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Botanical Society of the British Isles. 

Patron: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother 

Applications for membership should be addressed to the Hon. General Secretary, 
c/o Department of Botany, British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London, 
SW7 SBD, from whom copies of the Society’s Prospectus may be obtained. 

Officers for 1988-89 

Elected at the Annual General Meeting, 7th May 1988 
President, Professor C. A. Stace 

Vice-Presidents, Dr H. J. M. Bowen, Dr F. H. Perring, Dr A. J. Richards, . 
Dr N. K. B. Robson 

Honorary General Secretary, Mrs M. Briggs 
Honorary Treasurer, Mr M. Walpole 

Back issues of Watsonia are handled by Messrs Wm Dawson & Sons Limited, 
Cannon House, Folkestone, Kent, to whom orders for all issues prior to Volume 17 
part 1 should be sent. 

Recent issues (Vol. 17 part 1 onwards) are available from the Hon. Treasurer of the 
B.S.B.I., 68 Outwoods Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire. 

Watsonia, 17, 217-245 (1988) 17 

The Aizoaceae naturalized in the British Isles 

Cale. PRO LN 

Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Monks Wood Experimental Station, Abbots Ripton, 
Huntingdon, PEI7 2LS 

Po. Sel 

Botany School, Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EA 


An introduction is given to the Aizoaceae with particular emphasis on the subfamilies Mesembryanthemoideae 
and Ruschioideae. It is followed by a detailed account of the complicated floral parts and fruits of the species of 
these groups. A conspectus of the subfamilies and genera naturalized in the British Isles is followed by a key to 
the species. Accounts of the nomenclature, typification, morphology, distribution, habitat and reproductive 
biology of Aptenia cordifolia (L.fil.) Schwantes, Ruschia caroli (L. Bolus) Schwantes, Lampranthus roseus 
(Willd.) Schwantes, L. falciformis (Haw.) N.E.Br., Oscularia deltoides (L.) Schwantes, Disphyma crassifolium 
(L.) L. Bolus, Drosanthemum floribundum (Haw.) Schwantes, Erepsia heteropetala (Haw.) Schwantes, 
Carpobrotus edulis (L.) N.E.Br. var. edulis, var. rubescens Druce, var. chrysophthalmus C. D. Preston & P. D. 
Sell, var. nov., and C, glaucescens (Haw.) Schwantes, follow. An Appendix by R. D. T’Ons gives the 
chromosome numbers. 



The Aizoaceae are a large family, with their centre of distribution in South Africa (Rowley 1978). 
Two of its component subfamilies, the Mesembryanthemoideae and the Ruschioideae, are 
sometimes removed as a separate family, the Mesembryanthemaceae. All the species in these two 
subfamilies were once included in the genus Mesembryanthemum L., but have since been divided 
into as many as 125 genera which contain about 2000 species (Rowley 1978). 

South African Aizoaceae have long been cultivated in British gardens. A detailed account of the 
botanical exploration of South Africa is given by Gunn & Codd (1981). Although Bartolomeu Dias 
rounded the Cape of Good Hope in 1488, it was not until 1605 that any plant specimen from South 
Africa was described in print. Live bulbs were collected from the beginning of the 17th century and 
increasing numbers of plants from South Africa, including some ‘mesembs’, were introduced by the 
Dutch in the second half of that century. James Petiver received live material of the Aizoaceae from 
the Temple Garden, London, in 1706 (Edwards 1968). The collection grown by James Sherard at 
Eltham in Kent was illustrated by Dillenius (1732) in the important Hortus Elthamensis, which 
provides an almost complete coverage of the ‘mesembs’ then known in cultivation (Gunn & Codd 
1981). There is at Oxford, in the library of the Department of Plant Sciences, a copy coloured by 
Dillenius himself. We have also seen a similarly coloured copy in a private collection. 

Two botanists are pre-eminent in the interpretation of early ‘mesemb’ names. Adrian Hardy 
Haworth (b. 1768, d. 1833) described 206 species in his Synopsis (Haworth 1812). His descriptions 
were based on living plants, including many grown by himself as well as some in the collections at 
Kew. His herbarium was bought by H. B. Fielding, who threw most of the specimens away. 
Fortunately, a great many coloured drawings were made by George Bond and Thomas Duncannon 
between 1822 and 1835 of the plants Haworth had seen at Kew (Brown 1920), and these are 
available for selection as neotypes. In the facsimile of all Haworth’s works on succulent plants, 
Stearn (1965) has written an informative introduction. 


Prince Salm-Dyck (b. 1773, d. 1861) was an enthusiastic cultivator and student of succulent 
plants. His most important work is the Monographia Generum Aloes. et Mesembryanthemi, 
published in seven parts (Salm-Dyck 1836-1863). It is a collection of lithographed and partly hand- 
coloured plates accompanied by Latin descriptions. A detailed account of the work has been 
published by Stearn (1938). 

A number of ‘mesembs’ have become naturalized by the sea in the British Isles, and these are 
described in this paper. We regard species as naturalized if they are established in semi-natural 
vegetation. It is not necessary that a species should reproduce by seed to satisfy this criterion, 
although some of the naturalized species certainly do so. The extent to which the individual species 
are naturalized is discussed in the accounts that follow. 

The localities where ‘mesembs’ are naturalized are all coastal. The species’ tolerance of salt-laden 
gale-force winds enables them to grow very close to the sea, where the microclimate is most 
equable. In such positions naturalized colonies often escape low winter temperatures which severely 
damage or kill plants of the same species growing in gardens a short distance inland. Even if 
extensively damaged, colonies can regrow from vegetative parts or seed (Preston 1988). 

Lousley (1973) regarded the naturalized Aizoaceae as “plants dependent on a run of mild winters 
and deliberate planting’. We consider that this underestimates their ability to persist and spread. 
Carpobrotus edulis, in particular, is now a characteristic feature of the seaside landscape in many 
parts of south-western England. Betjeman (1945) mentions it growing with stonecrop on a Cornish 
cliff in his poem Sunday Afternoon Service in St Enodoc Church, Cornwall and Rowse (1941), 
describing Henry VIII’s castle at St Mawes, says “‘it remains unchanged, the walls of its three-lobed 
batteries but weathered to a silver grey, the grass slopes covered with mesembryanthemum and 
rock-plants down to the edge of the water’’. Flowers of Carpobrotus and plants of Lampranthus are 
featured on picture postcards and sometimes protected by wild-flower lovers. This protection is 
unnecessary: Carpobrotus competes so effectively with native species that its continued spread is a 
source of anxiety to conservationists (Hopkins 1979; Frost 1987). 


Commenting on attempts to identify one naturalized species, J. P. M. Brenan (in litt. to L. J. 
Margetts 1970) wrote that ‘‘one would have to be a magician to give itaname. . . the whole family is 
in a state of chaos’’. Four factors have contributed to this unhappy state of affairs: 
i. Many of the species were originally described from material cultivated in European gardens. The 
precise origin of the cultivated stock was not known, so the names are difficult to relate to plants in 
their native habitats. Often type specimens were not preserved, or have not survived. 
ii. Herbarium specimens of these succulent plants are difficult to identify, as leaf shape and flower 
colour are destroyed when the plant is pressed and dried. Pressed specimens can often be identified 
only to generic level. Even if type specimens exist they are often of little use. Good coloured 
illustrations, or photographs, are more useful than specimens. For this reason we have selected 
illustrations as lectotypes when they are available. 

Recently Fuller & Barbe (1981) have described a method of pressing succulent plants, including 
Carpobrotus edulis, using a microwave oven. We have not experimented with this technique. 
iii. Although many enthusiasts have studied the ‘mesembs’, their efforts have been devoted to the 
description of more and more new species. H. M. L. Bolus alone described 1445 species but “‘she did 
not regard all these as true new species” (Herre 1971). Descriptions of new taxa have rarely been 
accompanied by a key or a conspectus to the species in the genus, and few generic monographs are 
iv. Very little is published about the ecology, reproductive biology and cytology of ‘mesemb’ 
species. Within genera or closely related groups of species the taxa seem to be either geographically 
or ecologically isolated, and it is not known if they are interfertile. In the absence of this 
information, it is impossible to interpret the described taxa biologically. 

Lousley’s (1971, 1973) studies of the Aizoaceae naturalized in the Isles of Scilly are the most 
valuable published accounts of the British species. McClintock’s (1975) and le Sueur’s (1984) studies 


of the Channel Island species are also useful. Recently Kent (1982) listed the species reported from 
the British Isles. 


Initially we collected living material of the Aizoaceae naturalized in the British Isles and grew this in 
a greenhouse at Cambridge University Botanic Garden. Descriptions were first prepared from these 
cultivated plants, then compared in the field with wild populations. It was necessary to modify the 
descriptions of cultivated material both because plants grown in the greenhouse lacked the vigour of 
plants in the wild, and because of the greater environmental variation present in wild populations. 
The cultivated plant material was used to count the chromosome numbers of the naturalized species 
(see Appendix). 

Some herbarium specimens, and a larger number of colour photographs, have been deposited in 
CGE. Full details of all records available to us have been deposited at the Biological Records 
Centre, Monks Wood Experimental Station. 

We are conscious that our work is only a preliminary contribution to the elucidation of the 
taxonomy and nomenclature of the species naturalized in Britain. In particular, further work on the 
British species of Lampranthus is needed. However, we believe that progress is more likely to result 
from studies of the taxa in their native habitats rather than from more intensive studies of the species 
in Britain. 


Some authors treat the outer perianth segments as sepals, while others consider them to be the 
divided part of the calyx. The latter view is taken here and they are regarded as calyx lobes. They are 
very unequal in size and some of them usually have wide scarious flaps which cover the petals in bud. 
The petals and stamens are usually situated between the point where the segments join the 
remainder of the calyx and the top of the half-inferior ovary. The whole arrangement is similar to 
the hypanthium in the Rosaceae. 

The inner perianth segments are usually considered to be derived from stamens. They are here 
called petals and include those inner ones that are often narrower and smaller than the outer. Only 
when they are in the form of stamens, but without anthers, are they called staminodes. There is 
sometimes a graded sequence between stamens and petals, both in form and colour. In Aptenia 
cordifolia the petals are united at the base to form a short corolla tube; the stamens arise from this 
tube. The nectaries are sunk in a hollow around the rim of the ovary. In the other species naturalized 
in Britain the petals are free, and the nectaries form a slight crest around the rim of the ovary. 

The capsules of the Aizoaceae are extremely complicated in structure. An illustrated survey is 
given by Schwantes (1957). In most species growing in the British Isles the capsule is hygrochastic, 
i.e. it opens when it becomes moist and closes when it dries out again. In the simplest case (Aptenia) 
the capsule has axile placentation with open loculi, so that raindrops can easily wash out the seeds. 
In the tribe Ruschieae the capsules are much more complex and the placentation is parietal. There 
are five loculi and partition walls. The lid of the capsule is opened and closed by the expansion of the 
epidermal lining of the loculus when it becomes wet. The cells of expanding tissue have a 
trhomboidal shape, the inner shorter axis elongating considerably while the outer longer axis 
remains almost unchanged. The result is a pronounced elongation of the expanding tissue in one 
direction while the remaining tissues of the capsule do not change appreciably, thus causing the 
valves to unfold outwards. In some species a membrane covers the loculi so that the seeds are not 
exposed when the capsules open. The membranes are elastic and are never found in the middle of 
the loculus. The division is always brought about by the valve wings which are formed by the 
splitting of the false septum which projects into the loculus from above. The valve wings always 
remain firmly attached to the valve. When the capsule opens for the first time they act like the rip- 
cords of a parachute and bring about the exact division of the parts of the covering membrane. The 
membrane never covers the loculus completely, as a portion of the endocarp on the roof of the 


loculus is required for the formation of the expanding mechanism. The- opening remaining is 
sometimes reduced to two minute openings by a swelling of the placenta (tubercle). 


In the synopsis below we follow the classification proposed by Schwantes (1971) for the 
Mesembryanthemaceae. Unless otherwise stated, the number of species per genus is taken from 
Herre (1971). Critical revision of the larger genera would almost certainly reduce the number of 
recognized species considerably. 

Nectaries sunken in a hollow. Placentation axile. 

Tribe Aptenieae 
Petals soft, not rigid. 

Aptenia N.E.Br. in Gdnrs’ Chron., ser. 3, 78: 412 (1925). Holotype species: A. cordifolia (L. fil.) 
Schwantes, cf. J. Bot., Lond. 66: 139 (1928). Number of species: 2. 

Nectaries forming a slight crest round the rim of the ovary. Placentation parietal. 

Tribe Ruschieae 
Fruit a dry hygrochastic capsule with numerous seeds. 

Ruschia Schwantes in Z. SukkulKde 2: 186 (1926). Holotype species: R. rupicola (Engler) 
Schwantes. Number of species: c. 350. 

Lampranthus N.E.Br. in Gdnrs’ Chron., ser. 3, 87: 71 (1930). Holotype species: L. multiradiatus 
(Jacq.) N.E.Br. Number of species: 178 according to Herre (1971), 56 according to Glen (1980). 

Oscularia Schwantes in Mollers dtsch. GGrt.-Ztg 42: 187 (1927). Holotype species: O. deltoides (L.) 
Schwantes. Number of species: 1 (Glen 1986). 

Disphyma N.E.Br. in Gdnrs’ Chron., ser. 3, 78: 433 (1925). Lectotype species: D. crassifolium (L.) 
L. Bolus, chosen by L. Bolus in FI. Pl. S. Afr. 7: t. 276 (1927). Number of species: 5 or 1 (see 

Drosanthemum Schwantes in Z. SukkulKde 3: 14, 29 (1927). Holotype species: D. hispidum (L.) 
Schwantes. Number of species: c. 95. 

Erepsia N.E.Br. in Gdnrs’ Chron., ser. 3, 78: 433 (1925). Lectotype species: E. inclaudens (Haw.) 
Schwantes, chosen by N. E. Brown in E. P. Phillips, Gen. S. Afr. Fl. Pl. 248 (1926). Number of 
species: 38. 

Tribe Carpobroteae 
Fruit fleshy, indehiscent, the outer wall becoming tough and leathery, the seeds embedded in 

Carpobrotus N.E.Br. in Gdnrs’ Chron., ser. 3, 78: 433 (1925). Lectotype species: C. edulis (L.) 
N.E.Br., chosen by N.E. Brown in E.P. Phillips, Gen. S. Afr. Fl. Pl. 249 (1926). Number of 
species: 29. 

1. Leaves flat, ovate; petals connate at base, forming a short tube; calyx lobes and stigmas 4 
Weddbie vev db TOA GORA AEGON Le V osgldel ae Pitney i ath heed pea & Veet af renee 1. Aptenia cordifolia 

1. Leaves triangular, cylindrical or rarely narrowly obovoid in section; petals free; calyx lobes 
(4—)5=6; stigmmpag-S OF DOA—14% CE Fa 0 oe thins ued ied « o PRU Esa Rss SONS eb pe rend Pee Peete 2 



Daihkeavesc memate pantveast/oneot the angles! is. ela vis cea a/5. 220i) Oa ca uletek Ok adds 3 
- vildaver notmentote dmithe anglet: tcl lvzicnsie resin. sheet Renee ise ke desea te As 4 
3. Leaves broadly triangular-obovoid in outline, deltate in section, less than twice as long as 

broad; petals exceeding calyx lobes; stigmas narrowly ovoid with curved apex ................. 

py cbscuas eetcnie bun Veet Caews lneskepenVidsad eens a) cst alk eee peek Abi ae Ad. ea 5. Oscularia deltoides 

3. Leaves asymmetrically oblanceolate in outline, triangular in section, at least twice as long as 
broad; petals shorter than calyx lobes; stigmas small, roundish in outline ....................... 

as cee rebass: Alea op. DeidrateaeE ITA RNNe ym LL AEG RI laes ads a od Males A 8. Erepsia heteropetala 

4. Stems with numerous hairs; leaves cylindrical or narrowly obovoid, covered with glass-like 
FOUETOIOS. tures. penne cts). clos eet). Sons. ae 7. Drosanthemum floribundum 

4. Stems glabrous; leaves + triangular in section, not covered with glass-like tubercles ...... 5 
5. Leaves in groups of 3-10, narrowly linear-lanceolate or linear-oblanceolate in outline, with a 
row of almost flat papillae on the angles; stigmas ending in a long awn ......................008 

Wo ade eth tee eee eae. Bes At Sa 6. Disphyma crassifolium 
5. Leaves not obviously in groups of 3—10 and some obviously decussate, without flat papillae on 
the angles; stigmas plumose or long-acute but not ending in a long awn ...................... 6 

6. Leaves 1-5—5-0 mm wide; flowers 10—50 mm in diameter; stigmas 5; fruit a dehiscent capsule . 


6. Leaves 5-15 mm wide; flowers 35-90 mm in diameter; stigmas 10-14; fruit fleshy and 

indenisee nt (Carpabroms spp. )i03. 14 2esenreateee saad Twine uLane sua es 9 

7. Leaves 15-70 x 2—5 mm; stigmas long-acute at apex ................. cee eeee 2. Ruschia caroli 
7. Leaves 6-24 X 1-5—4-5 mm; stigmas plumose (Lampranthus spp.) ............cecceceeceeeeeees 8 
8 Most stems and branches erect; leaves 10—16 X 2-0—2-5 mm in cultivation, rather dark bluish- 
Sece me trates close wees eer. ete. Apel (hes ae. elon 3. Lampranthus roseus 

8. Most stems and branches prostrate; leaves 6-13 X 1-5—2-5 mm in cultivation, taken as a whole 
shorter and fatter, markedly pruinose ....................ccceeeeeeees 4. Lampranthus falciformis 

Oo Petals yellow tiiged Pink, WHEN OlGy sad. 25... saccoe sss caccuas 9a. Carpobrotus edulis var. edulis 
Oo) Petals mainly purples oranee-pinksonreddish-purple 242. ...2.c506cbe ss ec cncsecceeccseeteusseasedes 10 
10. Petals pale to deep purple throughout .................. 9b. Carpobrotus edulis var. rubescens 
10. Petals purple, orange-pink or reddish purple with obvious white or yellow bases ......... 11 

ii>9(Petals pale-orange-pink, pale’ seddish purple or palé purpleis..: .9222.341 val, ATR 
Behe a ates eM et 9a X b. Carpobrotus edulis inter var. edulis et var. rubescens 
PATE AitES CL COPTIC ype «308 oe al Renia eld oraiend ss Mende cdee cosine vn sSeveducssvsscetsecscanesees 12 
12. Leaves (20—)35—125 x 5—15 mm; base of petals yellow; filaments yellow with whitish bases 
shohliaimerenes Sote).in. sisite eon, aed. A. 9c. Carpobrotus edulis var. chrysophthalmus 
12. Leaves 20-70 x 5-8 mm; base of petals white; filaments whitish, sometimes with a little 
ellowhakapexdics.tegr naw nett, ACO!) eigert. ss) ange 10. Carpobrotus glaucescens 


1. Aptenia cordifolia (L. fil.) Schwantes in Gartenflora 77: 69 (Feb. 1928); N.E.Br. in J. Bot., Lond. 
66: 139 (May 1928). 

Mesembryanthemum cordifolium L. fil., Suppl. 260 (1781). Described from the Cape of Good 
Hope. NeotyPe: Salm-Dyck, Monogr. Aloes Mesembr. 61: fig. 1 (1842), designated here. 

Litocarpus cordifolius (L. fil.) L. Bolus in Fi. Pl. S. Africa 7: sub. t. 261 (1927). 

Vernacular names: Heart-leaf Ice-plant, Heart-leaf Mesembryanthemum. 

Illustrations: Herre, Gen. Mesembr. 79 (1971); Salm-Dyck, Monogr. Aloes Mesembr. 61: fig. 1 
(1842), pro Mesembryanthemum cordifolium; Bichard & McClintock, Wild Fl. Channel Is. no. 87 

Description: Rather succulent, short-lived perennial, but not infrequently behaving as an annual. 
Stems up to 60 cm, pale yellowish-green, sometimes tinted brownish and angled, prostrate, much- 
branched, covered with dense greyish papillae; internodes 1-2—9 cm. Leaves 10-35 x 10-30 mm, 


green, decussate, flat, more or less ovate, obtuse to subacute at apex, entire, more or less cordate, 
truncate or cuneate at base, covered with greyish papillae; petiole up to 15 mm. Flowers solitary, 5— 
16 mm in diameter, terminal at the end of branches or axillary; peduncles up to 13 mm, sometimes 5- 
angled. Calyx green, covered with greyish papillae; lobes 4, the 2 outer 10-15 x 4-13 mm, ovate to 
narrowly ovate, subobtuse to acute at apex, slightly to distinctly keeled and curved outwards, entire, 
the inner 5—10 x 2—6 mm, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, obtuse to acute at apex, entire, curved 
outwards. Petals numerous, 3—7 mm, reddish-pink, linear or linear-oblanceolate, obtuse at apex, 
united at the base into a short tube. Stamens numerous, arising from the corolla tube in a mass; 
filaments 2—3 mm, whitish, glabrous; anthers cream. Staminodes numerous, 2—3 mm, whitish, 
forming a ring between the stamens and the corolla tube. Stigmas 4, greenish, small, sessile. 
Nectaries sunken in a hollow. Capsule 12—15 x 8-10 mm, green, 4-locular, obovoid, valves broader 
than long, with the apex so abruptly thickened that the basal termination of the thickening is quite 
vertical, middle of inner surface of the 4 valves with a bright yellow keel reaching from the central 
column to the end of the flat part, each keel consisting of 2 parallel ridges, without marginal wings or 
flaps, with 4 narrow strips arranged like a star between the central column and the point of origin of 
keels; loculi roofs and tubercle absent; placentation axile. Seeds c. 40, 1-0—1-2 X 1-0-1-2 mm, dark 
reddish-brown, subrotund or broadly ovate, compressed, tuberculate, with funicles up to 1 mm. 
2n = 18. 

Nomenclature and typification: There are no specimens in the Linnaean herbarium (LINN) and no 
additional references in the protologue. The name has always been applied to the same taxon and 
the Salm-Dyck illustration is chosen here as the neotype, and reproduced as Fig. 1. 

Taxonomy and variation: Le Sueur (1984) has noted that in Jersey a single plant at Grouville 
differed from a large population at St Brelade in colour, leaf shape and flower size. Otherwise little 
variation is recorded in naturalized populations except in plant size. A variegated form is sometimes 
grown in gardens. 

Reproductive biology: Flowers from May to August. Reproduces by seed. Poorly grown plants are 
said to behave as annuals, dying after they have produced seed, but we have no observations on the 
reproductive biology of the species in the British Isles. Some, but not all, populations in Jersey 
failed to survive the severe 1962-63 winter (le Sueur 1984). 

Distribution and habitat: Naturalized on banks and stone wails on Bryher, St Martin’s and St Mary’s, 
Isles of Scilly, and on Guernsey and Jersey. A large population in Jersey is naturalized under 
coniferous trees. Recorded as a casual on rubbish tips in W. Kent and Herts.; it perhaps occurs 
elsewhere in such localities. According to Higgins (1956), Aptenia was first introduced into British 
gardens in 1774. It was recorded in Guernsey in 1928, but there were no subsequent records until 
naturalized populations were discovered in Jersey in the early 1950s and on St Mary’s, Isles of Scilly, 
in 1956. Although it is thoroughly established in some localities, Aptenia has not invaded semi- 
natural habitats to the same extent that Carpobrotus and Disphyma have done. It is a native of the 
eastern coastal districts of Cape Province, South Africa (Herre & Friedrich 1959). 

2. Ruschia caroli (L. Bolus) Schwantes in Z. SukkulKde 3: 20 (1927). 

Mesembryanthemum caroli L. Bolus in Ann. Bolus Herb. 3: 129 (1922). Described from living 
plants in the Kirstenbosch Botanic Garden and in Dr C. Juritz’s garden at Three Anchor Bay, 
Cape Town, South Africa. Not typified. 

Description: Low, spreading shrub, up to 60 cm. Stems up to 60 cm, much branched from the base 
upwards, greyish-brown or reddish-brown with darker brown elliptical spots, straight and ascending 
or decumbent, irregularly striate or ridged, glabrous; internodes 1-3 cm. Leaves 15—70 x 2-5 mm, 
rather unequal in size, more or less erect, bluish-green, faintly pink at apex, loosely decussate with 
each pair with a connate base enclosed in a brown sheath, linear in outline, 3-angled, sometimes 
recurved, obtuse or subacute at apex, sessile, covered with green spots and smaller white dots when 
young, becoming irregularly muriform when mature. Flowers 1—4, 10-30 mm in diameter, terminal 




FicureE 1. Aptenia cordifolia (L.fil.) Schwantes, illustrated as Mesembryanthemum cordifolium in Salm-Dyck’s 
Monographia Generum Aloes et Mesembryanthemi 61: fig. 1 (1842). The coloured plate is the neotype of M. 
cordifolium L. fil. 


at the end of branches; peduncles 10-25 mm. Calyx pale green; lobes 5, 3-5—4-0 x 2-0-2-5 mm, 
triangular-ovate, 2 with a pale narrow margin and subacute at apex, 3 with a broad scarious flap and 
a reddish subacute apex. Petals c. 30, 4-5—10-0 x 1-2 mm, free, purplish, with a darker central 
longitudinal line and slightly whitish at base, narrowly oblanceolate, obtuse and entire at apex. 
Stamens numerous, some outer without anthers; filaments 3-3-5 mm, purplish with white bases, 
with numerous, pale, slightly clavate hairs at base; anthers yellow. Stigmas 5, green, narrowly 
triangular-ovoid with a long acute apex and a few hairs near the base. Nectary glands united to form 
a crenulate ring round the ovary. Capsule not seen in British material, but said to have much 
diverging valve keels; loculi roofs present with a large tubercle; placentation parietal. We cannot 
trace a description of the seeds. 2n = 18. 

This description is based solely on plants from a naturalized population cultivated in Cambridge. 
We have not had an opportunity to compare it with plants in the field. 

Taxonomy and variation: Little variation has been recorded in our naturalized populations, but in 
South Africa the species seems to produce much larger leaves than in Britain. 

Reproductive biology: Flowers in April and May. We have no observations on the reproductive 
biology of the species in the British Isles. 

Distribution and habitat: Only recorded from the Isles of Scilly, where it is naturalized on walls on St 
Mary’s and Tresco. The only record from semi-natural habitats is a note by Lousley on a specimen in 
RNG that Ruschia occurs “‘in ‘wild’ places or rocks” at Carn Friars, St Mary’s, Isles of Scilly. Lousley 
(1971) says that there is a specimen in K sent from Tresco Abbey in 1897, nearly 30 years before the 
species was described. The first collection from a naturalized population was made in 1959. Ruschia 
caroli is a native of Cape Province, South Africa. 

3. Lampranthus roseus (Willd.) Schwantes in Reprium nov. Spec. Regni veg. 43: 230 (1938). 
Mesembryanthemum roseum Willd., Enum. Pl. Horti Berol. 535 (1809). Described from the Cape 
of Good Hope. Not typified. 

Vernacular name: Rosy Dew-plant. 

Illustrations: Marloth, Fl. South Africa 1: pl. 53A (1913); Salm-Dyck, Monogr. Aloes Mesembr. 29: 
fig. 4 (1849), pro Mesembryanthemum roseum, Polunin, Flowers Med. t. 12 (1965). 

Description: Low evergreen shrub. Stems up to 20 cm, decumbent to erect, 4-angled, glabrous, 
brownish or purplish, much branched, the branches short, ascending or patent; internodes 0-3-—3-5 
cm, sometimes with narrow wings on the angles. Leaves 10-16 X 2—2-5 mm, decussate just under 
the flowers, becoming more numerous and dense lower down the fertile stems and branches and on 
the sterile stems and axillary shoots, the terminal pairs on axillary sterile shoots often pressed 
together giving a flattened appearance, dark glaucous green, mostly triangular in section with fairly 
acute angles, more or less acute at apex and sometimes red-tipped, rounded at the sessile base with 
each pair touching in their upper part and together encircling the stem, covered with dense pellucid 
dots. Flowers 1-3 together, terminal or at the end of lateral shoots, 20-50 mm in diameter; 
peduncles 12—20 mm. Calyx with dense pellucid dots; lobes 5, all red-tipped; 2 of the lobes 5—7 mm, 
triangular-lanceolate, acute at apex, green (darker towards apex) with a scarious margin up to 0-5 
mm wide in the lower half; remaining 3 lobes with a green part similar to the other 2 but with a deep 
rusty orange, subapical, often asymmetrical appendage up to 3 mm wide on the inner side and 
extending to the base where it is joined to that of the next lobe, the true apex of the lobe reflexed. 
Petals numerous (over 100), very variable in length, 6-5—18-0 * 0-4—2-0 mm, free, shining light 
purple or salmon pink sometimes on same plant, inner short and narrowly linear becoming 
gradually larger to outer which are narrowly linear-oblanceolate, obtuse at apex, broader ones 
slightly emarginate, with pale lines on back. Stamens numerous (100-150), more or less as long as 
stigmas; filaments 3—4 mm, pale greenish-yellow; anthers yellow. Stigmas 5, greenish, outline more 
or less triangular and formed from 3 plumose rays. Nectary glands united to form a crenulate ring 


round the ovary. Capsule 6-7 x 7—8 mm, 5-locular, each valve with diverging keels and a 
membranous wing; loculi roofs present, without a tubercle; placentation parietal. Seeds numerous, 
1-0 x 1-2 mm, pale brown, obovoid, with shallow, obtuse tubercles. 2n = 36. 

The above description is based on material cultivated at Cambridge from Bec du Nez, Guernsey, 
and Lizard Head. 

Taxonomy and variation: We find the taxonomy of Lampranthus difficult and unsatisfactory. The 
two species accepted here looked quite different when grown side by side in the Cambridge Botanic 
Garden, but their differences were very difficult to put into words. In the wild differences tend to be 
masked by phenotypic variation. Thus the plant of L. roseus illustrated by Bichard & McClintock 
(1975) seems to have the habit and leaves of L. falciformis. L. roseus shows considerable variation 
in flower colour, purple and pink flowers occasionally occurring on the same plant. 

Reproductive biology: Most Lampranthus species are thought to be self-sterile. L. roseus flowers 
from late May to July. Seedlings have been seen at Portelet Bay, Jersey, at Beaucette and Bec du 
Nez, Guernsey, and at Poldhu Cove. Some plants in the Lizard Point population were killed by frost 
in the 1978-9 winter and all Lampranthus plants in Jersey were killed in the 1962-3 winter, but 
reappeared from seed. Seed collected at Lizard Point, Cornwall and Bec du Nez, Guernsey 
germinated freely. 

Distribution and habitat: Naturalized on sea cliffs, coastal rocks and walls in several localities in 
Guernsey and also collected from Alderney, Herm and Sark. In W. Cornwall naturalized on cliffs at 
Lizard Point and Poldhu Cove. A Lampranthus naturalized on cliffs by Beau Port and on an 
artificial scree of stone blocks at Portelet Bay, Jersey, is probably also referable to this species. The 
earliest collection was made in Sark in 1924. Native of South Africa. 

4. Lampranthus falciformis (Haw.) N.E.Br. in Gdnrs’ Chron., ser. 3, 87: 212 (1930). 

Mesembryanthemum falciforme Haw., Syn. Pl. Succ. 299 (1812). Described from a specimen grown 
in a London garden. NeoryPe: coloured illustration made between 1822 and 1835 from the plants 
on which Haworth worked (K), designated here. 

Vernacular name: Sickle-leaved Dew-plant. 

Illustrations: Salm-Dyck, Monogr. Aloes Mesembr. 29: fig. 1 (1836), pro Mesembryanthemum 
falciforme (reproduced here as Fig. 2). 

Description: Low evergreen shrub. Stems up to 80 cm, mostly spreading and prostrate, but a few 
erect, 4-angled, glabrous, greyish or brownish, much-branched, the branches short, ascending or 
patent; internodes 0-2—1-7 cm, sometimes with narrow wings on angles. Leaves 6-13 x 1-5—2-5 
mm, decussate just under the flowers, becoming more numerous and dense lower down the fertile 
stems and branches and on the sterile stems and axillary shoots, the terminal pairs on the axillary 
shoots often pressed together giving a flattened appearance, pale bluish-green with thick waxy 
covering, half obovoid, flattened on one surface and rounded and keeled on the other making them 
more or less triangular in section, more or less acute and Sometimes with a red dot at apex, semi- 
connate at the sessile base, covered with dense pellucid dots. Flowers 1—2 together, terminal or at 
the end of lateral shoots, 35-45 mm in diameter; peduncles 5—20 mm. Calyx with dense pellucid 
dots; lobes 5, all red-tipped; 2 of the lobes 5.0—10.5 mm, triangular-lanceolate, acute at apex, green 
with a scarious margin up to 0-5 mm wide in the lower half; remaining 3 lobes with a green part 
similar to the other 2, but with a subapical, often asymmetrical appendage up to 3 mm wide on the 
inner side and extending to the base where it is joined to that of the next lobe, the true apex of the 
lobes reflexed. Petals numerous, very variable in length, 6-5—21-0 x 0-4—2-5 mm, free, pale pink, 
the inner very pale, or purple, narrowly linear, becoming gradually larger to outer which are 
narrowly linear-oblanceolate, obtuse at apex, broader ones slightly emarginate, with pale lines on 
back. Stamens numerous, more or less as long as stigmas; filaments 3—4 mm, whitish, with a tuft of 
whitish hairs at base; anthers pale yellow. Stigmas 5, greenish, outline more or less triangular and 



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FiGure 2. Lampranthus falciformis (Haw.) N.E.Br., illustrated as Mesembryanthemum falciforme in Salm- 
Dyck’s Monographia Generum Aloes et Mesembryanthemi 29: fig. 1 (1836). 


formed from 3 plumose rays. Nectary glands united to form a crenulate ring. Capsule 6-7 x 7-8 
mm, 5-locular, each valve with diverging keels and a membranous wing. Seeds numerous, 1-0—1-2 
mm, pale brown, obovoid, with shallow, obtuse tubercles. 

The above description is based on plants cultivated at Cambridge from Pembrokeshire and St 
Mary’s, Isles of Scilly. 

Nomenclature and typification: The obvious neotype is the coloured drawing at Kew made from 
plants on which Haworth worked. 

Taxonomy and variation: The only variation noted is in flower colour which varies from pale pink to 

Reproductive biology: Most Lampranthus species are thought to be self-sterile. L. falciformis 
flowers from May to July. It is very susceptible to frosts and there may be little or no flowering after a 
bad winter, but some parts of the plant usually survive and soon regenerate vegetatively. At The 
Gann, Pembrokeshire, it normally regenerates abundantly from seed. It seems to be immune from 
grazing by cattle and rabbits (Davis 1978). 

Distribution and habitat: Supposedly introduced into British gardens in 1805 (Higgins 1956). There 
are specimens in K from Tresco Abbey Gardens in the Isles of Scilly collected in 1895. It is now 
naturalized on St Mary’s, Tresco, St Martin’s, St Helen’s and Round Island in those islands, growing 
on coastal rocks, cliffs and stone walls near the sea in shallow soil on ledges and in crevices. Both St 
Helen’s (where it is particularly abundant) and Round Island are uninhabited and the Lampranthus 
was presumably carried there by sea birds. It was collected on Lundy (K) as naturalized in 1908 and 
1911. It was planted in a long disused quarry at The Gann, St Ishmael, Pembrokeshire in 1919 and 30 
or more plants still occur on the almost perpendicular face of a natural rock outcrop of rhyolite. In 
the 1920s or early 1930s it was introduced from this quarry to Dale Point, 2 km south of The Gann, 
where a few plants were still present in 1978 (Davis 1978): Plants from Three Castle Head, W. Cork, 
and on sandy cliffs at Roches Point, E. Cork, are probably referable to this species. Native of South 

5. Oscularia deltoides (L.) Schwantes in Mollers dtsch. Gart.-Ztg 43: 187 (1927). 

Mesembryanthemum deltoides L., Sp. Pl. 482 (1753). Described from Africa. Lectotype: Dillenius, 
Hort. Eltham. 255, t. 195, fig. 246 (1732), pro Mesembryanthemum deltoides, & dorso, & lateribus 
muricatus , minus, in the copy in the Department of Plant Sciences, Oxford University, coloured 
by Dillenius; designated here. 

Lampranthus deltoides (L.) Glen ex D. O. Wijnands, Bot. Commelins 148 (1983), comb. invalid., 
basion. non cit. 

Lampranthus deltoides (L.) Glen in Bothalia 16: 55 (1986). 

Vernacular name: Deltoid-leaved Dew-plant. 

Illustrations: Salm-Dyck, Monogr. Aloes Mesembr. 30: fig. 3 (1840), pro Mesembryanthemum 
muricatum; Herre, Gen. Mesembr. 245 (1971); Lousley, Fi. Scilly 216, fig. 10 (1971). 

Description: Low, sprawling shrub. Stems up to 50 cm, ascending or decumbent, glabrous, when 
young bluish-green, heavily tinged reddish, soon becoming reddish- or orange-brown, older growth 
woody, terete or slightly angled, glabrous, with short, erect or patent branches; internodes 0-2—2:-5. 
cm, often with narrow wings on the angles. Leaves 6—18 x 3—10 mm, unequal or more or less equal 
in size, pruinose with a pinkish-red apical point and apices of teeth, waxy, in decussate, clustered 
pairs with each pair slightly connate at base, smooth, 3-angled, widest towards the shortly acute 
apex, narrowed towards the sessile base, dentate-apiculate on the angles. Flowers 1—3 together, 12- 
18 mm in diameter, terminal at the ends of branches, almond-scented; peduncles 2-3 mm. Calyx 
yellowish-green; lobes 5, 3-0—3-5 x 2—3 mm, triangular-ovate, 2 with a pale, narrow margin and up 
to 4 pinkish-red points at the apex, 3 with a broad scarious flap and a subapical, pinkish-red tipped 


point. Petals 40-50, 4-6 x 0-5-1-:5 mm, free, purplish, paler towards the base, narrowly 
oblanceolate, obtuse and entire at apex. Stamens numerous, some outer without anthers; filaments 
2-3 mm, white with rather pale simple eglandular hairs at base; anthers yellow. Stigmas 5, green, 
narrowly ovoid with a curved apex. Nectary glands forming a crenulate ring round the ovary but in 5 
distinct groups, dark green. Capsule 6—7 x 5—6 mm, 5-locular, obovoid; each valve with expanding 
narrowly winged keels diverging from the base and half as long as the valves; loculi roofs present, 
without a tubercle; placentation parietal. Seeds 1-0—1-2 mm, nearly black, ovoid or pyriform with a 
nipple, minutely tuberculate, on a funicle up to 2 mm. 2n = 18. 

The above description of flowers and fruit is based on plants from a naturalized population 
cultivated in Cambridge. We have not had an opportunity to compare it with plants in the field. 

Nomenclature and typification: Mesembryanthemum deltoides was described by Linnaeus (1753) in 
Species Plantarum. His diagnosis Mesembryanthemum caulescens, foliis deltoidibus triquetris 
dentatis is taken from the Hortus Cliffortianus (Linnaeus 1738) without change. There are no 
specimens in the herbarium of the Hortus Cliffortianus (BM), nor in the Linnaean Herbarium in 
London (LINN). Two synonyms follow the diagnosis: Mesembr. deltoides & dorso & lateribus 
muricatis Dill. elth. 255. t. 195. f. 246 and Ficus aizoides africana erecta folio triangulari breviusculo, 
fimbriato, floribus roseis odoratis Volk. hesp. 223. t. 224. f. 5. They are also cited in the Hortus 
Cliffortianus. Both illustrations are referable to the plant usually called Oscularia deltoides, as is a 
specimen in Dillenius’ herbarium (OXF). Glen (1986) cited the illustration in Hortus Elthamensis as 
the iconotype and the specimen at OXF as the typotype, but did not select either as the lectotype. 
More information can be obtained from the coloured illustration in Dillenius’ own copy of his work 
than from the shrunken herbarium specimen so we select it as the lectotype. An uncoloured version 
of this illustration, which is an excellent portrait of the plant, is reproduced here as Fig. 3. 

Taxonomy and variation: British plants show little variation. Lousley (1971) questioned whether the 
allied Oscularia caulescens (Miller) Schwantes occurs as a naturalized species in the Isles of Scilly, 
but all the British plants seem to be O. deltoides. In fact, Glen (1986) considers that the three names 
published in the genus Oscularia belong to the same species. Glen (1980) also thinks that Oscularia 
and Lampranthus should be united and proposes that Lampranthus (1930) be conserved over 
Oscularia (1927) as it is a much larger genus. The Committee for Spermatophyta (Taxon 32: 282 
(1983)) recommended the acceptance of this proposal. Despite the fact that Glen (1980) says that his 
monograph of Lampranthus is in press, it has not yet been published. He did not justify his transfer 
of Oscularia to Lampranthus (Glen 1986), but merely cited an unpublished thesis in support of this 
move. We are thus unable to assess his proposals and for the time being retain Oscularia as a 
separate genus. 

Reproductive biology: Flowers in April. Oscularia is a sprawling shrub, which can spread to cover 
large areas of walls. Seedlings have been observed by G. D. Rowley (in litt. 1988) on walls on 
Tresco, Isles of Scilly, and by J. R. Palmer on a wall in Guernsey (D. McClintock in litt. 1987). 

Distribution and habitat: Naturalized in the Isles of Scilly on St Martin’s, St Mary’s and Tresco. It is 
cultivated but not naturalized in the Channel Islands. It was introduced into British gardens before 
1732, but not noted as a naturalized plant until Lousley collected it in Tresco in 1953. When Lousley 
(1971) compiled his Flora, it was only known from walls. In 1982 it was found growing in small 
quantity on a coastal rock outcrop, associated with Sedum anglicum, where it was still present in 
1987. It will be interesting to see if it continues to spread into semi-natural habitats. It is a native of 
the south-western part of Cape Province, South Africa (Herre 1971). 

6. Disphyma crassifolium (L.) L. Bolus, F/. Pl. S. Africa 7: t. 276 (1927). 
Mesembryanthemum crassifolium L., Sp. Pl. 484 (1753). Described from Africa. LECTOTYPE: 
Dillenius, Hort. Eltham. 266, t. 201, fig. 257 (1732), pro Mesembryanthemum crassifolium repens, 



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flore purpureo, in the copy in the Department of Plant Sciences, Oxford University, coloured by 
Dillenius; designated here. 

Vernacular name: Purple Dew-plant 

Illustrations: Salm-Dyck, Monogr. Aloes Mesembr. 18: fig. 3 (1836), pro Mesembryanthemum 
crassifolium; Lousley, Fl. Scilly 217, fig. 10 (1971). 

Description: Succulent shrub. Stems up to 1 m, trailing or hanging, often rooting at the nodes, 
glabrous, yellowish-green, tinted reddish or brownish to pale brown, rather woody especially at the 
base; internodes 1-5—4-0 cm. Leaves in groups of 3-10, 12-42 x 3-9 mm, translucent yellowish- 
green, faintly or heavily tinted pinkish, or reddish, usually blotched red, narrowly linear- 
oblanceolate or linear-lanceolate in outline, triangular in section with obscure angles, rounded to a 
minute point at apex, sessile, when in opposite pairs slightly connate at base, with a row of almost 
flat papillae on the angles and covered with small pellucid dots. Flowers solitary, 30-50 mm in- 
diameter, axillary; peduncles 4-40 mm. Calyx pale yellowish-green, sometimes tinted reddish at 
base of lobes, covered with small pellucid dots; lobes 5, the 2 longest 8-15 X 4-7 mm, linear or 
oblong, subacute at apex, the 3 shortest 6-5—10-5 x 4-0—5-5 mm, shortly oblong, obtuse at apex, 
with a scarious margin (except at apex) up to 5 mm wide. Petals numerous (c. 50-60), 15—24 x 1-2 
mm, free, on inside purple with white bases, on outside white at base and along central line with 
purple margins, narrowly linear-oblanceolate, obtuse at apex. Stamens numerous, longer than the 
styles; filaments 3-10 mm, white, with a tuft of white simple eglandular hairs at base; anthers pale 
yellow. Stigmas 5, greenish, the basal 1-2 mm with a plumose inner surface, the apex with a long 
awn up to 4mm. Nectary glands forming a crenulate ring round the ovary. Capsule c. 10 X 10mm, 5- 
locular, pale yellowish, obovoid, each valve with a diverging keel with oblong wings; loculi roofs 
present, with a pale bifid tubercle; placentation parietal. Seeds 0-8—0-9 x 0-7—0-8 mm, chestnut 
brown, obovoid, surface irregular but smooth, on funicles c. 1 mm. 2n = 36. 

Nomenclature and typification: Mesembryanthemum crassifolium was described by Linnaeus (1753) 
in Species Plantarum. His diagnosis Mesembryanthemum caule repente semi-cylindraceo, foliis 
semicylindricis laevibus connatis apice triquetris is taken direct from the Hortus Cliffortianus 
(Linnaeus 1738) except that the words semicylindraceo and repente are transposed. There are no 
specimens in the herbarium of the Hortus Cliffortianus (BM), nor in the Linnaean Herbarium in 
London (LINN). Two synonyms follow the diagnosis: Mesembr. crassifolium repens, flore purpureo 
Dill. elth. 266. t. 201. f. 257. and Ficoides africana reptans, folio triangulari, viridi, flore saturate 
purpureo. Bradl. Succ. 4. p. 16. t. 38. They are also cited in the Hortus Cliffortianus. Both 
illustrations are referable to the plant usually called Disphyma crassifolium. The illustration in the 
first of these, in the copy coloured by Dillenius, is designated as the lectotype. An uncoloured 
version is reproduced here as Fig. 4. 

Taxonomy and variation: The living plants from the Isles of Scilly, mainland Cornwall, Sussex, 
Anglesey and Jersey that we have studied show little variation. The variation in peduncle length, 
from 4 to 40 mm, is phenotypic. Flowers on the exposed edge of a clone have short peduncles 
whereas those arising amongst the longer leaves in the centre of the same clone have longer 

Following Chinnock’s (1971) revision of the genus in Australasia five species were recognized, 
two native to South Africa and three to Australasia. More recent work suggests that these might all 
be conspecific (Venning 1984b). If this is so, however, some infraspecific taxa surely need to be 
recognized. All naturalized British material belongs to D. crassifolium (L.) L. Bolus sensu stricto. 
The population on Tresco, Isles of Scilly, reported as D. australe by McClintock (1964), is similar to 
the other populations we have examined. A hybrid between Disphyma australe (Aiton) J. M. Black 
and Carpobrotus edulis has been recorded from New Zealand (Chinnock 1972). Hybrids between 
Carpobrotus and Disphyma could occur in Britain where the two genera grow together, but have not 
yet been recorded. 

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Reproductive biology: Flowers in May and June. Viable seed is produced in Britain but we have not 
seen seedlings in the wild. Colonies appear to have become established from planted material and 
from stems discarded from cliff-top gardens onto the cliffs below. In cultivation the species roots 
easily from cuttings. Effective reproduction of established colonies is mainly or entirely by 
vegetative spread. 

Disphyma is less susceptible to frost damage than other naturalized ‘mesembs’. In Jersey it 
survived the 1962-63 winter “with ease” (le Sueur 1984). At Lizard Point, W. Cornwall, patches of 
Carpobrotus edulis were severely damaged by frost in the 1978-79 winter, but adjacent patches of 
Disphyma were unaffected. In the 1981—82 winter Carpobrotus at Cooden, E. Sussex, was damaged 
but Disphyma was not (K. E. Bull in litt. 1982). 

Distribution and habitat: Naturalized on St Mary’s and Tresco, Isles of Scilly, in W. Cornwall from 
Kenneggy east to Coverack on the south coast and at Constantine Bay on the north coast (Margetts 
& David 1981), and on Jersey, Channel Islands. It occurs on walls, sea cliffs, sand dunes and (in 
Jersey) on a bank under pine trees and in salt marsh conditions behind a sea wall. It is also 
naturalized on a sea cliff and coastal rocks north of Bwa Du on the west coast of Holy Island, 
Anglesey, and on a damp, sheltered cliff at Cooden, E. Sussex. It has been found elsewhere as a 
casual introduced with wool shoddy. 

Disphyma was first recorded as a naturalized plant by J. E. Lousley in 1936 at New Grimsby, 
Tresco, when it was even then said to have been present for as long as anyone could remember 
(Lousley 1971) and where it still (1987) survives. It was noted on cliffs at the Lizard peninsula in 1951 
and collected at Prussia Cove, Marazion, in 1954. Disphyma is now, except for Carpobrotus edulis, 
the most thoroughly naturalized of all ‘mesembs’ and in places (e.g. Praa Sands and Lizard Point, 
W. Cornwall) it occurs in abundance. It is not quite as effective a competitor as C. edulis and it tends 
to be naturalized in greatest quantity on steep cliffs or shallow soil, where the cover of other 
vegetation is reduced. Disphyma crassifolium sensu stricto is native to Cape Province, os Africa; 
other (possibly conspecific) taxa are native to Australia and New Zealand. 

7. Drosanthemum floribundum (Haw.) Schwantes in Z. SukkulKde 3: 29 (1927). 

Mesembryanthemum floribundum Haw., Misc. Nat. 100 (1803). Described from plants grown in a 
London garden. NrotyPe: Salm-Dyck, Monogr. Aloes Mesembr. 51: fig. 7 (1840), designated 

Mesembryanthemum candens Haw., Rev. PI. Succ. 186 (1821). NEotyPe: coloured drawing of a 
vegetative plant (K), designated here. 

D. candens (Haw.) Schwantes in Z. SukkulKde 3: 29 (1927). 

Vernacular name: Pale Dew-plant 

Illustrations: Salm-Dyck, Monogr. Aloes Mesembr. 51: fig. 7 (1840), pro Mesembryanthemum 

Description: Low sprawling shrub forming dense prostrate to hanging patches. Stems up to 60 cm, 
trailing, pale brown, with numerous, very short and short, thick, pale, usually deflexed, broad- 
based simple eglandular hairs; branches usually weak, short and patent; internodes 0-5—3-0 cm. 
Leaves 6-30 x 1-0-—3-5 mm, fleshy, decussate, dull pale to medium green, cylindrical or narrowly 
obovoid, deltate-ovate in section, sometimes curved, more or less obtuse at apex, sessile, covered 
with rounded, glass-like tubercles. Flowers 18-27 mm in diameter, solitary at the end of branches or 
axillary; peduncles 2:-5—50-0 mm. Calyx hemispherical to slightly elongated, covered with glass-like 
tubercles; lobes 5 (—6), 3-6 mm, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, obtuse at apex, 3(—4) with broad 
scarious flaps, 2 without flaps. Petals 25-35, 5-12 x 0-5—2-0 mm, free, shining white with a purple 
apex when young, becoming tinted lilac and finally lilac with age, narrowly linear-oblanceolate, 
more or less obtuse at apex, the inner much shorter than outer and sometimes bifid at apex. Stamens 
30-70, from a little shorter to a little longer than styles; filaments 4-5 mm, whitish, with a group of 
sub-basal pale simple eglandular hairs, becoming lilac after anthesis and curving outwards to expose 
the stigmas and nectary glands; anthers pale yellow. Stigmas 5, linear in outline, curved outwards, 



brownish-yellow, sometimes tinged purplish at apex. Nectary glands forming a ring round the ovary 
but in disjunct groups. Capsule 2-5-5 x 4—6 mm, 5-locular, obovoid, each valve with 2 contiguous 
expanding keels on inner face, each keel with a membranous wing; loculi-roofs present; 
placentation parietal. Seeds c. 1 x 0.5 mm, brown, with ribs and tubercles. 2n = 36. 

Nomenclature and typification: The specimens in Haworth’s herbarium have mostly been destroyed. 
There are no coloured drawings of Mesembryanthemum floribundum at Kew based on Haworth’s 
material. The only illustration cited with the original diagnosis, M. pilosum micans flore purpureo 
pallidiore Dill. Elth. t. 214. f. 280, forms the basis for and is here designated as the lectotype of 
another species, Mesembryanthemum torquatum Haw., Rev. Pl. Succ. 187 (1821). Thus there is no 
original type material of M. floribundum. Fortunately the description is a good one and is in accord 
with the plant we have described here. It is also in agreement with Salm-Dyck’s illustration 
(reproduced here as Fig. 5) which we designate as the neotype. 

Mesembryanthemum candens Haw. was described from vegetative material. There is a coloured 
drawing of such a specimen at Kew, which does not in our opinion differ from M. floribundum, and 
which we designate as the neotype. Another drawing at Kew shows a single pink flower which, 
although not certainly the same as the vegetative plant, can be used as a guide, as it was probably 
made from the same clone at a later date. It also does not differ from M. floribundum and we 
conclude that the name should be placed into the synonymy of that species. 

The lectotype illustration of Mesembryanthemum torquatum Haw. (Drosanthemum torquatum 
(Haw.) Schwantes in Z. SukkulKde 3: 30 (1927)) looks rather like a pot-grown D. floribundum, but 
we have seen no plants with such long peduncles. 

Taxonomy and variation: Drosanthemum floribundum shows little variation in Britain. We have 
studied living plants from the Isles of Scilly, the Lizard peninsula (W. Cornwall) and Guernsey and 
all undoubtedly belong to a single taxon. The naturalized plant is referred to D. candens (Haw.) 
Schwantes by Tutin (1962, 1964) but to D. floribundum by recent authors. D. candens is said to 
differ from D. floribundum in its narrower calyx, paler pink or nearly white petals and stigmas not 
exceeding the stamens (Adamson & Bolus 1950; Fernandes 1972). As described above, the flower 
colour and the position of the stigmas relative to the stamens of the British plants varies with age and 
photographs in CGE show white and pink flowers on the same plant. 

Reproductive biology: Flowers from May to July. As its specific epithet implies, patches of 
Drosanthemum usually flower freely. We have noticed flies, bees (including Bombus cf. lucorum 
and B. terrestris) and ants visiting the flowers. Drosanthemum is more attractive to bees than any 
other ‘mesemb’ naturalized in Britain, and in sunny weather they are frequent visitors. Seeds are 
ripened in Britain, but we do not know if they are viable. We have not seen any seedlings in the wild 
and effective reproduction is by vegetative spread. In cultivation cuttings of Drosanthemum root 
less readily than those of Carpobrotus or Disphyma. 

Drosanthemum is more susceptible to frost than Carpobrotus or Disphyma. Some colonies have 
not survived severe winters, e.g. a well-established clone on a wall at Cadgwith Cove, W. Cornwall, 
which was covered by a mass of flowers in July 1978, did not survive the severe 1978—9 winter. 


Distribution and habitat: Naturalized on coastal walls, banks, rock outcrops and cliffs on St Mary’s 
and Tresco, Isles of Scilly, at Rinsey Head and the Lizard peninsula, W. Cornwall, and on 
Guernsey. The largest and most vigorous plants form patches hanging down vertical walls or cliffs. 
Patches on less steep banks are smaller and less vigorous, and Drosanthemum is apparently less able 
than Carpobrotus or Disphyma to spread vegetatively in such habitats. There is a single record from 
Jersey, where it was killed in the 1962-63 winter (le Sueur 1984), and a plant collected as 
Mesembryanthemum candens at Newquay, W. Cornwall, in 1921 (BM) was probably this species. It 
is also recorded as a casual introduced with wool shoddy. 

Specimens of Drosanthemum were collected at St Mary’s in 1875 (BM) and 1885 (OXF). These 
were presumably cultivated plants. The first records of naturalized plants appear to be the 1921 
collection from sand hills near Newquay mentioned above and a plant collected by T. G. Tutin in 
1948 from a cliff at Cadgwith, Lizard peninsula (LTR). None of the pressed specimens can be 



Ficure 5. Drosanthemum floribundum (Haw.) Schwantes, illustrated as Mesembryanthemum floribundum in 
Salm-Dyck’s Monographia Generum Aloes et Mesembryanthemi 51: fig. 7 (1840). The coloured plate is the 
neotype of M. floribundum Haw. 


identified as D. floribundum with certainty but all probably represent the same species as that 
currently naturalized and we have confirmed the identity of the Cadgwith plant in the field. 

Drosanthemum is less thoroughly naturalized than Carpobrotus , Disphyma or Lampranthus. It is 
probably limited by its frost sensitivity and low competitive ability. It does occur, however, in 
natural habitats, although often only in small quantity, and will probably persist as a member of the 
British flora. It is a native of South Africa (Herre & Friedrich 1961). 

8. Erepsia heteropetala (Haw.) Schwantes in Gartenflora 77: 68 (1928). 

Mesembryanthemum heteropetalum Haw., Misc. Nat. 67 (1803). Described from plants cultivated in 
a London garden. NeotypPe: Salm-Dyck, Monogr. Aloes Mesembr. 21: fig. 2 (1840), pro 
Mesembryanthemum heteropetalum, designated here. 

Illustrations: Lousley, Fl. Scilly 217, fig. 10 (2) (1971); Salm-Dyck, Monogr. Aloes Mesembr. 21: fig. 
2 (1840), pro Mesembryanthemum heteropetalum. 

Description: Low, glabrous, fleshy shrub. Stems up to 35 cm, erect or decumbent, glabrous, 
yellowish-green or tinted brownish, often spotted purplish, slightly flattened with decussate ridges 
or wings; internodes up to 4-5 cm. Leaves 16-30 x 6-13 mm, with bluish-green bloom on faces and 
yellowish-green angles and covered with dense pellucid dots, unmarked when young, becoming 
tinted or spotted purplish and eventually turning purple with age, decussate, asymmetrically 
oblanceolate in outline, triangular in section, shortly acute at apex, sessile, irregularly dentate on 
one angle, often minutely denticulate on the others. Flowers solitary or 2—3 together, terminal at the 
end of branches and side shoots, 10-15 mm in diameter; peduncle up to 15(—25) mm. Calyx bluish- 
green, hemispherical, covered in pellucid dots, sometimes spotted or tinted purplish; lobes 5, erect; 
2 longest lobes 11-15 mm, broadly triangular-ovate, abruptly acute to more or less obtuse at apex, 
entire, both usually keeled on the back, the keel continuing to the base of calyx and entire or 
irregularly dentate below, rarely only 1 keeled; 3 shortest lobes 8—15 mm, triangular-ovate, acute at 
apex, entire, not keeled, 2 with a scarious often purplish-tinted margin on both sides and one with a 
similar margin on one side. Petals numerous, in several irregular series, 4-11 X 0-5—0-8 mm, free, 
pale purple, linear-oblanceolate, obtuse and sometimes bifid at apex, outer petals more or less 
spreading, inner erect or inflexed. Staminodes numerous, 2-:0—4-5 x 0-1—0-2 mm, whitish, linear, 
more or less obtuse at apex, inner inflexed and covering the stamens. Stamens numerous, inflexed; 
filaments 0-5—2-0 mm, white; anthers pale yellow. Stigmas 5—6, very small, pale greenish, roundish 
to almost globular in outline. Nectary glands minute and scarcely visible. Capsule 10-15 x 10-15 
mm, 5-locular, each valve with two expanding keels which diverge towards the apex and end in 
broad awn-tipped membranes; loculi roofed with stiff wings, but without tubercles at the openings; 
placentation parietal. Seeds 1-3—1-5 x 0-8—1 mm, chestnut-brown, ovoid, flattened, tuberculate, on 
a funicle up to c. 1 mm. 2n = 18. 

