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| WHOLESALE PRICE Eis 1931 ee eee 


Raised by 
Independence, Missouri 

Can you fancy an ‘‘Asia”’ 
with flaring falls, with 
thick Dominion quality 
petals, with standards of 
such brilliance and tex- 
ture as to appear fashion- 
ed out of gold leaf, and on 
a stiff, cane-like stem? 
Classic 1s such an iris. 

Have you ever inspected 
a field of seedlings, or 
viewed a planting of new 
and rare sorts, suddenly 
to come upon some variety 
which is entirely new to 
you and stops vou cold in 
your tracks? Wait ’til you 
see Classic for the first 
time; it will do it! 

This iris is offered as an 
improvement in color, in 
shape and growing habit 
over the well known and 
long popular variety Asia. 
It is fully as large as Asia, 
with broad flaring falls. 
Height three and one-half 
feet. Splendid heavy fol- 
lage, tinged purple at the 
base. Extremely limited 
stock this first year of 1n- 

Te troduction, "$25 each. 
Reese 810 NORTH WATER STREET sree 


Members: American Iris Society - Commercial Peony and Iris Growers’ Assn. 



UR BLOOMING SEASON should be about right, May 10 to 25. We do little local business, and 
will be glad to have you visit us during the Iris season to look over our stock, see the new ones 
in bloom, inspect the seedlings on trial, and exchange views. We expect to flower many unintro- 
duced things from the Sass Brothers, sent to us for trial, as well as a few seedlings of rare merit 

from Dr. Ayres and Mr. Lapham. Also, we imported several outstanding foreign varieties this year from 
France and England and hope to have bloom on them. There will be King Solomon and Egypt, Senlac, 
Dogrose, Columbine, Hassan, Carfax; and from Cayeux, Phebus, Ministre F. David, as well as Vert Galant, 
Frivolite, and the incomparable Depute Nomblot. The Kleinsorge seedlings always prove a magnet to 
Silverton visitors, and in addition to Klamath, Oregon Beauty and Oregon Giant, there will be some re- 
markable new ones blooming for the first and second year. i 

About May 20 R. M. Cooley will leave for the Atlantic Coast and New England, to visit the growers 
and to look over new introductions and seedlings. During the last two years this quest for the best has 
earried him some 10,000 miles among the growers of the Pacifie Coast, the Mid-West, a portion of the 
South, and the region about the Great Lakes. Thus we try to give our customers and all interested in 
Irises first hand and authentie information in this field. 


This list is intended for the wholesale trade only, Shipments: We begin shipping orders about 

and is placed in your hands at this time so that you 
may have an opportunity to include items in your 
own catalogue which you possibly do not grow your- 
self, or which you have in insufficient quantity. We 
make a specialty of growing irises for the wholesale 
trade, and supply only first quality Oregon grown 
rhizomes suitable for resale, and which can be cle- 
pended upon to bloom the first year after planting. 
Our stock is NOT IRRIGATED and NOT FER- 
TILIZED, and the remarkable size and quality of 
our rhizomes is only the result of clean and inten- 
sive cultivation on good soil and a favorable climate. 

Terms: 10% cash with order, 15% on June 1, 
and 25% on July 1, August 1 and September 1, 
PROMPTLY. Such an arrangement permits you to 
realize a return on the stock before paying for it 
in full. These are the most reasonable terms offered 
by any grower, and we ask your co-operation by 
making your payments exactly accordine to the 
above plan. 

Discounts: 10% may be deducted on all orders 
placed before February 1 and accompanied by cash 
in full. After that date, all orders fully paid for 
prior to June 1 are entitled to 5% discount. 

June 20. If you want your order sent later in the 
season, or on any specific date, we shall carry out 
your instructions. Early shipments permit plants to 
become established before winter sets in, but rhiz- 
omes are not as large as they would be in August. 
We prefer to ship around July 10 as an ideal time. 

Transportation: Prepaid express or parcel post, 
whichever we deem most expedient. Be sure and 
state your express office, if different from postal 
address. We pack in dry exeelsior in well venti- 
lated cardboard cartons and guarantee safe delivery 
to poimt of address. All shipments are insured. Re- 
member, we PREPAY all costs,—the prices quoted 
herein are for delivery to your door. 

