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Vol. 22 No. 3 
June 30 1999 

Print Post Approved 
PP 6358 23/00015 
ISSN 0726 9609 

Western Australian 
Naturalists’ Club 

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wanton destruction of native flora and fauna. 




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Vol.22 30th June 1999 No. 3 


Science and Information Division, 
Department of Conservation and Land Management, 
Woodvale, PO. Box 51, Wanneroo, WA, 6065 


The Porongurup National Park contains a flora of at least 822 species 
of vascular plant Of these 709 are natives and 113 are weeds. A 
feature of the range is the number of wet temperate species, including 
one of the dominant trees (Karri- Eucalyptus diversicolor) at their 
inland margins. There are 10 taxa endemic to the range and brief 

notes are given on their biology. 


The Porongurup National Park (Reserve 
18978)is found approximately 35 
kilometres north-east of Albany and 
encompasses within an area of 2,511 
hectares the bulk of the Porongurup 
Range. This granite range rises to a 
maximum height of 670 metres at 
Devil’s Slide and runs in an east-west 

There have been two previous lists of 
vascular plants prepared for the ranges. 

The first list was compiled by members 
of the Botany Department, University of 
Western Australia from student field 
camps and granite rock studies (Smith, 
1962) and listed 221 species (Botany 
Department, 1970). The second by 
Abbott (1982) listed the flora of the 
Range itself, above 300 metres and 
listed 368 species. 

The current list is based on these 
previous lists and extensive field survey 
of the endemics of the Range mainly 
undertaken in 1986 and 1987. 



The major vegetation formations listed 
for the Range by Beard (1976) are 
Jarrah ( Eucalyptus marginata) and Marri 
(Eucalyptus calophylb) tall to low forest 
to low woodland which occurs on lower 
slopes and poorer sandy, duplex or 
lateritic soils. In this vegetation 
community a diverse range of shrubs and 
herbs form the understorey. Karri (E. 
diversicolor) tall forest centred on the 
creek lines and lower slopes of the 
range. This forest has a variable 
understorey of tall shrubs of Acacia 
urophylla, Trymalium floribundum, 
Hibbertia serrata, Pimelea sylvestris and 
vines such as Clematis pubescens and 
Kennedia coccinea. 

Rising above the Karri forest are the 
bare granite domes of the range, these 
granite areas contain moss fields, with 
their associated herbfields (Smith, 
1962). Along the rock rills and in 
depressions where deeper soils are found 
are shrublands of Brachysema 
subcordatum, Acacia heteroclita and 
Agonis linearifolia over sedges of 
L epidosf)erma gfadiatum and herbs such as 
Stypandra glauca . Between this 
community and the Karri forest are low 
woodlands of Bullich ( Eucalyptus 
megacarlxi) of Yate (Eucalyptus cornuta) 
often with a similar understorey to the 

There are also number of minor 
communities which Beard did not map 
separately, including small areas of 
Mallee heath dominated by Eucalyptus 
tetragona or Eucalyptus decipiens. 
Another small community Melaleuca 
preissiana low woodland over 
Pericalymma ellipticum shrubland 
wetland on the western Margin of the 
Park, contains numerous wetland 
species only recorded from this area and 
is thus listed separately in Appendix 1. 

Current records of the vascular flora 
present inside the boundaries of the 
national Park are given in Appendix 1. 
These records are listed under the major 
vegetation types of Jarrah, Karri, granite 
slopes, but also includes the western 

Despite it’s small size and limited range 
of habitat’s the flora of the park is rich, 
being composed of over 822 ( 709 
natives and 113 weeds)taxa of vascular 
plants. Of these 10 are Ferns and Fern 
allies, 222 are Monocotyledons and 590 
are Dicotyledons. 

There has been a long history of 
disturbance in the Park from grazing, 
timber cutting, partial clearing, roads 
for stock transportation and 
settlements (Burchell, undated) 
which has resulted in the 
introduction of many alien plants and 
created the disturbed areas for their 
establishment. Of the 113 taxa of 
weeds in the park, the major weeds 
are along creek lines are Blackberries 
(Rubus species), Forget Me Nots 
(Myosotis sylvatica). In areas of past 
disturbance Dolichos Pea ( Dolichos 
lignosus), Silky Wattle (Acacia 
dealbata), Taylorina (Psoralea 
pinnata). Potentially very serious 
weeds (Arum Lily and Watsonia) of 
these areas are present in the park. 
As illustrated by Taylor (1990) 
annual grasses are a major threat to 
the granite rock communities. 
Control of these weeds is discussed in 
the recent draft management plan 
(Herford etal, 1997). 

The largest families are the Cyperaceae 
(31 natives, 2 weeds), Orchidaceae (57 
natives, I weed), Poaceae (17 natives, 
17 weeds), Asteraceae (38 natives, 16 
weeds, Epacridaceae (31 natives), 
Mimosaceae (21), Myrtaceae (44), 
Papilionaceae (47 natives, 11 weeds) 
and the Proteaceae (52 natives). 



Because of the granitic soils and run-off 
from the range there are a number of 
species at the inland margins of their 
ranges. These taxa include: 

Adiantium aethiopicum, Carex appressa, 
Dampiera hederacea, Dcirwinia citriodora, 
Eucalyptus diversicolor, Gonocarpus 
diffusus, Hakea falcata, Hibbertia serrata, 
Hydrocotyle plebeja, Isolepis inundata, 
Lysinema lasiantha, Ozothamnus ramosus, 
Persoonia elliptica, Picris angustifolia, 
Rorippa dictyosjxrma, Scaevola auriculata, 
Senecio ramosissimus, Trachymene 
anisocarpa, Thryptomene saxicola and 
Xanthorrhoea gracilis. 

While most plants of the park are 
normal components of the Jarrah, Karri 
and granite rocks in the higher rainfall 
areas of southern Western Australia. 
Many of the normal important 
components of the Karri forest are 
absent, notably Karri Wattle (Acacia 
pentadenia), Karri Oak ( Chorilaena 
quercifolia) and L asiopetalurn 

Only one species appears to be at its 
south-western margin in the park, this 
is Calectasiagrandijlora. 


There are 5 species ( Brachysema 
subcordatum, Billardiera granulata, 
Hibbertia bracteosa, Villarsia calthifolia and 
Villarsia marchantii) and 5 subspecies/ 
varieties.( Acacia dnimmondii ssp. elegans 
(Porungurup variant. R.J. Cummings 
938), Acacia heteroclita ssp. valida , A [mm 
tyrostratum ssp. "phillipii", Conospermum 
caeruleum ssp. adpressum and Stylidium 
corymbosum var proliferum) endemic to 
the Range. Brief notes are presented on 
their distribution and biology. 

Acacia drummondii ssp. elegans 

^°m 0 ^ UrU P var * an L RJ. Cummings 
938). This low shrub is found on 
lateritic and loam soils in Jarrah forest 
of the western half of the range. Killed 
by fire and occurs abundantly after fires. 
This taxon like Conospermum caendeum 
ssp. adpressum probably occurred outside 
the range before clearing. 

Acacia heteroclita ssp. valida. This large 
spreading shrub occurs between 
Yalperungup and Twin Peaks around 
the base of the granite rock sheets or 
along rock rills. Killed by fire, 
regenerates f rom seed. 

Apium prostration ssp. phillipii ms An 
erect perennial herb from a tuberous 
rootstock. Confined to creeklines in 
Bullich or Karri forest near the base or 
below the granite slopes. Pollination 
and response to fire unknown. 

Brachysema subcordatum This is a 
suckering shrub, confined to rills, often 
dominating this vegetation between 
Yalperungup and Castle Rock. 
Pollinated by birds. Adult plants are 
killed by fire, massive seedling 
regeneration occurs after fires. First 
flowering occurs 2 -3 years after the 

Billardiera granulata A slender vine to 5 
metres. Killed by fire, occurring in 
abundance after fires often dominating 
the shrub layer in burnt Bullich stands 
for 3-10 years after fire Pollinated by 
solitary bees. Occurs from Yalperungup 
to Castle Rock in Bullich or Yate 
woodlands, on rock rills and 
occasionally along creek lines in the 
Karri forest. 

Conospermum caendeum ssp. adpressum. 
A tufted slender small shrub found only 
in one area of heath/shrubland on 
coarse sands. Probably extended beyond 
the park on this soil/vegetation type 
before clearing. Pollinated by solitary 


bees. Adult plants killed by fire, very 
susceptible to Phytophthora cinnamomii 
(dieback disease). 

Hibbertia bracteosa. Unlike most 
Hibbertias which are low woody shrubs, 
this species is a spreading rhizomatous 
herbaceous sub-shrub. Flowering in late 
spring, it occurs from Yalperungup to 
Nancy’s Peak. Pollinated by native bees 
and syrphid flies. Killed by fire 
regenerates prolifically from seed. A 
large number of plants died during the 
severe drought summers of 1986/87, 
however, populations have regenerated 
from seed, flowering in 18 months from 

Stylidium corymbosum var prdiferum. A 
spreading stilt rooted perennial herb in 
moss swards on granite slopes between 
Nancy’s Peak and Yalperungup. Killed 
by fire. Pollination unknown. 
Collections that may be this taxon have 
recently been collected from Mount 

Villarsia calthifolia . Unlike most other 
species which are aquatics, the following 
species, a short lived perennial herb 
from a tuberous rootstock,does not 
occur in water but is the only terrestial 
member of the genus. Confined to shady 
areas on granite slopes and rock rills, 
occasionally under Bullich woodland 
between Yalperungup and Castle Rock. 
Killed by fire, regenerating prolifically 
from seed after fires. Seedlings rarely 
noted otherwise. Plants can flower the 
spring after sowing in cultivation but 
normally flowering occurs the next 
spring in the wild. 

Vilhrsia marchantii. Like the previous 
species, a short lived perennial herb 
from a tuberous rootstock, it, however, 
is normally found along creeklines in 
the Karri forest between Castle Rock 
and Gibraltar Rock. At Devils Slide it 
does occur marginally sympatrically with 
V. calthifolia where a creek commences 

on the upper slopes in a rock rill. Here 
there is a large hybrid zone present 
between the two species. Killed by fire, 
regenerating prolifically from seed. 

Most of the endemic taxa (Brach;yse?Tw 
subcordatum, Billardiera granulata, 
Hibbertia bracteosa, Villarsia calthifolia, 
Villarsia marclumtii, Acacia heteroclita ssp. 
valida and Stylidium corymbosutn var 
prdiferum) are confined to the massive 
granite rocks above the forest cover. 
They are largely found in the western 
section of the park where these exposures 
are largest. Interestingly although they 
grow in relatively fire free environments, 
most are killed by fire and often only 
prolifically regenerate after sporadic 
summer fires penetrate the rock rills and 
moss swards where they grow. 


Porongurup National Park despite its 
small size is of considerable 
conservation significance. It contains a 
rich flora of over 822 taxa of vascular 
plants of which 709 are native. 
Currently 10 taxa are endemic to the 
Range. Another major feature of the 
isolated granite range is that it harbours 
at least 26 vascular plant taxa at their 
inland margins, usually disjunct from 
the coast around Albany or Denmark. 

The major forest tree Karri ( Eucalyptus 
diversicolor ) is one of these taxa. The 
tree is genetically distinct in this 
isolated area (Coates and Sokolowski. 
1989) and the understorey is floristically 
simpler than in the main forest block 
extending from West Cape Howe to 
Manjimup. This suggests that, as noted 
by Churchill (1968) the Karri, and 
associated taxa have been isolated here 
for over 5,000 years as Karri contracted 
to it’s current range. Other taxa at their 
margins may also be genetically distinct 
and deserve study. 


The continued conservation of this 
island of specific and genetic diversity is 
the future challenge. 


ABBOTT, 1. 1982. The Vascular Flora 
of the Porongurup Range, South- 
Western Australia. Western Australian 
Herbarium Research Notes 7: 1-16. 

ANON 1970, unpublished. Botany Field 
Camp Notes, ? compiled by G.G. Smith 
and A.M. Baird, 30 pages. 

BEARD, J.S. 1979. The Vegetation of 
the Albany and Mount Barker Areas. 
Vegetation Survey of Western Australia. 
Vegmap Publications, Fraser Road, 

BURCHELL, A. (undated) Porongurup, 
Western Australia, History and Tour 
Guide. Porongurup Promotions 

CHURCHILL, D.M. 1968. The 

Distribution and Prehistory of 
Eucalyptus diversicolor F. Muell., E. 
marginata Donn ex Sm., and E. 
calophylla R.Br. in Relation to Rainfall. 
Australian Journal of Botany 16: 125— 

R.E. 1989. Geographic Patterns of 
Genetic Diversity in Karri (Eucalyptus 
diversicolor F.Muell.). Australianjournal 
of Botany 37:145-156. 

M. ( H1NE, C. MCCAW, L. and 
KEIGHERY, G.J. 1997. Stirling Ranges 
and Porongurup National Parks, Draft 
Management Plan. CALM. 

SMITH, G.G. 1962. The Flora of the 
Granite Rocks of the Porongurup 
Range, South Western Australia Jourrial 
Royal Society of Western Australia 45: 

TAYLOR, J. 1990. Australias SouthWest 
and Our Future. Kangaroo Press. 

Appendix 1: Porongurup National Park Flora List 
Key: * * indicates a naturalised alien species; ms indicates a manuscript name, not yet formally 
published; GK11314 indicatycs a voucher collection held in PERTH Herbarium; (Habita t 
Code: GR - Granite, SW - Swamp, JA - Jarrah, KA - Karr i) 

Taxon Name GR SW JA KA 


Adiantum aethiopicum + 

Anogramma leptophylla + 

Cheilanthes austrotenuifolia + + + + 


Carpobrotus modestus + 


* Allium triquetrum + 

* Nothoscordum gracile + 


* Amaryllis belladonna + 


Agrostocrinum scabrum + + 

Arthropodium capillipes + 


Taxon Name 


Borya sphaerocephala 
Caesia micrantha 
Caesia occidentals 

Chamaescilla corymbosa var. corymbosa 
Johnsonia acaulis 
Johnsonia teretifolia 
Laxmannia sessiliflora subsp australis 
Sowerbaea laxiflora 
Thysanotus manglesianus 
Thysanotus multiflorus 
Thysanotus patersonii 
Thysanotus thyrsoideus 
Tricoryne elatior 
Tricoryne humilis 

Actinotus glomeratus 
Apium prostratum subsp. phillipii ms 
Centclla asiatica 
Daucus glochidiatus 
Homalosdadium homalocarpum 
Hydrocotyle alata 
Hydrocotyle blepharocarpa 
Hydrocotyle callicarpa 
Hydrocotyle diantha 
Hydrocotyle hirta 
Hydrocotyle plebeja 
Hydrocotyle scutellifera 
Platysace compressa 
Platysace pend u la 
Schoenolaena tenuior 
Trachymene anisocarpa 
Trachymene pilosa 
Xanthosia pusilla 

Xanthosia rotundifolia var. rotundifolia 
Xanthosia singuliflora 

* Zantedeschia aethiopica 

Bulbine semibarbata 

Asplenium aethiopicum 
Asplenium flabellifolium 

* Arctotheca calendula 
Brachyscome ciliaris 

* Carduus pycnoccphalus 

* Centaurea melitensis 
Centipeda cunninghamii 




+ + 























+ + 








+ + 

+ + 













Taxon Name 


* Cirsium vulgare 

* Conyza albida 

* Conyza bonariensis 

* Cotula bipinnata 
Cotula cotuloides 

* Cotula turbinata 
Craspedia variabilis 

* Crepis capillaris 
Gnaphalium gymnocephalum 
Gnaphalium sp. GJK10095 
Gnaphalium sphaericum 
Gnephosis drummondii 
Helichrysum macranthum 
Hyalosperma cotula 
Hyalosperma pusillum 

* Hypochaeris glabra 
lxiolaena viscosa 
Lagenifcra huegelii 
Millotia myosotidifolia 
Millotia tcnuifolia 
Olearia ciliata 
Olearia paucidentata 
Gzothamnus ramosus 
Picris angustifolia 
Picris sp(GK10964) 

Pithocarpa corymbulosa 
Podolepis gracilis 
Podolepis lessonii 
Podotheca angustifolia 

* Pscudognaphalium luteo-album 
Pterochaeta paniculata 
Quinetia urvillei 

Rutidosls multiflora 
Senecio glomeratus 
Senecio hispidulus 
Senecio minimus var. minimus 
Senecio quadridentatus 
Senecio ramosissimus 

* Sigesbeckia orientalis 
Siloxerus humifusus 

* Soliva pterosperma 

* Sonchusasper 
Sonchus hydrophilus 

* Sonchus oleraceus 
Trichocline spathulata 

* Vellercophyton dealbatum 
Vittadinia australasica 
Waitzia nitida 




















+ + 

+ + 

+ + 







+ + 


+ + 




+ + 








4 - + 


+ + 





Taxon Name 


Waitzia suaveolens 

* Myosotis sylvatica 

* Lepidium bonariense 
L pseudo-tasmanicum 
Rorippa dictyosperma 


Wahlenbergia gracilenta 
Wahlenbergia littoricola 
Wahlenbergia multicaulis 

* Ccrastium glomeratum 

* Moenchia erecta 

* Petrohagia velutina 

* Polycarpon tctraphyllum 

* Sagina apetala 

* Silene gallica 

* Spcrgularia rubra 

* Scellaria media 

Allocasuarina fraseriana 
Allocasuarina humilis 
Aphclia cyperoides 
Aphelia drummondii 
Aphelia nutans 
Ccntrolepis aristata 
Centrolepis drummondiana 
Ccntrolepis glabra 
Ccntrolepis polygyna 
Centrolepis strigosa 

