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A book for the Sportsman, and for those desirous of knowing how to 
distinguish these web-footed birds and to learn 
their ways in their native wilds 



Ex-President of the A merican Ornithologists’ Union 

Author of the New and Heretofore Unfigured Birds of North America ; of 
the Illustrated Monographs of the Ant Thrushes (editions 1863 and 
1895), Grouse, Pheasants, Birds of Paradise, Hornbills, Cats, 
etc.; of the Classification and Synopsis of the Tro- 
chilide ; of the Shore Birds, and Gallinaceous 
Game_ Birds of North America; of 
Wolf’s Wild Animats, etc., etc. 


“ : 
Oi 4 



1898 2a Muse SP 



From the strongholds of the North 
When the Ice-King marches forth, 
The Southern lands to harry with his host; 

The fowl with clang and cry 
Come speeding through the sky, 
And steering for the shelters on our coast. 

I hear the swish and swing 
Of the fleetly moving wing, 
I see the forms drawn faintly ’gainst the sky, 
As the rush of feathered legions 
From out the frozen regions, 
Sail onward ‘neath the silent stars on high, 

Like a cloud that’s borne along 
By a mighty wind, and strong, 
Then parting, disappears in vapor light, 
They glide o’er lake and sea 
O’er mountain, moor, and lea, 
And, passing swiftly, vanish in the night, 

They seek a sunny clime, 
A land of blooms and thyme, 
The tranquil surface round the southern Key; 
A home of peace and rest 
On the friendly water’s breast, 
Of lake, or flowing river, or the murmuring sea, 
The gently heaving bosom of the sea. 



THE Swan, Geese, and Ducks naturally become the 
subjects for the third volume of what may be called the 
series, or trilogy of ‘“‘ North American Game Birds.” 
While engaged upon this book, I felt that I was writing 
the history of a rapidly vanishing race, whose serried 
hosts, at a time not far distant, were spread over the 
entire length and breadth of the continent as they winged 
their swift flight in the annual migrations. But inces- 
sant persecution and unrestrained slaughter have been 
waged against these fowl, in all manner of ways: by kill- 
ing the mated birds in the spring on their way to the 
breeding grounds, by robbing the nests, by murdering 
the young perhaps even unable to fly, and by continued 
shooting during their southern journey and in their win- 
ter residence—until to-day but a remnant is left of the 
myriad fowl that at one time fairly darkened the air with 
their mighty legions. 

And although it is apparent to all, save those who will 
not see, that only a brief period can elapse, if the same 
conditions continue, before, like the buffalo, our Water 
Fowl will mostly disappear, yet little is done to save them 
from destruction, and the ruthless slaughter goes gayly 
on. Improved firearms of all kinds and devices of every 
sort to reduce their numbers, each one more dangerous 
and effective than its predecessor, are continually being 
introduced, and there is hardly a spot all over our broad 
land where a wild Duek or Goose can rest a moment in 



peace. From the time the birds leave the frozen North- 
land, until the survivors return to it again in the ensuing 
year, the hunted fowl run the gantlet of a nation in arms; 
and no sooner do they pass the boundaries of the land 
they seek in the spring for the purpose of reproduction, 
than the natives continue the slaughter of the birds until 
they depart for southern climes. Is it any wonder that 
their numbers are diminishing; is it not rather a wonder 
that so many are left? Doubtless these fowl are one of 
the important means for sustaining the lives of those who 
exist in Arctic solitudes, but the natives, before they were 
taught the white man’s ways, carried on no war of exter- 
mination, and the number of the invading army did not 
diminish, as is proved by the myriads that once entered 
the United States every autumn. But now, provided 
with modern firearms, in place of the spear and the bow 
and arrow, the savages slay the birds not alone for their 
own consumption, but also to supply the demands of 
commerce and of fashion, while the eggs are collected by 
boatloads in order that certain pursuits may be made 
more profitable. By such mischievous methods the mis- 
guided inhabitants of the Arctic regions are destroying 
one of their own means of existence, and joining with 
civilized man in southern climes, to hasten the extermi- 
nation of the race. 

Few families of birds have more admirers than that of 
the Anatidz, and in the early autumn the Honk of the 
Goose, or the whistling wings of the advancing army of 
Ducks, heard overhead at night as they arrive from the 
North, cause many an eye to glisten, and many a pulse 
to beat faster throughout the land. Duck-shooting has 
a host of votaries,—perhaps no kind of field sport has so 
many,—who follow it enthusiastically in spite of its often 
attendant hardships and exposures. 


This volume is arranged on the same plan as those of 
the “Shore Birds” and “ Gallinaceous Game Birds,” 
now pretty familiar to my readers. The species, how- 
ever, which are contained in this book are fairly well 
known to most people, at all events the males are; but as 
the females of different kinds often resemble each other 
closely, I have endeavored in the Keys, when necessary, 
to draw comparisons between them and call attention to 
their most marked characteristics. In the arrangement 
of the Family, occasionally in the selection of genera 
necessary to designate the different groups, and in cer- 
tain cases also, in the choice of specific names, as well as 
in the general disposition of the species, | have found 
myself obliged to depart widely from the method adopted 
in the A. O. U. Check List, which seems in a great degree 
to have been constructed without sufficient consideration 
of the affinities the North American Anatide might pos- 
sess to the exotic members of the Family. Of course no 
natural arrangement is possible, for none exists, but I 
have endeavored to bring together those groups which 
were most in accord and produce a proper order of suc- 
cession, although fully aware that gaps occur. 

No birds vary more, even if as much, in their relative 
dimensions, as do the members of this family. Not only is 
there great divergence among the species of a genus, but 
also even among those which are members of the same 
species. In fact it is not easy to find any two Ducks or 
Geese which are exactly alike in all their measurements. 
To ascertain how great these differences are, it is only 
necessary to consult Mr. Ridgway’s “ Manual,’ when it 
will be seen that for a large proportion of these birds an 
average measurement is given, instead of an EXACT one, 
and I have found so much variation existing that in 
many cases, when the dimension of a species is recorded, 


I have been compelled to qualify it with the word, 

3earing this fact in mind, therefore, I consider it 
most unwise and injudicious to create even a subspecies 
whose only character is that of size, especially when it is 
attempted to separate birds of different lands which are 
so exactly alike as not to be distinguished apart until 
the tape-line is applied, and even then the test fails at 
times, as they are often found to be of the same dimen- 
sions. It will be observed, then, that in certain cases I 
have not recognized such so-called subspecies or allied 
forms, believing that, should I do so, I would only con- 
fuse my reader and perplex any student conscientiously 
desirous of studying specific relationships. The fact that 
a species is found in Europe and America is no reason 
whatever that the specimens from the two hemispheres 
must be specifically, subspecifically, or in any other de- 
gree separable, simply because they come from different 
localities. Yet it would seem that in certain cases some 
writers were convinced that such must be the fact. 
A comparatively slight difference in size alone, however, 
is utterly unreliable as a distinguishing character, and 
should receive little consideration, save when accom- 
panied by other and more important distinctions. 

In the Appendix will be found Keys to the Subfamilies, 
Genera, and Species, and such critical remarks as more 
properly find there a place. 

The Author has studied the Anatidz for many years, 
and he has with but few exceptions met all the species 
mentioned in this book in their native wilds, and the ac- 
counts given of their habits are derived from his own ob- 
servation. The majority nest in places not difficult of 
access, but for a history of the ways, in the breeding sea- 
son, of the few species that are then found only in the far 


Arctic regions, the Author has relied upon the naturalists 
who have had opportunities of observing them in those 
distant localities. The position and names of the feathers 
of the Wild Fowl] do not differ from those of other birds, 
and they can readily be ascertained from the plate given 
in the ‘* Shore Birds ” which serves the purpose of an ex- 
planatory map. The drawings of a considerable number 
of the species were made by the Author at a time when he 
was contemplating another work on the Water Fowl, and 
these have been reduced by Mr. Edwin Sheppard to the 
proper dimensions for this book. Four are reduced 
copies of paintings made by the great artist Joseph Wolf, 
for the Author’s work on the “ Birds of North America.” 
The remainder of the plates have been drawn by Mr. 
Sheppard, who illustrated the two previous books of this 
series, and these exhibit the same care and fidelity in 
their execution as characterize the plates in those 

For the loan of specimens from which the drawings 
by Mr. Sheppard have been made, I am indebted to my 
friends Mr. R. Ridgway, Curator of Birds in the 
National Museum, Washington, and Mr. Witmer Stone, 
Curator of Ornithology in the Academy of Natural 
Sciences of Philadelphia, to whom I desire to express my 
thanks for their assistance. 

In classifying the various groups of the Anatidz it is 
of slight moment whether one begins with the so-called 
highest or lowest form, naturalists having not yet agreed 
upon this point, although it would seem advisable in the 
construction of a pyramid to begin at the bottom and not 
at the top. In the arrangement of the genera and 
species in this book, however, I have reversed the order 
in the Check List of the American Ornithologists’ Union, 
because I desired to begin with the most important 


species of the Water Fowl, and therefore commence with 
the Swan instead of the Mergansers. 

In this and the two preceding volumes have been in- 
cluded all the birds inhabiting North America, north of 
Mexico, which can be considered ‘“ Game,” save perhaps 
the Rails, which by many are deemed worthy of being 
so classed. It is a noble list; one few countries of the 
globe can equal in importance and variety. For numer- 
ous reasons, not the least of which are the economic, 
these birds are a most valuable possession to the people 
of this land, to be protected with watchful care. Have 
we been faithful to our trust? 

In the willful destruction of all our feathered creatures 
that has been permitted without restraint for a long 
period throughout North America, and which receives 
but little check to-day in some districts; in the lack 
of all intelligent treatment of them within our limits; 
and in the non-enforcement of laws passed for their 
protection, our birds (not only, alas! those entitled 
to the epithet of “ game”) are being carried rapidly 
onward toward extinction. Our wild quadrupeds, 
also, are fast disappearing. One, the grandest of all, 
is even now practically extinct, and unless stringent 
measures are soon taken and the laws for both their pro- 
tection and for that of all other wild creatures rigidly en- 
forced, waters without their beautiful, joyous tenants, and 
plains and forests despoiled of their graceful inhabitants, 
will bear silent but eloquent witness to the folly of a 
people unable to appreciate the valuable gifts Nature had 
bestowed upon them. 

D.1G. E, 


PREFACE, . ‘ 2 ; 


Ross’s SNow GOOSE, 

Hutcuins’ Goose, 


Buiack BRANT, 

Woop Duck, 
Futvous TrEE Duck, 

Dusky Duck, 

Fioripa Dusky Duck, 
MorrLep Duck, 






CINNAMON TEAL, : : ‘ : : ; : 5 seeIg2 
EUROPEAN TEAL, . : : : : : 3 3 . 134 
GREEN-WINGED TEAL, : ; 5 , 2 ‘ : gO 
SHOVELER, ; j 4 ; : : ; : = : 140 
RuFous-CrEstED Duck, . ‘ , : : : : . 144 
Canvas Back, : : 3 ‘ : f ‘ . ? 147 
Rep* Heap, : : E E ; : ; : : ae uty 
Scaup Duck, ‘ ; : : . : ; : : 160 
LEssER Scaup Duck, , é ; ; : ; ; lod! 
RincED NrEck Duck, . : : : 3 : ; ; 169 
LABRADOR Duck, : , ' ‘ : ; : : wih 72 
GOLDEN EYE, : ; : ; : : . : : 176 
BarRkow’s GOLDEN EYE, . ‘ : : é : ; > eL8O 
BuFFLE HEAD Duck, . 4 : : : : ; : 184 
Lonc-TaILED Duck, 3 F , A ‘ : : yeahs. 
HarLEQuIN Duck, : : ; : A : ‘ 195 
SuRF SCOTER, . : : ; : : : : F 205 
American SSoTER, : : : : 2 : - : 206 
VELVET “S€GGER, : . : : : ; ; : e200 
WHITE-WINGED SCOTER, ‘ ‘ F ; ‘ ; : 212 
STELLER® Duck, ; ; P : : 2 ; ; . . 216 
SPECTACLED EIDER, ; : : ; : : ; : 219 
AMERICAN EIDER, ; : : , : j : ; BORE: 
EIDEk, ; : : 5 : A ‘ : : ; 225 
PaciFic EIDErR, : F ; : ; : : ; = 1229 
Kinc EIDER, 3 . ; F : ; : ‘ : 234 
RUDDY. Duckie. ; : , : ; 4 % ‘ C257 
MaskeED Duck, : ‘ : : : 3 : ; ; 242 
AMERICAN MERGANSER, : : : : , : eas 
ReED-BREASTED MERGANSER, : : : : : : 249 
HoopED MERGANSER, ; ; 5 ; : : : . 254 
SMEw, . : : : : , : ‘ 3 : ; 259 
APPENDIX, : : : ; : : . : ; e203 
L’Envol, , : ; : : : : : ; : 301 

INDEX, : A : ‘ 5 F : : ; ; . 303 







Brose ey Ansan nos Sa Ans w 


Wuooprine SWAN, 


Ross’s SNow Goose, 

HuTcuHIns’ GOosE, 
BRANT Goose, 

Biack BRANT, 

Woop Duck, 


Futvous Tree Duck, 

Dusky Duck, 
Fioripa Dusky Duck, 
MorTrLep Duck, 




Opposite page 





Rurous-CrestED Duck, 
Canvas Back, 

Rep Heap, 

Scaup Duck, F 
Lesser Scaup Duck, 
RINGED-NeEck Duck, 
Lasprapor Duck, 

GoLDEN Eye, 

BurFLe Hrap Duck, . 
Lonc-TatLep Duck, Summer plumage, 
Lonc-TaiLep Duck, Winter plumage, 



STELLER’s Duck, 


Paciric EIpEr, 

Kinc Erber, 

Ruppy Duck, 

Maskep Duck, : 

Opposite page 136 



AN HE family of the Anatidz is composed of web-footed, 
swimming birds, having a bill covered with a soft 
skin, and a protuberance, sometimes hardly perceptible, 
at the tip, and contains the Swan, Geese, Ducks, and Mer- 
gansers, constituting Huxley’s order CHENOMORPHA 
(Greek xnv, chen, a goose, + popdy, morphé, form). 

The family is divided into several subfamilies, the 
number varying according to the views an ornithologist 
may have as to their necessity, but never less than five, 
viz.: CYGNIN®, Swan; ANSERIN#, Geese; ANATINZ, 
Fresh-Water Ducks; FuLicuLIN&%, Sea Ducks, and 
Mercin#, Mergansers. In this book the subfamilies 
are seven, as, in addition to those just named, there have 
been adopted, PLECTROPTERIN#, in which, among sev- 
eral other species all exotic, is included the genus Ex 
represented in North America by our beautiful Wood 
Duck (and which in most lists is placed far from its ap- 
parently true position), and ERISMATURIN&, containing 
the spine- or stiff-tail ducks. In addition to these there 
are four other subfamilies; ANSERANATINA, CEREOP- 
species are all exotic to this continent. 

These eleven subfamilies possess something like two 
hundred species, about sixty of which are found in North 
America. A conspicuous feature of these birds is a hard 
bony expansion at the end of the bill, occasionally occu- 
pying the whole tip and frequently bent over, forming a 



hook. This is called the nail, whence the Family is 
sometimes named UNGurrostres. (Latin Ungus, nail, 
and rostrum, beak). 

The ANATIN# and the GALLIN are probably, to those 
who are not ornithologists, the most familiar of the feath- 
ered creatures. Like the Gailinaceous birds, the Water 
Fowl bear a very important relation to man, as they are 
the source of all domesticated races of web-tooted 
birds, and they provide one of the chief means of sub- 
sistence to the inhabitants of boreal regions. Among 
civilized people they are regarded also as of great value 
from an economic point of view. 

Usually these birds have a stout, full, rather heavy 
body, with a moderate or short neck (exceedingly long in 
the Swan), short legs, placed posteriorly in most in- 
stances, and generally hidden in the body feathers half- 
way to the heel, with the tarsus covered with scutellate 
or reticulate scales, sometimes with both, as in DENDRO- 
cyGNA; feet palmated, hind toe simple or lobed; oil gland 
present, and a large and fleshy tongue. Bill various in 
shape, from broad and flat, which is perhaps most usual, 
to long and very narrow. Lamelle (plates or toothlike 
processes inside edge of bill), are frequently present, 
sometimes exceedingly prominent, numerous, and close 
together, and vary from those like the teeth of a fine 
comb suitable for sifting ooze, etc., to a rather coarse 
hooklike form, pointing backward to prevent the escape 
of any prey that may have been seized. 

The sternum is broad and rather long, with a notch on 
each side, and sometimes the keel is hollowed out for the 
reception of the windpipe. This organ exhibits curious 
modifications in the various species. In some of the 
Swan it enters a hollow in the sternum, doubles on itself, 
forming a coil, and then emerges, passing onward to 


the lung. In certain species of Geese it forms a coil be- 
tween the skin and breast muscles; and in a large num- 
ber of the Ducks and Mergansers, several lower rings of 
the trachea are united together and enlarged, producing 
a capsule in the throat. These convoluted windpipes in- 
crease the volume of the voice, as in the case of the 
Trumpeter Swan, and in numbers of other Families the 
twisting ‘and winding of this organ are carried to an ex- 
treme within the breast bone, as is seen in the Whooping 
Crane (Gris americana) and other species. 

The wings vary in shape and in comparative length to 
the body. Some species have these very short, and 
they are moved with great rapidity, sometimes appear- 
ing devoid of outline’ so swift is their action, and their 
possessors go buzzing through the air more like insects 
than birds. Again the wings are long and pointed, and 
when the bird is flying are moved more slowly. Most of 
the Anatide, however, are rapid flyers, and even large 
species like Swan and Geese, although their flight may 
appear labored, proceed with much speed. 

The plumage is dense and consists of a coating of 
down next to the skin, protected by the overlapping outer 
feathers, affording a very warm covering. Most of the 
species have a subdued coloring, but some are arrayed 
in a gorgeous dress of many hues, frequently exhibiting 
the brilliancy of metallic iridescence. The tail is of va- 
rious shapes, rounded, cuneate, or with the median pair 
of feathers moderately or greatly elongated. The bills 
also vary greatly, from those that are broad, low, and flat, 
through a shape short, high at base, and rather pointed at 
tip, to one long, narrow, hooked, and serrated. The bill is 
covered by a skin, which in the Swan extends to the eye, 
leaving the lores bare. The sternum or breast. bone 
being broad and flat with little or no keel, the pectoral 


muscles are consequently wide but not deep, differing 
in this respect from gallinaceous birds, which have a large 
keel to the sternum, and correspondingly deep breast 

As I have already mentioned, the economic importance 
of the species of the ANATID# is very great, and fortu- 
nately therefore their broods are large, and their num- 
bers, although very much lessened in past years by 
constant slaughter, are fairly maintained in some portions 
of the continent. Of course, among so many kinds there 
is a great diversity in the quality of the flesh, and while 
some are eagerly sought for their high excellence there 
are others of which little can be said in praise. Those 
species that subsist upon rank grasses or animal sub- 
stances are usually impregnated with the flavor of their 
food, and therefore not greatly desired for the table. Of 
these may be enumerated many of the Sea Ducks, some 
Geese, and the Mergansers. The birds of this Family 
place their nests (which are mostly formed of feathers 
and lined with down, plucked from the breast of the 
female), in the majority of cases upon the ground, but 
some build amid the branches of trees or occupy hollows 
in the trunk, and a few even seek holes in the banks, near 
streams. The eggs number from eight to twenty, are 
without markings, and vary in color from white to pale 
green. The young run and swim as soon as they escape 
from the shell, either seeking the water themselves, or 
else, as in the case of those hatched in a tree, are carried 
to it in the bill of the female. She incubates the eggs 
and cares for the young, in certain species the male assist- 
ing in watching over the brood; but generally the males 
are very remiss in these duties, and, especially among the 
Sea Ducks, frequently desert the females after incubation 
commences, and go away by themselves, forming a 


group of idle fellows, whose only idea of life is amuse- 
ment and sustenance. 

Between the sexes of the Ducks and Mergansers great 
difference in the color of the plumage is observable, 
males and females rarely resembling each other either in 
the hues or markings of their feathers, but among the 
Swan and Geese the sexes are similar. One characteris- 
tic mark of many species of Ducks is the speculum, or 
conspicuous spot on the wing formed by the coloration, 
often metallic, of the terminal portion of the secondaries. 
This sometimes serves to identify the species, especially 
in the case of the female, and is frequently of brilliant 
hues in both sexes, though brighter always in the male. 

The various groups into which the Family has been 
divided are closely united, and although there are many 
artificial sections easily recognized among them, known 
as genera, yet all the species are more or less nearly re- 
lated, and the Family is a very compact one, and easily 
distinguished from all others. 

The Wild Fowl are migratory; some, indeed the great 
majority,—comprising all those breeding in boreal 
regions,—pass Over an immense extent of the continent 
twice a year, spring and autumn. On such occasions 
they proceed in great flocks, usually some veteran bird 
leading the way, guided by the experience derived from 
travels of many years. The large species, Swan and 
Geese, journey in a V-shaped formation; Ducks also fre- 
quently adopt this same method, but they often also 
travel in a curved line, occasionally even all abreast. 
This last formation is not continued for any great dis- 
tance. The few species inhabiting the temperate por- 
tions of North America, and which breed there, make 
very brief migrations, if indeed any at all. North 
America at one time probably contained more Wild Fowl 


than any other country of the globe, and even in the 
recollection of some livinz, the birds came down from 
the Northland during the autumn in numbers that were 
incredible, promising a continuance of the race forever. 
I have myself seen great masses of Ducks, and also of 
Geese, rise at one time from the water in so dense a cloud 
as to obscure the sky, and every suitable water-covered 
spot held some member of the Family throughout our 
limits. But those great armies of Wild Fowl will be 
seen no more in our land, only the survivors of their 
broken ranks. Let these, then, have the protection which 
is their due, and our advantage and profit to accord; stop 
all spring shooting within our borders, a time when the 
birds not only are usually poor in flesh, but are mated 
and journeying northward in obedience to the command, 
“be fruitful and multiply ”; frown down all such bar- 
barous customs as “ killing for count,” and then, with the 
impartial enforcement of the laws upon all the people, a 
remnant at least of our noble Water Fowl may be pre- 
served to future generations. 

‘URMS SulpsIyM “T 



OF the two species of Swan indigenous to North 

America, the present one is the smaller and more 
widely dispersed. It ranges in the northern portions of 
the continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from 
the Arctic regions south to California on the west, and to 
the Carolinas on the east coast, being very abundant in 
winter in Currituck Sound, North Carolina. It is also 
found in the Mississippi Valley south to the Gulf of Mex- 
ico, and is common in Galveston Bay, Texas. It breeds 
on both sides of the mountains in the Arctic regions; in 
the interior chiefly, if it stops short of the Arctic Ocean, 
but if not,then on the coast and contiguous islands of that 
sea. It nests in the marshes at the mouth of the Yukon, 
and also along that great river above the Delta, and 
on the shores about St. Michael’s. On the Alaskan 
coast by the Arctic Sea this:Swan is rare, and it is not 
found in any of the islands, wor on the Siberian shore of 
Behring Sea, but is met with on the far western islands 
of the Aletitian chain, though it does not breed on any of 

This species arrives near the mouth of the Yukon the 
latter part of April or beginning of May, coming down 
the river from the interior, and not along the coast from 
the south, and as they return the same way, it is supposed 
they cross the mountains near the head waters of this 


stream. The nest is placed upon an island in some small 
lake, or on its borders. It is a large structure—some- 
times six feet long, four and a half wide, and two high,— 
composed of grass, dead leaves, moss, and other rubbish. 
The eggs are pure white or fulvous, and the number 
seems to vary from one to six, but I should imagine the 
latter to be very exceptional, or else there must be a great 
mortality among the cygnets, as it is unusual in winter 
to see a pair of these birds accompanied by more 
than two young. The eggs usually lie hidden in the 
moss, artfully concealed by the female. By the last of 
June the young are hatched, and are led by the parents 
to the nearest water,and soon after the adults moult, when 
many are killed by the natives, who spear the defenseless 
birds unable to fly, and sometimes capture them alive. 
Toward the last of September they gather in flocks, and 
by the second week in October all have departed for 
southern waters. 

While on their journey to and from their winter quar- 
ters, this Swan deserts the coasts and proceeds inland, 
traveling at a great height and making long flights with- 
out halting. The migrating host from the far north, on 
entering the United States, separates into three divisions: 
the western keeping to the Pacific slopes, the center to 
the valley of the Mississippi (where the species is much 
more rare than the Trumpeter Swan), and the remainder, 
or eastern flank, bearing away to the broad waters of the 
Chesapeake and the sounds of North Carolina. The 
flocks are strung out in long, divergent lines, headed by 
* some sagacious old bird, whose powerful wings beat the 
air, and break a passage, so to speak, for those that fol- 
low. Whenever he becomes fatigued by this extra 
labor, he utters a note that seems to be well understood 
by the others, and falling out of line, his place is supplied — 


by another; the late leader taking a position back in the 
ranks. Before alighting, the ground and water beneath 
them are carefully examined for any hidden foe, and after 
the leader is satisfied that all is right, with graceful 
curves, and easy sailings on their great wings, the birds 
alight upon the water and commence to feed. 

This Swan makes its appearance on the Atlantic 
coast about the beginning of November. It is rare 
north of the Chesapeake, but very numerous on 
the littoral waters of North Carolina, and appar- 
ently is more abundant there every year. They 
arrive in small flocks, succeeding each other on some 
days in rapid succession; passing at times over the 
beach, again over the ocean, or the water inside the 
beach. They fly usually at a considerable height, 
and the beat of their great wings is so short as to 
give these the appearance of being almost motionless. 
The black feet extend beyond the tail, and with the long 
neck stretched out to its fullest extent, the great birds 
survey the landscape beneath them. Occasionally the 
peculiar flageolet-like note is uttered by the leader, the 
syllables sounding something like Whd, who-who, in a 
very high key, and this being responded to by other 
members of the flock, a chorus of weird sounds from out 
the upper air floats downward to the ear of the watcher 
below. Beautiful indeed, the splendid birds appear, sail- 
ing onward in the blue sky, the bright rays of a midday 
sun glancing from their immaculate plumage, causing it 
to glisten with the sheen of burnished silver, or, if the 
birds are passing directly overhead, the light streaming 
through the feathers of the wings reflects on the under 
side and also on the body, a glow like the faint blush on 
the petals of arose. With redoubled cries the glad birds 
welcome the well-known waters of their winter home, 


and gradually lowering themselves from their lofty alti- 
tudes, turn head to wind, and checking their momentum 
by a few rapid wing beats, launch themselves into the 
waters of the sound. Should there be any Swan in the 
vicinity, and the newcomers are the fewest in number, 
they swim to them, otherwise little attention is paid to 
other flocks. 

Their journey having provided them with sharpened 
appetites, they soon commence to feed by immersing 
their heads and dragging up the grass from the bottom. 
If the water is deeper than the length of the neck, the 
hinder part of the body is tilted up and held in position 
by paddling with the feet, until a quantity of tender grass 
is torn from the bottom. While feeding, usually one or 
more birds keep a lookout for approaching danger, 
and should any be descried, a warning riote is sounded, 
and the flock begins to swim away, heading to windward, 
if possible. If undisturbed, Swan are very noisy, keeping 
up a continual medley of cries, usually uttered in so high 
a key as to render it impossible to imitate without arti- 
ficial aid, but if alarmed, the birds immediately become 
silent, and remain so until the object of their fear has 
departed. Upon the water this Swan floats lightly and 
presents a beautiful appearance. When congregated 
together in large numbers they seem, from a distance, 
like snow islands, so pure and white is their plumage. 
As they move gracefully along, propelled by a powerful 
shove of one webbed foot after another, the neck is 
usually carried upright, though occasionally with a 
graceful curve the head is lowered for a sip of water, or 
to seize upon a morsel of floating grass. 

Where Swan have been feeding for any length of time 
great holes are hollowed in the bottom, the mud or sand é 
having been scooped out by their powerful bills and feet 


and piled up on the side, and when the water is 
moderately shallow, I have known a sailboat to be 
frequently grounded upon the lumps thus formed. 
In this way these birds do great damage to feed- 
ing grounds, and destroy very much more edible grass 
than they consume. For this reason they are not 
altogether regarded with favor by sportsmen, as they 
soon render useless large tracts of grass-covered bottom 
to which Ducks and Geese would resort for a long time, 
but which they are forced to desert on account of the 
wasteful destruction of their food committed by the 
Swan. Asa rule this species pays but little attention to 
decoys, or wooden representatives placed among a num- 
ber of live Geese tied out for the same purpose. Most 
of the birds that are procured are shot from points over 
which the Swan fly as they pass up and down their feed- 
ing grounds; or are killed from boats sailed down upon 
them before the wind. Swan being so large and heavy 
cannot easily take wing, but are obliged to force them- 
selves over the water, and against the wind, by rapid and 
powerful beats of the wings and feet, until, obtaining 
the requisite momentum, they are lifted into the air. 
Of course then, when a boat approaches them down 
wind, they are obliged as it were, to run toward it, before 
they are able to fly away, and it not unfrequently happens 
that a person in a sailboat can thus get within shooting 
distance of these wary birds. Large shot and heavy loads 
of powder are needed to bring them down; an ounce 
or an ounce and a half of double T., with five drams of 
powder, is a good load for them. When a flock is 
shot on the wing the birds rarely swerve from their 
course, and even when one falls the rest close up the gap 
and keep on as if nothing had happened. If very near 
the sportsman, however, when he fires, the birds will 


swing to one side or the other, but immediately after re- 
turn and continue on their original direct route. If they 
see anything unusual in their line of flight the leader im- 
mediately slightly alters his course, closely followed in 
regular order by the birds that succeed him. When a 
Swan is killed in the air, he doubles all up in falling; head 
neck, wings, and legs appearing to be mixed up together; 
and on striking the water, unless this is very deep, the 
weight of the bird and the impetus acquired by its fall 
will frequently carry it quite to the bottom. I have 
known them to fall where the water was fully three feet 
deep, and rise to the surface covered with mud obtained 
from the bottom. When mortally wounded in the air, 
the Swan will usually set its wings and sail slowly toward 
the earth or water, whichever it may happen to reach. 
The song of the dying Swan has been the theme of 
poets for centuries and is generally considered one of 
those pleasing myths that are handed down through the 
ages. I had killed many Swan and never heard aught 
from them at any time, save the familiar notes that reach 
the ears of everyone in their vicinity. But once, when 
shooting in Currituck Sound over water belonging to a 
club of which I am a member, in company with a friend, 
Mr. F. W. Leggett of New York, a number of Swan 
passed over us at a considerable height. We fired at 
them, and one splendid bird was mortally hurt. On re- 
ceiving his wound the wings became fixed and he com- 
menced at once his song, which was continued until the 
water was reached, nearly half a mile away. I am per- 
fectly familiar with every note a Swan is accustomed to 
utter, but never before nor since have I heard any like 
those sung by this stricken bird. Most plaintive in char- 
acter and musical in tone, it sounded at times like the soft | 
running of the notes in an octave. 


‘« And now ’twas like all instruments, 
Now like a lonely flute; 
And now it is an angei’s song 
Which makes the heavens be mute,” 

and as the sound was borne to us, mellowed by the dis- 
tance, we stood astonished, and could only exclaim, ““ We 
have heard the song of the dying Swan.” 

I made inquiries among the gunners as to whether any 
of them had ever heard notes different from those usually 
uttered by the Swan, when one was mortally wounded, 
and some said they had, and on my asking them what 
kind they were, they described something similar to 
those we had heard and of which I have endeavored to 
give an idea. We recovered the bird, which was an 
adult in perfect plumage, and the skin made into a screen 
adorns the drawing room of my friend. 

The young of this species is gray, sometimes lead 
color during its first year, and the bill is soft and reddish 
in hue. In the second year the plumage is lighter, and 
the bill white, becoming black in the third year, when 
the plumage, though white, is mottled with gray; the 
head and neck especially showing but little white. It is 
probable that it takes fully five years before the pure 
white dress is assumed and the bird becomes such an 
ornamental object. The flesh of the old birds is tough 
and unfit to eat, and boiling is necessary before it 
can be masticated, but the young or cygnets are tender 
and well flavored. The Swan is supposed to live to a 
great age, but this is one of those problems very diffi- 
cult to solve. The length of time the domesticated bird 
may live is no criterion (on account of its altered mode of 
life) to estimate the age of the wild Swan, and of course 
for the latter it is impossible to acquire any data to enable 
a judgment to be formed. From fifteen to twenty years, 


I should suppose would be the average limit of the bird’s 

This species loves to keep near the shores of marshes 
and islands, and is frequently seen standing on the bank 
dressing its feathers. This habit is taken advantage of 
by the gunner, who selects a day when the wind is blow- 
ing hard, and landing upon the opposite side of the 
marsh or island on which the birds are standing, and 
availing himself of the shelter of the reeds, creeps upon 
the unsuspecting Swan, who cannot hear him on account 
of the wind, and shoots them down at close quarters. 
When the weather becomes severe and the sounds and 
bays are frozen, the Swan are seen standing on the ice, 
surrounded by the more watchful geese. If the severe 
weather continues to close the waters, the birds depart 
for more southern climes, until a change of temperature 
occurs, when they at once return to their old quarters. 

At the advent of spring the Swan begin to show 
signs of uneasiness, and to make preparations for 
their long journey to the northward. They gather 
in large flocks and pass much of the time preen- 
ing their feathers, keeping up a constant flow of 
loud notes, as though discussing the period of their 
departure and the method and direction of their 
course. At length all being in readiness, with loud 
screams and many Wh0d-whd’s they mount into 
the air, and in long lines wing their way toward their 
breeding places amid the frozen north. It has been esti- 
mated that Swan travel at the rate of one hundred miles 
an hour with a moderate wind in their favor to help them 
along. The American Swan is monogamous, and once 
mated the pair are presumed to be faithful for life. The 
young keep with their parents for the first year, and these. 
little families are only parted during that period by the 


death of its members. A wounded Swan is very diffi- 
cult to capture, for it immediately swims away right in 
the wind’s “ eye,’”’ and so rapidly can it propel itself by its 
broad feet that a man in a boat has great difficulty in 
capturing it. When overtaken, it is found to be no mean 
antagonist, for it can deal severe blows with its wings, 
sufficiently powerful at times to break a man’s arm, while 
the great feet are capable of committing severe injury 
with their long claws. It is therefore necessary to be 
somewhat careful in approaching a wounded Swan. 

In addition to its smaller size the present species can 
be distinguished from the Trumpeter Swan by the pres- 
ence of a yellow oblong spot on the naked skin near the 
eye, this part in the other species being all black. It 
weighs from twelve to twenty pounds, some exception- 
ally large birds perhaps a few pounds more. In 
Louisiana this species is called Cygne. 


Geographical Distribution.—America, generally; Commander 
Islands, Kamchatka. Accidental in Scotland. Breeds in Arctic 

Adu/t.—Plumage, pure white; occasionally individuals have 
rust color spots or blotches on head and neck, sometimes also on 
the body. Lores naked, with a small yellow spot. Biil and feet 
black. Total length, about 50 to 55 inches; wing average, 21; 
tarsus, 44; culmen, 4. 

Young.—General color, gray; sometimes nearly a lead color 
during the first year, and the bill reddish in hue. Second year the 
plumage is lighter and the bill is white, turning to black in 
the third year, when the plumage is white, mottled with gray on 
the body, the head and neck being mostly all gray. It requires 
about five years before the plumage becomes entirely pure white. 

Downy Young.—Pure white. Bill, legs, and feet, yellow. 
From a specimen taken at Franklin Bay, Arctic America, by 
MacFarlane in 1869, now in the Philadelphia Academy of Nat- 
ural Sciences. 


‘| HS splendid bird differs from the American or 

Whistling Swan in its larger size, absence of yellow 
near the eye, and the peculiar arrangement of the wind- 
pipe. Itis found in the interior of North America and on 
the Pacific coast, but never appears on the shores of the 
Atlantic unless as a straggler. It breeds on the islands 
and in the low reedy grounds around Hudson Bay, also 
in the Barren Grounds near the Arctic coast, and in the 
interior probably on both sides of the mountains, but 
is not known to breed in Alaska. A single speci- 
men was procured by Dall at Fort Yukon, which is the 
only record given of its appearance in the Territory. In 
the United States, the Trumpeter, in the interior, winters 
from Illinois to the Gulf of Mexico, and breeds from 
Towa and Minnesota northward. The nest of this species 
is a large structure composed of grass, leaves, down, and 
feathers, and is placed usually on elevated ground. The 
eggs, which are a uniform chalky white with a granulated 
surface, are quite large, from four to four and a half 
inches long, and two and a half to three in breadth. 
From five to seven is the complement, and the young are 
hatched in July, and are led by the parents to the fresh- 
water ponds and lakes in the vicinity. In August the 
adults moult and are then for a time unable to fly, and 
about the beginning of September the birds commence 
to journey southward, and are among the first of the 


2. Trumpeter Swan. 


great migratory host to enter our limits, and also to leave 
them again in the spring. 

The Trumpeter swims rapidly and easily, and when 
going before the wind raises its wings and uses them as 
sails to help itself along. It flies very high and in 
lengthened lines, like the Whistling Swan, and its speed 
in the air is about the same, possibly one hundred miles 
an hour under favorable conditions. Its voice is very 
different from that of the other species, being loud and 
sonorous, resembling the notes of a French horn, the 
tone being caused by the various convolutions of the 

I do not think that this species, in the localities it fre- 
quents, is as numerous as is the Whistling Swan in its 
habitats. It is the prevailing species in California, where 
it visits the inland fresh waters, and is apparently most 
abundant on the rivers emptying into the lower Miss- 
issippi, along the Gulf of Mexico, and in Western Texas, 
where it is fairly common in winter. It does not differ 
in its habits from the other species to any appreciable 
extent. It feeds on roots of aquatic plants, grasses, shell 
fish, crustacea, etc., and procures its food in the same 
way as the Whistling Swan by immersing the head and 
neck, and pulling the desired objects from the bottom. 
It associates in small flocks by itself and is very shy and 
suspicious. The weight of this Swan varies from twenty 
to thirty pounds, being, on the average, considerably 
heavier than the other species. It is a trim, well-shaped, 
handsome bird, and when congregated in numbers on 
the water has all the beautiful appearance characteristic 
of its relative. 

Cygne is the popular name given to this species in 
Louisiana, the same as that applied to the Whistling 



Geographical Distribution.—Interior of North America, west 
to the Pacific coast, from the Arctic regions to the Gulf of Mex- 
ico. Breeding from Northern United States, as Iowa and the 
Dakotas, northward. Accidental on the Atlantic coast. 

Adult,—Entire plumage, white; sometimes a wash of rust color 
on the head. Bill, lores, and feet, black. Average total length, 
about 63 inches; wing, 244; tarsus, 4%; culmen, 44. 

Young.—General plumage, gray, with rust color on head and 
neck, Bill, basal end flesh color, dusky for remaining portion. 
Legs and feet, grayish, 


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T can hardly be considered that this Swan is a North 
American species, as it has never yet been found upon 
this Continent. Its claim to be included in our avi-fauna 
is based on the supposition that it is still a visitor to 
Greenland. The Whooping Swan is a native of the Old 
World, found throughout the British Islands and the 
Continent of Europe, going as far south in winter as 
Egypt and eastward through Asia to Japan. ~ 
It breeds in high northern latitudes in Iceland and 
Finnish Lapland, and in the vast marshes of the Arctic 
regions. The nest, which is very large, and said to be 
occupied by the same bird for a number of years should 
it survive, is placed on some tussock, and is composed of 
rushes, grass, and similar materials. Incubation lasts 
forty-two days, and the number of eggs, which are yel- 
lowish white, varies from four to seven, the former being 
the most usual. The young, which are generally hatched 
in June, are not able to fly until August, and are care- 
fully guarded by the parents, who protect them from their 
numerous enemies, becoming the aggressors on slight 
provocation, and are antagonists not to be despised. It 
is a handsome bird, though, on account of its shorter 
neck, not so graceful as the Mute Swan (Cygnus olor), 
so commonly seen on ornamental waters in Europe. It 
frequently comes upon the, land to pull up the grass, 
which it does in the manner of geese, and it walks easily 
if not gracefully. 
The Wild Whooper is a very shy bird, and permits 
nothing of which it is suspicious to approach. It goes in 



moderate-sized flocks and the birds fly in V-shaped lines, 
and continually utter their trumpet call. In winter they 
gather together in considerable numbers. This Swan 
is a large bird and will weigh from twelve to twenty 
pounds. + Although of greater dimensions, it bears 
more resemblance to Bewick’s Swan than to any 
other European species, but is readily distinguished 
by having nearly two-thirds of the maxilla, or upper 
part of the bill, yellow. Swans mate for life, and 
the same pair will usually return to the last year’s 
nest. Among young males, or old males which have 
lost their mates, fierce fights take place during the breed- 
ing season, or until most of them have become mated. 
The habits of the Whooping Swan are similar to those of 
the Mute Swan, which are known to all who have 
watched this bird in a domesticated state in Europe. 

In Greenland this present species formerly used to 
breed, as stated by the Eskimo, near Godthaab, but was 
exterminated when moulting and unable to escape. It 
has occasionally reappeared in South Greenland during 
the past thirty or forty years, but so irregularly, and 
usually single individuals only, that it would seem 
these were merely stragglers coming from Iceland, where 
the bird is known to breed on the large marshes. 


Geographical Distribution.—Northern parts of eastern hemis- 
phere, occasional in Southern Greenland, 

Adult,—Plumage, entirely white. Basal portion of bill and 
lores, yellow, this color surrounding the nostrils, remainder black. 
Legs and feet, black. Average total length about 57 inches; 
wing, 24; tarsus, 4; culmen, 4}. 

Young.—General color, grayish brown. Bill, base and lores, 
greenish white ; remainder black, with a reddish orange band 
across the nostrils. 

Downy Young.—All white. 


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FOR a long time this fine species was considered to be 

merely the young of the Snow Goose, although in its 
adult dress it bears no resemblance to that bird. Very 
little is known of either its economy or habits, and it is 
seldom seen upon any of our seacoasts, keeping chiefly 
to the Mississippi Valley, where it is a migrant, going 
in winter to the Gulf. The breeding grounds of this 
Goose are unknown, but the Eskimo say they are to be 
found in the interior of Labrador, among the impene- 
trable bogs and swamps that are so numerous in that 
country. It is refreshing to learn that some birds have 
inaccessible retreats where they can rear their young 
without molestation. According to Mr. G. Barnstone, 
this species crosses James Bay (in the southern part of 
Hudson Bay), coming from the eastern coast, while the 
Snow Goose comes down from the north, seeming evi- 
dently to indicate that their breeding places are distinct. 
Hearne, who met with this Goose in the last century, 
states that its flesh was very palatable, quite as good as 
the Snow Goose, and that it was seldom seen north of 
Churchill River, but very common at Fort York, and at 
Fort Albany. It is occasionally seen in company with 
the Snow Goose. The Blue Goose has been taken 
on the coast of Maine and at Grand Menan, but is very 
rare along the Atlantic. In the west it is more com- 
mon and numbers are killed every winter, but it has not 
been found anywhere upon the shores of the Pacific. 
This species is usually distinguished from the Snow 



Goose, as the Blue, or Blue Snow Goose, Bald-Headed 
Goose, White-Headed Goose, Oie Bleu, and Blue Brant 
in Louisiana, and in the north where all Snow Geese are 
called Waveys, as the Blue Wavey. It is a very hand- 
some bird in its adult summer dress, the handsomest in 
my opinion of all our Geese, and doubtless could be 
domesticated and become an ornament to our farmyards. 


Geographical Destribution.—Hudson Bay, through interior of 
North America, along the valley of the Mississippi to the Gulf of 
Mexico. Very rare on the coast of Maine, but not found farther 
south on the shores of the Atlantic, nor anywhere on the Pacific. 

Adult.—Head and upper part otf neck, white; sometimes a 
blackish brown line extends from top of head along middle of 
hind neck. Rest of neck, breast, back, and wings, grayish 
brown. Wing coverts, and rump, bluish gray. Secondaries, 
blackish brown, edged with white. Primaries, blackish brown. 
Flanks, grayish brown; feathers, tipped with pale brown. Under 
parts, white or whitish; upper and under tail coverts, whitish. 
Tail, brownish gray, edged with white. Bill, pale pinkish; nail, 
white; a black line along the edges of the maxilla and mandible. 
Legs and feet, reddish color. Total length, about 28 inches; 
wing, 16; tarsus, 345; culmen, 2;%,. 

Young.—Like the adult, but with the head and neck dark 
grayish brown; chin only white. 



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HIS bird, the smaller of the two Snow Geese, is the 

western representative form, ranging from the Arc- 
tic Sea, south in winter to the Gulf of Mexico and 
Southern California. It does not breed south of the 
Arctic circle, and during its migrations makes no tarry- 
ing in Alaska, stopping but a brief period to rest and 
feed on the marshes, and then continuing its jour- 
ney northward. The flocks arrive cn the Yukon from 
the heginning to the middle of May, and are more nu- 
merous in spring than in the autumn, when they return 
re-enforced in numbers by their young families. None 
pass the winter in any part of Alaska, and the species 
does not seem to visit the Aleutian Islands at any time. 
On their return journey when they appear in the United 
States, about the beginning of September, they come in 
flocks numbering sometimes over one hundred individu- 
als, but are not seen upon the coast, performing their 
migrations apparently over the land. 

In Washington and Oregon and throughout California 
this Snow Goose is very common in winter, and fre- 
quents the plains and marshes near the sea. It arrives 
in October, and remains until March, and like the 
larger species is shy and watchful. In the interior of the 
Continent and along the Mississippi Valley it is a regu- 
lar migrant, and is quite abundant. It arrives there 
about the same time as the members of the western army 
do on the Pacific coast, from the beginning to the mid- 
dle of October, flying very high in a long, extended 



curved line, not nearly so angular as the V-shaped ranks 
of the Canada and other Geese. With their snowy forms 
moving steadily along in the calm air, the outstretched 
wings tipped with black, glowing in the sun’s rays with 
the faint blush of the rose, they present a most beautiful 
sight. Usually they fly silently with hardly a perceptible 
movement of the pinions, high above 

““. . . the landscape lying so far below 
With its towns and rivers and desert places, 
And the splendor of light above, and the glow 
Of the limitless blue ethereal spaces.” 

Occasionally, however, a solitary note like a softened 
Honk is borne from out the sky to the ear of the 
watcher beneath. Should they perceive a place that at- 
tracts them they begin to lower, at first gradually, sail- 
ing along on motionless wings until near the desired 
spot, and then descend rapidly in zigzag lines until the 
ground or water is almost reached, when with a few 
quick flaps they gently alight. It is difficult to get close 
to them, as they are very watchful, and if they become 
suspicious an alarm is sounded and the flock betakes 
itself to some other locality. Sometimes, in passing from 
one place to another, they fly low enough to give the con- 
cealed gunner a chance for a successful shot, but I have 
never known them to decoy at all well, and the majority 
of those procured are birds passing to and from their 
feeding grounds. 

As an article of food I have never held this bird in any 
great esteem, for if it was tender it had very little flavor, 
and if the latter was clearly perceptible it was generally 
of that kind one would prefer to have absent. When 
this Goose first arrives it is very apt to be lean, having. 
had but little time on its long journey to stop and feed 


sufficiently to fatten, but after a short stay upon the 
plains and waters of more southern climes, where food is 
abundant and easily obtained, it soon recuperates and 
becomes fat and in fine condition. 

At times this species assembles in such multitudes as 
to give the landscape the appearance of being covered 
with snow, but if the sportsman, misled by their numbers, 
thinks he certainly can secure some individuals out of 
such a vast concourse, and attempts to get within 
shooting distance by any ordinary means, he will prob- 
ably find himself greatly mistaken, for long before the 
desired spot is gained, he will see the vast white sheet 
rise, and countless wings winnow the air. Sometimes 
they will permit a wagon to be driven almost into their 
midst, or a man on horseback can charge at full speed 
and get up to them, and many are occasionally taken by 
these methods, but they soon learn what dangers to 
avoid, and are very successful in doing so, although they 
may immediately afterward be deceived by some more 
simple but novel stratagem. The young are always un- 
suspicious, and can easily be distinguished from the old 
birds, even in the air, by their grayish plumage, which 
makes them very noticeable among the pure white mem- 
bers of the flock, and 3t a little distance, they appear as 
if they had soiled their feathers in mud, which had after- 
ward become dry. 

The Lesser Snow Goose does not differ in appearance 
from the larger species, and it will be often necessary to 
measure a specimen to know to which form it belongs. 
Size is at all times a most unsatisfactory distinction. 
This bird is called Baily (white) Goose, by the Russians, 
and Oie Blanche and White Brant in Louisiana, and the 
same names are also applied to the succeeding form in 
that State. 



Geographical Distributoon.—Western North America from 
the Valley of the Mississippi to the Pacific coast, and from 
Alaska to Southern California. Breeds within the Arctic circle. 

Adu/t.—Primaries, black; their bases and coverts, ashy. En- 
tire rest of plumage, white. Bill, purplish red; nail, white; 
space between maxilla and mandible, black. Legs and feet, 
orange red, Iris, dark brown. Total length, about 254 inches; 
wing, 15%; tarsus, 4; culmen, 2,5. 

Young.--Head, neck, and upper parts, light gray; feathers of 
back, tertials, and wing coverts, with dark centers, and edged 
with white. Primaries, black. Rest of plumage, white. 

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ie is somewhat difficult to define accurately the limits 

of the present bird and the preceding, when there is 
nothing to distinguish them from each other but a differ- 
ence of a few inches in their total lengths; and unfortu- 
nately wild birds object to be measured, so it is impossible 
to verify one’s observations with that degree of certainty 
so much desired by all naturalists, and so rarely obtained. 
But since it has been decided that there are two forms of 
this Snow Goose in North America, the present is con- 
sidered as that one which is found east of the Mississippi 
Valley and chiefly along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, 
going occasionally as far south as Cuba. Like its 
smaller relative its breeding places are in the far north, 
on the Barren Grounds, and on the borders of the Arctic 
Ocean east of the Mackenzie River. It is very common 
in summer during its migrations about Hudson Bay, so 
abundant that formerly a single hunter has been known 
to kill a thousand to twelve hundred in a season. A 
much smaller number than this has to suffice at the 
present time. Snow Geese flock by themselves, and 
although they may be feeding on the same marsh or 
plain, or stretch of water with other Geese, never mingle 
with them. They feed chiefly on grass which, if on land, 
they bite off with the side motion of the head and jerk of 
the neck in precisely the same way as tame Geese are 
wont to do. These birds also eat bulbous roots and soft 
portions of various water plants, and their peculiarly 
shaped bills are admirably adapted for cutting or pulling 



apart such kind of food. In summer, according to Rich- 
ardson, in the northern regions they feed on berries, and 
frequent the shores of lakes and rivers, and seldom are 
seen on the water except at night or when moulting. 
MacFarlane discovered on an island, in a lake near Liv- 
erpool Bay, some nests of the Snow Goose which were 
mere holes or depressions in the sandy soil well lined 
with down. The eggs are large and yellowish-white. 
The young are on the wing by the middle of August, and 
feed at first chiefly on insects and rushes, and later on 
berries. They are excellent for the table, and form, with 
the adults, the staple article of food for the natives in that 

Previous to starting on their southern journey the 
birds desert the marshes, and keep near the edge of the 
water as it ebbs and flows, dressing their feathers con- 
tinually. Then, all being ready, they take advantage of 
the first wind from the north and, mounting into the air, 
are borne at.a high speed by their own efforts and favor- 
ing breezes, away from the ice-bound shores to sunnier 
climes, leaving the cheerless land that had been their 
summer home to lapse into the silence and darkness of 
a continued night. 

‘* With mingled sounds of horns and bells 

A far-heard clang, the Wild Geese fly, 

Storm-sent from Arctic moors and fells, 

Like a great arrow through the sky.” 
On the northern portion of the Atlantic coast the 
Snow Goose cannot be said to be common, and in 
many parts is seldom seen. Small flocks are occa- 
sionally met with on the waters of Long Island, but 
the species becomes more abundant on the shores 
of New Jersey and the coasts of Virginia and North- 
Carolina, where, in the latter State in the vicinity of Cape 


Hatteras, and along the beaches and inlets of Albemarle 
Sound, it sometimes congregates in great multitudes. 
Occasionally flocks of considerable size may be seen on 
the inner beach of Currituck Sound where the water is 
brackish, but the birds do not remain any length of time 
in such situations. They present a beautiful sight as 
they stand in long lines upon the beach, their pure, im- 
maculate plumage shining like snow in the sun, against 
the black mud of the marshes or the dingy hues of the 
shore. It is very difficult to approach them at such 
times, as they are exceedingly watchful and wary, but 
occasionally a few may leave the main body, and, if flying 
by, will draw perhaps sufficiently near to Geese decoys, 
or live Geese tied out in front of a blind, to afford an 
opportunity for a shot. The chances are better, however, 
for the sportsman, when these Geese are moving in small 
flocks of six or seven, as they are then more apt to come 
near the shore looking for favorable feeding places, or 
spots on the beach to sand themselves. 

It is a very silent species, and save for exceptional 
reasons such as becoming alarmed, or when about to 
migrate, it rarely utters a sound. The bill of this Goose 
is very strong and highly colored, with the edges of the 
upper and lower parts widely gaping, giving it a grinning 
expression, but it is an instrument admirably adapted for 
the employment given it by the owner, that of forcibly 
pulling reeds, grasses, etc., up by the roots. Beside the 
name of Snow Goose, both this species and the allied 
form are known throughout the land as White Brant. 
In the “ Fur countries” the Greater Snow Goose is 
called the Common Wavey, also along the Atlantic coast 
it is known as Red Goose, probably from the color of its 
bill and legs, and Texas Goose, for no reason that I can 
see whatever. 



Geographical Distribution.—Shores of the Arctic Ocean east 
of the Mackenzie River, occasionally going south as far as Cuba, 
and from the Valley of the Mississippi to the Atlantic Ocean. 
Breeds in the Arctic regions. 

Adult,—Resembles the Lesser Snow Goose in the color of the 
plumage, but is somewhat larger in its measurements. Average 
total length, 34 inches; wing, 1774; tarsus, 3); culmen, 2,5. 
The average difference between the Greater and Lesser Snow 
Geese as given in Ridgway’s ‘‘ Manual” is, total length, g inches; 
wing, 174; culmen, 3; tarsus, 75. 

From these measurements it will be perceived that it would be 
practically hopeless to try to originate any method for accu- 
rately separating these birds, for a specimen of the Lesser Snow 
Goose might be found larger than one of its supposed big 
‘* brothers.” 

Downy Young.—Lores, dusky. Two black stripes from bill, 
passing above and beneath the eye. Top of head, dark olive 
brown. Sides of head, neck, and entire under parts, light yellow. 
Upper parts, dark olive brown. Bill, black; nail, yellowish 
white. Specimen in Academy of Natural Sciences, procured roth 
July, 1893, at Glacier Valley, Greenland, together with the adult 
female; Lieutenant Peary’s Expedition. 

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HIS is one of the smallest Geese known, a fully adult 
bird weighing only about two and a half to three 
pounds. It is remarkable for the curious carunculations 
at the base of the bill. It breeds in some part of the 
Arctic regions, but its nest and eggs have not as yet been 
discovered. Ross’s Goose has never been found on the 
Atlantic coast of the United States, but it is not uncom- 
mon in parts of California in winter, and has been seen 
in the San Joaquin Valley in considerable numbers. Its 
journey to the south seems to lie to the westward en- 
tirely, and but little is known of its habits beyond the few 
observations made in California, and I have always re- 
garded it as the rarest of our Geese. It has a cry like that 
of the Cackling Goose, and usually associates with the 
Lesser Snow Goose, and accompanies flocks of that bird 
in the air, flying on one side or the other, or else is scat- 
tered throughout the ranks of the main body of the larger 
birds. It was discovered by Hearne, who called it the 
Horned Wavey and said that two or three hundred miles 
west of Churchill, which is near the west shore of Hud- 
son Bay, he saw them in as large flocks as the Common 
Wavey or Snow Goose. The flesh, he says, was ex- 
tremely delicate, and as a proof of it he ate two of them 
one night for supper, which was doing very well, even for 
an Arctic appetite. It is a beautiful little bird, and it is 
to be regretted that more do not enter within our limits. 




Geographical Distribution.—Arctic America, south in winter 
to Southern California, east to Montana. 

Adult,—Entire plumage, pure white, with the exception of 
the primaries, which are black. Bill, dull red; nail, white, with- 
out any black line along the gape. Basal portion of maxilla 
covered with wart-like excrescences. Legs and feet, reddish. 
Average total length, 23 inches; wing, 14,3,; tarsus, 24%; cul- 
men, 1,5. 

Young.—Resemble those of the Lesser Snow Goose, but are 
of a generally lighter color. 