We Guarantee all rhizomes true to name, first 
size, free from disease and pests, and to reach you 
in live and healthy condition. We do not guarantee 
them to live or grow in your garden under condi- 
tions over which we have no control. 

Reference: The First National Bank of Silver- 
ton, Oregon. 

New Introductions and Specialties 

Raised by 
Cincinnati, Ohio. 


Dr. Ayres regards this as his most outstanding 
production to date. He was one of the very first to 
use Dominion for breeding purposes in this coun- 
try, and has turned out some noble work, his Persia 
and Indian Chief being highly regarded both here 
and abroad. During the two seasons past Meldoric 
has proven the sensation of the Ayres garden, and 
upon the oceasion of my visit there in May I was 
so struck with its gorgeousness that I agreed to pur- 
chase the entire stock and offer it for introduction. 
A plant sent to England for trial bloomed last 
season and evoked high praise from those who 
chanced to see it. 

Meldorie combines the richness of Dominion with 
the size and majesty of Mesopotamica, without the 
tenderness of the latter The flowers 
blue-black in effect, colossal in size, with broad flar- 

strain. are 
ing falls and huge standards of darkest hue. Com- 
pared with Blue Velvet it is less blue and more 


purple, and much darker in tone. name 1s 
of the of the 

parentage (Mesopotamica x Eldorado) x Dominion. 

derived from a contraction 
Dr. Waller of Columbus suggested that “Luxor” 
would be a fitting title for such a super iris. 

“T saw Meldoric and it seemed a very handsome 
thing to me. The very large, rich, dark flowers have 
more substance than any Dominion I have seen, and 
it has a strong stem, good foliage, and looks like a 
eood grower. I admired it very much.” 

New Rochelle, N. Y. 
Each $30.00; three for $75.00 


The huge white self, raised by Jacob Sass of 
Omaha, Nebraska. This was the most sensational 
iris of 1930, and is being proclaimed by all who 
have seen it as the greatest hardy white in the 
world. Few irises in existence are larger in size, 
and it flowers abundantly on four-foot sturdy stems. 
A faint blue flush at the base of the standards gives 
it a cool appearance, rather than the warm effect 
of creamy whites lke Purissima, Michelline Char- 
riere, ete. It is certain to enjoy world-wide popu- 

larity, because of the tenderness of our present 
super whites in many sections. 

Very few rhizomes for sale, each $20.00 

CLARA Noyes 

At the 
time of my visit to his garden last spring I selected 

A lovely warm blend from Hans Sass. 
this as my favorite. It was then growing as Num- 
ber 23-29. The coloring is a medley of peach and 
apricot tones, much more intense and redder than 
Midgard. The stalks measure about three feet, are 
perfectly branched, and the blooms are medium to 
It should attain as much favorable 
Mrs. F. E. Keller of St. 
Joseph, Missouri, also selected it as her favorite, 

large in size. 
popularity as Mideard. 

and I have had equally enthusiastic reports from 
others who chanced to see it in bloom. 
Rhizomes $10.00 each. It is a rapid increaser. 


A beautiful iris, on slender, perfectly branched 
Fine rounded flow- 
ers of sold golden yellow, with deep yellow beard. 

stalks well over three feet tall. 

Winner of the Dykes medal in France, it has proven 
the outstanding variety of this color both in Europe 
and America. Wherever I went last spring I found 
hybridizers at work with crosses from this variety, 
an indication of the regard in which it is held by 
our foremost introducers. 

Each $12.50; three for $30.00; ten for $90.00 

Large stock permits this very low price. 


Of the long lne of Dominion seedlings put out 
by Mr. Bliss, he considers this his crowning achieve- 
ment. It combines the rich colorings of Bruno and 
Cardinal into a flower of greater size on a taller 
stem, widely branched, and produces its enormous 
blossoms in great profusion. Heretofore the price 
of this has been almost prohibitive for widespread 
distribution, but our stock has increased so that we 
are able to offer it at the following unprecedented 
low price. 