Chenopodium pumilio 

Hypericum gramineum 

Burchardia congesta 
Burchardia multiflora 
Wurmbca dioica 
Dichondra repens 

Crassula colorata var. colorata 
Crassula colorata var. tuberculata 

* Crassula decumbens 

* Crassula natans 
Crassula pedicellosa 






+ + 

+ + 


+ + + 



+ + + 




+ + + 



+ + 



+ + 



+ + 

+ + 






+ + 

+ + + + 

+ + 





Taxon Name 


Crassula peduncularis 
Crassula sieberiana subsp. tetramera 
* Cuscuta epithymum 

Baumea juncea 


Carex inversa 


Carex apprcssa 


Cyathochaeta avenacea 


Cypcrus tenellus 



Evandra aristata 


Gahnia trifida 


lsolepis congrua 



Isolepis cyperoides 



lsolepis inundata 



Isolepis marginata 


Isolepis nodosa 


lsolepis oldfieldiana 



Isolepis prolifera 


lsolepis stellata 



Ixpidcsperma angustatum 


Lepidospenna effusum 



Lepidosperma gladiatum 


Lepidosperma tcnue 


Lepidospenna tetraquetrum 


Mesomelaena graciliceps 


Mesomelaena pseudostygia 


Mesomelaena tetragona 


Schoenus caespititius 



Schoenus curvifoiius 


Schoenus humilis 



Schoenus lanatus 


Schoenus minutulus 


Schoenus subbulbosus 


Schoenus subflavus 


Tetraria capillaris 


Tctraria octandra 



Tricostularia neesii 



Calectasia cyanea 
Calectasia grandiflora 
Chamacxeros serra 
Dasypogon bromeliifolius 
Kingia australis 
Lomandra caespitosa 
Lomandra micrantha 
Lomandra nigricans 
Lomandra pauciflora 


Taxon Name 


Lomandra preissii 


Lomandra purpurea 


Lomandra sericea 


Lomandra suaveolens 



Pceridium esculentum 




Hibbertia amplexicaulis 


Hibbertia bracteosa 


Hibbertia commutata 


Hibbertia cunninghamii 


Hibbertia gracilipes 


Hibbertia lineata 


Hibbertia microphylla 


Hibbertia pulchra 


Hibbertia serrata 



Drosera barbigera 



Drosera erythrorhiza 


Drosera glanduligera 



Drosera lasiantha 


Drosera macrantha 



Drosera menziesii subsp. menziesii 




Drosera pallida 


Drosera pulchella 


Drosera stolonifera 



Drosera subhirtella subsp. subhirtella 




Andersonia caerulea 


Andcrsonia micrantha 


Andersonia sprengelioides 


Astroloma aff. humifusum Porongorups 


Astroloma baxteri 


Astroloma ciliatum 


Astroloma drummondii 


Astroloma pallidum 


Leucopogon australis 


Leucopogon capitellatus 


Leucopogon carinatus 


Leucopogon cymbiformis 


Leucopogon distans var. distans 


Leucopogon gibbosus 


Leucopogon glabellus 


Leucopogon gracillimus 


Leucopogon obovatus 


Leucopogon oppositifolius 


Leucopogon oxycedrus 



Leucopogon pendulus 



Taxon Name 


Leucopogon pogonocalyx 
Leucopogon propiriquus 
Leucopogon racemulosus 
Leucopogon unilateralLs 
Leucopogon verticillatus 
Lysinema ciliatum 
Lysinema lasianthum 
Needhamiella pumilio 
Oligarrhena micrantha 
Sphenotoma capitatum 
Styphelia tenuiflora 


Phyllanthus calycinus 
Poranthera microphylla 
Ricinocarpos glaucus 


* Fumaria capreolata 

* Fumaria muralis 


* Centaurium erythraea 
Scbaea ovata 


* Erodium cicutarium 

* Geranium molle 
Geranium retrorsum 
Geranium solanderi 
Pelargonium australe 

Dampiera alata 
Dampiera diversifolia 
Dampiera hederacea 
Dampiera fasiculata 
Dampiera juncea 
Dampiera lavandulacea 
Dampiera linearis 
Dampiera sacculata 
Goodenia caerulea 
Gooden ia leptoclada 
Goodenia micrantha 
Goodenia pulchella 
Goodenia scapigera 
Lechenaultia formosa 
Scaevola auriculata 
Scaevola calliptera 
Scaevola lanceolata 
Scaevola striata 
Velleia trinervis 




















+ + 




















Taxon Name 


Anigozanthos bicolor subsp. decrescens + 

Conoscylis serrulata + 

Conostylis setigera + 

Haemodorum discolor + 

Haemodorum paniculatum + 

Haemodorum simplex + 

Haemodorum sparsiflorum + 

Haemodorum spicatum + 

Tribonanthes australis + 

Tribonanthes longipetala + 


Gonocarpus diffusus + + 

Haloragis brownii + + 


Trithuriasubmersa + + 


Hypoxis glabella var. glabella + 

Hypoxis occidentalis + + 


* Gladiolus angustus + 

Orthrosanthus laxus var. laxus + 

Patersonia juncea + 

Patersonia occidentalis + 

Patersonia umbrosa var. umbrosa + 

* Romulea rosea + + 

* Watsonia bulbillifera + + 


* Juncus bufonius 4 - + 

* Juncus capitatus + + 

Juncus holoschoenus + + 

Juncus meianthus + 

Juncus pallidus + 

Juncus paudflorus + + 

Juncus subsecundus + + 

Luzula meridionalis + 


Triglochin ccntrocarpum + 

Triglochin lineare + 


Hemiandra pungens var. pungens + 

Hemigenia incana + 

* Mentha pulegium + 

* Prunella vulgaris + 


Cassytha glabella + + 

Cassytha micrantha + 

Cassytha pomiformis + 

Cassytha racemosa + 


Taxon Name 






Polypompholyx multifida 


Polypomphylx tenella 


Urricularia menziesii 



Linum marginale 


* Linum trigynum 



Lindsaea linearis 




isotoma hypocrateriformis 


Lobelia alata var. alata 



Lobelia gibbosa 


Lobelia rhombifolia 



Logania campanulata 


Logania serpyllifolia subsp. serpyllifolia 


Mitrasacme paradoxa 




Amyerna miquelii 


Nuytsia floribunda 



Phylloglossum drummondii 



Sida hookeriana 




Villarsia calthifolia 



Villarsia marchantii 


Villarsia parnassifolia 



Acacia applanata 


Acacia baxteri 


Acacia biflora 


Acacia browniana var. intermedia 


Acacia cochlearis 



Acacia crispula 


Acacia dealbata warr 



Acacia drummondii ssp elegans 

(Porongurups variant) 




Acacia enervia 


Acacia extensa 


Acacia heteroclita subsp. valida ms 


Acacia leioderma 


Acacia luteola 


Acacia myrtifolia 




Acacia pulchella 



Acacia saligna 



Acacia spectabilis ms 



Taxon Name 


Acacia subcaerulea + 

Acacia urophylla + 

Acacia vvilldenowiana + 

Paraserianthcs lophantha + + 


Myoporum tetrandrum + 


Agonis hypcricifolia 


Agonis linearifolia 


Agonis parviceps 


Astartea fasciculads 


Beaufortia anisandra 



Beaufortia empetrifolia 


Beaufortia heterophylla 


Beaufortia micrantha 


Beaufortia sparsa 


Corymbia calophylla 


Calothamnus gracilis 


Calothamnus lehmannii 


Calothamnus quadrifidus 


Calytrix asperula 


Calytrix similis 


Darwinia citriodora 


Darvvinia oederoides 


Darwinia vestita 


Eucalyptus comuta 


Eucalyptus decipicns 


Eucalyptus diversicolor 

Eucalyptus marginata 


Eucalyptus megacarpa 


Eucalyptus tetragona 


Homalospermum firmum 


Hypocalymma cordifolium 


Kunzea micrantha subsp. oligomera 


Kunzea preissiana 


Kunzea recurva 


Kunzea sulphurea 


Leptospermum spinescens 



Melaleuca blaeriifolia 


Melaleuca densa 



Melaleuca dcpauperata 


Melaleuca incana subsp. tenella 


Melaleuca preissiana 


Melaleuca scabra 


Melaleuca suberosa 



Melaleuca subfalcata 


Melaleuca thymoides 


Pericalymma ellipticum 



Taxon Name 


Thryptomene saxicola 


Verticordia densiflora 


Verticordia sieberi var. lomata 



Olax phyllanthi 



Epilobium billardierianum subsp. cinereum 

Epilobium hirtigerum 


Ophioglossum lusitanicum 



Caladenia brownii 


Caladenia cairnsiana 


Caladenia dilatata 


Caladenia ensata 


Caladenia flava 


+ + 

Caladenia heberleana 


Caladenia huegelii 


Caladenia latifolia 


Caladenia lobata 


Caladenia longicauda ssp. eminens 


Caladenia longiclavata 


Caladenia macrostylis 


Caladenia menziesii 


Caladenia nana subsp. nana 



Caladenia plicata 


Caladenia reptans 


Caladenia scricea 



Corybas recurvus 

Cryptostylis ovata 



Cyrtostylis huegelii 


Diuris amplissima 


Diuris laevis 


Diuris laxiflora 


Diuris longifolia 



Diuris setacea 



Drakaea glyptodon 


Drakaea livida 


Elythranthera brunonis 


Elythranthera emarginata 


Eriochilus dilatatus 


Eriochilus scaber subsp. scaber 


Leporella fimbriata 


Lyperanthus nigricans 


Lyperanthus serratus 


Microtis alba 


Microtis media 



* Monadenia bracteata 


+ + 


Taxon Name 


Paracaleana nigrita 
Praecoxanthus aphyllus 
Prasophyllum brownii 
Prasophyllum datum 
Prasophyllum fimbria 
Prasophyllum hians 
Prasophyllum ovale 
Prasophyllum parvifolium 
Prasophyllum regium 
Pterostylis aff. nana 
Pterostylis barbata 
Pterostylis nana 
Pterostylis recurva 
Pterostylis vittata 
Thelymitra comidna 
Thelymitra crinita 
Thelymitra flexuosa 
Thelymitra fuscolutea 
Thelymitra mucida 
Thelymitra nuda 
Thelymitra pauciflora 


* Orobanche minor 


* Oxalis caprina 
Oxalis perennans 

* Oxalis pes-caprae 

* Oxalis purpurea 

* Oxalis violacea 


Bossiaea linophylla 
Bossiaea ornata 
Bossiaea praetermissa 
Brachysema sericeum 
Brachysema subcordatum 
Callistachys lanceolata 
Chorizema aciculare 
Chorizema carinatum 
Chorizema cordatum 
Chorizema diversifolium 
Chorizema nanum 
Chorizema rhombeum 

* Cytisus proliferus 

Daviesa incrassata ssp. reversifolia 
Daviesia cordata 
Daviesia decurrens 
Daviesia flexuosa 
Daviesia horrida 











+ + 









+ + 

+ + 

+ + + 


+ + + 




+ + 


+ + 

+ + 





+ + 









Taxon Name 





* Dipogon lignosus 


Eutaxia densifolia 


Eutaxia obovata 


Gasrrolobium stenophyllum 


Gompholobium amplexicaule 


Gompholobium oonfettum 


Gompholobium knightianum 


Gompholobium marginatum 


Gompholobium ovatum 



Gomphdobium polymorphum 


Gompholobium preissii 



Gompholobium scabrum 



Hardenbergia comptoniana 



Hovea chorizemifolia 


Hovea elliptica 



Hovea trisperma 


Isotropis cuneifolia 


Jackson ia condensata 


Jacksonia spinosa 


Kennedia coccinea 



Kennedia microphylla 


Kennedia prostrata 


* Lablab purpureus 


Latrobea hirtella 



* Lotus suaveolens 



Mirbelia dilatata 


* Omithopus compressus 



* Omithopus pinnatus 



* Psoralea pinnata 


Pultenaca obcordata 


Pultenaea reticulata 



Pultenaea strobilifera 



Sphaerolobium linophyllum 


Spliaerolobium medium 


Sphaerolobium nudiflorum 


* Trifolium campestre 



* Trifolium cemuum 



* Trifolium dubium 



* Trifolium subterraneum 



Viminaria juncea 


4 - 


Philydrella pygmaea 



Dianella brevicaulis 



Dianella revoluta var. revoluta 


Stypandra glauca 



Billardiera floribunda 



Taxon Name 


Billardiera granulata 
Billardiera variifolia 
Sollya heterophylla 
Plantago dcbilis 

* Plantago lanceolata 

Agrostis ?avenacea GJK11314 
Agrostis avenacea 

* Aira caryophyllea 

* Aira cupaniana 
Amphipogon amphipogonoides 
Amphipogon turbinatus 

* Anthoxanthum odorarum 

* A vena barbata 

* Briza maxima 

* Briza minor 

* Bromusdiandrus 

* Bromus hordeaceus subsp. hordeaceus 
Danthonia caespitosa 

Deyeuxia drummondii 
Deyeuxia quadriseta 
Dichelachne crinita 

* Holcus lanatus 

* Hordeum leporinum 

* Lolium rigidum 
Microlaena stipoides 
Neurachne alopecuroidea 

* Paspalum dilatatum 

* Poa annua 

Poa drummondiana 
Poa poiformis 
Poa scrpentum 

* Schismus barbatus 

* Sporobolus indicus 
Stipa compressa 
Stipa semibarbata 
Stipa trichophylla 
Tetrarrhena laevis 

* Vulpia bromoides 

* Vulpia myuros 

Comesperma calymega 
Comesperma virgatum 

* Rumex acetosella 

* Rumex conglomerates 

+ + 


+ + + 

+ + 

+ + + 





+ + 

















+ + 

+ + 


+ + 
















4 - 


Taxon Name 


Calandrinia calyptrata 
Calandrinia granulifcra 


* Anagallis arvensis var. arvensis 

* Anagallis arvensis var. caerulea 


Acidonia microcarpa 
Adenanthos apiculatus 
Banksia attenuata 
Banksia gardncri var. gardncri 
Banksia grandis 
Banksia littoralis 

Banksia sphaerocarpa var. sphaerocarpa 

Oonospermum caeruleum ssp. adpressum 

Conospermum caeruleum ssp. caeruleum 

Conospermum capitatum subsp velutinum 

Gonospermum multispicatum 

Dryandra armata 

Dryandra conferta 

Dryandra formosa 

Dryandra nervosa 

Dryandra nivea 

Dryandra seneciifolia 

Franklandia fucifolia 

Grevillea brownii 

Grevillea depauperata 

Grevillea diversifolia subsp. subtersericata 

Grevillea fasciculata 

Grevillea pulcheila 

Grevillea trifida 

Hakea amplexicaulis 

Hakea corymbosa 

Hakea falcata 

Hakea florida 

Hakea prostrata 

Hakea ruscifolia 

Hakea trifurcata 

Hakea undulata 

Hakea varia 

lsopogon attenuatus 

Isopogon formosus 

lsopogon longifolius 

Isopogon polycephalus 

Isopogon sphaerocephalus 

Persoonia elliptica 

Petrophile acicularis 

Petrophile divaricata 

Petrophile diversifolia 






+ + 

+ + 





Taxon Name 


Petrophile longifolia + 

Petrophile rigida + + 

Petrophile serruriae + 

Petrophile teretifolia + 

Stirlingia simplex + 

Stirlingia tenuifolia + + 

Synaphaea favosa + 

Synaphaea petiolaris subsp. petiolaris + 

Synaphea polymorpha + 

Synaphea reticulata + 


Gematis pubescens + + 

Ranunculus colonorum + + 


Anarthria gracilis + + 

Anarthria humilis + + + 

Anarthria laevis + 

Anarthria prolifera + 

Harperia lateriflora + 

Hypolaena exsulca + 

Lepidobolus chaetocephalus + 

Leptocarpus tenax + 

Lepyrodia drummondiana + 

Lepyrodia hennaphrodita + + 

Lepyrodia monoica + + 

Loxocarya fasciculata + + 

Loxocarya pubescens + + 

Lyginia barbata + 

Restio lax us + 

Restio tremulus + 


Cryptandra arbutiflora + 

Spyridium spadiceum + + 

Trymalium floribundum var triflorum + 

Trymalium ledifolium var. rosmarinifolium + 


* Acaena echinata + + 

* Prunus cerasifera + 

* Rosa canina + 

* Rosa moschatum + 

* Rubus ulmifdius + + + 


* Galium divaricatum + + 

* Galium murale + 

Opercularia apiciflora + 

Ojxrrcularia hispidula + + 

Opercularia vaginata + 

Opercularia volubilis + + 


Taxon Name 



Boronia crenulata + + + 

Boronia heterophylla + 

Boronia molloyae + 

Boronia ramosa subsp. anethifolia + 

Boronia spathulata + 

Crowea angustifolia var. angustifolia + 

Phehalium anceps + 


Leptomeria pauciflora + 

Leptomeria squarrulosa + 


Dodonaea ceratocarpa + 


* Bellardia trixago + + + 

Gratiola peruviana + 

* Parentuccllia latifolia + 

* Parentucellia viscosa + + + 

* Verbascum virgatum + 

* Veronica arvensis + + 

Veronica calycina + 

Veronica plebeia + 


Selaginella gracillima + 


* Solanum nigrum + + + 


Stackhousia pubescens + 

Stackhousia scoparia + 

Tripterococcus brunonis + 


Rulingia corylifolia + 

Rulingia craurophylla + 

Rulingia grandiflora + 

Rulingia platycalyx + 

Thomasia foliosa + 

Tliomasia paniculata + 

Thomasia purpurea + 

Thomasia tenuivesta + 


Levenhookia dubia + 

Levenhookia pusilla + + 

Stylidium adnatum + + 

Stylidium amoenum + 

Stylidium breviscapum + 

Stylidium brunonianum subsp minor + 

Stylidium calcaratum + + 

Stylidium corymbosum var. proliferum + 


Taxon Name 


Stylidium crassifolium + 

Scylidium guttatum + 

Stylidium junceum subsp. brevius + 

Stylidium petiolare + + 

Stylidium repens van repens + 

Stylidium spathulatum subsp spathulatum + 

Stylidium spinulosum subsp. spinulosum + + 


Pimelea angustifolia + 

Pimelea ciliata subsp. ciliata + 

Pimelea hispida + 

Pimelea imbricata var. imbricata + 

Pimelea lehmanniana subsp. lehmanniana + 

Pimelea longiflora subsp. longiflora + + 

Pimelea rosea + 

Pimelea suaveolens var. suaveolens + 

Pimelea sulphurea + + 


Tctratheca af finis + 

Tetratheca nuda + 

Tremandra diffusa + + 

Tremandra stelligera + 


* Ulmus proccra + 

* Poplus alba + 


* Gcntranthus ruber + 


Hybanthus floribundus subsp. floribundus + 


Xanthorrhoea gracilis + + 

Xanthorrhoea platyphylla + + 



28/76 East street, May lands, W. A.,6051 


The Laughing Turtle-Dove Streptopelia 
senegalensis was introduced to Western 
Australia from the South Perth 
Zoological Gardens in 1898 and there 
were additional introductions in the 
following years (Serventy and Whittell 
1976; Storr and Johnstone 1988). 
Preliminary studies of the dove were 
made by Sedgwick (1958,1965,1976). 
He shows that it extended its range from 
the metropolitan area of Perth far into 
the country and discusses some 
ecological factors. 

