG ROX OERIN CMG 2 eos ae ces ne ean cig w smug ew aioe SSE 10 
Beans, germination tests, results for various storage conditions ...-------- 51, 63-65 
Bec eres mination experiment, Tesulis: 22.2. s2es.s-- Sele oot os ceees- 76 

Al emulne@nmnlOstsies as 4" ee aseee casera hak ees atielec Rm tlan esse 83 
Bluegrass, Kentucky, Poa pratensis, heating in curing, effect on seed... -~----- 43 
Bonnier and Mangin, plant respiration, conclusion ......--.---------------- 74 
Van Tieghem, tests of respiration of seeds, results .....-.------- 75 

Brassicacex, Brassica oleracea and Raphanus sativus, selection for experiment. - 10 
Brown and Escombe, seed germination experiment.......------------------ 80 
views as to chemical action at liquid-air temperature - - - 79 

Brown and Morris, and Escombe, experiments as to enzymes in germination - 82 
Cabbage, germination tests, results for various storage conditions - .------- 53, 63-65 
seed, comparison of storage in three climates......---.------------ 21-22 
TCCaHOUSCISLOLAC eM CHOCL sam ctse Emenee oa ese See si 28 

moisture and temperature tests of vitality ............------- 36 

MesprdiOn ex perinent, TesUltss. 22... 225 2.024 he. ceases 76 

vitality in different packages in varying storage .....--------- 71-74 

BelcCHOn Tam Cx perme Nt a6 fa 0 2S Soca ewts dg 2 madame ssa wheelie 2 10 

Carbon dioxid, result of respiration of beans, etc .......--..-.----------- 76, 77, 78 
Carrot seed, germination tests, results for various storage conditions - ~~ .-- 55, 63-65 
Fespiration 6x periments, TESults 2 22a ona ccc wecwes eae eee s-s 77 

BeleUiot Tones perin el ts sete ek slot Soltis ota cles ante <= ~10 == See See 10 
Cauliflower seeds, keeping in moist climate, note .......----.--------------- 13 
(harcoal,.moss, etc; shipping packing... -..- 2.22.2. ~ss<2--4 s+ 47 
Chemical activity, relation to latent life...........:....-..---+-4.---5------ 80 
Glement. succeshon tor storage of seed: .-- 52.5... = 22-5. ++ 2s se eee nse +: 45 
Climates, different, causes of loss of vitality in seeds, discussion ...-.-------- 22-24 
Climatic conditions, effect on vitality of seeds, discussion .....-.------------ 138-22 
Corn, sweet, germination tests, results for various storage conditions... 56-57, 638-65 
SeleciWOm 1OPGmperiguenl eons. -29e- 1-62. -nien n~ 32 wees so ters s 10 

Coville, Frederick V., preface on purpose and scope of present study .--.---- 5 
Cucurbitacex, Anguria citrullus, selection for experiment .......------------- 10 
Curing and drying of seeds, necessity for thoroughness.-...-....------------ 45 
Pmsecd MEN pOT NCOs ee! aac acne raat econ icie = ah ieee oS Sere 87 

De Candolle, Aug. Pyr., remarks on conservation of seeds...-..-------------- 44 
suggestion regarding vitality of seeds ........------- 75 

Grawie We ont respiration: Ob SCO0S 26 as on eee 2c cece Sse 78 

Diastase; use in experiments on vitality of seeds......-..------------------- 85 
Dry atmosphere in open bottles, effect on vitality of seeds ...--------------- 34 
sealed bottles, effect on vitality of seed ......-.---------- ot 
heabecteetonrvitality Of Seed, NOlS 22. cont camo ~ 23. eal seen - 31 
Drying and curing of seeds, necessity of thoroughness. --.--.----- ae ee 45 