Each $10.00; three for $24.00; ten for $75.00 

A rich variegata introduced last season by the 

Lonefield Iris Farm. It is the best of this class 
with which we have come in contact, big deep yel- 
low standards and extra heavy velvety falls show- 
ing plainly the Dominion ancestry. This we consider 
Williamson’s finest production of 1930. It is a very 
vigorous grower, our own stock averaging an in- 
crease of five to one in a single year. 

Each $6.50; three for $15.00; ten for $45.00 


A four-foot plicata that has been awarded the 
Dykes medal by the American Iris Society. No 
other plicata approaches it in size and grandeur, 
heaviness of texture, or wide and low branching 
habit. It is not an iris for severe climates, but is 
worth the protection of a box or glass covering 
during the winter. In warmer sections it grows 
perfectly and is one of the truly “greats” of the 
iris world. At the price quoted it is worth trying 
even if you fail with it. 

Each $5.00; three for $12.00; ten for $35.00 


Without doubt this is the best yellow of Ameri- 
can introduction to date, and because of its very 
reasonable price is so in demand that it was praec- 
tically unobtainable last summer. It is a uniform 
deep yellow, absolutely hardy, doesn’t fade, and 
compares well with the high priced varieties of this 
color now in commerce. We regard Pluie d’Or as 
its only superior, all things considered. For two 
years we have been propagating this, realizing its 
good value, and now have the largest stock of it 

Each $2.50; three for $6.75; ten for $20.00 


Unquestionably the finest blue and purple bi- 
color in the world. Standards are clear blue, falls 
rich deep mahogany, with a beard of red-gold. Re- 
garded as the finest iris ever to come from England 
In our own wet 
Northwest, in dry and sunny California, and in 
Nebraska, and the colder Minnesota, we 
found it blooming equally well. A super-iris if ever 
there was one. 

Each $10.00; three for $27.00; ten for $80.00 

and a sensation wherever shown. 



With the blended colorings of an intensified 
Quaker Lady, and size, branching habit and height 
comparable to the best, this Williamson introduction 
has no superior in its class. As the Longfield cata- 
logue states: “Eventually you will own Dolly Madi- 
It carries some of the shades found in the 
new French varieties, Anne Marie Cayeux and Evo- 


lution. Rehable everywhere, and certain to evoke 

the admiration of all who see it. 

Each $5.00; three for $13.50; ten for $40.00 


If you live in the Pacific Northwest, in California 
or in the South, by all means add this glorious white 
to your collection! Nothing that grows can compare 
with it when flowered under congenial conditions. 
Growers in colder and wetter sections of the coun- 
try can also succeed with it, but it must have win- 
ter protection except in warm climates. A normally 
flowered stalk of Purissima is a never-to-be-forgot- 
ten sight. 

Each $4.00; three for $10.50 ; ten for $30.00 


Two years ago this was hailed as the best pro- 
duction ever turned out by the Sass Brothers. The 
yellow-pink blended flowers introduced a new color 
note, and it became immediately so popular that 
there has never been sufficient stock to supply the 
demand. It is one of the most rehable new vari- 
eties for severe climates, besides being a very free 
bloomer and rapid multiplier. Its future is assured. 

Each $2.50; three for $6.75; ten for $20.00 


A deep garnet colored flower, overlaid with a 
copper and bluish sheen. This unusual tone has 
made Labor one of the best sellers of the past two 
seasons. This iris crowds Opera out of the picture, 
and is most effective as a clump where its intense 
color can be displayed to most advantage. Our lim- 
ited stock last year was quickly sold out, but we 
now have a fair quantity of excellent plants at very 
reasonable prices. 

Each $2.00; three for $4.50; ten for $12.50 


This iris, originating in California, is one that 
can be depended upon to grow and flower well al- 
most anywhere despite its tender blood. Unlike 
some of its kin, I found it perfeetly at home in Hh- 
nois, Ohio, and Minnesota. It is one of the giants 
among our modern varieties, and is not surpassed 
by any of the violet pinks in commerce. An indis- 
pensable variety. 

