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“ff te} 

Advertisements. | Willing’s Press Guide. CAN 
aid eet 

Family Herald Press} | 


founded in 1842, laid the foundations of the OF FICTION 
Family Herald Press publishing business, The most popular of Fiction Magazines, 
which is now rernoniced as the leading Manthlyu @ .. . 
publishing ho 
magazines tor ° 

publications < 

world where | Library ! ER 
l i of the 
The Weekly University of Wisconsin 

to all; offens 
as a mediur 

weeny id -— —— — > J| FAMILY STORY-TELLER 
K K KX A Series of Complete Novels, 
Contains long Complete Novels, &c. The OF FICTION 
magazine for women. Weekly ld. Enjoys a high reputation among publications 
x KOK OK of its class. 
Contains long Complete Novels and Short The Press says: “They stand at the head 
Stories. 4łd, both in age and popularity.” 

List of Titles of 500 Cheap Novels post free. 


io It is PREY of note that Family Herald Publications are bought for Reading Purposes only 
there being in connection with them no Lottery Scheme. | 

Terms and particulars ds to advertising on application to Advertisement Department 
FAMILY HERALD PRESS, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C. 
—— (Telephone “Gerrard 3214’), or to any well-established Advertising Agency. —— 

__ Willing’s Press Guide.  [Advertisements. 

Ce te tl | 

Circulates in all Branches of the Shoe, Leather and Allied Trades. 

The Best Medium for WANTED ADVERTS. 
The Fest Medium for DISPLAY ADVERTS. 
The only Ad. Weekly Trade Newspaper and The Most Widely Read. 



4 & 5, Spencer House, South Place, London, E.C. 


The Observer 
(FOUNDED 1791.) 
appeals to that extensive class of educated 
reader who find little or nothing to attract 
them in the pages of the `“ popular ” Sunday 
press. As a medium for publicity it has 
no superior, and the extent of the esteem 
in which it is held may be readily gauged 
by an examination of its columns, which 
carry the announcements of all the leading 

advertisers of the day. 

James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. [iii 

Advertisements. | Willing’s Press Guide. 



Established January, 1900. 

Scale of Charges for Advertisements. 


l Front Cover. | 
Space 2 inches across page... ... sss ase wwe e £12 12 0 
| 2 

» half across page ... ve ae a R 6 6 0 

-3. „ across page.. oe bu a vend .. 18 18 0 

3 „ half across pace ue IR SA asé E 9 90 
Back Cover. 

(In one or two colours). Rates for 13 or 

more insertions. 
Per page... ooo =e £60 
Half, quarter, and. eighth pages pro rata. 

Rates for Single Rates for 13 or 
Insertion. more Insertions. 
- Per Insertion. 

First page at end facing whole page of matter £80 0 0. 

-Page facing Frontispiece and pages ong 8} 7000. 60 0 0 

Editorial matter 
Half, quarter, and eighth pages bro rata. 
Per inch, single column ... ee i 150... 116 
Four ‘Columns to: Page, 14 i in. X 2} in, 
Third page of Cover and other pages Digan 6 0 0 
do not face matter 
Half, quarter, aid eighth pages pro rata. | 
Per inch, single column œ 400.. 017 0 
Four Columns to Page, 15 in. x 2} in. 

Advertisements in Light Type only.—Editorial wide Columns, 

No Biocks admitted. 

Railway and Steamship Advertisements... see ass = ese) Per ‘Inch. 
Publishers’ Announcements .. sii oe = s el 64 4 0 
Theatre and Amusement Advert semens ee as sai 

Hotels and Restaurants ise sas sv 

Reduction for a Series of 13 or more S 40 Ya 
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The Manager reserves the right to refuse insertion of any advertisement, 
whether part of a serial order or not, which he considers of a character unsuit- 
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The Advertisement Manager, THE SPHERE, Great New St., E.C. 

James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 


Forty-Fourtu] 1 91 7 z 


a ements.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

The most widely 
read and most tre- 
quently quoted of all 
sixpenny weeklies. 

No other Journal 
produces such direct 
and detinite results 
to the Advertiser. 

Offices: Old Serjeants’ Inn, | 
5, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. 

"vil James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125) Strand» London. 

| | 


And Advertisers’ Directory 
and Handbook. 


A Concise and Comprehensive Index 
to the Press of the United Kingdom. 




Price One Shilling: , 


West End Office—33, KNIGHTSBRIDGE, „LONDON, S.W. 


asic nc Atle Willing’s Press Guide. 

“ The Paper that makes you think.” 


Sport and the Drama. 


All the latest Theatrical and Sporting News. 

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Victoria House, Tudor Street, Whitefriars, E.C. 

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Telephone: CITY, 2360. 

— 0 @<__—__ 



_ Advertisement Offices, 125, STRAND, LONDON. 

Telegraphic Address: “ WILLINGS, LONDON.” Telephone No. 2773 (Two Lines) Gerrard. 


iii] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 


APR 20 [917 A 
ZNE ee 
oe _ PREFACE. 

OLLOWING the precedent of former years, the Forty- 
fourth Annual Issue of WILLING’S PRESS GUIDE 

has been carefully revised, no expense being spared in order 
to support its reputation as the handiest and readiest for 
reference, and for the information usually required in regard 
to the Press of the World the most a and reliable 

= work of its class. 

For much of the information the thanks of the Proprietors 
are due to the Publishers who have favoured them by replying 
to their request for particulars, the few who have failed in 
this respect -being distinguished in the alphabetical arrange- 
ment by an asterisk (*). 

In the newspapers are included only such as appear 
under distinct titles. Many of these are simply reprints of 
other newspapers with the heading alone changed, while 
others have some variation which entitles them to be called 
localised editions. | | 

The number of periodicals might be greatly increased by 
adding, as is commonly done, a large number of strictly 
American magazines and many hundred parish magazines, 
the latter mostly some well-known monthly localised by the 
addition of. a cover with parochial notices and local 



It is perhaps necessary to state that throughout the Guide 
the prefix “bi” signifies “ two,’ not “twice”; conse- 
quently, a “ bi-monthly ”’ is published every two months, 


a “ bi-weekly ’’ every two weeks. 

Suggestions, corrections, and information calculated to 
further improve the scope of this work will be gratefully 
received, and the Publishers respectfully request that any 
change in the title, day of issue, price, publisher, or office 
of any of the publications herein may be notified to them, 
together with particulars of any that may be discontinued 
during the year. New matter should be sent at once to 
“The Editor,’ in order ‘to secure insertion in the next 



The Proprietors desire to thank their numerous apprecia- 
tive friends and the newspaper proprietors for their kind | 
assistance in producing this trustworthy Guide to the Press. 

January, 1917. 


ALTERATIONS... oe or sas oe e ae he 
AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS, &C. ... ss eae ses ae ee 
COLONIAL NEWSPAPERS, &C. ... ne sik ee at oss 
CONTINENTAL NEWSPAPERS, &C. __... oe Se sae sass 
CENTURIES ... TR sai pi ae se es es 
ADVERTISEMENTS ait foi sis T a a 


Considerable care is taken to ensure correctness, but the Publishers cannot be 

responsible for any:inaccuracies or omissions that may occur. 

Advertisements.| Willing’s Press Guide. 




s 3 
she s y f Be 
3 When you are asked to advertise in any paper you want facts 

5 upon which to judge the merits of the medium. 7 
xe oe oe 32 
she Here are some significant facts about the Broad Arrow. she 
b e e e e e >. 
ee It is the ONLY Service journal which guarantees its ka 
nye 1 1 4 
ste circulation. Se 
SZ That is FACT No. 1. 5 
sa * * * ste 
se l La 
X Itis the only service journal which has increased its advertising sk 
sg revenue since the war began. z 

stz That is because shrewd advertisers know it is the best medium a 

sx for reaching naval and military people. . s 
sK ; | sg 
sz That is FACT No. 2. gk 
K * * * 

Be sie 
b , f b 
T The third FACT is that IT PAYS, and of this we can give oe 

4% you proof. a 
sz . sg 
Be There are some thousands of customers waiting for_you_ now 4 

== among the commissioned ranks of the Navy, the Army, the 

riko e e e 
© Special Reserve, and the Territorials. e 
ye yp 
aba e : aye 
ae If you have anything to sell to them or their families use xE 
he The Leading Service Paper | ste 
xe ag 
XE se 
pe aba 
ste ESTABLISHED 1833. a 
sg a 
nbs 7 abe 
she ai 
ES stg 
a —— Temple House, Temple Avenue, E.C. —— XE 
n x 
Sig s% 

] Tamece Waillina THA A daovticamnma Aaonte 195 Qłiyand T nudna 





With the Year of Establishment, When Published, Price. 
and Publishers Name and Address. 

General Newspaper Titles are printed in BLACK CAPITALS ; Class and Trade Journals, 
- Magazines, &c., in Black letter; and Annuals, &c., in italic. 

Politics are contracted thus—(/) (c) (lc) (w) (rad.) (nat.) (tnd.) ; publications undis- 
tinguished are neutral or non-politi 

When the place of publication of a newspaper is not the leading word in the title it 
is printed in żjżałic in the address. Postal initials indicate London addresses. 

A t signifies that the publication is Registered as a Newspaper at the General Post 
Office; an * that no reply has been received as to the correctness of the information. 

Monthly publications, unless otherwise stated, are issued for the first day of the month, 
M signifies monthly. 

The interests, Professions, and PURIR embraced in this List will be found classified 
at page 207. ait 

Abbotsholmian, 1906. Terminally. 3s. Editor. Abbotsholme School, nr. Rocester 
Derbyshire. , (Gives information on the New School Movement throughout the 
World. Advt.) 

A BC Bonnie Scotland’s Resorts, 1896. June. 2d., 6d., and ls. Higgie & Co., Rothesay. 

ABC Church and Chapel Directory, 1861 (with which is incorporated the London 
- Church Directory and Guide and May Meeting Handbook). April, 2d. R. Banks 
& Son, 5 Racquet Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

A BC Coast Guide and Register, 1896. May. ld. Higgie & Co., Rothesay. 

A BC Guide to Practice of the ee Court, 1903. Oct. 5s. net. Sweet & Maxwell, 
Ltd., 3 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

ABC Hotel Guide, 1886. Biennially (1913). 10s. 6d. Caterer Publishing Co., Ltd., 
59 & 60 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

ABO Railway Guide, 1853. M. 6d. 15 Fetter Lane, E.C. 
TABERCARN AND RISCA WEEKLY ARQUS, 1892. () Fri. ld. C. D. Stentifords 
14 High St:, Newport, Mon. One of the South Wales Weekly Argus series. 
TABERDARE AND MOUNTAIN ASH EXPRESS, 1912. () Fri—6a.m., for Sat. ld. 
H. W. Southey & Sons, Ltd., Glebeland St., Merthyr Tydfil. One of the Merthyr 
Express series. 

tABERDARE LEADER, 1902 (with which is incorporated the Aberdare Times, 1861 ; 
formerly Y-Gwyron, 1838). (ind.) Thurs., for Sat. ld. Pugh & Rowlands, 
19 Cardiff St., Aberdare. (Guaranteed double the circulation of any other news- 

per in the ‘Aberdare Valley. Advt.) 

+ABERDARE POST, 1906 (with which is incorporated Aberdare and Mountain Ash 
Weekly Post.) (ind. ) Thurs.—for Sat. $d. Davies Bros., 14 Canon St., Aberdare. 

Aberdeen Almanac, 1771. Dec. 1s. Aberdeen Journal Office, 18-22 Broad St., Aberdeen. 

Aberdeen-Angus Herd Book, 1879. Jan. 10s. Aberdeen-Angus Cattle "Society, 9 
Old Market Place, Banff. 

People’s Journal (Dundee) series. 

Aberdeen Book Lover, 1913. May & Nov. 4d. D. Wyllie & Son, 247 Union St., Aberdeen. 

t Aberdeen Catholic Herald, 1894. Fri. 1d. Scottish Catholic Printing Co., 3, Rosemount 
Viaduct, Aberdeen. 'One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

+{ABERDEEN (CITY) PEOPLE’S JOURNAL. One of the People’s Journal (Dundee) 

{ABERDEEN DAILY JOURNAL, 1748. (l.c) a.m. 1d. Aberdeen & North of Scotland 
a & Printing Co., Ltd., 18-22 Broad St., Aberdeen. (London: 5 New 
__ Bridge St) č —ć —<ćč —ć — —  ngay&oogle — —— 
Advertisements received tor all the English Provincial Newspaperr 1 

ABC List.) | Willing’s Press Guide. 

tABERDEEN FREE PRESS, 1853. (J 3am. Id. A. Marr, 30 Union St., Aber- 

deen. (London: 149 Fleet St.) 

_ Aberdeen Grammar School Magazine, 1894. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, 154 Union | : 

St., Aberdeen. 

Aberdeen Post Office Directory, 1850. June. 3s. 6d. 9 Diamond Lane, Aberdeen. 

Aberdeen Public Library Annual Report, 1884. Jan. Gratis. The Librarian, Public 
Library, Aberdeen. 

Aberdeen University Calendar, 1853. Aug. 3s. 6d. Aberdeen University Press Ltd., 
Upperkirkgate, Aberdeen. 

Aberdeen University Library Bulletin, 1911. Terminally. 1s. Aberdeen University 
Press Ltd., Upperkirkgate, Aberdeen. 

Aberdeen University Review, 1913. Terminally. ls. 6d. Aberdeen University Press 
Ltd., Upperkirkgate, Aberdeen. 

ABERDEEN WEEKLY JOURNAL, 1748. (i.c.) Fri. ld. Aberdeen and North of 

Scotland Newspaper and Printing Co., Ltd., 18-22 Broad St., Aberdeen. (London : 
5 New Bridge St.) 

Fri., for Sat. Id. M. Morgan & Co., 26 Frogmore St., Abergavenny. 

ld. R. E. Jones & Bros., Conway. One of the North Wales Weekly News series. 

for Sat. 4d. E. Leigh & Co., Caxton House, Abergele. 

ABERGELE AND PENSARN VISITOR, 1856 (with which is incorporated the Colwyn 
Bay Gazette). (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 4d. Roberts Bros., Abergele. 

Aberlour Orphanage Magazine, 1885. M.—Sth. ld. J. Skinner & Co. Ltd., 27 Thistle 
St., Edinburgh. 

tABERTILLERY WEEKLY ARGUS, 1892. (J. Fri. Id. C. D. Stentiford, 14 
High St., Newport, Mon. One of the South Wales Weekly Argus series. 

1906 (as Cardigan Bay Visitor, 1860, now Cardigan Bay Visitor, 1916). 

with Montgomery County Times, 1915). | 

Abingdonian, 1890. Four times a year. 6d. The Editor, Roysse’s School, Abingdon. 

Abolitionist, 1899. M.—Ist. 2d. The British Union for Abolition of Vivisection, 32 
Charing Cross, s.w. (Contains high-class medical articles. Vivisection opposed 
scientifically and ethically. Advt.) 

Abstainer, 1889. M.—Ist. 1d. Cardiff Temperance Union, Lawson Building, Windsor 
Lane, Cardiff. 

Academic Gazette (Trinity College of Music, London), 1880. March & Oct. 6d. 
Trinity College of Music, Mandeville Place, Manchester Square, w., and Hammond 
& Co., 6 Kingly St., Regent St., w. 

Academy Architecture and Architectural Review, 1889. June & Dec. 4s. A. Koch 

Sons, 44 Doughty St., w.c. 

Account of the Income and Expenditure of the Britis, Museum, 1852. ‘Annually. Price 
varies. Wyman & Sons Ltd., Fetter Lane, E.c. 

tAccountant, 1874. Fri—4.30 p.m., for Sat. 6d. Gee & Co. Ltd., 34 Moorgate St., E.C. 

Accountants’ Journal, 1887 (as Accountants’ Students’ Journal, 1883). M.—Ist. 9d. 

Gee & Co. Ltd., 34 Moorgate St., E.C. 

Accountants’ Magazine, 1897. M.—1st (except Sept. & Oct.). W, Blackwood 
& Sons, 45 George St., Edinburgh. 

Accountants’ Manual, 1884. June & Dec. 3/6 per ann. Gee & Co. Ltd., 34 Moorgate St. £.c. 

Accountants’ Notes, 1901. Quarterly. 3d. Corporation of Accountants Ltd., 22 Ken- | 

sington Crescent, w. l 
Tues., 4d. ; - Sat., 1d. Weekly Advertiser Ltd., Blackburn Road, Accrington. 
t ACCRINGTON GAZETTE, 1881. (u) Sat. ld. The Accrington Gazette Co., Ltd., 
88 Abbey St., Accrington. 

{ACCRINGTON OBSERVER AND TIMES, 1866. () Sat., ld.; Tues., $d. Accrington 
Observer Ltd., R. S. Crossley, Edgar St., Accrington. 

Apoiyiene Lighting and Welding Journal, 1903. M. 3d. Raggett & Co., 30 Red Lion 

quare, W.C. 

Across the Rockies, 1910. M.—1st. 3s. per ann. Allen & Donaldson Ltd., 15 and 57 
Marsham St., Westminster, s.w. 

Across the Seas, 1896. M—Ist.° $d. Pickering & Inglis, 229 Bothwell St., Glasgow. 

Active Service, 1916. Sat. 3d. Crystal Press, 91 Regent St., w. (The only British 
newspaper magazine on divine healing and scientific right thinking... Advt. 

James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 





_Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

tACTON AND CHISWICK EXPRESS, 1896. (ind.) Fri. $d. J. King, 3 King St., Acton. 

{ACTON DISTRICT POST, 1911 (as District Post, 1911). (ind.) Fri. ld. Suburban 
Newspapers Ltd., 9- 11 High St., Acton, w. 

ACTON GAZETTE, 1901 (as Acton Gazette, 1868; as Acton and Chiswick Gazette, 1871). 
(iñd.) Fri. hd. Middlesex County Times Ltd., 122 Churchfield Road, Acton, and 
194 High Road, Chiswick. (Advt. p. 457.) 

Adams’s Reports of Cases before the High Court of Justiciary in Scotland, 1893. Irreg. 
5s. net each part. T. & T. Clark, 38 George St., Edinburgh. 

Admiralty List of Lights, 1870. Feb. 15s. J. D. Potter, 145 Minories, E. 

Adsain (The Echo), 1903. Tues. $d. Corwen Printing Co., Corwen. | 

Adul School Lesson Handbook, 1911. Jan. 6d. and Is. Headley Bros., Kingsway 
House, Kingsway, w.c. 

Adult School Year Book & Directory, 1909. April. 6d. Headley Bros., Kingsway 
House, Kingsway, w.c. 

Advance, 1915. M.-24th. 2d. National Y.W.C.A., 26 George St., Hanover Square, w. 

Advanced Lesson Leaflets, 1881. M.—25th. 8d. net. $.S.U., 57-9 Ludgate Hill, e.c. 

ADVERTISER, 1914 (as Advertiser for St. Peter’s Park, Queen’s Fark, &c., 1880; as 
Advertiser, 1901; as Queen’s Park Advertiser, 1913). (fvog.) Thurs. 4d. Salmond 

~ & Co., 1033 Harrow Road, N.w. „One of the Willesden Citizen series. — 

Advertiser (Blackpool), 1909. Fri. 1d. Advertiser (Blackpool) Ltd., 91 Church St., 

Advertiser Rugby Almanack, 1839. Dec. 2d. Advertiser Co., Ltd., 1 Albert St., Rugby. 

Advertiser's Annual, 1914. Nov. 3s. 6d. net. Advertiser’s Weekly Publishing Co., 
Ltd., 34-5 Norfolk St., Strand, w.c. i 

tAdvertiser’s Weekly, 1913. Sat. 2d. Advertiser’s Weekly Publishing Co., Ltd., 34-5 
Norfolk St., Strand, w.c. - 

_ Advertising World, 1901. M.—Ist. Is. A. W. Ltd., Sardinia House, Kingsway, w.c. 

Adviser, 1849. M.—25th. 4d., illus. J. Gillies, Scottish Temperance League, 108 Hope 
St., Glasgow. 
ADVOCATE FOR SHIRLEY, &c., 1898 (as Shirley and Freemantle Advocate, 1893). 
(ind.) Sat. d. E. A. Young, 105 High St., Shirley, Southampton. 
Aelwyd Yr. (The Hearth), 1910 (ind.) Wed. 3d. L. Davies, Church St., Blaenau Festiniog. 
Aeronautical Journal, 1897. Quarterly. Is. 6d. net. Aeronautical Society of Great 
Britain, 11 Adam St., Adelphi, w.c. 

Aeronautics, 1907. Tues., for Wed. ld. Aviation Publications Ltd., 170 Fleet St., E.C. 

t Aeroplane, 1911. Thurs. id. W. Dawson Publishing Co. Ltd., 2 Bream’s Buildings, E.C. 

tAtrican Mail, 1907 (as West African Mati, 1903). Fri. 6d. Old Hall Fublishing Co. 
Ltd., 10-12 Pall Mall, Liverpool. 

African Tidings, 1892 (formerly Children’s Tidings, 1889). M.— 25th. 4d. S. W. 
Partridge & Co., 21-22 Old Bailey, E.c. ` 

tAfrican World and Cape-Cairo Express, 1902 (with which is incorporated African 

: Review, 1892). Fri. p.m., for Sat. 6d. African World Ltd., 801 Salisbury House, 
London Wall, £.c. 

African World Annual, 1903. Dec. 3s. African World 'Ltd., 801 Salisbury House, 

. London Wall, E.c. 

tAgents’ Journal and Officials’ Gazette, 1890 (as Life Assurance Agents’ Journal, 1885). 
Tues., for Sat. ld. G. Inchbould, Merton House, Salisbury Square, E.C. 

Agents’ Journal, ‘Industrial and State Insurance Year Book, 1914, Jan. 5s. G. Inch- 
bould, Merton House, Salisbury Square, E.C. 

tAgricultural Gazette, 1844. Mon.—4 p.m. ld., illus. Vinton & Co. Ltd., 8 Pream’s 
Buildings, E.c. 

a Statistics, 1915. Annually. Price varies. Wyman & Sons Ltd., Fetter 

ane, E.C. 

Ainsley's Nautical Almanac and Tide Tables, 1867. Sept. ls, T. L. Ainsley, Mill Dam, 
South Shields. 

Air, 1908. Annually. Is. G. J. McDermott, 36 Furnival St., E.c. 

Aircraft, 1916. M.—19th. 2d. World of Finance Syndicate Ltd., 69 Bishopsgate, E.c. 

+AIRDRIE AND COATBRIDGE ADVERTISER, 1855. (ind.) Sat.—6 a.m. 1d. Baird 
& Hamilton Ltd., 46 Graham St., Airdrie. 

- Air Pilot, 1916. Alter.-Sats. 2d. A.M. A. Long, 69, Swinderby Road, Wembley. 

Aiauda (The Lark), 1913. Terminally. 6d. J. D. Lewis, Gomerian Press, 

Albanian, 1902. Terminally. 1s. The Editor, St. Alban’s School, St. Albans. 

Alblon News, 1905. Sat. & match days during season. ld. H. Keys, 27 Lombard 
St., West Bromwich. l 

tALCESTER CHRONICLE, 1864. (ind.) Fri—6 p.m., for Sat. ld. Redditch Indicator 
Co. Ltd., High St., Alcester. 

Advertisements received for all the Scottish Newspapers. [3 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 7 / 

Alden's Oxford Red Book and Almanack, 1856. Dec. 1d. Alden & Co., Ltd., Bocardo 
Press, Oxford. / 

Alden’s Oxford Guide, 1874. June. 9d. and 1s. 6d. net., illus. Alden & Co., Ltd., Bocardo , 
Press, Oxford. i . z 

tALDERLEY AND WILMSLOW ADVERTISER, 1874. (c) Fri.. 1d. Swain & Co. Ltd. 

~ Station Road, Wilmslow, and Stockport. One of the Stockport Advertiser series, 

Aldersgate Primitive Methodist Magazine, 1900 (as Primitive Methodist Magazine, 

' 1821; as Methodist Magazine, 1819). M.—25th. 6d., illus. J. Johnson, Holborn 
Hall, Clerkenwell Road, E.c. 

Aldershot and Farnborough Directory, 1892. Dec. 3d. J. Drew, Union St., Aldershot. 

tALDERSHOT GAZETTE, 1859. (ind.) Thurs. $d. H. Penrose, Union St., Aldershot. 
One of the Surrey and Hants News series. | i | 

tTALDERSHOT GAZETTE AND MILITARY NEWS, 1913 (as Sheldrake’s Aldershot 
and Sandhurst Military Gazette, 1859). (c). Fri. 3d. W. May & Co. Ltd., 45 
High St., Aldershot. (Oldest local paper; fullest reports of civilian and military 
‘matters; illustrations. The accepted medium for official and legal advertise- 
ments. Auction announcements and ‘‘Smalls.” Advt.) 

tALDERSHOT NEWS, 1894. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Gale & Polden Ltd., Wellington Works, 
Aldershot. (Social and military events profusely illustrated. The recognised 
medium for Government and Official notices, auction sales, and small prepaid 
advts., objectionable advts. rigidly excluded. Advt.). 

Aldine Cinema Novels, 1915. Mon. ld. Aldine Publishing Co., Ltd., 1/3 Crown Court, 
Chancery Lane, w.c. l 

tALFORD, SPILSBY, AND HORNCASTLE GAZETTE, 1897. (u) Sat. ld. Lincoln- 
shire Publishing Co. Ltd., W. Cottam, 3 St. Benedict’s Square, Lincoln. One 
of the Lincoln Gazette series. f 

Alfred Smith & Son’s Monthly Circular 1874.: M.—20th. 1d. A. Smith & Son, 4, 
Southampton Row, w.c. i 

ALFRETON ADVERTISER, 1901. () Thurs. Id. J. S. Reynolds, Church St., Ripley. 
One of the Mansfield Chronicle series. 

(as Alfreton Journal, 1870). (c) Fri. 1d. Hobson & Son Ltd., King St., Alfreton. 

All British Engineering and Building Trades’ Directory, 1915. Jan. ls. net. Angolds 
Ltd., 10 Bolt Court, Fleet, E.C. 

All Nations, 1900. Quarterly. ld. Marshall Bros. Ltd., 47 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

All the Worid, 1884. M.—20th. 3d., illus. Salvation Army, Judd St., King’s Cross, w.c. 

Alleynian, 1872. Eight times a year. 6d. The Editor, Dulwich College, S.E. 

Alliance News and Temperance Reformer, 1854. M.—Ist. 1d. United Kingdom 
Alliance, 16 Deansgate, Manchester. (London: 21 Paternoster Square). 

Alliance Temperance Almanack. Oct. ld. United Kingdom Alliance, 16 Deansgate, 

Alliance Year Book and Temperance Reformers’ Handbook, 1910. Jan. Ils. net. 
United Kingdom Alliance, 16 Deansgate, Manchester. 

TALLOA ADVERTISER, 1841. () Sat. ld. Buchan Brothers, 29 Candleriggs, Allca. 

tALLOA CIRCULAR, 1868. (ind). Wed.—5 a.m. $d. J. B. Rae, 38 Primrose St., Alloa. 

TALLOA JOURNAL, 1844. (u) Sat. ld. M. Gardner, 20 Candleriggs, Allca. 

Ally Sloper’s Half-Holiday, 1884. Mon.—9 a.m. 1d., illus. 13 Milford Lane, Strand, w.c. . 

Alma Mater, 1883. Wed. Oct. to May, Monthly May and June. 2d. W. & W. Lindsay, 
Market St., Aberdeen. 

Almanac y Cymro, 1830. Oct. ld. M.M. & W. R. Thomas, 39 Mary St., Cardigan. . 

Almanac y Miloedd a Llawlyfr o Wybodaeth Fuddiol, 1879. Oct. 1d. Hughes & Son, 
Regent St., Wrexham, North Wales. 

ALNWICK AND COUNTY GAZETTE, 1854 (with which is incorporated Alnuick 
Mercury). (c) Fri—2 p.m. for Sat. ld. G. D. Glass, 45 Eondgate Within, 
Alnwick, (Circulates all over the county of Northumterland and in Durham. Adtt.) 

ld. J. C. Grant, Bondgate Within, Alnwick. 

Alphabetical and Chronological Arrangements of the Wesleyan Methodist Ministers, &c.; 
1912. Every five years. 2s. 6d. Methodist Publishing House, 25 Castle St., 
City Road, E.c. ! 

Alpine Journal, 1863. Feb., May, Aug., Nov. 3s. 6d. net. illus. Lcngmans & 
Co., 39 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

tALTON MAIL, 1899. (ind). Fri. ld. E. W. Langham, Normandy St., Alton, 
Hants. One of the Farnham Herald series. 

a.m., ld.; Fri—9 a.m., ld. Mackie & Co. Ltd., 71 George St., Altrincham. 
One of the Warrington Guardian series. 

4) James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A B è List. 

tALTRINCHAM DIVISION ADVERTISER, 1880. (c) Fri. 1d. Swain & Co. Ltd., 
George St., Altrincham, and Stockport. One of the Stockport Advertiser series. 

ALVA TRIBUNE, 1899. ( Tues. 4d. W. M. Bett, Tillicoultry. One of the Tilli- 
coultry Tribune series. 

Alyth Gazette, 1898. Tues. Gratis. A. Lunan, 8-9 Commercial ae Alyth. 

ALYTH GUARDIAN AND ADVERTISER, 1884. (ind.) Fri. 3d. J. B. Maclachlan, 
Mill St., Alyth. gee strong in local and agricultural news. Advt.) 

Amalgamated Society of Engineers’ Journal, 1895. M.—S8th. ld. Amalgamated 
Society of Engineers, 110 Peckham Road, S.E. 

Amalgamated Toolmakers’ Journal, 1890. M.—-10th.’ Gratis. M. F. Beston, 38 John 
Bright St., Birmingham. 

tAmateur Gardening, 1884. Wed.—9 a.m., for Sat. 1d., illus. W. H. & L. Collingridge, 
148 Aldersgate St., E.c. 

Amateur Gardening Annual and Year Book, 1912. Jan. ls. net. W. H. & L. 

. Collingridge, 148 Aldersgate St., E.c. 

Amateur Mechanic, 1902. Irreg. 5d. Liverpool Castings and Tool Supply Co., 41 
South Castle St., Liverpool. 

Amateur Menageric Club Year Book, 1911. Aug. 2s. 6d. G. T. Drake, Cobtree Manor, 
Maidstone. . 

tAmateur Photographer and Photographic News, 1908 (with which is incorporated 
Photographic News, 1858, and Amateur Photographer, 1884). Mon. 2d., illus. 
Hazell Watson & Viney Ltd., 52 Long Acre, w.c. 

Amateur Trader, 1882. Irreg. 3s. '6d. per ann. Miss Clara Millard, Marlboro’ House, 

American Historical Reviow, 1895 (English Edition). Quarterly. 3s. 6d. net. 
Macmillan & Co. Ltd., St. Martin’s St., w.c. 

American Machinist, 1877 (English Edition). Fri., for Sat. 6d. The Hill Publishing 
Co. Etd., 6 Bouverie St., E.C. 

American Magazine, 1906. M.—25th. Is. Authors Syndicate Ltd., 3/7 Southampton 
St., Strand, w.c. 

American Year Book, 1910. March. 12s 6d. net. D. Appleton & Co., 25 Bedford 
St., Strand, w.c. 

Thurs. ld. G. Vaughan Ltd., Quay St., Ammanford. 

Ampleforth Journal, 1895. Three times a year. 2s. The Editor, Ampleforth College, 
Malton, Yorkshire. 

+AMPTHILL AND DISTRICT NEWS, 1891. (ind. lib.) Fri. —noon. 43d. Beds. 
Times Publishing Co. Ltd., 22 Mill St., Bedford. One of the Bedford and County 
Record series. 

Amusements (Hull), 1898. Sat. 1d. Morison’s, 74 Lowgate, Hull. 

Analysis of the Accounts of the Principal Gas Undertakings in England, Scotland, and 
Ireland, 1869. June. 17s. 6d. Eden Fisher & Co. Ltd., 6 Clement’s Lane, E.C. 

Analyst, 1876. M.—i0th. 2s. Simpkin & Co. Ltd., 2-8 Orange St., Leicester Square,w.c. 

Ancient Egypt, 1914. Quarterly. 2s. net. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., St. Martin’s St., w.c. 

A. J. Holmes, 10 High St., Andover. (The best medium for persons desiring to rent 
properties in the neighbourhood of Tidworth Garrison and the Test Valley. Advt.) 

ANERLEY AND PENGE PRESS, 1883 (now Penge and Anerley Press, 1901). 

Angler’s Diary, 1862. Feb. 1s. 6d. Field & Queen (H. Cox), Ltd., Bream's Buildings, E.C. 

- +Angler’s News and Sea Fisher’s Journal, 1900. Alter. weeks. 1d. Polsue Ltd., 15 
and 16 Gough Square, E.c. 

Anglican and Eastern Association Annual Report, 1914. Oct. 6d. Rev. H. J. Fynes- 
Clinton, 27 Finsbury Square, E.C. 

Anglican Third Order Quarterly, 1909. Jan., April, July, Oct. 1s. per ann. J. S. 
Nicholas, 34 Brecknock Road, Bristol. 

Anglo-American. Times, 1905. M.—Ist. 4d. C. Damiens & Co.. 3 Pleydell Court, 
Fleet St., E.c. (64 Columns. The largest Pictorial Anglo-American paper in the 
World. Advt.) 

Anglo-American Year Book, 1913. July. Ss. International Development Co., Ltd., 351 
Oxford St., w. 

Angio- Belglan Trade Review, 1915. M.—15th. 6d. J. Claes, 43 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Anglo-Canadian Year Book, 1914. June. 5s. W. Stevens Ltd., 23-4 Henrietta St., w.c. 

Ane 2 CHa Kalendar, 1896. Sept. 1s. 6d. A. R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd., 28 Margaret 

tANGLO-CELT, 1846. () Sat—7 am. ld. Anglo-Celt Ltd., 40 Lower Ormond 
~ Quay, Dublin. 

Advertisements received tor all the Metropolitan Newspapers. [5 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Anglo-Isvael Almanack & Diary, 1880. Dec. 3d. R. Banks & Son, 5 Racquet Court, E.C. 

Anglo- Jewish Association Annual Report, 1871. Nov. Gratis. Anglo-Jewish Association, 
85 London Wall, E.c. 

Anglo-Norwegian Trade Journal, 1915. M.—Ist. ls. Norwegian Chamber of Com- 
merce, Kingsway Chambers, Kingsway, w.c. 

Anglo-Russian Exchange, 1916. M.—15th. 10s. 6d. per annum. L. Black & Co., 3 
Finsbury Square, E.c. (The practical commercial journal; informs the readers 
of the state of the market in Russia and England by publication of Inquiries and 
Offers. Advt.) l 

Anglo-Swedish Trade Journai, 1908. M.—25th. Gratis to members. Swedish 

hamber of Commerce in London, 5 Lloyd’s Avenue, E.c. 

Angola, 1900. M.—2nd Tues. C. Thurnam & Sons, 11 English St., Carlisle. 

Animal World, 1869. M.—28th. 2d., illus. W. H. Smith & Son, Stamford St., S.E. 

Animals’ Friend, 1895. M.—27th. 2d., illus. G. Bell & Sons Ltd., York House, 
Portugal St., w.c. 

Animals’ Guardian, 1905 (as Animals’ Guardian, 1890; as Monthly Record and Animals’ 
Guardian, 1899; as Animals’ Guardian and Anti-Vivisectionist, 1902.) M.—27th 
ld. S. Trist, 22a Regent St., s.w., 

Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1841 (as Magazine of Zoology, 1837 ; as Annals 
of Natural History, 1838). M.—Last day. 2s. 6d., illus. Taylor & Francis, 74 
Red Lion Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

Annals of Applied Biology, 1914. Quarterly. 25s. net. Cambridge University Press, 
Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Annals of Archaelogy and Anthropology, 1908. Quarterly. 3s. University Press, 

57 Ashton St., Liverpool. 

Annals of Botany, 1887. Quarterly. 14s. Oxford University Press, Amen Corner, E.c. 

Annals of Natal Museum, 1907. Price varies. Irreg., last issue 1915. Adlard & Son, 
and West Newman, 23 Bartholomew Close, E.c. 

Annais of Surgery, 1885. M—25th. 2s. net, illus. Cassell & Co., La Belle Sauvage, 
Ludgate Hill, E.c. , 

Annals of the Boius Herbarium, 1914, Twice a year. 15s. net per vol. of 4 parts. 
Cambridge University Press, Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Annals of the Propagation of the Falth, 1839. Bi-M. Subscription—3s. 6d. per ann. 
162 St. Stephen’s House, Westminster, s.w. 

Annals of the Society of the Holy Childhood, 1854. Bi-M. 3d. Westminster Press, 
Gerrards Ltd., 411A Harrow Road, Paddington, w. 

Annals of the South African Museum, 1898. Irreg. Price varies (Last issue, 1916). 

Adlard & Son & West Newman, 23 Bartholomew Close, E.c. \ . 

Annais of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 1907. Quarterly. 7s 6d. University 
Press, 57 Ashton St., Liverpool. 

tANNANDALE HERALD AND MOFFAT NEWS, 1862. (ind.) Thurs. 1d. J. Halliday 
& Son, Market Place, Lockerbie. 

Observer, 1857). {ind.) Fri—6 am. ld. W. Cuthbertson & Son, 96-98 High 
St., Annan. (The only paper that completely covers the area of the new 
Government munition works. Advt.). | | 

Annual Burns Chronicle and Club Directory, 1892. Jan. Is. 6d. Burns Federation, 

Annual Charities Register and Digest, 1897 (as Charities Register and Digest, 1884). 
June. 5s. net. Longmans, Green & Co., 39 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Annual Circular of the Corps of Commissionaives, 1859. July. Gratis. Corps of Com- 
missionaires, Exchange Court, 419 Strand, w.c. 

Annual County Courts Practice, 1889. Jan. 25s. Sweet & Maxwell, 3 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Annual Digest, 1871. Feb. 15s. Sweet & Maxwell, 3 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Annual Hotel Guide to the United Kingdom and Continent, 1905 (with which is incorpo- 
rated Brewers’ Distillers’ Bottlers’ and Licensed Trades Diary, 1891). Jan. 5s. 
Carter Jepson Publishing Co. Ltd., 32 Dean’s Court, Old Bailey, E.C. 

Annual of Art Work, 1915. Jan. 2s.6d. W. G. P. Townsend, 16 Dover St., Piccadilly, w. 

Annual of the British School at Athens, 1896. Price varies. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 
St. Martin’s St., w.c. 

Annual Practice, 1881. Oct. 25s. net. Sweet & Maxwell, 3 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

se Register, 1758 (N.S. 1863). About May. 16s, Longmans & Co., 39 Paternoster 

ow, E.C. 


6; James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents. 125, Strand, London. 

yp o o o 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Annual Report sa Balines Sheet of the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and 
Firemen, 1880. May. ls. Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and 
Firemen, 8 Park Square, Leeds. 

Annual Report and List of Members of the National Union of Teachers, 1870. May. 
2s. 6d. Schoolmaster Publishing Co., Ltd., 3 Racquet. Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

Annual Report and List of Members of the N orwich Incorporated Chamber of Commerce, 
1896. Feb. Gratistomembers. Norfolk News Co. Ltd., 57 London St., Norwich. 

Annual Report and Transactions of the Plymouth Institution, 1911. Sept. Price varies. 
W. Brendon & Sons Ltd., West Hoe, Plymouth. 

Annual Report and Transactions of the Rutland Archeological and Natural History 
Society, 1902. Aug. 2s. Rev. E. A. Irons, North Luffenham Rectory, Stamford. 

Annual Report of King Edward VII. Sanatorium, 1907. 1s. Secretary, King Edward 
VII. Sanatorium, Midhurst. . | 

Annual Report of the ‘Agricultural Organization Society, 1901. July. 1s. The Society, 
Queen Anne’s Chambers, Tothill St., s.w. 

Annual Report of the Association for Promoting the Education of Women in Oxford, 
1878. Nov. Gratis. Clarendon Building, Oxford. 

Annual Report of the Asylums Committee, L.C.C., 1890. July. 2s. 6d. P.S. King & 

‘ Son Ltd., 2-4 Great Smith St., siw. 

Annual Report af the Baptist Missionary Society, 1792. Oct. Is. net. Carey Press, 
19 Furnival St., E.c. 

Annual Report of thé Bradford and District Chamber of Trade, 1903. Jan. Gratis. 
Bradford and District Chamber of Trade, 31 Sunbridge Road, Bradford. 

Annual Report of the British and Foreign Bible Society, 1804. Aug. ls. to non-sub- 
scribers. The Society, 146 Queen Victoria St., E.c. 

Annual Report of the British Federation for the Emancipation of Sweated Woman, 1913. 
Oct. Gratis. The Federation, 95 New Bond St., w. 

Annual Report of the British Institute of Social Service, 1906. May. Gratis. The 
Institute, 1 Central Buildings, Tothill St., Westminster, s.w. 

Annual Report of the British Temperance League, 1835. Aug. ld. British Temperance 
“League, 29 Union St., Sheffield. 

Annual Report of the Bronte Society, 1893. Jan. Issued with Transactions, ls. W.T. 
Field, Rockmount, Baildon, near Shipley. 

Annual Report of the C atholic Women’s League, 1908. Irreg. Gratis. The League, 116 
Victoria St., s.w. 

Annual Report of the Central Bureau for the Employment of Women, 1897. March. 
Gratis. 5 Princes St., Cavendish Square, w. 

Annual Report of the Central Committee of the Carlisle Diocesan Church Extension Society. 
1862. Sept. Gratis. C. Thurman & Sons, 11 English St., Carlisle. 

Annual Report of the Children’s Special Service Mission, 1868. July. Gratis. Children’s 
Special Service Mission, 13a Warwick Lane, E.c. `’ 

Annual Report of the Christian Literature Society for India, 1858. Oct. Gratis. The 
Society, 35 John St., Bedford Row, w.c. , 

Annual Report of the Church Association, 1865. June. is. Church Association, 13-14 
Buckingham St., Strand, w.c. 

Annual Report of the Church Benefit Society, 1877. Sept. Gratis. The Society, 14 
Great Smith St., Westminster, s.w. 

Annual Report of the Church ek di League, 1913. Gratis. The cael: Church House 
Dean’s Yard, s.w. 

Annual Report of the Federation of Working Girls’ Clubs, 1885. The Federation, 26 
George St., Hanover Square, wW. 

Annual Report of the Friends’ Foreign Mission Association, 1866. May. 6d. The 
Association, 15 Devonshire St., E.C. 

Annual Report oj the Friends’ Temperance Union, 1916. June. Gratis. The Secretary, 
15 Devonshire St., E.C. 

Annual Report of the Friends’ Tract Association, 1814 (as Chains of Influence ; as Open 
Doors). June. Gratis. The Secretary, 15 Devonshire St., E.c. 

Annual Report of the Hampstead General and North West London Hospital, 1882. May. 
Gratis. The Secretary, The Hospital, Haverstock Hill, n.w. 

Annual Report of the Indian Church Aid Association, 1880. June. Gratis. The 
Association, Church House, Dean’s Yard, Westminster, s.w. 

Annual Report of the Liverpool Microscopical Society, 1868. Jan. Gratis. The Society, 

69 Marlborough Road, Tue Brook, Liverpool. 

Annual Report of the London Chamber of Commerce, 1882. April, Sub. London 

Chamber of Commerce, Oxford Court, Cannon St,, E.C. 

Advertisements received tor all the Irish Newspapers. [7 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

Annual Report of the London Missionary Society, 1795. Sept. ls. 6d. net. London 
Missionary Society, 16 New Bridge St., E.c. 

Annual Report of the Magdalene College Club, 1902. Nov. Gratis. R. Harris, 264 
Camberwell New Road, S.E. 

Annual Report of the Manchester Guardian Society for the~ Protection of Trade, 1826. 
Nov. Gratis. The Society, 15 Fountain St., Manchester. 

Annual Report of the Mission to Lepers, 1874. June. Gratis. The Mission, 33 Henrietta 
St., w.c. 

Annual Report of the Mount Vernon Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest. 
1861. March. Gratis. The Secretary, 7 Fitzroy Square, w. 

Annual Report of the National Bible Society of Scotland, 1860. April, Gratis. National 
Bible Society of Scotland, 5 St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh. 

Annual Report of the National Bureau for Promoting the General Welfare of the Deaf, 
1912. Sept. Gratis. The Bureau, 104 High Holborn, w.c. 

Annual Report of the National Canine Defence League, 1891. May. Gratis. National 
Canine Defence League, 27 Regent St., s.w. l 

Annual Report of the National Museum of Wales, 1907. Oct. 1s. The Council of the 
Museum, Cardiff. 

Annual Report of the N.S.P.C.C., 1884. June. 3d. The Society, Leicester Square, w.c. 

Annual Report of the Native Races and the Liquor Traffic United Committee, 1887. May. 
Gratis. The Committee, 177-8 Palace Chambers, 9 Bridge St., Westminster, s.w. 

Annual Report of the Navy Employment Agency, 1896. June. Gratis. Navy Emloy- 
ment Agency, 25 Victoria St., s.w. (For finding employment for men of the Royal 
Navy and Marines on termination of service. Advt.) 

Annual Report of the Navy League, 1896. Jan. Gratis. The League, 13 Victoria St., s.w. 

Annual Report of the Organists’ Benevolent League, 1910. Annually. Gratis. T. Shindler, 
Royal College of Organists, Kensington Gore, s.w. 

Annual Report of the Proceedings of the London County Council, 1889. Oct. 2s. 6d. 
P. S. King & Son Ltd., 2 and 4 Great Smith St., s.w. 

Annual Report of the Protestant Reformation Society, 1827. June. 1s. The Society, 
57 Berners St., w. 

Annual Report of the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in England, 
1839. Date and price vary. Wyman & Sons Ltd., Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Annual Report of the Registvay-General on the Births, Deaths, and Marriages registered 
- Scotland, 1856. Date and price vary. Wyman & Sons Ltd., Fetter 

ane, E.C. 

Annual Report of the Royal College of Organists, 1864. Dec. 10s. 6d. Royal College of 
Organists, Kensington Gore, s.w. , 
Annual Report of the Royal Dental Hospital of London, 1910. Feb. 5s. J. Bale, Sons 

& Danielsson Ltd., 83-91 Great Titchfield Street, w. 

Annual Report of the Royal School for the Indigent Blind, 1799. Aug. 6d. The School, 

Annual Report of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, 1891. April. 1s. The 
Society, 23 Queen Anne’s Gate, s.w. 

Annual Report of the Society for Liberation of Religion from State Patronage and Control. 
1844. June. Gratis. Liberation Society, 16 Caxton House, Westminster, s.w. 

Annual Report of the S.P.C.K.,1698. Dec. 1s.6d. S.P.C.K.,GreenerHouse, Haymarket,s.w. 

Annual Report of the Society for Promoting the Employment of Women, 1859. May. 
Gratis. The Society, 23 Berners St., w. 

Annual Report of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1701. 
May. Is. S.P.G., 15 Tufton St., s.w. | 

Annual, Report of the Society of Genealogists, 1911. June. Gratis. The Society, 5, 
Bloomsbury Square, w.c. 

Annual Report of the Society of Women Journalists, 1893. Dec. 6d. Society of Women 
Journalists, 10 St. Bride’s Avenue, Fleet St., E.C. 

Annual Report of the Somerset Men in London, 1901. Oct. 1s. The Society, 5 Guild- 
hall Chambers, 70A Basinghall St., E.C. 

Annual Report of the Victoria League, 1901. June. Gratis. Miss Talbot, 2p Millbank 
House, Wood St., Westminster, s.w. (A non-party association of British men and 
women for promoting closer union between British subjects living in different 
parts of the world. Advt.) 

Annual Report of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society, 1813. June. 1s. Wesleyan 
Missionary Society, 24 Bishopsgate, E.c. 

Annual Report of the White Cross League, 1884. June. Gratis. White Cross League, 
7 Dean’s Yard, Westminster, s.w. 

8] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 


Willing’s Press Guide. | [ABC List. 

Annual Report on the Progress of Chemistry, 1904. March. 4s. 6d. net. Gurney & Jackson, 
Ltd., 33 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Annual Reports issued by the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, 1915. Price varies. 
Wyman & Sons Ltd., Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Annual Statutes, 1866. Oct. Price varies. Sweet & Maxwell, 3 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Annual Summary of Births, Deaths, and Causes of Death in England and Wales and 
London, 1842. April. ls. Wyman & Sons Ltd., Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Annual Summary of Past Racing, 1881. Dec. 1s. Ashley & Smith Ltd., Bridewell 
House, Bridewell Place, E.c. 

Annual Trade Review. Supplement to January issue of the Chamber of Commerce 

Answers, 1890 (as Answers to Correspondents, 1888). Mon., for Sat. 1d. Amalgamated 
Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Answers Library, 1910. Tues. 1d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St., E.c. 

Anti-Cutting Record, 1895. M.—15th. 2d. W. S. Glyn-Jones, 184-5 Temple Chambers, 
Temple Avenue, E.c. 

Anti-Slavery Reporter and Aborigines’ Friend, 1840 (as Anti-Slavery Monthly Reporter; 
1825). Quarterly. 4d. Anti-Slavery and Aborigines’ Protection Society, 51 
Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, s.w. 

Anti-Suffrage Review, 1908. M.—Ist. 1d. National League for Opposing Woman 
Suffrage, 515 Caxton.House, Tothill St., Westminster, s.w. 

Appeal, 1848. M.—25th. 4d. E. Stock, 7 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

APPLEBY, &c., HERALD (sce Mid-Cumberland and North Westmoreland Herald). 

Aquarius, 1905. M.—Ist week. 2d. Metropolitan Water Board Staff Association, 
Savoy Court, Strand, w.c. 

Arbitrator, 1871. M.—Ist week. ld. F. Maddison, 183 St. Stephen’ s House, Victoria 
Embankment, s.w. 

TARBROATH GUIDE, 1842. (ind.) Sat. 1d. T. Buncle & Co., Market Place, Arbroath. 

tARBROATH HERALD, 1885. (/) Fri. d. Brodie & Salmond, Brothock Bridge, 

Arbroath Year Book and Eastern Forfarshire Directory, 1889. Jan. 6d., 1s., and 2s. 
Brodie & Salmond, Brothock Bridge, Arbroath. 

Archaeologia Aeliana, 1813. June. 21s. Society of Antiquaries, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 

Archaeologia Cambrensis, 1846. Quarterly. 9s. net. Bedford Press, 20 Bedfordbury, w.c. 

Archaeologia Gantiana, 1914. Irreg. 10s. per ann. Mitchell, Hughes & Clarke, 140 
Wardour St., w. | 

Archaeological Journai, 1844. Quarterly. 7s. 6d. Royal Archaeological Institute of 
Great Britain and Ireland. 19 Bloomsbury Square, w.c. 

Archer's Register, 1865, June. 5s. Field & Queen (H. Cox), Ltd., Bream’s Buildings. 
Chancery Lane, w.c. 

TArchitect and Contract Reporter, 1868. Fri. 4d. illus. P. A. Gilbert Wood, 3-11 
Imperial Buildings, Ludgate Circus, E.c. 

Architect's and Surveyor’s Diary, 1881. Dec. 4s. and 6s. 6d. Waterlow Bros. & Layton, 
Waterlow House, Birchin Lane, E.C. 

tArchitects’ and Builders’ Journal, 1895. Wed. 2d. Technical Journals Ltd., 27-9 
Tothill St., Westminster, s.w. 

Architects’ Compendium and Catalogue, 1886. March. 21s. Compendium Publishing 
Co., 329 High Holborn, w.c. ‘ 

Architectural Association Brown Book, 1859. Sept. 1s. Architectural Association, 37 
Great Smith St., Westminster, s.w. 

Architectural Association Journal, 1887. M.—lIst. 6d. Architectural Association, 37 
Great Smith St., Westminster, S.W. 

Architectural Association Sketch Book, 1867. Quarterly. 21s. per ann. Architectural 
Association, 37, Great Smith St., Westminster, s.w. 

Architectural Review, 1896. M. —10th. 1s. Technical Journals Ltd., 27-9 Tothill St., 
Westminster, s.w. 

Archives of Radiology and Electro-Therapy, 1915 (as Archives of the Roentgen Ray, 
1896). M.—lIst. 2s. W. Heineman, 21 Bedford St., w. 

Archives of the Pathological Institute (London Hospital), 1907. Irreg. Price varies. 
Adlard & Son & West Newman, 23 Bartholomew Close, E.c. 

Archivium Hibernicum or Irish Historical Records, 1912. Dec. 15s. net. M. H. Gill, 
& Son, Ltd., 50 Upper O’Connell St., Dublin. 

RAL A < Middlesex Hospital, 1903. 5s. net. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., St. Martin’s 

(with which is incorporated the Cummock News, 1880). (4 Fri.+9 am. 14. 
A. Guthrie & Sons, Princes St., Ardrossan. 

Advertisements received tor all the Continental Newspapers. if G 

ABC .List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Argentine Year Book, 1914. May. 10s. 6d. Ledger, Son & Co., 14 St. Mary Axe, E.C. 

ARGUS (BATTLE), 1880. (ind.) Daily—Morning and Evening. d. Southern Pub- 
lishing Co. Ltd., 67 High St., Battle. Telephone 11. (London: 69 Fleet St. Tele- 
phone 2268 Holborn.) 

ARGUS (BOGNOR), 1880. (ind.) Daily, Morning and Evening. $d. Southern Publishing 
Co. Ltd., Railway Approach, Bognor. Telephone 105. (London: 69 Fleet St., 
Telephone 2268 Holborn.) 

ARGUS (BRIGHTON) (sce Evening and Morning Argus). 

ARGUS (CHICHESTER), 1880. (ind.) Daily—Morning and Evening. $d. Southern 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 32 er ves Chichester. Telephone 16. (London: 69 Fleet 
St. Telephone 2268 Holborn.) 

ARGUS (EAST GRINSTEAD), 1880. (ind.) Daily—Morning and Evening. $d. Southern 

` Publishing Co. Ltd., 1 West St., East Grinstead. Telephone Post Office Nos. 31 
and 31x. (London: 69 Fleet St. Telephone 2268 Holborn.) 

ARGUS (EASTBOURNE), 1880. (ind.) Daily—Morning and Evening. $d. Southern 

- Publishing Co. Ltd., 4 Terminus Place, Eastbourne. Telephone 185. (London: 69 
Fleet St. Telephone 2268 Holborn.) 

ARGUS (HASTINGS), 1880. (ind) Daily—Morning and Evening. 4d. Southern 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 14 Castle Hill Road, Hastings. Telephone 39. (London: 
69 Fleet St. Telephone 2268 Holborn.) 

ARGUS (HORSHAM), 1880. (ind.) Daily—Morning and Evening. $d. Southern 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 60 West St., Horsham. Telephone Post Office No. 4, X.P.0. 
(London: 69 Flect St. Telephone 2268 Holborn.) 

ARGUS (HOVE), 1880. (ind.) Daily—Morning and Evening. d. Southern Publishing 
Co. Ltd., Railway Approach, Brighton. Telephones 52 Nat. and 1672 Post Office. 
(London : 69 Fleet St. Telephone 2268 Holborn.) 

ARGUS (LEWES), 1880. (ind.) Daily—Morning and Evening. 4d. Southern Publishing 
Co., Ltd., 180 High St., Lewes. Private wire. (London: 69 Fleet St. Tele- 
phone 2268 Holborn.) j l 

ARGUS (LITTLEHAMPTON), 1880. (ind.) Daily—Morning and Evening. 4d. Southern 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 8 Terminus Road, Littlehampton. Telephone 14. (London : 
69 Fleet St. Telephone 2268 Holborn.) 

ARGUS (TUNBRIDGE WELLS), 1880. (ind.) Daily—Morning and Evening. 44d. 
Southern Publishing Co. Ltd., Vale Hall, Vale Road, Tunbridge Wells. Telephone 
208. (London: 69 Fleet St. Telephone 2268 Holborn.) 

ARGUS (WORTHING), 1880. (ind.) Daily—Morning and Evening. d. Southern 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 7 Bath Place, Worthing. Telephone 16. (London: 69 Fleet 
St. Telephone 2268 Holborn.) 

W. C. Harvey, Argyll St., Lochgilphead. 

for Sat. Id. MacEwing & Co., Longrow South, Campbeltown. 

Armachian, 1912. Terminally. 6d. Armagh Guardian, 36 Upper English St., Armagh. 

ARMAGH GUARDIAN AND SOUTH TYRONE NEWS, 1844. (u) First edition, Thurs. 
5 p.m., for Fri. ld. 36 Upper English St., Armagh. (The one and only news- 

aper circulating over County Armagh. Adut.) 

TARMLEY AND WORTLEY NEWS, 1889. (ind.) Fri. ld. Birdsall & Co., 164 Tong 
Road, Armley. (The Local Paper for Leeds. All local news and Advts. Advt.) 

Arms and Explosives, 1892. M.—1st. 6d., illus. Max Baker, 1 Arundel St., Strand, w.c. . 

Armstrong College Newcastle-upon-Tyne Calendar, 1884. Sept. 1s. The Secretary, 
Armstrong College,Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

tArmy and Navy Gazette, 1860. Fri., for Sat. 6d. G. F. Bacon, 22 Essex St., Strand, w.c. 

Army List Official Quarterly, 1880. Jan., April, July, Oct. 15s. Wyman & Sons Ltd., 
Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Army Orders, 1868 (formerly Army Circulars, 1865), M. 3d. Wyman & Sons Ltd., 
Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Army Service Corps Journal, 1891. M.—15th. 3d. Army Service Corps School of 
Instruction, Aldershot. 

Arrow, 1899. Terminally. 6d. Editor, Owens School, Islington, E.c. 

Arrowsmith’s (late Bunt’s) Bristol Tide Table, 1830. Oct. ls. J. W. Arrowsmith Ltd., 
11 Quay St., Bristol. 

Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, 1886. Three times a year. 10s. 6d. to members. W. J. 
Songhurst, 27 Great Queen St., w.c. 

Art Annual, 1884. Oct. 2s. 6d. net. Virtue & Co., 7 City Garden Row, City Road, N. 

Art Examination Papers, 1898. April, May, and June. 6d. Wyman & Sons Ltd., Fetter 

ane, E.C 

10] James Willing, a. Advertising Agents. 125. Strand. London. 

a a Ep Ee ne nn me BS eae SS ee = 



Willing’s Press Guide. (ABC List. 

Art Prices Current, 1907. Annually. 31s. 6d. Fine Art Trade Journal, 13 Buckingham 
St., Strand, w.c. 

Art Teachers’ Guild Record, 1906. Jan., May, Sept. Gratis. Art Teachers’ Guild, 
11, Highbury Crescent, N. 

Art Trade Year Book and Diary, 1909. Dec. Is. The Fine Art Trade Journal, 13 
Buckingham St., Strand, w.c. 

Artistic Country Buildings, 1908. Mar. ls. Country Gentleman’s Association Ltd., 
33 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, w.c. 

Artists’ Almanack, 1876. Jan. 6d. Geo. Rowney & Co., 10 and 11 Percy St., w. 

Artists’ Rifle Journal, 1916. Quaiterly. 6d. Artists’ Rifle Regimental Journal, 
17 Craven Street, Strand, w.c. so 

Arweinydd Yr., 1906. (/) Wed. ld. T. Williams & Co., Church St., Blaenau Festiniog. 
One of the Glorian series. 

Ashbourne Advertiser. One of the Derbyshire Advertiser series. 

p-m., for Fri. ld. Hobson & Son Ltd., St. John St., Ashbourne. 

tASHBOURNE TELEGRAPH, 1903 (ind.) Thurs.—2.30 p.m., for Fri. ld. J. H. 
Henstock, Market Place, Ashbourne. 

ASHBURTON WESTERN GUARDIAN, 1882. (ind.) Wed. 1d. Mortimer Bros. 
Totnes. One of the Western Guardian series. ; 

AND EARLESTOWN GUARDIAN, 1879. (ind. vad.). Fri—noon. ld. Harvey 
& Sons, 13 Bridge St., Earlestown. 

ASHTON EVENING STANDARD, 1877. (c) Daily—Noon, except Sat. $d. Northern 
Daily & Weekly Newspapers Ltd., Yorkshire St., Oldham. Localised issue of 
Oldham Daily Standard. (London: 134 Fleet St.) 

tASHTON STANDARD, 1858. (c) Sat—a.m. ld. Northern Daily & Weekly News- 
papers Ltd., Yorkshire St., Oldham. Localised issue of Oldham Standard. (London : 
134 Fleet St.) 

Ashton-under-Lyne Coe-operator, 1891. M.—10th. Gratis. The Society, 69 Katherine 

St., Ashton-under-Lyne. 

fASHTON-UNDER-LYNE HERALD, 1889. (c) Fri., for Sat., Id. Herald P. & P. 
Co. Ltd., Cavendish Works, Ashton-under-Lyne. 

tASHTON-UNDER-LYNE REPORTER (as Ashton Weekly Reporter, 1855). (ind.) Fri. 
for Sat. 14}d. J. Andrew & Co., Market Place, Ashton-under-Lyne. 

Ashville College Magazine, 1911. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, Ashville College, Harrogate. 

Asiatic Review, 1913 (as Asiatic Quarterly Review, 1886; as Imperial and Asiatic 
Review, 1891). Jan. Ist, Feb. 15th, April Ist, May 15th, July Ist, Aug. 15th, Oct. 
Ist, Nov. 15th. 2s. 6d. East and West Ltd., 3 Victoria St., s.w. (A good adver- 
tising medium for all who desire to extend their trade in the East; and has also 
high-class home circulation. Special feature Regular Literary Supplement. Advt.) 

Aspinall’s Maritime Cases, 1861. Irreg. 5s. 6d. Field & Queen (H. Cox), Ltd., Bream’s 
Buildings, E.c. 

A.M.A., 1906. M.—15th, except April and Aug. 3d. Incorporated Association of 
Assistant Masters in Secondary Schools, 35 John St., Bedford Row, w.c. (Deals 
with Secondary Education, especially with the interests of assistant masters in 
Secondary Schools, both Public and Private. Advt.) 

Associated Accountants’ Journal, 1908. M.—Ist. 6d. Central Association of Account- 
ants, Moorgate Station Chambers, Moorgate St. E.c. 

Associated Accountants’ Year Book, 1906. July, -1s. 6d. Central Association of 
Accountants, Moorgate Station Chambers, Moorgate St., E.c. 

Associated Society ef Locometive Engineers’ and Firemen’s Monthly Journal, 1887 (now 
Locomotive Journal). 

Assurance Agents’ Chronicle, 1889. Wed., for Sat, 1d. Assurance Agents’ Press Ltd., 
132 Great Ancoats St., Manchester. (London: Vickers, Angel Court, Strand.) 

Assurance Review, 1887. M.—15th. 2d. Assurance Review Co., 1 and 2 Market St., 
Wolverhampton. (London: Simpkin & Co., Ltd., Orange St., Haymarket, s.w.) 

Assure, 1889. M.—2nd Mon. ld. Assure Journal Co., 44 Lloyd St., Manchester. 

fASTON AND EAST BIRMINGHAM NEWS, 1892 (as East Birmingham News, 1890). 
(tnd.) Sat. ld. Birmingham News & Printing Co., 28 John Bright St., Birmingham. 

Astronomical. Observations and Researches made at Dunsink, 1879. Irreg. Price varies. 
Hodges, Figgis & Co. Ltd., 104 Grafton St., Dublin. 

Asylum News, 1897. Quarterly. 1d. Local Government Press Ltd., 27-29 Furnival St.,£.c. 

At Home and Abroad, 1877 (as Wesleyan Juvenile Offering, 1844). M.—24th. 4d. 
Wesleyan Missionary Society, 24 Bishopsgate, E.c. 

fAthenaeum, 1828. M.—15th. Is. J. E. Francis, 11-13: Brearn’s Buildings, E.C. 

A Advaita srania SR KA tt Aw all tho Á aA owa ras N peancehaheye. [rr 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. o 

ATHERSTONE EXPRESS, 1900. (ind.) Thurs. 4d. H. Fieldhouse, Tribune Buildings, 
Abbey St., Nuneaton. One of the Midland Counties Tribune series. 

}ATHERSTONE HERALD, 1876 (ind.) Sat. 1d. W. Morton, 14 Silver St., Tamworth. 
One of the Tamworth Herald series. 

tATHERSTONE NEWS & DISTRICT ADVERTISER, 1886. (ind.) Fri. $d. E. S. Colman, 
90 Long St., Atherstone. (The only paper printed and published in Atherstone. Advt). 

ATHERSTONE ‘OBSERVER, 1877, Tues. $d. Coleman & McCormack Ltd., Bond 
Gate, Nuneaton. One of the Nuneaton Observer series. 

tATHERTON WEEKLY JOURNAL, 1913. (/) Fri. 1d. Tillotson & Son Ltd., Market 
St., Atherton. One of the Bolton Journal and Guardian series. 

+ Athletic News and Cyclists’ Journal, 1875. Mon. 1d. E. Hulton & Co., Ltd., Withy 
Grove, Manchester. (London: 46-7 Shoe Lane.) 

Athletic News Athletic Directory, 1905. May. 3d. E. Hulton & Co., Ltd., Withy Grove, 
Manchester. (London: 46-7 Shoe Lane.) 

Athletic News Cricket Annual, 1886. April, 3d. E. Hulton & Co. Ltd., Withy Grove, 
Manchester. (London: 46-7 Shoe Lane.) 

Athletic News Football Annual, 1886. Sept. 3d. E. Hulton & Co., Ltd., Withy Grove, 
Manchester. (London: 46-7 Shoe Lane.) 

Athraw (The Teacher), 1827. M.—lIst. ld. W. William, 3 Regent St., Llangollen. 

tAUCKLAND AND COUNTY CHRONICLE, 1851 (with which is incorporated Auckland 
Times and Herald, Northern Weekly "Echo, South Durham Mercury, Sunderland 
News and North of England Advertiser, Stockton and Hartlepool Mercury, Middles- 
brough News, Stockton Guardian, Hartlepool Free Press, Chester-le-Siveet News, Stanley 
News and North Durham Chronicle, South Durham and Auckland Chronicle). Thurs. 
ld. C.W. Starmer, Northern Echo Buildings, Priestgate, Darlington. 

Auctioneers’ and Estate ‘Agents’ Institute of the United Kingdom Year-Book and Diary, 
1892. Nov. 4s. 6d. Auctioneers’ and Estate Agents’ Institute, 34 Russell Square, w.c. 

Austin’s Monthly Magazine, 1904. M.—Sth. 1d. J. R. Austin, Little Park St., Coventry. 

Austral Avian Recerd, 1912. Irreg. 1s. 6d. net. Witherby & Co., 326 High Holborn, w.c. 

t Australasian and Canadian World, 1914 (as Australian World, 1907, Australian Trading 
World, 1886. Thurs. 3d. W. W. Tickle & Co., 38 King William St., E.C. 

Australasian Bush Leaves, 1897. Quarterly. 3d. Church House, Deans Yard, West- 
minster, S.W. 

Australian A B G Guide to British Manufacturing Exporters, 1896. Annually. 2s. 
Heywood & Co. Ltd., 150 Holborn, E.C. 

Author, 1890. M.—1st except Aug. and Sept 6d. 1 Central Buildings, Tothill St., s.w. 
Publishers : Bradbury, Agnew & Co. Ltd., 10 Bouverie St., E.c. (Organ ‘of the 
Incorporated Society of Authors, Playwrights and Composers. Advt.) 

tAutocar, 1895 (with which are incorporated The Motor-Car and Motor-Cycle, and 
Horseless Carriage and Journal of Automobility, and Motoring Illustrated, 1902). 
Fri. for Sat. ld. Iliffe & Sons Ltd., 20 Tudor St., E.C. 

tAutecycle, 1913. Wed. ld. Portland Press Ltd., 3-9 Dane St., High Holborn, w.c. 

Autograph Prices Current, 1916. Aug. 25s. net. E. H. Courville, 25 Rumsey Road, 
Brixton, s.w. 

Automobile and Carriage Builders’ Diary, 1902 (as Carriage Builders’ Diary, 1898). 
Dec. 3s. 6d. W. E. Freir, 16 Eldon St., E.C. 

Automobile and Carriage Builders’ Journal, 1902 (as Carriage Builders’ Journal, 1898). 
M.—15th, 10s. per ann. W. E. Freir, 16 Eldon St., E.c. 

Autemobile Engineer, 1910. M.—2nd Thurs. 6d. net. Iliffe & Sons Ltd., 20 Tudor St., E.C. 

tAute-Motor Journal, 1902 (as Automotor and Horseless Vehicle Journal, 1896). Fri. 

ld. and 3d. F. King & Co. Ltd., 44 St. Martin’s Lane, London, w.c. 

Auxiliary Language, 1913. M.—Ist. 3d. British Idistic Society, 47 Limes Grove, Lewis- 
ham, s.E. (The object of the British Idistic Society is the Propagation of the 
International Language IDO (reformed Esperanto) on British Territory. Advt.) 

1890 (with which is incorporated Burnham and Highbridge Independent). (1) 
Thurs. 4.30 p.m., for Fri. 9 am. Id. H. Law, Bridgewater, and 76 High St., 

_ Glastonbury. One of the Bridgewater Independent series. (Advt. p. 458.) 

Ave, 1913. Quarterly. 3d. Talbot & Co., 13 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Aviation Pocket Book, 1913. Mar. 3s. 6d. net. Crosby, Lockwood & Co., Stationers 
Hall Court, E.C. 

Avicultural Magazine, 1895. M.—Ist. 1s. 3d. Adlard & Son and West, Newman, 23 
Bartholomew Close, E.C. 

Cook, Limetree House, The Barton, Bristol. ` 

Awake! 1891. M.—24th. 4d., illus. C.M.S., Salisbury Square, Œ.c: 

12] James Willing. Ltd.. Advertising Agents. 125. Strand. London. 

Cece a Ec cee EEE, 



Aylesbury Directory and Official Handbook for the County of Bucks, 1907. June, 2d. 
G. T. De Fraine & Co. Ltd., Bucks Herald Office, Aylesbury. 

AYLSHAM AND REEPHAM POST, 1916. (u). Fri. ld. Norfolk Press Syndicate 
Ltd., Holt. One of the Norfolk Chronicle series. 

tAYR ADVERTISER AND GALLOWAY JOURNAL, 1803. (/.u.) Thurs.—6 a.m. ld. 
T. M. Gemmell & Son, 100 High St., Ayr. 

tAYR OBSERVER, 1832 (with which are incorporated Ayrshire Express, Western Argus, 
Ayrshire Courier, Galloway Review, and Ayrshire Weekly News). (u) Tues. ld. 
Ayr Observer Co., Union Arcade, Burns Statue Square, Ayr. 

Ayres’ Cricket Companion, 1901. Dec. 6d. F. H. Ayres, Ltd., 111 Aldersgate St., £.c. 
(The best sixpenny handbook on the game published. Advt.) 

Ayres’ Lawn Tennis Almanac, 1908. Jan. 1s. 6d. F.H. Ayres Ltd., 111 Aldersgate St., 
E.C. (Edited by A. Wallis Myers. Indispensable to all Lawn Tennis Players. Advt.) 

AYRSHIRE EXPRESS, 1907 (amalgamated with the Ayr Observer, 1908). 

tAYRSHIRE POST, 1880. (4) Fri.8 a.m. ld. Ayrshire Post Ltd., Nile Court, High 
St., Ayr: (The popular paper and advertising medium of the district. Advt.) 

AYRSHIRE WEEKLY NEWS, 1859 (incorporated with Ayr Observer). 

Baby’s Journal, 1913. Dec. 2s. 6d. and 3s. 6d. Frowde & Hodder & Stoughton, Falcon 
Square, E.C. 

sade de 1892 (as Journal of the Bacon Society. 1886). Jan., April, July, Oct. 1s. net. 

& Hancock Ltd., 12-13 Henrietta St., w.c. 

Sat. ld. Bacup Publishing Co., 93 Market St., Bacup. 

+BAGUP TIMES, 1865. (J) Sat—Sam. Id L. J. Priestley, Bacup Times Ltd., 
9 King St., Bacup. (The only newspaper printed within the borough. Advt.) 

Badminton Fixtures Card, 1900. Dec. 6d. A. Webster & Co., 44 Dover St., w. 

Badminton Kalendar, 1908. Dec. 2s. A. Webster & Co., 44 Dover St., w. 

Badminton Magazine, 1895. M.—lIst. 1s. H. Reiach, Ltd., 9, King St., Covent 
Garden, w.c. 

Badminton Sporting Register, 1908 (as Badminton Diary, 1893). Dec. 2s. A. Webster 
& Co., 44 Dover St., w 

Baeda, 1896. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, St. Bede’s College, Manchester. 

t Bag, Portmanteau, and Umbrella Trader, 1907. Wed. 2d. Bag Trader Publishing 
Co., 435 Birkbeck Bank Chambers, Holborn, w.c. 

Bailie, 1872. Tues., for Wed. 1d. H. Munro Ltd., 82 Mitchell St., Glasgow. 

“Batly’s Hunting Directory, 1898 (formerly Batly’s Fox Hunting Directory, 1897). Nov. 

5s. Vinton & Co. Ltd., 8 Bream’s Buildings, E.c. 

Baily’s Magazine of Sports and Pastimes, 1889 (as Baily’s Monthly Magazine, 1860). 
M.—18th. Is., illus. Vinton & Co. Ltd., 8 Bream’s Buildings, E.C. l 

Baird’s Irish Railway and Steamboat Guide, 1861 (as Irish Railway Guide, 1852). M. 
3d. W. & G. Baird Ltd., Royal Avenue, Belfast. (London: 40-3 Fleet St.) 

tBaker and Confectioner, 1892. Fri.—4.30 p.m. 1d., illus. Baker & Confectioner 
Ltd., 9/11 Cursitor St., Chancery Lane, w.c. (Advt. p. 449). 

tBAKERS’ NATIONAL ASSOCIATION REVIEW, 1887. Fri. 3d. National Asso- 
ciation of Master Bakers and Confectioners, 188-9 Strand, w.c. Telephones 
City 9090 and 9091. “ The N.A. Review is the official organ of the baking and 
confectionery trades, and is controlled by a committee consisting of some of the 
leading men in the trade. It circulates among over 5,000 members of the 
National Association in addition to non-members, and thus affords the very best 
possible medium for enabling manufacturers to get into direct touch with these 
trades.. The journal is the property of the members among whom it circulates, 
and thus a feeling of personal ownership is stimulated, which causes readers to 
take a more than ordinary interest in its welfare.” (Adut. p. 426.) 

t Bakers’ Record, 1864. Fri—4 p.m. ld. Bakers’ Record Ltd., 68 Farringdon 
Street, B.C. 

tBALHAM, TOOTING, AND BRIXTON NEWS, 1905. (ind.) Thurs., for Fri. ld. 
Neves & Biscoe Ltd., 5 Ramsden Road, Balham, s.w. (Advt. p . 468). 

Balham, Tooting, and Merton Directory, 1889. (Last issue 1915). 1s. Kelly’ s Directories 
Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

BALHAM AND STREATHAM MERCURY, 1910. (o) Fri. d. R. J. Hedges, 
113 High St., Tooting, s.w. 

Ball Room, 1898. M.—lIst. 1d. H. R. Johnson, 423 Edgware Road, w. 

ld. J. Duncan, Knox St., Ballina. 

7am. ld. J. Wier, 70 Church St., Ballymena: 

Advertisements received for all the Indian Newspapers. [13 

ABC List.) Wiliing’s Press. Guide. 

tBALLYMENA WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, 1887. (c) Fri., for Sat. ld. W. & G. Baird 
Ltd., Broadway, Ballymena. (London: 40-3 Fleet St.) One of the Belfast Weekly 
Telegraph series. : i 

(u) Thurs. ld. S. C. M‘Elroy, 64 Main St., Ballymoney. 

Sat.—6 a.m. Id. J. E. Emerson, 14 Bridge St., Banbridge. 

{BANBURY ADVERTISER, 1854. (ind.) Thurs. ld. F. G. Walford, 72 High St., 
Banbury. ; 

BANBURY GUARDIAN, 1843 (as The Guardian, 1838). (ind.) Thurs.—a.m. 2d. 
W. Potts, 51 Parsons St., Banbury. 

Bancroftian, 1892. Twice each term. 6d. The Editor, Bancroft’s School, Woodford 
Green, Essex. 

Band of Hope Almanac, 1860. Oct. ld., illus. S. W. Partridge & Co., 21-22 Old Bailey, E.c. 

Band ef Hope Chronicle, 1877. M.—26th. ld. United Kingdom Band of Hope Union, 

59 and 60 Old Bailey, E.c. 

Band of Hope Review, 1851. M.—25th. $d. illus. S. W. Partridge & Co., 20-21, Old 
Bailey, E.c. i , 

Band of Hope Treasury, 1868. M.—25th, 3d., illus. J. Brook & Co., 33 Hopwood 
Avenue, Manchester. (London: 10-12 Ivy Lane. 

Band ef Mercy, 1883 (as Band of Mercy Advocate, 1879). M.—28th. łd., illus. S. W. 
Partridge & Co., 20-21 Old Bailey, E.c. 

+Bandsman, Local Officer and Songster of the Salvation Army, 1907. Sat. 1d. Salva- 
tion Army, Judd St., King’s Cross, w.c. | 

+BANER AC AMSERAU CYMRU (Banner and Times of Wales), 1860 (as Amserau 
Cymru, 1843). (/) Thurs., for Sat., Id. Gee & Son Ltd., Denbigh. 

+BANFFSHIRE ADVERTISER, 1881. (J) Thurs. ld. W. F. Johnston & Sons, 13 
West Church St., Buckie. 

1892. (u) Sat. ld. J. Mitchell & Son, 119 Mid St., Keith. 

INVERNESS REVIEW, 1845. (l.u). Tues. 1d. Banffshire Journal Ltd., 9 Old Market 
Place, Banff. 

BANFFSHIRE REPORTER, 1850. (ind.) Wed. 1d. Marcus Calder, Reporter Buildings, 
Church St., Portsoy. 
TBANGOR AND NORTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS, 1905. (2 Wed., for Thurs. Id. 
R. E. Jones & Bros., Conway. One of the North Wales Weekly News series. 
Bangor Diocesan Calendar, 1877. Jan. 1s. Jarvis & Foster, Lorne House, Bangor. 
tBANGOR OBSERVER, 1877. () Thurs. ld. Welsh National Press, Co. Ltd., New 
Harbour, Carnarvon. One of the North Wales Observer series. 

B.M.G. (Banjo, Mandoline, and Guitar), 1903. M.—Ist. 4d. Clifford Essex Co., 15a 
Grafton St., New Bond St., w. 

Banje World, 1893. M.—Ist. 4d. Cammeyer Music, &c., Co., 3 Swallow St. Piccadilly, w. 

Bank Rate, 1908. Triennially. Last issue, 1915. 2s. 6d. J. W. Bean & Son, 17 Boar 
Lane, Leeds. (London: Simpkin & Co. Ltd.) 

Bankers’, Insurance Managers’, and Agents’ Magazine, 1890 (as Bankers’ Magazine, 
SANA M.—Ist. ls. 6d. Feb. and Aug., 3s. Waterlow & Sons Ltd., 85 London 

l, E.C. | 

t Bankers’ Journal, 1889. Wed. 21s. per ann. J. Kemp & Co., Ltd., 46 Cannon St., E.C. 

Banking Almanac and Directory, 1844. Dec. 15s. net. Waterlow & Sons Ltd., 85 
London Wall, E.c. 

pear ef Faith, 1882. M.—20th. 34d. Church Extension Association, 28 Paternoster 

` Row, E.C. - 

Banner ef Hope, 1886. M.—25th. 4d. Edgeley Press Ltd., Hardcastle Road, Stockport. 
(London : 20-21 Old Bailey.) f 

_ Banner ef Israel, 1877. Mon.—10 a.m. ld. R. Banks & Son, 5 Racquet Court, E.C. 

Banner of the Covenant, 1894. M.—Ist. 3d. W. F. Henderson, 19 George IV. Bridge, 

Banner of Truth and trish Missionary News, 1849. Jan., April, July, Oct. id., illus. 
Irish Church Missions, 11 Buckingham St., Strand, w.c. 

R Almanac and Directory, 1851. Dec. 2d., illus. R. Banks & Son, 5 Racquet 

ourt, E.C. 

Baptist Handbook, 1860. Jan. 2s. 6d. net. Kingsgate Press, 4 Southampton Row, w.c. 

Baptist Monthly, 1898. M.—24th. ld. A. H. Stockwell, 29 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

Baptist Record, 1897. M.—last week. 1d. English Baptist S. S. Union of Wales, 54 

Richmond Road, Cardiff. 

14] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. (ABC List. 

tBAPTIST TIMES AND FREEMAN, 1899 (as Freeman, 1853, with which is incorporated 
The Baptist, 1873). Thurs. 1d. Baptist Union, 4 Southampton-Row, w.c. 

Bard, 1915. Quarterly. 3d. Dr. H. M. Léon, 39 Upper Bedford Place, w.c. 

Bargeman, 1914. Feb., May., Aug., & Nov. ld. Rev. A. B. Parry Evans, Sittingbourne. 

BARGOED AND CAERPHILLY OBSERVER, 1904. (ind.) Fri. 1d. G. J. Jacobs 
& Co., Rhymney. One of the Monmouth Guardian series. 

Ham Advertiser, 1888). (ind.) Fri.—1 p.m., for Sat. $d. Essex Weekly News series 
Ltd., 26 High St., Chelmsford. l 

+BARKING CHRONICLE, 1910. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Parr & Bucklow, 8la High St., East 


(ind.) Wed.—5 p.m., for Thurs. 1d. M. G. Roberts, Glanaig, Water St., Barmouth. 

+BARNES AND MORTLAKE HERALD, 1887. (c) Sat. -id. R. W. Simpson & Co. 
Ltd., 15 High St., Barnes. One of the Richmond Herald series. 

Barnet, Whetstone, Mill Hill and Southgate Directory, 1886. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

CHRONICLE, 1859. (ind.) Fri—7 a.m., for Sat. ld. E. Cowing & Son, High 
St., Barnet. : 

Barnsburian, 1908. Bi-M. ld. W.J. Lawrence, 85, Hemingford Road, Barnsbury, N. 

+BARNSLEY CHRONICLE, 1858. (ind.) Fri—9 a.m., for Sat. ld. Barnsley 

- Chronicle Ltd., Peel Square, Barnsley. 

t BARNSLEY INDEPENDENT, 1882 (as Barnsley Times, 1855). (c). Fri.—a.m., for 
Sat. ld. Barnsley Independent Co. Ltd., George. Yard, Barnsley. 

BARNSLEY TELEPHONE, 1898. (ind.) Fri.—8 a.m. Gratis and 4d. J. E. Vero Ltd., 
Market St., Barnsley. (Guaranteed circulation over half a million yearly in Barnsley 
and 6-mile radius. Local Photos, Racy Pars, The King of Advertisers for the 
District. Aduvt.) 

News Publishing Co., 144 King St. Pollokshaws, Glasgow, and Barrhead. 

Barrovian, 1870. Terminally. 6d. M. J. Backwell, Malew St., Castletown, I. of M. 

Barrovian, 1907 (with which is incorporated The Guardian). Terminally., 3d. Barrow 
News and Mail Ltd., Abbey Road, Barrow-in-Furness. 

tBARROW GUARDIAN, 1910. Sat. ld. Barrow and North Lonsdale Press Ltd., 
91-3 Cavendish St., Barrow-in-Furness. : : 

t BARROW NEWS, 1881 (with which is incorporated the Barrow Times). (ind.) Sat.— 
5 am. ld. Barrow News and Mail Ltd., Abbey Road, Barrow-in-Furness. 
(London: 134 Fleet St.) 

+BARROWFORD LEADER, 1900. (lib.) Fri. 1d. Coulton & Co. Ltd., Stanley St., 
Nelson. One of the Nelson Leader series. 

Barry and District Directory, 1897. Irreg. (last issue 1914). 2s. 6d. Western Mail Ltd., 
St. Mary St., Cardiff.’ 

{BARRY DOCK NEWS, 1889 (with which are incorporated the South Wales Star, Penarth 
Star and Cogan News). (ind.) Fri. 1d. Barry Dock News Co. Ltd., 156 Holton 
Road, Barry Docks, Glamorganshire. 

+BARRY HERALD AND VALE OF GLAMORGAN TIMES, 1896. (ind.) Thurs.—p.m. for 
Fri. $d. Barry Herald Co., 31 Holton Road, Barry Dock, Glamorganshire. 

Bartlett's Illustrated Almanac and Local Guide to Croydon, 1878. Dec. 3d. J. Bartlett, 
63 North End, Croydon. - ° 

Barton’s Scottish Trades’ Diary, 5s. C. Barton, 73 Angle Park Terrace, Edinburgh. | 

Bath and Wells Diocesan Kalendar, 1888. Jan. 1s. 6d. D. Woodhams, 5 High St., Wells. 

Bath and Wells Diecesan Gazette, 1884 (as Ruri-Decanal and Parochial Magazine, 
1883). M.—Ist. 2d. D. Woodhams, 5 High St., Wells. 

+BATH AND WILTSHIRE CHRONICLE, 1911 (as Bath Daily Chronicle and Argus, 

. 1900, with which is incorporated the Bath Daily Argus, 1870, and Bath Daily 
Chronicle, 1877). (c) p.m. $d. The Wessex Associated News Ltd., 33 Westgate 
St., Bath. (London: 149 Fleet St.) | 

{BATH HERALD, (ind.) Daily—even. 4d. W. Lewis & Son, 12 Northgate St., Bath. 
(London: 174 Fleet St.) 

+BATH HERALD, 1792 (with which are incorporated Keene’s Bath Journal, 1742, 
Bath Register, Bath and Cheltenham Gazette, Bath Express, Bath and County 
Weekly News). (ind.) Sat. 1d. W. Lewis & Son, 12 Northgate St., Bath. (London : 
174 Fleet St.) 

{BATH OBSERVER, 1859. (lib. ind.) Sat. ld. W. Reid & Son Ltd., Baldwin St., 
Bristol. A localised edition of the Bristol Observer. 

Advertisements received for all the Australian Newspapers. [15 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

Bath Pictorial, 1889. Jan. 6d. The Wessex Associated News Ltd., 33 Westgate St., Bath. 

tBATH WEEKLY CHRONICLE, 1757. (c.) Sat—a.m. ld. The Wessex Associated 
News Ltd., 33 Westgate St., Bath. (London: 149 Fleet St.) 

Batley and Heavy Woollen District Free Press, 1898. (ind.) Tues—4pm. 3d. J. 
Fearnsides & Sons Ltd., 54 Commercial St., Batley. 

Fri—3 p.m. ld. News P. and P. Co. Ltd., Batley and Dewsbury. (London: 
85 Fleet St.) 

{BATLEY REPORTER AND GUARDIAN, 1866. (J Fri., p.m. for Sat. ld. The 
Reporter Ltd., 46 Commercial St., Batley. 

tBATTERSEA BOROUGH NEWS, 1905 (as Wandsworth and Battersea District Times, 
1869). (c) Fri—8 a.m. ld. W. C. Waddingham, 88 East Hill, Wandsworth, 
s.w. One of the Wandsworth Borough News series. 

BAXENDEN ADVERTISER, 1889. (ind.) Tues. d. Fri. ld. Blackburn Road, 
Accrington. One of the Accrington Advertiser series. 

Baxter Year Book, 1912. Mar. 6s. net. Sampson Low & Co., 100 Southwark St., S.E. 

t Bazaar, Exchange and Mart, 1868. 3 a.m. Wed., Fri. 2d., Sat. ld. illus. Windsor 
House, Bream’s Buildings, E.c. 

Beacon Light, 1895. M.—Ist. 3d. British Anti-Tobacco and Anti-Narcotic League, 
25 Market St., Manchester. 

Beama Journal, 1915. Quarterly. 1s. British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers’ 
Association, King’s House, Kingsway, w.c. 

Beaumont Review, 1895. Quarterly. ls. The Editor, Beaumont College, Old Windsor. 

{BECKENHAM AND DISTRICT TIMES, 1903. (ind.) Fri. id. Kentish District 

Times Co. Ltd., 39 East St., Bromley. 

eee AND PENGE ADVERTISER, 1888. (ind.) Thurs. ld. Exors. of J. 

W. Ward, 36 High St., Croydon. One of the Croydon Advertiser series. 

Beckenham Directory, 1885. Jan. 1s. T. W. Thornton, 42-44 High St., Beckenham. 

Fri.—3 p.m., for Sat. 1d. T. W. Thornton, 42-44 High St., Beckenham. 

Beckenham, Penge, and Anerley Directory, 1908. Annually. Is. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 


1900. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. ld. J. C. Savill, Market Place, Northallerton. One of 
the North Riding, &c., News series. (London : 30 Fleet St.) 

Bedells’ Pocket Street Directory of the City of Nottingham, 1887. Oct. 3d. J. Sands & 
Son, St. Peter’s Gate, Nottingham. 

{BEDFORD AND COUNTY RECORD, 1880 (as Bedford Record, 1872, with which is 
incorporated the Bedfordshire Mercury, 1836). (ind. lib.) Tues.—3 pm. 43d. 
Beds Times Publishing Co. Ltd., 22 Mill St., Bedford. 

Bedford and District Daily Circular, 1903. (ind.) 6.30.a.m. 4d. Bedfordshire Standard 
Newspaper Co. Ltd., Howard St., Bedford. 

ssh lr seal ae 1885. Dec. ls. net. Beds Times Publishing Co. Ltd., 22 Mill St., 


incorporated with Luton News and Bedfordshire Advertiser, 1916). 

{BEDFORDSHIRE EXPRESS (with which is incorporated Biggleswade and District 
News, 1855. (ind.) Thurs.—p.m. for Fri. ld. W. Carling & Co., Hitchin St., 
Biggleswade. One of the Hertfordshire Express series. 

Bedfordshire, Hunts, and Northamptonshire Directory, 1848. Every four years, last 
issue 1914. 30s. Kelly’s Directories. Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

tBEDFORDSHIRE STANDARD, 1883. (u) Fri. 1d. Bedfordshire Standard News- 
paper Co. Ltd., Howard St., Bedford. 

tBEDFORDSHIRE ‘TIMES AND INDEPENDENT, 1872 (as Bedford: Times, 1845): 
(ind. l.) Fri., 6 am. 1d. Beds Times Publishing Co. Ltd., 22 Mill St., Bedford. 

BEDS AND HERTS SATURDAY TELEGRAPH, 1914. (ind.) Sat.—6 p.m. 3d. Gibbs, 
Bamworth & Co., Manchester St., Luton. 

Sat. 3d. H. Fieldhouse, Tribune Buildings, Nuneaton. One of the Midland Counties 
Tribune series. 

BEDWORTH OBSERVER, 1877. (/) Fri—p.m., for Sat. $d. Coleman & McCormick, 
Ltd., Bond Gate, Nuneaton. One of the Nuneaton Observer series. 

Beehive, 1910 (as the Jewish Missionary Advocate, 1893). M.—25th. 4d. London 
Jews’ Society, 16 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, w.c. 

Beekeepers’ Gazette, 1901. M.—Ist. ld. Bee Publications, Lough Rynn, RS. O., 
Co. Leitrim. 

10) James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

se N ns ee 

Wiiling’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Beekeepers’ Record, 1882. M.—lIst. 2d. 23 Bedford St., w.c.; and Simpkin & Co. 
32 Paternoster Row, E.c. : | 2 

ld. Kirk Publishing Co. Ltd., 9 St. Peter’s Gate, Nottingham. One of the Notting- 
ham and. Notts Local News series. 

Beirniad, 1911. Quarterly. Is. H. Evans & Sons, 356-8 Stanley Road, Liverpool. 

Belchamp Deanery Magazine, 1914. M.—Ist. ld. W. H. Root, Caxton Works, 

Belega Skotland, 1916. Irreg. Id. Higgie & Co., 22 Bridge St., Rothesay. 

Betfast and Province of Ulster Directory, 1852. Jan. 12s. 6d. Henderson & Co., 55-59 
Donegall St., Belfast. 

{BELFAST EVENING TELEGRAPH, 1870. (c) Daily—11.15 a.m. till 9 p.m. jd. 
W. & G. Baird Ltd., Royal Avenue, Belfast. (London: 40-3 Fleet St.) 

{BELFAST NEWS-LETTER, 1737. (c) Daily—a.m. ld. Henderson & Co., 55, 57 
and 59 Donegall St., Belfast. (London: 170 Fleet St.). ; 

{BELFAST WEEKLY NEWS, 1855. (:) Thurs.—5 a.m. ld. Henderson & Co., 55, 
57 and 59. Donegall St., Belfast. (London: 170 Fleet St.) 

{BELFAST WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, 1873. (c) Thurs., for Sat. 1d. W. & G. Baird, 
Ltd., Royal Avenue, Belfast. (London: 40-3 Fleet St.) 

Belgian Commercial Adviser, 1913. Quarterly Belgian Commercial Adviser Co., 
Trevelyan Buildings, Corporation St., Manchester. 

Believer’s Diary, 1907. Dec. id. and 1s. Pickering & Inglis, 229 Bothwell St., Glasgow. 

Believer’s Friend, 1909. M.—28th. 1d. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, E.C. 

Believer’s Magazine, 1890. M.—ist. ld. John Ritchie, Kilmarnock. 

Believer’s Pathway, 1880. M.—I1st. 4d. Pickering & Inglis, 229 Bothwell St., Glasgow. 

Bellman, 1904 (as Advertising Dispatch, 1902). Sat. d. John McKinley, 13-15 
King Street, Perth. 

p.m. $d. William Combe, 203-5 Main St., Bellshill. 

tTBELPER NEWS AND DERBYSHIRE TELEPHONE, 1901 (with which are incorporated 

the Belper News.and Mid-Derbyshive Mail, 1896, and the Derbyshire Telephone 
and People’s Advocate, 1898). (ind.) Thurs., for Fri. ld. W. Edmunds Ltd. 
Station Road, Chesterfield, and King St., Belper. | 

Belvederian, 1906. June. 1s. K. J. Kenny, 65 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. 

Benedictine Almanac, 1870. Jan. 2d. Editor, Ampleforth Abbey, Malton, York. 

Benefice Exchange Gazette, 1864. Jan. and July. 4d. R. N. Blackett, 23 Bedford 
St., Strand, w.c. ‘ | 

Benn’s Encyclopaedia of Hardware and Ironmongery Diary, 1909. Nov. 10s. 6d. Benn 
Bros. Ltd., 31 Christopher St., Finsbury Square, E.C. 

Berkeley Gazette, One of the Dursley, Berkeley and Sharpness Gazette series. 

ld. West Herts Printing and Publishing Co., Lower King’s Road, Berkhamsted. 

Berkhamstedian, 1880. Five times a year. 3s. per ann. Editor, The School, Berkhamsted. 

{BERKS AND OXON ADVERTISER, 1855. (/) Fri. 1d. W. D. Jenkins, 3 St. Mary’s 
St., Wallingford. 3 

Berks, Bucks and Oxon Archaeological Journal, 1894. Quarterly. 1s. 6d. Charles 
Slaughter & Son, Reading. 

Berks, Bucks, and Oxon, Bennett's Business Directory, 1881. Annually. 3s. 6d. Bennett 
& Co., Chapel Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 456.) 

Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Directory, 1848. Every four years, last 
issue 1915. 30s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

{BERKSHIRE CHRONICLE, 1770. (c) Fri. 1d. Reading Newspaper Co. Ltd., 
17 Valpy St., Reading. 

tBERKSHIRE GAZETTE, 1914 (as Wokingham and Bracknell Gazette, 1902, as East 
Berks Gazette, 1904). (ind.) Fri. ld. F. Staniland & Co., Peach St., Wokingham. 

Berkshire Masonic Register and Calendar, 1892. Sept. 1s. 3d. G. J. Cosburn, Market 
Place, Newbury. 

Bermondsey Settlement Annual Report, 1892. Jan. Gratis. Secretary, Bermondsey 
Settlement, Farncombe St., S.E. 

Bermondsey Settlement Magazine, 1894. Alter.-M.—Ist. ld. Magnet Press, 188 Rye 
Lane, Peckham, S.E. 7 

tBERROW’S WORCESTER JOURNAL, 1753 (as Worcester Postman, 1690 ; as Worcester 
Journal, 1709). (c) Fri—4 p.m., for Sat. 14d. Berrow’s Worcester Journal Co. 
Ltd., 55 Broad St., Worcester. (London: 176 Fleet St.) 

tBERWICK ADVERTISER, 1808. (J) Fri—7 am. ld. H. R. Smail, 90 High St., 

_ Advertisements received for all the Societies’ Journals. [17 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 


; Berwick Journal, 1855). (u) Thurs. 1d. A. Steven, 25 High St., Berwick-on-Tweed. 

t BERWICKSHIRE ADVERTISER, 1893. () Tues. —Ta.m. id. H. R. Smail, 90 High 
St., Berwick-on-Tweed and Duns. 

25 High St., Berwick-on-Tweed, and Market Place, Duns.. 

Best Books, 1914, Half-yearly. 4s. S. Paul & Co.; 31 Essex St., Strand, w.c. 

tTBETHNAL GREEN NEWS, 1894 (with which is amalgamated the Shoreditch Guardian), 
(c) Fri.—4 p.m., for Sat. 1d. East London Publishing Co., Ltd., 16 Mile End Rd., E. 

Better Business, 1915. Quarterly. Is. Co-operative Reference Library, 84 Merrion 
Square, Dublin. 

ld. R. E. Jones & Bros., Conway. ‘One of the North Wales Weekly News series. 

Betty’s Weekly, 1916 (incorporated with Woman’s Life, 1916). 

incorporated the East Riding Telegraph, 1895). (c) Sat. 1d. Green & Son, Market 
Place, Beverley. (Issued in three editions for Beverley, Hornsea, and Withernsea, 
including Visitors’ List. Advt.) 

tBEVERLEY RECORDER AND INDEPENDENT, 1855 (with which is incorporated 
Beverley Echo and Beverley Independent, 1888). (ind.) Sat. ld. W. I. Watson, 
Wednesday Market, Beverley. (The oldest established newspaper in Beverley, 
and the agricultural organ of the East Riding and the Wolds. Advt.) 

{BEXHILL CHRONICLE AND VISITORS’ LIST, 1887. (c) Sat. 1d. Bexhill Printing 
Co. Ltd., Buckhurst Place, Bexhill. 

Bexhill Directory, 1887. Dec. 6d. & ls. Bexhill Printing Co. Ltd., Buckhurst-Place, 

BEA ILE ON AER OBSERVER, 1896. (c) Sat. 1d. F. J. Parsons Ltd.; Devonshire 
Road, Bexhil. 

Bexhill Ouariarly; 1914. Quarterly. 3d. Bexhill-on-Sea Advertising Association, 
24 Eversley Road, Bexhill-on-Sea. 

t BEXLEY HEATH AND BEXLEY OBSERVER, 1867. (ind.) Thurs. ld. T. W. Jenkins, 
73-75 Broadway, Bexley Heath. 

+BEXLEY HEATH, BEXLEY, AND DISTRICT TIMES, 1881. (ind.) Thurs.—p.m. 4d. 
Kentish District Times Co. Ltd., 99 Broadway, Bexley Heath. 

Bexley Heath, Bexley, and Erith Directory, 1880. Irreg., last issue 1912. 1s. T. W. 
Jenkins, 73- -75 Broadway, Bexley Heath. 

Bibby’s Annual,*1906 (as Bibby’s Guarleriy. 1896). March. łs. net. J. Bibby & Sons 
Ltd., King Edward St., Liverpool. 

Bible Acrostic Searching Almanac, 1892. Oct. 2d. Simpkin Marshall & Co., Ltd., 
4 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.C. 

Bible Advocate, 1890. Fri. 1d. Churches of Christ, 6 Geoffrey Buildings, John. Bright 
St., Birmingham. 

Bible Almanac, 1887. Nov. 1d. illus. Pickering & Inglis, 229 Bothwell St., Glasgow. 

Bible in the World, 1905. M.—25th. 1d. British and Foreign Bible Society, 146 Queen 
Victoria St., E.C. 

Bible Lands, 1899. Quarterly. 3d. Jerusalem and Eastern Fund, Church House, Dean’s 
Yard, s.w. 

Bible Reader’s Almanac, 1899, Oct. 1d. A. Holness, 14 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Bible Readings, 1886. Sept. ld. Wells Gardner, Darton & Co. Ltd., 3-4 Paternoster 
Buildings, E.C. 

Bible School, 1915 (with which is incorporated Bible Study League Quarterly). Quarterly. 
6d. D. Catt, 74 Strand, w.c. 

Bible Searching Almanac, 1875: Oct. 1d. John F. Shaw & Co., Ltd., 3 Pilgrim St., E.C. 

Bible Society Gleanings, 1869. M.—25th. 4d. illus. British and Foreign Bible Society, 
146 Queen Victoria St., E.c. 

Bible Student, 1914. Quarterly. 4d. Bible Student Publishing Co., 34 Dublin St., 

Bible Students’ Monthly, 1913. M.—Ist. 1d. International Bible Students Association, 
34, Craven Terrace, Lancaster Gate, w. 

Bivle Text Calendar, 1873. Oct. Is. George Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, E.c. 

Bible Treasury, 1556. M.—25th. 24d. F. E. Race, 3-4 London House Yard, E.c. 

Bible Witness, 1914 (as Newness of Life, 1898). M.—20th. 1d. Morgan & Scott Ltd., 
12 Paternoster Buildings, E.C. 

Biblewomen and Nurses, 1888 (as Missing Link, 1865; as Bible Working at Home and 
Abroad, 1884). M.—Ist. 2d. London Bible and Nurses’ Mission, 25 Russell Sq,, w.c. 

18) James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 


Willing’s Press Guide. - [ABC List. 

Bibliography of Wales, 1900. Quarterly supplement to the Cardiff Librartes Review. 
Bibliotheca Celtica, 1909. June, 2s. 6d. net. The Librarian, National Library of Wales, 

ed ADVERTISER AND MID-OXON CHRONICLE, 1879. (u) Fri —2 p-m. 
W. E. Pankhurst, Market Square, Bicester. 

+ BICESTER HERALD, 1855. (ind.) Fri—2 p.m. ld. Newby & Son, Market Place, 
Bicester. (Circulation larger than all the other local papers. put together. Advt.) 

+ Bicycling News and Moter Review, 1900 (as Bicy ling News and Sport and Play, 1876), 
Wed. 2s. 6d. per ann. Sport & Play Ltd., Lucifer House, Lionel St., Birmingham. 

t BIDDULPH.CHRONICLE, 1855. (ind.) Fri. p.m., for Sat. 1d. R. Head, 11 High St., 
Congleton. One of the Congleton Chronicle series. 

Letter, 1835). (tnd.) Tues.—6.30 a.m. 1d. Coles & Lee, Grenville St., Bideford. 
Big Comic, 1914. Wed. for Sat. d. J. Henderson & Sons Ltd., Red ‘Lion House, 

Red Lion Court, E.c. 

Fri—8 am. 4d. C. Elphick. Shortmead St., Biggleswade. 

Bill Poster, 1889 (as Billposters’. Journal, 1887). M.—Ist. 2d. United Billposters’ 
Association, 4 and'5 Warwick Court, Holborn, w.c. >- 

Bill Posters’ Directory, 1888. April. 6d. United Bill Posters’ Association, 4 and § 
Warwick Court, Holborn, w.c. 

Bio-Chemical Journal, 1906. 6 to 8 times a year. 21s. per vol. Cambridge University 
Fress, Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Biometrika, 1901. Irreg. 30s. net per vol. Cambridge University Press, Fetter Lane, E.C. 

t Biescope, 1906 (incorporating Amusement World and Novelty News). Thurs. 2d. 
Bioscope Publishing Co., Ltd., 85 Shaftesbury Avenue, w. (The British Moving 
Picture Journal. Advt.) 

Bioscope Annual and Trades Directory, 1910. Oct. 2s. 6d. Bioscope Publishing Ce. 
Ltd., 85 Shaftesbury Avenue, w. 

Bird-Lever, 1914. Occas. 6d. Selborne Society Bird Sanctuary Committee, The 
Hermitage, Hanwell, w. 

Bird Notes, 1903 (as Foreign Bird Notes, 1901). M.—15th. 1s. 6d. J. H. Henstock, 
Avian Press, Ashbourne. | 

Bird Notes and News, 1903. Quarterly. ls. per ann. Royal Society for the Protection 
of Birds, 23 Queen Anne’s Gate, s.w. (To promote interest in Wild-Birds and 
their protection. Advt.) 

1853. (c) Wed.—4 a.m. 4d. Sat.—4 a.m., ld. B. Haram & Co., 61 Hamilton St., 

4d., Sat. Id. Willmer Bros. & Co., Ltd., 64 Chester St., Birkenhead. 

Birkonian, 1893. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, The School, Birkenhead. 

_ Birmingham, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, and Worcestershire Directory, 1828. Every 
four years, last issue 1916. 36s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Birmingham A B C and Midiand Counties Railway Time Tables and Trades Directory, 
1853. M.—lIst. 6d. J. Upton Ltd., Cambridge St., Birmingham. 

B ham and Suburbs Directory, 1852. Annually. 15s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 

High Holborn, w.c. | 
Bia nshan Bennetts Business Directory, 1881. Annually, 3s. 6d. Bennett & Co., 
_ Chapel Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 456.) 

Birmingham Cathelic Magazine, 1912. M.—Ist Sat. 1d. Shakespeare Press, Stratford 
Works, Hinckley St., Birmingham. 

{Birmingham Catholic News, 1895. Sat. 1d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 1 Swan Passage, 
Worcester St., Birmingham. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

Birmingham Chamber of Commerce Journal, 1903. M.—Ist. 3d. Hudson & Son, 

Livery St., Birmingham. 

1BIRMINGHAIM DAILY MAIL, 1870. (u) Nine editions daily, 11.30 a.m. to7 p.m 

d. John Feeney & Co., 13 Corporation St., Birmingham. (London: 88 Fleet St.) 
tBIRMINGHAM DAILY POST, 1857. (u) 2a.m. ld. John Feeney & Co., 38 New St., 
Birmingham. (London: "88 Fleet St.) 

Birmingham Diocesan Calendar, 1906. Jan. 1s. Midland Education Co. Ltd., Birming- 

ham. (London: Simpkin & Co. Ltd.) 

Birmingham Diocesan Magazine, 1906. M.—Ist. 2d. Midland Educational Co. Ltd. 

Corporation St., Birmingham. (London: kin & Co. Ltd.) 

Birmingham Engineering and Mining Jeurnal, 1916 (as University of Birmingham 
Engineering and Mining Journal, 1902). Bi-M. 6d. Cornish Brothers Ltd., 39 New 
St.,, Birmingham. 

Advertisements received for all the Religious Periodicals. [19 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

{BIRMINGHAM GAZETTE, 1741 (with which is incorporated the Birmingham Daily 
Gazette, 1862, and the Midland Express, 1901). () Daily—a.m. d. Birmingham 

l Gazette Ltd., 186-8 Corporation St., Birmingham. (London: 17 Bouverie St.) 


Mercury, 1884; as Weekly Mercury, 1903). (ind.) Sat. 1d. Birmingham Gazette 
Ltd., 186-188 Corporation St., Birmingham. (London: 17 Bouverie S* * 

Birmingham Medical Review, 1871. M.—14th. 1s. P. Jones Ltd., 148-9 Gres: ar... 
St., Birmingham. 

{BIRMINGHAM NEWS, 1892 (as South Birmingham News, 1880). (ind.) Sat.—a.m. 
ld. Birmingham News & Printing Co. Ltd., 28 John Bright St., Birmingham. 

Birmingham Public Libraries Annual Report. 1861. June. Gratis. W. Powell, Ratcliff 
Place, Paradise St., Birmingham. 

Birmingham Stock and Daily Official List, 1855. Daily—4 p.m. Birmingham Stock 
Exchange, Birmingham. | 

Birmingham University Calendar, 1881. Sept. 2s. net. Cornish Bros. Ltd., 39 New 
St., Birmingham. 

tBIRMINGHAM WEEKLY POST, 1857 (as Birmingham Journal, 1825). (u) Fri., for 
Sat. ld. John Feeney & Co., 38 New St., Birmingham. (London: 88 Fleet St.) 

tBIRSTALL HERALD, 1886. (/) Thurs.—p.m. ld. Senior & Co., Ltd., Cheapside, 
Heckmondwike. One of the Heckmondwike Herald series. 

tBIRSTALL NEWS, 1886. () Fri. 1d. News Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd., Batley 
and Dewsbury. One of the Bailey News series. (London: 85 Fleet St.) 

Marks, Church St., Bishop’s Castle. One of the Ludlow Advertiser series. 

tBiackburn and Accrington Catholic News, 1893. Sat. Id. New Catholic Press Ltd., 
5 Lord St., Blackburn. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

tBLACKBURN TIMES, 1855. (/) Sat. ld. G. Toulmin & Sons Ltd., Northgate; 
Blackburn. (London: 173 Fleet St.) 

{BLACKBURN WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, 1899. (A Sat. ld. T. P. Ritzema, Railw. , 
Road, Blackburn. (London: 85 Fleet St.) 

Blackheath, Lee, and Greenwich and Eltham Directory, 1882. Annually. ls. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Blackheath Local Guide, 1889. Alter. weeks—Sat. Gratis. C. North, Blackheath 
Press, Blackheath Village, S.E. 

Blackie’s Children’s Annual, 1903. Oct. 3s. 6d. Blackie & Son Ltd., 50 Old Bailey, £.c. 

tBLACKLEY AND HARPURHEY GUARDIAN, 1882. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. la. 
J. Bagot Ltd., Market Place, Middleton. One of the Middleton Guardian series. 

een one aparans Pioneer, 1885. M.—Ist. Gratis. The Society, 44 Albert Road, 


tBLACKPOOL GAZETTE-NEWS, 1873 (prog-con.) Tues., $d.; Fri., 1d. Gazette- 
News Ltd., Temple St., Blackpool. (London: 21 Paternoster Square.) 

{BLACKPOOL HERALD AND FYLDE ADVERTISER, 1843. (ind. con.) Tues. and 
Fri—a.m. ld. F. Andrews, Birley St., Blackpool. (London: 151 Fleet St.) 

Wed. and Sat.—a.m. ld. Blackpool and Fylde N. & P. Co. Ltd., 43-5 Church 
St., Blackpool. 

Blackpool Times Fylde Year-Book, 1878. Annually. 3d. 43 and 45 Church St., Blackpool. 

BLACKPOOL WEEKLY STANDARD, 1898 (as Weekly Standard, 1832). (ind.) Fri. 
Gratis. Collins & Co., Ltd., 36 Charles St., Blackpool. 

Black's Commercial Directory (British and Russian). 1912. Annually. 7s 6d. net. 
L. Black & Co., 3 Finsbury Square, E.c. 

Blackwood’s Diaries. Sept. Various. Straker & Crane’s Diary Co. Ltd., 38 King 
William St., E.C. 

Blackwood’s Magazine, 1817. M.—lIst. 2s. 6d. W. Blackwood & Sons, 45 George 
St., Edinburgh. (London: 37 Paternoster Row.) 

Stentiford, 14 High St., Newport, Mon. One of the South Wales Weekly Argus series. 

tBLAIRGOWRIE ADVERTISER, 1855. (ind.) Sat. ld. D. G. Monair, Reform St., 

tBLANDFORD AND EAST DORSET HERALD, 1846. (ind.) Wed.—2 p.m., for Thurs. 
ld. W. Mate & Sons Ltd., Bournemouth. One of the Poole, &c., Herald series. 

asc GAZETTE, 1903 (incorporated with the Three Shires Advertiser, 
1907). a “ 

Blast, 1914. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. net. John Lane, Bodley Head, Vigo St., w. 

tBLAYDON COURIER, 1905. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. ld. R. Jackson & Co., 8 Church 
St., Blaydon-on-Tyne. One of the Consett Guardian series. 

20) James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Pai iiia audid 

Te e e y o e a OOP n 3g 

e meee p Oe ee ~ 

- eee ee a a Sod Hate es 

Willing’s Press Guide. . (ABC List 

Blaydon-on-Tyne Co-operative Record, M.—Ist. Gratis. Co-operative Union Ltd., 

, Westmoreland Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

Blessed be Egypt, 1900. Quarterly. 4d. Nile Mission Press, 16 Southfield Road, 

#17: Tunbridge Wells. 

Bite", ! 21916. Wed. 40 Fleet St., E.C. 

wile. J Ascate, 1899. M.—4th. 1d. National League of the Blind, Club Union Build- 

ings, Clerkenwell Road, E.c. 
HMockstdge’s Illustrated Dudley Almanac and Directory, 1878. Dec. 3d. E. Blocksidge, 
‘ 20 Stone St., Dudley. 
Bloodstock Breeders’ Review, 1912. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. British Bloodstock. Agency 
_ Ltd., 26 Charing Cross Road, w.c. 
Woxhamist, 1875. Twice a term. 6d. Editor, Bloxham School, Banbury. 
Blue, 1869. M.—15th, during term. 4d. Rev. J. E. W. Wallis, Christ’s Hospital, 
Horsham, Sussex. oe 

Bluejacket and The Soldier, 1909 (as Bluejacket and Coastguard Gazette, 1900 ; as Hope 
&c., 1883). M.—10th. ld. J. N. Masters Ltd., Hope House, Rye, Sussex. 
(London: Marlborough & Co., 51 Old Bailey. 

Biundellian, 1877. Twice a term. 6d. The Editor, Blundell’s School, Tiverton. 

f BLYTH NEWS & WANSBECK TELEGRAPH, 1874 (with which is incorporated Blyth 
Weekly News). (ind.) Mon. and Thurs. 4d. T. C. Nicholson, 7 Simpson St., Blythe. 

t Board of Trade Journal, 1886. Thurs. 3d. Wyman & Sons Ltd., Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Board of Trade Labour Gazette, 1905 (as Labour Gazette, 1893). M.—16th. 1d. Wyman 
& Sons Ltd., Fetter Lane, E.c. , 

‘‘ Bob Stubbs’”’ Original Comic Yarkshire Awmynack, 1906. Sept. 3d. W. Saville, 
19 The Green, Idle, Bradford. o 
Bødielañ, 1909. M.—Ist. 1d. John Lane, Bodley Head, Vigo St., w. 
= ian Qua.: “ty Record, 1914. 6d. The Librarian, Bodleian Library, Oxford. 
~JUMIN AND‘ WADEBRIDGE POST, 1912. (J) Fri. ld. Cornish and Devon Post 
Ltd., Western Buildings, Launceston. One of the Cornish and Devon Post series. 

for Fri. ld. A. B. Lyne, Church Stile House, Bodmin. One of the Cornish Guardian 
-~ (ind.) Wed.—a.m. ld. R. J. Acford Ltd:, Waterloo Square, Bognor. One of 
~ the Chichester Observer series. 
Boiler Maker, 1900. M.—25th. 74d. Benn Bros. Ltd., 31 Christopher St., £.c. 
¢tBoiton and Bury Catholic Herald, 1888. Fri. 1d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 13 Jordan 
St., Manchester. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

7 BOLTON CHRONICLE, 1824. (c) Sat.—-a.m. 1d. W. H. Kilehing, 9/17 Knowsley St., 
Bolton. (London: 92 Fleet St.) 

Boiton Co-operative Record, 1890. M.—1st Thurs. Gratis. The Society, 32 Bark St., 


TBOLTON EVENING CHRONICLE, 1868 (with which is incorporated Bolton Evening 
Guardian). (c) 12 to 6.30 p.m. 4d. W. H. Kilehing, 9/17 Knowsley St., Bolton. 
(London; 92 Fleet St.) 

eta evening Chronicle, Green Final, 1910. Sat., p.m. G. E. Boddy, 15 Knowsley 

- 5 ton. ; 

{BOLTON EVENING NEWS, 1867. (1) Daily—noon. 4d. Tillotson & Son Ltd., Meal- 
house Lane, Bolton. (London: 1 Tudor St.) z 

BOLTON JOURNAL AND GUARDIAN, 1859. () Fri. 1d. Tillotson & Son Ltd., 
Mealhouse Lane, Bolton. (London: 1 Tudor St.) 

Bolton Public Libraries Annual Report, 1853. Oct. Gratis. Bolton Public Libraries 
Committee, Bolton. 

Soitonian; 1899. Terminally. 6d. Editor, Bolton Boys’ School, Chorley New Road, 

ton. é 

Bondholders’ Register, 1872. 2nd and 4th Tues, in each month. 6d. W. H. Filby, 
73 Farringdon St., E.c. | 

W. W. Broome, Market Square, Bo’ness. 

Boni Skotland, 1913. Irreg. 1d. Higgie & Co., Rothesay. | 

Book Auction Records, 1902. Quarterly. 21s. per ann. Karslake & Co., 35 Pond St., 
Hampstead, N.w. 

Book-Keepers’ Magazine, 1905. M.—Ist. 2d. R. Fleming, 15 Church St., Dorking. 

Book Keeping Teachers’ Year Book, 1914. Dec. 1s. R. Fleming, 15 Church St., Dorking. 

Book Lover, 1898. Dec. Gratis. Hutchinson & Co., 34-35 Paternoster |Row, E.C. 

A Fatnwh was wad a asick nd otek aaraa “A deitawts cane MA odanin lar 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

Book Monthly, 1903. Quarterly. 6d. net. Simpkin & Co. Ltd., 4 Stationer’s Hall 
Court, E.C. 

Book of Knights of the British Empire, 1915. Dec. 21s. Dods Peerage Ltd., 12 Mitre 
Court Chambers, Fleet St., E.c. 

Book of the Old Edinburgh Club, 1908. Annually. To subscribers only. 10s. 6d. 
T. & A. Constable, 11 Thistle St., Edinburgh. 

Book-Prices Current, 1889. Bi-M. —15th. 25s. 6d. per ann. E. Stock, 7 Paternoster 
Row, E.C. 

Bookman, 1891. M.—lIst. 6d net. Hodder & Stoughton, St. Paul’s House, Warwick 
Square, E.C. 

Books for the Bairns, 1896. M.—15th. 2d., illus. Stead’s Publishing House, Bank 
Buildings, Kingsway, w.c. 

Books of To Pny and the Books of To-morrow, 1894. M.—Ist. 3d. Hatchards, 187 
Piccadilly, w 

ieee 1858 (with which is incorporated Bent’s Literary Advertiser, 1802). M.—Ist. 

d. J. Whitaker & Sons Ltd., 12 Warwick Lane, E.c. 

Böös s Brass Band Journal, 1869. M. Price varies. Boosey & Co., 295 Regent St., w. 

Boosey’s Drum and Fife Journai, 1895. M. Is. Boosey & Co., 295 Regent St., w. 

Boosey’s March Journal, 1892. M. 3s. Boosey & Co., 295 Regent St., w. 

Boosey’s Military Journal, 1845. M. 15s. Boosey & Co., 295 Regent St., w. 

Boosey’s New Supplemental Journal, 1903. M. Price varies. Boosey & Co., 295 Regent 
St., w. 

Boosey’s Orchestral Journal, 1893. Occas. Price varies. Boosey & Co., 295 Regent St.,w. 

t Boot and Shoe Retailer and Leather Trades Gazette, 1910. Fri. 2d. Ellenay Publishing 
Co. Ltd., 4 Mitre Court, Fleet St., E.c. (Advt. p. 426.) 

t Boot and Shoe Trades Journal, 1880 (as Boot and Shoemaker 1878; as St. Crispin, 
1869; now Shoe Trades Journal, 1915). 

Bootham, 1902. Terminally. 5s. per ann. W. H. Smith & Son, Stamford St., S.E. 

Bootie Herald. One of the Waterloo and Crosby Herald series. 

{BOOTLE TIMES, 1876. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Bootle Times Ltd., 30 Oriel Road, Bootle, 
Liverpool. - 

Bo-Peep, 1882. Sept. 2s. 6d. net. and 3s. 6d. net., illus. Cassell & Co. Ltd., La Belle 
Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, E.c. 

Border Churchman, 1899. M.—Ist. ld. Woodall, Minshall, Thomas & Co., Caxton 

Press, Oswestry. 

Border Magazine, 1896. M.—26th. 3d. A. Walker & Son, Galashiels. ~ 

tBORDER STANDARD, 1906 (as Scottish Border Record, 1881). (u) Sat. ld. 
J. Mc Queen & Son, 25 Channel St., Galashiels. (The Woollen and Agricultural 
districts of the South of Scotland cannot be covered without using the Border 
Standard. Advt.) 

{BORDER TELEGRAPH, 1902. (as Galashiels Telegraph, 1896). (ind.) Tues.. 1d. 

| A. Walker & Son, 113 High St., Galashiels. 

BOROUGH NEWS, 1900 (as Lewisham Independent, 1893; as Lewisham Free Press, 
1890; now Lewisham Barough News, 1901). 

Stvatford Times, 1854.) (ind. ) Wed. ==] p.m., $d.; Fri—4 p.m., for Sat., Id. 
Wilson & Whitworth Ltd., Broadway, Stratford, E. Telephone, East 932, 

Borough Polytechnic News, loy2, M.—Ist. ld. The Governors, 103 Borough Road, 
Southwark, S.E. 

+ BOROUGHBRIDGE OBSERVER, 1906. (ind.) Thurs.—a.m. ld. G. J. Marks, Market 
Place, Ripon. One of the Ripon Observer series. 

TBOSTON AND LINCOLNSHIRE STANDARD, 1912 (with which is incorporated the 
Boston Independent and Lincolnshire Advertiser, 1878). (c) Sat. ld. Lincolnshire 
Standard, Ltd., Threadneedle St., Boston. (Advt. p. 457. . 

PENDENT, 1854. (i) Fri.—noon, for Sat. id. Lincolnshire Newspaper and General 
Printing Co. Ltd., 94 West St., Boston. 

1873). (c) Fri. ld. H. Crossley, 2 High St., W etherby. One of the Wetherby News 

maar Journal, 1910 (as Quarterly Record of the Royal Botanic Society of London, 

1880.) Quarterly. 3d. Royal Botanical Society, Regents Park, n.w. 

Botanical Magazine, 1912 (as Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, 1787). M.—l\st. 3s 6d net. 
L. Reeve & Co., Ltd., 6 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, w.c. . 

Bournemouth and District Amusements, 1894. Sat. 1d. A. Sutton & Co., 178 Christ- 
church Road, Boscombe. : 

22) James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

{BOURNEMOUTH DAILY ECHO, 1900. (ind.) Evening—five editions. 3d. 2 Albert 
Road, Bournemouth. (London: 69 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 456. 

Bournemouth Directory, 1897. Biennially, last issue, 1915. 5s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 

— 182 High Holborn, w.c. : 

{Bournemouth Graphic, 1902. Fri. la. Bournemouth Graphic Publishing Co., The 
Square, Bournemouth. . . 

TBOURNEMOUTH GUARDIAN, 1883. (ind.) Fri. for Sat. ld. E. A. Colborne, 
142 Commercial Road, Bournemouth. (London: 92 Fleet St.) 

tBOURNEMOUTH VISITORS’ DIRECTORY, 1858. (ind.) Tues. for Wed., and Fri. 
for Sat. Id. W. Mate & Sons Ltd., 58 Commercial Road, Bournemouth). London : 
134 Fleet St.) 

Bourne’s Handy Insurance Guides, 1878. M.—1st. 3d. Stone & Cox, 85 Fleet St., E.C. 

Bourne’s Insurance Directory, 1886. Jan. 10s. 6d. Stone & Cox, 85 Fleet St., E.C. 

Bourne’s Insurance Manual, 1886. July. 1s. to 2s. 6d. Stone & Cox, 85 Fleet St., E.C. 

Bouverie Stories, 1904. Occas. lid. R. T. S., 4 Bouverie St., E.C. 

Bovian, 1894. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, The School, Cowbridge, South Wales. 

BOWES PARK WEEKLY NEWS, 1904. (/) Fri. for Sat. 3d. Penfold & Sons, 353a 
Upper St., Islington, N. One of the North Middlesex Chronicle series. 

Box Maker’s Journal, 1897. M.—Ist. 4d. John Heywood Ltd., Deansgate, Manchester, 

t Boxing, 1909. Tues., for Sat. Id. Athletic Publications Ltd., Windsor House, Kings- 

© way, W.C. 

Boy Scouts’ Headquarters Gazette, 1909. M.—l5th. 2d. C. A. Pearson Ltd., 16-18 
Henrietta St., Covent Garden, E.C. 

Boyle’s Court and Country Guide, 1792. Jan. and May. 5s. W. Trounce, 10 Gough 
Square, E.c., and 48 South Audley St., w. (Advt. p. 449,) 

Boy's Own Annual, 1880. Nov. 7s. 6d. Religious Tract Society, 4 Bouverie St., E.c. 

Boy’s Own Paper, 1879. M.—25th. 7d. Religious Tract Society, 4 Bouverie St., E.C. 

Boys and Girls, 1886. M.—Ist. 4d., illus. Pickering & Inglis, 229 Bothwell St., Glasgow. 

Boys’ and Girls’ Almanac, 1887. Dec. 4d. illus. Pickering & Inglis, 229 Bothwell St.. 
Glasgow. | | 

Boys’ Brigade Gazette, 1889. M.—Ist. Sept. to June. 2d. Brigade Executive, 30 
George Square, Glasgow. | 

Boys’ Friend, 1895. Mon. for Sat. 1d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon 
St., E.C 

Boys’ Friend Library, 1905. M.—Ist Fri. 3d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farring- 
don St., E.C. 

{BRACKLEY OBSERVER, 1865. (u) Fri—3 p.m. ld. T. W. Pankhurst, Market 
Place, Bicester. One of the Bicester Advertiser series. ` 

Bradficid College Chronicie, 1901. Five times a year. 6d. S. T. E. Chinneck, Bradfield 
College, Bradfield, Berks. 
Bradford and Suburbs Directory, 1900. Every four years, last issue 1912. 8s. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. l 
{Bradford Catholic Herald, 1888. Fri. ld. New Catholic Press Ltd., 1 Cheapside, 
Bradford. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

Bradford Chamber of Trades’ Journal, 1907. M.—1st. 1d. Bradford Chamber of Trade, 
31 Sunbridge Road, Bradford. 

+BRADFORD DAILY ARGUS, 1892. (u) 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. $d. J. Patterson, Argus 
Buildings, Brown St., Bradford. (London: 151 Fleet St.) 

+BRADFORD DAILY TELEGRAPH, 1868. (J) 1 p.m. to8 p.m. 3d. H. C. Derwent, 
53 Market St., Bradford. (London: 62 Ludgate Hill.) 

Bradford Post Office Directory, 1879. ‘Triennial, last isue 1916. 10s. 6d. W. Byles & 
Sons Ltd., 10 Piccadilly, Bradford. 

Bradford Pioneer, 1913. (/ab.) Fri. 4d. I. L. P., Church Bank, Bradford. (Circulates 
mostly amongst the 30,000 Trade Unionists of Bradford and District. Adut.). 

TBRADFORD WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, 1599 (as Illustrated Weekly Telegraph, 1885 ; 
as Bradford Weekly Telegraph, 1869). (/) Fri. ld. H. C. Derwent, 53 Market 
St., Bradford. (London: 62 Ludgate Hill.) 

Bradfordian, 1877. Terminally. 4d. The Editor, Grammar School, Bradford. 

Bradshaw's General Railway and Steam Navigation Guide, 1837. M. ls. H. Blacklock 
& Co. Ltd., 5 Surrey St., Strand, w.c. 

Bradshaw's Manchester ABC Guide, 1861. M.—lIst. 2d. H. Blacklock & Co. Ltd., 

. 5 Surrey St., Strand, w.c. 

Bradshaw’s Railway Manual, Shareholders’ Guide, and Directory, 1863. Feb. 12s., 
maps. H. Blacklock & Co. Ltd., 5 Surrey St., Strand, w.c. 

Bradshaw’s Through Routes to Chief Cities and Bathing Resorts of the World, 1857. 
Triennially. 6s. net. H. Blacklock & Co. Ltd., 5 Surrey St. Strand, w.c. 

Advertisements received tor all the Fashion Journals. [23 

ABC List.) 7 Wiiliing’s Press Guide. 

Braille Literary Journal, 1911. M.—10th. 1s. National Institute for the Blind, Great 
Portland St., w. 

Braille Musical Magazine, 1910. Bi-M.—20th. Ils. National Institute for the Blind, 
Great Portland St., w. 

Braille Review, 1903. M.—1st. 2d. National Institute for the Blind, Great Portland St.,w. 

Brain, 1869. Quarterly. 4s. net., illus. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., St. Martin’s St., w.c. 

{BRAINTREE AND BOCKING ADVERTISER, 1859. (ind.) Wed. Id. Essex Weekly 
News Series Ltd., Market Place, Braintree. 

{BRAINTREE GAZETTE, 1857, (ind.) Thurs. ld. W. H. Root, Caxton Works, 
Halstead. One of the Halstead and Colne Valley Gazette series. 

+BRANKSOME AND EAST DORSET HERALD, 1895. (ind.) Wed., for Thurs. 1d. 
W. Mate & Sons Ltd., Bournemouth. One of the Poole Herald series. 

: TBRANKSOME GUARDIAN, 1883. (ind.) Sat. ld. E. A. Colborne, 142 Commercial 
Rodd, Bournemouth. One of the Bournemouth Guardian series. 

{BRAY AND SOUTH DUBLIN HERALD, 1901 (as Bray Herald and Arklow Reporter, 
1876). (u) Sat. 1d, F. McPhail, Main St., Wicklow. One of the Wicklow News- 
Letter series. 

Brazen Nose, 1909. May and Nov. 1s. The Editor, Brazenose College, Oxford. 

Brazil, 1913. About March. 7s 6d. Butler & Tanner, 19 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

TAREOTIN ADVERTISER, 1848. (ind.) Tues.—a.m. ld. D. H. Edwards, Swan St., 


tBRECON AND RADNOR EXPRESS, 1889. () Wed., for Thurs. 1d. G. E. Sayce, 
Express Buildings, Brecon. (The Express carries more London advts. than any 
competing papers, and all County Council and official advts. Advt.) 

Brecon County Annual, 1896. Dec. ld. T. Jones, 4 The Bulwark, Brecon. 

+ BRECON COUNTY TIMES, 1866 (with which is incorporated the Brecknock Beacon). (c) 
Wed. p.m., for Thurs. 1d. Brecon County Times Ltd., 7 Bulwark, Brecon. (Recognised 
Breconshire Paper for Parliamentary, County, and other advertisements. Advt. ) 

Breconian, 1885. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, Christ College, Brecon. 

Brewer and Wine Merchant and Brewers’ Guardian, 1901 (with which is incorporated 
the Brewers’ Weekly, 1899.) M.—1st. 1s. Attwood & Co. Ltd., 8 New Bridge St., E.C. 

Brewers’ Almanack, 1892. Dec. 5s, net. Review Press Ltd., 13 Little Trinity Lane, E.C. 

Brewers’ Gazette and Wine and Spirit Trades Chronicle, 1902 (as Country Brewers’ 
Gazette, 1877). Alt. Thurs.—fioon. 1s. H. C. Smith, 2 Devonshire Square, E.C. 

Brewers’ Journal and Hop and Malt Trades Review, 1865. M.—15th. 20s. per ann. 
Eastcheap Buildings, E.c. 

Brewing Trade Review, 1886. M.—Ist. 2s. W. H. Phelp, 13 Little Trinity Lane, Upper 
Thames St., E.c. (Official Organ of the Brewers Soicety. Advt.) 

Brewing Trade Review Licensing Law Reports, 1913. Jan. 5s. net. W. H. Phelp, 13 
Little Trinity Lane, E.c. 

TBREWOOD COURIER, 1895. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. ld. H. Praill, Wolverhampton 
Road, Cannock. One of the Cannock Chase Courter series. 

Brick and Pottery Trades Journal, 1900 (with which is incorporated the Potter and Cement, 
1902, M.—Ist. 6d. Maclaren & Sons Ltd., 37-38 Shoe Lane, E.c. 

Sat. ld. Jamieson & Munro, 40 Craigs, Stirling. 

Sat. Id. R. Edkins, 58 High St., Bridgnorth. 

1871). () Fri., for Sat. 1d. H. Law, George St., Bridgwater. (Advt. p. 458.) 

SUPER-MARE CHRONICLE, 1856. (u) Tues—3 p.m., for Wed. 1d. Woodley 
& Co., High St., Bridgwater. 

Id. William Forster, Manor St., Bridlington Quay. 

tBRIDLINGTON FREE PRESS, 1859. (prog.) Fri. ld. Scarborough Mercury News- 
paper Co. Ltd., Chapel St., Bridlington. (London: 62 Ludgate Hill.) 

which is ‘incorporated the Lyme Regis Mirror). (ind.) Thurs., p.m., and Fri., p.m. 
ld. W. Frost, West St., Bridport. 

+BRIERFIELD LEADER, 1900. (ib.) Fri—a.m. ld. Coulton & Co. Ltd., Stanley 
St., Nelson. One of the Nelson Leader series, 

Brigade, ae M.—I1st. 2d. Church Lads’ Brigade, Aldwych House, Catherine St., 


+t BRIGHOUSE ECHO, 1887 (with which is incorporated the Brighouse News, 1866). 
(tnd.) Fri. ld. J. Hartley Ltd., Park St., Brighouse. 

24) James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Wiiling’s Press Guide. [ABC List, 

eee ee 

Premier Printing Co., Bethel St., Brighouse. 

Bright and Son’s A.B.C. Descriptive Catalogue of the World’s Postage Stamps, 1894 
Biennially. 2s. 6d. Bright & Son, 164 Strand, w.c. 

Bright Hours, 1914. Nov. 2s. Methodist Publishing House, 25-35 City Road, E.C, 

+BRIGHTLINGSEA NEWS, 1905. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. East Essex Printing Works 
Ltd., Oxford Road, Clacton-on-Sea. One of the East Essex Advertiser series. 

Brighton, Hove, &c., Directory, 1888, Annually. Is. Kelly’ s Directories Ltd., 182 
‘High Holborn, W.C. 

Brighton, Hove, and District Blue Book and Local Directory, 1887. Dec. 2s. 6d. Garnett, 
Mepham & Fisher Ltd., 112, Gloucester Road, Brighton. 

tBRIGHTON ADVERTISER, 1876. (ind.) Sat. ld. T. R. Beckett Ltd., 192 High 
St., Lewes. One of the Sussex County Herald series. 

Brighton and Hove Parochial Gazetteer, 1914. M.—Ist. 2d. W. F. Pessaood. North 
St., Quandrant, Brighton. 

+ Brighton and Hove Society, 1899 (as Brighton Society, 1887 ; with which is incorporated 
the Brighton and Hove Guardian, 1827). (c) Wed.—p.m. for Thurs. ld. Emery 
& Son Ltd., 4 Ship St., Brighton. 

t BRIGHTON GAZETTE AND HOVE POST, 1821. (l.c.) Weds. and Sat.—6 a.m. ld. 
W. J. Towner, 10 Union St., Brighton. (London : 69 Fleet St.) 

Brighton Graphic, 1914. Thurs. ld. F. F. Carter, 21 Prince Albert St., Brighton. 

BRIGHTON HERALD AND HOVE CHRONICLE, 1806. (ind.) Sat. ld. Brighton 
Heraid Ltd., Prince’s Place, North St., Brighton. 

BRIGHTON OBSERVER, 1856. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Farncombe & Co. Ltd., Market St., 
Lewes. One of the East Sussex News Series. 

Brighton Season, 1904. Dec. 6d. E. F. Patmer, 35 East St., Brighton. 

Fashionable Arrival List, 1858). (ind.) Tues., Thurs., Sat—8. a.m. 2d. E. F. 
Patmer, 35 East St., Brighton. 

TBRISTOL. WESTERN DAILY PRESS, 1858. (lib. ind.) 3 a.m. ld. W. Reid & Son 
Ltd., Baldwin St., Bristol. (London : 59 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 455.) 

Bristol and District Post Office Guide, 1893. M.—J1st. ld. Postmaster, G.P.O., Bristol. 

t Bristol Catholic Herald, 1895. Sat. 1d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 8 Bouverie St., E.C. 
One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

Bristol Diocesan Directory, 1898. Jan. ls. T. & W. Goulding, 6 Nelson St., Bristol. 

Bristol Diocesan Magazine, 1899. M.—I1st. 24. T. & W. Goulding, 6 Nelson St., Bristol. 

tBRISTOL EVENING NEWS, 1877. (lib. ind.) Daily. 3d. W. Reid & Son Ltd., Baldwin 
St., Bristol. (London: 59 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 455.) 

Bristol Forward, 1913. M.—lIst. $d. I. L. P., Kingsley Hall, Old Market St., Bristol. 

enne. anane School Chronicle, 1899. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, Grammar School 


TBRISTOL “GUARDIAN, 1897. (con. ind.) Fri., for Sat. 4d. H. A. Jones, 23 Bridge 
St., Bristol. (Makes a special feature of local and general Finance. Advt.) 

Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Journal, 1883. March, June, Sept., Dec. 1s. 6d., occas. illus. 

. W. Arrowsmith Ltd., 11 Quay St., Bristol. (London : 7 Great Marlborough St.) 

Bristol Nonesuch, 1911 (as ' Bristol University Gazette, 1908). Terminally. 6d. J.W. 
Arrowsmith Ltd., 11 Quay St., Bristol. 

{BRISTOL OBSERVER, 1859. (lib. ind.) Fri. and Sat. 1d. illus. W. Reid & Son, 
Ltd., Baldwin St., Bristol. (London: 59 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 455.) 

| {BRISTOL TIMES AND MIRROR, 1865 (as Bristol Postman, 1713). (c) Daily—2.30 ` 
a:m. 1d.; Sat.—2.30 a.m., 2d. Bristol Times and Mirror Ltd., St. Stephen St., 
Bristol. (London : 185 Fleet St.) 

Britannia, 1915 (as Suffragette, 1912). Fri. 1d. women s Social and Political Union, 
114 Great Portland St., w. 

Britannic Review, 1914. Quar. Is. net. Eyre & Spottiswoode Ltd., East Harding St., E.C. 

British Amateur Journalist, 1910. Quarterly. 3d. E. Herdman; Jun., 47 Salisbury 
Place, Bishop Auckland. 

British and Colonial Mineral Water Trade Journal, 1886. M.—17th. 5s. per ann. 
National Union of Mineral Water Manufacturers’ Association Ltd. —T. E. Lewis, 
98 Queen St., Cardiff. 

British and Colonial Pharmacist, 1915 (as British and Colonial Druggist, 1884, as Export 
Drug and Chemical Circular, 1878). M.—3rd Fri. 7s 6d. per ann. British and 
Colonial Druggist Ltd., 194 Bishopsgate, E.C. 

British and Colonial Pharmacists’ Diary, 1887. Dec. 3s. 6d. British and Colonial Druggist 
Ltd., 194-200 Bishopsgate, E.C. 

Advertisements received for all the Societies’ Journals. [25 


ABC List] Willinz’s Press Guide. 

t British and Colonial Printer and Stationer, 1878. Thurs.—10 am. (B indi g 
š a E FA illus. Stonhill & Gillis, 58 Shoe Lane, E.c. ene 
ritish and Foreign Confectioner, Baker, and Restaurateur, 1877. M.— 
May, 3 Wellington St., Strand, W.C. i M GAA W 
British and Foreign Guides, 1877. Jan. 3s. 6d. to 10s. Anglo-Conti chi 
Co. Ltd., 32-36 Fleet Lane, E.C. S nglo-Continental Publishing 
British and Foreign Journal of Engineering and Ailied Trades, 1916. M.—Ist. 2 
__J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson Ltd., 83/89 Great Titchfield St. w. ep ae 
British and South African Export Gazette, 1892. M.—lIst. Fri. 1s., illus. W. Eglington. 
76 Finsbury Payement, E.c, (Telegrams: ‘‘ Inkoos, Ave, London.” Telephone: 
London Wall, 1799. Has been established 25 years, and is the only trade paper 
solely devoted to South African Commerce. Covers the entire Business World 
throughout the Union of South Africa, Rhodesia, South-West Africa, British 
Fast Africa, Uganda, Nyassaland, Portuguese East Africa, Belgian Congo, West 
o ce., ane a a of n European Buying Connections of Merchants and 
mporters in those territories. It carries a very | i z 
in all branches of trade. Advt.). y arge Dube OL ag VEE ETNEN 
t British Architect,1874. M.— 1st. 3d. illus. British Architect,4 Catherine St.,Strand,w.c 
t British Australasian, 1884. Thurs.—morn. 6d. Britis! A ; a = Wish 
Holborn, ae ritish “Australasian Ltd., 115 High 
+British Baker, 1887 (as Northern Miller and Baker, 1885). Fri i z 
Sons Ltd.. 37-38 Shoe Lane, E.C. Je Date Ady Muss Maclagan i 
British Baker Diary and Trade Year-Book, 1890. Dec. 2 
37-38 Shoe Lane, E.C. s. 6d. Maclaren & Sons Ltd., 
+ British Bandsman, 1887. Fri. 2d. Bandsman’s Press Ltd., 210 Strand, w.c 
British Bee Journal, 1873. Wed.—6 p.m., for Thurs. ld. Simpkin & Co. Lt 
Paternoster Row, E.C. p ao . Simpkin & Co. Ltd., 32 
British Berkshire Herd Book, 1884. il. iți . oa : 
Abingdon. April. 5s. British Berkshire Society, Shippon, 
British Birds, 1907. M.—Ist. ls. net. Witherby & Co., 326 High Holborn, w 
cae ; ° , Ce 
Sei ae EETA eer Sp a Cassell & Co. Ltd., La Belle Sauvage, E.C 
ritish Chess Magazine . M.—Ist. 9d. Kegaan Paul, T 74 Cart 
Lane, Ludgate Hill, E.C., SUE EER Cn Pera CAET 

British Chess Magazine Chess Annual, 1915. Jan. 2s. 6d. 15 Elmwood Lane Leeds.’ 

British Citizen and Empire Worker, 1916. Fri. Id. V. Fisher, 22 Buckingham St 

Strand, w.c. : 8 ” 
British Clay Worker, 1892. M.—15th. 6d. H. G. Montgomery, 43 F 

US vl at ; Q. ry, 43 Essex St., Strand, w.c. 

British Competitions in Architecture, 1905. Irreg., last issue 1914. Pri ie aa 

& Co. Ltd., 32 Paternoster Row, E.C.. D ence vanes: SINDRI 
British Congregationalist and Examiner, 1906 (with which is incorporated Exami 

1900, and Christian News, 1846, incorporated with the Chichen World, 1916). | 
British Deaf Times, 1903. M.—1st week. 2d. Hepworth & Co., 25 Windsor Place, Cardiff. 
British Dental Journal, 1903 (as Journal of the British Dental Association 1872). Ist 

eee 6d. S Dental Association, 19 Hanover Square, w. ' 
Britis yug Houses’ Guide to the British Pharmacopia. Jan. 1s. B i o 

Ltd., 22/30 Graham St., City Road, N. k het ho SiS eUe QUSES 
British Empire Review, 1899. M.—lIst. 6d. British Empire Leag 

Laurence Pountney Hill, E.C. Bite bragte, Norion Ponse, 
British Engineering Index, 1901. Annually. 5s. E. T. Heron & Co. Ltd., 9-11 Tott 

ham St., w. (Special features, complete directory of mak i l Sine 

machinery, etc. Adut.) p y of makers of tools, appliances, 
British Esperantist, 1905. M.—1st. 3d. British Esperanto Association, 17 Hart St 

eas ’ „W.C. 

British Evangelist, 1868. M.—26th. ld. Marshall Brothers Ltd., Keswick House 47 

Paternoster Row, E.C. i 
British Export Gazette, 1908. M.—Ist Fri. Sub. 10s. per ann. W. Eglingt 76 

Finsbury Pavement, E.c. (Telegrams: “ Inkoos, Ta London.” ` “Telephone : 

London Wall, 1799. Circulates throughout the world among Merchants, Importers 

Shippers and Industrialists and their entire Buying Connections. It is one of th i 

most important journals of its kind published, and has an enormous advertisin 

clientele. Advt.) § 
British Exporters’ Register, 1909. Quarterly. Gratis. Sells Ltd., 108 Fleet 
British Fisherman's Nautical Almanac, 1911 (as Scottish F isherman's N fea pen 
si ee renee hoe x aera & Son, Church St., St. Andrews. ene 

ritish Flag and Christian Sentinel, 1853. M.—1st. 1d., illus. Arn i 

Society, 112 St. Martin’s Lane, W.C. us. Army Scripture Readers, 
British Food Journal and Hygienic Review, 1899. M.—25th iti , 

Co., 32 Shaftesbury Avenue, w. pM per ana ee, STOEL in cee tess 

| James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 


Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

British Girls’ Annual, 1911. Sept. 5s. Cassell & Co. Ltd., La Belle Sauvage, E.C. 

British Guiana Handbook, 1909. Irreg. 2s. net. Dulau & Co. Ltd., 37 Soho Square, w. 

British Holstein and Fresian Cattle Herd Book, 1909. July. 21s. British Holstein 
and Fresian Cattle Society, 4 Southampton Row, w.c. 

British Homeopathic Journal, 1911 (with which is amalgamated the British Homeo- 
pathic Review, 1907, and. the Journal. of the British Homa@opathic Society, 1891). 
M.—Ist. 1s. J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson Ltd., 83-91 Great Titchfield St., w. 

British Imperial Calendar and Civil Service List, 1809. Jan. 7s., 9s. Warrington & Co., 
23 Garrick St., w.c. 

British Insurance Year Book, 1914. June. 5s. 5d. Rea & Inchbould, Merton House, 
Salisbury Square, E.C. 

British Journal of Astrology, 1915 (as Old Moore’s Monthly Messenger, 1907). M. —25th. 
2d. W. Foulsham & Co., 5 Pilgrim St., Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

British Journal of Children’s Diseases, 1904. M.—Ist week. 2s. net. Adlard & Son, 
and West Newman, 23 Bartholomew Close, E.c. 

British Journal of Dental Science, 1856. Fortnightly. 67. J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson 
Ltd.; 88-89 Great Titchfield St., w. 

British Journal of Dermatology, 1888. M.—I5th. 2s. net. H. K. Lewis & Co. Ltd., 
136 Gower St., w.c. 

British Journal of inebriety, 1903. Quarterly. ls. Baillière, Tindall & Cox, 8 Henrietta 
St., Covent Garden, w.c. £ 

ł British Journal of Nursing, 1902 (as Nursing Record and da World, 1888). 
Thur. for Sat. ld. Nursing Press Ltd., 431 Oxford St., w. (Adut. p. 456). 

t British Journal of Photography, 1860 (as Liverpool Photographic Journal, 1854). Fri. 
—9a.m. 2d. H. Greenwood & Co. Ltd., 24 Wellington St., Strand, w.c. 

British Journal of Psychoiogy, 1904. Irreg. 15s. net per vol. Cambridge University 
Press, Fetter Lane, E.c. 

British Journal of Surgery, 1913. Quarterly. 7s. 6d. J. Wright & Sons, Ltd., Stone 
Bridge, Bristol.. 

British Journal. of Tuberculosis, 1907. Quarterly. 1s. 67. Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, 
8 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, w.c. 

British Journal Photogr aphic Almanac, 1860 (with which is incorporated the Year 
Book of Photography and Amateurs’ Guide, 1859). Jan. Is., illus.;~ cloth, 2s. 
H. Greenwood & Co. Ltd., 24 Wellington St., Strand, w.c. 

British Made Goods and Where to Get Them, 1909. Annually. Gratis. Bureau of Com- 
merce and Industries Ltd., 90/6 Queen St., E.C. 

British Manufacturers’ Hardware Circular, 1914. ‘Quarterly. Hampton St. Birmingham. 

+ British Medical Journal, 1832. Fri., for Sat.. 6d. British Medical Association, 429 
Strand, w.c. 

British Mercantile Guide, 1877. Jan. 25s. Anglo-Continental Publishing Co. Ltd., 
32-36 Fleet Lane, E.c. 

British Messenger, 1853. M.—Ist. 1d., illus. Drummond’s Tract Depét, Stirling. 

British Missionary, 1910 (formerly Evangelical Magazine, 1793; as Evangelical British 
Missionary, 1905). Quarterly. Id. E. Stock, 7 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Britisk Motor Tourists’ A BC, 1915. June. 1s. L. Upcolt Gill & Son Ltd., Bazaar 
Buildings, Drury Lane, w.c. 

British Pharmacopocia, 1915. Irreg. 10s 62. Constable & Co., 10 Orange St., Leicester 
Square, wW.c. 

British Philatelist, 1908. M.—20th. 2d. C. Nissen & Co., 63 High Holborn, w.c. 

British Pig Breeder, 1915. M.—15th. 2d. York Publishing Co., County Insurance 
Buildings, York. 

British Printer, 1888 (with which is incorporated British: Lithographer and British 
Bookmaker). Bi-M.—last day. 1s. Raithby, Lawrence & Co. Ltd., De Montfort 
Press, Leicester. (London: 231 Strand.) 

British Rainfall, 1861. Aug. 10s. E. Stanford, Ltd., 12-14 Long Acre, w.c. 

British Record Society, 1888. Quarterly. 21s. T. M. Blagg, 124 Chancery Lane, w.c. 
(British Genealogical Records and Indexes to Wills. Advt.) 

British Retail Jeweller, 1907. M.—1st. 6¢. J. J. Keliher & Co. Ltd., Craven House, 
Kingsway, w.c. 

British Sea Angiers’ Society’s Quarterly, 1907. March, June, Sept., Dec. 1s. British 
Sea Anglers’ Society, 4 Fetter Lane, £.c. (Annual subscription, London Members, 
21s., Country Members, 10s. 6d. Full particulars may be obtained from the 
Secretary, 4 Fetter Lane, E.c. Advt.) 

British Sentinel, 1914. M. —ist. 1d. Mrs. Alma White, 33 Gloucester Road, n.w. 

British Supremacy, 1916. Sat. 6d. Aldine Publishing Co. Ltd., Impe. ial House, 
Kingsway, w.c. $ 

Advertisements received fcr all the Magazines. [27 

ABC List.] Willine’s Press Guide. 

British Temperance Advocate, 1834. M.—28th. ld. C. Smith, 29 Union St., Sheffields 
(London: 10-12 Ivy Lane.) 

British Toymaker, 1914. M. —5th. 6d. net. Scott Greenwood & Son, 8 Broadway, 
Ludgate Hill, E.c. 

. British Trade Journal, 1870 (as Morgan’s British Trade Journak, 1863). M.—Ist. 1s. 
W. Agnew Ltd., 24 Mark Lane, E.c. 

British Trade Review, 1893. M.—1st. By Sub. W. Duff & Son Ltd., 113 Cannon St., B.c. 

British Trotting and Galloway Stud Book, 1912. Irreg. 10s. 6d. net. W. Clark & Co. 
Alport, Bakewell. 

t British Weekly, 1886. Thurs.—9 a.m. ld. Hodder & Stoughton, St. Paul’s House, 
Warwick Square, E.C. 

British Westinghouse Gazette, 1914. M.—15th. 7d. British Westinghouse Electric 
and Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Trafford Park, Manchester. (Deals with progress in 
mechanical and electrical devices for the produetion, distribution and utilisation 
of power for industrial and domestic purposes. Advt.) 

British Workman, 1855. M.—25th. 1d., illus. S.W. Partridge & Co., 21-22 Old Bailey, z.c. 

British Year Book of A griculture and Agricultural Who's Who, 1908. Annually. 5s. net. 
Vinton & Co., 8 Bream’s Buildings, E.c. 

{BRIXHAM WESTERN GUARDIAN, 1882. (ind.) Thurs. ld. Mortimer Bros., 34 
Fore St., Totnes. One of the Western Guardian series. 

Brixton and Clapham Directory, 1880. Annually. ls. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 
High Holborn, w.c. 

BRIXTON AND STREATHAM TIMES, 1888. (as Brixton, Streatham, and Norwood 
Times, 1881). (ind.) Fri. ld. A. W. H. Morgan, 160 Falcon Road, Clapham 
- Junction, s.w. One of the South Western Star series. 3 

{BRIXTON FREE PRESS AND BRIXTON NEWS, 1882 (with which are incorporated 
Brixton Magpie and Ye Merne Magpie). (ind.) Fri. 1d. Brixton Free Press 
Printing and Advertising Co. Ltd., 429 Brixton. Road, s.w. 

tBroad Arrow Naval and Military Gazette, 1833. Wed. 6d. Temple House, Temple 
Avenue, E.C. (Advt. p. xii.) 

is incorporated Broadstairs Programme and Time Table). (ind. » Fri.—-5.30 p.m., 
for Sat. 1d. Broadstairs P. & P. Co. Ltd., 17 High St., Broadstairs. 

TIMES, 1902. (ind.) Wed.—p.m. 1d. East Kent Times Ltd., 13 The Broadway, 
Broadstairs. One of the East Kent Times series. 

BROCKLEY AND NEW CROSS BOROUGH NEWS, 1909. (inł.) Fri.—5 a.m. 1d. 
Lewisham Borough News Printing Co. Ltd., 166 Hither Green Lane, Lewisham, 
S.E. One of the Lewisham Borough News series. 

6a.m. ld. South-Eastern Press Ltd., 93 Cranfield Road, Brockley, s.z. One of 
the South-Eastern Herald series. 

+BROMLEY AND DISTRICT TIMES, 1884. (ind.) Fri.—6 a.m. ld. Kentish District 
Times Co. Ltd., 39 East St., Bromley, Kent. 

Bromley, Chislehurst, and Bickley Directory, 1887. Annually. ls. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. i 

{BROMLEY CHRONICLE, 1891 (with which are incorporated the Bromley and West 
Kent Telegraph, 1865, the Beckenham and Shortlands Chronicle, 1896, the Chisle- 
hurst and Mottingham Chronicle, 1893). (u and c) Thurs.—5 a.m. ld. Bromley and 
West Kent Newspaper Co. Ltd., Sherman Road, Bromley. 

Bromley Locai Guide and Advertiser, 1903. Sat. ld. C. A. Hopper, 46 East St., Bromley. 

(înd.) Fri.—4 p.m., for Sat. 1d. Bromsgrove Messenger Co., 92 High St., Bromsgrove 

Bromsgrovian. Five times a year. 6d. Bromsgrove Messenger Co., High St., ‘Bromsgrove. 

Oe ona NEWS AND RECORD, 1903 (as Bromyard News, 1883). (ind.) Thurs. 

d. V. B. Weeks, Rowberry St., Bromyard. 

Brain hood. 1887. M.—Ist. 2d. Alpha Union, 31 Leys Avenue, Letchworth. 

Brotherhood Journal, 1903 (as P.S.A. Gazette, 1893, as P.S.A, Leader, 1878, as Leader, 
1907, as P.S.A. Brotherhood Journal, 1908). M.—Ist. ld. P.S.A. Brotherhood, 
Holborn Hall, Clerkenwell Road, E.c. 

Brotherhood Year Book, 1911. May. 1s. Brotherhood Publishing House, Holborn Hall, 
Clerkenwell Road, E.c. 

Brothers and Sisters, 1890. M.—26th. 1d., illus. Waifs and Strays’ Society, Old Town 
‘Hall, Kennington Road, S.E. l 

28] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125; Strand, London. 

Wiliing’s Press Guide. l [ABC List, 


BRO’TY ADVERTISER, 1915. (ind.) Fri. 4d. A. Bowman, 226 Brook St., Broughty Ferry. 

lel 1887. (u) Fri—7 a.m. 4d. J. Simpson, 246/8 Brooke St., Broughty ` 


Brown Book, 1906. Dec. Lady Margaret Hall, Old Student’s Society, Hon. Sec., 98 
Elm Park Gardens, s.w. 

Brown’s Boy Scouts’ Diary, 1911. Annually. 6d. J. Brown & Son, 52-6 Darnley St., 

Brown’s Comprehensive Nautical Almanac, Harbour and Dock Guide and Advertiser, and 
Daily Tide Tables, 1878. Sept. 1s. 9d. J. Brown & Son, 52-56 Darnley St., Glasgow. 

Brown’s Nautical Diary and Day's Work Book, 1884. July. 5s. J. Brown & Son, 52-56 
Darnley St., Glasgow. 

‘Brushmaking, 1915. M.—20th. 6d. Metropolitan Press Agency Ltd., 21. Bride Lane, E.c. 

{BRYNMAWR AND BLAINA ARGUS, 1892. (ind.) Fri. ld. C. D. Stentiford, 14 
High St., Newport, Mon. One of the South Wales Weekly Argus series. 

tBRYTHON, 1906. (J) Thurs. ld. H. Evans & Son, 356-358 Stanley Road, Liverpool. 

Tues. ld. W. Hacket, [5 Chapel St:, Peterhead. 

TBUCKFASTLEIGH WESTERN GUARDIAN, 1882. (ind.) Weds. and Thurs. ld. 
Mortimer Bros., 34 Fore St., Totnes. One of the Western Guardian series. 

man, 4 Victoria Terrace, Buckhurst Hill. One of the Loughton, &c., Advertiser series. 

Fri.—2 p.m., for Sat. 1d. Walford & Son, Market Hill, Buckingham. 

{ BUCKINGHAMSHIRE ADVERTISER, 1906. (as Broadwater’s Journal, 1840). (ind.) 
Fri.—11 a.m. for Sat. W. J. Hutchings Ltd., 126 High St., Uxbridge. One of the 
Middlesex, &c., Advertiser, series. 

tBUCKS ADVERTISER AND AYLESBURY NEWS, 1836. (ind,) Fri.—p.m., for Sat. 
ld, Bucks Advertiser Co. Ltd., 5 Bourbon St., Aylesbury. (Large circulation in 
County Town of Bucks and surrounding agricultural district. Good paper for smal] 
advertisements. Advt.) - 

tBUCKS EXAMINER, 1906 (as Chesham Examiner and Richmansworth Times, 1889). 
(tnd.) Fri—7 a.m. ld. Page & Thomas Ltd., 16 German St., Cheshaim.. 

tBUCKS HERALD, 1832. (u) Fri—1 p.m., for Sat. Id. G. T. De Fraine & Co. Ltd., 
Walton St., Aylesbury. (The County Paper, circulating chiefly amongst farmers 
‘and landowners. Famous for -Auction advertisements. Advt. 

{BUCKS STANDARD, 1859. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. W. J. & C. R. Line, St. John 
St., Newport Pagnell. | 

Buddhist Review, 1909. Quarterly. 1s. net. Luzac & Co., 46 Great Russell St., w.c. 


‘Sat. Id. Brimmell Bros., Church St., Launceston. One of the Launceston Weekly 
News series. 

Buffalo Bill Library, 1903. M.—1st Wed. 1d. Aldine Publishing Co., Ltd., 1-3 Crown 
Court, Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Buffalo Bill Novels, 1916. Irreg. 3d. net. Aldine Publishing Co. Ltd., 1/3 Crown Court, 
Chancery Lane, w.c. | | 

{BUGLE, 1907. (ind.) Fri. d. Maybank Press, 4 Orchard Terrace, George Lane, 
South Woodford. | 

Bugie Call, 1896. M.—26th. ld. Rev. C. Edwards, The Soldiers’ Home, Winchester. 

t Builder, 1842. Fri—3'‘a.m. 4d., illus. The Builder Ltd., 4 Catherine St., w.c. 

Building Industries, 1889. M.—15th. 3d. Jack & Carrick, 62 Argyle St., Glasgow. 

t Building News and Engineering Journal, 1854. Wed. 4d., illus. Strand Newspaper Co. 
Ltd., Effingham House, Arundel St., Strand, w.c. 

Building Societies’ Annual Report of Registrar, 1915. Price varies. Wyman & Son, 
Ltd., Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Building Societies’ Gazette and Land Companies’ Record, 1887 (as Building Societies’ 
and Land Companies’ Gazette, 1869). M.—Ist. 2d. Reed & Co., 37 Cursitor St., E.C. 

Building Trades Directory, 1870. Every four years, last issue 1914. 30s.. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

{Building World, 1895. Thurs., for Sat. 1d., illus. M.—26th. 6d. net. Cassell & Co. 

Ltd., La Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, £.c. 

Bulletin, 1900. Quarterly. ld. National Anti-Gambling League, 13 Victoria St., s.w. 

BULLETIN, 1915. (ind.) a.m. $d. G. Outram & Co. Ltd., 65-9 Buchanan St., Glasgow. 
(London: 112 Fleet St.) 

Bulletin of Entomological Research, 1910. Irreg. Sub. 10s. per vol. Dulau &_Co. Ltd., 
37 Soho Square, w. 

A dacnwtsn nase nando mmm. wd few wl? thw AA nde pn hanlidnwae Das E PE TEN TAn 


ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

Bulletin of New Books, 1895. Tues., Fri. Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. 
Ltd., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.c. 

Builetin of the British Ornithologists’ Club, 1892. M.—Oct. to June. Subs. Witherby 
& Co., 326 High Holborn, w.c. 

‘Builetin of the Fiscal Philatelic Society, 1908. irreg. Gratis to members. A. B. Kay, 
18 Melrose Gardens, Hammersmith, w. 

Bulletin of the Imperial institute, 1905. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. net. J. Murray, 50a Albe- 
marle St., w. 

Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 1903. Quarterly. 6d. The University Press, 
Manchester. ` 

Builetin of the Royal Botanicai Gardens (Kew). 1887. Irreg. Price varies. Wyman 
& Sons, Ltd., Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Bulwark, 1851. -M.—Ist. ld. A. C. Gregg, Loanhead, Edinburgh. 

BULWELL AND BASFORD LOCAL NEWS, 1902. (ind.) Fri.—3.30 p-m., for Sat. 
ld. Kirk Publishing Co. Ltd., 9 St. Peters Gate, Nottingham. One of the 
Nottingham and Notts Local News series. 

Burdett’s Hospitals and Charities, 1889. Jan. 10s. 6d, net. The Scientific Press Ltd., 
28 and 29 Southampton St., Strand; w.c. Hospital Annual and Year Book of 

Burke's Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland, 1849. Every four years. 2 vols., 
£4 4s. net. Harrison & Sons, 45 Pall Mall, s.w. 

Burke's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage, &c., 1826. Dec. 42s. Harrison & Sons, 45 Pall 
Mall, s.w. 

Burlington Magazine, 1903. M.—Ist. Qs, 6d. net. Burlington Magazine Ltd., 17 Old 
Burlington St., w. 

BURNHAM GAZETTE, 1864. (ind.) Fri.—p.m., for Sat. d. Patey & Co., Victoria 
St., Burnham. 

Fri.—3 p.m., for Sat. 4d. E. Dilliway, Burnham-on-Crouch. 

+Burnley and Nelson Catholic News, 1905. Fri. 1d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 110A 
Fishergate, Preston. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

Burnley Equitable Co-operative Society Monthly Record, 1894. M.—l1st Tues. Gratis. 
Co-operative Society, Tanner St., Burnley. 

Advertiser, 1852). (u) Wed., 4d.; Sat., id. Burnley Express ‘Printing Co. Ltd., 
Bull St., Burnley. 

{BURNLEY NEWS, 1912 (with which is incorporated the Burnley Gazette, 1863). (I) 
Wed. 4d. Sat. ld. Burnley News Co. Ltd., St. James Row, Burnley. 

BURRY PORT STAR, 1916. (ind.) Sat.—noon. 3d. Llanelly Star Publishing Co., 
Vaughan St., Llanelly. One of the Llanelly Star series. l 

+tBURTON CHRONICLE, 1860. (ind.) Thurs.—6 a.m. ld. C. Tresise, 186 and 187 
Station St., Burton-on-Trent. (London: 143 Fleet St.) (Oldest local “ weekly ” 
largest weekly sale, covering very wide area. Advt.) 

BURTON DAILY MAIL, 1898. (u) Daily—p.m. 3 editions. 4d. Burton Daily Mail 
Ltd., 190-191 Horninglow St., Burton-on-Trent. (London: 85 Fleet St.) (The 
only paper publishing three editions in Burton. Larger sale than all other papers 
circulating in the district combined. Advt.) 

{BURTON EVENING GAZETTE, 1880. (/) Daily (3 editions) —4.30, 5.30, and 7 p.m. 
4d. C. Tresise, 186-7 Station St., Burton-on-Trent. (London: 143 Fleet St.) 
(Oldest local “ daily ’’; largest sale, best advertising medium. Advt.) 

tBURTON OBSERVER, 1898. (a) Thurs. 1d. Burton Daily Mail Ltd., 190-191 Horning- 
low St., Burton-on-Trent.. (London : 85 Fleet St.) 

aaa -Trent Red Book, 1877. Dec. 4d. J. C. Perfect & Co., 204 Station St., Burton- 

(c) Fri., ld. Bury and Norwich Post Co. Ltd., 19 Abbeygate St., Bury St. Edmunds 

Bury Co-operative Society Quarterly Review and Balance Sheet, 1856. Quarterly. Gratis. 
The Society, Knowsley St., Bury, Lancs. 

+BURY FREE PRESS, 1855. (2) Fri.—a.m., for Sat. 1d: Bury St. Edmunds P. & P. 
Co. Ltd., 61 Abbeygate St., Bury St. Edmunds. 

BURY GUARDIAN, 1857. (u) Wed., 4d. ; Sat., ld. Bury Guardian Co. Ltd., Cross 
St., Bury, Lancs. (London : 115 Fleet St.) 

+BURY TIMES, 1855. (/) Wed., 4d.; Sat., 1}d. Bury Times P. & P. Co., Cross St., 
Bury, Lancs. 

*BURY VISITOR, 1873 (with which is incorporated the Bury Boro’ Advertiser, 1898, 
and Bury Observer, 1909). (ind.) Fri. Gratis. Fletcher’ & Speight, Ltd., 1 Fleet 
St., Bury, Lancs. 

201 Tamos Wallanag Ftd Adapoytacamo A apomio WW Qłtranmd T nmdanam 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABG List. 

Business, 1894. M.—27th. 2d. A. Arthur Reade, Ferndale, Wilmslow, Manchester. 
(A monthly journal of Insurance business methods and management. Advt.) 
Business Directory, 1862. Dec. 20s. J. S. C. Morris, 98-102, The Exchange, South- 
wark St., S.E. ' l i 
Business Prospecis Year Book, 1907. Oct. 10s. Business Statistics Co. Ltd., Baltic 
House, Cardiff. 

. Bute County Directory, 1880. July. ls. Higgie & Co., 22 Bridge St., Rothesay. 

+BUTEMAN AND VISITORS’ LIST, 1854 (u) Fri—4 p.m. ld. The Buteman Ltd., 
10-12 Castle St., Rothesay. | 

Butterfly, 1904 (as the Comic Home Journal, 1895). Tues. for Sat. $d. Amalgamated 
Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.c. — 

Butterick Fashions (English Editions), 1908. Quarterly. 1s. net. Butterick Publishing 
Co., 83-4 Long Acre, w.c. 

Butterworths’ Annotated Statutes, 1910. Feb. 15s. Butterworth & Co., Bell Yard, 
Temple Bar, E.c. l 

Butterworths’ Digest of Report Cases, 1908. Quarterly. 15s. Butterworth & Co., Bell 
Yard, Temple Bar, w.c. 

Butterworths’ Five Years Digest, 1913. Irreg. 50s. Butterworth & Co., Bell Yard, 
Temple Bar, E.c. 

Butterworths’ Licensing Law Reports, 1915. Jan. 5s. Butterworth & Co., Bell Yard, 
Temple Bar, E.c. 

Butterworths’ Workmen’s Compensation Cases, 1909. Annually in Dec. and Quarterly. 
Price varies. Butterworth & Co., Bell Yard, Temple Bar, w.c. 

Butterworths’ Yearly Digest of Reported Cases, 1914. Feb. 15s. Butterworth & Co., 
Bell Yard, Temple Bar, w.c. 

{BUXTON ADVERTISER AND LIST OF VISITORS, 1852. (u) Sat.; 1d. Derbyshire 
Printing Co. Ltd., Market Place, Buxton. 

{BUXTON HERALD AND VISITORS’ GAZETTE, 1842. (ind.) Tues.—5 p.m., for 
Wed. Id. Buxton Herald Printing Co., 4 South St., Buxton. 4 x a; 
Bygones, 1871. Quarterly. 5s. per ann. Woodall, Minshall, Thomas & Co., Caxton 

Press, Oswestry. qi gaay 
t Bystander, 1903. Wed. 6d. P. N. McFarlane, Tallis House, Tallis St., E.C. 

Cabinet, Furniture, and Upholstery Trades Directory, 1877. Every four years, last 
issue 1915. 20s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 31 4 

tCabinet Maker and Complete House Furnisher, 1880. Fri., for Sat. 3d., Illus. Benn 
Bros. Ltd., 31 Christopher St., Finsbury Square, E.C. 

Cabinet Makers’ Diary, 1904. Dec. 2s. 6d. Benn Bros. Ltd., 31 Christopher St., E.c. 

Cadet, 1889. Five times a year. 8d. Lee and Nightingale, 15 North John St., Liverpool. 

Cadets’ Own, 1894. M.—lIst. 4d. G. H. Tucker, 83 Ham Park Road, West Ham, E. 

CAERPHILLY JOURNAL, 1909. (prog.) Fri. 4d. P.S. Phillips, 8a Taff St., Pontypridd. 

{Cage Birds and Bird World, 1902. Thurs. for Sat. 2d. F. Carl, 154 Fleet St., E.C. 

CagesBirds Annual, 1902. Feb. 6d. F. Carl, 154 Fleet St., E.C. 

Gaian, 1891. Terminally. 3s.6¢2. The Editor, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. 

Cainscross and Ebley Co-operative Economist, 1893. M.—lIst. Gratis. B. Hudson, 

‘ Cainscross, Stroud. l 

Cairn, 1911. Dec. 2s. 6d. The Editor, Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh. 

Caithness and Sutherland Records, 1907. Jan. 2s. The Viking Society, c/o Mrs. A. 
Wintle Johnston, 29 Ashburnham Mansions, Chelsea, s.w. 


_ 1866. (ind.) Thurs.—3 p.m., for Fri. 1d. R. & C. Docherty, 43 High St., Thurso. 

Caledonian Medical Journal, 1891. Quarterly. 1s. A. Macdougall, 70 Mitchell St., 

Calendar and Lectionary of the English Church, 1901. Sept. 3d. and 5d. A. R. Mowbray 
& Co. Ltd., 28 Margaret St., w. 

Calendar of Garden Operations, 1843. Irreg. 6d. Gardener’s Chronicle Ltd., 41 Welling- 
ton St., w.c. 

Calendar of the Association for Promoting the Education of Women in Oxford, 1887. 
Dec. 6d. The Association, Clarendon Buildings, Oxford. 

Calendar of the Bedford College for Women, 1849. Oct. 1s. Bedford College for Women, 

York Gate, Regent’s Park, n.w. i 
Calendar of the Calvinistic Methodist, or Welsh Presbyterian, Theological College, 1837. 
The Registrar, Theological College, Bala, N. Wales. 
Calendar of the College of Preceptors, 1880. June. 2s. 6d. F. Hodgson, 89 FarringdonSt.,E.C 
Calendar of the Council of Legal Education, 1901. Oct. 2s. 6d. Council of Legal Educa- 
tion, 15 Old Square, Lincoln’s Inn, w.c. 

Advertisements received toy the London Gazette. ee 

ABC List] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Calendar of the East London College, 1900. Sept. Gratis. The Principal, East London 
College (University of London), Mile End Road, E. 

Calendar of the Educational Institute of Scotland, 1851. Nov. 1s. The Educational - 

Institute of Scotland, 34 North Bridge St., Edinburgh. 

Calendar of the Institute of Ophthalmic Opticians, 1913. June. 1s. The Institute, 25 

Friern Barnet Road, New Southgate, N. 

Calendar of the Joint Matriculation Board, Victoria University of Manchester, University 
of Liverpool, University of Leeds, and University of Sheffield, 1905. Dec. 1s. net. 
J. E. Cornish Ltd., 16 St. Ann’s Square, Manchester. 

Calendar of the London School of Economics, 1915. Aug. 6d. London School of 
Economics, Clare Market, w.c. 

Calendar of the National University of Ireland, 1911. Sept. 2s net. A. Thom & Co; 
Ltd., 8/9 Crow St., Dublin. 

Calendar of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland, 1877. Jan. 2s. 9d., post free. The 
Registrar, Pharmaceutical Society, 67 Lower Mount St., Dublin. 

Calendar of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1865. Oct. 1s. Taylor & Francis, 
74 Red Lion Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

Calendar of the Trinity College of Music, London. Dec. 2s. 6d. Trinity College of Music, 
Mandeville Place, Manchester Square, and A. Hammond & Co., 6 Kingly St., w. 

Calendar of University College, London, 1873. Oct. 2s. 6d. Taylor & Francis, 74 Red 
Lion Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

Calendars of State Papers, 1858. June. 15s. Wyman & Sons Ltd., Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Gall, 1916. (soc.-dem.) Thurs. 1d. British Socialist Party, 21 Maiden Lane, 
Covent Garden, w.c. 

{CALLANDER ADVERTISER AND VISITOR’S LIST, 1884. (4) Fri—4 p.m., for Sat., 
ld. Jamieson & Munro, Ltd., 40 Craigs, Stivling.. 

Calvert's Mechanics’ Almanac and Workshop Companion, 1873. Nov. 4d., illus. J. 
Heywood Ltd., Deansgate, Manchester. (London: 21 St. Bride St.) 

Camberley, Yorktown, and District Directory, 1894. Jan. 4d. J. Drew, High St., 
Camberley. | 

& Polden Ltd., Wellington Works, Aldershot. One of the Aldershot News series. 
(Social events profusely illustrated. The recognised medium for public notices 
and auction sales. Advt.) 

CAMBERWELL BOROUGH ADVERTISER, 1910. (ind.) d. Fri. H. H. Greaves, 
106 Lordship Lane, ‘S.E. 

CAMBERWELL NEWS, 1888 (Camberwell, Peckham, and Dulwich News, 1876). (ind.) 
Fri.—p.m., for Sat. 1d. A. W. H. Morgan, 160 Falcon Road, Clapham Junction, 
s.w. One of the South-Western Star series. 

{CAMBRIA DAILY LEADER, 1861. (J) Four editions. d. Swansea Press, Ltd. 
Leader Buildings, Swansea. (London: 151 Fleet St.) 

tCAMBRIAN, 1804. (ind. I). Fri. ld. South Wales Post Newspaper Co. Ltd., 211 
High St., Swansea. (London: 92 Fleet St.) , 

GAZETTE, 1860. (ind.) . Thurs. for Fri. 1d. Cambrian News (Aberystwyth), 
Ltd., Terrace Road, Aberystwyth. 

Cambridge, Bennett’s Business Directory,. 1881. Annually. 3s. 6d. Bennett & Co., 
Chapel Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 456.) 

ld. Cambridge Chronicle Ltd., 9 Market Hill, Cambridge. (London: 173 Fleet St.) 
(The Chronicle is looked upon as the leading paper for the County of Cambridge, 

` and has a large circulation in neighbouring Counties. It is the official medium of 
all local bodies, and carries all auction and legal announcements. Its clientele 
include the members of the University and agriculturists. Illustrations are a 
speciality, and it is the only paper in the county catering especially for pictures. 
Its handy and up-to-date size makes the paper exceedingly popular amongst all 
classes. Advt.) 

{CAMBRIDGE DAILY NEWS, 1888. (ind.) 5 p.m. 4d. W. F. Taylor, St. Andrew’s 
St., Cambridge. (London: 47 Fleet St.) 

Cambridge House Annual Report, 1897. Jan. Gratis. The Secretary, Cambridge 
University Settlement, 131 Camberwell Road, s.E. 

Llandaff Chambers, Regent St., Cambridge. | 

() Fri. 1d. Llandaff Chambers, Regent St., Cambridge. Country edition of the 
Cambridge Independent Press and University Herald. 

32] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand. London, 


Willing’s Press Gulde. [ABC List. 

Llandaff Chambers, Regent St., Cambridge. 

ld. Llandaf Chambers, Regent St., Cambridge. (London : 44 Fleet St.) 
{Gambridge Magazine, 1911. Sats.—11 a.m. during term. Id. (Largest circulation of 

any University weekly in Great Britain. All particulars from the Manager, 
Theatre Buildings, Cambridge.) 
CAMES Pocket’ Diary, 1910. Sept. 1s. net. Cambridge University Press Fetter 
ane, E.C. 
tCambridge Review, 1879. Weds.—2 p.m.—during term. 6d. Publisher, E. Johnson, 
30 Trinity St., Cambridge. (Editorial and Advertisement Offices, Fabb & Tyler, 
Ltd., Guildhall St., Cambridge.) 
Cambridge University Calendar, 1796. Sept. 7s. 6d. net. Cambridge Univerity Press, 
Fetter Lane, E.C. 
Cambridge University Examination Papers. Dec. 31s. 6d. net. Cambridge University 
Press, Fetter Lane, E.c. 
+ Cambridge University Reporter, 1870. Tues.—during term. 3d. University Press, 
Cambridge. (London: Cambridge University Press, Fetter Lane.) 
Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Suffolk Directory, 1846. Every 4 years, last issue 1916. 
30s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 
1872). (ind.) Fri. 1d. Sharman & Co. Ltd., High St., March. 
ld. W. F. Taylor, St. Andrew’s St., Cambridge. (Guaranteed largest circulation 
of all newspapers in Cambridgeshire. 
CAMBUSLANG ADVERTISER, 1896. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. d. J. Lithgow & Sons, 
10-12 Tabernacle Lane, Cambuslang. (London : 53 Fleet St.) 
CAMBUSLANG PILOT, 1902. (ind.) Fri—p.m., for Sat. 4d. Hamilton Herald P. & P. 
Co., Brandon St., Hamilton. One of the ‘Lanarkshire series. 
Camden and Kentish Towns Directory, 1866. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 
ST. PANCRAS GAZETTE, 1866 (see St. Pancras Gazette). 
{CAMELFORD AND DELABOLE GUARDIAN, 1901. () Thurs., for Fri. ld. A. B. 
_ Lyne, Church Stile House, Bodmin. One of the Cornish Guardian series. 
CAMELFORD AND DELABOLE POST, 1897. (/) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Cornish & Devon 
Post Ltd., Western Buildings, Launceston. One of the Cornish and Devon Post series. 
Brimmell Bros., Church St., Launceston. One of the Launceston Weekly News series. 
Camera, 1911 (with which is incorporated the Secretary’s Letter). M.—7th. ld. The 
Camera Publishing Co., 21 Dock St., Dundee. 
canes Professional Man's Hour Book and Engagement Diary, 1912. Sept. 6d. 
bell & Son, 96 St. Vincent St., Glasgow. 
CAMPBELTOWN COURIER, 1873. (u) Fri.—4 p.m., for Sat. ld. R. Wilson, 56-58 
Longrow, Campbeltown. 
Camping, 1903. M.—Ist during summer; alter-M. during winter. Sub. Amateur 
Camping Club, 4 New Union St., Moorfields, E.C. 
tCanada, 1906. Thurs., for Sat. 6d. Canada Newspaper Co. Ltd., Kingsway House, 
Kingsway, w.c. 
Canada aod 1914. Jan. is. Canada Newspaper Co. Ltd., Kingsway House, Kings- 
way, W.C 
{Canadian Gazette, 1883. Wed.—1 p.m., for Thurs. 3d. T. Skinner & Co., La Belle 
ee ee Ludgate Hill, £.c. Advert. Office—76- 81, Gresham House, Old Broadj 
t., E.C 
{Canadian News, 1912. Thurs. 1d. Dominion of Canada News Co. Ltd., Genera 
Buildings, Aldwych, w.c. 
Candid Quarterly Review, 1914. 2s 6d. F. H. Garratt, 26 Maiden Lane, Strand, w.c. 
{CANNOCK ADVERTISER, 1878. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 4d. V.L. Withington, Market 
Place, Cannock. 
Fri.—p.m. for Sat. $d and ld. Harry Praill, 3 Wolverhampton Road, Cannock. 
Canterbury Diocesan Calendar, 1864. Jan. ls. 6d. Church Printing Co., 11 Burleigh 
St., Strand, w.c. 
Canterbury Diocesan Gazette, 1892. M.— ist. 2d. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., St.Martin’sSt.,w.c. 
Canterbury, Herne Bay, and Whitstable Blue Book and Local Directory, 1892. April. 
2s. Garnett, Mepham & Fisher Ltd., 112 Gloucester Road, Brighton. 

l iiaa received tor all the Metropolitan Periodicals, [33 


ABC List] Willing’s Press Guide. 

tCANTERBURY JOURNAL, 1833. (ind.) Fri—2p.m. ld. E. H. Elvy, 49 St. George’s 
, St., Canterbury. | 

Cantuarian, 1882. Twice each term. 6d. The Editor, King’s School, Canterbury. 

tCapitalist, 1885. Sat. 1d. Capitalist Corp. Ltd., 11-12 Clement’s Lane, E.C. 

Captain, 1899. M.—22nd. 6d. G. Newnes Ltd., 8-11 Southampton St., Strand, w.c. 

Car and Country Home Journal, 1902. Wed. 6d. The Car Publishing Co., Ltd., 

' Regent House, Kingsway, w.c. 

Car Motor Register, 1908. Jan. 2s. & 3s. Car Illustrated Ltd., 62 Pall Mall, s.w. 
Car Road Book and Guide, 1905. April, 12s. 6d. The Car Illustrated Ltd., 62 Pall 
Mall, *S.w. | . 
tCardiff and South Wales Journal of Commerce, 1902. Daily—6 a.m. 1d. South Wales 

P. & P. Co. Ltd., 10 Mill Lane, Cardiff. 

Cardiff Directory, 1883. Dec. 7s. 6d. Western Mail Ltd., Western Mail Buildings, 

Cardiff Naturalists’ Society Transactions, 1867. July. 10s. 6d. The Society, 
Gresham Chambers, Kingsway, Cardiff. 

and Sat.—6 a.m. 1d. D. Duncan. & Sons Ltd., 102-6 St. Mary St., Cardiff. (London : 
190 Fleet St.) 

tCARDIGAN AND TIVY-SIDE ADVERTISER, 1866 (with which is incorporated the 
Cardigan Herala). (c) Fri. 1d. M. M. & W. R. Thomas, 39 St. Mary St., Cardigan. 

CARDIGAN BAY VISITOR, 1860. (:nd.) Tues., for Wed. 1d. Cambrian News (Aberyst- 
wyth) Ltd., 36/8 Terrace Road, Aberystwyth. 

Caretakers, 1910. M.—Ist. ld. H. J. Sabin, 23 Temple Row, Birmingham. (Official 
Organ National Federation of Caretakers. Direct advertising medium for all 
cleaning materials: and utensils. Circulates throughout the Kingdom. All 
communications to Editor. Advi.) 

Caribbeana, 1909. Quarterly. 10s. per ann. Mitchell, Hughes & Clarke, 140 Wardour St.,w. 

Caritas, 1911. Quarterly. 3d. Meyers Brooks & Co., Ltd., Lancaster Hall, Enfield, N. 

Carliol, 1879. Terminally. 6d. Editor, Grammar School, Carlisle. 

Carlisle and District Bowlers’ Guide, 1902. May. ld. C. Thurnam & Sons, Carlisle. 

Carlisle Diocesan Calendar and Clergy List, 1867. Dec. is. and ls. 6d. C. Thurnam 
& Sons, Carlisle. (London: Simpkin & Co., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court.) 

Carlisle Diocesan Gazette, 1897. M.—Ist. ld. C. Thurnam & Sons, Carlisle. 

Carlisle Directory, 1902 (as Arthur’s Directory of Carlisle, 1877). Triennially. 3s. Carty 
& Hudson, G.P.O., Carlisle. i 
TCARLISLE JOURNAL, 1798 (with which is incorporated the Carlisle Express and 
Examiner, 1857). (/) Tues., Fri. and Sat. 1d. Steel Bros. (Carlisle) Ltd., 60 English 
St., Carlisle. (London: 5 New Bridge St.) 

CARLISLE WEEKLY CITIZEN, 1914. (ind.) Thurs. 1d. Cumberland Evening Mail 
Publishing Co., Lonsdale St., Carlisle. 

CARLTON AND NETHERFIELD TIMES, 1899. (ind.) Fri. 4 p.m., for Sat. ld. Kirk 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 9 St. Peters’ Gate, Nottingham. One of the Nottingham and 

Notts Local News series. | 

tCARLOW SENTINEL, 1830. (u) Sat. 2d. G. Langran, 1 Athy St., Carlow. 

CARLUKE AND LANARK GAZETTE, 1905. (ind.) Sat. 3d. A. Beveridge, Market 
Place, Carluke. l 

Carmarthen, 1897. Terminally. 6d. Editor. South Wales Training College, Carmarthen. 

TCARMARTHEN JOURNAL, 1911 (as Carmarthen Journal, 1810; as Journal, 1887). 
(u) Thurs.—a.m. for Fri. id. Journal Co. Ltd., 8 King St., Carmarthen. 

TCARMARTHEN WEEKLY REPORTER, 1860. (/) Thurs.—aft., for Fri. ld. M. 
Lawrence, 3 Blue St., Carmarthen. 

TCARNARVON AND DENBIGH HERALD (as Carnarvon Herald, 1831). (2) Fri—1 p.m. 

ld. E. Abbott, Castle Square, Carnarvon. 

Carnegie Scholarship Memoirs, 1909. July. 10s. net. E. & F. N. Spon Ltd., 57 Hay- 
market, s.w. 

TGARNFORTH NEWS, 1892. (ind.) Sat. ld. Barrow News and Mail Ltd., Abbey 
Road, Barrow-in- Furness. One of the Barrow News series. (London: 134 Fleet St.) 

CARNOUSTIE GAZETTE, 1913. (ind.) Fri. 4d. J. Simpson, 66 High St., Carnoustie. 

CARNOUSTIE HERALD, 1916. (ind.) Fri. 4d. A. Bowman, 226 Brook St., Broughty 
Ferry. One of the Broty Advertiser series. 

H. Wallace, 23 Dalrymple St., Girvan. > 

Fri—8 a.m. ld. J. Bell, Corner House, Carrickfergus. ) 

Carthusian, 1872. Nine times a year. 6d. Editor, Charterhouse, Godalming. 

4) James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

oS ae 

( a = 

taf j E 4 




s - Willing’s Press Guide. =- [ABC List 
aS aaa A Sig E a a a a 
Cases Decided in the Court of Session, House of Lords, &c., 1821. Irreg. 2s. 6d. T. &T. 

Clark, 38 George St., Edinburgh. ' 

Gasion’s @ircular and Type Founder, 1875. Quarterly. Gratis. H. W. Caslon & Co. 
Ltd., 82-83 Chiswell St., Finsbury Square, E.C. 

Cassell’s Children’s Annual, 1909. Sept. 3s. 6d. net and Cassell & Co. Ltd. 
La Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, E.c. 

Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction, 1912 (as Cassell’s Family Magazine, 1874; as Cassell’s 
Magazine, 1867; as Cassell’s Illustrated Family Paper, 1853). M. 6d. net. 
Cassell & Co. Ltd., La Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

Gassell’s Railway Time Tables, 1864. M. 9d. net. Cassell & Co. Ltd., La Belle Sauvage, 
Ludgate Hill, E.c. 

Cassell’s Saturday Journal, 1883. Mon., for Sat.—9 a.m. 14., illus. ; M., 6d. net. Cassell 
& Co. Ltd., La Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, E.c. 

Cassell’s Winter "Annual, 1915. Oct. ls. net. Cassell & Co. Ltd., La Belle Sauvage, 
Ludgate Hull, E.C. 

Cassier’s Engineering Monthly, 1913 (as Cassier’s Magazine, 1891).- M.—Ist. 1s. L. 
Cassier Co. Ltd., 33 Bedford St., w.c. 

Castle’s Fishing and ‘Allied Trades Directory, 1908. March. 5s. 6d. W. Perry & Co. 
Ltd., 6/8 Crutched Friars, E.C. 

Castles’ Guide to the Fruit, Flower, Vegetable, and Allied Trades, 1912. Jan. 5s. W. 
Perry & Co. Ltd., 6- 8 Crutched F riars, E.C. 

Castleknock Chronicle, 1905. June. 1s. K. J. Kenny, 65 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. 

Cat, 1906. M.—Ist. ld. E. Herdman, 47 Salisbury Place, Bishop Auckland. 

Catalogue of Modern Law Books, 1865. Annually. Gratis. Stevens & Haynes, 13 Bell 
Yard, Temple Bar, w.c. ome i 

Caterer, Hotel Keeper, and Restaurateurs, 1878. M.—15th. 9d., illus. Caterer Pub- 
lishing Co. Ltd., 59 & 60 Chancery Lane, w.c. - 

Fri., for Sat. ld. Holmesdale Press Ltd., 47 Croydon Road, Caterham Valley. 
One of the Survey Mirror series. 

Caterham District Directory, 1901. March. 3d. Holmesdale Press Ltd., Ladbroké 
Road, Redhill. 

Caterham School Magazine, 1887. Terminally. 6d. J. H. Stafford, Caterham School, 
Caterham, Surrey. 

ld. Lewisham Newspaper Co. Ltd., 392 High Road, Lee, s.e. One of the Lewisham 
Journal Series. 

Cathedral Quarterly and Church Music Review, 1913. 44d. net. Faith Press, 22 Buckingham 
St., Strand, w.c. 

Catholic, 1891. M.—25th. ld. Rev. T. Connellan, 518 Dawson St., Dublin. 

Catholic Almanac, 1886. Dec. ld. Burns & Oates Ltd., 28 Orchard St., w. 

Catholic Book Notes, 1897. M.—15th. 1d. Catholic Truth Society, 69 Southwark 
Bridge Road, S.E. 

Catholic Bulletin and Book Review, 1911. M.—Ist. 2d. M. H. Gill & Son Ltd., 50 
Upper O’Connell St., Dublin. + | 

Catholic Children’s Realm, 1910. M.—Ist. 1d. S. Walker, Hinckley. 

Catholic Diarv, 1909. Sept. 1s. 3d. and 2s. 6d. net. R. & T. Washbourne Ltd., Pater 

noster Row, E.C. . 

Catholic Directory, 1838. Dec. 1s. 6d. Burns & Oates Ltd., 28 Orchard St., w. Roman 
Catholic clergy ; list of churches, convents, schools, charities, etc. (Advt. p. 449.) 

Catholic Directory of the Province of Birmingham, 1912. Dec. 6d. net. R. & T. Wash- 
bourne Ltd., Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Catholic Educational Year-Book, 1913. Jan. ls. 6d. net. Art Book Co., Ltd., 28 Ashley 
Court, Victoria St., s.w. 

Catholic Federationist, 1910. M.—Ist. 4d. Salford`Catholic Federation, Bishop’s 

- House, Salford. 

Catholic Fireside, 1878. Sat. 1d. M.—l1st. 6d. The Catholic Publishing Co. Ltd., 
8 Bouverie St., Fleet St., E.c. (The Catholic Fireside is the most popular weekly 
illustrated Catholic magazine. Founded by Mgr. Nugent. Telephone, Holborn, 
4933. Advt.) 

tCatholic Herald, 1894 (as Weekly Herald, 1589); Fri. 1d. New Catholic Press Ltd. 
8 Bouverie St., Fleet St., E.C. 

Catholic Home Journal, 1905 (as Lamp, 1824). Tues., 1d. ; M.—Ist., 6d. New Catholic _ 
Press Ltd., 8 Bouverie St., Fleet St., E.c. 

Catholic Missions, 1912 (as Illustrated Catholic Missions, 1886). M.—25th. id. 162, 
St. Stephen’§ House, Westminster, s.w. l 

Advertisements received for all the Brighton Newspapers. [35 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

tCatholic News, 1889. Fri., for Sat. 1d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 110a Fishergate, 
Preston. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

Catholic Review, 1913. Quarterly. 6d. Art and Book Co., Westminster, s.w. 

Catholic Social Guiid Quarterly Bulletin, 1911. 1d. Catholic Social Guild, 1 Victoria 
St., s.w. ` 

Catholic Social Year-Book, 1910. Jan. 6d. Catholic Social Guild, 1 Victoria St., s.w. 

Catholic Suffragist, 1915. M.—15th. 1d. Catholic Women’s Suffrage Society, 55 
Berners St., w. | i 

{CATHOLIC TIMES AND CATHOLIC OPINION, 1860. Fri. 1d. The Catholic Publish- 

. ing Co. Ltd., 8 Bouverie St., Fleet St., E.c. (The Catholic Times is the leading 
Catholic newspaper. It has a circulation greater than that of any other 30 Catholic _ 
weekly newspapers, published in Great Britain, combined. Tel. Holborn 4933. Advt.) 
Catholic Truth Annual, 1903. Dec. 6d. Catholic Truth Society of Ireland, 24 Upper 
O’Connell St., Dublin. (Containing papers and addresses delivered at the Annual 
Conferences Na Catholic Truth Society of Ireland, held'at Dublin in October. 
Illus. Advt.) 

. Catholic Who’s Who and Year Book, 1908. Dec. 3s. 6d. net. Burns & Oates Ltd., 28 
Orchard St., w. . 

Catholic Women’s League Monthly Magazine, 1915. M.—Ist. 1d. Wadsworth & Co., 
116 Victoria St., s.w. 

Cavendish Music Books, 1880. Occas. ls. Boosey & Co., 295 Regent St., w. 

Caxton Magazine and British Stationer, 1899. M.—last day. 6d. Caxton Magazine 
Ltd., 124 Holborn, E.c. 

Ceitic Monthly, 1892. 24th. 34. A.M. Mackay, 10 Bute Mansions, Glasgow. 

Celtic Review, 1904. Quarterly—I5th. 2s. 6d. T. &. A. Constable, 11 Thistle St:, 

Cenad Hedd (Messenger of Peace), 1881. M.—Ist. 2d. J. Williams & Sons Ltd., 21-22 
Glebeland St., Merthyr Tydfil. 

Cenuai; 1903. Three times a year. 1s. 6d. G. W. Tripp, 4 Fairfield Road, Old Charlton, 

“Central Africa, 1883. M.—25th. ld. S. W. Partridge & Co., 21-22 Old Bailey, E.C. 

Central Literary Magazine, 1873. Quarterly. 9d. Central Literary Association, 38 
Summer Row, Birmingham. 

(u) Thurs. for Fri. ld. Central Somerset Gazette Co., 27 High St., Glastonbury. 

WELLS GAZETTE, 1903 (as Radnorshire Standard and Llandrindod Wells Gazette, 
1898). (u). Fr. p.m., for Sat. 1d. Radnorshire Standard Co. Ltd., Caxton House, 
Llandrindod. (The official advertising medium for Radnorshire Councils and other 
public bodies ; carries all public notices, auctions, and “ smalls ” ; enjoys extensive 
circulation. Advt.) 

Cerddor, Y (The Musician), 1889. M.—I1st. 2d. Hughes & Son, Regent St., Wrexham. 

Certified Accountants’ Journal, 1905. M.—lIst. 2d. London Association of Accountants 
Ltd., Temple Chambers, Temple Avenue, E.c. 

{Challenge, 1914. Fri. ld. Editorial. Challenge Ltd., Effingham House, Arundel St., 
w.c. Publishers: H. Marshall & Son, 125 Fleet St., E.c. (Church of England 
Illustrated Weekly. Advt.) l 

Chamber of Commerce Journal, 1882. M.—l1st. 6d. London Chamber of Commerce 
Incorporated, Oxford Court, and 97 Cannon St., E.C. 

Chamber’s Journal, 1844 (as Chamber's Edinburgh Journal, 1832). Wed.—9. a.m., 
lł4d.; M.—25th. 7d. W. & R. Chambers Ltd., 38 Soho Square, w. 

Channel Coast and Mediterranean Magazine, 1911. Quarterly. 3d. Channel Coast Com- 
mittee. 109 Victoria St., s.w. (Advt. p. 449.) 

Channel Islands Directory, 1899. Every 4 years, last issue 1915. 5s. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. - , 

Channels of Blessing (in Braille type), 1899. Alter. months. 9d. E. Norris, 64 Birkbeck 

' Road, Beckenham, Kent. 
1873. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. ld. Young & Son, Fore St., Chard. 
Charing Cross Hospital Gazette, 1899. Four times a year. 8d. Charing Cross Hospital 
Student’s Club, 62-5 Chandos St., w.c. S 
Charity Organisation Review, 1884 (as Charity Organisation Reporter, 1872}. M.—15th. 
6d. Longmans & Co., 39 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Charity Record, Hospital Times, &c., 1881. Ist and 3rd Sats. 2d. Le Vierge & Warner, 
21 Bride Lane, Fleet St., E.C. l ; 

Chart_and Compass, 1808. M.—Ist. 1d. Marshall Bros. Ltd., 47 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

36] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents 125; Strand) London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Charts, Plans, and Sailing Directions, 1830. April. Gratis. J. D. Potter, 145 Minories, E. 

Chat, 1884. Fri—ll am. ld. illus. Procter & Co., 60 Arundel St., Portsmouth. 

{CHATHAM, ROCHESTER & GILLINGHAM NEWS, 1885 (as Chatham News, 1859). 
(tnd.) . Fri—12 noon, for Sat. ld. Parrett & Neves Ltd., 30 High St., Chatham. 
noon, for Sat. ld. Mackay & Co. Ltd., Fair Row, 176 High St., Chatham. 
Chatterbox, 1867. Thurs., $d.; M.—25th, 3d.; annually, 3s and 5s., illus. Wells 
Gardner, Darton & Co. Ltd., 3-4 Paternoster Buildings, E.c. 

Chatterbox Newsbox, 1914. Oct. 1s. net. Wells, Gardiner, Darton & Co. Ltd., 3-4 
Paternoster Buildings, E.c. 

{CHATTERIS AND HUNTS. ADVERTISER, 1872. (ind.) Fri. ld. Sharman & Co. 
Ltd., High St., March. One of the Cambridgeshive Times series. 

TCHEADLE AND GATLEY EXPRESS. (One of the Wilmslow and Alderley Express 


CHEADLE AND TEAN TIMES, 1896. (ind.) Fri. 1d. J. Lowndes, High St., Cheadle 

(Recognised organ of all Parish and Rural District Council advts., public notices, 
auction sales, etc. Advt.) 

34d. J. Machi® High St., Cheadle. (The medium adopted by the Local Authorities 
for their announcements. Advt. j 

WEEKLY NEWS, 1906. (ind.) Fri. $d. Imperial Publishing Syndicate, Cheddar. 
Cheering Words, 1850. M.—ist. 4d. R. Banks & Son, 5 Racquet Court, Fleet St., E.C. 
tCHEETHAM AND CRUMPSALL GUARDIAN, 1882. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. ld. J. 

Bagot Ltd., Market Place, Middleton. One of the Middleton Guardian series. 
paelnstere Diocesan Chronicie, 1915. M.—Ist. 2d. Earls Colne Printing Co., Earls 

olne. . 
Chelmsford Diocesan Directory, 1915. Jan. 2s. net. Wells, Gardner, Darton & Co. 

Ltd., 3-4 Paternoster Row, E.C. l 
Chelsea, Pimlico, and Belgravia Directory, 1877. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. | | 


Sat. 14d. Cheltenham Newspaper Co. Ltd., Clarence Parade, Cheltenham. 

Cheitenham Ladies’ Coilege Magazine, 1880. April and Oct. 3s. 6d. per ann. Ladies’ 
College, Cheltenham. | : 
Cheltonian, 1866. M.—except Feb. and Aug. 6s. per annum. J. Darter, College Book 

and Stationery Depot, Cheltenham. ; 
Chemical Engineering and Works Chemist, 1911. M.—25th. 1s. S. S. Dyson, 144 

Snargate St., Dover. 4 
Chemical Manufacturers’ Directory, 1886. Jan. 2s. 6d. net. Simpkin & Co. Ltd., 

4 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.C. 

{Chemical News, 1859 (as Chemical Gazette, 1842). Thurs.—3 p.m. 4d. E. J. Davey, 

16 Newcastle St., Farringdon St., E.C. 

Chemical Trade Direttory of Chemical Manufacturers and Agents in Great Britain and 
. Ireland, 1907. Biennially, last issue 1913. 10s. net. Davis Bros., 265 Strand, w.c. 

{Chemical Trade Journal and Chemical Engineer, 1887. Sat. 4d., illus. Davis, Bros., 

265 Strand, w.c. 

tChemist and Druggist, 1859. Sat. 6d., illus. E. Halse, 42 Cannon St., E.C. 

Chemist and Druggist Diary, 1869. Dec. 3s. 6d. E. Halse, 42 Cannon St., E.C. 
Chemists’ and Druggists’ Directory, 1869. Every four years, last issue 1916. 20s. 

Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Chemists’ Annual and Diary, 1906. Dec.. 2s.6d. Heywood & Co. Ltd., 150 Holborn, E.C. 

Chemists’ Year-Book, 1915. Feb. 10s. 6d. Sherratt & Hughes, 33 Soho Square, w. 

- a a lee ADVERTISER, 1855 (incorporated with the Chepstow Weekly 
YguUS, ; 

CHEPSTOW WEEKLY ARGUS, 1892. () Fri. 1d. C. D. Stentiford, 14 High St., 

Newport, Mon. One of the South Wales Weekly Argus series. \ 

{CHESHIRE DAILY ECHO, 1883. (c) Daily—p.m. 3d. Swain & Co. Ltd., King St. 
` East, Stockport. l 

Cheshire Directory, 1880. Every four years, last issue 1914. 18s. Kelly’s Directories 

; Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

_. Cheshire Notes and Queries, 1896. Quarterly. 1s. 6d. Swain & Co. Ltd., King St. 

East, Stockport. 

{CHESHIRE OBSERVER, 1851. (u) Fri. & Sat. 1d. .Cheshire and North Wales 

Newspaper Co. Ltd., 8 Bridge St., Chester. 


Advertisements received for all the Coventry Newspapers. [37 

ABC List.' Willing’s Press Guide. 

Chess Amateur, 1906. M.—lIst. 6d. Stroud News Publishing Co. Ltd., George St., 


Fri. and Sat. 1d. C. Smith, 27 Bridge St., Chester. (London: 115 Fleet St.) 

Wed. Id. J. A. Birchall, Chester. 

Chester Diocesan Calendar, Clergy List, and Chive Almanack, 1856. Jan. 1s. Phillip- 
son & Golder, Eastgate Row, Chester. 

Chester Diocesan Gazette, 1886. M.—Ist. 2d. Phillipson & Golder, Eastgate Row, 

Chester Directory of Trades, Professions, and Gentry, 1866. July. 1s. 6d. Phillipson & 
Golder, Eastgate Row, Chester. 

{CHESTER GUARDIAN AND RECORD, 1857. (ind.) Tues.—4 p.m., and Fri.—6 a.m. 
ld. Mackie & Co. Ltd., 39 Bridge St., Chester. One of the W avrington Guardian 

Fri. 4d. W. Clarke & Sons Ltd., Front St., Chester-le-Street, Co. Durham. 

Chichester Diocesan Calendar, 1873. Jan. 2s. W. Clowes & Sons Ltd., 31 Haymarket, s.w. 

Chichester Diocesan Gazette, 1894. M. 2d. Southern Publishing @o. Ltd., 35 South- 
gate, Chichester. Telephone 16. (London: 69 Fleet St.) 

Id. R. J. Acford Ltd., Chichester. 

Chief Steward, 1905. M.—Ist. 6d. Shipping Publications, Ltd., 91-93 Leadenhall St., E.c. 

Chigwellian, 1879. 5 times a year. 6d. The Editor, Church House, Chigwell, 

Child, 1910. M.—25th. 2s. J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson Ltd., 83-89 Great Titchfield 
St., w. (Advertisement Department: 63 Ludgate Hill, E.c. 

Child Life, 1891. N.S. 1899. Eight times a year. 6d. net. G. Philip & Son Ltd., 32 
Fleet St., E.C. 

Child of Mary, 1894. M.—25th. 1d. R. & T. Washbourne Ltd., Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Child Study, 1908. M.—lIst, except Jan., July, Aug., Sept. 3d. net. E. Arnold, 41-43 
Maddox St., Bond St., w. 

Child Welfare Annual, 1916. Annually. 7s. 6d. net. J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson Ltd., 
83-9 Great Titchfield St., w. ; à 

Children’s Almanac and Bible Text Book. 1885. Oct. 4d. John Ritchie, Kilmarnock. 

Children’s Clothing, 1915. M.—Ist. id. J. Williamson Co. Ltd., 42 Gerrard St., w. 

Children’s Friend, 1861. M.—25th. 1d., illus. S. W. Partridge & Co., 21-22 Old Bailey, E.C. 

Children’s Gospel Magazine, 1905 (as Little Messenger, 1896). M.—25th. 4d. J. 
Carter, 13 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Children’s Kalendar, 1906. Sept. 4d. A. R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd., 28 Margaret St., w. 

Children’s Messenger, 1862. M.—25th. 4d. J. & R. Parlane, 97 High St., Paisley, 
(London: 26 Ivy Lane.) 

Children’s Paper, 1855. M.—25th. 4d., illus. Nelson & Sons, Edinburgh. (London: 
35 Paternoster Row. í 

Children’s Quarterly, 1900. 6d. Parents’ National Educational Union, 26 Victoria St., s.w. 

Children’s Special Service Mission Intelligencer, 1896. Irreg. Gratis. Children’ S Special 
Service Mission, 13a Warwick Lane, E.c. 

Children’s Treasury of Pictures and Stories, 1888. Oct. 1s. T. Nebon & Sons, 35 
Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Child’s Companion and Juvenile Instructor, 1824. M.—25th. 2d., illus. Religious 
Tract Society, 4 Bouverie St., E.C. 

Child’s Empire Picture Annual, 1912. Sept. 3s: 6d. R. T. S. 4 Bouverie St., E.C. 

Chilton’s Guide and Racing Mail, 1896. Sat. 1s. Chilton & Co,, 10 Imperial Arcade, E.c. 

China Mission Year Book, 1910. Nov. 6s. net. R.T.S., 4 Bouverie St., E.c. 

China Year-Book, 1912. July 10s. net. G. Routledge & Sons Ltd., 68- 74 Carter Lane, 
Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

China’s Millions, 1875. M.—25th. ld., illus. Morgan & Scott Ltd., 12 Paternoster 
Buildings, E.c. 

Chinese Trade Register, 1892. July. 2s. 6d. Eastern Press Ltd., 3 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

CHINGFORD HERALD, 1916. Sat. 4d. W. Stoddart & Co., 396a Hoe St., Waltham- 
stow. One of the Walthamstow Herald series. (Advt. p. 459.) 

CHIPPING SODBURY GAZETTE, 1913. One of the Dursley, &c., Gazette series. 

{CHISLEHURST AND DISTRICT TIMES, 1881. (:nłļ.) Frii—a.m. ld. Kentish 
District Times Co. Ltd., Times Building, Sidcup. 

Chiswick, Acton, and Gunnersbury Directory, 1886. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

38] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

i l Willing’s Press Guide. [A BC List. 

CHISWICK EXPRESS, 1896 (ind.) Tues. and Fri.—4-30 p.m. 4d. J. King, 3 King St., 
Acton, w. One of the Acton Express series. 

TCHISWICK GAZETTE, 1868. (ind.) Fri. 3d. Middlesex County Times Ltd., 194 
High Road, Chiswick. (Advt. p. 457.) 

orn TIMES, 1895. (ind.) Fri., ld. F. W. Dimbleby & Sons, 194 High Road, 

hiswick, . 

Chitty’s Statutes of Practical Utility. Annually. Price varies. Sweet & Maxwell Ltd., 
3 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Chivalry, 1916. Quarterly. 4d. Alliance of Honour, 112 City Road, E.c. 

Choir, 1910. M.— 25th. 2d. C. H. Kelly, 25-35 City Road, E.c. 

Choir Musician, 1887. Alter. months. 2d. J. Broadbent & Son Ltd., 13 Brunswick 
Place, Leeds. 

Choimeleian, 1873. Twice each term. 8d. Editor, Highgate School, Nn. 

Choral Harmony, 1860. Irreg. 1d. F. Pitman, Hart & Co. Ltd., 20 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Choralist, 1864. Occasionally. 1d. Boosey & Co., 295 Regent St., w. 

{CHORLEY AND DISTRICT WEEKLY NEWS, 1908 (as Chorley Standard and District 
Advertiser, 1864). (l) Sat. 1d. Ellis & Sons, Market Place, Chorley. 

` Chorley Co-operative Society Record, 1896. M.—Ist. Gratis. The Society, 74 Steeley 

Lane, Chorley. . l j 

Sat.—6 a.m. ld. S. Fowler & Sons, 34 Market St., Chorley. 

Weekly New, 1908). 

Christadelphian, 1873 (as Ambassador, 1864). M.—Jast Thurs. 6d. C. C. Walker, 21 
Hendon Rd., Sparkhill, Birmingham. (Dedicated wholly to the Hope of Isracl. Advt.) 

tCHRISTCHURCH TIMES, 1855. (ind.) Fri. and Sat. 1d. Christchurch Times Ltd., 
5 Bridge St., Christchurch. (Circulates in Christchurch, Southbourne, Highcliffe, 
Milton, Burton, Sopley and all surrounding villages. Excellent advertising medium 
for reaching farmers and country people. Advt.) | R 

tChristian, 1859. Thurs.—9 a.m. ld. Morgan & Scott Ltd., 12 Paternoster Buildings, E.c. 

{Christian Advocate, 1885 (as Irish Christian Advocate, 1883). Thurs., for Fri. ld. 
Irish Methodist Publishing Co. Ltd., 42 Donegall St., Belfast. 

Christian Age and Sunday Pictures, 1871. Thurs. 1ld.; M. 6d. H. Marshall & Son, 
125 Fleet St., E.c. 

Christian Ambassador, 1874. M.—26th. 6d. for 25, illus. J. F. Shaw & Co. Ltd., 3 
Pilgrim St., Ludgate Hill, £.c. 

{Christian Commonwealth, 1881. Tues. for Wed. 1d. Christian Commonwealth Co. 
Ltd., 133 Salisbury Square, E.c. (Organ of the World-wide Progressive Move- 
ment in Religion and Social Ethics. Advt.) 

{Christian Endeavour Times, 1893. Thurs. 1d. S.S.U., 57 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

{Christian Globe, 1874. Thurs——3 a.m. ld., illus. ‘Christian Globe Newspaper Asso- 
ciation Ltd., 8-9, Johnson’s Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

tChristian Herald, 1876 (as Signs of Our Times, 1867, with which is incorporated 
Illustrated Christian News and Christian Budget). Mon.—9 a.m., for Thurs. ld. 
Christian Herald Co. Ltd., 6 Tudor St., E.c. (Adut. p. 450.) 

Christian Irishman, 1882. M.—26th. id. Irish Missions, 85 Grafton St., Dublin. 

tChristian Life and Unitarian Herald, 1876. Fri., for Sat. Id. 5 Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Christian Literature Society Indian Bookman, 1914. Quarterly. Gratis. The Society. 
35 John St., Bedford Row, w.c. 

Sarian Messenger, 1865. M.—25th. 2d., illus. J. Johnson, Holborn Hall, Clerkenwell 

oad, E.C. 

Christian Novels, 1905. Mon. ld. Shurey’s Publications, 17 Tudor St., Fleet St., E.C. 

Christian Novels Library, 1912. Thurs. 1d. Shurey’s Publications, 17 Tudor St., Fleet St. 

Christian Progress, 1876 M.— 25th. 1d.R. Scott, Roxburghe House, Paternoster Row,Ec. 

Christian Science Record, 1916. Quarterly. 1s. Christian Science Central Publishing 
Association, 34 Harrington Road, South Kensington, s.w. 

Christian Words, 1861 (as Wesleyan Reform Union Magazine, 1861). M.—lIst. ld. 

‘Wesleyan Reform Union, 25 Change Alley, Sheffield. 

Christian Worker, 1911 (as Sunday School Worker, 1885). M.—Ist. 4d. J. Ritchie, 

TCHRISTIAN WORLD, 1857 (with which is incorporated British Congreegationalist and 
Examiner, 1906). (/) Thurs.—5 a.m. ld. James Clarke & Co., 13 and 14 Fleet 
St., E.C. Religious and family newspaper (Evangelical). (Advt. p. 450.) 

Christian World Pulpit, 1871. Wed—9 am. ld. M. 6d. James Clarke & Co., 13 & 
14 Fleet St., E.c. (Sermons by preachers of various denominations. Advt.) 

Christian Year Calendar, 1899. Sept. 2d. A. R. Mowbray. & Co, td» 28 Margaret St., w. 

Advertisements received for all the Scottish Newspapers, [30 ae 

ABC List.]  Willing’s Press Guide. 

Christian’s Armoury, 1900. M.—25th. Id. S. W. Partridge & Co., 21-22 Old Bailey, E.c. 

Christian’s Pathway, 1896 (with which is incorporated Calvinistic Pulpit, 1891). M.— 
Ist. 14d. S. G. Madgwick, 26 Ivy Lane, E.C. 

Christian’s Pocket Diary, 1897. Oct. ld., 6d., and Is. J. Ritchie, Kilmarnock. 

Christmas Catalogue, 1888. Nov. 9d. 37-8 Strand, w.c. (Year Book of the News; cacy, 
Bookselling, and Stationery Trades.’ Advt.) 

Chronicle of Convocation, 1857. Irreg. Price varies. National Society, 19 Great Peter 
St., S.W.. 

Chronicle of the Central Board of Missions, 1912. 3 times a year. 2d. Central Board 
of Missions, Church House, Westminster, s.w. 

Chronicle of the Duke of York’s Military School, 1912 (as Sons of the Brave, 1896). 
May and Oct. 6d. The Editor, Shenfield, Hutton, Brentwood. 

Chronicle of the London Missionary Society, 1867 (as Missionary Magazine and Chronicle, 
1837). M.—lIst. ld., illus. Simpkin & Co. Ltd., 32 Paternoster Row, E.C. | 

Chronicles of the Camera Club, 1912. May and Oct. 6d. Camera Club, 17 John St., 
Adelphi, w.c. 

Chronique, La, 1899 (as Anglo-French Chronicle, 1899). Sat. ld. E. A. P. Huguenet, 
29, Bessborough St., Vauxhall Bridge, s.w. 

CHRONIQUE DE JERSEY, 1814. (c) Wed and Sat. 1d. 19 Royal Square, St. Heliers, 


Chuckles, 1914. Fri., for Sat. 4d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Chummy Book, 1913. Oct. 2s. 6d. net. T. Nelson & Sons, 35-6 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Chums, 1892. Mon. 1d., and M.—26th, 6d. net., illus. ; yearly vol., 7s. 6d. net. Cassell 
& Co. Ltd., La Belle Sauvagé, Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

Church Abroad, 1903. M.—15th. 1s. per 100. S.P.G., 15 Tufton St., s.w. 

CHURCH ADVERTISER, 1889. (ind). Tues. $d., and Fri., id. Hyndburn Road, 
Accrington. One of the Accrington Advertiser series. 

Church Almanac, 1888. Oct. ld. Churchman Publishing Co. Ltd., 33-4 Craven St., 
Strand, w.c. 

Church and People, 1889. M.—29th. ld. C. Murray, 11 Ludgate Square, E.C. 

Church and the Sailor, 1912 (as Word on the Waters, 1856). M.—25th. 1d. Missions 
to Seamen, 11 Buckingham St., Strand, w.c. 

Church Army Gazette, 1886 (as The Baitleaxe, 1883). Sat. 4d. Rev. W. Carlile, 55- 
Bryanston St., Edgware Road, w. 

Church Army Review, 1883. Six issues yearly. 2d. Rev. W. Carlile, 55 Bryanston 
St., Edgware Road, w. 

Church Builder, 1861. Jan., Apr. July, Ict. 3d. Longmans & Co., 39 PaternosterRow,E.c. 

Church Emigration Society Annual Report, 1886. Jan. Gratis. Church Emigration 
Society, Church House, Dean’s Yard, Westminster, s.w. 

Church Evangelist and Parish Worker, 1885. M.—28th. ld. S. W. Partridge & Co., 
21/2 Old Bailey, E.C. 

tChurch Family Newspaper, 1894. Thurs.—p.m. for Fri. 1d. Home Publishing Co. 
Ltd., 17 Tavistock St., Covent Garden, w.c. 

Church Gazette, 1906 (as Ladies’ League Gazette, 1900). M.—ist. 2d. C. Murray, 
11 Ludgate Square, E.C. 

Church Intelligencer, 1884. M.—26th. 1d. Church Association, 13 & 14 Buckingham 
St., Strand, w.c. 

C. L. B. List, 1896. July. 1s. Church Lads’ Brigade, Aldwych House, Catherine St.,w.c. 

Church Leader, 1909. M.—Ist. 1d. Symbol Publg. Co., 22 Buckingham St., Strand,w.c. 

ey League for Women’s Suffrage Monthly Paper, 1912. M.—ist. ld. Francis & 

11 Bream’s Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.c. 

Church ‘Missionary Gazette, 1907. M.—25th. 1d. C.M.S., Salisbury Square, E.C. 

Church Missionary Gleaner, 1841. M.—25th. ld., illus. C. M.S., Salisbury Square, E.C. 

Church Missionary Pocket Book, 1879. Oct. Is. 6d. C.M.S., Salisbury Square, E.C. 

Church Missionary Quarteriy Paper, 1816. Gratis. C.M.S., Salisbury Square, E.C. 

Church Missionary Quarterly Token, 1856. Gratis. C.M.S., Salisbury Square, E.C. 

Church Missionary Review, 1907. M.—26th. 6d. C.M.S., Salisbury Square, E.C. 

Church Monthly, 1888. 25th. 1d., illus. Churchman Publishing Co. Ltd., 33-4 Craven 
St., Strand, w.c. i 

Church of England Almanac, 1889. Nov. 1d. and 6d. Church Association, 13 and 14 
Buckingham St., Strand, w.c. 

Church of England Pulpit & Ecciesiastical Review, 1888. Sat. 1d. Penfold & Sons, 
8/9 St. Alban’s Place, Upper St., Islington, N. 

Church of England Temperance Society, War Issue, 1915. M.—lIst. ld. C.E.T.S., 50 
Marsham St., Westminster, s.w. 

tChurch of Ireland Gazette, 1900 (as Irish Ecclesiastical Gazette, 1856), Fri. for Sat. 1d. 
Church of Ireland Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd 61 Middle Abbey-St., Dublin, 

401 Tames Willine. Ltd.. Advertising Agents. 125. Strand. London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Church of Ireland Sunday School Calendar, 1895. fune. ld. Association for Promoting 
Christian Knowledge, 37 Dawson St., Dublin. 

Church of Scotland Teachers’ Magazine, 1893. M.—30th. Id. R. & R. Clark Ltd., 
72 Hanover St., Edinburgh. 

Church of Scotland Year-Book, 1900 (as Book of the Church of Scotland, 1886). Dec. 
6d. and 1s. R. & R. Clark Ltd., 72 Hanover St., Edinburgh. 

Church ee Gazette, 1864. Half-yearly. 4d. R.N. Blackett, 23 Bedford St., 
Strand, w.c 

Church Pennant, 1882. M.—1s¢. 1d. Holbrook & Son Ltd., 154, Queen St., Portsmouth. 

ne Quarterly Review, 1875. Jan., April, July, Oct. 3s. Spottiswoode, Ballantyne 

& Co. Ltd., 1 New Street Square, E.C. 

Church Reading ‘Magazine, 1901. Quarterly. 34. T. Murby & Co., 6 Bouverie St., E.C. 

Church Record, 1912 (as Wesleyan Methodist Church Record, 1891). M.—25th. ld. 
C. H. Kelly, 25-35 City Road, E.C. 

Church Socialist, 1912. M.—ist. 1d. Church Socialist League, 2 Halkin St., Leicester. 

Church Standard, 1909. M.—25th. 1d. C. Murray, 11 Ludgate Square, E.C. 

Marks, Market Place, Church Stretton, Salop. One of the Ludlow Advertiser series. 

- Church Sunday School Magazine and Church Worker, 1863. M.—25th. 1d. net. Church 
of England Sunday School Institute, 13 Serjeants’ Inn, Fleet St., E.C. 

{CHURCH TIMES, 1863. Fri—a.m. ld. G. J. Palmer & Sons, 7 Portugal St., w.c. 
Anglo-Catholic record and review. (Advt. p. 450). 

Church Union Gazette, 1870. M.—1st. 1d. English Church Union, 31 Russell Square, w.c. 

Churchman, 1879. M.—25th. 6d. net. R. Scott, Roxburghe House, Paternoster Row,E.c. 

Churchman’s Almanac, 1842. Nov. 12 editions. ld. to 3s. S.P.C.K., Greener House, 
Haymarket, s.w. 

Churchman’s Diary, 1847. Nov. 4d., &c. W. Walker, 28 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

- Church man’s Magazine, 1846. M. —25th. 1d. J. A. Kensit, 3-4 St. Paul’s Churchyard, E.c. 

Churchman's Remembrancer, 1842. Nov. lis. 6d. and 2s. 6d. S.P.C.K., Greener House, 
Haymarket, S.W. 

Churchman’s Year-Book and A N 1909. Dec. 1s. 6d. A. R. Mowbray & Co. 
Ltd., 28 Margaret St., w. 

Cigar and Tobacco World, 1898 (as Cigar & Tobacco World & Tobacconist, 1889). 
M.—lIst. 2d., illus. Heywood & Co., Ltd., 150 Holborn, E.C. 

+Cinema News and ‘Property Gazette, 1911. Wed.1d. Cinema Press Ltd., 30 Gerrard St.,w. 

Cinque Port, 1877. Terminally. ls. Daniel & Co., 28 King’s Road, St. Leonards. 

Circuit Stewards’ List, 1907. Jan. 6d. net. C. H. Kelly, 25-35 City Road, E.c. 

Circulation Manager, 1912. M—lIst. 5s. perann. Circulation Manager and Publishing 
World, 50-51 High Holborn, w.c. 

{CITIZEN (London), 1878. Sat. 2d. L. M. Brousson, 2 Copthall Buildings, E.C. 

tCITIZEN (Gloucester), 1876. (ind.) Daily—p.m. $d. Chance & Bland, St. John’s 
Lane, Gloucester. 

{CITIZEN (Letchworth), 1906. (ind.) Fri. ld. Letchworth Printers, Ltd., Norton 
Way North, Letchworth. : 

City and Guilds of London Institute Programme. Annually. 9d. J. Murray, 50a 
Albemarle St., w. 

City Diary and Almanac, 1863. Nov. 1s. W. H. & L. Collingridge, 148 Aldersgate St., E.C. 

City Life Record, 1910 (as British Homes, 1896). M.—Ist. 1d. City Life Assurance Co. 
Ltd., 6 Paul St., Finsbury, E.c. 

City of Ely Red Book, Almanac, Diary, and Street Directory, 1893. Dec. 2d. J. P. 
Tibbitts, High St., Ely. 

{CITY OF ELY STANDARD, 1875. (ind.) Fri. ld. Sharman & Co. Ltd., High St., 
March. One of the Cambridgeshire Times series. 

City of Liverpool Official Handbook, 1906. Spring. 1s. Littlebury Bros., 3 Crosshall 
St., Liverpool. : 

City of London College Calendar, 1861. Oct. 6d. City of London College, White St., 
Moorfields, E.C. 

City of London Illustrated, 1907. M.—15th. 4d. Eayres, 171 High Road, South 
Tottenham, N. 

City of London School Magazine, 1877. Terminally. 6d. City of London School, 
Victoria Embankment, E.c. 

City of London Year Book and Civic Directory, 1910. Mar. 5s. net. W. H. & L. Colling- 
ridge, 148 Aldersgate St., E.c. 

City of Perth Co-operative ‘‘ Pioneer,” 1876. M.—1st. Gratis. City of Perth Co-opera- 
tive Society, Scott St., Perth. 

City of Worcester Official Handbook, 1907. Annually. 6d. Littlebury;&-Co., Worcester 
Press, Worcester. 

e eR a a a a aa 
Adnovtsacamonte vorosanod iny all the Dauractey N emehahere [AT 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

tGITY PRESS, 1857. Sat. ld. W.-H. & L. Collingridge, 148 Aldersgate St., E.C. 

City Sparrows, 1894. Quarterly. 1d. Scottish Children’s League of Pity, 137 ‘Princes 
St., Edinburgh. 

Civil Engineering, 1906. M.—2I1st. 6d. H. Marshall & Son, 125 Fleet St., E.C. 

Civil Engineer's Cost Book, 1912. Jan. E. & F.N. Spon Ltd., 57 Haymarket, s.W. 

Civil Service Competitor, 1884. Fortnightly—Thurs. 1d. G. E. Skerry, 9 Southampton 
St., High Holborn, w.c. 

+ Civil Service Gazette, 1859. M.—2nd Sat. 2d. F. A. Wickhart, 11 Gough Square, E.c. 

Civil Service Hints, 1890. Fortnightly—Fri. 1d. W. Mole & Co. Ltd., 45-47 Memorial 
Hall, Farringdon St., E.C. 

Civil Service Observer, 1906 (as Union Observer, 1895 ; with which are incorporated 
Copyists’ Own Journal, 1901, and Civil Service Cadet). M.—25th. 1d. H. Polman, 
“ Nottingham,” Worley Road, St. Albans. 

Civil Service Tutor, 1904. Fri. id. M. Hughes, 82 Royal Avenue, Belfast. 

Civil Service Year Book, 1874. Feb. 2s. Clerkenwell Press Ltd., 76- 8 Clerkenwell Rd., E.C. 

tCivilian, 1869. Fri., for Sat. 3d. Clerkenwell Press Ltd., 76 and 78 Clerkenwell Rd., E.C. 

Clactonian, 1900. Jan. and July. ls.’ The Editor, 16 Holwood Road, Bromley. 

Clan Lamont Journal, 1912. Quarterly. 6d. Wilson & Phillips, Hereford. 

CLAPHAM AND BALHAM CHRONICLE (South-Western Star), 1881. (ind.) Fri. ld. 
A. W. H. Morgan, 160 Falcon Road, Clapham Junction, s.w. One of the South- 
Western Star series. 
Clapham Free Press, 1882. (ind.) Fri. ld. Brixton Free Press Printing and Advertis- 
ing Co. Ltd., 429 Brixton Road, s.w. One of the Brixton Free Press series. 
Clapham Junction and District Review, 1911. (ind.) M.—15th. ld. Local Review Ltd., 
43 St. John’s Hill, Clapham Junction, s.w. 

{CLAPHAM OBSERVER, 1865 (as Tooting and Balham Times, 1866; with which is 
incorporated Surrey County Observer). Fri.—5 p.m. ld. Telephone Battersea 465. 
E. Baldwin, 83 High St., Clapham, s.w. (Advt. p. 456.) 

*iCLARE CHAMPION, 1903. (nat.) Sat. 1d. Clare Champion Printing and Publishing 
Co. Ltd., O’Connell St., Ennis. 

{CLARE JOURNAL AND ENNIS ADVERTISER, 1776. (ind.) Mon. and Thurs. 1d. 
J. B. Knox & Son, 22 O’Connell St., Ennis. 

Clare Market Review, 1906. Feb., May and Oct. 6d. Students Union, London School 
of Economics, Clare Market, Kingsway, w.c. : 

+Clarion, 1891. Fri. ld. 44 Worship St., E.C. 

Class-Leader’s Companion, 1906. 1s. net. Oct. C. H. Kelly, 25-35 City Road, E.c. 

Classical Quarterly, 1907. Jan., April, July, Oct. 3s. net. J. Murray, 50a Albemarle St., w. 

Classical Review, 1887. M.—except Jan., April, July, Oct. 1s. net. J. Murray, 50a 
Albemarle St., w. | 

Clavier and the Musical nt 1897. Quarterly. 8d. Virgil Musical Society 
Ltd., 58 Berners St., 

Clavinian, 1863. Twice a fea 6d. The Editor, Weymouth College, Weymouth. 

CLAYTON-LE-MOORS ADVERTISER, 1889. (ind.) Tues. 4d. and Fri. ld. Hyndburn 
Road, Accrington. One of the Accrington Advertiser series. 

tCLAYTON-LE-MOORS OBSERVER AND TIMES, 1892. (/) Tues. 4d.; Sat. ld. 
R. S. Crossley, Edgar St., Accrington. One of the Accrington Observer series. 

tCLAYTON TIMES AND EXPRESS, 1876. () Fri. 1d. H. C. Derwent, 53 Market St., 
Bradford. One of the Bradford wW eekly Telegraph series. (London: 62 Ludgate Hill.) 

Senior & Co.. Ltd., Cheapside, Cleckheaton. One of the Heckmondwike Herald series. 


Hirst, Northgate, Cleckheaton. 

Clege’s Oldham Annual, 1891. Jan. 3d. W. E. Clegg, 30 Market Place, Oldham. 

Clergy Directory and Parish Guide, 1870. Dec. 4s. 6d. J.S. Phillips, 99 Shoe Lane, E.C. 

Clergy List, 1841. Jan. 12s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Clergyman’s Ready Reference Diary, 1894. Nov. 3s. Year Book Press, 31 Museum St., w.c. 

Clerical Diary and Visiting List, 1904. Nov. 3s. G. A. Bates, Church House, South 
John St., Liverpool. 

Clerk, 1908. M.—Ist. ld. National Union of Clerks, 13 Brunswick Square, w.c. 

CLEVEDON MAIL AND SOMERSET TIMES, 1913.. (ind.) Sat. 3d. W. J. W. Cook, 
Limetree House, Barton, Bristol. One of the Avonmouth Mail series. 

{CLEVEDON MERCURY AND COURIER, 1860. (c) Fri—8 p.m., for Sat. Id. W.G. 
Sercombe, 8 Linden Road, Clevedon. 

CLEVELAND STANDARD, 1908. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 4d. T. Nicholls & Son, 67 High | 
St., Redcar. 

CLIFTON AND REDLAND FREE PRESS, 1890. (ind.) Thurs. $d. Bristol Free Press 
and Advertising Co. Ltd., Baldwin St., Bristol. 

2] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willine’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

{CLIFTON CHRONICLE, 1852 (as Clifton Directory, 1850). (ind.) Wed.—7 a.m. ld. 
E. Austin & Son Ltd., Merchants Road, Clifton, Bristol. 
Clittonian, 1867. Terminally. 6d. J. W. Arrowsmith Ltd., 11 Quay St., Bristol. 
Climbers’ Club Journal, 1898. Quarterly. 2s. H. Marshall & Son, 125 Fleet St., E.c. 
Clinical Excerpts, 1891. Alter-M. 3d. Bayer & Co., 19, St. Dunstans Hill, E.c. 
+Clinical Journal, 1892. Wed. 3d. Adlard & Son & West Newman, 23 Bartholomew 
. Close, E.C. 
fCLITHEROE ADVERTISER, 1886. (ind.) Fri. 4d. C. Robinson, 27 Castle St., 
tCLITHEROE TIMES, 1888. (ind.)  Fri—p.m. 4d. Lord & Marsland, 6 Market 
Place, Clitheroe. 
Clongownian, 1895. June. 1s. The Editor, Clongowes Wood College, Sallins. 
‘ (ind.) Tues., Wed., Fri., and Sat. id. Clonmel Chronicle Newspaper and Printing 
Works Ltd., 33 Parnell St., Clonmel. 
tCLORIANYDD, 1891. Wed., for Thurs. 4d. North Wales Chronicle Co. Ltd., Llangefni, 
Anglesey. - 
Club and Institute Journal, 1893. M.—Ist week. hd. Working Men’s Club and Institute 
Union Ltd., Club Union Buildings, 127 Clerkenwell Road, E.c. 
+tCGlub Life, 1899. Fri—12 noon for Sat. ld. New Goswell Printing Co. Ltd., 220 
Goswell Road, E.c. 
Clyde Bill of Entry, 1840. Tues., Thurs., Sat. 31s. Gd. per ann. A. R. Goldie, 28 Buchan 
At., Glasgow. 
tCLYDEBANK AND RENFREW PRESS, 1891. (ind.) Fri. 4d. J. Cossar, 577 Govan 
Road, Govan. One of the Govan Press series. 
+Clydesdale Catholic Herald, 1888. Fri. ld. Scottish Catholic Printing Co. Ltd., 62 
North Frederick St., Glasgow. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 
Clydesdale Stud Book, 1879. April. 10s. 64. Clydesdale Horse Society, 93 Hope St., 
~ +Goal and iron and By-Products Journal, 1891. Sat. 6d., illus. occas. W. Martin, 
16 St. Stephen’s House, Victoria E mbankment, S.W. l 
Coal and Iron Diary, 1897. Dec. 3s. 10d. net. W. Martin, 16 St. Stephen’s House, 
Victoria Embankment, s.w. 
tCoal Merchant and Shipper, 1900. Sat. 12s. 67. per ann. Eagland & Co. Ltd., 165 
Strand, w.c. 
1892. (ind.) Fri. ld. A. Wilkins & Son, High St., Coalville.. 
SORTERE EXPRESS, 1885. (ind.) Wed. 4d. Baird & Hamilton, Ltd., St. John 
, Coatbridge. | | i 
-COATBRIDGE LEADER, 1899. (’) Sat. 3d. Murdoch & Co., 9 East Canal St., 
Coates’s Herd Book, 1822. Nov. 31s. 6d. The Shorthorn Society of Great Britain 
and Ireland, 12 Hanover Square, w. 
COCKERMOUTH FREE PRESS, 1899. (ind.) Fri. Gratis. J. Fletcher & Co., 6 Station 
St., Cockermouth. 
Colchester and East Essex Almanac anil Directory, 1845. Dec. ld. Benham & Co. Ltd., 
24 High St., Colchester. 
tCOLCHESTER GAZETTE, 1814. (c) Wed.—8-30 a.m. Id. Benham & Co. Ltd., 24 
High St., Colchester. 
Cold Storage and Produce Review, 1898. M.—3rd Thurs. 4d. 22 Basinghall St., E.c. 
Fri., for Sat. 1d. J. Shannon, 7 Abbey. St. Coleraine. 
- COLESHILL CHRONICLE, 1874. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. ld. T. Burbidge & Son, 20 
Broadgate, Coventry. 
Colfeian, Chronicle of the Old Boys of Colfe’s Grammar School, 1900. June and Nov. 
Is. L. L. Duncan, “ Rosslair,’’ Lingards Road, Lewisham, S.E. 
Colfensia, 1915. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, Colfe Grammar School, Greenwich, S.E. 
Collector, 1915. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. net. Gypsy Press, 8/9 St. James’ Market, s.w. 
Collectors’ and Dealers’ Directory, 1906. Jan. 6d. Philatelic P. & P. Co., Rotherham. 
Collectors’ Journal, 4901. M.—Ist. 4d. Philatelic P. & P. Co., Rotherham. 
College of Preceptors’ Calendar, 1880. June. 2s. 6d. F. Hodgson, 89 Farringdon St., E.C. 
Collie Folio, 1905. M.—Ist. 1s. Simpkin & Co., Ltd., 32 Paternoster Row, E.C. 
{Colliery Guardian, 1860. Fri—2.30 p.m. 5d. Colliery Guardian Co. Ltd., 30 and 31 
Furnival St., Holborn, E.c. (Advt. p. 456.) 
Colliery Manager’s Pocket Book, Almanac, and Diary, 1869.( Noy,—-Ist. 2s., 3s., and 
_. 48. 6d.. Colliery Guardian Co. Ltd., 30 and 31 Furnival St., Holborn, £.c. 

A - P E GEES KRT A AAO EEA E ASSESS i D S BG nlhactnup AT ponchnahove Lo > 

ABC List.) | Willing’s Press Guide. 

Colliery Rescue, 1909. M.—-6th. 6d. Hodgetts Ltd., 36-8 Whitefriars St., Fleet St., E.C. 

Collins’ Adventure Annual, 1915. Oct. 5s. net. W. Collins & Son, Bridewell Place, E.C. 

Collins’ Children’s Annual, 1914. Oct. 3s. 6d. net. W. Collins & Son, Bridewell Place,E. C, 

Collingwood’s International Mercantile Directory, 1883. Jan. 20s. Collingwood Bros., 
329 High Holborn, w.c. 

+COLNE AND NELSON TIMES, 1874. (ind.) Fri—5 a.m. ld. R. Hyde & Sons, 
North Valley Road, Colne. 

COLNE VALLEY GUARDIAN, 1896. (as the Slaithwaite Guardian ina Colne Valley 
News, 1896). (ind.) Fri. ld. J. W. Roberts, Bridge St., Slaithwatte. 

Colonials’ Guide to London, 1906. 62. Fulton-Manders Publishing Co., 75 Chancery 
Lane, London, w.c. (A guide for Overseas Visitors. Several editions annually 
as occasion arises. The handiest and most compact Guide issued. The “ British 
Australasian.” 115 High Holborn, London, w.c., issues a oe edition for its 
readers. Advt.) 

Colonial Journal, 1907. Quarterly. 1s. 6d. Waterlow & Sons Ltd., 85 London Wall, E.c. 

Colonial Oj fice List, 1862. April. 15s. net., maps. Waterlow & Sons Ltd., 85 London 
Wall, E.C. 

Colonizer, 1903 (as Freir’s Colonial and Foreign Register, 1895). M.—Ist. 2d. W. E. 
Freir, 16 Eldon St., E.c. 

Coiour, 1914. M.—15th. 1s. W. Dawson Publishing Co. Ltd., 2 Bream’s Buildings, E.C. 

Colwyn Bay and District Directory, 1911. 2s. 6d. Wentworth Publishing Co., 3 Crosshall 
St., Liverpool. 

{COLWYN BAY AND NORTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS, 1889 (with which is incor- 
porated Colwyn Bay and Colwyn Visitor, 1883). (I) Wed. for Thurs, ld. R.E. 
Jones & Bros., Conway. One of the North Wales Weekly News series. 

COLWYN BAY HERALD, 1906. () Wed. 3d. J. W. Holden, Belgravia, Colwyn Bay. 
One of the Carnarvon and Denbigh Herald series. 

COLWYN BAY STANDARD, 1915. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. d. P.C. Cleaver: Public 
Hall, Colwyn Bay. One of the North Wales Siandard series, 

Co-Mason, 1909. Quarterly. ls. net. post free ls 2d. A. Bothwell-Gosse, 31 Alma 
Square, St. John’s Wood, N.w. (Organ of Universal Co-Freemasonry, devoted 
to the investigation of Freemasonry and its concordant orders. Advt. - 

Comic S 1890. Mon., for Sat. 4d., illus. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon 

Comic Lite, 1898. Mon., for Sat. 3d. J. Henderson & Sons Ltd., Red Lion Court, 
Fleet St., E.C. 
Coming Day, 1916. M.—15th. ld. Francis & Co., 11/13 Breams Buildings, Chancery 
Lane, E.C. 
Coming Fashions, 1913. M.—20th. 6d. United Newspapers Ltd., 12 Salisbury Sq., E.C. 
Commercial Almanack, 1793. Dec. 6d. M. Lownds & Son, 4 Walbrook, E.C. 
+Commercial Compendium, 1855. Wed. Sub. Trade Protection Gazette Co. Ltd., 
147-150 Great Saffron Hill, E.c. 
Commercial Directory, 1892. Jan. 25s. Anglo-Continental Publishing Co. Ltd., 32 
_ Fleet Lane, E.C. 
Commercial Education, 1911 (with which is incorporated the Shorthand Teacher, 1896). 
M.—I1st. 24. Commercial Education Publishing Co. Ltd., 4-5 Adam St.,Adelphi, w.c. 
Commercial Intelligence. See Export World and Commercial Intelligence. 
{Commercial Motor, 1905. Thurs. 1d. Temple Press Ltd., 7-15 Rosebery Avenue, E.C. 
Commercial Motor Drivers’ Handbook, 1915. Annually. ls. 6d. net. Commercial Motor © 
Users’ Association, 83 Pall Mall, S.W. 
Commercial Motor Users’ Association Handbook of Night Shelter Accommodation, 1914. 
Jan. 1s. Commercial Motor Users’ Association, 83 Pall Mall, s.w. 
Commercial Review, 1912. M.—Ist. 3d. L.A.P.T., 3 Berners St., w. 
Commercial Traveliers’ Schooi Magazine, 1899. March and Sept. 3d. F. Adshead, 
Commercial Travellers’ Schools, Hatch End. 
Commercial Weekly Statement, 1836. Tues.— a.m. 21s. per ann. Smith, Gowland & 
Co. Ltd., 3 Church St., Minories, E.C. 
Commercial World and insurance Budget, 1868. lst and 15th. 3d. F. Buckle, 57 
Chancery Lane, w.c. 
Commercial Year Book of Birmingham Chamber of Commerce, 1905. Irreg., last issue 
_ 1914. Gratis. The Secretary, Birmingham. Chamber of Commerce, Winchester 
House, Victoria Square, Birmingham. . 
Commercial Year-Book of the Bristol Incorporated Chamber of Commerce, 1913. Irreg. 
Gratis. Secretary, Chamber of Commerce, Bristol. 
Commercial Year Book of the Derby Incorporated Chamber of Commerce,.1916. Irreg. 
Gratis. Bemrose & Sons Ltd., Midland Place, Derby. 

= 14] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. l [ABC List. 

Commercial Year Book of the Glasgow Incorporated Chamber of Commerce, 1915. Irreg. 
Gratis. Bemrose & Sons Ltd., Midland Place, Derby. 

Commercial Year Book of the Leeds I ncorporated Chamber of Commerce, 1910. Irreg. ; 
last issue Aug., 1913. Gratis. Bemrose & Sons Ltd., Midland Place, Derby. 

Commercial Year Book of the Leicester Incorporated Chamber of Commer ce, 1911. 
Irreg. Gratis. Bemrose & Sons Ltd., Midland Place, Derby. 

Commercial Year Book of the North Staffordshire Chamber of Commerce, 1912. Gratis. 
Bemrose & Sons Ltd., Midland Place, Derby. 

Commercial Year Book of the Nottingham Chamber of Commerce, 1914. Irreg. Gratis. 
Secretary, Chamber of Commerce, Nottingham. | 

Commercial Year Book of the Swansea Incorporated Chamber of Commerce, 1915. Irreg. 
Gratis. Bemrose & Sons, Ltd., Midland Place, Derb. 

Commercial Year Book of the Walsall and District Incorporated Chamber of Commerce. 
1916. Irreg. Gratis. Eemrose & Sons Ltd., Midland Place, Derby. 

+Gommon Cause, 1909. Fri. 1d. Common Cause Publishing Co Ltd., 14 Great Smith 
St., Westminster, s.w. 

Common Sense Gardening, 1909. Oct. 3d. E. Hulton & Co., Ltd., Withy Grove, 

Commonwealth, 1896. M.—25th. 3d. net. Wells, Gardner, Darton & Co. Ltd., 3-4 
Paternoster Buildings, E.c. 

Companies’ Diary and Agenda Book, 1883. Nov. 2s. 6d., 3s. 6d, and 4s. 6d. Jordan & 
Sons Ltd., 116-117 Chancery Lane,w.c. (Thirty-fourth year of publication. Includes 
a mass of information for all interested in Company Law and Practice. Advt.) 

Companion, 1904. Quarterly. ld. National Church League, 82 Victoria St., s.w. 

Company Secretaries’ Diary and Reference Book, 1911. Dec. 3s. 6d. and 55. 6d. 
Waterlow Bros. & Layton Ltd., Waterlow House, Birchin Lane, E.c. 

Comparative Prices and Statistics of Metals,1889. Fri. Sub. W. H. Barnard, 24 Lime St.,E.c. 

Competitors Journal, 1913. Tues. ld. F. R. Poke, 115 Fleet St., E.c. 

Complete Story-Teller, 1912. 44d. W. Stevens, Ltd., 23-4 Henrietta St., ean W.C. 
(Advt. p. I 

Comrades (Brat), 1910. M.—Sth. 4d. National Institute for the Blind, Great Port- 
land St. 

Comradeship, 1908. Feb., May, Oct., Dec. 3d. Co-operative Holidays Association, 

. 223-5 Brunswick St., Manchester. 

Concord, 1887 (as J nternational Arbitration and Peace Association Monthly Journal, 
1884). M.—Ist. 2d. International Arbitration and Peace Association, 45-6 Outer 
Temple, w.c. 

Concrete and Constructional Engineering, 1906. M.—lIst. Is. net. Concrete Publi- 

cations Ltd., 4 Catherine St., Aldwych, w.c. 

Concrete Institute Transactions and Notes, 1909. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. Concrete Institute, 
296 Vauxhall Bridge Road, s.w 

Confectioners’ Gazette and Market Reports, 1916. Sat. 6d. Heywood & Co: Ltd., 
150 Holborn, E.c. 

Confectioners’ Union, 1898 (as Confectioners’, Bakers’, and Pastrycooks’ Union, 1887). 
M.—15th, 1s.; 5s. per ann., illus. Heywood & Co. Ltd., 150 Holborn, E.c. 
Confectionery, 1895. M.—12th. 6d. Maclaren & Sons Ltd., 37 & 38 Shoe Lane, E.c. 
‘ Confectionery ” Diary and Trade Year Book, 1897. Dec. Qs. 6d. Maclaren & Sons 

Ltd., 37 & 38 Shoe Lane, E.c. 

}CONGLETON CHRONIGLE, 1855 (with which is incorporated Congleton and Maccles- 

. field Mercury). (ind.) Sat. 1d. R. Head, 11 High St., Congleton. (London: 2 
Wine Office Court, Fleet St.). (The only newspaper printed and published in Congle- 
ton or within a radius of eight miles. Advt.) 

tCONGLETON GUARDIAN, 1889. (ind.) Tues.—2 p.m., 1d; Fri.—6 a.m., 1d. Mackie 
& Co. Ltd., High St., Congleton. One of the Warrington Guardian series. 

Congregational Workers’. Handbook, 1899. Jan. 6d. Congregational Union, Memorial 
Hall, Farringdon St., E.c. 

Congregational Year-Book, 1846. Jan. 2s. 6d. net, and 3s. 6d. net, illus. Congregational 
Union, Memorial Hall, Farringdon St., E.c. 

{CONNACHT TRIBUNE, 1909 (nat.) Fri. pm., for Sat. 1d. Connacht Tribune Printing 
and Publishing Co. Ltd. Market St., Galway. 

a.m. for Sat. 1d. T.‘H. Gillespie, Cavendish Lane, Castlebar. 

Connoisseur, 1901. M.—lIst. ls. net. 1 Duke St., St. James’s, s.w. 

Connoisseur Christmas Annual, 1913. Nov. 2s. 6d. net. 1 Duke St., St. James’s, s.w. 

Conservative Ciubs’ Gazette, 1895. M.—lIst. ld. The Association of Conservative 
Clubs, St. Stephen’s House, Westminster, S.W. 

Adnoytacomonte veroined tor all the Hastinos Newshathers. [Ae 

ABC List.] ` Willing’s Press Guide. 

pe te 

TISER, 1894. (ind.) Thurs.—p.m., for Fri. ld. P. C. Neasham, New Station 
Road, Consett. | : 

DURHAM GAZETTE, 1860. (’) Thurs., for Fri—a.m. ld. R. Jackson & Co., 
Front St., Consett. 

+Constabulary Gazette, 1896. Fri. for Sat. 3d. Constabulary Gazette Ltd., 13 Fleet 

St., Dublin. 

Constitution Papers, 1906. M.—15th. 1d. British Constitution Association, 11 Tothill . 

St., S.w. 
Constitutional Year-Book, 1885. Dec. 1s. National Unionist Association, St. Stephen’s 
Chambers, S.w. l : 
Constructive Quarterly, 1913. 3s. net. Oxford University Press, Amen Corner, E.c. 
Consultant, 1912. Irreg. 2d. T. Russell, Clun House; Surrey St., Strand, w.c. 
Contemporary Review, 1862. M.—28th. 2s. 6d. Contemporary Review Co. Ltd., 10 
Adelphi Terrace, w.c. ~ l 
Continental Directory of Cotton Spinners and Manufacturers, 1912. July. 15s. net. 
J. Worrall Ltd., Marlborough St., Oldham. 

tContract Journal, 1879. Wed.—2 a.m. 6d. W. L. Pitman, 127-130 Temple Chambers, 

Temple Avenue, E.C. 

tContractor, 1884. Fri.—9 p.m., for Sat. 2d. W. L. Pitman, 127-130 Temple Chambers, 
Temple Avenue, E.C. 

tContractors’ Chronicle, 1887. Sat., for Mon. 6d. Contractors’ Chronicle Ltd., 48 
Gray’s Inn Road, w.c. , 

Contractors’ Merchants’ and Estate Managers’ Compendium, 1889. April, 10s. 6d. | 

Compendium Publishing Co., 214-220 Bank Chambers, 329 High Holborn, w.c. 