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HE White-fronted Geese from the Old and New 

Worlds have been separated into a species and sub- 
species, based solely upon size; the American birds 
averaging a little larger, something like one inch in total 
length and in the tarsus and culmen about half an inch 
each. As all critical remarks are reserved for the 
Appendix it is not necessary here to discuss the wisdom 
of separating these birds, but merely to state that as there 
is no difference in their plumage, and the only way to 
distinguish a specimen (if two forms are recognized) is 
by the locality and the tape-line (and one cannot 
always then be certain), I have not deemed these 
distinctions as of sufficient importance to separate the 
European and American examples, and in this book 
have considered them as one species. The White- 
fronted Goose is found generally throughout North 
America from the Arctic Sea to the Gulf of Mexico, and 
Cuba, and also occurs in Greenland. It is rare on the 
Atlantic coast of the United States, occasional indi- 
viduals having been taken as far south as Long Island, 
but in its migrations it tends more to the westward, 
is found in winter throughout the Mississippi Valley, and 
is common in various parts of Texas. On the Pacific 
coast it is very abundant from Alaska to Mexico. It 
breeds throughout the Arctic regions from the Atlantic 
to the Pacific, nesting on the lower Anderson River from 
its mouth to Fort Yukon; frequents the Siberian shore 
of Behring Straits, is found on the Commander Islands, 



and various others in Behring Sea, and also about the 
islands of the Aleutian chain, but is not known to 
breed on any of the last named. At St. Michael 
Island this species is abundant in May, and is 
called the Tundrina Goose or Low-ground Goose. 
Mr. MacFarlane, who found many of their nests on 
the Anderson River, states that these were depressions 
in the soil, and in nearly every instance lined with dried 
grass, down, and feathers. In Alaska the nest is placed 
in a hollow in the sand, or on the bank of some large 
pond or grassy flat, and is lined, like those on the eastern 
side of the continent, with grass or moss. But as the 
eggs are laid, the female plucks down from her breast, 
increasing the quantity until, the complement having 
been reached, the eggs are fairly covered. These are 
dull white, very similar to those of the Snow Goose. 

The White-fronted Goose reaches its breeding 
grounds early in May, and is a very noisy bird, and an- 
nounces its presence by loud cries. Mating accom- 
plished they scatter in pairs, selecting sites for their nests 
and preparing for the serious duties of incubation. They 
remain about the fresh-water lakes and ponds, and sub- 
sist upon grasses, berries, and such like food. The 
parents attend the young until the latter are able to fly, 
usually in August, and later gather together in large 
flocks preparatory to starting on their southern journey, 
which is begun toward the last of September. This 
species usually makes its appearance within the limits of 
the United States in October, and is most numerous, as 
already stated, on the Pacific side of the continent. It is 
often seen associating with other Geese, especially the 
Snow Geese, with which it appears to be on most friendly 
terms. The birds seek their feeding grounds, if away 
from the coast, in the early mornings, and as they often 


follow the same line of flight going and returning, many 
are shot by sportsmen who have taken positions along 
their routes. When much hunted they become very shy 
and wild, and permit nothing to approach them, and have 
sentinels posted to give due warning of danger, -and as 
soon as an alarm is sounded each individual throughout 
the flock is on the alert, and if the cause of their sus- 
picion remains, the entire company takes wing for an- 
other locality. Although the name by which this species 
is generally known to the gunners of the west is Brant, 
it has also various others in different parts of its disper- 
sion. Some of these are Laughing Goose,—on account 
of its cry, supposed to resemble the sound man makes 
when laughing,—Prairie Brant, Speckled Belly, Speckled 
Brant, Gray Goose, Pied Brant, Yellow-legged Goose, 
etc.; and Oie Caille and Gray Brant in Louisiana. This 
Goose is a most excellent bird for the table, especially 
if young, as it receives from its customary diet no strong 
or disagreeable flavors, and can rank as an article of food 
with any other species of Goose, excepting possibly a 
young bird of the salt-water Brant. The downy young 
are very pretty little creatures, as they appear in their 
various colors of sooty brown relieved by olive and 
lemon yellow. This plumage lasts but a short time, when 
they begin to assume the mature dress, and early in the 
autumn they can hardly be distinguished from the adult, 
differing chiefly in not having the white on the head at 
the base of the bill, and less black on the lower parts. 

In the Old World this Goose is dispersed throughout 
the northern portions, and ranges eastward as far as 
China and Japan. As is its custom in America it flies in 
V-shaped flocks, sometimes at a very considerable 
height, frequents low marshy districts and feeds upon 
water plants and grasses. At times it resorts to culti- 


vated fields and picks up the grain scattered over the 
ground, but as a rule it is a vegetable feeder. It is not 
uncommon on the coasts of Great Britain, and in Egypt 
I found it the most abundant of the Geese that are accus- 
tomed to resort to the Nile. This species breeds near 
fresh-water ponds not far removed from the coast, de- 
positing its eggs in a depression in the ground, lined 
with down. These are like those laid in America 
as may be supposed, yellowish-white, and six to eight in 
number. This Goose was well known to the ancient 
Egyptians, and its portrait frequently appears upon their 
monuments, and one of the earliest pictures of birds 
known to exist was found in a tomb at Mayoum, Egypt, 
and represents this species. 


Geographical Distrtbutzon.—Northern portions of both Hem- 
ispheres, extending eastward to Japan. General throughout 
North America, south in winter to Cape St. Lucas, Mexico, and 
Cuba. Rare on the Atlantic coast. Greenland. 

Adult.—Fore part of head, white, bounded posteriorly with a 
narrow, almost imperceptible,.line of black. Rest of head and 
neck, dark brown; in some specimens the upper part of head and 
nape is very dark brown, causing this part to appear like a cap. 
Back and wings, grayish brown, feathers tipped with white. 
Greater wing coverts ash gray, tipped with white. Primaries, 
black. Rump, slate brown. Lower parts, grayish white, blotched 
with black, the amount of these blotches varying greatly among 
individuals, Upper and under tail coverts, white. Tail, dark 
grayish brown, the feathers edged and tipped with white. Iris, 
dark brown. Bill, orange yellow; nail, white. Legs and feet, 
orange or orange red. Average total length, 28 inches; wing, 
about 154; tarsus, 24; culmen, 1,5. 

Young.—No white on the head, which is all dark brown, and 
no black marking on the under parts; nail of bill, dusky. 

Downy Young .—Middle of crown and entire back, including 


the upper surface of the wings and outer side of thighs, sooty 
brown, with an olive shade. From the bill a band extending 
back through the eye is of a slightly darker shade than surround- 
ing feathers. Nape and back of neck, olive yellow. Entire 
lower surface rich lemon yellow, washed with lighter on the 
abdomen (Nelson). 


‘T HIS is another species from the Old World, taken 

into our list of American birds on a statement 
that a specimen was seen or procured in North 
Greenland. However, this is not of much impor- 
tance to those who shoot Wild Fowl, because it 
is not at all likely that they will ever meet this 
bird in the flesh in North America, and it is prob- 
ably a very exceptional occurrence that one even goes as 
far west as Greenland. But there is a specimen in the 
zoological museum at Copenhagen stated to have come 
from that land, and on this testimony the Bean Goose 
becomes an American bird. We are not informed what 
are the reasons for believing the specimen came from 
Greenland, and museum examples have been known to 
bear wrong localities upon their labels, but let us hope 
this is not the case in this instance, and although we can 
never expect to see the Bean Goose flying free within our 
limits, it will be satisfactory to believe a venturesome in- 
dividual did get at one time as far westward as Green- 
land. In many parts of Europe and Asia it is a common 
species, frequenting the coasts, and also inland localities 
more often than is usual with other species of Geese. It 
is a wary bird and keeps to open places, and has sentinels 
posted to warn the flock of approaching danger. It 
breeds in high latitudes. 


Geographical Distributzon.—Northern Europe and Asia, in 
winter to southern Europe and Northern Africa. Very acci- 
dental in Greenland. 



Bean Goose. 


Adult,—Head and neck, grayish brown, darkest on head, 
white patch on forehead. Back and scapulars, dark brown 
feathers edged with grayish white. Rump, blackish brown. 
Wings brown, grayish on coverts, which with secondaries and 
tertials are edged with white. Breast, pale brown; sides and 
flanks, brown, edges paler. Upper and under tail coverts, 
abdomen, and vent white. Bill, middle part deep orange, 
remainder with nail black. Iris, dark brown. Legs and feet, 
orange. Total length, about 32inches. Wing, 19; culmen, 2,55; 
tarsus, 275. 

Female,—Like the male, but is usually somewhat smaller. 


‘T HIS handsome Goose is one of the very few water 

fowl that are met with in North America that I have 
never seen alive, and on account of its very limited disper- 
sion, one desiring to study its habits in its native haunts 
must visit that portion of Alaska lying between Behring 
Strait on the north and the Aleutian Islands on the south. 
This species breeds about the mouth of the Yukon, and 
around St. Michael’s, and probably on the north coast of 
Siberia west of Behring Straits, and passes the winter 
about the eastern islands of the Aleutian chain. It is 
seldom seen within the limits of the United States, but 
occasionally a straggler is taken within our borders, as 
in the winter of 1884 when one was procured in Hum- 
boldt Bay, Northern California, by Mr. Charles Fiebig, 
who says the Emperor Geese occur there at long 

Mr. E. W. Nelson, to whom we are indebted for much 
of our knowledge of the habits and economy of the va- 
rious birds that periodically visit the Arctic regions, has 
given some interesting notes of this species, of which the 
following is a transcript. From the 22d of May to June 
1 this Goose becomes daily more common at St. 
Michael’s, until at the latter date the main body has ar- 
rived, and their forms and notes are as familiar as are 
those of the White-fronted and White-collared or Cack- 
ling Geese. The first comers are very shy, but become 
less so when they begin to arrive in flocks. At a long 
distance they can be distinguished by their heavy bodies, 


D.G. El (ot. 

10. Emperor Goose. 


short necks, and quick wing-strokes, resembling those 
of the Black Brant. Although not so rapid on the wing 
as that species, nor in fact, as are other Geese, they are 
nevertheless swift flyers. When on their way between 
feeding grounds they utter a hoarse, deep, strident Cla- 
ha, cla-ha, cla-ha, very different from the note of any other 
Goose. Soon after their arrival mating begins, and in 
couples they fly about keeping close to the ground, rarely 
rising thirty yards above it. The males are jealous and 
pugnacious, making a vigorous onslaught upon any one 
of their kind or any other species of Goose, should they 
draw near. When a mated pair are feeding, the male is 
restless and watchful, and if alarmed the birds draw near 
each other, and before taking wing, both utter a deep 
ringing U-ligh, ti-liigh. There is a peculiar deep hoarse- 
ness about this note impossible to describe. By June 
the females begin to lay on the flat marshy islands near 
the sea, and at low tide the broad mud flats on the shore 
are thronged with them, end after feeding, they congre- 
gate on the bars until forced to leave by the incoming 
tide. Most of the nests were placed on the marshes, and 
sometimes the eggs were deposited amid driftwood below 
high-water mark. It is not always easy to distinguish 
this Goose when on the nest, even when there is 
not much cover, as the bird extends her head and neck 
flat upon the ground, remaining perfectly motionless, and 
does not leave the nest until the object of her alarm has 
passed, when she usually moves off with a startled cry. 
The eggs are placed in a depression in the ground, and 
in number they range from five to eight, and when fresh 
are pure white or nearly so, but become a dirty brownish 
white after remaining in the nest a brief period. As the 
number of eggs increase, the female forms a bed of fine 
grass, leaves, and feathers, the latter plucked from her 


own breast. When disturbed the female usually flies 
straight away, sometimes for half a mile before alighting, 
and betrays little concern for her treasures. The male is 
rarely seen in the vicinity of the nest. By the last of 
June or beginning of July the young are hatched, and 
from the last of July to the middle of August the adults 
moult. At this season tens of thousands of Geese of all 
kinds are killed by the Eskimo, who set long nets across 
the marshes and drive the moulting birds into them. This 
slaughter is bad enough, but is rendered still more repre- 
hensible from the fact that the savages kill thousands of 
young birds that are at such times entrapped, to prevent 
them, as they say, from being in the way for the next 
drive. Is it to be wondered that the Wild Fowl in North 
America are rapidly marching, in so many cases, toward 
extinction, when such practices are indulged in, even on 
their very breeding grounds? The eggs of the Emperor 
Goose are eagerly sought for both by the natives and 
whites, and take the place of meat on the daily bill of fare. 
When again able to fly, these Geese gather along the sea- 
coast, and remain there until winter drives them to the 
Aleutian Islands a few hundred miles south. The 
natives south of the Yukon make dresses from the skins 
of this bird, as they do also of those of other species of 

The Emperor Goose is difficult to kill, and it requires 
a heavy charge of shot to bring it down. It is hardly fit 
for food, the flesh being coarse, rank, and with a de- 
cidedly unpleasant odor, says Turner; but Dall states 
that though the flesh has an intolerable odor of garlic, 
which makes the process of skinning a very disagreeable 
task, yet this passes away when the bird is cooked, and 
he found it tender and good. This species visits the 
Prybilof Islands, but only as a straggler. In the 

— — 


month of October, usually from the 7th to the 2oth, says 
Turner, a strong north-northeast wind blows, attaining 
at times great velocity. This has the effect of lowering 
the waters of Norton Sound to a remarkable degree, 
sometimes as much as eight feet below the lowest mark 
attained. At such times the Emperor Geese visit the 
vicinity of Stewart’s and St. Michael’s Islands to feed on 
the shell fish exposed by the receded water. By the 15th 
of November they depart for the south side of the penin- 
sula and the Aleutian Islands, arriving at Unalaska by the 
Ist of December and remaining until the next April. 
The Russian name of this bird is Sa sar ka, which 
means Guinea Hen, as they fancy there is a resemblance 
in the coloring between that bird and this Goose. In 
the Aleutian Islands it is-called the Lidenna Goose, and at 
Norton Sound it is known as the White-headed Goose. 


Geographical Distribution.—Coast of Alaska, between Behr- 
ing Sea and the Aleutian Islands. Mouth of the Yukon, possibly 
on Siberian coast, west of Behring Straits. Commander Islands, 
Kamchatka; casually in winter on the Pacific coast of the United 
States as far south as Humboldt Bay, California. 

Adu/t.—Head and back of neck, white. Forehead and cheeks, 
frequently stained with rustcolor. Throat and fore part of neck, 
brownish black, feathers on lower part of neck, with a small 
white spot at tip. Back and under parts, bluish gray, the feath- 
ers having asubterminal black bar and white tips, much more 
distinct on the back than on the lower parts. Secondaries, 
brownish black, edged with white. Primaries, blackish brown. 
Lower back and upper tail coverts, bluish gray, the subterminal 
bar and whitish tips indistinct. Basal half of tail, slate color, 
remainder white. Iris, hazel. Bill, maxilla pale purplish, washed, 
with fleshy white; nail, horn white, edges dark horn color; man- 
dible, horn color, with white spot on each side. Membrane of 


nostrils, livid blue. Legs and feet, bright orange yello 

son). Total length, 26 inches; wing, 144-154; tarsus, ie Spa 1- 

men, 145. : 
Young.—Similar to the adult, but with the head and neck 

brownish black; the feathers on top of the head, speckled with 


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pBE common Wild Goose is distributed generally 

throughout North America from the Arctic Sea to 
the Gulf of Mexico, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific 
Ocean, breeding as far south as Colorado, near lakes at 
high elevations. No species of our Wild Fowl is better 
known, nor its advent within our borders more eagerly 
anticipated. It breeds in many parts of the northern 
United States, and thence northward throughout the 
Arctic Regions, chiefly, however, to the east of the moun- 
tains. In Alaska it is rare upon the coast, though it is 
met with along the Yukon River, but is supplanted in 
that Territory by several allied though smaller species. 
It has been found nesting by Richardson on the lower 
Anderson River, but he says it does not go to the coast. 
It seems to prefer the interior of the country during the 
breeding season, selecting wooded and swampy districts, 
and apparently at that time avoids the neighborhood of 
the ocean. Its arrival in the northern latitudes from 
the South is always hailed with joy by the inhabitants 
of those cheerless regions, as they depend largely upon 
these birds for their means of subsistence. It is among 
the first of the Wild Fowl to appear in the spring, and 
soon begins to prepare for its matrimonial duties. 

In about three weeks after their arrival the birds have 
selected their mates, and are dispersed throughout the 
country, choosing sites for the nests in secluded places 
in the vicinity of quiet water, and where the cover of 
erass or plants is sufficient for concealment. The nest is 



usually upon the ground, although it has been found 
upon the stump of a tree surrounded by water, and also 
in the branches of a tree at a considerable height. It is 
composed of various materials, such as dry plants, dead 
leaves and grass, or sticks and moss, lined with feathers 
and down, and is quite large. The eggs vary from six to 
nine, sometimes more, when the bird is domesticated, and 
they are a uniform ivory white. During July the young 
are hatched, and the old birds moult. This is a danger- 
ous period for them, as their means of escape are limited 
to hiding away in the marshes, at which they are very 
skillful, or else keeping out in the center of lakes or other 
large bodies of water. Many, however, are killed at this 
period, and sometimes whole flocks are captured alive, 
of which fact Hearne relates an instance when some In- 
dians drove into Fort Prince of Wales, on the Churchill 
River, forty-one old and young birds which were incapa- 
ble of flying, and which-were herded as easily as if they 
had been domesticated. 

As the days begin to shorten, and ice to form upon the 
inland waters and along the borders of the sea, the Wild 
Geese commence to prepare for their journey South. 
Much conversation is indulged in, and doubtless the 
various routes are discussed, and instructions to the 
young given as to how they must behave in the trying 
times before them; as there is no doubt that birds and 
other animals can converse as intelligently with each 
other as men can, so far as making their wants and inten- 
tions known. Feathers having been thoroughly preened 
and cleansed, and protected by an abundant dress- 
ing of oil, everything is in readiness, and a favorable - 
wind from the north having sprung up, the flock, usually 
consisting of a single family (although sometimes two or 
three may join together), with loud cries and much flap- 


ping of the wings, and beating of the water with the feet, 
rises in the air and takes a direct course for the winter 
home. Led by some experienced gander, who has also 
the extra duty of cleaving the way through the air, which 
becomes at times most fatiguing, the birds are strung 
out in a lengthened V-shaped line, each one protected 
to a certain extent against the wind, if adverse, by the 
‘one in front, and with slow, heavy beating of the wings, 
the flock speeds on by day and night with great rapidity. 

‘«Then stood we shivering in the night-air cold, 
And heard a sound as if a chariot rolled 
Groaning adown the heavens; and lo! o’erhead, 
Twice, thrice the wild geese cried; then on they sped, 
O’er field and wood and bay, toward Southern seas; : 
So low they flew that on the forest trees 
Their strong wind splashed a spray of moonlight white; 
So straight they flew, so fast their steady flight. 
True as an arrow they sailed down the night; 
Like lights blown out they vanished from the sight.” 

There is nothing to intercept their course; in the great 
fields of air through which they move, there are no 
bounds or limits, nor barriers of any kind; the route is 
free and open. At least so it appears to us as we watch 
them steering across the blue vault of heaven, sending 
down at intervals from out the sky a note of recognition 
to the inhabitants of earth. 

But all is not so free and without restraint, even to the 
voyagers of the trackless wastes of the airy regions, for 
in their path rises occasionally ‘a fleecy mist that obscures 
all landmarks, and although it might be supposed that 
birds like these, whose instincts are so keen and unerr- 
ing, would never lose the points of the compass, yet 
when shut in by a fog or encompassed by a storm of 
snow, the Geese become confused, seem to lose all knowl- 


edge of their course, and frequently descend and alight 
upon the ground. Passing over large cities, or forests 
of shipping, sometimes has a similar effect upon them. 

Migration is performed usually at night, though at 
times many flocks are seen journeying by day. When 
desiring to rest and feed, the ground beneath is care- 
fully scanned, in order to select the place offering the 
best sources of nourishment, as well as affording se- 
curity from all danger. A suitable spot having been 
found, at a call from the leader the birds begin to de- 
scend, lowering themselves rapidly, and at times sailing 
along on motionless pinions. If they have decided sud- 
denly to stop, they will frequently drop abruptly in 
a zigzag course, as is described in the articles on cer- 
tain species of Ducks, and, when nearing the ground or 
water, turn against the wind and settle gently down. 

When traveling the leader often utters a Honk, as if 
asking how those following him were getting on, and is 
answered with an ‘‘ All well” reply from the rear. If he 
becomes fatigued by the extra labor of cleaving the air he 
falls out to one side, and some other old bird moves up 
and takes his place, the former leader dropping into the 
ranks again without disturbing their regularity or check- 
ing the speed. This movement is accomplished with an 
ease and smoothness that could only come from long 
practice, and is most pleasing to witness. 

Toward October, or, if the season is late, some time in 
November, these Geese begin to arrive on the waters of 
our sea-coasts, and throughout the interior of the United 
States, seeking their winter quarters. They come in 
comparatively small flocks, succeeding each other 
rapidly, generally flying high in the air, and, on alight- 
ing, congregate together in masses, often containing 
many hundreds of individuals. They are usually very 



noisy, the Honks, in many keys and variations of inflec- 
tion, resounding from every side. They seem delighted 
to have successfully reached what may possibly be 
the termination of their journey (though doubtless many 
a member of the little band has fallen by the way), and 
splash about in the well-known waters, wash and dress 
their feathers, and maintain an uninterrupted flow of 
conversation. They keep much to themselves, whether 
on the prairie or on the water, associating at times with 
the Swan, if any are in the vicinity; though they make 
no objection to flocks of various species of Ducks remain- 
ing with them, and it is no unusual sight, on large bodies 
of water in winter, to see flocks of Geese surrounded and 
mixed up with great multitudes of deep-water Ducks, 
and even Mud Hens or Blue Peters (Fulica americana), 
which on calm days are in the habit of gathering in large 
numbers on the open water away from shore. 

At all times the Canada Goose is a vigilant and 
wary bird, having sentinels posted at various points 
when the members of a flock are feeding, which with 
outstretched necks remain motionless, keeping a keen 
watch around. These are not neglected by their fellows, 
but, after a spell of duty, are regularly relieved by others. 
While trusting in a large degree to their guardians, the 
other members of the flock are by no means neglectful 
of all proper precaution, and each one also is on the alert 
for danger even when engaged in feeding. They sub- 
sist upon berries in their season, grasses, roots, and leaves 
of various marine plants, which they dig up from the 
bottom with their bills. This Goose does not dive when 
feeding, but, keeping in shallow water, tilts up the hind 
parts as do the Mallard and other Ducks, holding itself 
in position by paddling with the feet, and reaching down 
to the full extent of the long neck, grasps and pulls up 


the tender grass and plants growing beneath. Some- 
times the flocks dig large holes in the bottom, but com- 
mit nothing like the damage, nor waste such quantities 
of food as do the Swan. Canada Geese have no special 
time for feeding, and seem to find much pleasure in the 
occupation both during the day and night. If they de- 

sire to seek their food in the marshes, they generally. 

enter them at night, two or three hours after sundown, 
and their arrival in such places is always known by the 
honking of the birds as they prepare to alight, or as 
those already on the ground salute the newcomers. 
While feeding, if feeling secure, they are often very 
noisy, and keep up a continual calling. Soon after the 
rising of the sun they leave the nlarshes and retire to the 
bays and sounds, and usually keep well away from 
the shore. 

When a flock is on the wing, its members always give 
an intimation of their desire to alight by sailing on mo- 
tionless pinions for a short distance. Unless frightened 
away, this action is almost universally the precursor of 
a cessation of flight. The Wild Goose is very fond of 
sanding, as it is called, and daily will visit the beach or 
bars in the rivers or sounds to obtain this much-desired 
article, and if undisturbed will gather in such places in 
immense numbers at certain stages of the water or tide. 
Advantage is taken of this habit by sportsmen, and holes 
are dug in the sand, into which boxes are placed large 
enough to hold one or two men, and sand piled about 
them as a breastwork, or surrounded by reeds stood up- 
right. Wooden or live decoys are placed about this 
blind, according to the direction of the wind, for the 
Geese will always swing round so as to come up to them 
against the wind before alighting. A flock of these large 
birds approaching the decoys is a beautiful sight, and we 



will take our position in such a box and see how thicy 
appear as in all confidence they draw near the dangerous 
spot. The boxes are either long enough for a man to 
lie down in at full length, or deep and wide enough to 
enable him to sit upon a bench or plank nailed across it 
about halfway down. 

We take our places in one of the latter kind, and look 
out through the reeds over the water. If we have live 
decoys they are strung out in diverging lines, each bird 
tied by the leg to his perch or post, on which is a plat- 
form just below the surface for him to stand on when 
tired with swimming. Before us stretches the wide ex- 
panse of the sound or bay, traversed at times by small 
skiffs, which, with their white sails, resembling birds’ 
wings, dart hither and thither. Various kinds of Ducks 
are speeding along in undulating lines high in air, 
or just skimming the surface of the water, while with a 
whiz and a buzz, a Hooded Merganser, or Ruddy Duck, 
or Buffle Head will swing in toward our hiding place 
and then dart by at a speed an express train would be 
unable to equal. But moving slowly along apparently, 
on heavy wings, a dark mass comes into view, 
piercing the air with its wedge-shaped phalanx. At 
times a faint cry is borne to our ears, like a chal- 
lenging note, and the decoys cease for a moment 
from struggling with their straps, or from preening their 
feathers, and with lifted heads stand motionless, listening 
for a repetition of the well-known sound. The flock, at 
first so indistinct, now is well in view, and the call 
of the leader, responded to by his followers, comes 
over the water in clear and unmistakable tones. The de- 
coys are at once alert, and their ringing notes of invitation 
are uttered earnestly and in quick succession. The on- 
coming birds hear the call, and, catching sight of their 


brethren supposedly enjoying themselves in a most favor- 
able location, turn in their course, and rapidly approach 
the spot with answering cries. As they draw near the de- 
coys become silent, and the advancing birds also cease 
their calling, and even though members of their 
own race are standing in full view, with that wariness 
and suspicion which is their very nature, they gaze with 
watchful eyes about the place. Usually, seeing nothing 
but their own kind before them, and stillness reigning 
around, they set their wings preparatory to alighting. 
Nothing in Wild-fowl shooting than this oncoming 
phalanx is more beautiful or attractive to the sportsman, 
—sitting like a stone image in his box, hardly daring to 
breathe, gripping his gun as if his fingers would sink 
into the metal of the barrels,—as he peers between his 
enveloping rushes. Onward they come, the birds float- 
ing on silent wings, at equal distances apart, looming 
up to the eyes of the stiffened gunner in his crouch- 
ing posture until they seem as large as Swan, and twice 
as near as they really are. The decoys, as if they knew 
what would be the result of this arrival of their brethren, 
and (so like is bird nature to much of human 
nature), rather exultant at the success of their share 
in the deception, remain still and watch the approaching 
birds. Getting nearly abreast of the leading decoy, the 
flock swings around toward the wind and, facing the 
breeze, with a few flaps glide gently into the water. 
They now gather together in a bunch and, having satis- 
fied themselves that they have nothing to fear, swim 
gradually up to the decoys, and frequently commence 
to fight with them, but finding that they are fastened to 
something, and some of the captives beginning to 
struggle for freedom, their easily aroused suspicions are 
awakened, and they begin to move away. . 



The sportsman, who has been waiting for a favorable 
opportunity to get as many heads in line as possible, so 
as to secure the most birds at the first shot, seeing this 
action, is obliged to accept the chance he can get before 
they swim out of gunshot, and aiming where the heads 
are thickest, without rising discharges his first barrel, 
and springs to his feet, to avail himself of the next best 
opportunity. With the roar of the gun, the Geese rise 
en masse, and the air is full of twisting birds and flapping 
Wings, a mixture of varying strokes and moving forms 
most bewildering to the novice, who, distracted by the 
commotion, probably fires his remaining charge in the 
air, expecting most of the birds to fall. Not so the cool 
and experienced shot, who, knowing full well that he can 
only get a single bird, except by accident, selects the one 
giving the most favorable opportunity, and adds it to 
those floating on the water. The remaining Geese 
rapidly take themselves away from such a dangerous 
neighborhood, and with many Honks express their 
disapproval of the whole business. It is astonishing how 
speedily such large birds can get upon the wing and out 
of range on such an occasion as the one described. The 
decoys, which have remained quite silent during all the 
commotion, and have witnessed the slaughter of their 
brethren, now express their satisfaction by splashing the 
water over themselves, swimming about and gabbling to 
each other rapidly in low tones, and then mount 
onto their platforms to watch for more Geese to 
allure to destruction. The dead birds float back 
upward, if shot on the water, with the head and 
neck immersed, while the wounded ones, laying 
the head and neck flat upon the surface, try to 
skulk away, paddling toward the marsh or beach to 
hide, or directly in the wind’s eye for the open water. It 


is wonderful how skillful wounded Geese are in getting 
away, and how difficult it is to see one skulking at any 
distance upon the water if it is at all rough. They can 
dive and go quite a little distance under the surface, and 
they avail themselves of all the artifices at their command, 
to escape capture. If a wounded bird succeeds in gain- 
ing the marsh or an extensive bed of reeds, nothing but a 
good retriever is able to capture it. 

Sometimes when a flock has settled before the decoys 
and is swimming toward them, and the sportsman is get- 
ting ready to fire, a Honk is heard above, and another 
flock comes sailing in to join the others, thus necessitat- 
ing a cessation of hostility for the time being: I remem- 
ber on one occasion when, as I was about to fire at a 
number of Geese before me, I was stopped by hearing the 
call of an old gander as he led his company up to my 
blind, and he was succeeded by flock after flock arriving 
in succession in the same way, keeping me in a con- 
strained, uncomfortable position, for I did not dare to 
move, the birds being both over and around me, until at 
least one hundred Geese were gathered in front of my 
position. It is such occasions that try the nerve of a 
sportsman, and compel him to exert himself and control 
his natural impulse to shoot at the many birds in close 
proximity, and patiently wait for the more favorable 
chance upon the water. The flight of the Wild Goose, 
though apparently labored, is really not so, and the bird 
moves at a rapid speed, and is able to protract it for a 
considerable length of time. The beat of the wings is 
steady and performed with great regularity, and their 
wide expanse is one of the causes of the fine appearance 
of the birds when sailing up to the decoys. 

The Wild Goose is easily domesticated, and will breed 
in confinement, and often is as contented in captivity as 


the common farmyard bird. Individuals that have been 
wounded and captured, after they have recovered, often 
make excellent decoys for their wild brethren, honking 
with great vigor at every flock which comes in sight. 
They are easily kept in confinement, only evincing a de- 
sire to depart when the time for the annual spring migra- 
tion comes, and then they watch for their brethren on the 
wing bound for the northern breeding grounds. In the 
interior the Wild Geese visit the grain-fields in great 
numbers, and many are killed in such places, from blinds 
made in the stacks of straw, or in holes in the ground. 
Also the latter device is employed out on the open prai- 
rie in the route the birds have adopted during the even- 
ings and mornings, when flying to and from their feeding 

As spring draws near and the green of the reviving 
grass and rushes, and the swelling of the buds upon the 
trees denote the beginning of another summer, the 
Wild Geese grow uneasy and congregate together, keep- 
ing up an incessant honking and gabbling, with much 
dressing of the feathers and general preparation for a 
great event. As the days lengthen and the sun grows 
warmer, a few flocks will be seen high in air, headed to 
the northward, and at length the time comes when, all 
being ready, the main body, with many Honks as in one 
great chorus of farewell, takes leave of its winter home, 
and starts on its long journey toward the Pole. Some 
linger on, keeping company perhaps with wounded 
birds unable to conquer the long route northward, 
and some remain to breed even in . latitudes that: 
may be considered southern. But after the month 
of April, in most localities, unless the season is 
exceptionally late, the great armies of this species 
have left our limits, and the sounds and_ bays 


and wide sheets of water, which during all the 
dreary months have echoed with the stirring calls, and 
been enlivened by the moving, active figures of these 
gamy birds, will lie silent and in many instances de- 
serted, until with the chill winds of another autumn are 
heard the joyful cries of the returning squadrons, recog- 
nizing again their winter home. 

This species has very many trivial names, and besides 
those already employed, is called by some Cravat Goose, 
Bay Goose, Black-headed Goose, Reef Goose, and Gray 
Goose, while in Louisiana it is known as Outarde. 


Geographical Destrzibution.—Throughout North America, 
from the Arctic Sea to the Gulf of Mexico, and from the Atlantic 
to the Pacific Ocean. Breeds in Northern United States and 
throughout the Arctic regions, mainly east of the Rocky Moun- 

Adu/lt.—Head and neck, black. A triangular white patch on 
each cheek, extending over the throat, sometimes divided on the 
latter by a black line. Upper parts, dark brown, the feathers 
tipped withlight brown. Primaries, rump, and tail, black. Lower 
parts gray or brownish gray passing gradually into the white of 
the anal region. Upper and under tail coverts, white. Bill, legs, 
and feet, black. Iris, brown. Tail feathers from 18-20. Individ- 
uals vary greatly in size, but the average will be somewhat as 
follows: Total length, 38inches; wing, 18; tarsus, 3; culmen, 2t. 

Young.—Similar to adult, but the white cheek patches are 
speckled with black, and the black neck grades into the grayish 
hue of the upper part of the breast. 

Downy Young.—Patch on occiput and upper parts, olive 
green; under parts, light greenish ochre. 


‘asoor) suTyo NEY 



UTCHINS’ Goose during the winter season frequents 
chiefly the western portions of the United States. It 
breeds in the far north on the shores and islands of the 
Arctic Sea, and in the Delta of the Yukon, also at St. 
Michael’s. It is abundant in the Aleutian Islands and 
nests on Atka and the Nearer Islands. The nests are 
placed on the shores near fresh water, or on small islands 
in the lakes or large ponds, and consist of a quantity of 
dry grass and leaves with some down and feathers inter- 
mingled. The number of eggs is generally six, and in the 
Aleutian Islands Dall says this species chooses hilltops 
for its breeding places, and the young were unfledged on 
July 10. In its habits and economy Hutchins’ Goose re- 
sembles the Cackling Goose, but in appearance perhaps is 
nearest to the Canada Goose, though greatly inferior in 
size, its average total length being about ten inches less. 
In its migrations it usually keeps to the sea-coast, but in 
the United States it passes through the Mississippi Val- 
ley to the Gulf, but not in any great numbers, while on 
the Pacific coast it is one of the most abundant of the 
Geese. It associates with the Canada Goose, and once 
I shot a fine specimen of Hutchins’ Goose from out a 
flock of its larger brethren at Puckaway Lake, Wiscon- 
sin. This specimen is now in the Museum of Natural 
History in New York. The flock was flying by, and 
noticing a small bird toward the rear of the line, I killed 
it, and found I had a fine specimen of Hutchins’ Goose. 
In California this species frequents the marshes on the 
coasts and also visits the plains in the interior, and joins 


the procession of Water Fowl as it moves, morning and 
evening, to and from its feeding grounds. The flocks 
are often approached by the sportsman, who keeps him- 
self hidden behind an ox trained to walk slowly along, 
feeding as it goes, until their vicinity is reached and the 
gun can be discharged with deadly effect. Sometimes 
a wagon, drawn by oxen, can be driven near enough to 
bring the birds well within range. In Texas this Goose 
is also common, but upon the Atlantic coast is not fre- 
quently met with, so far as my experience goes. It may 
have been more common years ago in certain localities, 
and there may be others it occasionally visits at the pres- 
ent time, but I regard it as a scarce bird in the Eastern 

Hutchins’ Goose is known to sportsmen and baymen 
under various names, many of which are bestowed on 
account of its small size. Some of these are, Lesser 
Canada Goose, Small Gray Goose, Little Wild Goose, 
etc. It is also known as Bay Goose, Prairie Goose, Mud 
Goose, and Eskimo Goose in the far North; Winter 
Goose, Flight Goose, and Goose Brant. The specimens 
of this bird vary somewhat in their measurements, but 
the largest of them is only a miniature representation of 
the Canada Goose. The flesh of this species is excellent, 
and when the bird has become fat, feeding upon the ten- 
der grasses and water plants, it is a most desirable ad- 
dition toa menu. The eggs are pure white in color, and 
of an oval form. Among the Aleutians this bird is called 
the Tundrina Goose. 

Geographical Distribution.—Western North America from 

the Arctic Sea, through the United States from the Valley of the 
Mississippi to the Pacific, and south to the Gulf of Mexico. Rare 


on the Atlantic coast. Breeds on islands and along the shores 
of the Arctic Ocean and on the islands of the Aleutian chain. 

Adult.—A small edition of the common Wild or Canada Goose, 
this bird is almost precisely similar in the color of its plumage, 
but is less in all its dimensions and has only from fourteen to 
sixteen tail feathers. The under parts are light brownish gray, 
gradually fading into the white of the anal region. The chin is 
black, but sometimes there is a white spot at the base of the 
mandible beneath. Like all the species of Geese the measure- 
ments vary considerably among individuals, but the largest 
Hutchins will rarely, if ever, equal in size the smallest Canada 
Goose. The number of tail feathers, however, will always 
serve to distinguish the two species. Total length will average 
about 30 inches; wing, about 164; tail, 5; tarsus, 2%; and bill 
along culmen, 14. Tail feathers, 14-16. 


THs is purely a western bird, ranging from Sitka, in 

Alaska,along the Pacific coast to California in winter. 
It resembles very closely the Canada Goose, but the gen- 
eral plumage is perhaps a little browner than that of the 
commoner form; the white throat patches are separated 
in some examples, by a black stripe, and a white collar is 
around the lower part of the neck. This collar seems 
only to be possessed by birds in the fall and winter, 
gradually disappearing in spring, and becoming obso- 
lete in summer. The habits of this subspecies do not 
differ from those of the Canada Goose, but its range is 
much more restricted. It does not appear to go north 
of Sitka, in Alaska, and was not seen around the Delta 
of the Yukon or vicinity of St. Michael’s by any of the 
naturalists who have visited those districts. It is not im- 
probable that this form is often found associating with 
flocks of the Canada Goose, and individuals may have 
been killed in various parts of our country, but as it 
would require an expert to distinguish them from the 
well-known species, and even if the white neck ring was 
noticed, it would probably be deemed an accidental 
occurrence and of no consequence, few instances of its 
appearance have been reported away from its usual line 
of migration. At St. Michael’s Island this bird is called 
by the Russians the Lidenna Goose, the name given to 
’ the Emperor Goose on the Aleutian Islands. 


Blu 9 ye Sh RP chet 

13. White-Cheeked,Goose. 



Geographical Distribution.—From Sitka, Alaska, along the 
Pacific coast to California. 

Adult,—Head and neck, black, the former having a large 
white patch covering sides of head and throat, sometimes sep- 
arated by a black line on the throat, and extending upward to 
above and behind the eye. Chin, black. At the base of the 
black neck is a more or less distinct white collar. Back and 
wings, brown, lighter than in &. canadenszs, with a grayish 
tinge, each feather tipped with white or brownish white. Pri- 
maries, black. Rump, black. Underparts, dark brownish gray, 
ending abruptly at the anal region, which, together with the 
upper and under tail coverts, is white. Tail, black. Bill and 
feet, black. Tail feathers, 18-20. Total length, 33-36 inches; 
wing, 164-18; tail, about 6; tarsus, 2;4,; culmen, 1,5. 


pS INS the Geese that frequent the Territory of 

Alaska during summer this species is the most 
abundant, breeding in great numbers from Point Barrow 
on the Arctic Ocean all along the coast to the mouth of 
the Yukon, and up the rivers into the interior; and also 
in the Aleutian Islands as far to the eastward, accord- 
ing to Turner, as Unalaska Island, beyond which it does 
not go. In winter it comes south to California, where 
it is abundant, and sometimes reaches the Mississippi 
Valley, having been taken as far to the eastward as 

It commences to appear in its northern breeding 
grounds toward the latter part of April, and the birds 
have usually all arrived by the middle of May. It isa 
great event not only for the Geese themselves, but also 
for the natives of the region, who have been living for 
many weary months on a diet of fish, and who welcome 
the opportunity to vary their monotonous bill of fare with 
the more generous article of flesh. Many birds are 
mated, Nelson says, when they arrive, but the males 
who have not yet succeeded in obtaining wives fight hard 
for the possession of the females. Nelson’s description 
of these encounters is somewhat as follows. The females, 
keeping by themselves on the muddy banks of the river, 
a favorite resort, doze away the hours, or dabble in the 
mud. The males scatter about and are very uneasy, 
moving incessantly from place to place, and uttering loud 
cries. Occasionally two of these belligerently inclined 


Sap ce REINS Sah 

& clwow Sheppard. 

14. Cackling Goose. 


birds will cross each other’s path, when, uttering notes 
resembling low growling or grunting, each seizes the 
other’s bill, and with wings hanging loosely by their 
sides, haul and twist one another, until suddenly coming 
close together, each strives to beat his rival with the 
wings, striking with so much force that the sound of the 
blows can be heard a long distance away. Not much 
damage is done, however, in these encounters, for the 
strokes are usually warded by the wing of the other bird, 
and the conflict terminates by the weaker breaking away 
from his antagonist and running off. 

Mating having been at length accomplished, a spot 
for the nest is selected, generally a depression in a 
bunch of grass, or on a knoll, and this is lined 
with grasses or feathers plucked gradually from 
the female’s breast, until the eggs are hidden in 
a bed of down. The number of these varies from 
seven to thirteen, and they are at first pure white, 
but after lying in the nest a while, become soiled and 
dingy. If anyone approaches the female when on the 
nest, she crouches down in as flat a position as possible, 
and when she deems it no longer prudent to remain 
skulks away through the grass, making no sound until 
she considers herself at a safe distance. In the latter 
half of June and the beginning of July the young appear, 
and are cared for by both parents until able to fly, which 
is toward the end of August. At this time the old birds 
moult. They now scatter over the country, feeding upon 
the different kinds of berries which are ripened through- 
out the land. On the Aleutian Islands, these Geese 
breed by thousands in the marshes and lagoons. On 
some of the Islands various species of foxes abound, and 
the Geese are compelled to rear their young on the islets 
near by, or on others in lakes, where they cannot be 


molested by their keen-witted foes. The female Cack- 
ling Goose is a persistent sitter, and will give up her life 
rather than desert her nest. Turner relates a circum- 
stance which demonstrates this in the strongest manner. 
In the Islands of Agattu and Semiche, in the Aleutian 
chain, during the period of incubation, there occurred, 
in the latter part of June, a heavy snowstorm that cov- 
ered the ground to the depth of three feet. The geese 
would not quit their nests and were suffocated, and the 
natives found scores of birds after the snow had melted, 
dead at the post of honor. The natives of Alaska capture 
many of the goslings of this species, and rear them, when 
they become very tame. When the weather is very severe 
in winter they require to be fed, but they also find a 
supply of food in a rather curious way. The roofs of the 
houses are covered with sod, and the heat of the dwell- 
ings causes the tender grass constantly to spring up, and 
the Geese are always on the housetops searching for 
these sprouts. The call of this Goose is a low Honk, or 
a rapidly repeated note like Litck, lick. A great number 
of these birds are killed during their stay in the North by 
all manner of devices, and are salted for winter use, the 
state of freshness of the meat at the time of packing be- 
ing a matter of no consequence whatever, so long as it 
is Goose. Many are shot, others are caught in nets, and 
not a few are brought down by three or more stones fast- 
ened to thongs having their opposite ends tied together, 
and which revolve on being hurled into the air, and tangle 
up one or more birds in a flock flying low overhead. 
This Goose begins to leave on its southern migra- 
tion in October or beginning of November, according to 
the season or locality it is in. They are good judges of 
the weather and usually start before a storm. At times 
these birds arrive in California in October and remain 


until the following April. This species is the smallest of 
all the Geese, save Ross’s, which enter the United States. 


Geographical Déstribution.—Alaska; south in winter to Cali- 
fornia, and eastward occasionally in the Mississippi Valley to 
Wisconsin. Breeds in Alaska, and the Aleutian Islands as far 
west as Unalaska. 

Adult.—This species is a small representative of B. c. occtden- 
talzs, and bears the same relationship to it as B.c. hutchinsii 
does to B. canadenszs. The white patch on the head is rather 
differently shaped, and does not seem to go so far above the eye 
as in B. c. occtdentalzs; but this may vary in individuals, as 
undoubtedly does the amount of black on the throat. The main 
distinctions from the White-cheeked Goose, however, are size 
and the number of tail feathers, which in this species amount to 
from fourteen to’sixteen, the same as in B.c. hutchinszz, but there 
are other and sufficient differences between the last species and 
B. c. minima which easily distinguish them from each other: such 
as the distinctive shade of coloration on the under parts, and its 
abrupt or gradual meeting with the white anal region. Some- 
times examples of this species are strongly suffused beneath 
with rust color. Bill, legs, and feet, black. Total length, about 
24 inches; wing, average, 133; tail, about 5,3,; tarsus, 2}; culmen, 
about 1-,; tail feathers, 14-16. 


HIS handsome Goose is a native of the northern por- 
tions of the Old World, and can only be regarded as a 
straggler into North America, and it is a doubtful question 
whether most of the examples that have been killed within 
our limits had not escaped from confinement, rather than 
were bona fide immigrants to our shores. The first one 
procured was at Rupert House, on the southern end of 
Hudson Bay, and was obtained by Mr. B. R. Ross. This 
was undoubtedly a straggler from Greenland, the south- 
ern end of which this species regularly visits. It has also 
been obtained in Nova Scotia and in Currituck Sound, 
North Carolina, that former paradise for Water Fowl. 
Long Island, also at one time a famous resort for all 
kinds of game, has yielded up one specimen. It would 
be difficult to name any species of bird that had ever 
visited the Atlantic seaboard an example of which had not 
at some time been procured on Long Island. This Goose 
is very abundant in various parts of the Old World, 
and resembles in its habits those of the Brant Geese of 
our own land. It feeds on grasses and plants, and can 
be readily domesticated and becomes as tame as the ordi- 
nary farmyard Goose. It is supposed to breed in Siberia, 
on the Tundras or barren grounds, and on the shores of 
the White Sea. It visits the Farde Islands, Iceland, and 
Spitzbergen, and in its migrations is also found in the 
British Islands and many parts of the Continent. 
It is a handsomer bird than the other allied species of 
Geese, and is about the size of the Brant. This species 

78 4 

15. Barnacle Goose. 


passes much of its time on land, feeding on grass and 
roots, and it keeps up a constant gabbling both when 
accupied in feeding and also when on the wing, and is 
altogether a noisy bird. The eggs are said to be a uni- 
form yellowish cream color. As is the case with our 
own Brant Geese, little is known about this bird’s breed- 
ing habits or the localities it frequents at that season. 
It is called, sometimes, Bar Goose. 


Geographical Distrzbution.—Northern parts of Eastern Hem- 
isphere. Accidental in eastern North America. 

Adult.—Head, nearly white; the lores, ocgiput, neck, and 
breast, black. Wings and back, bluish gray, feathers, with sub- 
terminal black bar, followed by one of white. Feathers of flanks, 
brownish gray, with white tips. Under parts, grayish white. 
Bill and feet, black. Iris, dark brown. Average total length, 
25 inches; wing, 15; tarsus, 22; culmen, rH. 

Young.—Cheek patch spotted with black. Feathers of back 
tipped with rufous, and wing coverts tinged with the same. 
Flanks barred with gray. 


HIS well-known bird is a native of the northern por- 

tions of both hemispheres, but in North America is 
found chiefly upon the eastern coast, and is rare in the in- 
terior, although at times it is met with in the Mississippi 
Valley. It is a bird of the salt water, and keeps to the 
sea, either on it, or near the inner side of the beach on the 
sounds and bays having an outlet to the ocean. It is 
not found on the Pacific coast, where it is replaced by the 
Black Brant, the succeeding species. The Brant breeds 
probably nearer the Pole than almost any other bird, its 
nest having been found in the most northern land yet 
visited by man. Captain Fielden found the first nest 4 
and eggs in latitude 82° 33’ N., and afterward many more 
in the vicinity. This Goose passes Hudson Bay in the 
spring and autumn in immense numbers, but makes no 
stop and is not seen in the interior, keeping always near | 
the coast. The nests, which are mainly composed of | 
down or feathers, are placed upon the beach near the 
water, but in Greenland, in Bellot’s Straits, they are 
built in the cliffs which line the sides of this passage, 
according to the testimony of Dr. Walker, who saw this 
species in that place. The eggs are grayish white. 
During incubation the Gander remains in the vicinity of 
the nest, and when the young are hatched the parents 
conduct them to the lakes or open water near shore. 
The adults moult by the end of July. Brant make their 
appearance on the Atlantic coast of the United States in 


16. Brant Goose. 


October, arriving in large flocks and congregating in 
chosen localities, sometimes in immense numbers. They 
fly in compact masses in a desultory sort of way, not 
very rapidly nor under any especial leader, and when in 
winter quarters rarely move far in any direction, and 
often return to the place from which they started. It has 
a peculiar guttural note, which is frequently uttered, re-. 
sembling car-r-r-rip, or r-r-r-rouk, or r-r-riup, and with 
a rolling intonation, and, when a large number of these 
birds are gathered together, the noise they make is in- 
cessant and deafening. I have been in the vicinity of a 
bar on which were congregated many thousands of 
Brant, and their voices made such a din that it was diffi- 
cult to hear one’s own in speaking, and when they rose 
at the report of a gun, the sound of their myriad wings 
was as the roar of rushing waters. 

This Goose is usually very gentle, and when not much 
hunted pays little attention to man’s presence. The 
birds come readily to decoys and are easily turned from 
their course by imitating their note, or by raising one 
leg or a hat in the air. As soon as their attention is 
attracted they swing around, and come to the decoys on 
motionless wings, in irregular, broken lines, uttering 
their rolling note, and if permitted, will settle down 
among their wooden counterfeits and commence to feed. 
I have known them try to alight upon the wings of my 
battery when I was in it, and the attending boat close by 
with sail up. They are easily killed, not nearly so tena- 
cious of life as many Water Fowl, and, as they cannot 
dive, a wounded Brant is readily retrieved. It will skulk 
like other Geese with head and neck flat upon the water, 
and paddle away with all its might dead to windward, 
but it does not go very fast, and, if seen, is soon over- 


Brant are fond of sand, and it seems to be a necessity 
to them. Every few days the birds will resort to the bars 
in the sounds, or to the beach, and are often seen in such 
places standing in long lines or dense masses, dressing 
their feathers, or else sitting on the sand. When flying 
they keep over the open water, avoiding the land when- 

ever possible, so that there is not often an opportunity 
given to shoot them from outlying points, or from 
a narrow strip between two bodies of water. As 
I have said, Brant do not dive, but feed in the 
manner of other Wild Geese, by tilting up the 
hinder part of the body and pulling up the grasses 
and roots from the bottom. Its food is the eel grass 
mainly, and although at times its flesh has a rather 
strong flavor, yet as a rule, especially in spring, it is an 
excellent bird for the table, and a young one is consid- 
ered a delicacy. In calm weather Brant do not move 
about much, but gather in companies on the open water 
and feed, preen their feathers, or sleep, but before or 
after a storm they are uneasy, and generally in motion, 
flying apparently without any very definite purpose. 
But if the coming storm is likely to be severe, then they 
are seen flying, flock after flock, to some chosen place 
where they will be sheltered from the blast. In those 
situations at such times, the water is often black with 
the birds seeking a refuge. A 

Brant do not seem to be as plentiful in our eastern 
waters as formerly, constant warfare against them 
having greatly depleted their numbers, and in many 
places where they were once numerous they are now 
seen only in small bodies, or are absent altogether. This 
species has not many names, being almost universally 
known by the one at the head of this article, but some- 
times it is called Brent, or Brent or Brant Goose, and also 


incorrectly Black Brant, which, however, is quite a 
different bird. In Spitzbergen, where it breeds, it goes 
by the name of “ Ring-gaas,” 7. ¢., “ Ring Goose.” 


Geographical Distribution.—Northern portion of both hem- 
ispheres. In North America mainly on the Atlantic coast; 
rare in the valley of the Mississippi. 

Adult.—Head, neck, breast, and back at base of neck, black; 
a patch of white, in streaks, on either side of the neck. Upper 
parts, brownish gray, the feathers tipped narrowly with pale 
brown or grayish white. Under parts, grayish white, graduating 
into pure white about and under the tail. Middle of rump, 
brownish black. Upper and under tail coverts, pure white. 
Tail, black. Primaries and secondaries, brownish black. Bill, 
legs, and feet, black. Iris, brown. ‘Total length, 24-30 inches; 
wing, 13; tarsus, 2;4,; culmen, to end of nail, 14. 

Young.—Similar to the adult, but with conspicuous white bars 
across the wings, formed by the tips of the coverts and second- 
aries. The white patch on neck is absent, and the under parts 
are uniformly lighter. 


‘THE Black Brant represents the common species of 

the Atlantic shores on the Pacific coast, where it is no 
less abundant, and ranges from Alaska to California. It 
breeds on the shores of Alaska lying along the Arctic 
Ocean, about the mouth of the Anderson River,and west- 
ward possibly to the vicinity of Point Barrow. Numbers 
go still farther north, but where no man can tell; possibly 
to some unknown land amid the dreary expanse of the 
frozen Polar Ocean, which no human being has ever 
yet seen. These birds have been noticed in the autumn 
coming over the ice from the north to Point Barrow, 
which would make it fair to suppose that there was some 
unknown spot beyond the frozen barrier that was favora- 
ble for nesting and rearing the young, and other flocks of 
this Goose have been seen flying from the north to the 
eastward of Wrangel Land, and steering for the Alaskan 
coast, several hundred miles to the south. 

The Black Brant is among the last of the migrants to 
arrive in Alaska in the spring from the south. It reaches 
St. Michael’s and the mouth of the Yukon toward the 
latter part of May, and it takes about ten days or two 
weeks for the army of birds to pass, for none remain to 
breed; the goal they are steering for lying still far to the 
northward. It flies rapidly with quick, short strokes 
of the wings, not unlike those made by its eastern rela- 
tive, and the flock, no matter what may be its size, is 
strung out in a single line at right angles to its course. 

Constantly waving, undulating movements run along the. 

entire length of the line; commencing at either end, or 

a a ie 

> Yee 

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Xebwair. She plosurct. wa 

17. Black Brant. 


from the middle, and going in opposite directions; 
caused by individual birds changing the level of their 
flight, and at a distance giving the impression of a shiver 
passing through the mass. This frequent graceful 
movement is very attractive to watch, and one keeps his 
eyes fixed on the birds, wondering where the next wave 
is going to begin. The same action occurs in the flight 
of certain species of Ducks. As a rule the Black Brant 
flies low. I think this is characteristic of the two species, 
and while the birds often change their altitude as they 
speed along, now just over the water, and again at no 
very great distance above it, they never rise to any great 
height. When flying, they keep to the coast line, fol- 
lowing it in all its sinuosity, rarely passing over any 
part of the land, or else performing their migrations far 
out to sea. In the spring they are most abundant along 
the western Alaskan coast, but the birds are scarce in the 
autumn and must pass on their southward journey over 
the ocean out of sight of land. 

Mr. MacFarlane, who found the nest and eggs of this 
species in Liverpool and Franklin bays, near the mouth 
of the Anderson River, and at various points along the 
shores of the Arctic Sea, says it was merely a depression 
in the ground, lined with a quantity of down. The num- 
ber of eggs, which were a dull ivory, or grayish white 
color, was from five to seven, six being the usual com- 
plement. Some of these nests were placed on small 
islands in fresh-water ponds, and others on the shore or 
on islands in the two bays above mentioned. Some few 
individuals are said to breed on the shores of Norton 
Sound, in the marshes with Hutchins’ Goose, but the 
great bulk of the migratory hosts pass on farther north. 
The Black Brant is a rare straggler to the Atlantic coast, 
and only a few individuals have ever been killed there. 


It has occasionally been observed in the Mississippi 
Valley, and there is, I believe, a record of a specimen hav- 
ing been taken in Texas, but its occurrence east of the 
Rocky Mountains is extremely rare. It is common, how- 
ever, along the west coast from Alaska southward in win- 
ter and generally keeps in the bays, or on the ocean a 
little distance from shore. It does not associate with other 
Geese to any extent, and does not go inland. The flesh of 
this Goose is tender and good, very similar to that of the 
eastern species, which it somewhat resembles in appear- 
ance. It feeds on marine grasses, and at times on small 
fish and crustacea. Beside the name of Black Brant by 
which it is commonly known, this bird is called on the 
Yukon, as stated by Kenriicott, the Eskimo Goose. 


Geographical Dzéstribution.—Western North America, from 
the Arctic Ocean, at the mouth of the Anderson River, along the 
Alaskan coast. South in winter to Lower California. 

Adult —Head, neck, and upper part of breast, deep black; a 
broad white collar interrupted behind, on the middle of neck. 
Upper parts and wings, dark brown, nearly black on seconda- 
ries, primaries, and rump. Breast and abdomen, blackish 
plumbeous, almost as dark as the upper part of breast. Crissum, 
sides of rump, upper and under tail coverts, pure white. Tail, 
black. Bill and feet, black. Total length, about 25 inches; 
wing, 124; culmen, 1,3,; tarsus, 225. 


F all the members of the Duck tribe scattered 

throughout the world, the present species is easily 
the most beautiful. The Mandarin Duck of China 
Aix galericulata), has a more bizarre appearance and is 
provided with curiously shaped feathers of various hues, 
and has altogether a most singular and unusual dress; 
but, though it may truly be considered a handsome bird, 
it cannot compete with this beautiful species, robed in a 
costume of harmonious colors so chaste and attractive 
as to find its most fitting expression in the name the 
bird possesses—the Bride of the Anatide. 

The Wood Duck, Wood Widgeon, Branchier and 
Squealer, or Acorn Duck, as it is called in Louisiana, 
ranges throughout North America from Hudson Bay to 
the Gulf of Mexico, and breeds pretty much throughout 
its dispersion. It is a fresh-water bird, frequenting the 
lakes and rivers, often, also, resorting to swamps. On 
the seacoast, such as that of North Carolina, where, in 
Currituck Sound, the brackish waters and inexhaustible 
feed constitute a very paradise for Wild Fowl, the Wood 
Duck lives in the marshes, breeding on the mainland 
near at hand. It is one of the earliest of the water birds 
to start on its southern migration from the northern 
part of its habitat, leaving before the Blue-winged 
Teal, and often does not wait for the weather to become 
frosty, so anxious does it seem to be to get away 
from even the suspicion of winter. 