Since then it has continued to sustain 
itself in Perth's metropolitan suburbs 
and has extended its range congruently 
with Perth's expansion. At the same 
time it has extended its marginal range 
500km into the South-West and 
800km north to North-West Cape 
(Blakers et al. 1984). The same authors 
predict that it may spread into the 
pastoral areas. However it avoids the 
block of Jarrah Eucalyptus marginata 
forest to the east and south-east of 
Perth except where the forest has been 
opened up and settled. This is similar 
to the present range of several 
native.species : Nankeen Kestrel F alco 
cenchroides, Black-shouldered Kite 
Elanus axillaris, Magpie-lark Grallina 
cyanoleuca , Willie Wagtail Rhipidura 
leucophrys, Richard's Pipit Anthus 
novaeseelandiae, Grey Butcherbird 

Cracticus torquata and Australian 
Magpie Gymnorhina tibicen. 

The House Sparrow Passer domesticus, 
Tree Sparrow Passer montanus, Starling 
Sturnis vulgaris and Common Myna 
Acridotheres trista do not occur in Perth. 
A few native seed-eaters do but they are 
largely arboreal species such as : 
Australian Ringneck Barnardius 
zomrius, Short-billed Black Cockatoo 
Calyptorhynchus latirostris and Little 
Corella Cacatua sanguinea, and they do 
not compete for food with the Laughing 

The dove’s main ecological competition 
comes from the introduced Spotted 
Turtle-Dove Streptopelia chinensis, which 
is also well established but less 
numerous. The Domestic Pigeon 
Columba livia is mostly feral bur largely 
avoids the housing areas that support 
both the turtle-doves. 

Outside suburbia the Laughing Turtle- 
Dove may be in contact and compete 
with the native Peaceful and Diamond 
Doves Geo[)elia striata and G. cuneata. 
Marginally their respective ranges 
already overlap (Blakers et al. 1984). 
However the Laughing Turtle-Dove is 
primarily an inhabitant of cities, towns 
and settlements so that competition 
between the doves maybe fairly limited 
Since 1956 the distribution of the 
Crested Pigeon Ocyphaps lophotes has 
overlapped that of the Laughing Turtle- 


Dove in Perth (Serventy and Whittell 
1976) Since both are drawn to human 
habitations they could compete with 
one another. 

Still, it is worth noting and recording 
the behaviour and ecology of the 
Laughing Turtle-Dove in Perth and 
trapping and banding of the species in 
Perth and further observations since 
Sedgwick (1958, 1965, 1976) allow me 
to present this further study. 


A variety of seed-baited drop door and 
automatic, funnel-entry traps were used, 
and because continuous trapping led to 
trap shyness, I found it best to free-feed 
for short periods, before setting the traps 
again. This still allows the observation 
of colour banded birds. Cats can be a 
problem with unattended traps and 
especial care in hot weather was 

The only injuries were the loss of 
feathers and mild abrasions to the 
forehead and under-shoulder. Many 
birds had unnatural moults Le tufts of 
body feathers and or quills tom out or 
regrowing, due to normal hazards and 


The Jersey Street Station. 

This station operated intermittently 
between December 1960 and April 
1965. Of 221 birds trapped, banded and 
released there 48 (22%) were retrapped 
91 times, which is an average of 1.9 
retraps per bird retrapped. Twelve birds 
(5.4%) were recovered away from the 
station (see Table 1). 

The Salvado Road Station. 

This station operated continuously 
between September 1960 and December 
1961. Of 148 birds trapped, banded and 
released there 46 (31%) were retrapped 
103 times,which is an average of 2.2 
retraps per bird retrapped. Fourteen 
birds (9.5%) were recovered away from 
the station (Table 1). 

The Caporn Street Station. 

This station operated intermittently 
between August 1959 and April 1965. 
Of 605 birds trapped, banded and 
released there 197 (33%) were retrapped 
356 times, which is an average of 1.8 
retraps per bird retrapped. Twenty-nine 
birds (4.7%) were recovered away from 
the station (Table l). 

Table 1. Number of individual Laughing Turtle-Doves trapped at each of the three trapping 
stations and the number of recaptures. Dates for trapping stations are listed in text under 
Banding Data. 



No of 



No. of 



No. of Times 

No. of 

Jersey Street Xii/60 - iv/65 





Salvado Road lx/60 - xii/61 





Caporn Street Viii/59 -iv/65 











Of 974 birds trapped, banded and 
released at the three stations 291 (30%) 
were retrapped 550 times, which is an 
average of 1.9 retraps per bird retrapped. 
Fifty-five birds (5.6%) were recovered 
away f rom the stations (Table 1). 


The sedentary nature of the adults in 
Perth was revealed by Stranger (1968). 
Of 57 adult recoveries away from the 
banding stations 39 (68%) were 
recovered within 0.4km of their banding 
places, 46 (81%) were recovered within 
0.8km, 52 (91%) were recovered within 
1.6km, 54 (95%) were recovered within 
3.2km and 57 (100%) were within 
10km. The juveniles did not differ 

Also, though the Salvado Road and 
Jersey Street stations were only 0.5km 
apart, none of the Salvado Road birds 
were trapped or seen at or recovered 
near the Jersey Street station, and vice 
versa. This would seem to indicate that 
the birds only feed at or near their 
banding places. 

Homing experiments (Stranger 1968) 
showed that adults transported up to 
160km from their banding places had 
the urge and ability to return home 
through strange and unknown country 
i.e. the forest and wheatbelt east of 

A juvenile bird which was trapped, 
banded and released at the Salvado 
Road station was retrapped there four 
times in the next six months. It was 
then exhibited for one week in a wild¬ 
life show in central Perth, 5km from 
Wembley, and was released there 
afterwards. One and a half years later it 
was trapped at the Caporn Street 
station, 5km from Perth, and 

subsequently homed to that station from 
distances of 100km and 160km. 


It is probable that the juveniles are 
primarily responsible for extending the 
species’ range in W.A. (Blakers et al. 
1984) but Morris et al (1994) observed 
two adults arrive (and perish ?) on 
Bernier Island, 40km west of Carnarvon. 
But the situation probably parallels that 
of the Collared Turtle-Dove Streptopelia 
decaocto in which the adults are also 
very sedentary and the juveniles 
disperse extensively (Derek Goodwin 
pers. comm.). However my data does 
not support this for the juvenile 
Laughing Turtle-Doves in Perth, for the 
majority were recovered in the vicinity 
of their banding places and at distances 
similar to those of the adults. 


Derek Goodwin judged that specimens 
collected in Perth in 1965 could be 
matched with specimens from East 
Africa, south of the Sahara. This is the 
nominate race Streptopelia senegalensis 
sencgalensis (Serventy and Whittell 
1976; Storr and Johnstone 1988). 

However Derek Goodwin (pers. comm.) 
now judges that all the Laughing Turtle- 
Doves on mainland Africa south of the 
Sahara are best considered as 
S.s.senegalensis and the specimens 
collected in Perth are inseparable from 
those of Africa 

In Perth the richness of the plumage 
varies considerably and the sexual 
differences may be masked by it. The 
colours of the soft parts also vary 
considerably. A small number of birds 
had a melanistic tone to the plumage, it 
varying from brown to dark browa This 


may be dietary induced melanism 
(Derek Goodwin pers. comm.). One bird 
had very distinct whitish eyebrows 

A female bird which was hand-reared 
and kept in captivity begun egg-laying 
at 7.5 months of age (C.A. Nicholls 
pers. comm.) and at that age the bird’s 
breast was fully spotted, the spots 
having established themselves at 
random on the breast. This latter is my 
observation and conclusion too. 


Some measurements are given in 
Table 2. 


In Perth the Laughing Turtle-Dove 
prefers small seeds such as pannicum 
and white millet but readily eats wheat 
and will even eat such large seeds as 
maize. In Egypt Derek Goodwin (pers. 
comm.) observed first-hand that the 
species fed on small wild seeds but that 
numbers of the birds scavenged maple 
peas and maize from around the Army 
pigeon lofts. Goodwin (1970) states that 

“much of the natural food consists of 
very small seeds of various wild plants”. 
Goodwin (1978) says that the Laughing 
Turtle-Dove is a common bird in 
African villages where it usually feeds 
partly on grains, usually various millets, 
spilled by Man. Blakers et al (1984) 
state that it will feed on crops of small 

Thus the species is well suited to take 
advantage of the seeds from Perth’s 
flora, both native and exotic, and the 
gardens of the houses and public places 
are extensively and intensely foraged 
over. One dead bird found by the 
roadside in Wilson in the early 1970s 
had in its crop 134 grains of wheat, 20 
portions of wheat, several very small 
“poppy seeds” and two other seeds. A 
bird trapped at the Caporn Street 
station had its crop filled with 
pannicum seed It was weighed upon 
capture and held in a small cage 
overnight. When weighed next morning 
it was 13gm lighter (118gm - 105gm)], 
a weight loss of 11%. 

The species will strip unripe seeds from 
the Winter Grass Poa annua and forages 
extensively over Perth’s lawns, the 

Table 2. Measurements of some of the adult Laughing Turtle-doves trapped 

Sample No Range (cm) Average (cm) 

Body Length 


23.0 - 27.5 


Tail Length 


9.8 - 12.5 


Wing Length 


12.0 - 14.5 


Wing Span 

35.5 - 42.5 


1.3 -1.6 


1.9 - 2.5 


2.3 - 2.8 

Weight (gm) 


81 gm- 118 gm 

101.5 gm. 

The measurements shown in Table 2 were taken from live birds. Allowance was made for quill wear, which 
can be substantial (0.5 cm. - 0.75 cm). The wing span data is a best fit measurement. 

Generally the lower weights were recorded from birds which had no seed visible in their crops, and the 
birds with the higher weights had at least some seed in their crops (see Food). 


latter of which has also been observed 
in Cairo, Egypt, by Derek Goodwin 
(1978). Most Perth lawns are either 
couch or buffalo grasses, are regularly 
mowed and the seeds from nearby plants 
find their way onto them. 

The dove also feeds on seeds which are 
released from their fruits by vehicular 
traffic, such as happens on roadways and 
parking lots, and Goodwin (1978) has 
also observed this type of foraging in the 
Collared Turtle-Dove in England. I 
have also seen it in the Peaceful Dove 
at Townsville, Queensland. 

The Laughing Turtle-Dove will eat mill 
offings such as bran and the various 
mashes fed to poultry, both in 
commercial and domestic situations. It 
learns to eat wet bread and will 
scavenge for scraps and breadcrumbs at 
bakeries, shopping centres, outdoor 
dining tables and beer gardens. 

It will also range onto oceanic beaches 
where it will forage, presumably, for the 
seeds of plants such as the Strand Daisy 
A rctotheca nivea, as does the Spotted 
Turtle-Dove (Stranger 1969). 


The introduced Spotted Turtle-Dove 
competes for food and situations with 
the Laughing Turtle-Dove but though 
the former is well established it is less 
common. Another factor is that the 
Spotted Turtle-Dove largely confines 
itself to the more mature gardens with 
their abundant shelter and denser 
foliages, which are in the older suburbs. 
In Perth Goodwin (1978) has made this 
assessment too. The Laughing Turtle- 
Dove however will range into areas with 
sparser vegetation, such as the newer 
housing areas and industrial 
installations. In Perth Goodwin (1978) 
independently made this assessment too 

and notes that though it seems to be a 
bird of arid areas, it needs some source 
of water nearby (Goodwin 1970). 

The Laughing Turtle-Dove can occupy 
areas with either dense or sparse 
vegetation and it will rest in very 
exposed situations such as on dead and 
leafless branches and power lines. 

The two species will feed together where 
food is plentiful but the Spotted Turtle- 
Dove, being the larger of the two, will 
bully the Laughing Turtle-Dove and 
chase it away from food. Overall it 
seems that competition from the former 
does not limit the latter much. It does 
seem however that the fonner has an 
advantage over the latter and selects 
and occupies those habitats and areas 
that it wants to, and that in Perth the 
Laughing Turtle-Dove simply occupies 
the remaining habitat, though the two 
species range together. 

In the early 1960s C.A.Nicholls set up a 
bird hospital in Dalkeith and the ratio 
of Spotted Turtle-Doves to Laughing 
Turtle-Doves presented to her then was 
1:20. Twenty-five years later, in the 
mid-1980s, the ratio had changed to 
3:20. This is due to the vegetation of 
the inner, and older, suburbs of Perth 
becoming more mature with denser 
foliages, these areas now providing the 
Spotted Turtle-Dove with additional 
suitable habitatSo the Spotted Turtle- 
Dove is becoming more abundant at the 
expense of the Laughing Turtle-Dove 

The introduced Domestic Pigeon, which 
is fairly common in Perth's metropolitan 
area, also competes with the Laughing 
Turtle-Dove - and the Spotted Turtle- 
Dove - for food such as wheat and that 
found in the public gardens. The three 
species can also be seen feeding near 
each other in parks and gardens but the 
Domestic Pigeon rarely ranges into the 
gardens of the housing areas and does 


not threaten the survival of the two 
turtle-doves in Perth. Being the largest 
however it will bully the turtle-doves 
and chase them away from food. 


Motorised vehicles cause some death 
and injury to the Laughing Turtle-Dove 
in Perth because the birds feed on the 
roads, verges and footpaths, and fly low 
over them. The Domestic Cat preys 
extensively on it and C.A.Nicholls 
(pers. comm.) estimates that two-thirds 
of the doves presented to her bird 
hospital had been mauled to some 
degree by is probable though that 
of the deaths and injuries ascribed to 
cats some had first been injured or 
killed in other ways e.g. by a motor 

It is also possible that some doves die 
after eating food which has been 
poisoned by sprays and dusts in 
domestic gardens. Such an incident 
occurred on a poultry farm where I was 
working in 1958. The area had been 
sprayed to eradicate the Argentine Ant 
and several dead Laughing Turtle-Doves 
and a few Spotted Turtle-Doves were 
found around the farm the following day 
and during the next week. 

Predation by hawks takes place but 
there are few records. Calderwood 
(1954) observed predation by a Swamp 
Harrier Circus approximates and both 
C.A.Nicholls and myself have 
independently witnessed predation by 
the Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus. 1 
have also witnessed attempted predation 
by the Little Falcon Falco longipennis but 
though the falcon struck the dove it did 
not maim or kill it and the dove flew 
away strongly, even if with a few less 

At Dalkeith C.A.Nicholls (pers.comm.) 

has often seen the introduced Brown 
Kookaburra Dacelo gigas prey on this 
dove’s nestlings and it was in fact a 
regular occurrence. Mueller (1991) 
observed predation of this dove's 
nestlings by the Grey Bucher-bird. 

Eggs and nestlings thrown out of nests 
and “fledgling” juveniles which seem to 
have left the nest prematurely are 
common in Perth, and the situation is 
mostly due to very strong winds, many 
of the nests being simple rafts built in 
unsafe situations. 


The oldest birds recovered by the public 
were of the following banded ages: 7 
years 8 months, 6 years 8 months, 5 
years 6 months, 4 years, 3 years 8 
months, 3 years 5 months, 3 years 3 
months (two birds), 3 years 2 months 
(two birds) and 3 years (two birds). As 
all the birds were in adult plumage 
when banded their real ages would be 
six months greater. 


Storr and Johnstone (1988) define the 
breeding season of this dove locally as 
July to March, but nestlings were 
presented to CANicholls’ bird hospital 
throughout the year. Numbers were at a 
peak in spring, a lesser peak in autumn 
and at a minimum during the cold and 
wet months of winter. 

Goodwin (1970) states that the species 
will nest in and on buildings and it will 
nest in artificial situations locally. Birds 
may even nest in exposed situations 
such as the cross arms of power poles 
and the ledges of buildings. A few nests 
were within one and one-half metres of 
the ground 

A female bird that was hand reared (see 


Race and Plumage) and kept in 
captivity begun egg-laying at 7.5 
months of age and by the time it died at 
7.5 years of age it had laid 120 eggs: 17 
per year. However each egg was 
removed from it when laid 
(C.A.Nicholls pers. comm). 


1 am extremely grateful to the late 
Dr.D.LServenty for allowing me to use 
the facilities of the Caporn Street 
laboratory, Ms.C.A.Nicholls for 
considerable informadon and numerous 
discussions, my mother Mrs. L.C. 
Stranger for helping with the Salvado 
Road trapping and banding, Derek 
Goodwin for valuable information and 
advice and Ian Rowley for reading the 
article and making valuable suggestions. 
John Dell provided considerable help in 
preparation and editing of this paper. 


REILLY, P.N. 1984. The Atlas of 
Australiaii Birds, Royal Australasian 
Ornithologists Union, Melbourne 
University Press. 

CALDERWOOD, D. 1954. Swamp 
Harrier preying on the Senegal Dove. 
W.A.Nat. 4:pl45. 

GOODWIN, D. 1970. Pigeons and Doves 
of the World. Publication 663. Trustees 
of the British Museum [Natural 
History], London, ppl43-144. 

GOODWIN. D. 1978. Birds of Man’s 
World. British Museum [Natural 

History], Cornell University Press, 

ORELL, P. 1994. A new bird record for 
Bernier Island, Shark Bay. W.A. Nat. 

MUELLER, 0.1991. Nest predation by 
the Grey Butcher-bird. W.A. Nat: 

SEDGWICK, E.H. 1958. The 
introduced turtledoves in Western 
Australia. W.A..Nat. 6:p22. 