+Contractors’ Record and Municipal Engineering, 1908. Wed. 6d. Salisbury Publica- 
tions Co. Ltd., 27 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Contracts Gazette. 1907. Thurs. ld. K. J. Kenny, 65 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. 

Conveyaneer, 1915. M.—Ist. 2s. 6d. Sweet & Maxwell Ltd., 3 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

tCONWAY AND NORTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS, 1883. (/) Wed., for Thurs. ld. 
R. E. Jones & Bros., Conway. One of the North Wales Weekly News series. 

CONWAY STANDARD, 1915. (ind.) Fri.. for Sat. $d. P.C. Cleaver, Silver St., Conway 

_ One of the North Wales Standard series. 

Cook’s Continental Time-Table and Tourist’s Handbook, 1873. M. 1s., maps. T. Cook & 
Son, Ludgate Circus, E.c. 

Cook’s Foreign Guides. Lastissue, 1914. Prices vary. T. Cook & Son, Ludgate Circus,E.c. 

Cook's Guide to, Paris, 1878. March. 1s., maps. T. Cook & Son, Ludgate Circus, E.C. 

Cook's Handbook to London, 1877. March. 1s., maps. T. Cook & Son, Ludgate Circus,E.c. 

Cook’s Indian Handbook, 1891. Aug. Gratis. T. Cook & Son, Ludgate Circus, E.C. 

Cook’s Ocean Sailing List, 1866. M.— Ist. Gratis. T. Cook & Son, Ludgate Circus, E.c. 

Cook’s Traveller’s Gazette, 1904 (as Cook’s Excursionist, 1851). M.—Ist. 3d. T. Cook 
& Son, Ludgate Circus, E.c. , 

tCOOKSTOWN NEWS AND ULSTER ADVERTISER, 1896. (ind.) Fri.—2 p.m., for 
Sat. 4d. The Tyrone Printing Co., Georges St., Dungannon. 

Co-operative Emplo;ee, 1910. M.— 1st. ld. Amalgamated Union of Co-operative 
Employees, 22, Long Millgate, Manchester. 

{Co-operative News, 1871. Sat. ld. Co-operative Newspaper Society, Long Millgate, 
Manchester. elg 

Co-operative Reference Library, Misceilaneous Publications, 1914. Irreg. 6d. Librarian, 

Plunkett House, Dublin. 

Co-operative Union Quarterly Review, 1914. 2d. Co-operative Union, Ltd., Holyoake 
- House, Hanover St., Manchester. 

Co-operative Wholesale Societies’ Annual, 1883. Jan. 3s.” post free. Co-operative 

Wholesale Society, 1 Balloon St., Manchester. 

Cooper’s Tabular Guide to Ordinary Lite Assurance, 1887. March and Oct. 4d. Cooper & 
Sons, Farnworth, near Bolton. 

Cooper’s Vehicle Journal, 1909 (as Coachbuilders’, Wheelwrights’ and Motor Car Manu- 
facturers’ Art Journal, 1880). M.—I1st Sat. 12s. 6d. per ann. Illus. Cooper’s Vehicle 
Journal Ltd., 19 Garrick St., w.c. (Trade paper for Motor Body Builders. 4dvt.). 

Co-Partners’ Magazine, 1911. M.—lIst. ld. Gas Light & Coke Co., Horseferry Road, s.w. 

Co-Partnership, 1907 (as Labour Co-Parinership, 1894). M.—Ist. ld. Co-partnership’ 

Publishers Ltd., 6 Bloomsbury Square, w.c. 
TCORK CONSTITUTION, 1822. (c) Daily—a.m. 1d. News & Sons Ltd., 38-42 Marl- 
borough St., Cork. (London: 85 Fleet St.) 


_ Advertiser, 1857). (ind.) Thurs., Fri., & Sat. 1d. The Eagle Ltd., Skibbereen co: Cork. 
40] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 


Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

+CORK EXAMINER, 1840. (xat.) Daily—a.m. Id. T. Crosbie & Co. Ltd., 95 Patrick 
St., Cork. (London: 85 Flect St.) 

tCORK FREE PRESS, 1915 (as Weekly Free Press, 1910). Thurs. 1d. Cork Free 
Press Co. Ltd., 3-4 Drawbridge St., Cork. 

T. Crosbie & Co. Ltd., 95 Patrick St., Cork. (London: 85 Fleet St.) 

{CORK WEEKLY NEWS AND CORK COUNTY PEOPLE, 1883 (with which is incor- 
porated the North Cork Herald, 1904, West Cork People, 1905, and Cork County 
People and Herald, 1908.) Thurs. 1d. News & Sons Ltd., 38-42 Marlborough St., 
Cork. (London: 85 Fleet St.) f 

Cornhill Magazine, 1860. M.—26th. ls. net. Smith, Elder & Co., 15 Waterloo Place, 
Pall Mall, s.w. 

TCORNISH AND DEVON POST, 1877 (as East Cornwall Times, 1857). () Fri.—2 p.m., 
for Sat. ld. Cornish and Devon Post Ltd., Western Buildings, Launceston. 
(Covering a large area of Devon and Cornwall, including many noted seaside resorts, 
this paper is thoroughly recommended for every class of advertisement. Advt.) 

for Sat. ld. Cornish Echo Co., 13a Church St., Falmouth. 

{CORNISH EVENING TIDINGS (as Tidings, 1870; as Evening Tidings, 1886). (ind.) 
Daily, except Wed.—4 and 6 p.m. 4d. H. Thomas, Cornishman Newspaper Co. 
Ltd., Parade St., Penzance. (Advt. p. 456.) 

tCORNISH GUARDIAN AND COUNTY CHRONICLE, 1901. () Thurs., for Fri. ld. 
A. B..Lyne, Church Stile House, Bodmin. 

1889. (ind.) Thurs. and Sat. id. H. Thomas, Cornishman Newspaper Co. Ltd., 
Parade St., Panzance. (Advt. p. 456.) 

Philp & Sons, Great Place, Liskeard. 

Cornish’s Birmingham Year Book, 1912. Feb. 1s. and 2s. net. Cornish Bros. Ltd’, 
39 New St., Birmingham. 

+CORNISHMAN ‘AND CORNISH TELEGRAPH, 1878 (ind.) Thurs. and Sat. ld. H. 
Thomas, Cornishman Newspaper Co. Ltd., Parade St., Penzance. (Advt. p. 456.) 

+CORNUBIAN AND CORNWALL MINING TIMES, 1879 (as Redruth Times, 1863). 
(ind.) Thurs., Fri., and Sat.—a.m. ld. Cornubian Press Ltd., Redruth. 

Cornubian Special, 1907. Nov. ld. Cornubian Press Ltd., Redruth. 

{CORNWALL COUNTY NEWS, 1909. (ind.) Wed, market day. ld. O. Blackford, 
Royal Printers, Truro. (Advt. p. 456.) 

Cos, 1886. Terminally. 104. Editor, St. Edmund’s School, Canterbury. 

Cosburn’s Illustrated Directory for Newbury, &c., 1874. Jan. 2s., illus. G. J. Cosburn, 
Market Place, Newbury. | 

Costumes Elegant, 1907. May and Nov. 4s. 6d. Ladies Fashions Publishing Co., 
152 Marylebone Road, N.w. l 

Cotswold Flock Book, 1892. June. 6s. Cotswold Sheep Society, Cold Aston, Boulton- 

Cottager and Artisan, 1861. M.—25th. ld., illus. R. T. S., 4 Bouverie St., E.C. 

tCotton, 1895. Sat. 6d. Manchester Cotton Association Ltd., 22 St. Mary’s Gate, 

{Cotton Factory Times, 1885. Fri—6 a.m. ld. J. Andrew, Market Square, Ashton- 
under-Lyne. (London: 151 Fleet St.) 

tCotton Gazette and Cotton Markets Advertiser, 1894. Fri., for Sat. 63s. per ann. 
C. Stewart, 1 Cotton Exchange Buildings, Liverpool. 

Cotton Review, 1914. Quarterly. ls. 6d. Direct Publicity Co. Ltd., 20 North John 
St., Liverpool. 

Cotton Spinners’ and Manufacturers’ Directory of Lancashire, 1882. Mar. 7s. 6d. J. Worrall 
Ltd., Marlborough St., Oldham. . 

Cotton Year Book and Diary, 1909 (as Textile Year Book—Cotton, 1906.) Dec. 2s. 6d. 
net. Marsden & Co., Ltd., Carr St., Manchester. l , 

tCOULSDEN AND PURLEY WEEKLY RECORD, 1912. (ind.) Fri. 4d. T. Minty, 
1 Station Approach Road, Coulsden. 

Country and Seaside Holidays, 1893. May. Id. Midland Railway, Derby. 

Country Gentlemen's Estate Book, 1892. March. 5s. 6d. “ C.G.A.” Ltd., 33 Henrietta 
St., Covent Garden, w.c. 

Country Life, 1897 (as Racing Illustrated, 1894). Fri., for Sat. 6d. G. Newnes Ltd., 
8-11` Southampton St., Strand, W:C. 

Country Side Leaflet, 1914. M. —Ist. ld. Thomasons Ltd., High St., Hounslow., 

Adnortiicomeonte vecoined tov all the Rirminoham Newshahers. ve 

ABC List) Willing’s Press Guide. 

(as Advertiser for Brierley Hill, Stourbridge, Dudley, &c., 1853). (ind.) Sat. ld. 
Ford & Addison Ltd., 44 High St., Brierley Hill. (London : 82-85 Fleet St.) 

County Almanac and Directory, 1855. Jan. 2d. W. H. Smith & Son, Black Jack St., 

tCounty and Municipal Record, 1903 (as Municipal Record and Sanitary Journal, 1902. 
formerly Sanitary Journal, 1894). Tues. 3d. W. Hodge & Co., 34-36 North 
Frederick St., Glasgow. 

County and Westminster Magazine, 1910 (as County Magazine, 1906). Bi-M. 1s. 6d. 
per ann. The Editor, 21 Lombard St., E.c. 

County Councils and Municipal Corporations Companion, 1889 (as County Companion, 
1878). Last Issue 1914. 10s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

County Courts Chronicle, 1847. M.—ist. 1s. 6d. Field & Queen (H. Cox) Ltd., Bream’s 
Buildings, E.c. 

County Courts Gazette, 1912. Quarterly. 2d. C. Hill, Recorder Press, Coventry. 

County Directory of Scotland, 1843. Last issue, 1912. 21s.. A. Giles, 191 Bruntsfied 
Place, Edinburgh.ii 

D. E. Alexander, Ashley Buildings, Bangor, Co. Down. 

{COUNTY ECHO, 1880 (with which is incorporated the Fishguard Times, 1908). (ind.) 
Thurs. ld. L. Evans, High St., Fishguard, Pem. 

County Express Ltd., Cradley Printing Co., Cradley. One of the County Express 
(Stourbridge) series. 

Stourbridge Observer, 1867). (ind.) Sat. id. County Express Ltd., 135 High St., 
Stourbridge. (London: 82-85 Fleet St.) 

tCounty Gentleman and Land and Water, 1905 (with which is incorporated Sporting 
Gazette, Agricultural Journal, 1862). Thurs. for Sat. 6d. County Gentleman 
Publishing Co., Odd Sergeants’ Inn Chambers, 5 Chancery Lane, w.c. (Advt. p. vl) 

tCOUNTY HERALD, 1883. (2) Thurs., for Fri. ld. County Herald Ltd., Holywell 

Fri., for Sat. 1d. R. Hudson, Priory St., Dudley. (London: 149 Fleet St.) One 
of the Dudley Herald series. 

County Louth Archeological Journal, 1904. Oct. 3s. 6d. W. Tempest, Dundalk. 

County Mail Advertising Sheet, 1902. Wed. Gratis. J. Wheatley, Crewkerne. 

+COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX CHRONICLE, 1858 (with which is incorporated the London 

` Chronicle & County Record). (c). Sat. 1d. Thomasons Ltd., 151 High St., Hounslow. 

{COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX INDEPENDENT, 1883. (ind.) Wed. and Sat. 4d. The 
Brentford Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd., Albany Works, Brentford. 

County Schools Review, 1909. Terminally. 3d. Educational Publishing Co. Ltd., 
Trade St., Cardiff. 

County Tyrone Directory and Almanac, 1895. Dec. 2d. J. & H. L. Glasgow, Cookstown. 

+COURIER (DUNDEE), 1899 (as Dundee Courier, 1816). am. $d. D. C. Thomson 
& Co. Ltd., Courier Place, Dundee, (London: 12 Fetter Lane.) 

Coursing Calendar, 1857. Three times a year. 5s. Field & Queen (H. Cox) Ltd., Bream’s 
Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.c. 

tCourt Journal, 1829. Thurs., for Sat. 6d. Dudley House, Southampton St., Strand, W.C. 

Covenant People, 1894 (as Messenger, 1883). M.—Ist. 6d. R. Banks & Son, 5 Racquet 
Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

Coventrian, 1885. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, ae Henry VIII. School, Coventry. 

tCoventry and Warwickshire Graphic, 1911. Fri. 1d. M. James, St. Mary St., Coventry. 
(London: 149 Fleet St.) 

Coventry Co-operative Society Record, 1887. M.—I1st. Gratis. Co-operative Society, 
West Orchard, Coventry. 

{COVENTRY HERALD AND FREE PRESS, 1808. (2). Fri. and Sat.—a.m. ld. 
R. Simmons, 41 Earl St., Coventry. 

AND THE MIDLANDS, 1836 (as Coventry Mercury, 1741). (c). Fri., for Sat. ld. 
T. Burbidge & Son, 20 Broadgate, Coventry. 

Sovemry Stock and Share List, 1901. M.—lst. Gratis. T. M. Daffern, Little Park St., 


and Kelty News, 1915). 

cowie Evange im, 1891. M.—Ist. 2d. Society of St. John the Evangelist, Marston 

t., Oxford. 

a ae 

48] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing'’s Press Guide. (ABC List. 

Cox’s Legai Circular, 1858. M.—I1st. 2d. E. Cox & Sons, 1 New Court, Carey St., w.c. 

Cox’s Reports of Criminai Law Gases, 1844. Quarterly. 5s. 6d. Field & Queen (H. Cox) 
Ltd., Bream’s Buildings, E.C. 

Cox’s Reports of Magistrates’, Municipal, and Parochiai Law Cases, 1860. Jan., April, 
July, Oct. 5s. 6d. Field & Queen (H. Cox) Ltd., Bream’s Buildings, E.C. 
Craigmillar Harp, 1895. Quarterly. 9d. Royal Blind Asylum and School, West 

Craigmillar, Edinburgh. $ 

Cranleighan, 1871. Terminally. 6d. The Editor. The School, Cranleigh, Surrey. 

J. T. Clayton, 38 High St., Skipton. i 

CRAYFORD CHRONICLE, 1915. (ind.) Thurs.—p.m. $d. Kentish District Times 
Co. Ltd., 45 High St., Dartford. 

$d. T. Jenkins, 7 High St., Crayford. 

Creamery Manager, 1903. M.—25th. 2d. Irish Creamery Managers’ Association, 
5 South Mall, Cork. 

Creamery Manager Year Book and Diary, 1907. Dec. 2s. Irish Creamery Managers’ 
Association, 5 South Mall, Cork. 

Creche News, 1915. M.—15th. 1d. National Society of Day Nurseries, 4 Sydney 
Terrace, Fulham Road, s.w. 

{Credit Draper, 1906 (as Credit Drapers’ Gazette, 1882). Sat. 8s. 6d. per ann. G. Wood- 
head & Co. Ltd., Arkwright Mills, Miller St., Manchester. 

Credit Drapers’ Directory of Great Britain, 1890. Irreg. 2s. 6d. G. Woodhead & Co. 

- Ltd., Arkwright Mills, Miller St., Manchester. . 

a.m. ld. Gregory & Son, High St., Crediton. One of the Tiverton Gazette series. 

{CREWE AND NANTWICH OBSERVER, 1908. (u) Thurs. ld. Cheshire and North 
Wales Newspaper Co., 8 Bridge St., Chester. One of the Cheshire Observer series. 

{CREWE_CHRONICLE, 1874. () Fri.—6 a.m., for Sat. id. C. Smith, 2 High St., 
Crewe. One of the Chester Chronicle series. . 

tCREWE GUARDIAN, 1863. (ind.) Tues——1 p.m., for Wed., ld.; Fri—6 a.m., for - 
Sat., Id. Mackie & Co. Ltd., Crewe. One of the Warrington Guardian series. 

Cricket Argus, 1909. Sat.” during season. 4d. Bradford and County Constitutional 
Press, 1 Ship Alley, Bradford. l 

Cricketer’s Diary and Companion, 1891. Feb. 6d. Bussey & Co., 36 & 38 Queen 
Victoria St., E.C. 

Ltd., Hendon Printing Works, New Brent St., Hendon, N.w. One of the Hendon 
Advertiser series. 

Criminal Appeal Report, 1909. Occas. Price varies. Stevens & Haynes, 13 Bell Yard, 
Temple Bar, E.C. ; 
Crockford’s Clerical Directory, 1857. Jan. 20s. Field & Queen (H. Cox) Ltd., Bream’s 

ildings, E.C. 

News Co. Ltd., 57 London St., Norwich. One of the Eastern Weekly Press series. 

Croquet Association Gazette, 1904. M.—1st. 3d. Holmesdale Press Ltd., Redhill Junction 

Cross, 1910. M.—ist. 2d. Mount Argus, Dublin. 

Crouch End High School Magazine, 1908. Twice a year. The Editors, Crouch End 
High School and College, London, N. (Entirely conducted and ‘written by the girls). 

tCROWBOROUGH WEEKLY, 1903. (ind.) Sat. 1d. Southern Publishing Co. Ltd., 
Vale Hall, Vale Road, Tunbridge Wells, and 130 North St., Brighton. One of the 

Southern Weekly News series. 

for Sat. d. Isle of Axholme Printing Co. Ltd., Crowle. 

Croydon (Guide to). Annually. Dec. 3d. J. Bartlett, 63 North End, Croydon. 

are incorporated the Croydon Guardian, 1877, and the Croydon Express, 1878). 
(ind.) Fri., for Sat. ld. Exors. of J. W. Ward, 36 High St., Croydon. 

Croydon and South Norwood Directory, 1887. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

CROYDON EXPRESS, 1878 (incorporated with Croydon Advertiser, 1916). 

with Croydon Advertiser, 1916). 

+CROYDON TIMES, 1860. ()) Wed., Fri., and Sat. $d. E. B. Purnell, 108 High St., 
Croydon. . 

| | 
` Advertisements received for all the Hull Newspapers. [49 

ABC List) Willing’s Press Guide. 

CRYSTAL PALACE DISTRICT ADVERTISER, 1888 (c.) Fri. 4d. A. J. Moore, 34 
Westow Sť, Upper Norwood, S.E. 

Cumberland and Westmorland Directory, 1858. Every four years; last issue 1914. 
20s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

+Cumberland Catholic News, 1888. Fri. ld. New Catholic Press Ltd., 13 Jordan St., 
Manchester. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

tCUMBERLAND EVENING MAIL, 1914. (ind.) p.m.; five editions. 4d. J.C. Barling, © 


tCUMBERLAND NEWS, 1910 (with which is amalgamated the Carlisle Patriot, 1815. 

. and the East Cumberland News, 1883). (c) Tues., $d.; Fri., for Sat., Jd. R.N. 
Burgess, 27 English St., Carlisle. 

Ballantine. & Gibb, Ayr Road, Cumnock. 

CUMNOCK NEWS, 1880 (incorporated with the Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 1916). 

Cunard Daily Bulletin, 1903. a.m. 2łd. Cunard Steamship Co. Ltd., Cunard Buildings, 
Pier Head, Liverpool. 

Current Literature of the Month, 1858. M.—lIst. 2d. J. Whitaker & Sons Ltd., 12, 
Warwick Lane, E.C. 

Cusack’s Journal, 1914. Quarterly. ld. The Editor, Cusack’s College, 37 Finsbury 
Square, E.C. 

Customs Tariffs of the World, 1904. March. 10s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High 
Holborn, w.c. 

Cycling, 1891. Thurs. ld., illus. Temple Press Ltd., 7-15 Rosebery Avenue, E.C. 

Cyclists’ Touring Club British Handbook and Farmhouse List, 1879. March. 1s. Cyclists’ 
Touring Club, 280 Euston Road, N.w. 

Cyclists’ Touring Club Gazette, 1878. M.—Ist. Members only. W. S. Burke, 280 Euston 
Road, N.w. 

Cyclists’ Touring Club Handbook, Foreign Edition, 1886. Biennial, March. 2s. Cyclists’ 
Touring Club, 280 Euston Road, N.w. i 

Cyfaill Eglwysig (Church Friend), 1862. M.—Ist. 1d. W. Spurrell & Son, 36 King 
St., Carmarthen. 

Cymro (Welshman), 1869. () Tues. ld. E. W. Evans, Dolgelly. 

Cymru (Wales), 1891.. M.—lIst. 6d., illus. Welsh Publishing Co. Ltd., Carnarvon. - 

Cymru’r Plant, 1891. M.—Ist. ld. Hughes & Son, Regent St., Wrexham. 

Daffodil, 1914. Terminally. 3d. St. David’s College School, Lampeter. 

Daffodil Year Book, 1913. Sept. 2s. 6d. net. W. Wesley & Son, 28 Essex St., Strand,w.c. 

Daily Bread Text Calendar, 1904. Oct. ld. John Ritchie, Kilmarnock. 

{DAILY CHRONICLE, 1876 (as Clerkenwell News, 1855). (D) 3a.m.-3d. United News- 
papers Ltd., 80 Fleet St., E.C. 

Daily Commercial Report, 1854. 5.15 p.m.. except Saturday. 42s. per ann. Bagot & 
Thompson, 21 Cullum St., Fenchurch St., E.c. 

{DAILY DISPATCH, (Manchester), 1900. (ind.) am. 4d. E. Hulton & Co. Ltd., 
Withy Grove, Manchester. (London: 46 Shoe Lane.) 

tDAILY EXPRESS (London), 1900. (u) am. d. London Express Newspaper 

Ltd., 23 St. Bride St., E.C. 

{DAILY EXPRESS (Dublin), 1851. (u) a.m. ld. Dublin Express and Mail Ltd., 38, 
39, and 40 Parliament St., Dublin. (London: 85 Fleet St.) 

t Daily Freight Register, 1893. a.m. £2 10s. per ann. Comtelburo Ltd., 11 Tokenhouse 

tDAILY GRAPHIC, 1890. (ind. c.) a.m. 1d., illus. P. N. McFarlane, Whitefriars, E.C. 

Daily Graphic Colonial Edition, 1900. Thurs. 6d. P. N. McFarlane, Whitefriars, E.C. 

DAILY HERALD, 1912 (now The Herald, 1914). 

{DAILY MAIL (Hull), 1885 (as Hull Packet, 1787). (c) 4d. Eight editions. E. S. Lewis, 
22 Whitefriargate, Hull. (London: 92 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 452.) 

{DAILY MAIL, 1896. 3.30 a.m. 43d. Associated Newspapers Ltd., Carmelite House, 
Tallis St., E.c. 

{Daily Mail (Over Seas Edition), 1904. Sat. 1d. Associated Newspapers Ltd., Car- 

melite House, Tallis St., E.c. 

Daily Mail Year Book, 1901. Dec. 6d. Associated Newspapers Ltd., Carmelite House, 
Carmelite St., E.c. 

{DAILY MIRROR, 1903. (ind.) a.m. 4d. Pictorial Newspaper Co. (1910) Ltd., 23-29 
Bouverie St., E.C. 

Daily Mirror Over Seas Edition, 1913. Fri. 3d. Pictorial Newspaper Co. (1910) Ltd., 

23-29 Bouverie St., E.C. 

50] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

E me oe ay pr n 

m mae 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

“Daily Mirror” Reflections, 1908. Dec. 6d., Pictorial Newspaper Co (1910) Ltd., 
23-29 Bouverie St., E.C. 

TDAILY NEWS AND LEADER, 1912 (with which is incorporated Daily News, 1846, 
and Morning Leader, 1892). (/) a.m. 4d. The Daily News Ltd., Bouverie 
St., E.c. Advert. Office, 67 Fleet St., E.C. 

Daily Oil Bulletin, 1914. Noon. 46 per ann. 32, Great Saint Helens, E.C. 

Daily Readings at Meteorological Stations. M.—1st. 6d. Annually—Feb. 5s. Meteoro- 
logical Office, Exhibition Road, s.w. 

{DAILY RECORD AND MAIL (lago), 1901 (with which is orata the North 
British Daily Mail, 1847). (l) 4d. A. Forbes, -Renfield Lane, Glasgow. (London: 
65 Fleet St.) 7 

Daily Register of New Companies, 1914. 9am. Id. Jordan & Sons Ltd., 116-117 
Chancery Lane, w.c. 

tDAILY SKETCH, 1909. (ind.) a.m. 4d. London Publishing Co. Ltd., 46 Shoe Lane,E.c. 

Daily Sketch Over Seas Edition, 1914. Sat. 3d. London Publishing Co. Ltd., 46 Shoe 
Lane, E.C. 

tDAILY TELEGRAPH, 1855. (u) a.m. 1d. Francis Caine, 135 Fleet St., E.C. 

Daily Weather Report. 12.30 p.m. 1d. Meteorological Offce, Exhibition Road, s.w. 

Dainty Novels, 1901. Wed. 1d. Shurey’s Publications, 17 Tudor St., E.C. 

Dairy, 1889 (with which is incorporated The Creamery Journal). M.—3rd Sat. 3d. 
J. D. Hand, 5 Whitefriars St., Fleet St., E.c. 

Dairy World and British Dairy Farmer, 1892. M.—16th. ` ld. J. North, 98 and 99 
Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Dairyman Cowkeeper and Dairyman’ s Journal, 1909 (as Cowkeeper and Dairyman’s 
‘ Journal, 1879). M.—Sat. after Ist Thurs. 3d. E.G. Easton, 45 Great Tower St.,E c. 
DALKEITH ADVERTISER, 1851. (ind.) Thurs.—6 a.m. ld. P. & D. Lyle, 45 High 

St., Dalkeith. 

Dalkeith District Directory and Almanac, 1860. Nov. 2d. P. & D. Lyle, 45 High St. 

Dallas Musical Monthly and Advertiser, 1908. -Alter.-M. Id. J. E. Dallas & Son, 202 
High Holborn, w.c. 

Fri. 1d. C. Murchland, High St., Irvine. One of the Irvine Herald series. 

tDALTON GUARDIAN, 1910. (D) Sat. ld. Barrow and North Lonsdale Press Ltd., 
91-3 Cavendish St, Barrow-in-Furness. One of the Barrow Guardian series. 

tDALTON NEWS, 1882. (ind.) Sat. ld. Barrow News and Mail Ltd., Abbey Road., 
Barrow-in-Furness. One of the Barrow News series. (London: 134 Fleet St.) 

Dalton’s Weekly House and Apartment Advertiser, 1869. Fri—9 am. ld. E. & S 
Hebert, 21 South Lambeth Road, s.w., and 149 Strand, w.c. 

Daltonian. Quarterly. 6d. -Sherratt & Hughes, 34 Cross St., Manchester. 

Dance Journal, 1904. Alter.-M.—Ist. Subs. C. D’Albert, 9 Luxemburg Gardens, 
Hammersmith, Ww. 

Dancing Times and Social Review, 1894. M.—lIst. 3d. T. M. Middlcton & Co., 25 
Wellington St., Strand, w.c. 

Danielite Star, 1887. Quarterly. 4d. Lt.-Col. T. W. Richardson, 104 Tollington Park, N. 

{Darian (The Shield), 1914 (as Tarian y Gweitlinor, 1875). (r) Tues. ld. Tarian P. & P. 
Co., 19 Cardiff St., Aberdare. 

Darkness and Light, 1894. M.—lIst. 1d. Morgan & Scott, 12 Paternoster Buildings, E.C. 

(tnd.) Fri. & Sat. 1d. Darlington & Stockton Times Newspaper Co. Ltd., Darlington. 

+DARTFORD CHRONICLE AND DISTRICT TIMES, 1869. (ind.) Thurs. ‘d. Kentish 
District Times Co. Ltd., 45 High St., Dartford. 

IDARTFORD EXPRESS, 1872. (ind.) Fri.—4 p.m. d. T. W. Jenkins, 49 Spital 
St., Dartford. 

DARTFORD NEWS, 1899 (as Dartford Telegraph, 1886). (ind.) Fri.—12 noon. ld. 
B. P. Boorman, Week St., Maidstone. One of the Kent Messenger series. 

Dartford (Street and Trade) Directory and Almanac, 1851. Dec. ld. Perry, Son & Lack 
Ltd., 20 Lowfield St., Dartford. 

DARTMOUTH AND SOUTH HAMS CHRONICLE, 1854. (ind.) Fri.—3 p.m., for 
Sat. ld. R. Cranford & Son, Fairfax Place, Dartmouth. 

tTDARTMOUTH WESTERN GUARDIAN, 1882. (ind.) Wed. 1d. Mortimer Bros. 
_ 34 Fore St., Totnes. One of the Western Guardian series. 

Darton’s Leading Strings, 1891. Oct. 1s. 6d. and 2s. 6d. Wells Gardner, Darton & 

Co. Ltd., 3-4 Paternoster Buildings, E.c. 

TDARWEN GAZETTE, 1900 (as Darwen Post, 1883). (u) Fri., for Sat. ld. Gazette 

Press Ltd., Borough Road, Darwen. l 

Advertisements received for all the Weekly Newspapers. [5I 

ABC List.} Willing’s Press Guide. 

+DARWEN NEWS, 1874. (J) Sat., ld; Wed., 4d. J. J. Riley, News Office, Darwen. 

DARWEN WEEKLY ADVERTISER, 1893. (ind.) Fri. 3d. N. Leach, Bolton Road, 

Datchelor School Magazine, 1887. Terminally. 6d. Head Mistress, Mary Datchelor 
School, Camberwell Green, S.E. 

DAVENTRY EXPRESS, 1860. (0) Fri.—p.m., for Sat. 4d. H. Chown, 33 Sheaf S+., 

Davy’s Devon Herd Book, 1884. June. 3s. Devon Cattle Breeders’ Society, Wiveliscombe. 

+DAWLISH GAZETTE, 1897. - -(ind.) Sat. $d. and ld. J. Eunson, 29 Strand, Dawlish. 

Dawn in Central Asia, ‘1903. M.—Ist. ld. Central Asian Mission, Sardinia House, 
32 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, w.c. 

Dawn of Day, 1878. M.—lIst. 4d., illus. S.P.C.K., Greener House, Haymarket, s.w. 

Day of Days, 1870. M.—25th. ld., illus. Home Words Ltd., 11 Ludgate Square, E.c. 

Dayspring, 1872. M. 4d., illus. J. & R. Parlane, 97 High St., Paisley. -(London : 

26 Ivy Lane. 

De La Rur’s Diaries and Pocket Books. Oct. T. De La Rue & Co. Ltd., 110 Bunhill 
Row, E.C. 

Deaf Quarterly News, 1905. 1d. Liverpool Adult Deaf and Dumb Benevolent Society, 
Princes Avenue, Liverpool. 

+DEAL, WALMER, AND SANDWICH MERCURY, 1865. (c) Fri., for Sat. ld. T.F. 
Pain & Sons, "Mercury Commercial Printing Works, Queen St., Deal. 

Deal, Walmer, Kingsdown, and District Directory, 1882. Dec. 3d. T. F. Pain & Sons, 
Queen St., Deal. 

Fri., for Sat. 1d. G. B. Richmond, Minerva Printing Works, Oak St., Deal. 

PE Erai GUARDIAN, 1874. (c) Thurs., for Fri. ld. A. T. Bright, Newland 

t olefor 

and Fri. 1d. Herefordshire Press and Printing Co. Ltd., Woodside St., Cinderford. 

Debreti’s House of Commons and the Judicial Bench, 1866. Jan. 7s. 6d. net., illus. 
Dean & Son Ltd., 160a Fleet St., E.C. 

Debrett’s Illustrated Baronetage, Knightage, and Companionage, 1808. Dec. 18s. 6d. net. 
Dean & Son Ltd., 160A Fleet St., E.c. . 

Debrett’s Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy, 1713. Dec. 18s. 6d. net. Dean & 
Son Ltd., 160a Fleet St., E.c. 

Debrett’s Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage, and Companionage, 1713. Dec. 37s. 6d. net. 
illus. Dean & Son Ltd., 160a Fleet St., E.C. 

Decanian, 1892. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, Dean Close School, Cheltenham. 

Decorator, 1902. M.—22nd. 6d. Trade Papers Publishing Co. Ltd., 365 Birkbeck 
Chambers, High Holborn, w.c. (Printed on art paper, contains many practical 
articles and beautiful illustrations. Official Organ oí the London Association of 
Master Decorators. Advt.) l 

Decorators’ and Painters’ Magazine, 1901. M.—15th. 6d. Dale, Reynolds & Co. Ltd., 
46 Cannon St., E.C. 

Decorators: Diary and Trade Year Book, 1903. Dec. 5s. Trade Papers Publishing Co. 
Ltd., 365 Birkbeck Chambers, High Holborn, £.c.. (Contains among other useful 
features a Comprehensive List of prices for Painters’ and Decorators’ work, and 
a lengthy list of Painters’ Specialities with the names and addresses of the 
manufacturers, the Telegraphic Addresses and Telephone Nos. of all the principal 
manufacturers and merchants of paints, varnishes, wall papers, etc. Advt.) 

+DEESIDE ADVERTISER, 1914 (with which is incorporated Hoylake and West Kirby 
Herald and Visitor, 1888). (ind.) Fri. 4d. B. Haram & Co., 28 Grange Road, 
West Kirby. y 

DEGANEOY STANDARD, 1915. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. d. P. C. Cleaver, Silver 
Chambers, Conway. One of the North Wales Standard series. 

Delhi Mission News, 1895. Quarterly. 3d. Cambridge Mission to Delhi, Church House, 
Dean’s Yard, s.w. 

Delineator (English Edition), 1903 (as Delineator-Designer, 1902, with which is incor- 
. porated Delineator, 1873; Glass of Fashion Up to Date, 1896 ; ; and Designer, 
1900). M.—15th. 6d., illus. Butterick Publishing Co., 83 & 84 Long Acre, w.c. 

Deliverer, 1889. M. —20th. ld., illus. Salvation Army, Judd St., King‘s Cross, W.C. 

Democracy, 1901 (as Ethical World, 1898 ; as Ethics, 1901; as Ethical Review, 1906; 
now Ethical World, 1906). 

Woodall, Minshall, Thomas & Co., Egerton St., Wrexham. One of the Oswestry 
and Border Counties Advertizer series. 

22) James Willing. Ltd.. Advertising Agents. 125. Strand. London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A BC List. 

TDENBIGHSHIRE FREE PRESS, 1888 (as Denbigh, Ruthin, and Vale of Clwyd Free 
Press, 1881). (ind.) Fri., for Sat. ld. C. Cottam & Co., 33 Vale St., Denbigh. 
Denstonian, 1877. Six issues per year. 3s. 4d. per annum. The Editor, Denstone 
College, Rochester, Staffordshire. 
Dental Directory, 1909. April. 3s. 6d. net. J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson Ltd., 83-91 
Great Titchfield St., w. 
Dontal Record, 1881. M.—1st. 6d. Dental Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 17 Newman St., w. 
tDontal Surgeon, 1904. Fri. 3d. Bailliére, Tindall & Cox, 8 Henrietta St., w.c. 
Dentists’ Register, 1879. Feb. 3s. 4d. net. Constable & Co. Ltd., 10 Orange St., w.c. 
Deo Greine, 1905. M.—Ist 1d. Neil Shaw, 108 Hope St., Glasgow. 
Departmental Decisions (by the Local Government Board, etc., and Legal Decisions), 
1905. Quarterly. ls. net. 7 Chichester House, Chancery Lane, w.c. 
vere 1908 (as National Deposit Friendly Society’ s Magazine, 1896). M.—Ist. 
d. C. Tuckfield, 37 Queen Square, Southampton Row, w.c. 
Derbelan, 1875 (as Derby School Fasti, 1832). Three times a year. 1s. Bacon & Hudson, 
Colyear St., Derby. 
tDERBY AND CHESTERFIELD REPORTER, 1823. (J) Thurs.—2-30 p.m., for Fri. 
ld. E. M. Pike Ltd., 39 Corn Market, Derby. (London: 62 Ludgate Hill.) 
Derby and District Directory, 1910. Irreg. (last edition 1915). 5s. Hobson & Son Ltd. 
Market Place, Derby. 
Daray ane District Methodist, 1887. M.—2nd Sat. id. Harpur & Sons, 10 Friar Gate, 
Derby Co-operative Society Record, 1876. M.— 1st. Gratis. The Society, Albert St., Derby. 
{DERBY DAILY EXPRESS, 1884. (u) Daily—p.m. 4d. Derby Mercury and Express 
Ltd., St. Peter’s St., Derby. (London: 173 Fleet St.) (Actual net sale larger 
than any other daily nis a in eee Advt.) 
tDERBY DAILY TELEGRAPH, 1 1l p.m. 4d. E. M. Pike Ltd., 39 Corn 
Market, Derby. (London: 62 ee Hill.) 
{DERBY MERCURY (as Drewry’s Derby Mercury, 1732, with which is incorporated 
Belper, &c., Chronicle, 1901). (u) Fri. 1d. Derby Mercury and Express Ltd., 
St. Peter’s Št., Derby. 
(u) Thurs.—3 p.m., for Fri., and Fri.—3 p.m., for Sat. Id. Hobson & Son Ltd., 
35 Market Place, Derby. 
Derbyshire. Bennett's Business Directory, 1881. Annually. 3s. 6d. Bennett & Co., 
Chapel Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 456). 
{DERBYSHIRE COURIER, 1828. () Tues. d. Fri., for Sat., ld. Derbyshire Courier 
Ltd., Broad Oaks, Chesterfield. 
Derbyshire, Notts, Leicestershire, and Rutland Directory, 1848, Every four years, last 
issue 1916. 30s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 
Derbyshire Red Book and Calendar, 1860. Dec. 1s. Bemrose & Sons Ltd., Midland 
Place, Derby. 
{DERBYSHIRE TIMES, 1854 (with which is incorporated Glossop Times). Sat., 1d. 
W. Edmunds Ltd., Station Road, Chesterfield. (London: 85 Fleet St.) 
f{DEREHAM AND FAKENHAM TIMES, 1880. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. id. Norwich 
Mercury Co. Ltd., 5 Redwell St., Norwich. One of the Norwich Mercury series. 
Derry Almanac and North- West Directory, 1864. Jan. Is. J. Colhoun, Sentinel 
Office, Londonderry. 
{DERRY JOURNAL, 1772. (nat.) Mon., Wed., Fri. 1d. Derry Journal Ltd., Shipquay 
St., Londonderry. 
{DERRY PEOPLE AND DONEGAL NEWS, 1902. (mat.) Thurs., for Sat. ld. The 
North-West of Ireland P. & P. Co. Ltd., Foyle St., Londonderry. One of the 
- Ulster Herald series. 
tDERRY STANDARD, 1888 (as Londonan Standard, 1836). (u) Mon., Wed., Fri.— 
1.40 a.m. ld. J. C. Glendinning, 28 Shipquay St., Londonderry. 
North of Ireland Publishing Co.,Carlisle Road, Derry. 
tDEVIZES AND WILTSHIRE ADVERTISER, 1857. (D Thurs. ld. F. M. Gillman, 
29-30 Maryport St., Devizes. (London: 145 Fleet St., E.C.) 
DEVIZES AND WILTSHIRE GAZETTE, 1816 (now Wiltshire Gazette, 1909). 
Devon and Cornwall. Bennett’s Business Directory, 1881. Annually. 3s. 6d. Bennett & 
: Co., Chapel Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 456.) 
Devon and Cornwali Notes and Queries, 1900. Quarterly. 6s. Poa. per annum. J.G. 
Commin, 230 High St., Exeter. 
tDEVON AND EXETER DAILY ie he 1885 (as Exeter Gazette, 1772). (c) iam., 
Tues. and Fri., ld.; other days, $d. F. Gatwicke, 229 High St., Exeter. 

Advertisements received for all the Periodicals. [53 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

{DEVON AND SOMERSET WEEKLY NEWS, 1873 (with which is incorporated -The 
Tiverton News and Wellington Gazette). (u) Wed.—2.10 p.m., for Thurs. ld. 
Woodley and Co., Gold St., Tiverton. 

Devon Masonic Directory, 1897. March. 1s. Underhill & Co., Frankfort St., Plymouth. 

W. M. Bett, Tillicoultory. 

Devonian Year Book, 1909. Dec. 2s. 6d. Simpkin & Co. Ltd., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.C. 

Devonshire and Cornwall Directory, 1856. Every four years, last issue 1914. 36s. 

Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

. +DEWSBURY DISTRICT NEWS, 1854 (with which is incorporated Dewsbury and District 

Chronicle, Dewsbury and Batley Herald, and Batley Examiner). (c) Sat.—a.m., 
ld. News Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd., Corporation St., Dewsbury. (London: 

85 Fleet St., E.C.) 

” Dewsbury Free Press, 1915. (ind.) Wed. 4d. J. Fearnsides & Sons, 54 Commercial 
St., Batley. One of the Batley Free Press series. 

;DEWSBURY REPORTER, 1858. (7) Sat. 1d. The Reporter Ltd., Wellington Road, 
Dewsbury. (London: 5 New Bridge St.) 

Diamond Library, 1907. M. z Wed. ld. Aldine Publishing Co. Ltd., 1-3 Crown 
‘Court, Chancery Lane, w.c 

Diamond Racing Special, 1895 (with which is incorporated Eureka’s Racing Special). 
Mon. during racing season. 2d. W. Fitzwilliam, 3 Bolt Court, E.C. 

Diamonds from South Africa. M.—ist. 4d. Marshall Bros. Ltd., Keswick House, 
47 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Diary and Directory for Surveyors, Auctioneers, Land and Estate Agents, 1883. Nov. 5s. 
to 8s. 6d. Estates Gazette Ltd., 34-35 Kirby St., Hatton Garden, E.C. 

Diary for Lawyers, 1892. Oct. 3s. 6d. net. Sweet & Maxwell, 3 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Dickensian, 1905. M.—lIst. 3d. Chapman & Hall Ltd., 11 Henrietta St., w.c. 

Dicks’ Standard Plays, 1860. Irreg. 1d., illus. J. Dicks'Press Ltd., 8 Temple Avenue, E.c. 

tDINESYDD CYMREIG (Welsh Citizen), 1912. (ind.-lab.) Wed. 1d. Dinesydd Cymreig 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 16 Palace St., Carnarvon. 

Diocesan Magazine tor the County of Suffolk, 1915. M.—Ist. 2d. W. E. Harrison, 
Ancient House, Ipswich. 

Dioptric Bulletin, 1910. M.—Ist. 5s. per ann. British Optical Association, Cliffords Inn, E.C. 

Directory and List of Lodges (Oddfollows), 1810. April, 1s. Grand Master and Board 
of Directors, 97 Grosvenor St., Manchester. 

Directory of Contractors and Public Works Annual, 1890. March. 10s. 6d. net. Contrac- 
tors’ Chronicle Ltd., 48 Gray’s Inn Road, w.c. 

Directory of Directors, 1880. Feb. 15s. net. T. Skinner & Co., 77-78 Gresham House, E.C. 

Directory of Manufacturers, Wholesale Importers and Exporters, on the North Eastern 
Railway System. July. Gratis. Commercial Agent, North Lastern Railway, York. 

Directory of Manufacturers and Wholesalers of Toys and Fancy Goods, 1912. Dec. . 
Sub. W. B. Tattersall Ltd., 40-3 Fleet St., E.c. 

Directory of Paper Makers, 1876. .March. 1s. Marchant, Singer & Co., 47 St. Mary 
Axe, E.C. ‘ 

Directory of Reformatory and Industrial Schools of Great Britain, 1015. May. 6d. Wyman 
& Sons Ltd., Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Directory of Shipowners, Shipbuilders, and Marine Engineers, 1903. March. 10s. Direc- 
tory Publishing Co. Ltd., 15 Farringdon Avenue, E.C. 

Directory of the A.O.F., 1834. June. Is. 6d. Sec., A.O.F., Brook House, Francis St., w.c. 

Directory of the Chief Industries of India, Burma, and Ceylon, 1861. May. 9s. net. 
Thacker & Co., 2 Creed Lane, E.C. 

Directory of the City of Norwich, 1889. Triennially—June, last issue 1914. 7s. 6d. 
Jarrold & Sons, Ltd., London St., Norwich. 

Directory of the Tobacco Trade, 1883. Triennially, last issue 1914. 21s. E. S. Caton, 
2 Monument Station Buildings, E.c. 

Directory of Unitarian Ministers and Congregation, 1910. Dec. 3d. British and Foreign 
Unitarian Association, Essex Hall, Essex St., Strand, w.c. 

Directory of Women Teachers, 1912. Jan. 10s. 6d. net. Year Book Press, 31 Museum 

St., w.c. 


pm. ld. Exors. of E. Abbott, Mere St., Diss. 

9 am., for Sat., ld. Norwich Mercury Co. Ltd., 5 Redwell St., Norwich. One of 
the Norwich Mercury series. 

Divine Light and Truth, 1889. M.—1st. ld. W. Smith, 19 Greville Road, Waltham- 
stow, N.E. (The official organ of the International Old Baptist Union. Advt.) 

Mal... James Willing. Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

: . Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Docks’ Gazette, 1914 (as Port Staff Gazette, 1911). M.—I1st. ld. Staff Association of the 
Port of London Authority, Bromley Public Hall, Bow Road, £. (Being the 
Journal of the Staff Association of the Poit of London Authority. The only 
Journal published in the Kingdom dealing exclusively with Docks, and, 
consequently, an excellent advertising medium for the Engineering and Kindred 
Trades. Monthly, Ordinary Edition 1d.; De Luxe 3d. Walter Judd, Ltd., 

. 5 Queen Victoria St., E.c. Advt.) 

Dector, 1893. Twice a year. Id. The Central Publishing Co., 29 Essex St., Strand, w.c. 

Dod’s Parliamentary Companion, 1832. Jan. 3s. 6d. net. Whittaker & Co., 2 White 
Hart St., E.c. 

Dod’s Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage, 1840. Dec. 10s. 6d. net. Simpkin & Co. 
Ltd., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.c. 
Dodds’ Darlington Annual, 1880. Dec. 1d. J. Dodds, 33 and 34 Northgate, Darlington. 
Dogs’ Weekly, 1913. Thurs. ld. Carlton Press Ltd., 55, Cross St., Manchester. 
Dotdge’s Western Counties Illustrated Annual, 1868. Dec. Is. Hoyten & Cole, 17 

Russell St., Plymouth: (London: Simpkin & Co., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court.) 

Dollar Magazine, 1902. Quarterly. 1s. Darien Press, 5 Bristo Place, Edinburgh. 

Domestic Engineering, 1896. M.—lIst. 6d. H. Reiach Ltd., 9 King St., Covent 
Garden, W.C. 

Fri. ld. ‘‘ Goole Times ” Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd., Boothferry Road, 
Goole. One of the Goole Times series. 

tDONCASTER CHRONICLE, 1836. (c) Thurs.——p.m. 1d. Doncaster Chronicle P. & 
P. Co. Ltd., Chronicle Buildings, Doncaster. 

Doncaster Directory, 1891. Jan. 6d. Gazette Co., Doncaster. 

tDONCASTER GAZETTE, 1786. (/) Thurs. for Fri. ld. Doncaster Gazette, &c., Co. 
Ltd., Printing Office St., Doncaster. (The circulation of-the Doncaster Gazette is 
by far the largest inthe district, and the number of sold copies is four times greater 
than that of any other weekly paper published in the neighbourhood. Advt.) 

DONEGAL INDEPENDENT, 1883 (as Ballyshannon Herald, 1831). (ind.) Sat. ld. 
North of Ireland Publishing Co., Port St., Letterkenny. ; 

+tDONEGAL VINDICATOR, 1889. (mat.) Fri. ld. North of Ireland Publishing Co., 
East Port, Ballyshannon. 

1855). (ind.) Fri. ld. Warden & Co., Great George St., Weymouth. One of the 
Weymouth Telegram series. 

Dorking and Box Hill Directory, 1899. Last issue 1915. Is. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Fri.—5 p.m., for Sat. 1d. Holmesdale Press Ltd., 9 High St., Dorking. One of 
the Surrey Mirror series. 

Dorking and Leatherhead Directory, 1911. March. 6d. Holmesdale Press Ltd., Ladbroke 
Road, Redhill. . 

+DORSET COUNTY CHRONICLE, 1821. (c) Wed.—5 p.m., for Thurs. 1d. Sime & Co., 
63 High West St., Dorchester. 

Dorset Masonic Calendar, 1868. Mar. 1s. Sherren & Son, St. Mary St., Weymouth. 

Douglas's Year Book of Scottish Associations, 1905. Oct. 6d. J. Douglas, 6 St. Mary 
Grove, Barnes Common, s.w. 

+DOVER AND COUNTY CHRONICLE (as Dover Chronicle, 1835). (c) Fri. and Sat. 
ld. Dover & County Chronicle Co. Ltd., 2 King St., Dover. 

Dover and District Free Chufchman, 1903. M.—Ist. 1d. W. D. Adkins, Wolverton, 
Castle Hill, Dover. 

Dover Blue Book and Local Directory, 1887. Jan. 1s. 6d. Garnett, Mepham, and 
Fisher Ltd., 112 Gloucester Road, Brighton. 

{DOVER EXPRESS AND EAST KENT NEWS, 1858. (ind.) Fri—two editions, 10 a.m. 
and 5 p.m., and Sat.—10 am. ld. J. Bavington Jones & Sons, 185 Snargate 
St., Dover. Circulation over 10,000 copies per week. The Dover Express has 
7 times the girculation and more wanted advts. than all other Dover papers 
combined. Advt.) - 

(c) Fri., for Sat. 1d. G. Spicer, 17 Snargate St., Dover. (The most extensively 
read journal in the district. Wanted advts. inserted in seven separate papers 

` at one charge—20 words 6d. Advi.) 

Wed. 1d. Dover & County Chronicle Co. Ltd., 2 King St., Dover. 

Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Reviews. [53 

ABC List.) _ Willing’s Press Guide. 

Dovorian, 1878 (as Dover College Magazine, 1878). M. 6d. Grigg & Son, St. George’s 
Press, Dover. 

Dowanhill Training Coilege Magazine, 1909. Jan. & July. 9d. The Editor, Notre 
Dame, Dowanhill, Glasgow. 

tDOWN RECORDER, 1836. (c) Sat.—a.m. 1d. W. Y. Crichton, 118 Irish St., Down- 

atrick. 7 

+DOWNHAM MARKET GAZETTE, 1879. (ind.) Fri., 10 a.m., for Sat. 1d. Norwich 
Mercury Co. Ltd., 5 Redwell St., Norwich. One of the Norwich Mercury series. 

Downside Review, 1880. Three times a year. 2s. The Hon. Secretary, St. Gregory’s 
Society, Downside Abbey, Stratton-on-the-Fosse, near Bath. . 

Dowry of Mary, 1892. Wed. ld. Graser & Co., Scunthorpe, Lincs. 

Dragon, 1878. 5 times each session. 7d. The Editor, University College of Wales, 

+Drapor and Drapery Times, 1911 (as Draper, 1902, incorporating the Warehouseman 
and Draper, 1871, and the Drapery World, 1892). Thurs., for Sat. 1d. Associated 
Commercial Publications Ltd., 46 Aldersgate St., E.c. (Circulates among all the 
leading and medium-class retail drapers throughout the United Kingdom. Special 
shipping numbers mailed direct to the British Colonies twice a year. Moderate 
advertisement rates. Advt.) . 

Drapers’ Diary and Year Book, 1887. Dec. 3s. Associated Commercial Publica- 
tions Ltd., 46 Aldersgate St., E.c. (The standard reference book of the Drapery 
Trade. Advt.) l 

Drapors’ Organiser, 1913. M.—1st. 6d. W. Dawson Publishing Co. Ltd., 2 Bream’s 
Bujldings, Fetter Lane, E.c. 

+Drapers’ Record, 1887. Fri., for Sat. 1d., illus. Drapers’ Record Ltd,, 154-6 Cheap- 
side, £.c. (The Drapers’ Record has the largest circulation of any trade paper 
in the World. Advt.) 

Drawing, 1915. M.—Ist. 6d. H. Marshall & Son, 125 Fleet St., E.C. 

tDRIFFIELD TIMES, 1860. (ind.) Thurs. and Fri. ld. Exors. of G. R. Jackson, 
Exchange St., Driffield. i 

*+DROGHEDA ADVERTISER, 1908 (as Drogheda Conservative, 1837). (ind.) Wed. 
and Sat. $d. A. M‘Dougall & Co., 6 Peter St., Drogheda. 

*;DROGHEDA ARGUS AND LEINSTER JOURNAL, 1835. (nat.) Sat.—5 am. ld. 
Mary M‘Keown, 111 West St., Drogheda. 

tDROGHEDA INDEPENDENT, 1884. (nat.) Thurs.—a.m., for Sat. 1d. Drogheda 
Independent Co. Ltd., 9 Shop St., Drogheda. 

Droghedean, 1880. Quarterly. 8d. The Editor, Grammar School, Drogheda. | 

Fri., for Sat. 1d. W. & L. Smith, 6 Queen St., Droitwich. 

Sat ld. R: J. Hunter & Co., Bridge St., Dromore, County Down. 

tTDROYLSDEN AND CLAYTON HERALD, 1890. (c) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Herald P. & P. 
Co, Ltd., Cavendish Works, Ashton-under-Lyne. One of the Ashton-under-Lyne 
Herald series. 

Druid’s Quarterly Report and Journal, 1858. 1d. Order of Druids Friendly Society, 
Stonehenge, 330 Oxford Road, Manchester. 

Drysorfa (The Treasury), 1830. M.—Ist. 3d. Welsh Publishing Co. Ltd., Carnarvon. 

Dublin Bill of Entry and Shipping List, 1850. Daily, a.m. 30s. per ann. A. Thom & Co. 
Ltd., 8-9 Crow St., Dublin. 

{DUBLIN EVENING MAIL, 1823. (ind.) Daily. d. Dublin Express and Mail Ltd., 
39 and 40 Parliament St., Dublin. (London: 85 Fleet St.) 

{Dublin Gazette, 1705. Tues. and Fri. 1s.. A. Thom & Co. Ltd., 8-9 Crow St., Dublin. 
Official Paper. 

Dublin Journal of Medical Science, 1829. M.—Ist. 2s., illus.; 20s. per ann. Fannin 

Co. Ltd., 41 Grafton St., Dublin. (London: Simpkin & Co.) 

Dublin se mca 1916. M.—25th. ld. Leinster Printing Co., 7 Upper Ormonde 

uay, Dublin. 

Dublin Review, 1836. Jan., April, July, Oct. 5s. 6d. net. Burns & Ogtes Ltd., 28 Orchard 
St., w. (Theological, political, and general essays and reviews (Catholic). Advi.) 

TDUBLIN SATURDAY POST, 1910 (ind) Sat. 1d Cahill & Co. Ltd, 40 Lower 
Ormond Quay, Dublin. 

Dublin University Calendar, 1833. Oct. and Jan. 2s. Hodges, Figgis & Co. Ltd., 104 
Grafton St., Dublin. 

{DUDLEY CHRONICLE AND COUNTY ADVERTISER, 1885. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. ld. 
Ford & Addison, Ltd., 263 Castle St., Dudley. One of the County Advertiser for 
Staffordshire, &c., series. 

56] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

en Td Seba eg e 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

a a ne gr m a e 

{DUDLEY HERALD, 1866. (ind.) Fri—p.m., for Sat. ld. R. Hudson, Priory St., 
Dudley. (London: 149 Fleet St.) 

DUFFTOWN NEWS AND SPEYSIDE ADVERTISER, 1894. (ind.) Sat. 1d. J. Ingram, 
Albert Place, Dufftown. 

Duggan’s Shilling Civil Service Manual, 1914. April. 1s. M. F. Duggan, 36 St. Thomas’ 
Terrace. Dolphin’s Barn, Dublin. 

tDUKINFIELD HERALD, 1889. (c) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Herald P. & P. Co. Ltd., 
Cavendish Works, A shton-under-Lyne. One of the Ashton-under-Lyne Herald series. 

Dulwich, Tulse Hill, Herne Hill, &c., Directory, 1885. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directorics 
Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. © 

DULWICH AND PECKHAM WEEKLY REPORTER, 1908. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 4d. 
J. Allen, 71 Dartmouth Road, Forest Hill, s.r. One of Forest Hill, &c., Examiner 

{DUMBARTON HERALD, 1851. (’) Wed. 1d. Bennett & Thomson, 20-22 Church 
St., Dumbarton. 

1809), (c) Wed. & Sat. 1d. Courier & Herald Newspaper Co. Ltd., 111 and 113 
High St., Dumfries. 

{DUMFRIES AND GALLOWAY STANDARD, 1843. (/) Wed. and Sat. ld. Thos. 
Hunter, Watson. & Co. Ltd., 133 High St., Dumfries. . 

+DUNDALK DEMOCRAT AND PEOPLE’S JOURNAL, 1849. (nat.) Sat.—6 a.m. ld. 
T. Roe, 3 Earl St., Dundalk. 

1830). (mat.) Sat. ld. P. Matthews, 68 Clanbrassil St., Dundalk. 

ld. C. J. Mills, The Square, Dundalk. | 

+DUNDEE ADVERTISER, 1801. (/) Daily---a.m. ld. J. Leng & Co. Ltd., 7 Kank 
St., Dundee. (London : 186 Fleet St.) 

+ Dundee Catholic. Herald, 1893. Fri. ld. New Catholic Press Ltd., 82 Bell St., Dundee. 
One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

Dundee Directory, 1874. June. 5s. J. P. Mathew & Co., Caxton House, Dundee. 

Dundee Jute and Flax Workers’ Guide, 1916. M.—Ist. 4d. J. F. Sime, 37 High 
St., Dundee. 

Dundee Prices Current and Trade Report, 1851. Wed.—noon. £2 2s. per ann., post 
free. J. W. Warden & Co., 12 Panmure St., Dundee. 

Dunedin Magazine, 1912. July and Dec. 6d. Edina Publishing Co. Ltd., 20 George 
St., Edinburgh. (A journal of Scottish music and literature. Advt.) 

Dunelimian, 1881. Terminally. 9d. The Editor, The School, Durham. 

{DUNFERMLINE EXPRESS, 1900. (/) Tues.—9 am. 4d. J. B. Mackie, Gibb St., 

TDUNFERMLINE JOURNAL, 1840. (0) Sat—4 am. ld. J. B: Mackie, Gibb St., 

- Dunfermline. 

a.m. ld. A. Romanes & Son, New Row and Cross, High St., Dunfermline. 

55 Irish St., Dungannon. 


for Thurs. 4d. J. & H. L. Glasgow, Cookstown. 

Fri. for Sat. 1d. J. A. Lynch, Bridge St., Dungarvan. 

Moir St., Dunoon. 7 

_{DUNOON HERALD AND COWAL ADVERTISER, 1876. (ind) Fri—4 p.m. 1d. 

T. Gilchrist, Cross Buildings, Argyll St., Dunoon. 

for Sat. ld. E. &. R. Inglis, John St., Dunoon. 

ld. Miles Taylor, 22 High St. North, Dunstable. (The only paper printed in the 
town. Adit.) | l 

Dunstable Year Book and Directory, 1905. Jan. ld. Miles Taylor, Gazette Office, 

Durham and Northumberland Directory, 1858. Every four years, last issue 1914. 30s. 
‘Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Fri. 1d. T. Welch, 67 Saddler St., Durham. 

Advertisements rereined for all the Denonshive Newshathers. fra 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Durham College of Medicine Calendar, 1893. July. 1s. Andrew Reid & Co. Ltd., Aken- 
side Hill, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

{DURHAM COUNTY ADVERTISER (as Durham Advertiser, 1814). (cand u) Thurs.— 
3 p.m., for Fri. 1d. Durham Co. Advertiser, &c., Co. Ltd., 48 Saddler St., Durham. 

Durham Diocesan Calendar, 1875. Jan. Is. Durham Co. Advertiser, &c., Co. Ltd., 
48 Saddler St., Durham. (London: Simpkin & Co., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court.) 

Durham Directory ani Almanack, 1841. Jan, Is. T. Caldcleugh & Son, 45 Saddler 
St., Durham. 

Durham University Calendar, 1834. Oct. 1s. 6d. T. Caldcleugh & Son, 45 Saddler St., 
Durham (London: Whitaker & Co.) 

ld. F. Bailey & Son, Parsonage St., Dursley. 

Dydd (The Day), 1868. (/) Thurs., for Fri. 1d. Hughes Bros., Meyrick St., Dolgelly. 

Dycr, Calico Printer, Bleacher, and Finisher, 1879. Ist and 15th. 9d. 10s. 62. 
per annum, illus. Heywood & Co., Ltd., 150 Holborn, E.C. 

Dysgedydd (Instructor), 1820. M.—Ist. 4d. Hughes Bros., Meyrick St., Dolgelly. 

Dysgedydd y Plant (Children’s Instructor), 1871. M.—Ist. ld. Hughes Bros., Mey- 
rick St., Dolgelly. . 

Eagie, 1858. Terminally. ls. 6d. E. Johnson, 30 Trinity St., Cambridge. 

Eagle, 1881. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, Bedford Modern School, Bedford. 

Ealing, Hanwell, Southall, and Brentford Directory, 1886. Annually. ls. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. l 

- J. King, 213 Uxbridge Road, Ealing. 

+EARLESTOWN AND NEWTON EXAMINER, 1882. (/) Sat. 1d. J. Walker & Co. 
Ltd., Bewsey St., Warrington. One of the Warrington Examiner series. | 

Early Days, 1846. M.—25th. ld., illus. C. H. Kelly, 25-35 City Road, and 26 Pater- 
noster Row, E.C. 

Earthern Vessel and Gospel Heraid, 1845. M.—Ist. 2d. R. Banks & Son, 5 Racquet 
Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

tEASINGWOLD ADVERTISER AND WEEKLY NEWS, 1892. (ind.) Fri—4 p.m., for 

Sat. ld., illus. R. E. Smith, Market Place, Easingwold. 

East and the ‘West, 1903. Quarterly. ls. net. S.P.G., 15 Tufton St., S.w. 

TEAST ANGLIAN DAILY TIMES, 1874 (with which is incorporated Ipswich Express, 
1839). a.m. (ind.) 1d. East Anglian Daily Times Co. Ltd., 13 Carr St., Ipswich. 
(London Office: 149 Fleet St. ; Telephone, Holborn 5228). (Circulates throughout 
Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex; also in Herts and Cambs. Used by all National 
Advertisers and Great Financial Houses. Leading daily, and largest circulation 
between Thames and Trent. Advt.) 

EAST COAST ILLUSTRATED NEWS, 1877. (ind.) Sat. ld. Clacton-on-Sea 
Graphic P. & P. Co., 31 Electric Parade, Clacton-on-Sea. 

TEAST DERBYSHIRE COURIER. One of the Derbyshire Courier series. 

TISER, 1912. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Young & Son, Fore St., Chard. One of 
the Chard and Ilminster News series. 

Fri. 4d. A. A. Simmonds, 44 High St., Poplar, E. 

(ind.) Fri., for Sat. ld. East Essex Printing Works Ltd.,Oxford Rd., Clacton- ‘on-Sea. 

EAST GALWAY DEMOCRAT, 1910 (nat.) Fri. ld. N. E. O'Carroll, 6 Society St., 

Ballinasloe, Co. Galway. 

ld. Farncombe & Co. Ltd., 64 London Rd., East Grinstead, and Market St., Lewes. 

East Ham Almanac, 1900. Dec. ld. Wilson & Whitworth Ltd., 201-3 High Street 
North, East Ham, E. | 

{EAST HAM ECHO, 1895. (ind.) Fri. ld. Parr & Bucklow, 8la High St., East 
Ham, E. 

EAST HAM EXPRESS, 1854. (ind.) Mon., 4d.; Wed., 4d; Fri. for Sat. 1d. Wilson 
& Whitworth Ltd., Broadway, Stratford, E. East Ham Office, 201-3 High Street 
North, East Ham, E. One of the Borough of West Ham, &c., Express series. 
Telephones, 932 East and 529 East Ham. 

tEAST HAM MAIL, 1900. (ind.) Fri. ld. Parr & Bucklow, 8la High St., East Ham, E. 

TEAST HAM RECORDER, 1900. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. $d. South Essex Recorders Ltd., 
37 High Street North, East Ham. One of the Recorder series. 

58] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. (ABC List. 

TEAST KENT GAZETTE, 1854. Fri., for Sat. 1d. W. J. Parrett Ltd., 17 High St., 
Sittingbourne. Í 

{EAST KENT TIMES, 1866. (ind. u). Wed. and Sat. 1d. East Kent Times Ltd., Broad 

' . §$t., Ramsgate. l 

tEAST LONDON ADVERTISER, 1885 (as Tower Hamlets Independent, 1865). (ind.) 
Fri., for Sat. Id. W. A. Locks, 321 Mile End Road, E. | 

East London Church Chronicle, 1888. Quarterly. 1d., illus. C. Taylor, Brooke House, 
22 and 23 Warwick Lane, E.c. 7 

East London Fund for the Jews Quarterly Paper, 1907. 1d. East London Fund for the 

- Jews, 71 Hamilton House, Bishopsgate, E.c. ` 

East London Hand-Book andi Year Book, 1891. Illus. Dec. ld. and 6d. W. A. Locks, 
Advertiser Office, 321 Mile End Road, E. 


- CHRONICLE, 1857. (ind.) Fri—2 p.m., for Sat. Id. Scott, Ady & Co. Ltd., 48. 
Whitechapel Road, E. 

{EAST LONDON POST, 1912 (as Eastern Post and City Chronicle, 1868). (ind.) Fri.— 
3 p.m., for Sat. 1d. East London Publishing Co. Ltd., 16 Mile End Road, E. 
tEAST OF FIFE RECORD, 1856. (ind.) Thurs.—4-30 p.m. 4d. Fife United Press Ltd., 

25 Shore St., Anstruther. 

Gratis. Driffield Express Co. Ltd., 19 Market Place, Driffield. 

Mon.—6 p.m., for Tues. Id. Wm. Clowes & Sons Ltd., Caxton Press, 

Fri. ld. Farncombe & Co. Ltd., Market St., Lewes. 

Eastbourne, Hailsham, and District Blue-Book and Local Directory, 1882. July. 1s. 6d. 
Garnett, Mepham & Fisher Ltd., 112 Gloucester Road, Brighton. 

+EASTBOURNE CHRONICLE, 1856. (ind.) Sat. ld. Farncombe & Co. Ltd., South 
St., Eastbourne. 

tEASTBOURNE GAZETTE, 1856. (ind.) Wed. Id. T. R. Beckett Ltd., Pevensey 
Road, Eastbourne. 

Eastbourne Pictorial, 1881. June 25th. 6d., 1s., and 2s. 6d., illus. T. R. Beckett Ltd., 
Pevensey Road, Eastbourne. 

Eastbeurnian, 1870. Five times a year. 9d. The Editor, Eastbourne College, 

-~ Eastbourne. - 

Eastern (India, China, and Japan) A BC Guide to British Manufacturing Exporters, 
1896. Annually. 2s. Heywood & Co. Ltd., 150 Holborn, E.c. 

4d. South Essex Recorders Ltd., 169 High Road, Ilford. ; 

tEASTERN DAILY PRESS, 1870. (/) 3 am. ld. Norfolk News Co. Ltd., 57 
London St., Norwich. (London: 151 Fleet St.) (The only morning daily paper 
in Norfolk. Circulates in six counties. Has the largest circulation of any morning 
paper in East Anglia. Branch offices at Great Yarmouth, King’s Lynn, Lowestoft 
and Cromer. Advt.) 

Eastern Engineering, 1910. M.—15th. 6d. Eastern Papers, Ltd., 79 Gracechurch St., E.C. 

tEASTERN EVENING NEWS, 1882. (/) Daily—3 p.m. d. Norfolk News Co. Ltd., 
57 London St., Norwich. (London: 151 Fleet St.) (The only evening paper in 
Norfolk. Its circulation is thousands ahead of any other evening paper in the 
Eastern Counties. Branch offices at Great Yarmouth, King’s Lynn, Lowestoft, 
and Cromer. Advt.) | 

{EASTERN MERCURY, 1887. (ind.) Tues—2 p.m. 3d. J. G. Locks, 827 High Road, 
Leytonstone. | 

1794). (D) Daily. d. Eastern Morning & Hull News Co. Ltd., 42 Whitefriar- 
gate, Hull. (London: 159 Fleet St.) 

tEASTERN WEEKLY PRESS, 1867. (/) Fri.—7a.m., for Sat. 1d. Norfolk News Co. 
Ltd., 57 London St., Norwich. (London: 151 Fleet St.) 

porated Hampshire Gazette). (ind.) Fri. 1d. F. J. Hendy, 26a High St., Eastleigh. 

EASTWOOD AND KIMBERLEY ADVERTISER, 1894. (ind.) Fri. 4d. G. C. Brittain 
& Sons Ltd., Nottingham Road, Eastwood, Notts. 

‘Easy Bible Searching Almanac, 1907. Oct. 1d. J. F.Shaw & Co. Ltd., 3 Pilgrim St., E.C. 

tEBBW VALE WEEKLY ARGUS, 1892. (J Fri., for Sat. Id. C. D. Stentiford, 14 
High St., Newport, Mon. One of the South Wales Weekly-Argus series. 

A Anisyticananméisute panards HA dan AnD the A/alah- Alannichanhowe ian 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

tECCLES AND PATRICROFT JOURNAL, 1874. (J) Thurs.—p.m., for Fri. ld. Tillot- 
son & Son Ltd., 72 Church St., Eccles. (London: 1 Tudor St.) One of the Bolton 
Journal series. 

+ECCLES AND PATRICROFT TELEGRAPH, 1895. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Telegraph Printing 
Co. Ltd., Urmston. One of the Western Telegraph series. 

Eccles Co-operative Record, 1896. M.—lIst. Gratis. The Society, Peel St., Eccles. 

tEcho de Belgique, 1914. Fri. lłd. Belgian News Fund, 21 Russell Square, w.c. 

Echoes of Erin, 1898. Quarterly. ld. Irish Women’s Temperance Union. J. C. Glen- 
dinning, 28 Shipquay St., Londonderry. 

Echoes of Service, 1885 (as Missionary Echo, 1871). Semi-monthly, 12th and 25th. 
ld. A. Holness, 13-14 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

for Sat. Id. W. P. Turner, Hoyland Lane, Woodhouse. One of the Mexbro Times 
Series. (London: 151 Fleet St.) 

Economic Journal, 1891. Quarterly, 5s. net. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., St. Martin’s St.,w.c. 

tEconomist, 1843. Sat.—1.30 a.m. 8d. Granville House, 3 Arundel St., Strand, w.c. 

{EDENBRIDGE CHRONICLE, 1905. (ind.) Fri. 1d. A. Doody, 129 High St., Tonbridge. 
One of the Tonbridge Free Press, etc., series. 

Edgbastonia, 1S81.M.—12th. 4d. W. J. Wilmer, 16 Livery St., Birmingham. 

Edinburgh Academy Chronicle, 1893. 9 times a year. 6d. Douglas & Foules, 9 Castle 
St., Edinburgh. l i 

tEdinburgh Catholic Herald, 1888. Fri. 1d.- Scottish Catholic Printing Co. Ltd., 
7 North St., Andrew St., Edinburgh. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

1864) (/) Fri—a.m. 1d. T. Adams & Sons, Press Buildings, Tower St., Portobello. 

Edinburgh Daily Stock and Share List, 1844. p.m. Gratis. The Secretary, Stock 
Exchange, Edinburgh. 

+EDINBURGH EVENING DISPATCH, 1886. (/.u.) Daily—12.30 p.m., and hourly after. 
4d. J. Ritchie & Co., 24 North "Bridge St., Edinburgh. (London : 45 Fleet St.) 

tEDINBURGH EVENING NEWS, 1873. (in2.) Daily—7 editions. 4d. Edinburgh 
Evening News Ltd., 18 Market St., Edinburgh. (London: 62 Ludgate Hill.) 

tEdinburgh Gazette, 1700. Tues. and Fri. 9d. Sir Kenneth J. Mackenzie, Bart., 
Exchequer Chambers, Edinburgh. 

Edinburgh Medical Journal, 1855 (as Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, 1805). 
M.—Ist. 2s., illus. W. Green & Son Ltd., 2-4 St. Giles St., Edinburgh. (London: 
Simpkin & Co.) 

Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society Quarterly Paper, 1870. 3d. Morrison & Gibb 
Ltd., 11 Queen St., Edinburgh. 

Edinburgh Review, 1802. (/) Jan., April, July, Oct. 6s. Longmans & Co., 39 Pater- 
noster Row, E.C. 

Edinburgh University Calendar, 1858. Sept. 3s. J. Thin, 55 South Bridge, Edinburgh. 

tEducation, 1903. Fri. 1d. The Councils & Education Press Ltd., 28 Victoria St., s.w. 

Education Authorities’ Directory, 1903. Jan. 5s. A. H. Walter, 2-4 Tudor St. E.C. 

Education Code Annual for Day Schools, 1882. Aug. 1s. A. Ha Walter, 2-4 Tudor St.,£.c. 

Educationai Handwork, 1908. M.—lIst. 3d. Educational Handwork Association, 
Naas, Tanat Drive, Mossley Hill, Liverpool. 

+Educational News, 1876. Thurs., for Fri. ld. Scottish Educational News Co., Ltd., 
34 North Bridge St., Edinburgh. 

Educational Record, 1848. Feb., June, Oct. 3d. British & Foreign School Society, 
114 Temple Chambers, E.C. 

Educational Times, 1847. Quarterly. 6d. F. Hodgson, 89 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Educator, 1913 (as Clarke’s Educator, 1911). Mon. id. Clark’s College Ltd., 191 Fleet 
St., E.C. 

Edward Alleyn Magazine, 1890. Terminally. 3d. Alleyn’s School, Dulwich. 

Efengylydd (The Evangelist), 1908. M.—15th. ld. Evans & Short, Tonypandy. 

Efficiency Magazine, 1915. M.—l1st. 6d. Empire House, Kingsway, w.c. 

tEggs and the Intensive Worid, 1912. Tues. for Wed. ld. R. Meech, Homeworth 
Junction, Poole. 

Egoist, 1914 M.—l1st. 6d. Egoist Ltd., Oakley House, Bloomsbury St., w.c. 

— Eighty Club Year Book, 1904. May. 2s. 6d. net. H. D. Woodcock, 3 Hare Court, 

Temple, E.C. 

Eldermote Review, 1908. M.—18th. Id. Faith Press, Leighton Buzzard. 

tElectric Railway and Tramway Journal, 1914 (with which are incorporated Electrical — 
Power, 1903, and Light Railway and Tramway Journal, 1899). Fri. ls. W. E. 
Frier, 16 Eldon St., E.c. 

Electric Railway and Tramway Journal Diary, 1914 (as Light/Railway and Tramway 

_ Journal Diary, 1899). Dec. 3s. 6d. W. E. Frier I6 Eldon St., E.C: 

So] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125. Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. | [ABC List. 

Electric Vehicle, 1914. Quarterly. 3d. Electrical Press Ltd., 13-16 Fisher Street, 
Kingsway, w.c. . s 

Electrical Contractor, 1903. M.—I1st. 24. H. Marryet, Thames Dene, Chiswick, w. 

t Eiectrical Engineering, 1907 (with which is incorporated the Electrical Engineer, 1882). 
Thurs. ld. Kilowat Publishing Co. Ltd., 203-206 Temple Chambers, Temple Avenue, 
E.C. (Accept small prepaid advertisements up to first post Wednesdays. Adut.) 

Electrical Engineer’s Diary. 1909 Jan. 5s. S. Davis & Co., 30 St. Swithin’s Lance, E.C. 

t Electrical Industries and Investments, 1901. Tues., for Wed. ld. Electrical Press 
Ltd., 13-16 Fisher St., Kingsway, w.c. (Commercial and Financial Paper. Advt.) 

Electricai Progress and Monthly Register, 1894 (Now Figgott's Electrical Plant, 1916.) 

tElectricai Review, 1872. Fri. 4d. H. Alabaster, Gatehouse & Co., 4 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

fElectricai Times, 1901 (with which is incorporated Lightning, 1891). Thurs. 2d. 
Electrical Times Ltd., Sardinia House, Sardinia St., Kingsway, w.c. 

Electrical Trades Joyrnal, 1909 (as Eltradion, 1905). M.—10th. 1d. J. Rowan, 137 
Great Clowes St., Broughton, Manchester. l 

t Electrician, 1861-1878. Fri. 6d., illus. Electrical P. & P. Co., Ltd., 1-3 Salisbury 
Court, Fleet St., E.C. ; 

“Electrician ” Electrical Trades Directory and Handbook, 1882. Feb. 15s. Electrical 
P. & P. Co. Ltd., 1-3 Salisbury Court, Fleet St., E.C. , ; 

tEloctricity, 1890. Fri. 1d., illus. S. Rentell & Co. Ltd., 36 Maiden Lane, Strand, w.c. 

Electricity for Everybody, 1909. Sept. 2s. 6d. and 5s. Electrical Press Ltd., 13-16 
Fisher St., Kingsway, w.c. 

Electrics, 1902. M.—Ist. 3d. Electrical Press Ltd., 13-16 Fisher St., Kingsway, w.c. 

Electrotypes, 1895. Quarterly. 3d. A. Fisher, 6 Dorset St., Fleet St., E.C. 

TELGIN COURANT AND COURIER, 1834 (as Elgin Courier, 1827). (D) Fri. ld. 
W. R. Walker & Co., 100A High St., Elgin. 

Elizabethan, 1874. Ten times per ann. 6d. The Editor, St. Peter’s College, 3 Little 
Dean’s Yard, Westminster, s.w. 

tELLAND ECHO, 1887. (ind.) Fri. 1d. J. Hartley Ltd., Park St., Brighouse. One 
of the Brighouse Echo series. 

ELLESMERE PORT ADVERTISER, 1915. (ind.) Wed. 43d. B. Haram & Co., 61 
Hamilton St., Birkenhead. | 

Robinson, 2 Southgate, Wakefield. One of the Wakefield Express series. 

tELTHAM AND DISTRICT TIMES, 1881. (ind.) Fri—a.m. ` ld. Kentish District 
Times Co. Ltd., 80 High St., Eltham, and Times Buildings, Sidcup. 

Eltham, New Eltham, Mottingham, &c., Directory, Dec. 6d. H. C. Digby, 31 

- High St., Eltham. i 

Ely Diocesan Calendar and Clergy List, 1870. Jan. ls. net. G. H. Tyndall, Minster 
Place, Ely. (London: Simpkin & Co. Ltd.) ' 

Ely Diocesan Gazette, 1885. M.—I1st. 3d. W. P. Spalding, 43 Sidney St., Cambridge. 

ELY WEEKLY GUARDIAN, 1889. (ind.) Fri. ld. G. H. Tyndall, Minster Place, 
Ely. One of the Cambs Weekly News series. 

Empire, 1870. M.—15th. 6d. R. Belfort, 61 Fleet St., E.c. (The Empire makes a 
speciality of its ‘‘ Financial Answers,” which constitute one of the most popular 
features of the journal, its exclusive sources of information and absolutely 
independent and unbiassed comment being greatly appreciated by investors and 
all those seeking prompt, reliable guidance in financial affairs. The Empire 
dealing with general financial, industrial, and assurance affairs on original 
independent lines, enjoys an influential circulation. among Financiers, Bankers, 
Stockbrokers, Promotors and Company Directors, as well as among the general 
body of investors. The Empire is the finest medium for financial, insurance and 
industrial advertisements, owing to its regular circulation among the leading 
Financiers, Capitalists, and investors. Yearly subscription, 5s.; single number, 
6d. Advt.) 

Empire Annual for Boys, 1909. Sept. 3s. 6d. net. R.T.S., 4 Bouverie St., E.C. 

Empire Annual for Girls, 1909. Sept. 3s. 6d. net. R.T.S., 4 Bouverie St., E.C. 

Empire Municipal Directory and Year Book of Corporations and Councils in the United 
Kingdom, the Colonies and Overseas Dominions and their Officials, 1916 (as 
Sanitary Record and Municipal Engineering Year Book, etc., 1882). Dec. 5s. 
Sanitary Publishing Co., Ltd.,“8 Bream’s Buildings, E.C.  — 

Empire Review, 1900. M—lIst. 1s. net. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., St. Martin’s St., W.C. 

Enamige de ia Nacloj, 1911. Irreg. 4d. Higgie & Co., Rothesay. | 

tEncore, 1892 (with which is incorporated Music Hall and Theatre Review). Thurs. 1d. 
illus. ‘‘ The Encore ” Ltd., 34 Cranbourn St., w.c. 

Advertisements received tor all the Trade Newshbabers. r6: 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

Encyclopaedia of Dancing, 1913. M.—JIst. 7s. 6d. per ann. G. d’Albert, 2 Luxemburg 
Gardens, Hammersmith, w. 

Endle’s Directory of Stamp Dealers, 1911 (as Nunn’s Directory," 1886). Jan. 6d. 
S. Utton, 74 Canterbury Road, Croydon. 

Enfield and Winchmore Hill Directory, 1893. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

tENFIELD GAZETTE & OBSERVER, 1913 (as Meyers’s Enfield Observer, 1859). Thurs. 
—5 p.m. Id. Meyers, Brooks & Co. Ltd., Lancaster Hall, Enfield. (Advt. p. 456.) 

tEngineer, 1856. Fri—8 a.m. 6d., illus. S. White,“33 Norfolk St., Strand, w.c. 

“Engineer ” Directory and Buyers’ Guide, 1896. Annually. S. White, 33 Norfolk St., 
Strand, w.c. 

+ Engineer and iron Trades Advertiser, 1869 (with which is incorporated the Mercantile 
Advertiser and Shipping Gazette). Tues. 2d. A. R. Goldie, 180 West Regent St., 

+ Engineering, 1866. Fri—8 a.m. 6d., illus. C. R. Johnson, 38 and 36 Bedford St., 
Strand, w.c. 

Engineering Diary, 1910. M.—26th. 2d. 2 Norfolk St., Strand, w.c. 

Engineering Gazette, 1912. M.—1l4th. ld. Marryat & Place, 28 Hatton Garden. E.C. 

Engineering Index Annual, 1906. Feb. 10s. Simpkin & Co. Ltd., 32 Paternoster Row,E.c. 

Engineering Industry, 1914. M.—lIst. 1s. Electrical Times, Ltd., Sardinia House, 

l Kingsway, w.c. (Appears in Spanish and French only, and in all countries where 
these are understood. Advt.) 

Engineering Review, 1904 (as Feilden’s Monde ne: 1899). M.—15th. 6d. net. Engineer- 
ing Review Co. Ltd., 104 High Holborn, w.c. 

Engineer’s Year Book, 1894. Jan. 15s. net. Crosby Lockwood &-Son, 7 ‘Stationers’ 
Hall Court, E.c. 

Engineers’ and Surveyors’ Compendium, 1897. Dec. 10s. 6d. Compendium Publishing 
Co., 214-220° Bank Chambers, 329 High Holborn, w.c. 

Engineers’ Iron and Metal Trades Directory, 1870. Every four years, last isue 1917. 
35s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

English, Kerry, and Dexter Herd Book, 1889. April. 10s. 6d. English, Kerry and 
Dexter Cattle Society, 19 Bloomsbury Square, W.C. 

English Catalogue of Books, 1835. Feb. 7s. 6d. net. Publishers’ Circular Ltd., 19 
Adam St., Strand, w.c. (An alphabetical reeord, giving author, title, subject, size, 
price and date of publication of Books issued in the United Kingdom. Advt.) 

English Church Review, 1910. M.— 1st 6d., net. Longmans & Co., 39 Paternoster Row,E.c. 

TENGLISH CHURCHMAN, 1843. (c) Thurs.—8 a.m. ld. S. ' Arnold, 74 Strand, w.c. 

English Churchman’s Kalendar, 1901 (as Churchman’s Oxford Kalenday, 1889). Sept. 
ls. 3d. A. R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd., 28 eee tag St., w. 

English Churchwoman, 1912 (as Our Paper, 1891). M.—Ist. 4d. Church of England 
Women’s Help Society, Church House, Dean’s Yard, Westminster, s.w. 

English Clubs, List of, 1892. Jan. 5s. Spottiswocde, Ballantyne & Co. Ltd., 1 New 
Street Square, -E.c. 

English Guernsey Cattle Society’s Herd Book, 1885. May. 10s. R.F. Ling, 12 Hanover 
Square, w. 

English Historical Review, 1886. Jan., April, July, Oct. 5s. Longmans & Co., 
39 Paternoster Row, E.C. | 

English Jersey Herd Book, 1879. Aug. ls. English Jersey Cattle Society, 19 Blooms- 

Square, w.c. l 
tEnglish Mechanic and World of Science, 1865. Fri. 2d., illus. Strand Newspaper 
Co. Ltd., Effingham House, Arundel St., w.c. 

English Race, 1908. Quarterly. 6d. Royal Society of St. George, 241 Shaftesbury 
Avenue, W.C. 

English Review, 1908. M.—Ist. 1s. net. English Review (1911) Ltd., 17-21 Tavistock 
St., Covent Garden, w.c. l , 

Englishwoman, ae M.—28th. ls. net. Evans Bros. Ltd., Englishwoman Ltd., 11 
Regent St., 

Englishwoman’s Year Book and Directory, 1881 (as Year Book of Women’s Work, 1875). 
N. S. 1899. Annually. 2s. 6d. net. A. & C. Black, 4 Soho Square, w. 

+ENNISCORTHY GUARDISAN, 1881. (nat.) Thurs. —9 p-m., for Sat. ld. People 
(Wexford) Newspaper Series and Printing Co. Ltd., Al North Main St., Wexford. 
One of the Peopie (Wexford) series. 

enguir Within, 1890. Wed., for Sat. 2d., illus. Popular Publishing Co. Ltd., 27 Fetter 
ane, E.C. 

tEnterprise, 1902 (with which is incorporated Insurance Post, and Industrial Review, 
1873). Wed. 3d. T. Van Putten, 4-5 Mason’s Avenue, Basinghall St., E.c. 

G2) James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List, 

Entertainer, 1913. Sat. 1d. Entertainer Publishing Co., 116 St. Vincent St., Glasgo v. 

Entomologist, 1877 {as Newman’s Entomologist, 1841). M.—Ist. 6d., illus. Adlard 
& Co., West Newman, 23 Bartholomew Close, E.c. 

Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine, 1864. Ist. 6d., net. Gurney & Jackson, 33 Pater- 
noster Row, E.c. | 
Entomo‘ezist’s Record and Journal! of Variations, 1890. M.—I5th. 62. E. Stock, 

7 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

- Ephemeris Pharmacologia, 1915. Jan. 2s. 6d. net. Oppenheimer, Sons & Co. Ltd., 
179 Queen Victoria St., E.c. 

Epech, 1911 (with which is incorporated Light of Reason, 1902). M.—Ist. 5d. Mrs. J. 
Allen, 32 Broad Park Avenue, Ilfracombe. 

EPPING ADVERTISER, 1885. (ind.) Sat. Id. M. Hickman, High Beech Roai, 
Loughton. One of ‘the Loughton and District Advertiser series. 

tEPSOM ADVERTISER, 1869 (with which is incorporated Epsom Observer and Mid- 
Surrey County Chronicle, 1901). (ind.) Fri—5 p.m. ld. Exors of J. W. Ward, 10 
Station Road, Epsom. One of the Croydon Advertiser series. 

Epsom and Leatherhead Directory, 1899. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 
High Holborn, w.c. 

EPSOM DISTRICT TIMES AND COUNTY POST, 1901. (ind.) Wed., $d.; Sat., ld. 
Holmesdale Press Ltd., Ladbroke Road, Redhill. One of the Surrey Mirror series. 

tEPSOM HERALD, 1878. (c) Fri. ld. W. Pile Ltd., 26 High St., Sutton. One of the 
Survey County Herald series. (Advt. p. 459). 

Epsomian, 1870. Six times a year. 6d. L. W. Andrews & Son, High St., Epsom. . 

Barnes & Breeze, High St., Epworth. 

tEra, 1837. Wed. 2d. Era Ltd., 5 Tavistock St., Strand, w.c. 

Era Dramatic and Musical Annual, 1868. Jan. 1s. Era Ltd., 5 Tavistock St., Strand, w.c. 

tERDINGTON WEEKLY NEWS, 1900. (ind.) Sat. ld. Birmingham News and Print- 
ing Co. Ltd., 28 John Bright St., Birmingham. 

incorporated Bexley and Erith Express). (ind.) Thurs.—p.m. $d. Kentish District 
Times Co. Ltd., 52 Pier Road, Erith. 

ERITH OBSERVER, 1867. lind.) Thurs.—4 p.m. 4d. T. W. Jenkins, 41 Pier 
Road, Erith, and Bexley Heath. 

—7 a.m. ld. Gravesend and Dartford Reporter Ltd., 28 Pier Road, Erith. One 
of the Gravesend, &c., Reporter series. 

Erithian, 1911. Terminally. 3d. The Editor, Erith County School, Erith Road, 

Eriu, 1904. Nov. 10s. School of Irish Learning, 122a St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin. 

fESKDALE AND LIDDESDALE ADVERTISER, 1848. (ind.) Tues., for Wed. ld. 
. W. Wilson, 48 High St., Langholm. 

Esperanto Menthly, 1913. M.—15th. 1d. British Esperanto Association; 17 Hart St., w.c. 

Essex, Hertfordshire, and Middlesex Directory, 1845. Last issue 1914. . 30s. Kelly’s 
‘Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

1861. (ind.) Fri. ld. Barry & Co., High St., Halstead. 

Essex and Hertfordshire. Bennetts Business Directory, 1881. Annually. 3s. 6d. 
Bennett & Co., Chapel Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Adut. p. 456). 


+ESSEX AND SUFFOLK NEWS, 1860. (c) Sat. 1d. E. Lewis, Station baa Sudbury. 
One of the Suffolk and Essex Free Press series. 

east COUNTY CHRONICLE, 1884 (as Chelmsford Chronicle, 1764). (ind) Fri. ld. 

Meggy Thompson & Creasey, 98 High St., Chelmsford. (Advt. p. 456). 

tESSEX COUNTY STANDARD, 1831. (c) Fri. —5 p.m., for Sat. 1d. Benham & Co. Ltd., 
24 High St., Colchester. (Guaranteed to have by far the largest and most influential 
circulation in Borough of Colchester and in East and North Essex and to be the best 
advertising medium. Special feature, a Pictor,al page with local illustrations. Advt.) 

TESSEX COUNTY TELEGRAPH, 1858 (with which is incorporated the Colchester 
Mercury). (D) Mon.—4 p.m., for Tues.; and Fri—4 p.m., for Sat. ld. Essex 
Telegraph Ltd., 38 Head St., Colchester. (Now the leading paper for the district, 
with a guaranteed sale greatly exceeding that of any other paper in Colchester— 
population 44,000—and unrivalled sales and influence in other important centres 
of the county. Branch offices at Clacton-on-Sea, Frinton-on-Sea, Walton-on- 
Naze, Harwich, and Dovercourt. Advt.) 

Advertisements received for one or any number of insertions. [63 

ABC List] Willing’s Press Guide. 

tESSEX GUARDIAN, 1898 (as Essex and Middlesex Guardian, 1894). (c) Sat.—5 a.m. 
ld. W. A. Locks, 34 High St., Ilford, Essex. One of the Ilford Guardian series. 

Essex Hall Year Book, 1890. Jan. 1s. net. British and Foreign Unitarian Association, 
Essex Hall, Essex St., Strand, w.c. 

tESSEX HERALD, 1800. (ind) Tues. ld. Meggy Thompson & Creasey, 98 High St., 
Chelmsford.. (Advt. p. 456). 

{ESSEX INDEPENDENT, 1862. (ind.) Mon. ld. Essex Weekly News Series Ltd., 
26 High St., Chelmsford. 

+ESSEX NEWSMAN, 1870. (ind.) Sat. 4d. Meggy Thompson & Creasey, 98 High St., 
St., Chelmsford. (Advt. p. 456). 

Essex Review, 1892. Quarterly. Is. 6d., illus. Benham & Co. Ltd., 24 High St., Chelms- 
ford. (London: Simpkin & Co., 32. Paternoster Row). 

tESSEX TIMES, 1863, (ind.) Sat. —7a.m. ld. Wilson & Whitworth Ltd., High St., 
Romford, and ee Stratford; East Ham, Barking, Brentwood, Grays, 
etc. Telephones: East, 932, Romford 2. 

tESSEX WEEKLY NEWS, 1862. (ind.). Fri. 1d. Essex Weekly News Ltd., 26 High 
St., Chelmsford. 

Essex Year Book and Almanac, 1894. Dec. 6d. illus. W. A. Locks, Guardian Office, 
34 High St., Ilford. 

Estate Magazine, 1904 (as Country Gentleman’s Estate Booklet, 1901). M.—Ist. 6d. 
“ C.G.A.” Ltd., 33 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, w.c. 

tEstates Gazette, 1858. Sat.—9 a.m. 3d. Estates Gazette Ltd., 34-35 Kirby St., Hatton 
Garden, E.C. 

Estates Gazette Digest of Cases, 1902. Jan. 12s. 6d. Estates Gazette Ltd., 34-35 Kirby 
St., Hatton Garden, E.C. 

Etholog: cal Journal, 1904. Quarterly. ls. Ethological Society, 57 Wimpole St., w. 

Eton College Chronicle, 1863. Weekly during the half. 3d. Spottiswoode & Co. Ltd., 
Eton College, Windsor. 

Etoniana, 1904. Irreg. 6d. Spottiswoode. & Co. Ltd., Eton College, Windsor. 

Eugenics Review, 1909. Jan., April, July, Oct—Ist. 1s. The Eugenics Education 
Society, Kingsway House, Kingsway, w.c. (Deals with problems of racial 
betterment and decay, especially as directly affected or heredity, the marriages 
of the fit and the unfit, the birth-rate and death-rate in different sections of the 
community, and as indirectly affected by environment and education. Advt.) 

Eurgrawn Wesleyaidd (Wesleyan Magazine), 1809. M.—Ist. 4d. Rev. P. Jones Roberts, 
Wesleyan Book Room, Isfryn, Bangor. 

+European Mail, 1868. Sat. 2d. Modern P. & P.Co.Ltd., 10a Adelphi Terrace, Strand,w.c. 

Eustace Miles’ Monthly Booklet, 1916. M.—Ist. 3d. E. Miles, 40 Chandos St., w.c. 

Evangelical Christendom, 1846 Alter. months. 3d. World’s Evangelical Alliance, 
19 Russell Square, w.c. 

Evangelical Magazine, 1793 (as Fuangeiicat British Missionary, 1905; now British 
Missionary, 1910). 

Evangelist, 1874. M.—Ist. 4d. Pickering & Inglis, 229 Bothwell St., Glasgow. 

Evans’ Journal, 1912. Quarterly. Gratis. Evans Sons, Lescher & Webb Ltd., 56 
Hanover St., Liverpool. 

TEVENING ARGUS (Brighton), 1880. (ind.) Daily. 4d. Southern Publishing Co. Ltd., 
Head Office, 130 North St., Brighton. Telephones, Nat. 52 Post Office 1672, and 
Private wire. (London: 69 Flect. Telephone 2268 Holborn.) 

EVENING CHRONICLE (Manchester) 1914 (as Manchester Evening Chronicle, 1894); 
p.m. d. E. Hulton & Co., Ltd., Withy Grove, Manchester. 

TEVENING CHRONICLE (Newcastle), 1885. (2 Daily—2 p.m. 4d. W. Ord, West- 
gate Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (London: 173 Fleet St.) 

tEVENING DESPATCH (Birmingham), 1902 (as Daily Argus, 1891). $d. Birmingham 
Gazette Ltd., 186-188 Corporation St., Birmingham. (London: 17 Bouverie St.) 

Evening Despatch Sporting Buff, 1904. Daily, 4d. Birmingham Gazette Ltd., 186-188 
Corporation St., Birmingham. 

TEVENING ECHO (Cork), 1892. (nat.) 2 p.m. Four editions. 42. T. Crosbie & Co. 
Ltd., 95 Patrick St., Cork (London: 85 Fleet St.) 

+EVENING EXPRESS (Aberdeen), 1899 (as Aberdeen Evening Express, 1879). (ind.) 
Daily. Aberdeen and North of Scotland Newspaper Printing Co. Ltd., 18-22 
Broad St., Aberdeen. (London: 5 New Bridge St.) 

{EVENING EXPRESS (Liverpool), 1870. (u) Daily.—10-30 a.m., 8 editions. $d. C. 
Tinling & Co. Ltd., 55 Victoria St., Liverpool. (London: 187 Fleet St.) 
{EVENING EXPRESS AND EVENING MAIL (Cardiff), 1887. (ind.) Daily—10 a.m. 

37. Western Mail Ltd., St. Mary St., Cardiff. (London: 176 Fleet St.) 

‘| James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. _ [ABC List. 

TEY ERINA GAZETTE (Aberdeen), 1882. (J). Daily—12 noon. $d. A. Marr, 30 Union 
, Aberdeen. (London: 149 Fleet St.) 

HEVENING HERALD (Dublin), 1891. (nat.) Even. $d. Independent Newspapers 
Ltd., Carlisle Buildings, Dublin. (London: 68 Fleet St.) 

TEVENING IRISH TIMES (Dublin), 1879. (u) Daily—5 p.m. 1d. Irish Times Ltd., 
31 Westmoreland St., Dublin. (London: 59 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 453.) 

TEVENING MAIL (Newcastle), 1910. (4) p.m. Four editions. d. Mail and Leader 
Ltd., High Bridge, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

tEV ENING NEWS, 1881. (c) 10 a.m. 4d. The Associated Newspapers Ltd., Carmelite 
House, Tallis St., E.c. 

EVENING NEWS (GLASGOW), 1916 (as Glasgow Evening News, 1876). (ind.) p.m. 
d. J. M. Smith Ltd., 67 Hope St., Glasgow. (London: 47 Fleet St.) 

EVENING NEWS (Waterford), 1898. (wat.) 6 p.m. d. Waterford News, Ltd., 49 
and 50 O’Connell St., Waterford. (Waterford is one of the only four cities in Ireland 
publishing a daily newspaper. The Evening News isa fully equipped daily journal, 
with a complete war and general news telegraph service, circulating widely in a 
district the population of which is about 300,000. Adyt.) 

TEVENING NEWS AND SOUTHERN DAILY MAIL (Portsmouth), 1877. (ind.) Daily 
2p.m. $¢. W. Tomkinson, Stanhope Road, Portsmouth. (London: 12 Fetter Lane). 

EVENING NORTH WILTS HERALD, 1882. (ind.) Daily—4 p.m. d. H. D. Piper, 
19 Bath Road, Swindon. 

eee POST (Jersey), 1890. 4. 30 p.m. 4d. W. E. Guiton, 2 Charles St., St. Heliers, 


tEVENING STANDARD AND ST. JAMES’ GAZETTE, 1905 (with which is incorporated 
Evening Standard, 1827, and St. James’ Gazette, 1880). (c) Daily—noon to 6 p.m. 
Id. E. Hulton & Co. Ltd., 46, Shoe Lane, E.c. 

tEVENING STAR AND DAILY HERALD (Ipswich) (as Stay of the East, 1885). (ind.) 
Daily—2 p.m. 4d. East Anglian Daily Times Co. Ltd., 13 Carr St., Ipswich. 
(London: 149 Fleet St.; Holborn 5228). (Only evening in Essex and Suffolk. Advt.) 

EVENING SWINDON ADVERTISER (Swindon), 1898. (ind.) Daily—4, 6 (except Fri.), 
‘$d. Morris Bros., 99 Victoria Road, Swindon. 

TEVENING TELEGRAPH (Dublin) 1870. (nat.) Five editions daily. 4d. Freeman’s 
Journal Ltd., 4-7 Prince’s St., Dublin. (London: 211 Strand.) 

EVENING TELEGRAPH (Kettering), 1897 (with which was amalgamated the Football 
Telegraph; now Northamptonshire Evening Telegraph, 1904). 

tTEVENING TELEGRAPH AND POST (Dundee), 1905 (with which is incorporated the 
Evening Post, 1900, and the Evening Telegraph, 1877). (ind.) Daily. $d. D.C. 
Thomson & Co. Ltd., Courier Place, Dundee. (London: 12 Fetter Lane). 

tEVENING TIMES (Glasgow), 1876. (u) Daily. 2till7 p.m. $d. George Outram & Co. 
Ltd., 65-69 Buchanan St., Glasgow. (London: 112 Fleet St.) (Certified net sales, 
236, 757 copies per day. The largest of any evening newspaper in Scotland. Advt.) 

tEVENING TIMES AND ECHO (Bristol), 1910 (with which is incorporated Bristol 
Echo, 1901, and the Bristol Evening Times, 1904). (u) Several editions. $d. Bristol 
Times and Mirror Ltd., St. Stephen’s St., Bristol. (London: 185 Fleet St.) 

Everton and Liverpool Official Football Programme, 1904. Sat. during season. 1/- 

E. A. Morton, 62 Dale St., Liverpool. 

Every ‘Band of Hope Boy’s Reciter, 1876. Irreg. ld. J. Brook & Co., 33 Hopwood 
Avenue, Manchester. (London: 10-12 Ivy Lane.) 

Every Christian’s Library, 1910. Seven times a year. ls. net. Pickering & Inglis, 229 
Bothwell St., Glasgow. l 

Every Man’s Own Lawyer, 1863. Dec. 6s. 8d. net. Crosby Lockwood & Son, 7 
Stationers’ Hall Court, E.C. 

Everybody’s Monthly, 1906 (as Irish Temperance League Journal, 1863). M.—1st. 1d. 
Irish Temperance League, 14-20 Lombard St., Belfast. 

Everybody’s Twopenny Time Table, 1866. M. —Ist. 2d. F. Impey, The Island, 
Northfield, Birmingham. 

tEveryman, 1912, Fri. id. Everyman Newspaper Co., 16la Strand, w.c. 

gibi Woman, 1915 (as Mrs. Bull, 1913). Tues., for Sat. 1d, Oldhams Ltd., 93-4 Long 

for Sat. 14d. W. & H. Smith Ltd., Swan Lane, Evesham. (London: 185 Fleet St.) 
Berrow’s Worcester Journal Co. Ltd., 22 Bridge St., Evesham. (London: Clun 
House, Surrey St., Strand). 

Advertisements received for all the Periodical Newspapers. [6s 

ABC List] _ Willing’s Press Guide. E | 

Ewen’s Weekly Stamp News, 1899 (as L’Estrange Ewen's Weekly Circular, 1897 ; aa) 
Ewen’s Weekly Circular, 1899). Fri. ld. 30-32 Palace Square, Norwood, s.¥. ` 
Excelsior, 1857. Quarterly. Journal of Murray’s Royal Asylum, Perth. ; 
Exchange Shipping Monthly, 1911. M.—Ist. ld. Direct Publicity Co., 20 North John Ys 
St., Liverpool. | 
Exeter Diocesan Gazette, 1901. M.—Ist. 2d. J. Townsend & Sons, Little Queen St., | 
Exeter. ) | 
Exeter Diocesan Kalendar and Clergy List, 1860. Dec. 1s. 6d. Besley & Copp Ltd., 
89 South St., Exeter. . 
Exeter Post Office Directory, 1848. Jan. 2s. 6d. Besley & Copp Ltd., 89 South St., 
tEXMOUTH CHRONICLE, 1882. (ind.) Sat. 1d. H. Setten, Rolle St., Exmouth. ` 
tEXMOUTH JOURNAL, 1862 (with which is incorporated the Exmouth Mercury and 
Budleigh Salterton Observer). (c) Sat. ld. F. St. George Gratwicke, Baring Place, 
Experience, 1881. Quarterly. 3d. net. C. H. Kelly, 25-35 City Road, and 26 Pater- 
noster Row, E.C. 
Exonian, 1881. Terminally. 2s. The Editor, The School, Exeter. 
Export Merchant Shippers and Manufacturers of Great Britain and Ivelani, 1864. March. 
12s. 6d. Carter Jepson Publishing Co. Ltd., 32 Dean’s Court, Old Bailey, E.c. 
Export Worid and Commerciai Intelligence, 1898. M.—l1st. 8d. Benn Bros. Ltd., 
31 Christopher St., Finsbury, E.C. 
Expositor, 1875. M.—28th. 1s. net. Hodder & Stoughton, St. Paul’s House, Warwick 
Square, E.C. 
Expository Times, 1889. M.—Ist. 6d. T. & T. Clark, 38 George St., Edinburgh. 
(London: Simpkin & Co., 32 Paternoster Row.) 
tEXPRESS AND ECHO, 1904 (incorporating Devon Evening Express, 1866, and the Wes- 
tern Echo, 1904). (ind.) 3.30 p.m. 4d. Western Times Co. Ltd., 226 High St., Exeter. : 
4d. Midland News Association Ltd., 50 Queen St., Wolverhampton. (London: 
44 Fleet St.) : 
Express Overseas Maii, 1914. Alter.-M. 2d. Express Film Service Ltd., 11 Denman 
St., Piccadilly Circus, w. 
Expression, 1897. M.—lst. 6d. Mrs. Alma Gillen, 157 Brompton Road, s.w. (A. 
Journal of-Mind and Thought. Advi.) 

Fabian News, 1891. M.—I1st. ld. Fabian Society, 25 Tothill St., Westminster, s.w. ; 

Factors’ Magazine, 1889. Quarterly. 6d. J. Maxwell & Son, 117-119 High St., Dumfries. 

Facts against Sociaiism, 1909. Quarterly. 1d. London Municipal Society, 2 Bridge 
St., Westminster, S.w. 

Faculty of Insurance Year Book, 1914. Sept. 2s. 6d. Faculty of Insurance Ltd., 
7 Sicilian Avenue, Southampton Row, E.c. l 

Failsworth Co-operative Society Messenger, 1891. M.—Ist. Gratis. The Society, 174 
Oldham Road, Failsworth. arr! 

+Fairpiay, 1883. * Thurs.—-10-30 a.m. 6d. Leadenhall St., E.c. 

Faith, 1884. M.—25th. ld. C. E. Brooks, Merton Road, Malvern Link. | l 

Faith and the Fiock, 1908. M.—lIst. ld. S. W. Partridge & Co., 21-2 Old Bailey, E.c. 

Faith and Freedom, 1915. Sat. 2d. A. Major, 292 Camberwell New Road, S.E. 

Faith-Links, 1900. M.—25th. ld. S. W. Partridge & Co., 21-2 Old Bailey, z.c. 

.$d.; and Sat.—a.m. ld. F. Johnston & Co., 125 High St., Falkirk. Branch Offices 
at Grangemouth, Denny, Linlithgow, Boness, and Bathgate. : 

tFALKIRK MAIL, 1886. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 4d. Mackie & Co., Mail Buildings, ' 
Manor St., Falkirk. ; 

Fall In, 1915. . Thurs., for Sat. 1d. Polsue Ltd., Gough House, Gough Square, E.C. 

Family Doctor and Peopie’s Medical Adviser, 1885. M.—28th. 1d. The Family Doctor 
Publishing Co., 29 Essex St., Strand, w.c. 

Family Friend, 1870. M.—25th. ld., illus. S. W. Partridge & Co., 21-2 Old Bailey, E.c. 3 

tFamiiy Herald, 1842. Weekly—Sat., 1d.; monthly—lIst, 6d.; seaside number—July, 
2d.; Christmas number—Dec., 2d. W. Stevens Ltd., 23 & 24 Henrietta St., 
Strand, w.c. (Advt. p. ii.) 

Famiiy Heraid Suppiement, 1877. Sat. 1d.; double numbers—Jan. ant Aug., 2d. 
W. Stevens Ltd., 23 & 24 Henrietta St., Strand, w.c. (Advt.-p. ii.) i 

te James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 725, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. _ {ABC List. 
Family Journal, 1909. Weds., for Sat. 1d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon 

St., E.C. 

Family Reader, 1871. Tues., for Sat. 1d., illus.; M.—25th, 7d. W. R. Reeves, 35 
Surrey St., Strand, w.c. 

Family Story-Tełier, 1877. M.—l1st. 6d. W. Stevens Ltd., 23 and 24 Henrietta St., 
Strand, w.c. (Advt. p. ii.) 

Fancy Goods Record, 1916. M.—Ist. 6d. G. Street & Co. Ltd., 8 Serle St., w.c. 

Fancy Neediework Illustrated, 1905. Quarterly. ld. Northern School of Art Needle- 
work, National Buildings, Manchester. 

Ea House Journai, 1893. Feb., June, & Oct. Gratis., illus. 62-70 Southampton 

ow, W.C. 

Sat. Id. C. Luker & Co., London St., Faringdon. 

FARM AND HOME, 1882. Tues., for Wed. 1d. W. Robinson, 63 Lincoln’s Inn 
Fields, w.c. (Farm qnd Home is the most practical paper for the farmer, the breeder 
and feeder of stock, dairy farmer, and all interested in the land. Attention is 
also given to the home, with cookery recipes, dress notes, etc. Advt. 

{Farm, Fieid and Fireside, 1887. Wed.—I0 a.m. ld., illus. W. A. May, 3 Wellington 
St., Strand, w.c. 

tFarm Life, 1905 (with which is incorporated the Agricultural World and Cable, 1893). 
Thurs. 1d. T. Want, Hatton House, Great Queen St., w.c. 

tFarmer and Stock- Breeder and Chamber of Agriculture Journai, 1889 (as The Farmer, 
1843). Mon. 1d. Macdonald & Martin, 6 Essex St., Strand, w.c. (Guaranteed 
net sale over 65,000 copies every week. Advt.) 

Farmer and Stock-Byeeder Year-Book, 1889 (as Farmer's and Country Gentleman's 
Almanack, 1865). Dec. 1s., illus. Macdonald & Martin, 6 Essex St., Strand, w.c. 
(Guaranteed net sale over 12, 000 copies. Advt.) 

Farmer's Advocate, 1900. M.—lIst. Is. 6d. per annum, post free. York Publishing 
Co., County Insurance Buildings, York. 

;+Farmers’ Gazette, 1842. Thurs., for Sat. ld., occas., illus. Brunswick Press Ltd., 
179 Great Brunswick St., Dublin. 

Farmer’s Red Book, 1911 (as ' Agricultural Annual and Mark Lane Express Almanac, 
1893). Dec. Is. W. À. May, 3 Wellington St., Strand, w.c. 

{FARNBOROUGH NEWS AND ASH GAZETTE, 1914. (c) Fri. 4d. W. May & Co. Ltd., 
45 High St., Aldershot. One of the Aldershot Gazette and Military News series. 


- ADVERTISER, 1892. (ind. ) Fri. ld. E. W. Langham, 114 West St., Farnham. 

FARNWORTH CHRONICLE. 1906. (u) Fri.—a.m. ld. W. H. Kilehing, 95 "Market St. 
Farnworth, and 9-17 Knowsley St., Bolton. One of the Bolton Chronicle series. 

1860). (J) Fri. ld. Tillotson & Son Ltd., 91 Market St., Farnworth. (London : 
1 Tudor St.) One of the Bolton Journal series. 

Farriers’ Journai, 1899. M.—20th. 2d. W. J. Anstey, 33 Gledhow Avenue, Roundhay, 

'Farrow’s Bank Gazette, 1908 (as People’s Bank Gazette, 1907); M.—9th. ld. Farrow’s 
Bank Ltd., 1 Cheapside, E.c. 

Fashions for All, 1908. M.—12th. 3d. Amalgamated: Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St.,E.C. 

Father Tuck’s Annual, 1899. July. 3s. 6d. and 5s. Raphael Tuck & Sans Ltd., Raphael 
House, Moorfields, E.c, (Edited by Captain Edric Vredenburg, 10th London 
Regiment. Advt.) 

Faugh-a-Ballagh, 1895. Quarterly. 3d. Armagh Guardian, 36 Upper English St., Armagh 

a AND NORTH-EAST KENT NEWS, 1883. (ind.) Fri—4 p.m., for Sat. 

ld. F. Austin, 23 Court St., Faversham. 
. Faversham Institute Journal, 1862. M.—list. 1d. The Institute, East St., Faversham. 
- 4 p.m., for Sat. 1d. C. S. Elvy, 116 West St., Faversham. 

Favorite Comic, 1911. Mon. for Sat. 4d. Amalgted. Press, Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St.,E.C. 

Fearnside and Martin's Pershore Almanac, Directory, and Blue Book, 1900. Dec. ld. 
Fearnside & Martin, Avon Printing Works, Bridge St., Pershore. | 

{Feathered World, 1889 (with which is amalgamated Canary and Cage Bird Life, 1905). . 
Fri. ld. Mrs. Comyns Lewer, 9 Arundel St., Strand, w.c. 

Feathered World Year Book, 1910. F eb. Is. Mrs. C omyns Lewer, 9 Arundel St., Strand, w.c. 

Federal Magazine and All Red Maii, 1904. M.—Ist. 3d. net. League of the Empire, 
28 Buckingham Gate, s.w. (Matters of Imperial and Educational interest. Advt.) 

Fellowship Calendar, 1914. Irreg -1s. Happy Publishing Co., 133/4 Salisbury 

Square, E.C. 

Advertisements received for all the American Newspapers. [67 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 



tFERMANAGH HERALD AND MONAGHAN NEWS, 1903. (nat.) Sat. 1d. North West 
of Ireland P. &P. Co. Ltd., Belmore St., Enniskillen. One of the Ulster Herald sefies. 

FERMANAGH TIMES, 1880. (u) Thurs.—a.m. ld. R. H. Ritchie, Townhaly St., 

Ferro-Concrete, 1909. M.—Ist. 6d. St. Bride’s Press Ltd., 24 Bride Lane, E.C. 

Fettesian, 1878. Twice each term. 6d. The Secretary, Fettes College, Edinburgh. 

Fton a’r Ffynon, 1913. Quarterly. 1d. L. Davies & Co., 46 High St., Merthyr Tydfil. 

tField, 1853. Fri—p.m., for Sat. 6d. Field & Queen (H. Cox) Ltd., Bream’s Build- 
ings, E.C. i 

FIFE & KINROSS PEOPLE’S JOURNAL. One of the People’s Journal (Dundee) series. 

{FIFE FREE PRESS, 1871. (/) Sat. 1d. Strachan & Livingston, Hill St., Kirkcaldy. 

{FIFE HERALD AND JOURNAL, 1893 (as Fife Herald, 1822, and Fifeshire Journal, 
1833). (u) Wed.—6 p.m. ld. J. & G. Innes, Burnside, Cupar. 

tFIFE NEWS AND COAST CHRONICLE, 1870. (u) Fri.—7 a.m., for Sat. ld. J. &G. 
Innes, Burnside, Cupar. 

İFIFESHIRE ADVERTISER, 1838. (u) Sat.—7 a.m. ld. Fifeshire Advertiser, Ltd. 
130 High St., Kirkcaldy. 

FILEY POST AND LIST OF VISITORS, 1865. (ind.) Sat.—a.m. 1d. Exors. of G. R. 
Jackson, Exchange St., Driffield. 

Film Renter, 1913. Sat. 1d. Pictures and Pleasures Ltd., 7 Blackfriars St., Salford, 
Manchester. j 

Finance and Insurance Chronicie (as Insurance Circular, 1869). Semi-monthly—I1st 
and 15th. 4d. Russell & Co., 2 Copthall Buildings, E.c. 

Finance Union, 1890 (as Irish Insurance Journal, 1876). Sat. 6d. Finance Union Co. 

td., 69 Dame St., Dublin. (London: 7 Union Court.) 

t Financial Chronicle, 1885. Tues. 34. Advance News Agency Ltd., 80 Coleman St., E.C. 

{Financial Maii (with which is incorporated Financial London Mail, 1914. Sat. ld. 
Commercial Journals Ltd., 3 Bolt Court, E.c. 
TFINANCIAL NEWS, 1884. Daily—1.30 a.m. ld. Financial News Ltd., 111 Queen 
Victoria St., E.c. . l 
Financiai Opinion, 1901. Sat. 34. H. T. Walker, 52 Bishopsgate, E.c. (Published 
every Saturday. Largest circulation of any financial paper. Advt. p. 436.) — 

ft Financial Outlook, 1909. Fri. 1d. Metropolitan and Counties Investors Ltd., Balfour 
House, Finsbury Pavement, E.c. | : 

Financial Review, 1911. Wed. 3d. Premier Press Agency, 80 Cornhill, E.C. 

Financial Review of Reviews, 1904. M.—lst. ls. net. 2 Waterloo Place, s.w. 

Ulery TIMES, 1888. Daily. 1.30 a.m. l4. Financial Times, Ltd., 72 Coleman 

t., E.C. ` l . 

Financial Times Index, 1913. M.—5th: 42 10s. per ann. Financial Times Ltd., 
72 Coleman St., E.c. . 
Coleman St., E.c. 

Financial Times Investors’ Guide, 1913. Nov. 1s. Financial Times Ltd., 72 Coleman 

t. Ec. 

Financial A ge Oil Handbook, 1910. April. 2s. net. Financial Times Ltd., 72 Cole- 
man St., E.C. 

Financial Times Rubber Handbook, 1916. Mar. 1s. Financial Times Ltd., 
72 Coleman St., E.C. 

Financial Times Tin Mining Handbook, 1913. March. 2s. 6d. net. Financial Times 
Ltd., 72 Coleman St., E.c. 

tFinanciai Worid, 1886. Sat. 1d. World of Finance Syndicate Ltd., 69 Bishopsgate, E.C. 

TFINANGIER AND BULLIONIST, 1900 (as Financier, 1870). Daily—1.30 a.m. ld. 
Financier & Bullionist Ltd., 49-57 Wool Exchange, Coleman St.,z.c. (Telegrams: 
Finanzmann Ave., London. Telephones: 8148 and 8149 London Wall. The only 
daily paper publishing the Stock Exchange Official Price list. Advt.) . 

Financier Rubber Share Book, 1914. May. 3s. Financier & Bullionist Ltd., 49-57 
Wool Exchange, E.c. 

Finchley, Child's Hill, Hendon and Golder’s Green Directory, 1886. Annually. 1s. 
Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

FINCHLEY AND HENDON NEWS, 1859. (ind.) Fri.—9 a.m., for Sat. ld. E. Cowing 
& Son, High St., Barnet. One of the Barnet Press series. x Dy 

FINCHLEY AND HENDON TIMES, 1875. (u) Fri—1 p.m., for Sat. 1d. Warden & 
Co. Ltd., 71 Church Road, Hendon, and 11 Regent’s Parade, North Finchley, N. 
One of the Hendon and Finchley Times series. (Advt. p. 457.) . 

Felstedian, 1873. Three times each term. 3s. 6d. per ann. The Editor, Felsted Fe 

~ | James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

| Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Free Press, Finchley, 1897). (ind.) Fri—7 a.m. ld. H. W. Simpson, 154 High 
Road, East Finchley, N. 

Fine Art Trade Journal, 1905. M.—20th. 5s. per ann. Art Trade Press Ltd., | 
13 Buckingham St., Strand, w.c. 
Finshury Public Libraries Quarterly Guide for Readers, 1894. Gratis. The Librarian, 
Finsbury Public Library, Skinner St., E.C. 
EXAMINER, 1884. (/) Fri. $d. United Metropolitan Press Ltd., 238 Goswell Rd., E.c. 
Fire, 1908. M.—Ist. 6d. Hodgetts Ltd., 36-38 Whitefriars St., E.C. 
Firefly, 1913 (as Fun and Fiction, 1912). Wed., for Sat. d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 
22-25 Farringdon St., E.C. 
Firefly, 1880. Terminally 6d. The Editor, High School, Newcastle-under-Lyme. 
Fireman, 1877. M.—Ist. 2s. 6d. per ann., illus. C. W. Hopgood, 2 Grocers’ Hall, Court, E.C. 
First Ald, 1894. M.—20th. 2d. Dale, Reynolds & Co. Ltd., 46 Cannon St., E.c. 
First Cadet Battalion Royal Fusiliers Chronicle, 1915. Quarterly. 2d. The Editor, 
Harben Armoury, Pond St., N.w. 
First North Londen Troop Magazine, 1911. M.—23rd. 2d. O. F. Cox, Troop Head- 
quarters, 194 Hornsey Road, Holloway, N. 
{Fish Trades Gazette, 1883. Fri—p.m., for Sat. 2d. E. F. Hyde, Peninsular House, 
Monument St., E.c. (Adv#. p. 450.) 
Fisherman's Nautical Almanac, 1877. Dec. Is. O. T. Olsen, Fish Dock Road, Grimsby. 
{Fishing Gazette, 1877. Fri.—12 noon. 2d. Fishing Gazette Ltd., 19 Adam St., Strand, 
w.c. (Edited by R. B. Marston. The Fishing Gazette is read by anglers all over the 
world, and is one of the best papers for advertisements addressed to anglers. Advt.) 
tFishing News, 1913. Fri. 1d. A. Marr, 30 Union St., Aberdeen. 
Fiames. of Fire, 1911 (with which is incorporated Tidings from Tibet and other Lands). 
M.—lIst. Gratis. C. Polhill, Howbury Hall, Bedford. 
_ Flatiand, 1894. M.—Ist. 2d. F. Hazel & Co., 121 Victoria St., s.w. 
Fiats, 1889. Sat. 2d. Robins, Snell & Terry, 107 Victoria St., s.w. 
Fleet, 1905. M.—24th 3d. The Fleet Ltd.,11 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, w.c. 
Fleet Annual and Naval Year Book, 1906. Mar. 2s. 6d. Chapman & Hall Ltd., 11 
Henrietta St., Covent Garden, w.c., and Simpkin & Co., Stationers’ Hall Court, E.C. . 
Fleet Divectory, 1903. July. Annually. 3d. W. May & Co. Ltd., High St., Aldershot. 
6 p.m. Id. W. May & Co. Ltd., High St., Aldershot. One of the Aldershot Gazette 
and Military News series. 
tFLEETWOOD CHRONICLE, 1843. (c) Tues. and Fri. 1d. F. Andrews, Albert Square, 
Fleetwood. One of the Blackpool Herald series. 
tFLEETWOOD EXPRESS, 1877. (/) Wed. and Sat. 1d. Fleetwood Express Co., 
22-26 London St., Fleetwood. One of the Blackpool Times series. l 
FLEETWOOD GAZETTE-NEWS, 1873. (prog. con.) Tues. 3d.; Fri., 1d. Gazette- 
News. Ltd., St. Peter’s Place, Fleetwood. One of the Gazette-News (Blackpool) series. 
tFlight, 1909. Thurs. ld. St. Martin’s Publishing Co. Ltd., 44 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c. 
Fiint County Teachers’ Association Quarteriy Review, 1902. Quarterly. Subs. J. H. 
Adkins, Harwarden, Chester. 
FLINTSHIRE OBSERVER AND NEWS, 1855 (incorporated with the Welsh Coast 
Pioneer, 1916). ` 
Flock Book of the Devon Long-Woolled Sheep, 1900. Biennially. 10s. 6d. The Devon 
Long-Woolled Sheep Breeders’ Society, Wiveliscombe. 
Flock Book of Leicester Sheep, 1892. March. 5s. Leicester Sheep Breeders’ Association, 
Elms Villa, Driffield. 
Flock Book of the Oxford Down Sheep, 1889. Aug. 10s. 6d. Oxford Down Sheep 
Breeders’ Association, 19 George St., Oxford. | 
Fiute Players’ Journal, 1880. Alter.-months. Price varies. Rudall, Carte & Co. Ltd., 
Berners St., w. | 
Flying Book, Aviation Who’s Who, and Industrial Directory, 1914. Irreg. 2s. 6d. 
Longmans, Green & Co., 39-42 Paternoster Row, E.c. 
TFOLKESTONE EXPRESS, 1868. (ind.) Fri—8a.m., for Sat. id. J. English Ltd., 31 
High St., Folkestone. (The recognised medium for official announcements. Advt.) 
TFOLKESTONE HERALD VISITORS’ LIST, 1903. (ind.) Wed., July to Sept. ld. 
F. J. Parsons Ltd., The Bayle, Folkestone. 
ld. F. J. Parsons Ltd., The Bayle, Folkestone. | 
Folkestone, Hythe, Sandgate and Cheriton Red Book and Directory, 1913 (with which is 
R porata Pike’s Blue Book, 1890). Dec. 2s. F. J. Parsons Ltd., The Bayle, 

Advertisements received for all the Indian Newspapers. [60 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 7 

Folk-Lore, 1890 (as Archaeological Review, 1888). Quarterly. 5s. Sidgwick & Jackson» 
Ltd., 3 Adam St., Strand, w.c. < 

Food and Cookery and the Catering World, 1897. M.—lIst. 6d. Food & Cookery 
Publishing Agency, 329 Vauxhall Bridge Road; s.w. 

Football Directory, 1909. Aug. 6d. -Cricket Press, 25 Temple Chambers, E.c. 

{Football Express (Derby), 1906. Sat.—p.m., during season. $d. Derby Mercury and 
Express Ltd., 11 St. Peter’s St., Derby. (London: 173 Fleet St.) 

+Football Express (Liverpool), 1910. Sat —p.m. 4d. During season. C. Tinling & Co. 
Ltd., 55 Victoria St., Liverpool. 

{Football Post (Nottingham), 1903. Sat.—p.m., during season. d. T. Forman & 
Sons, Sherwood St., Nottingham. (London: 59 Fleet St.) 

Footbail Times, 1883. Sat. 1d. Highland News Co., 8 Hamilton St., Inverness. 

Foreign Field, 1904 (as Work and Workers, 1892). M.—24th. ld. Wesleyan Missionary 
Society. 24 Bishopsgate, E.c. 

Foreign Office List, 1852. March. 10s. 6d., maps. Harrison & Sons, 45 Pall Mall, s.w. 
(Names and services of British Diplomatic and Consular Agents, and other informa- 
tion. List of Foreign Representatives in the King’s Dominion, &c. Adit. 

1876. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. J. G. Locks, 827 High Road, Leytonstone. Localised 
edition of the Leytonstone Express. 

4d. James Allen, 71 Dartmouth Road, Forest Hill, S.E. 

Foresters’ Miscellany, 1836. M.—15th. “1d. A.O.F., 170 Mantilla Road, Tooting Com- 
mon, S.W. 

FORFAR DISPATCH, 1884. (ind.) Thurs. Gratis. O. McPherson, 85 East High St., 
Forfar, . 

Bowman & Patterson, Osnaburg St., Forfar. 

+FORFAR REVIEW, 1888. (¢nd.) Fri.—5 a.m. ld. J. Macdonald, 10 East High St., Forfar. 

FORFARSHIRE PEOPLE'S JOURNAL. One of the People’s Journal (Dundee) series. 

Forget-Me-Not, 1891. Wed., for Sat. ld. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon 
St., E.C. 

FORMBY TIMES, 1895. (7) Fri., for Sat. Id. J. J. Riley, 267 Lord St., Southport. 

Forres Almanac, 1865. Dec. ld. 7. D. Miller, 26 Caroline St., Forres. 

tFORRES, ELGIN, AND NAIRN GAZETTE, 1837. (ind. 1) Wed. ld. J. D. Miller, 
26 Caroline St., Forres. l 

Forres News and Advertiser, 1905. Sat. Gratis. H. Ross, 1 Gordon St., Forres. 

Form, 1916. Quarterly. 6s. net. J. Lane, Bodley Head, Vigo St., w. 

Fortnightly Review, 1865. M.—l1st. 2s. 6d. Chapman & Hall Ltd., 11 Henrietta St., 
Covent Garden, w.c. 

Fortnightly Review for Investors, 1907. Ist and 15th. Id. Mortimer, Horley & Co, 

td., 16 St. James Street, s.w. 

{ Forward, 1906. (lab. and soc.) Sat. ld. Forward P. & P. Co. Ltd., 164 Howard St., 


Forward, 1912. (soc.) M.—5th. 4d. Rotton Park Branch of I.L.P., Landsdowne 
Buildings, Aberdeen St., Birmingham. | 

Forward or On Active Service, 1889 (as Our Soldiers’ Magazine, 1887). M.—25th. 1d. 
Miss Sandes’ Soldiers’ Home, Cork. (London: Partridge & Co., 21-22 Old Bailey.) 

Foundry Trade Journai and Pattern Maker, 1902. M.—Ist week. 6d. Eagland & Co. 
Ltd., 165 Strand, w.c. 

Fowler’s Electrical Engineers’ Pocket Book, 1899. Oct. 1s. 6d. and 2s. 6d. Scientific 
Publishing Co., 53 New Bailey St., Manchester. 

Fowler’s Mechanical Engineers’ Pocket Book, 1899. Oct. Is. 6d. and 2s. 6d. Scientific 
Publishing Co., 53 New Bailey St., Manchester. 

Fowler's Mechanics and Machinists’ Pocket Book and Diary, 1909. Oct. Is. Scientific 
Publishing Co., 53 New Bailey St., Manchester. 

Fragments, 1899. Sept. Is. net. Simpkin & Co, Ltd., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.C. 

{FRAMLINGHAM WEEKLY NEWS, 1859. (u) Fri. a8 p.m., for Sat. id. Maulden & | 
Sons, Church St., Framlingham. 

Francais, 1882. Quarterly. 3d. Hachette & Co., 18 King William St., w.c. 

Franciscan Annais, 1877. M.—24th. ld. Capuchin Franciscan Fathers, the Monastery, 
Tantasaph, Holywell. 

FRASERBURGH ADVERTISER, 1852. (/) Fri. 1d. Calder Bros., 26 High St., Fraserburgh. 

Fraternity Calendar, 1914. Oct. Is. Christian Commonwealth Co. Ltd., 133 Salisbury 
Square E.c. 

Free and Open Church Advocate, 1872. Quarterly. 2d. Incorporated Free and Open 
Church Association, Church House, Dean’s Yard, Westminster; | s.w. 

70) James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London 

_Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Free Church Chronicle, 1899. M.—25th. 1d. F. B. Meyer, Memorial Hall, Farringdon 
St., E.C. . 

Free Church Magazine, 1900. M.—25th. 1d. A. H. Stockwell, 29 Ludgate Hill, £.c. 

Free Church of Engiand Diocesan Quarterly Magazine, 1915. 34. Morecambe Press, 
Victoria St., Morecambe. 

Free Church Year Book, 1900 (as Proceedings of the National Council, 1896). April. 
2s. 6d. net. F. B. Meyer, Memorial Hall, Farringdon St., E.c. 

Free Churchman, 1897. M.—25th. 1d. F. B. Meyer, Memorial "Hall, Farringdon St., E.c. 

{FREE PRESS (West Bromwich), 1875. (/.u.) Fri—4 p.m. 4d. Kenrick & Jefferson 
Ltd., High St., West Bromwich. 

tFREE PRESS (Wexford), 1888. (nat.) Fri.—a.m., for Sat. ld. Mrs. M. A. Corcoran, 

9 South Main St., Wexford. 

tFREE PRESS OF MONMOUTHSHIRE, 1909 (as Pontypool Free Press, 1859). (ind.) 
Fri. ld. Mrs. R. J. Hughes, Osborne Road, Pontypool. 

Free State, 1915. M.—Ist. 2s. 6d. Tribune Publishing Co., Great Turnstile, Holborn, E.C. 

Free Sunday Advocate and Nationai Sunday League Record, 1869. M.—ist. ld. 
National Sunday League, 34 Red Lion Square, High Holborn, w.c. 

Freedom, 1886. M.—JIst. Sat. ld. T. H. Keell, 127 Ossulston St., St. Pancras, N.W. 

{FREEMAN'S JOURNAL AND NATIONAL PRESS (as Freeman's Journal, 1763). 
(nat.) 4.15 a.m. ld. Freeman’s Journal Ltd., 4-7 Prince’s St., Dublin. (London: 
211 Strand.) 

t Freemason, 1869 (with which is incorporated the Masonic Illustrated, 1900). Fri.—2. 
p.m., for Sat. 3d. J. D. Hand, 5 Whitefriars St., E.C. . 

{Freemason’s Chronicle, 1875. Fri., for Sat. 13s. 6d. per ann. W. W. Morgan, Fleet 
Works, New Barnet. 

Freethinker, 1881. Thurs. 2d. Pioneer Press, 61 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Freighters’ Journal and Raiiway Rates Review, 1911. M.—20th. 6d. W. Cook, Lloyd’s 

-Bank Chambers, Walsall. 

French's Guide for Selecting Plays, 1914. Oct. Is. S. French Ltd., 26 Southampton 
St., Strand, w.c. 

4d. W. G. Selden, Station Road, Freshwater. 

tFriend, 1843. Fri. 2d. illus. Headley Bros., Kingsway House, Kingsway, w.c. 

Friend of China, 1874. Jan., April, July, Oct. ld. P. S. King & Son, 2-4 Great 
Smith St., s.w. 

Friendly Companion, 1857 (N.S. 1875). M.—Ist. ld. C. J. Farncombe & Sons Ltd., 
30 Imperial Buildings, E.c. 

Friendly Greetings, 1880. Mon. 4d., illus. M.—25th. 3d. R.T.S., 4 Bouverie St., E.C. 

Friendly Leaves, 1876. M.—25th. ld., illus. Wells Gardner, Darton & Co. Ltd, 3-4 
Paternoster Buildings, E.C. 

Friendly Light, 1904. Quarterly. 3d. net. Wells Gardner, Darton & Co. Ltd., 3-4 Pater- 
noster Buildings, E.c. 

Friendly Work for Friendly Workers, 1902 (as Girls’ Quarterly, 1895). M.—25th. 1d. 
Wells Gardner, Darton & Co. Ltd., 3-4 Paternoster Buildings, E.C. 

Friendship’s Offermg, 1901. Dec. 1s. Cornish Bros. Ltd., 39 New St., Birmingham. 

Friends’ Quarterly Examiner, 1867. Jan., April, July, Oct. 1s. 6d. Headley Bros., 
Kingsway House, Kingsway, w.c. 

Friends’ Witness to teal dale Truth, 1908. M.—Ist. ld. C. Tylor, 78 Coniston Road, 
Muswell Hill, 

TFRINTON AND WALTON GRAPHIC, 1911. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Clacton-on-Sea Graphic 
P. & P. Co. Ltd., 31 Electric Parade, Clacton-on-Sea. 

TFRINTON NEWS, 1904. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. ld. East Essex Printing Works Ltd., 
Oxford Road, Clacton-on-Sea. One of the East Essex Advertiser, &c., series. 
From Friend to Friend Kalendar, 1903. Oct. 1s. and 2s. 6d. net. Simpkin '& Co. Ltd., 

4 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.c. 

1904. (nat.) Sat. id. North-West of Ireland P. & P. Co., 31 Hill St., Newry. 
One of the Ulster Herald series. 

Fruit, Flower, and Vegetable Trades’ Diary and Compendium, 1916. Dec. 1s. net. The 
Lockwood Press, 1 Mitre Court, Fleet St., E.c. (Advt. p. 451.) 

Fruit, Flower, and Vegetable Trades Journal, 1895 (with which is incorporated Journal 
of Greengrocery, Fruit, and Flowers). Fri. —2 p.m., for Sat. 14. The Lockwood 
Press, 1 Mitre Court, E.c. (Covering the growing, wholesale distributing, and retail 
sections of the industry). (Advt. p. 451.) 

tFruit Grower, Fruiterer, Fiorist and Market Gardener, 1895. Wed.—6.30 p.m., for 

Thurs. ld. G’ G. Tucker, 1, 2, and 3 Salisbury Court, Fleet St., zc. 

Advertisements received for all the Church Calendars. [71 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

Fruit Growers’ Year Book, 1893. Jan. 1s. T. Want, Hatton House, Great Queen St.,w.c. 

Fry's Royal Guide to the London Charities, 1862. Jan. 1s. 6d. net. Chatto & Windus, 
111 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c. l ~ 

FULHAM AND WALHAM GREEN NEWS, 1882. (u) Fri. ld. J; V. Glazebrook, 
204 Hammersmith Road, Broadway, Hammersmith, w. One of the West London 
Reporter series. l l : 

{FULHAM CHRONICLE, 1888 (with which is incorporated West London Advertiser, ` 
1906). (ind.) Fri—1ll a.m. ld. Clifford H. Hall, 474 Fulham Road, Walham 
Green, Fulham. ,. 

Funny Cuts, 1890. Tues., for Sat. 4d. illus. Trapps, Holmes & Co. Ltd., 32 Fleet Lane, £.c. 

Funny Wonder, 1915. Tues. for Sat. 4d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St.,£.c. 

tFur and Feather, 1888 (with which is incorporated Cats, Illustrated). Fri. ld., illus. 
Fanciers’ Newspaper, &c., Co. Ltd., Idle, Bradford. - 

Fur Worid and Skin Trades Gazette, 1910. M.—Ist. 6d. Fur World Ltd., 21 Bride 
Lane, Fleet St., E.c. . . 
{Furniture Record and.the Furnisher and the Hire Trade Review, 1899 (as Furniture 

. and Decoration, 1870. Fri. 2d. A. H. Botwright, 14 City Road, E.c. 

Gadelica, 1912. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. Hodges, Figgis & Co. Ltd., 104 Grafton St., Dublin. 
Galashiels, Selkirk, and Melrose Almanac and Directory, 1879. Dec. ld. J. McQueen 
& Son, 25 Channel St., Galashiels. f | 
Gailovidian, 1899. Quarterly. 6d. J. Maxwell & Son, 117-119 High St., Dumfries. 
Thurs.—a.m. ld. J. Gordon, 8 Castle St., Stranraer. (The only newspaper printed 
and published in the Western division of Galloway. Advt.) | 
{GALLOWAY GAZETTE, 1870. (c) Sat. Id. J. F. Brown, Newton Stewart. (Published 
in Wigtownshire. Circulation over 5,000. Leading journal for Galloway. Advt.) 
Galloway Herd Book, 1878. March. 5s. Courier and Herald Publishing Co., Ltd., 
111-113 High St., Dumfries. 
{GALLOWAY NEWS—Kirkcudbrightshire Advertiser. 
{GALWAY EXPRESS, 1848. (u) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Galway Express Co. Ltd., Eyre 
Square, Galway. i 
GALWAY LEADER, 1900. (ind.) Thurs. ld. W. Hastings, Dunlo St., Ballinasloe. 
One of the Western News (Ballinasloe) series. 
SARN eee 1881 (nat.) Fri—p.m., for Sat. 1d. A. G. Scott, Abbeygate 
t., Galway.. , ; 
*tGALWAY PILOT AND GALWAY VINDICATOR, 1906 (with which is incorporated Gal- 
way Vindicator, 1841). (ind. l) Wed. & Sat. ld. J.N. Sleator, Eyre Square, Galway’ 
-= Gambolier, 1908. Wed.—Oct. to June. ld. Medical Supply Association, 12 Teviot 
Place, Edinburgh. f 
Gamekeeper, 1897. M.—ist. 2d. Gilbertson & Page Ltd., Hertford. 
Gamekeepers’ Gazette, 1908. M.—15th. 2d. W. Hill, Mildenhall, Suffolk. 
Games and Toys, 1914. M.—Ist. Subs. 5s. per ann. International Trades Press Ltd., 
| Sicilian House, Southampton Row, w.c. 
tGarage And Moter Agent, 1914 (as Motoring, 1913). Fri. 1d. T. Want, 5I Great 
ueen St., E.C. . 
tGarden, 1871. Thurs., for Sat. 1d., illus. G. Newnes Ltd., 8-11 Southampton St., 
Strand, w.c. i 
vitae gen and Directory, 1881. Dec. 1s. and 2s. W.. Robinson, 63 Lincoln’s Inn 
ields, w.c. nOr 
Garden Cities and Town Pianning, 1904. M.—15th. 3d. P. S. King & Son Ltd., Great 
Smith St., Westminster, $.w. 
tGarden Life, 1901 (with which is incorporated Gardening World, 1884). Wed. 14. 
- T. Want, 51 Great Queen St., w.c. 
Garden Life Pocket Diary, 1904. Dec. Is. T. Want, 51 Great Queen St., w.c. 
Garden Monthiy, 1915. 1st. 1d. E. Manico Ltd., 12 D’Olier St., Dublin. 
C. Odell Ltd., New Brent St., Hendon, N.w. One of the Hendon Advertiser series. 
tGarden Work for Amateurs, 1912. Mon.—9 a.m. $d. T. Want, 51 Great Queen St., w.c. 
{Gardener, 1899 (with which is incorporated Cottage Gardening, 1892). Wed., for Sat. 
ld. Cassell & Co. Ltd., La Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, E.C. 
+Gardeners’ Chronicle, 1841. Fri—3 a.m., for Sat. 3d., illus. Gardeners’ Chronicle 
Ltd., 41 Wellington St., w.c. (The leading Horticultural Journal in the world. Advt.) 
{Gardeners’ Magazine, 1833. Thurs.—p.m., for Sat. ld., illus. W. H. & L. Colling- 
ridge, 148 Aldersgate St., E.c. l 

72) James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. — [ABC List. 


{GARDENING ILLUSTRATED, 1879. Wed., for Sat. 1d. W. Robinson, 63 Lincoln’s 
Inn Fields, w.c. (Gardening Illustrated is the original and most widely-read penny 
gardening paper, founded and edited by W. Robinson, the author of the “ English 
Flower Garden.” A notable feature is the Answers to Correspondents’ Queries Advt.) 

tGARSTON AND WOOLTON WEEKLY NEWS, 1885. (ind.) Fri. ld. Exors of 
T. S. Swale, St. Mary’s Road, Garston. One of the Widnes Weekly News series. 

+ Gas-Light, Distribution, Maintenance, 1910. Weds. ld. Gas Publishing Co., Dugdale 
St., Nuneaton. l i 

Gas and Oil Power, 1905. M.—1st Thurs. 4d. 22 Basinghall St., £.c. 

Gas Engineers’ Magazine, 1888 (as Gas Engineer, 1876). M.—15th. 3d., illus. J. G. 
Hammond & Co. Ltd., 139 Moor St., Birmingham. (London : 32-36 Fleet Lane.) 

Gas Engineers’ Text Book and Gas Companies’ Directory, 1880. Dec. 3s. J. G. Ham- 
mond & Co. Ltd., 139 Moor St., Birmingham. (London: 32-36 Fleet Lane.) 

+ Gas Lighting, Journal of, 1849. Tues——noon. 6d. W. King, 11 Bolt Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

Gas Progress, 1907. Quarterly, 2d. J. Allan & Co., 8 Bouverie St., E.C. 

Gas Undertakings, Pocket Directory of, 1896. Dec. 2s. J. G. Hammond & Co. Ltd., 
139 Moor St., Birmingham. (London: 32-36 Fleet Lane.) 

Gas Works Directory and Statistics, 1877. Sept. 10s. 6d. Hazell, Watson & Viney 
Ltd., 52 Long Acre, w.c.. 

tGas World, 1884. Fri.—5 p.m., for Sat. 4d., illus. J. Allan & Co., 8 Bouverie St., E.c. 

Gas World Year Book, 1898. Jan. 7s. 6d. J. Allan & Co., 8 Bouverie St., E.c. 

Gateway, 1912. M.—15th. 3d. J. Leatham, Deveron Press, Turriff, Aberdeenshire. 

Gaytonian, 1911. Three times a term. 2d. Sholl & Kay, Station Road, Harrow. 

Gazette Astronomique, 1908. Irreg. 5s. Felix de Roy, 44 Bridport Road, Thornton 


tGAZETTE DE GUERNSEY (officielle), 1791. Sat—7 am. 1}d. Bichard’s News- 

~ paper Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd., 2 Bordage St., Guernsey. 

t GAZETTE-NEWS, for Blackpool, Fleetwood, Lytham, St. Anne’s, and, Fylde District, 
1873. (prog. c) Tues., 4d.; Fri., 1d. Gazette News Ltd., Temple St., Blackpool. 

Gazette of the College of Violinists, 1914. March and Sept. 2d. College of Violinists Ltd., 
91 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c. 

Gazetfe of the Third London General Hospital, 1915. M.—lst. 3d. The Editor, 
The Hospital, Wandsworth, s.w. | 

Gem Library, 1907. Wed. for Sat. 1d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.C. 

bs ago 1875. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. Illus. G. Bell & Sons Ltd., York House, Portugal 

t., W.C. 
Genealogist’s Pocket Library, 1908. Three or four per ann. 2s. 6d. C. A. Bernau, 20 
_ Charlesville Road, w. 
tGENEDL GYMREIG (Welsh Nation), 1877. () Mon., for Tues. ld. Welsh National 
< Press Co. Ltd., Carnarvon. One of the North Wales Observer series. ; 

tGenerai Advertiser, and Local Government and Legal Record, 1837. Sat.—a.m. ld. 
General Advertiser Ltd., 13 Fleet St., Dublin. 

General and Commercial Directory of Blackburn, Accrington, &c., 1878. Triennial—last 
issue 1915. 10s. P. Barrett & Co., 134 Deepdale Terrace, Preston. 

General and Commerciai Directory of Burnley, Nelson, Colne, &c., 1880. Triennial—last 
issue 1914. 10s. P. Barrett & Co., 134 Deepdale Terrace, Preston. 

General and Commercial Directory of Preston and Fylde Districts, 1880. Triennial—last 
issue 1917. 10s. P. Barrett & Co., 134 Deepdale Terrace, Preston. 

General Stud Book, 1800. Every four years, last issue 1913. 25s. Annual Supplements. 
5s. Dec. Weatherby & Sons, 15 Cavendish Square, w. 

+General Weekly Shipping List, 1853. Sat. 4d. Edgley & Meaden, 13 St. Mary Axe, E.C. 

Geninen (The Leek), 1883. Jan., March, April, July, Aug., Oct. 1s. W. G. Evans & 
Son, Carnarvon. 

{tGentieman’s Journai and Gentlewoman’s Court Review, 1890. (c). Sat. 6d. F.A. 
Newbery. Editorial, 26 Shaftesbury Avenue, w. 

Gentieman’s Pali Mall Fashions, 1914. Jan. and July. 5s. Pall Mall Fashions Publish- 
ing Co., 4 Snow Hill, E.c. 

Gentleman’s Pocket Daily Companion, 1830. Nov. 3s., illus. G. H. James & Co., 
48 Old Bailey, E.c. 

Gentieman’s Tailor, 1866. M.—20th. ‘ls. John Williamson Co. Ltd., 42 Gerrard St., w. 

tGentlewoman, The, 1890. (c) Wed., for Sat. 6d., illus. 70-76 Long Acre, w.c. 

Geographical Journal, 1893. M.—1st. 2s., maps. E. Stanford Ltd., 12-14 Long Acre, w.c. 

Geographical Teacher, 1901. Three times a year. Is. 6d. net. G. Philip & Son Ltd. 
32 Fleet St., E.C. 

Geological Magazine, 1864. M.—Ist. 2s. net. Dulau & Co. Ltd., 37 Soho Square, w. 

Geophysical Journal, 1911. M.—Ist. 1s. Meteorological Office, Exhibition Road, s.w. 

Advertisements received for all the Yorkshire Newspapers. [72 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. č 

+George Broomhall’s Corn Trade News, 1890 (as Liverpool Corn Trade News, 1888). 
Daily, 9 p.m. 2s. 6d., £ 6 6s. per ann. G. J. S. Broomhall, 16 Fenwick St., Liverpool. 
(London : 14 St. Mary Axe.) 

tGeorge Broomhali’s nae Trade News (Special American Edition), 1890. Tues. 15 
dollars a year. G. J. S. Broomhall, 16 Fenwick St., Liverpool. (London: 14 
St. Mary Axe.) 

tGeorge Broomhall’s Corn Trade News (Special Weekly Edition), 1890. Tues. 2s. 6d. 
£3 3s. per ann. G. J. Broomhall, 16 Fenwick St., Liverpool. (London: 14 St. 
Mary Axe.) 

George Broomhali’s Oilseed News, 1913. p.m. Is. G. J. S. Broomhall, 17 Goree Piazzas, 
Liverpool. (London: 14 St. Mary Axe). 

Gibson and Weldon’s Bar Examination Questions and Answers, 1912. Terminally. 
ls. net. Leathatis Publishing Offices, 27 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Giggleswick Chronicle, 1880. Three times a year. 6d. J. W. Lambert, Settle. 

Girls’ Own Annual, 1881. Nov. 7s. 6d. Religious Tract Society, 4 Bouverie St., E.c. 

Girl’s Own Paper and Woman's Magazine, 1880. M.—25th. 7d. Christmas No.— 
Nov. 25th, ls. 2d. Religious Tract Society, 4 Bouverie St., E.C. 

Giris’ Ciub Journal, 1909. Three times a year. 4d. Federation of Working Girls’ Clubs, 
26 George St., Hanover Square, w. 

Girls’ Club News, 1913. M.—3rd. 2d. National Organisation of Girls’ Clubs, 118 Great 
Titchfield St., w. : 

Girls’ Friend, 1898. Tues., for Sat. 1d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Girls’ Friend Library, 1907. M.—Ist. Fri. 3d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farring- 
don St., E.C. 

Giris’ Friendiy Society Associates’ Journai, 1880. M.—25th. ld. Aug. 4d. Wells 
Gardner, Darton & Co. Ltd., 3-4 Paternoster Buildings, E.C. 

Girls’ Friendly Society Elementary Reading Union Leaflet, 1899. July. ld. Wells 

Gardner, Darton and Co. Ltd., 3-4 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Giris’ Friendiy Society Quarterly (Lichfield), 1896. Quarterly. $d. A. C. Lomax’s 
Successors, Lichfield 

Giris Guides’ Gazette, 1914. M.—I1st. 2d. Girl Guides’ Association, 116 Victoria St.,s.w. 

Giris’ Guildry Gazette, 1909. Twicea year. ld. W. F. Somerville, 14 South Park Terrace, 
Hillhead, Glasgow. 

Girls’ Mirror, 1915. Mon. for Sat. 1d. Shurey’s Publications, 17 Tudor St., E.c. 

Girls’ School Year Book, 1906. (Official Book of Reference of the Association of Head- 
mistresses). June. 5s. net. The Year Book Press, 31 Museum St., w.c. 

Girls’ Weekly, 1912. Sat. ld. D.C. Thomson & Co. Ltd., Courier Place, Dundee. 

Gist of the Lessons, 1901 (English Edition). Sept. 1s. and, ls. 8d. net. Nisbet & Co. Ltd. 
22 Berners St., wW. 

Glad Tidings for the Young, 1905. M.—25th. 4d. F. E. Race, 3-4 London House Yard, E.C. 

Glad Tidings of the Coming Age. M.—last Wed. ld. W.M. Smith, 13 Annandale St. 

{GLAMORGAN COUNTY TIMES, 1895. (u) Fri., for Sat. ld. F. J. Harries, Times 
Buildings, 15 Taff St., Pontypridd. 

CHRONICLE, 1891. (r) Thurs. ld. T. Wood, 22 Taff St., Pontypridd. 

tTGLAMORGAN GAZETTE, 1866 (with which is incorporated Bridgend and Neath 
Chronicle and Central Glamorgan Gazette). (ind.) Fri. 1d. The Central Glamorgan 
P. & P. Co., Queen St., Bridgend. 

Giasgow A.B.C. Railway Guide, 1872. M.—lIst. 2d. Daily Record (Glasgow) Ltd., 
Renfield Lane, Glasgow. 

sar i Advertiser and Property Circular, 1856. Tues. 1d. J. C. King, 103 Bath St., 


{GLASGOW CITIZEN, 1914 (as Evening Citizen, 1864). p.m. (l-n). 4d. J. Hedderwick 
& Sons Ltd., Citizen Buildings, St. Vincent Place, Glasgow. (Contains more ad- 
vertisements than any other “Scottish Halfpenny Journal. Display rates ‘pro rata 
up to three cols. Circulation steadily growing. “The Citizen is really marvellous” 
writes an advertiser. Adut. 

Glasgow Daily Stock and Share List, 1844. Daily—S5 p.m. ; Sat. 2 p-m. Committee 
of the Glasgow Stock Exchange Association, Stock Exchange, Glasgow. 

NEWS, 1895. (ind.) Sat. 4d. A. H. Burnett, 179 Main St., Shettleston, Glasgow. 

GLASGOW EVENING TIMES, 1876. (u). Daily—2 till 7 p.m. 4d. George Outram & 
Co. Ltd., 65-69 Buchanan St., Glasgow. (London: 112,Fleet St.). (Certified 
net sales 236,757 copies per day. The largest of any evening newspaper in 
Scotland. Advt.) 

~1] James | Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, S Strand, London. 

» ; Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List, 

tGLASGOW HERALD, 1805 (as Glasgow Advertiser, 1783). (ind.) Daily—2.30 a.m. 1d. 
George Outram & Co. Ltd., 65-69 Buchanan St., Glasgow. (London: 112 Fleet St.) 

Glasgow Medical Journal, 1828 (N.S. 1853). M.—Ist. 2s. A. Macdougall, 70 Mitchell 
St., Glasgow. . 

+Giasgow Observer and Catholic Heraid, 1885. Fri., for Sat. ld. Scottish Catholic 
Printing Co. Ltd., 52 North Frederick St., Glasgow. One of the Catholic Herald 
(London) series. 

Glasgow Post Office Directory, 1818. June. 10s. 6d. Glasgow P.O. Directory Association 
Ltd., 207 Ingram St., Glasgow. 

~ Glasgow Shipping, Who's Who, 1911. Jan. Is. C. Birchall Ltd., 17 James St., 

Liverpool. (London: 37 Walbrook.) | 

{GLASGOW STAR AND EXAMINER, 1895. (nat. and cat.) Wed and Sat. 1d. Scottish 
Catholic Printing Co. Ltd., 52 North Frederick St., Glasgow. One of the Catholic 
Herald (London) series. 

Glasgow Street Directory, 1881. July. ld. N. Adshead & Son, 11 and 92 Union St., Glasgow. 

Glasgow University Calendar, 1867. July. 3s. 6d. MacLehose & Sons, 61 St. Vincent 
St., Glasgow. 

Glasgow Volunteer Gazette, 1915. Sat. ld. W. Hodge & Co., 34-6 North Frederick 
St., Glasgow. 

t+@LASGOW WEEKLY HERALD, 1864. Sat. ld. George Outram & Co. Ltd./ 65-69 
Buchanan St., Glasgow. (London : 112 Fleet St.) 

GLASGOW WEEKLY NEWS, 1855. Sat. ld. D. C. Thomson & Co. Ltd., 144 Post 
Dundas Road, Glasgow. One of the Thomson’s Weekly News (Dundee) series. 

Glasgow’s Household Almanac and Directory (Cookstown District), 1860. Dec. 2d. 
J. & H. L. Glasgow, Cookstown. 

Gleaner and Sower Almanac, 1874. Dec. 3d. S. G. Madgwick, 26 Ivy Lane, E.C. 

Gleanings and Memoranda, 1913 (as National Union Gleanings, 1893). (u) M.—1st. 
6d. National Unionist Association, St. Stephen’s Chambers, Westminster, s.w. 

Qlenaimond Chronicle, 1876. Alter.-Months. 1s. The Editor, Trinity College, Glenalmond. 

{GLOBE, 1803. Daily—p.m. Five editions. ld. 367 Strand, w.c. 

Globe and Laurel, 1892. M.—-7th. 2d. Gale & Polden Ltd., Portsmouth. 

Glorian, 1899 (incorporated with Genedl, 1916). 

Glorious News, 1913. Quarterly. Giatis. H.M. Reade, 5 Bingham Road, Boirhemonth: 

tGLOSSOP-DALE CHRONICLE, 1859. (c) Fri. 14d. Glossop-Dale Chronicle, P. & P. 
Co. Ltd., 18 Norfolk St., Glossop. 

Gloucester, Worcester, and Hereford. Bennetts Business Directory, 1881. Annually. 
3s. 6d. Bennett & Co., Chapel Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 456). 

Gloucester Co-operative Society Monthly Record, 1895. Last Fri. Gratis. The Society, 
Brunswick Road, Gloucester. 

Gloucester Diocesan Calendar, 1864. Jan. 1s. and Is. 6d. Minchin & Gibbs, 155 Westgate 
St., Gloucester. 

Gloucester Diocesan Magazine, 1906. M.—lIst. 2d. Minchin & Gibbs, 155 Westgate 
St., Gloucester. 

Gloucester Directory, 1910 (as Smart's City of Gloucester Diary, 1883). Irreg. 2s. 6d. 
L. A. Smart & Son, 77 & 78 Northgate St., Gloucester. 

tTGLOUCESTER JOURNAL, 1722 (with which is incorporated the Cheltenham Examiner, 
1839). (7) Sat.—a.m. Id. Chance and Bland, St. John’s Lane, Gloucester. 

_ Gloucester Street Directory, 1914. ‘Last issue 1914. 6d. L. A. Smart & Son, 77 & 78 
Northgate St., Gloucester. 

TGLOUCESTERSHIRE CHRONICLE, 1833. (c) Sat. 1d. Gloucestershire Chronicle 
Ltd., Crypt House, Gloucester. 

tGLOUCESTERSHIRE ECHO, 1882 (as Evening Telegram, 1873). (c). Daily—Ist 
edition, 1 p.m. 1d. Cheltenham Newspaper Co. Ltd., Clarence Parade, Cheltenham. 

Golden Grain Almanac, 1868. Oct. 1d. to 8d. J.E. Hawkins, 6 Station Parade, Ruislip. 

Golden Grain Diary, 1876. Oct. 2s. J. E. Hawkins, 6 Statiou Parade, Ruislip. 

Golden Hour Stories, 1909 Occas. 4d. R.T.S., 4 Bouverie St., E.c. 

Goleuad (The Luminary) 1869. (/) Thurs., for Fri. 1d. Welsh National Press Co., Ltd., 

Golf Club Steward, 1913. M.—1S8th. 2d. W. B. Tattersall Ltd., 40-3 Fleet St., E.C. 

Golf Greens, 1894. July. 1s. Field & Queen (H. Cox), Ltd., Bream’s Buildings, 
Chancery Lane. E.C. 

Golf Monthiy, 1911. M.—ist. 6d. Golf Publishing Co., St. James’s Place, Edinburgh. 

Golfer’s Handbook and Year Book, 1899. Jan. 3s. Golf Publishing Co., St. James’ 
Place, Edinburgh. (London : 173 & 175 Fleet St.) 

{Golfing and Ladies’ Golf, 1898 (as Golfing and Cycling Illustrated, 1896). Fortnightly. 
Wed. 1d. R.H. K. Browning, 17 Bouverie St., E.C. 

` Good Cheer Calendar, 1907. Sept. 6d. Headley Bros., ‘Kingsway H House, Kingsway, W.C, 

Advertisements received for all the Cheltenham Newspapers. [75 

ABC List. Willing’s Press Guide. Ta 

Good European, 1903. Irreg. 3d. T. Common, 8 Whitehouse Terrace, Corstorphine, 

Good Health, 1901. M.—lIst. ld. Simpkin & Co. Ltd., 32 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Good Lines, 1892. M.—Ist. ld. Commercial Travellers’ Christian Association, 
1853 Aldersgate St., E.c. 

Good News, 1852. M.—ist. d. illus. Drummond’s Tract Depot, Stirling. 

Good News Calendar, 1882. Oct. 1s. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, E.C. 

Good News Sheet Almanac, 1864. Oct. Id. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, E.C, 

Good Seed, 1887. M.—Ist. 1d. Pickering & Inglis, 229 Bothwell St., Glasgow. 

Good Templar, 1870. M.—25th. 1d. Grand Lodge of Scotland, I.O.G.T., 204 St. Vincent 
St., Glasgow. 

t Good Templars’ Watchword, 1874. Thurs., for Sat. Id. Grand Lodge of England, 
I.0.G.T., 168 Edmund St., Birmingham. 

Good Tidings, 1885. Wed.—1 p.m., for Thurs. $d., illus. M.—25th. 2d. A.C. Vincent, 
73 Farringdon St., E.c. 

Good Tidings, 1894. M.—Ist. 2s. per 100. John Ritchie, Kilmarnock. 

Goodwill, 1914. Quarterly. tee oe Alliance for Promoting International 
Friendship, 41 Parliament St., 

aad safe ar Si 1891. (ind.) Wed. d Sat. $d. Goole Times Printing & Publishing 

+G00LE TIMES AND WEEKLY HERALD, 1901 (as Goole Times, 1853). (ind.) Fri.— 
., a.m. ld. Goole Times Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd., Boothferry Road, Gọole. 

Gordonian, 1896. Irreg. 1d. The Editor, Gordon Boys’ Orphanage, St. James’ St., Dover. 

Gore’s Liverpool and Birkenhead Directory, 1766. Annually. 21s. net. Kelly’s Direc- 
tories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Gorlan, 1908. M—ist. ld. E. W. Evans, Dolgelly. 

Gorst’s Monthly Sean Circular, 1897. 10th. £1 ls. per ann. H. C. Gorst, 5 Rumford 
Place, Liverpool. 

tGORTON, OPENSHAW, AND BRADFORD REPORTER, 1855. (4) Fri. for Sat. 13d. 
jJ.Andrew & Co., Market Place, Ashton-under-Lyne. One of the Ashton Reporter series. 

Gospet Advocate, 1909. M.—28th. ld. S.G. Madgwick, 26 Ivy Lane, E.c. 

Gospel Banner, 1879. M.—30th. 2d. S. G. Madgwick, 26 Ivy Lane, E.C. 

Gospel Book Almanac, 1885. Sept. 43d. J. Ritchie, Kilmarnock. 

Gospel Echo, 1885. M.—25th. 4d., illus. B. D. Wileman, 49 Imperial Buildings, 
Ludgate Circus, E.c. 

Gospel Gleanings, 1901. M.—25th. 4d. F. E. Race, 3-4 London House Yard, E.C. 

Gospel Guide, 1908. M.—Ist. 1d. Churches of Christ Book Rooms, 6 Geoffrey Build- 
ings, John Bright St., Birmingham. 

Gospel” Light, 1911. M—25th. $d. J. Carter, 13 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Gospel Magazine and Protestant Beacon, 1766 (with which is incorporated the British 
Protestant). M.—25th. €d. S. Arnold, 74 Strand, w.c. 

Gospel Messenger, 1886. M.—Ist. ls. per 100. J. Ritchie, Kilmarnock. 

Gospel Standard, 1835. M.—Ist. 24. C. J. Farncombe & Sons, Ltd., 30 Imperial Build- 
ings, E.C. 

Gospel Stories for the Young, 1876. M. —28th. 4d. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square,E.c. 

Gospel Text Almanac, 1887. Oct. 1d. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, E.C. 

Gospel Trumpet, 1857. M.—Ist. $d., illus. Drummond’s Tract Depot, Stirling. 

Gosport Directory, 1914. Annually. Ils. Kelly’ eee Ltd., 182-4 High Holborn,w.c. 

GOUROCK TIMES, 1915. (ind.) Sat. 3d. J. & R. Simpson, 52 Kempock St., Gourock. 

tGOVAN PRESS, 1875. (ind.) Fri. ld. J. Cossar, 577 Govan Road, Govan. 

Government Workers’ Advocate, 1907. M.—27th. 4d. Pioneer Press, 3 New Road, 

Gower, 1905 (as University College School Magazine, 1851). Terminally. 1s. University 
College School, Frognal, Hampstead, N.w. 

Gowland’s Eastbourne Postal and Borough Directory, 1870. Dec. 1s. 6d. Gowland Bros., 
Sussex Printing Works, 25 Seaside Road, Eastbourne. | 

Graded School Intermediate Quarterly, 1914. 4d. net. Pilgrim Press, 16 Pilgrim St., E.C.. 

Graded School Junior Quarteriy, 1914. 4d. net. Pilgrim Press, 16 Pilgrim St., E.C. - 

Graded School Primary Quarterly, 1914. 4d. net. Pilgrim Press, Pilgrim St., E.C. | 

Graded Sunday School Workers’ Note Book, 1914. Sept. 8d. net. S.S. Union, 57-9 
Ludgate Hill, £.c. 

Grand Magazine, 1905. M.—9th. 43d. net. G. Newnes Ltd., 8-11 Southampton St. 
Strand, w.c. 

Grand United Order of Oddfellows’ Directory and General Reference Book, 1870. April, 
4d. 24 Devonshire St., All Saints, Manchester. 

Grand United Order of Oddfellows Monthly Magazine, 1913. M.—lIst. ld. Board of 
Directors, 24 Devonshire St., Manchester. 

S| James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

+Grange and Cartme! Guardian, 1910. (J) Sat. ld. Barrow and North Lonsdale Press 
Ltd., 91-3 Cavendish St., Barrow-in- Furness. One of the Barrow Guardian series. 

TGRANGE AND CARTMEL NEWS, 1892. (ind.) Sat. ld. Barrow News & Mail Ltd., 
Abbey Road, Barrow-in- Furness. One of the Barrow News series. 

Sat. 4d. W. Glen & Co., Kerse Road, Grangemouth. 

Grantham Almanac, Directory, and Local Advertiser, 1878. Dec. 1d. W. G. Harrison, 
38-9 High St., Grantham. 

TGRANTHAM JOURNAL, 1854, (ind.) Sat.—a.m. ld. Grantham, &c., Journal Co. Ltd., 
46 High St., Grantham. (The only paper printed in Grantham ; increasing circula- 
tion over wide area, recognised medium for legal and official announcements. Advt.) 

tTGRAPHIG, 1869. Fri—a.m., for Sat. 6d., illus. P. N. McFarlane, Tallis House, 
Tallis St., E.c. 

tTGRAVESEND AND DARTFORD REPORTER, 1856. (/) Fri.—11 a.m., for Sat. ld. 
F. A. Mansfield, 44 Harmer St., Gravesend. 

Gravesend, &c.,’ Directory, 1899. Last issue 1914. 1s. Kelly's Directories Ltd., 182 
High Holborn, w.c. 

TELEGRAPH, 1884. (ind.) Fri—even., for Sat. ` $d. J. H. Burrows & Sons 
Ltd., 22 New Road, Grays. \ | 

Gray's Railway Rate Books, 1912. Irreg.—last issue 1912. 15s. Gray’s Railway Pub- 
lishing Co. Ltd., 4 St. Ann’s Square, Manchester. 

Gray's Railway Reckoner, 1912. Irreg.—last issue 1912. 15s. Gray’s Railway Publishing 
Co. Ltd., 4 St. Anne’s Square, Manchester. , 

Gray's Railway Traders’ Compendium, 1912. Irreg.—last issue 1915. 15s. Gray’s 

: Railway Publishing Co. Ltd., 4 St. Ann’s Square, Manchester. 

Greal (The Magazine), 1853. M.—Ist. 3d. W. Williams, 3 Regent St., Llangollen. 

Great Central Raiiway Journal, 1905. M.—Ist. ld. G. C.: Ry., Central Station, 
Leicester. Advertisement Department, 63 Ludgate Hill, E.c. 

Great Central Railway Time Table, 1857. July and Oct. ld. Great Central Railway, 
Marylebone Station, N.w 

Great Eastern Railway Magazine, 1911. M.—Ist. 1d. A. O. Shave, G. E. Ry. Co.’s 
Printing Works, Stratford Market, E. 

Great Eastern Railway Time Table, 1862. Irreg. 3d. Great Eastern Railway, Liverpool 
Street Station, E.c. 

tGREAT HARWOOD OBSERVER, 1866. (/) Tues., $d.; Sat., 1d. R. S. Crossley, 
Edgar St., Accrington. One of the Accrington Observer series. 

Great Northern Raiiway Time Table, 1850. July and Oct. 1d. Great Northern Railway 
King’s Cross, N. l 

Great Thoughts, 1883. Mon., for Sat. 1d. M.—25th. 6d. H. Marshall & Son, 125 
Fleet St., E.C. 

Great Thoughts Almanac, 1901. Dec. 1d. H. Marshall & Son, 125 Fleet St., £.c. 

Great War, 1914. Mon., for Sat. 6d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St., E.C. © 

Great Western Railway Magazine, 1888. M.—Ist. ld. and 2d. G.W. Railway Co., 
Paddington Station, w. 

Great Western Railway Time Table, 1838. Irreg. 3d. Great Western Railway, 
Paddington Station, w. 

Greater Britain Messenger, 1876. M.—1st. ld., illus. Colonial and Continental Church 
Society, % Serjeants’ Inn, Fleet St., E.C. 

Greatheart, 1912 (as Children’s Missicnary Magazine, 1901). M.—Ist. $d. J. Cochrane, 
121 George St., Edinburgh. | 

Green Final, 1910. Sat.—p.m. G. E. Boddy, 9-7 Knowsley St., Bolton. 

Green Howard’s Gazette, 1898 (as Ours, 1893). M.—Ist. 4d. Eden Fisher & Co. Ltd., 
95-97 Fenchurch St., E.c. ; 

GREENOCK HERALD, 1852. (l. u) Sat. 1d. D. Blair, 40 Cathcart St., Greenock. 

Greenock Post Office Directory, 1847. June. 4s. Post Office, Greenock. _ 

I aa to 6 p.m. Four editions. 4d. Orr, Pollock & Co., 12 Charles St., Greenock. 

tGREENWICH AND DEPTFORD BOROUGH NEWS, 1889. (ind.) Fri—5S a.m. ld. 
166 Hither Green Lane, Lewisham, s.£. One of the Lewisham Borough News series. 

Greenwood’s Liverpooi Conveyance List, 1844. M.—lIst. 6d. C. & H. Ratcliffe, 4 
Rumford St., Liverpool. 

Gregg’s Shorthand Magazine, 1913. M.—15th. 2d. Gregg Publishing Co., 21 Harring- 
ton St., Liverpool. 

Cuthbertson & Son, 96 High St., Annandale. 

Advertisements veceined tov all the Mavazines. Giri 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 


Sat. 1d. J. C. Barling, Lonsdale St., Carlisle. One of the Carlisle Weekly Citizen series. 
Greyfriar, 1884. April, Aug., Dec. 1s. 6d., illus. The Editor, Charterhouse School, 

. Greyhound Stud Book, 1883. Sept. 5s. Field & Queen (H. Cox), Ltd., Bream’s 

Buildings, E.C. 

Griebert’s Philatelic Notes and Offers, 1908. Alter.-M. 2d. H. Griebert & Co., 170 
Strand, w.c. ; 

GRIMSBY DAILY NEWS, 1910. (/) Daily—4 p.m. 4d. Eastern Morning News Co. 
Ltd., 42 Whitefriargate, Hull. One of the Daily News (Hull) series. 7 

{GRIMSBY DAILY TELEGRAPH, 1900 (as Eastern Daily Telegraph, 1896). (u) 5 
editions. $d. Grimsby Times & Telegraph Co. Ltd., 80 Cleethorpes Rd. Toora” 

Lincolnshire Publishing Co. Ltd., Lincoln. One of the Lincoln Gazette series. 

tGRIMSBY NEWS, 1874. (1) Fri—6 a.m. id. Grimsby News Co. Ltd., 85 Victoria St. 
West, Grimsby. 

+Grocer and Oil Trade Review, 1861. Sat. 4d. Eastcheap Buildings, E.C. 

Grocer and Oil Trade Review Diary and Handbook, 1873. Dec. 2s. 6d. Eastcheap 
Buildings, E.C. 

Grocer;’ Assistants Monthly Record, 1914. M.—Ist. ld. National Association of 
Groce:s’ Assistants, 24, Bedford St., w.c. 

tGrocers’ Gazette and Provision Trade News, 1881. Sat. ld. 71 Eastcheap, E.c. (Has 
the largest circulation of any grocery paper in the Empire, and is therefore the 
best advertising medium. Advt.) 

Grocers’ Journal, 1874 (with which is incorporated Grocers’ Chronicle and N orth British 
Grocer). Sat. ld. C. F. Danks, 29 Rood Lane, E.C. 

Grocers’ Journal Diary, 1889. Dec. 2s. net. C. F. Danks, 29 Rood Lane, E.c. 

Grocers’ Record and ib ita Trades Review, 1906. Sat. Gratis. R. Dickeson & Co. 
Ltd., 136 Tooley St., 

tGrocers’ Review and Previsión Trade Journal, 1888. Tues. ld. Grocers’ Review Co., 
1 Greenwood St., Manchester. (London : 317 High Holborn.) (Aduvt. p. 451). 

Grocery, 1899. M.—15th. 6d. Heywood & Co. Ltd., 150 Holborn, E.C. 

Grocery, Oil and Colour Trades Directory, 1872. Irreg., last issue 1904. 36s. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 182: High Holborn, w.c. 

Gryphon, 1897. Twice during term. 4d. The Editor, The University, Leeds. 

tGUARDIAN, 1846 (with which is incorporated the Churchwoman, 1903). Thurs.—a.m. 
ld. A. J. Knight, 29 King St., Covent Garden, w.c. 

tGUERNSEY ADVERTISER AND WEEKLY STAR, 1869. Fri.—8 p.m. ld. Bichard’s 
Newspaper P. & P. Co. Ltd., 2 Bordage St., Guernsey. 

tGUERNSEY EVENING PRESS, 1897. (ind) Three editions. 4d. The Guernsey Press 
Co. Ltd., 8 Smith St., Guernsey. 

GUERNSEY STAR, 1913. (ind.) p.m., Two editions. 44. The Star Newspaper P. & P. Co. 
1912) Ltd., 2 Bordage St., Fas 

{GUERNSEY WEEKLY PRESS, 1902. (ind.) Sat.—a.m. 4d. The Guernsey Press 
Co. Ltd., 8 Smith St., Guernsey. 

Guide Book of the Friendly Societies’ Registry Office, 1886. Jan. 6d. Wyman & Sons 
Ltd., Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Guide to London for Overseas Visitors (see Colonial’s Guide to London). putea Manders 
Publishing Co., 75 Chancery Lane, London, w.c. 

Guild, 1898. M. —25th. 1d. C. H. Kelly, 25- -35 City Road, & 26 Paleisti Row, E.C. 

Guild of Church Musicians’ Calendar, 1889. Jan. 1s. Church Printing Co., 11 Burleigh 
St., w.c 

Guild of Freemen of the City of London (Incorporated) Magazine, 1912. March, June, 
Sept., Dec. 1d. The Guild, Cannon Street Hotel, E.c. 

Guiid of South London Sympathisers Leaflet, 1907. M.—Oct. to June. Gratis. Miss 
F. Geake, 26 Friar St., Blackfriars Road, S.E. 

Guildford Almanac and Directory, 1850. Dec. 6d. net. F. Lasham, 61 High St., Guildford. 

Guildford and Woking Directory, 1899. Last issue 1915. is. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Guiidman, 1907. Alter.-M.—6th. 2s. 6d. per ann. A. Wigley, 131 Park Lane, Leeds. 

Guildsman, 1882. M.—25th. 2d. A. R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd., 28 Margaret St., w. 

Guth na Biiadhna, 1904. (nat.) Quarterly. ls. A. Maclaren & Son, 360-362 Argyle 
St., Glasgow. 

Guy's Cork (County and City) Almanac and Directory, 1872. Dec. 1s. Guy & Co. Ltd., 
70 Patrick St., Cork. 

Guy's Hospital Gazette, 1887. Alter. Sats. 6d. Ash & Co. Ltd.,Henry $t.,Bermondsey St.,s.5. 

=38) James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125. Strand, London. 

Wiiling’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Guy's Hospital Reports, 1836. Oct. . 10s. 6d. net. illus. J. & A. Churchill, 7 Great 
. Marlborough St., w. 7 

GWALIA, 1880. (c) Tues. d. North Wales Chronicle Co. Ltd., Caxton House, High 
St., Bangor. 

+GWYLIEDYDD NEWYDD (New Watchman), 1877. Tues. 1d. D. Gwynfryn Jones, 
Gelli, Flint Mountain, Flint. 

Gymraes (Welshwoman), 1896. M.—15th. ld. E. W. Evans, Smithfield Lane, Dolgelly 

Gypsy, 1914. Quarterly. 5s. Gypsy Press, 8 and 9 St. James Market, s.w. 

Hackney and Homerton Directory, 1886. Lastissue 1915. Is. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. . 

tHACKNEY AND KINGSLAND GAZETTE, 1864. (ind.) Mon., Wed., Fri.—1.30 p.m. 
4d. Potter Bros., 440 Kingsland Road, N.E. 

Advertiser, 1871, as Stoke Newington and Hackney Recorder, 1888). (c) Fri. ld. 
Recorder Printing Co. Ltd., 31 Church St., Stoke Newington, N. _ 

HACKNEY SPECTATOR, 1901. (ind.) Mon. & Fri. 3d. A. King, 44 Amhurst Road, 

- Hackney, N.E. 

Hackney Stud Book, 1884. Feb. 21s. Hackney Horse Society, 12 Hanover Square, w. 

which is incorporated North Berwick Advertiser). (ind. u) Fri—6 a.m. Id. Mrs. 
Mary Sinclair, 63 Market St., Haddington. 

Fri—5 a.m. ld. D. & J. Croal, 18 Market St., Haddington. 

Haileyburian, 1868. Thrice each term. 6d. S. Austin & Sons Ltd., Hertford. 

+ Hairdressers’ Chronicle and Monthly Novelty List, 1866. M.—Ist. Gratis. R. Hovenden - 
& Sons Ltd., 29-33 Berners St., w. 

t Hairdressers’ Weekiy Journal, 1882. Sat.—9 a.m. ld. Osborne, Garrett & Co., 51 
Frith St., Soho, w. 

Tues. ld. W. C. Gale, 16 Thoroughfare, Halesworth. 

ale craley oe 1853. (/) Sat.—2 a.m. ld. Halifax Courier Ltd., King’s Cross 
t., Halifax. l 

{HALIFAX DAILY GUARDIAN, 1906. (c) 2 to 7 p.m. 4d. Halifax Newspaper & 
Printing Co. Ltd., 30-32 George St., Halifax. 

tHALIFAX EVENING COURIER, 1892. (pro. lib.) Daily—2 to 7 p,m. 4d. Halifax 
Courier Ltd., King’s Cross St., Halifax. 

tHALIFAX GUARDIAN, 1832. (c) Sat.—a.m. ld. Halifax Newspaper & Printing 
Co. Ltd., 30-32 George St., Halifax. 

Hall’s Circuits and Ministers, 1886. irreg. 6s. C. H. Kelly, Wesleyan Conference 

- Office, City Road, E.C. ' 

tHALSTEAD AND COLNE VALLEY GAZETTE, 1857. (ind.) Thurs. ld. W. H. 
Root, Caxton Works, Halstead. 

masaa ri aaa eal Deanery Magazine. M.—Ist. 1d. W. H. Root, Caxton Works, 


for Sat. ld. Barry & Co., High St., Halstead. | 

(ind.) Fri. 4d. W. T. Bath, 16 Market St., Hexham. 

a.m. id. Hamilton Advertiser Ltd.,9 Campbell St., Hamilton. (County paper for 
Lanarkshire. Advt.) 

Hamlyn’s Menagerie Magazine, 1915. M.—15th. ls. J. D. Hamlyn, 221 St. George’s 
St., London Docks, E. 

Hammersmith, Shepherd's Bush, &c., Directory, 1878. Annually. Is. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Hammond’s Standard Railway Guides, 1858. M.—I1st. 24. J. G. Hammond & Co. Ltd., 
139 Moor St., Birmingham. (London: 32-36 Fleet Lane.) 

Hampshire, Wilts, and Dorset, and the Channel Islands Directory, 1884. Every four 
years ; last issue 1915. 36s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. - 

tHAMPSHIRE ADVERTISER, 1823 (as Southampton Herald). (c) Sat—12.30 a.m. 
ld. Hampshire Advertiser Co. Ltd., 45 Above Bar, Southampton. (London: 69 
Fleet St.). (Advt. p. 457). 

Hampshire and Isle of Wight, Bennett's Business Directory, 1881. Annually. 3s. 6d. 
Bennett & Co., Chapel Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 456). 

tHAMPSHIRE CHRONICLE, 1772. (ind.) Sat. 2d. Jacob & Johnson, 57 High St., 
Winchester. (Advt. p. 457). 

Adaertisoments received tor all the Pramwinrial Nowsehaheve fon 

ABC List.) | Willing’s Press Guide. 

;HAMPSHIRE COUNTY TIMES, 1905. (c) Fri. 1d. Holbrook & Son Ltd., 154 Queen 
St., Portsmouth. One of the Portsmouth Times series. (London : 62 Ludgate Hill.) 

TISER, 1885. (ind.) Sat. 1d. Warren & Son Ltd., 9 Market St., Alton. (Circulates in 
Alton and the county. Gives the county and local news fully, with a selection of 
general intelligence and agricultural news. Centre of a hop-growing area. Advt.) 

ADVERTISER, 1835. (ind.) Sat.—6 a.m. ld. Hampshire Advertiser Co: Ltd., 
45 Above Bar, Southampton. (London: 69 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 459.) 

{HAMPSHIRE OBSERVER, 1877. (ind.) Sat.—7 a.m. and 4 p.m. ld. Warren & 
Son Ltd., 85 High St., and Staple Garden, Winchester. (County and family 
newspaper, circulating in a good residential and agricultural district. Recognised 
medium for official notices, auction sales, etc. Famous for ‘‘ wanted” advts. 
Special attention devoted to agricultural matters. Advt.) 

Hampshire Regimental Journal, 1905 (as 37¢h Journal, 1903). 6d. Warren & Son Ltd., 

._ 85 High St., Winchester. 

for Fri. 1d. W. Tomkinson, Stanhope Road. Portsmouth. (London : 170 Fleet St.) 

Hampstead and Child's spay Directory, 1872. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd. 

182 High Holborn, w.c 

+ HAMPSTEAD AND HIGHGATE EXPRESS, 1860. (ind.) Sat. 1d. Jealous & Co., 
High St., Hampstead, N.w. 

Kilburn, and Hampstead Advertiser, 1880). (ind.) Thurs.—9 a.m. ld. Baines & 
Scarsbrook, 75 Fairfax Road, South Hampstead, N.w. 

HAMPSTEAD RECORD, 1889. (/) Fri. $d. United Metropolitan Press Ltd., 12 Flask 
Walk, Hampstead, N.w. One of the Finsbury Weekly News series. 

Ham’s Customs Year Book, 1877. Jan. 3s.; with Warehousing Regulations, 4s. 6d. 
E. Wilson, 54 Threadneedle St., E.C. 

Ham's Excise Year Book, 1877. Jan. 3s. & 4s. 6d. E. Wilson, 54 Threadneedle St., E.C. 

Handbook and Report of the National Union of Women Workers of Great Britain and 
Ireland, 1895. Jan. 1s. National Union of Women Workers, Parliament Mansfons, 
Victoria St., s.w. 

Handbook of Jamaica, 1882. May.: 6s. E. Stanford Ltd., 12-14 Long Acre, W.C. 

Handbook of the Amateur Swimming Association, 1869. May. 8d. T. M. Yeaden, East 
Clere, Whitburn, near Sunderland. 

Handbook of the Theological Colleges of the Church of England and the Episcopal Church 
an Scotland, 1870. Jan. 6d. net. Longmans, Green & Co., 39 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Birmingham News, 1890). (ind.) Sat. 1d. Birmingham News & Printing Co. 
Ltd., 28 John Bright St., Birmingham. 

Handy Class Register, 1907. Jan. 4d. S.S. Union, 57-59 Ludgate Hill, r.c. 

t Handy Shipping Guide,1887. Sat—9 a.m. 6d. Wilkinson Bros. Ltd., 1-9 Green ere N. 

Handy Stories, 1906 (as Handy Library, 1901). Tues., for Sat. ld. Amalgamated 

Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.C. ' 

Handy KimS and Tide Table, 1893. M —Ist. ld. Brodie & Salmond, Brothock Bridge, 

Hanes y Rhyfel Europeaidd, 1914. M —Ist. 3d. Carmarthen Journal Co. Ltd., 8 King 
St., Carmarthen. 

1878. ge fl Sat. ld. Bird Bros., Church St., Basingstoke. 

THANTS AND SUSSEX COUNTY PRESS, 1897 (as County Press, 1895). (ind.) Thurs.— 
p.m., for Sat. 1d. D. S. Rogers & Co., North St., Emsworth. 

tHANTS ‘AND SUSSEX NEWS, 1891 (as Petersfield Weekly News, 1883). (ind.) Tues.— 
7 p.m., for Wed. ld. A. W. Childs, High St., Petersfield. 

213 Uxbridge Road, West Ealing, w. One of the Ealing Gazette series. -~ — 

Happy Home, 1914. Tues., for Sat. ld. J. Leng & Co. Ltd., 7 Bank St., Dundee. 

en, Paur sea 1900. Tues. 1d. W. Stevens Ltd., 23 '& 24 Henrietta St., w.c. 

vt. p. fi. 

HAPTON ADVERTISER, 1889. (ind.) Tues. 4d. Fri. 1d. Hyndburn Road, Accrington. 
One of the Accrington Advertiser series. 

tHARBORNE NEWS, 1892. (ind.) Sat. 1d. Birmingham News and Printing Co. Ltd., 
28 John Bright St., Birmingham. 

{Hardware Trade Journal, 1874 (with which is incorporated Ironmongery). Thurs., 
for Fri. 3d., illus. Benn Bros. Ltd., 31 Christopher, St., Finsbury )Square, E.C. 

20] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents. 125. Strand. London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

tHardwareman and Ironmongers’ Chronicle, 1912 (with which is incorporated the Iron- 
mongers’ Chronicle, 1892 ; and Hardwareman, 1894). Thurs. 7s. 6d. per ann. Iron- 
mongers’ Chronicle and Hardwareman Ltd., 139-40 Fleet St., E.c. (Adut. p. 436)- 
Hardwareman and Ironmongers’ Chronicle Diary and Year Book, 1912 (with which is- 
incorporated Ironmongers’ Chronicle Diary, 1893, and Hardwareman Year Book, 
1896). Dec. 3s. 6d. Ironmongers’ Chronicle and Hardwareman Ltd., 139-40 
Fleet St., E.C. 
marmonium Cabinet. Irreg. 6d. F. Pitman, Hart & Co. Ltd., 20 & 21 Paternoster 
ow, E.C. 
Harmsworth’s Red Magazine, 1910 (as Red Magazine, 1908). 1st and 15th. 44d. 
_ Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.C. 
Harper’s Magazine, 1880 (U.S.A., 1850). M.—25th. 1s., ilus. Harper & Bros., 
45 Albemarle St., w. | 
Harper’s Manual and Wine and Spirit Directory. Jan. 12s. 6d. Harper & Co., 39-40 
Crutched Friars, E.C. 
Harper’s Weekly (Wine and Spirit Gazette), 1880. Fri.—p.m., for Sat. 12s. 6d. per ann., 
post free. Harper & Co., 39-40 Crutched Friars, E.c. (Including Harper’s Manual 
and Wine and Spirit Directory. Advt.) 
tTHARRINGAY PRESS, 1908. (ind.) Fri—3.30 p.m. 1d. Holloway Press Co., 449 
Holloway Road, N. One of the Holloway Press series. 
scalpel Dressmaker, 1898. M.—25th. 3d. Harrison & Viles Ltd., 8 Farringdon 
venue, E.C. . 
14d. J. W. Ackrill, Montpelier Parade, Harrogate. | i 
GUARDIAN, 1902. (ind.) Fri. 1d. W. Walker & Sons (Otley) Ltd., 36 Station 
Square, Harrogate. 
dd. R. Ackrill, Montpelier Parade, Harrogate. | | 
HARROGATE STAR, 1901 (with which is incorporated the Harrogate New Century, 1901) 
(tnd.) M.—Ist. 3d. Star Newspaper & Printing Co., 52 Station Parade, Harrogate. 
Harrovian, 1888. During term. 6d. L. D. Ashmore, 58-60 High St., Harrow. 
Harrow, Harrow Weald, Wealdstone, Northwood, &c., Directory, 1909. Annually. ~ 1s. 
Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn,. w.c. 
Harrow Almanack, 1864. Jan. 1s. 3d. J. F. Moore, High St., Harrow. 
Harrow Bill Book, 1864. Three times a year. 6d. J. F. Moore, High St., Harrow. 
Harrow Blue Book, 1864. Three times a year. 67. J. F. Moore, High St., Harrow. 
a ae GAZETTE, 1855. (ind.) Thurs., for Fri. 1d. Clarke & Ashmore, 58-60 High 
t., Harrow. i 
THARROW OBSERVER, 1895. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Sholl & Kay, Station Road, Harrow. 
(The Local Paper, largest guaranteed circulation. Advt.) 
Hartland and West Country Annual, 1899. Jan. ld. T. C. Burrow, Hartland, N. Devon 
Hartland and West Country Chronicle, 1896. (ind.) M.—15th. ld. T. C. Burrow 
Hartland, North Devon. 78 
Hartlepoels Dally Shipping List, 1875. 9 am. 6s. per quarter; per post, 9s. 6d. 
A. Salton Ltd., 1 Dover St., West Hartlepool. 
Harts Annual Army List, 1840. Jan. 21s. John Murray, 50a Albemarle St., w. 
Harvest, 1887. M.—1st Sun. 1d., illus. J. Corrigan, Bishop’s House, Salford, Manchester. 
Harvest Field, 1898. M.—15th. 3d. A. J. Bride, 101 Bunhill Row, E.C. 
HARWICH AND DOVERCOURT NEWSMAN, 1870. (ind.) Sat. 4d. G. L. Jackson, 
54 Church St., Harwich. 
HARWICH AND DOVERCOURT STANDARD, 1906 (as Harwich and Dovercourt Free 
Press, 1877). (c. & u) Sat. $d. Exors of J. R. Watson, 13 Church St., Harwich. 
HARWOOD ADVERTISER, 1889. (ind.) Tues. 4d., Fri. 1d. Hyndburn Road, Accring- 
| ton. One of the Accrington Advertiser series. 
HARWOOD OBSERVER, 1866. (/) Sat. 1d., Tues. 3d. R. S. Crossley, Edgar St., 
Accrington. One of the Accrington Observer series. 
HASLINGDEN ADVERTISER, 1889. (ind.) Tues. 4d., Fri. ld. Hyndburn Road, 
Accrington, One of the Accrington Advertiser series. 
THASLINGDEN GAZETTE, 1881 (with which is incorporated the Rossendale Division 
Gazette, 1863). (u) Fri. for Sat. ld. Accrington Gazette Co. Ltd., 88 Abbey St., 
| Accrington. One of the Accrington Division Gazette series. 
THASLINGDEN GUARDIAN, 1890. (4 Fri—p.m. 1d. J. J.-Riley, 56 Blackburn 
Road, Haslingden. One of the Rossendale Free Press series. 
tHASLINGDEN OBSERVER, 1892. (/) Sat. 1d. R.S. Crossley, Edgar St., Accrington. 
One of the Accrington Observer series. 

Advertisements received for all the Almanacs and Calendars. [81 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

MER ba AND BEXHILL INDEPENDENT, 1873. (ind.) Thurs. Id. Farncombe 
& Co. Ltd., Market St., Lewes. One of the East Essex News series. 

Hastings and St. Leonards and Bexhill Directory and Year Book, 1910 (with which is 
incorporated Parson’s Penny Almanac and Year Book). Dec. Is. F. J. Parsons 
Ltd., 14 Claremont, Hastings. 

+ HASTINGS AND ST. LEONARDS OBSERVER, 1853. (c) Sat—6 am. ld. F. J. 
Parsons Ltd., 14 Claremont, Hastings. 

St. Leonards Advertiser, 1855 ; with which is incorporated Hastings Weekly Mail & 
Times, 1877). (c) Thurs.—7 a.m. ld. F. J. Parsons Ltd., 14 Claremont, Hastings. 

Hastings, St. Leonards, Bexhill and Battle Blue Book and Local Directory, 1876. Nov. 
2s, Garnett, Mepham & Fisher Ltd., 112 Gloucester Road, Brighton. 

Hastings, St. Leonards and Bexhill Directory, 1881. Last issue 1915. 1s. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Hatters’ Gazette, 1877. M.—lIst. 6s. 6d. per ann., illus. Scott, Greenwood & Son, 
8 Broadway, Ludgate Hill, £.c. 

Hatters’ Gazette Diary, 1881. Nov. 3s. 6d. Scott, Greenwood & Son, 8 Broadway, 
Ludgate Hill, E.C. i 

Haul, 1840. M.—ist. 3d. Welsh Church Press & Printing Co. Ltd., Caxton Hall, 
Lampeter. | 

Hauwr Yr (The Sower), 1890. M.—last Sun. 1d. J. Howell, Aberdare. | 

ld. W. Lewis & Sons, Bridge St., Haverfordwest. 

HAVERHILL WEEKLY NEWS, 1889. (ind.) Fri—10 a.m. ld. W. F. Taylor, St. 

Andrew’s St., Cambridge. One of the Cambs. Weekly News series. 

{HAWICK EXPRESS AND ADVERTISER, 1915 (with which are incorporated Hawick 

- Advertiser and Roxburghshire Gazette, 1854, and Hawick Express and Scottish 

Border News, 1870). (ind.) Fri.—5 p.m. 3d. James Edgar, 5 High St., Hawick. 

tHAWICK NEWS AND BORDER CHRONICLE, 1882. (/) Fri. 4d. Vair & M’Nairn, 
24 High St., Hawick. 

{HAYLE MAIL, 1911. (ind.) Thurs., for Fri. 3d. Cornishman Newspaper Co. Ltd., 
Parade St., Penzance. (Advt. p. 456.) 

FHazell’'s Annual, 1899. (as Hazell’s Cyclopedia 1886), now New Hazell’s Annual and 
Almanack, 1916). s 

ee Review, 1910. M.—Ist. id. Merritt & Hatcher Ltd., 2 Grocers’ Hall 

ourt, E.C. 

Healer, 1908. M.—lIst. 6d. Hunter & Longhurst, 9 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Health, 1883. M.—15th. 1d. Health Publishing Co., 29 Essex St., Strand, w.c. 

+Health and Strength, 1898. Weds. for Sat. 1d. Ewart, Seymour & Co. Ltd., Windsor 
House, Kingsway, w.c. 

Health and Strength Annual, 1907. Jan. 6d. net. Ewart, Seymour & Co. Ltd., Windsor 
House, Kingsway, w.c. 

Heaith and Vim, 1907 (as Health Culture, 1905). M.—20th. 2d. Health & Vim Ltd., 
11-12 Finsbury Square, E.c. 

Health News, 1912. M.—Ist week. ld. W. Shadforth, 63 Grove Road, Bow, E. 5 

Health Observer, 1911. Irreg. 1d. Health Supplies Co. Ltd., 84 Rose Hill St., Derby. 

Health Record, 1907 (as Psycho-Therapeutic Journal, 1901). Irreg. 3d. A. Hallam, 
5 Little Russell St., w.c. 

Healthy Life, 1911. M. —I1st. Id. C. W. Daniel Ltd., Graham House, Tudor St., E.C. 

HEANOR ADVERTISER, 1890. (4) Fri. ld. W. Shakspeare, Heanor Road, Ilkeston. 
One of the Ilkston Advertiser series. i 

tHEANOR OBSERVER, 1900. (/) Thurs. d. Heanor Observer Publishing Co. Ltd., 
Market St., Heanor. 

Heart, 1913. Quarterly. 8s. 6d. Shaw & Sons, 6-9 Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Hearts = Oak Journal, 1906. M.—ist. ld. Hearts of Oak Benefit Society, Euston 

oad, N.W. ; 

Heartease Library, 1908. Thurs., for Sat. 1d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 
Farringdon St., EC. 

Heaton’s Annual, 1905. Jan. 5s. net. Simpkin & Co. Ltd., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court,.z.c. 

Heaton’s Opportunities in Canada, 1910. Feb. Is. 6d. net. Simpkin & Co. Ltd, 
4 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.c. 

Heaviside’s Stockton and District Monthly Advertiser, 1896. 15th. Gratis. Heaviside 
& Son, 4 Finkle St., Stockton-on-Tees. 

+HEBDEN BRIDGE AND DISTRICT NEWS, 1869. (/) Fri—a.m. id. W. Waddington 
& Sons, New Road, Hebden Bridge. One of the Todmorden, &c., News series. 

ld. Kershaw & Ashworth, Market St., Hebden Bridge. 

82] Tames Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, Bonan 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

1899 (as Spen Valley Division Chronicle, 1886). (c) Sat. 1d. News Printing and Pub- 
lishing Co. Ltd., Corporation St., Dewsbury. One of the Dewsbury DistrictNews series 

1877. (2) Thurs.—-even. ld. Senior & Co. Ltd., Cheapside, Heckmondwike. 

tHECKMONDWIKE REPORTER, 1867. (J) Sat. 1d. The Reporter Ltd., Wellington 
Road, Dewsbury. One of the Dewsbury Reporter series. 

tHEDNESFORD ADVERTISER, 1878. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. d. V. L. Withington, 
Market St., Hednesford. One of the Cannock Advertiser series. 

tHEDNESFORD COURIER, 1894. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. $d. H. Prail, Cannock Road, 
Hednesford. One of the Cannock Chase Courier series.. 

THELENSBURGH AND GARELOCH TIMES, 1880. (ind.) Tues.—6 p.m., for Wed. 
ld. Macneur & Bryden, 16-18 East Princes St., Helensburgh. 

HELENSBURGH NEWS, 1878. (/.u) Thurs. 34d. R.G. Blair, 19 West Princes St., 

. Helensburgh. 
suas for the Poor of the Flock, 1896. M.—28th. 1d. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster 
quare, E.C. ; ° 

THELSTON ADVERTISER, 1910. (ind.) Tues. $d. Cornishman Newspaper Co. Ltd., 
Parade St., Penzance. One of the Cornishman series. (Advt. p. 456). 

tTHEMSWORTH AND BRIERLEY EXPRESS, 1913. (ind.) Fri. ld. T. P. Robinson, 
2 Southgate, Wakefield. One of the Wakefield Express series. | 

Ltd., Hendon Printing Works, New Brent St., Hendon, N.W. 

EDGWARE AND STANMORE ADVERTISER, 1875. (u) Fri—1 p.m. ld. 
Yre & Co. Ltd., 71 Church Road, Hendon, N.w. Telephone 489 P.O., Finchley. 

(Advt. p. 457). 

{HENLEY AND SOUTH OXFORDSHIRE STANDARD, 1879 (with which is incorporated 
Henley Free Press), 1885. (u) Fri—noon. ld. Higgs & Co., Caxton House,- 
Station Road, Henley-on-Thames. 

tHerald, 1914 (as Daily Herald, 1912). (lab.) Sat. ld. Limit Printing Co. Ltd., 21 
Tudor St., E.c. 

Herald, 1913 (as Missionary Herald, 1819). M.—-26th. ld. net. Carey Press, 
19 Furnival St., Holborn, E.c. | 

Herald and Citizen, 1912. Thurs. Gratis. S. Fielden, Burnley. 

Herald Cymraeg, 1854. (/) Mon. ld. E. Abbott, Ymaes, Carnarvon. 

Herald of Health, 1875. M.—JIst. 1d. C. L. H. Wallace, 11 Southampton Row, w.c. 

Herald of Mercy, 1858. M.—25th. 4d. illus. Morgan & Scott Ltd., 12 Paternoster 
Buildings, E.c. 

“Herald of Mercy ” Annual, 1858. Oct. 1s. Morgan & Scott Ltd., 12 Paternoster 
Buildings, E.c. . 

Herald of Peace, 1819. M.—1st. ld. Rev. Herbert Dunnies, 47 New Broad St., E.C.. 
(The Official Organ of the International Peace Society, the oldest Pacifist organi- 
sation in the world. (Advt.) | 

Herald of Salvation, 1878 (as Northern Evangelist, 1872). M. 4d. Pickering & Inglis, 
229 Bothwell St., Glasgow. (London; Holness, 14 Paternoster Row.) 

Herald of the Goiden Age and British Health Review, 1910 (with which are incorporated 
Herald of the Golden Age, 1896, and British Health Review, 1909). Quarterly. 3d. 
S. G. Madgwick, 26 Ivy Lane, E.c. 

Herald of the Primitive Methodist Missionary Society, 1910 (as Missionary Record). 
M.—25th. 1d. J. Johnson, Holborn Hall, Clerkenwell Road, E.C. 

‘Herald of the Star, 1912. M.—1ith. 6d. 1 Upper Woburn Place, w.c. 

HERALD OF WALES, 1916 (as Neath Gazette, Herald of Wales and Mid Glamorgan 
Herald, 1885). (ind.) Fri., for Sat. Swansea Press Ltd., Leader Buildings, 
Swansea. (London: 151 Fleet St.) 

Herb Doctor and Medical Protestant, 1905. Alter.-M.—Ist. W. H. Webb, 41 Eastbank St., 
Southport, (Medical Reform and Medical Freedom. Advt.) 

Hereford Diocesan Church Calendar and Clergy List, 1871. Jan. 1s. Jakeman & Carver, 
4 and 5 High Town, Hereford. 

Hereford Herd Book (as Eyton’s Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, 1862). Oct. 10s. and 12s. 
The Secretary, Hereford Herd Book Society, 20 East St., Hereford. 

THEREFORD JOURNAL, 1713. (J) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Herefordshire Press & Printing 
Co. Ltd., Offa St., Hereford. i 

Hereford Journal Directory, 1912. Last issue 1914. 2s. 6d- Herefordshire Press | 
and Printing Co. Ltd., Offa St., Hereford. 

Adznertisemonte vorosnod tnw all th, DarnlenLk Denedurinal Newchanhewve [Rs 

ABC List.| Willing’s Press Guide. 

JOURNAL, 1770. (4 Tues. and Wed. $d. Herefordshire Press and Printing 
Co. Ltd., Offa St., Hereford. = 
Hereford Secondary Boys’ School Magazine, 1914. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, Boys’ 
Secondary School, Hereford. . 
HEREFORD TIMES, 1832. (u) Fri.—p.m. for Sat. 144. Hereford Times Ltd., May- 
= lord St., Hereford. i 
Herefordian, 1890. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, The Cathedral School, Hereford. 
Herefordshire and Shropshire Directory, 1856. Every four years, last issue 1913. 20s. 
Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. ' 
Hermathena, 1873. Annually. 4s. Longmans, Green & Co., 39 Paternoster Row, E.C. 
+HERNE BAY PRESS, 1883 (with which is incorporated the Whitstable Press). (ind.) 
. Fri.—10 a.m. for Sat. 1d. Stanbrook & Sons, 115 High St., Herne Bay. | 
Heron’s Flat and Estate Mart. M.—lIst. 2d. Heron & Heron, 135 Victoria St., s.w. 
HERTFORDSHIRE. NORTH HERTS MAIL, 1906 (with which is incorporated North 
Herts and South Beds Journal. (c) Thurs. d. G. Jackson, 10 Churchyard, 
Hitchin. (Advt. p. 458). 5 i 
a acake Almanac and County Handbook, 1849. Dec. 6d. S. Austin & Sons Ltd., 
[HERI ORDINISS EXPRESS, 1855. (ind.) Sat. ld. Carling & Co., Market Place 
itchin. ; j , 
for Sat. 1d. S. Austin & Sons Ltd., Fore St., Hertford. (Advt. p. 451). , 
HERTS ADVERTISER AND ST. ALBANS TIMES, 1855 (with which is incorporated 
the Hemel Hempstead Advertiser, Tring Gazette, and Berkhampstead Advertiser). 
(ind.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. A. E. Gibbs & J.:Bamfoth, Market Place, St. Albans 
(Advt. p. 451). : | ‘ 
1855). (ind.) Fri—noon. ld. Warren Brothers, High St., Royston. - i 
.tHERTS AND ESSEX OBSERVER, 1862 (as Bishop’s Stortford Observer, 1861, with 
which are incorporated the Cheshunt Observer, Herts Guardian, and the Hoddesdouw 
Observer). (ind.) Fri—4 p.m., for Sat. 1d. Mardon Brothers, North St., Bishops’ 
Stortford. (Guaranteed circulation, agricultural district). | = 
1900 (as Hemel Hempstead Gazette, &c., 1858). (ind.) Fri., for Sat. Id. E. Need- - 
ham & Co., 5 Alexandra Road, Hemel Hempstead. 
Hesperia, 1916. Fri. 16s. per ann. Dr. C. Pouptis, 62 Oxford St., w. 
— ee ee Tabie and Gazette, 1907. M.—Ist. 2d. A. W. Hewett, 15 D’Olier 
t., Dublin. 
(with which is incorporated Alston Herald). (i) Fri.—p.m., for Sat. ld. J. Catherall 
& Co., Beaumont St., Hexham. (London: 151 Fleet St.) 
tHEXHAM HERALD, 1868. (u) Fri., for Sat. ld. Hexham Herald Co. Ltd., St. 
Mary’s Chare, Hexham. ' . 
+HEXHAM WEEKLY NEWS, 1899. (ind.) Fri. $d. W.T. Bath, 16 Market St., Hexham. 
{HEYWOOD ADVERTISER, 1855. () Fri—2 p.m. ld. Walter Scott, York St., 


tHEYWOOD NEWS, 1899. (c & u) Fri.—2 p.m. for Sat. 1d. Rochdale Times Ltd. 
Market Place, Heywood, Rochdale. f 

Hibbert Journal, 1902. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. net. Williams & Norgate, 14 Henrietta St.,w.c. 

Hibernia, 1897. Quarterly. 2d. The Editor, Royal Hibernian Military School, Phoenix 
Park, Dublin. i 

Chapel-en-le-Frith, &c., Advertiser, 1877. (f) Fri. 1d. Glossop Advertiser P. & P. 
Co., Howard St., Glossop. One of the North Cheshive and North Derbyshire 

~ Advertiser series. 

HIGH PEAK CHRONICLE, 1906 (as Buxton Chronicle, 1885). (c) Fri. 14d. Glossop 
Dale Chronicle P. & P. Co. Ltd., 18 Norfolk St., Glossop. One of the Glossop Dale 
Chronicle series. - 

rh PEAK HERARD 1909. (ind.) Tues. id. Buxton Herald Printing Co., 4 South 

t., Buxton. 

tHIGH PEAK NEWS, 1870. (u) Thurs. noon, for Sat. 1d. Derbyshire Printing 
Co. Ltd., Palace Road, Buxton. 

HIGH PEAK REPORTER, 1915 (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 14d. J. Andrew & Co., Market 
Place, Ashton-under-Lyne. One of the Ashton-under-Lyne Reporter Series. 

a gE ee ee BM ee 
ga) James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Higham’s Magazine, 1914. M.—27th. 4s. per ann. C. F. Higham Ltd., Imperial House, 
Kingsway, w.c. 

HIGHAM'S PARK HERALD, 1916. Sat. 4d. W. Stoddart & Co., 396a Hoe St., 
Walthamstow. One of the Walthamstow Herald series. (Advé. p. 459). 

HIGHBRIDGE AND BURNHAM ECHO, 1906. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. $d. H. Perkins & 
Co., Church St., Highbridge. 

Highbury, Holloway, and Tufnell Park Directory, 1887. Last issue 1915. 1s. Kelly’s . 
Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Highbury Quarteriy, 1913. 3d. The Secretary, Highbury Congregational Chapel, Bristol. 

Highbury Quadrant Magazine, 1897. M.—lIst. ld. Hunter & Longhurst, 9 Pater- 
noster Row, E.C. 

Higher Education Gazette, 1906. Thurs. 2d. Sat. 1d. Westhope & Co., 45 Bedford Row,w.c. 

Highest and Lowest Prices, 1873. Jan. and July. 2s. 6d. F.C. Mathieson & Sons, 16 
Copthall Avenue, E.c. 

{HIGHLAND LEADER AND NORTHERN WEEKLY, 1909 (as Northern Weekly, 1897). 
Thurs. ld. Pefferside Press, Inverness. 

sa bel i Light Infantry Chronicle, 1893. Quarterly. 4d. The Editor, The Barracks, 


t HIGHLAND NEWS, 1879. (D) Sat.—4 a.m. ld. Highland News Co., 8 Hamilton 
St., Inverness. i 

HIGHLAND TIMES, 1890. () Wed. 1d. Highland News Co., 8 Hamilton St., 
Inverness. i 

Highway, 1908. M.—1st. ld. Workers’ Educational Association, 14 Red Lion Square, 

l Holborn, w.c. 

Highways and Hedges, 1904. (formerly Into the Highways and Hedges, 1895 ; as Children’s 
Advocate, 1871). M.—25th. ld. C. H. Kelly, 25-35 City Road, 

+HILLFOOTS REC RD, 1900. (ind.) Tues., for Wed. $d. R. Cunningham, Longbank . 

' Works, Alva. (Guaranteed circulation, 1,300 copies weekly. Adut.) 

Hill’s Monthly Record, 1910. Ist. 1d. C. Hill, 104 Little Park St., Coventry. 

HINCKLEY ECHO, 1893. (ind.) Wed. 4d. H. Fieldhouse, Tribune Buildings, Abbey 
St., Nuneaton. One of the Midland Counties Tribune series. 

+HINCKLEY OBSERVER, 1877. (ind.) Fri. $d. Coleman & McCormick Ltd., Bondgate, 
Nuneaton. One of the Nuneaton Observer series. 

THINCKLEY TIMES AND BOSWORTH HERALD, 1889 (with which is amalgamated 
the Hinckley Free Press). (ind.) Fri—10a.m. Id: J. Baxter & Sons, 24 Castle 
St., Hinckley. 

Hippodrome, 1900. M.—30th. 3d. E. & H. Gordon-Clifford, 117 Fulham Road, s.w. 

Hire Traders’ Record, 1891. M.—Ist. 3d. Sewell & Co., 27 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

History, 1912. Quarterly. is. net. Macmillan & Co., St. Martin’s St., w.c. 

{HITHER GREEN JOURNAL, 1901. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Lewisham Newspaper Co. Ltd., 
392 High Road, Lee, s.z. One of the Lewisham Journal series. 

Hobbies, 1896 (with which is incorporated Live Stock Hobbies). Wed., for Sat. ld. 
H. Marshall & Son, 125 Fleet St., E.c. 

Ura Field and Golf Greens, 1901. Thurs., during season. 2d. Cassell & Co. Ltd., 

a Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, £.c. 

HOLBORN AND FINSBURY GUARDIAN, 1890 (as Holborn Guardian, 1847). Fri. 
United Metropolitan Press Ltd., 238 Goswell Road, E.c. (One of the Finsbury 
Weekly News series). 

Holborn Review, 1910 (as Primitive Methodist Quarterly Review, 1879, formerly Christian 
S ae 1863). Quarterly. 1s. 6d. net. J. Johnson, Holborn Hall, Clerkenwell 

oad, E.c 

Holbrook's County Year Book, 1896. Annually. 6d. Holbrook & Son Ltd., 154 Queen 
.St., Portsmouth. (London : 62 Ludgate Hill.) 

Holden’s Original Pocket Almanac and Tide Table, 1769. Dec. 1s. 6d. Liverpool Printing 
& Stationery Co. Ltd., Mercer Court, Redcross St., Liverpool. 

Holiday Directory, 1914. May. Id. National Holiday Bureau, 115 Fleet St., E.C. 

Holiday Resorts and Recommended Addresses at Home and Abroad, 1883. June. Is. 
F. Hodgson, 89 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Holidays, Where to Stay and What to See, 1892. June. Is. W. Hill & Co. Ltd., 67-9 

- Southampton Row, w.c. 

Ua ted PRESS, 1872. (ind.) Fri—3 p.m. 1d. Holloway Press Co., 449 Holloway 

Holly Bough, "1877. Nov. 3d. Christian Herald Co. Ltd., 6 Tudor St., E.c. 
Holmesdale Directory to the Borough of Reigate and District, 1907. Jan. 6d. Holmesdale 
Press Ltd., Ladbroke Road, Redhill. 

Advertisements received for all the Manchester Newspapers. [85 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

tHOLMFIRTH EXPRESS, 1886. (ind.) Sat—6 a.m. Id. Eli Collins & Co., Hudders- 

field Road, Holmfirth. . ) ; 

HOLSWORTHY, STRATTON, AND BUDE POST, 1877. (/) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Cornish 
& Devon Post Ltd., Western Buildings, Launceston. One of the Cornish and Devon 
Post series. 

Fri. łd. Brimmell Bros., Church St., Launceston. One of the Launceston Weekly 
News series. 

HOLT, MELTON CONSTABLE AND WELLS POST, 1916. (u) Fri. 14. Norfolk 
Press Syndicate Ltd., Holt. One of the Norfolk Chronicle series. 

{HOLYHEAD CHRONICLE, 1808. (c) Fri. ld. R. E. Roberts, 14 King’s Road,, 
Holyhead. One of the North Wales Chronicle series. 

tTHOLYHEAD MAIL AND ANGLESEY HERALD, 1884 (as Holyhead Weekly Mail, 1881.) 
() Wed. 1d. E. Abbott, Holyhead. One of the Carnarvon, &c., Herald series. 

National Press Co. Ltd» Carnarvon. One of the North Wales Observer series. 

Home, 1889 (as Householder, 1886). M.—Ist. ld., illus. 3 Brushfield St., E.C. 

Home Almanac, 1913 (as British Workman Almanac, 1860). Nov. ld. S. W. Partridge 
& Co., 21-22 Old Bailey, E.c. 

THOME AND COLONIAL MAIL, 1879. Fri—p.m. 6d. A. H. Wheeler & Co., 119-122 
Temple Chambers, Temple Avenue, E.c. 

Home Chat, 1895. Mon.,for Sat.1d., illus. Amalgamated Press Ltd.,22-25 Farringdon St.,£.c. 

mone Companion, 1897. Mon., for Sat. 1d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon 

t; E.C. 

Home Cookery, 1906 (as Isobels Home Cookery, 1895). M.—Ist. 2d. C. A. Pearson 
Ltd., 16 and 18 Henrietta St., w.c. 

Home Fashions, 1914. M.—7th. 24. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.c. 

Home Friend, 1880 (Scotch Girls’ Friendly Magazine). M.—Ist. ld. Macniven & 
Wallace, 138 Princes St., Edinburgh. (London: Partridge & Co.) | 

Home Handicrafts and Pastimes, 1907. M.—Ist. 1d. Odhams Ltd., 93 Long Acre, w.c. 

Home Helper, 1915 (as Home Department Magazine, 1907). Quarterly. ld. net. S.S.U, 
57 Ludgate Hill, E.c. | 

Home Messenger, 1891. M.—25th. 1d. H. Marshall & Son, Temple House, E.C. 

Home Mission Field, 1858. Feb., May, Sept., Nov. ld.. Additional Curates Society, 
21 Great Peter St., s.w. 

Home Notes, 1894. Mon. 1d. C. A. Pearson Ltd., 16 and 17 Henrietta St., w.c. 

Home Organisation Department Magazine, 1915. M.—24th. ld. Wesleyan Methodist 
Missionaty Society, 24 Bishopsgate, E.c. | 

Home Reading Magazine, 1890. M.—Oct. to May, 25th. 3d. National Home Reading 

- Union, 12 York Buildings, Adelphi, w.c. : 

Home Weekly, 1912 (as Red Rose Magazine, 1908). Sat. ld. D. C. Thomson & Co. 
Ltd., 12 Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Home Words, 1870. M.—25th. ld. Home Words Ltd., 11 Ludgate Square, E.C. 

Home Workers’ Gazette, 1908. M.—lIst. ld. S.P.G., 15 Tufton St., Westminster, s.w. 

Homefinder, 1909. Fri. ld. Homefinders Ltd., 74 Victoria St., s.w. 

Homeland Handbooks, 1897. Annually. 7d. and Is. Homeland Association Ltd., 
37 and 38 Maiden Lane, Strand, w.c. 

Homeland Handy Guides, 1901. Annually. 2d. and 3d. Homeland Association Ltd., 
37 and 38 Maiden Lane, Strand, w.c. 

Homeland Reference Books, 1905. Annually. 1s. Homeland Association Ltd., 37 and 
38 Maiden Lane, Strand, w.c. 

Homeland Residential Guides, 1911. Annually. 3d. Homeland Association Ltd., 
37 and 38 Maiden Lane, Strand, w.c. _ 

Homeless, 1902. Quarterly. 3d. Father Berry’s Homes, Shaw St., Liverpool. 

Homertonian, 1916. Terminally. Sub. W. P. Spalding, 43 Sidney St., Cambridge. 

Homes of the East, 1904. Quarterly. 4d. Marshall Bros. Ltd., 47 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Homestead and Property Register, 1911. Half-yearly. Great Central Publicity Depart- 

- ment, 216 Marylebone Road, n.w. l 

tHoming Pigeon and National Homing Union Members’ Gazette, 1905 (with which is 
incorporated the Homing News, 1889, and the Homing World, 1898). Fri. ld. 
H. Marshall & Son, 125 Fleet St., E.C. 

Homoeopathic World, 1866. M.—1st. 6d. Homoeopathic Pub. Co., 12 Warwick Lane, E.C. 

HONLEY AND MELTHAM EXPRESS, 1896. (ind.) Sat. 1d. E. Collins & Co. Ltd., 

_ Holmfirth. One of the Holmfirth Express series. 

Honour, 1915 (as Alliance of Honour Record, 1911). Quarterly. 1d. Morgan & Scott 

Ltd., 12 Paternoster Buildings, £.c. 

86] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. | [ABC List, 

Hope Magazine and Accoustic Journal, 1912. M. —Ist. 3d. Hope Magazine and Accoustic 
Journal Ltd., 7 Clanricarde Gardens, Hyde Park, w. 

Hora Store 1893. M.—Ist. Is. Royal Blind Asylum and School, West Craigmillar, 


tHORBURY “OBSERVER, 1870. (ind.) Sat. ld. S. Cockburn & Son, Station Road, 
Ossett, and High St., Horbury. One of the Ossett Observer series. 

PRESS, 1905. (ind.) Fri. $d. Bristol Free Press & Advertising Co. Ltd., 4 Queen 
Anne’s Buildings, Baldwin St., Bristol. One of the Clifton Free Press series. 

THORLEY ADVERTISER, 1898. (ind.) Fri.—3 p.m., for Sat. 1d. Holmesdale Press 
Ltd., Ladbrooke Road, Redhill. One of the Surrey Mirror series. 


-for Sat. ld. W. K. Morton & Sons Ltd., 27 High St., Horncastle. 


. Fri., for Sat. ld. Lincolnshire Standard Ltd., Threadneedle St., Boston, One of 
the Lincolnshire Standard series. (Advt. p. 457.) 

Horner’s Penny Stories, 1888. Mon., for Sat. ld. . B. Horner & Son Ltd., 22-25 
Farringdon St., E.c. l 

THORNSEA GUARDIAN, 1895. (c) Sat. ld. Green & Son, Market Place, Beverley. 
One of the Beverley Guardian series. 

{HORNSEY AND FINSBURY PARK JOURNAL, 1881 (as Seven Sisters’ and Finsbury 
Park Journal, 1879). (c) Fri—5 p.m. ld. Hornsey Journal Ltd., 36 Crouch Hill, N. 

Hornsey, Crouch End, and Highgate Directory, 1881. Annually. 1s. Kelly’ s Directories 
Ltd., 182 High Holborn, W.C. 

{HORNSEY PRESS, 1872. (ind.) Fri—3.30. 1d. Holloway Press Co., 449 Holloway 

i Road, N. One of the Holloway Press series. 

Horological Journal, 1858. M.—10th. 3d. British Horological Institute, Northampton 
Square, Clerkenwell, and Simpkin & Co. Ltd., 32 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

tHorse and Hound, 1884. Sat. 2d. A.E. Cane, 110 Strand, w.c. (Contains Messrs. 
Tattersall’s Monday Catalogue in full. Racing, Hunting, Polo and Breeding. Advt.) 

Horseman at Home and Abroad, 1914. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. J. C. Keen-Hargreaves, 

174 New Bond St., w. 
Horses in Training, 1907 (as Racing Handbook, 1900). Feb. 6d. Ashley & Smith Ltd., 
j Bridewell House, Bridewell Place, £.c. 
Horsham, Crawley, and District Blue Book and Local Directory, 1897. Aug. 1s. 6d. 
Garnett, Mepham & Fisher Ltd., 112 Gloucester Road, Brighton. 
{HORSHAM TIMES AND WEST SUSSEX COURIER, 1882. (ind.) Fri—p.m., for 
©- Sat. 1d. Farncombe & Co. Ltd., Market St., Lewes. One of the Sussex and Surrey 
Courter series. 

Hortensia’s Annual Gardening Book, 1913, Jan. 3d. W.G. Carradine; 120 Soho Hill 

i Birmingham. — 

Horticultural Advertiser, 1883 (for private circulation only). Wed. A. & C. Pearson, 
Lowdham, Notts. 

Horticultural Directory and Year Book, 1859. Dec. 1s. Gardeners’ Chronicle Ltd., 
41 Wellington St., Strand, w.c. (Contains lists of all the principal gardeners and 
gardens in the British Isles, with the names of owners. Advt. 

‘Horticultural Trade Journal, 1898. Wed. Subs. Hortus Printing Co. Ltd., Jonction 
St., Burnley. 

Hosiery Trade Journal, 1894. M.—1st. 24d. J. H. Quilter, 11 Millstone Lane, Leicester, 

t Hospital, 1886. Thurs., for Sat. 1d. Scientific Press Ltd., 28 & 29 Southampton St., 
Strand, w.c. (Advt. p. 445.) 

Hospital Gazette, 1904. M.—15th. 3d. Incorporated Association of Hospital Officers, 
All Saints’ Hospital, Vauxhall Bridge Road, s.w. 

Hospital Saturday Fund Journal, 1893. Quarterly. 4d. The Secretary, Hospital 
Saturday Fund, 54 Gray’s Inn Road, w.c. 

Hotel Review and Restaurant Gazette, 1914 (as Restaurant and Hotel Review, 1909). 
M.—10th. 6d. Maxwell Publishing Co. (1915) Ltd., 9-11 Cursitor St., w.c. 
Housing Journal, 1900. Quarterly. ld. Workmen’s National Housing Council, 

41 Cowcross St., E.C 

{HOVE GAZETTE & SUSSEX COUNTY MIRROR, 1896 (with which is incorporated 
the Hove Echo, 1903). (ind.) Thurs. 1d. Emery & Son Ltd., 170 Church Road, Hove. 

How to Become a Nurse, the Nursing Profession, How and Where to Train, 1899. Irreg. 
last issue, 1915. 2s. net. Scientific Press Ltd., 28 Southampton St., Strand, w.c. 

WEIGHTON ADVERTISER, 1888 (as Pocklington Weekly—News, 1876). (ind.) 
Fri—for Sat. ld. J. Whitehead, Market Square, Pocklington. 

Pe EEE eae Pe Fe POT | dt Aw all (A p A AT E E TA rQ os 

ABC List) Willing’s Press Guide. 

+{HOWDENSHIRE GAZETTE AND WEEKLY.HERALD, 1853. (snd.) Fri—a.m,. ld. 
Goole Times Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd., Goole. One of the Goole Times series. 

Howes’ Classified Directory of the Metropolitan Charities, 1898 (as Classified Directory 
of the Metropolitan Charities, 1876). Jan. or Feb. Is. net. Longman’s & Co.; 
39 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

HOYLAKE AND MEOLS FREE PRESS, 1908. Wed. 4d. W.: R. Eccles, 11 Albert 
Road, Hoylake. _ 


` p.m. ld. H. Morley, Yorke St., Hucknall Torkard. 

Huddersfield Boro’ Advertiser, 1884. Fri. Gratis. Advertiser Press Ltd., Page St., 

tHUDDERSFIELD DAILY EXAMINER, 1871. (/) Even. (except Sat.)—2.30 p.m. $d. 
J. Woodhead & Sons Ltd., Ramsden St., Huddersfield. (London: 5 New Bridge St.) 

Hudderstield District Advertiser, 1886. Thurs. Gratis, Advertiser Press Ltd., Page 

St., Huddersfield. 

4.30 a.m. 2d. J. Woodhead & Sons Ltd., Ramsden St., Huddersfield. (London : 
5 New Bridge St.) 

Huddersfield Technical College Calendar, 1841. April. 1s. A. Jubb & Son Ltd., Ste John’s 
Road, Huddersfield. 

Hudderstieid Worker, 1905. Fri. for Sat. 1d. Workers Press, 47 Market St., Huddersfield. 

Hugo’s French Journal, 1896. Mon. for Tues. 1d. Macdonald & Evans, 4 Adam St., 
Adelphi, w.c. - 

{HULL AND EAST YORKSHIRE TIMES, 1857. (ind.) Eight editions. Sat.—4 a.m. 

~. Id. E. S. Lewis, 22 Whitefriargate, Hull. (London: 92 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 452). 

tHull and Lincolnshire News (one of the Hull News series). l 

THULL AND LINCOLNSHIRE TIMES, 1856. (ind.) Sat.—4 a.m. ld. Eight editions. 
22 Whitefriargate, Hull. (London: 92 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 452). 

tHuil Catholic Herald, 1888. Fri. 1d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 15 Chapel Lane, Hull. 
One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

HULL DAILY MAIL. See Daily Mail (Hull). (Advt. p. 452). . 

HULL DAILY NEWS, 1884. p.m. 4d. Eastern Morning and Hull News Co., 
42 Whitefriargate, Hull. 

Hull Directory, 1882. Annually. 10s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

{HULL NEWS, 1852. (ind.) Sat. Id. Eastern Morning & Hull News Co. Ltd., 
42 Whitefriargate, Hull. (London: 159 Fleet St.) 

“Hull News,” 1903. Summer Number, June; Christmas Number, Dec. ld. Eastern 
Morning & Hull News Co. Ltd., 42 Whitefriargate, Hull. 

Hull Trade and Transit, 1912 (with which is incorporated Transit, 1904). M.—15th. 
2s. 6d. per ann. H. E. C. Newham, 10a Bishop Lane, Hull. (Circulates completely 
and extensively among the business community and forwarding agents. Advt.) 

Humanitarian, 1903 (as Humanity, 1895). M.—Ist. ld. Humanitarian League, 
53 Chancery Lane, w.c. | 

Humanitarian Era, 1904. irreg. 1d. Humanitarian Publishing Co., 58 City Road, E.C. 

HUNCOAT ADVERTISER, 1889. (ind.) Tues. }$d., Fri. 1d. Hyndburn Road, Accrington. 

-One of the Accrington Advertiser series. 

Hundred Best Investments, 1911. July, 1s. Supplements Jan., April, Oct. British, 
Foreign and Colonial Corporation Ltd., 57 Bishopsgate, E.C. 

HUNSTANTON NEWS, 1903. (/) Tues., May to Sept. d. Lynn News & County 
Press Co. Ltd., Purfleet St., King’s Lynn. One of the Lynn News series. 

Hunter Stud Book, 1906. Biennially, last issue 1914. Jan. 10s. Hunters’ Improve- 

ment, &c., Society, 12 Hanover Square, w. 

Hunting Diary, 1906. Oct. 2s. 6d. W. Goldsmith & Co., 43 New Oxford St., w.c. 
{HUNTINGDONSHIRE POST, (as Hunts Guardian, 1869). (u) Thurs.—7 p.m., for Fri. 
ld. H. Butterfield, 27 High St., Huntingdon. 
tHUNTLY EXPRESS, 1863. (/) Fri—2 p.m. ld. J. Dunbar, 20 Duke St., Huntly. 
tHUNTS COUNTY NEWS, 1886 (St. Neots Chronicle, 1855, with which is amalgamated the 

St. Ives Times). (I) Thurs.—p.m., for Fri. 1d. R. Winfrey, 137 High St. Huntingdon. 
Hunt's Universal Yacht List, 1847, June. 6s. Imray, Laurie, Norrie & Wilson, Ltd., 
156 Minories, E. i . 
Hurlingham Club Laws and Byelaws of Polo, 1913. April. 1s. and 2s. Vinton & Co. 
Ltd., 8 Bream’s Buildings, E.C. 

Hurst Johnian, 1858. M.—Ist. 4d. Rev. A. H. Coombes, St. John’s College, Hurstpier- 

+HYDE REPORTER, 1886. (/) Fri., for Sat. 14d. J. Andrew & Co., Clarendon Place, Hyde. 
Hymerian, 1893. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, Hymer’s College) Hull, 

QR] Tamoc Waillhama T g4 Adaavtscoaun A ee GA Ctenaet T maa danas 

- -æ a m aaa 

Willing’s Press Guide. - {ABC List. 
mam a a A A Ea aA oa cr) 
EXPRESS, 1884. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. ld. J. English Ltd., 31 High St., Folkestone. 
One of the Folkestone Express series. 

tHYTHE REPORTER, 1885 (with which is incorporated The Folkestone Visitors’ List, 
The Folkestone News and Hythe and Sandgate Echo). (ind.) Sat. 1d. Hythe Reporter 
Ltd., Great Conduit St., Hythe. 

ibis, 1859. Jan., April, July, Oct. 8s. net., illus. W. Wesley & Son, 28 Essex 
St., Strand, w.c. 

ice and Cold Storage, 1898. M.—1st Thurs. 6d. net. Iliffe & Sons Ltd., 20 Tudor St., z.c. 

Ideas, 1905. Mon., for Sat. ld. E. Hulton & Co. Ltd., Withy Grove, Manchester. 

(London : 46 Shoe Lane.) | 

Ilford, with Seven Kings and Goodmayes Directory, 1899. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Direc- 
tories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

tiLFORD GUARDIAN, 1898. (ind.) Fri—6 a.m. ld. W. A. Locks, Ilford Hill, Ilford. 

(tnd.) Thurs.—p.m., for Fri. $d. South Essex Recorders Ltd., 169 High Road, Ilford 

(ind.) Fri., 7 a.m. for Sat. Id. J. H. Moore, Northfield Road, Ilfracombe. (Largest 
circulation. Most local news, complete Visitors’ List. Advt. 

a.m., for Sat. ld. Varman, Mitchell & Co. Ltd., rear of 9 High St., Ilfracombe. 
(Recognised as chief local paper. Double circulation of local contemporaries. Advt.) 

Fri. ld. W. Shakspeare, Heanor Road, Ilkeston. 

Ilkeston Pioneer Printing Co., Heanor Road, Ilkeston. = 

Sat. 1d. Wm. Walker & Sons (Otley) Ltd., Victoria Works, Otley. One of the 
Wharfedale and Airedale Observer series. 

for Sat. 1d. C. & M. Shuttleworth, Gothic House, Brook St., Ilkley. 

illuminating Engineer, 1908. M.—15th. ‘Is. Illuminating Engineering Publishing Co. 

. Ltd., 32 Victoria St., s.w. (Official Organ of the Illuminating Engineering Society, 
Founded in 1909, Advt.) | 

Miustrated Bits, 1912 (as Jilustvated Tid-Bits, 1884, with which is incorporated Pick-me- 
Up, 1888, as Variety Life, 1911). Mon. 9a.m. 1d. I. B. Publishing Co., 13 Milford 
Lane, Strand, w.c. 

tilustrated Carpenter and Builder, 1877. Thurs.—10 a.m. ld. J. Dicks Press Ltd., 

Temple Avenue, E.c. | 
illustrated Chips, 1890. Wed. for Sat. 4d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon 

t., E.C. f 
{ILLUSTRATED CHRONICLE, 1910. Daily—a.m. 43d. W. Ord, Westgate Road, 

tillustrated Kennel News, 1902. Fri. 1d. Illustrated Kennel News Co. Ltd., 56 Ludgate 

, E.C. 

{ILLUSTRATED LEICESTER CHRONICLE, 1915 (as Leicester Chronicle and Leicester- 
Shire Mercury, 1810). (2). Fri.—11 a.m. for Sat. 1d. F. Hewitt & Son Ltd., 25-29 
Albion St., Leicester. (London: 44 Fleet St.) | 

tILLUSTRATED- LONDON NEWS, 1842. Fri., for Sat. 6d. A separate Christmas 
Number in Nov., 1s. Illustrated London News & Sketch Ltd., 172 Strand, w.c. 
Advt. Office, 195 Strand, w.c. (Advt. p. 452). 

Illustrated Official Guide to the London Zoological Gardens, 1858. April. 6d. Zoological 
Society of London, Regent’s Park, N.w. . 

_ tillustrated Official Journal Patents, 1889 (as Z//ustvated Journal of Patented Inventions, 

ale Wed.—10 a.m. 6d. Patent Office, 25 Southampton Buildings, Chancery 
e, W.C. 

tillustrated Police News, 1864. Wed.—morn., for Sat. 1d. F. Reed, Merton House, ` 
St. Bride’s Avenue, Fleet St., E.C. 

tliustrated Poultry Record, 1908. Quarterly. 6d. net. Victoria House Publishing Co., 
Tudor House, Tudor St., E.c. f 

6d. 172 Strand, w.c. 

tILLUSTRATED SUNDAY HERALD, 1915. Sun. 1d. London Publishing Co. Ltd., 
46 Shoe Lane, E.C. 

tihustrated War News, 1914. Wed. 6d. Ilustrated London News and Sketch Ltd., 
172 Strand, w.c. ! 

ABC List.) 

+iILLUSTRATED WESTERN WEEKLY NEWS, 1906 (as Western Weekly News, 1861). 
(ind.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Western Morning News Co. Ltd., Plymouth. (London : 
47 Fleet at 

illustrated Wrexham Argus, 1884. M.—l5th. 2d. A. W. Berkeley and E. Jones 

50 Chester St., Wrexham. F i 

Imeldist, 1912. M.—23rd. 4d. Dominican Fathers, St. Saviour’s, Dublin. 

tIMPARTIAL REPORTER, 1825 (with which is incorporated Fermanagh Mail, 1808). 
(u) Thurs.—4 a.m. 1d. W. Trimble, 7 East Bridge St., Enniskillen. 

Imperial Cadet Magazine, 1913 (with which is incorporated Territorial Cadet Magazine 
and Journal, 1912). M.—23rd. ld. Cadet Publications Ltd., 4 Featherstone Build- 
ings, Holborn, w.c. 

imperial ae 1902. a 2d. a Women’s Emigration Association 

`- Imperial Institute, s.w. e protected emigration of women of go r 
of all classes to the British Colonies. Advt) Bore nee 

Imperial News, 1915. Sat. 1d. Dominion of Canada News Co. Ltd., General Buildings 
Aldwych, w.c. f 

Imperial Society of Knights Bachelor-Knightage, 1914. March. 2s. 6d. The Society 
8 Clifford Inn, E.c. A ? 

Imperial Tariff, 1868. Dec. 3s. With appendix, 4s. 6d. Eyre & i 

Pet Harding SA E.C. PE y Spottiswoode, 

timpani ns 1916. Sat. Subs., 8s, Pemberton-Billing Imperial Air Convention, Hertford. 

implement and Machinery Review, 1878 (as Implement Manufacturers’ Review, 1875). 

~ M.—Ist. 8d. H. Westcott, 28 Budge Row, Cannon St., E.C. 

Impressions, 1914. M.—15th. 6d. G. E. Whitehouse, 76 Hanover St., Edinburgh. 
Incorporated Accountants’ Journal, 1889. M.—list. 84. 
Accountants and oe 50 Gresham St., E.c. 
Incorporated Accountants’ Year Book, 1886. Oct. 2s. Society of Incorpor z 

boat and Auditors, 50 Gresham St., E.C. 7 Tporar d Account 

Incorporated Law Society of Ireland Calendar and Law Directory, 1886. Jan. 3s. W.G. 
Wakely, Solicitors’ Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin. , 

Incorporated Phonographic Society’s Quarterly Journal, 1914. 3d. H. J. Cork 
19 Finchley Park, North Finchley, N. . f 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Incorporated Students’ Telephone, 1910. Half-yearly. 2s. H. Foulks Lynch & Co., 

61 Watling St., E.C. : 

Increase, 1885. Dec. Gratis. Drummond’s Tract Depôt, Stirling. 

Indent Gazette, 1895. Wed. £2 2s. per ann. S. E. Williams, 24 Mark Lane, E.C. 

INDEPENDANCE BELGE, 1914. p.m. ld. A. Lenonnier, Tudor Ilouse, Tudor St., E.c 

Index Library, 1888. Quarterly, 21s. per ann. British Record Society Ltd. "124 
Chancery Lane, W.C. r 

Index to Periodicals, 1914. May, Nov. 21s, net. S. Paul& Co., 31 Essex St., Strand, w.c 

Index to the “Glasgow Herald,” 1906. Jan. 2s. 6d. G. Outram & Co. Ltd., 65-9 Buchanan 
St., Glasgow. (London: 112 Fleet St.) 

Index to ‘The Times,” Palmer’s, 1867. Quarterly. 12s. 6d. Mrs. A. Palmer, Richmond 
House, Shepperton-on-Thames. (This indispensable Book of reference has now 
gone back to the year 1794. A record of the world’s history for 120 years. (Adut.) 

tindia, 1890. Fri. 3d. W. D. Hall, 85 Palace Chambers, s.w. l 

+Indiaman, 1914 (with which are incorporated Overland Mai!, 1855, and Homewavd Mail 
1856). Fri. 6d. Oriental Newspaper Co. Ltd., 16-17 Devonshire Square, E.c 

India Office List, 1896. Feb. or March. Maps. 12s. 6d. net. Harrison & Sons, 45 Pall 
Mall, s.w. (Containing an account of the services of the officers in the India Service 
and other information, by direction of Secretary of State for India in Council. Advt.) 

a Rubber Journal, 1884. Sat. 3d., illus. Maclaren & Sons Ltd., 37 & 38 Shoe 

ane, E.C. 

Indian and Japanese Textile and Engineering Diary, 1890. Nov. W. H. Gribbin & 
Co., 16 John Dalton St., Manchester. 

Indian Appeals, 1874. Three parts per year. 2ls. per ann. Incorporated Council o- 
Law Reporting for England and Wales, 10 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, w.c. 
Indian Bookman, 1914. Quarterly. Gratis. Christian Literature Society for India. 

35 on a i een ee i 

indian Church Magazine, . Quarterly. 2s. per ann. Indian Church Aid iati 
Church House, Dean’s Yard, Westminster, S.W. psec ton, 

Indian Education, 1902. M.—lst. 1s. net. Longmans, Green & Co., 39 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Indian Magazine and Review, (as Journal of the National Indian Association 1871) 
M.—lIst. 3d. National Indian Association, 21 Cromwell Road, s.w. 

India’s Women and China’s Daughters, 1881. M.—24th. ld., illus. Church of England 
Zenana Missionary Society, 27 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

-3 Taan T:llian T44 Adaovtaciama Aoonte 194 Chlynnd T nmdnm 

Society of Incorporated 

- væn t 

e nan 
INDIGATOR, 1867. 1 
imdsaist, 1903 í 
Rights Associati 
Industrial Direcicty « 
Fetter Lane, E. 
lndestrial Engineer, 
Journal, 1911}. 
Industrial Progress, 

infinite, 1912. Irre 
discloses the p! 

It aims at a |: 
Inquirer, 1842. Fr 
Buildings, Cha 
\astitute Journal, | 
institute Journal a 
cians, 25 Frie 
\nstitute Magazine 
near Birming 
wei o Camne 
pper Priory 
lnstructer, 1906. \ 
Insaranee, Banki 
Insurance an 
Pitcher & Cc 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABE List. 

INDISATOR, 1867. Daily, except Saturday. $d. Lane Bros. Ltd., 299 Harrow Road, w. 

individualist, 1903 (as Personal Rights, 1881). Alter-M —15th. 24d. Personal 
Rights Association, 32 Charing Cross, s.w. 

Industrial Directory of the United Kingdom, 1915. Aug. Is. 3d. Wyman & Sons Ltd., 
Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Industrial Engineer, 1913 (with which is incorporated the Enginemen and Firemen’s 
Journal, 1911). Sat. 1d. J. Heywood Ltd., Deansgate, Manchester. 

industrial Progress, 1914. Jan. and July. Gratis. Great Northern Ry., King’s Cross, N. 

Infants’ Magazine, 1866. M.—25th. ld., illus. S. W. Partridge & Co., 21-22 Old 
Bailey, E.c. 

‘Infinito, 1912. Irreg. Gratis. M. N. Balkachine, 113 Queen St., Dumfries. (Infinito 

discloses the philosophy of the sense of individual cosmic responsibility of man. 
It aims at a European federation based on closer allied intercourse. Advt.) 
Inquirer, 1842. Fri—p.m., for Sat. ld. Inquirer Publishing Co. Ltd., 13 Bream’s 
Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C. 
Institute Journal, 1912. M.—last Sat. 1d. Institute of Journalists, 2- 4 Tudor St., E.c. 

Anstitute Journal and Optometrist, ae M.—Ilst. 6d. Institute of Ophthalmic Opti- 

cians, 25 Friern Barnet Road, 

institute Magazine,’ 1882. M., during | Session. ld. H. J. Sabin, “Ingleside, - Walmley, 
near Birmingham. 

Institute of Commerce Magazine, 1907. Quarterly. 2d. E. P. Booth, Lichfield Chambers, 
Upper Priory, Birmingham. 

instructor, 1906. M.—22nd. 4d. Free Church of Scotland, 15 North Bank St., Edinburgh. 

insurance, Banking, and Financial Review, 1888 (with which is incorporated the 
Insurance and Banking Review, 1886; as Insurance, 1881). M.—I15th. 3d. J. 
Pitcher & Co. Ltd., 4 Newman St., w. 

Insurance Advocate and British Underwriter, 1913 (as British Underwriter, 1902). M.— 
15th. Id. Rea & Inchbould, Merton House, Salisbury Square, E.c 

insurance Agent and Insurance Review, 1866. M.—Ist. ld. Percival Marshall & Co., 
66 Farringdon St., E.c. 

insurance and Financial Gazette, 1889 (as Ulster Insurance Gazette, 1879). M.—\st. 6d. 
John Bain, 74 Royal Avenue, Belfast. 

Insurance Blue Book and Guide, 1873. May. 3s. and 5s. Percival Marshall .& Co., 
66 Farringdon St., E.c. 

insurance Broker, 1915. M.-—15th. 3d. Insurance pes (Leicester) Ltd., 1 St. Martin’s, 

Insurance Gem, 1910. M.-—Ist. ld. Tisgrancs Trading Co. Ltd., Isleworth, w. 

insurance Guardian and Banking Record, 1867. M.—30th. 2d. Simpkin & Co. Ltd., 
32 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Insurance Index, 1870 (English Edition). M —28th. 6d. R. B. Caverly, 46 Strand, w.c. 

Insurance Journal and General Financial Record, 1878. M.—isth. 4d. H. Wilkinson, 
47 Fleet St., E.c. 

Insurance Magazine, 1913. Quarterly. ld. Faculty of Insurance Ltd., 7 Sicilian House, 

- Southampton Row, w.c. 

tinsurance Mail, 1904. Tues., for Sat. 1d. Insurance Publishing Co. Ltd., 85 Fleet St. E.C. 

Insurance Mail Year Book, 1913. March. 5s. 4d. Insurance Publishing Co. Ld., 85 
Fleet St., E.c. A 

Insurance Man, 1913. M.—15th. 1d. Insurance News Agency, Isleworth, w. 

Insurance News, 1884. Ist and 15th. 3d. H. Plummer, 38 Fountain St., Manchester. 

tinsurance Observer, 1888. Fri. 6¢. G. H. Ribbons & Co., 37 Walbrook, E.C. 

Insurance Opinion, 1882. M.—25th. 2d. Dunlop & Co., 1 & 2 Whitfield St., Finsbury, E z.C. 

tinsurance Record and Actuarial and Statistical Journal, 1863. Fri.—-4 pm. 2d. 
Callingham & Co., 13 York St., Covent Garden, w.c. 

insurance Spectator of London, 1880. 8th and 22nd. 4d. Russell & Co., 2 Copthall 
Buildings, E.C. 

Insurance World, 1879. Twice M.—7th and 2Ist. 4d. Sharman & Co., 
10 Clifford’s Inn, E.c. 

moan Cable Register of the World, 1900. Jan. 20s. International Cable Direc- 

tory Co., 604-5 Salisbury House, London Wall, E.c. 

International ‘Catalogue of Scientific Literature, 1902. Irreg. Price varies. Harrison & 
Son,’45 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c. 

International Code of Signals, 1856. Irreg. 21s. Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & Co. Ltd. 
1 New Street Square. 

international Co-operative. Bulletin, 1908. M.—Ist. 4d. International Co-operative 
Alliance, 146 St. Stephen’s House, Westminster, s.w. 

I. C. $. Student, 1909. M.—Jst. 2d. International Correspondence Schools Ltd., 
International poms: Ringway: W.C. 

“a = a ae ma wa prym a a -m w& se as iE; 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

International Daily Text Book, 1879. Nov. 4d. net. S.S.U., 57 Ludgate Hill, z.c. 

International Directory of Booksellers’ and Bibliophiles’ Manual, 1886. Triennially, 
last issue 1914. 6s. Jas. Clegg, Aldine Press, Rochdale. 

International Genealogical Directory, 1907. Irreg., last issue 1912. 10s. 9d. C. A. Bernau, 
20 Charleville Road, w. 

international Good Templar, 1887. M.—20th. 2d. T. Honeyman, 166 Hill St., Glasgow. 

International Homoeopathic Directory, 1867. Biennially, last issue 1911. 4s. net. 
Homoeopathic Publishing Co., 12 Warwick Lane, E.c. 

International Journal of Apocrypha, 1907 (as Deutero-Canonica, 1905). Quarterly. 6d. 
net. International Society of the Apocrypha, 15 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

international Journal of Ethics, 1889. Jan., April, July, Oct.—15th. 2s. 6d. G. Allen, 
& Unwin, 40 Museum St., w.c. 

International Language, 1910. 3 times yearly. 8d. G. A. Moore, 32 Cleveland Square, w. 

international Law Notes, 1916. M.—lIst. 9d. International Law Notes Ltd., 
88 Chancery: Lane, w.c. . 

International Lesson Pocket Notes, 1915. Nov. 10d. net. S.$.U., 57 Ludgate Hill, E. 
international Marine Engineering, 1899. M.—15th. 6d. Benn Bros. Ltd., 31 Chris- 
topher St., Finsbury Square, E.c. . 
International: Number of The Shipbuilder, 1912. June. 2s. 4d. & 4s. 6d. post free. 

The Shipbuilder Press, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

International Psychic Gazette, 1915. M.—I1st. 6d. Stead’s Publishing House, Bank 
Buildings, Kingsway, w.c. 

International Review of Missions, 1911. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. net. Oxford University 
Press, Amen Corner, E.c. 

International Sugar Journal, 1899 (as Sugar Cane, 1869). M. 15th. Is. net. 2 St. 
Dunstan’s Hill, £.c. (The leading technical Journal of the Sugar Manufacturing 
Industry throughout the world. Advt.) 

Interpreter, 1913. Quarterly. 1s. R. Scott, Roxburghe House, Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Inventor’s Journal, 1911 (as British Machinist and Patents, 1903. M.—15th. 2d. Hughes 
& Young, 55-6 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

INVERGORDON TIMES, 1855. (/) Tues—7 p.m., for Wed. Id. H. W. Graham, 
54-8 High St., Invergordon. 

Inverness Burgh Directory, 1884. May. 1s. Carruthers & Sons, Bank Lane, Inverness. 

Inverness County Directory, 1885. Jan. 1s. Carruthers & Sons, Bank Lane, Inverness. 

TINVERNESS COURIER, 1817. (l.u) Tues and Fri—a.m. ld. Carruthers & Sons, 
Bank Lane, Inverness. 

Journal (Dundee) series. 

Investment Register, 1878. M.—1st. 1d. Industrial Securities Co. Ltd., 37 Walbrook,£.c. 

Investor's Four Shilling Year Book, 1915. Dec. 4s. Financial Review of Reviews, 
2 Waterloo Place, s.w. 

Investor’s Monthly Manual, 1864. M.—3rd. 1s.; June and Dec., 1s. 6d. 3 Arundel © 

St., Strand, w.c. 

tinvestors’ Guardian and Joint Steck Companies’ Review, 1863. Sat. 6d. Investors’ 
Guardian Ltd., Lime Street Chambers, 21 Lime St., E.c. (The Recognised Organ 
of Public Companies. a 

tinvestors’ Review, 1892. Sat. 6d. C. Wilson, Norfolk House, Norfolk St., Strand, w.c. 

Ipswich Directory, 1899. Last issue 1915. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High 

. Holborn, w.c. 

ipswich School Magazine, 1857. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, School House, Ipswich. 

ireland’s Own, 1902. Wed. ld. Mrs. M. E. Walsh, 40 Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin. 