The Summer Duck, as it is sometimes very appro- 
priately called, breeds in hollow trees, and I have met 



with no instance when a nest was placed upon the 
ground. It will occupy the nest of some other bird 
in a hollow trunk, or will adapt some new-found 
cavity to suit its needs. It is astonishing to see how 
small a hole this duck can enter, and sometimes it ap- 
proaches the opening to its nest, that appears not large 
enough to admit half the diameter of its body, but will 
pass in without difficulty. Usually the tree selected for 
the nest is close to the water, often overhanging it, but 
occasionally it may be a number of yards away. No 
matter how near the trees may grow together, or how 
thick may be the interlacing branches, the Wood Duck 
threads its way amid them with an ease and swiftness 
equaled only by a Wild Pigeon, and its flight is executed 
almost with the silence of an owl’s in similar situations. 
This Duck appears to become much attached to its breed- 
ing place, and will occupy the same nest for successive 
years if it is lucky enough to escape the manifold dan- 
gers to which it is subjected. The nest is composed of 
grass, plants, and similar dried material, and is lined 
with down and feathers, mostly taken from the female’s 
breast. A dozen or more white eggs, which soon be- 
come soiled, are laid, and then the male deserts his 
mate, and hies away to the society of other idle fellows 
like himself. The young, when hatched, are carried 
down to the water, one at a time, by the mother, in 
her bill, provided the distance is considerable, otherwise 
the little creatures scramble to the mouth of the cavity, 
and fearlessly drop themselves down into an element 
which they have never seen, but which their inherited in- 
stinct tells them is to be their future home. Whenever 
the female leaves the nest during incubation she always 
covers the eggs with the down and feathers so as to com- 
pletely hide them, and thus insures a continuance of the 

ow —-— i sa « 


warmth of which they are deprived by her absence. The 
young, when following the female, either upon land or 
water, continually utter a soft, low Pee-pee, a sort of pro- 
longation of a chick’s cry, and the mother answers with 
an equally gentle Pee-pee, something of the character of a 
whistle. Sometimes two ducks will take a fancy to the 
same nest, and much altercation then goes on, not so 
vociferous though as when the claimants happen to be 
both of different genera and species. A Wood Duck 
and a Hooded Merganser, as related by Brewer, con- 
tended for a nest, and fought continually for several days, 
and when the nest was examined it was found to contain 
eighteen eggs, all fresh, two-thirds of which belonged to 
the Wood Duck. The birds had been so persistent in 
their struggles to eject each other that neither had been 
able to sit. 

This species is easily domesticated and breeds in con- 
finement, provided it is afforded suitable locations for 
building its nest. It has a very gentle disposition and 
soon becomes tame and accustomed to new surroundings. 
It alights readily upon the branch of a tree, and also 
walks without difficulty upon the larger ones, and I have 
seen it alight upon the topmost rail of a fence surround- 
ing a cultivated field, upon which it perched as comfort- 
ably, and seemed as much at home, as if it had stopped 
to rest upon the bosom of the lake which was close at 
hand. The Wood Duck, when moving over open water 
or marshes, in fact anywhere except in the woods, gen- 
erally flies in a direct line, seldom altering its course or 
seeming to vacillate in its mind about the proper route to 
take. It flies swiftly, and when in the air looks a good 
deal like the Widgeon. It comes readily to decoys, and, 
if permitted, will alight among them. 

_ Nothing in bird life can be much more beautiful than a 


full-plumaged male Wood Duck, proudly swimming 
along, his lengthened crest slightly elevated, and the sun 
glancing upon the brilliant plumage with the metallic 
hues of green, violet, and purple scintillating in its rays. 
It seems to me that this beautiful bird has become 
scarcer in the past few vears, and fewer return to well- 
known haunts. The beauty of the male makes him a 
desirable specimen for collectors, and the flank feathers 
are eagerly sought by the makers of artificial flies, while 
its flesh is always acceptable to the gourmands. Alto- 
gether, with so many suitors of various kinds, each de- 
siring the bird for his own especial purpose, the Wood 
Duck’s chance for becoming extinct is a very good one. 



Geographical Distribution.—Hudson Bay to Gulf of Mexico, 
and across the Continent within the above limits; Cuba. Acci- 
dental in Europe. 

Adult Male.—Head, with a full, lengthened crest, almost 
reaching the back, of green, purple, and violet metallic hues. 
A narrow white line starts at the angle of the maxilla, passes 
over the eye, and extends to the end of the crest, widening 
slightly as it goes. Another broader white line commences 
below and behind the eye, and is continued along the lower edge 
of the crest. Behind the eye, and extending for some distance 
above the lower white line, is a broad patch of metallic purple. 
Cheeks and sides of neck, violaceous black. Crest, silky in tex- 
ture of various metallic greens and purples. Throat and front of 
neck, pure white, with two falcate branches; the upper across the 
back part of cheek, to behind and nearly reaching the eye; the 
lower across the neck, going upward and beneath the crest 
almost to the nape. Back, dark brown, glossed with green- 
ish bronze, the lower back and rump darker in hue, and 
grading into black on the upper tail coverts. Lesser wing 

coverts, slate brown, with a greenish gloss. Scapulars and - 

tertials, velvety black, with rich metallic blue, green, and purple 
reflections, and the longest tertial is tipped with a white bar. 

ei ee eee 


Middle and greater wing coverts, steel blue, with black tips. 
Primaries, slate color, changing to steel blue at their exposed 
ends, and with the terminal portion of the outer web, silvery 
white. Lower portion of throat and breast, extending onto the 
upper back, purplish chestnut, dotted in front with inverted 
V-shaped white spots, growing larger as they reach the breast, 
On sides of breast, above the shoulder of the wing, a broad 
black bar, above which is another of white. Sides and flanks, 
fulvous buff, crossed by fine, undulating black lines, the feathers 
on the upper borders having at their ends two crescentic black 
bars, inclosing a white one, the subterminal black bar being 
edged also on its upper side narrowly with white. Lower breast 
and abdomen, pure white. On each side of the rump is a patch 
of metallic dark purple. Some lengthened black upper tail 
coverts, with deep fulvous centers, fall over behind this purple 
spot. Under tail coverts, dark brown, grading into black at 
tips. Tail, black, with metallic green reflections. Bill, deep pur- 
plish red, becoming scarlet behind the nostrils, with a length- 
ened, pointed, black spot on the culmen, and the nail black. An 
oblong spot of white, from nostril to the nail, and the basal out- 
line, gamboge yellow. Legs and feet, chrome yellow; webs, 
dusky. Iris, orange red; eyelids, vermilion. Total length, 
about 18 inches; wing, 9,5; tail, 4,5; tarsus, 14; culmen, 14%. 
Adult Female,—WUead, plumbeous gray. Front, and a line 
on side of bill at base, space about the eye, extending backward 
to a point, chin and throat, pure white. Top of head and crest, 
the latter much shorter and thinner than the male’s, glossed with 
metallic green, Back, rump, and upper tail coverts, hair brown, 
glossed with bronze and purple. Wings, similar to those of the 
male, but the secondaries widely tipped with white, and the 
speculum, metallic bronzy green, separated from the white tips 
by black. Breast, reddish brown, spotted with, buff or buffy 
white. Rest of under parts, white. Flanks, umber brown, spot- 
ted with white. ‘Tail, hair brown, glossed with bronze green. 
Bill, dark lead color, space on culmen, and nail black. Legs 
and feet, yellowish brown. Eyelids, chrome yellow. Iris, sienna, 
Total length, about 17 inches; wing, 85; tarsus, 14’, culmen, 1,5. 
Downy Young.—Top of head and upper parts, dark brown, 
darkest on head and tail. Sides of head, lores, and stripe over 
eye, bright buff; blackish brown stripe from eye to occiput. 
Spots on shoulder of wing, and on each side of rump, dull white. 


HIS species and the succeeding one are distributed 
through the countries lying south of the borders of 
the United States, and only enter a few of the South- 
western States contiguous to Mexico. The Black-bel- 
lied Tree Duck is not rare in certain parts of Texas m 
summer, along the lower Rio Grande, where it arrives 
from its more southern home in April. It is known 
there as the Long-legged Duck, and in Louisiana as the 
Fiddler Duck. When it flies it has the habit of uttering 
a clear whistling note that indicates its presence, espe- 
cially at night, when most of its migrating is accom- 

This species deposits its eggs in the hollows of trees, 
often at a considerable height from the ground, and 
the eggs, from twelve to sixteen in number, ivory 
white tinged with green, are laid upon the bare wood. 
The males leave the females when incubation com- 
mences and gather by themselves on the river, frequent- 
ing the sandbars, where they often congregate in large 
numbers. When the young appear they are carried to 
the water by the mother, in her bill. In the various 
countries lying to the south of our borders this Duck 
visits the grain-fields at night, especially the corn-fields, 
and commits considerable damage. It also frequents 
the swamps, and feeds on the seeds of certain aquatic 
plants, of which it is very fond. It perches easily on 
trees or on cornstalks, and its long legs enable it to walk 
and run with great ease and rapidity. It passes the day 


1g. Black-Bellied Tree Duck. 


in the lagoons or other secluded waters, surrounded with 
woods or water plants, or sitting on the branches of trees, 
feeding and moving about mainly at night. It can be 
easily domesticated if taken young and is very watchful 
and will utter its shrill whistle at any unusual sound, or 
at the approach of any person on the premises. In some 
parts of Northern South America it is known as Owi- 
ki-ki, from its peculiar whistle, which is supposed to 
resemble those syllables, but in Mexico Pe-che-che-ne, for 
the same reason. Evidently it has a separate whistle 
for each country, or the idea of sound possessed by the 
people must be very different. A single specimen was 
procured by Xantus at Fort Tejon, Southern California, 
and this is the sole evidence of its presence in that State. 
Its dispersion seems to be mainly in the countries border- 
ing on the Gulf of Mexico, from Texas, through Central 
America, and so on through the northern parts of South 
America, extending its range eastward to the West In- 
dian Islands. It is a very pretty, gentle species, and the 
flesh, which is white and tender, is most excellent, indeed 
considered quite a delicacy. This Duck is by no means 
shy, and when domesticated keeps with the barnyard fowl, 
both day and night. It is a handsome bird, although its 
long legs deprive it of all attempts at a graceful carriage. 


Geographical Distribution.—Southwestern States nearest to 
Mexico, and southward through Mexico, Central America, and 
northern South America; east to the West Indies. 

Adult Male.—Forehead, pale yellowish brown; top of head, 
cinnamon; nape and line down back of neck, black. Sides of 
head and upper part of neck, ash gray. Chin and throat, gray- 
ish white. Rest of neck, upper portion of breast, back, and 
scapulars, cinnamon brown. Middle of back, rump, and upper 
tail coverts, black. Lesser wing coverts, olive ochraceous ; 


middle coverts, ash; greater and primary coverts, grayish white. 
The wing, when closed, shows a lengthened white or grayish 
white line for nearly its entire length. Primaries, dark brown. 
Tail, brownish black, Lower parts and sides of breast, yellow- 
ish brown, the cinnamon of the upper portion grading into this 
color, Abdomen, flanks, and under wing coverts, black; anal 
region, white, spotted with black. Under tail coverts, white. 
Bill, coral red; orange at base of maxilla. Nail, bluish. Legs 
and feet, pinkish white. Iris, brown. Total length, about 19 
inches; wing, 94; culmen, 1,8; tarsus, 275. 

Adult Female,—Resembles the male. 

Young.—Similar to the adult, but colors duller. Abdomen 
and flanks, grayish white, barred with dusky. 

Downy Young.—Superciliary stripe, and one over cheeks, 
encircling the occiput, bright buff; and one from cheeks to nape, 
blackish brown. Upper parts, blackish brown, with patches of 
deep buff, one on each side of back, and one on either side of 
rump. Underneath pale buffy yellow; belly, whitish. 



WiitH a much greater general dispersion than the 

last species, this Duck extends its range consider- 
ably farther north within our limits, and has bred in the 
marshes near Sacramento, California, and has also been 
found in Nevada, Louisiana, and Texas. In the latter 
State it is called the Rufous Long-legged Duck, and in 
Louisiana the Yellow-bellied Fiddler Duck, and Long- 
legged Duck, and it is abundant at times near Galveston. 
It is a summer visitor, like its relative, and frequents 
similar places. At the mouth of the Rio Grande this 
species is not uncommon and, it has been stated, it is 
also abundant at the entrance of the Nueces River. The 
Fulvous Tree Duck also breeds in trees, though the 
natives at Mazatlan affirm that it nests amid the grass. 
The eggs are pure white, and the female lays from ten to 
fifteen. This species resorts to fresh-water ponds or 
lakes, feeding principally upon seeds of grasses, and like 
its relative visits the corn-fields at night to obtain the 
grain. It is not wild, and affords much sport to the 
hunter, and its flesh being as tender and delicate as that 
of the Black-bellied Tree Duck, it is highly esteemed as 
an article of food. When wounded it exhibits such 
agility, running and dodging with so much speed, that 
it is very difficult to capture, and in deep water it dives 
and skulks with no little skill, and generally effects its 
escape. The plumage is not so attractive as that of the 
previous species, and it is a much plainer bird. 




Geographical Distribution.—States of Nevada, California, 
Texas, and Louisiana. Mexico, southern Brazil, and Argentine 
Republic. Accidental in Missouri and North Carolina. 

Adult Male.—Top of head, deep rufous, darkest on the nape; 
sides of head, yellowish brown. A ring of black feathers, with 
white centers on middle of neck. A black line from occiput 
down center of hind neck. Lower part of neck, dark yellowish 
brown. Back and scapulars, black, broadly tipped with cinna- 
mon, making these parts appear as if barred. Lesser wing 
coverts, chestnut; rest of wing, black. Tail, black; the upper 
and under coverts, white. Throat, buffy white. Upper part of 
breast, yellowish brown. Entire underparts, cinnamon. Flanks, 
with center of feathers, pale ochraceous, bordered with dusky. 
Bill, bluish black. Legs and feet, slate blue. Iris, brown. 
Total length, about 20 inches; wing, 8}; culmen, 14; tarsus, 2. 

Adult Female.—With the plumage very like that of the male. 

Young.—Similar to adult, but little or no chestnut color on 
wing coverts. Under parts, paler, and the upper tail coverts 
margined with brown. 

Downy Young.—A brown band from the ears to the hind 
neck, and one down the back of the neck. Occiput traversed by 
a white band, and one also across the wing. Upper parts, gray- 
ish brown; under parts, white. 

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|F it was stretching a point to admit the Smew among 

North American birds, when two females, it was 
claimed, had been taken in the flesh within our 
boundaries, what is to be said of this species’ 
application for membership in our avi-fauna, based 
as it is upon two statements, one, that Dr. Van- 
hoffen, a member of an expedition to West Green- 
land sent by the Geographical Society of Berlin, 
reported that he saw a skin of this species in a 
collection of birds at Augpalartok in the District of 
Uppernavik, that was collected in that vicinity in 1892; 
and the other that, in 1895, Wenge of Copenhagen re- 
ports another specimen from North Greenland? These 
are the solitary instances of this bird’s occurrence any- 
where within what may be termed the limits of North 
America, which have been recorded. Doubtless Old- 
World species that breed in very high latitudes some- 
times on the return journey go slightly astray from their 
regular course, and touch, possibly for a few brief mo- 
ments, on some parts of boreal North America, and many 
more species probably do this than we shall ever know, 
but it is only to record an historical fact that any notice 
of these waifs and strays is taken at all, and they can in 
no way be considered as American birds. 

This Duck is not, strictly speaking, however, a native 
of northern climes, but ranges in Southern Europe and 
Asia, and only accidentally goes to the Scandinavian 
Peninsula and Iceland. So rare is it in the north that, 



in the warmer climate of Great Britain, it is only a scarce 
straggler, and Dresser considers most of the specimens 
taken there have escaped from confinement. Still some 
of the rare stragglers to Iceland may have wandered 
farther, once they were off the right track, and reached 
Greenland. This species prefers the society of Geese to 
that of Ducks, and frequents, during the day, open fields 
where it can see a long distance, for it is habitually shy, 
going at evening to the lakes and ponds. It nests in 
the hollows of trees, also in holes in the ground and in 
clefts of the cliffs. It visits India, and my friend the late 
Dr. Jerdon related a legend of this bird that is current 
there. It runs that for some indiscretion two lovers 
were transformed into Braminy Ducks (the name for 
this species there) and were condemned to pass the night 
apart from each other on opposite sides of the river, and 
that all night long each in its turn asks its mate if it shall 
come across, but the question is always met in the nega- 
tive: Chackwa,. shall: I comet’) “ No} Chalewis 
* Chakwi, shall I come?” ‘“ No; Chakwa.” It is also 
supposed in some parts of India that whoever kills one 
of these Ducks will be doomed to perpetual celibacy; 
hence by the natives they are seldom molested. The call 
note of this bird is loud and clear, more resembling that 
of a Goose than any sound a Duck utters. 


Geographical Distrzbution.—Southern and Eastern Europe; 
North Africa to Shoa, Southern Asia, China, and Japan. Acci- 
dental in the Scandinavian Peninsula, Iceland, and Greenland. 

Adult Male.—Head and neck, buff, grading into orange 
brown on the lower part of the neck, which is surrounded by a 
black ring. Back, breast, and under parts, foxy red. Rump, 
yellowish red, vermiculated with black. Wing coverts, white; 


secondaries, glossed with green and purple on outer web, form- 
ing a speculum. Tertials, yellowish, foxy red on outer web, 
gray oninner. Primaries, tail, and tail coverts, black. Bill, legs, 
and feet, blackish. Iris, brown. ‘Total length, about 24 inches; 
wing, 144; culmen, 14; tarsus, 24. 

Adult Female.—Resembles the male, but the plumage is gen- 
erally lighter, and there is no collar at base of neck. 


()RIGINALLY the source from which the domesti- 

‘cated races of Ducks have descended, the Mallard 
is distributed over the entire northern portions of both 
hemispheres. In North America it is found from the 
Arctic regions to the Gulf of Mexico, and from the At- 
lantic to the Pacific Ocean. Throughout this vast extent 
of country it bears, as may be supposed, many names, of 
which some of the most common are, Green-head, Wild 
Duck, and Gray Duck or Gray Mallard, while the French 
call it Canard francais or French Duck; and the Rus- 
sians Sé le sen. In England it is sometimes known as 
Stock Duck, probably because it is the stock from which 
the tame Duck has been derived. Wherever found in 
summer, there the Wild Duck breeds. The nest is a 
rather large structure of grasses and small sedge stalks, 
lined occasionally with down or feathers, and placed in 
the vicinity of water, in a marsh, or, if in the West, on the 
prairie near some slough. The pale, greenish white eggs 
are usually six in number, and the female alone attends to 
the duties of incubation; the male loitering about in the 
vicinity, or else joining unto himself a number of other 
idle males, passing the time in dabbling about the ponds 
in the vicinity and selfishly caring only for their individ- 
ual interests. The female is a close sitter, and will allow 
an intruder to approach very near before indicating by 
any movement that she is aware of his presence, and only 
leaves the nest when capture is imminent. In the North 
the situation of the nest is sometimes quite different, and 



Rawk: Sh 2)3)2 are. — 

22, Mallard. 


it is frequently placed amcng trees, occasionally in a 
hollow stump, even in the tree itself; usually, though, in 
such cases, the bird occupies some empty nest left over 
from a previous season. It requires about four weeks 
for the eggs to hatch, and the female at once leads the 
young to the water, and assists them to procure suitable 
food. The ducklings are very active, dive with ease, 
and hide at the least alarm with great celerity and suc- 
cess, sinking in the water and leaving the bill only above 
the surface. Numbers perish from various causes, for 
they have many enemies of the air, land, and water: 
hawks and owls, sometimes crows, also all kinds of 
four-footed creatures prowling about the swamps and 
marshes, not counting sundry snakes, prey upon 
them, while many a downy young disappears suddenly 
from the midst of the little family swimming quietly 
along, seized from beneath the surface by some turtle or 
predatory fish. So greatly are they exposed to manifold 
dangers that the only wonder is so many reach maturity. 
During the nesting season the males moult, the females 
not undergoing this process until the young are hatched. 
The breeding season is over by June, and when the brood 
is full grown the male rejoins his family. During the 
earlier part of the summer the plumage of the male is 
very similar to that of the female, but toward September 
he assumes the beautiful dress by which he is so well 
known throughout the world. 

In the Northeastern States the Mallard is less com- 
mon than farther south, and from New Brunswick to 
Massachusetts it may be considered as rather rare in 
comparison with other species of Ducks. In the West- 
ern States the Mallard visits the corn-fields, and in the 
Southern Atlantic States the rice-fields, and becomes 
very fat on these kinds of food, and also of excellent fla- 


vor. Advantage is taken of this habit by gunners, who 
make blinds in the fields where they can remain con- 
cealed and shoot the birds as they come in to alight or 
when flying overhead, and great numbers are killed in 
this way. Mallards also decoy easily, either to wooden 
counterfeits of themselves or to the bodies of their 
kindred that have been shot and set out before the blind, 
supported on sticks so as to give them a semblance of 
life. Usually wary and suspicious, it is often surprising 
to witness the entire confidence displayed by this Duck 
when approaching the decoys, particularly if the quack- 
ing notes in their various modulations are well imitated. 
On catching sight of their supposed relatives, the birds 
wheel, and come directly toward them, setting their 
wings as they draw near, and uttering low, soft quacks 
in a confidential tone, as if expressing satisfaction at 
meeting so many of the brethren at one time. Then, 
if any breeze is blowing, just before alighting they wheel 
head to wind and settle upon the water, but if it is 
calm they hover for a moment over the decoys and then 
drop with a splash in their midst. 

When startled, the Mallard springs directly into the air 
several feet upward, and then flies away very rapidly. No 
preparation whatever is needed for it to make an exit 
from any spot, and if it is on a pond or narrow creek 
or in any concealed spot, one spring carries it above 
all obstacles and leaves a clear line of escape. 
Usually the sexes are not separated during the winter, 
but keep together, yet in North Carolina I have on sev- 
eral occasions discovered as many as fifty males assem- 
bled on a pond, without a single female being present. I 
have often wondered at this, and tried to account for such 
a concourse of one sex at that season of the year, about 
December, but never could arrive at any satisfactory ex- 


planation. The Mallard walks with ease, and can also 
run with considerable speed. On the water it moves with 
grace, and when seeking the seeds, roots, mollusks, vari- 
ous grasses, etc., on which it feeds, tilts up the hinder 
part of the body and digs on the bottom with its bill. It 
never dives, and when wounded tries to skulk away; per- 
haps as a last resort struggles to disappear beneath the 
surface, with, however, but poor results. 

The Mallard is a very noisy Duck, and its loud quack- 
ing is one of the familiar sounds heard in the marshes 
during the winter. It is also very sociable and the 
little companies keep close together as they swim along, 
for even when feeding the birds rarely separate from each 
other for any distance. They are continually in motion, 
poking their bills into the soft mud, and sifting it through 
the mandibles. They feed mostly at night, but at the 
same time are equally active by day, although, if the 
weather is warm and calm, they are in the habit of tak- 
ing a nap in the sun’s rays, having one or more of their 
number, however, to act as sentinels and announce any 
approaching danger. 

The Mallard is one of the commonest of our Water 
Fowl, and, from its large size and generally well-flavored 
flesh, is eagerly sought after. This Duck interbreeds 
with other species, and hybrids are frequently shot, 
bearing unmistakable evidence of their mixed parentage. 
Some of these are very beautiful birds, and in the days 
when hybridism was little understood or suspected, cer- 
tain ones were described as distinct. One of these, and 
perhaps the most beautiful of all, was called by Audubon 
Brewer’s Duck (Anas breweri) probably a cross between 
the Mallard and the Dusky Duck. Occasionally along 
the Atlantic coast a Duck is shot that is larger than the 
Mallard, with the head and part of the neck black with 


green reflections, and the lower portion of neck in front 
often white. Sometimes there is some white on the 
throat and head. Breast, very dark chestnut, under parts 
white, except the crissum, which is chestnut black. Back, 
brownish black variegated with grayish brown; rump 
and upper tail coverts, black with green reflection, like 
the head. These birds were regarded always with much 
interest, and opinions differed as to what they could be, 
but it is now generally considered that they are hybrids 
of the Mallard and Muscovy,* which, although bred in 
captivity, have returned to the wild state. The descrip- 
tion given above only relates to one style or phase of the 
plumage exhibited by these birds, as individuals vary 
considerably from each other. 


Geographical Distribution.—Northern portions of both Hem- 
ispheres. In North America, ranging from the Arctic Regions 
to Panama and to Cuba. Breeding wherever it may be at the 
proper season. 

Adult Male.—Head and neck, metallic green. White collar 
at base of neck. Back, brown, waved with narrow lines of pale 
brown. Scapulars, grayish white, waved with dusky. Wing, 
slate brown, edged with rufous on some feathers. Speculum, or 
wing patch, metallic purple, crossed at each end with a black 
bar, succeeded by a white one. Primaries, dark brown, with a 
grayish gloss. Lower back, and upper tail coverts, greenish 
black. Recurved feathers above tail, black. Breast, deep, 
glossy chestnut. Under parts, silvery gray, waved with narrow 

* The Muscovy (Cazrzza moschata) is found throughout tropi- 
cal America, and very possibly may visit at times the coasts of 
some of our Southern States, straggling outside its limits, and 
should it meet with the Mallard at the proper season, a mixed 
brood would very probably result. Therefore, some of these 
large ducks that are killed from time to time may not have been 
the offspring of domesticated parents. 


lines of black, darkest on flanks and beneath the chestnut on 
breast. Under tail coverts, jet black. Tail, white. Bill, green- 
ish yellow; nail, black. Legs and feet, orange red. Length, 
about 22 inches; wing, 11; tail, 44; tarsus, 1,4; culmen, 2,%. 

Adult Male, when Moulting.—This stage of plumage occurs 
in the summer, and only lasts for a comparatively brief period, 
and is very like the dress of the female, but darker. 

Adult Female.—Feathers of head and neck, with dusky cen- 
ters and buff edges. Chin, whitish; throat, buff, or ochraceous. 
Upper parts, black; the feathers edged and tipped with buff on 
back and wings, and with ochraceous on lower back and upper 
tail coverts. Speculum of wing, as in the male. Under parts, 
buff, palest on breast and belly, with central streaks of black, 
broadest on sides and flanks. Bill, feet, and legs, colored like 
the male’s. Dimensions, similar to the male’s. 

Downy Young.—Upper parts, olivaceous. Sides of head, 
stripe over the eye, and lower parts, yellowish buff, lightest on 
belly. A dusky streak from bill through eye to occiput, and a 
dusky spot on ear coverts. Pale buff spots on wing and on each 
side of back and rump, 


LACK Duck, Black and Dusky Mallard, Black Eng- 
lish Duck, and Canard Noir in Louisiana, are the 
names by which this bird is variously known. Its range 
is mainly throughout eastern North America, north of 
Florida, extending westward to Utah and Texas, and 
north to Hudson Bay. In Florida it is replaced by a 
smaller subspecies of similar appearance. In its habits 
this duck very closely'resembles the Mallard, and it has 
the same loud quacking note. It breeds in various parts 
of the United States from Maine to Texas, as well as in 
Labrador, where in summer it is very abundant. The 
nest, placed upon the ground in the vicinity of water, is 
a compact structure of weeds and grass, lined with down 
and feathers, and the eggs are grayish white with a green 
tinge. Eight to ten is the usual complement. — 

Of all our Water Fowl the Black Duck is one of the 
most cunning and suspicious. It also possesses a keen 
smell, and no matter how well one may be concealed in 
a carefully constructed blind, if the wind blows toward 
the advancing bird, it will detect the sportsman’s pres- 
ence and remove itself without delay from the dangerous 
neighborhood. Many a time have I watched one or 
more of these wide-awake birds coming straight to my 
decoys, apparently only intent upon joining the flock of 
their supposed brethren, and uttering as they came that 
low, soft quack, so indicative of confidence and pleased 

satisfaction, when suddenly, without any apparent rea- 

son, the birds would rise in the air and swerve off in an 


; Fadlwon Sh epparcds 

23. Dusky Duck. 


opposite direction. There was nothing visible to create 
alarm, but their keen scent had warned them of the pres- 
ence of an influence not accustomed to bring them in- 
creased happiness and a long life. 

The flight of the Black Duck is performed in a similar 
manner to that of the Mallard, with quickly repeated 
beats of the wings, and usually at a considerable height, 
and as the bird moves speedily along it turns the head 
from side to side, sharply observing the ground be- 
neath, and keenly attentive to every object and move- 
ment. When flying, the white under coverts of the 
wings show very conspicuously. It is usually on 
the alert, although at times its suspicions seem to be 
allayed for the moment, and then it will fly to the de- 
coys and settle among them as quietly and with as much 
unconcern as would a tame Duck that was able to fly. 
These occurrences, however, are rare and not to be 
counted upon, as this Duck’s trust in man is not often 
exhibited to any considerable extent. It rises from the 
water with a bound, as if it had been shot up 
by powerful springs, usually uttering a few quacks as it 
mounts upwards, scattering showers of spray around 
by the violence of its movements. 

The Black Duck is very much of a nocturnal bird, 
moving about a great deal at night, especially if the moon 
is shining, and it associates with the Mallards and other 
swamp and marsh Ducks, its watchfulness and ability to 
detect danger making it a valuable member to any web- 
footed coterie. Its note is so like the Mallard’s that it is 
difficult to distinguish them apart, and every few moments 
the quacks are shot forth in abrupt vociferations, as if 
the bird had just reached the limit of its power for sup- 
pressing them, and the voice had gained strength and 
sonorousness by long confinement. This species is a 


mud Duck, and delights to paddle and feed in the 
swamps and marshes, sifting the half-liquid ooze with its 
bill, and extracting whatever nutriment it contains, be it 
ot plant, insect, or mollusk life. It is not particular as 
to its diet, and swallows anything it may find that is eat- 
able. The flesh of this bird is not usually as palatable as 1s 
that of many other Ducks, although the quality varies of 
course with that of its food, but sometimes it is decidedly 
rank and fishy. It is a large bird, equal in size to the 
Mallard, and the sexes resemble each other very closely. 
Like the common Wild Duck, this species goes in flocks 
without any regular order, each bird selecting his own 
route totally regardless of his fellows, and frequently 
they present a confused mass in the air. Again, if over 
ponds, they wheel occasionally with some degree of 


Geographical Distribution.—Eastern North America, from 
Labrador to Florida; and west to the Valley of the Mississippi. 
Breeding throughout its range. 

Adult Male.—Top of head and line on hind neck, black, 
streaked with buff. Rest of head and throat, buff, streaked with 
dusky. Remainder of plumage, dusky or brownish black; paler 
beneath, all the feathers, save those on lower back and rump, 
margined with ochraceous. Speculum, metallic violet, some- 
times green, edged with black. Bill, yellowish green; nail, 
dusky. Legs and feet, orange red; webs, dusky. Length, 
about 22 inches; wing, 11; culmen, 2%; tarsus, 14'p. 

Adult Female.—Resembles the male. Practically there is no 
difference in the plumage of the sexes. 

Downy Young.—-Top of head, hind neck, and upper parts, 
olive brown; rest of head, neck, and lower part, darkish buff, 
lightest on belly. A dusky streak from bill through eye to occi- 
put, anda dusky spot on ear coverts. Pale buff spots on border 
of wing, and on each side of back and rump. 

‘yond Aysnq epiopy. 


| ae small representative of the Black Duck is ap- 
parently restricted to the more southern parts of the 
Peninsula of Florida. It is lighter in color and has a 
creamy buff throat and fore-neck. The bill is also dif 
ferently marked and colored. It breeds in April, and the 
nest, formed of grass and similar materials and lined 
with down and feathers, is placed upon the ground in the 
midst of matted grass, or under a palmetto, or some 
sheltering bush, near water. The eggs, usually eight or 
ten, are very similar to those of the Black Duck, but 
lighter in color. The male remains in the vicinity while 
the female is incubating the eggs, but does not share in 
any of the duties. 

This species frequents the ponds of fresh water, going 
out at night to the sheltered bays near the Keys to feed 
and disport itself. In the autumn the males appear to 
associate together, but flocks of both sexes are met with 
in the winter, and the mating season begins as early as 
January. Many are destroyed when the grass is burned 
to permit the young shoots to spring forth, as this is done 
usually at the period when the female is on her nest. In 
its habits this species does not differ from its Northern 
relative, is about as shy and cunning, but from its re- 
stricted dispersion and the number of sportsmen who 
visit Florida in winter, it has a very fair chance at no dis- 
tant day of becoming extinct. 



Geographical Distribution.—State of Florida. 

Adult Male.—Top of head, streaked with black and buff. Rest 
of head, sides, and back of neck, buff, streaked with dark brown. 
The cheeks are sometimes without streaks, but in a series of 
these birds plain cheeks were no more frequent than those with 
streaks, and this marking seems to be very variable. Chin and 
throat, plain buff of varying intensity. General plumage, black, 
feathers edged with ochraceous on upper parts, but with pale 
buff beneath. Speculum seems to vary in color among indjivid- 
uals, and is either metallic green or metallic blue, and, in some 
specimens, is tipped with white, forming a bar across the wing. 
Bill, yellowish olive; nail, and spot at base of maxilla, black. 
Legs and feet, pale orange red. Iris, brown. Total length, 
about 20 inches; wing, 10; culmen, 2,5; tarsus, 1,8; bill, 2. 

Adult Female.—Resembles the male in general color of 
plumage, but is rather lighter, with sometimes a white bar across 
the wing on posterior edge of speculum. The legs and feet are 
dull red; the webs, flesh color, mottled with brown. There is 
little or no difference in the measurements of the sexes, 

ON eee ee 


‘yonq pelo 



‘T Hs Duck was described by Mr. Sennett from a 

specimen taken at Nueces Bay, near Corpus Christi, 
Texas, by Mr. J. A. Singley, who was collecting birds 
for him at that time. It resembles closely the previous 
subspecies, the Florida Dusky Duck, but chiefly differs 
in having the cheeks streaked with brown, instead of 
being plain buff; and the speculum, or metallic spot 
on the wing, purple instead of green. The general effect 
of the coloration of the plumage is that of being spotted 
instead of streaked, and the light markings are pale buff 
instead of a deep buff, and this gives a slightly different 
appearance to the two forms, but they nevertheless re- 
semble each other. The streaked cheeks are to be 
seen among some individuals of the Florida Dusky 
Duck, and the color of the speculum is at times merely 
a question of light, purple and green in metallic hues 
being often interchangeable. An ornithologist might 
readily recognize to which form most of his specimens 
belonged, but the ordinary observer would probably have 
difficulty in distinguishing them. 

There appears to be a great similarity in the habits of 
this bird and those of its relative, as might be expected, 
but not many specimens have as yet been obtained, and 
more information regarding it is needed before the 
validity of its subspecific standing is satisfactorily deter- 
mined. In Louisiana it is known as Canard Noir d’Eté, 
or Black Summer Duck. It is said to be a common 
resident in that State, and breeds there. 




Geographical Distribution,—Eastern Texas, Louisiana, north 
to Kansas. 

Mr. Sennett’s description of this bird is as follows: 

‘‘Top of head, blackish brown, margined with very pale buff. 
Chin and throat, isabella color. Cheeks, buffy white, with narrow 
streaks of dark brown. Feathers of breast, wings, upper parts, 
and flanks, blackish brown, margined with pale buff. Under 
parts, buffy white, each feather with a broad blackish brown mark 
near the tip, giving a decidedly mottled appearance. Under 
tail coverts, blackish, with outer margins of inner webs reddish 
buff; those of outer webs, buffy white. The four median feathers 
of tail, blackish brown; the others, fuscous, margined with pale 
buff, and a V-shaped mark, as in 4. fulvigula, but of a buffy 
white. Under surface of all tail feathers, light gray, excepting 
the four median, which are blackish brown. Lining of wing, 
white, Speculum, metallic purple, feathers tipped with white. 
Bill has a small black spot on base of lower edge of upper man- 
dible, as in A. fulvigula. Feet, reddish orange. Wing, 10 
inches; culmen, 2}; tarsus, 13; middle toe and claw, 14.” 



‘T[BMpeL “gz 


SSENTIALLY a fresh-water bird, this Duck, while 

met with generally throughout North America, is no- 
where so abundant as are the Widgeon, Sprigtails, Mal- 
lards, etc., with which it is accustomed to associate. It 
has a wide dispersion, and is found throughout both the 
northern hemispheres. In North America it is known by 
various names, those most commonly employed being, 
Creek Duck, Speckle-Belly, Gray Duck, Welch Drake, 
German Duck, Gray Widgeon, and Canard Gris in 
Louisiana. It is a shy bird, retiring in disposition, keep- 
ing to the small creeks, borders of marshes, and fresh- 
water ponds. It is a very swift flyer, and resembles very 
much the Widgeon when in the air, and dives with equal 
celerity and address. It hides among reeds and tall 
grasses and passes much of its time seeking its food close 
along the shores, where for the greater part of the time it 
is concealed by overhanging bushes or grasses. Gener- 
ally it goes in small flocks, does not readily come to de- 
coys, and when it does draw near them it is probably in 
the company of a small flock of Widgeon. The Gadwall 
breeds in the United States, as far south as Colorado and 
about the lakes at a high elevation, and in the Arctic re- 
gions east of the mountains. ‘The nest, composed mainly 
of feathers and dry leaves, is usually placed in a marsh, 
and the eggs, of which the.number ranges from eight to 
twelve, are a uniform cream color. When paddling 
about the marshes, or flying at no height above them, as 
if seeking some particular spot it could not readily find, 



this Duck utters a low croaking quack. It feeds upon 
grasses such as commonly grow in or near ponds and 
streams, leaves and roots of water plants, and possibly 
fish, if it can get them, and mollusks; but these last I 
fancy it eats only when the other more natural food is 
difficult to obtain. 

The male is a very handsome bird, and his stylish, 
modestly colored dress makes him one of the most at- 
tractive of our Water Fowl. There is a good deal of indi- 
vidual variation in the males of this species, and some are 
more darkly colored than others, and occasionally there 
is a more or less well defined black ring on the lower part 
of the neck. The female is a pretty brown and white 
bird, with a wing somewhat similar to the male’s, but 
without the chestnut on the metallic spot in the center, 
and by many she is frequently mistaken for the female of 
the American Widgeon, to which indeed she bears a con- 
siderable resemblance. 

From its secluded habits the Gadwall is not as well 
known to the majority of American sportsmen as are the 
Widgeon and some other fresh-water Ducks, and as it 
keeps in small flocks and shuns decoys, the opportunities 
for becoming acquainted with the bird’s ways and appear- 
ance are at no time very great or favorable. As a bird 
for the table it is in no way inferior to the Widgeon when 
both have had access to similar food, and in size the two 
species are about equal, but if there is any difference the 
Gadwall may average a trifle larger. 


Geographical Distribution.—Northern Hemisphere. In North 
America ranging from Arctic regions to Mexico and Jamaica. 
Breeds in the Northern States, and in the Arctic Regions east 
of the mountains. 

Adult Male.—Top of head, rufous, varying in depth of shade 


among individuals, and spotted with black; rest of head light 
buff or whitish, speckled with blackish brown. Throat, buff, 
indistinctly spotted with brown. Flesh, dark buff, spotted with 
blackish. Upper part of back and breast marked with crescent- 
shaped black and white bars, the former broadest and most 
prominent. Back, scapulars, and flanks, undulated with slate 
color and white. Long scapulars, fringed with rusty brown. 
Lesser wing coverts, gray; middle coverts, bright chestnut; 
greater coverts, velvety black. Secondaries, pale gray; outer 
webs, white, forming a speculum beneath the black coverts. 
Primaries, gray. Crissum and upper tail coverts, jet black. 
Tail, dark gray, whitish on the edges. Vent and under tail 
coverts, black; rest of under parts, white. Bill, bluish black. 
Iris, brown. Legs and feet, orange yellow; webs, dusky. Total 
length, about 20 inches; wing, 103; tail, 8,4,; culmen, 1,8; tarsus, 

Adult Female.—Top of head, blackish, faintly marked with 
buff. Rest of head and neck, yellowish, spotted with blackish 
brown. Chin and throat, yellowish white, minutely spotted with 
dark brown. Back and breast, fuscous, the feathers margined 
with buff. Lower back and rump, fuscous. Wings, like the 
male, but usually without any chestnut, the wing coverts being 
gray, tipped with whitish. The speculum is white, with little or 
no black on its front edge. Primaries, fuscous. Under wing 
coverts and axillz, white. Upper tail coverts, fuscous, with V- 
and U-shaped bars, and edges of buff. Tail, fuscous edged with 
gray andwhitish. Sides, ochraceous, with large spots of fuscous. 
Anal region and under tail coverts, buff, spotted with fuscous. 
Rest of under parts, pure white. Bill, dusky, orange near the 
edges. Legs and feet, dingy yellow; webs, dusky. Smaller in 
size than the male. ‘Total length, about 19 inches; wing, 10; cul- 
men, I7%5; tarsus, 14%. 

Young.—No chestnut or black on the wings; white on second- 
aries not clear; under parts with nebulous brown centers to the 
feathers. Rest of plumage like the female. 

Downy Young.—Forehead and space around the eye, throat, 
and chest, rich yellow. Upper parts, dark brown, with dark 
yellow spots on sides of back and rump, and on edges of wing. 
Lower parts, sooty gray. 


A WELL-KNOWN and common species of the Old 

World, this handsome Duck can only be regarded 
as a straggler within our limits. It has been killed on 
numerous occasions in different parts of the United States, 
usually in the company of the American Widgeon. It is 
not uncommon among the Aleutian Islands and breeds 
there, and doubtless individuals starting on the fall mi- 
gration have taken the wrong course inadvertently, or 
else have joined flocks of American Wild Fowl and pene- 
trated into unaccustomed lands, and embraced an oppor- 
tunity to look upon unfamiliar scenes. In its habits it 
does not vary to any appreciable extent from its Ameri- 
can relative, and its life history has been thoroughly writ- 
ten by a number of able English and Continental orni- 
thologists. While having a general resemblance to the 
Bald-Pate (to anyone who was not accustomed to observe 
closely), it is in fact a very differently marked bird, and 
while of very attractive appearance is not as handsome 
as our own species. Numerous specimens have been ob- 
tained in California, and I had a beautiful and very per- 
fect male which was shot in Illinois, and is now with 
my collection of birds in the Museum of Natural History 
in New York. I have also seen examples procured on 
the North Carolina coast, so it would seem that when it 
strays from its legitimate route, it has no preference as to 

the road it travels, but visits indiscriminately any por- 

tions of the country to which fate may lead it. 

27. European Widgeon. 




Geographical Dzistribution,—Northern portions of Eastern 
Hemisphere, and of frequent occurrence in the United States as 
far south as California on the Pacific, and the coasts of North 
Carolina on the Atlantic Ocean. Breeds pretty much through- 
out the northern part of the Eastern Hemisphere. 

Adult Male.—Forehead and crown varying among individuals 
from white to ochraceous. Remainder of head and sides of 
neck, rufous. Cluster of small green spots behind the eye, 
and some on the occiput. Chin, throat, and fore part of neck, 
black. Breast, vinaceous. Back and sides, finely undulated 
with black and white. Long tertials, gray on inner webs, black, 
edged with white, on the outer. Wing coverts, white. Speculum, 
metallic green. Primaries, fuscous. Lower back, slate gray, 
with a white spot on each side of base of upper tail coverts. 
Inner upper tail coverts, gray, with white edges ; outer ones, 
black, edged with white on inner webs. Under parts, white. 
Under tail coverts, black. Tail, pointed, fuscous, becoming 
almost black at tips. Bill, bluish black; nail, black. Legs, dark 
brown; feet, bluish gray; webs, dusky. Total length, 18 inches; 
wing, 10; culmen, 1,4; tarsus, 14. 

Adult Female.—Head and neck, rusty, varying in depth 
among individuals, speckled with black; occasionally, the top of 
the head being nearly all black. Upper parts, dusky brown, 
feathers margined with grayish. Wings, grayish brown. Specu- 
lum, dull black; outer web of tertials edged with white, the outer- 
most one with outer web all white. Primaries, fuscous on outer 
webs, light buff on inner, metallic green at tips. Upper tail 
coverts, rufous brown. Tail, purplish brown, feathers edged 
with white. Breast and flanks, light rufous; the former spotted, 
the latter barred with dark brown. Rest of under parts, white, 
the under tail coverts barred with blackish brown. Iris, brown. 
Bill, bluish black. Legs and feet, dark brown. Total length, 18 
inches; wing, to4; culmen, 18; tarsus, 14. 


HE Widgeon is distributed at different seasons of the 
year throughout North America, from the Arctic 
Ocean south to Guatemala and Cuba, and from the 
Atlantic to the Pacific. In its neat dress of attractive 
colors, some of which exhibit a metallic sheen like bur- 
nished metal, the male is one of the handsomest of our 
Water Fowl, and his demure, modest little consort is no 
less engaging in her appearance, although not so bril- 
liantly arrayed. The Bald-Pate, another name by which 
it is known, breeds from the Arctic Sea as far south as the 
State of Texas, and generally nests in rather high ground 
in the midst of trees or low bushes, and is not particular 
about being near water. Its nest is lined with down, and 
the eggs are covered when the female goes off for any 
purpose. They are laid in May, and resemble those 
of the Pintail somewhat, and are a pale buffy white. 
The male moults while the female is incubating. 
She takes her turn later. About the latter part of Sep- 
tember the young are nearly full grown, and those that 
have bred in the far North commence their long journey 
southward. Widgeon are generally observed in small 
flocks of from six to two dozen, although occasionally 
great numbers have been seen assembled together, but 
this is rare. They go much with the Canvas Back and 
Red Head, and when these dive in the deep water and 
bring to the surface tender grasses and succulent roots, 
the Widgeon are very busy indeed stealing these de- 
sired objects from their rightful owners, and grow very 
fat on the fruits of such pilfering habits. 

See seen a <aeee nl 

Sohn starts 

28. Widgeon. 


It is essentially a fresh-water species, and keeps to 
lakes and rivers, and when these freeze resorts to sounds 
within the beach, where the water may be brackish, or 
travels on southward to milder climes. The Widgeon 
is one of the wariest of our Ducks, suspicious of every- 
thing, and not only is unwilling to approach any spot or 
object of which it is afraid, but, by keeping up a contin- 
ued whistling, alarms all the other Ducks in the vicinity, 
and consequently renders itself very disagreeable and 
at times a considerable nuisance to the sportsman. How- 
ever, its flesh is so tender and palatable, and it is such a 
pretty and gamy bird, that one is inclined to forgive many 
of its apparent shortcomings. The usual note of this 
Duck is a low, soft whistle, very melodious in quality, and 
when on the wing the members of a flock keep continu- 
ally talking to each other in this sweet tone as they speed 
along. They fly very rapidly, and usually high in the 
air, in a long, outstretched line, all abreast, except, per- 
haps, the two ends are a little behind the center bird, who 
may be considered the leader. When only moving from 
place to place in the marsh, and but a short distance 
above the ground, they proceed usually without any 
order or regularity, reminding one sometimes of a flock 
of pigeons. The pinions are moved with much quick- 
ness, and the long primaries give a sharp-pointed shape 
to the wing that causes the birds to be easily recognized. 
Flocks composed of a number of Widgeon and Sprig- 
tail are often seen, and the combination is a very un- 
favorable one to a sportsman who may be hoping for a 
quiet shot at close range. 

As the birds approach the decoys some Widgeon will 
whistle and edge out to one side, as much as to say, “ It 
may be all right, but I don’t like the looks of it,” and he 
will be followed by another suspicious member. Then 


the Pintails become uneasy and begin to climb and look 
down into the blind, and the patient watcher sees the 
flocks too often sheer off to one side and pass him by. 
But should there be some birds present, as often hap- 
pens, which are heedless of all warnings or suspicious 
utterings, and keep steadily on, with the evident 
intention to settle among their supposed _ brethren, 
then, as they gather together preparatory to alight, and 
the sportsman rises in his ambush, suddenly the air is 
filled with darting, climbing birds, who shoot off in every 
direction, but generally upward as if the flock was blown 
asunder, and all disappear with a celerity that is astonish- 
ing, and, to a nervous sportsman, with results that are 

In various parts of the country this Duck is known by 
many names other than those already given, some of 
which are Poacher, Wheat Duck, Bald-Crown and Bald- 
faced Widgeon, Green-headed Widgeon, Zan-Zan, etc., 
but among most of the sporting fraternity it is called 
simply Widgeon or Bald-Pate. 


Geographical Distribution.—Throughout North America, from 
the Arctic Ocean to Guatemala and Cuba. Breeds throughout 
its range, but chiefly north of the United States. 

Adult Male.—Forehead and top of head, white. Behind the 
eye a lengthened, broad patch of metallic green, extending 
down hind neck. Rest of head and neck, whitish or buff, 
thickly speckled with black. Back and scapulars, vinaceous, 
undulated with black, and, on some feathers, also with white. 
Wing coverts, white; the greater ones tipped with black, forming 
a bar across the wing. Secondaries, black, some glossed with 
metallic green, forming a green and black speculum. Long 
tertials, pointed, dusky gray on inner web, black edged with 
white on the outer. Under wing coverts, gray; axillze, white. 
Primaries, fawn, shading into glossy brown on outer webs and 
near tips. Rump and median upper tail coverts, gray, waved 


with black and edged with white. Outer coverts, black. Breast 
and sides vinaceous, the inner feathers of the latter undulated 
with black. Lower breast and abdomen, pure white. Under 
tail coverts, black. Tail, fuscous, edged with whitish. Bill, 
pale grayish blue; tip, black. Legs and feet, plumbeous or 
bluish gray. Webs, dusky. Total length, about 1g inches; wing, 
104; culmen, 14; tarsus, 14. 

Young Male.—Very similar to the female, but the colors of a 
deeper and richer hue, the breast and flanks being more vinace- 
ous, and the markings of the wings more clearly defined. The 
coverts, though dusky in part, have much more white, and the 
white edges of the tertials are exhibited. The head is much 
darker as a rule. There is a considerable individual variation 
seen in this species, especially among adults of, I may say, both 
sexes. The coloring of the head and neck is frequently different, 
and this is observable among old males on the top of the head, 
and in the extent and depth of the green behind the eye, and along 
the center of the hind neck. The female has some resemblance 
to that of the Gadwall, but she can generally be distinguished 
by the coloring of the speculum; the Gadwall’s being mostly 
grayish, while that of the present species is black and green. 

Adult Female.—Top of head black, feathers margined with 
white. Forehead, sides of head, neck, and throat, whitish or 
buffy white, speckled and streaked with dusky. Upper parts, 
dusky, barred with buff or ochraceous. Wing coverts, mostly 
gray, edged with white; the apical half of the outer webs of 
greater coverts, white, with black tips forming a bar, succeeded 
by the metallic green and black of the secondaries, making the 
speculum. Primaries, dusky, fawn color near the shafts. Rump 
and upper tail coverts, dusky, margined with white. Upper breast 
and sides, reddish buff or dull vinaceous, the latter barred with 
dusky, and indistinct dusky blotches on the breast. Rest of 
under parts, white. Under tail coverts, barred with black and 
white. Tail, dusky, margined with whitish. Bill, legs, and feet, 
colored like the male. Total length, about 18 inches; wing, 10,5; 
culmen, 1;4;; tarsus, 1,%. 

Downy Young .—Top of head, back of neck, and upper parts, 
dark olive brown; rest of head and neck, with lower parts ful- 
vous. A dusky streak from bill, through eye to occiput. Spots 
on posterior border of wing, and on each side of back and rump, 
greenish buff. 


HIS is another cosmopolitan species, and ranges in 
the northern hemisphere, from the Atlantic coast of 
America across the continent and through the Old World 
eastward to Japan. It is one of the most common 
Ducks found in Alaska, and along the mighty river, the 
Yukon, they nest in May. Mr. Nelson, whose oppor- 
tunities for watching many species of birds during their 
breeding season in the Arctic regions have been numer- 
ous, describes the peculiar habits of the Pintail at that 
time. The female rises in the air with the male in quick 
pursuit, and the pair fly back and forth with incredible 
speed, performing many quick and varied evolutions, be- 
ing at one moment almost out of sight overhead and the 
next just skimming above the ground. The first male 
would soon be joined by others, all anxious to obtain the 
fair prize, but none keeps as close to the coy female as 
the original pursuer, and so dexterous is she in her rapid 
movements that even he can get near her only occa- 
sionally. When he does, however, he keeps beneath her, 
so closely that their swiftly moving wings rattle to- 
gether like castanets, the noise thus made being audible 
for along distance. This'performance is kept up for per- 
haps half an hour, and all the other males having been 
distanced in the race, the original pair settle in one of the 
ponds. At this season this Duck has a habit akin to the 
drumming of the Snipe. Having risen to a great height, 
the wings are held stiffly and curved downward, and the 
bird descends with the swiftness of a meteor, producing 


29. Sprigtail. 


a sound at first like a low murmur, succeeded by a hiss, 
and then, as the bird sweeps close along the ground in a 
gliding course,it assumes almost the proportions ofa roar. 
Sometimes this noise accompanying the Duck’s passage 
through the air is heard for a number of seconds before 
the bird comes into view, so high has it ascended. 

The females of this species are, Mr. Nelson believes, 
polyandrous, for he has seen one preceded by two males 
as she flew along, and at short intervals she would halt 
slightly, draw back her head, and utter a loud nasal 
quack. It is a common occurrence for a female, when 
chased by several males, to plunge at full speed under 
water, followed by her pursuers, and all suddenly rise and 
take wing a short distance beyond. 

The Pintail breeds in northern latitudes of both hemi- 
spheres, also in Manitoba and the northern tier of States, 
occasionally as far south as Colorado, and is among the 
first of the Water Fowl to commence the duties of incu- 
bation; but this important function varies, apparently, 
according to the degrees of latitude, beginning later in 
the most northern sections. The nest, composed simply 
of dry grass and twigs and lined with feathers, is placed 
in some thick grass, at the foot of a willow, under a 
bush, or in some similar spot where concealment is 
equally secured, and from six to twelve pale olive green, 
rather small eggs are deposited. The young appear 
during June or early in July, according to the locality, 
and the parents lead them immediately to the water, from 
which the nest is never far removed, and they remain 
about the marshes, keeping themselves well concealed 
from observation until able to fly. The males moult at 
this time; the females somewhat later. 

In summer the Pintail utters a low, mellow whistle, 
and also, in addition to the hoarse, guttural quack, a 


rolling note, similar to that uttered by the little Scaup 
and some other Ducks, and which can be imitated by a 
rapid vibration of the tongue, at the same time trying to 
utter the letter R. The Pintail visits the interior of 
Alaska as well as the sea-coast, and frequents the pools 
on the flats. It is also found on various islands of the 
Aleutian chain. On the eastern side of North America 
this species is very abundant in summer on the Barren 
Grounds and in the vicinity of Fort Anderson, where it 

On its autumn migration southward the Pintail makes 
its appearance in the United States; (provided that it has 
not remained within our borders during the summer), the 
latter part of September or beginning of October, coming 
down with the other “big” Ducks, like the Widgeon, Gad- 
wall, etc., from its northern breeding grounds. On its 
first arrival it is usually tame and unsuspicious, as there 
is a large proportion of young birds in the flocks which 
have yet to make the acquaintance of man and his ne- 
farious ways. At this time they come readily to decoys, 
and exhibit little of that wariness so conspicuously mani- 
fested later in the season. 

The lakes and rivers of the western country becom- 
ing frozen, the Pintail, in company with the vast army 
of Water Fowl, now yearly lessened in numbers, 
moves onward to the milder clime of the Sunny South, 
or diverges across the country to the shores of the great 
oceans. On the Atlantic coast multitudes pass the win- 
ter in the sounds lying just within the beach of North 
Carolina and adjacent States, where the usually open 
winter permits them to indulge in their usual avoca- 
tions without interruption. Should, however, a cold 

norther freeze the marshes and open water, they depart. 

temporarily on a brief trip southward, returning again as 



soon as the weather moderates. By the time they have 
reached these winter quarters the birds have become 
“ educated,” have learned the danger of man’s presence, 
and are generally very shy and suspicious. When coming 
to decoys, after many hesitating advances, they are apt to 
rise to a considerable height in the air, and look down 
into the blind, and not liking the disclosures there made, 
keep on their course, usually out of gunshot. If they have 
seen nothing to cause alarm and they come up to the 
decoys, on the appearance of the sportsman as he rises 
from his crouching position, the birds seem to throw 
themselves directly upward at a great speed, with the 
result of causing any but an experienced gunner to shoot 
beneath them. 

Their flight is very rapid, performed by quick beats 
of the wings, and the long necks of these Ducks make 
them easily recognizable when in the air. On the 
water the Sprig swims gracefully, arching its neck 
and holding back its head like a miniature Swan, 
and presents a pretty picture as the sun glances on 
the variegated coloring of the head and neck of the male. 
As a diver the Sprigtail is only a partial success. It 
can go under water, though it cannot stay long, but 
skulks with great skill, stretching out the neck to the 
fullest extent and laying it and the head flat upon the 
surface. At a little distance, unless there is a complete 
calm, it is very difficult to be seen when it assumes such 
a position. Beside the names already applied to it in this 
article, this Duck is known in various parts of our coun- 
try as Spiketail, Spindletail, Spreettail, Pigeontail, Pian 
Queue in Louisiana, Water Pheasant, and Smee. Un- 
doubtedly it has other local names besides these. 



Geographical Distribution.—Cosmopolitan. In North Amer- 
ica it ranges from Alaska to Panama and Cuba. Breeds from 
northern United States to limit of its northern range. 