Nomenclature and typification: Haworth’s original description of Mesembryanthemum heteropeta- 
lum is a good one and fits our plant except that the petals are said to be white. There is a coloured 
drawing of a plant worked on by Haworth at Kew but as it is only a vegetative shoot we have not 
selected it as a neotype, preferring instead Salm-Dyck’s illustration of a flowering plant. This is 
reproduced here as Fig. 6. 

Taxonomy and variation: There is very little variation within the only population naturalized in 

Reproductive biology: Flowers in May and June. The morphology of the flower suggests that it is 
self-pollinating. We have not seen flying insects visit the flowers (although they are visited by ants) 
and Erepsia is certainly much less frequently visited by insects than Carpobrotus or Drosanthemum. 
Reproduction in the wild is by seed: viable seed is produced and seedlings have been observed. We 
have no evidence of any vegetative reproduction. 


FiGuRE 6. Erepsia heteropetala (Haw.) Schwantes, illustrated as Mesembryanthemum heteropetalum in Salm- 
Dyck’s Monographia Generum Aloes et Mesembryanthemi 21: fig. 2 (1840). The coloured plate is the neotype of 
M. heteropetalum Haw. 



Distribution and habitat: Only naturalized in one locality, Buzza Hill, St Mary’s, Isles of Scilly, 
where it grows in shallow soil on the edge and face of a disused quarry and on a nearby cliff slope. It 
was first collected by J. E. Lousley in 1957, and was still present in 1987. In 1983 the population 
consisted of approximately 30 plants. Erepsia heteropetala, unlike the more showy ‘mesembs’, is not 
widely grown in coastal gardens in south-western England. It is a native of South Africa. 

9. Carpobrotus edulis (L.) N.E.Br. in E. P. Phillips, Gen. S. Afr. Fl. Pl. 249 (1926). 

Mesembryanthemum acinaciforme var. flavum L., Sp. Pl. 485 (1753). Lecrotype: Dillenius, Hort. 
Eltham. 284, t. 212, fig. 272 (1732), pro Mesembryanthemum falcatum majus, flore amplo luteo, 
chosen by Blake in Contr. Queensland Herb. 7: 17 (1969); the copy in the Department of Plant 
Sciences, Oxford University, is coloured by Dillenius. 

_ M. edule L., Syst. Nat., 10th ed., 1060 (1759), nom. nov. pro M. acinaciforme var. flavum L. 

Vernacular names: Hottentot Fig, Kaffir Fig, Sally-my-handsome. 
Illustrations: Ross-Craig, Draw. Br. Pl. 11: 39 (1958). 

Description: Prostrate or hanging, succulent perennial forming large mats. Stems up to at least 3 m, 
trailing or hanging, sometimes rooting at the nodes, fleshy, angled, glabrous, slightly bluish-green 
turning pink, pinkish-purple or orange with age; branches axillary; internodes 1-5—7-0 cm. Leaves 
(20—)40-140 x 5-15 mm, decussate, each pair slightly connate at base, slightly bluish-green and 
waxy, turning pinkish-purple and finally orange with age, covered with pellucid dots, linear or 
narrowly oblong in outline, triangular in section, straight to more or less curved, obtuse to acute at 
apex, sessile. Flowers terminal or at the end of side shoots, solitary, 40-90 mm in diameter; 
peduncles 6—60 mm. Calyx yellowish-green, sometimes tinged purplish, covered with pellucid dots; 
lobes 4—6, the 2 longest 15-65 x 8—17 mm, lanceolate to linear-lanceolate in outline, more or less 
acute at apex, flat on inner surface, keeled on outer surface, the keel continuing down the undivided 
calyx, the 2—4 short lobes 10—50 x 6—15 mm, ovate to lanceolate in outline with a curved, acute apex 
and a brownish scarious flap on one or both sides up to 10 mm wide, that on the shortest of the 
shorter lobes sometimes almost circular, exceeding the apex and adnate to its inner surface, one of 
the longest lobes sometimes with a flap and one of the shorter lobes sometimes without a flap. Petals 
65-150, 25-45 x 1-5-3-5 mm, free, yellow or pale or deep purple, pale reddish-purple or orange- 
pink, sometimes with a yellow base, narrowly linear or narrowly linear-oblanceolate, entire or 
slightly toothed at apex. Stamens numerous; filaments 5-10 mm, yellow or brownish-orange, 
sometimes with a whitish base, inner with a tuft of whitish or purplish hairs at base; anthers yellow. 
Staminodes resembling petals sometimes present between stamens and petals. Stigmas 10-14, 
greenish-yellow, curved upwards and outwards, plumose on the inner surface. Nectary glands 
united to form a crenulate ring round the ovary. Fruit adnate to the calyx, 1-4—3-0 x 1-4—2-7 cm, 
obovoid; seeds 1-1-5 x 0-8-1 mm, dark brown when ripe, obovate in outline, flat, minutely and 
faintly reticulate, on a funicle 2-3 mm. 

a. var. edulis 

Illustrations: Curtis’s bot. Mag. 144: t. 8783 (1918), pro parte; Sj6gren, Acores Flores t. 73 (1984). 

Description: Leaves (20—)40-140 x 5-14 mm. Flowers 40—90 mm in diameter; petals pure yellow 
when freshly opened, becoming pink-tinged with age. Fruits 2-5—3-0 x 2-5—2-7 cm. 2n = 18. 

b. var. rubescens Druce in Rep. botl Soc. Exch. Club Br. Isl. 7: 771 (1926). Not typified (see below). 
Mesembryanthemum virescens auct., non Haw. 

M. aequilaterum auct., non Haw. 

C. deliciosus auct., non L. Bolus. 

Illustrations: Curtis’s bot. Mag. 144: t. 8783 (1918), pro parte; Bichard & McClintock, Wild FI. 

_ Channel Is. no. 67 (1975). 


Description: Leaves (20—)40-100 x 5-10 mm. Flowers 45-75 mm in diameter; petals purple with 
little or no sign of yellow at their bases. Fruits 2-5—3-0 x 2-5-2-7 cm. 2n = 18. 

c. var. chrysophthalmus C. D. Preston & P. D. Sell, var. nov. HoLorype: Plant collected as living 
material at the sea front, Porthloo, St Mary’s, Isles of Scilly, 12 January 1978, C. D. Preston, 
cultivated at the Botanic Garden, Cambridge, and pressed on 8 June 1979 as P. D. Sell 79/22 

C. acinaciformis sensu Lousley, Fl. Scilly 145 (1971). 

Illustration: Lousley, Fl. Scilly dustcover (1971) ut C. edulis. 

Description: Folia (20—)35—125 mm longa, 5—15 mm lata. Flores 45-70 mm in diametro; petala 
purpurea basi area aurei; fructus 1-4—2-5 x 1-4—-1-8 cm. 

Leaves (20—)35-125 x 5-15 mm. Flowers 45-70 mm in diameter; petals purple with a distinct area 
of yellow at their bases, which forms a ring as you look into the flower from above. Fruit 1-4—2-5 x 
1-4—1-8 cm. 

Nomenclature and typification: Linnaeus (1753) described Mesembryanthemum acinaciforme vat. 
flavum based on Mesembr. falcatum majus, flore amplo luteo. Dill. elth. 284. t. 212. f. 272. and 
Ficoides s. Ficus aizoides africana major procumbens, triangulari folio, fructu maximo eduli. Herm. 
lugd. 244. t. 245. Both illustrations are referable to what is now known as Carpobrotus edulis. We 
are in agreement with Blake (1969) who selected the Dillenius plate as the lectotype, but in 
particular we cite the coloured copy at Oxford. An uncoloured version is reproduced here as Fig. 7. 
Linnaeus (1759) gave M. acinaciforme var. flavum a new name, M. edule. The type of M. edule is 
thus the type of M. acinaciforme var. flavum. 

The purple-flowered variant, var. rubescens, was described by Druce in 1926. No specimens are 
cited in the protologue, and none of the specimens in Druce’s herbarium (OXF) is labelled var. 
rubescens or described as C. edulis with red- or purple-flowers. G. H. Douglas sent plants to Druce 
in 1924, stating ‘‘the flowers are of two colours’’. In the poorly dried specimens one can no longer see 
any colour, but it may be that chemical analysis could distinguish them. At the moment we are 
unable to lectotypify var. rubescens. M. aequilaterum Haw., M. virescens Haw. and Carpobrotus 
deliciosus (L. Bolus) L. Bolus have all been wrongly applied to this taxon. C. aequilaterus (Haw.) 
N.E. Br. is asmaller-flowered Australian species more akin to C. glaucescens, but without the white 
bases to the petals (cf. Blake 1969). For C. virescens (Haw.) Schwantes see under C. glaucescens. 
Lousley (1971) thought that specimens sent in 1895 from Tresco-Abbey for a drawing in Curtis’s 
botanical Magazine (t. 8783) were referable to C. deliciosus (L. Bolus) L. Bolus. The pink-flowered 
specimen on this plate, however, seems to us to be indistinguishable from C. edulis var. rubescens, 
and furthermore the text states that the plants illustrated were collected at Caerthillian Valley, 
which is on the Lizard peninsula, mainland Cornwall (cf. Hutchinson 1917). 

The third variety, var. chrysophthalmus, has the bases of the purple petals yellow, so that when 
looking into the open flowers one can see a golden ring round the base. This seems to be the plant 
Lousley (1971) called C. acinaciformis, although he did not mention the flower character. 
Mesembryanthemum acinaciforme was described by Linnaeus (1753). The diagnosis Mesembryan- 
themum foliis acinaciformibus connatis: angulo carinali scabris, ramis angulatis is taken verbatim 
from the Hortus Cliffortianus (Linnaeus 1738). There are no specimens in the herbarium of the 
Hortus Cliffortianus (BM), or in the Linnaean Herbarium in London (LINN). The diagnosis is 
followed by var. purpureum based on Mesembr. acinaciforme, flore amplissimo purpureo Dill. elth. 
282. t. 211. f. 270 & t. 212. f. 271. This is also given in the Hortus Cliffortianus, but without a varietal 
name. It is clearly what Linnaeus considered to be the type variety. The plate t. 211 fig. 270 in the 
Oxford coloured copy is therefore designated as the lectotype of M. acinaciforme and shows a large- 
flowered, large-leaved plant which is not matched by any material from the British Isles which we 
have seen. Jt was apparently cultivated in the Isles of Scilly as the illustration in Curtis's bot. Mag. t. 
5539 (1865) seems to be correctly named. We cannot find any described taxon which matches our 
plant with yellow centres to the flowers and have therefore described it as new, although we have no 
suggestions as to its geographical origin or derivation. The holotype is taken from the clone we have 


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Figure 7. Carpobrotus edulis (L.) N.E.Br. var. edulis, illustrated as Mesembryanthemum falcatum majus, flore 
amplo luteo in Hortus Elthamensis 284, t. 212, fig. 272 (Dillenius_1732). The illustration is the lectotype of 
Mesembryanthemum edule L. 

most studied, and there are colour photographs in CGE of the plant we pressed (Sell colour film 297/ 
ay Sl & 32). 

Taxonomy and variation: Variation within var. edulis is described by le Sueur (1984) from Jersey, 
where neighbouring clones differ in leaf and flower colour. Var. rubescens differs only in its smaller 
purple flowers (though vegetatively it never seems to reach the maximum. size of the yellow- 
flowered plant). Both these varieties are widely naturalized and often grow together. Intermediate 
plants with pale purple, pale reddish-purple or pale orange-pink flowers occur, and look as though 
they have been derived from hybridization between yellow- and purple-flowered plants. As their 
origin is obscure we have treated the yellow- and purple-flowered plants as varieties of the same 
species under the only names that seem to be available for them. 


Var. chrysophthalmus has slightly smaller flowers, like var. rubescens but with the base of the 
petals yellow. It also has smaller fruits. The only published illustration we are aware of is on the 
dustcover of Lousley (1971), which most libraries will have thrown away. We can find no name for 
it. We originally thought it was a distinct species, as species go in ‘mesembs’, but have finally decided 
to name it as a variety of C. edulis as it is just possible that it arose from hybridization between the 
yellow and purple variants. 

Reproductive biology: The main flowering period is from May to July. The flowers are visited by 
Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera, and snails can sometimes be seen sitting in 
the open flowers. Viable seed is produced and seedlings have been seen, usually growing in areas of 
bare soil around the fringe of naturalized clones. 

Carpobrotus edulis spreads mainly by vegetative means. In the Isles of Scilly and the Channel 
Islands it has been planted for dune stabilization or for ornament, and elsewhere colonies often 
originate from stems thrown out of gardens. New colonies become established from fragments 
collected by gulls as nesting material, and in this way Carpobrotus has spread even to small 
uninhabited islands. Fragments of C. edulis root readily in cultivation: one potted up in an unheated 
greenhouse produced roots up to 22 cm long in 18 days. 

Large areas of C. edulis overwhelm native vegetation, forming mats in which virtually no other 
species grow. These mats acidify the underlying soil down to a depth of at least 8-12 cm (Frost 
1987). The spread of Carpobrotus is accelerated by cliff fires, which scarcely affect the succulent 
‘mesemb’ but destroy the surrounding vegetation. In severe winters C. edulis is badly damaged by 
frost. However, stems may survive and produce new shoots even in areas in which all the existing 
foliage has been killed. A thick layer of litter accumulates under mats of Carpobrotus and this must 
help insulate stems from low temperatures, and certainly inhibits the colonization by other 
flowering plants of areas in which Carpobrotus has been frost-killed. Cattle sometimes eat the leaves 
of Carpobrotus, but only a few colonies grow in localities where such grazing is likely to occur. Frost 
(1987) reports that it is eaten “with relish” by pet rabbits. 

Distribution and habitat: C. edulis is primarily a species of sea cliffs and sand dunes, but it also grows 
on coastal banks, rocks and walls. Its distribution is mapped in Fig. 8. Var. edulis and/or var. 
rubescens is recorded from the following vice-counties: Channel Islands, 1—4, 9-11, 14, 15, 19, 41, 
45, 49, 52, 60, 71, H1, HS, H20, H21, H38. The population in v.c. 74 mapped in the Atlas of the 
British flora (Perring & Walters 1962) is C. glaucescens and confirmation of the identity of the plant 
recorded on shingle in v.c. 19 by Jermyn (1974) is desirable in view of the presence of C. glaucescens 
on the adjacent Suffolk coast. Var. chrysophthalmus is naturalized on Bryher and St Mary’s in the 
Isles of Scilly and at St Brelade and St Ouen’s Bay in Jersey. Lousley (1971) records “C. 
acinaciformis” — the name he apparently applied to var. chrysophthalmus — from St Martin’s and 
Tresco. C. D. P. and P. Clough (formerly of Tresco Abbey Gardens) have searched for it on Tresco 
without success. 

Carpobrotus edulis was introduced into British gardens about 1690. The history of its naturaliza- 
tion is difficult to reconstruct. For many years botanists did not record naturalized populations of 
this and other ‘mesembs’, and collectors of herbarium specimens sometimes fail to state whether or 
not they were collected from naturalized populations. C. edulis was recorded as ‘‘semi-wild” in 
Guernsey in 1886 and reported again in 1893 (McClintock 1975). A yellow-flowered ‘mesemb’, 
presumably C. edulis var. edulis, grew freely in great abundance at St Aubin’s Bay, Jersey by 1886 
(le Sueur 1984). In the Isles of Scilly it was planted in the mid-nineteenth century and by 1921 it was 
common on most of the islands (Lousley 1971). On mainland Cornwall ‘mesembs’ were in 
cultivation at Falmouth by 1871 (Baker 1871) and at The Lizard by c. 1880 (Frost 1987). Although it 
was not listed amongst the alien plants seen near Penzance between 1885 and 1887 by Glasson 
(1889), C. edulis was ‘“‘abundant”’ in the Lizard peninsula in 1905 and “‘quite naturalised” in 1909. It 
was “‘rapidly establishing itself” at East Pentire, Newquay, in 1907 and by 1909 it had been recorded 
in several Cornish localities (Vigurs 1908; Davey 1909). Eight years later Hutchinson (1917) could 
describe it as ‘‘now so thoroughly naturalised and so characteristic a feature of the sea-slopes of 
Cornwall”. In Devon it was collected at Torquay (v.c. 3) in 1885 and Saunton Sands (v.c. 4) in 1919. 
It is a native of South Africa. 


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Ficure 8. The distribution of Carpobrotus edulis in the British Isles. The records are plotted in the 10-km squares 
of the British and Irish national grids; the Channel Islands are shown as an inset with the records plotted on the 
UTM grid. 

10. Carpobrotus glaucescens (Haw.) Schwantes in Gartenflora 77: 69 (Feb. 1928); N.E. Br. in J. 
| Bot., Lond. 66: 324 (Nov. 1928). 
| Mesembryanthemum glaucescens Haw., Syn. Pl. Succ. 236 (1812). Described from plants from 
Nova Hollandia grown in a London garden. NeEoryPe: cultivated plant originating from Botany 
Bay, S. T. Blake 19677 (BRI), vide Blake in Contr. Queensland Herb. 7: 23 (1969). 
Mesembryanthemum virescens Haw., Syn. Pl. Succ. 236 (1812). Described from plants from Nova 
Hollandia grown in a London garden. NeotyPe: King George Sound, West Australia, Sept. 1959, 
S. T. Blake 20910 (BRI), vide Blake in Contr. Queensland Herb. 7: 25 (1969). 


Mesembryanthemum abbreviatum Haw. in Phil. Mag. 68: 329 (1826). Described from a plant from 
Australasia grown at Kew. NgotypPe: Salm-Dyck, Mongr. Aloes Mesembr. 5: fig. 7 (1849), vide 
Blake in Contr. Queensland Herb. 7: 25 (1969). 

Mesembryanthemum edule var. virescens (Haw.) Moss, Cambr. Brit. Fl. 2: 151 (1914), quoad 
basionym, exclud. descript. 

C. virescens (Haw.) Schwantes in Gartenflora 77: 69 (1928). 

C. abbreviatus (Haw.) Schwantes in Gartenflora 77: 68 (1928). 

Vernacular name: Angular Pigface is the name used for this species in Australia. 
Illustrations: Bichard & McClintock, Wild Fl. Channel Is. no. 68 (1975). 

Description: As C. edulis except: Internodes 0-5—3-0 cm. Leaves 20-70 x 5—8 mm, bluish-green and 
waxy, more or less acute at apex. Flowers 35—45(—60) mm in diameter; sessile or with a peduncle up 
to 10 mm. Calyx bluish-green and waxy; lobes 5, the 2 longest 15—20 x 10-12 mm, the 3 shortest 5— 
13 x 3-15 mm, ovate in outline with a brownish scarious flap on one or both sides up to 8 mm wide. 
Petals 55—80, 17-25 x 1-0—1-2 mm, purple with obvious white bases, narrowly linear, with a few 
teeth at the apex. Stamens numerous; filaments 4-6 mm, white, sometimes yellowish towards apex, 

inner sometimes with tufts of white simple eglandular hairs at base. Stigmas 10-12. Fruit 1- a5 1-7 X 
1-2—1-5 cm; seeds 1-0-—1-2 X 0-8-1-0 mm. 2n = 18. 

Nomenclature and typification: This has been satisfactorily dealt with by Blake (1969). There are in 
fact coloured drawings of both C. glaucescens and C. virescens at Kew not seen by Blake. We can 
detect no obvious difference between the drawings. C. chilensis (Molina) N.E.Br., the name used 
for the Suffolk populations of this plant by Simpson (1982), is a synonym of C. aequilaterus, a 
species which lacks white bases to the petals (Blake 1969). 

Taxonomy and variation: Plants naturalized in the British Isles show little variation. Blake (1969) 
separated C. glaucescens from C. virescens mainly on stamen number and ascribed to them different 
geographical ranges, C. glaucescens being confined to coastal areas of eastern Australia and C. 
virescens to the south-west. Venning (1984a) retained the two species, but said that dried material 
was difficult to name and that not enough fresh material was available to review their status. In the 
few naturalized British plants in which we have counted the stamens the number is around 300 which 
is intermediate between the two. We therefore believe that they are not distinct species, but that 
there may be slight differences which could allow the upkeep of geographical races. 

Reproductive biology: The main flowering period is from May to July. Flowers have, however, been 
seen as early as February and C. glaucescens shows a greater tendency than C. edulis to flower 
outside the main flowering period. Effective reproduction is by vegetative growth and spread. In 
cultivation vegetative fragments root readily. C. glaucescens is a smaller plant than C. edulis, and 
does not possess as great a competitive vigour as that species. 

Distribution and habitat: Naturalized in the Channel Islands (Alderney, Guernsey, Herm and 
Jersey), Suffolk and Wigtownshire. On Herm it is the only naturalized Carpobrotus but in Guernsey 
and Jersey it is much less frequent than C. edulis. In Suffolk it is recorded from two localities near 
Felixstowe: it is the C. chilensis of Simpson (1982). In Wigtownshire it grows around the Logan Fish 
Pond at Port Logan. Most naturalized colonies are on sea cliffs, but it also grows on walls and 
roadside verges. In Australia C. glaucescens is recommended for planting as a stabilizer of sand 
dunes (Beach Protection Authority of Queensland 1981) but it has not been recorded from this 
habitat in Britain. It is cultivated in the Isles of Scilly but has not become naturalized there. 

C. glaucescens has been known for about 25 years in Jersey (le Sueur 1984). It was first noticed in 
Herm in 1947, in Guernsey in 1970 and in Suffolk in 1974. Although first officially recorded in 
Wigtownshire in 1955 (as C. edulis), it is said by local people to have grown there for many years 
before that. It is a native of the eastern coast of Australia (Venning 1984a). 



Mrs F. le Sueur (Jersey), D. McClintock and Mrs P. Ryan (Guernsey), P. Clough and Mrs R. 
Parslow (Scilly), L. J. Margetts (Cornwall), K. E. Bull (Sussex), R. H. Roberts (Anglesey), E. F. 
Greenwood (Lancashire), Dr H. A. Lang (Wigtownshire) and P. Hackney (Co. Down) have kindly 
helped us by providing information on the distribution of ‘mesembs’ or by sending living material. 
We have benefitted from discussion with J. R. Akeroyd, currently revising the account of Aizoaceae 
in Flora Europaea. C. Jarvis checked his records to see if the Linnaean taxa had been lectotypified, 
Miss S. K. Marner answered queries about books and specimens at Oxford, Mrs D. M. Greene 
plotted the distribution map and Miss J. M. Abblitt turned our initial palimpsest into a typescript. 
A. O. Chater, L. C. Frost, D. McClintock and G. D. Rowley kindly commented on a draft of the 
paper, and R. A. Finch checked the Appendix. 


Apamson, R. S. & Botus, L. (1950). Aizoaceae, in ADAMSON, R. S. & SALTER, T. M. Flora of the Cape 
Peninsula, pp. 363-390. Cape Town and Johannesburg. 

Baker, J. G. (1871). On the botany of the Lizard peninsula. J. Bot., Lond. 9: 353-358. 

BEACH PROTECTION AUTHORITY OF QUEENSLAND (1981). Coastal dune management. Brisbane. 

BETJEMAN, J. (1945). New bats in old belfries. London. 

BICHARD, J. D. & McC.intock, D. (1975). Wild flowers of the Channel Islands. London. 

BLAKE, S. T. (1969). A revision of Carpobrotus and Sarcozona in Australia, genera allied to Mesembryanthe- 
mum (Aizoaceae). Contr. Queensland Herb. 7: 1-65. 

Brown, N. E. (1920). New and old species of Mesembryanthemum, with critical notes. J. Linn. Soc. (Bot.) 45: 
53-140. x 

CHINNOCK, R. J. (1971). Studies in Disphyma — a genus related to Mesembryanthemum. 1. A revision of 
Disphyma australe (Ait.) J. M. Black. N. Z. J. Bot. 9: 331-344. 

CHINNOCK, R. J. (1972). Natural hybrids between Disphyma and Carpobrotus (Aizoaceae) in New Zealand. 
N. Z. J. Bot. 10: 615-625. 

Davey, F. H. (1909). Flora of Cornwall, p. 204. Penryn. 

Davis, T. A. W. (1978). Lampranthus falciformis. B.S.B.I. News 19: 17. 

DILLeNtus, J. J. (1732). Hortus Elthamensis. London. 

Epwarps, P. I. (1968). Sloane manuscript 5286; an important source for Decade 9, ‘Herbarium Capense’ of 
Petiver’s Gazophylacium Naturae and Artis. J. S. Afr. Bot. 34: 243-253. 

FERNANDES, R. B. (1972). Mesembryanthemaceae. Anu. Soc. broteriana 38: 127-136. 

Frost, L. C., ed. (1987). The alien Hottentot-fig (Carpobrotus edulis) in Britain — a threat to the native flora and 
its conservation control. University of Bristol Lizard Project Report no. 22. 

Futter, T. C. & Barse, G. D. (1981). A microwave-oven method for drying succulent plant specimens. Taxon 
30: 867. 

Giasson, W. A. (1889). On the occurrence of foreign plants in West Cornwall. Rep. Trans. Penzance nat. Hist. 
Antiq. Soc. 1888-1889: 62-69. 

GLEN, H. F. (1980). Proposal to conserve the generic name 2405 Lampranthus N.E. Br. (1930) against Oscularia 
Schwantes (1927) (Mesembryanthemaceae). Taxon 29: 693-694. 

GLEN, H. F. (1986). A new combination in Lampranthus. Bothalia 16: 5S. 

Gunn, M. & Copp, L. E. (1981). Botanical exploration of southern Africa. Cape Town. 

Haworth, A. H. (1812). Synopsis plantarum succulentarum. London. 

Herre, H. (1971). The genera of the Mesembryanthemaceae. Cape Town. 

Herre, H. & Friepricu, H. C. (1959). Die geographische Verbreitung der Ficoidaceae - Mesembryanthemoi- 
deae in Siidafrika. 1. Teil: Aptenieae. Mitt. bot. StSamml., Miinch. 3: 44-70. . 

Herre, H. & Friepricu, H. C. (1961). Die geographische Verbreitung der Ficoidaceae - Mesembryanthemoi- 
deae in Siidafrika. 2. Teil: Ruschieae-Delosperminae. Mitt. bot. StSamml., Miinch. 4: 37-58. 

Hicains, V. (1956). Mesembryanthemum, in CHITTENDEN, F. J., ed. The Royal Horticultural Society dictionary 
of gardening 3: 1290-1294. Oxford. 

Hopkins, J. J. (1979). The alien Carpobrotus edulis — a threat to the Lizard flora. The Lizard 6(3): 14-15. 

Hutcuinson, J. (1917). The Lizard on a morning in June. Gdnrs’ Chron., ser. 3, 62: 31. 

JERMYN, S. T. (1974). Flora of Essex, p. 72. Colchester. ~_ 

KENT, D. H. (1982). The native and introduced succulents of the British Isles. The Xerophyte 5: 65-72. 

Le Sueur, F. (1984). Flora of Jersey, pp. 28-29. Jersey. 

LINNAEUS, C. (1738). Hortus Cliffortianus. Amsterdam. 


LINNAEUS, C. (1753). Species Plantarum. Stockholm. 

LINNAEUS, C. (1759). Systema Naturae, 10th ed. Stockholm. 

LousLey, J. E. (1971). The flora of the Isles of Scilly, pp. 32-34, 142-148. Newton Abbot. 

LousLey, J. E. (1973). ‘Mesembryanthemums’ established in the Isles of Scilly, in GREEN, P. S. ed. Plants: wild 
and cultivated, pp. 83-85. Hampton. 

Marcetrs, L.J. & Davin, R. W. (1981). A review of the Cornish flora 1980, p. 55. Redruth. 

McC.uintock, D. (1964). Exotics 1963. Wild Flower Mag. 340: 24-29. 

McCuntock, D. (1975). The wild flowers of Guernsey, pp. 84-85. London. 

PERRING, F. H. & WALTERS, S. M., eds (1962). Atlas of the British flora, p. 80. London. 

Preston, C. D. (1988). Hottentot Fig, Carpobrotus edulis (L.) N.E.Br., in Guernsey. Rep. Trans. Soc. guernés. 
22: 296-302. 

Row ey, G. D. (1978). Aizoaceae, in HEYwoop, V. H., ed. Flowering plants of the world, pp. 65-67. Oxford. 

Rowse, A. L. (1941). Tudor Cornwall, p. 17. London. 

SaLM-Dyck, J. M. F. A. H. (1836-1863). Monographia Generum Aloes et Mesembryanthemi. Bonn. 

SCHWANTES, G. (1927). Zur Systematik der Mesembrianthemen. Z. SukkulKde 3: 14-30, 105-106. 

SCHWANTES G. (1957). Flowering stones and mid-day flowers. London. 

ScHWANTES, G. (1971). The classification of the Sst UE in HeRRE, H. The genera of the 
Mesembryanthemaceae, pp. 3—6. Cape Town. 

Simpson, F. W. (1982). Simpson’s Flora of Suffolk, pp. 116-117. Ipswich. 

STEARN, W. T. (1938). An annotated index to Salm-Dyck’s ““Monographia Generum Aloes et Mesembryan- 
themi’’. Cactus J. 7: 34-44, 66-85. 

STEARN, W. T. (1965). Adrian Henry Haworth 1768-1833 botanist, entomologist and gardener: his life and 
publications, in HAwortTH, A. H. Complete works on succulent plants 1: 5-80. London. 

Tutin, T. G. (1962). Aizoaceae, in CLAPHAM, A. R., Tutin, T. G. & Warsurc, E. F. Flora of the British Isles, 
2nd ed., p. 270. Cambridge. 

Tutin, T. G. (1964). Mesembryanthemum L., in TuTin, T. G. et al., eds. Flora Europaea 1: 113. Cambridge. 

VENNING, J. (1984a). Carpobrotus, in GeorGE, A. S., ed. Flora of Australia 4: 25-27. Canberra. 

VENNING, J. (1984b). Disphyma, in GeorcE, A. S., ed. Flora of Australia 4: 36. Canberra. 

Vicurs, C. C. (1908). Trifolium striatum, Linn., ? var. erectum, Leight. Rep. botl Soc. Exch. Club Br. Isl. 2: 

(Accepted May 1988) 



Chromosome counts were made of specimens collected by C. D. Preston and Mrs F. le Sueur on 
which the above account was based. They were grown in pots in the University Botanic Garden, 
Cambridge, from which root tips were easily procured. Voucher specimens of flowers and 
sometimes fruits were pressed and placed in CGE. 

The root tips were placed in 0-05% colchicine in corked tubes for 2 h at room temperature, 
followed by fixation in Carnoy’s solution for 2h. They were then put in Im HCl and hydrolysed, 
uncovered, for 6 min in an oven at 60°C, and stained in Feulgen’s solution for 1-2 h. The root tips 
were then mounted on a slide with propionic orcein, squashed, and the chromosomes counted. The 
slides were made permanent by using liquid nitrogen to facilitate removal of the coverslip, passing 
the slide into 90% alcohol followed by absolute alcohol and xylene for 1 min each, and finally 
mounting in dammar xylene or Euparal. Occasionally root tips were stored in 70% alcohol 
overnight after fixation in Carnoy’s solution, but this was less satisfactory than if the complete 
process was carried out on the day of collection. 

Aptenia cordifolia (L.fil.) Schwantes: St Brelade’s Bay, Jersey, GR WV/589.486, Mrs F. le Sueur; 
2n = 18. Grouville, Jersey, GR WV/706.499, Mrs F. le Sueur; 2n = 18. 

Carpobrotus edulis (L.) N.E.Br. var. edulis: near Kempt Tower, St Ouen’s Bay, Jersey, GR WV/ 
56.52,’Mrs F. le Sueur; 2n = 18. 


Carpobrotus edulis (L.) N.E.Br. var. rubescens Druce: N. end of Rocquaine Bay, Guernsey, GR 
WV/25.78, C. D. Preston; 2n = 18. 

Carpobrotus glaucescens (Haw.) Schwantes: south coast of Alderney, between Vallée des 
Gaudulons and Val l’Emauve, GR WA/564.060, C. D. Preston; 2n = 18. 

Disphyma crassifolium (L.) L. Bolus: ‘White Hut’, St Ouen’s Bay, Jersey, GR WV/565.516, C. D. 
Preston; 2n = 36. 

Drosanthemum floribundum (Haw.) Schwantes: Newman House, St Mary’s, Isles of Scilly, GR 00/ 
898.108, C. D. Preston; 2n = 36. 

Erepsia heteropetala (Haw.) Schwantes: Buzza Hill, St Mary’s, Isles of Scilly, GR 00/905.103, C. D. 
Preston; 2n = 18. 

Lampranthus roseus (Willd.) Schwantes: Le Gouffre, Guernsey, GR WV/294.743, C. D. Preston; 

2n = 36. 
Oscularia deltoides (L.) Schwantes: ‘Juliet’s Garden’, Porthloo, St Mary’s, Isles of Scilly, GR 00/ 
909.115, C. D. Preston; 2n = 18. 

Ruschia caroli (L. Bolus) Schwantes: Old Town Bay, St Mary’s, Isles of Scilly, GR 00/90.10, C. D. 
Preston; 2n = 18. 



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Taxonomy, morphology and distribution of Atriplex hybrids in 
the British Isles 



Institute for Resource & Environmental Studies, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 
Canada, B3H 3E2 


A study based on field, culture and experimental work delineates six hybrids in the genus Atriplex indigenous to 
the British Isles. Detailed morphological descriptions are given and distribution maps and illustrations are 
provided for A. glabriuscula Edmondston x A. longipes Drejer; A glabriuscula x A. praecox Hilphers; A. 
glabriuscula X A. prostrata Boucher ex DC.; the variable A. longipes x A. prostrata (= A. X gustafssoniana 
Taschereau, hybr. nov., which includes var. gustafssoniana and var. kattegatensis (Turesson) Taschereau, comb. 
et stat. nov.); A. littoralis L. x A. prostrata (= A. X hulmeana Taschereau, hybr. nov.); and A. littoralis x A. 
patula L. Hybrid derivatives involving A. /ongipes, widespread on the coasts of the British Isles, are responsible 
for many of the identification problems in the A. prostrata group. 



Jones (1975a) summarized the literature reports of Atriplex hybrids in the British Isles and recorded 
the presence of seven natural hybrids. As Jones herself noted, however, some of the hybrids 
reported on the basis of intermediate specimens were doubtful, and as I have explained elsewhere 
(Taschereau 1986), some of these reports are almost certainly wrong. 

Hybrids in Atriplex are particularly difficult to recognize without a foundation of experimental 
work and field studies. One reason for this is the extensive variation, both genetic and phenotypic, 
exhibited by so many of the species. Genetically distinct morphs, differing in such characters as leaf 
shape, habit or colour, are known in several species (Taschereau 1985a). Morphological and habit 
changes occur also in response to environmental factors. This phenotypic plasticity of Atriplex has 
long been recognized as complicating the identification of many species. As long ago as 1860, for 
example, C. C. Babington wrote that, “‘Atriplexes on fat land are amongst the most undeterminable 
of plants’ (A. M. Babington 1897). 

Another complicating factor in Atriplex hybrid and species recognition has been the widespread 
occurrence of hybrid derivatives. Like their facultatively autogamous parents, hybrid derivatives 
perpetuate themselves by selfing. Unlike many first or second generation hybrids, they are highly 
fertile, often range well beyond the parent populations, and may occupy an ecological niche 
different from that of either of the parents. Unaware of their hybrid nature, taxonomists have dealt 
with these species-like entities in various ways. Atriplex longipes X prostrata, for example, has given 
rise to anumber of more or less distinctive morphs, some of which are very widespread. Babington’s . 
(1841) A. rosea (non L.) is, in part, a derivative of this hybrid (see, for instance, the sheet in E 
labelled “A. rosea, Little Hampton Sussex, 1837 com. L. W. Borrer’’, in Babington’s handwriting 
and printed “‘from Charles C. Babington’’); Westerlund’s (1861) type collection of A. patula var. 
bracteata is also a derivative of this hybrid, as is Turesson’s (1925) A. longipes subsp. kattegatense. 

Except for A. laciniata L., all the Atriplex species indigenous to the British Isles are known to 
hybridize. With the experimental studies of Turesson (1925), Hulme (1957), Gustafsson (1972, 
1973a, 1973b, 1976) and my own studies (Taschereau 1985b, 1986), it is possible to distinguish many 
of the Atriplex hybrids in the British flora and to identify most of them with reasonable certainty. 
This paper describes and illustrates six hybrids and one hybrid variant, gives their distribution, and 
discusses their taxonomy. 


The field, cultivation and experimental work upon which this study is based have been set forth in 
detail in Taschereau (1985a, b, 1986). Data from field studies were supplemented by specimens sent 
to me between 1977 and 1978 by participants in the B.S.B.I. Atriplex Survey. 

Material from the following herbaria was studied: ABD, BM, C, CGE, DBN, E, K, LD, LIV (incl. 
herb. Barbara Hulme), LIVU, MANCH, NMW, OXF, S, SLBI, TCD (abbreviations according to 
Kent & Allen (1984) and Holmgren et al. (1981)). I have annotated the entire holdings of the 
following herbaria: ABD, CGE, DBN, E, LIV, LIVU, TCD. Also, approximately half of the large 
holdings of NMW have been annotated by me. 

My collections, including those of the B.S.B.I. Survey, are deposited in MANCH, except for type 
specimens as indicated in the text. A duplicate set of Gustafsson’s (1976) hybrid collections used for 
reference is in my possession (herb. Taschereau). Each dot on the distribution maps of the hybrids is 
supported by one or more specimens filed in MANCH. 


The occurrence of A. /ongipes in the flora of the British Isles was confirmed only in 1977, although its 
presence was earlier suspected (Hulme in Aellen 1964; Jones 1975b). Taschereau (1985b) indicated 
that A. /ongipes is the key to understanding much of the confusing variation within the A. prostrata 
group. Atriplex longipes hybridizes with A. prostrata and with A. glabriuscula; species that only 
rarely hybridize with each other. The hybrid derivatives involving A. longipes are widely distributed 
on the coasts of the British Isles and occur also in inland salt marshes. They are usually highly fertile 
and often species-like in their behaviour. Morphologically, they may resemble one or the other 
parent, or be distinct from either parent. They may occur in the same habitat as one or the other 
parent species, or occupy a different ecological niche. This situation, and some of the frequent 
identification problems it has given rise to, are summarized in Fig. 1. 

Many of the long-recognized taxonomic problems i in the A. prostrata group in Britain have been 
caused by the presence of hybrid derivatives involving A. longipes. There yet remains, however, a 
residue of plants, especially from the northern and north-western coasts of Scotland and the coasts 
of Shetland, which have not been satisfactorily identified except to group. 


1. A. glabriuscula Edmondston x A. longipes Drejer (Fig. 2) 

Most plants resembling A. glabriuscula in habit and general morphology. Prostrate or ascending. 
Lower leaves triangular, or rhombic to ovate-lanceolate; base cuneate, obtuse or truncate. 
Bracteoles rhombic or ovate-lanceolate, herbaceous at the apex, frequently large (10—20 mm long) 
and foliose, some of the axillary ones stalked, margins united almost up to the middle or only near 
the base, thickened towards the base by a moderately to strongly developed silvery brown spongy 
tissue, dorsal surface often strongly reticulate-veined in the lower part. 

Habitat and Distribution. Exposed coastal beaches, frequently with A. glabriuscula. Hybrid 
derivatives between A. glabriuscula and A. longipes are frequent on the coasts of northern Scotland 
and north-western England. Reported by Gustafsson (1976) as rare in western Scandinavia with one 
record from Bodo, Norway. The distribution in the British Isles is shown in Fig. 3. 

Variation and Biosystematics. Hybrid derivatives, although often occurring in the same habitat as A. 
glabriuscula, are well-established and independent of the parent taxa. The hybrid was artificially 
synthesized by Gustafsson (1973a). Seed germination of F;, artificial hybrids was only between 10% 
and 30%, although the pollen stainability of F, plants was between 80% and 100% (Gustafsson 





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Ficure 2. A. glabriuscula x A. longipes. 

The name A. glabriuscula f. pedicellata Abromeit has been applied to variants of this hybrid with 
large stalked bracteoles (Aellen 1960; Gustafsson 1976). 

Diagnostic Characters. The hybrid is most frequently confused with A. glabriuscula, from which it 
can be distinguished by the stalks present on some of the bracteoles in the leaf axils, and the 
tendency of many bracteoles to develop large foliose tips and thickened, veiny basal portions. 

2. A. glabriuscula Edmonston x A. praecox Hiilphers (Fig. 4) 
Most plants resembling A. praecox in leaf outline but similar to A. glabriuscula in bracteole 

morphology. Prostrate-spreading or ascending. Foliage mostly reddish or less commonly green, 
resembling A. praecox. Lower leaves lanceolate-triangular or ovate-lanceolate; base cuneate to 



Ficure 3. Distribution of A. glabriuscula x A. longipes in the British Isles. 

obtuse. Upper leaves lanceolate to linear. Bracteoles rhombic, sessile or slightly stalked (stalks c. 
0-5 mm long), margins united almost up to the middle, thick-spongy towards the base, dorsal surface 
smooth and without prominent veins. 

Habitat and Distribution. Very rare in north-western Scotland and Shetland where it occurs with A. 
praecox and A. glabriuscula at the margins of protected sea inlets. Reported by Gustafsson (1976) as 
rare in the northernmost parts of Norway. The distribution in the British Isles is shown in Pips -y. 

Variation and Biosystematics. The hybrid was artificially synthesized by Gustafsson (1973a). In the 
artificial hybrids, pollen fertility and seed germination were greatly reduced. In two crosses, one had 


Ficure 4. A. glabriuscula X A. praecox. a) Habit, b) Bracteoles (not to scale), c) Leaf variation. 

73% and the other 67% stainable pollen, and only 40% to 50% of the seeds germinated (Gustafsson 

Diagnostic Characters. The small, often reddish, leaves resembling those of A. praecox, in 
combination with the thick-spongy bracteole characteristic of A. glabriuscula, will distinguish this 

3. A. glabriuscula Edmondston x A. prostrata Boucher ex DC. (Fig. 6) 

Plants generally intermediate in morphology between the parent species; ascending. Lower leaves 
triangular as in the parents; base subcordate, truncate to obtuse. Inflorescence spiciform as in A. 
prostrata. Bracteoles sessile, smaller than A. glabriuscula and in more densely packed glomerules, 
thick-spongy, margins united almost up to the middle, dorsal surface bi-tuberculate or smooth, 
without prominent veins. Seeds mostly less than 3-0 mm wide, radicle variously positioned and 

Habitat and Distribution. Middle beach zone on coastal beaches with the parent species. Rare from 
southern England in v.c. 15 (Badmin 1978) to south-western Scotland in v.c. 74 and on the eastern 



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Ficure 5. Distribution of Arriplex hybrids in the British Isles: O A. glabriuscula x A. praecox; @ A. glabriuscula 
x A. prostrata;~)-A. littoralis x A. prostrata; X A. littoralis x A. patula. 

coast of England in v.c. 66. Reported by Gustafsson (1976) as relatively rare in the western parts of 
Scandinavia. The distribution in the British Isles is shown in Fig. 5. 

Variation and Biosystematics. The hybrid was artificially synthesized by Gustafsson (1973a). Most of 
the artificial hybrids had a high pollen stainability (four out of seven crosses had greater than 90% 
stainable grains), but seed germination was poor. Seeds from two of the crosses did not germinate 
and in the other seven crosses seed germination varied between 1% and 40% (Gustafsson 1973a). 


Ay Can 

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Figure 6. A. glabriuscula X A. prostrata. a) Habit, b) Bracteoles and seed. 


FiGuRE 7. A. X gustafssoniana var. gustafssoniana. a) Habit, b) Variation in bracteoles. 


Germination of seeds from spontaneous hybrids in nature was also low (less than 40%) (Gustafsson 

From identified material in herbaria, it is clear that hybrid derivatives of A. longipes x A. 
prostrata and A. longipes X A. glabriuscula have occasionally been mistaken for A. glabriuscula x 
A. prostrata. This hybrid is rare; it is not common as suggested by Moss & Wilmott (1914) and by 
Jones (1975a), and earlier records should be re-examined. 

Diagnostic Characters. The size, morphology and arrangement of the bracteoles are most useful in 
distinguishing the hybrid from its parents: the bracteoles are thick-spongy and frequently bi- 
tuberculate as in A. glabriuscula, but generally much smaller and arranged in somewhat dense, 
leafless, spiciform inflorescences similar to those of A. prostrata. 


4. Atriplex < gustafssoniana Taschereau, hybr. nov. 
Ho totypus: Snettisham, N. W. Norfolk, v.c. 28. Margin of Phragmites australis stand in open area 
of saltmarsh by the coast, 18 September 1976, Taschereau & Libbey 76-12 (DAO). 

Hybrida ex A. longipes Drejer et A. prostrata Boucher ex DC. orta. Folia inferiora elongato- 
triangularia vel ovato-lanceolata, basi truncata vel cuneata. Quidam bracteoli in axillo foliorum | 
superiorum magni, tenuiter herbacei, petiolati, angulis lateralibus acutis saepe bene evolutis, 
superficie plusminusve forte reticulo-venata basin versus. 

i) var. gustafssoniana (Fig. 7) 

Atriplex patula var. bracteata Westerlund, Sveriges Atriplices 57 (1861). LEctotyPE: Sweden, Skane; 
sheet labelled ‘“‘Atriplex patula Lin. — bracteata Wester., Skane, C.A.W.” (S); chosen by 
Taschereau in Watsonia 15: 204 (1985). 

Erect, ascending or prostrate, with long-spreading lower branches. Lower leaves elongate- 
triangular in erect forms, or ovate-lanceolate in some prostrate forms, usually much longer than 
wide (length/width ratio 1-5—2-5); base cuneate to truncate. Bracteoles 4—9 mm long, triangular, 
sessile or stalked but usually some with stalks 0-5—5-0 mm long present in the axils of the upper 
leaves and branches; thin-herbaceous, sometimes becoming foliose; margins united at the base, 
lateral angles pointed and often strongly developed; dorsal surface often strongly reticulate-veined 
toward the base. 

Habitat and Distribution. Coastal sand and shingle beaches, often remote from the parent species. 
In coastal, estuarine and inland salt marshes, frequently in stands of Agropyron pungens or Juncus 
maritimus and at the margins of Phragmites australis stands. One of the commonest Atriplex taxa on 
the coasts and in estuaries around the British Isles and occasional in inland saltmarsh vegetation at 
Nantwich, Cheshire and Preesall, Lancashire. Reported by Gustafsson (1976) as common on the 
western coast of Sweden northwards to the southern parts of Norway, and as relatively rare in 
Denmark and the Baltic area. Most of the Atriplex populations along the Swedish western coast 
investigated by Gustafsson (1973b) included individuals of hybrid origin. The distribution in the 
British Isles is shown in Fig. 8. 

Variation and Biosystematics. The cultivated progeny of most wild A. longipes xX A. prostrata 
derivatives exhibited a mixture of parental characters. Many plants, however, showed a degree of 
segregation that gave some indication of their parentage (Taschereau 1986). In the artificial hybrids 
(Gustafsson 1973a) pollen stainability was high (16 of 22 crosses had greater than 80% stainable 
pollen grains), but seed germination was greatly reduced. Germination varied from 0% to 60% but 
in 20 out of 23 crosses less than 30% germinated. In the wild hybrids examined by Gustafsson 
(1973b) both pollen fertility and seed germination were reduced. The F; hybrids in many of the 
artificial crosses were morphologically similar to A. prostrata even when A. longipes was used as the 
female parent (Gustaffson 1973a). A similar situation has been observed in wild British plants 
(Taschereau 1985b). In parts of Scandinavia where grazing has disturbed the habitat, introgressive 
hybridization between A. longipes and A. prostrata has given rise to a more or less continual gene 



Figure 8. Distribution of A. x gustafssoniana in the British Isles: @ var. gustafssoniana, -@-var. kattegatensis. 

flow between these species (Gustafsson 1974). This seems to be the situation in most parts of Britain 
where, according to Adam (1978), undisturbed estuarine salt marsh vegetation (the habitat of A. 
longipes) is virtually non-existent. 

Hybrid derivatives are well established and independent of the parent species. They are 
extremely variable and almost every combination of parental characters has been observed in the 
field. On the basis of size, habit and habitat our plants can be broadly placed into two groups: 1) Salt 
marsh variants. Large + succulent plants, erect, spreading to straggling, up to 1 m high; stems 
strongly angled; leaves large, elongate-triangular, with cuneate to truncate base; occurring in tall 
Salt marsh vegetation or at the margins of such communities. 2) Beach variants. Small non-succulent 



or more or less succulent plants, prostrate, decumbent or weakly erect; lower branches wide- 
spreading and often longer than the central axis; angularity of stems variable; occurring on + 
exposed coastal beaches and at the margins of or in sparsely covered or open areas of coastal salt 
marsh vegetation. 

Diagnostic Characters. In the axils of some of the upper leaves occur large thin-herbaceous, stalked 
bracteoles with lateral angles pointed and often strongly developed and the dorsal surface more or 
less strongly reticulate-veined toward the base. The occurrence of these characteristic bracteoles in 
combination with elongate-triangular or ovate-lanceolate lower leaves at least some of which have a 
more or less truncate base is diagnostic of this hybrid. 

Nomenclatural Note. The type specimen of Atriplex patula var. bracteata Westerlund is a hybrid 
derivative between A. longipes and A. prostrata. Plants such as this are part of the myriad of beach 
variants comprising the hybrid derivatives described here under var. gustafssoniana. While I have 
myself seen specimens along the Swedish coast at Malm6 that are similar to the type, the characters 
distinguishing such plants are, in my view, not constant enough to merit further formal taxonomic 
recognition. In addition, there has been considerable confusion regarding the application of the 
name var. bracteata Westerlund since Aellen (1960) applied it (as f. bracteata) to plants of A. patula 
L. s.s. with foliose bracteoles (ennatia), and Fernald (1950) applied the name A. patula var. 
bracteata to plants described as very similar to typical A. patula ‘“‘but with fruiting bracts 1-1-5 cm 
long” occurring on marshes of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Fernald’s specimen from Cape Breton 
(GH!) representing his var. bracteata is, like Westerlund’s type, a hybrid derivative in the A. 
prostrata group. Furthermore, Westerlund’s (1861) description is not sufficiently detailed to exclude 
certain variants of A. patula sens. str., and his statement, “Hab. rara ad vias circa Lund et in litore 
marino ad Malmo Scaniae”’ would seem to include the ruderal A. patula (‘‘ad vias circa Lund’), 
along with the obligate halophytic derivatives of A. longipes X A. prostrata (“‘in litore marino ad 
Malm6 Scaniae’’). 

ii) var. kattegatensis (Turesson) Taschereau, comb. et stat. nov. (Fig. 9) 

A. longipes subsp. kattegatense Turesson in Lunds Univ. Arsskr., N.F. Adv. 2, 24 (4): 4 (1925). 
LectotyPE: Sweden, Bohuslan, Tanums socken, Otteron, August 1880, H. Thedenius (S); the 
specimen annotated “‘A. longipes kattegatense Turess. nov. subsp.”’, to the middle-left, chosen by 
Gustafsson in Opera Botanica 39: 29, 31 (1976). 

Plants 10—30 cm, prostrate to decumbent, spreading with the lower branches longer than the central 
axis. Stems sub-angular, striate, green and stramineous striped or reddish. Branches opposite to 
sub-opposite in the lower region of the central axis but often barely separated by extremely short 
internodes. Foliage bluish-green, frequently reddish, succulent; mature lower and upper leaves 
glabrous; juvenile leaves glabrous above, sparsely farinose on the undersurface. Lower leaves 2-0- 
3-5 cm long, 1-0—2-5 cm wide, with a pair of outpointing to forward-curving basal lobes; margins 
irregularly serrate or entire; apex acute; base cuneate. Upper leaves smaller, linear-lanceolate, 
without or with basal lobes; margins entire or weakly toothed. Inflorescence axillary to the base of 
the plant and shortly terminal, leafy to the tip. Bracteoles 3-5—5-0 mm long, at least some shortly 
stalked (stalks 0-5—1-0 mm long), rhombic to triangular-lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate; apex acute 
or acuminate; base cuneate; margins entire, united at the base or somewhat higher up to the lateral 
angles; lateral angles pointed or rounded, not strongly developed; mostly herbaceous and thin but 
sometimes slightly thickened toward the base by the presence of spongy tissue; dorsal surface 
smooth or with a few short, weak appendages; venation obscure or somewhat prominent towards 
the base. Seeds polymorphic, black or brown, orbicular, 1-5—2-5 mm wide; radicle sub-basal, 
obliquely up-pointing. 

Habit and Distribution. Exposed coastal beaches close to the salt water where the vegetation is very 
sparse; often with A. praecox on the shores of somewhat less exposed sea inlets. Frequent in 
northern Scotland and occasional in Shetland. Reported by Gustafsson (1973b) as common on the 
western coast of Sweden. The distribution in the British Isles is shown in Fig. 8. 



FicurE 9. A. X gustafssoniana var. kattegatensis. a) Habit, b) Bracteoles and seed. 

Variation and Biosystematics. Gustafsson’s (1973b) experimental work with this taxon indicates it is 
probably a more or less well established product of hybrid origin. Some of the cultivated offspring of — 
var. kattegatensis raised by Gustafsson (1973b) from seeds collected in nature showed considerable 
morphological variation. He observed segregates similar to A. longipes and to A. prostrata as well as 
intermediate forms. Some offspring, however, did not differ from the parent and showed no 
indication of segregation. Likewise, plants cultivated from var. kattegatensis collected at Ullapool, 
v.c. 105, did not segregate (Taschereau 1986). These non-segregating forms may represent ancient 


FiGurE 10. A. X hulmeana. a) Habit, b) Leaf variation, c) Bracteoles and seed. 



or historical hybrids that have arisen by stabilization of an F, or later segregant adapted to the 
specialized exposed habitat that is colonized by neither of the parents. In the British Isles, var. 
kattegatensis appears to have primarily a northern distribution and specimens from southern 
regions such as those from v.c. 15 (Badmin 1978) require further study. 

Hybrids. None have been identified from nature. Gustafsson (1973b) has made experimental 
hybrids between var. kattegatensis and A. longipes, A. praecox and A. prostrata. Pollen fertility in 
the majority of crosses was greater than 80% but hybrids with reduced fertility were common. 
Morphological variation in the F; and F, progenies of the experimental hybrids was considerable 
and difficult to categorize because of the free recombination of morphological characters that 
occurred. ' 

5. Atriplex < hulmeana Taschereau, hybr. nov. (Fig. 10) 
Ho ortypus: Wolferton, Norfolk, England, 18 September 1976, Taschereau & Libbey 76-24 (DAO). 

Hybrida ex Atriplex littoralis L. et A. prostrata Boucher ex DC. orta. Folia primaria succulenta, 
triangulari-lanceolata, cum lobis basalibus patentibus vel falcatis, basi cuneata. Bracteolae 
triangulares vel ovati-triangulares, crassae, spongiosae, basibus conjunctae. 

The hybrid is named after Barbara Hulme, British botanist and first person to produce experimental 
hybrids in Atriplex by controlled crossing (Hulme 1957, 1958). Her elegant work provided an 
experimental basis for understanding the relationship of A. patula to A. littoralis and to members of 
the Hastata complex (A. prostrata group) in Britain. 

Erect, very robust plants with thick stems and ascending branches. Foliage dark green, glabrous, 
very succulent. Lower leaves triangular-lanceolate with a pair of strongly developed out-pointing to 
forward-curving basal lobes; length at least twice the width; margins irregularly sinuate-dentate, 
attenuate to the apex; base strongly cuneate. Upper leaves lanceolate, without basal lobes or with a 
single lobe developing on one side only, entire or with few teeth. Bracteoles 5—10 mm long, sessile, 
broadly triangular to ovate-triangular; apex acute; base truncate to cuneate; margins denticulate or 
with only a few teeth, united at the base; lateral angles rounded and weakly developed; thick- 
spongy; dorsal surface strongly bi-tuberculate or smooth; venation obscure. About 70-80% of the 
bracteoles contain well-developed seed. Both large-brown and small-black seed types are frequent 
in the same plant. Segregants showing a wide range of character combinations sometimes occur 
amongst the F, plants described above. Many of the segregants are largely sterile and often weak- 
stemmed, but some are vegetatively very vigorous and develop into quite prominent plants. The 
following three variants appeared in cultivation and are sufficiently common in the field to be 

1. Patula-leaf variant. Plants with leaves like A. patula that possess the falcate basal lobes so 
characteristic of this species. 

2. Serrata-leaf variant. Plants with markedly sinuate-dentate leaves like extremes of plants formerly 
called A. littoralis var. serrata. 

3. Gigas variant. Plants up to 1 m high with thick stems and gigantic leaves with ovate-lanceolate 
irregularly lobed lamina up to 15 cm long and 4 cm wide. 

Habitat and Distribution. Disturbed habitats where the parent species are present in abundance: 
disturbed banks of estuaries recently dredged, earthen sea walls less than three years old, salt 
marshes disturbed by rabbit grazing. Occasional on the eastern and western coasts of England in 28, 58, 60, 66. Jones (1975a) states it has been recorded as rare in Denmark. The distribution in 
the British Isles is shown in Fig. 5. 

Variation and Biosystematics. See Taschereau (1986) for a detailed discussion. Jones’ (1975a) report ~ 
of the putative hybrid A. glabriuscula Edmondston x A. littoralis L. probably refers to A. X 
hulmeana as discussed in Taschereau (1986). 

Diagnostic Characters. The characteristic shape of the large succulent lower leaves in combination 
with the spongy-thick bracteoles is diagnostic of this hybrid. 



Figure 11. A. littoralis x A. patula. 

6. Atriplex littoralis L. x A. patula L. (Fig. 11) 

Erect, up to 0-5 m high. Lower leaves up to about 6 cm long and 3 cm wide, ovate-lanceolate to 
rhombic with a pair of forward-curving basal lobes; succulent, glabrous, dark glossy-green; margins 
irregularly serrate to sinuate-dentate; base strongly cuneate. Upper leaves smaller, similar to the 
lower ones or lanceolate to linear with or without basal lobes, entire or with a few teeth. Bracteoles 
rhombic, sessile; margins denticulate, united up to the middle; thick-spongy, tuberculate; occurring 



in dense terminal inflorescences. The majority of bracteoles are empty and collapsed. Dispersed 
between these sterile bracteoles, however, are occasional larger, well-formed, filled out bracteoles 
that contain seed. From one to five of the larger fertile bracteoles occur in the inflorescenses of most 

Habitat and Distribution. Disturbed weedy ground by the coast where both the parents are growing 
together. Known only from one locality in Scotland at Leith Docks, Edinburgh, v.c. 83. Reported 
by Turesson (1925) from Lomma and Torekov along Ore Sund in south-western Sweden. The 
distribution in the British Isles is shown in Fig. 5. 

Variation and Biosystematics. This hybrid has been experimentally synthesized three times: by 
Turesson (1925), by Hulme (1957) and by Taschereau (1986), but its occurrence in nature is very 
rare. It has been looked for on numerous occasions in locations where the parents were growing 
together but found only once. A published record from Findhorn, v.c. 95, Scotland (Webster 1979) 
is a mistake. Subsequent to publication of this record, I changed my original identification of the 
hybrid specimen to A. littoralis x A. prostrata. For a detailed discussion of the biosystematics see 
Taschereau (1986). 