TIRELAND’S SATURDAY NIGHT, 1894. (ind.) Fri. and Sat.—p.m. 3d. W. & G. 
Baird Ltd., Royal Avenue, Belfast. (London: 40-43 Fleet St.) 

Irish and Scotch Linen and Jute Trades Journal, 1913. M.—15th. 6d, R. Carswell & 
Son Ltd., 39 Queen St., Belfast. 

irish Bee Journal, 1901. M.—1st. 1d. Bee Publications, Lough Rynn, R.S.O., Co. Leitrim. 

irish Book Lover, 1909. M.-—lst. 3d. Salmond & Co., 1033 Harrow Road, Willesden, n.w. 

Irish Builder and Engineer, 1859 (with which is incorporated the Irish Engineering and 
Industrial Review). Alter. Sats. 1d.,illus. Mecredy, Percy & Co. Ltd.,34 Lower Abbey 
St., Dublin. (London: 54 Avenue Chambers, Southampton Row). 

tirish Catholic, 1888, Thurs. 1d. W. F. Dennehy, 55 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. (The 
Irish Catholic is the only strictly Catholic paper published in overwhelmingly Roman 
Catholic Ireland, and has a proportionately large circulation among the Irish at 
home and abroad. Its character as a Catholic journal has been testified to in a 
remarkable public utterance by His Eminence Cardinal Logue. Advt.) 

Irish Catholic Directory and Almanac, 1891. Dec. 2s. 6d. net. Jas. Duffy & Co. Ltd., 
38 Westmoreland St., Dublin. 

ON cel anaa Lavertising Agents, 125, Strand, London, 

ke t. —. 


Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Irish Church Directory, 1862. Jan. 2s. 6d. net. Church of Ireland Printing and Pub- 
lishing Co. Ltd., 61 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. 

irish Church Quarterly, 1907. 1s. 6d. Hodges, Figgis & Co. Ltd., 104 Grafton St., Dublin. 

tirish Churehman, 1910. Fri. 1d. R. Carswell & Son, 37-9 Queen St., Belfast. 

irish Citizen, 1912. Sat. ld. Irish Citizen Publishing Co., D’Olier St., Dublin. 

Irish Clergy List, 1904. Dec. Is. W. Tempest, Crowe St., Dundalk. 

irish Congregational Magazine, 1912. M.—I1st. ld. Davidson & McCormack, North- 
gate Works, Belfast. | 

tirish Cyclist and Motor Cyclist, 1885 (with which is incorporated Irish Wheelman, 
1903). Wed. ld. Mecredy, Percy & Co. Ltd., 34 Lower Abbey St., Dublin. 
(London: 516 Bank Buildings.) | 

TERISH DAILY TELEGRAPH, 1904. (ind.) Sam. $d. W. & G. Baird Ltd., Royal 
Avenue, Belfast. (London: 40-43 Fleet St.) . 

irish Draper, 1902 (with which is incorporated the Irish Drapery Review). M.—Ist. 
ld. Frazer & Co., 82 Dame St., Dublin. 

vee ee Record, 1864. M.—Ist. 1s. Browne & Nolan Ltd., 41 Nassau St., 


- Irish Endeavourer, 1895. M.—30th. 1d. J.S. Nicholas, 34 Brecknock Road, Knowle, 
tirish Farmer and Steckowner, 1914. Sat. 4d. Irish Agricultural Publishing Co., 
55 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. 2 

tirish Farming World, 1888. Fri.. 1d. W. A. Fraser, 15 Fleet St., Dublin. 

“Irish Farming World ” Directory and Annual, 1908. Dec. ls. W. A. Fraser, 15 
Fleet St., Dublin. 

tirish Field and Gentioman’s Gazette, 1894 (as Irish Sportsman, 1870). Sat.—a.m. 
ld. Irish Times Ltd., 11 D’Olier St., Dublin. (London: 59 Fleet St., E.c.) 

a oral 1906. M.—lIst. 2d. Irish Gardening Ltd., 53 Upper Sackville St., 


Irish Golfing Guide, 1912. April. 1s. Cahill & Co. Ltd., 40 Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin. 

tirish Grocer, Drug, Provision, and General Trades Journal, 1893. Sat. 1d. Irish Grocer 
Ltd., 10 Garfield Chambers, Belfast. (London : Montague House, Russell Square). 
(Adut. p. 452). 

irish Grocery World and Allied Trades Review, 1908. Fortnightly—Sat. ld. J. W. 
Gillmour, 11 Garfield Chambers, Belfast. (Advt. p. 452). l 

tirish Homestead, 1895. Sat. 1d. Irish Homestead Ltd., 34 Lower Abbey St., Dublin. 

tIRISH INDEPENDENT, 1904 (as Irish Daily Independent, 1891, with which was 
incorporated the Daily Nation, 1900). (nat.) 5a.m. $d. Independent Newspapers 
Ltd., Carlisle Buildings, Dublin. (London «68 Fleet St.) 

tirish Industrial Journal, 1909. Sat. 1d. Irish Industrial Printing and Publishing 
Co. Ltd., 49 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. 

irish investors’ Guardian, 1894. lst and 3rd Sat. of each month. 3d. R. Perrin, 12-14 
College Green, Dublin. i 

irish ironmonger, 1907 (with which is incorporated the Irish Hardware Review). M.— 

- 25th. 3s. per ann. Frazer & Co., 82 Dame St., Dublin. 

irish Journal of Education, 1910. M.—20th. 3d. 28 Brighton Avenue, Rathgar, Dublin. 

irish Law Times and Solicitors’ Journal, 1867. Sat. 9d. J. Falconer, 53 Upper Sack- 
ville St., Dublin. 

tirish Life, 1912. Fri. 6d. Cahill & Co. Ltd., 40 Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin. (The 

weekly illustrated journal of Ireland. Advt.) 

Irish Manufacturers’ Directory and Year Book, 1902. Jan. 2s. 6d. K. J. Kenny, 65 

Middle “Abbey St., Dublin. 

irish Military Guide, 1891. M.—2nd Mon. 6d., illus. E. Manico Ltd., 12 D’Olier St., 
Dublin. (London: 92 Fleet St.) 

irish Monthly, 1873. 25th. 6d. M. H. Gill & Son Ltd., 50 Upper O’Connell St., Dublin. 
(London: Simpkin & Co.) 

I i etd Directory and Motorist Annual, 1905. July. 1s. 4d., post free. W. Tempest, 

undalk. - 

irish Naturalist, 1892. M.—Ist. 6d. Eason & Son Ltd., Dublin. (London: Simpkin 
& Co., 32 Paternoster Row.) 

{IRISH NEWS AND BELFAST MORNING NEWS, 1855. (nat) Daily—4 a.m. 1d. 

_ Irish News Ltd., 113-117 Donegall St., Belfast. (London: 85 Fleet St.) 

IRISH POST, 1910. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. ld. W. & G. Baird Ltd., Royal Avenue, 
Belfast. (London : 40-3 Fleet St.) 

irish Postal and Telegraph Guardian, 1904. M.—l1st. 2d. Association of Irish Post 
Office Clerks, 4 Cavendish Road, Dublin. 

irish Presbyterian, 1895. -M.—Ist. 1d. Davidson & McCormack, Northgate Works, 
170 North St., Belfast. 

Advertisements received for all the Dublin Newspapers and Periodicals. [93 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

irish Printer, Stationer, and Allied Trades Journal, 1905. M.—10th. 1d. D. R. King, ` 

8 St. Alphonsus Road, Dublin. 
Irish Protestant, 1915. M.—25th. ld. W. Johnson, 7 Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin. 
tirish Racing Calendar, Fri. 6d. Stewards of the Turf Club, 14 Upper Merrion St., Dublin. 
Irish Reports, 1867. M.—l1st, except Sept. and Oct. £3 3s. per ann. E. Ponsonby Ltd., 

116 Grafton St., Dublin. l 
Irish Rosary, 1897. M.—25th. 4d. Dominican Fathers, St. Saviour’s Priory, Dublin. 
tirish School Weekly, 1904 (as Irish Teachers’ Journal, 1867). Thurs. 1d. Educational 

Co. of Ireland Ltd., 89 Talbot St., Dublin. (London: Montague House, Russell 

Square). f 
tirish Society and Social Review, 1888. Wed., for Sat.—6 a.m. ld. E. Manico Ltd., 

12 D'Olier St., Dublin. (London : 92 Fleet St.) 
irish Templar and Temperance Journal, 1873. M.—1st. 1d. G. Reilly, City Chambers, 

Royal Avenue, Belfast. l 
irish Textile Journal, 1886 (as Belfast Linen Trade Circular, 1852, now Linen Trade 

‘Circular, 1913). 

a a g Quarterly, 1906. 2s. M. H. Gill & Son Ltd., 50 Upper O’Connell 
t., Dublin. ; 
tIRISH TIMES, 1859. (c) Daily—5 a.m. ld. Irish Times Ltd., 31 Westmoreland 

St., Dublin. (London : 59 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 453). ; 
irish Madar at Trade Journal, 1898. M.—15th. 3s. 6d. per ann. Frazer & Co., 82 Dame 

St., Dublin. 

TIRISH WEEKLY AND ULSTER EXAMINER, 1878. (nat.) Thurs., for Sat—6 a.m. 

ld. Irish News Ltd., 113-117 Donegall St., Belfast. (London: 85 Fleet St.) 
tIRISH WEEKLY INDEPENDENT, 1904 (as Weekly Independent, 1893, with which 

was incorporated the Weekly Nation, 1900). (nat.) Thurs. 1d. Independent 

Newspapers -Ltd., Carlisle Buildings, Dublin. (London: 68 Fleet St.) 

{IRISH WEEKLY MAIL AND WARDER, 1909 (as Warder, 1821). (u) Thurs., for Sat. 1d. 

Dublin Express & Mail Ltd., 39-40 Parliament St., Dublin. (London: 85 Fleet St.) 
{IRISH WEEKLY RECORD, 1910. (ind.) Sat. 1d. A. Forbes, Renfield Lane, Glasgow. 

One of the Weekly Mail and Record series. 
IRLAM AND CADISHEAD TELEGRAPH, 1895. (ind.) Fri. ld. Telegraph Printing 

Co. Ltd., Railway Road, Urmston. One of the Western Telegraph series. 
tiron and Coal Trades Review, 1866. Fri. 6d., illus. Eagland & Co. Ltd., 165 Strand, w.c. 
tiron and Steel Trades Journal and iron Trade Circular, 1915 (as Iron Trade Exchange 

1849, as Iron and Steel Trades Journal, etc., 1887). Sat. 6d. Rylands Ltd. 

55-57 Drury Lane, w.c. 

Ivonmonger Metal Market Year Book, 1907. Jan. 3s. 6d. Morgan Bros.,42 Cannon St., E.C. 
tlronmonger, Universal Engineer, and Motal Trades’ Advertiser, 1859. Sat. 6¢., illus. 

Morgan Brothers, 42 Cannon St., E.C. 

Ironmongers’ Diary, 1869. Dec. 3s. 6d. Morgan Brothers, 42 Cannon St., E.C. 

tironmongers’ Weekly, 1908. Sat. Subs, 5s. 6d. per ann. home; 7s. 6d. per ann. over 
seas. British Ironmongers’ Catalogue Co. Ltd., Lionel St., Birmingham. 

ironmongery, 1888 (incorporated with Hardware Trade Journal). 

TIRVINE AND FULLARTON TIMES, 1873. (J Fri.—7 a.m. ld. A. Guthrie & Sons, 

Princes St., Ardrossan. One of the Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald series. 

land, High St., Irvine. | 


Greene, 18 Main St., New Milns. 

islamic Review, 1913. M.—ist. 6d. The Mosque, Woking. — 

TISLAND STAR, 1910. (/) Sat. 1d. Island Star Newspaper Co. Ltd., 102 High St., 
Newport, I. of W. (The paper that advertised the Isle of Wight. Circulating 
60 square miles, eighty Agencies. An unequaled advertising medium. Advt.) 

jISLE OF ELY AND WISBECH ADVERTISER, 1845. (ind.) Wed., 1d., and Sat., 4d. 
Gardiner & Co., 10-11 Union St., Wisbech. (Good fruit growing and agricultural 
district Advt.) 

{ISLE OF MAN DAILY TIMES, 1890. (ind. i) Noon. id. Brown & Sons Ltd., Times 
Buildings, Athol St., Douglas. 

tISLE OF MAN EXAMINER, 1880. (J) Fri—5 p.m., for Sat. ld. S. K. Broadbent & 
Co. Ltd., Victoria St., Douglas, and Port St. Mary. [oe 

Isle of Man Examiner Official Directory, 1890. Dec. 3d. S. K. Broadbent & Co. Ltd., 
Victoria St., Douglas. 

tISLE OF MAN WEEKLY TIMES, 1861. (ind.) Sat. 14d. Brown & Sons Ltd. Times 
Buildings, Athol St., Douglas. 

Isle of Thanet Directory, 1882. Ann. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

94] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

a o aaraa 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Fri., for Sat. Id. I. Jolliffe, 17 Church St., Ventnor. 


ld. W. H. Findon & Co., 5 High St., Sandown. (Thoroughly progressive news- 
paper seeking to advance the Island’s interests as a health and pleasure resort. 
Read by all classes. Advt.) 

tISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY PRESS, 1884 (with which is incorporated the Isle of Wight 
Express, 1870). (u) Sat—6 a.m. ld. G. A. Brannon, 29 High Street, Newport, 
I. of W., and 29 Union St., Ryde; Branch Offices at Cowes, Sandown, Shanklin, 
Ventnor, and Freshwater, I. of W.; 100 agencies, including London, Lymington, 
Southampton and Portsmouth. (Circulation guaranteed far in advance of any 
other Island paper. Net sales 13,000 to 15,000 weekly, a copy entering practically 
every home throughout the Isle of Wight. Printed. by Web Rotary machinery. 
Enlarged July, 1913. Advt.) 

Isle of Wight Directory, 1886. Last issue 1914. 5s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Fri.—4 p.m., for Sat. 1d. G. W. Fellows, Shooter’s Hill, Cowes. 

ISLE OF WIGHT JOURNAL AND NEWPORT TIMES, 1905 (as Newport Times, 1870). 
(c) Fri. ld. Holbrook & Son Ltd., 73 Upper St. James’s St., Newport, I.W. 
One of the Portsmouth Times series. ‘(London : 62 Ludgate Hill.) 

LIST, 1855. (c) Fri—p.m., for Sat. ld. B. W. Russell, 33 Pier St., Ventnor. 

tISLE OF WIGHT OBSERVER, 1852. (u) Fri—p.m., for Sat. id. R. S. Hartnall, 
Colonade, Lind St., Ryde. 

tISLE OF WIGHT TIMES AND HAMPSHIRE GAZETTE, 1862 (with which is incor- 
Sader soem ee Island Standard). (ind.) Wed., for Thurs. 1d. W. J. Miche, 72 Union 
St., Ryd 

HISLINGTON. DAILY GAZETTE, 1856. (ind.) Daily (except Sat.)—3 am. d. W. 
Trounce, 10 Gough Square, Fleet St., E.c., & 10 High St., Islington, N. (Advt. p. 453). 

{ISLINGTON NEWS AND HORNSEY GAZETTE, 1877. (ind.) Fri.—4 p.m. ld. W. 
Trounce, 10 Gough Square, E.c., and 10 High St., Islington, N. ` 

Janene and Carver's Directory of Herefordshire, 1914. 12s. Jakeman & Carver, 
- 4-5 High Town, Hereford. 
Jane's All the World’s Aircraft, 1909. Oct. 21s. net. Sampson Low, Marston & Co. 
Ltd., 100 Southwark St., E.c. 
Jane's Fighting Ships, 1898. July. 21s. net. Sampson Low, Marston & Co. Ltd., 
100 Southwark St., S.E. 
Japanese Journal of Commerce, 1893. Quar. Eastern Press Ltd., 3 Chancery Lane, w.c. 
Jarman’s: Wrexham Year Book and Local Directory, 1911 (as Wrexham Year Book, 
1895). Dec. 1d. Jarman & Sons Ltd., Argyle St., Wrexham. 
Robinson, 38-40 Ormonde St., Jarrow. . 
tJEDBURGH GAZETTE AND BORDER COURIER, 1870. (l.u) Fri. 1d. W. Easton. 
9 Market Place, Jedburgh. 
Jelfjerson’s Nautical Almanac and Tide Tables, 1802. Oct. 1s. Fargher & Co., 
6 Grange Road, Thornton Heath. (London : Simpkin & Co. Ltd.) 
Jepson’s Mercantile. Directory and Manufacturers’ Guide, 1875. a 20s. Carter 
Jepson Publishing Co. Ltd., 32 Dean’s Court, Old Bailey, E ' 
- Jersey -Directory and Almanac, 1861. Dec. 6d. and 1s. J. T. Bigwood, 13 Broad St., 
St. Helier, Jersey. | 
tJERSEY ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY, 1910. Thurs. ld. Jersey News Co. Ltd., 49 
Halkett Place, St. Helier, Jersey. 
Jersey Post Royal Almanac and Directory, 1910. Dec. 9d and 1s. 3d. W. E. Guiton, 
2 Charles St:, St. Helier, Jersey. 
Ve ga WEEKLY POST, 1910. Thurs. ld. W. E. Guiton, 2 Charles St., St. Helier, 
Jester, 1902 (as Funny Wonder, 1893). Fri., , for Sat. Ide Amalgamated Press Ltd., 
22-25 Farringdon St., E.C. 
Jeweller and Metalworker, 1873. Semi-M. aie & 15th. 1d. Allens (Clerkenwell) Ltd., 
24 Clerkenwell Rd., E.c. 
Jeweller and Metalworker’s Annual, 1878. Dec. 1s. 6d. Allens (Clerkenwell) Ltd., 24 
Clerkenwell Rd., E.C. 
Jewellers’ and Watchmakers’ Trade Advertiser, 1891 (with which is incorporated Cutler 
and Electro Plater, 1889). M.—15th. 2d. H. R. Goldsmith, Town Hall Printing 
Offices, 148-149 Great Charles St., Birmingham. (London,;)2;4 Tudor St.) 

Advertisements received for all the Bath Newspapers. [95 

ABC List Willing’s Press Guide. 

{JEWISH CHRONICLE, 1841. Fri. 3d. Jewish Chronicle Ltd., 2 Finsbury Square, E.C. 

JEWISH EVENING NEWS, 1914. (ind.) 6 p.m. 4d. Jewish Times Lia, 325 White- 
chapel Road, E. 

TUEWISH EXPRESS, 1895. Daily. 3d. Wed., Id. H. Ginsburg, 89 Commercial St., E. 

- Jewish Herald, 1899. (as Jewish Herald, 1846 ; as Jewish Missionary Herald, 1895). 
M.—Ist. id. S. W. Partridge & Co., 21-2 Old Bailey, E.c. 

Jewish Missionary Intelligence, 1835. M. —25th. 1d. London Jews Society, 16 Lincoln’s 
Inn Fields, w.c. 

Jewish Quarterly Review, 1910 (new series). 3s. net. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., St. Martin’s 

JEWISH TIMES, 1913. 6 a.m., except Sat. 3d. Jewish Times Ltd., 325 Whitechapel 


JEWISH’ WORLD, 1873. Wed. ld. Jewish Chronicle Ltd., 2 Finsbury Square, E.c. 

Jewish Year-Book, 1895. Jan. 1s. Jewish Chronicle Ltd., 2 Finsbury Square, E.C. 

tJohn Bull, 1906. Wed., for Sat. 1d. Odhams Ltd., 93-4 Long Acre, w.c. 

John Bull ‘Annual, 1912. Joe ls. Odhams Ltd., 93-4 Long Acre, w.c. 

John Heywood’s Railway Guide, M.—Ist. 2d. J. Heywood Ltd., Deansgate, Manchester. 

tJOHN O’GROAT JOURNAL, 1836. (u) Fri. ld. P. Reid & Co. Ltd., Bridgend, Wick. 

John Ploughman’s Almanac, 1873. Dec. 1d. Marshall Bros. Ltd., 47 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

JOHNSTONE ADVERTISER, 1890. (ind.) Fri—a.m. $d. Landles & Co., 3 High St., 
Johnstone. . 

tdoint Stock Companies Journal, 1898 (as Bradshaw’s Railway Gazette, 1845). Wed. 
6d. W. B. Ritchie, 11 Queen Victoria St., E.c. 

Joint Transactions of the London Chartered Accountants’ Students’ Societies, 1904. May. 
4s. Gee & Co. Ltd., 34 Moorgate St., E.C. 

Jolly Book, 1910. Oct. Qs. 6d. net. Nelson & Sons, 35 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Jose Lille’s Juvenile Dressmaker, 1895. M.—24th. 2d. Popular Publishing Co. Ltd., 
27 Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Jose Lille’s Practical Fashions, 1898. M.—16th. 2d. Popular Publishing Co. Ltd., 
27 Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Journal and Memoirs of the British Astronomical Association, 1890. Irreg. 1s. 6d. Eyre 
& Spottiswoode, East Harding St., E.c. 

Journal and Proceedings of the Permanent Way Institution, 1884. Three times a year. 
2s. E. Treacher, Harcourt, North Road, Woking. 

Journal and Transactions of the Leeds Astronomical Society, 1893. Aug. 2s. W. Wesley, 
& Son, 28 Essex St., Strand, w.c. ; 

Journal of Agricultural Science, 1905. Irreg. 15s. net per vol. Cambridge University 
Press, Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, 1867. Oct., Jan., April, July. 6s., plates. Chas. - 
Griffin & Co. Ltd., 12 Exeter St., Strand, w.c. 

Journal of Botany, British and Foreign, 1863. M.—Ist. 1s. 8d., illus. Adlard & Son 
and West, Newman, 23 Bartholomew Close, E.C. 

Journal of Chemical Technology, 1912. Quarterly. 4s. Institution of Chemical Tech- 
nologists, 30 Victoria St., s.w. 

tJournal of Commerce, 1911 (as Liverpool Journal of Commerce, 1826). Daily, 2 a.m. 
By subscription, 28s. per ann. C. Birchall Ltd., 17 James St., Liverpool. 

Journal of Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics, 1888. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. W. & 

l A. K. Johnston Ltd., Edina Works, Easter Road, Edinburgh. 

Journal of Conchology, 1879 (as Quarterly Journal of Conchology, 1874). Quarterly. 
ls. 6d., illus. Taylor Bros., Sovereign St., Leeds. (London: 37 Soho Square.) . 

Journal of Decorative Art, 1881. M.—Ist. 64.; illus. Decorative Art Journals Co. Ltd., 
9 Albert Square, Manchester. (London : Simpkin & Co. Ltd., Orange St.) 

Journal of Domestic Appliances, Sewing and Washing Machines, and Pram Gazette, 
pte (as Sewing Machine Gazette, 1874). M.—Ist. 4d. illus. Sewell & Co. 27 Chan- 

cery Lane, w.c. 

Journal of Ecology, 1913. Quarterly. 15s. net. per vol. Cambridge University Press, 
Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Journal of Education, 1869. M.—Ist. 6d. W. Rice, Junr., 3 Ludgate Broadway, E.C. 

Journal of Egyptian Archæiogy, 1914. Quarterly.. 6s. net. Egyptian Exploration 
Fund, 37 Great Russell St., w.c 

Journal of Experimental Pedagogy and Training College Record, 1911. Three times 
a year. Is. net. Longmans, Green & Co., 39 -Paternoster Row, E.C. 

tJournal n Gas Lighting, Water Supply, &c., 1849. Tues—noon. 6d. W. King, 
11 Bolt Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

KONKANI of Genetics, 1910. Irreg. 30s. net per vol. Cambridge University Press, Fetter 

ane, B.C. 

96] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Journal of Hellenic Studies, 1881. Half-yearly. 15s. net. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., St. 
Martin’s St., w.c. 

Journal of H.M. Customs and Excise, 1910. Fortnightly—Sat. 4s. 6d. per ann. C. J. 
Meads, 37 Bath Road, Bedford Park, w. 

Journal of Hygiene, 1901. Irreg. 21s. net per ann. Cambridge University Press, 
Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Journal of Indian Art, 1884. Jan., April, July, Oct. 2s., illus. B. Quaritch, 11 Grafton 
St., New Bond St., w. 

Journal of Laryngology, Rhinology, and Otology, 1887. M.—Ist week. 2s., illus. 
Adlard & Son and West, Newman, 23 Bartholomew Close, E.C. 

ZSUmN or oot poe Ee Textile Association, 1913. Quarterly. 1s. Jowett & Sowry, 

ion St 

Journal of Mental Science, 1850. Jan., ‘April, July, Oct. 5s. net. J. & A. Churchill, 
7 Great Marlborough St., w. 

Journal of Micrology and Natural ath Mirror, 1914. M.—15th 6d. H. Edwards, 
22 St. Bartholomew’s Road, Readin 

Journal of Obstetics and Gynecology of the British Empire, 1902. M.—Ist. 2s. 6d. 
net. Sherratt & Hughes, 33 Soho Square, w. 

Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, 1892. Quarterly: 21s. per vol., illus. Patho- 
logical Laboratory, New Medical Schools, Cambridge. (Official organ of the 
Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. <Advt.) 

Journal of Philology, 1868. Half-yearly. 4s. 6d. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., St. Martin’s St.,w.c. 

Journal of Physiology, 1878. Irreg. 21s. net per vol., illus. Cambridge University Press, 
Fetter Lane, 

Journal of Roman “studies, 1911. June and Dec. 15s. Society for the Promotion of 
Roman Studies, 19 Bloomsbury Square, w.c. 

Journal of Scientific Physical Training, 1908. Terminally. ls. Miss L. E. Crowdy, 
65 Albert Bridge Road, Battersea, s.w. 

Journal of State Medicine, 1912 (as Journal of State Medicine, 1892, as Journal of 
Preventive Medicine, 1903, as Journal of the Royal Institute of Public Health, 1907.) 

-M.—lIst. 2s. net. J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson Ltd., 83-91 Great Titchfield St; 
w. Advertisement Department, 63 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

Journal of the African Society, 1901. Quarterly. 6s. net. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., St. 
Martin’s St., w.c. 

Journal of the Alchemical Society, 1913. Eight times a year. 2s. net. H. K. Lewis 

. & Co. Ltd., 136 Gower St., w.c. 

Journal of the Amalgamated Society of Tailors and Tailoresses, 1897. ` Quarterly. 1d. 
415 Oxford St., Manchester. 

Journal of the Bath and West and Southern Counties Society, 1777. -April. 6s. E. Stan- 
ford, Ltd., 12-14 Long Acre, w.c. 

Journal of the Board of Agriculture, 1896. M.—I15th. 4d. Laughton & Co. Ltd., 
3 Wellington St., Strand. 

Journal of the British Archeological Association, 1844. Quarterly. 10s. 6d. S. Bagster 
& Sons Ltd., 15 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 1890. 10 times a year. Is. 6d. Eyre 
& Spottiswoode, East Harding St., E.C. 

Journal of the British Dairy Farmers’ Association, 1876. April, 1s. 28 Russell Square, w.c. 

Journal of the British Five Prevention Committee, 1897. Annually. Subscription, 

° 21s. per ann. The Committee, 8 Waterloo Place, S.W. 

Journal of the British Gardeners’ Association, 1907. Alter.-M. Id. British Gardeners’ 
Association, 1 Ulysses Koad, Fortune Green, N.w. 

Journal of the British Sclence Guild, 1916. 3 times a year. The Guild, 199 Piccadilly, w. 

Journal of the Central and Associated Chamber of Agriculture, 1912 (as County Council 
Times, 1889; as Agricultural Record, 1908; as County Council and Agricultural 
Record, 1906). M.—15th. 4d. Central Chamber of Agriculture, 28 Westminster 
Palace Gardens, Victoria St., s.w. 

Journal of the Central Asian Society, 1913. Quarterly. 16s. perann. The Society, 

_ 22 Albemarle St., w. 

Journal of the Chartered Insurance Institute, 1898. Jan. 6s. net. C. & E. Layton, 
56 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1841. M.—last day. £3 per annum. Gurney & Jackson, 
33 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Journal of the Cork Historical and ATP Regea Society, 1892. Quarterly. Is. 6d, 
Guy & Co. Ltd., 70 Patrick St., 

Journal of the Corporation of jaran Brokers and Agents, 1906. Quarterly. 6d. 
Corporation of Insurance Brokers and Agents, 59a London Wall, E.c. 

Advertisements received for all the English Provincial Newspapers. [97 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Gulde. 

Journal of the County Kiidare Archzological Society, 1891. Jan. & July. 2s. 6d. 
Kildare Archeological Society, care of E. Ponsonby Ltd., 116 Grafton St., Dublin. 

Journal of the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction of Ireland, 1901. 
Quarterly. 6d. E. Ponsonby Ltd., 116 Grafton St., Dublin. si , 

Journal of the East Africa and Uganda Natwal History Society, 1910. Jan. Price 
varies. Longmans, Green & Co., 39 Paternoster Row, E.C. oe 

Journal of the East India Association, 1867. Quarterly. 6d. The Association, 3 Victoria 
St., s.w. 

_ Journal of the Farmers’ Ciub, 1847. M.-—Nov. to May. 6d. 2 Whitehall Court, s.w. 
Journal of the Fell and Rock Climbing Club of the English Lake District, 1907. . Nov. 
2s. net. W. T. Palmer, Beechwood, Kendal. = 
Journal of the Folk Song Society, 1898. Irreg., last issue, Jan., 1915. Subscription. 

19 Berners St., w. 

Journal of the Friends’ Historical Society, 1903. Quarterly. 2s. net. Headley Bros., 
Kingsway House, Kingsway, w.c. 
Journai of the Gypsy Lore Society, 1888. Quarterly. 20s. per ann. Gypsy Lore Society, 

Grindleton, Clitheroe. (Gypsy language, history, folk-lore, ethnology, &c. Advi.) 

Journal of the Imperial Arts League, 1910. Quarterly. 6d. Imperial Arts League, 15 
Great George St., Westminster, s.w. 

Journal of the Incorporated Clerks of Works’ Association of Great Britain, 1883 (as 
Monthly ‘Journal of the Clerks of Works’ Association, 1882). M.—Ist week. 2d. 
A. Fincham, Finchdene, New Southgate, N. 

Journal of the Incorporated Institute of Certified Carpenters, 1909. Quarterly. 3d. 
Carpenters’ Hall, London Wall, E.c. 

cournal of the Incorporated Society of Trained Masseuses, 1915. M.—-Ist. ld. The 
Society, 157 Great Portland St., w. 

Journal of the Institute of Actuaries, 1851. Jan., April, July, Oct. 3s. C. & E. Layton, 
56 Farringdon St., E.c. 

Journal of the Institute of Actuaries’ Student Society, 1911. Oct. 3s. 6d. S. Phillips 
& Co. Ltd., 6-8 Upper Thames St., E.c. 

Journal of the Institute of Bankers, 1879. M.—I1st. Oct. to June. ls. 6d. net. Blades, 
East & Blades, 23 Abchurch Lane, E.c. 

CONTEA of Hi Institute of Bankers in Ireland, 1898. Quarterly. 2s. Hely’s Ltd., Dame 

t., Dublin. l 

Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 1895. M.—Ist. 4s. Harrison & Sons, 45 Pall Mall,s.w. 

Journal of the Institute of British Carriage Manufacturers, 1912. M.—l1st. Gratis 
The Institute, 16a Soho Square, w. 

Journal of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1847. M.-—1st, during session. 4s. 
per part. Gratis to members. The Institution, 11 Great George St., s.w. 
Journal of the Institute of Metals, 1909. June and Dec. 21s. Institute of Metals, Caxton 

House, Westminster, s.w. l 

Journal of the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers, 16 times a year. 21s. per 
ann. The Institution, 92 Victoria St., sw. 

Journal of the Institute of Municipal Engineers, 1909. Quarterly. ls. The Institute, 
39 Victoria St., s.w. 

Journal of the Institution of Eiectrical Engineers, 1889 (as Journal of the Society of 
Telegraph Engineers, 1872). Twelve to sixteen times a year. 3s. 6d. net E. &. F.N. 
Spon Ltd., 57 Haymarket, s.w. 

Journal of the Institution of Petroleum Technologists, 1914. Quarterly. 5s. The Insti- 
tution, 17 Gracechurch St., E.c. 7 

Journai of the Institution of Sanitary Engineers, 1897. M.—15th, except July and 
Aug. ls. Institution of Sanitary Engineers, 120-122 Victoria St., s.w. 

Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, 1871. Jan., July. 16s. net., illus. E. & F. N. 
Spon Ltd., 57 Haymarket, s.w. 

Journal of the Junior Institution of Engineers, 1884. M.—Ist. 1s. P. Marshall & Co., 
66 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Journal of the Kew Guild, 1893. Jan. 1s. Taylor & Francis,74 Red Lion Court,Fleet St., B.c. 

Journal of the Land Agents’ Society, 1902. M.—Ist. 1s. Laughton & Co. Ltd., 
3 Wellington St., Strand, w.c. 

Journal of the Linnaean Society, 1855. April, July, Nov. Price varies, occas., illus. 
Longmans, Green & Co., 39 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Journal of the London Society, 1913. Quarterly. 1s. The Society, 27 Abingdon St., 
Westminster, s.w. 

Journal of the Manchester Egyptian and Oriental Society, 1911. Oct. 5s. net. University 
Press, 12 Lime St., Oxford Road, Manchester. 

Journal of the Manchester Geographical Society, 1885. Quarterly. Subs. Manchester 
Geographical Society, 16 St. Mary Parsonage, Manchester. 

98] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand; London. 


Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 1884. Spring 
and Autumn. Price varies. W. Brendon & Son Ltd., Plymouth. 

Journal of the Marine Engineers’ Association, 1887. M.—Ist. 6d. Marine Eee 
Association, 15 East India Dock Road, E. 

Journal of the National Society of Art Masters, 1914. Quarterly—Subs. The Society, 
45 Bedford Row, w.c. 

Journal of the Newcastle Farmers’ Club. Annually. 1s. The Secretary, Collingwood, 
Newcastle-on- Tyne. 

Journal of the North Munster Archaeoiogical Society, 1906. July & Dec. Subs. 2s. 6d. 
Guy & Co. Ltd., 70 Patrick St., Cork. 

Journal of the Northants Natural History Society and Field Club, 1880. Quarterly. 
Free to Members. B. Thompson, 67 Victoria Road, Northampton. 

Journal of the Operative Stonemasons’ Society, 1833. Fortnightly—-Wed. ld. 
Co-operative Printing Society, 118 id eta St., Manchester. 

Journal of the Philatelic Literature ‘Society, 1 Quarterly. Subs. The Hon. Secre- 
tary, Grotesby, Blackheath, s.E. 

Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club, 1866. April & Nov. "3s. 6d. net., illus. 
Williams & Norgate, 14 Henrietta St, Covent Garden, w.c. 

Journal of the Rontgen Society, 1904. Quarterly. 4s. Percy Lund Humphries & Co., 

Amen Corner, E.C. 

Journal of the Royal CE VEKO Society of England, 1846. April. 10s. J. Murray, 
50a Albemarle St., 

Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 1871. Half 
yearly. °15s., illus. Royal Anthropological Institute, 50 Great Russell St., w.c. 

Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, 1903. M.—Ist. 2s. John Bale, Sons & 
Danielsson Ltd., 83-91 Great Titchfield St., w. 

Journal of the Royal Artillery, 1873. M.—l1st. 2s.-6d. Royal Artillery Institution, 
Woolwich. Dulan & Co., Soho Square, w. 

Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1834. Jan., April, July, Oct—15th 12s. Royal 
Asiatic Society, 22 Albemarle St., w. 

Journal of the Royai Horticultural Society, 1804. Irreg. 5s., illus. Royal Horticultural 
Society, Vincent Square, S.w. 

Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects, N.S. 1893. Fortnightly, Sat. 
ls. Royal Institute of British Architects, 9 Conduit St., w. 

Journal of the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland, 1909. May. Is. R.I.A.TI. 
-31 South Frederick St., Dublin. 

Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society, 1878. Alter.-M.—Ist. 6s. net., illus. 
Williams & Norgate, 14 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, w.c. 

Journal of the Royai Naval Medical Service, 1915. Quarterly. 4s. J. Bale, Sons & 
Danielsson Ltd., 83-9 Great Titchfield St., w. 

Journal of the Royal Sanitary Institute of Great Britain, 1894. Quarterly. 3s. net. 
E. Stanford Ltd., 12 to 14 Long Acre, w.c. 

Journal of the Royai ‘Society of Antiquaries of ireland, 1890 (as Transactions of the 
Kilkenny Archaeological Society, 1849). Quarterly. 3s., illus. Hodges, Figgis & 
Co. Ltd., 104 Grafton St., Dublin. 

tJournal of the Royal Society of Arts, 1852. Fri—p.m. 6d. net. G. Bell & Sons Ltd., 
York House, Portugal St., w.c. 

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 1838. Jan., Mar., May, July. 5s. The Society, 
9 Adelphi Terrace, Strand, w.c l 
Journal of the Royal United Service Institution, 1831. Quarterly. 6s. Royal United 

Service Institution, Whitehall, s.w. - 

Journal of the Scottish Meteorological Society, 1865. Irreg. 12s. 6d. Wm. Blackwood & 
Sons, 45 George St., Edinburgh. (London : 37 Paternoster Row.) 

Journal of the Session of the General Synod of the Church of Ireland, 1870. Sept. 3s. 6d. 
net. Hodges, Figgis & Co. Ltd., 104 Grafton St., Dublin. 

Journal of the Society of Architects, 1902 (as Architect's M agazine, 1884). Quarterly. 
6d. The Society, 28 Bedford Square, w.c. 

Journal of the Society of Chemicai industry, 1882. Fortnightly, 15th and 30th. By 
subscription only. 36s. per ann., illus. Vacher & Sons Ltd., Great Smith St., 
Westminster, s.w. 

Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists, 1884. M.—5th. 21s. per ann., illus. 
The Secretary, 30-32 Pearl Assurance Buildings, Market St., Bradford. 

Journal of the Soclety of Engineers (Incorporated), 1854. M. —30th. 1s. The Sęciety, 
17 Victoria St., s.w. 

Journal of the Society of Estate Clerks of Works, 1888 (as Estate Clerk of Works, 1888). 
M.—lIst. 2s. per ann., illus. The Society, 33 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, w.c. © 

Advertisements received for the “ Edinburgh Gazette.” [99 

ABC List.) ` Willing’s Press Guide. 

Journal of the South African Ornithologists Union, 1905. Twice a year. Price varies. 
Witherby & Co., 326 High Holborn, w.c. 

Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1847. Quarterly. Is. 
Sealy, Bryers & Walker, 7 Crow St., Dublin. 

Journal of the Torguay Natural History Society, 1909. May. 1s. The Society, The 
Museum, Babbicombe Road, Torquay. | | 

Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute, 1865. Sept. 21s. Victoria Institute, 
1 Central Buildings, Westminster, s.w. ee 

Journal of the Tyneside Geographical Society, 1898. Jan. 6d. The Society, The 

Exchange, Sandhill, Newcastle-on-Tyne. ; 
Journal of the Welsh Bibliographical Society, 1910. Jan. & July. Sub., 5s. The Society, 
National Library of Wales, Aberystwith. 

Journal of Theological Studies, 1899. Quarterly. 3s. 6d. net. H. S. Milford, Oxford 

University Press, Amen Corner, E.c. , , 
Journal of Tropical Medicine and ‘Hygiene, 1898. Fortnightiy—l1st & 15th. Is. John 
Bale, Sons & Danielsson Ltd., 83-91 Great Titchfield St., w. Advertisement 
Department, 63 Ludgate Hill, £.c. 
Journal of Zoological Research, 1916. Quarterly. 21s. per ann. Dulan & Co., 37 Soho 
Square, W. 
Journeyman Baker’s Magazine, 1882. M.—Ist. 1d. W. Banfield, 57 Sidney St., Chelsea,s.w. 
tJoyful News, 1883. Thurs. 4d., illus. Aldine Publishing Co. Ltd., Crown Court, 
Chancery Lane, w.c. 
Junior Leader's Annual, 1913. Oct. 6d. C. H. Kelly, 25-35 City Road, E.C. 
Junior Mechanics and Eiectricity, 1913. M.—1st. 2d. P. Marshall & Co., 66 Farringdon 

St., E.C. 
Juridicai Review, 1889. Quarterly—15th. 3s. 6d. W. Green & Son. Ltd., 2-4 St. 

Giles St., Edinburgh. 

Jus Suffragi, 1913. M.—Ist. 4d. International Woman Suffrage Alliance, 11 Adam 
St., Adelphi, w.c. i 

tdustice, 1884. (soc. dem.) Thurs.—10 a.m. ld. Twentieth Century Press Ltd., 
37a Clerkenwell Green, E.C. 

tJustice of the Peace, 1837. Sat.—10 a.m. 6d. S. S. Bond, 7-8 Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Juveniie Rechabite, 1890. M-—lIst. 4d., illus. R. Campbell, Rechabite Buildings, 
North Parade, Deansgate, Manchester. 

Juveniie Templar, 1877 (as Young Templar, 1873). M.—24th, 3d., illus. Grand Lodge 
of England 1.0.G.T., 168 Edmund St., Birmingham. 

Kahnerete Engineering, 1914. Alter. months. 6d. Trussed Concrete Steel Co. Ltd., 
Caxton House, Westminster, s.w. l 
Kalendar of Sundays and Holy Days, 1901. Oct. id. A. R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd., 28 
Margaret St., w. 
Kalendar of the Royal Institute of British Architects, 1834. Nov. 2s. 6d.—to non- 
members. The Institute, 9 Conduit St., Hanover Square, w. 
KEENE’S BATH JOURNAL (as Bath Journal, 1742, incorporated with Bath 
Herald, 1916). 7 
Keighley Burgess Roll,,1882., Oct. 6s. S. Terry, Town Hall, Keighley. 
ne oe Society Bee, Quarterly. Gratis. The Society, 7 Brunswick 
. Keighley. 
{KEIGHLEY NEWS, 1862 (with which is incorporated Keighley and Bingley Chronicle). 
Sat.—a.m. 14d. The Keighley News Ltd., 8 North St., Keighley. (London: 
172 Fleet St.) 
Keliock’s List of Steamships and Sailing Vessels for Sale, 1820. M. Gratis. C. W. 
Kellock & Co., 27 St. Mary AxER, E.C. . l 
Kelly’s Handbook to the Titled Landed, and Official Classes, 1881 (as Handbook to the 
Upper Ten Thousand, 1875). Jan. 15s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High 
- Holborn, w.c. l 
Keiiy’s Monthly Trade Review, 1914. M.—last Fri. 3d. Kelly Trading Co. Ltd., 182 
High Holborn, w.c. | 
ES, CHRONICLE, 1832. (2) Thurs.—9 p.m., for Fri. 1d. J. McArthur, Cross St., 
{KELSO MAIL, 1797. (c) Wed.—p.m. 1d. J. Smith, 12 Bridge St., Kelso. _ 
Kelvin Bottomleys and Bairds’ Standard Tide Tables for the Ports of Glasgow, London, 
Liverpool, &c., 1899. Dec. 1s. Kelvin Bottomleys & Bairds Ltd., 16-20 Cam- 
bridge St., Glasgow. 
Kemp’s Lancashire Gazette, 1907 (as Kemp’s Liverpool Gazette, 1897}. Wed. 12s. 6d. 
` perann. J. Kemp & Co. Ltd., Palace Chambers, Victoria St., Liverpool. 

too] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

pap's Local Gazet 

Lada St., E.C 

paps Midland Ga 
' Co 

iv 21 

s Northora Gi 
gabe St., Ne 
Kemp's South Easte 
Ltd., 46 Canno 
Kemp's Yorkshire € 
East Parade, I 
Kedatian, 1901. T 
% Broadgate, 
Kennel Club Calen: 
Ltd., Bream’s 

‘Kune! Gazette, 18% 

Kensington, Nottin 
Is. Kelly’s L 
Road, Broads 
James Wakel 
116 Uxbridge 
Fn—6 a.m. | 
bridge Wells 
for Sat. 1d 
Kent Archaeologi 
140 Wardou 
Kent County Exc 
St., Ashford 
Chronicle, 1 

vat Mercantile 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Kemp’s Local Gazette tor Wales, etc., 1911. Fortnightly—Fri. 12s. 6d. per ann. 
J. Kemp & Co. Ltd., 17 Worthing St., Cardiff. l . 

tKemp’s Mercantile Gazette, 1867. Wed. 21s. per ann. J. Kemp & Co. Ltd., 46 
Cannon St., E.c. : 

Kemp’s Midland Gazette, 1912. Fortnightly—Fri. 12s. 6d. per ann. J. Kemp & 
Co. Ltd., 21 Market Place, Leicester. 

Kemp’s Northern Gazette, 1907. Wed. 12s. 6d. per ann. J. Kemp & Co. Ltd., 65 
Clayton St., Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

Kemp’s South Eastern Gazette, 1906. Thurs. 12s. 6d. per ann. J. Kemp & Co. 
Ltd., 46 Cannon St., E.c. 

Kemp’s Yorkshire Gazette, 1907. Wed. 12s. 6d. per ann. J. Kemp & Co. Ltd., 27 

; East Parade, Leeds. 

Kendailan, 1901. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, Grammar School, Kendal. | 
tKENILWORTH ADVERTISER, 1858. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. ld. T. Burbidge & Son, 
20 Broadgate, Coventry. 

Kennel Club Calendar and Stud Book, 1874. Jan. 10s. 6d. Field & Queen (H. Cox) 
Ltd., Bream’s Buildings, E.c. 

- Kennel Gazette, 1880. M.—3rd Sat. 6d., illus. Kennel Club, E. W. Jaquet, 84 Piccadilly, w. 

Kensington, Notting Hill, Brompton, and Knightsbridge Directory, 1873. Annually. 
ls. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

KENSINGTON EXPRESS, 1886. (c) Fri. ld. J. V. Glazebrook, 204 Hammersmith 
Road, Broadway, Hammersmith, w. 

James Wakeham & Co. Ltd., 118 Church St., Kensington, w. Branch Office, 
116 Uxbridge Road, w. (Advt. p. 457). 

Fri.—6 a.m. and 4 p.m. ld. Courier P. & P. Co. Ltd., 19 Grove Hill Road, Tun- 
bridge Wells. l 

KENT AND SUSSEX POST, 1886 (as Weald of Kent News, 1881). (ind.) Fri.—5 p.m., 
for Sat. ld. F. Williams, 6 Colonnade, Hawkhurst. 

Kent Archaeological Society’s Transactions, 1858. Biennially. Subs. 10s. per ann. 
140 Wardour St., w. 

Kent County Examiner Directory of Ashford, 1892. Dec. 1d. B. P. Boorman, 44 High 
St., Ashford. 

TKENT HERALD (as Kentish Herald, 1792; with which is incorporated Kentish 
Chronicle, 1768). (ind.) Wed.—p.m. $d. J. A. Jennings Ltd., St. George’s Lane, 

Kent Mercantile Gazette, 1888. M.—1st. Subs. Powage Press Ltd., Apsley Guise. 

{KENT MESSENGER AND ASHFORD EXAMINER, 1913 (as Kent County Examiner 
and Ashford Chronicle, 1884). (tnd.) Fri—8 a.m. ld. B. P. Boorman, 26 Bank 
St., Ashford. One of the Kent Messenger and Maidstone Telegraph series. 

Boorman, 15 Stone St., Gravesend. One of the Kent Messenger and Maidstone 
Telegraph series. 

Fri—12 noon, and Sat.—2 p.m. ld. B. P. Boorman, 123 Week St., Maidstone 
(London: 115 Fleet St.) (The only paper selected by the Kent County Council 
for many of its most important advertisements. Advt.) 

Boorman, Dorset St., Sevenoaks. One of the Kent Messenger and Maidstone 
Telegraph series. , 

Kent Messenger Directory of Maidstone, 1896. Dec. 2s. B. P. Boorman, 123 Week 
St., Maidstone. 

Kent and Surrey. Bennett’s Business Directory, 1881. Annually. 3s. 6d. Bennett & 
Co., Chapel Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 456). 

Kent, Surrey, and Sussex Directory, 1845. Biennially, last issue 1915. 36s. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Kent Volunteer Gazette, 1915. M.—15th. 1d. T. W. Jenkins, 73-5 Broadway, Bexley 

Heath. | 

TKENTISH EXPRESS AND ASHFORD NEWS, 1858 (as Ashford and Alfred News, 1855). 
(ind.) Fri—2 p.m., for Sat. ld. Igglesden & Co. Ltd., 94 High St., Ashford. 

Kentish Express Guide and Directory to Ashjord, Romney Marsh, Tenterden, and District, 
1910. Dec. 2d. Igglesden & Co. Ltd., 94 High St., Ashford. 

TKENTISH GAZETTE AND CANTERBURY PRESS, 1717 (with which is incorporated 
Canterbury Times, Kent County News, Kent Echo, and Whitstable Advertiser). 
(tnd.) Fri—4 p.m., for Sat. ld. P. D. Eastes & Co. Ltd., 39_St, George’s St., 
Canterbury. (Eondon Office: 146 Fleet St., Eiċ.-f° Central 9972; 

Advertisements received tor all the Leeds Newshabers. fioi 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. j 

a ee et a a ea a S ea oT tage et 

TKENTISH INDEPENDENT AND KENTISH MAIL, 1910 (with which are incorpor ted 
Kentish Independent, 1843; Kentish Mail and Greenwich and Deptford Observer, 1862 ; 
Woolwich Journal and Charlton Gazette). (ind.) Fri. ld. G. Neves, Welli eton 
St., Woolwich. (General Advertiser for Woolwich, Plumstead, Shooter’ s Hill, 
Charlton, Eltham, Bexley, Blackheath, Greenwich, ~ Deptford, A DDEY ood 
Belvedere, Erith and Dartford. 10 or 12 pages. Advt.) 

eie MERCURY (as Gazette, 1833) (with which is incorporated Surrey Mercury) 
(c) Fri.—5 a.m. ld. Merritt & Hatcher Ltd., 6 to 14 Blackheath Road, Greenwich, 
S.E. London : 2 Grocers’ Hall Court.) (Certified circulation exceeds 28,000. Advt.) 

for Thurs, ld.; Fri—2 p.m., for Sat., ld. E. H. Elvy, 49 St. George’s St., 

GUIDE, 1858. (4 Wed. ld. H.T. Pain, Askew House, High St., Deal. 

TAERE EVENING POST, 1774. (c) Wed. and Sat. ld. G. Raymond, 13 The Square, 


FERAY MEWO 1893. (nat.) Mon., Wed., & Fri. 3d. J. Quinnell & Son, Russell St., 


IKERRY SENTINEL 1878. (nat.) Wed. and Sat. be E. A. Harrington, 46 Nelson 

t., Tralee 
tKERRY WEEKLY REPORTER, 1883. (nat.) Sat. ‘Id. J. Quinnell & Son, Russell 
t., Tralee 

+KERRYMAN, 1904. (mat.) Sat. id. Kerryman Ltd., Edward St., Tralee. 

Keswick Reminder, 1897. Fri. Gratis. G. W. McKane, Station St., Keswick. 

Keswick Week, 1911. Sept. 2s. net. Marshall Bros. Ltd., 47 Paternoster Row, £.c. 

KETTERING GUARDIAN, 1884. (c) Fri. ld. Northamptonshire Co. Press Ltd., 
Lower St., Kettering. 

{KETTERING ‘LEADER, 1888 (with which is incorporated Kettering Observer). (J) Fri. 
—7 a.m. ld. Northamptonshire P. & P. Co. Ltd., Dryland St., Kettering. 

Kew Bulletin, 1887. M.—ist. 4d. Wyman & Sons Ltd., Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Key to the London Telephone Directory, 1914. April and Oct. 5s. Stone & Colquhoun, 
92 Victoria St., s.w. 

‘Khaki, 1915. M.—lIst. 6d. net. Imperial House, Kingsway, w.c. ` 

—4 p.m., for Sat. 1d. E. Parry, Corporation St., Kidderminster, (The only paper 

rinted in the town. Largest circulation. Advt.) 

TKIDDERMINSTER TIMES, 1861. Fri., for Sat. 14d. G. Williams Press Ltd., 19 
Coventry St., Kidderminster. 

_tKILBURN TIMES, 1867. (tnd.) Fri.—noon, for Sat. 1d. North-Western Printing 
and Publishing Association Ltd., 4 Cambridge Avenue, Kilburn, N.w. 

Kilburn, Willesden, and Cricklewood Directory, 1867. Annually. ls. Kelly’s Direc- 
tories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Fri. 1d. W. S. Gray, 56-60 South Main St., Naas, 

TISER, (as Leinster Journal, 1767). (nat.) Tues., for Wed., and Fri., for Sat. 1d. 
Mrs. Alice M. Kenealy, 30 Patrick St., Kilkenny. E 

Wed., and Fri., for Sat. Id. I. B. Lalor, High St., Kilkenny. 

tKILKENNY PEOPLE, 189% (nat.) Fri., for Sat. ld. Kilkenny People Ltd., High St., 


ld. J. Quinnell & Son, Russell St., Tralee. 

J. C. Motson, 32 Duke St., Kilmarnoek. 

6.30 a.m. ld. Dunlop & Drennan, 3 Duke St., Kilmarnock. 

KILRUSH HERALD AND KILKEE GAZETTE, 1877. (l & ind.) Thurs., for Fri. ld. 
P. J. Boyle, Jobn St., Kilrush, 

alat a lind.) Thurs.—2 p-m., for Fri. 4d. J. M. Duncan Ltd., 16 Market 


$d. Rankin & Mackie, Backbrae St., Kilsyth. 

ld, C. Murchland, High St., Irvine. One of the Irvine Herald series. 

A igitze ty SOO RIC 
102) James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 


Willing’s Press Guide. [A BC List. 

Kime’s International Law Directory, 1892. April. 10s. 6d. Baines & Scarsbrook, 
75 Fairfax Road, South Hampstead, N.w. 

TKINCARDINESHIRE OBSERVER, 1902. (/) Fri. ld. A. Taylor, 22 High St., 

tKinematograph and Lantern Weekly, 1907. Thurs.—5 p.m. 2d. Kinematograph & 
Lantern Weekly Ltd., 9-11 Tottenham St., w. (Original and leading Organ of the 
Motion Picture Industry. Advt.) 

Kinematograph Monthly Film Record, 1912. M.—Ist. 2d. Kinematograph & Lantern 
Weekly Ltd., 9-11 Tottenham St., w. 7 

Kinematograph Year-Book, 1914. March. 1s. Kinematograph & Lantern Weekly 
Ltd., 9-11 Tottenham St., w. 

KINETON ADVERTISER, 1910. (ind.) Thurs., for Sat. 1d. Advertiser Co. Ltd., 
Rugby. One of the Rugby Advertiser series. 

King Edward’s School Chronicle. Six times a year. 2s. 6d. per ann. Cornish Bros. Ltd., 
39 New St., Birmingham. 

Kingdom, 1909. M.—25th. 4d. Churchman Publishing Co. Ltd., 33-4 Craven St., 
Strand, w.c. 

King’s College Calendar, 1840. 2s. 6d. Sept. Secretary, King’s College, Strand, w.c. 

King’s College Review, 1899. Terminally. 6d. King’s College, Strand, w.c. 

King’s College School Magazine, 1897. Quarterly. 6d. ‘Surrey Comet,” Wimbledon. 

King’s College School Science Journal, 1904. Terminally. 6d. King’s College School, 
Wimbledon, s.w. . . 

tKING’S COUNTY CHRONICLE, 1845. (prog.) Thurs. 2d. A. Wright, Printing 
House Buildings, Birr. 

King’s Highway, 1915. M.—Ist. 6d. net. Edgar N. Duffield, 78 Napier Court, s.w. (An 
illustrated monthly magazine for road-lovers, catering equally for Motorists, 
Cyclists, and Pedestrians. Its contents describe and illustrate British roads and 

- the objects and scenes of interest lying within easy access of them. Telephone: 
Putney, 2317. Aduvt.). : 

King’s Messengers’ Magazine, 1905 (as Children of the Church Magazine, 1894). 
M.—25th. 4d. S.P.G., 15 Tufton St., s.w. | 

J. R. Gill & Son, 101 Fore St., Kingsbridge. One of the South Devon Gasette series. 

*tKINGSBRIDGE JOURNAL, 1866. Fri., for Sat. d. Mrs. A. Rich, 83 Fore St., 
Kingsbridge. ` 

tTKINGSBRIDGE. WESTERN GUARDIAN, 1882. (:nd.) Wed. ld. Mortimer Bros., 
34 Fore St., Totnes. One of the Western Guardian series. 

Kingston, Norbiton and Surbiton Directory, 1891. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Kingswood Magazine, 1883 (as New Kingswood and Woodhouse Grove Quarterly, 1879). 
Alter.-M. 4d. The Editor, Kingswood School, Bath. 

{KINROSS-SHIRE ADVERTISER, 1847. (ind.) Fri.—3 p.m., for Sat. ld. J.G. Barnet, 

High St., Kinross. 

TKIRKCALDY TIMES, 1876. (/) Wed. 4d. Strachan & Livingston, Kirkcaldy. 

Fri.—5 a.m. 2d. ° J. H. Maxwell, 146 King St., Castle-Douglas. (The County 
Paper. By its local popularity and prestige is recognised by County and other 
officials and the Legal Profession as the medium for their announcements. 

_ Regularly carries more *‘ Small ” advertisements—a newspaper’s best guarantee 
of local popularity—than any other journal in the Province of Galloway. Advt.) 

Kirkham Standard, One of the Lytham Standard series. 

tKIRKINTILLOCH GAZETTE, 1893. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. $d. J. M. Duncan Ltd., 
99 Cowgate St., Kirkintilloch. 

TKIRKINTILLOCH HERALD, 1883. (ind) Wed. 1d. D. MacLeod Ltd., Hillview 
Terrace, Cowgate, Kirkintilloch. 

KIRRIEMUIR FREE PRESS, 1884. (ind.) Fri. $d. J. Norrie, 39 High St., Kirriemuir. 
(All local news, Auction Sales, etc. Circulation, 3,000 copies. Advt.). 

KIRRIEMUIR OBSERVER, 1869. (ind.) Fri. Gratis. W. B. Mills, 22 High St., Kirriemuir. 

tTKNARESBOROUGH NEWS, 1878 (as Knaresboro’ Times, 1860). (c) Fri. ld. H. 
Crossley, 2 High St., Wetherby. One of the Wetherby News series. 


14d. R. Ackrill, Montpelier Parade, Harrogate. One of the Harrogate Herald series. 
Knight’s Official Advertiser, 1855. Wed. 4d. C. Knight & Co. Ltd., 227-229 Tooley St.,s.z. 
Knowledge, 1904 (with which is incorporated Knowledge, 1881, and Illustrated Scientific 
News, 1902). M.—25th. Is. net, illus. Knowledge Publishing Co. Ltd., 
83 Avenue Chambers, Bloomsbury Square, w.c. 

Advertisements received for all Scottish Newspapers & Periodicals. [103 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

{KNUTSFORD AND NORTHWICH ADVERTISER, 1875. (c) Fri. ld. Swain & Co: 
Ltd., Princess St., Knutsford, & Stockport. One of the Stockport Advertiser series. 

+KNUTSFORD DIVISION GUARDIAN, 1860. (ind.) Tues., for Wed.—4 p.m., ld. 5; 
Sat., ld. Mackie & Co. Ltd., King St., Knutsford. One of the Warrington 
Guardian series. _ 

Kokka, 1905. (English Edition.) M.—lIst. 5s. 6d. B. Quaritch, 11 Grafton St., w. 

tLabour Leader, 1894. Thurs. ld. National Labour Press Ltd., 30 Blackfriars St., 

Labour News and Employment Advertiser, 1871 (with which are incorporated the Social 
Notes and The Labourer). Wed—6 am. ld. G. F. Shepherd, 10 Farringdon 
Avenue, E.C. 

Labour Voice, 1916 (as Llais Llafur, 1898). (ind) Sat. ld. Llais Llafur Co. Ltd., 
Ystalyfera, Swansea. ; 

Labour Woman, 1913 (as League Leaflet, 1911). (lab.) M.—Ist. ld. Women’s Labour 
League, 1 Victoria St., s.w. 

Labour Year Book, 1915. Dec. ïs. and 2s. 64. Parliamentary Committee of the 
Trade Union Congress, &c., 25 Tothill St., s.w. i 

Labourer, 1915. Quarterly. Id. National Agricultural Labourers’ and Rural Workers’ 
Union, Wensum House, Hempton, Fakenham, Norfolk. i — 

Ladies’ Court Book, or Who's Who in Society in England and America, 1915. June. 
10s. 6d. Internationa] Art and Publishing Society, 4 Lancaster Place, w.c. 

tLadles’ Field, 1898. Wed., for Sat. 6d. G. Newnes Ltd., 8-11 Southampton St., w.c 

Ladies’ Pall Mall Fashions, 1901. Quarterly. 5s. Pall Mall Fashions Co., 4 Snow Hill, £.c. 

Ladies’ Tailor, 1884. M.—20th. ls.6d. John Williamson Co. Ltd., 42 Gerrard St., w. 

Ladies’ Wear Trade Journal, 1912 (as Millinery, 1911). M.—10th. 8s. 6d. per annum. 
Ladies’ Wear Press Ltd., 30-1 Furnival St., E.C. 

Ladies’ Year-Book, 1893. Nov. ls. & 2s. C. Letts & Co., 3 Royal Exchange, E.C. 

tLady, 1885 Wed.—9 a.m., for Thurs. 3d. illus. R. B. Hart, 39-40 Bedford St., w.c. 

Lady Catalogue of Fashions, 1900. Three times a year. 3d. R. B. Hart, 39-40 Bedford 
St., Strand, w.c. 

Lady of ae House, 1890. M.—15th. 1d. Wilson, Hartnell & Co., Commercial Buildings, 

Lady’s Companion, 1892. Fri. 1d. illus. G. Newnes, 8-11 Southampton St., Strand, w.c. 

tLady’s Pictorial, 1880. Wed.—9 a.m. for Sat. 6d. illus. 172 Strand, w.c. 

Lady’s Worid, 1898. M.—Ist. 3d. Macdonald & Martin, 6 Essex St,, w.c. 

t{LAISTERDYKE AND BOWLING NEWS, 1895. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Birdsall & Co., 
Stanningley. | | 

Lake's Falmouth Almanack, 1878. Dec. 2d. J. H. Lake & Co., 11 & 12 Market Strand, 

Lake’s Falmouth Directory, 1881. Triennially, last issue 1912. Is. J. H. Lake & Co., 

= 11 & 12 Market Strand. Falmouth. . 

1855. (u) Fri., for Sat. ld. J. H. Lake & Co., 11 & 12 Market Strand, Falmouth. 

Lambert's Settle Almanac, 1884. Nov. 2d. J.W. Lambert,“‘Caxton” Printing Works, Settle. 

Lamb’s International Guide to British and Foreign Merchants and Manufacturers, 1872. 
Annually. 30s. A. Lamb, Devonshire Chambers, Bishopsgate, E.C. i 

Lamb’s Trade Diaries, 1874. Dec. 3s. 6d. A. Lamb, Devonshire Chambers, Bishops- 
gate, E.C. 

Lamp of China, 1892. Quarterly. 1d. Morgan & Scott Ltd., 12 Paternoster Buidings, E.C. 

LANARK AND UPPERWARD GAZETTE, 1906. (ind.) Sat. 4d. A. Beveridge, Market 
Place, Carluke. 

tLANARKSHIRE, 1905 (with which is incorporated the Hamilton Herald, 1889). (ind.) 
Wed. & Sat. d. Hamilton Herald P. & P. Co., Ltd., Brandon St., Hamilton. - 

{Lanarkshire Catholic Herald, 1888. Fri. 1d. Scottish Catholic Publishing Co. Ltd., 
6 Church St., Coatbridge. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

TLANARKSHIRE EXAMINER, 1862. (ind.) Fri—7 p.m., for Sat. 4d. Baird & 
Hamilton Ltd., 46 Graham St., Airdrie. | 

Lancashire and Cheshire Naturalist, 1907. M.—15th. 4d. W. H. Western, 9 Redearth 
Road, Darwen. | l | 

Lancashire Congregational Year-Book, 1902. May. 4d. J. Heywood Ltd., Deansgate, 
Manchester. (London: 20-22 St. Bride St.) , 

{LANCASHIRE DAILY POST, 1886. (/) Daily—11.30 a.m., 8 editions. $d. G. Toulmin 
& Sons Ltd., 127 Fishergate, Preston. (London: 173-5 Fleet St.) | 

Lancashire Directory (without Manchester and Liverpool), 1891. Every four years, last 
issue, 1913. 35s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. `~ 

104] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand. London, 

Willing’s Press Guide., [ABC List. 

Lancaster and District Co-operative Record, 1890. M.—Ist. Gratis. The Society, 
Church St., Lancaster. 
ee GUARDIAN, 1837. Fri., for Sat. ld. E & J. L. Milner, Church St., 
8a.m. Id. F. B. Bell, Market St., Lancaster. 
Lancaster Observer Household Almanack Year-Book, 1858. Dec. Gratis. F. B. Bell, 
Market St., Lancaster. a 
Lancaster P.S.A. Messenger, 1898. M.—Ist. 1d. T. E. Snowball, Meadowside, Lancaster. 
tLancet, 1823. Fri—9 a.m. for Sat. 6d. C. Good, 423 Strand, & 1-2 Bedford St., w.c. 
Lancing College Magazine, 1877. M., during School term. 6d. The Editor, Lancing 
College, Shoreham. 
tLand Agents’ Record and Reai Property Guide, 1878. Sat —9 a.m. 6¢2.149 Strand, w.c. 
Land and House Property Year-Book, 1892. Feb. 7s. 6d. Estates Gazette Ltd., 34-35 
Kirby St., Hatton Garden, E.c. 
Land and Water, 1866 (incorporated with County Gentleman and Land and Water, 1905). 
Land Nationaliser, 1913 (as Land and Labour, 1889). Irreg. 1d. Land Nationalisation 
Society, 96 Victoria St., s.w. 
Land Union Journal, 1911. M.—Ist. 3d. Land Union, 118 St. Stephen’s House, 
Westminster, s.w. ; 
Land Values, 1902 (as Single Tax, 1894). M.—Ist. 1d. United Committee for the 
Taxation of Land Values, 11 Tothill St., S.w. 
Langport and Somerset Household Almanac, 1836. Dec, 1d. G. H. Hemmel & Sons, 
North St., Langport. 
{LANGPORT AND SOMERTON HERALD, (as Langport Herald, 1855). (u) Sat. ld. 
G. H. Hemmel & Sons, North St., Langport. 
Large Black Pig Herd Book, 1899. June. 5s. The Secretary, Large Black Pig Scoiety, 
12 Hanover Square, w. 
(ind.) Fri. 4d. J. & R. Simpson, Anderson Place, Main St., Largs. 
Larks, 1893 (incorporated with World’s Comic, 1907, now Funny ‘Cuts, 1908). 
tLARNE TIMES, 1892. (c) Thurs., for Sat. ld., illus. W. & G. Baird Ltd., Dunluce 
St., Larne. (London : 40-43 Fleet St. ) One of the Belfast Weekly Telegraph series. 
Latest Tailor Made Styles, 1914. Jan. and July. 3s. Ladies Fashion Publishing Co., 
152 Marylebone Road, N.w. 
EARST Day Saints’ Milenniai Star, 1840. Thurs. ld. H. M. Smith, 295 Edge Lane, 
Latymer Foundation School Magazine, 1910. 6 times a year. 2d. J. G. Nicholls, 
Latymer Foundation School, Hammersmith, w. 
Latymerian, 1907. Terminally. 3d. The Editor, Latymer Upper School, Hammersmith. 
‘Laughable Dialogues, 1890. Irreg. ld. J. Brook & Co., 33 Hopwood Avenue, Man- 
chester. (London : R. J. James, 10-12 Ivy Lane.) 
Fri. and Sat. ld. Brimmell Bros., Church St., Launceston. . 
Laundry. Power Laundry, 1903. Fri., for Sat. 1d. 19-21 Farringdon St., E.c. (Journal 
for the Laundry, Dyeing and Cleaning Industries. Advt.) 
tLaundry Journal, 1885. Sat. Id. Baines & Scarsbrook, 75 Fairfax Road, Swiss 
Cottage, N.w. 
Laundry Journal Diary, 1885. Jan. ls. Baines & Scarsbrook, 75 Fairfax Road, Swiss 
Cottage, N.w. 
Laundry News, 1884. M.—Ist. 2d., illus. Cordingley & Co., 27-33 Charing Cross Road,w.c. 
Laundry Record, 1890. M.—Ist. 4d., illus. Heywood & Co. Ltd., 150 Holborn, E.C. 
LAURENCEKIRK OBSERVER, 1902 (incorp. with the Kincardineshire Observer, 1907). 
Law Almanack, 1832. Nov. 6d. Scott, Herbert & Co., 1 Warwick Court, Holborn, w.c. 
tLaw Journal, 1866. Fri., for Sat. 6d. G. King, 37 & "39 Essex St., Strand, w.c. 
‘* Law Journal Reports, » 1893. M.—Ist. 64s. per ann. Stevens & Sons Ltd., 19 and 
_ 120 Chancery Lane, w.c. 
Law List, 1740. March. 10s. 6d. net. Stevens & Sons Ltd., 119 & 120 Chancery Lane, w.c. 
Law Magazine and Review, 1828. Feb., May, Aug., Nov. 5s. Jordan & Sons Ltd., 
` 116-117 Chancery Lane, w.c. 
Law Notes, 1883 (as Gibson’s Law Notes, 1882). M.—Ist. 6d. 25 & 26 Chancery Lane, w.c. 
Law Quarteriy Review, 1885. Jan., April, July, Oct. 5s. Stevens & Sons Ltd., 119 & 
120 Chancery Lane, w.c. 
Law Reports, 1866. M.—lIst. 84s. per ann. (including the Statutes Weekly Notes and 
Current Digest). Incorporated Council of Law Peporsing, 10 Old Square, Lincoln’s 
Inn, w.c. 

Advertisements received for all the Iiùerpool Newspapers. [105 

ABC List.} Willing’s Press Guide. 

Law Society’s Gazette, 1903 (as Law Society’s Registry, 1888). M.—10th. Subs. Law 
Society, Bell Yard, w.c. 

Law Students’ Journal, 1879. M.—lIst. 6d. G. Barber, Furnival Press, 23 Furnival 
St., Holborn, E.c. 

{Law Times, 1843. Fri—10a.m., for Sat. 9d.; with Law Times Reports, Is. or ls. 6d. 
Field & Queen (H. Cox), Ltd., Bream’s Buildings, E.C. 

t‘ Law Times ’’ Reports, 1871 (as Bar Reports, 1865 ; as Law Reporter, 1843). Fri— 
10 a.m. Is. Field & Queen (H. Cox), Ltd., Bream’s Buildings, E.c. 

tLawn Tennis and Badminton, 1896 (with which is incorporated Amateur Sport Illustrated 
_ 1907). Thurs. 2d. Amateur Sports Publishing Co. (1913) Ltd., 49 Queen 

' Victoria St., E.C. 

Lawrentian, 1889. Terminally. ls. The Editor, St. Lawrence College, Ramsgate. 

Laws of Croquet, 1900. Feb. 6d. Field & Queen (H. Cox) Ltd., Bream’s Buildings, 
Chancery Lane, E.c. 

Laws of Lawn Tennis (official edition), 1908. April. 6d. Field & Queen (H. Cox), Ltd., 
Bream’s Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.c. 

Lawyer’s Companion and Diary, 1847. Nov. 3s. to 10s. 6d. Stevens & Sons Ltd., 
119 & 120 Chancery Lane; and Shaw & Sons, 6, 7, 8, & 9 Fetter Lane, E.c. 
Lawyer's Manual of Reference, 1908 (as Law Annual, 1905, as Law Manual, 1907). 

Dec. W. Green & Sons, Ltd., 2-4 St. Giles St., Edinburgh. 

Lawyer's Remembrancer and Pocket Book, 1898. Nov. 2s. 6d. Butterworth & Co., 
Bell Yard, w.c. 

Laxtonian, 1876. April, July, Dec. 6d. A. King & Son, Oundle. 

Laxton’s Builders’ Price Book, 1817. Jan. 4s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High 
Holborn, w.c. : 

Lay Reader, 1908 (as Reader and Lay Worker, 1904). M.—Ist. 2d. Simpkin & Co. 

Ltd., 32 Paternoster Row, E.C. . 

Lay mon’ $ Bulletin, 1915. Quarterly. 3d. Laymen’s Missionary Movement, 3 Tudor St.,E.C. 

Layton’s Handy Newspaper List, 1891. Jan. 6d. C. & E. Layton, 56 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Leach’s Catalogue of Fashions, 1915. 3 times a year. 3d. G. Newnes Ltd., 7-12 South- 
ampton St., Strand, w.c. : 

Leach’s Chiidren’s Dressmaker, 1880. M.—10th. ld., illus. G. Newnes Ltd., 7-12 
Southampton St., Strand, w.c. . 

Leach’s Family Dressmaker, 1879. M.—18th. 2d., illus. G. Newnes Ltd., 7-12 South- 
ampton St., Strand, w.c. | 

Leach’s Home Dressmaking, 1915. M.—10th. 1d. G. Newnes Ltd., 7-12 Southampton 
St., Strand, w.c. aX 

tLeader, 1900. (nat.) Thurs. 1d.. 305 Great Brunswick St., Dublin. 

League News, 1900. Feb. & Aug. 6d. Bailliére, Tindall & Cox, 8 Henrietta St., Covent 
Garden, w.c. 

Leamington, Warwick, Kenilworth and District Daily Circular, 1896. 6 a.m. 1d. weekly. 
Churches & Budd, 3 Bedford St., Leamington. 

Warwickshire, and Centre of England Chronicle, 1865). (D) Wed., for Thurs. ld. 
Leamington Chronicle Ltd., Chapel St., Leamington. 

Royal Leamington Spa Courier, 1916). 

Lea's Northampton Directory, 1845. Nov. 1s. 6d. Lea & Co. Ltd., Gold St., Northampton. 

Leather Trades Directory, 1871. Every four years, last issue 1915. 25s. Kelly’s Direc- 
tories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

{Leather Trades Review, 1898 (with which is incorporated Leather I ndustries, formerly 
Leather Trades Circulay and Review, 1867). Wed. 10s. per ann. W. Agnew Ltd., 
24 Mark Lane, E.c. 

tLeather Worid, 1909. Thurs. 10s. perann. Foreign, 12s. 6d. Leather Trades Publishing 
Co. Ltd., Hop Exchange, Southwark St., s.£. (The leading weekly journal circulating 
amongst the Hide, Tanning, Leather, Fellmongering and allied trades. Adyt.) 

incorp. the Ledbury Free Press, 1869). (tnd.) Fri. ld. George Williams Press Ltd., 
The Cross, Ledbury. 

A. Vaughan, Ledbury. (Only local paper printed in Ledbury ; has a larger circu- 
lation than that of any other local paper. 5 

tLEE JOURNAL, 1899. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Lewisham Newspaper -Co. Ltd., 392 High 
Road, Lee. ‘One of the Lewisham Journal series.- 

Leeds and District Weekly Citizen, 1911. (/ad.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Leeds Labour 
Publishing Society Ltd., 14 Upper Fountain St., Leeds. 

106] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand) London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

ae ee ee ee a 

me o ame o a au 

Leeds Blue Book and City Record, 1903. Jan. 2d. N. G. Morrison, Bishopgate, Leeds 
~ (Containing facts and figures of general and local interests. Advt.) 
t Leeds Catholic Heraid, 1888. Fri. 1d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 165A Briggate, Leeds. 
One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 
Leeds City Diary, 1887. Dec. 1s. West Riding A BC Publishing Co. Ltd., 10 New 
Station St., Leeds. 
Leeds Co-operative Record, 1878. M.—1st. Gratis. J. W. Fawcett, 10 Albion St., Leeds. 
Leeds Directory, 1881. Annually. 10s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 
Leeds Hospital Magazine, 1893. M.—1st. 4d. F. R. Spark & Son, 12 East Parade, Leeds. 
{LEEDS MERCURY, 1907 (as Leeds and Yorkshire Mercury, 1901, as Leeds Mercury, 
1718). (ind.) Daily—a. m. 4d. Baines & Co. Ltd., New Station St., Leeds. 
(London: 65 Fleet St.) First issued daily, 1861. 
Leeds Stock Exchange Handbook, 1901. Jan. ls. W. Holmes, 61 Albion St., Leeds. 
and Cheadle Post, 1885). (u) Fri., for Sat. ld. Hill Bros. Ltd., Haywood St., Leek, 
— 5 p.m., for Sat. ld. Miller Bros., 6 Bath St., Leek. 
Legal Circular, 1863. Wed. Sub. Stubbs Ltd., 42 Gresham St., E.c. 
Lega! Diary, 1843. Daily in sittings. 30s. per ann. Legal Diary P. & P. Co. Ltd.. 
. 41-2 Nassau St., Dublin. : 
Yegal Diary and Almanac, 1897. Oct. 31st. 4s. to 8s. 6d. Waterlow Bros. & Layton 
Ltd., Waterlow House, Birchin Lane, E.C. 
Legal Pocket Book, &c., 1879. Dec. 2s. 6d. Waterlow Bros. & Layton Ltd., Waterlow, 
House, Birchin Lane, E.c. 
Leicester and Nottingham. Bennetts Business Directory, 1881. Annually. 3s. 6d. 
Bennett & Co., Chapel Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 456). 
{LEICESTER ADVERTISER (as Payne’s Leicester and Midland Counties Advertiser, 
1842.) (c) Fri., for Sat. Id. W..P. & W. Cox, 8 Chatham St., Leicester. 
Leicester Catholic News, 1915. Fri., for Sat. ld. New Catholic Press Ltd., 8 Bouverie 
St., E.c. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 
{LEICESTER DAILY MERCURY, 1874. () 10am. 4d. F. Hewitt & Son Ltd., 25-29 
Albion St., Leicester. (London : 44 Fleet St.) 
{LEICESTER DAILY POST, 1872. (J) 2am. 4d. F. Hewitt & Son Ltd., 25-29 Albion 
St., Leicester. (London: 44 Fleet St.) 
Leicester District Co-operative Record, 1882. M.—J1st. Gratis. Leicester Co-operative 
Printing Society, Leicester. 
tLEICESTER JOURNAL, 1753. (c) , Thurs.—4 p.m., for Fri. 1d. H. & W. Cox, 
8 Chatham St., Leicester. i 
{LEICESTER MAIL, 1910. (u) 10a.m. Seven editions. d. Leicestershire Consti- 
tution] Newspaper Co. Ltd., 10 Belvoir St., Leicester. 
{Leicester Pioneer, 1900. (ind.) Fri. ld. Leicester Independent Newspaper Co. Ltd., 
38 Colton St., Leicester. 
tLEIGH CHRONICLE, 1852. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Leigh Chronicle Ltd., Ducie St., Leigh, Lancs. 
Leigh Friendly Co-operative Society Monthly Record, 1896. M.—Ist. Gratis. The 
Society, Ellesmere St., Leigh. 
TLEIGH JOURNAL AND TIMES, 1874 (as Leigh Times, 1870). (2) Thurs.—p.m., for 
Fri. ld. Tillotson & Son Ltd., 44-6 Railway Road, Leigh. (London: 1 Tudor 
St.), One of the Bolton Journal series. 
—p.m., for Tues. ld. H. Jackson & Co., High St., Leighton Buzzard. 
Weekly Reporter, 1878). (D) Fri., for Sat. d. Beds. Times Publishing Co. Ltd., 
22 Mill St., Bedford. One of the Bedford and County Recovd series. 
tLEINSTER EXPRESS, 1831. (ind. u) Sat—a.m. ld. M. C. Carey, Maryborough. 
tLEINSTER LEADER, 1880. (zat.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Leinster Leader Co. Ltd., Naas. 
LEINSTER REPORTER, 1859. (u) Sat—a.m. ld. A. Wright, Printing House Build- 
ings, Birr & Tullamore. One of the King’s County Chronicle series. 
Leisure Hour Monthly Library, 1852. M.—25th. 6d. R.T.S., 4 Bouverie St., E.C. 
W. H. Parkes, Abbey Press, High St., Leiston. 
tLEITH BURGHS PILOT, 1864. () Wed. & Sat. 4d. C. Thomson, 23 Laurie St., Leith. 
tLeith Commercial List, 1813. Daily —9 a.m. and 6 p.m. £2 per ann. Mackenzie & 
Storrie Ltd., Timber Bush, Leith. 
1896. (ind.) Sat. Id. Leith Printing, &c., Co. Ltd., 75 Tolbooth Wynd, Leith, 

Advertisements received for all Glasgow Newspapers & Pertodicals. [107 

ABC List] Wiiling’s Press Guide. 

*LEITRIM ADVERTISER, 1856. (/.c) Thurs. 2d. Mrs. Turner, Main St., Mohill, 

{LEITRIM OBSERVER, 1890. (at.) Fri—5 p.m., for Sat. 1d, P. Dunne, St. George’s 
Terrace, Carrick-on-Shannon. 

*tLENNOX HERALD, 1862. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Bennett & Thomson, 20-22 

Church’ St., Dumbarton. 

Lenton and Nottingham Co-operative Society Record, 1885. Gratis. M.—Ist. Alfred 

‘St. North, Nottingham. 

Leodiensian, 1882. Alter.-M. 6d. The Editor, Grammar School, Leeds. 

TISER, 1880. Fri. 1d. Leominster Printing Co., 27 Draper’s Lane, Leominster. 

Lesson Handbook of the International S.S. Lessons, 1904. Nov. 10d. C. H. Kelly, 
25-35 City Road, and 26 Paternoster Row, E.c. i 

S (Quickref) Diaries. Nov. Various. Cassell & Co. Ltd., La Belle Sauvage, Ludgate 

ill, E.c. l 

Letts’s (Charles) Diaries. Oct. Various. Charles Letts & Co., 3 Royal Exchange, E.C. 

{LEVEN ADVERTISER & WEMYSS GAZETTE, 1888. (ind.) Thurs. 4d. Fife United 
Press Ltd., North St., Leven. (The largest circulated halfpenny paper in Fife. Advt.) 

Lewes, Newhaven and Seaford Blue Book and Local Directory, 1900. Sept. 1s. 6d. 
Garnett, Mepham & Fisher, Ltd., 112 Gloucester Road, Brighton. l 

Fri., for Sat. 4d. J. Allen, 71 Dartmouth Road, Forest Hill, s.z. One -of the ” 
Forest Hill, &c., Examiner series. X 

TLEWISHAM BOROUGH NEWS, 1901 (as Borough News, 1900, as Lewisham Indepen- 
dent, 1893, as Lewisham Free Press, 1889). (ind.) Fri.—5 a.m. 1d. Lewisham Borough 
News Printing Co. Ltd., 166 Hither Green Lane, Lewisham, S.E. 

Lewisham, Brockley, and Catford Directory, 1881. - Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. i 

tLEWISHAM JOURNAL, 1902. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Lewisham Newspaper Co. Ltd., 392 
High Road, Lee, S.E. 

tLEYLAND AND FARINGTON WEEKLY NEWS, 1910. () Sat. Id. Ellis & Sons, 
Market Place, Chorley. One of the Chorley, &c., Weekly News series. 

Leys fornai; 1876. Alter—Fridays during term. 3d. The Editor, Leys School, 

Harrow Green Gazette, 1876). (ind.) Fri—2 p.m., for Sat. ld. J. G. Locks, 827 
High Rd., Leytonstone. One of the Leytonstone Express series. 

tLEYTONSTONE EXPRESS AND INDEPENDENT, 1876. (ind.) Fri.—2 p.m., for Sat. 
ld. J. G. Locks, 827 High St., Leytonstone. 

Leytonstone, Wanstead, and Snaresbrook Directory, 1909. Last issue 1915. 1s. Kelly’s 
Directories, 182 High Holborn, w.c. i 

Liberal Magazine, 1893. (7) M.—7th. 6d. Liberal Publication Department, 42 Parlia- - 
ment St., s.w. 

Liberal Year Book, 1904. Dec. Is. and 2s. net. Liberal Publication Department, 
42 Parliament St., s.w. : 

Liberator, 1855. Quarterly. 1d. Liberation Society, 16 Caxton House, Westminster, s.w. 

Liberator, 1914. (nat.) Tues., Thurs., and Sat. $d. Kerryman Ltd., Edward St., 
Tralee, Co. Kerry. 

-Librarian and Book World, 1910. M.—10th. 6d. net. Stanley Paul & Co., 31 Essex St, 
Strand, w.c. 

Libraries, Museums and Art Galleries Year Book, 1897. Oct. 8s. 6d. net. Stanley 
Paul & Co., 31 Essex St., Strand, w.c. ` 

Library, 1889. Quarterly. 3s. net. A. Moring Ltd., 32 George St., Hanover Sq., w. 

Library and Museum Quarterly, 1913. Gratis. Librarian, Public Library, Middlesbrough. 

Library Assistant, 1898. M.—tIst. 4s. per ann., post free. H. G. Sureties, Public 
Library, Shepherd’s Hill, Highgate. ve 

Library Association Record, 1899. M.—15th. 2s. Library Association, Caxton Hall, 
Westminster, s.w. 

Library Association Year Book, 1893. Irreg., last issue 1914. 1s. Library Association, 
Caxton Hall, Westminster, s.w. oy 

Library Circular, 1899. Quarterly. Gratis. Public Libraries, Sunderland. 

Library Worid, 1898. M.—15th. 6d. Grafton & Co., 8 Coptic St., Bloomsbury, w.c. 

License Hoider, 1912. Sat. 1d. License Holder Publishing Co. Ltd.,23 Piccadilly, Bradford. 

tLicensed Trade News, 1888 (with which is incorporated Brewer and Publican). Sat. 
ld. J. G. Hammond & Co. Ltd., 139 Moor St., Birmingham. 

Licensed Vehicie Trade Record, 1914. Alter. Wed. ld. London and: Provincial Union 
of Licensed Vehicle Workers, 39 Gerrard St., w. 

S| James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

tLicensed Victuallers’ Gazette and Hotel Courier, 1872. Fri—9 a.m. 2d. Premier 
Publishing Co., 81 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Licensed Victuallers’ Official Annual, 1894. Dec. ls. 27 Russell Square, w.c., and 
- G. Vickers, Angel Court, Strand, w.c. 

Licensed Victuallers’ Year Book, 1873. Dec. 1s., illus. Premier Publishing Co., 81 
Farringdon St., E.C. 

tLicensing Worid and Licensed Trade Review, 1892. Sat. Id. 27 Russell Square, W.C. 
and G. Vickers, Angel Court, Strand, w.c.- 

Lichfield Diocesan Church Calendar, 1855. Jan. 1s. A.C. Lomax’s successors, Lichfield. 
(London: Simpkin & Co.) 

Lichfield Diocesan Magazine, 1880. M.—ist. Id. A. C. Lomax’s successors, Lichfield. 
London: Simpkin & Co.) 

{LICHFIELD MERCURY, 1815 (with which is incorporated Tamworth Mercury and Sutton 
Coldfield Mercury). (ind.) Fri. 1d. Allison & Bowen Ltd., 36 Bird St., Lichfield. 
(The only paper printed and produced in the Lichfield Parliamentary Division. 

_ Circulates largely in the populous Cannock Chase mining centre, etc. Advt.) 

Life and Work, 1879. M.—lIst. ld., illus. R. & R. Clark Ltd., 72 Hanover St., Edin- 
burgh. (London: Dudley House, Southampton St., Strand.) 

Life Assurance Vade Mecum, 1894. July. 1s. J. Wilkie, 26 Gayfield Square, Edinburgh. 

tLife of Faith, 1879 (as Christian’s Pathway of Power, 1874). Wed. ‘1d. Marshall 

: Brothers Ltd., 47 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Life of Faith Almanack, 1879. Nov. ld. Marshall Bros. Ltd., 47 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

‘Life-Boat Journal, 1852. Feb., May, Aug., Nov. 3d.; Annual Report, May, 1s., illus. 
Royal National Life-Boat Institution, 22 Charing Cross Road, w.c. 

tLight, 1881. -Fri—9 a.m., for Sat. 2d. 110 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c. (A Journal of 
Psychical, Occult, and Mystical research. Advt.) ~ 

Light and Truth, 1881. Quarterly. ld. Spanish and Portuguese Church Aid Society, 
Church House, Dean’s Yard, s.w. 

tLight Car, 1913. Wed. ld. Iliffe & Sons Ltd., 20 Tudor St., E.c. 

+ Light Car and Cyclecar, 1913 (as Cyclecar, 1912). Mon. ld. Temple Press Ltd., Rose- 

ery Avenue, E.C. 

Light Car Manual, 1914. 1s. irreg., last issue 1915. Temple Press Ltd., 7-15 Rosebery 
Avenue, R.C. 

Light Cars and Cyclecars,1914. Jan. 6d. Temple Press Ltd., 7-15 Rosebery Avenue, E.C. 

Light In the Home, 1827. M.—25th. 4d. R.T.S., 4 Bouverie St., E.c. 

Lighten our Darkness, 1913 (as Church of England Scripture Readers’ Association Quar- 
terly Record, 1910, as Scripture Readers’ Journal, 1853). Quarterly. 1d. The Asso- 
ciation, Falcon Court, 32 Fleet St., E.C. 

Lights and Tides of the World, 1900. Jan. 16s. Imray & Co. Ltd., 156 Minories, E. 

Lily, 1880. Twice each term. 6d. The Editor, Magdalen College School, Oxford. 

LIMERICK CHRONICLE, 1766. (/.c) Tues., Thurs., Sat. 1d. G. S. Wright, 59 George 
St., Limerick. 

LIMERICK ECHO, 1898. (ind. nat.) Tues. 1d. C. O’Sullivan, 13 Sarsfield St., Limerick. 

TLIMERICK LEADER, 1889. (nat.) Mon., Wed., and Fri. ld. Limerick Leader Ltd., 
54 O’Connell St., Limerick. , 

{LIMERICK WEEKLY ECHO, 1897. (ind. nat.) Fri., for Sat. Id. C. O’Sullivan, 
13 Sarsfield St., Limerick. 

TLINCOLN, RUTLAND, AND STAMFORD MERCURY, 1695. lind.) Thurs., for Fri. 
ld. C. Joyce, High St., Stamford. (London :: 146 Fleet St.) 

Lincoln and Lincolnshire Almanac, 1874. Dec. 3d. Lincolnshire Chronicle Ltd., Salter- 
gate, Lincoln. 

Lincoln Budget, 1853. Nov. 2d. J. W. Ruddock & Sons, 287 High St., Lincoln. 

Lincoin Co-operative Society Record, 1890. Quarterly. ‘Gratis. Co-operative Society, 
Silver St., Lincoln. 

Lincoln Diocesan Church Calendar, 1865. Dec. 1s. net., plate. Lincolnshire Chronicle 
Ltd., Saltergate, Lincoln. (London: Simpkin & Co.) 

Lincoln Diocesan Magazine, 1886. M.—I1st. 2d. Keyworth & Sons, Swanpool Court, 

~ Lincoln. 

* Lincoln Directory, 1860. Last issue 1913. 5s. 6d. J. W. Ruddock & Sons, 
287 High St., Lincoln. 

colnshire Publishing Co. Ltd., (W. Cottam), 3 St. Benedict’s Square, Lincoln. 
(London: 115 Fleet St.) 

TLINCOLN LEADER AND COUNTY ADVERTISER, 1896. (/) Sat. 1d. Lincolnshire 
Press Ltd., 13 St. Benedict Square, Lincoln. 

Lincolnshire and Hull Directory, 1861. Every four years, last/issue 1913. 30s. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Adnovticomonte voroined tov all theo Veary Ronke [rao 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

Lincolnshire, Bennett’s Business Directory, 1881. Annually. 5s. Bennett & Co., Chapel 
Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 456.) 

AND EASTERN COUNTIES ADVERTISER, 1847. (ind.) Mon., for Tues. ld. 
Spalding Free Press Co. Ltd., 5 Hall Place, Spalding. 

+LINCOLNSHIRE CHRONICLE, 1832. (c) Sat.—a.m. ld. Lincolnshire Chronicle 
Ltd., Saltergate, Lincoln. ; 

{LINCOLNSHIRE ECHO, 1893. (u) Daily—p.m. 4d. The Lincolnshire Publishing Co. 
Ltd., (W Cottam), 3 St. Benedict’s Square, Lincoln. (London: 115 Fleet St.) 

Lincolnshire Notes and Queries, 1888. Jan, April, July, Oct. 1s. 6d. W. K. Morton 

Sons Ltd., 27 High St., Horncastle. 

LINCOLNSHIRE STANDARD, 1912 (with which is incorporated the Boston Independent 
and Lincolnshire Advertiser, 1878). (c) Sat. ld. G. Robinson, Threadneedle St., 
Boston, (Advt. p. 457). 

tLINCOLNSHIRE STAR, 1908 (as Lindsey and Lincolnshire Star, 1889; as North 
Lindsey Star, 1889). (/) Thurs., for Sat. ld. W. G. Davy, Wrawby St., Brigg. 

Linen Trade Circular, 1913 (with which is incorporated the I rish Textile J ournal, 1852, 
and Linen Market, 1889). Fri., for Sat. 21s. per ann. H.C. Smith, 7 Donegall 
Square, East, Belfast. Ir 

Link, 1916 (as Cupid’s Messenger, 1915). M.—-l4th. 6d. Camis Press, 3 Wine Office 
Court, F.C. 

Link, 1916. Quarterly. Subs. M. Bellows, Wheatbridge, Upton St. Leonards. 

Links of Help, 1911. M.—Ist. Id. H. G. Hall, Rishton View, Bolton. 

{LINLITHGOWSHIRE GAZETTE, 1891. (/) Fri—a.m. ld. F. Johnston & Co., 114 
High St., Linlithgow. Branch Offices: 55 South St., Bo’ness, and 47 North Bridge 
St., Bathgate. 

Linney’s Illustrated Mansfield Almanack, 1872. Dec. 1d. W. & J. Linney Ltd., West 
Gate, Mansfield. 


for Sat. ld. R. McMullen, 32 Bow St., Lisburn. 

tLISBURN STANDARD, 1876. (u) Fri. ld. V. McMurray, Market Square, Lisburn. 

{LISKEARD AND CALLINGTON POST, 1877. (/) Fri., for Sat. Id. Cornish & Devon 
Post Ltd., Western Buildings, Launceston. One of the Cornish and Devon Post series 

List of Motor Cars Manufactured or Sold in the United Kingdom, 1911 (now Motor: 
Car Red Book, 1916). 

List of Private Bills, 1847. Jan. Is. Vacher & Sons Ltd., Westminster House, Great 
Smith St., s.w. 

List of Subscriptions to English, Colonial and Foreign Newspapers, Magazines, &c., 1888. 
Oct. Gratis. W. Dawson Publishing Co. Ltd., Bream’s Buidings, Chancery Lane, E.C. 

Literary Guide, 1885. M.—25th. 2d. Watts & Co., 17 Johnson’s Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

Literary World and Reader, 1867. M.—1st Thurs. 3d. J. Clarke & Co., 13 Fleet St., E.C. 

Literary Year Book, 1896. Dec. 6s. net. Heath Cranton Ltd., 6 Fleet Lane, E.c. 

Little Folks, 1871. M.—-26th. 7d. net., illus. ; half-yearly vols., 3s. 6d. net, and 5s. net. 

- Cassell & Co. Ltd., La Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

Little Frolic, 1893. Oct. ‘2s. 6d. J. F. Shaw & Co. Ltd., 3 Pilgrim St., Ludgate Hill, E.C, 

Little Gleaner and Young People’s Treasury, 1854. M.—27th. ld. S. G. Madgwick, 26 
Ivy Lane, E.C. 

Little Paper, 1910. M.—6th. ld. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Little Precept Kalendar, 1906. Sept. 4d. A. R. Mowbray & Co., Ltd., 28 Margaret | St., wW. 

Liitlebury’s Directory of Worcester, &c., 1869. irreg. 5s. 6d. to subscribers. Littlebury 
& Co., The Worcester Press, Worcester. 

tLITTLEHAMPTON GAZETTE, 1893. (c) Fri. ld. Worthing & Littlehampton 
Gazette Co., 22 Beach Road, Littlehampton. One of the Worthing Gazette series. 
(Penny Guide and Railway A BC. post free 14d. Adit.) 

ee Arty NEWS, 1890 (as The News, 1863, incorporated with Littlehampion 

azetie , 


(u) Wed. ld. R.J. Acford Ltd., 2 East St. Littlehampton. One of the Chichester 
. Observer series 

tLITTLEPORT GAZETTE, 1879. (ind.) Fri. ld. Sharman & Co. Ltd., High St., 
March. One of the abr dhe Times series. 

t Live Stock Journal, 1875. Fri—4 p.m. 4d. Vinton & Co. Ltd., 8 Bream’s Buildings,E.c: 

Live Stock Journal Almanac, 1877. Dec. ls and 2s., illus. Vinton & Co. Ltd., 
8 Bream’s Buildings, E.C. 

v10] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Liverpool ABC Railway Guide and Steamship Advertiser, M.—Ist. 3d. Littlebury 
Bros., 3 Crosshall St., Liverpool. (An excellent advertising medium for Hotels and 
Boarding Establishments and general announcements ; used in all the Government, 
Shipping and Merchants’ Offices ; also Hotels, Clubs, Libraries, etc., and on board 
all American and Colonial Liners and other passengers’ vessels sailing to and 
from Liverpool. Advt.) 

Liverpool and Birkenhead Official Red Book, 1900. Jan. ls. 6d. and 2s. 6d. Littlebury 
Bros., 3 Crosshall St., Liverpool. 

Liverpool ‘Association News, 1881. M.—lIst. ld. Y.M.C.A., 56-60 Mount Pleasant, 
Liverpool. | 

tLiverpool Catholic Herald, 1890. Fri. 1d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 37a Manchester 
St., Liverpool. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

TLIVERPOOL COURIER, 1808. (c) Daily—2 & 4.30. Id. C. Tinling & Co. Ltd., 
pine as St., Liverpool. (London: 187 Fleet St.). Weekly, 1808-58; semi-week] y, 

tLiverpool Customs Bill of Entry, Daily. (A) £4 4s., (B) {2 per ann. C. Vernon & 
Sons Ltd., 56-8 South Castle St., Liverpool. 

Liverpool Diocesan Calendar, 1880. Dec. ls. The Editor, Church House, Livergccl 
(London: Simpkin & Co. Ltd.) 

Liverpool Diocesan Gazette, 1903. M.—Ist. 1d. The Editor, Church House, Liverpcol: 

LIVERPOOL ECHO, 1879. (/) 8 editions daily—Ist edition 9.30 a.m. $d. Liverpocl. 
hee? ayy” &c. Ltd., 46-50 Victoria St., Liverpool. (London: F. Johnston, 128 

eet St 

tLIVERPOOL FOOTBALL ECHO, 1889. Sat. 4d. Liverpool Daily Post, &c. Ltd., 
46-50 Victoria St, Liverpool. (London: 138 Fleet St., E.C.) : 

Liverpool General Brokers Association Limited Weekly Circular, 1849. Fri. Sub. 
Liverpool General Brokers Association Ltd., H: 11 Exchange Buildings, Liverpool 

Liverpoo! Medico-Chirurgical Journal, 1881 . Jan. & July. 2s. 6d. net. Medical Insti- 
tution, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool. (London: 136 Gower St.) 

Liverpool Municipal Officers’ Guild Gazette, 1898. Quarterly. ld. The Editor, 28B 
The Temple, Dale St., Liverpool. 

tLIVERPOOL POST AND LIVERPOOL MERCURY, 1904 (with which is incor- 
porated the Liverpool Daily Post, 1855, and the Liverpool Mercury, 1811). (i) 
2a.m. ld. Liverpool Daily post, &c., Ltd., 46-50 Victoria St., Liverpocl. (Lendon: 
F Johnston, 138 Fleet St.) 

Liverpool Shipping! Who’s Who, 1909. Jan. ls.. C. Birchall Ltd., 17 James’ St. 

. Liverpool. 

Liverpool Stock Exchange Official Daily List, 1902. Even. Subs. Committee of the 
Liverpool Stock Exchange, Liverpool. 

Liverpool Stock Exchange Official Weekly List, 1902. Fri. Subs. Committee of the 
Liverpool Stock Exchange, Liverpool. 

Liverpool University Calendar, 1881. Jan. 1s. University Press, 57 Ashton St., 

Æ> Liverpool. 

LIVERPOOL WEEKLY MERCURY, 1811 (incorporated with the Liverpool Weekly. 
Post and Mercury, 1916). 

TLIVERPOOL WEEKLY POST AND MERCURY, 1878. (/) Sat. ld. Liverpool 
Daily Post, &c., Ltd., 46-50 Victoria St., Liverpool. (London: F. Johnston, 
138 Fleet St.) , 

+LIVERSEDGE DISTRICT NEWS, 1854. (c) Sat.—a.m. ld. News P. & P. Co. Ltd. 
Corporation St., Dewsbury. One of the Dewsbury District News series. (London : 
85 Fleet St.) 

Living Waters, 1873. M.—25th. 1d., illus. Marshall Bros. Ltd.. 47 Paternoster Row, E,C. 

Livingstone College Year Book, 1902. Jan. 6d. Livingstone College, Leyton. 

Liadmerydd (The Expositor), 1884. M.—Ist. 2d. E. W. Evans, Smithfield Lane, Dolgelly. 

LLAIS LLAFUR (Labour Voice), 1898 (now Latour Voice, 1916) 

tLian a’r Dywysogaeth, 1869. Fri. 1d. The Welsh Church Press & Printing Co. Ltd., 
Caxton Hall, Lampeter. 

Llandaff Diocesan Church Calendar, 1880. Jan. ls. 6d. W. Lewis, 22 Duke St., Cardiff. 

Liandaff Diocesan Magazine, 1900. Jan., March, July, Oct.—30th. 14d. W. Lewis, 
22 Duke St., Cardiff. 

tLLANDUDNO ADVERTISER, 1880. (ind.) Fri—p.m., for Sat. 144. Edge & Moy, 
133 Mostyn St., Llandudno. 

ld. R. E. Jones & Bros., Conway. One of the North:Wales Weekly Netes series, 

A dJa Fore oF Gre a DPE Ue Pre rae | E PEE will 4l. a D.. Fa AT aean A miannan i Cea: 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

ggg er a ee a EE DY NP A EC CECA, 

Llandudno, Deganwy ard Conway Directory, 1911. 2s. 6d. The Wentworth Futlishing 
Co., 3 Crosshall St., Liverpool. 

LLANDUDNO DIRECTORY AND VISITOR, 1904 (as Original Llandudno Directory, 
1854). (c) Fri. 1d. North Wales Chronicle Co. Ltd., Caroline St., Llandudno. 

LLANDUDNO JUNCTION STANDARD, 1915. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. $d. P. C. Cleaver, 
Silver Chambers, Conway. (One of the North Wales Standard series). "g 

LLANDUDNO PILOT, 1902. (ind.) Wed. Gratis. Edge & Moy, 133 Mostyn St., 
Llandudno. e4 

t{LLANDUDNO REGISTER AND VISITORS’ HERALD, 1854. ()) Thurs.— 2 p.m. ld. 
E. Abbott, Castle Square, Carnarvon. One of the Carnarvon, &c,. Herald series. 

(l.u) Thurs. 1d. Williams & Son, Cowell St., Llanelly. l 

tLLANELLY ARGUS, 1911. (ind.) Sat. $d. Williams & Son, Cowell St., Llanelly. 

 tLLANELLY MERCURY, 1891. (r) Thurs. ld. Llanelly Mercury Printing Co. Ltd., 
28 Market St. Llanelly. 

tLLANELLY STAR, 1909. (ind.) Sat.—6 p.m. 4d. Llanelly Star Publishing Co., 
Vaughan St., Llanelly. ; 

Thurs. 1d. R. E. Jones & Bros., Conway. One of the North Wales Weekly News series. 

LLANFAIRFECHAN STANDARD, 1915. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. $d. P. C. Cleaver, Silver 
Chambers, Conway. One of the North Wales Standard series. 

JOURNAL, 1860. (ind.) Thurs., for Fri., ld. Thomas & Co., Caxton Press, The 
Cross, Oswestry. 

ld. R. E. Jones & Bros., Conway. One of the North Wales Weekly News series. 


. C. Cottom, 33 Vale St., Denbigh. One of the Denbighshive Free Press series. 

LLANRWST STANDARD, 1915. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 4d. P. C. Cleaver, Silver 
Chambers, Conway. One of the North Wales Standard series. 

Lloya’s Calendar, 1898 (as Lioyd’s Seamen’s Almanac, 1892). Nov. 1s. Lloyd’s, Royal 
Exchange, E.C. 

Lloyd’s Directory of Manufacturers, Merchants and Shippers, etc., 1902. Jan. Subscri- 
bers: 42s. Lloyd’s Publishing Co. Ltd., 51 John Bright St., Birmingham. 

tLloyd’s List, 1726. a.m. 3d. Lloyd’s, Royal Exchange, E.C. 

Lioyd’s List Weekly Summary, 1916 (as Shipping Gazette Weekly Summary, 1856). 
Fri. 6d. Lloyd’s Royal Exchange, E.c. 

Lloyd's Register of Shipping, 1834 (as Register of Shipping, 1760). July. £3 3s., &c. 
Lloyd’s Register, 71 Fenchurch St., E.c. 

Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, Lloyd's Register of Yachts, 1878. May. 21s. Lloyd’s 
Register, 71 Fenchurch St., E.c. 

Lloyd’s Registey of Shipping. Rules for the Construction and Classification of Steel 
Vessels, 1834 (as Register of Shipping, 1760). July. 5s. Lloyd’s Register, 71 Fen- 
church St., E.c. bees 

Lloyd's Register of Shipping. Rules for the Construction and Classification of Yachts, 
1878. May. 5s. Lloyd’s Register, 71 Fenchurch St., E.C. 

Lloyd's Register of Shipping. Rules for the Construction and Classification of Yachts of th 
International Rating Classes, 1907. Irreg. 5s. Lloyd’s Register, 71 Fenchurch St., E.C. 

tLloyd’s Weekly Index, 1880. Thurs. a.m. 84s. per ann. and upwards. Lloyd’s Royal 
Exchange, E.C. 

{LLOYD’S WEEKLY NEWS, 1843 (as Lioyd’s Illustrated London Newspaper, 1842). 
(4) Sun.; early editions on Fri. and Sat., 1d. United Newspapers Ltd., 12 Salis- 
bury Square, Fleet St., E.C. 

Llusern (The Lantern), 1884. M.—Ist. Id. Welsh Publishing Co. Ltd., Carnarvon. 

Local, 1914. M.—6th. Gratis. J. G. Spurdle, 90 High Road, South Tottenham, N. 

Local Acts. During session. Price varies. Wyman & Sons Ltd., Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Local Advertising Sheet, 1901. Fri. Gratis. The Brooks Press, Wirksworth. 

Local Government Annual and Official Directory, 1892. Jan. ls. 6d. 7 Chichester House, 
Chancery Lane, w.c. (Names of Chief Public Officials all over the Country. Advt.) 

Local Government Board Annual Report, 1872. 3s. 6d. to 4s. 64. Wyman & Sons Ltd., 
Fetter Lane, E.c. 

tLocal Government Chronicle (as Knight's Official Advertiser, 1855), Fri—5 p.m., for 
Sat. 3d. C. Knight & Co. Ltd., 227-239 Tooley St., S.E. 

Local Government Directory,1841. Jan. 8s. 6d. C. Knight & Co. Ltd:,227-239 Tooley St., s.r. 

Local Government Directory of Scotland, 1863. Mar. 3s. N. Adshead & Son, 11 and 92 
Union St., Glasgow. 

ern Traanoe Wellena T fa A deaowta cand A noante IAA CSenaca T Avs DAA 

: Wiliing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

tLocal Government Journal and Officials’ Gazette, 1892 (as Metropolitan, 1872). Sat. 
2d. 7 Chichester House, Chancery Lane, w.c. (The medium between Public 
Authorities and Contractors. <Advt.). 

Local Government Law Reports, 1903. M.—15th. £2 2s. Annually. C. Knight & Co. 
Ltd., 227-239 Tooley St., S.E. 

Local Government Review, 1909 (with which is incorporated the Council’s Journal, 
1899). M.—l1st. Is. net. Local Government Review Ltd., 25 White St., Moor 
Lane, E.c. 

Local Legislation, 1909. April. 10s. net. Southwood & Co. Ltd., 30 Craven St., Strand,w.c. 

Local Preachers’ Magazine, 1851. M.—20th. 1d. H. Marshall & Son, 125 Fleet St., E.C. 

‘Local Review for Wanstead, 1907 (incorporated with Bugle (Woodford) 1916). 

LOCHGELLY AND KELTY NEWS, 1893." (ind.) Tues. 4d. N. J. Charteris, 123 Main 
St., Lochgelly. 

Lockwood’s Builders’ and Contractors’ Price Book, 1875 (as Builder’s Price Book, 1856). 
Dec. 4s. Crosby Lockwood & Son, 7 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.c. 

Locomotive Journal, 1889. (/ab.) M.—lIst. 2d. Associated Society of Locomotive 
Engineers and Firemen, 8 Park Square, Leeds. 

Locomotive Magazine and Railway Carriage and Wagon Review, 1896. M.—15th. 32 
Locomotive Publishing Co. Ltd., 3 Amen Corner, E.c. 

Lodestone, 1905. 3 times a year. 6d. The Editor, Birkbeck College, Bream’s Buildings,¥.c. 

Lodge's Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage, 1831. Irreg., last issue -1912. 21s. net. 
Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

LOFTUS ADVERTISER, 1876. (ind.) Fri. ld. W. Richardson & Sons Ltd., Station 
and West Roads, Loftus. 

Lomax’s Red Book and Almanack for Lichfield, 1888. Dec. ld. A. C. Lomax’s suc- 
cessors, Lichfield. 

-  Londinian, 1913. Terminally. 6d. City of London College, White St., Moorfields, E.C. 

London (Fry’s), 1880. April. 1s., illus. Love & Malcomson Ltd., 3- 9 Dane St., High 
Holborn, w.c. 

London Academy of Music Gazette, 1908 (as London Academy of Music Magazine, 1904). 
3 times a year. 2d. Incorporated London Academy of Music, 22 Princes St., 
Cavendish Square, w. 

London Almanack, 1770. Nov. 4d. G. H. James & Co., 48 Old Bailey, E.C. 

{LONDON AND CHINA EXPRESS, 1858. Tues.—on departure of mails. 9d. H. R. 
Preston, 79 Gracechurch St., E.c. 

TLONDON AND CHINA TELEGRAPH, 1858. Mon.—on arrival of mails from the East. 
9d. H.R. Preston, 79 Gracechurch St., E.c. 

London and County Trades Directory, 1887 (as Mercantile . Diary, 1877). March. 25s. 
Moody & Co., Devonshire Chambers, Bishopsgate, E.C. 

London and North Western Railway Gazette, 1912. M.—Ist. L. & N.-W. Ry. Statt, 
Euston Station, N.W. 

London and North Western Time Table, 1851. irreg. lid. London and North 
Western Railway, Euston Station, N.w. 

London and Provincial Directory and Buyers’ Guide, 1908 (with which is incorporated 
Crane’s Directory, and Buyers’ Guide). June. 20s. Crane, Crane & Co., 17 Farring- 
don St., E.c. 

London and Provincial Music Trades Review, 1877 (now Music Trades Review, 1916). 

London and South Western Railway Time Table, 1851.. June and Oct. 2d. London & 

. South Western Railway, Waterloo Station, S.E. 

London and Suburban Traders’ Federation Quarterly Notes, 1916 (as Retailer and 
Associated Trader, 1915). J. Russell Pickering, 154, Balham High Road, s.w. 
London Art Fashions, 1911. M.—20th. 2s. 6d. J. Williamson & Co. Ltd., 42 Gerrard St.,w. 
London Assoctation of Accountants’ Year Book, &c., 1907. Jan. Ss. The Association, 

87 Temple Chambers, Temple Avenue, E.c. 

London Banks and Kindred Companies and Firms, 1865. June. 12s. 6d. net. T. Skinner; 
& Co., 76-81 Gresham House, Old Broad St., E.C. 

London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Time Tabie, 1842. irreg. 3d. London 

-Brighton and South Coast Railway, London Bridge Terminus, S.E. 

London Builder, Architect and Surveyor, 1913. M.—15th. ld. A. Haworth & Co. 

j Ltd., 84 Leadenhall St., E.c. (Advt. p. 412). 

London City Mission Magazine, 1837 (as City Mission Magazine, 1836). M.—Ist. 1d. 
L.C.M., 3 Bridewell Place, E.C. 

London City Mission Messenger, 1909. M.—18th. d. L.C.M., 3 Bridewell Place, E.C. 

tLondon Commercial Record, 1842, Fri. 5d. Smith, Gowland & Co. Ltd., 3 Church 

l St., Minories, E.C. ; 

A darowta coan omte worotnad daw all theo Diasunssth Al oameAnhA ovo Fere 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

emer vagy Circular, 1843. Mon. & Fri—p.m. 21s. per ann. Smith, Gowland 
3 Church St., Minories, E.C. 

bondan cas, Council Gazette, 1905 (as London Education Gazette, 1904, as School 
Board for London Gasette, 1896). Mon. ld. P. S. King & Son Ltd., Orchard 
House, 2-4 Great Smith St., S.W. 

London County Council Staff Gazette, 1900. M.—lIst. 2d. G. B. Tyson, Education 

. Offices, Victoria Embankment, w.c. 

London County Suburbs Directory, 1904. Annually. lis. 642. Kelly’ S Directories Ltd., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. l 

London Crusader, 1892. M.—30th. łd. C.E.T.S., 89 Southampton Row, w.c. 

tLondon Customs Bills of Entry, 1659. Morn. Bill A (Ships’ Reports) and Bill B 
(Imports, Exports, and Shipping). /4 4s. per ann. each. C. Vernon & Sons Ltd., 
82-3 Lower Thames St., E.c. 

London Customs Bills of Entry Coal Tables, 1902. M.—Ist. 25s. per ann. c. Vernon 
& Sons Ltd., 82-3 Lower Thames St., E.C. 

London Diocesan ‘Magazine, 1886. M.—Ist. 3d. Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & Co. Ltd., 
1 New Street Square, E.c. 

London Diocese Year Book, 1865. Feb. 2s. net. S.P.C K, Greener House, Hay- 
market, s.w. 

London Directory, with Suburbs, 1892. Dec. 1 vol. 20s. London Directory Co. Ltd., 
25 Abchurch Lane, E.C. 

London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine, 1798. M.—last day, 2s. 6d. 
illus. Taylor & Francis, 74 Red Lion Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

tLondon Gazette, 1666 (as Oxford Gazette, 1665). Tues. and Fri.—7 p-m. ls. Wyman 
& Sons Ltd., Fetter Lane, £.c. (Advt. p. 457). 

tLondon Grain, Seed and Oll Reporter, 1915 (with which are incorporated Dornbusch’s 
and Benes List). Subs. a.m. and p.m. Comtelburo Ltd., 11 Tokenhouse 

London Hospital Gazette, 1893. M.—20th, during term. London Hospital Clubs’ 
Union, Turner St., E. 

London Life, 1913 (as P.I .P., 1861). Mon., for Sat. 1d. London Life Publishing Co., 
42 Ludgate Hill, Ec. . 

London Magazine, 1903 (as Harmsworth London Magasins, 1898). M.—20th. 6d. 
Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St., E.c. 

+London Mail, 1912.. Mon., for Sat. 2d. W. Southern, 15 Whitefriars St., B.C. 

London Municipal Notes, 1905. M.—15th. 2d. London Municipal Society, 2 Bridge 
St., Westminster, s.w. 

London Musical Courier, 1897 (formerly Musical Courter, 1894). Sat. 3d. F. V. 
Atwater, 39 Goldhurst Terrace, N.W. 

tLondon Opinion, 1904 (with which is incorporated To-day, 1893). Tues., for Sat. 1d. 
London Opinion Ltd., 67-8 Chandos St., w.c. 

London Opinion Summer Annual, 1911. June. ls. net. London Opinion Ltd., Water- 
gate House, York Buildings, Adelphi, w.c. 

pondon aan, 1892. M.—27th. 6d. Royal Philatelic Society, 4 Southampton 

inane Pilar ot of Fire, 1910. M.—Ist. ld. Mrs. A. White & A. K. White, 33 Gloucester 

London Quarterly Review, 1853. Jan., April, July, Oct. 2s. 6d. C. H. Kelly, 25-35 
City Road, and 26 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

London Scottish Regimental Gazette, 1895. M.—Ist. 4d. 59 Buckingham Gate, s.w. 

London Shipping, 1910. Jan. 1s. C. Birchall Ltd., 17 James’ St., Liverpool. 

London Signal, 1905. M.—Ist Thurs. 1d. H. Marshall & Son, 125 Fleet St., E.c. 

tLondon Teacher and London Schools Review, 1904 (as Board Teacher, 1883). Fri. 2d. 
T. Gautrey, 9 Fleet St., E.c. (Circulation 21,000; a copy is sent each week to 
19,750 annual subscribers. An excellent medium for Trade Advts. Advt.) 

London Telegraph, 1913. Tues. 26s. per ann. A. O. Williamson, 2-3 West St., 
Finsbury Circus, E.C. 

London Telephone Directory, 1913. April and Oct. 2s. 6d. Controller, London Tele- 
phone service. 144a Queen Victoria St., E.C. 

London Temperance Times, 1892. M.—30th. ld. C.E.T.S., 89 Southampton Row, w.c. 

London Time Table and Red Rail Guide, 1914 (as Red Rail Guide and Hotel Directory, 
1913). M.—l1st. 2d. Register Publishing Co. Ltd., Hampton House, Kingsway,w.c' 

London Typographical Record, 1900. irreg., last issue 1914. 10s. 6d. E. Stanford Ltd., 
12-14 Long Acre, w.c. . 

London Typographical Journal, 1906. M.—I1st. 1d. London Society of Compositors, 
7 St. Bride St., E.c. 

ares, | Fo... .. WIT? . T13 A 3... ...4°.°..~ ÅL. đ 4. ARAL Ce... 3 e na: a 

Willing’s Press Guide. (ABC List. 

London University Gazette, 1901. Wed.—every four weeks. 6d. Hodder & Stoughton, 
St. Paul’s House, Warwick Square, E.c. 

London University Matriculation Directory, 1887. June. 1s. net. University Tutorial 
Press Ltd., High St., New Oxford St., w.c. 

London Welshman and Kelt, 1895 (with which is amalgamated London Welshman, 1904). 
(Welsh nat).. Sat. 1d. ‘London Welsh Pub. Co., Ltd., 302 Gray’s Inn Road, w.c. 

TLONDONDERRY SENTINEL, 1829. (c. & u) Tues., Thurs., Sat. ld. J. Colhoun, 
Pump St., Londonderry. 

Londra-Roma, 1888. Sat. id. P. Rava, 5 Fitzroy St., Fitzroy Square, w. 

Londres Hebdomadaire, 1912. Sat. d. Coin de France Ltd., 17-18 Green St., 
Leicester Square, w.c. l 

tLONG EATON ADVERTISER, 1882. (/) Fri—3 p.m., for Sat. ld. Long Eaton 
Advertiser Co. Ltd., Parr’s Buildings, Long Eaton. 

1864. (ind.) Sat. 1d. H. Turner, Earl St., Longford. 

*tLONGFORD LEADER, 1897. (nat.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Longiord P. & P. Co. Ltd., 

tLooker-On, 1913 (as Cheltenham Looker-or, 1833) (c) Sat. 1d. Looker-On Printing 
Co. Ltd., Montpelier St., Cheltenham. 

Looker-On Directory of Cheltenham, 1836. Dec. 3s. Looker-On Printing Co. Ltd., 
Montpelier St., Cheltenham. 

Lord’s Day, 1902 (as Occasional Papers, 1857). Quarterly. 1d. Lord’s Day Observance 
Society, 18 Buckingham St., Strand, w.c. 

Lord’s Portion, 1887. Quarterly. 1d. Rev. J. Silvester, Great Clacton Vicarage, 
Clacton-on-Sea. | : 

tLOSTWITHIEL AND FOWEY GUARDIAN, 1901. () Thurs., for Fri. Id. A. B. 
Lyne, Church Stile House, Bodmin. One of the Cornish Guardian series. 

LOTHIANS EXPRESS, 1888. (ind.) Thurs——p.m. $d. Baird & Hamilton Ltd., 
Graham St., Airdrie. 

Lot-o’-Fun, 1906. Mon. 4d. J. Henderson & Sons Ltd., Red Lion House, Red Lion 
Court, E.C. 

tLOUGHBOROUGH ECHO, 1901. (ind.) Fri. —2 p.m. 3d. J. Deakin, Swan St., 

(2) Wed.—9 p.m., for Thurs. ld. F. Hewitt & Son Ltd., 23- 29 Albion St., Leicester. 
(London : 44 Fleet St.) 

tLOUGHBOROUGH MONITOR AND NEWS, 1861 (with which 4 is incorporated Hinckley 
News). (ind.) Thurs. ld. W. P. & W. Cox, 10 Church Gate, Loughborough. 

LOUGHREA GUARDIAN, 1893. (ind.) Thurs. ld. W. Hastings, Dunlo St., Ballinas- 
loe. One of the Western News (Ballinasloe) series. 

LOUGHTON DISTRICT ADVERTISER, 1887. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. Ild. M. Hickman, 
High Beech Road, Loughton. 

LOUTH AND LINDSAY OBSERVER, 1912. (:nd.) Fri. ld. Eastern Morning and 
Hull News Co. Ltd., 42 Whitefriargate, Hull. 

4d.; Fri.—p.m., for Sat.; 1d. Louth, &c., Advertiser Newspaper P. & P. Co. 
Ltd., 20 Eastgate, Louth. 

Louth Reeord of Eventa, 1916. M.—31st. 2¢. Wiggin Bros., Burnthill Lane, Louth. 

Lowestoft Directory, 1889. Last issue 1915. ls. Kelly’ S Directories Ltd., 182 High 
Holborn, w.c. 

tLOWESTOFT JOURNAL, 1873. (ind.) Fri.—9 a.m., for Sat. 1d. Norwich Mercury 
Co. Ltd., 5 Redwell St., Norwich. One of the N orwich Mercury series. 

ADVERTISER, 1886. (J) Fri.—7 a.m., for Sat. ld. Norfolk News Cò. Ltd., 57 
London St., Norwich. (London : 151 Fleet St.) 

Low’s Handbook to the Charities of London, 1836, July. 1s. Sampson Low, Marston 
& Co. Ltd., 100 Southwark St., S.E. 

Lucy’s Marlborough and District Directory, 1875. Jan. 3d. Lucy & Co., Marlborough. 

Sat.. ld. W. F. Marks, Upper Galdeford, Ludlow. 

aaa S rite Almanack and Directory, 1872. Dec. ld. A. Lunan, 8-9 Commercial 

t., Alyth. 

_ Lunar Month Annual Summary of Past Racing, 1884. Dec. 1s. Ashley & Smith Ltd. 
Bridewell House, Bridewell Place, E.C. 

*tLURGAN MAIL, 1890 (with which is incorporated Lurgan Times, 1875). (c) Sat. 
ld. L. Richardson, High St., Lurgan. 

Advertisements received for all the Periodicals. [115 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

1874 (incorporating the Dunstable Advertiser, 1905). (u) Mon. $d. Parr & Bucklow, 
Manchester Square, Luton. 

LUTON NEWS AND BEDFORDSHIRE ADVERTISER, 1916 (with which are incor- 

l porated Luton News and Bedfordshire Chronicle, 1891, and Bedfordshire Advertiser 
and Luton Times, 1855). (I) Thurs. 1d. Gibbs, Bamforth & Co., Luton News 
Buildings, Luton. (Certified net weekly sale. Largest circulation in the 
County. Advt.) 

Luton News Red Book and Almanac, 1900. Dec. ld. Gibbs, Bamforth & Co., Luton 
_ News Buildings, Luton. (A handy book of local information with street Map 
of Luton and district. Advt.) 

Luzac’s Oriental List and Book Review, 1890. Alter.-M. 6d. Luzac & Co., 43 Great 
Russell St., w.c. 

Lyceum Banner, 1890. M.—Ist Sun. Id. A. Kitson, 17 Bromley Road, Hanging 
Heaton, Dewsbury. 

LYDNEY OBSERVER. (/) Thurs. ld. H. C. Grimwade, Hillside St., Lydney. 

tLYMINGTON AND SOUTH HANTS CHRONICLE, 1856. (ind.) Thurs. 1d. W. Mate 
& Sons Ltd., 73 High St., Lymington. (London : 134 Fleet St.) 

Lymm Year Book and Almanac, 1909. Dec. Gratis, I. H. Evans & Son, The Cross, 

Fri. 1d. Thew & Son, 1 High St., King’s Lynn. 

{LYNN NEWS AND COUNTY PRESS, 1859. (/) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Lynn News and 
County Press Co. Ltd., Purfleet St., King’s Lynn. 

tLYTHAM AND ST. ANNES STANDARD, 1908. (tnd.) Fri. ld. Lytham Standard 
Printing Co., Pleasant St., Lytham. 

{LYTHAM TIMES, 1821. (ind.) Fri—a.m. ld. Lytham Printing Co. Ltd., 45 Clifton | 
St., Lytham. 

M’Call’s Racing Chronicle, 1861. M.—Feb. and Mar., 3d.; April to July, 6d. Aug. 
to Nov., ls. (Annual—Dec., 1s. 6d.) W. M‘Call, 7 Hunter St., Liverpool. 

+MACCLESFIELD ADVERTISER, 1868. (c) Fri. ld. Swain & Co. Ltd., 1 Hibel Rd., 

_ Macclesfield, and Stockport. One of the Stockport Advertiser series. ` 

{MACCLESFIELD COURIER AND HERALD, 1811 (with which is incorporated the 
. Congleton Gazette, 1820, Stockport Express, 1822, Cheshire Advertiser, 1824). (c) 
Fri. 2d. R. Brown, Courier Buildings, Macclesfield. (The oldest and most widely 
read paper in East Cheshire. The medium for Government, County Council 
and Municipal Announcements. Nearly 60 years the senior of its oldest con- 
temporary. Large Agricultural circulation. Adut.) 

incorporated the Macclesfield Chronicle, 1877, and the M acclesfield Times, 1872). 
(4) Fri. 1d. Macclesfield Times Ltd., 7 Queen Victoria St., Macclesfield. (Covers 
a wider area than any other weekly in East Cheshire; extensive industrial and agri, 
cultural circulation. The recognised medium for Government, County Council- 
and Corporation advertisements. Advt.} 

Mac Crea Magee Col(lege, Londonderry) Calendar, 1870. Jan. 1s. Mayne, Boyd & 
Son, Ltd., 2 Corporation St., Belfast. 

MacDonald’s English Directory and Gazetteer, 1878. Jan. 30s: W. MacDonald & Co. 
Ltd., London Road, Edinburgh. 

MacDonald’s Irish Directory and Gazetteer, 1888. Jan. 21s. W. MacDonald & Co., 

London Road, Edinburgh. 

MacDonald's Scottish Directory and Gazetteer, 1884. Jan. 21s. W. MacDonald & Co. 
Ltd., London Road, Edinburgh. l l 

MacDonald’s Tourist Guide to Scotland, 1887. June. 2s. W. MacDonald & Co. Ltd., 
London Road, Edinburgh. . oe 

Macfadden Physical Culture. (English Edition), 1901. M.—25th. 2d. B. Macfadden 
Publishing Co. Ltd., General Buildings, aration W.C. 

Machine Woodworker, 1912. M.—15th. lid. A. Haworth & Co. Ltd., 84 Leadenhall 
St., E.c. (Advt. p. 412.) 

{Machinery, 1912. Thurs. 64. Machinery Publishing Co. Ltd., 51-2 Chancery Lane,w.c. 

+Machinery Market, 1879. Fri. 1d., illus. Machinery Market Ltd., 146a Queen Victoria 

St., E.C. 

Madam Maude’s Fashions, 1916 irreg. 2d. Farringdon Press Ltd., 6-7 Stonecutter 
St., E.C - 

+Made in Britain and Britain Abroad, 1914. M.—last Fri. ld. Maera & Whiteman 
Ltd., 46 Pear Tree St., F.C. 

116] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Magazine of the Girls’ County School, 1903. May. 6d. The Editor, Girls’ County 
School, Wrexham. 

Magazine of the London Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine for Women, 1900. 
Mar., July, & Nov. 82. The Editor, Royal Free Hospital, 256 Gray’s Inn Road,w.c. 

Magazine of the University College of North Wales, 1891. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, 
University College of North Wales, Bangor. 

Magazine ot the Wesleyan Methodist Church, 1914 ge Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, 
1778). M.—25th. 4}d. net. C. H. Kelly, 25-35 City Road, E.C. » : 

Magic, 1900. M.—lIst. 6d. E. Stanyon & Co., 76 Solent Road, West Hampstead, N.w. 

Magic Circular, 1906. M.—Ist. Subs. The Magic Circle, Anderton’s Hotel, Fleet St., E.c. 

Magician, 1904. M.—20th. 4d. Magician Ltd., 6 Robin Hood Yard, Holborn, E.C. 

Magisterial Cases, 1896. Quarterly. 4s. Shaw & Sons, 6, 7, 8 & 9 Fetter Lane, E.c. 

tMagnet,. 1866. Thurs.—p.m., for Sat. 1d. A. & A. Fraser, 3 Fallowfield Terrace, Leeds. 

Magnet Library, 1908. Mon., for Sat. 1d. Amalgamated Press, 22-25 Farringdon St., E.Q. 

BUCKS, 1869. (ind.) Wed. ld. Baylis & Co., 80 & 82 Queen St., Maidenhead. 

tMAIDENHEAD CHRONICLE, 1911. (c) Fri. ld. Reading Newspaper Co. Ltd., 
17 Valpy St., Reading. One of the Berkshire Chronicle series. 

Maidstone, &c., Directory, 1899. Kanti issue 1914. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High 
Holborn, w.c. 

tMAIL, 1789 (as Evening Mail). ind) Mon., Wed., Fri.—4 a.m. 2d. Times Pub- 
lishing Co. Ltd., Printing House Square, E.c. Selections from two days’ issue 
of the Times. 

1885). (ind.) Tues. 4d. Fifeshire Advertiser Ltd., 130 High St., Kirkcaldy. 

tTMAIL FOR LEVEN, WEMYSS AND EAST FIFE, 1885. (ind.) Wed. $d. Fifeshire 
Advertiser Ltd., 130 High St., Kirkcaldy. 

M.A.B. (Mainly About Books), 1907. M.—Ist. ld. T. Fisher Unwin Ltd., 1 Adelphi 
Terrace, Strand, w.c. 

MALDON EXPRESS, 1872. (ind.) Sat. 4d. Meggy, Thompson & Creasey, 98 High 
St., Chelmsford. (Advt. p. 456). 

Malthusian, 1878. M.—15th. 1d. G. Standring, 7-9 Finsbury St., E.C. 

{MALTON MESSENGER, 1854. (ind.) Fri.—noon, for Sat. ld. H. Smithson & Co. Ltd., 
Yorkersgate, Malton. (The only paper printed in Malton. Best. advertising 
medium. Advt.) 

tMALVERN GAZETTE, 1897. (ind.) Fri. 1d. M. T. Stevens Ltd., Church St., Malvern. 

is incorporated Malvern Advertiser, 1855, and the Malvern News and Visitors’ 
Directory, 1860). (c) Fri. 1d. Berrow’s Worcester Journal Co., Church St., Malvern. 
(London: 176 Fleet St.) 

Malvernian, 1870. Twice each term. 5s. per ann. W. H. Lovell Ltd., 1 Holyrood 

l Terrace, Malvern. 

Man, 1901. M.—Ist. Is. Royal Anthropological Institute, 50 Great Russell St., w.c. 

Managing Engineer, 1914. M.—15th. 6d. T. Tofts, 93 Chancery Lane, w.c. (Official 
Organ of five Associations of Engineers, viz.:—London, Leeds, Birmingham, 
Nottingham, and Stoke-on-Trent. Contains their Official Reports and all | 
the important technical papers read at the meetings, mostly exclusive. Every 
member of the Associations named receives The Managing Engineer regularly, 
and is, thereforé, an exceptionally effective advertising medium. Advi.) 

Manchester and Salford Co-operative Herald, 1889. M.—last Thurs. Gratis. The 
Society, Downing St., Manchester. 

Manchester and Salford Official Red Book, 1907. Jan. is. Littlebury Bros., Guardian 
Chambers, Blackfriars St., Manchester. 

{Manchester Catholic Herald, 1888 (with which is incorporated the Manchester Citizen). 
Fri. 1d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 13 Jordan St., Manchester. One of the Catholic 
Herald (London) series. 

Manchester Chamber of Commerce Monthly Record, 1890. M.—30th. 4d. J. E. Cornish 
Ltd., 16 St. Ann’s Square, Manchester., 

{MANCHESTER CITY NEWS, 1864. (in2.) ‘Sat. 1d. Manchester City News Co. Ltd., 
3 Strutt St., Manchester. (London: 43 Fleet St.) 

Manchester Coal Exchange Directory, 1879. July. Gratis to mieiibere: non-members, 
2s. and 2s. 6d. The Secretary, Coal Exchange, Market Place, Manchester. 

tMANCHESTER COURIER, 1825 (incorporated with the Manchester Weekly Times 
and Munchestcr Courier, 1916). 

Manchester Diocesan Directory and Churchman’s Almanack, 1875. Jan. ls. 6d. J. A. 
Wilkinson, Bury St., Pendleton, Manchester. (London :(Simpkin |& Co.) 

Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Newspapers. ` [117 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Manchester Diocesan Magazine, 1904., M.—Ist. 1d. S.P.C.K., 12 St. Mary St., Deans- 

ate, Manchester. 

+MANCHESTER EVENING MAIL, 1914 (incorporated with the Manchester Weekly 
Times and Manchester Courier, 1916). 

+MANCHESTER EVENING NEWS, 1868. Daily—several editions. d. Evans & Co., 
3 Cross St., Manchester. (London : 43 Fleet St.) 

Manchester Footbali Chronicle, Sat., during season. 4d. E. Hulton & Co. Ltd., Withy 
Grove, Manchester. 

Manchester Footbail News, 1914. Sat., during season. d. Evans & Co., Ltd., 3 Cross 

©- St., Manchester. 

+MANCHESTER GUARDIAN, 1821. () Daily—2 a.m. ld. Manchester Guardian 
Ltd., 3 Cross St., Manchester. (London: 43'Fleet St.) First issued daily in 1857. 

Manchester Guardian History of the War, 1914. Alter. weeks. 7d. J. Heywood Ltd., 
Deansgate, Manchester. Í 

Manchester Official A B © Railway Guide, Hotel and General Advertiser, M.—ist 
2d. Littlebury Bros., Guardian Chambers, Blackfriars St., Manchester. 

Manchester Quarterly, 1882. 6d. net., illus. Sherratt & Hughes, 34 Cross St., Manchester. 

Manchester Royal Exchange Directory, 1891. May. 10s. 6d. net. J. Heywood . Ltd., 
Deansgate, Manchester. 

Manchester, Salford, and Suburban Directory, 1797. _ Annually. 25s. Slater’s Directory 
Ltd., St. James Sq., Manchester, & Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Manchester School of Architecture Sketch Book, 1915. Occas. 10s. 6d. University 
Press, 12 Lime Grove, Oxford Road, Manchester. 

Ltd., 3 Brown St., Manchester, and King St. East, Stockport. One of the Stockport 
Advertiser series. 

Manchester University Magazine, 1904 (as Owens College Union Magazine, 1868). M.— 
Oct. to June. 3d. H. M. McKechnie, 12 Lime Grove, Oxford Road, Manchester. 

are incorporated the Manchester Weekly Times, 1857, Manchester Courier, 1825, 
and Manchester Evening Mail, 1914). (ind.) Sat. 1d. Manchester Weekly Times 
Ltd., 32 Corporation St., Manchester. (London: 92 Fleet St.) 

Manchester Wheelers’ Club Journal, 1883. Alter-M. Gratis. - T. M. Barlow, 
Ridgefield, Manchester. 

Manchester Y.M.C.A. News, 1914 (as Y.M.C.A. Beehive, 1881). M.—Ist. ld. Man- 
chester Y.M.C.A., 56 Peter St., Manchester. 

Mannin, 1913. May and Nov. Is. Sophia Morrison, Peel, Isle of Man. -(A journal of 
the Matters Past and Present relating to Mann. Advt.) 

W. & J. Linney Ltd., West Gate, Mansfield. l 

1895. (/) Thurs.—p.m. ld. F. Willman, White Hart St., Mansfield. 


. ld. S. Walters, Church St., Mansfield. 

Manual for New Church Sunday School Teachers, 1905. Sept. 2s. 6d. New Church 
S.S. Union, 18 Corporation St., Manchester. 

Manual of British and Foreign Brewing Companies, 1902 (as Duncan's Manual, &c., 
1889). July. 5s. Brewers’ Gazette, 2 Devonshire Square, E.C. 

Manual of Electrical Undertakings and Directory, 1896. Mar. 21s. net. Electrical 
Press Ltd., 13-16 Fisher St., Kingsway, w.c. (Contains information relating to 
every electrical undertaking and Directory of 20,000 Officials. Aduvt.) 

Manual of Rubber, Tea and Oil Companies, 1912. Sept. 2s. H. O. Lloyd & Co. Ltd., 
327 Upper St., HEE N. 

Manual Training, 1901. M.——Ist. 2d. Manual Training Teachers’ Association, Montague 
House, Russell Square, w.c. 

Manufacturers’ Prices Current, 1875. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. perann. F. J. Biggs, Leaden- 
hall Buildings, E.c. 

Manufacturers’ Representative, 1908. Hialf-yearly. 2s. per ann. F. J. Biggs, Leaden- 
hall Buildings, E.c. 

Manx Wesleyan Methodist Church Record, 1893. M.—Ist. 1d. Clucas & Fargher, Douglas. 

Manx Year Book and Tradesmen’s Directory, 1905. Dec. 2d. Norris Modern Press. 
7-8 Walpole Avenue, Douglas, Isle of Man. 

Mardon Bros.’ Year Book, Directory, and Almanack, 1863. Nov. 2d. Mardon Brothers, 
North St., Bishop’s Stortford. 


ADVERTISER, 1870. (ind.) Fri—4.30 p.m., for Sat. 14d. W. J, Parrett Ltd., 
25 Cecil Square, Margate. 

118] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A BC List. 

Maridueian, 1888. June and Dec. Subs. The Editor, Grammar School, Carmarthen. 

Marine Caterer, 1909. M.—Ist. 1d. National Union of Ships’ Stewards, &e., 41 North 
John St., Liverpool. 

Marine Engineer and Naval Architect, 1879. M.—Ist. 6d., illus. New Marine Engineer 
Ltd., 3 Amen Corner, Paternoster Row, E.C. (Marine Engineering, Shipbuilding, 
Navigation, and Allied Trades and Industries. Advt.) 

Marine Magazine, 1911. Quarterly. ld. Marine Society, Clark’s Place, Bishopsgate, E.c. 

Mariner and Engineering Record, 1889. M.—15th. 3d. Mariner Ltd., Effingham House, 
1 Arundel St., Strand, w.c. 

‘Mariners’ Almanack, 1899 (as Inglis’s Tide Tables, 1860). Dec. Is. A. Marr, 30 Union 
St., Aberdeen. 

t Mark Lane Express and Agricultural Journal and Live Stock Record, 1832. Mon.— 
4.30 p.m. 3d. W. A. May, 3 Wellington St., Strand, w.c. 

TMARKET HARBORO’ ADVERTISER, 1854. (u) Mon., for Tues.—3 p.m. ld. Market 
Harboro’ Advertiser Co. Ltd., 6 Church St., Market Harborough. 

{Market Mail, 1911.. M.—10th. 3d. Market Mail Ltd., 23 Stepney Green, E. 

1886 (as Market Rasen Weekly Mail, 1856). (ind.) Fri—8.30 p.m., for Sat. Aa, 
T. B. Baty, Queen St., Market Rasen. 

Market Review, 1908. Thurs. ld. Brookes & Wade Ltd., 2 Great Winc` ester St., E.C. 

Marlborough’s Plain Calendar, 1878. Nov. 2d. E. Marlborough & Co., 51 Old Bailey, E.C. 
(Marlborough’s Plain Calendar contains information of use to Newsagents in 
making out accounts, showing the number of working days in a month, quarter, 
or year; also of any particular day of the week. Useful to Bill Discounters, 
Office and Counting House. Size 12} by 9. Price 2d., by post, 3d. Adut.) 

Mariburian, 1865. Irreg. 6d. H. Perkins, High St., Marlborough. 

Marshman’s Directory of Salcombe, 1912. Jan. 2d. E. P. Marshman, Salcombe. 

Marsh’s Weekly Philatelist, 1908. Sat. 1d. O. Marsh, 1 Exeter St., Strand, w.c. 

- Marvel, 1893. Tues., for Sat. 1d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.C. 
+MARYHILL HERALD, 1901. (ind.) Fri. ld. D. MacLeod Ltd., Station Road, Miln- 
gavie. One Of the Milngavie, &c., Herald series. | 
Marylebone and St. John’s Wood Directory, 1860. Annually. is. Kelly’s Directories 

Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

lebone Mercury, 1857). (c) Fri., for Sat. ld. 68 Weymouth St., Portland Place, w. 
(Advt. p. 457. 

Johnson, 159 Seymour Place, Marylebone Road, w. (Advt. p. 457). 

TMARYLEBONE TIMES, 1884. (ind.) Fri. ld. N. W. Printing & Publishing Asso- 
ciation Ltd., 4 Cambridge Avenue, Kilburn, N.w. Oneofthe Kilburn Times series. 

haven News Ltd., 148 Queen St., Whitehaven, and 98 senhouse St., Maryport. 

Mascot, 1891. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, University College of North Wales, Bangor. 

Mascot Novels, 1913. M.—4th Wed. 3a. net. Aldine Publishing Co. Ltd., Crown 
Court, Chancery Lane, w.c. 

TMASHAMSHIRE STANDARD, 1901. lind) Fri., for Sat. 1d. J. C. Savill, Caxton 
House, Ripon, and Market Place, Northallerton. One of the North Riding, &C., 
News series. (London : 30 Fleet St.) 

Mask, 1908. Quarterly. 3s. Simpkin & Co. Ltd., 32 Paternoster Row, E.C. 
Masonic Year Book, 1908 (as Freemasons’ Calendar and Pocket Book, 1775). Dec. 2s. 
United Grand Lodge of England, Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen St., w.c. 
MasonicyY ear Book for the Province of Cambridge, 1881. Feb. 1s. W. P. Spalding, 

_ 43 Sidney St., Cambridge. 

Massage Journal, 1915. M.—lIst. 3d. National Institute for the Blind, Great Port- 
land St., w. 

Master. Baker, Confectioner and Caterer, 1908. Semi-monthly. Ist and 15th. 5s. per 
ann. J. W. Gillmour, 11 Garfield Chambers, Belfast. 

+Master Builder and Association Journal, 1896. Wed. 3d. A. Haworth & Co. Ltd., 
84 Leadenhall St., E.c. (Advt. p. 412.) 

Mastery, 1914. M.—lIst. 6d. O. E. Miller, Spring Grove House, Isleworth. Advt. p. 457). 

Mathematical Gazette, 1894. Alter. M. Is. 6d. net. G. Bell & Son Ltd., York House, 
Portugal St., w.c. 

Mathematical Notes, 1883. Jan., May, Oct. ls. Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 
19 Craighouse Terrace, Edinburgh. 

Mathematical Papers for Admission into the Royal Military Academy and the Royal 
Military College. 1s. net. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., St. Martin’s St. w.c. . 

Advertisements received for all the Magazines. FIIQ 

ABC List.) Wiiling’s Press Guide. 

Mathematical Questions and Solutions from the Educational Times, 1864. M.—lIst. 1s. 

April and Sept., 6s. 6d. F. Hodgson, 89 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Mathematical Test Papers for Secondary Schools, 1915. Terminally. 7d. G. Bell & 
Sons, Ltd., York House, Portugal St., w.c. 

Mathiesons’ American Traffic Tables, 1890. M.—15th, and half-yearly—Jan. and July 
6d. F. C. Mathieson & Sons, 16 Copthall Avenue, E.C. 

Mathiesons’ Fortnightly List, 1872. Twice a month. £3 2s. per ann. F. C. Mathieson 
& Sons, 16 Copthall Avenue, E.c. 

Mathiesons’ Handbook for Investors, 1900. Dec. 2s. 6d. F. C. Mathieson & Sons, 16 
Copthall Avenue, E.c. 

Mathiesons’ Traffic Tables, 1878. M.—12th and half-yearly—Jan. and July. 6d. F.C. 
Mathieson & Sons, 16 Copthall Avenue, E.c. 

Matkin’s Oakham Almanac, 1855. Dec. 3d., illus. Chas. Matkin, High St., Oakham. 

t{MATLOCK VISITOR, 1912 (with which is incorporated the Matlock Guardian, 1902). 
(u) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Derbyshire Printing Co. Ltd., Palace Road, Buxton. One 
of the Buxton Advertiser series. 
Matrimonial Gazette, 1909 (with which is incorporated the International Matrimonial 
Gazette). M.—Ist. 3d. Williams & Faulkner, 797 Ecclesall Road, Sheffield. 
Matrimonial Post and Fashionable Marriage Advertiser, 1860. M.—ist week. 9d. R. 
Charlesworth Ltd. (Established half a century. Over 17,000 marriages arranged. 
Larger than all the Matrimonial Agencies in the world combined. Sealed envelope, 
6d.— Editor, W.P., 19 Charing Cross Mansions, w.c. Advt.) 

Matrimonial Standard, 1911. Quarterly. 4d. Percival & Norman, 74 Avenue Chambers,,. 
Vernon Palce, w.c. 

Matrimoniai Times, 1904. M.—Ist. 6d. R. Radford, 5 Featherstone Buildings,. 

_ Holborn, w.c. 

Maule’s Monthly, 1914. M.—1st week. 4d. S. Maule, 57 Clarence St., Kingston-on-Thames.. 

tMaytłair, 1910. Thurs. 6d. Mayfair Ltd., 174 New Bond St., w. 

{MAYO NEWS, 1892. (nat.) Fri—12 noon, for Sat. 1d. P. J. Doris, James St., Westport.. 

May’s British and Irish Press Guide and Advertisers’ Directory and Handbook (now: 
Willing’s Press Guide). ° 

Maszin’s Anglo-Jewish Russian Weekly Tear-off Calendar, 1891. Sept. 8d. R. Mazin: 
& Co. Ltd., 141 Whitechapel Road, E. 
Mazin’s Yeddish-English Pocket Calendar, 1891. - Sept. ld. R. Mazin & Co. Ltd.,. 
141 Whitechapel Road, E. Š i 
tMEARN’S LEADER, 1913. (u) Fri. ld. D. G. M’Laren, 66 Barclay St., Stonehaven.. 
{Meat Trades’ Journal and Cattle Salesman’s Gazette, 1888. Thurs. ld. Meat Trades’ 
Journal Co. Ltd., 63 Long Lane, West Smithfield, £.c. (The recognised and official! 
organ of the meat trade in the United Kingdom. Advi.) 

+MEATH CHRONICLE, 1897. (nat.) Fri. 1d. T. Daly, Newmarket St., Kells. 

MEATH HERALD AND CAVAN ADVERTISER, 1845. (c) Sat. 1d. W. A. McDougall,. 
Church St., Kells. 

tMechanical Engineer, 1898. Fri. 3d. Scientific Publishing Co., 53 New Bailey St.,. 

Mechanical Engineer's Price Book, 1912. Jan. 4s. net. E. & F. N. Spon Ltd., 57/ 
Haymarket, s.w. 

tMechanical World, 1882 (as Design and Work, 1876). Fri. ld., illus. Emmott & Co.. 

Ltd., 65 King St., Manchester. 

Mechanical World Electrical Pocket Book, 1908. Oct. 8d. net. Emmott & Co. Ltd.,. 

65 King St., Manchester. 

Mechanical World Pocket Diary and Year Book, 1888. Oct. 8d. net. Emmott & Co.. 
Ltd., 65 King St., Manchester. è 

Medical and Dental Students’ Register, 1865. Jan. 3s. 6d. net. Constable & Co. Ltd., 
10 Orange St., w.c. l 

Medical Annual and Practitioners’ Index, 1884. Feb. 10s net., illus. J. Wright & 
Sons Ltd., Stone Bridge, Bristol. (London: Simpłin & Co. Ltd.) 

Medical Directory, 1845. Dec. 16s. net. J. & A. Churchill, 7 Great Marlborough St., w. 

Medical Homes for Private Patienis, 1906. Mar. 6d. net. Aberdeen University Press 
Ltd., Aberdeen. 

Medical Magazine, 1892. M.—15th. ls. Medical Magazine Ltd., 44 Bedford Row, w.c. 

Medical Missions at Home and Abroad, 1880. M.—26th. ld. J. F. Shaw & Co. Ltd.,. 
3 Pilgrim St., Ludgate Hill, E.c, 

tMedical Officer, 1908. Sat. 6d. Hodgetts Ltd., 36-38 Whitefriars St., e.c. (Enjoys: 
unique circulation amongst Medical Officers of Health, School Medical Inspectors, 
Medical Officers of Public Institutions, and Sanatoria, &c., &c. Advertisement: 
rates on application. Adyt.) 

120] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 


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Willing’s Press Guide. [A BG List. 

+Medical Press and Circular, 1838. Wed. 10 a.m. Sd., occas. illus. A. A. Tindall, 

8 Henrietta St., w.c. 

Medical Register, 1858. Mar. 10s. 6d. net. Constable & Co. Ltd., 10 Orange St., w.c. 

Medical Review, 1898. M.— Ist. Is. 6d. 70 Finsbury Pavement, E.c. (A record of 
what is important to the Practitioner in the Medical Periodicals of the World. Advt.) 

Medical Temperance Review, 1897 (as Medical Pioneer, 1892). Quarterly. 6d. Adlard 

Son & West Newman, 23 Bartholomew Close, E.C. | 

t Medical Times, 1893 (as Students’ Journal, 1873; as Hospital Gazette, 1885). Fri.— 
4p.m., for Sat. 2d. Medical Times Publishing Co. Ltd., 49 Watling St., E.c. 

Medical Who’s Who, 1912. Mar. 10s. 6d. net. Fulton-Manders Publishing Co., 
75 Chancery Lane, w.c. (There are 15,000 biographies in the 1916 issue, and it 
is anticipated’ that there will be considerably over 20,000 in the 1917 edition. 
In 1912 the work consisted of some 300 pages, last year there were 1,000, and 
a proof of the growing usefulness and popularity of The Medical Who’s Who is 

- demonstrated by the fact that the issue contains 1,200 pages. There is no 
doubt that each succeeding year will show a much greater growth. Adit.) 

{Medical World, 1913. Fri. 1d. W. F. Taylor, 47 Fleet St., F.C. 

Medico-Legal Society Transactions, 1901. Sept. 6s. 11 Chandos St., w. 

MELTON MOWBRAY JOURNAL, 1854. (ind.) Sat. ld. Grantham, &c. Journal 
Co. Ltd., Marke? Place, Melton Mowbray. One of the Grantham Journal series. 
(High-class County Paper, recognised medium for Legal and Official Announce- 
ments. Largest circulation in the District. Advt.) 

6 a.m. ld. Melton Mowbray Times Co. Ltd., 16a Nottingham St., Melton Mow- 

- bray. (The only paper printed in Melton and within a radius of 15 miles. Advt.) © 

Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, 1887. 
Three times a year. Price varies. The Secretary, 36 George St., Manchester. 

Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Soctety, 1822. Last issue 1915. Price varies. 

W. Wesley & Son, 28 Essex St., Strand, w.c. 

Men’s Magazine, 1902. Quarterly. 1d. Church of England Men’s Society, Church 
House, Westminster, s.w. | 

+Men’s Wear, 1901. Fri., for Sat. 1d. Men’s Wear Publishing Co., 154-6 Cheapside, E.C. 

tMentor’s Middieham Opinion, 1876. Sat—4.30 p.m. 1s. R. Auton, Middleham. 

Mercantile Guardian, 1887 (as Postal and Shipping Guide, 1884). M.—2Ilst. 21s. per 
ann. Lindley Jones & Bro., 16 St. Helen’s Place, E.C. 

Mercantile Marine Service Association Reporter, 1874. M.—15th. Sub. 5s. Mercan- 
tile Marine Servicé Association, Tower Building, Water St., Liverpool. 

Mercantile Navy List and Maritime Directory, 1862. March. 12s. Spottiswoode, 

: Ballantyne & Ca. Ltd., 1 New Street Square, F.C. 

Mercantile Navy List and Maritime Directory, 1862. March. 12s. Spottiswoode & Co., 
Ltd:, 75 Shoe Lane, E.C. | 

Mercantile Register of British Exporters and Manufacturers, 1902. Feb. 6s. Raymond 
& Co., 28 South Castle St., Liverpool. — 

Mercantile Test, 1870. Wed. Sub. Stubbs Ltd., 42 Gresham St., E.c. 

Mercantile Year Book and Directory of Exporters, 1887. March. 10s. Lindley Jones & 
Bro., 16 St. Helen’s Place, E.c. 

Merchant Maiden, 1908. April, July, and Dec. 1s. Edinburgh Ladies’ College, 70-2 
Queen St., Edinburgh. 

Merchants’, Manufacturers’, and Shippers’ Directory of the World, 1877. Annually. 
45s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. . 

Merchistonian, 1872. 4 times a year. 1s. The Editor, Merchiston Castle, Edinburgh. 

Mercy and Truth, 1897. M.—25th Id. C.M.S., Salisbury Square, E.c. 

tMERIONETH NEWS AND HERALD, 1899 (as Merionethshire Herald, 1879). (I) Sat. 
ld. E. Abbott, Castle Sq., Carnarvon. One of the Carnarvon, &c., Herald series. 

Mermaid, 1904. Twice aterm. 6d, Birmingham University Guild of Undergraduates, 
The University, Birmingham. 

Merry and Bright, 1910. Thurs., for Fri. 4d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farring- 
don St., E.c. 

{MERTHYR EXPRESS, 1864. (/) Fri—6 a.m., for Sat. ld. H. W. Southey & Sons 
Ltd., Glebeland St., Merthyr Tydfil. 

Message from God, 1883. M.—25th. 4d. F. E. Race, 3-4 London House Yard, E.c. 

Message of the Church, 1908. M.—Ist. ld. Church House, Dean’s Yard, Westminster, s.w. 

Messenger, 1876. M.—25th. 4d. Darien Press, Bristo Place, Edinburgh. 

Messenger, 1899 (as Silent Messenger, 1895). Bi-M. 1d. F. Maginn, 5-6 College Sq., Belfast. 

Messenger for the Children of the Presbyterian Church of England, 1880. M.—25th. 
4d. T. F. Downie, 21 Warwick Lane, E.c. 

Advertisements received for all Directories and Guides. [127 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

Messenger of Mathematics, 1871. M.—list. ls. net. Bowes & Bowes, 1 Trinity 
St., Cambridge. (London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd.) : 

Messenger of the Sacred Heart, 1868. M.—Ist. ld. D. Bearne, ‘‘ Messenger ” Office, 
Wimbledon. . 

Metal Bulletin, 1915 (with which is incorporated Quinn’s Metal Market Letters,1913),Tues. 
and Fri. {2 2s. perann. Metal Information Bureau Ltd., 7 East India Avenue, E.c. 

Metal Industry, 1909. Fri. 4d. L. Cassier Co. Ltd., 33 Bedford St., Strand, w.c. 

Metal Industry Handbook, 1912. Feb. Gratis. L. Cassier, Co. Ltd., 33 Bedford St., 
Strand, w.c. = 

Metal Market Year Book, 1906. Jan. 3s. 6d. Morgan Bros., 42 Cannon St., E.C. 

Meteor, 1866. Four times each term. 6d. A. Frost & Sons, Warwick St., Rugby. 

Methodist and General Desk Diary, 1875. Oct. 1s., 1s. 6d., and 2s. C. H. Kelly, 25-35. 

City Road, and 26 Paternoster Row, E.c. | 
+Methodist Recorder, 1861. Thurs.—2 a.m. ld. Wesleyan Methodist Newspaper Co. 
Ltd., 161 Fleet St., E.c. _e 
Methodist Sunday School Notes, 1911. Oct. 2s. 6d. Wesleyan Methodist Sunday 
School Department, 2-3 Ludgate Circus Buildings, E.c. 

+Methodist Times, 1885. Thurs.—2 a.m. id. H. Marshall & Son, 125 Fleet St., E.C." 

Methodist Who’s Who, 1910. Jan. 3s. 6d. net. C. H. Kelly, 2p-35 City Road, E.c. 

Metropole, 1893. (c) a.m. Id. Y. Claes, 43 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Metropolitan Fashions, 1906 (English Edition). Quarterly. 1s. 6d. Butterick Publishing 
Co., 83-84 Long Acre, w.c. 

Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, 1855. Thurs——1 p.m. 1ld.; M.—5d. Marshall Bros. ` 

Ltd., Keswick House, 47 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Metropolitan Water Supply, M.— Ist. 6d. Wyman & Son Ltd., Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Mexborough and Swinton Pictorial Almanac, 1876. Dec. 2d. Mexborough Times Co. 
Ltd., 50 High St., Mexborough. : 

+MEXBOROUGH AND SWINTON TIMES, 1877. (ind.) Sat. Id. Mexborough Times 
Co. Ltd., 50 High St., Mexborough. 

Mexican Year Book, 1908. March. 21s. net. J. Gibson, 41 Coleman St., E.c. 

ld. Herald Printing Co. Ltd., King St., Penrith. 

tMid-Day Sporting Special, 1909. Two editions daily during racing season. 3d. J.E. 
Thornton, Change Court, Albion St., Leeds. 

+{MID-DERBYSHIRE COURIER, 1912. One of the Derbyshire Courier series. 

tMID-DEVON ADVERTISER, 1909 (as East and South Devon Advertiser, 1863). (u) 
Sat. ld. Mid-Devon Newspaper Co. Ltd., 65a Queen St., Newton Abbot. 

{MID-DEVON AND NEWTON TIMES, 1893. (prog.) Sat. ld. The Mid-Devon Times 
Co., Albany St., Newton Abbot. 

Middlesbrough Co-operative Record, Alter.-M. Gratis. Co-operative Society Victoria 
Buildings, Middlesbrough. ` 

Middlesbrough High School Magazine, 1914. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, High School, 
Middlesbrough. ` 

MIDDLESBROUGH STANDARD, 1908. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 4d. T. Nicholls, 
67 High St., Redcar. One of the Cleveland Standard series. 

for Sat. ld. W. J. Hutchings, Ltd., 126 High St., Uxbridge. 

tMIDDLESEX CHRONICLE, 1858. (c) Sat. 1d. Thomasons Ltd., 151 High St., 
Hounslow. One of the County of Middlesex Chronicle series. (Middlesex Chronicle, 
Staines and Thames-side Edition, 1 Market Square, Staines. Advt.) _ 

Post, 1842). (ind.) Wed. and Sat. 1d. Middlesex County Times P. & P. Co. Ltd., 
61 Broadway, Ealing. (Advt. p. 457). 

Middiesex Hospital Archives, 1900. Three times a year. Subs., 10s. 6d. Middlesex 
Hospital, Mortimer St., w. 

Middlesex Hospital Journal, 1897. Seven times a year. 6d. The Middlesex Hospital 
Students’ Amalgamated Clubs, Middlesex Hospital, Mortimer St., w. 

Middlesex Hospital Pharmacopaeia. Occas. 2s. 6d. Middlesex Hospital, Mortimer St., w. 
tMIDDLETON GUARDIAN, 1877. (ind.) Fri.—5 p.m., for Sat., ld. J. Bagot Ltd., 
Market Place, Middleton. i 
{MIDDLETON STANDARD, 1900. (c) Sat. 1d. Northern Daily & Weekly News- 

paper Co. Ltd., Oldham. (London: 134 Fleet St.) One of the Oldham Standard 

{MIDHURST TIMES, 1882. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. ld. E. A. Roynon, North St., 

122] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 


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Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

incorporated Wednesbury Advertiser). (ind.) Sat. ld. C. Southern, 2 Russell St., 

tMIDLAND CHRONICLE, 1912 (as West Bromwich aud Oldbury Chronicle, 1890, as 

Chronicle for West Bromwich and Oldbury, 1906). (ind.) Fri. 44. W. Baker, St. 
Michael St., West Bromwich. 

Midland Counties ABC Railway Guide, 1910. M.—Ist. 2d. Littlebury & Co., The 
Worcester Press, Worcester. 

MIDLAND COUNTIES ADVERTISER, 1854. (u) Wed.—p.m., for Thurs. ld. 
A. Wright, Printing House Buildings, Parsonstown, Birr. One of the King’s. 
County Chronicle series. 

{MIDLAND COUNTIES EXPRESS, 1861 (with which is incorporated Midland Counties 
Guardian). (ind.) Sat. ld. Midland News Association Ltd., 50 Queen St., Wolver- 
hampton. (London: 44 Fleet St.) ) 

{MIDLAND COUNTIES HERALD, 1836. (ind.) Thurs. ld. Midland Counties Herald 
Ltd., 145 Cambridge St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 458). 

{MIDLAND COUNTIES TRIBUNE, 1895. (ind.) Fri—10 am.; Sat.—6-30 p.m 
44. H. Fieldhouse, Abbey St., Nuneaton. (London: 159 Fleet St) , 
+MIDLAND DAILY TELEGRAPH, 1891. Daily. Several editions. 4d. R. Simmons, 

18 Hertford St., Coventry. (London: 174 Fleet St.) 

MIDLAND DAILY TRIBUNE, 1914. p.m. $d. H. Fieldhouse, Abbey St., Nuneaton. 

{MIDLAND FREE PRESS, 1855. (/) Fri. and Sat. id. Leicestershire Press Co. Ltd., 
18 Belvoir St., Leicester. . 

{MIDLAND MAIL, 1890 (as Market Harborough Mail). (l) Fri., for Sat. ld. A. J. 

| Tompkins, 84 St. Mary’s Road, Market Harborough. 

Midland Medical Journal, 1901. M.—12th. 4d. Alldays Ltd., Edmund St., Birmingham. 


- and Sat. ld. The Herald Works Ltd., Mullingar. | 

{Midland Sporting Gazette, 1894 (as Nottingham Sporting News, 1888). Daily—10.30 
a.m. ld. Midland Sporting Gazette Ltd., 38 Heathcote St., Nottingham. 

-CATOR, 1881. (nat.) Fri. and Sat. 1d. Mrs. Margaret Powell, Cumberland St., Birr. 

1883. (ind.) Fri. 1d. J. D. Brown, Main St., West Calder. | 

(l) Fri—noon. ld. T. Adams & Sons, Press Buildings, Tower St., Portobello. . 

MID-RHONDDA GAZETTE, 1913. (prog.) Tues. $d. P. S. Phillips, 8a Taff St., 

MID-SURREY TIMES, 1877. (c) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Jos. V. Glazebrook, 204 Hammer- 
smith Road, Hammersmith, w. One of the West London Reporter series. 

t{MID-SUSSEX TIMES, 1881. (ind.) Tues.—1 p.m. ld. C. Clarke, 12-13 Boltro Road, 
Haywards Heath. | 

Mid-Thames Valley Directory, 1900. June. Is. 6d. and 2s. 62. G. R. Smith & Co., 
6 King’s Road, Reading. 

{MID-ULSTER MAIL, 1891. (u) Thurs. and Fri. id. J. & H. L. Glasgow, Cookstown, 

Midwife’s Pocket Encyclopedia and Diary, 1914. Nov. 6d. net. Scientific Press Ltd., 
28-9 Southampton St., Strand, w.c. 

{MILDENHALL POST AND ADVERTISER, 1886. (c) Fri. 1d. Bury & Norwich Post Co. 
Ltd., 19 Abbeygate St., Bury St. Edmunds. One of the Bury and Norwich Post series. 

Milestones, 1909 (as God-Speed, 1908). Quarterly. 1d. Rev. Dr. Darlington, St. Mark’s 
Vicarage, Kennington Oval, S.E. 

tMILFORD HAVEN AND NEYLAND GAZETTE, 1909. (ind.) Fri. 1d. J. Crawshaw 
& Son, Hamilton Terrace, Milford Haven. 

Milford-on-Sea Record Society Occasional Magazine, 1909. Occas. 6d. C. T. King, 

- 105, High St., Lymington. 

Military Historian and Economist, 1916. M.—1st. 1s. Hugh Rees Ltd., 5 Regent St.,s.w. 

{Military Mail, 1901. Fri. 1d. Gale & Polden Ltd., 2 Amen Corner, E.c. (Advt. p. 453). 

Mill Hill Magazine, [899 (as Millhillian, 1898; as Mill Hill Magazine, 1873; as Sun 
1839). Six times yearly. 6d. Warren Hall & Lovitt, 89-90 Camden Road, n.w. 

tMilier, 1875. Mon. 13s. per ann. W. Agnew Ltd., 24 Mark Lane, E.c. 

{Millers’ Gazette, 1881 (as Corn Trade Journal and Millers’ Gazette, 1876). Wed.—5.30 
p.m. 3d. Comtelburo Ltd., 11 Tokenhouse Yard, E.C. 

Millgate Monthly, 1905. Ist. 3d. Co-operative Newspaper Society, Long Millgate, 

{Milling, 1891. Sat. 21s. per ann. G. J. S. Broomhall, 16 Fenwick St., Liverpool. 
(London: St. Mary’s Chambers, St. Mary Axe.) 

Advertisements received for all the Scientific Journals. — [123 a 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

tMILLOM GAZETTE, 1891. (ind.) Fri—4 p.m., for Sat. 1d. P.C. Dickinson, Millom. 

{MILLOM NEWS, 1884. (ind.) Sat. 1d. Barrow News & Mail Ltd., Abbey Road, 
Barrow-in- Furness. (London : 134 Fleet St.) One of the Barrow "News series. 

{MILNGAVIE AND BEARSDEN HERALD, 1901. (ind.) Thurs.—4 p.m., for Fri. 1d. 
D. MacLeod Ltd., Station Road, Milngavie & Kirkintilloch. 

Mind, 1876. Quarterly. 4s. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., St. Martin’s St., w.c. 

June to Sept. Id. Cox, Sons & Co. Ltd., Park St., Minehead. 

Mineraiogical Magazine, 1876, About every four months. Price varies; coloured 
plates. Simpkin & Co. Ltd., 32 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Mining Highest and Lowest Prices and Dividends, 1900. Dec. ls. F. C. Mathieson 
& Sons, 16 Copthall Avenue, E.c. 

+Mining Journal, 1835. Sat.—12.30 a.m. 6d. 15 George St., Mansion House, E.C. 

Mining Magazine, 1909. M.—l5th. Ils. The Mining Publications Ltd., 724 Salisbury 
House, London Wall, E.c. 

Mining Manual and Mining Year Book, 1887. Feb. 15s. net. W. R. Skinner, 11-12 
Clements Lane, E.C. 

tMining News, 1894. Thurs. Id. Alpha Press Ltd., 37 Walbrook, E.C. 

tMining World and Engineering Record, 1871. Sat. '—12.30 am. 6d. W. Chisholm, 
234 Gresham House, Old Broad St., E.C. . 

Minister’s Gazette of Fashion, (as Gazette of Fashion, 1846). M.—Ist. 2s., illus. Minister 
& Co. Ltd., 46 Great Marlborough St., w. 

Minister’s Report of Fashions for Gentlemen, 1820. Jan. & July. 21s. per ann. 
Minister & Co. Ltd., 46 Great Marlborough St., w. 

Minister’s Report of Fashions for Ladies, 1820. Feb. and Aug. 21s. per ann. Minister 
& Co. Ltd., 46 Great Marlborough St., w. 

Minutes of the General Conference of the New Church, 1788. July. 6d. New Church 
Press Ltd., 1 Bloomsbury St., w.c. 

Minutes of the General Medical Council, 1858. Jan. 12s. net. Constable & Co. Ltd., 
10 Orange St., w.c. 

Minutes of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of England, 1876. July. 1s. 6d. T. F. 
Downie, 21 Warwick Lane, E.c. 

Minutes of the United Methodist Church, 1907. Sept. 1s. 6d. H. Hooks, 12 Parrinkdon 
Avenue, E.C. 

Minutes of the Wesleyan Conference, 1744. Aug. 2s. net. C. H. Kelly, 25-35 City Rd., E.c. 

{MIRFIELD AND RAVENSTHORPE REPORTER, 1882. (?) Sat. ld. The Reporter 
Ltd., Wellington Road, Dewsbury. One of the Dewsbury- Reporter series. 

1d. Senior & Co. Ltd., Cheapside, Heckmondwike. One of the Heckmondwtke 
Herald series. 

+Mirror of Life and Boxing World, 1894. Tues. ld., illus. Mirror of Life Publishing 
Co. Ltd., 13 Bread St. Hill, E.C. 

Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, 1866. Quarterly. 2s. 6d., illus. Mitchell Hughes 
& Clarke, 140 Wardour St., w. 

Misericordia, 1883. M.—Ist. 2d. W. Knott, 30 Brooke St., Holborn, E.C. 

Miss Weston’s Ashore and Afloat, 1886 (as Naval Brigade News, 1878). M.—lIst. 1d. 
S. W. Partridge & Co., 21-22 Old Bailey, E.c. 

Mission Field, 1856 (as Monthly Record of Church Missions, 1852). M.—Ist. 1d., illus. 
G. Bell & Sons, York House, Portugal St., w.c. 

Missionary Echo, 1894. M.—Ist. ld. H. Hooks, 12 Farringdon Avenue, E.c. 

Missionary Gazette, 1910. M.—15th. 32. Catholic Missionary ‘Society, Mission House, 
Brondesbury Park, N.w. 

Missionary Herald of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, 1843. M.—lIst. id. Belfast 
Steam Printing Co. Ltd., 58 Royal Avenue, Belfast. 

Missionary Leaves, 1868. M. —25th. d. Missionary Leaves Association, 20 Compton 
Terrace, Islington, N. 

Missions Overseas, 1912 (as Annual Review of the Foreign Missions of the Church of 
England, 1907). June. 1s. The Secretary, Central Board of Missions, Church 
House, Dean’s Yard, Westminster, s.w. 

MITCHAM ADVERTISER, 1869. (ind.) Fri. ld. J. W. Ward, 36 High St., Croydon. 
One of the Croydon Advertiser series. 

MITCHAM AND COLLIERS WOOD GAZETTE, 1916. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. A. J. 
Hurley, 130 High St., Tooting, ssw. One of the Tooting and Balham Gazette series. 

+MITCHAM AND TOOTING MERCURY, 1878. (c) Sat. 4d. R. J. Hedges, 113 High 
St., Tooting, s.w. 

124] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

TMITCHAM HERALD, 1878. (c) Fri. 1d. W. Pile Ltd., 26 High St., Sutton. One 
of the Surrey County Herald series. (Advt. p. 459). 

Mode Francaise, 1914. M.—25th, except July and Aug. 2s. 6d. Ladies Fashions Pub- 
lishing Co. Ltd., 152 Marylebone Rd., N.W. 

Modei Engineer and ‘Electrician, 1898. Wed., for Thurs. 2d. P. Marshall & Co., 66 
Farringdon St., E.C. 

Model Railways and Locomotives, 1909. M.—15th. 6d. A. J. Greene & Co., 37-8 
Strand, w.c. 
Modelling Monthly, 1914 (as Harbutt’s Modelling Monthly, 1911). M.—lIst. 2d. 
Harbutts Plasticine Ltd., Bathampton, Bath. (London: Simpkin & Co.) 
Modern Astrology, 1895 (as Astrologer’ s Magazine, 1887). M.—25th. 6d. L. N. Fowler 
& Co., 7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, E.c. 

Modern Churchman, 1911. M.—15th. 6d. W. Parr, Knaresborough. (To promote 
truth, freedom, and progress in the Church of England. Advt.) 

Modern Language Review, 1905 (as Modern Language Quarterly, 1897). Quarterly. 
12s. 6d. net per ann. Cambridge University Press, Fetter Lane, E.c. 

eee Language Teaching, 1905. 8 times a year. 6d. A. & C. Black, 4 Soho 

quare, w. 

Modern Lithographer, 1905. M—15th.. 4d. Caxton Magazine Ltd., 124 Holborn, E.c. 

Modern Medicine, 1891. M.—1st. ld. Gliddon Ltd., 90 Queen St., Cheapside, E.C. 

+Modern Society, 1880. Mon., for Sat. 1d. 42 Ludgate Hill, £.c. 

MOFFAT NEWS, 1862. Thurs., for Fri. 1d. J. Halliday & Son, Market St., Lockerbie. 

tMONA’S HERALD, 1832. (J) ‘Tues.—7 p.m., for Wed. ld. Clucas & Fargher, Ridge- 
way St., Douglas, I. of Man. 

{MONAGHAN DEMOCRAT, 1906. (mat.) Fri. 1d. T. Roe, Dublin St., Monaghan. 
One of the Dundalk Democrat series. 

{Money Market Review, and Investor’s Chronicie, 1860. Sat.—2.30 am. 2d. G. J. 
Holmes, St. Stephen’s Chambers, Telegraph St., E.c. 

Monktonian, 1879. Terminally. 1s. The Editor, Monkton Combe School, Bath. 

. COUNCILLOR, 1896 (as West Monmouth Guardian). (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. 

' G. J. Jacobs & Co., Victoria Buildings, Rhymney. 
Monmouthshire and South Wales Directory, 1871. Every four years, last issue 1914. 
l 30s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

for Fri. 14d. Bailey & Son, Priory St., Monmouth. 

TMONMOUTHSHIRE EVENING POST, 1908. (u) Seven editions daily. d. Newport 

; & Monmouthshire Newspaper Co. Ltd., 70 High St., Newport, Mon. (London : 
92 Fleet St.) 

tMONMOUTHSHIRE WEEKLY POST, 1909 (with which is incorporated The County 
Observer and Monmouthshire Advertiser, 1855). (u) Fri—a.m., for Sat. ld. New- 
port & Monmouthshire Newspaper Co. Ltd., 70 High St., Newport, Mon. 

Monograph of British Land and Freshwater Mollusca, 1894. "ince: last issue Dec., 1914. 
7s. 6d. Taylor Bros., Sovereign St., Leeds. 

Monotype Recorder, 1902. M.—I5th. Gratis. Lanston Monotype Corporation Ltd., 

.. 43 Fetter Lane, E.C. 7 

POST, 1880. (c) Sat.—4 a.m. ld. D. Rowlands, Welshpool. 

Welshpool Express, 1860). (r) Mon., for Tues. 1d. Philips & Son, St. Mary’s 
Printing Works, Newtown. (Leading Agricultural Journal for Mid- Wales. Special 
Articles and Interviews. Adut.) 

Month, 1863. Ist. Is. net. Longmans, Green & Co., 38-41 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Monthly Army List, 1809. About 12th. ls. 6d. Wyman & Son Ltd., Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Monthly Circular, 1911. M.—15th. National Peace Council, 167 St. Stephen’s 
House, Westminster, s.w. i 

Monthly Iliustrated Journal.—A magazine bearing this title appears under different 
names in several towns, the only variation being in the advertisements and covers, 

_ sometimes supplemented by local news. 

Monthly Labour Journal, 1893. M.—6th. id. F. W. Booth, 72 Lambert St., Hull. 

Monthly List of the Principal Securities dealt in on the Stock Exchange, 1887. Ist. 9d 
E. Couchman & Co. Ltd., 23 Throgmorton St., E.c. 

Monthly Magazine of Fiction, 1885. 15th. 3d. W. Stevens‘Ltd., 23 & 24 Henrietta St., 
w.c. (Advt. p. li.) 

Monthly Magazine of the Loyal Order of Ancient Shepherds, 1887, (as Shepherds’ 
Quarterly Magazine, 1845). lst. ld. E. Crew,,44 Tennyson St.) Leicester. 

Adyertisements veceined tor all Vorbshive Newshabers. [I2 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Monthly Mining Handbook, 1895. 15th. 1s. F.C. Mathieson & Sons, 16 Copthall 
Avenue, E.C. l 

Monthly Musical Record, 1871. 1st. 32. Augener Ltd., 18 Great Marlborough St., w. 

Monthly News, 1914. Ist. Gratis. Conservative and Unionist ,Woman’s Franchise 
Association, 48 Dover St., Piccadilly, w. 

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1831. M.—Ist, except July, Aug., 
and Sept. 2s. 6d. W. Wesley & Son, 28 Essex St., Strand, w.c. 

Monthly Portsmouth Naval and Military Directory, 1876. 4th. 3d. Holbrook & Son 
Ltd., 154 , Queen St., Portsmouth. (London: 62 Ludgate Hill.) 

Monthly Record of the Free Church of Scotiand, 1843. M.—20th. ld. Free Church of 
Scotland, 15 North Bank St., Edinburgh. . : 

‘Monthly Record of the Protestant Evangelical Mission and Electoral Union, 1863. lst. 
ld. Protestant Evangelical Mission, 5 Racquet Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

Monthly Report of the National Union of Boot and Shoe Operatives, 1874. 1d. The 
Union, St. James St., Leicester. 

Monthly Review, 1892. M.—Ist. 12s. per ann. Incorporated Society of Inspectors 

© of Weights and Measures, Weights and Measures Office, Watford. 

Monthly Shipping List, 1856. M.—Ist. Gratis. Williams & Geils, Old Shades Wharf, 
Upper Thames St., E.c. . 

Monthly Statement of Drugs, Drysalteries, &c., 1842. 2nd. 10s. 6d. per ann. Chas. 
Smith, Son & Gowland, 3 Church St., Minories, E.c. í 

Monthly Summary of Weather Reports, M.—ist. 6d. Wyman & Sons Ltd., Fetter 
Lane, E.C. . 

Monthly Visitor, 1832. 25th. 1s. per 100., illus. R. H. Smith, 68 Hanover St., Edinburgh. 

tMONTROSE, ARBROATH, AND BRECHIN REVIEW, 1811. (2) Thurs., 4 p.m., for 
Fri. 1d. A. Dunn & Co. Ltd., 97 High St., Montrose. i 

—5 p.m., for Fri. ld. J. Balfour & Co., 66 High St., Montrose. 

Moravian Almanack and Year Book, 1869 Dec. 4d. Moravian Book Room, 32 Fetter 
Lane, E.C. 

Moravian Messenger, 1891 (as The Messenger, 1864). Fortnightly. Sat. 1d. Moravian 
Book Room, 32 Fetter Lane, E.c. : . 

Moravian Missions, 1903 (as Missionary Reporter, 1861). M.—27th. 1d., Illus. Moravian 
Mission, 32 Fetter Lane, E.C. - 

Moravian Text Book, 1915 (as Text Book of the Protestant Church of the United Brethren, 
1731). Dec. 8d. and ls. Moravian Book Room, 32 Fetter Lane, E.C. 

MORECAMBE AND HEYSHAM TIMES, 1881. (ind.) Wed.e3d. H. Hirst & Son, 
52-4 Euston Road, Morecambe. 

ld. Morecambe Press Ltd., Victoria St., Morecambe. (The guaranteed Sales of 
the Visitor exceed by thousands of copies that of any other paper circulating ` 
in the district. Advt.) | 

{MORLEY DISTRICT NEWS, 1845. (c) Sat.—5 a.m. ld. Corporation St., Dewsbury. 
One of the Dewsbury District News series. (London: 85 Fleet St.) ` 

+MORLEY OBSERVER, 1871. Fri—5 p.m. ld. S. Stead & Sons, Troy Hill, Morley. 

Morning, 1901 (as Juvenile Magazine, 1878; as Primitive Methodist Juvenile Magazine, 
1850). M.—25th. 1d. J. Johnson, Holborn Hall, Clerkenwell Road, E.C. 

{MORNING ADVERTISER, 1794. (ind.) Daily—1.30 a.m. 1d. Society of Licensed 

; Victuallers, 127 Fleet St., E.c. 

+MORNING ARGUS (BRIGHTON, HASTINGS, ETC.), 1896. (ind.) Daily. $d. Southern 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 130 North St., Brighton. Telephones: Nat. 52. Post_Office 
1672. (London: 69 Fleet St. Telephone, 2268 Holborn.) | 

Morning Calm, 1890. Jan., April, July, Oct. 3d. Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & Co. Ltd., 
1 New Street Square, E.c. 

{MORNING NEWS, 1909. G6 a.m. 3d. Jersey News Co. Ltd., 49 Halkett Place, St. 
Helier, Jersey. 

+MORNING POST, 1772. (c) Daily—a.m. ld. Morning Post Ltd., 346 Strand, w.c. 

Morning Rays, 1885. M.—Ist. 4d., illus. R. & R. Clark Ltd., 72 Hanover St., Edin- 
burgh. (London: Dudley House, Southampton St., Strand.) 

Morning Star, 1893. Thurs. id. S. E. Roberts, 5a Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Morningside Mirror, 1844. M.—15th. ld. The Editor, West House, Morningside, 

tMORPETH HERALD, 1855 (as Morpeth Monthly Herald, 1854). (i) Fri. ld. J. & 
J. S. Mackay, 19 Bridge St., Morpeth. 

Morton’s Lincolnshire Almanac, 1874. Dec. 3d. W. K. Morton & Sons Ltd., 27 High 
St., Horncastle. í 

126] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A BC List. 

Mosiem World, 1911. Quarterly. 1s. Christian Literature Society, 35 John St., Bedford 
Row, w.c. 

{MOSSLEY AND SADDLEWORTH HERALD, 1890. (c) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Herald 
Printing & Publishing Co., Ltd., Cavendish Works, Ashton-under-Lyne. One of 
the Ashton-under-Lyne Herald series. | 

TMOSSLEY AND SADDLEWORTH REPORTER, 1855. () Fri., for Sat. 13d. J. 
Andrew & Co.,Market Place, Ashton-under-Lyne. One of the Ashton Reporter series. 

Mother and Home, 1909. Wed., for Sat. ld. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farring- 
don St., E.c. 

Mothers in Council, 1891. Quarterly. 6d. Wells, Gardner, Darton & Co. Ltd., 3-4 
Paternoster Buildings, E.c. | 

+Mothers’ Magazine and Baby, 1915 (as Baby, 1887). M.—22nd. 3d. United News- 
papers Ltd., 12 Salisbury Square, E.c. 

Mothers’ Union Journal, 1886. 1d. Quarterly. Wells, Gardner, Darton & Co. Ltd., 3-4 
Paternoster Buildings, E.C. 

MOTHERWELL STANDARD, 1908. (ind.) Thurs. 4d. D. J. Love, 133 Brandon | 
St., Motherwell. 

MOTHERWELL TIMES, 1883. (ind.) Fri—8 a.m. $d. K. Cameron & Co., Hope 

~ St., Motherwell. i 
tMotor, 1903 (as Motor Cycling, 1902). Tues. ld. Temple Press Ltd., 7-15 Rosebery 
Avenue, E.C. 

Motor, Motor Cycle and Cycle Trades Directory of Great Britain and Ireland, 1912. Irreg. 
21s. Cycle Trades Publishing Co. Ltd., 19-21 Wilson St., E.C. 

Motor Boat Manual, 1906. Irreg., last issue 1916. ` 1s. 6d. net. Temple Press Ltd., 
7-15 Rosebery Avenue, E.C. 

Motor Car Red Book, 1910. Feb. 5s. Technical Publishing Co. Ltd., 1 Gough Square, 
E.C. Telephones, Holborn, 1021. Telegrams, ‘‘ Tepucol,” London. Advt.) 

Motor Coachwork, 1910. Quarterly. 20s. per ann. Cooper’s Vehicle Journal Ltd., 
19 Garrick St., w.c. (See also Cooper’s Vehicle Journal for Motor Trades.) 

tMotor Cycle, 1903. Thurs. ld. Iliffe & Sons Ltd., 20 Tudor St., E.c. | 

Motor-Cycle and Cycle Trader, 1914 (with which is incorporated Cycle and Motor Trades 
Review, 1879, and Cycle and Motor-Cycle Trader and Review, 1905). Fri. 3d. 
Cycle Trades Publishing Co. Ltd., 19-21 Wilson St., E.c. 

+Motor Cycling, 1909. Tues. ld. Temple Press Ltd., 7-15 Rosebery Avenue, E.C. 

Motor Cycling Manual, 1911. Irreg. last issue 1916. Is. Gd. net. Temple Press Ltd., 
7-15 Rosebery Avenue, E.c. . 

Motor Export Trader, 1912. M.—Ist. 6d. Cycle Trades Publishing Co. Ltd., 19-21 
Wilson St., E.C. 

Motor Manual, 1899. Irreg., last issue 1916. 1s. 6d. net. Temple Press Ltd., 7-15 Rose- 
bery Avenue, E.C. 

tMotor News, 1900. Fri. 1d. Mecredy, Percy & Co. Ltd., 34 Lower Abbey St., Dublin. 
(London: 516 Bank Buildings.) 

+Motor Ship and Motor Boat, 1913. Thurs. ld. Temple Press Ltd., 7-15 Rosebery 
Avenue, E.C. ° 7 

+Motor Traction, 1905. Wed. ld. Iliffe & Sons Ltd., 20 Tudor St., E.C. 

tMotor Trader and Review, 1905. Wed. 3d. Cycle Trades Publishing Co. Ltd., 19-21 
Wilson St., Finsbury E.C. 

Motor Transport Year Book and Directory, 1916. Mar. 10s. 6d. Electrical Press Ltd., 
13-16 Fisher St., Kingsway, w.c. 

tMotor World and industrial Vehicle Review, 1892. Thurs. ld. The Motor World 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 73 Dunlop St., Glasgow. 

tMOUNTAIN ASH POST, 1912. Sat. hd. Davies Bros., 14 Cannon St., Aberdare. 

Mouth Mirror, 1904. Quarterly. 6d. Incorporated Dental Society Ltd., 12 Tavistock 
Square, W.C. 

Moving Picture Offered List, 1912. Fri. 1d. Birch Bros. & Harding Ltd., 6-7 West 
Avenue, Walthamstow, N.E. f 

Mowbray’s Churchman’s Kalendar, 1891. Sept. 1d. A. R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd., 
28 Margaret St., w. 

Multigraph News, 1909. Quarterly. 3d. Kenrick & Jefferson, Ltd., West Bromwich. 

Municipal Engineering and Sanitary Record, 1916 (as Sanitary Record and Municipal 
Engineering, 1874). Thurs. 3d. Sanitary Publishing Co., Ltd., 8 Bream’s 
Buildings, E.C. 

tMunicipal Journal, 1899 (as London, 1893). Fri. 3d. Municipal Journal Ltd., 
Sardinia House, Sardinia St., Kingsway, w.c. 

Municipal Officer, 1916. M.—15th. 1d. National Association of Local Government 
Officers, Caxton Hall, Westminstei, s.w. 

Advertisements received. tor all the Scotch Newshaters. TI27 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

Municipal Year Book, 1896. Jan. 15s. Municipal Journal Ltd., Sardinia House, 
Sardinia St., Kingsway, w.c. 

Munro’s Marine Engineers’ Annual Pocket Log and Diary, 1911. Oct. 1s. J. Munro 
& Co. Ltd., 60 Brown St., Glasgow. 

Munster and Hurlingham New Budget, 1910. M.—21st. ld. F. A. Buckler, 519 Fulham 
Road, s.w. 

tMUNSTER EXPRESS AND THE CELT, 1859 (with which is incorporated Waterford 
Citizen). (nat.) Fri—a.m. ld. E. Walsh, 37 Quay, Waterford. 

Wed. and Sat. Id. F. Connihan & Son, 51 George St., Limerick. 

Murray’s Time Tables for Scotland, the North of England, and Ireland, 1842. M.—A1st. 
3d. Thomas Murray & Co. Ltd., 90 Mitchell St., Glasgow. 

Museums’ Journal, 1901. M.—Ist. Is. net. Dulau & Co. Ltd., 37 Soho Square, w. 

Museon Revue D’Etudes Orientales, 1915. Quarterly. 6s. net. Cambridge University 

Press, Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Music, 1895. M.—Ist. 2d. Music, Art, and Trade Journal Ltd., Gough House, Gough 
Square, E.c. l 

Music Student, M.—20th. 4d. R. C. Evans & Co. Ltd., Montague House, Russell 
Square, w.c. 

Music Trade Directory, British, Colonial and Allied Countries, 1889. April. 5s. 6d. 
British section only, 2s. Micsaul Opin jon, 35 Shoe Lane, E.c. (Names and addresses 
of manufacturers and dealers in United Kingdom, the Colonies, France, Italy, 
Russia, Japan, Portugal, Egypt, etc. Advt.) 

Music Trade Review, 1916 (as London and Provincial Music Trades Review. 1877). 
M.—15th. 4d. G. D. Ernest & Co., 6 John St., Adelphi,. w.c. 

Musical Budget, 1876. M.—20th. ld. F. Pitman, Hart & Co. Ltd., 20 Paternoster 
Row, E.C. 

Musical Directory, Annual, and Almanack, 1852. Jan. 3s. Rudall, Carte & Co. Ltd., 
23 Berners St., Oxford St., w. 

Musical Herald, 1888 (as Tonic Sol-Fa Reporter, 1853). M.—28th. 2d. J. Curwen & 
Sons Ltd., "24 Berners St., Oxford St., w. 

Musical Mail, 1903. M.—lst. 2d. W. Smith, 2-3 Arthur St., New Oxford St., W.C. . 
(The Musical paper with the largest circulation amongst Brass, Military, and Orches- 
tral Bands. Advt.) 

tMusical News, 1891. Fri. ld. F. Collas, 3 Wine Office Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review, 1877. M.—lst. 2d. 35 Shoe Lane, E.C. 
(Leading Musical Magazine. Circulates extensively at home and in Colonies. Advt. ) 

Musical Progress, 1906. M.—Ist. 2d. Hawkes & Son, Denman St., w. 

Musical Salvationist, 1886. N.—20th. 3d. Salvation Army, Judd St., King’ s Cross, W.C. 
t Musical Standard, 1862. Thurs.—4 p.m., for Sat. 1d. W. Reeves, 83 Charing Cross 
Road, w.c. 

Musical Times, 1844. M.—l1st. 3d. Novello & Co. Ltd., 160 Wardour St., w. 
Musicians’ Journal, 1900. Quarterly. 3d. National Conservatoire of Music Ltd., 44 
Princess Road, Liverpool. 

TMUSSELBURGH NEWS, 1889. (/) Fri—5 p.m. ld. Thomas Adams & Sons, Press 
Buildings, Tower St., Portobello. 

. {MUSWELL HILL PRESS, 1904. Fri.—3.30. ld. A. R. Hind, 449 Holloway Road, N. 
One of the Holloway Press series. 

IMUSWELL HILL RECORD, 1907. (ind) Fri. ld. W. R. Cummins Ltd. 
18, Broadway, Muswell Hill, wW. 

Mutua Confidentia, 1862. M.—I15th. Sub., £2 2s. per ann. Wys, Muller & Co., 19a 
Coleman St., E.c. 

Mutual Comfort, 1908. M.—28th. 1d. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, E.c. 

Mutual Property Journal, 1912. M.—15th. 1d. Mutual Property Investment and 
Accident Co., Ltd., 70 Spring Gardens, Manchester. 

My Garden Illustrated, 1914. M.—27th. 6d. My Garden Illustrated Ltd., 6 Bouverie 
St., Fleet St., E.c. 

My Little Friend Almanac, 1877. Oct. ld. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, E.C. 

My Magazine, 1914 (as Children’s Magazine, 1911). M.—15th. 7d. Amalgamated 
Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St., E.C. 

My Pocket Novels, 1900. Tues., for Sat. 1d. Hornsey Journal Ltd., 36 Crouch Hill, nv. 

My Weekly, 1910 (as Aunt Kate's Penny Stories, 1901, as People’s Penny Stories, 1903). 
Wed., for Sat. 1d. J. Leng & Co. Ltd., 7 Bank St., Dundee. 

°S] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. | - [ABC List. 

tNAIRN COUNTY PRESS AND ADVERTISER, 1892 (as St. Ninian Press and Nairn- 
shire Advertiser, 1892). (u) Thurs., for Sat. 1d. J. Fraser, High St., Nairn. 

tNAIRNSHIRE TELEGRAPH, 1842. (u) Tues. ld. G. Bain, 10 Leopold St., Nairn. 

TNANTWICH CHRONICLE, 1874. (7) Fri.—6 a.m., for Sat., ld. C. Smith, 2 High 
St., Crewe. One of the Chester Chronicle series. | 

+NANTWICH GUARDIAN, 1863. (ind.) Tues. Id. Fri.—6 a.m., for Sat., Id. Mackie 
& Co. Ltd., Hospital St., Nantwich. One of the Warrington Guardian series. 

Thurs. ld. W. Burgess, Market Square, Narberth. (Specially founded to supply 
a long-felt want in these large Agricultural districts in Pembrokeshire and Car- 
marthenshire. Advt. 

Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine, 1909. M.—17th. 6d. net. National Magazine Co. Ltd., 
69 Fleet St., E.C. 

tNation, 1907 (as Speaker, 1890). (2) Sat. 6d. Nation Publishing Co. Ltd., 10 Adelphi 
Terrace, W.C. 

Nation Tcheque, 1915. Fortnightly. 2d. London Bohemian (Czech) Committee, 
26 Gloucester Road, Regent’s Park, w. 

. National’ Bible Society of Scotland Quarterly Record, 1863. Gratis. National Bible 

Society of Scotland, 5 St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh. 

National Church, 1872. M.—15th. 1d. Church House, Dean’s Yard, Westminster, s.w, 

National Church Almanac, 1892. Dec. 1d. Central Church Committee, Church House, 
Dean’s Yard, Westminster, S.W. 

National Dental Hospital Gazette, 1907. M.—Oct. to March. 3s. per ann. J. Bale, 
Sons & Danielsson Ltd., 83-91 Great Titthfield St., w. 

National Federation Record (Master Builders), 1913. Quarterly. 6d. Technical Jour- 

nals Ltd., 27-9 Tothill St., s.w. 

National Five Brigades’ Union "Annual Report, 1887. Feb. 21s. The Secretary, 
22 Northumberland Avenue, w.c. . 

National Football Programme, 1907. Sat., during season. ld. Exchange Printing Co.; 
85 Queen St., Glasgow. l 

tNational Guardian and Licensed Trade Journal, 1881. Sat. 2d. H. Munro Ltd., 
82 Mitchell St., Glasgow. 

National Heaith, 1908. M.—lst. 3d. 22-4 Great Portland St., w. 

National Insurance Clerks’ Journal, 1915. M.—lIst. ld. Association of National 
Insurance Clerks, 231-2 Strand, w.c. 

tNational Insurance Gazette, 1912. Thurs., for Sat. 2d. Insurance Publishing Co, 
Ltd., 85 Fleet St., E.C. i 

National Insurance Year Book, 1912. Mar. 5s. Insurance Publishing Co. Ltd., 85 
Fleet St., E.C. 

National Master Builders’ Year Book and Diary, 1900. Dec. 1s. A. Haworth & Co, 
Ltd., 84 Leadenhall St., E.C. 

t National Newsagent, Bookseller, Stationer, and Fancy Trades Journal, 1902, Sat, 
2d. National Newsagent Ltd., 154-5 Fleet St., E.C. 

National Pig Breeders’ Association Herd Book, 1885. May. 5s. John Parr, Ockbrook, 


SRE Pony Stud Book, 1894. Jan. 10s. National Pony Society, 12 Hanover 
quare, w. 
National Review, 1883. (u) M.—30th. 2s. 6d. 43 Duke St., St. James’s, s.w. 
National Rose Society’s Rose Annual, 1907. March. 2s. 6d. National Rose Society, 25 
Victoria St., s.w. 
National Sporting League Journal, 1902. M.—1st. Subs. National Sporting League, 
148 Fleet St., E.c. 
Naton Temperance Quarterly, 1908. 1s. National Temperance League, 34 Paternoster 
ow, E.C. 
National United Order of Free Gardeners’ Friendly Society Monthly Journal, 1879. M.— 
Ist. Id. The Secretary, 57 High St., Sandbach. 
tNational Volunteer, 1914. Thurs. Id. K. J. Kenny, 65 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. 
tNATIONALIST AND LEINSTER TIMES, 1888 (as Carlow Nationalist, 1883). (nat.) 
ri.—12 noon, for Sat. ld. Mrs. A. F. Condon, Tullow St., Carlow, 
tNATIONALIST AND MUNSTER ADVERTISER, 1891 (as T ibperary Nationalist, 1886). 
(nat.) Tues., Wed., Fri., Sat. ld. T. D. Fennessy, 43 Parnell St., Clonmel, 
Naturalist, 1833. M. Alst 6d., illus. A. Brown & Sons Ltd., 5 Farringdon Avenue, E.C. 
+Nature, 1869: Thurs.—10 a.m. 6d. net, illus. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., St. Martin’s St.,w.c. 
Nature Reader Monthly, 1915. M.—25th. 1d. Charles & Son,.10 Paternoster Sq., E.C. 

Advertisements received for all the Church C alendars, [129 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

Nautical Almanac, 1878. Sept. 1s. 9d. and 2s. J. Brown & Son, 52 Darnley St., Pollock- 
shields, Glasgow. 

Nautical Magazine, 1832. M.—26th. 6d. J. Brown & Son, 52 Darnley St., Pollock- 
shields, Glasgow. | 

Naval and Military Gazette, See Broad Arrow. 

+Naval and Military Record, 1886. Wed. 3d. Western Morning News Co. Ltd., 31 
George St., Plymouth. (London: 47 Fleet St.) 

Naval Annual, 1886. May. 10s. net. W. Clowes & Sons Ltd., 31 Haymarket, s.w. 

Naval Cadet, 1910. M.—Ist. 4d. National Naval Cadets Corps, Howard Assembly 
Hall, Clifton St., Wandsworth Road, s.w. 

Naval Pocket Book, 1896. May. 7s. 6d. net. W. Thacker & Co., 2 Creed Lane, E.c. 

Navy, 1895. M.—lIst. 3d. The Navy League, 13 Victoria St., s.w. 

Navy League Annual, 1907. Jan. 5s. Navy League, 13 Victoria St., s.w. 

Navy League Quarterly, 1910. ld. Navy League, 13 Victoria St., s.w. 

Navy List, 1815. Quarterly. 1s. 6d. Wyman & Sons Ltd., Fetter Lane, E.C. 

tNear East, 1908 (with which is incorporated the Anglo-Egyptian Mail). Fri. 6d. 
Near East Ltd., 16-17 Devonshire Square, E.c. : 

Pn o me iain 

(incorporated with Herald of Wales, 1916). shi 
Neediecraft Practical Journal, 1900. Seven times a year. 2d. Needlecraft Ltd., 34 {NEW 
Cannon St., Manchester. Co 
Needlework for All, 1910 (with which is incorporated The Needle). M.—15th. 2d. Newcasi 
E. Marlborough & Co., 51 Old Bailey, E.C. Re 
Negesydd Cenhadol, 1915. Irreg. 1d. H. Evans & Sons, 358 Stanley Road, Liverpool. Newcas 
tNELSON LEADER, 1900 (with which is incorporated Nelson Chronicle, 1882). (i) ; St., 
Fri.—6 a.m. ld. Coulton & Co., Stanley St., Nelson. t iNEWC 
Nelson Lee Library, 1915. Wed., for Sat. 1d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 23-25 Farring- Ne 
don St., E.C. i INEWC 

l ares Annotated Scottish Code, 1898. June, 2s. 6d. T. Nelson & Son, 35-6 Paternoster St., 
ow, E.C. Newcast 
G. Prior, 13 Summer Hill, Nenagh. Neweast 
tNENAGH NEWS AND TIPPERARY VINDICATOR, 1893. (nat.) Sat. ld. Power Nev 
& Sons, 31 Castle St., Nenagh. {NEWC, 
Neptune, 1906. Sat. ld. L. Vandersbjen, 146 Fenchurch St., E.C. ld. 
Net, 1914. Quarterly. 3d. Zululand Mission, Church House, Westminster, s,w. INEWE 
Netherton’s Cornish Almanack, 1848. Dec. 3d. Netherton & Worth, 7 Lemon St., Truro. of ¢ 
tNew Age, 1894. Wed. 6d. New Age Press Ltd., 38 Cursitor St., Chancery Lane, E.C. {NEWH 
New Church Almanack and Year Book, 1873. Nov. ld. New Church Press Ltd., Pre 
1 Bloomsbury St., w.c. | tNEWN 

New Church Magazine, 1881 (as Intellectual Repository, 1812). M.—Ist. 6d. net. New St 
Church Press Ltd., 1 Bloomsbury St., w.c. ‘Newms 
New Church Quarterly, 1910. 1s. net. New Church Press Ltd., 1 Bloomsbury St., w.c. NEWM, 
New Church Weekly, 1915 (as Morning Light, 1878). Fri. 10 a.m., for Sat. 1d. New N 
Church Press Ltd., 1 Bloomsbury St., w.c. ; h | 

New Church Young Peopie’s Magazine, 1901. M.—1Ist. 1d., illus. New Church S.S.U., ‘NEWP 
18 Corporation St., Manchester. i ” 
New Code for Day Schools, 1893 (now Red Code for Day Schools, 1916). - Nii i 
NEW CROSS, BROCKLEY, AND DEPTFORD FREE PRESS, 1900. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. por 
4d. J. Allen, 71 Dartmouth Road, Forest Hill, sz. One of the Forest Hill, &c., ee 
Examiner series. i pet 
New Days, 1915. Sat. 1d. Oldham’s, Ltd., 93-4 Long Acre, w.c. . u 
{NEW FOREST CHRONICLE, 1903. (ind.) Wed.—4 p.m., for Thurs. 1d. W. Mate twpor 
& Sons Ltd., 58 Commercial Road, Bournemouth. (London : 134 Fleet St.) X y 
New Hazell’s Annual and Almanac, 1916 (as Hazell’s Annual, 1899, formerly Hazell’s HP 
Cyclopaedia, 1886). Dec. 3s. 6d. H. Froude, Hodder & Stoughton, Oxford Press y Ne 
Warehouse, Falcon Square, E.C. EUo 
New Ireland, 1915. (na?) Thurs. 1d. New Ireland Publishing Co. Ltd., 13 Fleet St., EM 

New Life, 1916. Quarterly. 6d. Zouth Publishing Co., 122 Jamaica St., Stephẹy, E. INEWF 
New Magazine, 1909. M.—20th. 6d. net. Cassell & Co. Ltd., La Belle Sauvage, Me 
Ludgate Hill, E.C. TNE WE 
New Moon: or, Crichton Royal Institution Literary Register, 1844. M.—15th. Gratis. Sa 
Dr. Easterbrook, Crichton Royal, Dumfries. News f 
New Phytoiogist, 1902. M.—15th, except Aug. and Sept. 2s. W. Wesley & Son, 28 Le 
Essex St, Strand, w.c. News j 
a ee a NOI =. L 
130] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London, emma 

‘Willing’s Press Guide. | [ABC List 

tNEW ROSS STANDARD, 1879. (nat.) Fri. 1d. People (Wexford) Newspaper Series 
and Printing Co. Ltd., 1a North Main St., Wexford. One of the People (Wexford) 
series. Ste 

New South Wales Post Office Directory (Wise’s), 1860. Annually. 47s. 6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. ` 

tNew Statesman, 1913. Sat. 6d. Statesman Pub. Co. Ltd., 10 Great Queen St., w.c. 

New Thought Journal, 1911 (as Talisman and New Thought Journal, 1903, Practical 
Idealism, 1909). Quarterly. 5s. per ann. Talisman Publishing Co., Harrogate. 

tNew Witness, 1912 (as Eye Witness, 1911). Wed., for Thurs. 6d. New Witness Ltd., 
20-1 Essex St., Strand, w.c. . 

New Zealand Post Office Directory (Wise’s), 1892. Annually. 47s. 6d. Kelly’s Direc- 

_ tories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

tNEWARK ADVERTISER, 1854. (ind.) Wed. ld. Newark Advertiser Co. Ltd., 
30-31 Stodman St., Newark. i 

ah ERAR 1791. () Sat. ld. J. Stennett, Market Place, Church St. 


1910. (c) Fri. ld. Reading Newspaper Co. Ltd., Reading. One of the Berk- 
shive Chronicle series. 3 

tNEWBURY WEEKLY NEWS, 1867. (ind.) Thurs.—5 a.m. ld. Blacket, Turner & 
Co. Ltd., 34 Northbrook St., Newbury. (Only newspaper printed in Newbury. Advt.) 

Newcastle and Gateshead Incorporated Chamber of Commerce Year Book, and Commercial 
Review, 1908. Last issue 1914. 2s. 6d. Chamber of Commerce, Newcastle-in-Tyne. 

Newcastle Co-operative Record, 1879. M.—ist. Gratis. The Society, 103 Newgate 
St., Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

{NEWCASTLE DAILY CHRONICLE, 1858. (/) a.m. ld. W. Ord, Westgate Road, 

- Newcastle-on-Tyne. (London: 173-4 Fleet St.) / 

tNEWCASTLE DAILY JOURNAL, 1832. (c) 1am. Id. W. H. Musgrave, Clayton 
St., Newcastle-on-Tyne. (London: 170 Fleet St.) g 

Newcastle Diocesan Calendar, 1883. Jan. 1s. Mawson, Swan & Morgan Ltd., Melbourne 
St., Newcastle. 

Newcastle Diocesan Gazette, 1896. M.—Ist. 1d. H. H. Lindsey, Rutherford St., 

{NEWCASTLE WEEKLY CHRONICLE, (as Newcastle Chronicle, 1764). (i) Fri. and Sat. 
ld. W. Ord, Westgate Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (London: 173 Fleet St.) 
tNEWENT REPORTER, 1896. (ind.) Sat. ld. A. Vaughan, New St., Ledbury. One 

of the Ledbury Reporter series. 
{NEWHAVEN CHRONICLE, 1907 (ind.) Thurs.—noon. ld. Seaford & Newhaven 
Press, 8 Bridge St., Newhaven, Sussex. 
tNEWMARKET JOURNAL, 1872. (ind.) Fri.—8 a.m., for Sat. ld. G. Simpson, High 
St., Newmarket. 
+Newmarket Sporting News, 1887. Daily—5 p.m. id. G. Simpson, High St., Newmarket. 
NEWMARKET WEEKLY NEWS, 1889. ,(¢nd.) Fri. ld., illus. W. F. Taylor, St. 
Andrew’s St., Cambridge, and Park Lane, Newmarket. One of the Cambridgeshire 
Weekly News series. 
for Sat. 1d. C. W. Smallman, 41 St. John’s Hill, Shrewsbury. 
Newport Chamber of Commerce Year Book, 1898. May. 7s. William Press Ltd., River- 
side Works, Newport-on-Usk. i a 

Newport Christmas Annual, 1905. Dec. ls., 2s. 6d., and 5s. Williams Press Ltd., 
Riverside Works, Newport-on-Usk. 

Newport Circuit Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, 1896. M.—Ist. ld. Joyce &-Sons, 

51 High St., Newport, Mon. 

Newport Directory (Johns’), 1876. Jan. 5s. R. H. Johns Ltd., 46 Commercial St., 
Newport, Mon. | 

Newport Tide Table, 1892. Nov. 1s. R. H. Johns Ltd., 46 Commercial St., Newport, Mon. 

A. B. Lyne, Bank St., Newquay, & Bodmin. One of the Cornish Guardtan series. 

tNEWRY REPORTER, 1867. (ind.) Tues., Thurs., and Sat. id. Exors. of R. Sands, 
Margaret St., Newry. 

tNEWRY TELEGRAPH, 1877 (as Newry Commercial Telegraph, 1812). (c) Tues., Thurs., 
Sat. Id. Sir J. Henderson, 48 Hill St., Newry. 

News from Afar, 1894 (with which is incorporated The Juvenile). M.—25th. 3d., illus. 
London Missionary Society, 16 New Bridge St., E.c. 

News in a Nutshell, 1906. Thurs. Gratis and 3d. A. J. Hughes, 30 Queen St., Pem- 
broke Dock. 

Advertisements received for all the Westmorland Newspapers. [131 | 

ABC List.] Wiiling’s Press Guide. | 

{NEWS OF THE WORLD, 1843. (ind.) Sun.—2 a.m. ; early editions on Fri. and Sat. 
1 News of the World Ltd., 30 Bouverie St., E.c. o 

tNewsagent, Booksellers’ Review, and Stationers’ Gazette, 1888. Fri., for Sat. 2d. 
37-8 Strand, w.c. 

Newsboy, 1914. Quarterly. Gratis. W. H. Smith & Son, Stamford St., S.E. 

Newspaper Press Directory, 1846. Jan., 2s. C. Mitchell & Co. Ltd., 1 & 2 Snow Hill, E.C. 

t Newspaper World, 1913 (as Newspaper Owner, 1898). Fri. for Sat. 2d. C. Baker, 
14 Cross St., Finsbury, E.C. 

News-sheet of the Bribery and Secret Commissions Prevention League (Incorporated), 
1907. irreg. Free to members. 9 Queen Street Place, E.C. a 
News Trade Circular, 1916. M.—Ist. L. & P.R.N.A., 21a Southampton Buildings, 

Chancery Lane, w.c. | | 
{NEWTON ABBOT WESTERN GUARDIAN, 1882. (ind.) Wed. 1d. Mortimer Bros., 
34 Fore St., Totnes. One of the Western Guardian series. 
Newtonian, 1875. M.—during term. 6d. G. H. Hearder & Son, 64 Wolborough St., 
Newton Abbot. 

Newtownards and County Down Illustrated Almanac and Directory, 1876. Dec. 2d. 
Henry Bros., 23-25 Frances St., Newtownards. 

p-m.. for Sat. ld. Henry Bros., 23-25 Frances St., Newtownards. a 
ld. R. Montgomerry, 85 Main St.,- Bangor. i 
a.m. ld. D. E. Alexander, Ashley Buildings, Bangor. i 
Night and Day, 1877. Quarterly. 2d. Dr. Barnardo’s Homes, 18-26 Stepney Causeway, E. 
Nineteenth Century and After, 1877. M.—30th. 2s. 6d. Spottiswoode, Ballantyne 
& Co. Ltd., 1 New Street Square, t.c. ` 
Nisbet’s Church Directory and Almanac, 1900. Jan. 3s. net. J. Nisbet & Co. Ltd., 
22 Berners St., w. 
Nisbet's Church Pulpit Year Book, 1901. Jan. 2s. 6d. net. 
22 Berners St., .w. 
Nisbet's Full Desk Calendar, 1907. Jan. 1s. net. J. Nisbet & Co. Ltd., 22 Berners St., w. 
Nitrate Facts and Figures, 1903. April. 2s. 6d. F. C. Mathieson & Sons, 16 Copthall 
Avenue, E.C. i 
Norfolk and Suffolk Handbook, 1849. Nov. 6d. Jarrold & Sons Ltd., London St., 
Norwich. (London: 10-11 Warwick Lane.) 
ld. Norfolk Press Syndicate Ltd., Holt. (London: 146, Fleet St.) 
TNORFOLK NEWS, 1845. (/) Fri.—3 p.m., for Sat. 2d. Norfolk News Co. Ltd., 
57 London St., Norwich. (London: 151 Fleet St.) 
North Africa, 1884. M.—Ist. 1d. S. W. Partridge Ltd., 21-2 Old Bailey, E.C. 

North American Review (English Edition), 1816. M. 1s. net. W. Heinemann, 21 
Bedford St., w.c. i 
North and East Ridings of Yorkshire Directory, 1857. Every four years, last issue 

1913. 25s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 
North and Mid-Wales Directory, 1893. Irreg., last issue 1895. 25s. Slater’s Directory Ltd., 
1 St. James Sq., Manchester, and Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w,c. 
*tNORTH ANTRIM STANDARD, 1887. (u) Wed., for Thurs. 4d. 3 High St., Bally- 

money. : 

TNORTH BEDS COURIER, 1909. (u) Fri. 1d. Spong & Son, High St., Biggleswade. 
(Has an excellent circulation in Biggleswade and District. -All social events in 
the neighbourhood well reported. The recognised medium for public notices, 

__ auction sales and small prepaid advts. Reaches all classes. Advt. 

TNORTH BERKS HERALD, 1910 (as Abingdon Herald, 1867). (ind. Sat. 1d. H.G. 
Loosley, Stert St., Abingdon, i | 

tNorth British Agriculturist, 1843.. Thurs.—3 p.m. ld. C. & R. Anderson, 377 High 
St., Edinburgh. (London: 11 Ludgate Hill.) | 

North British Agriculturist Calendar, 1880. Dec. 6d. C. & R. Anderson, 377 High 
St., Edinburgh. : 

North British Columbia News, 1909. Jan., April, July, Oct.—15th. 2d. C. B. Robinson, 
53 Blenheim Gardens, Wallington, Surrey. 

tNORTH BUCKS TIMES AND COUNTY OBSERVER, 1879. (ind.) Tues. 1d. H. Jackson 
& Co., Leighton Buzzard. 


Glossop Advertiser P. & P. Co., Howard St., Glossop. ` 

INORTH CHESHIRE HERALD, 1851. (ind.) Fri—8 a.m., for Sat. 14d. J. Higham 

& Co. Ltd., Hamnet St., Hyde. 

132] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

J. Nisbet & Co. Ltd., 


oo ne 

106 High St., 
St, Barnstap 
Co. Down. 
St., Chatham 
A. Pickering, 
Fleet St.) 
Daily Gazette 
North-Eastern Re 
and Tweed. 
North-Eastern Ra 

Leominster | 

(Adut. p. 4! 
Corner, Lee 
(M Daily- 
(London: | 
Sons, 8-9 S 


Fri, and Sat. 

or Sat. 2d, 
» SB, 
ow Hill, z.c, 
. C. Baker, 
n Buildings, 
‘timer Bros., 
borough St., 
= Dec. 24. 
3. (c) Fi— 
J. (u) Fri. 
(e) Fri— 

auseway, E. 

& Co. Ltd., 
& Co. Ltd., 

ners St., W. 
6 Copthall 

ondon St., 
n., for Sat 

Co. Ltd., 

-vents in 
1, H.G. 
77 High 
77 High 
pri, 14 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

‘t{NORTH DEVON HERALD, 1870. (u) Thurs—2 am. ld. H. G. W. M‘Whinnie, 

106 High St., Barnstaple. 

` {NORTH DEVON JOURNAL, 1824. () Thurs.—2 a.m. 1d. W. F. Gardiner, 96 High 

St., Barnstaple. 

aad ites 1871). (u) Fri—a.m. ld. R. D. Montgomery, 85 Main St., Bangor, 

tNORTH-EAST KENT TIMES, 1900. (u) Wed. 4d. Parrett & Neves Ltd., 30 High 
St., Chatham. 

{NORTH- EASTERN DAILY GAZETTE (Middlesbrough), 1869. (J) 12 am. 3d. 
= any North-Eastern Newspapers Ltd., Middlesbrough. (London: 143-4 

eet St 

{NORTH-EASTERN DAILY GAZETTE (Bishop Auckland), 1904.  (/) Even. d. 
North-Eastern Newspapers Ltd., Bishop Auckland. One of the North-Eastern 
Daily Gazette series, Middlesbrough. 

North-Eastern Railway Lodgings and Hotels, elc., Guide, 1896. Annually. (Thoroughly 
representative of best accommodation in ‘ ‘England’ s Playground ” twixt Humber 
and :Tweed. Circulation 60,000. Free on application to Passenger Manager, 
Advertising Section, N.E.R., York. Advt.) 

North-Eastern Railway Magazine, 1911. M.-Ist Fri. 1d. North Eastern Railway Co., York. 


. Leominster Printing Co., Drapers’ Lane, Leominster. One of the Leominster News 

sear ee HERTS ia 1906. (c) Thurs. 4d. G. Jackson, 10 Churchyard, Hitchin. 

vt. p. 458 

TNORTH LEEDS NEWS, 1912. (ind.) Fri. d. New Leeds News Ltd., Sheepscar 
Corner, Leeds. 

TtNORTH MAIL, 1901 (with which is amalgamated the Newcastle Daily Leader, 1903). 

Daily—a. m. $d. Mail Leader Ltd., High Bridge, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 
(London: 53 Fleet St.) 

TNORTH MIDDLESEX CHRONICLE, 1868. (/) Fri—a.m., for Sat. ld. Penfold & 
sons, 8-9 St. Alban’s Place, Upper St., Islington, N. 

TNORTH RIDING AND NORTHALLERTON NEWS, 1899. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. 
J. C. Savill, Market Place, Northallerton. (London: 30 Fleet St.) 

TNORTH SOMERSET GAZETTE, 1912. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. $d. Imperial Publishing 
Syndicate, Tweentown, Cheddar. 

TNORTH STAR, 1880 (Darlington). (u) Daily—2 am. 4d. J. T. Robson, Crown 
St., Darlington. (London: 92 Fleet St.) 

*+NORTH STAR AND FARMERS’ CHRONICLE, 1893. (ind.) Thurs. 1d. North Star 
P. & P. Co., High St., Dingwall. 

North Wales and Chester Official Year Book, 1902. Jan. 2s. and 3s. Littlebury Bros., 
Crosshall St., Liverpoot. 

North Wales and Shropshire: Bennetts Business Directory, 1881. Annually. 3s. 6d. 

Bennett & Co., Chapel Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt p. 456). 

TNORTH WALES CHRONICLE, 1808. (c) Fri., for Sat. 1d. North Wales Chronicle 
Co. Ltd., High St., Bangor. 

TNORTH WALES GUARDIAN, 1879 (as Wrexham Guardian, 1867). (c) Fri. ld. 
Jarman & Sons Ltd., Argyle St., Wrexham. 

tNORTH WALES OBSERVER AND EXPRESS, 1877. (J) Thurs., for Fri. 1d. Welsh 
National Press Co. Ltd., New Harbour, Carnarvon. 

NORTH WALES STANDARD, 1915. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. $d. P. C. Cleaver, Silver 
Chambers, Conway. 

tNORTH — TIMES, 1895. (4 Fri., for Sat. 1d. Gee & Son Ltd., Chapel St., 

tNORTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS, 1886. () Wed., for Thurs. Id. R. E. Jones & 
Bros., The Quay, Conway. 
Norfolk Press Syndicate Ltd., Holt. One of the Norfolk Chronicle series, 
TNORTH-WESTERN DAILY MAIL, 1897 (with which is incorporated the Barrow 
Daily Times, 1866. (ind.) Seven editions. 4d. Barrow News & Mail Ltd., Abbey 
Road, Barrow-in-Furness. (London: 134 Fleet St.) 

North Wilts and District Directory, 1875. Dec. 6d. H. D. Piper, 19 Bath Road, 

- . North Wilts Church Magazine, 1861. M.—1st. 1}d. C. H, Woodward, Devizes. 
Advertisements. received for all the Weekly Papers. 133 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

tNORTH WILTS GUARDIAN, 1872. (ind.) Fri. 1d. W. Lewis & Son Ltd., Market 
Place, Chippenham. (London: 174 Fleet St.). One-of the Bath Herald series. 

tNORTH WILTS HERALD, 1861 (with which are incorporated Berkshire Times, Ciren- 
cester Times, and Calne Chronicle). (ind.) Fri—5 p.m. ld. H. D. Piper, 19 Bath 
Road, Swindon. 

+NORTHAMPTON DAILY CHRONICLE, 1880. p.m. 4d. H. Butterfield & Son, 
24 Market Square, Northampton. (Herald and Chronicle are admittedly 
the leading papers. Hundreds of small advts. that are in no other 
paper. Advt.) 

tNORTHAMPTON DAILY ECHO, 1886. (/) 3 p.m. 4d. Northampton! Mercury Co. 

Ltd., Parade, Northampton. 

tNORTHAMPTON HERALD, 1831. (c) Fri.—2.30 p.m. ld. H. Butterfield & Son, 
24 Market Square, N orthampton. (The Great County Weekly, unrivalled 
for Auctioneers’ Notices. Advt.) 

{NORTHAMPTON INDEPENDENT, 1905. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. W. H. Holloway, 
14 Guildhall Road, Northampton. 

Northampton Labour Representation Council Annual Report, 1915. Feb. F. O. Roberts, 
61 Collingwood Road, Northampton. 

tTNORTHAMPTON MERCU RY, 1720 (with which are incorporated Daventry Spectator, 
Northampton Weekly Reporter, and Northamptonshire Guardian). (i) Fri. oo p-m. 
ld. Northampton Mercury Co. Ltd., Parade, Northampton. 

Northampton Mount Pieasant Monthly, 1895. M.—Ist. ld. W. Billingham & Son, 
38 Bridge St., Northampton. 

Northampton Trades’ Council Annual Report, 1888. June. 61 Collingwood Road, 

TNORTHAMPTONSHIRE AND HUNTS GAZETTE, 1912. (c) Fri. 1d. Northampton- 
shire Co. Press Ltd., Lower St., Kettering. 
Northamptonshire District Good Templars Lodge Guide, 1889. Quarterly. Gratis. 
Northamptonshire District Lodge, 1.0.G.T., 19 Holly Road, Northampton. 
TNORTHAMPTONSHIRE EVENING TELEGRAPH, 1904 as Evening Telegraph, 1897.) 
(ind.) Daily, 3.30 p.m. $d. Northamptonshire Printing & Publishing Co., Ltd., 
Dryland St., Kettering. 

Northamptonshire Nonconforminst, 1899. M.-—Ist. 1d. W. Billingham & Son, 
38 Bridge St., Northampton. 

Northamptonshire Notes and Queries, 1905. Quarterly. 1s. 6d. net. Reeves & Turner, 
83 Charing Cross Road, w.c. 

Northamptonshive Sunday School Union Year Book, 1893. March. ld. F. Bates, 

19 Holly Road, Northampton. 

Northants: Bennett's Business Directory, 1881. Annually, 3s. 6d. Bennett & Co., 
Chapel Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 456). 

_ Northern British Israel Review, 1910. Quarterly. 7d. M. G. Coltart, Selma, Kilmacolm, 

{NORTHERN CHRONICLE (Inverness), 1881. (c) Wed.—4 am. ld. Northern 
Counties Newspaper, &c., Co. Ltd., Margaret St., Inverness. 

+NORTHERN CONSTITUTION (C oleraine), 1908 (as Coleraine Constitution and Northern 
Counties Advertiser, 1874). (u) Fri. 1d. J.M. Russell, Railway Road, Coleraine. 

Northern Counties (Durham, Northumberland, Cumberland, & Westmorland): Bennett's 
Business Directory, 1881. Annually. 5s. Bennett & Co., Chapel Works, Granville 
St., Birmingham. (Advert. p. 456). 

Northern Counties Red Book and Chronicle Almanack, 1881. Dec. 3d. Northern 
Counties Newspaper Co. Ltd., Inverness. 

tTNORTHERN DAILY MAIL (West Hartlepool), 1877. p.m. $d. Northern Daily Mail 
Co. Ltd., West House, Clarence Road, West Hartlepool. (London : 170 Fleet St.) 

INORTHERN DAILY TELEGRAPH (Blackburn), 1886. () Noon. 4d. T. P. Ritzema, 
Railway Road, Blackburn. (London:,85 Fleet St.) 

{NORTHERN ECHO (Darlington), 1869. (iJ) Daily—a.m. 4d. North of England 
Newspaper Co. Ltd., Priestgate, Darlington: (London: 17 Bouverie St.) 
Northern Educational Record. Northern Educational Association. Gratis. W. Clayton, 

Kelvinside, Consett. 

tNORTHERN ENSIGN (Wick), 1850. (J) Tues. 1d. Ensign Publishing Co. Ltd., Stafford | 

Place, Wick. 
+NORTHERN EVENING DISPATCH (Darlington), 1914. p.m 4d. North of England 
Newspaper Co. Ltd., Priestgate, Darlington. (London: 17 Bouverie St.) 

ADVERTISER (Wetherby), 1868 (incorporated with Wetherby N ews and Northern 
Reporter, 1916). 

1324) James Willing. Ltd.. Advertising Avents. 125. Strand. London. 


Lily Mail 
Acet St 


d., Stafford 

of England 

ind Northern 


` Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 



- 6 a.m. ld. Moray & Nairn Newspaper Co. Ltd., 175 & 177 High St., Elgin. 

INORTHERN STANDARD (Monaghan), 1839. (u) Fri—4-p.m., for Sat. ld. W. 
Swan, The Diamond, Monaghan. 

TNORTHERN TIMES (Golspie), 1899. (u) Thurs.—4 a.m. 1d. D. McDonald, Golspie. 

NORTHERN WEEKLY GAZETTE (Middlesbrough), 1855. (ind.) Wed.—10 a.m., for 
Sat. id. A. Pickering, North-Eastern Newspaper Ltd., Middlesbrough. (London: 
143-4 Fleet St.) 

TNORTHERN WEEKLY LEADER (Newcastle), 1885 (as Northern Leader, 1884). (ind.) 
Fri., a.m. ; Sat., pm. ld. Mail & Leader Ltd., High Bridge, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

(London : 53 Fleet St.) 
~ {NORTHERN WEEKLY RECORD, 1909. (ind.) Sat. Id. G. A. Cliff, 233 Westgate 

l Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. One of the Weekly Mail and Record (Glasgow) series. 

TNORTHERN WHIG (Belfast), 1824. (lu.) Daily—4 a.m. 1d. Northern Whig Ltd., 
7 & 9 Victoria St., Belfast. (London: 92 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 445). 

TNORTHWICH CHRONICLE, 1885. () Fri.—8 a.m., for Sat. Id. C. Smith, Library 

. Buildings, Northwich. One of the Chester Chronicle series. 

{NORTHWICH GUARDIAN, 1860. (ind.) Tues.—2 p.m., ld. ; Fri—9a.m., 1d. Mackie 
& Co. Ltd., High St., Northwich. One of the Warrington Guardian series. 
tNORTHWOOD GAZETTE, 1900. (ind.) Thurs., for Fri. ld. Clarke & Ashmore, 

-54 High St., Harrow. One of the Harrow Gazette series. 

NORTHWOOD OBSERVER, 1900. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Sholl & Kay, Station Road, Harrow. 
One of the Harrow Observer series. (The local paper. Oldest Northwood paper. Advt.) 

ld. W. J. Hutchins Ltd., 126 High St., Uxbridge. One of the Middlesex and 
Bucks Advertiser series. l 

Norvicensian. Terminally. 9d. The Editor, King Edward VI. School, Norwich. 

Norwich Co-operative Society Herald. Gratis. M.—lIst. The Society, St. Stephen’s 
St., Norwich. 

Norwich Diocesan Calendar and Clergy List, 1858. Jan. 

i Norwich. (London: Simpkin & Co.) 

Norwich Diocesan Gazette, 1895. M.—Ist. 2d. Goose & Son Ltd., Norwich. ` 

TNORWICH MERCURY, 1714. (ind.) Tues.—8 p.m., for Wed., 4d; Fri.—3 p.m., 
for Sat., ld. Norwich Mercury Co., Ltd., 5 Redwell St., Norwich. 

tNORWOOD NEWS AND PENGE AND ANERLEY NEWS, 1868. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 
Id. Neves & Biscoe, 2 Belvedere Road, Upper Norwood, s.z. Telephone 687, 
Sydenham. (Largest, oldest established, local paper. First in circulation and 
influence. Advt.) (Advt. p. 458). 

Norwood Observer and Herne Hill and Duiwich Recorder, 1905. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Brixton 
Free Press P. & A. Co. Ltd., 429 Brixton Road, s.w. One of the Brixton Free 
Press series. 

1882). (ind.) Fri——noon, for Sat. ld. Truslove & Bray Ltd., Knight’s Hill, 
West Norwood, S.E. 

for Sat. 1d. R. Morgan, 65 Westow St., Upper Norwood, s.z. (Largest and most 
influential circulation of any local Id. or 4d. paper. Phone., 1253. Sydenham. Advt. 

NORWOOD WEEKLY HERALD, 1889. (ind.) Fri.—6.30 p.m., for Sat. 4d. Coventry 
& Son, 25 Station Road, South Norwood, S.E. 

NORWOOD WEEKLY RECORD, 1903. Sat. d. Printonia Ltd., 26 Station Road, 
South Norwood, S.E. 

+Notes and Queries, 1849. Fri., for Sat. 4d. J. E. Francis, 11 Bream’s Buildings, 

| Chancery Lane, E.C. l 
Notes and Queries for Somerset and Dorset, 1888. March, June, Sept., Dec. 
' ann. Rev. F. W. Weaver, Milton, Evercreech, Somerset. 

Notes from ireland, 1886. (u) Quarterly. ld. Irish Unionist Alliance, 109 Grafton 
St., Dublin. 

Notes on Books, 1855. Mar., June, Nov. 
Row, E.C. 

Notes on the Scripture Lessons, 1847. M. (dated a month forward).—25th, for Ist. 1d, 
S.S.U., 57 Ludgate Hill, £.c. 

tNottingham and Midland Catholic News, 1908. Sat. 1d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 1 Swan 
Passage, Worster St., Birmingham. One of the Catholic Herald (London) 

tNOTTINGHAM AND NOTTS LOCAL NEWS, 1902.. (ind.) Fri—3.30 p.m., for Sat. 
ld. Kirk Publishing Co. Ltd., 9 St. Peter’s.Gate, Nottingham. 

Is. net. Goose & Son Ltd., 


5s. per 

Gratis. Longmans & Co., 39 Paternoster 

Adaertisements received tor all the Continental Newshapers. [T2 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

tNOTTINGHAM DAILY EXPRESS, 1885 (as Nottingham and Midland Counties Daily 
Express, 1860). (I) 2.30 a.m. 4d. A. L. Edwards, Parliament St., Nottingham. 
(London: 172 Fleet St.) | 

Nottingham District Co-operative Record, 1889. M.—Ist Sat. Gratis. S. H. Brown, 
92 Noel St., Nottingham. | 

tNOTTINGHAM EVENING NEWS, 1885. () Daily—2 pm. $d. A. L. Edwards, 
Parliament St., Nottingham. (London: 172 Fleet St.) 

tNOTTINGHAM EVENING POST, 1878. (c) Daily. Editions hourly. d. T. Forman 
& Sons, Sherwood St., Nottingham. (London: 59 Fleet St.) = 

tNOTTINGHAM GUARDIAN, 1861. (c) Daily—3 a.m. ld. T. Forman & Sons, 
Sherwood St., Nottingham. (London: 59 Fleet St.) 

Nottingham Library Bulletin, 1896. M.—15th. 4d. City Librarian, Central Public 
Library, Nottingham. OE 

Nottingham University College Calendar, 1881. Nov. ls. Prospectus, July. 2d. 
J. Sands & Son, St. Peter’s Gate, Nottingham. ‘ 

Fri., 8 a.m. ld. F. W. Buck & Sons, Priestisc Road, Sutton-in-Ashfield. 

{NOTTINGHAMSHIRE GUARDIAN, 1846. (ind.) Fri. ld. T. Forman & Sons, | 
Sherwood St., Nottingham. (London: 59 Fleet St.) 

{NOTTINGHAMSHIRE WEEKLY EXPRESS, 1886 (as Nottingham Weekly Courant, 
1710). () Fri—3 pm. ld. A. L. Edwards, Parliament St., Nottingham. 
(London: 172 Fleet St.) 

Novel Magazine, 1905. M.—22nd. 44d. net. C. A. Pearson Ltd., 16-18 Henrietta St., w.c. 

Novitates Zoologicae, 1894. Four or five numbers each year. 21s. sub. Zoological 
Museum, Tring. | 

Nugget Library, 1910. M.—2nd Tues. ld. J. Henderson & Sons Ltd., Red Lion 
House, Red Lion Court, E.c. 

Numismatic Chronicle, 1839. Quarterly. 5s., illus. B. Quaritch, 11 Grafton St., New 
Bond St., w. i 

tNUNEATON ADVERTISER, 1868. Thurs.—10 a.m., for Sat. 1d. Advertiser Co. 
Ltd., 1 Albert St., Rugby. One of the Rugby Advertiser series. 

tNUNEATON CHRONICLE, 1868. (u) Fri. 1d. Nuneaton Chronicle Ltd., 39 Church 
St., Nuneaton. 

tNUNEATON OBSERVER, 1877. (ind.) Fri. 4d. Coleman & McCormick Ltd., Bondgate, 
Nuneaton. (London : 172 Fleet St.) 

tNurseryman and Seedsman, 1894. Sat. 6d. For private circulation only, Cable 
Printing & Publishing Co., Hatton House, Great Queen St., w.c. 

Nurses’ Journal, 1890. M.—Ist. 1d. -Adlard & Son and West Newman, 23 Bartholomew 
Close, E.C. 

Nurses Near and Far, 1906. Quarterly. 3d. Nurses’ Missionary League, 52 Lower 
Sloane St., S.w. . 

Nurses’ Own Magazine and Midwives’ Record, 1914 (as Midwives’ Record, 1906), M.— 
Ist. 1d. Bailliere, Tindall, Cox & Co., 8 Henrietta St., w.c. - 7 

tNursing Mirror and Midwives’ Journal, 1886. Thurs., for Sat. Id. Scientific Press 
Ltd., 28-29 Southampton St., Strand, w.c. (Advt. p. 445). 

Nursing Mirror Pocket Encyclopædia and Diary, 1908. Nov. 6d. net. Scientific Press 
Ltd., 28-9 Southampton St., Strand, w.c. 

Nursing Notes and Midwives’ Chronicle, 1887. M.—1st. 2d. E. Brierly, 12 Buckingham 
St., Strand, w.c. . 

{Nursing Times and Journal of Midwifery, 1905. Thurs., for Sat., 10 a.m. ld. 
Macmillan & Co. Ltd., St. Martin’s St., w.c. (Advt. p. 453). 

OAKHAM AND UPPINGHAM JOURNAL, 1854. (ind.) Sat—a.m. ld. Grantham 
Journal, &c. Co. Ltd., 46 High St., Grantham. One of the Grantham Journal series. 
(High .class County Paper, recognised medium for legal & official Advts. Advt.) 

ld. D. Cameron, Oban Times Office, Oban. (Largest Provincial circulation 
in Scotland outside Valley of the Clyde. Immense Glasgow and Colonial circulation. 
Recognised medium for legal and official advertisements. Advt. 

Observatory, 1877. M.—2nd. Is. illus. Taylor & Francis, 74 Red Lion Court, Fleet St., £.c. 

tOBSERVER, 1791. (u) Sun. ld. G. F. Forster, 22 Tudor St., E.c. (Political, social, 
and literary. (Advt. p. iii). l 

Occasional Paper, 1895. Quarterly. 2d. National Union of Women Workers, Parlia- 
ment Mansions, Victoria St., s.w. 

Occult Review, 1905. M.—lI1st. 7d. net. W. Rider & Son Ltd., 8-11 Paternoster Row.E.C, 
Steward, 1912). : 

-26]) James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London, 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Ocean Times, 1911. M.-—Ist. 5d. Wireless Press Ltd., Marconi House, Strand, w.c. 
O’Connell’s Cork Almanac, 1870. Dec. 2d. T. O’Connell, 15 Charlotte Quay, Cork. 
Odd Volume, 1908. Oct. 1s. net. Simpkin & Co. Ltd., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.C. 
Oddfellows’ Magazine, 1870. M.—ist. 1d. Grand Master and Board of Directors, 
Grosvenor St., Chorlton-on-Medlock, Manchester. (London: 22 St. 

Bride St.) . 

Officer, 1913 (as Field Officer, 1893). M.—Ist. Gratis. Salvation Army, Judd St., 
King’s Cross, W.C. 

0.T.C. and Naval Cadet’s Magazine, 1913. M.—23rd. 6d. Cadet Publications Ltd., 
4 Featherstone Buildings, Holborn, w.c. 

Officers’ Training Corps Diary and Year Book, 1913. Dec. Is. Forster Groom & Co. 
Ltd., 15 Charing Cross, s.w. 

Official Catholic Directory for Scotland, 1913 (as Catholic Dtrectory for Scotland, 1840). 

Dec. Is. net. Sands & Co., 37 George St., Edinburgh. 

Official Directory of the Chartered Accountants of Scotland, 1897. Oct. 1s. W. Blackwood 
& Sons, 45 George St., Edinburgh. 

Official Gazette of the County Councils Association, 1908. M — 8th. 3d. The Associa- 
tion, Caxton House, Westminster, s.w. 

Official Guides to the British Railways, 1897. Annually. Is. net. Cassell & Co., La 
Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

Official Handbook of the Hockey Association, 1906. Oct. -6d. Field & Queen (H. Cox) 
Ltd., Bream’s Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C. 

Official Handbook of the Presbyterian Church of England (as Presbyterian Year-Book, 
&c., 1890; as Year-Book of the Presbyterian Church of England, 1887). Aug. 
8d. T. F. Downie, 21 Warwick Lane, E.C. 

Official Metal Trades Catalogue, 1903. Biennial. Feb. 7s. 6d. British Ironmongers’ . 
Catalogue Co. Ltd., Lionel St., Birmingham. 

Official Touring Guide of the Auto-Cycle Union, 1912. Feb. 3s. 6d. Auto-Cycle Union, 
83 Pall Mall, s.w. 

Official Year Book and Report of Proceedings of the Educational Institute of Scotland, 
1847. Oct. is. The Institute, 34 North Bridge St., Edinburgh. 

Official Year Book of the Church of England, 1882. Feb. 2s. and 2s. 6d. net. S.P.C.K., 
Greener House, Haymarket, s.w. 

Oil, 1915. Sat. ld. 32 Great St. Helens, E.C. 

tOil and Colour Trades Journal, 1879. Sat. 4d., illus. Scott, Greenwood & Son, 

. 8 Broadway, Ludgate Hill, E.c. | 

Oil and Colour Trades Journal Diary, 1881. Nov. 9s. Scott, Greenwood & Son, 
8 Broadway, Ludgate Hill, £.c. l 

Oil and Petroleum Manual, 1910. April. 2s. 6d. net. W. R. Skinner, 11- 12 Clementsa 
Lane, E.C. 

Oil Facts and Figures, 1912. June. 1s. F.C. Mathieson & Sons, 16 Copthall Avenue, E.c. 

tOil News, 1912. Fri., for Sat. ld. 32 Great St. Helen’s, E.C. 

Oil Trades’ Gazette, 1886. Supplement to the Grocers’ Gazette. 

Olavian, 1895. Twice each term. 6d. The Editor, St. Olave’s School, Tower Bridge, S.E. 

Old Lore Miscellany of Orkney, Shetiand, Caithness, and Sutherland, 1907. Quarterly, 
2s. 6d. Viking Society, c/o Mrs. A. Wintle Johnston, 29 Ashburnham Mansions, - 
Chelsea, s.w. 

Old Moore’s Almanack, 1697. Aug. ld. W. Foulsham & Co. Ltd., 61 Fleet St., E.C. 
(Guaranteed circulation 1,000,000 minimum ; best advertisement positions 
bespoke early in year. Adit. 

Old Moore's Almanac, 1843. July. 1d. W. Walker & Sons Ltd., Victoria Works, Otley. 

Old Moore's Almanack. Aug. ld., illus. T. Roberts & Co., 12 Crane Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

tOLDBURY WEEKLY NEWS, 1871. (ind.) Fri. ld. Midland Printing Co. Ltd., 
Simpson St., Oldbury. One of the West Bromwich Weekly News series. 

fOidham Catholic Herald, Sat. 1d. 13 Jordon St., Knott Mill, Manchester. One of the 
Catholtc Herald (London) series. 

tOLDHAM CHRONICLE, 1854. () Sat—a.m. 14d. Hirst & Rennie Ltd., Union 

St., Oldham. (London: 151 Fleet St.) 

Oldham Co-operative Record, 1894. M.—lIst Thurs. Gratis. W. E. Clegg, 30 Market 
Place, Oldham. 

;OLDHAM DAILY STANDARD, 1877. (c) Noon. 4d. Northern Daily & Weekly 
Newspapers Ltd., 18 Yorkshire St., Oldham. (London: 134 Fleet St.) 

fOLDHAM EVENING CHRONICLE, 1880. Noon. (/) d. Hirst & Rennie Ltd., 

- Union St., Oldham. (London: 151 Fleet St.) 

ala Hulmeian, 1901. June and Dec. 6d. The Editor, Hulme Grammar School, 


Advertisements received for all the Scottish Newspapers. [13° 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. ` 

Oldham Operative Cotton Spinners’, &c., Provincial Association Monthly Report, 1843. 
Ist week. Gratis. The Associa‘ion, Rock St., Oldham. 

fOLDHAM STANDARD, 1855. (c) Sat.—a.m. ld. Northern Daily and Weekly News- 
papers Ltd., 18 Yorkshire St., Oldham. (London: 134 Fleet St.) 

OLDHAM WEEKLY TIMES, 1909. (ind.) Wed. Gratis. Times Publishing Co., Oldham. 

Olive Leaf, 1903. M.—1st. hd. The Peace Society, 47 New Broad St., E.c. 

Oliver and Boyad’s Edinburgh Almanac, 1837. Dec. 6s. 6d. net. Oliver & Boyd, Tweed- 
dale Court, Edinburgh. (London: 33 Paternoster Row). | 

Oliver’s Local Book of Dates and Illustrated Oxford Almanack, 1875. Dec. id. J. Oliver 
& Son, 62 George St., Oxford. i 

OLNEY ADVERTISER, 1897. (ind.) Fri. 3d. A. H. Stanley, 7 Market Place, Olne. 

On and Off Duty, 1883. M.—Ist. ld., illus. Miss C. Gurney, lA. Adelphi Terrace, 
Strand, w.c. (News of the Police Forces, Legal Information, Educational Page, 
Serial Stories, Poetry, &c., &c., &c., well illustrated. Advt.) i 

On Guard, 1915. Sat. 1d. Garnett, Mepham & Fisher Ltd., 112 Gloucester Road, 
Brighton. f 

On Service, 1896. M.—Ist. 4d. C. Murray, 11 Ludgate Square, E.C. 

On the Line, 1882. M.—ist. 14. U.K. Railway Temperance Union, 333 Grays Inn Rd.,w. 

On the March, 1896. M.—30th. 1d. The Royal Army Temperance Association, Rankin 
Bros., Trenchard Street, Bristol. 

On the Road, 1883. M.—lIst Fri. 2d. U.K. Commercial Travellers P. & P. Co. Ltd., 
25 George St., Hull. 

One and Ail, 1891. M.—25th. 1d., illus. Headley Bros., Kingsway House, Kingsway,w.c. 

One by One, 1903. Quarterly. ld. Morgan & Scott Ltd., 12 Paternoster Buildings, E.c. 

Onward and Upward, 1890. M.—lIst. ld., illus. J. Avery & Co. Ltd., 105 King St., 

Onward Reciter, 1872. M.—25th. ld., illus. Onward Publishing Co. Ltd., 207 Deans- 
gate, Manchester. (London: Partridge & Co.) 

Open Road for Cyclists and Motorists, 1906. Feb. 6d. E. Hulton & Co. Ltd., Withy 
Grove, Manchester. 

Ophthalmic Review, 1881. M.—lIst. 1s. net. Sherratt & Hughes, 33 Soho Square, w. 

Ophthalmoscope, 1903. M.—Ist. 2s. G. Pulman & Sons Ltd., 24-27 Thayer St., w. 

tOptician and Scientific Instrument Maker, 1891. Fri. 24d., illus. Hatton Press Ltd:, 
23, 124 & 125 Fleet St., E.C. 

Optimist, 1909. Quarterly. 6d. A. Brown & Sons Ltd., 5 Farringdon Avenue, E.C. 

Orange Standard, 1914. M.—Ist. ld. Rev. L. A. Ewart, 13 Twyning Road, Edgbaston, 

| Birmingham. 

tORCADIAN, 1854. (ind.) Thurs. and Fri., for Sat. 1d. W. R. Mackintosh, Victoria 
St., Kirkwall. 

Orchid Review, 1893. M.—10th. 6d. net. Marshall Bros. Ltd., 47 Paternoster Row, E. c. 

Orchid World, 1910. M.—Ist. is. Hayward’s Heath, Sussex. 

Order of Divine I 1887. Nov. 9d. & 1s. W. Walker, 28 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Order of Druid’s Directory, 1858. Dec. ld. & 2d. J. Heywood Ltd, Deansgate, Manchester. 

Order of Druids’ Quarterly Report and Journal, 1858. Jan. April, July, Oct. ld. 
J. Heywood Ltd., Deansgate, Manchester. (London : 20-22 St. Bride St.) 

Ordo Divini Officii Recitandi Missaequae Celebrandae, 1892. Dec. ls. 6d. to 3s. net. 
J. Duffy & Co. Ltd., 38 Westmorland St., Dublin. 

Organiser, 1907. Wed. 3d. W. Dawson Publishing Co. Ltd., 2 Bream’s Buildings, E.C. 

Organist and Choir Master's Ready Reference Register, 1916. Nov. 2s. 6d. net. Year 
Book Press, 31 Museum St., w.c. 

Organist and Choirmaster, 1893. M.—15th. 3d. Dr. C. W. Pearce and Dr. C. Vincent, 
18 Berners St., w. 

Orient, 1892. Quarterly. 3d. W. Knott, 30 Brooke St., Holborn, E.C. 

Oriental Notes, 1906. M.—Ist. ld. Clapton Orient Football Club, Ltd., Millfield Road | 
Ground, Clapton, N.E. 

Original, 1915. M.—lIst. 4s. 6d. Ladies Fashion Publsg. Co., 152 Marylebone Road, n,w. 

Original Clock Almanac, 1865. Oct. 3d. W. Nicholson & Sons Ltd., Albion Works, 

Original Secession Magazine, 1847. M.—Ist. 3d. W. F. Henderson, George IV. Bridge, 

Orion's Prophetic Guide, Weather Almanac, and Ephemeris, 1841. Oct. 6d. net. G. C. 
Caster, Market Place, Peterborough. (London: Simpkin & Co. Ltd.,) 

Orkney and Shetland Records, 1907. Jan. 2s. Viking Society, c/o Mrs. A. Wintle 
Johnston, 29 Ashburnham Mansions, Chelsea, s.w. 

TORKNEY HERALD, 1860 (with which is incorporated The Northman). (D) Wed. 
ld. Peace & Son, 37 Albert St., Kirkwall. 

138] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125. Strand. London. 

[A BC List. 

2 p.m., 14d. W. L. Hutton, 7 Church St., Ormskirk. 

ORMSKIRK HERALD. One of the Preston Herald series. 

‘Orr's Royal Belfast Town and Country Almanac. Oct. d. N. Adshead & Son, 11 
Union St., Glasgow, 

Orr's Scottish Almanac, 1832. Oct. ld. N. Adshead & Son, 11 Union St., Glasgow. 

Osborne, 1903. Terminally. Is. Yelf Bros., Newport, Isle of Wight. 

{OSSETT OBSERVER, 1864. (ind.) Sat. 1d. S. Cockburn & Son, Station Road, Ossett, 

OSWALDWISTLE ADVERTISER, 1889. (ind.) Tues. $4., Fri. ld. Hyndburn Road, 
Accrington. One of the Accrington Advertiser series. 

TOSWALDWISTLE OBSERVER, 1866. (/) Tues., }d., Sat. 1d. R. S. Crossley, Edgar 
St., Accrington. One of the Accrington Observer series. 

MERCURY, 1888 (as Oswestry Advertizer, 1849). (/) Wed—a.m. ld. Woodall, 
Minshall, Thomas & Co., Caxton Press, The Cross, Oswestry. 

wey Commercial Circular, 1880. M.—6th. Gratis. T. Owen & Son, The Library, 


Our Animal Brothers, 1905. M.—Ist. id. Simpkin & Co. Ltd., 32 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Our Boys’ Magazine, 1887. M.—20th. 1d. Children’s Special Service Mission, 13a 
Warwick Lane, E.c. - 

Our Circle, 1907. M.—lIst. 1d. Co-operative Societv Ltd., Long Millgate, Manchester. 

Our Darlings, 1881 (as Children’s Treasury, 1868). M.—25th. 3d. net. J. F. Shaw & Co. 
Ltd., 3 Pilgrim St., Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

tOur Dogs, 1895. Fri. 2d., illus. Our Dogs Publishing Co. Ltd., 4 Albert Square, 
Manchester. ; 

Our Girls, 1915 (with which are amalgamated Girls’ Home, 1910, Girls’ Reader, 1908). 

j Wed., for Sat. 1d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Our Home, 1889. Thurs. ld. Macdonald & Martin, 6 Essex St., Strand, w.c. 