Each $2.00; three for $5.25; ten for $15.00 

Our Introduction of 1928 

A beautiful medium blue self of largest size and 
great height, four feet, the entire flower slightly 
suffused with a soft shade of heliotrope. An out- 
standing feature is the intense burnt-orange beard. 
The competition in this color class is most keen, but 
Mr. Schreiner ranks Surprise among the best dozen. 
Mrs. Pattison of Quality Gardens remarks that “‘it 
did beautifully for me this year. It was one of, if 
not the tallest, in my garden.” 

Extra large rhizomes, $7.50 each; three for $18.00 


Here we have an iris which approaches perfee- 
tion in the shape and size of its flowers, and in 
addition is possibly the finest and clearest laven- 
der blue so far introduced. The exhibition rating of 
91 is well deserved. Having been in commerce suf- 
ficiently long to become fairly plentiful, it can now 
be bought at the following surprisingly low prices: 

Each 50c; three for $1.05; ten for $2.50 

A Few Random Notes 

Although our space does not permit discussion 
of all varieties listed, we cannot refrain from men- 
tioning a few. Allies bloomed continuously in our 
garden during May, June and July until August 12. 
Sikh bloomed in the fall, week of November 10, a 
dandy spike. Sass’s have some fine things in the 
list; Baldwin is a huge flower of lavender-heliotrope 
that is unique and extra good. King Tut contains 
real red in the falls and is one of the brightest spots 
in the garden. Rameses created a furore at the Free- 
port show in 1930 and was absolutely unobtainable 
shortly after the blooming season. Midgard is al- 
ready favorably known everywhere. Euphony is a 
blend of the Ophela type, rosier in tone. The pro- 
geny of Dominion stands in a class by itself, and 
now that Bruno and Cardinal are being offered at a 

were the best of the older Dominions and the stand- 

popular price everyone should have them. 

ard by which the newer ones had to be judged. 
Dauntless, the Dykes medal winner, heads the Amer- 
ican reds. Lovely Dolly Madison is now offered 
reasonably, and no collection is complete without it. 
We understand that some growers boosted the price 
of Coronation to $5.00 wholesale last year when it 
became scarce. Better get it early from us at half 
Melchoir was intro- 

that while our stock holds out. 
duced as an improved Mrs. Valerie West. 

duskier, bronzier, more purple edition of it, very 
fine. No iris competes with Madame Durrand, that 
symphony in buff, old gold and heliotrope. Not so 
long ago such varieties as Germaine Perthuis, Ma- 
jestic, Duke of Bedford, Romola, Tenebrae and 
Aphrodite were searce and high in price. They are 
now quite plentiful, bear high ratings, and should 
displace a lot of junky stuff that many growers, 
Because of 
heavy stocks of some things we are listing them 

especially nurseries, are still listing. 

“below par” and urge your consideration of Evadne, 
Julia Marlowe, Labor, Morning Splendor, Rosado, 
Santa Barbara, Tropic Seas, Yoeman, and 27th of 
April. On the other hand, stock of a few is extreme- 
ly shy and if you wish to be sure of Allure, Blue 
Velvet, Coppersmith, Ion, Le Correge, Messaline, 
Opaline, Pongee, Padre, Pink Satin, Rameses, Sun- 
light, Wambliska, Rasakura and a few others, do 

not delay placing your order for these at once. 

Growers in England and France are especially 
requested to consider the American introductions, 
including the new Classic, Meldoric, Klamath, Wam- 
bliska, Rameses, Clara Noyes, Beau Sabreur, and 
Blue Velvet. They are among the world’s supreme 
achievements in iris breeding. All foreign orders 

are strictly cash before shipment. 


Raised by 
Silverton, Oregon 

We had the pleasure of introducing this novelty last season, and again offer it as one of the premier 
American seedlings of Dominion ancestry. The rich and subtle blending of deep brown and bronze on a 
dull purple ground is not comparable to any other iris, the resulting effect being quite distinct in its air 
of antiquity, like some old wood carving or a rare piece of ancient bronze. 