Diagnostic Characters. The green, densely spiciform inflorescence consists mainly of small empty 
uniform bracteoles, but on almost every inflorescence branch, scattered among the green sterile 
bracteoles, one or two large grey-black seed-containing bracteoles stand out. The plants resemble 
A. littoralis in habit, but the lower leaves are similar to those of A. patula. The bracteoles are 
spongy-thick as in A. /ittoralis but united almost to the middle as in A. patula. In early November, 
the bright dark green colour of the hybrids makes them stand out strongly from the surrounding 
vegetation. The parent species by this time are mostly brown and dying. 


I am grateful to Mr R. C. Palmer and to the curator of Oxford University Herbarium for 
photographs of Atriplex glabriuscula X praecox from Shetland, upon which the illustration of this 
hybrid is based. I thank Miss C. Bird who provided the Latin translation of my diagnoses, and Mr B. 
U. Borluk who prepared most of the drawings. 


Apa, P. (1978). Geographical variation in British saltmarsh vegetation. J. Ecol. 66: 339-366. 

AELLEN, P. (1960). Atriplex L. in RECHINGER, K. H., ed. Hegi Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa, 2nd ed., 3: 
664-693. Miinchen. 

AELLEN, P. (1964). Atriplex L. in TuTin, T. G. et al. eds. Flora Europaea 1: 95-97. Cambridge. 

BaBINGTON, A. M. (1897). Memoirs, journal and botanical correspondence of Charles Cardale Babington, p. 347. 

BaBINGTON, C. C. (1841). Monograph of the British Atripliceae. Trans. Proc. bot. Soc. Edinb. 1: 1-17. 

BapMIN, J. (1978). Records of Atriplex spp. from Shellness, Isles of Sheppey, Kent. Trans. Kent Field Club 6: 

FERNALD, M. L. (1950). Gray’s Manual of Botany, 8th ed., p. 597. New York. 

Gustarsson, M. (1972). Distribution and effects of paracentric inversions in populations of Atriplex longipes. 
Hereditas 71: 173-194. 

GustaFsson, M. (1973a). Evolutionary trends in the Atriplex triangularis group of Scandinavia, 1. Hybrid 
sterility and chromosomal differentiation. Bot. Notiser 126: 345-392. 

Gustarsson, M. (1973b). Evolutionary trends in the Atriplex triangularis group of Scandinavia, 2. Spontaneous ~ 
hybridization in relation to reproductive isolation. Bot. Notiser 126: 398-416. 

Gustarsson, M. (1974). Evolutionary trends in the Atriplex triangularis group of Scandinavia, 3. The effects of 
population size and introgression on chromosomal differentiation. Bot. Notiser 127: 125-148. 

Gustarsson, M. (1976). Evolutionary trends in the Atriplex prostrata group of Scandinavia, 4. Taxonomy and 
morphological variation. Op. bot. Soc. bot. Lund 39: 1-63. 

Hoimcren, P. K., KEUKEN, W. & SCHOFIELD, E. (1981). Index herbariorum, 7th ed. Utrecht. 


Hume, B. A. (1957). Studies on some British species of Atriplex. Ph.D. thesis, University of Edinburgh. 

Hung, B. A. (1958). Artificial hybrids in the genus Atriplex. Proc. bot. Soc. Br. Isl. 3: 94. 

Jones, E. M. (1975a). Atriplex, in Stace, C. A., ed. Hybridization and the flora of the British Isles, pp. 185-186. 

Jones, E. M. (1975b). Taxonomic studies of the genus Atriplex (Chenopodiaceae) in Britain. Watsonia 10: 233- 

Kent, D. H. & ALLEN, D. E. (1984). British and Irish herbaria. London. 

Moss, C. E. & Witmotrt, A. J. (1914). Atriplex L. in Moss, C. E. The Cambridge British flora 2: 168-182, plates 
172-188. Cambridge. 

TASCHEREAU, P. M. (1977). Atriplex praecox Hilphers: a species new to the British Isles. Watsonia 11: 195-198. 

TASCHEREAU, P. M. (1985a). Taxonomy of Atriplex species indigenous to the British Isles. Watsonia 15: 183-209. 

TASCHEREAU, P. M. (1985b). Field studies, cultivation experiments and the taxonomy of Atriplex longipes Drejer 
in the British Isles. Watsonia 15: 211-219. 

TASCHEREAU, P. M. (1986). Hybridization in the genus Atriplex section Teutliopsis (Chenopodiaceae). Watsonia 
16: 153-162. 

Turesson, G. (1925). Studies in the genus Atriplex. Lunds Univ. Arsskr., N. F. Avd. 2., 21(4): 1-15. 

WessTER, M. McC. (1979). Plant record. Watsonia 12: 350. 

WESTERLUND, C. A. (1861). Bidrag till kinnedomen af Sveriges Atriplices. Lund. 

(Accepied March 1988) 

Watsonia, 17, 265-272 (1988) 265 

Hybridization between Polygonum mite Schrank, P. minus 
Huds. and P. hydropiper L. in Northern Ireland with 
comments on their distinction 



School of Botany, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland 

The Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Surrey, TW9 3AE 


Polygonum mite Schrank, P. minus Huds. and P. hydropiper L., in Polygonum sect. Persicaria (Miller) DC. 
occur together around Lough Neagh, Northern Ireland. Initial observations of these species had suggested the 
presence of intermediate plants of possible hybrid origin. Populations from two sites at the Lough were 
examined for hybridity using multivariate analyses, and by measurement of pollen fertility. Most plants could be 
assigned to one of the three species, but a few were almost certainly hybrids between P. mite and P. minus (= P. 
x wilmsii G. Beck). P. hydropiper did not appear to hybridize with the other species, although P. mite and P. 
hydropiper may approach each other in their vegetative morphology. The characters which best distinguish the 
three species are described and discussed. 5 


Polygonum mite Schrank, P. minus Huds. and P. hydropiper L. are closely related species within 
Polygonum sect. Persicaria (Miller) DC. Of the three, P. mite is considered to be the least common, 
occurring mainly in south-eastern England and Northern Ireland (Perring & Walters 1976). P. 
minus is rather rare, although scattered throughout the British Isles, while P. hydropiper is common 
and widely distributed (Lousley & Kent 1981). 

Timson (1965, 1966, 1975) carried out a series of studies on hybridization in sect. Persicaria. He 
found that most species are rarely visited by insects, produce very sticky pollen and are usually self- 
pollinated before the flower opens. He concluded that interspecific hybridization in sect. Persicaria 
would be rare, but theoretically possible; both P. mite and P. minus are tetraploids with 2n = 40. 
Timson also suggested that hybridization could occur between P. mite and P. hydropiper (2n = 20), 
the former species being an autopolyploid derivative of P. hydropiper. Nevertheless Lousley & 
Kent (1981) noted that hybrids between each of the three species occur only rarely in Great Britain. 

Webb (1984) carried out a survey of P. mite in Ireland, including an examination of all extant 
sheets of Irish material labelled P. mite at TCD, DBN and BEL. He concluded that all records for 
this species prior to 1969 were erroneous, being either P. minus, P. hydropiper or P. persicaria L. 
Furthermore he concluded that there is only one area in Ireland where P. mite could be found, this 
being the shores of Lough Neagh. Webb and J. R. Akeroyd visited this area in 1979 and found what 
they thought might be a complex hybrid swarm, which included P. mite and P. minus. P. hydropiper 
also occurs around the lake, although Webb did not regard it as part of the swarm. In the late 
summer of 1984, we visited a number of sites around Lough Neagh, and our observations suggested 
that some material was intermediate in morphology between P. mite, P. minus and P. hydropiper. 
However it was known that all three species show a wide range of phenotypic variation. Therefore 


we decided to investigate these populations in more detail, to establish whether any true hybrids 
were present. 


Plants were obtained from two sites on the shores of Lough Neagh, these being near Newport 
Trench harbour, Tyrone, v.c. H36 (GR H298.377) and Sands Bay, Co. Antrim, v.c. H39 (GR 
J312.372). At each site material of the three species was gathered randomly, and a total of 100 plants 
was collected and pressed. Voucher material has been deposited in TCD. 17 morphological 
characters (Table 1) were scored from this material, three observations of each character being 
made from each plant. Mean values per plant were then calculated for each character, and these 
data were analysed by Principal Components Analysis (PCA) using the BMDP4M PCA program. 
The data were also subjected to a Stepwise Discriminant Analysis (DSC) using the SPSS-X 
statistical package, to test the strength of disinctions between the species and to indicate their best 
distinguishing features (Parnell 1987). 


. Leaf length 

. Leaf width (maximum) 

. Distance between leaf base and widest point on leaf 

. Leaf venation (recorded on a scale of 1-2, where 1 = venation inconspicuous, 2 = venation conspicuous) 

. Mid-stem ochrea tooth length 

. Flower spike posture (recorded on a scale of 1-3, where 1= erect, 2 = slightly nodding, 3 = nodding) 

. Spike length 

. Number of axillary flowers 

. Perianth length 

10. Perianth width (maximum) 

11. Perianth colour (recorded on a scale of 1-3, where 1 = red, 2 = pale pink, 3 = pink-green- an) 

12. Perianth gland density 

13. Nut length 

14. Nut width (maximum) 

15. Distance between nut base and widest point on nut 

16. Degree of shininess of nut surface (recorded on a scale of 1-3, where 1 = shiny, 2 = somewhat shiny, 3 = 

17. Degree of roughness of nut surface (recorded on a scale of 1-3, where 1 = smooth, 2 = slightly rough, 3 = 

very rough) 


Pollen fertility, as indicated by stainability tests, was determined using selected material of the 
species and their possible hybrids. Three to four ripe anthers from each specimen were dissected on 
a microscope slide and stained in Cotton Blue/Lactophenol for 30 minutes. The numbers of stained 
and unstained grains were then counted and percentage stainability calculated. 


Most of the plants from both populations could be visually assigned to one of the three species (Figs. 
1—3), and these findings were confirmed by both PCA (Fig. 4) and DSC. In the PCA, plants visually 
assigned to P. mite made up the largest group of points on the scatter plot, with smaller groups 
corresponding to P. minus and P. hydropiper. Principal components 1 and 2 accounted for 54% and 
28% of the total variation respectively. The DSC distinguished each species at a 99-9+ % level of 
confidence (all F>17, P<0-001), and the characters picked out by this analysis that would best 
separate the species are given in Table 2. Using a combination of these it was possible to assign 
herbarium specimens to a taxon with little difficulty. 

A few plants were found at both sites which seemed to be intermediate between P. mite and P. 



a ie ol 

FicurE 1. Polygonum mite Schrank from Lough Neagh, Northern Ireland, August 1984, Parnell & Simpson 73 
(TCD). Scale bar = 20 mm. 


Character P. mite P. minus P. hydropiper 

1. Nut length (mm) 3-03+0-06 2-18+0-12 3-21+0-12 

2. Nut width (mm) 1-83+0-43 1-12+0-24 2-20+0-07 

3. Nut shininess very shiny somewhat shiny dull 

4. Perianth gland shape flat — raised 

5. Perianth glands, 12 0 83 

approx. no. per flower 

6. Perianth length (mm) 3-66+0-06 2-48+0-33 4-10+0-15 

7. Flower colour pale pink to purplish- usually reddish pale pink to greenish- 
pink white 

8. Spike slightly nodding erect nodding 

9. Mid-stem ochrea tooth  1-76+0-09 1-67+0-26 0:30+0-16 

length (mm) 



“WU QZ = eq BBS (GOL) 62 vosduag x jjausng “pel isndny ‘purjoly 
UIOYION ‘yYseoN YsnoyT wo “J sadidospdky wnuosdjog *¢ AANA 




Principal component 2 

a =e —1 0 1 2 3 
Principal component 1 

Ficure 4. Principal components analysis on all plants sampled. @ = P. mite, O = P. minus, @ = P. hydropiper, 
® = P. mite x P. minus. 

minus. In particular these plants had fewer flowers than either mite or minus and produced fewer 
nutlets. One plant (specimen no. 71) was also found which appeared to be intermediate between P. 
mite and P. hydropiper. On the PCA scatter plot five points were located between the mite and 
minus groups and these corresponded with the visually intermediate material. One point was also 
located between the hydropiper and mite groups, which again corresponded with the visually 
intermediate plant. 

The results of the pollen stainability tests are shown in Table 3. Plants which were not considered 
to be intermediate showed pollen stainability levels in the range 87-0—99-3%. Those plants which 
were intermediate between P. mite and P. minus showed a significantly reduced pollen stainability 
in the range 76-1—-82-4% (P. mite (t=6-41) and P. minus (t=9-84), both P<0-001). However 
specimen no. 71, the intermediate between P. mite and P. hydropiper, at 92:7% did not have 
significantly reduced pollen stainability (cf. P. mite (t=0-76) and P. hydropiper (t=0-71), both not 
significantly different). 

Our initial observations showed that as well as the three species studied, P. persicaria L. and P. 

lapathifolium L. were also present at both sampling sites. Webb (1984) drew attention to the 
difficulty in separating the two latter species from the others, particularly P. mite, and suggested that 




Specimen no. % stainability Identity 
38 88-7 mite 
40 89-2 mite 
72 94-2 mite 
73 92-2 mite 
75 87-0 mite 
28 94-4 minus 
29 97-4 minus 
5 92-0 minus 
34 92-2 minus 
45 98-1 minus 
58 93-6 minus ~ 

19 82-3 mite X minus 
30 80-7 mite X minus 
35 78-9 mite X minus 
49 76-1 mite X minus 
D20 85-7 mite X minus 

6 99-2 hydropiper 

8 94-7 hydropiper 
21 93-7 hydropiper 
22 90-7 hydropiper 
23 98-0 hydropiper 
71 92-7 hydropiper 

P. persicaria was also part of the hybrid swarm at Lough Neagh. Furthermore Timson (1966) had 
indicated that hybrids could occur between P. persicaria and P. mite or P. minus. However, we 
found P. persicaria and P. lapathifolium to be readily distinguishable from the others, including P. 
mite; the denser spike and small black patches on the leaves of P. persicaria and the possession of 
both these features, together with pedicel glands in P. lapathifolium, were very distinctive. In 
addition we found no evidence of hybridization between P. persicaria or P. lapathifolium with the 
other species, and for this reason we concentrated on P. mite, P. minus and P. hydropiper. 

Five of the plants we sampled fall between pure P. mite and pure P. minus, and these 
intermediates are almost certainly the hybrid P. mite x P. minus (= P. X wilmsii G. Beck; Fig. 5). 
Do hybrids with P. hydropiper also occur? The plant which was morphologically intermediate 
between P. mite and P. hydropiper did not have reduced pollen stainability and also produced a 
similar number of flowers and nutlets to P. hydropiper. This is almost certainly not a hybrid, because 
an F,; hybrid would be triploid (2n=30) and, presumably, highly sterile. Therefore it would seem 
that Webb (1984) was correct when he indicated the potential presence of hybridization in sect. 
Persicaria around Lough Neagh, but with hybrids only occurring between P. mite and P. minus, and 
not all species present. 

Out of the three species studied, P. hydropiper is supposedly the easiest to recognize. Webb 
(1984) and others (Tutin 1987; Lousley & Kent 1981) have indicated that the possession of glands on 
the perianth of P. hydropiper is, apart from its taste, one of the key characters allowing its 
separation from both P. minus and P. mite. Surprisingly we found that virtually all of the P. mite 
plants also had perianth glands, and initially we thought these were similar to those on P. 
hydropiper. This led us to believe at first that such plants might have been hybrids. However on 
closer examination we found the glands to be smaller, fewer in number and almost flat compared 
with those on P. hydropiper. Similar glands were also found on the perianth of British and European 
material of P. mite, despite the fact that these glands are not mentioned in standard works on 
Polygonum (Tutin 1987; Lousley & Kent 1981). However the differences in gland structure and 
number are further key characters, identified by DSC, separating P. mite from P. hydropiper. We 
also found that some of the other characters used to separate all three species, such as nut size and 



Figure 5. Polygonum mite Schrank x P. minus Huds. from Lough Neagh, Northern Ireland, August 1984, 
Parnell & Simpson D20 (TCD). Scale bar = 20 mm. 

leaf length:breadth ratio are rather more variable than previously thought (Webb 1984 and pers. 
comm.) Both these latter characters are useful for distinguishing P. minus from both P. hydropiper 
and P. mite, but not for separating the last two from each other. This is particularly emphasized by 
the leaf length:breadth ratio, so that the leaves of P. minus are up to 8-5 times as long as broad 
whereas those of the other two species are up to 4-5—4-8 times as long as broad. The leaf shapes and 
sizes of P. hydropiper and P. mite may thus be very similar. Therefore, as is often the case, it is best 
to use a combination of the characters given in Table 2 to delimit the species, rather than rely on 
only a single character. 


We thank Professor D. A. Webb for his help and encouragement during this work. 


Lous Ley, J. C. & Kent, D. H. (1981). Docks and Knotweeds of the British Isles. London. 

PARNELL, J. A. N. (1987). Variation in Jasione montana L. (Campanulaceae) and related species in Europe and 
North Africa. Watsonia 16: 249-267. 

Tiwmson, J. (1965). A study of hybridization in Polygonum section Persicaria. J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 59: 155-161. 

Timson, J. (1966). Polygonum hydropiper L., in Biologial Flora of the British Isles. J. Ecol. 54: 815-821. 

Timson, J. (1975). Polygonum L. sect. Persicaria (Mill.) DC., in Stace, C. A., ed. Hybridization and the flora of 
the British Isles: 274-277. London. 

TuTin, T. G. (1987). Polygonum L., in CLapHaM, A. R., Tutin, T. G. & Moore, D. M. Flora of the British Isles, 
3rd ed., pp. 300-303. Cambridge. 

WEBB, D. A. (1984). Polygonum mite Schrank in Ireland. Jr. Nat. J. 21: 283-286. 

3 (Accepted May 1988) 


Watsonia, 17, 273-277 (1988) 273 

Two hybrids of Equisetum sylvaticum L. 
new to the British flora 


Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, EH3 5LR 


Two hybrids of Equisetum sylvaticum are reported, which are new to the British flora. These are E. x bowmanii 

‘C.N. Page, hybr. nov. (E. sylvaticum L. x E. telmateia Ehrh.), from Hampshire, and E. x mildeanum Rothm. 

(E. pratense Ehrh. X E. sylvaticum L.) from Perthshire. 


No hybrids involving Wood Horsetail (Equisetum sylvaticum L.) have been previously recorded 
from the British Isles. This paper reports the occurrence of two such hybrids new to the British flora, 
one of which is unknown elsewhere and is described here for the first time. These are E. X bowmanii 
C. N. Page, hybr. nov. (E. sylvaticum L. Xx E. telmateia Ehrh.), from Hampshire, and FE. x 
mildeanum Rothm. (E. pratense Ehrh. X E. sylvaticum L.) from Perthshire. Herbarium material of 
each has been deposited in the herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh (E). 


Equisetum < bowmanii C. N. Page, hybr. nov. (Equisetum sylvaticum L. X E. telmateia Ehrh.) 
TYPUS: Hampshire, New Forest, Minstead, near A337 Minstead Road, July 1986, R. P. Bowman 
s.n., det. R. P. Bowman & C. N. Page (Holotypus: E). 

Caules 30-50 cm alti, 2-5—5-0 mm diam., fere albi, 8—14 sulcati; vaginae (dentibus exclusis) 5—7 
mm, pallide viridi-griseae; dentes tot quot sulci, 2—costati, tenues, acuti, marginibus latis pallide 
brunneis scariosis lateraliter inter se adhaerentibus: cavitas centralis 3-3 caulis diam. Ramuli 
patentes, tenues regulariter verticillati, iterum ramosi, plerumque tetragoni vivide sed pallide 
virides; costae biangulatae; vaginae pallidae, dentibus triangularibus-acuminatis patulis minute 

nigro-apiculatis. Strobilus c. 1-2 cm longus; sporae abortivae. 

Stems 30—50 cm or more, erect, thick, 2-5—5-0 mm in diameter; main stem internodes somewhat 
fleshy, mostly very pale green, nearly white in the lower part of the stem, minutely rough; grooves 
8-14, numerous, fairly deep, ridges + rounded, sheaths long, 5-0—7-0 mm (excluding teeth), + 
appressed, pale greenish-grey, sometimes blackish above and below; teeth numerous, as many as 
the grooves, 2-ribbed, of variable length, mostly 4-0—6-0 mm long, slender, acute, their central 
portions deep brown, mostly straight, their margins broad, pale brown and scarious; the teeth often 
adhering laterally by their margins in 2s—4s for their full length; central hollow about 3—2 diameter 
of stem. Branches numerous, long (up to c. 7-5 cm), in regular and numerous whorls, spreading 
widely all around the shoot and drooping at their tips, very slender, mostly 4-angled, bright pale 
green, almost all bearing sparse to numerous long secondary branches of similar form and colour; 
branch sheaths pale greenish-brown, teeth triangular-acuminate, green and dark-tipped, somewhat 
spreading; branchlet ochreolae conspicuous, chaffy, pale golden brown; branch internode with 
narrowly grooved (biangulate) ridges and shallowly rounded furrows. 

Cones, when present, borne from the tops of shoots of generally similar form to the vegetative 

274 ¢. NwPAGE 

ones but the shoots thicker (mostly 5 mm diam.), with larger, looser, leafier sheaths to 2 cm long; the 
cones ovoid, c. 1-2 cm long, dark, hardly rising out of the uppermost sheath, their sporangia poorly- 
filled, the spores abortive. 

The vegetative and cone-bearing shoots of this hybrid are both strikingly intermediate in size and 
morphology between those of E. telmateia and E. sylvaticum. The vegetative shoots differ from 
those of E. sylvaticum in their slightly larger size, and thicker and more succulent stems, and 
especially in the long, narrow, dark-centred teeth to their sheaths, the paleness of their main stem 
internodes (especially on the lower parts of the stem), and branches with + biangulate internodal 
ridges and of bright pale green colour, forming the dominant colour of the plant. They differ from E. 
telmateia in the much more slender main stem, with long nodding tip, the slenderness of the 
branches which are themselves drooping at the tips and copiously branched, and roughness of the 
main stem internodes and the depth of their grooves, and the conspicuous brown scarious margins to 
the main stem teeth which are broad and tend to adhere laterally with each other, forming broad 
lobes. The stem in section has a central hollow, and the number of carinal and vallecular canals 
(about 8-14) is intermediate between those of the parents. The length of the first internode of the 
branches is also intermediate between the short, first internode of E. telmateia and the long, first 
internode of E. sylvaticum. 

The intermediate form of the fertile (cone-bearing) shoots is also striking. These are semi- 
dimorphic, with thick, somewhat succulent shoots, shorter than those of E. sylvaticum, and much 
larger chaffier and looser sheaths than in E. sylvaticum, sparse whorls of branched green branches, 
and a cone like that of E. telmateia in shape but similar to that of E. sylvaticum in size. 

The sporangia of the cone of E. X bowmanii contain numerous but poorly-formed spores, which 
appear to be 100% abortive. These include about 95% of very small, generally irregularly rounded, 
misshapen or wholly shrivelled, nearly colourless spores, each with a shrunken and nearly colourless 
cytoplasm and only very rudimentary and scarcely-formed elaters; and about 5% of varyingly larger 
spores of imperfectly rounded form, but with varyingly pale green-coloured chloroplasts, and fairly 
well-formed but inoperative elaters. 

The spore evidence thus wholly supports the conclusion that this plant is of hybrid origin, whilst 
its very distinctive morphology, which is almost exactly intermediate between that of two native 
horsetail species in a large number of distinct characters, enables its parentage to be deduced with a 
very high degree of certainty. These features also readily distinguish this hybrid from both parents 
and from E. X mildeanum (see below), which shares E. sylvaticum as a common parent, as well as 
from other hybrids in Equisetum (Page 1972, 1982). 


This hybrid was found by R. P. Bowman in July 1986 in a single colony spreading over heathland 
road banks, grass verges and in adjacent short turf on wet clay soil near the A337 Minstead Road, 
Minstead, New Forest, S. Hants., v.c. 11 (GR 41/296.105). Plants occur in open sites where they are 
more slender and rather stunted and subject to grazing by ponies, except where they emerge in the 
shelter of low Rubus fruticosus, Ulex, Prunus spinosa and Pteridium aquilinum, with some Quercus 
robur seedlings. Other associates include Mentha aquatica, Cirsium palustre, Senecio aquaticus, 
Betonica officinalis, Prunella vulgare, Galium palustre, Lysimachia nemorum and Juncus conglo- 
meratus. Equisetum arvense occurs nearby on the same road banks. On the periphery of the site is a 
light cover of medium-aged Quercus robur, Fagus sylvatica and Pinus sylvestris, with an open 
understorey of stunted Jlex aquifolium. It is possible that a few trees were earlier removed during 
the construction of the new section of road. The site dips slightly to the west and the road ditches 
drain into a main ditch, in turn draining an open grazed sward. The altitude of the site is 
approximately 35 m. On the southern side of the road, shoots of the hybrid occur along 
approximately 30 m of verge, whilst on the northern side, they extend along at least 50 m of road 
bank. The clay exposure is that of the Barton Clay of the Eocene. 

There are four recorded sites for Equisetum sylvaticum in the area, all situated along the same 
watercourse: Fleet Water, Minstead, on flushed slope in deciduous woodland; below mill pond 
outfall (GR 41/295.100), 500 m distant from the hybrid site; Fleet Water, Newtown, Minstead, side 
of damp ride in bushy plantation (GR 41/278.107), 1800 m distant; Stoney Cross, wet flush in 


pasture (GR 41/260.117), 3650 m distant; and near Bartley Water, Busketts Lawn Inclosure, damp 
sides of ditch draining into stream (GR 41/314.103), 1750 m distant. 

Recorded but unlocalized sites for Equisetum telmateia exist at Minstead (GR 41/26.10) and 
Canterton (GR 41/26.12), both about 3 km away, west and north-west of the hybrid site. In Busketts 
Lawn Inclosure (GR 41/314.103), there is a local population of E. telmateia along ditch banks on 
clay only 10 m from the very small population of E. sylvaticum described above. The habitat of this 
site is beech and oak plantation, but the presence of Sorbus torminalis is indicative of a former 
ancient woodland. Here E. telmateia grows mainly where the clay is exposed, whilst E. sylvaticum 
prefers the damp slightly flushed ground, where some Sphagnum is present. 


Equisetum < mildeanum Rothm. (E. pratense Ehrh. x E. sylvaticum L.). 

Stems 10-35 cm, erect, slender, 0-8—1-5 mm in diameter; main stem internodes very pale green, 
conspicuously and minutely rough with perpendicular setose spicules; grooves 8-15, numerous, 
fairly deep, the ridges angular; sheaths long, 3-0—4-5 mm (excluding teeth), somewhat loose, pale 
greenish-grey, sometimes pale brown to blackish above; teeth numerous, as many as the grooves, 1- 
ribbed, 2-0—3-0 mm long, slender, acute, their central portions deep brown above, grey-green at the 
base, straight or, when paired, bent laterally mostly only at the base, their margins scarious, mostly 
pale brown, narrow near the tips of the teeth, but broadening rapidly downwards, adjacent teeth 
mostly adhering laterally by their margins in 2s—3s for their full length; central hollow about 3 
diameter of stem. Branches numerous, up to c. 5-5 cm long, whorled but becoming somewhat 
asymmetrically arranged to give the shoot an often slightly bilaterally compressed appearance, 
spreading and drooping at their tips, very slender, all 3-angled, mid-green, each usually bearing a 
small number of regular, short, spreading secondary branches of similar form and colour; branch 
sheaths pale green, teeth triangular-acuminate, green throughout, + straight or only slightly 
spreading; branchlet ochreolae chaffy, pale brown; branch internodes with very prominent acute, 
uniangulate ridges and deep, flat-sided V-shaped furrows each with a narrow, lengthwise basal 

Vegetative shoots of this hybrid are strikingly intermediate in morphology between those of E. 
pratense and E. sylvaticum. They differ from E. pratense most clearly in having, in most specimens, 
secondarily branched branches throughout all or much of the length of the shoots, somewhat looser 
main stem sheaths which bear fewer teeth with broader, whitish to pale brown margins which also 
typically adhere together laterally by their margins in 2s and 3s. It differs from its other parent, E. 
sylvaticum, principally in the more bilaterally compressed (and hence not quite radially symmetric) 
habit of the overall shoot, its shorter, somewhat fewer, branchlets to the branches, the paler 
ochreolae at the branchlet bases, the generally non-spreading and concolorously green habit of the 
branch node teeth, the more numerous, more acute angles of the main stem internodes, and the 
straighter, darker-centred, more acutely tapering teeth of the main stem sheaths. Its sheaths are also 
generally tighter and typically somewhat less cup-shaped than are those of E. sylvaticum. Cone- 
bearing shoots have not, as yet, been found, but overall, the slender, pale green, somewhat 
compressed shoots of E. X mildeanum, combined with main stem sheaths with long dark teeth 
adhering together by broad scarious margins, and branches which are themselves mostly sparsely 
but regularly secondarily branched, leave little doubt about its identity, and produce a horsetail of 
distinctive and delicate appearance. The combination of these characters distinguishes this hybrid 
from both parents and from E. X bowmanii, which shares E. sylvaticum as acommon parent, as well 
as from other hybrids in Equisetum (Page 1972, 1982). 


Three British stations for E. < mildeanum are known: 

Perthshire, Ben Lawers, between large tumbled boulders on west-facing, slightly flushed damp, 
grassy slope, c. 2050 ft (625 m), with both parents; July 1985, C. N. Page & D. Marden, det. C.N. 

Perthshire, Caenlochan, in scree, 2900 ft (860 m); 10 July 1986, H. McHaffie, conf. C. N. Page. 

276 C.N. PAGE 

Perthshire, Glenshee: Glas Choire, 26 August 1986, E. Birse, comm. P. I. Rothwell, conf. C. N. 

All three montane locations are in sites where both parents occur in the general vicinity or in the 
immediate neighbourhood of the hybrids. All are in fairly base-flushed (and in one site, wet) 
habitats over mica-schist rocks, and two of the sites are amongst boulders or on scree. In its Glas 
Choire locality, the rather small shoots of the plant grow with Carex nigra, C. echinata and 
Sphagnum recurvum. In the other two localities, plants grow in sites where, in addition to both 
parents, other pteridophytes of upland, basic screes are frequent, including Dryopteris expansa, 
Polystichum aculeatum and P. lonchitis. 


Both hybrids reported here have Equisetum sylvaticum as one parent, and are the first two hybrids 
involving this parent known in the Bnitish flora. 

Equisetum X bowmanii is a hybrid hitherto unknown anywhere, and its two, rather dissimilar- 
looking parents are, elsewhere, often widely separated geographically. In Europe as a whole, E. 
sylvaticum is generally northern and montane, and E. telmateia southern and lowland (Jalas & 
Suominen 1972). The ranges of two parent species thus mostly overlap only in middle latitudes in 
Europe, where they are often further separated by habitat differences (Page 1982, 1988). Even in 
Britain, their geographical overlap is not large (Jermy et al. 1978), and the New Forest locality for 
this hybrid is in one of the few regions of Britain where the two parents seem to occur near to each 
other in some quantity. 

Here, the habitat of E. X bowmanii in many ways represents an abutment of habitats each more 
typical of the parent species locally: E. telmateia on damp clay banks and E. sylvaticum in damp acid 
heathy woodland. Further, the bulk of the habitat of E. x bowmanii occurs along a section of road 
which was constructed anew as part of a road realignment 13 years before (1973) the date of the first 
find of this plant, with the area of the hybrid closely coincident with that of roadside clay originally 
disturbed. It is not known whether the hybrid was present before the road widening event, but it 
seems probable that its formation may be a direct result of the soil disturbance resulting from this 
activity, the road construction creating new damp clay verge sites initially free of competition from 
established vegetation and suitable for gametophyte growth. It is by no means impossible that the 
whole of the present population area, including plants on both sides of the road, is a single clone. 

The only other hybrid involving E. telmateia in the British Isles is E. x font-queri Rothm. (E. 
telmateia Ehrh. X E. palustre L.) known from the Isle of Skye (Page 1973) and from two lowland 
English sites (Roberts & Page 1979; Page & Busby 1985). The damp, clay substrate of E. x 
bowmanii and its roadside situation is strongly reminiscent of some of the sites for E. X font-queri in 
Skye. The only other known hybrid involving E. sylvaticum in the British Isles (or, indeed 
anywhere) is E. X mildeanum Rothm. (E. sylvaticum L. xX E. pratense Ehrh.), reported and 
described here. E. X bowmanit is thus significant not only in its unusual appearance and in being a 
hybrid between two species of very different morphology and ecology, but also in having two 
parents neither of which seems to enter into many natural hybrid combinations. 

Equisetum X mildeanum was described by Rothmaler (1944) from a number of localities in 
central and northern Europe, viz. ““Hassia, Holsatia, Saxonia, Prussia, Silesia, Rossia’’. I have 
examined and confirmed the identity of Rothmaler’s type (at Jena, J), and the match of these British 
specimens to it. Through central and northern Europe and Asia, the two parents of this hybrid have, 
indeed, very widely sympatric ranges, and their ecology is such that the two species probably 
frequently meet. It is of interest that all three known Bnitish stations for E. x mildeanum reported 
here are in Perthshire, thus all within the sympatric portions of their parental ranges (cf. Page & 
Barker 1985), and indeed, Scotland is probably the only part of the British Isles in which E. pratense 
occurs in any great abundance. Only one other hybrid involving E. pratense in its parentage is 
known in the literature. This is E. X montellii Hiitonen (E. arvense L. X E. pratense Ehrh.), 
reported from Finland, Sweden and the Canadian arctic (Duckett & Page 1975), and which could 
also yet be found in the British Isles. These two finds now bring to eight the total number of native 



British horsetail hybrids (Page 1982), and update the information and further emphasize the 
ecological conclusions drawn in Page & Barker (1985). 


Grateful thanks must go to the various discoverers and communicators of the plants reported here: 
E. Birse, R. P. Bowman, D. Marden and H. McHaffie. It is also a pleasure to acknowledge valuable 
comments on the draft of the manuscript made by R. P. Bowman, A. C. Jermy, J. McNeill and B. L. 
Burtt, and also to thank the latter for preparing the Latin description. 


-Ducketr, J. G. & Pace, C. N. (1975). Equisetum, in Stace, C. A., ed. Hybridization and the flora of the British 
Isles, pp. 99-103. London. 

JALas, J. & SUOMINEN, J. (1972). Atlas Florae Europaeae 1. Helsinki. 

Jermy, A. C., ARNOLD, H. R., FARRELL, L. & PERRING, F. H. (1978). Atlas of ferns of the British Isles. London. 

Pace, C. N. (1973). Two hybrids in Equisetum new to the British flora. Watsonia 9: 229-237. 

Pace, C. N. (1982). The ferns of Britain and Ireland. Cambridge. 

Pace, C. N. (1988). Ferns. Their habitats in the landscape of Britain and Ireland. London. 

Pace, C. N. & BARKER, M. (1985). Ecology and geography of hybridization in British and Irish horsetails. Proc. 
Roy. Soc. Edinb. 86B: 265-272. 

Pace, C. N. & Bussy, A. R. (1985). Equisetum xX font-queri in Shropshire. Pteridologist 1: 72. 

Roserts, R. H. & Pace, C. N. (1979). A second British record for Equisetum xX font-queri, and its addition to 
the English flora. Fern Gaz. 12: 61-62. 

ROTHMALER, W. (1944). Pteridophyten-Studien, 1. Feddes Repert. 54: 55-82. 

(Accepted May 1988) 


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Watsonia, 17, 279-288 (1988) 179 

The spread of Epilobium ciliatum Raf. in the British Isles 


Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Monks Wood Experimental Station, Abbots Ripton, 
Huntingdon, PE17 2LS 


Epilobium ciliatum Raf. (E. adenocaulon Hausskn.) was first collected in Britain at Cropston Reservoir, 
Leicester, in 1891, and by 1894 it was well-established there. It was gathered in a further five vice-counties before 
1930, but not correctly identified until the 1930s when G. M. Ash realized that it was naturalized in Surrey. 
Thereafter it spread rapidly, reaching Wales by 1942, Scotland by 1957 and Ireland by 1958. This spread is 
illustrated by a series of distribution maps; some of the problems it poses are discussed, and the possible reasons 
for the success of E. ciliatum as a weed are briefly reviewed. 


Of the many thousands of plant species which have been deliberately or accidentally introduced into 
the British Isles, relatively few have become widely naturalized. Some of these, notably certain 
arable weeds, were introduced in prehistoric times, so long ago that they are difficult to distinguish 
from native species. Silene alba, probably introduced with crops in the Neolithic (Baker 1947; 
Godwin 1976), provides one such example. Other species spread in historic times. These include 
plants, such as Acer pseudoplatanus, which were so widespread before systematic recording began 
that their spread cannot be reconstructed from botanical records. Such records have, however, been 
used to study the spread of those naturalized aliens which were introduced more recently. These 
include Cardaria draba (Scurfield 1962), Elodea spp. (Simpson 1984), Polygonum and Reynoutria 
spp. (Conolly 1977), Senecio squalidus (Kent 1956 et seg.) and Veronica filiformis (Bangerter & 
Kent 1957, 1962). This paper documents the spread in the British Isles of Epilobium ciliatum Raf. 
(E. adenocaulon Hausskn.), American Willow-herb, which is now one of the more widespread 
weeds of alien origin. 

Epilobium ciliatum is native to North America, from Newfoundland and Alaska south to Baja 
California, Sonora, New Mexico and Virginia. In this area the name E. ciliatum covers a complex 
which “‘is far from resolved taxonomically” (Raven & Raven 1976). It is an established alien on the 
European mainland and in Australasia: the early records from these areas are reviewed by Lawalrée 
& Reichling (1961) and Raven & Raven (1976) respectively. 

The biology of E. ciliatum has been studied by Myerscough & Whitehead (1966, 1967). The seeds 
can retain viability for several years. Seeds which germinate in autumn give rise to plants which 
Overwinter as rosettes and produce flowering shoots in spring in response to increasing day length. 
Seeds germinating in early summer can flower within 5-5 weeks. The flowers are automatically self- 
pollinated, and the fruit capsules dehisce about 4 weeks after pollination. The seeds possess a tuft of 
silky hairs, and are wind-dispersed. Plants perennate by means of leafy rosettes, which develop at 
the base of the stem and produce their own adventitious root systems independent of the parent 
plant. Despite this ability to perennate, Raven & Raven (1976) have noted that E. ciliatum often 
behaves as an annual, relying on its abundant seed production for survival. 


This study is based on records held by the Biolegical Records Centre, Monks Wood Experimental 
Station. In order to ensure that these are as complete as possible I have extracted records from the 

280 C. D. PRESTON 

following herbaria: ABRN, BM, CGE, E, GL, K, LIV, LTR, NMW, RNG, OXF. I have also 
searched appropriate literature sources, including the Proceedings of the Botanical Society and 
Exchange Club of the British Isles (from 1935), the B.S.B.I. Year Book, the Proceedings of the 
B.S.B.1., Watsonia and many county and local Floras published up to the end of 1986. 


In describing the spread of Epilobium ciliatum it is convenient to consider four arbitrarily chosen 
time spans: 1891-1929, 1930-1949, 1950-1969 and 1970-1986. 

The presence of Epilobium ciliatum in Britain was not announced until 1934, but subsequent 
investigation has unearthed a number of earlier herbarium specimens which were not correctly 
identified at the time of their collection. All the specimens cited below have been determined by 
G. M. Ash. 

The species was first collected by the Rev. T. A. Preston on 20 July 1891 at Cropston Reservoir, 
Leics., v.c. 55 (BM). Preston collected the plant again in 1894 (BM, CGE, NMW). Both gatherings 
were named as the hybrid E. obscurum X E. roseum, an identification “‘confirmed” by the Rev. E. 
S. Marshall, then the British expert on the genus. Fortunately a detailed description of the habitat of 
E. ciliatum at Cropston in 1894 is available (Mott 1895): ““On the muddy shores left dry by the 
receding water of Cropstone Reservoir . . . sprang up vast beds of plants, sometimes a belt of one 
genus followed lower down by a belt of a quite different genus. One of these was an Epilobium belt. 
The species were hirsutum, parviflorum, montanum, obscurum and roseum, but hybrid forms 
occupied by far the largest area, the individuals of the pure type being comparatively rare. Among 
the hybrids, what appears to be obscurum xX roseum |i.e. E. ciliatum| was perhaps most 
conspicuous. This belt being rather high on the sloping banks has probably been exposed for at least 
two summers, so that it is possible the hybridizing may have taken place on the spot.” A. R. 
Horwood collected E. ciliatum at Cropston in 1905 (CGE, NMW), noting that it “continues to 
flourish on the silty ground . . . growing in great profusion, and reaching a height of 3—4 feet’’. 

S. H. Bickham and R. F. Towndrow collected E. ciliatum at a second locality on 31 July 1905, a 
timber yard at Malvern Link, Worcs., v.c. 37 (CGE). This collection was again named E. obscurum 
x E. roseum, with the assent of E. S. Marshall. The next record was also from a timber yard, at 
Woodchester, W. Gloucs., v.c. 34, where H. J. Riddelsdell found it in 1920 (NMW, OXF). In 1921 
J. Fraser gathered it on heaths north of Woking (K) and in 1927 E. C. Wallace found it at Ballards 
Plantation near Croydon (RNG); both localities are in Surrey, v.c. 17. Two more collections were 
made in 1928, from Coleman’s Moor, Berks., v.c. 22 (G. C. Druce, OXF) and from a wood near 
Meopham Green, Kent, v.c. 16(A. R. Horwood, K). This wood may have been Ryarsh Wood, asin 
1929 Horwood collected E. ciliatum there. It seems to have been well-established, as there are 15 
plants on the seven sheets at K gathered by Horwood in 1929. 

Records of E. ciliatum made up to 1929 are plotted in Fig. 1. 


G. M. Ash first collected Epilobium ciliatum in 1931. By the time that the plant was identified and its 
discovery published, it was clear that the species was well-established in Surrey. During the period 
1930-1934 there are records of E. ciliatum from seven 10-km squares in that county; it was also 
recorded from five of the six neighbouring vice-counties, v. cc. 12, 13, 14, 16 and 22. Ash (1934) 
described it as abundant in south-western Surrey, and “‘as common as any other Epilobium about 
Witley, Godalming and Eashing”’. It grew in a range of habitats: ““damp woods, copses and along 
stream-sides far from houses, as well as on railway-banks and in gardens, timber yards and waste 
places” (Ash & Sandwith 1935). 

During the next five years, 1935-1939, E. ciliatum was recorded from a further six vice-counties in 
south-eastern England, v. cc. 11, 15, 18, 20, 23 and 24. In addition it was found further west, in v. cc. 
6, 33 and 34, and further north, in v. cc. 31 and 39. G. M. Ash and J. F. G. Chapple also revisited the 
original British locality, Cropston Reservoir, and found that E. ciliatum still persisted there and also 
occurred at the nearby Swithland Reservoir. 



Ficure 2. Records of Epilobium ciliatum up to 1949. 

Ficure 1. Records of Epilobium ciliatum up to 1929. Records are plotted in 

10-km squares of the British and Irish national grids. 



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1950 - 1969 

FH] 1930 - 1949 
[]] 1970 - 1986 


BB 1891 - 1929 

counties from which it has been recorded. Unshaded vice-counties are those 

Ficure 6. The date of the first record of Epilobium ciliatum in the vice- 
in which the species has not yet been found. 

o* Ses Sesesstesee 

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FicureE 5. Records of Epilobium ciliatum up to 1986. 


E. ciliatum continued to spread during the next decade, 1940-1949. It was first recorded in Wales 
at Rookwood Hospital, Llandaff, v.c. 41, in 1942 and by 1947 it was established in Cardiff (Wallace 
1949). All records up to 1949 are plotted in Fig. 2. The concentration of records around Surrey is still 
apparent, and in 1946 J. P. M. Brenan commented that it was “‘as yet rare in Oxfordshire” (Brenan 
1948). The westernmost records mapped in Fig. 2 are in Dorset, v.c. 9, and Glamorgan, v.c. 41, but 
a specimen collected at Torrington in Devon, v.c. 4, in 1935 (J. F. G. Chapple et al., OXF) was 
determined as E. ciliatum x E. obscurum by G. M. Ash (Hall 1936). Ash commented: ‘“‘on the 
whole I consider the plants very convincing and | shall want much argument before I believe that 
Ep. adenocaulon is not to be found near Torrington’”’. 

There is no evidence that the spread of E. ciliatum was favoured by the wartime bombing of 
London and other major cities. Lousley (1944, 1946) does not list it as a colonist of the bombed sites 
in central Londen which he investigated in 1942 and 1944, nor is it referred to by Salisbury (1945). 
Lousley did, however, collect it from three bombed sites in 1945. These were the first records of the 
species from Middlesex, v.c. 21 — surprisingly, as it was known from all the surrounding counties by 

Epilobium species hybridize readily, and by 1949 hybrids of E. ciliatum with all the native lowland 
species had been recorded (Stace 1975). 


The dramatic spread of E. ciliatum in this period is shown by the accompanying maps (Figs 2—4). At 
the start it was still a relatively local species, albeit frequent in some areas of south-eastern England. 
By 1969 it was frequent throughout most of southern and midland England and in many areas of 
Wales, and there were scattered records in northern England and Scotland. The first Scottish record 
was made in 1957 by Dr M. Dunn, by a wooded stream at Kenley, Fife, v.c. 85; the second was of a 
population in “overgrown open woodland” on the banks of a stream at the Raith estate, Fife, where 
it was discovered by G. H. Ballantyne in 1959. Between 1950 and 1969 it was also found on several 
islands, including Lundy (1952), the Isle of Man (1958), Anglesey (1964) and Jersey, Channel 
Islands (1968). In 1958 it was collected by J. G. and C. M. Dony at Arklow, Co. Wicklow, v.c. H20, 
the first Irish record. 


In Great Britain the spread of E. ciliatum continued during this period (Fig. 5). The species was 
recorded for the first time in many Scottish vice-counties, and reached the Hebridean islands of Skye 
(1976), Ulva (1982) and Tiree (1982). 

Although it was first recorded in Ireland in 1958, there were few records before 1980. The hybrid 
E. ciliatum X palustre was collected in Co. Down, v.c. H38, in 1969 and there is a 1971 field record of 
E. ciliatum itself on an island in Lough Neagh, Co. Antrim, v.c. H39. In 1978 E. ciliatum was found 
in a garden at Aughrim, Co. Wicklow, v.c. H20, where it grew with E. lanceolatum, and in a nearby 
nursery (Walters 1979). In the next few years there were numerous records from all parts of Ireland, 
and in some areas the species spread explosively (Doogue et al. 1985). 

In south-eastern England, where it was first recognized as a naturalized plant, E. ciliatum was 
very abundant by the 1970s. In Surrey it was ‘“‘almost ubiquitous” and Lousley (1976) described it as 
“by far our commonest willowherb’”’. It was ‘‘the commonest willow-herb in London” (Burton 1983) 
and ‘‘much the commoner of the small willowherbs” in Kent (Philp 1982); in both these areas, as in 
Bedfordshire (Dony 1976), it was recorded in 70-78% of tetrads (2 xX 2 km squares). In 
Hertfordshire (Dony 1967) and Sussex (Hall 1980) it is known in 62% and 64% of tetrads, but 
further north and west the percentage is smaller: 47% in Devon (Ivimey-Cook 1984), 43% in 
Rutland (Messenger 1971) and only 22% in Shropshire (Sinker et al. 1985). 

In compiling the records of Epilobium ciliatum I have rejected a number as erroneous. The 
following published records are sufficiently important for the reason for their rejection to be put on 

Cadbury et al. (1971) report as the first Warwickshire record a specimen in herb. J. E. Bagnall 
collected by Bagnall in a wood near Gannaway Gate in 1889. If substantiated this would be the first 
British record, but the specimen cannot be traced in Bagnall’s herbarium at BIRA, nor are the 


details known to Mrs P. Copson, the vice-county recorder. It seems likely that the reference is an 
error introduced in the compilation of the Flora. The earliest acceptable record from Warwickshire 
known to me is dated 1952. 

The first Sussex record is given by Wolley-Dod (1937) as Lurgashall, 1930, det. G. M. Ash, but 
Ash & Sandwith (1935) cite ‘““Lurgashall, 1934” as the only Sussex record. There are no Lurgashall 
specimens in BM, where both herb. Wolley-Dod and herb. Ash are lodged. I prefer to follow Ash & 
Sandwith, and to regard Wolley-Dod’s date as a misprint. 

Epilobium ciliatum was reported from the dried up bed of a loch at Gallanach Dunes, Coll, v.c. 
103 (Harrison et al. 1941) and from the Bornish-Stoneybridge area, South Vist, v.c. 110 (Harrison 
1941). Harrison’s (1941) comment that EF. ciliatum “is an American species and may not be a 
colonist in the Hebrides” suggested that it might be native at these sites. However these records 
have not been accepted by other botanists (e.g. Perring & Walters 1962). 



The records of Epilobium ciliatum in Britain and Ireland are summarized above. The first question 
that needs to be considered is whether or not these accurately reflect its spread in the British Isles. 
The genus Epilobium is somewhat difficult and is sometimes ignored by field botanists. The smaller 
species cannot be distinguished without close scrutiny, and unusual plants can be explained away as 
hybrids. If E. ciliatum was overlooked for a considerable period or recognized by only a few 
botanists, the picture of its spread presented above might be misleading. 

Until the early 1930s botanists were unaware that EF. ciliatum occurred in Britain. A few 
specimens collected before then have been found, but it would be unwise to deduce too much from 
this fragmentary evidence. E. ciliatum was well-established at Cropston Reservoir by 1894. It is 
difficult to say whether it was established or casual at the other localities where it was collected 
before 1930, and the date when it became established in Surrey is not known. As Ash & Sandwith 
(1935) pointed out, the Rev. E. S. Marshall lived in the very area of Surrey in which E. ciliatum was 
well-established by the 1930s. Marshall was successively curate at Witley (1885-1890) and Vicar of 
Milford (1890-1900), and it was in this period that he carried out most of his work on Epilobium 
(Britten 1920). Although Marshall failed to recognize the pressed specimens of E. ciliatum that were 
submitted to him, it seems rather less likely that he would have overlooked the living plant and 
highly probable that he would have at least collected it in mistake for some other species or hybrid. 
It is tolerably certain, therefore, that E. ciliatum became established in Surrey between 1900 and 

The first detailed account of E. ciliatum in Britain was published in 1935. Even after this there 
must have been some delay between the appearance of the plant in an area and its recognition by 
botanists, and no doubt this delay was greater in some regions than in others. Even the map of the 
current distribution (Fig. 5) shows some areas where the scarcity of records probably reflects a lack 
of recorders rather than any real scarcity of the plant. With these qualifications, it seems likely that 
the records available do provide a reasonably accurate picture of the spread in Great Britain of 
E. ciliatum after 1935. The extent to which Irish records reflect its spread there is discussed by 
Doogue et al. (1985). 

A number of other questions can be asked about the origin of E. ciliatum in Britain. Did it arrive 
directly from North America? Were the scattered early records the results of separate introduc- 
tions? Is the fact that two of its first three localities were timber yards significant, indicating that it 
may have been introduced or spread with timber? 

Raven & Raven (1976) pointed out that E. ciliatum in Britain and New Zealand appears to be 
identical, despite the fact that they are drawn from a highly variable complex in N. America, and . 
suggest that the New Zealand plant might have been introduced from Britain. E. ciliatum was first 
recorded in New Zealand in 1896. By 1905 it seems to have been widespread in North Island, and it 
was first recorded in South Island in 1912. Thus the species was found in Great Britain five years 
before it was collected in New Zealand, but appears to have spread more rapidly in New Zealand. 
The possibility that it was introduced from New Zealand to Britain, rather than vice versa, cannot 
be ruled out. 

286 C. D. PRESTON 

This raises perhaps the most mysterious question about the spread of E. ciliatum in Britain, first 
posed by Ash (1953) who wrote “Why has it made such rapid progress in recent years whilst 
remaining more or less static near Leicester for 50 years?’ Although E. ciliatum was well- 
established and persistent at Cropston Reservoir there is no evidence to suggest that it spread 
beyond the immediate neighbourhood. It did not become a weed in T. G. Tutin’s Leicester garden 
until 1965 (Tutin 1973). The distribution maps suggest that the populations near Cropston were 
engulfed by the advancing front of E. ciliatum from further south. It is tempting to suggest that the 
plants at Cropston had a different genotype from those which spread so rapidly, but this is only 

After the initial scattered records, the spread of FE. ciliatum in Britain appears to have been 
continuous rather than discontinuous. This is suggested by Fig. 6, which illustrates the date of the 
first record from each vice-county. This continuous spread presumably reflects a natural expansion 
of an established population, rather than introduction by man at different sites which then acted as 
foci for secondary expansion. The spread of E. ciliatum contrasts with that of Senecio squalidus, 
described by Salisbury (1961) as “markedly discontinuous with respect to the more remote 
infections, whilst at the same time spreading locally around each new station’”’. 


Myerscough & Whitehead (1966, 1967) compared the germination behaviour and subsequent 
growth of Epilobium ciliatum with that of the native species E. montanum. Both species possess 
many of the attributes of successful weeds: considerable phenotypic plasticity which enables them to 
grow in a range of environmental conditions, efficient vegetative and sexual reproduction and seeds 
with the capacity to survive in a dormant state. However, the minimum period from germination to 
flowering is shorter in E. ciliatum, 5-5 weeks compared to 7, and its relative growth rate is greater. 
The overwintering rosettes of E. ciliatum are larger than those of E. montanum, which probably 
allows it to make more growth during the winter although it renders the plant more susceptible to 
adverse weather conditions. Flowering and fruiting plants of E. ciliatum are less leafy than those of 
E. montanum, and the green stems and capsules make a greater contribution to photosynthetic 
assimilation. Raven & Raven (1976) stress the ““enormous seed production” of E. ciliatum as a 
factor in its spread in Europe and Australasia, but quantitative comparisons with other species have 
not been made. 

It has recently been suggested that the evolution of resistance to the widely used persistent 
triazine herbicides such as simazine might be one factor responsible for the predominance of E. 
ciliatum in urban areas. S. M. Walters (pers. comm.) found that it was the only species which 
flourished on soil in an area of Grantchester churchyard, Cambs., which had been subjected to 
excessive applications of simazine, and resistance to pre-emergence treatments has been demon- 
strated experimentally (Bailey et al. 1982). 


I am grateful to the vice-county recorders and other B.S.B.I. members who have helped by 
providing records of E. ciliatum, to T. D. Pennington for examining a number of specimens, to Mrs 
D. M. Greene for much assistance including the production of the 10-km square distribution maps 
and to J. Clark for drawing the vice-county map. S. M. Walters and D. Briggs pointed out the 
possible importance of herbicide resistance in the E. ciliatum story, and J. R. Akeroyd, M. D. 
Hooper and T. C. G. Rich kindly commented on a draft of this paper. 


Asu, G. M. (1934). Epilobium adenocaulon Hausskn. Rep. Watson bot. Exch. Club 4: 218-219. 
Asu, G. M. (1953). Epilobium adenocaulon in Britain (Exhibit), in Loustey, J. E., ed. The changing flora of 
Britain, p. 168. Arbroath. 



Asu, G. M. & SANpwitH, N. Y. (1935). Epilobium adenocaulon Hausskn. in Britain. J. Bot., Lond. 73: 177- 

Baitey, J. A., RicHarpson, W. G. & Jones, A. G. (1982). The response of willowherbs (Epilobium 
adenocaulon and E. obscurum) to pre- or post-emergence herbicides. Proc. Br. Crop Prot. Conf. Weeds 
1982: 299-305. 

Baker, H. G. (1947). Melandrium (Roehling em.) Fries, in Biological Flora of the British Isles. J. Ecol. 35: 271- 

BANGERTER, E. B. & KENT, D. H. (1957). Veronica filiformis Sm. in the British Isles. Proc. bot. Soc. Br. Isl. 2: 

BANGERTER, E. B. & KENT, D. H. (1962). Further notes on Veronica filiformis. Proc. bot. Soc. Br. Isl. 4: 384- 

BrENAN, J. P. M. (1948). September 6-9, the neighbourhood of Oxford. Rep. botl Soc. Exch. Club Br. Isl. 13: 

Britten, J. (1920). In memory of Edward Shearburn Marshall (1858-1919). J. Bot., Lond. 58: 1-11. 

Burton, R. M. (1983). Flora of the London area, p. 81. London. 

Capsury, D. A., Hawkes, J. G. & READETT, R. C. (1971). A computer-mapped Flora, p. 171. London. 

. Cono ty, A. P. (1977). The distribution and history in the British Isles of some alien species of Polygonum and 

Reynoutria. Watsonia 11: 291-311. 

Dony, J. G. (1967). Flora of Hertfordshire, p. 74. Hitchin. 

Dony, J. G. (1976). Bedfordshire plant atlas, p. 57. Luton. 

Doocug, D., Ketty, D. L. & Wyse Jackson, P. S. (1985). The progress of Epilobium ciliatum Rafin. (E. 
adenocaulon Hausskn.) in Ireland, with some notes on its hybrids. Jr. Nat. J. 21: 444-446. 

Gopwin, H. (1975). The history of the British flora, 2nd ed. Cambridge. 

HA.t, P. C. (1980). Sussex plant atlas, p. 91. Brighton. 

HA_t, P. M. (1936). Epilobium adenocaulon Hausskn. X obscurum Schreb. Rep. botl Soc. Exch. Club Br. Isl. 
bE: ,29. 

Harrison, J. W. H. (1941). A preliminary flora of the Outer Hebrides. Proc. Univ. Durham phil. Soc. 10: 228- 

Harrison, J. W. H., Harrison, H. H., CLark, W. A. & Cooke, R. B. (1941). The flora of Coll, Tiree and 
Gunna (v.-c. 110B). Proc. Univ. Durham phil. Soc. 10: 274-308. 

IvimEy-CooK, R. B. (1984). Atlas of the Devon flora, p. 114. Exeter. 

KENT, D. H. (1956). Senecio squalidus L. in the British Isles — 1. Early records (to 1877). Proc. bot. Soc. Br. Isl. 
2: 115-118. 

LAWALREE, A. & REICHLING, G. (1961). Epilobium adenocaulon Hausskn., au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, 
en Belgique et en Allemagne occidentale. (Service de la carte des groupements végétaux, Musée d’histoire 
naturelle, no. 41). Luxembourg. 

LousLey, J. E. (1944). The pioneer flora of bombed sites in central London. Rep. botl Soc. Exch. Club Br. Isl. 
12: 528-531. 

LousLey, J. E. (1946). The flora of bombed sites in the City of London in 1944. Rep. botl Soc. Exch. Club Br. Isl. 
12: 875-883. 

Lous_ey, J. E. (1976). Flora of Surrey, pp. 208-209. Newton Abbot. 

MESSENGER, [K.]G. (1971). Flora of Rutland, p. 64. Leicester. 

Morr, F. T. (1895). E. obscurum X roseum. Rep. botl Soc. Exch. Club Br. Isl. 1: 449. 