SEDGWICK, E.H. 1958. The 
introduced turtle-doves in Western 
Australia-2. W.A. Nat. 6:pll2. 

SEDGWICK, E.H. 1965. Supplementary 
notes on the introduced turtle-doves in 
Western Australia. W.A. Nat. 9:pl53. 

SEDGWICK, E.H. 1976. Supplementary 
notes on turtle-doves, Streptopelia, in 
Western Australia. W.A. Nat. I3:pl73. 

H.M. 1976. Birds of Western Australia, 
University of W.A. Press, Perth, W.A. 

1988. Birds of the Swan Coastal Plain 
and adjacent seas and islands. Rec. 
West. Aust. Mus. Suppl. No 28. 

STRANGER, R.H. 1961. Homing 
performances by Senegal Doves. W.A. 
Nat. 7:pl90. 

STRANGER, R.H. 1968. A study of 
homing performance in the Senegal 
Dove. W.A. Nat. Il:p4. 

STRANGER, R.H. 1969. Indian Doves 
feeding on the beach at Mandurah. 
W.A. Nat. Il:p66. 




Western Australian Museum, Francis Street, Perth W.A. 6000 
and T. KIRKBY 

49 Canning Mills Road, Kelmscott, W.A. 6111 


The principal foods of the Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoo 
Calyptorhynchus banksii naso in south Western Australia arc the seeds 
of Marri Corymbia calophylla and Jarrah Eucalyptus marginata. Of 
these, Marri is the most important especially during the breeding 
season in October-February. Other less important foods in northern 
forests include Snottygobble Persoonta longifolia, Common Sheoak 
AUocasuarina fraseriarui , Blackbutt Eucalyptus patens and in southern 
forests, Albany Blackbutt E. staeri and Karri E. diversicolor. Although 
some Marri and Jarrah seed is available all year, the flowering and 
subsequent fruiting of both species varies between years on about a 
4-6 year cycle. Preliminary results from this study suggest that 
variations in the extent of flowering and nutting may detennine the 
numbers of birds which attempt to breed 


The Red-tailed Black Cockatoo 
Calyptorhynchus banksii is widely 
distributed within Australia. Five 
subspecies are currently recognised three 
of which occur in Western Australia 
(Figure 1) namely*. C. b. macrorhynchus 
occurring throughout the Kimberley; C. 
b. samueli found in the arid and semi- 
arid northern and north-eastern interior 
(i.e. Pilbara, Gascoyne, northern 
Wheatbelt and Goldfields); and C. b. 
naso inhabiting the south-western 
humid and sub-humid zones (mainly the 
tall eucalypt forests). Ford (1980) and 
Johnstone and Storr (1998). 

The Kimberley subspecies macrorhynchus 
is generally common occurring in pairs 
and family parties and small flocks in 
forests and woodlands. Its range and 
status have not altered greatly in the 
Kimberley since European settlement. 
The mid-western subspecies samueli has 
greatly expanded its range south into 
the northern wheatbelt in the past 60 
years. Whereas it was originally 
confined to northern watercourses 
including the Murchison, Irwin and 
Lockier Rivers, it is now most numerous 
in the northern and north-eastern 
wheatbelt especially the Eurardy, East 
Yuna, Three Springs / Perenjori, 


Figure 1. Distribution of Red-tailed Black Cockatoo in Western Australia 


Jibberding and Trayning / Mukinbudin 
districts, occurring in pairs, small flocks 
and occasionally large flocks up to 500. 
The introduced South African weed the 
Double-gee Emex australis has become a 
major food source for samueli in the 
wheatbelt. This together with the 
provision of watering points for 
livestock has enabled samueli to increase 
in numbers and spread south into what 
was previously unsuitable habitat: 

Conversely the arboreal forest 
inhabiting subspecies naso has 
experienced a severe decline since 
European colonisation. Formerly it 
occurred north to Dandaragan (where 
there were once large stands of Marri); 

west to near Gingin (casually), 
Guildford (resident in colonial times 
but now rare or absent), Mundijong, 
Coolup, Lake McLarty and Goodale 
Sanctuary (16 km S\V of Pinjarra) 
(presumably visitors from adjacent 
Darling Scarp), Wokalup, Big Brook (23 
km west of Nannup), formerly to Vasse 
River, and Margaret River; and east to 
Mt Helena (formerly to Toodyay), 
Christmas Tree Well, North Bannister 
(formerly to Wandering), Mt 
Saddleback, formerly to the Kojonup 
district (where now only casual), Rocky 
Gully and upper King River (Figure 2). 
This forest cockatoo was formerly 
common throughout this historic range 
but is now rare to uncommon and 

in* ii6* us® i2o® 122- 

Figure 2 Distribution of C. b. naso in south-western Australia (showing present and former 























* 4 —I 













4 —' 


patchily distributed within its current 
range that has become markedly reduced 
through clearing for agriculture. It 
occurs mainly in pairs or small family 
groups (3-5) and occasionally large 
flocks up to 200 have been recorded. 

It is perhaps noteworthy that although 
this large cockatoo is one of the most 
conspicuous birds in the southern 
forests its fundamental biology is still 
poorly understood. Most of the 
information concerning the diet is 
anecdotal Storr (1991), Abbott (1998), 
Johnstone and Storr (1998). Since 1996 
we have been studying the distribution, 
status, conservation and breeding 
biology of ruiso in south-western forests. 
The aim of this paper is to identify its 
main foods and feeding techniques. 


The cockatoos were studied at two main 
sites namely Bungendore Park - 
(including Wungong Brook) and 
Jarrahdale (including the Serpentine 
area). Visits were also made to other 
areas in the south-west including Collie, 
Albany, Denmark, Manjimup, Nannup 
and Margaret River to gather 
information on distribution, status, diet 
and breeding etc The vegetation at the 
two main study sites at Bungendore Park 
and Jarrahdale is similar being 
predominantly Jarrah Eucalyptus 
margimta and Marri Corymbia callophylla 
with an understorey of Bull Banksia 
Banksia grandis, Snottygobble Persoonia 
longifolia, Allocasuarina fraseriana and 
Dryandra spp. Both sites also contain 
scattered stands of Blackbutt Eucalyptus 
patens and Wandoo Eucalyptus ivandoo. 

Fieldwork was conducted mostly on a 
weekly basis commencing in 1996 and 
continuing to early 1999. Flocks were 
located in the study sites usually in late 
afternoon or early morning and, once 


located, we recorded the locality, time, 
number of birds and flock composition, 
habitat and behaviour including feeding 
behaviour. The estimated total 

population in the Bungendore area is 70 
birds and at Jarrahdale 100 birds. A 
total of 219 feeding observations were 
made in the main study sites (each 




















Table 2. 

Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoo (C. b. tiaso) Observations of food taken compared with 
1. Mam Cycle. 2. Jarrali Cycle. 3. Breeding Cycle 

% of total feeding records (monthly basis), birds feeding on Marri 




i ' '/////////J 






mfstt ’ 





* ' ’ ' * Jor generdised 

00L 06 08 0^ 09 OS Ot' OS 05 0L 0 

% of total feeding records (monthly basis), birds feeding on Jarrah |;;; | 


observation ranging from several birds 
to the majority of the flock) (see Table 

1) . Food trees were noted, food samples 
including discarded nuts were collected 
and in some cases photographed. 


The principal food in both study sites 
was Marri and Jarrah (see Table 1) 
comprising almost 90% of the diet. We 
made % observations with a total of 
960 birds feeding on Marri and 87 
observations with a total of 712 birds 
feeding on Jarrah. Other less important 
foods include Eucalyptus patens, 
Allocasuarina and Persoonia. There were 
two observations of two birds feeding on 
dead Banksia grandis, two observations 
with a total of 36 birds feeding on the 
seeds of the introduced Spotted Gum 
Eucalyptus maculata and one observation 
of 9 birds feeding on the seeds of the 
introduced Cape Lilac Melia azederach . 
All food was taken from the tree canopy 
with the Persoonia and Banksia being 
small understorey trees. 

Birds were recorded feeding on Marri 
throughout the year (see Tables 1 and 

2) ,however there was a strong seasonal 
shift between March and June from 
Marri to Jarrah and other foods. Flower 
and subsequent fruit production of both 
Marri and Jarrah varies between years 
on about a four to five year cycle (see 
tree ecology below and Table 2). 
Preliminary results indicate that the 
extent of flowering and nut production 
may determine the numbers of nesting 
birds in the subsequent breeding season. 
Although some seed of Marri and Jarrah 
is available all year, the cockatoos are 
extremely selective with respect to 
which trees they feed in and there may 
be large differences in seed quality, 
nutrient value, seed size and seed fill. 

They are methodical feeders returning 
each day to the same tree until the food 
supply is exhausted It was frequently 
noted that adjacent trees of the same 
species were untouched throughout this 
feeding activity, even after the 
'favoured' tree was depleted. It is also 
noteworthy that Marri provides both a 
much larger seed and a heavier seed 
crop when compared to Jarrah and other 
foods. For example Marri nuts contain 
approx 5-6 times the seed mass 
compared to Jarrah. The seed weight in 
Marri is 0.113g v Jarrah 0.020g; seed 
length Marri 12.9 mm v Jarrah 4.5 mm; 
and seed width in Marri 7.2 mm v 3.0 
mm (Abbott 1984). Additionally fewer 
Marri nuts contain no seed than is the 
case of Jarrah. Thus the work effort 
needed to open a Marri nut is justified. 
The abundances of the various foods 
and feeding location, technique and 
timing highlighted the importance of 
Marri and the birds’ knowledge of their 


The method of feeding on Marri and 
Jarrah was distinctive and of use in 
plotting the occurrence of these 
cockatoos after they have fed in an area. 
A bird either nips off a nut within range 
of one position or nips off a branch (up 
to 300 mm long and 9 mm thick) with 
several nuts and then, while still 
holding the branch breaks off individual 
nuts. In either case it extracts and husks 
the seed from the nut with its bill. 
Leaves and other small stems are often 
also nipped off to allow easier access to 
nuts. On finishing, the branch is 
dropped to the ground. The ground 
beneath the tree becomes littered with 
chewed nuts, leaves and small branches 
with up to 70% of the ground beneath 
the canopy covered in nuts and leaves. 
Attention is often drawn to a feeding 


party by the sound of hard nuts being 
cracked open and the continual stream 
of debris falling to the ground. When 
feeding in the outer foliage birds often 
pulled thin branches together for more 
secure footing and one female was seen 
to wedge herself into a fork with a spray 
of nuts in windy conditions. 


Usually a bird bites off a tough woody 
nut and transfers it to the foot, almost 
invariably the left foot (but some birds 
are right footed). Marri nuts are large, 
thick and woody with measurements 
ranging from 25-45mm long and 20 x 
40mm in width and birds will feed on 
green to hardened ripe nuts. The Marri 
nuts are opened in a number of ways 
(Figures 3 and 4) with individuals using 
one of the following techniques.- 

1. Holding the nut by the pedicel and 
chopping their way into the bowl 
(or hypanthium) from the rim 

2. Holding the rim of the nut and 
chopping in at the base of the 

3. Holding the nut at the rim or base 
and chopping in at the centre and 
rotating the nut in the foot anti¬ 

Depending on the individual skill of the 
bird it takes about one-two minutes 
(0.38 - 2.45 minutes) to extract and 
husk the seed from a Marri nut. One 
adult male extracted seeds from five 
green nuts in 3.12 minutes. On one 
occasion an adult female was also 
observed taking (grabbing) opened nuts 
from her mate feeding alongside, taking 
them from his foot just as the seeds were 


Jarrah nuts are held firmly in the foot or 

manoeuvred in the bill (Figure 5) and 
the seed capsule is split open by the bill 
and the seeds extracted and husked at a 
rate of 2-5 nuts per minute (see Figure 
6). One adult extracted seeds from 30 
nuts in 8.20 minutes. In some cases 
however only half the seeds from each 
nut are extracted. 

A llocasuarina 

Allocasuarina cones are held in the foot, 
split down the centre with the bill then 
rotated with the foot in order to extract 
and husk the seeds. Times recorded to 
extract and husk the seeds from 
Allocasuarina cones range from 30-36 
seconds. The seeds of Allocasuarina are 
retained in the mature cones for only 1- 
2 months (January-February) and after 
this time very little seed remains for the 
cockatoos to harvest 
The fruits of the Snottygobble 
(Persoonia) are split down the centre 
and the tiny seed extracted. Birds feed 
very slowly on Snottygobble at the rate 
of about 2 fruits per minute and not all 
fruits are eaten. Often adults spending 
time pruning the outer branches as well 
as feeding. Spotted gum nuts are 
handled the same way as jarrah nuts. 
Cape Lilac fruits are sometimes held in 
the foot but mostly sliced in half and 
seeds extracted with just the bill and 


In both study areas the flocks spend the 
night roosting in tall straight trunked 
isolated stands of Jarrah-Marri- 
Blackbutt growing in a road side verge, 
edge of a paddock or at the edge of a 
forest block. The birds usually leave 
their night roosts at sunrise (ca. 05:00 
Western Standard time) split into 
smaller family groups and move into 
adjacent forest. Our study flocks (with 


Figure 3. Discarded green Marri nuts from one tree showing range of opening methods. 

Figure 4. Discarded Marri nuts eaten by naso showing both base (top row) and rim (bottom 
rows) opening methods. 


Figure 5. Female C. b. naso with Jarrah nut in bill. 

Figure 6. Discarded Jarrah nuts eaten by naso. 


some banded birds) were usually located 
within 1-4 km of the roost. After a 
short period of preening and sometimes 
basking in morning sunlight they began 
feeding, usually in Marri or Jarrah trees. 

Feeding continued for up to 10-12 
hours sometimes with short breaks to 
move to another tree, preen or clean the 
bill. Bill cleaning involves wiping the 
bill on dead branches or chewing into 
dead wood especially Jarrah and 
Banksia. At around 16:00 to 17:00 hrs 
birds would stop feeding, begin bill 
cleaning and preening, become more 
vocal and move off in small groups to 
drink at water in tree hollows, creeks, 
puddles, dams and troughs. Overall they 
have a preference for drinking at tree 
hollows and appear quite uncomfortable 
on the ground. On dark, the birds would 
return to the roost area. 

This behaviour was repeated each day 
unless there was a marked change in the 
weather especially with heavy rain and 
strong winds. Under these conditions 
birds foraged less and remained more 
subdued in their behaviour. When 
breeding the female leaves the nest 
hollow once or twice a day to be fed by 
the male (by pump regurgitation). It 
takes immatures over a year to develop 
the skills necessary to extract seeds from 
Marri nuts and during this period they 
are constantly attended by both parent 
birds. Young birds must also learn which 
trees produce nuts with seed in order 
not to waste effort on seedless nuts. 


The flowering and subsequent nutting of 
Marri and Jarrah varies significantly 
from one year to the next. Marri flowers 
heavily on a five year cycle (R Mawson 
pers. comm.). Buds are initiated in 
August or September, mature by January 
when flowering commences, develop 

into nuts in March-December and the 
seeds dehisce from mature nuts in 
January-February of the third year. 
Overall taking about 17 months 
between initiation of buds and the 
shedding of seeds At the end of this 
cycle trees which produce a heavy 
flowering and crop of nuts, are in poor 
condition with reduced leaves in the 
canopy and few new leaves. The 
resources used in producing such large 
flowers and nuts are so great that the 
tree requires another three years to 
recover enough to repeat the process. In 
any one year only about 20-50 percent 
of the trees produce a large nut crop. It 
is also noteworthy that a small 
proportion of Marri trees produce only 
male flowers and seedless fruits (Carr et 
al. 1981). 

In Jarrah, flowering occurs every 4-6 
years (Abbott and Loneragan 1986). 
Buds are initiated in December-January 
each year and if conditions are 
favourable they are retained and 
develop further, flowering between 
September and December. These flowers 
develop into nuts during the next year 
and mature in September. Seed is shed 
three months later in December-March 
taking overall 24-27 months from bud 
initiation to shedding seed. 


Habitat destruction has clearly caused 
the Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoos 
marked decline in south-western 
Australia. The extensive clearing of the 
Jarrah-Marri and Wandoo forest and 
woodland, largely for agriculture, has led 
to a loss of over one third of its original 
range. Land clearing has slowed greatly 
in recent years. Cockatoos are however 
long-lived and it is not clear whether 
this factor is masking a continuing 
decline in their overall populations. 


The birds are currently only patchily 
distributed throughout the south¬ 
western forests. Judging from this study 
the cockatoos are relatively sedentary 
and could be extremely vulnerable to 
habitat loss and fragmentation. The two 
limiting factors in the birds' survival are 
food and suitable nest hollows. At 
present it would appear that the food 
supply in both study sites is adequate, 
however quality as well as quantity may 
be crucial (especially in breeding 
season). In this context further study is 
required as to why some trees are 
extensively cropped whilst others 
apparently at a similar stage are ignored. 
The cockatoos are highly dependent for 
food (and nest hollows) on Marri and to 
a lesser extent on Jarrah (R. Johnstone, 
unpublished data). Observations of 
flock movements, diet changes and 
breeding times appears to be coincident 
with the heavy nutting cycle of the 
Marri so food may be a limiting factor 
in breeding times. Breeding was only 
recorded in both study sites in October- 
December of 1995 and 1997 when both 
areas had a heavy Marri nut crop. It is 
also noteworthy that even in these two 
breeding years only some 10% of the 
flock in both study areas attempted (or 
appeared capable) of breeding. Further 
research into the breeding biology of 
this subspecies is in progress. 


We thank John Darnell for help and 
comments on a draft of this paper. We 
would also like to thank Peter Mawson 
and Ian Abbott for information on the 
ecology of Marri and Jarrah. 
Considerable assistance to this study was 
provided by Phil Stone, Kim Sarti and 
the Bungendore Management Com¬ 

mittee. We also thank the Water 
Corporation who allowed access to 
catchment areas. This study was partly 
funded by a grant from the Department 
of Conservation and Land Management 
and the Western Australian Museum. 


ABBOTT, 1. 1984. Emergence, early 
survival, and growth of seedlings of six 
tree species in Mediterranean forest of 
Western Australia. Forest Ecology and 
Management 9, 51-66. 