Having bloomed it last season, Mr. F. X. Schreiner had this to say: “Klamath bloomed. finely. Its 
qualities are especially form, poise, substance held without flopping for the entire life of the blossom— 
three days. I am, of course, prejudiced a little against the $50 iris in general, but THIS HAS MERITED 

Extra fine, extra large rhizomes, $40.00 each; three at $35.00 each 


-—— Price Each on Lots of —_ 

ANTS Gee eel eee ee on BS aL XO) Sade25 SelnO0m eMaldned Presb .:-. =. 
NINDS oe ee ee ee 6.00 tt 0 OR eetee. cc Wubiiclrepcher ee eet eee ee 
PA Glait keane eens 7.50 B00) = ees Mille. Schwartz. =. 22... 
Atmibassagewie 2 85 .20 Aloe Gime s Dumranide <2 oa. 7e 
Np achtewestees 26 8-2 15 OY | aes Mme. Cecile Bouscant__.. 
INGOT O Obes a ee a7) 50 AQ) Mons.-Brune=...2-- 2 i, 
EGE), So, ae ne ee ee 1.00 15 50) Mount Royal: 2-2. . 
Balllerines.0-- = 50 135 oy ey Viomterey en 25.4 ners 
valliriatees eee ee 4.00 3.75 3.25 Morning Splendor ($20 
Beam Sabreute.-. 6.50 5.00 4.50 Oke) oe AU eee ee 
Belisaine i. ot ee 1.00 15 50 Mrs. Valerie West... 
Blue Velvet... SHIR om, Sry enon ames Opaline...-- eee 
Brumomeieeeas 9) t's 5” 1.50 1.25 1.00 Ophelia... 
eeeNontisom | 82) kee ede 190 Oregon Beauty... 
@amndilieli@hiiss 2. 2 -..:.: DL NOs a = eeenen Lm Ree Oregon Giant... 
Cardinale 2 Aes 2.00 1.75 1.50 Petruchio... 
@itromelllay 2 oe: 15 50 35 Plomeer 22) aks 
Olarav Noyes ss.20 10.00 CoN Tee IANS UO) ee een 
Classi Ch cee ec tesecnsi DOOM Beret ta 6 Sates. Pongee._.... n-ne 
Coppersmithe 2... DOR: aks ae nea ie Padre Be Sarees stese eg Gage seep eee 
@oromation:......2.4..--.2-:.-: 2.50 2.25 NOG; URISsiMal eae, 
Waimibliesse. 5 26s... 18.00 500), eee eee rales Ses 2s ee 
DollyaMadison— 2. 5.00 4.50 4.99  Bameses.....- 
Ream eee eee Ss, 25 15 40. asakura. 2)... 
Duke of Bedford.._........... 125 1.00 AS Realm 2 ans as 
Evadne ($15 per 100). 50 25 20 ROS Cl Oe ee eee 
Bp homya.. sees 2.00 1.50 1.95 HRomola..... 
TENG pao are oe 1.00 a5 iso). 0sa Bonlweur. 2g. 
Frieda Mohr............-.....--- 2.0) 1.75 1.590 San Francisco... 
Germaine Perthuis........... 1.50 1.25 1.00 San Louis Rey... 
George J. Tribolet............ 1.00 15 50. San Diego... 
GoldMimperial: =.= 2) 50 35 95 Santa Barbara. 
Glowing Embers........... 1.25 1.00 75 Sacramento... 
Grace Sturtevant.............. 12.00 11.00 10.09 Sikh... 
Ginn ee eee ee OO = Seeker they Sir Michael... 
BPAChEROSO i ee eee ES 5.00 4.00 399  Souv. de Loetitia 
Julia Marlowe..................- Ls) 50 40 MnCha des esos ce 
Keine dni . eect ol, 2 50) 00, 0 on Mme. Gaudichau. 
Klamath... AQOON mes 35008 9) esx. UE dO ee 
Mealy orien to coe we 2.00 1.50 1.95 DUEDTISC x eee 
Lia Bohemienne.................. DUNO) fa ae es SH AV AUG ES eto era 
Le Correge a See 2 50 DGG) = a Tenebrae ($20 per 100)... 
Mord tamiborme:-2 2-22... 50 35 25 EG ees ls ee ee 
AVIS tiCeee ees ee eee te 50 35 25 are rar air 
Iifepoyn Iokenelaey epee eee ee ae WOO) a pee Cherm a pasar rate 1 
ital van Grillo Somes 50 35 oe ae en ee 
iemeimsetie aos 9.50) an zs Tuscany Gold.........-.------- 
0S ea me SN) 9 oe | RRR WresperaGoldi =.= 
INU) Kol nO ae sae eae ere 12.00 10.00 CUOVOR. Gost rea ay Ais 
INEM \ORT Chee ces ee ee nee 30.00 200m ete W ede w00 .-a--neeeeeececeeeeeeseee 
NLGSSS2) Oe eee eee eae OOODaunet ert: go est. White and Gold................ 
Michelline Charraire.... 1.50 1.25 1OX0). — Se@vennl nee ee eee 