94 INDEX. 

Dryness, most important factor in prolonged vitality of seed ....-...-...---- 90 
relation to preservation of vitality of seed -.._......--------- 87, 88, 89, 90 
Endosperm of grasses, relation to germination, notes.......-.-------.-------- 82 
Enzymes in-seeds, ‘part invpreserying vitality. 2202 4- 2- a4 ee 82-87 
Escombe and Brown, experiments as to enzymes in germination ....-.------ 82 
seed-germination experiment.2.: 740-02 +-< a eee 80 
views as to chemical action at liquid-air temperature. - - 79 
Fubacex, Pisum sativum and Phaseolus vulgaris, selection for experiment. - - ~~ - 10 
Fazy-Pasteur, suggestion toristorace, ofiseed 2s sss-— 55s ee eee 45 
Ferments, relation tocvitalitysot seedsso 5-2 22 sans ee ee 90 
unorganized, relation to vitality of seeds............-.-..-------- 82-87 
Ferry Botanical Fellowship, seed study, relation to present work ......-.---- 10 
Ferry,, D. Me) (ci Co.“seedtfoniexpen ments 2 eon ee ee eee ee 10, 15 
Flor ida, Lake City; seed-storing-experiment! 2.225522 52a eee ees 49 
testing-expernment*® 253. soo chee a ee 14-22 
Gardener; market, value ot'eood'seedee = 2-4 45-.22 o ee eeseee soe eee 46-47 
Gardeners;complaints*ohseéds; motes se. sas. 2s ae eee eee 13 
‘*Geneva tester’’ for germination of seeds, modifications and use ._-.-.------ 11-12 
Germination and vitality of seeds, conclusion from present study .......----- 87-90 
of seeds at ‘low temperatures es pe Bah PAP SESSA SS oaS cH e 26-27 
in ice: house; effect:of package. 222-22 ce eee e see 27, 28 
various seeds, percentage under differing storage. ........---- 63-65 
partof enzymes. 2:32.22 Se ae ae eee ee ee eres 82 
tests'and apparatus, discussion - 9-222 252s eee == ee ere 11-13 
TeSUlts fs 2/254 cose Seas Sess Rates ie ee ee 50-65 
Germinator; seed testing, method of use 2222-22 2422545 sce ee eee eee eee 12 
Giglioli, conclusion as to chemical activity in latent life.......-.-..----.---- 80 
experiments with seed of Medicago sativa.......---.---------.------ 79 
remarks on vitalityofseeds 22 522.) a ae et hee ee ee eee 45 
Grasses, endosperm, relation to germination=...-- =-22-- Ss. 2 soo ce ee 82 
Gray, contention as to suffocation of seeds... o222.2 23: sso see eee = eae 8, 
Griiss, citation ag to: prassiendosperm..2. 22) 20) 2.2 te ee eee See eee 82 
Gulf of Mexico, effect of moisture.on seeds...--2 52. -2 S25 s5ce 4 seco eee 13 
Hansteen, citation as to‘erass endosperm: — 23)25- S26. see ae ere 82 
Harvesting, relation to vitality of seeds -......--.------- cae asia bitte i tee ee 87 
Heating, excessive, danger in curing seed! i222 1. 2 es eet eee 87 
Hygroscope, crude, improvisation from awns in! seed: testing: <2. 24> se eee 3 
Hydrolysis, presence in experiments on enzymes in seeds, notes. . ----- 83, 84, 85, 86 
Tee, packing of seeds, effect on vitality, TEMATKSs, 6 25,282 ee ee oe eee 26-29 
cco seed, test for effect of moisture on v ltalityoes 2 Sie eee eee 48) 
Indian Territor y, Wagoner, place for seed-testing @xperiments:).5.-- eee 14-22 
seed-storing experiments = 22. S222] 3-2 =e 50 
Jodin, seed-germination experiment, note. -...-..-.---------------------- iar 80 
statement as:to respiration Ol Seeds 2. 4° = 2s neoe eae ee ce ne See eee 75 
Keeping seeds, discussion: (see also Storage)... 2.---- = 22-22 \ae5- oe eee 65-74 
Kochs, seed-respiration experiment.¢ => 2022527 eae eine ee a re 9 
Lactuca sativa, selectionsoriexperiment:- 522-5222 .5oeee 22 nee ee eae 10 
Latent life, relationtolhchemicalactivity 2222s. -- = — 2c =e ee 80 
Lettuce, comparison of storage in three climates. ...-.-.-.-.-----------+---:- 21-22 
germination tests, results for various storage conditions. ....--.-.-- 58, 63-65 
seed, ice-house storages ieilect a. == ee eee ease res eae ee 28 
loss'of vitality im tropical climatesnote2= 2. 222 see. eee 25 
moisture and temperature test ofavitality ss 24 see = eeeeen 36 
respirationexperiment, results. —=2. 225-2522 eee 77 
selection for'experiments<'-52..20 se. so. ae eee ee ee 10 
Tiliacez, Allium cepa, selection for experiment. ---2--252=2--=-s>--2-22-- = 10 
Longe vity of seed, dry Ness; Mostampontant tacto Ges mee ae eeeee 90 
Lycopersicon lycope rsicum, selection for experiment. .......-.--.--.-.--<----- 10 
Maquenne, statement as to seeds in low temperatures, note. .--.-.-.-----------. 81 
suggestion as to respiration of seeds -..2---------326--—--4- eee 74 