Our Hospitals and Charities, 1904. Twice a year. 3d. net. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 
St. Martin’s St., w.c. -> 

Our Land, 1908. Irreg. ld. G. Radford, 12 York Buildings, Adelphi, w.c. 

Our Letter to Candidates, 1901. Quarterly. d. Wells Gardner, Darton & Co. Ltd., 
3 and 4 Paternoster Buildings, E.C. l 

Our Little Dots, 1887. M.—25th. 2d., illus. Religious Tract Society, 4 Bouverie St., E.C. 

Our Little Ones Treasury, 1907 (as Our Little Ones Treasury, 1887, as Little Ones Treasury, 

l 1905). M.—Ist. 4d. J. Ritchie, Kilmarnock. ; 

Our Log Book, 1890. M.—ist. 1d. The National Refuges for Homeless and Destitute 

- Children, 164 Shaftesbury Avenue, w.c. 

Our Missions, 1894. M.—Ist. Id. Friends’ Foreign Mission Association, 15 Devon- 
shire St., Bishopsgate, E.c. 

Our Outlook, 1909. M.—24th. ld. National Y.W.C.A., 26 George St., Hanover Sq., W. 

Our Own Gazette, 1884. M.—25th. 1d., illus. S. W. Partridge & Co., 21-22 Old Bailey,£.c. 

Our Own Magazine, 1879. M.—20th. ld., illus. Children’s Special Service Mission, 
13a Warwick Lane, E.c. l 

Our Ter in other Lands, 1879. Jan., April, July, Oct. 1d. T. F. Downie, 21 Warwick 
ane, E.C. 

Our Waifs and Strays, 1881. M.—Ist. ld. Waifs & Strays Society, Old Town Hall, 
Kennington Road, S.E. 

Our Work at Home and Abroad, 1879. M.—25th. ld. Church Extension Association, 
28 Paternoster Row, E.C. S 

Ours, 1915 (as Ours, 1907, as Our Monthly Magazine, 1906, as George Clarke's 
Magazine, 1914). M.—25th. id. Marshall Bros., 47 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Out and Out, 1887. M.—25th. ld. S. W. Partridge & Co., 21-22 Old Bailey, E.c. 

Out and Out Almanack, 1887. Dec. ld. S. W. Partridge & Co., 21-22 Old Bailey, E.C. 

r 1890. Fri. 1d., illus. Home Trade Publishing Co. Ltd., 5 & 7 Moor Lane, E.C. 

vi. p. 446). 

t Outlook, 1898. ‘a Sat. 6d. New Outlook Co. Ltd., 27 Abingdon St., Westiminster,s.w. 

Outpost, 1914. M.—15th. 4d. D. J Clark, 92 Union St, Glasgow 

tOwner Driver and Motor Cab Owners Drivers’ Association Gazette, 1914. Sat. Id. 
The Association, 20 Buckingham St., Strand, w.c. f 

Oxford Almanac, 1674. Nov. 4s. 6d. net. Oxford University Press, Amen Corner, E.C. 

Oxford and District Free Churchman, 1900. M.—1Ist. Sat. ld. Alden & Co. Ltd., 
Bocardo Press, Oxford. 

for Sat. 1d. Oxford Chronicle Co., Ltd., 119 High St., Oxford: 

Advertisements received for all the Irish Newspapers. [120 

ABC List|  Willing’s Press Guide. 

a a a a ee 

Oxford Chronicle (Henley and South Oxon Edition), 1904. (/) Fri. 1d. Oxford Chronicle 
Co. Ltd., 119 High St., Oxford. 

Oxford Diocesan Calendar and Clergy List, 1858. Dec. 1s. net. Oxford University 
Press, Oxford. 

Oxford Diocesan Magazine, 1902. M.—I1st. 2d. B. H. Blackwell, 50-51 Broad St., 
Oxford. (London: Simpkin & Co.) | 

Oxford Directory, 1880. Annually. ls. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Oxford House Magazine, 1887. Quarterly. 6d. Oxford House, Bethnal Green, E. 

{OXFORD JOURNAL ILLUSTRATED, 1910 (as Jackson’s Oxford Journal, 1753). 
(ind.) Wed. ld. Oxford Times Co. Ltd., 11 New Road, Oxford. 

tOxford Magazine, 1883. Fri.(during term)—10a. m. 6d. F. Hall, University Press, Oxford. 

Oxford Poetry, 1913. Oct. 1s. and 2s. 6d. B. H. Blackwell, 50 Broad St., Oxford. 

OXFORD TIMES, 1862. (u) Fri.—noon, for Sat. 1d. Oxford Times Co. Ltd., 11 New 
Road, Oxford. 

Oxford y Calendar, 1813. Nov. 5s. net. Oxford University Press, Amen 

Oxford University Gazette, 1870. Weds. (during term)—7 p.m. 6d. Clarendon Press 
Depository, 116 High St., Oxford. 

Oxford University Handbook, 1893. Oct. 2s. 6d. net. Oxford University Press, Amen 

‘Corner, E.C. 

Oxford University Pocket Diary, 1897. Oct. Is. Oxford University Press, 
Amen Corner, E.C. y 

Oxfordshire Light Infantry Chronicle, 1892. Annually. 21s. Eyre & Spottiswoode, 
Downs Park Road, Hackney, N.E. 

tOXFORDSHIRE WEEKLY NEWS, 1865. (ind.) Wed. ld. W. C. Hayes Ltd., 
Market Place, Chipping Norton. 

Paddington, Bayswater, and Kensal Green Directory, 1871. Annually. Is. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Weston, 10 Sutherland Avenue, Paddington, w. 

—9 a.m. Id. 56 Porchester Road, Bayswater, w. 

PADDINGTON MERCURY, 1881 (with which is incorporated the Kensington Post and 
West London Mercury). (prog.) Fri. d. Salmond & Co., 1033 Harrow Road, 
Willesden, N.w. One of the Willesden Citizen series. 

{PADDINGTON TIMES, 1858. (ind.) Fri. ld. N.-W. P. & P. Association Ltd., 
4 Cambridge Avenue, Kilburn, N.w. One of the Kilburn Times series. 

tPago’s Engineering Weekly, 1914 (as Page’s Weekly, 1904, as Page’s Magazine, 1901). 

. Page’s Engineering Weekly Ltd., 22 Henrietta St., w.c. 

IPAIGNTON OBSERVER AND ECHO, 1892. (ind.) Thurs. ld. H. D. Higgs, 26 Palace 
Avenue, Paignton. 

{PAIGNTON WESTERN GUARDIAN, 1882. (ind.) Wed. 1d. Mortimer Bros., 
34 Fore St., Totnes. One of the Western Guardian series. 

TPAISLEY AND RENFREWSHIRE GAZETTE, 1864 (with which are incorporated 
the Paisley Herald and the Renfrewshire I ndependent). (u) Fri—noon, for Sat. 
ld. J. & J. Cook, 94 High St., Paisley. 

{PAISLEY DAILY EXPRESS, 1874. (/) 2,3, and 5 p.m. $d. W. A. Lochhead, Express 
Buildings, 35 New St., Paisley. 
Paisley Directory and General Advertiser, 1810. June—last issue 1915. 3s. J. & J. 

Cook, 94 High St., Paisley. 

Palaeontographical Society’ s Publications, 1847. Dec. 25s. Dulau & Co. Ltd., 37 
Soho Square, w. 

Palestine Exploration Fund, Quarterly Statement, 1869. Jan., April, July, Oct. 2s. 
The Secretary, Palestine Exploration Fund, 2 Hinde St., Manchester Square, w. 

TPALL MALL GAZETTE, 1865. (ind. x). Daily—p m. ld. 132-9 Fleet St., E.C. 
Editorial: 8, Temple Avenue, E.c. (Advt. p. 446). 

Pall Mall Gazette Extras, 1883. Irreg. Price varies. 132-9 Fleet St., E.C. 

PALMERS GREEN AND SOUTHGATE GAZETTE, 1910 (as Middlesex Gazette, 1886). 
a ite api ld. Meyers, Brooks & Co. Ltd., Lancaster Hall, Silver St., Enfield. 

vr. p 
PALMER’S WEEKLY NEWS, 1883. (ind.) Thurs. 1d. M. A. Palmer, Water St., Martock. 
Paper eee ane Bag Maker, 1896. M.—19th. 6d., illus. S. C. Phillips & Co., 47 Cannon 

Paper Makor and British Paper Trade Journal, 1891. M.—1st. 1s., illus. S. C. Phillips 
& Co., 47 Cannon St., E.C. 

r40] Tames Willinge. Ltd.. Advertising Agents 125. Strand Tondon. 

Willing’s Press Guide. (ABC List. 

Paper Makers, Directory of, 1876. Mar. 1s. Marchant, Singer & Co., 47 St. Mary Axe, E.c. 

Paper Makers’ Directory of All Nations, 1884. June. 10s. 6d. net. Dean & Son Ltd., 
160a Fleet St., E.C. 

Paper Makers’ Monthly Journal, 1863. 15th. 6d. Marchant, Singer & Co., 47 St. 
Mary Axe, E.C. 
Paper Making, 1881 (with which is incorporated Paper and Pulp, 1896). M.—15th. 
5s. per ann. Page & Pratt Ltd., 5 Ludgate Circus Buildings, E.C. 
Paper Mills Directory, 1859. Dec. 1s. net. Simpkin & Co. Ltd., 4 Stationers’ Hall 
Court, E.C. 

Paper Trade Directory of Great Britain and the Colonies, 1884. Jan. ls. 3d. Page & 
Pratt Ltd., 5 Ludgate Circus Buildings, E.C. ie 

Papers of the British School at Rome, 1902. Irreg. Price varies. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 

- St. Martin’s St., w.c. 

Papur Pawb, 1893. Sat. ld., illus. E. Abbott, Castle Square, Carnarvon. 

Parasitology, 1908. Irreg. 30s. net. Cambridge University Press, Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Parents’ Review, 1890. M.—lIst. 6d. net. Parents’ National Educational Union, 
26 Victoria St., s.w. 

Paris Journal of Fancy Work and Fashion, 1908. M.—lIst. 3d. to 8s. 9d. Odhams 
Ltd., 54 New Cavendish St., w. 

Parish Almanac, 1915. Oct. 1d. Churchman Publishing Co. Ltd., 33-4 Craven St., 
Strand, w.c. : 

Parish Councils Journal (as Councils Journal, 1899, incorporated with Local Govern- 
ment Review, 1909). 

Parish Kalendar, 1899. Sept. ld. A. R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd., 28 Margaret St., w. 

Parish Magazines.—Nota Bene: Under the title of ‘‘So-and-So Parish Magazine,” many 
hundred titles might be added which do not find a place in this Guide. These 
periodicals are issued in all parts of the Kingdom, and, with few exceptions, consist 
of one of the well-known religious magazines “localised” by the addition of a few 
outer pages of parochial intelligence and local advertisements. 

Parish Priest's Notice Pad and Calendar of Lessons. Nov. ls. net. Simpkin & Co. 
Ltd., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.c. 

Parker's Church Calendar, 1855. Dec. 2d. Parker & Son, 27 Broad St., Oxford. 

Parliament House Book, 1824. Oct. 7s. 6d. W. Green & Son Ltd., 2-4 St. Giles St., 

Parliamentary Debates. Daily. 3d. During Session. Wyman & Sons Ltd., Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Parliamentary Gazette, 1905. Three issues 6s. 6d. post free. J. Howarth, Press Gallery, 
House of Commons, s.w. l 

Parochial Almanack, 1897 (as Gospeller Almanac, 1870). Sept. ld. A. R. Mowbray 
& Co. Ltd., 28 Margaret St., w. l 

Part Singer, 1860. Irreg. ld. F. Pitman, Hart & Co. Ltd., 20 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

TPARTICK AND MARYHILL PRESS, 1890. (ind.) Fri. d. J. Cossar, 577 Govan 
Road, Govan. One of the Govan Press series. 

TPARTICK GAZETTE, 1912 (as Weekly Gazette, 1907). (ind.) Fri. $d. F. M. Gellatly, 
23 Smith St., Whiteinch, Partick. 

Partridge’s Children’s Annual, 1909. Oct. 3s. 6d. and 5s. S. W. Partridge & Co., 
21-2 Old Bailey, E.C. 

Pascoe’s Rugeley Almanac ani Directory, 1882. Dec. 1d. Pascoe & Son, Brook Square, 
Rugeley. i 

Passing Show, 1915. Tues., for Sat. 1d. Oldhams Ltd., 93 Long Acre, w.c. | 

tPATELEY BRIDGE AND NIDDERDALE HERALD, 1863. (/) Fri.—9 a.m., for Sat. 
14d. R. Ackrill, Montpelier Parade, Harrogate. One of the Harrogate Herald series. 

Patents and British Machinist, 1911 (as Patents, 1893, as British Machinist and Patents, 
1910). M. 15th. 2d. Hughes & Young, 55-56 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

a ie Licensing Acts, 1872. Jan. 15s. net. Butterworth & Co., Bell Yard, Temple 

ar, W.C. 

Paterson's Practical Statutes, 1849. Sept. Price varies. Field & Queen (H. Cox) Ltd., 

Bream’s Buildings, E.c. | 

Patey’s Illustrated Almanac and Diary, 1864. Dec. ld. Patey & Co., Victoria St., 
Burnham. . $ ee 

Paton's List of Schools and Tutors, 1898. July. 2s. J. & J. Paton, 143 Cannon St., 
E.C. (An aid to parents in the selection of schools. Advt.) 

Patrician, 1913. M.—15th. 6d. Eyre & Spottiswoode, 6 Great New St., E.C. 

Pauline, 1882. Seven times a year. 6d. St. Paul’s School, Hammersmith Road, w. 

{ Pawnbrokers’ Gazette and Trade Circular, 1838. Fri., 4 p.m., for Sat: 24d. Jackson, 
Ruston & Keeson, Pear Tree Court, Farringdon Road, E.C. í 

Pax, 1904. Quarterly. ls. Benedictine Community, Isle of Caldey, Pembroke. 

Advertisements received tor American and Canadian Newsbabers. TIAI 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

Peace and Goodwill, 1895. Quarterly. ld. Peace Society, 47 New Broad St., E.C. 

Peace Year Book, 1910. Jan. 1s. National Peace Council, 167 St. Stephen’s House, 
Westminster, S.w. : 

Peace’s Orkney and Shetland Almanac and County Directory, 1860. Dec. 3d., illus. 
Peace & Son, 37 Albert St., Kirkwall. 

Peacock’s Directory for Watford, 1895. Dec. ls. C. H. Peacock Ltd., 101 High St., 

Peacock’s Pocket Diaries, 1875. Nov. Price varies. G. H. James & Co., 48 Old Bailey, E.c. 
Pearl of Days, 1881. M.—28th. 3d. per doz., illus. S. W. Partridge & Co., 21-2 Old 
Bailey, E.C. ; , 
Pears’ Annual, 1891. Nov. 1s., illus., A. & F. Pears Ltd., 71-75 New Oxford St., w.c. 
Pearson’s Magazine, 1896. M.—Ist. 6d. net. C. A. Pearson Ltd., 16-18 Henrietta St.,w.c. 
Pearson's Tide Tables and Nautical Almanac, 1858. Sept. 1s. 9d. & 2s. Imray, Laurie, 

Norie & Wilson Ltd., 156 Minories, E. 

Pearson’s Weekly, 1890. Mon. ld. C. A. Pearson Ltd., 16-18 Henrietta St., w.c. 

Peat’s Farmers’ Diary, 1865. Jan. 1s., 3s., and 5s. Simpkin & Co. Ltd., 4 Stationers’ 
Hall Court, E.c. | 

Peck’s Circular Buyers’ Guide to the Manufacturers of Birmingham and Sheffield, with 
Engineering Supplement, 1893. Jan. 15s. Peck’s Circular Publishing Co., 450 ` 
Moseley Road, Birmingham. l 

Pedigree Register, 1907. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. net. G. Sherwood, 227 Strand, w.c. 

PEEBLES NEWS AND COUNTY ADVERTISER, 1887. (ind.) Fri., 6 p.m., for Sat. 
4d. J. A. Kerr & Co., 27 Northgate, Peebles. 

+PEEBLESSHIRE ADVERTISER, 1845. (l.u.) Fri.—5.30 p.m., for Sat. 1d. Allan 
Smyth, 19 Eastgate, Peebles. 

PEEBLESSHIRE STANDARD, 1916. (ind.) Wed. ld. A. Walker & Sons, Galashiels. 

+PEEL CITY GUARDIAN AND CHRONICLE, 1882. Fri.—5 p.m., for Sat. ld. W. K. 
Palmer, Michael St., Peel, Isle of Man. (The only newspaper published in the West 
of the Island. Advt.) 

tPelican; 1889. Wed. ld. The Pelican Ltd., 10 and 11 Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Pelican. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, Perse Grammar School, Cambridge. 

Pelican Record, 1893. Terminally. 2s. B. H. Blackwell, 50-1 Broad St., Oxford. 

Peloubet’s eee Notes on International Lessons, 1875. Nov. 5s. net. S.S.U., 57 Ludgate 

tPEMBROKE AND PEMBROKE DOCK GAZETTE, 1851. (tnd.) Thurs., for Fri. Id. 
J. Crawshaw & Son, 21 Meyrick St., Pembroke Dock. 

tPEMBROKE COUNTY GUARDIAN, 1883 (as Dewsland and Kemes Guardian, 1861). 
(ind.) Thurs., for Fri. ld. J. W. Hammond & Co., Ltd., Haverfordwest. 

PEMBROKESHIRE HERALD, 1842. (c) Fri,—noon. ld. T. J. Morris, High St., 
Haverfordwest. , 

PEMBROKESHIRE TIMES, 1885 (as Tenby Telephone, 1879). (ind.) Thurs.—noon. 

ld. J. Watkins, Castle Terrace, Pembroke. 

Penal Reform League Quarterly Record, 1909. 6d. Capt. Arthur St. John, Penal Reform 
League, 68a Park Hill Road, N.w. (Reviews, Works on Penology and Education. 

ada el aa 1900. (ind.) Thurs. ld. J. F. Pickford & Sons, 57 Arcot St., 

Pendleton Co-operative Society Record, 1897. M.—Ist. Gratis. The Society, Broughton 
Road, Pendleton. 

PENGE AND ANERLEY PRESS, 1901 (as Anerley & Penge Press, 1883). (ind.) Fri. 
4d. P. B. Beddow, 46 Station R d, Anerley, s 

PENGE, ANERLEY, AND NORWOOD NEWS, 1868 (with which is ieieponied the 
Sydenham and Forest Hill News). Fri., for Sat. 1d. Neves and Biscoe, 2 Belvedere 
Road, Penge, S.E. (Advt. p. 488). 

Mexboro’ Times Co. Ltd., Church St., Penistone. One of the Mexboro’ Times 
series. (London: 151 Fleet St.) 

Thurs. ld. R. E. Jones & Bros., Conway. One of the North Wales Weekly News 

PENMAEMAWR STANDARD, 1915. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 4d. P. C. Cleaver, Silver 
Chambers, Conway. One of the North Wales Standard series. 

Penny Magazine, 1903 (as New Penny Magazine, 1898). Mon., for Sat. 1d. Cassell 
& Co. Ltd., La Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, £.c. 

Penny Pictorial, 1899 (with which is incorporated Everybody’s Weekly, 1912). Tues., 
for Sat. ld. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.C. 

142] James Willing, Ltd., Mies Agents, 125, Strand. London. - 

t., E.C. 
. S House, 

3d., illus. 
High St., 

Salley, E.C. 
., 21-2 Old 

rd St., w.c. 
tta St.,w.c. 
ay, Laurie, 

St., w.c. 

effield, with 
ng Co., 450 

d, W.C. 
m., for Sat. 

Id. Allan 

, Galashiels. 
ld. W.K. 
in the West 

., Oxford. 
57 Ludgate 

for Fri. 1d. 
dian, 1861). 

ris, High St., 
Penal Reform 
ad Education. 
57 Arcot St., 
ty, Broughton 
j. (ind) Fi 

orporated the 
e 2 Belvedere 

‘ d. 
ud.) Fr. I 
fexbovo’ Times 

s Weekly News 

Cleaver, silver 
+ ld. Cassell 

1919). Tues 


Willing’s Press} Guide. [ABC List. 

Penny Popular, 1912. Fri., for Sat. 1d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 FarringdonSt., E.C. 
Penny Story Willer, 1913. Tues. Id. W. Stevens Ltd., 23 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, 
w.c. (Advt. p. il.) 
PENRITH HERALD. (See Mid-Cumberland and North Westmorland Herald). - . 
tPENRITH OBSERVER, 1860. (c) Tues. ld. R. Scott, 5 Devonshire St., Penrith. 
Penrose’s Pictorial Annual, 1913 (as Process Year Book, 1895). Dec. 5s. A. W. Penrose 
& Co. Ltd., 109 Farringdon Road, E.c. - 
Penryn and Falmouth Advertiser, 1867. Fri. Gratis.F. Chegwidden, 6 Market St., 
Pension Record, 1897. Quarterly. 1d. W. Taverner, West Road, Congleton. 
Penvro, 1897. July and Dec. 3d. The Editor, County School, Pembroke Dock. 
tPEOPLE, 1881. (c) Sun.; early editions on Fri. and Sat. Id. C. A. Gray, Milford 
Lane, Strand, w.c. 
tPEOPLE (WEXFORD), 1852. (nat.) Wed. and Sat. 1d. People (Wexford) Newspapers 
Series and Printing Co. Ltd., A.1 North Main St., Wexford. 
People’s Friend, 1869. Thurs. ld. J. Leng & Co. Ltd., 7 Bank St., Dundee. (London : 
186 Fleet St.) 
7PEOPLE’S JOURNAL, 1858. (/) Sat. 1d. J. Leng & Co. Ltd., 7 Bank St., Dundee. 
(London: 186 Fleet St.) Localised editions for Aberdeen City, Aberdeen, Banff and 
Kincardine, Dundee, Fife and Kinross, Forfarshire, Inverness and Northern Counties, 
Perthshire, Argyll. and the Isles, Ireland and National, embracing the districts of 
Glasgow, West of Scotland, Edinburgh, South of Scotland, Stirling, & North of England 
tPEOPLE’S WEEKLY JOURNAL, 1864. Fri—8 a.m., for Sat. ld. Norwich Mercury 
/ Co. Ltd., 5 Redwell St., Norwich. One of the Norwich Mercury series. 
Performer, 1906. Thurs. 24. Performer Ltd., 18 Charing Cross Road, w.c. 
Performer Annual, 1906. Dec. 6d. Performer Ltd., 18 Charing Cross Road, w.c. 
Perfumery and Essential Oii Record, 1910. M.—21st. 12s. 6d. per ann. G. Street & Co. 
Ltd., 8 Serle St., w.c. 
Periodical, 1896. 5 times a year. Gratis. Oxford University Press, Amen Corner, E.C. 
Periodical Accounts relating to Moravian Missions, 1790. March, June, Sept., Dec. 
4d. Moravian Mission, 32 Fetter Lane, E.C. S l 
Perl, 1900. M.—lIst. 1d. Welsh Church Press & Printing Co., Ltd., Caxton Hall, 
Perry's Directory of Great Britain and Ireland, 1876. Jan. 30s. W. Perry & Co., 
. 6-8 Crutched Friars, E.C. 
{Perry’s Gazette, 1776. Wed. 21s. per ann. W. R. Perry Ltd., Bush Lane, Cannon St.;£.c. 
Perry's Hotel and Boarding House Guide, 1876. May. 12s. 6d. Perry & Co., 6-8 
Crutched Friars, E.c. 
+Perry’s Legal Record, Wed. 21s. perann. W. R. Perry Ltd., Bush Lane, Cannon St.,E.c. 
TPERTHSHIRE ADVERTISER, 1829. (ind.) Wed., ld.; Sat., 4d. Munro Press Ltd., 
Watergate, Perth. 
p-m. ld. T. Hunter & Sons Ltd., South St., John’s Place, Perth. | 
eR AE COURIER, 1809. (/) Tues—2 p.m. ld. J. McKinlay, 13-15 King 
t., Perth. i 
PERTHSHIRE PEOPLE’S JOURNAL, One of the People’s Journal (Dundee) series. 
TPETERBOROUGH ADVERTISER, 1854. (/) Fri.—noon, for Sat. Id. Peterborough 
Advertiser Co. Ltd., Cumbergate, Peterborough. 
tPETERBOROUGH AND HUNTS STANDARD, 1872. (c) Fri., for Sat. ld. H. Butter- 
field, Cross St., Peterborough. 
PETERBOROUGH CITIZEN, 1914 (as Peterborough Citizen, 1898, as Citizen, 1905). 
(4) Tues. ld. Peterborough Advertiser Co. Ltd., Cumbergate, Peterborough. 
Peterborough Diocesan Calendar, Clergy List and Almanack, 1862. Dec. 1s., map. Clarke 
& Satchell, 5 Gallowtree Gate, Leicester. (London: Simpkin & Co.) 
Peterborough Diocesan Magazine, 1889. M. 2d. Clarke & Satchell, 5 Gallowtree Gate, 
Leicester. (London: Simpkin & Co.) ’ 
{PETERBOROUGH EXPRESS, 1881. (:nd.) Tues., for Wed. 4d. H. Butterfield, 
Cross St., Peterborough. 
Peterite, 1878. Five times a year. 6d. The Editor, St. Peter’s School, York. 
PARS eee 1916. M.—15th. 2d. H. J. Purkis, Old Hall, Southborough, Tunbridge 
{Petroleum Review, 1903 (as Petroleum Industrial and Technical Review, 1899; with 
which is incorporated Petroleum, 1900). Sat. 6d. Petroleum Industrial and 
- Technical Review Ltd., 45 St. Mary Axe, E.c. 
Petroleum World, 1903. M.—Ist. 1s. 32 Great St. Helens, E.C. 

ee Diaries. Sept. Various. Straker & Crane’s Diary Co. Ltd., 38 King William 
t., EC. 

Advertisements received for all the Provincial Newspapers. [143 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. i 

‘Pharmaceutical Journal and Pharmacist, 1841. Fri—a.m., for Sat. 6d., illus. Heywood 
& Co. Ltd., 150 Holborn, E.c. (Official Organ of the Pharmaceuti zi ‘Society of 
Great Britain. Advt.) , 

Pharmaceutical Pocket Book, for Practitioners and Students, 1909. Pharmaceutical Society 
of Great Britain, 17 Bloomsbury Square, w.c. 

Pharmaceutical Society’ s Calendar, 1841. Jan. 2s. Pharmaceutical Society of Great 

` Britain, 17 Bloomsbury Square, w.c. 

Pharos, 1908. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, Dover County School for Boys, Dover. 

Philanthropist, 1881 (incorporated with Charity Record, 1911). 

Philatelic Journal of Great Britain, 1891. M.—20th. 2d. P. L. Pemberton & Co., 151 
Strand, w.c. (The best advertising medium, specimen copy free. Adyt.) 

Philatelic Magazine, 1911. M.—ist. 2d. A. H. Harris, 42 Fieldhouse Road, Balham, s.w. 
(Only independent Stamp monthly. Official organ of leading Philatelic Societies. 
Carries more paid advertising than any two other stamp journals combined. Advt.) 

Philatelic Societies’ Record, 1916. M.—i1st. 3d. F. H. Vallance, 89 Farringdon St., E. 

Philips’ Nature Calendar, 1905. Sept., for Jan. 6d. net. G. Philip & Son Ltd., 32 
Fleet St., E.c. 

Phillips’ Monthly Machinery Register with Electrical Machinery, Motor Car, and Steam 
Wagon Supplement, 1874. M.—Ist. 6d. C. D. Phillips, Newport, Mon. (For the 
sale and purchase of new and second-hand machinery of every description. Advt.) 

Phillips's Paper Trade Directory of the World, 1904. Annually. 15s. 6d. S. C. Phillips 
& Co., 47 Cannon St., E.c. 

Phitomath, 1895. M.—list. 3d. H.M. Léon, 39 Upper Bedford Place, w.c. 

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1801. Irreg. Price varies, illus. Harrison 
& Sons, 45 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c. 

Phoenix, 1904 (as Royal College of Science Magazine, 1886). M.—8th. Nov. to June, 
6d. The Editor, Imperial College of Science, South Kensington, s.w. 

Phono Record, 1912. M.—Ist. 5s. per ann. W. B. Tattersall Ltd., 40-43 Fleet St., E.C. 

Phonographic Monthly, 1896. 25th. 2d. Sir I. Pitman & Sons Ltd., 1 Amen Corner, E. c. 

Phonographic Observer, 1911. M. 3d. Sir I. Pitman & Sons Ltd., 1 Amen Corner, E.C, 

Photo Bits, 1898. Mon. 1d. Phoenix Press, 9 Bolt Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

Photograms of the Year, 1895. Oct. 2s. 6d. and 3s. 6d. net. Hazell Watson & Viney 
Ltd., 52 Long Acre, w.c. 

Photographic Dealer, 1896. M—15th. 3d. Sicilian House, Southampton Row, w.c. 

Photographie Journal, including the Transactions of the Royal Photographic Society of 
Great Britain, 1853. M.—17th. ls. The Royal Photographic Society of Great 

. Britain, 35 Russell Square, w.c. Advertisement Department, 63 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 
+Photography and Focus, 1888 (with which is incorporated Focus, 1903). Mon., for 
Tues. Id. Iliffe & Sons Ltd., 20 Tudor St., E.C. 

Phrenologist, 1886. M.—Ist, except July and Aug. 2d. British Phrenological Society, 
Incorporated, 65-6 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Physical Society of London Proceedings, 1874. Bi-M. from Dec. to Aug. 20s. per ann. 
Electrician P. & P. Co., Ltd., 1-3 Salisbury Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

Physiological Abstracts, 1916. M.—ist. 3s. net. H. K. Lewis & Co. Ltd., 136 

' Gower St., W.C. 

Physiologist, 1915. Quarterly. 3s. H. M. Leon, 39 Upper Bedford Place, w.c. 

Pianomaker, 1913. M.—20th. 4d. H. Sinclair, 17 Little Titchfield St., w. 

Picture Fun, 1909. Tues. d. Trapps, Holmes & Co. Ltd., 32 Fleet Lane, E.C. 

Picture Palace News, 1915. Sat. ld. W. Dawson Publishing Co. Ltd., Rolls House, 
Bream’s Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.c. 

{Pictures and Picturegoer, 1913. Sat. ld. Odhams Ltd., 93 Long Acre, w.c. 

Pictures and Pleasures, 1915. Mon. Pictures & Pleasures Ltd., 7 Blackfriars St., 

{Pigeons and the Pigeon World, 1908 (as Fanciers’ Gazette, 1874). Fri. 2d. Fanciers’ 
Newspaper Co. Ltd., Idle, Bradford. 

Piggott’s Eiectricai Plant, 1894. M.—Ist. 2d. Piggott’s Electrical Co., 24 New Bridge 

t., E.C. 

Pile’s Sutton, Carshalton, Wallington and District Directory, 1877. Jan. 2s. W. Pile 
Ltd., 26 High St., Sutton. 

Pilot, 1902. Wed. Gratis. Edge and Moy, Mostyn St., Llandudno. 

Pilots’ Guide to the English Channel, 1906. Irreg., last issue 1915. 7s. 6d. Imray, Laurie, 
Norie & Wilson Ltd., 156 Minories, E. 

Pilots’ Guide to the River Thames, 1905. Irreg., last issue 1913. 6s. Imray, Laurie, 
Norie & Wilson Ltd., 156 Minories, E. 

TPINNER GAZETTE, 1895. (tnd.) Thurs., for Fri. ld. Clarke & Ashmore, High St., 


144] James V illing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

7 Willing’s Press Guide. - [ABC List. 

+PINNER OBSERVER, 1895. (ind.) Fri. id. Sholl & Kay, Observer Office, Station 
-Road, Harrow. One of the Harrow Observer series. (The Local Paper. Oldest 
Established. Largest guaranteed circulation. Advt.) 

Pioneer, 1912 (as Temperance Pioneer, 1903, as Methodist Temperance Magazine, 1868). 
M.—28th. ld. C. H. Kelly, 25-35 City Road, E.C. 

Pioneer (Burnley), 1896. (lab. & soc.) M.—Ist. Gratis. N.S.P. for Burnley and 
District, St. James Hall, Burnley. 

Pieneer (Merthyr Tydfil), 1911. Fri., for Sat. 1d. Labour Pioneer Press Ltd., Williams 
Square, Glebeland St., Merthyr Tydfil. 

tPioneer and Labour Journal, 1904. (lab.) Fri. ld. Pioneer Press Ltd., 3 New 
Road, Woolwich. 

Pioneer Coconut Manual, 1917. July. 2s. 6d. The ‘ Empire,” 61 Fleet St., E.C. 
(Statistics, Articles Financial and Industrial, Directory of Companies, Directors 
and Managers of Coconut Companies. The first manual of the Coconut industry 
ever published. Indispensable to Financiers, Merchants, Planters and Investors. 
The manual is edited by Roland Belfort, generally recognised as the greatest 
authority on this {100,000,000 industry. Advt.) 

Pioneer of Wisdom, 1889. M. 1d. Miss Sarah Rogers, 119 Camden Rd., N. (Advt 158); 

Pipe Roll Society Publications. June. Subs. St. Catherine Press, Stamford gs 

Pitmanite, 1915. Four times a year, Gratis. Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd., 1 hie 
Corner, E.C. 

Pitman’s Journal, 1842. Tues., for Sat. ld. Sir I. Pitman & Sons Ltd., 1 Amen 
Corner, E.C. 

Pitman’s Musical Library, 1883. Occas. 6d. F. Pitman, Hart & Co. Ltd., 20 Pater- 
noster Row, E.C. 

Pitman’s Shorthand and Typewriting Year Book and Diary, 1892. Nov. 1s. net, illus, 
Sir I. Pitman & Sons Ltd., 1 Amen Corner, E.C. 

Pitman’s Shorthand Weekiy, 1892. Tues., for Sat. ld., illus. Sir. I. Pitman & Sons 
Ltd., 1 Amen Corner, E.C. 

Play Pictorial, 1902. M.—1st. 6d. Stage Pictorial Publishing Co., 6 Adam St., Strand,w.c. 

Playbox Annual, 1908. Oct. 3s. 6d. Amalagamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Plays for Little People, 1911. Irreg. 1d. Aldine Publishing Co. Ltd., Crown Court, 

. Chancery Lane, w.c. 

‘*Plebs,’’ Magazine, 1909. M.—ist 2d. “Plebs” League, Kemp Hall, High St., Oxford. 

Pioughshare, 1912. M.—Ist. 6d. Oakley House, Bloomsbury St., w.c. 

Plumber and Journal of Heating, 1879. M.—lIst. 6d. Dale, Reynolds & Co. Ltd., 
46 Cannon St., E.c. 

Plumbing Trado Journal, 1908. M.—25th. 6d. H. Reiach Ltd., 9 King St., Covent 
Garden, w.c. . 

Plymothian, 1883. Twice each temi. 6d. The Editor, The College, Plymouth. 

Piymouth and District Stock and Sharo List, 1907. Quarterly. Gratis. Westlake Donges 
& Co., George St. Chambers, Plymouth. 

Piymouth Co-operative Society Record, 1889. M.—2nd Fri. Gratis. Co-operative 
Society, Plymouth. 

nooner pees Book, 1874. Jan., April, July, Oct. 6d. pey doz. S.S.U., 57 Ludgate 

ill, E.c 

` Poesy, 1915. M.—Ist. 2d. E. & R. Herdman, 47 Salisbury Place, Bishop Auckland. 

Poetry Review, 1909. M.—Ist. 6d. Poetry Society, Malory House, Featherstone 
Buildings, Holborn, w.c. 

Police and Constabulary Almanac, Official Register, and Telegraph Code, 1874. Dec. 

ls. 8d. Manchester Courier Ltd., 22 and 24 Cannon St., Manchester. 

Police and Prison Officers’ Journal, 1914. Fri, 1d. Police Union, 17 Chapter St., 

Westminster, S.w. 
+Police Chronicle, 1866. Fri. 1d. Abbey Press, Tribune Buildings, Nuneaton. 
Police Gazotte (as Hue and Cry, 1790). Tues. and Fri. Criminal Investigation Depart- 
ment, New Scotland Yard, s.w. Information of offenders, deserters. (Issued to 
the police only.) 
tPolice Review and Parade Gossip, 1893. Thurs., for Fri. id. J. Kempster Ltd., 8 Red 
Lion Square, w.c. 

Policeman's Pocket Almanac, 1900. Dec. 2d. On and Off Duty Office, la Adelphi 
Terrace, Strand, w.c. 

t Policy, 1902. Fri., for Sat. 2d. Insurance Publishing Co. Ltd., 85 Fleet St., E.C. 

tPolicy Holdor, 1883. Wed. 2d. Policy-Holder Journal Co. Ltd., 44 Lloyd Sts 

Polish Tribune, 1915. Alter.-Weeks. 1d. 143-4 Fleet St., E.C. 

Political Quarterly, 1914. 3s. net. Oxford University Press, Amèn Corner, E.C. 

Advertisements received for all the English Provincial Newspapers. [14° 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

Political Science Quarterly, 1886. 3s. 6d. net. Ginn & Co., 9 St. Martin’s St., w.c. 
Thurs., for Fri. 4d. News Publishing Co., 144 King St., Pollokshaws, Glasgow, 
Polo Annual, 1909. June. 2s. 6d. Field & Queen (H. Cox) Ltd., Bream’s Buildings, E.c. 

Polo Monthly, 1909. M.—15th. ls. W. Goldsmith & Co., 43 New Oxford St., w.c. 

Polo Players’ Diary, Illustrated, 1910. April, 2s. 6d. W. Goldsmith & Co., 43 New Oxford 

- St., w.c. i 

Polyclinic, 1899. M.—1st. 6d. John Bale, Sons & Danielsson Ltd., 83-91 Great Titch- 
field St., w. 

Polyglot Calendar, 1894. Oct. 1s.. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, E.C. 

Polytechnic Magazine, 1888 (as Home Tidings, 1878). M.—7th. 2d. W. J. Pollock & | 
Co. Ltd., 81 Mortimer St., w. 

tPONTEFRACT AND CASTLEFORD ADVERTISER, 1854 (with which is incorporated 
the Pontefract and Castleford Weekly Herald, 1900). (u) Fri., for Sat. $d. Oswald 
Holmes, Market Place, Pontefract. 

{PONTEFRACT AND CASTLEFORD EXPRESS, 1880. (ind.) Fri—6 am. ld. T.P. 
Robinson, Corn Market, Pontefract. 

Pontefract and District Business Guide, 1895. (ind.) Fri. Gratis. W. McGowan, ` 
Corn Market, Pontefract. 

tPONTYPOOL WEEKLY ARGUS, 1892. (J Fri. ld. C. D. Stentiford, 14,High St., 
Newport, Mon. One of the South Wales Weekly Argus series. 

Pontypridd Almanac and Local Record, 1911. Dec. 2d. F. J. Harries, 14 Taff St., 

_ Pontypridd. 

Pontypridd and District Directory, 1914. Biennially. 3s. 6d. Western Mail Ltd. St., 
Mary St., Cardiff. | 

PONTYPRIDD OBSERVER, 1897. (prog.) Sat. 4d. P. S. Phillips, 8a Taff St., Ponty- 

+POOLE GUARDIAN, 1883. (ind.) Sat. 1d. E. A. Colborne, Tram Terminus, Poole. 
One of the Bournemouth Guardian series. , 

shire Herald, 1846). (ind.) Wed.—2 p.m., for Thurs. ld. W. Mate & Sons Ltd., 
High St., Poole. (London: 134 Fleet St.) 

tPoor Law and District Councils Journal, 1903. Wed. ld. Athlone Printing Works 
Co. Ltd., Athlone. 

Poor Law Annual, 1904. May. 3s. Poor Law Publication Co., 27-29 Furnival St., 
Holborn, £.c. 

Poor Law Magazine and Local Government Journal, 1863. M.—Ist. Is. N. Adshead 
& Son, 11 and 92 Union St., Glasgow. 

tPoor Law Officers’ Journal, 1892. Thurs., for Fri. ld. L. R. Leach, 27-29 Furnival 
St., Holborn, E.c. z 

Poor Souls’ Friend and St. Joseph’s Monitor, 1892. M.—Ist. ld. A. Jocelyn & Co. 
Ltd., Syon Abbey, Chudleigh. 

Poor's Manual of the Railroads of the United States, 1867. Dec. 60s. E. Wilson, 
54 Threadneedle St., E.C. 

Popular Illustrated Report of the British and Foreign Bible Society, 1900. Sept. Is. 
146 Queen Victoria St., E.C. 

tPopular Science Siftings, 1905 (as Science Siftings, 1891). Tues., for Sat. 2d. The 
Hatton Press Ltd., 128-125 Fleet St., E.C. 

Port of Bristol Official Sailing List and Shipping Guide, 1911.  M.—ist. 2d. 
J. W. Arrowsmith Ltd., 11 Quay St., Bristol. 

Port of Huli Annual, 1908. Jan. Is. H. E. C. Newham, 104 Bishop Lane, Hull. (A 
compendium of the Commerce and Industries of Kingston-upon-Humber. Advt. 

Port of Liverpool Handbook, 1910. March. 1s. Littlebury Bros., 3 Crosshall St., Liverpool. 

Port of Liverpool Official Sailing List and Shipping Guide, 1912. M.—lIst. ld. Little- 
bury Bros., 3 Crosshall St., Liverpool. 
Port of Manchester Official Sailing List and Shipping Guide, 1897. M.—lIst. ld. 
Hinchliffe & Co. Ltd., 10 Tonman St., Deansgate, Manchester. 
ld. A. C. Shannon, Edward St., Portadown. 

TPORTADOWN NEWS, 1859. («) Fri—1 p.m., for Sat. 1d. Exors. of J. Young, 
13 and 15 Thomas: St., Portadown . 

IPORTADOWN NEWS, 1859. (u) Fri—1 p.m., for Sat. ld. 13 and 15 Thomas St., 
Portadown. l 

Portcullis, 1888. M.—during term. 6d. The Editor, School, Warwick. 

PORT-GLASGOW EXPRESS AND OBSERVER, 1876. (u) Wed., and Fri. $d. Wm. 
Miller, 21 Prince’s St., Port-Glasgow. | 

146] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Wiiling’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

PORTH GAZETTE, 1900. (prog.) Sat. $d. P. S. Phillips, Porth. One of the Ponty- 
vidd Observer series. ; 

tPORTHCAWL AND DISTRICT NEWS, 1910. (ind.) Thurs. ld. T. G. Jones, John 
St., Porthcawl. 

© Limetree House, The Barton, Avonmouth. One of the Avonmouth Mail series. 
tPORTLAND TELEGRAM, 1855. () Fri. ld. Warden & Co., Great George St., 

Weymouth. One of the Weymouth Telegram series. 

- PORTMADOC AND CRICCIETH OBSERVER, 1909. (/) Thurs. ld. Welsh National 
Press Co. Ltd., Carnarvon. One of the North Wales Observer series. 

Portmuthian, 1884. Twice a term. 6d. The Editor, Grammar School, Portsmouth. 

Portsmouth, Southsea, &c., Directory, 1887. Annually. 5s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

tPORTSMOUTH TIMES, 1850. (c) Fri—5 am. ld. Holbrook & Son Ltd., 154 
Queen St., Portsmouth. (London: 62 Ludgate Hill.) 

Positivist Review, 1895. M.—25th. 3d. Watts & Co., 17 Johnson’s Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

Post, 1890. Alternate weeks—Fri. ld. W. B. Cheesman, 55 Doughty St., w.c. 

Post, 1915. Sat. p.m. $d. D. C. Thomson & Co. Ltd., Courier Place, Dundee. 

Post Magazine Almanack, Insurance Directory, Reference and Year Book, 1840. Mar. 
6d., 1s. 6d., and 2s. 6d. Trustees of T. J. W. Buckley, 9 St. Andrew St., Holborn 
Circus, E.C. 

tPost Magazine and Insurance Monitor, 1840. Sat. 1d. Trustees of T. J. W. Buckley, 
9 St. Andrew St., Holborn Circus, E.C. 

Post Office Bath Directory, 1858. Dec. 4s. W. Lewis & Son Ltd., 12 Northgate St., Bath, 

Post Office Bolton Directory, 1876. Last issue 1911. 12s. 6d. Tillotson & Son Ltd. 
Mealhouse Lane, Bolton. 

Post Office Dally List of Sailings, 1808. 20s. per ann. P.O. Stores Department, G.P.O., 
17-19 Bedford St., Strn 

Post Office Edinburgh ‘and Leith Directory, 1806 May. “8s. 21 St. James’ Square, 

Post Office Electrical Engineers’ Journal, 1908. Quarterly. Is. H. Alabaster, Gate- 
house & Co., 4 Ludgate Hill, E.c. 

Post moh Guide, 1878 (as British Postal Guide, 1858). April. 6d. P.O. Stores 

artment, 17-19 Bedford St., Strand, w.c. 

Post Office Guide Supplement, 1916. Jan., July and Oct. 3d. P.O. Stores Department, 
17-19 Bedford St., Strand, w.c. 

Post Office London Directory, 1837. Dec. 36s., or including London County Suburbs, 
45s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Postage Stamp, 1907. Wed. ld. J. F. Spriggs Ltd., 21 Paternoster Square, E.C. 

Postai Advocate, 1905. M.—18th. 1d. E. C. Hough, ‘42 Priory Rd., South Tottenham. 

+tPostal and Telegraph Record, 1914 (with which is incorporated Postal Clerk's Herald, 
1898, and Telegraph Chronicle and Civil Service Recorder, 1893).- Thurs. ld. G. 
Middleton, Lawrence Buildings, Mount St., Manchester. (The official organ of the 
Postal and Telegraph Clerks’ Association. ‘Best postal advertising medium. Read 
by 30,000 postal servants. Advt.) 

Postman’s Gazette, 1892. Fortnightly—Sat. ld. The Editor, 240 Edgware Road, w. 

Postmaster-General's Annual Report on the Post Lac 1855. Date and price vary. 
Wyman & Sons Ltd., Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Potsdam Diary, 1915. Oct. 1s. 6d. net. National Review Office, 43 Duke St., St. 
James's, s.w. 

Potteries, Newcastle, and District Directory, 1907. Irreg., last issue 1912. 10s. Stafford- 
shire Sentinel Ltd., Stoke-on-Trent. 

Pottery Gazette, 1878. M.—lIst. 7s. 6d. per ann., illus. Seott, Greenwood & Son, 8 
Broadway, Ludgate Hill, E.c. 

an oro Diary, 1881. Oct. 5s. Scott, Greenwood & Son, 8 Broadway, Ludgate 

111,- E.C 

tPouitry, 1848. Fri. ld., illus. 10 Essex St., Strand, w.c. 

Poultry Journal, 1889 {as W. Cook’s Poultry Journal, 1886). M.—lst. 2d. Simpkin 
& Co. Ltd., 32 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Poultry Keeper’s Journal, 1912. M.—15th. 2d. W. H. Cook Ltd., Model Poultry 
Fatnr, Orpington, Kent. 

tPoultry Keeping, 1912. Wed. $d. T. Want, Hatton House, Great Queen St., w.c. 

{Poultry World, 1907. Fr. 1d. Poultry Press Ltd., 154 Fleet St., E.C. 

Pouliry World Annual, 1909. Jan. 1s. Poultry Press Ltd., 154 Fleet St., E.C: 

tPower Laundry, 1903. Fri., for Sat. ld. 19-21 Farringdon St., E.C. (Weekly paper 
for the Laundry, Dyeing, and Cleaning Industries. <Advt:) 

Advertisements received for all the Lrish Newspapers and Periodicals. [14 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Power User, Engineer in Charge and Work’s Manager, 1906 (with which is incorporated. 
Gas and Oil Engine Record, 1905, Engineer in Charge and Work’s Manager, 1906). 
M.—Ist. 4d. Percival Marshall & Co., 66 Farringdon St., E.c. 

Practical Confectioner and Baker, 1882. M.—15th. 2d. W. White & Son, 180 Fleet St., E.C. 

Practical Electrician's Pocket Book, 1898. Dec. ls. and 1s. 6d. S. Rentell & Co. Ltd., 
36 Maiden Lane, Strand, w.c. 

{Practical Engineer and Engineer's Gazetto, 1887. Thurs. 1d. Technical Publishing 
Co. Ltd., 1 Gough Square, E.c. Telephone, Holborn 1021. Telegrams, Tepucol, 
Fleet, London. 

Practical Engineer Electrical Pocket Book and Diary, 1899. Oct. 1s. and 1s. 6d. Technical . 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 1 Gough Square, E.C. 

Practical Engineer Mechanical Pocket Book and Diary, 1885. Oct. Is. and 1s. 6d. 

_ Technical Publishing Co. Ltd., 1 Gough Square, E.C. 

Practical Timber Measurer and Architects’ and Builders’ Tables, 1892. Biennially, last 
issue 1916. ls. 6d. A. Haworth & Co. Ltd., 84 Leadenhall St., E.C. 

Practitioner, 1868. M.—lIst. 2s. 6d. Practitioner Ltd., 2 Howard St., Strand, w.c. | 

Preachers’ Magazine, 1890 (as Local Preachers’ Treasury, 1887). M.—25th. 3d. net. 
C. H. Kelly, 25-35 City Road, and 26 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Epes Magazine, 1914. M.—4th. 44d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon 

t., E.C. 

Preparatory Schools Review, 1896. March, July, Dec. Is. Warren & Son Ltd. 
85 High St., Winchester. (London: Simpkin & Co.) : 

Presbyterian Messenger, 1908 (as Monthly Messenger of the Presbyterian Church o 
England, 1843). M.—25th. ld. .T. F. Downie, 21 Warwick Lane, E.c. 

{PRESCOT REPORTER, 1859. (c) Fri—noon., for Sat. 1d. The St. Helens and 
Prescot Reporter Ltd., 59 High St., Prescot. One of the St. Helens Reporter series. 

Prescriber, 1906. M.—Ist. ls. T. Stephenson, 6 South Charlotte St., Edinburgh. 

Present Truth, 1884. Thurs. Id. International Tract Society Ltd., Stanborough Park, 

{PRESTATYN WEEKLY, 1905. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. d. J. T. Burrows, High St., 
Prestatyn. E 

{Preston Catholic News, 1889. Sat. Id. New Catholic Press Ltd., 110a Fishergate, 
Preston. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. | 

Preston Circular, 1895. M.—Ist. d. R.S. Addison, Fulwood, Preston. 

Eroon Co-operative Society Record. M.—[l1st. Gratis. The Society, Ormskirk Road, 


{PRESTON GUARDIAN, 1844 (with which is incorporated Preston Chronicle). (1) Sat. 
ld. G. Toulmin & Sons Ltd., 127 Fishergate, Preston. - 

{PRESTON HERALD, 1855. (c) Wed. and Sat. ld. J. Hartley, 16 Avenham St., 

tPRESTWICH AND WHITEFIELD GUARDIAN, 1886. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. Id. J. 
Bagot Ltd., Market Place, Middleton. One of the Middleton Guardian series. 

Prevention, 1910. Quarterly. 6d. National Council of Public Morals, 42 Great Russell 
St., w.c. (A Quarterly Journal devoted to Race Regeneration. Edited by James 
Marchant. Advt.) 

Priced Catalogue of Stamps, 1856. Oct. and Dec. 2s. 6d. Stanley Gibbons Ltd., 
391 Strand, w.c. 

+Primitive Methodist Leader, 1868. (/) Thurs. 1d. A. C. Vincent, 73 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Primitive Methodist Missionary Herald, 1902. M.—26th. 1d. J. Johnson, Holborn 
Hall, Clerkenwell Road, E.c. 

Primitive Methodist Sunday School Magazine, 1913 (as Sunday School Journal, 1872; 
as Teacher and Preacher, 1908). M.—25th. 2d. J. Johnson, Holborn Hall, Clerken- 
well Road, E.c. ; 

Primrose League Gazette, 1887. (u) M.—Ist. 1d. Primrose League, 64 Victoria St., s.w. 

Principal Acts of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, 1888. May. Price varies. 
Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 45 George St., Edinburgh. (London : 37 Paternoster Row) 

Printers’ and Stationers’ Year Book and Diary, 1900. Dec. Caxton Magazine Ltd., 
124 Holborn, E.c. í 

Printers’, Lithographers’, Bookbinders’, and Stationers’ Sales and Wants Advertiser, 
1887. M.—15th. 2d. C. R. Jones, 4 & 5 Stonecutter St., E.c. 

+Printers’ Engineer, 1895. Thurs. 1d. Walker Bros., 33 Bouverie St., E.C. 

Printers’ Medical Aid Times, 1914. Quarterly. Gratis. Printers’ Medical Aid and 
Sanatoria Association, 68 Fleet St., E.C. 

Printers’ Pie, 1903. May. 1s. Sphere & Tatler Ltd., 6 Great New St., E.C. 

Printers’ Register, 1863 (with which is incorporated Newspaper Press). M.—6th. 2d. 
and 3d. W. L. Field, 13 Johnson’s Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

148] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

- Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Prior's H.B. Stud Book, 1914. April. 21s. Field & Queen (H. Cox) Ltd., Bream’s 
Buildings, Chancery Lane, w.c. l 

Prize, 1875 (as Children’s Prize, 1864). M.—25th. ld., illus. Wells Gardner, Darton 
& Co. Ltd., 3-4 Paternoster Buildings, E.c. í 

Pro Patria, 1916. Annually. 3s. 6d. net. J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson Ltd., 83-9 Great 
Titchfield St., w. l ; 

Probsthain’s Oriental Catalogue, 1904. Irreg., last issue 1914. Price varies. Probsthain 

Co., 41 Great Russell St., w.c. 2 

Proceedings-and Annual Reports of the Sheffield Naturalists’ Club, 1914. 2s. C. Brad- 
shaw, Public Museum, Sheffield. = - 

Proceedings and Transactions of the Croydon Natural History and Scientific Soctety, 
1870. June. Gratis to members. Secretary, Public Hall, George St., Croydon. 

Proceedings of tho Anglo-Russian Literary Society, 1893. Three times a year. E. A. 
Cazalet, Imperial Institute, s.w. . 

Proceedings of the Association of Mining Electrical Engineers, 1909. Dec. 6s. The Asso- 
ciation, Bank Chambers, London Road, Derby. ` 

Proceedings of the Birmingham Natural History and Philosophical Society, 1858. April. 
Price varies. The Secretary, 55 Newhall St., Birmingham. 

Proceedings of the British Academy, 1902. Irreg., last issue 1914. 25s. Oxford Uni- 
versity Press, Amen Corner, E.C. 

- Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society, 1882. Irreg. Price varies. Cambridge 

~ University Press, Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 1843. Three parts a year. 2s. 6d. 
Philosophical Library, New Museums, Cambridge. 

Proceedings of the Chemicai Society, 1885. Supplement to the Journal. 

Proceedings of the Classical Association of England and Wales, 1904. May. 2s. 6d. net. 
J. Murray, 50a Albemarle St., w. 

Proceedings of the Classical Association of Scotland, 1902. June. 3s. 6d. H. & J. Pillans 
& Wilson, 86 Hanover St., Edinburgh. 

, Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists’ Field Club, 1846. Annually. 5s. 3d. J. Bellows, 

Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club, 1875. June. 
10s. Rev. H. Pentin, Isle of Portland. 
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 1883. Sept. 7s. 6d. G. Bell & Sons, 

Portugal St., w.c. 

Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 1859. Irreg., about 5 parts a year. 2s. 6d. 
E. Stanford Ltd., 12-14 Long Acre, w.c. | | 

Proceedings of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1848. Oct. 21s. 
P. Nelson, Beechwood Calderstones, Liverpool. 

Proceedings of the Imperial Society of Dance Teachers, 1904. Nov. Gratis. C. D’Albert, 
2 Luxemburg Gardens, Hammersmith, w. 

Proceedings of the Institute of Certificated Grocers, 1912. M.—25th. 1d. Institute of 
Certificated Grocers (Incorporated), 4 Cullum St., £.c. (Promoting Technical and 
Practical Education for Grocery and Provision Trades. Advt.) 

Proceedings of the Institute of Chemistry, 1877. Four parts annually. 1s. net. Insti- 
tute of Chemistry, 30 Russell Square, wc. 

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 1818. 4 parts each year. Gratis to 

~ members; plates. Great George St., Westminster, s.w. | 

Proceedings of the International Association for Testing Materials, 1908. Irreg. Price 
varies. E. & F. N. Spon Ltd., 57 Haymarket, s.w. se 

Proceedings of the Liverpool Biological Society, 1885. Oct. 21s. The Society, The 
University, Liverpool. _ 

Proceedings of the Liverpool Geological Society, 1873. Oct. 3s. 6d. C. Tinling & Co. 
Ltd., Victoria St., Liverpool. 

Proceedings of the Liverpool Literary and Philosophical Society, 1812. Irreg. 1s. The 
Secretary, Royal Institution, Colquitt St., Liverpool. l l 

Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 1865. Mar. 25s. F. Hodgson, 
89 Farringdon St., E.c. 

Proceedings of the Malacological Socioty of London, 1893. Quarterly. 7s. 6d. Dulau 

& Co. Ltd., The Society, 37 Soho Square, w. 

Proceedings of the Manchester Field Naturalists’ and Archaeologists’ Society, 1860. Parch. 
Is., ilus. 27 Brazennose St., Manchester. 

Proceedings of the Musical Association, 1874. Oct. 21s. net. Novello & Co., 160 War- 
dour St., w. ° ` | 

Proceedings of the National Rifle Association, 1860. March. Is. N. R.A., Bisley 
Camp. l 

Adperlisements received for all the Metroholitan Periodicals.  [traa 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

Proceedings of the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Society of Antiquaries. M.—last week. Gratis 
to members. The Society, The Castle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 

Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society of East Anglia, 1911. Irreg., last issue Sept., 1912. 
3s. 6d. net. H. K. Lewis & Co. Ltd., 136 Gower St., w.c. - 

Proceedings of the Royal Dubiin Socioty. Irreg. Price varies. Williams & Norgate, 
14 Henrietta St., w.c. i 

Proceedings of the Royai Institution of Groat Britain, 1851. Irreg. Price varies. Royal 
Institution, Albemarle St., w. 

Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Irreg. Price varies. Williams & Norgate, 
14 Henrietta St., w.c. 

Proceedings of the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow, 1802. Oct. 10s. 6d. The 

Society, 207 Bath St., Glasgow. 

Proceedings of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh, 1856. 3 times a year. Price 

varies. The Society, Edinburgh. 

Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1800. Irreg. Price varies, illus. (A) Mathematical ; 
(B) Biological. Harrison & Sons, 45 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c. 

Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1845. April. Price varies. R. Grant & 
Son, 107 Princes St., Edinburgh. 

Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, 1907. M.—lIst. Nov. to July. 7s. 6d 
net. Longmans, Green & Co., 39 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings of the Zoological Society of London, 1832. Quar- 
terly, with coloured plates. 12s. Zoological Society of London, Regents Park, n.w. 

Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, 1882. Annually. Price varies. 
R. Maclehose & Co. Ltd., University Press. Anniesland, Glasgow. 

_ Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1851. Dec. Gratis to Fellows only, 
illus. Society’s Rooms, National Museum of Antiquities, Queen St., Edinburgh. 

Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, 1870. Seven numbers a year. Free 
to members. The Society, 37 Great Russell St., w.c. 

Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and Natural History, 1848. May. 
5s. W. E. Harrison, Ancient House, Ipswich. 

Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society, 1893. Quarterly. 5s. Rev. J. W. Crake, 
142 London Road, Wotton Hill, Gloucestershire. 

Process Engravers’ Monthly, 1906. (as Process Photogram, 1895). M.—15th. 6d. 
14 Farringdon Avenue, E.c. 

Process Work and Electrotyping, 1894. M.—Ist. 2s. 6d. per ann. A. W. Penrose & 
Co. Ltd., 109 Farringdon Road, E.c. 

{Produce Markots Review, 1866. Sat. —10 a.m. 2d. J. Travers & Sons Ltd., 119 Cannon 
t., E.C 

Producer, 1916. M.—15th. 2d. Wholesale Co-operative Society, 1 Balloon St., 
Manchester. i | 

Professional and Greenkeeper, 1910. M.—18th. 34. W. B. Tattersall Ltd., 40-43 Fleet 

St., E.C. | 

Professional Notes of the Surveyors’ Institution, 1886. Three times a year. 5s. 
Surveyors’ Institution, 12 Great George St., Westminster, s.w. 

Professtonal Pocket-Book, 1872. Nov. 3s. Rudall, Carte & Co. Ltd., 23 Berners St., 
Oxford St., w. | 

Progress (Braille), 1881. M.—Ist. 6d. National Institute for the Blind, Great 
Portland St., w. 

Progress, 1899. Quarterly. The Editor, Lever Bros. Ltd., Port Sunlight. 

Progress, Civic, Social, Industriai, 1906. Quarterly. 6d. P.S. King & Son Ltd., 2-4 
Great Smith St., s.w. ` 

Prohibitionist, 1900. M.—ist. d. Prohibition Press, 129 New Cross Road, $3.E. 

Property Owners’ Journal, 1902. M.—Ist. 62. Property Owners’ Protection Association 
Ltd., 17 South St., Finsbury, E.C. 

Prophetic News and Israel’s Watchman, 1879 (as Israel’s Watchman, 1877). M.—30th. 
ld. Christian Herald Co. Ltd., 6 Tudor St., E.C. 

Prospectus of Public Companies, 1911. Jan. and July. Times Publishing Co. Ltd., 
Printing House Square, E.c. 

Prosperity, 1916. M.—20th. ld. Thrift Publishing Co., 3 Amen Corner, E.c. 

| broie nt Alliance Magazine, 1897 (with which is incorporated the M onthly Letter, 

5). M.—26th. ld. Protestant Alliance, 430 Strand, w.c. 

Protestant Observer, 1888. M.—30th. Id. C. J. Farncombe & Sons Ltd., 30 Imperial 
Buildings, Ludgate Circus, E.c. 

iba cis Standard, 1872. Thurs., for Sat. ld. G. F. Kirkman, 47 Oxford St., 

Protestant Witness, 1916. M.—lIst. ld. E. Bird, 152 High St., West Bromwich. 

1sol James Willing. Ltd.. Advertising Avents 125 Strand Tondon. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Protestant Woman, 1892. M.— 1st. 1d. Marshall Bros. Ltd., 47 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Pryce’s Illustrated Almanac (Woolwich), 1864. Dec. Gratis. Pryce & Son Ltd., 3J-35 
Powis St., Woolwich. | f ; 

Public General Acts, 1887. Cheap edition. Published at the close of the Session. 3s. 
Wyman & Sons Ltd., Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Public Health, 1888. M.—ist. 1s. 6d. Simpkin & Co. Lt., 32 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

tPublic Ledger, 1759. Daily—6 a.m. 12s. per quarter. E. Wormald, 7 Tower Hill, 2.c. 

Public Ledger Evening Report, Daily (except Sat.)—5 p.m. 10s. 6d. per quarters 

E. Wormald, 7 Tower Hill, R.C. 

tPublic Opinion, 1861. Fri.—2 a.m. 2d. H. Marshall & Son, 125 Fleet St., £.C. 

Public Schools Cricket Year Book, 1914. May. 1s. net. Hammond, Hammond & Co; 
Ltd., Wardrobe Chambers, Carter Lane E c 

Public Schools Year Book, Offcial Book of Reference of the Headmasters’ Conference, 
1889. Jan. 6s. net. The Year Book Press, 31 Museum St., w.c. 

Public Works and Engineoring Reviow of Reviews, 1903 Quarterly 5s. per ann. 
C. S. Mason, 24 Bride Lane, Ec 

Publications of English Goetho Society, 1886. Occas. 5s. net. A. Moring, 32 George 
St., Hanover Square, w. 

Publications of the Flintshire Historical Society, 1909. July. 7s. 6d. J.T. Burrows, 
High St., Prestatyn. 

Publications of the Scottish History Society, 1886. Irreg. Subscription 2ls. per ann. 
T. & A. Constable, 11 Thistle St., Edinburgh. 

tPublishers’ Circular and Booksollers’ Record, 1837. Fri., for Sat. 2d. Publishers’ 

Circular Ltd., 19 Adam St., Strand, w.c. (The recognised organ of the Book Trade. 
An unrivalled medium for publishers’ advertisements, and for obtaining old and 
rare books. Advt.) 

Puck, 1904. Thurs., for Sat. 1d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Stanningley and District Weekly Advertiser, 1883). (ind.) Thurs. 1d. Birdsall 
& Co., Stanningley, Leeds. 

fPUDSEY AND STANNINGLEY NEWS, 1872. (ind.) Thurs.—p.m., for Fri. $d. T. 
Stillings, Lowtown, Pudsey. 

TPULLEN’S KENT ARGUS, 1873. (ind.) Sat.—6 a.m. ld. H. E. Boulter, Effingham 
House, Ramsgate. 

tPULMAN’S WEEKLY NEWS, 1857. (u) Mon.—noon, for Tues. 1d. Western Gazette 
Co. Ltd., Yeovil. (London: 53 Fleet St.) (Twelve pages, circulation 11,000 weekly, _ 
in Somerset, Dorset and Devon. Advi.) 

tPunch, 1841. Tues.—4 p.m., for Wed. 3d., illus. Bradbury, Agnew & Co. Ltd., 10 
Bouverie St., E.C. 

Punch Almanac, 1841. Nov. 6d. Bradbury, Agnew & Co. Ltd., 10 Bouverie St., E.C. 

PUTNEY AND WANDSWORTH BOROUGH NEWS, 1885 (as Putney and South-Western 
Chronicle, 1884; now Wandsworth Borough News). 

PUTNEY NEWS-LETTER, 1909. (ind.) Alter. Sat. ld. 162 High St., Putney, s.w. 
(Fhe Putney N ews-Letter has a guaranteed circulation of at least 5, 000 copies per 
issue, entirely in Putney, Roehampton, and Barnes. Among its. features are 
biographical sketches of leading people, social, and personal intelligence, and Church 
news, and its purpose is to interest the intellectual society of the district in which 
it circulates All the advertisements face reading matter Conducted by 
Percy S Cleave, late Manager of the Daily Chronicle Advt.) 

PUTNEY OBSERVER, 1887. (c) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Jos. V. Glazebrook, 204 Hammer- 
‘smith Road, Broadway, Hammersmith, w. One of the Wandsworth Observer series. 

PWLLHELI AND NEVIN OBSERVER, 1909. (4) Thurs. 1d. Welsh National Press 
Co. Ltd., Carnarvon. One of the North Wales Observer series. 

Pyoneer ov Simplityd Speling, 1912 -Quarterly. 2d. Simplifyd Speling Sosyeti. 
44 Great Russell St, w.c., (Choice and guaranteed circulation of over 3,000; 
splendid medium for educational advertisements. Advt.) 

Quarry, 1896. M.—Ist. 6d. Colliery Guardian Co. Ltd., 30 and 31. Furnival St., £.c. 

Quarterly Chronicle of the Church Reform Leaguo, 1900. 3d. The League, Church 
House, Dean’s Yard, Westminster, s.w. 

Quarterly index to the. Times, 1914 (as Monthly Index to the Times, 1906). £3 3s, 
Times Publishing Co. Ltd., Printing House Square, E.c. 

Quarteriy Jottings from the New Hebrides. 1893. Gratis. A. K. Langridge, Aniwa, 

- Bournemouth. l 

Quarterly Journal of Exporimontal Physiology, 1908. Subscription 25s. C. Griffin & 

Co. Ltd., 12 Exeter St., Strand, w.c. , 

Advertisements received for all Provincial Newspapers. [x5x 

ABC List] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Quarterly Journal of Forestry, 1906. 2s. Laughton & Co. Ltd.,3 Wellington St., Strand,w.c. 

Quarterly Journal of Modicine, 1907. 8s. 6d. net. Oxford University Press, Amen 
Corner, E.C. 

Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 1852. irreg. 10s. net., plates. J. & A. 
Churchill, 7 Great Marlborough St., w. i 

Quarteriy Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 1848. Irreg. 5s. Ļongmans & 

©- Co., 39 Paternoster Row, E.C. ! 

Quarterly Journal of the Geological Socioty, 1845. Feb., May, Aug., Nov. 5s. Longmans 
& Co., 39 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Quarterly Journal of the Royai Meteorological Society, 1872. Jan., April, July,-Oct. 
5s., illus. E. Stanford Ltd., 12-14 Long Acre, w.c. 

Quarterly Leafiet of the Women’s National Liberal Association, 1895. (l. & p) 1d. 
Women’s National Liberal Association ; 9 Bridge St., Westminster, s.w. 

Quarterly Letters to Mon on Public Works, 1879. 1d. Petty & Sons Ltd., Whitehall 
Printers, Leeds. 

Quarterly News Sheet of tho Federation of Working Men’s Social Ciubs, 1914. 3d. G. 
Pethard & Co., 4 Portugal St., w.c. 

Quarterly Notes of the Church Emigration Society, 1903. Gratis. Church Emigration 
Society, Church House, Dean’s Yard, Westminster, s.w. 

Quarterly Return of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1839. March, June, Sept. 6d. 
Dec. Is. Wyman & Sons Ltd., Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Quarterly Review, 1806. Jan., April, July, Oct. 6s. J. Murray, 50a Albemarle St., w. 

Quarterly Weather Report, 1884. Price varies. Wyman & Sons Ltd., Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Quayside, 1914. Irreg. 2d. A. Reid & Co., Printing Court Buildings, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

fQUEEN, 1861. Fri—3 a.m., for Sat. 6d., illus. Field and Queen (H. Cox) Ltd., 
Bream’s Buildings, E.c. 

Queen Newspaper Book of Travel, 1904. March. 2s. 6d. Field & Queen (H. Cox) Ltd., 
Windsor House, Bream’s Buildings, E.c. 

QUEENBOROUGH GUARDIAN, 1901. (ind.) Sat. ld. Rigg, Allen & Co., 7 High 
St., Blue Town, Sheerness. One of the Sheerness Guardian series. 

Queen's University of Belfast Calendar, 1850. Oct. 3s. Mayne Boyd & Son Ltd., 
2 Corporation St., Belfast. 

Queensland Post Office Directory (Wise’s). Annually. 47s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

ov ate Quarterly. 2s, 6d. net. J. M. Watkins, 21 Cecil Court, Charing Cross 

oad, w.c. 3 . 

Quiggin’s Isle of Man Almanack, 1824. Aug. 6d. and ls. Simpkin & Co. Ltd., 
4 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.c. 

Quin’s Metal Handbook and Statistics, 1914. Jan. 3s. 6d. net. Metal Information 
Bureau Ltd., 3 East India Avenue, E.C. l 

Quiver, 1861. M.—26th. 6d., illus. Yearly vol., 7s. 6d. Cassell & Co. Ltd., La Belle 
Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

tRacehorse, 1901. Mon., for Tues. ; and Fri., for Sat. ld. Racehorse Co. Ltd., 
9 Houghton St., Strand, w.c. 

tRacing and Football Outlook, 1909. Mon.—p.m. $d. A. Webster, 23 Bride Lane, E.C. 

tRacing Calendar, 1773. Thurs. 35s. perann. Weatherby & Sons, 15 Cavendish Square, 
w. Monthly parts (Races Past), April to Oct., first two, 1s.; next two, Is. 6d.; 
last three, 2s each. Yearly Volumes: Races to Come, Feb., 10s. 6d. Races Past, 
Jan., 10s. 6d. Steeple Chases Past, Jan., 7s. 6d. 

Racing Critic, 1914. Mon. 2s. 6d. H. Hibbert, Florinda Lodge, Hounslow, 

Racing Critic Form Book, 1915. M—lIst. 1s. H. Hibbert, Florinda Lodge, Hounslow. 

{Racing Expert, 1907. Tues. and Sat. 1d. Cyclers’ News Ltd., 368 Strand, w.c. 

Racing Illustrated, 1914. Dec. 5s. net. A. Webster & Co., 44 Dover St., w. 

+Racing Judge, 1908. Tues. & Sat. 1d. Sporting Publications Ltd., 9 Houghton St., w.c. 

Racing Opinion, 1910. Mon., for Tues. id.; and Fri., for Sat. 1s. Turf Press Ltd., 
1 Mitre Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

+ Racing Pigeon, 1898. Sat. 1d. Racing Pigeon Publishing Co. Ltd., 19 Doughty St., w.c. 

Racing Spocialists’ Private Edition, 1905. irreg. 1s. H. Boys, 3 Clements Inn, Strand,w.c. 

Racing World, (with which is incorporated Racing Times and Newmarket Sportsman, 
1886). Fri., for Sat., 1d; Special edition, Mon., ld. R. Wilkinson, 2 Mitre 
Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

Radclitfo and Pilkington Co-operative Society Record, 1860. Quarterly. Gratis.” Co- 
operative Society, Sion St., Radcliffe. 7 

Guardian Co. Ltd., 29 Blackburn St., Radcliffe. One of the Bury Guardian series. 

152) James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Wiliing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Sat. 1d. Bury Times P. & P.'Co. Ltd., Church St., Radcliffe, and Bury. 
Radielan, 1864. Twice during term. 6d. Alden & Co., Bocardo Press, Cornmarket, 


+RADNOR EXPRESS, 1889. (/) Tues., for Thurs. 1d. G. E. Sayce, Express Buildings, 
Brecon. One of the Brecon and Radnor Express series. 

Railway Almanack, 1865. Dec. 6d. J. Gibson, 63 Coleman St., E.c. 

? Railway and Commercial Gazette of England, Scotland, and Wales, 1863. About every 

5 years ; last issue 1910. 10s. 6d. J. Gibson, 63 Coleman St., E.c. 

+Raiiway and Shipping Contractor, 1885. Thurs—10 am. 6d. . The Contractors’ 
Chronicle Ltd., 48 Gray’s Inn Road, w.c. 

Railway and Shipping Journal, 1901. M.—Ist. 2d. Railway & Shipping Journal 
Publishing Co., 12 Cherry St., Birmingham. 

Raliway and Travel Monthly, 1910. M.—25th. 6d. G. A. Sekon, 9-11 Cursitor St., 
Chancery Lane, E.C. (Deals with Shipping as well as Travel & Railway matters. Advt.) 

Railway Clerk, 1904. M.—15th. ld. Gray’s Inn Press Ltd., 25 Euston Road, n.w. 

Railway Diary and Offictals’ Directory, 1875. Dec. 1s. 6d. J. Gibson, 63 Coleman St., E.c. 

Railway Engineor, 1880. M.—Ist. 1s., illus. S. R. Blundstone, 15 Farringdon Avenue, E.C. 

tRailway Gazette, 1905 (as Transport, 1892 ; as Transport and Railroad Gazette, 1904); 
with which is incorporated the Railway Times, 1837). Fri. 6d. Transport Ltd., 
Queen Anne’s Chambers, Westminster, s.w. (Advt. p. 447). 

Railway Magazine, 1897. M.—25th 6d. net., illus. Railway Publishing Co. Ltd., 
30 Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Railway Mission Almanac, 1911. Dec. ld. Marshall Bros. Ltd., 47 Paternoster Row,E.c. 

{Railway News, 1864 (with which is incorporated the Railway Record, 1844, and Railway 
Official Gazette, 1870). Sat. 6d. The Boswell Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd., 
91 Temple Chambers, Temple Avenue, E.c. (Advt. p. 454). 

+Railway Reviow, 1880. Fri. 1d. King’s Cross Pub. Co. Ltd., 312 Gray’s Inf Road, w.c. 

Railway Signal, 1882. M.—25th. ld., illus. Yearly vol., 2s. 6d. Railway Mission, 
1 Adam St., Strand, w.c. 

Railway Supplies Journal, 1872. M.—15th. 6d. Friars Printing Association Ltd., 
26a Tudor St., E.C. — 

Railway Year Book, 1898. Mar. 2s. 6d. net. Railway Publishing Co: Ltd., 30 Fetter 
Lane, E.C. . 
Rainbow, 1914. Mon., for Sat.: id. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St., E.C. 
Rally, 1914. M.—lIst. ld. Higher Thought Centre, 40 Courtfield Gardens, s.w. 
Rambler’s Handbook, 1914. Annually. 3d. E. J. Laiby Ltd., 1 Paternoster Avenue, E.C. 
+tRAMSBOTTOM OBSERVER, 1890. (/) Fri—a.m. J. J. Riley, Market Place, Rams- 

bottom. One of the Rossendale Free Press series. 
TRAMSEY COURIER, 1884. (ind.) Fri., ld.; Tues., §d. A. H. Teare, 19 Parliament 
St., Ramsey, Isle of Man. 
Raphael’s Prophetic Almanac, 1819. About Sept. 6d. (with Ephemeris, 1s.), illus. 
W. Foulsham, 5 Pilgrim St., E.c. 
Rashe Alphe Israel, 1916. M.—Ist. 6d. Express Press, 89 Commercial St., E. 
Ratcliffian, 1880. Terminally. 1s. Rev. C. Emery, Ratcliffe College, near Leicester. 
Rational Journal, 1894. Quarterly. 1d. The Secretary, Rational Association Friendly 
l Society, 64 Bridge St., Manchester. - 
Raven, 1884. Terminally. 1s. The Editor, Downside School, Stratton-on-the-Fosse, Bath. 
tRAWMARSH AND MEXBRO’ ADVERTISER, 1903. (/) Sat. H. Garnett & Co. 
Ltd., 8 Effingham St., Rotherham. One of the Rotheyham Advertiser series. ' 
tRAWTENSTALL TIMES, 1883. (/) Sat.—5 a.m. 1d. Bacup Times Ltd., 9-11 King 
St., Bacup. One of the Bacup Times series. j 
Readers’ Guido, 1911. Quarterly. 1d. Chief Librarian, Public Library, Norwich. 
Readers’ Index, 1899. Alter. M—Ist. ld. Chief Librarian, Central Public Library 
Town Hall, Croydon. 
Reading and District Directory, 1873. Jan. ls. 6d. and 2s. 6d. G. R. Smith” 
6 King’s Road, Reading. : ae ee 
Reading Co-operative Society Record. M.—Ist. Gratis. Co-operative Society, Caver- 
sham Road, Reading. , 
Reading Directory, 1899. Last issue 1915. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High 
Holborn, w.c. 
Lia eel 1723. (u.& c) Sat. 2d. Reading Newspaper Co., Ltd., Market Place, 
TREADING OBSERVER, 1860. (/) Fri., for Sat., ld.; Thurs., $d; Saturday evening 
football edition, $d. C. Slaughter & Son, Blagrave St:, Reading. ii 

Advertisements received for all the Provincial Newspapers. [15 > 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

TREADING STANDARD, 1885. (/) Fri—p.m., for Sat. ld. 13 & 15 Valpy St., Reading. 

Reading Union Leaflet, 1894. July. 3d. Wells Gardner, Darton & Co. Ltd., 3-4 
Paternoster Square, E.C. 

Ready, 1886. M.—1st. 1d. Soldiers’ Christian Association, 296 Vauxhall Bridge Rd., s.w. 

Rechabite and Temperance Magazine, 1840. M.—-ist. Id., illus. XR. Campbell, 
Rechabite Buildings, North Parade, Deansgate, Manchester. (London: J. Heywood, 
20-6 Lambs Conduit St.) 

+Record, 1828. (ind.) Thurs.—1 p.m. 1d. 2 Red Lion Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

Record, 1912. M.—1st. ld. Hampstead Garden Suburb Record Ltd., The Institute, 
Central Square, Hampstead Garden Suburb, N.w. 

Record of the Home and Foreign Mission Work of the United Free Church of Scotland, 
1915 (as Free Church of Scotland Monthly Record, 1862, as Missionary Record of 
the United Free Church of Scotland, 1901). M.—lIst. Id. J. Cochrane, 121 George 
St., Edinburgh. ; 

Record of Sports, 1904. April. Gratis. Royal Insurance Co. Ltd., 1 North John St., 
Liverpool. , | 

Record of Transactions of the Junior Institution of Engineers, 1891 (as Junior Engineering 
Society, 1884). June. 10s. 6d. P. Marshall & Co., 66 Farringdon St., E.c. 

Records of Buckinghamshire, With the Proceedings of the Bucks Architectural and Archaeo- 
logical Society, 1854. Dec. 5s. G. T. De Fraine & Co. Ltd., Walton St., Aylesbury. 

Red Book of Commerce, 1906 (with which is incorporated Whitaker’s Red Book of 
Commerce, 1906, and Dod's Business Who's Who). Mar. 27s. 6d. net. Dod’s Peerage 
Ltd., 12 Mitre Court Chambers, Fleet St., E.c. 

Red Books of the British Fire Prevention Committee, 1897. Irreg. About 12 per ann. 
Subscription {2 2s. per ann. The Committee, 8 Waterloo Place, s.w. 

Red Code for Day Schools, 1912. Sat. 1s. Schoolmaster Publishing Co. Ltd., 3 Racquet | 
Court, E.c. 

Red Code of Official Regulations for all types of Schools and Colleges, 1893. 1s. net. 
Schoolmaster Publishing Co. Ltd., 3 Racquet Court, Fleet St., £.c. 

Red Cross, 1914. M.—15th. 3d. British Red Cross Society, 9 Victoria St., 
Westminster, S.W. 
Red Cross Gazette, 1909. A supplement to Fire. 
Red Guide, 1886. M.—30th. 3d. Brunswick Press Ltd., 179 Great Brunswick St., Dublin. 
Red Lamp, 1913 (as Loving and Serving, 1905). Occas. ld. J. W.C. Fegan, 62-4 Horse- 

ferry Road, Westminster, s.w. 

Red Letter, 1899. Sat. ld. D.C. Thomson & Co. Ltd., 12 Fetter Lane, E.C. . 

Red Letter Kalendar, 1901. Sept. 1s. A. R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd., 28 Margaret St., w. 

Red Tape, 1911. M.—lIst. ld. Co-operative Printing Society Ltd., 9 Tudor St., E.C. 

Redcap’s Annual, 1916. Sept. 3s. net. C. H. Killy, 25-35 City Road, E.C. 

+REDDITCH INDICATOR, 1859. (ind.) Fri—6 p.m., for Sat. ld. The Redditch 
Indicator Co. Ltd., Easemore Road, Redditch. 

Redhill and Reigate Directory, 1890. Annually. ls. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High 
Holborn, w.c. 

Redland Park Recorder, 1901. M.—lIst. ld. G. H. Wicks, 10 Belvedere Road, Bristol. 

Reed's Tide Tables and Nautical Almanac, 1843. Nov. 6d. T. Reed & Co. Ltd., 
184 High St., Sunderland. 

t Referee, 1877. Sun. 1d. Richard Butler, Victoria House, Tudor St., Whitefriars, E.C. 
Office for Ail) Willing’s, 125 Strand,w.c. Telephone : Gerrard, 2773 (Two Lines). 
(Advt. p. viil. 

Reference Catalogue of Current Literature, 1874. Once in three years, last issue 1913. 
Price varies. J. Whitaker & Sons Ltd., 12 Warwick Lane, E.C. 

Reformed Presbyterian Witness, 1864. M.—Ist. 3d. W. F. Henderson, 19 George IV. 
Bridge, Edinburgh. 

Regiment, 1896. Thurs., for Sat. ld. Temple Press Ltd., 7-15 Rosebery Avenue, E.C. 

Regions Beyond, 1878. Alter.-M.—Ist. 2d., illus. Regions Beyond Missionary Union, 
Harley House, Bow Road, Bow, E.; and Partridge & Co., 21-2 Old Bailey, £.c. 

Register of Patent Agents, 1889. Feb. 1s. Chartered Institute of Patent Agents, Staple 
Inn Buildings, w.c. : 

Register of Veterinary Surgeons, 1844. Feb. 3s. 6d. The Secretary of the Royal College 
of Veterinary Surgeons, 10 Red Lion Square, w.c. 

Registers of Pharmaceutical Chemists and Chemists and Druggists, 1852. Jan. 5s. The 
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, 17 Bloomsbury Square, w.c. 

Registrar-General Roturns of Births, Doaths, and Marriages, 1839. weekly. 13d. Quar- 
terly 6d. Annually ls. Wyman & Sons, Ltd., Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Reid’s Blyth Diary, Railway, and Post Guide, 1913. M.—Jst. 1d. Andrew Reid & Co. 
Ltd., Akenside Hill, Newcastle-on-Tyne. i 


154) James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

o Willing’s Press Guide. [A BC List. 

Reid’s Parting on Diary, Railway and Post Guide, 1902. M.—ist. 2d. Andrew Reid 
& Co. Ltd., Akenside Hill, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. ` 

Reid’s Durham ‘Diary, Railway and Post Guide, 1898. M.—Ist. ld. Andrew Reid 
& Co. Ltd., Akenside Hill, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 

Reid’s Handy Colliery Guide and Directory, Counties of Northumberland, Yorkshive and 
Durham, 1891. Jan. 2s. 6d. Andrew Reid & Co. Ltd., Akenside Hill, Newcastle- 
upon-Tyne. | i l 

Reid’s Hartlepools Diary, Railway and Post Guide. M.—Ist. ld. Andrew Reid & Co. 
Ltd., Akenside Hill, rap aay oe ana 

Reid’s London Entertainment Guide, 1888. M.—Ist. 1d. G. C. Tucker, 1, 2, and 3 
Salisbury Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

_ Reid’s Newcastle Monthly Diary, Railway, and Post Guide, 1868. M.—Ist. 2d. Andrew 
Reid & Co. Ltd., Akenside Hill, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 

Reid’s Railway Guide and North-East Coast A B © Time Tabies, 1849. M.—Ist. 3d. 

, Andrew Reid & Co. Ltd., Akenside Hill, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 

-Reid’s Shields Diary, Railway and Post Guide, 1899. M.—Ist. ld. Andrew Reid & Co. 
Ltd., Akenside Hill, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 

Reid’s Sunderland Diary, Railway and Post Guide, 1892. M.—Ist. 2d. Andrew Reid 
& Co. Ltd., Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 

Report and T vansactions of the Devonshire Association, 1862. Nov. Price varies. 
W. Brendon & Son Itd., West Hoe, Plymouth. | 

Report and Transactions of the Guernsey Society of Natural Science and Local Research, 
1895. June. 2s. Bichard’s Printing & Publishing Co., Bordage St., Guernsey. 

Report and Transactions of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall, 1814. Annually. 
Price varies. W. Brendon & Son Ltd., Plymouth. 

Report ot Fashion, 1820. Feb. & Aug. 10s. 6d. Minister & Co. Ltd., 46 Great Marl- 
borough St., w. 

Report of the Board of Education, 1859. Annually. Price varies. Wyman & Sons Ltd., 

. Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Report of the Divector of the Liverpool Observatory, 1894. June. 2s. The Liverpool 

Observatory, Bidston, Birkenhead. 

Report of the Epsom College Natural History Society, 1859. Annually. ls. 6d 
` The Secretary, The College, Epsom. 

Report of the Homes for Working Girls in London, 1878. July. Gratis. W. Brendon & 
Son Ltd., Plymouth. 

Report of the Incorporated Society of Musicians, 1908. Irreg.. 6d. The Society, 19 
Berners St., w. | | 

Report of the Middlesex Hospital, 1745. April. Gratis. The Secretary, Middlesex 
Hospital, Mortimer St., w. T a 

Report of the Middlesex Hospital Cancer Charity, 1910. April. Gratis. The Secretary, 
Middlesex Hospital, Mortimer St., w. 

Report of the Silk Association of Great Britain and Ireland, 1887. Feb. 1s. A. E. 
Piggott, 56 Mosley St., Manchester. 

Report on Metropolitan Water Supply, 1905 (as Metropolitan Water, 1888). M.—ist.. 
6d. Wyman & Sons Ltd., Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Report on the Schemes of the Church of Scotland, 1880. July. 1s. W. Blackwood & Sons, 
45 George St., Edinburgh. (London : 37 Paternoster Row.) 

+REPORTER, 1911 (Stirling), (as Bridge of Allan Reporter, 1859, formerly Stirling 
and Bridge of Allan Reporter, 1905). (u) Sat. Id. Scott, Learmouth & Allan, 
9 King St., 7 TE 

Reporter, 1884). (ind.) Fri. —p.m., for Sat. ld. P. Hampson, Frederick Road, 

` Pendleton. 

gir bach Journal, 1875 (with which is incorporated Shorthand Magazine, 1902). 

25th , illus. Sir I. Pitman & Sons Ltd., 1 Amen Corner, E.c. 
Monori Magazine, 1880 (with which is incorporated Hallet’s Shorthand Gazette, 
906). M.—25th. 4d. Sir I. Pitman & Sons Ltd., 1 Amen Corner, E.C. 
aes and Transactions of the East Kent Scientific and Natural History Society, 1857. 
- Jan. 2s. 6d. The Secretary, 17 High St., Canterbury. 

Reports of Patent, Design and Trade Mark Cases, 1883. Supplement to the Illustrated 
Official Journal (Patents). 

Reports of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1831. Feb. 24s. J. 

. Murray, 50a Albemarle St., w. 

Reports of the Proceedings of the Associations of Gas Engineers and Managers of the 
United Kingdom, 1883. Jan. 5s. 6d. W. King, 11 Bolt Court, Fleet St., E.c. 
Reports of the Sanitary Assurance Association, 1881. Feb. „Price varies from £2 2s 

Max Judge, 7 Pall Mall, s.w. 

Advertisements received for all the Continental Newspapers. [re= 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Representative, 1875. Half yearly. 2s. per ann. F. J. Biggs, Leadenhall Buildings: 
Leadenhall St., E.c. 

Representation, 1908. Alter.-months. 1d. Proportional Representation Society, 179 St. 
Stephen’s House, Westminster Bridge, s.w. 

Reptonian, 1866. Terminally. 6d. Repton School Book Shop Ltd., Repton, 

Rest and Reaping, 1886. M. 
Buildings, E.C. 

Resuits of Pubiic Companies, 1911. Jan. and Aug. 2ls. Times Publishing Co. Ltd., 
Printing House Square, E.c. 

Retail Fruiterer and Florist, 1914. Fortnightly. Sat. A. Woollerton, 66 Swan St., 

25th. ld. Morgan & Scott Ltd., 12 Paternoster 

Manchester. (A trade paper on good lines. Eagerly read by growing number | 

of fruiterers, including largest traders, retail and wholesale. Adyt.) 

Retailer and Associated Trader, 1913 (now London and Suburban Traders’ Federation - 

Quarterly, 1916). 


WEEKLY NEWS, 1869. (c) Fri. ld. Bennet Jackson, Market Square, Retford. 
(ind.) Tues.—3 p.m., 4d.; Fri—6 a.m., ld. Exors. of C. Caldicott, 32 Market 
Place, Gainsborough. 
IREL ST a? WORKSOP HERALD, 1881. () Tues. 1d. G. A. Smith, 8 Exchange 
t etfor 

Reuter’s Journal, 1890. a.m. 6d. Reuter’s Telegraph Co. Ltd., 24 Old Jewry, E.C. 

Review, 1869. Fri.—12 noon. 6d. 677 Mansion House Chambers, 20 Bucklersbury, E.c. 

Review of Applied Entomology, 1913. M.—25th. A series, 9d. B. series, 6d. Dulau 
& Co. Ltd., 37 Soho Square, w. 

Review of Bacteriology, 1912. 6 times a year. 10s. 6d. per ann. Science Reviews Ltd., 
36-8 Whitefriars St., E.C. 

Review of Neurology and Psychiatry, 1903. M.—Ist. 2s. T. N. Foulis, 15 Frederick St., 

Review of Reviews, 1890. M.—10th. 1s. Stead’s Publishing House, Bank Buildings, 

' Kingsway, w.c. 

_ FREYNOLDS’S NEWSPAPER, 1850 (with which is incorporated Weekly Times, 1847). 
(dem.) Sun.—2 a.m.; early editions on Fri. and Sat.—2 a.m. ld. J. Dicks Press 
Ltd., 8 Temple Avenue, E.C. 

Rhode’s Directory of Passenger Steamers, 1886. Jan. 2s. 6d. net. G. Philip & Son Ltd., 
32 Fleet St., E.c. 

Rhondda County School Magazine, 1906. Quarterly. 3d. Evans & Short, Tonypandy. 

ttre on GAZETTE, 1916. (prog.) Wed. ld. P. Phillips, 8a ‘Taft St., 


“RHONDDA LEADER, 1899. (/) Thurs.—7 p.,m. for Sat. Id. Evans & Short, 
Excelsior Buildings, De Winton St., Tonypandy. 

Fri. 3d. R. Mills & Sons, Hall St., Rhos, Ruabon. 

tRHYL AND NORTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS, 1910. (D) Thurs. ld. R. E. Jones 
& Bros., Conway. One of the North Wales Weekly News series. 

tRHYL GUARDIAN, 1873. (c) Tues. ld. North Wales Guardian Office, Argyle St., 
Wrexham, One of the North Wales Guardian series. 

Rhyl Handbook Almanac, &c., 1890. Jan. ld. Rhyl Journal, Russell Road, Rhyl. 

t{RHYL JOURNAL, 1866. (c) Fri. —noon, for Sat. 1d. Pearce & Jones, Russell Road, 
Rhyl. (The oldest English penny paper in North Wales. Advt.) 

tRHYL RECORD AND ADVERTISER, 1912 (formerly Rhyl Record and Advertiser, 

1856, as Record and Advertiser, 1902). (J) Sat. Record and Advertiser Co. Ltd., 

Sussex St., Rhyl. 

Stentiford, 14 High St., Newport. One of the South "Wales Weekly Argus series. 

{Rialto, 1886 (with which is incorporated the Minerval and Oil World and the Tin and 
Copper World, 1912). Tues. 1d Polsue Ltd., 15-16 oe Square, E.C. 

Richmond and Twickenham Home Jeurnai, 1912. M—ist, Id. J. H. Broad & Co., 
8 King St., Richmond, Surrey. 

{RICHMOND AND TWICKENHAM TIMES, 1873. ' (ind) Sat. ld. F. W. Dimbleby 
& Sons, 14 King St., Richmond, Surrey. | 

Richmond and T wickenham Times Almanack, 1876. Dec. ld., illus. F. W. Dimbleby 
& Sons, 14 King St., Richmond, Surrey. 

(ind.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. J. Carlill Savill, Market Place, Northallerton. One of the 
North Riding, &c., News series. (London : 30 Fleet St) 

1c) Tames Willino. Lid.. Advervlisinge Agents 1925 Strand T. mane 

we ae 

Wiiling’s Press Guide. [A BC List. 

{RIGHMOND HERALD, 1899 (as Herald, 1895, and as Richmond Herald, 1885). (c) 
Sat. ld. R. W. Simpson & Co. Ltd., 70 Sheen Road, Richmond, Surrey. 

Richmond Herald Almanack, 1884. Dec. ld. R. W. Simpson & Co. Ltd., 70 Sheen 
Road, Richmond, Surrey. 

Richmond, Kew, Twickenham, Teddington, Mortlake, and Sheen . Directory, 1885. 
Annually. ls. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Ridley’s Wine and Spirit Handbook, 1883. Annually. Gratis. Ridley & Co. Ltd., 10 
Byward St., Mark Lane, E.c. 

Ridley’s Wine and Spirit Trade Circular, 1848. M—8th. 42s. per ann. Ridley & Co. 

td., 10 Byward St., Mark Lane, E.c. 

Rifle Brigade Chronicle, 1890. May. 12s. 6d. J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson Ltd., 83-91 
Great Titchfield St., W. 

Rifleman, 1906. M.—15th. 1d. Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs, Arundel House, 
Arundel Street, Strand, w.c. 

{Ringing World, 1911. Fri. 1d. W. Dawson Publishing Cq, Ltd., Rolls House, Bream’ S 

Buildings, E.C. 

TRINGWOOD AND NEW FOREST CHRONICLE, 1856. (ind.) Wed.—4 p.m., for Thurs. 
ld. W. Mate & Sons Ltd., 58 Coramercial Road, Bournemouth. (London : 134 
Fleet St.) One of the New Forest Chronicle series. 

Thurs.—a.m. 43d. M. H. Dix, 14 Market St., Heanor. 

Ripley News, 1889). (c) Fri—9 a.m. 3d. G. C. Brittain & Son Ltd., Church 
St., Ripley, Derby. a 

RIPON ADVERTISER, 1899. M.—lIst. Gratis. J.H. Taylor, Market Place, Ripon. 

RIPON & RICHMOND CHRONICLE, 1855. (ind.) Fri. ld. Darlington & Stockton Times 
Newspaper Co. Ltd., Darlington. One of the’ Darlington and Stockton Times series. 

Ripon Diocesan Church Calendar, Clergy List, and Church Almanack, 1862. Jan. 
ls. net. R. Jackson, 16-17 Commercial St., Leeds. (London: Simpkin & Co.) 

Ripon Diocesan Gazette, 1890. M.—Ist. 2d. R. Jackson, Commercial St., Leeds. 

14d. R. Ackrill, Montpelier Parade, Harrogate. One of the Harrogate Herd series. 

tRIPON OBSERVER, 1885. (ind.) Wed., for Thurs. ld. G. J. Marks, Market Place, Ripon. 

RISHTON ADVERTISER, 1889. (ind.) Tues., 4d.; Fri., 1d. Hyndburn ‘Road, Accring- 
ton. One of the Accrington Advertiser series. 

+RISHTON OBSERVER, 1886. (/) Tues., 4d.; Sat. Id. R. S. Crossley, Edgar St., 
Accrington. One of the Accrington Observer series. 

Robinson’s Harrogate, Knaresboro’, &c., Directory, 1900. Dec. 3s. West Riding A B C. 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 10 New ‘Station St., Leeds. 

Robinson’s Ripon, Boroughbridge, etc. Directory, 1900. Triennially. Last issue, 1915. 
2s. West Riding A BC Publishing Co. Ltd., 10 New Station St., Leeds. 

tROCHDALE OBSERVER, 1856. (J) Wed.—5 a.m., 4d. ; Sat. —5 a.m., ld. W. Scott, 
Drake Street, Rochdale. ; 

fROCHDALE TIMES, 1858. (c. & u). Wed., 5 a.m., 4d. ; Sat., 5 a.m., ld. Rochdale 
Times Ltd., 48a Yorkshire St., Rochdale. 

DARD, 1854. (c) Wed. $d. Parrett & Neves Ltd., 80 High St., Rochester. 
Rochester, Chatham, ae Strood Directory, 1890. Annually. ls. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 

182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Rochester Diocesan Divectory, 1880. Jan. 2s. net. Wells Gardner, Darton & Co. Ltd., 
.3-4 Paternoster Buildings, E.C. 

Rock, 1912. Terminally. 3d. The Editor, Grammar School, Barnstaple. 

Roll Call, 1895. M.—I1st. Gratis. Sport & Play Ltd., Lucifer House, Lionel St., Birming- 

Roll of the Union of Graduates in Music, and Kalendar, 1893. Jan. 2s. 6d. F. Collas, 
3 Wine Office Court, E.c. 

{ROMFORD RECORDER, 1899. (ind.) Fri. 4d. South Essex Recorders Ltd., South 
St., Romford. One of the Ilford Recorder series. 

+ROMFORD TIMES, 1912. (ind.) Weds.—7 a.m. $d. Wilson & Whitworth Ltd., 
Broadway Stratford, E. 

tROMSEY ADVERTISER, 1896. (ind.) Fri. 1d. A. J. Holmes, Romsey and Andover. 
One of the Andover Advertiser series. 

Rosary, 1869. M.—Ist. ld. S. Walker, Hinckley, Leicester. (London: Simpkin & 
Co., 32 Paternoster Row. 

(nat.) Sat.—a.m. ld. Herald Works Ltd., Main St., Boyle. 

Advertisements received for all the Yorkshire Newspapers. [157 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

W. Tully, Main St., Roscommon. 
tROSCOMM N MESSENGER, 1851. (ind. nat.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. J. P. Hayden, Church 
St., Roscommon. ” 
Rosebud, 1881. Annually. 3s. and 4s. James Clarke & Co., 13 and 14 Fleet St., E.C. 
tROSS GAZETTE, 1867 (with which is incorporated the Man of Ross). (ind.) Weds., 
for Thurs. Id. Ross Gazette Ltd., 35 High St., Ross. 
Ross oe Year Book and Directory, 1909. Jan. 2d. Ross Gazette, 35 High 
ee Parliamentary Record, 1861. Mon.—2 p.m., during Session. 30s. per Session. 
Chas. Good & Co., 11 Burleigh St., Strand, w.c. 
Rossallian, 1867. Three times each term. 6d. The Editor, Rossall School, Fleetwood. 
tROSSENDALE ECHO, 1891. () Wed. jd. J. J. Riley, 93 Market St., Bacup, and 
Haslingden Road, Rawtenstall. 
{ROSSENDALE EXPRESS, 1894. (4) Wed.—5 a.m. 4d. Bacup Times Ltd., 9-11 
King St., Bacup. One of the Bacup Times series. 
+ROSSENDALE FREE PRESS, 1885 (as Rawtenstall Free Press, 1883). (1) Sat.—5S a.m. 
ld. J. J. Riley, Haslingden Road, Rawtenstall. 
{ROSS-SHIRE JOURNAL, 1875. (u) Fri. 1d. Ross-shire P. & P. Co. Ltd., Castle 
St., Dingwall. (Agricultural, Deer Forests, and Grouse Moors. Advt) ` 
f I ROSYTH AND FORTH MAIL, 1909. {/) Thurs. 4d. J. B. Mackie, Gibb St., Dun- 
fermline. One of the West Fife Echo series. 
ROTHERHAM ADVERTISER, 1885 as Rotherham and. Masbro’ Advertiser, 1858). (A) 
Sat.—l a.m. ld. H. Garnet & Co. Ltd., 8 & 10 Effingham St., Rotherham. 
Rotherham and District Annual, 1910. Dec. 4d. H. Garnett & Co. Ltd., 8-10 Effingham 
St., Rotherham. 
;ROTHERHAM EXPRESS, 1895. (ind.) Sat. 1d. Mexborough Times Co. Ltd., 22-24 - 
Howard St., Rotherham. One of the Mexboro’ Times series. {London: 151 Fleet St.) 
Rothesay Academy Magazine, 1886. June and Dec. 2d. Buteman Ltd., 10-12 Castle - 
St., Rothesay. 
ROTHESAY EXPRESS, 1877. (u) Tues—p.m. 3d. M. Mackenzie, 11 Montague St., 
Rothesay. í 
TROTHWELL COURIER AND TIMES, 1873. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. ld. A. K. Rhodes, 
2 Aire St., Leeds. 
Rouge-et-Noir, 1915. Alter.-M. Jackson & Son, Main St., Sedbergh. 
Round Table, 1910. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. MacMillan & Co. Ltd., St. Martin’s St., w.c. 
(A review of the politics of the British Empire. Advt.) 
Round World, 1900 (as Children’s World, 1891). M.—24th. 4d. illus. Church Mis- 
sionary Society, Salisbury Square, E.C. 
Rowing Almanack, 1861. Feb. 1s. Field & Queen (H. Cox) Ltd., Bream’ s Buildings, E.C. 
Royal Academy Illustrated, 1916. May. 2s. W. Judd Ltd., 5 Queen Victoria St., E.C. 
Royal Automobile Club Year Book, 1904. Mar. 5s. Royal Automobile Club, Pall 
Mall, s.w. 
Royal Blue Court Book and Parliamentary Guide, 1822. Jan. & May. 5s. net. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 
_ R.C.M. Magazine, 1904. Terminally. 6d. Royal College of Music, South Kensington, s.w. 
NEWS AND GENERAL ADVERTISER, 1801. (u) Thurs. 1d. Royal Cornwall 
Gazette Ltd., Quay St., Truro. 
Royal Cruising Club Journal, 1888. March. Subs. D. C. L. Cree, 1 New Square, 
Lincoln’s Inn, W.C. l 
Royal Engineers Journal, 1870. M.—Ist. 1s. 6d., post free. W. & J. Mackay Ltd., 
Koyal Engineers Professionai Papers, 1837. Irreg. Price varies. W. & J. Mackay Ltd., 
Royal Holloway College Calendar, 1909. Sept. Is. Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & Co. Itd., 
1 New Street Square, E.C. i 
Royai irish Constabulary List and Directory, 1841. Jan. & July. 2s. 6d. J. Maunsell, 
13 North Great George’s St., Dublin. | 
Royal Irish Constabulary Magazine, 1911. M.—lIst. 4d. A. Thom & Co. Ltd., 
8-9 Crow St., Dublin. 
Royal Lancashire Agricultural Society Journal, 1767. May. Subs. The Society, Derby 
House, Preston. 
se Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard, 1828). (c), Fri. la. 
eamington Spa Courier Ltd., Church Walk, Leamington. | 

-38] James Willing, Ltd.. Advertising Agents. 125. Strand. London. 

querer ee 

Wilfing’s Pross Guide. [ABC List. 

Royal Life Saving Society’s Annual Report, 1891. May. Gratis. The Secretary, 
8 Bayley St., Bedford Square, w.c. 

Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital Reports, 1857. Irreg., last issue 1916. 7s. 6d. net. 
Adlard & Son & West Newman, 23 Bartholomew Close, E.c. 

Royal Magazine, 1898. M.—22nd. 6d. net. C. A. Pearson Ltd., 16-18 Henrietta St., B.c. 

R.M.A. Magazine, 1900. Quarterly. 1s. The Editor, Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. 

Royal National Commercial Directory of Ireland, 1846. Irreg., last issue 1905. 40s. 
Slater’s Directory Ltd., 1 St. James’s Square, Manchester ; and Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c.. ; 

Royal National Commercial Directory of Scotland, 1837. Every four years. Last issue, 
1915. 50s. Slater’s Directory Ltd., 1 St. James’s Square, Manchester; and 
Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Royal Naval Warrant Officers’ Journal, 1914 (as Naval Warrant Officers’ Journal, 1888). 
M:—Ist. 2d. Hawkins & Son, Arundel St., Portsmouth. 

Royal Navy List, 1878. Annually. 7s. 6d. Witherby & Co., 326 High Holborn, w.c.. 

Royal Technical Coilege Magazine, 1908. M.—1st. Mon. Oct. to March. Royal Technical 
College, George St., Glasgow. 

ROYSTON WEEKLY NEWS, 1889. (ind.) Fri—10a.m. 1d. W.F. Taylor, St. Andrew’s 
St., Cambridge. One of the Cambs Weekly News series. 

R.P.A. Annual, 1884. Oct. 9d. net. Watts & Co., 17 Johnson’s Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

- Rubber Companies’ Position, 1915. M.—20th. 3s. W. H. Rickinson & Son, 3-4 Great 

Winchester St., E.C. 

Rubber Facts and Figures, 1909. May. Is. F. C. Mathieson & Sons, 16 Copthall Avenue,E.Cc. 

Rubber Industry, 1908. Triennially—last issue 1915. 15s. 6d. net. Fulton- Manders 
Publishing Co., 75 Chancery Lane, London, w.c. (The standard authority on 
rubber and the allied industries. Edited by Joseph Torrey, Ph.D. and A. Staines 
Manders. Briefly the contents are papers and discussions at the New York and 
London Congresses of scientific, planting and manufacturing experts of the world. 
There are also some papers on Cotton, Fibres, etc. The work is a mine of 
information. Advt. 

Rubber Beene Companies, 1910. May. 3s. net.. Financial Times Ltd., 72 Coleman 

Rubber Shave Handbook, 1905. May. 3s. Financier & Bullionist Ltd., 49-57 Wool 
Exchange, E.c. (A complete reference book to Rubber Share Companies. Advt.) 

Rubber Shares as Investments, 1911. M.—14th. 21s. per ann. Straker Bros. Ltd., 61 
Old Broad St., E.c. 

Rubber World, 1910. M.—Ist. 3d. G. J. McDermott, 36 T'urnival St., Holborn, E.C. 

Rucksack Club Journal, 1906. March. is. C. H. Barber, 24 St. Ann St., Manchester. 

‘Ruff’s Guide to the Tnrf, 1842. March and Dec. 7s. 6d. Ashley & Smith Ltd., 

Bridewell House, Bridewell Place, E.c. 
TRUGBY ADVERTISER, 1846. (ind.) Tues—T!I p.m., 4d; Fri—9.30 a.m., for Sat., 
ld. Advertiser Co. Ltd., 1 Albert St., Rugby. 

SHIRE MERCURY, 1911. (4 Fri. ld. J. R. Barker, 9 Regent St., Rugby. 
TRUGELEY MERCURY, 1882 (with which is incorporated the Cannock Chase Mercury, 
1883). d.) Fri. ld. Allison & Bowen Ltd., 36 Bird St., Lichfield. One of the 

Dianala. ercury series. 

TRUISLIP-NORTHWOOD COURIER, 1908. (c) Fri. ld. C. E. and S. J. King, 

168 High St., Uxbridge. One of the Uxbridge Gazette series. 
Rules of Golf, 1908. April. Gratis. Royal Insurance Co. Ltd., 1 North John St. Liverpool. 
Run and Read Series of Stories, 1914. Occas. 3d. R.T. S., 4 Bouverie St., E.C. 
TRUNCORN EXAMINER, 1879 (as Runcorn and Widnes Examiner, 1869). (0 Sat. ld. 
J. Walker & Co. Ltd., Bewsey St., Warrington. One of the Warrington Examtner 

RUNCORN GUARDIAN, 1862. (ind.) Tues.—2 p.m., 1d.; Fri—9 a.m., for Sat., 1d. 

Mackie & Co. Ltd., 34 Lowland Road, Runcorn. One of the Warrington Guardian 

TRUNCORN WEEKLY NEWS, 1894. (ind.) Fri. ld. Exors. T. S. Swale, High St., 
Runcorn. One of the Widnes Weekly News series. 

Rural World, 1888. M.—Ist. 1d., illus. Rural World Publishing Co. Ltd., 21 Surrey 
St., Strand, w.c. 

RUSHDEN ARGUS, 1891. (J) Fri. 1d. Northamptonshire Printing & Publishing 

_ Co. Ltd., Rushden. One of the Wellingborough News series. 

RUSHDEN ECHO, 1897. (ind.) Fri. 1d. C. Cross, 5 Park Road, Rushden. 

Ruskia Collegian, 1913. Quarterly. 2d. The Editor, Ruskin College, Oxford. 

Russia, 1916. M.—-Lat. 6d. Sardinia House, Kingsway, WÒ. 

 Adnertisements vecesned for all the Metroholitan Nemwshabers. [rea 

ABC List.} Willing’s Press Guide. 

Russian Buyers’ Guide, 1916. M.—15th. Is. L. A. Rojansky, Chiswell House, 
Finsbury Pavement, E.C. 

Russian aor Book, 1911. March. 10s. 6d. Eyre & Spottiswoode Ltd., East Harding 


RUTHERGLEN REFORMER, 1874. (ind.) Fri. 4d. R. Mackenzie & Co., 88 Main 
St., Rutherglen. 

RUTLAND ECHO, 1859. (c) Fri—7 a.m. ld. Melton Mowbray Times Co. Ltd., 16a 
Nottingham St., Melton Mowbray. One of the Melton Mowbray Times series. 

Ryder’s Annual, 1878. Dec. 3d. Ryder & Son, Spring Head, Wednesbury. 

Ryland’s Directory of the Coal, Iron, Steel and Allied Trades 1888. Tat issue 1915. 
30s. Eagland & Co. Ltd., 165 Strand, w.c. 

Sabbath Observer, 1905. Quar. ld. Lt.-Col. T. W. Richardson, 104 Cailineton Park, N. 
Sabbath School Teachers’ Monthly, 1906 (as Teachers’ Notes of Scottish National Scheme 
of Lessons, 1899). M.—25th. 1d. J. Cochrane, 121 George St., Edinburgh. 
tSaddlery and Harness, 1891 (with which is incorporated the Saddlers’, "Harness Makers’ 
and Carriage Builders’ Gazette, 1871). Sat. 7s. 6d. per ann., post free, illus. 
T. Kirby & Sons Ltd., Newport St., Walsall. - 
tSADDLEWORTH AND MOSSLEY STANDARD, 1859. (c) Sat. 1d. Northern Daily 
and Weekly Newspaper Ltd., Yorkshire St., "Oldham. one of the Oldham Standard 
series. (London: 134 Fleet St.) 
-fSAFFRON WALDEN WEEKLY NEWS, 1889. Fri—ll am. Id. W. F. Taylor, 
Theatre Bdgs., St. Andrew St., Cambridge. One of the Cambridge Weekly News serizs. 
Saga Book and Year Book of the Viking Society, 1892. Jan. & July. 10s. The Viking 
. Society, c/o Mrs. A. Wintle Johnston, 29 Ashburnham Mansions, Chelsea, s.w. 
St. Alban’s Almanack and Directory, 1860. Nov. 3d. Gibbs & Bamforth Ltd., Market 
Place, St. Albans. 
St. Alban’s Diocesan Calendar, 1878. Jan. 6d. net. W. Clowes & Sons Ltd., 31 Hay- 
market, s.w. ` 
St. Alban’s Directory, 1899. I.ast issue 1915. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High 
Holborn, w.c. 
St. eres $, Holborn, Monthly Paper, 1884. M.—Ist. 2d. W. Knott, 30 Brooke St., 
olborn. E.C ; i 
tST. ANDREWS CITIZEN, 1870. (u) Fri.—4.30 p.m., for Sat. Id. J. & G. Innes, 
107 South St., St. Andrews. 
St. Andrews Directory, 1894. Biennially, last issue 1913. 6d. G. Wilson,+96 North 
St., St. Andrews. 
St. Andrews University Calendar, 1865. June. 2s. 6d. net. W. Blackwood & Sons, 
45 George St., Edinburgh. (London: 37 Paternoster Row.) 
ST. ce pce EXPRESS, 1898. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Spring Bros., St. Annes- 
St. Anthony’s Annals, 1897. M.—I1st. id: Irish Centre of the Association of St. 
Anthony, 14 Temple St., Dublin. 
St. Asaph Diocesan Calendar, 1896. Jan. ls. Pearce & Jones, Russell Road, Rhyl. 
St. Austell Deanery Magazine, 1891. M.—Ist. ld. W. B. Luke, Fore St., St. Austell. 
Thurs., for Fri. 1d. A. B. Lyne, Church Stile House, Bodmin. Oħe of the Cornish 
Guardian series. | 
St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Journal, 1893. M.—1st. 6d. St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, E.c. 
St. Bartholomew's Hospital Reports, 1865. Mar. 8s. 6d. Smith, Elder & Co., 15 Waterloo 
Place, s.w. i 
St. Bees School Magazine, 1890. Terminally. 6d. The Editors, St. Bees School, 
St. David’s College and School Magazine, 1881. Terminally. 6d. Welsh Church Press 
’ and Printing Co. Ltd., Lampeter. : 
St. David's Diocesan Almanac, 1877. Jan. 6d. W. Spurrell & Son, Carmarthen. 
St. David’s Diocesan Directory, 1877. Triennially (last issue 1912). 1s. W. Spurrell & 
Son, Carmarthen. 
St. Edmundsbury and Ipswich Diocesan Calendar and Clergy List, 1915. March. Is. 
net. F. T. Groom, Ipswich. (London: 4 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.C.) 
St. Edward’s School Chronicle, 1873. M.—during term. 6d. The Editor, St. Edward’s 
School, Summertown, Oxford. 
St. Ethelburga’s Leaflet, 1899. M.—lIst. 2d. Dr. Cobb, St. Ethelburga’s church, 
Bishopsgate, E.c. 
St. George’s Gazette, 1883. M.—last day. 9d. Grigg & Son, York St., Dover. 
St. George’s Hospital Gazette, 1893. M.—ist. 6d. J. Bale, Sons’& Danielsson Ltd., 
83-91 Great Titchfield St., w. 

160) James Willing. Ltd.. Advertising te 17125 Strand: 7 oak 


Willing’s Pross Guide. [ABC List. 

St. George’s Junior Monthly, 1908. 24th. 4d. H. Marshall & Son, 125 Fleet St., E.c. 

St. George’s Magazine, 1905. M.—24th. 1d. H. Marshall & Son, 125 Fleet St., E.C. 

tSt. Helen’s Catholic Herald, 1905. Fri. 1d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 37a Manchester 
St., Liverpool. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

tST. HELENS EXAMINER, 1878. () Sat. Id. J. Walker & Co. Ltd., Bewsey St., 
Warrington. One of the Warrington Examiner series. 

tST. HELENS NEWSPAPER AND ADVERTISER, 1853 (with which is incorporated 
a Helens Intelligence). (D) Tues., 4d; Fri., ld. Dromgoole Bros., Hardshaw St., 

t. Helens. 

tST. HELENS REPORTER, 1865 (with which is incorporated the St. Helens Standard 
and St. Helens Chronicle). (c) Tues., 4d.; Fri., ld. St. Helens and Prescot 

rter Ltd., 73 Church St., St. Helens. 

TST. ives TIMES (Cornwall), 1910. (ind.) Fri. $d. M. Cock, High St., St. Ives, Cornwall. 

Fri. 4d. Cornishman Co. Ltd., Parade St., Penzance. One of Cornishman series. 

-~ (Advt. p. 466.) 

St. Leonards Society and St. Leonards and District Chronicle, 1916. Fri. 1d. Bexhill 
Printing Co. Ltd., Buckhurst Place, Bexhill. 

St. Martin’s-le-Grand, 1890 (as dred Magazine, 1885). Quarterly. 9d. W. P. 
Griffith & Sons Ltd., Old Bailey, 

tST. MARY GRAY AND SWANLEY XPRESS, 1888. (ind.) Fri—p.m. 4d. T. W. 
Jenkins, ‘‘Glenwood,’’ Derry Downs,St. Mary Cray. One of the Dariford Express Series. 

ld. Kentish District Times Co. Ltd., Times Bundings, ‘Sidcup. 

St. Mary’s Hospitai Gazette, 1872. M. ~20th. 6d. Morton & Burt Ltd., 187 Edgware Rd.,w. 

{S8T. NEOTS ADVERTISER, HUNTS AND BEDS NEWS, 1885 (as St. Neots Advertiser, 
1878). (snd.) Frii—a.m. $d. P. C. Tomson, Market Square, St. Neots. 

St. Neots Fen ie Almanac, 1902. Dec. ld. P. C. Tomson, Market Sq., St. Neots. 

St. Nicholas (English Edition), 1872. M.—20th. Is. net. F. Warne & Co., 1-4 Bedford 
Court, Bedford St., w.c. 

ST. PANCRAS CHRONICLE, 1900 (as People’s Advertiser, 1898). (I) Thurs., p.m., for 
Fri. $d. United Metropolitan Press Ltd.,~198 High St., Camden Te own, N.W. 
(Telephone : Hampstead 6843. Has ten times the sale of any local newspaper 
in St. Pancras, Camden and Kentish Towns, King’s Cross, Regent’ s Park, 
Tufnell Park, Gospel Oak, Highgate, etc. Its two solid pages of “ Wanteds,”’ 
“Tor Sales,” “ To-lets,’’ etc., testify to the unique position it holds as a first- 
class advertising medium. Advt.) 

tST. PANCRAS GAZETTE, 1866. (c) Fri—4 pm. ld. R. & J. Widdicombe, 80 
High St., Camden Town, n.w. Telephone, Mayfair 2188. (Advt. p. 458.) 

tST. PANCRAS GUARDIAN, 1874. (ind.) Fri. ld. N.-W. P. & P. Association Ltd., 
4 Cambridge Avenue, Kilburn, N.w. One of the Kilburn Times series. 

St. Peter’s Net. 1900 (with which is incorporated Faith of our Fathers, 1886). M.—Ist 
Sun. ld. St. Vincent’s Press, 110 Pratt St., Camden Town, N.w. 

_ St. Thomas’s Hospital Gazette, 1890. M.—20th (except April, Aug. and Sept.). 6d. 

The Editor, St. Thomas Hospital, S.E. 

St. Thomas’s Hospital ere 1870. Oct. 8s. 6d. net., illus. J. & A. Churchill, 7 Great 
Marlborough St., 

Gill, 70 Fore St., Salcombe. One of the South Devon Gazette series. 

83 Fore St., Kingsbridge. - 

tSALE AND STRETFORD GUARDIAN, 1879. (ind.) Tues.—noon, Id.; Fri.—noon, ld. 
Mackie & Co. Ltd., 3 Claremont Rd., Sale. One of the Warringdon ‘Guardian series. 

Sales S TOmoNon; 1910. M.—15th. 2d. Facsimile Letter Printing Co. Ltd., 6a Tudor 

Salisbury and District Directory, 1898. May. 1s. 6d. net. Brown & Co. Ltd., The Canal, 

tSALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL, 1729. (u) Sat.—5 a.m. ld. Bennett 
Bros., The Canal, Salisbury. 

Salisbury Diocesan Gazette, 1888. M.—Ilst. 2d. Brown & Co. Ltd., The Canal, Salisbury. 

Salisbury Official Military Directory, 1905. M.—Ist. 3d. W. May & Co. Ltd., 45 High 
St., Aldershot. 

which is incorporated Salisbury Examiner). () Fri—1 p.m. ld. Salisbury Times 
Co. Ltd., Dews Road, Salisbury. (Aduv?. p. 458.) 

Advertisements received for all the Wiltshire Newspapers. [xf 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

Salmon and Trout Magazine, 1911. Quarterly. 1s. H. Reiach Ltd., 9 King St, 
Coven Garden, w.c. 

Salopian, 1880. Fortnightly during term. 6d. Wilding & Son Ltd., Castle Street, 

SALTASH GAZETTE, 1895. (ind.) Thurs. 4d. Dingle & Co., 54 Fore St., Saltash. 

SALTBURN TIMES AND VISITORS’ LIST, 1907 (as Loftus Advertiser, 1876). (ind.) 

Fr. 1d. W. Rapp & Sons Ltd., The Library, 3 Dundas St., Saltburn. 

Salter’s Guide to the River Thames, 1884. May. ls. net. Alden & Co. Ltd., Bocardo 
Press, Oxford. (London: Simpkin & Co.) 

Salvation Army Year Book, 1906. Jan. 1s. Salvation Army, Judd St., King’s Cross, w.c. 

Samaritan Magazine, 1915. M.—Ist. 6d. G. Figgins, 10-16 Scrutton St., Finsbury, E.C. 

tSANDBACH AND MIDDLEWICH ADVERTISER (with which is incorporated Crewe 
and Nantwich Advertiser), 1876, (c) Fri. ld. Swain & Co. Ltd., King St., East, 
Stockport. One of the Stockport Advertiser series. 

TSANDBACH CHRONICLE, 1855. (ind.) Sat. Id. R. Head, High St., Congleton. 
One of the Congleton Chronicle series. 

tSANDBAGH GUARDIAN, 1863. (ind.) Tues.—2.30 p.m., for Wed., ld. ; Fri.—6 a.m., 
for Sat., 1d. Mackie & Co. Ltd., High Town, Sandbach. One of the Warrington 
Guardian series. — 

Chapman & Son, Gaillard St., Sandwich. 

Sandwich and District Directory, 1882. Jan. 3d. T. F. Pain & Sons, 4 Queen St., Deal. 

Sanitary Journal, 1902 (as Sanitary Inspectors’ Journal, 1883). M.—20th. 6d. Sanitary 
Inspectors’ Association, 143-4 Fleet St., E.c. Advertisement Department, 
63 Ludgate Hill, &.c. 

Sanitary Record and Municipal Engineering, 1874 (now Municipal Engineering and 
Sanitary Record, 1916). 

Sanitary Record and Municipal Engineering Year Book and Empire Directory of Muni- 
ctpal Offictals, 1882 (now Empire Municipal Directory, etc., 1916). 

Santa Lucia, 1889. M.—7th. ls. 7d. Janet Harison & E. H. Hodgkin, Park House, 
Kew. (A Magazine in Braille Type for the Blind. Advt.) 

Sapper, 1895. M.—Ist. 3d. Mackay & Co. Ltd., Fair Row, Chatham. 

Sartorial Gazette, 1909 (with which is incorporated the Master Tailor and Cutters 
Gazette, 1893, Ladies’ Cutter, 1900, and London Tailor, 1876). M.—Ist. ls. R. W. 
Taylor & Co., 68-69 Shoe Lane, E.c. 

Sarum Almanack and Diocesan Kalendar, 1857. Jan. Ils. net.. Brown & Co. Ltd., 
Canal, Salisbury. (London: Simpkin & o) 

Satchel, 1908. M.—l1st Thurs. 4d. C. Mumby, 26-32 George St., Halifax. 

{SATURDAY HERALD, 1891. 4d. Saturday edition of the Evening Herald (Dublin). 
Independent Newspapers Ltd., Carlisle Buildings, Dublin. (London: 68 Fleet St.) 

{Saturday Post, 1905. Sat. Id. D. C. Thomson & Co. Ltd., Courier Place, Dundee. 
(London: 12 Fetter Lane). 

tSATURDAY RECORD, 1885. (tnd.) Fri. even., for Sat. 1d. J. B. Knox & Son, 
22 O’Connell St., Ennis. 

{Saturday Review, 1855. Sat. 6d. R. W. Page, 10 King St., Covent Garden, w.c. 

` Critical review of Politics, Literature, Science, and Art. 

tSaturday Telegraph, 1898. Sat. ld. Grimsby Times & Telegraph Co. Ltd., 80 
Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 

tSATURDAY WESTMINSTER GAZETTE. Weekly Edition of Westminster Gazette. 

Savilian, 1894. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, Grammar School, Wakefield. 

tSCARBOROUGH DAILY POST, 1876. (u) Daily—p.m. }d. Scarborough Post News- 
paper Co. Ltd., 25 Huntriss Row, Scarborough. (London: 185 Fleet St.) 

(SCARBOROUGH EVENING NEWS, 1882. (ind.) Daily (except Fri.)—3 p.m. to 6.30 
p.m. $d. Scarborough Mercury Newspaper Co. Ltd., Aberdeen Walk, Scarborough. 
(London: 62 Ludgate Hill.) l 

to one 2d. J. Barber, for W. H. Smith & Son, 31a St. Nicholas St., Scarborough. 

tSCARBOROUGH MERCURY, 1855. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Scarborough Mercury Newsaper 
Co. Ltd., Aberdeen Walk, Scarborough. (London: 62 Ludgate Hill.) 

{Scarborough Pictoriai, 1913. (ind.) Wed. 1d. Scarborough Mercury Newspaper Co. 
Ltd., Aberdeen Walk, Scarborough. 

[SCARBOROUGH WEEKLY POST, 1876. (u) Fri. 1d. Scarborough Post Newspaper 
Co. Ltd., 25 Huntriss Row, Scarborough. (London: 185 Fleet =e 

Scattered Nation, 1893. Quar. 3d. Morgan & Scott Ltd., 12 Paternoster Buildings, E.C. 

Scattered Seed, 1885 (as Good News for Young and Old, 1859). M.—25th. 1d., illus. 
Central Bible Truth Depot, 12 Paternoster Row, B.C. 

a ee J ieitiged Dy MAN T 
92) James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Gulde. [ABC List. 

School Child and Juveniie Worker, 1910. M.—15th. ld. The Editor, 18 Caxton House; 
Westminster, s.w. 

School Government Chronicle and Education Authorities Gazette, 1903 (as School 
Board Chronicle, 1871). Fri., for Sat. 32. A. H. Walter, 2 and 4 Tudor St., B.C. 
School Guardian, 1876. M.—3rd Sat. 1d. National Society, 19 Great Peter St., West- 
minster, S.w. | . 

School Hygiene, 1910. Quarterly. ls. net. Adlard & Son & West Newman, 
23 Bartholomew Close, E.c. 

Sensa Magazine, 1914.M.—15th. 7d. National Institute for the Blind, Great Portland 
t., W. : 

School Music Review, 1896. M.—Jst. 14d. Novello & Co. Ltd., 160 Wardour St., w. 

Schooi Nature Study, 1906. Five times a year. 6d. G. Philip & Son Ltd., 32 Fleet St., E.C. 

School Newspaper, 1874. M.—25th. 1d., illus. W. Collins, Son & Co. Ltd., 4 Bridewell 
Place, New Bridge St., E.c. 

School World, 1899. M.—lIst. 6d. net. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., St. Martin’s St., w.c. 

tSchooimaster, 1872. Fri., for Sat. 1d. Schoolmaster Publishing Co. Ltd., 3 Racquet 
Court, Fleet St., E.C. a 

Schoolmasters’ Year Book and Educational Directory, 1903. Jan. 12s. 6d. net. The 

- Year Book Press, 31 Museum St., w.c. , 

+Schoolmistress, 1881. Wed.—9 a.m. 1d. W. Isaac, 149 Fleet St., E.C. 

Science Abstracts, 1898. M.—25th. Part A, ls. 6d. net; Part B, ls. 6d. net. E. & 
F. N. Spon Ltd., 57 Haymarket, s.w. 

Science and Art of Mining, 1890. Fortnightly. 34. T. Wall & Sons Ltd., Rowbottom 
Square, Wigan. 

Sclence Progress, 1906. Quarterly. 5s. net. J. Murray, 50a Albemarle St., w. 

Scotch Girls’ Fiendly Society Associates Paper, 1892. M.—ist. ld. Macniven & 
Wallace, 138 Princes St., Edinburgh. 

+Scots Law Times, 1893. Sat. 62., illus. W. Green & Son Ltd., 2-4 St. Giles St., Edinburgh. 

tScots Pictorial, 1897. Thurs. 4d. W. Hodge & Co., 36 North Frederick St., Glasgow, 
and 12 Bank St., Edinburgh (London: 180 Fleet St.) 

{SCOTSMAN, 1817. (I. u) Daily—4 a.m. ld. J. Ritchie & Co., Scotsman Buildings, 
North Bridge, Edinburgh. Daily issue commenced in 1855. (London : 45 Fleet St.) 

Scottish Automobile Club Year-Book, 1907. May. For Members only. Hay Nisbet & Co., 
Ltd., 73 Dunlop St., Glasgow. 

Scottish Bankers’ Magazine, 1909. Quarterly. 1s. W. Blackwood & Sons, 45 George 
St., Edinburgh. 

Scottish Baptist Magazine, 1874. M.—1st. 1d. T. Adams & Sons, Tower St., Portobello. 

Scottish Business Journal, 1914. Quarterly. ld. Business Journal Co., 73 "Dunlop St., 
Glasgow. | 

t&cottish Chronicle, 1905. Thurs., for Fri. ld. 30 Gordon St., Glasgow. 

Scottish Church and University Almanac, 1881. Dec. ls. net. Macniven & Wallace, 
138 Princes St., Edinburgh. 

Scottish Churches, 1907. Jan. 6d. W. Blackwood & Son, 45 George St., Edinburgh. 

Scottish Churchman’s Almanac, 1892. Dec. 3d. J. Skinner & Co. Ltd., 27 Thistle St., 
Edinburgh. i 

Scottish Class Teacher, 1900. M.—Ist. Id. A. Mackay, 2 Brunton Place, Edinburgh. 

Scottish Congregational Year Book, 1890. June. 6d. T. Kemp, Congregational Union 
of Scotland, Dalkeith. 

Scottish Congregationalist (as Scottish Congregational Magazine, 1796). M.—last week. 
ld. T. Kemp, Congregational Union of Scotland, Dalkeith. 

tScottish Co-operator, 1893. Fri. 1d. The Scottish Co-operator Newspaper Society, 
263 Wallace St., Glasgow. 

Scottish Country Life,. 1914. M.—Ist. 6d. Scottish Country Life Ltd., 115 Renfield 
St., Glasgow. (London: Rolls House, Bream’s Buildings.) ~- 

Scottish Critic, 1898. M.—last day. 3d. Hay Nisbet & Co. Ltd., 73 Dunlop St., Glasgow. 

{Scottish Cyclist and Motor Cyclist, 1888 (with which are incorporated Automobilist, 
Scottish Sport, Scottish Wheel and Motor News). Wed. ld. Hay Nisbet & Co. Ltd., 
73 Dunlop St., Glasgow. (London: 329 High Holborn). 

Scottish Educational Year Baok, 1891. Dec. 1s. 6d. A. Marr, 30 Union St., Aberdeen. 

Scottish Endeavourer, 1912. M.—Ist. 1d. 12 Waterloo St., Glasgow. 

Scottish Farm Servant, 1913. M.—J1st. ld. Scottish Farm Servants’ Union, 35a Union 
St., Aberdeen. 

{Scottish Farmer, 1893. Fri., for Sat. 2d. Scottish Agricultural Publishing Co. Ltd., 
93 Hope St., Glasgow. 

Scottish Farmer Album, 1895 (with which is incorporated Farming World Year Book). 
Dec. 6d. and ls. Scottish Agricultural Publishing Co. Ltd., 93 Hope St., Glasgow. 

Advertisements received for all the Warwickshire Newspapers, (163 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

tScottish Farming News, 1913. Tues. 4d. Munro Press Ltd., Watergate, Perth. 

Scottish Field, 1903. M.—Jst. 6d. Scottish Field Publishing Co., 11 Bothwell St., Glasgow. 

Scottish Fisherman’s Nautical Almanac, 1883 (now British Fisherman's Nautical 
Almanack, 1911). 

Scottish Gazette, 1886. Thurs. Subs. Powage Press Ltd., Aspley Guise, S.O., Beds. | 

Scottish Geographical Magazine, 1885. M.—Ist. ls. 6d., maps. Royal Scottish 
Geographical Society, Synod Hall, Castle Terrace, Edinburgh. (London: E. 
Stanford, 12-14 Long Acre.) 

Scottish Historical Review, 1903. (as Scottish Antiquary, 1890; as Northern Notes anp 
Queries, 1886). Jan., April, July, Oct. 2s. 6d. net, illus. J. MacLehose & Sons, 
61 St. Vincent St., Glasgow. (London: Simpkin & Co., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court.) 

Scottish Law Courts Record, 1897. Thurs. Subscription. Powage Press Ltd., Aspley 
Guise, S.O., Beds. ; 

Scottish. Law Directory, 1892. Dec. 7s. 6d. W. Hodge & Co., 34 and 36 North 
Frederick St., Glasgow. (London: 180 Fleet St.) : | | 

Scottish Law List, 1852. Feb. 9s. T. C. & E. C. Jack, 1 Park Road, Edinburgh. 

Scottish Law Reporter, 1865. Wed., during Sessions. 6d. J. Baxter & Son, 39 Elder 
St., Edinburgh. 

Scottish Law Review, 1885. M.—5th. Is. 6d. W. Hodge & Co., 34-36 North Frederick 

St., Glasgow. (London: 180 Fleet St.) F 
Scottish Licensed Trade Directory, 1888. July. 2s. 6d. H. Munro, Ltd., 82 Mitchell 
St., Glasgow. 

Scottish Mother’s Magazine, 1896. M.—1st. 1d. Macniven & Wallace, 138 Prince’s 
- St., Edinburgh. Organ of the Scottish Mothers’ Union. Advt.) 

Scottish Mountaineering Club Journai, 1890. Feb., June, Oct. 1s., illus. Douglas & 
Foulis, 9 Castle St., Edinburgh. 

Scottish Nation, 1913. Alter. M. Id. International Scots Home Rule League, 
122 George St., Edinburgh. 

Scottish National Sabbath School Magazine, 1899 (as Sabbath School Magazine, 1864 ; 
as Glasgow Sabbath School Union Magazine, 1856). M.—25th. ld. J. M’Callum & 
Co., 204 Buchanan St., Glasgow. : 

Scottish Naturalist, 1912 (as Scottish Naturalist, 1871, as Annals of Scottish Natural 
History, 1892). M.—Ist. 9d. Oliver & Boyd, Tweedale Court, Edinburgh. 

tScottish ProhibitionIst, 1909. Fri. 1d. J. Pellow, 48 Murraygate, Dundee. 

Scottish Reformer, 1892 (as Social Reformer, 1866, as Reformer, 1885). M.—Ist. ld. 
30 Gordon St., Glasgow. 

Scottish Road Book, 1894. April. 1d, & 3d. Hay Nisbet & Co. Ltd., 73 Dunlop St., Glasgow. 

Scotitsh Ski Club Magazine, 1907. Dec. 1s. The Secretary, 13 Hill St., Edinburgh. 

Scottish Smallholder, 1913. M.—1st. 1d, Scottish Smallholder Organisation Ltd., 
1 Rutland Square, Edinburgh. : 

Scottish Standard Bearer, 1890. M.—23rd. 1d., illus. J. Skinner & Co. Ltd., 27 Thistle 
St., Edinburgh. 

Scottish Temperance Annual, 1898. Dec. 1s. and Is. 6d. Tom Honeyman, 204 St. 
Vincent St., Glasgow. | 

tScottish Trader and Scots Commercial Record, 1897. Fri. 6s. 6d. per ann. Walker 
& Sons, 156 St. Vincent St., Glasgow. (London: 17 Bouverie St.) 

Scottish Typographical Journal, 1909 (as Scottish Typographical Circular, 1857). M.— 
20th.’ 1d. 276 St. Vincent St., Glasgow. 

Scottish Women’s Temperance News, 1896. M.—25th. 1d. British Women’s Temperance 
Association, 5 St. Andrew’s Square, Edinburgh. 

Scout, 1908. Thurs. ld. C. A. Pearson Ltd., 16-18 Henrietta St., w.c. 

tScreen, 1914. Sat. id. Arthur’s Press Ltd., Vale Mills, Woodchester. 

Scribner’s Magazine (European Edition), 1887. M.—25th. Is. net. Constable & Co. 
Ltd., 10 Orange St., w.c. | 

Script Shorthand Journal, 1887. M.—Ist. 1d. Script Shorthand Co. Ltd., 61-62 
Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Scripture Lessons for Elementary Ciasses, 1856. Jan., April, July, Oct. 1d. net. S.S.U 
57 Ludgate Hill, E.c. : l 

Scripture Pocket Book, 1837. Oct. R.T.S., 4 Bouverie St., E.C. 

Scripture Reader’s Journal, 1853 (as Church of England Scripture Readers’ Association 
Quarterly Record, 1910, now Lighten our Darkness, 1913). 

Scripture Truth, 1909. M.—25th. 2d. Central Bible Truth Depôt, 12 Paternoster Row, E. 

tSCUNTHORPE AND FRODINGHAM STAR, 1889. (/) Fri. 1d. W. G. Davy, Wrawby 
St., Brigg. One of the Lincolnshire Star series. | 

SCUNTHORPE NEWS, 1909. (ind.) Sat. 1d. Eastern Morning & Hull News Co. Ltd., 
42 Whitefriargate, Hull. One of the Hull News series. 

James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

TSEAFORD CHRONICLE, 1907. (ind.) “Thurs.—noon. 1d. Seaford and Newhaven 
Press, 3 Glos’ter Place, Seaford, Sussex. One of the Newhaven Chronicle series. 

eee WEEKLY NEWS, 1859. (c) Fri.—5 p.m. ld. S. Richards, 3 North Terrace, 


Seaman, 1912. Fortnightly. ld. Sailors’ and Firemen’s Union, Maritime Hall, West 
India Dock Road, E. 

Searchiight, 1898. M.—20th. 6d. J. D. Hand, 5 Whitefriars St., E.C. 

Searle’s Camberwell, Peckham, and Dulwich Artistic Advertiser, 1907. M.—J1st Sat. 
4d. H. H. Greaves, 106 Lordship Lane, Dulwich. 

Second Spring, 1902. M.—25th. 1d. Guild of Our Lady of Ransom, 247 Waterloo Rd., S.E. 

Secondary Education, 1896. Bi-M.—15th. 3d. Private Schools Association Incor- 
porated, Montague House, Russell Square, w.c. 
Secondary School Journal, 1908. Three times a year. 6d. H. & J. Pillans & Wilson, 
86 Hanover St., Edinburgh. i 
Secretary, 1893. M.—15th. 6d. Chartered Institute of Secretaries, 594 London Wall, E.C. 
Sedberghian, 1879. Six times a year. 3s. 6d. per ann. Jackson & Son, Sedbergh, Yorkshire. 
Seed’s Southport and District Directory, 1904. Biennially, last issue 1917. Oct. 6s. 6d. 
R. Seed & Sons, 43 Guildhall St., Preston. 

Seed-Time and Harvest, 1901. Quarterly. ld. R.T.S., 4 Bouverie St., E.C. 

Seeker, 1905. Quarterly. 6d. J. M. Walkins, 21 Cecil Court, Charing Cross Road, w.c. 

Seeking and Saving, 1900 (as Reformatory and Refuge Journal, 1861). M.—Ist. 2d. 

Reformatory and Refuge Union, 117 Victoria St., s.w. i 

Selborne Magazine, 1909 (as Nature Notes, 1890). M.—1st. 3d. G. Philip & Son Ltd., 
32 Fleet St., E.C. i 

{SELBY EXPRESS AND WEEKLY HERALD, 1853. (ind.) Fri.—a.m. ld. Goole 
Times Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd., Goole. One of the Goole Times series. 

Fri.—7 a.m. ld. W. B. Bellerby & Son, Crescent, Selby. 

Seiling and Advertising and Printers Ink, 1915 (as Printers Ink, 1909). M.—Ist. 6d. 
Printers Ink, 30 Norfolk St., Strand, w.c. -+ 

Sell’s Addresses of Great Commercial Houses of the World, 1909. Jan. 30s. H. Sell, 
166 Fleet St., E.c. - 

Sell’s Directory of Registered Telegraphic Addresses, 1886. Jan. 25s. 166 Fleet St., E.C. 

Sell’s World’s Press, 1915 (as Sell’s Dictionary of the World’s Press, 1884, as Philosophy 
of Advertising, 1881). Jan. 5s. Sells Ltd., 168 Fleet St., E.c. 


- Fri. d. J. W. Neal, 87 Trinity Road, Wood Green, N. 3 

Sentry, 1893. M.—Ist. 1d.; with supplement 14d. Army Guild, Church House, Dean’s 
Yard, Westminster, s.w. 

SEREN (The Star), 1885. (rad.) Thurs. 3d. Davies & Evans, Berwyn St., Bala. 

tSeren Gymru, (Star of Wales), 1857. (1) Wed., for Fri. ld. W. M. Evans & Son, 
6 Hall St., Carmarthen. 

Seren Gomer, 1814. Bi-M. 6d. W. Jones & Son, Seren Gomer Works, Barmouth. 
creat Ysgol, 1895. M.—I1st Sun. ld. Llanelly Mercury Co. Ltd., 28 Market St., 
anelly. : 
Service for the King, 1879. Quarterly. 1d. Morgan & Scott Ltd., 12 Paternoster Row,E.c. 
Seitler’s Guide in Greater Britain, 1914. Annually. 2s. 6d. net. Simpkin & Co. Ltd:, 

; 4 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.C. ; 

Settmakers’ and Stoneworkers’ Journai, 1891. M.—Ist. 2d. Amalgamated National 
Union of Quarryworkers and Settmakers, 1 Union St., Leicester. 

E; James, 54 High St., Sevenoaks. `. - 

Seventh Evangel, 1910. Quarterly. 1d. W. E. Curtis, 66 Gifford Terrace, Plymouth. 

Sewanee Review, 1893. Quar. 2s. Longmans, Green & Co., 39 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Sexey’s Schooi Magazine, 1896. Four times a year. 6d. The Editor, Sexey’s School, 

| Bruton, Somerset. 

mae Blake Library, 1915. M.—l1st Fri. 34. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon 
t., E.C. 

Shaftesbury Magazine, 1908 (as In His Name, 1888). M.—26th. ld. J. F. Shaw & 
Co. Ltd., 3 Pilgrim St., Ludgate Hill, £.c. 

Shakespeare League Journal, 1917. M.—Jst. ld. Miss Oswald, 129 Adelaide Road, N.W. 

Shamrock and Irish Emerald, 1866. Tues. 1d., illus. Shamrock Publishing Co., 12 
D’Olier St., Dublin. 

SHANKLIN GAZETTE AND VISITORS’ RECORD, 1899. Fri. 3d. Silsbury Bros., 
High St., Shanklin, Isle of Wight. 

Shaw's Local Government Diary Blotting Pad, 1906. Jan. 4s. Shaw & Sons, 6-9 Fetter 
Lane, E.c. 

Advertisements received for all the Somersetshire Newspapers. [165 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

Shaw’s Local Government Manual, 1855. Jan. 8s. 6d. Shaw & Sons, 6-9 Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Shaw's Scribbling Diary, 1882. Nov. From 1s. 6d. Shaw & Sons, 6-9 Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Shaw’s Solicitor’s Almanack, 1899. Jan. ls. Shaw & Sons, 6-9 Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Sat. ld. Rigg, Allen & Co. 7 High St., Blue Town, Sheerness. (The only paper 
printed and published in the Island of Sheppey. Advt.) 

Sheffield and Rotherham Red Book and Almanack, 1863. Dec. 6d. and Is., illus. Pawson 
& Brailsford, Church Gates, Sheffield. 

+Sheffield Catholic Herald, 1907. Sat. 1d. New Catholic Press Ltd., Norfolk Chambers, 
Norfolk St., Sheffield. One of the Catholic Heraid (London) series. 

Sheffield City Almanac and Diary, 1901. Dec. 1d. C. Woollons, Keeton’s Hill, London 
Road, Sheffield. 

tSHEFFIELD DAILY TELEGRAPH, 1855. (c) 1d. Sir W. C. Leng & Co. Ltd., High 
St., Sheffield. (London: 180 and 181 Fleet St.) 

Sheffield Daily Telegraph Railway Guide, 1904. M.—Ist. 2d. Sir W. C. Leng & Co., 
Ltd., High St., Sheffield. i 

Sheffield Equalized Independent Druids Friendiy Society Quarterly Journai, 1863. Id. 
The Society, 35-7 Suffolk Road, Sheffield. 

tSHEFFIELD INDEPENDENT, 1901 (as Sheffield and Rotherham Independent, 1819). 
(2) Daily—a.m. $d. Sheffield Independent Press Ltd., 21 Fargate, Shefheld. 
(London: 17 Bouverie St.) Daily issue commenced in 1861. 

Sheffield Stock Exchange Daily List, Daily—S p.m., and Sat.—2 p.m. Subscription. 
The Secretary, Stock Exchange, Sheffield. 

{SHEFFIELD WEEKLY INDEPENDENT, 1884 (as Sheffield Independent, 1819). (D 
Thurs., for Sat. ld. Sheffield Independent Press Ltd., 21 Fargate, Sheffield. 
(London: 17 Bouverie St.) l 

{SHEFFIELD WEEKLY NEWS, 1907 (as Weekly News, 1899). Fri., for Sat. 1d. Sir - 

W. C. Leng & Co. Ltd., High St., Sheffield. (London: 180-181 Fleet St.) 

Sheffield Year Book, 1905. Jan. 6d. Sir W. C. Leng & Co. Ltd., High St., 
Sheffield. | z i 

Shepherds’ Magazine, 1883. M.—Ist. 1d. Loyal Order of Ancient Shepherds, Ashton 
Unity Friendly Society, 274 Oxford Road, Manchester. 

ADVERTISER, 1854. (ind.) Thurs.—5 p.m., for Fri. 1d. A. Byrt & Son, High St., 
Shepton Mallet. 

tSHETLAND NEWS, 1885 (with which is incorporated Orkney and Shetland Telegraph). 
(tnd.) Id. T. & J. Manson, Mounthooly St., Lerwick. - 

Shetland Pony Stud Book, 1891. July. 7s. 6d. A. Marr, 30 Union St., Aberdeen. 

tSHETLAND TIMES, 1872. (2 Fri., for Sat. 1d. Johnson & Greig, Prince Alfred St., 
Lerwick. (8 pages, largest paper in County. Official, County, Town & Auctioneers’ 
advertisements. Copy of paper and advertising rates on application. Advt.) 

Shield, 1870. Quarterly. 6d. Association for Naval and Social Hygiene, 19 Tothill 
St., Westminster, s.w. (A review of the problems in connection with Prostitution 
and Venereal Disease. Advt. 

p.m. $d. R. C. Stevenson, Barrington St., South Shields. (London: 185 Fleet St.) 

tSHIELDS DAILY NEWS, 1864. (ind.) 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. d. R. C. Stevenson, 11 & 
12 Howard St., North Shields. (London: 185 Fleet St.) n 

Shipbullder, 1906. M.—l1st. 6d, net. The Shipbuilder Press, Townsville House, Heaton, 
arabe ar Fie 

+Shipbuilding and Shipping Record, 1912. Thurs. 6d. Transport (1910) Ltd., Queen 
Anne’s Chambers, Westminster, s.w. (Advt. p. 447.) 

{SHIPLEY TIMES AND EXPRESS, 1905 (as Shipley and Saltaire Times, 1876. (ind.) 
Fri. 1d. Fanciers Newspaper Co. Ltd., Idle, Bradford. (The only newspaper 
published in the Shipley Parliamentary Division. Advt.) 

Shipping Monthly. See Ratlway and Travel Monthly. 

Shipping Trades Index, 1887. April. 5s. Carter Jepson Publishing Co. Ltd., 32 Dean 
Court, Old Bailey, E.c. | 

{Shipping World and Herald of Commerce, 1883. Wed. 6d. Shipping World Ltd. 
Effingham House, Arundel St., w.c. 

Shipping World Year Book, 1886. Feb. 10s. net. Shipping World Ltd., Effingham 
House, Arundel St., w.c. 

Shirburnian, 1859. Twice during term. 6d. F. Bennett, Sherborne, Dorset. 

Shire Horse Stud Book, 1879. Feb. 21s. Shire Horse Society, 12 Hanover Square, w. 

Shoe and Leather and Allied Trades’ News, 1916. Thurs. 1d. New Century Publishing 
-Co. Ltd., 4-5 Spencer House, South Place, Finsbury, E.c.,-(Advt. p. ill.) 

166] James Wailing, Ltd., Advertising. Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

are ee ee = 


tter Lane, £.c, 
‘ter Lane, E.c, 
r Lane, E.c. 

nd.) Fri., for 
he only paper 

illus. Pawson 
slk Chambers, 
Hill, London 
o. Ltd., High 
Leng & Co., 
ul, 1863, ld. 

ndent, 1819). 
te, Sheffield. 


t, 1819). () 
€, Sheffield. 

at. Id. Sir 
-et St.) 
High St., 

‘ds, Ashton 

1, High St., 


Alfred St., 
19 Tothill 

p.m. to 6 
5 Fleet St.) 
ason, ll & 
se, Heaton, 
td., Queen 

876. (ind.) 

newspaper - 

d., 32 Dean 
World Ltd. 
| Effingham 


r Square, w. 
4 Publishing 
p. lil.) 


. Shoe and Leather Trader, 1898 (as Scottish Leather Trader, 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

tShoe and Leather Record, 1886 (with which is incorporated Shoesellery, 1898). Thurs. 

—9 a.m., for Fri. 2d. Shoe and Leather Record Ltd., 40 Finsbury Square, B.C. 

(Advt. p. 448.) 

1880). M.—15th. 4d. A. 
Walker & Sons, 156 St. Vincent St., Glasgow. 

Shoe Manufacturers’ Monthiy, 1895. M.—3rd Fri. 
Co. Ltd., 26 Corridor Chambers, Market Place, Leicester. í 

Shoe Trades Journal, 1915 (as Boot and Shoe Trades Journal, 1880, as Boot and Shoe- 
maker, 1878; as St. Crispin, 1869). Thurs., for Fri. 2d. Burlington Publishing 
Co. Ltd., 74-77 Temple Chambers, E£.c. (Advt. p. 454.) 

tShooting Times, British Sportsman, and Kennel News, 1884 (as “Wildfowler’s’’ Illus- 
trated Shooting Times, 1882). Fri., for Sat. 2d., illus. Burlington Publishing Co. 
Ltd., 74-77 Temple Chambers, Temple Avenue, E.c. 

tShop Assistant, 1896. Thurs. 1d. Shop Assistant Publishing Co. Ltd., 186 Fleet St.,x.c. 

Shoreham, Southwick and District Local Directory, 1914. Dec. 3d. Garnett, Mepham 
& Fisher, 112 Gloster Road, Brighton. 

Showers of Blessing, 1909. M.—25th. Gratis. 
Bournemouth. (Official organ of the Apostolic Faith Church. Advt.) 

Showman’s Year Book, 1895. Jan. Members only. Era Ltd., 5 Tavistock St., Covent 
Garden, w.c. 

MERCURY, 1849. (J) Wed.*1d. Woodall, Minshall, Thomas & Co., Market St., 
Shrewsbury. One of the Oswestry, &c., Advertizer series. 

+SHREWSBURY CHRONICLE, 1772. (u) Fri.—2 a.m. Beville, Stanier and others; 
41 St. John’s Hill, Shrewsbury. 

Shrewsbury Commercial and Literary Circular, 1907. Fri. Gratis. Shrewsbury 
‘Circular,” Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd., Bellstone St., Shrewsbury. 
Shrewsbury Outiook, 1911. Thurs. Gratis. Brown & Brinnard Ltd., 5a Claremont 

St., Shrewsbury. 
tSIDCUP AND DISTRICT TIMES, 1881. (ind.) Fri—a.m. 1d: Kentish District Times, 

Co. Ltd., Times Buildings, Sidcup. 

{SIDMOUTH HERALD AND DIRECTORY, 1849. (ind.) Sat. ld. E. Culverwell & 
Sons, Fore St., Sidmouth. 

+SIDMOUTH OBSERVER AND VISITORS’ LIST, 1887. (ind.) Wed. 1d. H. J. Price, 
High St., Sidmouth. 

Sierra Leone Messenger, 1893. Quarterly. 3d., illus. Miss F. M. Hatton, 7 Upper 
Beulah Road, Upper Norwood, S.E. 

Sign, 1905. M.—18th. 4d. A. R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd., 28 Margaret St., w. 

Sign Kalendar, 1904. Dec. Id. A. R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd., 28 Margaret St., w. 

Signal Letters of British Ships, 1906 (as British Code List, 1862). Jan. 5s. Spottiswoode, 
Ballantyne & Co. Ltd., 1 New Street Square. 

Silver Grescent, Terminally. 2s. 6d. W. Heffer & Son Ltd., Sidney St., Cambridge. 

Silver Wolf, 1914. M.—ist. ld. Cambrian Press, 66 Knollys Road, Streatham, 8.w. 

Simple Testimony, 1884. M.—25th. ld. Central Bible Truth Depôt, 12 Paternoster 
Row, E.C. 

Simple Testimony Almanac, 1915. Jan. ld. Central Bible Truth Depédt, 12 Paternoster 
Row, E.C. 

Simplex Investors’ Diary, 1914. Oct. 1s. C. Letts & Co., 3 Royal Exchange, E.C. 

Sixpenny Magazine of Fiction, 1889. Occas. 44d. W. Stevens Ltd., Family Herald 
Press, 23-24 Henrietta St., w.s. (Advt. p. ib). 

SHIRE ADVERTISER, 1882. (ind.) Weds. 3d. C. H. Major & Co. Ltd., 19 Lumley 
Road, Skegness. 


_ Major & Co. Ltd., 41 Lumley Road, Skegness. 

tSketch, 1893. Wed. 6d., illus. Illustrated London News & Sketch Ltd., 172 Strand, 
Advertisement Office, 195 Strand, w.c. (Advt. p. 448). 

Shotlando Pejzago, 1907, irreg. 6d. Higgie & Co., 22 Bridge St., Rothesay. (Beautifully 
vant) from photographs. Descriptive letterpress in English and Esperanto. 


tSKYRACK COURIER, 1886. (ind.) Fri. Id. A. K. Rhodes, 2 Aire St., Leeds. 

Guardian, 1907). 

Shater’s Directory of Scotland, 1892. Every 4 years, last issue 1915. 50s. Kelly’s 
.Directories Ltd., 183 High Holborn, w.c. 

Slate Trades Gazette, 1894. M.—15th. 6d. N ational Federation of Slate Merchants, 
Slaters, and Tilers and Kindred Trades, The ‘‘Metropole,’’) West ‘St:, Hull. 

Advertisements received tor all the Sussex Newspapers. T167 

2s. per ann. Halford Publishing 

Pastor W. O. Hutchinson, Winton, . 


ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 


for Sat. 1d. W. K. Morton & Sons Ltd., 70 Southgate, Sleaford. 

Sleaford Advertiser, 1872). (i) Fri. ld. Lincolnshire Press Ltd., 14 Westgate, 
Sleaford, and 13 St. Benedict Square, Lincoln. 

tSLIGO CHAMPION, 1836. (nat.) Fri.—p.m., for Sat. Id. Wine St., Sligo. 

tSLIGO INDEPENDENT, 1855. (c) Fri.—4 p.m.,for Sat. 1d. A. Gillmor, 4 Ratcliffe 
St., Sligo. 

*t8LIGO NATIONALIST AND LEITRIM LEADER, 1910. (nat.) Fri—p.m., for Sat. 

d. B. M’Terran, Stephen St., Sligo. 

SLOUGH CHRONICLE, 1911. (c) Fri. ld. Reading Newspaper Co. Ltd., 17 Valpy 
St., Reading. One of the Berkshire Chronicle series. ` 

+SLOUGH, ETON, AND WINDSOR OBSERVER, 1883. (c) Fri—3 p.m., for Sat. ld. 
C. Luff, 56 High St., Slough. r 

+Smailholder, Smatlowner, and Smail Farmer, 1910. Thurs. Id. C. A. Pearson Ltd., 
16-18 Henrietta St., w.c. 

Smallholder Year Book, 1912. Dec. Is. C. A. Pearson Ltd., 16-18 Henrietta St., w.c. 

Smart Fiction, 1913. Thurs. 1d. Shurey’ s Publications, 17 Tudor St., E.c. 

Smart Novels, 1903. Mon. ld. Shurey’s Publications, 17 Tudor St., E.C. 

Smart Set (English Edition), 1901. M.—15th. ls. W. Dawson & Sons Ltd., Bream’s 
Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.c. Editorial and svar seins Offices : 265 Strand, w.c. 
(Advt. p. 454). 

Smart Society, 1910. M.—15th. 1d. C. Damiens & Co., 3 Pleydell Court, Fleet St., E.C. 
(Court, Society, Stage, and Music. Adut.) 

{SMETHWICK TELEPHONE, 1884. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 3d. J. Billingsley, 24 Hume 
St., Smethwick. 

{SMETHWICK WEEKLY NEWS, 1871. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Midland Printing Co., 
Simpson St., Oldbury. One of the West Bromwich Weekly News series. 

Smith's County Court Diary, 1847. Dec. 10s. 6d. net. Hazell, Watson, & Viney, Ltd., 
53 Long Acre, w.c. 

Smith's Diaries, 1837. Sept. Various. T. J. & J. Smith Ltd., 26 Charterhouse Square, E.C. 

Smith’s Registration Cases, 1891 (as Fox’s Registration Cases, 1886). Irreg. Price 
varies. Stevens & Sons Ltd., 119 & 120 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Snarks Annual, 1910. June & Dec. Is. net. Angold’s Ltd., 10 Bolt Court, Fleet St., £.c. 

Snowdrop, 1900. Quarterly. ld. S. W. Partridge, 21-2 Old Bailey, E.C. 

Soap Makers’ Directorv, 1893. Biennially ; last issue 1916. 2s. 6d. net. Simpkin & Co. 
Ltd., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.c. 

tSocial Gazette, 1896 (as Darkest England Gazette, 1893). Sat.. 4d. illus. Salvation 
Army, Judd St., King’s Cross, w.c. 

Sociai Service, 1905 (as Christian Social Service, 1902). M.—16th. 3d. National Union 
for Christian Social Service, 27 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Sociaiist (Glasgow), 1902. M.—lIst. ld. Socialist Labour Press, 50 Renfrew St., 
Glasgow. (Journal of International Socialism, Anti-Militarism, and Industrial 
Unionism. Advt.) 

Socialist Annual, 1906. Dec. 3d. and 6d. Twentieth Century Press Ltd., 37-8 Clerken- 
well Green, E.c. 

Socialist Review, 1908. Quarterly. 6d. net. Independent Labour Party, St. Bride’s 
House, Salisbury Square, E.c. : 

Socialist Standard, 1904. M.—Ist. ld. Socialist Party of Great Britain, 193 Grays 
Inn Road, w.c. 7 

Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs’ Handbook and Calendar, 1911. Jan. 9d. The Society, 
Arundel House, Arundel St., Strand, w.c. 

Sociological Review, 1908. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. net. Sherratt & Hughes, 33 Soho Square, w. 

tSOHAM AND NEWMARKET ADVERTISER, 1872. (ind.) Fri. ld. Sharman & Co. 
Ltt., High St., March. One of the Cambridgeshire Times series. 

Solicitors’ Diary, A Imanac, and Legal Directorv, 1844. Oct. 4s. to 8s. 6d. net. 
Waterlow & Sons Ltd., 85 London Wall, E. 

tSolicitors’ Gazette, 1889. Wed. 21s. per ann. J. Top & Co. Ltd., 46 Cannon St., E.C. 

tSolicitors’ Journal and Weekly Reporter, 1857. Fri.—1l a.m., for Sat. 6d. H. A. 
Villers, 27 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Solicitors’ Pocket Diary and Calendar, 1845. Dec. 4s. 6d. and 7s. 6d. Waterlow & Sons 
Ltd., 85 London Wall, E.c. 

+SOMERSET AND WILTS JOURNAL, 1855. ()) Fri—a.m. Id. Somerset and Wilts 
Journal Ltd., Catherine St., Frome. 

NEWS, 1887 (as Somerset Express). (D Sat. H. Law, The Parade, Taunton. 
(Advt. p. 458). i 

168] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

mm m m i a rr ee uM 

H. A. 

: Sons 



Willing’s Press Guide. = [ABC Lis 

tSOMERSET COUNTY GAZETTE (Bristol Express and Devonshire News), 1836. (ind.) 
Sat. ld. Woodley & Co., Castle Green, Taunton. (Advt. p. 459). 

TSOMERSET COUNTY HERALD (Bristol and Exeter Telegraph, and Great Western 
Advertiser), 1843. (c) Fri., for Sat. ld. Western Gazette Co. Ltd., 48 Bridge 
St., Taunton. (London: 53 Fleet St.) 

- Lewis & Son, 12 Northgate St., Bath, and Fortescue Rd., Radstock. (London: 
174 Fleet St.. E.C.) One of the Bath Herald series. 

tSOMERSET STANDARD, 1886 (as Frome Times, 1859). (c) Fri.—9 a.m., for Sat. 
ld. Frome Newspaper Co., 1 Church St., Frome. 

Somerset (with Bristol): Bennett's Business Directory, 1881. Annually. 3s. 6d. Bennett 
& Co., Chapel Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 456). 

Somersetshire, Gloucestershire, with Bristôl Directory, 1894. Every four years, last issue, 
1914. 36s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Sons of Temperance, 1882. M.—25th. 1d. R. J. James, 10-12 Ivy Lane, E.C. 

Sotheran’s Price Current of Literature, 1816. M.—lIst.. 3s. per ann. H. Sotheran & 
Co., 140 Strand, w.c. 

Sound Wave and Talking Machine Record, 1906. M.—Ist week. 2d. Dunlop & Co. 
Ltd., 1-2 Whitfield St., E.C. 

tSouth Africa, 1889. Sat. 6d. South Africa Ltd., 191 Bishopsgate, E.C. 

South African A B C Guide to British Manufacturing Exporters, 1896. Annually, 2s. 
Heywood & Co. Ltd., 150 Holborn, E.c. 

South African Directory, 1888. Jan. 25s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

South ale Engineering, 1903. M.—Ist. 6d. South African Engineering Publishing 

199 Strand, w.c. 

South “African Pioneer, 1887. M.—Ist. Marshall Bros. Ltd., 47 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

South African Year Book, 1914. April. 10s. net. G. Routledge & Sons Ltd., 68-74 
Carter Lane, E.c. 

South America, 1912. M—lIst. ld. Marshall Bros. Ltd., 47 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

tSouth American Journal, 1878 (as Brazil and River Plate Mail, 1863). Fri.—7-30 p.m., 
for Sat. 6d. South American Journal & Publishing Co. Ltd., 9 New Broad St., E.C. 

South American Misr oaary Magazine, 1856 (N.S. 1867) (as A Voice for South America) . 
M.—lIst. 1d., illus. C. Murray, 11 Ludgate Square, E.C. 

South American Year Book and Directory, 1913. Jan. 25s. L. Cassier & Co. Ltd., 
33 Bedford St., Strand, w.c. 

South and East Africa, 1913. Nov. ls. net. Sampson Low, Marston & Co. Ltd., 
100 Southwark St., s.£. 

South Australia Post Office Directory (Wise’s), 1895. Irreg. Last issue 1906. 27s. 6d. 
Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

SOUTH BANK EXPRESS, 1908. (ind.) Fri. $4. T. Nicholls & Son, Standard Buildings, 
Redcar. One of the Cni Stantard series. 

SOUTH BRISTOL FREE PRESS, &c., 1909. (ini.) Sat. 4d. Bristol Free Press and 

~ Advertising Co. Ltd., Bristol. One of the Clifton, &c., Free Press series. 

-& SOUTH OXFORDSHIRE GAZETTE, 1856. (ind.) Fri. ld. Butler & Son, 
20 High Street, High Wycombe. 
South Derry & District Almanac & Directory, 1889. Dec. ld. J. & H.L. Glasgow, Cookstown. 
South Devon and East Cornwall Hospital Report, 1840. May. Gratis. W. Brendon & 
Son Ltd., Plymouth. $ 
Gill & Son, 101 Fore St., Kingsbridge. 

tSOUTH. DEVON WEEKLY EXPRESS, 1907 (as Weekly Express, 1855). (c) Fri. 1d. 
A. R. Holcombe, Fore St., Chudleigh. 

WEALD OF KENT COUNTY OBSERVER, 1853. (c) Fri—4 p.m., for Sat. Id. 
F. J. Parsons Ltd., 14 Claremont, Hastings. 

fSOUTH-EASTERN GAZETTE, 1815, (with which is incorporated the Maidstone and 
Kentish Journal). (ind.) Tues., ld. ; Sat., $d. South-Eastern Gazette Newspaper 
Co. Ltd., 4 High St., Maidstone. 

tSOUTH- EASTERN HERALD, 1882. (c) Fri.—5 a.m. $d. South-Eastern Press Ltd., 
139 Greenwich Road, S.E. 

Sat. ld. Mexborough Times Co. Ltd., 50 High St., Mexborough. One of the Mex- 
borough, &c., Times series. 

JOURNAL. Sat. ld. E. Brown, High St., Thornbury. 

Adueyticements veceined tor all the Hambshive Newsbhaters. [160 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

{SOUTH GLOUCESTERSHIRE GAZETTE, 1912. (ind.) Fri. d. General Publishing 
Syndicate Ltd., 29 Queen Square, Bristol. 

South London Harriers’ Gazette and Club Chronicle, 1884. M.—I1st. For members. 
E. J. Hoit, ‘‘ Midhurst,” The Avenue, Coulsden. | 

12 noon, for Wed.; Fri.—12 noon. 1d. W. H. Green, 84 Church St., “Camberwell, S.E. 

tSOUTH LONDON PRESS, 1865. Fri.—7 a.m. 1d. South London Press Ltd., 70-74 
London Road, Elephant and Castle, siz. (Adut. p. 459). 

1907 (as West Bridgford Chronicle, 1904). (ind.) Sat. 4d. J. B. Pollard, 14 
Wordsworth Road, West Bridgford. , 

{SOUTH NOTTS ECHO, 1899. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Kirk Publishing Co. Ltd., 

9 St. Peter’s Gate, Nottingham. One ofthe Nottingham & Notts Local News series. 
South Shore Leader, 1914. Thurs. Gratis. Sharples & Sons, Britannia Place, South 

Shore, Blackpool. 

South Wales and Monmouth: Bennett's Business Directory, 1881. Annually. 3s. 6d. — 

Bennett & Co., Chapel ‘Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 456). 

{SOUTH WALES ARGUS, 1892. (2) Daily—noon. 4d, C. D. Stentiford, 14 High St., 
Newport, Mon. (London : 88 Fleet St.) 

South Wales Coal and Iron Companies, 1S0 March. Is. net. The Business Statistics 
Co. Ltd., Baltic House, Cardiff. 

South Wales ‘Coal Annual, 1903. Sept. 7s. 6d. net. The Business Statistics Co. Ltd., 
Baltic House, Cardiff. (Statistics; prices; freights, &c.,’of steam, bituminous 
and anthracite coal; coke; patent fuel ; ‘pitwood ; documents used in the coal 
trade ; list of South Wales and Monmouthshire Collieries. The Standard reference 
book of the South Wales Coal Trade. Adot.) 

South Wales Colliery Officials’ Magazine, 1887. Feb. and alter.-M. Members only. 
Evans & Short, Tonypandy. 

tSOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS, 1872. () 1.30 am. 1d. D, Duncan & Sons Ltd., 
102-106 St. Mary St., Cardiff. (London: 190 Fleet St.) 

{SOUTH WALES DAILY POST, 1893. (c) p.m. $d. South Wales Post Newspaper 
Co. Ltd., 211 High St., Swansea. ` (London : 92 Fleet St.) 

tSOUTH WALES ECHO, 1884. (ind.) Eight editions. Daily—12 noon. $d. D. Duncan 
& Sons Ltd., 102- 106 St. Mary St., Cardiff. (London: 190 Fleet St.) 

tSOUTH WALES GAZETTE AND NEWPORT NEWS, 1888. (J) Fri. 1d. South Wales 
Gazette Ltd., 37 King St., Abertillery, Mon. 

South Wales Investment Circular, 1887. M.—lIst. 2s. 6d. per ann. Lyddon & Sons, 
‘Bute Docks, Cardiff. 

{SOUTH WALES PRESS, 1853 (with which is incorporated Llanelly Press). (J) Wed. 
for Thurs. 1d. J. Davies & Co. Ltd., Murray St., Llanelly. 

tSOUTH WALES WEEKLY ARGUS, 1829. (i) Fri., for Sat. 1d. C. D. Stentiford, 
14 High St., Newport, Mon. l 

tSOUTH WALES WEEKLY POST, 1893. (c) Sat. 1d. South Wales Post Newspaper 
Co. Ltd., 211 High St., Swansea. (London: 92 Fleet St.) 

1888. (u) Fri., for Sat. 3d. E. Lewis, Old Corn Exchange, Haverhill. 

South-Western Railwav Magazine, 1915 (as South-Western Gazette, 1880). M.—Ist. 
ee 7 The Editor, The Station, Esher. (Advertisement Department : 63 Ludgate 

ill, E.C. 

SOUTH-WESTERN STAR, 1877. (ind.) Fri. 1d. A.W H. Morgan, 160 Falcon Road, 
Clapham Junction, s.w. 

(c) Id. Thurs.—5 p.m. C. E. & S. J. King, 76 King St., Southall One of the 
Uxbridge Gazette series. (Advt. p. 457). 

+Southampton and District Pictorial, 1912. Wed.~1d. Hampshire Advertiser Co. Ltd., 
45 Above Bar, Southampton. (London: 69 Fleet St.) 

Southampton Directory, 1886. Annually. 5s. Kelly’ s Directories Ltd., 182 High 

Holborn, w.c. 

Southampton Times Co. Ltd., 70 Above Bar, Southampton. (London : 92 Fleet St.) 

sian ieee Flock Book, 1892. June. 10s. 6d. Southdown Sheep Society, 12 Hanover 


{Southend and Westclitf Graphic, 1907. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Southend & Westcliff Graphic 
Ltd., 43 Alexandra St., Southend. (London: 13 Bread St. Hill.) 

Southend Directory, 1899. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High 
Holborn, w.c. 

-mana A AAAA 
170] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 


Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Wed. 4d. Essex Weekly News series Ltd., Clarence St., Southend. 

6am. ld. J. H. Burrows & Sons Ltd., Cliff Town Road, Southend. 

Fri., for Sat. 4a. J. H. Burrows & Sons Ltd., Cliff Town Road, Southend. 

Southern Co-operative Education Association Record, 1903. M.—14th. Subscription. 
The Society, 116 Second Avenue, Manor Park, E. 

Southern Cross Log, 1894. M.—29th. ld. Melanesian Mission, Church House, Dean’s 
Yard, Westminster, s.w. . 

{SOUTHERN DAILY ECHO, 1888. (ind.) Six editions daily. $d. Hampshire Advertiser 
Co. Ltd., 45 Above Bar, Southampton. A daily newspaper for Hants, Wilts, 
Dorset, and the Isle of Wight. (London: 69 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 459). 

Southern England, 1912. Annually. 1s. Homeland Association Ltd., 37-8 Maiden 
Lane, w.c. 

(ind.) Sat. Id. E. A. Colborne, 142 Commercial Road, Bournemouth. One of the 
Bournemouth Guardian series. 

{SOUTHERN PRESS, 1892 (as South Suburban Press, 1887). (ind.) Fri. $d. J. Cossar, 
577 Govan Road, Govan. One of the Govan Press series.’ 

tSOUTHERN REPORTER, 1855. (ind.) Thurs. ld. George Lewis & Co., 53 High 
St., Selkirk. (Edinburgh Office, 100 Princes St.). (A popular journal ‘circulating 
throughout the Scottish Borders and in Edinburgh, Glasgow, &c. No advertising 
proposition intended to appeal to the people of the Border districts of Scotland 
is complete that does not include The Southern Reporter. Advt.) 

Southern Rhodesia, 1915. Quarterly. 3d. H. Sotheran & Co., 140 Strand, w.c. 

Southern Slav Bulletin, 1916. Ist and 16th. Gratis. Christophers, 22 Berners St., w. 

tSOUTHERN STAR, 1890. (nat.) Thurs., Fri. and Sat. ld. J. Collins, Townshend 
St., Skibbereen. 

Sime & Co., 100 St. Mary St., Weymouth. 

tSOUTHERN WEEKLY NEWS, 1876. Sat.—4 a.m. ld. Southern Publishing Co. 
Ltd., 130 North St., Brighton. Telephones: Nat. 52; P.O. 1672. (London: 
69 Fleet St.). (Telephone 2268 Holborn.) 

Southern Worker, 1912. (/ab.) M.—lIst. 3d. E. J. Stocker, 60 Holdenhurst Road, 

SOUTHGATE CHRONICLE, 1859. (ind.) Fri-—7 a.m., for Sat. Id. E. Cowing & Son, 

«High St., Barnet. One of the Barnet Press series. 

Fri. & Sat. ld. Gregory & Son, South Molton. One of the Tiverton Gazette series. 

Wed. and Sat. ld. J. J. Riley, 267 Lord St., Southport. 

SOUTHPORT JOURNAL, 1882 (with which is incorporated the Southport Weekly News 
and Birkdale and Ainsdale Standard), (ind.) Fri., for Sat. Gratis. W. Ashton & 
Sons Ltd., Corporation St., Southport. : 

HERALD, 1844. (c) Tues., Thurs., Sat.—4 a.m. ld. 28 Tulketh St., Southport. 
(London : 134 Fleet St.) 

Southport Welcome, 1903. M.—lIst. Gratis. Lowes btd., 87 London St., Southport. 

1900 (as Southwark Recorder and Newington Gazette, 1868). (ind.) Fri. ld. 35 
Dockhead, S.E. 

Southwark Diocesan Chronicle, 1905. M.—24th. 2d. Longmans, Green & Co., 39 
Paternoster Row, E.c. ` 

Southwark Diocesan Directory, 1906. Jan. 2s. net. Wells Gardner, Darton & Co. Ltd., 
3-4 Paternoster Buildings, E.C. 

Southwell Diocesan Calendar Clergy List and Almanac, 1885. June. 1s. 6d. Simpkin 
& Co. Ltd., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.c. 

Southwell Diocesan Magazine, 1888. M.—Ist. 14d. Rev. J. M. Cunningham, Littleover 
Vicarage, Derby. , 

Sower, 1862. M.—27th. ld. S. G. Madgwick, 26 Ivy Lane, E.C. 

tSPALDING AND LINCOLNSHIRE STANDARD, 1912. (c) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Lincoln- 
shire Standard Ltd., Threadneedle St. Boston. One of the Lincolnshire Standard 
series. (Advt. p. 457). 


ADVERTISER, 1881. (/) Fri., for Sat. 1d. H. L. Gethin, 20’Station/St., Spalding 

Advertisements received for all the American Newspapers. [171 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

Spalding’s Handbook, Diary, and Almanack, 1874. Dec. 6d. W. P. Spalding, 43 Sidney 
St., Cambridge. 
Spalding’s Street and General Directory, 1875. Sept. 5s. W. P. Spalding, 43 Sidney 
St., Camtbridge. 
Spare Moments, 1888. Sat., for Mon. ld. F. A. Wickhart, 11 Gough Square, Fleet 
St., E.C. 
Sparks, 1914. Tues. $d. J. Henderson & Son Ltd., Red Lion House, Red Lion Court, E.C. 
Specialists’ Saturday information, 1905. Fri., for Sat. Is. F. W. Guest, 3 Clement’s 
Inn, Strand, w.c. 
Specification, 1898 (with which is incorporated Municipal Engineers’ Specification, 1905). 
Nov. 3s. 6d. Technical Journals Ltd., 27-29 Tothill St., Westmmster, s.w. 
tSpectator, 1828. (Zlu) Fri., 1 p.m., for Sat. 6d. 1 Wellington St., Strand, w.c. 
Spectator Year Book and Directory, 1904. Dec. 2d. D. E. Alexander, Ashley ‘Buildings, 
, Bangor, co. Down. 
tSPHERE, 1900 (with which is incorporated Black & White, 1891). Fri., for Sat. 6d. 
Sphere & Tatler Ltd., 6 Great New St., E.c. (Advt. p. Iv.). 
Spink & Son’s Monthly Numismatic Circular, 1892. Ist. od 6d. per ann. Spink & Son 
Ltd., 17 and 18 Piccadilly, w. (Everything relating to Coins and Medals. Advt.) 
Spiritua ‘Life, 1916 (with which is incorporated Tongues of Five, 1891). M.—26th. 
ld. P. L. Publishing Co. Ltd., 27-9 Tothill St., s.w. 
Spiritual Power, 1907. M.—2nd Fri., 7d. Power Book Co., 329 High Holborn, w.c. 
Spon’s Architects’ and Builders’ Pocket Price Book and Diary, 1873. Dec. 2s. 6d. net. 
illus. E. & F. N. Spon Ltd., 57 Haymarket, S.W. 
rere 5 1880: Sat. 1d. The Freeman’s Journal Ltd., 4-7 Prince’s St., Dublin. (London : 
11 Strand.) 
Sport and Play and Wheel Life, 1886. Sat.—Mar. to Sept. ld. Sport and Play Ltd., 
Lucifer House, Lionel St., Birmingham. 
+Sporting Chronicie, 1871. Daily—a.m. ld. E. Hulton & Co. Ltd., Withy Grove, 
Manchester. (Iondon: 46 Shoe Lane.) 
Sporting Chronicle Annual, 1877. Dec. 6d. E. Hulton & Co. Ltd., Withy Grove, 
Sporting Chronicle Bowling Annual 1907. May. 3d. E. Hulton & Co. Ltd., Withy 
Grove, Manchester. 
Sporting Chronicle “Horses in Training,” 1891. Feb. 6d. E. Hulton & Co. Ltd., Withy 
Grove, Manchester. 
Sporting Chronicle Racing-up-to-date, 1897. Sat. 1s. E. Hulton & Co. Ltd., Withy 
Grove Manchester. (London: 46, Shoe Lane.) | 
Sporting Chronicle Weekly Handicap Book, 1887. Sat. ld. E. Hulton & Co. Lfd., 
Withy Grove, Manchester. a j 
Sporting Goods Review, &c., 1891. M.—15th. 4d. E. H. Stone, 8 Bream’s Buildings, 
Chancery Lane, E.C. 
tSPORTING LIFE, 1859. Daily—1 a.m. Id. 148 Fleet St., E.C. 5 
Sporting Life Companion, 1875. Dec. 2d. 148 Fleet St., E.c. 
Sporting Life Racing Guide, 1880. Sat. 1d. 148 Fleet St., E.C. 
Sporting Pink, 1895. Five editions—6 to 12 a.m. 4d. Yorkshire Liberal Newspaper | 
l & Publishing Co. Ltd., 14-15 Trinity St., Leeds. (London: 85 Fleet St.) 
tSporting Times, 1865 (with which is incorporated the Man of the World and the 
Looking Glass, 1912). Fri., for Sat. 2d. Sporting Times Ltd., 18 Regent St., s.w. 
tSporting World, 1879. Mon. ahd Fri., for Sat. ld. 5 Fetter Lane, E.C. 
{Sports Express, 1903. Sat. 4d. Eastern Morning and Hull News Co. Ltd., 42 White- 
friargate, Hull. (London: 159 Fleet St.) — , 
tSports Gazette (Middlesbrough), 1904. Sat.—two editions. $d. A. Pickering, North 
Eastern Newspapers Ltd., Zetland Road, Middlesbrough. 
TSports Mail, 1913. Sat. 4d. E. S. Lewis, 22 Whitefriargate, Hull. 
tSports Special, 1914 citi which are incorporated Football and Sports Special, 1907, 
The Week, 1907, and the Week and Sports Special, 1911). Sat. $d. Sir W. C. Leng 
& Co. Ltd., Aldine Court, High St., Sheffield. 
{Sports Times, 1910. Sat—p.m. 4d. Bristol Times and Mirror Ltd., St. Stephen’s St., 
+Sports Trader, 1907. M.—15th. 5s. per ann. W. B. Tattersall Ltd., 40-43 Fleet St., E.C. 
Sports Trades’ Jeurnal, 1902. M.—15th. 5s. per ann. Sicilian House,Southampton Row,w.c. 
ee 1865. Daily—a.m. ld. Ashley & Smith Ltd., Bridewell House, Bridewell 
ace, E.C. 
Sportsman’s and Tourist’s Guide to Scotland, 1873. May & Aug. Is., abs: Simpkin 
& Co. Ltd., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.C. 


72] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Sportsman's Engagement Book, 1913. ` Dec. 2s. 6d. A. Webster & Co., 44 Dover 
Street, w. 

Sportsman’s Monthly Guide to the Turf, 1881. M.—last week, April to Nov. 3d to 6d. 
Ashley & Smith Ltd., Bridewell House. Bridewell Place, E.c. 

Sportsman’s Weekly Racing Quide and Lunar Month, 1913 (as Lunar Month, 1884). 

' Sat. 2d. Ashley & Smith Ltd., Bridewell House, Bridewell Place, E.c. 

Springing Well, 1897. M.—25th. ld., illus. A. Holness, 13-14 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Springtime, and Christian Endeavour, 1899 (as Springtime, 1886). M.—25th. 2d., illus. 

. Johnson, Holborn Hall, Clerkenwell Road, E.c. 

Spur, 1914. M.—Ist. ld. G. A. Aldred, 17 Richmond Gardens, Shepherds Bush, w. 

Spurgeon's Illustrated Almanack, 1862. Nov. ld., illus. Marshall Bros. Ltd., Keswick 

_ House, 47 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

. Squares o’ Yorkshire, 1909. July. 3d. W. Saville, 19 The Green, Idle, Bradford.°* 

Squtlls Diary, Stud Book, Training Register and Almanac, 1899. Jan. ls. Racing 
Pigeon Publishing Co. Ltd., 19 Doughty St., E.C. 

Staff LOE Reports & Examination Papers. Aug. Ís. Wyman & Sons Ltd., Fetter Lane, 

Staffordshire : Bennett's Business Directory, 1881. Annually. 3s. 6d. Bennett & Co., 
Chapel Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 456). 

{STAFFORDSHIRE ADVERTISER, 1795. (tnd.) Sat. ld. J. & C. Mort Ltd’, 39 
Greengate St., Stafford. (The recognised county paper for the past 120 years, and 
the only journal which circulates in every town and village in Staffordshire. Advt.) 

{Staffordshire Catholic News, 1907. Sat. 1d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 1 Swan Passage, 

Worcester St., Birmingham. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

{STAFFORDSHIRE CHRONICLE, 1877 (with which is incorporated Stone Weekly News). 
(tnd.) Sat. Id. Allison & Bowen Ltd., 19 Greengate St:, Stafford. (The leading 
County penny paper for Mid and Central Staffordshire. ' Adyt.) , 

{STAFFORDSHIRE SENTINEL, 1854. (ind.) Daily—1.30 p.m. $d. Staffordshire 
Sentinel Ltd., Stoke- on-Trent. (London : 44 Fleet St.). (The only daily paper 
in North Staffordshire. Certified daily net circulation 61,749. Advt.) 

{STAFFORDSHIRE WEEKLY SENTINEL, 1854. (ind.) Fri. —a.m., for Sat. ld. 
Staffordshire Sentinel Ltd., Stoke-on- Trent. (The premier weekly of the North 
Midlands. Certified circulation, 24,025 weekly. Advt.). 

tStage, 1881 (as Stage Directory, 1880). Thurs.—2 a.m. 2d. Carson & Comerford 
Ltd., 16 York St., Covent Garden, w.c. 

Stage Society Annual Report, 1899. Aug. Gratis. Stage Society, 36 Southampton St., 
Strand, w.c: 

Stage Year Book, 1908. Jan. ls. Carson & Comerford Ltd., 16 York St., Covent 
Garden, w.c. 

Daily and Weekly Newspaper Ltd., Yorkshire St., Oldham. One of the Oldham 
Standard series. (London: 134 Fleet St.) 

tSTALYBRIDGE HERALD, 1887. (c) Fri., for Sat., 1d. Herald P. & P. Co. Ltd., 
Cavendish Works, Ashton-under-Lyne. One of the A shton-under-Lyne Herald series. 

tSTALY BRIDGE REPORTER, 1855. (/) Fri., for Sat. 14d. J. Andrew & Co., Market 
Place, Ashton-under-Lyne. One of the Ashton Reporter series. 

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE CH RONICLE, 1912 (with which is incorporated Stamford 
Guardian, 1875). (ind.) Tues. d. G. H. Haynes, Maiden Lane, Stamford. 
(Guaranteed circulation 5,000 weekly. Advt.) 

Stamford Hill Pulpit, 1888. M —lst. ld. Crowther & Goodman, 124 Finchurch St., E.C. 

Stamp Collecting, 1913. Sat. ld. F. H. Vallancey, 89 Farringdon St. (Largest circu- 
lation in Great Britain. Printers’ and Publishers’ guarantee supplied. Advt.) 

Stamp Cellector, 1896. M.—25th. Id. Margoschis Bros., Constitution Hill, Birmingham. 

Stamp Collector's Annual, 1903. Feb. ls. net. Aldine Publishing Co. Ltd., Crown 

. Court, Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Stamp Collectors’ Fortnightly, 1904 (with which is incorporated Stamps, 1893). Alter. 
Fri. Id. Plumridge & Co., 63 & 64 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Stamp Collectors’ Quarterly, 1916. 6d. net. F. H; Vallancey, 89 Farringdon St., E.c. 

Stamp Lover, 1908. M.—1ist. 2d. H. F. Johnson, 44 Fleet St., E.C. 

Standard Catalogue of Postage Stamps, 1910 (as Universal Standard Catalogue of Postage 
Stamps of the World, 1899). Nov. 2s. 6d. Whitfield, King & Co., Ipswich. 
Standing Orders of the Lords and Commons, 1836. Sessional. Nov. 55. Waterlow & 

Sons Ltd., 85 London Wall, E.c. 


North of England Newspaper Co. Ltd., Station Road, Stanley, County Durham, 

Advertisements received tor all the Continental! Newsbabers. [172 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

ee + ee ee 

+STANMORE GAZETTE, 1900. (ind.) Thurs., for Fri. 1d. Clarke & Ashmore, 54 
High St., Harrow. One of the Harrow Gazette series. l 

STANMORE OBSERVER, 1895. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Sholl & Kay, Station Road, Harrow. One 

of the Harrow Observer series. (The local paper, largest guaranteed circulation. Advt.) 

tSTAR (LONDON), 1888. (/) Daily—even. d. Daily News Ltd., 17 Bouverie St., E.C. 

İSTAR (GUERNSEY), 1812. (ind.) Daily—p.m. d. Star Newspaper P. & P. Co. 
Ltd., 2 Bordage St., St. Peters Port, Guernsey. l 

Star in the East, 1893. Quarterly. 1d. Bible Lands Missions’ Aid Society, 358 Strand,w.c. 

Star of Russia, 1916. M.—Ist. 6d. 54 Gordon St., Glasgow. 

Statesman’s Year Book, 1864. May. 10s. 6d. net. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., St. Martin’s 
St., w.c. - 

Stationers’, Printers’, Publishers’, Booksellers’, &c., Directory, 1872. Every four years. 

j Last issue 1916. 27s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Stationery Trades Journal, 1880. M.—Ist. 2s. 6d. per ann., illus. J. Whitaker & Sons 
Ltd., 12 Warwick Lane, E.C. 

Stationery World and Fancy Goods Review, 1891. M.—25th. 6d., illus. S. C. Phillips 
& Co., 47 Cannon St., E.C. 

tStatist, 1878. Sat. 6d. Statist Co. Ltd., 51 Cannon St., E.c. A Journal of Practical 
Finance and Trade. (Advt. p. 454.) 

Statistical Tables of the Patients under Treatment in the Wards of St. Bavtholomew’s 
Hospital, 1860. Oct. Gratis. The Medical and Surgical Registrars, St. Bartholo- 
mew’s Hospital, E.c. 

Statist’s Mines of Africa, 1910. June. 21s. Statist Co. Ltd. , 51 Cannon St., E.C. 

Steamship, 1889. M.—Ist. 6d., illus. J. Lockie, 2 Custom House Chambers, Leith: 

Stella Maris, 1901. M.—20th. ld. J. Griffin, Manresa Press, Roehampton. 

Stevens’ Annual, 1898. Jan. ls. M. T. Stevens Ltd., Church St., Malvern. 

{STEVENSTON NEWS, 1893 (with which is incorporated Stevenston Gazette). (u) Fri. 
ld. C. Murchland, High St., Irvine. One of the Irvine Herald series. 

10 a.m. 1d. Ivie A. Callan, 38 High St., Dalbeattie. 

Stewart’s College Magazine, 1910. Terminally. 1s. J. & J. Gray & Co., St. James 
Place, Edinburgh. 

{STIRLING JOURNAL AND ADVERTISER, 1820. (u) Thurs.—noon. ld. Scott, 

_ Learmonth & Allan, 9 King St., Stirling. 

{STIRLING OBSERVER, 1836. (4) Tues. $d. Jamieson & Munro, 40 Craigs, Stirling. 

—l p.m., for Sat. ld. Jamieson & Munro, 40 Craigs, Stirling. 

{STIRLING SENTINEL, 1888. (ind.) Tues—I1 p.m. ld. McIntyre & Pearson, 
9 Barton St., Stirling. | 

Stitchery, 1912. Quarterly. 3d. net. Annual ls. net. R. T. S., 4 Bouverie St., E.C. 

¢S8tock Exchange Daily Ofticiai List, 1899 (as London Daily Stock and Share List, 1843). 
p.m. £4 per ann. The Trustees and Managers of the Stock Exchange, 4 Copthall 
Buildings, E.c. . 

tStock Exchange Gazette, 1901. Thurs. 6d. Cassell & Co., La Belle Sauvage Yard, E.C. 
T. Skinner & Co., 77-81 Gresham House, E.C. 

Stock Exchange Handbook, 1899. Jan. 1s. and 2s. Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & Co. Ltd., 
1 New Street Square, E.C. j 

Stock Exchange Investment Handbook, 1908. Feb. 2s. 6d. H. O. Lloyd & Co. Ltd., 
327 Upper St., Islington, N. 

Stock Exchange Official Intelligence, 1898 (as Burdett’s Official Intelligence, 1882). 
March. 50s. Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & Co. Ltd., -1 New Street Square, £.c. 

Stock Exchange Report, 1893. Fri. 1d. H. O. Lloyd & Co. Ltd., 327 Upper Street, 
Islington, N. 

ee Review, 1884. Wed. and Sat. 6d. Advance News Agency, 80a Coleman 

t., E.C. 

Stock Exchange’s Ten Year Record, 1907. April. 10s. F. C. Mathieson & Sons, 16 
Copthall Avenue, E.C. 

t8tock Exchange Weekly Official Intelligence, 1889 (as Weekly Official Intelligence, 
1882). Sat. £2 10s. per ann. The Trustees and Managers of the Stock Exchange, 

_4 Copthall Buildings, £.c. 
sae cert Year Book, 1874. Dec. 35s. net. T. Skinner & Co., 77-81 Gresham 
ouse, E.C. 

tSTOCKPORT ADVERTISER AND GUARDIAN, 1822. (c) Fri—morn. ld. Swain 

& Co. Ltd., King St. East, Stockport. 

174) James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agenis, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

STOCKPORT COUNTY BOROUGH EXPRESS, 1889. (ind.) Thurs. $d. Connell & 

Bailey Ltd., 8-10 St. Peter’s Square, Stockport. (Delivered to 14,500 houses and 
large Postal and Subscription circulation. Specially reports Local News. Has 
exceptional number of public notices and small ads. of “wanted” class. Advt.) 

Stockport District Express, 1895. M.—2nd Tues. d. Connell & Bailey Ltd., 8-10 
St. Peter’s Square, Stockport. (Delivered to 6,000 houses in suburbs of Stock- 
port. Much used by Tradesmen. Advt.) 

. Stockport Express Annual, 1898. Dec. ld. Connell & Bailey Ltd., 8-10 St. Peter’s 

Square, Stockport. 

Fri., for Sat. ld. D. Craig, Castle House, Stockton. 
STOCKTON HEATH REVIEW, 1904. (ind.) Thurs. Gratis. Warrington Review 

P. & P. Co. Ltd., Rose St., Warrington. One of the Warrington Review series. 

Stoke Newington, Stamford Hill, and Clapton Directory, 1881. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s 

: Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Stone & Cox's Accident Insurance Tables, 1906. July. 1s. Insurance Publishing 
Co. Ltd., 85 Fleet St., E.c. e 

Stone & Cox's Accident Year Book, 1908. June. 10s. 6d. Insurance Publishing Co. 
Ltd., 85 Fleet St., E.c. 

Stone & Cox’s Bonus Insurance Tables, 1912. March. 1s. Insurance Publishing Co. Ltd., 
85 Fleet St., E.c. 

Stone & Cox’s Colonial Life Insurance Tables, 1910. June. 2s. 6d. Insurance Pub- 
lishing Co. Ltd., 85 Fleet St., E.C. 

Stone & Cox’s Five Year Book, 1910. April. 10s. 6d. Insurance Publishing Co. Ltd., 
85 Fleet St., E.c. 

Stone & Cox’s House Purchase Insurance Tables, 1912. June. 1s. Insurance Publishing 
Co. Ltd., 85 Fleet St., E.c. 

Stone & Cox's Industrial Life Insurance Tables, 1904. May. ls. Insurance Publishing 
Co. Ltd., 85 Fleet St., E.c. l 

Stone & Cox’s Life Insurance Policy Conditions, 1916. Jan. ls. 9d. Insurance 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 85 Fleet St., E.C. 

Stone & Cox's Motor Insurance Tables, 1912. Mar. 1s. 6d. Insurance Publishing 
Co. Ltd., 85 Fleet St., E.C. 

Stone & Cox’s Ordinary Life Insurance Tables, 1903. April. 1s. 6d. Insurance Publishing 
Co. Ltd., 85 Fleet St., E.C. 

Stone Trades’ Journal, 1900 (with which is incorporated the Stonemason, 1882). M.— 
lst. 6d. Woodford Fawcett Co., 36-38 Southampton St., Strand, w.c. 

Thurs. ld. J. Taylor & Co., Market Square, Stonehaven. 

Stone’s Justice Manual, 1842. Jan. 25s. Butterworth, Bell Yard, Temple Bar, w.c. 

Stonyhurst Magazine, 1881. Six times a year. 6d. The Editor, Stonyhurst College, 

Stortfordian, 1886. Terminally. 1s. The Editor, The College, Bishop’s Stortford. 

Storyteller, 1907. M.—7th. 6d. net. Cassell & Co. Ltd., La Belle Sauvage, E.C. 

STOWMARKET COURIER, 1868. (c) Thurs. ld. E. Lewis, Station Road, Sudbury. 
One of the Suffolk and Essex Free Press series. 

{STOWMARKET WEEKLY POST, 1905. (u) Wed., for Thurs. 1d. Bury & Norwich Post 
Co.Ld., 19 Abbeygate St., Bury St. Edmunds. One of the Bury & Norwich Post 

tSTRABANE CHRONICLE, TYRONE ADVERTISER, 1896. (ınd.) Sat. 1d. North-West 
of Ireland P. & P. Co. Ltd., Townhall St., Strabane. One of the Ulster Herald series. 

TSTRABANE WEEKLY NEWS, 1908. (u) Sat. ld. Tyrone Constitution Ltd., 
25 High St., Omagh. 

Strad, 1890. M.—25th. 2d. J. Leng & Co. Ltd., 186 Fleet St., E.C. 

Straight Talk, 1915 (with which is incorporated Welldoer, 1907). Quarterly. ld. H. L. J. 

l Jones, 119-121 Limekiln Lane, Liverpool. 

Strand Magazine, 1891. M.—25th. 6d., illus. G. Newnes Ltd., 8-11 Southampton St., 
Strand, w.c. ; | Sey 

Stratford Co-operative Magazine, 1895. M.—Ist Sat. 1d. Stratford Co-operative Society 
Ltd., 54 Maryland St., Stratford, E. 

STRATFORD EXPRESS, 1858 (as Stratford Times, 1854). (ind.) Wed.—I1 p.m., 4d.; 
Fri—4 p.m., for Sat., 1d. Wilson & Whitworth Ltd., Broadway, Stratford, £. 
Telephone, East 932.) 

1860. (ind.) Fri. ld. G. Boyden, 29 High St., Stratford-on-Avon. 

{STRATHEARN HERALD, 1856. (u) Sat. id. D. Philips, Comrie St.,. Crieff. 

Advertisements received for all the Continental Newspapers. [t= 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

. Thurs. ld. A. Tulloch, The Square, Grantown-on-Spey. 

Strathspey News and Gravitewn-on-800y Supplement, 1881. Sat. d. <A. Stuart 
Grantown-on-Spey. z 

Streatham and Norwood Directory, 1909. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 
‘High Holborn, w.c. 

Streatham Free Press, 1882. Fri. ld. Brixton Free Press Printing and Advertising 
Co. Ltd., 429 Brixton Road, s.w. One of the Brixton Free Press series. 

(ind.) Thurs., for Fri. ld. Neves & Biscoe, Ltd., 1 Gleneldon Road, High Road, 
Streatham, s.w. (Leading Loca] Paper. Largest and most influential circulation. 
Telephone: Streatham 475. Advt. p. 458). 

Streatham Red Book and Almanack, 1913. Dec. ld. Neves & Biscoe Ltd., 1 Gleneldon 
Road, Streatham, s.w. 

Street's Newspaper Directory, 1890. Jan. 3s. 6d. G. Street & Co. Ltd., 8 Serle St., w.c. 

tSTRETFORD DIVISION ADVERTISER, 1883. (c) Fri. ld. Swain & Co. Ltd., ‘King 
St. East, Stockport. Ome of the Stockport Advertiser series. 

{STRETFORD TELEGRAPH, 1898. (ind.) Fri. ld. Telegraph Printing Co. Ltd., 
Railway Road, Urmston. One of the Western Telegraph series. 

Strict oe Mission Herald, 1909. M. —Ist. ld. R. Banks & Co., Racquet Court, Fleet 

STROKESTOWN DEMOCRAT, 1907. (nat.) Thurs. ld. P. Morahan, Strokestown, 
Co. Roscommon. 

W. Thompson, Lansdown, Stroud. 

ld. Stroud News Publishing Co. Ltd., George Street, Stroud. 

Stubbs’ Commercial Year Book and Gazette Index, 1869. Jan. Subscription. Stubbs 
Ltd., 42 Gresham St., E.c. 

Stubbs’ Directory (British and Foreign), 1879. Annually. 21s. Stubbs Publishing Co. 
Ltd., Dashwood House, New Broad St., E.c. 

Stubbs’ Hotel Guide (Brittsh and Foreign), 1891. Annually. 10s. 6d. Stubbs Publishing 
Co. Ltd., Dashwood House, New Broad St., E.c. 

{Stubbs’ Weekly Gazette and List of Creditors, 1853. Wed. Subscription. Stubbs’ Ltd., 
2 Gresham St., E.c. 

Student, 1887. Wed., during University Session. 2d. The Darien Press, 5 Bristo Place, 

Student Movement, 1898. M.—Ist. Oct. to June. 3d. Student Christian Movement, 
93 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

simak of Scripture, 1904. M.—25th. Gratis. P.W. Heward, 61 Upton Lane, Forest 

ate, E. 

Student’s Telephone, 1887. June & Dec. ls. 6d. net. H. Foulks Lynch & Co., 61 
Watling St., ÉC. 

Students’ Handbook to the University and Colleges of Cambridge, 1902. Annually. 3s. net. 
Cambridge University Press, Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Studies, 1912. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. net. Educational Co. of Ireland, 89 Talbot St., Dublin. 

Studio, 1893. M.—15th. 1s. net., illus. The Studio Ltd., 44 Leicester Square, w.c. 

Studio Year Book of Decorative Art, 1906. April. 5s. net. The Studio Ltd., 44 Leicester 
Square, w.c. 

Styles of London, 1915. M.— 15th. 2s. Minister & Co. Ltd., 46 Great Marlborough St.,w. 

Sub-Postmaster, 1899. M.—1st. ld. Burleigh Ltd., Bristol. 

Successful Advertising, 1880. Irreg. 5s. net. Smiths, 100 Fleet St., E.C. 

tSUDBURY POST AND LONG MILFORD GAZETTE, 1886. (u) Fri. ld. Bury and 
Norwich Post Co. Ltd., 19 Abbeygate St., Bury St. Edmunds. One of the Bury 
and Norwich Post series. j 

tSUFFOLK AND ESSEX FREE PRESS, 1855. (c) Wed.—8 p.m. 2d. E. Lewis, Station 
Road, Sudbury. 

tSUFFOLK CHRONICLE AND MERCURY, 1899 (as Suffolk Chronicle, 1810; as Suffolk 
Mercury, 1854; as Suffolk Times and Mercury, 1876). (ind.) Fri—6 a.m. ld. 
East Anglian Daily Times Co. Ltd., 13 Carr St., Ipswich. (London: 149 Fleet 
St. ; Holborn 5228). (Circulation 30,000 weekly ; approached by no other in 
East Anglia. Advt.) 

Suffolk County Handbook (with which is incorporated Knight's County Handbook and 
Suffolk Almanac, 1868). Dec. 6d. and 1s. East Anglian Daily Times Co. Ltd., 
13 Carr St., Ipswich. (London: 149 Fleet St.) 

Sufi, 1915. Quarterly. 6d. net. Sufi Publishing Society, 99 New Bond St., w. 

176] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents 125 Strand, London. 


) Weds., for 

jd. A. Stuart 
ories Ltd., 18 
ad Advertising 

NICLE, 1868. 
d, High Road, 
al circulation, 
„ | Gleneldon 

erle St., w.c. 
). Ltd., King 

ng Co. Ltd., 
Court, Fleet 
noon, Id. 
ti —noon. 
shing Co. 
ys’ Ltd, 
o Place, 
`o., 61 
s. net. 
y and 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

Sugar Users’ Journal, 1905. Irreg. 3d. 9 Queen Street Place, E.C. 

Sunbeam, 1865. M.—lIst. $d., illus. Churches of Christ Book Room, 6 Geoffrey Build- 
ings, John Bright St., Birmingham. 

Sunbeams for the Home, 1910. M.—28th. 1d. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, E.c. 

Sunday and Everyday Reading for the Young, 1873. Thurs., 4d.; monthly, 3d., illus. 
Wells Gardner, Darton & Co. Ltd., 3-4 Paternoster Buildings, E.C. 

Sunday at Home, 1854. M.—25th. 7d. net. Annual vol., 7s. 6d. net., illus. Religious 
Tract Society, 4 Bouverie St., E.c. 

tSUNDAY CHRONICLE, 1885. Sat. and Sun. ld. E. Hulton & Co. Ltd., Withy Grove, 
Manchester. (London: 46 Shoe Lane.) 

Sunday Chronicle Pantomime Annual, 1904. Dec. ld. E. Hulton & Co. Ltd., Withy 
Grove, Manchester. 

Sunday Circle, 1902. Wed., for Sat. 1d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Sunday Closing Notes and News, 1913 (as Sunday Closing Reporter, 1874). Quarterly. 
ld. Central Sunday Closing Association, 1 Palace Chambers, Westminster, s.w. 

Sunday Companion, 1895. Thurs. ld. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.C. 

tSUNDAY DISPATCH AND MERCURY, 1914. Sunday. d. Birmingham Gazette 
Ltd., 186-8 Corporation St., Birmingham. 

Sunday Evening Telegram, 1916. Sun.—p.m. jd. T. A. J. Catchpool, 8, Temple 
Avenue, E.C. 

{SUNDAY FREEMAN, 1913. (nat.) Sun. ld. Freeman's Journal Ltd., 4-7 Prince’s ' 
St., Dublin. (London: 211Strand.) 

[ABE List. 

- Sunday Guardian, 1910 (with which is incorponted Sunday Closing Reporter, 1874). 

Quarterly. Id. Imperial Sunday Alliance, 1 Albemarle St., w. 
+SUNDAY INDEPENDENT (DUBLIN), 1905. (nat.) Sunday.—a.m. 1d. Independent 
Newspapers Ltd., Carlisle Buildings, Dublin. (London: 68 Fleet St., £.C. 

Sunday Mirror, 1912. (c) Sun. $d. C. Damiens & Co., 3 Pleydell Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

(The only half-penny Sunday newspaper. The first Sunday Pictorial newspaper. 
Founded and Published by Messrs. Chas. Damiens & Co., 3 Pleydell Court, Fleet 
St., E.c. The only papers with which the Sunday Mirror has any connection 
are :—The Anglo- -American Times and Smart Society. Special features, all the 
week’s news in pictures. Edition de luxe, on art paper, 4d.—a unique, literary, 
and artistic production. Advt.) 

Sunday Pictorial, 1915. Sun. 1d. Pictorial Newspapers Ltd., 23-29 Bouverie St., E.C. 

Sunday Post, 1915. Sun. Id. D. C. Thompson & Co. Ltd., Courier Place, Dundee. 

tSunday Schoo! Chronicle and Christian Qutlook, 1874. Thurs.—9 a.m. ld. S.S.U., 
57 Ludgate Hill, £.c. (Journal for superintendents, officers, and teachers. Advt.) 

Sunday School Class Register, 1842. Oct. 4d. net. S.S.U., 57 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

Sunday School Illustrated Almanack, 1849. Nov. ld. net., illus. S.S.U., 57 Ludgate 
Hill, #.c. 

Sunday School Monthly, 1913. M.—25th. ld. Sunday School Association, Essex Hall, 
Strand, w.c. 

Sunday School Times and Home Educator, 1860. Wed.—9 a.m. 4d. James Clarke 
& Co., 13 and 14 Fleet St., E.c. (Adapted for parents, Sunday School teachers, 
and elder scholars. Advt. 

Sunday School Workers’ Year Book, 1890. 8d. net. Oct. S.S.U., 57 Lugdate Hill, z.c. 

Sunday Stories,1896.Wed., for Sat. ld. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St.,E.c. 

Sunday Sunshine, 1893. Oct. 2s. J. F. Shaw & Co. Ltd., 3 Pilgrim St., Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

{SUNDAY TIMES AND SUNDAY SPECIAL, 1904 (incorporating Sunday Times, 1822, 
sone Sunday il ai 1897). (ind.) Sun. 1d. Sunday Times Ltd., Windsor House, 


Sunderland Co-operative Society Record, 1893. M.—7th. Gratis. The Society, Green 
St., Sundefland. 

6.45, and 7 p.m. 4d. G. Herring, 14 Bridge St., and West Wear St., Sunderland. 
(London : 170 Fleet St.) 

Sunrays for the Blind, 1916. M.—Ist. 6d. Oakdale Publishing Co., 4 London St., E.c. 

Sunrise, 1878. M.—24th. 4d., illus. Grand Lodge of England 1.0.G.T. Ltd., 168 
Edmund St., Birmingham. 

Sunshine, 1862. M.—25th. 1d. S. W. Partridge & Co. Ltd., 21-22 Old Bailey, E.C. 

Super-Man, 1915. M.—Ist. 24. 64 Haymarket, s.w. (A journal devoted to a solution 
of Man’s greatest problem—Himself. Edited by C. W. Child. Advt.) Foxy 

Supplement to the Forester, 1907. Alter.-M.—15th. 2d. G. W. Tottem, 7 Balham 
Park Road, s.w. 

Supplement to the General Stud Book, 1893 April. 5s. Be & Sons, 15 Cavendish 
Square, w. 

Advertisements received n all the Metropolitan N ewspapers. (177 

ABE List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

Supplemental Military Journal. M.—JIst. Price varies. Boosey & Co., 295 Regent St., w. 

ld. Knapp, Drewett & Son Ltd., Berrylands Road, Surbiton Hill One of the 
Surrey Comet series. 

1861. (c) Mon. and Wed, $d. Sat., ld. Surrey Advertiser and County Times 
Ltd., Market St., Guildford. (Advt. p. 459). 

AND GUILDFORD TIMES, 1859. (ind.) Thurs.—a.m. $d. H. Penrose, 1 Borough, 


{SURREY COMET AND SOUTH MIDDLESEX NEWS, 1854. (ind.) Sat.—4 a.m. 14d. 
Knapp, Drewett & Sons Ltd., 20 Clarence St., Kingston-on-Thames. 

tSURREY COMET (Mid-Weekly Edition) 1901 (with which is incorporated the Kingston 
and Surbiton News, 1881). Wed. $d. Knapp, Drewett & Sons Ltd., 20 Clarence 
St., Kingston-on-Thames. 

+SURREY COUNTY HERALD, 1878. (c) Fri. 1d. W. Pile Ltd., 26 High St., Sutton, 
Surrey. Localised editions, Epsom Herald, Mitcham Herald, Sutton Herald, Wal- 
lington and Carshalton Herald, and Wimbledon Herald. (Advt. p. 469). 

{SURREY HERALD, AND EGHAM AND STAINES NEWS, 1892 (with which is in- 
corporated the Egham and Staines News, 1897, as Surrey and Middlesex Herald, 
1881). (u) Fri: 1d. Rawlings & Walsh Ltd., Windsor St., Chertsey, and Woking, 
Walton and Weybridge. (Largest circulation throughout North-Western Surrey. 


tSURREY MIRROR AND COUNTY POST, 1879. (ind.) Fri., ld.; Tues., $d. The 
Holmesdale Press Ltd., Ladbroke Road, Redhill Junction. (Recognised medium 
for all advertisements of the Surrey County Council, and Court of Quarter Sessions, 
and for Parliamentary, Government, Military, Legal, Auction and Local Authori- 
ties advertisements. The Surrey Mirror and County Post series of newspapers 
has practically a monopoly of circulation in East Surrey. Advt.) 

tSURREY TIMES, 1891 (as West Surrey Times, 1855). (i) Fri. and Sat. 1d. Wood- 
bridge Press Ltd., Guildford. 

tSURREY WEEKLY PRES&8, 1913 (as Guildford and Godalming Free Press, 1900). 
(ind.) Fri. $d. S. Stephen, 119 High St., Guildford. 

+Surveyor and Municipal and County Engineer, 1892. Fri. 6d., illus. St. Bride’s Press, 
Ltd., 24 Bride Lane, Fleet St., £.c. 

Surveyors’ and Auctioneers’ Tables, 1913.- Dec. 2s. 6d. Estates Gazette Ltd., 34-5 
Kirby St., Hatton Garden, E.c. 

{SUSSEX AND SURREY COURIER, 1881 (as Stmmins’ Weekly Advertiser, 1880). (snd.) 
Sat. ld. Farncombe & Co. Ltd., Market St., Lewes. 

tSUSSEX COUNTY HERALD, 1870. (ind.) Sat. Id. T. R. Beckett Ltd., Lewes, and 
4 Pevensey Road, Eastbourne. (Largest circulation. Principal agricultural paper. 


tSUSSEX DAILY NEWS (as Brighton Daily News, 1868). 4 a.m. 1d. Southern Pub- 
lishing Co. Ltd., 130 North St., Brighton. Telephones: Nat. 52.,. P.O. 1672. 
(London : 69 Fleet St. Telephone: Nat. 2268 Holborn.) (Advt. p. 455). 

tSUSSEX EXPRESS, 1902 (as Sussex Agricultural Express, 1837). Fri. ld. F. J. 

Parsons Ltd., 170s High St., Lewes. 

Sussex Herd Book, 1855. Mar. 5s. Sussex Herd Book Society, 12 Hanover Square, w. 

2 p.m. ld. Exors. of J. W. Ward, High St., Croydon. One of the Croydon Adver- 
tiser series. l . 

Sutton, Carshalton, Wallington, and District Directory, 1909. Last issue 1915. 1s. 
Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

+SUTTON COLDFIELD NEWS, 1900. (ind.) Sat. ld. Birmingham News & Printing 
Co. Ltd., 28 John Bright St., Birmingham. One of the Birmingham News series. 

tSUTTON HERALD, 1878. (c) Fri. ld. W. Pile Ltd., 26 High St., Sutton. One of 
the Surrey County Herald series. (Advt. p. 459). 

Sutton’s Amateur Guide in Horticulture. Dec. 1s. net. Sutton & Sons, Reading. 

{SWAFFHAM NEWS, 1903. (/) Fri., for Sat. id. Lynn News & County Press Co., 
Ltd., Purfleet St., Lynn. One of the Lynn News series. 

Swain’s Quarterly, 1905. Is. J. Swain & Son Ltd., 89-90 Shoe Lane, E.C. 

Swan, 1900. ‘Terminally. Subscription. The Editor, Training College, Swansea. 

tSWANAGE AND WAREHAM GUARDIAN, 1890. (ind.) Sat. ld. E. A. Colborne, 
High St., Swanage. One of the Bournemouth Guardian series. 

{SWANLEY AND EYNSFORD TIMES, 1890. (ind.) Fri. d. Kentish District Times 
Ltd., Times Buildings, Sidcup, Kent. 

178] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

tSWANSCOMBE CHRONICLE, 1903 (as Northfleet and Swanscombe Chronicle, 1895). 
Fri. d. Kentish District Times Ltd., 45 High St., Dartford. One of the Dartford 
Chronicle series. ° 

Swansea Daily Shipping Register, 1877. 9.30 a.m. ld. C. T. Lowe, 1 Salubrious Place, 

Fri. ld. A. P. Higham, Leader Buildings, Swansea. (London: 151 Fleet St.) 

Swansea Tide Tables, 1791. Dec. 1s. Pearse & Brown, 22 Wind St., Swansea. 

Swedish Chamber of Commerce Journal, 1900. M.—25th. Gratis to members. 
Swedish Chamber of Commerce, 5 Lloyds Avenue, E.c. 

Swedish Chamber of Commerce Year Rook, 1907. May. Gratis to members. 
Swedish Chamber of Commerce, 5 Lloyds Avenue, E.c. 

. Swimming Magazine, 1914. M.—lIst. 6d. W. Henry, 8 Bayley St., w.c. 

(2) Fri—noon. ld. Morris Bros., 99 Victoria Road, Swindon. 

tSWINTON AND PENDLEBURY JOURNAL, 1904 (as Pendlebury and Swindon Journal, 
1875.) (J Fri. 1d. Tillotson & Son Ltd., 97 Chorley Road, Swinton. (London: 
1 Tudor St.) One of the Bolton Journal series. 

tSWINTON AND PENDLEBURY TELEGRAPH, 1894. (ind.) Fri. ld. Telegraph 
Printing Co. Ltd., Railway Rd., Urmston. One of the Western Telegraph series. 

Sword and the Trowel, 1865 (with which is incorporated Home Mission and Open-Air 
Worker, 1909). M.—28th. 2d., illus. S. W. Partridge Ltd., 21-2 Old Bailey, £.c. 

tSword of Light, 1898. Thurs. 1d. The Irish and English, Gaelic League, 25 Rutland 
Square, Dublin. 

SYDENHAM AND FOREST HILL BOROUGH NEWS, 1889. (ind.) Fri—5 am. ld. 
Lewisham Borough News Printing Co. Ltd., 166 Hither Green Lane, Lewisham, 

'  g.z. One of the Lewisham Borough News series. 

Sydenham and Forest Hill Directory, 1881. Annually. Is. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

tSYDENHAM, FOREST HILL, AND PENGE GAZETTE, 1870. (tnd.) Fri. ld. Lewis- 
ham Newspaper Co. Ltd., 6 High St., Sydenham. One of the Lewisham Journal series. 

tSYDENHAM REVIEW, 1912. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. ld. R. Morgan, 65 Westow St., 

Upper Norwood, s.z. One of the Norwood Review series. 

Syllabus of the Associated Board of the Royal Academy of Music and Royal College of 
Music, 1889. Aug. Gratis. The Secretary, 15 Bedford Square, w.c. 

Symons’s Meteorological Magazine, 1866. M.—16th. 4d., illus. E. Stanford Ltd., 12-14 
Long Acre, w.c. 

tSyren and Shipping, 1896. Wed. 6d. Syren and Shipping Ltd., 91-93 Leadenhall St., E.C. 

System -and Modern Business, 1902 (English edition) (with which is incorporated 
Modern Business, 1910, and British Exporter and Magazine of Commerce, 1911). 
M.—10th. Is. A. W. Shaw & Co. Ltd., 43-4 Shoe Lane, E.C.. 

+ Table, 1886. Fri.—9 a.m. ld. Simpkin & Co. Ltd., 2-8 Orange St., Leicester Square, w.c. 

{Tablet, 1840. Fri—9 a.m.,for Sat 5d P. Briggs, 19 Henrietta St, w.c. 

TTADCASTER NEWS, 1878 (as Tadcaster Post, 1861). (c) Fri. ld. H. Crossley, 
2 High St., Wetherby. One of the Wetherby News series. 

{Tailor and Cutter, 1866. Wed.—2 p.m., for Thurs. 2d., illus. John Williamson Co. 
Ltd., 42 Gerrard St. w. 

Tailor-Made Skirts, 1915. Juły and Dec. 3s. 6d. Ladies’ Fashion Publishing Co., 
152 Marylebone Road, w. l 

Tales for Little People, 1905. M.—2nd Wed. 1d. Aldine Publishing Co. Ltd., 1-3 
Crown Court, Chancery Lane, w.c. . 

Talk of the Town, 1905. Irreg. 1d. International Publications Co., 44 Gt. Queen St., w.c. 

Talking Machine News and Journal of Amusements, 1909. M.—Ist Fri. 2d. Albans Ltd., 
1 Mitre Court, Fleet-St., E.c. 

Talking Machine News and Side Lines, 1903. M.—20th. 2d. Albans Ltd., 1 Mitre 
Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

+TAMWORTH HERALD, 1868. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 1d.. W. Morton, 14 Silver St., 

Fri. 1d. Allison & Bowen Ltd., Tamworth, and 36 Bird St., Lichfield. One of the 
Lichfield Mercury series. 

- Tarbell’s Teachers’ Guide to the International S:S. Lessons, 1903. Oct. 4s. 6d. net. 
T. F. Downie, 21 Warwick Lane, E.c. 

Tasmania Post Office Directory (Wise’s), 1890. Annually. 27s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Advertisements received for all the Scottish Newspapers. [179 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

tTatler, 1901. Wed. 6d. Sphere & Tatler Ltd., 6 Great New St., E.C. 

TISER, 1808. (c) “Tues., for Wed. 4d. Western Gazette Co. Ltd., 48 Bridge St, 
Taunton. (London: 53 Flect St.) 

{TAUNTON ECHO, 1887. (/) Tues—3 pm. d. H. Law, The Parade, Taunton. 
(Advt. p. 458). 

+TAUNTON MAIL, 1893. (ind.) Wed. ld. Woodley & Co., Castle Green, Taunton. 

tTAVISTOCK GAZETTE, 1857. (J) Fri. ld. T. W. Greenfield, Pym St., Tavistock. 

Taylorian, 1878. Twice a term. 6d. Merchant Taylor’s School, Charterhouse Square, E.c. 

Teacher of the Deaf, 1902. Alter.-M—tIst. 6d. A. J. Story, F. C. Barpes, and S. E. Hull, 
Woodvale, Bexley, Kent. (Official organ of the National Association of the 
Teachers of the Deaf. Advt.) 

Teachers and Taught, 1909. M.—24th. ld. C. F. Garrard, 4 Fleet Lane, E.C. 

Teachers of To-day, 1914. M.—lIst. ld. S. A. Warner, 4 Fleet Lane, E.C. l 

Teachers’ Aid, 1885. Thurs. 1d. The Schoolmaster Publishing Co. Ltd., 3 Racquet 
Court, Fleet St., E.C. ` 

Teachers’ Guild Quarterly, 1901. Quarterly. 6d. Teachers’ Guild of Great Britain and ` 
Ireland, 9 Brunswick Square, w.c. 

Teachers’ Times, 1902. Wed.—noon. Id. Charles & Son, 10 Paternoster Square, E.C. 

Teachers’ Work, 1910. M.—Ist. 2d. Browne & Nolan Ltd., 41 Nassau St., 

t Teachers’ World, 1913 (as Woman Teachers’ World, 1911). Wed. 1d. R. C. Evans 
& Co. Ltd., Montague House, Russell Square, w.c. 

Technical Journal, 1911 (as Journal of the Association of Teachers, 1908). M.—Ist, 
except Aug. and Sept. 6d. Association of Teachers in Technical Institutions, 
5 West View, Highgate Hill, w. 

Tees Daily Shipping List, 1891. 10.30 a.m. 10s. 6d. Quarterly. Jordison & Co. Ltd., 
Marton Road, Middlesbrough. 

{TEESDALE MERCURY, 1854. (ind.) Wed. ld. Teesdale Mercury Co., 24 Market 
Place, Barnard Castle. 

iis eee Catholic News, 1907. Sat. id. New Catholic Pres Ltd., 32 Clayton St. 

West, Newcastle. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. - 

{ TEES-SIDE WEEKLY HERALD, 1902. (ind.) Sat. Id. A. Pickering, North-Eastern 
Newspapers Ltd., Zetland Road, Middlesbrough. (London: 143-4 Fleet St.) 

Teesquare and Tape, 1907. Quarterly. 2d. D. Rowell & Co. Ltd., 33 Old Queen St., 
Westminster, s.w. 

—noon. ld. Teignmouth P. & P. Co. Ltd., Station Road, Teignmouth. 

ld. Teignmouth P. & P. Co. Ltd., Station Road, Teignmouth. 

noon, ld. E. J. Cornish, 18 Wellington St., Teignmouth. 

+tTEIGNMOUTH WESTERN GUARDIAN, 1882. (ind.) Wed. ld. Mortimer Bros., 
34 Fore St., Totnes. One of the Western Guardian series. 
Temperance Bells, 1890. M.—15th. Gratis. Derby Temperance Society, Derby. 
Temperance Caterer, 1876 (with which is incorporated The Refreshment News). M.— 
15th. 3d. Temperance Caterers’ Journal Co. Ltd., 57 Chancery Lane, w.c. 
t+ Temperance Leader and League Journal, 1903 (as League Journal, 1857). 1st and 15th. 
ld. Scottish Temperance League, 108 Hope St., Glasgow. 

Temperance Legislation League Monthly Notes, 1910. Ist. ld. A.F. Harvey, Parlia- 
ment Mansions, Victoria St., s.w. 

Temperance Monthly Visitor, 1850. Ist. 34d. S. Jarrold, London St., Norwich. 

Tempest’s Annual, 1861. Jan. 6d. W. Tempest, Dundalk. 

tTENBURY WELLS ADVERTISER, 1867. (ind.) Sat. ld. Tenbury Advertiser Co. 
Ltd., 44 Teme St., Tenbury. 

{TENBURY WELLS MAIL, 1911. Sat. 1d. Leominster Printing Co., 27 Draper’s Lane, 

tTENBY AND COUNTY NEWS AND VISITORS’ LIST, 1893. (c) Wed. 1d. J. Leach, 
South Parade, Tenby. 

ENEY OBSERVER AND WEEKLY VISITORS’ LIST, 1853. (ind.) Thurs.—2 p.m. 

d. R. L. C. Morrison, Lower Frog St., Tenby. 

+Territarial Service Gazette, 1908 (as Volunteer Service Gazette and I mperial Yeomanry 
Chronicle, 1859). Wed. ld. F. A. Wickhart, 11 Gough Square, E.C. 

Tettenhallian, 1888. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, Tettenhall College, Staffordshire. 

7 p.m., for Sat. 1d. C. A. Roberts, 8 High St., Tewkesbury: 

180] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

tTEWKESBURY WEEKLY RECORD, 1855. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. Id. G. C. Gardner, 
7 Barton St., Tewkesbury. 
Textile Fabrics Directory, 1880. Irreg., last issue 1906. 36s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 
Textile institute Journal, 1910. Feb., May, Aug., and Nov. 10s. 6d. J. Heywood Ltd., 
Deansgate, Manchester. 
Textile Manufacturer, 1874. M.—15th. 1s., illus. Emmott & Co. Ltd., 65 King St., 
Manchester. (London: 20 Bedford St.) 
Textile Manufacturer Annual Diary and Text Book, 1883. Dec. 2s.. Emmottg& Co. 
Ltd., 65 King St., Manchester. (London: 20 Bedford St.) 
tTextile Mercury, 1889. Sat. ld., illus. Marsden & Co. Ltd., Carr St., Manchester. 
i pet 151 Fleet St.) 
Textile Recorder, 1883. M.— 15th. 6d., illus. J. Heywood Ltd., Deansgate, Manchester, 
(London: 20-2 St. Bride St.) 
Thackev’s Directory of the Chief Industries of India and Ceylon, 1878. March. 9s. net. 
W. Thacker & Co., 2 Creed Lane, E.C. 
Thalian Diary and Directory for Concert Parties and Enleviaiier® 1910. Dec. Is. net. 
Lorings Ltd., 3 Piccadilly, w 
Mon.—7 p.m., for Tues. Id. F. H. Castle, Market Place, Thame. 
tTHAMES VALLEY TIMES, 1885. (indi) Wed. 4d. F. W. Dimbleby & Sons, 14 King 
St., Richmond, Surrey. 
{THANET ADVERTISER, 1859. (ind.) Fri.—p.m., for Sat. 1d. Shandel & Flowerdew, 
High St., Broad St., Ramsgate. 
Sat.—a.m. ld. B. A. Rowles, 22 Ethelbert Road, Cliftonville, Margate. 
TTHANET TIMES, 1896. (ind.) Fri. ld. East Kent Times Ltd., 3 Cecil St., Margate. 
T.P.8. Book Notes, 1909. Quarterly. ld. Theosophical Publishing Society, 161 New 
| Bond St., w. 
tTHETFORD "AND WATTON TIMES, 1880. (ind.) Fri—8 a.m., for Sat. 1d. Nor- 
wich Mercury Co. Ltd., 5 Redwell St., Norwich. One of the Norwich M ercury series. 
Things New and Old Book Almanac, 1870. Oct. 1d. and 6d. G. Morrish, 20 Pater- 
noster Square, E.C. 3 
TRE ria eee NEWS, 1897. (ind.) Fri. 3d. T. A. J. Waddington, Mans- 
e t or 
VER, 1899. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. J.C. Savill, Kirkgate, Thirsk, and Market 
Place, Northallerton. One of the North Riding, &c., News series. (London: 
30 Fleet St.) 
dade st ee M.—Ist. ld. Scottish Newspaper Publishing Co. Ltd., St. James Place, 
Thom's Official Directory, 1844. Jan. 20s. net. Alex. Thom & Co. Ltd., 8-9 Crow 
“St., Dublin. (London: Simpkin & Co. Ltd.) | 
Thom’s Post Office, Dublin City, and County Directory, 1833. Jan. 8s. net. Alex. 
Thom & Co. Ltd., 8-9 Crow St., Dublin. 

t{THOMSON’S WEEKLY NEWS FOR ENGLAND. One of the Thomson’s Weekly News 
(Dundee) series 

{THOMSON’S WEEKLY NEWS FOR IRELAND. One of the Thomson's Weekly 
News (Dundee) series. l 

Thorley’s Farmers’ Almanack and Diary, 1858. Oct. 1d. J. Thorley Ltd., Thornhill 
Bridge, Caledonian Road, King’s Cross, N. 

{THORNBURY GAZETTE, 1897. Sat. ld. F. Bailey & Son, Dursley. One of the 
Dursley, &c., Gazette series. ; 

Thornton’s Review of London Fashions, 1901. M.—Ist. 21s. Subscription. J. P. 
Thornton, 24-25 Castle St., Oxford St., w. 

Thoughts from the Word of God, 1898. M. —25th. Gratis. P. W. Heward, 61 Upton 
Lane, Forest Gate, E. 

tTHRAPSTON AND RAUNDS JOURNAL, 1888 (with which is incorporated the 
Oundle Journal, 1888). (/) Fri—a.m. ld. Northamptonshire Printing and 
Publishing Co. Ltd., Wellingborough. One of the Wellingborough News series. 

{THREE SHIRES ADVERTISER, 1903 (with which are incorporated the Blandford 
Gazette, Shaftesbury Gazette, and the Sherborne Gazette). (I) Fri. ld. The Wessex 
Publishing Co. Ltd., High St., Gillingham, Dorset. (London: 145 Fleet St.) 

Three Towns Almanack, 1848. Dec. 1d. Wood & Tozer, 39 Fore St., Devonport. 

Thrift, 1894. Quarterly. ld. Griffiths, Page & Co., 74 Southgate Road, N. 

Thritt, 1915. M.—Ist. ld. D. Frazer, 93 Wigmore St., W. 

Advertisements received for all the English Provincial Newspapers. [181 

ABC List.) . Willing’s Press Guide. 

Through the Bible Day by Day, 1913. M.—25th. ld. National Free Church Council, 

Memorial Hall, Farringdon St., E.c. * 

Tide and Speed Tables, 1870. Nov. 6d. J. Brown & Sons, 52-56 Darnley St., 
. Glasgow. - 

Tide Tables for British and Irish Ports, 1858. Sept. 1s. 6d. J. D. Potter, 145 Minories, E. 

Tidings of Light and Peace, 1889 (as Salvation of God, 1878). M. 28th. $d. G. Morrish, 
20 Paternoster Square, E.C. 

tTimber and Wood Working Machinery, 1885. Sat. 6d. Middlesex Publishing Co., 
181-133 Middlesex St., E. 

{Timber News and Saw Mill Engineer, 1891. Sat. 24d. A. Haworth & Co. Ltd., 84 
Leadenhall St., E.c. (Advt. p. 412). 

Timber News Year Book and Diary, 1894. Dec. 1s. A. Haworth & Co. Ltd., 84 Leaden- 
hall St., £.c. 

+ Timber Trades Journal and Saw Mill Advertiser, 1873. Fri., for Sat. 44d. W. Rider 
& Son Ltd., 8-11 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Timber Trades J ournal, Timber Trades Directory, 1896. Every four years. 7s. 6d. net. 
W. Rider & Son Ltd., 8-11 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Time and Talents News, 1910. Quarterly. 4d. net. Simpkin & Co. Ltd., 32 Paternoster 
Row, E.C. 

t TIMES, 1788 (as Daily Universal Register, 1785). (ind.) Daily—5a.m. 14d. Times Pub- 
lishing Co. Ltd., Printing House Square, £.c.; Advert. Office : Queen Victoria St., E.c. 

Times Educational Suppiement, 1910. Thurs. ld. Times Publishing Co. Ltd., Printing 
House Square, F.C. 

Times Engineering Supplement, 1905. M.—last Fri. ld. Times Publishing Co. Ltd., 
Printing House Square, E.c. : 
{Times Law Reports, 1884. Fri.—during the Law Sittings. 25s. per ann. Times 
Publishing Co. Ltd., Printing House Square, k.c. Reprints from The Times. 

{Times Library Supplement, 1902. Thurs. 1d. Times Publishing Co. Ltd., Printing House. 

Square, E.C. 

Times Reports of Commercial Cases, 1895. Six parts each year. 2s.6d. Times Publishing 
Co. Ltd., Printing House Square, E.c. 

{TIMES WEEKLY EDITION, 1877. (ind.) Fri.—5 a.m. 2d. Times Publishing Co. Ltd., 

« Printing House Square, E.C. 

Tiny Folks’ Annual, 1915. Oct. 2s. and 3s. Frowde, Hodder & Stoughton, Oxford 
Press Warehouse, Falcon Square, E.C. 

Tiny Tots, 1899. Annually. Is. 6d. net and 2s. net. Cassell & Co. Ltd., La Belle Sauvage, 
Ludgate Hill, E.c. 


. Powell, Cumberland St., Birr. One of the Midland Tribune series. 

Friar St., Thurles. , 

tTIPTON HERALD, 1866. Fri.—p.m., for Sat. ld. Owen St., Tipton and Priory 
St., Dudley. (London : 149 Fleet St.) One of the Dudley Herald series. 

Tit-Bits, 1881. Mon. for Sat. 1d. George Newnes Ltd., 8-11 Southampton St., Strand, w.c. 

Tithe Rentcharge Table, 1911 (as Taylor’s Tithe Commutation Tables, 1837). Jan. ls. 
Shaw & Sons, 6-9 Fetter Lane, E.C. | ; 

TTIVERTON GAZETTE, 1858. (ind.) Mon. & Tues. 1d. Gregory & Son, Bampton 
St, Tiverton 

t Tiverton Journal, 1906 (as Our Journal, 1896). (ind.) Sat. 4d. W. Masland, 424 Fore 
St., Tiverton. 

Tobacco, 1881. M:—Ist. 2d., illus. E. S. Caton, 2 Monument Station Buildings, E.C. 

Tobacco Colonial Quarterly, 1904. 2s. 6d. E.S. Caton, 2 Monument Station Buildings, E.c 

Tobacco Trade Review, 1868. M.—Ist. ld. Eastcheap Buildings, E.C. 

Tobacco Trade Sheet Almanac, 1881. Jan. 6d. and 2s. E. S. Caton, 2 Monument Station 
Buildings, E.c. 

Tobacco Year Book, 1894. Jan. 2s. 6d. E.S. Caton, 2 Monument Station Buildings, E.C. 

To-day and T.P.’s Weekly, 1916 (as T.P.’s Weekly, 1902). Mon., for Sat. 2d. H. Jackson, 
29 Henrietta St., w.c. . 

Fri.—6 am. ld F. Lee & Co., 34 Rochdale Road, Todmorden. 

TTODMORDEN AND DISTRICT NEWS, 1828 (/) Fri.—a.m. ld. W. Waddington & 
Sons, 2 Pavement, Todmorden. 

Toilers of the Deep, 1886. M.—Ist. 3d., illus. Royal National Mission to Deep Sea 
Fishermen, 181 Queen Victoria St., E.c. 

Tollingtonian, 1903. Terminally. 2s. 6d. per ann. F. Hodgson, 89 Farringdon St., E.c. 

182) James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 7 (A BC List. 

NEWS, 1890 (as Tonbridge Free Press, 1869). (ind.) Fri. ld. Free Press Ltd., 
129 High St., Tonbridge. 

Publishing Co. Ltd., 2 Medway Wharf, Tonbridge. . 

Tonbridgian, 1858. Six times per ann. 9d. The Editor, The School, Tonbridge. 

Tongues of Fire, 1891 (incorporated with Spiritual Life, 1916). M.—25th. = 1d. 
S. W. Partridge & Co., 20-21 Old Bailey, £.c. 

Tonic Sol-fa College Calendar, 1863. Oct. ls. Tonic-Sol-fa College, 26 Bloomsbury 
Square, w.c. 

Tools, 1916. M.—Ist.- 3d. British Engineering Co., 11-15 Emerald St., w.c. 

TOOTING AND BALHAM GAZETTE, 1907. (ind.) Fri.—noon, for Sat. ld. A. J. 
Hurley, 170 High St., Tooting, s.w. (The Bona Fide Local Paper, recognised 
organ for Municipal Advertisements. Advt.) 

TOOTING AND MITCHAM MERCURY, 1888. (c) Fri. 3d. R. J. Hedges, 113 High 
St., Tooting, s.w. 

tTORBAY NEWS AND DARTMOUTH GAZETTE, 1911. (u) Wed. ld. Mid Devon 
Newspaper Co. Ltd., 1 Terrace Road, Fleet St., Torquay. | 

ld. W. Winget, Fleet St., Torquay. (The oldest and largest newspaper and 

rincipal advertising mediums in the district. Advt.) 

ld. W. J. McKenzie, 64 Fleet St., Torquay. 

tTOTNES TIMES AND DEVON NEWS, 1860. (ind.) Fri——noon, for Sat. 1d. Mortimer 
Brothers, 34 Fore St., Totnes. One of the Western Guardian series. 

ld. Crusha & Son, 821-3 High Road, Tottenham. 

(ind.) Tues.—p.m., for Wed. 4d. Crusha & Son, 821-3 High Road, Tottenham. 

Town Planning Review, 1910. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. net. University Press, 57 Ashton 
St., Liverpool. 

tTown Topics, 1912. Fri., for Sat. 2d. A. Axmann, 27 Tudor St., E.C. 

D. Rowlands, Towyn and Welshpool. One of the Montgomery County Times series. 

tToy and Fancy Goods Trader, 1908. M.—10th. 5s. per ann., subscription. 
W. B. Tattersall, Ltd., 40-3 Fleet St., E.C. 

Toy Manufacturers and Wholesalers’ Directory, 1912. Dec. Subs. W. B. Tattersall 
Ltd., 40-3 Fleet St., E.C. 

Toynbee Record, 1884. M.—Ist. 2d. The Editor, Toynbee Hall, 28 Commercial St., £E. 

T.P.’s Journal for Men and Women, 1916 (as T.P.’s Journal of Great Deeds of the Great 
War, 1914). M.—17th. 3d. T.P.’s Journal Ltd., 1 Crown Court, Chancery Lane, w.c. 

T.P.’s Weekly, 1902 (now To-Day and T.P.’s Weekly, 1916). 

Tract Society's Penny Almanack, 1840. Dec. Id. R.T.S., 4 Bouverie St., E.C. 

Trade and Finance, 1886. Wed. 6d. Advance News Agency Ltd., 80a Coleman St., E.C. 

5 ae and Navigation, 1847. M.—7th. Price varies. Wyman & Sons Ltd., Fetter 

ane, E.C. | 

tTrade Marks Journal, 1876. Wed.—10 am. 6d., illus. Patent Office Sale Pranch, 

, 25 Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Trade of Hull and Hull and Humber Ports, 1897. Jan. ld. Eastern Morning and Hull 
News Co. Ltd., 42 Whitefriargate, Hull. 

Trade Openings, 1900. M.—I1st. Subs., £2 2s. Bureau of Commerce and Industries 
Ltd., 90-6 Queen’s St., E.c. 

. Trade Opportunities, 1913. Alter.-M. 6d. South and Central American Museum, 
90-6 Queen St., E.c. 

Trade Union Worker, 1916. (Jab.) M.—Ist. ld. G. Dallas, 32 Charing Cross, s.w. 

Trade Unionist, 1915. M.— Ist. ld. E. L. Pratt, 29 Theobalds Road, w.c. 

tTrader, 1908. Sat. 1d. J. W. Russell, 58 Hounds Gate, Nottingham. 

“Trader Handbook, Diary and Garage Reference Book, 1914. Dec. 7s. 6d. The Cycle 
Trade Publishing Co. Ltd., 19-21 Wilson St., Finsbury, E.C. 

Traethodydd (The Fssayist), 1845. Quarterly. ls. D. O’Brien Owen, Carnarvon. 

tTramway and Railway Worid, 1892. Sat. 1s. Tramway & Railway World Pub- 
lishing Co. Ltd., Amberley House, Norfolk St., w.c. 

Transactions and Journal of the Proceedings of the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural 
History and Antiquarian Society, 1862. May. Price varies. G. W. Shirley, Ewart 
Public Library, Dumfries. 

Advertisements received for all the Cheltenham Newspapers. [18> 

ABC List.| Willing’s Press Guide. 

Transactions of the Annual Conference of the Association for the Prevention of Consump- 
tion and other forms of Tuberculosis, 1909. Annually. Price varies. Adlard & Son, 
& West Newman, 23 Bartholomew Close, E.C. 

Transactions of the Assurance Medical Society, 1896. Biennially, last issue 1914. 21s. 
The Society, 57 Harley St., w. 

Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 1876. Feb. 
and Oct. 10s. 6d. J. W. Arrowsmith Ltd., 11 Quay St., Bristol. 

Transactions of the Bronte Society, 1893. March. "is. W. T. Field, Rockmount, Baildon, 
near Shipley. 

Transactions of the Cambridge Philological Society, 1881. Irreg. Price varies. Cambridge 
University Press, Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 1822. Irreg. Price varies. Philo- 
sophical Library, New Museums, Cambridge. 

Transactions of the Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire Archaeological Society, 1901. 
Irreg. Price varies. G. H. Tyndall, Minster Place, Ely. 

Transactions of the Carmarthenshire Antiquarian Society and Field Club, 1905. April. 
Subs. George Eyre Evans, Ty Tringad, Aberystwyth. 

Transactions of the Cremation Society of England, 1880 (with any descriptive brochure 
on Cremation published during the year). May. 6d. The Society, 324 Regent St., 
w. (Information concerning cremation, its practice at home and abroad. Advt.) 

Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Soctety, 
1866. June. 10s. 6d. T. Wilson, 28 Highgate, Kendal. _ 

Transactions of the Fast Herts Archaelogical Society, 1898. Sept. 7s. R. T. Andrews 
Castle St., Hertford. 

Transactions of the Edinburgh Architectural Association, 1889. Irreg. Price varies. 
Illus. H. & J. Pillans & Wilson, 86 Hanover St., Edinburgh. 

Transactions of the Edinburgh Field N aturalists’ and Microscopical Society, 1869. Nov. 
4s. W. Blackwood & Sons, 45 George St., Edinburgh. 

‘Transactions of the Edinburgh Geological Society, 1834. Oct. Price varies. The Secretary, 
1, India Buildings, Edinburgh. 

Transactions of the Edinburgh Medtco-Chirurgical Society, 1882. Nov. 8s. 6d. J. Thin, 
55 South Bridge, Edinburgh. 

Transactions of the Edinburgh Obstetrical Society, 1876. Nov. 10s. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 
Tweeddale Court, Edinburgh. (London: Simpkin & Co.) 

Transactions of the English Ceramic Society, 1901. Jan. & July. 30s. per ann., net. 
The Society, Pottery Laboratory, Stoke-on-Trent. 

Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 1834. Five times a year. Price 
varies. 11 Chandos St., Cavendish Square, w. 

Transactions of the Essex Archaeological Society, 1853. Half-yearly. 6s. to 8s. The 
Society, Colchester Castle, Colchester. 

Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries in Scotland, 1856. 4 times a year. Price varies. 
C. & E. Layton, 56 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1903. Three times a year. 10s. 6d. The Secretary, 
82 Victoria St., Westminster, s.w. 

Transactions of the Franco-Scottish Society, 1897. Irreg., last issue 1914. 2s. 6d. The 
Secretary, 19 York Place, Edinburgh. 

Transactions of the Geological Society of Glasgow, 1858. Dec. 4s. to 7s. 6d. The Society, 
207 Bath St., Glasgow. 

Transactions of the Glasgow Archaelogical Society, 1856. Irreg. 6s. J. MacLehose 
& Sons, 61 St. Vincent St., Glasgow. 

Transactions of the Greenwich Antiquarian Society, 1907. Annually. 2s. 6d. The 
Secretary, 17 Manor Park, Lee, S.E. 

Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club, 1875. Irteg. 
Price varies. Dulau & Co. Ltd., 37 Soho Square, w. i 

Transactions of the Highland and A gricultural Society of Scotland, 1799. May. 5s. 

; W. Blackwood & Sons, 45 George St., Edinburgh. (London : 37 Paternoster Row.) 

Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorian, 1751. June. £l Is. 
Secretary, Sir E. Vincent Evans, 64 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Transactions of the Hull Scientific and Field Naturalists’ Club, 1898. Nov. 2s. 6d. to 
5s. The Editor, The Museum, Hull. 

Transactions of the Hunter Archaelogical Society, 1914. Annually. 2s. 6d. The Society, 
49 West St., Shetfeld. 

Transactions of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, 1857. Sept. 
17s. 6d. The Institution, Elmbank Crescent, Glasgow. 

Transactions of the Institution of Gas Engineers, 1866. Dec. 10s. 6d. net. E. & F. N. 
Spon Ltd., 57 Haymarket, s.w. 

184] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Transactions of the Institution of Mining Engineers, 1889. M.—15th. 6s. The Secre- 
tary, 39 Victoria Street, Westminster, s.w. 

Transactions of the Institution of Naval Architects, 1860. July or Aug. 42s. net., plates. 
Sotheran & Co., 43 Piccadilly, w 

Transactions of the Institution of Water Engineers, 1896. April. Free to members. 
P. Griffith, 20 Victoria St., s.w. 

Transactions of the Insurance and Actuarial Society of Glasgow, 1881. Irreg., last 
issue 1912. Is. C. & E. Layton, 56 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Transactions of the Insurance Society of Edinburgh, 1901. Irreg., last issue 1912. 
Price varies. C. & E. Layton, 56 Farringdon St., E.c. 

Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of Eng gland, 1894. Irreg. 21s. Hon. Sec., 
University College, Gower St., w.c. 

‘Transactions of the Leeds Geological "Association, 1885. Irreg. Price varies. E. Hawkes- 
worth,- Cross Gates, Leeds. 

Transactions of the Linnaean Society, 1791. Feb. & May (two sections). Price yaries. 
Longmans, Green & Co., 39 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Transactions of the Liverpool Economic and Statistical Society, 1912. July. ls. Northern 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 17 Goree Piazzas, Liverpool. 

Transactions of the Liverpool Engineering Society, 1879. Annually. 7s. 6d. The Liverpool 
Engineering Society, Royal Institution, Colquith St., Liverpool. 

Transactions of the Manchester Association for Masonic Research, 1909. Irreg., last 
issue 1916. 7s. 6d. C. P. Noar, 50 Murray St., Higher Broughton, Manchester. 

Transactions of the Manchester Geological and Mining Society, 1838. M.—2nd Tues. 
£2 2s. Manchester Geological and Mining Society, 5 John Dalton St., Manchester. 

Transactions of the Medical Society of London, 1773. July. 10s. The Society, 
11 Chandos St., Cavendish Square, w. 

Transactions of the Medico-Legal Society, 1903. Dec. 6s. Bailliare, Tindall & Cox, 
8 Henrietta St., w.c. — 

Transactions of the National Liberal Club, 1876. Half-yearly. 6d. P. S. King & Son, 

-4 Great Smith St., Westminster, s.w. 

Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle, 
1865. Annually. 3s. to 15s. The Museum, Barras Bridge, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 

Transactions of the North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, 1884. 
on ae 21s. net. The Secretary, Bolbec Hall, Westgate Road, Newcastlc- 

Fansa ens of the Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom, 1880. Nov. 12s. 6d. 
net. J. & A. Churchill, 7 Great Marlborough St., w. 

Transactions of the Optical Society, 1899. Jan. 10s. The Society, 39 Victoria St., S.w. 

Transactions of the Paisley Naturalists’ Society, 1914. Irreg. Price varies. A. Gardner, 

Transactions of the Paisley Philosophical Institution, 1914. Irreg. Price varies. 
A. Gardner, Paisley. 

Transactions of the Philological Society, 1854. Irreg.—last issue 1914. Price varies. 
Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd., 68-74 Carter Lane, Ludgate Hill, E.c. 

Transactions of the Roval Dublin Society, 1870. Irreg.-—last issue 1909. Price varies. 

~ Williams & Norgate, 14 Henrietta St., w.c. 

Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 1871. Nov. Subscription. The Secretary, 
22 Russell Square, w.c. 

Transactions of the Royal Scottish Arboricultural Society, 1856. Jan. and July. 3s. 
The Society, 19 Castle St., Edinburgh. 

Transactions of the Royal Society ‘of Edinburgh, 1788. Annually. Price varies. R. Grant 
& Son, Princes St., Edinburgh. 

Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, 1825. Quarterly. 3s. net. Asher & 
Co., 14 Bedford St., w.c. 

Transactions of the St. Albans and Herts Architectural and Archaeological Society, 1845. 
Irreg. Price varies. The Society, Herts County Museum, St. Albans. 

Transactions of the St. Paul’s Ecclesiological Society, 1879. Quarterly. 3s. 6d. & 5s. 
Harrison & Sons, 45 Pall Mall, s.w. 