Adult Male.—Head and upper neck, hair brown, darkest on 
the crown, where it is often a rusty brown. Sides of occiput 
with metallic green and purple reflections. Upper part of hind 
neck, black; lower part, dusky, minutely waved with white. A 
white stripe, beginning at the upper edge of black portion, 
passes down the sides of the neck, and is confluent with the 
white of the under parts. Back, and sides of flank, waved with 
narrow white and dusky lines. ‘Tertials, silvery gray, with 
a central black stripe ; long scapulars, black, edged with buff or 
whitish. Wing coverts, glossy brownish gray, last row tipped 
with cinnamon, forming a bar across the wing. Speculum, 
bronze, changing from green to copper according to the light, 
with a subterminal black bar and white tip. Under parts, pure 
white, sometimes blotched with rust color. Sides and flanks 
crossed with narrow bars of white and dusky. Lengthened 
upper tail coverts, black, edged with white on inner webs. Tail 
feathers, pointed, dark brown on outer webs, gray on inner, the 
long central pair narrow and pointed and extending beyond the 
others, black. Under tail coverts, black, the external ones hav- 
ing white outer webs, forming a line on each side. Iris, dark 
brown. Bill bluish gray, blackish toward tip; lead color toward 
the edges. Legs and feet, brownish gray. Length, about 26 
inches; wing, 103; culmen, 2,8,; tarsus, 1,8,; tail, 7; bill, 2. 

Adult Female.—Top of head, rufous streaked with black. 
Rest of head, whitish or yellowish white, finely streaked with 
dusky. Back of neck, dusky, streaked with buff; chin and 
throat, whitish; upper parts, dusky, crossed with irregular, often 
U-shaped, bars of yellowish white, or ochraceous, these last 
being mostly on middle of back. Wing coverts, brownish gray 
tipped with white. Under parts, white, streaked with dusky. 
Sides and flanks with broad V- or U-shaped marks of glossy 
grayish brown. Upper tail coverts, irregularly blotched with 
black and white. Tail, dark brownish gray irregularly barred 
with white. Bill, bluish gray, blackish on top. Legs and feet, 

lead color. Length, about 20 inches; wing, 93); culmen, 14%; 

tarsus, 14%. 

“saga SPRIGTAIL. ; 127 
Adult Male in Moulting Plumage.—Like the adult female, 
but darker, and exhibiting a brilliant speculum. 

_ Young.—A\so like the female, the males always distinguishable 
_ from the females by having a speculum on the wing. 

Downy Young.—Crown of head, back of neck, and upper 
_ parts, olive brown, with a dull white stripe on each side of back. 
_ Yellowish white stripe over eye, and a brown one through the 
eye from bill, and a spot of the same color over the ears. Lores, 
_ brownish. Under parts, grayish white. 


ne = 



ORE restricted in its range than the Green-Winged 
Teal, the present species, sometimes called Sum- 
mer Teal and White-faced Duck (Printempsnierre in the 
spring, and Automnierre in the autumn in Louisiana), 
is found chiefly in the Mississippi Valley, where it is very 
abundant, and throughout the eastern portion of the 
United States. It is rare in Alaska, and is accidental on 
the Pacific coast north of the Gulf of California, save, 
perhaps, in summer, when it occasionally appears upon 
the Alaskan coast. In winter it goes south to the West 
Indies and northern South America. The Blue-winged 
Teal breeds in various portions of the eastern States of 
the Union, and also in the Mississippi Valley, and is 
one of the first of the-great host of the Duck tribe to 
appear in the annual migration southward. 

This Teal nests on low land, usually near the water, 
amid reeds and high grass growing in such situations. 
In the center of a mass of rushes and coarse grass a 
quantity of down and feathers is placed, and upon this 
sometimes as many as twelve white eggs are deposited. 
This Duck is a lover of mild climates and soft airs, and 
is never seen when ice and snow abound, unless some 
such calamity as a severe frost has suddenly come upon 
the southern land in which it is passing the winter. 
Early in September the flocks gather in the northern part 
of the Union, preparatory to their departure on their 
southern journey, while those which have passed the sum- - 
mer north of our borders commence to appear within the 


See? a! 


Blue-Winged Teal. 



United States. They come in large flocks, and frequent 
the inland lakes and rivers, feeding upon insects and 
tender plants and grasses. Wherever the wild rice 
grows, there, in autumn, are these Teal found, and they 
scatter themselves throughout the matted growth 
of this plant, which frequently spreads over a large 
portion of the bottoms of many of our western 
lakes and rivers. Here the Teal are safe so long 
as they remain in the interior of the beds, for 
nothing of the earth or air can reach them as 
they paddle about hidden in the deep recesses of 
the wild rice. They feed upon the ripened grains 
that fall upon the water, or dig them out of the 
mud upon the bottom, and become exceedingly fat. I 
know no better bird for the table than a Blue-winged 
Teal fattened upon wild rice. Many are killed by 
sportsmen stationing themselves just within the bor- 
ders of these rice beds, and shooting the birds as they fly 
over or around, looking for a favorable place to settle. 
When feeding the members of a flock keep as near to- 
gether as possible, and rarely utter any sound, each one 
too intent apparently upon his own affairs to indulge in 
the pleasures of conversation. When startled it rises 
from the water by a single spring, and the flight is ex- 
ceedingly rapid, and it has the habit of turning alter- 
nately to the observer the upper and lower surface of the 
body as it speeds along, rolling, in fact, in a similar man- 
ner to a boat in the trough of the waves. This species 
utters at times a lisping note when on the wing, and 
should it perceive a desirable place for feeding, or a num- 
ber of its fellows congregated together, it drops suddenly 
into the water, without making any elaborate prepara- 
tion to alight, but simply stops at once. I have never 
found it a shy bird, for it usually allowed me to approach 


closely without showing any especial alarm, and it always 
came boldly in to the decoys, and, if permitted, settled 
among them in full confidence, and began to swim about 
its supposed brethren quite at home and contented. 
When on the water this Teal swims with much buoyancy, 
and the flocks, like those of the Green-winged Teal, are 
compacted together so closely that the members would 
seem to be in each other’s way as they floated along. In 
February the movement toward northern climes begins, 
and, like all Ducks at this season, they are poor in flesh 
and should never be shot. The male has assumed the 
summer dress, one of the most beautiful among the Duck 
tribe, and the pure white crescent before the eye makes 
him very conspicuous as he paddles about the ponds and 
inlets, or wanders over the muddy bars in quest of food. 
Like its relatives, the Blue-winged Teal walks easily and 
well, and is able even to run quite rapidly. 


Geographical Destribution.—North America, but chiefly in 
the eastern portion; Alaska, and south to the West Indies, and 
northern South America. Occasional in California. Breeds 
from Kansas northward. 

Adult Male.—Top of head, black, feathers edged with 
ochraceous. Chin and space along base of bill, black. A large 
crescent-shaped band, white edged with black, goes from the 
forehead in front of the eye to the throat. Rest of head and 
neck, dull plumbeous, with a metallic purple gloss on the occi- 
put. Back, dusky, with U-shaped bars of buff. Long scapulars, 
greenish black, with a central stripe of buff. Lesser wing 
coverts and outer webs of some scapulars, pale blue. Greater 
coverts, dusky, with white tips forming a bar in front of the 
speculum, which is metallic grass green. Lower back, upper 
tail coverts, and tail, dusky, feathers of the last two margined 
with whitish. A white patch on each side of the tail. Entire - 
under parts and sides, reddish buff, inclined to pale chestnut on 


lower breast. Under tail coverts, black. Bill, black. Iris, 
brown. Legs and feet, yellow, with the web dusky. Total 
length, 15 inches; wing, 7; culmen, 1,5; tarsus, 1,%. 

Adult Female.—Top of head, black, remainder of head and 
neck, brownish white, speckled or streaked with dusky. Chin, 
throat, and base of bill, white. Upper parts, dusky, barred with 
V-shaped buff marks. Wing coverts, blue, like the male, but 
the green speculum is wanting. Upper tail coverts and tail like 
the male. Under parts, pinkish buff on the breast, with dusky 
V-shaped marks, remaining portion white indistinctly spotted 
with dusky, most numerous on the under tail coverts. — Bill, 
greenish black. Legs and feet, pale flesh color. Total length, 
15 inches; wing, 7; culmen, 1-4; tarsus, 11. 

Young Male.—Similar to female on head, neck, and upper 
parts. The white throat is speckled with dusky. The green 
speculum is visible, and the under parts are like the adult male, 
with the flank feathers broadly barred with dusky. 

Young.—Like adult female, but with a pure white belly and 
grayish brown speculum. 


TT His rather handsome bird is restricted to the western 

portion of North America, from the Columbia River, 
along the Pacific coast, south to Chili, and eastward to the 
Argentine Republic and the Falkland Islands. Occa- 
sionally it straggles into the Mississippi Valley, and has 
even been known to go as far eastward as Florida, but 
such occurrences are extremely rare and can only be re- 
garded in the same light as would be the appearance of 
some European species taken within our limits. In the 
United States the Cinnamon Teal is essentially a western 
bird, particularly numerous in California, where it is 
found in flocks of considerable size, and associates with 
other fresh-water Ducks. It goes in summer as far 
north as the upper part of the Columbia River, and has 
been found nesting in Idaho, and breeds in various parts 
of Colorado. It is abundant also in the great Salt Lake 

The breeding season commences in May, about the 
middle of the month. The nest is composed of grass, 
lined with down and feathers, and placed upon the 
ground, generally in the vicinity of water, and about a 
dozen creamy-white eggs are deposited. In its habits 
this species does not differ appreciably from its eastern 
ally, the Blue-winged Teal. It flies as swiftly, rises as 
suddenly from the water when startled, and is as palatable 
as an article of food. It would seem that South America 
was more naturally its home, and its dispersion is great- 
est on that continent, and that the western section of our 



Cinnamon T 










own land was but an outlying district of its true habitat. 
The male is a handsome bird in his purplish chestnut 


Geographical Distribution.—Western America, from British 
Columbia south to Chili, Patagonia, and the Falkland Islands; 
east to southern Texas; casual in the valley of the Mississippi, 
and certain of the eastern States as far as Florida. 

Adult Male.—Top of head, blackish chestnut. Rest of head, 
neck, and lower parts, uniform bright chestnut. Back, rump, 
upper tail coverts, and tail, fuscous with light edges. Scapulars, 
chestnut barred with black, the long ones, black with a buff 
central stripe, and pointed. Wing coverts and outer webs of 
some scapulars, pale blue. Tips of greater wing coverts, white, 
making a bar above the bronzy green speculum. Under tail 
coverts, blackish. Bill, black. Legs and feet, orange; webs, 
dusky. Iris, orange. ‘otal length, about 17 inches; wing, 74; 
culmen, 1,8; tarsus, 14. 

Adult Female.—Similar to the female of the Biue-winged 
Teal, but more reddish. The sides of head and throat, deep 
buff, and the back, fuscous, the feathers edged with pale buff as 
in Q. discors. The entire under parts are light brown, inclining 
to rufous on upper breast, which is spotted with black or dusky; 
rest of under parts indistinctly barred with chestnut on abdomen, 
and with nebulous dusky spots on anal region and under tail 
coverts. Wings as in female Q. dscors, but with a speculum 
faintly defined, of dark green. Bill, dusky, pale on the edges. 
Iris, brown. Feet, yellowish drab. Total length, about 164 
inches; wing, 6%; culmen, 1,},; tarsus, 144. j 

Young Male.—Like female, but under parts streaked instead 
of spotted. . 

Downy Young.—Top of head, hind neck, and upper parts, 
olivaceous, darkest on the head; forehead, stripe over the eye, 
sides of head and lower parts, yellowish buff. A narrow dark 
brown stripe on sides of head, greenish buff spots on sides of 
back, and yellowish spots on sides of rump. 

=a? eee. 


HIS well-known resident of the northern portions of 
the Old World bears a very close resemblance to 
the Green-winged Teal of our own land. It is only a 
straggler within our limits, individuals having been 
taken occasionally on the northern part of the Atlantic 
coast, waifs probably from Greenland, where it is some- 
times found, which have wandered down our shores in- 
stead of taking their legitimate route to the Eastern 
Hemisphere. The European Teal also occurs at times 
in the Aleutian Islands, and Mr. Turner procured a 
specimen on Atkha. It is probably a summer visitant 
to that chain of islands, and may breed there. Although 
I have never met with this species alive in North 
America, | have frequently seen it in the markets of New 
York hanging with other ducks procured along the 
shores of Long Island and other near points upon the 
coast. While possessing a number of differences more 
or less pronounced from the American species, it is 
mainly recognizable by the absence of the conspicuous 
white bar on each side of the breast, which is an especial 
feature in the plumage of our Green-winged Teal. In 
the Old World this Teal is generally distributed from 
the British Islands to China and Japan. It can be do- 
mesticated without difficulty, bears confinement well, and 
breeds readily if suitable locations are provided for it. 
It is a very pretty species, and does not differ in economy 
and habits from our own bird. 


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32. European Teal. 



Geographical Destribution.—Northern portions of the Old 

World. Occasional in North America. 
_ Adult Male.—Very similar in plumage to the American Green- 
winged Teal, but with the following differences: Green band be- 
hind the eye, bordered anteriorly with yellowish white, more 
conspicuous than in the American species; there is no white bar 
in front of the bend of the wing. ‘The black and white undula- 
tions on back and sides are much coarser; the outer scapulars 
have the inner webs entirely, and the outer partly, white, or yel- 
lowish white, while the exposed portions of outer webs are black, 
forming two broad stripes down the wing, the inner white, outer 
black. The remainder of the plumage is practically indistin- 
guishable from V. carolcnenszs, the American species. Bill, 
black. Legs and feet, brownish gray. Total length, 14 inches; 
wing, 7; culmen, 14; tarsus, rH. 

Adult Female.—Very like the same sex in the American 
Green-winged Teal, so much so that anyone might be excused 
for confounding them. ‘The back is fuscous, but the bars and 
margins of the feathers are throughout of a deeper hue, more 
generally ochraceous than buff. The sides of the head, neck, 
and throat are deep buff, much darker than the same parts in its 
American ally. These seem to be the only tangible differences 
in the specimens before me, and they may be to a great extent 
individual, and the only way that a specimen of a female can be 
determined with any certainty is to have the locality in which it 
was procured established without doubt. Even then, in the case 
of a female of the European Green-winged Teal, killed in Amer- 
ica, it would be a difficult task to decide as to which species it 
‘belonged. ‘Total length, 13 inches; wing, 6;8,; culmen, 1,4,; tar- 
sus, IH. 

Downy Young.—Line on forehead, top of head, back of neck, 
stripe through eye to occiput, and one from corners of mouth to 
and including ear coverts, and entire upper parts, dark brown. 
Sides of head, buff; throat and under parts, and spots on 
shoulder, and on each side of back and rump, yellowish white. 
Bill, black; tip, orange. 


BEAUTIFUL bird, the American Green-winged 
Teal has a very extended distribution in North 
America, and ranges from the Arctic Sea across the en- 
tire Continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, 
and south to Honduras, in Central America, and to Cuba. 
It breeds as far south as Colorado, but goes mostly north 
of the United States for the purpose of incubation, and 
is very common in summer in Alaska and among the 
islands of the Aleutian chain, and also on the eastern 
portions of the continent, in the valley of the Saskatche- 
wan, the Mackenzie River district, and about Hudson 
Bay. It makes its nest in tall grass or in clumps of 
dried grass and feathers, and lays from eight to a dozen 
ivory white eggs. Incubation commences the last of 
May, and the young are hatched by July. This species 
goes in large flocks, and flies with great swiftness, at 
times keeping a straight course, as though its destina- 
tion was unalterably fixed in its mind and it intended 
to reach it by the shortest possible route, and again 
it will be irregular and vacillating in its movements, 
changing its course frequently and dodging about with 
as much eccentricity of action as that exhibited by a 
butterfly in a strong breeze. But whatever may be its 
movements, its flight is always rapid, and its small body 
proves to be an exceedingly difficult mark to hit. 
Although usually breeding north of the boundary be- 
tween the United States and Canada, it has been known 
to nest in Wisconsin, Iowa, and others of the northern 




a" HAA 

33. Green-Winged Teal. 


tier of States, and in some localities seems to prefer the 
neighborhood of small streams to the larger bodies of 
water equally available. Occasionally very large broods 
are seen, whether the product of one female or from two 
having used the same nest it was impossible to deter- 
mine, but Hearne states that at Hudson Bay he had 
seen the parents swimming at the head of seventeen 
young, and that the latter were not bigger than wal- 
nuts. No wonder that the species is able to keep up 
its numbers fairly well, even against the immense ad- 
verse interests that hasten its destruction, when it can 
claim among its members such patriotic and prolific par- 
ents as those above mentioned. 

The Green-winged Teal is a fresh-water bird, and al- 
though it visits the sea-coast, it keeps to the marshes and 
tidal creeks and rivers. The flocks swim closely to- 
gether, rarely scattering about much even when feeding 
(at least that is the way they generally acted when I ob- 
served them), and were very quick in all their move- 
ments, sitting, if not alarmed, rather high on the water. 
It is an expert diver and can remain beneath the sur- 
face for a considerable time. It rises with a sudden 
spring and is at once in full flight, and it requires 
a marksman with a steady eye and hand to make a suc- 
cessful shot at one of these birds on the wing. It 
passes southward from its northern breeding grounds 
in October, being somewhat later in its migration than 
its near relative, the Blue-winged Teal, and visits the 
ponds, small lakes, and streams, feeding on insects and 
various leaves and grasses. In the South it visits the 
rice-fields, and keeps company with Mallards and other 
large Ducks found in such places. Like all Water Fowl, 
this Teal feeds much at night, particularly if the moon 
is shining, but if in localities where it is not much dis- 


turbed, it is also very active during the day. After feed- 
ing I have often seen large flocks gather on a lake or 
broad place on a river, notably the Mississippi, and hud- 
dled closely together enjoy a quiet siesta in the warm 
sunshine, and, in the case of the river above mentioned, 
floating along with the current, apparently utterly indif- 
ferent as to where it might carry them. The flesh of this 
Duck is very tender and of excellent flavor, especially 
when the bird has been feeding on delicate grasses, like 
the wild celery or similar food, and on this account is 
much sought after by gunners. It is, however, of better 
flavor when procured in the interior than on the sea- 
coast, its food in the latter locality probably being of a less 
desirable quality. In addition to the name at the head of 
this article, this species is also called Mud Teal, Winter 
Teal, Red-headed Teal, and Sarcelle by the French. 


Geographical Destributzon,—Throughout North America from 
the Arctic Regions to Honduras in Central America, and to 
Cuba. Breeds north of the United States, only occasionally 
within our limits. 

Adult Male.—Head and neck, rufous chestnut, with a broad 
metallic green band from eye to nape, terminating in a tuft of 
purplish black. A narrow buff line borders the under side of the 
green band. Chin, black. Back and sides crossed with narrow, 
wavy black and white lines; lower back, dark brownish gray. 
Upper tail coverts, dusky; margined with white. Tail feathers, 
brownish gray, edged with white. A broad white bar in front of 
bend of wing. Wing coverts, brownish gray, tipped with ochra- 
ceous buff, forming a half bar across wing, succeeded by a broad 
metallic green patch or speculum, bordered beneath by another 
broad black bar, tipped with white. Tertials, brownish gray on 
inner webs, crossed by narrow black and white wavy lines on 
outer webs, and margined with black. Secondaries, brownish” 
gray; the outer ones bordered with black, which with the same 


color of the tertials forms a narrow stripe along the wing above 
the coverts and speculum. Primaries, brownish gray. Breast 
vinaceous, covered with round black spots, growing indistinct on 
the lower part of breast. Belly, white; sometimes tinged all 
over with buff. Buff patch on either side of crissum. Under tail 
coverts, black. Bill, black. Legs and feet, bluish gray. Total 
length, 144 inches; wing, 74; bill, 14; tarsus, 1}. 

Adult Female.—Top of head and hind neck, fuscous; feathers 
margined with ochraceous. Sides of head andneck, buffy white, 
speckled with dusky. Chin and throat, buff. Upper parts, 
dusky; feathers, barred and margined with pale buff and ochra- 
ceous, intermixed. Wing similar to the male, the speculum 
smaller, and the tertials colored like the back. Rump and upper 
tail coverts, fuscous, margined with white. Tail, pointed, fus- 
cous, edged with white. Upper part of breast, dark buff, spotted 
with fuscous. Rest of under parts, white, with nebulous dusky 
spots, most numerous on anal region and under tail coverts. 
Bill, black. Legs and feet, bluish gray. Total length, 14} 
inches; wing, 674; culmen, 1,4; tarsus, 1. 

Young Male.—Sides and belly, pure white; rest of plumage 
like female. 

Downy Young.—Head, neck, and lower parts, pale buff; 
darkest on top of head and nape, which is grayish brown. A 
dusky stripe behind the eye, and a dusky spot over the ears. 
Upper parts, grayish brown, with a buff spot on sides of back 
and rump. 


ny THOROUGHLY cosmopolitan species, the Shov- 

eler, or Spoonbill as it is often called, is found pretty 
much everywhere throughout the Northern Hemisphere, 
and may penetrate possibly into the limits of the South- 
ern also, although there, in different parts, it is replaced 
by other species of the genus. In North America it is 
generally distributed, but is not common on the eastern 
coast, and breeds from Alaska to Texas. It is a fresh- 
water Duck, and is fond of resorting to inland lakes and 
streams, and seeks places overgrown with plants and 
rushes, feeding on seeds, insects, and such food as it 
is able successfully to sift through its heavily fringed 
bill, being more generously provided in this respect than 
almost any other Duck. The Shoveler is usually seen 
in flocks, some of considerable size, and, when in the air, 
its long, sharp-pointed wings with their wide expanse 
give the bird the appearance of being much larger than 
it really is. In Alaska, as would naturally be expected, 
the Shoveler is not common along the sea-coast, but 
breeds in the interior, and is rather abundant in certain 
portions of the- Yukon. It has also been met with on 
the Commander Islands, and in Kamchatka. When 
about the marshes, or moving over the inland lakes and 
coasting along the shores, the Spoonbill is readily recog- 
nized by its flight. which is more like that of a Teal, al- 
though much less swift, and is performed in an irregular, 
hesitating kind of way, as if the bird was uncertain just 
where to go, and it moves in and out among coves and 


34. shoveler. 


creeks, apparently investigating every spot, as if search- 
ing for some specially suitable place to alight. It is 
not particularly timid, and will often come boldly up to 
decoys, looking really quite like one of the “ big ” Ducks 
as it sets its wings and sails up to the wooden counter- 
feits. But in reality the body of the Shoveler is not 
large, and its apparent size, in the air, is mainly made up 
of wings and head, of which the huge spoon-shaped bill 
is not the least portion. It breeds early in the year, the 
month largely dependent upon the latitude in which the 
bird happens to be, as there is great diversity of climate 
between the limit of its northern and southern disper- 
sion, and it is apparently a species that breeds wherever 
the proper season of the year for that duty happens to 
find it. 

The nest, composed of grass or rushes laid upon a 
dry spot on some low land near water, is lined with 
feathers from the parent’s breast, and from eight to a 
dozen greenish white eggs are laid. The young have 
a bill shaped like that of any other Duck, the broad 
overlapping maxilla not being developed until the bird 
is well grown. The male Shoveler in full summer dress 
is a very handsome Duck, indeed, of particularly strik- 
ing appearance; its dark green head and neck, some- 
what like the Mallard’s, showing with much effect above 
the white breast, and both finely contrasted with the 
deep chestnut of the under parts. It is not a graceful 
bird, its huge bill giving it a topheavy look, but it walks 
well on land, and can run with some speed. I have 
seldom heard the Spoonbill utter any sound, though 
occasionally it gives forth a few feeble quacks, but it is 
usually very silent. As a bird for the table I have held 
it in very high esteem, its flavor depending greatly, of 
course, on the quality of food it obtains. This species 


has many local names by which it is known to sports- 
men and gunners. Some of these are, Spoonbill, Blue- 
winged Shoveler, Red-breasted Shoveler, Spoonbilled 
Teal, Spoonbilled Widgeon, Broad Bill, Broady, Swad- 
dlebill, Mud Shoveler, and in Louisiana, Mesquin. 


Geographical Dzstribution. — Cosmopolitan, Throughout 
the Northern Hemisphere. In North America from Alaska to 
Texas, and thence southward through Mexico and Central 
America to northern South America. Not common on the 
Atlantic coast. Breeds pretty much throughout its range. 

Adult Male,—Head and neck, dark metallic green; black in 
certain lights. Upper part of back, breast, and anterior scapu- 
lars, white. Middle of back, brown; rump and upper tail cov- 
erts, black, glossed with metallic green. Wing coverts and outer 
web of two long scapulars, pale blue. Tips of greater wing cov- 
erts, white, forming a narrow band across the wing. Speculum, 
metallic grass green. Inner secondaries, greenish black, with 
median white stripe. Primaries, fuscous on outer webs, pale 
brown on inner. Tail, with central rectrices, brown, edged with 
white; remaining feathers, white; freckled or blotched with 
brownish gray. A white patch on each side of root of tail. 
Entire under parts, rich deep chestnut, extending to crissum, 
which with the under tail coverts, is dark metallic green, black 
in some lights, bordered anteriorly by a narrow band of white, 
undulated with black. Inner feathers of the flanks, pale chest- 
nut, freckled with black. Bill, black; iris, pale yellow. Legs 
and feet, orange red; webs, violet gray. Total length, about 19 
inches; wing, 94; culmen, 2;,; tarsus, 1;%. 

Adult Female.—Front and top of head, brownish white, 
streaked with dusky; neck and sides of head buff, streaked with 
dusky. Chin and throat, uniform buff. Upper part of back and 
wings, fuscous; feathers, edged with yellowish white. Wing 
coverts, dull, pale blue; feathers sometimes edged with white. 
Speculum, metallic green. Middle of back and rump, fuscous; 
feathers, edged with V-shaped bars of reddish buff. Upper tail 
coverts, fuscous; irregularly barred with buff or white. Tail, 
white, barred with brown. Under parts, reddish buff, spotted 


with brown. The abdomen sometimes immaculate white. Bill, 
olive brown, sometimes speckled with black; base of maxilla 
and all of mandible, orange. Iris, yellow. Legs and feet, orange. 
Total length, about Ig inches; wing, 83; culmen, 2}; tarsus, 1,8). 

Young Male.—Resembles the female, but has the head and 
neck mottled with black, and the black feathers on top of the head 
are edged with reddish buff. The upper part of breast and back 
is pale reddish buff with V-shaped marks of dark brown. Rest 
of upper parts like the female. The under parts, pale chestnut; 
but there is much individual variation in the coloring of lower 
breast and abdomen. Wing very like that of the adult male. 

The male, in full breeding plumage, is not commonly met 
with; but this species, in all its variety of dress, with the excep- 
tion of the Downy Young, is readily recognizable by the pecu- 
liarly shaped bill. 

Young Female.—Speculum, dusky, with little or no metallic 
reflections, and tipped with brownish white. Wing coverts, 
slate color. 

Adult Male, when moulting, resembles the female, but is 
darker, and the speculum more brilliant. 

Downy Young.—Middle of crown, nape, and hind neck, olive 
brown; rest of head and neck, and lower parts, pale fulvous. A 
dark brown stripe from bill through eye halfway to occiput, and 
a similar one across ears toward nape. Upper parts, olive 
brown, with-yellowish spots on each side of back and rump. 


HIS is a species of the Old World, and is very ques- 
tionably included in the North American Fauna. So 
seldom has it been obtained within our limits that it can 
hardly be considered even as a straggler; the few speci- 
mens known having been seen hanging in the market 
in New York for sale, but the locality from whence they 
came was very doubtful, and it was only the fact that 
the birds were in the flesh which gave rise to the thought 
that they might have been killed within our boundaries. 
Many European game birds are exhibited for sale in 
our Eastern markets during the winter that were never 
killed on our shores, as invoices of them are brought by 
nearly every steamer, and it is only because it would be 
considered doubtful that anyone should send a Wild 
Duck to America, it being an act very near akin to ship- 
ping coals to Newcastle, that it became a fair supposition 
that these specimens of this Duck came to our shores by 
means of their own propelling powers, unassisted by 

The Rufous-crested Duck is a very handsome species 
and in the Old World is found in southern and eastern 
Europe, occasionally straggling into the northern parts 
of central Europe, and also is an inhabitant of Northern 
Africa and India. It frequents often fresh-water lakes 
and marshes, and is very shy, and has a note resembling 
the harsh croak of the crow. It is not a diver, and feeds 
from the bottom, like the Mallard, by tilting its hind- 
quarters, and holding itself in position by paddling with 



"youq, peyse1g-snoyny 


the feet, while it pulls up the grass and plants growing 
below. It goes in small companies and does not con- 
sort with other species. It breeds in ponds, the nest be- 
ing placed amid rushes or flags, and is composed of 
these plants, dead leaves, and a bed of down. ‘The eggs, 
which are an olive-green, vary from eight to ten. While 
incubation proceeds, the males assemble together on the 
water in the vicinity. Whenever the female leaves the 
nest, she covers the eggs carefully with down. In Italy 
this is a common species, and also in India, where it 
keeps) to -the middle “of the tanks, and as. ‘very 
wary and difficult to approach. Its flesh is considered 
excellent, and by some regarded as one of the best birds 
for the table found in that country. 

With all its favorable qualities, both of attractive ap- 
pearance and palatable flesh, it is to be regretted that 
this Duck can in no wise be enrolled in our lists as be- 
longing to North America. It is one that would be 
much better dropped from our catalogues as an Ameri- 
can species, and erased, with some others of equally 
questionable standing, from our scientific works. It is 
included in this book simply because it has been retained 
in the Check List of the American Ornithologists’ Union, 
as it seems best to me not to omit any species given in 
that catalogue. 


Geographical Distrzbution.—Eastern hemisphere. Of ques- 
tionable occurrence in eastern United States. 

Adult Male.—Sides of head and throat, vinaceous, darkest on 
the throat, passing into pale rufous on the front and base of 
crest, grading into pale reddish buff on the central portion of the 
latter. Upper part of back of neck, and all lower neck, black, 
grading into the glossy blackish brown of the breast, belly, and 
under tail coverts. Upper back, grayish brown, passing into 

a tee oe Oe aa —— 


chocolate brown on the rump; upper tail coverts, black, with 
a greenish gloss. Scapulars, yellowish brown. Joint of wing, 
and a patch continuous with it, partly concealed by the scapu- 
lars, white. Wing-coverts and tertials, grayish brown; sec- 
ondaries, white tipped with gray forming the speculum. 
Primaries, white, the tips and outer web of the first five dark 
grayish brown. Sides and flanks, white suffused with pink 
undulated with dark brown bars anteriorly and posteriorly, some 
indistinct. Upper portion of flanks bordered with reddish 
brown. Tail, grayish brown, pale on inner webs. Bill, ver- 
milion red. Iris, reddish brown. Legs and toes, vermilion 
red; webs, blackish. Total length, about 22 inches; wing, 10; 
tail, 4; culmen, 2; tarsus, 1,5. 

Adult Female.—Upper part of head, dark brown; back of 
neck, pale grayish brown; cheeks, throat, and sides of neck, 
grayish white. Entire under parts, brownish white, passing 
into pure white on the under tail coverts. Upper parts, grayish 
brown, grading into blackish brown on the rump. Scapulars, 
grayish brown, paler than in the male. Wing coverts, pale 
grayish brown. Secondaries, white, forming the speculum. 
Primaries, grayish white; outer webs and tips, dark brown. 
Upper tail coverts, pale grayish brown. Culmen, 1} inch; 
wing, 10; tail, 32; tarsus, 14. 

Downy Young.—Superciliary stripe, and one through the eye 
dividing into two posteriorly, buff. Upper parts, olive gray. 
Spot on each shoulder, and entire under parts, buff. 

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IVEN the proper kind of food, there is no Duck, save 

‘perhaps occasionally the Red Head, that can equal 
this splendid species in the delicate quality and flavor of 
its flesh, and as a game bird and for the sport it affords to 
the gunner, there is no Water Fowl worthy of béing men- 
tioned with this one, so deservedly known as the Royal 
Canvas Back. Exclusively an American species, hav- 
ing nothing in the Old World that can even be said to 
represent it, the Canvas Back ranges over all North 
America, and breeds from upper California, amid the 
lakes and water courses of the mountains, in eastern 
Oregon in similar lofty situations, and in some other 
States on our northern border, to and throughout the 
Arctic regions probably to the sea. It is not found, 
however, on the Pacific coast north of Vancouver Island. 
At different points on the Yukon it breeds in great num- 
bers, and probably its main nesting ground is in that 
northern latitude. The places within the limits of the 
United States suitable for this Duck to rear its young 
unmolested will probably grow fewer and fewer, until in 
a brief period it will have to rely altogether upon Arc- 
tic solitudes for that protection and freedom from in- 
trusion so necessary at this important period of the 
bird’s existence. The bottom of the Canvas Back’s 
nest is formed of rushes and grasses situated in 
the water, and is then built up with high sides and lined 
with down and feathers. It is continually being added 
to while the bird is laying, and when the female is ready 
to commence incubating, it has grown to be consider- 



able of a structure. Eight to ten pale greenish gray 
eggs are deposited, and the female begins to lay about 

The Canvas Back appears within the limits of the 
United States, during the fall migration, in the month of 
October. The duties and trials of the nesting season and 
the rearing of the young broods in the far northern 
regions are over, and each little family, lusty of wing and 
robed in a fresh dress, has united itself with some others 
until the*gathering host, making ready for the long south- 
ern journey, spreads itself out like some great army pre- 
paring to invade an unknown country. The sun has 
for some time been making his daily rounds in constantly 
diminishing circles, and the increasing time between his 
setting and rising, with the gradual lengthening of the 
period of darkness, all betoken the coming of the Arctic 
night. It is time for birds to be on the wing, headed 
for southern climes. Preparations are made for their 
departure and much discussion must be indulged in, 
probably both as to what they expect to see and find in 
this, to many, terra incognita, and as to the best routes to 
reach it. Some are present who have made the journey, 
perhaps many times before; wise old heads that have 
escaped unnumbered dangers and traps set for the un- 
wary, and who have sturdily refused to listen to the 
charm of the sportsman’s well-imitated call,—charm he 
never so wisely,—or to be allured into the dangerous 
neighborhood of his ambush, be his decoys ever so life- 
like and competent to deceive. But the majority of that 
preparing host are young and inexperienced, ignorant 
of all that is before them, and of the dangerous ways of 
the world. But they must take their chances, like all the 
rest of earth’s creatures in the great struggle for ex- 
istence, and the time has come to depart. 


With a roar of wings like the sound of many waters, 
as if actuated by a single impulse, the feathered army 
rises in the air, and captained by a few old birds, sur- 
vivors of many a battle, the return journey commences. 
With a few preparatory wheels around the vicinity of 
their summer home, which many of them will never 
see again, the leaders head to the south, and, at a lofty 
height, guide the main body at a great speed toward the 
promised land. 

On Puckaway Lake, in Wisconsin, Canvas Backs and 
Red Heads would always make their appearance on the 
roth dav of October. It was a very singular fact, but 
we could always be certain of seeing some of these 
Ducks at that date; no matter what the weather may 
have been up to that time, and even if the season had 
been unusually cold, these birds did not appear before 
the roth. The lake contained plenty of wild rice and 
celery, and before it was closed by ice the Canvas Back 
would become very fat upon this food, and were not sur- 
passed in delicacy of flavor by any shot upon the famed 
waters of the Chesapeake. Like the Red Heads and 
some other diving ducks, the Canvas Back keep out in 
deep water and raft together in great numbers, seeking 
their food at the bottom. Their feet, although large and 
powerful, are not of much assistance in descending to 
the depths, but the wings are the bird’s chief reliance 
for propulsion, and it flies under water as it does in 
the air, and the feet are employed mainly for guiding and 
altering the course. This method of propelling itself 
under water is not by any means the sole attribute of the 
Canvas Backs, for not only do many other Ducks act 
in the same way, but different species of water birds, 
not Ducks, also. 

The flight of the Canvas Back is not probably ex- 

on a ee 


ceeded in swiftness by that of any other Duck, and under 
favorable circumstances it will doubtless accomplish one 
hundred miles an hour. It generally flies in a direct 
line as if it knew exactly where it was going, and often 
at a great height. Its method of flying resembles very 
closely that of the Red Head, and it moves along in 
extended lines in the way described in the article on 
that bird. It is also in the habit of exercising in the 
early morning and late afternoons. The present spe- 
cies comes boldly to the decoys if it intends to approach 
them, and often is so intent upon its wooden counter- 
feits that it has no eyes for anything else, and will fly 
right in, though possibly the sportsman may be standing 
motionless in the blind. But no Duck can get on the 
wing and be in full flight quicker than a Canvas Back, 
and many has been the disappointed gunner who, vainly 
imagining he was sure of his shot, but was taking 
time to be certain of his aim, has seen both charges 
from his gun strike the water behind the bird, whose 
mighty spring and rapid action had already carried it 
much farther and more quickly than its would-be cap- 
tor had imagined. None can aim at a passing Canvas 
Back with any chance of stopping it in full flight. If 
there ever was a time when to “ hold well ahead” was 
imperative, it is when shooting at this Duck passing by, 
or quartering. 

Although this species comes so boldly to decoys, 
there are other times when nothing will induce it to 
draw near them, and then all the best imitation of its note 
and the frantic efforts of the concealed sportsman to 
attract its attention are unavailing. It simply goes upon 
its way, utterly indifferent apparently to the society of 
its fellows. Occasionally an individual will swing to- 

ward the decoys without stopping his speed for a mo- 


ment, as if telling them that he knew they were there, 
and that they had better follow him, but giving not the 
slightest indication of any intention to halt. It is such 
times as these that try the sportsman’s nerve and skill, 
and to stop by a well-aimed shot, and roll over one such 
bird stone dead in the air, when whirling along at such 
terrific speed, compensates him for a number of previous 

The Canvas Back is a brave bird, and fears no enemy 
of the air, possibly depending in a measure upon its great 
skill in diving. lf a Bald Eagle comes sailing over a 
raft of Ducks floating on the broad water, as I have 
often witnessed, the birds will rise in one vast cloud and 
go circling about, settling after their dread enemy has 
passed on. But the Canvas Back is not in the cloud, nor 
do flocks of that bird swell its dimensions, but it keeps 
quietly about its occupations in company with the Swan 
and Geese if any are present, utterly indifferent to the 
movements of the other Ducks. The call of the Canvas 
Back is the same harsh guttural note as that uttered by 
the Red Head, and is usually heard when the birds are 
gathered together on the water. When flying it is 
generally silent, although sometimes it will utter this 
note when approaching decoys or other Ducks rafted on 
the sounds or rivers. This species does not bear many 
popular names in addition to that at the head of this 
article. Occasionally it is called ‘“ Canvas,” simply, or 
White Back and Bull-Neck, and in the vicinity of New 
. Orleans, Canard Cheval or Horse Duck. 

Although, as I have already said, when this Duck has 
fed for a time on the wild celery its flesh is superior to 
that of all other Fowl, yet, when deprived of this, it is 
about as poor a bird as flies, not equal in any way to 
the Mallard or other mud Ducks that obtain their 


usual food where thev may. It is this fact that makes 
such a difference in Canvas Backs when served on the 
table. Only those brought from localities where the 
wild celery grows have any qualities superior to the 
ordinary run of Ducks. It is generally supposed that 
only Canvas Backs from the Chesapeake are exception- 
ally fine, and they must be brought from those far-famed 
flats, for their delicacy and flavor to be known and ap- 
preciated. But no greater mistake can be made, as 
there are many places, especially among the lakes in the 
West, where the wild celery grows in profusion, and 
the Canvas Backs from those localities are equal, in 
gastronomic qualities, to any fed and killed on the 

It has seemed to me that this species has become much 
scarcer in the past few years; certainly many places where 
it used to be abundant in the winter are now almost de- 
serted by this Duck; but it cannot be wondered at if it is 
so, for when we consider the persecutions it suffers from 
gunners striving to obtain the high price it brings in 
market, and the thousands that are shipped to Europe,— 
poor things that have been kept frozen or packed in ice 
until all the flavor has departed,—it is surprising that 
there are many left. With no effort made to preserve it 
from extinction, but every kind of scheme employed for 
its destruction, we must become accustomed to witness 
the noblest Game Duck that ever flew gradually dis- 
appear from our land. 


Geographical Distribution—North America generally. 
Breeding from northwestern States northward. 

Adult Male.—Top of head and feathers at base of bill and 
chin, black; rest of head and neck, brownish red. Upper part 


of back, chest, rump, upper and lower tail coverts, black. Rest 
of plumage, white, vermiculated on back, and anal region, with 
black. Wings similar to those of the Red Head. Bill, sloping 
gradually from outline of head, widening very slightly toward 
the end and longer than head, black. Tail, black with a grayish 
luster. Iris, red. Legs and feet, plumbeous. Total length, 
about 20 inches; wing, 975; culmen, 2,4; tarsus, 174. 

Adult Female.—Head, neck, chest, and upper part of back, 
umber brown, darkest on top of head. Rest of back, scapulars, 
and sides, dark brown; tips of feathers vermiculated with ashy 
white. Rump, seal brown. Upper tail coverts vermiculated 
with yellowish brown, ‘Tail, dark brown on outer, ashy on inner 
webs. Greater wing coverts, slate; outer webs of secondaries, 
bluish gray. Bill, black. Legs and feet, plumbeous. Under 
parts, white or yellowish white. Total length, 20 inches; wing, 9; 
culmen, 24; tarsus, 14. 


HIS well-known and highly esteemed bird was at one 
time very abundant in many parts of North America, 
but constant persecution and indiscriminate slaughter of 
both adult and young have greatly reduced its numbers 
throughout the land, and in many localities where, in 
former times, it was very abundant in winter, it no longer 
appears. It is a companion of its famous relative the 
Canvas Back, and frequents similar localities, and seeks 
the same food. The distribution of the Red Head is 
general throughout North America, but it is not so 
plentiful on the Pacific side of the continent as it is in 
many places on the eastern coast. It does not seem 
to penetrate into Alaska, but it breeds throughout the 
so-called ‘“‘ Fur Countries,’ east of the Rocky Mountains 
and north of the fiftieth parallel. It also breeds in vari- 
ous parts of the United States along the Canadian border, 
but on account of the advent of railroads and increasing 
settlement of the country, the breeding grounds of many 
species of Ducks within our borders have become much 
restricted, and many localities formerly resorted to by the 
birds during the nesting season have been abandoned 
entirely. Absolute freedom from intrusion by depre- 
dators and security from persecution are the main requi- 
sites demanded by Water Fowl for their breeding 
grounds, and when these are no longer obtainable the 
locality ceases to be available for the purpose. 
The Red Head breeds in what may be termed colonies, 
with many nests placed close together. These are al- 
ways near the water, slightly elevated, and composed of 


37. Red Head. 

Elwin Sheppard. 



RED HEAD. 155 

grass and weeds placed loosely together. The eggs are 
a creamy grayish white, and usually ten or a dozen make 
the full complement. This Duck has been found breed- 
ing near Calais, Maine, and also on Lake Horicon, Wis- 
consin, and it is thought that at one time it nested in the 
Sacramento Valley. 

The Red Head makes its appearance, arriving from 
its northern resorts, where it has passed the summer, in 
October in large flocks. The birds fly high, in a wide 
\-shaped line, and proceed with great speed, accom- 
panied by a whistling swish of the wings, so that one, 
even at a considerable distance, can clearly 

‘* Hear the beat 
Of their pinions fleet, 
As from the land of snow and sleet 
They seek a southern lea,” 

The flocks rarely alight at first, even when there may 
be numbers of Duck congregated on the water, but 
traverse the length of the sound or lake as if recon- 
noitering the entire expanse, and trying to select the best 
feeding ground. After having passed and repassed 
over the route a few times, the flock begins to lower, 
and gradually descending, at length the wings are set 
and the birds sail gradually up to the chosen spot, 
usually where other Duck are feeding, and drop in their 
midst with many splashings. But while this is the usual 
method adopted by newcomers, sometimes the pro- 
gramme is changed and the birds, attracted by a large 
concourse of their relatives, particularly if the day be 
calm and the sun shining with considerable heat, will 
suddenly drop from out the sky in a rapid zigzag course, 
as if one wing of each Duck had been broken, and they 
cross and recross each other in the rapid descent, their 


fall accompanied by a loud whirring sound, as the air 
is forced between the primaries. On such occasions 
the flock is mixed all up together in a most bewildering 
manner, until, arriving a few feet above the water, the 
wings become motionless and the birds glide up to and 
alight by the side of their desired companions. 

Early in the morning, and again late in the afternoon, 
the Red Head regularly takes a “ constitutional.” The 
flocks, that have been massed together during the night 
or the middle of the day, rise from the water, not all 
together but in companies of several dozen, and stringing 
themselves out in long, irregular lines, each bird a little 
behind and to one side of its leader, fly rapidly up and 
down, at a considerable height over the water. Some- 
times these morning and evening promenades are per- 
formed at a great elevation, so that the movement of the 
wings is hardly perceptible. On such occasions they ap- 
pear like a dark ribbon against the sky, and the compari- 
son is strengthened by the fact that every movement of 
the leader elevating or depressing his course is imitated 
exactly by all those which follow, and so the line has 
frequent wavy motions like currents passing through it, 
as when a ribbon is held in the fingers and a flip given to 
it which causes it to undulate along its whole length. 

This species is a deep-water Duck and keeps out in the 
center of rivers or lakes, congregating at times in such 
numbers as to form immense rafts; hence it is sometimes 
called ‘ Raft Duck.” It dives readily and to consider- 
able depths, and pulls up the grass and roots found on 
the bottom, returning to the surface to enjoy the fruits 
of its labor, and not infrequently to find them snatched 
away by the ever-active Widgeon, always on the look- 
out for tid-bits it is unable to dig up for itself. Great 
flocks of these birds are always in attendance on the Red 


RED HEAD. 157 

Heads and Canvas Backs, and secure a large proportion 
of the food these diving Ducks send to the surface. 
Red Heads feed much at night, especially if the moon 
is shining, and at such times are exceedingly busy, and 
the splashing of diving birds, the coming and going of 
others, and the incessant utterings of their hoarse note, 
are heard from dark to daylight. They also feed by day, 
if the weather has been stormy, but on quiet, pleasant 
days they rarely move about much, but remain quietly 
out in the open water, sleeping, or dressing their feath- 
ers, or occasionally taking a turn beneath the surface as 
though more in an exploring mood, than for the purpose 
of seeking food. In localities where the marshes are 
scattered throughout the broad sounds, or form the 
banks of the rivers, the Red Heads are accustomed to 
resort to them a great deal, paddling close to the edges 
looking for insects or other animated objects suitable 
for food, or frequenting the ponds, when such exist, in 
company with mud Ducks and others which habitually 
seek such places. 

As a rule the Red Head is gentle and unsuspicious, 
and readily comes to decoys. It has a habit on such 
occasions that causes great destruction to the flocks. 
When the birds have sailed up to the blind and either 
are preparing to alight, or hesitating whether or not to 
go on their way, the members crowd close together, or 
“bunch,” as it is called, giving the sportsman an op- 
portunity to discharge the contents of his gun into 
their midst with the effect of killing a number of 
birds and wounding many more. An injured Red 
Head is not an easy bird to capture, as it dives and 
skulks with great rapidity and skill, and if on open water 
always moves against the wind. If near a marsh, it will 
get under the bank, or crawl up into the grass, and it 


needs a good dog to find it. When all other means fail 
it will dive to the bottom, seize some grass in its bill, 
and hold on until life is extinct; commit suicide by 
drowning, in fact, rather than fall into the hands of its 

Sometimes this duck is known as Gray-Back, and in 
Louisiana as Dos Gris, the French equivalent for the 
same name, and also Canard Violon. The Red Head 
bears confinement well, but does not breed readily when 
domesticated. The note of this species is a hoarse gut- 
tural rolling sound, as if the letter RK was uttered in the 
throat with a vibration of the tongue at the same time. 
It is easily imitated, and the bird readily responds to the 
call of its supposed relative. Some other ducks, like the 
Canvas Back, different species of Scaup Ducks, Sprig- 
tail, etc., have a similar call. The flesh of the Red Head, 
when it has been feeding upon wild celery and such 
dainty food, for tenderness and flavor is excelled by 
no other Duck, and many are passed off for Canvas 
Back. I have tried both, shot the same day on the 
Chesapeake, and the birds had doubtless fed on the wild 
celery, and in point of excellence there was no difference 
between them. Occasionally I have found the Red 
Head the better bird of the two, but this was exceptional. 
Of course, if the heads are served with the body, there 
is never any diffieulty in distinguishing them, provided 
the heads really belong to the bodies served, but in all 
cases the Canvas Back is considerably the larger Duck. 
A knowledge of comparative anatomy is very useful in 
a case where a decision as to the identity of these Ducks 
is required, as the result may mean a difference of quite 
a sum of money to the host, for probably more so-called 
Canvas Backs and even Red Heads are eaten during one 
winter in our country than ever flew within its limits at 

RED HEAD, 159 

the same period. This species has various names, some 
of which are American Pochard, Raft Duck, and Red- 
headed Raft Duck. 


Geographical Distributzon.—North America generally. Breeds 
from California and Northern tier of States to the Arctic regions. 
Adult Male.—Head, full and puffed out, and with the neck is 
rich reddish chestnut, glossed at times with reddish purple. 

_ Lower neck, chest, upper parts of back, rump, and upper and 

lower tail coverts, black. Back, scapulars, sides and flanks, gray- 
ish white, finely undulated with black. Wing coverts, ash gray. 
Speculum, ash gray, bordered above with black and posteriorly 
with white. Primaries, dark brown on tips and outer web, gray 
on inner. Tail, dark brown. Under parts, white, growing 
darker toward the under tail coverts. In some specimens the 
under surface is whitish brown. Bill, broad, flattened, widest at 
tip, rising at base abruptly to the forehead, forming a very dif- 
ferent angle to the bill than that of the Canvas Back, dull blue in 
color, and crossed bya black bar near thetip. Iris, orange. Legs 
and feet, grayish blue; webs, dusky. Total length, about 19} 
inches; wing,g; culmen, 1,%; tafsus, 144; bill at widest point, 58. 

Adult Female,—Head and neck, pale brown; darkest on top 
of head. Chin and throat almost white, as is also, in some speci- 
mens, the loral space. Cheeks, frequently grayish brown. Back 
and scapulars, grayish brown; feathers, tipped with light gray; 
wing coverts and secondaries, pearly gray; speculum, light ash 
gray. Secondaries, pearly gray on outer webs; edged with 
black. Primaries, fuscous on outer webs; dark buff along the 
shafts and on inner webs. Lower back, blackish brown, lighter 
on upper tail coverts; feathers of latter, tipped with pale brown. 
Chest, sides, and flanks, grayish brown; feathers, tipped with 
fulvous. Bill, pure white; anal region and under tail coverts, 
brownish white, darker on the thighs. Bill, pale blue, black at 
tip. Legs and feet, grayish blue. Totallength, 1g9inches; wing, 
9; culmen, 14; tarsus, r8. 

Downy Young.—Sides of head and neck, and lower parts, 
deep buff, palest on the belly. Top of head and upper parts of 
body, ochraceous olive brown, with a yellow spot on sides of body 
and rump, and on border of wings. 


HE various published accounts of this species fail to 
give a complete history of its economy and habits 
because this Duck and the Little Scaup, which so much 
resembles it, have been by nearly all authors greatly con- 
fused together. So far as my experience enables me to 
judge, the Big Black Head is a bird that mostly fre- 
quents the coasts, and is not so often found inland as its 
relative, which at times is very abundant on our lakes 
and rivers, and those writers who have mentioned this 
bird as being so very common in many localities in the 
interior of the United States probably really have refer- 
ence to the Little Black Head, quite another species. 
This Duck breeds in the far North, from Alaska on 
both sides of the mountains across the continent, and 
possibly to the vicinity of the Arctic Sea. It is also an 
inhabitant of the Eastern Hemisphere, and is found from 
the British Islands to China breeding in the northern 
portions, but not south of the latitude of Lapland. It 
is found on Kotzebue Sound, Alaska, and on the Yukon 
River it is plentiful in summer, and is also dispersed 
throughout its Delta, and along the islands of the Aleu- 
tian chain. The birds arrive at their breeding grounds 
from the South early in May, and scatter over the 
marshes and numerous small ponds, and select their 
mates preparatory for the nesting season rapidly ap- 
proaching. A place amid the high grass, close to the 
water, is selected for the nest, so close indeed that the 
bird can swim to it. Loose grass, lying about, is 






P ss ; 

TR ma . 

Scaup Duck. 


gathered together, and down, plucked from the bird's 
own breast to form a bed, is placed upon it, and from six 
to eight eggs, rather a small complement for a Duck, are 
deposited. These are pale olive gray in hue, and are 
hidden in the downy covering whenever the female is off 
the nest. June is the month for incubation, and the 
period of hatching must be from three to four weeks, 
for in August half-grown young are seen. As soon as 
the ducklings escape from the egg, they are led by the 
mother to some large body of water, where frequently 
several broods unite and form quite a flock. 

In October the Big Blue Bill enters the limits of the 
United States, coming from its Northern home, and is 
found along the coast of both oceans, going as far south 
as Mexico during the winter. It flies with great swiftness, 
and is a most expert diver; a wounded bird, unless very 
badly crippled, being practically impossible to capture. 
The Bay Broad Bill, as it is sometimes called, does not 
go in such large flocks as is the habit of its smaller rela- 
tive, and keeps a good deal about the coves and marshes. 
It decoys readily, and utters at times a note similar to 
the guttural sound made by the Canvas Back, Red Head, 
and other diving Ducks. I have not noticed that it 
associates much with the Little Broad Bill, but keeps to 
the society of its own species, and goes in flocks usually 
of less than a dozen members. At no time have I ever 
seen it rafted in the open water in great numbers, as 
frequently is the case with the Little Black Head. 

The present species is quite a large Duck, and has a 
metallic green luster on the feathers of its head and neck, 
which enables it easily to be discriminated from the 
purple-hued head of the allied form. It bears many 
popular names among the gunners throughout the 
United States, a number of which are the same as those 


of its small relative, with a prefix denoting bigness; thus, 
in addition to those already given, it is called Big Black 
Head, Big Scaup, Big Shuffler, Big Broad Bill; also Salt- 
Water Broad Bill (indicating its preference for the sea- 
coasts), Bay Broad Bill, Gray Back, Black Neck, Dos 
Gris in Louisiana, and various others, some of which are 
purely local, and rarely heard. As a bird for the table 
it is about on a par with the Little Scaup Duck, and, 
when it has fed upon wild celery and other tender 
grasses, its flesh is well-flavored, but if away from locali- 
ties where these grasses are found, it is not very particu- 
lar upon the quality of its diet, and often has a fishy and 
rank flavor, not in any way desirable. I do not regard 
it as common a species as many of the diving Ducks found 
within our borders, and the days when I have met with 
them, even in comparatively large numbers, have been 
exceptional. For a long period its distinctness from the 
Small Broad Bill was unknown, and for some time after 
it was suggested that there were two species, both orni- 
thologists and sportsmen were skeptical of the fact. 


Geographical Distr¢bution.—North America generally, south 
to Guatemala. Also in Northern portion of Old World to China, 
Breeds in Alaska, and in the Arctic regions east of the mountains. 

Adult Male.—Head, neck, fore parts of back and chest, black, 
with green reflections on head and neck. Lower back, rump, 
upper and under tail coverts, also black. Middle of back, scapu- 
lars, sides, flanks, and anal region, white, undulated with fine 
black lines. Wing coverts, blackish, finely barred with white. 
Speculum, white, bounded in front by a black line formed by the 
tips of the greater coverts. Tertials, black, glossed with green; 
some of the large ones vermiculated with white. Primaries, 
dark brown, with black tips, and a grayish or whitish area on 
inner webs. Tail, blackish brown. Belly, white. Bill, bluish 


gray; nail, black. Iris, yellow. Legs and feet, plumbeous. 
Total length, about 19 inches; wing, 8,4: culmen, 2; tarsus, 1,4). 

Adult Female.—Forehead, and sides of bill at base, white. 
Rest of head, neck, and breast, snuff brown. Upper parts, 
dusky brown; tip of feathers, lighter. Back and scapulars, ver- 
miculated slightly with white. Wings, purplish brown, with 
white speculum. Primaries, with the tips and outer webs of first 
two, blackish brown, remainder, pinkish buff, or whitish brown, 
the latter showing like a patch when wing is closed. Flanks, 
brown, vermiculated with white. Belly, white. Anal regions 
and under tail coverts, dark brown, inclined to an olive shade; 
feathers, tipped with white. Tail, dusky brown, lighter than the 
rump. Iris, bill, legs, and feet, colored as in the male. ‘Total 
length, about Ig inches; wing, 8,4,; culmen, 13; tarsus, 1,4. 
There is very little if any difference in the average size of the 
sexes of this species. 


ITTLE Broad Bill, Little Black Head, Little Blue 
Bill, Shuffler, River Broad Bill, Black Head, Creek 
Black Head, Broad Bill, Raft Duck, and Flocking Fowl 
are some of the names by which this species is known in 
various parts of our country. It is one of the most com- 
mon of our Ducks, and it appears to me to be growing 
more abundant; at all events, this is so in many locali- 
ties. Whether this is caused by an actual increase in 
numbers, or that the birds have merely frequented local- 
ities usually neglected by them, and so seem to be more 
numerous, I cannot say. The species has a wide 
distribution, ranging over the whole of North America, 
and going south in winter as far as Guatemala and 
the West Indies. It breeds north of the United 
States, mainly in the Arctic regions and also, possi- 
bly, in Minnesota, and perhaps in some other of 
the border States; but whether it goes west of the 
mountains in the Territory of Alaska is difficult to deter- 
mine, as by many writers this bird and the previous 
species have been so generally regarded as the same, 
that it is impossible to decide by their narratives which 
one is intended. Dall and Kennicott say it breeds plen- 
tifully on the Yukon River, while Nelson, an equally 
competent observer, states that during a long residence, 
at the Yukon mouth and to the northward, he did not 
see a single individual of the Little Scaup, although the 
Big Scaup was abundant, and Turner does not mention 
it among the birds seen by him in Alaska. From this 

Xawin Shespead: 


Lesser Scaup Duck. 


it would be fair to infer that this species breeds on the 
eastern portion of the Arctic region, and if present at all, 
is an exceptional visitor within the limits of Alaska. 