ABBOTT, 1.1998. Conservation of the 
forest red-tailed black cockatoo, a 
hollow-dependent species, in the 
eucalypt forest of Western Australia. 
Forest Ecology and Management 109, 

1986. Ecology of Jarrah (Eucalyptus 
maiginata) in the northern Jarrah forest 
of Western Australia. Bulletin No. 1 
Department of Conservation and Land 
Management Perth, Western Australia 

CARR, S.G.M., CARR, D.J. and ROSS, 
F.L. 1981. Male flowers in eucalypts. 
Australian Journal of Botany 19:73-83. 

FORD, J. 1980. Morphological and 
ecological divergence and convergence 
in insolated populations of the red¬ 
tailed black-cockatoo. Emu 80, 103- 
120 . 

1998. Flandbook of Western Australian 
Birds, Vol. 1. Non-passerines (Emu to 
Dollarbird), Western Australian 
Museum, Perth. 

STORR, G.M. 1991. Birds of the South¬ 
west Division of Western Australia. Rec. 
West. Aust. M us. Suppl. 35:84-85. 



Western Australian Museum of Natural Science, Francis Street, Perth 6000 


Recent work especially that by the 
Western Australian Museum has 
illustrated the significance of urban 
bushland remnants to the survival of 
vertebrate fauna of the Perth region 
(How and Dell 1989, 1993,1994, How 
et al. 1996, Harvey et al. 1997 and 
Cooper 1995). There is a relationship 
between size of remnant bushland and 
the number of species surviving with 
reserves as small as 4 ha having been 
shown to be important for faunal 
assemblages (Turpin 1990, 1991). 
However many species persist on even 
smaller reserves (Cooper 1995). 

This study was initiated by the Success 
Hill Action Group (Inc.) to determine 
the vertebrate fauna of the small 
remnant of native bushland at Success 
Hill and the adjacent and contiguous 
Bennett Brook area northwards to 
Benara Road, in Caversham (Figure 1). 


Success Hill Reserve (Figure 1) is vested 
with the Bassendean Town Council and 
occupies an elevated area overlooking 
the Swan River. It is bounded by the 
Swan River to the east and housing to 
the west. The area has been isolated by 
roads to the west for many decades but 
is contiguous with the riverine 
woodlands of Bennett Brook to the 
north. The study area is located at the 

interface of the Bassendean Dune 
System and the Pinjarra Plain (Keighery 
1996) and consequently the soils are a 
mixture of sands and clayey silts. In the 
past, clay has been mined in several 

Success Hill Reserve is situated on the 
Bassendean Dune System. It is a 
remnant Banksia woodland consisting of 
Candlestick Banksia, Banksia attenuata 
and Firewood Banksia, B. menziesii with 
an overstorey of Jarrah, Eucalyptus 
margimta. There is a shrub and heath 
understorey. The Swan River has a 
fringing forest of Flooded Gum, E. rudis, 
Paperbark, Melaleuca rhaphiophylla and 
She-oak, Casuarina obesa . This riverine 
forest extends, patchily, along the 
entire length of Bennett Brook. 
Additionally, the Paperbark has 
extensive woodlands associated with the 
swamp system on the eastern side of 
Bennett Brook. These vegetation types 
are described by Keighery (1996). 

Much of the shrub vegetation along 
Bennett Brook has been modified or 
eliminated by various land use practices 
especially cattle and horse grazing. 


This study aimed to record the 
vertebrate assemblage of each 
vegetation type in the Success Hill 
Reserve and nearby parts of the 
Bennett Brook area. In order to obtain 


Figure 1. Aerial photograph of the Success Hill/Bennett Brook area showing locations of 
vertebrate trapping sites (marked 1 and 2) and the fish shampling sites marked (A, B, C, 
D, E). 


an assessment of the seasonal faunal 
assemblage it was decided to undertake 
sampling surveys at several times of the 
year. Accordingly, surveys were 
undertaken to examine the fauna during 
September and November 1994, 
January, February, March, April, May, 
July, October and November 1995. 

Terrestrial vertebrate sampling sites 
were established in January 1995 when 
nine 20 litre buckets, placed 10 metres 
apart, were used as pitfall traps. A seven 
metre long flywire fence standing 30 cm 
high was placed vertically over each trap 
when they were opened and operational 
Two sites were chosen for intensive 
sampling, one on Success Hill and one 
on the slopes below Pyrton (Figure 1). 

These two sites were chosen to 
represent the range of habitats available 
in the elevated dry sandy areas. The 
lowland sites close to Bennett Brook 
were not chosen for intensive sampling 
as pitfall traps cannot be located in 
areas that become waterlogged during 
winter rains. 

The traps were opened and examined 
on seven consecutive days during 
February, March, July, October and 
November 1995. Traps were closed and 
sealed and the flywire fence removed 
between trapping periods. Traps were 
examined daily and all reptiles, 
amphibians and mammals were 
identified, measured, and released. 

Extensive searches were also made of 
the entire area to record reptiles and 
amphibians. In particular all surface 
rubbish and timber, bark and leaf litter 
was turned over and examined to reveal 
hidden species. Nocturnal surveys were 
undertaken with headtorches on three 
occasions to reveal species which are 
only active at night. 

Frogs were sampled during favourable 
weather conditions throughout the year 

and fish were sampled on two occasions 
at set sample sites (Figure 1) along the 
lower reaches of Bennett Brook in 
autumn and the beginning of winter. 
Afternoon and evening surveys were 
also conducted on four occasions to 
record calling frogs. All surface fresh 
water was examined with nets for the 
presence of tadpoles. 

Birds were recorded opportunistically 
whilst checking the fenced pitlines and 
during all other reptile and frog surveys. 

A search was carried out of relevant 
literature to find distributional records 
of vertebrates from the region. In 
particular we used How and Dell 
(1993) for mammals, Bush er al. (1995) 
and How and Dell (1993, 1994) for 
reptiles, Storr and Johnstone (1988) 
and How and Dell (1993) for birds, 
Tyler et al. (1994) for amphibians, and 
Sarti and Allen (1978) for freshwater 
fish. Museum databases were also 
searched for additional mammal and 
reptile data. 



During these surveys the only mammal 
trapped was the introduced House 
Mouse, Mus musculus. Numerous signs 
of House Mice were recorded 
throughout the area where old nests and 
burrows were located under various large 
items of rubbish. Both Success Hill 
Reserve and the Bennett Brook area are 
used by domestic cats and dogs. Rabbits, 
Oryctolagus cuniculus, were widespread 
but not abundant in the area Signs of 
Foxes, Vu/pes vulpes, were widespread in 
the area. A fox den had the remains of 
Swamphens, Black Ducks, Ring-necked 
Parrots, Dusky Moorhens and freshwater 
crustaceans, indicating the wide range 
of prey items taken. 


Table 1. Frogs and Reptiles sampled systematically by trapping and observed opportunistically in each of the habitats at Bennett Brook/ 
SuccessHill. SH, Success Hill; FY, Pyrton; SO, Sheoak; BB, Bennett Brook; SS, Small Swamps; SA, Samphire area; OB, Old Bridge; MS, 
Main Swamp. 

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The Quenda or Southern Brown 
Bandicoot, Isoodon obesulus, was 
recorded. Characteristic feeding diggings 
were located around the edges of the 
inundated areas after the heavy rains 
during the winter of 1995. These 
animals were presumably forced out of 
their habitat along Bennett Brook and 
the Swan River. Two dead Quendas 
were also located on Benara Road near 
the junction of Bennett Brook at the 
northern end of the study area during 
heavy rain. 

Although not sighted in the study area 
several Common Brush possums, 
Trichosurus vulpecula were reported in 
the Flooded Gums, Eucalyptus rudis 
along the banks of the Swan River just 
downstream of our study area (K. 
Pearson, pers. comm). It is likely that 
Water Rats, Hydromys chrysogaster occur 
in the lower reaches of the Bennett 
Brook as there are old museum records 
from nearby localities including 
Belmont Park, as well as unspecified 
localities on the Swan River. 

No other species of terrestrial mammal 
was recorded during this survey 
although introduced Black Rats, Rattus 
rattus are likely to be widespread in the 
area. Historically, seven species of 
native terrestrial mammals (Kitchener 
and Vicker 1981) are known from the 
Bassendean Sand System but most of 
these are now locally extinct in the 
region (How and Dell 1993). 

One species of bat was heard calling in 
the area during nocturnal surveys This 
was the White-striped Mastiff Bat, 
Nyctinomus australis, which is the only 
local bat whose echolocation sounds 
can be heard by the human ear. A 
search of the literature, especially 
Strahan (1995) and the Museum 
database indicates that as many as nine 
other bat species were originally known 
from the region but How and Dell 

(1993) suggest that many may no 
longer be found in the region. 


Seven species of amphibians were 
recorded during these surveys. They are 
listed on Table 1 together with habitat 
types in which they were recorded. 
Each species is also briefly discussed 

Slender Tree Frog Litoriaadelaidensis 
At Bennett Brook, it breeds in early 
spring in the bullrush swamps at the base 
of the hill below Pyrton. Calling males 
were abundant in these swamps between 
August and October. The egg masses 
were attached to the rush stems just 
below the surface of the water. Tadpoles 
were present in late spring and summer. 
When not breeding they tend to disperse 
widely and can be found throughout 
Bennett Brook and the adjacent 
Melaleuca swamps and were trapped in 
February mainly in the Bracken Fern on 
the slopes below Pyrton. 

Motorbike Frog Litoria moorei 
Only one Motorbike Frog was trapped 
in the Bracken Ferns below Pyrton 
during this survey. 

Quacking Frog Criniageorgiana 

Many individuals were captured in the 
pit traps both on Success Hill and below 
Pyrton. They were captured in all 
sampling periods. 

This frog breeds in shallow seepages 
along the entire western side of Bennett 
Brook northwards from the base of 
Success Hill. The large eggs are laid 
from mid-winter and were found 
throughout the shallow seepage areas. 

Glauert’s Froglet Criniaglauerti 
This frog is common along Bennett 


Brook especially in the bulrush swamps 
and the seasonally inundated areas that 
occurred in the winter of 1995. This 
frog bred in large numbers in all the 
freshwater areas that remained after 
these heavy rains. 

Squelching Froglet Crinia insignifera 

This is the commonest frog in the area 
and was present throughout the 
Melaleuca swamps. It bred in large 
numbers in the inundated areas after the 
heavy winter rains in 1995. The eggs are 
laid in water in the same manner as 
Glauert’s Froglet. 

Moaning Frog Heleioporus eyrei 

Only 3 individuals were trapped in the 
Success Hill and Pyrton areas. Although 
not recorded breeding on this survey, 
they probably breed around the margins 
of the seepage areas. 

Banjo Frog Limnodynastesdorsalis 

They were captured at both Success Hill 
and below Pyrton and calling males 
were heard in the Melaleuca swamp in 
winter and spring. 

Most of the frog species recorded in the 
study area have widespread 
distributions in suitable habitat on the 
Coastal Plain. One species, the 
Quacking Frog, is mainly a Darling 
Range species with populations 
extending onto the Coastal Plain on 
alluvial soils associated with stream 
zones. One additional species, the 
Turtle Frog, M yobairachus gouldii, is 
known from the Bassendean Dune 
System (How &. Dell 1993) and may 
occur at Success Hill. 


Thirteen species of reptiles were 
recorded during these surveys They are 
discussed below and listed on Table 1 

together with habitat types in which 
they were recorded. 

Swamp Skink Bassiana trilincata . 

Several individuals were located in 
winter under rubbish around the 
margins of the inundated areas at the 
base of the slopes above the old 

Wa 11 Sk i n k Cryptoblepha rus 

This species is widespread in the area 
and found on many trees including 
Paperbark, Melaleuca rhaphiophylla, 
Swamp Sheoak, Casuarina obesa, 
Flooded Gum, Eucalyptus rudis. It 
occupies crevices and gaps among 
peeling bark. 

Striped Skink Ctenotus fallens 

This fast-running, diurnal species is 
widespread throughout Success Hill and 
the slopes northwards to Pyrton. 

Limestone Skink Ctenotus australis 
It is scarce in the area and only two 
individuals were trapped at Success 

Two-toed Skink Herniergisquadrilineata 

Only one individual was trapped in May 
on the slopes below Pyrton. 

Elegant Lerista Leristaelegans 

This tiny lizard is widespread in the 
area and was trapped on Success Hill 
and located among leaf litter under 
the flooded gums along Bennett 

Worm Lerista Lerista praepedita 

This elongated, burrowing lizard is 
probably rare in the area as only one 
was trapped on Success Hill. 


Grey's Skink Menedagreyii 
They live among fallen leaves and are 
widespread and probably the most 
abundant lizard in the area 

Flecked Morethia M orethiaobscura 
This lizard is scarce in the area as only 
one was sighted among the she-oaks 
near the brickworks on the eastern side 
of Bennett Brook. 

Gould’s Monitor Varanusgouldii 
Only one subadult was sighted under 
the remains of an old car on the slopes 
below Pyrton after the fire in January 

Tiger Snake Notechis scutatus 

Tiger snakes are scarce but widespread 
in the area especially around the 
Melaleuca swamps and the seasonally 
inundated areas. 

Dugite Pseudonajaaffinis 

It is widespread in the area and several 
were observed during the survey. 

Long-necked Tortoise Chelodina oblonga 
This tortoise is common 
throughout the fresh water swamps 
along Bennett Brook and also 
occasionally occurs in the brook 
itself. When the peripheral waters 
evaporate in summer, some 
individuals aestivate in the drying 
mud to emerge with the following 
winter rains. Adult females leave 
the water to lay their eggs in dry 
sandbanks particularly along the 
western side of Bennett Brook. 

Another 31 species of reptiles are 
known from the Bassendean Dune 
System (How & Dell 1993) but are 
unlikely to be present in the study 
area as suitable habitat does not 


Five species of native and two 
introduced fish species were recorded in 
Bennett Brook during these surveys. 
Each species is listed below together 
with comments on their status at 
Bennett Brook. 

Western Minnow Galaxias occidentalis 

These small eel-like fish were often seen 
swimming close to the surface against 
the current in the fastest running parts 
of Bennett Brook. They are relatively 
common in Bennett Brook in the upper 
parts of the study area, downstream at 
least to the old bridge. This is a 
common endemic species in the 
southwest extending from the Moore 
River to the east of Albany (Allen 

Mosquito Fish Gambusia holbrooki 
This is an exotic species which is 
extremely abundant in Bennett Brook 
and the extensive Melaleuca Swamps, 
even in the shallow weedy seasonal 
wetlands around the margins. 
Populations fluctuate markedly in 
Bennett Brook as this is a very fecund 
species which produces up to 375 live 
young up to six times during the year 
(Cadwallader and Backhouse 1983). It 
is regarded as a pest on native species 
and in some cases its effect on the 
native fish fauna has been profound 
(Allen 1982). In eastern Australia it 
also has an impact on amphibian 
populations by predating on tadpoles 
(Webb & Joss 1997). 

Nightfish Bostockia porosa 
This nocturnal species prefers running 
water and was found in the upper 
reaches of Bennett Brook downstream 
to the old bridge During the day time it 
is very hard to find as it secretes itself 


away among stones or vegetation at the 
bottom of the stream. This is an 
endemic species found in coastal 
streams, lakes and ponds from the 
Moore River to Albany (Allen 1982). 

Western Pygmy Perch Edclia vittata 
This small fish was found throughout 
the length of Bennett Brook 
downstream to where the freshwater 
meets the tidal waters of the Swan 
River. It was found among water weeds 
and vegetation debris This is an 
endemic species found in coastal 
streams, lakes and ponds from the 
Moore River to Hopetoun (Allen 

Swan River Goby Pseudogobiusolorum 
This small species is abundant in the 
Swan River and was found in the lower 
reaches of Bennett Brook. This fish is a 
slow swimming species and was hard to 
locate as it spends most of its time 
resting among submerged vegetation. 
This species is commonly found in 
streams and estuaries of the South-west 
(Allen 1982). 

Long Thin Goby Favonigobius lateralis 
This larger fish was found in the same 
sites as the Swan River Goby. 

Golden Carp Cyprinusauratus 

Only two juveniles of this exotic species 
were found in the middle sections of 
Bennett Brook. It feeds on insects, 
crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic 
vegetation (Allen 1982). The seasonal 
nature of Bennett Brook suggests that it 
is unlikely to become abundant and 
therefore not likely to become a major 
problem here 


Seventy-eight species of birds were 

recorded during this survey. They are 
listed in Table 2. Not surprisingly, most 
species are associated with the extensive 
swamp system on the eastern side of 
Bennett Brook. Wooded wetlands such 
as these are now relatively scarce on the 
eastern side of the Swan Coastal Plain. 
Accordingly, this swampland is a 
significant feeding and roosting area for 
many species of bird especially herons, 
cormorants and ducks 

Table 2 also includes a number of small 
insectivorous landbirds such as 
thornbills, fairy-wrens, scrub-wrens and 
Grey Fantails which require natural 
vegetation for their survival. Each of 
the species in this group have declined 
markedly on the Swan Coastal Plain as 
a result of habitat fragmentation (How 
and Dell, 1993). The corridor of mature 
trees along Bennett Brook provides an 
important linkage between the riverine 
corridor of the Swan River and 
conservation reserves, especially Ellen 
Brook to the north. 


The study area has been recognised as 
having important conservation 
significance and is recommended for 
conservation in Perth's Bushplan 
(Government of Western Australia 
1998) as the largest and most diverse 
relatively intact lagoonal system on the 
Swan-Canning River Estuary and is one 
of a very limited number of bushland 
areas on the Swan Estuary in providing 
habitat for fauna as well as linkages 
between different bushland areas 

The study area has five species of native 
fish all of which have declined on the 
Swan Coastal Plain. The frog fauna 
which includes seven species is 
moderately rich for a coastal plain 
wetland. The area has a rich lizard fauna 
with nine species of skink lizards. The 


most significant species is the Swamp 
Skink which is now rarely recorded on 
Swan Coastal Plain bushlands (How and 
Dell, 1994). 