Transactions of the Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1907. M. Subs. Society 
of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 11 Chandos St., w. 

Transactions of the Surveyors’ Institution, 1868. M. —3rd week. Nov. to June. 

| 13s. Surveyors’ Institution, 12 Great George St., s.w. 

Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists’ Field C lub, 1851. Triennially—last issue 1914. 
10s. 6d. Jakeman & Carver, Hereford. 

Transactions of the Yorkshire Numismatic Society. Annually. 2s. 6d. J. Sheppard, 
The Museum, Hull. 

Advertisements received tor all the Societie’ Tournale rg 

A a a 

ABC List.| Willing’s Press Guide. 

Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, 1833. Annually. Price varies. The 
Zoological Society, Regent’s Park, N.w. 

Travel Monthly. Edited by G. A. Sekon. See Railway and Travel Monthly. 

Treasury, 1902. M.—lIst. 9d. net. G. J. Palmer & Sons, 7 Portugal St., w.c. ais 

Treasury, 1914 (as Monthly Treasury, 1900). M.—lIst. Id. Evans and Williams, 
99 Frederick St., Cardiff. 

tTREDEGAR WEEKLY ARGUS, 1892. (ind.) Fri. ld. C. D. Stentiford, Newport, 
Mon. One of the South Wales Weekly Argus series. 

tTREWMAN’S EXETER FLYING POST (as Exeter Mercury, 1763). (u) Sat. $d. 
A. E. Richards, Castle Square, Exeter. 

Tribunal, 1916. Thurs. 4¢. No Conscription Fellowship, 5 York Buildings, Adelphi, w.c. 

Tribune Congoiaise, 1902. Twice-M. 6s. per ann. J. Pauwels, 29 Dalmeny 
Avenue, Enfield Park, N.. 

Trident. Terminally. ls. 6d. The Editor, Trent College, Long Eaton, R.S.O. 

Trinitarian Bible Society Quarterly Record, 1859. Quarterly ld. The Society, 7 Bury 
St., wW. 

T.C. D. Wed., during term. ld. Helys Ltd., Dame St., Dublin. 

tTROON AND PRESTWICK TIMES, 1893. (/) Fri.—7 a.m. ld. A. Guthrie & Sons, 
Princess St., Ardrossan. One of the Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald series. 

{TROON HERALD AND AYRSHIRE ADVERTISER, 1873. (ind.) Fri. 1d. C. Murch- 
land, High St., Irvine. One of the Irvine Herald series. 

Tropical Diseases Bulletin, 1912. Twice a month—Ist & 15th. 21s. per ann. Tropical 
Diseases Bureau, Imperial Institute, South Kensington, s.w. Sold by Bailliere, 
Tindall & Cox, 8 Henrietta St., w.c. 

Tropical Life, 1905. M.—20th. Is. John Bale, Sons & Danielsson Ltd., 83-91 Great 
Titchfield St., w. = 

Tropical Veterinary Bulletin, 1912. Quarterly. 10s. per ann. Tropical Diseases Bureau, 
Imperial Institute, South Kensington, s.w. Sold by Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, 8 
Henrietta St., w.c. a 

Trotting World and Horse Review, 1902. Sat. 2d. Scrubbs Lane, Willesden Junction, 
N.w.; and E. Seale, 10 Imperial Arcade, E.C. 

Truro Diocesan Kalendar and Clergy List, 1877. Dec. ls. 6d. Besley & Copp Ltd., 
89 South St., Exeter. p 

are Diocesan Magazine, 1901. M.— 1st. 2d. net. Netherton & Worth, 6-7 Lemon St., - 

ruro. - 

Trusting and Toiling on Israei’s Behaif, 1895. M.—15th. ld. Mildmay Mission to the 
Jews, Central Hall, Philpot St., Commercial Rd., E., and Marshall Bros. Ltd., 
47 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Trust Review, 1916. Quarterly. 4d. Homo Counties P.H. Trust Ltd., Radlett, Herts. - 

tTruth, 1877. (7) Wed. 6d. Truth Publishing Co. Ltd., 10 Bolt Court, Fleet St., E.c.; 
Advert. Office—(Louis Kaufman, 10 Carteret St., s.w. (Truth deals with all 
current topics of the day in as kindly manner as the title permits. Advt.) 

Trysorfa y Plant (Children’s Treasury), 1862. M.—Ist. Id. illus. Welsh Publishing 
Co. Ltd., Carnarvon. l 

tTUAM HERALD, 1837. (ind. nat.) Fri. 1d. Tuam Herald Co., Herald Buildings, Tuam. 

Tuberculosis Year Book, 1913 (as British Sanatoria Annual, 1899). 5s. net. J. Bale, 
Sons & Danielsson Ltd.83-91 Great Titchfield St., w. 

tTULLAMORE AND KING’S CO. INDEPENDENT, 1894. (nat.) Fri., for Sat, 1d. 
Athlone Printing Works Co. Ltd., Athlone. One of the Westmeath Independent series. 

KENT AND SUSSEX HERALD, 1881. (ind. 2) Fri. 1d. Advertiser Co. Ltd., Grove 
Hill Road, Tunbridge Wells. (The leading local paper, 16 pages. Advt.) 

4d. S. Edwardes, 19 Grove Hill Road, Tunbridge Wells. 

Tunbridge Wells, Southborough, Tonbridge, &c., Directory, 1889. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s 
Directories, 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Turnbull’s Dock and Port Charges for the United Kingdom, 1879. Irreg. 21s. net. 
A. Reid & Co. Ltd., Akenside Hill, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

Turnbull's Shipping Register for the United Kingdom, 1848. Irreg. 21s. net. W. J. 
Potts, Atlas Works, North Shields. 

Turnbull’s Steamship Insurance Register for United Kingdom, 1885. Irreg. 21s. net. 
W. J. Potts, Atlas Works, North Shields. 

Twentieth Century Russia and Angio-Russia Review, 1915. Quarterly. 1s. J. Bale, 
Sons & Danielsson Ltd., 83-91 Great Titchfield St., w. 

Twenty Years’ Railway Statistics, 1879. April. 1s. Mathieson & Sons, 16 Copthall 
Avenue, E.C. 


1860] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’ s Press Guide. _ [ABC List. 

tTTWICKENHAM HERALD, 1899. (c) Sat. 12. R. W. Simpson & Co. Ltd., 70 Sheen 
Road, Richmond, Surrey. One of the Richmond Herald series. | 

Two Worlds, 1887. Thurs-—1 p.m., for Fri. 1d. Two Worlds Publishing Co. Ltd., 
18 Corporation St., Manchester. (London: Simpkin & Co. Ltd.) 


- TISER, 1878. (ind.) Fri. Id. Leigh Chronicle Ltd., Ducie St., Leigh. One 
of the Leigh Chronicle series. 

Tillotson & Son Ltd., 199 Elliott St., Tyldesley. One of the Bolton Journal series. 
(London: 1 Tudor St.) 

tTyneside Catholic News, 1897 (as Irish Tribune, 1884). Thurs., for Sat. Id. New 
Catholic Press Ltd., 32 Clayton St., Newcastle-on-Tyne. One of the Catholic 
Herald (London) series. f 

Type and Taient, 1915. M.—l1st. Gratis. Morland Press Ltd., 190 Ebury St., s.w. 

Typographical Circular, 1877 (as Typographical Societies’ Monthly Circular, 1865). 
M.—Ist week. ld. H. Skinner, Caxton Hall, Chapel St., Salford. 

{TYRONE CONSTITUTION, 1844. (u) Fri.—8 am. ld. Tyrone Constitution Ltd., 
25 High St., Omagh. 

tTYRONE ‘COURIER, 1880. (ind.) Wed., 3 p.m, for Thurs. $d. The Tyrone Printing 
Co., George’s St., Dungannon. 

tTYST (The Witness), 1864 (with which is incorporated Y Cel, 1903). (D) Wed.— 
8am. ld. J. Williams & Sons Ltd., 21-22 Glebeland St., Merthyr Tydfi. 

Tywsydd-y-Plant (The Children’s Guide), 1837. M.—20th. ld. Welsh Congregational 

l Union, 20 Alexander Road, Swansea. 

tUCKFIELD WEEKLY, 1903. Sat. Id. Southern Publishing Co. Ltd., Uckfield, and 
` 130 North St., Brighton. One of the Southern Weekly News series. 

UDDINGSTON STANDARD, 1904. (in7.) Sat. 3d. N. W. Thompson, 105 Main St., 

UDGORN NEWYDDIADUR CYMREIG, 1898. (/) Tues., for Wed. $d. R. Jones, 72-74 
High St., Pwllheli. 

apeiron GAZETTE AND ARMAGH STANDARD, 1884. (c) Thurs.—p.m., for Sat. 

W. J. Greer, 45 Scotch St., Armagh. 

FULSTER GUARDIAN, 1906 (as Lisburn Weekly Mai!, 1903). (/) Fri. 1d. Ulster 
Guardian Co. Ltd., 29 Rosemary St., Belfast. 

{ULSTER HERALD, 1901. (nat.) Thurs. —p.m., for Sat. ld. North-West of Ireland 
P. & P. Co. Ltd., 10 John St., Omagh. 

Uluia, 1873. Eight times a year. 2d. The Editor, Grammar School, Manchester. 

TULVERSTON GUARDIAN, 1910. Sat. ld. Barrow and North Lonsdale Press Ltd., 
91-3 Cavendish St., Barrow- -in-Furness. One of the Barrow Guardian series. 

TULVERSTON NEWS, 1883 (with which is incorporated Ulverston Mirror and Furness 

_ Reflector). (ind.) Sat. ld. Barrow News and Mail Ltd., Abbey Road, Barrow- 

tn- Furness. One of the Barrow News series. (London: 134 Fleet St.) 

tUmpire, 1884. Sat. and Sun. ld. Umpire Publishing Co. Ltd., Mark Lane, Man- 
chester. (London: 46 Shoe Lane.) 

Umpire Cricket Companion, 1907. April. 1d. Umpire Publishing Co. Ltd., Mark Lane, 

Umpire Football Guide, 1906. Aug. ld. Mark Lane, Manchester. 

Umpire Handbook, 1907. March. 1d. Umpire Publishing Co. Ltd., Mark Lane, 

Uncle Ben’s Budget, 1898. M.—25th. Id. J. A. Kensit, 3-4 St. Paul’s Churchyard, E.C. 

Undenominationalist, 1911 (incorporated with Bible Witness, 1916). 

Under the Dome, 1892. Quarterly. 1s. The Editor, Bethlem Royal Hospital, Lam- 
beth Road, Southwark, s.E. 

Undertakers’ Journal, 1886. M.—15th. 6d. W. J. Hutchings Ltd., Vine St., Uxbridge. 
U aion Jack, 1895. Thurs., for Sat. 1d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.C. 
Union Jack Club Calendar, 1908. Dec. 6d. Union Jack Club, Waterloo Road, s.£. 
Unit, 1906. M.—lIst. 3d. Electrical Press Ltd., 13-16 Fisher St., Kingsway, w.c. 

Unitarian Monthly, 1903. M.—last Wed. 1d. H. B. Smith, 13 Victoria Avenue, 
Brierfield, Lancs. 

Unitarian Pocket Book and Diary, 1863. Dec. 1s. 34. net. British and Foreign Uni- 
tarian Association, Essex Hall, Essex St., Strand, w.c. 

United Empire, 1910. M.—ist. 1s. net. Sir I. Pitman & Sons Ltd., 1 Amen Corner, E.c. 

Advertisements received for all the Religious Journals. [187 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

{United Kingdom Gazette, 1826. Wed. 25s. per ann. Manchester Guardian Society 
‘for the Protection of Trade, 15 Fountain St., Manchester. 

United Kingdom Mineral Water Trade Review and Guardian, 1873 (with which is incor- 
porated the Mineral Water Alliance and Manufacturer). M.—18th. 6s. per ann. 
J. Gilbert Smith, 165 Queen Victoria St., E.c. 

United Kingdom Stock and Share Brokers’ Directory, 1875. Sept. 4s. 6d. Spottiswoode, 
Ballantyne & Co. Ltd., 1 New Street Square, E.c. 

tUnited Methodist, 1907 (as Free Methodist, 1885). Thurs. 1d. H. Hooks, 12 Farring- 
don Avenue, E.c. 

United Methodist Magazine, 1908 (as Bible Christian Magazine, 1852, formerly Arminian 
Magazine, 1778). M.—25th. 3d. H. Hooks, 12 Farringdon Avenue, E.c. | 
+tUnited Service Gazette, 1833. Wed.—3.30 p.m., for Thurs. 6d. F. A. Wickhart, 11 

Gough Square, E.c. 

United Service Magazine, 1890 (as United Service Journal, 1829). M.—Ist. 2s. W. Clowes 
& Sons Ltd., 31 Haymarket, s.w. Advertisement Department, 63 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

United Temperance Gazette, 1895. Quarterly. ld. United Temperance Council Pub 
lication Department, 27 Memorial Hall, Farringdon St., E.c. 

Unity, 1877 (as Labour and Unity, 1868). Quart. ld. T. Williams, 231 Pentonville Rd., N. 

Universal Brotherhood, 1912. Quarterly. Gratis. London Missionary Society, 16 New 
Bridge St., E.C. . ` 

Universal Directory of Railway Officials, 1895. July. 10s. Directory Publishing Co. 
Ltd., 15 Farringdon Avenue, E.C. 

Universal Electrical Directory (J. A. Berly’s), 1882. Jan. 12s. and 21s. H. Alabaster, 
Gatehouse & Co., 4 Ludgate Hill, £.c. 

Universal Fellowship Calendar, 1914. Oct. 1s. Christian Commonwealth Co. Ltd., 
133 Salisbury Square, E.c. . 

Universal Investment Tables, 1907. March. Qs. 6d. Universal Stock Exchange, 
8 Waterloo Place, s.w. 

Universal Medical Record, 1912. M.—1l4th. 2s. 6d., 25s. per ann. Universal Medical 
Periodicals Ltd., 36-8 Whitefriars St., E.c. (A critical monthly survey of current 
Medical Literature, British and Foreign. Advt.) 

Universal Music and Dramatic Directory, 1885 (English Edition) March. 10s. 6d. 
H. Bonnaire, 20 High Holborn, w.c. 

Universal Quarterly, 1908. Jan., April, July, Oct. 1s. net. Hayman, Christy & Lilly 
Ltd., 113-117 Farringdon Road, E.c. i 

Universal Stock Exchange Market Report, 1883. Fri. Gratis. Universal Stock 
Exchange Ltd., 8 Waterloo Place, s.w. l 

tUniverse, 1860 (with which is incorporated the Catholic Chronicle and Catholic Weekly). 
Fri. ld. Associated Catholic Newspapers (1912) Ltd., Effingham House, Arundel 
St., Strand, w.c. (Non-party Illustrated Weekly Catholic Newspaper. Advt.) 

University College Hospital Magazine, 1910. Twice each term. 1s. J. Bale & Danielsson 

_ Ltd., 83-91 Great Titchfield St., w. 

University College of Dundee Calendar, 1882. Aug. 6d. The Secretary, University 
College, Dundee. ~ i 

University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, Calendar, 1873. Jan. 1s. 6d. J. E. Cornish 
Ltd., 16 St. Ann’s Square, Manchester. . 

University College, Reading, Review, 1908. Three times a year, 2s: per ann. The 
Registrar, University College, Reading. 

University College Union Magazine, 1904. Terminally. 6¢. The Editor, Union 
Society University College, Gower St., w.c. i i 

University Correspondent and Educational Review, 1890. M.—ist. ld. W. B. Cive 
25 High St., New Oxford St., w.c. K I o”? 

University Extension Bulietin, 1907. Three times a year. 1d. Hamptons Ltd. 
12 Cursitor St., E.C. f 

University of Bristol Calendar, 1910. Sept. 1s. J. W. Arrowsmith Ltd., 11 Quay St. 
Bristol. . i 

University of Durham College of Medicine Gazette, 1900. M.—15th. 2s. 6d. per ann. 
The Editor, University_College of Medicine, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

University of Leeds Calendar, 1904. Sept. 1s. Secretary, The University, Leeds. 

University of Leeds Report, 1904. Dec. Gratis. Secretary, The University, Leeds. 

University of Liverpool Engineering Society Journal, 1912. Annually. 2s. 6d." University 
Press, 57 Ashton St., Liverpool. 

University of London Calendar, 1837. Sept. 6s. Hodder & Stoughton, St. Paul’s 
House, Warwick Square, E.c. a 

University of Manchester Calendar. March. 2s. 6d. net. Longmans, Green & Co. 
39 Paternoster Row, E.c. l k 

188] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 


W niia le ed 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

SRNE y ere Local Examination Papers. Terminally. 2s. Parker & Son, Broad 
t., Oxford. 

University Socialist Federation Bulletin, 1915. Terminally. 1d. The Federation, 
25 Tothill St., Westminster, s.w. 
University of Wales Calendar, 1897. Nov. 1s. 6d. The Registrar, University of Wales, 

Cathays Park, Cardiff. 
Unpopular Review, 1914. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. Williams& Norgate, 14 Henrietta St., w.c. 
Uppingham Almanack, 1875. Nov. ld., illus. J. Hawthorn, High St., Uppingham, 

Uppingham Schooi Magazine, 1863. M.—during term. 6d. J. Hawthorn, High St., 
TUPTON-ON-SEVERN NEWS, 1902. (ind.) Sat. 1d. I. O. Wilson, High St., Upton- 

TUPWELL AND OUTWELL ADVERTISER, 1882. (ind.) Fri. ld. Sharman & Co. 
Ltd., High St., March. One of the Cambridgeshire Times series 

Ysha Magazine, 1893. March, July, Dec. 5s. perann. St. Cuthbert’s College, Ushaw, 

urham. ; 

Babb Bros., Market Place, Uttoxeter. (The only paper published in this 
extensive district. Advt. 

C. E. & S: J. King, 168 High St., Uxbridge. (Adut. p. 457). 

Vaccination Inquirer, 1879. M.—25th. 1d. Simpkin & Co. Ltd., 32 Paternoster Row, E.C 

Vacher’s Parliamentary Companion, 1832. M. 3d. During Session and in Nov. 6d. 
Vacher & Sons Ltd., Westminster House, Great Smith St., s.w. 

Vahan, The, 1892. M.—Ist. 4d. Theosophical Publishing Society, 161 New Bond St., w. 

Thurs. ld. R. E. Jones & Bros.; Conway. One of the North Wales Weekly News series. 

TVALE OF CONWAY & NORTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS, 1905. (/) Wed., for Thurs. 
Id. R. E. Jones & Bros., Conway. One of the North Wales Weekly News series. 

Valentine’s Anglo- Jewish Almanac and Diary, 1915. Dec. 6d. P. Vallentine & Son, 
9 Commercial St., E.c. 

Vanity Fair and Hearth and Home, 1868. M.—Ist. 6d., illus. 69 Fleet St., £.C. 

Vegetarian, 1888. M.—lIst. ld. R. J. James, 10-12 Ivy Lane, E.C. ; 

Vegetarian Messenger and Health Review, 1849 and 1887. M.—lIst. ld. Vegetarian 

-© Society, 257 Deansgate, Manchester. | 

Venture, 1912. M.—15th. 2d. T. & W. Goulding, 6 Nelson St., Bristol. 

Venturer, 1915. M.—Ist. 3d. Headley Bros., Kingsway House, Kingsway, w.c. 

Veritas, 1912. June. ls. K. J. Kenny, 65 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. 

Veterinary Journal, 1875. M.—Ist. ls. net. Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, 8 Henrietta St., w.c. 

tVeterinary News, 1904. Fri. 2d. Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, 8 Henrietta St., w.c. 

tVeterinary Record, 1888. Fri.—p.m., for Sat. 3d. H. & W. Brown, 20 Fulham Rd., s.w. 

Victoria (Australia) Post Office Directory (Wise’s), 1884. Annually. 47s. 6d. Kelly’s 

Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Victorian, 1871. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, Victoria College, Jersey. 

Vigilance Record, 1887. M.—15th. ld. W. A. Coote, 76 Victoria St., s.w. 

Vigonian, 1878. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, King’s School, Worcester. 

Vinton’s (late Morton’s) Agricultural Almanac and Diary, 1854. Dec. ls. and 2s. Vinton 
& Co. Ltd., 8 Bream’s Buildings, E.c. 

Violin Budget, 1889. M.—20th. ld. F. Pitman, Hart & Co. Ltd., 20 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Visitor, 1914 (as Eastbourne Illustrated Visitor’s List and Guide, 1874). (ind.) Fri. ld. 
T. R. Beckett Ltd., Pevensey Road, Eastbourne. 

Voice -of Labour, 1914. M.—15th 1d. Voice of Labour Group, 127 Ossulston St., St. 
Pancras, N.W. 

Volunteer Civil Force Journal, 1914. M.—Ist. ld. Volunteer Civil Force, Ruskin 
House, 60-6 Rochester Row, s.w. 

+tVolunteer Force Gazette, 1914. Sat. Id. Clerkenwell Press Ltd., 76-8 Clerkenwell 
Road, E.c. i | 

tVotes for Women, 1907. M.—last Thurs. Id. 27 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Vox Stellarum ; or, a Loyal Almanac (Moore’s), 1717. Sept. 6d. net. Cassell & Co. Ltd., 
La Belle Sauvage, E.c. 

Vulcan, 1904. M.—Ist. 3d. Vulcan Boiler and General Insurance Co. Ltd., 67-9 King 
St., Manchester. (A monthly journal for owners and users.of power plant. Advt.) 

Advertisements received for all the M agazines. [180 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

+WADEBRIDGE AND PADSTOW GUARDIAN, 1901. (/) Thurs., for Fri. ld. A. B. 
Lyne, Church Stile House, Bodmin. One ‘of the Cornish Guardian series. 

Wadham College Gazette, 1897. Terminally. 62. The Editor, Wadham College, 
Oxford. Alden & Co. Ltd., Bocardo Press, Oxford. 

WAKEFIELD ADVERTISER AND GAZETTE, 1897 (with which is incorporated the 
Normanton Gazette, 1908). (ind.) Tues. hd. C. E. Coward, 14 King St., Wakefield. 

WAKEFIELD AND WEST RIDING HERALD (as Wakefield Journal, 1801, incorporated 
the Wakefield Express, 1913). 

Wakefield Diocesan Church Calendar, 1886. Jan. 1s. J. Ward & Co., Caxton Square, 
Dewsbury. (London: Simpkin & Co.) 

Wakefield Diocesan Gazette, 1894. M.—15th. 2d. W. H. Milnes Ltd., Radcliffe Printing 
Works, Wakefield. 

BURY ADVERTISER, 1852 (with which is incorporated the Wakefield and West 
Riding Herald, 1801.) (ind.) Sat.—6 a.m. ld. J. Robinson & Son, 2 Southgate, 
Wakefield. (Guaranteed weekly sales of Wakefield Express series 33,000 
weekly. Advt.) . 

Walford’s County Families of the United Kingdom, 1860. Jan. 50s. Spottiswoode, 

, Ballantyne & Co. Ltd., 1 New Street Square, E.C. l 

WALKDEN AND DISTRICT TELEGRAPH, 1895. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Telegraph Printing 
Co. Ltd., Railway Road, Urmston. One of the Western Telegraph series. 

Walker’s Diaries. Price varies. Walker & Co. Ltd., Farringdon House, Warwick Lane, E.c. 

Walker’s Leeds Time Table, 1854. M.—lst. 14d. A. Wigley, 131 Park Lane, Leeds. 

{WALLASEY AND WIRRAL CHRONICLE, 1888. (c.u) Wed., $d.; Sat., ld. Wallasey, 
&c., Newspaper Co. Ltd., 27 Victoria Road, Seacombe. 

Sat., ld. Willmer Bros. & Co. Ltd., 55 Victoria Road, Seacombe. 

+WALLINGTON AND CARSHALTON ADVERTISER, 1869. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. ld. 
Exors. of J]. W. Ward, 36 High St., Croydon: One of the Croydon Advertiser series. 

tWALLINGTON AND CARSHALTON. ‘HERALD, 1878. (c) Fri. ld. W. Pile Ltd., 
26 High St., Sutton. One of the Surrey County Herald series. (Advt. p. 459). 

WALSALL ADVERTISER, 1857 (incorporated with Walsall Pioneer, 1916). 

Walsall Annual Red Book, 1871. Dec. 1s., illus. T. Kirby & Sons Ltd., Walsall. 

which is incorporated the Walsall Free Press, 1856). (ind.) Sat. Id. j. & W. 
Griffin Ltd., The Bridge, Walsall. (The net sales of the Walsall Observer (which 
are regularly certified by Chartered Accountant), are guaranteed to be more 
than six times those of any other Walsall paper. Advt.) 

WALSALL PIONEER, 1916 (with which is incorporated Walsall Advertiser, 1857). 
Sat. ld. Walsall Advertiser Co. Ltd., 138 Lichfield St., Walsall. 

WALTHAMSTOW AND LEYTON HERALD, 1911. Fri., for Sat. 4d. W. Stoddart 
& Co., 396a Hoe St., Walthamstow, N.E. (The Herald is the only paper printed 
in Leyton and Walthamstow, circulating in a population of 260,000 in 
Walthamstow, Leyton, Hyham Park and Chingford. Very popular in the 
district, and covers all’ local news thoroughly. Advt.) (Advt. p. 459). 

tWALTHAMSTOW EXPRESS, 1883. (ind.) Fri—4 p.m., for Sat. ld. Wilson & 
Whitworth Ltd., Broadway, Stratford, =. One of the Borough of West Ham, &c., 
Express series. ‘Telephone 932 East. 

GUARDIAN, 1870. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Walthamstow & Leytons Guardian Newspaper 
and General Publishing Co. Ltd., 209 Hoe St., Waltham tow, N.E. 

{WALTON AND NORTH LIVERPOOL TIMES, 1876. (ind.) Fri. ld. Bootle Times 
Ltd., 30 Oriel Road, Bootle, Liverpool. One of the Bootle Times series. 

tWALTON GAZETTE, 1878. (ind.) Tues.—4 p.m., for Wed. Id. Benham & Co. Ltd., 
24 High St., Colchester. One of the Colchester Gazette series. 

tWALTON NEWS AND COAST TIMES, 1890. (ind.) Sat. Id. East Essex Printing 
Works Ltd., Oxford Rd., Clacton-on-Sea. on of the East Essex Advertiser series. 

+WANDSWORTH BOROUGH NEWS, 1900 (as Putney and South-Western Chronicle, 
1884; as Putney and Wandsworth Borough News, 1885). (c) Fri—8 a.m. ld. 
W. C. Waddington, 88 East Hill, s.w. 

WANDSWORTH NEWS LETTER, 1911. (ind.) M.—2nd Fri. Id. Percy Cleave 
Ltd., 162 High St., Putney. 
WANDSWORTH OBSERVER, 1887. (u) Fri., for Sat. ld. J. V. Glazebrook, 204 

Hammersmith Road, Hammersmith, w. One of the West London Reporter series. 

Wandsworth, Putney, and Barnes Directory, 1882. Annually. ls. Kelly’s Directories 

Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

90] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. * [ABC List. 

TWANSTEAD EXPRESS AND INDEPENDENT, 1883 (as Wanstead Times, 1876) 
(ind.) Fri.—3 p.m., for Sat. Id. J.G. Locks, 827 High Road, Leytonstone. One 
of the Leytonstone Express series. 

War and Peace, 1913. M.—Ist. 37. War & Peace Ltd., 18 Bride Lane, E.C. 

tWar Budget, 1914. Thurs. 3d. United Newspapers Ltd., 12 Salisbury Square, E.C. 

tWar Cry, 1881 (as Salvationist, 1879). Tues., for Sat. ld., illus. Salvation Army, 
Judd St., King’s Cross, w.c. 

{War Illustrated, 1914. Wed. for Sat. 2d. Amalgted. Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St., E.C. 

War of the Nations, 1914. Fri. 44d. G. Newnes Ltd., 8-11 Southampton St., Strand, w.c. 

War Office List and Directory for the Administrative Departments of the British Army, 
1863. April. 5s. Harrison & Sons, 45 Pall Mall, s.w. (Names, services, pay, 
and duties of officials. Advt.) : 

Ward’s Croydon Directory, 1851. Dec. 3s. 6d. Exors. of J. W. Ward, 36 High St., 

Ward’s Directory Baby Edition, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Wallsend, and Surrounding 
Villages, 1888. Biennially, last issue, Jan., 1916. 8s. R. Ward & Sons, 
31-39 High St., Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

Ward's Directory of Darlington, &c., 1896. Biennially, last issue, July, 1914. 8s. 
R. Ward & Sons, 31-39 High Bridge, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

Ward’s Directory of Newcastle-on- Tyne, Gateshead, Sunderland, North and South Shiel: as. 
1850. Biennially, last issue, Jan., 1915. 12s. 6d. R. Ward & Sons, 31-39 High 
Bridge, Newcastle-on-Tyne. : 

Ward’s Family Almanack and Directory, 1856. Nov. ld. W. I. Watson, Wednesday 
Market, Beverley. i | . 

tWard’s Weekly Shipping Journal, 1906. Sat. Is. Ward Maritime Press Ltd., 
27-8 Fetter Lane, E.c. | 

WARD-DAVIES’S FREE PRESS, 1869. Fri. 1d. I. Ward-Davies, Main St., Pembroke. 

(ind.) Fri.—ll am. ld. Coates & Parker, 15 Market Place, Warminster. 

{WARRINGTON EXAMINER, 1909 (as Warrington Examiner, 1869; as Warrington 
and Mid-Cheshive Examiner, 1878). (2) Sat. 1d. J. Walker & Co. Ltd., Bewsey St., 
Warrington. (London : 44 Fleet St.) (The Warrington Examiner series (see 
Earlestown, Widnes, St. Helens and Runcorn) has a large and rapidly increasing 
sale among the business and influential portions of the community in South 
Lancashire and North Cheshire. The series is largely used by county and local 
authorities and progressive men. Advertisements appear in the series at one 
inclusive charge. Price ld. Advt.) 

TWARRINGTON GUARDIAN, 1853. (ind.) Wed.—10 a.m., ld.; Sat.—3 a.m., ld. 
Mackie Ltd., Sankey St., Warrington. (London: 173 Fleet St.) The weekly 
sale of this, the most important of the Warrington Guardian series (which comprises 
no fewer than thirteen papers published in the various towns of South-West 
Lancashire and Cheshire), is several times larger than that of. any other local 
publication. Since the war commenced the circulation of the series, for which 
inclusive advertisement rates are charged, has increased by some 5,000 copies 
weekly, and now exceeds 40,000 copies. Advt.) 

WARRINGTON REVIEW, 1904. (ind.) Fri. $d. Warrington Review P. & P. Co. 
Ltd., Rose and Crown St., Warrington. 

Warrior, 1911 (as Y.P., 1906). M.—20th. 1d. Salvation Army, Judd St., King’s Cross, w. 


. and.) Sat. ld. Evans & Co., 20 High St., Warwick. (London: 151 Fleet St.) 

for Sat. ld. R. Simmons, 8 High St., Warwick. (London: 174 Fleet St) 

Warwick (with Birmingham): Bennetts Business Directory, 1881. Annually. 3s. 6d. 
Bennett & Co., Chapel Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Adut. p. 456). 

{WARWICKSHIRE STAR, 1912 (as Nuneaton Record, 1911). (imd.) Tues. 4d. 
Nuneaton Chronicle Ltd., 39 Church St., Nuneaton. 

Wasp, 1905. Terminally. Subs.—3s. per ann. Jackson & Son, Main St., Sedbergh. 

tWasto Trade World, 1912. Sat. Id. Maclaren & Sons Ltd., 38 Shoe Lane, E.C. 

Watch and Clock Trades Directory, 1872. Every four years, last isue 1913. 25s. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Watchmaker, Jeweller, Siiversmith, and Optician, 1873. M.—Ist. 6d. 5s. per ann. 
Heywood & Co. Ltd., 150 Holborn, E.C. 

Water and Water Engineering, 1899. M.—15th. 6d., illus. Colliery Guardian Co. Ltd., 

: 30-31 Furnival St., E.c. 

}WATERFOOT TIMES, 1898. (J) Sat.—5 a.m. ld. Bacup Times Ltd., 9-11 King St., 

Bacup. One of the Bacup Times series. 

Advertisements received for all the Periodicals. [re 

ABC List.} *Willing’s Press Guide. 

TWATERFORD NEWS, 1848. (nat.) Two editions. Fri. ld. Waterford News Ltd., 
50 O’Connell St., Waterford. (“The Waterford News is the leading paper in Water- 
ford.” These are the words of Mr. John Redmond, the Irish Leader, speaking in 
the House of Commons. The Waterford News has a circulation exceeding that of all 
the other local newspapers combined. It has a complete telegraphic service, fullest 
local reports, and numerous carefully edited special features. Telegrams: News 
Waterford. See also Evening News (Waterford), a daily published at this 
„office. Advt.) 

Waterford News Letter, Import and Export List, 1800. Tues., Thurs., Sat. 20s. per 
ann. R. Whalley, 15 Bailey’s'New St., Waterford. ; 

Sat. ld. R. Whalley, 15 Bailey’s New St., Waterford. 

{WATERFORD STAR, 1892. (nat.) Fri—7 p.m. ld. A. O’Mahony, 120 Quay, 

Waterloo, Blundellsands, Great Crosby, and Seaforth Directory, 1906. 2s. 6d. Wentworth 
Publishing Co., 3 Crosshall St., Liverpool. 

+WATERLOO AND CROSBY HERALD, 1895. (c) Fri. id. R. Johnson & Co. Ltd., 
28 Tulketh St., Southport. (London: 134 Fleet St.) : 

{WATERLOO AND CROSBY TIMES, 1876. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Bootle Times Ltd., 30 
Oriel Road, Bootle, Liverpool. One of the Bootle Times series. 

Waterman, 1881. M.—25th. ld. Birmingham News & Printing Co. Ltd., 28 John 
Bright St., Birmingham. 

Waterworks Directory and Statistics, 1877. July. 10s. 6d. Hazell, Watson & Viney 
Ltd., 52 Long Acre, w.c. ` 

Watford and Bushey Directory, 1899. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High 
Holborn, w.c. -~ 

+WATFORD POST AND ECHO, 1887. (ind.) Tues. 1d. J. E: King, 42 High St., 

WATFORD NEWS LETTER, 1908. (ind.) Thurs. 4d. Curtis Bros., 8 King St., Watford. 

Watsonian, 1904. Terminally. 34. W. F. Henderson, 19 George IV. Bridge, Edinburgh. 

Wawr (The Dawn), 1913. Terminally. 6d. Editorial Board, University College of 
Wales, Aberystwyth. 

Way of Holiness, 1915. M.—Ist. 1d. Morgan & Scott Ltd., 12 Paternoster Buildings, E.C 

+WEALDSTONE GAZETTE, 1895. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. ld. Clarke & Ashmore, 54 
High St., Harrow, One of the Harrow Gazette series. 

tWEALDSTONE OBSERVER, 1892. (inł.) Thurs., for Fri. ld. Sholl & Kay, Station 
Rd., Harrow. One of the Harrow Observer series. (Largest guaranteed circula- 
tion. Advt.) , 

+Wearside Catholic News, 1910. Thurs., for Sat. 1d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 32 
Clayton St., Newcastie-on-Tyne. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

Webster's Foresters’ and Estate Agents’ Diary, 1903. Dec. 2s. 6d. W. Rider & Son 
Ltd., 8-11 Paternoster Row, E.C. l 

Webster’s Royal Red Book, 1848. Jan. & May. 5s. Webster & Co., 44 Dover St. w. 

tWEDNESBURY BOROUGH NEWS, 1866. (ind.) Sat. ld. 27 Lower High Street, 

(incorporated with Midland Advertiser, 1916). 

Weekly Companion, 1914. Sat. 1d. D.C. Thomson & Co. Ltd., Dundee. i 

tWEEKLY COURIER (Liverpool), 1808. (u) Sat. ld. C. Tinling & Co. Ltd., = 
Victoria St., Liverpool. (London: 187 Fleet St.) 

+WEEKLY DISPATCH, 1801. Sun. Id. Associated Newspapers Ltd., 3 Tallis St., E.C. 

Weekly Financial Mail, 1914. Sat. 1d., Commercial Journals Ltd., 3 Bolt Court, E.C 

ld. A. Marr, 30 Union St., Aberdeen. 

{WEEKLY FREEMAN AND NATIONAL PRESS (Dublin), 1893 (as Weekly Pian 
and Irish Agriculturist, 1817). (nat.) Sat. 1d. Freeman’s Journal Ltd., 4-7 Prince’s 
St., Dublin. (London: 211 Strand.) 

Weekly. Friend, 1912 (as Family Stories, 1910). Mon. for Sat. Id. Amalgamated Press 
Ltd., 22- 5 Farringdon St., E.c. 


ø= for Sat. 1d. Bartlett & Son, Regent St., Shanklin. 

Weekly Intelligence, 1836.. Tues. 25s. per ann. Cooper, Craig & Craig, 145 Cheapside, E.c. 

WEEKLY IRISH TIMES (Dublin), 1875. (ind.) Wed.—a.m., and Sat. 1d. The Irish 
Times Ltd., 31 Westmorland St., Dublin. (London: 59 Fleet St.). (Advt. p. 453). 

Weekly List of Cotton Ships at Sea and Loading, 1867. Fri. Subscription, £2 2s. Com- 
telburo Ltd., 7 Rumford St., Liverpool. (London: 11 Tokenhouse_ Yard.) 

>] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

- Weekly List of Sailings, 18S—. Mon.—10 a.m. 5s. per ann. P.O. Stores Depart,ment 
17-19 Bedford St., w.c. 

TWEEKLY MAIL (Cardiff), 1870. (ind.) Fri.—6 a.m., for Sat. 1d. Western Mail Ltd., 
St. Mary St., Cardiff. (London: 176 Fleet St.) 

WEEKLY MAIL AND RECORD (Glasgow), 1915 (with which are incorporated Glasgow 
Weekly Mail, 1862, and Scottish Wee ly Record, 1899). (ind.) Wed., for Sat. ld. 
Daily Record (Glasgow) Ltd., 102-114 Union St., Glasgow. 

{WEEKLY NORTHERN WHIG (Belfast), 1858. (lu) Thurs.—1 p.m., for Sat. ld. 
A Whig Ltd., 7 and 9 Victoria St., Belfast. (London : 92 Fleet St. ) (Advt. 

. 445). 

t Weekly Notes, 1866. Fri.—5 p.m., for Sat. 6d. Incorporated Council of Law Reporting 
for England and Wales, 10 Old Square, Lincoln’s Inn, w.c. 

+WEEKLY OBSERVER, 1915. (nat.) Sat. ld. Maragaret M. Byrnes, Maiden St., 

tWeekly Record of the Textile Trades Association, 1883. Wed. 31s. 6d. per ann. 

. J. Kemp & Co. Ltd., 31 Market St., Manchester. 

Weokly Register, 1850. Fri. 5s. per ann. 'R. Stuart & Co., 101 St. Vincent St., Glasgow. 

Weekly Report, 1915 (as Weekly Financial Report, 1909.) Sat. Id. M. Wallbrooke, 

| Spencer House, South Place, Finsbury, E.c. 

Weekly Return of Births and Deaths, 1840. Wed.—p.m. 14d. Wyman & Sons Ltd., 
Fetter Lane, E.C. 

+WEEKLY SCOTSMAN (Edinburgh), 1859. (l.u) Sat. 1d. J. Ritchie & Co., 24 North 
Bridge St., Edinburgh. (London: 45 Fleet St., E.c.) 

{WEEKLY SENTINEL, 1911. (ind.) Fri.—9 a.m., for Sat. 4d. W. Brown & Sons Ltd., 
Camden Press, Ashton-under-Lyne. 

t Weokiy Summary for the Blind, 1892. Wed. 2d. E. R. Scott & L.T. Bloxam, Eltham, S.E. 

AND HURLFORD, 1880. (ind.) Fri. 4d. W. McDonald & Sons, 5 Bridge St., Galston. 

Weekly Tale Teller, 1909 (amalgamated with Yes or No, 1916). 

WEEKLY TELEGRAPH (Sheffield), 1888 (as Sheffield Weekly Telegraph, 1862). Mon., 
for Sat. ld. Sir W. C. Leng & Co. Ltd., High St., Sheffield. (London: 180 and 
181 Fleet St. 

W. T. (Weekly Telegraph) Novels, 1898. M.—23rd. 4d. Sir W. C. Leng & Co- Ltd., 

High St., Shefheld. (London: 180 Fleet St. 
1863. (tnd.) Fri.—5 p.m. ld. E. Cowing & Son, High Bridge St., Waltham Abbey. 

Weekly Weather Report, 1878 (N.S. 1884). Thurs.—p.m. 6d., illus. Wyman & Sons 
Ltd., Fetter Lane, E.c. : 

Weekly Weicome, 1896. Sat. ld. D.C. Thomson & Co. Ltd., Dundee. 

Weekly Wool Chart and Private Business Report, 1907. Thurs. 1s. C. F. Mallett, 
1 Cheapside, Bradford. (Bradford market, prices, prospects, etc. Advt.) 

Weildon’s Bazaar of Children’s Fashions, 1881. M.—10th. 2d. Weldons Ltd, 30-32 
Southampton St., Strand, w.c. 

Weldon’s Catalogue of Fashions, 1904. Three times a year. March, May, Oct. 3d. 
Weldons Ltd., 30-32 Southampton St., Strand, w.c. 

Weldon’s Home Dressmaker, 1895. M.—25th. 2d. Weldons Ltd., 30-32 Southampton 
St., Strand, w.c. 

Weldon’s Home Miiliner, 1895. Feb., March, May, Sept., Nov. 2d. Weldon’s Ltd., 
30-32 Southampton St., Strand, w.c. 

eee illustrated Dressmaker, 1880. M.—10th. 2d. Weldons Ltd., 30-32 South- 

mpton St., Strand, w.c. 

Weldon s Journal of Costumes, 1884 (as Journal of Costumes, 1878). M.—15th. 6d. 
Weldons Ltd., 30-32 Southampton St., Strand, w.c. 

Weldon’s Ladies’ Journal, 1879. M.—I15th. 3d. Weldons Ltd., 30-32 Southampton 
St., Strand, w.c. 

Weldon’s Practical Needlework, 1885. M.—15th. 2d. Weldons Ltd., 30-32 South- 

*ampton St., Strand, w.c. 

“ Wellcome ” Photographic Exposure Record and Diary, 1900. Nov. 1s. Burroughs 
Wellcome & Co., Snow Hill Buildings, E.c. (A pocket guide to Photography and 
P to correct exposure, for which purpose a special mechanical calculator is 

plied with the book. Advt.) 

WELL NGBOROUGH AND RUSHDEN GAZETTE, 1912. (c) Fri. ld. Northants 
County Press Ltd., Lower St., Kettering. 

TWELLINGBOROUGH ‘NEWS, 1861. () Fri.—3 p.m. ld. Northamptonshire Printing 
& Publishing Co. Ltd., Market Square, Wellingborough. 

Wellingburian. Terminally. Subs. Perkins & Co., 33-5 Sheep St., Wellingborough. 

Advertisements received for all the English Provincial Newspapers. [19° 

ABC List.) . Willing’s Press Guide. 

Wellington and Wiveliscombe Directory, 1846. Dec. 2d. J. H. Jackson, South St., 
Wellington, Somerset. 

NEWS, 1887. (J) Wed. 4d. H. Law, The Parade, Taunton, Somerset. One of 
the Somerset County Express series. (Advt. p. 458. 

+WELLINGTON JOURNAL AND SHREWSBURY NEWS, 1854 (with which are incor- 
porated Eddowe’s Shrewsbury Journal, Shropshire News, Shropshire Standard, 
Shropshire Guardian, Shropshire Evening News, Wellington Standard). .(ind.) 
Sat. ld. Leake & Sons, Church St., and Queen St., Wellington, Salop (Copy of 
Certificate—‘We have examined the books of the “Wellington Journal and Shrews- 
bury News’ for the six months to 30th March, 1912, and we hereby certify that 
after deducting all returned, unsold and free copies, the Net Actual Sale averaged 
43,175 copies of each issue.—-(Signed), Harrison, West, Ledsam & Co., Chartered 
Accountants, 16 Waterloo St., Birmingham.” This proved Net Actual Sale places 
the Journal at the head of all the county weekly newspapers published between 
London and Edinburgh. Advertisers are invited to inspect the publishers’ books 
showing this sale distribution in detail. Addvt.). 

+WELLINGTON WEEKLY NEWS; 1880 (as Corner’s Wellington Weekly News, 1860) 
(ind.) Wed.—noon. ld. J. H. Jackson, South St., Wellington, Somerset. 

Wellington Year Book, 1890. Feb. 25. T. Hunt, Wellington College, Berks, 

Wellingtonian, 1868. Thrice in each term. 6d. T. Hunt, Wellington College, Berks. 

(ind.) Thurs. —5 p.m, for Fri. 1d. D. Woodhams, 9 High St., Wells. 

tWelsh Catholic Herald, 1888. Fri. ld. New Catholic Press Ltd., Mail Chambers, 
Cardiff. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

Welsh Coal and Shipping Handbook, with Tide Tables for Channel Ports, 1909 (as Cardiff 
Tide Tables, 1861). Jan. ls. Western Mail Ltd., St. Mary St., Cardiff. 

{WELSH COAST PIONEER, 1898 (with which is incorporated Flintshire Observer and 
News, 1855). (c) Thurs. 1d. Welsh Coast Pioneer Ltd., Conway Road, Colwyn Bay. 

TISER, 1899. Wed. ld. G. Rees, Bridge St., Aberystwyth. 

Welsh Outlook, 1914. M.—lIst. 3d. Welsh Outlook Press, 43 Penarth Road, Cardiff. 

Welsh Unionist, 1908. M.—lIst. Id. F. J. Harries, 14 Taff St., Pontypridd. — 

WELSHMAN, 1829. (ind.) Wed. and Thurs. 1d. Welshman Newspaper Co. Ltd., 
123 Lammas St., Carmarthen. 

. {WEMBLEY GAZETTE, 1900. (ind.) Thurs., for Fri. 1d. Clarke & Ashmore, 54 High 

St., Harrow. One of the Harrow Gazette series, 

tWEMBLEY OBSERVER, 1895. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Sholl& Kay, Station Road, Harrow. One 
of the Harrow Observer series. (The Local Paper: largest guaranteed circulation. Advi.) 

{WERIN AND ECO (Commonwealth), 1885 (with which is amalgamated Eco Cymraeg, 
1915). (2) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Welsh National Press Co. Ltd., Carnarvon. One of 
the North Wales Observer series. 

Wesleyan Methodist Pocket Book, 1850. Oct. 1s. to 2s. 6d. C. H. Kelly, 25-35 City 
Road, and 26 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Wesleyan Methodist Sunday School Magazine, 1857. M. —25th. 2d. Wesleyan Methodist 
Sunday School De T 2 and 3 Ludgate Circus Buildings, E.C. 

WEST BRIDGFORD A VERTISER, 1908. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. T. W. Rowbottom, 
12 Ella Road, West Bridgford. 

+WEST BRITON AND CORNWALL ADVERTISER, 1810. () Mon.—a.m., 4d.; Thurs. 
—a.m., ld. A. M. Bluett, 27 Boscawen St., Truro. (London: 151 Fleet St.) 

{WEST BROWWICH WEEKLY NEWS, 1871. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Midland Printing Co. 
Ltd., 191 High St., West Bromwich. 

West Country, 1908. Annually. ls. Homeland Association Ltd., 37-8 Maiden Lane. 
Strand, w.c l 

{WEST CUMBERLAND TIMES, 1874. (ind.) Wed.—a.m., $d.; Sat.—a.m., ld. Brash 
Bros. Ltd., South St., Cockermouth. 

+WEST DER BYSHIRE COURIER, 1912. One of the Derbyshire Courier series. 

West End Gazette of Ladies’ and Gentiemen’s Fashions, 1861. M.—25th. Is., plates. 
Thornton Institute, 24-5 Castle St. East, w. | 

West End Philatelist, 1904. M.—15th. 2d. D. Field, 4-5 Royal Arcade, Old Bond St., w. 

WEST ESSEX GAZETTE, 1913 (as Epping Gazette and West Essex Record, 1894). (ind.) 
Sat. ld. Davis & Co., 1 Victoria Buildings, Epping. (The leading paper for Epping, 
Loughton, Theydon Bois, North Weald, Harlow, Ongar and towns and villages 
of West Essex. Advt.) 

{WEST FIFE ECHO, 1900 (as Cowdenheath and Kelty Echo, 1900). (D) Wed.—a.m. 
$d. J. B. Mackie, Gibb St., Dunfermline. 

-94] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

a Willing’s Press Guide. [A B C List. 

{WEST HAM AND SOUTH ESSEX MAIL, 1912 (as South Essex Mail, 1899; as Borough 
West Ham and South Essex Mail, 1908). (ind.) Fri. ld. Parr & Bucklow, 
BIA High St., East Ham. 

WEST HAM EXPRESS AND INDEPENDENT, 1876. (ind.) Fri. ld. J. G. Locks, 
827 High Road, Leytonstone. One of the Leytonstone Express series. 

tWEST HERTS AND WATFORD OBSERVER, 1903 (with which are incorporated the 
Berkhamsted Times, Tring Telegraph, Chesham News, 1875, West Herts Observer, 
1900, and Watford Observer, 1863). (ind). Fri., for Sat. ld. C. H. Peacock Ltd., 
101 High St., Watford. (The oldest and leading paper with four times larger 
circulation than any paper published in the district of Watford. Telephone : 
Watford 101. Advt. p. 459.) 

West India Committee Circular, 1886. Tortnightly—Thurs. ls. The West India 
Committee, 15 Seething Lane, E.C. 

West Kensington, Waltham Green, and Fulham Directory, 1879. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

{WEST KENT ADVERTISER, 1890 (as Dartford & West Kent Advertiser, 1876). (ind.) 
Two editions. Thurs.—-2 p.m., and Fri.—2 p.m., for Sat. 1d. F. & E. W. Snowden, 
64 High St., Dartford. 

tWEST KENT ARGUS, 1894. (u) Fri. 4d. South-Eastern Press Ltd., 75 High St., 
Lewisham. One of the South Eastern Herald series. 

tWEST KENT DISTRICT TIMES, 1888. (ind.) Fri—a.m. ld. Kentish District Times 
Co. Ltd., 39 East St., Bromley. 

Formby Newspaper and West Lancashire Coast Chronicle, 1897). (c) Fri. ld. 
W. L. Hutton, 14 Chapel Lane, Formby. One of the Ormskirk Advertiser series. 

West London Medicai Journal, 1895. Quarterly. Is. Adlard & Son & West Newman, 
23 Bartholomew Close, E.C. 

IWEST LONDON OBSERVER, 1855. (ind.) Fri. 1d. E. W. Carter, 16 Queen St, Hammer- 
smith, w. Special localised editions for F ulham, Acton and Chiswick. (Adit. p. 455.) 

{WEST LONDON POST, 1913 (as Shepherds Bush and Hammersmith Gazette and West 
London News, 1910). (ind.) Fri. 1d. Suburban Newspaper Ltd., 9- 11 High St., 
Acton, wW. One of the Acton and District Post series. 

WEST LONDON PRESS AND CHELSEA NEWS, 1885 (as Chelsea News, 1857). (ind.) 

ri.—6 p.m., for Sat. ld. C. J. Corkran, 123a King’s Road, Chelsea, s.w. 

WEST | LONDON REPORTER, 1891 (as Kensington and Hammersmith Reporter, 1879). 
(c) Fri., for Sat. ld. J. V. Blazebrook, 204 Hammersmith Road, Broadway, 
Hammersmith, wW. 

LOTHIAN HERALD, 1872. (u) Fri. 1d. West Lothian P. & P. Co. Ltd., Whit- 
burn Road, Bathgate. 

FELTRAM OBSERVER, 1881. (w) Fri., for Sat. ld. West Middlesex Press Ltd. 
29 Clarence St., Staines. l . .. 

West Riding of Yorkshire Directory, 1861. Every four years, last issue 1912. 36s. 
Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. . 

JOURNAL, 1860. (ind.) Fri.—2 p.m., for Sat. ld. Cox, Sons & Co. Ltd., Fore 
St., Williton. 

TISER, 1869 (as Horsham Advertiser). (c) Sat.—2 p.m. 1d. S. E. Gooding, 15 Market 
Square, Horsham. (The only paper printed and published in Horsham. Advt.) 

Wed.—5 p.m., for Thurs. ld. Mitchell & Co., High St., Arundel. ‘County paper 
for Sussex, Surrey, Kent and Hampshire. (Advt. p. 456.) 

9 a.m. ld. West Yorkshire Pioneer Newspaper Co. Ltd., High St., Skipton. 
Sat. ld. Hooker Bros., High St., Westerham. (The paper for Westerham, Brasted, 

Sundridge, Edenbridge, Limpsfield, Oxted, Cudham, and Tatsfield. Advt.) 

Woodley & Co., Castle Green, Taunton. 

Western Australia Post Office Directory (Wise’s), 1870. Annually. 27s. 6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

+WESTERN CH RONICLE tYeovil), 1886 (as Sherborne, Dorchester, and Taunton Journal, 
1764). (/) Thurs.—noon, for Fri. ld. Wessex Publishing Co. Ltd., Middle St., 
Yeovil. (London: 145 Fleet St.) 

` Advertisements received for all the Welsh Newspapers. [1° 

ABC List.| Willing’s Press Guide. 

+WESTERN DAILY MERCURY (Plymouth), 1860. () 4 a.m. ld. Western News- 
paper Co. Ltd., 9 Frankfort St., Plymouth. (London: 88 Fleet St.) 

. }WESTERN DAILY PRESS (Bristol), 1858. (lib. ind.) 3a.m. 1d. W. Reid & Son Ltd., 
Baldwin St., Bristol. (London: 59 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 4865.) 

WESTERN ECHO (St. Ives), 1899. (ind.) Fri—noon, for Sat. 4d. W. & J. Jacobs, 
Fore St., St. Ives, Cornwall. 
Western Equatorial African Diocesan Magazine, 1900 (as Niger & Yoruba Notes, 1894) 
M.—lIst. 2d. Marshall Bros. Ltd., Keswick House, 47 Paternoster Row, E.C. 
TWESTERN EVENING HERALD (Plymouth), 1895. (ind.) 4d. Western Newspaper 
Co. Ltd., 9 Frankfort St., Plymouth. (London: 88 Fleet St.) 

{WESTERN EXPRESS (Bideford), 1873. (ind.) Sat. lą, Coles & Lee, Grenville St., 

tWESTERN GAZETTE (Yeovil), 1736. (ind.) Thurs.—2 p.m., for Fri. ld. Western 
Gazette Co. Ltd., Yeovil. (London : 53 Fleet St.) 14 pages (7 cols.). Guaranteed cir- 
culation exceeds 59,000 weekly, in Somerset, Dorset, Wilts, Hants, and Berks, Advt.) 

{WESTERN GUARDIAN (Totnes), 1882. (ind.) Wed. 1d. Mortimer Bros., 34 Fore 
St., Totnes. 

{WESTERN INDEPENDENT (Devonport), 1808. (ind.) Sat. and Sun. 1d. Whitfield 
& Newman, Ltd., 16 St. Aubyn St., Devonport. (London: 139 Fleet St.) 

tWESTERN MAIL (Cardiff), 1869. (c) Daily—. 30 a.m. ld. Western Mail Ltd., St. 
Mary St., Cardiff. (London: 176 Fleet St.) 

Western Mail A.B.C. Railway Time Tables for Cardiff, Newport, and Swansea. M.—Ist. 
2d. Western Mail Ltd., St. Mary St., Cardiff. 

{WESTERN MORNING NEWS (Plymouth), 1860. (ind.) Daily—a.m. ld. ‘Western 
Morning News Co. Ltd., Plymouth (London: 47 Fleet Street). 

TWESTERN NATIONALIST (Roscommon), 1907. (mat.) Sat. ld. Western Nationalist 
P. & P. Co. Ltd., Bridge St., Boyle, Co. Roscommon. 

WESTERN NEWS (Ballinasloe), 1872. (nat.) Sat. 1d. W. Hastings, Dunlo St., Ballinasloe. 

{WESTERN NEWS (Taunton), 1855. (ind.) Mon.—4 p.m. 1d. Woodley & Co., Castle 
Green, Taunton ' 

WESTERN OBSERVER (Tiverton), 1874. (ind.) Thurs.—3 p.m. 4d. Gregory & 
Son, Bampton St., Tiverton. One of the Tiverton Gazette series. 

{WESTERN PEOPLE (Ballina), 1883. (nat.) Fri. Id. T. A. Walsh, Arran St., Ballina. 

{WESTERN TELEGRAPH (Urmston), 1895. (ind.) Fri. ld. Telegraph Printing Co, 
Ltd., Railway Road, Urmston. l 

Western ‘Temperance Herald, 1836. Quarterly. ld. Western Temperance League, 
3 Clare Avenue, Bishopton, Bristol. l 

WESTERN TIMES (Exeter), 1829 (as Exeter Weekly Times, 1827). (D) Daily. Mon., 
Wed., Thurs., Sat., $d.; Tues. and Fri., ld. Western Times Ltd., 226 High St., 
Exeter. (London : 62 Ludgate Hil). 

t WESTERN WEEKLY MERCURY (Plymouth), 1888 (as Weekly Mercury,1879). (tnd.) Sat. 
ld. Western Newspaper Co. Ltd., 9 Frankfort St., Plymouth. (London: 88 Fleet St.) 

1882. (nat.) Fri—7 p.m., for Sat. ld. J. P. Hayden, Dominick St., Mullingar. 

Fri. ld. F. J. Farrell, 29 Earl St., Mullingar. 

tWESTMEATH INDEPENDENT (Athlone), 1846. (nat.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. The Athlone 
Printing Works Printing Co. Ltd., Athlone. ` 

WESTMINSTER AND PIMLICO NEWS, 1887. (ind.) Fri—s5 p.m., for Sat. ld. C. J. 
Corkran, 123a King’s Road, Chelsea, and 42 Tachbrook St., Pimlico. 

Westminster Bible Record, 1910 (as Westminster Record, 1905). M.—Ist. 3d. Morgan 
& Scott Ltd., 12 Paternoster Buildings, E.c. 

Westminster Cathedral Chronicle, 1906. M.—Ist. 2d. Cathedral Clery House, Francis 
St., Westminster, s.w. . | 

{WESTMINSTER EXPRESS, 1904. (u) Fri. 1d. Westminster Express Co. Ltd., 190 
Ebury St., s.w. 

{WESTMINSTER GAZETTE, 1893. (/) Daily—12 noon. 1d. Westminster Gazette 
Ltd., Tudor House, Tudor St., E.C. 

Westminster Hospital Reporis, 1888. April. 6s. net. Hodder & Stoughton, 
St. Paul’s House, Warwick Square, E.C. 

Mail, 1900). (c) Fri. for Sat. ld. 65 ‘Weymouth St., w. (Advt. p. 459.) 
Westminster Pulpit, 1906. "Fri. ld. Morgan & Scott, 12 Paternoster Buildings, £.c. 

Westminster Teacher, 1907. M.—15th. 3d. T. F. Downie, 21 Warwick Lane, E.c. 
{WESTMORLAND GAZETTE, 1818. (c) Fri. and Sat. 1d. F. B. Pollitt, 22 Strick- 
landgate, Kendal. l 

Pea a eng bag a a aaa aaa S ee 
E 16) James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

tWESTMORLAND MERCURY AND TIMES, 1913 (as Mercury, 1735; as Kendal 
Mercury and Times, 1864). (J) Fri—a.m. ld. Head Office, 11 Finkle St., Kendal. 

(u) Fri—5 p.m., for Sat. 1d. Frampton & Sons, Waterloo St., Weston-super-Mare. 

JOURNAL AND SOMERSET ADVERTISER, 1845. (J) Wed., 3d.; Sat., ld. 
Mendip Press Ltd., Wadham St., Weston-Super-Mare. 


` JOURNAL, 1916 (with which are incorporated Wetherby News and Central Yorkshire 

Journal, 1857, Northern Reporter and Knaresborough, Tadcaster and Wetherby 

- Advertiser, 1868). (c) Thurs. and Fri. 1d. H. Crossley, 2 High St., Wetherby. 

WEYMOUTH AND PORTLAND STANDARD, 1906. (ind.) Tues. 4d. Warden & 
Co., Great George St., Weymouth. 

REGIS EXPRESS, 1855 (as Telegram, 1886 ; as Weymouth, Portland, and Dorchester 

Telegram, 1860). (D) Fri. ld. Warden & Co., Great George St., Weymouth. 

tTWHARFEDALE AND AIREDALE OBSERVER, 1880 (with which are incorporated 
the Otley and Ilkley Guardian, 1871, and the Wharfedale and Airedale Standard). 
(ind.) Fri. ld. W. Walker & Sons Ltd., Victoria Works, Otley. 

+What’s On, 1907. Sat. ld. What’s On Ltd., 32 Essex St., Strand, w.c. (The 
recognised medium for publicity for Theatre, Music Hall, Concert, and other 
amusement advertisements. Circulates among visitors and pleasure-seekers all 
over London and district. The only weekly paper of its kind. Advt.) . 

What’s On in Southampton, 1908. Fri. 1d. J. E. Barnes, 14 Hanover Buildings, 


Wheatsheaf, 1896. M.—Ist. Gratis. Co-operative Wholesale Society Ltd., Balloon St., 
Manchester. | 

Where shall we live, 1911. Annually. 6d. Homeland Association Ltd., 37-8 Maiden Lane, 
Strand, w.c. 

Where to Live Round London, 1905. Annually. 1s. Homeland Association Ltd., 
37-8 Maiden Lane, Strand, w.c. 

Whitaker's Almanack, 1869. Dec. 1s. 3d. net; cloth, 3s. net. J. Whitaker & Sons 
Ltd., 12 Warwick Lane, E.c. 

Whitaker's Peerage, 1899 (as Whitaker's Titled Persons, 1897). Dec. 7s. 6d. net. 

J. Whitaker & Sons Ltd., 12 Warwick Lane, E.c. | | 

{WHITBY GAZETTE, 1854. (ind.) Fri. ld. Home & Son, Bridge St., Whitby. 
(Circulation area 1,500 square miles. Exclusively serves districts Scarborough 
to Middlesbrough (fifty miles apart) and inland. Advt.) 

ADVERTISER, 1869. (ind.) Fri. ld. R. B. Jones, 44 High St., Whitchurch. © 

White and Pike’s Diary, 1875. Nov. 6d. White & Pike Ltd., Cambridge St., Birmingham. 

White and Pike’s Railway Guide, 1861. M.—Ist. 44d. C. & F. Pike, ® Edmund St. 
Birmingham. i 

White Cross, 1894 (as Vanguard, 1885). Jan., April, July, Oct. ld. White Cross League. 
7 Dean’s Yard, Westminster, s.w. 

White Ribbon, 1896. M.—25th. ld. R. J. James, 10-12 Ivy Lane,.E.c. 

Whitehall Review, 1868. M.—15th. 6d. Modern Publication & Printing Co. Ltd., 
10a Adelphi Terrace, Strand, w.c. 7 ! 

{WHITEHAVEN ADVERTISER, 1882. (c) Fri.—-morn., for Sat. ld. W. Halton & 
Sons, 29-30 Tangier St., Whitehaven. 

incorporated the Whitehaven Herald, 1831). (J) Sat. 1d. Whitehaven News Ltd., 
148 Queen St., Whitehaven. 

{WHITEHAVEN NEWS, 1852. () Thurs.—a.m. 1d. Whitehaven News Ltd., 148 
Queen St., Whitehaven. 

Whitehaven News County Annual and Diary, 1890. Dec. 3d. and 6d. Whitehaven 
News Ltd., 148 Queen St., Whitehaven. 

= Whiteley’s Diary, 1877. Nov. 6d. Wm. Whiteley Ltd., Queen’s Road, w. 

White’s Sheffield Directory, 1822. Annually. 14s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High 
Holborn, w.c. l 

Whitford and Son's Vale of Evesham Almanack, 1871. Jan. 1d. Whitford & Son, 
1-2, Bridge St., Evesham. | 

Whitgiftian, 1879. Twice during term. 6d. Whitgift Grammar School, Croydon. 

4d. J. Dowling & Sons Ltd., Station Road, Whitley Bay. (Pages entirely — 
occupied by Local News. Advt.) | 

Advertisements received for all the Scottish Newspapers. EG 

ABC List.] Wiiling’s Press Guide. 

ld hdd TIMES AND TANKERTON PRESS, 1864. (ind.) Fri—noon, for 
Sat. Id. R.M. Elvy, 3 Clare Road, Tankerton, Whitstable. 

Whittingham and Baty’s Market Rasen Compendium and Almanack, 1830. Nov. Whit- 
tingham & Baty, Waterloo St., Market Rasen. 

+WHITTLESEA REPORTER, 1876. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Sharman & Co. Ltd., High St., 

March. One of the Cambridgeshire Times series. 

Who's Who, 1849 (N.S. 1897) (with which is incorporated Men and Women of the Time, 
1901). Dec. 15s. net. A. & C. Black, Soho Square, w. 

Who’s Who in America, 1914. Biennially, 1916-17. 21s. net. Stanley Paul & Co., 
31 Essex St., Strand, w.c. 

Who's Who in Architecture, 1914. Annually. 10s. 6d. net. Technical Journals Ltd., 
27-9 Tothill St., s.w. 

Who’s Who in Music, 1913. Irreg., last issue 1915. 6s. net. Sir I. Pitman ki Sons Ltd., 

- 1 Amen Corner, E.C. 
Who’s Who in Philately, 1913. Jan. Is. net. A. H. Harris, 42. Fieldhouse Road, 
- Balham, s.w. 

Who's Who in the Rubber World, 1914. Biennially—last issue 1915. Fulton-Manders 
Publishing Co., 75 Chancery Lane, London, w.c. (It contains some thousands 
of names and addresses of those connected with the Rubber Industry residing 
in all parts of the world. It isnot only a book of reference, but a valuable Directory . 
of planters, plantation companies (with names and addresses of members), rubber 
manufacturers of various countries, makers of machinery, appliances, etc., also 
allied industries, brokers, dealers, merchants, shareholders, capitalists, and 
investors. Advt.) . 

Who’s who in Science, International, 1912. Dec. 10s. net. J. & A. Churchill, 7 Great 
Marlborough St., w. 

Who's Who in the Theatre, 1912. Irreg., last issue 1916. 10s.6d. net. Sir I. Pitman & 
Sons Ltd., 1 Amen Corner, E.c. 

Who’s Who in the Tropical World, 1917. Biennially. 10s. 6d. net. Fulton-Manders 
Publishing Co., 75 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Who's Who Year Book, 1904. Dec. Is. net. A. & C. Black, 4 Soho Square, w. 

Frank M’Phail, Main St., Wicklow. 

TWICKLOW PEOPLE, 1882. (nat.) Sat. ld. People (Wexford) Newspaper Series and 
Printing Co. Ltd., 1A North Main St., Wexford. One of the People, Wexford series. 

{WICKLOW PRESS, 1905. (nat.) Fri—p.m., for Sat. ld. Mrs. M. A. Corcoran, 
59 South Main St., Wexford. 

ai ee Magazine, 1898. M.—22nd. 6d. G. Newnes Ltd., 8-11 Southampton St., 

trand, w.c. 

tWIDNES AND RUNCORN CHRONICLE, 1903 (as Runcorn Chronicle, 1902). (1) Fri.— 
8 a.m. ld. C. Smith, 58 Hig St., Runcorn. One of the Chester Chronicle series. 

TWIDNES EXAMINER, 1879. (2) Sat. 1d. J. Walker & Co. Ltd., Bewsey St., 
Warrington. One of the Warrington Examiner series. 

{WIDNES QUARDIAN, 1876. (ind.) Tues.—1 p.m., ld.; Fri.—9 a.m., for Sat., ld. 
Mackie & Co. Ltd., Victoria Road, Widnes. One of the Warrington Guardian series, 

{WIDNES WEEKLY NEWS, 1876. (ind.) Fri—9 a.m. ld. Exors. of T. S. Swale. 
35 Victoria Road, Widnes. E 

tWigan Catholic Herald, 1894. Fri. ld. New Catholic Press Ltd., 374 Manchester St., 
Liverpool. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

T WIGAN EXAMINER, 1853. (c) Tnes. and Thurs., $d.; Sat., 14d. Roger & Rennick, 
King St., Wigan. (London: 2 Bride. Court.) 

tWIGAN OBSERVER, 1853. () Tues., Thurs., $d.; Sat., 14d. T. Wall & Sons Ltd., 
Rowbottom Square, Wigan. (London : 44 Fleet St.) 

Wigan Public Libraries Quarterly Record, 1910. Irreg. 1d. R. Platt Ltd., Wallgate, Wigan. 

Wigley’s Street Directory of Leeds, 1913. Oct. 6d. A. Wigley, 131 Park Lane, Leeds. _ 

tWIGTON ADVERTISER, 1857. (ind.) Fri.—7 p.m., for Sat. ld. T. McMechan, King 
St., Wigton. 

Wilding’ s Directory for Shrewsbury, Bridgnorth, &c., 1890. Triennially—last ` issue 
1916. 6s. Wilding & Son Ltd., 33 Castle St., Shrewsbury. 

Wild Life, 1913. M.—i8th. 2s. 6d. W. Dawson Publishing Co. Ltd., 2 Bream’s 
Buildings, E.c. 

TWILLESDEN CALL, 1913. (soc. & lab.) Fri. 4d. Willesden Labeur Press Ltd., 
236 High Road, Kilburn, n.w. 

TWILLESDEN CHRONICLE AND HERALD, 1877. (c) Fri. ld. N. W. Printing & 
Publishing Association Ltd., 4 Cambridge Avenue, Kilburn, N.w. One of the 
Kilburn Times series. 

198] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

WILLESDEN CITIZEN, 1901. (prog.) Fri. 4d. Salmond & Co., 1033 Harrow Road, 
Willesden, N.w. 

Willett’s Directory for Crawley, Ifield, Worth Three Bridges, Horley, Handcross & District, 

~ 1887. Dec. 2d. A. E. Willett, 9 High St., Crawley. 

Williams’ (Dr.) School Magazine, 1897, Terminally. 6d. E. W. Evans, Dolgelly. 

Willich’s Tithe Commutation Tables (annual supplement to), 1837. Jan. Is. Longmans, 
Green & Co., 39 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

HANDBOOK, 1874. Jan. ls. Post free ls. 5d. (1s.6d. Abroad). James 
Willing Ltd., 125 Strand, w.c.; and 33 Knightsbridge, s.w. Index to 
the Press of the United Kingdom, with a Classification of Representative 
Organs, and List of the principal Colonial and Foreign Journals. 

+ WILMSLOW AND ALDERLEY EXPRESS, 1908. (ind.) Fri. 1d. T. Stillings, Wilmslow. 

-~ Wilson & Whitworth’s Borough of West Ham and Stratford Almanac, 1862. Dec. ld. 
Wilson & Whitworth, Broadway, Stratford, E. 

1910 (with which is incorporated the Marlborough Times, 1858). (ind.) Fri. 
4 tat for Sat. 1d. H. G. Perkins, High St., Marlborough. 

f{WILTS AND GLOUCESTERSHIRE STANDARD, 1837. (c) Fri.—p.m., for Sat. ld. 
Cirencester Newspaper Co. Ltd., Dyer St., Cirencester. 

Wiltshire Archacological Magazine, 1853. June & Dec. 5s. 6d. C. H. Woodward, Devizes. 
f{WILTSHIRE GAZETTE, 1909 (as Devizes and Wiltshire Gazette, 1816). (c) Thurs.— 
12 a.m. 1d. G. Simpson & Co. Devizes Ltd., 14 Market Place, Devizes. 
` WILTSHIRE NEWS, 1911 (with which is incorporated the West Wilts Post, the Wilt- 
shire County & "Mirror Express, 1833, the Salisbury and Wiltshire. Herald, the 
South Wilts Express, the Salisbury Advertiser and the Salisbury Standard.) (c) Fri. 

ld. The Wessex Associated News Ltd., 33 Westgate St., Bath. 

Wiltshire Notes and Queries, 1893. Quarterly. Is. 6d., illus. G: Simpson & Co. Devizes 
Ltd., 14 Market Place, Devizes. 

{WILTSHIRE TELEGRAPH, 1877. (c) Sat.—10 a.m. $d. G. Simpson & Co. Devizes 
Ltd., 14 Market Place, Devizes. 

corporated the Trowbridge and North Wilts Advertiser and the Wilts Independent). 
(2) Fri., for Sat. ld. Lansdown & Sons, 6 Silver St., Trowbridge. 

Fri.—p.m., for Sat. d. Trader’s Press Ltd., 18 St. George’s Road, Wimbledon. 

WIMBLEDON AND MERTON MERCURY, 1910. (c) Fri. jd. R. J. Hedges, 
113 High St., Tooting, s.w. One of the Tooting and Mitcham Mercury series. 

l) Fri.—p.m., for Sat. 1d. W. H. Stoakley & Co., 11 St. George’s Road, Wimbledon. 
(Recognised locally as the leading Family Journal, and principal advertising medium 
for traders, circulating in Wimbledon, Wimbledon Park, Southfields, Merton, 
Merton Park, Raynes Park, Malden, Morden, and Colliers Wood, Mitcham. Page of 
“Smalls.” Circulation in Wimbledon and Merton guaranteed more than double 
that of any other local paper. Advt.) 

+WIMBLEDON HERALD, 1878. (c) Fri. ld. W. Pile Ltd., 26 High St., Sutton. One 
of the Surrey County Herald series. (Advt. p. 459). 

Wimbledon, Merton, and Mitcham Directory, 1890. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

WIMBLEDON NEWS-LETTER, 1912. (ind.) Alter. Sats. Id. Percy Cleave Ltd , 162 
High St., Putney. (The Wimbledon News-Letter has a guaranteed circulation of 
5,000 copies per issue, entirely in Wimbledon and Wimbledon Park. Among its 
features are biographical sketches of leading people, social and personal intelligence 
and Church News, and its purpose is to interest the intellectual society of the district 
in which it circulates. Conducted by Percy S. Cleave, late Manager The Daily 
Chronicle. Advt.) 

tWIMBORNE AND EAST DORSET HERALD, 1895. (ind.) Wed.—2 p.m., for Thurs. 
ld. W. Mate & Sons Ltd., Bournemouth. One of the Poole, &c., Herald series. 

TWIMBORNE GUARDIAN, 1883. (tnd.) Sat. ld. E. A. Colborne, 142 Commercial 
Road, Bournemouth. One of the Bournemouth Guardian series. 

Winchester and District Directory and County Year Book. Dec. 1s. Warren & Son 
Ltd., 85 -High St., Winchester. 

Winchester Diocesan Calendar, 1862. Jan. 1s. Jacob & Johnson, 57 High St., Win- 
chester. (London: Simpkin & Co., 32 Paternoster Row.) 

Winchester Diocesan Chronicle, 1893. M.—Ist. 2d. Warren & Son Ltd., Winchester. 

{ WINDSOR, ETON, AND SLOUGH EXPRESS, 1812. (ind.) Fri., 4 p.m. Id. Oxley 

_ & Son, 4 High St., Windsor. f 

Advertisements received for all the Irish Newspapers. [1 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

tWINDSOR CHRONICLE, 1910. (c) Fri. 1d. Reading Newspaper Co. Ltd., Reading 

: One of the Berkshire Chronicle series. l 

Windsor Magazine, 1895. M.—26th. 6d., net.Ward, Lock & Co.Ltd.,Salisbury Square,E.c. 

{Wine and Spirit Gazette (Harper’s Weekly), 1880. Fri—p.m., for Sat. 12s. 6d. per ann. 
(including Harpers Manual and Wine and Spirit Directory). Harper & Co., 
39-40 Crutched Friars, E.C. 

Wine and Spirit Trade Diary axd Agency List, 1898. Jan. 10s. 6d. H.C. Lea & Co., 
22-3 Great Tower St., E.C. ! 
Wine and Spirit Trade Reocrd, 1874. M.—S8th. 21s. per aùn. H.C. Lea & Co., 

22-3 Great Tower St., E.c. 

Wine and Spirit Trades, Brewers’ and Maltsters’ Directory, 1877. Every four years, 
last issue 1914. 25s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Wine Trade Review, 1863. M.—15th. 20s. per ann. Eastcheap Buildings, E.C. ` 

Wings, 1892 (with which is incorporated British Women’s Temperance Journal, 1883). 
M.—26th. ld., illus. Women’s Total Abstinence Union, 4 Ludgate Hill, &.c. 

Winllan (The Vineyard), 1847. M.—Ist. ld., illus. Rev. P. J. Roberts, Wesleyan 
Book Room, Isfryn, Bangor. 

t Winning Post, 1904. Fri., for Sat. 3d. Winning Post Ltd., 30 Henrietta St., w.c. 

Winning Post Summer Annual, 1906. June. 1s. Winning Post Ltd., 30 Henrietta St., w. 

Winning Post Winter Annual, 1905. Dec. 1s. Winning Post Ltd., 30 Henrietta St., w.c. 

tWINSFORD AND MIDDLEWICH CHRONICLE, 1874. (/) Fri—6a.m., for Sat. ld. 
C. Smith, Library Buildings, Northwich. One of the Chester Chronicle series. 

TWINSFORD AND MIDDLEWICH GUARDIAN, 1877. (ind.) Tues.—2 p.m., 1d. ; 
Fri.—8 a.m., ld. Mackie & Co. Ltd., 4 Wharton Road, Winsford. One of the 
Warrington Guardian series. 

Winter's Pie, 1912. Nov. Sphere & Tatler Ltd., 6 Great New St., E.C. 

Wireless Mail, 1913. p.m. 24d. Wireless Press Ltd., Marconi House, Strand, w.c. 

Wireless World, 1913 (as the Marconigraph, 1912). M.—I1st. 6d. Wireless Press Ltd., 
Marconi House, Strand, w.c. . 

{WISBECH CONSTITUTIONAL GAZETTE, 1868. (c) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Leach & 
Son, 3 and 4 Nene Quay, Wisbech. One of the Lynn Advertiser series. | 

{WISBECH STANDARD, 1888 (with which is incorporated the Wisbech Times and Isle 
of Ely Gazette, 1910). (c) Fri. 1d. Leach & Son, 3-4 Nene Quay, Wisbech. 

Wisden’s Cricketer’s Almanack, 1864. Jan. 1s. 6d, and 2s. 6d. J. Wisden & Co., 
Cranbourne St., w.c. . 

tTWISHAW PRESS AND ADVERTISER, 1875 (as Wishaw Advertiser, 1870). (ind.) 
Fri.—noon. d. W. Pomphrey, 68 Main St., Wishaw. 

{WITHERNSEA GUARDIAN, 1895. (c) Sat. 1d. Green & Son, Market Place, Beverley. 
One of the Beverley Guardian series. 

Within Our Gates, 1894. Quarterly. id. Spurgeon Orphan Homes, Clapham Rd., s.w. 

Without the Camp, 1897. Quarterly. 2d. Mission to Lepers, 33 Henrietta St., W.C. 

+ WITNESS, 1874. (u) Fri.—5 a.m. ld. Belfast Steam Printing Co. Ltd., 58 Royal 
Avenue, Belfast. ° l 

Witness, 1887 (as Northern Witness, 1871). M.—Ist. 1d. Pickering & Inglis, 229 Both 
well St., Glasgow. (London: Holness, 14 Paternoster Row.) 

Witney Express, 1861). (ind.) Fri—p.m., for Sat. ld. J. E. & B. Knight, 20 
High St., Witney. "i 

TWIVELISCOMBE EXPRESS, 1896. () Wed. d. H. Law, The Parade, Taunton 
One of the Somerset County Express series. (Advt. p. 458). 

İWOBURN AND DISTRICT REPORTER, 1884. (/) Fri., for Sat. 4d. Bed Times. 
Publishing Co., 22 Mill St., Bedford. One of the Bedford and County Record series. 

TWOKING HERALD, 1913. (u.) Fri. $d. Rawlings & Walsh Ltd., Broadway, Woking. 

tWOKING NEWS AND MAIL, 1894. (ind.) Fri. 1d. A. Fraser, 52 Chertsey Rd., Woking. 

A. F. Asher, 7 The Broadway, Woking. 

Reading Newspaper Co. Ltd., 17 Valpy St., Reading. One of the Berkshire Chronicle 

Woif Cub, 1916. M.—Ist. Id. C. A. Pearson Ltd., 16-18 Henrietta St., w.c. 

TWOLVERHAMPTON CHRONICLE, 1789. (ind.) Wed. 1d. Midland News Associatino 
Ltd., 50 and 51 Queen St., Wolverhampton. (London: 44 Fleet St.) 

Wolverhampton Free Journal, 1913. M.—5Sth. C. T. Shaw, 53 Worcester St., 
Wolverhampton. | 

sachet gt EXPRESS AND BUCKS WEEKLY NEWS, 1901. Fri. 1d. A. E. Jones, 


Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Woman at Home, 1893. M.—18th. 6d. net., illus. Warwick Magazine Co. Ltd., 8-11 
Southampton St., Strand, w.c., ` 

Woman Journalist, 1911. Alter.-M.—lIst. Subs. Society of Women Journalists, 
10 St. Bride’s Avenue, Fleet St., E.C. 

Woman Worker, 1916. M.—28th. ld. National Labour Press Ltd., 74 Swinton St.,w.c. 

Woman’s Beauty and Health, 1910. M.—12th. 2d. B. Macfadden Publishing Co. Ltd., 

l General Buildings, Aldwych, w.c. 

Woman’s Dreadnought, 1914. Sat. 4d. Workers’ Suffrage Federation, 400 Old Ford 
Road, Bow, E. (Advt. p. 459). 

Woman’s Life, 1895. Mon., for Sat. 1d. G. Newnes Ltd., 8-11 Southampton St., w.c. 

Woman’s Own, 1913 (with which is incorporated Jeannie Maitland’s Stories, 1911, and 
Horner's Pansy Library, 1900). Tues., for Sat. 1d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 
22-25 Farringdon St., ET. 7 

sre Weekly, 1911. Tues., for Sat. 1d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon 

t., E.C. 

Woman’s Work, 1859. Quar. ld. Wesleyan Missionary Society, 24 Bishopsgate, E.C. 

Woman’s Worid, 1903. Mon. for Sat. 1d. Amalgamated Press Ltd.,22-25 Farringdon St.,E.c. 

Wontan’s World Library, 1913. M.—Ist Fri. 3d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 
Farringdon St., E.c. 

Women’s Employment, 1898. 1st and 3rd Fri. 1d. Women’s Employment Publishing 
Co. Ltd., 5 Princes St., Cavendish Square, w. (A technical paper dealing with 
work of educated women and girls. Advt.) 

Women’s Industrial News, 1895. Quarterly. 6d. Woman’s Industrial Council 
(Incorporated), 7 John St., Adelphi, w.c. 

Women’s international Quarterly, 1896. Quarterly. 6d. World’s Y.W.C.A., 26 George 
St., Hanover Square, w. / 

Women’s Missionary Magazine of the United Free Church of Scotland, 1901 fas 
Quarterly Record of the Zenana Mission, 1887; as Helpmeet, 1889). M.—25th. 1d. 
illus. J. Cochrane, 121 George St., Edinburgh. ; 

Women’s Monthly Leaflet of the Farm and Garden Union, 1900. M.—15th. 2d. 45-6 
Queen Anne’s Chambers, Westminster, s.w. (A technical paper dealing with 
work- of educated women and girls. Advt.) 

Women’s Trade Union Review, 1891. Quarterly. 44d. Women’s Trade Union League, 

34 Mecklenburg Square, w.c. 

Women’s Volunteer Reserve Magazine, 1916. M.—ist. 2d. Moody Bros., Cannon Str, 
Birmingham. l 

Women’s Wear and Children’s Clothing, 1906. Wed., for Thurs. 2d. J. Williamson 
Co. Ltd., 42 Gerrard St., w. 

Wonder Book, 1904. Sept.’ 3s. net, and 4s. net. Ward, Lock & Co. Ltd., Salisbury 
Square, E.c. . 

Wonderlands, 1909 (as Juvenile Missionary Herald, 1845. M.—25th. 'łd., net. 

Carey Press, 19 Furnival St., Holborn, E.C. 

. [WOOD GREEN WEEKLY HERALD, 1888. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Crusha & Son, 210 High 
Road, Wood Green, N. One of the Tottenham, &c., Weekly Herald series. 

Wood Pulp Maker, 1896 (incorporated with Paper & Pulp, now Paper Making, &c., 1906). 

Thurs. id. A. Fairweather, Church St., Woodbridge. 

WOODFORD AND DISTRICT ADVERTISER, 1906 (with which is incorporated the 
Upton, Ilford, and Forest Gate Advertiser, 1895). (ind.) Sat. ld. M. Hickman, 
1 St. Thomas Terrace, Maybank Road, Woodford. 

WOODFORD EXPRESS AND INDEPENDENT, 1883 (as Woodford Observer, 1876). 
(tnd.) Fri., for Sat. ld. J. G. Locks, 827 High Road, Leytonstone. One of the 
Leytonstone Express series. 

Woodford, Buckhurst Hill, Loughton, and Chingford Directory, 1885. Last issue 1915. 
is. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

t WOODFORD TIMES, 1867. (ind.) Fri.—noon. ld. C. S. Jones, High St., Woodford 
Green. (The recognised advertising medium for the Epping Forest District. Advt.) 

Woodworker and Art Craftsman, 1910 (as Woodworker and Art Metal Worker, 1901). 
M.---Ist. 3d. Evans Bros. Ltd., Montague House, Russell Square, w.c. 

tWool Record, 1909. Thurs. 2ls. per ann. Wool Record Ltd., 10 Booth St., Bradford. 
(The organ of the English and Colonial Wool Trades. Advt.) 

Wool Year Book and Diary, 1908. Dec. 12s. 6d. net. Marsden & Co. Ltd., Carr St., 

Woollen and Textile Trades Gazette, 1903. 'Tues. 21s. per ann. J. Kemp & Co. Ltd., 
46 Cannon St., E.c. | 

Advertisements received for all the Magazines. [207 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

Woolwich Co-operative Society Record ‘*Comradeship,’’ 1897. M.—I1st Thurs. Gratis. 
Co-operative Society, Educational Department, Parson’s Hill, Woolwich. 

+ WOOLWICH GAZETTE AND PLUMSTEAD NEWS, 1909 (with which are incorporated 
Woolwich Gazette, 1862, and Plumstead News, 1895). (ind.) Tues.—5 a.m. 3d. 
58 Walmer Road, Plumstead. 

{WOOLWICH HERALD, 1882. (c) Fri—5 a.m. 4d. South Eastern Press Ltd., 
6 Wellington St., Woolwich. One of the South-Eastern Herald series. 

Woolwich, Plumstead, Charlton, and Shooter’s Hill Directory, 1893. Annually. 1s. 

Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 
Worcester A B © Railway Guide and Special Time Tables for Principal Stations in the 
_ Kingdom, 1880. M.—Ist. 2d. Littlebury & Co., Worcester Press, Worcester. 
Worcester and District Directory, 1869. Last issue 1912. 5s. 6d. Littlebury & Co., 
The Worcester Press, Worcester. z 

tWORCESTER DAILY TIMES, 1880. (c) 1 p.m. $d. Berrow’s Worcester Journal 
Co. Ltd., 55 Broad St., Worcester. (London : Clun House, Surrey St.) 

Worcester Diocesan Church Calendar, Clergy List, and General Almanack, 1861. Dec. ls. 
Midland Educational Co. Ltd., Corporation St., Birmingham. (London : Simpkin 
& Co., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court.) 

Worcester Diocesan Magazine, 1893. M.—20th. 2d. Midland Educational Co. Ltd., 
Corporation St., Birmingham. (London : Simpkin & Co., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court.) 

tWORCESTER HERALD, 1794. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 1}d. Worcestershire Newspapers 
Co., 72 High St., Worcester. (London: 151 Fleet St.) ` 

Worcesterian, 1903. Terminally. 1s. The Editor, Royal Grammar School, Worcester. 

Fri., for Sat. 14d. George Williams Press Ltd., 44 High St., Worcester. 

{WORCESTERSHIRE CHRONICLE, 1838. Fri., for Sat. 1d. Worcestershire News- 
papers Co.,°72 High St., Worcester. (London: 151 Fleet St.) 

Worcestershire County Council Handbook, 1893. May. is. The Clerk of the County 
Council, Shirehall, Worcester. 

{WORCESTERSHIRE ECHO, 1883 (as Evening Post, 1877). (J) Daily—12.45 p.m. 3d. . 
Worcestershire Newspapers Co., 72 High St., Worcester. (London: 151 Fleet St.) | 

WORCESTERSHIRE STANDARD, 1897. (c) Fri., for Sat. ld. Berrow’s Worcester 
Journal Co. Ltd., 55 Broad St., Worcester. 

Words of Salvation, 1910. M.—28th. 4d. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, E.C. 

Words of Truth, 1909. M.—25th. ld. J. Carter, 13 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

moe of Welcome, 1904. M.—25th. 4d. Central Bible Truth Depot, 12 Paternoster 

ow, E.C. 

' Work, 1889. Thurs., for Sat. ld., illus.; M. 9d. net. Hay vols., 4s. 6d. Cassell 
& Co. Ltd., La ‘Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, E.c. 

Work and Play, 1914. M.—Ist. ld. G. Newnes Ltd. , 8-11 Southampton St., Strand, w:c. 

Work and Witness, 1907 (as Protestant Churchman, 1827). Quarterly. ld. Protestant 
Reformation Society, 57 Berners St., 

Work and Worship, 1897. M.—lIst. ld. R. E C. Publications Committee, 50 Devereux 
Road, Wandsworth, s.w. 

Worker’s Friend, 1886. Thurs. ld. Worker’s Friend P. & P. Association, 163-165 
Jubilee St., Mile End, E. 

Workers, 1912. M.—lIst. d. S. W. Partridge & Co. Ltd., 21-2 Old Bailey, E.c. . 

Workers at Home and Abroad, 1914 (as Friendiy Messenger, 1900 ; as Quaker at Home 
and Abroad, 1911. M.—25th. $d. Friends’ Home Mission, 15 Devonshire St., E.C. 

Workers Onward, 1910. M.—1Ist. ld. Lancashire and Cheshire Band of Hope, &c. 
Union, 207 Deansgate, Manchester. 

Workers’ Own, 1912. M.—Ist. Gratis. South Wales and Monmouthshire Band of 
Hope Union, Windsor Lane, Cardiff. 

Workers’ Paper, 1914. M.—lIst. 1d. Mothers’ Union, Church House, Westminster, s.w. 
Workers’ moe 1915. Sat. ld. Workers’ Word Union, 53 Turner St., Commercial 


Working Men's College Journal, 1890. M.—Ist. 2d. Working Men’s College, Crowndale 
Road, Camden Town, N.w. 

Workington Beehive (Wheatsheaf), 1892. M.—1lith. Gratis. Co-operative Wholesale 
Society Ltd., Balloon St., Manchester. 

Workington Co-operative Record, 1893. M.—last Sat. Gratis. Workington District 
Industrial and Provident cae Ltd., Jane St., Workington. 

tWORKINGTON NEWS, 1882. (/) Sat. 1d. Whitehaven News Ltd., 2 Thompson St., 

A. E. Middleton & Co. Ltd., 22 John St., Workington. 

202] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London, 


Willing’s Press Guide. | [ABC List. 

Workmen’s Trains and Trams, 1908. Half-yearly. 1d. P.S. King & Son Ltd., 2-4 Great 
Smith St., s.w. 

tWORKSOP GUARDIAN, 1896. (ind.) Fri. ld. Exors. of F. Sissons, 23 Bridge St., 
Worksop, Notts. (Circulates largely in North Notts, South Yorkshire, North- East 
Derbyshire, West Lincolnshire, and throughout the “Dukeries” thoroughly. Adut.) 

tWorld, 1874. Tues. 6d. 93-4 Long Acre, w.c. (Adri. p. 288). 

World Sociaiist, 1915. M.—-1st Sat. 1d. Utopia Press, 44 Worship St., E.C. 

World’s Carriers and Carrying Trades’ Review, 1904. M. 15th. 6d. Carriers Publishing 
Co. Ltd., 83-5 Farringdon St., E.c. 

World’s Carriers’ Year Book and Diary, 1916. Dec. Carriers Publishing Co. Ltd., 83-5 
Farringdon St., E.C. 

tWorld’s Fair, 1904. Tues., for Fri. 2d. World’s Fair Ltd., 5-7 Prince St., Oldham. 

World’s Hotel Blue Book, 1910. Dec. 10s. 6d. World’s Hotel Blue Book Ltd., 63-4 

. CHancery Lane, w.c. 

Worid’s Labour Laws, 1911. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. per ann. International Association for 
Labour Legislation, 45 Mecklinburgh Square, w.c. 

tWorld’s Paper Trade Review, 1879. Fri. 6d. Stonhill & Gillis, 58 Shoe Lane, E.C. 

World’s Rubber Position, 1913. M.—16th. 3s. W. H. Rickinson & Son, 3-4 Great 
Winchester St., E.C. - 

World’s Warships, 1915. Annually. 2s. 6d. net. S. Low, Marston & Co. Ltd., 
100 Southwark St., S.E. 

World’s Work, 1902. M.—28th. ls. net. W. Heinemann, 21 Bedford St., Strand, w.c. 

Worrall’s Textile Directory of the Manufacturing Districts of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, 
and the Counties of Chester, Derby, Leicester, Nottingham, &c., 1889. Nov. 6s. 
J. Worrall Ltd., Marlborough St., Oldham. 

Worthing, &c., Directory, 1899. Last issue 1915. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High 
Holborn, w.c. 

Worthing and District Blue Book and Local Directory, 1911. May. 1s. 6d. Garnect, 
Mepham & Fisher Ltd., 112 Gloucester Road, Brighton. 

TWORTHING GAZETTE, 1883. (c) Wed.—p.m. ld. Worthing Gazette Co., 35 Chapel 

i Road, Worthing. (Penny Guide and Railway A.B.C. Post free 1}d. ‘Advt.) 

{WORTHING MERCURY, 1904 (with which is incorporated Sussex Coast Mercury; 
1861). (J) Fri—p.m., for Sat. ld. F. C. Neale, 7 Warwick St., Worthing. 

tWORT ING OBSERVER, 1901 (with which is incorporated Worthing Intelligencer, 
1856). (c) Fri., for Sat. ld. W. Paine, 35 Montague St., Worthing. 

(ind.) Sat—a.m. ld. F. Bailey & Son, Long St., Wotton-under-Edge. ‘One of 
the Dursley, &c., Gazette series. 

TWREXHAM ADVERTISER, 1854 (as Wrexham Register, 1848). (/) Fri. and Sat. 
ld. Bayley & Bradley Ltd., Market Square, Wrexham. l 

Wroxham Journal, 1901. Alter. weeks. Gratis. Breese Bros., 1 Church St., Wrexham. 

Wrexham Ruri-decanal Magazine, 1892. M.—Ist. 1d. Breese Bros., 1 Church St., 
_ Wrexham. 

Wrexhamian, 1897. Terminally. 3d. Jarman & Sons Ltd., Argyll St., Wrexham. 

Wright and Round’s Brass Band News, 1881. M.—Ist. 3d. Wright & ‘Round, 
34 Erskine St., Liverpool. 
Wright's Almanac and Tide Table, 1890. Dec. 1d. A. Wright, 5 Beach St., Swansea. 
Wright’s Directory of Bristol and Clifton, 1798. Annually. 8s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. l 
Wright's ‘Directory of Leicester and Suburbs, 1854. Biennially, last issue 1914. 8s. 
Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Wright's Directory of Nottingham, 1854. Biennially, last issue 1915. 8s. 6d. Kelly's 
Directories Ltd., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Writers’ and Artists’ Year Book, 1902. Dec. 1s. net. A. & C. Black, 4 Soho Square, w. 

Wycombe Abbey Gazette, 1897. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, Wycombe Abbey 

chool, Wycombe. 

Wyggestonian, 1898. Twice a term. 3d. The Editor, Wyggeston Grammar School, 
High Cross St., Leicester. 

Wykehamist, 1866. About monthly, except during vacation. 4d. P. & G. Wells, 
College St., Winchester. ; 

Wyntyll, 1903. (/) Wed., for Thurs. 1d. Welsh National Press Ltd., Carnarvon. 

Wythnos a’r Eryr, 1876. Wed. $d. H. Evans, Bala. 

Yacht Racing Association Rules and Time Allowances, 1874. April. 2s. 6d. Harrison 
& Sons, 45 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c. 

Yachting Annual and Diary, 1907. May. Last issue 1915.~ 2s. 6d.;H. Reiach Ltd. 
9 King St., Covent Garden, w.c. 

Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Newspapers. [20° 

ABC List) Willing’s Press Guide. 

Yachting Guide & Tide Tables (Thomson's), 1878. May. ls. A. Thomson, 44 Pall Mall,s.w. 

Yachting Monthly and Marine Motor Magazine, 1906. M.—Ist. 1s. net. H. Reiach Ltd., 
9 King St., Covent Garden, w.c. 

t Yachting Worid and Marine Motor Journal, 1904. Thurs. 3d. W. G. Kirby & Co., 
37 Walbrook, E.C. 

tYachtsman, Sailing and Motor Boating, 1891 (with which is incorporated the Power 
Yachtsman, 1903). Thurs.—2 p.m. 3d. illus. 125 Strand, w.c. 

tYARMOUTH AND GORLESTON TIMES, 1880. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. ld. Norwich 
Mercury Co. Ltd., 5 Redwell St., Norwich. One of the Norwich Mercury series. 

Yarmouth Directory, 1899. Last issue 1913. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 182 High 
Holborn, w.c. 

tYARMOUTH INDEPENDENT, 1855. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Free Press Newspaper 
Co. Ltd., 34 Hall Plain, Yarmouth. (The recognised medium for public notices, 
Auction ‘Sales, &c. Advt.) 

tYARMOUTH MERCURY, 1880. (ind.) Fri—morn., for Sat. 1d. Yarmouth Mercury 
Ltd., 1 South Quay, Yarmouth. (Double the circulation of any other Yarmouth 
weekly paper. Advt.) : 

YARMOUTH WEEKLY PRESS, 1867. (J) Fri.—7 a.m., for Sat. ld. Norfolk News 
Co. Ltd., 57 London St., Norwich. One of the Eastern Weekly Press series. (Lon- 
don: 151 Fleet St.) 

Year, Illustrated, 1910. Dec. 2s. 6d. Daily News Ltd., 17 Bouverie St., E.c. 

Year-Book and Diary of the Bradford and Huddersfield Exchanges, 1909. Feb. 
5s. net. J. Worrall Ltd., Marlborough St., Oldham. 

Year Book and Directory of the Midland Centre of the National Federation of Building 
Trades Employers of Great Britain and Ireland, 1911. April. Sub. F. W. Amphlet, 
58 New St., Birmingham. 

Year-Book and List of Members of The Society of Architects, 1884. Nov. 2s. The Society, 
28 Bedford Square, w.c. 

Year-Book and Protected List of the Proprietary Articles Trade Association, 1898. Feb. 
6d. The Association, 184 Temple Chambers, Temple Avenue, E.C. 

Year-Book for the Episcopal Church in Scotland, 1878. July. 2s. J. Skinner & Co. 
Ltd., 27-33 Thistle St., Edinburgh. 

Year-Book of Chess, 1907. Jan.: 3s. net. F. Hollings, 7 Great Turnstile, w.c. 

Year Book of International Co-operation, 1910. Dec. 4s. P. S. King & Son Ltd., Great 
Smith St., s.w. 

Year-Book of Open-Air Schools and Children’s Sanatoria, 1914. Annually. 7s. 6d. 
J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson Ltd., 83-9 Great Titchfield St., w. 

Year-Book of Pharmacy, 1865. Nov. 10s. net. J. & A. Churchill, 7 Gt. Marlborough St.,w. 

Year-Book of the Association of Men of Kent and Kentish Men, 1897. March. 6d. 
H. Thompson, 7 Victoria St., Westminster, s.w. 

Year Book of the British Optical Association, 1915. Dec. 3s. 6d. The Association, 
10 Cliffords Inn, Fleet St., E.C. 

Year Book of the Cruising Association, 1909. March. Subs., 21s. Cruising Association, 
49 Denison House, - Victoria, s.w. 

Year-Book of the Incorporated Society of Musicians, 1885. Jan. 1s. The Society, 
19 Berners St., w. 

Year-Book of the Joint Scolarships Board, 1899. Mar. 2s. 6d. net. A. Bandall, 
37 Norfolk St., Strand, w.c. 

Year-Book of the Oldham Master Cotton Spinners’ Association, 1906. Irreg. last issue 
1914. 1s. 6d. to members. The Association, 12 Yorkshire St., Oldham. 

` Year Book of the Royal Colonial Institute, 1912. July. 2s. 6d. The Secretary, R.C.I., 
Northumberland Avenue, w.c. 

Year-Book of the Royal Society, 1896. Jan. 5s. Harrison & Sons, 45 St. Martin’s 
Lane, w.c. 

Year-Book of the Scientific and Learned Societies of Great Britain and Ireland, 1884. 
Oct. 7s. 6d. net. Chas. Griffin & Co. Ltd., 12 Exeter St., Strand, w.c. 

Year-Book of the Ski Club of Great Britain and the National Ski Union, 1905. Nov. 
2s. 6d. W. J. Hutchings Ltd., Vine St., Uxbridge. , 

Year Book of the Society of Dorset Men in London, 1904. Feb. 1s. The Society, 
62 London Wall, E.c. 

Year-Book of the Universities of the Empire, 1914. April, 7s. 6d. net. H. Jenkins Ltd., 
12 Arundel Place, Haymarket, s.w. 

Year-Book of the Viking Society for Northern Research, 1914. July. 2s. 6d. Viking 

Society University of London, c/o Mrs. A. W. Johnston, 29 Ashburnham Mansions, 
Chelsea, s.w, 


204] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Year Book of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1913. ee 7s. 6d. net. J. Bale, 
sons & Danielsson Ltd., 83-91 Great Titchfield St., 

Year Book of Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony, 1913. ‘April. 3s. 6d. Wireless Press 
Ltd., Marconi House, Strand, w.c. 

nen County Court Practice, 1897. Dec. 25s. Butterworth & Co., Bell Yard, Temple 

ar, W.C. 

Yearly Digest of Reported Cases, 1897. Jan. 15s. Butterworth & Co., Bell Yard, 
Temple Bar, w.c. 

Yearly Practice of the Supreme Court, 1899. Oct. ”25s. net. Butterworth & Co., Bell 
Yard, Temple Bar, w.c. 

Year’ . Art, 1879. Jan. 5s. net., illus. Hutchinson & Co., 34-36 Paternoster 

ow, E.C. 

s Work in Classical Studies, 1906. Jan. 2s. 6d. net. John Murray, 50a Albemarle 

YEOVIL LEADER, 1898. (ind.) Mon.—p.m. d. Wessex Publishing Co. Ltd., Middle 
St., Yeovil. (London: 145 Fleet St.,). 

Yos or No, 1903. Sat. 1d. Shurey’s Publications, 17 Tudor St., E.C. 

Ymolynydd, 1847. M.—ist. 2d. J. D. Lewis, Gwasg Gomer, Llandyssul. © 

York Churchman’s Almanack and City Register, 1888. Dec. 2d. W. H. Smith & Son, 
13 Coney St., York. 

York Diocesan Calendar, Clergy List and Church Almanack, 1862. Jan. Is. 6d. 
net. W. H. Smith & Son, 13 Coney St., York. (London: Simpkin & Co., 4 
Stationers’ Hall Court.) 

York Diocesan Gazette, 1892. M.—15th. ld. W. H. Smith & Son, 13 Coney St., York, 
(London: Simpkin & Co., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court.) 

York Journal of Convocation, 1880. Feb., May, Nov. Price varies. W. H. Smith & Son, 
13 Coney St., York. 

YORK 8TAR, 1910. (ind.) Thurs. $d. T. A. J. Waddington, Mansfield St., York. 

Yorkshire Almanac, 1893. Nov. ld. T. A. J. Waddington, Mansfield St., York. 

Yorkshire: Bennett's Business Directory, 1881. Annually. 5s. Bennett & Co., Chapel 
Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 456). 

t Yorkshire Catholic Herald, 1907. Sat. 1d. New Catholic Press Ltd., Norfolk Chambers, 
Norfolk St., Sheffield. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

Yorkshire Christmas Annual, 1894. Dec. id. T. A. J. Waddington, Mansfield St., York. 

YORKSHIRE EARLY BIRD, 1897. Every race day. 4d. Sir W. C. Leng & Co. Ltd., 
85 High St., Sheffield. 

+YORKSHIRE EVENING NEWS, 1905 (with which is incorporated Leeds Daily News, 
1872). (1) 12to7 p.m. d. Yorkshire Liberal Newspaper & Publishing Co. Ltd., 
14-15 Trinity St., Leeds. (London: 85 Fleet St.). 

ft YORKSHIRE EVENING POST, 1890. $d. J. E. Thornton, Change Court, Albion 
St., Leeds. (London: 171 Fleet St.) 

{YORKSHIRE EVENING PRESS, 1905 (as Evening Press, 1882). (ind.) Daily. $d. 
Yorkshire Herald Newspaper Co. Ltd., 9 Coney St., York. (London: 145 Fleet St.) 

tYerkshire Factory Times, 1889. Wed., for Thurs. id. Yorkshire Press, Wakefield 
Road, Dewsbury. (London: 85 Fleet St.) 

tYORKSHIRE GAZETTE, 1819 (with which is amalgamated Malton Gazette, 1854, and 
Cleveland Mercury). (I) {Fri., and Sat. ld. North of England Newspaper Co. 
Ltd., Coppergate Chambers, York. (I.ondon: 17 Bouverie St.) 

YORKSHIRE HERALD, 1790. (u) Daily—a.m., ld.; Sat., 2d. Yorkshire Herald 
Newspaper Co. Ltd., 9 Coney St., York. (London : : 145 Fleet St.). First issue 
daily in 1874. 

YORKSHIRE NEWS, 1904 (formerly Yorkshire Observer, 1899 ; as Malton Mail, 1898). 
() Sat. 4d. T. "A. J. Waddington, Mansfield St., York. 

Yorkshire News Football Guide, 1914. Sept. ld. T. A. J. Waddington, Mansfield St., 

tYORKSHIRE OBSERVER, 1901 (as Bradford Observer, 1834). (2) a.m. 1d. Afternoon 
market edition, Mon. and Thurs. Yorkshire Observer Ltd., 10 Piccadilly, Bradford. 
(London: 172 Fleet St.) 

TYORKSHIRE OBSERVER BUDGET, 1912 (as Observer Budget, 1869, as Bradford 

- Observer Budget, 1871. (D) Fri., 9 a.m., and Sat. ld. Yorkshire Observer, Ltd., 
10 Piccadilly, Bradford. 

{YORKSHIRE POST, 1866 (as Leeds Intelligencer, 1754). (c) Daily—a.m. ld. J.E. 
Thornton, Change Court, Albion St., Leeds. (Lonion: 171 Fleet St.) 

{YORKSHIRE SPORTS, 1900. Sat. hd. H. C. Derwent, Bradford. (London: 
62 Ludgate H 1.) ~ 

Advertisements” received for all the English Provincial Newspapers. [207 — 

— nE 

ABC List.) ___Willing’s Press Guide. 

TYORKSHIRE TELEGRAPH AND STAR, 1898 (as Sheffield Evening Telegraph and 
Star, 1887). (ind.) Eight editions daily. 4d. Sir W. C. Leng & Co. Ltd., 17 High 
St., Shefheld. (London: 180-1 Flect St.) 

Yorkshive Textile Directory, 1883. Aug. 6s. J. Worrall Ltd., Marlborough St., Oldham. 

tYORKSHIRE WEEKLY POST, 1754. (c) Sat. ld. J. E. Thornton, Change Court, 
Albion St., Leeds. (London: 171 Fleet St.) 

tTYORKSHIRE WEEKLY RECORD, 1909. (ind.) Sat. 1d. G. A. Cliff, 17 New Station 
St., Leeds. (London: 65 Fleet St.) One of the Weekly Mail and Record series. 

Young Abstainer, 1879. Quarterly. 1d. Young Abstainers’ Union, 33 Henrietta St., 
Covent Garden, w.c. 

Young Age, 1915. Quarterly. 7d. Theosophical Publishing Society, 161 New Bond St.,w. 
Young Believer’s Monthly, 1916. M.—25th. 1d. F. E. Race, 3-4 London House Yard, E.C. 
Young Christian, 1911. M.—25th. Id. J. Carter, 13 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Young Days, 1876. M.—25th. ld., illus. Sunday School Asso., Essex Hall, Essex St., w.c. 

Young Fdtks’ Tales, 1906. M.—4th Tues. ld. J. Henderson & Sons Ltd., Red Lion 
House, Red Lion Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

Young Helpers’ League Magazine, 1892. M.—tst. 2d. Dr. Barnardo’s Homes, 18-26 
Stepney Causeway, E. 

Young Ladies’ Journal, 1864. Mon., ld., illus; M., 9d. Harrison & Viles Łtd., 8 Far- 
ringdon Avenue, E.C. - i 

Y.M. (The British Empire Y.M.C.A.), 1915. Fri. 1d. Marshall Bros. Ltd., 47 Paternoster 
Row, ¥.c. (Editorial Y.M.C.A. Headquarters, Tottenham Court Road, w.) 

Young Man and Woman, 1887. M.—25th. 3d. H. Marshall & Son, 125 Fleet St., E.C. 
Y.M.C.A. Times, 1883. Quarterly. ld. J. C. Moor, F.J.I., 28 Azalea Terrace, Sunderland. 
Y.M.C.A. Year Book, 1883. Jan. 1s. Y.M.C.A., 13 Russell Square, w.c. f 

Young New Church Man, 1909. Quarterly. 3d. Rev. W. H. Claxton, 46 Hampton 
Road, Forest Gate, E. 

Young Protestants, 1901 (as Protestant Girl, 1896). M.—Ist. 1d. Marshall Bros. Ltd. 
Keswick House, 47 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Young Scotland, 1905. M.—Ist. 1d. A. Walker & Son, Galashiels. 

Young Soldier, 1888 (as Little Soldier, 1881). Tues., for Sat. 4d., illus. Salvation Army, 
Judd St., King’s Cross, w.c. 

Young Watchman, 1883. M.—iIst. 4d., illus. John Ritchie, Kilmarnock. 
Youthful Days, 1910. M.—Ist. d. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, E.C. 

Y.W.C.A. News-Letter, 1911. M.—24th. 37. National Y.W.C.A., 26 George St., Hanover 
Square, w. f° oe 

Ystwythian, 1904. Terminally. 3d. The Editor, County School, Aberystwyth. 

Zadktel’s Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris, 1835 (as Herald of Astrology, 1831). 
Sept. 6d. Simpkin & Co. Ltd., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.C. 

Zambesi Industrial Mission, 1892. Occas. ld. Morgan & Scott Ltd., 12 Paternoster 
Buildings, E.c. 

Zenana, or Women’s Work in India, 1893 (as Indian Female Evangelist, 1872). M.— 
28th. Id. S. W. Partridge & Co., 21-2 Old Bailey, E.c. 
Zion’s Witness, 1859. M.—Ist. 2d. R. Banks & Son, 5 Racquet Court, Fleet St., E.c 

Zodiac, 1906. M.—Ist. 62. Editorial. Zodiac Publishing Co. Ltd., Electra House, 
Finsbury Pavement, E.c. Illustrated. An extra-official paper for Foreign 
Service, Cablemen anl other Overseas ‘‘ Exiles.” Advertisements: John Tucker, - 

& Co., 27 Chanze-y Lane, w.c. Adut. 

Zoologist, 1843. M.—15th. 1s., occas., illus. AdJard & Son, & West Nevian 
23 Bartholomew Close, E.c. 

Zoophilist, 1881. M.—25th. 3d. G. Allen & Unwin Ltd., 40 Museum St., w.c. 

206) James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 


Willing’s Press Guide. 





Representatives among the Newspaper and Periodical Press of the United Kingdom. 

Particulars of each Publication will be found in the preceding Alphabetical List. 

Actuaries, &c. 


Accountants’ Loura! 


Accountants’ : 
Accountants’ Notes — 
Associated Accountants’ 

Associated Accountants’ 

Year Boo 
Certified Accountants’ 

Incorporated Account- 
ants’ Journa 

Incorporated Account- 
ants’ Year Book 

Incorporated Students’ 

Joint Transactions of 
the London, &e., 
Chartered Accountants 
Student Societies 

Journal of the Institute 
of Actuaries 

Journal of the Institute 
of Actuaries’ Student 

London Association of 
Accountants’ Diary,&c. 

Official Directory.-of the 
Chartered Accountants 
of Scotland 

Transactions of the 
Faculty of Actuaries 
in Scotland 

(see Press Guides). 

Aeronautical Journal 
Air Pilot 
Aviation Pocket Book 
Flying Book Aviation 

Who’s Who 

Jane’s All The World’s 
Africa—(see Colonies 
and Possessions) 
R.P.A. Annual 
Agriculture — As a 
general rule, all 
Provincial News- 
papers devote space 
to agriculture—-(see 
also Grain and Seed, 
Trade, Poultry). 

Advertisements received for all the Local Metropolitan Newspapers. 

Agricultural Gazette 
Agricultural Statistics 
Annual Report of the 
Agricultural Organisa- 
tion Society 
Annual Reports issued 
by the Board of Agri- 
culture and Fisheries 
British Pig Breeder 
British Year Book of 
Bulletin of the Imperial 
Institute j 
Farm and Home 
Farm,Field,and Fireside. 
Farm Life 
Farmer and Stoc 

Smallholder Year Book 

_Thorley’s Almanack and 


Transactions of the 
Highland and Agricul- 
tural Society of Scot- 

Transactions of the 
Royal Scottish Arbori- 
cultural Society 

Vinton’s Agricultural 

Almanacs (General) 

Vox Stellarum 

breeder’s Year Book |Almanacs (Local) 

Farmer’s Advocate 

Farmer’s Red Book 

Farmers’ Gazette 


Irish Farmer 

Irish Farmiag World 

Irish Farming World 
Directory i 

Irish Field 

Irish Homestead 

Irish Reports 

Journal of Agricultura! 

Journal of the Bath, 
&c., Society 

Journal of the Board of 

Journal of the Central 
and Associated Cham- 
bers of Agriculture 

Journal of the Depart- 
ment of Agriculture 
and Technical Instruc- 
tion for Ireland 

Journal of the Farmers 

Journal of the New- 
castle Farmers’ Club 

Journal of the Royal 

Agricultural Society 
Live Stock Journal 
Live Stoc Journal 


Mark Lane Express — 

North British Agricul- 

North British Agricul- 
turist Calendar 

Our Land 

Peat’s Farmers’ Diary 

Quarterly Journal of 

Royal Lancashire Agri- 
cultural Society Jour- 

Scottish Farmer 

Scottish Farmer Album 

Scottish Farming News 

Scottish Smallholder 


Advertiser Rugby 

Alden’s Oxford 

Almanac y Cymro 

Almanac y Miloedd 


Blocksidge’s Dudley 

Bob Stubbs’ 

County (Cirencester) 



Dodd's Darlington 

East Ham 

Fearnside and Martin’s 


Galashiels and Selkirk 

Glasgow’s Household 


Guy’s Cork - 

Hampstead, &c. 



Holden’s (Liverpool) 

Jersey Post Royal 

Lake’s Falmouth 

Lambert’s Settle 

Lancaster Observer 
Household | 

Langport and Somerset 

Lincoln & Lincolnshire 

Linney’s Illustrated 


Lunan’s (Alyth) 

Matkin’s Oakham 

Mexborough, &c. 

Morton’s Lincolnshire 

Netherton’s Cornis 

O’Connell’s Cork Alma- 


Oliver & Boyd’s Edin- 

Original Clock 

Orr’s Royal Belfast 

Orr’s Scottish 

Pascoe’s Rugeley 

Patey’s Illustrated 

Peace’s Orkney 


Pryce’s Illustrated 

Quiggin’s Isle of Man 

Richmond and Twicken- 
ham Times 
Richmond Herald 
St. Albans 
St. Neot’s Advertiser 
Sheffield City 
South Derry & District 
Three Towns 


Ward’s Family & Diary 

Whitford & Son’s Vale 

of Evesham 
Whittingham & Baty’s 

Market Rasen 

Mlustrated Aimanacs (Prophetic) 

Old Moore’s 

Orion’s Prophetic Guide 
Raphael’s Prophetic 

Almanacs (Religious) 





Bible Acrostic Searching 
Bible Readers’ 

Bible Searching 

Children’s, &c. 


Church of England 
Easy Bible Searching 
Gleaner and Sower 
Golden Grain 
Good News Sheet 
Gospel Book 
Gospel Text 
Great Thoughts 
joba Ploughman’s 
ife of Faith 
“My Little Friend” 
National Church 
New Church 
Out and Out 
Parish Almanac 
Railway Mission Sheet 
Scottish Churchman’s 
Simple Testimony 
Sunday School 
Things New and Old 

Tract Society’s Penny 
York Churchman’s 


Illus- | 

Classification.} Willing’s Press Guide. 

Alpine, &c., Informa- Burlington Magazine 

Scottish MountaineeringiArmy — (see Military 

Byegones Club Journal . 

oe J al Cait pen ae Suther- Ton om a the Service). 

ine Journ lan ecords ristol an ouces- 
Cimber s’ Club Journal | Calendars of State| tershire Archæological Art—(see also De- 
Journal of the Fell an Papers ` Society corative Art, Photo- 

Rork Ciani cine et er . Cary Viator Se tah el i of m graphy). 
e English Lake Dis- eshire otes an ambridgeshire an : 
i Queries Huntingdonshire Arch- Academy Architecture 

Rucksark Club Journal 

County Louth Archæo-| _ gological Society 

logical Journal Transactions of t 
arao Bernan vere Notes & Queries peel eat aon de Anti- 
olk-Lore quarian Society 
North American Review) Gadelica Transactions of the 
St. Nicholas Genealogist Cumberland and West- 
Scribner’s Genealogists’ Pocket} morland Antiquarian 
Smart Set i anA aid Archæological 
ndex Library ociet 
Amusements, &e.— Stig emer Genealogi- D Ia e ra 
. ie cal Directory erts rcheologica 
(see Music, Theatri Journal of Egyptian} Society _ 
cal). Archzolog _| Transactions of the 
Anal (see Jouns o Hellenic Ena Archæological 
ysts— S tudies ociety 
Chemical Science). Journal of Roman| Transactions of the 
J Stadie ave BaCk PT ceecheclogs 
— ournal o cal Society 
pane ny. een Archeological Asso-| Transactions of the 
eatc cience). , ciation er Grecasnch Antiqua- 
ournal of the Cor is- rian Society 
Anglo-Catholic torical and Archgolo-| Transactions of the 
Church Times gical Societ Hunter Atchzological 
Church Union Gazette | Journal of the County) _ Society, 
St. Albans, Holborn,| ` Kildare Archeological} Transactions of the St. 
Monthly Paper Society Albans and Herts 
Treasury Journal of the London} Architectural and 


J i Archæological Society 

Animal Protection— of the Man-| Wiltshire Archzological 

a chester Egyptian and| Magazine 
(see also Humani Oriental Society Wiltshire Notes and 
tarian Questions). Journal of the North} Queries 

Animal World 
Animals’ Friend 

rapes! Archezological 
Journal of the Royal Archery 

Annual of Art Work 

Art Annual 

Art Examination Papers 

Art Prices Current 

Art Teachers’ Guild 

Art Trade Year Book 

Artistic Country Build- 

Artists’ Almanac 

Baxter Year Book 

Burlington Magazine 


Connoisseur - 


Drawing l 

Fine Art Trade Journal 


penie of Indian Art 
ournal of the Imperial 
Arts League 

Journal of the National 
Society of Art Masters 


Journal of the Royal 
Society of Arts 
Proceedings: of the 

Royal Irish Academy 
Royal Academy Illus- 
Seg? Book of the Viking 

Studio - 
Studio Year Book 
Swain’s Quarterly 

Animal Guardian Societ of Antiquaries| Archers’ Register Year’s Art 
ird Notes and News of Irelan Gg a 
Zoophilist Journal of the Welsh Architecture (see also Assurance—(see also 
Bibliographical Society a Insurance). 
Animals— (see Dome:| Kent Archeological So- Building). Agents’ Journal 
tic Pets, Horses). ciety’s Transactions Academy Architecture Assurance Agents’ 
On nshire Notes and ppb Fe cat Feces ' 
es— ueri rchitect’s, c. Sur-| Assurance Review 
An I (see London Topographical veyor’s Diary Assure 
rchaeology). Reece Aic hici Compendiim ed Tife Record. P 
annin rchitectura socia- ooper’s Tabular Guides 
Anti-Vivisection— (see Miscellanea Genealogica| tion Brown Book Life Assurance Vade 
Animal Protection, Morten pionenee Notes enter Associa- oo ae 
saws 2 an ueries _ tion Journa eports of the Sanitary 
Humamiarian Ques Notes and Queries Architectural Associa-! _ Assurance Association 
tions). , Notes and Queries for| tion Sketch Book Transactions of ` the 
Abolitionist Somerset, &c. Architectural Review Assurance Medical 
Zoophilist rg Lore Miscelany P pnia Areen Society 
rkney an etlan ritis ompetitions in l 
Arbitration Records . Architecture Astrology 
Concord Papers of the British) Journal of the Royal; British Journal of 
Archaeolo School of Athens Institute of British Astrology 
; sy Pedigree Register Architects Modern Astrology 
Ancient Egypt Pipe Roll Society Pub-| Journal of the Royal 
panels of rag A h ications Institute of the Archi-/Astronomy 
Anapa f Serica ae Proceedings of the New- tects of Ireland Astronomical Oberva- 

castle-on-Tyne Society 
of Antiquaries 
Proceedings of the Pre- 

Journal of the Society of 
Kalendar of the Royal 

Annual Report, &c., of 
the Rutland Archzo- 

logical, &c., Society historic Society of| Institute of British 
Annual Report of the East Anglia Architects 

Society of Genealogists; Proceedings of thej Manchester School of 
Archeologial Aelina Society of Antiquaries| Architecture Sketch 
Archzologia Cambrensis of Scotland Book 
Archezologia Cantiana | Proceedings of thej Specification 
Archzological Journal | Society of Biblical] Tee Square and Tape 
Architects’, & Builders’) Archeology Transactions of the 

Journal i Proceedings of the| Edinburgh Architec- 
Archivium Hibernicum Suffolk Institution of tural Association 
Berks, Bucks, and Oxon| Archeology Who’s Who in Architec- 

Archeological Journal] Records of Buckingham-| _ ture 
Bibliography of Wales shire Year-Book and List of 
Border agazine _ Scottish Historical Re-| Members of the Society 
British Record Society view of Architects 

tions and Researches 

Gazette Astronomique 

Journal and Memoirs of 
the British Astro- 
nomical Association 

Journal and Transactions 
of the Leeds Astrono- 
mical Society 

Journal of the British 
Astronomical Associa- 

Memoirs of the Royal 
Astronomical Societ 

Monty Notices of the 
Roya Astronomical] 


208] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

= = 

Wiliing’s Press Guide. 

Astronomy—continued Metropolitan Tabernacle 
Report of thé Director 

of the Liverpool Ob- Scottish Baptist Maga- 

servatory as Spurgeon’s Illustrated 
AtMletics — (see also Sword and the Trowel 

Athletic News 

B epin 
Athletic News Athletic ee Ke ping 

Beekeeper’s Gazette 

Directory Beekeeper’s Record 
Boxing British Bee Journal 
Macfadden’a Physical) Irish Bee Journal 

Manua! Training 
Woman’s Beauty 

Bell Ringing 
Ringing World 

Auctioneers (See/ Bible Classes— 

~ Commercial). 

Australia — (see Colo-| Bibliography 

nies and Posses-|. (see Archaeology). 
: . Bicycling— 
a Liteva-| (see Cycling) | 
Bitl Posters 
Badminton -— (see Bill Poster. 
Sporting). Bill Poster’s Directory 
Birds—(see Domestic 
Bakers — (see also 
Grain and Seed Pets, Poultry). 

Baker and Confectioner 
Bakers’ National Asso- 
ciation Review 

(see Official Reports) 

Bakers’ Record Bits and Selections 

British Baker Answers 

British Baker Diary and| Great Thoughts 
Trade Year-Book Illustrated hipi 

Confectioners’ Union Pearson’? Weekly 

Confectionery Spare Moments 
Journeyman Baker’s) Tit-Bits 

Master Baker (Belfast) Blind 

Practical Confectioner) Annual Report of the 
and Baker Royal School for the 
Indigent Blind 

Blind Advocate 

Braille Literary Journal 

Braille MusicalMagazine 

Band of Hope— 
(see Temperance). 

Braille Review 
Banking — (see Fi- Ebannels of Blessing 
nance and Invest- Craigmuller Harp 
ment). Friend] Light 
ora ucunda 
Bankrupts, Lists off Passage Journal 
—(see alse Trade} Santa Lucia 
Protection). Schoo] Magazine 

Sunrays for the Blind 

Dublin Gazette Weekly Summary 

Edinburgh Gazette 

r A E Blue Ribbon — (see 
Stubbs’ Commerciali Temperance) 
Stubbs’ Weekly Gazette |Book Trade 
: Aberdeen Book Lover 
Baptist— Bodleian 
Annual Report of thej Book Auction Record 
Baptist Missionary| Book Lover 
Society . . Book Month! 
Baptist Handbook Book-Pricés Current 
Baptist Monthly Bookman 

Books of To-day and 
Books of To-morrow 

Baptist Record 
Baptist Times 
Divine Light and Truth 

(see Sunday Schools) GUIDE 

English Sotlo pue 
ndex to Periodicals 

International Directory 
of Booksellers, &c. 

Irish Book Lover. 

Luzac’s Oriental List 



Notes on Books 

Odd Volume 



Publishers’ Circular 

Reference Catalogue 

Sotheran’s Price Current 

Times, Literary Supple- 


Boot and Shoe Trade 
—/(see also Leather 

Boot and Shoe Retailer 

Monthly Report of the 
National Union of 
Boat and Shoe Opera- 

Shoe and Leather and 
Allied Trades News 
Shoe and Leather Record 
Shoe and Leather Trader 
hoe Manufacturers’ 
Shoe Trades Journal 

Botany — (see alsc 
Annals of Botany 
Annals of the Bolus 
Botanical Journal 
Botanical Magazine 
Bulletin of the Royal 
Botanical Gardens 
Jaa of Botany 
ournal of Ecology 
Journal of the Linnean 
Nature Reader Monthly 
New Phytologist 
Transactions of 
Linnzan Society 

Bowls (see Sporting). 
Boxing (see Sporting). 


Box Makers’ Journal 
Paper Box & Bag Maker 

Boys, Literature for 
(see Juvenile Litera- 

Brazil, News for and 
South American Journal 

Brewing — (see also 
Licensed Victuallers) 
Brewer and Wine Mer- 

Brewers’ Almanac 
Brewers’ Gazette 

Earthern Vesse Bulletin of New Books | Brewers’ gonna 

Friendly Companion Christmas Catalogue Brewing Trade Review 
Gospel Standard Current Literature of] Brewing Trade Review 
Herald the Month Licensing Law Reports 

Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Périodicals. 


Journal of the Institute 
of Brewing 

Licensed Trade News 

Manual of British and 
Foreign Brewery Com- 


Brushmakiag ~ 

Oriental|/Building — (see also 

Architecture, Decora- 
tive Art). 

Architect, &c., Reporter 
Architects’ and Builders’ 


Brick and Pottery Trades 

British Clay Worker 


Building Industries 

Building News 

Building Trades’ Direc- . 

Building World 

Calvert’s Mechanics’ 
Church Builder 
Concrete and Construc- 
tional Engineering 
Concrete Institute Tran- 
sactions and Notes 
Contract Journal 
Contractors’ Chronicle 
Contractors’, Merchants’ 
&c., Compendium and 
Contractors’ Record 
Contracts Gazette 
Ferro Cancrete 
Illustrated Carpenter & 
Irish Builder 
Journal of the Incor- 
orated Clerks of 
orks’ Association 
Journal of the Incor- 
porated Institute of 
Certified Carpenters 
Kahncrete Engineering 
Laxton’s Builders’ Price 


Lockwood’s Builders’ 
and Architects’ Price 
Book — 

London Builder d 

Machine Woodworker 

Master Builder and 
Association Journal 

National Federation Re- 

National Master Buil- 
ders’ Year Book 

Plumber and Journal of 

Plumbing Trade Journal 

Practical Timber Mea- 

and Saw Mil 

Professional Notes of the 
Surveyors’ Institution 

Public Works 


Settmakers’ and Stone- 
workers’ Journal 

Slate Trade Gazette 

Specification - 

Spon’s Architects’, &c., 
Price Book 

Stone Trades Journal 


Timber ' 

Timber News 

Timber News Year Book 

Timber Trades )ournal 




Timber Trades Journal, 
&c., Directory 

Town Planning Review 

Year Book and Directory 
of the Midland Centre 
of the National Federa- 
tion of the Building 
Trades Employers of 
Great Britain and Ire- 

Building Societies 

Building Societies 

Building Societies An- 
nual Report of Regis- 


Meat Trades Journal 

Cabinet and Uphol- 
stery Trades — (sec 
Furniture Trade). 

British Imperial 
From Friend to Friend 
Good Cheer 
Incorporated Law So- 

ciety of Ireland 

Marlborovgh’s Plain 
Thread of Gold 
Universal Fellowship 

‘Calendars (Church) 
Bible Text 
Calendar and Lectiona 
of the English Churc 
Christian Year 
Daily Bread Text 
ish Churchman’s 
Good News 
Kalendar of Sundays 
and Holy Days 
Little Precept 
Mowbray’s Churchman’s 
Nisbet’s Full Desk 
Parish Priests’ 

Parker’s Church 
Red Letter 
St. Asaph Diocesan 
Southwell Diocesan 



Willing’s Press Guide. 

Cambridge University 
City of London College 
College of Preceptors 
Dublin University 
Durham University 
Edinburgh University 
Glasgow University 
Huddersfield Technical 
King’s College 
Liverpool University 
MacCrea Magee College 
Nottingham -University 
Oxford University, 

’s University of 

Catholic — (see .4xglo-\Chess 




Celtic Monthly 
Celtic Review 

Deo Greine 

Guth na Bliadhna 
Sword of Light 

Destitute Children). 

University College o 
Wales (Aberystwyth) Aen e 
University College of] Annual Charities’ Regis- 
Dundee ter 
University of Bristol Charity Organisation 
University of Leeds Review 
University of London Charity Record 
University of Man- Fry’s Royal Guide to 
chester the London Charities 
University of Wales Hospital Saturday Fund 
p Journal 
Calendars (Diocesan) | Low’s Handbook to the 
Bangor Charities of London 

Bath and Wells 









Llandaff l 
London Diocese Book 


St. Albans 

St. Edmundsbury, &c. 
Sarum Almanac 




Christian’s Pathway 

Canada—(see Colonies 

and Possessions). 

Calendars (College and|Carpenters.and Joiners 

Aberdeen Universit 
Armstrong College, 

Birmingham University 
Calendar of the Bedford 
College for Women 
Calendar of the Calvin- 
istic Methodist, &c., 
Theological College 
Calendar of the East 

London College 
Calendar of the National 

— (see Building). 

Carriage Buiiders— 
(see also Saddlery). 
Automobile & Carriage 
Builders’ Diary 
Automobile & Carriage 
Builders’ A 
Cooper’s Vehicle Journal 
Journal of the Institute 
of British Carriage 

University 2 heane Catorers — (see also 

Calendar of the Roya 
College of Surgeons 
Calendar of University 


Licensed Victuallers) 
Caterer : 

Straight Talk 
Within our Gates 

Chemical Science 


Bio-Chemical Journal 
Chemical News 
Chemical Trade Direc- 

Chemica! Trade Journal 
Journal oœ Chemical 
Journal of the Chemi- 
cal Society 
Journal of the Society 
of Chemical Industry 
Proceedings of 
' Chemical Society 
Proceedings of the In- 
stitute of Chemistry — 


Chemists and Druggists 

Annual Report on the 
Progress of Chemistry 

Britis and Colonial 
British and Colonial 

Pharmacists’ Diary 


Roman| British Chess Magazine 
British Chess Magazine 

Chess Annual 
Chess Amateur 

Year Book of Chess 

Children—(see Juven- 
_ tle Literature). 

China and Glass Trade 

— (see Pottery Trade) 

harity — (see alsojChina, News for and 


Orphanage| China Year Book 

London & China Express 
and China 

Christian Workers 

(see Mission Work). 

Christmas, &Cc., 

Bibby’s Annual 
Brecon County Annual 
Cassell’s Winter Annual 
Doige’s Western Coun- 
ties Illustrated'Annual 
Father Tuck’s Annual 
Hartland and West 
Country Annual 
Herald of Mercy Annual 
Holly Bough 
gonn Bull Annual 
incoln Budget 
London Opinion Summer 
Pears’ Annual 
Printer’s Pie 
Ryder’s Annual | 
Snarks’ Annual 
Tempest’s Annual 
County Annual 
Winning Post Summer 



Winning Post Winter 
Annual l 
Winter’s Pie 

Wonder Book 
Yorkshire Christmas 

British Drug Houses’ Church and Chapel 

Guide to the British 
British Pharmacopia 
Chemica! Manufacturers’ 

A ,B C Church and 
Chapèl Directory 

Chemist and Druggist Church Guilds 

Chemists’and Druggists’ 


Chemists’ andDruggists |Ghurch of England 

Chemists’ Annual, &c. 
Chemists’ Year Book 
Ephemeris Pharmacolo- 

. gia 
Monthly Statement of 

Drugs . s 
Pharmaceutical Journal 
Pharmaceutical Pocket 

Book for Practitioners, 


Pharmaceutical Society’s 

Registers of Pharmaceu- 
tical Chemists and 

Year Book of Pharmacy 

Anglican Third Order 
Quarterly . 
Annual Report of the 
Centra! Committee of 
the Carlisle Diocesan 
Church Extension 


Annua! Report of the 
Church Benefit Society 
Annual Report of the 
Church Association 
Annual Report of the 
Church Reform League 
Annual Report of the 
Protestant Reforma- 
tion Society 


10] James Willing, Lid., Advertising A gents, 125, Strand: London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Newcastle Diocesan Ga- 

Church of England— 

continued. Nisbet’sChurch Directo 
Bath and Wells Diocesan) Nisbet’s Church Pulpit 
_ Gazette Year Book 
Belchamp . Deanery) North Wilts Church 
Magazine Magazine 
Benefice Exchange Ga-| Norwich Diocesan Ga- 
zette zette K 
Birmingham Diocesan} Official Year Book , 
- Magazine. Order of Divine Service 
Brighton and Hove} Oxford Diocesan Maga- 
Parochial Gazetteer zine , 
Bristol Diocesan Maga-|~Peterborough Diocesan 
zine Magazine 
Canterbury Diocesan| Protestant Alliance 
Gazette Magazine 
Carlisle Diocesan Ga- 

pela Chronicle o 

zette the rch Reform 
Cathedral Quarterly League 
Challenge St. Austell Deanery 
Chelmsford Diocesan Magazine 
Chronicle. St. David’s Diocesan 
Chester Diocesan Ga- Almanac 
zette Sign Kalendar 
Chichester Diocesan Ga-| Southwark Diocesan 
zette Chronicle 
Children’s Kalendar Southwark Diocesan 
Church Gazette Directory 
C.L.B. List Southwell Diocesan 
Church Patronage Ga-| Magazine 


Truro Diocesan Magazine 
Church Pennant 

Wakefield Diocesan Ga- 

‘Church Reading Maga- zette 

zine Winchester . Diocesan 
Church Standard . Chronicle 
Churchman’s Almanac Worcester Diocesan 
Churchman’s Diary Magazine 

Work and Witness 

Work and Worship 

Wrexham Ruri-decanal 

Churchman’s Remem- 


Clergy Directory and 

Parish Guide York Diocesan Gazette 
Clergy List 

Clergyman’s ReadyiChurch of Scotiand— 

Cet Dire A (see also Mission 

Companion Work). 
Cowley Evangelist Church of 
Diocesan Magazine of Year-Book 

the County of Suffolk: 
English Church Review 
English Churchman 
English Churchwoman - 

Life and Work 
Monthly Record of the 
Free Church of Scot- 

Civili Service—(see also 

Climbing (see Alpine, 

Scotlandg¢oach Builders—(see 

Coal Trade—(see also 


Moving Picture Offered)Cotonies and Posses- 

List sions 
Picture Palace News African World 

Pictures and Picturegoer 

Pictures and Pleasures ele of the Natal 
Screen useum 
Annals of the South 

African Museum 
Annual Report of the 
Victoria League 
Australasian aad Cana- 
.dian World 
British Australasian 

Government Officials) 
Broad Arrow 

Civil Service Competitor 
Civil Service Gazette 
Civil Service Hints 
Civil Service Observer 

Ciil : ee Tutor eos Guiana Hand- 
elfast í 
Civil Service Year-Book A the Imperial 
Civilian Canada 

Duggan’s Civil Service Canada To-day 

Manual Canadian Gazette 
TE Canadian News 
Re ape Caribbeana 
enture Coloniaľs Guide to 
Classics London 

Colonial Journal 
Colonial Office List 
Daily Graphic Colonial 


Daily Mail (Overseas 


Daily Mirror (Overseas 
Edition) _ 

Daily Sketch (Overseas 

Empire Review 

Federal Magazine 

Handbook of Jamaica 

Heaton’s Annual 

Classical Quarterly 
Classical Review 
Proceedings of the 
Classical Association 
of England and Wales 
Proceedings of 
of Scotlan 
Year’s Work in Classica) 

&c , Information). 

Clubs Heaton’s Opportunities 
Book of the Old Edin-| „in Canada : 
burgh Club Home and Colonial Mail 
Club and Institute] Imperial News 
Journal In laman X 
Club Life Indian Magazine 

Journal of the African 
Journal of the Central 
Asian Societ 
hina Ex- 

London and 
London and China Tele- 

Settlers’Guide in Greater 

English Clubs, List of 
Girls’ Club Journal 
Girls’ Club News 

Carriage Builders). 

Ivon Trade, Mining) 

an ; 
Evangelical Christendom] National Bible Society Britain | ; 
Exeter Diocesan Gazette} of Scotland Quarterly ae Le ee Diary | South Africa 
Free and Open Church] Record Coal Merchant and|  0Uth African Year Book 
Advocate Principal Acts of the] “Shipper South American Journal 
Gloucester Diocesan} General Assembly of Colliery Guardian onen Rhodesia 
Magazine the Church of Scotland| Colliery Manager’s nited Empire Pe 
Guildsman Record of the Home &| Pocket Book West India Committee 
Halstead, &c., Deanery! Foreign Mission Work Colliery Rescue Pee pr 
Magazine of the United Free} London Customs Bills of| *c2t Book of the Royal 
Handbook of the Theo-| Church of Scotland Entry Coal Trade Colonial Institute 
logical Colleges of the} Report on theSchemes of Manchester Coal Ex- 
Church of England | the Church of Scotland change Directo 
Irish Churchman, — | ScottishStandard Bearer| Reid's Handy Colliery Comic — (see Humor- 
Journal of the Session] Year-Book for the uidée, &c. ous). 
of the General Synod} Episcopal Church in Ryland’s Directory of 
as l i Church of Scotland - ‘the Coal, &c., Trades 
relan > 
Lichfield Diocesan|Church Intelligence | South Wales Coal and Commercial and Mor 
Magazine (see Mission Work).| south Wales Coal Annu’! : — (see also 
Lincoln Diocesan Maga- South Wales Colliery) ‘ante and Invest- 
zine Church Work — (sce “ater . ment Shibbi 
; : “hae Officials’ Magazine , tpping, 
Liverpool Diocesan Jour-| Mission Work). Trade O Trad 
na | Coffee Pubiic Houses E Oy KAAR 
Llandaff Diocesan Maga-|Cinema Trade —(see Temperance) Protection), 
zine Bioscope ‘| African Mail 
London Diocesan Maga- Cee Coid Storage eared Trader 7 
- zine inema News nglo - American ear 
Tondon Diocese Year poe pyereeas Mail oid Storage aid Pro- å E i 
00 ilm Renter nglo-Belgian Trade 
Manchester Diocesan] Kinematograph SCE Sod Cold Storage Review © 
Magazine Kinematograph Monthly College Magazines— | Anglo-Canadian Year 
Message of the Church] _ Film Record (see School Maga- Book 
Modern Churchman f Kinematograph Year i Anglo-Norwegian Trade 
New Church Quarterly Book zines). Journa 

Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Newspapers. 



Commercial and Mer- 

Anglo - Russian Ex- 
Anglo-Swedish Trade 
Annual Report and List 
of Members of the 

Norwich Incorporated 
Chambers of Commerce 

Annual Report of the 
Bradford, &c., Cham- 
ber of Trade 

Annual Report of the 
London hamber of 

Anti-Cutting Record 

Auctioneers’ and Estate 
Agents’ Institute Year- 
Book and Di 

Australian A B C Guide 
to British Manufactur- 
ing Exporters 

Barton’s Scottish Trade 

Belgian Commercial Ad- 

Birmingham Chamber of 

Commerce Journal 
Black’s ommercial 

Board of Trade Journal 
Bradford Chamber of 
Trades Jourhal 
British & South African 
Export Gazette 
British Empire Review 
British Export Gazette 
British Exporters’ Re- 
British-made Goods and 
Where to get them 
British Mercantile Guide 
British Supremacy 
British Toymaker 
British Trade une 
British Trade Review 
Bulletin of the Imperial 
Business Prospects Year 

Cardiff Journal of Com- 

Chamber of Commerce 
Chinese Trade Register 
Cold Storage and Pro- 
duce Review 
Commercial Almanack 
Commercial Compendium 
Commercial Weekly 
Commercial Year Book 
of Birmingham Cham. 
ber of Commerce 
Commercial Year Book 
of the Bristol Incor. 
porated Chamber of 
Commercial Year Book 
of the Derby Incor- 
porated Chamber of 
Commercial Year Book 
of the Glasgow Incor- 
porated Chamber of 
Commercial Year Book 
of the Leeds Incor- 
porated Chambers of 
Commercial Year Book 
of the Leicester Incor- 
porated Chamber of 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

Commercial Year Book 
of the North Stafford- 
shire Chamber of Com- 

Commercial Year Book 
of the Nottingham 
Chamber of Commerce 

Commercial Year Book 
of the Swansea Incor- 
porated Chamber of 

Commercial Year Book 
of the Walsall Incor. 
porated Chamber of 

Diary, &c. 

Comparative Prices, &c. 


Cotton Spinners’ Direc- 

Custom’s Tariff of the 
Daily Commercial Report 
Directory of the Chief 
Industries of India,&c. 
Dublin Bill of Entry 
Dundee Prices Current 
Eastern (India, China, 
and Japan B C 
Guide to BritishManu- 
facturing Exporters 
Efficiency Magazine 


Exchange Commercia) 

Export Merchants, 
Shippers and Manu- 
factures of Great 

Britain and Ireland 
Export World 
Fancy Goods Record 
Games and Toys. 
Glasgow Advertiser 
Good Lines 
Ham’s Customs Year- 

Hull Trade & Transit 
Imperial Tariff 
Indent Gazette 
Industrial Directory of 
the U.K. 
Institute of Commerce 
Magazine (Birming- 


Irish Industrial Journal 

Irish Manufacturers’ 

Japanese of 

Journal of Commerce 

Journal of H.M. Excise 

Kelly’s Monthly Trade 

Lamb’s International 
Guide to British and 
Foreign Merchants and 

Lamb’s Trades Diaries 

Leith Commercial List 

Liverpool Customs Bill 
of Entry 

Liverpool General Bro- 
kers’ Association 
Weekly Circular 

London Commercial 


London and Suburban 
Traders’ Federation 
Quarterly Notes 
Made in Britain, &c. 
Manchester Chamber of 
Commerce Monthly 




Mercantile Guardian 

Mercantile Register of 
British Exporters, &c. 

Mercantile Year-Book 

Metal Market Year Book 

Mexican Year Book 

Moony Review (Wat- 

Multigraph News 

Newcastle, &c., Incar- 
orated Chamber ot 
ommerce Year Book 

News of 
Commissions, &c, 

Ocean Times 



Feck’s Circular Buyers’ 

Pioneer Coconut Manual 

Proceedings of the Inter- 
national Association 
for Testing Materials 

Public Ledger 

Public Ledger Evening 

Red Book of Commerce 

Report of the Silk As- 
sociation of Great 
Britain and Ireland 


Sales Promotion 

Scottish Business Journa! 

Sell’s Addresses of Great 
Commercial Houses of 
the World 

South African A B C 
Guide to British Manu- 
facturing Exporters 

Stubbs’s Commercia! 

Swedish Chamber of 
Commerce in London 

Swedish Chamber 





Thacker’s Directory of 
the Chief Industries 
of India 

Times Reports of Com. 
mercial Cases 

Trade and Finance 

Trade of Hull 

Trade Openings 

Trade Opportunities 


Turnbull’s Dock and 
Port Charges for the 
United Kingdom 

Waste Trade World 

Welsh Coal and Ship- 
ping Handbook 

Wireless Mail 

Wireless World 

Year-Book and Protected 
List of the Proprietary 
Articles Trade Asso. 

Year Book of Wireless 
Telegraphy, &c. 

On the Road 

ournal of Conchology 
onograph of British 

and Freshwater 

Prices; Jonfectioners 

British and Foreign Con- 
Confectioners’ Union 
Confectionery Diary 
Confectioners Gazette 


Chronicle of the London 
Missionary Society 

Congregational Workers’ 


Irish Congregational 

' Magazine 

Lancashire Congrega- 
tional Year-Book 

Scottish Congregational 





Annual Report of the 
Victoria League 

Conservative Clubs’ 

Constitution Papers 

Constitutional Year- 

English Race 
Notes from Ireland 

Contracts—(see Build- 



Chronicle of Convocation 

York Journal of Con- 

Gooking—(see . Domes- 

tic Literature, Sani- 
tary and Social 



Better Business 

Blackpool Co-operative 

Blaydon-on-Tyne Co- 
operative Record | 

Co - operative 
Society Recor 



Burnley Co-operative 
Society Record 
Bury Co-operative So- 

ciety Record ; 
Caincross, &c., Co-opera- _ 
tive Society Econo- 

Chorley Co-operative 
Society Recor 
City of Perth Co-opera- 
tive “Pioneer” 
Co-operative News 
Co-operative Employee 
Co-operative Reference 
Library Miscellaneous 
Co-operative Union 
Quarterly Review 
Co-operative Wholesale 
Societies’ Annual 
Coventry Co-operative 
Society Recor 
Derby Co-operative So- 
ciety Recor 

James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Eccles Co-operative So- 
ciety Record . 
Failsworth Co-operative 
Society Messenger 
Gloucester Co-operative 

Society Recor 
International Co-opera. 
tive Bulletin 
Keighley Co-operative 
Society Bee Pare 
Lancaster and District 
Co-operative Record 
Leeds Co-operative So- 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

amas ae oe See ee 
sourt and Society— Deaf and Dumb 

(see also Peevages). 

Boyle’s Court and 
ountry Guide 
Kelly’s andbook 

Ladies Court Book 

Royal Blue Book 

Webster’s Royal Red 

Who’s Who 
Who’s Who Year-Book 

aed mecord E Dairying). mentary). 
eicester istrict olg . 
Ve” remation . ; 
e Comecie So-| Transactions of the Cre-|Decorative Art — (sce 
ciety Recerd mation Society off also Architecture, 
penton, &e., Eo aa England Art Building, En-| 
tive Society ecor Cricket nerin 
Pipe on Co-operative oe Athletic News Cricket eines) 
nnua , Paint , 
Merspeer aad alford| ayres Cricket Com) Dgjoraisfs! & Painters 
Herald panion ford Decorators’ Diary : 
M rough COOP] Cricketer Diary | Journal of Decorative 
ive Record | i : F 
Millgate (Manchester) Ponie moe Cricket) Woodworker 
Newcastle Co-operative Umpire Cees aren 
an Educatioa| „panion | Dentistry 
Record Wisden’s Cricketers’) Annual Report df the 
. Norwich Co-operative} Almanac Poya ao Hospital 
Society Herald of London 

Nottingham District Co- Croquet — (see Sport- 
operative Record ıng). 
Idham Co-operative 

Record Curriers— (see Leather 
Our Circle Trade) 7 3 
Pendleton Co-operative 

Society Recor Cyclin 

Plymouth _ Co-operative AeA 
ociety Recor - | Bicycling News 

Preston Co-operative Cycling 

Society Recor Cyclists’ Touring Club 
Producer British and Irish 
Radcliffe, &c., Co-opera-| Handbook 

tive Society Record Cyclists’ Touring Club 
Reading Co-operative Gazette 

Society Recor Cyclists’ Touring Club 
Scottish Co-operator Handbook (Foreign 
Southern 0-operative Edition) 

Education Association Irish Cyclist 

Recor Light Car 
Stratford Co- operator Light Car & Cyclecar 

Magazine Light Car Manual 

Sunderland Co-operative 

Light C nd Cycle- 
Society Record E ai J 

Wheatsheaf , Manchester Wheelers’ 
Woolwich Co-operative Club Journal 
Society Recor Motor Čycle 
Workington Beehive Motor Cycling 

tive Record 

Year Book of Interna- 
tional Co-operation 

Co-gpera- oe Road for Cyclists, 

Scottish Cyclist 

Scottish Cyclists’ Annual 

Scottish Road Book 

‘Trader’ Handbook, &c. 
Corn Trade—(see Grain D 
and Seed Trade). Creamery Manager __ 
Creamery Manager Diary 
Cotton Trade — (see| Dairy World 
Textile Manufacture).| Dairyman 

Journal of the British 
Dairy Farmers’ Asso- 

County Courts — (see) c'ation 
egal. Dancing 
Ball Room 
` l Dance Journal 
County Government —| Dancing Times 

Proceedings of the Im- 
A Local Governe penal Society of Dance 


Advertisements received for all the M. etropolitan Newspapers, 

Mouth M 

Annual Report of the 
National Bureau 
Promoting the Welfare 
of the Deaf l 

British Deaf Times 

Deaf Quarterly News 

Hope Magazine 
Acoustic Journal 

Messenger (Belfast) 

Teacher of the Deaf 

Cowkeepers — (sce |Debates—(see Parlia- 

British Dental Journal 

British Journal of Den- 
tal Science 

Dental Directory. 

Dental Record 

Dental Surgeon 

Dentists’ Register 


National Dental Hospital 

Design—(see Ari). 

Destitute Children 

Brothers and Sisters 

Night and Day 

Our Darlings 

Our Log Book 
Seeking and Saving 

Diaries — (see also 
under various 


Campbell’s Professional 
Man’s Hour Book, &c. 


Christian’s Pocket Diary 




De La Rue’s 

Diary for Lawyers 
Gentleman’s Pocket 

Daily Companion 
Golden Grain 
Leeds City Diary 
Letts’s (Charles) 
Peacock’s Pocket 
Potsdam Diary 
Shaw’s Scribbling 
White and Pike’s 




| (Classification. 

Directories—(see also 

Almanacks, Local). 


Aldershot, &c. i 

All British Engineering 
and Building Trades 


Balham, Tooting, &c. 

Barnet, Whetstone, &c. 

Barry and District 


Beckenham, Penge, and 

Bedell’s Pocket Street 
Directory (Notting- 


Bedfordshire, Hants, and 

Belfast and Province of 

Berks, &c. Bennett’s 

Berkshire, &c 
exhill l 

Bexley Heath 

Birmingham, Stafford- 
shire, &c. 

Birmingham & Suburbs 

Birmingham: Bennett's 

Blackheath, Lee, &c. 


Bradford, &c. (Kelly’s) 

Bradford Post Office ` 

Brighton, Hove, &c., 
Blue Book, &c. 

Brighton, Hove, &c. 

British and Foreign 

Brixton, Clapham, &c. 

Bromley . 

Building Trades 
usiness Directory 

Bute County ; 

Cabinet and Furniture 
Trades . 

Camberley and District 

Cambridge:  Bennett’s 

Cambridgeshire, &c. 

Camden and Kentish 
Towns 4 
Canterbury, &c.,- Blue 
Book . 


Carlisle (Arthur’s) 
Caterham District 
Catholic Directory of the 
Province of Birming- 
Channel Islands 
Chelsea, Pimlico, &c. 
Chemists and Druggists’ 
Cheshire - ' 

Chester Directory of 
Trades, Professions, 
and Gentry | 

Chiswick, &c. 

City of London 

Collingwood’s .- Interna- 
tional Mercantile 

Colwyn Ba 


Cosburn’s Newbury, &c. 
ounty Directory of 
Scotland + 

County Tyrone 

Croydon and S. Norwood 
Cumberland, &c. 
Donen District 

Deal, Walmer, &c. 
erby, &c. 
Derbyshire : Bennett’s 

Classification. ] 


Derbyshire, Notts, &c. 
Devon and Cornwall: 
Bennett’s Business 
Devonshire & Cornwall 
Directory of Contractors 
Directory of Directors 

Directory of Paper 
Directory of Manu- 

facturers, &c. 
Directory of Reforma- 
tory, &c., Schools 
Directory of Shipowners 
Directory of the City of 
Directory of the Tobacco 
Dorking and Box Hill 
Dorking & Leatherhead 
Dover Blue Book 
Dulwich, Tulse Hill, &c. 
Durham, &c. 
Ealing, Hanwell, &c. 
Eastbourne Blue Book 
Education Authorities’ 
Eltham, &c. 
Enfield, &c. 
“Engineer” Director 
Engineer & Iron Trades 
Epsom & Leatherhead 
Essex & Hertfordshire: 
Bennett’s Business 
Essex, Hertfordshire, & 
Exeter Post Office 
Finchley, Child’s Hill,&c. 
Folkestone, &c. 
General & Commercial 
of Blackburn, Accring- 
ton, &c. 
General & Commercial] 
of Burnley, &c. 
General & Commercial] 
of Preston and Fylde 
Glasgow Street 
Gloucester (Smart’s) 
Gloucester, &c., Ben- 
nett’s Business 
Gloucester Street 
Gore’s Liverpool 
` Birkenhead 
Gowland’s Eastbourne 
Gravesend, &c. 
Greenock i 
Grocery, Oil and Colom 
Trades i 
Guildford, &c. 
Hackney, and Homerton 
Hampshire, Wilts, Dor- 


set, &c. 

Hampshire and Isle of 
Wight: Bennett's 

Hampstead and Child’s 
Harrow, &c. 
Hastings, &c. 
Hastings, &c., Blue Book 
Hastings & St.Leonard’s 
Hereford Journal 
Herefordshire & Shrop- 


Highbury, Holloway, &c. 
Holmesdale (Reigate) 
Hornsey, &c. 

Horsham, &c., Blue Book 

. Kent, 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

tory - 
tan Charities 
liford, East Ham, &c. 
Inverness Burgh 
Inverness County 
Ipswich ; 
Irish Manufacturers’ 
Isle of Man Examiner 
Isle of Thanet 
Isle of Wight E 
Jakeman and Carvers 

Herefordshire | 
Jepson’s Mercantile 
vers Post Royal 

Keighley Burgess Roll 
Kensington, &c. : 
Kent County Examiner 
Directory of Ashford 
Kent Messenger Direc- 
tory of Maidstone 
Surrey, &e.: 
Bennett’s Business 
Kent, Surrey, & Sussex 
Kentish Express (Ash- 
Key to the London Tele- 
hone Directory 
Kilburn, Willesden, &c. 
Kiggston, Surbiton, &c. 
Lake's Falmouth 
Lea’s Northampton 
Leather Trades 
Leeds Blue Book 
Leeds (Kelly’s) 
Leicester and Notting- 
ham: Bennett’s Busi- 
ness j 
Lewes, &c., Blue Book 
Lewisham, &c. 

` Leytonstone 


Lincolnshire, &c. 

Lincolnshire: Bennett's 

Littlebury’s Worcester 
Llandudno, &c. 

Lloyd’s Director of 
Manufacturers, &c. 
London & County Trades 
London County Suburbs 
London Directory, with 

Looker-On (Cheltenham) 
Lucy’s Marlborough 
MacDonald’s English 
MacDonald’s Iris 
MacDonald’s Scottish 
Maidstone, &c. 
Manchester Roya! Ex- 
Manchester, Salford, &c. 
Mardon Bros.’ Bishop’s 
. Stortford 
of Salcombe 
Marylebone & 
Mercantile Navy List 
Merchants’, Manufac- 
turers’, & Shippers 
Mid-Thames Valley 
Monmouthshire, &c. 
Monthl Portsmouth 
Naval and Militar 
New South Wales Post 
Office (Wise’s) 
New Zealand 
Newport (John’s) 
Newtownards, &c. 
North & East Riding of 

St. John’s 

North and Mid Wales. 
North Wales & Shrop- 
shire: Bennett’s Busi- 

North Wilts 

Thom’s Post ~ Office, 
Dublin, &c. 

Timber Trades Journal 
Timber Trades Direc- 

Tunbridge Wells, &c. 

Northants: Bennett's 
Business Victoria (Australia) Post 
Northern Counties : Ben- Office (Wise’s) 
nett’s Business Wandsworth, Putney, 
Oxford &c. 

Paddington, Bayswater, € 
&c Ward’s Darlington, &c. 

Ward’s Newcastle, &c. 

Warwick: Bennett’s 

Watch and Clock Trade 

Waterloo, &c. 


Peacock’s Watford 

Perry’s Directory 0 
Great Britain & Ireland 

Piles (Sutton) 

Pontypridd Waterworks 
Portsmouth, &c. Watford and Bushey 
Post Office, Bath Wellington, &c. 

West Kensington, &c. 

West Riding of York- 

Western Australia Post 

Post Office, Bolton 
Post Office, Edinburgh 
Post Office, London 
Potteries, &c. i 

Queensland Post Office (Wise’s) 
(Wise’s) White’s Shefheld 

Reading Wigley’s Street Direc- 

Reading and District tory of Leeds 

Redhill and Reigate Wilding’s Shrewsbury, 

Richmond, Kew, &c. &e. 
Willett’s (Crawley) 

Robinson’s Harrogate, l 

c. : Wimbledon, Merton, &c. 
Robinson’s Ripon, &c. (Kelly’s) 
Rochester, &c. Winchester | 

Wine and Spirit Trades 
| Woodford, &c. 
Worrall’s Textile 
Worthing,&c., Blue Book 
Worthing &c. (Kelly’s) 

Ross Gazette Year-Book 
and Directory 

Rotherham, &c., Annual 

Royal National Com- 
mercial Directory of 

Royal National Com- 

mercial Directory of} Wright’s Directory of 
Scotland Bristol . 
St. Albans Wright’s Leicester, &c. 
St. Andrews Wright’s Nottingham 
Salisbury Yarmouth 
Sandwich prem : Bennett’s 
Seed’s Southport d usiness 
District and) Who’s Who in America 

Sells’ Directory of Regis-|__ : f 
tered Telegraphic Ad-/Directories (Clerical) 

dresses : 
Shoreham, &c. — cote 
Slater’s Directory of] Chelmsford 
Scotland Clergy 
Soap Makers’ „| Clergy List 
Somerset: Bennett’s| Crockford’s Clerical 
Business | Irish Church 
Somersetshire, Glouces-| Irish Clergy List 

tershire and Brjstol 
South African 
South Australian Post 

Office ` 
South Wales, &c.: Ben- 


_ Nisbet’s Church 

Official Catholic Direc- 
tory for Scotland 

3 Rochester 
nett’s Business Ss. David’s 
Southampton Southwark 
Southend i 
Spalding’s Street (Cam-|pisestablishment 
See Bennett’s| Annual Report of the 
Business Society for Liberation 

of Religion from State 
Patronage and Control 
end Liberator 

Stamp Dealers of Great 
Stationers, Printers, 

Publishers ; 
Stevens’ Annual (Mal-|Distilling—(see Wine 
vern) and Spirit Trade). 

stoke AA &c. : 

treatham an orwoo 

Stubbs’ Directory (Bri- District Visiting—(see 
tish and Foreign) 

Mission Work). 
Sutton, &c., Directory 

Sydenham, Norwood, &c. RE i 

nanja Post Office phil (see Theolo 
(Wise’s) 8}. 

Textile Fabrics 

Thom’s Oficial (Ireland)|Docks—(see Shipping). 

214] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand “London. 

SE ET A eT e 
gan NT EE Er Ain, 
— oo 


Annual Report 
National Canine 
fence League 

Collie Folio 

Greyhound Stud Book 

Dog’s Wee 

Illustrated Kennel News 

Kennel Club Stud Book 

Kennel Gazette 

Our Dogs 

Prior’s H.B. Stud Book 

Domestic Economy — 
(see Domestic Litera- 
ture, Sanitary and 
Social Economy). 

Domestic Literature for 
Ladies — (see also 
Fashions for Ladies). 

Englishwoman’s Year- 

Fancy Needlework Illus- 

Food and Cookery 



Home Chat 

Home Cookery 

Home Notes 

Ladies’ Field 


Ladys Pictorial 

Mother and Home 

Mothers in Council 

Needlework for All 

Our Home 




Woman’s Life 

Woman’s Own 

Woman’s World 

Domestic Pets — (sce 

‘also Dogs). 

Animal World 

Annual Report of the 
Royal Society for Pro- 
tection of Birds 

Avicultural Magazine 

Band of Mercy 

Bird Notes 

British Birds 

Cage Birds 

Cage Birds Annual 

Fur and Feather 

Our Animal Brothers 

Dominoes—(see Sport- 

of the 


Drama—(see Music, 
Sporting, Theatrical) 

Drapery Trade— (see 
Textile Manufacture) 

Dressmakers — (see 
Fashions for Ladies). 

Druids, Order of—(see 
also Friendly Socie- 
ties). : 

Drwds Quarterly Jour- 

Order of Druids’ Direc- 

Order of Druids’ Quar- 
terly Journal 

Advertisements received for all the M etroprlitan Newspapers, 

. Calendar of the College 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Shefheld Equalised In- 
dependent Druids’ 
Quarterly Journal 

Drysaltery and Dyeing 
Trade—(see also Oti 
and Colour Trade). 
Dyer, Calico Printer, &c. 

Journal of the Society 
of Dyers and Colourists 

Adult School Year- 
Book and Directory 
Annual Report, &c., of 
the National Union of 

Appointment Gazette 

Auxiliary Language |. 

Book-keepers’ Magazine 

Book-keeping Teachers’ 

- Year Book , 

Borough Polytechnic 

British Esperantist 

of Preceptors , 
Calendar of the Joint 
Matriculation Board 

Carnegie Scholarships 
Child Stud 
Commercial Education 
County Schools’ Review) 
Directory of Women 
Education Authorities 

Education Code Annual 
for Day Schools 
Educational Handwork 
Educational News 
Educational Record 
Educational Times 
Enanigo de la Nacioj 
Esperanto Monthly 
Federal Magazine 
Flint County Teachers’ 
Association Quarterly 

Girls’ School Year Book |. 

Head Teachers’ Review 
Higher Education Ga- 

Institute Magazine 

I.C.S. Student. 

International Language 

Irish Journal of Educa- 

Irish School Weekly 
ournal of Education 
ournal of Experimental 

London Teacher 

London University Mat- 
riculation Directory 

Modelling Monthly 

Modern Language Re- 

Modern Language 
elson’s Annotated 
Scottish Code 

Northern Educational 

Official Year Book, &c., 
of the Educational 

Institute of Scotland 
Parents’ Review 

Paton’s List of Schools 
Philips’ Nature Calendar 

Schools Year 
Pyoneer ov 
Red Code 
Red Code of Offcial 
Regulations for all 
types of School and 
Report of the Board of 
` Education 
School Child 
. School Government 
School Guardian 
School Music Review 
School Nature Study 
School Newspaper 
School World 
Scottish Class Teacher 
. Year Book 
Secondary Education 
Secondary School Jour- 




Student Movement 
Teachers’ Aid 
Teachers’ Guild Quar- 
Teachers’ Times 
Technica! J 
Times Educational Sup- 

University Extension 
University of Oxford 
Local Examination 
Working Men’s College 

Year Book of Open-Air 
Schools, &c. 

Year Book of the Joint 
Scholarships Board 


Electric Vehicle 
Electrical Contractors 
Electrical Engineering 
Electrical Engineer’s 

Electrical Industries and 
Electrical Review 
Electrical Times 


“Electrician” Electrical 
Trades’ Directory 


Electricity for Every- 


Faraday House Journal 

Fowler’s Electrical En- 
gineers’ Pocket Book 

International Cable Re- 
gister of, the World 

Preparatory Schools Re-| | 


Journal of the Institu- 

tion of Electrica! 

Manual of Electrical 

Mode! Engineer and 

Piggott’s Electrical 

Post Office Electrical 
Engineers’ Journal 
Practical Electrician’s 
Pocket Boo 

Practical Engineer Elec- 
trical Pocket Book 
Proceedings of the 
Association of Mining 
Electrical Engineers 

Universal Electrical Di- 

Ham Electrical 


Church Emigration So- 
ciety Annual Report 


Imperial Colonist 

Labour News 

Quarterly Notes of the 
Church Emigration So- 

Education Association|Engineering—(see also 

Mechanics). , 
Amalgamated Society of 
Engineers’ Journal 

Amateur Mechanic 

Birmingham Engineer- 
ing, &c., Journal 

Boiler Maker 

British and Foreign 
. Journal of Engineer- 
ing, &c. 

British Engineering Index 

Cassier’s Engineering 


Chemical Engineering 

and Works Chemist 
Civil Engineering 
Civil Engineer’s Cost 
Book > 

Concrete and Construc- 
tional Engineering 
Domestic Engineering 
Eastern Engineering 
Engineer Directory 
Engineer and 
Trades Advertiser 
Engineering Diary 
Engineering Gazette 
Engineering Index 
Engineering Industry 
Engineering Review 
Engineer’s Year Book 
Engineers’ & Surveyors’ 
Engineers’, Iron Trades’, 
&c., Directory 
Fowler’s Mechanical En- 
gineers’ Pocket-Book 
Fowler’s Mechanics’, 
&c., Pocket Book 
Illuminating Engineer 
Implement and Ma- 

Iron . 

chinery Review 
Industrial Engineer 
International Marine 
ER ; - 
Journal of the Institute 
of Metals 



Journal of the Institute 
of Municipal an 

Journal of the Iron and 
Steel Institute 

Journal of the Junior 
Institution of n- 

Journal of the Marine 
Engineers’ Association 

Journal of the Society 
of Engineers 

ing Record 
Mechanical Engineer 
Price Book 
Munro’s Marine En- 
gineers’ Annual Pocket 
Log and Diary 
Power Engineer- 
in-Charge and 
Practical Engineer 

Practical Engineer 
Pocket Book and 

Proceedings of the In- 
stitution of Civil 

Public Works 

Raley and Travel 

Railway Farmec 

Record of Transactions 
of the Junior Institu- 
tion of Engineers 

South African Engineer- 


Times Engineering Sup- 

Transactions of the In- 
stitution of Engineers 
and Shipbuilders in 

Transactions of the 
Liverpool Enginering 

Transactions of the 

North-East Coast In- 
stitution of Engineers 
University of Liverpool 

Engineering Society 



Bulletin of Entomo- 
logical Research 
Entomologist’s Monthly 
Fntomologist’s Record 
Review of Applied En- 
Transactions of the 
Entomological Society 
of London 

Essays—(see Reviews). 

Estate Management— 
(see also Agriculture) 

Country Gentleman’s 
Estate Boox 

Diary and Directory for 
Surveyors, &c, 


Wiliing’s Press Guide. 

Estate Magazine 
Estates Gazette 
Estates Gazette Digest 
of Cases 
Factors’ Magazine 
Journal of the 
Agents’ Society 
Journal of the Society of 
Estate Clerks of Works 
Land Agents’ Record 
Land and House Pro- 
perty Year-Book 
Land Union Journal 
Surveyors’ and Auc- 
tioneers’ Tables 
Transactions of the 
Surveyors’ Institution 
Webster’s Foresters and 
Estate Agents’ Diary 


Engineer’s|Etching—(see Art). 



Sunday Times and Sun- 
day Special 

Times ae 

Times Weekly Edition 

T.P.’s Journal for Men 
and Women 

Weekly Dispatch 

Westminster Gazette 

Fancy Goods Trade 

British Toymaker 
Directory of Manufac- 
turers and Wholesalers 

Fellmongers — 

Weldon’s Home Milliner 

Weldon’s Illustrated 

Weldon’s Journal of 

Weldon’s Ladies’ Journal 
Weldon’s Practical 

Woman’s Weekly 
Young Ladies’ Journal 

Leather Trade). 

of Toys and Fancy/Fiction— 

Toy Manufacturers, &c., 

Toy, &c., Trader 


(see Agriculture). 

paterpauons) Journal of Fashions for Gentle- 


orks Eugenics— (see 

Medical Science). 

Women’s Wear 

Exports— (see Commer- 

cial and Mercantile). 

Family Newspapers— 

Metropolitan — (see 
also Religious News- 

City Press 

Daily Mirror 

Daily News 

Daily Sketch 

Daily Telegraph 
Evening News 
Evening Standard 



Home Chat 

Home Notes 
Illustrated London News 
Index to the Times 
Ladies’ Field 


Lady’s Companion 
Lady’s Pictorial 
Lloyd’s Weekly News 

Morning Advertiser 
Morning Post 
News of the World 
Pall Mall Gazette 
Pearson’s Weekly 
Penny Pictorial 
Book e . 
Public Opinion - 
Quarterly Index to the 

Reynolds’s Newspaper 

men— (see Tailors). 

Fashions for Ladies and 

Butterick Fashions 
Children’s Clothing 
Coming Fashions 
Costumes Elegant 

Enquire Within 
Fashions for All 
Harrison’s Dressmaker 
Home Chat 

Home Companion 
Home Fashions 
Home Notes 

José Lille’s Juvenile 

José Lille’s Practical 

Ladies’ Field 
Ladies’ Pall MallFashions 
Ladies’ Tailor 

Ladies’ Wear Trade 


Lady Catalogue of 

Lady of the House 
Lady’s Pictorial 

Latest Tailor-made 

Leach’s Catalogue of 

Leach’s Children’s 

Leach’s Family Dress- 

Leach’s Home Dress- 
adame Maud’s 

Minister’s Report of 

Fashions for Ladies 
Metropolitan Fashions 
Mode Francaise 
Paris Journal of Fancy 

Work and Fashion 


eport of Fashion 
Styles for Ladies 
Tailor-made Styles 
Weldon’s Bazaar 

Children’s Fashions 
Weldon’s Catalogue of 

Weldon’s Home Dress- 



(see Romances). 

Finance and Invest- 



Bank Rate 

Bankers’, Insurance 
Managers’, &c., Maga- 

Bankers’ Journal 

Banking Almanac 

Birmingham Stock and 
Share List 

Bondholders’ Register 

Business Prospects Year 


.Clare Market Review 

Daily Register of New 
Directory of Directors 
Dundee Prices Current 
Economic Journal 
Edinburgh Daily Stock 
and Share List 
Electrical Industries and 
Farrow’s Bank Gazette 
Financial Chronicle 
Financial Mail 
Financial News 
Financial Opinions 
Financial Outlook: 
Financial Review 
Financial Review 
Financial Times 
Financial Times Index 
Financial Times Inves- 
tors’ Guide 
Financial World 
Financier and Bullionist 
Financier Rubber Share 



Fortnightly Review for 

Glasgow Daily Stock & 
Share List 

Highest and Lowest 
Hundred Best Invest- 

Investment Register 

Investor’s Four Shilling 
Year Book 

Investor’s Mthly. Manual 

Investors’ Guardian 

Investors’ Review 

Irish Investors’ Guardian 

Joint Stock Companies’ 

Journal of the Institute 
of Bankers 

James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Finance and Invest- 


Liverpool Stock _ Ex- 
change Official Daily 

Liverpool Stock Er- 
change Offcial 


London Banks 
London Leader 
Manual of Rubber, &c., 
Market Mail 
Market Review 
Mathieson’s . American 
Trafic Tables 

Mathieson’s Handbook 
for Investors 
Mining Highest 
Lowest Prices 
Mining News 
Money Market Review 
Monthly List of the 
Principal Securities 
dealt in on the Stock 
Nitrate Facts 
Oil News 
Plymouth and District 
tock and Share List 
Prospectus of 
Results of Public Com- 
Rubber Shares as Ia- 
Scottish Bankers’ Mag. 
Scottish Critic 
Shefheld Stock Exchange 
_Daily List 
- Simplex Investors’ Diary 
South Wales Investment 
Statist’s Mines of Africa 
Stock Exchange Daily 
Official List 
Stock Exchange Gazette 
piace Exchange Iland- 



Stock Exchange Official 
Intelligence x 
Stock Exchange Report 
Stock Exchange Review 
Stock Exchange Ten 
Year Record 
Stock Exchange Weekly 
x Official Intelligence 
Stork. Exchange Year- 

United Kingdom Stock 
and Share Brokers’ 
Universal Quarterly 
Universal Stock Ex- 
change Market Report 
Weekly Financial Mai! 
y Weekly Report 

: Fine Arts—(see Ari). 


Flax Trade—(see Tex- 

Public! Floricuiture—(see 

Flour Trade — (sec 

Football — (see also 


Forestry— (see 

Fire Brigades 

Journal of the 

Fire Prevention Com- 
mittee ; : 
National Fire Brigade 

Union Annual Report 
Red Cross Gazette 

Weekly/Fish Trade 


Castle’s Fishing 
Allied Trades 

Fish Trades Gazette 
Fishing News 
qoan o’ Groat’s Journal 
orthern Ensign 

Nautical Almanac 

British Sea Anglers’ So- 

ciety’s Quarterly 

Fishing Gazette 

Salmon & Trout Maga- 

tile Manufacturer). 



and Seed 

Food—(see also Vege- 

British Food Journal 

Athletics, Sporting). 

Albion News 

Athletic News Football 
Annual . 

Bolton Evening Chroni- 
cle Green Final 

Football Directory 

Football Express (Liver- 


Football Post (Notting- 

Football Times (Inver- 

ness) B 
Manchester Football 


National Football Pro- 

Oriental Notes 

Umpire Football Guide 

Yorkshire News Football 



Friendly Socteties). 

culture, Estate 


(Classification. - 

Gardening — (see also 
Agriculture, Botany) 

Amateur Gardening 

Free Churches 
Free Church Chronicle 
Free Church Magazine 

British| Free Church Year-Book | Amateur Gardening 
Free Churchman Annual 
Greatheart Calendar of Garden 
Young Scotland Operations 
Castle a Guide to the 
ruit,. ower, and 
Freemasonry Allied Trades ` 
poe: Juatuor Corona- Common Sense Garden- 

Berkshire Masonic Re- Daffodil Year Book 

gister and Calendar 

Fruit, Flower, &c., 
Co-Mason Trades Diary 
Devon Masonic Directory] Fruit Flower &c. 
Dorset MasonicCalendar| ` Journal : i 
Freemason, , Fruit Grower 
Freemason’s Chronicle Fruit Growers’ Year- 
Masonic Year-Book Book 
Masonic _ Year- Book| Garden 
(Cambridge) Garden Annual 
Transactions of the| Garden Life 
Manchester Associa-| (Garden Life Pocket 
tion for Masonic Re- Diary 3 
search Garden Work for Ama- 
teurs S 
F reethought Gardener š 
Free Sunday Advocate | Gardeners’ Chronicle 
Freethinker , Gardeners’ Magazine 

Gardening Illustrated 
Hortensia’s Annual 
Horticultural Advertiser 
Horticultural Director 
Horticultural Trade 
Irish Gardening 
Journal of the British 

French, printed in 

Chronique de Jersey 
Echo de Belgigue 

Gazette de Guernsey 

Independance Belge Gardeners’ Associa- 
Metropole tion 

Nation Tcheque ournal of the Kew Guild 
Transactions of the} Journal of the Royal 

Franco, Scottish So- 

Horticultural Society 

Kew Bulletin 

My Garden Illustrated 

National Rose Society 
Rose Annual 

National United Order 
of the Free Gardeners’ 
Monthly Journal 

Nurseryman and Seeds- 

Orchid Review 

Orchid World 

Retail Fruiterer 

Sutton’s Amateur Guide 
in Horticulture 

ciety . 
Tribune Congolaise 

Friendly Societies — 
(see also Good Tem- 

Directory and List of 
Lodges (Oddfellows) 
Directory ot tue A.O.F. 
Foresters’ Miscellany 
Grand United Order of 
Oddfellows’ Directory 
Grand United Order of 


ropes Monthly 

agazme - 

Guide Book ot the Gas and Water 
Friendly Socisties’} Acetylene, &c., Journal 

Registry Office 

is of 
\Hears of Oak Journal Analysis of the Accounts 

of the Principal Gas 

Monthly Magazine of the Undertakings in Eng- 
Loyal Order of Ancient land, Scotland, cad 
Shepherds , Ireiand 

Oddfellows’ Magazine | Aquarius 

Pension Record Co-Partners’ Magazine 

Rational Journal | Gas, Lighting, Water 

Shepherd’s Magazine Supply, &c., „Journal of 

Supplement to the} Gas and Oil Power 
orester Gas Engineer’s Maga- 

Unity zine 

Fruit Trad ‘ os Engineer’s Text 

ru rade — (sce 00 

. Gas, Light, Distribution 
Gardening) and Maintenance 
Gas Progress 
Fur Trade Gas Undertaking Pocket 
| Fur World EE a i 
as Works Directory 
Furniture Trade Gas World 

Cabinet Maker Gas World Year-Book 

Cabinet Makers’ Diary oe of Gas Lighting 

Furniture Record etropolitan Water 

Hire Traders’ Record Supply 

ee aR 
Y a> SOY a aaa a aa me! aa aN tha RA abarhalet nas AP anniek nd awn 



Report on Metropolitan 

Water Supply 
Reports of the Proceed- 
ings of the Associa- 
tion of Gas Engineers 
Transactions of 
Institution of Gas En- 
Transactions of the 
Institution of Water 
Water and Water En- 

Waterworks Directory 

(see Archaeology). 

Wiiling’s Press Guide. 

Gas and Water—contd. Government Officials iHat Trade 

Colonial Office List 
Foreign Office List 
India Office List 
War Office List 

theiGrain and Seed Trade 

— (see also Commer- 

Hatters’ Gazette 

Hatters’ Gazette Diary 

& Social Economy). 

cial and Mercantile). Heraidry— 

George Broomhall’s 
Corn Trade News 

George Broomhall’s Oil- 
seed News 

London Corn Circular 

London Grain, Seed, &c., 

Mark Lane Express 


Millers’ Gazette 

Geography and Travel j 
Geographical Journal eas 
Geographical Teacher Greengrocery . 
Journal of the Man-| (see Gardening). 
eee Geographical 
Journal of the Tyneside Grocery Trade 
Geographical Society rocer and Oil Trade 
London Topographical] _Revfew , 
Record Grocer, &c., Diary i 
Scottish Geographical] Grocers Assistants 
Magazine Monthly Record 
Grocers’ Record 
Grocers’ Gazette 
Geology Grocers’ Journal 
Geological Magazine Grocers’ Journal Diary 
Proceedings of the| Grocers’ Review 
Geologists’Association| Grocery 
Proceedings of thej Grocery, &c., Trades 
Liverpool Geological Directory 
A International Sugar 
Quarterly Journal of ournal 

the Geological Society 

Irish Grocer 

Irish Grocery World 

Proceedings of the In- 
stitute of Certificated 

Produce Markets Review 

Scottish Trader 

Sugar Users’ Journal 

Hairdressers’ Chronicle 
Hairdressers’ Weekly 

Report and Transactions 

of the Royal Geo- 

logical Society of 
Transactions of the 
Edinburgh Geological 

Tranter tionn s of the 

eologica ociety oO i 
Glasgow Hairdressing 
Transactions of 

Leeds Geological Asso- 

Transactions of the 

Manchester Geological 

Glass Trade— 

Handbooks — (unciassi- 

East London 
Spalding’s Handbook 

Suffolk County Hand- 
(see Pottery Trade). “Yook y 

Goldsmith Trade—(sce|Hardware Trade—(see 

Jewellery Trade). 

(see Sporting). 

Good Templiary—(sce 
also Temperance). 
Good Templar 
Good Templars’ Watch- 

International Good 
Irish Templar 
Lar enile Templar 
roc aria) wear Dis- 
trict Good Templars 
Lodge Guide 

anaemia rn ee 

‘i Tamee Willing T44 

also Iron Trade, 
Machinery, etc.) 
British Manufacturers’ 
Hardware Circular 
Hardware Trade Journal 
Hardwareman, &e., 
Irish Ironmonger 
Ironmonger Diary 
Ironmonger Metal Mar- 
ket Year Book 
Ironmongers’ Weekly 
Metal Industry 

Harness Trade — (see 

Saddlery Trade). 


(see Archaeology). 

Herd and Stud Books 

Aberdeen-Angus Herd 

Hockey : 
Official Handbook of the 

Hockey Association 

Health—(see Sanitary;Homemopathy 


Iiomeopathic World 

International Homeco- 
pathic Directory 


Hop and Malt Trades 

—(see Brewing). 

Brash Berkshire Herd Horses 

British Holstein Cattle) Bloodstock 

Herd Book 
Clydesdale Stud Book. 
Coates’s Herd Book 
Cotswold Fléck Book 

Davy’s Devon Herd 
English K & 

nglis e c. 

erd "Book a ‘ 

English Guernsey Cattle 
Society’s Herd Book 
English Jersey Herd 

Boo . 
Flock Book of the Devon 
Long-woolled Sheen 

Flock Book of Leicester 

Flock Book of the Oxford 
Down Sheep 
Galloway Herd Book 
General Stud Book 
Greyhound Stud Book 
Hereford Herd Book 
Hunters’ Stud Book 
Large Black Pig Herd 
National Pig Breeders’ 
Southdown Flock Book 
SUEDE ERY to the 
eneral Stud Book 
Sussex Herd Book 

Hide and Skin Trade 

(see Leather Trade) 

High Church— 

(see Anglo-Catholic). 


American Historical Re- 


English Historical Re- 


Journal of the Friends’ 
Historical Society 

Proceedings of the 
Historic Society of 
Lancashire & Cheshire 

Publications of the 
Flintshire Historical 

Publications of the 

Scottish History 

Scottish Historical 


Transactions of the 
Jewish Historical So- 
Transactions of the 
Royal Historical So- 

re- Humanitarian 

Britisk Trotting and 
Galloway Stud Book 

Farriers’ Journal 
Hackney Stud Book 
Horse and Hound 

National Pony Stud Book 
phe vend Pony stud 

Shire Horse Stud Book 


(see Gardening). 

Hosiers — (see Textile 

. Manufacture). 

Hotels — (see Licensed 

Victuallers’, Trav- 

ellers’ Guides). 

ment— (see Domestic 
Literature, Sanitary 
and Social Economy) 

Houses & Apartments 

A B C Coast Guide and 

Dalton’s Weekly House, 
&c., Advertiser 



Heron’s Flat and Estate 

Homefinder i 

Homeland Residential 

Industrial Progress 

North Eastern Railway 
Furnished Lodgings 
and Hotels, &c., Guide 

Southern England ~ 

West Country 

Where Shall We Live? 

Where to Live Round 

tions — (see also 
Animal Protection 
Peace Movement, 
Vegetarian, etc.) 

Humanitarian Era 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Humorous & Satirical Bourne's Insurance 

“Holiday Soper Halt British Insurance Year 
Bailie Book 

“Bob Stubbs’” Original 

Comic Yorkshire Aw., Commercial World and 

Insurance Budget 

Cher riy Faculty 
Comic Cuts Year-Book 
Comic Life Finance, &c., Chronicle 

Finance Urion 


Insurance, Banking, and 
Financial Review 

Insurance Advocate 

Daily Mirror Reflections 
Favourite Comic 

Funny Cuts 

Funny Wonder 
Illustrated Bits 

ester Insurance Agent, À 
gen hable Dialogues Insurance and Financial 
London Life Gazette 
London Mail Insurance Blue-Book 
Lot o Fun Insurance Broker 
Passing Show Insurance Gem | 
Photo Bits Insurance Guardian 
Puck Insurance Index 
Punch Insurance yona 
Punch Almanac ~ Insurance Magazine 
Squares o’ Yorkshire Insurance Mail | 

Insurance Mail Year 
Hunting— i Book ‘i 
7 nsurance an 
(see Sporting). Insurance News 
Hydropathy—(see Tusurance OPSE: 
r, ; nsurance Opinion 

Medical Science) : Insurance Record 

Imports a5 (see _ Com- ence Spectator of 
merci al and Mer- faeces World 
cantile). Journal of Commerce 

Journal of the Chartered 
India Insurance Institute 

Asiatic Review 

Journal of the Cor- 
Buddhist Revicw 

poration of Insurance 

India Brokers and Agents 
India Office List Journal of the Institute 
Indiaman of Actuaries 
Indian Appeal National Insurance 
Indian Bookman Clerks’ Journal 
Indian Church Magazine| National Insurance 
India’s Women Gazette 
Indian, &c., Textile, National 

&c., Diary Year Book 
Indian Education Policy 

Indian Magazine 
Journal o the 
India Association 

Post Magazine 
Post Magazine Almanac 


Journal of the Royal} Red Books and Journal 
Asiatic Society of the British Fire 
Prevention Committee 

India, News for and) Searchlight 

Stone & Cox’s Accident 
Insurance Tables 
Stone & Cox’s Accident 

from—(see Colonies 
and Possessions). 

Transactions of the In- 

surance Society of 
Turnbull’s Steamship 

Insurance Register for 

United Kingdom 

of Insurancellnventions 

Illustrated Official 

Inventor’s Journal 


Register of Patent 

Reports of Patent, 
Trade Marks a 

Investments— (see Fit- 
nance & Investment) 

Irish Missions — (see 
Mission Work). 

Iron Trade—(see also 
Coal Trade, Hard- 
ware Trade, Mining) 

Benn’s Encyclopedia of 
Hardware, &c. 

Foundry Trade Journal 
Iron and Coal Trades’ 

Iron and Steel Trades’ 

Journal of the Iron and 
Steel Institute 
Metal Bulletin 

Metal Industry Hand- 
Official ein Trades 

Quin’s Metal Handbook 
italian, printed in 

Insurance| Londra Roma 

Annual Report of the 
White Cross League 
St. George’s Junior 
St. George s Magazine 
White Cross 

Jewellery Trade— (see 
also Watchmaking). 

: Year Book 
india-Rubber Trade Stone & Cox’s B British Retail Jeweller 
India-Rubber Journal à Insurance Tables Jeweller and” Metal- 
tone . Cox’s Colo- 
Indian Missions— (see nial Life Insurance, Jeweler, and Metal- 
Mission Work). Tables J wore s Pag ie 
f ewellers’ a atch- 
Insane, Literary Com- more ane Corn Fire! ~ makers’ _Trade Adver- 
’ tiser 
ositions of th Stone & Cox’s House 
sce eg the Purchase lagdrance Jewellers’ Journal 
New Bena’ Peer Stone & Cox’s Indus-|Jewish 
Under the Dome trial Life Insurance| Anglo-JewishAssocixtion 
Tables ee Report 
Insurance — (see also] Stone & Coxs Life) Covenant People 
Assurance). arange: Policy Cond) East. London Fund for 
Agents’ iei d Stone & Cox’s Motor Pa Quarterly 
Agents’ Journal (Indus-| Insurance Tables 

trial and State) Insur- 
ance Year Book 
Bourne’s Handy Insur- 
ance Guides 
Bourne’s Insurance Di- 

Stone & Cox’s Ordinary 
Life Insurance Tables 

Transactions of the In- 
surance and Actuarial 
Society of Glasgow 

Advertisements received for all the Local Metropolitan Newspapers. 

ewish Lvening News 
ewish Express 
Jewish Quarterly Review 
Jewish Times 
ewish World 

jewish Chronicle 


Mela Year-Book 

ioneer of Wisdom 

Transactions of the 
Jemish Historical So- 


Jews, Conversion of— 

(see also Lost Tribes) 
Jewish Herald 
Jewish Missionary In- 
telligence — 
Prophetic News 

“I Journalism—(see also 

Printing Trade). 

Annual Report of the 
Society of Women 

British Amateur 

Institute Journal 

Reporters foun 

Reporters’ Magazine 

Woman Journalist 

Jute Trade—(see Tex- 

tile Manufacture). 

Juvenile Literature— 

(see also Good Tem- 
plary, Misston Work 
Sunday Schools, 
African Tidings 

Bi conic Mercy 
Blackie s Children’ s An- 

Books for the Bairns 

Bouverie Series of 
Penny Books l 
ae Scouts’ Head- 

Brigade Gazette 


Friend Library 

British Boy’s Annual 

British Girl’s Annual 

Pee s Boy Scouts 

Buffalo Bill Library 

Buffalo Bill Novels 


Cassell’s Annual for Boys 
and Girls 


Chatterbox Newsboy 

Child Life 

Children’s Friend 

Children’s Gospel Maga- 

Children’s Messenger 

Children’s Paper 

Children’s Treasury of 

Child’s Companion 

Child’s Empire Picture 


cany Book 


Darton’ s Leading Strings 


Empire Annual for Boys 

Emone Annual for Girls 



Classification. | 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Juvenile Literature— 


First North London 
Troop Magazine 

Friendly Companion 

Girls’ Friend 

Girls’ Mirror 

Girl’s Own Annual 

Girl’s Own Paper 

Girl’s Weekly 

Glad Tidings for the 

Good News 

Gospel Stories for the 


Infants’ Magazine 

Jolly Book 

King’s Messengers 

Little Folks 

- Little Frolic 

Little Paper 

Merry and Bright 

My Magazine 

Nelson Lee Library 


Nugget Library 

On Service 

Our Boys’ Magazine 

Our Circle 

Our Darlings 

Our Girls 

Our Little Dots ~ 

Our Little Ones’ Trea- 


Our Own Magazine . 
Partridge’s Children’s 

Penny Popular 
Picture Fun 
Playbox Annual 
Plays for Little People 
Presbyterian Messenger 
St. Nicholas 
Silver Woolf 


Springing Well 



Tales for Little People 
Tiny Folks’ Annual 
Tiny Tots 

Union Jack 

Young Days 

Young Folks’ Tales 

Young Helpers’ League 

Young Watchman 

Youthful Days 

Labour Questions 
makers’ Journal 
Annual Report of the 
Society for Promoting 
the Employment of 
Board of Trade Labour 
Bradford Review 
British Citizen & Empire 
British Trade Review 

Co-partners’ Magazine |Lecture Halls — (see 

Dock’s Gazette 
Electrical Trades Journal 
Fabian News 

Tool-|/Law Students 

Dundee Jute and Flax Legal 

Workers’ Guide 
Forward (Birmingham) 
Government Workers’ 

Journal of the Operative 

Labour Leader 
Labour News 
Labour Year Book 
Land Nationaliser 
Land Values 
Licensed Vehicle Trade 

Monthly Labour Journal 


Northampton Labour 
Representatives Coun- 
cil Annual Report 

Northampton Trades’ 
Council Annual Keport 

Pioneer (Merthyr Tydfil) 

Pioneer and Labour 

“Plebs” Magazine 



Scottish Farm Servant 


Shop Assistant 

Socialist Review 

Southern Worker 

Trade Union Worker 

Trade Unionist 

Voice of Labour 

Workers’ Friend 

Workers’ Word 

World’s Labour Laws 

Yorkshire Factory Times 

Ladies’ Work — (see 
Fashions for Ladies). 

Land and Estate 
Agents — (see Es- 
tate Management). 

Land Companies—(see 
Building Societies). 

Large Type Readings 
Gospel Trumpet 

Laundry Trade 

Laundry, Power Laun- 


Laundry Journal 
Laundry Journal Diary 
Laundry News 
Laundry Record 
Power Laundry 

Lawn Tennis — (see 

Law Students’ Journal 

Leather Trade — (see 
also Boot and Shoe 
Trade, Carriage 
Builders, Saddlery). 
Bag, Portmanteau, and 
Umbrella Trader 
eather Trades’ Review 
Leather World 

Literary and Scten- 
tific Institutions). 

ABC Guide to Practice 
Adams’ Reports of Cases 
before the High Court 
of Justiciary in Scot- 


Annual County Courts 

Annual Digest 

Annual Practice 

Aspinall’s MaritimeCases 

Butterworth’s Annotated 

Butterworth’s Digest of} . 

Reported Cases 
Butterworth’s Five Years 
Butterworth’s Licensing 

Law Reports 
Butterworth’s Work- 
men’s Compensation 
* Cases 

Butterworth’s Yearly 
Digest of Reported 

Calendar of the Council 
of Legal Education 

Cases decided in the 
Court of Sessions, &c. 

Catalogue of Modern 
Law Books 

Chitty’s Statutes of 
Practical Utility 


County Courts’ Chronicle 
County Courts’ Gazette 

` Cor’s Legal Circular 

Cox’s Reports 

Criminal Appeal Report 

Estates Gazette Digest 
of Cases 

Every Man’s Own Law- 


Gibson & Weldon’s Bar 
Examination Ques- 
tions and Answers 

Ham’s Customs Year- 
Ham’s Excise Year- 

Incorporated Law So- 
ciety’s Gazette 

Indian Appeals 


Irish Law Times 

Juridical Review 

poe of the Peace 
imes’ International 
Law Directory 

Law Almanack 

Law Journal 


Law Journal Reports 
Law List 

Law Magazine 

Law Notes 

Law Quarteriy Review 
Law Reports 

Law Society’s Gazette 
Law Times 
Law Times Reports 
Lawyer’s Companion 
Legal Circular 
Lawyer’s Manual 
Lawyer’s Remembrancer 
Legal Diary (Dublin) 
Legal Diary and 
Legal Pocket Book 
Magisterial Cases 
Medico-Legal Society 
Paterson’s Licensing Acts 
Paterson’s Practical 
ErOperty Owners’ Jour- 

Reports of Patent, &c., 
Scots Law Times 
Scottish Law 
Scottish Law Directory 
Scottish Law List 
Scottish Law Reporter 
Scottish Law Review 


Shaw’s Solicitors’ 

Smith’s County Court 

Smith’s Registration 

Solicitors’ Diary 
Solicitors’ Gazette 
Solicitors’ pours 
Solicitors’ Pocket Diary 
Stone’s Justices (Butter- 
worth’s) Manual 
Student’s Telephone 
“Times” Law Reports 

“Times” Reports of . 
Commercial ases 
Transactions of the 

Medico-Legal Society 
Weekly Notes 
Yearly County Court 
Yearly Digest of Re- 
ported Cases — 
Yearly Practice of the 
Supreme Court 

Libraries — (see also 

Book Trade). 
Aberdeen Public Library 
Annual Report 
Aberdeen University 
Library Bulletin 
Bibliotheca Celtica 
Birmingham Public Li- 
brary Annual Report 
Bolton Public Library 
Annual Report 
Bulletin of the John 
Ryland’s Library 
Finsbury Public _ Lib- 
raries Quarterly Guide 
for Readers 
Libraries, Museums, and 

Art Galleries Year- 


Library and Museums 
Quarterly (Middles- 

Library Assistant 

Library Association 

Library Association Year 


Library Circular 

Library World 

Nottingham Library 

Readers’ Guide (Nor- 


Readers’ Index 

Wigan Public Libraries 
Quarterly Recor 

Licensed Victualiers— 

(see also Brewing, 
Wine and Spirit 

ABC Hotel Guide - 
Annual Hotel Guide to 
the United Kingdom 
Caterer, Hotel-Keeper & 

Hotel Review 
License Holder 

220) James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. (Classification. 

Memoirs and Proceed-; Shaw’s Local Govern- Mail Summaries— (see 

Licensed Victuailers 

—continued. Lene See Eor Diary Blotting, Colonies & Posses- 
Licensed Victuallers’) Publications o the] Shaw’s Local Govern-| sions). 
Gazette : lers’) „English Goethe Society) | ment Manual 
Licensed Victuallers’) Transactions of the Worcestershire County Malt Trade 
Official Annual ; Bronté Society Council Handbook ; 
Benes. k Victuallers’! Transactions of the (see Brewing). 
ear Boo 

Licensing World Honourable Society of 

: : Cymmrodorion - iLost Trib ; i 
Morning PAREAN Transactions of the Bee ae enei si ah Heat Doctrine 
pe ue) Guas ian Royal Society of Messen ce: althusian 
Scottish Licensed Trade! „literature Northern British Israel 

Drees Toser toni of i the) ` Review Manufactures — (see 
Stubbs’ Hotel Guide logical Society meee e also Inventions). 
(British and Foreign) i Arms & Explosives 
Trust Review Machinery — (see a!so 

World’s Hotel Blue Book Lithography—(sce Engineering, Hard- Marine Engineering— 
Life-Boat Service Printing Trade). | , wave, Mechanics). | (see Engineering). 

Life-Boat Journal American Machinist 

Implement & Machinery me Law — (see 
Locai Government— | Review Maritime ( 

Lin on . Trade (see Annual Report of the| Machinery Legal) ` 
Textile Manufacture)| ° British Institute of Machinery Market 
` Social Service Phillips’s Monthly Ma-|Market Reports— (see 
Literary and Scientific) Annual Report of the; chinery Register Commercial and 
Reviews Proceedings “of... the Mercantile). 
: ; London County Council ; i 
Annual Burns Chronicle City of Liverpool Hand-|Magazines for Family 
Annual Report of the} ~ book ‘and General Read- Mathematics 
Christian Literature] City of London Illus- ing—(see also Reli-| Blometrika 
Socie for india trated E ee 250 Mathematical Gazette 
Athenzum City of Worcester Ofi-} gious Readings, | Mathematical Notes 
pee cial Trana nooi ER Romances, & Lighi Mathematical Tapas 
Bodleian Quarterly Re- County an Municipa Literature, School a NA r 
a H County Councils and Magazines). À emy, &c. 
Border Magazine - Municipal Corpora-| American Magazine Mathematica! Questions 
Catholic Book Notes tions’ Companion Austin’s Monthly Maga-| and Solutions 

Central Literary Maga- 

Departmental Decisions zine Mathematical Test 
zine Facts against Socialism| Bluejacket ; Papers for Secondary 
Everyman Guild of Freemen of the| Cassell’s Magazine — Schools 
ypsy City of London Cassell’s Saturday Jour- Messenger of Mathe- 
Hermathena Housing Journal nal ‘matics f 
Journal of the Gypsy) Journal of the Institute] Catholic Fireside Proceedings of the 

Lore Society of Municipal Engineers| Chambers’s Journal Edinburgh Mathemati- 
Knowledge Knight’s Official Adver-| Channel Coast, &c.,J cal Society 
Liberal Magazine tiser Magazine Proceedings . of the 
Literary eee Liverpool Municipal] Competitors’ Journal London Mathematical 
Literary oH Book cers’ Guild Gazette} Cornhill Magazine Societ 
Literary Year Boo l Local Government An-| Diçkensian Quarterly Journal of 
Manchester Quarterly nual Everywoman Pure and Applied 
Nanon Local Government Board| Family Herald Mathematics 
arre Annual Report Family Journal 
New Days Local | Government} Gentleman’s Journal , 

New Ireland Chronicle Grand Matrimony 

New Witness Local Government Di-| Harmsworth’s Red| Link : 

ee réctory Magazine ` Matrimonial Gazette 

Po Ora A Oey Local Government Di-| Harper’s Magazine Matrimonial Post 
2a gat rectory of Scotland Hobbies Matrimonial Standard 

Poetry Review he| Local Government Jour-| Home Handicrafts, &c.| Matrimonial Times 

Procons , ot Lit e nal {| Hulton’s Holiday Maga- 

ng So sussian = Liter-! Local Government Law| zine Mechanics — (see also 
ary “Gace £ h Reports - Ideas Machinery) 
Proceedings o the! Loca Government Re-| Irish Monthly : A 
British Academy view ohn Bull English Mechanic 
Proceedings o the! London County Council Londen Magazine oni Mechanre 
Liverpool Literary and| “ Gazette London Opinion echanical wong 
Philosophical Society London C.C. Staff Ga-| Marvel Mechanical World Elec- 
Saturday Review ete oe Nash’s Magazine trical Pocket Book 
Sees em Tondon Municipal Notes New Mee azine Work 

; Mont Review (Wat-} Pearson’s Magazine > 
orld’s Work ora). ( Penny Magazine Medicai Science— (see 
Municipal Journal Quiver also Dentistry, Ho- 
Literature = (see also Municipal Officer Royal Magazine í moeopathy Mental 
Domestic Literature Municipal Year Book Scribner’s Magazine 3 : : 
for Ladies Juvenile Official Gazette of the| Springtime Science, Obstetrics). 

: ? : County Councils As-| Stfand Magazine Annals of Surgery 
Literature, Literary) — sociation Talk of the Town Annals of Tropical 
and Scientific Re- Poor Law and Ponc T 2 aay and T.P.’s aedicine and Parasit- 

: ouncils : ourna 'eekly ology 
at, Romances & (Ireland) Wide World Magazine | Annual Report of 

ight Literature). Poor Law Annual Windsor Magazine King Edward VII. 
Author Poor Law Magazine Woman at Home Sanatorium 
Baconiana Poor Law _  Officers’| Woman’s Life Annual Report of the 
Dunedin Magazine ' Journal Yes or (No Asylums Committee 

Advertisements received tor all the Metroholitan Newshahers. foor 

Medical Science— 

continued. i 
Annual Report of the 
Hampstead General, 

&c., Hospital 
Annual Report of- the 
Mount Vernon Hospi- 
tal for Consumption 
Archives of the: Middle- 
sex Hospital i 
Archives of the Patho- 
logical Institute (Lon- 
don Hospital) 
Asylum News 
Birmingham Medical 
Bristol Medico-Chirurgi- 
‘cal Journal . 
British Journal of Chil- 
dren’s Diseases 

British Joal of 

British Journal of 

British Journal of 

Britis . Journal of 

British Medical Journal] 
Burdett’s Hospital and 



Calendar of the Educa- 
tional Institute of 
Scotland l 

Calendar of the Phar- 

' maceutical Society of 

Charing Cross Hospital 
Gazette ; 


Child Welfare Annual 

Clinical Journal 


Dublin ournal of 
Medical Science 

Durham College of Medi- 
cine Calendar 
Edinburgh Med. Journal 

Edinburgh Medical Mis- 
sionary Society Quar- 
terly Paper 

Ethological Journal 

Eugenics Review 

Evans’ pour nal 

Family Doctor 

First Aid 

Glasgow Medical Journ’! 

Guy’s Hospital Gazette 

Guy’s Hospital Reports 

Health and Strength 

Health and Strength 

Health and Vim 

Health Observer 

Health Record 

Healthy Life 

Health News 


Herb Doctor 


Hospital Gazette 

onn of Anatomy - 
ournal of Comparative 
Pathology, &c. 

Joana of Genetics 
ournal of Laryngology, 
Sinology. & Otology 

Journal of Obstetrics 
ournal of Pathology 
ournal of Physiology 
ournal of State Medi- 

Journal of the Incor- 

_ porated Society of 
Trained Masseuses 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Journal of the Rontgen 

Journal of the Royal 
Anthropological Society 

Journal of the Royal 
Army Medical Corps 

Journal of the Royal 
Naval Medical Service 

Journal of Tropical 

Lancet , 

Leeds Hospital Mag’zine 

Liverpool Medico-Chirur- 
gical Journal 

London Hospga! Gazette 

Magazine of the London 
Royal Free Hospital 
School of Medicine for 

Manchester Medical Stu- 
dents’ Gazette 
Medical and Denta! 
Students’ Register 
Medical Annual 
Medical Directory 
Medical Homes for Pri- 
vate Patients 
Medical Magazine 
Medical Missions 
Medical Officer 
Medical Press 
Medical Register 

Medical Review 
Medical Temperance 

Medical Times 

Medical Who’s Who 

Medical World 

Medico - Legal 




Middlesex | Hospital 

Midland Medica! Journal] 

Minutes of the General 
Medical Council 

Modern Medicine 

National Health 

Our Hospitals &Charities 





Proceedings of the 
Malacological Society 
of London 

Proceedings of the 
Royal Soc. of Medicine 

Public Health 


Quarterly Journal of 
Experimental Physi- 

Bead J ] f 
uarterly ournal o 

Red Cross 

Report of the Middlesex 


Report of the Middlesex 

ospital Cancer 

Review of Bacteriology 

Review of Neurology & 

St. Bartholomew’s Hos- 
pital Journal 

St. Bartholomew’s Hos- 
pital Reports 

St. George’s Hospital 

St. Mary’s Hospital 

St. Thomas’s Hospital 

Hospital Mental 
Hospital| also Medical Science) 

ee ee ee aa 

St. Thomas’s 

School Hygiene 


South Devon and East 
Cornwall Hospital Re- 

Statistical Tables of St. 


Bartholomew’s Hos 
pital — 
Transactions of the 

Annual Conference of 
the Association for the 

Prevention of Con- 
sumption, &c. 
Transactions of the 
Edinburgh Medico- 
Chirurgical Society 
Transactions of the 
Medical Society of 
Transactions of the 
Society of . Tropical 

Tropical Diseases Bul- 

Tropical Veterinary 

Reed’s Tide Tables 

Shipping World Year- 

Swansea Tide Tables 
Tide-and Speed Tables 

Tide Tables for British 

and Irish Ports 



Trades — (see 
Hardware, Iron 

Meteorology , 

British Rainfall 

Daily Readings at 
Meteorological Sta- 
tions - 

Daily Weather Reports 

Geophysical Journal 

Journal of the Scottish 
Meteorological Society 

Monthl ummary of 
Weather Reports 

Quarterly Journal of the 
Royal Meteorological 

Quarterly Weather Re- 

port s 
Symon’s Meteorological 

West London Meėdical| Weekly Weather Report 
Journal : 
Westminster Hospital/Methodist — (see also 
oa ipm Calvinistic Metho- 
Year Book of Tropical dist, Wesleyan Metho- 
` Medicine dist). 
Aldersgate Primitive 

Science— (see 


Journal of MentalScience 

Mercantile (see Com- 

mercial and Mer- 
Mercantile Marine— 

(see also Naval Ser- 

vice, Shipping). 
Ainsley’s Nautical Al- 

Arrowsmith’s Bristol 
Tide Table 

Brown’s Comprehensive 
Nautical Almanac 

Brown’s Nautical Diary 

Dh eciory of Shipowners, 

Fisherman’s Nautical 
Kelvin Standard Tide 

Tables for the Port of 
' Glasgow 
Marine Caterer 
Marine Magazine 
Mariner’s Almanac 
Mercantile Marine Ser- 
vice Association Re- 
Mercantile Navy List 
Nautical Almanac (Glas- 
Nautical Magazine 
Newport (Mon.) Tide 

Pearson’s Tide Tables 
an Nautical Al- 

Christian Advocate 
Christian Ambassador 

Class Leader’s Com- 

Derby . and - District 


Herald of the Primitive 
Methodist Missionary 
Society — 

Holborn Review 
Methodist and Genera 
Desk Diary. - i 
Methodist Magazine 
Methodist Recorder 
Methodist Sunday 
School Notes 
Methodist Times 
Methodist Who’s Who 
Minutes of the United 
Methodist Church 


Primitive Methodist 

Primitive Methodist S. S. 

United Methodist 
United Methodist Maga- 

Microscopy - 

Annual Report of the 
Liverpool Microscopi- 
cal Society 

Journal of Micrology, 

c. ; 
Journal of the Quekett 
Microscopical Club 
Journal of the Royal 
Microscopical Society 
Quarterly Journal of 
Microscopical Science 
Transactions of the 
Edinburgh Field Natur- 
alists’ and Microscopi- 
cal Society 

> James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125. Strand, London. 

also Naval Service). Botish 

Aldershot Gazette 
Army & Navy Gazette 
Army List Of. Quarterly 
Army Orders 
Army _ Service 
Broad Arrow 
Bugle Call 
Fall In 
Faugh-a-Ballach : 
First Cadet Battalion 
Royal Fusiliers 
Green Howard’s Gazette 
Hampshire Regimental 
Hart’s Annual Army List 
Highland Light Infantry 
Imperial Cadets Maga- 
Irish Military Guide 
Journal of the Royal 
Army Medical Corps 
Journal of the Royal 
- Journal of the Royal 
United Service Institu- 


Kent Fencible 


Military Historian and 

Military Mail 

Monthly Army List 


Month! Portsmouth 
Naval and Military 

National Volunteer 

O and Naval 

~ Cadets” Magazine 
Officers’ Training Corps 


Oxfordshire Light In- 
fantry Chronicle 

- Proceedings of the 
National Rifle Asso- 



Rifle Brigade Chronicle 


Royal Engineers’ Journal 

Royal Engineers’ Pro- 
fessional Papers 


St. George’s Gazette - 

Salisbury cial Mili- 
tary Directory 


Society of Miniature 
Rifle Clubs Handbook 

Sportsman’s Gazette 

Staff College Reports 


Union Jack -Club Calen- 

United Service Gazette 

United Service Magazine 

Volunteer Civil Force 

Volunteer Force Gazette 

Millers—(see Grain & 
Seed Trade). 

Fashions for Ladies). 

„Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Magazines. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 
. cs 
Military Service—(see|Mineral Water Trade 

and Colonial 
ineral Water Trade 
United Kingdom Mineral 
Water Trade Review 

Mineralogical Magazine 

Mining—(see also Iron 
Trade, Coal Trade) 
African World Annual 
Financial Times Tin 

Mining Handbook 
Journal of the Insti- 
tute of Metals 
Mining Journal 
Mining Magazine 
Mining Manual 
Mining News . 
Mining World 
Monthly Mining Hand- 
Science & Art of Mining 

Transactions of the 
Institution of Mining 

Mission Work — (see 
also Congregational, 

Across the Rockies 
Across the Sea 

All Nations 

All the World 

Annual Report of the 
Children’s Special 

_ Service Mission 
Annual Report of the 

Indian hurch Aid 
Annual Report of the 

Mission to Lepers 
Annual Report of the 

Zenana Bible and 

Medical Mission 

At Home and Abroad 

Australian Bush Leaves 

Banner of Faith 

Banner of Truth 


Bermondsey Settlement 

Bermondsey Settlement 

-© Magazine 

Bible Lands 

Blessed Be Egypt 

British Missionary 

British Sentinel 

Cambridge HouseAnnual 

Central Africa 

Children’s S.S. Mission 

Child’s Guardian 

China Mission Year Book 

China’s Millions 

Chronicle of the Central 
Board of Missions 

Chronicle of the L.M.S. 

Church Abroad 

Church and People 

Church and the Sailor 

Church .Evangelist 

Church Intelligencer 

Church Missionary 

Church Missny. Gleaner 

Chure Missionary 
Pocket Book 

Church Missionary 

Quarterly Paper 

Church Missionary 
Quarterly Token 

Church Missionary Re- 

City Sparrows 

Darkness and Light 

Dawn in Central Asia 

Delhi Mission News 

Diamonds from S. Africa 

East London Church 

Echoes of Service 

EY Diocesan Remem- 


Foreign Field 

Friendly Leaves 

Friendly Work for 
Friendly Workers 
George Çlarke’s Maga- 

Girls’ Friendly Society 
Associates’ Journal 
Girls’ Friendly Society 
Quarterly (Lichfield) 
Gospel Messenger 

Greater Britain 

Guild of South London 
Sympathisers Leaflet 

Harvest Field 

Herald | 

Home Mission Field 

Home Workers’ Gazette 

Homes of the East 

Indian Church Magazine 

India’s Women 

International Review of 

ing’s Messengers 

Lay Reader - 

Laymen’s Bulletin 

Lichfield Diocesan Mag. 

Light and Truth 

Links of Help 

London City Mission 
Magazine l 

London City Mission 

London Diocesan Mag. 

Medical Missions 

Mercy and Truth 

Mission Field 

Missionary Echo 

Missionary Gazette 

Missionary Herald (Bel- 

Missionary Leaves 

Missions Overseas 

Monthly Record of the 
Protestant Evangelical 

Morning Calm 

Moslem World 

Negesydd Cenhadol 


News from Afar 

North Africa 

North British Columbia 

Nurses Near and Far 

Our Missions 

Our Sisters in Other 

Our Waifs and Strays 

Our Work at Home and 


Oxford House Magazine 

Penal Reform ‘League 
Quarterly Record — 

Peterborough Diocesan 

Primitive Methodist 
Missionarv Herald - 

Quarterly Jottings from 
the New Hebrides 


Quarterly Letters to 
Men on Public Works 

Railway Mission Al- 

Railway Signal 

Regions Beyond 

Ripon Diocesan Gazette 

Round World 

Salisbury Diocesan Ga- 


Service for the King 

South African Pioneer 

South America 

South American Mis- 
sionary Magazine 

Southern Cross Log 

Southwell Dioces’n Mag. 

Star in the East 

Strict Baptist Mission 

Toynbee Record 

Trusting and Toiling 

Universal Brotherhood 

Vigilance Record 

- Western Equatorial Afri- 

can Diocesan Mag’ zine 
Without the Camp 
Woman’s Work 
Woman’s Missionary 
Magazineof the United 
Free Churches 


Worcester Diocesan 

Workers at Home and 

York Diocesan Gazette 
Zambesi Industrial Mis- 

Moravian Almanack 
Moravian Messenger 
Moravian Missions 
Moravian Text Book 
Periodical Accounts 

Mothers, Reading for 
Mothers in Council 
Mothers’ Magazine and 

Mothers’ Union Journal 
Scottish Mothers’ Maga- 
- zine : 
Workers’ Paper 

Motor Trade, &c. 



Automobile & Carriage 
Builders’ Diary 

Automobile & Carriage 
Builders’ Journal 

.Automobile Engineer | 

Automobile Engineers’ 
Year Book 

Auto-Motor Journal 

British Motor Tourists’ 
ABC ; 

Car Motor Register 

Car, Road, and Book 

Commercial Motor 

Commercial . Motor 

Drivers’ Handbook 
Commercial MotorUsers’ 
Association Handbook 
Cooper’s Vehicle Journal 
Irish Motor Directory 
Light Car 



Light Car and Cyclecar 
Light Car Manual 
Light Cars and Cycle 
Motor Car Red Book 
Motor, Motor Cycle and 
Cycle Trades Direct 
Motor Boat Manual 
Motor Coachwork 
Motor Cycle j 
Motor Cycle and Cycle 
Motor Cycling 
Motor Cycling Manual 
Motor Export Trader 
Motor Manual 
Motor News 
Motor Ship 
Motor Traction 
Motor Trader 
Motor Transport Year 
Motor World 
Ofħcial Touring Guide 
of the Auto- Cycle 
Owner, Driver, &c., Ga- 
Royal Automobile Year 
Scottish Automobile 
Club Year Book 


(see also Theatrical). 

Annual „Report of the 
Organists’ Benevolent 

Annual Report of the 
Royal College of Or- 

Bandsman and Songster 
of a Salvation Army 

Banjo “World 

Boosey’s Brass 


Boosey’s New Supple- 
mental Journal 
Boosey’s Orchestral 

British Bandsman 
Calendar of the Trinity 
college of Music, Lon- 

Cavendish Music Books |Natural History — (see 


Choir Musician 

Choral Harmony 



Dallas Musical Monthly 

Flute Players’ Journal 

Gazette of the College 
of Violinists 

Guild of Church 
Musicians’ Calendar 

Harmonium Cabinet 

Journal of the Folk 
Song Society 

London Academy of 
Music Gazette 


p C 

| Music Trade Review 


Band\musie Halls 

National Schools—scee 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

London Musical Courier 


Monthly Musical Record 

Music Student : 
Music Trade Directory 

Musical Budget 
Musical Directory 
Musical Herald 
Musical Mail 
Musical News 
Musical Opinion and 
Music Trades Review 
Musical Progress 
Musical Salvationist 
Musical Standard 

Organist and Choir- 
master’s Ready Refer- 
ence Register 

Part Singer 

Pianomaker z 

Pitman’s MusicalLibrary 

Proceedings of the 
Musical Association 

Professional PocketBook 

Reid’s London Enter- 
tainment Guide 

Report of the Incor 
porated Society of 

Roll of the Union of 
Graduates in Music 
R.C.M. Magazine 
School Music Review 
Strad - 
Supplementary Military 

Syllabus of the Asso- 
ciated Board of the 

Royal Academy of 

Tonic Sol-fa College 

Violin Budget 

Who’s Who in Music 

Wright & Round’s Bras 
Band News 

Year Book of the In- 
corporated Society of 

Era, &c., Annual 
Performers’ Annual 


also Agriculture, Bee 
Keeping, Conchology, 

Entomology, Fishing, 
Science, Sporting, 

Animal World 

Annals and Magazine ot 
Natural History 

Annual Report 
Transactions of 


_ Selborne Magazine 

Austral Avian Record |Naval Service — (see 

Bird Lover — 
Bulletin of the British 
Ornithologists’ Club 
Cardiff Naturalists’ So- 
ciety’s Transactions 
Country Side Leaflet 

Hamlym’s Menagerie 


Irish Naturalist 

Journal of the East 
Africa and Uganda 
Natural History So- 

Journal of the North- 
ants Natural His- 
tory Society and 
Field Club 

Journal of the Torquay 
Natural History So- 

Lancashire Naturalist 

Milford-on-Sea Record 
Society Occasional] 



Proceedings and Annual 
Report of the Shef 
field Naturalists’ Club 

Field Club 
Proceedings of the 
Dorset Natural His- 
tory, &c., Field Club 
Proceedings of the 
Manchester Field 
Naturalists’ Society 
Report of the Epsom 
College Natura! His- 
tory Society 

Reports, &c., of the 
East Kent Scientific, 
&c., Society 

Scottish Naturalist 

Transactions & Journal. 
of the Proceedings 
of the Dumfriesshire 
Natural History, &c., 

Transactions of the 
Hertfordshire Natural 
History Society 

Transactions of the 

Hull Scientific, &c., 

Transactions of the 
Natural History So- 

ciety of Northumber- 

Transactions of the 
Paisley Naturalist 

Transactions of the 
Woolhope Naturalists’ 
Field Club ` 

Wild Life 

Plymouth Institution |Nautical—see Mercan- 

Annual Report of the 
National Museum of 
Wales - 

tile Marine, Naval 
Service, Shipping). 

also Military. Ser- 

Annual Report of the 
Navy League 

Annual Report of the 
Navy Employment 



Fleet Annual and Naval 
Year Book 

ane’s Fighting Ships 
autical Magazine 

Naval & Military Record 

Naval Annual | 3 

Naval Cadet 

Naval Pocket Book 


Navy League Annual 

Navy League Quarterly 

Navy List 

Naval Warrant 

fhcers’ Journal 

Royal Navy List 

Transactions of the 
Institution of Naval 

World’s Warships 

New Jerusaiem 

Church f 

Minutes of the Genera 
New Church Magazine 


Circulation Manager 
National Newsagent 
News Trade Circular 



Newspapers — (see 
Family Newspapers, 
Fashionable News, 
Religious News- 
papers, Society 



Numismatic Chronicle 
Spink & Son’s Monthly 
Numismatic Circular 
Transactions of the 
Numismatic Society 


Creche News 


Journal of 

How to Become a Nurse . 

League News 

Massage Journal 

Midwife’s Pocket Ency- 
clopedia and Diary 

Nurses’ Journal ; 
Nurses’ Own Magazine 

Nursing Mirror 

Nursing Mirror Pocket 


Nursing Notes 

Nursing Times 

Red Cross and Ambu- 
lance News 

Samaritan Magazine 

James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London, 

Willing’s Press Guide. (Ciassification. 
Obstetrics — (sce alsojOptics Peace Movement Procerdng i o ooi nis 
Medical Science). | Dioptric Bulletin Arbitrator Paaa i e 
e t = . . 
ons | cf ie Year Book of the Bri-| Herald of Peace ho Society of Edin- 
Edinburgh Obstetrical] tish Optical Associat’n Feon Cri Seeker 
Society ` Olive teat ar Sociological Review 

Occuit Science — (sce 
Spiritualism). — 

Oddfellows— (see 
Friendly Socteties). 

Official Reports and 
Papers — (see also 
under various So- 


Annual Report of the 
Registrar - General 

Annual Report of the 
Registrar - General 

Annual Summary of 

Births, &c. (London) 
Postmaster - General’s 
Annual Report 

Quarterly Return of 
Marriages, &c. 
-Registrar-General Re- 

turns of Births, Deaths, 

and Marriages 
Weekly Return of Births 

and Deaths f 

Oil and Colour Trade— 
(see also Commercial, 

Grocery Trade). 
Daily Oil Bulletin 

Financial Times Oil 

Oil and Colour Trades 

l Manua 
Oil Facts and Figures 
Oil Trades Gazette 
Petroleum Review 
Petroleum World 

(see also Medica 

Calendar of the Insti- 
of Ophthalmic 


ciety of the United 

Transactions. of 
Optical Society 


Oplum Trade 
Friend of China 

Orchid— (see 


Palestine Exploration 
Palestine Exploration 
Fund Statement 

Paper Trade — (see 
also Printing Trade, 
Stationery Trade). 

Directory of Paper 
Paper Box and Bag 

Paper Maker 

Paper Makers, Directory 

Paper Makers’ Directory 
of all Nations 

Paper Makers’ Monthly 

Paper Making 


Transactions of the 
Cambridge Philosophi- 
cal Society 

Peace and Goodwill 
Peace Year-Book 
War and Peace . 

Transactions of the 
Peerages, &e. Paisley Philosophical 
Book of Knights of the Institution 

British Empire 
Burke’s Landed Gentry 
Burke’s Peerage 
Debrett’s Illustrated 


and Companionage 
Debrett’s Illustrated 

Peerage and Titles of/Photography 

Courtesy Amateur Photographer 
Debrett’s Peerages, &c.} British Journal of Photo- 

Phonography — (see 

Dod’s Peerage, Baronet- graphy 
age and Knightage British Journal Photo- 
Imperial Society of graphic Almanac 
Knights Bachelor-| Camera 

Chronicles of the Camera 

. Club 


Optician and Photo- 
graphic Trade Journal 

Penrose’s Pictorial An- 

lies of 

Whitaker’s Peerage 

Paper Mills Directory nua 
Paper Trade Directory |Pérfumery Trade—(sec| Photograms of the Year 
Paper Trade Review Hairdressing) Photographic Dealer 
Philip's Paper Trade 8) Photographic Journal 
Directory Photography | 
World’s Paper Trade Personal Rights Process Engravers’ 
Review Individualist Month! 
Process Work, &e. 
Pharmacy— Process Year-Book. | 
Parliamentary (see Chemists). Wellcome’sPhotographic 

Annual Statutes 

Conservative Clubs Ga-/Philanthropy— 

Eighty Club Year Book 
Gleanings & Memoranda 
Liberal Magazine 
Liberal Year Book 
Lists of Private Bills 
Local Acts 
Parliament House Book 
Parliamentary Debates 
Parliamentary Gazette 
Public General Acts 
Ross’s _ Parliamentary 
Scottish Nation 
Standing Orders of the 
Lords and Commons 
Statesman’s Year-Book 
Transactions of 
National Liberal Club 
Vacher’s Parliamentary 

House of 

Parochiai—(see Local 

Patents—(see Inven- 

| Pawnbrokers’ Gazette 

A dvertisements received for all the Metropolitan Magazines. 

Parliamentary|Philately—(see Stamt 




see Charity). 
( y) Phrenologist 

Collectors). Picture Postcards— (see 

Philology Postal Information). 

Journal of Philology 

Pamat e ah Pigeons— | 
roceédings (0) the 
Cambridce Philologi| (See Poultry). 
cal Society 
J pee E i sae Piumbers— 
ambridge ilologi- or 
cal Society $ (see Building). 
Transactions of the 

Philological Society Police Service 

Good European 

Journal of the Transac- 
tions of the Victoria 

Constabulary Gazette 

Illustrated Police News 

Police and Constabulary 
Almanac , 

Police and Prison Off- 
cial Journal 

London, Edinburgh, &c. : : 

ee ee y 1 Police Chronicle 
Fauosepnice: Maga- Police Gazette 

Mastery Police Review 

Philosophical Tran- Policeman’s Pocket Al- 

: manac 
Sey re Royal Irish Constabu- 
A ary List 
Proceedings of the Royal Irish Constabu- 

Cambridge Philosophi- 

cal Society lary Magazine 

Broce etn e. a _ the 
oyal Dublin Societ A aan 
Proceedings o the poina Essays — (see 
Royal Institution eviews). 
Proceedings o the 
Royal Philosophical 

Society of Glasgow |Polo— (see Sporting). 



Willing’s Press Guide. 


News ; 

Polytechnic Magazine 


Poor Law Unions— 
(see Local Govern- 

Positivist Review 

Postal Information 
Bristol, &c., Post Office 

. Irish Postal and Tele- 
graph Guardian 
Post Office Daily List of 
Post Office Guide 
Post Office Guide Sup- 
Postal Advocate 
Postal and Telegraph 
Postman’s Gazette 
Postmaster - General's 
Annual Report on the 
Post Office 
St. Martin’s-le-Grand 
Weekly List of Sailings 

Pottery Trade 
Pottery Gazette 
Pottery Gazette Diary 
Transactions of the 

English Ceramic So- 

Poultry & Live Stock 

— (see also Domestic 
Pets, Natural His- 

Feathered World 
Feathered World Year 
Homing Pigeons 
Illustrated Poultry Re- 
Pigeons and the Pigeon 
Poultry Journal 
Poultry Keepers’ Journa) 
Poultry Keeping 
Poultry World 
Poultry World Annual 

Irish Presbyterian 
Messenger. for the Chil- 

Presbyterian Church of 
Scottish Church and 
University Almanac 
Westminster Teacher 

Press Guides, &c. 
Advertiser’s A B C 
Advertisers’ Annual 
Advertiser’s Weekly 
Advertising World 
Higham’s Magazine 
Layton’s Handy News- 
paper List 

List of Subscriptions of 
English, Colonial and 
poreles Newspapers, 


British Journal of 

New Thought and Psy- 

chic Review 
Proceedings of the Soc. 

for Psychical Research 

Public Health — (see 
Sanitary and Social 

AND IRISH ERESS Publishing—(see Book 


Newspaper Press Dircty. 
Newspaper World 
Selling & Advertising 
Sell’s World’s Press 
Street’s Newspaper Di- 

Successful Advertising 


Prices Current—(see 

Primitive Methodist--— 
(see Methodist). 

Primrose League 

Printing Trade — (see 
also Paper Trade). 
British and Colonial 
Printer and Stationer 

British Printer 

Caslon’s Circular 

Caxton Magazine 


Irish Printer 


Modern Lithographer 

Monotype Recorder 

Newspaper World 

Printers and Stationers 
Year Book 

&c., Sales and Wants 

Printers’ Engineer 

Printers’ Medical 

Printers’ Register 

Scottish Typographical 

Type & Talent 

Typographical Circular 

i Typographical 


Prison Missions — (see 
Mission Work). 

Prohibition — (see 


Prophetic News 

Press— (see Journalism, Provision Trade— 

Printing Trade). 

(see Grocery Trade). 


Pupil Teachers—(see 

uakers— (see Society 
of Friends). 

Rabbits—(see Domes- 
tic Pets, Poultry.) 

(see Sporting). 

Rag Trade— 
(see Paper Trade). 

Ragged Schools—(see 
Destitute Children). 

Railway Service 

Annual Report and 
Balance Sheet of the 
Associated Society of 
Locomotive Engineers 
and Firemen 

Bradshaw’s Railway 
Manual od 
Electric Railway and 

Tramway Journal 
Electric Railway and 
Tramw’y Journ’! Diary 

Gray’s Railway Rate 

Gray’s Railway 

Gray’s Railway 

Traders Companion 
Great Central Railway 

Great Eastern Railway 
Homesttad and Pro- 

perty Register 
Journal and Proceedings 
of the Permanent 
Way Institution 
Locomotive pee 
Locomotive Magazine 
London and North Wes- 
tern Railway Gazette 

Model Railway and 
North Eastern Railway 
Magazine — 

Poor’s Manual of the 
Railroads of the 
United States 

Railway Almanac 

Railway and Commercial 
ad of England 

Railway and Shipping | 


Railway and Shipping 


Railwa and Travel 

Railway Clerk 

Railway Diary 

Railway Engineer 

Railway Gazette 

Railway Magazine 

Railway News 

Railway Review 

Railway Supplies Journ’! 

Railway Year-Book 

South-Western Railway 

Twenty Years’ Railway 

Universal Directory of 
Railway Officials 

Railway Time Tables 
ABC Railway Guide 
Baird’s Irish Railway 

and Steamboat Guide 
Birmingham A B C 
Bradshaw’s Manchester 
ABC Guide 
Cassell’s Railway Guide 
Cook’s Continental Guide 
Everybody’s Twopenny 
Time Tables 
Sargon A B C Railway 


Great Central Railway 
Time Table 

Great Eastern Railway 
Time Table 

Great Northern Railway 
Time Table - 

Great Western Railway 
Time Table 

Hammond’s Standard 
Railway Guides 

Hewett’s Irish Time 
Table and Gazette 

John Heywood’s Rail- 
way Guide 

Liverpool A BC Railway 

London & North West- 
ern Railway Time 


London and South West- 
tern Railway Time 

London, Brighton,: and 
South Coast Railway 
Time Table 

London Time Table 

Manchester Official 
ABC Railway Guide 

Midland Counties ABC 
Railway Guide 

Murray’s (Scotland) 

Red Guide i 

Reid’s Railway Guide 
and North-East Coast 
Time Table 

Sheffield Daily Telegraph 
Railway Guide 


South Eastern and 
Chatham Railway 
Time Table 

Walker’s Leeds Time 

Western Mail A BC 

Railway Time Tables 
White & Pike’s Railway 

uide . 
Worcester ABC Guide 

Rationalism — (see 

2261] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Rechabite Order— see 

Records of Past Events 
Annual Register 
New Hazell’s Annual. 
Norfolk and Suffolk 

Svottish Chronicle 
Social Gazette 
Sunday School Chronicle 

ar C 
Young Protestants 

Oliver’s Local Book of|Religious Readings — 


Red Books i 
Burton - on- Trent Red 

City of Ely Red Book 

Derbyshire Red Book 

Essex Year-Book 

a Official 

Lomax’s Red Book 

Manchester, &c., Red 

Northern Counties Red 

Shefheld & 
Red Book 

Streatham Red Book 

Walsall Annual Red 


Reformatories — (see 
Destitute Children). 

Reformed Presbyterian 
Reformed Presbyterian 

- = ym 

Registrar - General’s 
Returns—(see Offi- 
cial Reports). 

Religious — (see under 
the various Sects 
and the two following 
headings) :— 

Religious Newspapers 
British Weekly 
Catholic Herald 
Catholic News 
Catholic Times 
Christian Age 
Christian Commonwealth 
Christian Globe 
Christian Herald 
Christian Irishman 
Christian Life 
Christian World 
Church Army Gazette 
Church Family News- 

paper - ? 
Church of Ireland Ga- 

Church Times 
Church Union Gazette 
English Churchman 
Irish Ecclesiastical Re- 

Methodist Recorder 
Methodist Times 
Morning Star 
National Church 
One and All 
Protestant Stanuard 

Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Newspapers. 

{see also Misston 
Work, Religious 
Active Service 
Annual Report of the 
National Bible Society 
of Scotland 
Banner of Faith 
Banner of the Covenant 
Believer’s Diary 
Believer’s Friend 
Believer’s Magazine 
Believer’s Pathway 
Bible Advocate 
Bible in the World 
Bible Readings 
Bible School 
Bible Society Gleanings 
Bible Students’ Monthly 
Bible Treasury 
Bible Witness f 
Biblewomen & Nurses 
Border Churchman 
Brigade . 
British Evangelist 
British Messenger 
Brotherhood Journal 
Chart and Compass 
Cheering Words 
Children’s Quarterly 

Christian Messenger 

Christian Progress 
Christian Worker 
Christian’s Armoury 
Church Army Review 
Church Leader 
Church Monay 
Church of Engl’d. Pulpit 
Churchman’s Magazine 
Day of Days 
Earthen Vessel 
East and the West 
Every Christian’s Libr’y. 
ela ee a 

xpository limes 

-Faith and the Flock 
Faith Links 

Family Friend 
Flames of Fire 
Friendly Greetings 
Glad Tidings of 
Coming Age 
Glorious News 
Good .Seed 
Good Tidings 
Gospel Advocate 
Gospel Danner 
Gospel Echo 
Gospel Gleanings 
Gospel Guide 
Gospel Light 
Gospel Magazine 
Gospel Messenger 
Gospel Stories for the 
Gospel Trumpet 


Happy Homes 
Helps for the Poor of 
the Flock l 
Herald of Mercy 
Herald of Salvation 
Herald of the Golden 

Home Friend 
Home Messenger 
Home Words 
Joyful News 
Keswick Week 
Lamp of China 
Lancaster P.S.A. Mes 


Leisure Hour Monthly 

Life and Work 

Life of Faith - 

Light and Truth 

Light in the Home 

Little Gleaner 

Living Waters 

London Pillar of Fire 

London Signal 

Lord’s Day 

Lord’s Portion 

Men’s Magazine 

Message from God 

Milestones ° 


Monthly Visitor 

Morning Rays 

Mutual Comfort 

New Church Weekly 

New Church Young 
People’s Magazine 

Northamptonshire Non- 

On and Of Duty 

On Service 

One by One 

Onward and Upward 


Our Letter to Candi- 


Our Own Gazette 
Out and Out 

Present Truth 
Protestant Observer 
Protestant Witness 
Protestant Women 

Reading Union Leaflet 
Red Lamp 

Rest and Weeping 
Sabbath Ovserver 
St. Ethelburga 
Scattered Nation 
Scattered Seed 
Scottish Endeavour 

Scripture Pocket Book (Reviews — 

Scripture Truth 

Seed Time and Harvest 
Seventh Evangel 
Shaftesbury Magazine 
Showers of Blessing 
Sierra Leone Messenger 

Simple Testimony 
Social Service 
Spiritual Life 
Spiritual Power 
Student of Scripture 
Sunday at Home 
Sunday Circle 


Sunday Closing Notes 
and News ~-. 
Sunday Companion 
Sunday Guardian 
Sunday Sunshine 
Thoughts from 
Word of God 
THrough the Bible D 

by Day 
Tidings of Light 



Trinitarian Bible So- 
ciety’s Quarterly Re- 

Uncle Ben’s Budget 
Words of Salvation 
Words of Truth 
Words of Welcome 
Young Christian 
Young Man 
Young New Church Man 
Zion’s Witness 

Reports, &c. — (see 

also under various 
Account of the Income 
and Expenditure ot 
the British Museum 
Anglican and Eastern 
Association Annual 
Annual Circular (Com- 
missionaires) : 
Annual Report of British 
and Foreign Bible Soc. 
Annual Report of the 
Bronte Society 
Annual Report of the 
London Missionary 
Annual Report of the 

Report of the 

Annual Report of the 
Society for Liberation 
of Religion. from State 
Patronage and Control 

Annual Report of the 
Society for the Propa- 
gation of the Gospel 

Annual REDOT of the 

. Somerset Men in Lon- 

Annual Report and 
Transactions of the 
Piymouth Institute 

Popular Illustrated 
Report of the British 

. and Foreign Bible 
Society . 

Royal Life Saving So- 

ciety Annual Report 

Reporters—(see Jour- 

nalism, Shorthand). 

(see also 
Literary and Scien- 
tific Reviews). 
American Historical 
Asiatic Review 
Blackwood’s Magazine 
Britannic Review 
Buddhist Review 
Candid Quarterly Re- 

Church Quarterly Re- 

| Constructive Quarterly 







Contemporary Review 

Catholic Truth Annual 
Catholic Who’s Who 

; : Catholic Women’s 
ae aes League Monthly Maga- 
English Historical Rev. zine 
English Review Child of Mary , 
Essex Review Clydesdale Catholic 
Fortnightly Review eral 
Hibbert Joyrnal Cross 
Irish Church Quarterly Cuniberland Catholic 
Islamic Review News ; 

Leader Downside Review 
London Quarterly Re- Dowry of Mary 

view pa Ra Hei 

undee Catholic Hera 

Modern’ Language Re Edinburgh Catholic 
National Review Herald 
Near East Franciscan Annals 
New Age Glasgow Observer 

Glasgow Star 


Hull Catholic Herald 
International Journal of 

New Statesman 
Nineteenth Century 
Political Quarterly 
Political Science 

2. Ae 

-Handy Stories 

Willing’s Press Guide. T l i 

Journal of the Royal 
Sanitary Institute of 
Great Britain | f 

Municipal Engineering 
and Sanitary Record 

Progress, Civil, Social, 

Happy Hour Stories 
Heartsease Library 
Home Weekly 
Horner’s Penny Stories 
Ireland’s Own 

Magnet Library . 

Mascot Novels Public Health 
Monthly Mag. of Fiction| Rational Journal 
My Pocket Novels Sanitary Journal 

My Weekly 
Novel Magazine 

Penny Magazine Satirical Reviews— (see l 

Penny Story Teller PEN 
Premer Magazine Humorous & Satiri ] 
Red Letter cal). 
Run and Read Series of 

eal a oie Library ,|Scholastic—(sce 

ixpenny agazine o PS 

Fiction Education). 

Smart Fiction 
Smart Novels 

Quarterly Review | pnh ofic Weekly Friend pr aa 
Sean òf Reviews | Irish Catholic Directory; W.T. Novels Magazines 
Round Table . irish Monthly Woman’s World Library phe pati 
Sewanee Review Lat tants holi Abin doni; a 
ea A Rus- ed ire Catholic Riche: nN uD cone 
sia, &c., Review P i : 
Unpopular Review Perdi A hes Financia] Times Rubber ane 
Venturer TE : a o Catholic Handbook | ; | Al So M oe 
Herald i aai Companies’ Posi- Ampleforth Journal 

Rinking— (see Sport- ge er Catholic Rubber Facts and plies 

ing) Messenger of the Sacred eT Ashville College 
Heart Rubber Industry Baeda - 

Ritual Nottingham &c., Catho- a ee Com- Bancroftian 
itualism — (see An- ic Heral arnsburian 
glo-Catholi , Oldham Catholic Herald | Rubber Share Handbook! Barrovian (Barrow) 

i Ordo Divini Officil , : Barrovian (Isle of Man) 
poorane Mee iat the Beaumont Review 
i rom ax , ys eirnia 
Riar Plate (S€€] Poor Souls’ Friend World’s Rubber Position Belvederian. 
olonies and Pos-| Preston Catholic News Berkamstedian 
ey: Be E E Annals mussa Bloxhamian 
. ussia 
: St. Helens Catholic i ue 

Roman Catholic Herald | Ree Biv Gaile Blundellian 
Aberdeen Cath. Herald | St. Peter’s Net Star of Russia i Boltonian 
Aon of the Fane Er] Shemeld Catholic Herald Bovian 

10n oF the Fart eme atholic Hera ovian 
Annals of the Society of| Staffordshire Catholic|\Saddlery Trade — (see| Bradfield College 
ay Ra eheod pee le Nowa also Leather Trade). Pies paar 
nnua eport of the tella aris radiordian 
Catholic Women’s Tablet ere Saddlery and Harness Brazen Nose 
eague ee-Side Catholic News reconian 
Birmingham Catholic! T neride Catholic News|Sailors — (see Soldiers Bristol Giammer School 
ews niverse : ronicle 
Blackburn Catholic News| Wearside Catholic News and Sailors). Bristol Nonesuch 
Bolton Catholic Herald | Welsh Catholic Herald Bromsgrovian 
Bradford Catholic Her’ld| Westminster Cathedral Salvationists Brown Book 
Bristol Catholic Herald Chronicle All the World Caian 
Burnley Catholic News | Wigan Catholic Herald D lie e Wor Cairn 
Catholic Yorkshire Catholic) vellverer ae Cantuarian 
Catholic Almanac ' Hera Musical Salvationis¢ Carliol 
seer Bue | Salvation Army Year eae 
atholic Children’ ‘He arthusian 
Realm ee Romances and Light} _ Book Castleknock Chronicle - 
Catholic Directory Literature ee hea Caterham 
Catholic Directory of the) Aldine Cinema Novels | Wario Cheltenham Ladies’ 
Province of Birming-' ANAREN Mibrary Young Soldier Grane 
am ristian Novels eltonian 
Carbone. p oneations! chustan Novels prety vata abd re 
ear Boo omplete Sto eller H olmelian 
Catholic Federationist Dainty Novels” Sanitary and Social Chronicle Duke of York’s 
Catholic Fireside Diamond Library Economy Military School 
Catholic Herald Family Herald Citizen (Letchworth) Cinque Port 
Catholic Home Journal | Family Herald Supple-- Empire Municipal Direc-| City of London School 
Catholic Missions ment tory, &c. Clactonian 
Catholic News Family Journal Garden Cities Clavinian 
Catholic Review Family Reader Good Health Cliftonian 
Catholic Social Year, Family Story Teller Health Clongowian 
Book : ; | orget-me-Not Herald of Health Colfeian 
Catholic Social Guild) Gem Libra oa of Hygiene Colfensia 
Quarterly Bulletin | Girls’ Friend Library ournal of the Institute) Commercial Traveller 
1 Catholic Times Golden Hour Stories of Sanitary Engineers os 
228] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 7 

School and College 



Crouch End High School 

Cusack’s Journal 



Datchelor School 




Dollar l 


Dowanhill Training 



Eagie (Bedford) 

Eagle (Cambridge) 



Edward Alleyn 




Eton College Chronicle 








Giggleswick Chronicle 

Girls’ Guildry Gazette 

Glenalmond Chronicle 







Harrow Bill Book 

Harrow Blue Book 

Hereford Secondary 


Boys’ School Magazine} 




Hurst Johnian 


Ipswich School 


King Edward’s 

King’s College Review 

King’s College School 

King’s College School 
Science qourael 


Lancing Coll 






Pas Fortnightly 


Londinian . 
London University ` 
Magazine of the Girls: 
County School (Wrex- 
Merchant Maiden 
Mill Hill 


Science — (see 

Willing’s Press Guide. 




Oldham Hulmeian 




Pelican Record 















Rothesay Academy 


Royal Technical College 

Ruskin Collegian 

St. Bees 

St. David’s 

St. Edwards’ 




Sexey’s School 


Silver Crescent 

Stewart’s College 










T.C. D 


Uppingham School 









Wellington Year Book 


Whitgiftian ‘ 

Williams (Dr.) Schoo 



Wycombe Abbey Gazette 




under various 

Annals of 


Annals of Natal Govern- 

ment Museum 

Annual Journal of the 

Whitehaven Scientific 

Journal of the 
chemical Societ 
Journal of the 
tion of 
Journal of the Linnzan 
Society i 
Journal of the Marine 
Biological Association 
Museums Journal 
ciety’s Publications 
Physical Society of Lon- 
don Proceedings l 
Popular Science Siftings 



Proceedings o the 
Liverpool Biological 

Proceedings of the 
Royal Irish Academy 

Proceedings of the 
Royal Psychical So- 

ciety of Edinburgh 
Report & Transactions 
of the Devonshire As- 
Reports of the British 
Association for the Ad- 
vancement of Science 
Science Abstracts 

Science Progress in the 
20th Century 

Transactions of the 
Faraday Society 

Transactions of the 
Royal Dublin Society 

Transactions of the 
Royal Society, Edin- 

Tropical Life 

Who’s Who in Science 

Year-Book of the Royal 

Year-Book of the Scien- 
tific and Learned So- 

Scientific | Reviews — 

(see Literary ana 
Scientific Reviews). 

Scottish Congregational 

—(see Congregation- 

Scripture Readers 

British Flag 
Lighten our Darkness 

Seed Trade — (see 

Grain and Seed). 


Christian World Pulpit 

Church of England Pulpt 

Local Preachers’ Maga- 
zine : 

Metropolitan Tabernacle 

Preachers’ Magazine 

Association z ° 
_ Archives ‘of Radiology, Sewing : Machine 
c. Journal of Domestic 
International Catalogue Appliances 
of Scientific Literature | Needlecraft 
poten of the British 
cience has 
Journal of Scientific Shipbuilding — (see 
Physical Training | Engineering). 

Advertisements received for all the Weekly Newspapers. 


Al- Shipping — (see also 


Petroleum Admiralty List of Lights 

harts, Plans, and Sail- 
ing Directions 
Chief Steward 
Clyde Bill of Entry 
Cunard Daily Bulletin 
Daily Freight Register 
Freighters’ Journal and 
Railway Rates Review 
General Weekly Shipping 

Glasgow Shipping Who’s 


Greenwood’s Liverpool 
Conveyance List 

Handy Shipping Guide. 

Handy Time and ‘lide 

Hartlepools Daily Ship- 
ping List 

International Code of 

International Number of 
” The Shipbuilder 
Jefferson’s Nautical Al- 

Journal of Commerce 
Kellock’s List of Steam- 
ships and Sailing 
Vessels for Sale 
Lights and Tides of the 
Who’s Who 
Lloyd’s Calendar 
Lloyd’s List 
Lloyd’s List 
Lloyd’s Register 
S ipping 
Lloyd’s Register 

Lloyd’s Weekly Index 
London Customs Bill of 



. Entry 
London Shipping Who’s 

Monthly Shipping List 

Pilots’ Guide to the 
English Channel 
Pilots’ Guide to the 

River Thames ; 

Port of Bristol Official 
List and Shipping 

Port of Hull Annual 

Port of Liverpool Hand- 

Port of Liverpool Official 
Sailing List 

Port of Manchester 
Official Sailing List 

Railwa and Travel 

Rhodes’ Directory of 
Passenger Steamers 


Shipbuilding and Ship- 
ping Record . 

Shipping Trades Index 

Shipping World 

Shipping World Year 

Signal Letters of British 


Sunderland Daily Echo 
Swansea Daily Shipping 
Syren and Shipping | 
nce Daily Shipping 
ist f 



Shipping—continued. \Society Journals 

Tide Tables for British 
and Irish Ports 
Trade and Navigation 

Turnbull’s Shipping 

Ward’s Weekly Shipping 
Journa l 

Weekly List of Cotton 
Ships at Sea and 

Weekly Register (Glas- 

World’s Carriers 

World’s Carriers’ Year 

Wright’s Almanac and 
Tide Table 

Shoe Trade—(see Boot 
and Shoe Trade). 

Shooting— (see Sport- Society of Friends 


Shorthand and Type- 

Gregg’s | Shorthand 
Incorporated Phono- 
graphic Society’s 

Quarterly Journal - 
Phonographic Monthly 
Phonographic Observer 
Pitman’s Journal 
Pitman’s Shorthand 

and Typewriting Year- 

Book and Diary 

Pitman’s Shorthand 


Reporters’ foe 

Reporters’ Magazine 

Script Shorthand Journal 

Siik Trade— (see Tex- 
tile Manufacture). 

Siiversmith Trade — 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Court Journal 
Irish Life 
Irish Society 
Te Field 


Lady’s Pictorial 
Lady’s World 
Modern Society 


Sketch | 
Smart Society 


Vanity Fair 
Whitehall Review 

Annual] Reports of the 
Friends’ Foreign Mis- 
sion Association 

Annual Report of the 
Friends’ Temperance 

( Quarterly Ex- 
Friends’ Witness to the 
Scriptural Truth 
Journal of the Friends’ 
Historical Society 

Soldiers and Saiiors, 
Literature for 
British Flag 
hart and Compass 
Globe & Laure 
Miss Weston’s Ashore 
and Afloat 
Toilers of the Deep 

(see Jewellery Trade) s i tors 

Slate Trade — (see 

Siavery, Abolition of 
Anti-Slavery Reporter 

Social Science — (see 

Bristol Forward 

Church Socialist 


Forward (Glasgow) 




Pioneer (Burnley) 

Socialist (Glasgow) 

Socialist Annual 

Socialist Review 

Socialist Standard 

Federation Bulletin 

World Socialist 

(see Legal), 


Trade — (see 
and Spirit 

Lyceum Banner 

Occult Review 
Two Worlds 

Sporting — (see also 
Athletics, Cricket, 
Cycling, Fishing). 
Annual Summary 
Past Racing 


Ayre’s Lawn Tennis Al- 

Badminton Fixtures 

Badminton Sporting 

Baily’s Hunting Direc- 

ites tory 
Socialist, Baily’s Magazine of 


Carlisle and District 
Bowlers’ Guide 

Chilton’s Guide 

Country Life 

Coursing Calendar 

Croquet Association 

Diamond Racing Special 

Evening Dispatch Sport- 
ing Buff 



Gamekeepers’ Gazette 

Golf Club Steward 

Golf Greens 

Golf Monthly 

Golfer’s Handbook 


Handbook of the Ama- 
teur Swimming As- 

‘Horse and Hound 

Horses in Training 

Hunting Diar 

Hurlingham Club Laws, 
&c., of Polo 

Illustrated Sporting and 
Dramatie News. 