The nest, found on the lower Anderson River by Mac- 
Farlane, was placed in a swampy tract near a wooded 
country, and was simply a depression in the center of a 
tuft of grass, and lined with down, probably from the 
female’s breast. Another was placed in a clump of wil- 
lows in the midst of a swamp, and close to a small lake. 
The location of these nests were somewhat different from 
those chosen by the Big Scaup Duck, which, as already 
stated, were almost in the water, or so near that the 
female could swim to and from it. The eggs, usually 
nine in number, are a pale grayish buff sometimes tinged 
with olive. The male keeps in the vicinity of the nest, 
but it is not known that he shares in any of the duties of 

The Little Broad Bill is a cold-weather Duck, and is 
frequently observed flying about when the ponds and 
rivers are nearly all frozen over. At such times it visits 
the air holes, and is very busy diving for food, which it 
brings up from the bottom. It arrives within our 
borders rather late in the autumn, and keeps in large 
flocks in the center of the broad water, away from the 
shore. It is one of the most expert divers among the 
Duck tribe, and can reach the bottom to pull up grasses 
or pick up mollusks, in as deep water as any of its rela- 
tives, no matter how skillful they may be in the business. 
Like the Canvas Back and other species which frequent 
deep water the Little Black Head propels itself beneath 
the surface by its wings, using the webbed feet merely as 

This Duck is very tenacious of life, and it requires a 
hard blow, and shot of considerable size, to kill it. 


When wounded it shows much cunning, skulking and 
hiding among the grass, or beneath the overhanging 
banks of marshes, and it will immerse its entire body be- 
neath the surface, leaving only the bill exposed and, if 
all else fails, will go to the bottom and hold on to the ~ 
grass until life is extinct. The Little Broad Bill is very 
swift upon the wing, and comes to decoys readily, but 
can get away from their vicinity when alarmed about as 
quickly as anything that flies. It generally goes in 
flocks of from one to three dozen, sometimes consider- 
ably more, and comes boldly up to a blind or sink-boat, 
usually ‘‘ company front,’ and on the discharge of a gun 
the birds scatter in every direction like a swarm of bees, 
straight up in the air, or off to either side in most admir- 
able confusion, gathering together again when the point 
of danger is passed, and speeding onward in undulating 
lines over the middle of the broadest stretch of water. 
The wounded birds that have fallen amid the decoys 
immediately dive, sometimes going directly under water 
from their descent in mid-air, appearing again only for 
a second at some distance away, either headed for the 
nearest marsh, or swimming in the wind’s eye toward the 
open water. When wounded they are very difficult to 
capture and bother even the best retriever greatly; div- 
ing incessantly and with great rapidity, sometimes right 
under his nose, appearing behind him or on one side, and 
keeping the dog spinning around like a top in his efforts 
to sieze such a slippery object. 

The flesh of this duck is sometimes very tender and of 
good flavor, but these qualities depend altogether upon 
what it has been feeding, for it is not very select in its 
diet, and will swallow all kinds of shell-fish, probably 
frogs, newts, or any similar creature it can catch, and on 
this food it becomes rank and disagreeable, quite unfit 


for the table. But if fed upon roots of water plants, wild 
rice, celery, or other similar tender grasses, it is a very 
good little bird indeed. For the sportsman there is no 
better object upon which to try his skill than this Duck; 
its rapid flight and quick, unexpected movements on the 
wing frequently bringing to nought the efforts of the 
most expert gunner. 

Considerable variation among individuals of this spe- 
cies exists in their measurements, and occasionally they 
approach in size those of the Big Scaup, so that, as re- 
gards the females, it is at times very difficult to distin- 
guish which species is represented. Adult males can 
easily be identified, no matter what their dimensions may 
be, the metallic hues of the head making them readily 
recognizable. But there is little in the coloring of the 
females to separate them from the larger species, and if 
the wing should exceed eight and one-quarter inches 
in length it is exceedingly difficult to say to which form 
the bird should be referred. The company the specimen 
kept when it was killed, if that could be ascertained, 
would be the surest test for identification, as these two 
Scaups are rarely found associating together. The eggs 
also vary greatly in their measurements. 


Geographical Distribution.—North America generally. Breed- 
ing north of United States. In winter to Guatemala and the 
West Indies. 

Adult Male.—Head, neck, and fore part of body, black, with 
purple reflections on head Back and scapulars, white, barred 
with narrow irregular black lines. Wing coverts, dusky, mottled 
with white. Secondaries, white, the tips, black, with a greenish 
gloss, forming a white patch or speculum onthe wing. Tertials, 
black, glossed with green. Primaries, brown, blackish at tips 
and toward edges of the webs. Rump and upper tail coverts, 


black. Breast and abdomen, white. Flanks, white, barred with 
irregular black lines, more or less distinct. Crissum, dusky, 
mottled with white; under tail coverts, black. Tail, black. 
Bill, bluish white, nail, black. Legs and feet, light slate or 
plumbeous. Iris, yellow. Length, about 16 inches; wing, 8; tail, 
3, tarsus, 1,8,;; culmen, 175. 

Adult Female.—Space about base of bill, white. Rest of head 
and neck, snuff brown. Upper back and breast, amber brown; 
the feathers, margined with pale brown on the former, ochrace- 
ous on the latter. Back and scapulars, fuscous, mottled with 
white. Wings, dark brown; speculum, white. Flanks, dark 
grayish brown, tips of feathers, white. Under parts, white. 
Rump and upper tail coverts, dark grayish brown. Anal region 
and under tail coverts, pale grayish brown, much lighter than 
rump and upper tail coverts, and grading into the white of the 
abdomen. ‘Tail, dark grayish brown, edges of webs, ochraceous. 
Bill, legs, and feet, colored as in the male. Size similar to that 
of the male. 

‘yonq] YOoN-pesury 



|) la so abundant as is the last species, the 

Ringed Neck has nevertheless as wide a distribution 
as the Broad Bill, and ranges over the whole of North 
America from the Arctic Sea to Guatemala and the West 
Indies. It bears a considerable number of names, and 
is often confounded with the Little Scaup Duck, and 
in different portions of the United States is called Tufted 
Duck, Ring Bill, Bastard Broad Bill, Shuffler, Ring- 
billed Shuffler, Ring-billed Black Head, Ringed-neck 
Black Head, Ringed-neck Scaup, and Canard Noir in 
Louisiana. It probably has some more names, but these 
are about all that I have heard applied to this bird myself, 
and those most commonly used are the one at the head of 
this article, and Ring Bill. 

It is not a common species, goes in small flocks, and 
frequently is found in company with the Little Scaup, 
which it resembles very closely in its general habits. It 
breeds from the northern part of the United States north- 
ward, and has been seen in Alaska, but the nest has not 
yet been found there, although it is very probable that the 
species does breed in that Territory. The few examples 
seen were so shy that it was impossible to get near them. 
Nests of this Duck have been found in Wisconsin and 
Minnesota. In the former State one was found on a bog 
in thick cover near Pewaukee Lake, and was formed of 
grasses, and lined with feathers. The nesting habits of 
this Duck are not very well known and its breeding limits 
have not been ascertained. The eggs are grayish white, 



sometimes with a buff tinge. My friend Mr. George A. 
Boardman found a nest of this species, containing eleven 
eggs, on the St. Croix River near Calais, Maine, and on 
another occasion secured a brood of ducklings together 
with the old ones. This would seem to show that the 
Ring Neck probably breeds along the northern border of 
the United States wherever suitable localities occur. 

This Duck is more often seen on the rivers and inland 
lakes than on the sea-coast, although it is found every 
winter near the borders of both the Atlantic and Pacific 
oceans. Its flight resembles that of the Little Blue Bill 
and is quite as swiftly performed, and its movements on 
the wing are equally as quick as those of its relative. It 
comes readily to decoys and is as tenacious of life and as 
skillful in evading pursuit, when wounded, as is the Little 

The Ring Neck resembles the Little Broad Bill in 
general appearance, but is a much handsomer bird, the 
peculiar white marking upon the bill, and the red 
ring, more or less distinct, around the neck, making it 
very conspicuous. As a bird for the table it is 
about equal to the Little Black Head, and what has 
been already said in this respect of that species 
is equally applicable to this one. I think it is more 
plentiful on the waters of our Western States, espe- 
cially those in the Valley of the Mississippi, than it is 
anywhere in the East. On the Pacific coast it goes 
from Mexico to northern Alaska, but is nowhere 
very abundant. Like the Little Scaup this is a cold- 
weather Duck, and unless everything is entirely frozen 
up, occasionally remains in northern latitudes all winter. 




Geographical Destribution.—North America from the Arctic 
Ocean to Guatemala and the West Indies. Breeds from north- 
ern United States to limit of its range in Arctic America, 

Adult Male.—Head, neck, breast, upper parts, and under tail 
coverts, black, with a gloss of purple on head, and greenish on 
back. A more or less distinct chestnut collar around middle of 
neck. A triangular white spot on chin. Wings, blackish brown, 
with a green gloss. Speculum, gray. Under parts, white; the 
flanks and sides, waved with fine black lines. Crissum, dusky, 
mottled with white. Bill, black, with the base, edges, and a bar 
across maxilla near nail, pale bluish. Legs and feet, grayish 
blue, webs, dusky. Iris, yellow. Length, about 174 inches; 
wing, 8; tail, 3,4;; culmen, 1,%,; tarsus, 14. 

Adult Female.—Top of head and back of neck, dark brown; 
sides of head, grayish white. Loral space, forehead, eyelids, 
chin, throat, and neck in front, yellowish white. Sides of neck, 
light brown. Back and wings, dark brown, feathers margined 
with rufous: Speculum, gray; outer webs of outer tertials, me- 
tallic green. Lower back and rump, black; upper tail coverts 
and tail, pale brown, feathers, tipped with yellowish brown. 
Upper breast, sides, and flanks, fulvous brown, tips of feathers, 
yellowish brown. Lower breast and belly, white. Anal region, 
dull brown; under tail coverts, white, speckled with brown. 
Bill, slate, with pale blue band crossing it near tip. Total 
length, 17 inches; wing, 74; culmen, 14; tarsus, r4. 

Downy Voung.—Top of head and neck behind, dark grayish 
brown; ears, grayish brown; rest of head and neck and lower 
parts, pale buff; upper parts, grayish brown, with a spot in cen- 
ter of back and on each side of back and rump, and a bar across 
posterior border of wings, light buff. 


ORMERLY not an uncommon bird along the At- 

lantic coast as far south as Delaware, the Labrador 
Duck has, for over twenty years, ceased to make its ap- 
pearance anywhere within our boundaries, and it would 
seem that, from some reason quite inexplicable, it has be- 
come extinct. The Pied Duck,as it was sometimes called, 
fifty years ago was said to be frequently offered for sale in 
the markets, hanging among strings of other species of 
Ducks. It was not known to Wilson, and Audubon never 
saw it alive; the birds from which he made his draw- 
ing having been killed by Daniel Webster on Vineyard 
Island, coast of Massachusetts. This pair is now in the 
collection of the National Museum at Washington. 
Very little is really known about the habits of this species. 
There are no authentic accounts of its nest or eggs, and 
it is doubtful if anyone, save perhaps an Eskimo, has ever 
seen either one or the other. John W. Audubon had 
several deserted nests shown him at Blanc Sablon, Lab- 
rador, as belonging to this Duck, but he saw no indi- 
viduals, and it may be seriously doubted if the Labrador 
Duck ever had anything to do with them. 

Fifty years ago, according to Giraud, this bird, 
known to the gunners of Long Island as the Skunk 
Duck, on account of its peculiar black and white 
markings, was even then very rare. The people of 
the New Jersey coast called it ‘“ Sand-shoal Duck.” It 
was said to feed on shell-fish, which it procured by diving. 
Between 1860 and 1870 I saw at various times a con- 



Labrador Duck. 

GER oe. ua 


siderable number in Fulton and Washington Markets of 
New York. They were mostly females and young males, 
a full-plumaged male being exceedingly rare. Some- 
times there would be as many as a dozen hanging to- 
gether, and then weeks might elapse before any more 
were seen. At that time, while it was remarked that it 
was a curious circumstance that only females or young 
males were to be had, no one imagined that the species 
was approaching extinction; for when immature birds 
existed there must be both parents somewhere. Gradu- 
ally, however, the specimens became fewer, and appeared 
at longer intervals, until they disappeared entirely. Dur- 
ing the twenty years between 1850 and 1870 a few full- 
plumaged males were obtained, and one of the finest I 
ever saw I bought from a taxidermist in Brooklyn, who 
had it at the time in the flesh. During the periods of 
which I speak, there would have been no difficulty in pro- 
curing quite a large series of females and young males, 
but as it was supposed these could be obtained whenever 
wanted, they were neglected. 

The cause of the disappearance of this Duck no one 
knows. Various attempts have been made to account 
for it, but none has been satisfactory. By some natu- 
ralists it is conjectured that it was brought about by the 
destruction of the eggs, but we have no reason to sup- 
pose that any more eggs of this species were destroyed, 
from any cause whatever, than were those of any other 
Duck. It was not exterminated by man with the gun, 
for he did not get a chance—the birds gave him too few 
opportunities. Being strong of flight as well as a skill- 
full diver, there was no reason why, if necessary, it could 
not have easily and rapidly conveyed itself away from any 
threatened danger, and no matter how the fact of its ex- 
tinction is regarded and what were its possible causes, 


no explanation can be given that is satisfactory. It is 
one of those inexplicable phenomena that occasionally 
arise to perplex and baffle the best informed person. As 
a bird for the table, as might have been expected from its 
choice of food, it was not very desirable, being fishy and 
of a strong flavor; evidently only on a par with the usual 
run of Sea-Ducks. About forty specimens only are 
known to be preserved in all North America, and not half 
that number in all Europe. The finest collection of these 
birds in the world is in the New York Museum of 
Natural History, where seven adult males, females, and 
young males are to be seen. Five have been artistically 
mounted in a group with characteristic surroundings of 
ice and water (for it was a cold-weather bird), forming 
one of the rarest and most valuable ornaments in the pos- 
session of the museum. While we marvel at the disap- 
pearance of this bird from our fauna, similar or equally 
forcible methods are at work, which in the process of 
time, and short time too, will cause many another species 
of our Water Fowl to vanish from our lakes and rivers, 
and along the coasts of our continent. Robbing the 
nests for all manner of purposes, trom that of making the 
eggs an article of commerce or posing as specimens in 
cabinets, slaying the ducklings before they are able to fly 
and have no means of escape from the butchers, to- 
gether with the never ceasing slaughter from the moment 
the young are able to take wing and start on their migra- 
tion, at all times, in all seasons, and in every place, until 
the few remaining have returned to their summer home, 
all combined, are yearly reducing their ranks with a fear- 
ful rapidity, and speedily hastening the time when, so 
far as our Water Fowl are concerned, the places that now 
know them, and echo with their pleasant voices, shall 
know them no more forever. 



Geographical Distribution.—Formerly on the Atlantic coast 
from New Jersey northward. Now extinct. 

Adult Male.—Head, neck, breast, scapular, and wings, except 
primaries, white. Stripe on crown and nape, ring around lower 
neck, back, rump, primaries, upper tail coverts, tail, and entire 
lower parts, black; the tail with a grayish tinge. _ Cheeks, fre- 
quently yellowish white. Long scapulars, pearl gray; tertials, 
with black edges. Bill, black, blue along the base of culmen, 
and orange at base and along edges of maxilla and mandible. 
Iris, reddish brown; feet and legs, grayish blue. Total length, 
about 29%, inches; wing, 8; culmen, 14; tarsus, If. 

Adult Female.—General plumage, uniform brownish gray. 
Tertials, silvery gray, edged with black. Secondaries, white, 
forming a speculum, inner secondaries with black edgings. Total 
length, about 18 inches; wing, 8;4,;; culmen, 1,%,; tarsus, 14%. 

Young Male.—Very similar to adult female, but the chin and 
throat, pure white, and in some specimens the breast also, but in 
others the white of this part is merely indicated. The greater 
wing coverts are also sometimes white. 


IRCUMPOLAR in its distribution, and ranging 
throughout the whole of North America from the 
Arctic Sea to the island of Cuba in the south, and from 
the Atlantic coast across the continent to the Pacific, the 
Golden Eye is among the best known of our Ducks. It 
breeds from about the parallel of Massachusetts north- 
ward to the Arctic circle in the interior, and is rare upon 
the coast, though in some of the Aleutian Islands a few 
remain all winter. It is a hardy bird and able to with- 
stand severe cold. The Golden Eye breeds in the hol- 
lows of trees, the entrance often appearing to be absurdly 
small for the size of the Duck, but like other web-footed 
tree-nesting species it finds no difficulty in entering its 
chosen abode. The eggs are a pale grayish green color, 
and from six to eight seem to be the full complement. 
This beautiful Duck is known to many as the “ Whistler,” 
and beside this name it is called Spirit Duck, Whistle 
Wing, Whiffler, Great Head, Bull Head, and Plongeur 
in Louisiana. Its principal appellation, of Whistler, is 
given on account of the shrill noise the wings make 
when the bird is flying; a sound so sharp and penetrating 
that the species is indicated long before it comes clearly 
into view. 

The Golden Eye rises directly from the water, but not 
with a spring like the Mallard or Dusky Duck, flying low 
at first, but rapidly rising until it has attained a lofty 
altitude, when it moves on in a straight line, and, from 
the first motion made to leave the water, the loud 


42. Golden Eye. 


“ whistle ’ of the wings is heard. The Whistler is a high 
flyer, and upon the sea-coast pays but little attention to 
decoys, although it will occasionally come to them. — It 1s 
generally seen singly or in pairs, the male frequently 
leading the female, though at times their positions are 
reversed as is usually the case with Ducks when traveling 
in pairs, but in the interior small flocks are not uncom- 
mon, especially upon the rivers, which are much fre- 
quented by this species. The large thickly crested or 
rather fluffy head of this Duck is beautifully resplendent 
with metallic green hues, particularly noticeable when 
the sun’s rays fall upon it, the brighter portions contrast- 
ing with those in shadow, like brilliant emeralds lying on 
dark green velvet. The Indians along the River Yukon 
stuff the skin of this Duck and ornament it with beads, 
and give it to a child for a doll or toy. 

As a diver the Golden Eye ranks as a master. So in- 
stantaneous are its movements upon the water when dis- 
appearing below the surface, that shot from a gun cannot 
travel to the spot it occupied quickly enough, if the bird 
has seen the flash, for it is under water at once. The In- 
dians are superstitious about it on account of its wonder- 
ful quickness, and the name of Spirit Duck was given to it 
by them as typifying a being endowed with supernatural 
powers. Itis able to keep up this rapid diving for a long 
while, and one will waste his time if he waits hoping to 
catch a Golden Eye napping. This Duck feeds at the 
sea-coast, on shell-fish mainly, which it procures by div- 
ing, but on inland lakes and rivers it must eat grasses and 
roots, for its flesh has a very different flavor and is ten- 
der and delicate. In South Carolina it visits the rice- 
fields and feeds on the grain. It is often seen in company 
with the Little Broad Bill, Buffle Head, and sometimes 
with Mergansers, paddling along near the banks of 


marshes, and dabbling in the mud, sifting it between the 
mandibles. Not often is it in the habit of alighting in the 
open water away from the land, and whenever it does do 
so it appears uneasy, as if anticipating some unseen dan- 
ger, and is one of the first Ducks to take wing should an 
alarm be sounded. 

When the weather is stormy, heavy rains or snow, the 
Golden Eye keeps close to the shore, and if on a river, 
flies up and down near the bank. It does not seem to 
be so wild on stormy days, perhaps being more anxious 
to find a shelter from the gale, and less mindful, for the 
moment, of possible danger to itself from the usual causes. 
The Whistler is a silent bird, its wings generally provid- 
ing all the noise it makes, but occasionally I have 
heard it utter a hoarse kind of croak similar to that made 
by the Merganser, but at no time anything resembling a 
quack. The European Golden Eye I consider specific- 
ally the same as the American bird. It has been claimed 
that the two are distinct, the difference consisting mainly 
in size, the European being somewhat smaller. It is too 
fine a distinction and nothing is gained by this attempt 
to separate the birds, scientifically or otherwise, for such 
an unsatisfactory reason. 


Geographical Distribution,—North America, from the Arctic 
Sea to Mexico and Cuba. Breeds from Massachusetts and the 
British Provinces, northward. In Old World from Great Britain 
to Japan, and from Arctic regions to Northern Africa. 

Adult Male.—A rather bunchy occipital crest, extending a 
short distance down the hind neck. Head and upper part of 
neck, glossy green, with purple reflections. A large, rather oval 
white spot on lower part of the lores, advancing close to base of 
bill. Lower part of neck, upper part of back, short scapulars, 


greater wing coverts, most of the secondaries and under parts 
generally, pure white. Rest of upper parts, long scapulars, and 
some secondaries, black. Base of secondaries, black, forming an 
indistinct bar hidden under the white tips of greater coverts. 
Primaries and their coverts, brownish black. Outer webs of up- 
permost flank feathers, partly or wholly white. Tail, ashy. 
Bill, greenish black. Legsand feet, orange; webs, dusky. Iris, 
golden yellow. Totallength, about 20 inches; wing, 8,4; tail, 44; 
tarsus, 14; culmen, 1,85; bill, height at base, 44; width, ,%; width 
of nail, 3. 

Adult Female.—Head and upper part of neck, hair brown. 
Collar on neck, very narrow behind; white, streaked with bluish 
gray. Back, blackish brown; feathers, on upper back, edged 
with bluish gray; those of upper tail coverts, tipped with pale 
brown. White on wings not so extensive as on those of the 
male. Tips of greater wing coverts, black, forming a bar 
across the white. Primaries, brownish black. A band of bluish 
gray across upper part of breast. Under parts, white. Thighs, 
dusky. Tail, dark brown, like the back. Bill, dull yellowish, 
shaded with blackish brown. Bills of different individuals vary in 
color. Legsand feet, orange; webs, dusky. Iris, golden yellow. 
Wing, 8 inches; tail, 43; culmen, 1,3,; tarsus, 1,4,; bill, height at 
base, ;%; width at base ;%; width of nail, 4. AHezght of bill from 
point of angle to nearest cutting edge iss than the distance 
between the farthest edge of nostril and nearest feathers at base 
of bztl. 

Downy Young.—Upper parts, dark brown; throat, white; 
breast and flanks, pale brown; belly, pale gray. 


A NEAR relative to the Common Golden Eye, the pres- 

ent bird, sometimes called the Rocky Mountain Gar- 
rot, is much more restricted in its range, and although it 
occurs in Iceland, may be regarded as essentially an 
American species. In the West it breeds as far south in 
the Rocky Mountains as Colorado, and in the East from 
the Gulf of St. Lawrence, northward. It has been pro- 
cured at Sitka, Alaska, and noticed by Dall on the Yukon, 
but its appearance in that Territory is probably only ex- 
ceptional in the northern portions. It breeds also in 
Greenland and Iceland. In winter it goes south on the 
Eastern coast to New York, and to Illinois, Utah, and 
Colorado in the West. As yet it has not been found 
west of the mountains south of Alaska. 

For a long time this Duck was confounded with the 
Common Golden Eye, and supposed by some to be 
merely a phase of the summer dress of the well-known 
bird. It is an inhabitant of the interior, and I have never 
seen it upon any of our coasts, though it does at times 
visit the vicinity of the ocean. In the Rocky Mountains 
it has been found breeding at a high altitude and it is 
believed to nest in Maine. It breeds in the hollows of 
trees, as is the habit of the Whistler, and the number of 
eggs is from six toten. They are dark grayish green in 
color. In Iceland, where trees are scarce, this species 
nests in holes in the ground, especially among the blocks 
and in the crevices of broken lava, in company with the 




Merganser. Sometimes these holes are so deep that the 
eggs are entirely out of reach. 

Barrow’s Golden Eye is a somewhat larger and hand- 
somer bird than the common species, with the crested 
head beautifully colored in metallic hues of green, blue, 
and violet, changing as the rays of light fall upon it. 
The large crescentic white mark before the eye in the 
male will always easily distinguish this bird from its rela- 
tive, and it is to be wondered that the two were ever con- 
sidered as one species. The females of the two forms 
are very difficult to distinguish apart, and at times will 
bother even an expert. The chief difference is in the bill, 
that of Barrow’s Golden Eye being much shorter and 
higher at the base. Another method of distinguish- 
ing these birds is given at the end of the description 
of the plumage; but the dress of the females is 
almost identically the same. The present species fre- 
quents our lakes and rivers and feeds upon shell-fish and 
grasses. I have found it at times quite numerous on the 
St. Lawrence near Ogdensburgh, and have killed a 
goodly number there over decoys, and some speci- 
mens, procured on these occasions, are now in the 
Museum of Natural History in New York. The two 
species were associated together on the river, and I never 
knew which one would come to the decoys, but I do not 
remember that both ever came together unless it 
might be the females, for, as I have said, it was difficult to 
distinguish them without an examination. 

The birds would fly up and down the river, doubtless 
coming from, and going to, Lake Erie, stopping occa- 
sionally in the coves to feed, and floating down with the 
current for a considerable distance, when they would rise 
and fly up stream again. My decoys were always placed 
in some cove or bend of the stream where the current was 


least strong, for I noticed the birds rarely settled on the 
water where it was running swiftly. This Duck decoys 
readily in such situations, and will come right in, and if 
permitted settle among the wooden counterfeits. They 
sit lightly upon the water and rise at once without effort 
or much splashing. The flight is very rapid, and is ac- 
companied with the same whistling of the wings so 
noticeable in the Common Golden Eye. In stormy 
weather this bird keeps close to the banks, seeking shel- 
ter from the winds. It dives as expertly as its relative, 
and frequently remains under water for a considerable 
time. The flesh of those killed upon the river was tender 
and of good flavor, fish evidently not having figured 
much as an article of their diet. 


Geographical Distribution.—North America, from the Arctic 
regions south to northern New York, Illinois, Utah, and Col- 
orado. Greenland, Iceiand. Occasional in Alaska. Accidental 
in Europe. Breeds from Gulf of St. Lawrence, northward. 

Adult Male.—A slight occipital crest. Head and upper part 
of neck, glossy bluish black, in some specimens with greenish 
reflections in certain lights. A large triangular shaped white 
patch, similar in form toa crescent, upper end pointed, lower 
end rounded, occupies the space at base of bill. Lower part 
of neck, and under parts, pure white; upper parts, velvety 
black; outer row of scapulars, with oblong white spots. A 
lengthened white patch on wing, formed by the middle coverts, 
ends of the greater coverts, and exposed parts of inner second- 
aries. Bases of greater wing coverts, black, forming a bar across 
the white portion. Feathers of sides and flanks, white with 
outer edges black. Thighs and sides of crissum, dull black. 
Tail, brownish black, with a greenish gloss. Bill, black. Feet 
and legs, orange yellow; webs, dusky. Length, about 22 
inches; wing, 9, tarsus, 14; culmen, 1,,; height of bill at base, 
average, 1; width of nail, 4; width of bill at base, 3. ; 

Adult Fema/e,—Head and neck, snuff brown; darkest on top 


of head and back of neck. A narrow white collar at base of 
neck. Upper parts, brownish black; feathers of back, margined 
with light gray. White patch on wing, crossed by a black bar. 
Lesser wing coverts, tipped with white. Upper part of breast, 
sides, and flanks, blue gray; feathers, edged with grayish white. 
Rest of under parts, white. Bill, horn color, paler in some speci- 
mens than in others, at times almost verging into yellow, with a 
spot on the culmen, and the edge of maxilla, and the nail, black 
or brownish black. Legs and feet, pale orange; webs, dusky. 
Wing, 8,4, inches; culmen, 64; height of bill at base, ,; width at 
base, ;5; width of nail, ;§,; tarsus, 174. Asarule the bill of the 
female of this species is much shorter and higher at the base for its 
relative length, as well as narrower when viewed from above, than 
is that of the female of the Golden Eye. Mr. Ridgway distin- 
guishes the two species by the height of the maxilla as compared 
with the distance from the feathered edge at the base of the bill to 
the farthest or anterior edgeofthe nostril. Jn thzs sheczes these 
measurements would be EQUAL. Whether this character would 
hold good in a large series of specimens, I am unable to say, for 
there is a great variation in the size of the bills, but generally, I 
believe that this method of separating the females of these 
species can be relied on. 

Downy Young.—Top and sides of head, chocolate brown, 
darkest on head. Neck, chest, and flanks, pale brown. Throat 
and under parts, white. 


TRICTLY a North American species,the Buffle Head 
is found pretty generally from the Arctic Sea to 
Mexico and Cuba. In Alaska it is not common on the 
coast, but has been met with on some of the Aleutian 
Islands, and Stejneger procured it on the Commander 
Islands, showing that it goes to the Asiatic side of the 
Pacific Ocean, but probably only incidentally, not as a 
regular visitant. While a constant dweller upon our 
lakes and rivers, the Dipper also comes to the sea-coasts 
as soon as the inland waters are frozen. It is a cold- 
weather Duck, and only appears within our borders when 
driven south by the coming of winter. Its appearance is 
generally an indication that severe weather will follow. 
The male is one of the most beautiful and sprightly of our 
native Ducks, and is a great ornament to our waters. 
The female, on the contrary, in her subdued grayish 
brown plumage, lacks entirely the attractive dress of her 
lord, and would easily escape notice even among plainly 
attired birds. But the male seems conscious of his 
beauty, and, when upon the water, moves rapidly about, 
turning first one side then the other to the observer, and 
elevating or contracting his fluffy crest, causing its metal- 
lic colors to scintillate in the sun’s rays. 

This pretty Duck has had many names given to it 
among which are, Butter Ball, Spirit Duck, Marionette, 
sutter Box, and Scotch Teal; but those most gener- 
ally employed are Buffle Head and Dipper, already men- 
tioned. This species nests in hollow trees, lining the 



44. Buffle Head Duck, 

ma Ve 

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bottom of the cavity with down, on which are deposited 
from six to ten grayish white eggs, and sometimes these 
are placed so far down in the hollow as to be almost out 
of reach, being more than an arm’s length away from the 
opening. As a diver the Butter Ball takes rank among 
the most expert of our Ducks, disappearing so quickly, 
and apparently with so little exertion, that it is almost 
impossible to shoot it when sitting on the water. When 
alarmed, with a sudden flip up of its tail and a scattering 
of a few drops of water, it vanishes beneath the surface, 
appearing almost immediately at no great distance from 
where it went under, and either dives again at once, or 
takes wing, which it does easily and without any fuss. 
Sometimes half a dozen of these birds will gather to- 
gether in a sheltered piece of water, and be very busy 
feeding. A few will dive with a sudden jerk, as if drawn 
beneath the surface by an invisible string, and the others 
will quietly swim about as if on the watch. The first that 
went under water having returned to the surface, the 
others dive, and so it goes on for a long time. Occa- 
sionally all will disappear, and then the first one to rise 
seems much disconcerted at not finding anyone on watch 
and acts as if he was saying to himself that if he “ had 
only known their unprotected state, he would never 
have gone under.” 

The flight of the Buffle Head is very rapid, and 
generally performed in a straight line. So speedy 
is its course that it flashes by one like a feathery 
meteor, its wings forming a haze around the body, so 
quickly do they move, and it is no easy thing to kill one 
in the air as it hurls itself along. When alighting the 
bird makes a considerable splash and noise, sliding along 
for a couple of feet or so, before becoming stationary. 
It utters at times a single guttural note, which sounds 


like a small edition of the hoarse roll of the Canvas Back 
and other large diving Ducks. The male Dipper has a 
habit, when swimming, of stretching out and drawing in 
its neck, occasionally raising its bill as high as it possibly 
can, at the same time puffing out the feathers of the 
head. | have noticed that this is done mostly in the 
spring, when its thoughts are perhaps “ lightly turning 
toward love,” and it may be an attractive gesture com- 
mon to the courting season. At all events, when the 
head is held high in the air, with crest expanded and the 
sun shining on its brilliant coloring, he presents for so 
small a creature a very gallant and handsome appearance. 
The flesh of this Duck is very palatable, and is excellent 
when broiled. In the spring the males precede the fe- 
males on their northern migration, and arrive at their 
destination several days before their fair ones. The Dip- 
per feeds on a variety of objects, such as fish and mol- 
lusks on the sea-coasts, and snails, leeches, grasses, and 
other water plants in the interior. 


Geographical Distribution.—North America, from the Arctic 
Ocean to Mexico and Cuba. Breeds from Maine and Montana, 

Adult Male.—A broad white band extends from behind and 
beneath the eye to the occiput. Rest of head and top of neck, 
glossed with metallic green, purple, violet, and bronze reflec- 
tions. The feathers of the head are puffed out, and lengthened 
on sides and back. Lower part of neck, entire under parts, 
large patch on wing, composed of wing coverts and outer webs 
of secondaries, and scapulars, white. Inner secondaries, black. 
Primaries, black. Back and rump, black, fading into the pearl 
gray of the upper tail coverts. Tail, dark gray, with white edges 
to the feathers. Bill, bluish gray; nail, dusky. Iris, dark brown. 
Legs and feet, flesh color; webs, darker. Total length, about 
144 inches; wing, 64; culmen, 1;%; tarsus, 14%. 



Adult Female.—Head and neck, dusky brown; top of head, 
darkest. A white patch or stripe on cheeks and ear coverts. 
Upper parts, blackish brown, grading into black on the rump. 
Wings, dusky brown. Apical half of outer webs of secondaries, 
white, forming a speculum. Upper part of breast, sides, anal 
region, and lower tail coverts, dull gray. Rest of under parts, 
white. Tail, grayish brown. Bill, dusky, slightly plumbeous on 
edge and tip. Legs and feet, bluish gray; webs, dusky. Total 
length, about 134 inches; wing, 5;%; culmen, 1; tarsus, 17/5. 

The females vary slightly from each other, some having more 
white on the wings; the secondaries, and the tips of the greater 
wing coverts, also, being of that hue. 


North America the Old Squaw is found from the 

Arctic Sea to the Potomac and Ohio rivers and occa- 
sionally in Florida, Texas, and California, but it is met 
with mainly along the sea-coast, although in winter it is 
observed in considerable numbers on Lake Michigan and 
in Wisconsin. It comes to its far northern breeding 
grounds, on the Alaskan coast of Behring Sea, about the 
middle of May, being among the very earliest arrivals of 
the Duck tribe. It is found on the Aleutian Islands and 
has been known to winter around Unalaska. 

Nelson states that these birds do not reach their nest- 
ing grounds from the sea until the ice has nearly all dis- 
appeared from the ponds and creeks, and the females 
begin to lay about the 12th of May, and from that date to 
the 25th. The nests are usually placed upon the sloping 
grassy banks of the ponds close to the water, and the 
parents keep in the neighborhood. During the period of 
courtship the male frequently swims rapidly about the 
female, with his long tail feathers elevated and vibrating 
from side to side, and during this display he utters his 
love note. The voice of this Duck is soft and with rather 
a sweet tone; the three notes usually uttered resem- 
bling somewhat the words, “ Old, South Sotthérly,” or 
“South South Southérly,” ending with a rising inflec- 
tion. Occasionally the female, when pressed by too 
ardent a lover, suddenly dives, followed by her partner, 
and they as quickly appear again and are on the wing, 
when a chase follows, both birds diving when at full 


45. Long-Tailed Duck, Summer plumage. 


speed, and mounting again in the air. This is kept up 
until both are tired. Occasionally other males join in 
the pursuit after the female, uttering their musical 
notes, until the lady, finding that she has too much com- 
pany, retires to some secluded pond with her accepted 
lover, leaving the others to seek pastures new. In their 
habit of diving when on the wing during courtship with- 
out relaxing their speed, they are imitated by no other 
Dugk save the Sprigtail. The nest is composed of grass 
stems and is lined with down, and the eggs, of an olive or 
grayish green color, are from five to nine in number. By 
the last of June the young are nearly all hatched and they 
remain about the ponds until the middle of August, when 
they usually go to the shores of the bays. It is one of the 
last species to leave the Arctic regions in the autumn, and 
does not depart until the ponds and creeks, and even the 
sea itself, are frozen over. In certain places, as some of 
the Aleutian Islands, where the sea may remain open at 
least to a considerable extent, it stays all winter. 

The summer dress of this Duck is quite different from 
that of the winter, and is almost a sooty black with a 
rufous tinge upon the head, neck, and breast; the latter, 
however, being rather lighter. Sometimes, however, 
the winter dress, according to Nelson, is retained 
throughout the nesting season, and there is so much 
gradation observable among individuals between the two 
costumes that it is very difficult to procure any in perfect 
summer dress. As the ice commences to form the birds 
retreat, and get well out to sea before they begin their 
migration southward. It is, however, such a hardy bird, 
and seems so to love a freezing temperature, that it does 
not hurry, and goes on its way toward the south only as 
the waters become congealed or blocked with floes of ice, 
and thus compel it to move on. The Old Squaw breeds 


in Iceland and other parts of Northern Europe, also on 
the lower Anderson River, on the Barren Grounds, and 
on small islands in the bays on the Arctic coast. 
The number of eggs varies from five to seven, and they 
are always covered by the down plucked from the breast 
of the female. 

This species does not seem to visit our Western coast, 
south of Alaska, but in its migration trends to the 
eastward, and enters our limits east of the Mississippi 
River. While it cannot be at all classed with’ the 
fresh-water Ducks, it is abundant at times on some of the 
larger Western lakes, making its appearance toward 
the last of October, about the time when all the smaller 
lakes and streams are frozen. It is fond of the sea, and 
is frequently seen in flocks off shore just beyond the line 
of breakers that hurl their white crests along the beach, 
rising and falling with the waves, or diving into the 
depths in search of food, or flying up and down parallel 
with the land, now disappearing between the billows in 
the trough of the waves, again rising above their crests, 
the flocks speeding on in long drawn out lines. The 
flight of this Duck is exceedingly rapid, indeed it may be 
regarded as among the swiftest of the tribe, and its 
powers of diving are excelled by none. It is so expert 
at this, and disappears from view so instantaneously and 
with so little effort, that it is next to impossible to kill it 
when on the water, the bird vanishing before the shot 
can reach it. 

When the water is calm, and the sun has gained a cer- 
tain amount of power as it returns on its northern jour- 
ney from below the equator, the Old Squaws gather 
together in small parties on the open water of the sounds 
away from land, or on the bosom of the ocean, a gun- 
shot or so from shore, and sleep or dress their feathers, 

46. Long-Tailed Duck, Winter plumage. 

<r ee al ee eee Se —— 


perhaps dive a little and bring up some choice eatable 
from or near the bottom. At such times their musi- 
cal notes are constantly borne to the observer’s ear, of 
South, south, southerly, or as Nelson writes it A-leedle-a 
(which, however, does not convey the sounds to my ear), 
and the pleasing chorus, rising from one portion or an- 
other of the assembled birds, disturbs with tuneful 
sounds the stillness that rests upon the sleeping water. 
The food of the Old Squaw is various small shell-fish, 
fry, and insects, fresh-water or marine, according to the 
locality in which the bird happens to be. As an article 
of food little can be said in favor of this Duck, for either 
the flesh is tasteless and tough, or else fishy and disa- 
greeable. It is avery difficult bird to kill, for it flies with 
such swiftness that it is no easy mark to hit, and requires 
a very powerful blow to bring it down. If only wounded 
it is almost impossible to capture, as it dives with such 
dexterity and so persistently, and stays under water so 
long, that it will tire completely either man or dog. 

In various parts of the land, besides those already 
given, and by which it is best known, it has many names, 
some of which are, South Southerly—from its cry, Old 
Wife, Old Injun, Old Molly, Old Granny, Cockawee or 
Caccawee, Coween, Swallow-tailed Duck, Long- 
tailed Duck, Scolder, and Noisy Duck. There are 
others which, however, are mostly purely local, and fa- 
miliar only to a few. The male is a handsome bird, 
whether in winter or summer dress, the long tail feathers 
being very ornamental, and especially conspicuous when 
the bird is rushing, with far more than the swiftest rail- 
road speed, through the air. It is probably one of the 
species of Ducks that will remain with us the longest, as 
the poor quality of its flesh prevents it from being sought 
after as an article of food, and sportsmen pay little or no 


attention to it, save when no other Wild Fowl can be 

Perhaps, when, from continuous and ruthless slaugh- 
ter, beginning with the destruction of the eggs in the far 
north, and the persecution of the birds throughout their 
long journeys to the southland and back to their breed- 
ing places, the majority of our Ducks have been annihi- 
lated, and the now despised Mud Hen or Blue Peter 
(Fulica americana) has become the game water bird of our 
successors, then the Old Squaw, in its descendants, may 
rise to the first rank of desirable Ducks, and be the 
choicest and most eagerly sought species of Water Fowl 
in the opinion of future sportsmen. But when that day 
comes, as undoubtedly it surely will, and the majority of 
our magnificent Water Fowl has become extinct, one 
dreads to think of the loneliness and stillness of our 
marshes, lakes, and tidal waters, which, once resounding 
in spring and autumn, aye and in many places through- 
out the winter, with the glad cries and cheerful calls of 
countless busy feathered creatures, will then lie tenant- 
less and deserted, never more to echo with the voices of 
Nature’s happy children, stilled forever. 


Geographical Distributcon.—Northern Hemisphere. In North 
America from Arctic Ocean to Florida, Texas, and California, 
rare though in these States. In the Old World from Great 
Britain to Japan and China, occasionally in winter going to the 
Mediterranean. Breeds in Arctic regions. 

Adult Male in Summer,.—tLores, fore part of cheeks, and sides 
of forehead, mouse gray. <A line above the gray from forehead 
passing over the eye and joining one from beneath the eye and 
extending to above ear coverts, white. Rest of head, neck, and 
upper parts, sooty black; the feathers on upper part of back 

* See Appendix, page 290. 


and the scapulars having the edges fulvous. Wing coverts, 
brownish black; secondaries, grayish on outer web, edged with 
whitish. Primaries, black at tip; dark purplish brown on outer 
webs, with light edges. Four middle tail feathers, black, with 
white shafts, the central pair greatly elongated, rest of tail, 
white; some feathers, dark brown on outer web along the shaft. 
Breast and upper part of abdomen, chocolate brown; rest of un- 
der parts and flanks, white. Bill, black, with a broad rose pink 
band crossing the maxilla in front of the nostrils. Iris, light 
hazel. Legs and feet, pale bluish white; webs, dusky. Total 
length varies greatly according to the elongation of the central 
pair of tail feathers, from 21 to 23 inches; wing, 8,4; culmen, 15; 
tarsus, 14; middle tail feathers, 8 to 9. 

Adult Female tn Summer.—Head and neck, dark grayish 
brown; space around the eye, and one on each side of neck, 
grayish white. Upper parts, blackish brown; feathers of upper 
back, with light brown tips; the scapulars almost entirely light 
brown, with blackish brown centers. Wings, similar to male. 
Upper tail coverts, blackish brown, feathers tipped with light 
brown. ‘Tail, median pair not elongated, dark brown in center, 
growing lighter toward outer feathers, which are almost entirely 
white. Upper part of breast and anterior part of sides, light 
brown, rest of under parts, pure white. Bill, dusky olive gray. 
Legs and feet, bluish gray. Iris, yellow. Total length, about 18 
inches; wing, 84; culmen, 1; tarsus, 1,2. 

Adult Male in Wenter.—Sides of head and orbital region, and 
in some specimens also, the lores, mouse gray. A large patch on 
sides of neck, black, grading into mouse gray on its lower por- 
tion. Rest of head, zzcluding the eyelids, and neck, upper parts 
of back and chest, white. Middle of back, rump, upper tail cov- 
erts, and wings, black. Scapulars, pearl gray. Secondaries, 
reddish brown. Tail, black on median feathers; central pair, 
elongated, growing lighter toward outer feathers, which are 
nearly all white. Breast and upper part of abdomen chocolate 
brown, in some specimens, black; rest of under parts, pure white. 
Bill, orange yellow; basal half on sides, and nail, black. Iris, 
carmine. Legs and feet, bluish gray. 

Adult Female in Winter.—Forehead and crown, dusky; ear 
coverts, throat, and space about theeye, grayish white. Rest of 
head, neck, and lower parts, white. Jugulum, brown. Upper 
parts, dark brown; the scapulars, wing coverts, outer web of 



secondaries and feathers of the rump, edged with pale raw umber 
brown, sometimes with ashy. Tail, grayish brown, edges of 
feathers, ashy; central pair not elongated. 

Young.—Similar to female, but the head and upper parts, 
darker and without the light border to the feathers of the latter. 
Lores, grayish brown, and the light patch about the eye smaller 
and rather indistinct; upper part of breast, brownish black, with 
gray tips to the feathers, graduating into the pale gray. of the 
lower breast. Under parts, pure white. Feathers of the tail, 
grayish brown, with white margins. In this stage of plumage, 
this bird is very somber and unattractive. 

Downy Young .—Head and upper parts, hair brown. Grayish 
white markings near eye; dusky stripe from corner of mouth to 
back of head. Under parts, white; dark brown band across 

‘yonq umboiey 




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S fantastically decorated with various stripes as is the 
face of the Harlequin marked for the pantomime, 
this bird must rank as one of our beautiful species of 
Ducks. It is a native of the northern portions of both 
the New and Old World, and in the Eastern Hemisphere 
goes to Japan. In North America it ranges from the 
Arctic regions southward to the middle States and Cali- 
fornia, and breeds in the West from the Rocky and Sierra 
Nevada Mountains, and in the East from Newfound- 
land, northward. It cannot be said to be a common 
species anywhere, and few sportsmen have ever seen it in 
life. It is a solitary bird, except under especial circum- 
stances, and goes either alone or in pairs, and haunts the 
most retired spots along the mountain streams, where 
the Ouzel delights to sport itself in the running water, 
or under the sparkling curtain of the foaming cascade. 
It breeds in such situations, but just where the nest is 
situated does not yet seem to be fully established. I 
have never seen it, and the accounts given of its situa- 
tion prove that the bird alters its habits in a way not imi- 
tated by any other Duck, and influenced by the locality in 
which it may find itself. Thus Mr. C. W. Shepard states 
that he found it breeding in Iceland in holes in trees on 
the banks of the River Laxa, and Dresser says that the 
nest is placed on the ground, although he has never seen 
the nest himself, nor does he give any authority for his 
statement. Many observers have met with the old birds 


and their broods of different ages, but no one save Mr. 
Shepard and Mr. Pearson, hereafter mentioned, appears 
really to have found the nest. At one time the Harle- 
quin Duck was not at all uncommon in winter on the 
Atlantic coast as far as New York, but of late years it 
does not come much farther south than the shores of 
Maine. In Alaska this Duck appears to breed in the 
interior along the mountain streams that flow into the 
great rivers, in the loneliest parts of that remote northern 
wilderness. The species is also at times quite numerous 
about the Aleutian Islands, frequenting the inner bays 
near the mouths of fresh-water streams, also in the outer 
bays and between the islands. 

Nelson says that at the beginning of June at Unalaska 
the birds had united in very large flocks, of several hun- 
dred, were very shy, and when alarmed moved away with 
a confused noise of gabbling, chattering notes. He thinks 
they undoubtedly breed among the islands, but no nest 
was found. At the Seal Islands they remain all the year 
except when the ice compels them to leave for a season. 
The Indians along the Yukon stuff the skin of this Duck 
and decorate it with beads and bright cloth as toys for 
the children. The Harlequin Duck follows the West 
coast south as far as Puget Sound. It breeds in the 
Rocky Mountains at various altitudes, and according to 
Mr. Belden, as given by Brewer, he has seen numerous 
broods on the Stanislaus River, Calaveras Co., California, 
every summer at a height of about four thousand feet. 
The ducklings were exceedingly active in the water, tum- 
bling over cascades and through rapids in a most aston- 
ishing manner. 

Along our Eastern coast, from the Gulf of St. Law- 
rence to Maine, this Duck appears in greater or less 
numbers every winter. The females outnumber the 


males considerably, and it is easier to get a half dozen 
females or young birds than one male in perfect dress. It 
flies very swiftly, and when shot will often dive headlong 
into the water. In swimming the Harlequin sits lightly 
on the water, and the little flock (perhaps all members of 
one family), are usually preceded by the male, the others 
following demurely after him. If alarmed, they dive at 
once, and are very expert in all under-water tactics. 
This species feeds chiefly on mollusks and other shell- 
fish. Turner says that the common black mussel in 
Alaska is much sought after by this Duck, and it is 
constantly diving for it. Sometimes this bivalve seizes the 
bird by the bill, and does not release its hold until its vic- 
tim ceases to struggle and so indicates that life is extinct. 

As a rule the Harlequin is a silent bird, but in the mat- 
ing season it utters a peculiar whistle, generally made by 
the male in his efforts to secure a mate. On account of 
its restricted range not many names have been applied to 
it, but it is known as Painted Duck, Rock Duck, and Lord 
and Lady, the latter on account of its beauty. In refer- 
ence to the nesting and breeding habits of the Harlequin 
Duck, I wrote to my friend the late Captain Charles Ben- 
dire of the National Museum, Washington, who knew 
more about nests and eggs than any other man in 
America, and he replied as follows: “ The Harlequin 
Duck undoubtedly nests both in our mountain ranges in 
the interior, Rockies, and Sierra Nevadas, as well as on 
many of the treeless islands of the Alaskan Peninsula and 
the Kurile Islands, and I have not the least doubt that it 
breeds both in hollow trees where such are available, and 
either on the ground or in holes made by Puffins where 
it can find such, not far from water. From what I have 
been able to learn from one of my correspondents I be- 
lieve they breed early, even in Alaska. He writes me, 


‘TIT have killed many of them on the Kuriles during the 
months of May, June, and July, but they never contained 
ova of any size, so I conclude that they must lay earlier, 
and my belief has been strengthened by killing a female 
in Alaska which contained eggs as large as grapes early 
in March.’ Mr. A. W. Anthony [continues Captain 
Bendire], writes me that a family of downy young were 
seen near Silverton, Colorado, on July 15th and one was 
taken. He states they are not uncommon there during 
the nesting season. They have also been observed dur- 
ing this time in Calaveras Co. and I have personally 
seen a family of eight or nine, with full-grown young in 
July, 1879, near Wenatchee, Kittitas Co., Washington, 
on the Upper Columbia, and shot two of the birds. 
There.are no North American eggs of this species in the 
National Museum collection, and I do not believe its 
nest has as yet been found within the United States. I 
should judge the egg to be correctly described; it is fig- 
ured by Hewitson in British Zoology, and by Baedeker, 
Die Fier curpaieschen Vogel.” 

In the /bis for April, 1895, the Messrs. Pearson, writ- 
ing upon some “ Birds observed in Iceland,” state that 
Mr. H. J. Pearson on the 11th of July, 1894, visited some 
islands composed of lava, in the middle of a river, and 
that the water ran like a mill race through three or four 
channels worn in the lava. On these islands he found 
six nests of the Harlequin Duck, three of them not two 
feet from the water hidden under the leaves of the wild 
anchelica, and the other three in holes in the banks, pro- 
tected by a screen of plants. One contained seven eggs. 
Very little down was in any of the nests. Many old nests 
were in these holes, they having been apparently a favor- 
ite breeding place for years. Mr. Pearson saw flocks of 
more than thirty males together on several occasions 


sitting on the rocks, or sporting in rapids so swift that 
few birds would be apt to frequent them. 


Geographical Distribution.—Northern portions of New and 
Old Worlds, ranging as far to the eastward as Japan. In North 
America from the Arctic regions to the Middle States and Cali- 
fornia. Breeds from Newfoundland and northern Rocky Moun- 
tains and Sierra Nevada, northward. 

Adult Male.—Lores, with a stripe extending along the crown; 
a round spot near the ears, a long narrow stripe on side of upper 
hind neck, a narrow collar around lower part of neck, frequently 
interrupted in front; a broad bar across sides of breast in front of 
wing; middle of scapulars, portion of tertials, a round spot on 
lesser wing coverts, tips of some of the greater wing coverts and 
a round spot on each side of crissum, pure white. Under side of 
neck, collar, and bar on side of breast above and below, bordered 
with black. Center of forehead, crown, and nape, black, bordered 
on either side with chestnut. Rest of head and neck, dark 
plumbeous, glossed with violet, inclining to black along the mar- 
gins of the white markings. Upper parts, leaden blue, grading 
into blue black on lower part of rump and upper tail coverts. 
Wing coverts, bluish slate. Speculum, deep bluish violet. 
Primaries and tail feathers, dusky black. Breast, plumbeous; 
abdomen, sooty gray, grading into the black of the crissum and 
under tail coverts. Sides and flanks, bright rufous. Bill, bluish 
gray in front of nostrils, basal part, dark olive gray, tip, paler. 
Iris, reddish brown or dark hazel. Legs and feet, bluish gray; 
webs, dusky. Total length, about 174inches; wing, 7,5;; culmen, 1; 
tarsus, 15%. 

Adult Female.—Lores, spot above and in front of eye, and 
larger one-behind ear, white. Rest of head, neck, jugulum, and 
upper parts, dark brown, inclining to sooty brown on head and 
rump. Wings and tail, glossy blackish brown, with an inclina- 
tion to a purple gloss in some lights. Breast, sides, flanks, cris- 
sum, and under tail coverts, light reddish brown, with indistinct 
black spots in the center of feathers on breast. Abdomen, white, 
becoming much mottled with brown on lower part, and passing 
into the reddish brown of the crissum. Bill, legs, and feet, dark 


bluish gray. Iris, brown. Total length, about 17 inches; wing, 
775; culmen, 1; tarsus, rq. 

The male in summer has a much duller plumage than in win- 
ter, and the pattern of the coloration not so clearly and sharply 
defined. In some portions of his dress at this season he resem- 
bles the adult female, and is not such a brave-looking gallant as 
he appears in the winter garb. 

Young Male,—White markings of head and neck, less pure 
than in the adult, and the bar alongside the black on crown 
is yellowish brown, somewhat mixed with white. Head and 
neck, dusky, with a bluish tinge. Back and wings, dusky; edges 
of feathers, paler. Some of the tertials with white centers. No 
speculum. ‘Tips of greater coverts, pale grayish brown, forming 
baron the wing. Rump, sooty brown. Upper tail coverts, sooty, 
tipped with pale brown. Tail, light brown. The white collar 
at base of neck merely indicated, and the white bars before the 
bend of the wing about half as long asin the adult. Breast and 
under parts, sooty brown, mottled with white, lightest (almost 
white) on lower breast, and becoming reddish brown on under 
tail coverts. Flanks, pale chestnut. 

Young.—Resembles the female, but darker above; the upper 
part of breast, sides, flanks, and under tail coverts, tinged with 

Downy Young.—Top of head and nape, blackish brown; 
cheeks and neck, white; upper parts, blackish brown; a white 
spot on each wing and thigh; under parts, white. 

*19}JOOS JanG “gh 


HIS Coot is peculiar to North America and is found 
from the Arctic Sea to Lower California on the 
Pacific, and to Florida on the Atlantic coast. It is also 
met with on the Great Lakes, and through Illinois in win- 
ter, to Missouri. In fact its dispersion is almost precisely 
that of the White-winged Scoter. It breeds in similar 
latitudes, from Labrador to the Arctic Ocean on the east- 
ern part of the continent, and at Sitka, also at the mouths 
of the Yukon,and about St. Michael’s on the western side. 
As it goes in summer to both sides of Behring Straits, 
and to Norton and Kotzebue sounds, it may have other 
breeding places farther north than those given. In win- 
ter it is met with throughout the Aleutian Islands. The 
nest is similar to that of the White-winged Scoter, and is 
placed in like situations. The eggs, usually from five to 
eight in number, are white with a pinkish tinge. Some- 
times in the far north males of this species collect to- 
gether in immense numbers, and Nelson tells of a flock 
met with by him near Stewart Island, about ten miles 
out to sea from St. Michael’s, which formed a continuous 
band around the outer end of the island for about ten 
miles in length and from one-half to three-fourths of a 
mile in width. As he drew near to this great mass the 
birds close to him began to rise, and their movements 
were imitated by those ahead of them until soon the 
entire mighty host of birds rose with the “ roar of a cata- 
ract,” and in a great black cloud swept out to sea, and 



settled again some distance away. Later in the season 
the females and young join these gay bachelors, and by 
the middle of October are met with in small flocks, all 
along the coasts, where they remain until the ice begins 
to form and drives them away. In the mating season 
they utter a low clear whistle, and will come to a decoy 
when this note is imitated. In the winter it frequents 
the sheltered coves and bays in the Aleutian Islands and 
is very shy and dives and goes a considerable distance 
under water, when alarmed. . 