suggestions as to vitality of seed8__.------2--2. --2e22s-- + sen aoee 83 

INDEX. 95 

Market cardener, value of good seed, remarks--.-.-------..----------------- 46-47 
MaITLEy erelauiOn LO vitality OMECCUS, Se oe ete S-. tees ciests awe it oelote5. +t 87 
Mangin and Bonnier, plant respiration, conclusion. ....-.-------------------- 74 
Medicago Savinas Seed experiments Ol GislOliss 222 22 a J foal ten eee nce 79 
Giglioli ANG SaMekK =. aco. = 5 saan 80 
Michigan, Ann Arbor, seed-storing SNPCMMMCMsies 2B ato eee en eee 50 
University, seed study, relation to present work .......-.--------- 10 
Mobile, Ala., comparison with Baton Rouge and Ann Arbor for storing seed.. 21-22 
place tor seed-testing experiments... 222 s2..c<225ssseesces5 14-22 
seed-storing experiment pF EEA 0 EOS, IS NR eee eee ere ye eer 49 
Moist atmosphere in sealed bottles, severe injury to seeds ......-.-.--+.----- ata) 
~ Moisture and temper ature, effect upon vitality of seeds, discussion .....-.---. - 24-36 
summary of results - 35 
relation to vitality of seed, tables and comment... - _ 38-44 
effect on vitality of seeds at high temperatures, remarks....-------- 29 
in fixed temperatures, discussion .....---- 36-44 
hindrance in keeping seeds, provision.....-----.------------------ 18 
relationsto,endurance ol heat by seed). ----.--2....---s22-ss--2---5 25 
MOND OVILY GMeehs..582 4.2 Se ooo ee ccs} dale on 87, 88, 89, 90 
LesuOMccedsum special packaves! 2222.2 225.85. e ee hace e enn 66 
Morris and Brown, experiments as to enzymes in germination.......-------- 82 
Nites ecnacecodl: CLC. SHIPPile SCCU 222. - So eee aeons eee Se aot on ee seen 47 
New Hampshire, Durham, place for seed-testing experiments -.......------- 14-22 
seed-storing experiment.-----..----------------- 50 
New Orleans, rapidity of deterioration of seed..-....---..------------------ 47 
Newcombe, Dr. F. C., direction of present study ...--....---.-------------- 10 
Nobbe, seed germination experiment, note...--...----.-------------------- 80 
Oily seed, resistance of low temperatures, note ....-.-.-....----------------- 28 
Onion, germination tests, results for various storage conditions .....-.---- 59, 68-65 
seed, comparison of storage in three climates......--.----..---------- 21-22 
1CesMOUSeIStOLASC: ClOGh i.e amet ot Pee ses ce Auk ose os See 28 
moisture and temperature test of vitality -.......-------------- 36 
Fes WiranwOm ex Panliments- TESMMtSms asthe Asse aoe e eS fa cies 77-78 
vitality in different packages in varying storage .....----.------ 71-74 
SCLECHLOM PF OME XO CHINN CTI oi, e eae Sts aed ce came el- oes cleni Se here tars 10 
Packages, seed, different kinds for moisture test ......-...------------------ 66 
relation to preservation of vitality of seeds.........--.------ 89 
special, experiments in shipping and keeping seeds ....----------- 65-74 
Packinoyseed or shipping Cx periments +. ..-,02<.2---e<<-2 5. ane eee ceecie a 47 
Pansy, germination tests, results for various storage conditions -.....----- 60, 638-65 
SEC ETD Sat Wey. O\ela 00 (210 es ee ee 10 