Irish Field 

Irish Golfing Guide 

Irish Racing Calendar 

Lawn Tennis and Bad- 
minton l 

Laws of Croquet 

Laws of Lawn Tennis 

Lunar Month Annual 


M‘Call’s Racing Chro- 

Mentor’s Middleham 

Mid-day Sporting Special! 

Midland Sporting Gazette 
Mirror of Life 

National Sporting 
League Journa 

Newmarket Sporting 

Polo Annual 

Polo Monthly 

Polo Players’ Diary 

Professional and Game- 


Racing and Football 
Outlook Football An- 


Racing Calendar 

Racing Critic 

Racing Critic 

Racing Expert 

Racing Illustrated 

Racing Judge 

Racing Opinion 

Racing Outlook’s Week- 
End Special 

Racing Pigeon 

Racing Specialist’s Pri- 
vate Edition 

Racing World 

Record of Sports 


Roll Call l 

Rowing Almanac 

Ruff’s Guide to the Turf 

Rules of Golf 

Salter’s Guide to the 
River Thames 

Scottish Country Life 

.Scottish Field 

Scottish Ski Club Maga- 

Shooting Times 

South London Harriers’ 

Specialists’ Saturday In- 


Sport ane 

Sport and Play 

Sporting Chronicle | 

Sporting Chronicle 
Annual , 

Sporting Chronicle 
Bowling Annual | 

Sporting Chronicle 
Racing Up-to-Date. 

Sporting Chronicle 
Weekly Handicap Bk. 

Sporting Goods Review 

Sporting Life p 

Sporting Life Companion 

Sporting Life Racing 

Sporting Pink 

Sporting Times 

Sporting World 

Sports Express 

Sports Gazette 

Sports Mail (Hull) 

Sports Special (Sheffield) 

Sports Times (Bristol) 

Sports Trader 

Sports’ Trades Journal 


Sportsman’s & Tourists 

Sportsman’s Engagemnt 

Sportsman’s Monthly 
Sportsman’s Weekly 

Racing Guide 
Squill’s Diary, &c. 
Sunday Chronicle 
Swimming Magazine 
Town Topics 
Trotting World 
Umpire Handbook 
Winning Post : 
Year Book of the Ski 
Club of Great Britain, 

Stamp Collectors 

Alfred Smith & Son’s 
Monthly Circular 
Bright and Son’s ABC 
Descriptive Catalogue 
of the World’s Postage 
British Philatelist 
Bulletin of the Fiscal 
Philatelic Society 
Collectors’ and Dealers’ 
Directory i 
Collectors’ Journal 
Endle’s Directory _ 
Ewen’s Weekly Stamp 
Griebert’s Philatelic 
Notes and Offers 
Journal of the Philatelic 
Literature Society 
London Philatelist 
Marsh’s Weekly Phila- 
Philatelic Exchange and 
Philatelic Journal 
Great Britain 
Philatelic Magazine 
Philatelic Societies’ Re- 
Postage Stamp 
Priced Catalogue 
Stamps . 
Stamp Collecting 
Stamp Collector 
Stamp Collectors’Annual 
Stamp Collector’s Fort- 
Stamp Collectors’ Quar- 



LA TRALEE CA AP SA ar a ge rer en neni emma 


s Walling, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


Stamp Collectors—con. 
Stamp Lover 
Standard Catalogue of 
Postage Stamps 
West-end Philatelist 
Who’s Who in Philately 

Calendar of the London 
School of Economics 
Journal of the Royal 
Statistical Society 

Society of Ireland 
Transactions of the 
Liverpool Economic, 
&c., Society 

Stationery Trade—(sec 
also Paper Trade, 
Printing Trade). 

Stationery Trades Jour- 

Stationery World, &c. 

Stenography — (see 

Stocks—(see Finance 
and Invesiment). 


Sugar Trade— (see alsc 
Grocery Trade). 

International Sugar 

Sunday Schools—(sec 
also Juvenile). 
Christian Endeavour 


Church of Ireland S.S. 

Dawn of Day 

Early Days 

Home Helper 

Irish Endeavourer 

' Northamptonshire S.S.U. 

Year Book 

Sunday Reading for the 
Sunday Stories 

Sunday School 

Adult School 


Graded School Primary|Telephones 


Graded Sunday School 

Workers Note Book 
Handy Class Register’ 
International Daily Text 


Pocket Book 
Lesson Handbook of the 

International S.S. 



Manual for New Church 
S.S. Teachers 

Notes on the Scripture 

Peloubet’s Select Notes 
on [International Les- 

Pocket Lesson Book 

Sabbath School Teach’rs 

Scripture Lessons. 
Elementary Classes 

Sunday School Chronicle 

Sunday School Class 

Sunday School Times 

Sunday School Workers’ 
Year Book 

to the International 
S.S. Lessons 

Teachers and Taught 

Teachers of To-day 

Wesleyan Methodist 
Sunday School Mag. 


Swim ming— 

(see Sporting). 


Gentleman’s Pall Mal) 

Gentleman’s Tailor 
Journal of the Amal- 

poaren Society of 

London Art Fashions 
Men’s Wear 

Minister’s Gazette of 

Minister’s Report of 
Fashions for Gentle- 


Sartorial Gazette 
Tailor and Cutter 
Thornton’s Review of 
London Fashions 
West-End Gazette of 

Gentlemen’s Fashions 

Taiking Machine Trade 

Phono Record 

Sound Wave & Talking 
Machine Record 

Talking Machine News 

Advanced Lessons Leaf- Tanning—(see Leathe: 



Church of Scotland 
Teachers’ Magazine 

Church Sunday School 

Eldermote Review 

Gist of the Lessons 

Graded School Inter- 
mediate Quarterly 
Graded School Junior 

Advertisements received for all the Weekly Newspapers. 


Tea Trade—(see 

Grocery Trade). 

Telegraphy — (see 

Electrical Science). 

London Telephone Di- 

Temperance—(see also 
Good Templary.) 
Abstainer (Cardiff) 
Alliance News 
Alliance Temperance 

Alliance Year Book, &c. 

Annual Report of the 
British Temperance 

Annual Report of the 
Native Races and the 
Liquor Trafic United 

Band of Hope Almanac 

Band of Hope Chronicle 

Band of Hope Review 

Band of Hope Treasury 

Banner of Hope 

British Temp. Advocate 

British Workman 

Cadet’s Own 

Church of England Tem- 
perance Society War 

Danielite Star 

Dublin Rechabite 

Echoes of Erin 

Every Band of 
Boy’s Reciter 

Everybody’s Monthl 

Great Western Railway 

quvenile Rechabite 
ondon Crusader 




Miss Weston’s Ashore 
and Afloat 

National Temperance 

On the Line 

On the March 

Onward Reciter 



Rechabite & Temperance 

Rechabite Directory 

Scottish Prohibitionist 

Scottish Reformer 
Scottish Temperance 

Scottish Women’s Tem- 
perance News 

Sons of Temperance 

Temperance Bells 

Temperance Caterer 

Temperance peor 
SEMP stance egislation 
League Mont, ly Paper 
Temperance Monthly 
United Temperance 
+ Gazette 

Western Temp. Herald 
White Ribbon 


Workers Onward 
Young Abstainer 

Territorial Service — 
(see also Military 

London Scottish Regi- 
mental Gazette 
Military Mail & 
teer Review 
Territorial Service Ga- 


Textile Manufacture 

Batley & Heavy Wool- 
len District Free Press 

Continental Directory of 
Cotton Spinners 

Cotton Factory Times 

Cotton Gazette 

Cotton Review 

Cotton Year-Book and 

Credit” Draper 

Credit Drapers’Direct’ ry 


Draper’s Diary 

Drapers’ Organiser 

Drapers’ Record 

Gorst’s Monthly Cotton 

Hosiery Trade Journal 

Indian and Japanese 
Textile, &c., Dia 

Irish & Scottish Linen, 
&c., Trades Journal 

Irish Draper | 

Journal of Leeds Uni- 
versi ty Textile Stu- 
dents’ Association 

Linen Trede Circular 

Oldha Operative 
Cotton Spinners: &e., 
Monthly Report 

Textile Fabrics Direct’r 

Textile Institute Journa 

Textile Manufacturer 

Textile Manufacturers’ 

Textile Mercury 

Textile Recorder 

Weekly Record of the 
Textile Trades Asso- 

Wool Chart 



Woollen and Textile 
Trades Gazette 
Worrall’s Textile Direc- 
toryof the Manufactur- 
ing Districts ofIreland, 
Scotland, Wales, &c. 
Year Book and Diary of 


the Bradford, &c., 

Year Book of the Oldham 
Master Cotton Spin- 

ners’ Association ` 
Yorkshire Textile Direc- 

Theatrical — (see also 
% Music and Musical, 
` Sporting). 


Bioscope Annual 
Trades Directory 

Cinema News 

Dicks’ Standard Plays 





Era Annual 

French’s Guide 
Selecting Play 


Illustrated Sporting and 
Dramatic News 



Magic Circular 



Play- -Pictorial 






Willing’s Press Guide. 

Theatrical—continued. European Mal Trams O ea o a O University 
, oliday irectory š azette . x 
eas a mean PORE Holiday Resorts & Re- Tay and Railway, O x ford University 
Stage : commended Addresses) World Handbook . . 
Stage Society Annual at Home and Abroad | workmen’s Trains and Oxford University 

Holidays Where to Stay 
and What to See 
Homeland Handbooks 

Stage Year Book 
Sunday Chronicle 
tomime Annual 


Homeland Reference 

Thalian Diary & Direc- eg h 
tory for Concert Par-| 08 S *1stway 
ties, &c. London, Fry s ; 
Universal Music and} MacDonald's Tourist 
Dramatic Directory Guide to Scotland 
What’s On i on ous to the 
? i ritis ailway 
a d ho gi Aie Perry’s Hotel & Board- 

ing House Guide 

World’s Fair Queen Newspaper Book 

of Trave 
Theology — (see also| Railway and Travel 
Reviews). Monthly 
: Ramblef’s Handbook 
Bible Student Salter’s Guide to the 
Interpreter River Thames 

Irish Theological Quar- South and East Africa 
Southern England 

terly _ 
Journal of Theological West Country 




Homeland Handy Guides|/Travel — (see Geo- 


Travellers’ Guides— 

Alden’s Oxford Guide 
British and Foreign 


Cook’s Guide to Paris 
Cook’s Handbook to 
London » 

Cook’s Indian Handbook 
London (Fry’s) 

Tricycling — (see 


Typography — (see 
Printing Trade). 

and| University 

Pocket Diary 
Student’s Handbook of 
the University and 
Colleges of Cambridge 
University College 
Hospital Magazine 
University College 
(Reading) Review 
University College 

Union Magazine 
University Correspon- 

University of Durham 

College of Medicine _ 
Gazette - 

University of Leeds 

Year Book of the Univer- 
sities of the Empire 

University Extension 

Herald of the Star 
T.P.S. Book Notes 
Young Age. 

Timber Trade — (see 

Tithe Commutation 

Willich’s Tithe Commu- 
tation Tables (Supp.) 

Beacon Light 
Danielite Star 

` Tobacco Trade 

Cigar & Tobacco World 

Directory of the Tobacco 

Irish Tobacco Trade 
Journal © * 


Tobacco Colonial Quar- 

Tobacco Trade Review 

Tobacco Trade Sheet 

Tobacco Year-Book 

Tonic Soi-fa — (see 

Tourist Arrangements 
ABC Bonnie Scotland’s 

Town Planning, &c. 

Trade Marks — (see 


Garden Cities and Town 

Record (Hampstead) 



Trade Organs — (see 
under the various 

Trade Protection 

Annual Report of the 
Manchester Guardian 
Society for the Protec- 
tion of Trade 


Commercial Review 

Kemp’s Lancashire 

Kemp’s Local Gazette 

-. for Wales, &c. ` 

Kemp’s Mercantile Ga- 

Kemp’s Midland Gazette 


Kemp’s Northern Ga- 
zette z 
Kemp’s South Eastern 

Kemp’s Yorkshire 

Kent Mercantile Gazette 

Umbreilas— (see 



- (Upholstery Trade— (see 
Furniture Trade). 

Leather Trade). 

Vaccination Inquirer 

Undertakers’ Journal 
A Varnish Trade — (see 

Oil and Colour 

Christian Life Trade) * 

Directory of Unitarian 
Ministers, &c. 

Essex Hall Year-Book 

Sunday School Monthly 

Unitarian Monthly 

Unitarian Pocket Book 

United Brethren— (see 

Vegetarian—(see also 
Humanitarian Ques- 

Danielite Star 

Eustace Miles’ Monthly 

Herald of Health 

Moravian). Her oe a Okien 
ge ° f 5 7 
United Methodists—| ycectazian 

Vegetarian Messenger 

(see Methodist). 

PER Veterinary Science 
Universities—(see also| Register of Veterinary 

Calendars, School yoray Journal 

Magazines) eterinary News 
i t 
Aberdeen Ve erinary Record 

Review s 
Academic Gazette Watchmaking Trade 
Annual Report of the| Horological-Journal 

Magdalene Coll. Club| Watchmaker 
Cambridge Magazine 
Cambridge Pocket Diar 
Cambridge Review 


"\water Supply — (see 

Resorts Legal Circular 
Bexhill Quarter] Mercantile Test 
Bradshaw’s Through Mutua Confidentia 
Routes to the Chief} Perry’s Gazette 
Cities of the World Perry’s Legal Record 
Camping Scottish Gazette : 
Cook’s Foreign Guides | Stubbs’ Weekly Gazett 
vee Ocean Sailing| United Kingdom Gazette 
Cook’s Travellers’ Ga- 
Countr and Seaside Trade Societies — (see 
Holidays Labour Question). 

Cambridge, University) Gas and Water). - 
Examination Papers 
Cambridge University 
prcporter Weather Observation 
ragon a 
Gambolier ae (see Meteorology). 
ivingstone College Year 
56 Welsh, printed in 
London University| Adsain 
Gazette Aelwyd Yr. 
Magazine of the Univer-| Arweinydd Yr. 
sity College of Wales Baner ac Amserau 
Manchester University; _ Cymru 
Magazine Cenad Hedd 
Mascot Cerddor 
Mermaid (Birmingham) | Clorianydd 

Oxford Magazine 

Cyfaill Eglwysig 

232' James Willing, Lid, Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Welsh, printed in— - 

Cymru’r Plant 
Dinesydd Cymreig 
Eurgrawn Wesleyaidd 
Ffon a’r Ffynnon 
Gened Gymreig 
Greal , 


Llan a’r Dywysogaeth 
London Welshman 

Papur Pawb 



Seren Cymru 
Seren Gomer 
Seren yr Ysgol 
Trysorfa y Plant 

Udgorn Newyddiadur 


Winllan Í 

Wythnos a'r Eryr 


Wesleyan Methodist 
Alphabetical, &c., Ar- 
rangements of the 
Wesleyan Methodist 
Ministers, &c. 

Annual Report of the 
Wesleyan Methodist 
Missionary Society 

At Home and Abroad 

Christian Words 

Church Record 

Circuit Stewards List 


Hall’s Circuits 

Highways and Hedges 

Home Organisation De- 
partment Magazine 

ganot Leaders’ Annual 
ocal Preachers’ Maga- 

London Quarterly Re- 
view | 

Magazine of theWesley’n 
Methodist Church 

Manx Wesleyan Church 

Methodist and General 
Desk eran 

Minutes of the Wesleyan 

Newport Circuit Wes- 
leyon Methodist Maga- 


Proceedings of the 
Wesley Historical So- 

Wesleyan Methodist 

Pocket Book 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Wesleyan Methodist Sun- 
day School Magazine 
Woman’s Work 

West Indies—(see Cole 
onies & Possessions). 

Wine & Spirit Trade 
— (see also Licensed 

Trade Manual 

Ridley’s Wine & Spirit 

Ridley’s Wine & Spirit 
Trade Circular 

Wine and Spirit Gazette 

Wine and Spirit Trade 
Diary and Agency List 

Wine and Spirit Trade 

Wine and Spirit Trades 

Wine Trade Review 

Woman, Advancement? shamrock 

Annual Report of the 
Association for Pro- 

moting the Education 

of Women in Oxford 
Annual Report of the 

British Federation for 

Harper’s Wine & Spirit 
Woollen Trade — (ser 

Working Classes, Read- 

Working Girls, Read- 

Woman Worker 
Woman’s Dreadnought 
Women’s Employment 
Women’s Industrial 

Garden Union 
Women’s Trade Union 
Women’s Volunteer Re- 
serve Magazine 

Textile Manufacture) 

ing for—(see alsc 
Labour Questions). 
British Workmen 
Church Army Gazette 
Cottager and Artisan 
Herald of Mercy 

Pearl of Days 
People’s Friend 

Rural World 

ing for 

Annual Report of the 
Federation of Working 

the Emancipation of| Friendly Leaves 
Sweated Women Girl’s Club Journal 
Annual Report of the! Girls’ Friendly Society 
Central Bureau for! Associates’ Journal 
the Employment of} Home Friend . 
, Women Report of the Homes for 
Ánnual Report of the Working Girls in 
Society for Promoting London 
the Employment of} Scotch. Girls’ Friendly 
Women Society’s Associates 
Annual Report of the Paper 
noe Industrial . 
Annual Report of the Workmen’s Clubs &c. 
Women’s Institute Bermondsey Settlement 
Anti-Suffrage Review Annual Report 
Britannia Bermondsey Settlement 
Calendar of the Associa- Magazine 
tion for Promoting the| Club and Institute 
Education of Women Journal 
in Oxford Club Life 
Catholic Suffragist Faversham Institute 
Cheltenham Ladies’ Col- Journal 7 

lege Magazine 


Monthly Paper 

Common Cause 



Girls’ Friendly Society 
Elementary Reading 
Union Leaflet 

Giris Guides’ Gazette 

Hand-book and Report 
of the National Union 
of Women Workers of 
Great Britain and Ire- 

India’s Women 

Jus Suffragi 

Labour Woman 

Ladies’ Year Book 

Monthly News 

Occasional Paper 

Quarterly Leaflet of 
the Woman’s National 
Liberal Association 

Time and Talents News 


Votes for Women 

Quarterly News Sheet of 
The Federation of 
Working Men's Social 

Yachting — (see also 


Hunt’s Univ. Yacht List 
of Zoology — (see 


Royal Cruising Club 

Year-Book of the Cruis- 
ing Association 

Yacht Racing Associa- 
tion Rules 

Yachting Annual 

Yachting Guide 

Yachting Monthly 


Yachting World 



Amateur Menagerie Club 
Year Book 
American Year Book 


Arbroath Year Book 
Argentine Year Book 
Blackpool Times Fylde 
Year Book 
Brotherhood Year Book 
Clegg’s Oldham Annual 
Cornish’s Birmingham 
Year Book 
Daily Mail Year-Book 
Devonian Year Book 
Dodds’ Darlington Anni. 
Dougias’s Year Book of 
Scottish Associations 
Girls’ Schoo] Year Book 
Holbrook’s County Year- 
Jarman’s Wrexham Year 
Liberal Year-Book 
Lymm Year Book 
Manx Year Book 
Newport Year-Book 
North Wales and 
Chester Official Year 

Public School Year Book 

Schoolmaster’s Year 
Book ' 

Shefheld Year Book 
South American Year 

Book and Directory 
Spectator Year Book and 
Directory (Bangor) 
Writers’ and Artists’ 
Year Book.: 
Year, Illustrated 
Year Book of the A's- 
sociation of Men of 
Kent & Kentish Men 
Year Book of the Society 

of Dorset Men in 
Year of the Viking 

Society for Northern 

Young Men’s Christian 
Advance ` 
Liverpool Association 

Manchester Y. M.C. A. 


Y.M.C.A. Times 

Y.M.C.A. Year Book 

Young Women’s 
Christian Associa- 


Our Outlook 

Our Own Gazette 

Women’s International 

Y.W.C.A. News Letter 

Natural History). 

Illustrated Ofħcial Guide 
to the London Zoo-: 
logical Gardens 

Journal of the South 
African Ornithologists’ 

Journal of 

Novitates Zoologicæ 

Proceedings of the Zoo- 
logical Society of Lon- 

Transactions of the Zoo- 
logical Society of Lon- 



Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Periodicals. 


Advertisement]. - Willing’s Press Guide. 




MARLBOROUGH’S (Copyright). 
*Advertisement Order Book No. 10. 

F’cap folio, half-bound red leather and corners, cloth sides. Ruled ani printed headings ; 
119 openings, 30 lines on a page, folioed and index, AE DEEA specially for use in 
Newspaper Publishing Offices, etc. sate ya ass be s se 

*Booksellers’ Record Book, No. 9. 
F’cap folio, half-bound buff leather and corners, cloth lined sides. Ruled and printed 
headings; with 134 openings, 30 lines on a page, folioed and index. Ramy acap] 
for the systematic working of retail business... ss T se 

*Daily Newspaper Delivery Book, No. 8. 
F’cap folio, half-bound maroon leather and corners, cloth sides. Ruled and printed 
heading, 115 openings, 27 lines on a page, folioed and index. With six small squares, 
one for each day in the week : and 13 weeks at a view... aa eae sie iid Sas 

*Magazine Delivery Book, No. 6. 
F’cap folio, half-bound red leather and corners, cloth sides. Ruled and printed headiugs, 
116 openings, 30 lines on a page; folioed and 2-letter index ; with 12 months at a view .. 

t{Magazine Order and Delivery Book, No. 3. 
Large Post 4to, flush boards. Ruled with printed heading. With 136 openings, 30 
lines, 12 months on a page ; 20 pages ruled, of 31 lines, for aa up wholesale agent’s 
order ; for the delivery of magazines or goods ie fee sue aes 

*Manufacturers’ Order Book, No. 11. 
F’cap folio, half-bound red leather and corners, cloth sides. Ruled and printed, to 
contain 1,000 orders (10 on a ' page), and 2-letter index. If numbered 1 to 1 ,000 down 
left margin, 18 extra i sis as tee ee ake awe a sas 

*Same as Abo 
No. 11 a. Arranged for 2,000 Orders, and strongly bound. If numbered, 2s. extra ... 

*“Newsagents’ Day Book, No. .13. | 
F’cap folio, half-bound cloth. Ruled and printed heading; 115 openings, 33 lines on 
a page, indexed and folioed. For the supply and charges of daily ang weekly newspaper 
and monthly magazines, with 13 weeks at a view... oes wish 

tNewspaper Daily Delivery Book, No. “4. 
Imp. 8vo, flush boards. Ruled and printed heading with 25 openings, 21 lines on a page, 
with one month at a view. especially PAAR for weekly cash accounts for daily and 
weekly papers ws F ‘as bef bes sss Ses 


tDitto, No. 5. 82 openings, 20 lines on a page...  .. ee dss 

*Newspaper Publishers’ Delivery Book, No. 12. 
T'cap folio, half-bound roan leather and corners, cloth sides. Ruled, with printed 
headings; 115 openings, 32 lines on a page, indexed and folioed. For monthly 
renderings, 3 months at a view ak seh aie 

tPeriodical Delivery Book, No. 1 a 
Imp. 8vo. flush boards. Ruled and printed heading with 41 openings, 34 lines on a 
page, with 13 weeks at a view. For Weekly Newspapers and Periodicals .., 

see eoe 


tDitto, No. 2 With 57 openings, 34 lincs on a page... bes oes ia ws 

*Weekly Periodical Delivery Book, No. 7. 
F’cap folio, half-bound green leather and corners, cloth sides. Ruled with printed 
headings, 116 openings, 30 lines on a page, indexed and ‘folioed, 26 weeks at a view 

*Weekly Periodical Book, No. 7a. 
Small Imp. 8vo. oblong, half-bound purple leather, cloth sides. Ruled, with printed 
headings; 100 openings, 18 lines on a page, indexed and folioed. For TT 
renderings, 52 weeks at a view... “ee sis Ses A 

*Weekly Periodical Book, No. 7b. 
Small Imp. 4to. half-bound purple leather, cloth sides. Ruled and DIURNA as aed 
with 32 lines on a page, 115 openings. Indexed and folioed ... te Ss 

a 00Na O Ua 
howoww 0 w 00 © WW W We 

i. eee oO 

NOTE—* POSTAGE of each Book 6d. oxtra. t 4d. extra, or Carrior’s Booking 2d. extra. 


Wholesale and Export Newspaper Agents, 

Booksellers and Stationers, 


234) James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents. 125 Strand London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


(Including Magazines, Periodicals, Directories, &c.) 

For particulars as to Publisher, Price, &c., see Alphabetical List, page 1. 
~ When no date of establishment is given, it will be found on reference to the Alpha. 
betical List that the title is that of a tocalised edition of another paper, or an 
exact reprint with a changed heading. 
An Asterisk (*) signifies that the newspaper is attached to the Newspaper Society. 

The references are to the pages in which the Publishers’ Announcements will be found. 

AB aad and Chapel Pirectory, 

ABC Guide to Practice, 1903 

ABC Hotel Guide, 1886 ... 

ABC Railway Guide, 1853 

Abolitionist, 1899 . . 

Academic Gazette, 1880 a 

Academy of Architecture, 1889 

Account of the Income and Expendi- 
ture of the British Museum, 1852 

Accountant, 1874 ; 

Accountants’ Journal, 1883 _ 

Accountants’ Manual, 1884 

Accountants’ Notes, 1901. 

Acetylene, &c., Journal, 1903 

Across the Rockies, 1910 ... 3 

Active Service, 1916. eine Te 

Acton District Post, 1911 ‘ 

Acton Express, 1896 .. 

Acton Gazette, 1868 . i 

Admiralty List of Lights, 1870 = 

Aduit School Lesson Handbook, 1911 

a aor Year Book bas Directory, 

Advance, 1915 

Advanced Lesson Leaflets, 1881 

Advertiser (Queen’s Park), 1880 . 

Advertisers’ ABC Standard Adver- 
tisement, Directory, 1886 whe 

Advertisers’ Annual, 1914 

Advertisers’ Weekly, 1913 

Advertising World, 1901 ... 

Aeronautical Journal, 1897 ... 

. Aeronautics, 1907 

Aeroplane, 1911 ae 

African Tidings, 1889 

African World, 1892 

African World Annual, 1903 

Agents’ Journal, 1885 : 

Agents’ Journal, Industrial and State 
Insurance Year Book, 1914 

Agricuitural Gazette, 1844 ... 

Agricultural Statistics, 1915 

Air, 1908 pie site rn 

Air Pilot, 1916 

Aircraft, 1916 

Aldersgate Primitive Methodist Maga- ! 


Aldine Cinema ‘Novels, 1915. 

Alfred Smith & Son’s Monthly Circu- 
lar, 1874 ... 

Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Newspapers. 

All British Engineering and PANAIR 
Trades Directory, 1915 . 

All Nations, 1900 

All the World, 1884 . 

Alieynian, 1872 i 

Ally Sloper’s Half Holiday, 1884 ae 

Alphabetical and Chronological Ar- — 
rangements of the aa 
Methodist Ministers, etc., 1912.. 

Alpine Journal, 1863 : 

Amalgamated Society of Engineers’ 
Journal, 1895 bes se 

Amateur. Gardening, 1884 

Amateur Gardening Annual, &e.— 

Amateur Photographer, 1884 

American Historical Review, 1895 . 

American Machinist, 1877 ...- 

American Magazine, 1906 

American Year Book, 1910 

‘Analysis of the Accounts of the Prin- 

cipal Gas Undertakings of Eng- 
land, Scotland, and Ireland, 1869 
Analyst, 1876 che 
Ancient Egypt, 1914. 
Anglers’ Diary, 1862 
Anglers’ News and Sea Fishers’ 
Journal, 1900 bea 
Anglican and Eastern Association 
Annual Report, 1914 .. 
Anglo-American Times, 1905, 
Anglo-American Year Book, 1913... 
Anglo-Belgian Trade Review, 1915 
Anglo-Canadian Year Book, 1914 ... 
Anglo-Catholic Kalendar, 1896 
AIEE aia Almanac ane Diary, 

Angio-Jewish -Association “Annual 
Report, 1871 
Angic-Norwegian Trade Journal, 1915 
Anglo-Russian Exchange, 1916 = 
Anglo-Swedish Trade eee 1908.. 
Animal World, 1869 . ; if 
Animals’ Friend, 1895. 
Animals’ Guardian, 1899 ... 
Annais and Magazine of Natural 
History, 1837 sis wae 
Annals of Applied Biology, ‘1914... 
Annals of Botany, 1887 ... wi 
Annals of Natal Museum, 1907 
Annals of Surgery, 1885 



Annals of the Bolus Herbarium, 1914 

Annals of the Propagation of the 
Faith, 1839 

Annals of the Society ‘of Holy Child- 
hood, 1854 

Annals ot the South African Museu m, 
1 ese 

Annua g Charities Register and Digest, 

Annual Circular ‘of the Corps of Com- 
missionaires, 1859 

Annual County Tours Practice, 1889 

Annual Digest, 1871 

Annual Hotel Guide to the United 
Kingdom, &c., 1891 

Annual of Art Work, 1915 . 

Annaa ol the British School of Athens, 

Annual Practice, 1881 

Annual Register, 1758 s 

Annual Report and List of Members 
of the National Union of Teachers, 

Annual Report Issued by the Board 
of per S and Fisheries, 

Annual Report of the Agricultural 
Organization Society, 1901 

Annual Report of the Asylums Com- 
mittee, 0 

Annual Report of the Baptist Mis- 
sionary Society, 1792... 

Annual Report of the British and 
Foreign Bible Society, 1804 ... 

Annual Report of the British Federa- 
tion for the Emancipation of 
Sweated Woman, 1913 . 

Annual Report of the British Institute 
of Social Service, 1906 . 

Annual Report of the Catholic 
Women’s League, 1908 . 

Annual Report of the Central ‘Bureau 
for the Employment of Women, 
1897 iii Pee Suess. Tas 

Annual Report of the Children’s 
Special Service Mission, 1868 ... 

Annual Report of the Christian Litera- 
ture Society for India, 1858 

Annual Report of the Church Asso- 
ciation, 1865 

Annual Report of the Church Benefit 
Society, 1877 

Annual Report of the Church Benefit 
League, 1908 

Annual Report of the Church Benefit 
Society, 1877 

Annual Report of the Church Reform 
League, 1913 

Annual Report of the Federation of 
Working Girls’ Clubs, 1885 ... 

Annual Report of the Friends’ Foreign 
Missions Association, 1866 Ses 

Annual Report of the Friends’ Tem- 
perance Union, 1916 .. 

Annual Report of the Friends Tract 
Association, 1814 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Annual Report of the Hampstead 
General and North West London 
Hospital, 1882... ` 

Annual Report of the Indian ‘Church 
Aid Association, 1880... 

Annual Report of the London Chamber 
of Commerce, 1882 . 

Annual Report of the London Mis- 
sionary Society, 1795... 

Annual. Report of the Magdalene 
College Club, 1902 

Annual Report of the Mission to 
Lepers, 1874 

Annual Report cf. the Mount Vernon 
Hospital for Consumption, 1861 

Annual Report of the Musician Bene- 
volent League, 1910 

Annual Report of the National ‘Bureau 
for Promoting the General Wel- 
fare of the Deaf, 1912 ... 

Annual Report of the National Canine 
Defence League, 1891 

Annual Report of the National “Society 
for the P.C.C., 

Annual Report of the Native Races 
and the Liquor Traffic. United 
Committee, 1887 . 

Annual Report of the Navy Employ- 
ment Agency, 1896 

Annaa Report of the Navy ‘League, 

Annual Raport of the Organists’ Bene- 
volent League, 1910 ee 

Annual Report of the Proceedings of 
the L.C.C., 1889 . 

Annual Report of the ‘Protestant Re- 
formation Society, 1827 . sie 

Annual Report of the Registrar-Gene- 
ral of Births, Deaths, and Mar- 
riages in England, 1839 ... ‘iw 

Annual Report cf the Registrar-Gene- 
ral on the Births, Deaths, & Mar- 
riages registered in Scotland, 1856 

Annual Report of the Roya! College of 
Organists, 1864 .. 

Annuai Report of the Royal Dental 
Hospital of London, 1910 sae 

Annual Report of the Royal Society 
for the Protection of Birds, 1891 

' Annual Report of the Society for 

Liberation of Religion from State 
Patronage and Control, 1844 ... 

Annual Report of the §.P.C.K., 1698 

Annual Report of the Society for Pro- 
moting D aa anc of Women, 

Annual Report of the Society for 
Propagation of the Gospel, 1791 

Annual Report of the Society of Gene- 
alogists, 1911 or 

Annual Report of the Society of 
Women Journalists, 1893 

Annual Report of the Somerset Men 
in London, 1901 . 

sat Report e! the Victoria League, 

236] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

[Newspapers, &c. 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

{Newspapers, &c. 

Annual Report of the Wesieyan: i 

Methodist Missionary Society,1813 
Annual Report of the White Cross 
= League, 1884 
Annual Report of the Women’ $ In- 

dustrial Council, 1893 ... 
Annual Report of the Women’s Insti- 

tute, 1897. 

Annual Report of the “Zenana Bible 

and Medical Mission, 1852 
Annual Report on the IDEN SeS of 

Chemistry, 1904 ... ; 
Annual Statutes, 1866 
Annual Summary of Births, Deaths, 

and Causes of Death in London, 

etc., 1842 . 

Annual Summary of Past Racing,1861 

Answers, 1888. 

Answers Library, 1910 a 

Anti-Cutting Record, 1895 ... 

Anti-Slavery Reporter, 1825 

Anti-Suffrage Rovian: 1908 

Appeal, 1848 ... 

Aquarius, 1905 

Arbitrator, 1871 $y 

Archaeologia Cambrensis, 1846 

Archaeologia Cantiana, 1914 

Archaeological Journal, 1844 

Archer’s Register, 1865 

Architect, 1868 

ee and Surveyors’ Diary, &e., äi 

Architects’ and Builders’ Journal, 1895 

Architects’ Compendium, 1886 G 

AS Association Brown 

a Association ‘Journal, 

ArchitecturalAssociation Sketch Book, 

Architectural Review, 1896 . 

Archives of Radiology and Electro- 
theraphy, 1896 ... 

ee of the Middlesex Hospital, 

Archives of the Pathological Institute 
(London Hospital), 1907.. ey 

Argentine Year Book, 1914 ... 

Arms and Explosives, 1892 ... 

Army and Navy Gazette, 1860 aie 

Army List oa Quarteriy, ! 1880 . 

Army Orders, 1 ba 

Arrow, 1899 ... 

Ars Quatnor Coronatorum, 1886 

Art Annual, 1884 ... 

Art Examination Papers, 1898 

. Art Prices Current, 1907 ... 

Art Teachers Guild Record, 1906 . 

Art Trade Year Book, 1909 . 

Artistic Country Bulldings, 1908 . 

Artists’ Almanac, 1876 a 

Ariists’ Rifle Journal, 1916 . 

Asiatic Review, 1886.. 

Aspinall’s oe Cases, 1861 

Associated Accountants’ Journal, 1908 

Associated Accountants’ Year Book, 

Assyrian Mission Quarterly Paper, 1894 

Asylum News, 1897 ... 

At Home and Abroad, 1844 . 

Athenaeum, 1828 

Auctioneers’ and Estate Agents’ Insti- 
tute Year Book and Diary, 1892 

Austral Avian Record, 1912. 

Australasian & Canadian World, 1886 

Austraiasian Bush Leaves, 1897... 

Australian ABC Guide to British 
Manufacturing enor 1896 

Author, 1890 . ae as 

* Autocar, 1895 

Autocycle, 1913 ee 

Autograph Prices Current, 1916 ne 

Automobile and Carriage Builders’ 
Diary, 1898 

Automobile and Carriage Builders’ 
Journal, 1898 

Automobile Engineer, 1910. 

Auto-Motor Journal, 1896 ... 

Ave, 1913 

Aviation Pocket Book, “1913 _ 

Avicuitural . Magazine, 1895 

Awake, 1891 ... 

Ayres’ Cricket Companion, 1901 zi 

Ayres’ Lawn Tennis Aimanac, 1908 

Baby’s Journal, 1913 

Baconiana, 1886 a 

Badminton Fixtures Card, 1900 

Badminton Kaiendar, 1908 . 

Badminton Magazine, 1895 . 

Badminton Sporting Register, 1893 

Bag, Portmanteau, and Umbreila 
Trader, 1907 ve 

Baily’s Hunting Directory, 1897... 

Baily’s Magazine of Sports and nee 
times, 1860 

Baker and Confectioner, 1892 ve . 449 

mca te hailey ORAON RONN: 

Bakers’ Record, 1864 “ice 

Balham, Tooting and Brixton News, 
1905 458 

Balham, Tooting, and Merton Direc- 
. tory, 1889... 

Baiham and Streatham Mercury, 1910 

Ball Room, 1898 _... 

Band of Hope Almanac, 1860 

Band of Hope Chronicle, 1877 

Band of Hope Review, 1851 

Band of Mercy, 1879 

Bandsman, &c., 1907 

B.M.G., 1903 . 

. 426 

. Banjo World, 1893. `.. 

Bankers’, Insurance Managers’ and 
Agents’ Magazine, 1844.. ‘ 

Bankers’ Journal, 1889 

Banking Almanac, 1844 

Banner of Faith, 1882 

Banner of Israel, 1877 i 

Banner of Truth and irish Missionary 
News, 1849 

` Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Newspapers. [237 

Metropolitan] — 

Baptist Almanac and Directory, 1851 

Baptist Handbook, 1860 ase 

Baptist Monthly, 1898 

Baptist Times, 1853 . 

Bard, 1915... 

Barnet, &c., Directory, 1886 

Barnsburian, 1908 .. 

Battersea Borough News, 1869 

Baxter Year Bock, 1912 ... 

* Bazaar, Exchange and Mart, 1868 

Beama Journal, 1915.. 

perenne: Penge, &c., Directory, 


Bortordsh re Directory, 1848 

Bechive, | veh 

Beekeepers’ Record, 1882 

Believers’ Friend, 1909 ee sa 

Benefice Exchange Gazette, 1864 ... 

Benn’s ee of naraware; 
&C., a 

Beranira. &c., ‘Directory, 1848. 

Bermondsey Settlement Annual Re- 
port, 1892... 

Bermondsey Settlement Magazine, 

Best Books, 1914 ie 
Bethnal Green News, 1894 . 
seas ys Acrostic Searching Almanac, 

Bibie in the World, 1905 

Bible Lands, 1899 ... 

Bible Reader’s Almanac, 1899 

Bible Readings, 1886 oes 

Bible School, 1915... 

Bibie Searching Almanac, 1875 

Bible Socjety Gleanings, 1869 

Bible Students Monthly, 1913 

Bible Text Calendar, 1873 ... 

Bible Treasury, 1856 

Bible Witness, 1898 A 

Biblewomen and Nurses, 1865 

Big Comic, 1914 iss 

Bill Poster, 1887 wae 

Bill Poster’s Directory, 1888 

Bio-Chemical Journal, 1906.. 

Biometrika, 1901 es bis 

Bioscope, 1906 

Bioscope Annual, 1910 

Bird Lover, 1914... . 

Bird Notes and News, 1903 or 

Birmingham, Staffordshire, &c:, 
Directory, 1828 ... 

Birmingham & Suburbs Directory, 1 852 

Blackheath, &c., Directory, 1882.. 

Blackheath Local Guide, 1889 os 

Blackie’s Children’s Annual, 1903 . 

Black’s Commercial Directory, 1912 

teed el Diaries . 

Blast, 1914 ... sie 

Blighty, 1916 

Blind Advocate, 1899 

Bloodstock Breeder’s Review, 1912. 

Board of Trade Journal, 1886 

Board of Trade ee Gazette, ai . 

Bodieian, 1909 
Boiler Maker, 1900 

Willine’s Press Guide. 

[Newspapers, &c. 

Bondholders’ Register, 1872.. 

Book Auction Records, 1902 

Book Lover, 1898 Şi ; 

Book Monthiy, 1903 

Book of Knights of the British Em- 
pire, 1915 . sia 

Book-Prices Current, "1889 ae 

Bockman, 1891 

Books for the Bairns, 1896 . 

Books of To-day ant Books of 
To-morrow, 1894.. 

Bookseller, 1802 ; 

Boosey’s Brass Band Journal, 1869 

Boosey’s Drum and Fife Journal, 1895 

Boosey’s March Journal, 1892 . 

Bocsey’s Miiitary Journal, 1845... 

Booey s New Supplemental Journa; 

Bony. s Orchestral Journal, 1893.. 

Boot and Shoe Retailer, 1910... —... . 426 

Bootham, 1902 eae os a, 

Bo-Peep, 1882 oS 

Borough of West Ham and ‘Stratford 
Express, 1854 .. sia 

Borough Polytechnic News, 1892 

Botanical Journal, 1880 ... 

Botanical Magazine, 1787 ... 

Bournemouth Directory, 1897 : 

Bourne Handy Insurance 5 Guides, 

Bourne’s Insurance Directory, 1886. 

Bourne’s Insurance Manual, 1886.. 

Bouverie Stories, 1904 . 

Bowes Park Weekly News, 1904 

Boxing, 1909 . 

Boy Peake Headquarters Gazette, 

Boyle’s Court Guide, 1792 ... ... 449 

Boy’s Own Annual, 1880 i 

Boy’s Own Paper, 1879 

Boys’ Friend, 1895 ... 

Boys’ Friend Library, 1905 _ 

Bradford, &c., Directory, 1900 Ks 

Bradshaw’s General Raiiway and 
Steam Navigation Guide, 1837 . 

PEATA Manchester A.B.C. Guide, 

Bradshaw’ $ Railway Manual, ` Share- 
holders’ Guide and Directory, 1863 . 

Bradshaw’s Through Routes to the 
Chief Cities and Bathing Resorts 
of the World, 1857 —_.... 

Braille Literary Journal, 1911 

Braille Musical Magazine, 1910 

Braille Review, 1903.. ; 

Brain, 1869 ; 

Brazil, 1913 ... 

Brewer and Wine Merchant, 1899 . 

Brewers’ Almanack, 1892 ... 

Brewers’ Gazette, 1877 

Brewers’ Journal, 1865 its 

Brewing Trade Review, 1886.. 

Brewing Trade Review Licensing 
Law Reports, 1913 

Brick & Pottery vee Journal, 1900 

Brigade, 1896 

238] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents P125; strane thidon. 

" Metropolitan] 

Bright and Son’s ABC Descriptive 
Catalogue of the World’s TORRES 
Stamps, 1894 

Bright Hours, 1914 ... 

Brighton & Hove, &c., Directory, 1 1888 

Britannia, 1912 

Britannic Review, 1914 ix 

British and Coloniai: Pharmacist, 1878 

British and Colonial Pharmacists’ 
Diary, 1887 

British and Colonial 
Stationer, 1878 ... 

British & Foreign Confectioner, 1877 

British and Foreign Guides, 1877 

British and Foreign Journal 
Engineering, &c., 1916 

' British and South African Export 
Gazette, 1892 ; : ae 

British Architect, 1874 TE : 

British Australasian, 1884 ... 

British Baker, 1885 ... 

British Baker Diary and Trade Year- 

. Book, 1890 f 

British  Bandsman, 1887 `.. 

British Bee Journal, 1873 ... 

British Birds, 1907 ... 

British Boys’ Annual, 1911.. 

British Chess Magazine, 1870. 

British Citizen, 1916 

British Clayworker, 1892 ... 

enna. menpenen in Architecture, 

British Dental Journal, 1872. 
British Drug Houses’ Guide to the 
British Pharmacopia. 
British Empire Review, 1899 
British Engineering Index, 1901 
British Esperantist, 1905... 
British Evangelist, 1868 ... 
British Export Gazette, 1908 eae 
British Aparan pregistetr. | 1909 pe 
British Fiag, 1853 ; a 
British Food Journal, 1899 . 
British Giris’ Annual, 1911 
British Guiana Handbook, 1909 .. 
T Cattie Herd Book, 
British Homoeopathic ‘Journal, 1891 
British Imperial Calendar, 1809... 
British Insurance Year Book, 1914... 
British Journal of Astrology, 1907 . 
cy ae of Chiidren’s Diseases, 
British Journal of Dental Science, 1856 
British Journal of Dermatology, 1888 
British Journal of Inebriety, 1903 
British Journal of Nursing, 1888 ... 
British Journal of Photography, 1854 
British Journal of Psychology, 1904 

Printer and 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


British Journal of Tuberculosis, 1907 . 

British Journal 
manac, 1859 

British Made Goods and Where to Get 
Them, 1909 ae 

* British Medical Journal, 1832 

Photographic Al- 

Advertisements received for all the Provincial Newshahers. 

- British 


Mercantile Guide, 1877 

Missionary, 1793 

Motor Tourists’ A B C, 1915 

Pharmacopoeia, 1915. 

Philatelists, 1908 

Pig Breeder, 1915 

Rainfall, 1861 

Record Society, 1888 

British Retail Jeweller, 1907 oe 

British Sea Angiera TOCIT $ suar“ 
terly, 1907.. S 

British Sentinel, 1914 

British Supremacy, - 1916 

British Toymaker, 1914 son 

*British Trade Journal, 1863 

British Trade Review, 1893 

British Weekly, 1886 

British Workman, 1855 ie 

British Year Book of Agriculture, 1908 

Brixton, &c., Directory, 1880 

Brixton and Streatham Times, 1881 

Brixton Free Press, 1882... 


. Broad Arrow, 1833 ... 

Brockley and New Gross ame 
News, 1909 

Brockley News and New Cross and 
Hatcham Review, 1880. 

Bromley Directory, 1887 

Brotherhood Journal, 1878 

Brotherhood Year Book, 1911 

Brothers and Sisters, 1890 ... 

Brown Book, 1906 ... 

Brushmaking, 1915 ... 

Buddhist Review, 1909 bas 

Buffalo Bill Library, 1903... see 

Buffalo Bill Novels, 1916 i 

Builder, 1842 . 

Building News, 1854 ae 

Building Societies’ Gazette, 1869 aes 

Building Trades E da 1870 

Building World, 1895 

Bulletin, 1900 

Sale an of S a Research, 

Bulletin of New Books, 1895 . 

Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ 
Club, 1892 

Bulletin of the Fiscal Phi iale: 'ic 
- Society, 1908 : 

Bulletin of the Imperial Institute, 1905 

Builetin of the Royal Botanical Gar- 
dens, 1887 

Burdett’s Hasnitais and Charities, 1889 

Burke’s Landed Gentry of nee 
Britain and Ireland, 1849 a 

Burke’s Peerage, &c., 1826 

Burlington Magazine, 1903 ... 
Business Directory, 1862 

Butterfly, 1895 

Butterick Fashions, 1908 ae 

gar ofa eae $ epee Statutes, 

Butterworth’s ‘Digest of Reported 
Cases, 1908 . 

Butterworth’s Fivé Years Digest, 1913 

[Newspapers, &c. 




Puneraorihs Licensing Law Reports, 

Batera oih Workmen’ S Compensa- l 

tion Cases, 1909 . 
Butterworth’s Yearly Digest ot Re- 
ported Cases, 1914 sss 
Bystander, 1903 

' Cabinet, Furniture, a Teano Pirope 
tory, 1877.. 

Cabinet Maker, 1880 |. 

Cabinet Maker’s Diary, 1904 

Cadet’s Own, 1894 ... 

Cage Birds and Bird Worid, 1902, 

Cage Birds’ Annual, 1902 ... 

Saltnes and Sutherland Records, 
1 sia 

Calendar and Lectionary of the Eng- 
lish Church, 1901 

Calendar of Garden Operations, 1843 

Calendar of the Bedford College for 
Women, 1849 

cmendar of the College of Preceptors, 

Calendar of the Council of Legal Edu- 
cation, 1901 

aged of the East London College, 

Calendar of the Tnstitute of Ophthalmic 
Opticians, 1913 ... 

Calendar of the London School of 
Economics, 1915. 

Calendar of the Royal Coliege ‘of Sur- 
geons of England, 1865 . 

Calendar of the Trinity College of 
Music, London ... 

Calendar of University College, Lon- 
don, 3 : 

Caloindars of State Papers, 1858 


Camberwell Borough Advertiser, 1910 

Camberwell News, 1876 

Cambridge House Annual Report, 1897 

Cambridge Pocket Diary, 1910 % 

Cambridge University Calendar, 1796 

Cambridge University Examination 
Papers eee 

Cambridgeshire &c., Directory, 1846 

ware and Kentish oe Preet, 

Camping, 1903 

Canada, 1906 . is 

Canada To-day, 1914 

Canadian Gazette, 1883 

Canadian News, 1912 

Candid Quarterly Review, 1914. ; 

Canterbury Diocesan Caiendar, 1864 

Canterbury Diocesan Sarete, 1892 

Capitalist, 1885 we 

Captain, 1899. 

*Car, 1902 ... 

Car Motor Register, 1908 a 

Car Road Book and Sule, 1905 

Caribbeana, 1909 .. 

Caritas, 1911 ... 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Carnegie Scholarship Memoirs, 1909 
Casion’s Circular, 1875 na 
ai Annual for Boys and Girls, 

Casseli’s Magazine of ‘Fiction? 1853.. 
Casseli’s Railway Time Tabies, 1864 
Cassell’s Saturday Journal, 1883 ... 
Casseii’s Winter Annual, 1915 or 
Cassier’s Engineering Monthiy, 1891 
Castle’s Fishing and Ailied Trades’ 
Directory, 1908 ... 
Castie’s Guide to the Fruit, “Flower, 
Vegetable and Allied Trades, 1912 

Newspapers, &c. 

oan cene of Modern Law Books, | 

Gaio. “Hotel Keeper and Restaura- 
teurs, 1878... 

Catford Journal, 1901 

Cathedral Quarterly, 1913 

Catholic Almanac, 1886 PN 

Cathoiic Book Notes, 1897 . 

Catholic Diary, 1909 .. iu ie 

Catholic Directory, 1838. 7 

Catholic Directory of the Province of 
Birmingham, 1912 

Catholic Educational Year Book, 1913 

Catholic Fireside, 1878 - 

Catholic Herald, 1888 - 

Cathoiic Home ‘Journal, 1824 

Catholic Missions, 1886 ae : 

Catholic Review, 1913 a 

Catholic Sociai Guild Quarterly Bulle- 
tin, 1911 ... wus 

Catholic Social Year Book, 1910 

Catholic Suffragist, 1915 ... 

| Catholic Times, 1860 

Catholic Who’s Who, 1908 .. 
Catholic Women’s League Monthly 
Magazine, 1915... Te 

.Gavendish Music Books, 1880 

Caxton Magazine, 1899 

Central Africa, 1883. ~ 

Certified Accountants’ Journal, 1905 

Challenge, 1914 

Chamber of Commerce ‘Journal, 1882 

Chambers’s Journal, 1832 

Channei Coast and Mediterranean 
Magazine, 1911 ... 

Channel Islands Directory, 1899 ... 

Charing Cross Hospital Gazette, 1899 

Charity Organization Review, 1872 . 

Charity Record, 1881 

ae fics pera and pees Directions, 

Chatterbox, 1867 Esn 

Chatterbox Newsboy, 1914 . 

Cheering Words, 1850 

Chelmsford Diocesan Directory, 1915 

Chelsea, Pimlico, and Belgravia Direc- 
tory, 1877 

enone” Manufacturers’ Directory, 

Chemicai News, 1842 

Chemical Trade Directory, 1907 

Chemical Trade Journal, 1887 


. 449 

Caritas, 1911 | Chemical Trade Journal, 1887). 
240] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents,125: Strand. London. 


Chemist and Druggist, 1859 a 
Chemists’ and Druggists’ Diary, 1869 
chemin: and Druggists’ PUSR 

Ghena Annual, 1906 

Chemists’ Year Book, 1915.. 

Cheshire Directory, 1880 ... 

Chichester Diocesan SRANAN, 1873.. 

Chief Steward, 1905 ee 

Child, 1910 ... 

Chiid Life, 1891 s 

Child of Mary, 1894 . 

Child Study, 1908 ... 

Child Welfare Annual, 1916 

Children’s Clothing, 1915 .. 

Children’s Friend, 1861 Ji 

Children’s Gospel Magazine, 1896 . 

Children’s Kalendar, 1906 ... san 

Children’s. Quarterly, 1900 ... 

‘Children’s Special Service Mission 
Intelligence, 1896... 

Children’s Treasury of Pletures and 
Stories, 1888 = 

Child’s Companion, 1824... 

Child’s Empire Picture Annual, 1912 

Chilton’s Guide, 1896 or 

China Mission Year Book, 1910 

China Year Book, 1912. ... 

China’s Millions, 1875 

Chinese Trade Register, 1892 das 

Chiswick, Acton, &c., betel 1886 

Chiswitk Express, 1896 

Chiswick Gazette, 1868 , . 457 

Chiswick Times, 1895 

Chitty’s Statutes of Practical Utility 

Chivairy, 1916.. zi 

Choir, 1910 

Cholmeleian, 1873 ... 

Choral Harmony, 1860 

Choralist, 1864 Ziu 

Christian, 1859 ssi 

Christian Age, 1871 ... 

Christian Ambassador, 1874.. 

Christian Commonwealth, 1881 

Christian Endeavour Times, 1893 . 

Christian Globe, 1874 ais 

Christian Herald, 1867 

Christian Life, 1876 . 

. Christian Literature Society Indian 
Bookman, 1914 

Christian Messenger, 1865 

Christian Noveis, 1905 

Christian Novels Library, 1912 

Christian Progress, 1876 ... 

*Christlan Worid, 1857 ste 

Christian World Puipit, 1871 

Christian Year Calendar, 1899 

Christian’s Armoury, 1900 . 

Christian’s Pathway, 1891 ... 

Christmas Catalogue, 1888 ... 

Chronicle of Convocation, 1857... 

Chronicle of the Central Board of 
Missions, 1912 ___... 

Chronicle of the London Missionary 
Society, 1837 

Chronicles -of the Camera Club, 1912 


-.. 450 

| Advertisements received for all the Provincial Papers. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Chronique, 1899 

Chuvtkies, 1914 see 
Chummy Book, 1913.. 
Chums, 1892 ... ; 
Church Abroad, 1903 
Church Almanack, 1888 
Church and People, 1889 
Church and the Saiior, 1856 
Church Army Gazette, 1883 
Church Army Review, 1883 
Church Builder, 1861 

Church Emigration Society | Annual 

Report, 1886 
Church Evangelist, 1885... 
Church Family Newspaper, 1894 
Church Gazette, 1900 7 
Church Intelligencer, 1884 ... 
Church Leader, 1909 
Church League for Women, s Suffrage 
Monthly Paper, 1 ‘ 
C.L.B. List, 1896 £ ii 
Church Missionary Gazette, 1907 |.. 
Church Missionary Gleaner, 1841 ... 
Church Missionary Pocket Book, 1879 
as be Missionary Quarterly Paper, 

church Missionary Quarterly Token, 

aia Missionary: Review; 1907 
Church Monthiy, 1888 pas 
Church of England Almanac, 1889 
Church of England Puipit, 1888 

| Snaren of England Temperance Socie- 

War Issue, 
Church Patronage Gazette, 1864 
Church Quarterly Review, 1875 
Church Reading EERE 1901 
Church Record, 1891.. 
Church- Standard, 1909 f 
Church Sunday School Magazine, 1863 
*Church Times, 1863 S 
Church Union Gazette, 1870 
Churchman, 1879 .. 
Churchman’s Almanac, 1842. 
Churchman’s Diary, 1847 . 
Churchman’s Magazine, 1846 ‘ars 
Churchman’s Remembrancer, 1842.. 

‘Churchman’s Year Book and Eney- 

clopoedia, 1909 
Cigar and Tobacco World, 1889 
sana News and Property “ARoS 
Circuit Stewards’ Lists, 1907.. 
Circulation Manager, 1912 
Citizen, 1878 ... 
City and Guiids of London ‘Institute 
Programme T 
City Diary and Almanac, 1863 
City Life Record, 1896 sen 
City of London College Calendar, 1861 
City of London lilustrated, 1907... 
City of London Schooi Magazine, 1877 
City of London, &c., Directery; 1910 
*City Press, 1857 ... 
Civil Engineering, 1906 x TY 
Civil Engineer’s Cost Book, 1912 ... 

[Newspapers, &c. 

. 450 



Civil Service Competitor, a Th 
Civil Service Gazette, 1859 . R 
Civil Service Hints, 1890 ... 

Civil Service Year-Book, 1874 
Civilian, 1869 . 

Clapham and Balham ‘Chronicle, 1881 
Clapham Free Pre 

an Junction and Distict Review, 
Clapham Observer, 1865 be 

Clare Market Review, 1906 . 

Clarion, 1891 ... 

Class Leader’s Companion, 1906 
Classical Quarterly, 1907 

Classical Review, 1887 

Clavier & the Musical Profession, 1897 
a piece ane. Taa Guide; 

E List, 1841 

ciere man: s Ready Reference Diary, 

Clerk, 1908 

Climbers’ Club Journal, 1898 

Clinical Excerpts, 1891 a 

Clinical Journal, 1892 T 

Ciub and Institute sournal.: 1893... 

Club Life, 1899 es ae 

Coai and Iron, 1891 . 

Coal and Iron Diary, 1897 . 

Coal Merchant and Shipper, 1900 

Coates’ Herd Book, 1822 ... 

Coid Storage & Produce Rane; 1898 

Colfeian, 1900 aa 

Colfensia, 1915 on 

Collector, 1915 

College of Preceptors’ ‘Calendar, 1880 

Collie Folio, 1905 ... D 

_*Coiliery Guardian, 1860 

Colliery Manager's Pocket Diary, 1869 

Colliery Rescue, 1909 

Collingwood’s International Mercantile 
Directory, 1883 rer 

Collin’s Adventure Annual, 1915... 

Collin’s Children’s Annual, 1914... 

Colonial Journal, 1907 a bes 

Colonial Office List, 1862... gee 

Coionial’s Guide to London, 1 1906 P 

Colonizer, 1895 ay 3 “ae 

Colour, 1914 ... 

Co-Mason, 1909 

Comic Cuts, 1890 

Comic Life, 1898 Na eka Sas 

Coming Day, 1916... aaa ss 

Coming Fashions, 1913 wad as 

Commercial Almanac, 1793 

Commercial Compendium, 1855 

Commercial Directory, 1892.. 

Commercial Education, 1911. 

Commercial Motor, 1905 ... 

Commercial Motor Drivers’ 
book, 1915 

Commercial Motor Users’ Association 
Handbook of Night Shelter 
Accommodation, 1914 ae 

Commercial Review, 1912 ... 

Commercial Weekly Statement, 1836 

eens a ene 


. 456 

. 456 

Wiiling’s Press Guide. 

Commercial Werld and 
Budget, 1868 ami 
Common Cause, 1909 
Commonwealth, 1896 
ae oa Diary is Agenda Book, 

Companion, 1904 

- Company Secretaries’ Diary, &c., 1911 

Comparative Prices and statistics of 
Metals, 1889 

Competitor’s Journal, 1913. 

Complete Story-Teller, 1912 

Comrades (Braille), 1910 

Concord, 1884 

Concrete and Constructional Engineer- 
ing, 1906 

Concrete Institute Transactions and 
Notes, 1909 

Confectioner’s Gazette, 1916. 

Confectioners’ Union, 1887 

Confectionery, 1895 ... 

Confectionery Diary and Trade Year- 
Book, 1897 

Congregational Worker’ $ Handbook, 

Souare cational Year-Book, 1846 
Connoisseur, 1901 

Connoisseur Christmas "Annual, 1913 
Conservative Clubs Gazette, 1895 
Constitutional Papers, 1906 . Seis 
Constitutional Year-Book, 1885 O55 
Constructive Quarterly, 1913 
Consultant, 1912 
Contemporary Review, "1862 
Contract Journal, 1879 

Contractor, 1884 : 

Contractors’ Chronicle, 1887 
Contractors’, &c., Compendium, 1887 
Contractors’ Record, 1908 ... 
Conveyancer, 1915 

‘Cook’s Foreign Guides, 1914 

Cook’s Guide to Paris, 1878 

Cook’s Handbook for London, 1877 
Cook’s Indian Handbook, 1891 ie 
Cook’s Ocean Sailing List, 1866 
Cook’s Travellers’ - Gazette, 1851 
Cooper’s Vehicle Journal, 1880 
Co-Partners’ Magazine, 1911 
Co-partnership, 1894 . aii 
Cornhill Magazine, 1860 

Costumes Elegant, 1907 

Cottager and Artisan, 1861 . ; 
goun y Gentlemen’ s Estate Book, 
Country Life, 1894 

County & BO, PA 3 

County Councils and Municipa! Cor- 
porations Companion, 1878 

County Courts Chronicle, 1847 

County Gentleman, and seh ang 
Water 1862 ‘ 
Coursing Calendar, 1857 
Court Journal, 1829 . 
Covenant People, 1883 she 
Cox’s Legal Circular, 1858 . 

Ta ies Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London, 


(Newspapers, &c. 


Metropolitan] l 
cor T opory e of Criminal Law Cases, 

Cox’s Reports of Magistrates’, Munici- 
pal, and Parochial Law Cases, 1860 
Creche News, 1915 ... z 
Cricketers’ Diary, 1891 f 
Cricklewood, &c., Advertiser, 1910.. 
Criminal Appeal Report, 1909 
Crockford’s Clerical Directory, 1857.. 
Grouch, Eng High School Magazine, 

Croydon and South Norwood Directory, ` 

Šrystai Palace "Advertiser, 1888... 

Cumberland and Westmorland Direc- 
tory, 1858 .. 

Current Literature of the Month, 1909 

Cusack’s Journai, 1914 

Customs Tariffs of the Worid, "1904. 

Cycling, 1891 ... 

Cyclists’ . Touring Club British and 

Irish Handbook, &c., 1879 
Cyclists’ Touring Club Gazette, 1878 
Cyclists’ Touring Club omer 

Foreign Edition, 1886 is 

Daffodil Year Book, 1913 
“Daily Chronicle, 1855 ; 
Daily Commercial Report, 1854 
*Daily Express, 1900.. es 
Daily Freight Register, 1893 ag 
Daily Graphic, 1890 . ; 
Daily Graphic Coloniai Edition, 1900 
*Daily Mail, 1896 ... 
Daily Mail (Overseas Edition), 1904 
Daily Mail Year Book, 1901 bat 
Daily Mirror, 1903... 
Daily Mirror Overseas Edition, 1913 
Daily Mirror Reflections, 1908 ves 
*Daily News, 1846 ... ‘ 
Daily Oil Builetin, 1914 ... 
Daily Readings at Meteorological Sta- 

Daily Register of New Companies, 1914 
Daily Sketch, 1909 ... 
Daily Sketch Overseas Edition, 1914 
*Daily Telegraph, 1855 ee 
‘Daily Weather nonor, 
Dainty Novels, 1901 . 
Dairy, 1889 ... 

Dairy World, 1892 

- Dairyman, 1879 
Dallas’ Musical Monthly, 1908 a 
Daiton’s Weekly House and APATIS: 

ment Advertiser, 1869 ... 
Dance Journal, 1904 
Dancing Times, 1894 | 
Danielite Star, 1887 ... sie 
Darkness and Light, 1894 ... 
Darton’s Leading Strings, 1891 ... 
Datchelor School Magazine, 1887 ... 

Dawn in Central eta 1903 an 

Dawn of Day, 1878 . 
Day of Days, 1870 

De La Rue’s Diaries a Pocket Books l 

Advertisements received for all the Provincial Newspapers. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Debrett’s House of Commons and the 
Judicial Bench, 1866 _...: 

Débrett’s Illustrated Baronetage and 
Knightage, 1808 . 

Debrett’s Illustrated Peerage, 1713 . 

Debrett’s Peerage, Baronetage, 
Knightage, and oR OneBe: 
1713 hee ‘ ie Gd 

Decorator, 1902 

Decorators’ & Painters’ Magazine,1901 

Decorators’ Diary, &c., 1903 

Delhi Mission News, 1895 ... : 

Delineator, 1873 ae ee | SURE 

Deliverer, 1889 ee 

Dental Directory, 1909 

Dentai Record, 1881. 

Dental Surgeon, 1904 

Dentists’ Register, 1879 ea 

Departmental Decisions, 1905 

Depositor, 1896 

Derbyshire, Notts, Leicestershire, and 
Rutland Directory, 1848 

Devonian Year Book 1909. 

Devonshire & Cornwaii Directory, 1856 

Diamond Library, 1907 P 

Diamond Racing Special, 1905 - 

Diamonds from South Africa 

Diary & Directory for Surveyors, 1883 

Diary for Lawyers, 1892 B 

Dickensian, 1905 4 

Dicks’ Standard Plays, 1860 

Dioptic Bulletin, 1910 7 

Directory of Contractors, 1890 

Directory of Directors, 1880 3 

Directory of Manufacturers and 
Wholesalers of Toy and Fancy 
Goods, 1912 ‘ eee 

Directory of Paper Makers, 1876... 

Directory of Reformatory and Indus- 
trial Schools, 1915 a 

Directory of Shipowners, &e. - 1903. 

Directory of the A.O.F., 1834 a 

Directory of the Chief Industries of 
India, Burma, and Ceylon, 1861 

-= Directory of the Tobacco Trade, 1883 

parsed of Unitarian Ministers, &c., 
Directory of Women “Teachers, 1912 - 
Divine Light and en, 1889 n 
Docks’ Gazette, 1911.. i 

Doctor, 1893 ... . 

Dod’s Pariiamentary Companion, 1832 
Dod’s Peerage, ees and 
Knightage, 1840 . ssa 

Domestic Engineering, 1896 

Dorking, &c., Directory, 1899 sis 

Dougias’s Year Book of ore 
Associations, 1905 

Draper, 1871 ... ae 

Drapers’ Diary, 1887.. 

Drapers’ Organiser, 1913 

Drapers’ Record, 1887 

Drawing, 1915 

Duiwich, Tulse Hill, Herne Hill, ae, 
Directory, 1885. Sta 

. (Newspapers, &c. 



Dulwich and Peckham Weekly Re- 
orter, 1908 ee os eng 
Dulwich Pest, 1901 ... ee 
Durham, &c., Directory, 1858 ore 
*Dyer, Calico Printer, Bleacher and 
Printer, 1879 wa og Ts 

Ealing, Hanwell, &c., Directory, 1886 
Early Days, 1846 ... ; nae: 
Earthen Vessel, 1845... 
East and the West, 1903 
East End News, 1859 see 
East Ham Almanac, 1900 ... 
East Ham Echo, 1895 
East Ham Express, 1854 
East Ham Mail, 1900 
East Ham Recorder, 1900 ... 
East London Advertiser, 1865 ae 
East London Church Chronicle, 1888 
East London Fund for the Jews 
l Quarterly Paper, 1907 ... me 
sisi veal Handbook and Diary, 
*East London Observer, 1857 
East London Post, 1868 iss ren 
Eastern A B C Guide to British Manu- 
facturing Exporters, 1896 he 
Eastern Engineering, 1910 ... sik 
Easy Bible Searching Almanac, 1907 
Echo de Belgigue, 1914 oF a 
Echoes of Service, 1871 7 
Economic Journal, 1891 
Economist, 1843 Su 
Edinburgh Review, 1802 
Education, 1903 ia aS ae 
Education Authorities Directory, 1903 
Educational Code Annual for Day 
Schools, 1882 ‘sts ae sis 
Educational Record, 1848 
Educational Times, 1847 
Educator, 1895 i oe 
Edward Alleyn Magazine, 1890 
Efficiency Magazine, 1915 ... 
Egoist, 1914 ... es a a cee: 
Eighty Club Year Book, 1904 ah 
Electric Railway and Tramway Jour- 
nal, 1899 ... fn Sii ses 
Electric Railway and Tramway Jour- 
nal Diary, 1899 ... ts ue 
Electric Vehicle, 1914 ee 
Electrical Contractor, 1903 ... 
Electrical Engineering, 1882 Rad 
Electrical Engineers’ Diary 1909 ... 
sid gs Industries and Investments, 
Electrical Review, 1872 
Electrical Times, 1891 
Electrician, 1861 oe ve TA 
‘s: Electrician” Electrical Trades’ 
Directory and Handbook, 1882 
Electricity, 1890 Se se an 
Electricity for Everybody, 1909 
Electrics, 1902 a or 
Electrotypes, 1895 
Elizabethan, 1874 2 
Empire, 1870 A : 

244) James Willing, Lid., Advertisin 
gP + 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Empire Annual for Boys, 1909 
Empire Annual for Girls, 1909 ... 
Empire Municipal Directory, 1882 ... 
Empire Review, 1900 bed, he Maes 
Encore, 1892 ... pee e 
Encyclopaedia of Dancing, 1913 
Enfield, &c., Directory, 1893 
Engineer, 1856 pis tas 
Engineer Directory, 1896... sine 
Engineering, 1866 ... os sais 
Engineering Diary, 1910 ... 
Engineering Gazette, 1912 ... 
Engineering Index Annual, 1906 
Engineering Industry, 1914 ... ie 
Engineering Review, 1899 . 
Engineers’ Year-Book, 1894 = 
Engineers’ and Surveyors’ Compen- 
dium, 1897 Faa sg oe 
Engineers’ Iron and Metal Trades 
Directory, 1870 ... ew wats 
English, Kerry, etc., Herd Book, 1889 
English Catalogue of Books, 1835... 
English Church Review, 1910 
English Churchman, 1843 ... ete 
English Churchman’s Kalendar, 1889 
English Churchwoman, 1891 oe 
English Clubs, List of, 1892 “ae 
English Guernsey Cattle Society’s Herd 
Book, 1885 wae ie ee 
English Historical Review, 1886 ... 
English Jersey Herd Book, 1879 
English Mechanic, 1865 Jat 
English Race, 1908 ... 
English Review, 1908 
Englishwoman, 1909 ... oe wie 
Englishwoman’s Year-Book, 1875 ... 
Enquire Within, 1890 ES 
Enterprise, 1873 ‘ 
Entomologist, 1841 ... zo Pe 
EntoMOIDEISE Monthly Magazine, 
Entomologists’ Record; 1890 
Ephemeris Pharmacologia, 1915 ... 
Epsom and Leatherhead Directory, 
1899 wie e ag iat 
Era, 1837 one ve 
Era, &c., Annual, 1868 
Esperanto Monthly, 1913 ... sue 
Essex, Hertfordshire, and Middlesex 
Directory, 1845 ... da s$s 
Essex Hall Year Book, 1890 
Estate Magazine, 1901 sé 
Estates Gazette, 1858 ale bes 
Estates Gazette Digest of Cases, 1902 
Ethological Journal, 1904 ... sips 
Eugenics Review, 1909 
European Mail, 1868 se ihe 
eurae Miles’ Monthly Booklet, 
Evangelical Christendom, 1845 
*Evening News, 1881 ws 
Evening Standard, 1827 re 
Every Man’s Own Lawyer, 1863 
Everyman, 1912 aid ces 
Everywoman, 1913 ... de a 
Ewen’s Weekly Stamp News, 1897... 

g Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

(Newspapers, &c. 



Experience, 1881 

Export Merchant Shippers and Manu- 
facturers of Great Britain and 
Ireland, 1864 bas 

Export World, 1898 . 

Expositor, 1875 oY 

Express Overseas Mail, 1914.. 

Expression, 1897 ae a 

Fabian News, 1891 ... 
Facts Against Sociaiism, 1909 
Faculty of Insurance Year. Book, 1914 
Fairplay, 1883.. ' de 
Faith and Freedom, 1915 
Faith and the Flock, 1908 
Faith Links, 1900 i 
Fall In, 1915 . sek 
Family Doctor, 1885 
Family Friend, 1870. T O 
Family Herald, 1842 < H. 
Family Herald ais aaah ‘1877 ace 
Family Journal, 1909 sie 
Family Reader, 1871 
Family Story Teller, 1877 ... 
Fancy Goods Record, 1916 ... 
Faraday House Journal, 1893 
Farm and Home, 1882 
Farm, Field, and Fireside, 1887 
Farm Life, 1893 
*Farmer and Stockbreeder, 1843 ` 
Farmer and Stockbreeder’s Year- 
Book, 1865.. ne 
Farmers’ Red Book, 1893... 
Farrow’s Bank Gazette, 1907 © 
Fashions for All, 1908 M 
Father Tuck’s Annual, 1899 
Fávourite Comic, 1911 sae 
Feathered Worid, 1889 wae 
Feathered World Year Book, 1910.. 
Federal Magazine, 1904 oa : 
Fellowship Calendar, 1914 . 
Ferro-Concrete, 1909 
“Field, 1853. ... |. 
Finance, &c., Chronicle, 1869 
Financial Chronicle, 1885 
Financial Mail, 1914 © 
* Financial News, 1884 
Financial Opinion, 1901 
Financial Outlook, 1909 
Financial Review, 1911 a 
Financial Review of ent 1904 
*Financial Times, 1888 i 
Financial Times Index, 1913 A 
Financial Times Investors’ Guide, 1913 | 
‘Financial. Times Oli Handbook, 1910 
inanca Times Rubber Handbook, 
Financial Times Tin Mining Hand- 
book, 1913 
Financial World, 1886 
Financier and Bullionist, 1870 a 
‘Financier Rubber Share Book, 1914 
Finchin, Child’s Hill, oe PIreenerys 

... 436 

Finchley and Hendon. News.. 

Advertisements received for all the Provincial Newspapers. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

[Newspapers &c. 

Finchiey and Hendon Times . 457 

Finchley Press, 1897 

Fine Art Trade Journal, 1905 : 

Finsbury Public Libraries Quarterly 
Guide to Readers, 1894 . 

Finsbury ‘baad News, 1884 

Fire, 1908 i 

Firefly, 1912 ... 

Fireman, 1877 aa 

First Aid, 1894 See 

First Cadet Battalion, Royal. Fusiliers, 
Chronicle, 1915 . 

First oe London Troop Magazine, 

Fish Trades Gazette, 1883 ... 450 

Fishing Gazette, 1877 9 

Flatland, 1894... 

Flats, 1889 

Fleet, 1905 ... m 

Fleet Annual, 1906 ... 

Flight, 1909 ... sa 

Flute Player’s Journal, 1880.. . 

Flying Book Aviation Who’s Who, 

Folk-Lore, 1888 T 

Food and Cookery, 1897 

Football Directory, 1909 

Foreign Field, 1892 ... 

Foreign Office List, 1852 ... 

Forest Gate, &c., Express, 1876... 

Forest Hill, &c., Examiner, 1895 ... 

Foresters’ ra A 1836 ... 

Forget-Me-Not, 1891. 

Form, 1916... 

Fortnightly Review, 1865... 

Fortnightly Review for Investors, 1907 

Foundry Trade Journal, 1902 n 

Fraternity Calendar, 1914... 

Fragments, 1899 = 

Francais, 1899 

Free and Open Church Advocate, 1872 

Free Church Chronicle, 1899 oe 

Free Church Magazine, 1900 

Free Church Year Book, 1896 

Free Churchman, 1897 ; 

Free State, 1915 ‘ 

Free Sunday Advocate, 1869 

Freedom, 1886 

Freemason, 1869 ; 

Freemason’ $ Chronicle, 1875. 

Freethinker, 1881 S 

French’s Guide for Selecting Plays, 
1914 re 

Friend, 1843 ... 

Friend of China, 1875 a 

Friendly Companion, 1857 . 

Friendly Greetings, 1880 

Friendly Leaves, 1876 

Friendly Light, 1904.. 

Eroniy Work for Friendly Workers, 

Friends Quarterly Examiner, 1867 . 

Friends’ Witness to Scripture Truth, 

From Friend to Friend Kalendar, 



Fruit, Flower, &c., Trades Diary and 

Fruit, Flower, and Vegetable Trades 
Journal, 1895 z 

Fruit Grower, &c., 1895... 

Fruit Growers’ Year Book, 1893 ... 

Fry’s Royal Guide to the London 
Charities, 1862 ... 

Fanan and Walham Green News, 

Fulham Chronicle, 1888 
Funny Guts, 1890 a 
Funny Wonder, 1915 
Fur World, &c., 1910 
Furniture Record, 1870 

Games and Toys, 1914 

Garage and Motor Agent, 1913 

-Garden, 1871 ... Le 

Garden Annual, 1881 

Garden Cities and Town Planning, 
1904 av 

Garden Life, 1884... 

Garden Life Pocket Diary, 1904... 

Garden Suburb and Golders areon, 
Advertiser, 1912 ... 

Garden Work for Amateurs, 1912.. 

Gardener, 1892 sete 

Gardeners’ Chronicle, ‘1841 

Gardeners’ Magazine, 1833 . 

Gardening Illustrated, 1879 .. 

Gas and Oil Power, 1905 oat 

Gas Lighting, &c., Journal of, 1849 

Gas Progress, 1907 ... 

Gar Som pirectar any Statistics, 

Gas World, 1884 v 

Gas World Year Book, 1898 

Gazetta Astronomique, 1908 : 

mere of the eee of Violinists, 

Gitte of the Third London General 
Hospital, 1915... 

Gem Library, 1907 

Genealogist, 1875 .. 

Genealogist’s Pocket Library, 1908 . 

General Stud Book, 1800... 

General Weekly Shipping List, 1853 

Gentleman’s Journal, 1890 . 

ila s Pall Mall Fashions, 

Gentleman’s Pocket Dail Co 
1830 d mpanton, 

Gentleman’s Tailor, 1866 

*Gentiewoman, 1890 . me 

Geographical Journal, 1893 |. 

Geographical Teacher, 1901 

Geological Magazine, 1864 ... 

Geophysical Journal,- 1911 y 

Gibson and Weldon’s Bar Examina- 
tions, Questions and Answers 
1912 ‘a ee) ne : 

Girl Guides’ Gazette, 1914 ... 

Girl’s Own Annual, 1881 

Girl’s Own Paper, 1880 

Girls’ Club Journal, 1909 

ee aea e. 

Willing’s Press Guide. - 

Newspapers, &c. 

Girls’ Club News, 1912 
airis Friend, 1898 ... 
Girls’ Friend Library, 1907 . 
Girls’ Friendly Society Associates’ 
Journal, 1880 ee 
Girls’ Friendly Society Elementary | 
Reading Union Leaflet, 1899... 
Girls’ Mirror ... 
Girls’ School Year Book, 1906 . 
Gist of the Lessons, 1901 Shes BS ai 
Glad Tidings for the Young, 1905 . 
Gleaner and Sower Almanac, 1874 . 
Gleanings and Memoranda, 1893 ... 
*Globe, 1803 ... 
Golden Grain Almanac, 1868 
Golden Grain Diary, 1876 .. 
Golden Hour Stories, 1909 .. 
Golf Club Steward, 1913 
Golf Greens, 1894 ... 
Golfing, 1896 . 
Good Cheer Calendar, 1907 . 
Good Health, 1901 
Good Lines, 1892 —... Ge 
Good News Calendar, 1882 . ‘ 
Good News Sheet Almanack, 1864 
Good Tidings, 1885 
Goodwill, 1914 
Gore’s Liverpool, &c., "Directory, 1766 
Gorlan, 1906 ... Pi 
Gospel Advocate, 1909 vf 
Gospel Banner, 1879 
Gospel Echo, 1885 ... 
Gospel Gleanings, 1901 
Gospel Light, 1911 .. 
ospel Magazine, 1766 
ospel Standard, 1835 ; 
Gospel Stories for the Young, 1876.. 
Gospel Text Almanac, 1887 ae 
Gosport Par: 1914 
Gower, 1851 . 
Graded School ` intermediate Quar- 
terly, 1914.. 
Graded School Junior “Quarterly, 1914 
Graded School Primary Quarterly, 1914 
Graded Sunday School Wares: Noss 
Book, 1914 
Grand Magazine, 1905 
*Graphic, 1869 
Gravesend, &c., Directory, 1899 ... 
Are Central Railway Time Table, 
857 a 
Great Eastern Railway Magazine, 1911 
Great Eastern Railway Time Table . 
o Northern Railway ame 2 Table, 

Great Thoughts, 1883 

Great Thoughts Almanac, 1901 
Great War, 1914 ft 

A oes Railway Magazine, 

one oe Railway Time Table, 

Greater Britain ‘Messenger, 1876 

Greebert’s Philatelic Notes and Offers, 
1908 dake 

Green Howard’s Gazette, 1893 

246] James Vb Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Greenwich & Deptford porous” Hewes 

Greyhound Stud Book, 1883 . 

*Grocer and Oil Trade Review, 1861 
Grocer, &c., Diary 

areca Assistants Monthly Record, 

* Grocers’ Gazett , 1881 

Grocers’ Journal, "1874 ae 

Grocers’ Journal ‘Diary, 1889 

Grocers’ Record, 1906 ce 

Grocery, 1899.. 

Grocery, &c., Directory, 1872 

Guardian, 1846 

Guide book of the Friendly Societies’ 
Registry Office, 1886... 

Guide to London for Oversea Visitors 

Guild, 1898 ... 

Guiid d ot Church Musicians’ Calendar, 

Guild of Freemen of the City of London 
(Incorporated) Magazine, 1912 . 
Guild of South London Sympathisers’ 

Leaflet, 1907 
Guildford, "&e., Directory, 1899 
Guildsman, 1882 TR 
Guy’s Hospital Gazette, 1887 
Guy’s Hospital enous 1836 
Gypsy, 1914 ... 

atid and Homerton Directory, 

*Hackney & Kingsland Gazette, 1864 
Hackney and Stoke Nowingtan ne 
corder, 1871 z i 

Hackney Spectator, 1901. 
Hackney Stud Book, 1884 ... 
Hairdressers’ Chronicle, 1866 : 
Hairdressers’ Weekly Journal, 1882.. 
Hall’s Circuits and Ministers, 1886 
Hammersmith, &c., Directory, 1878 
Hamlyn’s Menagerie, 1915 ... ; 
Hampshire, &c., Directory, 1884 ... 
eee and Child's Hill Directory, 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Hamasei & Highgate Express, 1860 

Hampstead and St. John’s Wood, 
Advertiser, 1880 . s 
Hampstead Record, 1889... 
Ham’s Custom Year Book, 1877 
Ham’s Excise Year Book, 1877 ... 
Handbook and Report of the National 
Union of Women Workers of Great 
Britain and Ireland, 1895 
Handbook of Jamaica, 1882 
nee of the Theological Colleges, 
Handy Class Register, 1907 So 
Handy Shipping Guide, 1887 
Handy Stories, 1901 

Happy Hour Stories, 1900 = e 
Hardware Trade Journal, 1874 ... 
Hardwareman and Ironmongers’ 

Chronicle, 1894 ... 
Hardwareman, &e., Diary and Year 
Book, 1893 

Advertisements received for all the Provincial Newspapers. 

(Newspapers, &c. 

Harmonium Cabinet . 

Harmsworth Red Magazine, 1908 . 
Harpers’ Magazine, 1880 ... 
ATRIL A Wine & Spirit Trade Manual, 

Harringay Press, 1908 7 
Harrison’s Dressmaker, 1898 
Harrow, &c., Directory, 1909 
Hart’s Annual Army List, 1840 
Harvest Field, 1898 ... 

marine, St. Leonards, &c., Directory, 

Hatters’ Gazette, 1877 ; 
Hatters’ Gazette Diary, 1881 
Head Teachers’ peniem; 1910 
Healer, 1908 ...- 
Health, 1883 ... 
Health and Strength, "1898 . 
Health and Strength Annual, 
Health and Vim, 1905 Bee 
Health News, 1912 . 
Health Record, 1901 
Healthy Life, 1911 
Heart, 1913... ee 
Hearts of Oak Journal, 1906 
Heartsease Library, 1908. 
Heaton’s Annual, 1905 bes 
Heaton’s Opportunities i in Canada, 1910 
Heips for the Poor of the oe 1896 
Herald, 1819 ... ~ 
Herald, 1912 ... 
Herald of Health, 1890 
Herald of Mercy, 1858 . 
Herald of Mercy Annual, 1858 
Herald of Peace, 1819 2 
Herald of the Golden Age, 1896... 
Herald of the Primitive Methodist 
Missionary Society, 1910 is 

"1907 | 

Herald of the Star, 1912 

Hobbes &c., Directory, 1856 

Hermathena, 1 

Heron’s Flat and Estate Mart 

Hesperia, 1916 

Hibbert Journal, 1902 wis she 

Higham’s Magazine, 1914 ... pis 

Highams Park Herald, 1916 .. 459 

Highbury, &c., Directory, 1887 

Highbury Quadrant, 1897... 

Higher Education Gazette, 1906 

Highest and Lowest Prices, 1873 ... 

Highway, 1908 was 

Highways and Hedges, 1871 

Hippodrome, 1900 ... A 

Hire Traders’ ERr 1891 

History, 1912. “i 

Hobbies, 1896 .. 

Hockey ‘Field, 1901 ... 

Holborn and Finsbury Guardian, 1847 

Holborn Review, 1863 7 

Holiday Directory, 1914 

Holiday Resorts, 1883 

ARRIE a07 Where to say and What to 

Holloway Pea. 1872. 

Holly Bough, 1877 

Home, 1886 ... 



Home Almanac, 1860 

Home and Colonial Mail, 1879 

Home Chat, 1895 si 

Home Companion, 1897 

Home Cookery and Comforts, 1895 . 

Home Fashions, 1914 

Home Handicrafts, Arts, Be. 1907 

Home Helper, 1907 ae 

Home Messenger, 1891 

Home Mission Field, 1858 

Home Notes, 1894 .. 

Home Organization Department Mag- 
azine, 1915 me 

Home Reading Magazine, 1890 

Home Weekly, 1908 . 

Home Words, 1870 ... 

Home Workers’ Gazette, 1908 

Homefinder, 1909 ... 5 

Homeland Handbooks, 1897 

Homeland Handy Guides, 1901 

Homeland Reference Books, 1905... 

Homeland Residential Guides, 1911 

Homes of the East, 1904 

none and Property Register, 


Homing Pigeon, 1898 

Homoeopathic World, 1866 . 

Honour, 1911. 

nape Magazine and Acoustic Journal, 

Horner’s Penny Stories, 1888 is 

Hornsey and Finsbury Park waned 

Hornsey, &c., ‘Directory, 1881 

Hornsey Press, 1872. 

Horological Journal, 1858 

Horse and Hound, 1884 

Horseman, 1914 ae 

Horses in Training, 1900 ... 

Horticultural TeeEay 1859 . ‘iat 

Hospital, 1886 ... 445 

Hospital Gazette, 1904 

Hospital Saturday Fund Journal, 1893 

Hotel Review, 1909 ... 

Housing Journal, 1900 

How to Become a Nurse, 1899... 

Howe’s Classified Directory of the 
Metropolitan Charities, 1876... 

Hugo’s French Journal, 1896 

Hull Directory, 1882 í 

Humanitarian, 1895 . 

Humanitarian Era, 1905 ‘ng bed 

Hundred Best Investments, 1911 ... 

Hunters’ Stud Book, 1906 ... 

‘Hunting Diary, 1906 

Hunt’s Universal Yacht List, 1847 . 

Hurlingham Club Laws and  Byelaws 
of Polo, 1913 P 

Ibis, 1859 cu 

Ice and Cold Storage, 1898.. 

ilford, &c., Directory, 1899 
Miuminating Engineer, 1908.. 
Illustrated Bits, 1884 

Illustrated Carpenter & Builder, 1877 
illustrated Chips, 1890 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

| Incorporated Students’ 

| Insurance, 

248] James Wil Willing, Lid. prac Agents, 125, Strand, London. . 

Phe a ed * 

- Newspapers, &e, 

Illustrated Kennel News, 1902 PR 
*illustrated London News, 1842 ... 452 
pie vag Mercury of South London, 
lilustrated Official Guide to the Zoo- 
logical Gardens, 1858 .. 
Illustrated Official Journal, 1884 ... 
lilustrated Police News, 1864 
Illustrated Poultry Record, 1908 ... 
Illustrated Sporting and Dremave 
News, 4 ag 
Illustrated Sunday Herald, 1915 
lilustrated War News, 1914 
Imperial Cadet Magazine, 1912 
imperial Colonist, 1902 Sa 
Imperial News, 1915.. 
Imperial Society of Knights Bachelor 
— Knightage, 1914 ‘ 
Imperial Tariff, 1868.. 
impiemen! and Machinery ‘Review, 

sigs Accountants’ “Journal, 
smopr peated Ai Accountants’ Year Book, 

Incorporated Phonographic Societies’ 
Quarterly Journal, 1914 rr 


Indent Gazette, 1895 

Independance Belge, 1914 

Index Library, 1888 . 

Index to Periodicals, 1914. 

Index to ‘‘ The Times,” 1867 

India, 1890 ... 

India Office List, 1896 ea 

India-Rubber Journal, 1884 

Indiaman, 1855 so PA 

Indian Appeals, 1874 

Indian Bookman, 1914 sk 

Indian Church Magazine, 1880 

Indian Education, 1902 ri 

| Indian Magazine, 1871 

India’s Women, 1881 

*Indicator, 1867 sia 
individualist, 1881 .. 

Industrial Directory of the U. K., 1915 

| Industrial Progress, 1914 

Infants’ Magazine, 1866 

Inquirer, 1842.. 

Institute Journal, 1912.. 

eei Journal and Optometrist, 

Banking, “&e., Review, 

| Insurance Advocate, 1913 

Insurance Agent, 1866 

Insurance Blue Book and Guide, 1873 
Insurance Guardian, 1867 ... 
Insurance Index, 1870 

Insurance Journal, 1878 

Insurance Magazine, 1913 ... 
Insurance Mail, 1904 ig 
Insurance Mail Year Book, ‘1913... 
Insurance Observer, 1888 ° 
Insurance Opinion, 1882 


Insurance Record, 1863 ais 

Insurance oe of London, 1880 

Insurance World, 1879 

International Cable. Register of the 
World, 1900 

International Catalogue of Scientific 
Literature, 1902 

Internationa! Code of ‘Signals, 1856.. 

eg pereaseutive Bulletin, 

1.0.8. Student, 1909 ` 
International Daily Text Book, 1879 
eS Genealogical. Directory, 

NAT goann Homoeopathic Directory, 
| sa fat Journal ‘of Apocrypha, 

international Journal. of Ethics, 1889 
international Law Notes, 1916 Ja 
International Language, 1910 

e r Lesson PORRI! Notes, 
ano Marine Engineering, 
International Psychic Gazette, 1915 
international Review of Missions, 1911 
International Sugar Journal, 1869 . 
Interpreter, 1905 i 
inventors’ Journal, 1903 ae 
investment Register, 1878 ... s 
Investors’ Four Shilling Taa Book, 

Investors’ Monthly Manual, "1864 ` 
Investors’ Guardian, 1863 ... 
investors’ Review, 1892 p$ 
Investors’ Summary, 1908 .. 
ipswich Directory, 1899 
irish Book Lover, 1909 ah 
iron and Coal Trades Review, 1866 . 
iron and Steel Trades PONINA; 1849.. 
*ironmonger, 1859 ... . oF 
ironmonger Diary, 1869 
ron monger Metal Market Year Book, 

Isle of Thanet Directory, 1882 
isle of Wight Directory, 1886 
*islington Daily Gazetie, 1856 
Islington. News, 1877 ce 

Jane’s All the World’s Aircraft, 1909 
Jane’s Fighting Ships, 1898.. 

Japanese Journal of Commerce, 1896 
menson 2 eee cial Sen 

Jester, 1893 

Jeweller and Metai Worker, 1873 
Panata and Moetalworker Annual, 
Jewish Chronicle, 1841 eee 
Jewish Evening News, 1914 

Jewish Express, 1895 i ‘ae 
Jewish Herald, 1846 .. ae 
Jewish Missionary Intelligence, 1835 
Jewish Quarterly Review, 1910... 
Jewish Times, 1913 ... 

Ree Eee POON eee ae 


Advertisements received for all the Provincial Newspapers. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

... 453 

(Newspapers, &c. 

Jewish World, 1873 . 

Jewish Year Book, 1895 

John Bull, 1906 Ses 

John Buli Annuai, 1912 : a 

John Ploughman’s Almanac, 1873 . 

Joint Stock Companies’ Journal, 1845 

Joint Transactions of the London, &e., 
Chartered Accountants’ mabe 
Societies, 1904... 

Jolly Book, 1910 WA 

Jose Lille’s ‘Juventie Dressmaker, 1895 

Jose Lille’s Practical Fashions, 1898 

Journal and Memoirs of the British 
Astronomical Association, 1890.. 

Journal and Transactions of the Leeds 
Astronomical Society, 1893 

Journal of Agricultural Science, 1905 

souma of Anatomy and Physiology, 

Journal of Botany, 1863 P 

Journal of Chemical Technology, 1912 

Journal of Domestic Appliances, 1874 

Journal of Ecology, 1913 

Journal of Education, 1869 

Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 1914 

Journal of Experimental Pedagogy oe 
Training College Record, 1911 . 

Journal of Gas Lighting, 1849 

Journal of Genetics, 1910 

Journal of Hellenic Studies, 1881 . 

mea of H.M. Customs and Excise, 


Jonna of Hygiene, 1901 

Journal of indian Art, 1884 

Journal of Laryngology, 1887 

Journal of Mental Science, 1850 ... 

Journal of Obstetrics, &c., ie ue 
Bfitish rit ae 1902 .. 

Journal of Philology, 1868 . 

Journal of Physiology 1878 

Journal of Roman Studies, 1911... 

Journal of Scientific Physical Train- 
ing, 1908 

Journal of State Medicine, 1892 a 

Journal of the African Society, 1901 

vonna of the rucenical Society, 



penne of the Bath, &e., ‘Society, 
Journal of the Board of Agriculture, 

Journai of the British Archaeologist 
Association, 1884 

Journal of the British Astronomical 
Association, 1890 

Journal of the British Dairy Farmers’ 
Association, 1876 .. 

Journal of the British Fire Prevention 
Committee, 1897 

Journal of the British Gardeners’ 
Association, 1907 . 

souran of the British Scienco Guild, 

Journal of the ‘Central z and Associated 
Chamber of Agriculture,-1889 . 



Journal of the Central Asian Society, 
Journal of the ‘Chartered Insurance 
Institute, 1898 . 
Journal of the Chemical Society, 
Journal of the ` Corporation ‘of In- 
surance Brokers and Agents, 1906 
Journal of the East Africa and Uganda 
Natural History Society, 1910 ... 
Journal of the East India Association, 

Journal of the Farmers’ Club, 1847... 

Journal of the Folk Song Society, 1898 

Journal of the Friends’ Historical 
Society, 1903 

seuraa of the Imperial Arts League, 

Journal of the ‘Incorporated Clerks of 
Works’ Association of Great 
Britain, 1882 ; 

Journal of the Incorporated ‘Institute 
of Certified Carpenters, 1909 ... 

Journal of the Incorporated Society of 
Trained Masseuses, 

gourna. of the institute of Actuaries, 

Journal of the Institute of Actuaries 
Student Society, 1911 .. 

Korna, of the Institute of Bankers’ 

Tou of the ‘Institute of Brewing, 

Journal .of the "Institute of ‘British 
Carriage Manufacturers 

Journal of the Institution of Electrical 

Journal of the Institution of Mechani- „ 
cal Engineers, 1847 

Journal of the Institute of Metals, 1909 

Journal of the Institution.of Municipal — 

and County Engineers ... 

Journal of the Institute of Municipal 
Engineers, 1909 ... 

Journal of the Institute of Petroleum 
Technologists, 1914 

Journal of the Institution of Petroleum 
Technologist, 1914 

Journal of the Institution of ‘Sanitary 
Engineers, 1897 ... 

soak of the Iron and Steel Institute, 

Journal of the. Junior Institution of 
Engineers, 1884 ... bas 

Journal of the Kew Guild, 1893 

vente of the Land Agents’ Society, 

Journal of the Linnaean Society, 1855 

Journal of the London Society, 1913 

Journal of the Marine Engineers’ 
Association, 1887 

Journal of the National Society of Art 
Masters, 1914 si 

Journal of the Philatelic Literature 
Society, 1908 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Journal of the Quekett Microscopical 
Journal of the Rontgen Society, 1904 
Journal of the Royal Agricultural 
Society of England, 1845 : 
Journal of the Royal Antt ropological 
Institute, 1871 .. 

Journal of the Royai Army 'Medicai 
Corps, 1903 

Journal of the Royal ‘Artillery, 1873 

nouma, of the ney Asiatic Society, 

Journal of the Royal Horticultural 
Society, 1804 

Journal of the Royal Institute of 

. British Architects, 1893 

Journal of the Royal Microscopical 
Society, 1878 aha 

Journal of the Royal “Naval "Medical 
Service, 1915 

Journal of the Royal Sanitary Institute 
of Great Britain, 1894 . - 

veurne, of the Royal Society ‘of Arts, 

Journal of the Royal Statistical 
Society, 1838 ee 

Journal of the Royal ‘United ‘Service 
Institution, 1831. 

vue of the Society ‘of Architects, 

Journal of the ‘Society of Chemical 
Industry, 1882... 

Journal of the Society of Comparative 
Legislation, 1896 

ae r of the Society of Engineers, 

Journal of the Society of Estate Clerks 
of Works, 1888 ... 

Journal of the South African ‘Ornitho- 
logists’ Union, 1905 na 

Journal of the Transactions of the. 
Victoria Institute, 1865. 

Journal of Theological Studies, 1899 

Journal of Tropical Medicine, 1898 

Journeyman Baker’s Magazine, 1882 

Joyful News, 1883... 

Junior Leader’s Annual, 1913 

Junior Mechanics, 1913 i 

Jus Suffragi, 1915 

Justice, 1884 ... 

Justice of the Peace, 1837 

Kahnerete Engineering, 1914 
A of Sundays and Holy Days, 
Kalendar of the R.I. B. A., 1834 wise 
Kellock’s List of Steamships, &c., 1820 
Kelly’s Handbook to the Titled, 
Landed and Official Classes, 1875 
Kelly’s Monthly Trade Review, 1914 

-Kemp’s Mercantile Gazette, 1867 ... 

Kemp’s South Eastern Gazette, 1906 
Kenne Ciub Calendar ang oe Book, 

Kennel Gazette, 1880. le 
Kensington, &c., Directory, 1873... 

ae ee a Ve Ta 1 
250] James Wing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

[Newspapers, &c. 


Kensington Express, 1886 

Kensington News, 1869 ee 

Kent Archaeological Society’s Tran- 
sactions, 1858 re 

Kon Surrey; a and Sussex Directory, 

*Kentish Mercury, 1833 

Keswick Week, 1911 

Kew Bulletin, 1887 

Key to the onder Telephone Direc- 
tory, 1914. ; 

Khaki, 1915 ... ni 

Kilburn Times, 1867 ... 

Kilburn, &c., Directory, 1867. a 

EIME International Law Directory, 

Kinematograph, &c. i ‘Weekly, 1907 

KinemAtogran] Monthly Film stella 

> nemarceraee Year ‘Book, 1914 

King’s Dbilege Calendar, 1840 
King’s College Review, 1899 

King’s College School paeeine: 1897 
King’s Highway, 1916 

King’s Messengers, 1894 ... 
Kingston, &c., Directory, 1891... 
Knight’s Official pre eee: 1855 . 
Knowledge, 1881 as wae 
Kokka, 1905 

Labour News, 1871 . 
Labour Women, 1011 | 
Labour Year Book, 1915 
‘Ladies’ Court Book, 1915. 
Field, 1898 ... ae 
Pall Mall Fashions, 1901... 
Tailor, 1884 . 
Wear Trade Journal, 1911.. 
Year Book, 1893 ... ; 
Lady, 1885 ... 
Lady Catalogue of Fashions, 1900 . 
Lady’s Companion, 1892 Š 
Lady’s Pictorial, 1880 
Lady’s World, 1898 Ha 
Lamb’s International Guide to British 
i and Foreign Merchants and Manu- 
facturers, 1872 .... 
Lamb’s Trade Diaries, 1874.. 
Lamp of China, 1892 . 
cee A ibis 1891 . 
*Lancet, : 
Land A e Record, 1878 : 
Sane ond House Property ea Book, 
Land Nationaliser, 1889 ai 
Land Union Journal, 1911 ... 
Land Values, 1894 ... ee 
Large Black Pig Herd Book, "1899 `.. 
Latest Tailor-Made Styles, 1914 
Latymerian, 1907 ... 
kome Foundation School Magazine, 

Laundry, Power Laundry, 1903 ` 
Laundry Journal, 1885 ee 
Laundry Journal Diary, 1855 


Advertisements received for all the Provincial N ee 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

. 457 

Laundry News, 1884... 

Laundry Record, 1890 

Law Almanack, 1832 

Law Journal, 1866 wat 

Law Journal Reports, 1823 

Law List, 1740 ... ... 

Law Magazine and Review, 1828 . 
Law Notes, 1882 

Law Quarterly Review, 1885 A 
Law Reports, 1866 ... siete! 
Law Society’s Gazette, 1888 _ 

Law Student’s Journal, 1879 

Law Times, 1843 es : 

Law Times Reports, 1843 

Lawn Tennis, 1896 ... 

Laws of Croquet, 1900 

Laws of Lawn Tennis, 1908 
Lawyer’s Companion and Diary, 1847 
Lawyers’ Remembrancer, 1898 S 

'Laxton’s Builders’ Price Book, 1817 

Lay Reader, 1904 ... 
Laymen’ s Bulletin, 1915 ... 
Layton’s Handy Newspaper List, 1891 
Leach’s Catalogue of Fashions, 1915 
Leach’s Children’s Dressmaker, 1880 
Leach’s Family Dressmaker, 1879 ... 
Leach’s Home Dressmaker, 1915 ... 
League News, 1900 
Leather Trades’ Directory, 1871 
Leather Trades’ Review, 1867 
Leather World, 1909 
Leeds: Directory, 1881 
Legal Circular, 1863 . 
Legal Diary and Almanac, 1879 
Legal Pocket Book, &c., 1879 a 
Leisure Hour Monthly Library, 1852 
Lesson Handbook of the renee 
S.S. Lessons, 1904 ` . 
Letts’ .Diaries, 
Letts’ (Charles) Diaries hs ; 
Lewisham, &c., Advertiser, i906 
Lewisham, &c., Directory, 1881 
Lewisham Borough News, 1890 
Lewisham Journal, 1902 ... 
Leytonstone, &c., Directory, 1909 . 
Liberal Magazine, 1893 TA ; 

- Liberal Year Book, 1904 

Liberator, 1855 

Librarian and Book World, 1910 aie 

Libraries, Museums, and Art ee 
Year Book, 1897 ; 

Library, 1889 . ; iir. = 

Library Assistant, 1898 eee 

Library Association Record, 1899 . 

Library Association Year Book, 1893 

Library World, 1898.. 

Licensed Vehicle Trade Record, 1914 

Licensed Victuallers’ Gazette, 1872 . 

as Victuallers’ Official Annual, 

Licensed Victuallers’ Year Book, 1873 

Licensing World, 1892 

Life Boat Journal, 1852 

Life of Faith, 1874 or : 

Life of Faith Almanac, 1879.. 

. Light, 1881 


(Newspapers, &c° 


Metropolitan] . 

Light and Truth, 1871 

Light Car, 1913 ; 

Light Car and Cyclecar, 1912 
Light Car Manual, 1914 ... 
Light Cars and Cyclecars, 1914 

- Light in the Home, 1827 ... 
Lighten our Darkness, 1853 
Lights and Tides of the World, 1900 
Lincolnshire, &c., ease 1861. 
Link, 1915 sais 
List ‘of Private ‘Bills, 1847 ... 

List of Subscriptions to English and 
Foreign N ew Papen, &c., 1888 
Literary Guide, 1885 . : eae 

Literary World, 1867 ... 

Literary Year Book, 1896 

Little Folks, 1871 one 

Little Frolic, 1893 ... 

Little Gleaner, &c., 1854 

Little Paper, 1910 ... 

Littie Precept Calendar, 1906 _ 

*Live Stock Journal, 1875 ... 

Live Stock Journal Almanac, | 1877 . 

Living Waters, 1873 ... i 

Lioyd’s Calendar, 1892 

 Lloyd’s List, 1726 ... is 

Lioyd’s List Weekly Summary, 1856 ` 

Lioyd’s Register, 1760 yA 

Lioyd’s Register of Shipping, 1734 ... 

Lioyd’s Register of Yachts, 187S 

Lioyd’s Weekly Index, 1880 . 

Lioyd’s Weekly News, 1842 ... 

Local (South Tottenham), 1914 | 

Local Acts ” 

Local Government Annual, 1892. 

Local Government Board anes! 
Report, 1872 ss 

Local Government Chronicle, 1855 . 

Local Government Directory, 1841 ... 

Local Government Journal, 1872 ... 

Local Government Law Reports, 1903 

Local Government Review, 1899 , 

Local Legislation, 1909 es 

Local Preachers’ Magazine, 1851 ... 

ewes Builders’ &c., ee Raok; 

Locomotive Magazine, 1896 . 

Lodestone, 1905 

Lodge’s Peerage, &e., 1831 . 

Londinian, 1913 Bi “se sya 

London (Fry’s), 1880  ... ua wees, 

east Academy of Music Gazette, 

London Almanac, 1770 she 

London and China Express, 1858 

London and China Telegraph, 1858 .. 

oe County Trades Directory, 

London and. North Western Railway 
Gazette, 1912 ie 
London and North Western Railway 
Time Table, 1851 
London and Provinclal Directory, &e., ‘i 

London and South Western Railway 
Time Table, 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

London and Suburban Traders’ rodera: 
tion Quarterly Notes, 1916 .. 
London Art Fashions, 1911 ... 
London Association of Accountants’ 
Diary and Year Book, 1907 
London Banks, &c., 1865... 
London, Brighton, and South Coast 
Railway Time Table, 1842 .. 
London Bulider, &c., 1913 ... 
London City Mission Magazine, 1836 

London City Mission Messenger, 1909 

London Commercial Record, 1842 ... 
London Corn Circular, 1843 . 

London County Council Gazette, 1896 
kondon County’ Council’s Staff Gazette, 
London County Suburbs Directory, 

London Crusader, 1892 : 

London Customs Bili of Entry, 1659.. 

London Customs Bilis of Entry Coal 
Tables, 1902 see eg 

London Diocesan Magazine, 1886 

London Diocese Year Book, 1865 ... 

London Directory with Suburbs, 1892 

London, Edinburgh, & ene Philo- 
sophical Magazine, 1798.. 

London Gazette, 1665.. 

poner crams) Seed and Oil Reporter, 

London Hospital Gazette, 1893 

London Life, 1861 ... ; 

London Magazine, 1898 

London Mail, 1912 ... 

London Municipal Notes, 1905 

London Musical Courier, 1894 

#London Opinion, 1893 

London Opinion Summer Annual, 1911 
London Philatelist, 1892 diet i 
London Pillar of Fire, 1910 . 

London Quarterly Review, 1853 OR 
Sron Scottish peementsy amines 

London Signal, 1905 ... 

London Teacher, 1883 

London Telegraph, 1913 ... 

London Telephone Directory, 1913 . 

London Temperance Times, 1892... 

London Time Tabie and Red Rail 
Guide, 1913 

London Topographical Record, 1900 

London Typographical Journal, 1906 

London University Gazette, 1901 ee 

London University meeutanen 
Directory, 1857 

London Welshman and Kelt, 1895.. 

Londra-Roma, 1888 

Londres Hebadmadaire, 1912. 

Lord’s Day, 1857 ie ‘ 

Lot o’ Fun, 1906 sa : nA 

Lowestoft Directory, 1889 .. 

Low’s Handbook to the Charities of 
London, 1836 

Lunar Month Annual Summary of 

Past Racing, 1884 
Luzac’s Orientai List, 1890 J. ia 

- [Newspapers, &e. 

. 412 


252] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 


Macfadden Physical Cuiture, 1901 

_ Machine Woodworker, 1912 ... 

Machinery, 1912 ane i 

Machinery Market, 1879 ee ed 

Madame Maude’s "Fashions, 1916 ... 

Made in Britain, 1914 

Magazine of the London Royal Free 
Hospital School of Medicine for 
Women, 1900 i. 

Magazine of the Wesleyan Methodist 
Church, 1778 sia 

Magic, 1900 ae 

Magic Circular, 1906 

Magician, 1904 re te ste 

Magisterial Cases, 1896 sie ae 

Magnet Library, 1908 ‘ is 

Maidstone, &c., Dirsetory, 1899 

Mail, 1789 ie 

M.A.B., 1907 . 

Malthusian, 1878 

Man, 1901 ... 

Managing Engineer, 1914 ; 

Manual of British and Foreign Brew- 
ing Companies, 1889 ... 

manaa. of Electrical Undertakings, 

Manual of Rubber, &e., Comy anles .. 

Manual Training Magazine, 1910 ... 

Manufacturers’ Prices Current, 1875 

Manufacturers’ Representative, 1908 

Marine Engineer, 1879 

Marine Magazine, 1911 a ive 

Mariner, 1889 . i 

Mark Lane Express, 1832 

Market Mail, 1911 ... 

` Market Review, 1908 .. 

Mariborough’s Plain Calendar, 1878.. 

Marsh’s Weekly Philatelist, 19038 

Marvel, 1893 ... 

Marylebone and st. John s Wood 
Directory, 1860 ... : 

Marylebone Mercury, 1857 

Marylebone Record, 1914 

Marylebone Times, 1884 

Mascot Novels, 1913 ... 

Mask, 1908 ... 

Masonic Year-Book, 1775 

Massage Monthly, 1915 . 

ary eat & Association Journal, 

Mathematical Gazette, "1894. 

Mathematical Papers for Admission 
into the Royal Military Academy, 

Mathematical Questions and Solutions 
from the Educational Times, 1864 

Mathematical Test Papers for Second- 

ary Schools, 1915 
Lada rca s American Traffic Tables, 
Mathieson’s Fortnightiy List, 1872 . 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

. 412 

1. 457 
... 457 

amon Times, 1904 

Mayfair, | 

*Meat Trades’ Journal, 1888.. . 

Mocnanica! Engineer’s Price Book, 

Medical and Dental Students’ Register, 

Medical Directory, 1845 
Medical Homes for Private Patlonis 

1906 doe 
Medical Magazine, 1892 ve 
Medical Missions, 1880 aa one 
Medical Officer, 1908... sae eee 
Medical Press, 1838 _ ... TE eae 
Medical Register, 1858 eee 

Medical Review, 1898.. 

Medical Temperance Review, 1892 . 

Medical Times, 1873 . ves 

Medical Who’s Who, 1912 

Medical World, 1913 . 

ee Society ` Transactions, 

Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical 
Society, 1822 det 

Men’s Magazine, 1902 

Men’s Wear, 1901 . 

* Mercantile Guardian, 1884 . 

Mercantile Navy List, &c., 1862 

Mercantile Test, 1870 

Mercantile Year- Book, &c., 1887 

Merchants’, Manufacturers’, 
Shippers’ Directory, 1877 

Mercy and Truth, 1897 

Merry and Bright, 1910 

Message from God, 1883 sid 

Message of the Church, 1908.. . 

Messenger for the Children ‘of the 
Presbyterian Church of Soe! 

Metal Bulletin, 1915 . 

Metal Industry, 1909 . ji 

Metal Industry Handbook, 1912 

Metal Market Year Book, 1906... 

Merone and General Desk ATY; 

Methodist Recorder, 1861 

Methodist 8.8. Notes, 1911 . 

Methodist Times, 1885 an 
Methodist Who’s Who, 1910, 
Metropole, 1903 ; ti 
Metropolitan Fashions, 1906 
Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, 1855 
Metropolitan Water Supply ... te 
Mexican Year Book, 1908 ... 
Middlesex Hospital Archives, 1900 . 
Middlesex Hospital Journal, 1897 ... 
Middlesex Hospital Pharmacopoela .. 
Mid-Surrey Times, 1877 2 
Midwife’s Pocket Encyclopedia, 1914 
Miiestones, 1908 

Military Historian Economist, 1916. 


(Newspapers, &c. 

Mathieson’s Handbook for Investors, Military Mail, 1901... s ... 453 
1900 $ Mill Hill Magazine, 1839 : 
Mathieson’s Traffic Tables, 1878 Miller, 1875 ... 
Matrimonial Post, 1860 Se Millers’ Gazette, 1876.. 
Matrimonial Standard, 1911 ... Mind, 1876-20 ox. 2 
- Adapytirepmonte vyorpinod inv all theo Dynatercal Namchnhave fae 


_ Mineralogical Magazine, 1876 aa 
Mining Highest and Lowes Prices ano 

Dividends, 1900- ae 

*Mining Journal, 1835- 

Mining Magazine, 1909 

Mining Manual, 1887 

Mining News, 1894 

Mining World, 1871 ... z 

Minister’s Gazette of Fashion, 1846 

Minister’s Report of Fashions tor 
Gentlemen, 1820 

Minister’s Report of Fashions for 
Ladies, 1820 _.... 

Minutes of the General Conference of 
the New Church, 1788 . 

Minutes of the General Medical Coun- 
cil, 1858... 

Minutes of the Synod ‘of the Presby- 
terian Church of England, 1876 

Minutes of the vetted Methodist 
Church, 1907 : 

bee of the Wesleyan Conference, 

Mirror of Life, "1894 . 

ghey lias Genealogica et Heraldica, 

Misericordia, 1883 a 

Miss Weston’s Ashore and Afloat, 1878 

Mission Field, 1852... : 

Missionary Echo, 1894 

Missionary Gazette, 1910 

Missionary Leaves, 1868 

Missions Overseas, 1907 

Mode Francaise, 1914.. Gas 

Model Engineer, &c., 1898 ... 

Model Railways & Locomotives, 1909 

Modern Astrology, 1887 

Modern Language Review, 1897 

Modern Language Teaching, 1905 

Modern Lithographer, 1905 ... 

Modern Medicine, 1891 

Modern Society, 1880 é 

Money Market Review, 1860 

Monmouthshire, &c., Directory, 1871 

Monotype Recorder, 1902 

Month, 1863 ... 

Monthiy Army List, 1809 

Monthly Circular, 1911 

Monthly List of the Principal Securities 
dealt in on the Stock E SORER 
1887 : 

Monthly Magazine of Fiction, 1885 . 

Monthly Mining Handbook, 1895 

Monthly Musical Record, 1871 

Monthly News, 1914 ... 

Monthly Notices of the. Royai Astro- 
noimical Society, 1831... 

Monthly Record of the Protestant 
Evangelical Mission, 1863 

Monthly Shipping List, 1856 ins 

Monthly Statement of Drugs, 1842. 

Monthly Summary of the Weather 
Reports... aie 

Moravian Almanack, 1869 

Moravian Messenger, 1861 

Moravian Missions, 1861 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

(Newspapers, &c. 

Moravian Text Book, 1731 

Morning, 1850 

*Morning Advertiser, 1794 

Morning Calm, 1890 ... 

*Morning Post, 1772 

Morning Star, 1893 

Moslem World, 1911 ... 

Mother and Home, 1909 

Mothers in Council, 1891 ils 

Mothers’ Magazine and Baby, 1887.. 

Mothers’ Union Journal, 1886 

Motor, 1902 ... 

Motor, Motor Cycle, &e., Trade Direc- 
tory, 1912. oan 

Motor Boat Manual, 1906 : 

Motor Car Red Book, 1910... 

Motor Coachwork, 1910 

Motor Cycle, 1903 at 

Motor Cycle and Cycle Trader, 1879.. 

Motor Cycling, 1909 ... À 

Motor Cycling Manual, 1911 

Motor Export Trader, 1912 ... 

Motor Manual, 1899 ... ` 

Motor Ship and Motor Boat, 1913 

Motor Traction, 1905.. ‘ 

Motor Trader and Review, 1905 N 

Motor Transport Year Book, 1916 .:. 

Mouth Mirror, 1914 ... es 

Moving Picture Offered List, 1913... 

Mowbray Churchman’s A Mendan 

Municipal Engineering and Sanitary 
Record, 1874 j 

Municipal Journal, 1893 

Municipal Officer, 1916 ive 

Municipal Year Book, 1896 ... eee 

Mamor afid Hurlingham New Budget, 

$) - 

Museums’ Journal, 1901 

Muson revue  D'Etudes Orientals, 

Music, 1895 ... ss 
Music Student, 1908 ... 
Music Trade Directory, 1889 
Music Trade Review, 1877 . 
Musical Budget, 1876 
Musical Directory, 1852 
Musical Herald, 1853 .. 
Musical Mail, 1903 

Musical News, 1891 ... 
Musical Opinion, 1877 
Musical Progress, 1906 
Musical Salvationist, 1886 
Musical Standard, 1862 
Musical Times, 1884 ... 
Muswell Hill Press, 1904 
Muswell Hill Record, 1907 
Mutua Confidentia, 1862 
Mutual Comfort, 1908 ae 
My Garden Illustrated, 1914. 
My Little Friend Almanac, 1877 
My Magazine, 1911... 

My Pocket Novels, 1900 

Nash’s Magazine, 1909 

254) James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

i Metropoiitan] 

Nation, 1890 . 

Nation Teheque, 1915.. 

National Church, 1872 

National Church "Almanac, 1892 

National Dental Hospital Gazette, 1907 

National Federation Record, 1913 . 

National Fire Brigade SEa Annual 
Report, 1897 se ae 

National Health, 1908 

ow Insurance Clerks’ Journal, 

Nationai Insurance Gazette, 1912 . 
National Insurance Year Book, 1912 
T Master Builders’ Year Roek; 
National Newsagent, 1902 
National Pony Stud Book, 1894 
National Review, 1883 ces 
mane Rose Society’ S Roso Annual, 

panona Sporting League ‘Journal, s 

National Temperance Quarterly, 1908 

Naturalist, 1833 | 

Nature, 1869 TP 

Nature Reader Monthly, 1915 

-= Naval Annual, 1886 ... ; 

Naval Cadet, 1910 

Naval Pocket Book, 1896 

Navy, 1895 ... 

Navy League Annual, "1907 

Navy League Quarterly, 1910 

. Navy List, 1815 —s.... ji 

Near East, 1908 

Needlework for All, 1910 

Neison Lee Library, 1915 

enone sists ore Code, 

Neptune, 1906 

Net, 1914 ä 

New Age, 1894 : 

New Church Almanack, 1873 

New Church Magazine, 1812 

New Church Quarterly, 1910 

New Church Weekly, 1915 ... 

New Cross, &c., Free Peest; 1900 

New Days, 1915 ; vi 

New Hazell’s Annual , 1886 

New Life, 1916 i l 

New Magazine, 1909 . 

New Phytologist, 1902 . 

New South Wales Post Office Directory 
(Wise’s), 1860 ... 

New Statesman, 1913 

New Witness, 1911 ... 

New Zealand Directory (Wise 5), 1892 

News from Afar, 1894 

*News of the World, 1843 ... D 

News Trade Circular, HONG: wee 

Newsagent, 1888 & fa 

Newsboy, 1914.. 

Newspaper Press Directory, 1846 

Newspaper World, 1898 ini 

News-Sheet of the Secret Commissions 
and Bribery Prevention League, 
1907 oe ute ere es 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

(Newspapers, &c. 

Night and Day, 1877 
Nineteenth Century, 1877 . 
Nisbet’s Church Directory, 1900... 
Nisbet’s Church Pulpit Year Book, 
1901 sae 
Nisbet’s Fuli Desk Calendar, 1907 
Nitrate Facts and Fancies, 1903 
North Africa, 1884 ... 
North American Review, 1816 ; 
North and East Riding of Yorkshire 
Directory, 1857 .. ; 
North Middlesex Chronicle, 1868 
Northampton Notes & Queries, 1905 
Northwood, Pinner, and Harrow ue 
vertiser, 1910 `.. PRA 
Northwood Gazette, 1900 
Northwood Observer, 1900 i 
*Norwood News, 1868 Bhs .-- 458 
Norwood Observer, 1905 ae 
Norwood Press, 1882 sen 
Norwood Review, 1880 og 
Norwood Weekly Herald, 1889 

. Norwood Weekly Record, 1903 

Notes and Queries, 1849 
Notes on Books, 1855 
Notes on Scripture Lessons, 1847 

Novel Magazine, 1905 

Nugget Library, 1910 uae 
Numismatic Chronicle, 1839 ... 
Nurseryman and Seedsman, 1894 
Nurses’ Journal, 1890 as 
Nurses’ Own Magazine, 1906 — 
Nurses Near and Far, 1906 

Nursing Mirror, 1886 . 1. G5 

Nursing Mirror Pocket ‘Encyclopedia, 

Nursing Notes, 1887 . ats 

Nursing Times, 1905 . aes ... 453 

Observatory, 1877 T des ve 
*Observer, 1791 : ve we Hi. 
Occasional Paper, 1895 oo 7 * 
Ocean Times, 1911... 

Occult Review, 1905 ... 

Odd Volume, 1908 

Officer, 1893... 

Sana ik Navai Cadets Magazine, 

otticers Training Corps Diary, 1913 
Official Gazette of the County Councils 
Association, 1908 
once. Guides to the British Railways, 

Official Handbook of the Hockey 
Association, 1906 

Official Handbook of the Presbyterian 
Church of England, 1887.. 

Official Touring Guide of the Auto- 
Cycle Union, 1912 s 

Official Year Book nr PN Church ot 
England, 1882 

Oil, 191: y 

oil and Colour Trades ‘Journal, 1879 

Oil a Colour Trades Journal Diary, 

Oil and Petroleum Manual, 1910 

pen RE yeceived for all the Dima N None ee o fas 


Oll Facts and Figures, | 1912 . 

Oil News, 1912 

Olavian, 1895 . 

me aoe Miscellany of Orkney, &e. 

Old ‘Moore's Almanack, 1697 

Old Moore’s Almanac, 1911 

Olive Leaf, 1903 = 

On and Off Duty, 1883 

On Service, 1896 ae 

On the Line, 1882 

One and All, 1891 

One by One, 1903 ... 

Ophthalmic Review, 1881 

Ophthalmoscepe, 1903 

Optician, 1891 

Optimist, 1909 a 

Orchid Review, 1893 

Order of Divine Service, 1887 

Organiser, 1907 

Organist and Choirmaster, 1893... 

Organist and Choir Master's Roady 
Reference PRS 1916 

Orient, 1892 ... = 

Oriental Notes, 1906 . 

Original, 1915. ; 

Orkney, &c., Records, 1907 . 

Our Animal Brothers, 1905 . 

Our Boys’ Magazine, 1887 

Our Darlings, 1868 ... 

Our Girls, 1908 

Our Home, 1889 

Our Hospitals and Charities, 1904 

Our Land, 1908 

Our Letter to Candidates, 1901 

Our Little Dots, 1887 .. ns 

Our Log Book, 1890 ... 

Our Missions, 1894 

Our Outlook, 1909 ... 

Our Own Gazette, 1884 

Our Own Magazine, 1879 ... 

Our Sisters in Other Lands, 1879 

Our Waifs and Strays, 1881 ... 

Our Work at Home ne ADORN; 1879 

Ours, 1906 ... 

Out and Out, 1887 ... 

Out and Out manak, 1887 

Outfitter, 1890. 

Outlook, 1898 . 

Owner Driver, &e., Gazette, 1914 

Oxford Almanac, 1674 

Oxford Diocesan Calendar, 1858 

Oxford Directory, 1880 i 

Oxford House Magazine, 1887 

Oxford University Calendar, 1813 ... 

Oxford University Handbook, 1893 ... 

Oxford University Pocket Diary, 1897 

ah ta Light Infantry Chronicle, 

.. 446 

Paddington, &c., Directory, 1871 
Paddington Gazette, 1895... 
Paddington, Kensington, & Bayswater 
. Chronicle, 1860... 

Paddington Mercury, 1881 
Paddington Times, 1858 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

Newspapers, &c. 

Page’s it te Weekly, 1901 

Palaeontegraphical Society’s Publica- 
tion, 1847 

Palestine Expleration ‘Fund Quarterly 
Statement, 1869 . 

*Palil Mall Gazette, 1865... . 446 

Pall Mall Gazette Extras, 1883 ‘ 

Paper Box and Bag Maker, 1896 . 

Paper Maker, 1891 ... P 

Paper Makers, Directory of, 1876 : 

k al Directory of all Nations, 

Paper Makers’ Monthiy Journal, 1863 

Paper Making, 1881 ... z 

Paper Mills Directory, 1859 . 

hares | Traas Directory of Great Britain, 

Pipa “Trade Review, 1879 oe 

Papers of the British School v Rome 

Parasitology, 1908 ... 

Parents’ Review, 1890 

Paris Journal of Fancy Work and 
Fashion, 1908 ...... 

Parish Almanac, 1915 

Parish Kalendar, 1899 

Parish Priest’s Notice Pad and Calen- 
dar of Lessons 

Parilamentary Debates gei 

Parliamentary Gazette, 1905 

Parochial Aimanac, 1870 

Part Singer, 1860 

Partridge’s Children’s Annual, "1909 

Passing Show, 1915 ... = 

Patents, 1893 . 

Paterson’s Licensing Acts, 1873 

Paterson’s Practical Statutes, 1849 . 

Paton’s List of Schools, 1898 re 

Patrician, 1913 ne es 

Pauline, 1882. . 

Pawnbrokers’ Gazette, 1838 . 

Peace and Goodwill, 1895 

Peace Year Book, 1910 on 

Peacock’s Pocket Diaries, 1875 

Pearl ef Days, 1881 . 

Pears’ Annual, 1891 .. 

Pearson’s Magazine, 1896 

Pearsen’s Tide Tables and ‘Nautical 
Almanac, 1858 _... 

Pearson’s Weekly, 1890 kos 

Peat’s Farmers’ Diary, 1865 

Pedigree Register, 1907 

Pelican, 1889 ... 

Peloubet’s Select Notes on Inter- 
national Lessons, 1875 ... 

Penal Reform League Quarterly 
Record, 1909 

Penge and Anerley Press, 1883 

Penge, &c., News, 1861 ores 

Penny Magazine, 1898 

Penny Pictorial, 1899 

Penny Popular, 1912. TA ET 

Penny Story Teller, 1913 `.. e ii 

Penrose’s Pictorial Annaa 1895 

*People, 1881 i 

Performer, 1906 

Performer Annual, 1906 

i 458 

James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 


‘Pharmaceutical Society’ 8 Calendar, 

‘Plumbing Trade Journal, 1908 

Perfumery 1910... 

Periodical, 1896 wii 

Periodical Accounts of the Missions of 
the Church of the United Breth- 
ren, 1790 ... 

Perry’s Directory of Great Britain and 
Ireland, 1876 ‘ 

Perry’s Gazette, 1776 

Perry’s Hotel and BORTONE: House 
Guide, 6 

Perry’s Legal Record .. 

Petroleum Review, 1899 

Petroleum World, 1903 

Pettitt’s Diaries 

Pharmaceutical Journal, 1841. i 

it hal Pocket Book, &e., 


1841 Per 
Philatelic Societies’ Record, 1916 ... 
Philatelic Magazine, 1911... 
Philatelic Journal, 1891 3 
Philip’s Nature Calendar, 1905 
Phillip’s Paper Trade KIEREN of the 

World, 1904 A 
Philomath, 1895 ine 
Philosophical Transactions | ‘of the 

Royal Society, 1801 eee 
Phoenix, 1886 a3 ski 
Phono Record, 1912 ... 
Phonographic ‘Observer, 1911 
Photo Bits, 1898 sé 
Photograms of the Year, 1895 
Photographic Dealer, 1896 ... 
Photographic Journal, 1853 ... 
Photography, 1888 sa 
Phrenologist, 1886 ... 

Physical Society’s of London Proceed 

ings, 1874 . 

Physiological Abstracts, 1916. 
Physiologist, 1915 ... 
Piano Maker, 1913 

- Picture Fun, 1909 

Picture Palace News, 1915 ... 

Pictures and Picturegoer, 1913 
Piggott’s Electrical Plant, 1894 .. 
hig NREM to the ehpan Channel, 
dal BM Guide to mae ‘River ‘Thames, 

Pioneer, 1868 . sa 
Pioneer and Labour Journal, "1904 ... 
Pioneer of Wisdom, 1889 ... ... 458 
Pioneer Coconut Manual, 1917 

Pipe Roll Society’s Publications 
Pitmanite, 1915 25 

Pitman’s Journal, 1842 Ss 
Pitman’s Musical Library, 1883 sas 
Pitman’s Shorthand, &c., Diary, 1892 
Pitman’s Shorthand Weekly, 1 1892 ... 
Play Pictorial, 1902 ... ; ro 
Playbox Annual, 1908 i 

Plays for Little People, 1911. 
Ploughshare, 1912... 

Plumber and Journal of Heating, 1879 

i Wiiling’s Press Guide. 

(Newspapers, &c. 
Pocket Lesson Book, 1874 

| Poetry Review, 1909 . 

eee Prison Officers’ Journal, 
1910 eon 

Police Gazette, 1790 ... 

Police Review, 1893 ... 
Policeman’s Pocket Almanac, 1900.. 
Policy, 1902 : ; 
Polish Tribune 

Political Quarterly, 1914 

Political Science, 1886 

Polo Annual, 1909 

Polo Monthly, 1909 

| Polo Players’ Diary, 1894 
| Polyclinic, 1899 

Polyglot Calendar, 1894 

Polytechnic Magazine, 1878 . 

Poor Law Annual, 1904 ; 

Poor Law Officers’ Journal, 1892 

Poor’s Manual of the Railroads of the 
United States, 1867 r 

Popular illustrated Report ‘of the 
British and Foreign Bible Arai 
1900 xi 

*Popular Science Siftings, 1891 

Poriau; Southsea, &c., siete 
1887 ‘ 

Positivist Review, 1895. 

Post, 1890 te ; 

Post Magazine Almanac, &e., $- 1840 

Post Magazine, &c., 1840 ... 

ue ae Daily List of Sailings, 

Post Office Electrical Engineers’ Jour- 
nal, 1908 ... A 

Post Office Guide, 1858 : 

Post Office Guide Supplement, 1916 

Post Office London POSTE 1837 

Postage Stamp, 1907 . xt 

Postal Advocate, 1905 

Postman’s Gazette, 1892 é 

Postmaster-General’s Annual | Report 
on the Post Office, 1855 . 

Potsdam Diary, 1915.. 

Pottery Gazette, 1878 

Pottery Gazette iii 1881. 

Poultry, 1848 . 

Poultry Journal, "1886. 

Poultry Keeping, 1912 

Poultry World, 1907 ... : 

Poultry World Annual, 1909 

Power Laundry, 1903 

Power User, 1905 TF 

Practical Confectioner and ` Baker, 

Practical Electrician’ s Pocket Book, 
1898 ee ‘ i 

Practical Engineer, 1887... 

Practical Engineer Electrical Pocket 
Book, 1899 >- 

Practical Engineer Pocket Book, 1885 

Practical Timber Measurer, 1892 Sos 

Practitioner, 1868 _... Sek 

Preachers’ Magazine, 1887 

Premier Magazine, 1914 

| Presbyterian Messenger, 1843 

Advertisements received for all the Provincial Newspapers. [2= 


Prevention, 1910 

Priced Catalogue of stamps, 1856 

Primitive Methodist Leader, 1868 

allel Methodist Missionary Herald 

Primitive Methodist S. S. Magazine, 

Primrose League Gazette, 1887... 

Printers’, Lithographers’, &c., Sales 
and Wants Advertiser, 1887 ane 

Printers’ and Stationers’ yee Beer 
1900 ‘ 

Printers’ Engineer, 1895 

Printers’ Ink, 1909 .. rer 

Printers’. Medical Aid Times, 1 "1914 ar 

Printers’ Pie, 1903 ».. ae 

Printers’ Register, 1863 : 

Prier’s H.B. Stud Hook, 1914 

Prize, 1864 .. 

Pro Patria, 1916 

Probsthain’s Oriental Catalogue, 1904 

- Proceedings of the Anglo-Russian 
Literary Society, 1893 

Proceedings of the British Academy, 

Proceedings of the Cambridge Philo- 
logical Society, 1882 .. 
Proceedings of the Chemical Society, 
Proceedings of the Classical Associa- 
tion of England and Wales, 1904 
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathe- 
matical Society, 1883 ... 
Proceedings of the Geologists’ Associa- 
tion, 1859 . 
Proceedings of the imperial Society of 
Dance Teachers, 1904 
Proceedings of the Institute. of Cer- 
tificated Grocers, 1912 ... 
Proceedings of the Institute of Chemis- 
try, 1877 
Proceedings of the Institution ‘of Civil 
Engineers, 1818 .... 
Proceedings of the International Asso- 
ciation for Testing Materials, 1908 
Proceedings of the oe Mathe- 
matical Society, 1865... 
Proceedings of the Malacological 
Society of London, 1893.. 
eee of the Musical Association 

Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 
of East Anglia, 1911 

Proceedings of the Royal "Dublin 
Society i 

Proceedings of the Royal Institution 
of Great Britain; 1851 ... 

Proceedings of the Royal Irish 
Academy ... 

Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1800 

Proceedings of the Royal Society of 
Medicine, 1907... 

Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings 
Zoological sabes of London, 
1832 : vi z 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Proceedings of the Society of Binuce’ 
Archaeology, 1870 ği 
Process Engravon Monthly, 1895 ... 
Process Work, 1894 ... sie 
Produce Markets Review, 1866 
Professional and Greenkeeper, 1910.. 
Professional Notes of the Surveyors” 
Institution, 1886 . ; 
Professional Pocket Book, 1872 
Progress, 1881 
presto Civil, Social;- and industrial, 
1906 5 

Prohibitionist, 1900 bes 

Property Owners’ Journal, 1902 

Prophetic News, 1877 

Prospectus of Public Companies, 1911 

Prosperity, 1916 , E 

Protestant Alliance Magazine, 1845.. 

Protestant Observer, 1888 ... a 

Protestant Woman, 1892 

Public Genera! Acts, 1887 

Public Health, 1888 ... 

Public Ledger, 1759 ... 

Public Ledger Evening Report. 

Public Opinion, 1861 . 

Pumie Schools’ Cricket Year Book, 
1914 ss 

Public Schools Year Book, 1889 

Public Works, 1903 .. 

Publications of the English Goethe 
Society, 1886 eu 

*Publishers’ Crea 1837 i 

Puck, 1904 ane gi 

Punch, 1841 i SA PPn 

Punch "Almanac, 1841 ses 

Putney News-Letter, 1909 

Putney Observer, 1887 

Pyoneer ov Simplified speling, 1912 

Quarry, 1896 ... 

Quarterly Chronicle of the Church 
Reform League, 1900 

Quarterly Index to the Times, 1906 . 

Quarterly Journal of Experimental 
Physiology, 1908 ... 

Quarterly Journal of Forestry, 1906.. 

Quarterly Journal of Medicine, 1907.. 

Quarterly Journal of Microscopical 
Science, 1852 

Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied 
Mathematics, 1848 

Quarterly Journal of the Geological 
Society, 1845 

Quarterly Journal of the Royal 
Meteorological Society, 1872. ... 

Quarterly Leaflet of the Woman’s 
National Liberal Association, 1895 

Quarterly News Sheet of the Federation ` 
- ia Men’s Social Clubs, 

Quarterly Notes of the Church Emi- 
gration Society, 1909... 

Quarterly Return of ee Births, 
and Deaths, 1839.. 

Quarterly Review, 1806 

Quarterly Weather Report, 1884 

258] James Walling, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

(Newspapers, &c. 

Metropolitan] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Quten Newspaper Book of Travel, 1904 
Qu nsiand Post oe Directory, 

’s Isle of Man A Almanack, 1824 
Metal HANODOON; 1914 or 
Quiver, 1861 és 

Racehorse, 1901 


- Rally, 

ian Piki 1898 . 

Racing and Football Outiook, 1909 
Racing Calendar, 1773 

Racing Expert, 1907 ... 

Racing Illustrated, 1914 

Racing Judge, 1908 

Racing Opinion, 1910 

Racing | Outlook’s Week-end ‘Special, 

een Specialists’ Private Edition, 

Rae World, 1886 `.. 
Railway Almanac, 1865 an 
Railway and Commerciai Gazetteer of 
England, Scotland, & Wales, 1863 
Railway and Shipping Contractor, 1885 
Railway and Travel Monthly, 1910 . 
Railway Clerk, 1904 ... 
Ranwa Diary & Officials’ Directory, 

Railway Engineer, 1880 

*Railway Gazette, 1837 ... 447 
Railway Magazine, 1897 zi : 
Railway Mission Almanac, 1911 ; 
Railway News, 1844 . ... 454 

Railway Review, 1880 

Railway Signal, 1882 . 

Railway Supplies Journal, 1872 
Railway Year Book, 1898 big 
Rainbow, 1914 

1914 ia 
Ramblers’ Handbook, "1914 ... i“ 
Raphael’s Prophetic Almanac, 1819 
Rashe Alphe israel, 1916 ; s 
Reading Directory, 1899 T 
Reading Union ee 1894.. 
Ready, 1886 ... s 
Record, 1828 ... 

Record (Hampstead), 1912... 
Record of Transactions of the institu- 
tion of Junior Engineers, 1884 . 
Red Books and Journais of the British 

Fire Preventiqn Committee, 1897 
Red Book of Commerce, 1906 
Red Code for Day Schools, 1912 ... 
Red Code of Official Regulations for 
all Types of Schools and Colleges, 
1893 a se 
Red Cress, 1914, 
Red Cross Gazette, 1909 
Red Lamp, 1905 
Red Letter, 1899 i 
Red Letter Kalendar, 1901 
Red Tape, 1911 
Redcap’s Annual, 1916 ; 
Redhill and Reigate Directory, 1890 
*Referee, 1877.. z si 

Advertisements received for all the Provincial Newspapers. 

» . e e e . e » . . 

. e e . . e . . . 

se e eo $ e e e EJ 
A e a 

Reference pan ene of Pouro Piore; 
ture, 1874. 

Regiment, 1896 $ 

Regions Beyond, 1878 

Register of Patent Agents, 1889 

Register of Veterinary Surgeons, 1844 

Registrar-General Returns of Births, 
Deaths, and Marriages, 1839 ; 

Registers of Pharmaceutical Chemists 
and Druggists, 1852 T 

neea, gondon: $ Ensoriainment t Guide, 

Renter’s Journal, 1890 

Report of Fashion, 1820 

Report of the Board of Education, 1859 

Report of the incorporated Society of 
- Musicians, 1908 ... 

Report of the Middlesex Hospital, 1745 

Report of the Middlesex Hospital Can- 
cer Charity, 1910.. 

Rapor Pn Metropolitan Water Supply, 

Reporters’ Journal, 1875 

Reporters’ Magazine, 1880 ... 

Reports of Patent, &c., Cases, 1883" 

Reports of the British Association for 
the Advancement of Science, 1831 

Reports of the Proceedings of the 
Associations of Gas Engineers, &c., 

Reports of the Sanitary . Assurance 
Association, 1881 

Representative, 1875 . 

Representation, 1908 . 

Rest and Reaping, 1886 bib 

Results of Public Companies, 1 1911 ... 

Reuter’s Journal, 1890 a i 

Review, 1869 . 

Review of Applied Entomology, 1913 

Review of Bacteriology, 1912 

Review of Reviews, 1890 ... 

*Reynolds’s Newspaper, 1850 

Rhodes’ Directory of peer 
Steamers, 1886 ... 

Rialto, 1886 ... 

Richmond, &c., Directory, 1885... 

sary Wine and Spirit Handbook, 

Ridley’s Wine and Spirit Trade Circu- 
lar, 1848 

Rifle Brigade Chronicie, 1890 

Rifleman, 1906 

Ringing World, 1911 . 

Rochester, &c., Directory, 1890 

Rochester Diocesan Directory, 1880... 

Roil of the Union of Graduates in 
Music, and Kalendar, 1893 

Rosebud, 1881 

Ress’s Parliamentary Record, 1861 . 

Round Table, 1910 ... s 

Round World, 1891 ... 

Rowing Almanack, 1861 si 4 

Royal Automobile Year Book, 1904. 

Royal Academy Pictures, 1916 

Royal Blue Book, 1822 se 

R.C.M. Magazine, 1904 

(Newspapers, &c &e: 



Royai Crulsing Club Journal, 1888 . 

Royal Holloway College Calendar, 1909 

Royal Life Saving Scciety’s Annual 
Report, 1891 ; 

Royal London Ophthalmic ‘Hospital 
Reports, 1857 

Royal Magazine, 1898 

R.M.A. Magazine, 1900 m 

Royal National Commercial Directory 
of Ireland, 1846 . 

Royal National Commercial Directory 
of Scotland, 1837 

Royal Navy List, 1878 

R.P.A. Annual, 1884 . a me 

Rubber Companies’ Position, 1915 ... 

Rubber Facts and Figures, 1909 ... 

Rubber Producing Companies, 1910 

Rubber Share Handbook, 1905 i 

Rubber Shares as Investment, 1911 

Rubber World, 1910 ... 

Ruff’s Guide to the Turf, 1842 

Run and Read Series of Stories, 1914 

Rural World, 1888 ... 

Russia, 1916 ii ask 

Russian Buyers’ Guide, 1916 s 

Russian Year Bock, 1911 ... 

Ryland’s s Directory. i e Soal; &c. 
Trades, 1888 : 

Sabbath Observer, 1905 

Saga Book of the Viking Club, 1892.. 
St. Alban’s Diocesan Calendar, 1878 
St. Alban’s Directory, 1899 ... 

St. Fr s (Holborn), Tomb Paper, 

St. Bartholomew’ Hospital ‘Journal, 
St. E namowa Hospital Reports 

St. Ethelburga, 1899 ` 

St. George’s Hospital Gazette, 1893 .. 
St. George’s Junior “pg A 1908 

St. George’s Magazine, 1905. 

St. Martin’s le Grand, 1885 ... S 
St. Mary’s Hospital Gazette, ` 1872 .., 
St. Nicholas, 1872 .. ia fus 
St. Pancras Chronicle, 1898 ` ae 

St. Pancras Gazette, 1866 .. 

St. Pancras Guardian, 1874 ... 

St. Peter’s Net, 1886 . 

St. Thomas’s Hospital Gazette, 1890.. 
St. Thomas’s Hospital Reports, 1870 
Sales Promotion, 1910 vas 
Salmon and Trout Magazine, 1911 ... 
Salvation Army Year Book, 1906 
Samaritan Magazine, 1915... 
Sanitary Journal, 1883 

Sartorial Gazette, 1893 

Saturday Review, 1855 

Scattered Nation, 1893 

Scattered Seed, 1859 . 

School Child, 1910 ‘ak 

School Government Chronicle, 1871.. 
School Guardian, 1876 P 
Schocl Hygiene, 1910 

School Magazine, 1914 

.. 458 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

(Newspapers, &e: 

School Music Review, 1896 ... hae 
School Nature Study, 1906 

School Newspaper, 1874 

School World, 1899 ... 
Schooimaster, 1872... 
Schoclmaster’s Year- Book, 1903 
Schcolmistress, 1881 ... 

Science Abstracts, 1874 

beer Oe hd in = 20th ant 

Scout, 1908 ... 

Scribner's Magazine, 1887... 

Script Shorthand Journal, 1887 

Scripture Lessons, 1856 ies 

Scripture Pocket Book, 1837 

Scripture Truth, 1909 X wi 

Seaman, 1912 . iis gis hi 

Searchlight, 1898 ee 

Searie’s Camberwell, Bey Artistic 
Advertiser, 1907 . 

Second Spring, 1902 bak 

Secondary aia 1896 ... 

Secretary, 1893 

Seed-Time and Harvest, 1901 

Seeker, 1905 ... TA 

Seeking and Saving, 1861 

Selborne Magazine, 1890 ... 

Selling and Advertising, 1909 E 

Sell’s Addresses of Great Commercial 
Houses of the World, 1909 ... 

Sell’s Directory of Registered Teee 
graphic Addresses, 1886 

Sell’s World’s Press, 1881... 

Sentinel for Wood Green, 1895 

Sentry, 1893... wee eee 

Service for the King, 1879... = 

Settlers’ Guide in Greater prim 1914 

Sewanee Review, 1893 

Sexton Blake Library, 1915 ... 

Shaftesbury Magazine, 1888 . a 

Shakespeare League Library, 1915 eas 

Shaw’s Local Government Diary 
Blotting Pad, 1906 dis 

PnAW i. Local Government Manual, 

Shaw’s Scribbling Diary, 1882. 
Shaw’s Solicitor’s Almanack, 1899 . 
Shield, 1870... 
Shipbuilding & Shipping Record, 1912 
Shipping Trados index, 1887 
Shipping World, 1883 “i, 
Shipping World Year-Book, 1886 
Shire Horse Stud Book, 1879 
Shoe and Leather and Allied Trades 
News, 1916 ge 
Shoe and Leather Record, 1886 
Shoe Trades’ Journal, 1869 so 
Shooting Times, 1882 Sai 
Shop Assistant, 1896 . ane 
Showman’s Year Book, 1895 
Sierra Leone Messenger, 1893 
Sign, 1904 i ra re 
Sign Calendar, 1904 ae 
Signal Letters of bias Ships, 1862 
Silver Woolf, 19 nee 
Simple Testimony, 1884 


260] James Willing, Lid., aa Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

~ Te 



Simple Testimony Almanac, 1915 

Simplex Investors’ Diary, 1914 

sumenny coe of Fiction, 1889... li. 

Sketch, 1 T ... 448 

Slater’ s Direi ot Scotland, 1892 

Smallholder, 1910 . ae 

Smailholder Year Book, 1912 

Smart Fiction, 1913... 

Smart Novels, 1903 TA 

Smart Set, 1901 šo . 454 

Smart Society, 1910 ... s 

Smith’s County Court Diary, 1903... 

Smith’s Diaries, 1837 oe 

Smith’s Registration eases: 1886 

Snark’s Annual, 1910 

Snowdrop, 1900 ti 

Soap Makers’ Directory, 1893 

Social Gazette, 1893 ... 

Social Service, 1902 ... 

Sociaiist Annual, 1906 x 

Socialist Review, 1908 wat f 

Socialist Standard, 1904 s 

Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs Hand- 
book, 1911 : : 

Sociological Review, 1908... 

Solicitors’ Diary, Aimanae, fe; 1844 

Solicitors’ Gazette, 188 

Solicitors’ Journal, 1887 sat 

Solicitors’ Pocket Diary, &e., 1845 . 

Somersetshire, Gloucestershire, with 
Bristol Directory, 1894 . 

Sons of Temperance, 1882 ... 

Sotheran’s Price Currant of Literature, 

Sound Waves, 1906 ... 

South Africa, 1889 ... 

South African A B C Guide to British 
Manufacturing Exporters, 1896. 

South African Directory, 1888 

South African Engineering, 1903 

South African Pioneer, 1887 

South African Year Book, 1914 

South America, 1913.. 

South American Journal, 1863 

South American Missionary Magazine, 

South American Year Book, 1913 
South and East Africa, 1913 
Pann ene Post Office Directory, 

*South Eastern Heraid, "1882. 

South London Observer, 1868 

South London Press, 1865 .. 

South-Western Star, 1877 

Southampton Directory, 1886 

Southdown Fiock Book, 1892 

Southend Directory, 1899 : 

Southern set pidge ce aati As- 
sociation Record, 

Southern Cross Log, 1894 

Southern England, 1912 

Southern Rhodesia, 1915 .. 

- Southern Slav Bulletin, 1916 e 

Southwark and Bermondsey Recorder, 

Southwark Diocesan Chronicle, 1905 

.. 459 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

(Newspapers, &c. 

Southwark Diocesan Directory, 1906 
Southwell Diocesan saga 1885 . 

Sower, 1862... T Gi 
Spare Moments, 1888 ` ies see 
Sparks, 1914 

er Saturday ir Information, 

Specification, 1898... 

Spectator, 1828 ides as ss 

Sphere, 1900 .. iv. 

Spink and Son’s ‘Monthly Numismatic 
Circular, 1892 ee 

Spiritual Life, 1891 

Spiritual Power, 1907 

Spon’s Architects’, &c., Pocket Price 
Book, 1873 

Sporting Goods Review, 1890 i 

*Sporting Life, 1 ee as 

Sporting Life a, 1875 

Sporting Life Racing Auda 1880 

Sporting Times, 1865 . 

Sporting World, 1879 

Sports Trader, 1907... 

Sports Trades’ Journal, 1902 

*Sportsman, 1865 

Sportsman Engagement Book, 1913.. 

Sportsman’s & Tourist’s Quide, 1873 

Sportsman’s Monthly Guide, 1881 ... 

mua $ Woekiy cee Quids, 

Springing Well, 1897 . 

Springtime, 1886 a 

Spur, 1914 na 

Spurgeon’s Miustrated Almanac, 1862 

Squill’s Diary, &c., 1 

Staff College Reports and ‘Examination 

Stage, 1880 ... 

Stage Society Annual Report, | 1899 . 

Stage Year Book, 1908 ` 

Stamford Hill Pulpit, 1888 

Stamp Collecting, 1913 

Stamp Collector’s Annual, 1903 he 

Stamp Coliector’s Fortnightly, 1893 

Stamp Collector’s Quarterly, 1916 ... 

Stamp Lover, 1908 ... 

Standing Orders of the Lords and 
Commons, 1836 . 

Stanmore Gazette, 1900 

Stanmore Observer, 1895 

*Star, 1888 — ... ve 

Star in the East, 1893 ; 

Statesman’s Year-Book, 1864 

Stationers’, &c., Directory, 1872 

Stationery Trades Journal, 1880 ... 

Stationery Worid s Fancy nper 
Review, 1891 

*Statist, 1878 . 

Statisticai Tabies of the Patients under 
Treatment in the Wards of St. 
Bartholomew’s Hospital, 1860 ... 

Statist’s Mines of Africa, 1910 

Stitchery, 1912 

ar oe Daily Otticial List, 

Stock Exchange Gazette, 1901 

. 454 

Advertisements received for all the Provincial Newspapers. 



Stock Exchange Handbook, 1889 

Stock Sxe aange investment Hand- 

Stock Exchange Official Intelligence, 

Stock Exchange Report, 1893 

Stock Exchange Review, 1884 os 

Stock Exchange Ten Year Record, 1907 

Stock Exchange Weekly Official Intel- 
ligence, 1882 wae 

Stock Exchange Year- Book, 1874 .. 

` Stoko Newington, &c., Directory, 1881 

ak a Cox’s Accident Year Bock, 

Stone & Cox's Accident insurance 
Tables, 1906 - 

Stone & Cox’s Bonus Insurance 
Tables, 1912 ; 

Stone & Cox’s Colonial Life insurance 
Tables, 1910 a 

Stone ò Cox’s Fire Year Book, 1910 

Stone & Cox’s House Purchase in- 
surance Tables, 1910 

Stone & Cox’s Industrial Lite Insur- 
ance Tables, 1904 

Stone & Cox’s Life Insurance Policy 
Conditions, 1916. 

Stone & Cox’s Motor 
Tables, 1912 

Stone & Cox’s Ordinary Life Insurance 
Tables, 1903 i 

Stone Trades’ Journal, "1882... . 

Stone’s Justice Manual (Butter- 
worth’s), 1842 ahs beh 

Storyteller, 1907 

Strad, 1890 ... 

Strand Magazino, 1891 

Stratford Co-oporator, 1895 . 

Stratford Express, 1854 : 

ay tet and peers Directory, 

Streatham Free Press .. 

Streatham News, 1868 2 

Streatham Red Book, 1913 ... 

Street’s Newspaper Directory, 1890 . 

Strict Baptist Mission Herald, 1909 . 

Stubbs’ Commercial Year-Book and 
Gazette Index, 1869 

ered or roetery (British & Foreign), 

Stubbs” Hotel “Guide (British and 
Foreign), 1891 .. ea 

Stubbs’ Weekly Gazette, 1853 

Student Movement, 1898 ... > 

Student of Scripture, 1904 

Student’s Telephone, 1887 ... 

Students’ Handbook of the University, 
&c., of Cambridge, 1902 

Studio, 1893... 

Studio Year-Book, 1906 

Styles of London, 1915 

Successful Advertising; 1880 

Sufi, 1915 bes 

Sugar Users’ Journal, "1905 |.. 

Sunbeams for the Home, 1910 

Sunday at Home, 1854 a 



2 458 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

(Newspapers, &c. 

Sunday Circle, 1902 ... 

Sunday Clesing Notes and News, 1874 
Sunday Companion, 1895 : ja 
Sunday Evening Telegram, 1916 
Sundays for the Blind, 1916 

Sunday Guardian, 1910 

Sunday Mirror, 1912 . 

Sunday Pictorial, 1915 

Sunday School Chronicle, 1874 T 
Sunday Schoo! Class Register, 1842.. 
sunday, School Iilustrated Almanac, 

Sikia Setoa Monthly, 1913. 
Sunday School Times, 1859 ... ; 
A School Saron, vear Bock, 

Sihday eloa 1896 . 

Sunday Sunshine, 1893 i 

teunaey Times and sunday ‘Special, 

smn, for tke BI: nd, 1916 oer 
Sunshine, 1862 a si oe 
Super-Man, 1915 re 
Supplement to the Forester, 1907... 
Supplement to the General Stud Rook; 
1893 “i 
Supplementary Military Journal 
Surveyor, 1892 
Surveyor’s & Auctioneer’s Tables,1913 
Sussex Herd Book, 1885 a oe 
Sutton, &c., Directory, 1909 
Swain’s Quarterly, 1905 tae 
Swedish Chamber of Commerce in 
London Journal, 1909 .. 
Swedish Chamber of Commerce in 
London Year Book, 1907 
Swimming Magazine, 1914 . 

Sword and the Trowel, 1865.. 

Sydenham and Forest Hill Borough 
News, 1889 it 
Sydenham, &c., Directory, 1881 ii 
Sydenham, Forest Hill, &c., Saara 
Sydenham Review, 1912 aa 
Syliabus of the Associated Board of the 
Royal Academy of Music, 1889.. 
smon Meteorological Magazine, 

Syren aust shipping, 1: 1896 
System, 1902 

Tabie, 1886 

Tablet, 1840... 

Tailor ‘and Cutter, 1866 

Tailor Made Styles, 1915 oi 

Taies for Little People, 1905 

Talk of the Town, 1905 Sok 

Talking Machine News, 1903.. pm 

Tarbeil’s Teachers Guide to the Inter- 
national S.S. Lessons, 1903 ... 

Tasmanian Post Office Proctor; 
(Wise’s), 1890 a 

Tatler, 1901 

Taylorian, 1878 a ae 

Teachers and Taught, 1909 `.. 

Teachers of To-day, 1914 

James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 


Teachers’ Aid, 1885 .. 

Teachers’ Guild Quarterly, 1901 

Teachers’ Times, 1902 

Teachers’ World, 1911 

Technical Journai, 1908 

Teesquare and Tape, 1907 

Temperance Caterer, 1876 Li 

Temperance Legislation League ... 
Monthly Notes, 1914 awa 

Territorial Service Gazette, 1859 

Textile Fabrics Directory, 1880 Bea 

Thacker’s Directory of the Chief In- 
dustries of India, 1878 . : 

Thalian Diary and Directory tor 
Concert Parties, &c., 1910 

T.P.8. Book Notes, 1909... 

Tees New and Old Book Almanac, 

taiar S Farmers’ Almanac & Diary, 

Thornton’s Review of London Fash- 
ions, 1901 . 

Thoughts from the Word of God, 1898 

Thrift, 1905 ... - 

Thrift, 1915... 

Through the Bible Day by Day, 1913 

Tide Tabios for British and Irish Poris, 
1858 z 

Tidings of Light ‘and Peace, | 1878 

Timber, 1885 

Timber News, 1891. 

Timber News Year Beck, 1894 

Timber Trades Journal, 1873 f 

Timber Trades Journal Timbor Trades 
Directory, 1896... ‘ 

Time and Talents News, 1910 ~ ... 

*Times, 1785 ... 

** Times ” Educational Supplement, 

‘ Times ” Engineering Supplement, 

‘s: Times ” Law Reports, 1884 

‘t Times ” Literary Supplement, 1902 

‘í Times ” Reports of commer 
Cases, 1895 

Times Weekly Edition, 1877. 

Tiny Folks’ Annual, 1915 . 

Tiny Tots, 1899 

Tit- Bits, 1881 . 

Tithe Rentcharge Table, 1837 

Tobacco, 1881 

Tobacco Colonial Quarterly, 1904 

Tobacco Trade Review, 1868.. we 

Tobacco Trade Sheet Almanac, 1881. 

Tobacco Year-Beook, 1894 ... See 

To-day and Y.P.’s Weekly, 1902 

Toilers of the Deep, 1886 ... 

Tollingtonian, 1903... 

Tonic Sol-fa College Calendar, 1863 

Tools, 1916 ... 

Tooting and Balham Gazette, 1907 . 

Tooting and Mitcham Mercury, 1888 

Tottenham and Edmonton Weekly 
Herald, 1861 : 

retanbame, a Wednesday Herald, 

4 ; 

Advertisements received for all the Provincial Newspapers. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Town Topics, 1912 . 

Toy Manufacturer’s and Wholesalers 
Directory, 1912 . us 

Toy Trader, 1908 nae 

Toynbee Record, 1884 i 

T.P.’s Journai for Men and Women | 

Tract Society’s Penny Almanack, 1840 

Trade and Finance, 1886 ... 

Trade and Navigation, 1847 

Trade Marks Journal, 1876 ... 

Trade Openings, 1900 

Trade Opportunities, 1913 

Trade Union Worker, 1916. 

Trade Unionist, 1915.. 

Trader Handbook, &e., of the Cycle 
and Motor Trades, 1903.. 

Tramway and Raiiway World, 1892 

Transactions of the Annual Conference 
of the Association for the Preven- 
tion of Consumption and other 
forms of Tuberculosis, 1909 ... 

Transactions of the Assurance Medical 
Society, 1896 ; 

Transactions of the Cambridge Philo- 
logical Society,1881 és 

Transactions of the Cremation ‘Society 
of England, 1880... 

Transactions of the Entomological 
Society of London, 1834.. pels 

Transactions of the Faculty of Actua- Scotland, 1856... 

bb cer ad of the Faraday Society, 

Transactions of the Greenwich Anti- 
quarian Society, 1907... 

Transactions of the Heretordshire 
Natural History Society, 1875 . 

Transactions of the Honourable 
Society of Cymmrodorion, 1751.. 

Transactions of the Institution of Gas 
Engineers, 1866 . 

Transactions of the “Institution of 
Mining Engineers, 1889 .. = 

Transactions of the Institution of Naval 
Architects, 1860 ... 

Transactions of the institution of 
Water Engineers, 1896 . 

Transactions of the Insurance, &e., 
Society of Glasgow, 1881 peat 

Transactions of the Insurance Society 
of Edinburgh, 1901 

Transactions of the viii Historical 
Society of England, 1 

Tesesaenent of the Linnaan Society, 

Transactions of the Medical Society of 
London, 1773 wate 

Transactions of tho Medico-Legal 
Socicty, 1903 

Transactions of the National ‘Liberal 

. Club, 1876 

Transactions of the Ophthalmological 
Society of the United Kingdom, 

aad of a Optical Society, 

[Newspapers, &e. 



Transactions of the PSE a Soc- 
iety, 1854 . 

Transactions of the “Royal "Dublin 
. Society, 1870 ve 

Transactions of the Royal Society of 
Literature, 1825 ... 

Transactions of the St. Paul’s Eccle- 
siological Society, 1879 . 

Transactions of the Society of Tropical 
Medicine and Hygiene, 1907 ... 

Transactions of the Surveyors’ Institu- 

tion, 1868.. 
Transactions of the Zoological Society 

of London, 1833 . dice 

Treasury, 1902 : pat i 

Tribune Congolaises, 1902 

Tribunal, 1916 

Trinitarian Bibic Society Quarterly 
Record, 1859 ; 

Tropical Diseases Bulletin, 1912 

Tropical Life, 1905 ... siete 

Tropical ere. Bulletin, 1 1912 |.. 

Trotting World, 1902 .. 

Lehi A ane Tiling. 1895 

Truth, 187 

Tuberculosis Year Book, 1899 

Tunbridge, &¢., Directory, 1889 

Twentieth Century Russia, 1915 ... 

Twenty Years’ Railway Pimes, 1879 

Type and Talent, 1915 P 

Uncle Ben’s Budget, 1898 

Under the Dome, 1892 

Union Jack, 1895 kee 

Union Jack Club valondar, 1908 

Unit, 1906 es 

Unitarian Pocket Book, 1863 

United Empire, 1910 . 

United Kingdon | Mineral Water Trade 
Review, 1873 

United Kingdom Stock . and Share 
Brokers’ Directory, 1875 

United Methedist, 1885 

United Methodist. Magazine, 1778 

United Service Gazette, 1833 

United Service Magazine, 1829 

United o mperance ATE 1895 

Unity, 18 eR 

Universal nisibakesd. "1912 ‘ 

Universal Directory of Railway otti- 
cials’ Annual, 1895 ae 

Universal Electrical Directory, 1882 é 

Universal Fellowship Calendar, 1914 

Universal Investment Tables, 1907 . 

Universal Medical Record, 1912 

Universal Music and Dramatic Direc- 
tory (English Edition), 1885 ... 

Universal Quarterly, 1909 ... 

Universal Stock eens Market 
Report, 1883 

Universe, 1860 - ‘ 

revere College Hospital Magazine, 

spat rd College Union Magazine, 

University Correspondent, 1890 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

University Extension Bulletin,1907 .. 
University of London Calendar, 1837 
University of Manchester Calendar . 
University oe P MAPKA rion Bulle- 

tin, ase 
Unpopular Review, 1914 

Vaccination Enquirer, 1879 . 

bast Peres Companion, 
Vahan, 1892 ... i 

ie oy i Anglo-Jewish Aimanae, 

Vanity Fair, 1868 

Vegetarian, 1888 

Venturer, 1915.. 

Veterinary Journal, 1875 

Veterinary News, 1904 

Veterinary Record, 1888 sas 

Victoria (Australia) Post ome Direc- 
tory (Wise’s), 4 

Vigilance Record, 1887 seg 

Vinton’s Agricultural Arminas 1854 

Violin Budget, 1889 ... z 

Voice of Labour, 1914 fag 

Volunteer Civil Force Journal, 1914.. 

Volunteer Force Gazette, 1914 

Vote, 1909 si 

Votes for Wana, 1907 . - 
kis arum a a Coyal Almanac, 

Walford’s County ree = ‘he 
United Kingdom, 1860 . 

Walker’s Diaries ; ; 

Walpole Society Publications? oe 

Wandsworth Borough News, 1884 ... 

Wandswerth News-Letter, 1911 

Wandsworth Observer, 1887 . ia 

Wandswerth, &c., Pica Loe 1882. 

War and Peace, 1913 a 

War Budget, 1914 

War Cry, 1879 

War of the Nations, 1914 

War Illustrated, 1914 

War Office List, 1863 

Ward’s Weekly Shipping Journal, 1906 . 

Warrior, 1906 .. a 

Waste Trado World, 1912... 

Watch & Clock Trades Directory, 1872 

Watchmaker, Jeweller, &c., 1874 ... 

Water and Water Engineering, 1899 

Waterworks Directory, 1877 .. 

Watford and Bushey Directory, 1899 

Way of Holiness, 1915 

Webster’s Foresters’ & Estate Agents’ 
Diary, 1 ce 

Webster’s Royal Red Book, 1848 

*Weekly Dispatch, 1801 ae 

Weekly Financial Mail, 1914... 

Weokly Friend & Family Stories, 1910 
Weekly Intelligence, 1836 ; 
Weekly List of Sailings 

Weekly Notes, 1866 

Weekly Report, 1909... 

264] James iing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London, 

[Newspapers, &o. 

Wakiy. Return of Births and DORIEN: 

Weekly. Weather Report, 1878 
Weldon’s Bazaar of Children’s Fash- 
ions, 1881 ... 

Weldon’s Catalogue of Fashions, 1904 
Weldon’s Home Dressmaker, 1895 . 
Weldon’s Home Milliner, 1895 — 
Weldon’s Illustrated Dressmaker, 1880 
Weldon’s Journal of Costumes, 1878 
Weldon’s Ladies’ Journai, 1879... 
Weldon’s Practical Needlework, 1885 
Welicome’s Photographic Diary, 1900 
Woneyan Methodist Pocket Book, 

Wesleyan Methodist Sunday School 
Magazine, 1857... 
West Country, 1908 . 
West End Gazette of Ladies and 
Gentlemen’s Fashions, 1861 Ste 
West End Philatelist, 1904... 
bi Ne and South Essex Maii, 
West India Committee Circular, 1886 
West Kensington, &c., Directory, 1879 
West London Medical Journal, 1895. 
*West London Observer, 1855 --- 455 
West London Post, 1910 : 
West London Press, 1857 `... 
West London Reporter, 1879 
Wert. anes of Yorkshire Directory, 

Western Australian Post Office Direc- 
tory (Wise’s), 1870 
Western Equatorial African Diocesan 
Magazine, 1904 
Westminster and Pimlico News, 1887 
Westminster Bible Record, 1905... 
Westminster Cathedral Chronicle, 1906 
Westminster Express, 1904 ... 
*Westminster Gazette, 1893 . 
Westminster Hospital "Reports, 1888 __ 
Westminster Mail, 1900 — 
Westminster Pulpit, 1906 ... 
Westminster Teacher, 1907 ... 
What’s On, 1907 bot Sai Ss 
Where shail we Live, 1911... 
Where to Live Round Sane 1905 
Whitaker’s Almanack, 1869 . is 
Whitaker’s Peerage, 1897 ae 
White Cross, 1885 ... es vee 
White Ribbon, 1896 ... wie ae 
Whitehall Rovia, ney ve 
Whiteley’s Diary, 1 
White's Sheffield Directory 1822 
Who’s Who, 1849 
Who’s Who in America, 1914 say 
Who’s Who in Architecture, 1914 ... 
Who’s Who in Music, 1913 ... ae 
Who’s Who in Philately, 1913 
Who’s Who in Science, 1912 Ses 
Who’s Who in the Theatre, 1912 . 
whee RE in the Tropical ‘World, 

Who’s Who Yoar-Book, 1904 
Wide World Magazine, 1898 

- 459 

Advertisements received for all the Provincial N A 

W lling’s Press Guide. 

(Newspapers, &c. 

Wild Life, 1913 es 

Willesden Call, 1913 ... P 

*Willesden Chronicle, 1877 

Wiitesden Citizen, 1901 J 

wun Tithe Commarsnen Tables, 

Willing’s Pross Guide, 1874 . 

Wilson and Whitworth Borough of 
West Ham, &c., Almanac, 1862.. 

Wimbiedon, &c., Directory, 1890 

Windsor Magazine, 1895 sn 

Wine and Spirit Gazette, 1880 5 

Wine and Spirit Trade Diary and 
Agency List, 1898 

Wine and Spirit Trade Record, 1874 

Wino and Spirit Trades Directory, 1877 

Wine Trade Review, 1863 ... 

Wings, 1883... ies 

Winning Post, 1904 ... 

Winning Post "Annual, 1906 . 

Winter’s Pie, 1912 ... 

Wireless Mail, 1913 . 

Wireless World, 1912 ' 

Wisdens’ Cricketer’s Almanac, 1864 

Within Our Gates, 1394 

Without the Camp, 1897 

Wolf Cub, 1916 ` ... 

Woman at Home, 1893 

Woman Journalist, 1911 

Woman Worker, 1916 i 

Woman’s Beauty and Health, 1910 

Woman’s Dreadnought, 1914 ... 459 

Woman’s Life, 1895 . s 

Woman’s Own, 1900 . 

Woman’s Weekly, 1911 

Woman’s Work, 1859 

Woman’s Worid, 1903 = 

Woman’s World Library, 1913 

Women’s Employment, 1896 

Women’s Industrial News, 1895 a 

Women’s Internationai Quarterly, 

Women’s Monthly Leafiet of we 
Farms and Garden Union, 1900.. 
Women’s Trade Union Review, 1891 
Women’s Wear, 1906.. ee s 
Wonder Book, 1904 TA 
Wonderlands, 1845 si "A 
Wood Green Weekly Heraid, 1888 ... 
Woodford, &c., Directory, 1885 
Woodworker, 1901... 
Nee and agave Trades Gazette, 

Woolwich, &e., Directory, 1893 |.. 

Woolwich Co-operative Pea ia 
cord, 1897 

Wooiwich Gazette, 1862 

Woolwich Herald, 1882 

Words of Salvation, 1910 

Words of Truth, 1909.. 

Words of Welcome, 1904 

Work, 1899 ___... 

Work and Piay, 1914. 

Work and Witness, 1827 

Work and Worship, 1897 

Workers, 1912 



Worker’s Friend, 1886 

Workers at Home and Abroad, 1900 

Workers’ Paper, 1914.. 

Worker’s Word, 1915 

Working Men’s Coliege Journal, 1390 

Workmen’s Trains and Trams, 1908 

World, 1874 = . 288 

World Socialist, 1915 a 

World’s Carriers, 1904 sae 

World’s Carriers Year Bock, 1916 

World’s Hotel Blue Book, 1910 

World’s Labour Laws, 1911 ... 

World’s Paper Trade Review, 1879 ... 

World’s Rubber Position, 1913 

World’s Warships, 1915 

World’s Work, 1902 ... . 

Worthing, &c., Directory, 1899 

Wright’s Directory of Bristoi, 

Wright's Directory of ‘Leicester and 
Suburbs, 1854 sae 

mee puree of. Nottingham, 


iua &c., Year-Book, 1902 

Yacht Racing Association Rules and 
Time Allowances, 1874 ... 

Yachting Annual, 1907 
Yachting Guide, 1878 
Yachting Monthiy, 1906 
Yachting World, 1904 
Yachtsman, 1891 
Yarmouth Directory, 1899 
Year, Illustrated, 1910 

Year-Book and List of Members of the 
Society of Architects, 1884 se 

Year Book and Protected List of the 

Proprietary Articles Trade Asso- 
ciaton, 1898 ‘ cue m 

Year Book of Chess, 1907 

Year Book of rerna tonal veropori: 
tion, 1910. 

d ii of Missions in India, &e., ey 

voar Pook of Open Air School, &e., “ 

mi i of Pharmacy, 1865 

Year Book cf the Association of Men 
of Kent and Kentish Men, 1897. 

Year Book of the Srah Optical 
Association, 1915 

Year Bock of ime piusne Associa- 
tion, 1909 . 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

[Newspapers, &c. 

Year-Book of the incorporated Society 
of Musicians, 1885 

Year-Book of the zon Scholarship 
Board, 1899 

Year Book cf the Royal Colonial Insti- 

tute, 1912. 
Year Book of the Royal Society, 1896 

Year Book of the Scientific and 
Learned Societies of Great Pritam 
and Ireland, 1884 TA 

Year Book of tho Society of Dorset 
Men in London, 1904 ... 

Year Book of the Universities of tho , 
Empire, 1914 n 

meat rt of sl viking Society, ae. 
Year Book of Tropical Medicine, &c. ig 

ven ak of Wireless Telegraphy and 
Telephony, 1913 

Yearly County Court Practice, 1897.. 
Yearly Digest of Reported Cases, 1897 
vean a aeee of a Supremo Court, 

ta s Art, 1879 A i 

Year’s Work of Ciassicai Studies, 
1906 Sie ov sea Zis 

Yes or No, 1903 E a 

Young Abstainer, 1879 

Young Age, 19 5 

Young Believer’s Monthly, 1916 

Young Christian, 1911 

Young Days, 1876 

Young Folks’ Tales, 1911 

TIOR p epora pensue Mazazine 

Jones ied Journal, 1864 
Y.M., 1915 

Young Man, 1887 T 
Y.M.C.A., Year Book, 1883 ... 
Young New Churchman, 1909 
Young Protestant, 1896 

Young Soidier, 1881 ... 
Youthful Days, 1910 ... 
Y.W.C.A. News Letter, 1911 

Zadkiel’s Almanac, 1831 
Zambesi Industrial Mission, 1892 

> Zenana, 1872 ... 

Zion’s Witness, 1859 ... 
Zodiac, 1906 

Zoologist, 1843 
Zoophilist, 1881 

266] James Willng, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Metropolitan Newspapers, Magazines, 
Almanacs, &c. 

i / 



Freight Register 



Daily News , 
Daily Register of Companies 
_ Daily Sketch 

Daily Telegraph 

Financial News 

Financial Times 

Financier and Bullionist 
Jewish Express 

Jewish Times 


Lloyd’s List 

London Customs Bill of Entry 
London Grain, &c:., Reporter 
Morning Advertiser 

Morning Post 

Post Office Daily List of Sailings 
Public Ledger 

Renter’s Journal 

Sporting Life 




Daily Oil Bulletin 
Daily Weather Reports 
Evening News 
Evening Standard 
Independance Belge 
Jewish Evening News 
London Grain, &c., Reportes 
Pall Mal! Gazette 
Stock Exchange Daily Official List 
Westminster Gazette 
Wireless Mail 

Five times a Week. 
Daily Commercial Report 
Islington Gazette 
Public Ledger Eyening Report 

Three Times a Week. 
Borough of West Ham & Strat- 
ford Express 
East Ham Express 
Hackier & Kingsland Gazette 
ai À 

Twice a Week (Semi- 

Bazaar, Exchange and Mart 
Bulletin of New Books 
East End News 
Hackney Spectator 
London Corn Circular 
London Gazette 
Metal Bulletin 

Police Gazette 

Racing Expert 

Racing Judge 

Racing News 

Racing Opinion 

Advertisements received for all the Daily Provincial Newspapers. ae 

Twice a Week (Semi- 
Racing World 
Sentinel for Wood Green 
South London Observer 
Sporting World 
Stock ‘Exchange Review 

- Weekly—Sunday. 
Financial Mail >- 
Illustrated Sunday Herald 
Lloyd’s Weekly News 
News of the World 
Reynolds’s Newspaper 
Sunday Evening Telegram 
Sunday Mirror 
Sunday Pictorial 
Sunday Times & Sunday Special 
Weekly Dispatch 

Weekly— Monday. 

.| Agricultural Gazette 

Ally Sloper’s Half Holiday 
Aldine Cinema Novels 
Amateur Photographer 
Banner of Israel 

Christian Novels 

Chums ` 

Contractors’ Chronicle 
Diamond Racing Special 

Farmer and Stockbreeder 
Friendly Greetings 

Garden Work for Amateurs 
Home Notes 

Illustrated Bits 

Light Car and Cyclecar 
London and China Telegraph 
London County Council Gazette 
Lot o’ Fun | 

Mark Lane Express 


Pearson’s Weekly 

Photo Bits 

Racing Outlook 

Ross’s Parliamentary Record 
Smart. Novels 

Spare Moments 

Weekly List of Sailings 

Weekly— Tuesday. 

Answers Library 
Commercial Weekly Statement 
Competitors’ Journal 
Financial Chronicle 
Gas Lighting, Water 

&c., Journal of 
Happy Hour Stories 
Journal of Gas Lighting 
London Telegraph 
Mirror of Life 
Motor Cycling 
Penny Story Teller 
Picture Fun 
Weekly Intelligence 


Tuesday— ocntinued. 
Woollen and Textile Trades 
Gazette © 

—Weekly— Wednesday. 
Architects’ and Builders’ Journal] 
Bag, Portmanteau, &c., Trader 
Bankers’ Journal 
British Citizen 
Building News 
Bystander í 
Christian Commonwealth 
Christian World Pulpit 
Cinema News 
Clinical Journal 
Commercial Compendium 
Contract Journal 
Contractors’ Record 
Dainty Novels 
Electrical Industries and Invest- 
Farm and Home 
Farm, Field, and Fireside 
Financial Review 
Garden Life 
Illustrated Official Journal 
Illustrated War News 
Indent Gazette 
Jewish World 
Joint Stock Companies’ Journal 
Kemp’s Mercantile Gazette 
Knight’s Official Advertiser 
Labour News 
Leather Trades’ Review 
Legal Circular 
Life of Faith 
Light Car 
London and China Express 
Master Builder and Association 
Medical Press 
Mercantile Test 
Millers’ Gazette 
Motor Traction 
Motor Trader and Review 
New Age 
Perry’s Gazette 
Perry’s Legal Record 
Postage Stamp 
Poultry Keeping 
Racing Pigeon 
Shipping World 
Solicitors’ Gazette 
Stubbs’ Weekly Gazette 
Sunday School Times 
Syren and Shipping 
Teachers’ Times 
Teachers’, World 



Territorial Service Gazette 
Tottenham, &c., Wednesday 

Trade and Finance 

Trade Marks Journal 

Truth , 

Weekly Return of Births and 


Advertiser (Queen’s Park) 

Australasian & Canadian World 
Baptist Times 

Board of Trade Journal 
British and Colonial Printer 
British Australasian 

British Bee Journal 

British Weekly | 




Endeavour Times 


Christian Novel Library 
Christian World 

Commercial Motor 

Cycling : , 
Daily Graphic Colonial Edition 
Electrical Engineering 
Electrical Times 


English Churchman 


Farm Life 



Fruit Grower 

Good Tidings 


Hampstead, &c., Advertiser 
Hardwareman, &c., Chronicle 
Hockey Field 

Illustrated Carpenter & Builder 
paar of Horticulture 

oyful News 


emp’s South Eastern Gazette 

Kinematograph, &c., Weekly 

Ladies’ Golf 


Lawn Tennis 

Leather World 

Lloyd's Weekly Index 



Meat Trades Journal 

Methodist Recorder 

Methodist Times 

Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit 

Mining News 

Model Engineer 

Motor Cycle 

Motor Ship and Motor Boat 

Municipal Engineering and Sani- 
tary Record 


New Witness 

Nursing Times 


Practical Engineer 

Primitive Methodist Leader 

Printers’ Engineer 

Racing Calendar 

Racing Outlook’s Week-End 

Savay & Shipping Contractor 


Scout . 

Shipbuilding & Shipping Record 

Shop Assistant 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

Shoe and Leather and _ Allied 
Trades News 

Smart Fiction 


Stock Exchange Gazette 

Sunday Companion 

Sunday School Chronicle 

Tailor and Cutter 

Teacher’s Aid 

Times Literary Sypprement 

Times Educational Supplement 


United Methodist 

United Service Gazette 

War Budget 

Weekly Weather Report 

Women’s Wear 

Workers’ Friend 

Yachting World 



Acton and Chiswick Express 

Acton District Post 

Acton Gazette 

Architect, & Contract Reporter 

Baker and Confectioner 

Bakers’ National Association 

Bakers’ Record 

Balham, Tooting, &c., News 

Balham and Streatham Mercury 

Battersea Borough News 

Boot and Shoe Retailer 


British Baker 

British Bandsman 

British Journal of Photography 

Brixton and Lambeth Gazette 

Brixton and Streatham Times 

Brixton Free Press 

Broad Arrow 

Brockley & New Cross Borough 

Brockley News 

Builder l 

Camberwell Borough Advertiser 

Catford Journal 

Catholic Herald 

Catholic Times 


Church Family Newspaper 

Church Times 

Clapham and Balham Chronicle 

Clapham Free Press 

Clapham Observer 

Colliery Guardian 

Common Cause 

Comparative Prices & Statistics 

Cricklewood, &c., Advertiser 

Crystal Palace Advertiser 

Daily Mirror Overseas Edition 

Dalton’s Advertiser 

Dental Surgeon 

East Ham Echo 

East Ham Mail 

Echo de Belgique 


Electric Railway and Tramway 






English Mechanic 


Ewen’s Weekly Stamp News 

Feather World. 

Feathered World 

Financial Outlook 

Finchley Press 

Finsbury Weekly News 

Fishing Gazette 


Fulham and Walham Green 

Fulham Chronicle 


[Newspapers, &c. 

Furniture Record 

arage : 
Garden Suburb, &c., Advertiser 
Hampstead Recor 
Hardware Trade Journal 
Harringay Press 
Hither Green, &c., Journal, 
Holborn & Finsbury Guardian 
Holloway Press . 
Home and Colonial Mail 
Homing Pigeon 
Hornsey & Finsbury Park Journal 
Hornsey Press 
Illustrated Kennel News 
Insurance Observer 
Insurance Record f 
Iron and Coal Trades Review 
Islington News 
ewish Chronicle . 
ournal of the Royal Society 
oí Arts 
Kensington Express 
Kensington News 
Kentish Mercur 
Lady’s Companion 
Law Times Reports 
Lewisham Borough News . 
Lewisham Journal 
Licensed Victuallers’ Gazette 
Live Stock Journal 
Lloyd’s List Weekly Summary 
London and China Express 
London Commercial Record 
London Teacher 
Machinery Market 
Market Review 
Marylebone Times 
Medical World 
Merry and Bright 
Metal Industry 
Military Mail 
Motor Cycle and Cycle Trader 
Moving Picture Offered List 
Municipal Journal 
Musical News 
Muswell Hill Press 
Muswell Hill Record 
Near East 
Northwood, Pinner and Harrow 
Northwood Gazette 
Northwood Observer 
Norwood Observer 
Our Home 
Paddington Mercury 
Paddington Times 
Page’s Engineering Weekly 
Palmers Green, &c., Gazette 
Paper Trade Review 
Penge and Anerley Press 
Pioneer and Labour Journal 
Police and Prisons Officers’ 
Police Review 
Poor Law Officers’ Journal 
Poultry World 
Public Opinion 

| Railway Gazette 

Railway Review 



Ringing World 

St. Pancras Chronicle 

St. Pancras Gazette 

St. Pancras Guardian 
Shoe and Leather Record 
Shoe Trades Journal 
South Eastern Herald 

James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

[Newspaper g 

day conti nusd 
: Record 

Suburb, &. i 
ad Record. Adrere 

e Irade 
y Press Journal 

reen, &c., 
mae noben Guardiy 

x F.asbury Park Jony 

1 Keane! News 


Cal Trades Review 

Hf che Royal Socen 

a Express 

1 News 



s Reports 
Borough News 
“etuallers’ Gazette 
— Journal 

t Weekly Sommay 
4 China Express 
mmercial Record 

: d Cycle Trader 
' an ycie il 
‘ure Offered List 


' Press 

| Record 

Pinner and Harrow 


ers’ Journal 


. Streatham 



South London Press 
South Western Star 
Southwark, &c., Recorder. 
Sportsman’s Gazette 
Stanmore Gazete 
Stanmore Observer 
Stock Exchange Report 
Streatham Free Press 
Sydenham and Forest 

Borough News 
Sydenham, &c., Gazette 

Times Law Reports 
Times Weekly. Edition 
Tooting and Balham Mercury 
Tottenham & Edmonton Weekly 



Universal Stock Exchange 
Market Report 


Veterinary News 


Walthamstow, &c., Guardian 
Wandsworth Borough News 
War of the Nations 

Wealdstone Observer 

Wembley Gazette 

West Ham & South Essex Mail 
West London Observer 

West London Post 
Westminster Express 
Westminster Pulpit 

Willesden Call 

Willesden Chronicle and Herald 
Willesden Citizen 

Wood Green Weekly Herald 
World’s Paper Trade Review 



Active Service 
Advertiser's Weekly 
African World 
Agent’s Journal 
Amateur Gardening 
American Machinist 

Army and Navy Gazette 

Auto Motor guns 

Bandsman, &c. 
Bethnal Green News 
Big Comic 

Bowes Park Weekly News 
Boys’ Friend 
Bristol Catholic Herald 
British Journal of Nursing 
British Medical Journal 
British Supremacy 
Building World 
Cabinet Maker 
Cage Birds and Bird World 
Camberwell News 

Capitalist l 
Cassell’s Saturday Journal 
Chemical Trades Journal 
Chemist and Druggist 
Chilton’s Guide 
Christian Life 

Chronique, La 

Church Army Gazette 
Church of England Pulpit 
City Press 
Civil Service Gazette 
Club Life 

Coal and Iron 

Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan N ewspapers. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Coal Merchant and Shipper 
Comic Cuts 
Comic Life 
Confectioners’ Gazette 
Country Life 
County Gentleman 
Court Journal 
Daily Mail Over Seas Edition 
Daily Sketch Overseas Edition 
Draper’s Record 
Dulwich and Peckham Weekly 

East Ham Recorder 
East London Advertiser 
East London Observer 
East London Post 
Enquire Within 
Estates Gazette 
European Mail 
Fall In 
Family Herald 
Family Herald Supplement 

Family Journal 
Family Reader 
Favourite Comic 

Financial Mail 

Financial Opinion 

Financial World 

Finchley and Hendon News 

Finchley and Hendon Times 


Fish Trades Gazette 


Forest Gate, &c., Express 

Forest Hill, &c., Examiner 



Freemason’s Chronicle 


Fruit, Flower, and Vegetable 
Trades’ Journal 

Funny Cuts 

Funny Wonder 



Gardener’s Chronicle 

Gardener’s Magazine 

Gardening Illustrated 

Gas World 

Gem Library 

General Weekly Shipping List 

Gentleman’s Journa 


Girls’ Friend 

Girls’ Mirror 


Great Thoughts 

Great War 

Grocer and Oil Trade Review 

Grocer’s Record 

Grocers’ Gazette 

Grocers’ Journal 

Hackney and Stoke Newington 

Hairdressers’ Weekly Journal 

Hampstead & Highgate Express 

Handy Shipping Guide 

Handy Stories 

Health and Strength 

Heartsease Library 



Home Chat 

Home Companion 

Home Weekly 

Horners’ Penny Stories 

Horse and Hound 


Hugo’s French Journal 

Illustrated Chips 

Illustrated London Néws 

_ Newspapers, &e, 

Illustrated Mercury of South 
Illustrated Police News 
Illustrated Sporting and Dra- 
matic News 
Imperial News 
India Rubber Journal 
Insurance Mail 
Investor’s Guardian 
Investor’s Review 
Iron and Steel’ Trades Journal 
ohn Bull 
ustice of the Peace 
Kilburn Times 
Ladies’ Field 
Lady’s Pictorial 
Land Agents’ Record 
Laundry Journal 
Law Journal 
Law Times 
Lewisham, &c., Advertiser 
Licensing World 
Local Government Chronicle 
Local Government Journal 
London Life 
London Mail 
London Musical Courier 
London Opinion 
London Welshman 
Londres Hebdomadaire 
Magnet Library 
Marsh’s Weekly Philatelist 
Marylebone Mercury 
Marylebone Record 
Medical Officer 
Medical Times 
Men’s Wear 
Mid-Surrey Times 
Mining one 
Mining World 
Modern Society 
Money Market Review 
Mother and Home 
Musical Standard 
My Pocket Novels 
National Insurance Gazette 
National Newsagent 
Nelson Lee Library 
New Church Weekly 
New Cross, &c., Free Press 
New Days 
New Fun 
New Statesman 
Newspaper World 
North Middlesex 
Norwood News 
Norwood Press 
Norwood Review 
Norwood Weekly Herald 
Norwood Weekly Record 
Notes and Queries 
Nurseryman and Seedsman 
Nursing Mirror 


Oil and Colour Trades Journal 
Oil News . 

Our Girls 


Owner, Driver, &c., Gazette 
Paddington Gazette 
Paddington Chronicle 
Passing Show l 
Pawnbrokers’ Gazette 
Penge, &c., News 

Penny Magazine 

Penny Pictorial 

Penny Popular 



Metropolitan] | 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

[Newspagers, &c. 

Petroleum Review 
Pharmaceutical Journal 
Pictures and Picturegoer 
Picture Palace News 
Pitman’s Journal 
Pitman’s Shorthand Weekly 
Policy i 
Popular Science Siftings 
Post Magazine 
Power Laundry ; 

Produce Market Review 

Publishers’ Circular > 


Putney Observer 


Railway News 


Red Letter 


Saturday Review 

Saturday Westminster 

School Government Chronicle 


Shooting Times 

Social Gazette ' 

Solicitors’ Journal 

South Africa 

Specialists’ Saturday Information 



Sporting Life Racing Guide 

Sporting Times 

Sports Library 

Sportsm’n’s Weekly Racing Guide 

Stamp Collecting 

Statist . 

Stock Exchange Weekly Offcial 

Sunday Circle 

Sunday Stories 

Sydenham Review 

Tablet ; 


Timber News 

Timber Trade Journal ' 

Tit-Bits ; 

To-day and T.P.’s Weekly 

Tooting and Balham Gazette 

Town Topics a 

Tramway and Railway World 

Trotting World 

Twickenham Herald 

Union Jack 

Veterinary Record 

Volunteer Force Gazette 

Walthamstow Express 

Wandsworth Observer 

War Cr 

War Illustrated l 

Ward's Weekly Shipping Journal 

Waste Trade World 

Wealdstone Gazette 

Weekly Financial Mail 

Weekly Friend 

Weekly Notes 

Weekly Report 

West London Press 

West London Reporter 

Westminster and Pimlico. News 

Westminster Mail. 

What’s On 

Wine and Spirit Gazette 

Winning Post 




Woman’s Weekly 

Woman’s World 

- l 

Work . 
Workers’ Word 
Yes or No ` 

Young Soldie ; 
Bi-Weekly (Fortnightly). 

Air Pilot 

Anglers’ N ews A ` 

Blackheath Local Guide 

Brewers’ Gazette 


Bi-Weekly (Fortnightiy)—con 

British Journal of Dental Science 

Civil Service Competitor. 

Civil Service Hints 


Guy’s Hospital Gazette 

Journal of H.M. Customs and 

Journal of the Royal Institute 
of British Architects 

Licensed Vehicle Trade Record 

Nation Tchéque 

Polish Tribune 


Postman’s Gazette 

Putney News-Letter 


¿Stamp Collector’s Fortnightly 

Southern Slav Bulletin 
West India Committee Circular 

Anglers’ News 

Bondholder’s Register 

British Dental Journal 

Charity Record 

Commercial World & Insurance 

Dyer, &c. 

Echoes of Service 

; Finance & Insurance Chronicle 

Fortnightly Review for Investors 
Harmsworth Red Magazine 
Insurance Spectator of London 
Insurance World 
Jeweller and Metalworker 
Journal of the Society of Chemi- 
cal Industry 

Journal of Tropical Medicine 
Mathieson’s Fortnightly List 
Morning Star 
Tropical Diseases Bulletin 
Tribune Congolaise 
Women’s Employment 

_ Monthly. 
ABC Railway Guide 
Accountants’ Journal 
Across the Rockies 
Advanced Lesson Leaflets 
Advertising World 
African Tidings 

i Aldersgate Primitive Methodist 


Alfred Smith & Son’s Monthly 
Circular : 

4 All the World 

Amalgamated. Society of Engi- 
neers’ Journal 
American Magazine 
Analyst i 
Anglo-American Times 
Anglo-Belgian Trade Review 
Anglo-Norwegian Trade Journal 
Anglo-Russian Exchange 
Anglo-Swedish Trade Journal 
Animal World 
Animals’ Friend 
Animals’ Guardian 
Annals and Magazine of Natural 
History ` 
Annals of Surgery 
Anti-cutting Record 
Anti-Suffrage: Review 
Appeal ` 
Architectural Association Journal 
Architectural Review 
Archives of Radiology 
Arms and Explosives 
Army Orders 


Associated Accountants’ Journal 
At Home and Abroad 




Automobile an 
ders’ pours 

Automobile Engineer 

Avicultural Magazine 


Badminton Magazine 

Bailey’s Magazine of Sports and 
Pastimes : 

Ball Room 

Band of Hope Chronicle 

Band of Hope Review 

Band of Mercy 

B.M.G . 

Banjo World 

Bankers’, Insurance Managers’ 
and Agents’ Magazine 

Banner of Faith 

Baptist Monthly 


Bee-keepers’ Record 

Believer’s Friend 

Bible in the World 

Bible Society Gleanings 

Bible Students’ Monthly 

Bible Treasury 

Bible Witness 

Bible Women and Nurses 

Bill Poster 

Blind Advocate 

Board of Trade Labour Gazette 

Bodleian Bo 

Boiler Maker 



Books for the Bairns 

Books of To-day and Books of 

Boosey’s Brass Band Journal 

Boosey’s Drum and Fife Journal 

Boosey’s March Journal 

Boosey’s Military Journal | 

Boosey’s New Supplemental 

Borough Polytechnic News 

Carriage Buil- 

| Botanical Magazine 

Bourne’s Insurance 
Guides i 
Boy Scouts Headquarters Gazette 

Boys’ Friend Libtary 


Boys’ Own Paper 

Bradshaw’s General Railway,&c., 

Bradshaw’s Manchester A.B.C. 

Braille Literary Journal 

Braille Review 

Brewer and Wine Merchant 

Brewers’ yous i 

Brewing Trade Review 

Brick & Pottery Trade Journal 


British & Colonial Pharmacist 

British and Foreign Confectioner 

British and Foreign Journal- of 

British and South African Ex- 
port Gazette 

British Architect 

British Birds 

British Chess Magazine 

British Clay Worker 

British Empire Review 

British Esperantist 

British Evangelist 

British Export Gazette 

British Flag 

British Food Journal 

British Homceopathic Journal 

British Journal of Astrology 

British Journal of Children’s 

| British Journal of Dermatology 

British Philatelist 
British’ Retail, Jeweller 
British ‘Séntinel 

ies TII a: o o ~ aee 
James W “ing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [Newspapers, &c. 

Mpm h _ Metropolitan) 

cont Monthly— continued. Monthiy—continued. Monthly— continued. 
3 ; 
, British To aker Colliery Rescue Estate Magazine 

ni te ae Tride onnal Colonizer l Eustace Miles’ Monthly Booklet 
na mge British Trade Review __ Colour Export World 

s British Workman Coming Day Expositor 

oe Brotherhood Journal Coming Fashions Expression 

Magazine Brothers and Sisters Commercial Education Fabian News 

fis Brushmaking Commercial Review Faith and Freedom 

TARIE Buildings Societies’ Gazette Commonwealth Faith and the Flock 
Serda Bulletin of the British Ornitho- | Complete Story Teller Faith Links 

Family Doctor 

Comrades (Braille) i 
Family Friend 

logists’ Club 

i i Concord 
re Chrnnieh PE N pecans Concrete and  Constructional | Family Story Teller 
e Renen Camping Engineering Fancy Goods Record 
ty Canterbury Diocesan Gazette Confectioners’ Union Farrow’s Bank Gazette 
Captain Confectionery Fashions for Al 
Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction Connoisseur Federal Magazine 
rane? Mangea! Cassell’s Railway Time Tables Conservative Clubs’ Gazette F erro-Concrete , 
Magazine Cassiers Engineering Monthly Constitution Papers Financial Review of Reviews 
A Caterer Contemporary Review Financial Times Index 
y Catholic Book Notes Conveyancer Fine Art Trade Journal 
Catholic Fireside Cook’s Continental, &c., Hand-| Fire 
cord Catholic Home Journal book Fireman 
Catholic Missions Cook’s Ocean Sailing List First Aid 
rd Catholic Suffragist Cook’s Travellers’ Gazette -First North London Troop 
naming Catholic Women’s League Mthly. Cooper’s Vehicle Journal » Magazine 
re) Magazine ' Co-Partners’ Magazine Flatland 
l Caxton Magazine Co-partnership Fleet 
Central Africa E. Cornhill Magazine Food and Cookery 
Neris Certified Accountants’ Journal Cottager and Artisan Foreign Field 
Chamber of Commerce Journal | County Courts Chronicle Foresters’ Miscellany 
Chambers’s Journal Covenant People Fortnightly Review 
oer bates Charity Organisation Review Cox’s Legal Circular Foundry Trade Journal 
E Chart and Compass Creche News Free Church Chronicle 
Chatterbox Current Literature of the Month | Free Church of England Mag’zine 
Cheering Words Cussack’s Journal Free Churchman 
Chief Steward Cyclists’ Touring Club Gazette | Free State 
Child Daily Readings at Meteorological | Free Sunday Advocate 
Boake ¢ Child Life i Stations l Freedom 
= Child of Mary Dairy i Friendly Companion 
ini Child Study Dairy World Friendly Leaves : 
i ae Children’s Clothing Dairyman Friendly Work for Friendly 
A Children’s Friend Dallas Musical Monthly Workers | ; 
a! eae Gospel Magazine Pancing. a ehi mes Witness to the Scripture 
T ld’s mpani arkness a 
a China’s Mil tons Dawn in Central Asia Fur World 
Choir ~ Dawn of Day Games and Toys 
Christian Ambassador Day of Days Garden Cities & Town Planning 
ag Christian Messenger Decorator Gas and Oil Power 
cs Christian Progress — Decorators’ and Painters’ Maga | Gazette of the Third London 
zine General Hospital 

Christian’s Armoury , } 
Christian’s Pathway Delineator Gentleman’s Tailor 
Chronicle of the London Mis- | Deliverer Geographical Journal 
; sionary Society Dental Record 2 Geological Magazine 
ve Church Abroad Depositor Geophysical Journal 
Ta Church and People Diamond Library Girl Guides Gazette 
d Church and the Sailor Diamonds from South Africa Girl’s Own Paper 
Girls’ Club News 

Church Evangelist Dickensian irls’ Clu A 
Church Gazette Dioptic Bulletin Girls’ Friend Library , 
Church Intelligencer Divine Light and Truth Girls’ Friendly Society Associates’ 
Church League fer Women’s | Docks Gazette i Journal, 

Suffrage Monthly Paper Domestic Engineering Glad Tidings for the Young 
Church Missionary Gazette Drapers’ Organiser _ | Gleanings and Memoranda 
Church Missionary Gleaner Drawing | Golf Club Steward 
Church Missionary Review Early Days Good Health 
Church Monthly Earthen Vessel Good Lines 
Church of England Temperance | Eastern [Engineering Gospel Advocate 

Society War Issue Efficiency Magazine Gospel Banner 
Church Record Egoist | Gospel Echo | 
Church Socialist Electrical Contractor Gospel Gleanings 
Church Standard Electrics Gospel Light | 

Church Sunday School Magazine | Elizabethan Gospel Magazine 
Church Union Gazette Empire Gospel Standard 
Churchman Empire Review Gospel Stories for the Young 
Churchman’s Magazine Encyclopedia of Dancing Grand Magazine S 
Cigar and Tobacco World Engineering Diary Great Eastern Railway Magazine 
Circulation Manager Engineering Gazette : G.W.R. Magazine 
City Life Record Engineering Industry Greater Britain Messenger 
City of London Illustrated Engineering Review Green Howard's Gazette 
Civil Engineering English Church Review Grocers Assistants Monthly 
Clapham Junction and District | English Churchwoman _ Record 
Review English Review Grocery 
Classical Review Englishwoman Guild 
Clerk Entomologist Guild of South London Sym- 
Club and Institute Journal Entomologist’s Monthly Mag’zine| _pathisers Leaflet 
Cold Storage and Produce Review | Entomologist’s Record. Guildsman — 
Collie Folio Esperanto Monthly Hairdressers’ (Chronicle 

Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Newspapers. [271 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

(Newspapers, &e. 

Hamlyn’s Menagerie Magazine 

Harper’s Magazine 
Harrison’s Dressmaker' 
Harvest Field 
Hatters’ Gazette 

Head Teachers’ Review 


Health 4 
Health News 

Health and Vim 

Healthy Life 

Hearts of Oak Journal 

Helps for the Poor of the Flock 


Herald of Health 

Herald of Mercy 

Herald of Peace 

Herald of the Primitive Metho- 
dist Missionary Society 

Herald of the Star 

Heron’s Flat and Estate Mart 

Higham’s Magazine 

Highbury Quadrant Magazine 


Highway and Hedges 


Hire Traders’ Recora 





Cookery and Comforts 



Home Messenger 

Home Organization Department 

Home Reading Magazine 

Home Words 

Home Workers’ Gazette 

Homiletic Review 

Homeopathic World 

Hope Magazine and Accoustic 

Horological Journal 


Hospital! Gazette 

Hotel Review 


Ice and Cold Storage 

Illuminating Engineer 

Imperial Cadet Magazine 

Imperial Colonist 

Implement & Machinery Review 

Incorporated Accountants’ 

Indian Education 

Indian Magazine 

India’s Women 

Infants’ Magazine 

Institute Journal 

Institute Journal and Optomet- 

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ewish Herald 

ewish, Missionary Intelligence 
osé Lille’s Juvenile Dressmaker 
osé Lille’s Practical Fashions 
ournal of Botany . 
ournal of Domestic Appliances 
ournal of Education 

ournal of Laryngology, &c. 
ournal of Obstetrics 



Journal of State Medicine ; 

Journal of the Board of Agri- 

Journal of the Central and 
Associated Chamber of Agri- 
culture ; 

Journal of the Chemical Society 

Journal of the Farmers’ Club 

Journal, of the Incorporated 
Clerks of Works Association 
of G.B 

Journal of the Institute of 

Journal of the Institute of 

Journal of the Institute of 
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Medical Corps 
Journal of the Royal Artillery 
Journal of the Society of Archi- 

Royal Army 

tects N : 
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Kellock’s List of Steamships 
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Kennel Gazette 
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Railway Gazette 
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Medical Magazine 

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verament Reviey 
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ty Histon Yie 
auty Covaci fa 

koms Bil) of ken 

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ragce Tine 
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aphical Jomi 
ty Gazette 
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Sexton Blake Library 

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Southern Cross Log ; 
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Super-Man . ° 
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Ireauiy , 

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United Methodist Magazine 

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Willing’s Press Guide. 


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nnals of the Society of Hol 
Childhood i ii e 

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Candid Quarterly Review 
Caslon’s Circular 
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Catholic Social Guild Quarterly 
Channel Coast, &c., Magazine 
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Indian Church Magazine 

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Revue D’Etudes 


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arre manam nn ce a a e a e a a a a e 

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New Church Quarterly 

New Life 


Night and Day 

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Paper l l 

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Pocket Lesson Book 

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Political Science 

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Proceedings of the Malacological 
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mental Physiology 
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logical Society 

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Quarterly Leaflet of the 
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Quarterly News Sheet of the 

Federation of Working Men’s 
Social Clubs 

Quarterly Notes of the Church 
Emigration Society 

Quarterly Return of Marriages, 
Births, and Deaths 

Quarterly Review 

Quarterly Weather Report 


Registrar - Genera] Returns of 
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Round Table r 

R.M.A. Magazine 

Sabbath Observer 

St. Martin’s-le-Grand 

Salmon and Trout Magazine 

Scattered Nation 

School Hygiene 

Science Progress in the 2th 
Century : 

Scripture Lessons for Elementary 
Classes i 

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Service) forthe King 



Sewanee Review 
Showers of Blessing 
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Socialist Review 
Sociological Review 
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ciety of Literature 

Transactions of the St. 
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United Temperance Gazette 


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ui . 
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Leach’s Catalogue of Fashions 

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Post Office Guide Supplement 
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Literary Society 

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veyors’ Institute 

Transactions of the Faraday 

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Willing’s Press Guide. 

Twice a Year. 
Academic Gazette 
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Accountants’ Manual 
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ABC Guide to Practice 

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Adult School Year Book and 

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Annual Register 

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Annual Report of the Asylums 

Annual Report of the Baptist 
Missionary Society 

Annual Report of the British 
and Foreign Bible Society 

Annual Report of the British 
Federation for the Emancipa- 
tion of Sweatéd Women 

Annual Report of the British 
Institute of Social Service 

Annual Report of the Catholic 
Women’s League 

Annual Report of the Central 
Bureau for the Employment of 

Annual Report of the Children’s 
Special Service Mission 

Annual Report of the Christian 


to the 

. of 

Literature Society for India 
Annual Report of the Church 
Association | 
Annual Report of the Church 

Benefit Society 

Annual Report of the Church 
Reform League 

Annual Report of the Federation 
of Working Girls’ Clubs 

Annual Report of the Friends’ 
Foreign Mission Association 

Annual Report of the Friends’ 
Temperance Union 

Annual Report of the Friends’ 
Tract Association l 

Annual Report of the Hampstead 
General, &c., Hospital 

Annual Report of the Indian 
Church Aid Association 

Annual Report of the Londen 
Chamber of Commerce 

Annual Report of the Londen 
Missionary Society 

Annual Report of the Magdalene 
College Club 

AnnualReport of the Mission 
to, Lepers 

James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 



Annual Report ef the Mount 
Vernon Hospital for Consump- 

tion, &c. , 
Annual Report of the National 
Bureau for Promoting the 

General Welfare of the Deaf 
Annual Renee of National 
Canine Defence League 
Annual Report of the N.S.P.C.C. 
Annyal Report of __ the 
Native Races and the Liquor 
Trafic United Committee 

Annual Report of the Navy 
Employment Agency 

Annual “Report of the Navy 

Annual Report of the Organists’ 
Benevolent League 

Annual Report of the Proceed- 
ings of the L.C.C. 

Annual Report of the Protestant 
Reformation Society ; 

Annual Report of the Registrar- 
General of Births, Deaths, 
and Marriages in England 

Annual Report of the Registrar- 
General of Births, Deaths, 
and Marriages in Scotland 

Annual Re or of the Royal 
College o rganists 
Aandal. Report of the Royal 

Dental Hospital of London 

Annual Report of the Royal 
Society for the Protection of 
Birds 3 

Annual Report of the Society for 
Promoting the Employment of 
Women ‘ 

Annual Report of the Society for 
the Liberation of Religion 
from State Patronage 

Annual Report of the S.P.C.K. 

Annual Report of the Society for 
the Propagation of the Gospel 

Annual Report of the Society 
of Genealogists i 

Annual Report of the Society of 
Women Journalists 

Annual Report of the Somerset 
Men in Londo 

Annual Report 

Annual Report of the Wesleyan 
Methodist Missionary Society 

Annual Report of the White 
Cross League 

Annual Report of the Womeén’s 
Industrial Council 

Annual Report of the Women’s 

Annual Report of the Zenana 
Bible and Medical Mission 

Annual Report on the Progress 
of Chemistry 

Annual Reports 

of the Victoria 

issued by the 

Board of Agriculture and 

Annual Statutes 

Annual Summa of Births, 

Deaths in London, &c. 
Annual Summary of the Past 

Archer’s Register 
ie chutects: Surveyors’ Diary, 

Architects’ Compendium 
Ar niccetural Association Brown 

Archives of the Middlesex 

Argentine Year Book 

Art Annual 

Art Prices Current 

Art Trade Year Book 
Artistic Country Buildings 
Artists’ Almanac 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Associated Accountants’ 
Auctioneers’ and Estate Agents’ 
Institute Year-Book and Diary 
Australian A B C Guide to 
British Manufacturing Exports 
Autograph Prices Current 
Automobile and Carriage 
Builder’s Diary 
Aviation Pocket Book 
Ayres’ Cricket Companion 
Ayres’ Lawn Tennis Almanac 
Baby’s Journal 
Badminton Fixtures Card 
Badminton Kalendar 
Badminton Sporting Register 
Baily’s Hunting Directory 
Balham, &c., Directory 
Band of Hope Almanac 
Banking Almanac, &c. 

Baptist Almanac and Directory 

Baptist Handbook 

Barnet Directory 

Baxter Year Book 

Beckenham, Penge, &c., Directory 

Benn’s Encyclopedia of Hardware 

Bermondsey Settlement Annual 

Bible Acrostic Searching Almanac 

Bible Readers’ Almanac 

Bible Readings 

Bible Searching Almanac 

Bible Text Calendar 

Bill Posters’ Directory 

Bioscope Annual 

Birmingham and Suburbs 

Blackheath, &c., Directory 

Blackie’s Children’s Annual 

Black’s Commercial Directory 

Blackwood’s Diaries 

Book’ Lover 

Book of Knights of the British 


Bourne's Insurance Directory 

Bourne’s Insurance Manual 

Boy’s Own Annvael 

Bradshaw’s Railway Manual 


Brewers’ Almanac 

Brewing Trade Review Licensing 
Law Reports 

Bright Hours 

Brighton, &c., Directory 

British & Colonial Pharntacists’ 


British and Foreign Guides 

British Baker Diary. 

British Boy’s Annual 

British Drug Houses’ Guide to 
the British Pharmacopia 

British Engineering Index 

British Girl’s Annual 

British Holstein Cattle Herd Book 

British Imperial Calendar 

British Insurance Year Book 

British Journal Photographic 

British Made Goods and How to 
Get Them 

British Mercantile Guide 

British Motor Tourists’ A B C 

British Rainfall 

British Year-Book of Agriculture 

Brixton and Clapham Directory 

Bromley, &c., Director 

Brotherhood Year Boo 

Brown Book 

Building Societies’ Annual Report 
of Registrar | 

Burdett’s Hospitals & Charities 

Burke’s Genealogical & Heraldic 
Dictionarv of the Peerage, &c. 

Business Directory 

Butterworth’s Annotated Statutes 

[Newspapers, &c. 

Year | Butterworth’s Licensing Law 
Butterworth’s Workmen’s Com- 

pensation Cases 

Butterworth’s Yearly Digest of 
Reported Cases 

Cabinet Makers’ Diary 

Cage Birds Annual 

Caithness and Sutherland Re- 

Calendar and Lectionary of the 
English Church 

Calendar of Garden Operations 

Calendar of the Bedford College 
for Women 

Calendar of the College of Pré- 

Calendar of the Council of Legal 

Calendar of the East London 

Calendar of the Institute of 
Ophthalmic Opticians 

Calendar of the London School 
of Economics 

Calendar of the Royal College of 
Surgeons of Englan 

Calendar of the Trinity College 
of Music, London 

Calendar of University College 

Calendars of State Papers 

Cambridge House Annual Report 

Cambridge Pocket Diar 

Cambridge University Calendar ` 

Cambridge University Examina- 
tion Papers 

Camden and Kentish Town 
Directory . 

Canada To-day 

Canterbury Diocesan Calendar 

Car Motor Register 

Car Road Book Guide 

Carnegie Scholarship Memoirs 

Cassell’s Annual for Boys and 

Cassell’s Winter Annual 

Castle’s Fishing and Allied 
Trades Directory 

Castle’s Guide to the Fruit and 
Allied Trades 

Catalogue of Modern Law Books 

Catholic Almanac 

Catholic Diary 

Catholic Directory 

Catholic Directory of the Province 
of Birmingham 

Catholic Educational Year Book 

Catholic Social Year Book 

Catholic Who’s Who 

Charts, Plans, and Sailing Direc- 

Chatterbox Newsboy 

Chelmsford Diocesan Directory 

Chelsea, Pimlico, &c., Directory 

Chemical Manufacturers’ Direc- 


Chemist and Druggist Di 

Chemists’ Annual =r 
hemists’ Year Book 

Chichester Diocesan Calendar 
hildren’s Kalendar 

Children’s Treasury of Pictures 
and Stories 

Child’s Empire Picture Annual 

Child’s Welfare Annual 

China Mission Year Book 

China Year Book 

Chinese Trade Register 

Chiswick, Acton, &c., Directory 

Chitty’s Statutes of Practical 

Christmas Catalogue 

Chummy Book 

Church Almanac 

Church Emigration Society An- 
nual Report i 

Advertisements received tor all the Provincial Newspapers. 



- Vearly—continued. 

C.L.B. List 
Church Missionary Pocket Book 
Church of England Almanac 
Church’s Year Calendar 
Churchman’s Almanac 
Churchman’s Diary 
Churchman’s Remembrancer 
Churchman’s Year Book 
Circuit Stewards 
City and Guilds of London In- 

stitute kdl ae 
City Diary an manac 
City of London College Caleaiar 
City of London Directory 
Civil Engineer’s Cost Book 
Civil Service Year-Book | 
Class Leader’s Companion  , 
Clergy Directory & Parish Guide 

Cler List 

Diary ; 

Coal and Iron Diary 

Coate’s Head Book | 

College of Preceptors Calendar 

Colliery Manager's Pocket Book, 


Collins’ Adventure Annual 
Collins’ Children’s Annual 
Collingwood’s International Mer- 

cantile Directory 
Colonial Office List 
Commercial Almanac 
Commercial Directory i 
Commercial Motor Drivers’ Hand- 


Commercial Motor Users’ Asso- 
ciation Handbook of Night 
Shelter Accommodation 

Companies Diary, &c. 

Company Secretaries’ Diary, &c. 

Confectionery Diary and Trade 

Congregational Workers Hand- 

Congregational Year-Book 

Connoisseur Christmas Annual 

Constitutional Year-Book 

Contractors’, &c., Compendium 

Cook’s Guide to Paris 

Cook’s Handbook for London 

Cook’s Indian Handbook 

Country Gentleman’s Estate Book 

County Councils and Municipal 
Corporations Companion 

Cricketers’ Diary . 

Crockford’s Clerical Directory 

Croydon and South Norwood 

Customs Tariff of the World 

Cyclists’ Touring Club British 
and Irish Handbook 

Daffodil Year Book . 

| Daily Mail Year-Book 

Daily Mirror Reflections 

Darton‘’s Leading Strings 

De la Rue’s Diaries 

Debrett’s House of Commons and 
the Judicial Bench 

Debrett’s Illustrated Baronetage 
and Knightage 

Debrett’s Illustrated Peerage 

Debrett’s Peerage, Baronetage, 
Knightage, and Companionage 

Decorators’ Diary 

Dental Directory 

Dentists’ Register 

Devonian Year Book 

Diary and Directory for Sur- 
veyors, &c. | 

Diary for Lawyers 

Directory of Contractors 

Directory of Directors 

Directory of Manufacturers and 
Wholesalers of Toy and Fancy 

Directory of Paper Makers 


Directory of Reformatory 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Industrial Schools of Great 


Directory of Shipowners, &c. 

Directory of the A.O.F. ; 
Directory of the Chief Industries 
of India, Burma, and Ceylon 
Directory of Unitarian Ministers, 


Directory of Women Teachers 

Dod’s Parliamentary Companion 

Dod’s Peerage, Baronetage, and 
Knightage ; 

Dovglas’s Year Book of Scottish 

Drapers’ Diary 

Dulwich, Tulse Hill, &c., Directry 

Ealing, &c., Directory 

East Ham Almanac 

East London Handbook 

Eastern Guide to British Manu- 
facturing Exporters 
Easy Bible Searching Almanac 
Education Authorities Directory 
Education Code Annual for Day 
Schools : 
Eighty Club Year-Book 
Electric Railway, &c., Journal 
Electrical Engineer’s Diary 
“Electrician” Electrical Trades’ 
Directory, &c. 
Electricity for Everybody 
Empire Annual for Boys ~ 
Empire Annual for Girls 
Empire Municival Directory, &c. 
Enfield, &c., Directory 
“Engineer” Directory 
Buyers’ Guide 
Engineering Index Annual 
Engineer’s Year-Book 
Engineers’ and Surveyors’ Com- 
pendium and Diary 
English Catalogue of Books 
English Churchman’s Kalendar * 
English Clubs, List of 
English Guernsey Cattle Society’s 
Herd Book 
English Tersey Herd Book 
English Kerry and Dexter Herd 
Englishwoman’s Year Book 
Ephemeris Pharmacologia 
Epsom. &c., Directory 
Era, &c., Annual 
Essex Hall Year-Book 
Estates Gazette Digest of Cases 
Every Man’s Own Lawyer 
Export Merchant Shippers and 
Manufacturers of Great Britain 
and Irelan 
Faculty of Insurance Year Book 
Farmer and Stockbreeder Year- 
Farmer’s Red Book 
Father Tuck’s Annual 
Feathered World Year Book 
Financial Times Investors’: Guide 
Financial Times Oil Handbook 
Financial Times Rubber Hahd- 

Financier Rubber Share Book 
Finchley & Child’s Hil Directorv 
Fleet Annual & Naval Year-book 
Football Directory 
Foreign Office List . 
Fraternity Calendar 
Free Church Year-Book 
French’s Guide for 
From Friend to Friend Kalendar 
Fruit, Flower, &c., Trades Diary 



Times Mining 


[Newspapers, &c. 

Fruit Growers’ Year-Book 
Fry’s Royal Guide to the London 
Garden Annual i 
Garden Life Pocket Diary 
Gas Works Directory 
Gas World Year Book 
Gentleman’s Pocket Daily Com- 
Girl’s Own Annual 
Girls’ Friendly Society Elemen- 
tary Reading Union Leaflet. 
Girl’s School Year-Book 
Gist of the Lessons 
Gleaner and Sower Almanac 
Goldsmith’s Almanac 
Golf Greens 
Good Cheer Calendar 
Good News Calendar 
Good News Sheet Almanac 
Gore’s Liverpool, &c., Directory 
Gospel Text Almanac 
Gosport Director 
chool Workers’ 

Graded Sunday 
Note Book 

Great Thoughts Almanac 

Greyhound Stud Book i 

Grocer and Oil Trade Review 
Diary b 

Grocers’ Journal Diary 

Grocery, &c., Directory 

Guide Book of the Friendly 
Societies’ Registry Office 

Guild of hurch Musicians’ 

Guildford, &c., Directory 

Guy’s Hospital Reports 

Hackney Stud Book ` 

‘Hammersmith, &c., Directo 

Hampstead and Child’s Hill 
Directory ; 
Ham’s Customs Year-Book 
Ham’s Excise Year-Book 
Handbook and Report of the 
National Union of Women 
Workers of Great Britain and 
Handbook of 
Handbook o 
Colleges ` 
Handy Class Register 
Hardwareman, &c., Dia 
Harper’s Manual and Wine and 
Spirit Trade Manual 

the Theological 

‘Harrow, &c., Directory 

Hart’s Annual Army List 

Hastings and St. Leonard’s Di- 

Hatters’ Gazette Diary 

Health and Strength Annual 

Heaton’s Annual 

deaton’s Opportunities in Canada 

Herald of Mercy Annual 


Holiday Directory 

Holiday Resorts 

Holidays, Where to Stag 
What to See 

Holly Bough 

Home Almanac 

Homeland Handbooks . 

Hornsey, &c., Directory 

Horses in Training 

Horticultural Director 

Howe’s Classified Directory of 
the Metropolitan Charities 

Hull Directory 

Hundred Best- Investments 

Hunting Diary . 

Hunt's Universal Yacht List 

Haag nam Club News, &c., of 

olo : 

Ilford, &c., Directory 

Illustrated Official Guide to the 
London Zoological Gardens 

Imperial Society of . Knights 


Janie "ling, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

: Metropolitan) Willing’s Press Guide. _ [Newspapers, &c. 

Yearly—continued. i Yearly—continued. Yearly—continued. 
Imperial Tariff Lesson Handbook of the Inter-| Midwife’s Pocket Encyclopædia 
Incorporated Accountants’ Year national $.S. Lessons Mining Highest and Lowest 
Book Ok i a pane * ao i Duiccnds 
Indian ce List -| Lewisham, &c., Directory ining Manua 
Tado trial Pe of the Leon Bes Directory Mianta or the coan Conference 
Unite Kingdom iberal Year-Boo of the New urc 
Insurance oe m puts bibi ities; Museums, &c., Year Minule ts the General Medical 
Insurance ear Boo vo j ounci 
International Cable Register of lirenna Victuallers’ Officiai Minte. of ane yng a ea ee 
the Wor nnua yterian Church of Englan 
= International Daily Text Book Licensed Victuallers’ Year Book | Minutes of the United Methodist 
International Lesson Pocket } Life of Faith Almanac . Church ' 
Notes ` . | Lights and Tides of the World | Minutes of the Wesleyan Con- 
Investor’s Four Shilling Year | List of Motor Cars Manufactured ference 
x Book = yt po in the UE Bisnis rene 
Ironmongers’ Diary ist of Private Bills oravian Almanac P 
L onmone ce Metal Market Year | List of Subscriptions to English,} Moravian Text Book 
Book 5 weir tie Foreign News- hated oa Red foe S : 
Isle of Thanet Directory papers, &c. otor Transport Year Boo 
am Jane’s oo eve Wonca Aircraft ` iterar T ar Book ee: Senn bma sE alendir 
Hint ane’s Fighting ips ittle Frolic unicipal Year-Boo 
\2ahsob's Mecane Directory Little Precept Kalendar Musical Directory 
os Jeweller & Metalworker Annual | Live Stock Journa) Almanac Music Trade Directory 
v. Wee Jewish Year-Book | el soas Coleg? Year Book Ay BE S Anane 
John Bull Annual oyd’s Calendar ationa urch Almanac 
banat John Ploughman's Almanac Lloyd’s Register of Shipping National Fire Brigades Union 
xX oint Transactions of the Lon- | Lloyd’s Register of Yachts Annual Report 
ude Ren don Chartered Accountants | Local Government Annual National Insurance Year Book 
Students’ Society oe Government Board Annual Nene Master Builders’ Year- 
hary olly Book eport 00 
Cty oial of the Bath, &c., Society | Local Government Directory National Pony Stud Book 
a t carne) ares British Dairy pee a eae OEN National Rose Society’s Rose 
xy Ofe armers’ Association ockwood’s Builders’, &c., Price} Annua 
ch Msi Journal of the British Fire Pre- Book Naval Annual 
vention Committee London (Fry’s) f Naval Pocket Book 
rectory Journal of the Chartered Insur- | London Almanack Navy League Annual i 
Reports ance, Institute Mondon. and County Trades Nelsen g nnnoteted Scottish Code 
api l of the East Afri d irectory ew Churc manac 
4 “Dir Jonia? Natal Histor London & Provincial Directory New Hazell’s Annual 
» Directory g istory Adee 
d Child's E Society a E T of Account- aed Sie wins) Post Office 
ournal of the Institute of ants’ Diary, &c. rectory ise’s 
. Year-Botk J Actuais Student Soctet London Bonks, &c. New Zealand Post Office Dircctory 
y s e 
VearBook - Journal of the Kew Guild London Citizen’s Year Book Newspaper Press Directory 
| Report oft e of the Royal Agris capes County Suburbs Direc- Nene: rh. Directory n 
‘nion of We cultural Society of England ory , isbet sS urc ulpit ear 
Great Britt Journal of the Transactions of | London Diocese Year-Book Book - 
the Victoria Institute ` London Directory, with Suburbs | Nisbet’s Full Desk Calendar 
Yamai unior Leader’s Annual London O inion Summer Annual Nitrate Facts and Fancies 
( the Theip kalendar of Sundays and Holy eonen, niversity Matriculation Sorre Mirror Pocket Encyclo- 
Days : l irectory _ pedia 
; . Lowestoft Directory Odd Volume 
Rl Macnee e ae Royal Institute | row’s Handbook to the Charities Officers’ Training Corps Diary 
n, &e., titis rchitects f oe 
anual and Wit? Kelly’s Handbook to the Titled, po ore Annual Summary leas to the British 
de see econ i Book Maidstone Directory Official Handbook of the Hockey 
a Directory Manual of British and foreign| A t 
1 Army List Kensington, &c., Directory . oe reig pects IOR 
1a Leonart? Keswick Week Brewing Companies Oficial Handbook of the Pres- 
nd St. Kilburn, &c., Directo Manual of Electrical Uader- byterian Church of England 
ate May = «= Kime’s International Tar Direc- aS of Rubber, &c.. Com- pares nie Guide of the 
| Strength Aust tory panies . o? Official ie Book of the Church 
‘ratmia® Ringe Colle Calendar | | Mathorough’s, Plain Calendar | | of Pogland sce Journal Dia 
partu | à $ arylebone, &c. recto + Oil & Colour Trades Journal Dia 
Mercy Annual mie se Piroctory Masonic Year-Book n Oil and Petroleum Monae ad 
na Ladies’ ee Book - | Mathieson’s Handbook for In-| Oil Facts and Figures l 
rectory la dies’ Year Book vestors Old Moore’s Almanac 

"ihe wt Lamb's International Guide to | Meshaniral Bpeigeers Pee Book] Ong and All Gardening 

Order of Divine Service 

British and Foreign Merchants Regi : , i 

a See egister Organist and Choir Master’s 
agh and Manufacturers ; Medical Directory eady Reference Register 
manac Lamb’s Trade Diaries Medical Register Orkney, &c., Records 
4 Handbooks | Land and House Property Year- | Medical Who’s Who Out and Out Almanac 
“hee, Director Boo af Medico-Legal Society Tran-| Oxford Almanac 
n Training Large Black Pig Herd Book sactions : Oxford Diocesan Calendar 
tural Directory ai Laundry Journal Diary Mercantile Navy List and Mari-| Oxford Directory 
“Classified Dirt Law Almanac time Directory Oxford University Calendar 
erenpolitan Chat Law List Mercantile Year-Book Oxford University Handbook 
rectory po Laws of Croquet : Merchants’, Manufacturers’, and| Oxford University Pocket Diary 
d Best Investaet Laws of Lawn Tennis ; Shippers’ Directory Oxfordshire ight Infantry 
, Diary ja Lawyers Companion Metal Industry Handbook Chronicle 
“Universal Yacht i, Lawyer's Remembrancer Metal Market Year Book _ | Paddington, &c., Directory 

nam CW News *™  Laxton’s Builders’ Price Bonk Methodist and _ General Desk! Palaeontographical Society’r 
j Layton’s Handy Newspaper List Diary l Publications 

ge., Directo a, ay B Leeds Directory Methodist S.S. Notes Paper Makers, Directory of 

3 Oficial He as Legal Diary and Almanac Methodist Who’s Who Paper Makers’ Directory of All 
a Zoologie G pi Legal Pocket Book, &c. Mexican Year-Book ations 

Society *' 

m Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Newspapers. [279 
PE | To , f 



Paper Mills Directory 

Paper Trade Directory of Great 

Parish Almanac 

Parish Kalendar 

Parish Priest’s Notice Pad and 

Parochial Almanack 

Partridge’s Children’s Annual 

Paterson’s Licensing Acts 

Paterson’s Practical Statutes 

Paton’s List of Schools 

Peace Year Book 

Peacock’s Pocket Diaries 

Pears’ Annual 

Pearson’s Nautical Almanac 

Peat’s Farmers’ Diary 

Peloubet’s Selected Notes 
International Lessons 

Penrose’s Pictorial Annual 

Performer Annual , 

Perry’s Directory of Great Bri- 
tain and Ireland 

Perry’s Hotel & Boarding House 

Pettitt’s Diaries 

Pharmaceutical Pocket Book for 

Pharmaceutical Society’sCalendar 

Philip’s Nature Calendar 

Phillips’s Paper Trade Directory 

Photograms of the Year 

Pioneer Cocoanut Manual 

Pipe Roll Society Publications 

Pitman’s Shorthand, &c., Year- 


Playbox Annual 

Plays for Little People 

Policeman’s Pocket Almanac 

Polo Annual 

Polo Players’ Diary Illustrated 

Polyglot Calendar 

Poor Law Annual 

Poor’s Manual of the Railroads 
of the United States A 

Popular Illustrated Report of 
the British and Foreign Bible 

Portsmouth, &c., Directory 

Post Magazine Almanac 

Post Office London Directory 

Postmaster-General’s Annual 
Report on the Post Office . 

Potsdam Diary 

Pottery Gazette Dia 

Poultry World Annua 


Practical fFlectrjcian’s Pocket 
Practical Engineer Electrical 

Pocket Book 
Practical Engineer Pocket Book 
Printers’ Pie 
Printers’ and Stationers’ 


Prior’s H.B. Stud Book 
Proceedings of the Classical 
Association of England and 


Proceedings of the Edinburgh 
Mathematical Society 
Proceedings of the Imperial 

Society of Dance Teachers 


Proceedings of the London 
Mathematical Society 
Proceedings of the Musical 

Professional Pocket Book 
Pro Patria 
Public General Acts 
Public Schools Cricket Year Book 
Public School Year Book 
Punch Almanac 
Queen Newspaper Book of Travel 
Queensland Post Office Direc- 

Quiggin’s Isle of Man Almanac 


Willing’s Press ( Guide. 

Quin’s Metal Handbook 
Racing Illustrated 
Racing Outlook’s Annual 
Railway Almanac , 
Railway Diary and Ofħcials’ 
Railway Mission Almanac 
Railway Mission Sheet Almanac 
Railway Year-Book 
Ramblers’ Handbook 
Raphaels Prophetic Almanac 
Reading Union Leafiets 
Record of Transactions ef the 
Junior Institution of Engineers 
Red Book of Commerce. 
Red Code for Day Schools. 
Redcap’s Annual 
Red-Letter Kalendar 
Redhill, &c., Directory 
Register of Patent Agents 
Register of Veterinary Surgeons 
Registers of Pharmaceutical 
Chemists and Druggists 
Report of the Board of Education 
Report of the Middlesex Hospital 
Report of the Middlesex Hospital 
ancer Charity 
Reports of the British Association 
for the Advancement of Science 
Reports of the Proceedings of 
as Engineers, &c. 
Reports of the Sanitary Assur- 
ance Association 
Rhodes’ Directory of Passenger 
Richmond, &c., Directory 
Ridley’s Wine & Spirit Handbook 
Rifle Brigade Chronicle 
Rochester, &c., Directory 
Rochester Diocesan Directory 
Roll of the Union of Graduates 
in Music 
Royal Academy Illustratea 
Rowing Almanac 
Royal Automobile Club Year- 
Club Journal 


Royal Cruising 

Royal Holloway College Calendar 

Royal Life Saving Society’s 
Annual Report 

Royal Navy List 

R.P.A. Annual 

Rubber Facts and Figures 

Rubber Industry 

Rubber Producing Companies 

Rubber Share Handbook 

Russian Year Book 

St. Albans Diocesan Calendar 

St. Bartholomew’s Hospital 
Medical Reports 

St. Thomas’s Hospita] Reports 

Salvation Army Year Book 

Schoolmasters’ Year-Book pe 

Scripture Pocket Book 

Sell’s Addresses of Great Com- 
mercial Houses of the World 

Sell’s Directory of Registered 
Telegraphic Addresses 

Sell’s Worlds’ Press 

Settlers’ Guide in Greater Britain 

Shaw’s Local Government Diary 
Blotting Pad 

Shaw’s Local Government Manual 

Shaw’s Scribbling Diary 

Shaw’s Solicitors’ Almanac 

Shipping Trades Index 

Shipping World Year-Book 

Shire Horse Stud Book 

Showman’s Year Book 

Sign Kalendar 

Signal Letters of British Ships 

Simple Testimony Almanac 

Simplex Investors’ Diary 

Smallholder Year Book 


(Newspapers, &c. 

Smith’s County Court Diary 
Smith’s Diaries 
Socialist Annual 
Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs’ 

Handboo f . 
Solicitors’Diary & Legal Directory 

Solicitors’ Pocket Diary an 

South Africa A B C Guide to 
British Manufacturing Ex- 

South African Directory 
South African Year Book 
South and East Africa 

-Southampton Director 

Southdown Flock Boo 

Southend Directory 

Southern England 

Southwark Diocesan Directory 

Southwell Diocesan Calendar 

Specification : 

Spon’s Architects’ and Builders’ 
Pocket Price Book 

Sporting Life Companion 

Sportsman’s Engagement Book 

Spurgeon’s Illustrated Almanac 

Squill’s Diary, &c. 

Staff College Reports & Exami- 
nation Papers | 

Stage ekg fy Annual Report 

Stage Year Book 

Stamp Collectors’ Annual 

Standing Orders of the 
and Commons 

Statesman’s Year Book 

Statistical Tables of the Pat- 
tients under Treatment in the 
Wards of St. Bartholomew’s 

Statist’s Mines of Africa 

Stock Exchange Handbook 

Stock Exchange Investment 
Handbook - 

Stock Exchange Official Intelli- 

Stock Exchange Ten Year Re- 

Stock Exchange Year-Book 

Stoke Newington Directory 


Stone & Cox’s Accident Year 
Stone & Cox’s Accident Insur- 

ance Tables - 

Stone & Cox’s Bonus Insanance 

Stone & Cox’s Colonial Life 
Insurance Tables 

Stone and Cox’s Fire Year 
Book k 

Stone & Cox’s House Purchase 
Insurance Tables 

Stone & Cox’s Industrial Life 
Insurance Tables ` 

Stone & Cox’s Life Insurance 
Industrial Conditions 

Stone & Cox’s Motor Insurance 

Stone & Cox’s Ordinary Life 
Insurance Tables 

Stone’s Justices’ Manual 

Streatham & Norwood Directory 

Streatham Red Book 

Street’s Newspaper Directory 

Stubbs’ Commercial Year Book 

Stubbs’ Directory (British, &c.) 

Stubbs’ Hotel Guide (British, 

Students’ Handbook of the Uni- 
versity and Colleges of Cam- 

Studio Year Book 
Sunday School Class Register 

Sunday School Illustrated Al 

Sunday School Worker's Year 

James "Villing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand: London, 


ounty Court D 
Watles Diary 

- Azaual 

of Miniature Rife Ca 
- E 

< Diary & Legal Drey 
s P k i ' 
aro Diary a 
inca ABC Cue : 
1 Manufacturas 5 
A acturag i 

frican Directory 

rican Year Book 

nd East Africa 

-pton Directo 

an Flock 

d Directory 

n England 

tk Diocesan Directoy 

1 Diocesan Calesig 


Architects’ and Bude 
t Price Book 

> Life Companion 

an's Engagement Bw 
2's Illustrated Almaux 
Diary, &e. 

“ege Reports & Em 

> Papers 

society’s Annual Reyr 

‘car Book 

Collectors’ Annual 

g Orders of the Lat 


an’s Year Book 

al Tables of the fe 
under Treatment i t 

s of Se. Bartholome: 


s Mines of Africa 

xchange Handbook 
Exchange Investas 


xchange Ofcial Iné 
Exchange Ten Year k 

‘xchange Year-Book 
vewington ectory 
x Cox's Accident Ye 

} Cox’s Accident Inst 
Cox's Bonus Inso 


k Cox’s Colonial Fe 
nee Tables 
ane Cox’s Fire Ye 

© Cox's House Purch 
ae re duii È 
e Tie Iason 
nm ae ee Insuraxt 

i Cox's Ordinary !* 
nce Tables 
Justices’ Manual 
appr ier 

Red Boor 
‘Newspaper Si 
C ommercit sh te) 
"Hotel Guide (Brit 

' Handbook of the Ust 
and Colleges of 

: ok , 
eral Class Register 
School Illustrated 
School Worker's Yea! 

ie ee 
meee 3 T andn. 


Yearly— continued. 

Sunday Sunshine 

Supplement to the Genera] Stud 

Surveyors’ and 
Tab les 

Sussex Herd Book 

Swedish Chamber of Commerce 
in London Year Book 

Sydenham, &c., Directory | 

Syllabus of the Associated 
Board of the Royal Academy 
of Music and Royal College of 
Music PN 

Tarbell’s Teacher’s Guide to the 
International S.S. Lessons 

Tasmania Post Office Directory 

Thacker’s Directory of the Chief 
Industries of India, &c. 

Thalian Diary and Directory for 
Concert Parties, &c. i 

Thingsg New and Old Book 
Almanac l 

Thorley’s Farmer’s Almanack & 


Tide tables for the British and 
Irish Ports 

Timber News Year-Book , 

Tiny Folks Annual 

Tiny Tots 

Tithe Rentcharge Table 

Tobacco Trade Sheet Almanac 

Tobacco Year Book 

Tonic Sol-fa Calendar 

Toy Manufacturers and Whole- 
salers’ Directory 

Tract Society’s Penny Almanac 

“Trader” Handbook, &c., of the 
Cycle and Motor Trades 

Transactions of the Annual Con- 
ference of the Association for 
the Prevention of Consumption 

Transactions of the Cremation 

Transactions of the Greenwich 
Antiquarian Society 

Transactions of the Honourable 
Society of Cymmrodorion. 

Transactions of the Institution of 
Gas Engineers 

Transactions of the Institution 
of Naval Architects 

Transactions of the Institution 
of Water Engineers 

Transactions of the Medical So- 
ciety of London 

Transactions of the Medico- 
Legal Society 

Transactions of the Ophthalmo- 
logical Society of the United 

Transactions of the Optical So- 

Transactions of the Zoological 
Society of London 

Tuberculosis Year Book 

Tunbridge Wells, &c., Directory 
wenty Years’ Railway Sta- 

Union Jack Club Calendar 


Unitarian Pocket Book 

United Kingdom Stock & Share 
Brokers’ Directory 

Universal Directory of Railway 
Officials’ Annual 

Universal Electrical Directory 

Universal Fellowship Calendar 

Universal Investment Tables 

Universal Music and Dramatic 

FYES of Manchester Calen- 
ar - 

University of London Calendar 

Vallentine’s Anglo- Jewish Al- 

Victoria (Australia) Post Office 
Directory (Wise’s) l 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Vinton’s Agricultural Almanac 
Vox Stellarum - 
Walford’s County Families 
Walker’s Diaries 
Walpole Society Publications 
Wandsworth, &c., Directory 
War Office List 
Waterworks Directory and Sta- 

Watford, &c., Directory 

Webster’s Foresters’ and Estate 
Agents’ Diary 

Wellcome’s Photographic Diary 

Wesleyan Methodist Pocket Book 

West Country 

West Kensington Directory 

Western Australian Post Office 

Where Shall We Live 

Where to Live Round London 

Whitaker’s Almanac 

Whitaker’s Peerage 

Whiteley’s Diary 

White’s Shefheld Directory 

Who’s Who 

Who’s Who in America 

Who’s Who in Architecture 

Who’s Who in Philately 

Who’s Who in Science 

Who’s Who Year Book 

Wilcox (Ella Wheeler) Calendar 

Willich’s. Tithe Commutation 
Tables _ 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Wilson & Whitworth’s Borough 
of West Ham, &c., Almanac 

Wimbledon Directory 

Wine and Spirit Trade Diary 

Wine and Spirit Trades Directory 

Winning Post Summer Annual 

Wirning Post Winter Annual 

Winter’s Pie 

Wisden’s Cricketers’ Almanack 

Wolf Cub 

Wonder Book 

Woolwich, &c., Directory 

World’s Carriers’ Year Book 

World’s Hotel Blue Book 

World’s Warships 

Wright’s Directory of Bristol, &c. 

Writers’ Year-Book 

Yacht Racing 

Yachting Annual 

Yachting Guide 

Year, Illustrated 

Year-Book and List of Members 
of the Society of Architects 

Year Book and Protected List of 

the Proprietary Articles Trade- 


Year-Book of Chess 

Year Book of International Co- 

Year Book of Open-Air Schools 

Year-Book of Pharmacy 

Year Book of the Association of 
the Men of Kent and Kentish 

Year Book of the British Optical 

Year Book of the 

Year-Book of the Incorporated 
Society of Musicians 

Year Book of the Joint Scholar- 
ship Board 

Year Book of the Royal Colonial 

Year-Book of the Royal Society 

Year-Book of the Scientific and 
Learned Societies 
Britain and Ireland l 

Year Book of the Society of 
Dorset Men in London 

Year Book of the Universities of 
the Empire 


of Great 

(Newspapers, &e, 

Year Book of the Viking Society 
for Northern Research 
Year Book of Tropical Medicine 
Year Book of Wireless Tele- 
graphy ! 
Yearly County Court Practice 
Yeariy Digest of Reported Cases 
Yearly Practice of the Supreme 
Year’s Art 
Year’s Work in Classical Studios 
Y.M.C.A. Year Book 
Zadk#el’s Almanac 


ABC Hotel Guide 

Bournemouth Directory 

Bright and Son’s A B’C Descrip- 
tive Catalogue of the World’s 
Postage Stamps 

Chemical Trade Directory 

Cyclists’ Touring Club 
book $ 

Essex, &c., Directory 

Hunter Stud Book ` 


Isle of Wight Directory 

Kent Archeological 
Transactions | 

Kent, Surrey, &c., Directory 

Practical Timber Measurer 

Soap Makers’ Directory 

Transactions of the Assurance 
Medical Society 

Westminster Hospital Reports 

Who’s Who in the Rubber World 

Who’s Who in the Tropical 

Wright’s Directory of Leicester 
and Suburbs 

Wright’s Directory of Notting- 





Bradshaw's Through Routes, &c. 
Directory of the Tobacco Trade 
Magazine of the Royal: Free 

Hospital z 
Rubber Industry 

irregular and Uncertain. 

Alleynian l 

Alphabetical and Chronological 
Arrangements of the Wesleyan 
Methodist Ministers, &c. 

Annals of Natal Museum 

Annals of the. South African 

Archaeologia Cantiana 

Archives of the Pathological 


Asiatic Review 

Aspinall’s Maritime Cases 

Austral Avian Record 

Bedfordshire, &c., Directory 

Berkshire, &c., Directory 


Bird Lover 

Birmingham, &c., Directory 

Boosey’s Orchestral Journal 

Bootham ` 

Bouverie Stories 

British Competitions in Archi- 

British Guiana Handbook 

British Journal of Psychology 

British Pharmacopoeia 

Buffalo Bill Library 

Buffalo Bill Novels 

Building Trades Directory 

Bulletin of Entomological Re- 


Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Newspapers. [281 

rke’s Landed Gentry of Great 
‘Britain and Ireland i 
utterworth’s Five Years’ Digest 
abinet, &c., Trades Directory 
ambridgeshire Directory 

avendish Music Books 

hannel Islands Directory 
hemists’ & Druggists’ Directory 
‘heshire Directory , 
hildren’s S.S.M. Intelligence 
horal Harmony 

hronicle of Convocation 

hurch Army Review ; 
ity of London School Magazine 
‘olonials’ Guide to London 
‘ook’s Foreign Guides 
‘riminal Appeal Report 
‘rouch End High School Maga- 
‘umberland and Westmorland 
Directory , 
Yatchelor School Magazine 
Jerbyshire, &c., Directory __ 
Yevonshire and Cornwall Direc- 
Vick’s Standard Plays 
Yorking, &c., Directory 
Jurham Directory ; 
‘dward Alleyn Magazine 
‘ngineers’ Iron & Metal Trades 

‘ellowship Calendar | 
‘ying Book Aviation Who’s 

Vho and Industrial Directory 
yazetta Astronomique 
yenealogist’s Pocket Library 
zeneral Stud Boo A 
xibson and Weldon’s Bar Exami- 
nations, Questions and An- 
yolden Hour Stories 
xravesend Directory 

reat Eastern Railway Time 
xreat Western Railway Time 

lacknev, &c., Directory 
{all’s Circuits and Ministers 
tampshire, &c., Directory 
farmonium Cabinet 

Tealth Record 
lighbury, &c., Directory 

low to Become a Nurse 
Jumanitarian Era 
nternational Catalogue 
Scientific Literature 
nternational Code of Signals 
nternational Genealogical 

. and Shropshire 



pswich Directory 

ournal and Memoirs of the 
British Astronomical Associa- 


ournal of Agricultural Science 
ournal of Genetics. 
ournal of Hygiene 
ournal of Physiolo 
ournal of Scientific 
Training / 
ournal of the Alchemical Society 
ournal of the British Astrono- 
mical Association 


ournal of the Folk Song 
Society rm 
ournal of the Institution of 

Electrical Engineers 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

irregular, &c.—contenued. 
Journal of the Institution of 
Municipal and County Engi- 


Journal of the Roya] Horticul- 
tural Society 

King's College Review 

Lancashire Directory 

Land Nationaliser 

Latymer Foundation 



Leather Trades Directory 

Library Association Year Book 

Light Car Manual 

Lincolnshire and Hull Directory 

Local Acts x 

Lodge’s Peerage, &c. 

London Academy of 

London and North Western Rail- 
way Time Table i 

London, Brighton and South 
Coast Railway Time Table 

London Topographical Record 


Madame Maude’s Fashions 

Maidstone Directory 

Mathematical Papers for - Ad- 
mission into the Road Military 
Academy, &c. 

Mathematical Test 
Secondary Schools 

Memoirs of the Royal Astro- 
nomical Society 

Middlesex Hospital Journal 

Middlesex, Hospital Phar- 

Mill Hill Magazine 

Mineralogical Magazine 

Modern Language Teaching 

Monmouthshire, &c., Directory 

Motor Boat Manual 

Motor Cycling Manual 

Motor Manual 

Motor, Motor Cycle, and Cycle 
Trades Directory 

North and East Riding of York- 
shire Directory 

North and Mid-Wales Directory 


Pall Mall Gazette Extras 

Papers of the British School of 


Parliamentary Gazette 

Part Singer 



Poopha] Transactions of the 
Royal Society 

Physical Society Proceedings 

Pilot’s Guide to the English 

Pilot’s Guide to the River Thames 


Pitman’s Musical Library 

Probsthain’s Oriental Catalogue 



Papers for 

Proceedings of the British 

Proceedings of the Cambridge 
Philological Society 

Proceedings of the Chemical 

Proceedings of the Geologists 

Proceedings of the Institute of 


Proceedings of the Institute of 
Civil Engineers 

Proceedings of the Institution 
of Municipal and Caunty Engi- 

Proceedings of the International 
A eseoahen for Testing Mate- 

Timber Trades Journal 

[Newspapers, &c. 

irregular, &c.—continued. 
Proceedings of the Prehistoric 
Society of East Anglia , 
Proceedings of the Royal Dublin 
Society ; 
Broceccings of the Royal Insti- 
tution of Great Britain i 
Proceedings of the Royal Irish 
Proceedings of the Royal So- 
ciety A 
Proceedings of the Society of 
_ Biblical Archzxolog 

Publications of the English 
Goethe Society ` j 
- Racing Specialists Private 
Edition ' 

Railway & Commercial Gazetteer 
Reading Directory — 

Red Books and Journal of the 
British Fire Prevention Com- 
mittee e 

Red Lamp 

Reference Catalogue of Current 

Report of the Incorporated 
Society of Musicians ` 

Reports of Patent, &c., Cases 

Review of Bacteriology 

R.C.M. Magazine 

Royal London Ophthalmic Hos- 
pital Reports 

Run and Read Series of Stories 

Rylands’ Directory of the Coal, 
&c., Trades 

School Nature Study 

Sixpenny Magazine of Fiction 

Slater’s Directory of Scotland 

Smith’s Registration Cases 

Somersetshire, Gloucestershire & 
Bristol Directory 

South Australia Office 

Stationers, &c., Directory 

St. Albans Directory 

Successful Advertising 

Sugar Users’ Journal 

Sutton, &c., Directory 

Talk of the Town 


Textile Fabrics Director 




Times Reports of 
Transactions of the Cambridge 
Philological Society 
Transaction of the Entomologi- 
cal Society of London - 
Transactions of the Faculty of 
Actuaries in Scotland 
Transactions of the Hertford- 
shire Natural History Society 
Transactions of the Insurance 
& Actuarial Society of Glasgow 
Transactions of the Insurance 
Society of Edinburgh 

Transactions of the Jewish His- 

torical Society 
Transactions of the Philological 
Transactions of 
Dublin Society 
University College Hospital Magazine 

the Royal 

University College Union 

University Socialist Federation 
Bulletin - 

Watch and Clock Trades Directory 

West Riding of Yorkshire 

Who’s Who in Music 
Who’s Who in the Theatre 
Woodford, &c., Directory 
Worthing, &e., Directory 
Yarmouth Directory. 
Zambesi Industrial. Mission 

ba). james Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 


of the 

C urreat 


mic Hos 

f Stories 

woe Coal, 


stershire & 
ost Office 



cal Directors 

ti „rgh 
the Jewish His- 

the Philological 
f the Roy 
Hospital Magasin 

“ollege Voit 
alist Federst 

ig Yorkshire 


he Theatre 


cto ry : 
trial Mission 


C |. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Metropolitan and Suburban Local Papers. 


Brockley a 
Bromley ee 
iy) eee 
Buckhurst Hill 

Camden Town 

Chingford . 

City... |. 


n ee 
Cricklewood — 
Croydon . 

East Ham . 
ps =: 
East London 
3 ef ese 
Enfield `.. 
1] eee 
Finsbu .. 
Forest Cate 
Forest Hill ... 
Fulham vee 
Garden Suburb 


All papers are inserted under the name of the place where they chiefly circulate, or 
publish, and are not duplicated under other headings, ‘but those marked * are 
localised editions of papers the principal issues of which are published elsewhere. 

w+ tAdvertiser... AR iiss 
..-*Chronicle . om 

eee Press 

<... Borough News 

... Advertiser 

... Journal 

... Limes Sis 

... News s 

sst oe aoe 

P Couity of Middlesex 

Independent ... 

. Free Press... 
.. Times 

...*Borough News a 
eo. News wee asi 
.. Chronicle ... , 

ee. Times zis 
... West Kent Times 

‘ Bettas Advertiser 

*.. South London Ob- 

server eon ooe 

... Gazette... 

<. City Press. 

`- *Chronicle ... 
..*Free Press 

.» Observer ... 

x -*Advertiser 

.. Advertiser... 

eee Times eee eee 

- Reporter ... 