MyerscouGH, P. J. & WHITEHEAD, F. H. (1966). Comparative biology of Tussilago farfara L., Chamaenerion 
angustifolium (L.) Scop., Epilobium montanum L. and Epilobium adenocaulon Hausskn. I. General 
biology and germination. New Phytol. 65: 192-210. 

MyerscouGH, P. J. & WHITEHEAD, F. H. (1967). Comparative biology of Tussilago farfara L., Chamaenerion 
angustifolium (L.) Scop., Epilobium montanum L., and Epilobium adenocaulon Hausskn. II. Growth and 
ecology. New Phytol. 66: 785-823. 

PERRING, F. H. & WALTERS, S. M., eds (1962). Atlas of the British yore: p. 145. London. 

Pup, E. G. (1982). Atlas of the Kent flora, p. 94. 

RAVEN, P. H. & Raven, T. E. (1976). The genus Epilobium nteaeac) in Australasia: a systematic and 
evolutionary study. Bull. N. Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. 216. 321 pp. Christchurch. 

SALISBURY, E. J. (1945). The flora of bombed areas. Proc. R. Instn Gt Br. 32: 435-455. 

SALISBURY, E. J. (1961). Weeds and aliens. London. 

ScuRFIELD, G. (1962). Cardaria draba (L.) Desv., in Biological Flora of the British Isles. J. Ecol. 50: 489-499. 

Simpson, D. A. (1984). A short history of the introduction and spread of Elodea Michx in the British Isles. 
Watsonia 15: 1-9. 

SINKER, C. A., PACKHAM, J. R., TRUEMAN, I. C., OSWALD, P. H., PERRING, F. H. & Prestwoop, W. V. (1985). 
Ecological Flora of the Shropshire region, p. 224. Shrewsbury. 

Stace, C. A. (1975). Epilobium L., in Stace, C. A., ed. Hybridization and the flora of the British Isles, pp. 246- 
265. London. 

288 C. D. PRESTON 

TutTin, T. G. (1973). Weeds of a Leicester garden. Watsonia 9: 263-267. 

WaLLAce, E. C., comp. (1949). Plant records. Watsonia 1: 37-61. 

Watters, S. M. (1979). Epilobium lanceolatum Seb. & Mauri — a plant to look for in your garden. Watsonia 12: 

Wo tey-Dop, A. H., ed. (1937). Flora of Sussex, p. 191. Hastings. 

(Accepted April 1988) 

Watsonia, 17, 289-299 (1988) 289 

The taxonomic relationships and typification of Festuca 
brevipila Tracey and F. lemanii Bastard (Poaceae) 


Botany Department, The University, Leicester, LE] 7RH 


_ Festuca brevipila Tracey (= F. trachyphylla (Hack.) Kraj.) and F. lemanii Bast. have long been a source of 
confusion for British botanists. The aim of this paper is to clarify the current taxonomic situation by 
distinguishing the two species on the basis of their morphology and anatomy, by reviewing the taxonomic history 
and nomenclature and by examining their taxonomic status. Some data are also presented on the geographical 
distribution and ecology of each species. 


The subject of this paper is two species of grass that have for long been collectively known in the 
British literature as Festuca longifolia Thuill. It was shown conclusively by Auquier (1973) that this 
application is wrong, and that F. /ongifolia is the correct name for the glaucous fescue found in East 
Anglia, to which the names F. caesia Smith and F. glauca Lam. had been applied. F. caesia correctly 
refers to that taxon (though a later synonym), but F. glauca is another misapplication, the true F. 
glauca not occurring in the wild in the British Isles. 

The correct names of the two species to be discussed are F. brevipila Tracey and F. lemanii 
Bastard. The misapplication of the name F. longifolia to these seems to date from Howarth (1925), 
who was followed by Hubbard (1954), Dandy (1958) and Tutin (1952, 1962). These authors 
included both F. brevipila and F. lemanii as a single species, although the former is probably more 
closely related to F. valesiaca Schleicher ex Gaudin and the latter to F. ovina L. The drawing in 
Hubbard (1954) for the most part could refer to either species, but the leaf section is definitely that 
of F. lemanii. 

The long list of differential characteristics which separate F. /emanii and the only slightly less 
variable F. brevipila (Table 1) suggests that the species are very well separated. However, Hackel 


Character F. brevipila F. lemanii 

Panicle usually nodding usually erect 

Awn length (mm) 1-4-2-5 0-3-1-8 

Palea length (mm) 3-8—4-7 ' 4-0-5-2 

Leaf-blade scabridity usually scabrid or scabrid distally usually scabridulous distally 

Number of adaxial leaf-blade 4-6 2-4 


Number of leaf-blade veins (S—)7-9 5-7 

Margins of leaf-blades infolded infolded or not 

Sclerenchyma in leaf-blades usually in three islets (sometimes usually in ring or broken ring 

Prickle length on adaxial surface of | (2-7—)5—13(-15) (10-5—)23-—46(-63-5) 

leaf-blade (um) 

Stomatal length (leaf) (um) (37-5—)41-50 38—42(—46) 

Stomatal length (lemma) (um) 31-5-37°5 29-33:°5 


(1882, p. 87) noted the existence of individuals intermediate between F. ovina subsp. eu-ovina var. 
vulgaris subvar. firmula Hack. (= F. lemanii) and F. ovina subsp. eu-ovina var. duriuscula subvar. 
trachyphylla Hack. (= F. brevipila). The present study has also uncovered a number of intermediate 
specimens, although completely intermediate individuals are rather rare and the taxa are generally 
easily separated when all differential characters are taken into consideration. We therefore consider 
them to be best recognised as distinct species. 


F. lemanii Bastard, Essai Fl. Maine et Loire 36 (1809). TYPE: France. Chinon. In sabulosis aridis. 
E. H. Tourlet No. 12530 — ex herb. Hackel (Neotype: W, designated here). 

F. cinerea sensi Desvaux, Fl. Anjou 61 (1827); sensu Moisan, Fl. Nantaise 185 (1839); non Vill. 

F. duriuscula sensu Moisan, Fl. Nantaise 185 (1839); sensu Guépin, Fl. Maine et Loire, 3rd ed., 50 
(1845); sensu Boreau in Mém. Soc. Acad. Maine et Loire 6: 181 (1859); sensu Lloyd, Fl. Ouest 
France, 3rd ed., 372 (1876); sensu Corbiére, Nouv. Fl. Normandie 645 (1893); sensu Desvaux, FI. 
Anjou 61 (1927); sensu Huon in Bot. Rhed., sér. A, 9: 187 (1970); non L. (1753). 

F. glauca sensu Moisan, Fl. Nantaise 185 (1839); non Lam. (1787). 

F. duriuscula L. var. hirsuta sensu Hardouin, Renou & le Clerc, Catal. Pl. vasc. Calvados 307 
(1848); sensu Tourlet, Catal. rais. Pl. vasc. Indre et Loire 583 (1908); non (Host) Gaudin (1828). 

F. ovina subsp. eu-ovina var. vulgaris Koch subvar. firmula Hack. f. lemanii (Bast.) Hack., Monogr. 
Fest. Europ. 87 (1882); F. ovina subsp. ovina var. firmula (Hack.) Hegi f. lemanii (Bast. ) Hack. in 
Stohr, Wiss. Z. Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg 4: 405 (1955). 

F. hirsuta sensu Corbiére, Fl. Normandie 645 (1893); non Host (1802). 

F. ovina subsp. eu-ovina var. lemanii (Bast.) Aschers & Graebn., Syn. Mitteleur. Fl. 2: 468 (1900). 

F. longifolia sensu Howarth in J. Linn. Soc. (Bot.) 47: 35 (1925), pro parte; sensu Hubbard, Grasses 
111 (1954), pro parte; sensu Tutin, F/. Br. Isl., 2nd ed., 1129 (1962), pro parte; non Thuill. (1800). 

F. ovina var. firmula (Hack.) Richt. subvar. /emanii (Bast.) Kraj. in Acta Bot. Bohem. 9:189, 193 

F. cinerea Vill. var. trachyphylla sensu Stohr in Wiss. Z. Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg 4: 
732 (1960); sensu Auquier in Bull. Jard. Bot. nat. Belg. 39: 97-118 (1969); non (Hack.) Stohr. 


The type specimen of F. lemanii was described by Bastard as being collected from the area around 
Brissac and Saumur (Maine et Loire, France). The herbarium of Bastard is said to be mainly in 
Angers (ANG) with other specimens in Paris (P) and Manchester (MANCH). M. Kerguélen (in litt. 
1984) examined the collections in ANG and P but failed to find either a type specimen or an 
authentic specimen which may become a neotype. Auquier (1974) reported having requested such 
material from MANCH and ANG but without success. M.J.W. visited MANCH but also failed to 
find a suitable specimen. In the apparent absence of a type specimen or of an authentic specimen to 
serve as a neotype, Kerguélen (in litt. 1984) suggested that an alternative neotype might be sought. 

Hackel’s (1882) concept of the epithet ‘/emanii’ came from the examination of herbarium material 
collected from areas around Chinon (Indre et Loire, France) by E. H. Tourlet. Auquier (1974) 
examined one such specimen from Hackel’s herbarium (W, No. 12530) collected by Tourlet from 
“Chinon in sabulosis aridis’’, and stated that it agrees well in the majority of characters with plants 
of the thermophilous calcareous grasslands in the region (and by implication with F. lemanii). He 
later suggested, in a note attached to the specimen, that this plant may provide a convenient neotype 
for F. lemanii. Kerguélen (in litt. 1984) agreed with this view. 

We have observed F. lemanii growing on both calcareous and acidic soils and a detailed 
comparison of the two ecodemes covering 126 characters has revealed few differences between 
them. Traditionally important characters such as spikelet length, awn length and leaf-blade 
diameter were not found to differ between the two ecodemes, but minor differences were observed 
in both panicle length and culm height (Fig. 1). These differences are considered by us to be too 
small to warrant taxonomic distinction, since both characters were found to be highly unreliable 
under cultivation. Therefore, we feel that it is not inappropriate to use a specimen collected from 



5 | | 
/ 0 
Breath wide 0g 735 Luo 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 

6 7 8 leaf diameter 

Spikelet length (mm) 


0-2 0-6 1:0 1:4 1:8 2:2 
Awn length (mm) 

0-5 06 0-7 0-8 0-9 1:0 

B 5 leaf diameter 
Becxas lahiag coe api eSA | (mm) 

0-2 0-6 1-0 1:4 1:8 
Awn length (mm) ~ 


ea ana ) 
10 20 30 40 50 
Height (cm) 0 

2G 4 62060 <-TUSBUBO10 At 
Panicle length (cm) 

B - B 

! 5 
ir 2092) 30 4Oe 6d, 60 7008 

DIZ AL Be Sty Ov8. N19 F110 641 
Panicle length (cm) 
Height (cm) 

Ficure 1. Variation in spikelet length, awn length, leaf-diameter, height and panicle length in two ecodemes of 
| F. lemanii, A. calcifuge, B. calcicole. Vertical axes = no. of plants. 


acid sands as a neotype for F. /Jemanii, even though the original plant was collected from an area of 
predominantly calcareous soils. 

The Tourlet specimen was obtained on loan from W and examined. The characteristics of this 
specimen agree reasonably well with the descriptions of F. lemanii given by Auquier (1974), 
Markgraf-Dannenberg (1980) and Kerguélen (1983) (Table 2). Accordingly, we designate this 
specimen as the neotype of F. lemanii. 

Hackel (1882, p. 87) included F. /emanii under F. ovina var. vulgaris subvar. firmula. Plants 
referable to F. /emaniti were distinguished from others in the subvariety only by their hairy spikelets. 
However, the modern concept of F. /emanii encompasses plants with both hairy and glabrous 
spikelets and so is more accurately referable to the whole of Hackel’s subvar. firmula. 


Neotype Markgraf- 
Character (W-N.12530) Auquier (1974) Kerguélen (1983) Dannenberg (1980) 
Panicle length (4-6—)5-7(-7-5) (2—)5-7(-11) (2-)5-7(-11) (2—)4-7(-11) 

Spikelet length (6-3—)6-6(—7-2) (5-6—)6-5-7-2(-8-3) (5-6—)6-5-7-2(-8-3)  (5-6-)6-5—7-2(-8-3) 
Lemma length (3-8—)4-1(-4-5) (3-6—-)4-2-4-6(-5-5) (3-6-)4-2-4-6(-5-5)  (3-6—)4-2-4-6(-5-5) 

Awn length (0-7—)1-5(-2-3) (0-2—)0-8—1-6(—2-8) — <2-75 


Upper glume (3-6—)3-8(-—4-3) (2-8—)3-5—4-0(-5:-2) — (2-8—)3-5—4-0(-5-2) 
length (mm) 

Leaf-blade scabridulous in usually scabridulous scabrid only at tip usually scabrid distally 
scabridity distal third distally or at tip 

Leaf-blade (0-59—)0-62 (0-43—)0-62—0-79 (0-45—)0-6—0-8(—1-14) (0-43—)0-62-0-79 
diameter (—0-66) (-1-14) (-1-14) 

No. of veins 5(-7) (5—)7(-9) (5—)7(-9) (5—)7(-9) 

No. of grooves 2(-4) 2-4(-6) (2—)3-4 (2-)3-4 
Sclerenchyma much brokenmng continuous or broken continuous ring continuous or broken 
distribution ring ring 


Plants fairly densely to loosely tufted; vegetative shoots all intravaginal and retaining or shedding 
old leaves. Culms (19—)28—66 cm, erect, (0-32—)0-38—0-5(—0-55)mm wide below the first panicle 
node, generally smooth or scabridulous below the panicle, glabrous or hairy, grooved or weakly 
grooved distally; nodes 2—3, the uppermost not pruinose, visible beyond the subtending sheath or 
not, and reaching (3—)12—32(—37)% of the height of the plant. 

Leaves green, usually not glaucous, subpruinose or not. Leaf-sheaths (1-3—)2-1—4-4(—4-7)cm, 
fused for (0—)15—36(—41)% of their length, smooth or scabridulous distally, glabrous or hairy; 
auricles short, usually minutely ciliate (rarely glabrous). Ligules short, usually minutely ciliate 
(rarely glabrous). Leaf-blades lank to robust, (4—)6—11(-—17)cm, not acutely pointed, (9—)11—56(- 
79)% on each plant curved at the tip, usually scabrid at least in the upper half, occasionally 
scabridulous in the distal third or smooth, glabrous or hairy at the base. 

Panicles usually erect but occasionally slightly nodding, 3-7—7-8(—8.6)cm, with (8—)16—24(—34) 
spikelets. Panicle branches subpruinose or not pruinose, not narrowing below the spikelets, smooth 
to scabrid, covered in hairs or prickles, rarely subglabrous; lst and 2nd panicle nodes (1-1—)1-3- 
2-7(—3-2)cm apart. Spikelets subpruinose or not, (6-1—)6-5—7-5(—8-5)cm, with (2—)3—6(—8) florets 
(plus one sterile floret); pedicels (0-62—)1-45—2-35(—2-5)mm. Glumes unequal; the lower subulate 
to narrowly lanceolate, (2-15—)2-4—3-2(—3-52) x 0-58—0-82 mm, usually glabrous, but sometimes 
with a scabrid tip or rarely laxly hairy, 1-veined, with a ciliate margin; the upper narrowly lanceolate 
to lanceolate, (3-4—)3-5—4-6(—4-8) x (0-89—)1-05—1-2(—1-3)mm, usually glabrous or with a scabrid 



distal third, rarely laxly hairy, 3-veined with a ciliate margin or rarely glabrous. Lemmas lanceolate, 
(4-05—)4-1—4-85(—5-35) (excluding awn) x 1-5—1-83(—1-93)mm, green but often purple at the apex, 
with awns (0-3—)0-6—1-6(—1-9)mm long, 5-veined, scabrid in the distal half or hairy. Paleas linear- 
lanceolate, (3-9—)4-1—4-6(—5-2) x 0-68—0-9 mm. Anthers yellow or purple, 1-83—2-Smm. Pollen 
grains oblong, brown, 2-3—3-1 x 0-65—1-0mm. 

Leaf-blade anatomy (Fig. 2): outline of leaf-blades usually oval or V-oval, occasionally V-form or 
circular-elliptical; margins usually not infolded; leaf-blade diameter (0-43—)0-59-0-85(—0-95)mm, 
diameter/thickness ratio (1-87—)2-1—2-4(—2-9); veins 5 (—7); sclerenchyma forming a complete or 
broken ring which may be thickened slightly at the margins and midrib, sometimes forming a much 
broken ring; 2—4 grooves and 1—4 ridges on the adaxial surface; adaxial midrib (0-09—)0-1—0-14(- 
0-15)mm wide and 0-035—0-08mm deep; adaxial epidermal cells usually of fairly uniform size, rarely 
individualized, lacking bulliform cells but with prickles (10-5—)23—46(—63-5)um. Leaf-blade adaxial 
epidermis: stomata (31—)38—41-5(—45-8)um, usually predominantly solitary or with an accompany- 
ing prickle-cell, (1-)8—74(—91)% solitary, (0—)23-—88(—99)% with an accompanying silica-cell; 

prickles usually predominantly solitary, (28—)35—79(—100)% solitary, (0O—)11—50(-—57)% forming 

short rows of 2 or more prickle-cells, 0—15(—65)% with an accompanying silica-cell. 
Leaf-blade abaxial epidermis: stomata absent; long-cells with sinuous walls, (75—)85—133(- 
143) um; silica-cells and cork-cells present; prickles usually present. 


F. brevipila Tracey, Plant Syst. Evol. 128: 287—292 (1977). TYPE: Nieder6ésterreich, Waldviertel, 

Ampliendorf (nérdlich von Schrems), in der Nahe des Houses Nr. 55; in sehr flachgriindigen Rasen 

iiber Granit. 20 Mai 1977, A. Weber (Holotype: WU). 

F. ovina L. var. glaucescens Link, Hort. Berol. 2: 266 (1833), nom. ambig. sec. Stohr (1960, p. 398). 

F. ovina subsp. eu-ovina var. duriuscula (L.) Koch subvar. trachyphylla Hack., Monogr. Fest. 
Europ. 91 (1882) (Lectotype: Prenzlau, Grantzow, ex herb. Hackel (W), designated here). 

F. ovina subsp. eu-ovina var. duriuscula subvar. pubescens Hack., Monogr. Fest. Europ. 91 (1882). 

F. duriuscula var. trachyphylla (Hack.) Richt., Pl. Eur. 1: 94 (1890). 

F. duriuscula subsp. trachyphylla (Hack.) Rohlena in Vestn. Kral. ces. spol. Nauk 24: 4 (1900), sec. 
Rauschert (1960, p. 270). 

F. ovina var. trachyphylla (Hack.) Druce, List Br. Pl. 83 (1908). 

F. longifolia var. trachyphylla (Hack.) Howarth in J. Linn. Soc. (Bot.) 47: 35 (1925). 

F. trachyphylla (Hack.) Kraj. in Acta Bot. Bohem. 9: 190, tab. 2, fig. 5, 6 (1930); non Hackel ex 
Druce (1915). 

F. ovina subsp. ovina var. duriuscula subvar. trachyphylla (Hack.) Maire, Fl. Afrique Nord 3: 126 

F. longifolia sensu Hubbard, Grasses 111 (1958), pro parte; sensu Tutin, F/. Br. Is/., 2nd ed., 1129 
(1962), pro parte; non Thuill. (1800). 

F. duvalii (St. Yves) Stohr in Wiss. Z. Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg 4: 232 (1955), pro 
parte quoad descr., excl. typ. 

F. cinerea var. trachyphylla (Hack.) Stohr in Wiss. Z. Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg 9: 395, 
402 (1960). 

F. stricta Host subsp. trachyphylla (Hack.) Patzke in Osterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 108: 506 (1961). 


Auquier (1973, pp. 270-272) pointed out that considerable confusion had arisen over Hackel’s 
Original concept of subvar. trachyphylla. Some authors had applied the epithet trachyphylla to 
fescues with a continuous ring of sclerenchyma (Stohr 1955, 1960; Korneck 1961; Huon 1970; 
Bidault 1966, 1968), whereas others applied the name to fescues with three islets of sclerenchyma 
tissue (e.g. Howarth 1925, 1948; Krajina 1930). Auquier (1973) outlined the principal arguments for 
each view. Evidence in favour of using the epithet to describe specimens with a continuous ring of 
sclerenchyma is as follows: 

i) Hackel (1882, pp. 90) placed subvar. trachyphylla under var. duriuscula (L. ) Koch, which he 
considered to have a continuous ring of sclerenchyma only rarely interrupted. 



Ficure 2 Leaf-blade sections of F. lemanii and F. brevipila. 

1. F. lemanii, Seven Sisters, nr River Wye, Herefordshire, v.c 36 (LTR). 
2. F. lemanii, Monks Dale, nr Tideswell, Derbyshire, v.c. 57 (LTR). 

3. F. lemanii, Jezainville, Meurth-et-Moselle, France (LTR). 

4. F. lemanii, (Neotype) Chinon, France (W). 

5. F. brevipila, Lakenheath Warren, W. Suffolk, v.c. 26 (LTR). 

6. F. brevipila, Wangford, W. Suffolk, v.c. 26 (LTR). 

7. F. brevipila, nr Brandon, Suffolk (LTR). 

8. F. brevipila, (Holotype), Niederosterreich, Austria (WU). 

ii) Hackel determined and annotated specimens with a continuous ring of sclerenchyma under this 
name (cf., for example, St Yves (1913, pp. 63-64)). 
iii) Hackel (1882) established a close affinity between subvar. trachyphylla and subvar. firmula of 
var. vulgaris Koch, the latter typically having a continuous ring of sclerenchyma. 
iv) In Hackel’s herbarium (W) specimens with a continuous ring of sclerenchyma are often classed 
under the epithet “‘trachyphylla’’. 

Evidence in favour of the epithet being used to describe specimens with discontinuous 
sclerenchyma is as follows: 
1) Hackel said of subvar. trachyphylla “‘vulgaris in Germania boreali ... non vidi e Gallia, 
Hispanica”’. Auquier (1973) pointed out that this distribution agrees well with that of fescues with 
discontinuous sclerenchyma but differs strongly from those with a continuous ring. 
ii) Hackel (1882, p. 105), in proposing a new taxon (F. ovina subsp. sulcata Hack. var. genuina 
Hack. subvar. typica Hack.) that typically has three sclerenchyma islets (cf. p. 104: “‘fasciculis 
sclerenchymaticis 3 crassiusculis’’) and five veins, distinguished it from subvar. trachyphylla as 
follows: “‘Laminae rarissime 7 nerves inveniuntur et planta tum a F. ovina duriuscula trachyphylla 



vix distinguenda”’. Auquier (1973) concluded from the last point that it seemed that Hackel 
considered subvar. trachyphylla to have a discontinuous sclerenchyma as well. 

Specimens of subvar. trachyphylla were obtained on loan from Hackel’s herbarium in Vienna (W) 
in order to search for a possible lectotype. This search produced one specimen of relevance (W, No. 
977). The main label of this specimen contains a description of the collection site signed by 
Grantzow (of which only the locality Prenzlau can be diciphered readily) and the determination “‘F. 
ov. var. duriuscula subv. trachyphylla” signed by Hackel. A pencil note contains measurements of 
the lemma, awn and leaf-diameter and the date 2.5. [18] 65. This predates Hackel’s monograph 
(1882) in which the taxon is described. A note added by P. Auquier places Prenzlau 60 km north of 
Berlin, but a later note by C.A.S. corrects this to 90 km N.N.E. of Berlin in Brandenberg (E. 
Germany). Morphologically this specimen agrees fairly well with the modern concept of F. 
trachyphylla (F. brevipila) (Table 3) and it is accordingly selected as the lectotype. 



F. ovina subvar. trachyphylla 

Character F. brevipila (W-No.977) 
Panicle length (cm) (3-S5—)4-2-8-8(-9-5) (4-S—)5-8(-6-8) 
Spikelet length (mm) (6-1—)6-4—8-0(-8-5) (6:9-)7-2(-7-5) 
Lemma length (mm) (3-9—)4-2-5-1(-5-5) (3-9-)4-2(-4-4) 
Awn length (mm) (1-:2—)1-4—2-3(-2-6) (0-3—)1-6(—2:-2) 
Leaf-blade scabridity scabrid or scabrid distally scabrid distally 
Leaf-blade shape in section V-form or V-oval V-form or V-oval 
No. of leaf-blade veins (5—)7-9 ih 

No. of adaxial leaf-blade furrows 4(-6) 4 

Prickle length (um) (2-7—)5—13(-15) (7-S—)11-6(-15) 

Krajina (1930) was the first author to recognise subvar. trachyphylla Hackel at the species level. 
However, Hackel (ex Druce 1915) had previously used the name to describe a totally different taxon 
from South America. The one character (prickles on the glumes) used to distinguish it from F. 
dumetorum Phillippi non L. is sufficient to validate the name. Therefore, the later homonym F. 
trachyphylla (Hackel.) Kraj. must be rejected. This had earlier been realized by Dandy (1958) when 
erroneously placing F. trachyphylla as a synonym of F. longifolia, as pointed out to us by P. J. O. 
Trist (in litt. 1984). M. Kerguélen (in litt. 1984) drew our attention to the fact that Pils (1984) quoted 
F. brevipila Tracey as a synonym of F. stricta Host subsp. trachyphylla (Hack.) Patzke. Tracey 
(1977) distinguished F. brevipila from F. trachyphylla (Hack.) Kraj. by its shorter culms and leaves, 
its very shortened hairs on the leaves, its more variable stomatal length, its shortened panicles, and 
its relatively shorter spikelet lengths only encompassing the lower part of the range found in F. 
trachyphylla. The holotype and the isotype of F. brevipila were received on loan from WU and 
compared with the lectotype of F. trachyphylla (Hack.) Kraj. (Table 4). These specimens bear a 
remarkable resemblance to one another in all! of Tracey’s diagnostic characters, including the 
variability of stomatal length, and there seems little justification for their separation taxonomically. 
This being so, F. brevipila becomes the oldest legitimate name for the taxon at the species level and 
so replaces the illegitimate F. trachyphylla (Hack.) Kraj. 

Plants densely to loosely tufted; vegetative shoots all intravaginal and retaining or shedding old 
leaves. Culms (9--)30—47(-—72)cm, erect, (0-3—)0-38—0-62(—0-74)mm wide below the first panicle 
node, smooth or scabrid distally, grooved; nodes 2(—3), the uppermost not pruinose, visible beyond 
subtending sheath or not, and reaching (8-5—)11—20(—32)% of the height of the plant. 

Leaves green, occasionally glaucous, usually subpruinose. Leaf-sheaths (1-3—)1-7—4-2(—4-9)cm, 
fused for (6-5—)13-—32(—39)% of their length, smooth or scabridulous in distal third, usually laxly 
hairy but sometimes glabrous; auricles short, minutely ciliate. Leaf-blades robust to fairly robust, 



F. ovina subvar. 

F. brevipila F. brevipila trachyphylla 
Character holotype isotype lectotype 
1. Diagnostic characters 
Culm height (cm) (16—)30(-36) (25—)32(-46) (20—)26(-32) 
Panicle length (cm) (3-5—)6-0(-7-0) (4-5—)6-5(-7-5) (4-5—)6-0(-7-0) 
No. of spikelets per panicle (15-)21(-31) (13—)21(-34) (15—)20(-24) 
Spikelet length (mm) (7-0—)7-6(-8-2) (6-3—)6-8(-7-1) (6:9—)7-2(-7-5) 
Leaf-blade length (cm) (2-5—)5-5(-7-5) (7-0—)9-0(-13-0) (4-5—)6-0(-7-5) 
Stomatal length (um) (42-5—)46-9(-SO) (42-S—)45(—48-8) (33-75—)38(—42-5) 
2. Other important characters 
Lemma length (mm) (4-2—)4-9(-5-3) (4-1—)4-4(-4-6) ~ (3-9-)4-2(-4-4) 
Awn length (mm) (0-6—)1-9(-3-0) (1-1-)1-7(-2:3) (0-3—)1-6(-—2:-2) 
Sclerenchyma in leaf-blade 3 islets 3 islets 3 islets 
No. of leaf-blade veins 7(-8) 7-8 ‘| 
No. of leaf-blade furrows 4(-6) 4 4 

(3-7—)5-5—15(-—19-2)cm, (6—)14—54(—89)% on each plant curved at the tip, scabrid at least in the 
upper third, usually hairy at base, but sometimes glabrous. 

Panicles erect to nodding, (3-5—)4-2—8-8(—9-5) cm, with (10—)14—28(-39) spikelets. Panicle 
branches subpruinose or not pruinose, not narrowing below the spikelets, smooth to scabrid, 
covered in hairs or prickles, rarely subglabrous; 1st and 2nd panicle nodes (0-89—)1-3—2-6(—4-3)cm 
apart. Spikelets subpruinose or not, (6-1—)6-4—8-0(—8-5)mm, with (2-)3-6(-—7) florets (plus one 
sterile floret); pedicels (1-2)1-5—2-6(2-8)mm. Glumes unequal; the lower subulate to narrowly 
lanceolate, (2—)2-5—3-1(—3-3) x (0-45—)0-58—0-8(—0-88)mm, usually glabrous or scabrid at tip but 
rarely weakly hairy, 1-veined, with a ciliate or serrate margin; the upper narrowly lanceolate to 
lanceolate, (3-3—)3-6—4-5(—4-7) x (1—)1-2—1-45(—1-6)mm, usually scabrid near apex but occasio- 
nally hairy or glabrous, 3-veined, with a ciliate margin. Lemmas lanceolate, (3-9—)4-2—5-1(-5-5) 
(excluding awn) X (1-5—)1-6—2-1(—2-5)mm, green but sometimes purple at apex, with awns (1-2- 
)1-45-2-3(—2-6)mm, 5-veined, usually hairy or scabrid on distal half, but occasionally glabrous. 
Paleas linear-lanceolate, (3-8—)4-1-5-0(—5-3) x (0-68—)0-8—0-9(-1-0)mm. Anthers yellow or 
purple, (1-9—)2-1—2-9 mm. 

Leaf-blade anatomy (Fig. 2): outline of leaf-blades usually V-form but occasionally V-oval; 
margins not infolded; leaf-blade diameter (0-59—)0-74—0-93(—1-1)mm; diameter/thickness ratio 
2-15—2-5(—2-75); veins (S—)7—9; sclerenchyma usually forming three tailing islets at midrib and 
margins, 1—4 cells thick, often with smaller islets opposite veins (1 cell thick), rarely forming a 
complete ring much thickened at margins and midrib; 4(—6) grooves and 3-5 ridges on the adaxial 
surface; adaxial midrib (0-85—)0-9-1-6(—1-8)mm wide and (0-03-—)0-04—0-07mm deep; adaxial 
epidermal cells of fairly uniform size, usually lacking bulliform cells but occasionally with small 
bulliform cells in grooves, with prickles (2-7—)5—13(—15)um. 

Leaf-blade adaxial epidermis: stomata (37-8—)40-3—48-3(—50-5)um, predominantly solitary, 52- 
80(—100)% solitary, (0O—)3—16(—29)% with an accompanying prickle-cell, (OQ—)3—16(—29)% with an 
accompanying silica-cell; prickles predominantly solitary, (44—)53—97(-—100)% solitary, 0-19(- 
53)% forming short rows of 2 or more prickle-cells, 0—35(—50%) with an accompanying silica-cell. 

Leaf-blade abaxial epidermis: stomata absent; long-cells (101—)112—200(—212)um; silica-cells 
and cork-cells present; prickles present or absent. 


At present, we have relatively little information concerning the distribution of either F. brevipila or 
F. lemanii. 



3 4 
ee a 6) 

oO - F. lemanii 

e - F. brevipila 





5 6 
Ficure 3. Geographical distribution of Festuca lemanii Bastard (O) and F. brevipila Tracey (@). 

In Britain, F. brevipila appears to be most common in southern and central England, extending to 
South-West Yorkshire (v.c. 63) and westwards to Salop (v.c. 39). We have also collected a single 
specimen from a car-park in Jersey. Records have been made from the following vice-counties: 17, 
19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 39, 55, 63. A distribution map is given in Fig. 3. 

It is highly unlikely that F. brevipila is native to the British Isles. It has probably been introduced 
during the past 200 years as a commercial turf-grass species for roadside verges and railway 
embankments, and it is still available commercially as several cultivars of ‘Hard Fescue’. It does not 
grow in its natural habitat in the British Isles. It is native to central Europe, but is also introduced in 
France and in much of Scandinavia. 



Our records of F. lemanii are even less complete. Specimens have been observed from scattered 
sites in England, Scotland and Wales. Kirkcudbright, Scotland (v.c. 73) marks its northern limit and 
Glamorgan, Wales (v.c. 41) its western limit. Unlocalised specimens suggest that it may also be most 
common in southern and eastern England. It has been recorded with certainty from vice-counties 
19, 37, 41, 57 and 73. A distribution map is given in Fig. 3. 

F. lemanii is commonly found growing in more natural habitats, together with F. ovina subsp. 
ovina, subsp. hirtula (Hack. ex Travis) M. Wilkinson and/or subsp. ophioliticola (Kerguélen) M. 
Wilkinson, and it is likely to be native in the British Isles. It has a wide range of habitat preferences 
and has been found growing on both acidic and calcareous soils. 

In Europe, F. /emanii extends through Belgium, France and Spain (Markgraf-Dannenberg 1980). 



We are extremely grateful to Dr M. Kerguélen for his valuable help concerning the taxonomy and 
nomenclature of both species. We are also indebted to P. J. O. Trist and P. D. Sell for their helpful 
advice and comments concerning the nomenclature of F. trachyphylla. Thanks are also due to the 
curator of W for supplying valuable type material and to the curator of MANCH for allowing us to 
search for a neotype of F. lemanii. 


AUQUIER, P. (1973). Qu’est-ce que le Festuca caesia Sm. (Poaceae)? Lejeunia, nov. sér., 70: 1-12. 

AUQUIER, P. (1974). Biosystématique, taxonomie et nomenclature du groupe de Festuca ovina L. s.1. (Poaceae) 
en Belgique et.dans quelques régions voisines. Ph.D. Thesis, Liége. 

BIDAULT, M. (1966). Remarques sur le Festuca ovina L. var. glauca et var. duriuscula des Alpes Maritimes. Bull. 
Soc. bot. Fr. 113: 173-183. 

BiDaAuLt, M. (1968). Essai de taxonomie expérimentale et numérique sur Fesiuca ovina L. s.1. dans le Sud-Est 
de la France (Thése, Paris). Rev. Cytol. Biol. vég. 31: 217-356. 

Danpy, J. E. (1958). List of British vascular plants, p. 158. London. 

Druce, G. C. (1915). Plant notes, etc., for 1914. Rep. botl Soc. Exch. Club Br. Isl. 4: 1- 48. 

HackEL, E. (1882). Monographia Festucarum Europaearum. Kassel & Berlin. 

Howarth, W. O. (1925). On the occurrence and distribution of Festuca ovina L., sensu ampliss., in Britain. J. 
Linn. Soc. (Bot.) 47: 29-39. 

Howarth, W. O. (1948). A synopsis of the British Fescues. Rep. botl Soc. Exch. Club Br. Isl. 13: 338-346. 

HussarpD, C. E. (1954). Grasses. A guide to their structure, identification, uses and distribution in the British Isles. 

Huon, A. (1970). Les Fétuques de l’ouest de la France. Recherches de biosystématique et de biogéographie. Ph.D. 
Thesis, Rennes. 

KERGUELEN, M. (1983). Les Graminées de France au travers de ‘‘Flora Europaea”’ et de la ‘‘Flore’”’ du CNRS. 
Lejeunia, nov. sér., 110: 14-61. 

Korneck, D. (1961). Uber einige in Baden und Elsass vorkommende Schafschwingel (Festuca ovina L. s. lat.). 
Mitt. Bad. Landesver. Naturk. 8: 187-196. 

KrasINA, V. (1930). In Domin, K., Schedae ad floram ceschoslovenicam exsiccatam, centuria II (Genus 
Festucam V. Krajina exposuit). Acta. Bot. Bohem. 9: 184-220. 

MARKGRAF-DANNENBERG, I. (1980). Festuca L., in Tutin, T. G. et al., eds. Flora Europaea 5: 125-153. 

Pits, G. (1984). Systematics, karyology and distribution of the Festuca valesiaca group (Poaceae) in Austria and 
the South Tyrol. Phyton, Horn 24: 35-77. 

RAUSCHERT, S. (1960). Studien iiber Systematik und Verbreitung der thiiringischen Sippen der Festuca ovina L. 
s. lat. Repert. Spec. nov. Regnum Veg. 63: 251-283. 

St-Yves, A. (1913). Les Festuca de la section Eu-Festuca et leurs variations dans les Alpes Maritimes. Ann. 
Cons. Jard. bot. Genéve 17: 1-218. 

Stour, G. (1955). Der Formenkreis der Festuca ovina L. in Mitteldeutschen Trockengebiet. Wiss. Z. Martin- 
Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenb. 4: 729-746. 

Stour, G. (1960). Gliederung der Festuca-ovina-Gruppe in Mitteldeutschland unter Einschluss einiger 
benachtbarter Formen. Wiss. Z. Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenb. 9: 393-414. 


Tracey, R. (1977). Drei neue Arten des Festuca ovina-Formenkreises (Poaceae) aus dem Osten Osterreichs. 
Plant Syst. Evol. 128: 287-292. 

TutTin, T. G. (1952). Festuca L., in CLAPHAM, A. R., TuTIn, T. G. & WARBURG, E. F. Flora of the British Isles, 
pp. 1421-1427. Cambridge. 

Tutin, T. G. (1962). Festuca L., in CLAPHAM, A. R., Tutin, T. G. & WARBURG, E. F. Flora of the British Isles, 
2nd ed., pp. 1125-1130. Cambridge. 

(Accepted July 1988) 


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Watsonia, 17, 301-308 (1988) 301 

Alopecurus X plettkei Mattfeld in Britain 


Glovers, High St, Balsham, Cambridgeshire CB1 6DJ 



Department of Botany, The University, Leicester LEI 7RH 


The hybrid Alopecurus X plettkei Mattfeld (Alopecurus bulbosus Gouan xX A. geniculatus L.) is reported new to 
Britain. Its variation, distribution, habitat and growth performance are discussed. 


Alopecurus X plettkei Mattfeld, the sterile hybrid between A. bulbosus Gouan and A. geniculatus 
L., is known from Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands (Hubbard 1975). It was first found in 
Britain by Brian Wurzell on 27 May 1977, and confirmed by C. A. Stace, from marshes west of 
Glynde Reach, near Lewes, E. Sussex, v.c. 14, GR 51/465.094. It has subsequently been found at 
several sites in S. Hants. (v.c. 11), W. Kent (v.c. 16) and E. Suffolk (v.c. 25). The following account 
describes the morphology, anatomy, phenology, cytology and ecology of the British populations. 


Perennial, erect and densely tufted or sometimes forming mats of decumbent spreading culms, 
compactly tufted or occasionally solitary, frequently branched from nodal growth, with some 
internodes arcuate. Culms (15—)18—77(—93) cm, weak, with (2—)4—-13 nodes at uneven intervals, 
from 5—15 cm below the panicle, over the entire length of the culm; lowest internode 1—33 x 1-6(- 
7-5) mm, very swollen to slightly swollen, extremely variable in shape, with a smooth or ridged 
surface, sometimes with one or two slightly bulbous swellings but generally straight sided. Basal 
leaves (8—) 15—20 (—38) cm; culm leaves hairless, 1-5—15 cm X 0-7—3-3 mm, finely pointed, flat or 
infolded, minutely scabrid on margins and veins; sheaths smooth, the uppermost often inflated; 
ligule 1-8—4-5 mm, broadly obtuse, membranous. 

Panicles 1-4—4-5 (—6-3) cm X 2-5-5 mm; dense, narrowly cylindrical, spike-like, bluntly pointed. 
Pedicels 0-4—1 mm. Spikelets oblong, 2-5-3 mm, flattened, 1-flowered, falling entirely at maturity. 
Glumes equal, 2-5-3 mm, free to the base, narrowly oblong, broadly obtuse, exceeding lemma by 
(0-05—)0-1—0-4(—0-5) mm, 3-veined with uneven-length hairs on the keel and margins. Lemma 2-3 
mm, keeled, smooth, narrowly oblong, membranous, 4—veined, sometimes weakly hairy in distal 
quarter, awned on the back c. 1 mm from the base; awns 3-5-6 mm, protruding 1-0—2-8 (—3-5) mm 
beyond the glumes. Anthers 1-1-5 mm, indehiscent, containing imperfect pollen 0(—4)% stainable 
in Muntzing’s aceto-carmine, 20-28 um in diameter. 

Leaves in section: adaxial and abaxial epidermises with cells of irregular size and shape, with 
small bulliform-cells on the adaxial surface between veins; small islets of sub-epidermal scleren- 
chyma usually occur in association with the veins. 

Abaxial epidermis with solitary stomata 35—49 um long, in continuous or semi-continuous rows, 



47—95 um apart in continuous rows; short-cells (other than stomata) (0—)1—4(—6) per 100 um?, 27— 
73% being hook-cells or prickles; long-cells (60—)100-—220 um. 
Adaxial epidermis with fewer stomata than abaxial epidermis but with (2—)4—10 non-stomatal 

short-cells per 100 um*; long-cells 90-380 um long. 
A comparison of A. X plettkei and its parental species is given in Table 1. 


Character A. bulbosus A. X plettkei A. geniculatus 

Culm 7 erect erect to spreading spreading, geniculate 

Culm length (cm) 11-29 (15—)18-77(-93) 15-38 

No. of branches per culm 0 0-3(-7) 0-3(-S) 

No. of nodes per culm 1—4(-S) (2—)4-13 2-6(-8) 

Rooting culm absent absent or present absent or present 

“Basal internode swelling (1-)2-4-5(-6-0) (O—)0-5—2-2 (—0-5—)0-1-0(-1-5) 

(mm) | 

Basal internode length (cm) 0-4-2 0-6-33 10-35 

Twin’ basal swollen inter- present or absent usually absent absent 


Cauline leaf width (mm) 0-5-3-5 0-7—4-5 ~ 0-7-5-0 

Cauline leaf infolded usually flat flat 

Ligule (mm) 1-6—4-0 1-8—4-5 2:0-5-5 

Panicle length (cm) 1-3-4-4(-5-4) 1-4-6-3 (2-0—)2-6=5-0 

Spikelet length (mm) 2:5—3-3 2:5-3-0 2-0-3-0 

Glumes lanceolate, acute. Short lanceolate, acute to lanceolate, obtuse. 
hairs on keel and _ obtuse. Uneven long Silky hairs on keel and 
margins and short silky hairs on — shorter appressed hairs 

keel and margins 

from middle to base of 

Total awn length (mm) (3-4—)4-0-5-3(-6-5) (3-0—)4-5-5-5 3-0—4-5(-5-0) 

Awns exceeding glumes by 3— exceeding glumes by exceeding glumes by 
4mm 1-0-3-5 mm 0-8—1-7 mm 

Lemma hairy at tip hairs at tip present usually no hairs at tip 

(often few) or absent 

Anther length (mm) 1-2-—2-2 1-0-1-5 0-8-1-7 

Distance between glumes 0-2-0-7(-0-9) (O—)0-1-0-4(-0-5) (O—)0-1—0-35(—0-55) 

and lemmas (mm) 

Chromosome no. 14, 21, 28 21 28 

“Difference between basal internode width and stem width. 
> Adjacent basal internodes swollen. 

The hybrid is very variable morphologically and anatomically and cannot be reliably identified 
with any one character. Indeed, even pollen sterility can break down as a diagnostic character; 
specimens of both A. bulbosus and A. geniculatus have been recorded with highly sterile pollen 
(<1% stainable with Muntzing’s aceto-carmine). 

All hybrids were observed to contain at least some characteristics from both parents, although all 
were invariably much more similar to one parent than to the other. Whilst scatter diagrams can be 
used to show some degree of intermediacy (Fig. 1), overall intermediacy is best represented on a 
percentage hybrid index. Representatives of A. bulbosus, A. X plettkei and A. geniculatus were 
compared on a percentage hybrid index according to the scheme given in Appendix 1. A histogram 
constructed from the index (Fig. 2) shows that the individual plants fall into two relatively broad but 
distinct groups, corresponding to the index range of the two parental species. The score of the 
hybrids falls at the margins of the two parents and is in no case entirely intermediate between them. 
Hence, there are both ‘A. geniculatus-like’ and ‘A. bulbosus-like’ representatives of A. X plettkei, 
but apparently no nearly intermediate representatives. 




e my | A. bulbosus 
< 300 > 



- O=- 4 


2 daalertg Hb 

S 200 “bus 

- ) 1 2 3 4 S) 
Basal node swelling (mm) 

Ficure 1. Scatter diagram showing specimens of A. bulbosus, A. geniculatus and some representatives of the 
hybrid between them, A. X plettkei (H1-5). 
O <25% of short-cells are prickles/hook-cells (abaxial surface) 
O- >25% of short-cells are prickles/hook-cells (abaxial surface) 

© glumes obtuse O rooting nodes absent 
© — glumes obtuse to acute rooting nodes present 
glumes acute O _ tetraploid or diploid 
O © leaves flat @ triploid 

-O leaves mostly infolded 

Hybrid localities: H1, GR 63/505.074; H2, GR 50/514.994; H3, GR 41/362.144; H4, GR 51/465.094; H5, GR 40/ 

The decumbent growth habit of the ‘A. geniculatus-like’ hybrid makes it unlike either of its two 
parents. The panicle is often hidden under leaves or just turning up beyond the leaf-tips. The lengths 
of the stem, panicle, cauline and basal leaves and the widths of the panicle and cauline leaves are 
extremely variable. On open ground, decumbent stems readily develop from 4—5 nodes, producing 
branches which in total produce 15-50 leaves on a stem. This nodal branching is seen in A. 
geniculatus but with less leaf production. This hybrid is not a robust plant: its stems, unlike those of 
either parent, need support from surrounding vegetation. 

Two features are significant for field recognition: the number of nodes and the number of leaves 
per culm, which both far exceed those of either of the parents. 

The ‘A. bulbosus-like’ hybrids are less distinctive in the field but may be identified by their 
intermediate internode swelling (0-5-2 mm), their variable glume-tip shape (obtuse to acute), their 
lemmas which are only weakly hairy in the distal third, their fairly erect culms, and their ‘A. 
geniculatus-like’ awn length (3-4-4 mm). 



A. bulbosus A. geniculatus 

o 3 
c 3 5 
£2 , 
12 h34 


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 7:0 80 90. - 100 
Percent hybrid index 

FiGure 2. Percent hybrid index showing relationship between A. bulbosus, A. geniculatus and A. X plettkei (H) 
(see Fig. 1 for localities of the hybrids). 


Given the close affinity shown by representatives of A. X plettkei to its parents, chromosome 
number can provide strong additional evidence for identification purposes. 

Several authors have reported a chromosome complement of 2n=14 for A. bulbosus (e.g. Maude 
1939; Sieber & Murray 1979, 1980) and of 2n=28 for A. geniculatus (e.g. Kattermann 1930; Sieber 
& Murray 1979). Sieber & Murray (1979) investigated chromosome numbers in Alopecurus species 
at several stations on the south coast of England. For A. bulbosus they recorded that, in addition to 
diploids, triploids and tetraploids were found growing together in a mixed population from 
Seasalter, E. Kent, v.c. 15. Of the eight plants studied three were diploid, three were triploid and 
two were tetraploid. The chromosome numbers were 2n=14, 21, and 28. In a subsequent work 
(Sieber & Murray 1980) it was concluded on the basis of pairing behaviour during meiosis that the 
triploid and tetraploid plants were autopolyploids. 

The same authors (Sieber & Murray 1979) found 2n=28 in natural populations of A. geniculatus 
from Buxton, Derbys., v.c. 57. Their observations on the meiotic and mitotic behaviour of two 
tetraploid species of Alopecurus agree with those of Johnsson (1941) and support the suggestion that 
A. pratensis is an allotetraploid and A. geniculatus is an autotetraploid. 

Dr P. E. Brandham of Kew has recently confirmed that material of A. x plettkei on the Stanpit 
South Marsh, Christchurch, S. Hants., v.c. 11, (Sept. 1985) is triploid (2n=21). We have also 
confirmed the following hybrids to be triploid: two specimens from Stanpit South Marsh, 
Christchurch, S. Hants, GR 40/170.918 and three specimens from Glynde Reach, nr. Lewes, E. 
Sussex, v.c. 14, GR 51/465.094. It is of some importance to remember that because specimens of A. 
bulbosus exist with chromosome numbers of 2n=21 and 2n=28, there may be specimens of A. X 
plettkei derived from such plants with chromosome numbers 2n=21-—28. Therefore it is possible that 
there are tetraploid representatives of A. bulbosus and A. X plettkei as well as of A. geniculatus. 
Furthermore, although the possession of 21 chromosomes is strong additional evidence of hybrid 
status it is not a guarantee since triploid representatives of A. bulbosus also occur. 

In A.  plettkei the anthers are indehiscent and produce very little pollen; that produced is largely 

sterile. Presumably reproduction is almost entirely by vegetative means by growth from swollen 



stem bases (particularly in the ‘A. bulbosus-like’ hybrids) and by rooting at culm nodes (particularly 
in the ‘A. geniculatus-like’ hybrids). In cultivation, the decumbent culms of the ‘A. geniculatus-like’ 
hybrids will develop 4—S nodes which are quick to root and produce leaves 10—35 cm long within two 
weeks. This is also seen in the wild, where propagation has taken place on bare ground. 

In cultivation, the autumn leaf growth of the hybrids survives a fairly severe winter up to mid- 
February. This growth then withers and is quickly followed by spring growth with culms appearing 
before the end of April. Panicles break from the sheath throughout May but their progress is slow; 
stems with partial panicle exsertion of + 2-5 cm in mid-May can take a further 15 days for the panicle 
to break fully to a length of 4-5—5-8 cm. At this stage the plants are light green in colour with a 
slightly glaucous sheath as in A. bulbosus. All flowering is completed before the end of June, when 
the leaves start to wither. By early July new growth is developing, as the panicles of previous growth 
are breaking up. 

This hybrid is vigorous and responds to management by grazing and cutting by extending its 
growing season. At Glynde Reach, E. Sussex, in 1986 the marsh had been cut for hay in July and on 

-8th August there was fresh A. X plettkei growth with panicles only half exserted. At Nursling N.R., 
S. Hants., v.c. 11, in late July, in an area grazed by cattle earlier in the year, A. X plettkei had 
regrown, with decumbent culms up to 77 cm long and with a considerable bulk of basal leaves. To 
consider the hybrid’s capacity for propagation, three basal internodes of 2 cm in length were put into 
autumn cultivation, with subsequent production of 93 culms. Single internodes autumn-planted will 
produce 4—13 tillers by February. 


1. South Hampshire, v.c. 11: marshes subject to occasional tidal overflow. Lower Test Nature 
Reserve, Nursling, GR 41/368.145 and 41/362.144, R. P. Bowman, 1978 (CGE, K, herb. R.P.B., 
herb. P.J.O.T.). The Furlongs, Redbridge, GR 41/364.137, R.P. Bowman, 1978 (CGE, K, herb. 
R.P.B., herb. P.J.O.T.). Unprotected coastal marshes, Stanpit South Marsh, Christchurch, GR 
40/170.918, S. R. Davey, 1980 (CGE, herb. R.P.B., herb. P.J.O.T., herb. R.M. Walls). Derelict 
marsh subject to tidal inflow, Keyhaven, GR 40/305.916, R.P. Bowman, 1986 (herb. R.P.B.). 

2. East Sussex, v.c. 14: managed grazing marshes, south-east of Decoy Wood and adjacent to 
Glynde Reach, near Lewes, GR 51/465.094, B. Wurzell, 1977 (CGE, LTR, herb. P.J.O.T., herb. 
B.W.). Disturbed river wall-berm, east bank of R. Cuckmere, near Exceat bridge, Seaford, GR 
50/514.994, Lady R. FitzGerald, 1987 (herb. P.J.O.T., herb. R.F.). 

3. West Kent, v.c. 16: wet track in rough grazing, upland of marsh level, Higham marshes, Church 
Street, near Higham, east of Gravesend, GR 51/713.742, Lady R. FitzGerald, 1987 (herb. 
P.J.O.T., herb. R.F.). 

4. East Suffolk, v.c. 25: managed grazing marshes, Castle Farm, Burgh Castle, GR 63/473.058, R. 
P. Libbey, 1980 (LTR). Humberstone marshes, south of Breydon Water near Great Yarmouth, 
GR 63/505.074, P.J.O. Trist, 1982 (herb. P.J.O.T.). 

Specimens collected from Lewes and from Burgh Castle resemble A. bulbosus more closely than 

A. geniculatus. Specimens collected from the remaining sites show a stronger resemblance to A. 



The habitat of Alopecurus X plettkei is coastal marsh that is inadequately protected from tidal water 
Owing to an absence or a breakdown in sea defences. These areas are occasionally shallowly flooded 
for a few hours at periods of high spring and autumn tides, when tidal water runs up the ditches and 
overflows on the land. A saline deposit is built up in the soil, more particularly in the marsh 
depressions and in the furrows on marshes that were at one time under cultivation. 

A. X plettkei thrives in a soil texture of organic loam with additions of alluvium. It has a lower salt 
tolerance than A. bulbosus and a preference for an open position at or slightly above marsh level. It 
will colonise the bare margin of a depression, but not the depression itself, showing its preference 
for drainage, as opposed to A. bulbosus which will thrive in the water-logged bed of a depression. At 


Stanpit South Marsh, Christchurch, where there are old grips, and rills in adjacent saltings, the 
hybrid colonises the margin and not the bed of grips that support Salicornia spp., an indication of a 
high salt level (too high for A. bulbosus). 

At Keyhaven in a small 0-5 ha marsh, A. xX p/lettkei has been found only in two small colonies at 
the back of the marsh, just above the general level, so that a tide lapping near the area would rapidly 
run off. Here A. bulbosus is widespread but thinly spaced among Glaux maritima, Puccinellia 
maritima and some Aster tripolium in a soil with 0-5% NaCl. During the warm months of the year it 
is likely that this percentage is higher and that A. bulbosus is here at its limit of salt tolerance. At The 
Furlongs, Redbridge, there is a similar demonstration of the difference in saline tolerance of A. 
bulbosus and A. xX plettkei. The sward, subject to fairly frequent tidal over-spills, is almost entirely a 
simple mixture of Puccinellia maritima and Agrostis stolonifera with some Aster tripolium. Soil 
samples taken contained a range of 0-4—0-5% NaCl, but the presence of Aster tripolium suggested a 
higher percentage in June—July. A. bulbosus was thinly distributed and only occasionally small, 
weak plants of A. x plettkei were found on low elevations of old ditch spoil where drainage would be 
rapid following tides. 

The marshes on the Lower Test N.R. at Nursling have probably never oa disturbed. The 
surface levels are therefore uneven, with isolated areas of halophytes demonstrating saline deposits 
from occasional flooding. In an unimproved marsh, Eleocharis uniglumis, Festuca rubra, F. 
arundinacea, Agrostis stolonifera and Trifolium fragiferum are common associates, but, where A. 
bulbosus is present in lower levels, these plants are supplemented by Glaux maritima, Juncus 
gerardit, Plantago maritima, Ranunculus sceleratus and Triglochin maritima. A. X plettkei would be 
found in open areas of Agrostis- -Festuca but not, or rarely, in the lower and wetter areas of A. 
bulbosus and its associates. 

On the Lower Test N.R. the limits of variation of salt content of soil samples taken in August at 15 
cm depth were 0-08—0-48% NaCl. This range will vary with the temperature of the season when 
samples are taken, and seasonal factors diluting sea water. Both at Redbridge by Southampton 
Water and at Stanpit South Marsh by Christchurch, for instance, there is a complicated double tide 
which increases salinity on the one hand, and an outflow of fresh-water from the R. Test, Avon and 
Stour which diminishes salinity on the other. 

The hybrid was abundant on the site where it was first recorded in 1977 (Glynde Reach, v.c. 14) 
and occupied wet areas over a large part of G-.R. 51/46.09. No Alopecurus bulbosus was present in 
1977; it was last recorded near the river bank in 1962 by B. Wurzell, C. A. Stace and others on a 
London Natural History Society field day. The site would have been in the area of a now derelict 
ditch below the high bank containing the river. Over-spills of saline water no longer occur. 
Sometime prior to 1975, a tidal flap and pump were installed on The Reach at the point just above 
the A27 road, preventing land flooding. The former wet state of the hybrid site is still witnessed by 
small grips crossing the marsh and connecting to boundary ditches. The marsh is now dry with a 
diminishing amount of Alopecurus X plettkei. A soil sample taken in August 1986 at 15 cm from the 
bed of a grip, where only a few plants of the hybrid were seen, contained 0-01% NaCl. There was no 
plant indicative of salinity in the sward or in the river which rejoiced with Nuphar lutea on its 

A. X plettkei would not make a constituent of a grass-seed mixture. It produces long decumbent 
stems which are weak and lie over the ground and would therefore be smothered by tall marsh 
grasses such as Festuca arundinacea, Agrostis stolonifera and Elymus repens. The A. geniculatus 
parent of the hybrid is common on most coastal marshes, but its other parent, A. bulbosus, is still 
comparatively rare, in spite of the fact that it has been removed from the Red Data lists (Perring & 
Farrell 1983). This hybrid is able to continue to occur where A. bulbosus is extinct, as on the marshes 
by Glynde Reach, but from observations of this taxon in cultivation we consider its perennial life is 


It has been suggested that the spreading growth of A. X plettkei may have a smothering affect on A. 
bulbosus and may pose a threat to its survival. This is unlikely. The growth period of the two taxa 
does not overlap. A. bulbosus is fully developed and flowering by the last week in May to the first 



week in June, and, before the end of July, leaves and culms have died back when cattle-treading 
soon disperses the plant remains so that A. bulbosus is difficult to trace until the following year, 
except by exploration for the swollen stem bases (Trist 1981). A. x plettkei has an extended growing 
season and the plants which over-winter die back in July only to be immediately replaced by new 
growth which continues into September. Thus A. bulbosus has completed its growth in early 
summer while strong growth of the hybrid continues throughout July and August. 

There is a significant difference in the habitat of the two taxa. The hybrid is seen on average mid- 
marsh level and not below, and preferably in a position of better drainage which is slightly above the 
average level. A. bulbosus prefers a reasonably constant moisture supply and has a tolerance to 
salinity of the order of 0-4—0-5% NaCl. It is found on the higher margin of saltings and often in the 
low areas and furrow depressions of marsh adjacent to tidal rivers, which gives an indication of 
tolerance or even preference for salinity. Although it can be cultivated for several years in the 
absence of salinity and a constant moisture supply, it eventually reverts to a poor state and dies. A. 
x plettkei behaves as a perennial but it is likely that it is short-lived. 


We would like to thank Dr R. Page, Conservation Officer of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight 
Naturalists Trust, for permission to study A. X plettkei on the Lower Test Nature Reserve. Thanks 
are also due to Marian Reed, R. M. Walls, Paul Bowman, and Rosemary FitzGerald for help in the 
field; Dr B. Davies (of M.A.F.E.) for arranging salt analyses; Dr P. Brandham of Kew for a hybrid 
chromosome count; and Mrs Sue Ogden for drawing the Figures. We are grateful for the help and 
advice of Professor C. A. Stace and C. D. Preston. 