Paraffined packages, vitality of seeds in storage.....------------------------ 69-7 
Rear sc lechloniOmexpenmen te. 5555 aise) Soe oe eset e ee ne ose see oe 3 10 
Peas, germination at temperature of ice water, remarks ......--.----------. : 27 
tests, results for various storage conditions.....-.------ 52, 63-65 
seed, moisture and temperature, test of vitality .-.-.---..-------..--.- 36 
Phaseolus vulgar FSASCLECUOM LOT Sb Wiiers Se ate Ne oe en gee lie aide Sonica a 10 
Phlox, germination tests, results for various storage conditions ...-.-.----- 60, 63-65 
isimsdivulie Selection 100 CXPeTUMENts .c.. <a sonn ews ease ene te ee swe eens 10 
iplanitarse complaints OL SCGGs) NOL. = 35.5 cto oweces ada tee --~ = sere c ones wees 1M: 
Poa pratensis, beating in.curime, effect ion seed. 2... -.:..-+-------+--------- 43 
Poacex, Zea mays, selection for experiment, note ........------------------- 10 
Poison, danger from brass and copper in seed testing, notes. ...--.-.--------- LES 
Polemoniacexr, Phlox drummondii, selection for study ....-..----------------- 10 
Porto Rico, San Juan, seed storing experiment ..........--.---------------- 48 
LOSE OLE XMENIMCMIGMe ee! Oo oe ott S ose eee 14—22 
Precipitation and temperature, relation to vitality of seeds, percentages .---.- 23 
effect on vitality of seeds, graphic representation eee ee 24 
Protoplasm, changes in respiration Ge Seem eee Oy sete So tse's See So 78 
Protoplasts, changes im respiration experiments... 202... 2-2-2 ee! 79 
Puriewitsch, citation as to PTAss CNCOsPCMMi ee: aust... ete gsece Hest eSs 82 
Radish, germination tests, results for various storage conditions. ....-.---- D4, 63-65 
SSlechiGmmrom ex POniMel cee een eees oh cea eens e's 10 
Respiration, necessity to.lifée of seeds; remarks: +... l.-.+. .-2.-2-s--+22-+--8 79 