The conservation significance of the 
area for birds has been highlighted 
above The swamplands support a large 
number of waterbirds and the riverine 
forest is an important transit corridor 
linking the Swan River with 
conservation reserves to the north. 


The Success Hill/Bennett Brook area 
needs specific management planning and 
practices to protect the multiple 
objectives of conservation (both wildlife 
and flora) and human recreation and 
aesthetic values. In particular, the 
damaging processes of fire, environ¬ 
mental weeds, feral animals, grazing 
animals and human disturbance need 
addressing. Some need immediate 
attention e.g. wildfire control and others 
need longer term considerations as 
disturbance processes increase with time. 

Fire has both short-term as well as long¬ 
term effects on native fauna. These were 
summarised in a symposium organised by 
the Urban Bushland Council in 1995, 
and highlighted in a paper by Dell and 
How (1995). They indicated that 
vertebrate as well as invertebrate 
animals were inimically affected by fire. 
In particular, habitat specific, dietary 
specialist, sedentary species were worst 
affected. Some species disappeared 
completely after fire and others were 
slow to recolonise burnt areas from 
unbumt patches 

The severe wildfire of January 1995 had 
a devastating effect on native fauna at 
Success Hill. Many slow moving, above¬ 
ground reptile species such as Bobtails, 
legless lizards and some skinks were 

killed outright by the fire Others which 
occupied burrows emerged after the fire 
to face considerably increased predator 
pressure because their protective cover 
had been removed. 

A large number of exotic grasses and 
other plants occur in the Success Hill/ 
Bennett Brook area and all contribute 
to changes to native plant and animal 
communities, displace sensitive native 
species, reduce regeneration of native 
species, disposess native animals of 
habitat or food resources, increase 
flammability of native vegetation and 
result in more frequent and increased 
fire intensity. They also affect the soil 
surface and change natural water and 
nutrient cycles. 

Non-native species of vertebrates such 
as foxes, cats, rabbits and Golden Carp 
compete for resources against native 
species and a number of them predate 
on native fauna Rabbit overgrazing can 
result in soil erosion, weed invasion and 
the loss of native plant species. Foxes 
and cats prey upon ground animals and 
can seriously affect the population of 
the Quenda They also destroy nests of 
ground-nesting birds or those that nest 
close to the ground. 

Native vegetation is easily damaged by 
human trampling. This also causes 
increased erosion and spread of weeds. 
Fertiliser and chemical use (herbicide 
and pesticide) should be discouraged in 
adjacent areas to reduce their effects in 
Bennett Brook as these affect water 
quality and the consequent survival of 
native fish and frogs. 


We would like to thank the Success Hill 
Action Group (Inc.) for organising the 
grant from the 1994/95 National 
Landcare Programme, One Million 


Table 2. List of birds recorded at Success Hill/Bennett Brook during surveys in 1994-1995 
+ = species which have colonised the area through natural expansion 
* = species which have been introduced by man 


Black Swan Cygmis atratus 
Australian Shelduck Tadoma tadomoides 
Pacific Black Duck Anas superciliosa 
Grey Teal Anas gracilis 
Australian Wood Duck Chenonetta jubata 
Blue-billed Duck Oxyura australis 
Musk Duck B iziura lobata 


Australasian Grebe Tachybaptus novaehdlandiae 


Darter Anhinga melanogaster 

Little Black Cormorant Phalacrocorax 

Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo 
Little Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax 


Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicillatus 

White-necked Heron Ardea pacifica 
White-faced Heron Ardea novaehollandiae 
Great Egret Egretta alba 
Rufous Night Heron Nycticorax caledonicus 

+Sacred Ibis Threskiornisaethiopicus 
+St raw-necked Ibis Threskiornis spinicollis 
+Ye l low-billed Spoonbill Platalea flavipes 


Black-shouldered Kite Elanus caemleus 
Whistling Kite Haliastur sphenurus 
Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus 


Peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus 
Australian Kestrel Falco cenchroides 


Dusky Moorhen Gallinula tenebrosa 
Purple Swamphen Porphyrio porphyrio 
Eurasian Coot Fulicaatra 

Buff-banded Rail Gallirallus philippensis 
Spotless Crake Porzana tabuensis 

Black-fronted Dotterel Charadrius melanops 

Spotted 7 urtle-Dove Streptopelia chinensis 
*Laughing Turtle-Dove Streptopelia 

^Domestic Pigeon Columba livia 

*Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus haematodus 
Australian Ringneck Platycercus zonarius 
Red-capped Parrot Platycercus spurius 
Carnaby's Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus 

+Galah Cacatua roseicapilla 
*Corella Cacatua spp. 


Pallid Cuckoo Cuculus pallidus 
Fan-tailed Cuckoo Cacomantis jlabelliformis 
Shining Bronze Cuckoo Chrysococcyx lucidus 


^Laughing Kookaburra Dacelo novaeguineae 
Sacred Kingfisher Todiramphus sanctus 


Rainbow Bee-eater M erops omatus 

Splendid Fairy-wren Malurus splendens 

Spotted Pardalotc Pardalotus punctatus 
Striated Pardalote Pardalotus striatus 

Western Gerygonc Gerygone fusca 
Weebill Smicornis brevirostris 
Broad-tailed Thornbill Acanthiza apicalis 
Yellow-rumped Thornbill Acanthiza 

White-browed Scrubwren Sericomis frontalis 

Brown Honeyeater Lichmera indistincta 


Table 2. (continued) 

Singing Honeyeater Meliphaga virescens 

White-cheeked Honeyeater Phylidonyris nigra 

Tawny-crowned Honeyeater Phylidonyris 

New Holland Honeyeater Phylidonyris 

Western Spinebill A canthorhynchus 


Western Little Wattlebird Anthochaera 

Red Wattlebird Anthochaera carunailata 

White-fronted Chat Epthianura albifrons 


Rufous Whistler Pachycephala rufiventris 


Grey Fantail Rhipidura fuliginosa 

Willy Wagtail Rhipidura leucophrys 

Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca 


Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina 


Grey Butcherbird Cracticus torquatus 
Australian Magpie Cracticus tibicen 


Australian Raven Corvus coronoides 


Welcome Swallow Hirundo neoxena 

Tree Martin Hirundo nigricans 


Grey-breasted White-eye Z osterops lateralis 

Clamorous Reed-Warbler Acrocephalus 

Little Grassbird Megalurusgramineus 

Mistletoebird Dicaeum hirundinaceum 

Richard’s Pipit Anthus novaeseelandiae 

Trees and the Save The Bush 

We would like to express our gratitude 
to Kay Pearson, for her considerable 
assistance in providing background 
information and organising access to the 
various land owners. 


ALLEN, G.R. 1982. A Field Guide to 
Inland Fishes of Western Australia. W.A. 
Museum. Perth. 

1995. Reptiles and Frogs of the Perth 
Region. University of Western Australia 

BACKHOUSE, G.N. 1983. A Guide to 

the Freshwater Fish of Victoria. 

Government Printer. Melbourne. 

COOPER, N.K. 1995. Vertebrate Fauna 
of an Isolated Bushland Reserve (No 
18325) in Inner Perth. Western 
Australian Naturalist. 20: 21-28. 

DELL, J. and HOW, R.A. 1995. Faunal 
Responses to Fire in Urban Bushland. 
pp. 35-41 In: Burning our Bushland. 
Proceedings of a Conference about Fire 
and Urban Bushland Urban Bushland 
Council (W.A.). 

AUSTRALIA 1998. Perth’s Bushplan 
Volume Two Part B. Department of 
Environmental Protection Perth. 
& WALDOCK, J.M. 1997 Ground 
Fauna of Bushland Remnarits on the Ridge 
Hill Shelf and Pinjarra Plain Landforms, 


Perth. Report to the Australian Heritage 
Commission. NEP Grant N95/49.56 pp. 

HOW. R.A. & DELL, J. 1989. 
Vertebrate Fauna of Bold Park. Western 
Australian Naturalist. 18: 122-131. 

HOW. R.A. & DELL, J. 1993. 
Vertebrate Fauna of the Perth 
Metropolitan Region: Consequences of 
a Modified Environment, pp 28-47. In: 
M. Hipkins (ed) Urban Bush 
Management. Australian Institute of 
Urban Studies, Perth. 

HOW, R.A. and DELL, J. 1994. The 
Zoogeographic Significance of Urban 
Bushland Remnants to Reptiles in the 
Perth region, Western Australia. Pacific 
Conservation Biology. 1:132-140. 

and WALDOCK, J.M. 1996. Ground 
Fauna of Urban Bushland Remnants in 
Perth. Report to the Australian Heritage 
Commission. NEP Grant N93/04. 
KE1GHERY, B.J. 1996. A Description of 
Remnant Vegetation of Bennett Brook 
(System Six Area M41). Report 
prepared for the Department of 
Environmental Protection, Perth, 
Western Australia 

SART1, N. and ALLEN, G. 1978. 
Freshwater Fishes of the Northern Swan 
Coastal Plain. Pp. 204-220, In : R.A. 
How (ed), Faunal Studies of the Northern 
Swan Coastal Plain: a consideration of 
Past and Future changes. W.A. Museum. 


1988. Birds of the Swan Coastal Plain. 
Records of the Western Australian 
Museum. Supplement 28. 

STORR. G.M.. HAROLD. G. and 
BARRON, G. 1978. Amphibians and 
Reptiles of the Northern Swan Coastal 
Plain. Pp. 173-203. In: R.A. How (ed), 
Faunal Studies of the Northern Swan 
Coastal Plain: a Consideration of Past and 
Future Changes. W.A. Museum, Perth. 

STORR, G.M., SMITH, L.A. and 
JOHNSTONE, R.E. 1981. Lizards of 
Western Australian. 1. Skinks. Western 
Australian Museum, Perth. 

STRAHAN, R. 1995. The Mammals of 
Australia. The Australian Museum/ 
Reed Books, Sydney. 

TURPIN, M.C. 1990. Ecological 
Appraisal of an Isolated Banksia 
Woodland Reserve No. 3694 South of 
the Swan River, Perth. Western 
Australian Naturalist, 18: 131-138. 

TURPIN, M.C. 1991. Additions to the 
Fauna of Reserve 3694, Victoria Park. 
Western Australian Naturalist, 18: 168- 

TYLER, M.J., SMITH, L.A. and 
JOHNSTONE, R.E. 1994. Frogs of 
Western Australia. Western Australian 
Museum, Perth. 

WEBB, C. and JOSS, J. 1997. Does 
Predation by the Fish Gambusia 
holbrooki (Atheriniformes: Poeciliidae) 
Contribute to Declining Frog 
Populations. Australian Zoologist, 30: 




‘Four Gables’, 18 Barclay Rd, Kardinya, Western Australia 6163. 


The legume known as Sturt Pea (or Sturts Desert Pea), which has 
been placed in both Qianthus and Swainsona, is considered to belong 
to a distinct, monotypic genus which is described under the name 
WiMampia and a new specific combination made accordingly. 


The ephemeral or biennial legume 
known as Sturt Pea or Sturt's Desert Pea 
(floral emblem of South Australia) was 
long known under the name Qianthus 
formosus (G.Don) Ford & Vickery, 
although it was accepted widely that it 
was misplaced in that genus, the type 
species of which is native to New 
Zealand. Sturt Pea differs from Qianthus 
s. str. in its short inflorescence, well- 
developed calyx lobes, long, narrow 
cylindrical bilocular legume, 
indumentum, large stipules and 
ephemeral prostrate habit (Thompson, 
1990). In 1990, J. Thompson, com¬ 
pleting a revision of the genus 
Suuimora, decided that C. formosus was 
more appropriately placed in that genus 
and made the formal combination 
(Thompson, 1990). She gave minimal 
justification for her decision, stating 
only that ‘it is closely related to S. 
beasleyana F.Muell. from which it differs 
in its larger usually red (not purple) 
flowers, acute keel and longer fruit’. Her 
revision of the genus (Thompson, 1993) 
gave no further reason for the transfer. I 
believe that her analysis has ignored the 

very distinctive corolla of this plant 
which is easily distinguished from all 
other taxa of Swainsona by the 
orientation of the standard and keel, by 
its large size and typically red petals 
with a prominent black ‘boss’ on the 
standard The standard and keel petals 
of Sturt Pea diverge at an anle of c. 
180° and the ‘boss’ is prominently 
convex, in contrast to Swainsona in 
which they diverge at 70-90 tf and the 
eye is concave. In the Cape Range 
peninsula of north-western Western 
Australia the ‘boss’ is dark red. 
Elsewhere, occasional plants have 
pinkish or white shades, but these are 
atypical. The corolla of Sturt Pea is 90- 
120 mm long; the largest corolla 
otherwise in Swainsona is 30 mm long 
(S. maccullochiana F.Muell.). All species 
of Swainsona have corollas that are 
various shades of pink, mauve or purple, 
sometimes with yellow parts, and some 
show considerable change from a 
creamish colour in bud to the purple 
open flower. The legume of Sturt Pea, 
40-90 mm long, is also larger than that 
of most other species of Swainsona, most 
of which are below 30 mm, the longest 


being 65 mm in S. murrayana Wawra. 
Accordingly the species is here placed 
in a new, monotypic genus. 

Willdampia A.S.George, gen. nov. 

Herbae ephemerae, interdum biennes. 
Folia pinnata, stipulis prominentibus. 
Inflorescentia axillaris, racemus floribus 
usque ad 6 in pedunculo robusto recro, 
rhachide contracto; flores bracteis 
prominentibus latis subtenti. Calyx in 
hypanthio insertum, bracteolis 2 longis. 
Corollae vexillum ab cadna ad angulum 
c. 180'-’ divergens; petala coccinea, ad 
basin vexilli nigra et nitens, raro rubra 
vel alba; vexillum rectum, ad basin 
convexum, in ungue decrescenti, 4-6 
cm longum; alae in ungue gracili 
auriculato, ad apicem acutum 
angustatae; carina 5-6 cm longa, 
pendens, ad apicem acutum decrescens, 
ungue breve auriuculato. Stamina brevia 
et longa alternantia, 9 coalita, 1 libera. 
Pistillum gracile in stipite prominente; 
ovarium angustum ovulis multis; stylus 
decrescens, glaber; stigma parva. 
Legumen cylindricum ad anguste 
ellipsoidale. aliquantum inflatum, in 
rostro recto angustatum, suturo 
profunde impresso, secus suturum 
primum dehiscens, deinde laterum 
alterum. Semina multa, discoidea, 

Typus: Willdampia formosa (G.Don) 
A.S.George, comb nov. 

Basionym: Donia formosa G.Don, Gen. 
Hist. Dichlamydeous Plants 2: 468 
(1832); Clianthus formosus (G.Don) 
Ford et Vickery, Contr. New South 
Wales Natl Herb. 1: 302 (1950); 
Swainsona formosa (G.Don) Thompson, 
Telopea 4; 4 (1990). Typus: Curlew 
River [Ashburton R„ W.A.], 20 Feb. 
1818, P.P.King; holo: BM n.w, fide 
J.Thompson, Telopea 5; 469 (1993). 

For further synonymy and discussion of 
nomenclature, see Ford &. Vickerv 
(1950) and Perry, Wilson & Greuter 

Ephemeral or sometimes biennial herbs. 
Leaves pinnate; stipules prominent 
Inflorescence axillary, a raceme of up to 
6 flowers on a robust erect peduncle, the 
rachis contracted; flowers subtended by 
prominent broad bracts. Calyx 
surmounting a hypanthium with 2 long 
bracteoles. Standard of corol la diverging 
from keel at an angle of c. 180°; petals 
usually scarlet with a shining black 
(sometimes deep red) boss near the base 
of the standard, rarely pink to almost 
white; standard erect on a tapered claw, 

4- 6 cm long with a prominent raised 
boss; wings on a slender claw with 
auricles, narrowed to an acute tip; keel 

5- 6 cm long, descending long-tapering, 
acute, on a short claw with basal 
auricles. Stamens alternately short and 
long, 9 fused and 1 free. Pistil slender; 
stipe prominent; ovary narrow, with 
many ovules; style tapered to a small, 
glabrous stigma Legume cylindrical to 
narrowly ellipsoidal and tapering to a 
slender straight beak, 40-90 mm long, 
somewhat inflated, the suture deeply 
impressed; dehiscing along the suture, 
later also along the opposite side. Seed 
numerous, disc-like, pale. 

Distribution Widespread through arid 
Western Australia from North-West 
Cape S to Kalgoorlie and E through the 
western desert and Nullarbor Plain to 
inland South Australia and western 
New South Wales as well as the 
southern Darling Downs; occasional in 
far-southern Northern Territory. 

Etymology The generic name is formed 
from the family and given names of the 
first European collector of this plant, 
William Dampier, who, until now, has 
been acknowledged nomenclaturally 
only in a synonym of the species. 


Among his many activities Dampier was 
a privateer and hence might find a little 
wry humour in seeing his name slightly 
corrupted. The Dedication in his 
'Voyage to New Holland' (1703) is 
signed ‘Will. Dampier'. He collected the 
plant in September 1699 on 'Rosemary 
Island' (the present-day East Lewis 
Island) in what is now known as the 
Dampier Archipelago off the north¬ 
western coast of Western Australia. A 
photograph of his collection was given 
in George (1971). 

The type locality No previous writer has 
discussed the type locality of WiUdampia 
farmosa. It was collected on the first of 
Phillip Parker King’s voyages surveying 
the Australian coast. Although most 
botanising on these voyages was 
undertaken by Allan Cunningham, King 
himself has been cited as the collector 
of this plant. In his journal (King, 
1827), he gave a detailed account of 
their exploration of what he called the 
Curlew River on 20 February 1818 but 
did not mention the flora except ‘a 
species of eucalyptus and mangroves. 
The Curlew is now known as the 
Ashburton River. King and his party 
‘ascended it in a boat for four miles’. 
For two miles they rowed past 
mangroves, but ‘Beyond this the banks 
were low and sandy’. They landed but 
found an arid country with poor, mostly 
sandy soil and 'large patches of salt 
incrustations'. It was probably in this 
area that they found Sturt Pea. The date 
of collection is interesting since Sturt 
Pea usually flowers in winter and early 
spring. In contrast to the terrestrial 
environment, they found the river 
abounding in fish (but of a nauseous 
taste'), and pelicans and curlews were 
very numerous (hence the name given 
to the river). But 'the most numerous 

and annoying of the inhabitants of this 
part were the flies, from their constantly 
creeping into the eyes, nostrils, and 
mouth, particularly during our meals; 
and it required some little trouble to 
partake of our repast without also 
conveying with it several of these 
troublesome insects.’ 