HuBBARD, C. E. (1975). Alopecurus L., in Stace, C. A., ed. Hybridization and the flora of the British Isles, p. 
585. London. 

Jounsson, H. (1941). Cytological studies in the genus Alopecurus. Acta Univ. Lund 37: 1-43. 

KATTERMANN, G. (1930). Chromosomenuntersuchungen bei Gramineen. Planta 12: 19-37. 

MaupE, P. F. (1939). The Merton Catalogue. A list of the chromosome numerals of species of British flowering 
plants. New Phytol. 38: 1-31. 

PERRING, F. H. & FARRELL, L. (1983). British red data books: 1. Vascular plants, 2nd ed., p. 81. Lincoln. 

SIEBER, V. K. & Murray, B. G. (1979). The cytology of the genus Alopecurus (Gramineae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 
79: 343-355. 

SIEBER, V. K. & Murray, B. G. (1980). Spontaneous polyploids in marginal populations of Alopecurus bulbosus 
Gouan (Poaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 81: 293-300. 

Trist, P. J. O. (1981). The survival of Alopecurus bulbosus Gouan in former sea-flooded marshes in East 
Suffolk. Watsonia 13: 313-316. 

(Accepted May 1988) 



A. bulbosus Intermediate A. geniculatus 
Score 0 1 2 
Vegetative characters 
No. of nodes per culm 3 3-4 4 
No. of branches per culm 0 N/A? 1 
Rooting nodes absent N/A absent 
Basal node swelling (mm) (1-)2-4-5(-6-0) (0O—)0-5—2-2 (—0-S—)0-—1-0(-1-5) 
‘Twin’ basal swollen internodes present N/A absent 
Basal leaves infalded mostly infolded N/A mostly flat 
Stem erect fairly erect or spreading spreading, geniculate 
Flag-leaf width (mm) 1-2 2-01-3 >3 
Lower culm-leaf width (mm) 1-2 2-01-3 >3 
Reproductive characters 
Panicle length (cm) 2-0-2:-5 2:51-4-4 >4-4 
Panicle width (cm) <3-5 3-5-4-5 >4-5 
Glume sharpness acute acute to obtuse 
Awn length (mm) >5 4-5 <4 
Hairs at top of lemma present sparse absent 
Distance between glume tips >0-4 0-25—0-4 <0-25 
& lemma tip (mm) 
Pollen diameter (um) <29-4 29-4—33-0 >33-0 
Abaxial epidermis 
% short-cells being 0-20 21-37 >37 
Short-cell frequency 0 1-2 >2 
(per 0-11 mm”) 
Mean long-cell length (um) >200 180-200 <180 
Presence of rows of short-cells absent N/A present 
Distance between stomata in >90 70—90 <70 
continuous rows (um) 
Stomatal length (um) <38 38-41 >41 
Adaxial epidermis 
Mean long-cell length (um) >210 190-210 <190 
Short-cell frequency <3 3-4 >4 
(per 0-11 mm?) 
Prickles above nerves present N/A absent 

* N/A: not applicable 

Watsonia, 17, 309-317 (1988) 309 

Potamogeton X lanceolatus Sm. in the British Isles 


Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Monks Wood Experimental Station, Abbots Ripton, 
: Huntingdon, PEI7 2LS 


Potamogeton X lanceolatus Sm., the sterile hybrid between P. coloratus Hornem. and P. berchtoldii Fieb., is 
known only from the British Isles. The names P. lanceolatus Sm. and its synonyms P. X lanceolatus var. 
hibernicus A. Benn. and P. X perpygmaeus Hagstr. ex Druce are lectotypified. The distribution of P. x 
lanceolatus is outlined and the history of its taxonomic treatment reviewed. 


Potamogeton X lanceolatus Sm. (P. coloratus Hornem. X P. berchtoldii Fieb.) is one of the few 
hybrids between the broad-leaved Potamogeton species in Sect. Potamogeton and the species with 
narrow, linear leaves in Sect. Graminifolii. It is a sterile plant, only known from the Bnitish Isles. 
Since its discovery in 1806 three names have been given to it: P. lanceolatus Sm., P. X lanceolatus 
var. hibernicus A. Benn. and P. X perpygmaeus Hagstr. ex Druce. The purpose of this paper is to 
outline the circumstances in which these names were published, to lectotypify them where necessary 
and to describe the taxonomic history and distribution of this rare hybrid in the British Isles. 


Potamogeton x lanceolatus Sm. in Sowerby, Engl. bot. 28: t. 1985 (1809) pro sp. (‘lanceolatum’). 
Lectotype: North Wales, August 1808, H. Davies, herb. J. Sowerby, BM! Isolectotype in BM!. 

The description of P. x lanceolatus in English Botany was written by J. E. Smith and illustrated by a 
plate drawn by J. Sowerby. Smith (Sowerby 1809) stated that the plants he described were sent to 
him by the Rev. H. Davies ‘“‘from the lakes of North Wales”. There is no reason to suppose that 
Smith saw the earliest specimen of P. x lanceolatus, collected by Davies in October 1806 (BM). 
There is, however, a specimen in Smith’s herbarium (LINN, Savage manuscript catalogue 246.17) 
labelled in his own hand “Potamogeton lanceolatum Engl. Bot. t.1985. North Wales. Rev. H. 
Davies 1807’. There are two specimens in J. Sowerby’s herbarium (BM) labelled “‘Potamogeton 
lanceolatum nova spec. Received H. Davies. N. Wales. August 1808. E.B. t.1985”’. All these 
specimens were determined as P. x lanceolatus by J. E. Dandy and G. Taylor, and I agree that they 
all represent this taxon. All conform to Smith’s description, and none is a better match than the 

Both the specimen in Smith’s herbarium (LINN) and those in Sowerby’s (BM) must be regarded 
as syntypes. Those in Smith’s herbarium were presumably used by him to draw up the description in 
English Botany. Sowerby’s specimens were probably sent to him directly by Rev. H. Davies. The 
original drawings for English Botany are preserved in the British Museum (Natural History) and 
notes on them show that some, at least, were based on specimens sent directly to Sowerby (e.g. 
Schoenus monoicus). There is no such evidence on the original drawing of. Potamogeton xX 
lanceolatus, but as Sowerby notes that it was drawn from fresh specimens it seems likely that they 
came directly to him. The labelling of the specimens also suggests this. There is therefore no 


evidence that Smith saw them. Close comparison of the two sheets in Sowerby’s herbarium with the 
original drawing show that one plant is so similar to the drawing that the conclusion that it is 
the plant actually drawn is inescapable. It is less easy to identify the plant drawn by comparing © 
the specimen to the published plate as there are some differences between the original drawing and 
the published version, notably a young leaf at the apex of the stem on the drawing which appears on 
the plate as an inflorescence in bud. 

Thus there are available for selection as lectotype two specimens closely related to the 
protologue, that studied by Smith who drew up the description and that drawn by Sowerby who 
illustrated it. J. E. Dandy and G. Taylor have labelled the specimen at LINN as the “‘type”’ and the 
sheet at BM which includes the plant illustrated in English Botany as the “‘lectotype”’ of P. x 
lanceolatus. This introduces a further complication. If one considers that the labelling of the BM 
specimen constitutes effective lectotypification then it must be accepted as the lectotype, as it could 
only be rejected if it seriously conflicts with the protologue. However if one considers that a 
lectotypification is only effective when published then there is a choice of lectotype, as Dandy and 
Taylor did not publish their selection. If I choose the specimen in Smith’s herbarium as lectotype the 
actual lectotype of P. X lanceolatus will be left in doubt, as it would depend on one’s view of what 
constitutes lectotypification. This would be undesirable, so I have decided to uphold Dandy and 
Taylor’s choice and cite it above as lectotype. It is reproduced as Fig. 1. 

It is unfortunate that the specimens available to Smith and Sowerby lacked broad floating leaves, 
one of the characteristic features of P. x lanceolatus. This was probably the reason for a number of 
erroneous nineteenth century records of P. X lanceolatus. 


Potamogeton lanceolatus var. hibernicus A. Benn. apud Praeger in /rish Nat. 5: 243 (1896). 
Lectotype: Clonbrock River, Co. Galway, June 1896, R. L. Praeger, DBN! 
P. lanceolatus forma hibernicus A. Benn. apud Praeger in Irish Nat. 5: 243 (1896), nom.. provis. 

R. L. Praeger collected P. x lanceolatus (as well as P. coloratus) from the Clonbrock River not far 
from the House on 21st June 1896, probably on a pre-breakfast ramble (McWeeney & Praeger 
1896). Material from Clonbrock was submitted to Arthur Bennett who, after describing differences 
between it and plants from Anglesey and Cambridgeshire, stated “it might be called var. hibernicus 
(or f. hibernicus), characterized by its longer, and broader upper leaves, longer lower leaves, 
slightly longer flower-spikes and the structure of the leaves” (Praeger 1896). I follow J. E. Dandy 
and G. Taylor (in their unpublished monograph British species of Potamogeton L.) in regarding var. 
hibernicus as a validly published name, with f. hibernicus as a provisional name, not validly 
published at that rank. There is no material of Praeger’s 1896 collection in Bennett’s herbarium 
(BM). There are, however, two specimens in Praeger’s herbarium (DBN). One is labelled 
‘“‘Potamogeton lanceolatus Smith var. hibernicus, A. Benn. in litt.”’ and I have designated this as the 
lectotype. It is reproduced as Fig. 2. 

There is some variation in the leaf shape of Potamogeton X lanceolatus (Figs. 2, 3). This appears 
to be correlated with the age of the plant and with environmental factors. The lower stem leaves are 
more or less linear and superficially resemble the leaves of P. berchtoldii, although they are broader 
and differ in venation. Sometimes such leaves occur all along the stem, even on a flowering plant. 
Other plants have broader upper leaves which are elliptical in shape and are more obviously 
intermediate between the putative parents. W. Wilson noticed that in Anglesey the broader leaves 
‘‘are always found when the current is slow’’ (Hooker 1830). They are well developed in plants from 
Burwell which were collected from a ditch or cultivated in a small pond, but are not always found on 
plants collected in the swifter water of the Afon Lligwy or the Caher River. The type material of var. 
hibernicus only has more or less linear leaves. However I can see no difference between the leaf size 
and shape of these plants and that of some collections from the type locality of P. x lanceolatus, the 
Afon Lligwy (Table 1). I cannot understand why Bennett thought that the leaves of var. hibernicus 
were longer and broader than those of the type: there is no reason to regard them as broader, either 
in absolute terms or in relation to their length. The lacunae along the midrib, said by Bennett to be 
much less conspicuous in var. hibernicus, are similar to those of plants from Anglesey. I can 


ee z- 
~ : 

Set. 3. E. Beads WR S Faster 

K Potamugetan ixmewolates Sen. 

Ficure 1. The lectotype of Potamogeton lanceolatus Sm. (BM). The plant on the lower right-hand side of the 
sheet is the one illustrated in English Botany, t. 1985 (Sowerby 1809). 


Lecte tyre ERE 
LPB 0 Kish Ka Pod prphcstaat PE Set, 
Deweninarit ts 8 ak 13H 7 
Potameyctan % Lamoecletu 
ve A 
x Lt Aye 
‘ y 
‘ eae 
Ps f 3 
é 4 }. 
hk Z LS a £34 f 
y j 
$ 14 

FiGurE 2. The lectotype of Potamogeton lanceolatus var. hibernicus A. Benn. (DBN). The specimen is a good 
example of the form of P. x lanceolatus without broad upper leaves. 




488 PL coromaren x POsILocs Po prerro wares Hagetr JONI ; September 1991, ] took Mra Weegwood to this place vaiicy hoping 
on Aft. ined =P tonecodatus Sui, var. hibers tews Ar. Thos The fe “3 fa\ it mecht te found in fruit. The Cahir etree Was ther Yeoant 
plant wae discover) by Mr P. O'Kelly in the Cahir Rive, Ce ¢ vo} 4} fully soticcid and we shortly found the above Pondwee! i pr 
Ulare. In June 1907 Ht as chown me by how It crew in « rapid of2 7 3/ 6m and in tery much better vondition than that obia:: 
oman hea irea. but | sould not find any P oraminery 7 r first visit A careful search also resulted in finding / 
growing » but the water wie turbad from foods #0 UY search sorne UBB NY —aariall AP linhews only, so rarady fristitiy-—-thins uf 
wes ed erhaustive As I tail in Pep GRE 378 y9080 hid roborating the ahrewd augey 2 of Dre Hagstrian Supqlies of bert 
Dot strike ~ As idetitical with the Anglewey plant. Dred 9 Hae Plants were sent him and alth wigh near his cod he wrote this 
arte etamined ™Y specimen and (/n frtt.. 1919 suggested that ‘ hybrid which 1, ad ‘Glerim, name Po perpyginacus in the test ir 
while OBe parent Was pousiilis be believed that the seeard s: * Ws4 teresting Ireland owns I will write 2 he F rf om book 
tlleratus The latter SPOOIGE Wee Not on roars eorut the Potar MEO P tpg er espe t Pf. laneen 

fetus which was disporerad by Mr Arthur i meat wy Barwi For 
. Cambridgeshire, in 1880, PF ohopacs BOM ite hybrid, PB a pors 
slag cecur in that place. TH ioak sstagt 
J “ 

SOL 10 perpygmaens which those 4% * 
Breen of the Anzviesey / 

recorded from the Continens 

FicuRE 3. The lectotype of Potamogeton x perpygmaeus Hagstr. ex Druce (OXF). The specimen shows the 
broad upper leaves often produced by the hybrid P. coloratus x berchtoldii. 

314 C. D. PRESTON 

Based on dried specimens in BM & CGE (Afon Lligwy & Caher River) and DBN (Clonbrock, the type material 
of var. hibernicus). 

Afon Lligwy Clonbrock Caher River 
Lower leaves (mm) 23-75 x 2-5-5 (22—)40-72 x (2-)3-5 25-65 x 2-5 
Involucral leaves (mm) 17-65 x 3-5-10 40-65 x 3-6 21-48 x 3-7 
Peduncles (mm) 9-50 39-42 10-51 
Width of midrib and adjacent lacunae (mm) 0-3-0-7 0-3-0-7 0-3-0-7 

therefore see no reason to regard the Clonbrock plants as distinct from those from Anglesey, and 
support the reduction of var. hibernicus to synonymy. 


Potamogeton X perpygmaeus Hagstr. ex Druce in Rep. botl Soc. Exch. Club Br. Isl. 6: 630 (1923). 
Lectotype: Cahir River, Co. Clare, September 1921, G. C. Druce, OXF!, photograph in BM! 
Isolectotypes in BM!, CGE!, E!, K!, OXF! and probably elsewhere. 

P. X perpygmaeus Hagstr. ex Druce in Rep. botl Soc. Exch. Club Br. Isl. 6: 580 (1922), nom. nud. 

P. X lanceolatus was collected by P. B. O’Kelly in the Caher River in 1891, the first Irish record 
(Levinge 1891). In June 1909 G. C. Druce was taken by O'Kelly to see it, and noted that it did not 
strike him as identical to the Anglesey plant (Druce 1910). Later Druce submitted specimens to J. 
O. Hagstrom, who in 1919 suggested that they might be P. coloratus x P. berchtoldii, despite the 
fact that the former was not then known from the area (Hagstrém thought that P. x lanceolatus 
from Anglesey was P. alpinus x P. berchtoldii). In September 1921 Druce, making “‘a somewhat 
adventurous journey to Ireland just after the truce’, returned to the Caher River with Mrs M. L. 
Wedgwood. He found P. x Janceolatus “in profusion and in very much better condition than that 
obtained on my first visit’, together with P. coloratus in some quantity (Druce 1923a, b). On 
examining the 1921 material Hagstrom suggested the name P. X perpygmaeus for plants from 
Ireland and Cambridgeshire, and promised to write a note on it in a book he was writing. At first 
Druce (1922) published P. x perpygmaeus as a nomen nudum, but he wrote a longer note about it 
after Hagstrom’s death in 1922 (Druce 1923a). Although the second note does not contain a formal 
morphological description, Druce validated the name by his remark that “the reddish colour of 
coloratus is also present in perpygmaeus which thus differs from the beautiful grass-green of the 
Anglesey lanceolatus”’. (The fact that one would expect the Anglesey plant to have a reddish colour 
if it actually was P. alpinus x P. berchtoldii is not commented upon). 

P. X perpygmaeus should be typified by a specimen from Druce’s 1921 gathering, of which there 
are three sheets in his herbarium (OXF). I have selected one of these as the lectotype (Fig. 3). The 
extract from the B.E.C. Report in which Druce validated P. X perpygmaeus is attached to this 
sheet, as is a note from Hagstr6m beginning “This hybrid which I ad int. [erim] names P. 
perpygmaeus is undoubtedly the most interesting plant Ireland owns ...”. This note from 
Hagstrém is dated 22nd July 1921, presumably an error as the material was not collected until 
September of that year. 

Judging by herbarium specimens, the colour of P. x lanceolatus in Anglesey is no different from 
that of the populations in Ireland. Some Anglesey collections have clear green leaves but others — as 
Bennett (1924) pointed out — have a reddish brown tinge. Ironically this coloration is well developed 
in material collected by Druce himself in June 1900 (CGE). It is unfortunate that Hagstr6m was 

* A truce between the Irish Republican Army and the forces of the British Crown had existed since 11th July 
1921. The I.R.A. had retained their arms, and their units would have been in evidence at the time of Druce’s 



unable to publish his reasons for separating the Irish and Cambridgeshire plants as P. x 
perpygmaeus. I can see no differences which would justify such a distinction, and therefore agree 
with the view that they represent a single taxon. 


Most 19th century authors maintained P. lanceolatus as a species (W. J. Hooker 1830, Babington 
1843, Sowerby 1869, J. D. Hooker 1870). Of the authors of the standard Floras only Bentham 
(1858), whose species concept in Potamogeton was extremely broad, included P. lanceolatus as a 
synonym of P. lucens. However, some of the specimens attributed to P. lanceolatus were 
erroneously identified and the concept of this taxon, not all that clearly defined by Smith, became 
even more blurred. Thus the fifth edition of Babington’s Manual of British Botany (1862), the most 
critical of the more readily available Victorian Floras and one written by an author who had a special 
interest in Potamogeton, contained erroneous records of P. lanceolatus from Buttermere, Killarney 
and Antrim. Babington added a description of the fruit of P. lanceolatus to this edition of the 
Manual, but this was based on material which he later recognized as P. polygonifolius. J. T. Syme 
concluded that all except the Anglesey specimens had been erroneously identified, a conclusion 
which Babington accepted (Sowerby 1869, Babington 1872). 

Babington was able to visit Anglesey in 1880, where he was shown P. lanceolatus by J. E. Griffith, 
author of The Flora of Anglesey and Carnarvonshire. In his account of his visit Babington (1881) 
stressed the fact that the fruit of P. Janceolatus was still unknown, despite the fact that he had visited 
the site at the end of August and Gniffith returned in late October. “If it had not been for Mr. 
Bennett’s discovery”, Babington commented, “we might have thought that the plant of Anglesea 
was a barren form of some species, and that it propagated itself by offsets . . . but the discovery of 
exactly the same plant in the Fens renders this improbable’. Bennett’s discovery of P. x lanceolatus 
in Cambridgeshire stimulated interest in the plant, and with the publication of his paper in the 
Journal of Botany (Bennett 1881) an excellent drawing of P. x lanceolatus, accompanied by an 
accurate and detailed description, finally became available to British botanists. 

Alfred Fryer was the first to suggest that P. x lanceolatus was a hybrid. In an early discussion of 
the possibility of hybridization in the genus (Fryer 1888) he called it “‘one of the best and most 
distinct species of Potamogeton’’, citing it to demonstrate that “barrenness is no proof of hybridity”’. 
He later came to realize that it was a hybrid between a broad-leaved and a narrow-leaved species, 
suggesting the parentage P. gramineus (as P. heterophyllus) x P. berchtoldii (as P. pusillus {auct.]) 
for the Anglesey plant and P. gramineus x P. friesii for Cambridgeshire material (Fryer 1894). 
Hagstrom (1916) considered that the Anglesey plant was P. alpinus x P. berchtoidii, and later 
suggested the parentage P. coloratus x P. berchtoldii for plants from Cambridgeshire and Ireland 
(see above). Bennett (1919, 1925) refused to accept that either P. alpinus or P. coloratus was the 
broad-leaved parent of P. x lanceolatus, still favouring P. gramineus. However P. coloratus X P. 
berchtoldii is now accepted as the parentage of P. x /anceolatus at all its localities (Dandy 1958, 


Bennett (1880) discovered P. x lanceolatus at Burwell Fen on 4th August 1880. The exact locality 
was a ditch on the right-hand side of Burwell Drove, going from Wicken to Burwell (CGE). In his 
first notice of the plant Bennett (1880) stated that it grew with P. coloratus; in a later paper he said 
that it grew with P. gramineus in a ditch lined with Eleocharis acicularis (Bennett 1925). It was in the 
later note that he argued for P. gramineus rather than P. coloratus as one of the parents of P. x 
lanceolatus! Specimens of both P. coloratus and P. gramineus collected by Bennett at Burwell on the 
day he discovered P. X lanceolatus were seen by J. E. Dandy and G. Taylor. 

Alfred Fryer searched repeatedly for P. x lanceolatus at Bennett’s locality, without success. He 
reported (1894) that the ditch in which it grew “thas now closed up, and its aquatic vegetation is 
extinct’. He was unable to discover it in nearby water-courses. As a plant relying entirely on 

316 2 C.D. PRESTON 
vegetative reproduction for its survival, P. x lanceolatus is presumably ill-adapted to survive a 
period when its habitat becomes overgrown. 

Bennett cultivated the Burwell plant in a small pond in his Croydon garden — it “flourished 
remarkably” and he was able to distribute 200 specimens of cultivated material (Bennett 1925). The 
plate in Fryer & Bennett (1915) is based upon Cambridgeshire material. 

ANGLESEY (v.c. 52) 

Despite the fact that Smith stated that the plants he described as P. x lanceolatus were sent to him 
by the Rev. H. Davies “from the lakes of North Wales” (Sowerby 1809), there is no doubt that they 
came from the Afon Lligwy, a stream in Anglesey. Davies (1813) himself cites the locality as “the 
rivulet between Bodafon and Lligwy” and the Afon Lligwy remains the only known Welsh locality 
for the hybrid. It was collected there repeatedly after its discovery by Davies. In 1875 C. Bailey 
found that it grew “in longish patches to the exclusion of anything else near it. In a few places where 
the stream is slower, and more water in, it simply fills it up, from the bed to the surface, so that ducks 
cannot comfortably paddle in it; in the swifter places it is in the middle of the brook, forming patches 
of two to three yards long by six to twelve inches broad” (Bennett 1881). Five years later Babington 
(1881) “found plenty of the plant growing in the quieter parts of the rather rapid stream, both above 
and below the bridge of Penrhos-lligwy”’. Many botanists saw it subsequently, most recently R. H. 
Roberts who recorded it in c. 1960 at grid reference 23/483.854 and in 1968 near the bridge where the 
A5025 road crosses the Afon Lligwy, at 23/488.862. On ist August 1987 Ms Vv. Morgan and I 
attempted to refind the plant in the Afon Lligwy, but without success. 

CO. CLARE (v.c. H9) 

Asin Anglesey, P. x lanceolatus has been regularly collected in the Caher River since its discovery 
by P. B. O'Kelly in 1891. Webb & Scannell (1983) describe it as “plentiful in the Caher R. over most 
of its course’’. On 26th June 1984 K.G. & J.O. Mountford recorded Apium nodifiorum, Eleocharis 
palustris, Juncus articulatus, Mentha aquatica and Ranunculus flammula as associates of P. X 
lanceolatus in the Caher River at grid reference M160.080. 

N.E. GALWAY (v.c. H17) 

Two localities for P. x lanceolatus are known in Co. Galway. It was discovered in the Clonbrock 
River by R. L. Praeger in 1896 and refound in the same river in 1952 at Clonbrock (N. D. Simpson, 
BM) and by Island Bridge near Ahascragh (R. B. Drummond, K). The other site is near Tuam, 
where it was discovered by R. L. Praeger in 1899. The most detailed specimen was collected on 13th 
July 1899 (BM) and is labelled “rapid shallow pebbly stream, Grange River, Barbersfort near 


Three more hybrids between Sect. Potamogeton and Sect. Graminifolii are known in Europe. Two 
are similar to P. X lanceolatus: P. x rivularis Gillot, P. polygonifolius x P. berchtoldii, which is 
known from France, and P. X miguelensis Dandy, P. polygonifolius xX P. pusillus, described from 
the Azores (Dandy 1970, 1975). The third hybrid is P. X vartifolius Thore, P. natans x P. 
berchtoldii, recorded in France and Ireland (Dandy & Taylor 1967). The identity of P. x heslop- 
harrisonii Clark, described from the Outer Hebrides, has yet to be elucidated. Clark originally 
reported this as P. gramineus X P. berchtoldii, later amending this to P. gramineus X P. perfoliatus 
x P. berchtoldii (Clark 1942, 1943). Heslop Harrison (1949) commented that the parentage P. 
alpinus x P. berchtoldii could not be excluded. According to Clark (1943) the type material was 
deposited in the herbarium of the Department of Botany, King’s College, Newcastle upon Tyne 
(NCE), but I cannot find it there now, nor is it at HAMU, in Clark’s personal herbarium (BM) nor at 


I am grateful to J. R. Akeroyd for contributing the footnote describing the situation in Ireland in 
1921, to K. G. & J. O. Mountford and R. H. Roberts for their records of P. x lanceolatus, to Miss 


M. Scannell for the loan of specimens from DBN, to Sir George Taylor for the loan of the manuscript 
‘British species of Potamogeton L.’, to A. O. Chater, J. R. Edmondson and C. E. Jarvis for 
discussion of the typification of P. x lanceolatus and to P. G. Ainsworth, A. O. Chater and Miss S. 
K. Marner for obtaining photographs of herbarium specimens. Ms V. Morgan kindly joined me in 
an unsuccessful search for P. x lanceolatus in Anglesey and P. S. Davis, T. C. Dunn, J. Heslop- 
Harrison, A. J. Richards and D. A. Simpson assisted in an equally fruitless hunt for the type of P. x 
heslop-harrisonii. J. R. Akeroyd, R. H. Roberts and P. D. Sell commented on a draft of the paper. 


BaBINGTON, C. C. (1843). Manual of British Botany, p. 323. London. 

BasinGTON, C. C. (1862). Manual of British Botany, 5th ed., p. 352. London. 

BaBINGTON, C. C. (1872). Notes on Potamogetons. J. Bot., Lond. 10: 228-229. 

BaBINGTON, C. C. (1881). On Potamogeton lanceolatus of Smith. J. Bot., Lond. 19: 9-11. 

BENNETT, A. (1880). Potamogeton lanceolatus, Smith, in Cambridgeshire. J. Bot., Lond. 18: 276. 

BENNETT, A. (1881). On Potamogeton lanceolatus of Smith. J. Bot., Lond. 19: 65-67, t. 217. 

BENNETT, A. (1919). Notes on British Potamogetons. J. Bot., Lond. 57: 10-20. 

BENNETT, A. (1924). Notes on Potamogeton. Trans. Proc. bot. Soc. Edinb. 29: 45-53. 

BENNETT, A. (1925). Potamogeton lanceolatus Smith. Rep. botl Soc. Exch. Club Br. Isl. 7: 658-661. 

BENTHAM, G. (1858). Handbook of the British Flora, p. 493. London. 

CiarK, W. A. (1942). A hybrid Potamogeton new to British Isles. Vasculum 27: 20. 

CLarRK, W. A. (1943). Pondweeds from North Uist (V.-C 110), with a special consideration of Potamogeton 
rutilus Wulfg. and a new hybrid. Proc. Univ. Durham phil. Soc. 10: 368-373. 

Danpy, J. E. (1958). List of British vascular plants. London. 

Danpy, J. E. (1970). Potamogeton and Ruppia in the Azores. Bol. Soc. brot. 44: 1-7. 

Danpy, J. E. (1975). Potamogeton L., in Stace, C. A., ed. Hybridization and the flora of the British Isles, pp. 
444-459. London. 

Danpy, J. E. & TayLor, G. (1967). Potamogeton berchtoldii x natans = P. X variifolius Thore, in SELL, P. D. 
ed. Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on the British Flora> Watsonia 6: 314-315. 

Davies, H. (1813). Welsh Botanology, p. 18. London. 

Druce, G. C. (1910). Potamogeton lanceolatus, Sm., var. hibernicus, Ar. Benn. Rep. botl Soc. Exch. Club Br. 
Isl. 2: 476. 

Druce, G. C. (1922). Potamogeton perpygmaeus Hagst., ined. Rep. botl Soc. Exch. Club Br. Isl. 6: 580. 

Druce, G. C. (1923a). 2488. P. coloratus X pusillus = P. perpygmaeus Hagstrom, in. litt., ined. Rep. botl Soc. 
Exch. Club Br. Isl. 6: 630. 

Druce, G. C. (1923b). 2493. P. gramineus x polygonifolius = P. Seemenii Asch. & Graebn. Rep. botl Soc. 
Exch. Club Br. Isl. 6: 631-632. 

Fryer, A. (1888). Notes on pondweeds. Potamogeton fluitans Roth. J. Bot., Lond. 26: 273-278. 

Fryer, A. (1894). Potamogeton rivularis Gillot. J. Bot., Lond. 32: 337-340. 

Fryer, A. & BENNETT, A. (1915). The Potamogetons (Pond Weeds) of the British Isles. London. 

HaGstr6M, J. O. (1916). Critical Researches on the Potamogetons. K. svenska VetenskAkad. Handl. nov. ser., 
55 (5): 1-281. 

Harrison, J. W. Hestop (1949). Potamogetons in the Scottish Western Isles, with some remarks on the general 
natural history of the species. Trans. Proc. bot. Soc. Edinb. 35: 1-25. 

Hooker, J. D. (1870). The Student’s Flora of the British Islands, p. 371. London. 

Hooker, W. J. (1830). The British flora, p. 75. London. 

LeEviInGE, H. (1891). Potamogeton lanceolatus in Ireland. J. Bot., Lond. 29: 344. 

McWEENEY, E. J. & PRAEGER, R. L. (1896). Notes on the fauna and ffora of Clonbrock, Co. Galway. Prefatory 
Note. Ir. Nat. 5: 217-221. 

PRAEGER, R. L. (1896). Notes on the fauna and flora of Clonbrock, Co. Galway. Flowering plants and vascular 
cryptograms. /r. Nat. 5: 239-244. 

Sowerby, J. (1809). English Botany 28: t. 1985. 

Sowerby, J. (1869). English Botany, 3rd ed., 8: 34-35. 

Wess, D. A. & SCANNELL, M. J. P. (1983). Flora of Connemara and the Burren, p. 222. Cambridge. 

(Accepted February 1988) 

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Watsonia, 17, 319-349 (1988) 319 

A reappraisal of the British and Irish dactylorchids, 3. 
The spotted-orchids 

Paleobiology Department, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. 20560, U.S.A. 

Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden, Herts., AL5 2JQ 


52 morphological characters were recorded for ten individuals from each of 20 populations of Dactylorhiza 
fuchsii (Druce) So6 and 23 populations of D. maculata (L.) So6. Multivariate analyses of data for both species 
demonstrate largely continuous morphological variation polarized into two independent trends representing 
vegetative vigour and degree of pigmentation. Both trends reach greater extremes in D. fuchsii. Possible causes 
of this variation, including environmental modification, are discussed. Univariate, bivariate and multivariate 
analyses demonstrate considerable overlap between existing and potential infraspecific taxa of both species. 
Revised diagnostic descriptions are provided for five British and Irish varieties of D. fuchsii: var. fuchsii (Druce) 
Bateman & Denholm, comb. nov., var. hebridensis (Wilmott) Bateman & Denholm, comb. nov., var. 
cornubiensis (Pugsley) So6, var. alpina (Landwehr) Bateman & Denholm, comb. et stat. nov., and var. okellyi 
(Druce) Bateman & Denholm, comb. nov. The morphological distinction of some taxa previously regarded as 
subspecies has been exaggerated due to insufficient or unrepresentative data and unsubstantiated assumptions 
regarding their population biology. Their distributions have been confused by a priori identifications of 
populations based on geographical locations rather than morphological criteria. No justifiable infraspecific taxa 
can be detected within D. maculata. Several long-standing taxonomic and nomenclatural controversies are 
resolved by detailed study of both the new data and past literature. Solutions to other problems, including the 
possible conspecificity of D. fuchsii and D. maculata, require comparable data from Continental spotted-orchid 


The taxonomy and nomenclature of the spotted-orchids have evolved progressively but spasmodi- 
cally since Linnaeus described Orchis maculata L. in 1753. Dactylorhiza maculata (L.) So6 (Heath 
Spotted-orchid) is now more clearly and narrowly delimited, and has been joined in the Subsection 
Eumaculatae Vermeulen by D. fuchsii (Druce) So6 (Common Spotted-orchid; Druce 1915) and the 
exclusively Continental D. saccifera (Brongniart) Soé (Brongniart 1832). Senghas (1968) and 
Landwehr (1975) disagreed with Vermeulen’s (1947) surprising inclusion of the Madeiran endemic 
D. foliosa (Solander) So6 in this subsection. Some workers have advocated the amalgamation of D. 
fuchsii with D. maculata (e.g. Nelson 1976) and the splitting of D. saccifera (e.g. Baumann & 
Kiinkele 1982). However, this degree of taxonomic instability at the species level is greatly exceeded 
by a general lack of consensus over numerous infraspecific taxa, which reflects the difficulty of 
partitioning largely continuous ranges of morphological variation into satisfactory taxa (Prentice 
1986). This problem requires detailed morphological studies capable of identifying and quantifying 
trends in variation that can be assessed for potential taxonomic value and interpreted in an 
evolutionary context. 

This paper continues our morphometric studies on dactylorchids (Bateman & Denholm 1983, 


1985), and concludes our survey of infraspecific morphological variation in British and Irish 


20 populations of D. fuchsii and 23 of D. maculata were sampled between 1982 and 1986, including 
at least three populations of each of the subspecies listed by Heslop-Harrison (1954) and Clapham 
(1962). Details of these populations and the sample localities are presented in Tables 1 and 2. 

52 morphological characters were recorded for each of ten flowering plants per population 
(twelve plants of D. maculata were measured at Kilmory). Details of these characters (and of ten 
indices (a—j) derived from them) largely follow Bateman & Denholm (1985), though an additional 
category (S = + solid blotch) was introduced for character 11 (type of labellum markings) and mean 
peripheral bract cell lengths (character 26) represent 30-100 cells, not 10-30 as was erroneously 
stated previously. 

Tables listing mean values and standard deviations for all characters and indices of each study 
population are available from the authors on request. 

Data were analyzed by univariate and multivariate methods using the Genstat computer program 
(Payne et al. 1987). Characters 46-51 were excluded from the multivariate analyses to avoid bias 
caused by a series of zero values reflecting the absence of a single feature (i.e. leaf markings), and 
indices were excluded to avoid duplication of their component characters. D. fuchsii and D. 
maculata were analyzed separately. After standardization to unit variance, each species yielded two 
similarity matrices (Gower 1971), the first using population means and the second using data for 
individual plants. Each matrix was used to link either populations or individuals by their maximum 
similarities to yield a minimum spanning tree (Gower & Ross 1969) and then compute principal 
coordinates (Gower 1966), compound vectors incorporating correlated characters of potential 
diagnostic value. The first two principal coordinates (PC1, PC2) from each analysis were plotted 
together to assess the degree of morphological separation of potential taxa in these dimensions (see 
Bateman & Denholm (1983, 1985) for further details of the application of these techniques to 


The multivariate analyses of both populations and individuals demonstrated strikingly similar 
overall patterns of infraspecific variation in D. fuchsii and D. maculata. In each of the four analyses 
(Figs. 1-4), the first two principal coordinates largely represented variation in vegetative vigour and 
intensity of pigmentation; lower order coordinates consistently accounted for much smaller 
proportions of the variance than the second and were of little biological or taxonomic significance. 
For simplicity, we have used our revised classification of D. fuchsii into five varieties (shown in the 
left-hand column of Table 1) throughout this paper. 

19 of the 46 characters used for multivariate analysis of D. fuchsii populations contributed 
appreciably to the first two principal coordinates, which together accounted for 50% of the total 
variance (Table 3). The second coordinate (PC2 on Fig. 1) largely represented characters 
determined by vegetative and floral anthocyanin pigments, and clearly separated four anthocyanin- 
low populations from the Burren (var. okellyi; PC2 values <—0-2) from eight anthocyanin-high 
populations (vars hebridensis, cornubiensis and alpina; PC2 values >0-1). The eight remaining 
populations (var. fuchsii) had intermediate values for PC2 but were widely dispersed along PC1, 
which represented characters such as stem, leaf, bract and inflorescence dimensions that determine 
vegetative vigour. Thus, Oldshore and Polin were the least vigorous and Oaklands and Parham 
were the most vigorous of the populations studied. Five populations of var. fuchsii showed greater 
overall vigour than all populations of the other varieties. 

The superimposed minimum spanning tree resolved variation along these axes into five branches, 
radiating from the area occupied by less vigorous populations of var. fuchsii in the centre of the plot 


PS be 
: bat 
0.3 ; a 
Lelant = 
‘ Va “DO Robach 
0.2 / ; 
Tintagel w react abe 
/ ram shape lie > Oldshore 
/ 7 ! =O a 
- Rd a : Ashes Gill ON Polin 
a 7 
PC2 ana I oer 
, Oddy Hill ie 
0 ecSteual T- 
SS Se a og 
Harpenden Pitstone \ 
-0.1 \ 
Oaklands @ . 
-0.2 ; 
Khyber Pass 
Black Head 
“0.3 S Corrofin 
-0.4 : 
{0S -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 Ost Oo2 0.3 0.4 


Ficure 1. Principal coordinates plot of PC1:PC2 with superimposed minimum spanning tree. D. fuchsii, 
population means. 

@ var. fuchsii (® individuals lacking floral anthocyanins; Fig. 3) 

QO var. hebridensis 

@ var. cornubiensis 

O var. alpina (© coastal habitats) 

A var. okellyi (A individuals lacking floral anthocyanins; Fig. 3) 

Minimum spanning tree links: double line = similarity of populations >95%, single line = 92-6-95%, dashed 
line = 90-92:5%, dotted line = <90% Inset: Main trends of variation represented on the plot. 

V = vegetative vigour 

F = floral dimensions 

A = anthocyanin pigments. 

(Fig. 1). The eight anthocyanin-high populations formed three branches: (i) var. hebridensis 
(Baleshare, Robach) and var. cornubiensis (Tintagel, Lelant), (ii) upland populations of var. alpina 
(Keltneyburn, Ashes Gill), and (iii) coastal populations of var. alpina (Oldshore, Polin). The 
strongest links of the tree reflected a combination of geographical and ecological proximity; they 
occurred between the four populations of var. okellyi from the limestone pavements of the Burren, 
two adjacent populations of var. alpina from machair in Sutherland (Oldshore, Polin) and two 
populations of var. fuchsii from chalk soils near the Hertfordshire/Buckinghamshire border (Oddy 
Hill, Pitstone). 

The first two coordinates for D. maculata populations incorporated 44% of the total variance, 
largely encompassed by 21 characters (Table 4).-They resembled closely the corresponding 



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Z TT cA 

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ouON €/9 00S 8h s[oAeis neaie[g O€ L86 6¢¢/0F CGYOAMOONUD 'S “WIe2H 

= IT ‘oA ‘‘syuReH 

‘§ ‘nolnesg ‘WwoNog 

< (J)dI p-€/9 O01 rSP spurs uoVeg/jeodg 02 190°09€/IP TIIHda LS ‘N “30g 

7. II ‘o°A ‘*sjueH “S ‘aspo7y 

< SUON p-€/9 0001 IS spurs uoVeg/eod 02 €LO°€€€/Ib Auusg ‘sog AA TLLVW 

= fp ‘oA “UOADG 


< dUON ob/L O01 Cr ayqAyd ueoasg Olr Z9P'9b8/1Z MOOTUOd “‘Wwe2H 

A [ ‘O°A ‘][BMUIOD ‘prezrq 

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pe -SprysrojAjoep 19410 Jo zpotsod sjurjd Jo (OH ut) sjeliojew (do w) DOUDIOJOI Ajlyeoo] pue yeyQey 
(Aouanbayy pure) s0U9so1g SULIOMOY YeIg ‘ou ‘xoiddy Hd jos juored [Ios opnin[~y Puy 

‘suUOTRIADIQge JO UONeUR]dxd pue $d}0UJOO} IOJ [ BIGeI, 99S 









(JA) dW XOW “(4)d 



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jvead uly, 

/yeod uty 










856 SEE/SI 

889 96/87 

C91 16/87 
Ilb LL9/L7 
COL crl/cl 



pO *9°A ‘sopngg” ‘N “wnyy 
‘ARG STUUWH “Heyory] 

~ POT “9A 

‘sopng” “N “winyYy “us[D 
AUYOW II Joddn ‘dog 
vOT “9°A 

‘sopnggd "N “winyy “Us| 
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“AN “ysiew opisulesls 
296 *O°A ‘SSoUIO}SeA 
yoo] o10ys “q'N ‘WeoH 


‘YooTy ukID *§ “Ysie 


jo 1eOg “$ “NYIVONATO 
‘oinjsed ysnoy 

88 “OA “Yd 

“PI ‘WOWUSYy “A'S ‘UIng 
SUAMV'I 2A0ge ‘Yysieyy 


“AA ‘oinqsed ysnoy 

6H *9°A ‘21RID “OD “peo 
yeild “HOOOUUNW 
‘quowoaed sWWeW 

6H ‘9A ‘oleID 

‘NVAUATIVA Wsuloaeg 
6H 9A 


‘yuowdsaed owe 



Principal coordinate PE] PC2 
Percentage of variance 
accounted for 27-1 23-1 
Variate name, and Width of widest leaf — Labellum colour, ‘y’ ~ 
direction of increase in Stem diameter — Labellum colour, reflectivity (Y) = 
value of variate in relation Inflorescence length — Presence of leaf markings : 
to increase in value of Plant height — Stem anthocyanin a 
vector (e.g. populations Length of basal bracts — Bract anthocyanin . se 
with the largest mean Length of longest leaf — Labellum markings, contrast BL 
values for leaf width and Position of longest leaf up stem — Labellum markings, distribution + 
other vigour characters Number of non-sheathing leaves — Labellum markings, type = 
tend to occur towards the Number of sheathing leaves = , 
left side of PC1 on Fig. 2). | Number of flowers = 
Length of floral bracts = 

Principal coordinate PCi og 
Percentage of variance 
accounted for 29-2 15-1 
Variate name, and Stem diameter — Bract anthocyanin . > 
direction of increase in Length of basal bracts — Stem anthocyanin ti 
value of variate in relation Length of floral bracts — Presence of leaf markings Ar 
to increase in value of Number of flowers — Labellum markings, type + 
vector. Ovary length — Labellum markings, contrast + 

Width of widest leaf — L.o.p.s', solid markings 5 

Spur, length — Labellum markings, distribution + 

Labellum, width = 
Plant height = 
Inflorescence length = 
Length of longest leaf = 
Labellum, length to lateral lobe = 
Labellum, length to centrallobe — 
Labellum, length to base of sinus — 

' L.o.p.s = lateral outer perianth segments. 

coordinates for D. fuchsii populations; PC1 again represented vegetative vigour (though supple- 
mented with some floral dimension characters) and PC2 represented pigmentation. At the extremes 
of PC1 were the stunted, late-flowering populations from Harris and Porlock, and the especially 
vigorous populations from marshes at Thursley and Llandegfan (Fig. 2). Separation of populations 
along PC2 according to degree of pigmentation was less clearly defined than for D. fuchsii. The five 
anthocyanin-low populations from Carboniferous limestone habitats (PC2 values <—0-15) differed 
considerably in vigour, and consequently formed three separate branches of the minimum spanning 
tree: Ashes Gill (Yorkshire, hay-meadow), Poulsallagh, Murroogh, Ballyryan (Burren, limestone 
pavements), and White Nook (Yorkshire, upland pasture). No populations of D. maculata were as 
anthocyanin-rich as the extreme populations of D. fuchsii. The Burren populations, and those from 
New Forest heathlands (Matley, Stephill, Crockford), formed two clusters, but the three 
populations from the Isle of Rhum (Kilmory, Kinloch, Harris) did not associate closely. 


Both principal coordinates plots for individual plants (Figs. 3 & 4) represented more characters but 
much less of the total variance than the equivalent ordinations of population means (Tables 5 & 6). 
Characters reflecting floral dimensions made more important contributions to plots for individuals 
than to those for populations. 

Pigmentation replaced vigour as the strongest coordinate (PC1) in the plot of D. fuchsii 
individuals (Fig. 3), which revealed almost complete overlap of the three dark-flowered varieties 
(vars hebridensis, cornubiensis and alpina) and considerable overlap between them and the 
supposedly predominantly pale-flowered var. okellyi. Var. fuchsii again tended to have interme- 
diate values for the pigmentation coordinate (PC1), and included numerous vigorous plants that 
dominated the positive end of PC2. The apparent discontinuity between anthocyanin-deficient 
. plants (PC1 values <—0-15) and the remainder was exaggerated by zero scores for three characters 
representing a single feature (absence of labellum markings) and was much less evident when the 
data were re-analyzed without these characters. The anthocyanin-deficient plants were mostly var. 

Matley Porlock @ 


@ibursley @ Culbin 


SS Z Crockford 








Stanmore | 

Ashes Gill 6 


O White Nook 

-0.4 =0.3 502 sO 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 
Ficure 2. Principal coordinates plot of PC1:PC2 with superimposed minimum spanning tree. D. maculata, 
population means. 
© Burren 
O Other Carboniferous limestone regions (® individuals lacking floral anthocyanins; Fig. 4) 
O Rhum 
© Porlock’ 
@ residuum 
See Fig. 1 for strengths of minimum spanning tree links. 
Inset: Main trends of variation represented on the plot (see Fig. 1). 


oOo oO 
© @ OAD O 
‘oe, 0) o me 0 a) 
on 0. OO gs O sa 
10} eS 0O Oo #0 
0 0 @ee0s8e s 
40 OA 680 @ O 
© 00.6) «8©)~ «60: COO ®@ ®@ 
@QAOAA @ B@0 SA 
A @ @n Cee 
& @ e & 
OO ese eee 8&8 @ @ 
fo) AB@eCe © ee @ 
44 GAS 80008 Bee C0 
@A @h @ASC0@ e @e@ @ ® 
& ® e @ 


03° -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 
FiGURE 3. Principal coordinates plot of PC1:PC2. D. fuchsii, all individuals. 

Inset: Main trends of variation represented on the plot. 
See Fig. 1 for explanation of symbols. 

okellyi, but also included some individuals of var. fuchsii. Some plants of both varieties lacked all | 
fioral pigments (Fig. 3, Table 8). 

The ordination of D. maculata individuals was generally similar to that for D. fuchsii, though the — 
vigour coordinate remained slightly stronger than the pigmentation coordinate and the subordinate 
trend in flower size did not parallel the trend in vegetative vigour (Table 8, Fig. 4 (inset)). The | 
morphological extremes on Fig. 4 were anthocyanin-less plants from Carboniferous limestone 
habitats in the Burren and Yorkshire (bottom), small, late-flowering plants from Porlock and Harris | 
(left) and large, marsh-dwelling plants from Thursley, Llandegfan, Stanmore and Culbin (top | 
right). However, geographically- and/or ecologically-related populations (including those from 
Rhum) were widely dispersed on the plot, which showed considerable morphological overlap of any | 
jet infraspecitic taxa that could be delimited using these criteria. 


consistently correlated characters but the trends themselves are uncorrelated, so that most 
combinations of intensity of pigmentation and degree of vigour can be encountered within the 
species as a whole. Extensive intra-population variation further obscures resolution of the 
populations into clearly delimited intraSpecific taxa. D. fuchsii achieves greater vigour and more 
intense pigmentation than D. maculata, thus presenting a broader morphological range that offers 
greater scope for taxonomic subdivision. 


The major trends of variation in vigour and pigmentation obscure some interesting subordinate 
trends, and could represent several causal factors. In this and the following section we examine in 
greater detail the nature and taxonomic implications of the patterns of variation shown by the 
spotted-orchids, and speculate on possible underlying mechanisms. 

D0O0@eS@C@Cee © 8 @ 
® @ 
@® oO 

ee0ee 6@ 
© 8 cee0cVeeee @ 0e@ 
®@e@ 00 88 @0@ @ 

© 08@@00 ee O 

ToL TTT jefol T fel yyy je 

@ ee0008000 
®@ @e0000e088 80 

Oo ® 
© @ ©COS8e@e@ 806 
OO 8080 



© Oo O00 O08 


=0.3 =0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 O38 
Ficure 4. Principal coordinates plot of PC1:PC2. D. maculata, all individuals. 

Inset: Main trends of variation represented on the plot. 
See Fig. 2 for explanation of symbols. 



Principal coordinate Pet PCL 

Percentage of variance 

accounted for 17-0 13-0 

Variate name, and Bract anthocyanin + Width of widest leaf. “= 

direction of increase in Stem anthocyanin + Stem diameter a 

value of variate in relation Labellum colour, reflectivity (Y) — Plant height Ee 

to increase in value of Labellum colour, ‘y’ — Length of basal bracts =i 

vector. Labellum markings, contrast + Inflorescence length +3 
Labellum markings, distribution + Length of longest leaf + 
Presence of leaf markings + Number of flowers se 
Labellum markings, type + Position of longest leaf up stem “a 
tarps: solid markings + Labellum, length to lateral lobe + 
Labellum colour, ‘x’ — Length of floral bracts 3z 
Plant height — Number of sheathing leaves ae 
Length of longest leaf — Spur, length ate 
Labellum, lateral lobe indentations + Labellum, length tocentrallobe + 
Inflorescence length — Spur, median width + 
Number of flowers — Labellum, length to base of sinus + 
Number of sheathing leaves — Labellum, width + 

' L.o.p.s = lateral outer perianth segments. 


Principal coordinate PCI PC2 

Percentage of variance 

accounted for 14-1 10-7 

Variate name, and Length of basal bracts + Presence of leaf markings = 

direction of increase in Stem diameter + Labellum, length to base of sinus + 

value of variate in relation Number of flowers + Labeilum markings, type 

to increase in value of Width of widest leaf +  Labellum, length to centrallobe + 

vector. Bract anthocyanin —  L.o.p.s', solid markings + 
Length of floral bracts + Labellum markings, contrast + 
Inflorescence length +  Labellum, length to lateral lobe + 
Labellum colour, reflectivity (Y) + Plant height sf 
Plant height +  Labellum, width + 
Labellum colour, ‘y’ + Length of longest leaf + 
Labellum, width +  Bract anthocyanin + 
Labellum, length to lateral lobe + Spur, length + 
Stem anthocyanin _ Labellum markings, + 
Ovary length + — distribution ne 
Spur length + Stem diameter a 
Labellum, length to centrallobe + Stem anthocyanin + 

' L.o.p.s = lateral outer perianth segments. 



Stephenson & Stephenson (1920), Summerhayes (1951) and Ettlinger (1976) noted that D. fuchsii 
from clay woodlands tend to be unusually tall and ‘leafy’. Harpenden, our only population from a 
clay wood, had tall (mean height 43 cm) but not especially broad stems (the inflorescence, which was 
not especially long, was consequently a small proportion (mean value 0.13) of the total stem length) 



Principal coordinate PCI PC2 

Percentage of variance 

accounted for 15-0 11-1 

Variate name, and Labellum, width — Labellum, lateral lobe indentations + 

direction of increase in Labellum, length to lateral lobe — Labellum markings, distribution + 

value of variate in relation lLabellum, length to central lobe — Presence of basal leaf ~ 

to increase in value of Width of widest leaf — Length anthocyanin — 

vector. Inflorescence length — Bract anthocyanin + 
Labellum, length to base of sinus — _ Leaf colour + 
Spur, median width — L.o.p.s', position — 

Length of basal bracts = 
Number of flowers = 
Spur, width at entrance = 
Stem diameter = 
Number of sheathing leaves = 
Spur, length = 

' L.o.p.s = lateral outer perianth segments. 

and many long but not particularly broad sheathing leavés that were widely spaced along the stem. 
These characteristics of lengthening of structures without concomitant increases in width were 
shared by the population growing in an overgrown meadow at Castlebar, and probably represent a 
compensation response to low light intensities rather than exceptional vigour per se. 

Genuinely vigorous D. fuchsii had stems that were unusually broad as well as tall, their leaves 
were broad as well as long, and they had many (4—6) non-sheathing as well as sheathing leaves. They 
also had long (>7 cm), many-flowered inflorescences and uppermost sheathing leaves that were 
broadest well above the base. These increases in overall sizes rather than just lengths of structures 
were exhibited by the Oaklands and Parham populations from flooded gravel-pits, and those 
individuals from Pitstone that occupied the marshy floor of the chalk quarry rather than its dry 
grassy margins. Thus, true vigour in D. fuchsii appears to be strongly correlated with high soil 
moisture content, again suggesting a phenotypic response to environmental (in this case edaphic) 
factors. Intriguingly, at least some of these marsh-dwelling D. fuchsii possessed hollow stems, a 
feature that is supposedly confined to marsh-orchids. 

Two populations of D. maculata (Thursley, Llandegfan), collected from amongst tall vegetation 
in wet habitats, exhibited many of the vigour characteristics shown by the Oaklands and Parham 
populations of D. fuchsii. They had tall, broad stems, long, many-flowered inflorescences, long, 
broad (though not particularly numerous) leaves widely distributed along the stem and long basal 
bracts. Three other populations (Culbin, Stanmore, Bricketwood) from Juncus-rich marshes 
showed extreme values for various combinations of these characters, and all five populations 
possessed rather long spurs. 

Populations of both species exhibiting the smallest values for vigour characters grew among short. 
vegetation in exposed coastal (Oldshore and Polin populations of D. fuchsii, Harris population of 
D. maculata) or upland (White Nook and Porlock populations of D. maculata) habitats, and were 
probably environmentally dwarfed. 

Thus, size variation in vegetative characters may primarily reflect an interaction between the 
ontogeny of spotted-orchids and environmental factors such as light intensity, soil moisture and 
exposure (particularly to wind). The resulting effects on the phenotype, which are more readily 
discerned in D. fuchsii than D. maculata, obscure any independent geographical trends such as the 
latitudinal cline in leaf number suggested by Heslop-Harrison (1951). 

The eight populations of D. fuchsii with mean labellum reflectivities below 40% (Fig. 6) also tended 
to have the lowest standard deviations for this character (all but Tintagel <10%), suggesting that 





eee S g 8 

f= ay = nS aS re a E at AS) 

gpa eee 8 oe eee 
Bio Boke Bees eee eee 
See) Boe her dnaaeins, Boe cee 
Percentage of ere 2 € 4 g . baie =P Re = i=. 
plants lacking: q Os UO Soa z Oo € 5 e Zz i 
Stem anthocyanins 5g AO Sage ORR A gaarestogal= 99 ae 56 
ce ae Bract anthocyanins dGve, ~ 68 FP SG ig ing ohoweiG7) <<) 70 ieee 
y Leaf markings 13 43 20 9 15 53 de) 8 
Floral L.o.p.s', markings 40 68 40 a2 10 10 35 7 
Sethiecnaias Labellum markings Hi 48 0 5 5 0 35 2 
y Labellum anthocyanins 2 48 0 3 25 3 35 27 
All floral anthocyanins 8 35 0 2 3 0 30 0 
All floral and vegetative 6 25 0 1 1 0 10 0 

anthocyanins (i.e. albinos) 
(Total number of plants) (200) (40) (10) (150) (232) (30) (20) (182) 

'L.o.p.s = lateral outer perianth segments. 

they constitute a distinct and consistent anthocyanin-high facies of D. fuchsii. This was supported by 
the frequent occurrence of bract and stem anthocyanins in these populations, though leaf and 
labellum markings were not especially large or bold. However, this group was very heterogenous in 
other respects, notably labellum size, and included both the largest- and smallest-flowered 
populations of D. fuchsii (Fig. 6). Marked bimodality in labellum dimensions (particularly width) 
distinguished the large-flowered vars. hebridensis and cornubiensis from the small-flowered var. 
alpina. As labellum dimensions were only minor contributors to the first two principal coordinates 
for all D. fuchsii individuals (Table 5), this distinction was not apparent in that plot (Fig. 3). When 
the analysis was repeated using only individuals of dark-flowered populations, PC1 largely 
separated var. alpina from vars hebridensis and cornubiensis (Fig. 5) using floral dimensions (Table 
7). PC2 gave an equal degree of separation of vars. hebridensis and cornubiensis, but using a more 
diverse set of unrelated characters that are less easily interpreted (Table 7). Hence, this dark- 
flowered facies comprised three groups of populations showing approximately equal levels of 
morphological and ecological differentiation. 

Two populations of D. maculata (Harris, Rhum; Porlock, Exmoor) resembled the dark-flowered 
facies of D. fuchsii in having mean labellum reflectivities of less than 40%. They were also 
distinguished by their late flowering (August; Table 2), narrow stems and small number of narrow 
leaves. However, they were not especially rich in vegetative anthocyanins and do not appear to form 
a cohesive morphological unit (see ‘Classification’). 

Neither species of spotted-orchid included a distinct pale-flowered facies that could be 
distinguished by differences in population means for labellum reflectivity, but both included 
populations with unusually high frequencies of individuals lacking floral and/or vegetative 
anthocyanins. Anthocyanin-deficient plants of D. fuchsii were most frequent in the Carboniferous 
limestone habitats of the Burren but, contrary to popular belief, comprised a minority of plants in all 
four study populations (Table 8); these Burren populations even included plants that matched 
typical individuals of vars hebridensis , cornubiensis and alpina in intensity of floral pigments. Ashes 
Gill, Yorkshire, the only other study population of D. fuchsii from Carboniferous limestone, was 
attributed to the dark-flowered var. alpina. In contrast, D. maculata populations with the highest 
frequencies of plants deficient in vegetative anthocyanins were associated with Carboniferous 
limestone habitats in both the Burren and Yorkshire (Table 8). Floral pigments were also unusually 
infrequent in D. maculata populations from Yorkshire but, surprisingly, not in those from the 
Burren; most Burren plants of D. maculata possessed diffuse anthocyanins in their labella, albeit at 


=Ur3 -0.2 =e 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 

Figure 5. Principal coordinates plot of PC1:PC2. D. fuchsii, individuals of dark-flowered populations. 
See Fig. 1 for explanation of symbols. 

very low concentrations (over half had reflectivities >70% ) and often in very pale hues of red-purple 
rather than the purple more characteristic of this species. All four anthocyanin-less plants of D. 
maculata that we measured were from Yorkshire (Ashes Gill and White Nook). 