Five at the 10 rate; Twenty-five at the 100 rate. 

7-—— Price Each on Lots of —_ 















Here are the unsolicited comments of a few well-known 
growers and firms who have purchased stock from us during 
the past season. They are business people who are sincere 
in what they say and do not make statements just to see 
their names in print. 

“Your letter and the wonderful boxes of irises have just 
Thanks for both, but especially for the care 
with which the rhizomes had been selected. 

reached me. 
They are abso- 
lutely firm and certainly better than average size.” 
West Hartford, Conn. 

“The perfectly splendid iris roots came in good order and 
are growing strongly already (July 24). Needless to say, 
they are about the best lot I have ever received from any 

Ithaca, N. Y. 

“The iris rhizomes came today in splendid condition. 
Such stock I have not seen before; how do you grow them?” 
Paulding, Ohio. 

“We received the shipment of iris this morning in splen- 
did condition and they are extra nice plants.” 

Winona, Minn. 

ee ke 

“T have just received the shipment of ‘Bruno’ and they 

were very fine roots. Thauks for the generous count.” 

Yakima, Wash. 

Pe ee 

“T am very much pleased with the irises which you sent, 
In all my experience in buying from many parts of the coun- 
try I have never received finer stock.” 

43 Cotton Street, 
Newton, Mass. 

“You certainly need not apologize for any of those plants. 
They were as fine as any I have ever received and were in 
splendid condition. I am more than pleased with them and 
know my customers will be also.” 

W. E. Schreiber, 
Missoula, Mont. 


“The irises arrived in fine condition after their long jour- 

Your rhizomes are larger than ours.” 

Towson, Ma. 

“Klamath came in fine condition and is a splendid root 
I don’t see how you grow them so large. Surprise made six 
divisions this year,” 
Sunnyside Gardens, 
IWatick, Mass. 

“The first lot of irises arrived yesterday. They were in 
splendid condition and there is nothing of which we could 
complain. The quality of your stock and the courteous and 
efficient way in which you have handled this order will cer- 
tainly encourage us to further business.” 

W. J. France, 
Searboro, Ont., Canada. 

“IT have never seen such wonderful rhizomes! Perfectly 
huge, and I am very much pleased and proud to possess such 
an order.” 
Olde Time Gardens, 

Kansas City, Kas. 

“Your irises came through in the best shape of any that 
I received. They seem to grow larger in the Far West than 
in this section.” 
1125 Grand Concourse, 
New York City. 

“In the few years that I have made irises my hobby I 
have received them from both obscure and very prominent 
growers, but never such rhizomes as you have put out. A 
year ago I bought some stock of Morning Splendor from you 
which was fully up to your standard, and they put out some 
wonderful blooming stalks for me and gave blooms that were 
up to the advertised standard—performing in every way as 
if they had been established two or three years instead of 
one. I know that I could not ask or expect anything better.” 

Saugerties, N. Y. 

And so you see why our business is growing each year, 
and the reason that Robert Wayman, for example, has given 
us a substantial order for the third successive season,