DAMPIER, W. 1703. A Voyage to New 
Holland. James Knapton, London. 

DON, G. 1832. A General History of the 
Dichlamydeous Plants, Vol 2. J.G. & 
F.Rivington et ai, London. 

FORD, N. & VICKERY, J.W. 1950. 
The correct name of Sturt's Desert Pea, 
Clianthus formosus (G.Don) comb. nov. 
Contr. Natl Herb. New South Wales 1: 

GEORGE, A.S. 1971. The plants seen 
and collected in north-western 
Australia by William Dampier. W. 
Australian Nat. 11: 173-178. 

KING, P.P. 1827. Narrative of a Survey 
of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of 
Australia performed between the years 
1818 and 1822 1: 30-31. John Murray, 
London; Australiana Facsimile editions 
No. 30, Libraries Board of South 
Australia, 1969. 

GREUTER, W. 1992. Two proposals to 
amend Art. 57. Taxon 41:605-606. 

THOMPSON, J. 1990. New species and 
combinations in the genus Swainsona. 
Telopea 4: 1-5. 

THOMPSON, J. 1993. A revision of the 
genus Swainsona (Fabaceae). Telopea 5: 



Western Australian Department of Conservation and Land Management, 
Locked Bag 104, Bentley Delivery Centre, W.A. 6983. 


Southern Elephant Seals (M irounga leonirn L.) are infrequent visitors 
to the Australian mainland and the birth of pups at such locations is 
a rare event. This paper describes the first two recorded births in 
Western Australia and reviews the seven others from mainland 
Australia recorded in historic times. 


The Southern Elephant Seal (Mircnmga 
leoninci L.) has a cirmcumpolar 
distribution centred on sub-antarctic 
islands of the Southern Ocean and is an 
infrequent visitor to Australian coastal 
waters. Up until the early 1800s there 
were colonies on King Island and New 
Year Island in Bass Strait (Micco 1971), 
although Peron did not expressly 
mention the presence of pups. These 
colonies were eliminated by sealers, and 
since then only seven births from 
Tasmania and the Australian mainland 
have been recorded (Table 1). 

This paper describes two more births, 
both from Western Australia, the first 
such breeding records for this State. 

Record No. 1 

On 15 October 1996 local fishermen 
reported seeing a large pinniped 
swimming in the shallows at Wylie Bay 
(33’52'S.. 12P 53’E.), 5km east of 
Esperance, Western Australia. The 
animal was identified as an adult female 

M. leonina. It was next seen hauled out 
on beach-washed seaweed on the sandy 
beach at Wylie Bay early on 16 October 
with a new born pup, later that 
afternoon found dead. This carcase was 
recovered and is now lodged in the 
Western Australian Museum (WAM 

The cow remained at Wylie Bay for 
another two days before leaving the 
beach. An adult of similar size 
(presumably the same animal) was then 
sighted around the Esperance harbour 
during the next 4-5 days. 

Record No. 2 

On 12 November 1996 a tourist 
reported seeing a large pinniped and 
what appeared to be a pup on a sandy 
beach, leading up to high sandstone 
cliffs at the northern end of Epineux 
Bay (26* 20'S., 113’ 18E). 24km south¬ 
east of Steep Point, Western Australia. 
This location is on a very remote part of 
the west coast, but a local resident was 
able to provide photographs to assist 


with the identification of the animals. 
Examination of the photographs 
confirmed that the animals were an 
adult female M. leonind and a pup of 
only a few days of age 

Frequent checks were made of the cow 
and pup during the next five weeks. The 
pup grew rapidly and had weaned and 
completed its first moult by 13 
December (age approx. 34 days), when 
both the cow and pup went to sea 


These two records are the only known 
breeding records from Western Australia 
in historic times. The birth date for the 
pup from Wylie Bay falls within the 
range of birth dates (early Sept. - late 
Oct.) recorded for M. leonina at 
Macquarie Island (Carrick et al. 1962). 

The birth date at Epineux Bay was 
slightly later, but not the latest date 
recorded for a birth along the Australian 
coastline (see Table 1). 

The time between the approximate 
birth date and departure to sea for the 
Epineux Bay pup (ca. 34 days) is 
considerably shorter than the normal 9- 
10 weeks recorded for this species. They 
are usually weaned at three weeks, then 
moult before leaving the beach at 9-10 
weeks of age. However, this was of a 
similar duration to that recorded by 
Tyson (1977) for a pup born near 
Diana’s Basin, Tasmania in 1975 (25 

The presence of M. leonina at these 
latitudes is unusual, although an adult 
male was recorded farther north at Tulki 
Bay (22’02'S., 113'54'E.), Ningaloo in 
1995. Including the two records 

Table 1. Published records of births of Mirounga leonina in Australia during historical times. 
(?= fate unkown). 

Birth Date 



Fate of pup 
to weaning 

Nov. 1958 

Strahan, Tas. 

(42‘09'S., 145'19'E.) 

Davies (1963) 


Late 1968 

Near Golden Beach. Vic. 
(38’13’S., 147'24'E.) 

Warneke (1995) 


9 Oct. 1975 

Diana's Basin, Tasmania 
(4r23*S.. 148'17’E.) 

Tyson (1977) 


12 Jan. 1977 

Maatsuyker Is, Tas. 
(43‘39'S., 146‘17'E.) 

Pemberton and Skira (1989) 


Oct. 1986 

Wright Bay.SA 

(37*0 3’S., 139‘45'E.) 

Robinson and Dennis (1988) 


9 Oct. 1988 

Maatsuyker Is, Tas. 
(43‘39’S., 146‘17'E.) 

Pemberton and Skira (1989) 


Sept. 1994 

Mouth of Elliot River, Vic 
(38*46’S., 143'40'E.) 

Warneke (1995) 


15 Oct. 1996 

Wylie Bay, WA 

(33*52S. t 12L53E.) 

This paper 


12 Nov. 1996 

Epineux Bay, WA 
(26*20'S., 113’18’E.) 

This paper 



presented here, a total of six adult M. 
leonina (five female, one male) have 
been recorded along the Western 
Australian coastline during the period 
1980-1996 (Mawson and Coughran 


We thank Bernie Haberley and Brad 
Barton for confirming the reports in the 
field, and Paul Dickerson for the 
photographs of the Epineux Bay 
animals. Nick Gales and Peter 
Shaughnessy kindly provided comments 
on a draft of this paper. 


INGHAM, S.E. 1962. Studies on the 
Southern Elephant Seal, M irounga 
leonina (L.), IV. Breeding and 
development. CSIRO Wildl. Res. 7: 

DAVIES, J.L. 1963. The Whales and 
Seals of Tasmania. (Tasmanian Museum 
and Art Gallery: Hobart). 

M1CCO, H.M. 1971. King Island and 
the sealing trade 1802. A translation of 

Chapters XXII and XX111 of the 
narrative by Francois Peron published in 
the official account of the voyage of 
discovery to the southern lands 
undertaken in the Corvettes he 
Geographe, he Naturaliste and the 
schooner Casuarina, during the years 
1800 to 1804, under the command of 
Captain Nicholas Baudin. Roebuck Soc. 
Publ. No. 3. pp 51. 

PEMBERTON, D. and SK1RA, l.J. 
1989. Elephant seals in Tasmania. 
Victorian Naturalist 106: 202-4. 

1988. The status and management of 
seal populations in South Australia, pp. 
87-104. In: Marine mammals of 
Australasia: field biology and captive 
managemerit. Ed. Augee, M.L. Royal 
Zoological Society of NSW, Sydney. 

TYSON, R.M. 1977. Birth of an 
Elephant Seal on Tasmania’s east coast. 
Victorian Naturalist 94: 212-3. 

WARNEKE, R.M. 1995. Family 
Phocidae. In: Mammals of Victoria; 
Distribution, ecology and conservation, ed. 
P.W. Menkhorst. Oxford University 
Press and Dept. Conservation and 
Natural Resources, Melbourne. 



Division of Science, Murdoch University, Murdoch, 6150, Western Australia 


The Great Sandy Desert of Australia lies 
in the northern part of Western 
Australia between Latitudes 17 and 23' 

S and Longitudes 120’ and 129' E and 
has been inhabited for at least ten 
thousand years (Jones 1987) by 
Aborigines. During July 1996, the 
Discovery *96 Expedition (Hewitt 1997) 
visited the area, accompanied by some 
of the Aborigines who had been born 
there. The expedition operated from 
base camp Pegasus, (Figure 1) for 14 
days, with field trips to surrounding 
areas including day visits to Pikarungu 
(Joanna Spring), Kirriny (Gring 
Spring), and extended trips to Kurriji pa 
Yajula (DragonTree and Elizabeth 
Soaks). This paper documents as much 
of the knowledge and features important 
to survival in the desert as we could 
obtain during the two weeks in the 
field. The Aboriginal names for theese 
features, plants and animals are given in 
the Mangala and Walmajari languages, 
even when absolute scientific 
identification of the organisms was not 
possible, often because parts critical for 
identificatioa flowers or fruits, were not 
available during the visit. 


The peoples originally occupying these 
areas spoke Kaarjari, Mangala, and 

Walmajari (Figure 1). At the request of 
the Kimberley Land Council, who are 
currently negotiating native title claims 
on behalf of these peoples, no 
boundaries to these language areas are 
shown on Figure 1. The Kaarjari 
speakers occupied land extending inland 
from the coast, overlapping with the 
western portion of the land occupied by 
the Mangala speakers. People speaking 
Walmajari lived farther east again, 
overlapping the Mangala range. Most of 
the people speaking these languages now 
live at the communities of Bidyadanga 
(formerly La Grange mission), Looma 
and other communities in and around 
Fitzroy Crossing, making occasional 
visits to their tribal lands. The 
information was gathered mainly with 
the help of three people. Kurrupa, Gail 
Smiler, and Mervyn Nampukarti. 
Kurrupa’s people were the Walmajari; 
he lived as a hunter gatherer until his 
mid teens when he came out of the 
desert. Gail is also a Walmajari and she 
has extensive knowledge in these areas. 
Mervyn was brought up in the desert 
and his people are the Mangala; he also 
brought his teenage daughter Gemma, 
to show her the country. The presence 
of the linguist, Eirlys Richards, who is 
familiar with the languages and their 
spelling, was of great assistance to us. 
Details of the expedition, its itinerary 
and its other activities are given in the 
report of the expedition (Hewitt 1997). 


Indian Ocean 






u- o 



The following are descriptions and 
Walmajari/Mangala names for some of 
the plants, animals, skills and other 
features of life in the Great Sandy 
Desert shared with us by Gail, Kurrupa 
and Mervyn. Instances where many 
names were applicable suggests 
heightened importance, as the item may 
have been utilised in many ways or been 
used in particular phases. 

Features and Activities 

Fire - The making of fire was an 
important survival skill for food 
preparation and also many other 
processes such as implement and 
weapon manufacture. Two different 
types of wood were used, Yarun 
(Eucalyptus terminalis) and Kulparn 
(Acacia tumida), one held in the hands 
and the other, softer one. on the 
ground to be rubbed by the first. This 
was done firmly and vigorously while 
blowing, and administering sawdust 
and small amounts of spinifex. When 
heat, air and fuel were sufficient a 
flame developed. 

Jilji (Walmajari). The dune tops or 

Julu (Walmajari). A stand of Yarun 
trees clumped fairly closely together on 
a mound of soil such as those seen 
around false Discovery Well. Mound 
dimensions were approximately 7m in 
diameter and lm high. 

Karlaka (Walmajari) - The term used 
for honey. This was produced by native 
bees, which used hollows in trees as a 
hive site. When bees were found the 
tree was tapped or knocked from the 
hollow entrance downwards with a stick 
or tomahawk. A change in sound 
indicated where the hive was. A scarf 
like cut was then made in the tree and 
the honey was removed. 

Kurrkuminti (Walmajari) - A type of 
hollow in a sandhill, which was often 
used as a camp site, especially in cooler 

Parpara (Walmajari). The wide swales 
(lower ground) between the dunes. 

Pikarungu - (Mangala) - Joanna 

Purntarrpurntarr or bundar bundar - 
(Walmajari). An area of vegetation 
which indicated a waterhole. 

Kurriji pa Yajula - Dragon Tree Soak 
and Elizabeth Soak, (Mangala) - said as 
one. (Elizabeth soak was not a gazetted 
name. Ian Bull named it after his 
mother when he “found” it in 1981.). 
The site is an A class Conservation 

Wujuwuju (Walmajari). The narrow 
swales (lower ground) between the 

Great Sandy Desert Plants 

jalirr (Walmajari) - bush onion. 
Cyperus bulbosus. Also known as 
Ngarijijarti, Jurnta. Also WupaWupa 
(Orbaorba) and Wirrparn (Wirpun) in 
Walmadjari and Mangala This bulb was 
from a small clumped grass with little 
tubers, very onion like in form. It was 
cooked on hot coals covered in not very 
hot ashes, rubbed to remove skin and 
tasted like peanut 

Jalngu (Walmajari) - spinifex. This soft 
grass was woven into a ring forming a 
pad and used to help balance water 
carried on one's head. 

Janiya (Walmajari) - wild pear. 
Persoonia falcata. The fruit could be 

Jijoo or Wirtuka (Walmajari) - l\xmiea 
species - bush potato. The presence of 
this species was an indicator of nearby 
water. It grew to about lm high. The 
tap root was somewhat like a sweet 


potato, and was dug out, cooked and 
eaten. Young ones were best. The dark 
berries were not eaten. 

Jitartu (Mangala) - soft spinifex. This 
was used for conserving water on long 
trips; tufts of it were placed in the vessel 
containing water to minimise spillage. It 
was also dipped into the water and 
sucked for drinking. 

Junyju (Walmajari) - Eucalypt species. 
The leaves of this tree were used as a 

Jurntijartu or jurntini or majapurti 
(Walmajari) - puffball fungus - 
Pisolithus tinctorious . Also known as 
Majapurti by people from 
Wangkatjunka The inner parts of these 
fungi were eaten when they were still 
moist, either raw or on the fire. They 
made the tongue go black. They were 
apparently still in season in July/August, 
though most seemed dry. The dry 
powdery parts of the fungi were used as 
a type of talcum powder, such as for 
rashes at the top of the legs. 

Karrpukarrajarti (Walmajari) - tuft 
grass species - Xerochloa barbata. 
When preparing the seeds for 
consumption they were first yandied (a 
process of sifting and sorting done with 
a variety of swirling and shaking actions 
in an open elongated wooden dish) and 
then wet ground and cooked. 

Kirli or Jili (Walmajari). Low vine-like 
prickle bush near waterholes. Usually 
near jila’ - permanent waterholes. 

Kulparn (Walmajari) - Acacia tumida. 
The seeds were cooked and eaten like a 
vegetable. Select pieces of wood from 
this plant were also used to start a fire 
by rubbing with wood from the yarun. 
This plant also sometimes housed an 
edible grub, or larvae, in the tap root. 
Small piles of fine sawdust were looked 
for around the wood at the base of the 
tree, which indicated the presence of a 

grub. The main tap root was then 
exposed and the grub was located. It 
had a nutty taste. 

Kurlulungkurr (Walmajari) 
Tinaspora smilacina . This strong 
creeper climber with red berries was 
used for making a sandal footwear. 

Kurrangany (Walmajari) - shrub. 
Small bush with purple pea shaped 
flower. Warts on leaves indicated water 

Marral Marral (Walmajari) - 
Er y throphi cum chlorostachys. Honey 
was sucked from the flowers of this tree 
It flowered in the summertime in the 
rainy season. 

Marnta (Walmajari) - Sap/gum. GUm 
from Coolabah and Desert Walnut. This 
gum was chewed for a snack, and was 
also sourced from another species of 
Acacia called Pinkalyi (Walmadjari) or 
Minta (Mangala). 

Ngarakarra (Walmajari) - Qyrostemon 
tepperi. This plant was used by placing 
it on a fire to smoke babies so as to 
make them strong and ward off illnesses 

Ngarlka (Walmajari) - see Turtujarti. 

Ngujarna (Walmajari) - tuft grass 
species. This small grass had red seeds 
which were used for making flour. 

Parntal (Mangala) - Desert Walnut - 
Ot venia reticulata . See Turtujarti. 

Turtujarti (Walmajari) - Desert 
Walnut - Owenia reticulata. Tine nuts 
from this tree were called Ngarlka 
(Nulgu), and were gathered from where 
they have fallen on the ground. The 
nuts lie on the ground for a long time 
and may become powdery inside as a 
result of termites; these were no good 
(Mirily). Good nuts (Makaly) were 
collected, sorted by banging on the knee 
and then shaken near the ear to listen 
(or feel?) for a looseness or rattle. This 
was difficult to detect for the unskilled. 


A bed of coals was prepared and the 
nuts were cooked by covering them with 
the coals and stirring occasionally. The 
nuts “talked" while they were cooking, a 
slight popping sound, and when this 
stopped they were cooked They were 
removed from the fire and cooled by 
covering with sand for a short while, 
then individually cracked open. About 
half these nuts were cast aside. After 
cooking, the broken nut inside was 
eaten. The unripe nuts were called 
Karraparra, and the flower was called 

Wirajarti or Rawarawa (Walmajari) - 
Hakea subora. The creamy coloured 
flowers were sucked for honey. 
Witulurra (Walmajari) - shrub. Waxy 
red star shaped flowers, roots like 
potatoes which were eaten. 

Yarun (Walmajari) - Eucalyptus 
terminals Found on dunes and ridges. 
Galls caused by parasitic insects formed 
nut-like growths called tartaku 
(duddugo). These were about 25mm in 
diameter and were edible. The nut-like 
growth was picked off the tree and 
cracked open; the inside layer, which 
looks and tastes similar to coconut, was 
eaten as was the larvae inside. A 
natural indentation hole (an eye) at 
the bottom meant it was good, as did 
being heavy. Sometimes these nuts had 
holes bored in their sides which 
indicated that they were no good. This 
was where the insect had matured and 
left the gall. The flower was called 

Great Sandy Desert Animals 

Jajalpi (Walmajari) - Mulgara - 
Dasycercus cristicauda. Also known as 

Lumpurru (Walmajari) - King Brown 
Snake - Pseudechis australis. 