Overall, the two species showed similar frequencies of vegetative anthocyanins, but plants lacking 
all anthocyanins (i.e. true albinos) were more frequent in D. fuchsii (Table 8). Labella of D. fuchsit 
more often lacked markings but less often lacked diffuse (i.e. background) anthocyanins than those 
of D. maculata. Approximately 2% of individuals of both species possessed annular leaf markings, a 
character much more common in marsh-orchids (notably D. majalis (Reichenbach) P. F. Hunt & 
Summerhayes subsp. occidentalis (Pugsley) P. D. Sell) but evidently not confined to them 
(Stephenson & Stephenson 1920; Godfery 1933; Helsop-Harrison 1948; Wiefelspiitz 1976). 


The delimitation of spotted-orchid taxa and the ranks awarded to them should reflect available 
knowledge of the nature and causes of their variation: whether the variation is continuous or 
discontinuous, whether it exhibits geographically- and/or ecologically-related patterns, and to what 
extent the phenotypic patterns reflect genetic and environmental influences. 

Our multivariate analyses demonstrated that eachspotted-orchid species constitutes a morpholo- 


B Lelant (23%) 

Fintagel (32%) O 
gS Baleshare (30%) 

Pitstone (65%) 

@ Oaklands (52%) 

Aa Torrin (52%) (—D Robach (25%) 

Keltneyburn (31%) Castlebar (55%) 
, 2 Black Head (69%) 

© arcenden (57%) 

Castle Hill (52%) 

Ashes Gill (31%) ® 
Oddy Hill (62%) 

Polin (29%) 

6 © 
© Oldshore (25%) A Khyber Pass (62%) 


Corrofin (72%) 

S Gelain (76%) 

9 10 11 12 

Ficure 6. Bivariate plot of mean labellum dimensions for D. fuchsii populations. Percentages denote mean 
reflectivities of labella, the best measure of densities of floral anthocyanin pigments. 
‘See Fig. 1 for explanation of symbols. 

gical continuum in which all potential infraspecific taxa show considerable overlap. Moreover, much 
of the variation in both species is polarized into two trends (sets of inter-related characters) 
representing vigour and pigmentation. This contrasts with the more complex associations of often 
unrelated characters observed in marsh-orchids, whose variation is also continuous but has strong 
geographical and/or ecological components and can be resolved into subspecies showing only 
limited morphological overlap (Bateman & Denholm 1983, 1985). Thus, no group of spotted-orchid 
populations is sufficiently differentiated to merit subspecific status, and those considered worthy of 
any taxonomic separation have been treated as varieties. We regard the subspecies and the variety 
as essentially similar concepts; both describe geographically- or ecologically-related groups of 
populations, but varieties show less morphological differentiation and are separated by fewer, 
generally less predictive characters. The D. fuchsii segregates assigned to this rank are relatively 
homogeneous and possess distinguishing characters (see ‘Classification’) that are unlikely to show 
substantial environmental modification. Var. fuchsii remains a comparatively heterogeneous taxon, 
but further subdivision on the basis of differences in vigour, which may be largely environmentally 
determined, seems unwise. We have not recognized any infraspecific taxa of D. maculata, whose 
overall range of variation is narrower and even less readily partitioned than that of D. fuchsii. 

Our treatment of D. fuchsii taxa as varieties rather than subspecies contradicts most classifica- 
tions published during the last 40 years. However, we believe that the taxonomic importance of the 
two most widely accepted ‘subspecies’ of D. fuchsii (hebridensis and okellyi) has been inflated by 
exaggeration of their morphological distinctness, failure to identify optimal diagnostic character 
states, tautological arguments concerning their identification and speculative assumptions regarding 
their evolution. 

D. fuchsii subsp. hebridensis was well described from the Hebrides, initially qualitatively by 
Wilmott (1939) and later quantitatively by Heslop-Harrison (1948, 1952, 1954), but it soon became 
entrenched as a geographically and ecologically restricted taxon with dark flowers that occupied 
machair along the western seaboard of the British Isles (Heslop-Harrison 1952, 1954, 1968). Var. 


— = taxon not mentioned (0 = taxon not yet described); V = considered to occur in Britain; X = not 
considered British; abbreviations = taxon considered synonymous with subsp. maculata (ma), elodes (el), 
ericetorum (er); ? = authors’ intentions unclear. 

(a) an nq 
N fo. —~ 
nN — a > 
— — Vay oO 
rol 5 = a 
b~ Dan « — 
S" g Fehon rs Sri 
* Va) = fon ao} —_ 
: sepia amiee aes Bile she og g 
« New = ym, 
ae — Fes] Le, a g a = < = 
. N N v i fo fo . 
pil oN Dv > = =). = _ 7 
= = = = as a <= 3 aes S = 
fon Ee ° ~ = ae ~”a oO 
= 2 > = E o D v 
wm = 5 o o a. oS aa) So e- S 
9) oO = = = 2) = r=] re v 
oO = SS — a. = = oD — 
=. S a. eS =I % x = = = = 
a) fea) 7) Oo 7) ae O a ea) =) Q 
maculata V _- V x = x x = Bs = 9 
ericetorum ma V ?ma el AVA a4 V V V V V 
elodes ma er x V er 2er 2er - er er ? 
praecox ma = ma el = er = - = _ - 
rhoumensis 0 0 0 0 _ - V V ad _ V 
~~ —_— 
— = 
= = 
= _~ a4 
— us Cow =) Ss 
E a ZS Z & Sees 
a S S Cc ~ 2 = = 
Oo =) —_ 2) = SN rat —_~ =) 3% 
i) S wm = = = S 5] : 
3g = No) wa ae 2. ee) = v 
<2) D 2) SS < ace $ Dy m oD 
2 E a = 2 x aS) = 3 & 
= = = = = oO = No) r= = 
) o ros © o Se o) le) = 2 
O > A 7) r=: s ee) XA D A 
maculata V 2 V ? er ? We V V V 
ericetorum el Avi V el V \/ 74 ma ma V 
elodes V a x V er x V V ma x 
praecox el el er = = er Gr = = = 
rhoumensis 0 0 V V ~ - - = = 

cornubiensis and coastal populations of var. alpina, which were also dark-flowered and conformed 
to these distributional criteria, were included in hebridensis without supporting morphological data 
(e.g. Perring & Sell 1968) while inland populations of var. alpina were excluded. Consequently, | 
hebridensis became a morphologically heterogeneous taxon whose individuals could not be 
identified without knowledge of their geographical location (Heslop-Harrison 1968, p. 23). Its 
morphological distinction was exaggerated by insufficient knowledge of the broad morphological 
range encompassed by var. fuchsii and failure to recognize the small- and dark-flowered taxon that 
we have named var. alpina. 

The tecorded (predominantly western) distribution of subsp. okellyi resembles that of subsp. 


hebridensis (Perring & Sell 1968) and also covers a restricted range of habitats, typically limestone 
pavements. It therefore received the same distributional ‘positive feedback’ as subsp. hebridensis, 
and progressed from “‘an indistinct recessive colour race’? (Stephenson & Stephenson 1921) to a 
subspecies exhibiting a typical Atlantic distribution (Heslop-Harrison 1954; Perring & Sell 1968). 
However, okellyi differs from hebridensis in having been poorly described in its original diagnosis 
(Druce 1909), which greatly exaggerated its anthocyanin deficiency. Our data show that flowers 
from populations of var. okellyi in the Burren (its type locality) are not especially pale (their mean 
labellum reflectivities resemble those of chalk populations of var. fuchsii at Oddy Hill and Pitstone), 
nor are they unusually deficient in bract and stem anthocyanins. Anthocyanin-deficient plants are a 
subordinate component of most populations of D. fuchsii in the Burren, including all four that we 
studied, and the Burren populations are even less readily distinguished by other supposedly 
diagnostic characters such as smaller labella and spurs, and narrower stems and leaves. Further- 
more, anthocyanin-less D. fuchsii from the Burren cannot be distinguished from similar plants 
growing in other regions and habitats (Fig. 3). Hence, var. okellyi is much less differentiated from 
var. fuchsii then has generally been assumed, and differs mainly in the higher frequency of 
individuals deficient in floral and/or vegetative anthocyanins. It coexists in the Burren with an 
analogous anthocyanin-low variant of D. maculata (see ‘Classification’). 

A third British spotted-orchid subspecies, D. maculata subsp. rhoumensis, has not received such 
general acceptance. This enigmatic Rhum endemic reputedly has pale purple flowers, bold labellum 
markings, blooms in August and is diploid (Heslop-Harrison 1948). Our three study populations 
from Rhum differed appreciably in morphology and phenology both from each other and from the 
original diagnosis of rhoumensis (see ‘Classification’), but not from populations of D. maculata 
elsewhere in the British Isles. We cannot therefore tdegaly any cohesive infraspecific taxon peculiar 
to, or present on, Rhum. 

The infraspecific taxonomy of the spotted-orchids has also been strongly influenced in the past by 
speculative interpretations of their population biology. Heslop-Harrison (1952, 1954, 1968) 
justified subspecific status for hebridensis and okellyi by arguing that in their “extreme” forms both 
approach ecologically and morphologically well-defined races, probably of monophyletic origin, 
that are largely reproductively isolated from the type due to their disyunct geographical ranges. 
However, he also noted that vars. hebridensis and okellyi intergrade extensively with var. fuchsii, 
both by extensive geographical clines and by ‘hybridization’ at sites where two taxa occur (Heslop- 
Harrison 1948, 1949, 1951, 1952, 1954; Allen 1971; Wiefelspiitz 1976). Our observations suggest 
that populations of D. fuchsii are not as differentiated as the above argument implies, and we do not 
believe that taxonomic decisions should be based solely on geographical and morphological 
extremes. It seems more appropriate to regard D. fuchsii as a variable species whose populations 
differ locally in ‘mean morphology’ in response to prevailing edaphic and climatic factors, both 
through adaptive shifts in gene frequencies and environmental modification of phenotypes. We 
believe that morphological continuity in both species probably reflects potentially unrestricted gene 
flow within and between the poorly-differentiated groups of populations; if so, terms such as 
‘intergradation’ and ‘hybridization’ are inapplicable in this context. However, neither hypothesis 
can be substantiated without non-morphological data and new insights into the control and adaptive 
significance of particular morphological traits. 


Most British workers have regarded D. fuchsii and D. maculata as separate species, distinguished by 
consistent differences in morphology (principally labellum shape) and chromosome number. The 
supposed cytological discontinuity dates from a few chromosome counts by Hagerup (1938) of 
2n=40 (diploid) for D. fuchsii and 2n=80 (tetraploid) for D. maculata subsp. maculata and subsp. 
elodes. Much emphasis has been placed on this apparent discontinuity by subsequent authors, 
including ourselves. However, in the same year, Heusser (1938) demonstrated the presence in 
Switzerland of diploid and tetraploid populations that were both assignable to D. fuchsii on 
morphological criteria, and the potential taxonomic significance of this observation was quickly 
realized by Pugsley (1939). Hagerup (1944) then described D. fuchsii embryos with 2n=20 and 
2n=60, and a few D. maculata embryos with 2n=40. Heslop-Harrison (1948) reported 2n=40 for D. 


maculata subsp. rhoumensis from Rhum. Populations of D. fuchsii in Austria may be 2n=40, 60 or 
80 without showing significant morphological differences (Groll 1965, 1968; Voth 1978; Voth & 
Greilhuber 1980), and Averyanov (1977) reported D. maculata near Leningrad with 2n=60. Thus, 
both spotted-orchid species appear to be capable of maintaining cytologically stable populations 
that are diploid, triploid or tetraploid, and previous assumptions of chromosome number based on 
extrapolation from morphology may have been rash. 

When Druce (1915) first separated D. fuchsii from D. maculata he speculated that the 
morphological differences between the two species may simply reflect differences in the soils that 
they inhabit. Stephenson & Stephenson (1921) and Godfery (1921) questioned this hypothesis, 
noting that the two species remained morphologically distinct in mixed colonies. Heslop-Harrison 
(1948) compared soil pH from several populations of D. fuchsii and D. maculata in the Hebrides, 
and concluded that the former occupied soils of pH less than 5-5 and the latter soils of pH greater 
than 5-0. He subsequently repeated these figures as generally characteristic of the habitats of the two 
species (Heslop-Harrison 1951, 1954). However, 11 of our 23 study populations of D. maculata 
occupied soils of pH greater than 5-5 (Table 2), and four populations grew in neutral soils (pH >6). 
D. fuchsii is almost confined to neutral or alkaline soils, though our study population of D. fuchsii 
that most closely resembled D. maculata (Harpenden) occupied a slightly acidic soil (pH 5-8; Table 
1). Its labella had relatively shallow sinuses and central lobes that equalled or only slightly exceeded 
the laterals, resulting in a small labellum shape index (1-23) similar to that of the Harris population 
of D. maculata (1-24). Furthermore, the Harpenden D. fuchsii had unusually broken labellum 
markings and a small value for mean leaf shape index (0-11) more typical of D. maculata. Four 
populations of D. maculata had appreciably larger mean values for the labellum shape index than 
the remainder; two were from isolated southern populations in only mildly acidic soils (Bricketwood 
and Stanmore) and two were environmentally-stunted (Harris and White Nook). Plants from 
Bricketwood and Harris also had central labellum lobes that considerably exceeded the laterals, 
approaching D. fuchsii in this respect (e.g. Stephenson & Stephenson 1921). Thus, spotted-orchid 
populations showing intermediate characteristics tend to occupy intermediate habitats, and an 
edaphic influence on their morphology is possible. 

Biometric studies on spotted-orchid populations from mainland Europe (Heslop-Harrison 1951; 
Groll 1965, 1968; Voth 1978; Voth & Greilhuber 1980; Reinhard 1985) indicate that D. fuchsii and 
D. maculata are less distinct on the Continent than in the British Isles (see also Summerhayes 1951, 
p. 273). Thus, Continental workers (e.g. Vermeulen 1949; Landwehr 1977; Sod 1980) have 
attempted to partition a more restricted range of variation, and have consequently created a large 
number of poorly-defined and often overlapping infraspecific spotted-orchid taxa. This observation 
also explains why D. fuchsii was first described as a species by a British worker (Druce) as late as 
1915; during the previous 80 years, Continental workers, including several who were content to 
treat apparently much more trivial entities as species, had recognized D. fuchsii under several 
different names at varietal and formal rank (see ‘Classification’). If D. fuchsii and D. maculata prove 
to be both morphologically and cytologically indistinct on the Continent, there is a strong argument 
for following Nelson (1976) and Sundermann (1980), and relegating D. fuchsii to D. maculata (L.) 
So6 subsp. fuchsii (Druce) Hylander. 


The classification and diagnostic descriptions that follow are based on our principal coordinates 
(Figs. 1-5, Tables 3—7), minimum spanning trees, analyses of population means, and ranges for 
individual characters. Published data on British plants (Heslop-Harrison 1948, 1951, 1954) and on 
Continental plants (Heslop-Harrison 1951; Groll 1965, 1968; Voth 1978; Voth & Greilhuber 1980; 
Reinhard 1985) have also been considered. 

The following terms are used to describe the frequencies of character states in taxa: rarely, less 
than 20% of individuals; occasionally, 20-50%; often, 51-80%; usually, greater than 80%. 
Frequencies of the best diagnostic characters (italicized) show most discontinuity between varieties. 
Some terms used in the descriptions are qualitative but are derived from quantitative measure- 

Density of inflorescence: dense, index ‘f value greater than 7. Depth of labellum sinuses: very deep, 


index ‘b’ value greater than 1.5 (the term ‘labellum shape index’ refers exclusively to index ‘b’). 
Roundness of labellum: broad, index ‘a’ value less than 0.4. Position of lateral outer T penianth 
segments: + horizontal, categories 1 and 2 on our scale. 

Soil pH: acid, <6; neutral, 6—7; alkaline, >7. 

Genus Dactylorhiza Necker ex Nevski, Acta hort. bot. Acad. sci. URSS 4: 332 (1937). 
Sect. Maculatae (Parlatore) Vermeulen, Stud. Dactyl. 65 (1947). 
Subsect. Eumaculatae Vermeulen, Stud. Dactyl. 68 (1947). 

1. Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Druce) So6, Nom. nov. gen. Dactylorhiza 8 (1962). 

Orchis fuchsii Druce in Rep. botl Soc. Exch. Club Br. Isl. 4: 105 (1915). 

O. maculata L. var. trilobata Brébisson, Fl. Normandie 313 (1835). 

O. maculata L. var. meyeri Reichenbach f., Icon. Fl. Germ. 67 (1851). 

O. maculata L. subsp. meyeri (Reichenbach f.) Camus, Mon. Orch. Eur. 193 (1908). 

O. maculata L. var. obscura Neuman in Bot. Notiser 1909: 153 (1909). 

O. fuchsii Druce subvar. albiflora Druce in Rep. botl Soc. Exch. Club Br. Isl. 5: 167 (1918). 

Dactylorchis fuchsii (Druce) Vermeulen, Stud. Dactyl. 147 (1947). 

D. fuchsii (Druce) Vermeulen var. meyeri (Reichenbach f.) Vermeulen, Stud. Dactyl. 146 (1947). 

Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Druce) S06 var. meyeri (Reichenbach f.) Soé, Nom. nov. gen. Dactylorhiza 8 

Stem 7—50(—70) cm, 1-5—7-5(—11) mm in diameter, often lacking anthocyanins. Basal 1f or sheath 
0-1, broadest at or above middle; sheathing lvs (2—)3—6(—7), usually strongly crowded towards 
base of stem, usually recurved, narrowly to broadly lanceolate, usually broadest well above base, 
longest 1f usually above widest, 4-5—16-5 cm long, widest 1f 0-5—4(—5-5) cm wide, width/length ratio 
of lvs decreasing up stem, usually bright to dark green, tips rarely distinctly hooded; non-sheathing 
lvs (1—)2-—6(-—9), narrow, broadest at base; lvs usually sparsely to densely marked on upper surface 
only, markings usually solid (very rarely annular), usually + evenly distributed and transversely 
elongated, usually 1-5—6 mm in mean diameter. Inflorescence 1-5—10(—22) cm, 8-30% of stem 
length, fis 8—60(—95), fairly lax to dense (3-5—10(—13) fis/em). Basal bracts 7-5—23(—38) mm, 1-5- 
2-5 times the length of the ovaries, floral bracts 5-12 mm, approximately equalling the ovaries, 
often suffused with anthocyanins; peripheral bract cells (40—)55—135(—170) um long, barrel-shaped 
to triangular. Labellum width exceeding length (usually considerably), 4-5—8-5(-9-5) x 7-12(- 
13-5) mm, widest + at middle or above (obtriangular), base colour varying densities (reflectivity 10— 
89%) of purple or less frequently white; markings pale to bold dashes and/or loops, occasionally 
dots and dashes, rarely absent or a solid blotch, often covering about two-thirds of the labellum, 
occasionally more or less; sinuses present (labellum three-lobed), usually deep, central lobe often 
exceeding lateral lobes by >1 mm, labellum shape index usually >1.25; lateral lobes usually 
indented, slightly deflexed to moderately reflexed; lateral outer perianth segments usually nearer 
horizontal than vertical, often with solid (rarely annular) markings; median outer perianth segment 
and inner perianth segments connivent; spur straight to moderately decurved, 3-5—8 x 1-2-5 mm at 
entrance, 0-8—2-3 mm halfway along (2—3.7 mm at entrance, 1-6—3-2 mm halfway along in var. 
cornubiensis), usually slightly tapering, half as long to as long as the ovary. 2n=?40. Flowering mid- 
June to late July. Frequent and locally common throughout most of the British Isles, local in 
northeast Scotland and the southwest. Neutral to alkaline (rarely slightly acid) soils. 

Most early classifications recognized only a single species of spotted-orchid, Orchis maculata 
(Linnaeus 1753). However, towards the end of the 19th Century, some workers began to realize that 
two distinct taxa occurred in the British Isles. One had oval, planar lower leaves, deeply and 
subequally three-lobed labella with the central lobe projecting beyond the laterals, and fairly 
narrow, tapering spurs (D. fuchsii). It inhabited calcareous and neutral soils. The second had 
lanceolate, keeled lower leaves, shallowly three-lobed labella with the lateral lobes equalling the 
central lobe in length and considerably exceeding it in area, and very narrow, parallel-sided spurs 
(D. maculata). It inhabited acid soils. Early attempts to recognize this taxonomic distinction were 
made at infraspecific levels within D. maculata. D. fuchsii was regarded as O. maculata sensu stricto 
and therefore treated as the type, and what we now call D. maculata was the segregate. Webster’s 



(1886) O. maculata var. praecox was a restricted and unusual taxon, but Linton (1900) provided a 
much more generally applicable description of British D. maculata as O. maculata subsp. ericetorum 
Linton, a name that is still in general use in Britain (Table 9; see also discussion of D. maculata). 

Few short papers can have initiated more taxonomic and nomenclatural controversy than that of 
Druce (1915), which segregated the calcicolous spotted-orchids as a new species, Orchis fuchsii, and 
treated the calcifuge as Linnaeus’ O. maculata. He was repeatedly obliged to justify this decision 
(Druce 1915, 1918, 1924a, b, 1925) in barbed exchanges with Godfery (1921, 1923, 1924, 1933), who 
believed that O. maculata was the calcicolous species. The debate was eventually settled in Druce’s 
favour by Vermeulen (1947, 1968) and Heslop-Harrison (1951), who demonstrated that Linnaeus’ 
type specimen of O. maculata was the calcifuge taxon. 

The evolution of spotted-orchid nomenclature on the Continent resembles that in Britain. Early 
workers included a broad morphological range in O. maculata, but this was progressively 
subdivided at subspecific or, more often, varietal level. D. fuchsii was repeatedly segregated from 
D. maculata, most notably as O. maculata var. trilobata Brébisson (1836), var. meyeri Reichenbach 
f. (1851) and var. obscura Neuman (1909) (Heslop-Harrison 1951). Most Continental workers now 
include these taxa in D. fuchsii, but few are willing to treat D. fuchsii as a full species. 

One notable exception is Holub (1983), who argued that D. fuchsii is a junior synonym of D. 
longebracteata (F. W. Schmid) Holub, based on Orchis longebracteata F. W. Schmid (1791). 
However, Jagietto (1986) convincingly demonstrated that the original description of longebracteata, 
although ambiguous, is clearly discordant with D. fuchsit. 

Extremes of pigmentation 
About 20% of the D. fuchsii individuals at Oddy Hill occurred as an anthocyanin-rich form with 
labellum markings more-or-less fused into a solid blotch and the upper surface of the sheathing 
leaves with at least 50% areal coverage of large (mean diameter >6 mm) markings or entirely 
covered with diffuse anthocyanins. Such plants also frequently possess spotted bracts and dashes on 
their stems and ovaries, resembling some plants of var. hebridensis. This variant has also been 
recorded in other chalk grassland populations at Beacon Hill, N. Hants. (D. M. T. Ettlinger pers. 
comm. 1985; A. R. G. Mundell pers. comm. 1987), Mickleham, Surrey and Barton-le-Clay, Beds. 
(R. M. Bateman), and “near Winchester” (Godfery 1933, p. 206 and Plate 50/22, 25), from 
limestone grassland near Buxton, Derbyshire (D. M. T. Ettlinger pers. comm. 1987) and from 
mildly acid coastal grassland at Armadale, Skye (R. M. Bateman). Nelson (1976, p. 100 and Plate 
70c, d) illustrated similar plants from Scandinavia. Analogous variants occur in D. maculata (q.v.), 
D. majalis subsp. purpurella (T. & T. A. Stephenson) D. Moresby Moore & So6 (near Hartlepool) 
and D. ?incarnata (L.) So6 (near Southampton) (D. M. T. Ettlinger pers. comm. 1986). 
Anthocyanin-less individuals have white or very pale cream-coloured flowers and have been 
called subvar. albiflora Druce (1918). They form a small proportion of many populations of var. 
fuchsii (e.g. Pitstone) and a much larger proportion of populations of var. okellyi. 

a. var. fuchsii (Druce) Bateman & Denholm, comb. nov. 

Orchis fuchsii Druce in Rep. botl Soc. Exch. Club Br. Isl. 4: 105 (1915). 

Dactylorchis fuchsii (Druce) Vermeulen subsp. typica Vermeulen, Stud. Dactyl. 148 (1947). 
Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Druce) S06 subsp. fuchsii (Druce) S06, Nom. nov. gen. Dactylorhiza 8 (1962). 

Stem usually >20 cm, often >3-5 mm in diameter, occasionally suffused with anthocyanins (rarely 
densely). Sheathing 1vs usually 4 or more, longest 1f often >9 cm long, widest 1f often >2 cm wide; 
non-sheathing lvs often 4 or more; markings usually present, often covering >10% of the upper 
surface. Inflorescence often >4 cm, occasionally >20% of stem length, occasionally dense, fis often 
more than 25. Floral bracts often >8 mm, occasionally suffused with anthocyanins (rarely densely); 
peripheral bract cells occasionally angular. Labellum often >6-7 mm long to apex of central lobe, 
often >5-5 mm to apex of lateral lobe, occasionally >4 mm to base of sinus, often >9-5 mm wide, 
occasionally broad, sinuses occasionally very deep; reflectivity of base colour often >40% (rarely 
>80%); markings usually present; lateral outer perianth segments often + horizontal, markings 
often present (rarely annular); spur occasionally >2 mm wide at entrance, >1-8 mm halfway along. 
Flowering June/early July. Throughout the range of the species. 


Var. fuchsii is a very heterogeneous taxon, encompassing considerable variation in vigour and 
pigmentation (see ‘Major trends in morphological variation’). 

b. var. hebridensis (Wilmott) Bateman & Denholm, comb. nov. 

Orchis hebridensis Wilmott in J. Bot., Lond. 77: 192 (1939). 

O. fuchsii Druce var. hebridensis (Wilmott) Heslop-Harrison p. in Vasculum 25: 111 (1940). 

O. fuchsii Druce subsp. hebridensis (Wilmott) Clapham, Fl. Br. Isl. 1317 (1952). 

Dactylorchis maculata (L.) Vermeulen subsp. hebridensis (Wilmott) Vermeulen, Stud. Dactyl. 141 

D. fuchsii (Druce) Vermeulen subsp. hebridensis (Wilmott) Heslop-Harrison f. in Ber. geobot. 
Forsch. Inst. Riibel 1953: 55 (1954). 

Dactylorhiza fushsii (Druce) So6 subsp. hebridensis (Wilmott) Nelson, Mon. Ikon. Orchid. Gatt. 
Dactylorhiza 102 (1976). 

D. maculata (L.) So6 subsp. hebridensis (Wilmott) Nelson, Mon. Ikon. Orchid. Gatt. Dactylorhiza 
102 (1976). 

D. hebridensis (Wilmott) Averyanov in Bot. Zhurn. 71: 92 (1986). 

Stem rarely >20 cm, occasionally >3-5 mm in diameter, usually suffused with anthocyanins (often 
densely). Sheathing 1vs often 4 or more, longest 1f rarely >9 cm long, widest 1f occasionally >2 cm 
wide; non-sheathing 1vs rarely 4 or more; markings usually present, usually covering >10% of the 
upper surface. Inflorescence rarely >4 cm, rarely >20% of stem length, usually dense, f1s 
occasionally more than 25. Floral bracts rarely >8 mm, usually suffused with anthocyanins (often 
densely); peripheral bract cells usually angular. Labellum usually >6:7 mm long to apex of central 
lobe, usually >5-5 mm to apex of lateral lobe, occasionally >4 mm to base of sinus, usually >9-5 mm 
wide, usually broad, sinuses occasionally very deep; reflectivity of base colour rarely >40%; 
markings usually present; /ateral outer perianth segments usually + horizontal, markings often 
present (occasionally annular); spur occasionally >2 mm wide at entrance, >1-:8 mm halfway along. 
Flowering late June/July. Hebrides and western Ireland. 

Many authors (Summerhayes 1951; Clapham 1952; Akeroyd & Curtis 1980; Lang 1980; Davies et al. 
1983; Webb & Scannell 1983) have argued that var. hebridensis is merely an environmentally 
dwarfed ecotype of D. fuchsii with unusually dark flowers. However, Wilmott’s (1939) original 
description of Orchis hebridensis stipulates unusually broad labella, and its large labellum and spur 
were demonstrated biometrically by Heslop-Harrison (1954); see also Clapham (1962) and 
Ettlinger (1976). Our data indicate strong bimodality in flower size that distinguishes dark-flowered 
populations along the coasts of Cornwall, western Ireland and the Outer Hebrides from those 
further east with similarly coloured but much smaller flowers (usually <6-7 X 9-5 mm; Fig. 6). The 
larger-flowered populations also tend to have less prominent central labellum lobes (and therefore 
smaller values (<1-5) for the labellum shape index), broader spurs (often >2-0 mm at the mouth), 
and greater proportions of plants with annular lateral outer perianth segment markings (though 
there are exceptions to all these criteria). We have therefore segregated the smaller-flowered plants 
as var. alpina (q.v.), which includes some populations along the west coast of the Inner Hebrides 
and Scottish mainland that have traditionally been regarded as var. hebridensis (e.g. Oldshore). 

Populations of D. fuchsii with dark flowers and large labella occur in three areas (Heslop- 
Harrison 1954; Perring & Sell 1968): the Outer Hebrides (Wilmott 1939; Heslop-Harrison 1948, 
1951), western Ireland (Brenan & Simpson 1949; Heslop-Harrison 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952; Akeroyd 
& Curtis 1980; Webb & Scannell 1983) and Cornwall (Pugsley 1940; Heslop-Harrison 1951, 1954; 
Margetts & David 1981). Most of the populations occupy coastal machair (or machair-like) habitats. 
The Cornish populations have been separated as var. cornubiensis Pugsley (q.v.). 

Other characters that reputedly distinguish var. hebridensis from var. fuchsii are as follows: 
shorter (c. 10 cm) stems (Lang 1980; Davies et al. 1983) bearing fewer, narrower leaves 
(Summerhayes 1951; Lang 1980; Davies et al. 1983) that are less heavily spotted (Lang 1980; Davies 
et al. 1983) or more heavily spotted (Summerhayes 1951), a denser inflorescence (Akeroyd & Curtis 
1980; Davies et al. 1983), labella with more broken markings (Wiefelspiitz 1976; Lang 1980) and a 
more prominent central lobe (Ettlinger 1976), and spurs more than 7 mm long (Heslop-Harrison 
1954, p. 71) but narrow (Wiefelspiitz 1976), c. 1 mm wide (Clapham 1952). However, the Baleshare 


and Robach populations resembled many populations of var. fuchsii in all these respects. 
Vermeulen’s (1947) suggestions that var. hebridensis is later flowering than var. fuchsii and 
tetraploid are incorrect (Heslop-Harrison 1952). A population of var. hebridensis in Co. Galway 
had taller stems and longer spurs than any of our study populations (Heslop-Harrison 1954), and 
white-flowered plants may occur rarely in the Outer Hebrides (Wiefelspiitz 1976). Heslop-Harrison 
(1948, 1954) thoroughly described var. hebridensis, but exaggerated its distinctness from var. fuchsii 
as his data on the latter encompassed an unrealistically narrow range of morphological variation. 

c. var. cornubiensis (Pugsley) Sod, Nom. nov. gen. Dactylorhiza 8 (1962). 
Orchis maculata var. cornubiensis Pugsley in J. Bot., Lond. 78: 180 (1940). 
O. fuchsii Druce var. cornubiensis (Pugsley) Clapham, Fl. Br. Isl. 1317 (1952). 

Stem rarely >20 cm, rarely >3-5 mm in diameter, often suffused with anthocyanins (occasionally 
_ densely). Sheathing 1vs often 4 or more, longest 1f occasionally >9 cm long, widest 1f rarely >2 cm 
wide; non-sheathing lvs occasionally 4 or more; markings usually present, usually covering >10% 
of the upper surface. Inflorescence occasionally >4 cm, often >20% of stem length, rarely dense, fis 
rarely more than 25. Floral bracts often >8 mm, usually suffused with anthocyanins (occasionally 
densely); peripheral bract cells rarely angular. Labellum usually >6-7 mm long to apex of central 
lobe, often >5-5 mm to apex of lateral lobe, usually >4 mm to base of sinus, usually >9-5 mm wide , 
rarely broad, sinuses rarely very deep; reflectivity of base colour rarely >40%; markings usually 
present; /ateral outer perianth segments rarely + horizontal, markings often present (occasionally 
annular); spur usually >2 mm wide at entrance, >1-8 mm halfway along. Flowering June. Cornwall. 

The Cornish populations were first described by Pugsley (1940) as Orchis maculata var. cornubien- 
sis, and incorporated into Dactylorchis fuchsii subsp. hebridensis by Heslop-Harrison (1954). The 
long obscure type locality, ‘a cliff-top near St Ives’’, may have been refound recently (M. Jenkinson 
pers. comm. 1987). Otherwise, the only known populations of var. cornubiensis are those we 
studied on a cliff-top at Tintagel and stabilized dunes at Lelant (Perring & Sell 1968; Margetts & 
David 1981). However, Pugsley’s (1940) description of the St Ives plants is consistent with these 
other Cornish populations, which tend to have wider spurs (median width >2 mm), more lax 
inflorescences (<6 flis/em) and longer leaves (longest 1f >8 cm) than those in the Hebrides. 
Wiefelspiitz (1976) over-simplified when describing var. cornubiensis as intermediate to var. 
hebridensis and var. fuchsii. 

Many populations of var. hebridensis and var. cornubiensis have acquired unusual characteristics, 
perhaps as a consequence of geographical isolation. The large mean labellum width of the Baleshare 
population (12-3 mm) exceeds those of all populations of D. majalis described by Bateman & 
Denholm (1983). Similarly, the spur widths of the Lelant population (mean value for median width 
2:5 mm) match those of the smaller-flowered populations of D. majalis (Bateman & Denholm 
1983), D. incarnata (Bateman & Denholm 1985) and D. saccifera (e.g. Nelson 1976), and the stems 
of the Tintagel plants are as broad (mean diameter 4-6 mm) as those of marsh-orchid populations of 
similar stature, suggesting that they may be hollow. As in the type population of var. hebridensis on 
Barra (Wilmott 1939), a small proportion of the Robach plants have spots on the undersides of the 
leaves and bracts, and dashes on the stems and ovaries, features otherwise confined in British 
orchids to the most anthocyanin-rich individuals of D. incarnata subsp. cruenta (O. F. Miller) P. D. 
Sell and Neotinea maculata (Desfontaines) Stearn. In contrast, many of the plants in a population of 
var. hebridensis from Co. Donegal lacked leaf markings (Heslop-Harrison 1949). 

d. var. alpina (Landwehr) Bateman & Denholm, comb. et stat. nov. 
Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Druce) So6 f. alpina Landwehr in Orchideeén 37: 78 (1975). 

Stem occasionally >20 cm, rarely >3-5 mm in diameter, usually suffused with anthocyanins 
(occasionally densely). Sheathing 1vs occasionally 4 or more, longest 1f rarely >9 cm long, widest If 
rarely >2 cm wide; non-sheathing 1lvs occasionally 4 or more; markings usually present, often 
covering >10% of the upper surface. Inflorescence rarely >4 cm, occasionally >20% of stem 
length, rarely dense, fis rarely more than 25. Floral bracts rarely >8 mm, usually suffused with 
anthocyanins (often densely); peripheral bract cells rarely angular. Labellum occasionally >6-7 mm 


long to apex of central lobe, rarely >5-5 mm to apex of lateral lobe, rarely >4 mm to base of sinus, 
rarely >9-5 mm wide, occasionally broad, sinuses often very deep; reflectivity of base colour rarely 
>40%; markings usually present; lateral outer perianth segments occasionally + horizontal, 
markings often present (rarely annular); spur rarely >2 mm wide at entrance, >1-8 mm halfway 
along. Flowering late June/July. Scotland and northern England, possibly also Wales and Ireland. 

Landwehr (1977) described and illustrated slender plants with small, dark flowers from the Austrian 
Alps as D. fuchsii f. alpina. His original diagnosis fits well the populations of small, dark-flowered 
plants that we have measured, though the maximum stem height of 25 cm would have to be 
increased to allow the inclusion of the taller plants from Keltneyburn and Ashes Gill. Figure 40.8 of 
Landwehr (1977) shows unusually large leaf markings on a plant of f. alpina taken into cultivation, 
but they are not mentioned in his diagnosis. We have therefore adopted this name for fairly 
homogeneous British populations of D. fuchsii with smali, dark flowers. As these populations are as 
distinct from var. fuchsii as are vars. hebridensis and cornubiensis, we have raised alpina to varietal 
status. The populations from inland meadows at Keltneyburn and Ashes Gill attain a stature (mean 
height 23 and 30 cm respectively typical of var. fuchsii in such habitats, but the Oldshore and Polin 
populations (mean height c. 10 cm) are from exposed coastal habitats and consequently environ- 
mentally-dwarted. This taxon was recognized (though not named) by Clapham (1952, p. 1317): 

“northern forms [of D. fuchsii] are commonly smaller with narrower basal lvs, stem purplish above, 
and smaller fls, often pale reddish-violet in colour’. 

When first describing D. fuchsii, Druce (1915) cited the French taxon O. maculata var. trilobata 
Brébisson (1836, p. 313) as its earliest possible synonym, but regarded the brief original description 
as ambiguous: “epi gréle; fl. petites; labelle 4 trois lobes profonds presque égaux” (inflorescence 
lax; flowers small; labellum with three deep, subequal lobes). He later described var. trilobata as 
‘‘very close to [the white-flowered] o’kellyi, but it has spotted leaves and tinted fiowers”’, a statement 
followed by several British records for this taxon (Druce 1918, p. 167). Since flower colour is not 
mentioned in the original diagnosis of trilobata, Druce’s logic eludes us, but it is a recurring theme in 
subsequent treatments of trilobata. Godfery (1933, p. 206) applied the name to typical populations 
of D. fuchsii occupying limestone grassland, which he regarded as having paler labella with shorter 
central lobes than woodland populations. A similar morphological distinction between these 
“habitat races’’ was described by Summerhayes (1951), but it is not supported by our data. 

A second school regards trilobata as a small, dark-flowered form that is probably our D. fuchsii 
var. alpina; indeed, records of trilobata from “‘Kenmore, Mid-Perth” (Druce 1916) and “near 
Aberfeldy, Perthshire” (Wiefelspiitz 1976) may both refer to our study population of var. alpina at 
Keltneyburn. Similarly dark-flowered plants, with exceptionally reduced lateral labellum lobes, 
were illustrated as D. fuchsii f. trilobata (Brébisson) Landwehr (a combination that does not appear 
to have been validly published) by Landwehr (1977, Plate 43.5, 6). As flower colour was omitted 
from the original diagnosis of var. trilobata, and the stipulation for small flowers was probably 
intended to distinguish var. trilobata from D. maculata rather than other infraspecific taxa of D. 
fuchsii, we reject use of this epithet for both pale-flowered calcicolous populations and dark- 
flowered populations occupying neutral or slightly acid soils. 

e. var. okellyi (Druce) Bateman & Denholm, comb. nov. 

Orchis maculata L. var. okellyi Druce in Irish Nat. 9: 211 (1909). 

O. okellyi (Druce) Druce in Rep. botl Soc. Exch. Club Br. Isl. 4: 108 (1915). 

O. maculata L. subsp. okellyi (Druce) Druce, in Hayward, Bot. Pocket-book, 15th ed. 277 (1917). 

Dactylorchis fuchsii (Druce) Vermeulen subsp. okellyi (Druce) Vermeulen, Stud. Dactyl. 149 

Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Druce) So6 subsp. okellyi (Druce) S06, Nom. nov. gen. Dactylorhiza 8 

Stem rarely >20 cm, rarely >3-5 mm in diameter, occasionally suffused with anthocyanins (rarely 
densely). Sheathing lvs often 4 or more, longest If rarely >9 cm long, widest If rarely >2 cm wide; 
non-sheathing lvs occasionally 4 or more; markings often present, occasionally covering >10% of 
the upper surface. Inflorescence rarely >4 cm, occasionally >20% of stem length, occasionally 
dense, fls o¢casionally more than 25. Floral bracts rarely >8 mm, occasionally suffused with 



anthocyanins (rarely densely); peripheral bract cells occasionally angular. Labellum rarely >6-7 
mm long to apex of central lobe, rarely >5-5 mm to apex of lateral lobe, rarely >4 mm to base of 
sinus, occasionally >9-5 mm wide, often broad, sinuses occasionally very deep; reflectivity of base 
colour usually >40% (occasionally >80%); markings often present; lateral outer perianth segments 
occasionally + horizontal, markings occasionally present (rarely annular); spur rarely >2 mm wide 
at entrance, >1-8 mm halfway along. Flowering June/early July. Western Ireland, western 
Scotland, Isle of Man. 

Although discussion of var. okellyi usually centres on its type locality in the Burren, it was probably 
first reported from Sutherland by E. S. Marshall in 1908 (as Orchis scotica). Several other 
populations have since been located in western Scotland (Druce 1915, 1918; Heslop-Harrison 1954; 
Perring & Sell 1968; Summerhayes 1968; Lang 1980) and the Isle of Man (Perring & Sell 1968; Allen 
1963, 1971, 1986), leading to its description as an ‘‘Irish-Hebridean race”’ (Allen 1971) with “‘a wide 
’ distribution exhibiting . . . a neat Atlantic pattern” (D. E. Allen pers. comm. 1987). 

The origin of the epithet is confused. Druce was shown non-flowering plants of Orchis immaculata 
in the Burren by P. B. O’Kelly, who subsequently supplied the type material (also in a non- 
flowering state according to Praeger (1934)) described by Druce (1909). It proved to be a white- 
flowered variant of D. fuchsii, though Praeger (1934) claimed that the plants were selected by 
O’Kelly in error for the white-flowered form of D. maculata, which is also unusually frequent in the 
Burren. Wiefelspiitz’s (1976) statement that okellyi was originally described as a variant of Orchis 
mascula L. is undoubtedly incorrect. 

Previous authors have disagreed over the range of pigmentation encompassed by var. okellyi. The 
most stringent do not allow any floral or vegetative anthocyanins (McKechnie 1918; Stephenson & 
Stephenson 1920, 1924; Godfery et al. 1924; Camus & Camus 1929; Godfery 1933; Clapham 1952; 
Keane 1980), others permit labellum markings only (Druce 1909, 1915, 1918; Stelfox 1924; 
Vermeulen 1947; Ettlinger 1976; Webb & Scannell 1983), and the most liberal accept a minority of 
individuals with both labellum and leaf markings (Summerhayes 1951; Heslop-Harrison 1954; 
Clapham 1962; Allen 1971; Wiefelspititz 1976; Landwehr 1977; Lang 1980; Davies et al. 1983). 
Druce caused much of the confusion by (1) precluding all pigmentation from O. fuchsii var. okellyi 
in his original diagnosis (Druce 1909) and in its redescription as a full species, O. okellyi (Druce 
1915), but adding in the latter paper that some plants have labellum markings, and (2) including a 
misprint in the original diagnosis, which should have read “‘leaves . . . unspotted”’ rather than 
“leaves . . . spotted’’. Summerhayes (1951) provided the most accurate description: “‘Flowers are 
very frequently almost white . . . with very faint pink or lilac markings on the lip, but in some 
populations there may be quite a high proportion of plants with more heavily and brightly marked 
lips”. In fact, pigmented plants predominated in all the populations that we measured. Taxonomic 
recognition of okellyi at the population level therefore requires diagnostic characters other than 
those dependent on pigmentation. 

D. fuchsii var. okellyi supposedly has smaller flowers (Druce 1909, 1915, 1918; Camus & Camus 
1929; Summerhayes 1951; Allen 1971; Wiefelspiitz 1976; Lang 1980; Davies et al. 1983) whose 
labella have “more rounded” lateral lobes (Allen 1971; Ettlinger 1976) with crenate margins 
(Stelfox 1924), and less prominent central lobes (Druce 1909; Allen 1971; Wiefelspiitz 1976; Lang 
1980), resulting in a smaller labellum shape index (Heslop-Harrison 1954). Thus, the labella and 
spurs should be intermediate in shape between those of D. fuchsii var. fuchsii and D. maculata 
subsp. ericetorum. Our data (which are consistent with the single data set for Burren okellyi 
published by Heslop-Harrison (1954)) reveal considerable variation between populations of var. 
okellyi in flower size and shape. Black Head plants have similar labellum dimensions (means 6:7 X 
9-5 mm) to var. fuchsii (Fig. 6). Khyber Pass differs from all other populations in having wide but 
short labella, resulting in very small mean values for labellum roundness (0.37), labellum shape. 
index (1.32) and central lobe prominence (0.6 mm). Corrofin and Gelain have small labella (mean 
values c. 5-7 X 8-8 mm) of similar size to D. fuchsii var. alpina. Only one population (Gelain) had 
unusually short (<5 mm), narrow (median width <1-5 mm) spurs. 

Var. okellyi is also supposed to have short (Allen 1971), slender (Druce 1915, 1918; Godfery et al. 
1924; Summerhayes 1951; Allen 1971) stems with few (Ettlinger 1976; Wiefelspiitz 1976), slender 
leaves (Druce 1909; Camus & Camus 1929; Godfery 1933; Summerhayes 1951; Allen 1971; 
Ettlinger 1976; Wiefelspiitz 1976; Lang 1980) and a narrow (Vermeulen 1947), dense (Druce 1909), 


cylindrical/flat-topped inflorescence (Druce 1909, 1915; Camus & Camus 1929; Godfrey 1933; Lang 
1980; Davies et al. 1983). However, our data show that its stem height and diameter are not 
unusually small, nor are its leaves unusually short. Its leaves are fairly narrow (means 13-17 mm) 
but are matched by populations of D. fuchsii var. hebridensis, var. cornubiensis and var. alpina. 
Inflorescence shape is not a useful taxonomic character; it reflects the length of the inflorescence and 
the proportion of flowers open, and therefore changes during anthesis. We have also been unable to 
detect the strong changes during anthesis. We have also been unable to detect the strong fragrance 
attributed to okellyi by Stelfox (1924), Godfery (1933). Clapham (1962), Landwehr (1977), Lang 
(1980) and Davies et al. (1983), and there is little evidence to support the claim by Wiefelspiitz 
(1976) that it can flower as early as April. Thus, populations of D. fuchsii var. okellyi are much less 
distinct from var. fuchsii than has been suggested. 

It is therefore tempting to regard var. okellyi as anthocyanin-less individuals rather than 
populations, but it is equally difficult to distinguish Burren anthocyanin-less individuals from those 
elsewhere in the British Isles. Druce (1915, 1918), subsequently supported by McKechnie (1918, p. 
185), Stelfox (1924), Summerhayes (1951, p. 271) and Lang (1980), argued that this was possible, 
but at the same time he described white-flowered plants from several sites in Yorkshire as var. 
okellyi (Druce 1916). Similarly, Godfery (1933) listed numerous records for var. okellyi from 
throughout the British Isles. Stelfox’s (1924) argument that var. okellyi always has yellow pollinia 
while other white-flowered individuals of D. fuchsii have pink pollinia is void, as both pollinia colour 
morphs occur throughout the range of D. fuchsii. Heslop-Harrison (1949, p. 293) stated that plants 
of D. fuchsii in Co. Donegal with white flowers and unmarked leaves “‘are simply aberrant forms of 
the natural population; the white [D. fuchsii] races of north Clare [i.e. var. okellyi on the Burren] 
are more worthy of critical examination’’. However, three years later he wrote more cautiously “‘In 
O. fuchsii populations elsewhere [i.e. outside the Burren] albino individuals occur which agree with 
the type diagnosis of ssp. okellyi, but this does not remove the necessity for recognising as a distinct 
taxonomic entity the race which occurs in Clare and Sutherlandshire”’ (Heslop-Harrison 1952, p. 
105). We agree; anthocyanin-less individuals of D. fuchsii from the Burren cannot be reliably 
distinguished from those elsewhere in the British Isles, and the name okellyi is best retained at 
varietal level to describe heterogeneous, anthocyanin-low populations of D. fuchsii along the 
western coasts of the British Isles. 

D.E. Allen (pers. comm. 1986) argued that anthocyanin-low populations of D. fuchsii on the Isle 
of Man that have been attributed to var. okellyi (Allen 1963, 1971, 1986; Perring & Sell 1968) are 
more distinct from var. fuchsii than those in the Burren, having very small labella with three 
subequal lobes and showing different geographical and ecological distributions from the type. If 
these observations can be supported by biometric data, the Manx populations lie outside the range 
of variation encompassed by var. okellyi and represent a new infraspecific taxon. 

We cannot detect any characters in descriptions of the diploid Hungarian ‘endemic’ D. fuchsii 
subsp. sooiana (Borsos) Borsos (Borsos 1959, 1961; Landwehr 1977; Sod 1980) that justify its 
separation from plants of var. okellyi with pigmented but unmarked labella. 

2. Dactylorhiza maculata (L.) Sod, Nom. nov. gen. Dactylorhiza 7 (1962). 

Orchis maculata L., Sp. Pl. 942 (1753). 

Dactylorchis maculata (L.) Vermeulen, Stud. Dactyl. 130 (1947). 

Orchis candidissima Krocker, Fl. Silesiaca 3: 16 & tab. 2 (1814). 

. elodes Grisebach, Uber. Bild. Torfs Emsm. 25 (1846). 

O. maculata L. var. helodes (Grisebach) Reichenbach f., Icon Fl. Germ. Helv. 67 (1851). 

. maculata L. var. praecox Webster, Brit. Orchid. 54 (1886). 

. maculata L. f. candidissima (Krocker) Schulze, Orchid. Deutsch., Deutsch. Schweiz (1894). 

. maculata L. subsp. ericetorum Linton, Fl. Bournemouth 208 (1900). 

. maculata L. subsp. elodes (Grisebach) Camus, Mon. Orch. Eur. 192 (1908). 

. ericetorum (Linton) Marshall in Rep. botl Soc. Exch. Club Br. Isl. 3: 127 (1912). 

. maculata subvar. leucantha Druce in Rep. botl Soc. Exch. Club Br. Isl. 8: 213 (1916). 

. maculata L. f. ericetorum (Linton) Hagerup in Dansk. Bot. Ark. 11: 3 (1944). 

Dactylorchis maculata (L.) Vermeulen subsp. ericetorum (Linton) Vermeulen, Stud. Dactyl. 69 
(1947). - 




D. maculata (L.) Vermeulen subsp. typica Vermeulen, Stud. Dactyl. 131 (1947). 

D. elodes (Grisebach) Vermeulen, Stud. Dactyl. 137 (1947). 

Orchis fuchsii Druce subsp. rhoumensis Heslop-Harrison f. in Trans. Proc. bot. Soc. Edinb. 35: 53 


. maculata (L.) Vermeulen subsp. elodes (Grisebach) Vermeulen in Ned. Kruidk. 
Archf. 56: 235 (1949). 

D. maculata (L.) Vermeulen var. candidissima (Krocker) Vermeulen in Ned. Kruidk. Archf. 56: 
235 (1949). 

D. maculata (L.) Vermeulen subsp. rhoumensis (Heslop-Harrison f.) Heslop-Harrison f. in 
Watsonia 4: 48 (1957). 4 

D. maculata (L.) Vermeulen var. ericetorum (Linton) Vermeulen, in Fl. Neerlandica (1958). 

D. fuchsii (Druce) Vermeulen subsp. rhoumensis (Heslop-Harrison f.) Clapham, Fl. Br. Isl., 2nd 
ed. 1046 (1962). 

Dactylorhiza maculata (L.) So6 subsp. rhoumensis (Heslop-Harrison f.) Sod, Nom. nov. gen. 
Dactylorhiza 7 (1962). 

D. maculata (L.) So6 subsp. elodes (Grisebach) S06, Nom. nov. gen. Dactylorhiza 7 (1962). 

D. maculata (L.) So6 var. praecox (Webster) Sod, Nom. nov. gen. Dactylorhiza 7 (1962). 

D. maculata (L.) So6 subsp. ericetorum (Linton) P. F. Hunt & Summerhayes in Watsonia 6: 132 

D. maculata (L.) So6 f. candidissima (Krocker) Landwehr in Orchideeén 37: 79 (1975). 

Stem 4—40(—50) cm, 1-3—5-5(—8-5) mm in diameter, often lacking anthocyanins. Basal 1f or sheath 
0-1, broadest at or above middle; sheathing 1vs (1—)2—4(-5), usually strongly crowded towards 
base of stem, usually recurved, narrowly lanceolate, usually broadest well above base, longest 1f 
often also widest, 4-16(—19) cm long, widest 1f 0-5—2(—2-5) cm wide, width/length ratio of 1vs 
decreasing up stem, usually bright to dark green, tips occasionally distinctly hooded; non-sheathing 
lvs (1-)2—5(—7), narrow, broadest at base; 1vs usually sparsely to densely marked on upper surface 
only, markings usually solid (very rarely annular), + evenly distributed or concentrated towards 
tips, + round to tranversely elongated, usually 1-3 mm in mean diameter. Inflorescence 1—8(-—10) 
cm, 8—35% of stem length, fls 5—50(—60), lax to dense (2—10(—12) fls/cm). Basal bracts 6—20(—25) 
mm, 1-5—2 times the length of the ovaries, floral bracts 4-12(—15) mm, approximately equalling the 
ovaries, often suffused with anthocyanins; peripheral bract cells 55—120(—150) um long, barrel- 
shaped to triangular. Labellum width usually exceeding length (often considerably), (4—)5—9-5(- 
11) x (5-5—)6-5—13(—15) mm, widest + at middle or less frequently above (obtriangular), base 
colour varying densities (reflectivity (10—)25—89%) of purple, less frequently red-purple or white; 
markings pale to bold, ranging from dots to dashes and loops (rarely absent or only loops), often 
covering about two-thirds of the labellum, occasionally more or less; sinuses present (labellum 
three-lobed), usually shallow, central lobe rarely exceeding lateral lobes by >1 mm, labellum shape 
index rarely >1-25; lateral lobes often indented, slightly deflexed to moderately reflexed; lateral 
outer perianth segments usually nearer horizontal than vertical, usually with solid (rarely annular) 
markings; median outer perianth segment and inner perianth segments connivent; spur straight to 
moderately decurved, (2-5—)3-5—8(-9-5) x 0-6—2:2 mm at entrance, 0-5—2 mm halfway along, 
cylindrical or slightly tapering, half as long to as long as the ovary. 2n=?80. Flowering mid-June to 
late July (rarely August in the west). Frequent and locally common in the north and west, local in 
central and eastern England and Ireland. Neutral to moderately acid soils. 

Five noteworthy intraspecific taxa of D. maculata have been recognized in the British Isles (Table 
9). Subsp. rhoumensis, a relatively recent segregate confined to Rhum, is discussed later. No author 
has chosen to recognize Orchis maculata var. praecox since its original description (Webster 1886; 
Druce 1912), but there is considerable disagreement concerning which of the other three subspecies 
encompass(es) British and Irish populations of D. maculata. Most British authors (e.g. Bennett 
1921; Summerhayes 1951; Heslop-Harrison 1951, 1954; Ettlinger 1976; Lang 1980) have only 
recognized one subspecies, subsp. ericetorum, and have regarded Grisebach’s (1846) Orchis elodes 
as a synonym of ericetorum and subsp. maculata as exclusively Continental. Godfery (1921, 1923, 
1933) dissented on a nomenclatural point, arguing that subsp. elodes is synonymous with, and has 
priority over, subsp. ericetorum. In contrast, most Centinental workers believe that subsp. maculata 


occurs in Britain, together with a second subspecies. This may be subsp. ericetorum, with elodes 
treated as a separate, exclusively Continental subspecies (So6 1960; Wiefelspiitz 1976; Delforge & 
Tyteca 1984), or it may be subsp. elodes, with ericetorum treated as a synonym of elodes (Camus & 
Camus 1929; Senghas 1968) or of subsp. maculata (So6 1980). Alternatively, all three subspecies 
may occur in the British Isles (Vermeulen 1947; Landwehr 1977). The complex reasons for this lack 
of consensus are a microcosm of taxonomic problems in general, and will be discussed in detail 


D. maculata subsp. rhoumensis was originally described as a subspecies of D. fuchsii endemic to 
Rhum by Heslop-Harrison (1948). He initially attributed it to D. fuchsii due to its apparently diploid 
karyotype, but later transferred it to D. maculata, which it more closely resembled in morphology 
(Heslop-Harrison 1957). Clapham (1952, 1962) and Perring & Sell (1968) considered it morphologi- 
cally indistinguishable from D. maculata subsp. ericetorum, though Ettlinger (1976) and Davies et 
al. (1983) stated that it has unusually bold, looped labellum markings. The exceptionally late 
flowering period (August) attributed to rhoumensis by Heslop-Harrison has been overlooked by 
most subsequent authors, whilst most Continental workers have overlooked this taxon completely 
(Table 9b). 

Our three study populations from Rhum spanned a wide flowering period from early July 
(Kinloch) to early August (Harris). Each population deviated considerably from the original 
diagnosis of rhoumensis. Kinloch was the closest in overall morphology, but it flowered much too 
early and had leaf markings that were much too dense (mean areal coverage 25%). Kilmory also 
flowered too early, and had pale flowers (mean reflectivity 72-6%) with broken labellum markings 
of only low to moderate contrast. Harris flowered at the prescribed time for subsp. rhoumensis and 
had the stipulated dark flower colour (mean reflectivity 40%), but the plants were too short (mean 
height 6-9 cm), had a large mean labellum shape index (1-24) intermediate to typical values for D. 
fuchsii and D. maculata, and was tetraploid (2n = c. 80; A. Karp pers. comm. 1985). Furthermore, 
Heslop-Harrison (1948, p. 53) specifically excluded from subsp. rhoumensis the populations of D. 
maculata occupying the Harris machair. 

Thus, none of our three study populations fulfilled the morphological criteria in the original 
diagnosis of subsp. rhoumensis. Since Rhum populations of D. maculata are very variable, and 
overlap almost completely populations elsewhere in the British Isles, we conclude that rhoumensis 
is not a convincing taxon. 


Nonetheless, the August-flowering population from Harris provided an interesting comparison with 
Porlock, an August-flowering population from Exmoor (Table 1). These two populations were 
much the darkest-flowered of those studied (mean reflectivities <40%) and had narrow (c. 2 mm) 
stems bearing few (c. 3), narrow (c. 7 mm) sheathing leaves. However, they differed from each 
other considerably in several other characters. The shorter stem, shorter, more basally concentrated 
leaves and proportionately longer inflorescences of the Harris plants may merely reflect environ- 
mental dwarfing, but this is unlikely to explain their more sparse leaf markings, much shorter (c. 4 
mm) spurs and more prominent (c. | mm) central labellum lobes. It would therefore be unwise to 
unite these populations as an infraspecific taxon. 

None of the plants measured approached the 18 mm labellum width of Druce’s (1920, p. 579) D. 
maculata var. macroglossa, which was probably a hybrid, but several exceeded the 12-5 mm 
labellum width required for D. maculata f. grandiflora (Vermeulen) So6 (Landwehr 1977). 
However, we see no merit in perpetuating a taxon diagnosed by a single size character. 

The tall, relatively slender Llandegfan plants resembled D. maculata var. traunsteinerifolia 
(Harz) So6 (see Landwehr (1977, p. 37)). Other morphologically distinct populations were 
Stanmore, with an unusually large number of non-sheathing leaves, and Thursley, with unusually 
reflexed lateral labellum lobes more characteristic of D. incarnata (Bateman & Denholm 1985). 
Some British and Irish populations of D. maculata, particularly those growing in exposed habitats, 
resemble Scandinavian endemics described by Landwehr (1975, 1977): D. maculata subspp. deflexa 
Landwehr, montellii (Vermeulen) Landwehr and elodes var. darnalensis Landwehr. The latter 


closely resembles the late-flowering Porlock population. Comparative studies of British and 
Scandinavian populations are desirable to investigate these relationships. 