.- Gazette... 

a a County 

; . Advertiser... 

. Observer si si 

News 3 ye 
Press b eee 
ee *Times see 
Weekly News 
Examiner... . 
... Chronicle ... 
oe *News~ ae 
Advertiser... cee 

Greenwich ... 


oP eee 
Harringay ... 
Hither Green 
Holborn ... 

ilterd i 


99 oes 


Lewisham ... 


Muswell Hill 
New Cross ... 
Northwood ... 


Paddington ... 


ws Se News 

. Kentish Mercury 

eee South- Eastern 

Herald . 

... Gazette 

. Recorder ..,. we 

SA Spectator ... 
... Advertiser 
.... Express 

. Record 

... Gazette 

...* Press 

..- Gazette 

... Observer ... 
: Advertiser 

i Journal = 

i Eastern “Counties 

Times ... 

a ae peepee nee 

. Recorder ... 
. Gazette... 
. News and Hornsey 
. North Middlesex 
Chronicle Zee 
. Express... 

"Mid Surrey Times 
... News sss és 
.. Limes 

... Surrey Comet 

. Borough News a 

i .* Journal 

iie Kent Argus 
. Express... sive 
+. Eastern Mercury 

. Advertiser. eed 
.. Gazette... 
.. Herald 

.. Mercury i 2 ie 
...* Press sie sie 

. Record 

...*Free Press os 

ert ied 
iy pale! see 
.. Crystal Palace Ad- 

a Review... 
.. Weekly Herald ... 
-. Weekly Record ... 

oi , Indicator . 

...-*Mercury ue 
we eS 

umes eee ve 
. News . ira 
. Press eee eee 

Advertisements received for all the English Previncial Newspapers. [283 P 

Metropolitan and] 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

[Suburban Papers- 

Pinner ...*Gazette 144 | Wandsworth ...*Observer ... .. 190 
i ...fObserver .. 145 tee .. South Western 
Putney News-Letter 151 Star : 170 
¥ sis ...*Observer ... 151 | Wanstead .. ...*Express ... 191 
Richmond ... Herald... 157 | Wealdstone ...*Gazette 192 
ste ... Thames Valley Times 181 ss ae *Observer 192 
a sii ... Times 19 Wembley ... P ‘oe 
: Cra ... Express .,. 1 ïi ae : server 
ai ed .. Times 161 | West Ham... .*Express . 194 
Sidcup Bi ... Times 167 n ds .. Mail 194 
South London ... Observer ... 170 | West London . Observer 195 
pm ese ... Press F 170 ” . Post 195 
Southgate ... ...“Chronicle ... 171 i Press 195 
Southwark ... ... Recorder ... 171 i sia . Reporter 195 
Streatham ... ...“Free Press 176 Westminster ... .. Express 196 
it oa ... News 176 ” : .. Mail 196 
Surbiton ... Times ii 178 ” ion . News 196 
Sutton ... Advertiser 178 Willesden ... ... Call, ae 198 
á e PAR Un x be " daa Chronicle... ics 
denham ... ...* Borough News 7 ai ...*Citizen 
"y e N ..."Gazette 4.. 179 | Wimbledon Gazette 199 
Gs ...*Review 179 ” re *Herald 199 
Tooting .. Gazette 183 ” *Mercury 199 
T nee .. Mercury ... ee 183 ” . .. News 199 
Tottenham ... ... Herald 183 ” iis ... News Letter 199 
PP ses wes Wednesday Herald 183 | Wood Green ..„*Herald 201 
Twickenham E a s 187 | Woodford .. ... Advertiser 201 
Walthamstow . Express... 190 tee -..*Express ... 201 
» F .. Guardian ... 190 ... Times 201 
ji es .. Herald 190 Woolwich ` ... Gazette .. 202 
Wandsworth .. Borough News 190 ” ee 202 
3 ons .. News Letter 190 " . Kentish ipod 102 





FINANCIAL NEWS 111 Queen Victoria St., E.C. 

FINANCIAL TIMES . 72 Coleman St., E.C. 

FINANCIER AND BULLIONIST 49-57 Wool Exchange, Coleman Street, E.C. 
GLOBE 367 Strand, W.C. 

MORNING ADVERTISER Baltic Chambers, 19 Bishopsgate, E.C.. 


. 85 Gracechurch St., E.C. 

3 Newman’s Court, Cornhill, E.C. 
37 Throgmorton Street, E.C. 
23-9 Bouverie Street, E.C. 
170 Mansion House Chambers, E.C. 
46 Shoe Lane, E.C. 
10 Old Broad Street, E.C. 
. 37 Throgmorton Street, E.C. 
46 Shoe Lane, E.C. 

8 Temple Avenue, E.C. 
27 St. Bride Street, E.C. 

SPORTSMAN 139 and 140 Fleet Street, E.C. 
STAR 170 Mansion House Chambers, E.C. 
TIMES 15 Copthall Avenue, E.C. | 

WESTMINSTER GAZEITE Tudor House, Tudor Street, E.C. 

srr teu 
284] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

_ "ae a 

19-20 St. Stephen’s Chambers, Telegraph St., E.C. 

168 Palmerston House, Old Broad St., E.C. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 






(For Colonial and Foreign Newspapers, see page 413.) 

berdeen Daily Journal—5 New Bridge St., E.C. 
WE Free ress—149 Fleet Street, E.C. 
Aberdeen Weekly Journal—5 New Bridge St., E.C. 
Accrington Observer—92 Fleet St., E.C. 

Alfreton and Belper Journal—2 Copthall Buiuaings, 

Al ick and County Gazette—185 Fleet Street, E.C. 
Are (M. & E.) {Battle —69 Fleet Street, E.C. 

Argus (M. & E.) (Bognor)—69 Fleet St., E.C. 
Arcus AE & E.) (Brighton)—69 Fleet Street, E.C. 
Argus (M. & E.) (Chichester)—69 Fleet »ereet, E.C. 
Argus (M. & E.) (East Grinstead)—69 Fleet St., E.C. 
Argus (M. & E.) (Eastbourne)—69 Fleet St., E.C. 
Argus (M. & E.) (Hastings)—69 Fleet St., E.C. 
Argus (M. & E.) (Horsham)—69 Fleet Street E.C. 
Argus (M. & E.) (Hove)—69 Fleet St., E.C. . 
Argus (M. & E.) (Lewes)—69 Fleet St., E.C. 
. Argus (M. & E.) (Littlehampton)—69 Fleet St., E.C. 
Argus (M. & E.) (Tunbridge Wells)—69 Fleet St., E.C. 

Argus (M. & E.) (Worthing)—69 Fleet St., E.C. 
Ashton Evening Standard—134 Fleet St., E.C. 
Ashton Herald—185 Fleet St., E.C. 
Ashton-under-Lyne Reporter—151 Fleet St., E.C. 
Athletic News (Manchester)—46 Shoe Lane, E.C. 
Auckland Chronicle—17 Bouverie St., E.C. 

Bacup Chronicle—119 Fleet St., E.C. 

Bacup Times—173 Fleet St., E.C. 

Ballymena Weekly Telegraph—40 Fleet St., E.C. 

Barrow Guardian—159 Fleet St., E.C. 

Barrow News—134 Fleet St., E.C. 

Bath and Wilts Chronicle—149 Fleet St., E.C. 

Bath Chronicle—149 Fleet St., E.C. 

Bath Herald—174 Fleet St., E.C. 

Batley News—85 Fleet St., E.C. 

Batley Reporter—5 New Bridge St., E.C. 

Bedale, &c., Chronicle—30 Fleet St., E.C. 

Belfast Evening Telegraph—-43 Fleet St., E.C. 

Belfast News-Letter—170, Fleet St., E.C. 

Belfast Weekly News—170 Fleet St., E.C. 

Belfast Weekly Telegraph—43 Fleet St., E.C. 

Belper News—85 Fleet St., E.C. 

Berrow’s Worcester Journal—Clun House, Surrey 
St.,, Strand, W.C. 

Birkenhead & Cheshire Advertiser—21 Paternoster 
Square, E.C. 

~- Birmingham Daily Mail—88 Fleet St., E.C. 

Birmingham Daily Post—88 Fleet St., E.C. 

Birmingham Evening Dispatch—17 Bouverie St., E.C. 

Birmingham Gazette—17 Bouverie St., E.C. 

Birmingham Illustrated Weekly Mercury — 17 

Bouverie St., E.C. i 

Birmingham Weekly Post—88 Fleet St., E.C. 

Blackburn Times—173 Fleet St., E.C. 

Blackburn Weekly Telegraph—85 Fleet St., E.C. 

Blackpool] Gazette-News—21 Paternoster Sq., E.C. 

Blackpool Herald—151 Fleet St., E.C. 

Blackpool Times—85 Fleet St., E.C. 

Blyth News—185 Fleet St., E.C. 

Bolton Evening Chronicle—98 Fleet St., Ẹ.C. 

Bolton Evening News—1 Tudor St., E.C. 
Bolton Journal & Guardian—l Tudor St., E.C. 
Bo’ness Journal—159 Fleet St., E.C. 

Border Telegraph—17 Bouverie St., E.C. 
Bournemouth Daily Echo—69 Fleet St., E.C. 
Bournemouth Guardian—92 Fleet St., E.C. 
Bournemouth Visitors’ Directory—134 Fleet St., E.C. 
Bradford Daily Argus—151 Fleet St., E.C. 
Bradford Daily Telegraph—62 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 
Bradford Weekly Telegraph—62 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 
Bridgwater Mercury—159 Fleet St., E.C. 
Bridlington Free Press—62 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 
Brighton Advertiser--173 Fleet St., E.C. 

Brighton Gazette—69 Fleet St., E.C. 

Bristol Evening News—59 Fleet St., E.C. 

Bristol Evening Times—185 Fleet St., E.C. 

Bristol Observer —59 Fleet St., E.C. 

Bristol Times—185 Fleet St., E.C. 

British Journal of Surgery—32 Paternoster Row, E.C. 
British Printer—231 Strand, W.C. . 

Bucks Herald—154 Fleet. St., E.C. 

Bulletin (Glasgow)—112 Fleet St., E.C. 

Burnley News—173 Fleet St., E.C. 

Burton Chronicle—143 Fleet St., E.C. 

Burton Daily Mail—85 Fleet St., E.C. 

Burton Evening Gazette—143 Fleet St., E.C. 
Burton Observer—85 Fleet St., E.C. 

Bury Guardian—115 Fleet St., E.C. 

Business Prospects Year-Book—72 Coleman St., E.C. 
Buxton Advertiser—159 Fleet St., E.C. 

Buxton Herald—64 Chancery Lane, W.C. 

Cambria Daily Leader—151 Fleet St., E.C. 

Cambrian—92 Fleet St., E.C. 

Cambridge Independent Press—44 Fleet St., E.C. 

Cardif Times—190 Fleet St., E.C. : 

Carlisle Journal—5 New Bridge St., E.C. 

Carluke &c. Gazette—159 Fleet St., E.C. 

Carnarvon Herald—115 Fleet St., E.C. 

Carnforth News—134 Fleet St., E.C. 

Caterham, &c., Press—Clun House, Surrey St., 
Strand, W.C. : 

Cheshire Observer—151 Fleet St., E.C. 

Chester Courant—151 Fleet St., E.C. 

Chester Chronicle—115 Fleet St., E.C. 

Citizen (Gloucester)—88, Fleet St., E.C. 

Congleton Chronicle—2 Wine Office Court, E.C. 

Cork Constitution—85 Fleet St., E.C. 

Cork Examiner—85 Fleet St., E.C. : 

Cork Weekly Examiner—85 Fleet St., E.C. 

Cork Weekly News—85 Fleet St., E.C. 

A an Devon Post (Launceston)—159 Fleet 
to, 1, 

Cotton Factory Times—151 Fleet St., E.C. 

County and Municipal Record—180 Fleet St., E.C. 

County Herald (Staffordshire)—149 Fleet St., E.C. 

Courier (Dundee)—12 Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Craven Herald—63 Chancery Lane, W.C. 

Crewe Chronicle—115 Fleet St., E.C. 

Crowborough bias harass Fleet St., E.C. 

Advertisements received for all the Provincial Newspapers. [25 

Prov. Newspapers. | 

Daily Dispatch (Manchester)—46 Shoe Lane, E.C. 
Daily Express (Dublin)—85 Fleet St., E.C. 
Daily Record (Glasgow)—65 Fleet Sti, E.C. 
Dalton News—134 Fleet St., E.C. 
Darwen News—119 Fleet St. „a E.C. 
ney ee Chesterfield Reporter—62 Ludgate Hill, 

Derby Daily Express—173 Fleet St., E.C. 

Derby Daily Telegraph —62 Lodgote Hjll, E.C. 

Derby Mercury—173 Fleet St., E.C. ; 

Derbyshire Courier—17 Bouverie St., E.C. 

Derbyshire Times—85 Fleet St., E.C. 

Dereham and Fakenham Times—172 Fleet St., E.C. 

Devizes, &c., Advertiser—145 Fleet St., E.C. 

Devon and Exeter Daily Gazette—173 Fleet St., E.C. 

Dewsbury District News—85 Fleet St., E.C. 

Dewsbury Reporter—5 New Briggs St., E.C. 

Doncaster Chronicle—85 Fleet , E.C 

Doncaster Gazette—151 Fleet St. is E.C. 

Dorking, &c., Advertiser—Clun House, a St., 
Strand, W.C 

Downham Market Gazette—172 Fleet St. 

Dublin Evening Mail—85 Fleet St., EG 

D.:blin Saturday Post—2 Creed | Lane, E.C. 

Dudley Herald—149 Fleet St., E.C. 

Dumfries Courier—159 Fleet St., E.C. 

Dandee Advertiser—186 Fleet St., E.C. 

Durham Chronicle—92 Fleet St., E.C. 

East t Anglian Daily Times (Ipswich)—149 Fleet St., 

albu Gazette—173 Fleet St., E.C. 
Eastern Daily Press (Norwich)—151 Fleet St., E.C. 
Eastern Evening News (Norwich)—151 Fleet St., E.C. 
Eastern Morning News (Hull)—159 Eler St., É.C. 
Eastern Weekly Press—151 Fleet St., E.C. 
Eckington, &c., Express—151 Fleet St., E.C. 
Edinburgh Evening Dispatch—45 Fleet St., E.C. 
Edinburgh Evening News—62 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 
Enniscorthy Guardian—2 Creed Lane, E.C 
Epsom District Times—Clun House, Suriey St., 

Strand, W.C. 

Evening Advertiser (Swindon)—2 Creed Lane, E.C. 
Evening Chronicle (Newcastle-on-Tyne)—84 K#leet 

Evening Echo (Cork)—85 Fleet St., E.C. 

Evening Express (Aberdeen)—5 New Bridge St., E.C. 

Evening Express elect er ade Fleet St., E.C. 

Evening Express (Liverpool)—187 Fleet St., k C. 

Evening Gazette (Aberdeen)—149 Fleet St., 

Evening Herald (Dublin)—68 Fleet St., ze” 

Evening Irish Times—59 Fleet St., E.C. 

Evening Mail (Newcastle)—53 Fleet St. i n C. 

Evening News (Glasgow)—47 Fleet St., 

Evening News (Portsmouth)—170 Fleet ee E C. 

Evening Star (Ipswich)—149 Fleet St., E.C. 

Evening Telegraph (Dublin)—211 Strand, W.C. 

Evening Telegraph and Post (Dundee)—12, Fette: 
Lane, E.C. 

Fvening Times (Glasgow)—112 Fleet St., E.C. . 

Evesham Journal—185 Fleet St., E.C. 

Evesham Standard—Clun House, Surrey St., Strand, 

Express and Echo (Exeter)—62 Ludgate Hill, E. C. 
apresi and Star (Wolverhampton) —44 Fleet St., 

Farnworth Weekly Journal—1 Tudor St., E.C. 
Fermanagh Herald—407 Bank Chambers, Ne ve 
Football Express (Derby)—173 Fleet St., 
Football Post Ae r te Fleet St., EC 
Formby Times—119 Fleet St., 

Free Press of Monimeuthenite ses Fleet i sa C. 
Freeman’s Journal (Dublin)—211 Strand, 

Frontier Sentinel—407 Bank Chambers, we C. 

Gazetta de Guernsey—Clun House, 
Strand, W.C. 
General Advertiser (Dublin) — 
Arunde?l St., 
Glasgow Citizen—143, Fleet St., E.C. 
Glasgow Evening Times—l12 Fleet St., 
Glasgow Herald—112 Fleet St., E..C 
Glasgow Weekly Herald—112 Fleet Sry 
Gloucester Chronicle—85 Fleet St., 
Gloucester Journal—88 Fleet St., EC 
Great Harwood Observer—92 Fleet St., E.C. 
Greenock Herald—64 Chancery Lane, 'W.C. 

Surrey St., 

Granville House, 


o Willing’s Press Guide. 

[London Addresses. 

Grimsby Daily News—159 Fleet St., E.C. 
Grimsby Daily Telegra er Fleet St., E.C. 

Grocers’? Review—317 High Holborn, W.C. 
Guernsey Advertiser—Clun House, Surrey St., 
Strand, W.C. 

Guernsey Evening Press—16 Regent St., S.W. 
Guernsey Weekly News—16 Regent St., S.W 

Halifax Guardian—134 Fleet St., E.C. 
Hampshire Advertjser—69 Fleet St., E.C. 
Hampshire Independent—69 Fleet St. 2 E.C. 
Hampshire Telegraph—170 Fleet St., E.C. 
Haslingden Guardian—47 Fleet St., E.C. 
Heckmondwike Herald—85 Fleet St., E.C. 
Herald of Wales—161 Fleet St., E.C. 
Hereford Journal—143 Fleet St., E.C. 
Hereford Mercury—143 Fleet St., E.C. 
Hereford Times—173 Fleet St., E.C. 
Hexham Courant—151 Fleet St. ., E.C. 
Heywood Advertiser—115 Fleet St., E.C. l 
High Peak News—159 Fleet St., E.C. 
Henley a lun House, Surrey St., Strand, 
Huddersfield Examiner—5 New Bridge St., E.C. 
Hull & East Yorkshire Times—92 Fleet St., E.C. 
Hull & Lincolnshire Times—92 sree St., E.C. 
Hull Daily Mail—92 Fleet St., 
Hul ere ie Fleet St., E. om 

Ideas—46 Shoe Lane, E.C. 

[ikeston Pioneer—85 Fleet St., E.C. 

Illustrated Chronicle (Newcastle)—84 Fleet St., „E, C. 
Illustrated Leicester Chronicle—44 Fleet St., E.C. 
[illustrated Western Weekly News—47 Fleet St., E.C. 
Ireland’s Own—2 Creed Lane, E. 

Ireland’s Saturday Night—43 Fleet St., E.C. 

Irish Builder—6S4, Avenue Chambers, W.C. 

Irish Daily Telegraph—43_ Fleet St., E.C.- 

Irish Field—59 Fleet St., E.C. 

Irish Independent—68 Fleet St., E.C. 

Irish Naturalist—4 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.C. 
Irish News and Belfast Morning News—85 Fleet 

St., E.C. 
Irish Post—43 Fleet St. re E.C. 
Irish Society—92 Fleet St., E.C. 
Irish Times (Dublin)—59 Fleet St., E.C. 
oo Weekly and Ulster Examiner—@5 Fleet St., 

Irish Weekly Independent—68 Fleet St., E.C. 

Irish Weekly Mail (Dublin)—85 Fleet St. bo E.C. 

Isle of Man Examiner—115 Fleet St., E.C. 

Isle of Man Times—Clun House, Surrey St., 
Strand, W.C. 

Isle of Wight Journal—62 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

Journal of Commerce (Liverpool)—37 Walbrook, 

Kent Messenger—115 Fleet St., E.C. 
Kentish Express—2l, Warwick pene: E.C. 
Kentish Gazette—146 Fleet St., E. 
Kidderminster Times—85 Fleet St., "E.C. 

Lancashire Daily Post—174 Fleet St., E.C. 

Langport, &c., Herald—36 Furnival St., E.C. 

Larne Times—43 Fleet St., E.C. 

Ledbury Guardian—85 Fleet St., E.C. 

Leeds Mercury—65 Fleet St., E.C. 

Leicester Daily Post—44 Fleet St., E.C. 

Leicester Mail—85 Fleet St., A 

Leicester Mercury—44 Fleet Se E.C. 

Lichheld Mercury—85 Fleet St., E.C. 

Lincoln Gazette—115 Fleet St., E.C. 

Lincoln, Rutland, aid otemfard Mercury (Stamford) 
—146 Fleet St. ; 

Lincolnshire e hoegich 34 Poeng St., E.C. 

Lincolnshire Echo—115 Fleet St., 

Liverpool Courier—187 Fleet St., È C 

Liverpool Daily Post—138 Fleet 'St., E.C. 

Liverpool Echo—138 Fleet St., E.C. 

Liverpool Football Echo—138 Fleet St., E.C. 

Liverpool weeny Courier—187 Fleet St. nt E.C. 

Tavenposi Weekly Post—138 Fleet St., E.C. 

Loughborough Herald—44 Fleet St. ae E.C. 

Lowestoft Journal—172 Fleet St., 

Lowestoft Weekly Press—151 ar SE. E.C. 

Lymington & South Hands Chronicle—134 Fleet St., 



James Willig, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Prov. Newspapers | 

Macclesfield Courier—92 Fleet St., E.C. 
Macclesfheld Times—62 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

Malvern Gazette—64 Chancery Lane, W.C. 
eee News—Clun House, Surrey St., Strand, 

Manchester City News—43 Fleet St., E.C. 
‘Manchester Evening Chronicle—46 Shoe Lane, E.C. 
Manchester Evening News—43 Fleet St., E.C. 
Manchester Guardian—43 Fleet St., E.C. 
Manchester weekly Times—92 Fleet St., E.C. 
Mansfield, &c., Advertiser—36, Furnival St., E.C. 
Mashamshire Standard—30 Fleet St., E.C l 
Matlock Visitor—159 Fleet St., E.C. 
Mechanical World—20 Bedford St., W.C. 
Merthyr Express—92 Fleet St., E.C. 
Meroen Times—151 Fleet Street, E.C. 
Mid - Cumberland, &c., Herald — Graham House, 
Tudor St., E.C. t 
Pa Deven. -Times (Newton Abbott)—159, Fleet 

t., BC. 

Middleton Standard—1¥4 Fleet St., E.C. 
Midland Chronicle—85 Fleet St., E.C. 
Midland Counties Express (Wolverhampton) — 44 

Fleet St., E.C. 
Midland Counties Tribune—159 Fleet St., E.C. 
Midland Daily Telegraph—174 Fleet St., E.C. 
Midland Daily Tribune—159 Fleet St., E.C. 
Monmouth Evening Post—92 Fleet St., E.C. 
Morecambe Visitor—113 Cheapside, E.C. 
Morley News—85 Fleet St., E.C. 

Naval and Military Record—47 Fleet St., E.C. 

New Ross Standard—2 Creed Lane, E.C. 
Newcastle Daily Chronicle—84 Fleet St., E.C. | 
Newcastle Daily Journal—170 Fleet St., E.C. 
Newhaven Chronicle—103 Abingdon Rd., W. 
Norfolk Chronicle—146 Fleet St., E.C. 

Norfolk News—151 Fleet St., E.C. 

North Berks Herald—4 Ludgate Circus, E.C. 
Nortu Britti Agriculturist (Edinburgh)—11 Ludgate 

ill, E.C. 
North Cheshire Herald—151 Fleet St., E.C. 
North Devon Herald—64 Chancery Lane, W.C. 
ores Daily Gazette—143-144 Fleet St., 


North Mail—53 Fleet St., E.C. 
North a E Fleet St., E.C. 
North Star (Darlington)—92, Fleet St., E.C. 
North Wales Weekly’ News—30 Powell Road, N.E. 
North Western Daily Mail—1¥ Fleet St., E.C. 
North Wilts Guardian—174 Fleet St., E.C. 
North Wilts Herald—143 Fleet St., E.C. 
Northampton Evening Echo—85 Fleet St., E.C. 
_ Northampton Mercury—85 Fleet St., E.C. 

Norner pally Mail (West Hartlepool)—170 Fleet 

t., H.C. 

noes Daily Telegraph (Blackburn)—85 Fleet 
t, nC. 

Northern Echo—17 Bouverie St., E.C. 

Northern Evening Dispatch—17 Bouverie St., E.C. 

Northern Weekly Gazette—143 Fleet St., E.C. 

Norton Weekly Leader (Newcastle)—53 Fleet St.,| - 

Northern Whig (Belfast)—92 Fleet St., E.C. 

Norwich Mercury—172 Fleet St., E.C. 

Nottingham Daily Express—172 Fleet St., E.C. 

Nottingham Guardian—59 Fleet St., E.C. 

Nottingham Evening News—172 Fleet St., E.C. 

Nottingham Evening Post—59 Fleet St., E.C. 

E a r shire Guardian (Nottingham)—59 Fleet 

Nottinghamshire Weekly Express (Notti "= 

4 172 ours ae EC M s OERS) 
uneaton ronicle—407 Bank Chambers, Hi 

i Holborn, W.C. a = 

Oldham Chronicle—161 Fleet St., E.C. 

Oldham Daily Standard—1¥M Fleet St., E.C. 
Oxford journal Ludgate Circus, E.C. 

Oxford ‘imes—4 Ludgate Circus, E.C. 
Oxfordshire Weekly News—4 Ludgate Circus, E.C. 

Penistone, &c., Express—151 Fleet St., E.C. 
Penrith Observer—142 Fleet: St., E.C. 

People (Wexford)—2 Creed Lane, E.C. 
People’s Friend—186 Fleet St., E.C. 

People’s Journal (Dundee)—186 Fleet St., E.C. 

Advertisements received. tor all Provincial Newsbahers. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

[London Addresse: 

sie ows Weekly Journal (Norwich)—172 Fleet S 

Pontefract Advertiser—30 Fleet St., E.C. 

Poole, &c., Herald—134 Fleet St., E.C. 

Portland Telegram—Clun House, Surrey St 
- Strand, W.C. . 

Portsmouth Times—62 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 
Preston Guardian—l173 Fleet St., E.C. 

Preston Herald—1¥4 Fleet St., E.C. 

`; Pulman’s Weekly News—53 Fleet St., E.C. 

Radcliffe Guardian—115 Fleet St., E.C. 
Ramsbottom Observer—1l19 Fleet St., E.C. 
Reading Mercury—2 Copthall Buildings, E.C. 
Rhondda Leader—64 Chancery Lane, W.C. 
Richmond Division Gazette—30 Fleet St., E.C. 
Rochdale Observer—115 Fleet St., E.C. 
Rossendale Free Press—119 Fleet St., E.C. 
Rossendale Echo—119 Fleet St., E.C., 
Rotherham Express—151 Fleet St., E.C. 
Rugby Observer—85 Fleet St., E.C. 

St. Helen’s Reporter—134 Fleet St., E.C. 
Salisbury Journal—143 Fleet St., E.C. 
Saturday Herald (Dublin)—68 Fleet St., E.C. 
Scarborough Daily Post—185 Fleet St., E.C. 
Scarborough Evening News—62 Ludgate Hill, E.C 
Scarborough Mercury—62 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 
Scot’s Pictorial—180 Fleet St., E.C. 
Scotsman (Edinburgh)—45 Fleet St., E.C. ; 
Scottish eee Life—Rolls House, Breams Builc 
ing, E.C. 
Scottish Farming News—57/9, Ludgate Hill, E.C. 
Scottish Law Review—180 Fleet St., E.C. 
Scottish Trader—17 Bouverie St., E.C. 
Sheffield Independent—17 Bouverie St., E.C. 
Sheffield Telegraph—181 Fleet St., E.C. ; 
Suen Weekly Independent—17 Bouverie 

Shields Daily Gazette—185 Fleet St., E.C. 

Shields Daily News—185 Fleet St., E.C. 
Shrewsbury Chronicle—57-59 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 
Somerset County Gazette—159 Fleet St., E.C. 
Somerset County Herald—53 Fleet St., E.C. 
Somerset Guardian—174 Fleet St., E.C. 

South Wales Argus (Newport)—88 Fleet St., E.C. 
Spud Vaes Daily News (Cardiff)—190 Fleet St 

South Wales Daily Post—92 Fleet St., E.C. 

South Wales Echo (Cardiff)—190 Fleet St., E.C. 
South Wales Weekly Post—92 Fleet St., E.C. 
Southampton Pictorial—69 Fleet St., E.C. 
Southampton Times—92 Fleet St., E.C. 

Southern Daily Echo—69 Fleet St., E.C. 

Sonti Weekly News (Brighton)—69 Fleet St 



Southport Guardian—119 Fleet St. 
Southport Visiter—134 Fleet St., E 
Sport (Dublin)—211 Strand, W.C. 

Sporting Chronicle (Manchester)—46, Shoe Lane 

Sporting Mail (Birmingham)—88 Fleet St., E.C. 
Sporting Pink (Leeds)—85 Fleet St., E.C. 

Sports Argus (Birmingham)—17 Bouverie St., E.C. 
Sports Express—159 Fleet St., E.C. 

Sports Gazette—143 Fleet St., E.C. 

Sports’ Special (Sheffeld)—180 Fleet St., E.C. 
Staffordshire Chronicle—85 Fleet St., E.C. 
Staffordshire Sentinel (Stoke-on-Trent)—44 Flee 

t., E.C. 
Stanley News—17 Bouverie St., E.C. : 
Star Guernsey) =-Clun House, Surrey St., Strand 

Stockton & Thornaby Herald—143 Fleet St., E.C. 
Stroud News—85, Fleet St., E.C. 

Suffolk Chronicle—149 Fleet St., E.C. 

Sunday Chronicle (Manchester)—46 Shoe Lane, E.C 
Sunday Freeman (Dublin)—211 Strand, W.C. 
Sunday Independent (Dublin)—68 Fleet St., E.C. 
Sunderland Daily Echo—170 Fleet St., E.C. 

Suey and Hants News (Farnham)-—149 Fleet St. 

Surrey | Mirror—Clun House, Surrey St., Strand, 

Surrey Times (Guildford)—149 Fleet St., E.C. 
Sussex County Herald (Lewes)—173 Fleet St., F.C. 
Sussex Daily News (Brighton)—69 Fleet St., E.C. 
Swindon; Advertiser—2 Creed Lane, E.C. 


Prov. Newspapers. | 

Taunton Courier—53 Fleet St., E.C. 

Tees-side Weekly Herald—143 Fleet St., E.C. 

Textile Manufacturer—20 Bedford St., W.C. 

Textile Mercury—151 Fleet St., E.C. 

Textile Recorder—20 St. Bride St., E.C. 

Phang) over aser cme House, Surrey St., Strand, 

Thetford, &c., Times—172 Fleet St., E.C. 
Thirsk, &c., Guardian—30 Fleet St., E.C. 
Thomson’s Weekly News—l2 Fetter Lane, E.C. 
Three Shires Advertiser—145 Fleet St., E.C. 
Tipton Herald—149 Fleet St., E.C. 

Totnes Times—159 Fleet St., E.C. . 
Trewman’s Exeter Flying Post—143 Fleet St., E.C. 
Tunbridge Wells Advertiser—115 Fleet St., E.C. 

Uckheld Weekly—69 Fleet St., E.C. 
Ulster Herald—407 Bank Chambers, W.C. 
Umpire (Manchester)—46 Shoe Lane, E.C. 

Wakefield Express--172 Fleet St., E.C. 

Walsall Pioneer—85 Fleet St., E.C. 

Warrington Examiner—44 Fleet St., E.C. 
Warrington Guardian—173 Fleet St., E.C. 

Warwick, &c., Advertiser—151 Fleet St., E.C. 
Warwick and Leamington Times—174 Fleet St., 

Warwickshire Star—407 Bank Chambers, High 

Holborn, W.C. 
Waterloo and Crosby Herald—134 Fleet St., E.C. 
“Wednesbury Borough News—149 Fleet St., E.C. 
Weekly Free Press (Aberdeen)—149 Fleet St., E.C. 
Weekly Freeman (Dublin)—211 Strand, W.C. 
Weekly Irish Times (Dublin)—59 Fleet St., E.C. 
Weekly Mail (Cardiff)—176 Fleet St., E.C. 
Weekly Mail and Record—65 Fleet St., E.C. 
Weekly Northern Whig (Belfast)—92 Fleet St., E.C. 
Weekly Scotsman (Edinburgh)—45 Fleet St., E.C. 
Weekly Telegraph (Sheffield)—181 Fleet St., E.C. 
Weekly Welcome (Dundee)—12. Fetter Lane, E.C. 
Wells, &c., Standard—Clun House, Surrey St., 

Strand, W.C. 
News—92 Fleet St., E.C 

Wellington Weekl . 
want auton & Cornwall Advertiser—151 Fleet St., 

West Sussex Gazette—143 Fleet St., E.C. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

| Western 

[London Addresses. 

Western Chronicle—145 Fleet St., E.C. 
Westen Daily Mercury (Plymouth)—88 Fleet St., 
E x 

Daily Press (Bristol)—59 Fleet St., E.C. 
Evening Herald—88 Fleet St., E.C. 
Gazette (Yeovil)—53 Fleet St., E.C. 
Guardian—159 Fleet St., E.C. - 
Independent—139 Fleet St., E.C. 

Mail (Cardiff)—176 Fleet St., E.C. 
Morning News (Plymouth)—47 Fleet St., 

Times (Exeter)—62 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

Western Weekly Mercury—88 Fleet St., E.C. 

Weymouth Telegram—Clun House, Surrey St., 
Strand, W‘C. 

Weymouth, &c., Standard—Clun House, Surrey St., 
Strand, W.C. 

Wicklow People—2 Creed Lane, E.C. 

Wiltshire News—149 Fleet St., E.C. 

Winds oh: Eton & Slough Express—115 Fleet St., 

Woking News and Mail—149 Fleet St., E.C. 
Wolverhampton Chronicle—44 Fleet St., E.C. 
Worcester Daily Times—Clun House, Surrey St., 
Strand, W.C. . 

Worcester Herald—151 Fleet St., E.C. 
Worcestershire Advertiser—85, Fleet St., 
Worcestershire Chronicle—151 Fleet St., 
Worcestershire Echo—151 Fleet St., E.C. 

Yarmouth Independent—149 Fleet St., E.C. 
Yarmouth, &c., Times—172 Fleet St., E.C. 
Yarmouth Weekly Press—151 Fleet St., E.C. 
Yorkshire Evening News—85 Fleet St., E.C. 
Yorkshire Evening Post—171 Fleet St., E.C. 
Yorkshire Evening Press—145 Fleet St., E.C. 
Yorkshire Evening Telegraph—181 Fleet St., E.C. 
Yorkshire Factory Times—85 Fleet St., E.C. - 
Yorkshire Gazette—17 Bouverie Street, E.C. 
Yorkshire Herald (York)—145 Fleet St., E.C. 
Yorkshire Observer—172 Fleet St, E.C. © 
Yorkshire Observer Budget—172 Fleet St., E.C. 
Yorkshire Post (Leeds)—171 Fleet St., E.C. 
Yorkshire Sports—62 Ludgate Hill, E.C. - 
Yorkshire Weekly Post—171 Fleet St., E.C. 


© E.C. 


The World. 
A Fournal for Men and Women. 4 
Founded in 1874 by the great Victorian Journalis, EDMUND YATES. 

-Controlling Editor: WEST 



“THE WORLD’S” distinguished and established audience of the Court, 
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“THE WORLD ” contains the most exhaustive and reliable court and society 
chronicles and comment. Vigorous and terse political articles purged of dulness 
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APVERTISERS need to get to close 

quarters with people having money to 
spend, and not those whose expenditure neces- 
sarily ends with the purchase of the paper in 
: : which their advertisement appears. : : 

The readers of THE WORLD possess 

: spending power in a remarkable degree. : 
CS a ae en eC ce ee 

Editorial & Advertisement Offices : 
93/4, LONG -ACRE, ; W.C. 

2881 James Walling, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125. Strand. London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


* .* The references ave to the pages in which the Publishers Announcements will be found. 

A § denotes that these Newspapers have a private wire from their London Office 
F the forwarding of News and Advertisements. 



Ashton Evening Standard Even... Gloucestershire Echo ... Even... 
soe he, eee : CARLISLE. 
orth-Western Daily Ma NEB Cumberland Evening Mail n! Even... 
Bath and Ui EShEe (Chroniclea . Even... CHICHESTER. 
Bath Herald .. Even... Argus is. Bee Sine. das . Morn... 
Argus Even... 
Argus isi ele ar .. Morn... 
Argus ees . Even... . ; COVENTRY. 
Midland Daily Telegraph Even... 
Bedford and District Dy. Circular ... Morn... DARLINGTON. 
North Star... . Morn... 
BIRMINGHAM. | Nokes Dispatch ~. e Even... 
$ Birmingham Daily Mail ... a Even... § Northern Echo... _..... . Morn... 
irmingham Daily Post.. . Morn... - 
§ Birmingham Gazette s e e Morn.. DERBY. 
$ Evening Dispatch . ee tee owe Even.. Derby Daily Express... «.. Even... 
§ Picture World vee coo coe eee Morn... Derby Daily Telegraph .. Even... 
North-Eastern Daily Gazette ae Even... Argus ae Tees eee . Morn... 
Northern Daily Telegraph Even... E AST GRINSTEAD. 
l Argus ¿ ss . Morn... 
BOLTON. Argus D 4 Even... 
Bolton Evening Chronicle (except Sat ) Even... 
Bolton Evening News .. Even... EXETER. | | 
5 D t l ; ie 
BOURNEMOUTH. Erates and cho e Sea 
§ Bournemouth Daily Echo Even... 456] Western Times... n . Morn... 
BRADFORD. sna lati 
pado aA cud tae a Bene: Citizen see . eo» Even... 
radfor aily Telegrap ven... 
$ Yorkshire Observer sas . Morn... GRIMSBY. 
` Grimsby Daily News ... Even... 
BRIGHTON. Grimsby Daily Telegraph Even... 
Evening Argus see ssi .. Even... 
Morning Argus a .. Morn... HALIFAX. 
Sussex Daily News . Morn... 455| Halifax Daily Guardian ... su Even... 
BRISTOL ; Halifax Evening Courier ve e. Even... 
Bristol weere Daily Press ... ; Morie pe HARTLEPOOL. 
ristol Evening News ie ica Hartlepool Daily Shipping Lit ... Morn... 
See cea ge as oe Gee Northern Daily Mail _... .. Even... 
Burton Daily Mail e aes Even... rgus - Morn... 
Burton Evening Gazette ‘(except Argus ss T Even... 
UFS) osso si as gs ven... 
CAMBRIDGE. Argus sd a PR . Morn... 
Cambridge Daily News ... Even... Argus Even... 
Advertisements received for all the Provincial Newspapers. [289 

Prov. Daily] 

= - HOVE, 
Argus ie Sie we . Morn... 
Argus ve te Even... 
Huddersfield Daily Examiner (except 
Sat.) ee ‘ok oes ses e.. Even... 
Daily Mail ... , . Even... 
Eastern Morning News.. . Morn... 
Hull Daily News Even... 
East Anglian Dally times . Morn... 
Evening Star Even... 
Northamptonshire Evening Telegraph Even... 
Leamington Daily Circular Even... 

§ Leeds Mercury . Morn... 
Mid-Day Sporting Special Even... 
Sporting Pink Even... 
Yorkshire Evening “News Even... 

§ Yorkshire Evening Fotky Even... 

$ Yorkshire Post aed ee . Morn... 

Leicester Daily Mercury... Even... 
Leicester Dail kest . Morn... 
Leicester. Mail Even... 
Argus . Morn... 
Argus Even... 
Lincolnshire Echo ... Even... 
Argus - Morn... 
Argus Even... 

§ Evening Expres -. Even... 
George Broomhall’s ‘Corn "Trade News Even... 
gouzan! of Commerce s Morn... 

§ Liverpool Courier ... . Morn... 

$ Liverpool Daily Bost and Liverpool 

Mercury age .. Morn.. 
$ Liverpool Echo Even... 


$ Daily Despatch 




$ Manchester Evening Chronicle 

Manchester Evening News 
Manchester Guardian 
Sporting Chronicle 


North-Eastern Daily Gazette ... 
Tees Daily Shipping List 


Evening Chronicle 
Evening Mai 

Illustrated ` Chronicle 
Newcastle Daily Chronicle 
Newcastle aly Journal 
North Mail ... Ses 

. Morn... 


m rn a a a aaa a a a a pn RY a YN en 





Wiiling’s Press Guide. 


Newmarket Sporting News | Even... 
Monmouthshire Evening poet .. Even... 
South Wales Argus š Even... 
Northampton Daily Chronicle (exoept 
eae Even... 
Northampton "Daily Echo Even... 

Eastern Daily Press . .. Morn... 
Eastern Evening News ... . Even... 

Midland Sporting Gazette . Even... 
Nottingham Daily Express - Morn... 
Nottingham Evening News . Even... 
Nottingham Evening Post .. Even... 
Nottingham Guardian a. Morn... 

Midland Daily Tribune ... Even... 
Oldham Daily Standard Even... 
Oldham Evening Chronicle Even... 
Cornish Evening Tidings (except 
Wed.) ote ee isi ssi .. Even... 456 
Western Daily Mercury .. ee Morn... 
Western Evening Herald . Even... 
$ Western Morning News . Morn... 
$ Evening News... °° ue ee .. Even... 
Lancashire Daily Post ... Even... 
Scarborough Daily Post ees Even... 
Scarborough Evening ene (except 
Fri.) Even... 
$ Sheffield Daily Independent .. Morn... 
$ Shefheld Daily Telegraph . Morn... 
$ Yorkshire Early Bird ... Even... 
$ Yorkshire Telegraph and Star Even... 
Shields Daily Gazette ... Even... 
Shields Daily News ae Even... 
§ Southern Echo Even... 459 
Staffordshire Sentinel sis .«. Even... 
SR l 
Cheshire Daily Echo Even... 
Sunderland Daily Echo >.. i Even... 

James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

- = am a me ee eee "ek, 

Prov. Daily] 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Evening North Wilts Herald . Even... Worcester Daily Times ... Even... 
Evening Swindon Advertiser ... Even... . Worcestershire Echo ive Even... 
Arei Morh ee vee bed = ts ` Dori 
Argus ai Even... ees TES 
o YORK. 
WOLVERHAMPTON. Yorkshire Evening Press Even... 
Express and Star ... Even... Yorkshire Herald Sos sigh . Morn... 
Cardiff Journal of Commerce ... - Morn... Cambria Daily Leader ... Even... 
Evening Express ... .. Even... South Wales Daily Post Even... 
South Wales Daily News . Morn... Swansea Daily Shipping Register .. Morn... 
South Wales Echo... sss .. Even... 
Western Mail eee . Morn... 

§ Aberdeen Daily 
§ Aberdeen Free 
Evening Express 
Evening Gazette 

ournal ... 

§ Courier 

$ Dundee Advertiser _ 
Evening Telegraph and Post . 

§ Edinburgh Evening Dispatch .. 
Edinburgh Evening. Newe 
§ Scotsman ze 


Belfast Evening Telegraph 
$ Belfast News-Letter ne 
Irish Daily Telegraph 
Irish News... eas 
§ Northern Whig 
Ulster Echo ... 


Cork Constitution ... 

§ Cork Examiner se be a 

§ Evening , Echo 


Guernsey Evening Piens 


Isle of Man Times... 



Bulletin S ste ae orn 
me Koris § Daily Record Morn 
Even.. $ Evening Times Even 
Been... Glasgow Citizen Even 
eee § Glasgow Herald . Morn 
$ Glasgow Néws eee . Morn 
e.. Morn... GREENOCK. 
z. Morn... Greenock Telegraph Even 
Even... . 
Leith Commercial List ... M. & E 
- Morn... Paisley Daily Express Evén... 
i Daily Express . Morn 
B oe Dublin Bill of Entry . Morn 
. Morn Dublin Evening Mail Even 
Morn... $ Evening Herald ; Even 
Morn... 445! Evening Irish Times Even 
Even Evening Telegraph - Even 
$ Freeman's id poral Morn 
§ Irish Independent .. Morn 
§ Irish Times ... ch Morn 
Legal Diary ... Even 
Even Evening News Even 
Even... JERSEY. 
Evening Post Even 
Morning News Morn 


vee 453 

`. 453 

Advertisements received for all the Provincial Newspapers. 


- Advertisement.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

eset E, 

Willing & Company, 



Telephone Nos. North 2731 and 2732. 


Sole Concessionaires for 

Advertising Positions 
On Central London Railway ; Charing Cross, Euston and 

Hampstead Railway ; City and South London Railway ; 
London, Tilbury and Southend Railway, &c., &c. 


Manufacturers of Enamelled Iron Plates. Contractors for 
Advertisements by Omnibuses, Carriers’ Vans, Boardmen, etc. _ 


Head Office: King’s Cross, London, W.C, 


Finsbury Pavement (News Agency Postal Department), 

Brighton, Hastings, &c. 

2902} James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agenis, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

ne ee ree 

fg Se ae a x 

Provincial Newspapers, Magazines, 
Periodicals, Directories, &c. 


_ Full particulars as to Publisher, Price, &c., will be found in the Alphabetical 
List (page 1). The references are to. the pages in which the Publishers’ Advertisements 

will be found. 



Ampthill News (Bedford) 
Bedford and Ceunty Record ... 
Bedford Daily Circular 
Bedford Directory _ 
Bedfordshire Express (Biggleswade)... 
Bedfordshire Standard (Bedford)  .. 
Bedfordshire Times (Bedford) 
Beds, and Herts. SatNtERy Telegraph 


Biggleswade Chronicle 
Church Leader (Leighton Buzzard) .. 
Dunstable Borough Gazette ... 

Dunstable Year Book and a 

Eagle (Bedford) . 

Eldermote Review (Leighton Buzzard) 

Flames of Fire (Bedford) sis 

Kent Mercantile Gazette “(Aspley 

Leighton Buzzard Observer... 

Leighton Buzzard Reporter (Bedford) 

Luton News and Bedfordshire Adver- 

tiser eee 

Luton News Red Book . 

Luton Reporter ... 

North Beds Courier (Biggleswade) .. 

‘Scottish Gazette (Aspley Guise) ae 

Scottish Law Courts Record (Aspley 
Guise) a a 

Woburn Reporter (Bedford) 

Abingdonian (Abingdon) 
Beaumont Review (Windsor) 
Berks Advertiser (Wallingford) i 
wie Archaeological Journal (Read- 

Berkshire Chronicle (Reading) 
Berkshire Gazette (Wokingham) a 
pis Masonic Register, WEN. 

Bradfield College Chronicle re 
British Berkshire Herd Book (Abing- 
Cosburn’s Directory (Newbury) 
Eton College Chronicle ee 
Etonian (Windsor) oes 
Faringdon Advertiser 
Journal of Micrology and ‘Natural 
History Mirror (Reading) 
Maidenhead Advertiser 
Maidenhead Chronicle (Reading) 

We E BERKSHIRE—continued. 

Mid Thames Valley Directory 

Newbury Chronicle (Reading) 

Newbury Weekly News 

North Berks Herald (Abingdon) 
Reading, &c., Directory) a 

Reading Co-operative Society Record 

Reading Mercury sis 

Reading Observer eÑ 

Reading Standard psi sea Sas 

Sutton’s Amateur: Guide to cl 
culture (Reading) M 

University College Reading Review.. 

Wellington Year Epos He 

Wellingtonian Sa 

Windsor, Eton, &c., Express es 

Windsor Chronicle (Reading)... 

Wokingham Chronicle (Reading) 


Aylesbury Directory, &c. 

Buckingham Advertiser fe site 

Buckinghamshire Advertiser | (Ux- 
bridge) aes 

Bucks Advertiser (Aylesbury) 

Bucks Examiner (Chesham) 

Bucks Herald (Aylesbury) 

Bucks Standard (Newport Pagnell) .. 

Bucks Weekly News (Wolverton) 

North Bucks Times een Buz- 
zard) sis 

Olney Advertiser 

Records of Buckinghamshire (Ayles- 
bury) sae 

Slough Chronicle (Reading) 

Slough Observer 
South Bucks Free “Press (High 
Wycombe) dae sa sá 
Wolverton Express . 
Wycombe Abbey Gazette 

Caian (Cambridge) 3 i s 
Cambridge Chronicle iae oes 
Cambridge Daily News sa 
Cambridge Independent Press 
Cambridge Magazine ste 
Cambridge Review = 
Cambridge University Reporter | 
Cambridgeshire Times (March) 

Advertisements received for all the Provincial Newspapers. [293 


Cambridgeshire Weekly News Le 

Chatteris Advertiser (March) .. 
City of Ely Standard (March) 
Eagle (Cambridge) ome 
Ely Diocesan Calendar 
Ely Diocesan Gazette (Cambridge) . 
Ely Guardian (Cambridge) ‘ 
Homertonian (Cambridge) ses wg 
Isle of Ely and Wisbech Advertiser ... 
Journal of Pathology, &c. eae 
bridge) aes 
Leys ortnightly (Cambridge) 
Littleport Gazette (March) 
Masonic Year-Book (Cambridge) 
Messenger of Mathematics (Cam- 
Newmarket Journal : 
Newmarket Sporting News ... S 
Newmarket Weekly News sean 
Pelican (Cambridge) 

Proceedings of the Cambridge Philo- 

sophical Society % 
Royston Weekly News (Cambridge)... 
Saffron Walden Weekly News (Cam- 
bridge) iz 
Silver Crescent (Cambridge) ` 
Soham Advertiser (March) ... 
Spalding’s Handbook E 
Spalding’s Street Directory am- 
Transactions of the Cambridge Philo- 
sophical Society a 
Transactions of the Cambridgeshire 
&c., Archaeological FE A (Ely) . 
Upwell Advertiser (March) ... 
Whittlesea Reporter (March) .. 
Wisbech Constitutional Gazette 
Wisbech Standard ar 

Adlington Chronicle (Horwich) 
Alderley Advertiser (Stockport) 
Altrincham, Bowdon and Hale 
Guardian (Warrington) 
Altrincham Division 
(Stockport) és 
Banner of Hope (Stockport) 
Birkenhead, &c., Advertiser wie 
Birkenhead News ae se 
Birkonian (Birkenhead) 
Cheshire Daily Echo (Stockport) mT 
Cheshire Notes and ia eee 
Cheshire Observer (Chester) . 
Chester Chronicle 
Chester Courant 
Chester Diocesan Calendar 
Chester Diocesan Gazette 
Chester Directory 
Chester Guardian (Warrington) 
Congleton Chronicle 
Congleton Guardian (Warrington) 
Crewe, &c., Observer (Chester) 
Crewe Chronicle (Chester) 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

CHESHIRE—continued. i 

Crewe Guardian (Warrington) 

Deeside Advertiser (West Kirby) 

Dukinfield Herald (Ashton-under- 
Lyne) say ve 

Ellesmere Port Advertiser (Birken- 

Hoylake and Meols Free Press 7 

Hyde Reporter (Ashton-under-Lyne) 

Knutsford, &c., Advertiser eee 

Knutsford ‘Division Guardian ` (War- 
ee) ase 
mm Year-Book ‘and Almanac 
Macclesfield Advertiser Seas aa 

Macclesfield Courier ... 

Macclesfield Times er 

Nantwich Chronicle Ware 

Nantwich Guardian (Warrington)... 

National United Order of Free Gar- 
deners’ Monthly Journal (Sandbach) 

North Cheshire Herald (Hyde) 

Northwich Chronicle (Chester) ; 

Northwich Guardian (varr apton) ne 

Pensions Record (Congleton) .. 

Progress (Port Sunlight) sfa 

Report of the Director of the Liver- 
pool Observatory (Birkenhead) 

Runcorn Examiner (Warrington) 

Runcorn Guardian (Warrington) 

Runcorn Weekly News (Widnes) 

Sale Guardian (Warrington) .. 

Sandbach Advertiser (Stockport) 

Sandbach Chronicle (Congleton) 

Sandbach Guardian (Warrington) 

Stockport Advertiser sie 

Stockport County Borough Express wee 

Stockport District Express fsi 

Stockport Express Annual ' 

Stockton Heath Review (Warrington) ` 

Wallasey, &c., Chronicle (PEAOSI 

Wallasey News (Seacombe) 

Wilmslow and Alderley Express ts 

Winsford and Middlewich Chronicle - 

Winsford and Middlewich Guardian 


Bodmin and Wadebridge Post eos 

Bodmin Guardian 

Bude and Stratton Weekly News 
(Launceston) ... 

Camelford, &c., Guardian (Bodmin)... 

Camelford, &c., Post (Launceston) . 

Camelford, &c., Weekly News (Laun- 

Cornish and Devon Post. (Launceston) 

Cornish Echo (Falmouth) ii 

Cornish Evening Tidings (Penzance) .. 

Cornish Guardian (Bodmin). 

Cornish Post (Penzance) 

Cornish Times (Liskeard) 

Cornishman (Penzance) 

Cornubian (Redruth) _... 

Cornubian Special (Redruth). 

294] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 



Cornwall County News (raro) 
Hayle Mail (Penzance) . 

Helston Advertiser (Penzance) T 
Holsworthy, &c., Post Ton one 
Lake’s Falmouth Almanack a 
Lake’s Falmouth Directory 

Lake’s Falmouth Pacquet 
Launceston Weekly News 

Liskeard, &c., Post (Launceston) 
Lostwithiel Guardian (Bodmin) 
Netherton’s Cernish Almanack (Truro) 
Newquay Express (Bodmin) ig 
Penryn and Falmouth Advertiser 
Royal Cornwall Gazette (Truro) 

St. Austell Deanery Magazine 

St. Austell Guardian (Bodmin) 

St. Ives Times ... 

St. Ives Weekly Summary (Penzance) 456 

Saltash Gazette ... 

Truro Diocesan Magazine sa 
Wadebridge Guardian (Bodmin) 
West Briton (Truro) _... 
Western Echo (St. Ives) 


Angola (Carlisle) 

Annual Report of the “Central Com- 
mittee of the Carlisle Diocesan 
Church Extension Society ... 

Carliol (Carlisle) re 

Carlisle and District Bowlers’ Guide 

Carlisle Diocesan Calendar | si 

Carlisle Diocesan Gazette 

Carlisle Directory 

Carlisle Journal . 

Carlisle Weekly Citizen. 

Keswick Reminder 

Cockermouth Free Press 

Cumberland Evening Mail (Carlisle)... 

Cumberland News (Carlisle) . 

Maryport News (Whitehaven) 

Mid Cumberland Herald E 

Millom Gazette ... 

Millom News (Barrow) | 

Penrith Observer. 

St. Bees School Magazine ; vie 

West Cumberland Times (Cocker- 
mouth) wae aa sas 

Whitehaven Advertiser 

Whitehaven Free Press 

Whitehaven News F 

Whitehaven News County Annual 

Wigton Advertiser eas 

Workington Beehive (Manchester) . 

Workington Co-operative Record 

Workington News (Whitehaven) 

Workington Star (Whitehaven) 


Abbotsholmian (Abbotsholme) 
Alfreton, &c., Advertiser 
Alfreton, &c., Journal ... 
Ashbourne News 

Ashbourne Telegraph ... 
Belper News (Chesterfield) 

- Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Newspapers. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


Bird Notes (Ashbourne) - 

British Trotting and Galloway Stud 
Book (Alport) . : 

Buxton Advertiser. 

Buxton Herald ... 

Commercial Year Book of the Derby 
Incorporated Chamber of Commerce 

Country and Seaside Houta (75r) 

Derbeian (Derby) 

Derby and Chesterfield “Reporter 

Derby and District Directory 

Derby, &c., Methodist . 

Derby Co-operative Society Record . 

Derby Daily Express tis 

Derby Daily Telegraph 

Derby Mercury ... 

Derbyshire advertises (Derby) 

Derbyshire *Courier (Chesterfield) 

Derbyshire Red Book (Derby). 

Derbyshire Times (Chesterfield) pus 

Eckington, &c., Express (Moodiigues) 

Football Express (Derby) " 

Glossop-dale Chronicle |... i 

Health Observer (Derby) aa a 

Heanor Advertiser (Ilkeston) . 

Heanor Observer wie 

High Peak Advertiser (Glossop) ‘ew 

High Peak Chronicle (Ap is 

High Peak Herald (Buxton) . ase 

High Peak News (Buxton) aie 

Ilkeston Advertiser 

Ilkeston Pioneer 

Local Advertising Sheet “(Wirksworth) 

Long Eaton Advertiser 

Matlock Visitor (Buxton) ; 

National Pig Breeders’ Association 
Herd Book (Derby) . cat ate 

North Cheshire, &c., , Advertiser 
(Glossop) wars wae ‘ea sis 

Proceedings of the Association of 
Mining Electrical Engineers (Derby) 

Ripley Advertiser (Heanor) 

Ripley News re 

Southwell Diocesan Magazine (Derby) 

Temperance Bells (Derby) i 

Trident (Long Eaton) ... 

West Derbyshire Courier (Derby) 


Annual Report, &c., of the a a 
Ashburton, &c., Guardian (Totnes) .. 
Bideford, &c., Gazette ... a 
Blundellian (Tiverton) . | 
Brixham Western Guardian (Totnes 
Buckfastleigh, &c., Guardian fons 
Crediton Chronicle ; 
Dartmouth Chronicle | 
Dartmouth Western Guardian (Totnes) 
Dawlish Gazette a 
Devon, &c., Notes and “Queries 
(Exeter) aes ast ss mer 
Devon and Exeter Daily Gazette 
(Exeter) tee ons i d 
Devon, &c., Weekly News, (Tiverton) 



Provincial. | 


Devon Masonic Directory (Plymoutn) 

Doidge’s, &c., Almanac aaa 

East Devon News (Chard) “a 

Epoch (Ilfracombe) = 

Exeter Diocesan Calendar 

Exeter Diocesan Gazette 

Exeter Post Office Directory .. 

Exmouth Chronicle 

Exmouth Journal 

Exonian (Exeter) 

Express & Echo (Exeter) 

Hartland, &c., Chronicle ; 

Hartland and West ey Annual 
(Hartland) è 

Holsworthy Weekly News “(Laun- 
ceston) ik as 

Ilfracombe Chronicle 

Ilfracombe Gazette ie se. ee <i 

Illustrated Western Weekly News 
(Plymouth) ate 

Journal of the Marine Biological 
Association of the United pingons 

Journal of athe ` Torquay "Natural 
History Society or des ids 

Kingsbridge Gazette 

Kingsbridge Journal _... 

Kingsbridge Western Guardian (Totnes) 

Marshman’s Directory of Salcombe . 

Mid-Devon Advertiser (Newton Abbot) 

Mid-Devon and Newton Times (New- 
ton Abbot) sis 

Naval and Military Record (Plymouth) 

Newton Abbot Western Guardian 
(Totnes) is ats 

Newtonian (Newton Abbot) Ma 

North Devon Herald (Barnstaple) . 

North Devon Journal (Barnstaple) .. 

Paignton Observer ; 

Paignton Western Guardian (Totnes) 

Plymothian (Plymouth) 

Plymouth and District Stock and 
Share List 

Plymouth Co-operative Society Record 

Poor Soul’s Friend (Chudleigh) 

Report & Transactions of the Devon- 
shire Association (Plymouth) 

Report and Transactions of the Royal 
Geographical PO of Cornwall 
(Plymouth) “xe 

Report of the Homes for Working 
Girls in London oe, 

Rock (Barnstaple) is 

Salcombe Gazette bg 

Salcombe ‘Times (Kingsbridge) 

Seventh Evangel (Ply: es 

Sidmouth Herald 

Sidmouth Observer evs 

South Devon and East Cornwall 
Hospital Report (Plymouth) 

South Devon Gazette (Kingsbridge)... 

ea oe Weekly pak aaa (Chud- 
eigh ids ` 

Southmolton Gazette 

Tavistock Gazette 

Teignmouth Gazette 

Willing’s Press Quide. 


Teignmouth Post 

Teignmouth Times .. 

Teignmouth Western Guardian (Totnes) 
Three Towns Almanack aie A 

Tiverton Gazette — .. ate 
Tiverton Journal eee ian 
Torbay News, &c. (Torquay) ; 

Torquay Directory was ki nats 
Torquay Times ... “oe ee eae 
Totnes Times... iss 

Trewman’s Exeter Flying Post 
Truro Diocesan Calenda? (Exeter) 
Western Daily Mercury (Plymouth)... 
Western Evening Herald (Plymouth) 
Western Express (Bideford) 

Western Guardian (Totnes) ... 
Western Independent (Devonport) ... 
Western Morning News pet out 
Western Observer (Tiverton) . 

Western Times (Exeter) 

Western Weekly Mercury (Plymouth) 


Blandford, &c., Herald (Bournemouth) 
Branksome Guardian Po 
Branksome Herald (Bournemouth) . 
Bridport News sis és 
Clavinian (Weymouth) vies 
Dorchester Mail (Weymouth) 
Dorset Co. Chronicle (Dorchester) . 
Dorset Masonic Calendar (Weymouth) 
Eggs and the Intensive alas oe 
Poole Guardian nes wen 
Poole Herald _... dèi 
Portland Telegram (Weymouth) za 
Proceedings of the Dorset Natural His- 

tory Field Club (Isle of 2O PARE 
Shirburnian (Sherborne) a 
Southern Guardian (Bournemouth) .. 
Southern Times (Weymouth) .. ie 
Swanage Guardian (Bournemouth) . 
Three Shires Advertiser (Gillingham) 
Weymouth, &c., Standard... 
Weymouth Telegram _... 
Wimborne Guardian (Bournemouth) 

Wimborne Herald (Bournemouth) 

Auckland and eounty Chronicle CARA 
lington) ss 
Blaydon Courier se cesses 
Blaydon-on-Tyne Co-operative Record 
British Amateur (Bishop PE n 
Cat (Bishop Auckland) 
Chester-le-Street Chronicle 
Consett Chronicle 
Consett Guardian 
Darlington Times iss 
Dodds’ Darlington Annual 
Dunelmian (Durham) 
Durham Chronicle 
Durham College of Medicine Calendar 
(Newcastle) i 
Durham County Advertiser 
Durham Diocesan Calendar 
Durham Directory a | o aw 

296) James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 


Provincial. | 
i DURHAM—continued. 

Durham University Calendar 
Handbook of the Amateur Swimming 
Association (Sunderland) a 
Hartlepools Daily Shipping List... 
Heaviside’s Stockton, ae eae 
= Jarrow Express ... 
Library Circular (Sunderland) _ 
North-Eastern Daily Gazette (Bishop 
© Auckland). 
North Star (Darlington) ss 
Northern Daily Mail (Hartlepool) 
Northern Echo (Darlington) . 
Northern Education Record (Consett) 
Northern Evening Dispatch ay 
Poesy (Bishop Auckland) sa 
Reed’s Tide Tables (Sunderland) _... 
Reid’s Durham Diary (Newcastle) ... 
Reid’s Hartlepools Diary (Newcastle) 
Reid’s Sunderland Diary (Newcastle) 
Seaham Weekly News — 
Stanley News and North Durham 
Observer a 
Stockton Herald 
Sunderland Co-operative Society Re- 
cord... ie sae ga 
Sunderland ‘Daily ‘Echo 
Teesdale Mercury (Barnard Castle) .. 
University of Durham College of 
Medicine Gazette (Durham) ae 

Magazine (Durham 
Y.M. £ l ) 

.A. Times (Sunderland) AE 


Bancroftian (Woodford) 

Barking Advertiser 

Barking Chronicle : 

Belchamp PN Magazine (Hal- ' 
stead) , 

Borough of West. Ham, “&e., “Express | 
(Stratford) ‘ a “eh 

Braintree Advertiser ; 

Braintree Gazette (Halstead) . 

Brightlingsea News (Clacton) 

Buckhurst Hill Advertiser 

Bugle (Woodford) > 

Burnham-on-Crouch Advertiser 

Chelmsford Diocesan Chronicle > (Earls 
Colne)... ; 

Chigwellian (Chigwell) sia 

Chinford Herald (Walthamstow) ... 459 

Chronicle of the Duke of York’s 
Military School ees) eis 

Clactonian (Bromley) 

Colchester, &c., Almanac 

Colchester Gazette m 

Divine Light and Truth (Waltham- 
stow) .. 

East Coast Ilustrated News (Clacton) 

East Essex Advertiser eco 

East Ham Echo 

East Ham Express 

Bast Ham Mail 

East Ham Recorder (ford) ` 

Eastern Counties Times (Ilford) 

Eastern Mercury (Leytonstone) 

Advertisements received for all the Provincial Newspapers. 

- Willing ’s Press Guide. 



Epping Advertiser (Loughton) 

Essex and Halstead Times .«. 

Essex County Chronicle (Chelmsford) 456 

Essex County Standard (Colchester)... 

Essex County Telegraph (Colchester) 

Essex Guardian (Ilford) “ 

Essex Herald (Chelmsford) _ ... ... 456 

Essex Independent (Chelmsford) 

Essex Newsman (Chelmsford) _ ... 456 

Essex Review (Chelmsford) ass 

Essex Times (Romford) 

Essex Weekly News (Chelmsford) 

Essex Year Book (Ilford) : 

Felstedian (Felstead) 

Forest Gate Express (Leytonstone) . 

Frinton and Walton aed a (Clacton- 
on-Sea) ie 

Frinton News (Clacton-on-Sea) 

Gray’s Gazette .. ps 

Halstead Gazette 

Halstead Times ... 

Halstead, &c., Deanery Magazine 

Harwich Newsman 

Harwich Standard 

Ilford Guardian ... 

Ilford Recorder ... 

Leyton Express (Leytonstone) 

Leytonstone Express 

Livingstone College 
(Ley ton) 

Lords Portion (Clacton-on-Sea) 

Loughton Advertiser (Epping) ies 

Maldon Express (Chelmsford) ... 456 

Romford Recorder (Ilford) Wa a 

Romford Times (Stratford) i, csi SOiet 

Southend and Westcliffe GrApNig sks 

Southend Observer i 

Southend Standard eee saa, PE 

Southend Telegraph 

Transactions of the Essex 
logical Society (Colchester) set 

Walthamstow and Leyton Herald ... 459 

Walthamstow Express (Stratford) 

Walthamstow Guardian Mie 

Walton Gazette (Colchester) . 

Walton News (Clacton-on- -Sea) | 

Wanstead Express (Leytonstone)... 

Weekly Telegraph for Waltham Abbey 

West Essex Gazette (Epping) 

West Ham Express (Leytonstone) 

Woodford, &c., Advertiser 

Woodford Express enn) 

Woodford Times 

Third Order Qaarteriy 

i Yea Book 



Arrowsmith’s Bristol Tide Table 

Avonmouth Mail (Bristol) 

Berkeley Gazette (Dursley) sès 

Bristol Western Daily Press ... ... 455 

Bristol & District Post Office Guide.. 

Bristol Catholic Herald ssi 

Bristol Diocesan Directory 

Bristol Diocesan Magazine 



Bristol Forward . 

Bristol Evening News ise 

Bristol Grammar School Chronicle des 

Bristol Guardian ue 

Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Journal sa 

Bristol Nonesuch: 

Bristol Observer .. 

Bristol Times and “Mirror 

Bristolian (Bristol) 

Britis? Journal of Surgery (Bristol)... 

Caincross, &c., Co-operative Economist 

Cheltenham Chronicle ... 

Cheltenham Ladies’ College Magazine 

Cheltonian (Cheltenham) an 

Chess Amateur Ca 

Citizen (Gloucester) 

Clifton and Redland | ' Free 
(Bristol) A dake ait 

Clifton Chronicle 

Clifton Society (Bristol) | 

Cliftonian (Bristol) 

Commercial Year Book ‘of the Bristol 
Incorporated Chamber of Commerce 

County Almanac and Directory ne 
cester) .. 

Cotswold Flock Book (Cold Aston) .. 

Dean Forest Guardian (Coleford) 

Dean Forest Mercury Seen. 

Decanian (Cheltenham) A 

Dursley Gazette 

Evening Times and Echo (Bristol) .. 

Gloucester Co-operative Society 
Monthly Record ae 

Gloucester Diocesan Calendar 

Gloucester Diocesan Magazine 

Gloucester Directory i 

Gloucester Journal 

Gloucester Street Directory bis 

Gloucestershire Chronicle (Gloucester) 

Gloucestershire Echo Sere iu 

Highbury Quarterly (Bristol) . 

Horfield Record (Bristol) 

Irish Endeavourer 

Link (Upton St. Leonards) 

Looker-On (Cheltenham) eh 

Looker-On Directory (Cheltenham) .. 

Lydney Observer 

Medical Annual (Br istol) 

Newent Reporter (Ledbury) 

North Somerset Gazette (Tweentown) 

Port of Bristol Official List, &c.  ... 

Proceedings of the Cotswold Natu- 
ralists’ Field Club... 

Proceedings of the Wesley 
Society (Wotton Hill) 

Redland Park Recorder (Bristol) 

Screen (Woodchester) 

South Bristol Free Press 

South Gloucestershire 
(Thornbury) .. 

South Gloucestershire Gazette (Bristol) 

Sports Times . 

Stroud Journal ... wee a L. 

Stroud News it 

Sub-Postmaster (Bristol) 

Tewkesbury Register .. 

Tewkesbury Weekly Record . 




Willing’s Press Guide. 

1. 455 



G LOUCESTE RSHI RE cconlinwad. 

Thornbury Gazette (Dursley) .. , 

Transactions of the Bristol and 
Gloucestershire Archareloei at So- 
ciety (Bristol) . iss 

University of Bristol Calendar 

Venture (Bristol) 

Western Daily Press (Bristol)... 

Western Temperance Herald (Bristol) 

Wilts and Gloucester Stondara (Ciren- 


Wotton - under - Edge, kc., “Gazette 

(Dursley) ‘ as wie ses ane 

Advocate for Shirley (Southamptona: 
Aldershot, &c., Directory "R 
Aldershot Gazette (Farnham) 

Aldershot Gazette and Manae News 
Aldershot News ... ase 
Alton Mail (Farnham) . "r šis 
Andover Advertiser 

Army Service orps Journal “(Alder- 

shot) ne oes 
Bournemouth, Rc. ' " Amusements 

(Boscombe) a as 
Bournemouth Daily Echo ... 456 

Bournemouth Graphic 
Bournemouth Guardian Sse 
Bournemouth Visitors’ Directory 
Bugle Call (Winchester) ; 
Chat (Portsmouth) ss 
Christchurch Times... 
Church Pennant (Portsmouth) 
East Leigh Weekly News 
Evening News (Portsmouth) . 
Farnborough News (Aldershot) 
Fleet Directory (Aldershot) 
Fleet News (Aldershot) said 
Freshwater, &c., Advertiser ... 
Globe and Laurel (Portsmouth) 
Glorious News (Bournemouth) 

Hampshire Advertiser (Southampton) 457 
Hampshire Chronicle (Winchester) ... 457 
Hampshire County Times (Ports- 
mouth) pii sni 
Hampshire Herald (Alton) a nee 
Hampshire Independent (South- 
ampton) bis wae sion ane 
Hampshire Observer (Winchester) 
Hampshire Regimental Journal (Win- 

Hampshire Telegraph (Portsmouth)... 

Hants, &c., Gazette (Basingstoke) 

Hants & Sussex County Press (EMS 

Hants & Sussex News (Petersfield) . 

Holbrook’s County Year Book  (Ports- 
mouth) gi 

Island Star (Newport) T 

Isle of Wight Advertiser (Ventnor) . 

Isle of Wight Chronicle (Sandown) . 

Isle of Wight County Press (Newport) 

Isle of Wight Herald (Cowes) es 

Isle of Wight Journal (Newport) 

Isle of Wight Mercury (Ventnor) 

Isle of Wight Observer (Ryde) 

Isle of. Wight Times (Ryde) .. 

298] James Willing, Lid. $ OET Agents, 125, Strand, Fonon 

Provincial. | 


Lymington Chronicle (Bournemouth) 

Milford-on-Sea Record Society Occa- 
sional Magazine (Lymington) O 

Monthly Portsmouth Naval and Mili- 
tary Directory 

New Forest Chronicle (Bournemouth) 

Osborne (Newport) 

Preparatory Schools Review Win- 

Portmuthian (Portsmouth) 
Portsmouth Times ies 

Quarterly Jottings from the New 
Hebrides (Bournemouth) ... 

Ringwood, &c., Chronicle (Bourne- 
mouth) re si se 

Romsey Advertiser is 

Royal Naval Warrant Officers’ ” Journal 
(Portsmouth) bi 

Shanklin‘ Gazette 

Showers of Blessing (Bournemouth) 

Southampton and District Pictorial.. 

Southampton Times .. 

Southern Daily Echo (Southampton) 459 

Southern Worker (Bournemouth) _... 

Weekly Illustrated Isle of Wight 
Guardian (Shanklin) Se 

What’s On in Southampton 

Winchester, &c., Directory 

Winchester Diocesan Calendar 

Winchester Diocesan Chronicle 

Wykehamist (Winchester) 

Bromyard News and Record 
Clan Lamont Journal (Hereford) 
Hereford Diocesan Church Calendar 
Hereford Herd Book oie a 
Hereford Journal sie 
Hereford Journal Directory 
Hereford Mercury si 
Hereford Secondary Boys’ 
Magazine oe : 
Hereford Times 
Herefordian (Hereford) ie ae 
Jakeman & Carver’s Directory of 
Herefordshire (Hereford) Je 
Ledbury Guardian isy 
Ledbury Reporter 
Leominster News 
North a Advertiser (Leo- 
minster) s ses vi 
Ross Gazette... 
Ross Gazette Year Book & Directory 
Transactions of the Donne Natu- 
ralist Club (Hereford) 

l S chool 

Albanian (St. Albans) ans 
Barnet Press ee ous 

Berkhamstead Gazette 
Berkhamstedian (Berkhamsted) 
Brotherhood (Letchworth) ag 
Citizen (Letchworth) _ ... 

Civil Service Observer (St. Albans) .. 
Freemason’s Chronicle (New Barnet) 
Gamekeeper (Hertford) a ae 

- Advertisements received for all the Provincial Newspapers. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


Oe eat oe ee 
Haileyburian (Hertford) 
Hertfordshire Almanac (Hertford) . 
Hertfordshire Express (Hitchin) 

Hertfordshire, &c., Gazette (Hemel 
Hempstead)... ae 

Hertfordshire Mercury (Hereford) .. 451 

Herts Advertiser (St. Albans) .. .. 451 

Herts & Cambs Reporter (Royston) was 

Herts & Essex Observer eee 

Imperialists (Hertford) .. 

Mardon’s Year-Book (Bishop ` Stort- 
ford) dea ae 

Monthly Review (Watford) ise 

North Herts Mail (Hitchin) ... ... 458 

Novitates Zoologicae (Tring) ... 

Peacock’s Directory for Watford 

Present Truth (Watford) sae 

Rickmansworth News (Watford) 

St. Albans Almanack, &c. _... 

Southgate Chronicle (Barnet) 

Stortfordian (Bishop Stortford) : 

Transactions of the St. cogil Re: ee 
Architectural, &c., Society . 

Trust Review (Radlett)... 

Watford Post and Echo 

Watford News Letter ... 

West Herts and Watford Observer 
(Watford) 7 


Huntingdonshire Past E 
Hunts County News (Hunndgron es 
St. Neots Advertiser : ae 
St. Neots Advertiser Almanac 


Freshwater, &c., Advertiser 
Island Star (Newport) . 

Isle of Wight Advertiser (Ventnor) .. 
Isle of Wight Chronicle (Sandown) .. 
Isle of Wight County Press (Newport) 
Isle of Wight Herald (Cowes) ; 
Isle of Wight Journal (Newport) 

Isle of Wight Mercury (Ventnor) 
Isle of Wight Observer (Ryde) 

Isle of Wight Times (Ryde) ... 
Osborne (Newport) ane 

Shanklin Gazette 

Weekly Illustrated Isle of Wight 

Guardian (Shanklin) se eee 

Amateur Menagerie Club a Book 

Argus (Tunbridge Wells) 
Auxiliary Language (Lewisham) 
Bargeman (Sittingbourne 
Beckenham Advertiser (Croydon) 
Beckenham and District Times 
(Bromley) ss as ses 
Beckenham Directory 
Beckenham Journal as 
Bexley Heath Directory 
Bexley Heath Observer 
Bexley Times (Sidcup)... 



KENT— continued. 

Blessed be Egypt (Tunbridge Wells) ... 

Broadstairs and St. Peter’s Echo 

Broadstairs and St. Peter’s Mail . 
Brockley, &c., Borough News (Lewis- 
ham) site T ira bs 

Brockley News 

Bromley Chronicle m 

Bromley Local Guide and Advertiser 

Bromley Times ... 

Canterbury, &c., Blue-Book (Brighton) 

Canterbury Journal oe 

Cantuariun (Canterbury) 

Central (Old Charlton) 

Channels of Blessing (Beckenham) . 

Chatham News és 

Chatham Observer = 

Chemical Engineering and Works 
Chemist (Dover) wis x 

Chislehurst Times (Sidcup) 

ey Chronicle (Lewisham) 

(Canterbury) . 

Cia Chronicle 

Crayford Express es 

Dartford Street, &c., Directory 

Dartford Chronicle ' 

Dartford Express és 

Dartford News (Maidstone) 

Deal, Walmer, &c., Mercury .. 

Deal, Walmer, &c., Directory 

Deal Paper z Pee 

Dover, &c., Free Churchman 

Dover Blue-Book (Brighton) = 

Dover ' Chronicle 

Dover Express 

Dover Standard ... 

Dover Telegraph 

Dovorian (Dover) 

East Kent Gazette (Sittingbourne) 

East Kent Times (Ramsgate) 

Edenbridge Chronicle a ee) 

Eltham, &c., Times nels 

Eltham, &c., Directory 

Erith Chronicle ... 

Erith Observer (Bexley Heath) 

Erith Times Wi 

Erithian (Belvedere) 

Faversham, &c., News cs 

S Nai en Institute Journal ... 
aversham Mercury s 

Folkestone, &c., Red Bock 

Folkestone Express 

Folkestone Herald ie 

Folkestone Herald Visitors’ List 

Gordonian (Dover) P 

Government Workers’ 
(Woolwich) i 

Gravesend Reporter 

Herne Bay Press 

Hither Green Journal (Lee) ser 

Hythe Advertiser pone, 

Hythe Reporter .. 

Invicta Magazine (Dartford) . 

Journal of the Royal Artillery Kent 
Fencible (Bexley Heath)... 

Kent, &c., Courier (Tunbridge Wells) 

Kent and Sussex Post (Hawkhurst)... 


Willing’s Press Quide. 


Kent County Examiner Directory is 
Ashford eis Sg 

Kent Herald (Canterbury) 

Kent Messenger & Ashford | Examiner 
(Maidstone)... “ee 

Kent Messenger (Maidstone) .. 

Kent Messenger and Gravesend Tele- 
graph (Maidstone) 

Kent Messenger and Sevenoaks Tele- 
graph (Maidstone) 

Kent Messenger Directory of Maid- 
stone .. 

Kent Volunteer Gazette (Bexley Heath) 

Kentish Express (Ashford) 

Kentish Express Guide and Directory 

Kentish Gazette (Canterbury) 

Kentish Independent (Woolwich) 

Kentish Mail (Deptford) sed 

Kentish Mercury (Greenwich) 

Kentish Observer (Canterbury) 

Kentish Telegram (Deal) - ... 

Lawrentian (Ramsgate) | 

Lee Journal 

Lewisham, &c., Advertiser (F orest Hill) 

Lewisham Borough News 

Lewisham Journal (Lee) we 

Margate, Ramsgate, &c., Gazette 

North East Kent Times (Chatham) .. 

Petite Review (Tunbridge mae 

Pharos (Dover) . 

Pioneer and Labour Journal “(Wool- 

Poultry Keeper’s. Journal (Orpington) 

Pryce’s Illustrated Almanac (Wool- 
wich ve 

Pullen’s Kent Argus (Ramsgate) 

Queenborough Guardian (Sheerness)... 

Reports and Transactions of the East 
Kent Scientific and Natural ee 
Society (Canterbury) s 

Rochester, &c., Journal 

Royal Engineers’ Journal (Chatham) 

Royal Engineers’ Professional ha a 
(Chatham) sity bac 

R.M.A. Magazine (Woolwich) _ 

St. George’s Gazette (Dover) . 

St. Mary Cray Express (Bextey 

St. Mary Cray Times (Sidcup) 

Sandwich Advertiser... 

Sandwich, &c., Directory (Deal) 

Sapper (Chatham) dak 

Sevenoaks Chronicle 

Sheerness Guardian 

Sidcup Times _... 

South Eastern Gazette (Maidstone) 

South Eastern Herald (Greenwich) 

Swanley Times (Sidcup) 

Swanscombe Chronicle (Dartford) 

Teacher of the Deaf (Bexley) 

Thanet Advertiser A Seem 

Thanet Guardian (Margate) . 

Thanet Times (Margate) 

Tonbridge Free-Press 

Tonbridge Gazette 

300] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

| (Counties. 



Tonbridgian (Tonbridge) 
Tunbridge Wells Advertiser 
Tunbridge Wells Gazette sits is 
Weekly Summary for the Blind 

(Eltham) “ibs 
West Kent Advertiser (Dartford) 
West Kent Argus (Lewisham) 
West Kent District Times (Bromley) 
Westerham Herald 
Whitstable Times i 
Woolwich Co-operative Society Record 
Woolwich Gazette T i 
Woolwich Herald 


Accrington Advertiser 

Accrington Division Gazette 

Accrington Observer 

Advertiser (Blackpool) . 

African Mail (Liverpool) a 

Albion Congregational Church Mes- 
senger (Ashton-under-Lyne) . 

Alliance News (Manchester) 

Alliance Temperance Almanack (Man- 

Alliance Year Book, &e. (Manchester) 

Amateur Mechanic (Liverpool) 

Annals of Archaeology, &c. (Liverpool) 

Annals of Tropical meres &c. 

Annual Report of the Liverpool Micro- 
scopical Society 

Annual Report of the Manchester 
Guardian Society for the Protection 
of Trade (Manchester) 

Ashton, &c., Advertiser 

Ashton Co-operator ; 

Ashton Evening Standard (Oldham)... 

Ashton Reporter , 

Ashton Standard (Oldham) 

Ashton-under-Lyne Herald ; 

Assurance Agents’ Chronicle Man- 

Assure (Manchester) Ta 

Atherton Weekly Journal (Bolton) 

Athletic News (Manchester) sak 

Athletic News Athletics acre 

Athletic News Cricket “Annual (Man- 

Athletic News Football “Annual 1 (Man- 
chester) sie 

Bacup Chronicle 

Bacup Times si 

Baeda (Manchester) - 

Band of Hope Treasury (Manchester) 

Barrovian (Barrow-in-Furness) 

Barrow Guardian ; 

Barrow News 

Barrowford Leader (Nelson) 

Baxenden Advertiser ee) 

Beacon Light (Manchester) 

Beirniad (Liverpool) 

Belgian Commercial Adviser Man- 
chester) AR si a 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

- LANCASHIRE—continued. 

Bibby’s Annual (Liverpool) 
Blackburn Catholic News 

Blackburn Times Sees 
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph’ 
Blackley Guardian (Middleton) 
Blackpool Co-operative Pioneer 
Blackpool Herald 

Blackpool Times 

Blackpool Times Fylde Year Book . 
Blackpool Weekly Standard ... See 
Bolton Catholic Herald 

Bolton Chronicle 

Bolton Co-operative Society Record... 
Bolton Evening Chronicle sx 
Bolton Evening Chronicle Green Final 
Bolton Evening News ... ae eds 

-Bolton Journal 

Bolton Public Library Report | 

Boltonian (Bolton sii sé 

Bootle Herald (Waterloo) 

Bootle Times ; 

Boxmakers’ Journal (Manchester) 

Brierfield Leader (Nelson) . 

British Westinghouse PAR  (Man- 
chester) ji ‘is 

Brython (Liverpool) <3 

Bulletin of the John Rylands’ Library 
(Manchester) ... 

Burnley, &c., Catholic News (Preston) 

Burnley Equitable Co - operative 
Society Monthly SEE P 

Burnley Express 

Burnley News 

Bury a Society Quarterly 

Bury Guardian 

Bury Times 

Bury Visitor 

Business (Manchester) . 

Cadet (Liverpool) 

Calendar of the Joint “Matriculation 
Board (Manchester) ... 

Calvert’s Mechanics’ Almanac (Man- 

Carnforth News '(Barrow-in- Furness) 

Catholic Federationist (Salford) 

Catholic News (Preston) as 

Cheetham Guardian (Middleton) 

Chorley, &c., Weekly News 

Chorley Co-operative Society Record 

Chorley Guardian 

Church Advertiser (Accrington) us 

City of Liverpool Official Handbook 

Clayton Le Moors Advertiser aa 

Clayton Observer (Accrington) | bs 

Clayton Times & Express (Bradford) 

Clegg’s Oldham Annual 

Clerical Diary, &c. (Liverpool) 

Clitheroe Advertiser is 

Clitheroe Times 

Colne Times ; 

Colne Valley Guardian ` (Slaithwaite) 

Common Sense Gardening (Man- 
chester) = oe 4. Ses 

` Advertisements received for all the Periodicals. 




LANCASHIR E—continued : 

Comradeship (Manchester) 
Continental Directory of 
Spinners, &c. (Oldham) 

Co-operative Employee (Manchester) ... 
Co-operative News (Manchester) 
Co-operative Union Quarterly Review 
Co-operative Wholesale 
Annual (Manchester) "s 
Cooper’s Tabular Guides (Farnworth) 
Cotton (Manchester)... 
Cotton Factory Times (Ashton- ~under- 
Lyne) ve 
Cotton Gazette (Liverpool) 
Cotton Review (Liverpool) 
Cotton Spinners’ Directory (Oldham) 
Cotton Year Book and Diary nian 
chester) asi 
Credit Draper (Manchester) 



Credit Drapers’ Directory (Man- 
chester) he a oui 
Cumberland | Catholic News aay 

Cunard Daily Bulletin (Liverpool) . 

Daily Dispatch (Manchester) 

Dalton Guardian (Barrow-in-Furness) 

Dalton News (Barrow-in-Furness) 

Daltonian (Manchester) 

Darwen Gazette 

Darwen News ... 

Darwen Weekly Advertiser 

Deaf Quarterly News (Liverpool)... 

Directory and List of Pe (oee 
fellows) (Manchester) ‘i 

Dogs’ Weekly (Manchester) . 

Droylsden, &c., Clayton Herald (Ash- 

Druids’ Quarterly Journal — ` (Man- 

Earlestown, &c., ‘Examiner (Warring- 
ton) ; 7 

Eccles and “Patricroft Journal 

Eccles, &c., Telegraph (Urmston) . 

Eccles Co-operative Record gol 

_ Educational Handwork (Liverpool) .. 
Electrical Trades Journal (Manchester) 

Evans’ Journal (Liverpool) sie 

Evening Chronicle Se 

Evening Express (Liverpool) . 

Evening Reporter (Ashton) ... 

Everton, &c., Official Football Pro. 
gramme (Liverpool) 

Every Band of Hope Boy’s  Reciter 

Exchange Shipping Monthly "(Liver- 

Failsworth “Co-operative Society Mes- 
senger ... 

Fancy Needlework Ilustrated `(Man- 
chester) séi 

Farnworth Chronicle (Bolton) 

Farnworth Weekly Journal 

Film Renter (Manchester) ai 

Fleetwood Chronicle (Blackpool) 

Fleetwood Express (Blackpool) 

302] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents 125, Strand; London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


Fleetwood Gazette-News (Blackpoe:) 

Football Express (Liverpool) 

Formby Times (Southport) .. 

Fowler’s Electrical Engineers’ 
Book (Manchester) 

Fowler’s Mechanic’s and Machinist’ s 
Pocket Book (Manchester) | 

Fowler’s Mechanical Engineer’s Pocket 
Book (Manchester) 

Free Church of England Diocesan 
Quarterly Magazine (Morecambe)... 
Garston Weekly News (Widnes) edi 

Gazette-News for Blackpool, .&c. 


General, &c., Directory of Blackburn 

General, &c., Directory of Burnley 

General, &c., Directory of Preston Se 

George Broomhall’s Corn Trade News 
Daily (Liverpool) 

George Broomhall’s Corn Trade News 
Weekly (Liverpool) 

George Broomhall’s Oilseed News 
(Liverpool) is sis a isis 
Gorst’s aad Cotton Circular 

Gorton Reporter (Ashton-under-Lyne) 

Grand United Order of Oddfellows’ 
Directory (Manchester) 

Grand United Order of Oddfellows’ 
Magazine (Manchester) as 

Grange and Cartmel Guardian (Bar- 

Grange and Cartmel News (Barrow- 
Gray’s Railway “Rate Book ` (Man- 

Gray’s Railway Reckoner (Manchester) 
Gray’s Railway Traders Compendium 
Great Harwood Observer (Accrington) 
Green Final (Bolton) 
Green wood’s Liverpooi 
Gregg’s Shorthand Magazine ALiver- 
pool) a 
Grocers’ Review (Manchester) 
Hapton Advertiser (Accrington) 
Harvest (Manchester) sels 
Harwood Advertiser (Accrington) Sii 


Harwood Observer (Accrington) on 

Haslingden Advertiser (Accrington) . 
Haslingden Gazette (Accrington)... 
Haslingden Guardian aula ie 
Haslingden Observer (Accrington) . 
Herald & Citizen (Burnley) ... ea 
Herb Doctor (Southport) ee kt Sales 
Heywood Advertiser... 
Heywood News (Rochdale) 
High Peak Reporter (Ashton-under- 
Lyne) ie 
Holden’s Almanack (Liverpool) 
Homeless (Liverpool)... 
Horticultural Trade Journal (Burnley) 
Huncoat Advertiser (Accrington) ve 
Ideas (Manchester) a dais dak 


. 451 



Indian and Japanese Textile and En- 
gineering Diary (Manchester) 

Industrial Engineer (Manchester) 

Insurance News (Manchester) 

International Directory. of Booksellers 

Irlam, &c., Telegraph (Urmston) 

John Heywood’s Railway Guide (xan: 

Journal of Commerce (Liverpool 

Journal of Decorative Art 

Journal of the Amalgamated ‘Society 
of Tailors, &c. (Manchester) Mi 

Journal of ‘the Gypsy Lore Society 
(Clitheroe) ws 

Journal of the Manchester Egyptian 
and Oriental Society .. 

Journal of the Manchester Geographi- 
cal Society ses 

Journal of the Operative Stonemasons’ 
Society (Manchester) 

Juvenile Rechabite (Manchester) 

Kemp’s_ Lancashire Gazette Ct 



Kirkham Standard (Lytham) 

Labour Leader (Manchester) 

Lancashire, &c., Naturalist (Darwen) 

Lancashire Congregational Year Book 
(Manchester) _... 

Lancashire Daily Post (Preston) 

Lancaster, &c., PE Record.. 

Lancaster Guardian ; 

Lancaster Observer n 

Lancaster Observer Household Almanac 

Lancaster P.S.A. Messenger .. 

Latter- Day Saints’? Millennial Star 
(Liverpool) " a 

ee Dialogues (Manchester) 

Leigh Chronicle te 

Leigh Co-operative Society Record ee 

Leigh Journal (Bolton) sé 

Leyland and Farington Weekly News 
(Chorley) “ 

Links of Help (Bolton) 

Liverpool A B C Railway Guide... 

Liverpool and Birkenhead Official 
Red Book ‘ z 

Liverpool Association News 

Liverpool Catholic Herald 

Liverpool Courier 

Liverpool Customs Bill of Entry 

Liverpool Daily Post at 

Liverpool Diocesan Calendar 

Liverpool Diocesan Gazette 

Liverpool Echo ... bat 

Liverpool Football Echo 

Liverpool General Brokers’ 
Circular : 

Liverpool Medico-Chirurgical | ‘Journal 

Liverpool Municipal Officers Guild 
Gazette ia 

Liverpool Shipping Who's Who ~.. 

Liverpool Stock Pane Official 
Daily List vex tee a 



Advertisements received jor all :he Metropolitan Reviews. 

Willing’s Press Guide. - 

LANCASHIRE —continued. 

` Liverpool Stock Exchange 
Weekly List 


Liverpool University Calendar 
Liverpool Weekly Post 
London Shipping Who’s Who (Liver: 


Lytham Standard 
Lytham Times... 
M‘Call’s Racing Chronicle (Liverpool) 


and Salford Co-operative 

Manchester : and Salford ' Official Red 
Book das 


Monthly Record 


Manual for 

‘Catholic Herald aa 
Chamber of Commerce 

City News js 

Coal Exchange Directory 
Diocesan Directory 
Diocesan Magazine . 
Evening News .. 
Football Chronicle 

. Manchester Guardian 

_ Manchester Guardian History of the 
War ae 

Manchester Y.M. C A. News Sais 

Manchester Official A B C Railway 
Guide aie 

Manchester Quarterly 

Manchester Royal Exchange Directory 

Manchester, Salford, &c., Directory... 

Manchester School of Architecture 
Sketch Book ... 

Manchester South District Advertiser 
(Southport) sa 

Manchester University Magazine 

Weekly Times ... 
Wheelers’? Club Journal... 
New Church S.S. Teachers 

Marine Caterer (Liverpool) 


Engineer e 
World (Manchester) 
World Electrical Pocket 

Book (Manchester) 


World Pocket Diary and 

Year Book (Manchester) ; 
Memoirs of the Manchester Literary 


Mercantile Marine Service Associaton 


Register of British Ex- 

porters (Liverpool)... beg aos 
Middleton Guardian _... sss 
Middleton Standard (Oldham) 
Millgate Monthly Vanc ere. 
Milling (Liverpool) =o 



Mossley Herald (Ashton- -under-Lyne) 
Mossley Reporter (Ashton-under-Lyne) 
Musicians’ Journal (Liverpool) 

Mutual Property Journal (Manchester) 


Practical Journal (Sen 

Negesydd Cenhadol (Liverpool) 



Provincial. | 


Nelson Leader... 

New Church Young People’s Maga- 
zine (Manchester) .. 

North and Mid-Wales Directory (Man- 

North Wales and Chester ” Official 
Year Book (Liverpool) 

North Western Daily Mail (Barrow)... 

Northern Daily Telegraph (Blackburn) 

Oddfellows’ Magazine (Manchester)... 

Oldham Catholic Herald (Manchester) 

Oldham Chronicle S e 

Oldham Co-operative Record 

Oldham Daily Standard 

Oldham Evening ‘Chronicle 

Oldham Hulomeian . 

Oldham Operative Cotton Spinners’, ; 
&c., Monthly Report we Si 

Oldham Standard : 

Oldham Weekly. Times w 

Onward Reciter (Manchester) 

Open Road (Manchester) ane 

Order of Druids’ Almanack (Man- 

Order of Druids’ Quarterly Report 
and Journal (Manchester) 

Ormskirk Advertiser 

Oswaldtwistle Advertiser (Accrington) 

Oswaldtwistle Observer (Accrington) 

Our Circle ence oe 

Our Dogs (Manchester ‘ 

Pendleton Co-operative Society Record 

Pictures and Pleasures (Manchester) 

Pioneer (Burnley) 

Police and Constabulary Almanac 
(Manchester)... wee os 

Policy Holder (Manchester) 

Port of Liverpool Handbook . 

Port of Liverpool Official Sailing List 

Port of Manchester Official Saning List 

Post Office Bolton Directory . 

Postal and Eieerapi = Record- | (Man- 
chester) i 

Prescot Reporter 

Preston Circular ; 

Preston Catholic News sdi 

Preston Co-operative Society Record 

Preston Guardian ea see 

Preston Herald... 

Prestwich Guardian (Middleton) 

Princes Park Observer (Liverpool) ... 

Proceedings of the Historic Society of 
Lancashire, &c. (Liverpool) 

Proceedings of the Liverpool Biologi- 
cal Society 

Proceedings of the Liverpool Geologi- 
cal Society sites 

Proceedings of the Liverpool Literary 
and Philosophical Society... 

Proceedings of the Manchester Field 
Naturalists’ Society ... 3 es 

Producer (Manchester) ~ 

Protestant Standard (Liverpool) re 

Radcliffe Co-operative Society Record 

Radcliffe Guardian (Bury) _... 

Radcliffe Times (Bury) 

eee gl D 
304) T'es Walling, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


Ramsbottem Observer eee 
Rational Journal (Manchester) 
Rawtenstall Times (Bacup) ... 
Rechabite, &c., Magazine (Manchester) 
Record of Sports (Liverpool) 

Report of the Silk Association of 
Great Britain and Ireland (Man 
chester) age us sia 

Reporter (Pendleton) ss 

Retail Fruiterer and Florist Man- 

Rishton Advertiser (Accrington) 

Rishton Observer (nereneron): 

Rochdale Observer ; 

Rochdale Times 

Rossallian (Fleetwood) 

Rossendale Echo (Rawtenstall) 

Rossendale Express (Bacup) ... 

Rossendale Free Press (Rawtenstall) 

Royal Lancashire Agricultural Society 
Journal (Preston) 

Royal National Commercial Directory 
of Ireland (Manchester) 

Royal National Commercial Directory 
of Scotland (Manchester) 

Rucksack Club Journal (Manchester) 

Rules of Golf (Liverpool) s 

Saddleworth Standard (Oldham) ween 

St. Annes Express ; sau 

St. Annes Visitor 

St. Helens Catholic Herald 

St. Helens Examiner (Warrington) . 

St. Helens Newspaper .. “5 

St. Helens Reporter... 

Science and Art of Mining (Wigan) . 

Seed's Southport, &c., Directory 

Shepherd’s Magazine A a 

South Shore Leader aaa ta 

Southport Guardian i 

Southport Journal 

Southport Visitor 

Southport Welcome ve 

Sporting Chronicle (Manchester) as 

Sporting Chronicle Annual (Man- 
chester) “es eee oo ey 

Sporting Chronicle Bowling Annual 

Sporting Chronicle Horses in Training 

Sporting Chronicle Racing Up-to-Date 

Sporting Chronicle Weekly Handicap 
Book (Manchester)... 

Stalybridge, &c., Standard (Oldham) 

Stalybridge Herald (Ashton-under- 
Lyne)... seis ss aud aes 

Stalybridge Reporter (Ashton-under- 
Lyne)... ae 

Stonyhurst Magazine (Blackburn) 

Straight Talk (Liverpool) T 

Stretford Division Advertiser ... 

Stretford Telegraph (Urmston) 

Sunday Chronicle (Manchester) ; 

Sunday Chronicle Pantomime Annual 

Swinton, &c., Journal (Bolton) 



Swinton Telegraph (Urmston) 
Textile Institute Journal (Manchester) 
Textile Manufacturer (Manchester) . 
Textile Manufacturers’ Annual, Diary 

and Text Book (Manchester) 
Textile Mercury (Manchester) 
Textile Recorder (Manchester) 
Todmorden Advertiser ... i 
Todmorden, &c., News és 
Town Planning Review (Liverpool) .. 

Transactions of _ the Liverpool 
Economic, &c., Society . sae 
Transactions of the Liverpool 

Economic and Statistical Society .. 
Transactions of the Liverpool En- 
gineering Society a 
Transactions of the Manchester Asso- 
ciation for Masonic Research : 
Transactions of the Manchester Geo- 
logical Society us š 
Two Worlds (Manchester) ipa 
Tyldesley Chronicle (Leigh) . 
Tyldesley Weekly Journal ee 
Typographical Circular (Salford) 
Ulula (Manchester) ; 
Ulverston Guardian (Barrow-in-Fur- 
ness) _... wee 
Ulverston News ‘(Barrow-in- Furness) 
Umpire (Manchester) 
Umpire Cricket Companion ` (Man- 
Umpire Football "Guide " (Manchester) 
Umpire Handbook (Manchester) 
Unitarian Minister (Nelson) . 
Unitarian Monthly (Brierfield) ees 
United Kingdom Gazette (Manchester) 
University College of Wales Calendar 
University of Liverpool | Engineering 
Society Journal 
Vegetarian Messenger (Manchester) .. 
Vulcan (Manchester)... 
Walkden, &c., Telegraph (Urmston)... 
Walton and North seid cn Times 
(Liverpool) as 
Walton Observer (Liverpool) .. 
Warrington Examiner ... 
Warrington Guardian 
Warrington Review ‘ 
Waterfoot Times (Bacup)... 
Waterloo, &c., Directory (Liverpool)... 
Waterloo Herald (Southport) .. = 
Waterloo Times (Bootle) 
Weekly Courier (Liverpool)... 
Weekly List of Cotton Ships (Liver- 
Weekly Record of the Textile. Trades 
Association (Manchester) ... 
Weekly Sentinel (Ashton-under-Lyne) 
West Lancashire Coast Chronicle 
(Formby) r 
Western Telegraph (Urmston) des 
Wheatsheaf (Manchester) sn 
Widnes and Runcorn Chronicle (Run- 
corn) ws ves 
Widnes Examiner (Warrington) 

Willing’s Press Guido. 


LANCASHIRE— continued 
Widnes Guardian (Warrington) 
Widnes Weekly News ... 
Wigan Catholic Herald | (Liverpool)... 
Wigan Examiner 
Wigan Observer ... 
Wigan Public Libraries Quarterly 
Wool Year Book and ‘Diary Man. 
Workers Onward (Manchester) 
World’s Fair (Oldham) 
Worrall’s Textile Directory (Oldham) 
Wright & Round’s Brass Band News 
Year Book of the Oldham “Master 
- Cotton Spinners’ Association 


British Printer (Leicester) 35 

Catholic Children’s Realm (Hinckley) 

Church Sotialist (Leicester) 

Coalville Times 

Commercial Year Book of the Leicester 
(Incorporated) Chamber of Com-- 
merce (Derby) .. sai ee wae 

Great Central “Railway Journai 
(Leicester) i Paas 

Hinckley Echo (Nuneaton) 3 

Hinckley Observer Innean) 

Hinckley Times 

Hosiery Trades Journal (Leicester) .. 

Illustrated Leicester Chronicle 

Insurance Broker (Leicester) .. 

Kemp’s Midland Gazette (Leicester)... 

Leicester Advertiser 

Leicester Catholic News 

Leicester Daily Mercury 

Leicester Daily Post his 

Leicester District Co-operative Record 

Leicester Journal : be 

Leicester Mail 

Leicester Pioneer 

Loughborough Echo _... 

Loughborough Herald (Leicester) 

Loughborough Monitor ... 

Market Harborough Advertiser. 

Melton Mowbray Journal 

Melton Mowbray Times 

Midland Free Press (Leicester) E 

Midland Mail (Market oe ee 

Monthly Magazine of the L. O. 

Monthly Report of the National Union 
“of Boot and Shoe Operatives 
(Leicester) sak os 


Peterborough Calendar 
(Leicester) ; bas iis Bse 
` Peterborough Diocesan Magazine 
(Leicester) say whe gst 

Ratcliffian (Leicester) 

Rosary (Hinckley) : 

Settmakers’ & Stoneworkers’ “Journal 

Shoe Manufacturers’ Monthly (Leices- 
ter) st 

Wyaggestonian (Leicester) 

Advertisements received for all the Provincial Daily Newspapers. [305 

Provincial. Willing’s Press Guide. (Counties. 

Alford, &c., Gazette (Lincoln) Chiswick Express See oe is 

Annual Report and Transactions of Chiswick Gazette wee eee 457 

the Rutland or aaa ae &c., 
Society (Stamford) 

Boston and Lincolnshire "Standard .. 457 

Boston Guardian ae sé 

Crowle Advertiser , 

Dowry of Mary (Scunthorpe) . 

Epworth Bells ... sar 

Fisherman ’s Nautical Almanack 
(Grimsby) bs aay oe 

Grantham Almanac 

Grantham Journal 

Grimsby Daily News (Hull) . 

Grimsby Daily Telegraph 

Grimsby Gazette (neon) 

Grimsby News 

Horncastle News DE ias 

Horncastle, a ae &., Standard 


Lincoln, Rutland, “and Stamford a Mer- 
cury (Stamford) 

Lincoln, &c., Almanac ... 

Lincoln. Budget ... 

Lincoln Co-operative Society Record... 

Lincoln Diocesan Calendar : 

Lincoln Diocesan Magazine 

Lincoln Directory : 

Lincoln Gazette ... 

Lincoln Leader... 

Lincolnshire, Boston, &e., 

Lincolnshire Chronicle (Lincoln) 

Lincolnshire Echo.(Lincoln) - 

Lincolnshire Standard (Boston) 

Lincolnshire Star (Brigg) 

Louth Advertiser 

Louth and Lindsay Observer (Hull)... 

Louth Record of Events : 

Market Rasen Mail 

Morton’s Lincolnshire Almanac (Horn- 

Retford, &c., Times (Gainsborough)... 

Retford, Worksop, &c., News vas 

Saturday Telegraph (Grimsby) J 

Scunthorpe and Beene Star 

Scunthorpe News (Hull) - 

Skegness, &c., News 

Skegness Herald 

Sleaford Gazette S 

Sleaford Journal (Lincoln) .. 

Spalding and Pee Standard 
(Boston) . 457 

Spalding Guardian ve ci 

Stamford and Rutland News 

Whittingham & Baty’s Market Rasen 

Woodhall Spa Times (Lincoln) 

Free Press 

.. 457 

Acton District Post à P 
Acton Express 

Acton Gazette 

Amateur Trader (Teddington) 
Bird-Lover (Hanwell) 

.. 457 

Chiswick Times ... 
Commercial Travellers’ “School Maga- 
zine (Pinner) 

County of Middlesex Chronicle 
County of Middlesex Independent 

Country Side Leaflet (Hounslow) ` 
Ealing Gazette... $ 
Electrical Contracts (Chiswick) sea 
Enfield Gazette ... abe ... 456 
Finchley News (Barnet) oa pes 
Finchley Press 

Finchley Times (Hendon) ee ..» 457 
Gaytonian (Harrow) ... i — 
Golden Grain Almanac (Ruislip) 

Golden Grain Diary (Ruislip) 

Hanwell Gazette (Ealing) 

Harrovian (Harrow) 

Harrow Almanack 

Harrow Bill Book 

Harrow Blue Book 

Harrow Gazette 

Harrow Observer 

Hendon Advertiser ei 
Hendon Times ... . 457 
Index to the Times (Shepperton) 
Insurance Gem (Isleworth) 

Insurance Man (Isleworth) 

Kilburn Times... te sie 
Mastery (Isleworth) _ .. ... 457 
Middlesex Advertiser (Uxbridge) 

Middlesex Chronicle (Hounslow) . 
Middlesex County Times (Ealing) ... . 457 

Palmer’s-Green & Se Gazette 
(Enfield) es i 

Pinner Gazette (Harrow) 

Pinner Observer (Harrow) 

Racing Critic (Hounslow) _... 

Racing Critic Form Book (Hounslow) ` 

Ruislip-Northwood Courier CASTES) a 

Southall Gazette as 

Stanmore Gazette (Harrow) 

Stanmore Observer (Harrow) ne 

Tottenham Herald ` 

Tottenham, &c., Wednesday Herald... 

Twickenham Herald (Richmond) 

Undertakers’ Journal ee 

Uxbridge Gazette 

Wealdstone Gazette (Harrow) - 

Wealdstone Observer AOT 

Wembley Gazette (Harrow) 

Wembley Observer (Harrow) .. 

West Middlesex Times (Staines) sig 

Year Book of the Ski Club of ores 
Britain (Uxbridge) bs 

Abercarn Weekly Argus (Newport) . 
Abergavenny Chronicle 
Abertillery Weekly Argus (Newport)... 
Bargoed, &c., Observer (Rhymney)... 
Blaenavon Weekly Argus (Newport)... 
Chepstow Weekly Argus (Newport) . 
Ebbw Vale Weekly Argus (Newport) - 

a a el 
306] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. - 




Free Press of Monmouthshire (ponty 
pool) iat 

Monmouth ‘Guardian (Rhymney) 

Monmouthshire Beacon (Monmouth) 

Monmouthshire evening Post (New- 
port) eve eee 

Monmouthshire Weekly Post (New. 

Newport Christmas Annual is 

Newport Circuit wen Methodist 
Magazine s 

Newport Directory 

Newport Tide Tables . 

Phillips’ Monthly TAENOENY Register 

Pontypool Weekly Argus (Newport)... 

Rhymney, &c., Weekly Argus (New- 
port) os 

South Wales Argus (Newport) | 

South Wales Gazette (Abertillery) 

‘South Wales Weekly Argus (Nee port 

Tredegar Weekly Argus (Newport) .. 


Anņual Report and List of Members 
of the Norwich Incorporated Cham- 
ber of Commerce ; 

Aylsham and Reepham Post (Holt) .. 

Cromer, &c., Weekly Press (Norwich) 

Dereham Times an 

Directory of the City of “Norwich 

Diss Express 3 a 

Diss, Harleston, oi Journal, (Nor- 

Downham Market Gazette (Norwich) 

Eastern Daily Press (Norwich) ~ 

Eastern Evening News (Norwich) 

Eastern Weekly Press een 

Holt, &c., Post ... 

- Hunstanton News (King’ s Lynn) 

Labourer (Fakenham) . 
Lynn Advertiser 
Lynn News 
Norfolk and 
Norfolk Chronicle (Holt) 
Norfolk News (Norwich) 
Norvicensian (Norwich) 
North Walsham Post (Holt) ; 
Norwich Co-operative Society Herald 
Norwich Diocesan Calendar `... 
Norwich Diocesan Gazette 
Norwich Mercury 
People’s Weekly Tournal 
Readers’ Guide (Norwich) 
Swaffham News (Lynn) és 
Temperance Monthly Visitor (Norwich) 
Thetford, &c., Times Norwich) is 
Yarmouth, &c. , Times ... ee 
Yarmouth Independent A 
Yarmouth Mercury (Norwich) 
Yarmouth Weekly Press (Norwich) .. 

Daventry Express 
Journal of the Northants “Natural 
History Society (Northampton) 

‘Suffolk Handbook 

(Norwich) } ; 

Advertisements received for all the Irish Newspapers. 

. ' 
A A m e m e e e e e e a a e a e A e a e e E m a e a aa 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


- Kettering Guardian 

Kettering Leader 

Laxtonian (Oundle) 

Lean’s Northampton Directory _ 
Northampton Daily Chronicle 
Northampton Daily Echo aes 
Herald ... sine we 


Northampton Independent we 

Northampton Labour Representation 
Council Annual Report s 

Northampton Mercury 

Northampton Mount Pleasant Monthly 

Northampton Trades’ Counci! Annual 
Report * 

Northamptonshire ‘and Hunts ‘Gazette 
(Kettering) g 

Northamptonshire District Good Tem- 
plars’ Lodge Guide (Northampton) 

Northamptonshire Evening Telegraph 

(Kettering) ‘ san ‘ies ag 
Northamptonshire Nonconformist 
(Northampton) my oats as 
Northamptonshire Sunday School 
Union Year Book (Northampton) ... 
Orion’s preppye Guide (Peter- 
borough) ia 

Peterborough, &e., - "Standard ss 
Peterborough Advertiser 

Peterborough Citizen... 
Peterborough Express ... ae 
Rushden Argus (Wellingborough) See 
Rushden Echo... 

Thrapston, &c., Journal "(Welling- 

Wellingborough and Rushden Gazette 
(Kettering) sis a 

Wellingborough News ... 

Wellingburian (Wellingborough) 

Ainsley’s Nautical Almanack oe 
Alnwick Gazette _ ‘ae 
Alnwick Guardian 
Archaeologia /Eliana (Newcastle) 
Armstrong College Newcastle Calendar 
Berwick Advertiser sae Ses 
Berwick Journal de 
Berwickshire Advertiser (Berwick-on- 
Tweed) sas 
Berwickshire News (Berwick) si 
Berwigkshire News (Berwick-on- 
T weed) as fae ais 
Blyth News 
Evening Chronicle (Newcastle) 
Evening Mail (Newcastle) 
Haltwhistle Echo (ELERA 
Hexham Courant k s pis 
Hexham Herald sis zis ay 
Hexham Weekly News sia 
Illustrated Chronicle (Newcastle) 

International Number of the Ship- 
builder (Newcastle) 
Journal of the Newcastle Farmers’ 

Club ae 
Journal of the Tyneside Geographical 
Society (Newcastle) ... 



Kemp’s Northern Gazette (Newcastle) 
Morpeth Herald 
Newcastle, &c., Incorporated Chamber 
of Commerce Year Book : 

Newcastle Co-operative Record 

Newcastle Daily Chronicle 

Newcastle Daily Journal 

Newcastle Diocesan Calendar 

Newcastle Diocesan Gazette ... as 

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle ... 

North Mail (Newcastle) 

Northern Weekly Leader (Newcastle) 

Northern Weekly Record (Glasgow)... 

Proceedings of the Newcastle-on- 
Tyne Society of Antiquarians 

Quayside (Newcastle) ... 

Reid’s Blyth Diary, &c. (Newcastle) 

Reid’s Darlington Diary (Newcastle) 

Reid’s Durham Piety &c. (New- 
castle) .. 

Reid’s Handy Colliery. ‘Guide (New- 
castle) Fae 

Reid’s Newcastle “Monthly Diary, &e. 

Reid’s Railway Guide (Newcastle) ... 

Reid’s Shields Diary, &c. A 

Shields Daily Gazette 

Shields Daily News ..... 

Shipbuilder (Newcastle) 

Tees-side Gatholic Herald (Newcastle) 

_ Temperance Messenger (Shields) 

Transactions of the Natural History 
Society of Northumberland (New- 

Transactions of the North- East Coast 
Institution of Engineers (Newcastle) 

Turnbull’s Dock and Port ee 
(Newcastle) - 

Turnbull’s Shipping Register “(North 

' Shields) 

Turnbull’s Steamship Insurance Re- 
gister (North Shields) : 

Tyneside Catholic News (Newcastle) 

Ward’s Directory, Baby Edition, New- 

| castle-on-Tyne 
-Ward’s Directory of Darlington, &c. 
(Newcastle) ; 

Ward’s Directory of Newcastle 3 

Wearside Catholic News (Newcastle) 

Whitley Seaside Chronicle 


Bedell’s Pocket Street POROS eee 

Beeston Gazette (Nottingham) ava 
Bulwell Local News (Nottingham) . 
Carlton, &c., Times (Nottingham) . 
Commercial Year Book of the Not- 

tingham Chamber of Commerce ... 
Eastwood Advertiser... bes 
Football Post (Nottingham) ... 
Horticultural Advertiser (Lowdham)... 
Hucknall Dispatch 
Lenton and Nottingham Co-operative 

Society: Record (Nottingham) 
Linney’s Illustrated Almanack (Mans- 

Mansfield Advertiser 
308] James 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Mansfield Chronicle ae 
Mansfield Reporter aie 
Midland Sporting ries (Notting- 

Newark Advertiser ‘ ane ang 
Newark Herald . 
Nottingham and ` Midland Catholic 
News (Birmingham) .. eee 

Nottingham and Notts Local News is 

Nottingham Daily Express... 

Nottingham District ih saa Re- 
cord ‘ és 

Nottingham Evening News 

Nottingham Evening Post. 

Nottingham Guardian ... aie 

Nottingham Library Bulletin 

See uae ee College Calen- 

Notts Free Press " (Sutton-in- Ashfield) 

Notts Guardian (Nottingham) - 

Notts Weekly Express (Nottingham) 

Retford, &c., Times. ... 

Retford, &c., News (Gainsborough)... 

Retford and Worksop Herald 

South Nottingham, &c., Gazette (West 

Bridgeford) aa aia 
South Notts Echo (Nottingham) 
Trader (Nottingham) ne as rr 

West Bridgford Advertiser... ae 
Worksop Guardian ee pe ese 

Alden’s Oxford Almanack ae 
Alden’s Oxford Guide sus 
Annual Report of the Association for 
Promotin the Education of Women 
in Oxford ice ai Dae. ee x 

Banbury Advertiser cas PPA ae 
Banbury Guardian sae eee = 
Bicester Advertiser sea ee ese 

Bicester Herald ... 

Bloxhamist (Banbury) 

Bodleian Quarterly Record (Oxford)... 

Brackley Observer (Bicester) Je 

Brazen Nose (Oxford) zs 

Calendar of the Association for Pre- 
moting the Education of EMEN in 
Oxford oes 

Cowley Evangelist | (Oxford) . 

Flock Book of the Oxford Down n Sheep 

Henley, &c., Standard : 

Lily (Oxford) sia 

Oliver’s Local Book of Dates (Oxford) 

Oxford and District Free Churchman 

Oxford Chronicle 

Oxford Chronicle (Henley and South 
Oxon Edition) 

Oxford Diocesan Calendar 

‘Oxford Diocesan Magazine 

Oxford Journal Illustrated 

Oxford Magazine 

Oxford Poetry 

Oxford Times 

Oxford University Gazette nes 

Oxfordshire Free Press (Abingdon) .. 

Oxfordshire poe new (Chipping : 

"ing, Lid. Advertising A gents, 125, Swrand. London. 



Parker’s Church Calendar ener 
Pelican Record (Oxford) aie 
“Plebs” Magazine (Oxford) . 
Radleian (Oxford) > eu 
Ruskin Collegian (Oxford) 
St. Edward’s School 

Salter’s Guide to ‘the River ‘Thames 
(Oxford) ss es as 
Thame Gazette 
University of Oxford Local Examina- 
tion Papers pi 
Wadham College Gazette > (Oxford) .. 
Witney Gazette 

Matkin’s Oakham Almanac 
Oakham Journal 
Rutland Echo (Melton Mowbray) 
Uppingham Almanac 
Uppingham School Magazine 


Bishops Castle Advertiser ; 
Border Churchman [RAWu 
Bridgnorth Journal m 
Byegones (Oswestry) 
Church Stretton Advertiser 
Ludlow Advertiser 
Newport and Market Drayton Adver 

tiser (Shrewsbury) ; 
Oswestry Advertiser 
Oswestry Commercial Circular 
Salopian (Shrewsbury) 
Shrewsbury, &c., Circular 
Shrewsbury Border, &c., Advertiser.. 
Shrewsbury Chronicle a hae 
Shrewsbury Outlook 
Wellington Journal 
Whitchurch Herald ies 
Wilding’s Directory for Shrewsbury 

Avalon Independent (Glastonbury) ... 458 
Bath, &c., Diocesan Kalendar (Wells) 
Bath, &c., Diocesan Gazette (Wells) 
Bath and Wiltshire ee we 


- Bath Chronicle 

Bath Herald soa 

Bath Observer (Bristol) _ 

Bath Pictorial 

Bridgwater Independent 

Bridgwater eMercury © 

Burnham Gazette 

Central Som. Gazette (Glastonbury)... 

Chard News ds 

Cheddar Valley Times, “&e. 

Clevedon Mail (Bristol) .. 

Clevedon Mercury 

County Mail Advertising ‘Sheet (Crew- 
kerne) ... 

Davy’s Devon Herd Book (Wivelis- 


Downside Review (Bath) eet 
Flock Book of the Devon Long- 

woolled Sheep (Wiveliscombe) 

Advertisements received for all Newspapers in the British Isles. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

rn ne eg a a ma 
a ct a e 


ee ee 
Highbridge, &c., Echo ee 
Kingswood Magazine (Bath) . 
Langport and Somerset Almanac 
Langport and Somerset Herald 
Minehead Advertiser... as 
Modelling Monthly (Bath) 
Monktonian (Bath) 
Notes and Queries (Milton) : 
Palmer’s Weekly News (Martock) . 
Patey’s Illustrated Almanac and Diary 

` Portishead, &c., Gazette (Avonmouth) 

Post Office Bath Directory... Kae 
Pulman’s Weekly News (Yeovil) 

Raven (Bath) _... 

Sexey’s School Magazine (Bruton) . 
Shepton Mallet Journal 

Somerset, &c., Journal (Frome) ; 
Somerset” County Express (Taunton) 458 
Somerset County Gazette (Taunton) ... 459 
Somerset County Herald (Taunton)... — 
Somerset Guardian (Radstock) 
Somerset Standard (Frome) 
Taunton Courier ‘ 

Taunton Echo 
Taunton Mail re 
Wellington, &c., Directory. 
Wellington Express (Taunton) 
Wellington Weekly News 
Wells Journal... 
West Somer. Free Press (Williton) .. 
Western Advertiser (Taunton) 
Western Chronicle (Yeovil) 
Western Gazette (Yeovil) 

Western News (Taunton) 

Weston Mercury 
Weston-super-Mare Gazette 
Wiveliscombe Express (Taunton) 
Yeovil Leader (Yeovil) ‘er 

.. 458 

.. 458 

.. 458 


Albion News (West Bromwich) i 

Assurance Review (Wolverhampton)... 

Biddulph Chronicle (Congleton) 

Brewood Courier (Cannock) ... 

Burton Chronicle jas 

Burton Daily Mail 

Burton Evening Gazette 

Burton Observer 

Burton-on-Trent Red Book 

Cannock Advertiser 

Cannock Courier 

Cheadle and A Express (Wilms- 

Cheadle and Tean Times 

Cheadle Herald : 

Commercial Year Book of the Walsall 
and District Incorporated Chamber 
of Commerce (Derby)... 

County Advertiser (Brierley Hill) 

County Express for Worcestershire, 
&c. (Stourbridge) 

Denstonian (Rocester) 

Express and Star (Wolverhampton) . 

Firefly (Newcastle-under-Lyne) 



STAFFOR DSHI R RE continued. 
Free Press (West Bromwich) we 
‘Freighters’ Journal (Walsall) wie 
Girls’ Friendly Society Quan 
Handsworth Herald (Birmingham) ... 
Hednesford Advertiser (Cannock 
Hednesford Courier (Cannock Chase) 
Leek Post als 
Leek Times s 
Lichfield Diocesan "Church Calendar... 
Lichfield Diocesan Magazine a : 
Lichfield Mercury 
Lomax’s Red Book (Lichfield) 
Midland Advertiser (Wednesbury) 
Midland Chronicle (West Bromwich) 
Midland Counties Express Oaie 
Multigraph News “(West Bromwich)... 
Pascoe’s Rugeley Almanac and Direc- 
Potteries, &e. 3 
Protestant Witness (West Bromwich) 
Reptonian (Burton-on-Trent) . 
Rugeley Mercury (Leicester) .. 
Ryder’s Annual (Wednesbury) 
Saddlery and Harness (Walsall) 
Smethwick Telephone ... 
Smethwick Weekly News (Oldbury)... 
Staffordshire Advertiser (Stafford) 
Staffordshire Catholic News (Birm- 
ingham) ee 
Staffordshire Chronicle (Stafford) 
Staffordshire Sentinel (Stoke-on-Trent) 
Staffordshire ere Sentinel A s 
Tamworth Herald 
Tamworth Mercury (Lichfield) 
Tettenhallian (Wolverhampton) 
Tipton Herald (Dudley) 

Directory (Stoke-on- 


Transactions of the English Ceramic 

Society (Stoke-on-Trent) 
Uttoxeter Advertiser ne 
Walsall Annual Red Book 
Walsall Observer 
Walsall Pioneer 

Wednesbury Borough News (Dudley) 

West Bromwich Weekly News 
Wolverhampton Chronicle 
Wolverhampton Free Journal . 


Bury and Norwich Post 
Bury Free Press 
Diocesan Magazine for ‘the County of 

Suffolk (Ipswich) s 
East Anglian Daily Times (Ipswich) 
East Suffolk Gazette (Beccles) 
Essex and Suffolk News puebunyys 
Evening Star (Ipswich) . 
Framlingham Weekly News ... 
Gamekeeper’s Gazette (Mildenhall) . 
Halesworth Times 
Haverhill Weekly News. (Cambridge) 
Ipswich School Magazine sie 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

SUF TOLK —continued. 
Lowestoft Journal (Norwich) 
Lowestoft Weekly Press (Norwich) . 
Mildenhall Post (Bury St. Edmunds) 
Neiston, etc., Observer .. 

Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute 
of Archaeology (Ipswich)... 

South-West Suffolk Echo (Haverhill) 

Standard Catalogue of Postage FIAP. 
(Ipswich) ` 

Stowmarket Courier (Sudbury) 

Stowmarket Weekly Post (Bury St. 
Edmunds) sé 

St. Edmundsbury, ‘ete. a Diocesan Calen- 

dar (Ipswich) 

Sudbury Post (Bury St. Edmunds) . 

Suffolk and Essex Free Press (Sudbury) 

Suffolk Chronicle (Ipswich)... 

Suffolk County Handbook (Ipswich)... 

Woodbridge Reporter... ay 

Annual Report of the Royal School 
for the Indigent Blind aaa 
Barnes Herald ... 
Bartlett’s Illustrated Almanac ‘(Croy- 
don) a 
Book- keepers’ Magazine (Dorking) . 

Book-kceping Teachers’ Year Book 
(Dorking) : 
Camberley, &c., Directory aie eas 

Camberley News (Aldershot) . 

Carthusian (Godalming) 

Caterham District Directory (Redhill) 

Caterham School Magazine 

Caterham Weekly Press fas ee 

Cranleighan (Cranleigh) 

Croquet Association Gazette (Redhill 

Coulsden and Purley Weekly Record.. 

Croydon Advertiser ‘ 

Crovdon Times 

Dorking, &c., Directory (Redhill) 

Dorking Advertiser (Redhill) . 

Endles Directory (Croydon) ... zes 

Epsom Advertiser (Croydon) ... : 

Epsom District Times 

Epsom Herald (Sutton) 

Epsomian (Epsom) 

Farnham Herald 

Greyfriar (Godalming) 

Guildford Almanac and Directory tis 

Holmesdale Directory (Redhill) Ee 

Horley Advertiser (Redhill) +. 

Islamic Review (Woking) ; 

Jefferson’s Nautical Almanac (Thorn- 
ton Heath) 

- Journal and Proceedings of the Per- 

manent Way Institution (Woking)... 
King’s College School Magazine 
(Wimbledon) sie 
King’s College School Science Journal 
(Wimbledon) wisi 
Maule’s Monthly (Kingston-on-Thames) 
Messenger of the Sacred Heart en im- 
bledon) si 
Mitcham Advertiser (C roydon) 


, 459 

Se ee ig OO I on 
310] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 



Mitcham, &c., Mercury (Tooting) 

Mitcham & Colliers Wood Gazette 
(Tooting) : 

Mitcham Herald (Sutton) ` 459 

North British Columbia News > (Wal- 

Pile’s Sutton, &e., “Directory . 

Proceedings and ‘Transactions ‘of the 
Croydon Natural ree Xc., 
Society m 

Reader’s Index (Croydon) 4 

Report of the Epsom College Natural 
History Society (Epsom) 

Richmond, &c., Times ‘a 

Richmond and Twickenham 
Journal eh . 

Richmond Almanack 

Richmond Herald vis adi 

Richmond Herald Almanac ... 

Santa Lucia (Kew) 


South London Harriers Gazette 
(Coulsden) T eas seeks + Lea 
South Western Railway Magazine 
(Esher TEET 

Stella Maris (Roehampton) 
Surbiton Times şs it 
Surrey Advertiser (Guildford) . 459 
Surrey and Hants News (Farnham) .. 
Surrey Comet (Kingston) ; T 
Surrey County Herald (Sutton) ... 459 
Surrey Herald (Chertsey) ‘sat ead 
Surrey Mirror (Redhill) 8 ous 
Surrey Times (Guildford) ‘ot se 
Surrey Weekly Press (Guildford) 
Sutton Advertiser (Croydon) a6 
Sutton Herald... . 459 
Thames Valley Times (Richmond) . 
Wallington and Carshalton Advertiser 
(Croydon) ; 
Wallington and ‘Carshalton “Herald 
(Sutton) . 459 
Ward’s Croydon Directory (Croydon) 
Whitgiftian (Croydon) . 
Wimbledon and District Gazette 
Wimbledon © and Merton Mercury 
(Tooting) ae ièa zis j 
‘Wimbledon Boro’ News Gi be 
Wimbledon Herald (Sutton)... .. 459 
Wimbledon News Letter (Putney) . 
Woking Herald si 
Woking News and Mail 
Woking Observer 

Annual Report of Ring: PONEIS VII. 
Sanatorium in oes 

Argus (Battle) | 

Argus (Bognor) . 
Argus (Chichester) 
Argus (Eastbourne) 
Argus (East Grinstead) 
Argus (Hastings) 
Argus (Horsham) 
Argus (Hove) 

Argus (Lewes) ... 
Argus (Littlehampton) _ 
Argus (Worthing) 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

` Bexhill Directory 


Bexhill Chronicle and Visitors’ List... 
Bexhill Observer 
Bexhill Quarterly 
Blue (Horsham) 
Bluejacket (Rye) 
Bognor Observer ein Te aire 
Brighton, Hove, &c., Directory 
Brighton, Hove, &c., Graphic 
Brighton Advertiser (Lewes) aise 
Brighton and Hove Archaeologist ... 
Brighton and Hove Parochial Gazette 
Brighton and Hove Society .. 
Brighton Gazette 
Brighton Herald , i oe 
Brighton Observer (Lewes) sts 
Brighton Season ° isa ‘is 
Brighton Standard 

Chichester Diocesan Gazette ... ee 

Chichester Observer 

Cinque Port (St. Leonards) . 
Crowborough Weekly (Brighto: 1) 
East Grinstead Observer (Lewes)... 
East Sussex News (Lewes) ... 
Eastbourne Blue Book (Bigeni 
Eastbourne Chronicle ... 

Eastbourne Gazette cai as 
Eastbourne Pictorial 

Eastbournian es 

Evening Argus (Brighton) 

Franciscan Annals (Crawley) 
Gowland’s Eastbourne Directory... . 

Hastings and Bexhill O a 
Hastings, &c. Advertiser 

Hastings, &c., Blue Book (Brighton) 
Hastings, &c., Red Book & Directory 
Hastings Obse: ver és 

Horsham, &c., Blue Book (Brighton) 
Horsham Times (Lewes) 3 

Hove Gazette 

Hurst Johnian (Hurstpierpoint) p 
Lancing College Magazine (Shoreham) 
Lewes, &c., Blue Book (Brighton) .. 
Littlehampton Gazette ... 
Littlehampton Observer- (Worthing) .. 
Midhurst Times 

Mid-Sussex Times (Hayward’ S Heathi) 
Morning Argus (Brighton) ae 
Newhaven Chronicle _... a es 
On Guard (Brighton) ... 

Orchid World (Hayward’s Heath) 
Seaford Chronicle ae 

Shoreham, &c., Directory (Brighton) 
South-Eastern Advertiser (Hastings)... 
Southern Weekly News (Brighton) 

St. Leonards Society (Bexhill) sie 
Sussex and Surrey Courier (Lewes) 
Sussex County Herald (Eastbourne)... 
Sussex Daily News iehiony ... 455 
Sussex Express (Lewes) wes 
Uckfield Weekly - à 

Visitor (Eastbourne) _... 

West Sussex County Times (Horsham) 
West Sussex Gazette (Arundel) ... 455 
Willett’s Directory (Crawley) ©.. eed 

A dAnoavtioasmanutea 

warnsaad taw all tho Riryminoham N ewshahers.: 



Willing’s Press Guide. 

SUSSE X— continued. 

Worthing & District Blue Book and 
Directory (Brighton) 

Worthing Gazette 

Worthing Mercury 
Worthing Observer 

Advertiser Rugby - Almanac 
Alcester Chronicle Sei 
Amalgamated Toolmakers’ Journal ses 
Aston News `> e. 
Atherstone Express (Nuneaton) 
Atherstone Herald (Tamworth) 
Atherstone News a T ete 
‘Atherstone Observer (Nuneaton) 7 
Austin’s Monthly Magazine oreo 
Bea norik. &e., News (Nuneaton) aie 
Bedworth Observer (Nuneaton) . 
Berks, &c., Bennett’s Business Direc- 
tory (Birmingham) _... 
Bible Advocate (Birmingham) | 
Bicycling News (Birmingham) 
Birmingham A B C Time Table 
ee Bennett’s Business Direc- 
tory see te 
Birmingham. Catholic News 
Birmingham Chamber of Commerce 
Birmingham Daily Mail | 
Birmingham Daily Post - 
Birmingham Diocesan Calendar 
Birmingham Diocesan Magazine .. 
Birmingham Engineering, &c., Journal 
Birmingham Free Libraries Annual 
Report ves te Es ies 
Birmingham Gazette and Express.. 
Birmingham Illustrated Weekly Mer- 
cury s alg 
Birmingham Medical Review 
Birmingham News ees 
Birmingham Public Libraries “Annual 
Birmingham Stock and Daily ‘Official 
List ee ste 
Birmingham University ‘Calendar 
Birmingham Weekly Post 
British Manufacturers’ 
Circular (Birmingham) = 
Cambridge, Bennett’s Business Direc- 
tory ees . 
Caretakers’ (Birmingham) ; 
Central Literary Magazine (Birming- 
ham) :. 
Christadelphian (Birmingham) 
Coleshill Chronicle (Coventry) z 
Commercial Year Book (Birmingham) 
Cornish’s Birmingham Year Book . 
County Courts Gazette CE 
Coventrian = 
Coventry Co-operative Society Record 
Coventry Graphic ; sia 
Coventry Herald 
Coventry Standard se 
Coventry Stock and Share List ; 
Derbyshire, Bennett’s Business Direc- 
_ tory (Birmingham) 



212]. James Willing. Ltd. Advertising A gonte 


Devon and Cornwall, Bennett’s Busi- 


ness Directory (Birmingham) - 456 
Edgbastonia (Birmingham) ... “ie 
Erdington abc, News ‘(Birming- 

ham: eb o . ws 
Essex and " Hertfordshire, Bennett’s 

Business Directory (Birmingham) . . 456 

Evening Despatch (Birmingham) 

Evening 2 pain Sporting Buff (Bir- 

Everybodys’ T wopenny ‘Time Table 
(Birmingham) .. 

Forward (Birmingham) | 

Friendship’s Offering (Birmingham)... 

Gas, Light, Distribution and Mainten- 
ance (Nuneaton) i sss ss 

Gas Engineers’ Magazine (Birming- 

Gas Engineers’ 
ham) . 
Gas Undertakings, 
of (Birmingham) 
Gloucester, &c., 
Directory (Birmingham) yia 
Good Templars’ SEED 

Gospel Guide (Birmingham) a 
Hammond’s Standard Railway Guide 
Hampshire, &c., Bennett’s Business 
Directory (Birmingham) oa 
Harborne, &c., News. (Birmingham)... 
Hill’s Monthly Record (Coventry) ` 
Hortensia’s Annual (Birmingham) 
Hortensia’s Annual Gardening Book 
(Birmingham) sea 
Institute Magazine (Birmingham) _ 

Text-Book (Birrning- 
Pocket Directory 
Bennett’s Business 



. 456 

Institute of Commerce Magazine aa . 

Ironmongers’ Weekly (Birmingham)... 
Jewellers’ Advertiser (Birmingham) .. 
Juvenile Templar (Birmingham) 
Kenilworth. Advertiser (Coventry) 
Kent and Surrey Bennett’s Business 
Directory (Birmingham) 
Kineton Advertiser (Rugby) ... 
King Edward’s School Chronicle (Bir- 

Leamington, Warwick, Rc., Circular 
Leamington, Warwick, &c., ' Chronicle 
Leicester and Nottingham, Bennett's 

Business Directory (Birmingham) . 
Licensed Trade News (Birmingham)... 

Lincolnshire, Bennett’s Business Direc-- 

tory (Birmingham) _... 
Lloyd’s Directory of Manufacturers 
Man in the Moon (Birmingham) 
Mermaid (Birmingham) 
Meteor (Rugby) ... 
Midland Counties Herald 
Midland Counties “Tribune (Nuneaton) 
Midland Daily Telegraph (Coventry) 
Midland Daily Tribune (Nuneaton)... 
Midland Medical Journal _(Birming- 
ham) gil Yee < ses 

12A Cand T nndnn, 




WARWICKSHIR E—continued. 

North Wales and Shropshire, Ben- 
nett’s Business Directory (Birming- 
ham) og sity sa ... 456 

Northants, Bennett’s Business Direc- 
tory (Birmingham) a ... 456 

Northern Counties, Bennett’s Business 
Directory (Birmingham) . 456 

Nuneaton Advertiser (Rugby) 

Nuneaton Chronicle _... i 

Nuneaton Observer E xs z 

Official’ Metal Trades Catalogue (Bir- 
mingham) sts soa Saas as 

Orange Standard (Birmingham) 

Peck’s Circular Buyers’ Guide, &c. 
(Birmingham) its site sv} 

Police Chronicle (Nuneaton) 

Portcullis (Warwick) a se 

Proceedings of the Birmingham 
Natural History Society ... _... 

Railway and Shipping Journal (Bir- 
mingham) bie sis ee gis 

Roll Call (Birmingham) sits 

Royal Leamington Spa Courier 

Rugby Advertiser ine ses 

Rugby Observer = oe bins 

Somerset, Bennett’s Business Direc- 
tory (Birmingham) wei . 456 

South Wales, Bennett’s Business 
Directory ee nee) . 456 

Sport and Play (Birmingham) ‘a 

Staffordshire, Bennett’s Business 
Directory (Birmingham) _... 

Stamp Collector (Birmingham) 

Stratford-on-Avon Herald “és 

Sunbeam (Birmingham) sis se 

Sunday Despatch and Mercury (Bir- 
mingham) se ove es be 

Sunrise (Birmingham) ... te a 

Sutton Coldfield News (Birmingham) 

Warwick Advertiser... aii Sie 

Warwick, Bennett’s Business Direc- 
tory (Birmingham) ... 456 

Warwick Times ... ais Sis "a 

Warwickshire Star (Nuneaton) 

Waterman (Birmingham) wes sine 

White & Pike’s Diary (Birmingham) 

White & Pike’s Railway Guide (Bir- 
ea gee 4 oa ads dive 

Women’s Volunteer Reserve Magazine 
(Birmingham) Seat. desi dive 

Worcester Diocesan Church Calendar 
(Birmingham) yer Ris wise 

Worcester Diocesan Magazine (Bir- 
mingham) ss sie l Ae =e 

Year Book, &c., of the Midland Centre 
of the National Federation of Builda 
ing Trades Employers of Great 
Britain and Ireland (Birmingham) 

Yorkshire, Bennett’s Business Direc- 


tory (Birmingham) 

Journal of the Fell and Rock Climb- 
ing Club of the English Lake Dis- 
trict (Kendal) ... aa a re 
Kendalian (Kendal) 

4 7 ee £ -— Bp Zp. 

Willing’s Press Guide. | 

WESTMORLAND— continued. 

Transactions of the Cumberland Anti- 
quarian Society (Kendal) 

Westmorland Gazette (Kendal) 

Westmorland Mercury & Times 
(Kendal) ai sie sy vee 

Devizes and Wilts Advertiser ... ae 
Evening North Wilts Herald (Swin- 
don) i ses Since. wee 
Evening Swindon Advertiser ... st 
Lucy’s Marlborough, &c., Directory... 
Marlburian (Marlborough) ... re 
North Wilts, &c., Directory (Swindon) 
North Wilts Church Magazine 
(Devizes) sek iS Gs des pee 
North Wilts Guardian (Chippenham) 
North Wilts Herald (Swindon) pas 
Salisbury, &c., Directory 
Salisbury, &c., Journal a ites 
Salisbury Diocesan Gazette... sac 
Salisbury Official Military Directory 
(Aldershot) TE = si sis 
>. 458 


Salisbury Times ... Be R 
Sarum Almanack (Salisbury) 
Swindon Advertiser 2 ue 
Warminster Journal 

Wilts, Berks, &c., County Paper 
(Marlborough) ag ais sis 
Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 
(Devizes) Say P TE 
Wiltshire Gazette (Devizes) .. sae 
Wiltshire News (Trowbridge) sist 


Notes and Queries (Devizes 
Telegraph (Devizes) $ 
Times (Trowbridge) 

Berrow’s Worcester Journal ... si 
Blocksidge’s Illustrated Dudley Al- 

manac ... ae a bes 
Bromsgrove Messenger 
Bromsgrovian (Bromsgrove)... oT 
City of Worcester Official Handbook 
County Express for Halesowen 
(Cradley) oes T os A 
County Express for Worcestershire, 
&c. (Stourbridge) ; si Se 
County Herald (Dudley) 
Droitwich Guardian 
Dudley Chronicle 
Dudley Herald .. 
Evesham Journal 
Evesham Standard 
Faith (Malvern Link)... ae ais 
Fearnside and Martin’s Pershore Al- 
manac ve a sais 
Kidderminster Shuttle 
Kidderminster Times... 146 
Littlebury Directory (Worcester) 
Malvern Gazette D iaa 
Malvern News e ; 
Malvernian (Malvern) ... ate oa 
Midland Counties A B C ‘Railway 
Guide (Worcester)... ios sis 
Oldbury Weekly News (Weste Brom- 
wich) ~: “ee a Sas e 

(Brierley Hill) 



Redditch Indicator ea 
Steven’s Annual (Malvern) 
Tenbury Wells Advertiser + 
Tenbury Wells Mail (Leominster) 
Upton-on-Severn News one 
Vigonian (Worcester) si 
Whitford & Son’s Vale of Evesham 
Almanack bie 
Worcester A B c Railway Guide ... 
Worcester and District Directory 
Worcester Daily Times ‘ 
Worcester Herald 
Worcesterian (Worcester) 
Worcestershire Advertiser (Worcester) 
Worcestershire Chronicle (Worcester) 
Worcestershire County Council Hand- 
book (Worcester) ee on 
Worcestershire Echo (Worcester) ; 
Worcestershire Standard (Worcester) 


Amplęforth Journal (Malton) 

Amusements (Hull) re 

Annual Report-and Balance Sheets of 
the Associated Society of Locomo- 
tive Engineers and Firemen (Leeds) 

Annual Report of the Bradford, &c., 
Chamber of Trade 

Annual Report of the British Temper- 
ance League (Sheffield) ore 

Annual Report of the Bronte “Society 
(Baildon) Gus aa S 

Armley News 

Ashville College Magazine (Harrogate) 

Bank Rate (Leeds) zs 

Barnoldswick and Early Pioneer 
(Skipton) gie i ve 

Barnsley Chronicle 

Barnsley Independent 

Barnsley ‘Telephone 

Batley, &c., Free Press 

Batley News i 

Batley Reporter 

Bedale &c., Chronicle (Northallerton) 

Benedictine Almanac (pee 

Beverley Guardian 

Beverley Recorder 

Birstal Herald (Heckmondwike) 

Birstal News (Batley) . 

‘*Bob Stubbs’ ”’ Original Comic Yark- 
sher Awmynack (Bradford) 7 

Boroughbridge Observer (Ripon) 

Boston Spa News (Wetherby) 

Bradford Catholic Herald ... 

Bradford Chamber of Trades Journal 

Bradford Daily Argus ... - 

Bradford Daily Telegraph 

Bradford Post Office PERONY 

Bradford Pioneer : 

Bradford Weekly Telegraph 

Bradfordian (Bradford) 

Bridlington Chronicle... we 

Bridlington Free Press : the 

Brighouse Echo ves Wes vi 

Brighouse Free Press ae oi 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


YORKSHIRE —continued. 
British Chess bisa E Chess Annual 
British Pig Breeder... 
British Temperance Advocate - (Shef- 
field) sie a 
Choir Musician (Leeds) 
Christian Words (Sheffield) 
Cleckheaton Advertiser 
Cleckheaton Guardian ... es ane 
Cleveland Standard (Redcar) S 
Collectors’ and Dealers’ Directory 
(Rotherham) ve 

Collectors’ Journal (Rotherham) is 

Commercial Year Book of the Leeds 
Incorporated Chamber of Commerce . 
(Derby) se oe 

Craven Herald (Skipton) 

Cricket Argus (Bradford) ee 

Daily Maib (Hull) ae ais .-- 452 

Dewsbury District News eae fade 

Dewsbury Free Press (Batley) 

Dewsbury Reporter ; 

Directory of Manufacturers, Whole- 
Sale Importers, - and Exporters on 
the N.E. Ry. System (York) 

Doncaster, &c., Advertiser (a 

Doncaster Chronicle 

Doncaster Directory 

Doncaster Gazette aas 

Driffield Times... Ses sa 

Easingwold Advertiser 

Eastern Morning News (Huli) 
Elland Echo (Brighouse) 
Elmsall, &c., Express (Wakefield) 
Farmers’ Advocate (York) oe, 
Farriers’ Journal (Leeds)  '... 
Filey Post (Driffield) ... ... tes 
Flock Book of Leicester Sheep 
(Driffield) wie me 
Fur and Feather (Bradford) eee 
Giggleswick Chronicle re ide 
Goole Journal by z 
Goole Times Sei G ues Ss 
Gryphon (Leeds) ae site T 
Guildman (Leeds) ; 
Halifax Courier ge z 
Halifax Daily Guardian s 
Halifax Evening Courier Sie a 
Halifax Guardian 
Harrogate Advertiser ae as 
Harrogate, &c., Times Wis ims 
Harrogate Herald 
Harrogate Star 
Hebden Bridge News .. 
Hebden Bridge Times ... 
Heckmondwike District News “(Dews- 
bury) œ i 45 ea 
Heckmondwike Herald 
Heckmondwike Reporter (Dewsbury) 
Hemsworth, &c., Express (Wakefield) 
Holmfirth Express ies 
Honley, &c., Express (Holmfirth) 
Harbury Observer (Ossett)... 
Hornsea Guardian (Beverley) 
Howdenshire Chronicle (Pocklington) 
Howdenshire) Gazette (Goole) ve 


aT 41 Taanoe Willians T47 A e EEE DERE ET e A, AAP CO: —_ 9 YF 9. 


YORKSHIRE— continued. 
Huddersfield Boro’ Advertiser 
Huddersfield Daily Examiner 
Huddersfield District Advertiser 
Huddersfield Examiner 
Huddersfield Technical College ‘Calen- 

dar és 
Huddersfield Worker 

Hull and East Yorkshire Times i 452 
Hull and Lincolnshire News 
Hull and Lincolnshire Times ... 

..- 452 
Hull Catholic Herald és 
Hull Daily News... — 
Hull News iis 2 
Hull News Summer Number | 
Hull Trade and Transit 
Hymerian (Hull) | 
Ilkley Free Press (Otley) 
Ilkley Gazette ; 
Journal and Transactions of the Leeds 
Astronomical Society 
Journal of Conchology (Leeds) 
Journal of the Leeds University 
Textile Association : 
Journal of the Society of Dyers and 
Colourists (Bradford) wes oa 
Keighley Burgess Roll ie ise 
Keighley Co-operative Society Bee ... 
Keighley News or 
Kemp’s Yorkshire Gazette (Leeds) 
-© Knaresborough News (Wetherby) 
Knaresborough Post (Harrogate) re 
Laisterdvke and TORUDE News ener 
Lambert’s Settle ‘Almanac... 
Leeds and District Weekly Citizen . 
Leeds Blue Book Be: J; 
Leeds Catholic Herald . 
Leeds City Diary 
Leeds Co-operative Record 
Leeds Hospital ] Mebane 
Leeds Mercury ee 
Leeds Stock Exchange ‘Handbook j 
Leodiensian (Leeds) .. 
Library and Museum Quarterly (Mid- 
dlesbrough) oes 
License Holder (Bradford) 
Liversedge District News (Dewsbury) 
Locomotive Journal (Leeds) a 
Loftus Advertiser ‘ 
Lyceum Banner (Dewsbury) 
Magnet (Leeds) . : 
Malton Messenger | 
Mashamshire Standard (Ripon) 
Matrimonial Gazette (Sheffield) 
Mentor’s Middleham ee 
Mexborough Almanac ... m sas 
Mexborough Times Da es í 

Mid-Day Sporting Special (Leeds) 

Middlesbrough Co-operative Record.. 

- Middlesbrough High School Magazine 

Middlesbrough Standard (Redcar) 

- Mirfield, &c., Reporter (Dewsbury) .. 

Mirfield Herald (Heckmondwike) ... 

Modern Churchman (Knaresborough) 

Monograph of British Land and Fresh- 
water Mollusca (Leeds) 

Monthly Labour Journal (Hull) 


za . J a 9 Ea pr di ae, aol 

Wiliing’s Press Guide. 


Morley District News (Dewsbury) ... 
Morley Observer 
New Thought Journal (Harrogate) .. 
North Eastern Say Gazette (Middles- 
North Eastern 
Lodgings, &c., 
North Eastern 
North Leeds News ss 
North Riding, &c., News (Northallerton) 

“Railway Furnished 
Guide (York) Soe 
maa meee 

Northern Weekly Gazette ena 
Old Moore’s Almanack (Otley) 

On the Road (Hull)... 

Original Clock Almanac (Wakefield) 
Ossett Observer 

Pateley Herald (Harrogate) . 
Penistone Express (Mexborough) 
Peterite (York) ... 

Pigeons and the Pigeon World ‘(Brad- 
Pontefract, &c., Advertiser 

Pontefract Express 

Port of Hull Annual ... 

Proceedings of the Sheffield Natu- 
ralists’ Club m 

Pudsey Advertiser (Stanningley) 

Pudsey, &c., News 2 

Quarterly Letters to Men on ` Public 
Works (Leeds) 

Rawmarsh, &c., 

ana. "District Bustes 

Advertiser (Rother- 

_ Redcar atid: Salthacn News 

Richmond Division Gazette Worth. 
allerton) ase 

Ripon Advertiser 

Ripon and Richmond Chronicle a 

Ripon Diocesan Calendar (Leeds) ... 

Ripon Diocesan Gazette (Leeds) 

Ripon Gazette (Harrogate) 

Ripon Observer 
Robinson’s Harrogate, 
Rotherham and District Annual 

Rotherham Express 

Rothwell Courier (Leeds) 
Rouge-et-Noir pennerey) 
Saltburn Times 

Satchel (Halifax) 

Savilian (Wakefield) a 
Scarborough Daily Post cad 
Scarborough Evening News 
Scarborough Gazette 
Scarborough Mercury ... 
Scarborough Pictorial ... 
Scarborough Weekly Post 
Sedberghian (Sedbergh) 

Selby Express (Goole) 

Selby Times 

Sheffield and Rotherham. Red Book . 
Sheffield Catholic Herald 

‘&e. ; Directory 

Ripon, Ke. j Directory 

Ady Breer 

Pe ns a 


Willing’s Press Guide. 



Sheffield City Almanac us 

Sheffield Daily Telegraph és 

Sheffield Daily Telegraph Railway 
Guide as 

Sheffield Equatorial Independent 
Druids’ Quarterly Journal . Ss 

Sheffield Guardian oats 

Sheffield Independent ... 

Sheffield Stock Exchange Daily List 

Sheffield Weekly Independent s 

Sheffield Weekly News 

Sheffield Year Book... 

Shipley Times (Bradford) 

Skyrack Courier (Leeds) 

Slate Trade Gazette (Hull) 

South Bank Express (Redcar) ds 

South Elmsall, &c., Times (Mex- 
borough) ` sae gad 

Sporting Pink (Leeds) . 

Sports Express (Hull) ... 

Sports Gazette (Middlesbrough) 

Sports Mail (Hull) és 

Sports Special (Sheffield) e 

Squares o’ Yorkshire (Bradford) 

Tadcaster News (Wetherby) . 

Tees Daily Shipping List (Middles- 

© brough) ssi RF 

Tees-side eek Herald (Middtes- 

Thirsk News (Yor rk) : 

Thirsk, &c., Guardian (Northallerton) 

Trade of Hull, &c. e 

Transactions of the Bronté. “Society 

Transactions of. ‘the Hull Scientific, 
&c., Club : 

Transactions of the Hunters’ Archaeo- 
logical Society (Sheffield) 

Transactions of the Leeds Geographi-. 

cal Association (Leeds) 
Transactions of the Yorkshire Numis- 
matic Society (Hull) . 
University of Leeds Calendar 
University of Leeds Report 

Wakefield Advertiser... 
Wakefield Diocesan Calendar (Dews- 
bury) i 
Wakefield Diocesan Gazette 
Wakefield Express sic 
Walker’s Leeds Time Table ... 
Ward’s Family Almanack (Beverley) 
Wasp (Sedbergh) 
Weekly Telegraph (Sheffield) . 
W. T. Novels (Sheffield): - . 
Weekly Wool Chart (Bradford) ; 
West Yorkshire Pioneer a was 
Wetherby News ... i 
Wharfedale Observer (Otlex) 
Whitby Gazette 
Withernsea Guardian (Bever‘ey) 
Wool Record (Bradford) és 
York Churchman’s Almanack 
York Diocesan Calendar 
York Diocesan Gazette 
York Journal of Convocation 
York Star : 
Yorkshire Almanac (York) iss 
Yorkshire Catholic Herald (Sheffield) 
Yorkshire Christmas Annual (York) 
Yorkshire Early Bird (Shefticld) 
Yorkshire Evening News (Leeds) 
Yorkshire Evening Post (leeds) 
Yorkshire Evening Press (York) 
Yorkshire Factory Times (Dews- 
bury) ives sine T 
Yorkshire Gazette (York) 
Yorkshire Herald (York) 
Yorkshire News (York) 
Yorkshire News Football Guide (York) 
Yorkshire Observer (Bradford) R 
Yorkshire Observer j (Brad- 
ford) T 
Yorkshire Post (Leeds) i 
Yorkshire Sports (Bradford) . 
Yorkshire Telegraph (Sheffield) 7 
Yorkshire Textile Directory (Oldham) 
Yorkshire Weekly Post (Leeds) aay 
Yorkshire Weekly Record (Leeds) ... 


Clorianydd (Llangefni) 
Holyhead Chronicle’... 
Holyhead Mail (Carnarvon) 
Holyhead Observer (Carnarvon) 


Brecon and Radnor Express ... 
Brecon County Annual 

Brecon County Times 

Breconian (Brecon) 
Brynmawe, &c., Argus (Newpor t) 

Alauda (Llandysul) al vei 
Almanac y Cymro (Cardigan) 
Bibliotheca Celtica (Aberystwyth) 
Cambrian News (Aberystwyth) 


Cardigan Advertiser... 

Cardigan Bay Visitor (Abery stwyth) . 

Daffodil (Lampeter)... 

Dragon (Aberystwyth) . 

Haul (Lampeter) 

Journal of the Welsh Bibliographical 
Society OSTAU 

Llan (Lampeter) ; 

Perl (Lampeter) 

St. David’s College, Ke. A Magazine 
(Lampeter) ww 

Transactions of the Carmarthenshire 
Antiquarian Society and Field woe 
(Aberystwyth) si 

Wawr (Cardigan) bis ý 

Welsh Gazette (Aberystwyth) .. 

Ymofynydd (Llandyssil) ot sas 

Ystwythian (Aberystwyth) oe baie 

316] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, "London. 



Amman Valley Chronicle (Ammanford) 

Burry Port Star Ane tee 

Carmarthen : 

Carmarthen Journal . Me 

Carmarthen Weekly Reporter 

Cyfaill Eglwysig (Carmarthen) sal 

Hanes y Rhyfel apnea ar 
marthen) ` $s M 

Llanelly, &c., Guardian 

Llanelly Argus 

Llanelly Mercury 

Llanelly Star 

Maridurian (Carmarthen) 

St. David’s Diocesan Almanac 

St. David’s Diocesan Directory 

Seren Cymru (Carmarthen) - ...' 

Seren yr Ysgol (Llanelly) iz 

South Wales Press (Llanelly) ... 

Welshman (Carmarthen) 

Bangor, &c., Weekly News (conway) 
Bangor Diocesan Calendar... 
Bangor Observer (Carnarvon) 
Bettws-y-Coed, &c., ie News 
(Conway) 2 
Carnarvon Herald s 
Conway, &c., Os aia News ... 
Conway Standard a 
Cymru (Carnarvon) _.. 
Dinesydd Cymreig (Carnarvon) 
Drysorfa (Carnarvon) ... 
Eurgrawn Wesleyaidd (Bangor) 
Gened! Cymreig (Carnarvon) .. 
Geninen (Carnarvon) 
Goleuad (Carnarvon) 
Gwalia (Bangor) 
Llandudno Advertiser... 
Llandudno, &c., Wees News  (Con- 
way) Ma 
Llandudno “Directory wins 
Llandudno Junction Standard (Conw ay) 
Llandudno Pilot ... sia ass 
Llandudno Register (Carnarvon) ; 
Llanfairfechan, &c., ety News 
(Conway) vs 
Llanfairfechan Standard (Conway) . 
Llusern (Carnarvon) ... 
Magazine of the University College o of 
North Wales (Bangor) i 
„Mascot (Bangor) : 
Merioneth News (Carnarvon) 
North Wales Chronicle (Bangor) 
North Wales Observer (Carnarvon) . 
North Wales Standard (Conway) 
North Wales Weekly News ene) 
Papur Pawb (Carnarvon) ? 
Penmaemawr Standard (Conway) i 
Penmaenmawr Weekly News (Conway) 
Pilot (Llandudno) i 
Portmadoc, &c., Observer (Carnarvon) 
Pwllheli, &c., Observer eee 
Traethodydd (Carnarvon) 
Trysorfa y Plant (Carnarvon) 
Me Neiyddiadur Sele (Pwil- 
eli í 

Advertisements received for all Trade Newspapers. 

Wiliing’s Press Guide. 

Vale of Clwyd, &c., ee News 
Vale of Conway, Rc. 3 Weekly News 
(Conway) ae ws aa 
Werin (Carnarvon) 
Winllan (Bangor) 
Wyntyll (Carnarvon) 

Abergele, &c., Weekly News ay) 
Abergele, &c., Times i 
Abergele Visitor 
Almanac y Miloedd (Wrexham) 
Athraw (Llangollen) ... 
Banerac Amserau Cymru (Denbigh)... 
Cerddor, Y (Wrexham) re 
Colwyn Bay Directory (Liverpool) se 
Colwyn B &c., Weekly News oe 
Colwyn Bay Herald (Carnarvon) 
Colwyn Bay Standard (Conway) 
a Cymru’ r Plant (Wrexham) ... 
” Dentighshire, &c., Advertiser (Wrex: 
ham) e 
Denbighshire Free Press (Denbigh) .. 
Greal (Llangollen) = 
INustrated Wrexham Argus... 
Jarman’s Wrexham Year Book and 
Local Directory 
Llangollen Advertiser (Oswestry) 
Llanrwst Weekly News (Conway) 
Llanrwst Standard (Conway) 
Lianrwst Free Press (Denbigh) 
Magazine of the Girls’ County School 
(Wrexham) swe ra 
N. Wales Guardian (Wrexham) 
N. Wales Times (Denbigh) 
Rhos Herald sia Sea 
Welsh Coast Pioneer (Colwyn Bay)» 
Wrexham Advertiser 
Wrexham Journal : 
Wrexham Ruridecanal Magazine 
Wrexhamian (Wrexham) 


County Herald (Holywell) i 

Flint County Teachers’ Association 
Quarterly Review 

Gwyliedydd (Gelli) 

Prestatyn Weekly Mi 

Publications of the Flintshire. Histori- 
cal Society (Prestatyn) 

Rhyl and North Wales Weekly News 
(Conway) ae 

Rhyl Guardian (Wrexham) 

Rhyl Handbook, &c._... 

Rhyl Journal via 

Rhyl Record and Advertiser... 

St. Asaph Diocesan «Calendar (Rhy!) 

Aberdare Leader 
Aberdare and Mountain “Ash Express 
(Merthyr Tydfil) dis 
Aberdare Post . 
Abstainer (Cardiff); 




Annual Report of the National 
Museum of Wales (Cardiff) 
Baptist Record (Cardiff) 
Barry and District Directory (Cardiff) 
Barry Dock News ; 
Barry Herald, &c. 
Bibliography of Wales ‘(Cardiff 
Bovian (Cowbridge) .. 
British and Colonial Mineral "Water 
Trade Journal (Cardiff) ; 
British Deaf Times (Cardiff) .. 
Business Prospects Year Book (Cara 
Caerphilly Journal (Bargoed) 
Cambria Daily Leader ae 
Cambrian (Swansea) 
Cardiff Directory ; T 
Cardiff Journal of Commerce ae 
Cardiff Naturalists’ Society Transac- 
tions tee ses see 
Cardiff Times... 
Cenad Hedd (Merthyr Tydfil) 

Commercial Year Book of the Swan- . 

sea Incorporated Chamber of Com- 
merce (Derby) 

County Schools Review (Cardiff 

Darian (Aberdare) : 

Efengylydd (Tonypandy) sss 

Evening Express (Cardiff) F 

Ffon A’r Ffynon (Merthyr Tydfil) 

Glamorgan County Times (Pontypridd) 

Glamorgan Free Press (Pontypridd)... 

Glamorgan Gazette MBean): ; 

Hauw Yr (Aberdare) ... 

Herald of Wales (Swansea) . 

Kemp’s Local Gazette (Cardiff) 

Labour Voice (Swansea) as 

Llandaff Diocesan Church Calendar 

Llandaff Diocesan "Magazine (Cardiff) 

Merthyr Express 

Mid-Rhondda Gazette (Pontypridd) . 

Mountain Ash Post ee) 

Penarth Times... 

Pioneer (Merthyr Tydfil) 

Pontvpridd Almanac ; Sy ay 

Pontypridd and District Directory 
(Cardiff) be vie sa gsi 

Pontypridd Observer 

Porth Gazette 

Porthcawl News pis ats 

Rhondda County School oes 
(Tonypandy)... ats 

Rhondda Leader (Tonypandy) 

Rhondda Fach Gazette (Pontypridd) .. 

South Wales Coal and Iron Companies 

South Wales Coal Annual (Cardiff) .. 

South Wales Colliery Officials’ Maga- 
zine (Tonypandy) 

South Wales Daily News (Cardiff) . 

South Wales Daily Post (Swansea) .. 

South Wales Echo (Cardiff) . m 

South Wales Investment Circular 

South Wales Weekly Post (Swansea) 

Swan (Swansea) 

318] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

Swansea and Mid-Glamorgan Herald 
Swansea Daily Shipping Register 
Swansea Tide Tables ... . s 
Treasury (Cardiff) Sea Tete 
Tyst (Merthyr Tydfil) . 

Tywsydd-z Plant (Swansea) 

University of Wales Calendar (Cardiff 

Weekly Mail (Cardiff) . , 

Welsh Catholic Herald (Cardiff) A 

Welsh Coal and Shipping eee 

Welsh Outlook (Cardiff) a 

Welsh Unionist (Pontypridd) .. 

Western Majl (Cardiff) 

Western Mail A B C Railway Time 
Tables, &c. (Cardiff) .. sa 

Workers’ Own (Cardiff) 

Wright’s Almanac and Tide Table 
(Swansea) sa 

Adsain (Corwen) ~ eee 
Aelwyd yr (Blaenau Festiniog) | ae 
Arweinydd yr (Blaenau Festiniog) ... 
Barmouth Advertiser... 
Calendar of the Calvinistic Methodist 

Theological College (BAR sis 
Cymro (Dolgelly) or s 
Dydd (Dolgelly) ics sis a 
Dysgedydd (Dolgelly) one 
Dysgedydd y Plant (Dolgelly) wai 
Gorlan (Dolgelly) ; , 

Gymraes (Dolgelly) a bes ee 

Lladmerydd (Dolgelly) 

Seren (The Star) (Bala) 

Seren Gomer ae ar was 

Towyn Times... a Sis 

Williams’s (Dr.) School Magazine 
(Doigelly ) ae pia 

Wythnos a’r Eryr (Bala) 

Montgomery County Times oe 
Montgomery. Express (Newtown) cae 


County Echo (Fishguard) oad seis 
Haverfordwest Telegraph r ia 
Milford koi &c., Gazette 
Narberth, Weekly News ... ye 
News in a SNRA (Pembroke) ons 
Pax (Pembroke) 

Pembroke & Pembroke ‘Dock Gazette 

Pembroke County cues (Haver- 

fordwest) a te 
Pembrokeshire Herald Avera 
west) z ai a 
Pembrokeshire Times 
Penvro (Pembroke Dock) 
Tenby and County News 
Tenby Observer 

© Ward-Davies’s. Free Press _ (Pem- 

broke) isi iat Se 

Central Wales News ea lca 
Radnor Express (Brecon) ` 




Wiliing’s Press Guide. 


Almanac sss 
Book Lover . 
Catholic Herald 
Daily Journal 

Aberdeen Free Press 

Aberdeen Grammar School Magazine... 7 

Aer aa City People’s Journal (n 

Aberdeen Post Office Directory sas 

Aberdeen Public Library Annual 

Aberdeen University Calendar 

Aberdeen University Library Bulletin. 

Aberdeen University Review 

Aberdeen Weekly Journal 

Alma Mater (Aberdeen) 

Buchan Observer (Peterhead) 

Evening Express (Aberdeen) 

Evening Gazette (Aberdeen) 

Fishing News (Aberdeen) 

Fraserburgh Advertiser 

Gateway (Turriff) 

Huntly Express 

Mariners’ Almanac (Aberdeen) ; 

Medical Homes for Private Patients 

Onward and Upward (Aberdeen) 

Scottish Educational Year Book 
(Aberdeen) ʻi = 

Scottish Farm Servant (Aberdeen) 

Shetland Pony Studbook a peene 

Weekly Free Press (Aberdeen) ea 

Argyll Advertiser (Lochgilphead) 
Argyll Herald ae ee 
Campbeltown Courier ... 
Dunoon Advertiser 
Dunoon Herald ... 
Dunoon Observer and Argyll $ Standard 
(Sandbank) ahs ee 
Oban Times ; 


Annual Burns eee &c. (Kil- 

marnock) a ‘Ss ss 
Ardrossan Herald 
Ayr Advertiser 
Ayr Observer 
Ayrshire Post (Ayr) 
Believer’s Magazine (Kilmarnock) 
Carrick Herald (Girvan) a 
Children’s Almanac (Kilmarnock) 
Christian Worker (Kilmarnock) iets 
Christian’s Pocket Diary I 
Cumnock Chronicle ... 
Daily Bread Calendar (Kilmarnock)... 
Dalry, &c., Herald (Irvine) 
Good Tidings (Kilmarnock) 
Gospel Almanac (Kilmarnock) 
Gospel Messenger (Kilmarnock) 
Irvine and Fullerton Times (Ardrossan) 
Irvine Herald .. 
Irvine Valley News (New Milns) 
Kilmarnock Herald _... 

Kilmarnock Standard ... oe 
Kilwinning Chronicle (Irvine) | ies 

Largs, &c., News 

Our Little Ones Treasury (Kilmar- 
nock) ... eos 

Stevenston News (Irvine) 

Troon, &c., Times oe 

Troon Herald (Irvine) . 

Weekly Supplement, &e, ‘(Galston) . 

Young Watchman (Kilmarnock) 

Aberdeen-Angus Herd Book (Banff)... 
Banffshire Advertiser (Buckie) 
Banffshire Herald (Keith) 
Banffshire Journal (Banff) 
Banffshire Reporter ENN 
Dufftown News ... 


Berwickshire News (Duns) 

Caithness Courier (Thurso) 
John-o’-Groat Journal (Wick) 
Northern Ensign (Wick) ‘ 

Alloa Advertiser s 

Alloa Circular aai nbs es 
Alloa’ Journal ae S: ro 
Alva Tribune (Tillicoultry) sigs 
Devon Valley Tribune (Tillicoultey) .. 
Hillfoots Record (Alva) , : 
Tillicoultry Tribune - 

Dumbarton Herald j 
Helensburgh and Garloch Times 
Helensburgh News 
Kirkintilloch Gazette 
Kirkintilloch Herald : 
Leanox Herald DATOE 
Milngavie Herald 5 

Annandale Herald (Lockerbie) 
Annandale Observer (Annan) ... 
Dumfries Courier 

‘Dumfries Standard 

Eskdale Advertiser (Langholm) sit 

Eskdale and Liddersdale Advertiser 

Factors’ Magazine (Dumfries) 

Gallovidian (Dumfries) 

Galloway Herd” Book (Dumfries) 

Gretna Gazette 

Gretna Green, &c., 

Infinite (Dumfries) ie 

Moffat News (Lockerbie) 

New Moon (Dumfries) .. ait whe 

Transactions, &c., of the Dumfries- 
shire Natural History, &c., Society 
(Dumfries) s “es ; 

Weekly ‘Citizen 

Advertisements received for all the Eastbourne Newspapers. [31c 

Provincial.| | Willing’s Press Guide. [Scotiand. 

Aberdour Orphanage MA gaS ails Leith Burghs Pilot 
burgh) Leith Commercial List 
Accountants’ Magazine (Edinburgh)... Leith Observer... 
Adam’s Reports of Cases before the Life and Work (Edinburgh) ase 
High Court of Judiciary in Scotland . Life Assurance Vade Mecum (Edin- 
(Edinburgh)... burgh) 
Annual Report of the National Bible MacDonald’s English Directory (Edin- 
Society of Scotland (Edinburgh) . burgh) : 
Banner of the Covenant (Edinburgh) eee Irish Directory ' (Edin- 
Eae coves peau mee oe MacDonald’s Scottish Directory (Edin- 

Bible Student (Edinburgh) = 
Blackwood’s Magazine (Edinburgh)... 
Book of the Old Edinburgh Club 

MacDonald’s Tourist Guide to Scot- 
land (Edinburgh) bie 

a | Mathematical Notes (Edinburgh) cd 
Cunt (ambi ss ss" Merchant Maiden (Edinburgh) a 
Calendar of the Educational Institute Merchistonian (Edinburgh i 

Messenger (Edinburgh) 

of Scotland (Edinburgh) Mid-Lothian Advertiser (West Calder) 

Cases Decided in the Gourt of Session, 

Mid-Lothian Journal (Portobello) 
ao Review Edinburgh) in Monthly Record of the Free Church of 
Children’s Paper (Edinburgh) Seaton, ey h me a 
Church of Scotland Sabbath Teacher's s Se y Aas A T ure ) a 

pchook Magazine (Edinburg) 2 Morning Rare arg o s 
gig ee en ere Musselburgh News (Portobello)... 

National Bible Society of Scotland 
Quarterly Record (Edinburgh) oe 
North British Agriculturist (Edin- 

City Sparrows (Edinburgh)... 
County Directory of Scotland (Edin- 

me Harp (Edinburgh) burgh) 
, a North British Agriculturist Calendar 
erties A T uae (Edinburgh) 
alkeit irectory 7 ete <; 
Dollar Magazine (Edinburgh) ie O (Edinburgh Directory of Scotland 
ae ee Coed me Official Directory of the Chartered 
8 e ATES ay Accountants of Scotland (Edin- 
Edinburgh Catholic Herald ... ust burgh) i 
Edinburgh Citizen (Portobello)  ... Official Year Book of the Educational 
Edinburgh Daily Stock and Share List Institute of Scotland (Edinburgh) .. 
Edinburgh Evening Despatch e Oliver & Boyd’s Edinburgh Almanac 
Edinburgh Evening News B aie Original Secession REDE e 
Edinburgh Gazette sss ish burgh) i 
Edinburgh Medical Journal... 7 Parliament House Book (Edinburgh) 
Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society Post Office Directory (Edinburgh) ‘ 
i E as : Prescriber (Edinburgh) >. 
inburgh University Calendar Principal Acts of the General Assembly 
Educational News (Edinburgh) __ ... of the Church of Scotland (Edin- 
Expository Times Cds a i . burgh) 
Fettesian (Edinburgh) . . ee Proceedings of the Classical ‘Associa- 
Gambolier (Edinburgh) tion of Scotland (Edinburgh) 
Glad Tidings of the Coming Age Proceedings of the Royal Physical 
(Edinburgh)... z Society of Edinburgh 
Golfer’s Handbook (Edinburgh) ae Proceedings of the Royal Society of 
Golf Monthly (Edinburgh) _... ie Edinburgh vais 
Good European (Edinburgh) ... bis Proceedings of the Society oi Anti- 
Greatheart (Edinburgh) Ja ties quaries of Scotland (Edinburgh) 
Home Friend (Edinburgh}™ ... ov Publications of the Scottish History 
Hora Jocunda (Edinburgh) — ... ‘acs Society of Edinburgh aie 
Impressions (Edinburgh) sas jai Record of the Home and Foreign 
Instructor (Edinburgh) ias wi Mission Work of the United Free 
Journal of Comparative Pathology Church of Scotland (Edinburgh) 
(Edinburgh) _... | Reformed Presbyterian Witness (Edin- 
Journal of the Scottish Meteorological burgh) 
Society (Edinburgh) ... sie Report on Schemes of the Church of 
Juridical Review (Edinburgh) ves Scotland (Edinburgh) 
Lawyers’ Manual (Edinburgh) Review of Neurology (Edinburgh) 

320] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125; Strand, Gon, 



Provincial. ] 

Sabbath School Teachers’ Monthly 
(Edinburgh) ; P Be sib 

St. Andrew’s PINION Calendar 
(Edinburgh) ads 

Scotch Girls’ Friendly “Society. Asso- 
ciates’ Paper (Edinburgh) 

Scots Law Times eee peureD): 

Scotsman (Edinburgh) ; sa 

Scottish Bankers’ Magazine  (Edin- 
burgh) | 

Scottish Baptist Magazine (Portobello) 

Scottish Church Almanac (Edinburgh) 

Scottish Churchman’s Almanac (Edin- 
burgh) eee 

Scottish Churches (Edinburgh) 

Scottish Class Teacher (Edinburgh) .. 

Scottish Congregational Year Book 
(Dalkeith) si 

Scottish Congregationalist (Dalkeith) 

Scottish Geographical Magazine (idu 

Scottish Law List (Edinburgh) ise 

Scottish Law Reporter (Edinburgh) ... 

Scottish Mothers’ me Raene (Edin- 
burgh) ; 

Scottish Mountaineering Club Journal 
(Edinburgh) .. A 

Scottish Nation (Edinburgh) . 

Scottish Naturalist (Edinburgh) 

Scottish Smallholder (Edinburgh) 

Scottish Ski Club Magazine (Edin- 

Scottish Standard Bearer (Edinburgh) 

Scottish Women’s Temperance News 

Secondary School J Journal (Edinburgh) 

Steamsħip (Leith) 

Stewart’s College Magazine (Edin- 

Student (Edinburgh) 

Thistle (Edinburgh) 

Transactions of the Edinburgh Archi- 
tectural Association ... 

Transactions of the Edinburgh Field 
Naturalists’, &c., Society 

Transactions of the SAUER Geo- 
legical Society .. 

Transactions of the Edinburgh 
Medico-Chirurgical Society 

Transactions of the “Edinburgh 
Obstetrical Society ; s 

Transactions of the Franco-Scottish 
Society (Edinburgh) . 

Transactions of the Highland and 
Agricultural Society of Scotland 
(Edinburgh) m wes 

Transactions of the Royal “Scottish 
Arboricultural Society (Edinburgh) 

Transactions of the SOA Society of 
Edinburgh ; spa ies 

Watsonian (Edinburgh) .. 

Weekly Scotsman (Edinburgh) 

Women’s Missionary ics (Edin- l 

_ Year Book for the Episcopal ‘Church 
in Scotland (Edinburgh) i ves 

Willing’ s Press Guide. 
‘EDINBURGHSHIRE —continued. 


Elgin Courant Peis Sis afe 
Forres Almanac ae ida sax 
Forres Gazette... 
Forres News $3 , 
Northern Scot (Elgin) eas 
Phonographic Monthly (Elgin) 
Strathspey Herald (Grantown) 
Strathspey News (Grantown) 


British Fisherman’s Nautical Almanac 

(St. Andrews) . s ies ste: 
Dunfermline Express oa wae 
Dunfermline Journal _... wee Plage 
Dunfermline Press se 

East of Fife Record (Anstruther) 
Fife Free Press (Kirkcaldy) 

Fife Herald and Journal (Cupar) 
Fife News (Cupar) 

Fifeshire Advertiser (Kirkcaldy) 
Kirkcaldy Times 

Leven Advertiser zis 
Lochgelly and Kelty News as 
Mail for Leven, &c. (Kirkcaldy) 
Mail (Kirkcaldy) 

Rosyth and Forth Mail (Dunfermtine) 
St. Andrew’s Citizen 

St. Andrew’s Directory 

Scottish Prohibitionist (Dundee) 
West Fife Echo (Dunfermline) | 

Arbroath Guide ... 
Arbroath Herald 
Arbroath Year Book 
Breehin Advertiser 
Bro’ty Advertiser 
Broughty Ferry Guide 
Camera (Dundee) sii 
Carnoustie Herald (Broughty Ferry) sia 
Carnoustie Gazette (Broughty PERO 
Courier (Dundee) aà ; 
Dundee Advertiser ale 
Dundee Catholic Herald 

. Dundee Directory 

Dundee Jute and Flax Workers’ Guide 

Dundee Prices Current 

Evening Telegraph (Dundee) .. 

Forfar Dispatch . s 

Forfar Herald se jes ; 

Forfar Review... 

Girls’ Weekly (Dundee) — 

Handy Time & Tide Table (Arbroath) 

Happy Homes (Dundee) i 

Kirriemuir Free Press ... 

Kirriemuir Observer 

Montrose, &c., Review j 

Montrose Standard gi si 

My Weekly (Dundee) 

People’s Friend (Dundee) T APET 

People’s Journal angea PEP ae 

Post (Dundee) ... ae sis) 

Saturday Post (Dundee) 

Sunday Post (Dundee) . 

Thomson’s RORY NewS ae England 
(Dundee) : 

Advertisements received for all the Hastings NSSS! j [321 

Provincial. | 

FORFARSHIRE— continued. 
Thomson’s Weekly News for Ireland 
University College of Dundee Calendar 
Weekly Companion (Dundee) x 
Weekly Welcome (Dundee) 

Haddington Advertiser je 
Haddington Courier 


Football Times (Inverness) ‘ 
Highland Leader, &c. (Inverness) 
Highland News (Inverness) 
Highland Times (Inverness) 
Inverness Burgh Directory 
Inverness County Directory 
Inverness Courier 
Northern Chronicle (Inverness) 
Northern Counties’ Red Book (Inver- 

ness) eee see eee 3 

A B C Bonnie Scotland Resorts 

A B C Coast Guide ‘and Registers | 

Belega Skotland (Rothesay) 
Boni Skotland (Rothesay) sa 
Bute County Directory (Rothesay) 
Buteman (Rothesay) . 
Enamigo de la Nacioj (Rothesay) 
Rothesay Academy Chronicle 
Rothesay Express 
Skotlando Pejzago (Rothesay) .. 

Kincardineshire Observer ~ (Laurence- 
kirk) us aie ose 
Stonehaven Journal 


Kinross-shire Advertiser (Kinross) 

Kirkcudbrightshire Advertiser ican 
Stewartry Observer (Dalbeattie) 

Across the Sea (Glasgow) 
Adviser (Glasgow) fe 
Airdrie Advertiser 
Bailie (Glasgow) .. 
Barrhead News (Glasgow) 
Believers’ Diary (Glasgow) 
Believers’ Pathway (GIBO. 
Bellshill Speaker, &c. 
Bible Almanac (Glasgow) 
Boys and Girls (Glasgow) isa 
Boys and Girls Almanac (Glasgow) .. 
Boys’ Brigade Gazette (Glasgow) ... 
Brown’s Boy Scout Diary (Glasgow) 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


Brown’s Comprehensive Nautical i 
manack (Glasgow) .. 

Brown’s Nautical Diary (Glasgow) .. 

Building Industries (Glasgow) 

Bulletin (Glasgow) 

Caledonian Medical Journal (Glasgow) 

Cambuslang Advertiser 

Cambuslang Pilot (Hamilton) 

Campbell’s Professional Man’s Hour 
Book, &c. (Glasgow) ea wag 

Carluke. &c., Gazette ... se. Cae 

Celtic Monthly (Glasgow) 

Clyde Bill of Entry (Glasgow) | 

Clydebank and Renfrew Press (Govan) 

Clydesdale Catholic Herald (Glasgow) 

Clydesdale Stud Book (Ginago) š 

Coatbridge Express 

Coatbridge Leader ~ ... 

Commercial Year Book of the Glasgow 
Incorporated Chamber of Commerce 

County & Municipal Record (Glasgow) 

Daily Record and Mail (Glasgow) 

Deo Greine (Glasgow) 

Dowanhill Training College Magazine 

Engineer, &c., Advertiser (Glasgow) 

Entertainer (Glasgow) 

Evangelist (Glasgow) ... ats re 

Evening News (Glasgow) ‘ 

Evening Times (Glasgow) 

Every Christian’s Library (Glasgow)... 

Exhibitor’s Guide (Glasgow) .. es 

=- Forward (Glasgow) 

Glasgow A B C Railway Guide 

Glasgow Advertiser 

Glasgow Citizen 

Glasgow Daily Stock and: Share List 

Glasgow Eastern Argus 

Glasgow Evening Times = eee 

Glasgow Herald EA sae 

Glasgow Medical Journal T ees 

Glasgow Observer 

Glasgow Post Office Directory 

Glasgow Shipping | Who’s Who > (Liver- 

Glasgow Star 

Glasgow Street Directory 

Glasgow University Calendar 

Glasgow Weekly Herald 

Good Seed (Glasgow) ..: 

Good Templar (Glasgow) 

Govan Press al 

Guth na Bliadhna (Glasgow) .. 

Hamilton Advertiser ' 

Herald of Salvation (Glasgow) 
Highland Light Infantry Chronicle - 
(Hamilton) bas “id 

Index to ‘Glasgow Herald”... 

International Good Templar (Glasgow) 

Kelvin Standard Tide Tables, &c. 

Lanark and Upperward "Gazette 
(Carluke) ; j 

Lanarkshire (Hamilton) 

Lanarkshire Catholic Herald _(Coat- 

322) James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 


Provincial. | 

Lanarkshire Examiner (Airdrie) 
Local Government sore of Scot- 
land (Glasgow) ais 
Maryhill Herald (Milngavie) . 
Motherwell Standard ... sie 
Motherwell Times a 
Motor World (Glasgow) asi at 
Munro’s Marine Engineers’ -Annual 
Pocket Log and Diary, (Glasgow) .. 
Murray’s Time Table (Glasgow) 
National Football Paes (Glas 
gow) ; 
National Guardian (Glasgow) 
Nautical Almanac (Glasgow) 
Nautical Magazine (Glasgow) 
Orr’s Scottish Almanac (Glasgow) 
Outpost (Glasgow) ; sks 
Partick, &c., Press (Govan) 
Partick Gazette ... ae 
Poor Law Magazine (Glasgow) 
Postman’s Gazette (Glasgow) 
Proceedings of the Royal Philosophical 
Society of Glasgow ... 
Proceedings of the Society of Psychical 
Research (Glasgow) . 
Royal Technical College 
(Glasgow) = 4s 
Rutherglen Reformer 
Scots Pictorial (Glasgow) e 
Scottish Automobile Club Year Book 
(Glasgow) m 
Scottishe Business Journal (Glasgow)... 
Scottish Chronicle (Glasgow) . 
Scottish Co-operator (Glasgow) 
Scottish Country Life (Glasgow) 
Scottish Critic (Glasgow) : 
Scottish Cyclist (Glasgow) 
Scottish Endeavourer (Glasgow) ~ 
Scottish Farmer (Glasgow) 
Scottish Farmer Album (Glasgow) . 
Scottish Field (Glasgow) 
Scottish Historical Review (Glasgow) 
Scottish Law Directory (Glasgow) .. 
Scottish Law Review (Glasgow) 


Scottish Licensed Trade Directory 
(Glasgow). ts se “ee 
Scottish National Sabbath School 

Magazine (Glasgow) 
Scottish Nation (Glasgow) 
Scottish Reformer (Glasyow) 
Scottish Road Book (Glasgow) Z 
Scottish Temperance Annual (Glasgow) 
Scottish Trader (Glasgow) ... 
Scottish Typographical Journal (Glas- 


Shoe and Leather “Trader (Glasgow)... 

Socialist (Glasgow) ~... 

Southern Press (Govan) 

Star of Russia (Glasgow) : 

Temperance Leader and League Jour- 
nal (Glasgow) 

Tide and Speed Tables (Glasgow) . 

Transactions of the Geological Society 
of Glasgow... 

Transactions of the Glasgow Archaeo- 
logical Society js sist e 

Advertisements received for all the Leeds Newspapers. 

Wiiling’s Press Guide. 

re a rr a a a 

LANARKSHIRE —continued. 

Transactions of the Institution of En- 
gineers and Shipbuilders (Glasgow) 

Uddington Standard ... 

Weekly Mail and Record (Glasgow)... 

Weekly Register (Glasgow) ; 

Wishaw Herald 

Wishaw Press... a 
Witness (Glasgow) — ae 

Bo'ness Journal ... 
Linlithgowshire Gazette (Linlithgow) 

Lothians Express (Airdrie) 

West Lothian Courier (Bathgate) 

Nairn County Press .. 
Nairnshire Telegraph (Nairn) — 

Orcadian (Kirkwall) _... 
Orkney Herald (Kirkwall) .. 
Peace’s Orkney Almanac (Kirkwall) . 

Peebles News ski 
Peeblesshire Advertiser (Peebles) r 
Peeblesshire Standard (Galashiels) 

Alyth Gazette sek ves 

Alyth Guardian ... 

Bellman (Perth) ‘ a 
Blairgowrie Advertiser oes 
Callander Advertiser (Stirling) z 
City of Perth Co-operative eeN sie 
Excelsior (Perth) sss 
Glenalmond Chronicle (Perth) 
Lunan’s Alyth Almanack 

Perthshire Advertiser (Perth) 
Perthshire Constitutional (Perth) 
Perthshire Courier (Perth) = 
Scottish Farming News (Perth) 
Strathearn Herald (Crieff) 

Children’s Messenger easly) 
Dayspring (Paisley) 
Gourock ‘Times ... 
Greenock Herald «si 
Greenock Post Office Directory 
Greenock Telegraph _... ‘ ace 
Johnstone Advertiser si stg 
Mearns Leader (Stonehaven) . 
Northern British Israel Review (Kil- 
marcolm) is 
Paisley, &c., Gazette 
Paisley Daily Express ... 
Paisley Directory 
Pollokshaws News ae 
Port Glasgow Express and Observer 
Transactions of the Paisley Naturalist 
Transactions of ‘the Paisley 
sophical Institution 
Invergordon Times sas <a 
North Star (Dingwall) 
Ross-shire Journal (Dingwall) _ 




Galashiels Almanac 

Hawick Express cee saa 
Hawick News eat oe ar 
Jedburgh Gazette Bae, cele os 
Kelso Chronicle ... 2 Des Te 
‘Kelso Mail 

Border Magazine (Galashiels) 
Border Standard (Gadashiels) 
Border Telegraph (Galashiels) 
Southern Reporter (Selkirk) 
Young ‘Scotland (Galashiels) 

Shetland News (Lerwick) $ 
Sħetland Times (Lerwick) 

Bridge of Allan Gazette (Stirling) 
British Messenger (Stirling) ... 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

id aa 
Falkirk Herald das sae 
Falkirk Mail Ai ne es abe 
Good News (Stirling)... nee dia 
Gospel Trumpet (Stirling) ; 
Grangemouth Advertiser 
Increase (Stirling) sa ae aes 
Kilsyth Chronicle 
Kilsyth Journal) 

Reporter (Stirling) 
Stirling Journal 

Stirling Observer : 
Stirling Saturday Observer 
Stirling Sentinel = 

Northern Times (Golspie) 


Galloway Advertiser (Stranraer) © 
Galloway Gazette (Newton Stewart)... 


Baird’s Irish Railway and Steamboat 
Guide (Belfast) ` ules oe 
Ballymena Observer... va 
Ballymena Weekly Telegraph 
Ballymoney Free Press see 
Belfast, &c., Directory 
Belfast Evening Telegraph 
Belfast News Letter s 
Belfast Weekly News . 
Belfast Weekly Telegraph 
Carrickfergus Advertiser “a 
Christian Advocate (Belfast) ... 
Civil Service Tutor (Belfast) 
Everybody’s Monthly (Belfast) 
Insurance, &c., Gazette (Belfast) ... 
Ireland’s Saturday Night (Belfast) ... 
Irish and Scotch Linen, &c., Trades 
Journal (Belfast) sie ee is 
Irish Churchman (Belfast) 
Irish Congregational Magazine (Bel 
fast) eli 
Irish Daily Telegraph (Belfast) f 
Irish Grocer, &c. (Belfast)... ... 452 
Trish Grocery World ee ... 452 
Irish News (Belfast) ae 
Irish Post (Belfast) : 
Irish Presbyterian (Belfast) 
Irish Templar (Belfast) 
Irish Weekly (Belfast) 
Larne Times = i 
Linen Trade Circular (Belfast) 
Lisburn Herald 
Lisburn Standard 
MacCrea Magee College (Londonderry) 
College Calendar (Belfast) ... 
Master Baker (Belfast) 
Messenger (Belfast) ... See 
Missionary Herald (Belfast) ..,. 
North Antrim Standard (Ballymoney) 
Northern Whig (Belfast) es 

324] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Orr’s Royal Belfast, &c., Almanac 
(Glasgow) dis 
Queen’s University of Belfast Calendar 
Ulster Guardian (Belfast) : 
Weekly Northern Whig (Belfast) 
Witness (Belfast) Gs 

Armachian (Armagh) ... sis sist 
Armagh Guardian oie 
Faugh-a-Ballagh (Armagh) 
Lurgan Mail |: ... aie das 
Portadown Express a kas PR 

Portadown News 
Ulster Gazette (Armagh) 

Carlow Sentinel 
Nationalist (Carlow) 

Anglo-Celt (Cavan) s sri 

Clare Champion (Ennis) j 
Clare Journal (Banis) ... aie 
Kilrush Herald ... acs nee 
Saturday Record (Ennis) Lae bis 


Cork Constitution 
Cork County Eagle (Skibbereen) 
Cork Examiner ... 
Cork Free Press : ime sie 
Cork Weekly Examiner ies T 
Cork Weekly News Si sis 
Creamery Manager (Cork) . 
Creamery Manager’s Year Book and 

Diary (Cork)... jia wna wae 
Evening Echo (Cork)... re os 




ward ! (Cork) ; 

’s Cork Almanac ‘eee sale 

log cal Society we 
O’Cormnell’s Cork Almanack E 
A Star (Skibbereen) 

Donegal! Independent ee 
Donegal Vindicator (Ballyshannon) . 


Banbridge Chronicle 
County Down Spectator (Bangor 
Down Recorder a 
Dromore Weekly Times 
Frontier Sentinel ene 
Newry Reporter 
Newry ‘Telegraph 
Newtownards, &c., 

manac and Directory . 
Newtownards Chronicle A 
Newtownards Herald (Bangor) 
Newtownards Spectator (Down) 
North Down Herald (Bangor) ; 
NOORA Year Book, &c. (Bangor) .. 


Archivium Hibernicum (Dublin) 

Astronomical Observations and Re- 
searches (Dublin) _... sai or 

Belvederian (Dublin) 

Better Business (Dublin) 

Bray and South Dublin Herald (Wick- 
low) z 

Calendar of the ‘National 
of Ireland (Dublin) ; 

Calendar of the Pharmaceutical Society 
of Ireland (Dublin) ... 

Castleknock Chronicle (Dublin) 

Catholic (Dublin) 

Catholic Bulletin and “Book Review 
(Dublin) es 

Catholic Truth Annual (Dublin) 

Christian Irishman (Dublin) 

Church of Ireland Gazette (Dublin)... 

Church of Ireland Sunday School 
Calendar (Dublin). 

Constabulary Gazette (Dublin) | 

Contracts Gazette (Dublin) 

Co-operative Reference Library Mis- 
cellaneous Publications Debi) 

Cross (Dublin)... sia 

Daily Express (Dublin) 

Dublin Bill’of Entry, &c. 

Dublin Evening Mail 

Dublin Gazette... ase 

Dublin Journal of Medical Science a 

Dublin Rechabite ` we 

Dublin Saturday Post ... 

Dublin University Calendar... 

gar s Shilling Civil ee Manual 
(Dublin)... X 

Erin (Dublin) . 

Evening Herald (Dublin) 

Illustrated Al- 


i E E E E E E E E E E EE E 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Evening Irish Times (Dublin)... 
Evening Telegraph (Dublin) 
Farmers’ Gazette (Dublin) 
Finance Union (Dublin) ese 
Freeman’s Journal (Dublin) 
Gadelica (Dublin) 
Garden Monthly pe) 

General Advertiser (Dublin) 

Hewett’s Irish Time Table Gazette 
(Dublin) uss os oss 

Hibernia (Dublin) re 

Imeldist (Dublin) 

Incorporated Law Society of Ireland 
Calendar (Dublin)... 

Ireland’s Own A 

Irish Builder (Dublin) . 

Irish Catholic (Dublin) | 

Irish Catholic Directory (Dublin) 

Irish Church Directory (Dublin) 

Irish Church Quarterly ee 

Irish Citizen (Dublin) 

Irish Cyclfst (Dublin) 

Irish Draper (Dublin) 

Irish Ecclesiastical Record (Dublin)... 

Irish Farmer (Dublin) ... 

Irish Farming World (Dublin) 

“Irish Farming World”? Directory 
(Dublin) i T ins 

Irish Field (Dublin) ae wise 

Irish Gardening (Dublin) os 

Irish Golfing Guide (Dublin) ... 

Irish Homestead (Dublin) 

Irish Independent (Dublin) 

Irish Industrial Journal (Dublin) 

Irish Investor’s Guardian (Dublin) 

Irish Ironmonger (Dublin) 

Irish Journal of Educaticn (Dublin) .. 

Irish Law Times (Dublin) 

Irish Life (Dublin) 

Irish Manufacturers’ Directory (Dub- 
lin) Ba 

Irish Military Guide (Dublin) 

Irish Monthly (Dublin) 

Irish Naturalist (Dublin) 

Irish Postal and Telegraph Guardian 
(Dublin) TO sia ps 

Irish Printer (Dublin) 

Irish Protestant (Dublin) is 

Irish Racing Calendar (Dublin) 

Irish Reports (Dublin) . T AN 

Irish Rosary (Dublin) ... er 

Irish School Weekly (Dublin) 

Irish Society (Dublin) 

Irish Theological Quarterly (Dublin)... 

Irish Times (Dublin)... 

Irish Tobacco Trade Journal (Dublin) 

Irish Weekly Independent (PPD 

Irish Weekly Mail (Dublin) . 

Irish Weekly Record (Glasgow) $s 

Journal of the County Kildare 
Archaeological Society (Dublin) 

Journal of the Department of Agri- 
culture and Technical Instruction 
of Ireland (Dublin)... 

Journal of the (eee of Bankers of 
Ireland (Dublin) M 

Advertisements received for all Provincial Magázines. [3 




Journal of the Royal Institute of the 
Architects of Ireland (Dublin) 

Journal of the Royal Society of Anti- 
quaries of Ireland (Dublin) 

Journal of the Session of the General 
Synod of the Church of Ireland 

Journal of the Statistical Society of 
Ireland (Dublin) “a sie wae 

Lady of the House (Dublin) 

Leader (Dublin) ais 

Legal Diary (Dublin) ... sii 

Motor News (Dublin) 

National Volunteer (Dublin) 

New Ireland (Dublin) 

Notes from Ireland (Dublin) ... 

Ordo Divini Officii Recitandi (Dublin) 

Red Guide (Dublin) _... 

Royal Irish Constabulary List (Dublin) 

Roval Irish Constabulary Magazine 

St. Anthony’s Annals (Dublin) * 

Saturday Herald (Dublin) 

Shamrock ane . 

Sport (Dublin) 

Studies (Dublin) A 

Sunday Freeman (Dublin) a 

Sunday Independent (Dublin) 

Sword of Light (Dublin) 

Teacher’s Work (Dublin) Si 

Thom’s Official Directory (Dublin) .. 

Thom’s Post Office Dublin 5, &c., ; 
Directory zi 

Veritas (Dublin) 

T.C.D. (Dublin) ; 

Weekly Freeman (Dublin) 

Weekly Irish Times (Dublin) .. 

Fermanagh Herald (Enniskillen) 
Fermanagh Times (Enniskillen) 
Impartial Reporter (Enniskillen) 

Connacht Tribune (Galway) ... 
East Galway Democrat (Ballinasloe)... 
Galway Express 
Galway Leader (aias 
Galway Observer x 
Galway Pilot : 
Loughrea Guardian (Baliinastoe) 
Tuam Herald (Dublin) ee 
Western News (Ballinasloe) 

Kerry Evening Post es. 
Kerry News (Tralee) ... 
Kerry Sentinel (Tralee) 
Kerry Weekly Reporter (Tralee) 
Kerryman (Tralee) rer 
Killarney Echo (Tralee) 
Liberator (Tralee) 


Kildare Observer (Naas) 
Leinster Leader (Naas) 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Kilkenny Journal a 
Kilkenny Moderator 
Kilkenny People 

King’s County Chronicle (Birr) 
Leinster Reporter (Tullamore) 
Midland Counties Advertiser (Birr) .. 
Midland Tribune (Birr) 
Tullamore, &c., Independent (Athlone) 

Beekeepers’ Gazette (Leitrim) 
Irish Bee Journal (Lough Lynn) 
Leitrim Advertiser (Mohifl) a 
Leitrim Observer (Carrick-on- Shannon) 

Limerick Chronicle ui ike eo 
Limerick Echo ... ; 

Limerick Leader ns 
Limerick Weekly Echo 

Munster News (Limerick) .. 
Weekly Observer (Newcastle West) . 

Coleraine Chronicle : 5 
Derry Almanac ... 

Derry Journal 

Derry People _... 

Derry Standard ... 

Derry Weekly News 

Echoes of Erin (Londonderry) — 
Londonderry Sentinel 

Northern Constitution (Coleraine) 

Longford Independent 
Longford Leader 


County Louth ee Maga: 
zine (Dundalk) 

Drogheda Advertiser 

Drogheda Argus i 

Drogheda Independent 

Droghedan (Drogheda) 

Dundalk Democrat 

Dundalk Examiner A 

Dundalk Herald 

Irish. Clergy List (Dundalk) 

Irish Motor Directory (Dundalk) 

Tempest’s Annual (Dundalk) 

Ballina Herald... 
Connaught Telegraph (Castlebar) 
Mayo News (Westport) ; 
Western People (Ballina) — 

Meath Chronicle (Kells) ; 
Meath Herald (Kells)... ax 


Monaghan Democrat... 
Northern Standard (Monaghan) 

Leinster Express (Maryborough) 

326] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London, 


_ Provincial.) 


Réscommon Herald (Boyle) 
Roscommon Journal : 
Rostommon Messenger 
Strokestown Democrat 

Western Nationalist (Roscommon) 


Sligo ii 
Sligo Independent 
Sligo Nationalist 


Clonmel Chronicle 
Nationalist (Clonmel) 
Nenagh Guardian 
Nenagh News 

Tinperary Sentinel (Birr) 
Tipperary Star ... vee 


Cookstown News (Dungannon) ae 

County Tyrone Directory (Cookstown) 

Dungannon Democrat ae 

Dungannon News (Cookstown) 

Glasgow's Household Almanac (Cooks: 
town)... aes 

Mid-Ulster Mail (Cookstown) 

South Derry and District Almanac 
(Cookstown) id ei ae 

Strabane Chronicle : 

Strabane Weekly News (Omagh) 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

(British Isles, 


Tyrone Constitution (Omagh) 
Tvrone Courier (Dungannon) 

-Ulster Herald (Omagh) 


Dungarvan Observer... 
Evening News (Waterford) 
Munster Express rene 
Waterford News ja 
Waterford News Letter 
Waterford Standard 
Waterford Star 


Midland Reporter (Mullingar) s 
Poor Law & District Councils Journal 
(Athlone) $i tis 
Westmeath Examiner (Mullingar) 
Westmeath Guardian (Mullingar) 
Westmeath Independent (Athlone) 


Enniscorthy Guardian en) 
Free Press (Wexford) ... 

New Ross Standard (Wexford) 
People (Wexford) ‘i 


Wicklow News Letter ... 
Wicklow Press (Wexford) 



Barrovian (Castletown) 

Isle of Man Daily Times (Douglas) .. 

Isle of Man Examiner (Douglas) 

Isle of Man Examiner Official Direc- 
tory (Douglas) 

Isle of Man Weekly Times (Douglas) 

Mannin (Douglas) 

Manx Wesleyan Church ‘Record 
(Douglas) diss 

Manx Year Book (Douglas) 

Mona’s Herald (Douglas) 

Peel City Guardian 

Ramsey Courier en, Paes 
Gazette de Guernsey ... cbs ase 

Guernsey Advertiser 


Guernsey Evening Press 

Guernsey Weekly Press 

Philatelic Exchange and Mart 

Report, &c., of the Guern ay Soceity 
of Natural Science 



Chronique de Jersey 

Evening Post... 

Jersey Directory and Almanac 

Jersey Illustrated Weekly OR 

Jersey Post Royal Almanac (St, 
Helier) T sige E 

Jersey Weekly Post pen sais ie 

Morning News si aes sad 


Advertisements received for all the Periodicals. [327 

Advertiscments.| Willing’s Press Guide. 



General Advertising Contractors, 


(West End Office—33 KNIGHTSBRIDGE, LONDON, S.W.) 


ror SATT ad. received for insertion in all newspapers, magazines, and 

p: riodicals throughout the world. 


translated into any language free of charge. 

Advertisements. Official, and Personal Notices, receive the specially careful 
attention their importance demands. 

Files kept. FILES of the principal newspapers are kcpt for SIX 
— MONTHS for the convenience of advertisers wishing to 
consult them. 

Experience and BUSINESS is conducted on a system based upon the 
advantages. experience of many years, and offering most favourable 
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Advice. ADVICE as to the position, importanee, and value as an 
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Advertisements. INSERTIONS. 

Remittances. REMITTANCES may be made by Cheque crossed L.C. & W. 

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and forwarded. by JAMES WILLING, LID., may be addressed to their Offices 
without extra charge. They can be retained until called for, or 
will be forwarded by post if preferred» For the latter service 
nothing beyond the postage incurred is charged. Strict confidence 
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never being communicated unless express permission is given. 

A Āe e er ag a = 
meee Oe ine ene 

328] James Willing, Lid., Advertising A gents, 125, Stara Tokion. 


Willing’s Press Guide. 


Alphabetically arranged under the Towns in which they are issued. 

Full oe as to Publisher, Price, &c., will be found in the miphabeticat List 
age 1 
P When no date of establishment is given it will be found on reference to the Alpha- 
betical List that the title is that of a localised edition of another paper, or an exact 
reprint with a changed heading. 
An Asterisk (*) signifies that the Newspaper is attached to the Newspaper Society. 
The population shown is that of the Urban and Rural Districts in 1911, and the 
references are to the pages in which the Publishers’ Advertisements will be found. 

ABBOTSHOLME (Derbyshire). ALCESTER (Warwick). Pop. 11,868. 
Periodicals, &c.— Market, Tues. Indus. : Needle- 
Abbotsholmian. making 
Old Abbotsholmian. . Alcester Chronicis, 1864 
A . M th). Pop. 16.445 ALDERLEY (Cheshire). Pop. 3,143. 
Pie Nao N i Alderley Advertiser (Stockport)... 
Abercarn Weekly Argus (now: ALDERSHOT (Hants). Important mili- 
port) ... a tary depot. Pop. 35,175. In- 
dus.: Hop-growing, agricul- 
ABERGAVENNY (Monmouth). Pop. ture, and brick and tile making. 
8,511. Market, Tues. Indus.: Aldershot Gazette (Farnham) i 
Mining, ironworking, brick- Aldershot Gazette and Military 
making, brewing, and woollen News, v 
manufactures. *Aldershot News, 1894 `... 
Abergavenny Chronicle, 1871 ... Periodicals. 6c.— 
ABERTILLERY (Monmouth). Pop. pee &c., ee ' 
35,425. Indus.: Coal-mining, rmy Service Corps Journal. 
and tin works. ALFORD (Lincolnshire). Pop. 2,394. 
Abertiliery Weekly Argus (New- Market, Tues. 
port) hes Alford, &c., Gazette. (Lincoln)... 
South Wales Gazette, 1888 iiss ALFRETON (Derby). Pop. 19,049 
ABINGDON (Berks). Pop. 6,810. Mar. Market, Fri. Indus.: Coal and 
ket, Mon. Indus.: Agriculture; iron working. ... 
cloth, carpet and hemp manu- Alfreton Advertiser (Mansfield) 
facture. Alfreton and Belper Journal, 1870 
North Berks Herald, 1867 oe Nort basa Pop. 
Oxfordshire Free Press ... vies SENM T a aa 
eae oe &c.— Agriculture, coal-mining, quar- 
, ? ; b 
British Berkshire Herd Book. rg re a at 
ACCRINGTON (Lancashire). Pop. 45,031 *Alnwick and County Gazette, 1854 
Markets, Tues., Sat. Indus.: Alnwick Guardian and aaa 
Cotton-spinning, bleaching and Advertiser, 1885 eee 
printing ; paper and machine ALPORT (Derbyshire). 
making ; mining and quarrying. -© Periodicals, &c.— 
Accrington Advertiser, 1889 ... British Trotting and Galloway 
Accrington Division Gazette, 1881 Stud-Book. 

a e ee ee eee nme ALTON (Hants). Pop. 5,555. Market, 

Tues. Indus. : Brewing, paper 

Acton (Middlesex). Pop. 97,523. making, iron-working, and 
Acton District Post, 1911 py agriculture. 
Acton Express, 1896 wad es Alton Mail (Farnham) ... 
Acton Gazette, 1868 ... ... 457 Hampshire Herald, 1885 

Advertisements received for all the Liverpool. Newspapers. [329 


ALTRINCHAM (Cheshire). A suburb of 
Manchester. Pop. 17,816. 
Market, Tues. Indus. : Linen- 
weaving and gardening. 

Altrincham, Bowdon, &e. Guar- 
dian (Warrington) 

Altrincham Division Advertiser 
(Stockport) ate 

AMPLEFORTH (Yorks). Pop. 645. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Benedictine Almanac. 

AMPTHILL (Bedfordshire). Pop. 2,270 
| Market, Thurs. Indus.: Iron- 

working and Brewing. 
Ampthill News (Bedford) 

ANDOVER (Hanis). Pop. 7,596. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus.: Malting and 

Andover Advertiser, 1854 

ANERLEY (Surrey). “Pop. 7,000. 
Penge and Anerley Press, 1883. 

ARMLEY (Yorkshire). Pop. (parish), 

Armiey and Wortley News, 1889 

ARUNDEL (Sussex). Pop. 2,842. Mar- 
ket, altern. Mon. Indus.: Agri- 

*West Sussex Gazette, 1853 

ASHBOURNE (Derby). Pop. 4,059. 

Market, Sat. Indus. : Cotton | 

‘and lace: manufactories, agri- 
culture, and matting. 
Ashbourne News and Dove Valley 
Record, 1891 . ta 
Ashbourne Telegraph, 1903 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Bird Notes. 

ASHBURTON (Devonshire). Pop. 2,494. 
Market, Sat. Indus. ; Serge 
and Blanket manufactories ; 

- there are breweries, corn-mills, 
. umber and paint works. 
Ashburton, &c., Guardian (Totnes) 

ASHFORD (Kent). Pop. 13,670. Mar- 
ket, Tues. Indus.: Agricul- 
ture; S.E. Railway factory. 

Kent Messenger and Ashford 
. Examiner a 

*Kentish Express, 1855 . 

Periodicals, &c.— i 

Kent County Examiner Direc- 

Kentish Express Guide and 

ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE (Lancashire). 
Pop. 45,179. Market, Sat. In- 
dus. : Cotton, iron, and hat 
manufacture ; coal-mining. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Ashton, &c., Advertiser, 1879 

(Earlstown) .. 
Ashton Evening Standard (Old- 
ham) ... aus 

Ashton Standard (Oldham) ess 
Ashton-under-Lyne Herald, 1889 
*Ashton-under-Lyne Reporteri 
1855 sua ‘ 
High Peak Reporter, ge 
Weekly Sentinel, 1911 ... 
. Periodicals, &c.— 
Albion Congregational Church 
Cotton Factory Times. 

ASPLEY GuisE (Bedford). Pop. 1,261. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Kent Mercantile Gazette. 
Scottish Gazette. 
Scottish Law Courts’ Record. 


ATHERSTONE (Warwick). Pop. 19,133. 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Agri- 
culture, hat manufacture, and 

Atherstone Express (Nuneaton)... 
Atherstone Herald (Tamwerth)... 
Atherstone News, 1886 . 
Atherstone Observer (Nuneaton) 

ATHERTON (Lancashire). Pop. 16,212. 
Indus. : Cotton, coal, and iron. 
Atherton weeny Journal aie 

,AVONMOUTH (Gloucester). iais 
Avonmouth Mail (Bristol), 1913 

AYLESBURY (Bucks). Pop. 11,048. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Agr icul- 
ture, condensed milk manufac- 
ture, straw-plaiting, lace- 
making and silk-weaving. 

Bucks Advertiser, 1836 ; 
* Bucks Herald, 1832 ... ise 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Aylesbury Directory, -&c. 
Records of Buckinghamshire. 

AYLSHAM (Norfolk). Pop. 2,471 
Market, Tues. 
Aylsham ia TOOpnani ros 

(Holt) . 

Bacup (Lancashire). Pop. 22,324. 

Markets, Wed and Sat: Indus.: 
There are corn mills and iion 
foundries, cotton-spinning, 
coal-mining, and oe 

Bacup Chronicle, 1902 . an 

*Bacup Times, 1865 ae 

"ossopdal Express (Bacup) 

330) James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125. Strand, London. 




BANBURY (Oxford). Pop. 13,463. 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: Agri- 
culture; has foundries and 
breweries, manufactories of 
sacking, rope, and agricultural 

*Banbury Advertiser, 1854 
*Banbury Guardian, 1838 

Periodicals, &¢.— 

BARGOED (Monmouth). Pop. 337. 
Bargoed, &c., Observer (Rhymney) 

BARKING (Essex), Pop. 31,302. Mar- 
ket, Sat 
Barking, East Ham, and liford 
Advertiser, 1888 ee 
Barking Chronicie 

BARNARD CASTLE (Durham). Pop. 
4,757. Market, Wed. Indus.: 
Carpet, thread, hats, and coal 
and lead mining. 

Teesdale Mercury, 1854 

BARNES (Surrey). Pop. 30,379. 
Barnes, &c., Herald (Richmond) 

BARNET (Herts). Pop. 10,440. Mar- 
ket, Wed. Indus.: BE 
* Barnet Press, 1859 Je 
Southgate Chronicle (Barnet) . 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Freemason’s Chronicle. 

BARNOLDSWICK (Yorkshire). Pop. 
6,382. Indus.: Cottou-spin- 
ning and limestone quarrying. 

Barnoldswick and Fany oe 
(Skipton) ' 

BARNSLEY (Yorks). Pop. 50, 623 
Market, Wed. Indus.: Coal 
and iron working, linen-weav- 
ing, wire-drawing, and boot 
and shoe making. 

*Barnsley Chronicle, 1858 
Barnsley Independent, 1855 
Barnsley Telephone, 1898 sae 

BARNSTAPLE (Devon). Pop. 14,488. 
Markets, Tues., Fri. Indus.: 
Shipping, ship-building, agri- 
culture, Jace, furniture, and 
pottery manufacture. 

*North Devon Herald, 1870 
North Devon Journal, 1824 
-~ Periodicals, &c.— 

Rock. ° 

BARROW -IN - FURNESS (Lancashire). 
Pop. 63,775. Indus.: Shipping, 
iron and steel working, iron 
ship-building, paper pulp, and 
flax works. 

Barrow Guardian, 1910.. 
*Barrow News, 1881 
North-Western Daily Mail, 1866 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

BARROWFORD (Lancashire). Pop. 5,527 
Barrowford Leader (Nelson) 

BASINGSTOKE (Hants). Pop. 11,540. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: 

Hants and Berks Gazette, 1878... 

BatH (Somerset). Possessing noted 
mineral springs. . Pop. 50,729 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus. : 
Freestone quarrying. cloth- 
weaving, coach-building, and 

*Bath & Wiltshire Chronicle, 1870 
Bath Chronicle, 1757 ... 
*Bath Herald, 1792 sis 
Bath Observer (Bristol) ... 
Wiltshire News, 1833 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Bath, &c., Diocesan Kalendar 

Bath, &c., Diocesan Gazette 
(Wells). ° 

Bath Pictorial. 

Downside Review, 
Kingswood Magazine. 
Modelling Monthly. 

Post Office Bath Directory. 

BaTLeEyY (Yorks). Pop. 36,395. Manu- 
factures: Blankets, carpets, 
-and cloth. 
Batley, &c., Free Press, 1898 . 
Batley News, 1879 Je S 
Batiey Reporter, 1866 ... aaa 


BATTLE (Sussex). Pop. 2,924. Market, 
Thurs. Has extensive gun- 
powder manufactories. 

Evening Argus 
Morning Argus. ... 

BAxENDEN (Lancashire). 
Baxenden Advertiser (Accrington) 

BreccLes (Suffolk). Pop. 7,139. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus : Malting, 
corn, and river export trades. 

East Suffolk Gazette, 1857 

BECKENHAM (Kent). Pop 31,693. 
Beckenham and District Times 
(Bromley) oes 
Beckenham, &c., Advertiser 
(Croydon) sie 
Beckenham Journal, 1876 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Beckenham Directory. 
BEDALE (Yorkshire). 

Pop. 6,939. 
Market, Tues. 
Bedale, &c., Saronic ne 

Advertisements received for all the County Newspapers. 




BEDFORD (Bedford). Pop. 39,185. 
Markets, Mon., Sat. Manufac- 
tures: Agricultural implements, 
lace, strawplait, and shoes. 

Bedtord and County Recerd, 1872 
Bedford Daily Circular, 1903 pa 
Bedfordshire Standard, 1883 

* Bedfordshire Times, 1845 

Periodicals, &c.— 

Bedford Directory. 
Flames of Fire.* 3 © 

BEDWORTH i adi Pop. (parish), 
7,189. Market, Sat. Indus.: 
Ribbon-making and coal- 

Bedworth News (Nuneaton) 
Bedworth Observer (Nuneaton)... 

BEESTON (Notts). Pop. 11,341. In- 
dus. : Iron foundry and cycle 
works ; ; manufacturers of lace 
and hosiery 

Beeston{Gazette (Nottingham) ... 

BELPER (Derby). Pop. 11,643. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Hosiery. 
Belper News, 1896 (Chesterfield). 

BELVEDERE (Kent). Pop. 9,820, 

Periodicals, &c.— 

BERKELEY (Gloucestershive). Pop. 724 

Berkeley Gazette (Dursley) 
BERKHAMSTED (Heris). Pop. 4,707. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Chemi- 
cals, strawplaiting, brushes and 
fancy wooden wares. 
Berkhamsted Gazette, 1904 
Periodicals, &¢.— 


BERWICK - ON - TWEED (Northumber- 
land). Pop. 13,075. Market, 
Sat. Indus. : Shipping, fishing, 
artificial manure manufactur- 
ing, agricultural implements, 
cycle works, and iron-founding. 
Berwick Advertiser, 1808 
Berwick Journal, 1855 ... 
Berwickshire Advertiser, 1893 . 
BEVERLEY (Yorks). Pop. 13, 654. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Agricul- 
tural implement manufacture, 
iron ship-building and tanning. 
*Beverley Guardian, 1856 
Beverley Recorder, 1855 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Ward’s Family Almanack and 
BEXHILL (Sussex). Pop. 15,331. Sea- 
side resort. 
Bexhill Chronicle and Oe 
List, 1887 

Willing’s Press Guide. ae : 

Bexhill Observer, 1896... 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Bexhill Directory 
Bexhill Quarterly 

BEXHILL HEATH (Kent ) Pop. 15, 895. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Agricul- 
ture. l 

Bexley Heath and Bexley Obser- 
ver, 1867 

Bexley Heath and District Times 
(Sidcup) sist 3 

Periodicals, Cia 

Bexley Heath, &c® Directory. 

Kent Volunteer Gazette 

Teacher of the Deaf. 

BICESTER (Oxford). Pop. 3,385. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus : Rope, sack, 
and lace making. 

Bicester Advertiser, 1879 
Bicester Herald, 1855 ... 

BIDDULPH (Stafford). Pop. 7,425. In- 
dus. : Coal and iron-stone are 
extensively worked. 

Biddulph Chronicle (Congleton) 

BIDEFORD (Devon). Pop. 9,074. Mar- 
kets, Tues., Sat. Indus. : Ship- 
ping, ship- building and fishing. 

Bideford, &c., Gazette, 1835 ... 
Western "Express, 1873 ... 

BIGGLESWADE (Bedford). Pop. 5,375. 
Markets, Weds., Sat. Indus. : 
Agriculture, manufacturers of 
cycles, thread, and lace. 
Bedfordshire Express (Hitchin) 
Biggleswade Chronicle and North 

Bedfordshire Gazette, 1891 ... 
North Beds Courier, 1909 

BIRKENHEAD (Cheshire). Extensive 
docks, and important cattle 
import. Pop. 130,832. Mar- 
kets, Tues., Wed., Sat. Indus. : 
Shipping, ship- building, and 

*Birkenhead and eadiseel Adver- 
- tiser, 1853 sek 
* Birkenhead News, 1877 | 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Report of the Director of the 
Liverpool Observatory. 

BIRMINGHAM (Warwick). Pop. 525,960. 
Markets, Mon., Tues., Thurs., 
Sat. Manufactures: Hardware, 
cycles, railway carriages, and 
wagons, machinery, cutlery, 
arms, buttons, jewellery, toys, 
and metal work of every de- 

Aston News, 1890 Suis 

Birmingham Daily Mail, 1870 . 
* Birmingham Daily Post, 1857 . 
*Birmingham Gazette, 1741 

E a ea ne ek PTCA SRM LOD PE ee TIERS Hac SLT 
332] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Ee a 

| (Towns. 



AT MingNanI lilustrated mewy 
Mercury, 1 

* Birmingham News, 1880 
Birmingham Weekly Post, 1825 

Erdington Weekly News ‘ 

Evening Dispatch, 1891 

Harborne, &c., News... 

Licensed Trade News, 1888 ... 

Midland Counties Herald, 1836 458 

Picture World, 1913 . 

sunay Dispatch and Mercury, 
Periodicals, r 

Amalgamated Toolmakers’ Journal. 

Berks, &c., Bennett’s Business 
Directory a ‘ae ... 456 

Bible Advocate. 

Bicycling News. 

Birmingham A BC Time Tables. 

Birmingham, Bennett’s Business 
Directory --» 456 

Birmingham Catholic News. 

Birmingham Chamber of Com- 
merce Journal. 

Birmingham Diocesan Calendar. 

Birmingham Diocesan Magazine. 

Birmingham Engineering, &c., 

Birmingham Medical Review. 

Birmingham Public Libraries 
Annual Repcrt. 

Birmingham Stock and Daily 
Official List. x 

Birmingham UniversityCalendar. 

British Manufacturers’ Hardware 

Cambridge, Bennett’s Business 
Directory --. 456 

Caretaker’s Monthly Journal. 

Central Literary Magazine. 


Commercial Year Book of Bir- 
mingham Chamber of Com- 

Cornish’s Birmingham Year Book. 

Derbyshire, Bennett’ s Business 

Directory i . 456 
Devon and Cornwall, Bennett’ S 

Business Directory ... ... 456 

Essex and Hertfordshire, Ben- 
nett’s Business Directory --. 456 

Evening Despatch Sporting Buff. 

Everybody’s Twopenny Time 


Friendship’s Offering. 

Gas Engineers’ Magazine. 

Gas Engineers’ Text Book. 

Gas Undertakings, Pocket Direc- 
tory of. 

Gloucester, &c., Bennett’s Busi- 
ness Directory . 456 

Good Templar’s Watchword . 

Gospel Guide. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 



Hammond’s Standard Railway 
Guide Time Table. 

Hampshire, &c., Bennett's Busi- 

ness Directory 456 
Hortensia’s Annual Gardening 
Institute Magazine. 
Institute of Commerce Magazine. 
Ironmongers’ Weekly. 
Jewellers’, Watchmakers, &c., 
Juvenile Templar. 
Kent, Surrey, &c., Bennett’s 
Business Directory aed 456 
King Edward’s School Chronicle. 
Leicester, &c., Bennett’s Busi- 

ness Directory 456 
Lincolnshire, Bennett’s ‘Business 
Directory 456 

Lloyd’s Directory of Manufac- 
turers, &c. 

Man in the Moon. 


Midland Medical Journal. 

North Wales, &c., Bennett’s 
Business Directory ... ... 456 

Northants, Bennett’s Business 
Directory ‘ T ... 456 

Northern Counties, Bennett’s 
Business Directory ... . 456 

Official Metal Trades Catalogue. 
Orange Standard. 

= Peck’s Circular Trade List, &e. 

Proceedings of the Birmingham 
Natural History Society. 

Railway and Shipping Journal. 

Roll Call. 

Somerset, Bennett’s Business 

Directory stay, a -.. 456 
South Wales, &c., Bennett’s 
Business Directory ... .. 456 

Sport and Play. 

Staffordshire, Bennett’s -Business 
Directory ..- 456 

Staffordshire Catholic News. 

Stamp Collector. 



Warwick, Bennett’s Business 
Directory ne woe wee 456 


White and Pike’s Diary. 

White and Pike’s Railway Guide. 

Women’s Volunteer Reserve 
Magazine. l 


Diocesan Church 

- Worcester Diocesan Magazine. | 

Year Book, &c., of the Midland 
Centre of the National Federa- 
tion of Building Trades Em- 
ployers of Great Britain and 

Yorkshire, Bennett’s Business 
Directory as ae ... 456 

Advertisements received for all the Whitehaven Newspapers. {332 


BirstaLy (Yorkshire). Pop. 7,117. 
Birstall Herald (Heckmondwike) 
Birstall News (Batley) . sas 

BisHop AUCKLAND (Dutka). Pop. 

11,966. Market, Thurs. Indus.: 

Coal and iron minin 

North Eastern ‘ease Gazette 

Periodicals, &c. 
British Amateur. 

8,723. Market, Thurs. Indus.: 
Malting, and corn trade. 

*Herts and Essex Observer, 1861. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Mardon’s Year-Book. 

BisHop’s CASTLE (Salop). Pop. 1 409. 
Market, Fri. | 
Bishop’s Castle Advertiser 
BLACKBURN (Lancashire). Pop. 

133,064. Markets, Wed., Sat. 
Indus.: Cotton- -spinning, weav- 
ing, engineering, and printing; 
l iron and coal working. 
* Blackburn Times, 1855. 
Sepira” Weekly Telegraph, 

*Northern Daily Telegraph, 1886. 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Plackburn Catholic N ews. 
Stonyhurst Magazine. 

BLACKLEY (Lancashire). Pop. 30,430. 
Blackley, &c., Guardian (Middle- 
BLACKPOOL (Lancashire). Fashionable 
watering-place. rR 98,376. 
*Biackpool Herald, 1843.. 
* Blackpool Times, 1877 . 

Blackpool Weekly Standard, 1832 

*Gazette and News, 1873.. 
-~ Periodicals, &c.— 


Blackpool Co-perative Pioneer. 

Blackpool Times Fylde Year- 

South Shore Leader. | 

Year Book of the British Insti- 
tute of Mental Science. 

BLAENAVON (Monmouth). Pop.'12,010. 
Blaenavon TORI Argus ies 
port) ... 

BLANDFORD (Dorset). Pop. 3 478. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus. ; 

Blandford, &c., oer ( peuine: 

BLAYDON (Durham). Pop. 13 839 
Has sawmills, iron foundries, 
and collieries, also manufac. 
turers of bottles, chemical 
manures, &c. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


Blaydon Courier (Consett) 
Periodicals, &c.-— 
Blaydon - on - Tyne Co-operative 
Record. — 

BLYTH (Northumberland). Pop. 28, 490. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Coal- 
mining and exporting, ship- 
building, and agriculture. 

Blyth News, 1874 T its 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Reid’s Blyth Diary, &c. (New- 
BoDMIN (Cornwall). Pop. 5,734. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Has 
manufactures of boots and 
worsted goods. 
Bodmin and ASAE ner 

(Launceston) . = 
Bodmin Guardian a 
Cornish Guardian, 1901 

Bocnor (Susser). Popular watering- 
place. Pop. 8,142. 

Bognor Observer (Chichester) 
Evening Argus, I880 ... 
Morning Argus, 1880 : 

Botton (Lancashire). Pop. 180, 885. 
Markets, Mon., Sat. Indus. : 
Cotton-spinning, bleaching, 
iron founding, and e 

*Bolton Chronicle, 1824 . 
Bolton Evening Chronicle, 1868 
* Bolton Evening News, 1867 ... 
Bolton Journal, 1859 
Periodicals, OC. -= 
Bolton Catholic Herald. 
Bolton Co- “Operative Society Re- 
Bolton Evening Chronicle, Green 
Sports Final. 
Bolton Public Library Annual 
Green Final. 
Links of Help. 
Post Office Bolton Directory. 

BooTLE (Lancashire). Pop. 69,881. 

Bootie Herald (Waterloo) i 
‘ Bootle Times, 1876 su 

BoROUGHBRIDGE (Yorks). Pop. 2 740. 
Market, Thurs. 

Boroughbridge Observer (Ripon) 

Boston (Lincoln). Pop. 16,679. Mar- 
kets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: Ship- 
ping trade, ship - building, 
seed-crushing, machinery, and 
tobacco and leather manufac- 

Boston and Lincolnshire Stan- 
dard, 1875 ..- 457 

* Boston Guardian, 1854.. sas 

Lincolnshire Standard, 1878... 457 

Boston Spa (Yorkshire). Pop. 1,387. | 
Fashionable watering- lace. 

Boston Spa: News (Wetherby) .. 

334] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125. Strand. PTE 

- Provincial.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

BOURNEMOUTH (Hants). Fashionable 
watering-place. Pop. 78,677. 

Bournemouth Daily Echo, 1900 456 

Bournemouth Guardian, 1883 ... 
* gsr ee Visitors’ Direct, 

New Forest Chronicle ae 
Southern Guardian (Bourne- 

mouth) .. Wee 
Periodicals, Be —- 
Bournemouth and District 

Bournemouth Graphic, 

Glorious News. 

Quarterly Jottings from the New 
Hebrides ssi a 

Showers of Blessing ` ... 

Southern Worker. 


BRACKLEY (Northampton). Pop. 2,633. 

Brackley Observer (Bicester) . 


Periodicals, &c.— 
Bradfield College Chronicle. 

BRADFORD (Yorks). Pop. 288,505. 
Markets, Mon., Thurs. Indus. : 
Wool and worsted manufac- 
tures ; iron and stone working. 

*Bradford Daily Argus, 1892 ... 

* Bradford Daily Telegraph, 1868 

Bradford Weekly Telegraph, 1869 

*Yorkshire Observer, 1834 ae 

Yorkshire Obsorver oe 1869 

Yorkshire Sports, 1900 
_ Periodicals, &c.— 

Annual Report of the Bradford, 
&c., Chamber of Trade 

“Bob Stubbs’, ” &c., Awmynack. 

Bradford Catholic Herald. 

Bradford Chamber of Trades 

Bradford Post Office Directory. 

Bradford Review. 


Cricket Argus. 

Fur and Feather. 

Journal of the Society of Dyers 
and Colourists, 

Licence Holder. 

Pigeons and the Pigeon World. 

Squares of Yorkshire. 

, Unitarian Monthly. 

' Weekly Wool Chart. 

Wool Record. 

BRAINTREE (Essex). Pop. 6,168. Mar- 
ket, Wed. Indus.: Has sill- 
and crape manufactures. 

. Braintree and Bocking Adver- 
tiser, 1859 (Chelmsford) 
Braintree Gazette (Halstead) 
BRANKSOME (Dorset). Pop. 8,095. 

Branksome, &c., Herald (Bourne- 

Branksome Guardian (Bourne- 
mouth) a 


79 4 

BRENTFORD (Middlesex). Pop. 16,584. 

Market, Fri. 


1883... ore 


Periodicals, &c.— 

Chronicle of the Duke of York’s 

Military School 

BREwooD (Staffordshire). Pop. 11,222. 

Brewood Courier (Cannock) 

BRIDGNORTH (Salop). Pop. 5,768. 

Market, Sat. Indus.: Shipping. 
exporting, and weaving, 
Bridgnorth Journal, 1854 

BRIDGWATER (Somerset). Pop. 16,802. 

Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: 
Shipping, bath-brick making, 
and agriculture. 


Avalon Independent (Bridgwater) 458 

Bridgwater Independent, 1871 
Bridgwater Mercury, 1856 

BRIDLINGTON (Yorks). Favourite sea- 

Bripport (Dorset). Pop. 5,919. Mar- 


side resort. Pop. 14,334. Mar- ` 

ket, Sat. Indus : Coasting 

and agriculture’ 
Bridlington Chronicle, 1897 
Bridlington Free Press, 1859 

kets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: Ship-’ 
ping, ship- building, agricul- 
ture, and twine and net- 

* Bridport News, Dorsot, Devon, 
and Somerset Advertiser, 1855 

Brierelitfe Loader (Nelson) gsi 

BRIERFIELD (Lancashire). Pop. 8,260. 

Brierfield Leader (Nelson) ies 

... 458 

BRIERLEY HILL (Staffordshire). Pop. -~ 

12,264. Indus.: Has brick- 
works, potteries, glassworks, 
and collieries. 

Brierley Hill County Express 

(Stourbridge) - 
County Advertiser, 1853 ae 

BricG (Lincolnshire). Pop. 3,343. 

Market, Thurs. 
Lincolnshire Star, 1889 ues 

BRIGHOUSE (Yorks). Pop. 20,845. 

Manufactures: Cotton, silk, 
wire, and woollens; coal- 

* Brighouse Echo, 1866 

Brighouse Froe Press, 1898... 

BRIGHTLINGSEA (Essex). Pop. 4,404. 

Indus.: Boat-building, oyster 
Brighttingsoa News (Clacton) ... 

BRIGHTON (Sussex). An aristocratic 

and popular seaside resort. 
Pop. 131,250. Market, Thurs. 
Brighton Advertisér, 1876.(Lewes) 
Brighton and Hove Society, 1827 

TF. y? 2 WS. Al annan A nA avo fave 


Brighton Gazette, 1821 

* Brighton Herald, 1806... 
Brighton Observer (Lewes) ... 
Brighton Standard and Fashion- 

able Visitors’ List, 1858 ... 
Evening Argus, 1880 
Morning Argus, 1896 ... 
Southern Weekly News, 1876 . 
*Sussex Daily News, 1868 
Periodicals, &c.—- 
Brighton, Hove, &c., Blue Book. 
Brighton and Hove Parochial 
Brighton Graphic. 
Brighton Season. | 
On Guard. 

Bristol is the commercial 
centre for the West of England 
and Sovth Wales; Clifton, a 
picturesque suburb and 
fashionable health resort. Pop.: 
(Bristol) 357,059. © Markets, 
Thurs., Sat. Indus.: 
trade with, West Indies, 
America, Ireland, &c.; ship- 
building; boot and shoe, 
cloth, leather, glass, sugar, 

. and tobacco manufacture ; 
coal-mining. . 

*Bristol Western Daily Press 
Bristol Evening News, 1877 
Bristol Guardian, 1897 ... 
Bristol Observer, 1859 

* Bristol Times, 1713 - 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

. 455 

Shipping — 

. 455 
~ 455 

... 455 

Chtton and Redland Froo Press, 

Clitton Chronicle, 1850 .. 
Clifton Society, 1890 
Evening Times and Echo, 1901.. 

North Somerset Gazette (Tween- 

town), 1912 ... 
South Bristol Free Press 
Fan Gioucestershire Gazette, 

*Western Daily Press, 1858 
Periodicals &c.— 

Anglican Third Order Quarterly. 

Arrowsmith’s Bristol Tide Tables 

Bristol, &c., Post Office Guide. 

Bristol Catholic Herald. 

Bristol Diocesan Directory. 

Bristol Diocesan Magazine. 

Bristol Forward. 

- Bristol Grammar School 


Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Jour- 

Bristol Nonesuch. 

Bristol Year of the Bristol Incor- 
porated Chamber of Commerce. 


. British Journal of Surgery. . 

Cliftonian. ` 

Highbury Quarterly. 

E aia | Ld E E E E "e y ria, 

. 445 


Irish Endeavourer. 
Medical Annual 

titioners’ Index. 

Port of Bristol Official List; &c. 

Redland Park Recorder. 

Sports Times. 


Transactions of the Bristol and 
Gloucestershire Archaeological 

University of Bristol Calendar. 

Venture. - 

Western Temperance Herald. 

BRIXHAM (Devonshire). Pop. 7,954. 
Brixham, &c., Guardian (Totnes) 


and Prac- 

Pop. - 8,929. 
Broadstairs and St. Peter’s Echo, 

. Broadstairs. ‘and st. Peter's Mail, 
1902... 2: 

Brockley, &c., Borough News... 
Brockley News and New Cross 
and Hatcham Review, 1880... 

BROMLEY (Kent). Pop. 33,649. Mar- 
ket, Thurs. Indus.: Agricul- 

*Bromley and District Times, 1884 
Bromley Chronicle, 1865 uae 
West Kent District Times... 

Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Bromley Local Guide and Adver- 

BROMSGROVE (Worcester). Pop. 8,928 
Markets, Tues., Sat. Manufac- 

tures: Salt, nails, clothes, and 
buttons. - 
*Bromsgrove, &c., Weekly Mes- 
senger, 1860 gee 
Periodicals, &c.— 
BROMYARD (Hereford). Pop. 1,703. 
Market, Mon. Indus.: Agri- 

culture, hop-growing, tanning, 
and cider-making. 
Bromyard News and Record, 1883 

B#uron (Somerset). Pop. 1,788. 
Market, Sat. ` 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Sexey’s School Magazine. 
BUCKFASTLEIGH (Devonshire). Pop. 
2,430. Market, Fri. Indus.: 

Has manufactures of blankets 
and serges. 

Buckfastleigh, &c., 
(Totnes) oes 

Buckuurst HILL (Essex). Pop. 4,887, 
Buckhurst Hill Advertiser... 




Market, Sat. 

ture. l 
Buckingham Advertiser, 1844 

Bupe (Cornwall). Pop. 2,979. Sea- 
side resort. 
Bude and Stratton Wey mawi 

BULWELL (Nottingham). Pop. 55, 635. 
« Bulwell Local.News' (Nottingham) 

BURNHAM (Somerset). + Pop. 3,948. 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Fishing, 
brick and tile making, and 

Burnham Gazette, 1864 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Patey’s Illustrated Almanac and 

Pop. 3,283. 
Indus.: Agricul- 

3,190. Indus.: Oyster fishing, 

boat building, and sail-making. 
ge a ae ae Perens 

BURNLEY (Lancashire). Pop. 106, 337. 
Markets, Mon., Sat. Indus. : 
Cotton fabrics, machinery, 

-  ‘iron-working and coal-mining. 
* Burnley Express, 1852... ; 
Burnley News, 1912 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Burnley Catholic News. 
Burnley Equitable Co-operative 
Society Monthly Record. 
Herald and Citizen. ~ 
Horticultural Trade Journal. 
BURTON-ON-TRENT (Stafford). 
~ 48,275. Market, Thurs. Indus.: 
Brewing, iron manufactures, 
Burton Chronicle, 1860 . 
* Burton Daiiy Mail, 1898 Sri 
* Burton Evening Gazette, 1880 . 
Burton Observer, 1898 ... ene 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Burton-on-Trent Red Book. 

Bury (Lancashire). Pop. 58,649. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Cotton, 
woollen, stufís, paper and 
machinery; iron and coal work- 

*Bury Guardian, 1857 
*Bury Times, 1855 
Bury Visitor, 1873 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Bury Co-operative Society Quar- 
terly Review. 

Bury St. EDMUNDS (Suffolk). Pop. 
16,785. Markets, Wed., Sat. 
Indus. : Agriculture. 

*Bury and Norwich age 1782 . 
*Bury Free Press, 1855 . 

Advertisements received for all the Stockbort Newsbabvers. 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

ec SS eS 

Buxton (Derby). Famous mineral 

springs. Pop. 10,025. Market, 
Sat. Indus.: Limestone quarry- 
ing, lime-making, and marble- 

Buxton Advertiser, 1852 

Buxton Herald, 1842 .. 

High Peak Herald, 1909... 

High Peak News, 1870 ... 

CAMBERLEY (Surrey). Pop. 900. 
Camborley News (Aldershot) 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Camberley, &c., Directory. 


CAMBRIDGE (Cambridge). University 
town. Pop. 40,028. Markets, 
; Mon. (Cattle), Wed., Sat. Jn- 
dus. : Agriculture. 
Cambridge Chronicie, 1744 
Cambridge Daily News, 1888 . 
sper ae independent Press, 

Cambridge Review, 1879 ces 

ee University Reporter, 

Cambs. Weekly News, 1889 

Periodicals, &c.— 


Cambridge Magazine. 


Ely Diocesan Gazette. 


Journal of Pathology, &c. 

Ley’s Fortnightly. 

Masonic Year-Book for the Pro- 
vince of Cambridge. 

Messenger of Mathematics. 


Proceedings of the Cambridge 

- Philosophical Society. 

Silver Crescent. 

Spalding’s Handbook, Diary, and 

Spalding’s Street and General 

Transactions of the Cambridge 
Philosophical Society. 


CAMELFORD (Cornwall). 
Market, Fri. 

Camelford &c., Guardian (Bod- 

Camelford, c», ‘Post (Launces- 

" &e., Weekly News 

Pop. 7,385. 


CANNOCK (Stafford). Pop. 28,588. In- 
dus. : Coal-mining. 

Cannock Advertiser, 1878 van 

Cannock Chase Courier, 1889 ... 



CANTERBURY (Kenl). Pop. 24,628. 
Markets, Mon., Sat. Indus.: 

Hop-growing and agriculture. 
Canterbury Journal, 1833 
Kont Herald, 1792 
Kentish Gazette, &c., 1717 
Kentish Observer, 1832... 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Canterbury, &c., Blue Book. 
Reports and Transactions of the 
East Kent Scientific, &c., So- 

CARLISLE (Cumberland). Pop. 46,432. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus. : 
Manufacture of cotton, tweeds, 
hats, biscuits, ironwork, calico- 


*Carlisie Journal, 1798... 
Carlisle Weekly ‘Citizen, 1914 
Cumberland Evening Mail, 1914 

.*Cumberland News, 1815 sate 

Periodicals, &¢.— 


Annual Report of the Central 
Committee of the Carlisle 
Diocesan Church Extension 


Carlisle and District Bowler’s 

Carlisle Diocesan Calendar. 

Carlisle Diocesan Gazette. 

Carlisle Directory. 

CARLTON (Notts.) Pop. 15,585. Indus.: 
Manufactories of hosiery and 
Gariton and Netorare ame 
(Nottingham) .. sts 

CARNFORTH (Lancashire). Pop. 3,142. 
Carnforth News (Barrow) 

CATERHAM (Surrey). Pop. 10,841. 
Caterham Weekly Press (Redhill) 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Caterham District Directory 
Caterham School Magazine, 

CHARD (Somerset). Pop. 4,568. ' Mar- 
ket, Mon. Indus. : Lace- 
making, and agriculture. 

Chard and insi Newt apis 
East Devon News 

CHATHAM (Kent). Royal ee 

naval and military station. 

Pop. 42,250. Market, Sat. In- 

dus.: Shipping and ship-build- 

ing; cement and bricks; 

“Chaam: a and echoes: ee 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


Puaha mA and Rochester Observer, 
North-East Kent ‘Times, "1900 . 
Periodicals, &c. 
Royal Engineers’ Journal. 
Royal Engineers’ Professional 

CHATTERIS (Cambridge). Pop. 5,259. 
Chatteris Advertiser (March) ... 

CHEADLE (Stafford). Pop. 26,706. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus.: Mining, 
manufactures of brass, copper, 

Ghiadie and Gatley Express, 
(Wilmslow) .. ea 

Cheadle, &c., Times, 1898 

Cheadie Herald, 1877 ... __... 

CHEDDAR (Somersetshire). Pop. 1,975. 
Cheddar Vailoy Times, 1906... 

CHEETHAM (Lancashire). Pop. 57,121. 
Cheetham Guardian (Middleton) 

CHELMSFORD (Essex). Pop. 18,008. 
Market, Fri. Indus. : Agricul- 
ture; has manufactures of 
electrical apparatus and agri- 
cultural implements. 

Essex County Chronicie, 1764 ... 

Essex Herald, 1800 zaa 

Essex Independent, 1862 

Essex Newsman, 1870 ... 
*Essex Weekly News, 1862 

Periodicals, &¢.— 
Chelmsford Diocesan Chronicle 
(Earls Colne) ... 
Essex Review. 

CHELTENHAM (Gloucester). 

e kd 




- 456 

48,944. Markets, Thurs. and 

Sat. A fashionable health re- 
sort, with mineral springs and 
proprietary colleges. 
*Cheltenham Chronicle, 1809 «... 
Gloucestershire Echo, 1873. 
Looker On, 1833 me: 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Cheltenham Ladies’ 
Looker-on Directory. 


CHERTSEY (Surrey). Pop. 13,189. In- 

s.: Agriculture. 

Surrey Herald, 1881 ... ‘ie . 

CHEPSTOW (Monmouth). Pop. 2,953. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: 
Shipping, salmon fishery, and 

. agriculture. 
Chepstow ia Argus nee: 
CHESHAM (Bucks). Pop. 8,204. Mar- 
ket, Wed. 

Bucks Examiner, 1889 © 


lames Willing. lid. Advertisine Agents. 125. Strand. London. 


CHESTER (Cheshire). Pop. 39,038. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Agricul- 
ture, lead works, railway car- 
riage works, boot - making, 
tobacco-manufacture, machin- 
ery, chemicals, seed, cabinet 

`” and furnishing works. 
Cheshire Observer, 1851 
*Chostor Chronicle, 1775 . 
*Chester Courant, 1730 
Chester Guardian (Warrington) 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Chester Diocesan Calendar 
Clergy List and Church Al- 

Chester Diocesan Gazette. 
Chester Directory of Trades, Pro- 
fessions and Gentry. 
— 14,7138. 
Chester-le-Street Chronicie, 1911 

CHESTERFIELD (Derby). Pop. 37,429. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Lace, 
silk, and cotton manufacture ; 

*Derbyshire Courier, 1828 
*Derbyshire Times, 1854 

Markets, Wed., Sat. 

*Chichester Observer, 1887 
Evening Argus f 
Merning Argus 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Chichester Diocesan Gazette. 

CHIGWELL (Essex). Pop. 2,508. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Chingford Horald (Walthamstow) 
CHIPPENHAM (Wilts). Pop. 5,332. Mar- 
ket, Fri. 
North Wilts Guardian (Bath) ... 
CHIPPING NoRTON (Oxford). Pop. 
3,972. Market, Wed. Indus.: 
Agriculture ; manufacture of 
tweeds, gloves, and shawls. 
Oxfordshire Weekly News, 1865 

CHIPPING SoDBURY (Gloucester). pop. 
1177, Market, Fri. 
Chipping Sodbury (Dursley) 
CHISLEHURST (Kent). Pop. 8,668. 
Chislehurst, &c., Times (Sidcup) 
CHISWICK (Middlesex). Pop. 38,705. 
Chiswick Express eee 
Chiswick Gazette, 1868 . 
Chiswick Times, 1895 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Electrical Contractor. 
CHORLEY (Lancashire). Pop. 30,317. 
Market, Tues. Indus: Cotton- 
spinning, railway wagon 
building, and iron-working. 

Indus. : 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Pop. 12,594. | 


... 457 

Chorley, &c., Weekly Newe, 1864 
*Chorloy Guardian, 1871 sá 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Chorley Co-operative Society Re- 

CHRISTCHURCH (Hants). Pop. 5,104 
Market, Mon. Indus. : Agricul- 
ture, and watchchain making. 

Christchurch Times, 1855 

CHUDLEIGH (Devon). Pop. (parish) 
5,962. Market, Sat. Indus.: 

South Devon Weokly ing snake 
Periodicals, see 
Poor Souls’ Friend. 
CuHurRcH (Lancashire). Pop. 6,891. 

Church Advertiser (Accrington) 

CHURCH STRETTON (Salop). Pop. 1,455 
Market, Thurs. 
Church Strotton peeereer 
(Ludlow) sat sag 

” CINDERFORD (Gloucester). Pop. EA 
parish), 3,032. Market, Sat. 
Indus. : Iron and coal working 
and mining ; agriculture. 

Dean Forest Morcury, 1881 

CIRENCESTER (Gloucester). Pop. 7,632. 
Market, Mon. Indus.: Agricul- 

*Wilts ana proucestareare oar 
dard, , 
Paal &c.— 

County Almanac and Directory. 

CLACTON (Essex). Seaside resort. Pop. 


East Coast lilustrated Nows, 1877 

East Essex Advertiser, 1889 ... 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Clactonian (Bromley). 

Lord’s Portion. 


Crayton (Lancashire). Pop. 8,871. 
Clayton-lo-Moors Advertiser (Ac- 
Clayton-le-Moors Observer (Ac- 
Clayton Times and Express (Brad- 

CLECKHEATON (Yorks). Pop. 12, 876. 
Manufactures : Woollen goods 
and worsteds. 

Cleckheaton Advertiser (Heck- 
mondwike) ao 
Cleckheaton Guardian, 1867 

CLEVEDON (Somerset). Fashionable 

seaside resort. Pop. 6,111. 
Clevedon Mail (Bristol)... 
Cievedon Mercury, 1860... ne 


Advertisements received tor all the Warrington Newspapers. 




CLITHEROK (Lancashire). Pop. 12,500. 
Market, Tues. 
Clitheroe Advertiser, 1886 
Clitheroe Times, 1888 : 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society 

COALVILLE (Leicestershire). Pop. 

*Coalville ‘Times, 1893 

COCKERMOUTH (Cumberland). Pop. 
5,203. Markets, Mon., Sat. 
Indus.: Woollen: trade. 

Cockermouth Free Press, 1899 ... 
West Cumberland Times, 1874... 

COLCHESTER (Essex). Military centre 
for the Eastern District. Pop. 
43,463. Market, Sat. Manufac- 
tures: Iron-works, boots and 
shoes, and clothing. 

Colchester Gazette, 1814 

Essex County Standard, 1831 ... 

Essex County Telegraph, 1858 ... 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Colchester, &c., Almanac. 

Transactions of the Essex 
Archaeological Society. 
Cotp Aston (Gloucestershire). Pop. 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Cotswold Flock Book. 

CoLEFORD (Gloucester). Pop. 4,387. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Iron and 
coal working. 

Dean Forest Guardian, 1874 

COLESHILL (Warwickshire). Pop. 5,815. 

Market, Wed. 
Coleshill enroUsr 1874 bake 
try) pai 
CoLNE (Lancashire). Pop. 25,693. 
- Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: 

Cotton manufacture. 
Colne and Nelson Times, 1873 . 

Colne Valley Quardian; 1896 

CONGLETON (Cheshire). Pop. 11,310. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Silk- 

weaving and cotton- -spinning. 
Congleton Chronicle, 1855 3 
Congleton Guardian (Warrington) 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Pension Record. 

CONSETT (Durham). Pop. 11,209. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Iron and 
coal working. 

Consett Chronicle, 1895 ... 

Consett Guardian, 1860 ... 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Northern Education Record. 

COULSDEN (Surrey). Pop. 14,856. 
Coulsden and puney Weekly Re- 
cord, 1912 = 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

CRAWLEY (Sussex). 

Periodicals, &¢.— 
South London Harriers’ Gazette. 

COVENTRY (Warwick). Pop. 106,377. 
Market, Fri. Indus. : Ribbon, 
silk, woollen, and cotton 
machinery, art metal, bicycle, 
and watch manufacture. 

Coventry Graphic, 1911... 
Coventry Herald, 1808 ... 
*Coventry Standard, 1741 _... 
Midland Daily Telegraph, 1891. 
‘Pertodicals, &c.— 

Austin’s Monthly Magazine. 
County Courts Gazette. 

Coventry Co-operative Society 


Coventry Stock and Share List. 
Hill’s Monthly Record. 

Cowes, Isle of Wight (Hants). Seaside 

yachting resort. Pop. 9,635. 
Indus.: Shipping and ship- 

isle of Wight Herald, 1864 ... 

CRADLEY (Worcestershire). Pop. 6,733. 

adua Coal and iron mining, 
iron and steel works. 
County Express for Halesowen.. 

Pop. 437. 
Periodicals, &c.— . 

Francjscan Annals. 

Willet’s Hlustrated Directory, &c. 