Mantararrararrararra (Walmajari and 

Mangala) - Marsupial Mole - 
N otoryctes typhlops . 

Mingajurra (Walmajari) - Golden 
Bandicoot - I soodon auratus. This 
species was no longer present. It also 
was known in Walmajari as Walkarraja 
Miningarna, Mulyajuka, Jurungu. 

Mirtuluju (Walmajari) - Bilby - 
M acrotis lagotis. 

Ngarlngarl (Walmajari) - Northern 
Quoll - D asyurus hallucatus . This 
species was no longer present. Also 
known in Walmajari as Parrjita 

Ngujamili (Walmajari) - Youngson’s 
Dunnart - Sminthopsis youngsoni . 
Though not a highly sought after food, 
these were sometimes cooked over an 
open fire. Also known in Walmajari as 
Warlungintinginti or Warlukarpimjuwal. 

Nyulkulku (Walmajari) - Cat - Felis 

Pinkirrjarti (Walmajari) - Australian 
Bustard - A rdeotis australis . 

Raltartu or Majirri (Walmajari) - Hare 
wallaby species no longer present. 

Waltaki (Walmajari) - Fox - Vulpes 

Warlu Ngintinginti (Mangala) - see 

Wilika (Walmajari) - Spinifex 
Hopping Mouse - N otomys alexis. 
Known as Kanpirriny by Mangala 

Wirinkuma (Walmajari) - Northern 
Brushtail Possum - T richosurus 
arnhemensis . Also known as tart or 
wayurta It ate flowers of bloodwood 
called ngaak. 

Wirlka (Walmajari) - Goulds 1 Sand 
Goanna - Varanus gouldii. Flushed 
from hiding and hit over the head with 
a stick. The goanna was then gutted by 
a small incision near the neck and 
cooked on hot coals. 


The abundance of food sources in the 
Great Sandy Deasert varied from season 
to season, both for animals and plants. 
Of the plant species recorded and 
collected on the expedition, 10 species 
were found which were previously 
unlisted in the area by the Western 
Australian Herbarium. These include 
Grevillea erythroclada, Hakca subora, 
Heliotropium epacridium, Ptilotus 
polystachyus, Panicum whitei, Paspalidium 
vaginatum, Plectrachne melvillei, an 
Ipomea species, Eucalyptus terminals, and 
a fungus of the Pisolithus genus. The 
specimen of the Ipomea species, usually 
only found near water, was found in a 
very large natural hollow in a dune. 
This hollow, or kurrkuminti, was 
perhaps 70m long, 35m wide, 10m deep 
and about 250m N/E of Kirriny Spring. 
Kurrkumintis were known to be 
favourite camp sites, offering shelter 
from the prevalent easterly wind (Lowe 
and Pike 1990). 


The Discovery expedition, and our role 
within it, would not have been possible 
without the assistance we received. The 
contributions of the following are 
gratefully acknowledged: the Kimberley 
Land Council for access to the area, 

Kurrupa, Gail and Mervyn who 
generously imparted their knowledge of 
the desert and the linguist Eirlys 
Richards who was with us in the field 
provided much information, Michelle 
Drew and Christopher Spurr who were 
our companions throughout the 
expedition, David Hewitt - expedition 
organiser and leader, Australian 
Geographic, the CS1RO Science and 
Industry Endowment Fund, the Western 
Australian Herbarium, Landrover 
Australia. Jenny Brett - Sandfire 
Roadhouse, Michael and Jill Tubby - 
Agricultural Protection Board, Marble 
Bar, the WA Department of 
Conservation and Land Management for 
permits (bbooo931, swoo4045), and all 
those others who were involved or 


HEWITT, D. 1997. The Report of the 
Discovery ’96 Expedition to the Great 
Sandy Desert. Perth. 

JONES, R. 1987. Pleistocene life in the 
dead heart of Australia. Nature 

LOWE. P. and PIKE, J. 1990. Jilji - Life 
in the Great Sandy Desert. Magabala 
Books, Broome, Western Australia. 




Department of Conservation and Land Management, PO Box 51 
Wanneroo \VA 6065 


Western Australian Museum, Francis St., Perth, WA 6000 

Department of Zoology, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712-1064 USA 

Pygmy possums are small marsupials 
which eat insects and nectar (Wakefield 
1963; Smith 1983). Known localities of 
Western Pygmy Possums, Cercartetus 
concinnus, in Western Australia are 
restricted to the southwest, extending 
inland to the Kalgoorlie region (Figure 
1). Wakefield (1963) rejected Glauert’s 
(1933) Sandstone locality (29’59'S, 
119‘18'E) which is well east of recorded 
inland localities because no specimens 
were available During long-term pitfall 
trapping programs at Queen Victoria 
Springs (30T4'S, 123'41‘E) and 
Yamarna Station (28‘14’S, 123'36‘E), 
we captured a number of Western 
Pygmy Possums. These sites lay well east 
and north-east of the previous known 
distribution of the species. 

At the Queen Victoria Spring site, C. 
concinnus were captured over a period of 
four years between 1987-1991. The site 
was trapped for five days each year in 
autumn (March or April), spring 
(September or October) and summer 
(December). Additional trapping 
occurred in June 1987 and January 
1989. Three types of pitfalls were used; 
160 mm diameter PVC pipe (March 
1987 to September 1988) and 250 mm 

PVC tubes and plastic buckets. Total 
trapnights for this four year period was 
13006. Some of the trapping site was 
burnt with experimental fires in 
September 1988, January 1989 and 
October 1990 to examine the responses 
of small mammals and reptiles to fires. 

Of the ten individuals captured; one was 
caught in September 1987 (lodged at 
the Western Australian Museum, 
registration number M 44158), one in 
March 1988, three in September 1988, 
one in September 1989, one in October 
1990 and three in September 1991. This 
trapping result indicates a strong trend 
for C. conchmus to be caught in spring 
months when there were abundant 
flowering shrubs (particularly Hakea 
francisiana and Grevillea juncifolia) and 
abundant insect life. The sex ratio of 
captures was not significantly different 
from parity (six females and four males) 
and all individuals captured were adults, 
ranging in weight from 9.0 to 16.8 g 
(mean 13.3 g). One female captured on 
18 September, 1989 was carrying four 
pouch young. All possums were marked 
with ear tags and released; two 
recaptures occurred the night after their 
initial capture, but there were no 


115 ° 

125 ° 

120 ° 

130 ° 

Figure 1. Museum locality records of the Western Pygmy Possum, Cercartetus concinnus, in 
Western Australia 

recaptures between trapping periods. 
This, and the fact that most captures 
occurred during September and 
October, suggests that C. concinnus is a 
transient in this habitat, either 
dispersing through it in search of 
preferred habitat or visiting the area on 
a nomadic basis in search of food 
resources or perhaps mates. 

A female C concinnus was captured at 
Yamarna on 13 October 1998. This 
specimen was collected on a spinifex 
plain with only a few small scattered 
shrubs, none of which could have 
produced a substantial supply of nectar. 
Many Grevillea and Hakea plants were 
flowering profusely approximately 500 m 
from the pitfall line. Pit traps at this 

site were 20 litre buckets (5,850 trap 
nights). This specimen weighed 13.0 g 
and may have been dispersing to a more 
suitable habitat, or may have been a 
permanent resident there. It was lodged 
in the mammal collection of the 
Western Australian Museum 
(registration number M 441I9).Three 
years earlier, a few other C. concinnus 
were captured but released on Yamarna 
at a separate but similar pitfall line (20 
litre buckets, 6,852 trap nights) 4 km 
northeast of this location (28*12', 

The fact that several Western Pygmy 
Possums were captured both at QVS and 
at Yamarna (over 3 years and at sites 4 
km apart) suggests that viable 


populations must exist around both of 
these areas. Grant and Temple-Smith 
(1987) stated that this species can go 
into torpor for periods of up to 11 days. 
Supplies of nectar and pollen at QVS 
and Yamama would seem to be lacking 
for periods longer than this, indicating 
that Cercartetus concinnus must rely on 
insects as their main food during such 
periods. They probably also employ 
short-term torpor to deal with 
unfavourable weather conditions as 
individuals removed from traps after 
cool nights were typically tightly coiled 
into a ball and took a minute or so to 
rouse from this "torpid" state. 

These two new locations are east (200 
km) and northeast (about 350 km) of 
the closest previously known records in 
WA. Yamama is well into the Great 
Victoria Desert, while Queen Victoria 
Spring lies on its south-western edge. 
Populations of Western Pygmy Possums 
may occur in other areas of the Great 
Victoria Desert but as little other 
intensive trapping has been done there, 
evidence of their occurrence or absence 
in other areas is not available. Further 
study is needed, but is likely to be 
difficult given the trapping effort 
required. At both sites while large 
numbers of some species of mammals 
were captured we also recorded only 
very few Mulgara, Dasycercus cristicauda, 
which are also apparently at very low 
densities or difficult to capture. Very 
little data on faunal composition are 
available from much of central Australia 
and geographic distributions of many 
species are based on short-term or 
opportunistic trapping which often fails 
to detect species at low densities or with 

strong seasonal activity patterns. Survey 
work to document terrestrial vertebrate 
assemblages in central Australia should 
aim to sample both seasonal and 
between year variations. 


We are grateful to Norah Cooper for 
confirming the identity of specimens 
and preparing Figure 1 and to many 
volunteers and CALM staff, particularly 
Janet Gardener and Dan Grace, for 
providing assistance in installing and 
checking pitfall traps. The comments of 
two anonymous reviewers improved the 


GLAUERT, L. 1933. The distribution 
of marsupials of Western Australia. J. 
Roy. Soc.W. A. 19:17-32. 

P. D.1987. Observations on torpor in 
the small marsupial Dromociops australis 
(Marsupialia: Microbiotheriidae) from 
southern Chile, pp. 257-271 in Possums 
and Opossums: Studies on Evolution. Vol 
1. ed. by M. Archer. Surrey Beatty & 
Sons, Pty. Ltd., Chipping Norton, 

SMITH, M. J. 1983. Western Pigmy 
Possum, pp. 162-163 in The Complete 
Book of Australian Mammals, ed. by R. 
Strahan. Angus & Robertson, Sydney. 

WAKEFIELD, N. A. 1963. The 
Australian Pigmy Possum. Victorian 
Naturalist 80: 99-116. 



Laughing Turtle-Dove feeds on seeds 
of Isolepis oldfieldiana - The Laughing 
Turtle-Dove Streptopelia senegalensis 
normally occurs on the Maylands 
mudflats in ones and twos, the birds 
roaming around and paying special 
attention to areas where the grassland 
has been burnt. In January 1985 a large 
patch of Isolepis oldfieldiana was burnt 
and some 100 doves fed over it for three 
weeks. This is one of the few records of 
this dove feeding on seeds of native 

- R.H. STRANGER, 28/76 East Street, 
Maylands 6051. 

Reed Warbler nests in Pampas Grass - 
The Reed Warbler Acrocephalus 
stentoreus is intimately tied to the rushes 
of freshwater swamps and streams, and 
it is popularly believed that it never 
leaves them. However in my experience 
the Reed Warbler does occasionally 
leave the rushes and in Birds of Western 
Australia (Serventy and Whittell, 1976) 
the authors cite the Reed Warbler as 
having nested in Melaleuca. 

In March 1985 I found a nest of this 
species in the south quarry of the 
Maylands peninsula It was attached to 
two leaves of a Pampas Grass Cortaderia 
selloaria, the plant having been left high 
and dry when the water level fell during 
summer. A bed of sedge was half a metre 
away but there was no Typha or Juncus 

- R.H. STRANGER, 28/76 East Street, 
Maylands 6051. 

Dugite eats Tiger Snake - On 9 April 
1997 at West Beach in Fitzgerald River 
National Park in low coastal heath I 
observed two smakes writhing on the 
ground. Closer inspection revealed that 

a Dugite, Pseudonaja affinis was in the 
early stages of subduing a Tiger Snake, 
Notechis scutatus and attempting to 
swallow it. The Dugite had three coils 
around the Tiger Snake which it also 
used as support against which to 
manoeuvre while swallowing the Tiger 
Snake’s head. This was the most 
difficult and time consuming part of the 
process. Once the head was swallowed 
the Tiger Snake was quite subdued and 
the Dugite drew it out lengthwise and 
swallowed it much more readily. The 
entire process took one hour. The 
Dugite was approximately 1.5m long 
and the Tiger Snake approximately 60 
cm. The entire sequence was recorded 
on colour print film. 

Ravensthorpe WA 6346. 

Frost damage to vegetation - Between 
15-23 July 1997 well below average 
temperatures were recorded in southern 
WA due to cloudless skies, light 
northerly daytime winds and very still 
nights. At Carracarrup 19km south of 
Ravensthorpe t recorded 8 consecutive 
frosts; daily minimum temperatures were 
always zero or below, including a 
minimum ground temperature of minus 
6' C. In early August some vegetation, 
particularly growing in river or creek 
valleys began to exhibit signs of frost 
damage; leaves were ’browned-off’ - 
similar in appearance to herbicide 
application. This applied in particular 
to Acacia rostellifera where it grew 
without any overstorey, the leaves were 
often entirely ’browned’. Acacia cyclops 
shrubs to 1.5m growing along creeklines 
without overstorey were killed by this 
frost. In the West River valley 
Eucalyptus tetragona where it was low 
growing only i.e. <1.5m had the distal 
and marginal portions of leaves 
’browned'. Taller plants were 


unaffected I examined leaves of these 
species to eliminate the possibility of 
insect damage but could find no 
evidence of this. Other plants similarly 
affected were Labichea lanceolata, 
seedlings of Eucalyptus occidentals and 
to a minor extent Acacia acuminata. 
Muir (1985), Western Australian 

Naturalist 16: p213, has also recorded 
possible frost damage to vegetation in 
nearby Fitzgerald River National Park 
including damage to Acacia rostellifera 
and another species of eucalypt. 

Ravensthorpe WA 6346. 





General Meetings and Branch Meetings are held at various venues in Nedlands, 
Kalamunda, Rockingham and Padbury. 

The Retired and Leisured Group meets on alternate Wednesdays at 10a.m. 

Excursions and field days are planned from time to time and will be advertised in the 
Club’s monthly newsletter ‘The Naturalist News”. 


(Journal of the W.A. Naturalists’ Club) 


W.A. Museum 
Francis Street, Perth 6000 
Telephone 9427 2788 

The Western Australian Naturalist publishes original data on all 
branches of natural science pertaining to Western Australia. Originals 
and two copies of manuscripts should be submitted to the Editor for 
review by two referees. Authors are requested to follow current 
editorial style. If possible, manuscripts should be submitted on an IBM 
compatible 5!4 disk in either ASCII or Microsoft Word v3 format. High 
quality illustrations suitable for some reductions in size are preferred. 


Members are reminded that they may make financial contributions to the club. This 
funding is very important from the Club’s point of view, as it helps our publication 
activities, hall maintenance and other miscellaneous activities. Members are asked to 
remember the club and its needs when preparing their Wills and Testaments. 


Annual Membership: one adult, $38; Double Membership: $48; Family Membership: 
$48; Nomination Fee (Seniors only): $5; Preceding Subscriptions include “The Western 
Australian Naturalist’. Young members (9-17 years): $22. 

Further copies of “The Western Australian Naturalist’ (or back copies) are available from 
the Treasurer 


A checklist of the Vascular Flora of the Porongurup National Park, 

Western Australia. By G. Keighery. 137 

A study of the Laughing Turtle-Dove Streptopelia senegalensis in Perth, 

Western Australia. By R.H. Stranger. 159 

Food of the forest red-tailed Black Cockatoo Calyptorhynchusbanksiinaso 
in south-west Western Australia. By R.E. Johnstone and T. Kirkby. 167 

The Vertebrate Fauna of Bennett Brook and Success Hill Reserve, 
Caversham. By N.K. Cooper, J. Dell and M.A. Cowan. 179 

WMdampia, a new generic name for Sturt Pea. By A.S. George. 191 

Two recent recordsof southern ElephantSeal( Miroungaleonina)bhthsm 
Western Australia. By P.R. Mawson and D.K. Coughran. 195 

An annotated list of Walmajari and Mangala names for natural features, 
plants and animals in theGreat Sandy Desert, Western Australia. By E.R. 

Gleadell, B.J. Bowen and S.J.J.F. Davies. 199 

New localities for the Western Pygmy Possum, Cercartetusconcinnus, in 

the Great Victoria Desert. By D.J. Pearson, D.R. King and E.R. Pianka 205 

From Field and Study. . . 209 


The Club’s Handbooks are for sale 

No. 2 Natural History Specimens: Their Collection and Preservation 5th 
Edition. Price $4.00 

No. 7 The Dragonflies (Odonata) of South-western Australia. By J. A. L. 

Watson. Price $3.50 

No. 10 A Guide to the Coastal Flora of South-western Australia. By G. G. 

Smith 2nd Edition. Price $8.00 

No. 11 The Natural History of the Wongan Hills. K. F. Kenneally (Co-ordinator). 

Price $6.00 

No. 12 Mangroves of Western Australia. By V.Semeniuk, K. F. Kenneally and P. 

G. Wilson. Price $6.00 

No. 13 A Naturalists’ Guide to Perth. By B. M. J. Hussey, M. Southwell-Keely and 

J.M. Start. Price $10.00 

No. 14 Checklist of the Vascular Plants of the Kimberley, Western Australia. By 
Kevin Kenneally. Price $8.00 

No. 15 Pollination in Western Australia - a Database of Animals Visiting 
Flowers. By E. M. Brown, A. H. Burbidge, J. Dell, D. Edinger, S.D. 
Hopper and R. T. Wills Price $25.00 

Growing Locals: Gardening with Local Plants in Perth. By R. Powell 

and J. Emberson. Price $19.50 

* Prices shown do not include postage and packaging * 

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