Stephenson & Stephenson (1921, p. 123) described a plant of D. maculata subsp. ericetorum with 
“the whole centre of the lip taken up by a patch of bright magenta’”’. This anthocyanin-rich form of 
D. maculata, analogous to that already described for D. fuchsii, has also been reported from the 
Continent. It was named Dactylorchis maculata var. concolor Vermeulen (1949, p. 232), later 
demoted to Dactylorhiza maculata f. concolor (Vermeulen) Landwehr (1975, p. 79). 

The well-known anthocyanin-low mode of D. fuchsii in the Burren (var. okellyi) occurs with a 
similar but less distinct mode of D. maculata which includes a few anthocyanin-less individuals 
(Druce 1915, 1918) that may have been confused with albino D. fuchsii (Praeger 1934; Heslop- 
Harrison 1952, 1954). Burren D. maculata also have labella that are on average unusually broad 
. relative to their length (index ‘a’ means 0-40—0-42) and wide spurs (means 1-4—1-7 mm for median 
width) resembling those of D. fuchsii, though we could not detect the fragrance attributed to them 
by Clapham (1952, 1962). Anthocyanin-low populations of D. maculata occur in other limestone 
districts (Heslop-Harrison 1954); all four anthocyanin-less plants that we measured were found at 
Ashes Gill and White Nook, populations from the Carboniferous limestone of Yorkshire. However, 
even here the frequency of albinos has been exaggerated due to lack of close scrutiny; Marshall 
(1912) described white-flowered D. maculata as “‘not uncommon” in Yorkshire, but qualified this by 
stating that they were “‘seldom quite pure white”’! 

Interestingly, the epithet candidissima (currently D. maculata f. candidissima (Krocker) Land- 
wehr (1975, p. 79)) is usually applied solely to albinos (e.g. Heslop-Harrison 1954). The original 
description of Orchis candidissima (Krocker 1814, p. 16 & Plate 2) is sufficiently detailed to show 
that it is indeed a variant of D. maculata (Druce 1925; Vermeulen 1947) but also that it is not a 
suitable basionym for a taxon composed of anthocyanin-less individuals; Krocker specified lightly 
spotted leaves, a pigmented spur and purple pollinia for candidissima. As Druce was aware of this 
(Druce 1925, p. 139), it is surprising that he suggested synonymy of candidissima with his Orchis 
maculata subvar. leucantha Druce (1916) (see also Godfery (1933)). 


We thank the Botanical Research Fund for financial support of fieldwork, Belinda Denholm and 
Orpah Farrington for assistance in the field, R. Bush, S. Brown and R. H. Roberts for providing 
material from some study populations, and D. M. T. Ettlinger and J. T. Temple for critically 
reading the manuscript. 


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Heim. Orch., Baden-Wiirtt. 17: 321-416. 

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(Accepted August 1988) 

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Watsonia, 17, 351-365 (1988) 351 

Short Notes 


Viola canina is a rare inland speciesin southern Scotland and northern England. It is virtually 
restricted to coastal habitats. Recently I discovered several small inland colonies in the Tweed valley 
of south-eastern Scotland where it was previously unknown, and rediscovered several inland sites, 
mainly in Cumbria in north-western England. 

In 1983, colonies of V. canina were found by the River Yarrow in Selkirks., v.c. 79, and their 
- identification confirmed by Prof. D. H. Valentine. Since then further colonies have been found by 
the Rivers Yarrow, Ettrick and Tima Water in Selkirks., and by the River Tweed in Roxburghs., 
v.c. 80. Grassland sites near Ancrum in Roxburghs., and Peel Hospital in Selkirks. also support 
small colonies. The altitudes of the localities vary from 45—252 m. In 1985 V. canina was refound on 
the shores of Ullswater in both Westmorland, v.c. 69, and Cumberland, v.c. 70, where it was first 
discovered at the end of the last century (Hodgson 1898; Wilson 1936). However it appears to have 
gone from the rocky islands of Ullswater (G. Halliday pers. comm.). Small populations still occur on 
the western bank of the River Lune west of Sedburgh in Westmorland and on the eastern bank in N. 
W. Yorks., v.c. 65. I found an additional riverside colony by the River Eden in the Baronswood 
gorge in Cumberland. The two grassland sites known to me are on Wan Fell near Penrith. 

The riverside habitats consist of rock outcrops, which extend into the beds of the rivers and which 
are inundated only by the most severe floods. The Selkirks. rock habitats and those by the River 
Lune are composed of hard, fine grained and relatively basic Silurian strata. Those by the River 
Tweed are Carboniferous basalts, and the Ullswater rocks are of the Borrowdale volcanic series 
which are basic in places. Although the Permian sandstones by the River Eden are acid, the 
riverside rocks support a calcicolous flora from flushing with lime-laden water and silt deposition. V. 
canina grows on niches and ledges on these open rock outcrops, which support a flora that includes 
Antennaria dioica, Campanula rotundifolia, Galium boreale, Leontodon autumnalis, L. hispidus, 
Scabiosa columbaria, Solidaga virgaurea and Thymus praecox. 

The grassland habitat in Roxburghs. is on the shallow soil overlying an outcrop of basalt, which 
also supports Dianthus deltoides. It is of interest, and possibly relevant, that this outcrop also 
supports the rare maritime lichen Ramalina polymorpha (Corner 1981). The Selkirks. grassland site 
consists of a relatively basic, stony glacial till with Leontodon hispidus, Polygala vulgaris, 
Ranunculus bulbosus, Rhinanthus minor and, more locally, Ophioglossum vulgare. Vigorous 
colonies of the hybrid V. canina X riviniana occur at the former site and further colonies of this 
hybrid have been found in Roxburghs. in dry shallow grassland from which V. canina is absent. 
There are few documented accounts of this hybrid in Scotland. The two Cumberland grassland sites 
are on light sandy soil overlying the Permian sandstone. Although Calluna is extensive, there are 
more basic areas which can be heavily grazed by rabbits. Here V. canina is associated with 
Centaurium erythraea, Conopodium majus, Echium vulgare, Galium verum, Gentianella campes- 
tris, Leontodon taraxacoides, Lotus corniculatus, Myosotis ramosissima and Viola riviniana. The 
hybrid V. canina X riviniana is common at one site and distributed on roadside verges in the 
surrounding district, where it is known from five sites. 

The British habitat of Viola canina is given as ‘“‘heathy places preferring sandy soils’”’ (Druce 
1932), and “‘heaths, dry grassland, dunes and fens’”’ (Moore 1987). However in Scotland and Ireland 
it is not infrequently found on lakeshores. Buchanan White (1898) gives its habitat as “‘shingly- 
margins of rivers and lakes . . .”. Hadley (1985) mentions “‘stony loch shores, etc.”” and A. McG. 
Stirling (pers. comm.) states that in Dunbarton, v.c. 99, it is confined to the stony or rocky shores of 
the mainland or islands of the southern part of Loch Lomond. In Ireland there are references to the 
lakeshore habitat by Scully (1916), Praeger (1934), Stewart & Corry (1938) and Webb & Scannell 
(1983). , 

It is well known that V. canina is intolerant of shade. It seems likely that these specialized open 


waterside habits, and possibly the grassland ones also, have provided refugia for small relict 
populations. With the abundance of open habitats and unleached soil available in the early post 
glacial period, V. canina was probably a widespread species in Britain and Ireland. Indeed in 
Iceland I have seen it associated with Alchemilla alpina, Galium boreale, Salix herbacea and 
Vaccinium uliginosum. Godwin (1975) records it from glacial deposits in the Isle of Man dated at 
10,000 years old, with tentative earlier records from the Lea Valley arctic plant beds in Essex as well 
as from Bronze and Iron age sites. With the expansion of the forest in the Boreal period, V. canina 
would have suffered widespread elimination. In the more northern and western parts of Britain and 
in Ireland, the growth of peat and leaching of soils during the wetter Atlantic period would have 
reduced the available habitats still further. It is now only able to exist as a relict in these open 
relatively basic inland sites which probably never carried closed woodland even during the post 
glacial forest maximum (Pigott & Walters 1954). Unfortunately these small populations are 
vulnerable to habitat change and their future is uncertain. 


I would like to thank Dr S. M. Walters for helpful discussion. 


BUCHANAN WHITE, F. (1898). The flora of Perthshire. Edinburgh. 

Corner, R. W. M. (1981). A contribution to the lichen flora of south-east Scotland. Trans. Proc. bot. Soc. 
Edinb. 43: 307-315. 

Druce, G. C. (1932). The comital flora of the British Isles. Arbroath. 

Gopwin, H. (1975). The history of the British flora. Cambridge. 

Hap ey, G., ed. (1985). A map flora of mainland Inverness-shire. Edinburgh. 

Hopcson, W. (1898). Flora of Cumberland. Carlisle. 

Moore, D. M. (1987). Violaceae, in CLAPHAM, A. R., Tuttn, T. G. & Moore, D. M. Flora of the British Isles, 
3rd ed., pp. 107-112. Cambridge. 

Picott, C. D. & Watters, S. M. (1954). On the interpretation of the discontinuous distribution shown by certain 
British species of open habitats. J. Ecol. 42: 95-116. . 

PRAEGER, R. LL. (1934). The botanist in Ireland. Dublin. 

ScuLLy, R. W. (1916). Flora of County Kerry. Dublin. 

STEWART, S. A. & Corry, T. H. (1938). A Flora of North-east Ireland. Belfast. 

Wess, D. A. & SCANNELL, M. J. P. (1983). Flora of Connemara and the Burren. Cambridge. 

Witson, A. (1936). The flora of Westmorland. Arbroath. 

R. W. M. CorNER 
Hawthorn Hill, 36 Wordsworth St, Penrith, Cumbria, CAll 7QZ 


The Lacnunga (British Museum MS. Harley 585; edited by Cockayne (1866) and Grattan & Singer 
(1952)) is an Old English (Anglo-Saxon) magico-medical commonplace book dated at around 1000 
A.D. but-compiled from earlier sources. Much of the Lacnunga is adapted from Latin herbals 
(Cameron 1983a), although Christian as well as Saxon and Celtic pagan elements are represented. 
The book takes the form of herbal recipes supplemented by charms: 194 entries in all. A class of 
professional medical men (leeches) practised medicine at this level and had the task of trying to 
alleviate the common ailments of the period: particularly “spring fever’ (endemic benign tertian 
malaria), dysentery (infection with Entamoeba histolytica) and abscesses caused by sheep liver fluke 
infestation (Cameron 1983b). As befits learned men, some able to read Latin, many Latin plant 
names are used. Nevertheless, roughly 50% of the Lacnunga plant names are Saxon in origin and an 
interesting source of information about our Saxon folk taxonomy. This will be discussed elsewhere, 
but it is notable that colours are rarely used to distinguish or denote plants. 



Of some 200 plant names in the Lacnunga only eleven are associated with colour, such as: 
yelodwyrt (Blackstonia perfoliata (L.) Huds. , yellow-wort) from the bright yellow flowers; brunwyrt 
(Scrophularia aquatica L., brownwort) from the colour of the stem; hwit cudu (white cud), and 
Hwitmering (white ?mastic) both probably referring to the white gum resin of Pistachia lentiscus L.., 
imported into Britain from the Mediterranean region during Saxon times. There is also hwewen 
hnydele (hued nettle), said by Grattan & Singer (1952) to refer to Lamium purpureum L. This 
seems to be the only case in Saxon folk-taxonomy of a plant species being distinguished from 
another by a colour qualifier. However, no less than six of these eleven plants are associated with the 
colour red (read). 

1) reade yearuwe (red yarrow — I have avoided Anglo-Saxon letters in transliterations and use 
appropriate modern equivalents where possible). Achillea millefolium L. (yarrow) is an important 
ingredient in Saxon leechcraft and wortcunning, being called for in seven recipes of the Lacnunga. 
One of these recipes, however (63 in Grattan & Singer’s enumeration), called for reade yearuwe 
(red yarrow) specifically (i.e. Achillea millefolium forma rosea Desf. (Hegi 1928, p. 570)), a variant 
mentioned in Gerarde (1597), ‘“‘ccommon Yarrowe .. . the flowers whereof are either white or 
purple, which being rubbed do yeelde a strong smell, but unpleasant . . .”, Lyte’s (1578) translation 
of Dodoens, “‘the floures most commonly all white, sometimes also in this countrey of a purplish 
colour” and Bock’s (1552) De Stirpium. Simples in Lacnunga recipe 63 are in alliterative pairs, and 
reade yearuwe has the happy property of alliterating with redic (Raphanus sativus L., radish) and 
ribbe (Plantago lanceolata L., ribwort). Gerarde (1597), using Tabernaemontanus’ plates, also 
illustrates a European species of Achillea of uncertain identity “the second kinde of Milfoile or 
Yarrow, hath stalkes, leaves, and roots like unto the former [Achillea millefolium], saving that his 
spokie tufts are of an excellent faire red or crimson colour, and being a little rubbed in the hand, is of 
a reasonable good savour . . . The first groweth every where in drie pastures and medowes: red 
Milfoile groweth in a field by Sutton in Kent, called Holly Deane [Holy-Deane in 2nd edition], from 
whence I brought those plants that do grow in my garden; but it is not common every where as the 
other is.” This may be a Continental red yarrow introduced for medicinal purposes. 

2) reade wuducerfille (red woodchervil). The Anglo-Saxon “‘cerfille”’, from the Latin cerefolium, 
refers to Anthriscus cerefolium (L.) Hoffm. (chervil), and it is not surprising that a Latin rather than 
Germanic name is used for a plant not native in Britain or northern Europe; rather more surprising, 
however, is that wuducerfille [wudufille] should be used instead of the Saxon name (now lost to us) 
for Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm. Five entries in the Lacnunga call for wuducerfille and two of 
these (90 & 127) call for reade wuducerfille specifically (although entry 90 has “‘reade fille’? which is 
probably a short form of reade wuducerfille). This variant has purple pigmentation at the nodes, or 
sometimes througout the whole stem and even the leaves. Extreme variants with purple-black 
spring leaves (Hegi 1926, p. 1020), i.e. Anthriscus sylvestris var. nigra Murr, are sometimes found 
growing amongst the typical morph (Gray 1863). The anthocyanin polymorphism was familiar to 
Johnson (in Gerarde 1636): “It hath a whitish wooddy root, from which arise round red and hairy 
stalkes . . . The leaves are . . . of a dark greene or else reddish colour.” 

3) reade hofe (red hove). The Saxons called Glechoma hederacea L. hove or hofe, which survives 
in the name alehoof. Two entries in the Lacnunga call for it, one (31) specifically for reade hofe 
which conveniently alliterates with ribbe (Plantago lanceolata). Plants of hove with purple stems 
and young leaves (G. hederacea forma purpurascens Otruba) are frequently found. Gerarde (1597) 
describes Glechoma hederacea as having ‘“‘manie stalkes, of an uncertaine length, slender, and like 
those of the vine, something cornered, and sometimes reddish”’. 

4) reade netele (red nettle). Netele, in five entries of the Lacnunga, refers to Urtica dioica L. 
However, three of these entries (49, 98 & 134) call for reade netele. Entry 134 further specifies “red 
nettle that groweth through into a house” (‘‘seo reade netele the thurh ern inwyxth’’). A variant 
version (Meaney 1984) of entry 98 (for smallpox) occurs in Bald’s Leechbook (entry 1.xxxix.2 in 
Cockayne (1865)); both clearly derive from the same earlier source and both specify red nettle, as- 
does the next entry in Bald’s Leechbook (1.xl, also for smallpox) which specifies: “‘the crop 
[flowering top] of red nettle’. Many stinging-nettles have anthocyanin pigmentation on the ridges of 
their stems and petioles, and some have the entire stems dark purple and the young leaves suffused 
purple. An extreme variant with the leaves “suffused with violet-purple”’ has been described (U. 
dioica forma purpurascens Druce (1920)). Tabernaemontanus (1590) illustrates both variants: 
Urtica maior, sive sylvestris asperior (GroB Nettel/Brennend Nettel) and Urtica rubra (Rot Nettel). 


Gerarde (1597) using these plates also describes them, of the second saying: ‘“‘our common red 
Nettle, is knowne better to some than desired, and therefore needeth no description’’. Johnson, in 
his 1636 edition of Gerarde lumps the two, as does Lyte’s (1578) translation of Dodoens, where he 
notes: “. . . our common great Nettell . . . The leaves . . . most commonly of a swarte greene 
colour, & sometimes reddish”’. 

5) reade seales (red sallows). Sallow bark is required in entry 31, but in entry 155 leaf of red sallow 
(“‘reades seales leaf’) is required. Several Salices have anthocyanin pigmentation to varying 
degrees, but notably Salix purpurea L., which has the anthers, and in some plants the twigs and 
buds, tinged purple. Of this species Gilbert-Carter (1936) notes “The bark is very bitter from the 
presence of salicin . . . which was much used in medicine before it was supplanted by . . . aspirin 

. It is an important osier, and its twigs are often boiled to strip off the bark, and to impart a red 
colour to the wood”’. 

6) mugewyrt (mugwort). The importance of colour is continued in entry 178: “If one is to have 
mugwort for a remedy, then let one take the red for the cure of a male and the green for the cure of a 
female” (“‘yif man scyle mugcewyrt to lecedome habban, thonne nime man tha readen wepnedmen 
& tha grenan wifmen to lececrefte’’ which Cockayne (1866) translates as: “If a man must have 
mugwort for a leechdom, then let him take the red males and the green females for a leechcraft’’). 
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris L.) is an important item in leechcraft, used in six entries. The purple- 
stemmed variant of mugwort is a common plant, the most abundant in some areas according to 
Salmon (1931), who calls it Artemisia vulgaris var. coarctata Forselle. Others distinguish this variety 
on purely morphological grounds without regard to colour: contracted inflorescence and linear- 
lanceolate leaf segments (Hegi 1928, p. 639). 

The purple mugwort variant is a familiar one. Fuchs (1542) says: ‘There are three Artemisias in 
Dioscorides and commonly found today. The first is platyphyllos which may be called in Latin 
Artemisia latifolia. This one is now simply called Artemisia however. Of this there are again two 
types contrasting in colour only: one with red stems and flowers is called in German Rotbucken or 
RotbeyfiiB[ss]: the other with a white stem and true yellow flowers is called by the Germans 
WeiBbucken.” Bock (1552) gives a similar account and Lyte’s (1578) translation of Dodoens has: 
‘““Mugworte . . . Of this herbe there be twoo kindes moe [sic], differing onley in colour. . . The one 
hath redde branches & floures and is called redde Mugworte. The other hath greenish branches, 
changing towardes white, and is called white Mugworte, in all things els like one to an other”. 
Gerarde (1636) has: ““The second kinde of Mugwort hath a great thicke and wooddy root, from 
whence arise sundry branches of a reddish colour . . .”’, the editor, Johnson, adds: “I know not how 
this differeth from the former, but only in the colour of the stalke and flours, which are red or 
purplish; whereas the former is more whitish’’. Gerarde uses the woodcuts in Tabernaemontanus 
(1590) in which two mugworts are illustrated, viz. Artemisia rubra, Roter Beyfu8 and Artemisia 
alba, WeiBer BeyfuB. 

Thus all the ‘red’ plants in the Lacnunga are unequivocally anthocyanin-rich variants, flushed 
with purple in their stems, leaves or flowers. It is interesting that the word ‘red’ is used, as Anglo- 
Saxons sometimes reserved this word for yellowish-red (Barley 1974). Laxity in colour description is 
continued today in the use of the name “copper beech”’ for the anthocyanin-rich variant of Fagus 
sylvatica L. The classically derived term ‘purple’ is based on the important colour reference point of 
Tyrrhenian purple, the dye derived from Murex spp. (in fact crimson (Stearn 1973)), which may not 
have been familiar in tenth century Britain. 

As red variants are biochemically different from green ones, a pharmacological basis for the 
preference in leechcraft cannot be ruled out. The origin is more likely to lie in Roman sympathetic 
colour magic, however. The Lacnunga entries which call for red plants are almost all from the Latin 
and Christian sources (a & c of Grattan & Singer (1952)), while none come from the Saxon pagan 
source (b of Grattan & Singer (1952)). A passage of Marcellus Empiricus quoted by Grattan & 
Singer illustrates the importance of colour: ‘“‘cut open the crop of a swallow. Little stones, both 
white and black will be found. Placed in a golden locket they will permanently avert all eye pain and, 
if wrapped in a yellow cloth or flaxen sac and hung around the neck, they avail against fevers’’. 
Another case is provided in the Lacnunga itself (entry 7) in which there are instructions for an eye- 
salve to be dripped into the eye through a flax-blue (“‘linhewenne’’) cloth. It is possible that the red 
colour conveyed more power (mana of the anthropologists); indeed the symbolic significance of red 
persists today. These instances underline the fact that although the study of anthocyanin 



polymorphism is neglected today, these red variants were observed and used by our remote 


Information on various points was kindly supplied by Mr P. D. Sell, Prof. R. I. Page and Dr J. R. 
Akeroyd; Mr Sell and Mr C. D. Preston commented on the text — my thanks to all. 


Bar ey, N. F. (1974). Old English colour classification: where do matters stand? Anglo-Saxon England 3: 15- 

Bock, J. [Hieronymus Tragus] (1552). De Stirpium. Strasburg. 

CaMERON, M. L. (1983a). The sources of medical knowledge in Anglo-Saxon England. Anglo-Saxon England 
11: 135-155. 

CAMERON, M. L. (1983b). Bald’s Leechbook: its sources and their use in its compilation. Anglo-Saxon England 
12: 153-182. 

CockayYnE, O., ed. (1865). Leechbook, in Leechdoms, wortcunning and starcraft of Early England 2: 1-360. 

CockaynE, O., ed. (1866). Lacnunga, in Leechdoms, wortcunning and starcraft of Early England 3: 1-80. 

Dopoens, R. [tr. H. Lyte] (1578). A niewe [nievve] herball. London. 

Druce, G. C. (1920). Plant notes, etc., for 1919. Rep. botl Soc. Exch. Club. Br. Isl. 5: 575. 

Fucus, L. (1542). De Historia Stirpium. Basle. 

GERARDE, J. (1597). The Herball or Generall historie of plantes. London. 

GERARDE, J. (1636). The Herball or Generall historie of plantes, 2nd ed., enlarged and emended by Thomas 
Johnson. London. 

GILBERT-CaRrTER, H. (1936). British trees and shrubs. Oxford. _ 

GraTTAN, J. H. G. & SINGER, C. (1952). Anglo-Saxon magic and medicine. London. 

Gray, J. E. (1863). On two forms of plants growing under the same conditions. J. Bot., Lond. 1: 295-7. 

Heal, G. (1926). Jilustrierte Flora von Mittel-Europa 5 (2). Munich. 

Hea1, G. (1928). J/lustrierte Flora von Mittel-Europa 6 (2). Munich. 

MEANEY, A. L. (1984). Variant versions of Old English medical remedies and the compilation of Bald’s 
Leechbook. Anglo-Saxon England 13: 235-268. 

SALMON, C. E. (1931). Flora of Surrey. London. 

STEARN, W. T. (1973). Botanical Latin, 2nd ed. Newton Abbot. 

TABERNAEMONTANUS, J. (1590). Eicones plantarum seu stirpium. Frankfurt am Main. 

Q. C. B. CRonK 
Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, CB2 1RH 


Examples of albino D. traunsteineri (Sauter) So6 are apparently very rare in the British Isles but 
records of single plants have been cited for two British localities (Roberts 1985). In June 1986 I 
found three such plants growing within a large colony of typical D. traunsteineriin N. E. Yorks., v.c. 
62. All the albino plants grew within 3 m of each other and had pure white flowers with unmarked 
labella; the leaves were light green and also unmarked, whilst the upper stem and bracts lacked the 
anthocyanin staining typical of this taxon. Other than as described above, they resembled normal D.. 
traunsteineri in habit, lax-flowered appearance and labellum shape and size, the plants being 10-14 
cm tall, with 5-11 flowers, three or four sheathing leaves, one non-sheathing leaf, and with a 
maximum leaf width of 8-5S—12 mm. 

In the immediate area of these albino plants was a single plant of D. traunsteineri whose six 
flowers were coloured an extremely pale, delicate pink, with markedly tri-lobed labella sparingly 
spotted and loop-marked in bright red. This unusual and very attractive plant, whose flower colour 


lies well outside the normal range for D. traunsteineri, apart from having a greater maximum leaf 
width, exhibited a marked resemblance to descriptions and illustrations of Orchis francis-drucei 
recorded for W. Ross, v.c. 105, by Wilmott (1936) and Landwehr (1977), and recently interpreted as 
D. traunsteineri (Lowe, Tennant & Kenneth 1986). 

In a second colony of D. traunsteineri in N. E. Yorks., c. 4 km from the above, a single 
pseudopeloric variant was found in June 1987. This had flowers whose labella were generally 
completely undifferentiated, although in a few instances an extremely short (1-2 mm) vestigial spur 
was present. All labella were narrow, sepal-like, and forward-pointing, of typical colour but 
completely lacking any form of dot- or loop-markings. In each flower both lateral sepals were spread 
horizontally (laterally), whilst the remainder were invariably arched forward in a closed configu- 
ration. The plant was 30 cm tall and had 24 flowers, both these characters being much in excess of 
those found for local D. traunsteineri. Pseudopeloria in British orchids was reviewed by Bateman 
(1985) but appears to be previously unrecorded for D. traunsteineri. 

Colour photographs of all the plants described are retained by myself. 


BATEMAN, R. M. (1985). Peloria and pseudopeloria in British orchids. Watsonia 15: 357-359. 

Lowe, M. R., TENNANT, D. J. & KENNETH, A. G. (1986). The status of Orchis francis-drucei Wilmott. Watsonia 
16: 178-80. 

LANDWEHR, J. (1977). Wilde orchideeén van Europa. Amsterdam. 

Roserts, R. H. (1985). Some unusual orchid variants from Anglesey. Watsonia 15: 275- TH: 

Wivmotrt, A. J. (1936). New British marsh orchids. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. 148: 126-30. 

Mey. oY: FOLEY 
87 Ribchester Road, Clayton-le-Dale, Blackburn, BBI 9HT 


The British Rose Survey was organized under the auspices of the Systematics Association by the late 
Professor P. C. Sylvester-Bradley, a paleontologist at Sheffield University with a keen interest in 
botany, in collaboration with Dr R. Melville of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Very little 
information about the survey appears in print; it was the subject of an exhibit at the B.S.B.I’s 
exhibition meeting of 1952 (Sylvester-Bradley 1953) in which the results of a trial run conducted that 
summer and autumn were presented, and the strategy of the main survey for 1953 outlined. The 
plan was to sample 30-50 bushes from randomly selected populations and to score each individual 
for 38 characters relating to habit, foliage, armature, flowers and fruits (an example of a data-sheet 
was illustrated in B.S.B.I. News (Gornall 1988)); the data were later to be encoded on punched 
cards for statistical and taxonomic analysis. It was hoped that the results would “‘elucidate the nature 
of [rose] ‘species’ and the degree of reticulation present” (Sylvester-Bradley 1953; Lousley 1953). 
After the trial survey of 1952, extensive field work was carried out in 1953, involving 192 registered 
observers, 64 of whom sent in returns that year relating to 2764 bushes in 96 localities. Work, 
however, then rapidly tailed off over the following two seasons; the results were never analysed, and 
the survey was more or less forgotten. 

It came as some surprise, therefore, when a total cache of 941 pressed Rosa specimens were 
exhumed from the basement of the herbarium at K and Mrs J. Sylvester-Bradley’s garage in 
Leicester in the summer of 1987. These proved to represent an unknown proportion of the total 
gathered during the dry run of 1952 and the main survey of 1953. There was also documentation and 
a card index which connected the specimens with collectors and the localities visited. 

A total of 213 individuals or organizations were registered as observers (many of them B.S.B.I. 
members) and they apparently visited 140 localities altogether, although the surviving specimens 
originate from only 54 of these; Fig. 1 shows the 10-km squares containing the survey sites. 

Most of the specimens collected by Sylvester-Bradley had been identified but the rest (c. 800) 
were without names. One of us (A.L.P.) has now made determinations where possible, although it 
must be said that about half of the specimens were too poorly pressed, too poorly preserved, too 





(@) geatiicile: fe 2 ie ae (@) 
e 1 2 $} 4 5 6 

Ficure 1. Distribution of 10-km squares containing one or more survey sites; ®@ with herbarium specimens, O 
without herbarium specimens. 

immature or otherwise inadequate to allow identification. A taxonomic summary is presented in 
Table 1. 

The Survey was, in our opinion, doomed to failure from the start partly because the organizers 
had bitten off more than they could chew; their intention was to transfer the vast amount of data to 
punched cards but this was never done. It is also clear from the surviving instructions and the printed 
data-sheets that the field-work was time-consuming and uninteresting, and the B.S.B.I. distribution 
maps scheme was beginning to compete successfully for the volunteer labour force. 

The principal mistake which the organizers made was to confine the Survey to very small areas 




OF 1952-54 
Species/Hybrid* No. specimens No. localities 
R. afzeliana 36 5 
R. afzeliana X canina 20 7 
R. arvensis 101 12 
R. arvensis X canina 1 1 
R. caesia X canina a 2 
R. canina 232 25 
R. canina X obtusifolia 2 2 
R. canina X stylosa 8 1 
R. canina X tomentosa 2 1 
R. dumetorum 10 4 
R. micrantha 8 3 
R. mollis 52 6 
R. obtusifolia 5 5 
R. rubiginosa 2 2 
R. sherardii 22 3 
R. stylosa 11 3 
R. tomentosa 1 1 
Indeterminate 418 43 

* Parents of hybrids are given in alphabetical order. 

containing a large stand of rose bushes. Such sites often contain only the commonest local taxon. 
Thus the specimens from the island of Hoy in the Orkneys are nearly all R. mollis Sm.; collections 
from the Midlands are often nothing else but R. canina L.; those from the south are often R. canina 
or R. stylosa Desv. In all the hundreds of specimens there are only eight of R. micrantha Borrer ex 
Sm.., five of R. obtusifolia Desv., two of R. rubiginosa L., one of R. tomentosa Sm. and none at all of 
R. pimpinellifolia L., R. caesia Sm., R. agrestis Savi and R. elliptica Tausch (the occurrence of the 
last of which in Britain is now considered to be doubtful) (Table 1). The supreme example of this 
strategic mistake is the collection number 86/A. This was made by field-workers from the Juniper 
Hall Field Centre. With classic rose sites in the vicinity, such as Box Hill or even the immediate 
neighbourhood of Juniper Hall itself, the field-workers chose a ruderal site (the spoil-heap of a lime- 
works) and collected 40 specimens of R. canina and nothing else. It would have been far more 
informative from a taxonomic point of view if the field-workers had been instructed to examine a 
few individuals in as many localities and habitats as possible. 

Nevertheless, the data do confirm our knowledge of the geographical distributions of some Rosa 
species. For example, all the specimens of R. mollis came from the north; all specimens of R. stylosa 
came from the south; and those of R. arvensis decline in frequency the more northerly the locality. 

We have examined all the specimens with care and discarded all those which, for various reasons, 
are unidentifiable. The remainder have been divided into sets, with the top one housed at LTR; a 
subsidiary set has been sent to NMW, together with the documentation, data-sheets and the 
reference card index. 

We should like to thank Mrs J. Sylvester-Bradley for bringing the specimens to our attention and for 
assisting us in sorting through them and explaining the reference system. 


GornaLL, R. J. (1988). Specimens and data sheets from the British Rose Survey. B.S.B.]. News 48: 14-15. 
Lous.ey, J. E.{1953). Study of the British flora during 1952. Nature 171: 335-337. 


SYLVESTER-BRADLEY, P. C. (1953). The British Rose Survey. Yb. Bot. Soc. Br. Isl. 1953: 66. 

Botany Department, The University, Leicester, LE] 7RH 


A dwarf, prostrate, small-leaved Vaccinium uliginosum L. collected in 1968 by one of us (W.S.S.) 
on Roga Field, Shetland (GR 411/3.8) has proved to have a chromosome number of 2n=39. Typical 
V. uliginosum subsp. uliginosum from other British localities, e.g. Unity Bog, Cumbria (GR 35/ 
528.591) and Hermaness, Shetland (GR 412/606.176), has 2n=48 in agreement with other 
European counts (Moore 1982). The more northerly subsp. microphyllum Lange from arctic and 
sub-arctic Europe is reported as having 2n=24 (Moore 1982). It has never been recorded from the 
British Isles. A hybrid between these two subspecies would be expected to have 2n=36. 

Although the chromosomes are very small and difficult to count, consistent counts of 2n=39 have 
been made on the Roga Field plant. There are three possible explanations. Firstly it might be a first 
generation hybrid (F,) with accessory chromosomes (2n=36+3B), though no differences in size or 
appearance could be detected in the chromosome set. Alternatively it might be a second (F>) or 
third (F3) generation hybrid resulting from a backcross to the tetraploid parent (subsp. uliginosum). 
Both diploids and tetraploids are probably self-incompatible (Vander Kloet 1977), so an F; is 
unlikely to have resulted from a self-fertilization, and the chance of there being two F, hybrid plants 
in the same area is probably low. Thirdly, as the Roga Field plant is similar in appearance to subsp. 
microphyllum, it might be derived solely from the subspecies through non-reduction of some 
chromosomes at meiosis in either pollen or ovule production. 

We suggest, then, that the Roga Field area and other exposed summits and hillsides in the 
Shetland [sles should be searched for small-leaved, prostrate, strongly rhizomatous plants of V. 
uliginosum as they might prove to be the diploid subsp. microphyllum. The plant can easily be 
propagated at any time of year from small pieces of twig (preferably young) with attached rhizome 
wrapped in damp moss. 


Moore, D. M. (1982). Flora Europaea check-list and chromosome index, p. 155. Cambridge. 
VANDER KLOET, S. P. (1977). Evidence against autogamy in Vaccinium uliginosum L. Proc. N. S. Inst. Sci. 28: 

Liverpool University Botanic Garden, Ness, Neston, S. Wirral, L64 4AY 


Webb & Scannell (1983) provided distribution data for plants in the Burren, Co. Clare, v.c. H9, and 
therein noted that Narthecium ossifragum L. occurred only in districts 1 (The Clare Shales) and 3 
(The Burren Lowlands). District 2 (The Burren Hills) is not notable for extensive peat deposits yet, 
enigmatically, it does not have an exclusively calcicolous flora; plants such as Calluna vulgaris L.., 
Erica cinerea L. and Eriophorum spp. abound in the region, colonizing the small hummocks of peat 
that rest on the limestone rocks, and the pockets of soil which are maintained in a perpetually damp 
state solely by rain water. However, plants characteristic of the wettest parts of raised bogs — for 
example Erica tetralix L. and Myrica gale L. — are absent from this region, or at least have not yet 
been reported. Hitherto N. ossifragum was included among the absentees. 

During field studies in The Burren Hills at the beginning of August 1987, I found N. ossifragum in 
several places on the higher slopes of the western hills. The first sighting was near the summit of 
Dobhach Bhrainin, at about 270 m, in a damp, peaty area facing north-west. About 100 flowering 
spikes were visible in the colony which covered less than 100 m* (herbarium specimens collected 1 


August 1987 are in DBN). On the succeeding three days, other populations were noted on the north- 
eastern slopes and summit plateau of Cappanawalla, and on the northern slopes of Gleninagh 
Mountain; these colonies were substantial and much more extensive than the original one on 
Dobhach Bhrainin. 

What is the reason for the absence of earlier reports of this species in the Burren? It is not an 
abundant plant, but it is certainly not rare — anyone walking on the higher slopes of the Burren hills 
during the summer is likely to encounter it in blossom. Perhaps the silence of earlier botanists is 
explained by the fact that the bright yellow flower-spikes of N. ossifragum can be mistaken, at a 
distance, for those of Galium verum L. or Solidago virgaurea L.; even at close range there is a 
confusing similarity between the inflorescences of N. ossifragum and the diminutive variant of S. 
virgaurea that inhabits the Burren. 



Wess, D. A. & SCANNELL, M. J. P. (1983). Flora of Connemara and the Burren. Cambridge. 

National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin 9 


Blysmus rufus (Huds.) Link is one of the few species considered to be a northern element in the 
British saltmarsh flora (Ratcliffe 1977; Adam 1978). In Scotland, B. rufus is found predominantly 
on the western coast, having a more fragmented distribution in the east (Perring & Walters 1982). It 
is therefore of interest that, during a coastal vegetation survey in Fife, v.c. 85 (Leach & Phillipson 
1985), B. rufus was found to occur on 15 saltmarshes. The following observations were part of an 
investigation of the factors controlling the distribution of B. rufus in Fife (Penford 1982). 

In Fife, B. rufus occurs on grazed beach-head saltmarshes, usually on raised beaches with a 
gravelly substrate. Stands are small (less than 10 m*), and are found along the strand line at the 
transition zone between base-rich fen communities and Juncus gerardii-dominated saltmarsh. B. 
rufus often occurs as mono-dominant stands, although associates may include Eleocharis quinque- 
flora (occasionally co-dominant), Triglochin maritima, T. palustris, Agrostis stolonifera, Festuca 
rubra, Glaux maritima and Plantago maritima. Its confinement to the top of saltmarshes suggests 
that B. rufus is an obligate halophyte, but is unable to withstand prolonged exposure to strongly 
saline conditions. Soil analyses of sodium along transects (Table 1) confirmed that salinity increased 

Figures are means + s.e.; n = sample size 

Transect point 

Fen zone Blysmus zone Saltmarsh zone 
Om 2m 8m 
[Na] ppm 10114284 1082+213 4703+1948 
n=7 n=9 n=8 
[Ca] log,oppm 4-03+0-14 4-16+0-15 3-69+0-21 


sharply immediately to the seaward side of B. rufus stands (t=1-85, p<0-10) and decreased less 
sharply from the B. rufus zone to the glycophytic fen zone further up the marsh (t=0-20, n.s.). 

The proximity of B. rufus stands to fen communities containing predominantly basiphilic species, 
including Carex otrubae, C. hostiana, C. disticha, Glyceria maxima, Lychnis flos-cuculi, Caltha 
palustris and Equisetum arvense, suggests that B. rufus is subject to base-rich flushing. Soil analyses 
(Table 1) showed that mean levels of calcium increased slightly between the fen zone and the B. 
rufus zone (t=0-61, n.s.) and decreased sharply (t= 1-83, p<0-05) where more markedly halophytic 
vegetation became dominant. Thus the seaward boundary of B. rufus stands appeared to be 
influenced by a pronounced increase in salinity and a decrease in calcium. 

The influence of calcium on the distribution of B. rufus in Fife may be significant due to the ability 
of calcium to ameliorate the effects of salinity. This occurs by affecting the selective ion transport 
mechanism at the root cells (Jennings 1976) and also by reducing the availability of sodium in cation 
exchange within soils (Waisel 1972). In this way, Ranwell (1972) suggests that high levels of calcium 
- could exert a profound effect on the species composition of saltmarsh vegetation. 

The similiarities in species composition between the beach-head saltmarshes of Fife that support 
B. rufus and the marshes of the western Scottish sea lochs, where it is more widespread, has been 
remarked on by Leach & Phillipson (1985). It is likely that, in Fife, B. rufus is confined to sites 
where a combination of factors produce conditions similar to those where this species commonly 
occurs. Low salinity is a feature of sea-loch marshes on the western coast and, whilst salinity is likely 
to be higher on Fife saltmarshes, the influence of base-rich flushing, coupled with a gravelly 
substrate to reduce the retention of sodium, may enable B. rufus to persist in localized habitats 
within an otherwise unsuitable area. 


Thanks are due to Dr A. D. Q. Agnew and Dr Ian Francis for help with the analysis. I am 
particularly grateful to Simon Leach for suggesting this study and for commenting on the 


Apa, P. (1978). Geographical variation in British saltmarsh vegetation. J. Ecol. 66: 339-366. 

JENNINGS, D. H. (1976). The effects of sodium chloride on higher plants. Biol Rev. 51: 453-486. 

Leacu, S. J. & PHILLIPSON, P. H. (1985). The saltmarsh and brackish swamp vegetation of the Fife peninsula. 
Trans. Proc. bot. Soc. Edinb. 44: 357-373. 

PENFORD, N. (1982). Factors affecting the status and distribution of Blysmus rufus (Huds.) Link in north-east Fife. 
B.Sc thesis, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. 

PERRING, F. H. & WALTERS, S. M., eds (1982). Atlas of the British flora, 3rd ed. Wakefield. 

RANWELL, D. S. (1972). Ecology of saltmarshes and sand dunes. London. 

RATCLIFFE, D. (1977). A nature conservation review. London. 

WAISEL, Y. (1972). Biology of halophytes. London. 

Rural Surveys Research Unit, Department of Geography, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, 
Dyfed, SY23 3DB 


The hybrid between Potamogeton natans L. and P. gramineus L. is relatively frequent in northern 
Europe and is widespread, but very local, in the British Isles (Dandy 1975; Perring & Sell 1968). It is 
a variable plant, usually resembling P. natans but with laminar rather than phyllodal submersed 
leaves. The correct name for the hybrid is believed to be P. x sparganifolius Laest. ex Fr.; a later 


synonym is P. X kirkii (Hooker fil.) Syme ex Hooker fil., based on P. natans subsp. kirkii Hooker 
fil. The purpose of this note is to typify these names. 

Potamogeton sparganifolius Laest. ex Fr., Novit. fl. suec. mant. prima 9 (1832). Holotype: Fluv. 
Torn. Muonionissa, L. L. Laestadius (UPS). 

P. sparganifolius was described by Fries (1832) on the basis of material collected by L. L. Laestadius 
“in fluviis profundissimis ad Karesuando Lapponiae’’. The epithet sparganifolius had been applied 
to the plant by Laestadius, but not published by him. There is in Fries’ herbarium (UPS) a specimen 
labelled ““Potamogeton sparganifolius Laest. Fluv. Torn. Muonionissa L. L. Laestad.”’, i.e. 
collected from the R. Tornealven at Muonio, 75 km south-east of Karesuando. There is no material 
annotated by Fries at S, where Laestadius’ herbarium is deposited (F. Bjérkback, in litt. 1988). The 
specimen at UPS therefore appears to be the holotype of P. sparganifolius, and I have labelled it as 
such. If further type material is ever located, the specimen at UPS would almost certainly be the 
most appropriate choice of lectotype. It conforms to Fries’ description of P. sparganifolius and with 
the current concept of the hybrid P. natans X gramineus. 

Potamogeton natans subsp. kirkii Hooker fil., Student Fl. Brit. Isl. 371 (1870). Lectotype: 
Ballinabrack River, Lough Corrib, 7 September 1853, T. Kirk (herb. W. Borrer, K), designated 

P. kirkii Syme in Sowerby, Engl. bot., 3rd ed., 9: 31 (1869), nom. synon. 

P. polygonifolius var. kirkii (Hooker fil Hi: Watson, Lond. cat., 7th ed., 21 (1874). 

P. kirkii (Hooker fil.) Syme ex Hooker fil., Student Fl. Br. Isl., 3rd ed. 535 (1884). . 

P. X sparganifolius forma kirkii (Hooker fil.) Hagstr. ex Pearsall in Rep. botl Soc. Exch. Club Br. 
Isl. 11: 186 (1936). 

In September 1853 Thomas Kirk collected an interesting Potamogeton from “deep water by the 
bridge against Maam Hotel, Ballinabrack River, Lough Corrib, Galway’. He identified it as P. 
longifolius Gay (a taxon now regarded as synonymous with P. lucens L.) and distributed numerous 
specimens under that name. Amongst those who received these were W. Borrer and C. C. 
Babington. Borrer (1854) published the record of P. longifolius but Babington realized that this was 
a misidentification. He was able to compare Kirk’s plant with authentic material of P. sparganifolius 
which he had been sent by Fries himself. By January 1854 he had concluded that Kirk’s collection 
was referable to P. sparganifolius, as the two plants agreed “‘in every particular that the respective 
specimens afford the opportunity of contrasting” (Babington to Borrer, letter in herb. Borrer, K). 
He included it under this name in all subsequent editions of his Manual of British Botany, tentatively 
in the 4th edition (Babington 1856) but emphatically from the 5th edition (Babington 1862) 
onwards. Babington’s opinion has been supported by recent students of the genus, including 
Hagstr6m (1916), Pearsall (1931) and Dandy (1975). 

Babington’s contemporaries, however, did not accept that Kirk’s plant was P. sparganifolius. 
J. T. Syme gave an illustrated account of it in his edition of English Botany (Sowerby 1869). In 
discussing it he specifically mentioned the only flowering specimen he had seen — a specimen in 
Borrer’s herbarium. He was uncertain of the identity of Kirk’s plant, concluding “I have seen too 
little of the Irish plant to venture to affirm it to be specifically distinct from P. polygonifolius, so that, 
though convinced it is not the P. sparganifolius of Lastadius, I keep it under this name for the 
present,.though much tempted to designate it P. Kirkii, after its discoverer’. He also included the 
name “‘P. Kirkii, mihi, MS” in this synonymy of the species. This name was taken up by J. D. 
Hooker of Kew, who validly published it as P. natans subsp. kirkii in his Student’s Flora (1870). In 
the third edition of this Flora, Hooker (1884) raised it to specific rank. It was described and 
illustrated as P. kirkii in Fryer & Bennett’s (1915) monograph The Potamogetons (Pond Weeds) of 
the British Isles. 

As far as I am aware there has been no attempt to lectotypify the name P. natans subsp. kirkii 
Hooker fil. There is no material in the general herbarium at Kew which could be selected as a 
lectotype. However, the three sheets in the herbarium of W. Borrer of the plant distributed as P. 
longifolius by Kirk would have been available to Hooker, as Borrer’s herbarium was bequeathed to 
Kew in 1862. Although Hooker did not annotate the sheets, which had been labelled as P. kirkii by 


Borrer, there can be no doubt that he saw them. In the preface to the Student’s Flora Hooker (1870) 
emphasized that his descriptions were derived from specimens rather than copied from books, and 
we know he used Borrer’s herbarium in writing the account of Potamogeton as a specimen in it is 
cited under P. obtusifolius. As the flowering plant of P. sparganifolius in Borrer’s collection was 
mentioned twice by Syme it is reasonable to conclude that Hooker would have examined it. I have 
therefore selected this sheet as the lectotype. The flowering plant drawn in English Botany (t. 1903) 
matches the specimen and is clearly based upon it. The detached floating leaves illustrated must, 
however, have come from another specimen. 

P. X sparganifolius is a variable hybrid, variation occurring both within and between populations. 
The extent to which this variation is genetic rather than phenotypic has not been tested by 
cultivation experiments. I do not see any reason to recognize individual populations, such as that at 
Maam, as distinct taxa, and therefore support the reduction of P. kirkii to a synonym of P. xX 



I am grateful to R. Moberg (UPS) and F. Bjérkback (S) for searching for type material of P. x 
sparganifolius, to Lyn Nichol (CGE) for arranging the loan of the holotype, to D. A. Simpson for 
help during visits to Kew and to P. D. Sell for comments on a draft of the manuscript. 


BaBINGTON, C. C. (1856). Manual of British botany, 4th ed., p. 351. London. 

BaBINGTON, C. C. (1862). Manual of British botany, 5th ed., p. 352. London. 

Borrer, W. (1854). Notes on the ‘Cybele Britannica’, Volume III. The Phytologist 5: 44-50. 

Danpy, J. E. (1975). Potamogeton L., in Stace, C. A., ed. Hybridization and the flora of the British Isles, pp. 
444-459. London. 

Fries, E. M. (1832). Novitiarum florae suecicae mantissa prima. Lund. 

Fryer, A. & BENNETT, A. (1915). The Potamogetons (Pond Weeds) of the British Isles, pp. 16-18, tt. 8-9. 

Hacstr6M, J. O. (1916). Critical researches on the Potamogetons. K. svenska VetenskAkad. Handl., n.s., 55 
(5): 1-281. 

Hooker, J. D. (1870). The Student’s Flora of the British Islands, p. 371. London. 

Hooker, J. D. (1884). The Student’s Flora of the British Islands, 3rd ed., p. 535. London. 

PEARSALL, W. H. (1931). Notes on Potamogeton. II. The larger British species. Rep. botl Soc. Exch. Club Br. Isl. 
9: 380-415. 

PERRING, F. H. & SELL, P. D., eds (1968). Critical supplement to the Atlas of the British flora, p. 137. London. 

Sowerby, J. (1869). English Botany, 3rd ed., 9: 31-32, t. 1903. London. 

Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Monks Wood Experimental Station, Abbots Ripton, Huntingdon, 
PE17 2LS 


While checking herbarium specimens in folders labelled Festuca rubra we have recently come across 
two specimens of X Festulpia that in each case constitute the first known record anywhere of that 
particular hybrid combination. Both are also new vice-county records. : 
1. Festuca rubra L. agg. X Vulpia bromoides (L.) S. F. Gray. Ashley Hill, W. Gloucs., v.c. 34., 
May 1928, C. Alden, ex herb. Gibbons & Bell (LTR). The plant was labelled ‘‘F. rubra var. 
grandiflora ?viviparous’’. Several of the spikelets are indeed proliferating, a feature we have often 
encountered in X Festulpia specimens and in other hybrid Festuca plants. 

The measurements of this plant fall partly outside the ranges given by Ainscough et al. (1986), as 
shown in Table 1; in general the parts are somewhat larger, but the glume ratio is not exceptional. 
2. Festuca rubra L. agg. X Vulpia myuros (L.) C. C. Gmelin. By railway line at Mitchell Troy, 2 



F. rubra agg. X F. rubra agg. X 
V. bromoides, v.c. 34 V. myuros, v.c. 35 
Lower glume length (mm) 3-0—4-0 1-6—2-1 
Upper glume length (mm) 5-5—7-2 3-7-4-7 
Glume ratio 0-5—0-58 0-47-0-64 
Lemma length (mm) 6-2-7-5 4-2-5-0 
Awn length (mm) 1-7-4-0 3-7-5-9 
Anther length (mm) 1-1—2-2 1-0-1-4 


miles S.W. of Monmouth, Mons., v.c. 35., 16th June 1951, E. Nelmes 973 (K). The plant was 
determined by C. E. Hubbard (undated) as “F. rubra ssp. commutata” (= F. nigrescens). 

In this case the measurements are typical of those given by Ainscough et al. (1986) (Table 1). 

Neither of the specimens shows any sign of rhizomes; the Festuca parent might be F. rubra subsp. 
rubra or F. nigrescens Lam. in each case. In both cases virtually all the pollen is empty, and the 
anthers indehiscent. 

The earliest record of F. rubra Xx V. fasciculata known to us is the specimen collected by J. 
Gosselin in Guernsey, probably between 1788 and 1791 (STPCM). However, there is also an 
undated specimen in BM, collected as Festuca cambrica Hudson and cultivated in William Curtis’s 
garden (Curtis died in 1799), that might pre-date it. 


ArnscouGH, M. M., BarKER, C. M. & Stace, C. A. (1986). Natural hybrids between Festuca and species of 
Vulpia section Vulpia. Watsonia 16: 143-151. 

C. A. Stace & A.-K.K.A. AL-BERMANI 
Department of Botany, The University, Leicester, LE] 7RH 


Studies of hedgerow Crataegus in Middlesex, v.c. 21, suggest that Crataegus X media Bechst. (C. 
laevigata X monogyna) may be more common than is suggested in some local Floras. A survey of 
surviving agricultural hedgerows in the London Borough of Brent (Kingsbury, Wembley and 
Willesden) and a small adjacent part of the London Borough of Barnet was undertaken from 1983 to 
1987, using a method for locating hedgerows discussed by Williams & McLauchlin (in press). The 
study area was between approximately 7 and 18 km north-west of central London and covered an 
area of about 46 km’, 45 of which were accounted for by Brent. Much of Brent was still farmland 
until the suburban expansion of London in the 1920—30s. Only two enclaves of countryside remain, 
Fryent Country Park and, to a lesser extent, the area around the Welsh Harp Reservoir. In the 
south, much of Willesden could be described as inner-city. 

For the main part of the study, Crataegus specimens were identified in the field, using the main 
lateral vein curvature and leaf shape as the chief identification criteria (Byatt 1975, 1976; Williams 
1986). (Slight differences in stone shape were noted between the species: C. monogyna had a stone 
with a pointed apex and C. /aevigata had blunter stones, but this may simply be due to species 
differences in style and stone numbers). The survey found 548 former hedgerows or remnants (520 
in Brent) and Crataegus was present in 257 (47%) of these. C. monogyna occurred in 213 hedges, C. 
x media in 134 and C. laevigata in 18 hedges. A few Crataegus in 13 of the hedges remained 
unidentified due to access or other survey problems. At Fryent Country Park, a hedgerow planted in 


recent decades contained C. monogyna only, older hedges had both this species and C. X media, 
while some hedges planted before c. 1547 and others originating from assarts (woodland clearance) 
contained all three. 

The survey area fell within 21 tetrads, though only four of these were fully within the study area. 
Comparisons were made with the flora of London (Burton 1983) which included Crataegus from all 
habitats and obviously from other Boroughs in the peripheral Brent tetrads (Table 1). Though the 



Brent hedgerow survey Burton (1983) 
Crataegus monogyna 18 19 
Crataegus X media 14 3 
Crataegus laevigata 9 10 

Brent study was only recording Crataegus from former agricultural hedges, C. monogyna and C. 
laevigata were found in a similar number of tetrads to those in Burton (1983), but for C. laevigata the 
two studies only agreed in five tetrads. C. X media, however, was found to be much more 
widespread than Burton (1983) suggested. Forty-three of the 66 monads (1-km squares) partly or 
wholly within the study area had hedgerow Crataegus. Forty-one of these had C. monogyna, 14 had 
C. laevigata and 36 had C. X media. While some of the discrepancies between the two studies may 
be due to the more comprehensive search of the hedgerow study, it is suspected that C. X media is 
under-recorded in the London flora. C. X media may be unfamiliar to many recorders or easily 
confused (Jermyn 1974) and is probably commoner than local Floras indicate. As explained by 
Bradshaw (1975), C. X media has a range of characteristics intermediate between those of the two 
parents, and such is the degree of hybridization that Byatt (1975) considered the concept of the two 
species C. monogyna and C. laevigata to be largely irrelevant in south-eastern England. Main lateral 
vein curvature, when used with other characters, does, however, appear to be a useful aid for the 
identification of Crataegus in the field and may show C. X media to be more widespread in other 


I am grateful to Prof. A. D. Bradshaw, R. M. Burton and A. P. Williams for helpful comments 
during the course of this study. 


BrapDsHaw, A. D. (1975). Crataegus L., in Stace, C. A., ed. Hybridization and the flora of the British Isles. 

Burton, R. M. (1983). Flora of the London area. London. 

Byatt, J. I. (1975). Hybridization between Crataegus monogyna Jacq. and C. laevigata (Poiret) DC. in south- 
eastern England. Watsonia 10: 253-264. cs 

Byatt, J. I. (1976). The structure of some Crataegus populations in north-eastern France and south-eastern 
Belgium. Watsonia 11: 105-115. 

JERMYN, S. T. (1974). Flora of Essex. Colchester. 

WILuias, L. R. (1986). A Hawthorn identification guide for the local historian. Wembley Hist. Soc. J. 6: 38-46. 

Wiiuiams, L. R. & McLAUCHLIN, J. (in press). A method for surveying old hedgerows in suburban areas using 
standard trees. Local Historian. 

Brent Leisure Services, London Borough of Brent, Brent House, High Road, Wembley, Middlesex, 

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Watsonia, 17, 367-378 (1988) 367 

Book Reviews 

Mordecai Cubbitt Cooke. Victorian naturalist, mycologist, teacher and eccentric. M. P. English. Pp. 
xviii + 357, with numerous illustrations in black & white. Biopress Ltd., The Orchard, Clanage 
Road, Bristol BS3 2JX. 1987. Price £18.00 (ISBN 0—948-—737-02-6). 

It is a shame this book touches too marginally on the vascular plants of the British Isles to warrant 
more than a brief review in these pages, for it must surely be one of the best biographies of a botanist 
ever written. The product of an immense amount of research, taken to the point of tracing 
descendants in many parts of the world (and even interviewing one of them in Kenya), it is at the 
same time highly readable. 

Socially unsure, tactlessly over-forthright, a crusty reactionary in a bushy red beard, ‘M.C.’ — as 
he liked to be called (he abominated his first name of Mordecai) — was one of those archetypal 
Victorian figures of almost superhuman energy who hardly seem to have stopped writing for a 
minute. Author of innumerable popular books and articles, some so ephemeral that even the 
indefatigable Dr English has been unable to run them to earth, he was driven all his life by a 
missionary fervour to spread to one and all the gospel of natural history. He was employed initially 
as an elementary schoolteacher and then, in a succession of humble posts sadly beneath his abilities, 
in the exhibiting of plant products in museums. He early found that his real love was mycology, a 
subject on which he also published prolifically, in which he was entirely self-taught and in which he 
achieved a place second only in Britain to the revered and incomparable Berkeley. In addition, he 
was the founder, in 1862, of the short-lived Society of Amateur Botanists, which met in Hardwicke’s 
bookshop in Piccadilly and which included Trimen, Dyer, Newbould and Britten among its 
members, with the trend-setting Flora of Middlesex as its indirect product. The still-flourishing 
Quekett Microscopical Club is the offspring of that body. Hardwicke and Cooke subsequently 
strengthened their partnership with that fascinating miscellany, Science Gossip, of which Cooke 
acted as editor for its first seven years. 

Not content with all that, Cooke also coped in secret with a family life of stunning bizarreness and 
complexity. With some brilliant detective work Dr English has uncovered the extraordinary fact 
that his children were not his wife’s, as the world was led to suppose — but, most unexpectedly, her 
grandchildren. Cooke turns out to have had a series of illegitimate children by his stepdaughter and 
for long stretches of his life dwelt in what seems to have been a perfectly amicable ménage a trois. 
Truly, the more we learn of the Victorians, the more amazing they become. 


Aroids. D. Bown. Pp. 266, with 24 colour plates and 44 line illustrations. Century Hutchinson Ltd., 
London. 1988. Price £25.00 (ISBN 0—7126-1822-8). 

The Araceae are, without doubt, amongst the most commonly cultivated indoor plants, so it is 
surprising that there has been until recently a lack of books written for the non-specialist. Deni 
Bown’s book more than adequately fills the need for an introduction to the family. 

The book is divided into chapters that lead the reader from the elementary aspects of aroid 
identification through pollination, ecology, morphology, edible aroids and medicinal uses. To cover 
so many aspects of the family may seem daunting, but the way in which the information is presented 
is so readable that even most complex aspects are clear. 

The Araceae are introduced in ‘Variations on a theme’. The distinguishing floral features, 
vegetative architecture, distribution, position relative to other plant families and evolution are all 


covered in great detail. Here also habitats are briefly discussed as a precursor to the later chapters 
devoted to them. With these basics covered the text moves on to look in detail at individual aspects 
of the family. 