The Surf Duck appears on our coast in company with 
the other Coots in October, and is the most numerous of 
all the species. It remains just outside the line of inner ” 
breakers, or between them and the beach, often coming 
quite close in, and in small companies passes the day in rid- 
ing the waves and exploring their depths. It often enters 
the large bays, and occasionally is very abundant on the 
Chesapeake in the vicinity of Norfolk, and out toward 
the ocean. The birds are frequently seen dotting the 
surface of the water in every direction, and when a boat 
approaches, will wait until it is almost on to them, when 
they either dive, or rise heavily, flapping the water with 
both wings and feet until, gaining headway, they fly low 
for a short distance and drop with a splash into the waves 
again. All three species of Coots are often seen in such 
situations, but as a rule each keeps by itself, though occa- 
sionally, from the rapid approach of some steamer, the 
members of the flocks, on rising, get mixed together. 
But they do not remain so long, each species again seek- 
ing its fellows. As these Ducks are heavy and rise from 
the water with difficulty, they are always obliged to take 
wing against the wind, but if they are so situated that, to 
do this, they must fly toward the object of their alarm, 
they always take refuge in diving; frequently passing 


completely under a steamer and appearing on the other 

As the weather increases in severity during the winter 
the Surf Scoters move southward, coming gradually 
northward as spring approaches, and by the month of 
May they are well on their way toward their northern 
breeding grounds. This species has straggled south as 
far as Bermuda, and there are two records of its appear- 
ance in that island, and it has also occasionally been cap- 
tured in Europe, but these are merely wanderers from 
their fellows and native land, blown off their route pos- 
sibly by some storm. The Surf Scoter has many trivial 
‘names, and is known as the Hollow-billed Coot, Skunk 
Head Coot, Spectacle Coot, Spectacle Duck, Surf Duck, 
Horse Head Coot, Bay Coot, Butterboat-billed Coot, etc.; 
while the females and young are called Gray Coot and 
Brown Coot. Although none of the Coots can be called 
handsome Ducks, yet the peculiar markings of the head, 
and the bright coloring of the bill of the present species, 
almost entitles it to that epithet. As an article of food the 
Surf Scoter is not generally much sought after, as its 
flesh is tough and fishy, but Turner says that in Alaska 
those obtained among the Aleutian Islands were very 
good indeed, and if well prepared the flesh was free from 
all strong odors. I am inclined to think that perhaps the 
absence of dishes obtainable in more southern climes, 
and the presence of an appetite excited by much open- 
air exercise, had a great deal to do with this opinion, for 
in the United States few people care to dine on Coot. 


Geographical Distrzbution.—Northern North America, from 
the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, and on the large inland 
waters. Going south in winter to Florida on the east coast; the 


Ohio River in the interior, and to Lower California in the west. 
Breeds in the Arctic regions. Accidental in Bermuda and in 

Adult Male.—Triangular spot on forehead, with the point 
forward, occupying nearly all the space between the eyes, and 
another large one on nape, pointing downward, white. Entire 
rest of plumage, glossy black, lightest on under parts; no white 
on wing. Bill has the “ upper mandible (#a+xz//a), above at base, 
including nostrils, dull crimson, this changed to flame scarlet 
over the front of the mandible (maxz//a); nail, cadmium yellow, 
narrowly edged anteriorly with lighter yellow, and sometimes 
posteriorly with light lavender; sides with large squarish patch 
of black at base, this separated from the black feathering above 
it by orange, and from the feathering behind by a narrower edge 
of crimson; beneath this black patch and in front of it as far as 
anterior edge of nostril, or thereabouts, continuously white, the 
remainder of the sides (anteriorly to the white portion), pure 
orange; lower mandible nail like its fellow above; back of this 
for a short distance, reddish flesh color, terminating irregularly 
in white, the white continued to the base, with more or less 
black on the naked skin between the rami; feet, outer sides 
of tarsus and toes, excepting inner toe, crimson; the inner 
side, with both sides of inner toe, orange chrome, deepening 
in part to orange vermilion; joints and other portions blotchily 
marked with black; webs, solidly black.”— 7rumbull. Iris, 
white; pupil, black. Total length, about 21 inches; wing, 9}; 
culmen, 14; tarsus, 17%. 

Adult Female.—Top of head and nape, brownish black. A 
more or less distinct patch on lores, and another behind the ears, 
white. Rest of head and neck ashy brown. Upper parts, dusky 
brown, with some feathers having paler tips; under parts, gray- 
ish brown, nearly white on the abdomen; some of the flank feath- 
ers tipped with white or whitish brown, anal region and under 
tail coverts, dusky. Wing like the upper parts, no white. Bill, 
black, with a greenish tinge. Iris, dark. Feet and legs, brown- 
ish yellow; webs, black. Total length, about 19 inches; wing, 9; 
culmen, 133;; tarsus, 1;'5. 

Young Male.—Resembles very closely the female, but the 
white spots on lores and sides of head are clearer, and there are 
traces, or beginnings, of the large white patch on the nape. Bill 
is slightly tumid at base, with pinkish tinge on sides anteriorly. 


Among adult males there is considerable variation in the white 
ee of the head. Sometimes the patch on the fore part of 
crown is wanting, and there is considerable difference in the size 
_ of these markings when present. The coloring of the bill, also, 

varies at times from the typical style, some individuals having 
_ more black than others. 


T HIs Duck has a wide dispersion in North America, 

and is found from the Arctic Sea to Southern Cali- 
fornia on the Pacific, to the Great Lakes in the interior 
of the continent, and to New Jersey and possibly much 
farther south on the Atlantic coast. It has been pro- 
cured at St. Louis in Missouri, and is a rare visitor to Illi- 
nois and perhaps some of the adjacent States. It is 
abundant at Hudson Bay, but is present in greater num- 
bers, in the breeding season, on the Alaskan coasts than 
in almost any other portion of the extreme north. It 
abounds about Behring Sea and Kotzebue Sound, and 
has been seen at St. Lawrence Island, breeds on the 
Nearer Islands, occurs on the Commander Islands and 
the Shumagin group, is a winter resident in the Aleutian 
Islands, and, according to Swinhoe, has been taken in 
China and Japan. 

The species comes to St. Michael’s, Nelson says, when 
the ice begins to break up on the sea, and the ponds in 
the marshes are open. Toward the end of May the 
birds frequent these last, and mating having been accom- 
plished a site for the nest is chosen. This is generally in 
the grass near to water, and formed of grass, feathers, 
leaves, and moss. If any low-branching tree or bush is 
handy, the nest is often placed beneath it. As a rule it 
is carefully hidden, and the eggs are covered by the 
female whenever she goes away. When incubation com- 
mences the males leave the females and gather, as is the 
custom of the Eiders, in great flocks along the sea-shore 





49. American Scoter. 

—— —_———-»— 


in the vicinity of a bay or inlet. These assemblies con- 
tinue to grow in numbers throughout the summer. 
Sometimes the males are seen with the females in the 
marshes throughout the season, but these are late 
breeders. The young are kept by the females near the 
nest in some pond until half grown, and then they gradu- 
ally work their way down to the sea. Their habits dur- 
ing the breeding season are very much like those of the 

About the middle of October the migration southward 
begins. Upon the Atlantic coast the American Scoter 
appears from its northern breeding grounds in Septem- 
ber. These individuals are mainly old birds, the young 
coming during October. They are associated with the 
two other species of Scoter, and continue to pass along 
the coast until late in the winter. The present species is 
less numerous than the others, and while the members of 
the flocks usually keep pretty well together, they yet at 
times become all mixed up with the White-winged and 
Surf Scoters. They keep at quite a distance from the 
beach, and fly in a long line just above the water, headed 
generally by some old male. They travel at a great speed, 
sometimes at the rate of, possibly, one hundred miles an 
hour, and are very difficult to kill, not only because of the 
rapidity of their flight, but also on account of the density 
of their feathers, which toa great extent prevents the shot 
from entering the body. As a diver, like all Sea Ducks, 
this Scoter is most skillful, disappearing without effort 
beneath the surface, and remaining for an exceedingly 
long time without rising. If wounded it will frequently 
seize some grass growing on the bottom, as already re- 
lated of some other deep-water Ducks, and commit 
suicide by drowning rather than permit itself to be cap- 
tured, If the water is clear, the bird can be seen close to 


the bottom, and if an oar can be made to reach it, by re- 
peated pushes it can be compelled to release its hold, 
when it usually rises to the surface, though sometimes it 
will swim to another clump of grass and hang on to that. 

This species utters a long musical whistle, and it can 
often be distinguished by this note from the other Ducks 
in the vicinity. In windy weather these birds fly very 
low over the water, and if disturbed by a passing boat, 
when resting on the surface, if they rise at all, it will be 
to fly for only a short distance, and then drop with a 
splash, and usually dive at once if the object of their 
alarm is near. In calm weather they fly. very high, espe- 
cially when migrating. They mate, as do many of the 
Water Fowl, before the spring migration begins, and the 
male will often be seen following the female closely about 
whenever she is upon the wing. Should anything hap- 
pen to her he frequently returns to seek her, but if he is 
the sufferer she pays no attention to him, but continues 
on her way with apparent indifference. 

This Duck has many names, the best known being, 
Black Coot, Whistling Coot, Butter-billed, and Hollow- 
billed Coot, while the female is called Gray and Brown 
Coot. There are quite a number of other names, many 
of them purely local. The color of the eggs is a pinkish 
ivory white. The male of this Duck, while arrayed in a 
melancholy dress of intense black, has one brilliant spot, 
in the place that would be most suspicious and unattrac- 
tive in man, but which is all right in a bird, viz.: around 
and behind the nostrils. The basal part of the bill bulges 
up and is a bright orange, slightly paler above. This bit 
of color relieves the appearance of what would be other- 
wise a gloomy and somber-looking creature. As a bird 
for the table, the adults of this species, like those of the 
two succeeding, are abominable, 



Geographical Distribution.—Northern North America, from 
the Arctic Ocean to California on the Pacific, and to the Great 
Lakes in the interior (accidental in Missouri), and to New Jersey 
on the Atlantic coast. Breeds from Labrador throughout the 
Arctic regions, Aleutian Islands, and Islands of Behring Sea, and 
is said to visit China and Japan. 

Adult Male.—Entire plumage, black, glossy on head, neck, 
and upper parts. Nospeculum. Inner webs of primaries, gray- 
ish. Bill, black on apical half, bright orange on basal half, in- 
cluding the gibbous portion, or knob. Iris, deep brown. Legs 
and feet, blackish. Total length, about 18 inches; wing, 84; 
culmen, including knob, 1%; tarsus, 1,%5. 

Adult Female.—Front, crown, and nape, dark brown. Chin, 
throat, and sides of head and neck, light grayish brown, speckled 
with dusky. Upper parts, sooty brown, tips of feathers, lighter; 
under parts, grayish brown; feathers on lower breast and abdo- 
men, frequently tipped with grayish white. Bill of normal 
shape, black, sometimes with yellow marks. Legs and feet, 
olive brown; webs, black. Total length, about 18 inches; wing, 
83; culmen, 1,4; tarsus, 1,5. 

Young.—Resembles the female. Chin, throat, sides of head 
and neck, brownish white. Under parts, whitish, with nebu- 
lous spots of brown. Crissum, grayish brown; feathers, with 
whitish tips. 

Downy YVoung.—Upper parts and breast, dark brown. Throat, 
white. Abdomen, grayish brown. Bill, dark plumbeous. Legs 
and feet, olive. 


HE Velvet Scoter is a bird of the Old World, and has 

only been obtained a few times within the limits of 
North America, viz., in Greenland and Alaska. It must 
then be regarded as an accidental visitor to our shores, 
and in no way considered as an American species. It is 
rather common in the northern portions of the Eastern 
Hemisphere, going southward, during the winter, to the 
Mediterranean and the Caspian seas. Like its American 
ally, this Scoter is found along the sea-coast, flies swiftly 
after it once gets started,—for it is rather clumsy in rising 
from the water, as it is a heavy bird,—swims easily, and 
is a most expert diver. 

The nest is placed upon the ground near some pond. 
It is merely a depression, hidden under a bush, and lined 
with grass, leaves, and some down, and the number of 
eggs varies from eight to ten, ivory white in hue, with a 
buff tinge. The habits of this species are the same as 
those of the American Scoter. When incubation begins 
the males desert the females, and assembling together re- 
sort to the sea, and the islands lying off shore. When 
the young are full grown they and the females join the 
males, and begin their journey southward. The Velvet 
Scoter bears a close resemblance to the American Scoter, 
but has a differently shaped and colored bill, which easily 
distinguishes the two forms. 


Velvet Scoter. 



Geographical Distribution.—Northern portions of the Old 
World. Occasional in Greenland and Alaska. 

Adult Male.—General plumage, uniform velvety black. Eye- 
lids and spot under eyes, white. Speculum formed by tips of 
greater coverts and secondaries, white. Bill, orange, much 
elevated at base, with a black line running obliquely from nostril 
to the nail. Iris, white. Legs and feet, dark red, or crimson; 
webs, black. Total length, about 22 inches; wing, 11; culmen, 
13; tarsus, 1,%. 

Adult Female.—A spot near base of maxilla, and one near the 
ear, and also the secondaries, white. General plumage, brown- 
ish gray, with pale edges on the back and scapulars. Under 
parts, sooty gray; feathers, edged with whitish. Bill, dusky. 
Legs and feet, similar in color to those of male, but paler. 

Downy Young.—Resembles those of @. americana, but has 
a white spot on the wings, and the belly white. 


A WELL-KNOWN species along our coasts, and on 

our inland lakes and rivers in certain portions of 
the West, the White-winged Scoter has a wide distribu- 
tion throughout North America. It does not seem to 
breed as far north as the American Scoter, but has been 
obtained on both sides of the continent, and goes in win- 
ter on the Pacific coast as far as Southern California and 
to the Middle States on the Atlantic. It is also found 
upon the Great Lakes, being common on Lake Michigan, 
and is generally met with throughout Illinois in winter 
and has been seen in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and as far 
south as the vicinity of St. Louis, in Missouri. 

As the White-winged Coot it is known everywhere, 
and is usually considered of little value, on account 
of the poor quality of its flesh. Its habits resemble those 
of the other Coots, with which it is frequently associated. 
In Alaska it breeds, about St. Michael’s, on the lower 
Yukon, and also in the vicinity of Sitka, and occurs very 
sparingly among the Aleutian Islands, but in autumn is 
common along the coast of the mainland from St. 
Michael’s, southward. On the eastern side of North 
America it breeds along the Mackenzie River to the 
Arctic Sea, on the Lower Anderson River, and on the 
Barren Grounds, and at Hudson Bay. The nest is placed 
upon the ground, concealed in a clump of trees, or under 
some low, spreading bush, and is a mere depression in 
the ground, lined with down and feathers, and near some 



White-Winged Scoter. 


pond or stream. The eggs, which are from five to eight 
in number, are a light cream color. This Duck breeds, 
in addition to the places already mentioned, in Labrador, 
where Audubon found the nests and eggs and also cap- 
tured some of the young, only a few days old. The nests 
were placed in situations similar to those already de- 
scribed, but were formed of twigs, mosses, and plants 
matted together and without any down. He says the 
eggs he saw were pale cream color, tinged with green. 
Although the young he procured were only about a 
week old, the males could already be distinguished from 
the females by the white spot under the eye. The down 
covering them was stiff and hairy, all black except the 
chin, which was white. The birds were present in great 
numbers and kept arriving all the time from the Gulf of 
St. Lawrence. 

On the Atlantic coast, this Coot reaches the shores of 
the New England States in September or beginning of 
October, appearing in flocks of no very great size, the 
old ones coming first. When migrating the birds fly 
high, and they pursue their way in silence. If the 
weather is stormy their course is low over the water, 
rising and falling with the waves, now just topping some 
combing billow, again hidden as they disappear in the 
trough of the sea. Although their flesh is poor, tough, 
and fishy, numbers of this Duck are shot by gunners 
every season. They are exceedingly tenacious of life, 
and are clothed in such a dense feathery covering that 
it requires a gun heavily charged to bring them down; 
and if only wounded they dive so quickly, and stay 
under water so long, that it is next to impossible to 
secure them. The feathers also, beside being strong 
and thick, seem as if they were inserted through the 
skin and clinched on the under side, and the labor of 


picking a few individuals of this Coot is no joke, usually 
resulting in sore fingers. 

Where a flock is flying too high for a successful shot, 
it can sometimes be brought within range by discharg- 
ing a gun at it, and at the report, the birds will often 
make a sudden plunge downward in the direction of the 
water, coming near enough to the sportsman for him to 
kill some of them. The Scoter, as has been said, is a 
skillful diver, and will frequently go to the bottom, where 
the water is fifty feet deep, and, if wounded, stay there. 

This Duck has many names among the sportsmen and 
gunners, some of the best known being, Velvet Duck, 
Velvet Scoter, White-winged Surf Duck, Coot, Black 
Surf Duck, etc. It is also the Lake Huron Scoter de- 
scribed by Herbert (Frank Forrester) from an immature 
bird, and although the young, when it has fed perhaps 
upon such diet as the inland lakes afford, is not (as I 
know, for | have shot numbers of them in such waters 
myself) as fishy as the birds killed on the coasts, yet it 
does not deserve the praise he gives it. The food of this 
Duck consists of fish, mollusca, and various crustaceans 
procured by diving. 


Geographical Distribution.—Northern portions of North Amer- 
ica on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts; going south in winter 
to Chesapeake Bay, southern Illinois, vicinity of St. Louis in Mis- 
souri, and Lower California. Breeds in the Arctic regions. 

Adult Male.—A small spot under eye, and speculum on wing, 
white. Entire plumage, black, inclining to brownish black be- 
neath; flanks olive brown. Base of maxilla, including elevated 
culmen and nostrils, together with the edges, black. Sides of 
maxilla, deep red, grading into orange on culmen; nail, vermil- 
ion. Between the nail and nostril, pearly white. Iris, white, or 
yellowish white. Legs and feet, scarlet; joints and webs, black, 
Total length, about 20 inches; wings, 11; culmen, 1,%; tarsus, 2, 


Adult Female.—Upper part of head and neck, dark brown. A 
white spot behind the ear, and another indicated at base of max- 
illa. Rest of head and neck, sooty brown. Upper parts, sooty 
brown; speculum, white. Under parts, grayish brown. Bill, 
uniform dusky. Iris, dark. Legs and feet, duller than those of 
the male, flesh color, tinged with black; webs, black. Wing, 103; 
culmen, 1,8; tarsus, 1,5. 

Young Male.—Similar to the female, but head and neck, sooty 
black, and no white spot beneath the eye asin adult male. 


HIS very beautiful bird is only found within our 
limits, on the coasts and islands of Behring Sea; 
it also breeds along the northern shores of Siberia, 
and from there occasionally straggles into Russia and 
northern Europe. About all we know of it is derived 
from the accounts of the few naturalists who have visited 
its habitat. Nelson says he found it rather numerous 
in the quiet, sheltered bays and fjords of the Aleutian 
Islands, where, however, it was very shy. The residents 
told him the species was abundant in winter in the bays 
not ice-bound, and many birds were killed for food. It is 
found at Kadiak and Sauk Island, near the eastern end of 
the Aleutian chain, on the Shumagin Group, and also in 
great flocks on the north coast of the Alaskan Peninsula. 
Dall found it associating with the King Eider in 

The mating season begins in May, and the nest is 
placed between tussocks of grass and lined with the 
same material, and concealed by long, overhanging 
grasses. In the nest found there was a single egg, which 
was a pale grayish green color. It is said that if a nest 
is visited the bird will abandon it at once. 

This Duck seems to be irregular in its movements and 
does not always appear at the same place at stated 
periods. Thus in May, 1872, it was very abundant at 
Unalaska together with the Pacific Eider, but in May, 
1873, though the season was later, not a single member 
of either species was seen. It breeds on St. Lawrence 


ATs Elliot and fedwir Sheppard. — . 

52. Steller’s Duck. 


Island, and in summer passes along the Siberian coast 
from Kamchatka northward, moving, as winter ap- 
proaches, to the Aleutian and Kurile islands to the 
south. Steller’ss Duck frequents lagoons and_ the 
mouths of large rivers, also outlying rocky islets and 
exposed reefs, and feeds in the tide-rips, keeping along 
the shore but not very close in, where the water is clear 
and deep. It dives well and remains a long time below 
the surface, seeking its marine food. In the Arctic Sea, 
at Point Barrow, this species arrives in June and leaves 
by the middle of August, and in Norton Sound the birds 
are taken as late as the 15th of October, but those cap- 
tured are mostly young of the year. At the Commander 
Islands they arrive at the beginning of November, stay 
all winter, and leave by the end of May. It will be seen 
that this handsome Duck is a lover of cold weather and 
ice-bound coasts, and makes no effort to join the hosts 
that annually in the autumn seek a milder clime, but 
dwells throughout the year along the cheerless, sterile 
shores that bound the Arctic seas and islands. Al- 
though it has been taken in various parts of Northern 
Europe, even in the British Islands, there is no record 
of its capture in North America south of the limits of 


Geographical Déistrtibution.—Arctic and Subarctic coasts of 
Northern Hemisphere, Islands in Behring Sea, Aleutian Islands, 
and coast of Alaskan Peninsula, east to Kadiak. 

Adult Male,—Head and upper part of neck, satiny white; 
space around the eyes on each side of occipital tuft, chin and 
throat, black. Lores and tuft of stiff feathers on occiput, pale 
olive green. Lower part of neck, middle of back, rump, and 
upper tail coverts, blue black. Long scapulars, shining blue 
black on outer web, and white on the very narrow inner web; 


other scapulars similarly colored, bend downward across the 
wing, falling below the primaries. Wing coverts, anterior scap- 
ulars, and sides of back, pure white. Outer webs of secondaries, 
shining blue black, forming a speculum, the tips white, making a 
bar below the blue black. Primaries, blackish brown. Under 
parts, tawny, deepest on breast and middle of abdomen, which 
are chestnut or even black, grading into light buff or ochra- 
ceous on sides. A round black spot.on each side of the breast in 
front of primary coverts. Anal regions and under tail coverts, 
black. Tail, brownish black. Bill, light bluish gray, yellowish 
at tip. Iris, dark brown, Legs and feet, brownish gray. Total 
length, about 18 inches; wing, 8; culmen, 14; tarsus, 13. 

Adult Female.—Head and neck, reddish brown, speckled with 
dusky. Upper parts, dusky; feathers, tipped with fulvous. 
Wings, dusky; the coverts, tipped with brownish gray; tertials, 
broadly margined with snuff brown. Tips of greater coverts and 
secondaries, white, forming two narrow bars across the wing. 
Primaries, blackish brown; speculum, dull purplish brown. Up- 
per part of breast, rusty brown, spotted with black; upper parts, 
sooty brown. Bill, bluish gray. Legs and feet, brownish gray. 
Total length, 174 inches; wing, 8; culmen, 14; tarsus, rf. 

‘Iaplg, popoewjoods 


ES, his 0 





RESIDENT of the remote northwest coast of 

America, the Spectacled or Fischer’s Eider, as it is 
sometimes called, is local in its habitat, and is met with 
from the mouth of the Kuskokwim River to Point Bar- 
row, appearing at the latter place in summer. Its 
breeding range, according to Nelson, is from Norton 
Bay to the Kuskokwim River, but Turner says it also 
occurs among all the Aleutian Islands, where it breeds 
and is a constant resident, although extremely shy. 
This is another of our wild Ducks that have never ap- 
peared south of Alaska, and only those wha have visited 
the extreme northern part of that Territory, above the 
Peninsula, have had any opportunity to observe it in 
its native haunts. Its dispersion is somewhat greater 
than was at first supposed, but, even as we now know it, 
the species appears to be very local. It arrives in the 
vicinity of St. Michz 1I’s between the middle and last of 
May, flying in small flocks not exceeding fifty indi- 
viduals, and skimming just over the surface of the ice 
or marsh. Nelson says that the flocks break up soon 
after reaching their destination and mating takes place, 
but the eggs are seldom laid before June. The love- 
making is of a quiet, undemonstrative kind, and the 
birds are silent, uttering no notes. The nest is a depres- 
sion amid the grass, in some dry spot near the water, 
and lined with grass. The eggs, from five to nine of 
which make a set, are light olive drab in color. Other 
nesting places are tussocks of grass, small islands in 



ponds, and knolls near the water, and the nest is hidden 
in the dry grass amid which it is placed. The male re- 
mains near the nesting place until the young are hatched, 
when he disappears, probably to moult, and the female 
takes sole charge of the young and shows much courage 
in their defense, putting herself in the way of danger, 
and shielding the little ones from harm by every means 
in her power. By the beginning of September the young 
are well grown and all have deserted the marshes, and 
the species is scarce along the coast toward the last of 
the month. Nelson thinks that on account of its local 
distribution, and restricted range, it may readily be so 
reduced in numbers as to become a very rare bird, possi- 
bly even extinct, like the Great Auk and Labrador 
Duck. Its breeding range does not exceed four 
hundred miles of coast line with a width of not over one 
or two miles, and against the usual opposing natural 
forces it must contend with, it has, in addition, the 
natives armed with shotguns. The diminution of 
Water Fowl in that country, he says, is more marked 
every season, and this in certain cases can only be the 
beginning of extinction, and this warfare against the 
feathered creatures will be increased on account of the 
growing scarcity of large game. 


Geographical Déstribution.—Alaskan coast from the Kusko- 
kwim River to Point Barrow, Behring Sea, Aleutian Islands. 

Adult Male.—Feathers projecting onto the bill, stiff, plush 
like, yellowish white, anteriorly grading into sea green on the 
lores and forehead, this color extending in a narrow line along the 
crown, and in arather broad stripe beneath the eye patch, and 
then broadening out on the thick occipital crest. The green is 
deepest on lores, on the stripe under the eye and edges of crest, 
and becomes very pale yellowish green on crown and center of 


crest. A large satiny white pad encircles the eye and covers nearly 
all the side of the face and crown, bordered above and on either 
side by a narrow line of black. Chin, throat, neck, back, small 
wing coverts, scapulars, falcate tertials, and a large patch on 
each side of the rump, white. Greater wing coverts, primaries, 
and tail, dark brown. Under wing coverts, pale brown. Lower 
back, rump, upper tail coverts, and breast, dark plumbeous, 
grading into smoky black on the lower breast, abdomen, and un- 
der tail coverts. Bill, orange, deepest along the edges, and palest 
on nail. Iris is surrounded by a broad, bright, milky blue ring. 
Legs and feet, olive brown or yellowish. Total length, about 214 
inches; wing, 11; culmen, ;§,; tarsus, 1,%. 

Adult Female.—Fore part, top, and back of head and back of 
neck, yellowish buff, streaked with dusky, coarsest on back of 
head and neck. A broad stripe, about 8 inch in width, in front 
of eyes, beginning at corner of the mouth and extending 
onto center of head as far as posterior line of eye, dark brown. 
Space around eyes and cheeks, grayish buff, finely streaked with 
dusky. Upper parts, rather coarsely barred with fulvous and 
black, the bars narrower on rump and upper tail coverts. Lesser 
coverts of wing, pale brown, barred with black. Remainder of 
wing, pale brown; the tips of greater coverts and secondaries, 
white, forming two bars across the wing. Breast and sides and 
under tail coverts, barred with fulvous and black. Rest of under 
parts, grayish brown. Bill, dull blue. Legs and feet, dull yel- 
lowish brown. Total length, about 21 inches; wing, 104; cul- 
men, 1; tarsus, 13. 


REPLACING the Common Eider on a large portion 

of the Atlantic coast,the present species is distributed 
from Labrador as far south in winter as the Delaware 
River. Formerly it was more abundant and passed a 
greater portion of the winter along the shores of Massa- 
chusetts, but now it seldom appears south of that State 
save in very cold weather in midwinter. Occasionally it 
penetrates to the westward, and has been observed on the 
Great Lakes and captured in both Illinois and Wisconsin, 
pretty far in the interior for a Sea Duck. It breeds from 
the northern limit of Labrador to the Bay of Fundy 
and the northeastern coast of Maine. In Labrador it 
prefers small islands in sheltered bays as sites for its 
nest, and this is placed under small firs and other trees 
with low, down-reaching branches, or beneath overhang- 
ing plants with thick foliage. The nest, placed in a de- 
pression in the ground in situations like those described, 
is formed of sea-weed, mosses, grasses, and such-like 
suitable material, and filled with the softest and warmest 
downy bed imaginable, in which the eggs lie, often hid- 
den from sight. These are usually six in number, pale 
greenish olive in color. The female is a close sitter, 
and if disturbed from the nest utters a hoarse croak. 
Sometimes one nest is occupied by two females, each de- 
positing her eggs, and when the full number is reached 
both carry on the duty of incubation together in the most 
complete harmony, and when the young appear assume 
jointly the care of the united broods. The female de- 
fends her young from the attacks of such feathered and 


54. American Eider. 


furred foes as she is able to withstand, and, as soon as 
they are hatched, leads them to the water, where they 
can at least escape from their enemies of the air by div- 
ing. The males leave the females when incubation be- 
gins, and, like those of the other species, betake them- 
selves to the sea. The food of this Duck consists of 
mollusks, which it swallows entire. 

The American Eider likes to haunt rocky shores, and 
may often be seen standing on the bowlders, slippery with 
the spray and marine mosses, at the edge of the water. 
I have frequently watched them flying low over the sea 
in regular undulating lines, the quick flaps of the wings, 
succeeded by a rigid poise, when on fixed pinions the 
birds would sail along for a short distance, followed by 
more flappings, and thus, with alternate beats and sail- 
ings, they would move swiftly along close to the shore. 
Occasionally they would be congregated on the water in 
flocks of considerable size, and avoided the approaching 
boat by diving, staying under the surface for a rather 
lengthy time, and then rising at some distance away, to 
dive again, or to move off in long lines. 

The male is a handsome bird, and shows well when 
swimming on the surface of the sea, as he rises and 
sinks upon the swells rolling in toward the rocks. As 
an article of food the American Eider is about on a par 
with his European relative, and there is little satisfaction 
in shooting the bird, large and handsome as he is, unless 
for the sole purpose of obtaining some down or a 


Geographical Dzstrzibution.—North America, from Labrador 
to Delaware on the Atlantic coast. Occasionally westward to 
the Great Lakes. 


Adult Male.—In color of plumage and its general distribu- 
tion there is no appreciable, certainly no specific difference, 
between the male of this species and the Common Eider of 
Greenland and the northern regions of the Old World, and the 
description given of the succeeding species may answer very 
well for the American Eider. But the two forms, apart from 
their plumage, can be readily distinguished by the shape of the 
frontal angles, or the naked portion running from the base of the 
bill onto each side of the forehead. In S. mo/lzssima, the next 
species, these angles are narrow and more or less pointed and 
smooth, while in the American Eider they are broad androunded 
at the end, and much corrugated. In general measurements 
there is very little difference between the two species. The bill 
of the present one, from tip to end of frontal angle, averages 
about 2,4 inches; greatest width of angle, .45; culmen, 1,4. 

In some male specimens a dusky V-shaped mark is observable 
on the throat, but this is rare. 

Adult Female.—With the exception of the shape of the frontal 
angle, the female of this species is not to be distinguished from 
that of the Common Eider. 

Downy Young.—Like that of the Common Eider, 


T was for a long time even unsuspected that there was 
more than one species of the Common Eider Duck, 
so well known throughout all the world for the valuable 
quality of its down. But when the birds from the Atlan- 
tic coasts of North America were critically compared 
with those from Europe, sufficien’ uferences were dis- 
covered to necessitate the recognition of two distinct 
species. The plumage of the two forms does not differ, 
but the characters that separate them are found in that 
part of the maxilla, or upper half of the bill, which ex- 
tends toward the head. In the present species, which 
is the same as the European bird, this portion of 
the bill is narrow and terminates in a point, while in the 
American species, this part is broad and has a convex 
end. The Common Eider ranges throughout northern 
Europe, and is found in Greenland and on the Ameri- 
can coast from Labrador south in winter along the 
shores of Maine, and in the Arctic Ocean as far west as 
the Coppermine River in the longitude of Great Slave 
Lake. The down of this bird, which is plucked from the 
breast of the female for a lining to her nest, is a most 
valuable article of commerce, and in order to procure it 
in sufficient quantity, the birds may almost be said to 
have become domesticated in Iceland, Norway, and other 
parts of Europe, where they are in the habit of breeding 
in large numbers. Accommodations are provided for 
them, the turf is scraped away in squares of about eight- 
een inches each, or similar spaces are arranged with 



stones, all of which are occupied in the season by sitting 
birds, and so closely are the nests placed to each other 
that one can hardly move among them without stepping 
upon a Duck or an egg. In such colonies as these the 
Eider become very tame, and frequently will not leave 
the nest when a person approaches, and some allow the 
inhabitants of the island, whom they are accustomed to 
see daily, to stroke their feathers or remove the eggs 
from beneath them without more remonstrance than is 
usually made by a hen under similar circumstances. By 
the time the full complement of eggs is laid, the down 
has been gradually increased in the nest, until at length 
the quantity becomes so large that the eggs are entirely 
concealed and covered by it. The nests are made of 
sea-weed, and the eggs, five or six of which are a full 
complement, are a pale green color. 

When incubation has commenced the males retire to 
the sea and remain in flocks near the shore, leading an 
idle, careless kind of a bachelor life, free from all family 
duties, and when moulting time arrives they go farther 
out to sea, and do not return to the females and young 
until the autumn. Incubation lasts about a month, and 
the young are conducted to the water by the female, 
sometimes carried there in her bill, and she remains with 
her little family until they are full grown and are joined 
by the males, later in the year. This Duck does not 
seem to mind cold, and has been known to endure a 
temperature of 50° below zero without any incon- 
venience. Of course it could remain in such extreme 
frost only in places where the water was kept open, and 
comparatively free from ice, by the rapidity of the cur- 
rent or tide rifts. 

The Eider is a great diver and remains a long time 
under water. It feeds chiefly on mollusks which it pro- 

EIDER. 227 

cures on the bottom, often at great depths. The flight is 
low and performed in Indian file, each bird following at 
a regular distance from the one in front, and by regular 
flaps and sailings of the wings. The males make a sort 
of cooing sound, especially when sitting near the shore 
during the breeding season, and the females often leave 
the nests for a short time and join them. Although 
breeding, and not uncommon, in various parts of 
the eastern Arctic regions in North America, it can- 
not be said to appear often, at least in any considerable 
numbers, on our Atlantic coast much south of the Gulf 
of St. Lawrence, but is supplanted there by its near ally 
the American Eider. Both are large Ducks of about 
equal size, and on the wing it would be impossible to dis- 
tinguish one from the other. As an article of food, the 
Eider cannot be said to take very high rank, but from 
the nature of its diet has a fishy, unattractive quality of 
flesh. The eggs are said, however, to be palatable. 


Geographical Diéstributzon.—Northeastern coast of North 
America, south to Massachusetts; Greenland, northern part of 
Eastern Hemisphere. 

Adult Male.—Top of head, velvety black, with a white stripe 
in the center of the occipital region. Nape and posterior part of 
the auricular region, sea green; cheeks, neck, chin, throat, back, 
lesser and middle wing coverts, falcate tertials, and a large patch 
on either side of rump, pure white. Greater wing coverts and 
secondaries, brownish black. Primaries, pale brown. Lower 
part of back, rump, upper and under tail coverts, and entire 
under parts below the breast, deep black. Breast, pinkish cream 
color. Sometimes the back and scapulars are tinged with yel- 
lowish. Tail, pale brown, like the primaries. Bill, olive green; 
sometimes with an olive yellow shade; nail, greenish yellow. 
Legs and feet, olive green. Total length, about 22 inches; wing, 
12; bill, culmen, 1,4; from tip to end of frontal angle, 23; 
greatest width of angle, 30; tarsus, 175. 


Adult Female.—Head and neck, pale rufous brown, streaked 
with narrow black lines; upper parts of head, darkest. Rest of 
plumage, brownish buff, or chestnut brown, on the upper parts 
and breast, barred with black; the under parts below the breast, 
grayish brown, with dusky nebulous bars. Wing like the back, 
the white tips of the secondaries forming two bars across the 
wing. Primaries and tail, blackish brown. Bill, legs, and feet, 
like those of the male, perhaps slightly darker. Size, about the 

Young.—Resembles the female, but the margins of the feathers 
are rusty brown, and the white wing bars are indistinct. Males 
have the sides of the head blackish. 

Downy Young.—Crown of head, lores, and sides of face, dark 
brown; upper parts brown tinged with fulvous on upper part of 
back. Line over the eye and on each side of chin, white; the 
latter making a V-shaped mark. Under parts, pale brown, with 
center of breast and abdomen, white. 


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PROM the Peninsula of Alaska, as far west as Attu 

of the Aleutian Islands, throughout the islands of 
Behring Sea, along the coast of Alaska to the Arctic 
Ocean, and eastward to the Coppermine River, is ap- 
parently the distribution of this species in the far north- 
ern region in which it finds its home. The principal 
breeding resorts are the islands of Behring Sea, although 
the birds nest also in great numbers in various other 
places. The habits are very similar to those of the Com- 
mon and American Eiders, with the exception that this 
Duck does not breed in colonies. 

Pretty much all that is known of the habits and 
economy of this fine bird is related by Dall, Nelson, and 
Turner, whose long residence in the bleak northwest 
afforded them ample opportunities for observing this 
Duck in its haunts. According to their reports the 
Pacific Eiders begin to approach the shores off the 
mouth of the Yukon River, if the ice permits, from the 
1oth to the 20th of May and proceed to choose the sites 
for their nests, the ponds and creeks in the marshes being — 
at that time open. There does not seem to be any 
especial manifestation of affection during the courtship, 
all the preliminaries having probably been gone through 
with at sea, previous to the arrival of the mated 
birds near the shore. They come in small flocks, 
which break up into pairs, each couple resorting 
to the salt marshes. A moss-grown slope, a grassy 
tussock, or a depression made in the ground in 



some dry place near to a pond or creek, or even 
close to the sea-shore, is chosen as a site for the 
nest. The cavity is lined with grass or pieces of moss, 
and down from the parent's breast is provided in quan- 
tities, as the eggs are laid, sufficient to cover them, so 
that when the full complement is deposited the amount 
is very considerable. A peculiarity of this species seems 
to be that the eggs are not placed upon the down, but 
are merely covered by it. The male faithfully attends 
the. female in the Arctic night until all the eggs 
are deposited, yet during the day he seems to 
lose all interest in matrimonial affairs, and joins 
other males which pass their time sunning them- 
selves on the reefs near the shore. But in the twi- 
light they fly silently back to their partners, to see if 
all is going on well. When upon the rocks the males 
keep uttering a long, guttural note which, when many 
are congregated together, sounds like a continuous 
grunting. The males outnumber the females, and sev- 
eral may be seen at times in attendance on one female. 
This is in Alaska, but near the mouth of the Anderson 
River, where MacFarlane found this species very abun- 
dant, the reverse was the case, and he was inclined to 
think they were polygamous, for he sometimes would 
find two females on the same nest. This, as has been 
already remarked, is occasionally witnessed among the 
breeding colonies of the eastern Eider. 

When incubation has fairly begun the males retire to 
the sea and outlying rocks, and concern themselves no 
farther with their wives. The eggs are generally six or 
seven in number and are of a light olive drab color. 
Toward the end of June or beginning of July the young 
appear, and are at once led to the nearest water, gener- 
ally a pond or creek, and later to the sheltered bays and 


mouths of rivers on the coast. The females now begin 
to moult, and like the young possess only one means of 
escape from their enemies—great skill in diving. The 
Eskimo amuse themselves at this time trying to strike 
the birds with spears, but are rarely able to hit one, so 
quickly do they vanish beneath the surface. The young 
are not able to fly much before the middle of September, 
and toward the end of this month all desert the main 
shores and are only found off the outer reefs and small 
islands. In the autumn it is said the male assumes a 
plumage very similar to that of the female, and the young 
males only attain the fully adult breeding dress at the 
commencement of the third year. As a rule the Pacific 
Eider is very shy and difficult of approach, except when 
on land during boisterous weather. At such times the 
birds gather on the rocks on the shore in large num- 
bers, and the natives are accustomed to catch many by 
throwing hand nets over them. A bright night, when 
the wind is blowing hard, is the best for this purpose, 
and the flocks seem so stupid, as their members are all 
huddled together, that one is permitted to approach close 
to them. This species is also averse to flying in bois- 
terous weather, and, as the body is heavy the birds ap- 
pear to have difficulty in taking wing from the sea, and 
will flap along over the surface, and then all dive simul- 
taneously. They descend to a great depth, and remain 
under water for a long time, swimming great distances 
before rising. 

The principal food of this Duck is mussels and other 
bivalves, and it seeks these sometimes in water thirty or 
forty feet deep. During the breeding season, the note 
usually uttered when the sexes are together is a 
kind of Coo. The Pacific Eider is a handsome Duck, 
resembling somewhat the eastern species and weighs 


from four to six pounds. It seems to dislike stormy 
days and rough water, although it must get plenty of 
both during the year in the latitude it lives in, and at 
such times assembles in numbers along the beach, or on 
the rocks near the shore, or else swims about in the 
sheltered bays and inlets, where the force of the wind is 
not felt. The Eskimo name for the bird is Mi’t htk. 
South of the mouth of the Yukon River the Pacific Eider 
plays a very important part, says Nelson, in some of the 
religious festivals of the natives, which occur in Decem- 
ber. It is a kind of an Eskimo “ harvest-home.” 


Geographical Distribution.—Peninsula of Alaska, Aleutian 
Islands, and islands of Behring Sea, and along the Alaskan 
coast to the Arctic Ocean, and east to the Coppermine River. 
Breeding throughout its range. 

Adult Male.—Plumage almost precisely like that of the two 
previous species, except that on the throat there is a very long 
V-shaped black mark, beginning on the chin and extending toa 
line intersecting the occiput. Very much longer and somewhat 
narrower than a similar mark on the King Eider. The black on 
the head is bordered beneath by pale sea green for nearly its 
entire margin, like that of the American Eider, The bill is dif- 
ferent from that of the other Eiders, being broader and deeper 
through the base, while the frontal angles are much shorter and 
very acute. The extension of the feathers forward underneath 
the mandible (between the jaws) surpasses that on the sides, which 
is rather the reverse in the other species; but this can hardly be 
considered of specific value. The color of the bill is orange red 
on frontal angles and base of culmen, grading to orange toward 
the tip, which is yellowish white. Iris, dark brown. Legs and 
feet, brownish orange. Bill, from tip to end of frontal angle, 
1,8; inches; greatest width of angle, 3; culmen, 23. Total length, 
about 22 inches; wing, 114; culmen, 2}. 

Adult Female.—Head, chin, throat, and neck, pale brown, 
streaked with dusky; darkest on top of the head. Upper parts, 
rufous, barred with black, the bars broadest on back and scapu- 


lars; some of the latter and tertials tipped with yellowish white. 
Lesser wing coverts, dusky, tipped with white. Greater coverts, 
pale buff. Secondaries and primaries, blackish brown; the for- 
mer having the edge of outer webs pale buff. Tail, blackish 
brown. Breast and sides, pale buff, barred with brownish black. 
Under parts, uniform grayish brown. Under tail coverts, barred 
with black and rufous. Wing, 114; culmen, 14; tarsus, 14. 

Downy Young.—According to Stejneger, who obtained it on 
the Commander Islands, the downy young is precisely similar to 
that of the Common Eider, S. mollzssima. 


HIS Eider is a native of both the Old and New 
Worlds, and in North America is found across the 
continent in the Arctic regions, and comes south in win- 
ter on the Atlantic coast occasionally as far as New Jer- 
sey. Itis not so abundant as any one of the other species 
of Eiders although large flocks are occasionally met with 
in the far northern regions. It is a boreal species and 
does not go very far south of its breeding places unless 
driven by stress of weather, when a few appear within the 
limits of the United States. It occurs at times on the 
Great Lakes in winter, and has been recorded from IIli- 
nois and Wisconsin, but does not frequent any part of 
the Pacific coast south of Alaska. In that Territory it 
is rare at St. Michael’s, but is very common in Behring 
Straits, on the Siberian side, and near Waukareen and 
Tapkan and also on St. Lawrence Island. In the 
summer from Icy Cape on the Arctic Sea, and thence 
eastward, it occurs in large numbers, the birds being, 
however, chiefly males, as at that time the females are 
busy with their broods on the ponds and streams, away 
from the coast. It is the handsomiest ‘of the Hider 
Ducks, the delicate pearly gray crown of the head show- 
ing to great advantage with the other colors of sea green, 
black, and white of the head and neck, and deep buff of 
the breast, all contrasted with the bright orange of 
the bill. The nest is merely a depression in the ground 
near water, sometimes on the beach, and lined with 
down, on which are deposited usually six eggs, of a 


57. King Eider. 


light olive gray shade, sometimes grayish green. In its 
habits the bird does not differ materially from its rela- 
tives. The males desert the females when incubation 
commences, and assemble in great flocks by themselves 
upon the outlying reefs, or on the sea not far from shore, 
and are joined by the females and young in the autumn. 
It seems, however, to be even more of a Sea Duck 
than the other Eiders, and is met with a long distance 
from land, on the open ocean. The males assume 
a dress similar to that of the females, after the breeding 
season, save that one or two pairs of white patches re- 
main, by which the sex can be determined. The skin 
of this bird is used by the Eskimo for making clothing, 
and that of the female, split down the back and the head 
and wings removed, is placed inside the seal-skin boot 
and is very comfortable in winter. The King Eider 
feeds on fish and various kinds of mollusks, and as may 
_be expected from such a diet, its flesh is not particularly 
palatable. In size it is somewhat less than all the other 
Eiders, except possibly the Spectacled or Fischer’s Eider. 
As a diver, and possessing an ability to remain under 
water for a lengthened period, the present species is in 
no way inferior to its relatives, and a large portion of its 
time when at sea is engaged in exploring the depths, and 
seeking the marine creatures upon which it subsists. 


Geographical Distributzon.—Northern parts of Northern Hemi- 
sphere. South on the Atlantic coast in winter to Georgia, and 
to the Great Lakes in the interior. Not found on Pacific coast 
south of Alaska. Breeding in the Arctic regions. 

Adult Male.—A line along the base of the bill, and over and 
onto the anterior edge of the frontal process, a spot beneath the 
eye, an indistinct line at bottom of pearl gray on nape, and a 
broad V-shaped mark from chin along sides of the throat, jet 


black. Top of head and occiput, pearly gray. Yellowish white 
stripe over and behind the eye. Cheeks, pale sea green; this 
color extending on sides of head along the pearly gray until it 
fades awayinwhite. Rest of head, chin, throat, neck, upper part 
of back, wing coverts (except the greater and outer webs of lesser 
coverts) and a large patch on each side of rump, white. Breast, 
dark cream buff, varying, however, among individuals in inten- 
sity. Greater wing coverts, scapulars, and primaries, brownish 
black; the scapulars and tertials sickle shape bending over the 
wing, and rufous along the shaft. Lower back, rump, upper tail 
coverts, and rest of under parts, black. Tail, brownish black. 
Bill varies considerably in shape at different periods of the year, 
In the breeding season, a high, square, soft process is elevated on 
the culmen between the base and the nostrils, and supported by 
some fatty substance. Matrimonial duties finished this shrinks, 
and the bill on its upper outline returns to nearly the normal 
Eider shape. On account of this protuberance the feathering 
on the maxilla is quite different from that of the other species 
of the genus, and on the elevated culmen nearly reaches the 
nostril, while on the side it extends but a short distance beyond 
the corner of the mouth. Bill and elevated process, reddish 
orange. Iris, yellow. Legs and feet, orange red. Total length, 
about 23 inches; wing, 11; culmen in front of process, 144; 
tarsus, 14. 

Adult Female.—Head, chin, and throat, dark buff, streaked 
with dark brown, conspicuously on top of head and but faintly on 
thesides. Chest and sides, light buff, with irregular black bar on 
tip of feathers. Feathers of back and scapulars, blackish brown, 
with yellowish tips. Shoulder of wings, blackish brown; tips of 
feathers, rufous. Greater coverts and secondaries, black, with 
white tips, forming two narrow bars across the wing. Outer 
webs of tertials, rufous. Rump and upper tail coverts, dark buff, 
barred irregularly with black. Tail, black, Under parts, black- 
ish brown; under tail coverts, rufous, with V-shaped black bars. 
Bill, greenish brown. Legs and feet, dullochre. Total length, 
about 23 inches; wing, 10%; culmen, 14; tarsus, 1}. 

Downy Young.—Resembles that of the Common Eider, but the 
upper parts are more rufous, and the cheeks, throat, and under 

parts more yellow. 

yonq Appny 



(EET eT dispersed over all North America, the 

Ruddy Duck is found as far south as Cuba and 
Guatemala. It breeds throughout most of its range 
from Hudson Bay and Great Slave Lake in the north, 
and in the Mississippi Valley from Minnesota to Texas. 
Although it is common on many parts of the Pacific 
coast, it does not seem to go as far north on the west 
side as Alaska, and has never even straggled into the 
Eastern Hemisphere. It places its nest near some pond 
or other inland water, and constructs it of grass or dead 
leaves. The eggs are creamy white, and quite numer- 
ous, as many as twenty having been seen in a single nest, 
but this, it would seem, must have been the work of two 
females, as it is very doubtful if one alone could cover 
so many. 

The Ruddy Duck is one of the sprightliest birds 
among our Water fowl, and at times presents a very 
comical appearance upon the water. It swims easily and 
rapidly, its enormous feet propelling the bird with con- 
siderable power. When on the water the body is deeply 
immersed, and if suspicious or alarmed, I have often 
seen it qufetly sink beneath the surface without diving, 
and disappear. The Dabchick, or Hell Diver, has a simi- 
lar way of vanishing. This species seems to have no pref- 
erence for the quality of water it frequents, whether it is 
salt, fresh, or brackish. It usually goes in considerable 
flocks, and flies with great swiftness, turning first the 
upper side of the body, then the under, to the spectator as 



it rushes along. It is very erratic in its ways, and ex- 
ceedingly quick in its movements, whether on the water 
or in the air. It walks fairly well, and takes wing 
from the land at once, but has considerable difficulty in 
rising from the water, and is obliged to run along the 
surface, beating it with both feet and wings, before it can 
get away. It is a most expert diver and is able to stay 
long, and go far under water. When swimming it has the 
habit of elevating its short, stiff, spiny-looking little tail 
straight up in the air, sometimes inclining it forward 
toward the head, and as the latter is very large as is also 
the bill, and is held well back, there seems hardly enough 
body between them to sustain all this superstructure, 
especially as the bird swims so deeply that a large por- 
tion is hidden beneath the surface. In this position the 
male, for he is the one that exhibits himself usually in 
this way, moves up and down among the others as if 
challenging their admiration. It is a very gentle 
species, and plunges into the decoys with a slide and a 
splash like the Buffle Head or Hooded Merganser, or 
other of the small rapid-flying Duck. 

When in flight this species makes a _ whirring 
sound caused by the rapid movements of its concave 
wings, as it buzzes along, the members of a flock 
twisting and twirling about, but going usually in 
a straight line, and they seem more like a swarm 
of bees than a bunch of Ducks. Their flight is so 
swift, and the body is comparatively so*small, that 
they are by no means an easy bird to shoot, and 
much allowance must be made for the rapidity with 
which they hurl themselves through the air. Formerly 
but little attention was paid to this Duck by sportsmen; 
it was so small that it was allowed to go by unheeded; 
but of late years, on account of the growing scarcity of 


larger Ducks, it is more sought aiter, and many are 
killed. It is accustomed to frequent bays and coves, and 
a number of gunners will assemble in boats and line the 
entrance to one of these, and gradually advancing, close 
in upon the birds, which are shot either on the water 
while swimming or as they attempt to fly past. There 
is nothing sportsman-like in this proceeding, but as the 
birds bring now quite a sum per pair in the market, it is 
killing merely for gain. At times, when one of these 
battues was going on in Currituck Sound, it seemed as if 
the country was being bombarded by a hostile fleet, so 
frequent and heavy were the explosions. Of course if 
this practice is continued, it will have one of two natural 
consequences: either the extermination of the species in 
that locality, or its removal to more secure situations. 

The male Ruddy Duck in full summer dress is a very 
handsome bird, and resembles very little the same indi- 
vidual in the costume he usually wears in winter. The 
black head and nape, with the large white patch upon the 
face, are well contrasted with the rich dark red of the 
upper parts of the body and the silver grayish white of 
the lower plumage. When so arrayed he is an object of 
singular beauty, but unfortunately he,only exhibits him- 
self in these nuptial garments for a brief period in the 

This species has a very great number of names, one 
apparently for almost every locality it visits. Some of 
these are, Broad Bill Dipper, Coot, Broad Bill Coot, 
Bumble Bee Coot, Heavy-tailed Duck, Salt-water Teal, 
Booby, Booby Coot, Stiff Tail, Spine Tail, Ruddy Diver, 
Ruddy, Stick Tail, Bristle Tail, Bull Neck, Steel Head, 
Rook, Greaser, ete. Of late this Duck has become quite 
fashionable among the gourmets of the cities, and is con- 
sidered apparently as desirable as some of the larger 


Ducks of extended reputation. This idea has been 
taken advantage of by the market men, and a pair of 
this small inferior Duck bring as high a price as Red 
Heads did a few years ago. While affording a fair dish, 
if properly broiled, there is nothing in the flesh of this 
bird to merit any particular commendation. Its food 
usually consists of various grasses, roots, and leaves of 
plants, and possibly at times it may vary its diet with mol- 
lusca of different kinds. Being a diving Duck, it obtains 
the articles for its bill of fare from off the bottom. 


Geographical Déistribution._North America generally, ex- 
cept Alaska. South to the West Indies and Colombia. Breeds 
throughout the greater part of its range, from Hudson Bay to 

Adult Male in Full Plumage.—Upper part of head, including 
the eye and nape, glossy jet black. Sides of head and chin, 
white. Throat and all the neck, back, upper tail coverts, scapu- 
lars, and flanks, bright reddish chestnut. Wing coverts, lower 
back and rump, grayish brown. Primaries, dull brown, speckled 
near edge of outer web with gray. Tail, brownish black. 
Under parts below the upper part of breast, silvery white, which 
is the hue of the tips of the feathers only, the hidden portion 
being brownish gray. Sometimes these tips wear away, and 
then the under surface appears mottled. The breast is tinged 
with rust color; this in some specimens appearing also on the 
abdomen. Under tail coverts, white. Bill and eyelids, grayish 
blue. Iris, hazel. Legs and feet, grayish blue; webs, dusky. 
Total length, about 16 inches; wing, 6; culmen, 144); tarsus, 14%). 

Adult Female.—Upper half of head, including the eyes, dark 
brown; in some individuals there are blackish feathers, tipped 
with reddish chestnut. Cheeks, brown, but lighter than top of 
head. A white stripe from below the eye, sometimes distin- 
guishable almost to base of bill, goes to the nape. Chin, white. 
Throat and neck, brownish gray; tips of feathers on lower neck 
infront, white. Upper parts, dusky brown, mottled and speckled 
with grayish buff. Lower parts, silvery white, this hue produced 


as in the male by the tips of the feathers. A yellowish wash on 
upper part of breast. Sides and flanks, barred with brown. Wings 
and scapulars, dark brown, the latter speckled with paler brown. 
Tail, dark brown; in some individuals the feathers are broadly 
margined with pale olive or grayish brown. Under tail coverts, 
white. Bill, blue. Legs and feet, bluish gray; webs, dark. 
Total length, 154 inches; wing, 54; culmen, 1,$,; tarsus, 14. 

Young Matle.—Only differs from the adult female in having 
the sides of the face more or less white, sometimes entirely so, 
and sometimes the white is spotted with brown and black. 

Young.—Has top of the head like that of the female; sides of 
the head, dark brown, with a white stripe from base of bill, 
where it is broadest, to the nape, passing below the eye. Chin 
and throat, whitish. Neck, brownish white, many downy 
feathers protruding among the full grown. Back and scapulars, 
blackish brown, barred with reddish buff. Middle of the back 
and rump, reddish brown. Upper tail coverts, blackish brown, 
barred with reddish, like the scapulars. Sides and flanks, with 
the tips of the feathers, yellowish; other parts, dusky. Under 
parts, silvery gray, passing into dusky, on the crissum. Under 
tail coverts, white. Maxilla, dusky; mandible, yellow. 

Downy Young.—Head and upper parts, smoky brown, darkest 
on head; a brownish white stripe from bill to occiput below 
the eye, bordered beneath by one of dusky brown. Breast, sooty 
brown; under parts, grayish white. 


THs rather handsome Duck is a native of the West 

Indies and South America, and it is only as an acci- 
dental visitor within the limits of the United States that 
it can be included in our Fauna. A few instances 
only are on record of its capture within our borders; 
at Lake Champlain in New York, Malden in Massa- 
chusetts, and on Rock River, Wisconsin, widely sepa- 
rated localities. Another individual was supposed 
to have been seen on Lake Koshkonong, Wiscon- 
sin, but as it was not secured its identification was 
impossible. It has also been procured near Brownsville 
in Texas, and at Matamoras in Mexico. In Trinidad 
and the northern parts of South America, in some of the 
West Indian Islands and in Western Mexico this Duck 
is frequently met with and in some localities is not rare. 
Nowhere, however, is it observed in such large flocks as 
are frequently seen of its relative, our common Ruddy 
Duck, in Northern waters. 

Like that species the flight of the Masked Duck is 
rapid, but not sustained for any great distance, and it is 
a sociable species and loves to keep together in small 
companies on the lakes and lagoons in the localities it in- 
habits. In Trinidad its flesh is considered excellent, and 
it is regarded with much favor. As a diver it is an ex- 
pert, and remains under water for a long time. It swims 
deeply like the Ruddy Duck, but on land is awkward, 
usually holding itself upright and supported in a great 
measure by its stiff tail. It is a handsome bird with a 


59. Masked Duck. 

LE dunn Shepp ene > 



more striking plumage even than the summer dress of 
the Ruddy Duck. Occasionally this species straggles far 
to the southward in South America, and it has been pro- 
cured in the Argentine Republic and in Chili, but this 
must be regarded in the same light as its various appear- 
ances in our northern waters, merely as instances of a few 
individuals having strayed, from exceptional causes, far 
away from their usual habitats. 


Geographical Distribution.—Tropical America, from the West 
Indies and northern South America to the Lower Rio Grande; 
straggling occasionally as far north as Wisconsin and Massa- 
chusetts, and south to the Argentine Republic and Chili. 