Ol Seeds" GISCUSSION ee aclecee een cec Sa EEO SEU EES WEE Ra | 74-82 

Respiration of seeds, summary of conclusions. -..--.------------------------ 81-82 
relation to-vitality of seeds’: -_ .-..2.- “se! 22 62s tee 89, 90 
Romanes, seed respiration experiment .......------------------------------ 79 
Samek, seed germination experiment, note. ...---------------------+----#-- 80 
Sharpe, citation as to enzymes. .-----.------------- eos Bea ee is eee 83 
Shipping and keeping of seeds in special packages, discussion. ...-.---------- 65-74 
storing seeds, method for preservation of vitality ......---..--- 44-65 
seed in charcoal, moss, ete., remarks ..----2-22-22- 2222 — eee 47 
Soaking seeds for germination tests, advantage..--.--..-- eto Soe 12 
Solanacex, Lycopersicon lycopersicum, selection for experiment... ...----------- 10 
Spalding, Prof. V. M., direction of present study ---..---------------------- 10 
Starch in seed, relation to germination in ice-house storage... ----- Le ee 28 
Storage (keeping) and shipping of seeds in special packages, discussion. - ----- 65-74 
room, warehouse, character for seeds, remarks.........-------+----= 46 
seed, relation to preservation of vitality... .-.-- = ai $2 88, 89 
Storing and shipping seeds, methods for preservation of vitality.....---.----- 44-65 
seeds, relative merits of Mobile, Baton Rouge, and Ann Arbor.....-- 21-22 
Temperature and moisture, effect on vitality of seed, discussion...-.-..------ 24-36 
summary of results --.-- 30 
relation to vitality of seed, tables and comment... 38-44 
precipitation, relation to vitality of seed, percentages. ---.-- 23 
maximum limit of endurance by seed, variation.......--.-.---- 25 
relation to vitality Of secedss2- 5. +2 see ceeee eee eee 87, 88, 89-90 
Temperatures, fixed, effect of definite moisture on vitality of seed, discussion. . 36-44 
high, vitality of seeds, effect of moisture ......-.-..-.-------- 29 
Test, germination, first, for climate, results, table and comment --.----- 15-16, 18-21 
second, for climate, results, table and comment. - . - - 16-17, 18-21 
Tester, Geneva, germination of seeds, modification and use -...--.---------- 11-12 
Testing seeds, conditions of experiments.......---------------------- 14, 29-31, 36 
Tests, cermination, results._-<_o 2. 2. <2 Se ceca eee ee oe 50-65 
various veretable- seeds... 3.2 225... 525--- 2. 5 eee iat 
seed, for effect of moisture on vitality at high temperatures .......--.-- 29 
vitality, importance of nearness to planting time.......--.---- 47 
Thompson, citation as to enzymes:__.... .- <2 Se ee ee oe 83 
Tomato, germination tests, results for various storage conditions... ----.-- 61, 63-65 
seed, 1ce-house storage, effect 2..2. 322.22 522-252) sk eee 28 
moisture and temperature test of vitality -....-...------------ 36 
selection for eéxperiment.2--22---sccn-e-2 see eo: - 10 
Tropical climate, loss of vitality of lettuce seed .....-.....-s.-ssadeese eee ees 25 
Vacuum, seed respiration experiments............------------------------- 79 
Van Tieghem and Bonnier, tests of respiration of seeds, results ......-------- 75 
Violacex, Viola tricolor, selection for experiment.........--.----------------- 10 

Vitality and germination of seeds, conclusions from present study, summary.. 87-90 

vabbage and onion seed, relation to storage and package ......--..-- 71-74 

seed, effect of climatic conditions, discussion ...............--.-.--- 13-22 

definite moisture in fixed temperatures, discussion .... 36-44 

temperature and moisture, discussion...........-.---- 24-56 

enzymes IN. Preservation 22.26... oc. 26 2c2 be ee eee eee 82-87 

loss for various seeds under different storage conditions ....._.- 63-65 

indifferent climates, causes's.-2-.2 32.0252... 25-2 eee 22-24 

with varying moisture at ordinary temperature ..........-- 85 

low, worse than déad seed, note..2. - 2.22224: 2... 46 

preservation by methods of storing and shipping ..........---- 44-65 

relation of moisture and temperature, tables and comment --.- - 38-44 

storage in different kinds of packages, results......-....-.----- 68 

Warehouse, seed, storage, character, remarks .........--.-----<------------ 46 
Water content of seeds, increase, effect on vitality _.........-...---.-2------ 44 
Watermelon, gemination tests, results for various storage conditions -_.-. - 62, 63-65 
seed; ice-house storage, effect....../. Lee msces sc. sae eee 28 

selection for experiment ...... 5.2522 2.<5s.-eee ee eee 10 

Waugh, citation as to enzymes -. suc 2. ..2- 22.5 soe ee ele eee eee 83 
Zea mays, selection for.experiment, note J2cs-1.2...- 22. aaseeeeeee ee eee 10 



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