A full account of the pollination biology of the Araceae could easily fill several volumes, and so 
the chapter concerned with reproduction (‘Of tails and traps and the underworld’) is, of necessity, 
simplified. However, this in no way implies that it is superficial; in fact, every pollination mechanism 
employed by the family is covered in detail. 

Most of the book is concerned with the varied habitats in which aroids are found. The chapter 
titles give the setting (e.g. ‘Woodlanders’, ‘Aquatics and amphibians’, ‘A place in the sun’, ‘In the 
shadows’ and “Towards the light’), and the text describes the aroid inhabitants by genus (e.g. 
Arisaema, Cryptocoryne, Biarum, Aglaonema and Monstera respectively). Within these chapters 
almost all the major genera are covered, together with many poorly known taxa. 

The giant tuberous aroids are allotted their own chapter, appropriately entitled ‘The Titans’. The 
greater part of the text is devoted to the Sumatran Amorphophallus titanum, a plant which has 
fascinated both the public and the biologist alike since its discovery over a century ago. However, 
this is by no means the only giant in the Araceae, and I am pleased to see that Dracontium ane 
Anchomanes, which both contain very substantial species, are not overlooked. 

The chapters concerned with the edible aroids (‘An acquired taste’) and chemistry and medicinal 
uses (‘Acids and crystals’) contain a wealth of information, much of it drawn from scattered sources 
and skillfully synthesized into a more readily accessible form. As much has been gathered from 
obscure sources, this volume provides information that would otherwise be difficult to find. 

Aroids is generously illustrated with superb photographs taken by the author as well as numerous 
line drawings, although I feel that the latter could have been of higher quality. The book ends with a 
very useful ‘Check list of Aroid genera’, selected bibliography, detailed glossary and an exhaustive 
reference section. This book, with its wealth of information and beautiful illustrations, will be an 
essential part of a plant-lover’s library. 

P. Boyce 

Wild flowers of Majorca, Minorca and Ibiza — with keys to the flora of the Balearic Islands. Elspeth 
Becket. Pp. 221 with 8 colour plates. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam and Brookfield. 1988. Price £28.50 
(ISBN 906-—191-—634-8). 

There can be little doubt that there is ample room for a concise guide to the flora of the Balearic 
Islands that goes beyond basic picture books to provide a satisfying resource for the serious 
naturalist. When I first visited Majorca some 35 years ago, friends responded with puzzled 
comments like ‘‘Where on earth is that”? However, since then, with the immense development of 
cheap package holidays, countless botanists must have cut their teeth on the Mediterranean flora 
through visits to these islands. Does this book then meet the needs of the present-day botanical 
tourist? It is essentially a compilation of keys based very closely on those in Flora Europaea, and, as 
such, it should provide an effective means for identification, at least for those reasonably 
experienced in the use of Floras. The keys are clearly set out, but contain redundant abbreviations, 
e.g. Annl,.bnnl and usu, which are irritating and save no space at all. Distributions are indicated by 
Ma, Mi and I for the three large islands, generally without any further information. Each family has 
an introductory section describing its features, sometimes accompanied by supplementary matter of 
general interest. Vernacular names are given in English, German, French, Spanish and Catalan. 
Eight composite colour plates are provided which may help beginners, who will probably find the 
keys hard going, but the large number of species depicted (71 on Plate 5) inevitably means that their 
utility is rather limited. A general introduction explains the use of keys and very properly urges the 
need for the conservation of this flora, which is under considerable pressure as a result of the tourist 
trade. The section on classification betrays such a state of mental confusion about the basics of 
nomenclature that we can only be heartily thankful that the text rests so firmly on the foundation of 
Flora Europaea. What then is lacking? Some introductory information on habitats and biogeogra- 


phy would have been most welcome, especially with regard to the very interesting endemic element. 
The space devoted to vernacular names would have been better allocated to more detailed 
distributional data, as there are hardly any indications as to whether species are abundant on every 
roadside or restricted to a few remote localities. The book is elegantly presented with high quality 
printing, but a clearer typographical distinction between family and generic names would have been 
an improvement. 

I wish I could feel more enthusiastic about this book, which does seek to meet a real need. At 
£28.50 it is very expensive for the information it contains, and it would have been much better if its 
de luxe format had been bypassed in favour of a cheap, compact field guide that would have fitted 
into the pocket and cost half the price or less. 


Key works to the fauna and flora of the British Isles and north-western Europe. Edited by R. W. Sims, 
P. Freeman & D. L. Hawksworth. Fifth edition. Pp. xii + 312. The Systematics Association Special 
Volume No. 33, Oxford. 1988. Price £35.00 (ISBN 0—19-—857706-0). 

This work provides references to books and papers which are considered key works for identifying 
living organisms in the British Isles and north-western Europe. Apart from a great deal of updating, 
it differs conspicuously from the fourth edition (1978) in having a new and admirably clear layout, 
each entry starting with the title on the left and ending with the author’s name in bold on the right. It 
is arranged taxonomically, with no index, and under, for example, Spermatophyta, the entries are 
arranged under countries in a Geographic section (‘Britain’ includes Ireland), under Trees and 
Shrubs, Water Plants, Sedges and Grasses, and Orchids in a Monographs of Special Groups section, 
and under Bibliography, History, Glossary, Anatomy and Morphology, and Pollen and Spores 
Identification. It is this part, and the Pteridophyta, that should be of chief concern to Watsonia 
readers, but it must be said that the flowering plants are poorly served in comparison with most of 
the other groups for which I am familiar with the literature. 

A number of entries are very out-of-date. For example, W. Keble Martin, The concise British 
flora in colour (1969) is given rather than The new concise British flora (1982), J. Lid, Norsk og 
Svensk flora ed. 4 (1963) is given rather than Norsk, Svensk, Finsk flora ed. 5 (1985), and W. 
Rothmaler, Excursionsflora ed. 3 (1962-63) is given rather than ed. 12 (1984). No Floras of either 
Spitsbergen or the Faeroes are included. It would have been more helpful to give A. Love, Flora of 
Iceland (1983) in English rather than the Icelandic equivalent /slenzk — Ferdafléra ed. 2 (1977, 
erroneously given as 1983). 

The taxonomic coverage of flowering plants is very uneven and poor in comparison with that for, 
say, bryophytes or many animal groups. Although P. F. Yeo’s 1978 revision of Euphrasia and A. J. 
Richards’s Taraxacum Flora of 1972 are included, there is nothing at all on Hieracium, and C. A. 
Stace & M. Ingrouille on Limonium are omitted. W. C. R. Watson, Handbook of the Rubi (1958) is 
included, but not H. E. Weber’s works on the genus which are superior in almost all respects. No 
choice of Floras and field guides will suit everyone, but it is difficult to see why J. D. Hooker, The 
student’s flora of the British Isles ed. 3 (1937) and E. Step; Wayside and woodland ferns new ed. 
(1949) are included; admirable though they once were, they have now been so totally superseded 
that they are positively misleading. The inclusion of G. C. Druce, Hayward’s botanist’s pocket-book 
ed. 19 (1948) is slightly more justifiable for its wealth of infraspecific taxa. It is a pity that works on 
galls seem to have been excluded, except for incidental mentions under some of the causers, and 
there are no works on seeds or seedlings although pollen and spores are well covered. 

There are numerous errors in titles. The B.S.B.I. Handbook Sedges of the British Isles ed. 2 
(1982) confusingly retains the title of ed. 1. Although in the headings, names such as Orchids are 
given their Latin equivalents, the Docks and Knotweeds Handbook lacks them which is unhelpful, 
at least to non-English users. 

It is much to be hoped that in the next edition the section on flowering plants will be brought up to 
the standard of the rest of the book. It is unlikely to be of much use to B.S.B.I. members for this 


section, but (and this is not, I think, just the reviewer’s perspective) it can be warmly recommended 
to members wishing to extend their knowledge to other groups of plants and animals. 


Wildlife conservation in churchyards. Pp. 16. Norfolk Naturalists Trust and Diocese of Norwich, 
Norwich. 1988. Price £3.00 incl. p. & p. Obtainable from Norfolk Naturalists Trust, 72 Cathedral 
Close, Norwich, NR1 4DF. 

The increasing awareness in recent years of the importance of churchyards in conservation, 
stimulated to a large extent by the B.S.B.I. and R.S.N.C. churchyards survey, has led to the 
production of a number of booklets on the management of churchyards. Most of these have been 
done on a county basis, and the one under review, arising out of the Norfolk Naturalists Trust 
Churchyard Conservation Scheme started in 1981, is one of the most practical, detailed and helpful 
that I have seen. It explains the ecological and floristic value of churchyards, including the 
remarkable fact that six species characteristic of old meadows (Conopodium majus, Pimpinella 
saxifraga, Primula veris, Saxifraga granulata, Leucanthemum vulgare and Galium verum) now have 
about 50% of their Norfolk populations in churchyards. It gives advice on grass cutting, grazing, 
hedging, tree planting, clearance of overgrown churchyards, renovating and repointing stonework, 
management for lichens, birds and bats, the importance of ivy and many other matters. A one-page 
summary of the recommendations is an especially helpful feature, and it is attractively illustrated. 

Although tailored to Norfolk, most of the booklet’s advice is of very widespread applicability. It is 
strongly recommended to everyone interested in churchyards, and could profitably be taken as a 
model by anyone intending to produce a similar booklet for their own area. 


Flowers of Cyprus — Plants of medicine, vols. 1 & 2. C. C. Georgiades. Vol. 1: pp. 103 + 89 colour 
plates; vol. 2: pp. 103 + 91 colour plates. Cosmos Press Ltd, Nicosia. 1987. Price not stated (ISBN 
9963-7540—1-5, vol. 1; 9963-—7540—2-3, vol. 2). 

Mediterranean people have tended to take a pragmatic approach to plants and animals in the 
country around them; indeed they can often ill afford the ‘luxury’ of sentimentality when competing 
for the land. By concentrating in a wide brief on the medicinal plants of Cyprus, Christos 
Georgiades has performed a service in showing the large number of species (180 illustrated) which 
are ‘useful’ in this context. 

The third largest island in the Mediterranean (area — 9144 sq. km), Cyprus can boast some 1500 
species of flowering plants, 75 of which are endemics. Its unique position has not only made it of 
strategic importance throughout its history but a botanical crossroads too. The isolation from 
neighbouring land masses for a significant time-span has enabled endemics to evolve, and the varied 
geology and wide range of habitat types has ensured floral diversity. Botanically the island can prove 
confusing since popular floras on the Mediterranean area are only partially relevant. 

Though not claiming to be exhaustive, these two volumes cover a wide range of plants not 
illustrated elsewhere with a text that is clearly written and highly informative. On the whole, the 
illustrations are good for a work of this sort; anyone who has selected slides for plates will know that 
the pressure to publish necessitates one or two compromise shots having to be used. The 
blockmakers have done a good job in combatting the shrinkage of paper that bedevils the printing of 
colour in hot climes and only a few of the plates are ‘out of register’. 

For the serious student of the island’s flora there is no recourse but to invest in light-weight 
clothing and use the baggage allowance for R. D. Meikle’s incomparable two-volume Flora of 
Cyprus. However, for an acquaintance with the likes of the endemic Crocus cyprius and C. 
hartmannianus, unusual plants in the Troodos massif such as Smyrnium connatum (Perfoliate 
Alexanders)and Phytolacca pruinosa (Red Ink plant) or the merits of herbal tea ‘Spazia’ 


(pronounced Spacha) made from shade-grown leaves of Salvia fruticosa (syn. S. cypria) these 
volumes are certainly a worthwhile holiday purchase. 

P.H. & J. A. DAviEs 

Supplement to the Wild Flowers of Guernsey. D. McClintock. Pp. 54. La Société Guernésiaise, 
Candie Museum & Art Gallery, St Peter Port, Guernsey. 1987. Price £4.40 incl. p. & p. 

The Flora to which this is a supplenient was published by Collins in 1975, and was reviewed in 
Watsonia 11: 83 (1976). Subsequent field work by members of the Société, together with numerous 
records submitted by visiting botanists, yielded much of the information in this tersely presented 
booklet. The five-page: introduction updates the preliminary pages of the Flora with additional 
historical information, but fails to remedy the principal weakness of the earlier work with its scanty 
treatment of the vegetational history and ecology of the northern Channel Isles. 

The information in the Supplement is cross-referenced to the Flora by page numbers in bold type. 
Taxonomic novelties are highlighted in three footnotes: Hedera helix subsp. hibernica (based on 
Kirchner’s var. hibernica), Elymus repens var. aristatus (transferred from Agropyron repens var. 
aristatus),and X Agropyron [sic] robinsonii, which should read X Agropogon robinsonii as stated in 
the text. This hybrid between Agrostis stolonifera and Polypogon viridis has nothing to do with 

Where taxonomic changes have been published elsewhere, such as Ingrouille’s revision of the 
Limonium binervosum group, particulars are included. The author delights in alluding to obscure 
observations, such as in Calluna where he first dismisses a monographer’s record of var. hirsuta from 
the Channel Islands and then pops in a reference to an aphid recorded from Guernsey on heather. 
Some of the information in this booklet verges on the whimsical (‘“‘four tons of Primroses were sent 
to England in connection with the inauguration of the memorial to Lord Beaconsfield on 16 April 
1893”’), but the underlying intention to stress the economic importance of cultivated plants to the 
Channel Islands is commendable. 


An introduction to the flowering plants and ferns of Lochbroom & Assynt. C. Scouller, Pp. 33 with 
map. Lochbroom Field Club, 1988. Price £1.50 incl. p. & p. from P. Harrison, Leckmelm, Ullapool, 

This booklet is a botanical guide to two of the largest parishes in the British Isles, covering nearly 
1000 sq. km. The introduction deals mainly with the history of botanical exploration in the area and 
the factors influencing plant distribution. Climate is given little coverage, but the geology is well 
treated although some of the geological terms may be unfamiliar to botanists. 

The largest part of the book is a description of the special plants of the region, divided into 
ecological groupings of moorland, mountains, woodland, wetland and coastal plants, with a special 
mention of orchids. Arctic-alpines are identified throughout the text by the letters ‘“‘AA”’ after their 
name. ‘ 

The guide is intended to be used in conjunction with a field guide or flora with the key features of 
local subspecies and varieties described. This is a very useful feature, although the description of 
Empetrum nigrum subsp. hermaphroditum would lead you to think that it was monoecious. 

A weak point of the booklet is the rather curious usage of some English plant names and terms, 
referring to Cyperaceae such as cotton grasses as “‘sedges”’ or calling Ophioglossum vulgatum a 
“fern ally’. A more serious reservation is the lack of a contents page or index. 

Regional guides may seem to be part of an old-fashioned tradition which has been squeezed out 
by general field guides on the one hand and local nature trail guides on the other, but as an 
introduction to the area, or as a useful souvenir of a visit, it can be recommended. 



Molecules and morphology in evolution: conflict or compromise? Edited by C. Patterson. Pp. x + 
229. Cambridge University Press. 1987. Price £22.50 boards (ISBN 0-—521-32271-5), £9.50 
paperback (ISBN 0—521-—33860-3). 

Anyone who attended the systematic sessions at the recent XIV Botanical Congress in Berlin would 
have been astounded at the phenomenal rise in the number of people now working on the molecular 
aspects of evolution. A symposium entitled ‘““Molecules versus morphology” was held at the Third 
International Congress of Systematic Biology, Sussex University, July 1985, to assess this 
burgeoning mass of molecular data. It produced a wide-ranging debate on a variety of animal 
groups. There were no plants considered at all, but any reader of Watsonia interested in the history 
of life will find an enormous amount of information about general principles and broad patterns of 
relationships achieved by modern methods. 

This is one of the most interesting and digestible books to have been produced on a very complex 
subject. Buying it for Patterson’s very lucid introduction alone provides an instant entrée for those 
readers who, like me, tend to skip the fine print of molecular evolution. 


The Fauna and Flora of Exmoor National Park. A provisional Check-List. Compiled by members of 
the Exmoor Natural History Society. Pp. 272, incl. 4 maps. Exmoor Natural History Society, 
Minehead. 1988. Available from the Exmoor National Park Office, Exmoor House, Dulverton, 
Somerset. Price £7.00, post free. (ISBN 0—9512893-0-6). 

Exmoor National Park, established in 1954, embraces an area of 686 sq. km., comprising moorland, 
woodland and sea coast, much of which is between 360 and 580 m above sea level. The biological 
survey made was extensive and detailed, and the resultant check-list covers all branches of the plant 
and animal kingdoms. The account of the flowering plants, ferns and fern allies, which number over 
900 taxa has been compiled by our member Caroline Giddens and occupies pages 60 to 115. These 
are arranged in the system of Holmes, Outline of Plant Classification (1986) and scientific names are 
based on those given in Clapham, Tutin and Warburg, Excursion Flora of the British Isles, ed. 3 
(1980). English names follow Dony et al., English Names of Wild Flowers, ed. 2 (1986). The list is 
supplemented by frequency data, habitat preferences and in a few instances locations. 


The Natural History of the Chew Valley. K. Allen etal. Pp. 80. 1987. Available from 143 High Street, 
Pensford, Avon, BS18 4BH. Price £3.90, post free. 

The Chew Valley lies some 11 km S. of Bristol in North Somerset (now Avon), and this account of 
its natural history by Keith Allen and 24 other contributors, including our members Clive Lovatt 
and Ron Payne, as well as that great authority on trees, Alan Mitchell, is unlike any local account 
that I have read before. Aimed not only at naturalists, it features walks and cycle rides in the area, 
chapters on local characters past and present, and information on orchards, geology and habitats. 
Several chapters are devoted to vascular cryptogams and a detailed list of species recorded from the 
valley is given. 

This is a delightful and very readable pot-pourri of biological data presented in an unusual 
manner, and its profits are designated to the Avon Wildlife Trust, Friends of the Earth and the 
World Wildlife Fund. 



Natural Science Collections in Scotland (Botany, Geology, Zoology). H. E. Stace, C. W. A. Pettitt, 
C. D. Waterston. Pp. xxvi-xxvii-xxx + 373 + 8 microfiches. National Museums of Scotland, 
Edinburgh. 1988. Price £25.00 (ISBN 0—948636—08-4). 

Data on the natural science collections held at 286 Scottish institutions are given, as well as 
information on collections in the hands of 180 private individuals. 

The list of institutions surveyed is arranged alphabetically by location, followed by a combined 
arrangement of institutions and individuals with details of the collections. Some biographical data 
are provided, but for botanical collectors it is patchy and very inadequate, and many years of birth 
and death which could have been easily ascertained are omitted. 

A short series of microfiches covers subject indices to botany, geology and zoology and literature 
references. They are excellent for institutions with the necessary reading equipment, but are of little 
use to private individuals like the reviewer who lack that facility. 

The book offers an insight into Scottish natural history collections, but with more skilful editing it 
could have been greatly improved. 


The correspondence of Charles Darwin, Vol. 3, 1844-1846. Edited by F. Burkhardt and S. Smith. 
Pp. xxix + 523. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 1987. Price £30.00 (ISBN 0—521-—25589- 

This volume commences with the 35-year-old Darwin married and ensconced at Down House. 381 
pages provide us with a clear insight into his preoccupations during the two years the book 
encompasses. An additional 142 pages include appendices which explain translations (13 pp.), 
chronology (4 pp.), Darwin’s notes arising from conversations with Hooker (4 pp.) and his interest 
in breeding captive animals (2 pp.), together with comments on the manuscripts (18 pp.), a 
bibliography (25 pp.), a biographical register (36 pp.) and an index (35 pp.). 

During the two years concerned, Darwin was evidently still digesting the results of his voyage 
aboard Beagle. He published his Volcanic Islands (1844) and Geological Observations on South 
America (1846), whilst also bringing forth the much-revised second edition of his Journal of 
Researches (1845) and a number of papers relating to the Beagle collections. 

The impression has not infrequently been given that, once he settled at Down, Darwin became a 
hypochondriac recluse. The correspondence published here shows such a view to be far from the 
truth. He was a member and, at times, an officer of the Geological, Royal Geographical and Royal 
Societies of London, regularly travelling to the capital to attend their meetings. He maintained his 
lively correspondence with Forbes, Henslow, Lyell, Owen and Waterhouse, seen in the earlier 
volumes of this series, but the emergence of the young Hooker as confidant and ‘sparring partner’ 
begins to become clear here, with an exchange of no less than 107 letters. 

In 1843 Joseph Dalton Hooker returned from his four-year voyage with James Clark Ross, who 
took Erebus and Terror into and around the southern oceans. Hooker, a botanist, was exercised by 
the relationship between the plants of the austral continents, and his perceptive Introductory Essay 
to the Flora of Tasmania is still required reading for students of these affinities. Henslow, who was 
originally charged with identifying Darwin’s Beagle plants, found that his East Anglian responsibili- 
ties made this virtually impossible. Hooker took on this task, and the Beagle plants are dealt with in 
his mammoth Botany of the Antarctic Voyage. In the volume under review the exploitation by 
Darwin of Hooker’s botanical knowledge is seen to be gradually transformed into an increasingly 
close friendship. Darwin was assembling his notes and mulling over his ideas on evolution, and, 
increasingly, he used Hooker as his ‘sounding board’. It is interesting to read that he was also 
considering his mortality. Should he die, he wrote to his wife, his preliminary essay should be 
published. Possible editors of his essay were Lyell, Henslow, Forbes, Londsdale, Strickland or, 
perhaps, Owen; various emendations to this list resulted in his final choice - Hooker. The sum to be 
devoted to the publication was £400! Think on that! 

As I have said before in relation to the previous two volumes of this Correspondence (Watsonia 

16(2), 17(1)), this is a book to be read and savoured; a review is inadequate. The high scholarship 
involved is maintained, the presentation is excellent, the price acceptable. 

D. M. Moore 

The flora and vegetation of County Durham. G. G. Graham. Pp. vi + 526. The Durham Flora 
Committee and Durham County Conservation Trust. 1988. Price £30.00 (ISBN 0-—905362-02-0). 

This book is divided broadly into three main parts. Firstly, an introduction (64 pp.) covers such 
matters as climate, soils, geomorphology and topography, as well as lists of recorders, abbreviations 
and herbaria consulted. Secondly, there is a list of all plants (263 pp.), from bryophytes and lichens 
to angiosperms. For each species are given other names by which it has been known in literature 
dealing with Durhanz,, its status (native, introduced etc.), the phytogeographical element to which it 
pertains, its frequency and abundance, and up to eight records, including the first; most species are 
mapped by their occurrence in 2 km X 2 km tetrads. Thirdly, an account of the vegetation (149 pp.) 
in which, grouped under general structural/habitat headings, are listed the phytosociological 
associations, together with the relevés on which they are based. The text is adorned by line drawings 
of the major vegetation-types, prepared at the Sunderland Polytechnic. A bibliography (19 pp.), a 
gazetteer (7 pp.) and an index to plant names (21 pp.) complete the book. 

In the British Isles there is a long and distinguished tradition of producing local Floras; i in giving us 
the volume under review, Gordon Graham and his associates have added a jewel to this record — 
must be a model for all future ventures of this sort. The organizational flair required to co-ordinate 
the activities of the numerous people and groups who contributed to the programme must be 
remarkable, while acknowledged financial support for the project reflects personal, regional and 
national commitment to, and affection for, the County Palatine. 

Born and brought up in Barnard Castle, I spent the first 18 years of my life exploring the scenic, 
geological and biological riches of Teesdale, not to mention the search for fat brown trout in the 
river. During the next six years, as a student at Durham, I was introduced to the ‘lowlands’ of the 
eastern part of the County. Whilst I am not exactly languishing in the Thames valley, Graham’s 
Flora has afforded me innumerable opportunities to return to the land of my youth. The vegetation 
described is recognizable, the plants listed recall memories of many happy days in the field, while 
the maps and places names bring a lump to the throat. The colour paintings of Gentiana verna and 
Epipactis atrorubens, by Derek Hall, are stunning. 

As a botanist I like this Flora, and as a Durham patriot I am proud of it. I was intrigued to see that 
Phalaris arundinacea, amongst others, grows on the banks of ‘rivulets’; are they only called becks 
amongst we of the hill-tribes in the west of the County? David Bellamy’s Foreword is well worth a 
read in its own right. 

The book’s publication was delayed by problems with a vital component of the computer-printing 
system. The wait was worthwhile; the Flora is well-produced and attractively packaged. The price is 
very competitive and I commend this volume to anyone with an interest in, or love for, the plants 
and landscape of part of the land once controlled by the Prince-Bishops of Durham. 

D. M. Moore 

The genus Cyclamen (A Kew Magazine monograph). C. Grey-Wilson. Pp. 147, 12 colour plates. 
London; Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, in association with Christopher Helm & Timber Press, 
Portland, Oregon. 1988. Price £13.95. (ISBN 0—7470-—1221-0). 

Cyclamen (Primulaceae) is not native in Britain and Ireland but it is a popular garden plant; several 
species are naturalized in woodland gardens (C. hederifolium and C. coum, in particular), and C. 
persicum in the guise of its various, over-blown cultivars is ubiquitous as a pot-plant. The natural 
habitats of the 19 species recognized by Dr Grey-Wilson range from southern France eastwards 
through southern Europe into Asia Minor and northern Iran, with outlying populations in the 
Balearic islands, north Africa and, as has recently been discovered, the Horn of Africa. 


This Kew Magazine monograph, illustrated with full colour portraits of species (and some garden 
variants) by Mary Grierson and line drawings by Judith Gauden, follows the pattern established in 
the first one which treated Paphiopedilum (Orchidaceae). Species are the primary concern; each is 
described in detail, its history is discussed, and natural variation patterns are noted. Cyclamen is a 
notoriously difficult genus to understand, and many wild populations do not readily fit into a neat, 
‘pigeon-hole’ taxonomic system. The long horticultural history of Cyclamen, the numerous garden 
hybrids and minor intraspecific variants recognized and named by gardeners, add to the confusion. 
Chris Grey-Wilson discusses these problems and defines a number of new taxa in his monograph. 

As it is the second book in the Kew Magazine series, I compared it with the first one 
(Paphiopedilum) and was not favourably impressed. While the text is printed clearly, the colour 
plates are reproduced on such poor, thin paper that the image of the Cyclamen on the reverse of 
each sheet, as well as the text opposite that, are visible through the page; this is most distracting. The 
line drawings of Cyclamen are not as expertly executed nor as crisply printed as those of 
Paphiopedilum. It is a pity that the quality of the production has deteriorated, and I hope that this 
trend will be arrested promptly. 

The Cyclamen volume includes blank pages at the end — instead of wasting paper, could the series 
editors not have included information on the sources of the plants depicted? In such a taxonomically 
perplexing genus the provenance of illustrated materials is of considerable significance. Moreover 
properly documented plates would greatly enhance the scientific and historical content of these 
otherwise excellent books. 

For the numerous gardeners with a passion for Cyclamen, this book will be more than welcome as 
it contains substantial information about the cultivation of species and cultivars. For botanists it is an 
excellent introduction to the genus. 


Plant Crib. Compiled by T. C. G. Rich & M. D. B. Rich with the editorial assistance of F. H. 
Perring. Pp. (vii +) 141: numerous line drawings. B.S.B.I. Publications, 24 Glapthorn Road, 
Oundle, Peterborough PE8 4JQ. 1988. Price £8.00, post paid (ISBN 0-—901158—17-8). 

This latest spin-off from the Monitoring Scheme appeared in time for the second season of field 
recording. The book is an aid to the identification of some of the more tricky British flowering 
plants. It is largely based on Wigginton & Graham’s Guide to the identification of some of the more 
difficult vascular plant species, published by the Nature Conservancy Council in 1981, which despite 
its original terms of reference has proved so useful nationally. In addition to making corrections and 
additions to ‘Wigginton & Graham’ (which remains indispensible, since the satisfactory accounts 
are cross-referenced and indexed, but not reprinted), the chief virtue of the Plant Crib is in making 
available in one place a vast range of previously scattered material from published and as yet 
unpublished sources and from a wealth of anecdotal field-knowledge. 

One of the commonest sources used has been the various publications of the B.S.B.I.; reprinting 
of these has occasionally led to overlooking changes of mind on the part of the author (e.g. in 
Gentianella). Some of the sources, however, are less easily available and the re-publication of 
relevant details is a useful service (e.g. the interesting account of Erophila). 

Summaries of much new information are given in Clapham, Tutin & Moore’s Flora of the British 
Isles (3rd edition), but the Plant Crib makes this information more generally available. Accounts 
vary in style and content, from the lavish 10 pages allotted to the Water Buttercups to the simple 
drawings of leaf-shapes of the ‘London Pride’ Saxifrages. The many excellent thumb-nail sketches 
of diagnostic characters make the Plant Crib especially useful. 

The large, traditional ‘critical’ groups are generally omitted, though there are useful new keys to 
Rosa and to the sections of Taraxacum. Four main types of plant group are concentrated on: 
introduced species (e.g. Spiraea, Doronicum), hybrids (e.g. Reynoutria), infraspecific taxa and 
what may be termed ‘old chestnuts’ (e.g. vegetative Littorella/Isoetes/Subularia/Lobelia). 

My one reservation is the inclusion of so many infraspecific taxa (an extreme example of which 


may be seen in the key to Fumaria, which largely reverts to the excellent, but dated, work of Pugsley 
of 1912). They are perhaps inappropriate in what is intended primarily as an aid for field recording. 
Too many of the subspecies and varieties are not clear-cut enough to be recorded without collecting 
vouchers on which any serious study will always rely. 

The usefulness of the Crib will only emerge from extensive testing in the field, and I hope that 
botanists will exploit it to the full. It is exactly the sort of floristic work that the B.S.B.I. should be 
publishing — fiexible in format, practical and affordable. If your favourite nasty group (Callitriche 
for instance) has not been adequately covered, then I am sure the editors would welcome additions 
and amendments. Such a work should be frequently updated and reprinted, if it is to remain useful — 
as implied in the Introduction. 

« H. J. No.tie 

The Flowering Plants and Ferns of the Shetland Islands. W. Scott & R. Palmer. Pp. 468 + ix, with 16 
colour plates. The Shetland Times Ltd., Lerwick. Price £20.00 (ISBN 0-—900662-56-—5). 

The authors of this book have been collaborating on its production for over thirty years and the 
result is a well written, meticulously researched work of fine scholarship. In all aspects it meets the 
authors’ hopes that it represents a considerable advance over previous Shetland Floras. The present 
Flora begins with a ‘General Account of Shetland’ which describes the general environment. It is 
followed by ‘An Outline of Shetland Plant Habitats’ which introduces the most important ecological 
and floristic features of the fifteen main types of plant community recognized by the authors. The 
third chapter is on “The Changing Vegetation of Shetland’ which emphasizes the recent pressures on 
the flora. These are so severe that the authors sadly conclude ““The meagre flora of our islands has 
been severely depleted, our rarities have now become even rarer; we cannot afford to lose much 
more’’. There follows ‘A Botanical Itinerary through Shetland’ which will be of great use to the 
visitor and can conveniently be used in conjunction with the 1:100,000 map of the Shetland Islands 
which is bound in the book’s centre. The maps show the boundaries of the thirty-nine 10-km squares 
which the authors used as the basis for their distribution records. 

There follows an ‘Analysis of the Flora’ which discusses generally the status “ind geographical 
affinities of the Shetland plants including some intriguing contrasts and similarities with the Orkney 
and Faeroe Islands. There is a final introductory Chapter on the ‘History of Botanical Exploration in 

Most of the book concerns detailed accounts of the Shetland taxa and includes a full treatment of 
critical general such as Hieracium and Taraxacum. It is good to read in depth about outstanding 
Shetland rarities such as Arenaria norvegica subsp. norvegica and the.endemic Cerastium nigrescens 
subsp. nigrescens. The authors give excellent taxonomic criticisms on many Shetland taxa. For 
example they reject Druce’s Plantago edmondstonii but favour renewed investigations into the 
taxonomic status of the Shetland sea-cliff Silene dioica. Many of the descriptions are entertaining: I 
would like to know the reasons why (for Trientalis europaea) ‘“women seem particularly successful 
at finding it.””! 

I have little on the negative side to say about this book. I missed any attempt to deal with the non- 
vascular cryptogamic flora of Sheltand. More details of the Quaternary history of the Shetland flora 
would have been welcome along with some speculation on its source. I noticed only one factual 
error: fertiliser addition and surface seeding began in 1966 on the Keen of Hamar — not 1967 as 
implied on p. 30. 

This book is essential for all naturalists who plan to visit Shetland. Its pleasing production and 
high quality colour photographs, combined with its clear and informative text will make it a 
desideratum for most botanical bookshelves. It is a pity that so much of the delight I found in the 
book was tempered by the sombre messages of the third chapter which reveals the great and 
continuing threats to the Shetland flora. 



The naturalist’s garden. John Feltwell. Pp. 160, with numerous black & white and colour plates. 
Ebury Press, London. 1987. Price £12.95 (ISBN 0—85223-661-1). 

There have been histories of gardening written from various viewpoints, e.g. landscape, cultivation, 
plant introduction; but I know of no previous works that have considered the gardeners and garden 
makers as naturalists. This new and revealing point of view has enabled the author to show, for 
example, not only that the Moorish gardens of southern Spain reflect an interest in the ambient 
plants and animals by their mediaeval designers, but that famous gardens of our own day, such as 
Christopher Lloyd’s at Great Dixter, East Sussex, often betray an interest in local wild life. His ‘wild 
lawn’ in famous, and he favours mixed borders rather than beds of roses, for instance, as having the 
advantages of natural communities, attracting varied wild life and reducing attacks of diseases and 

The book is attractively written and illustrated, giving a good general history of gardens and 
gardeners as well as the abovementioned emphasis on their natural history interests. The historical 
sequence is interrupted by chapters on relevant but tangential subjects, such as ‘Birds in the garden’, 
‘North American explorers,’ “The parson-naturalists’ and ‘Encouraging wild flowers’, all of which 
combine to make this book most useful as well as decorative. B.S.B.I. members, in particular those 
who have hitherto confined their interests to truly wild plants, should read it in order to see how 
many aspects of natural history (other than distribution, of course) can be studied in a garden. 

N. K. B. RoBsSON 

The heritage of Clonmacnoise. Edited by M. Tubridy. Pp. 136. Environmental Sciences Unit, 
Trinity College [Dublin] in association with County Offaly Vocational Educational Committee. 
1987. Price not stated (ISBN 0—9512627-0-X, hardback; 0-—9512627-1-8, softback). 

Clonmacnoise, along the River Shannon, is right in the middle of Ireland in the Central Lowlands. It 
is the site of a combination of conservation interests - Mongan Bog, one of the few remaining raised 
bogs left in Western Europe; The Callow, a flat area adjacent to the river which regularly floods in 
winter and occasionally in summer; eskers, formed in rivers 20,000 years ago, which now commonly 
support species-rich grasslands and a number of interesting esker woods; a small lake, Fin Lough, 
which is surrounded by a variety of vegetation types including fen and a distinct community 
associated with lime-rich spring water; and areas of outcropping limestone. As well as this 
considerable diversity of vegetation, the bird life is similarly rich and varied. 

This book represents an attempt to bring together a number of experts, a team from Trinity 
College, Dublin, to record their observations on the Clonmacnoise region. This has been combined 
with fascinating accounts of the early history of the area including the very famous monastery and an 
insight into farming in the area since the 1830s. The result is a most readable work, full of detail, 
illustrations, photographs (some in colour) and maps which form an excellent guide to the history 
and conservation interest of the region and which will become an indispensible guide for any visitor. 
It should serve as a model for any inter-disciplinary approach to conservation areas and the authors 
and sponsors are to be congratulated on a fine combined effort. 


The difficult and critical plants of the Lizard District of Cornwall. L. J. Margetts, assisted by A. J. 
Byfield, R. W. David & P. L. Smith. Pp. x + 77, with 16 b/w plates, 88 distribution maps & 
transparent overlay. Grenfell Publications Ltd., Bristol. 1988. Price £7.95 (ISBN 0—948715-01-4). > 

Much as the Lizard acts as a magnet, it is usually the rare ‘specials’ that attract botanists, with most 
of Britain’s clovers present, masses of Erica vagans (Cornish Heath) and many other taxa of 
extreme rarity in the British Isles. Some of the observations in this neatly presented and closely 
written book are evocative: Polypody ‘‘makes a more or less continuous fringe at shoulder height” 
(for the specialist, both Polypodium interjectum and P. vulgare are meant); the Prickly Sedge, Carex 

muricata subsp. lamprocarpa, grows ‘“‘where the cows are still driven for milking and lightly graze 
the hedges as they pass’’, hedges in Cornwall being solid banks. 

This approach means that other books will be needed for identification, despite the clear and 
succinct descriptions. These include Rubus stanneus, with ‘“‘deeply toothed, overlapping leaflets” 
very characteristic of this bramble, and a one-line description of the leaf, flower and odour of 
Mentha X piperita. The 1-km square dot-maps show the amount of work achieved by the University 
of Bristol’s Lizard Project, from which this book stems; they have researched the Lizard vascular 
flora with great intensity. 

The presentation of the book is stylish, the writing is excellent, and it should inspire readers to 
take (or further) an interest in critical groups. The Lizard itself scarcely needs to be commended to 



The flora of Lough Neagh. J. Harron and B. Rushton. Pp. iii + 270 with 1 colour plate, 3 figures and 
334 plant distribution maps. Irish Naturalists Journal Committee, Belfast and University of Ulster, 
Coleraine. 1986. Price £5.00 (ISBN 0—901229-—82-2). 

Tansley in 1939 observed that L. Neagh fenlands were “‘probably the most extensive in the British 
Isles still remaining comparatively unspoilt”. Unfortunately, even as Tansley was writing, Shephard 
was ‘improving’ the discharge of the R. Lower Bann and regulating lough levels; subsequent 
lowerings of lough levels by 1-5 m markedly reduced the fenlands and, by 30%, the open water area 
of the small macrophyte-rich L. Beg. 

Nearly 50 years after Tansley’s ‘probably’ and ss Spat te comes this excellent volume 
actually recording what is there, a modern stock-taking of the wetland flora associated with L. 
Neagh. Its Introduction concisely reports on the topography and geology of the area, reviews the 
limited evidence of the pre- and post-glacial history of the vegetation and gives a synopsis of the 
drainage activities. The characteristics of the present vegetation (comprising some 700 species) are 
outlined in an Irish context; much of the flora is characteristic of much of lowland Ireland, although 
several species are of particular local significance, such as Ranunculus fluitans which has its only 
known Irish site in the Six Mile Water and Spiranthes romanzoffiana subsp. stricta which is also 
beautifully illustrated in Piper’s coloured frontispiece, while for others L. Neagh appears to be the 
centre of their Irish distribution. The regrettable disappearance of half-a-dozen species including 
Carex buxbaumii and Thelypteris palustris is confirmed. 

Some 200 pages of the book are devoted to the species records based on but authoritatively 
updating three previous and separate floras of the North-East of Ireland, Tyrone, and Armagh 
published in 1888, 1893 and 1942 respectively. There is a most helpful list of field workers, their 
publications and active periods, a clear map of the basin, and a good index. 

The flora is the botanical offspring of a happy marriage of John Harron’s amateur (in the loving 
sense of that oft-misused term) skills and enthusiasm for plants and Brian Rushton’s equal but more 
professional academic talents. Bridesmaids and groomsmen come from a circle of colleagues, 
principally the Belfast Naturalists’ Field Club, the Ulster Museum and the Irish Naturalists Journal. 

Merely to say that the Flora is welcome would be a gross understatement. It comes at a time of 
increasing conservation activity in Ulster’s post-Balfour era and must help in that. At £5.00 
(machine type-set) it is a bargain even if the contents will last much longer than the soft covers. This 
— with the soon-to-appear revision of Stewart and Corry — will serve local botanists well. 

R. B. Woop 

Watsonia, 17, 379-381 (1988) 379 



Professor Irene Manton, born at the turn of the century and who died on 31 May 1988, was one of 
the most remarkable botanists of our time. As a girl she was originally destined to be a musician but, 
by her own account, public appearances as solo violinist at school concerts were traumatic 
experiences. Although she abandoned the idea of music as a career, she remained an accomplished 
performer throughout her life and often relaxed by playing in a quartet. In her latter years at school 
she became a convert to science after reading Newton’s Laws of Motion, which struck her forcibly 
by their elegant simplicity. Her interests were specifically channelled towards cytology by reading E. 
B. Wilson’s book on The Cell (1902), but having won a scholarship to Cambridge she was 
disappointed to find that her undergraduate years there (1923-26) did nothing towards realising her 
ambition of studying chromosomes. However, the award by her College of a postgraduate 
studentship of £150 per annum enabled her to travel to Stockholm to work in Prof. Rosenberg’s 
laboratory (and incidentally to become fluent in Swedish in a very short time!). At this period the 
study of chromosomes involved the lengthy and tedious process of embedding, sectioning and 
staining root tips. This formed the basis of her doctoral thesis, involving a study of 250 species of 
Cruciferae. Her external examiner pointed out a discrepancy between the text and drawings which 
was to have an important effect later on, namely that watercress was described as having 2n = 32 but 
figured with 2n = 48. Fresh material was hastily gathered and processed to determine how the 
discrepancy arose and this proved to have 2n = 64! This was her introduction to a wild polyploid 
series and their sterile hybrid. It was also a portent in that thereby she added a new species to the 
flora by discovering its chromosomes first — a pattern that was to be repeated many times by herself 
and her students in various parts of the world. 

Irene Manton went to the University of Manchester in 1929 as an assistant lecturer on the staff of 
Prof. W. H. Lang, co-author with R. Kidston of the famous series of papers on the Rhynie fossils. 
At this time Lang was interested in the mechanism of aposporously produced plants of the Royal 
Fern, Osmunda regalis, and asked her to look at them cytologically. From this work arose the classic 
papers on chromosome structure, together with the autoploid series of diploid, triploid and 
tetraploid plants which provided such excellent teaching material for future generations of 

During a short visit to Egypt, Dr J. Philp at the Cotton Research Institute showed her some slides 
of meiotic cells prepared by McClintock’s method. This consisted of staining in aceto-carmine and 
placing a coverslip on top — the weight of the coverslip slightly flattening the soft cells. She took up 
this new technique with enthusiasm and greatly improved it by applying heavy manual pressure to 
the coverslip. This produced perfectly flat cells in which all the chromosomes could be seen in one 
plane and made possible the accurate counting of the high numbers found in the ferns — something 
that had defeated previous cytologists. 

World War II brought restrictions on printing and Irene Manton had accumulated at Manchester 
such a wealth of material on the entire British fern flora that to publish it piecemeal when 
restrictions were lifted would have taken an unacceptable length of time and the decision was taken 
to incorporate it all in book form. In the meantime she had been appointed to the Chair of Botany at 
Leeds in 1946. Here, her incredible energy not only enabled her to run and re-equip the Department 
(delegation was not in vogue in those days!), but also rapidly to build up a very flourishing research 
school, and take on a full teaching load. Nevertheless at the end of each day she would settle down 
to do up to nine hours research. Weekends were an added bonus only interrupted by the necessity of 
a few hours sleep and snatched meals. One outcome of all this workload was the streamlining of the 
mechanics of research by using photographic methods wherever possible in order to eliminate much 
of the traditional drawing. This was of critical importance and set new standards, since she adopted 
as her maxim ‘what cannot be photographed cannot be used in evidence’. 


The book, Problems of cytology and evolution in the Pteridophyta, was published in 1950 and 
proved to be a landmark of much wider importance than its title might suggest. Not only were many 
problems in the British fern flora resolved, but it effectively disposed of the view held by many 
European flowering plant cytologists that polyploidy was a direct outcome of the cold experienced 
during the Ice Age. This was reinforced by the joint publication with W. A. Sledge in 1954 of the 
cytological survey of the ferns of Ceylon which showed an even higher percentage of polyploidy in 
this tropical island. The advent of the book stimulated research all over the world with the result that 
the ferns are now one of the best known groups of plants cytologically, despite the late start. 

The frontispiece of the book depicts a fern spermatozoid as seen under the ultra-violet 
microscope at a magnification of x 3000. In this some of the cilia can be seen to have disintegrated 
into their fibrillar components and the observation led to the next great phase of her research which 
was to occupy Irene Manton for the rest of her life, namely the fine structure of cells and their 
components. Following what was literally a flying visit to the Rockefeller Institute in New York to 
work with an electron microscope, she soon established at Leeds the first electron microscope 
laboratory in the world devoted to the fine structure of plants. Initially work was concentrated on 
the structure of cilia in motile plant cells such as spermatozoids and zoospores. The structure of two 
central strands surrounded by nine outer ones was demonstrated to be common to all groups of 
plants with such motile cells. The quality of the photographic proof and the manner of presentation 
were, as always, of the highest standard and I well remember the whole audience giving her a 
standing ovation after her lecture at the International Botanical Congress in Paris in 1954. This work 
continued with investigations into other organelles such as plastids, vacuoles, and Golgi apparatus 
and much of what is now student textbook knowledge dates from this work.  — 

The algae had always been a great interest of hers and much of the early scanning electron 
microscopy was based on these plants, some of it done in collaboration with Mary Parkes at the 
Marine Laboratory, Plymouth. The remarkable scale structures seen in the Chrysophyceae linked 
up with another of her passions, and the walls of Botany House were covered with SEM 
micrographs alternating with prints of modern abstract art without one feeling any sense of 
incongruity. During her time at Leeds, Irene Manton amassed a large and valuable collection of 
Chinese and modern abstract art — both prints and originals — and she delighted in staging 
exhibitions of these, the last one being at Lancaster University earlier this year. 

Retirement in effect meant the shedding of administrative and teaching duties in order to devote 
herself fulltime to research and her other interests. Much of this period was taken up with a study of 
the structure and distribution of nanoplankton, taking her on collecting trips to Greenland, Hudson 
Bay and Resolute Bay, Alaska, South Africa and the Galapagos Islands. Many papers resulted from 
this, with one major paper a month being maintained over a number of years. Her style of writing 
was instantly recognizable and her accounts were often racy, but always models of clarity. The 
quality of her work was recognized by her election to the Royal Society and to the Presidency of the 
Linnean Society of London, together with the award of honorary degrees from several countries and 
other honours in the form of medals and citations. 

From all this it will be gathered that Irene Manton was a person of enormous energy, a quality 
much in demand in Botany House at Leeds, where her office was on the first floor, the SEM and 
darkrooms in the basement and the optical bench on the first floor — to say nothing of the teaching 
laboratories being located in a different part of the University and the experimental gardens about a 
mile away! One of my abiding memories as a student is of trailing panting after her in an effort to 
keep up. 

Her relationship with her research students was warm, and they were collectively always 
affectionately known to her as “The Young”. It was as “The Young” that we remained despite the 
passage of the years and the acquisition of families of our own who were in their turn included in the 




Charles Petch died suddenly at his home in Wolferton, Norfolk on 8 December 1987. Born and 
educated in the county, he was recording the local flora whilst still at school at Gresham’s. 

He was one of a party of six from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge to visit the deserted 
island of St Kilda in 1931 (the inhabitants had been evacuated in 1930), and his paper on “The 
vegetation of St Kilda’ was published in J. Ecol. 21: 92-100 (1933). After obtaining first class 
Honours in Natural Sciences from St John’s College, Cambridge, he taught at Stowe. He then 
returned to his former college and frorh there went to St Thomas’ Hospital, qualifying as a physician 
in 1939. During World War II he served as a Medical Officer in the R.A.F. In 1948 he was appointed 
consultant physician to St Hellier Hospital, Carshalton, a position he held until his retirement in 

Whilst still at St Thomas’, Charles married Margaret Stirling. She and their two sons would 
frequently accompany him in the field. A most hospitable family, they were always ready to 
entertain a grubby and noisy party of botanists to tea after a field meeting. 

Charles joined the B.S.B.I. in 1952 and with the inception of the Mapping Scheme soon had his 
family out ‘square bashing’ in Norfolk. He was a meticulous recorder. In 1962, West Norfolk plants 
today, with E. L. Swann, was published as a supplement to Proc. bot. Soc. Br. Isl. 4(1962). After his 
retirement Charles was appointed recorder for v.c. 28 and served on the Council of the B.S.B.I. 

Although he lived and worked in Surrey, and Surrey botanists like to claim him as their own, his 
heart was in Norfolk, and it was there that he carried outt the major part of his botanical and 
ecological work, often in collaboration with Eric Swann. Every holiday and on many weekends, 
Charles, his family and his ’cello could be seen setting off in his old silver-grey Bentley in the 
direction of Norfolk, where he kept a caravan and a boat. He was a member of the Norfolk and 
Norwich Naturalists’ Society, of which he was elected President for the year 1981-82. He 
contributed many papers on West Norfolk for the Society’s Transactions, and to commemorate 
their centenary they published the Flora of Norfolk by C. P. Petch and E. L. Swann in 1968. 

More recently he was a major contributor to the Ecological Flora of Breckland, edited by P. J. O. 
Trist, though he was critical of the random sampling method of recording, especially as it always 
seemed just to miss the rarities. He certainly knew the precise location of the interesting species in 
his neighbourhood. None of this “Well, it’s along here somewhere”’: he knew exactly where to stop 
his car to point out to me the Berberis in the hedgerow or the rosettes of Verbascum pulverulentum. 
This was just as well if the weather was too appalling to open the car doors! 

In Surrey Charles was a founder member of the Surrey Flora Committee in 1957, and a 
contributor to the Flora of Surrey (Lousley 1976). Following the sudden death of Ted Lousley in 
1976, Charles Petch and Cecil Prime saw the Flora through to publication. Charles was elected to 
the S.F.C. in 1971, serving on it until his death. He was a very active member of the Committee, 
undertaking site recording and regularly attending field meetings. The area of Surrey that he chose 
to work in detail was the Lower Greensand around Leith Hill — perhaps because this was 
reminiscent of his native Norfolk, to which he later retired. 

He was also a competent mycologist. This had been his father’s profession. He led fungal forays in 
Surrey and Norfolk, and as his elder son writes, “‘the quality of our breakfasts was radically 
improved by his knowledge.” 

Charles was a reticent man, quick-tempered but with a pleasing sense of humour. ‘‘What has it to 
do with Norfolk County Council?”’, he inquired, when I referred to the N.C.C. at a Surrey meeting. 
I now realize that he must have had exceptional organizational ability. How else could he have 
managed a hospital consultancy, a private practice, beagling, sailing, walking, playing the ’cello, 
entertaining, and still contribute so much to the botanical and ecological knowledge of the counties 
of Surrey and Norfolk? 


Watsonia, 17, 382-383 (1988) 



Following the Presidential Address, the Annual General Meeting of the Society was held at 12.15 
hrs in the Jodrell Laboratory Lecture Theatre, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, by kind permission of 
the Director. 120 members were present. Professor C. A. Stace, President, took the Chair, 
apologies for absence were read, and the Minutes of the 1987 Annual General Meeting, as 
published in Watsonia 17: 119-120 (1988), were approved and signed by the President. 


The total of 4,760 survey cards sent in by B.S.B.I. members by the end of the first year of the 
Monitoring Scheme was added to the Report, and it was noted that the records were being entered 
on to the computer and copies of the cards were being returned to participants for the second year of 
field work. In the Conservation Committee report a sentence was amended to “letters had been sent 
supporting the opposition to three major conservation threats . . .”. The adoption of the Report 
was then proposed by Mr E. Milne-Redhead, seconded by Mr R. G. Ellis and passed unanimously. 


The Treasurer, proposing the adoption of his Report and Accounts, offered to clarify any points, 
but there were no queries. The adoption of the Report was seconded by Mr G. LI. Lucas and 
unanimously approved. 


The President proposed Mrs M. Briggs and Mr M. Walpole for re-election as Honorary General 
Secretary and Honorary Treasurer, warmly thanking both for their major roles in the running of the 
Society. Their re-election was seconded by Dr T. C. G. Rich and carried by the meeting with 


In accordance with Rule 10, nominations had been received for Dr S. L. Jury, Dr P. S. Wyse 
Jackson and Mr N. F. Stewart; these were elected unanimously. The President then thanked all the 
Editors and Secretaries appointed by Council — their considerable work for the Society was very 
much appreciated; in particular Mr R. Smith, Field Secretary, the Secretaries of all the Committees, 
and the Editors of all the Society’s publications. The achievements of the Society through the year 
were very largely due to the time and work given voluntarily by them to the Society. 


Proposing Dr N. K. B. Robson from the Chair, the President referred to Dr Robson's 21 years of 
service as an Editor of Watsonia. The Society was exceedingly grateful for this very long term of 
service and Dr Robson would be one of our most deserving Honorary Members. In reply, Dr 
Robson wished the whole Editorial team to be included in the thanks, saying that his work as Editor 


had brought him much interest and enjoyment, and many contacts. He added that all aspects of the 
B.S.B.I. had been a pleasure to him since he first joined the Society. 


The Chairman proposed the re-election of Grant Thornton, West Walk, Leicester, as Honorary 
Auditors, and the Treasurer, asking for a letter of thanks to be sent, said that the Society was 
fortunate to have a firm of international standing named below the Annual Accounts. 


_ Mr E. Milne-Redhead asked if the Conservation Committee had considered his request for a 
recommendation to the Ministry of Transport on sowing wild flower seeds on motorway verges. 
Praising his County Council for their co-operation in sowing local wild flower seeds on minor roads, 
Mr Milne-Redhead said that in Suffolk they would welcome a similar policy for motorways and 
trunk roads. A lively discussion followed as Dr J. G. Dony reported a confusion of locally rare 
plants recorded after wild flower seed sowing. In Bedfordshire and Hampshire there was a strong 
feeling that no wild flower seeds should be sown, but that new verges should be left to natural 
colonization. Opinions from the floor were divided and the subject was referred to the Conservation 
Committee for discussion on the practicability of formulating a B.S.B.I. policy on this matter. 
Mr R. M. Bateman asked whether both the date of receipt and of acceptance for publication 
could be recorded for papers published in Watsonia. This point was taken and referred to the 
Editors. Mr Bateman also asked if the general Editorial policy and aims for the journal could be 
stated in more detail than in the ‘Instructions to Contributors’ currently printed in Watsonia. The 
Editors replied that a longer statement on this was planned and will be published in B.S. B.J. News. 
The meeting closed at 12.58 hrs. x 

M. Briccs 

i 2 




ag Wf & 


Mi. 8 


B.S.B.I. Conference Reports 

Ed. A. J. Wilmott, 1948, 104 pages, 18 plates. £5.25. 


Ed. J. E. Lousley, 1951. 128 pages, illustrations and maps. 


Ed. J. E. Lousley, 1953. 203 pages, 9 plates, 25 text figs. 

Ed. J. E. Lousley, 1955. 189 pages, 2 plates and 23 text figs. £5.25. 

Ed. J. E. Lousley, 1957. 128 pages, 4 plates and 9 text figs. £5.25. 


Ed. P. J. Wanstall, 1961. 140 pages, 7 plates, 12 text figs. 


Ed. P. J. Wanstall, 1963. 118 pages, 1 plate (map), 9 text figs. 


Ed. E. Milne — Redhead, 1963. 90 pages. 


Ed. J. G. Hawkes, 1966. 182 pages, 1 plate, 9 text figs. 


Ed. V. H. Heywood, 1968. 312 pages, numerous text figs. 
Held in association with the Linnean Society of London. 


Ed. F. H. Perring, 1970. 158 pages, 21 text figs. £3.50 (1973 reprint). 


Ed. D. H. Valentine, 1972. 431 pages, numerous text figs and tables. Held in association with 
The Linnean Society of London and the International Organisation of Plant Biosystematists. 


Ed. P. S. Green, 1973. 232 pages, 8 plates and 24 text figs. £3.20. 


Ed. M. G. Morris & F. H. Perring, 1974. 376 pages, illustrations. £8.25 


Ed. S. M. Walters, with the assistance of C. J. King, 1975. 144 pages and 4 plates. Held in 
association with the Linnean Society of London. £3.80. 


Ed. A. J. Richards, 1978. 213 pages and 31 plates. Held in association with the Linnean 
Society of London. £45. 


Ed. H. Synge, 1981. 586 pages and numerous text figs. Held in association with the Linnean 
Society of London. £49.95. 


Ed. R. Vickery, 1984. 260 pages. Held in association with the Folklore Society. £7.50. 

Ed. M. Jones, 1987. 128 pages and numerous text figs. Held in association with the Association 
of Environmental Archaeologists. £15. 


Ed. H. J. Noltie, 1987. 192 pages, 25 black and white illustrations. Held in association with the 
Botanical Society of Edinburgh and The Society for the History of Natural History. £21.50. 

Items marked with an asterisk are in print and available from BSBI Publications, 24 Glapthorn 
Road, Oundle, Peterborough PE8 4JQ, at the prices stated (postage included). 


Papers and Short Notes concerning the systematics and distribution of British and European 
vascular plants as well as topics of a more general character are invited. 

Manuscripts must be submitted in duplicate, typewritten on one side of the paper only, with wide 
margins and double-spaced throughout. They should follow recent issues of Watsonia in all matters 
of format, including abstracts, headings, tables, keys, figures, references and appendices. Note 
particularly use of capitals and italics. Only underline where italics are required. 

Tables, appendices and captions to figures should be typed on separate sheets and attached at the 
end of the manuscript. Names of periodicals in the references should be abbreviated as in the World 
list of scientific periodicals, and herbaria as in Kent & Allen’s British and Irish herbaria. Line 
drawings should be in Indian ink on good quality white card, blue-lined graph paper or tracing 
paper. They should be drawn at least twice the final size and they will normally occupy the full width 
of the page. Lettering should be done in Letraset or by high-quality stencilling, though graph axes 
and other more extensive labelling are best done in pencil and left to the printer. Photographs can be 
accepted only in exceptional cases. 

Contributors are strongly advised to consult the editors before submission in any cases of doubt. 
25 offprints are given free to authors of papers and Short Notes. Further copies may be purchased in 
multiples of 25 at the current price. The Society takes no responsibility for the views expressed by 
authors of articles. 

Papers and Short Notes should be sent to Dr R. J. Gornall, Botany Department, The University, 
Leicester, LE1 7RH. Books for review should be sent to Dr J. R. Edmondson, Liverpool Museum, 

William Brown Street, Liverpool, L3 8EN. Plant records should be sent to the appropriate vice- 
county recorders. Reports of field meetings should be sent to Dr B. S. Rushton, Biology Department, 
The University of Ulster, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry, N. Ireland, BT52 1SA. 


MAGGS BROS. LTD. Rare books 

autographs, manuscripts and miniatures 

Cable address: Bibliolite London W1 Telephone: 01-493 7160 


available free on request 

hybrids i ift the British Isles © Bs 

PARNELL, J. A. No & SIMPSON, D. A. oe id 
mite Schrank, P. minus Huds - Farce 

flora x? ieee ee ae aE 
PRESTON, C. D. The spread of Elobin 

wasters Fife 

‘Preston, C.D. Types of Panangieen 
and P. natans subsp. kirkii Hooker oe 

Stace; C. A. & Al-Bermani, A 
Festulpia combinations: <;: 

Williams, L. R. Crataegus x. mene Bechst. in 0 Mi idl 
Book REVIEWS °.. firs tne eal Rone oe 
OBITUARIES es JR ean AG ag Kees 

Annual General Meeting, 7 May 1988 pee 

Published by the Botanical Society of the British Isles 

UK ISSN 0043-1832 

Filmset by 

Printed in Great Britain by 



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