Adult Male.—Head, excepting nape, and chin, intense black. 
Nape, throat, neck, back, scapulars, and upper tail coverts, dark 
rusty cinnamon; center of feathers, black, showing conspicuously. 
Lower back and rump, dark brown spotted with black, and some 
feathers edged with white. Upper part of breast, uniform, dark 
rusty cinnamon grading into pale reddish buff. Sides and flanks 
darker, with black centers to the feathers. Wings, blackish 
brown, with a long, narrow, white speculum. Under tail coverts, 
cinnamon blotched with black. Tail, dark rufous brown; shafts 
of feathers, black. Bill and eyelids, pale blue; median line on 
maxilla, nail, and bare skin of chin, black. Mandible, reddish 
white; tip, black. ‘‘Outer aspect of tarsus and two outer 
toes, dark brown or black; the inner side of the tarsus, inner toe, 
and membranes, pale brown spotted with black” (Gundlach), 
Iris, dark brown. ‘Total length, about 15 inches; wing, 58; 
culmen, 1,4;; tarsus, 1. Description taken from individual 
killed at Malden, Mass., tm 1889, and now in the Field Col- 
umbian Museum, Chicago. 

Adult Female.—Top of head, stripe from base of bill through 
eye to occiput, and one from gape to occiput, black. Super- 
ciliary stripe and rest of head, buff, becoming whitish on chin 
and throat. Neck, buff mottled with brown. Upper parts, 
black, feathers edged with deep buff. Wings, dark brown, 
feathers tipped with yellowish white. Speculum, white. Pri- 


maries and tail, brownish black. Under parts, ochraceous 
spotted with blackish on breast, flanks, and anal region. Abdo- 
men, uniform ochraceous. Bill, horn brown; nail, black. 
Total length, about 13 inches; wing, 5; culmen, 1,%,; tarsus, 1. 

Young Male.—Sides of head, mottled with buff, and the under 
parts of the body are whitish. In other respects the specimen 
agrees with the adult male. Still younger birds resemble the 
female, but the feathers have no brown centers on breast and 
sides, and the under parts are paler generally. 



KNOWN by its various names of Goosander, Buff- 

breasted Sheldrake, Buff-breasted Merganser, 
Swamp Sheldrake, Weaser, Fish Duck, American Mer- 
ganser, Scie de Mer and Sea Sawbill in Louisiana, and 
many others in various parts of the land, the present 
species is distributed throughout the whole of North 
America, breeding in the West as far south as Northern 
Colorado, and occasionally going to Alaska and certain 
of the Aleutian Islands. It has also visited the Ber- 
mudas. In Alaska it is only known to have occurred a 
few times within the Territory, but it appears to be an 
accidental visitor at Unalaska Island. 

This Merganser is the largest, and in my opinion the 
handsomest of the Saw-bill Ducks, so-called from the 
curiously lengthened bill lined on the edges with 
serrations like the teeth of a saw. The American Mer- 
ganser resembles almost precisely the European species, 
and it is very doubtful if anything is gained scientifically 
or otherwise, by the attempt to separate them; the dif- 
ference being that the European bird has an exposed, the 
American, a concealed, black bar across the wings. The 
Goosander breeds in the hollows of trees, except in far 
northern districts such as certain portions of the Arctic 
regions where trees sufficiently large are scarce, and 
there it makes its nest upon the ground. Generally a 
large tree is selected upon the borders of some inclosed 
lake among the mountains, or on the bank of a river in 
a lonely, retired situation, and in a hollow, perhaps 



twenty feet from the ground, the eggs are deposited and 
the young hatched. For so large and heavy a bird, it 1s 
very quick and agile, and I have seen it dart among 
the trees, and enter and leave the nest with an easy 
dexterity that was surprising. It alights and walks 
upon the branches without any difficulty, and it is a 
curious sight to observe so large a member of the Duck 
tribe living upon the trees. 

This bird is the rarest, I think, of all the Mergansers 
or Fish Ducks. At all events that is the case in the 
Atlantic States, but it is much more frequently met with 
in different parts of the West and on the Pacific coast. 
When it appears in the autumn coming from its north- 
ern breeding grounds, it arrives in flocks of considerable 
size, but in a short time these break up into small parties, 
and keep by themselves, for in my experience, the Goos- 
ander does not often associate with other Ducks, but 
seems best satisfied with the company of two or three of 
its own species. It flies with great rapidity usually in a 
direct line, if over water, but if in the woods, twists 
and turns among the trees and dodges the intervening 
branches with the dexterity of a wild pigeon. The eggs 
are buffy white, and the young are carried down to the 
water by the mother in her bill. The little things are 
most expert swimmers and divers from the moment they 
enter the water, and require no teaching to become pro- 
ficient in these accomplishments. They follow the 
mother closely, either huddled around her in a compact 
mass, or strung out behind her, snatching insects from 
the surface of the water. If alarmed they scurry away 
with a speed that is marvelous, running in fact over the 
bosom of the lake or river; the flock leaving a wake be- 
hind them like that of a miniature boat. They do not 
dive unless hard pressed, but trust at first to skimming 


surface of the water before their pursuers, and generally 
easily outstrip a boat, leaving it far behind. But if cor- 
nered in any way, by being forced into a narrow bay, or 
brought close to the shore, they will then dive and remain 
out of sight for a considerable period, coming in view 
again long distances from where they disappeared. It is 
no uncommon sight to witness the female swimming 
quietly along with most of her family snugly and com- 
fortably settled upon her back. The little ones becoming 
tired, the mother sinks her body until her back is on a ° 
level with the surface, when the young swim or clamber 
on to it, and she rises, lifting them out of the water. Oc- 
casionally the whole family will settle themselves upon a 
sand bar in the middle of the river or lake, or on a 
gravelly beach near the bank, and preen their feathers 
and sun themselves; but at the least alarm they imme- 
diately take to the water and move rapidly away, for in 
disposition they are very wild birds. 

The food is exclusively fish, which are pursued and 
seized under water, and immense numbers are destroyed 
by this species. The Goosander is tenacious of life, and 
requires large shot to bring it down, and frequently, after 
falling, it recovers itself and effects its escape. It is a 
handsome bird, and in life the under part of the body is 
suffused with an exquisite roseate tinge or glow, that 
fades rapidly after death. 


Geographical Distributcon.—Throughout North America, 
breeding in the United States, and in the northwest. 

Male.—Head and neck, shining blackish green, crest on 
occiput. Upper parts, black; rump and upper tail coverts, ash 
gray. Primaries and secondaries, black; rest of wing, mostly 
white, with a black bar crossing it, formed by the bases of 


the greater coverts. Under parts, rosy salmon color, which fades 
rapidly after death. Tail, ash gray. Bill and feet, vermilion; 
the hook, black. Iris, carmine. Length about 26 inches; wing, 
10.75; tarsus, 1.95; culmen, 1.95. 

Female.—Head and neck, reddish brown ; an occipital crest of 
lengthened feathers of the same color extends along hind neck ; 
chin and throat, white. Upper parts, ash gray. Primaries, 
black; terminal half of secondaries, white, forming a speculum or 
spot on the wing. Flanks,ash. Lower parts, pale salmon color 
in life; white in preserved skin. Tail, ash gray. Bill, red; cul- 
men, blackish. Feet, orange; webs, dusky. Iris, yellow. Aver- 
age total length, 224 inches; wing, 9;%; tarsus, 14%; culmen, 1,%. 

Distance from nostril to nearest feather on head GREATER than 
hetght of the maxilla at base, tn both sexes. 

Downy Young.—Upper parts, hair brown, with four white 
spots. Half of head above and hind neck, rusty. Upper part of 
lores crossed by a brown stripe, and a white one on lower part, 
bordered beneath by a narrow one of brown. Rest of head and 
neck and entire under parts, white. 

‘IOSUBSIOW poysvetg-poy “19 


Jae well-known species is an inhabitant of both the 

Old and New Worlds, and the birds of the different 
hemispheres, unlike the Goosander, have been permitted 
to remain as one species, not even the slightest character 
having been discovered whereby they could be separated. 
It is known in many parts of our country by various 
names, those most commonly employed perhaps being, 
Sheldrake, Fisherman, Fish Duck, Shelduck, Saw Bill, 
Pied Sheldrake, Big Hairy Crown, Red-headed Mergan- 
ser, and the one at the head of this article. In North 
America it breeds from the Northern States in the 
Union, as far as the Aleutian Islands and coast of Alaska, 
and is common in the district of St. Michael. Mr. Tur- 
ner found it abundant in the islands of Attu and Atkha of 
the Aleutian chain. It arrives there in the latter part of 
May or beginning of June, and remains through the 
summer; and the young are fully fledged in September. 
The Aleuts consider its flesh a great delicacy, and it is 
more highly prized by them than any other Duck. In 
winter it migrates as far as southern California on the 
Pacific coast, and to Florida on the Atlantic. 

This Merganser is more of a marine species than the 
Goosander, and is frequently met with on our coasts, and 
up the rivers that empty into the sea. Its nest is placed 
upon the ground, generally hidden under a bank, or 
some rock or fallen trunk of a tree, and is formed of 
grass, together with feathers and down plucked from the 
parents’ breast. The eggs, usually seven to ten in num- 



ber, are a fawn, or bright cream color. The young are 
very active, follow the female on the water, and scurry 
away at the least alarm in the manner already described 
of the young of the Goosander. The Red-breasted 
Merganser flies with great rapidity and makes very little 
noise with its wings, and I have had it approach when I 
was in a blind, so quietly that its appearance, in front of 
me and close to the bank, would be the first intimation 
given that any were in the vicinity. When startled or 
alarmed, either while flying or swimming, they are in the 
habit of uttering several low, guttural croaks, resembling 
in no way the quack of a Duck, and, if on the water, they 
dive quickly and sometimes remain beneath the surface 
for a long time, appearing in quite a different place from 
that expected. They seem to be very observant, and 
frequently [ have noticed a small flock, passing rapidly 
along the shore, suddenly turn and retrace their way and 
alight with a splash, and immediately dive and commence 
to feed. It would seem that the birds must have seen a 
school of small fish as they flew by, and returned to take 
advantage of their presence. 

When swimming along both sexes are accustomed to 
elevate and depress the long occipital crest, giving them 
alternately a trustful and wild appearance. This species 
feeds entirely on fish, and the flesh consequently is rank 
and of a very disagreeable flavor. When engaged in 
fishing, by their rapid diving and maneuvering beneath 
the waters, they cause the small fish—if the schools are 
of any size—to become widely scattered, and many rise 
close to the surface. The Gulls take advantage of such 
opportunities, and pounce upon their luckless finny prey 
from above, and then, with Ducks diving into the depths 
and Gulls plunging from above, the scene is a very lively 
one. I remember on one occasion watching a number 


of this Merganser engaged in fishing in a cove, when 
their movements attracted to them a large flock of Bona- 
parte’s Gull (Larus philadelphia), which hovered over the 
Ducks for a moment and then began to plunge head for- 
most into the water, one after another in rapid succession, 
emerging frequently with a small fish in the bill. The 
Mergansers paid no attention to their fellow-fishermen, 
although at times a plunging Gull would come perilously 
near one of the saw-billed gentry as he rose from the 
depths; and what with the rising and disappearing Mer- 
gansers, and the air above them filled with the forms of 
the darting Gulls, executing all manner of swift and 
graceful evolutions, the scene was very spirited and full 
of animation. Although having a _ great partiality 
for the sea-coast, and the bays and rivers adjacent 
to the ocean, this Merganser is also found, per- 
haps in not so large numbers, in the interior of the 
United States; and among certain of the Wisconsin lakes 
is of regular occurrence, as it passes north and south 
on its annual migration in the spring and autumn. The 
males generally precede the females, each sex traveling 
toward their breeding grounds apart from the other. 
The female of this species and that of the Goosander are 
very much alike in the general color of their plumage, 
and one might readily be mistaken for the other; but the 
Key indicates how each can be distinguished. The 
female of the Goosander, however, is a little the larger. 

The Red-breasted Merganser is not uncommon in 
many parts of the British Islands and on the continent 
of Europe. It is also found in Greenland and Iceland, 
and goes eastward as far as Formosa, China, and Japan; 
in fact, has a fairly general distribution over the northern 
parts of both hemispheres. It is one of the Duck tribe 
most frequently met with by the sportsman, especially 


on the sea-coast, when engaged in his favorite pastime of 
shooting over decoys, and while prized by some, is not 
considered by many as an especially desirable addition 
to the game bag. The male, however, is one of the 
handsomest Ducks in our country, and with his glossy 
metallic head and crest, and variegated body, presents 
a very brave appearance as he swims proudly along by 
his mate under the bright sun of the early spring. 


Geographical Distribution.—Northern portions of both hemi- 
spheres. In winter throughout the United States. Breeds from 
the northern States to the Aleutian Islands. 

Matle.—Head and occipital crest of lengthened hair-like 
feathers, black, with green and purple reflections, the former 
predominating. A broad white ring around the neck beneath 
the black, with a narrow black line crossing it at back. Back 
and inner scapulars, black. Lower back and rump, gray, mot- 
tled with black and white. Primaries, blackish brown. Wing, 
mostly white, crossed by two black bars, formed by the bases of 
the secondaries and greater coverts. Outer webs of inner sec- 
ondaries, edged with black. In front of the shoulder of the wing 
is a patch of white feathers narrowly bordered with black. 
Lower neck and upper part of breast, pale cinnamon, or dark 
brownish buff, streaked with black. This conspicuous band 
varies in depth of coloration among individuals. Flanks, irregu- 
larly barred with narrow lines of grayish white and black. Rest 
of under surface, white, suffused with a salmon tinge. Tail, 
grayish brown, lighter on edges of webs. Bill, carmine, with 
the culmen dusky; nail, yellowish. Legs and feet, orange red. 
Iris, carmine. Average total length, about 22} inches; wing, 87/9; 
tail, 4; tarsus, 1,8,; culmen, 2;4,.. Dzstance from nostril to nearest 
feather on head ixss than height of bill at base, in both sexes, 

Female.—Top of head and crest, fuscous; sides of head and 
neck, brownish buff or pale cinnamon. Upper parts, dark gray- 
ish, inclining to a brownish hue. White patch on the wing, 
divided by a black bar formed by the bases of the secondaries. 
Throat, white; lower neck, gray. Under parts, white, tinged 


with salmon. Bill, legs, and feet, similar in color to those of the 
male, but less bright in hue. Length, about 20 inches; wing, 84; 
tarsus, 14; culmen, 2,3). 

Young .—Chin and throat, pale reddish; lower neck and upper 
part of breast, brownish white. Base of secondaries, black, 
forming bar across the wing. Rest of plumage, similar to that 
of the female. 

Downy Young.—Sides of head and neck, cinnamon, inclining 
to rusty, becoming lighter on the lores, which are bordered 
above and below with a dusky stripe. Upper parts, hair 
brown; cheeks, spot on wing, and on each side of back and rump, 
and also all the lower parts, yellowish white. 


ATER Pheasant, Hairy Head, Hairy Crown, 

Swamp and Pond Sheldrake, Cock Robin, Little 
Saw Bill, Saw-bill Diver, Spike Bill, Wood Duck, Bec 
Scie and Cotton Head in Louisiana, and Hooded Mer- 
ganser are some of the names by which this beautiful 
bird is known to the gunners and sportsmen of the United 
States. Numerous others are also given it, some of which 
are extremely local, and never heard save by a very few. 
It is much smaller than the two preceding species of 
Merganser, and the male is remarkable for the large and 
beautiful crest, white, margined with black. It is exclu- 
sively a North American species, and has only appeared 
at rare intervals in the Old World, where it can be re- 
garded merely as a straggler. It ranges all over North 
America from Alaska and possibly Greenland, on the 
respective sides of the continent, to Mexico and Cuba. 
In Alaska it is rare and probably only wanders up to that 
Territory in the summer time in small scattering flocks, 
but is very common in the United States, breeding in 
many parts of the land, even as far south as Florida, and 
spreading all over the Union in autumn and winter. This 
species, like the Goosander, breeds in hollow trees, lining 
the cavity with grass, dry leaves, and feathers, and down 
from the female’s breast, and about six ivory white eggs 
are deposited. The site for the nest is generally in some 
tree standing on the border of an inland lake or stream 
in the forest, where discovery would be least likely, and 


62. Hooded Merganser. 




where small fish in the near-by waters would be most 
abundant. They consume immense numbers of fish, and 
the presence of a few Mergansers, no matter of what 
species, on a trout lake or stream, means great loss to 
the sportsman, as the fry have no chance of escaping the 
rapid movements of these hungry, energetic birds. 

Their progress under water is extremely rapid, and 
the wings as well as the feet are used as means of propul- 
sion, perhaps more dependence being placed upon the 
wings, and they may be said to fly beneath the surface. 
The female carries the young down to the water in her 
bill, and the little creatures are at once entirely at home 
in the element; diving, and sporting with each other as 
if they had become perfected by long practice, instead of 
its being their first experience. 

The Hooded Merganser appears to be equally as 
numerous in the autumn and winter in the interior of the 
United States as on the sea-coast, and frequents the 
lakes in company with the larger species of Ducks, or is 
seen rapidly passing over the surface of the rivers. On 
the wing it is one of the swiftest Ducks that fly, and it 
hurls itself through the air with almost the velocity of a 
bullet. Generally it proceeds in a direct line, but if it 
is alarmed at any object suddenly appearing before it, 
the course is changed with the swiftness of thought, 
and a detour made before again taking the first line of 
progression. Sometimes, without apparent reason, the 
course will be altered, and away it shoots at right angles 
to the first route; and again, it vacillates as though un- 
certain which way to take, or as if it was looking for a 
good feeding place. Usually five or six, but more fre- 
quently a pair, are seen flying together, and often, on 
dull days when the lookout in a blind is somewhat re- 
laxed, and the sportsman is consoling himself for lack of 


birds with possibly a nap or the lunch basket, the first 
intimation of the presence of a Hairy Crown is given by 
one or more flashing close over head with a startling 
whirr, and then as rapidly disappearing in the distance. 
It requires a steady hand and correct eye to kill them on 
the wing, and the gunner must be ever mindful of the 
good old adage in duck-shooting, “ Hold well ahead!” 
The movements of this bird upon the water are quick 
and active, and it swims rapidly and dives with great 
celerity. It isa beautiful object, and few birds surpass the 
male in attractiveness as he swims lightly along, elevat- 
ing and depressing his beautiful crest. If suspicious, this 
species will sink the body until the water is almost level 
with the back, and sometimes disappears beneath the sur- 
face, apparently without effort,as if some unseen hand was 
pulling it down. When wounded it is one of the most 
difficult birds to secure, and it dives with such quick- 
ness, remains under water so long, and skulks and hides 
with so much skill that it is very apt to make its escape, 
and always tries the patience of its pursuer, whether dog 
or man, to the utmost. On the sea-coast the Hooded 
Merganser keeps mainly to the creeks and ponds in the 
marshes, and rarely is seen in the more open waters of 
the sounds, unless obliged to fly over the broad expanse 
when passing from one marsh to another; but it rarely 
alights far from any shore. It is fond of pursuing its 
finny prey under the shelter of a bank, or in quiet 
stretches of narrow, sinuous creeks, where it is least 
likely to be observed. It rises from the water without 
any preliminary motions, and is on the wing at once, 
and in full flight, the pinions moving with a rapidity that 
almost creates a blur on either side of the body, the out- 
line of the wing disappearing. It utters a hoarse croak, 
like a small edition of the note of the Red-breasted Mer- 


ganser. Altogether this handsome species is a sprightly, 
attractive creature, and a great ornament to the locali- 
ties it frequents. 


Geographical Distribution.—Throughout North America, from 
Alaska, and possibly Greenland, to Mexico and Cuba. Acci- 
dental in the British Islands, and the Continent of Europe. 
Breeding throughout its range. 

Adult Male.—Head, neck, and back, black; crest, pure white, 
bordered narrowly with black. Scapulars, black. Wing covy- 
erts, dark gray, white patch on wing divided by a black bar. 
Tertials, black, with a white central stripe. Primaries, dark 
brown. Rump, dark brown. In front of wing on the side of 
chest are two black and two white crescentic bars, pointed at 
one end; the first on chest, the latter on back. Flanks, grayish 
brown toward the chest, grading into reddish brown toward the 
tail, crossed by fine wavy black lines. Under parts, pure white. 
Vent and under tail coverts, mottled with dusky. Bill, black. 
Legs and feet, yellowish brown. Iris, bright yellow. Total 
length, about 18 inches; wing, 74; tail, 4; tarsus, 1,4; cul- 
men, I4. 

Adult Female.—Head, neck, and upper parts, grayish brown, 
darkest on the back. Crest, reddish brown. Chin and throat, 
white. Patch on wing, white, crossed with a black bar. Flanks, 
grayish brown. Under parts, white, crissum with rather in- 
distinct grayish brown bars. ‘Tail, dark grayish brown, like the 
back. Bill: maxilla, black, edged with orange; mandible, orange; 
nail, brownish black. Feet, light brown. Iris, hazel. Length, 
about 164; wing, 7;;; tarsus, 1,2,; culmen, rf. 

Immature Male.—Head and neck, grayish brown, the latter 
mottled and blotched with black. Crest, brownish white, edged 
with blackish brown. Upper parts, blackish brown, all the 
feathers tipped with pale brown. Wings, colored like the back, 
a few of the tertials having a white stripe in the center, and the 
outer webs changing to black. Rump and upper tail coverts, 
dark umber brown. Primaries, blackish brown, the webs edged 
with pale brown. Breast, light brownish gray. Flanks, light 
brown. Lower breast, abdomen, and vent, white. Under tail 

coverts, blackish brown. Tail, dark brown, feathers 
tip with brownish white. The feathers have a glossy 
ance, but only give a slight indication of the plumage assu 
by the adult male. a 

_ Downy Young.—Upper parts, brown, darkest on bac 
rump; lower portion of head, chin, and throat, light buff. 
ish white spot on either side of back and rump. Breast, a 
brown; belly, white. 



a is, so to speak, rather stretching a point, to include 

this beautiful species among the North American 
Water Fowl, with only an example of a female in the 
British Museum, purchased from the Hudson Bay Com- 
pany, to prove the propriety of such a course. But | 
have always observed that ornithological committees are 
most lenient when the admission of a handsome bird 
(which under the most favorable circumstance can be 
regarding as the merest exceptional straggler from 
foreign lands) into their native avi-fauna is to be con- 
sidered. I must, however, warn my American readers 
not to go hunting after this bird, for it is more than 
doubtful if any one of them will ever see it in the flesh 
within the limits of North America, unless shipped there 
from some port in the Old World. It is true that Audu- 
bon claimed to have obtained a specimen, and this also 
a female, on Lake Barataria in Louisiana near New 
Orleans in 1817, but none has been observed within the 
limits of the United States since that date so far as [ am 
aware. At all events one cannot fail to notice that, up to 
this time, the male has rigorously and successfully 
avoided our shores. 

The Smew is a native of northern Europe and Asia, 
going in winter to the Mediterranean, and from Great 
Britain on the west to Japan in the east. It is fond of 
resorting to fresh water, and frequents rivers and lakes, 
flies with great rapidity, and like all of its kind is a great 
diver. It feeds on small fish, shell fish, small reptiles, 



and insects. The Smew breeds in holes of trees, near 
lakes or rivers, retiring from the sea-coast during the 
mating season. The male is a very attractive bird, and 
in spite of the more brilliant coloring possessed by its 
relatives, in its pure white dress with the jet black mark- 
ings, has a strong claim to be considered as one of 
the handsomest of them all. 


Geographical Distribution.—Northern Europe and Asia, go- 
ing in winter to the Mediterranean, northern India, China, and 
Japan. Very accidental in North America, the male never hay- 
ing been seen within its limits. 

Adult Male.—General plumage, white. A large patch at 
base of the bill, including the lores and eyes; lower portion of 
nuchal crest, middle of the back, and two crescentic narrow 
lines on side of breast, outer edge of scapulars, and rump, jet 
black. Upper tail coverts, gray; edges, lighter. Middle wing 
coverts, white; greater coverts and secondaries, black, tipped 
with white. Primaries, blackish brown. Tail, dark gray. 
Sides and flanks undulated with fine black lines on a gray 
ground. Bill, bluish; nail, lighter. Iris, bluish white. Legs 
and feet, bluish lead color; webs, darker. Total length, about 
16% inches; wing, 7;5,; culmen, 14; tarsus, I. 

Adult Female.—Head and nape, chestnut brown; lores and 
cheeks, brownish black. Throat and sides of neck, white. 
Upper parts, brownish gray, darkest on the rump; some feathers 
on back tipped with ashy gray. Wings like the male. Tertials, 
brown. Upper breast, slaty gray. Sides and flanks, brownish 
gray. Under parts, white. Tail, brown gray. 

Downy Young.—Upper half of head, including the eye, back 
of neck, and upper parts of the body, blackish brown. Sides of 
head, chin, and throat, small spot below the eye, a spot on edge 
and another at joint of wing, one on flanks and one on each side 
of the rump, together with the breast and abdomen, white. 
Upper breast, dusky; flanks, brown. 



Se ka 



Bill usually flat, broad, sometimes long and narrow, provided 
with lamellie, or tooth-like projections on sides and with a nail at 
the tip. Toes, four; the three anterior ones webbed, hind toe 
normal or lobed. Tarsus, flattened. 

(for North American Species.) 

A. Bill not compressed; no tooth-like serrations. 
a. Hind toe not lobed. 

a’, Neck very long, Somer Imes as long rear in 
as the body. Size large. Skin cover- Cygnine. 
ing bill extending to the eyes. 

6’, Neck moderate. Bill strong, higher | 
at base than at side; cutting edges more THE GEESE. 

or less beveled, sometimes exposing the [ Ansering., 
prominent lamelle. 
Gé. Neck, Short: 

a’. Tail feathers long, broad, rounded 
at tip. Upper coverts very long, 
nearly reaching end of tail. Bill 
rather narrow, high at base, tapering 
to a point. 

6". Tail feathers moderate, median 




pair sometimes elongated. Bill flat, + DUCKS. 
frequently very broad. Anatine. 
6. Hind toe broadly lobed. 
a. Tail feathers normal. : { eS 
6’. Tail feathers narrow, stiff, pointed. DUCKS. 
&. Bill greatly compressed; serrations, tooth- } MERGANSERS. 
like. . § Mergine. 




THIs great family, represented throughout the world, 
contains the Swan, Geese, and Ducks, including the 
Mergansers or Saw-billed Ducks so-called. At one time 
North America was inhabited by myriads of these fowl, 
which passed throughout the length and breadth of the 
continent during spring and autumn in countless num- 
bers; but of late years their ranks have been greatly 
thinned, and it is evident to the most casual observer that 
the birds are rapidly passing away. Of the many sub- 
families of which the Family of the Anatidz is composed, 
only seven are represented in North America, containing, 
according to the author’s views, sixty-two species and 
subspecies, some of which, however, are not strictly 
natives of the continent, but merely stragglers within its 
borders. The first of the subfamilies, following the 
arrangement decided upon for this book, is: 


In this division are placed the largest birds among the 
Water Fowl, the Swan. There are but few species, and 
these are found pretty much throughout the world. 
Usually of an immaculate white plumage when adult, 
there is one exception, the Australian Swan, which is 
black, thus sustaining the character of the general fauna 
of that continent, in being different from those of other 
parts of the world. There are about eight species known 
of Swan or Swan-like birds, placed in three genera, five 


confined to Europe, Asia, and North America, two to 
South America, and one to Australia. The majority are 
large birds with long, flexible necks, and some with 
powerful voices, one only being mute. They associate 
in flocks of from five or six to thirty, sometimes even 
more, and are very conspicuous objects in the places 
where they are accustomed to resort. Of this subfamily 
only one genus is represented in North America. 

(Greek kvxvos, Auknos,; Latin cyguus, a swan.) 

Cygnus Bechst. Orn. Taschenb., 1803, vol. ii., p. 404 (note). 
Type Anas olor, Gmel. 

Bill as long as head, high at base, deeper than wide, broad 
and rather flat at tip. Skin of bill reaching to eyes. Nostrils 
situated high, and placed about the middle of the length of bill. 
Neck very long and flexible. Tibiz bare on lower part. Legs 
behind center of body. Tarsus shorter than middle toe and 
claw. Feetlarge. Wingslong. ‘Tail short. 

For a long series of years the term Cycnus, given by Bech- 
stein, as recorded above, was adopted by all ornithologists 
throughout the world for the White Swan. In 1832 Wagler 
proposed the term O/or, which was a specific name for the 
European Swan, but this was not generally, if at all, adopted by 
naturalists. In 1882 Stejneger revived this term in his paper on 
the CyGnin&, published in the Proceedings of the United States 
National Museum, including in it two European species, cy gus 
(Anas cygnus, Linn,) and dewzckiz ; also two American species, 
columbianus and buccinator. The only difference he mentions 
in the diagnoses of the genera, Cyguus and O/or as given on 
pages 189 and 197, is that the down on the head of the young in 
Cygnus does not form distinct loral anti; but it does do this in 
Olor, and also that the tail of the species of Cygmzs is cuneate, 
but rounded in O/oy. ‘These differences are all the characters 
produced which are claimed as generic. In questioning the 
wisdom or even the advisability of this attempt to reinstate O/or 
as here formulated, and thus suppressing a term in which the 


majority of Swan have been placed for many years (the reasons 
given being so very slight and insufficient), I am fully aware of 
the difficulties that exist in deciding as to what kind of char- 
acters and how many, in the conflicting opinions of ornithol- 
ogists, there should be to properly establish a genus; for upon 
this subject there is not complete accord among naturalists. 
But, waiving these points, it is generally conceded that THe char- 
acter or characters upon which a genus is founded should at least 
be permanent, so that an animal included in that genus might 
at all stages of its ADULT existence be able to exhibit the proofs 
that it properly belonged there. Otherwise, if this should not be 
So, a species, as it underwent modifications at different periods of 
its life, would have to be included in various genera, a proposition 
not to be entertained for a moment by any serious scientific per- 
son. The main character to separate Cygnus and O/or from 
each other, as given by Stejneger, is, as I have already quoted, the 
distribution of the down on the head of the young birds, an evan- 
escent, adolescent, and unreliable distinction, one not possessed 
by the adults, and which, if recognized, would place the young in 
one genus, the adults in another. This fact is indisputable, and 
the error it embodies is one no ornithologist should countenance, 
much less perpetuate by any act of his own. The single remain- 
ing point, a cuneate or rounded tail, of itself can hardly be 
deemed sufficient to establish a genus, even by the most extreme 
advocate of novelties. For the reasons here given, which to my 
mind are ample, I have not adopted O/or, but have retained the 
familiar and appropriate term by which the White Swan have 
been so long known. 

Three species of Swan are now included in the avi-fauna of 
North America; one, however, possessing but slight claims to be 
considered a resident of the continent. Of the two that are 
unquestionably North American, the Trumpeter has a com- 
paratively restricted dispersion, and is not nearly so well known 
as.its relative, the Whistling Swan. Both are magnificent birds, 
the Trumpeter, as its name implies, being remarkable for its 
sonorous voice. The Whooping Swan, a straggler into far-away 
Greenland, is a native of the Eastern Hemisphere, and has 
never appeared upon the continent of North America. It is 
easily recognizable, if anyone should happen to meet it within 
our boundaries (a very unlikely event), by the large amount of 
yellow on the bill. 



A. Plumage of adults entirely white. 
a. Bill all black. 
j C.columbiantus. 

a’. Yellow spot on lores near eye. 

6’. No spot on lores. 

C. bucctnator. 
6. Bill, with basal portion and lores, yellow; l bila tea 
remainder black. ' 2 ee 
Sy. A 


Tus subfamily includes the Geese of the world, ar- 
ranged in six genera, possessing about twenty-five 
species. Geese are about halfway between the Swan 
and Ducks, having moderately long necks, rather long 
legs carrying the body well above the ground, and a com- 
paratively easy, though not a graceful, walk. They are 
provided with a strong bill, and subsist largely upon 
grass, which they break off from the root by a quick 
jerk sideways. They have a powerful flight, capable of 
being sustained for many hours at a time, and the species 
are in the habit of associating in large flocks. The flesh 
is very palatable, especially that of the young birds, and 
in the Arctic regions these fowl are the main support of 
large numbers of people. While as a rule the different 
species are confined to separate continents or portions of 
continents, there are cases where the same species in- 
habits the northern part of both hemispheres. Many of 
them can be domesticated, and they will breed in con- 
finement. Five genera of this subfamily are represented 
in North America. 



A. Lores feathered. 
a, Serrations on the greater portion of the 
cutting edges of maxilla visible. 

a’, Plumage all white, or head and neck 
only entirely white. Primaries, black 
or blackish brown. 

a’. Bill stout; depth at base more than 
half the length of the culmen; no ex- | 
crescences on basal portion. Black 
space on commissure. Size large. 

6". Bill weak; depth at base less than 
half the length of the culmen; ere ROSS'S SNOW 

portion covered with wart-like ex- GOOSE. 


crescences. No black space on the | /+anthemops. 
commissure. Size small. 

6’. Plumage never all white, nor with an Gener 
entirely white head or neck. EPR 


6. Serrations of cutting edge of maxilla ) 
visible only at angle of the mouth; com- ' 

: Philacte. 
missure concave. 

c. Serrations of cutting edge of maxilla not ) CRAVAT GEESE. 
visible; commissure straight. Branta. 

(Greek x%v, chen, a goose). 

Chen, Boie. Isis, 1822, p. 563. Type Anser hyperboreus, 

Bill as long as the head, powerful, higher than wide at base, 
edges of maxilla and mandible greatly beveled, exposing the 
prominent lamellz, Nostrils situated high on basal portion of 
maxilla. Tarsus longer than middle toe and claw. Feet rather 

Two species and one subspecies are retained in this genus, two 
of which, the Greater and Lesser Snow Geese, possess nothing 
to distinguish them apart save a difference in size. This, on an 
average, is stated to be about nine inches in the total length, but 


as there is a great variation in the measurement of individuals, 
it is not easy at times to determine as to which form, an indi- 
vidual belongs. These two Snow Geese are distributed in their 
migrations over all North America, the imaginary dividing line 
of the species and subspecies being the Mississippi Valley, which 
is the winter locality of the less known Blue Wavey or Blue 


A. Feathering on lateral base of maxilla, 
convex; blackish space at commissure. 
) C. cerulescens. 

a. Plumage chiefly grayish brown and | 
bluish gray. 

6, Plumage all white save primaries, which 
are black. 
C. hy perboreus. 

a’. Size small. Average total length said 
to be 28 inches, 

6'. Size large. Average total length said 

to be 34 inches. 

C. kh. nivalis. 


(Greek é&avOnua, exanthema, eruption + bus, opszs, 

Exanthemops, Elliot. B. of North America, 1868, vol. ii., 
pl. xliv., text. Type Axser rossz, Cass. 

Base of bill thickly covered with wart-like excrescences; bill 
weak, no gape at commissure and no blackish space present. 
Feathering on lateral base of maxilla nearly straight. Size very 

Only one species of this very distinct genus is known, the 
diminutive Ross’s Goose. It is no larger than many species of 
Ducks, and can always be readily distinguished from all Geese, 
in addition to its small size, by the conspicuous and unusual 
excrescences at the base of the bill, which in some specimens 
cover this part entirely. 


(Latin anser, a goose). 

Anser, Briss. Orn., 1760, vol. vi., p. 261. Type Anas anser, 

Bill stout, not longer than head, depth at base less than half 
the length of culmen, tapering to tip. Serrations of maxilla 
visible when bill is closed. Nostrils on basal half of maxilla, 
placed high up near culmen. Tarsus shorter than middle toe 
and claw. 

The White-fronted Geese of the Old and New Worlds have 
been separated as a species and subspecies on a difference of 
size averaging one inch in the total length of the adult and 
.37 inch in extent of the culmen, This is a worse case than 
the Snow Geese, because the White-fronted Geese of the two 
hemispheres are so nearly equal in their dimensions that, the 
locality of a specimen being unknown, its identification is im- 
possible, for it would not be difficult to find individuals among 
the European White-fronted Geese that were even larger than 
some of the American. 

As I have had occasion to remark, when writing of certain 
other species in this book, size alone is a most unsatisfactory 
character (?) to go by in determining species or subspecies, and 
when persisted in is most apt to create confusion. 

In this instance I do not consider that this slight difference of 
dimensions is of sufficient consequence to cause the recognition 
of two forms of this Goose, and in this book, therefore, I have 
placed the species and its so-called subspecies under the name 
bestowed by Gmelin, and after careful study of the question, and 
examination of examples from both hemispheres, I should require 
better evidence than any yet produced to convince me that it is 
desirable to establish more than one form of this species. 


(Greek ¢ldos, PAz/os, loving + &krn, akte, seashore). 

Philacte, Bann. Proc. Acad. Scien., Phila., 1870, p. 131. 
Type Anas canagica, Sevast. 

Bill stout, with the teeth exposed only at angle of the mouth, 
Nostrils situated on anterior end of the nasal fossee. Nail prom- 


inent, occupying all the tip. Cutting edge of maxilla concave. 
Skull with superorbital depressions, an unusual character. 
Tarsus not longer than middle toe and claw. Webs of feet, 

But one species of this genus is known, an inhabitant of the 
Alaskan coasts, and some of the Aleutian and other islands in 
the Northwest, very occasionally straggling into the Pacific 
coast States of the Union. It is a very handsome Goose, rather 
heavy in body and of limited dispersion; a bird of the bleak 
regions of the north, never, unless by accident, penetrating into 
temperate climes. Great numbers are annually destroyed by 
the natives, and its probable extinction is not likely to be 
long delayed. 

(Greek * BpévOos, 6renthos, an unknown water bird), 

Branta, Scop. Ann. I. Hist. Nat., 1769, p. 67. Type Anas 
bernicla, Linn. 

Bill short, high at base; nostrils situated about the middle; 
serrations not visible; commissure straight. Feet rather small. 

With the exception of one species, which is a straggler within 
our limits, all the members of this genus are natives of North 
America. It comprises the various forms of the ‘‘ Cravat” or 
Common Wild Goose, and the smaller species known as Brant or 
Brent. They are scattered over the United States during the 
winter months, throughout its length and breadth, the various 
species having their own line of migration, which is rarely de- 
parted from, though a few, like the Canada Goose, are met with 
across the continent from ocean to ocean. Some of the species 
can be domesticated, bear confinement well, and will breed in 
captivity. The flesh of the young is very palatable, but that 
of the old birds is to be carefully avoided. 

*If this derivation is correct, the proper name for the genus would be 
Brenthus and not Branta. But Brenthus was proposed by Schénherr in 
1826 for a genus of Coleoptera, antedating Sundevall’s employment of the 
same term (Meth. Nat. Av. disp. Tent., p. 145, 1873), and therefore it may not 
be used in ornithology. In case Branta therefore is not permissible, the 
next would be Leucoblephara. La Fres, 1840-=Leucoblepharon Baird, 1858; 
each used by its author, however, asa subgenus. These failing, Leuco- 
pareia, Reichnb. Av. Syst. Nat., p. ix. (1852), isavailable. Bernicla (Boie Isis, 
1822), is preoccupied (Bolt. crust. 1798). 



A. Head black, cheeks white. 

a. General color dark brown, under parts 
light brownish gray, grading into white, 
no white collar at base of neck, 

a’. Size large. Average total length about 
39 inches. Tail feathers, 18-20. 

B. canadensis. 

4'. Size small. Average total length about ) Ea 

2ginches. Tail feathers, 14-16. 

B. c. hutchins?. 
6. General plumage light brown, under 

parts dark brownish gray, abruptly sep- 

arated from white anal region. White 

collar sometimes at base of neck. 

a. Size large. Average total length about t GOOSE, 
35 inches. Tail feathers, 18-20. | Be. occiden- 
J talzs. 
6'. Size small. Average total length about l nee 
24 inches, Tail feathers, 14-16. \ Bec oe 
c. General plumage, bluish gray; under ) Roots 
parts, grayish white. se leucopee 

B. Head and cheeks all black. 

a, White patch on middle of neck, com- ) BRANT GOOSE. 
posed of streaks. YB. bernicla. 
6. Broad white collar on middle of neck, } BLACK BRANT. 

interrupted behind. SB. nigricans. 

The specimen of Hutchins’ Goose mentioned in the article on 
that speciesas having been killed at Puckaway Lake, and now 
in the New York Museum of Natural History, is rather peculiar 
from the fact that while the under parts are light brownish gray, 
grading into the white of the anal region, and in this respect 
possessing the distinctive mark that separates its species and 
the typical Canada Goose from their allies, there is also a narrow 
white ring at the base of the neck; a character, at all events at 
certain seasons of the year, of B. c. ecczdentalis and B. c. minima. 
The style of the coloring on the under parts in the two divisions 


of these Geese is apparently much more to be relied upon than is 
the presence or absence of the white ring around the neck, and as 
this Puckaway example is unquestionably 2. c. hutchinsz, from 
the coloring of the under parts, it is therefore evident that, 
occasionally, at all events, this subspecies assumes the white 
ring, as it does not seem at all necessary that the question of 
hybridism in this case should be considered, although it is true 
the bird was associating, at the time it was killed, not with its 
own fellows, but with a flock of Canada Geese. The white 
collar, however, would appear to be a rather doubtful 


Tuis subfamily comprises what I may call the Geese- 
like Ducks, with moderately short necks, rather long 
hind toe, not lobed, long tail, the feathers broad and 
rounded and with long upper coverts, and some like 
those in the following genus having short narrow bills 
high at base, tapering to the tip. It includes several 
genera but not all of them particularly related, some 
of the species having a rather brilliant plumage, with 
considerable metallic coloring. They are scattered all 
over the world; only one, however, being found in North 


(Greek ait, @x, a water bird). 

Aix, Boie (misspelling for Aix). Isis, 1828, p.329. Type Anas 
galericulata, Linn. 

Bill high at base, tapering toward tip, shorter than head or 
tarsus. Basal portion of maxilla forming a sharp angle between 
feathers of lores and forehead. Lamellz small and few. Nos- 
trils large, oval. Head crested. Tail feathers very broad and 
rounded at tip; rectrices sixteen, upper coverts very long. 
Tarsus shorter than middle toe. 

Two species only are contained in this genus, the most beauti- 
ful of the Family, one of which, the Wood Duck, is a native of 


North America and a doubtful straggler to the Old World; the 
other, the Mandarin Duck, confined to China, Formosa, and 
Japan. The Wood Duck of late years appears to be growing 
less plentiful, the beautiful plumage of the male causing it to be 
a desirable object for various purposes, one of which is dressing 
artificial flies, the exquisite flank feathers being especially se- 
lected for that purpose. 


THis is one of the great divisions of the family and 
contains what may with a certain degree of propriety be 
called the Fresh-Water Ducks, though it must not be 
understood from that term that none of the species ever 
go to the sea. They are readily distinguished from the 
members of the subfamily FuLIGULIN# or Salt-Water 
Ducks by the shape of the hind toe, those of the Ana- 
TIN@® having that member simple or normal, the 
FULIGULIN® having it lobed or flat. The River or 
Fresh-Water Ducks have moderately short necks and 
legs, excepting Dafila and Dendrocygna, while the feet 
are much smaller than those of the Sea Ducks. As a 
rule they are poor divers, and procure their food mostly 
in shallow water, by tilting the hinder part of the body 
so that they can reach the grasses, etc., growing on the 
bottom and pull it up with their bills. When wounded 
they skulk, laying the head and neck flat upon the water, 
and seek the nearest marsh for concealment. The flesh 
of these Ducks is generally most palatable, the excep- 
tions being those individuals that may associate and feed 
even temporarily with the Sea Ducks, when they have 
usually a very fishy flavor. These birds moult twice a 
year, and the sexes are dissimilar in plumage. 


(For North American Species.) 

/.~Hind toe not lobed. 
A. Lower part of tarsus in front, without ) TREE DUCKs. 
transverse scutella. Neck and legs long. j Dendrocygna. 
#. Lower part of tarsus in front with trans- 
verse scutellz. 
a. Bill not spatulate. 

a. Lamelle of mandible projecting out- ) RUDDY SHEL- 

GES j Casarca. 
6’, Lamellze of mandible not projecting 
a, Bill, depth at base less than width; ) MALLARDS. 
broader toward tip than at base. j Anas, 
6”. Bill, depth at base equal to width; 
narrower at tip than at base. 
a’, Lamelle of maxilla prominent. GADWALL. 

Central tail feathers not elongated. ) Chaulelasmus. 
6’, Tamelle of maxilla TOE 

Central tail feathers moderately Tear 
elongated. 7 ; 
c’. Bill, depth at base greater than 
width. Sides of maxilla nearly 
a’, Central tail feathers much elon- SPRIGTAIL. 
gated. Neck very long. \ Dafila. 

6". Central tail feathers not elon- 
gated. Neck short. 

\ A 

a*, Upper wing coverts blue or 

bluish gray. OQuerguedula. 



64. Upper wing coverts brownish 
or slaty gray. 

6, Bill spatulate. t 

276 WATER Fowt. 

(Greek dévépov, dendron, a tree + Latin cygnus, a swan). 

Dendrocygna, Swain. Class. B., 1837, vol. ii., p. 365. Type 
Anas arcuata, Cuv. 

Bill as long as the head, nail occupying -nearly all the tip, and 
curving downward. Nostrils ovate, situated high upon the bill 
and on the basal portion. Neck long and slender. Legs very 
long, lower part of tibiz denuded; lower portion of tarsus in 
front without transverse scutellaee, but covered with small scales, 
like those of Geese. Hind toe one-third the length of tarsus. 

There are about nine Tree Ducks belonging to this genus, 
scattered over various portions of the world. They are peculiar 
for their long legs and necks and have affinities for Geese. 
They roost and nest in trees, and have a variously colored 
plumage, some species being very attractive. Two only are 
found in North America, penetrating into the States along our 
southern border, for these Ducks are chiefly dwellers in tropical 


A. Brownish black stripe down hind neck. 


) D. autumnalis. 


a. Abdomen and flanks black. 

D. fulva. 

6. Abdomen and flanks cinnamon. 

(Russian cacharca, sea swallow). 

Casarca, Bon. Comp. List B. Eur. and Amer., 1838, p. 56. 
Type Anas casarca, Linn, 

Bill with parallel sides, culmen nearly straight, lamelle of 
mandible projecting outwardly. Lower portion of tarsus in 
front with transverse scutella. Tarsus rather long. 

A genus containing four handsome species, very goose-like in 
their habits and in the tones of their voices. They are essen- 
tially birds of the Old World, and although two examples of 


one species are supposed to have accidentally straggled into 
Greenland, that fact is hardly sufficient to give it arightful claim 
to be included among North American birds, especially as I am 
not aware that those who record its presence in Greenland saw 
the individuals there alive. 

(Latin Anas, a duck). 

Anas, Linn. Syst. Nat., 1766, vol. i., p. 134. Type Aas 
boschas, Linn. 

Bill about as long as the head, longer than the tarsus, broad 
and swelling outward toward the tip, where its greatest width 
is nearly one-third the length of the culmen. 

In the A. O. U. Check List this genus is made to include 
a number of species such as the Gadwall, Widgeon, and Teal, in 
addition to those closely related to the type. Genera, of course, 
are not found in nature, but afford convenient boundaries for 
the more complete arrangement of groups in natural science. 
So perhaps it would not be absolutely incorrect if all the Fresh- 
Water Ducks were placed under Anas; but as a number of them 
possess characters which may properly be called generic, and 
which are not possessed by others, there is no reason why these 
should not be recognized. To be consistent we must do one of 
two things: include most of the species under one genus, or 
accept the fact that there are numerous genera and recognize 
the characters that indicate them wherever found. ANAs, as 
I regard it, possesses only four species and subspecies in North 
America, one (A. /. maculosa) possibly of doubtful validity, as 
we become more familiar with its claims for separation from the 
others. There are nearly twenty species that belong to this 
genus, not including any of those not typical retained in it accord- 
ing to the A. O. U. List, but which properly should be placed in 
other genera, These twenty species are scattered throughout the 
world, and from the type, the Common Wild Duck, are descended 
most of the domesticated races. The members of this genus 
rarely go beyond the Arctic circle, and the species often remain 
in the temperate zone throughout the year, and breed wherever 
they may be. In fact, the two subspecies inhabiting the United 
States are rarely met with as far north as Kansas. They are 
‘‘mud ducks” ; that is, fond of dabbling in the ooze found along 


the banks of streams or the bottoms of shallow creeks, and 
obtain most of their food by sifting the liquid mud through the 
lamellee of the bill. 


A. Central upper tail coverts of male re- )} MALLARD, 
curved. White on wing coverts. § 4. boschas. 
&. Central upper tail coverts of male not re- 
curved. No white on wing coverts. 
a. Sides of head and throat, grayish fulvous, } DUSKY DUCK. 
closely streaked with black. . A. obscura. 

A. fulvigula. 

6. Sides of head and throat, pale buff, some- 
times streaked with black on cheeks an 
portions of neck. 

c. Sides of head and throat, buff, streaked 
with black. Under parts, mottled with 

buff and blackish brown. 

j A. f. maculosa. 


(Greek xavNos, chaulzos, protuberant + €dacpos, 
elasmos, a plate). 

Chaulelasmus, G. R. Gray. Bon. Consp. List, B. Eur. and N, 
Am., 1838, p. 56. Type Azas strepera, Linn. 

Bill about two-thirds length of head, longer than tarsus, slen- 
der, widest at base, greatest width less than one-half the length 
of culmen. Lamellee of maxilla prominent. Tail pointed; me- 
dian rectrices not elongated. 

This genus contains the well-known Gadwell or Creek Duck, a 
cosmopolitan species of the Northern Hemisphere, and possibly 
a smaller form inhabiting the Fanning Islands in the Pacific 
Ocean. The male is readily distinguished from other species of 
North American Ducks by having a great deal of chestnut color 
on the wing coverts, and the female by her gray and white spec- 

(Mareca. Brazilian name for Teal). 

Mareca, Steph. Gen. Zodl., vol. xii., 1824, pt. ii., p. 130. Type 
Anas penelope, Linn, ; 
Bill small, tapering toward the tip, nearly half as long as head, 


and about equal in width throughout its length. Central rec- 
trices moderately lengthened. 

Two species, out of the three known to belong to this genus, 
are found within our borders ; one indigenous to the Continent, 
the other a frequent straggler from the Old World. Both are 
beautiful birds, the male’s plumage being gayly colored, but the 
two forms have little or no resemblance to each other. The 
European Widgeon has more strongly contrasted colors perhaps 
than those seen in its American relative, but neither has very 
much advantage over the other in beauty. The exotic species 
has been taken many times in various portions of the United 
States, all males, however; the female, having such a close re- 
semblance to that of our Baldpate, would probably pass unnoticed, 
even if captured. 



M. penelope. & 

A. Top of head buff, rest of head and neck 
&. Top of head whitish ; rest of head and BALDPATE. 


neck whitish, spotted with black, and witha 
lengthened patch of metallic green. 

MM. amert- 

M. penelope. 2 

C. Head and upper neck reddish brown, 
spotted with black. 

MT. amerz- 
cana, Q 

DY. Head and upper neck whitish, spotted 
with black. 

(Dafila, nonsense word), 

Dafila, Steph. Gen. Zodl., vol. xii., pt. ii., 1824, p. 126. Type 
Anas acuta, Linn. 

Bill long as head, slender, the width about one-third the length 
of culmen, and nearly equal throughout ; neck very long and 
slender. Central rectrices greatly elongated. Wing pointed. 
First and second primaries equal and longest. Feathers of lores 
form a convex line at base of maxilla. 


This genus contains only three species, widely separated: one 
the North American, which, however, is found also throughout 
the northern part of the Northern Hemisphere ; one from South 
America; and one from Kerguelen Island. The American 
Sprigtail is a gracefully formed bird, and although its neck may 
seem disproportionately long, it does not appear so when the 
bird is quietly swimming along intently seeking its food. The 
Sprigtail is mainly a fresh-water Duck, and although it is found 
on the sea-coast, yet even there it seeks the bays and sounds 
where the water is brackish. It goes at times in large flocks, 
and consorts frequently with the Widgeon, the two species fly- 
ing about together. 

(Latin Querguedula, a kind of Teal). 

Querquedula, Steph. Gen. Zodl., vol. xii., pt. ii., 1824, p. 142. 
Type Anas guerqguedula, Linn. 

Bill about as long as head, longer than tarsus; narrow, sides 
parallel; greatest width more than one-third length of culmen. 
Tail pointed. Head not crested. 

Two of the four species belonging to this genus are found in 
North America. The males in full dress are very handsome 
birds and strikingly different in the color of their plumage from 
other Ducks. The habits of these teal and those of the genus 
Nettion are very similar. Both go in flocks of considerable size, 
have a swift, erratic flight, resort to like localities and seek the 
same kind of food. In addition to its attractive appearance, the 
Blue-winged Teal is one of our very best table birds, the flesh 
being tender and juicy, and when it has been feeding upon wild 
rice, is then of exceptionally fine flavor. 


A. Head and neck dull plumbeous. White ) SVP WINGED 
crescentic patch between eye and bill. 0. Pee s 
ZB. Head and neck bright chestnut. ‘ee 
white patch between eye and bill. Q. cyanop- 

No : 
tera. 6 


C. Throat and abdomen white. TEAL, 

Q. discors. Q 

D,. Throat deep buff. Abdomen rufous, mot- 

On op- 
tled with black. Q. cyanop 

tera. Q 


(Greek vérriov, nettion, a duckling, dim. of vérra, zetta, a duck). 

Nettion, Kaup. Natiirl. Syst., 1829, p. 95. Type Aas crecca, 

Bill two-thirds as long as the head, much longer than tarsus, 
slender, slightly narrowing toward the tip; greatest width one- 
third the length of culmen. Head not crested. 

About a dozen species of this genus are distributed throughout 
the world, of which only one is indigenous to North America. 
The European Green-winged Teal, a close ally and easily con- 
founded with the North American species, occasionally straggles 
into our limits, perhaps more frequently than is supposed, as the 
ordinary observer would not notice any difference between them. 
Both species go in flocks of considerable size, and have a swift, 
erratic flight. 


wing on either side of breast, No white TEAL. 
on scapulars. NV, carolinen- 

$75. 6 


NV. crecca. 6 

B. No crescentice white band in front of wing. 
Scapulars margined with white or buffy 

A. A broad crescentic white band in front of | GREEN-WINGED 
white. | 

There appear to be nocharacters for distin- 
guishing the females of the two species from 
each other, 


(Latin spatula, dim. of sfatha, a broad blade). 

Spatula, Boie. Isis, 1822, p. 564. Type Anas clypeata, Linn. 

Bill longer than head, spreading out toward the tip, where it is 
twice as wide as at the base. Nail prominent, forming a hook. 
Lamelle prominent. Wings long, pointed. Tail short, com- 
posed of fourteen acute feathers. The peculiarly shaped bill 
makes this species readily recognizable among our Ducks, irre- 
spective of other characters. 

The Shoveler is cosmopolitan, and the American bird is one of 
the four known species of the genus. The others are natives of 
South America, Australia and its neighboring islands, and South 
Africa, respectively. Of the North American species, when 
arrayed in allits finery, the male is a beautiful bird, although, 
from the disproportionate size of the bill, it is apparently slightly 
top-heavy. It has, however, a graceful shape, and walks easily 
and well. The female, of course, can be distinguished from those 
of other species by her large, spoon-shaped bill. 


Tuis subfamily contains the Sea Ducks, which are 
mainly distinguished from the species of ANATINA&, fre- 
quenting the Rivers and Lakes, usually known as the 
Fresh-Water Ducks, by having a membranous web de- 
pending from the hind toe. The feet are larger, with 
broader webs and longer toes, while the legs are shorter 
and placed nearer the tail, causing the walk to be awk- 
ward and somewhat difficult, but facilitating both swim- 
ming and diving. Most of the species belong to the 
Northern Hemisphere, and breed in high latitudes, and 
a large number are exclusively marine, but others are 
seen occasionally on the Great Lakes and large rivers. 
Individuals found in such localities are, however, usually 


young birds, which probably from either fatigue or hun- 
ger have made a brief stop while migrating. 

‘The members of this subfamily are great divers and 
subsist upon mollusks, fish, various grasses, and bulbous 
roots which they procure on or near the bottom. Their 
flesh varies greatly according to the kind and quality of 
their food; those subsisting upon a fish diet possess often 
an ‘ancient fish-like smell” and taste, while those that 
feed on leaves, or roots of the more delicate plants, such 
as the wild celery, are very tender and of excellent flavor. 
The sexes are usually very different in the hues of their 
plumage, the principal exceptions to this being among 
the Scoters of the genus CEpemr1a. There is much di- 
versity of structure among these birds, necessitating 
quite a number of genera, and the specific characters are 
strongly marked, and consequently easy of recognition. 
These Ducks feed mostly by night, the persecutions to 
which they are subjected preventing them from obtaining 
their food during the day, at which time, weather per- 
mitting, they assemble in large numbers in the middle 
of broad waters and sleep or dress their feathers. Moon- 
light nights are favorite ones for feeding, and on such 
occasions they visit creeks or ponds in marshes near the 
sea. The notes uttered by these birds are harsh and 
guttural, and the animated, inspiring quack of some of the 
fresh-water species is never heard among them. 

(For North American Species.) 

A. Hind toe broadly lobed. 



a. Head with an elongated crest. 


46. Head without elongated crest. 
a. Bill long as middle toe without claw, 

greatest width Less than one-third the CANVAS BACK. 

length of culmen. Head long, not Arzstonetta. 

claw, greatest width more than one- RED-HEAU: 
third the length of culmen. Head Athyta. 

c’. Bill shorter than head, broad, greatest 

width nearly HALF the length of the 

d'. Bill with membranous expansion on AE ee 
edge of maxilla near tip. DUCK. 
i ih Camptolemus. 

e’. Bill very short, narrow, rather pointed. 

a’. Anterior edge of nostrils nearer the 

6'. Bill shorter than middle toe i 

base than tip. Clangula 
6. Anterior edge of nostrils nearer the ane 
itp than the base. Charitonetta. 

ce’. Bill, height at base two-thirds length 

of culmen. 
a’. Central tail feathers elongated. l DUCK. 
J Havelda. 
6". Central tail feathers not elon- 
a*, Bill shorter than tarsus. DUCK. 
64. Bill longer than tarsus. t ee ELLER'S ot 
f'. Bill tumid or gibbous. SURE uce 
g. Bill with two-thirds of the culmen cov- ) FISCHER’S EIDER 
ered with feathers; pad-like feathering - DUCK. 
around the eyes. Arctonetta, 

A’. Bill with naked parallel frontal proc- ) EIDER DUCKS. 
esses. Feathering around eyes normal, §  Somateria, 



(Greek vérra, nef/a, a duck). 

Netta, Kaup. Naturl. Syst., 1829, p. 102. Type Anas rufina, 

Bill broadest at the base, narrowing gradually toward the tip; 
nail broad and prominent, more than one-third the width of the 
bill. Outline of loral feathering slightly concave. Culmen 
longer than tarsus. Head of male with lengthened crest. 

One species only, the Rufous-crested Duck, is contained in 
this genus, an inhabitant of the Old World, where it ranges from 
the basin of the Mediterranean to Turkestan and Northern India, 
only casual in Northern Europe and Great Britain. In North 
America I am not aware that anyone has ever seen it alive, 
and even as a straggler it has little claim to a place in our 

(Greek dpurros, arzstos, best + vérra, netta, a duck). 

Aristonetta, Baird. B. N. Am., 1858, p. 793. Type Axas 
valisneria, Wils. 

Bill as long as middle toe without claw; longer than head; 
greatest width less than one-third the length of the culmen, 
greatly depressed toward tip; nail moderate, not hooked. Cul- 
men depressed in center for nearly one-third the length of bill 
from base. Head long, not bunchy; neck of equal diameter 
throughout its length. 

A comparison of the above diagnosis with that of the one suc- 
ceeding gives ample evidence of the generic distinction of the 
Canvas Back and Red-Head, and I do not consider that such 
radical differences as are to be observed between the two species 
can be properly accentuated by the employment of ARISTONETTA 
subgenerically. The Red-Head has numerous and some very 
close allies throughout the world having the same generic char- 
acters, while the Canvas Back is swz generzs, and has no exotic 
representatives nor home relatives. Its very peculiar bill and 
thick neck, the latter of nearly equal diameter for its entire 
length, cause it to be conspicuous among the Duck tribe and 
without imitators, unless the small Ruddy Duck, with its thick 
neck, can be considered as such. 


(Greek al#ua, eethyia, a sea bird). 

Aythya (misspelling for Athyia), Boie. Isis, 1822, p. 564. 
Type Anas ferina, Linn. 

Bill shorter than middle toe without claw, as long as head, the 
greatest width more than one-third the length of the culmen. 
Height of maxilla at base equal to its greatest width, moderately 
depressed toward tip. Nail prominent and hooked. Head 
bunchy, larger than neck, which is compressed at the throat. 

There is only one species in North America belonging to this 
genus, the well-known Red Head, as the Canvas Back, which 
has usually been placed in it, I regard as generically distinct. 
The genus, however, is represented in South America, and also 
inthe Old World from Great Britain to Japan as well as in 
Africa, Australia, and some of the contiguousislands. One Old- 
World species, 4. ferzna, resembles very closely the American 
bird, and when on the water might be mistaken for it. 


(Latin Fulica or Fulix,a coot, dim. fw/zcula, or possibly, dim, of 
fuligo, soot, black. 

Fuligula, Steph. Gen. Zool,, vol. xii., pt. 123) 7824. pauege 
Type Anas fuligula, Linn. 

Bill short, broad, not as long as head, widest at tip, greatest 
width nearly half the length of culmen, moderately depressed, 
with a broad nail terminating ina hook. Height of maxilla at 
base less than greatest width. Tarsus little less than half the 
length of middle toe and claw. Head bunchy, neck rather 

Three species of this genus are found in North America, one 
of which, the Big Black Head, /: marz?a, is also a native of the 
Eastern Hemisphere. The specimens of this species obtained 
within our boundaries have been separated from those of the 
Old-World by American ornithologists, but the characters relied 
upon to distinguish the two forms are not apparently tenable, 
the American examples, even among those shot in one locality, as 
was clearly shown by Mr. Bishop (Auk, 1895, p. 293), exhibiting 


the differences, with gradations, that were attributed to the two 
birds. The question, therefore, as to whether there is both a dis- 
tinct species and sub-species of the Big Black Head would seem 
to be clearly settled in the negative. 


A. No ring around neck. 
a. Head and neck black, glossed with metal- } BIGBLACK HEAD. 

lic green. SF marita. } 
6. Head and neck black, glossed with metal- See 
lic purple. BLACK HEAD. 
Ff. aint. & 
B&B. Ring around neck. DUCK. 

F. collaris, & 
C. White patch on wing. 
a. Length of wing 84 inches or over. t F. marita. 9 

6, Length of wing 84 inches or less. BLACK HEAD, 

F. affinzs. Q 

D. Bluish gray patch on wing. DUCK. 
F. collaris. 2 

(Greek kaurrés, Lamptos, flexible; + daués, Zazmos, throat). 

Camptolzmus, G. R. Gray. List. Gen. B. ed. 2, 1841, p. 95. 
Type Anas labradortus, Gmel. 

Bill about as long as head, very broad, height at base not 
equal to-greatest width. A membranous expansion, on the edge 
of maxilla toward the tip, increases considerably the normal width 
of the bill. Nail prominent, forming a hook at tip. Nostrils 
oblong, basal, and situated rather high on the side of maxilla. 
Loral and cheek feathers stiff, with horny tips, extending on to 
base of maxilla in a convex line. Tail of fourteen feathers, 

The single, rather peculiar species, comprising this genus, 
while very common on certain parts of our eastern seaboard fifty 


years ago, is now extinct. It was remarkable for the unusual 
structure of the bill, which differs from all those of living species 
of Ducks, and for its striking black and white plumage. It was 
a strong flyer, and apparently perfectly competent to take care 
of itself, and the cause of its disappearance from our Continent is 
an unfathomable mystery. Many theories have been advanced to 
account for its extinction, but, as none admit of proof, it is impos- 
sible to arrive at a satisfactory explanation. 

(Latin clangula, dim. of clangor, a noise). 

Clangula. Leach in Ross, Voy. Disc., App., 1819, p. xlviii. 
Type Anas clangula, Linn. 

Bill shorter than head, high at base and tapering to tip. Nail 
prominent and hooked. Anterior end of nostril nearer to the tip 
than to the loral feathers. Tail rounded, of sixteen feathers. 

Two species of this genus are found in North America, both of 
which are also natives of parts of the Eastern Hemisphere. The 
Common Golden Eye of our coasts and rivers, while in plumage 
it resembles in every particular the bird obtained in the Old 
World, has been separated as a distinct race, on account of 
being slightly larger on the average. A species or a race 
founded solely upon the slight, constantly varying size of indi- 
viduals has a very difficult position to maintain in any family 
of birds, but is of a still more uncertain quantity when the 
establishment of so important a distinction is attempted in a 
like manner with members of the ANaTID#&, as they notori- 
ously vary in size, so that individuals of the same species can be 
readily found whose measurements differ at times in a surprising 
degree. It is only necessary to look at the measurements of a 
series of almost any species of the Anatida to see how wide 
apart the two extremes are, and within the range some exam- 
ples would undoubtedly be found agreeing exactly with their 
foreign relatives, if they had any. It seems as if ornithologists 
acted at times under the conviction that, because a species is 
found in North America, it must be specifically or racially differ- 
ent from its Old-World representatives, and then the slightest 
variation is deemed sufficient to bestow upon it a new name. 
There are a number of such instances among the ANATIDA, 


which serve not only no useful purpose whatever, but mystify 
and confuse the student. Therefore, as I can find no reliable 
characters to distinguish the American and European Golden 
Eye from each other, and nocertain line of demarcation between 
them, I have deemed it both unnecessary and unwise to retain 
the name given to our bird, for I cannot see that its claim to be 
considered even a subspecies has in any way been satisfactorily 


A. Bill high at base, narrowing toward tip. 

a. Nostrils nearer the tip than base of bill. 

C. clangula. 6 

j C. tslandica. 6 

a’, Head and upper neck metallic green. t 

6’. Head and upper neck metallic blue. 

c’. Head and upper neck hair brown. 

a". Height of bill at base Less than dis- 
tance from anterior edge of nostril to 
nearest loral feathers. 

6". Height of bill at base EQuAL to dis- | BARROW’S 
tance from anterior edge of nostril to GOLDEN-EYE, 
nearest loral feathers. C. tslandica. Q 

\ C. clangula. 9 

(Greek xdpis, charzs, gracetul + vérra, nefta, a duck). 

Charitonetta, Stejn. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1885, No. 29, p. 
163. Type Anas albeola, Linn. 

Bill about two-thirds length of head, height at base half the 
length of culmen. Nail rather narrow, curving downward. An- 
terior end of nostril nearer the loral feathers than the tip of bill. 
Head bunchy. ‘Tail more than twice as long as tarsus. 

Only one species is included in this genus, the common Buffle 
Head Duck. By some authors it is kept in the previous genus 
Clangula. The Buffle Head is a native of North America, strag- 
gling occasionally, when it loses its way, to Cuba and even to 
Europe; the last, however, rather exceptional. The male is a 
beautiful bird, the head rejoicing in rich metallic colors, and in 
its general appearance he is a diminutive Golden Eye. 


(Havelda, Norw. Have/de, a Sea Duck). 

Harelda (misprint or misspelling for Havelde). Stephens in 
Shaw’s Gen. Zo6l., 1824, vol. xii., pt. ii., p. 174. Type Anas 
glacialzs, Linn. 

Bill shorter than head, equal to tarsus, widest at base, narrow- 
ing rapidly to tip. Nail hooked. No lateral angles from base of 
culmen, loral feathering at base of bill nearly a straight line. 
Nostrils situated high on basal half of bill. Tail pointed, of 14 
feathers ; median pair slender and greatly elongated. 

Only one species is recognized of this genus, a native of both 
the Western and Eastern Hemispheres, the familiar Old Squaw, 
or South Southerly of sportsmen. The male is remarkable for 
the greatly elongated middle feathers of the tail. It isa Sea 
Duck, flesh fishy and disagreeable in flavor, goes in flocks of con- 
siderable size, and flies with great rapidity. There is a striking 
difference in the plumage of summer and winter, the male, es- — 
pecially, in the two seasons appearing like quite another bird, 


(Latin Azs¢rzonzcus, theatrical, relating to the bird's 
fantastic coloring). 

Histrionicus, Less. Man. d’Orn., 1828, vol. ii., p. 415. Type 
Anas histrionicus, Linn. 

Bill small, about half the length of head, shorter than tarsus, 
tapering rapidly tothe tip, which is rounded and occupied by the 
hooked nail. Height at base equal to the extreme width. Loral 
feathering convex on base of bill. Frontal feathers advancing 
on culmen beyond the lores. Nostrils basal, and situated high 
on bill just beneath the culmen, Tail pointed. 

This handsome bird with its fantastic markings, known as the 
Harlequin Duck, is the only species of this genus. The female 
is attired very differently from the male, and, by the side of her 
brilliant ‘‘ Lord,” she is a very plain little body. This species is 
essentially a bird of the north, rarely entering the waters of tem- 
perate climes, and while it has a wide distribution over northern 
North America, it is also a native of Iceland, straggling occa- 


sionally into European boundaries. The Harlequin, in some of 
its characters, leans toward the Eiders, with which the inter- 
vening genera help to connect it. 

(Greek éuxés, Aenzkos, singular + vérra, wefta, a duck), 

Eniconetta (aspirate ignored), G. R. Gray. List. Gen. B., 
1840, p. 75. Type Anas stellerz, Pall. 

Bill without frontal processes; height at base slightly more 
than greatest width, this last not quite equal to half the length 
of culmen, which is longer than tarsus. Sides of maxilla taper- 
ing gradually toward the tip, which is nearly all occupied by the 
nail, Nostrils ovate, basal, placed high on maxilla. Outline of 
loral feathering convex. Speculum on wing. 

One species only of this genus is known, the beautiful Steller’s 
Duck, a dweller in high northern latitudes. It gathers at times 
. in great flocks in the desolate regions it frequents, and often 
associates with other Eiders inhabiting the same localities. This 
genus is sometimes spelled /xzconetta;, but as this entirely ig- 
nores the aspirate of the Greek é, and is therefore quite incor- 
rect, I have not continued the error. 

(Greek of6nua, oedema ,; Latin edema, a swelling). 

Oidemia (misspelling for Gfdemia), Fleming. Phil. of Zodl., 
vol. ii., 1822, p. 260. Type Anas nigra, Linn. 

Bill variously tumid or gibbous; frontal feathers extending 
further on the bill than those of the loral region. Maxilla ex- 
tending anterior to, nostrils, thence narrowing rapidly to tip. 
Nail broad, occupying the entire tip, curved and hooked. Nos- 
trils situated about middle of bill. Extreme width of bill greater 
than height of maxilla at base. 

The Surf Ducks or Scoters, as they are frequently called, are 
very numerous on our coasts in winter. Four species inhabit 
North America, and while their plumage is somber, the males 
being either all black, or black and white, the bills of this sex in 
the different species are decorated with red, orange, or other 
brilliant colors. It is a cosmopolitan genus, the members being 


found in both hemispheres in northern latitudes. A fifth species, 
@. carbo, Pall., may possibly occur in Alaska, its proper habitat 
being Northeastern Asia, but as yet no specimens have been pro- 
cured within the boundaries of North America. One species, the 
Velvet Scoter, attributed to the New World, is really a native of 
the Eastern Hemisphere, and only claims a place in our avi- 
fauna by the accidental appearance of individuals in Greenland, 
evidently stragglers from the regular route during migration. 
The flesh of these Ducks is tough and fishy, to be carefully 
avoided whenever served at table. 


A. Maxilla more or less swollen at base. 
a. Plumage of male black with white 

patches on front and back of head. Black GQ. ee 
spot on swollen base of maxilla. lata, 

6. Entire plumage of male deep black. 
a’. No speculum. rere 
cee GQ. amert- 
6'. Speculum white. 
a", Swollen lateral basal part of maxilla oe VELVET SCOTER. 
bare. . fusca. & 
6". Swollen lateral basal part of maxilla 5 pe eae 
feathered. : 
Baye G. deglandi.& 

c’. Awhite spot at base of maxilla and 
one near ear. 

) &. fustasS 

a’. Upper parts brownish gray. 

6’. Upper parts sooty brown. SCOTER. 

) &, degland?.2 
(Greek dpxroc, arktos, a bear + vérra, net/a, a duck), 

Arctonetta, G. R. Gray. Proc. Zo6l. Soc , 1855, p. 212. Type 
Luligula fischert, Brandt. 
Bill rather small and narrow, with only a little over one-third 


of the culmen exposed, the rest covered by a mass of dense vel- 
vety feathers that come to a point beyond the nostrils which are 
partly hidden beneath them. From the culmen these feathers 
pass obliquely downward to edge of maxilla, and then backward 
to the end of the mouth. A line of feathers extends from chin 
on mandible nearly as far forward as those on the culmen. Nail 
occupying most of the tip, but there is no hook. Tertials falcate. 
Tail rounded, feathers inclined to a point. 

One species represents this genus—the curiously marked 
Fischer’s or Spectacled Eider of the northwest coast of America. 
It is common enough in the localities it frequents, but rarely 
comes to the southward of Alaska, and is pre-eminently a bird 
of the Arctic regions. 

(Greek cua, soma, body + e€pwv, erzon, wool). 

Somateria, Leach in Ross’ Voy. Disc., app., 1819, p. xlviii. 
Type Anas mollzsstma, Linn, 

Culmen about half as long as head. Bill slender with acute or 
rounded lateral, nearly parallel, processes reaching on the fore- 
head between the extension of the frontal feathers and those on 
the sides, the former of which go nearly to the nostrils. Sides of 
bill tapering to the tip. This is entirely covered by the nail, 
which extends downward over the mandible when the bill is 
closed. Nostrils situated just in advance of the lateral feather- 
ing on the maxilla. Tertials curved downward over the wing. 

This genus contains four well-characterized species, distributed 
in the Arctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Some are 
celebrated for their down, which is collected during the breed- 
ing season from the nests, and is an important article of com- 
merce. It is plucked by the female from her breast to serve as 
a protection to the eggs. Three of the species are closely re- 
lated, but the fourth, the King Eider or King Duck, differs in 
having a large squarish frontal process near the base of the bill. 
This, if permanent, would perhaps necessitate the removal of the 
species to a separate genus, but as it only exists during the 
breeding season, and at all other times the bill does not materi- 
ally differ in outline from those of the other Eiders, the species 
is properly retained in the same genus with them. A subgeneric 


term, Erzonetta (€pwv, erton, wool + vérra, netta, a duck), was 
proposed for the King Eider by Coues in 1884. 

The Eider Duck of the Old World, and the one obtained in 
Greenland, have been separated by American ornithologists for 
the same insufficient reasons given in similar cases of certain 
Geese and Ducks, viz., a slight difference in size, to which in 
this instance is added a variation in the color of the bill, ‘‘ olive 
yellowish” instead of ‘‘olive green” ;* a distinction, to most 
persons, practically without adifference. These characters, upon 
which a specific or subspecific separation of the birds is based, 
are not apparent to the ordinary observer, and only occasionally 
to the expert, and can hardly be deemed of sufficient importance, 
considering how Ducks vary in size, and also the difficulty of 
recognizing delicate distinctions of slight shades of olive, to 
require the Greenland and European birds to assume any kind 
of separate rank. Species or subspecies, where the individuals 
require a pair of dividers, or a great ability on the part of the in- ~ 
vestigator, to recognize intimately related shades of color for their 
maintenance, should not be permitted to obtain recognition in 
what ought to be regarded as a serious scientific study, for the 
differences are too apt to mislead, and seriously confuse and 
discourage the conscientious student. 


A. Feathers of forehead reaching about half 
as far on bill as the loral feathers. 

a. Frontal angles on bill broad with round to 
ends. S. dressere. 

6. Frontal angles on bill narrow with 
pointed ends. 
a. Without V-shaped mark on throat of COMMON EIDER. + 
male. S. mollesstma. 
6’. With black V-shaped marks on throat PACIFIC EIDER. 
of male. S. u.-ntgrum, 
&. Feathers of forehead reaching to posterior KING EIDER. 
end of nostril. S. spectabilis. 

* Ridgway, Manual, 2d ed., 1896, p. 109. 
+In some male specimens a dusky V-shaped mark is seen on the throat, 
but this is very exceptional. 



Tus subfamily is represented throughout the world 
by many species comprised in about four genera, two of 
which are represented by only one species each in North 
America. One of these has a wide distribution within 
our limits, but the other can only be regarded as a 
straggler from more southern latitudes. They are 
peculiar little Ducks, with large heads, and very broad 
bills and feet, and the tail is composed of 18 to 20 stiff, 
pointed feathers, frequently carried directly upward. 
The males of both species have a brilliantly colored 
plumage, of red and black hues mainly, but this is only 
assumed by the resident bird during the breeding season. 
Both kinds are skillful divers, and fly with great rapidity, 
buzzing through the air more in the manner of insects 
than of birds. The flesh of these Ducks is fairly good, 
and of late years, probably from the growing scarcity of 
more desirable varieties, the Ruddy Duck has taken a 
rather prominent position in the markets of our land. 

(For North American Species.) 

A. Tail feathers stiff, narrow, pointed. 
a. Nail of bill with the point bent down- RUDDY DUCK. 
ward and backward. Erismatura. 

6, Nail of bill with the point perpendicular. 
j Nomony x. 


(Greek pica, erzsma, a prop + ovpd, oura, tail). 

Erismatura. Bon. Sagg. Distr. Met. Age. e Corr., 1832, p. 143. 
Type Anas jamaicensis, Gmel. 


Bill about as long as head, broad, widening toward the tip and 
turned slightly upward; nail small, narrow, curved, and turned 
backward. Nostril about middle of bill, placed near culmen. 
Head moderately large; neck very large, permitting the skin to 
pass over the head of the dead bird. Tail of eighteen feathers, 
stiff, narrow, and pointed, with large shafts. Tarsus half as 
long as middle toe and claw. Feet very large, outer toe longer 
than middle. Wings short. 

Only one species of this genus, out of the twelve or fourteen 
recognized by ornithologists, is found in North America, the well- 
known Ruddy Duck, with many aliases in different localities. It 
is generally distributed throughout our Continent, going at times 
as far south as northern South America. It is a sprightly little 
bird with some rather comical habits. 

(Greek véuos, zomos, law + b8vvé, onwx, nail). 

Nomonyx, Ridgw. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. iii., 1880, p. 15. 
Type Anas dominica, Linn. 

Characters similar to Erismatura, but the nail nearly all seen 
from above, and, although hooked, does not bend backward. 
Tail composed of narrow graduated pointed feathers with stif- 
fened shafts, and more than half aslong as wing. Bill narrower 
for its length than is that of the allied genus. Outer toe shorter 
than the middle toe. 

There is only one species included in this genus, a native of 
tropical America straggling into eastern North America, within 
whose boundaries a few examples have been captured. In full 
plumage the male is a very handsome bird, and rather smaller in 
size than the common Ruddy Duck. 


Tuts subfamily possesses three genera, and about nine 
species, and is represented in nearly every part of the 
world. They are generally known as the Saw-bill, or 


Fish Ducks, and are not regarded as very desirable for 
the table, the flesh being generally impregnated with the 
flavor of fish, which is their principal food. They are 
birds of handsome plumage, with hues from delicate 
salmon tints to rich metallic greens. Some of the 
species breed in trees, and all are fond of frequenting 
secluded places, and keep much about the borders of 
marshes and tidal creeks when upon the coast, and are 
rarely seen on broad stretches of water. They fly very 
rapidly and are expert divers, and destroy immense 
numbers of small fish. Their peculiarly formed bill is 
apt to attract the attention of the most indifferent 


A. Bill long, narrow, hooked. 
a, Culmen longer than tarsus. 

a’. Serrations of maxilla inclined back- RED-BREASTED 
ward. | | MERGANSER. 
J) Merganser. 
; ; ad HOODED 
6’. Serrations of maxilla not inclined | ae 
; Lophodytes. 
6, Culmen sh t 
orter than tarsus. Mergus. 

Of the first genus there are about seven species recognized, 
but two only are natives of North America, viz., the Goosander 
and the Red-Breasted Merganser. The second contains but one 
species,—the beautiful Hooded Merganser,—restricted to North 
America, very occasionally straying to Europe; while the third 
has the attractive Smew, an Old-World species included in our 
fauna on very slight grounds; the female, it is claimed, having 
been twice taken within our boundaries, the male never. 


(Latin mergus, a diver + anser, a goose). 

Merganser, Briss. Orn., vol. vi., 1760, p. 230. Type Mergus 
merganser, Linn. 

Culmen longer than tarsus; serrations of maxilla and man- 
dible tooth-like, inclining backward. Bill long, narrow, tip 

The species of this genus are large birds, the males with 
iridescent hues on the heads and necks. During the breeding 
season, when possible, they seek lakes and rivers within the 
forests and rear the young amid their solitudes. Flesh fishy and 

_ unpalatable. 


A. Head and neck greenish black, metallic. 

a. No white collar on neck; under parts Ve : 
: M. amert- 
Esha canus.d 
: ite collar on lower neck; under parts ERGO 
ASS eee ek j M, serrator.é 

#. Head and neck tawny brown, 
_ @ Distance between nostril and nearest GOOSANDER, 
feather at base of bill GREATER than height M. amert- 
of maxilla at base. canus. Q 
6, Distance between nostril and nearest RED-BREASTED 
feather at base of bill Less than height of MERGANSER. 
maxilla at base. M. serrator.2 

(Greek Addgos, Zophos, a crest + dvrns, dutes, a diver). 

Lophodytes, Reichenb. Syst. Av., 1852, pl. ix. Type Wlergus 
cucullatus, Linn, 

Culmen longer than tarsus. Serrations of bill blunt, not 
inclined backward, : 

Only one species of this genus is known, confined to North 


America, the beautiful Hooded Merganser, noted for the ex- 
pansive crest of black and white exhibited by the male, and 
from which it takes its name. 

(Latin mergus, a diver). 

Mergus, Linn. Syst. Nat., vol.1., 1766, p. 207. Type MWergus 
albellus, Linn. 

Culmen shorter than tarsus. 

A single species is included in this genus, a native of the Old 
World, of doubtful occurrence in North America, and popularly 
known as the Smew. It has a very attractive plumage of black 
and white. 


The history is finished, the self-sought task is done, 

The tale is told of creatures wild and free; 

Of a tribe that’s swiftly passing, its course now nearly run, 

Leaving for posterity naught save a memory. 

We have heard the bell-like cry 

Sounding faintly in the sky, 

Of feathered squadrons speeding on their way; 

We have watched the sportive broods 

Inthe Arctic solitudes, 

Where night was followed by an endless day. 

We have known them in their glory, in the pride of numbers 

Now we see them gathering in a feeble company, 

We have heard the waters echo to the music of their song, 

Now we listen to the silence born of river, lake, and sea. 

Nevermore in serried ranks, from fierce Atlantic’s shore, 
Across our wide domain to Pacific’s tranquil sea, 

The fowl will cloud the heavens, but the cry of ‘‘ Nevermore,” 
Shall echo to the limits of Ages yet to be. 



fEthyia, 284, 286 
ce americana, 59 
a ferina, 286 
ZEX, 273 
‘* galericulata, 87, 273 
“* -sponsa, go 

Africa, North, 50, 98, 144, 178 

South, 282 
Agattu Island, 76 
Aix, 273 

Alaska, Coast of, 19, 58, 84, 128, 

188, 206, 220, 232, 271 

Alaska, Territory of, 28, 35, 38, | 

45, 46, 52, 57, 72, 73, 74, 77, 84, | 
86, 122, 126, 128, 130, 136, 




Alaskan Peninsula, 
217, 220, 232 
Albemarle Sound, 4o 






190, | 
237, | 
292, | 


Aleutian Islands, 19, 35, 46, 52, 
54, 55, 69, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 

116, 134, 136, 160, 176, 
188, 189, 196, 201, 203, 
212274" 210, 220, 220; 
245, 249, 252, 271 


America, 27 




AT CHC, 277445 mer 
Central, 93, 136, 142 
Northern, 108, 203 
Northern South, 93, 


America, South, 93, 128, 132, 


242, 243 

America, Western, 38, 70, 86, 


275, 277 

acuta, 279 

anser, 270 
bernicla, 271 
boschas, 104, 277, 278 
breweri, 103 
canagica, 270 
casarca, 276 
clangula, 288 
clypeata, 288 
crecca, 281 
cygnus, 265 
dominica, 296 
ferina, 286 
fuligula, 186 
fulvigula, 110, 278 
fulvigula maculosa, 112, 
278 ° 

glacialis, 290 
histrionicus, 290 
jamaicensis, 295 
mollissima, 293 


Anas, nigra, 291 
‘* obscura, 108, 278 
olor, 265 
penelope, 278 
querquedula, 280 
rufina, 285 
stelleri, 291 
strepera, 278 
valisneria, 285 
Anatide, Family, 
Anatine, Subfamily, 263, 274, 
Anderson River, 45, 46, 57, 84, 
85, 86, 165, 190, 230 
Anderson River, Lower, 212 
Anser, 268, 270 
‘« albifrons, 48 
‘© hyperboreus, 269 
‘«  rossii, 269 
Anseres, Order, 263 
Anserinez, Subfamily, 263, 267 
Anthony, A. W., 198 
Arctic Circle, 176 
«Coast, 28, 190, 217 
“Ocean, 19, 30, 46, 71, 74, 
86, 118, 120, 170, 186, 192, 201, 
Arctic Regions, 19, 27, 30, 31, 
41, 42, 45, 52, 57, 68, 84, 100, 
LOA 103, ) DA. eee s Sera. 
159, 162, 164, 165, 178, 182, 
189, 192, 199, 204, 214, 227, 
234, 235, 293 
Arctic Sea, 35, 45, 57, 68, 70, 85, 
118, 135, 160, 169, 175, 178, 
TSA, LOS, 2OL 200m ena uo Ta: 
Arctonetta, 284, 292 
As fischeri, 220 

2035) 204; 


Argentine Republic, 96, 132, 243 
Aristonetta, 284, 285 

| Aristonetta valisneria, 152 

Asia, 31, 50, 97, 259, 260, 265 
‘« Northeastern, 292 
‘* Southern, 98 

Atkha Island, 69, 134, 249 

Atlantic Coast, 21, 30, 33, 34, 
35, 38, 40, 43, 45, 48, 70, 76, 
78, 80, 83, 84, 85, 122, 124, 134, 
142, 172) 0175, 270; LOO; meOrn 
200,207, 213,204, 5 222 cose 
225, 227, 234, 235 

Atlantic Ocean, 19, 28, 39, 41, 
AS, 517; (08;) 100; 127 T18 she 
170, 203, 212 

Auk, Great, 220 

Australia, 265, 282, 286 

Automniere, 128 

Aythya, 286 

Bardi. He27r 
Bald Crown, 120 
Sale wna 
‘* Pate, 116, 118, 120 
Barren Grounds, 28, 39, 124, 
IgO, 212 
Bec Scie, 254 
Behring Islands, 217 
fe Sea, 19, 46, 55, 
206, 216, 220, 229, 232 
Behring Straits, 45, 52, 55, 201, 
Belden, Mr., 196 
Bellot’s Straits, 80 
Berlin, 97 
Bernicla, 271 
Bermuda Islands, 204, 245 
Bishop, Dr. L. B., 286 
Black Head, 164 



Black Head, Big, 160, 162, 286, 
Black Head Creek, 164 
ss Little, 160, 
164, 165, 170, 287 
Black Head, Ring-billed, 169 
se Ringed-neck, 169 
Black Neck, 162 
Blanc Sablon, 172 
Blue Bill, Big, 161 
46 Little, 164, 170 
Blue Peter, 61, 192 
Boardman, G. A., 170 


Booby, 231 
Branchier, 87 
Brant, 78 
= Blue; 34 
“Gray, 47 
Pied) .47 
Prairie. 47, 

a Speckled, 47 
‘¢ White, 37, 41 
Branta, 271 

a bernicla, 83, 272 
ae Black, 80, 83, 84, 85, 86, 

Branta canadensis, 68, 77, 272 
Branta canadensis, hutchinsi, 

79, 77, 272, 273 

Branta canadensis, minima, 
77, 272 
Branta canadensis, occiden- 

talis, 73, 79, 272 

Branta leucopsis, 79, 272 
ee nigricans, 86, 272 

Brazil, Southern, 96 
Brent, 82, 271 
Brenthus, 271 
Brewer, T. M., 196 
Bristle Tails, 239 
British Columbia, 133 


British Islands, 31, 78, 134, 160, 
Pigs Pst Dy) 
British Museum, 259 
«¢ Provinces, 178 
Broad Bill, 164, 169 
uC Bastard, 169 
3 Bay, 161, 162 
4 Big, 162 
ss Little, 161, 164, 165, 
166, 170, 177 
Broad Bill, River, 164 
s Saltwater, 162 
ee Small, 162 
Broady, 142 
Brooklyn, 173 
Brownsville, 242 
Buffle Head, 63, 177, 184, 185, 
Bull Head, 176 
SNe ckisns 1.8230 
Butter Ball, 184, 185 
C BXope5 aileysl 

Cairina moschata, 104 (note) 
Calais; 155, 170 
Calaveras, 196, 198 
California, Gulf of, 128 
es Lower, 86, 201, 204, 
California, Northern, 52 
uC State of, 19, 29, 35, 
43, 55, 69, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 
84, (95, 96) 116) 01 7,130) 132) 
147, 159, 188, 192, 195, 196, 
California, Southern, 35, 38, 44, 
93, 206, 212, 249 
Camptolzemus, 284, 287 
ee labradorius, 175 
Catiada, 106 


Canard cheval, 151 
‘« — frangais, 100 


gris, 113 
a noir, 106, 169 
“ “ @Eté, 111 
ss violin, 158 
Canvas, 151 
ac Back, 118, 147, 148, 
TAQH SO. CLS 5 Aneals OO lene! 

165, 186, 284, 285, 286 
Canvas Back, Royal, 147 

Canvas Backs, 149, 152, 157, | 

Cape Hatteras, 4o 
«St. Lucas, 48 
Carolina, North, State of, Io, 
20, 21, 40, 78, 87, 96, 104, 116, 
117, 124 
Carolina, South, State of, 177 
Casarca, 275, 276 
i casarca, 98 
Charitonetta, 284, 289 
cs albeola, 186 
Chaulelasmus, 275 
+ streperus, 114 
Chen, 268 
‘*  ceerulescens, 34, 269 
‘« —hyperboreus, 38, 269 
Chesapeake Bay, 20, 21, 149, 
152, 202, 214 
Chili, 132, 133, 243 
China, 47, 98, 134, 160, 162, 192, 
206, 251, 160, 274 
Churchill River, 33, 43, 58 
Clangula, 283, 289 
os clangula, 178, 289 
a islandica, 102, 289 
Cockawee, Ig1 
Cock Robin, 254 
Colorado, State of, 57, 113, 123, 
133, 136, 180, 181, 182, 198 


California, Northern, 245 
Columbia River, 132, 142, 240 
ut io” Upper, gs 
Commander Island, 27, 45, 55, 
140, 184, 206, 217, 233 
Copenhagen, 50, 97 
Coot, 214, 239 
<a Baya 2030208 
“Black, 208 
‘* Booby, 239 
“Broad Bill-'239 
“« Brown, 203, 208 
«* Bumble Bee, 239 
“ _ Butter-billed, 208 
“  Butterboat-billed, 203 
“« Gray, 203, 208 
‘“« Horse Head, 203 
‘*  Hollow-billed, 203, 208 
«Skunk Head, 203 
i opectacleszas 
‘¢  ~Whistling, 208 
“««  White-winged, 212 
Coots, 202, 203, 212 
Coppermine River, 225, 229, 232 
Corpus Christi, 111 
Cotton Head, 254 
Coues, Dr. E., 294 
Coween, 191 
Cuba, 39, 41, 48, 90, 104, 118, 
120, 126, 136, 138, 175, 178, 184, 
186, 237, 254, 257, 289 
Currituck Sound, 19, 24, 40, 78, 
87, 239 
Cygne, 27, 29 
Cygnine, Subfamily, 263, 264, 
Cygnus, 32, 265, 266 
at columbianus, 27, 267 
nS cygnus, 32, 265, 266 
ee buccinator, 30, 267 © 
sie olor, 31 


Dafila, 274, 275, 279 


acuta, 126 

Dakotas, The, 30 

Dall, W. H., 28, 54, 609, 164, 
180, 216, 229 

Delaware, State of, 172, 223 

Dendrocygna, 274, 275, 276 


oe autumnalis, 


Dendrocygna fulva, 96, 276 
Dipper, 184, 186 


Broad Bill, 239 

Diver, Hell, 237 



Ruddy, 239 
Saw Bill, 254 

Dos Gris, 158, 162 
Dresser, H. E., 98, 195 





















Acorn, 87 

Black, 106, 107, 109 
English, 106 

Braminy, 98 

Brewer’s, 103 

Buffle Head, 184, 284, 

Creek, 113, 278 

Dusky, 102, 106, 176, 278 

Dusky, Florida, 109, 111, 

Eider, 294 

Fiddler, 294 

Fiddler, Yellow-bellied, 

Fish, 245, 249, 297 

Fulvous Tree, 95, 276 

German, 113 

Gray, 100, 113 

Harlequin, 195, 196, 197, 

284, 290, 291 

Heavy-tailed, 239 

Horse, 151 



King, 293 

Labrador, 172, 220, 284 
Long-legged, 92, 95 
Long-tailed, 188, 191, 
Mandarin, 272, 274 
Masked, 242, 295 
Mottled, 111, 278 
Muscovy, 104 

Noisy, Ig 

Painted, 197 

Pied, 172 

Raft, 156, 159, 164 

Raft Red-headed, 159 
Ringed Neck, 169, 287 
Rock, 197 

Ruddy, 63, 237, 239, 242, 

243, 285, 295, 296 



Rufous-crested, 144, 283, 

Rufous long-legged, 95 
Sand Shoal, 172 
Scaup, 160 

Seen 19n nos 

os Lesser, 164 
Skunk, 172 
Spectacle, 203 
Spirit, 176, 179, 184 
Steller’s, 216, 217, 284, 

Stock, 100 

Summer, 87 

Summer Black, 111 
Surf, 202, 203 

Surf Black, 214 

Surf White-winged, 214 
Swallow-tailed, 191 
Tree, Black-bellied, 92, 

95, 276 



Tufted, 169 
Velvet, 214 


Duck, Wheat, 120 
as White-faced, 128 
We Wild, 100, 108 
oe Wild, Common, 277 
‘* Wood, 87, 88, 89, go, 263, 
264, 273, 274 
Ducks, 267 
s Eider, 284 
vt Fresh Water, 263, 274, 
277, 282 
Ducks, Golden-Eye, 284 
«« Salt Water, 274 
‘© Saw-billed, 245, 264 
ee Sea, 263, 274, 282 
Scaup, 158 
‘«  Spine-Tail, 263, 295 
Surf, 284, 291 
as | Tree; 2755-276 
‘* Wood, 254 

EIDER, 225, 226 
«American, 222, 223, 224, 
229, 232, 294 

Eider, Common, 222, 224, 225, 
227, 229, 233, 236, 294 

Eider, Fischer’s, 219, 235, 


Eider, King, 216, 232, 234, 235, 
293, 294 

Eider, Pacific, 216, 229, 231, 
232, 294 

Eider, Spectacled, 219, 235, 

Eiders, 232, 234, 291, 293 

Egypt, 31, 48 

Egyptians, 48 
England, 100 
Eniconetta, 291 
Erionetta, 294 
Erismatura, 295 
S jamaicensis, 240 



Erismaturine, Subfamily, 263, 

Eskimo, 32, 33, 54, 172, 231, 
232, 235 

Europe, 31, 50, 90, 144, 152, 182, 
203, 204, 215, 251, 257, 250; 
265, 289, 297 

Europe, Central, 144 

es Eastern, 98 
Northern, 50, 190, 217, 
225, 260, 285 


Europe, Southern, 50, 97, 
Exanthemops, 268, 269 
co rossii, 44 

Fanning Islands, 278 
Faroe Islands, 78 
Fiebig, Mr. Charles, 52 
Fielden, Captain, 80 
Finnish Lapland, 31 
Fisherman, 249 
Flocking Fowl, 164 
Florida, State of, 106, 108, 109, 
132, 133, 188)) 192,20, 5203" 
249, 254 
Florida, Peninsula of, 109 
Formosa, Island of, 274 
Forrester, Frank, 214 
Fort Anderson, 124 
Albany, 33 
‘© Prince of Wales, 58 
> Rejonwog 
Franklin Bay, 27, 85 
Fulica americana, 61, 192 
Fuligula, 284, 286 
a affinis, 167, 287 
“ collaris, 171, 287 
Subfamily, 263, 
274, 282 


Fulton Market, 173 
Fundy, Bay of, 222 

277, 278 
Galveston, 95 
us Bay, 19 
Garrot, Rocky Mountain, 180 
Geese, The, 263, 267 
us Brant, 78 
~ Canada, 273 
“Laughing, 268 
es Snow, Greater, 268 
«© White-fronted, 270 
‘* White-fronted Euro- 
pean, 270 
Georgia, State of, 235 
Gairatd>) |. P:; 172 
Godthaab, 32 
Golden Eye, 176, 177, 178, 
Golden Eye, American, 288 
“ Barrow’s, 180, 
181, 289 
Golden Eye, Common, 180, 182, 
Golden Eye, 
Goosander, 245, 246, 247, 249, 
250, 251, 254, 297, 298 
Goose, Bailey, 37 
‘« _ Bald-headed, 34 
So Bar, 79 
‘* Barnacle, 78, 272 
‘* Bay, 68, 70 
Bean, 50 
‘““  Black-headed, 68 
Blue, 33, 34, 269 
“Brant, 70, 80, 82, 272 
Cackling, 48, 52, 69, 74, 
76, 272 

113, 114, 124, 275, 


European, 178, 


Goose, Canada, 36, 57, 61, 62, 
7On Wl, 72,27, 272 
Goose, Canada, Lesser, 70 
‘*  Cravat, 68, 268 
Emperor, 52, 54, 55, 72, 


Goose, Eskimo, 70, 86 
“Blight, 7o 
[Gray 147108 
ee <SsSmalleso 
“« Hutchins’, 69, 70, 71, 85, 

Goose, Laughing, 47 
“«  Lidenna, 55, 72 
‘« Lower Ground, 46 
«Mud, 70 
‘> Prairie, 70 
Red nan 
“Reef, 68 
So) Ranges 83 
‘« Snow, 33, 34, 35, 39, 40, 
41, 43, 46 
Goose, Snow, Blue, 34 
a “« Greater, 39, 41, 
268, 269, 270 
Goose, Snow, Lesser, 35, 37, 43, 
44, 268, 269 
Goose, Snow, Ross’, 43, 77, 268 
«Texas, 41 
“_Tundrina, 46, 70 
Goose, White-cheeked, 72, 77, 
Goose, White-collared, 52 
ae ‘« -fronted, 45, 46, 
52, 270 
Goose, White-headed, 34, 35 
Wild, 57, 62, 66, 67, 71 
‘« Wild, Common, 271 
s“ Tattle; 70 
‘«« Winter, 70 
‘“«  Yellow-legged, 47 


Grand Menan, Island of, 33 

Gray Back, 158, 162 

Greaser, 239 

Great Britain, 48, 98, 178, 192, 
259, 285, 286 

Great Head, 176 

Great Lakes, 201, 206, 212, 222, 
223, 234) 235, 202 

Great Slave Lake, 225, 237 

Green Head, 100 

Greenland, 31, 32, 45, 48, 50, 78, 
80, 98, 134, 180, 182, 224, 225, 
227) QT i264. 2577, 200s 02775 

Greenland, Glacier Valley, 42 

3 West, 97 
Greenland, North, 50, 97 
es South, 32 

Guatemala, 118, 120, 162, 164, 
167, 169, 171, 237, 240 

Guinea Hen, 55 

Hairy Crown, 254 
is Big, 249 
Hairy Head, 254, 256 
Harelda, 290 
Havelda, 284, 290 
“ie glacialis, 192 
Hearne, 38, 43, 58, 137 
Hemisphere, Eastern, 34, 79, 
160, 195, 237, 266, 290, 292 
Hemisphere, Northern, 
235, 293 
Hemisphere, Western, 290 
Heniconetta, 284, 291 
tf stelleri, 217 
Hewitson, 198 
Histrionicus, 284, 290 
oy histrionicus, 199 
Honduras, 135, 138 
Hooper, The Wild, 31 



Horicon, Lake, 155 

Hudson Bay, 28, 33, 34, 39, 43, 
78, 80, 87, 90, 106, 136, 137, 
206, 212, 237, 240 

Hudson Bay Company, 259 

Humboldt Bay, 52, 55 

ICELAND, 31, 32, 78, 97, 98, 180, 
182, 225, 251 

Icy Cape, 234 

Illinois, State of, 28, 116, 272 

India, 98, 144, 260 

Indies, West, 93, 128, 130, 164, 
TO72 LOO. yt 242 eas 

Iowa, 28, 30 

| JAMEs Bay, 33 

Japan, 31, 47, 48, 98, 122, 134, 
178, 192, 195, 199, 206, 251, 
259, 260, 274, 286 

Jerdon, Dr. T. C., 98 

KapDIAK ISLAND, 216, 217 
Kamchatka, 27, 55, 140, 217 
Kansas, State of, 112, 130, 277 
Kennicott, R., 86, 164 
Kerguelen Island, 280 
Kittitas, 198 

Koshkonong Lake, 242 
Kotzebue Sound, 160, 201, 206 
Kurile Islands, 197, 198, 217 
Kuskokwim River, 219, 220 

LABRADOR, 33, 108, 172, 
213, 222, 223, 225 

Lady, 197 

La Fresnaye, Baron 

Lake Champlain, 242 
“Erie, 181 
‘« Michigan, 188, 212 


de, 271 


Lapland, 160 
Larus philadelphia, 251 
Laxa River, 195 
Leggett, F. W., 24 
Leucoblephara, 271 (note) 
Leucoblepharon, 271 (note) 
Leucopareia, 271 (note) 
Liverpool Bay, 40, 85 
Long Island, 4o, 45, 78, 
Lophodytes, 297, 298 
“s cucullatus, 257 
Lord, 197 
Louisiana, 27, 29, 34, 37, 47, 
875502, 95, 9C; LOO) Lit, 113) 
DA el 5 soon Ag ths. OZ, 
169, 176, 245, 254, 259 


MACFARLANE, Mr., 27, 45, 46, 
85, 165, 230 
Mackenzie River, 39, 41, 212 
a << District, 136 
Mayoum, 48 
Maine, State of, 33, 34, 106, 
155, 170, 180, 186, 196, 222, 
Malden, 242 
Mallard, 61, 100, Ior, 102, 103, 
104, 106, 107, 108, 141, 144, 
Poteet 705 2752710 
Mallard, Black, 106 
sé Dusky, 106 
a Gray, 100 
Manitoba, Province of, 123 
Mareca, 275, 278 
se americana, 120, 279 
es penelope, 117, 279 
Marionette, 184 
Massachusetts, State of, Io1, 
M72 pd] Ovo, 22ge 242, 243 
Matamoras, 242 

| Mazatlan, 95 

Mediterranean, 259, 285 
Merganser, 181, 249, 251, 254, 
297, 298 
Merganser, American, 245 
. Americanus, 
Merganser, Buff-breasted, 245 
if Hooded, 68, 8g, 
238, 254, 255, 297, 209 
Merganser, Red-breasted, 249, 
250, 251, 256, 297, 298 
Merganser, Red-headed, 249 
ue serrator, 252, 263, 
Merginz, Subfamily, 263, 264, 
Mergus, 297, 299 
oe albellus, 260, 299 
us cucullatus, 298 
a merganser, 298 
Mesquin, 142 
Mexico, 45, 48, 93, 96, 142, 161, 
170, 178, 184, 186, 254, 257 
Mexico, Gulf of, I9, 28, 29, 30, 
33, 34, 35, 45, 69, 70, 87, 90, 
92, G3, 100 
Mexico, Western, 242 
Minnesota, State of, 164, 169, 
Mississippi, River, 138, 190 
4 Valley of the, 19, 
20, 29, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 45, 
69, 70, 74, 77, 80, 86, 108, 128, 
132, 133, 170, 237, 269 
Missouri, State of, 96, 201, 206, 
212, 214 
Mit-huk, 232 
Montana, State of, 44, 186 
Mud Hen, 61, 192 
Museum of Natural History, 



The New York, 69, 116, 174, ! 

181, 272 
Museum, United States Na- 
tional, 197, 198, 265 


Nelson, E. W., 49, 52, 74, 123, 
TO4)) -IGL, 196) 9201, 207,210; 
220, 229 

Netta, 283, 285 
< nutina, 145 

Nettion, 275, 280, 281 

ss carolinensis, 138, 281 

crecca, 135, 281 

New Brunswick, Province of, 

Newfoundland, 195, 199 

New Jersey, State of, 140, 173, 
175, 206, 234 

New Orleans, 151, 259 

New World, 45, 114, 195, 199, 
234, 249, 270 

New York City, 134, 144, 173 


New York, State of, 180, 182, | 

196, 242 

Nevada, State of, 95, 96 

Nile, The River, 48 

Nomonyx, 295, 296 

Norfolk, 202 

North America, 19, 28, 30, 45, 
54, 57, 68, 78, 83, 87, 97, 100, 

TO4, LO6, 113118.) 120, 1245 
L25 ey GOn 1S 2a, alas sO. 
138-9040) 1425 TA4e TAT. 52) 
154, 159, 161, 162, 164, 167, | 
TOG) eryOn wey, E74 lyse os 
182, 186, 188, 192, 195, 108, 
199, (201, 206;5 212) 2145 207; 
2235225. 227, (234 237 edo; 
245, 247, 249, 254, 257, 259, 
260, 264, 265, 266, 267, 269, 


270, 273; 274-270. 2a aeoo 
281, 285, 286, 288, 289, 290, 
291, 292, 295, 296, 297, 208, 
North America, Eastern, 79, 80 
Norton Bay, 219 
i Sound 55.585 oor moma 
Norway, 225 
Nova Scotia, 78, 79 
Nueces Bay, 111 

CEDEMIA, 283, 284, 291 

as americana, 292 
carbo, 292 
deglandi, 214, 292 
perspicillata, 203, 292 
Ogdensburg, 181 
Ohio River, 188, 204 
Oidemia, 291 




| Oie blanche, 37 
| Oie bleu, 34 
| Oie caille, 47 

Granny, 161 

Injun, 191 

Molly, 191 

South Southerly, 188 

Squaw, 188, 189, 191, 192 

Squaws, Ig0, 290 

Wife, 191 

World, 91, 45, 47, S0mge: 
Q7, 114, 116, 122, 134, 135,144, 
147, 162, (078) 4192) Osseo. 
224, 234, 249, 254, 259, 270, 
274, 276, 279, 285, 286, 288, 
294, 297, 299 

Olor, 265, 266 
‘* bewickii, 265 

buccinator, 265 

columbianus, 265 

Oregon, State of, 35, 147 





Outarde, 68 
Ouzel, 195 

PAGIFIG: COAST, 28, 30, 33; 34, 
35, 38, 44, 55, 69, 72, 73, 80, 
84, .L2o, 1392) 147, 170, 201, 212; 
214, 234, 235, 237, 246, 249, 271 

Pacific Ocean, Ig, 45, 67, 68, 70, 
TOO WEL. lio, 1354 «L170, 91776; 
184, 203, 278 

Panama, I04, 126 

Patagonia, 133 

Pearson, H. J., 195, 198 

Peary, Lieut., 42 

Pewaukee, Lake, 169 

Pheasant, Water, 125, 254 

Philacte, 268, 270 

se canagica, 55 

Pian Queue, 125 

Pigeontail, 125 

Pigeon, Wild, 88 

Pintail, 118) 122, 123, 124 

Plectropterine, 263, 273 

Plongeur, 176 

Poacher, 120 

Pochard, American, 159 

Point Barrow, 74, 84, 217, 219, 

Polar Ocean, 84 

Potomac River, 188 

Printempsnierre, 128 

Prybilof Islands, 54 

Puckaway Lake, 69, 149, 262 

Puffins, 197 

Puget Sound, 196 

QUERQUEDULA, 275, 280 
iz cyanoptera, 133, 
280, 281 
Querquedula, discors, 130, 133, 
280, 281 


Rep HEAp, 118, 147, 150, 154, 
155, 156, 157, 161, 284, 285, 

Red Heads, 149, 156, 157, 158, 

Reichenbach, 271 

Richardson, 40, 57 

Ridgway, R., 183 

Ring Bill, 169 

Ring-gaas, 83 

Ring Neck, 170 

Rio Grande, 92, 95 

Rio Grande, Lower, 243 

Rockies, 197 

Rock River, 242 

Rocky Mountains, 154, 180, 195, 

Rook, 239 

Ross, R. B,, 78 

Ruddy, 239 

Rupert House, 78 

Russia, 216 

ae Valley of the, 155 
Salt Lake Valley, Great, 43 
Sarcelle, 138 
Sasarka, 55 
Saskatchewan, Valley of the, 
Sauk Island, 216 
Saw Bill, 249 
+ Little, 254 
ay Sea, 245 
Scandinavian Peninsula, 97, 98 
Scaup, Big, 162, 164, 167 
oe Little, 124, 160, 162, 
164, 169, 170 
Scaup, Big, Ringed-neck, 169 
Schénherr, Mr., 271 
Scie de mer, 245 


Scolder, 191 | 
Scoter, American, 206, 207, 212, | 
Scoter, Lake Huron, 214 
“ =iSurt) 201, 203,207,202 
Velvet, 214, 292 
White-winged, 201, 212, 

Scoters, 201, 283 
Scotland, 27 
Seal Islands, 196 
Sé-le-sen, 100 
Semiché Islands, 76 
Vennett) G. beri me 
Sheldrake, 249 
es Buff-breasted, 245 
fe Pied, 240 
Pond, 254 
# Ruddy, 97, 275 
: Swamp, 245, 252 
Shelduck, 249 
Shepard, C. W., 195, 196 
Shoa, 98 
Shoveler, 140, 275, 282 
es Blue-winged, 142 
ae Mud, 142 
es Red-breasted, 142 
Shuffler, 164, 169 
. Big, 162 
ss Ring-billed, 169 
Shumagin Islands, 206, 216 
Siberia, 78 
Siberian Coast, I9, 52, 55, 217 
Sierra Nevada, 195, 197, 199 
Silverton, 198 
Singley, J. A., 111 
Sitka, 72, 73, 80, 201, 212 
Smee, 125 
Smew, 99, 259, 260, 297, 299 
Snipe, 122 
Somateria, 284, 293 



Somateria, dresseri, 223, 294 
us mollissima, 224, 227, 
233, 294 
Somateria, spectabilis, 235, 294 
“A v-nigrum, 232, 294 
South Southerly, 191, 290 

| South South Southerly, 188 

Spatula, 275, 282 
‘« . clypeata, 142 

| Speckle Belly, 47, 113 
| Speculum, xix 

Spike Bill, 254 

| Spike Tail, 125 

Spine Tail, 239 
Spitzbergen, 78, 83 
Spoonbill, 140, 142 

| Spreet Tail, 125 
| Sprig, 125, 
Sprigtail, 119, 122, 125, 158, 189, 

Sprigtail, American, 280 
Squealer, 87 
St. Croix River, 170 
St. Lawrence, Gulf of, 180, 182, 
196, 213, 227 
St. Lawrence Island, 206, 216, 
St. Lawrence, River, 181 
St. Louis, 206, 212, 214 
St. Michael’s Island, 19, 46, 52, 
55, 69, 72, 84, 201, 207; 212) 
219, 234, 249 
Stanislaus River, 196 
States, Eastern, 128, 133 
«© Middle, 195, 199, 212 
“New England, 213 
‘* Northern, 114, 249, 252 
“«« Northeastern, 101 
«Northwestern, 152 
“South Atlantic, ror 
«« Southern, 104, (note) 


States, Western, 170 
Steel Head, 239 
Stejneger, L. J., 184, 233, 265, 
Stewart Island, 55, 1o1 
Stick Tail, 239 
Stiff Tail, 239 
Subarctic Coast, 217 
Sundevall, 271 
Swaddle Bill, 142 
Swan, American, 26, 28 
“Australian, 264 
‘« Bewick’s, 32 
«Mute, 31, 32 
je Lrimpeter) 20.20.28, 20, 

Swan, Whistling, 20, 28, 29, 
266, 267 

Swan, Whooping, 32, 266, 267 
Swans, The White, 265, 266 
Swinhoe, R., 206 

TAPKAN, 234 

Teal, 7 
‘* American Green-winged, 
135, 136, 281 

Teal, Blue-winged, 280, 281 
‘European, 134 
e z Green-winged, 
135, 281 

Teal, Green-winged, 128, 130, 
134, 136, 137, 275 

Teal, Mud, 138 
«* Red-headed, 138 
‘* Salt-water, 239 
‘= Seoteh, 184 
«Spoonbill, 142 
« Summer, 128, 132, 280, 281 
“ Winter, 138 

Teals, Green-winged, 275 
‘* Blue-winged, 275 


Texas, State of, 45, 86, 93, 95, 
96, 106, 111, 118, 140, 142, 188, 
192, 237, 242 

Texas, Eastern, 112 

*« Southern, 133 
“* Western, 29 

Trinidad, 212 

Trumpeter, The, 266 

Turkestan, 285 

urneipele MESA ssa 74ee 70s 

134, 164, 197, 203, 219, 229, 249 

UNALASKA, ISLAND, 55, 74, 77; 
188, 196, 216, 245 
United States, 20, 28, 35, 43, 

57 60.69; 703) 77s. 00; 92,6 100; 
16s 0L7,. 20,0024, L284 0020; 
132, 136, 136, 147, 148, 160; 
164, 167, 160; 171, 191, (203; 
234, 242, 247, 251, 252, 254, 
255, 259, 277 

United States, Eastern, 145 
ss Northern, 30, 45, 
52, 68 
Uppernavik, District of, 97 
Utah, 106, 180, 182 

Vancouver Island, 147 
Vineyard Island, 172 

WALKER, DrR., 80 
Washington Market, 173 
= State of, 35, 198 

Waukareen, 234 
Wavey, Blue, 34, 269 

es Common, 41, 43 

ah Horned, 43 
Waveys, 34 
Weaser, 245 
Webster, Daniel, 172 

Welch Drake, 113 
Wenatchee, 198 : 
Wenge, Mr.,97_ . 
Whippler, 176 ; 
Whistler, 176, 177, 178, 180 
Whistle Wing, 176 
White Back, 151 
White Sea, 78 
Widgeon, 89, 113, 114, 118, 
IIg, 120, 124, 156, 275, 277, 
Widgeon, American, 114, 116 
«« Bald-faced, 120 
AG European, 116, 279 
OT Gray 153 
ue Green-headed, 120 
2. Wood, 87 


p 4 ots ae ar ‘< 
Wilson, A., 172 ae ae 

| XantTus, MR., 93 

Wisconsin, Lakes of, 251 B 

Wisconsin, State of, 69, 74 
136, 149, 155, 169, | 188, 
222, 234, 242, 243 

Wrangel Land, 84 in 

Yuxon, DELTA OF THE, 69, 
‘* Fort, 28, 33,45 iam 
“ River, 19, 35, 52, 54, 55, 
57, 74, 84, 86, 122, 140, 147 
160, 164, 177, 180, 196, 
229, 232 

ZAN-ZAN, 120 



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