CRAYFORD (Keni). Pop. 6572. Indus.: -` 

Gun and ammunition works, 
calico and felt carpet printing 
works, and silk and Brussels 
carpet manuractir ers 
Crayford Express, 1915... ... 

CREDITON (Devon). Pop. 3,640. Mar- 

ket, Sat. 
Crediton Chronicle, 1881 iss 

CREWE (Cheshire). Pop. 44, 970. In- 

dus.: London and North- 
Western Railway Works. 
Crewe, &c., Observer (Chester)... 
Crewe Chronicle (Chester) 
Crewe Guardian (Warrington) . 

CREWKERNE (Somerset). Pop. 3,939. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Sailcloth, 
sacking, and stockings. 

Periodicals, &c.— 
County Mail Advertising Sheet. 


CROMER (Norfolk). Pop. 4,074. Seaside 
Cromer, &c., atid — mor: 
wich) .. 

Crowborough Weekly (Brighton) 

340] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 



Crow Le (Lincoln). Pop. 2,853. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus : Flax, brick 
making, brewing and agricul- 

Crowle Advertiser, 1871 

CROYDON (Surrey). Pop. 169,559. Mar- 
kets, Thurs., Sat. Indus.: Agri- 
culture and boot manufacture. 

*Croydon Advertiser, 1869 
Croydon Times, 1860 
Periodicals, &c.—- 

Bartlett’s Illustrated Almanac 

and Local Guide. 

Endle’s Directory. 

Proceedings and Transactions of 
the Croydon Natural History, 
&c., Society. i 

Readers’ Index. 

Ward’s Croydon Directory. 


DALTON (Lancashire). Pop. 10,765. 

Market, Sat. 
Daiton Guardian (Barrow-in-Fur- 
ness)... whe T i 
Dalton News (Barrow-in-Furness) 
DARLINGTON (Durham). Pop. 55,633. 
Markets, Mon., Fri. Manufac- 
tures: Woollen stuffs, flax, 
cotton, and iron. 

AUKAR and County Chronicle, 
*Darlington, &c., Times, 1847 ... 
“North Star, 1880 TE 
*Northern Echo, 1869 ‘ 

Northern Evening Dispatch 

Periodicals, &c.— 

Dodd’s Darlington Annual. 

Reid’s Darlington Diary (New- 



DARTFORD (Kent.) Pop. 23,609. Màr- 
ket, Sat. Manufactures : Gun- 
powder, paper, silk, and 

Dartford Chronicle, 1869 
Dartford Express, 1872 ... ies 
Dartford News (Maidstone) ~... 
West Kent Advertiser, 1876 A 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Dartford, &c., Directory. 
Invicta Magazine. 

DARTMOUTH (Devon). Call port for 
mail steamers, and coaling 
station. Pop. 7,005. Market, 
Fri. Indus.: Ship-building, and 
engineering works. 

Dartmouth Chronicle, 1854 .. 
Dartmouth Wostern Guardian 
(Totnes) . 

| Darwen (Lancashire). Pop. 40,344, 
Indus.: Cotton-spinning, paper- 

` making, mining, &c. 

Darwen Gazette, 1883 

Darwen News, 1874 

Advertisements received for all the Vorbchive Nowchahore 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Darwon Weekly Advertiser, 1893 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Lancashire, &c., Naturalist. 

DAVENTRY (Northampton). Pop. 3,517. 
Market, Wed. Indus. : Shoe- 
making and agriculture. 

Daventry Express, 1860 

Daw isH (Devon). : Fashionable 
marine resort. Pop. 4,099. 
Indus.: Agriculture and fish- 

Dawlish Gazette, 1897 ... 

DEAL (Kent). Favourite marine resort. 
Pop. 11,297. Markets, Fues., 
Sat. Indus.: Shipping, boat- 
building, and fishing. 

pea Walmer, &c., Mercury, 

Deal Paper and East Kent Adver- 
tiser, 1892 e ka 

Kentish Telegram, 1858... 

Periodicals, &c.— 

Deal, Walmer, &c., Directory. 


DERBY (Derby). Pop. 123,433. .Mar- 
kets, Tues., Fri. Indus.: Iron- 
foundries and railway works ; 
silk, elastic web, and porcelain 

Derby, &c., Reporter, 1823 
*Derby Daily Express, 1884 
*Derby Daiiy Telegraph, 1879 

Derby Mercury, 1732 ... 
*Derbyshire Advertiser, 1846 

Football Express ... sok 

West Derbyshire Courier 

Periodicals, &c.— 

Commercial Year Book of the 

Derby Incorporated Chamber 
of Commerce. 

Country and Seaside Holidays. 


Derby and District Directory. 

Derby and District Methodist. 

Derby Co-operative Society Re- 


Derbyshire Red Book and Calen- 


Health Observer. 

National Pig Breeders. 

Proceedings of the Association 

of Mining Electrical Engineers. 

Southwell Diocesan Magazine. 

Temperance Bells. 

DEREHAM (Norfolk). Pop. 5,729. Mar- 

- ket, Fri. 

Dereham, &c., Times (Norwich) 

DEvizEs (Wilts). Pop. 6,741. Market, 

Thurs. Indus.: Agriculture. 
meee and Wiltshire Advertiser, 

*Wiltshire Gazette, 1816). 

_ [Towns. 



Wiltshire Telegraph, 1877 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
North Wilts Church Magazine. 
Wiltshire Archaeological .Maga- 
Wiltshire Notes and Queries. 
Devonport (Devon). A Royal dock- 
yard. Pop. 81,694. Markets, 
Tues., Thurs., Sat. Indus. : 
Shipping and ship-building. 
*Western Independent, 1809 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Three Towns Almanack. 
Dewssury (Yorks). Pop. 53,358. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Manufac- 
tures: Carpets, woollens, and 
blankets. . . 
Dowsbury District News, 1854... 
Dewsbury Free Press (Batley) ... 
Dewsbury Reporter, 1858 aor 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Lyceum Banner. 
Wakefield Diocesan Calendar. 
Yorkshire Factory Times. 

Diss (Norfolk). Pop. 3,769. Market, 
Fri. Indus.: Brush and matting 
making ; agriculture. 

Diss, Harleston, &c., Journal 
(Norwich) wae is ase 
Diss Express, 1864 “ns ed 

DONCASTER (Yorks). Pop. 30,520. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Great 
Northern and Great Eastern 
Railway works ; agriculture. 

Doncaster, &c., Advertiser 
(Goole) ... Sea HE 
*Doncaster Chronicle, 1836 
*Doncaster Gazette, 1786 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Doncaster Directory. 

DORCHESTER (Dorset). Pop. 9,842. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus. : 

Dorchester Mail (Weymouth) ... 
*Dorset, County Chronicle, 1821... 

DoRKING (Surrey). Pop. 7,850. Mar- 
ket, Thurs. 

Dorking Advertiser and Post 
(Redhill) sea wag 

Periodicals, @¢.— 

Book-keepers’ Magazine. 

Book-keeping Teachers’ Year 

Dorking, &c., Directory (Red- 

Dover (Kent). Continental packet 
station, fashionable watering 
place, and military depot. Pop. 
43,647. Markets, Tues., Wed. 
Thurs., Sat. Indus.: Shipping; 
sail, rope, and paper making ; 
steam-packet works. 

Dover and County Chronicle, 1835 
Dover Express, 1858 ... se 

___ Dover Express, 1899 wt pigiizesa ht OO QC 
342) James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Provincial.) Wn stes wn Ž — — 

Dover Standard, 1872 .. 
Dover Telegraph, 1832 ... 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Chemical Engineering and Works 
Chemist. ~ 
Dover, &c., Blue Book (Brighton) 
Dover, &c., Free Churchman. 
St. George’s Gazette. 

DownHAM MARKET (Norfolk). Pop. 
2,497. Market, Fri. Indus. :. 

Downham Market Gazette (Nor- 
wich) ..- sie. ao RS ae 

DRIFFIELD (Yorks). Pop. 5,676. Mar- 
ket, Thurs. Manufactures : 
Linseed-cake, cattle food, flour, 
sewing-machines, and artificial 
manures. : 

Driffield Times, 1860 ... e.o 

East Riding Chronicle, &c., 1871 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Flock Book of Leicester Sheep. 

| Drorrwicu (Worcester). Pop. 4,146. 

Market, Fri. 

Droitwich Guardian, 1863 ee 
DROYLSDEN (Lancashire). Pop. 13,259 
Droylsden, &c., Weekly Herald 
(Ashton-under-Lyne) gas 
Duprey (Worcester). Pop. 51,092... 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Iron and 

coal working. 
County Heraid ... pa Sa 
Dudley Chronicle (Brierley Hill) 
*Dudiey Herald, 1866... ae 
Periodicals, @&¢.— iss, 
Blocksidge’s Illustrated Dudley 
Almanack. .- 

DUKINFIELD (Cheshire). Pop. 19,426. 
Dukinfield Herald (Ashton-under- 
Lyne) ose nes 
DUNSTABLE (Bedford). Pop. 8,062. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus. : 
Straw-plaiting and agriculture. 
Dunstable Borough Gazette, 1865 
Periodicals, ©€.— 
Dunstable, &c., Directory. 

DurHAM (Durham). University city. 
Pop. 17,550. Market, Sat. In- 
dus. ; Iron and coal working ; 
carpet, woollen, and soap 

Durham Chronicle, 1820 es 

Durham County Advertiser, 1814 

Periodicals, @¢.— 


Durham Diocesan Calendar. 

Durham Directory. 

Durham University Calendar. 

Reid’s Durham Diary, &c. (New- 

Provincial. ] 

_ Willing’s Press Guide. 

(Towns. | 

University of Durham College of 
Medicine Gazette (Newcastle). 
Ushaw Magazine. 

Durs.Ley (Gloucester). Pop. 12,233. 
“Markets, Thurs. Sat. Indus. : 
Cloth manufacture and agri- 

Dursley, eae and Sharpness 
* Gazette, 1878 

EaLinG (Middlesex). 
Ealing Gazette, 1898 ... 
Middlesex County Times, 1842 

EARLESTOWN (Lancashire). Pop. e 
cłes. parish) 6,688. Market, Fri. 
Indus.: Mining, iron-founding, 

Earlestown, &c., emer male 

EASINGWOLD (Yorks) Pop. 10, 214. 
Easingwold Advertiser, 1892... 
East GRINSTEAD (Sussex). Pop. 7,090. 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: Agri- 
East Grinstead sia 1889 
(Lewes)... sis 
Evening Argus eis 
Morning Argus ... 
EASTBOURNE (Sussex). Favourite sea- 
side resort. Pop. 52,544. In- 
dus.: Agriculture. . 
’ Eastbourne Chronicle, 1856 
*Eastbourne Gazette, 1856 
Evening Argus Po 

Pop. 61,295. 
. 457 

Morning Argus .. 
Southern Weokly News . 
Sussex County Herald, 1875 
Sussex Daily News 
Visitor, 1874 a 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Eastbourne, &c., Blue Book. 
Eastbourne Pictorial 
Gowland’s Eastbourne 
and Borough Directory. 
EASTLEIGH (Hants). Pop. a 
Eastleigh Weokly News, 1892 . 
EASTWOOD (Notts.) Pop. 4,692. 
Eastwood, &c., Advertiser, 1894 
EBBW VALE (Monmouth). Pop. 20,993. 
Ebbw Vale rene mies (New- 

. 455 


port) .., 
ECCLES (Lancashire). — Pop. 30, 559. 
Indus.: Coal-working, silk, 

cotton and iron, manufactures, 
Eccles and Patricroft Journal 
(Bolton) : 
Eccles, &c., Telegraph (Urmston) 
Periodicals, &c.-— 
Eccles Co-operative Record. 
ECKINGTON (Derby). Pop. 12,895. 
mcr a bane ener (Wood- 

house) . 

Aduyerticomoente voreosnod tay all the Cavunarnny 

EDENBRIDGE (Kent). Pop. 2,546. 
Market, Tues. 

Edenbridge Chronicle (Tonbridge) 

ELLAND ( Yorkshire). Pop. 10,678. 
Eliand Echo (Brighouse) six 

ELLESMERE PORT (Cheshire). Pop. 

Ellesmere Port Advertiser (Bir- 

kenhead) wat ae oon 

ErmsarL (Yorkshire). Pop. 1,006. 
Elmsail, &c., Express (Wakefield) 
South Eimsail, &c., ee (Mex- 

borough) ee ose 

ELTHAM (Kent). Pop. 7,442, 
Eltham, &c., Times (Sidcup) . 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Eltham, &c., Directory. 
Weekly Summary for the Blind. 

ELY (Cambridge). Pop. 7,917. 
City of Ely Standard (March) .. 
Ely Guardian (Cambridge) 
Periodicals, &c.— 
City of Ely Red Book. 
Ely Diocesan Calendar. 
Transactions of the Cambridge-- 
shire, &c., pe ueecroecal So- 


EMSWORTH (Hants). 
Hants, &c., County Press, 1895 

ENFIELD (Middlesex). Royal Small 
Arms Factory. Pop. 56,344. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Crape 
and jute making. 

Enfield Gazette, 1859 ... ... 456 
Paimer’s Green and Southgate 

Gazette, 1910.. . 456 

EPPING (Essex). Pop. “4,253. 

SIRE Advertiser, 18895 SOUEN 
ton : 
West Essex Gazette, 1899 siy 
Epsom (Surrey). Pop. 19,156. Market, 
Wed. Indus.: ` Agriculture. 
Epsom Advertiser (Croydon) ... 
Epsom District Timos PER 
Epsom Herald (Sutton) . 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Report of the Epsom College 
Natural History Society. 

Epwortu (Lincoln). Pop. 1,856. 
Epworth Bells, 1873 sis 
ERITH (Kent). Pop. 27,755. ‘Indus. : 
Ship-building, iron works, and 
gun factories. 
Erith Chronicle, 1899 oe 
Heath) .. 
Erith Observer (Bexley Heath)... 
Erith Times (Gravesend) ane 
ESHER (Surrey). Pop. 2,094. 
Periodicals, &¢t.— 
South Western Railway ,Maga- 
zine. | 

- 459 

A] prnchadhpye | faan 


EVERCREECH (Somerset). Pop. 1,188. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Notes and Queries for Somerset 
and Dorset. ° 

EvesnaMm (Worcester). Pop. 8,341. 
Market, Mon. Indus. : Markct 

*Evesham Journal, 1860... 
Evesham Standard, 1888 
E Periodicals, &c.— 
Whitford & Son’s Vale of 
Evesham Almanack. 

EXETER (Devon). Pop. 48,660. Mar- 
kets, Tues., Fri., Sat. Indus. ; 
Shipping, agriculture, and iron 

Bagh Exeter Daily Gazette, 
Express and Echo, 1866... Gai 
Trewman’s Exeter Flying Post, 

17635... ate eC oP 

*Western Times, 1827 

Periodicals, &¢.— 
Devon, &c., Notes and Queries. 
Exeter Diocesan Calendar, &c. 
Exeter Diocesan Gazette. 
Exeter Post Office Directory. 
Truro Diocesan Kalendar, &c. 

Exmoutn (Devon). Pop. 11,963. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus. : Fishing and 

Exmouth Chronicle, 1882 
Exmouth Journal, 1862 

FAILSWORTH (Lancashire). Pop. 
Periodicals, &C.— | 
Failsworth Co-operative Society 

FAKENHAM (Norfolk). Pop. 2,007. 
Market, Thurs. Indus. : 
Agriculture. | 
~ Periodicals, &c. 

FaLĮmouTH (Cornwall). Port of call for 
outward and homeward bound 
vessels. Pop. 13,136. Market, 
Sat. Indus.: Shipping, ship- 
building, and fishing. a 

Cornish Echo, 1861 ae wes 

Lake’s Falmouth Packet, 1855... 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Lake’s Falmouth Almanac. 

Lake’s Falmouth Directory. 

FARINGDON (Berks). Pop. 11,075. 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Agri- 

Faringdon Advertiser, 1855 

FARNBOROUGH (Hampshire). Pop. 
11,500. Military station. 
Farnborough News (Aidershot) 

Willing’s Press Guide. 5 

FARNHAM (Surrey). Pop. 7,365. Mar- 
ket, Thurs. Indus.: Agricul- 
ture ; hops. 

Farnham, &c., Herald, 1897 ... 
Surrey and Hants News, 1859... 

| FARNWORTH (Lancs.) Pop. 28,142. 

Indus. : Cotton-spinning and 
Farnworth Chronicle (Bolton) ... 
Farnworth Weekly Journal (Bol- 
ton) aoe sxe ase 
Periodicals, G&¢t.—. |. 
Cooper’s Tabular Guide to Ordi- 
nary Life Assurance. 

FAVERSHAM (Kent). Pop. 10,619. 
Markets, Tues., Wed., Sat. In- 
dus. : Shipping, oyster-fishing, 
gunpowder, cement, and brick- 

Faversham, &c., News, 1883 ... 

Faversham Mercury, 1860 sche 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Faversham Institute Journal. 

FELSTEAD (Essex). Pop. 1,945. 
Periodicals, @¢.— 

Fitey (Yorkshire). Pop. 3,228. 
Filey Post, 1865 (Driffield) 


FLEET (Hants): Pop. 3,281. 
Fleet News (Aldershot) ... ee 
` Periodicals, &c. . 
Fleet Directory (Aldershot). 

FLEETWOOD (Lancs.). Pop. 15,876. 
Fleetwood Chronicle (Blackpool) 
Fleetwood Express (Blackpool) ... 
Fleetwood Gazette-News (Black- 

pool) ... js i 
Periodicals, &c.— 


FOLKESTONE (Kent). Watering place, 
and Continental passage sta- 
tion. Pop. 33,495. Market, Sat. 
Indus.: Shipping and fishing. 

Folkestone Express, 1868 ... 
Folkestone, &c., Herald, 1890 ... 
Folkestone Herald Visitors’ List, 
1903... Bex see ees 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Folkestone, &c., Red Book. 


Formsy (Lancashire). Pop. 5,950. 
Formby Times, 1895 (Southport) 
we Eapeeeoe Coast Chronicle, 

FRAMLINGHAM (Suffolk). Pop. (parish) 
2,526. Market, Sat. Indus.: 

Framlingham Weekly News, 1859 

344] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 


FRESHWATER (Isle .of Wighti). Pop. 

Freshwater, &c., Advertiser, 1899 

FRINTON (Essex). Pop. 1,510. 
Frinton and Walton arerne 
Frinton News (Clacton-on-Sea)... 

FROME (Somerset). Pop. 10,901. Mar- 
kets, Wed., Sat. Manufac- 
tures: Cloth, silk and iron. 

Somerset and Wilts Journal, 1855 
Somersot Standard, 1859 sie 


GAINSBOROUGH (Lincoln). Pop. 20,589. 

Market, Tues. Indus. : Ship- 
ping and engineering works. 
Retford, KC, News, 1855 

GARSTON (Lancashive). Pop. 10,691. 
l Garston Weekly News (Widnes) 

GILLINGHAM (Dorset). Pop. 3,380. 
Three Shires Advertiser, 1903 ... 

GLASTONBURY (Somerset). Pop. 4,251. 
Markets, 2nd and 4th Mon. In- 
dus.: Leather manufacture, 
gloves, shoes, and agriculture. 

Central Somerset Gazette, 1861... 

GLossoP (Derby). Pop. 21,688. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Cotton- 
spinning, calico-printing, and 

Glossop-dale Chronicle, 1859 
High Peak Advertisor (Glossop)... 
High Peak Chronicle (Glossop)... 
North Cheshire and North Derby- 
shire Advertiser, 1870 =< .. 

GLOUCESTER (Gloucester). Pop. 50, 029. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus. : 
Shipping and agriculture. 

*Citizen, 1876 ... 
*Gloucester Journal, 1722 
Gloucestershire Chronicle, 1833.. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Gloucester Co-operative Sciety 
Gloucester Diocesan Calendar. 
Gloucester Diocesan Magazine. 
Gloucester Directory. 
Gloucester Street Directory. 
Proceedings of the Cotswold 
Naturalists’ Field Club. 

GOPALMING (Surrey). Pop. 8,847. 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Goo te (Yorks). Pop. 20,334. Market, 
Wed. Indus. : Shipping. 
Goole Journal, 1891 sis 
*Goole Times, 1863 er 
Howdenshire Gazette 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


GORTON (Lancashire): Pop. 26,564. 
Gorton, &c., Reporter (Ashton- 
under-Lyne) ... we eee 

GRANGE (Lancashire). Pop. 2,232. 
Grange and Cartmel Guardian 

Grange, &c., News (Barrow-in- 
Furness) ; Si 
GRANTĦAM i incoin Pop. 20, 074. 

Market, Sat. Indus. : Agricul- 
ture, iron-founding, and mat- 

Grantham Journal, 1854 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Grantham Almanac. 

GRASSENDALE (Lancashire). Pop. 
2,792. , 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Liverpool Municipal Officers’ 

Guild Gazette. 

GRAVESEND (Kent.) Port of call for 

vessels to and from London. 
Pop. 52,252. Markets, Wed., 
Sat. Indus.: Ship ` provisioning 
and building; rope and sail 
making, fishing, and gardening, 

Gravesend, &c., Reporter, 1856 

Kent Messenger and Gravesend | 
_ Telegraph (Maidstone) 

Grays (Essex). Pop. (parish) 16,003. 
Grays and Tiibury Gazotte, 1884 

GREAT HARWOOD (Lancashire). Pop. 

Great Harwood ta Pe 
crington) ace i 
GREENWICH — see Maiko ortan 

GRIMSBY (Lincoln). Pop. 74,663. 
Markets, Mon., Fri., Sat. In- 
dus. : Shippin 

Grimsby Daily News (Hull) 
Grimsby Daily Telegraph, 1896.. 
Grimsby Gazette (Lincoln) 
*Grimsby News, 1874 ... 
Saturday Telegraph, 1898 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Fisherman’s Nautical Almanac. 

GUILDFORD (Surrey). Pop. 23,823. 
Markets, Tues., Sat. Indus.: 

*Surrey Advertiser, 1861 ... ... 459 
Surroy Times, 1855 oe 
Surrey Weekly Press, 1900 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Guildford Directory. 


HALESWORTH (Suffolk). Pop. 2,246. 
Market, Tues. Indus. : Agricul- 

Halesworth Times, 18557.. sie 

Advertisements received for all the Swansea Newspapers. — [345 

HALIFAX (Yorks). Pop. 101,556. Mar- 

Sat. Indus.: Woollen, 
cotton, worsted, silk, and 
carpet manufacture ; coal and 

iron working, and quarrying. 
Halifax Courier, 1853 ... ee 
Halifax Daily Guardian, 1906 ... 
- *Halifax Evening Courier, 1892 ... 
*Halifax Guardian, 1832 ... 
Periodicals, &c.— 

HatstEaD (Essex). Pop. 6,265. Mar- 
ket, Tues. Manufacture: Crape, 
silk, and velvet; and iron 

Essex and Halstead Times, 1861 
Halstead Gazette, 1857 
Halstead Times, 1861 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Belchamp Deanery Magazine. 
Halstead, &c., Deanery Maga- 

HALTWHISTLE (Nerthumberland). Pop. 

Haltwhistle Echo, 1901 (Hexham) 



HANDSWORTH (Stafford). Pop. 68,618. 
Handsworth Herald TPAC 
ham) . 
(See also BIRMINGHAM.) 

HANWELI. (Middlesex). Pop.:19,131. 
Hanwell Gazette (Ealing) 
Periodicals, &c — 


Harron (Lancashire). Pop. 1,678. 
Hapton Advertiser (Accrington). 


HARROGATE (Yorks). Noted mineral 
springs. Pop. 33,706. Markets, 
Tues., Sat. Indus.: Agriculture. 
Harrogate Advertiser, 1836 
Harrogate, &c., Times ... 
*Harrogate Herald, 1847 
Harrogate Star, 1901 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Ashville College Magazine. 
New Thought Journal. 


Robinsọn’s Harrogate, &c., Di- 
rectory (Leeds). 
Harrow (Middlesex). Pop. 17,076. 

Indus. : Agriculture. 
Harrow Gazette, 1855 
Harrow Observer, 1895 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Harrow Almanack. 
Harrow Bill Book. 
Harrow Blue Book. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Á a a 
amne a a a e e e ar m a a a a oe 


HARTLAND (Devon). Pop. 1,634. 
f Periodicals, &c. 
Hartland, &c., Chronicle. 
Hartland and West Country An- 

HARTLEPOOLS (Durham). Pop. 20,618. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Shipping, 
ship- -building, fishing, mining, 
aoe on and marine-engine 

Hartiepoois Daiiy Shipping kis; 

Northern Daily Mail, 1877 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Reid’s Hartlepools Diary (New- 
HARWICH (Essex). Favourite water- 
ing-place. Pop. 13,623. Mar- 

; kets, Tues., Fri. Indus. : Ship- 
Harwich Newsman, 1870 
Harwich Standard, 1877 
Harwoop (Lancashire). Pop. 13,817. 

Harwood Advertiser (Accrington) 
Harwood Observer (Accrington) 

HASLINGDEN (J.ancs). Pop. 18,723. 
Haslingden Advertiser (Accring- 
ton A 
Haslingden ‘Gazette (Accrington) 
i Haslingden Guardian (Rawton- 
Haslingden Observer (Accrington) 
Fashionable seaside residential 
town. Pop. 61,146. Market, 
Sat. Indus.: Fishing. 
Evening Argus 
Hastings, &c., 
Hastings, &e., Observer, 1853 . 
Hastings, &c., Advertiser, 1855_ 
Morning Argus ’ 
. South-Eastern Advertiser, 1853 
Southern Weekly News Sa 
Sussex Daily News 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Cinque Port. 
. Hastings, &c., Blue Book (Brigh- 
St. Leonard’s Society. 
HAVERHILL (Suffolk). Pop. 4,749. In- 
dus. : Agriculture. 
Haverhill Weekly News (sams 
bridge) .. 
South-West ‘Suffolk Echo, 1888.. 
HAWKHURST (Kent Po arish 
Ai (Keni). p. (P ) 
Kent and Sussex Post, 1881 ... 
HAYLE (Cornwall). Pop. 1,084. 
Indus. : Fishing and engineer- 
ing works. 
Hayle Mail (Penzance) ue 

Independent — 

&c., Red Book and 


. 455 

- 456 

to} James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, Dondon. 


4,851. Market, Tues. 

_ Mid-Sussex Times, 1881 
Periodicals, &c.-— 
Orchid World. 

HEANOR (Derbyshire). Pop. 19,851. 
Heanor Advertiser (Ilkeston) 
Heanor Observor, 1900 

HEBDEN BRIDGE (Yorks). Pop. 7,070. 

Hebdon Bridge News (Todmor- 

den) . bos 
Hebden Bridge Times, 1881 

HECKMONDWIKE (Yorks). Pop. 9,917. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Blanket 
and heavy woollen manufac- 
ture; mining. 

Heckmondwike District 

Heckmondwike Herald, 1877 i; 

Heckmondwike manors (Dews- 
bury) .. Mee 

HEDNESFORD (Stafford). Pop. (eccles. 

parish) 10,020. Indus.: Mining. 
Hednesford Advertiser (Cannock) 

Indus. : 

oe oe {canner 
Chase) . 
HELSTON er Pop. 2,938. 

Helston Advertiser (Penzance)... 

HEMEL HEMPSTEAD (Hertford). Pop. 
12,888. Market, Thurs. Indus.: 
Straw-plaiting and paper- 

Hertfordshire, &c., Gazette, 1858 

Hemsworth, ne Express eee 

HENDON (Middlesex). Pop. 38 806. 
Finchley and Hendon Times 
Hendon Advertiser, 1894 
Hendon and Finchley Times 

HENLEY-ON-THAMES (Ovford). Pop. 
6,456. Market, Thurs. Indus. : 
Agriculture, malting, brewing, 
and boat-building. 

Henley, &c., Standard, 1885 .. 
Oxford Chronicle (Henley anu 
South Oxon Edition) : 

HEREFORD (Hereford). Pop. 22,568. 
Market, Wed. Indus.: Agri- 

*Hereford Journal, 1713 ... 
Hereford Mercury, 1770 
Hereford Times, 1832 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Clan Lamont Journal. 
Hereford Diocesan Church Calen- 
Hereford Herd Book. 
Hereford Journal Directory. 

Pop. | 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


456 | 


HEREFORD —continued. 

Hereford Secondary Boy’s School 


Jakeman and Carver’s Directory 
of Herefordshire. 

Transactions of the Woodhope 
Naturalists’ Field Club. 

HERNE Bay (Kent). Pop. 7,781. In- 
dus. : Oyster-dredging, ship- 
ping, and agriculture. 

Herne Bay Press, 1888.. 

HERTFORD (Hertford). Pop. 10,384. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Malting 
and agriculture. eee 

+ Hertfordshire Mercury, 1834... 451 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Hertfordshire Mimotine. 

HEXHAM (Northumberland). Pop. 
8,417. Market, Tues. Indus.: 
Leather and ou ; 

*Hexham Courant, 1864 . 
Hexham Herald, 1868... 
Hexham Weekly News, 1899 

HEYWOOD (Lancashire). Pop. 26,698. 
Indus.: Cotton and woollen. 

Heywood Advertiser, 18535 
Heywood News, 1899 


| HotswortHy (Devon). 

HIGHBRIDGE (Somerset). Pop. 2,343. 
Highbridge, &c., Echo, 1905 . 

HINCKLEY (Leicester). Pop. 12,938, 
Market, Mon. Indus. : Shoes, 
stockings, needles. 

Hinckley Echo (Nuneaton) i 
Hinckley Observer (Nuneaton) .. 
Hinckley Times, 1889 ... owe 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Catholic Children’s Realm. 

HITcHIN (Hertford). Pop. 11,905. 
Market, Tues. Indus. : Straw- 
plaiting and agriculture. 

*Hertfordshire Express, 1855 ; 
North Herts Mail, 1906 ... . 458 


HOLMFIRTH (Yorkshire). Pop. (sub- 
dist.) 9,248.  Markct, Sat. 

Indus.: Woollen Manufactures. 
Holmfirth Express, 1S86.. 

Pop. 1 500. 

Holsworthy Post (Launceston)... 

Holsworthy eee News s (Laun- 
ceston) .. 

Advertisements received for all Edinburgh Newspapers & Periodicals. [347 

Hott (Norfolk). 
Holt, &c. Post ... 
*Norfolk Chronicle, 1761.. 

HonLEY (Yorkshire). Pop. 5,100. 
Honley, &c., Express (Holmfirth) 

Horsury (Yorkshire). Pop. 7,509. 
Horbury Observer (Ossett) $% 

HorFIELD (Gloucestershire) Pop. 1,435. 

Horfield Record (Bristol) 

HorLEY (Surrey). Pop. 3,300. 
Horley Advertiser (Redhill) 

HORNCASTLE (Lincoln). Pop. 3,900. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Agricul- 

Horncastle News, 1885. 

Horncastle, Spilsby, sa Standard 

Periodicals, e 

Lincolnshire Notes and Queries. 

Morton’s Lincolnshire Almanac. 

HorRNSEA (Yorkshire). Pop. ee 
Hornsea Guardian (Bevertey) . 


HORSHAM (Sussex). Pop. 11,314. 
Markets, Mon., Wed. Indus.: 

- Evening Argus ... 
Horsham Times ‘Lewes 
Morning Argus ... 
West Sussex County Times, 1869 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Horsham, &c., Blue Book. 

Hounstow (Middlesex). Pop. (eccles. 
parish) 12,863. Manufacture: 

Souny of Middlesex paren) 
Periodicals, &C.— 

Country Side Leaflet. 

Racing Critic. 

Racing Critic Form Book. 

Hove (Sussex). Pop. 42,173. 
Evening Argus ... ies es 
Hove Gazette, 1896 |... as 

Morning Argus . 

HOYLAKE (Cheshire) Pop. 10,911; 
Seaside resort and Golf Links. 
Hoylake and Meols nies Preis 

1908 ... ee 
Pop. 15,870. Indus. : Agricul- 

ture, mining, and hosiery. 
Hucknall Torkard Dispatch, 1903 

HUDDERSFIELD (Yorks). Pop. 107,825. 

Markets, Tues., Fri., Sat. In- 
dus. : Woollens, worsted, silk, 
cotton, machinery, and coal- 


ponar ee ee ee eee a 

HUNSTANTON (Norfolk). 

ee | 
Provincial.| Willing’s Press Guide. 


Huddersfield Boro’ Advertiser, 
Mudcersnerd Daily Examiner, 

Huddersfield District Advertiser, 
*Huddersfield Examiner, 1851 oa 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Huddersfield Technical College 
Huddersfield Worker. 

Hutt (Yorks).- Pep. 278,024. Mar- 
kets, Tues., Fri. Indus.: Ship- 
ping, rope and canvas making 
iron ship-building, fishing, oil- 
cake, and paint and colour 

* Daily Mail, 1787. ; 

*Eastern Morning News, 1794... 

nul ande East Yorkshire Tires, 
Hull and Lincolnshire News 

Hull and Lincolnshire Times, 
1856 ae 
Hull Catholic Herald, 1888 aa 
Hull Daily News, 1884 eee 
Hull News, 1852... hae i 
Periodicals, &c.— 

“ Hull News ” Summer Number 

Hull Trade and Transit. 


Monthly Labour Journal. 

On the Road. 

Port of Hull Annual. 

Slate Trade Gazette. 

Sports Express. 

Sports Mail. 

Trade of Hull, &c. 

Transactions of the Hull Scien- 
tific and Free Naturalists’ Club. 

Transactions of the Yorkshire 
Numismatic Society. 

Huncoat (Lancashire). Pop. 1,281. 

Huncoat Advertiser (Accrington) 


Pop. 2,510. 
Hunstanton News (King’s Lynn) 

HuntTINGDON (Hunts). Pop. 4,003. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Agricul- 

Huntingdonshire Post, 1869 
Hunts County News, 1885 

HURSTPIERPOINT (Sussex).- Pop.'3,033 
Market, Tues. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Hurst Johnian 

“Hype (Cheshire). Pop. 33,444.. Mar- 

ket, Sat. Indus.: Cotton manu- 

Hyde Reporter 

Lyne) ... 
*North Cheshire Herald, 1837 


348) James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

ee eee 

Provincial.| Willing’s Press Guide. (Towns. 

HYTHE (Kent.) Pop. 6,387. Market, 
Sat. Seaside resort. 
Hythe, &c., Advertiser (Folke- 
stone) ... a se 
Hythe Reporter, 1883 

ILFORD (Fssex). Pop. 78,205. 
East Ham Recorder f oe 
Eastern Counties sty 1893... 
Essex Guardian ... À 
ilford Guardian, 1898 
liford Recorder, 1899 

Periodicals, &c.— 

Essex Year-Book. 

ILFRACOMBE (Devon). Favourite 
watering place. Pop. 8,557. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: 
Coasting trade and fishing. 

ifracombe Chronicle, 1858 bas 

ilfracombe Gazette, &c., 1854 ... 
Periodicals, &c.— 


ILKESTON (Derby). Pop. 31,673. Mar- 
kets, Thurs., Sat. Indus.: Coal 
and iron mining, lace and 
hosiery making. 

Ilkeston Advertiser, 1881 
Ilkeston Pioneer, 1853 

ILKLEY (Yorks). Pop. 7,992. Mineral 
spring resort. Indus. : Agricul- 

Ilkley Free Press (Otley) 
likley Gazette, 1861 

IPSWICH ue’: Pop. 73, 939. Mar- 
Tues. Indus.: Shipping, 
ne building ; agricultural 
machine and locomotive manu- 
factures ; manure works ; boot 
and shoe and stay making ; silk 

and flax spinning. 

*East Anglian Daily Times, 1874 
Evening Star, 1885 <n ; 
Suffolk Chronicle, 1810 

Periodicals, &c.— 

Diocesan Magazine for the 

County of Suffolk. 
r Ipswich School Magazine. 

Proceedings of the Suffolk Insti- 
tution of Archaeology. 

Standard Catalogue of Postage- 

“ St. Edmundsbury, &c., Diocesan 

Suffolk County Handbook and 

IRLAM (Lancs.). Pop. 4,335. 
irlam, &c., Telegraph (Urmston) 

ISLEWORTH (Middlesex). Pop. 19,800. 
Indus.: Market gardening, 
fiour, brewing, and soap works. 

Periodicals, &c. — 
Insurance Gem. 
Insurance Man. 

. 457 


JARROW-ON-TYNE (Durham). Pop. 
33,732. Indus.: Coal-mining, 
ship-building, and chemical 

Jarrow Express, 1870 

KEIGHLEY (Yorks). Pop. 43,490. 
Market, Wed. Manufactures: 
Worsted, machinery, and tools. - 

Keighley News, 1862 hed 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Keighley Burgess Roll. . 
Keighley Co-operative Society | 

KENDAL (Westmorland). Pop. 14,038. 
Market, Sat. Manufactures: 
Woollens, carpets, ropes, and 

eTe na Gazette, 1818 ... 
estmoriand Mercury and mek 
1735 ye a 

Periodicals, c.— 


Journal of the Fell and Rock 
Climbing Club of the English 
Lake District. 

Transactions of the Cumberland 
Antiquarian Society. 

KENILWORTH (Warwickshire). Pop. | 

Kenilworth Adverisek; 1858 ere 


KEswick (Cumberland). 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Keswick Reminder. 

KETTERING (Northampton). Pop. 
29,976. Markets, Mon., Fri. 
Manufactures: Boots and shoes. 

Kettering Guardian, 1884 sale 
Kottering Esador (Welling- 
borough) m ane 
Northamptonshire | and Hunts 
Gazette, 1912. 
Northamptonshire Evoning Tele- 
graph, 1897 `... . 

Kew (Surrey). 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Santa Lucia. 

KIDDERMINSTER (Worcester). Pop- 
24,333. Markets, Thurs., Sat. 
Manufactures: Carpets and 

Kidderminstor Shuttie, 1870 
Kidderminster Times, 1861 

KINETON (Warwickshire). Pop 1,008. 
Market, Tues. 
Kinston Advertiser (Rugby) 

Advertisements received for all the Carnarvon Newspapers. [349 

Provincial. Willing’s Press Guide. .  [Towns. 

Kina’s Lynn (Nor/olk). Pop. 20,205. LEAMINGTON. (Warwick). Mineral 
Markets, Tues., Sat. Indus. : springs, fashionable health re- 
Shipping, ship-building, fish- sort, and hunting quarters. 
ing, seed-crushing, oil-cake, Pop. 26,717. Market, Wed. 
and agricultural implement Indus. : Agriculture. — _ 
: and machine making. Leamington, &c., Chronicle, 1865 
n *Lynn Advertiser, 1840 ... n *Royal Leamington Spa Courier, 
Lynn News, 1860 ‘be z 1828 is se 

ooe . 
Periodicals, &c.— 

KINGSBRIDGE (Devon). Pop. 3,049. Leamington, Warwick, &ce , Daily 

Market, Sat. Indus. : Agricul- 

ture, maiting, fishing, and p Cheaters 

shipping, ad LEATHERHEAD (Survey). Pop. 5,491. 
Kingsbridge Gazette ...  .... Periodicals, &¢.— 
Kingsbridge Journal, 1866 ... Annual Report of the Royal 
Kingsbridge Western Guardian School for the Indigent Blind. 

(Totnes) ne eee os LEDBURY (Hereford). Pop. (parish 
South Devon Gazette... eae. a 3 358. lady ret cae 

KINGSTON (Surrey). Favourite river- Agriculture, hop-growing, and 
side suburb. Pop. 37,977. cider-making, 

*Surrey Comet, 1854 ... i Ledbury Guardian, 1869 oe: 
Periodicals, &¢.— Ledbury Reporter, 1896 .- coe, 
Maule’s Monty. LEE (Kent). Pop. 18,649. 

KirKHam (Lancashire). Pop. 3,693. Hither Green, &c., Journal 
Market, Tues. Indus. : Cotton Lee Journal, 1899 eee wee 
and flax manufactories. © | Legps (Yorks). Pop. 445,568. Mar- 

Kirkham Standard (Lytham)... | kets, Tues., Sat. Manufactures: 

KNARESBOROUGH (Yorks). Pop. 5,315. Sanu agar T shawls, iron, 

Knaresborough News (Wetherby ) *Leeds M abe 718 
Knaresborough Post (Harrogate) North L N 912... oon 
Periodicals, &c.— 0 eeds ows, l eee stg 
Modern Churchman ; Rothwell Courier and Times, 187 
à Skyrack Courier, 1886 ... fe 

KNUTSFORD (Cheshire). Pop. 5,760. *Yorkshire Evening News, 1872 ... 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Agri-. Yorkshire Evening Post, 1890 
culture. * Yorkshire Post, 1754 as 

Knutsford, &c. Advertiser (Stock- Yorkshire Weekly Post, 1882 
port)... a ad pak Yorkshire Weekly Record =n 

Knutsford Division Guardian Periodicals, &c.-— 
(Warrington) ... iss ses Annual Report and Balance 

Sheets of the Associated Socie- 

Ti z : . 
LAMBETH—see METROPOLITAN NEWS ty of Locomotive Engineers 

pees | and Firemen. 
LANCASTER (Lancashire). Pop. 41,414. Bank Kate. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Manufac- British Chess Magazine Chess 
tures: Cotton, cabinet furni- Annual. 
ture, table baize, chemicals, Choir Musician. 
varnish, and railway wagons. Commercial Year Book of the 
Lancaster Guardian, 1837 ee Leeds Incorporated Chamber 
*Lancaster Observer, 1860 eis of Commerce (Derby). 
Periodicals, &¢.— Farriers’ Journal. 
' Lancaster Co operative Record. — Gryphon. > 
Lancaster Observer Household _ Guildman. 
Almanack. Journal and Transactions of the 
Lancaster P.S.A. Messenger. J oe a Society. 
ournal of Conchology. 
peer ae SS in oa X cele journal of eed University Tex- 

tile Students’ Association. 
Kemp’s Yorkshire Gazette. 
‘Leeds and District Weekly Citi- 

ture, and river-carrying trade. 
Langport, &c., Herald, 1855 
Periodicals, &c.— 


Langport and Somerset Almanac. L A Blue Book 
LAUNCESTON (Cornwall). Pop. 4,117. Leeds Catholic Herald. 
Cornish and Devon Post, 1857 ... Leeds City Diary. ` 

Launceston Weekiy News, 1856 Leeds Co-operative Record, 

350] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Provincial. | 


Leeds Hospital Magazine. 

Leeds Stock Exchange Hand- 


-~ Locomotive Journal. 
Mid-day Sporting Special. 

Monograph of British Land and 

Fresh Water Mollusca. 
Quarterly Letters to Men on 
Public Works. 
Sporting Pink. 
Transactions of the Leeds Geo- 
logical Association. 
University of Leeds Calendar. 
University of Leeds Report. 
Walker’s Leeds Time Table. 
Wigley’s Street Directory’ of 
Leeds. f 

LEEK (Stafford). Pop. 16,665. Mar- 
kets, Wed., Sat. Manufactures: 
Sewing-silks, braids, bindings, 
and buttons. 

Leek Post, 1885 ... 
Leek Times, 1870 - 

LEICESTER (Leicester). Pop. 227,242. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Manufac- 
tures: E lastic web, hosiery, 
lace, gloves, cotton, woollens, 
and boots and shoes. 

i aaa Leicester enronlete, 

* Leicester Advertiser, 1842 

Leicester Daily Mercury, 1874 . 

*Leicester Daily Post, 1872 : 

Leicester Journal, 1753 . 

*Leicester Mail, 1910 
Midiand Free Press, 1855 
Periodicals, &c.— 

British Printer. 

Church Socialist 

Commercial Year Book of the 
Leicester Incorporated Cham- 
ber of Commerce (Derby) 

Great Central Railway Journal. 

Hosiery Trade Journal. 

Insurance Broker. 

Kemp’s Midland Gazette. 

Leicester Catholic News. 

Leicester District Co-operative 

Leicester Pioneer. 

Monthly Magazine of the 

Monthly Report of the National 
Union of Boot and Shoe Opera- 



Settmakers’ and Stoneworkers’ 

Shoe Manufacturers’ Monthly. 

RA Seis 

et ee 

Advertisements received z all the Welsh Newspapers. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


| LEWES (Sussex). 

LeicH (Lancashire). Pop. 44,109. 
Markets, Fri., Sat. Indus.: 

C otton-spinning, silk-weaving, 

coal-mining, and iron-founding. 

Leigh Chronicle, 1852 .. . 
Leigh Journal (Bolton) .. 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Leigh Co-operative Society Re- 

cord. . 

6,784. Markets, Tues., Sat. 

Indus. : Agriculture, straw- 

f plaiting, and lace- making. 
Leighton Buzzard Observer, "1861 
Leighton Buzzard Koronar iag 

ford) : 
Periodicals, Sc. — 
Church Leader. œ 
Eldermote Review. 

LEISTON (Suffolk). Pop. 
Indus. : Ironworks. ` l 
Leiston, &c. Observer, 1910 ... 

Pop. 5,737. 


LEOMINSTER (Hereford). 
Market, Fri. Indus.: 

Leominster News, 1980 . 
meee Herefordshire Advertiser, 

Sa Bae: ` 
Art Teacherg’ Guild Record. 


Citizen, 1906 L o aua 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Pop. 10,972. Mar- 
ket, Tues. Indus.: Agricul- 
ture and Sib E ga 

*East Sussex News, 1856.. 

Evening Argus, ... os 

Morning Argus ... 

Sussex and Surrey Courier, 1880 _ 

Sussex Express, 1837... 

Periodicals, &c. 

Lewes, &c., Blue “Book 
LEWIsHAM (Kent). Pop. 160,843. 

Lewisham, Catford, &e., Adver- 
tiser (Forest Hill) 
Lewisham Borough News, 1839 
Lewisham Journal (Lee), 1902 
West Kent Argus... es oe 
S Periodicals, &c., 
Auxiliary Language. 

LEYLAND (Lancashire). Pop. 8,090. 
Leyland and neoon AR 
News (Chorley) : 

LEYTON (Essex). Pop. 124,736. 
Leyton Express ... 
: Periodicals, Goes. 
Livingstone College Year Book. 




Eastern Mercury, 1887 ... 
Forest Gate, &c., Express 
Leytonstone Express, 1876 

LICHFIELD (Stafford). Pop. 8,617. 

Market, Fri. Indus.: Agricul- 
ture and brewing. 
Lichfield Mercury, 1815... 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Girls’ Friendly Society Quarterly. 

Lichfield Diocesan Church 

Lichfield Diocesan Magazine. 

Lomax’s Red Book. 

Lincotn (Lincoln). Pop. 57,294. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Agricul- 
ture, iron-stone mining, and 
manufactuse of agricultural 

*Lincoln Gazette, 1859 ... hes 
Lincoin Leader, 1896 ... ai 
Lincolnshire Chronicle, 1832 
Lincolnshire Echo, 1893 

Periodicals, &c.— 

Lincoln, &c., Almanac. 

Lincoln Budget. 

Lincoln Co-operative Society Re- 

Lincoln Diocesan Church Calen- 

Lincoln Diocesan Magazine. 

Lincoln Directory. 

(See also STAMFORD,) 

LISKEARD (Cornwall). Pop. 4,371. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Agricul- 
ture and mining. ~ 

*Cornish Times, 1857... 
Liskeard, &c., Post (Launceston) 

LITTLEHAMPTON (Sussex). Pop. 8,351. 
Indus. : Shipping and agricul- 
Evening Argus ... 
Littlehampton Gazette (Worthing) 
Littlehampton iia wale 

chester) , 
Morning Argus ... 

LITTLEPORT (Cambridge). Pop. 4, 181. 
Littleport Gazette (March) 

LIVERPOOL (Lancashire). A most im- 
portant port, transatlantic 
passage station, and emigra- 
tion depot, with extensive 
docks, bonding stores, ship 
yards, &c. Pop. 746,566. In- 
dus.: Export shipping trade, 
importing cotton and general 
merchandise ; manufacture of 
anchors, cables, ropes, sail- 
cloths, machinery, chrono- 
meters, tobacco, etc. 

Evening Express, 1S70 . 

*Journal of Commerce, 1826 Ss 
Liverpool Catholic nerala, 1890 
* Liverpool Courier, 1888.. ax 

ee, Jee. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


*Liverpool Daily Post, 1855 
Liverpool Echo, 1879 ... 
Liverpool Football Echo, 1889... 
Liverpool Weekly Post, 1878 ... 
Weekly Courier, 1808 ... Pe 

Periodicals, &c.— 

African Mail. 

Amateur Mechanic.” 

Annals of Archaeology, &c. 

Annals of Tropical Medicine, &c. 

Annual Report of the Liv erpool 
Microscopical Society. 


Bibby’s Annual. 



City of Liverpool Official Hand- 

Clerical Diary, &c. 

Cotton Gazette. 

Cotton Review. 

Cunard Daily Bulletin. 

Deaf Quarterly News. 

Educational Handiwork. 

Evans’ Journal. 

Everton, &c., Football Pro- 

Exchange Shipping Monthly. 

Football Express. 

George Broomhall’s Corn Trade 
News (daily) 

George Broomhall’s Corn Trade 
News (weekly). 

George Broomhall’s Oilseed News. 

Gorst’s Monthly Cotton Circular, 

Greenwood’s Liverpool Convey- 
ance List. 

Gregg’s Shorthand Magazine. 

Holden’s Almanack. 

- Homeless. 

Kemp’s Lancashire Gazette. 

Latter Day Saint’s Millennial 

Liverpool A BC Railway Guide. 

` Liverpool and Birkenhead Offi- 

cial Red Book 

Liverpool, &c., Official Red Book. 

Liverpool Association News. 

Liverpool Customs Bill of Entry. 

Liverpool Diocesan Calendar. 

Liverpool Diocesan Gazette. 

Liverpool General* Brokers’ 
Weekly Circular. 

Liverpool Medico-Chirurgical 

Liverpool Municipal Officers’ 
Guild Gazette. 

Liverpool Shipping Who’s Who. 

Liverpool Stock Exchange Ofh- 
cial Daily List. 

Liverpool Stock Exchange Offi- 
cial Weekly List. 

Liverpool University Calendar. 

London Shipping Who’s Who. 

l M'Call’s Racing Chronicle. 
352] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

_ [Towns. 

Provincial. | 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

„e “> Ap i Se A a a a e o e e 

Marine Caterer. 
Mercantile Marine Service Asso- 
ciation Reporter. 

Mercantile Register of British 

Exporters, &c. 


Musician’s Journal. 

Negesydd Cenhadol. 

North Wales and Cheshire Offi- 
cial Year Book. 

= Port of Liverpool Handbook. 
Port of Liverpool Official Sailing 


Proceedings of the Historic 
Society of Lancashire and 

Proceedings of the Liverpool 
Biological Society. 

Proceedings of the Liverpool 

Geological Society. 
Proceedings of the Liverpool Lit- 
erary & Philosophical Society. 
Protestant Standard. 
Record of Sports. 
Rules of Golf. 
Straight Talk (Liverpool). 
Town Planning Review. 
Transactions of the Liverpool 
Economic and Statistical So- 
Transactions of the Liverpool 
‘Engineering Society. 
University of Liverpool Engi- 
neering Society Journal. 
Waterloo, &c., Directory. 
Waterloo, Blundells and &c., 
Directory (Liverpool). 
Weekly List of Cotton Ships. 
Wright & Round’s Brass Band 

Indus.: Manufactures of cot- 
ton, woollen, and worsted 
goods ; “there-are also chemi- 
cal works and collieries. 

Liversedge DIRRTICT news (Poni 
bury) ... 

Lorrus (Yorkshire). Pop. 8,872. In- 
dus.: Agriculture. 
Loftus ‘Advertiser, 1876... 

Pop. 19,215. 

Pop. 14,660. 

Lone Eaton (Derby). 
Market, Sat. 
Long Eaton Advertiser, 1882 ... 
Periodicals, &c.— 

LOSTWITHIEL (Cornwall). Pop. 1,373. 
Lostwithiel Guardian (Bodmin)... 

LOUGHBOROUGH (Leicester). Pop. 

22,992. Market, Thurs. Manu- | 

factures : Hosiery, cotton, and 
Loughborough Echo, 1901 


Advertisements received for all the Swansea Newspapers.. 

Loughborough Herald, 
(Leicester) Ss 
Loughborough Monitor, 1861 .. 

LouGHTon (Essex). Pop. 5,433. 
Loughton Advertiser, 1887 

LoutH (Lincoln). Pop. 9,883. Mar- 
kets, Wed., Fri., Sat. Indus.: 
Shipping, coach-building, and 
machinery manufacture, wool 

Louth, &c., Advertiser, 1859 . 

Louth 'and Lindsay Observer (Hull) 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Louth Record of Events. 

LowpHAM (Notts). Pop. 942. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Horticultural Advertiser. 

LoweEstToFt (Suffolk). Favourite bath- 
ing place. Pop. 33,780. Mar- 
ket. Wed. Indus. : Shipping, 
ship-building. fishing, rope, 
and net-making. 

Lowestott Jeurnal (Norwich) ... 
Eoaea Weekiy Press (Nor- 


LupLow (Shropshire). 

Ludiow Advertiser, 1853 aye 

Luton (Bedford). Pop. 50,000. Mar- 
kets, Mon., Sat. Manufac- 
tures: Straw goods. 

Beds. and Herts. Saturday Tele- 
graph, 1914 ... 
Luton News and Bedfordshire 
Advertiser, 1855 T 
Luton Reporter, 1 1874 .., 
Periodical, &c.— 
Luton News Red Book. 

LyDNEY (Gloucester). Pop. 9,005. 
Indus. : ne: & SENE DITAR: 
Lydney Observer... : 

LYMINGTON (Hants). Pop. 4,329. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Shipping 
and ship-building. 

Lymington, &c., Chronicle (Poole) 

Lymm (Cheshire). Pop. 4,989. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Lymm Year Book and Almanac. 

LYTHAM (Lancashire). Pop. 9,464. 
Seaside resort. Market, Sat. 
Lytham, &c., Standard, 1905 . 
Lytham Times, 1821 ; 

MACCLESFIELD (Cheshire). Pop. 34 804, 

Markets, Tues., Sat. Manufac- 

tures: Silks, satins, velvets, 

and cotton. . 
Macclesfieid Advertiser (Stock- 

port eee 
*Macclestfield ‘Courier, 1811 
Macclesfield Times, 1872 


Provincial. | Willing’s Press Guide. 

MANCHESTER— continued. 

MAIDENHEAD (Berks). Pop. 15,218? 
Market, Wed. Indus. : Agricul- 

*Maidenhead Advertiser, 1869 ... 
Maidenhead Chronicle (Reading) 

MAIDSTONE (Kent). Pop. 35,477. 
Markets, Tues., Thurs. Indus.: 
Paper-making, quarrying, agri- 
culture, and brewing. 

*Kent Messenger, 1859 ... 
South Eastern Gazette, 1815 
Periodicals, &&c.—. 
Amateur Menagerie Club Year 
Kent Messenger Directory of 

MALDON (Essex). Pop. 6,253. Market, 
Tues. Manufactures: Crystal- 
lised salt, sails, timber, &c. 
Indus.: Brewing, boat-build- 
ing, iron-founding, and oyster 
Maldon Express, 1872 ... .- 456 

MALTON (Yorks). Pop. 4,882. Market, 
Sat. Indus. : Agriculture, brew- 
ing, flour-milling, and biscuit- 

*Malton Messenger, 1854.. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Ampleforth Journal. 

MALVERN (Worcester). Fashionable 
health resort and mineral 
springs. Pop. 16,514. Indus. : 

Malvern Gazette, 1897 ... 
Malvern News, 1860 
Periodicals, &¢c.— 

Steven’s Annual. 
MANCHESTER (Lancashire). Pop. 
714,427. Markets, Tues. 

Thurs., Fri., Sat. Indus.: 
Cotton spinning, bleaching, 
dyeing, and printing; silk- 
weaving, and hat-making ; the 
manufacture of woollen fabrics, 
machinery, &c. 

*Daily Dispatch, 1900 ... 
Evening Chronicle, 1897 
Manchester Catholic Herald, 1888 

*Manchester City News, 1864 sak 

*Manchester Evening News, 1868 

*Manchester Guardian, 182]... 
Manchester, South District, Ad- 

vertiser (Stockport) ... 

*Manchester Weekly Times, 1857 
Sporting Chronicle, 1871 — 
Sunday Chronicle, 1885 

*Umpire, 1884 

Periodicals, &¢.— 
Alliance News. 


Alliance Temperance Almanack. 

Alliance Year Book. 

Annual Report of the Manchester 
Guardian Society for the Pro- 
tection of Trade. 

Assurance Agents’ Chronicle. 


Athletic News. 

Athletic News Athletics Direc- 

Athletic News Cricket Annual. 

Athletic News Football Annual. 

Band of Hope Treasury. 

Beacon Light. 

Belgian Commercial Adviser. 

Boxmakers’ Journal. 


British Westinghouse Gazette. 

Bulletin of the John Ryland’s 


Calendar of the Joint Matricula- 
tion Board. 

Calvert’s Mechanic’s Almanack 
‘and Workshop Companion. 

Common Sense Gardening. 


Co-operative Employee. 

Co-operative News. 

Co-operative Union Quarterly 

Co-operative Wholesale Societies’ 
Annual. . 


Cotton Year Book and Diary. 

Credit Draper. 

Credit Drapers’ Directory. | 

Cumberland Catholic News. 


Directory and List of Lodges 

Dogs’ Weekly. 

Druid’s Quarterly Journal. 

Electrical Trade Journal. 

Every Band of Hope Bov’s Re- 

Fancy Needlework Illustrated. 

Film Renter. 

Fowler’s Electrical Engineers’ 
Year Book. 

Fowler’s Mechanical Engineers’ 
Pocket Book. 

Fowler’s Mechanics and Machin- 
ists’ Pocket Book, &c. 

Grand United Order of Odd- 
fellows Directory. 

Grand United Order of Odd- 
fellows’ Monthly Magazine. 

Gray’s Railway Rate Books. 

Gray’s Railway Reckoner. 

Gray’s Railway Traders’ Com- 

Grocers’ Review... sis ... 451 



54] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125. Stfandi London. 



Willing’s Press Guide. ‘Prowns. 


Indian and Japanese Textile and 
Engineering Diary. 

Industrial Engineer. 

Insurance News. 

John Heywood’s Railway Guide. 

Journal of the Amalgamated 
Society of Tailors, &c. 

Journal of Decorative Art. 

Journal of the Manchester 
Egyptian and Oriental Society. 

Journal of the Manchester Geo- 
graphical Society. 

Journal of the Operative Stone- 
masons’ Society. 

Juvenile Rechabite. 

Labour Leader. 

Lancashire Congrégational Year 

Laughable Dialogues. 

Manchester and Salford Co- 

. operative Herald. 

Manchester and Salford Official 
Red Book. 

Manchester Chamber of Com- 
merce Monthly Record. 

Manchester Coal Exchange Di- 

Manchester Diocesan Directory. 

Manchester Diocesan Magazine. 

MancWNester Directory (Slater’s). 

Manchester Football Chronicle. 

Manchester Guardian History of 
the War. 

Manchester Y.M.C.A. News. 

Manchester Official A BC Rail- 
way Guide. 

Manchester Quarterly. 

Manchester Royal Exchange DÌ- 

Manchester School of Architec- 
ture Sketch Book. 

Manchester University Magazine. 

Manchester Wheelers’ Club Jour- 

Manual for the New Church S.S. 

Mechanical Engineer. 

Mechanical World. 

Mechanical World Electrical 
Pocket Book. 

Mechanical World Pocket Diary 
and Year Book. 

Memoirs and Proceedings of the 
Manchester Literary and Philo- 
sophical Society. 

Millgate Monthly. 

Mutual Property Journal. 

Needlecraft Practical Journal. 

New Church Young People’s 

North and Mid Wales Directory. 

Oddfellows’ Magazine. 

Onward Reciter. 

Open Road. 


Order of Druids’ Almanack., 

Orderof Druids’ Quarterly Journal. 

Our Circle. 

Our Dogs. 

Pictures and Pleasures. 

Police and Constabulary Al- 


Port of Manchester Official Sail- 
ing List. 

Postal and Telegraph Record. 

Proceedings of the Manchester 
Field Naturalists’ and Ar- 
chaeologists’ Society. 


Rational Journal. 

Rechabite and Temperance Ma- 

Report of the Silk Association of 
Great Britain and Ireland. 

Retail Fruiterer and Florist. 

Royal National Commercial Di- 
rectory of Ireland. 

Royal National Commercial Di- 
rectory of Scotland. 

Rucksack Club Journal. 

Shepherd’s Magazine. 

Sporting Chronicle Annual. 

Sporting Chronicle Bowling An- 

Sporting Chronicle Horses in 

Sporting Chronicle Racing Up- 

Sporting Chronicle Weekly Han- 
dicap Book. 

Sunday Chronicle Pantomime 
Annual. i 

Textile Institute Journal. 

Textile Manufacturer. 

Textile Manufacturers’ Annual, 
Diary and Text Book. 

Textile Mercury. 

Textile Recorder. ' 

Transactions of the Manchester 
Association for Masonic Re- 

Transactions of the Manchester 
Geological Society. 

Two Worlds. 


Umpire Cricket Companion. 

Umpire Football Guide. 

Umpire Handbook. 

United Kingdom Gazette. 

University College of Wales, 
Aberystwyth Calendar. 

Vegetarian Messenger. 


Weekly Record of the Textile 
Trades Association. 


Wool Year Book and Diary. 

Workers’ Onward. 

Advertisements received jor all Edinburgh Newspapers & Pertodicals. [355 

Provincial.) Willing’s Press Guide. (Towns. 

©- MANSFIELD (Notts). Pop. 36,897. 
Markets, Thurs., Sat. Indus. : 
Hosiery, lace, and cotton 
manufactures; malting, and 

*Mansfield Advertiser, 1871 
Mansfield Chronicle, 1895 
Mansfield Reporter, 1857 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Linney’s Illustrated Almanack. 

Marcu (Cambridge). Pop. 7,665. 
Market, Wed. Indus.: Agri- 
culture. l 

Cambridgeshire Times, 1872 

MARGATE (Kent). Popular seaside re- 
sort. Pop. 27,086. Indus.: 
Shipping and fishing. 

Margate Ramsgate, sey arti 

Thanet Guardian, 1863 . 

Thanet Times, 1896 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Channels of Blessing. 

Pop. 8,853. Market, Tues. In- 
dus. : Agriculture. 

*Market Harborough i 

Midland Mail, 1890 |.. L.. 

MARKET RASEN (Lincoln). Pop. 2,296. 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Agri- 

Market Rasen Mail, 1856 oar 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Whittingham and Boty’s Market 

Rasen Compendium Almanac. 

MARLBOROUGH (Wilts). Pop. 4,401. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Agri- 

Maes Berks, &c., any Paper, 

Periodicals, Ci l 
Lucy’s Marlborough, &c., Direc- 
- tory. 
MARTOCK (Somerset). Pop. (parish) 

Paimer’s Weekly News, 1883 ... 

MARYPORT (Cumberland). Pop. 11,423. 

Market, Fri. Indus. : Export- 
ing coal and iron. 
Maryport News, 1884 ... aa 

MATLOCK (Derby). Pop. 6,746. 
Matlock Visitor (Buxton), 1902... 

MELTON Mowsray (Leicester). Pop. 
9,203. Market, Tues. Indus. : 

Melton Mowbray Journal ee 
tham) ... 

Melton Mowbray Times, 1 1859 ` 

Rutland Echo -... eee 

MEXBOROUGH (Yorks). Pop. 14,398. 

Indus. : Mines, potteries, glass, 

° chemical, and railway works. 

Mexborough, &c., Times, 1877... 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Mexborough Almanac. 

MIDDLEHAM (Yorks). Pop. (parish) 
- 648. 

Mentor’s eee eee 
1876... ae aie 

104,787. Market, Sat. Indus.: 
Tron- -working, smelting, ship- 
ping, ship-building, steel and 
tube works, marine engineer- 
ing ; pottery ; salt and chemi- 
cal works. 
Middlesbrough Standard nee: 
car i ey 
“North-Eastern Daily Gazette, 

Northern Weekly Gazette, 1855.. 

Tees Daily Shipping List, 1891 . 

Teeside Weekly Herald, 1902 . 

Periodicals, &c.— 

Library and Museum Quarterly. 

Middlesbrough Co-operative Re- 

Middlesbrough . High 

Sports Gazette. 

MIDDLETON (Lancashire). Pop. 27,983. 
Market, Fri. Indus. : Cotton. 
spinning, dyeing, and printing; 
silk and small ware weaving; 

*Middieton Guardian, 1877 ... 
Middleton Standard (Oldham) . 

MIDHuRST (Sussex). Pop. 1,650. Mar- 
. ket, altern. Thurs. Indus.: 
Agriculture, i 
Midhurst Times, 1882 
Periodicals, &c. — 
Annual Report of King Edward 
VII. Sanatorium. 

MILDENHALL (Suffolk). Pop. 8,312. 
Mildenhall Post (Bury St. nr 
munds) uis 
Periodicals, Se. — 
Gamekeeper’s Gazette. 

MILFORD-ON-SEA (Hampshire). Pop. 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Milford-on-Sea Record Society 

Occasional Magazine (Lym- 

MiLtom (Cumberland). Pop. 8,612. 
Millom Gazette, 1890 ... 
Miilom News (Barrow-in-Furness) 

MINEHEAD (Somerset). Pop. 3,459. 

Minehead and West Somerset 
Advertiser, 1882 pay 



356] James Willing, me Advertising Agents, 125, Strand; London. 


MIRFIELD (Yorkshire). Bee 11,712. 
manele &c., Reporter (Dews- 

Mirtield Herald (Heckmondwike) 

MITCHAM (Surrey). Pop. 14,908. 
Mitcham Advertiser (Croydon) 
Gazette (Tooting) .. 
Mitcham and Colliers Wood 
Mitcham, &c., Mercury yertne) 
Mitcham Herald (Sutton) : 

MONMOUTH (Monmouth). Pop. 5,269. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Iron and 
coal working, and Sener 

*Monmouthshire Beacon, 1837.. 

MORECAMBE (Lancs.). Pop. 12.133. 
Seaside resort. Indus.: Agri- 
culture and fishing. 

Morecambe Times, 1881 
Morecambe Visitor, 1874 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Free Church of England Diocesan 
Quarterly Magazine. 

MORLEY (Yorks.). Pop. 24,285. In- 
dus. : Woollen manufactures ; 

Morley News awsm) 
Morley Observer, 1871 . 

MorPETH (Northumberland) Pop. 
7,436. Market, Wed. Indus.: 
Flannel weaving. 

Morpeth Herald, 1854 ... 


MossLeEy (Lancashire). Pop. 13,205. 

Mossiey Herald (Ashton-under- 
Lyne) «. 

Mossley Reporter (Ashton-under- 

NANTWICH (Cheshirey. Pop. 7, 816. 
Market, Sat. Manufactures : 
Shoes and leather. 

Nantwich Chronicie (Crewe) ... 
Nantwich Guardian (Warrington) 

NELSON (Lancashire). Pop. 39,485. 

Indus. : Cotton manufacture. 
Neison Leader, 1882 aie 

NEWARK (Nottingham). Pop. 16,412. 
Market, Wed. Indus. : Agricul- 
ture, malting, and iron found- 

ing. . 

Newark Advertiser, 1854 

*Newark Herald, 1791... 
NEWBORY (Berks). Pop. 12,108. Mar- 

ket, Thurs. Indus.: Agricul- 
ture, malting, and machine- 

Newbury Chronicie (Reading) . 
Newbury Weekly News, 1867 . 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Berkshire Masonic Register and 
-  Cosburn’s Illustrated Directory 
for Newbury, &c. 

 Willing’s Press Guide. 

. 459 



land). Pop. 266,671. Markets, 
Tues., Thurs., Sat. Indus.: 
Coal mining and exporting, 
shipping, ship - building, en- 
gineering, iron-founding, blast- 
ing, manufacture of glass, 
earthenware, rope, leather, and 

Evening Chronicle, 1885... 
Evening Mail, 1910 a 
illustrated Chronicle, 1910 e 

*Newcastle Daily Chronicle, 1858 

*Newcastle Daily Journal, 1832.. 
Newcastle Weekly Chronicle, 1 1764 

North Mail, 1901 

Northern Weekly Leader, 1884.. 

Northern Weekly dase (Glas- 
gow) .. 

Periodicals, 6c. — 

Archaeologia Æliana. 

Armstrong College Calendar. 

Durham College of Medicine 




Journal of the Newcastle Far- 

mers’ Club. 

Journal of the Tyneside Geo- 

graphical Society. 

Kemp’s Northern Gazette. 

Newcastle, &c., Incorporated 

Chamber of Commerce Year 

Newcastle Co-operative, Record. 

Newcastle Diocesan Calendar. 

Newcastle Diocesan Gazette. 

Proceedings of the Newcastle-on- 

Tyne Society of Antiquaries. 


Reid’s Handy Colliery Guide. 

Reid’s Newcastle Monthly Diary. 

Reid’s Railway Guide. 


Tee-side Catholic News. 

Transactions of the Natural His- 
tory Society of Northumber- 

Transactions of the North East 
Coast Institution of Engineers. 

Turnbull’s Dock and Port 


Number of the 

. Tyneside Catholic News. 

Ward’s Directory, Baby Edition, 
Newcastle-on-Tyne, &c. 

Ward’s Directory of Darlington, 

Ward’s Directory of Newcastle. . 

Wearside Catholic News. 


Pop. 20,204. Markets, Mon., 
Sat. Indus. : Mining, clothing, 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 

Advertisements received for all Glasgow Newspapers & Periodicals. [357 

Weekly, Observer 1915. 

NEWENT (Gloucestershire). Pop. 6,965. 
Newent Reporter (Ledbury) 

NEWHAVEN (Sussex). Pop. 6,665. In- 
dus.: Continental traffic, &c. 
Newhaven Chronicie, 1907 

NEWMARKET (Cambridge). Pop. 
19,865. Market, Tues. 
Newmarket Journal, 1872 .... 
Newmarket Sporting News, 1887 
Newmarket wee Newe (sams 
bridge) .. 

NEWPORT (Monmouth). Port with 
large docks. Pop. 83,700. Mar- 
kets, Wed., Sat. Indus. : Ship- 
ping, coal, minerals, &c.; iron, 
coal, and stone working. 

Monmouthshire Evening Pon; 

me cmourbenite Weekly: Post, 

Rhymney “and “Aber” ‘Valleys 
Weekly Argus... 

*South Wales Argus, 1892 

South Wales Weekly Argus, 1829 

Periodicals, &c.— 

Newport Christmas Annual. 

Newport Circuit | Wesleyan 
Methodist Magazine. 

Newport Directory. 

Newport Tide Table. 

Newport Year Book. 

Phillips’ oo Machinery Re- 

NEWPORT (Shropshire). Pop. 3,250. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Iron and 
coal working, and agriculture. 

dart Advertiser (Shrewsbury), 

NEWPORT, Isle of Wight (Hants). Pop. 
11,155. Markets, Wed., Sat. 
Indus. : Agriculture. 

island Star, 1910 

*Isle of Wight County Press, 1884 

isle of Wight Journal, &c. 7 
Periodicals, Bee 


4,239. Market, Wed. Indus. : 

Bucks Standard, 1859 ... 

Newquay (Cornwall). Pop. 3,703. 
Newquay Express (Bodmin) 

NEWTON ABBOT (Devon). Pop. 
(parish) 13,712. Market, Wed. 
Indus.: Great Western Rail- 
way Locomotive Works, tann- 
ing, and agriculture. 

Mid-Devon Advertiser, 1863... 
Min Savon and Newton Times, 

358] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, Þ25;-Strand) London. 

Provincial.| Willing’s Press Guide. 

NEWTON ABBOT—continued. 
Newton Abbot Western che 
(Totnes) th wate 
Periodicals, epee 

NoRTH WALSsHAM (Norfolk). Pop. 
5'614. Market, Thurs. Indus.: 
Agriculture and Agricultural 

North Walsham Post (Holt) ... 

NORTHALLERTON (Yorks). Pop. 4,806. 
Mashamshire Standard . 
North Riding, &c., News, 1899.. 
Periodicals, &c. 

NORTHAMPTON (Northampton). Pop. 
90,076. Markets, Wed., Sat. 
Manufacturest::Boos & shoes. 

Football Echo, 1908 ... see 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
northampton Daiiy Guronjeis 

1880 ... 

~~ Northampton Daily Echo, 1880 
*Northampton Herald, 1831 wad 
*Northampton Mercury, 1720 ... 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Journal of the Northants Natural 
History Socicty. 
Lea’s Northampton Directory. 
Northampton Independent. 
Northampton Labour Represen- 
Northampton Mount Pleasant 
Northampton ‘Trades’ Council 
Annual Report. 
Northamptonshire District Good 
Templars Lodge Guide. 
Northamptonshire Nonconform- 
Northamptonshire Sunday School 
Union Year Book. 

NORTHWICH (Cheshire). Pop. 18,151. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Salt 
mining and manufacture; ship- 
building, and rope-making. 

Northwich Chronicle (Chester) ... 
Northwich Guardian (Warrington) 

NorwicuH (Norfolk). Pop. 121,493. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Manufac- 
tures: Silk, crape, woollens, 
boots, shoes, starch, and mus- 
tard; galvanised wire, and agri- 
cultural implements. 

*Eastern Daily Press, 1870 
Eastern Evening News, 1882 ... 
Eastern Weekly Press, 1867 
Norfolk News, 1845 whe 
Norwich Mercury, 1714 . 

Peopie’s Weekly Journal, 1864 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Annual Report and List of Mem- 
bers of the Norwich Incorpo- 
rated Chamber of Commerce. 



Directory of the City of Norwich. 
Norfolk and Suffolk Handbook. 
Norwich Co-operative Society 

Norwich Diocesan Calendar and . 

Clergy List. 
Norwich Diocesan Gazette. 
Readers’ Guide. 
Temperance Monthly Visitor. 

NorRwoop—see CROYDON, & METRO- 

NOTTINGHAM (Notts). Pop. 259,942, 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Manufac- 
tures: Lace, hosiery, silks, 
woollens, and boots. 

Football Post, 1903 re 

Nottingham and Notts Local News 
*Nottingham Daily Express, 1860 
Nottingham Evening News, 1885 

Nottingham Evening Post, 1878~ 

*Nottingham Guardian, 1861... 
Nottinghamshire Guardian, 1846 
Notunghamshine Weekly Express, 

South “Notis Echo, 1899.. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Bedell’s Pocket Street Directory. 
Commercial Year Book of the 
Nottingham Chamber of Com- 
Lenton, &c.,'Co- -operative Society 
Midland Sporting Gazette. 
* Nottingham & Midland Catholic 
News (Birmingham). 
Nottingham District Co-opera- 
tive Record. 
Nottingham Library Bulletin. 
Nottingham University College 
NUNEATON (Warwick). Pop. 37,083. 

Market, Sat. Manufactures: _ 

Ribbons, hats; mining and 
*Midland Counties Tribune, 1893 
Midland Daily Tribune, 1915 ... 
Nuneaton Advertiser, (Rugby) ... 
*Nuneaton Chronicle, 1868 oe 
Nuneaton Observer, 1877 
Warwickshire Star, 1911 
> Periodicals, &c.— 
Gas Light, Piptibation, and 
Police Chronicle. 
OAKHAM (Rutland). Pop. 3,668. 
Oakham, &c., Journal (Grantham) 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Matkin’s Oakham Almanack. 
OLDBURY (Worcestershire). Pop. 
: 32,240. 
°” Oldbury Weekly News iad 
Bromwich) _... se 

Pe oe received for all Periodicals. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Periodicals, &¢.— 

OLDHAM (Lancashire). Pop. 147,495. 
Manufactures: Cotton, hats, 
silk, machinery ; collieries. 

*Oidham Chronicle, 1854 sae 
Oldham Daily Standard, 1877 ... 
Oidham Evening Chronicle, 1880 

*Oldham Standard, 1855 . 

Oldham Weekly Times, 1909 

Periodicals, &c.— 

Clegg’s Oldham Annual. 

Continental Directory of Cotton 
Spinners, &c. 

Cotton Spinners’ and Manufac- 
turers’ Directory of Lancashire. 

Oldham Catholic Herald (Man- 

Oldham Hulmeiah. 

Oldham Co-operative Record. 

Oldham Operative Cotton Spħn- 
ners, &c., Monthly Report. 

World’s Fair. 

Worrall’s Textile Directory. 

Year Book and Diary of Brad- 
ford and Huddersfield Ex- 

Yorkshire Textile Directory. 

OLNEY (Bucks). Pop. 2,684. 
Olney Advertiser, ante 

ORPINGTON (Kent). "Pop. - 4,259. 
- Indus. : Market Gardening and 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Poultry Keeper’s Journal. 

ORMSKIRK (Lancashire). Pop. 7,407. 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: Agri- 
culture and coal-mining. 

Ormskirk Advertiser, 1853 

OssETT (Yorks). Pop. 14,081. Indus.: 
Coal-mining ; heavy woollen, 
worsted, and cotton manufac- 
tures ; dyeing. 

Ossett Observer, 1864 

OSWALDTWISTLE (Lancashire). Pop. 


Oswaldtwistie Advertiser (Ac- 

ae asta Observer (Acering- 

OSWESTRY eee Pop. 9,991. 
Market, Wed. Indus. : Malting, 
agriculture; railway plant 

*Oswesiry Advertiser, 1849 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Border. Churchman. 


Oswestry Commercial Circular. 




OTLEY (Yorks). Pop. 9,843. Market, 
Fri. Manufactures: Printing 
machinery, worsteds, paper, 
and leather. 

Wharfedale Observer, 1871 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Old Moore’s Almanac. 

OUNDLE (Northampton). Pop. 2,749. 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Laxtonian. | 

OXFORD (Oxfordshire). Pop. 53,049. 

University city. Markets, Wed., 
Sat. Indus.: Agriculture. 
*Oxford Chronicle, 1837.. 
Oxford Journal, llustrated, (1753 
Oxford Magazine, 1883.. ne 
*Oxford Times, 1862 sas 
Oxford University Gazette, 1870 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Alden’s Oxford Almanack. 

Alden’s Oxford Guide. 

Annual Report of the Association 
for Promoting the Education 
of Women in Oxford. 

Bodleian Quarterly Record. 

Brazen Nose. 

Calendar of the Association for 
Promoting the Education of 
Women in Oxford. 

Cowley Evangelist. 

Flock Book of the Oxford Down 


Oliver’s Local Book of Dates. 

Oxford and District Free Church- 

Oxford Diocesan Calendar. 

Oxford Diocesan Calendar and . 

Clergy List. 
Oxford Diocesan Magazine. 
Oxford Poetry. 
Parker’s Church Calendar. 
Pelican Record. 
“ Plebs ” Magazine. 
Ruskin Collegian. 
St. Edward’s School Chronicle. 
Salter’s Guide to the River 
University of Oxford Local 
Examination Papers. 
Wadham College Gazette. 

PAIGNTON (Devon). Pop. 11,241. 

Watering - place. Cider is 
manufactured in large quan- 
Paignton, Observer, 1891 
Paignton Western Guardian 

PATELEY BRIDGE (Yorkshire). Pop. 
Pateley Bridge, &c., 

(Harrogate) eed 

360] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. - 

PENDLETON (Lancashire). Pop. 
(parish) 1,063. Indus. : Spin- 

ning, coal-mining, and chemi- 
cal manufacture. 
Reporter, 1878 ... 
Periodicals, &c.— 
‘Pendleton Co-operative Society 

PENISTONE (Yorkshire). Pop. 3,408. 
Penistone, &c., Express 
PENRITH (Cumberland). Pop. 8, 973. 
Markets, Tues., Sat. Indus. : 
Mid-Cumberland oe 1868.. 
*Penrith Observer, 1860 . 
PENRYN ee): Pop. 3, 092, Mar- 
ket, Sat 
Penryn and Faimouth Averse; 

n (Cornwall. Favourite 
` watering-place. Pop. 13,488. 
Markets, Tues., Thurs., Sat. 

Indus.: Market - gardening, 

fisheries, and mining. 
Cornish Evening Tidings, 1870.. 
porns Post and mining News, 


Cornishman, 1878 ... 456 
PERSHORE (Worcestershire). Pop.. 
3,970. Market, Tues. Indus.: 

Agricultural implements. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Fearnside and Martin’s Pershore 

PETERBOROUGH (Northampton). Pop. 
33,578. Markets, Wed., Sat.. 

Indus. : Agriculture. 
*Peterborough Advertiser, 1854... 
Peterborough Citizen, 1898 ... 
Peterborough Express, i881 ... 
Peterborough Standard, 1872 ... 

Periodicals, &¢.— 
Orion’s Prophctic Guide, Weather 

Almanac and Ephemeris. 

Peterborough Diocesan Calendar. 

Peterborough Diocesan Magazine. 

PETERSFIELD (Hants). Pop. 3,947. 
Indus. : Agriculture. 
Hants and Sussex News, 1883 ... 

PINNER (Middlesex). Pop. 3,366. 
Pinner Gazette (Harrow) ere 
Pinner Observer (Harrow) a 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Commercial Travellers’ 


PLYMOUTH (Devon). Pop. 112,042. 
Markets, Tues., Thurs., Sat. 
Indus.: Shipping, ship-build- 
ing, rope, sail-cloth, sugar, sul- 
phuric acid, artificial manures, 
soap, and alkali manufactures. 




geht Western Weekly News, 

Havai ai Military Record, 1886 
*Western Daily Mercury, 1860 . 
Western Evening Herald, 1895... 
*Western Morning News, 1860 ... 
Western Weekly Mercury, 1879 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Annual Report, &c., of the Ply- 
mouth Institution. 

Devon Masonic Directory. 

Doidge’s &c., Annual. 

Journal of the Marine Biological 
Association of the United 
Kingdom. i 


Plymouth and District Stock and 
Share List. 

Plymouth Co-operative Society 

Report and Transactions of the 
Devonshire Association. 

Report and Transactions of the 
Royal Geographical Society of 

Report of the Homes of the 
Working Girls of London. 

Seventh Evangel. 

South Devon and East Cornwall 
Hospital Report. 

POCKLINGTON (Yorks). Pop. 11,277. 
Market, Mon. Indus.: Agri- 
culture, milling, and brewing. 

Howdenshire Chronicle, 1876 

PONTEFRACT (Yorks). Pop. 15,960, 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Malting, 
gardening, liquorice-growing, 
and mining. 

Pontefract Advertiser, 1854 ... 
Pontefract, &c., Express, 1880 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Pontefract & District Business 

PONTYPOOL (Monmouth). Pop. 6,452. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: 
Iron and coal working. 
ee ee of Monmouthshire, 

Pontypool Weekly Argus (New- 
port) .. 

Poot (Dorset). Pop. PRA Mar- 
kets, Mon., Thurs. Indus.: 
Shipping, ship-building, fish- 
ing, iron-founding, potteries, 
and twinc-factories. 

Poole Guardian (Bournemouth) 

Poole, &c., Herald, 1846 er 
` Periodicals, &¢.— 

Eggs and the Intensive World. 

PORTISHEAD (Somerset). Pop. 3,329. 
Portishead, &c., ee (ayen 

Advertisements received for any Newspaper in the Kingdom. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

PoRTLAND (Dorset). Pop. 17,013. 
Portland Telegram (Weymouth) 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Proceedings of Dorset Natural 
History, &c. 

PORTSMOUTH (Hants). Royal Dock- 
yard. Pop. 231,165. Markets, 
Tues., Thurs., Sat. Indus.: 
Shipping, ship-building, pro- 
visioning, and outfitting the 
fleet; stay-making. 

Chat, 1884 mi as 
*Evening News, 1877... ise 
Hampshire County Times 
Hampshire Telegraph, 1799 .. 
*Portsmouth Times, 1850 sia 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Church Pennant. 
Globe and Laurel. 
Holbrook’s County Year-Book. 
~ Monthly Portsmouth Naval and 
Military District Directory. 
Royal Naval Warrant Officers’ 

PORT SUNLIGHT (Cheshire). Pop.3,000. 
Indus. : Soap works. 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Prescot (Lancashire). Pop. 8,154. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Watch- 
making, files, and tools. 

* Prescot Reporter (St. Helens) ... 

PRESTON (Lancashire). Pop. 117,113. 
Markets, Wed., Fri., Sat. In- 
dus.: Cotton, flax, linen, 
leather, and machinery manu- 
factures ; ironworks and ship- 
building ; coasting trade. 

Lancashire Daily Post, 1886 
*Preston Guardian, 1844... vie 
Preston Herald, 1855 ... a 
| Periodicals, &c.— 
Catholic News. 
General, &c., Directory of Black. 
General, &c., Directory of Burn- 
General and Commercial Direc- 
tory of Preston. 
Preston Catholic News. 
Preston Circular. 
Preston Co-operative Society Re- 
Royal Lancashire Agricultural 
Society Journal. 

PRESTWICH (Lancashire). Pop. 17,195. 
gilts s &e., Guardian (Middle- 
ton oie a 

PuDSEY (Yorks). Pop. 14,027. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Manufactures : Wool- 
lens, leather, and worsted. 


a - ag) 

Provincial. | 

Pudsey Advertiser, 1883 (Stan- 
spe and Stanningley News, 


QUEENBOROUGH (Kent). Pop. 2,468. 
Queenborough en Paser 

RADCLIFFE (Lancashire). Pop. 26, 085. 
Indus. : Cotton spinning, dye- 
ing ; mining ; iron manufac- 

Radcliffe Guardian (Bury) 
Radcliffe Times, 1899 .. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Radcliffe, &c., Co-operative So- 
ciety Record. 

RADLETI (Herts.). Pop. 808. 

Periodicals, &c.—- 
Trust Review. 

Rapstock (Somerset). Pop. 3,691. 
Somerset Guardian, &c. 

RAMSBOTIOM (Lancashire). Pop. 
Ramsbottom Observer ... 
RAMSGATE (Kent). Popular sea- 

bathing place. . Pop. 29,605 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: 
Shipping and fishing. 
East Kent Times, 1866 ... | 
Puiien’s Kent Argus, 1873 
Thanet Advertiser, 1859... 
Periodicals, &c.— 

RAWMARSH (Yorkshive). Pop 17,190. 

Rawmarsh, &c., Advertiser 


RAWTENSTALL (Lancashire). Pop. 
30,516. Market, Mon. Indus.: 
Cotton and woollen manufac- 

Rawtenstall Times (Bacup) 
Rossendale Echo, 1891 ... 
Rossendale Free Press, 1883 

READING (Berks). Pop. 75,214. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus. : Agriculture, 
and seed-growing; manufacture 
of biscuits, ales, and tinware. 

Berkshire Chronicle, 1770 
*Reading Mercury, 1723 ... 
*Reading Observer, 1860 

Reading Standard, 1885 

Pertodicals, &c.— 

Berks, &c., Archaeological Jour: 


Journal of Micrology’and Natural 

History Mirror. 

Mid Thames Valley Directory .. 

Reading, &c., Directory. 

Reading Co-operative Society 


Willing’s Press Guide. (Towns. 


Sutton’s Amateur Guide to Hor- 

University College (Reading) Re- 

REDCAR (Yorkshire). Pop. 10,509. 

Cleveland Standard, 1908 
Redcar, &c., News, 1870 

REDDITCH (Worcester). Pop. 15,463. 

Manufactures ; Needles, s pios, 
and fish-hooks. 
Redditch Indicator, 1859 ` 

REDRUTH (Cornwall). Pop. 10,815. 

Market, Fri. Indus.: Copper 
and tin-mining. l 
Cornubian, &c., Times, 1863 ... 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Cornubian Special. 

REIGATE (with REDHILL) (Surrey). 

Incorporated Borough. Pop. 
28,505. Market, alt. Wed. In- 
dus. : Agriculture. 

*Surrey Mirror, 1879 _... oe 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Croquet Association Gazette. 
Holmesdale Directory. 

RETFORD (Notts). Pop. (parish) 10,603 

Market, Sat. Indus.: Paper- 
making ; iron-works, and agri- 

Retford, Gainsborough, &c., 
Times, 1869 

Retford, Worksop, &e., News, 
1885 (Gainsborough) .. 

gedit and Worksop Herald, 

oa (M onmouthshive). Pop. 

Monmouth Guardian, 1896 ... 

RICHMOND (Surrey). Favourite sub- 

urban riverside resort. Pop. 

*Richmond, &c., Times, 1873... 
*Richmond Herald, 1885 eae 

Thames Valley Times, 1885 ... 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Richmond & Twickenham Home 
Richmond, &c., Times Almanack. 
Richmond Herald Almanack. 

RICHMOND (Yorks). Pop. 3,934. 

Richmond Division Gazette 
(Northallerton) ; 

RICKMANSWORTH (Herts): Pop. 6, 288. 

Rickmansworth News, 1894 
(Watford) ‘ae er 

RiInGwoop (Hants). Pop. 7, 151. 

Ringwood, &c., Chronicle 
(Bournemouth) = 

RIPLEY (Derby). Pop. 11,848. indus.: 

iron and coal working. 
Ripiey Advertiser (Heanor)... 
Ripley and Heanor News, 1889.. 

362] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125,-Strand) London. 


- Ripon (Yorks). Pop. 8,218. Market, 
hurs. Indus.: Agriculture. 
Ripon Advertiser, 1899 ... ee 
Ripon. ane Richmond Chronicie, 
Ripon Gazette, 1866 (Harrogate) 
Ripon Observer, 1885 ... ive 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Ripon Diocesan Calendar (Leeds). 

Robinson’s Ripon, &c., Directory 
RisHton (Lancashire). Pop. 7,441. 
Rishton Advertiser (Accrington) 
Rishton Observer (Accrington) ... 

ROCESTER (Staffordshire). Pop. 1,066. 
Periodicals, &c.— 

RocHDALe (Lancashire). Pop. 91,437. 
Markets, Mon., Sat. Manu- 
factures: Cotton, Woollens, 
silk, machinery; coal-mining 
and quarrying. 

*Rochdale Observer, 1856 
Rochdale Times, 1858 ... 
Periodicals, &c.— 

International Directory of Book- ' 


ROCHESTER (Kent). Pop. 31,388. 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Ship- 
ping, agriculture, and hop- 

Rochester, &c., Journal, 1854 ... 

ROMFORD (È ;sex). Pop. 16,972. Mar- 
ket, Wel. Indus. è Agriculture, 
gardening, brewing. 

Essex Times, 1863 EA 
Romford Reccrder (ilford) 
Romford Times (Stratford) 

Romsey (Hampshire). Pop. 4,671. 
Romsey Advertiser (Andover) ... 

Ross (Hereford). Pop. 4,682. Market, 
hurs. Indus.: Agriculture, 
brewing, tanning, and iron- 

Ross Gazette, 1867 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Ross Gazette Year Book and 

ROTHERHAM (Yorks). Pop. 62,507. 
Markets, Mon., Fri. Indus.: 
Coal-mining, and iron and 
brass manufacture. 

*Rotherham Advertiser, 1858 ... 
Rotherham Express (Mexboro’) 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Collectors’ and Dealers’ Direc- 
Collectors’ Journal. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


‘ manure works; agricultural 
implement works; training 

' Herts and Cambs Reporter, 1855 
Royston Weekly News (Cam- 
bridge) ... uk se Sas 

Rucsy (Warwick). Pop. 21,762. Mar- 

kets, Mon., Sat. Indus.: Agri- 

culture ; steam and electrical 

engineering ; railway works, 

cement works; stay-making. 
Rugby Advertiser, 1846... 
‘Rugby Observer, 1911 .. 

Periodicals, &c.— — 

Advertiser Rugby Almanack. 
Meteor. i 

RUGELEY (Staftordshire). Pop. 4,504. 
Rugeley Mercury (Leicester) 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Pascoe’s Rugeley Almanac and 


RuisuıPr (Middlesex). Pop. 6,217. 
Ruislip-Northwood Courier (Ux- 
bridge) i 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Golden Grain Almanac. 
Golden Grain Diary. 

Runcorn (Cheshire). Pop. 17,354. 
Market, Fri. Indus. : Coasting 
trade, iron and coal working, 
and quarrying. 

Runcorn Examiner (Warrington) 
Runcorn Guardian (Warrington) 
Runcorn Weekly News (Widnes) 

RusHDEN (Northampton). Pop. 13,354. 
Rushden Argus (Wellingborough) 
Rushden Echo, 1897 ... Le 

Rype, Isle of Wight (Hants). Fashion- 
able. seaside and yachting 
town. Pop. 10,608. Markets, 
Tues., Fri. Indus.: Shipping. 

isle of Wight Observer, 1852 ... 
Isle of Wight Times, 1862 ee 
RYE (Sussex). Pop. 4,229. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

SADDLEWORTH (Yorkshire). Pop. 

Saddieworth Standard (Oldham) 

SAFFRON WALDEN (Essex). Pop. 6,311. 

Saffron Walden Weekly 

(Cambridge) ... ne wee 

St ALBaNns (Hertford). «Pop. 18,132. 

Market, Sat. Indus.: Straw- 
plaiting, and silk-weaving. 

(Towns. | 

è A 
Rotherham, &c., Annual. Haru Annrne 2 a oe 
Royston (Herts and Cambridge). Pop. Albanian. 
3,985. Market, Wed. Indus. : Civil Service Observer. 
Agriculture, malting, brewing; St. Albans Almanac, &c. 
Advertisements received for all Provincial Newspapers. 


Provincial.) | Willing’s Press Guide. (Towns. 

ST. ALBANS—continued. SALFORD (Lancashire). Pop. 231,380. 
Transactions of the St. Albans, Periodicals, &c.— 
&c., Architectural, &c., So- Catholic Federationist. 
ciety. Typographical “Circular. 

ST. ANNES-ON-SEA (Lancashire). Pop. SALISBURY (Wilts). Pop. 21,217. 

9,840. l Important Military centre. 

St. Annes-on-Sea Express, 1898 Headquarters of Southern 

St. Annes Visitor, 1905 ... Command. Markets, Tues., 

Sat. Indus.: Agriculture, 

ST. AUSTELL (Cornwall). Pop. 3,365. Motor Cars, Leather, Malt 

Markets, Fri., Sat. Indus. : and Beer. 
Mining, fishing, sardine fac- *Salisbury Journal, 1729 .. 

tories, china-clay works, and Salisbury Times 1860 f 458 

agriculture. oi -_ 
St. Austell Guardian (Bodmin) ... spares Seo” 

Periodicals, &c.— Salisbury Diocesan Gazette. ~ 

St. Austell Deanery Magazine. . Salisbury Official Military Direc- 

St. BEES (Cumberland). Pop. 1,236. — tory (Aldershot). . 

Periodicals, &c.— Sarum Almanack and Diocesan 
` St. Bees School Magazine. Kalendar. 

ST. HELENS (Lancashire). Pop. 96,566. SALTASH (Cornwall), Pop. 4, 130. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Glass and Saltash Gazette, 1895 ... oot 
chemical manufacture ; copper 2 
smelting, and coal-mining. Ee oe Pop. 3,324. Sea 

sE ore Examiner (Warring- Saltburn Times, 1876 
on : à 
St. Helens Newspaper, 1853... SANDBACH (Cheshire). Pop. 5,723. 
St. Helens Reporter, 1865 ee Market, Thurs. Indus.: Iron 
Periodicals, &c.— and salt works ; silk manufac- 
St. Helens Catholic Herald ture; boots and shoes. l 
(Liverpool). saa Akar pce ee 
andbac ronicle (Congleton) 
St. Ives (Cornwall). Pop. 7,179. Sandbach Guardian (Warrington) 
St. Ives Times, 1911... Periodicals, &c.— 
per ae nummar (Pen- -A56 National United Order of Free 
Western Echo, 1899 ous Gardeners’ Monthly Journal. 

SANDowN, Isle of Wight (Hants). 

ST. JoHN’s Woop—see METROPOLITAN Favourite bathing place. Pop 

NEWSPAPERS. 5,551. Indus.: Agriculture. 

ST. Mary Cray (Kent). Pop. 1,894. Isle of Wight Chronicle, 1866 ... 

St. Mary Cray, &c., Express SANDWICH (Kent). Pop. 3,040. 
(Bexley Heath) Sandwich Advertiser, 1874 

St. Mary Cray, vin Times (Sid- Periodicals, &c.— 
cup)... Sandwich Directory (Deal). 

St. NEOTS (Huntingdon). Pop. 4,171. SCARBOROUGH (Yorks). Fashionable 
Market, Thurs. Indus. : Agri- sea-bathing and mineral-spring 
culture ; paper & lace making. resort. Pop. 37,204. Markets, 

*St. Neots Advertiser, 1878 RI Thurs., Sat. Indus. : Fishing 
Periodicals, &c.— and Shipping. 
St. Neots Advertiser Almanac. Scarborough Daily Post, 1876 . 

ST. PANCRAS — see METROPOLITAN “Scarborough Evening News, 1882 

Scarborough Gazette, 1845 

NEWSPAPERS: Scarborough Mercury, 1855 ... 
SALCOMBE (Devon). Pop. 2,032. Scarborough Weekly Post, 1876 
Salcombe Gazette, 1910 .. ae Periodicals, &c.— 
oecone noe eee oat ee Scarborough Pictorial. 
eriodicals, &c.— z ; 
Marshman’s Directory of ‘Sal- ar it ee gael ees 
combe. Scunthorpe and Fredingham Star, 
SALE (Cheshire). Suburb of Man- 1889 (Brigg) . 
chester. Pop. 15,046. Scunthorpe News (Hull). 
Sale and oe Guardian tae Periodicals, &¢.— 
rington) Dowry of Mary. 

264) James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125° Strand, London. 


SEACOMBE (Cheshire). Pop. 20,749. 
Wallasey Chronicle, 1888 ; 
Wallasey News, 1899 .. 

_ SEAFORD (Sussex). Pop. 4,787. 
Seaford Chronicle (Newhaven) ... 

SEAHAM (Durham). Pop. 15,759. In- 
dus.: Shipping & coal-mining ; 
chemical works. 

Seaham Weekly News, 1859 

SEDBERGH (Yorks). Pop. 3,935. 
Periodicals, &c.— 

SELBY (Yorks). Pop. 9,049. Market, 
Mon. Indus. : Shipping, boat- 
building, and ‘flax-spinning. 

. Selby Express (Goole) 
Selby Times, 1860 

SETTLE (Yorkshire). Pop. 14, 318, 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Giggleswick Chronicle. 
Lambert’s Settle Almanac. 

SEVENOAKS (Kent). Pop. 9,183. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Hop-growing. 
Kent Messenger and ee 
Telegraph (Maidstone) 
Sevenoaks Chronicle, 1880 

SHANKLIN, Isle of Wight (Hants). Sea- 
side residence. Pop. 4,751. 
Shanklin Gazette, 1899 
Weekly Illustrated Isle of Wight 
Guardian, 1882 

SHEERNESS (Kent). Pop. 17, 494. Has 
eer and Dockyard. - 
Sheerness Guardian, 1858 

- SHEFFIELD (Yorks). Pop. 454,653. 
Markets, Tues., Sat. Manufac- 
tures: Cutlery, plated goods, 
edge tools, machinery, needles, 
printing types, and hardware 
of every description. 

*Sheffield Daily Telegraph, 1855 

Sheffield Guardian, 1906 . 

*Sheffield Independent, 1819 ... 

Po. Weekly Independent, 

Sheffield Weekly News, 1889 
Weekly Telegraph, 1862.. 
Yorkshire Early Bird, 1897 Sis 
vermbire Telegraph and Piar, 

Periodicals, boa 

Annual Report of the British 
Temperance League. 

British Temperance Advocate. 

Christian Words. 

Matrimonial Gazette 

Proceedings of the Sheffield 
Naturalists’ Club. 

Sheffield and Rotherham Red 

Advertisements received for all Magazines. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


Sheffield Catholic Herald. 

Sheffield City Almanac. 

Sheffield Equatorial Independent 
Druids Quarterly Journal. 

Sheffield Stock Exchange Daily 


Sheffield Year Book. 

Sports Special. 

Transactions of the Hunter 
Archaeological Society. 

W.T. Novels. 

Yorkshire Catholic Herald. 

Pop. 1,810. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Index to the Times. 

Telegraph Railway 

SHEPTON MALLET (Somerset). Pop. 

5,011. Market, Fri. Indus.: 

Silk, shoes, hosiery, lace, and 

Shepton Mallet Journal, 1854 ... 

SHERBORNE (Dorset). Pop. 5,954. 
Periodicals, &c.— 

umberland and Durham). Pop. 
S. Shields, 108,649. Market, 
Sat. Indus.: Coal and iron 
exporting, and ship-building. 
*Shields Daily Gazette, 1849 he 
Shields Daily News, 1864 ta 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Ainsley’s Nautical Almanack. 
Reid’s Shields Diary (Newcastle). 
Temperance Messenger. 
Turnbull’s Shipping Register 
Turnbull’s Steamship Insurance. 
Register for United Kingdom. 

SHIPLEY (Yorkshire). Pop. 27,710. 
Indus.: Plushes, dress goods, 
woollens, stone, iron, and 
machine works. 

Shipley Times, 1876 (Bradford) 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Annual Report of the Bronte 
Transactions of the Bronte So- 
SHOREHAM (Sussex). Pop. 5,731. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Lancing College Magazine. 
Shoreham, &c. , Directory (Brigh- 

SHREWSBURY (Shropshire). Pop. 
29,389. Markets, Wed., Sat. 
Indus. : Flax, thread, canvas, 
linen, and army clothing: agri- 
cultural implements. 

Shrewsbury Border 
Advertiser. (Oswestry) 






SHREWSBURY —continued. 
*Shrewsbury Chronicle, 1772 
Periodicals, &c.— 


Shrewsbury, &c., Circular. 

Shrewsbury Outlook. 

Wilding’s Directory for SEW 

SipcuP (Kent). 

Sidcup & District Times, 1889 ... 

SIDMOUTH (Devon). Favourite water- 
ing-place. Pop. 5,612. Indus.: 
Agriculture and lace-making. 

Sidmouth Herald, 1849 ... X 
Sidmouth Observer, 1887 

SITTINGBOURNE (Kent). Pop. 8,382. 
Market, Fri. Indus. : 
ture, oyster-fishing; brick, 
cement, and paper making. 

East Kent Gazette, 1854... 
Periodicals, &c.— 

SKEGNESS (Lincoln). Pop. 3,775. 
Skegness Herald, 1882 ... “a 
Skegness, &c., News, 1909 

SKIPTON (Yorks). Pop. 12,981. Mar- 

Pop. (eccles. parish) 

ket, Sat. Indus.: Cotton-spin- 

ning and agriculture. 
a Graven Herald, 1876... 
West Yorkshire Pioneer, 1858 . 


SLEAFORD (Lincoln). Pop. 6,428. Mar- 

ket, Mon. Indus. : Agriculture. 
Sleatord Gazette, 1854 
Sleaford Journal, 1872 . 

SLOUGH (Bucks). Pop. 14,985. Mar- 

ket, Tues. Indus.: Agriculture. 
Slough Chronicle (Reading) 
Slough, &c., Observer, 1883 

SMETHWICK (Worcester). Pop. 54,560. 
Smethwick Telephone, 1884 ... 
Smethwick ee nen (West 

Bromwich) .. ane 

SOHAM (Cambridge). Pop. 4,138. 
Soham Advertiser (March) 

SOUTH BANK (Yorks). Pop. 14,976 
Indus.: Has boiler-making and 
iron and steel manufactories. 

South Bank Express (Redcar) . 

SOUTHALL (Middlesex). Pop. 26, 327. 
Southall, &c., Gazette ... 

SOUTHAMPTON (Hants). Port for West 
Indies, Central and South 
America, Brazil, River Plate, 
South Africa, &c. Government 
emigration depot. Pop.119,039. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Shipping, 
and ship provisioning and 

Advocate tor Shiriey, 1894 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

Agricul- | 

.. 457 

Sou THAMPTON—continued. 

*Hampshire Advertiser, 1823 
Hampshire Independent, 1835 ... 
Southampton Times, 1860 
Southern Daily Echo, 1888 

Periodicals, @¢.— 
Southampton and District Pic- 
What’s On in Southampton. 

SoUTHEND (Essex). Favourite marine 
resort. Pop. 62,723, Indus. : 

Southend Observer, 1870 
Southend Standard, 1871 N 
Southend Telegraph, 1900 Tet 
Periodicals, &c.— ` 
Southend and Westcliffe Graphic. 



SOUTHMOLTON (Devon). Pop. 2,742. 
Southmolton Gazette (Tiverton)... 

SoutHport (Lancashire). Fashionable 
watering-place. Pop. 51, 650. 
*Southport Guardian, 1882 a 
Southport Journal, 1882.. ‘ae 
*Southport Visiter, 1844 . 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Herb Doctor. 
Seed’s Southport, &c., Directory 
Southport Welcome, 


SPALDING (Lincoln). Pop. 10, 309. Mar- 
ket, Tues. Indus. : Agriculture. 
*Lincolnshire Free Press, 1847.. 
Spalding and m eaaa Stan- 
dard (Boston) mae 
Spalding Guardian, 1881 ule 

STAFFORD (Staffordshire). Pop. 23,385. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Engineer- 
ing, boot and shoe making, 
and tanning ; horse-nail manu- 

*Staffordshire Advertiser, 1795 ... 
Staffordshire Chronicle, 1877 

STAINES (Middlesex). Pop. 6,756. 
Market, Fri. 
West Middlesex Times, 1881 

STALYBRIDGE (Cheshire). Pop. 26,514., 


... 457 


`. 459 



stay eniaee: &c., Standard (Old- 


Stalybridge Herald 
under-Lyne) . 
Stalybridge Reporter (Ashton- 

under-Lyne) ... 

STAMFORD (Lincoln). Pop. 
Markets, Mon., Fri. 

*Lincoin, Rutland, ane eaevers 
Mercury, 1695. 


9, 646. 
Indus. : 

James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125; Strand, London. 


Stamford and District News, 1912 
a Periodicals, &c.— 
Annual Report and Transactions 
of the Rutland Archaeological, 
&c., Society. 

STANLEY (Durham). Pop. 23,300. 
Stanley News and West Durham 
Observer, 1912 ire see 


STANNINGLEY (Yorks). Pop. (eccles. 
dist.) 5,573. 
Laisterdyke and Bowling News, 
1895 eds 

STOCKPORT (Cheshire). Pop. 108,693. 
Markets, Fri., Sat. Indus.: 
» Cotton, hats, machinery, to- 
bacco, and calico printing. 
*Cheshire Daily Echo, 1883 | 
Stockport Advertiser, 1822- 
Stockport Express, 1889 -~ 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Banner of Hope. 
Cheshire Notes and Queries. 
Stockport District Express. 
Stockport Record and Who’s 

STOCKTON HEATH (Cheshire). Pop. 

Stockton Heath Review (War- 

rington) wa o- wis age 
| STOCKTON-ON-TEES (Durham). Pop. 
52,158. Markets, Wed., Sat. 
Indus. :' Ship-building, ship- 

ping, engineering; sail-cloth, . 

and iron manufactures. 
Stockton and Thornaby Herald, 

1856 ... : 
Periodicals, &c.— -gr 
Heavisides’s Stockton, &c., 

Monthly Advertiser. 


STOKE-ON-TRENT (Staffordshire). Pop. 

*Staffordshire Sentinel, 1854 

Staffordshire Weekly Sentinel, 

1854 j 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Potteries, &c., Directory. 
Transactions of the English Cera- 
mic Society. 

STOURBRIDGE (Worcester). Pop. 
17,316. Market, Fri. Indus.: 
Glass, fire-clay products ; iron-7 

: working. 
County Express, 1864 bg 

STOWMARKET (Suffolk). Pop. 4,230. 

Stowmarket Courier, 1868 (Sud- 
bury) ... isis ioe TE 
Stowmarket Weekly Post (Bury 
St. Edmunds) ... op ae 

Sr Saree a Ee re eee ae ee ee ; 
: Advertisements received toy all the Societies Tournals. 

| Willing’s Press Guide. 


STRATFORD-ON-AVON (Warwick). Pop. 
8,532. Market, Fri. Indus.: 

Stratford-on-Avon Herald, 1860 



STRETFORD (Lancashire). Pop. 42,496. 
Stretford Division Advertiser 
(Stockport)... ud as 
Stretford Telegraph (Urmston) ... 

STROUD (Gloucester). Pop. 8,772. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus. : Woollen and 
silk weaving ; dyeing. 

Stroud Journal, 1854 ... 
*Stroud News, 1867 poe 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Cainscross, &c., Co-operative 
Chess Amateur. 

SUDBURY (Sujffosk). Pop. 7,141. Mar- 
kets, Thurs., Sat. Manufac- 
tures: Silk, velvet, malt, and 
Essex and Suffolk News... és 
Sudbury Post (Bury St. Edmunds)- 
Suffolk and Essex Free Press, 

1855 ... Sau sts ve 

SUNDERLAND (Durham). Pop. 151,162. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Ship 
building, coal-exporting ; sail- 
cloth, earthenware, glass, and 
iron manufactures. pS 

*Sunderiand Daily Echo, 1873 ... 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Handbook of the Amateur Swim- 
ming Association. 
Library Circular. 
Reed’s Tide Tables. 
Reid’s Sunderland Diary. 
Sunderland Co-operative Society 
Y.M.C.A. Times. 

SURBITON (Surrey). Pop. 17,713. 

Surbiton Times, 1895 ... oe 
Periodicals, &&c.—- 

Journal and Proceedings of the 

Permanent Way Institution. 

SuTTON (Surrey). Pop. 21,275, 

Surrey County Herald, 1893 
Sutton Advertiser (Croydon) 
Sutton Herald ... Si 

| Periodicals, &c.— 
Pile’s Sutton, &c., Directory. 

20,132. Market, Mon. Indus.: 

Manufacture of hardware 

Sutton Coldfield News (Birming- 
ham), ...,. oad J| i 


[267 o 


21,707. Market, Sat. Indus. : 
Coal-mining, agriculture, cot- 
ton and hosiery manufacture. 

Nottinghamshire Free Press, 1885 

SWAFFHAM (Norfolk). Pop. 3,234. 
Market, Sat. 
Swaffham News (Lynn)... 

SWANAGE (Dorset). Pop. 4,689. 
Swanage auardian (Bourne- 
mouth) ae 

SWANLEY (Kent). Pop. 1,713. 
Swaniey, &c., Times (Sidcup) .. 

SWANSCOMBE (Kent). Pop. 6,975. 
Swanscombe Chronicle (Dartford) 

_ Swindon (Wilts). Pop. 50,771. Mar- 
ket, Mon. Indus. : Great West- 
ern Railway works, quarrying, 
and agriculture ; military and 
railway uniforms, and boot 
and shoe manufacture. 

Evening North Wiits Herald, 1882 
Evening Swindon Advertiser, 1898 
*North Wilts Herald, 1861 P 
Swindon Advertiser, 1854 
Periodicals, &c.— 
North Wilts and District Direc- 

SWINTON (Lancashire). Pop. with 
Pendlebury, 30,759. Indus. : 
Brick-making and cotton 

Swinton and Pendlebury Journal 

Swinton and Pendlebury Teie- 
graph (Urmston) ; 

TADCASTER (Yorkshire). Pop. 29, 072. 
Tadcaster News (Wetherby) 
TAMWORTH ((Stafford). Pop. 7,738. 

Market, Sat. Indus.: Paper 
and small-wares, clothing, and 
Tamworth Herald, 1868 
Tamworth Mercury (Lichtieid)... 

TAUNTON (Somerset). Pop. 22,563. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus. : 
_ Silk-weaving; glove, shirt, 

and collar making; agriculture. 

Willing’s Press Guide. © 

Somerset County Express, 1887 458 
*Somerset County Gazette, 1836 459 
Somerset County Herald, 1843 ... 
Taunton Courier, 1808 ... R 
Taunton Echo, 1887 .. 458 

Taunton Mail, 1893 jia 
Western Advertiser, 1884 
Western News, 1855 .. 

TAVISTOCK (Devon). Pop. 4, 392. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus. : Agriculture; 
copper, tin, and lead- anne 

Tavistock Gazette, 1857.. . 
TEDDINGTON (Middlesex). Pop. 17,840 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Amateur Trader. 


m a U a a ee ie 

TEIGNMOUTH (Devon). Salubrious 
watering place. . Pop. 9,221. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Agricul 

ture, coasting, and fishing. 
Teignmouth Gazette, 1830 
Teignmouth Post, 1882 . 
Teignmouth Times, 1845 
Teignmouth Western Guardian 


TENBURY (Worcester). Lop. (parish) 
4,727. Market, Tues. Indus. : 
Fruit and hop growing, malt- 
ing, agriculture, and cattle” 
Tenbury Wells Advertiser, 1870 
Tenbury Wells Mail (Leominster) 

TEITENHALL (Staffordshire). - Pop. 
5,337. Indus.: Hardware 
manufactures. t 

Periodicals, &c.— 

TEWKESBURY (Gloucester). Pop. 5,287. 
Market, Wed. Indus.: Hosiery, 
malting and brewing. > 

Tewkesbury Register, 1858 ... 
Tewkesbury Weekly Record, 1855 

THAME (Oxford). Pop. 2,957. Market, 
Tues. Indus.: Agriculture. 
Thame Gazette, 1856 Sie 

THETFORD (Norfolk). Pop. 4,778. 
Thetford and MEATO Times (ors 


THIRSK (Yorks). Pop. 12 793. 
Thirsk, &c., News, 1897 (York)... 
Thirsk, &e., Guardian (North- ° 


THORNBURY (Gloucester). Pop. ‘19, 075. 
South Gloucestershire Chronicle 
Thornbury Gazette (Dursley) 


Periodicals, &c.— l 
Jefferson’s Nautical Almanac. 
THRAPSTON (Northamptonshire). Pop. 
10,650. Market, Tues. 
Thrapston, &c., Journal (Wening: 

TIPTON (Staijordshive).. Pop. 31, 763. 
Tipton Heraid (Dudley)... ; 

TIVERTON (Devon). Pop. 10,205. Mar- 

kets, Tues., Sat. Indus.: Lace 

and net-making ; agriculture. 
Devon &c., “Weekiy News, 1873 
*Tiverton Gazette, 1858 ... — 
Western Observer, 1874 

Periodicals, &¢c.— 

Tiverton Journal. ` 

TODMORDEN (Lancashire and Yorks). 

Pop. 25,455. Markets, Wed., 

Sat. Manufactures : Woollens, 

cottons, and machinery. 
Todmorden Advertiser, 1853 ... 
Todmorden & District News, 1828 

James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Provincial. | 

TONBRIDGE (Kent.) Pop. 14,797. In- 
dus.: Hops; agriculture. 
Tonbridge Free Press, 1828 
Tonbridge Gazette, 1909 
Periodicals, &c.— 


Torquay (Devon). Fashionable sca- 

side town and winter residence. 
Pop. 38,772. Market, Sat. 

*Torbay News, &c., 1911 

*Torquay Directory, 1839 

Torquay Times, 1849 

Periodicals, &c.— 

Journal of the Torquay Natural 

History Society. 

Totnes (Devon) Pop. 4,182. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Agriculture, 
fishing, cider, and serge manu- 
facture. | 

Totnes Times, 1860 si 
Western Guardian, 1882 . 


TREDEGAR (Monmouth). Pop. 23,604. 
_ Tredegar Weekly Argus (Newport) 
TRING (Herts). Pop. 4,481. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Novitates Zoologice. 

TROWBRIDGE (Wilts). Pop. 11,822. 
Markets, Tues., Thurs., Sat. 
Manufacture : Woollen cloths. 

*Wiltshire Times, 1876 ... 

Truro (Cornwall). Pop. 11,325. Mar- 
É kets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: Tin 
mining and smelting : agricul- 
ture and shipping. 
Cornwall County News, 1909 . 456 
*Royal Cornwall Gazette, 1801 ... 
West Briton, 1810 ae nae 
Periodicals,- &c.— 
Netherton’s Cornish Almanck. 
Truro Diocesan Magazine. 

_TUNBRIDGE WELLS (Kent & Sussex). 
Famous mineral springs. Pop. 
35,793. Market, Fri. Indus.: 
Agriculture and manufacture 
of wooden fancy wares. 

Evening Argus ... ve ee 
*Kent and Sussex Courier, 1872 
Morning Argus ... ene aie 
Southern Weekly News (Brighton) 
Sussex Daily News (Brighton) ... 455 
*Tunbridge Wells Advertiser, 1881- 
Tunbridge Wells Gazette, 1828... 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Blessed be Egypt. 
Petite Reveu. 

TWICKENHAM (Middlesex). Pop.29,374 
Twickenham Herald (Richmond) 


Advertisements received for all Trade Journals. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

| TYLDESLEY (Lancashire). Pop. (with 
Shakerley) 15,582. Indus.: 
Cotton-spinning, silk weaving, 
and coal-mining. 
Tyldesley, &c., Chronicle ( Leigh) 
Tyldesley Weekly Journal (Bolton) 

UCKFIELD (Sussex). Pop. 3,344. 
Uckfield Weekly (Brighton)... 

ULVERSTON (Lancashire). Seaside re- 
sort. Pop. 9,552. Indus.: Iron- 
mining, iron-wire, paper-mak- 
ing, manufacture of tar pro- 
ducts, and agriculture. 

Ulverston Guardian (Barrow-in- 
Furness) aie wa sin 
Ulverston News (Barrow-in-Fur- 
ness) ... er sa uae 

UPPINGHAM (Rutland). Pop. 6,735. 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Uppingham Almanac. 
Uppingham School Magazine. 

Pop. 14,596. 
Upton-on-Severn News, 1902 
Periodicals, &c.— 

UPWELL (Cambridge). Pop. 2,094. 
Upwell, &c., Advertiser (March) 

Urmston (Lancashire). Pop. 7,915. 
Western Telegraph, 1895 



UTTOXETER (Stafford). Pop. 5,719. 
Market, Wed. Indus.: Agri- 
culture, grazing, and stock 

Uttoxeter Advertiser, 1882 

UxBRIDGE (Middlesex). Pop. 10,372. 
Markets, Thurs., Sat. Indus. : 
Agriculture. . 

Middlesex, &c., Advertiser, 1853 
Uxbridge Gazette, 1880... hie 
Periodicals, &&c.— 
Undertakers’ Journal. 
Year Book of the Ski Club of 
Great Britain, &c. 

VENTNOR, Isle of Wight (Hants). 
Favourite watering-place and 
winter residence. Pop. 5,787. 

isle of Wight Advertiser, 1857 ... 
isle of Wight Mercury, 1855 ... 

WADEBRINGE (Cornwall. Pop. 2,339. 
Wadebridge Guardian (Bodmin) 

WAKEFIELD (Yorks). Pop. 51,516, 
Markets, Wed., Fri. Indus.: 
Worsted and woollen manu- 
factures, mining, and malting. 

Wakefield Advertiser, 1897 
*Wakefield Express, 1852 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Original Clock” Almanac. 






Wakefield Diocesan Gazette. 

WALKDEN (Lancashire). 
Walikden, eas Telegraph (aem 


WALLINGFORD (Berks). Pop. 2,716. 
Market, Fri. Indus. : Agricul- 

Berks & Oxon Advertiser, 1855 

WALLINGTON (Surrey). Pop. 5,152. 

Wallington and Carshalton Ad- 
vertiser (Croydon) ° 
Wallington and Carshalton Herald 
(Sutton) a 
Periodicals, Cees. 
North British Columbia News. 

WALSALL (Staffordf. Pop. 92,130. 
Market, Tues. Manufactures: 
Hardware, saddlery, locks, and 
keys. ; 

*Walsail Observer, 1856 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

. 459 

Commercial Year Book of the - 

Walsall and District Incor- 
porated Chamber of Com- 
merce (Derby). 

Freighters’ Journal. 

Saddlery and Harness. 

Walsall Annual Red Book. 

Walsall Pioneer. 

WALTHAM ABBEY (Essex). Pop. 6,796. 
Market, Tues. Manufactures: 
Powder and eee 

Weekly Telegraph, 1863.. 

WALTHAMSTow (Essex). Pop. 124, 597. 

Walthamstow Express ... 
Walthamstow, Leyton, &c., Guar- 
dian, 1870 : 
Walthamstow and Leyton Herald, 
Penodicals, Ge: — 
Divine Light and Truth. 

WALTON (Essex). Pop. 2,173. 
Walton Gazette (Colchester) 
Walton News (Clacton-on-Sea) 

WALTON (Lancashire). Pop. 12,352. 
Walton & North Liverpool Times 
Walton Observer ead 




WANSTEAD (Essex). Pop. 13,831. 

Wanstead Express (Leytonstone) 

WARMINSTER (Wilts). Pop. 5,492. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Agricul- 
ture, malting, & silk- -working. 

Warminster, &c., Journal, 1881 

a ee AI Ee ee eee a 
370) James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

. 459 

| WARRINGTON (Lancashire): Pop. 
72,178. Markets, Wed., Sat. 
Manufactures: ‘Tools, wire, 

nails, glass, iron, pins, leather, 

cotton, and soap. 
Warrington, &c., Examiner, 1869 
*Warrington Guardian, 1853... 
Warrington Review, 1904 

Warwick (Warwick). Pop. 11,858. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Agricul- 
ture and malting. ` 

*Warwick, &c., Advertiser, 1806... 
Warwick, &c., Times, 1861 3 

Periodicals, &¢.— 

WATERFOOT (Lancashire). 
Waterfoot Times- (Bacup) one 

WATERLOO (Lancs.) Pop. 26,399. 
Waterloo Herald, 1895 (South- 
~ port ; 
Waterloo Times (Bootle) 

WATFORD (Herts). Pop. 40,593. Mar- 
ket, Tues. Indus.: Malting, 
brewing, and paper-making. 

Watford Post and Echo, 1887 ... 
Watford News Letter, 1908 

bes Hers and Watford balks 
186 “459 

Seer en ore 
Monthly Review. 
Peacock’s Directory for Watford., 
Present Truth. 


WEALDSTONE (Middlesex). 
11,923. - 

Wealdstone Gazette (Harrow) . 

Wealdstone, Sess SASANN (Har- 

row) Se 

WEDNESBURY (Stafford). Pop.28, 108. 

Markets, Fri., Sat. Indus.: 
Iron, steel, railway. wheels, 
coach axles, gas-fittings, and 

Midland Advertiser, 1859 ; 

Pao Borough Now $ (Dud- 
le Sas se 

YPeriodical ls, Se. — 
Ryder’s Annual. 


WELLINGBOROUGH (Northampton). 
Pop. 19,758. Market, Wed. 
Manufactures : Boots & Shoes. 

Weliingborough and Rushden Ga- 
zette, 1912 (Kettering) i 
Weilingborough News, 1861 
Periodicals, &c.— z 

WELLINGTON (Shropshire). Pop. 6,273. 
Market, Thurs. Indus. : Coal 
and iron working, agriculture. 

*Weilington Journal, 1854 ans 



Provincial.] Willing’s Press Guide. (Towns. 

WELLINGTON (Somerset). Pop. 7,820. WHITBY (Yorks). Sea-bathing resort. 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: Agri- Pop. 11,139. Market, Sat. In- 
culture, woollen manufacture, dus. : Iron, ship-building, and 
and brick-making. manufacture of jet ornament. 

Wellington Express (Taunton) .. . 458 *Whitby Gazette, 1854 : 

MAE teas News, 1960.: WHITCHURCH (Shropshire) Pop. 5,757. 
SG e a Market, Fri. Indus. : Agricul- 

Wellington, &c., Directory. küre 

WELLS (Somerset). Pop. 4,655. Mar- Whitchurch Herald, 1869 

ket, Sat. Indus.: Agriculture; WHITEHAVEN (Cumberland). Pop. 

brush and paper-making. 19,048. Markets, Tues., Thurs. 
Wells Journal, 1851 ... ie Sat. Indus.: Exporting coal 
WEMBLEY (Middlesex). Pop. 4,519. and iron; mining; iron and 
Wembley Gazette (Harrow)... steel manufacture. 
Wembley Obsefver (Harrow) . Whitehaven Advertiser, 1882 ... 
Whitehaven Frée Press, 1831... 
WEstT BRIDGFORD (Notts). *Whitehaven News, 1852 
PONa oningnam; &c., Gazette, Periodicals, &t.— 
West Bridgtord Advertiser, 1908 e eee Conny. ane 
West BROMWICH (Stafford). Pop. WHITLEY (Northumberland). Pop. 
68,345. Indus.: Coal and iron 14,410. Seaside resort. Indus.: 
Be ; hardware manufac- Coal mining and quarrying. 
ure i i 1894 
Free Press, 1875 p 7 Whitley Seaside Chronicle, 18 
Midland Chronicle, 1890.. ; WHITSTABLE (Kent). Pop. 7,984. In- 
West Bromwich Weekly News, dus.: Oyster-dredging, ship- 
1871... ping, and oe 
Periodicals, eae Whitstable Times, 1864.. 

Albion News. 
Multigraph News. 
Protestant Witness. 

WHITTLESEA (Cambridge). Pop. 4,207. 
Whittlesea Reporter (March) 

WIDNES (Lancashire). Pop. 31,544. 
Indus. : Chemical manufacture. 
Widnes and Runcorn ne 

West Ham—see LEYTONSTONE, and 

WEsT KIRBY (Cheshire). (Runcorn) 
Deeside Advertiser, 188S ses Widnes Examiner (Warrington) | 
. Widnes Guardian (Warrington) 
VE E (Kent). Pop. (parish) Widnes Weekly News, 1876 
Westerham Herald, 1882 mA E eae Rae 
WESTMINSTER — see METROPOLITAN dus. : Cotton-spinning, linen- 
NEWSPAPERS. weaving, dyeing, coal-mining, 
WESTON-SUPER-MARE (Somerset). founding, printing, and agri- 
Favourite seaside resort. Pop. culture. N 
23,235. Indus.: Agriculture *Wigan Examiner, 1853 
and terra-cotta. MIKAN ta pide P yaa 
*Weston Mercury, 1843 . oa _ fertodicats, &c.— — 
*Weston-super-Mare Gazette, 1845 Sra ies eri 2 ones 
WETHERBY (Yorks). Pop. (parish) igan Catholic Herald (Liver- 
16,210. Market, Thurs. Indus.: pool): 
‘Aoricult í ` is Wigan Public Libraries Quarterly 
griculture. Record. 

Wetherby News, 1857 ... 

WEYMOUTH (Dorset). Pop. (with Mel- 
combe Regis) 22,325. Indus: : 

WIGTON (Cumberland). Pop. 3,687. 
Market, Tues. Indus. : Cotton- 

nae : ee eaving. 
Shipping and ay aaa vs ‘ 
Football Express, 1913 .. ae Wigton Advertiser, 1857 
Southern Times, 1851 ... WILLESDEN — see METROPOLITAN 
Weymouth, &c., Standard, 1906 NEWSPAPERS. 
Weymouth Telegram, 1885... WILLITON (Somerset). Pop. 12,582. 
Periodicals, &c. Market, Fri. Indus. : Agricul- 
Clavinian. ture. , 
Dorset Masonic Calendar. *West Somerset Free Press, 1869 

Advertisements received for al} the Swedish Journals. [3% 

Provincial.} - Willing’s Press Guide. = [Towns. 

WILMSLOW (Cheshire). Pop. 8,153. WITHERNSEA (Yorks). Pop. 2,279. 
Wilmsiow ans Piaerey Express, Seaside resort. . 
1908 Withernsea Guardian (Beverley) 

WIMBLEDON (Suave. Pop. 54, 876. 
Wimbledon, &c., Gazette, 1892 
Wimbledon and Merton Mercury 


WITNEY (Oxford). Pop. 3,529. Mar- 
ket, Thurs. Manufactures : 
Blankets, heavy woollens, and 

Wimbledon Boro’ News, 1904.. = Witney Gazette. 1861 
Wimbiedon Heraid (Sutton) ... 459 y Oat 
Wimbledon News Letter (Putney) WIVELISCOMBE (Somerset). Pop. 1,316. 
Periodicals, &c. Wivesliscombe Express (Taunton) 458 
King’s College School . Magazine. Periodicals, &¢.— 
King’s College School Science Davy’s Devon Herd Book. 
Journal. Flock Book of the Devon Long- 
Messenger of the Sacred Heart. Woolled ‘Sheep. 
WIMBORNE (Dorset), Pop. 3,711. In- Wosurn (Bedford): Pop. 1,129. 
dus.: Agriculture. Woburn Reporter (Bedford) 
Wimborne, &c., Herald (Bourne- Woxine (Surrey). Pop. 24,810. 
i Woking Herald, 1913 ... Ag 
Peon Guardian (Bourne- Woking News & Mail, 1894 _... 
A Woking Observer, 1897... A 
WINCHESTER (Hants). Pop. 23,380. Periodicals, &c.— 
rane Wed., Sat. Indus.: Islamic World. 
BICHI MUTE: ournal, &c., of the Permanent 
*Hampshire Chronicle, 1772 ... 457 J Way Institution. 
Hampshire Observer, 1877 ... 2, 
Periodicals, &c. WOKINGHAM (Berks). Pop: 4,352 
Bugle Call. i Berkshire Gazette, 1902.. 
Hampshire Regimental Journal. ! Wokingham Chronicle (Reading) 
Preparatory Schools’ Review. re ertodicals, &c.— 
Winchester Diocesan Calendar. Wellingtonian. 

Winchester Diocesan Chronicle. 
Winchester Directory. 

WINDSOR (Berks). Royal residence. 
Pop. 12,681. Markets, Wed., 
Sat. l 
*Windsor and Eton Express, 1812 
Windsor Chronicle (Reading) ... 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Beaumont Review. 
Eton College Chronicle. 

WINSFORD (Cheshire). Pop. 10,772 
Winsford and Middlewich 

WOLVERHAMPTON (Stafford). Pop. 
95,333. Markets, Wed., Sat. 
Indus. : Iron-mining, smelting, 
and founding; coal-mining, 
manufacture of hardware, 
locks, edge-tools, implements, 

tin and japanned ware, papier- 
mache, fencing, &c. ; boot and 
shoe making. È 
Express and Star, 1874 . 
Midland Counties Express, 1861 
*Woiverhampton Chronicie, 1789. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Assurance Review. 


eee Se een ae- 

Chronicle (Crewe)... jes Fettenhallian. 
Winstord and Middlewich Wolverhampton Free Journal. 
Guardian . (Warrington) i FEON WOLVERTON (Bucks). Pop. 4, 187. 
WirkswortH (Derby). Pop. 3,807. Bucks Weekly News, 1901 ... 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Lead Woiverton Express, 1901 
‘eon &C | ee Nee eens 
Eo aa Sheet (Wirks- WOODBRIDGE (Suffolk). Pop. 4,623. 

Market, Thurs. Indus. : Ship- 
ping and agriculture. 

Woodbridge Reporter, 1859 

WISBECH (Cambridge). Pop. 10,828. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Corn, 
coal, timber, and agricultural 

implement trades: shipping, WOODCHESTER (Gloucester). 

andchip-building. hibits a lam 
*Isie of Ely and Wisbech Adver- Screen. 

tiser, 1845 WooprForD (Essex). Pop. 18,497. 
Wisbech Constitutional Gazette, Bugle, 1907 . 

1868 ous Woodford, &c., Advertiser, 1895 
Wisbech Standard, 1888.. at Woodford Express (Leytonstone) 

372] James Willing, Lid., ae Agents, 125, Strand, London. 



Woodford Times, 1867... 
Periodicals, &c.— 

WoopDHALL Spa (Lincolnshire). Pop. 
Woodhall Spa poe 1899 (ear 
coln) ... 

WoorwıicH (Kent). 
* Pop. 121,403. 
*Kentish Independent, 1843 ... 
Pioneer & Labour Journal, 1904 
Woolwich Gazette, 1862 a 
Woolwich Herald, 1882 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Government Workers’ Advocate. 
Journal of the Royal Artillery. 
Pioneer and Labour Journal. 
Pryce’s Illustrated Almanac. 
R.M.A. Magazine. 
Woolwich Co-operative society 

WORCESTER (Worcester). Pop. 47,987. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus:: 
Porcelain, gloves, and machin- 
ery manufacture: dyeing and 

*Berrow’s Worcester Journal, 1690 
Worcester Daily Times, 1880 ... 
*Worcester Herald, 1794... e 
Worcestershire Advertiser, 1861 
Worcestershire Chronicle, 1838... 
Worcestershire Echo, 1877 ... 
Worcestershire Standard, 1897... 
Periodicals, &c.— 
City of Worcester Official Hand- 
Littlebury’s Directory. 
Midland Counties A B C Railway 
Worcester and District Directory. 
Worcester A B C Railway Guide. 
Worcestershire County Council 

WORKINGTON (Cumberland). Pop. 
f 25,099. Markets, Wed., Sat. 
Indus. : Mining, iron and steel 
working, shippinz, ship-build- 
ing, and salmon- oe 
Workington News, 1882.. 
Workington Star, 1888 . 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Se ern tas Beehive (Manches- 

Royal Arsenal. 

Workington Co-operative Record. 

Worksop (Notts). Pop. 20,387. Mar- 
ket, Wed. Indus. : Agriculture, 
coal-mining, malting, chair 

_ making, wood-turning, &c. ... 
*Worksop Guardian, 1896 

Advertisements received for all Colonial and Foreign Newspapers. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

WoRTHING (Sussex). Favourite water- 
* ing place. Pop. 30,308. Indus.: 
Fruit growing. 
Evening Argus 
_ Morning Argus ... 
Worthing Gazette, 1883 
Worthing Mercury, 1861 
Worthing Observer, 1856 
Periodicals, &c.— 
_ Worthing, &c., Blue Book and 
Directory (Brighton). 

one UNDER-EDGE (Gloucester). 
Pop. 2,992. 
Wotton-under-Edge, mac Gazette 

Periodicals, &C.— 
Proceedings of the Wesley His- 
torical Society. 

WYCOMBE (Bucks). Pop. 20,390. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Chairs, 
paper, and agriculture. 

South Bucks Free Press, 1856 ... 
Periodicals, &¢.—_ 
Wycombe Abbey Gazette. 

i YARMOUTH (Norfolk). Popular bath- 

ing place. Pop. 55,804. Mar- 
kets, Wed., Sat. Indus. : 
Herring fishing and curing 
ship-building, and shippin 
Yarmouth, &c., Times (Norwich) 
Yarmouth independent, 1855 
Yarmouth Mercury, 1880 - 
Yarmouth SARI ition oe 

YEOVIL Somerset). Pop. 13,760. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Glove- 

Pulman’s Weekly News, 1857 ... 
Western Chronicle, 1764 
*Western Gazeite, 1736 ... 
Yeovil Leader, 1898 

York (Yorks). Cathedral city. Pop. 
82,297. Markets, Thurs., Sat. 
Indus. : Leather gloves, ‘shoe, 

` and glass manufactures, iron- 
founding, confectionery, and 
agricultural manures ; railway 

York Star, 1910 ... 

Yorkshire Evening Press, 1882 `. 

Yorkshire Gazette, 1819 

*Yorkshire Herald, 1790 

Yorkshire News, 1898 

Periodicals, &c.-— 

British Pig Breeder. 

Directory of Manufacturers, 
Wholesale Importers and Ex- 
porters on the N.E. Railway 

Farmer’s Advocate. 

North Eastern Railway Fur- 

- nished Lodgings, &c., Guide. 

North Eastern Railway Maga- 




York Churchman’s Almanac and 
City Register. 
York Diocesan Calendar. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


York Diocesan Gazette. - 
York Journal of Convocation. 
Yorkshire Almanac. 

Yorkshire Christmas Annual. 
Yorkshire News Football Guide. 


ABERDARE Glamorgan). Pop. 50,844. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: 
Coal and iron mining. 

Aberdare and Mountain Ash Ex- 
press (Merthyr ae 
Aberdare Leader, 1838 . 
Aberdare Post, 1906 .. 
Mountain Ash Post, 1912 2 (Aber 
Periodicals, Ge. — 
Hauw, Yr. 

ABERGELE (Denbigh). Pop. 2,121. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Quarry- 
ing ; iron and lead mining. 

Abergele, &c., Weekly News al ; 

Abergele, &c., Times, 1908 .. 
Abergele & Pensarn Visitor, 1856 

ABERYSTWYTH (Cardigan). Popular 
watering-place. Pop. 8,412. 
Market, Mon. 

Cambrian News, 1860 
Welsh Gazette, 1899 

Periodicals, &¢.— 
Bibliotheca Celtica. 

Journal of the Welsh Biblio- 

graphical Society. 

Transactions of the Carmarthen- 
shire Antiquarian Society and 
Field Club. 



AMMONFORD (Carmarthen). Pop. 
6,074. Indus.: Coal Mining, 
paint and oilworks. 

Amman Valley Chronicle 

Bara (Merioneth). Pop. 1,537. 
Seren, 1885 a on 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Calendar of the Calvinistic Metho- 
dist Theological College. 
Wythnos, A’r Eryr. 

BANGOR (Carnarvon). Pop. 11,237. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Slate- 

quarrying, agriculture, and 

Bangor, &c., Weekly News (2an 

Bangor Observer (Carnarvon) .. 

Qwalia, 1880 

North Wales Chronicle, 1808 .., 

Periodicals, &c¢.~= 
Bangor Diocesan Calendar, 

374) James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Sivand, London, 


Eurgrawn Wesleyaidd. 
Magazine of the University Col- 
lege of North Wales. 

BaRMOUTH (Merioneth). Pleasant 
watering place. Pop. 2,106. 

Markets, Tues., Fri. Indus. : 
Barmouth Advertiser, 1877 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Seren Gomer. 

Barry Dock (Glamorgan). Pop. 
Barry Dock News, 1889 
Barry Herald, 1896 : ie 
Periodicals, &C.— = 
Barry, &c., Directory (Cardiff). 

DERW Y¥-CoED (Carnarvon). Pop. 

Bettws-y-Coed, Sei weekiy new 

BLAENAU FESTINIOG (M evionethshive). 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Aelwyd Yr. 

Arweinydd Yr. - 

Brecon (Brecknock). Pop. 5,908. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Agricul- 
ture and mining. 

Brecon and Radnor Express, 18S9 
Brecon County Times, 1866 : 
Radnor Express 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Brecon County Annual. 

BRIDGEND (Glamorgan). Pop. 8,021. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Coal and 
iron working; agriculture. 

Glamorgan Gazette, 1866 — 

Burry Dock (Carmarthenshire). 
Burry Port Star (Lianeliy) 

CAERPHILLY (Glamorgan).Pop.32,850. 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: Has 
collieries, ironworks, and 

= woollen manufactories. 
Caerphilly Journal (Bargoed) 

CARDIFF (Glamorgan). A seaport town 

f with very extensive docks. 
Pop. 182,280. Markets, Wed., 
Sat. Indus.: Shipping trade, 
ship-building, exportation of 
coal, iron, and minerals; 
copper-working ; engineering. 


Provincial. | 


Cardiff Times, 1857 

Evening Express, 1887 ... 

*South Wales Daily News, 1872 

South Wales Echo, 1884 

Weekly Mail, 1870 ae 

*Western Mail, 1869 eee 
Periodicals, @&c.— 


Annual Report of the National 
Museum of Wales. 

Baptist Record. 

Bibliography of Wales. 

British & Colonial Mincral Water 

Trade Journal. 
British Deaf Times. 
Business Prospects Year Book. 


Cardiff, &c., Journal of Commerce. 

Cardiff Directory. 

Cardiff Naturalists’ 

County Schools Review. 

Kemp’s Local Gazette. 

Llandaff Diocesan Church Calen- 

Llandaff Diocesan Magazine. 

South Wales Coal and Iron Com- 

South Wales Coal Annual. 

South Wales Investment Circular. 


University of Wales C alendar. 

Welsh Catholic Herald. 

Welsh Coal and Shipping Hand- 

book. . 

Welsh Outlook. 

Western Mail A.B.C. Railway 
Time Tables, &c. : 

Workers’ Own. 

CARDIGAN (Cardigan). Pop. 3,578. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Shipping 
trade, fisheries, agriculture, 
brick-making and potteries. 

Cardigan Advertiser, 1866 cu 
Cardigan Bay Visitor, 1860 
(Aberystwyth)... réi ies 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Almanac y Cymro. 

CARMARTHEN (Carmarthen). Pop. 
10,221. Markets, Wed., Sat. 
Indus. : Shipping trade, tin 
works, cloth-weaving, and agri- 
*Carmarthen Journal, 1810 pas 
*Carmarthen Weekly dled 

1860 i 
Seren Cymru, 1857 
Weishman, 1829.. 

Periodicals, Sci 

Cyfaill Eglwysig. 
Hanes y Rhyfel Furopeaidd. 
St. David’s Diocesan Almanac. 
St. David’s Diocesan Directory. 


Advertisements received for all Newspapers. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


| CARNARVON (Carnarvon). Pop. 9,119. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Shipping, 
timber and coal trades, 
fisheries, slate works. 

Carnarvon Herald, 1831 

Dinesydd Cymreig, 1912... 

Genedi Gymreig, 1877... 

North Wales Observer, 1877 

Werin, 1886 : ; 
Periodicals, Ges 






Papur Pawb. 


Trysofar y Plant. ‘ 

Cotwyn Bay (Denbigh) Pop. 12,630. 

Colwyn Bay, &c., NWI News, 

Colwyn Bay Herald (Carnarvon) i 

Colwyn Bay Standard (Conway) 

Welsh Coast Pioneer, 1891... 

Pertodicals, &c.— 

Colwyn Bay, &c., 

Conway (Carnarvonshire). Pop. 5242. 
Conway Standard ave Sus 
Conway Weekly News ... 

North Wales Standard, 1915 ... 
North Wales Weekly News, 1905 
Vale of Clwyd, &c., Weekly News 
Vale of Conway, &c.,Weekly News 

CORWEN (Merionethshire). Market, 
Fri. Fishing resort. 
Periodicals, &c.— 

COWBRIDGE (Glamorgan). Pop. 1,167. 
Periodicals, Ce. l 

DENBIGH (Denbigh). Pop. 6,892. Mar- 
kets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: Agri- 
culture and tanning. 

Baner ac Amserau Cymru, 1843 
Denbighshire Free Press, 1881... 
North Wales Times, 1895 Pe 

DOLGELLY (Merioneth). Pop. 2,160. 
Markets, Tues., Sat. Iadus. : 
Tanning, flannel, and linen 

Dydd, 1868 ‘ ev 

Merioneth News (Carnarvon) i 
Periodicals, &c.— 



Dysgedydd y Plant. 




Williams (Dr.) School iierariae 

FISHGUARD (Pembroke). Pop. 2,892. 
County Echo, 1880 ie ai 




GELLI (Flintshire). 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
HARWARDEN (Flint). __ 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Flint County Teachers’ Associa- 
tion Quarterly Review. 

HAVERFORDWEST (Pembroke). Pop. 
5,920. Market, Sat. 
Coasting, and Agriculture. 

Haverfordwest Telegraph, 1854 
Pembroke County Guardian, 1861 
Pembrokeshire Heraid, 1844 

HOLYHEAD (Anglesea). Pop. 10,638. 

Holyhead Chronicle ad S 

Holyhead Mail (Carnarvon) ... 

Holyhead al &e., teil 

HOLYWELL (Flini). Pop. 5, 474. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus. : Coal, iron, 
and lead mining, quarrying, 

. smelting; flannel and “paper 
County Herald, 1883 

LAMPETER (Cardigan). Pop. 1,802. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Haul Ye. 
Lian a'r Dywysogaeth. 
é Perl. 
St. David's College and School 
LLANDRINDOD (Radnor). Pop. 2,779. 

. Markets, Tues., Sat. 
- Central Wales News, 1898 

LLANDUDNO (Carnarvon). Favourite 
seaside resort. Pop. 10,469. 
Liandudno Advertiser, 1880... 
Liandudno, &c., Weekiy ice 
(Conway) ea 
Liandudno Directory, 1854. 
Liandudno euncner standart 

Conway) . 
Llandudno Pilot .. 
Liandudno Register, 1854 (Car- 
narvon) ia 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

LLANDYSSUL (Cardigan). Pop. 3,034. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
- Ymofynydd. 

LLANELLY (Carmarthen). Pop. 32, 077. 
Markets, Thurs., Sat. Indus. : 
Export of coal, iron, copper, 
tin, &c. 

Lianelly Argus, 1911... 
Lianelly Guardian, 1863... 
Lianelly Mercury, 1891 
Lianelly Star, 1909 : 
South Wales Press, 1853 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Seren yr Ysgol Sul. 

Willing’s Press Guide. _ = 

Indus. ;. 

LLANFAIRFECHAN (Carnarvon). Pop. 

Lianfairfechan &c., Weekly News 

(Conway) se 
Lianfairfechan Standard (Con- 
way) ioe 
LLANGEFNI ese Pop. 1,774. 
Market, Thurs. Indus. : Weer 
i len manufacturers, tanning 
matting. . 
Clorianydd, 1891... sa Leis 
LLANGOLLEN (Denbigh). Pop. 3,250. 

Market, Sat. Manufactures : 
Woollens, slates, watches, ales, 
Liangolien Advertiser, 1860 1937 
Periodicals, Se 

LLANRWST (Denbigh). 
Llanrwst, &c., 
Lianrwst Free Press (Denbigh) .. 
Lianrwst Standard (Conway) . 

Pop. 2,519. 
Weekly News 

MERTHYR-TYDFIL (Glamorgan). Pop. 
80,990. Markets, Wed., Sat. 
Indus. : Ironworks—the most 
extensive in the kingdom; coal 
and mineral mining. 

Merthyr Express, 1864 . © ay 

Tyst, 1864 wà au 
Periodicals, 6c. — 

Cenad Hedd. 

Ffon A’r Ffynon. 


MILFoRD HAvEN (Pembroke). Pop. 

Miiford ‘Haven, &e., Gazette ... 

NARBERTH (Pembrokeshire). 
1,105. Market, Thurs. 
Narberth, &c., Weekly News, 1906 

NEWTOWN (Montgomery). Pop. 6,068. 
Markets, Tues., Sat. Manufac- 
tures: Flannel, cloth, tweeds, 

Montgomeryshire Express, 1860 

PEMBROKE (Pembroke). Royal dock- 
yard. Pop. 15,673. Markets, 
Wed., Sat. 




Pembroke m. Pembroke ween | 

Gazette, 1855 
Pembrokeshire Times, 1879 
Ward-Davies’s Free Press, 1869 
Periodicals, &c.— 
News in a Nutshell. 

PENARTH (Glamorgan). Pop. 15,488. 
` Penarth Times, 1882 ... 

376] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents;'125y Strand, PEA 


PENMAENMAWR (Carnarvon). Pop. 
Penmaemawr Standard (Conway) 
- Penmaenmawr weeny new (San 


43,215. Indus.: Coal-mining, 
iron-working, and woollens. 

Giamorgan County Times, 1895 
Glamorgan Free Press, 1891 
Mid-Rhondda Gazette, 1913 
Pontypridd Observer, 1907 DR 
Rhondda Fach Gazette, 1916 ... 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Pontypridd Almanac. 
Pontypridd, &c., Directory (Car- 
Welsh Unionist. 

PoRTH (Glamorgan). 
Porth Gazette, 1900 

PORTHCAWL (Glamorgan). Pop. 3,443. 
Indus.: Export of coal and 

Porthcawl Newe, 1910 .. 

PortTMapoc (Carnarvon). Indus. : 
Portmadoc, &C., eee Sar 

PRESTATYN (Flint). Pop. 2,036. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Lead mining. 
Prestatyn Weekly, 1905... 
Periodicals, &c.— |) 
Publications of the Flintshire 
Historical Society. 

PWLLHELI (Carnarvon). Pop 3,791. 
Pwiiheli, &c., Observer (Carnar- 

Udgorn Newyddiadur Cymreig, 

RADNOR (Radnorshire). Pop. 405. 
Radnor Express (Brecon) 

Ruos (Denbigh). Pop. 8,473.. / 
Rhos Herald, 1894 ee sia 

RHYL (Flint). Popular watering- 
place and marine winter resi- 
dence. Pop. 9,005. 

Rhyl and North Wales MERS 
News (Conway) ; 
Rhy! Guardian (Wrexham) 
Rhyl Journal, 1866 ee 
Rhyl Record and Advertiser, 1856 
Periodicals, &c.— 
-~ Rhyl Handbook, &c. 

St. ASAPH (Flint). Pop. 1,788. Mar- 
ket, Fri. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
St. Asaph Diocesan Calendar 
a yh 

Advertisements received for.all Colonial Newspapers. 

SWANSEA (Glamorgan). 

Willing’s Press Guide. l [Wales. 

= a a aa 

docks. Pop. 114,673. Markets, 
Wed., Sat. Indus. : Export of 
coal, minerals, &c. ; copper, 
tin- -plate, iron, spelter, steel 
rails, patent fuel, and other 

Cambria Daily Leader, 1861 

Cambrian, 1804 ... sa 

Herald Of Wales, 1885 ose 

‘ South Wales Daily Post, 1893 ... 

South Wales Weekly Post, 1893 

Swansea and Mid Glamorgan 
Herald, 1847 ... 

puana D Daily Shipping Register, 

Periodicals, CoE. 

Commercial Year Book of the 
Swansea Incorporated Cham- 
ber of Commerce (Derby). 

Labour Voice 


Swansea Tide Tables. 

Tywsydd y Plant. 

‘Wright’s’s Almanac and Tide 
Table, &c. 

TENBY (Pembroke). See any and bath- 

ing resort. Pop. 4,362. 
Tenby and County News, 1893.. 
Tenby Observer, 1853 — ane 

TONYPANDY (Glamorganshire), 

Rhondda Leader, 1899 ... 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Rhondda County School Maga- 
South- Wales Colliery Officials’ 

Towyn (Merioneth). Pop. 3,929. 

Towyn-on-Sea County Times 
(Welshpool) To sine 

WELSHPOOL (Montgomery). Pop. 


. *Montgomery County Times, 1880 

WRExHAM (Denbigh)... Pop. 18,379. 

Markets, Mon., Thurs., Sat. 
Indus. : Mineral and coal work- 
ing, brewing, malting, tanning, 
rope-making, and quarrying. 

Denbighshire, &c., Advertiser .. 

North Wales Guardian, 1867 

*Wrexham Advertiser, 1848 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Almanac y Miloedd. 

Cerddor Y. 

Cymru’s Plant. 

Illustrated Wrexham Argus. 

Jarman’s Wrexham Year Book 
and Local Directory. 

Magazine of the Girls’ County 

Wrexham Tournal. 

Wrexham Ruri-decanal Magazine. 

_ Wrexhamian. 



_ Willing’s Press Guide. 


“ABERDEEN (Aberdeen). Seaport, and 
university city. Pop. 163,084. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Linen, 
cotton, woollens, jute, paper, 
and comb manufactures: iron 
foundries ; granite - polishing, 
ship-building, rope - making ; 

*Aberdeen Daily Journal, 1748 ... 
*Aberdeen Free Press, 1853 : 
ates People’s Journal (Due: 
dee : ‘ 
Aberdeen Weekly Journal, 1748 
Evening Express, 1879 ... S 
Evening Gazette, 1882 
_ Weekly Free Press, 1806 
Periodicals, &t.— 
Aberdeen Almanac. 
Aberdeen Book Lover. 
Aberdeen Catholic Herald. 
Aberdeen Grammar School Maga- 
Aberdeen Post Office Directory. 
Aberdeen Public Library Annual 
Aberdeen University Calendar. 
Aberdeen University Library 
Aberdeen University Review. 
Alma Mater. 
Fishing News. 
Mariner’s Almanac. 
Medical Homes -for Private 
Onward and Upward. 
Scottish Educational Year Book. 
Scottish Farm Servant. 
Shetland Pony Stud Book. 

AIRDRIE (Lanark). Pop. 24,388. Mar- 

ket, Tues. Indus.: Coal and 

iron working ; cotton- SspInUNE: 

Airdrie Advertiser, 1855.. 
Lanarkshire Examiner, 1862 

ALLOA (Clackmannan). Pop. 11,893. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Coal, 
shipping, glass-working, spin- 
ning, ship-building, and brew- 

Alloa Advertiser, 1841 
Alloa Circular, 1868 
Alloa Journal, 1844 

Atva (Clackmannan). Pop. 4,332. 
Alva Tribune, (Tillicoultry) 

-ALYTH (Perth). Pop. 1,860. 

Alyth Gazette, 1899 

Alyth Guardian, 1884 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Lunan’s Alyth Almanack. 

ANNAN (Dumfries). Pop. 4,219. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus. : Agriculture, 
nurseries, shipping & fisheries. 

Annandale Observer, 1857 

378) James Perens Lid., mens He Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

ANSTRUTHER (Fife). Pop. 1,695. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus. : Fishing, and 

East of Fife Record, 1856 eh 

ARBROATH (Forfar). Pop. 20,648. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Linen, 
spinning, and bleaching ; iron 
and leather trades. 

Arbroath Guide, 1842 ... 

Arbroath Herald, 1885 ... 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Arbroath Year Book. 

Handy Time and Tide Table. 

ARDROSSAN (Ayr). Favourite water- 
ing place. Pop: 5,760. Indus. : 
Shipping, ship - building, and 

Ardrossan Herald, 1853... Sus 
Troon Times (Ardrossan) foe 
AYR (Ayr). Pop. 32,985. Market, 

Tues. Indus.: Shipping, fish- 
ing, tanning, woollen, cotton 
leather, shog lace, carpet 
manufactures, and engineering 
Ayr Advertiser, 1803 is 
Ayr Observer, 1832 
* Ayrshire Post, 1880 

BANFF (Banff). Pop. 3,821. Market, 
Fri. Indus.: Shipping trade, 
, fishing, and agriculture. 
* Banffshire Journal, 1845 sae 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Aberdeen-Angus Herd Book. 

BATHGATE (Linlithgow). Pop. 8,226. 
Markets, Mon., Tues. Indus. : 
Coal, iron, lime, glass, and 
chemical works. 
West Lothian Courier, 1872 

BELLSHILL (Lanark). Pop. 3,330. 
Belishill Speaker, 1892 “a 

BLAIRGOWRIE (Perth). Pop. 3,249. 
Manufactures : Flax, linen, and 

Blairgowrie Advertiser, 1855 ... 


lithgow). Pop. 10,866. Indus. : 
Shipping ; coal and iron work- 

Bo’ness Journal, 1878 ... sae 

BRECHIN (Forfar), Pop. 8,439. Mar- 
ket, Tues. Manufactures : 
Linen, flax, yarn, paper, 
whisky, and ale. 

Brechin Advertiser, 1848 

BRIDGE OF ALLAN (Stirling). Pop. 

, Bridge of Allan cet 1884 
(Stirling) 5i sa 



BrRouGHTY FERRY (Forfar). Pop. 

Bro’ty Advertiser, 1915... 

Broughty Ferry Guide, 1887 
BROxBURN (Linlithgowshire). Pop. 

Lothians Express, 1888 

Buckliz (Banff). Pop. 8,897. 
Banffshire Advertiser, 1881 

CALLANDER (Perth). Pop. 1,504. 
Callander Adverssei; 1884 ue 
CAMBUSLANG (Lanark). Pop. 20,211 
Cambuslang Advertiser, 1896 . 
Cambuslang Pilot (Hamilton) 

CAMPBELTOWN (Argyll). Pop. 7,626. 
Market, Mon. Indus.: Ship- 
ping, fishing, distilling, and 

Argylishire Herald, 1850 
Campbeltown Coupier, 1873 

CARLUKE (Lanark). Pop. 4,740. In- 
dus.: The centre of business for 
a considerable extent of sur- 
rounding country, and contains 
foundries, engineering works, 
timber yards, and factories. 
Carluke and Lanark Gazette, 1905 
mayer m ila arene) 

CARNOUSTIE (F ee Pop. 5 5,204. 
Seaside resort. Indus. : Linen 
and chemical manufactures. 

Carnoustie Gazette (Broughty 
Ferry) ... P 

Carnoustie Herald (Broughty 
Ferry) ; 

CARRICK (Ayrshire). 
Carrick Herald, 1909 (Girvan) .. 

CASTLE DOUGLAS (Kirkcudbright). 
Pop. 3,016. Market, Mon. In- 
dus. : Agriculture. 

- 1858 ... 

CLYDEBANK (Lanark). 
Clydebank and ae ee 
1891 (Govan) .. 


Indus. : Mining. 
Coatbridge Express, 1885 
Coatbridge Leader, 1899 

Lanarkshire Catholic Herald 

CRIEFF (Perth). Pop. 5,571. Market, 
Tues. Manufactures: Woollens, 
worsted, leather, & chemicals. 

Strathearn Herald, 1856... i 

CuUMNOCK (Ayr). Pop. 3,417. Market, 


a 43,287. 

Thurs. Indus.: Mining, and 
woolen manufactures. 
Cumnock Chronicle, 1901 a 


Willing’s Press Guide. 



CuPAR (Fife). 

Pop. 4,380. Market, 

Tues. Indus.: Power-loom 
manufactures, spinning, and 

Fife Herald and vournal, 1822.. 
Fife News, 1870 aes 

DALBEATTIE (Kirkcudbright). Pop. 
Stewartry Observer, 1888 
DALKEITH (Edinburgh). Pop. 7,019. 

. Large grain market, Thurs. 
Indus.: Agriculture, mining, 
paper, and carpets. 

Dalkeith Advertiser, 1851 

Periodicals, &¢.— 

Dalkeith District Directory. 

Scottish Congregational _ 

Scottish Congregationalist. 

Darry (Ayrshire). * Pop. 8,212. 
Dalry, &c., Herald (Irvine) 

DINGWALL (Ross). Pop. 2,639. Mar- 


ket, altern. Wed. Indus.: 
Agriculture. i 
North Star, 1893 za 
Ross-shire Journal, 1875 
DuFFTOWN (Banff). Pop. 1,626. 
Dufftown News, 1894 ... 
DUMBARTON (Dumbarton). Pop. 
21,989. Market, Tues. Indus.: 

and dyeing. 
Dumbarton Herald, 1851 

Lennox Herald, 1862 

DuMFRIES (Dumfries). Pop. 16,062. 
Market, Wed. Indus.: Sheep 
and cattle trades: tweed and 
hosiery manufactures. . 

Dumfries Courier & Herald, 1809 

Dumfries Standard, 1843 we 

Periodicals, ee 

Factors’ Magazine. 


Galloway Herd Book. 


New Moon. 

Transactions, &c., of the Dum- 
friesshire Natural History, &c., 

DUNDEE (Forfar). Seaport, with large 
. docks. Pop. 165,006. Markets, 
Tues., Fri. Indus. : Principal 
seat of the jute trade ; manu- ' 
factures of flax, linen, canvas, 
rope, machinery, flour, and 
confectionery ; ship-building, 
whale-fishing, and shipping. 
*Courier, 1816 .. ; uns 
*Dundee Advertiser, 1801. 
Evening Telegraph, 1877 | 
People’s Journal, 1858 
Post, 1915 = wes 
Saturday Post, 1903 Şeh t 


Advertisements*veceitved for all the Australian Newsbabers. 



DUNDEE— continued. 
Sunday Post, 1915 
Thomson’s Weekly News for Eng- 
Thomson’s Weekly News | for Ire- 
land : 
Periodicals, Ct: — 
Dundee Catholic Herald. 
Dundee Directory. 
Dundee Jute and Flax Workers’ 
Dundee Prices Current. 
Girls’ Weekly. 
Happy Homes. 
My Weekly. 
Original Secession Magazine. 
People’s Friend. 
Scottish Prohibitionist. 
University College of Dundee 
Weekly Companion. 
_ Weekly Welcome. 

DUNFERMLINE (Fife). Pop. 28,103. 
Market, Tues. Indus. : Linen- 
weaving, dyeing, iron-founding 
and coal-mining. 

Dunfermline Express, 1900 
Dunfermline Journal, 1849 
Dunfermline Press, 1859 
West Fife Echo, 1900 

Dunoon (Argyll). Favourite coast 
resort. Pop. 6,859. 
Dunoon Advertiser, 1903 
Dunoon Herald, 1876 . 
Dunoon Observer, 1871 ... 

Duns (Berwick). Pop. 2,069. 
Berwickshire News, 1868 

EDINBURGH (Edinburgh), University 
city, and celebrated seat of 
learning. Pop. 320,315. Market, 
Wed. Indus.: Packet trade 
from ‘Leith; printing, book- 
aoe publishing and brew- 

ree Evening spi 

“Edinburgh Evening News, 1873.. 
Edinburgh Gazette, 1700 oe 
*Scotsman, 1817 . si 
Weekly Scotsman, 1817 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Aberdour Orphanage Magazine. 
Accountants’ Magazine. 
Adam’s Reports of Cases. 
Annual Report of the National 
Bible Society of Scotland. 
Banner of the Covenant, 
Barton’s Scottish Trades’ Diary. 
Bible Student. 
Blackwood’s Magazine. 
Book of the Old Edinburgh Club. 

™ $ 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

380) James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London, 




Calendar of the Educational In- 
stitute of Scotland. 

Cases Decided in the Court Ses- 

Celtic Review. 

Children’s Paper. 

Church of Scotland Sabbath 
School Magazine. 

Church of Scotland Year Book. 

City Sparrows. 

County Directory of Scotland. 

Craigmillar Harp. 

Dollar Magazine. 

Dunedin Magazine. 

Edinburgh Academy Chronicle. 

Edinburgh Catholic Herald. 

Edinburgh Daily Stock and 
Share List. 

Edinburgh Medical Journal. 
Edinburgh Medical Missionary 
Society Quarterly Review. 
Edinburgh University Calendar. 

Educational News. 

Expository Times. 



Glad Tidings of the Coming Age. 

Golfer’s Handbook. 

Golf Monthly. 

Good European.. 


Home Friend. 

Hora Jucunda, ~ 



Journal of Comparative Patho- 

Journal of the Scottish Meteoro- 
logical Society. 

Juridical Review. 

Ladies’ Golf Union Official Year 

Lawyers’ Manual. 

Life and Work. 

Life Assurance Vade Mecum. 

MacDonald’s English Directory. 

MacDonald’s Irish Directory. 

MacDohald’s Scottish Directory. 

MacDonald’s Tourist Guide to 

Mathimatical Notes. 

Merchant Maiden. 



Monthly Record of the Free 
Church of Scotland. 

Monthly Visitor. 

Morning Rays. 

Morningside Mirror. 

National Bible Society of .Scot- 
land Quarterly Record. 

North British Agriculturist. 

North British Agricultural Calen- 



Official Catholic Directory for 

Official Directory of the Char- 
tered Accountants of Scotland. 

Official Year Book, &c., 
Educational Institute of Scot- 

Oliver and Boyd’s 

Original Secession Magazine. 

Parliament House Book. 

Post Office, Edinburgh and Leith 


Principal Acts of the Gencral 
Assembly of the ‘Church of 

Proceedings of the €lassical Asso- 
ciation of Scotland. 

Proceedings of the Royal Physi- 
cal Society of Edinburgh. 

Proceedings of the Royal Society 
of Edinburgh. 

Proceedings of the Society of the 
Antiquaries of Scotland. 

Publications of the Scottish His- 
tory Society. 

Record of the Home and Foreign 
Mission Work of the United 

/ Free Church of Scotland. 
Reformed Presbyterian Witness. 
Report on Schemes of the Church 

of Scotland. 
Review of Neurology. 
Sabbath School 


St. Andrew’s University Calendar. 

Scotch Girls’ Friendly Society 
Associates’ Paper. 

Scots Law Times. 

Scottish Bankers’ Magazine. 

Scottish Church and University 

Scottish Churches. 

Scottish Churchman’s Almanac. 

Scottish Class Teacher. 

Scottish Geographical Magazine. 

Scottish Law List. 

Scottish Law Reporter. 

Scottish Mothers’ Magazine. 

scottish Mountaineering Club 


Scottish Nation. 

Scottish Naturalist. 

Scottish Ski Club Magazine. 
Scottish Smallholder. 

Scottish Standard Bearer. 
Scottish Women’s Temperance 


Secondary School Journal. 
Stewart’s College Magazine. 
* Student. 
Transactions of the aedinbiteet 
Architectural Association. 



of the | 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


Transactions of the Edinburgh 
Field Naturalists’, &c., Society. 

Transactions of the Edinburgh 
Geological Society. 

Transactions of the Edinburgh 
Medico-Chirurgical Society. 

Transactions of the Edinburgh 
Obstetrical Society. | 

Transactions of the Franco-Scot- 
tish Society. 

Transactions of the Highland and 
Agricultural Society. 

Transactions of the Royal Scot- 
tish Arboricultural Society. 

Transactions of the Royal Society 
of Edinburgh. 


Woman’s Missionary Magazins. 

Year-Book for the Episcopal 
Church in Scotland. 

ELGIN (Elgin). Pop. 8,656. Market, 

Fri. Indus. : Woollen, net, and 
rope manufacture; brewing, 
tanning ; saw mills. 

Elgin Courant and youre 1827 
Northern Scot, 1880 

Periodicals, &C.— 
Phonographic Monthly. 

FALKIRK (Stirling). Pop. 33,569. Mar- 
kets, Thurs., Sat. Indus.: Iron- 
works; collieries; agriculture. 

Falkirk Herald, 1846 ... 
Falkirk Mail, 1886 

FoRFAR (Forfar). Pop. 10,849. Mar- 
kets, Mon., Sat. Indus. : 
‘ Linen-weaving. | . 
Fortar Dispatch, 1883 ... Eats 
Forfar Herald, 1877 
Forfar Review, 1888 

ForRES (Elgin). Pop. 4,421. Market, 
Tues. Manufactures: Woollens, 
and chemicals. 

Forres Gazette, 1837 ... 
Forres News, &¢., 1905 

Pertodicals, &c.— 
Forres Almanac. 

FRASERBURGH (Aberdeen). Pop. 
10,574. Markets, Tues., Fri. 
Indus.: Shipping and fishing. 

Fraserburgh Advertiser, 1852 ... 
GALASHIELS (Selkirk, and Roxburgh). 
Pop. 14,531. Market, Tues. 
Indus.: Woollen and cloth 
weaving ; dyeing. 
Border Standard, 1881 
Border Telegraph, 1896 ... 
Peebleshire Standard, 1916 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Border Magazine. 
Galashiels Almanac. 
Young Scotland. 


A doaocrtacompnie verosnoada dny all tho Camadinmu Daħhoyc 




Willing’s Press Guide. 

GALSTON (Ayr). Pop. 5,296. Indus.: 

Muslin and blanket manufac- 
tures; also the centre of an 
extensive coalfield and of an 
important agricultural district. 
Weekly Supplement and Adver- 
tiser, 1879 Wwa z ; 

Grascow (Lanark). University city 

and important river port. Pop. 
784,455. Indus.: Shipping and 
exporting trade; iron ship- 
building, engineering, and 
chemical works; cotton, silk, 
and worsted manufactures. 
Barrhead News, 1894 
Bulletin, 1915. ... sae Ss 
*Daily Record and Mail, 1847-... 
*Evening News, 1876 ... Ae 
Evening Times, 1876 ... 
*Glasgow Citizen, 1864 .. 

Glasgow Eastern Argus, &e., 1895 

*Glasgow Herald, 1783 ... 

Glasgow Observer, 1885 

Glasgow Star, 1903 __ ... eee 

Glasgow Weekly Herald, 1564 ... 

Glasgow Evening Times, 1876 ... 

Glasgow Weekly News, 1855 ... 

Govan Press, 1875 las 

Partick and Maryhill Press 

Partick Gazette, 1907 

Pollockshaws News, 1885 

Southern Press, 1887 ... ate 

Weekly Mail and Record, 1862 

Periodicals, &¢.— 

Across the Sea. 



Believers’ Diary. 

Believer’s Pathway. 

Bible Almanac. 

Boys and Girls. 

Boys’ and Girls’ Almanac. 

Boys’ Brigade Gazette. 

Brown’s Boy Scout Diary. 

Brown’s Comprehensive Nautical 

Brown’s Nautical Diary. 

Building Industries. 

Caledonian Medical Journal. 

Campbell’s Professional Man’s 
Hour: Book. 

Celtic Monthly. 

Clyde Bill of Entry. 

Clydesdale Catholic Herald. 

Clydesdale Stud Book. _. 

County and Municipal Record. 

Commercial Year Book of the 
Glasgow Incorporated Chamber 
of Commerce (Derby). 

Deo Greine. 

Dowanhill Training College 

Engineer and Iron Trades Adver- 




Every Christian’s Library. 

Glasgow ABC Railway Guide. 
Glasgow Advertiser. X 
Glasgow Daily Stock& Share List. 
Glasgow Medical Journal. 
Glasgow Post Office Directory. 
Glasgow Shipping Who’s Who. 
Glasgow Street Directory. — 
Glasgow University Calendar. 
Glasgow Volunteer Gazette. 
Good Seed. 

Good Templar. 

Guth na Bliadhna. 

Herald of Salvation. 

Index to the “Glasgow Herald.” 

International Good Templar. 

Kelvin Standard Tide Tables, &c. 
Local Government Directory of 

Motor World. . 

Munro’s Marine Engineers’ 
Annual Pocket Log and Diary. 

Murray’s Time Tables for Scot 

National Football Programme. 

National Guardian. 

Nautical Almanac. 

Nautical Magazine. 

Orr’s Scottish Almanac. 


Poor Law Magazine. 

Postman’s Gazette. 
Proceedings of the Royal Philo- 
sophical Society of Glasgow. 
Proceedings of the Society of 
Psychical Research. 

Royal Technical College Maga- 

Scots Pictorial. 

Scottish Automobile Club Year 
Book. ~ 

Scottish Business Journal. 

Scottish Chronicle. 

Scottish Co-operator. 

Scottish Country Life. 

Scottish Critic. 

Scottish Cyclist. 

Scottish Endeavourer. 

Scottish Farmer. 

Scottish Farmer Album. 

Scottish Field. 

Scottish Historical Review. 

Scottish Law Directory. 

Scottish Law Review. 

Scottish Licensed Trade Direc- 
tory. ` 

Scottish Nation. i 

Scottish National Sabbath School 
Magazine. l 

Scottish Reformer. 

Scottish Road Book. 

Scottish Temperance Annual. 

Scottish Trader. K 

Scottish Typographiçal Journal. 

P ee E E EN 
382} James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 



Shoe and Leather Trader. 
Star of Russia. 
Temperance Leader. 
Tide and Speed Tables. 
Transactions of the Geological 
Society of Glasgow. © 
Transactions of the Glasgow 
Archaeological Society. 
-~ Transactions of the Institution 
of Engineers and Shipbuilders. 
Weekly Register. 

= GLENALMOND (Perthshire). 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Glenalmond Chronicle. 

GOLsPIE (Sutherland). Pop. 1,665. 
Northern Times, 1899 ... ae 

Gourock (Renfrew). Pop. 6,556. A 
watering-place and yachting 

Gourock Times, 1915 

GRANGEMOUTH (Stirling). Pop. 9,989. 
Grangemouth Advertiser, 1900. 
GRANTOWN (Elgin) Pop. 1,451. 
Strathspey Herald, 1907 | 
Strathspey News, 1881 ... 
GREENOCK (Renfrew). Pop. 75,140. 
Indus.: Shipping, ship-build- 
ing, fishing, iron-founding, and 
sugar refining ; rope and sail- 
cloth manufactures. 
Greenock Herald, 1852... 
“Greenock Telegraph, 1857 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Greenock Directory. 
GRETNA (Dumfriesshire). 
Gretna Gazette, 1857. 
Gretna Green, &c., Weekly 
Citizen (Carlisle). 
HADDINGTON (Haddington). Pop. 

Pop. 777. 

4,140. Market, Fri. Indus. :. 

Agriculture; woollen and 
leather manufactures. 

‘Haddingtonshire Advertiser, 1880 

Haddingtonshire Courier, 1859... 

-= HAMILTON (Lanark). Pop. 38,644. 
Market, Fri. Indus. : Agricul- 
ture and coal-mining. 

- Hamilton Advertiser, 1856 
Lanarkshire, 1889 és 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Highland Light Infantry 

Hawick (Roxburgh). Pop. 16,877. 
Market, Thurs. Manufactures: 
Woollens and hosiery. 

Hawick Express, 1870 ... ‘ 
l Hawick News, 1882 ... mR 
HELENSBURGH (Dumbarton). Favour- 
ite residential town and water- 

A Aaral anaa aada aaa T Aan aas aa Pa a 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


ing place. Pop. 8,529. Indus. : 
iketa aa and Garloch Times, 

Helensburgh News, 1876... TA 
HILLFoots (Clackmannan). 
Hillfoots Record, 1900 (Alva) ... 
HUNTLY (Aberdeen). Pop. 4,229. Mar- 
ket, Thurs. Indus.: Agricul- 
ture, implement-making, and 
Huntly Express, 1863 ... 
INVERGORDON (Ross). Pop. 1,051. In- 
dus.: Small maritime trade, 
Invergordon Times, 1855 
INVERNESS (Inverness). Pop. 22,216. 
Markets, Tues., Fri.‘ Indus.: 
Shipping trade, ship-building ; 
woollen, iron, dye, tan, and 
granite works ; silver jewellery 
and tobacco manufacture ; 
Highland Leader, &c., 1897 
Highland News, 1883 ... 
Highland Times, 1896 
Inverness Courier, 1817... 
Northern Chronicle, 1881 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Football Times. 
Inverness Burgh Directory. 
Inverness County Directory. 
Northern Counties Red Book. - 
IRVINE (Ayr). Pop. 10,180. Market, 
Mon. Indus.: Chemical works; 
shipping, and ship-building. 
Irvine, &c., Times (Ardrossan)... 
Irvine Herald, 1870 ... om 
Kilwinning Chronicle 
Troon Herald - ses oss: 
JEDBURGH (Roxburgh). Pop. 2,752. 
Market, Tues. Manufactures: 
Woollen stuffs, flannels, and 
Jedburgh Gazette, 1870... 
JOHNSTONE (Renfrewshire). Pop. 
12,045. r 
Johnstone Advertiser, 1890 
KEITH (Banff). Fop. 4,499. 
Banffshire Heraid, 1892 
KELSO (Roxburgh). Pop. 3,982. Mar-. 
ket, Fri. Indus.: Agriculture, 
coach building, and fishing- 
tackle making. 
Kelso Chronicle, 1832 
Kelso Mail, 1797 E 
KILMARCOLM (Renfrewshire). Pop. 
6,242. Health Resort. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Northern British Israel Review. 
KILMARNOCK (Ayr). Pop. 32,985. 
Markets, Tues., Fri. Indus.: 
Carpets, shawls, shoes; col- 

ne nes ert | 

AY... O r.Ooan 


Kilmarnock Herald, 1580 
Kilmarnock Standard, 1863 

Periodicals, &c.— i 
Annual Burns Chronicle, &c. 
Believers’ Magazine. 
Children’s Almanac. 
Christian Worker. 
Christian’s Pocket Diary. 
Daily Bread Calendar. 
Good Tidings. 

Gospel Book Almanac. 
Gospel Messenger. 

Our Little Ones’ Treasury. 
Young Watchman. 

Kıısyru (Stirling). Pop. 8,106. 
Kilsyth Chronicle, 1889 ae 
Kilsyth Journal, 1900 ... 

Kinross (Kinross-shire). Pop. 2,618. 
Market, Mon. Manufactures : 
Cottons and woollens. 

Kinross-shire Advertiser, 1847 

KirKCALDY (Fife). Pop. 39,600. Mar- 

ket, Sat. Indus.: Shipping ; 
coarse linen, canvas, floor- 
cloth, and rope manufactures ; 
iron-works and collieries. 

Fife Free Press, 1871 ... 

Fifeshire Advertiser, 1838 

Kirkcaldy Times, 1876 ... 

Mail, 1895 ads Jas 

Mail for Leven, 1885 

KIRKINTILLOCH (Dumbarton). Pop. 
6,062. Market, Fri. Indus. :. 
Mining; cotton; iron-founding. 

Kirkintilloch Gazette, 1893 
Kirkintilloch Herald, 1883 

KIRKWALL (Orkney). Pop. 3,810. In- 
dus. : Shipping, fishing, distill- 
ing, and agriculture. 

Orcadian, 1854 ... 

Orkney Herald, 1860 

Periodicals, &c.— 

Peace’s Orkney and Shetland 
Almanac and County Direc- 

KIRRIEMUIR (Forfar). ` Pop. 3,776. 
Market, Fri. Indus. : Agricul- 
ture and linen-weaving. 

Kirriemuir Free Press, 1884 

Kirriemuir Observer, 1869 

LaNGHOLM (Dumfries). Pop. 2,930. 
Market, Wed. Indus.: Agricul- 

ture and woollen manufactures. 

Eskdale Advertiser, 1848 nes 
ERES & Liddersdale Chronicle, 

Larcs (Ayr). Pop. 3,724. 
Largs, &c., Weekly News, 1877. 

LAURENCEKIRK (Kincardine). Pop. 

Kincardineshire Observer, 1902 

84) James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide.. 


Lertu (Edinburgh). Seaport.of Edin- 
burgh. Pop. 80,489. Market, 
Wed. Indus.: Shipping, ship- 
building, rope and sail making, 
distilling, sugar-refining, en- 
gineering, and founding. 

Leith Burghs Pilot, 1864 
Leith Commercial. List, 1798 
Leith Observer, 1896 : 

Periodicals, &c.— 

Lerwick (Shetland). Pop. 4,654. In-. 
dus.: Fishing ; woollens. 
Shetland News, 1885 
Shetland Times, 1872 

Leven (Fife). Pop. 6,559. 
Leven Advertiser, 1888 

LINLITHGOW (Linlithgow). Pop. 4,002. 
Linlithgowshire Gazette, 1891 ... 

LocucreLLY (Fife). Pop. 8,496. 
Indus.: Collieries and Iron- 

Lochgelly and Kelty Times, 1893 
LOCHGILPHEAD (Argyll). Pop. 921. 

Indus.: Agriculture and fishing. 
Argylishire Advertiser, 1887... 

LOCKERBIE (Dumfries). Pop. 2,455. 
Market, Thurs. Indus. : Agri- 

Annandale Herald, 1862 
Moffat News, 1862 sce 

~ MARYHILL (Lanarkshire). 

Maryhill. Herald (Milngavie) 
Mearns (Renfrewshire). Pop. 3,201. 
Mearns Leader, 1913 (Stone- 
haven) ... eae ae ea 
MILNGAVIE (Stirling).. Pop. 4,530. 
Milngavie Herald, 1901 ce 
Montrose (Forfar). Pop. 10,973. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Shipping; 
Montrose Review, 1811... 
Montrose Standard, 1837 

MOTHERWELL (Lanark). Pop. 40,378. 
‘Indus. : Coal-mining. 
Motherwell Standard, 1908 ... 
Motherwell Times, 1883 a 

NaIRN (Nairn). Pop. 4,661. Markets, 
Thurs., Sat: Indus. : Shipping 
trade ; agriculture. 

Nairn County Press, 1892 
Nairnshire Telegraph, 1842 

New Mirns (Ayrshire). Pop. 4,806. 
Indus.: Muslin weaving and 
Irvine Valley News, 1908 

NEWTON STEWART (Wigtown). Pop. 
2,061. Market, Fri. Indus. : 

Galloway Gazette, 1870... si 



OBAN (Argyll). Favourite tourist re- 
sort. Pop. 6,567. Indus.: 
Shipping and fishing. 

Oban Times, 1861 sa 

PAISLEY (Renfrew). Pop. 84,477. 
Marke., Thurs. Indus. : Wool, 
silk, thread, cotton, shawl, car- 
pet, tapestry, curtain, tsarch, 
and soap manufactures : dye- 
ing, weaving, bleaching ; iron- 
founding, and ship-building. 

Paisley, &c., Gazette, 1864 

“Paisley Daily Express, 1874 

Periodicals, &c.— 

Children Messenger. 


Paisley Directory. 

Transactions of the Paisley 
Naturalist Society. 

Transactions of the Paisley Philo- 
sophical Institution. 

PEEBLES (Peebles). Pop. 5,554. Mar- 
ket, Tues. Indus.: Tweeds. 

Peebles News, 1887 sé 
Peeblesshire Advertiser, 1845. 

PERTH (Perth). Pop. 35,851. Market, 
Fri. Indus. : Shipping ; cotton, 
wool, flax, iron, dye, and 
bleach works. 

Perthshire Advertiser, 1829 ... 

“Perthshire Constitutional, 1832 
Perthshire Courier, 1809 ‘Se 
Periodicals, &c.— 


City of Perth Co-operative 

‘* Pioneer.” 


Scottish Farming News. 

PETERHEAD (Aberdeen). Pop. 13,613. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Shipping, 
ship-building ; whale, seal, and 
herring fishing ; granite quar- 

Buchan Observer, 1863.. 


PorT-GLascow (Renfrew). Pop. 
17,749. Market, Fri. Indus.: 
Shipping and export trade; 

Port-Glasgow Express, 1876 

PORTOBELLO (Edinburgh). Pop. 8,181. 
Manufactures : 
earthenware, and glass. 

Edinburgh Citizen, 1864... 
Midlothian Journal, 1883 
Musselburgh News tae see 
Periodicals, &t.—, 
Scottish Baptist Magazine. 

Portsoy (Banff). Pop. 1,951. Indus.: 

Coasting, fishing, & quarrying. 

Banffshire Reporter, 1850 Se 
RosytH (Fifeshire 

Rosyth and FONN Man aiia 


Advertisements received for all Newspapers. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Bricks, tiles, 

RoTHESAY (Isle of Bute). Fashionable 
watering place. Pop. 9,299. 
Market, Wed. Indus.: Ship- 
ping, fishing, and SENE: 

Buteman, 1854 ... 
Rothesay Express, 1877 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

ABC Bonnie Scotland Resorts. 
A BC Coast Guide and Register. 
Belega Skotland. 
Boni Skotland. 

- Bute County Directry. 
Enamigo de la Nacioj. 
Rothesay Academy Chronicle. 
Skotlando Pejzago. 

RUTHERGLEN (Lanark). Pop. 24,411. 
Rutherglen Reformer, 1875 

St. ANDREWS (Fife). Pop. 7,851. 
St. Andrews Citizen, 1870 7 
Periodicals, &c.—- ` 
‘British Fisherman’s Nautical Al- 
St. Andrews Directory. 

SELKIRK (Selkirk). Pop. 5,886. Mar- 
ket, Wed. Manufactures : 
Tweeds, shawls, and tartans. 

Southern Reporter, 1855 

STEVENSTON (4yr). Pop. 9,497. In- 
dus. : Coal-mining, sandstone 
uarrying, ironworks, and 
ynamite factory. 
Stevenston News (Irvine) 

‘STIRLING (Stirling). Pop. 21,200. Mar- 

ket, Fri. Indus.: Tartan, 
shawl, and carpet making ; 
yarns, cloth, agricultural imple- 
ments, and coach-building. 
Reporter, 1859 ... ae 
*Stirling Journal, 1820 
“Stirling Observer, 1836 . 
Stirling Saturday Observer, 1873 
Stirling Sentinel, 1888 ... vs 
Periodicals, &c.— 
British Messenger. 
Good News. ’ 
Gospel Trumpet. 

STONEHAVEN (Kincardine). Pop.4,266. 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: Fish- 
ing ; leather and woollen manu- 

Stonehaven Journal, 1845 

STRANRAER (Wigtown). Pop. 6,432. 
Market, Fri. Indus. : Shipping 
and fishing. . 
Galloway Advertiser, 1843 

Tuurso (Caithness). Pop. 3,335. 
Market, Fri. Indus. : Shipping, 
fishing, and weaving; stone- 

Caithness Courier, 1861 




TILLICOULTRY (Clackmanann). Pop. 
3,105. Indus.: Has manufac- 
tories of shawls, tartans, and 
other woollen goods. 

Tillicoultry Tribune, 1899 
Devon Valley Tribune, 1899 
TURRIF (Abcrdeenshire). Pop. 4,139. 

Periadicals, &c.— 
Uddingston Standard, 1904 

WEstT CALDER (Edinburgh). 

Mid-Lothian Advertiser, 1883 .. 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

~ [Ireland. 

WICK (Caithness). Pop. 9,086. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus.: Shipping, 
herring-fishing and fish- -curing; 
net-making, cloth and barrel 

John o’ Groat Journal, 1836 
*Northern Ensign, 1850 . 

WIsHAw (Lanark). Pop. 25,263. Mar 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Iron and 
steel working ; mining. 

Wishaw Herald, 1889 
Wishaw Press, 1870 ... 


` ARMAGH (Armagh, Ulster). Pop. 7,588. 

Markets, Tues., Sat. Indus. : 
Linen-weaving, tanning, and 

Armagh Guardian, 1844 

Uister Gazette, 1844 .. 

Periodicals, &c.— 

ATHLONE (Westmeath, Leinster). Pop. 
6,617. Marlet, Sat. Indus.: 
Distilling, tanning, and woollen 
trade ; saw-mills. 
Tullamore Independent, 1894 . 
Westmeath Independent, 1846.. 

_ Periodicals, &¢e.— 
Poor Law and District Councils 

BALLINA (Mayo, Connah: Pop. 
4,505. Market, Mon. Indus.: 

Fishing, corn and provision 

Ballina Herald, 1844 

Western Peopie, 1883 

BALLINASLOE (Galway, C.). 
4,904. Market, Sat. 

East Galway Democrat, 1910 
Gaiway Leader ... 

Loughrea Guardian, 1895 
Western News, 1876 ... 

BALLYMENA (Antrim, U.). 

Indus. : 

11,376. Market, Sat. Indus.: 
Linen-weaving, Mining, and 
- agriculture. 

Baliymena Observer, 1855 ea 
Ballymena Weekly Telegraph .. 

BALLYMONEY (Antrim, U.). Pop. 
2,952. Market, Thurs. Indus.: 
Linen-weaving ; grain and pro- 
vision trade. 

Ballymoney Free Press, 1863 . 
North Antrim Standard, 1887 . 

Pop. | 

BALLYSHANNON (Donegal, U.). Pop. 
2,359. Markets, Thurs., Sat. 
Indus. : Shipping, fishing, mill- 
ing, pottery, handkerchiefs, 
and embroidery. 

Donegal Vindicator, 1889 

BANBRIDGE (Down, U.). Pop. 5,006. 

Markets, Mon., Tues., Wed. 

Fri. Indus.: Weaving and agri- 
culture. - 

Banbridge Chronicle, 1870 doe 

BANGOR (Down, U.). Pop. 5,903. 
County Down Spectator, 1904 . 
North Down Herald, 1871 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Spectator Year Book, &c. 

BELFAST (Antrim, U). Pop. 385,492. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Shipping 
trade, ship-building; linen- 
weaving and cotton-spinning. 

*Belfast Evening Telegraph, 1870 
“Belfast News-Letter, 1737 as 
Belfast Weekly News, 1855 
Belfast Weekiy Telegraph, 1873 
Ireland’s Saturday Night, 1894 
irish Daily Telegraph, 1904 
Irish News, 1855 
Irish Post, 1910 ... 
irish Weekly, 1878 

*Northern Whig, 1824 . 445 
Ulster Guardian, 1903 ... sigs 
Weekly Northern bids 1858 ... 445 
Witness, 1874... ads 

Periodicals, &¢.— 
Baird’s Irish Railway, &c., Guide. 
Belfast, &c., Directory, 

Christian Advocate. 

Civil Service Tutor.’ 

Everybody’s Monthly. 

Insurance, &c., Gazette. 

Irish and Scotch Linen, &c., Trades 

Irish Churchman. - 

Irish Congregational Magazine. 

Irish Grocer, &c. . 452 

,86] James Willing, L Lid., Advertsing Agents, 125, Strand: London. 



Irish Grocery World...‘ 

Irish Presbyterian. 

Irish Templar 

Linen Trade Circular. 

Mac Crea Magee College (London- 

derry) Calendar (Belfast). 

Master Baker. 


Missionary Herald. 

Orr’s Royal Belfast, &c., Al- 
manac (Glasgow). 

Queen’s University of Belfast 

Birr (King’s Co. L.). Pop. 4,438. 
King’s County chrome 1845... 
Midland Tribune, 1881 . 
Tipperary Sentinel 

BoyYLe (Roscommon, C.). Pop. 2,477. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus. : 

Roscommon Herald, 1859 

Bray (Dublin, L.). Pop. 7,424. 
Bray, &c., Herald (Wicklow) .. 
CaRLow (Carlow, L.). Pop. 6,513. 
Markets, Mon., Thurs. Indus.: 

Carlow Sentinel, 1830 
Nationalist, 1883... 

CARRICKFERGUS (Antrim, U.). Pop. 

14,208. Markets, Mon., Sat. 

Indus.: Ship-building, flax- 
spinning, and salt-mining. 
Carrickfergus Advertiser, 1883... 
Pop. 1,177. 
Leitrim Observer, 1890 ... 

CASTLEBAR (Mayo, C.). Pop. 2,585. 

Market, Sat. Indus.: Linen- 

Connaught Telegraph, 1828 
Cavan (Cavan, U.). Pop. 2,822. Mar- 
ket, Tues. Indus.: Agriculture, 
Anglo-Celt, 1846. bh 
CLONMEL (T Brar. M). Pop. 
10,277. Market, Sat. Indus. : 

Provision, butter, and cattle 

Clonmel Chronicle, 1848 
Nationalist, 1886 A 

COLERAINE (Londonderry, U.). Pop. 
6,958. Markets, Mon., Wed., 
Fri., Sat. Indus. : Exporting, 
linen weaving, distilling, and 
Coleraine Chronicle, 1844 
7 Northern Constitution, 1874 

CooKsTOWN (Tyrone, U.). Pop. 3,841. 
ial News upangannen: 
_ Mid-Ulster Mail, 1891 ... 


Advertisements received for all the Societies’ Journals. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


Periodicals, &¢.— 
County Tyrone Directory and 
Glasgow’s Household Almanac. 
South Derry & District Almanac. 

Cork (Cork, M.). Pop. 76,632. Mar- 
kets, Mon., Thurs. Indus. : 
Shipping, exporting grain, pro- 
visions, cattle, &c., linen weav- 

ing, tanning, and distilling. 
*Cork Constitution, 1822 . j 
Cork County Eagle, 1857 (Skibe 
bereen) T we 
*Cork Examiner, 1840... 
Cork Free Press, 1910 ... 
Cork Weekly Examiner, 1850 
Cork Weekly News, 1883 
Evening Echo, 1892 na 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Creamery Manager. 
Creamery Manager’s Year Book 
and Diary. 
- Forward. 
Guy’s Cork Almanac. | 
Journal of the Cork Historical, 
&c., Society. 
Journal of the North Munster 
Archaeological Society. 
O’Connell’s Cork Almanack. 


DOWNPATRICK (Down, U.). Pop. 2,993. 
Markets, Tues., Sat. Indus. : 
Brewing, and tanning. 

Down Recorder, 1836 

DROGHEDA (Meath & Louth, L.). Pop. 
12,425. Markets, Wed., Sat. 
Indus. : Shipping, agriculture; 
linen and leather manufac- 

Drogheda Advertiser, 1837 
Drogheda Argus, 1835 ... 
Drogheda Independent, 1884 

Periodicals, &c.— 

DromorE (Down, C.). Pop. 2,359. 
Dromore Weekly Times, 1900 . 

DuBLIN (Dublin, L.). University city; 
important seat of education. 
Pop. 309,272. Indus. : Ship- 
ping and carrying trade with 
Great Britain and abroad ; 
brewing, and iron-founding. 

*Daily Express, 1851 : 
Dublin Evening Mail, 1823 
Dublin Gazette, 1705 as 
Dublin Saturday Post, 1910 
Evening ‘Herald, i891... 
Evening Irish Times, 1879 
Evening Telegraph, 1870 

*Freeman’s Journal, 1763 
General Advertiser, 1873 

*irish Independent, 1891 



Provincial.) — Willing’s Press Guide. j (Ireland. 


DUBLIN—continued. © j 

*irish Times, 1859 ; 

be ... 453 

irish Weekly Independent, 1893 

irish Weekly Mail, 1521... i 

Irish Weekly Record (Glasgow) 

Saturday Heraid, 1891 ... “ate 

Sunday Freeman, 1913 ... 

Sunday Independent, 1905 

Weekly Freeman, 1817 ... cae 

Weekly Irish Times, 1875 ... 453 

Periodicals, &c.— 

Archivium Hibernicum. 

Astronomical Observations and 
Researches. . 


Better Business. 

Calendar of the National Uni- 
versity of Ireland. 

Calendar of the Pharmaceutical 
Society of Ireland. ... eee 

Castleknock Chronicle. 


Catholic Bulletin & Book Review. | 

Catholic Truth Annual. 

Christian Irishman. 

Church of Ireland Gazette. 

Church of Ireland Sunday School 

Constabulary Gazette. 

Contracts Gazette. 

Co-operative Reference Library 
Miscellaneous Publications. 

Cross. l 

Dublin Bill of Entry, &c. 

Dublin Journal of Medical Science. 

Dublin Rechabite. 

Dublin University. Calendar. 

Duggan’s Shilling Civil Service 


Farmers’ Gazette. 

Finance Union. 


Garden Monthly. 

Hewett’s Irish Time Table Gazette. 


Imeldist. : 

Incorporated Law Society of Ire- 
land Calendar. 

Ireland’s Own. 

Irish Architect. 

Irish Builder. 

Irish Catholic. 

Irish Catholic Directory. 

Irish Church Directory. 

Irish Church Quarterly, 

Irish Citizen. 

Irish Cyclist. 

Irish Draper. 

Irish Ecclesiastical Record. 

Irish Farmer. i 

Irish Farming World. 

“Irish Farming World” Directory. 

Irish Field. 

‘Irish Gardening. 

3S8] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125; Strand London. 

Irish Golfing Guide. i 

Irish Homestead. / 

Irish Industrial Journal. 

Irish Investor’s Guardian. ~ 

Irish Ironmonger. ` 

Irish Journal of Education. 

Irish Law Times. 

Irish Life. 

Irish Manufacturers’ Directory. 

Irish Military Guide. 

Irish Monthly. 

Irish Naturalist. 

Irish Postal and Telegraph Guar- 
dian. i 

Irish Printer. 

Irish Protestant. 

Irish Racing Calendar. 

Irish Reports. 

Irish Rosary. 

Irish School Weekly. 

Irish Society. 

Irish Theological Quarterly. 

Irish Tobacco Trade Journal. 

Journal of the County Kildare 
Archaeological Society. 

‘Journal of the Department of 

Agriculture and Technical In- 
struction of Ireland. 

Journal of the Institute of Ban- 
kers of Ireland. 

Journal of the Royal Institute of 
the Architects of Ireland. 

Journal of the Royal Society of 

Journal of the Sessions of the 
General Synod of the Church 
of Ireland. 

Journal of the Statistical and 
Social Inquiry Society of Scot- 
land. Eo 

Lady of the House. 


Legal Diary. 


Motor News. 

National Volunteer. 

New Ireland. e 

‘Notes from Ireland. 

Ordo Divini Officii Recitandi. 

Red Guide. 

Royal Irish Constabulary List. 

Royal Irish Constabulary Maga- 

St. Anthony's Annals. 




Sword of Light. 

Teachers’ Work. 

Thom’s Official Directory. | 

Thom’s Post Office, Dublin City, 
&c., Directory. 

T.C. D. 




DUNDALK (Louth, L.). Pop. 13,128. 
Market, Mon. Indus. : Export- 
ing agricultural and general « 
produce, cattle, &c. 

Dundaik Democrat, 1849 

Dundalk Examiner, 1830 

Dundalk Herald, 1868 
Periodicals, &c.— 

County Louth Archaeological 

. Magazine. 

Irish Clergy List. 

Irish Motor Directory. 

Tempest’s Annual. 

DUNGANNON (Tyrone ,U.). Pop. 3,694. 
Markets, Mon., Thurs. Indus.: 
Linen-weaving & coal-mining. 
Dungannon Democrat, 1913 ... 
Dungannon News, 1893 (Cooks- 

town) ... ie gale 
Tyrone Courier, 1880 

DUNGARVAN (Waterford, M.). Pop. 
5,553. Markets, Tues., Sat. 
Indus. : Agriculture. 

Dungarvan Observer, 1912 

ENNIS (Clave, M.) Pop. 5,093. Mar- 
kets, Tues., Sat. Indus. : Agri- 

Clare Champion, 1903 
Clare Journal, 1776 Se 
Saturday Record, 1885 ... 

ENNISCORTHY (Wexford, L.). Pop. 
5,438. Markets, Thurs., Sat. 
Indus.: Agriculture, tanning, 
and brewing. 

Enniscorthy Guardian uvexiere) 
News, 1856 ... 

ENNISKILLEN (Fermanagh. U ). Pop. 
5,412. Markets, Tues., Thurs. 
Indus. : Agriculture ; tobacco, 
bobbings, & linen manufacture. 

Fermanagh Herald, 1903 
Fermanagh Times, 1870 
impartial Reporter, 1808 

GaLway (Galway, C.). Pop. 13,249. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: 
Exporting agricultural produce 
and cattle; fishing; linen, 
woollen, and jute manufacture. 

Connacht Tribune, 1909 
Galway Express, 1853 ... 
Galway Observer, 1881 ... 
Galway Pilot, 1841 

Kers (Meath, L.) Pop. 2,428. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus. : Agriculture. 
Meath Chronicle, 1897 pi 
Meath Herald, 1845 

KILKENNY (Kilkenny, L.). Pop. 
10,513. Markets, Wed., Sat. 
Indus.: Agriculture, brewing, 
tanning, and quarrying. 

Kilkenny Journal, 1767 ... 
Kilkenny Moderator, 1814 
Kilkenny People, 1893 

Advertisements received for all Trade Journals. 

____ Willing’s Press Guide. 

KKItRUSH (Clave, M.). Pop. 4,179. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: 
Shipping, and fishing. 

Kilrush Heraid, 1877 

LARNE, (Antrim, U.). Pop. 6,670. 
Market, Wed. Indus.: Ship- 
ping and linen trade. 

Larne Times, 1892 

LEITRIM (Down, U.). 
Pertodicals, &c.— 
Irish Bee Journal. 

Market, Friday. 
Donegal Independent, 1831 

LIMERICK (Limerick, M.). Pop. 38,403. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: 
Shipping provisions and agri- 
tural produce; gloves, lace, 
and clothing manufactures ; 
distilling, iron-founding, and 

Limerick Chronicle, 1766 
Limerick Echo, 1898 .. 
Limerick Leader, 1889 
Limerick Weekly Echo, 1897 
Munster News, 1851 ws 

LISBURN (Antrim, U.). Pop. 12,172. 
Markets, Tues., Sat. . 
Lisburn Herald, 1891 ... 
Lisburn Standard, 1876 ... 

LONDONDERRY. (Londonderry, U.). 
Pop. 40,799. Markets, Wed., 
Sat. Indus. : Exporting agri- 
cultural produce ; salmon fish- 
ing, distilling, and ship-build- 
ing; underclothing, linen, flax, 
leather, & iron manufactures. 

*Derry Journal, 1772 
Derry People, 1902 
*Derry Standard, 1836 . on 
Derry Weekly News, 1892 ood 
*Londonderry Sentinel, 1829 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Derry Almanac. 
Echoes of Erin. 

LONGFORD (Longford. L.). Pop. 3,747. 
Indus. : Agriculture ; provision 
trade ; linen, coarse woollens, 
spool, and brick manufactures. 

Longford Independent, 1864 
Longford Leader, 1897 ... 

LouGH Rynn (Leitrim, C.) 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Beekeepers’ Gazette. 

LuURGAN (Armagh, U).. Pop. 12,135. 
Market, Thurs. Manufactures: 
Linen and cambrics. 
Lurgan Mail, 1890 
MARYBOROUGH (Queen's Co., L.). Pop. 
2,957. Market, Thurs. Indus.: 
Agriculture, milling, &c. 
Leinster Express, 1831... 

Pop. 2,370. 






MoHILL (Leitrim, C.). Pop. 1,251. Mar- 

ket, Thurs. Indus.: Agriculture 
Leitrim Advertiser, 1856 

MoNAGHAN (Monaghan, U.). Pop. 
2,932. Markets, Mon., Wed., 
Sat. Indus. : Agriculture. 
Monaghan Democrat, a 
Northern Standard, 1839 

MULLINGAR (Westmeath, L.). Pop. 

4,500. Market, Thurs. Indus.: 
Midland Reporter, 1891 
Westmeath Examiner, 1882 
Westmeath Guardian, 1835 

Naas (Kildare, L.). Pop. 3,836. Mar- 
kets, Mon., Thurs., Sat. Indus.: 
Exporting ; agriculture. 

Kildare Observer, 1879 ... 
Leinster Leader, 1880 

NENAGH (Tipperary, M.). Pop. 4,704. 

Markets, Mon., Thurs. Indus.: 
Nenagh Guardian, 1838 
Nenagh News, 1892 
NEWCASTLE WEsT (Limerick). 
Weekly Observer, 1915 ... ie 
Newry (Down, U.). Pop. 11,956. 
Markets, Tues., Thurs., Sat 
Indus. : Exporting agricultural 
produce, cattle, provisions ; 
flax, linen, leather, and cotton 
manufactures ; iron-found ing, 
and distilling ; granite. 
Frontier Sentinel ss 
Newry Reporter, 1837 ... 
Newry Telegraph, 1812 
NEWTOWNARDS (Down, U.). Pop. 
9,110. Market, Sat. Indus.: 
Agriculture ; weaving. 
Newtownards Chronicle, 1873 ... 
Newtownards Herald, 1907 
” (Bangor) Ci, sees 
Newtownards Spectator, 1904 
(Bangor) 6 P is 
Periodicals, Stm 
Newtownards, &c.,®$ Illustrated 
Almanac and Directory. 
OmacH (Tyrone, U.). Pop. 4,789. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Agricul- 
ture ; leather trade. 
Tyrone Constitution, 1844 
Uister Herald, 1901 ... 

PorTADOWN (Armagh, U.). Pop. 

11,727. Markets, Tues., Wed., 

Sat. Manufactures: Linen and 

Portadown Express, 1906 
Portadown News, 1859... 
Roscommon (Roscommon, C.). Pop. 
10,862. Market, Sat. Indus.: 
Roscommon Journal, 1827 
Roscommon Messenger, 1851 ... 
Western Nationalist, 1907 

390] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125) Strahd London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

RoscreEA (King’s Co.). 
Midiand Counties Advertiser 
SKIBBEREEN (Cork, M.) Pop. 3,269. 
* Southern Star, ran es 
Stıco (Sligo, C.). Pop. 11,163. Mar- 
kets, Tues., Sat. Indus. : Ex- 
porting agricultural produce 
and provisions; salmon- fishing. 
Sligo Champion, 1836 ... a 
Sligo Independent, 1855 
‘Sligo Nationalist, 1910 . 
STRABANE (Tyrone, U.). Pop. 5,033. 
Strabane Chronicle 
Strabane Weekly ‘News, 1908 
(Omagh) ae 
STROKESTOWN (Roscommon). 
Strokestown Democrat, 1907 ... 
TIPPERARY (Tipperary). Pop. 6,281. 
Markets, Thurs., Sat. Indus.: 
Tipperary Star, 1909 ... eos 
TRALEE (Kerry, M.). Pop. 9,867. 
Markets, Tues., Sat. Indus.: 
Exporting agricultural produce 
and provisions. 
Kerry Evening Post, 1774 . 
Kerry News, 1893 
Kerry Sentinel, 1878. ... a 
Kerry Weekly Reporter, 1 1883 ... 
Kerryman, 1904 . : as 
Killarney Echo, 1899 
Liberator, 1914 ... 

Tuam (Galway, C.). Pop. 2, 896. Mar- R 

kets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: Agri- 
culture. | 
Tuam Herald, 1837 ... ee 
TULLAMORE (King’s Co., L.). Pop. 
Leinster Reporter, 1859... ; 
WATERFORD (Waterford, M.)._ Pop. 
27,430. Markets, Mon., Wed., 
Thurs., Sat. Indus. : Export- 
ing and agriculture. 
Evening News, 1898 sia 
Munster Express, 1859 ... 
Waterford News, 1848 R 
Waterford News-Letter, 1800 TR 
Waterford Standard, 1841 re 
Waterford Star, 1890... 
Westport (Mayo, C.). Pop. 3,892. 
Mayo News, 1892. 
WEXFORD (Wexford, L.). Pop. 11 „455. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus. : 
Malt trade : exporting eel 
tural produce and provisions ; 
fisheries ; manufacture of agri- 
cultural implements. 
Free Press, 1888 . vak 
New Ross Standard, 1879. te 
People, 1853 7 és = 
Wicklow People, 1882 ak 
WICcKLow (Wicklow, L.). Pop. 3,288. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Chemi- 
Wicklow News-Letter, 1857 ... 
Wicklow Press, 1905 (Wexford) 


Willing’s Press Guide. 



[British Isles. 


Periodicals, &c.— 

Douctas. Pop. (Isle of Man), 54,089; 
(Douglas) 15,719. Market, Sat. 

Indus.: Shipping, tanning, 
brewing; woollen; paper, 
mineral-water, and sail-cloth 

isle of Man Daily Times, 1896 ... 
isle of Man Examiner, 1880 ... 
*isle of Man Weekly Times, 1861 


Mona’s Herald, 1833 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Isle of Man Examiner Directory. 


Manx Wesleyan Church Record. 

Manx Year Book. 

PEEL. Pop. 4,360. 

Peel City Guardian, 1882 

RaMSEY. Pop. 5,025. 

Ramsey Courier, 1884 ... 


GUERNSEY. Pop. (Guernsey) 32,607; 
(St. Peter Port) 16,658. Indus.: 
Shipping; blue granite working 
and exporting; cattle rearing; 
flower and fruit cultivation. 

Gazette de Guernsey, 1791 
Guernsey Advertiser, 1869 

{ GUERNSEY—continued. 

Guernsey Weekly Prosar 1902 
Star, 1869.. 
Periodicals, Bp. 

Philatelic Exchange and Mart. 

Report, &c., of the Guernsey 
Society of "Natural Science. 

Guernsey Evening Press, 1897 7 | 


St. HELIER. Seaport, watering-place, St. HELIER.—continued, 

and summer resort. Pop. (Jer- 

sey) 52,455; (St. Helier) 28,020. - 

Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus. : 
Coasting trade ; fishing ; early 
fruits and vegetables. 
Chronique de Jersey, 1814 
Evening Post, 1891 
Jersey illustrated Weekly, 1910.. 

Jersey Times, 1815 f 

Jersey Weekly Post, 1910 

Morning News, 1909 si 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Jersey Directory and Almanac. 

Jersey Post Royal Almanac. 



Established | 

Office :—159, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C. 

(Warehouses adjoining and at 178, Drury Lane, W.C.) 
(Also at 151, HIGH HOLBORN, W.C. 

Waste Paper Merchant. 

Newspaper & Journal Over Issues & Return Copy. 

Bankers: Lomion County and West nineter, Bloomsbury Branch, Telephone : 3295 Central. 

Advertisements received for all Colomal and Foreign Newspapers. [301% 

" =’ ; 

Advertisement.] ____Willing’s Press s Guide. 

Miscellaneous Advertisements. 


—— > 0 =< 

Aero and Motor Press Agency as sia .. 444 
Athletic News Agency ...: wh jn - vores .. 444 
Dixon & Co., J. Ee. ae shins as sas ... 444 
Egyptian Gazette (Cairo) ee tee te o 412 
Golf News Agency is als N is .. 444 


Harmsworth & Co. (Commercial Printers and | 

Stationers) ... . see oe = .. 415 
Hockey Reporting Agency Gee: Dyess vr .. 444 
Hotel and General Press (G. R. Pain) he .. 458 

Marlborough & Co., E. (Wholesale and Export 
Newsagents)... oad ae bis e .. 234 

Olyett, E. (Waste Paper Merchant) ... ee: ia. 391 

Pain, Georges R. (Anglo-Continental Newspapers 
Representative) ... bis Ss we foe 459 

Pioneer (Allahabad) cae se ois pii . 412 
Statesman (Calcutta sabe oe ve G TA 412 
Subscription to Foreign Newspapers G. R. Paani) a 4585 
“ Topical” Press Agency a os es . 439 | 

Willing & Co., Ltd. (Advertising Contractors, Bill 
Posting, &c.), King’s Cross, W.C. seh ... 292 

J. Willing, Ltd. (General Advertising Contractors), l 
125 Strand, London, w.c.... aia cise 928 

392) James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strán) Lóndon. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Existing Newspapers and Periodicals 



*,* The original tite, where ascertained, follows the date; the second title is that under 
which the publication now appears. For the dates of changes refer to the list at page 394. 


Oxford Gazette (London Gazette) .1 

1699-1700 Edinburgh Gazette.2 



Dublin Gazette 

Worcester Postman (Berrow’s Wor- 
cester Journal).4 

Nottingham Weekly Courant 
(Nottinghamshire Weekly Ex- 

1712-13 Stamford Mercury (Lincoln, Rut- 












land, and Stamford Mercury).5 

Bristol Postman (Bristol Times and 
Mirror) .6 

British Chronicle (Hereford Jour- 

Norwich Mercury.8 

Kentish Post (Kentish Gazette).9 

Leeds Mercury.!0 

Northampton Mercury.!1 

Gloucester Journal.12 

Reading Mercury.!3 

York Courant (Yorkshire Herald).14 

Lloyd’s List. 

Salisbury . Journal (Salisbury and 
Winchester Journal).15 - 

Adams’s Weekly Courant (Chester 

Derby Mercury. 

Mercury (Westmorland Mercury 
and Times). 

Belfast News-Letter. 

Sherborne and Dorset Mercury 
(Western Gazettc).!7 

Coventry Mercury (Coventry Stan- 

Birmingham Gazette. 

Cambridge Chronicle.18 

Aberdeen Daily Journal.19 

Leicester Journal.20 

Oxford Journal (Oxford Journal 

Leeds Intelligencer -. (Yorkshire 
Post) .22 
Bath Advertiser (Bath Chronicle) .23 

Public Ledger.24 

Norfolk Chronicle.25 

James’s Chronicle 

Public Register (Freeman’s Jour- 
nal) .27 

Exeter Flying Post (Trewman’s 
Exeter Flying Post). 

Chelmsford Chronicle 
County Chronicle).28 



'The references are to Notes on the following page, 












Newcastle Chronicle 
Weekly Chronicle). 

Sherborne, Dorchester, and Taun- 
ton Journal (Western Chronicle). 

Gospel Magazine. 

Limerick Chronicle.29 

Leinster Journal (Kilkenny Journal). 

Kentish Chronicle (Kent Herald) .30 

Hereford Mercury. 

Exeter Gazette (Devon and Exeter 
Daily Gazette).31 

Hampshire Chronicle. 

L: Derry Journal (Derry Journal). 

Morning Post. 

Shrewsbury Chronicle.32 

Racing Calendar.33 

Kerry Evening Post. 

Chester Chronicle.34 

Clare Journal.35 

Perry’s Bankrupt Weekly Gazette 
(Perry’s Gazette). 

Aftminian Magazine (Magazine of 
the Wesleyan Methodist Church). 

Bury Post (Bury & Norwich Post). 

Glasgow Advertiser (Glasgow 
Herald) .36 

Daily Universal Register (Times).37 

Doncaster, Nottingham, & Lincoln 
Gazette (Doncaster Gazette). 

Hull Packet (Daily Mail, Hull). 

Curtis’s Botanical Magazine 
(Botanical Magazine). 

Wolverhampton Chronicle.38 

Hye and Cry (Police Gazette). 

York Herald (Yorkshire Herald). 

Gazette de Guernsey. 39 


Newark Herald. 

Bath Herald.4! 

Kentish Herald (Kent Herald). 

Evangelical Magazine (British Mis- 

Hull Advertiser (Eastern Morning 

Morning Advertiser.42 [News). 

Worcester Herald. 

Staffordshire Advertiser. 

Scottish Congregational Magazine 
(Scottish Cgngregationalist). 

Kelso Mail. 

Carlisle Journal. 

Leith Commercial List. 

London, Edinburgh, and Dublin 
Philosophical Magazine. 

Hampshire Telegraph. 

Essex Herald. 


Advertisements received for all Magazines. [393 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

‘NOTES TO PRECEDING PAGE. 21-8, 1727, and they have in their possession ‘‘an 
odd copy or two for 1721.” 

(1) Copies are in the British Museum. Twenty-one (9) No. 530 is dated March 22, 1722 (published 
numbers issued at Oxford were “Re-printed at London | twice a week), and No. 1 of the Kentish Gazette is 
for the use of some Merchants and Gentlemen, who | dated April 30 to May 4, 1768. On the following 23rd 
desired them.” “Numb. 1 ” is without date, the first | of July the Kentish Post was incorporated, and the 
paragraph being headed “Oxon, Nov. 7”—the cause | paper appeared as the Kentish Gazette and Canterbury 
of an erroneous date often given for the first issue— | Chronicle, beginning again as No. 1. B 
a later paragraph is dated Nov. 14. The second issue (10) Vol. ii., 1719-20, was in the Caxton Exhibi- 
is without number, but headed “From Thursday, | tion. The paper was discontinued from 1755 to 1757, 
November 16, to Monday, November 20, 1665,” show- | a new numbering then being adopted. 
ng that the first issue might have been from the (11) The first number was published on May 2, 
earliest date (Guernzy, Oct. 30) to November 16, 1665, | 1720. A copy of the first volume is in the Northamp- 
Our earlier date in the first number is Nov. 4, 1664, | ton Free Reference Library. . 
the last figure perhaps an error in reprinting. Owing (12) 1720 has been given. No. 255 is dated Feb. 21, 
to difference of Style, paragraphs of foreign news | 1727. : 
dated in advance of the day of publication are to be (13) A copy of the first number, for July 8, 1723, is 
met with in later issues. One interruption to the | in the Bodleian Library, and of this a facsimile was 
asserted regularity of the paper’s appearance was | issued as a supplement to the paper on July 8, 1882. 
caused by the Fire of London, when the printer— (14) The York Courant was incorporated with the 
“Tho. Newcomb over against Baynards Castle in | York Herald, which started on Jan. 2, 1790. 

Thames Street ”—must have been burnt out, and (15) 1720 is frequently given. A copy for July 10, 
No. 85 did duty for a week, being dated “From Mon- | 1739, is No. 76, vol. ii.; and one for March 12, 1744, is 
day, September 3, to Monday, September 10, 1666.” | No. 372, vol. ix. A copy of the Salisbury and Win- 

(2) 1690 is the date often given. The first volume is | chester Journal for Sept. 7, 1829, is 5639, followmg 
in the British Museum, Nos. 1 to 3 being too much | which the number is 56310, and so onwards ; i 
mutilated for the date to be correctly ascertained, N a and 1721 are given. A copy for 1772 is 


but the fourth number is for Friday, March 10, to o. . i 
Monday, March 13, 1699 (N.S. 1700). (17) 1736 is commonly given. The proprietor (1884) 
(3) The date commonly given is 1711, but as many | says 1737. l . 
copies of an earlier date are in the British Museum, (18) 1748 is also given. A copy for Dec. 8, 1804, is 
it is assumed from No. 339, for July, 1708, that pub- | No. 2198; pointing to a still later date. 
lication commenced in 1705. (19) 1745 and 1746 have been given. 
(4) Green’s History of Worcester (1796) states that (20) Complete file from No. 1. r 
it is conjectured a public paper was established in (21) A volume of the Oxford Journal for 1753 was 

Worcester about 1690. That date is consequently | in the Caxton Exhibition. Jackson's Oxford Journal 

claimed for this paper ; but Green further adds that | for April 3, 1762, is No. 466. 

whatever may have been printed previous to 1709 (22) A copy of the Leeds Intelligencer for Jan. 3 

the Worcester Postman, in June of that year, assumed | 1883, says 1751, but in 1866 the date claimed is 1754. 

a regular and orderly appearance in a small folio of (23) A copy of the Bath Advertiser for March 8, 

six pages, the printer being Stephen Bpyan. The | 1760, is No. 230, and one of the Bath Chronicle for 

earliest cop y known to be in existence of the Wor- | May 7, 1761, is No. 30. 

cester Postman is said to consist of two pages, post (24) . The date commonly given is 1759. No. 1, in 

folio, with a date in 1710. Volumes for 1712-14 were | the British Museum, is dated Jan. 12, 1760. . 

exhibited at the Caxton Celebration in 1877. In 1722 (25) This had only reached No. 1319, vol. xxvi., on 

= the paper had become the Worcester Post or Western | May 23, 1795. ~ 

Journal, and later the Weekly Worcester Journal, (26) An earlier date, under a different name, is 

under which title a copy for Friday, March 3, to | sometimes given to this paper, but with this title a 

Friday, March 10, 1726-27, is in the British Museum, | copy of No. 17, for April 18-21, 1761, is-in the British 

its number being 924, agreeing with the date July 1, | Museum. 

1709, for the first issue. In 1729 the paper had be- (27) 1755 has been given, but a copy for Sept. 10, 

come the Worcester Journal, and on June 23, 1748, | 1763, is No. 1, and one for March 14, 1776, is No. 38, 

it announced the death of ‘‘Stephen Bryan, who | vol. xiii.—‘ total number 1639.” 

near forty ge was printer of this paper.” About (28). 1730 is frequently given. . 

three months before his death Mr. Bryan assigned (29) A copy for Nov. 23, 1775, is No. 761, vol viii., 

his business to Mr. Hervey Berrow, whose name was | and the title is preceded by “John Ferrar.” 

added to the title on Oct. 11, 1753. (30) This is said to be an error, being the date of 
(5) For the first eighteen years the numbers were | the amalgamation of the Kentish Post and Kentish 

divided into half-yearly volumes. Perhaps the earliest | Gazette (see note 9). However, a copy of the Kentish 

copy in existence is for Jan. 6, 1715-6, vol. vii. One | Chronicle for April 28, 1795, is No. 1592. . 

for Nov. 7. 1717, vol. x., was exhibited at the Caxton (3I) 1782 and 1789 have been given. The paper was 

Celebration, and the earliest copy in the British | not numbered till June 2Ist, 1792, when it was 

Museum is vol. xi., No. 21, for Thurs., May 22, 1718— | begun with No. 1024. 

twelve quarto pages, 84 inches by 6. A number for (32) A volume for 1772 was in the Caxton Exhibi- 

1719, vol. xiv., is said to be in the Museum of the | tion. l 

Philosophical Society of Leicester ; one is spoken of (33) A copy for April 13, 1774, is No. 2 (i.e., for 

for 1723, vol. xxi.; and the British Museum contains | that year). The numbers were reissued as a pocket vol- 

vols. xxxi. and xxxii., for 1728, now an octavo of | ume at the end of each year as Weatherby’s Racing Book. 

eight pages, 9 inches by 5}. The date of establish- (34) 1773 is sometimes given. No, 1 is in the British 

ment of the present paper is probably 1731, as a | Museum, and dated May 2, 1775. 

copy of the Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mercury, (33) 1778 is also given. 

for Jan. 9, 1789, says “This paper for upwards of 36) 1777 and 1779 have been given. 

Fifty-seven years has been and continues to be (37) The first number, in the British Museum, 

circulated every Friday morning,” &c., proving | speaks of itself as the Universal Register, while its 

that the Stamford Mercury was not looked upon | heading is “The Daily Universal Register, Printed 

as the original of the present paper. The claim was | Logographically. By His Majesty’s Patent. Numb. 

first made on July 7, 1826, by a new proprietor, | 1, Saturday, January 1, 1765. Price Two-pence Half- 

when he counted the 36 half-yearly volumes as so many | penny.”- The printer is James Fleming. The first 

years, and thus added 18 years to the age of the paper. | number of The Times is now exhibited in the British 
(6) Much of the pedigree of this paper and its colla- | Museum. i e 

terals is shown in the following list of Titular Changes. (38) This had only reached No. 996, vol. xx., on 
(7) 1713 is claimed as the date of establishment. | Jan. 6, 1830. 

A copy in the British Museum of the British Chronicle (39) 1788 is also given. : 

for March 28, 1771, is No. 34, vol. i. ; (40) No. 6 of The Observer, for Jan. 8, 1792, is in 
(8) The date is assumed from an obituary notice | the British Museum. 

of Mr. Wm. Chase in the pper for June 2, 1744, (41) In 1862 this paper was incorporated with the 

wherein he is said fo have „ Printed the Norwich | Bath Express, afterwards the Bath Herald. 

Mercury for about 30 years.” The proprietors on (42) No. 2 of the Morning Advertiser, dated Feb.10 

Jan. 26, 1884, issued a facsimile of the paper of Jan. 1794, is in the British! Museum ; also facsimile of No. 1. 

394) James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. | 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


The following list, which deals only with publications which have not completely passed out of existence, 
will afford considerable help ın tracing the history of some of the oldest newspapers and periodicals, and greatly 
assist in a search for many which are otherwise difficult to find owing to some trifling alteration in the leading 


The date of issue or of change, where ascertained, follows the title; a second title printed in italic indicates 
that the list must be again entered with that title until the new-found one is printed in Roman character, when, 
if further information is required, reference should be made to the publication in the Alphabetical List, page 1. 

When a publication has received a new title, the contraction bec. signifies “ became ’’; and when a title has 
been incorporated, the contraction inc. stands for “incorporated with,” “amalgamated with” or “merged into.” 

Aberdare and Mountain Ash Weekly Post, inc. 
Aberdare Post. 

Aberdare Times, 1861, inc. Aberdare Leader, 1903. 

Aberdeen Chronicle, 1806, bec. Aberdeen Herald, 1822. 

Aberdeen Herald, 1822, bec. The Herald. 

Aberdeen Evening Express, 1879, bec. Evening Ex- 
press, 1899. 

Aberystwyth Despatch, Directory and Cardigan Bay 
Visitor, 1906, bec. Cardigan Bay Visitor, 1916. 

Aberystwyth Observer and Cardigan County Times, 
1858, inc. Montgomery County Times, 1915. ° 

Abingdon and Reading Herald, Aug. 27, 1870, bec. 
Abingdon Herald, 1883, bec. North Berks Herald, 
1910. - 

Abingdon Herald, July 27, 1867, bec. Reading and 
Abingdon Herald, May 14, 1870. 

Acceptable Words, bec. Words ot Salvation, 1910. 

Accountants’ Students’ Journal, 2883, bec. Account- 
ants’ Journal, 1887. 

Accrington Observer, 1889, bec. Accrington Adver- 
tiser and Northern Morning News, 1900. 

Accrington Times, 1866, ‘mc. Accrington Observer 
and Times, 1892. 

Acton and Chiswick Independent, 1883, inc. County 
of Middlesex Independent, 1885. 

Acton Gazette, 1868, bec. Acton, Chiswick, and Turn- 
ham Green Gazette, Apr., 1871, bec. Acton Gazette, 


Adam’s Weekly Courant, 1730, bec. Chester Courant. 

Advertiser for Brierley Hill, Stourbridge, Dudley, &c., 
1853, bec. County Advertiser for Staffordshire and 
Worcestershire, 1908. : 

Advertising Despatch, 1902, bec. Bellman, 1904 

African Review, 1892, tnc. African World and Cape 
Cairo Express, 1905. 

Agnostic, 1884, bec. Agnostic Annual, 1888, bec. R.P.A 
Annual, 1907. f 

Agricultural Chronicle, 1901, bec. Machinery Chronicle, 
1907, inc. Ironmongers’ Chronicle and Hardwareman, 
1908, bec. Hardwareman and Ironmongers’ Chron- 
icle, 1912. 

Agricultural Gazette Almanac, 1874, inc. Live Stock 
Journal Almanac, 1886. 

Agricultural Record, 1908, bec. Journal of the Central 
and Associated Chambers of Agriculture, 1912. 

i diia World and Cable, 1901, bec. Farm Life, 



Alfreton and Belper Journal, 1887, inc. Ripley Adver- 
tiser, 1905. bg 

Alfreton and District Advertiser, 1901, bec. Ripley 

Alfreton Journal, 1870, bec. Alfreton and Belper 
ournal, Mar. 1887, inc. Ripley Advertiser, 1905. 

Allen’s Indian Mail, 1843, inc. Homeward Mail, 1857, 
tnc. Indiaman, 1914. 

Alliance of Honour Record, 1911, bec. Honour, 1915. 

Alnwick Mercury, June, 1854, tne. Alnwick and 
County Gazette, Jan. 1, 1884. 

Alston Herald, inc. Hexham Courant, 1864. 

Altrincham and Bowdon Advertiser, 1880, bec. Altrin- 
cham Division Advertiser, 1890. l 

Amateur Photographer, 1884, bec. Amateur Photo- 
grapher and Photographic News, 1908. . 

Amateur Sport Illustrated, 1907, înc. Lawn Tennis 
and Badminton, 1908. ; \ 

Amserau Cymru, 1843. tnc. Baner Cymru, 1860. 

Anerley and Penge Press, 1883, bec. Penge and 
Anerley Press, 1901. 

Advertisements received for all the Societies’ Newspapers. 

Anglo-Egyptian Mail, 1907, inc. Near East, 1909. 

Anglo-French Stage Chronicle, 1899, bec. Chronique 
La, 1899. 

Anglo New Zealander, Aug. 1, 1884, bec. Australtan 
Times, Sept. 11, 1885. 

Annals of Scottish Natural History, 1892, bec. Scottish 
Naturalist, 1912. ° 

Annan Observer, 1857, bec. Annandale Observer. 

Answers to Correspondents, 1888, bec. Answers, 1890. 

Annual Review of the Foreign Missions of the Church 
of England, 1907, bec. Missions Overseas, 1912. 

pee es Review, 1888, bec. Folk Lore, Jan., 

Archives of Clinical Skiagraphy, bec. Archives of 
Skiagraphy, bec Archives of the Roentgen Ray. 
Archives of the Roentgen Ray, 1896, bec. Archives of 

Radiology and Electro-therapy, 1915. 

Argus, inc. The Globe. 

Argus (Brighton), bec. Evening Argus, 1896. 

Argus (Norwich), 1863, inc. Norfolk Weekly Standard 
and Argus, 1893, inc. Norfolk Chronicle and Norwich 
Gazette, 1913. 

Argyllshire Standard, 1871, inc. Dunoon Observer and 
Argylishire Standard, 1895. 

Aris’s Birmingham Gazette, 1741, inc. Birmingham 
Gazette, 1897, inc. Birmingham Gazette and Express, 
1904, b c. Birmingham Gazette, 1913. 

Armagh Standard, 1869, tnc Ulster Gazette and 
Armagh Standard, 1910. 

Arminian Magazine, 1778, b c. Bible Chrisitan Maga- 
zine, 1852. . 
Army and Navy Magazine, 1880, inc. Colburn’s United 
Service Magazine, 1888. 

Army Circulars, bec. Army Orders. l 

Army List, bec. Monthly Army List. . , 

Arrival List, 1854, bec. Ilfracombe Gazette, 1875. 

Art Craftsman, 1908, inc. Woodworker, 1910. 

Arthur’s Directory of Carlisle, 1877, bëc. Post Office 
ime of Carlisle, 1880, bec. Carlisle Directory, 


Ashford and Alfred News, July 17, 1855, bec. Kentish 

Express and Ashford News, 1858. - 

` Ashford Chronicle, 1884, bec. Kent Examiner, 1884. 

Ashton Weekly Reporter, Apr. 14, 1855, bec. Ashton- 
under-Lyne Reporter. 

Ashton-under-Lyne Herald, 1889, bec. Weekly Herald. 
1902, bec. Ashton-under-Lyne Herald, 1910. 
Asiatic Quarterly Review, bec Imperial and Asiatic 
Quarterly Review, bec. Asiatic Review, 1912. 

Astrologer, 1887, bec. Astrologer’s Magazine, 1890. 

een Magazine, 1890, bec. Modern Astrology, 

a aes Almanac, 1834, bec. Zadkiel’s Almanac, 

Asylum Journal of Mental Science, 1855, bec. Journal 
of Mental Science, 1858. 

Auckland Chronicle, 1866.-inc. South Durham and 
Auckland Chronicle, 1907, bec. Auckland and County 
Chronicle, 1914. l 

Auckland Mercury, 1873, inc. Auckland Chronicle, 
1879, bec. South Durham and Auckland Chronicle, 
1907, bec. Auckland and County Chronicle, 1914. 

Auckland Times and Herald, 1854, tnc. South Durham 
and Auckland Chronicle, 1910. 

Australasian World, 1907, bec. 

Australasian and 
Canadian World, 1914, 


Titular. Changes] 

Australian Mail and Colonial Mining News, 1894. 
inc. Colonial Mining News and Australian Mail, 
1902, bec. Mining News and Financial Record, 
1907, bec. Mining News, 1908. ae 

Australian Times, Sept. 11, 1885, inc. British Austra- 
lasian, 1888. 
Automotor and Horseless Vehicle Journal, 1893, bec. 
Automotor Journal, 1902. ; 
Aylesbury News, Dec. 3, 1836, bec. Bucks Advertiser 
and Aylesbury News Jan. 2, 1847. 

Ayrshire Argus, 1872, inc. Ayr Observer, 1890. 

Ayrshire Express, 1854, inc. Ayrshire Argus, 1872. 

Ayrshire Weeky News, 1859, inc. Ayr Observer, 1901. 

Bacup and Rossendale News, 1862, bec. Rossendale 
Division Gazette, 1890. 

Baily’s Fox. Hunting Directory, bec. Baily’s Hunting 

Baily’s Monthly Magazine, bec. Baily’s Magazine of 
Sports and Pastimes. 

Ballyshannon Herald, 1831, înc. Donegal Independent 

Banbury Herald, inc. Oxfordshire Weekly News, 1870. 

aren of Mercy Advocate, 1879, bec. Band of Mercy, 

Baner Cymru, Mar. 4, 1857, bec. Baner ac Amserau 
Cymru, 1860. 

Bangor Observer, 1883, inc. North Wales Observer 
and Express, 1884. 

Bankers’ Magazine, 1844, bec. Bankers’, Insurance 
Managers’ and Agents’ Magazine, 1890. 

Baptist, 1873, inc. Baptist Times and Freeman, 1910. 

Bar Reports, 1865, bec. Law Times Reports, 1871. 

Barking and East Ham Advertiser, 1888, bec. Barking, 
East Ham, and Ilford Advertiser, 1889. 

, Barn ley Express, 1903, inc. Barnsley Telephone, 

Barnsley Times, April 7, 1855, bec. Barnsley Inde- 
pendent, 1892. 

Barry and Cadoxton Journal, 1888, bec. South Wales 
Star and Barry and Cadoxton Journal, 1891. 

Basingstoke Observer, Aug. 11, 1883, inc. Winchester 
Observer, 1884. 

Bath Advertiser, Oct. 18, 1755, bec. Bath Chronicle, 
Oct. 15, 1760. 

eae Cheltenham Gazette, 1812, ine. Bath Herald, 

Bath Argus, 1870, bec. Bath Daily Argus, 1896. 
Bath Argus (Daily), 1896, inc. Bath Daily Chronicle 
am Argus, 1900, bec. Bath and Wiltshire Chronicle, 

Bath Chronicle, Oct. 15, 1760, bec. Martin’s Bath 

Bath Daily Chronicle, 1877, inc. Bath Daily Chronicle 
Gna ANEUS: 1900, bec. Bath and Wiltshire Chronicle, 

Bath Daily Chronicle and Argus, 1900, bec. Bath and 
Wiltshire €hronicle, 1911. 

Bath Express, Oct. 6, 1855, bec. Bath Herald, 1876. 

Bath Herald, Mar. 3, 1792, inc. Bath Express, 1862. 

Bath Journal, 1742, bec. Keene's Bath Journal. 

Bath Register, inc. Bath Herald, Oct. 4, 1793. 

Battleaxe, 1883, bec. Church Army Gazette, 1886. 

Beckenham and Shortlands Chronicle, 1896, tn-. 
Bromley Chronicle, 1914. 

Bedale and Northallerton Times, 1855, inc. Ripon 
Gazette, 1914. 

Bedford and Bedfordshire Herald, 1879, inc. Leston 
Times, 1887. 

Bedford Chronicle, inc. Bedfordshire Mercury, tne. 
Bedford and County Record, 1913. 

Bedford Mercury, April 2, 1836, bec. Bedfordshire 
Mercury, Nov. 30, 1857. 

Bedford Record, 1872, bec. Bedford and County 
Record, Jan. 3, 1880. 

Bedford Times, 1845, bec. Bedfordshire Times and 
Independent, July, 1872. 

Bedfordshire Advertiser and Luton Times, 1893, inc. 
Luton News and Bedfordshire Advertiser, 1916. 

Bedfordshire Mercury, 1857, inc. Bedford and County 
Record, 1913. 

arr ae Free Press, 1901, inc. Nuneaton Observer, 

Beerbohms Evening Corn Trade List, 1870, inc. London 
Grain, Seed and Oil Reporter, 1915. 

Beeston and West Notts. Echo, 1902, bec. Beeston 
Gazette and News, 1912, bec. Beeston and West 
Notts Gazette and Echo, 1913. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

[& Amalgamations. 

Belfast Linen Trade Circular, 1852, bec. Irish Tex ttle 
Journal, Jan. 15, 1886, inc. Linen Trade Circular, 

Bell’s Life in London, 1822, inc. Sporting Life, 1886. 

Belper and Alfreton Chronicle, 1885, inc. Belper News 
and Derbyshire Telephone, 1901. f 

Bent’s Monthly Literary Advertiser, 1802, inc. The 
Bookseller, 1860. S 

Berkhamsted Advertiser, 1895, inc. Herts Advertiser, 

Berkhamsted ,Times, Tring Telegraph and Chesham 
News, 1875, inc. West Herts Observer, 1900, tnc. 
West Herts and Watford Observer, 1903. 

Berkshire Times, 1860, inc. North Wilts Herald, 
Dec. 8, 1868. 

Beverley Independent, 1888, inc. Beverley Recorder 
and Independent, 1911. : 

Beverley Weekly Recorder, July 7, 1855, bec. Beverley 
Recorder and Independent. 

Bexley Heath, Erith, and Sidcup Observer, 1967, 
bec. Bexley Heath and Bexley Observer, 1885. 
Bibby’s Quarterly, 1896, bec. Bibby’s Annual, 1906. 
Bible Christian Magazine, 1852, bec. United Methodist 

Magazine, 1908. ; 

Bible Standard, 1877, inc. The Faith 1889. ; 
Bible Work at Home and Abroad, 1883, bec. Bible- 
women and Nurses, 1888. oe? 
Bicycling News and Sport and Play, 1876, bec. Bicycling 

News and Motor Review, 1901. a 

Bideford Weekly Gazette, 1853, bec. Bideford and 
North Devon Weekly Gazette, 1909. 

Biggleswade Chronicle, Sandy, Polton, and Shefford 
Times, 1891, bec. Biggleswade Chronicle and North 
Bedfordshire Gazette, 1893. 

Billposters’ Journal, 1887, beç. Billposter, 1889. 

Bird o’ Freedom, 1879, inc Man of the World, 1896. 

Birmingham Daily Gazette, 1862, ic. Birmingham 
Gazette, 1904. 

Birmingham Journal, inc. Birmingham Daily Post. 

Birmingham, Moseley and Balsall Heath News, 1884, 
bec. South Birmingham, Moseley, and Balsall Heath 
News, May 23, 1885. 

Birmingham Weekly Mercury, 1884, bec. Weekly 
Mercury, 1903, bec. Birmingham Il]. Weekly Mer- 
cury, 1906. 

Bishop Stortford Observer, 1861, bec. Herts and Essex 
Observer, 1862. 

Bishop Stortford Weekly News, 1899, inc. Saffron 
Walden Weekly News, 1901. 

Bishop’s Castle Chronicle and Clun Valley Times, 
1911, inc. Shrewsbury Chronicle, 1913. 

Black and White, 1891, ine. Sphere, 1912. 

Blackpool and Fleetwood Gazette, 1873, bec. Gazette 
News for Blackpool, &c., 1893. 

Blandford and Wimborne Telegram, 1862, inc. Western 
Chronicle, 1886. = 

Blandford Gazette, 1903, inc. Three Shires Advertiser, 

Bluejacket and Coastguards’ Gazette, ~1900, bec. 
Buejacket and the Soldier, 1909. 

` Bognor Visitors’ List, 1867, inc. Bognor Observer 

Visitors’ List and West Sussex Recorder, 1879. 

Bonnor and Middleton’s Journal, Aug. 13, 1744, 
bec. Bristol Times and Mirror. 

Book of the Church of Scotland, 1888, bec. Church 
of Scotland Year Book, 1900. 

Boot and Shoe Maker, 1878, bec. Boot and Shoe Trades 
Journal, 1880. 

Boot and Shoe Trades Chronicle, 1876, bec. Shoe 
and Leather Trades Chronicle, 1877. 

Boot and Shoe Trades Journal, 1880, bec. Shoe Trades 
Journal, 1915. 

Bordesley Leader, 1886, inc. South Birmingham News, 

. 1888. 

Borough News, 1900, bec. Lewisham Borough News, 
1901. j 

Borough of Lewisham Gazette, 1895, bec. Lewisham 
Gazette, 1891. 

Borough ot Lewisham Herald, April, 1888, inc. Borough 
of Lewisham Gazette, 1890. 

Borough of Marylebone Mercury, 1857, bec. Maryle- 
bone Mercury and West London Gazette, 1890. 

Borough of Wednesbury Herald, 1875, bec. Wednes- 
bury Herald, 1878, inc. Midland Advertiser, 1916. 

Borough of Woclwich Gazette, 1905, bec. Woolwich 
Gazette and Plumstead News, 1909. 

96] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 


Titular Changes] 

Boston Independent and Lincolnshire Advertiser, | 

1878, inc. Boston and Lincolnshire Standard, 1912. 
Boston Spa Journal, 1873, bec. Boston Spa News, 1878. 
Bosworth’s Clerical Guide; 1886, inc. Clergy List, 1888. 
Botanical Magazine, 1787, bec. Curtis’s Botanical 

Magazine, 1801, bec. Botanical Magazine, 1912. 
Boxing World and Athletic Chronicle, 1909, inc. Mirror 

of Life and Boxing World, 1912. 

Brackley Observer, inc. Bicester Advertiser and Mid- 
Oxon Chronicle, May 9, 1879. 
Bradford Observer Budget, 1871, Yorkshire 

Observer Budget, 1912. 

Bradford Weekly Telegraph, 1869, bec. Illustrated 

Weekly Telegraph, 1885. 

Bradshaw’s Railway Gazette, 1845, bec. Joint Stock 

Companies’ Journal, 1898. 

Bray Herald and Arklow Reporter, 1876, bec. Bray 

and South Dublin Herald, 1901. 

Brazil and River Plate Mail, 1863, bec. South American 

Journal, 1878. 

Brecknock Beacon, 1885, inc: Brecon County Times, 


Brecon County Times, 1866, bec. Brecon and Radnor 

Express, 1889. 

Brecon Free Press, 1882, bec. Brecknock Beacon, 1885. 
Brentford and Ealing Independent, 1883, bec. County 

of Middlesex Independent, 1885. 

Brewers’ Guardian, 1871, wc. Brewer and Wine 

Merchant and Brewers’ Guardian, 1907. 

Brewers’ Weekly, 1899, înc. Brewer and Wine Mer- 

chant and Brewers’ Guardian, 1901. . 
Bridge of Allan Reporter, 1859, bec. Stirling a 

Bridge of Allan Reporter, 1905. Reporter (Stirling), 



Bridgwater Guardian, 1885, inc. Somerset County 
Herald, Jan. 18, 1887. 

Bridport, Beaminster, and Lyme Regis Telegram, 
1865, inc. Western Chronicle, 1886. 

Brighton and Hove Guardian, 1827, inc. Brighton 
and Hove Society, 1901. 

Brighton Daily Gazette, May 26, 1885, bec. Brighton 
Gazette, 1886. 

Brighton Daily News, 1868, bec. Sussex Daily News. 

Brighton Fashionable Arrival List, July 31, 1858, 
bec. Brighton Standard and Fashionable Visitors’ 
List, 1865. 

Bristol Mirror, inc. Bristol Times, Jan. 1865. 

Bristol Postman, Feb. 14, 1713, bec. Farley’s Bristol 
News-Paper, May 8, 1725. 

Bristol Times, 1839, bec. Daily Bristol Times and 
Mirror, Jan., 1865. 

ae University Gazette, 1908, bec. Bristol Nonsuch 

British Advertiser, 1879, inc. The Capitalist, 1885. 

British and Colonial Druggist, 1884, bec. British and 
Colonial Pharmacist, 1915. 

British Bandsman, 1887, bec. British Musician, 1892. 

British Bookmaker, inc. British Printer, 1894. 

British Chronicle, Aug. 9, 1770, bec. Hereford Journal. 

British Congregationalist and Examiner, 1906, inc. 
Christian World, 1916. 

British Dairy Farmer, 1892, inc. Dairy World and 

- British Dairy Farmer, 1895. 

British Empire Paper, &c., Journal, 1903, inc. Caxton’s 
Magazine and British Stationer, 1914. 

Ee Empire Y.M.C.A. Review, 1907, bec. Y.M.» 

British Exporter- and Magazine of Commerce, 1902, 
înc. System, and Modern Business, 1912. 

British Health Review, 1900, inc. Herald of the 
Golden Age, and British Health Review, 1896. 

British Homes, 1896, bec. City Life Record, 1910. 

British Homoeopathic Review, 1907, tnc. British 
Homoeopathic Journal, 1911. 

British Israel, Jan. 1, 1880, bec. The Messenger, Aug. 
23, 1883. 

British Jewelller, Watchmaker, Goldsmith, Silversmith 
or Optician, 1907, bec. British Retail Jeweller, 

British Journal and Architectural Engineer, 1895, 
bec. Architects’ and Builders Journal, 1910. 

British Lithographer, nc. British Printer. 

British Musician, 1892, inc. British Bandsman, 1898. 

British Optical Journal, 1901, bec. Optical and Fhoto- 
graphic Trade Journal, 1904, inc. Optician and 
Photographic Trades Journal, 1908, bec. Optician 
and Scientific Instrument Maker. 

———— amaa amiaaaħõ 

Advertisements received for all Trade Journals. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

[& Amalgamations. 

British Press, 1815, bec. Jersey Times and British 
Press, 1888, inc. Jersey Weekly Post, 1910. 

British Protestant, 1884, inc. Gospel Magazine a 
Protestant Beacon, 1898. 

British Underwriter, 1902, bec.. Insurance Advoc 
and British Underwriter, 1913. 

British Women’s Temperance Journal, 1883, bec. 
Wings, 1892. 

Brixton, Streatham, and Norwood Times, 1881, bec. 
Brixton and Streatham Times, 1888. 

Bromley and West Kent Courier, 1879, inc. Lewisham 
and Blackheath Courter, 1885. 

Bromley and West Kent Telegraph, &c., 1865, ine. 
Bromley Chronicle, 1914. 

Bromley Journal and West Kent Herald, 1869, inc. 
South Eastern Gazette, 1912. 

East Aberdeenshire 

Buchan Observer, 1863, bec. 
Observer, 1875. 

Buckinghamshire Advertiser, 1853, bec. Middlesex 
and Buckinghamshire Advertiser, 1890. 

Builders’ Price Book, 1844, bec. Laxton’s Builders’ 
Price Book, 1855. i 

Builders’ Price Book, bec. Lockwood’s Builders’ and 
Contractors’ Price Book, 1856. 

Building Societies’ and Land Companies’ Record, 
1869, bec. Building Societies’ Gazette and Land 
Companies’ Record, 1887. 

Burbage’s Nottingham Chronicle, inc. Nottingham 
Journal, 1775. 

Burnley Advertiser, Mar. 1, 1852, inc. Burnley Express 
and Clitheroe Division Advertiser, 1880. 

Burnley Free Press, 1863, bec. Burnley Gazette and 
East Lancashire Advertiser, 1863, inc. Burnley 
News, 1915. 

Burnley Gazette and East Lancashire Advertiser, 
1863, inc. Burnley News, 1915. 

Burton and Derby Gazette, 1880, bec. Burton Evening 
Gazette, 1887. 

Bury and Suffolk Standard, 1869, inc. Bury and 
Norwich Post, 1887. 

Bury and West Suffolk Advertiser, 1885, inc. Bury 
and Norwich Post, 1907. 

Bury Boro’ Advertiser, 1898, inc. Bury Visitor, 1909, 

Bury Herald, ine. Bury and Norwich Post, 1850. 

Bury Post, 1782, bec. Bury and Norwich Post. 

Buxton Chronicle, 1885, imc. High Peak Chronicle, 

Cable and Agricultural World, 1893, bec. -Agricultural 
World and Cable, 1901, bec. Farm Life, 1905. 

Caledonian Mercury, April 28, 1720, inc. The Scots- 
man. ` 

Caine Chronicle, Mar. 29, 1876, inc. North Wilts 
Herald, July 6, 1878. 

Camberley Gazette, 1902, nc. Camberley News and 
Yorktown Observer, 1907. 

Camberwell, Peckham, and Dulwich News, 1876, bec. 
Camberwell News, 1888. 

Cambridge Express and Eastern Counties Weekly | 
News, 1868, tnc. Cambs. Weekly News and Cam- 
bridge Express, 1902. 

Canary and Cage Bird Life, 1905,1nc. Feathered World, 

Cannock Chase Mercury, 1883, inc. Rugeley Mercury 

Canterbury Chronicle and Kentish Standard, Jan., 
1869, inc. Kentish Chronicle. 

Canterbury Press, tnc. Kentish Gazette, 1891. . 

Cardigan Bay Visitor, 1866, bec. Aberystwyth Despatch 
Directory aid Cardigan Bay Visitor, 1906. 

Cardigan County Times, Shropshire and Mid-Wales 
Advertiser, 1880, inc. Abervstwyth Observer and 
Cardigan County Times, 1907. 

Cardiganshireand Merioneth Herald, 1884, bec. Mer ion 
eth News and Herald, 1889. 

Cardiganshire and Merionethshire Herald, 1883, bec. 
Cardiganshire and Mertoneth Herald, 1884. 

Carlisle Examiner, 1857, inc. Carlisle Express and 
Examiner, 1870, inc. Carlisle Journal, 1913. 

Carlisle xpress and Examiner, 1857, inc. Carlisle 

Carlisle Patriot, 1815, inc. Cumberland News, 1910. 

Carlow Nationalist, 1883, bec. The Nationalist and 
Leinster Times, 1888. 

Carmarthen Journal, 1810, bec. The Journal, 1887, 
bec. Carmarthen Journal, 1911. 

Carnarvon Herald, Jan. 1, 1831, bec. Carnarvon 
and Denbigh Herald. 

-5 a_u 


Titular Changes) 

Cassell’s Family Magazine, 1874, bec. Cassels Maga- 
sine, 1897, bec. Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction, 1912. 
Cassell’s Ill. Family Paper, 1853, bec. Cassell’s Maga- 
zine, 1867, bec. Cassell’s Family Magazine, 1874, 
bec. Cassell’s Magazine, 1897, bec. Cassell’s Maga- 

zine of I‘iction, 1912. 

Cassell’s Magazine, 1867, bec. Cassell’s Family Maga- 
zine, 1874. 

Catholic Chronicle, 1912, tc. Universe, 1913. 

Catholic Directory for Scotland, 1840, bec. Official 
Catholic Directory for Scotland, 1913. 

Catholic Opinion, inc. Catholic Times and Catholic 
Opinion. ; 

Catholic Weekly, 1904, inc. Universe and Catholic 
Weekly, 1909, bec. Universe, 1912. 

Central Weekly Times, inc. Leinster Reporter, 1859. 

Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal, Feb. 4, 1832, bec. 
Chambers’s Journal, 1844. 

Chapel-en-le-Frith, &c., Advertiser, 1877, bec. High 
Peak Advertiser, 1881. 

Charity Organisation Reporter, 1872, bec. Charity 
Organisation Review, 1884. 

Chatham News, 1859, bec. Chatham and Rochester 
News, 1885, bec. Chatham, Rochester, and Gilling- 
ham News, 1903. 

Chelmsford Chronicle, Aug. 10, 1764, bec. Essex 
County Chronicle, July 25, 1884. 

Chelsea News, 1857, bec. Westminster and Chelsea 
News, 1881. 

Cheltenham Examiner, Gloucestershire Guardian, and 
County Advertiser, 1839, inc. Cheltenham Examiner 
and Cheltenham Free Press and Cotswold News, 1908, 
tnc. Gloucester Journal, 1914. 

Cheltenham Examiner, &c., 1839, inc. 
Journal, 1914. 

Cheltenham Free Press and Cotswold News, 1834, inc. 
Cheltenham Examiner, Cheltenham Free Press and 
Cotswold News, 1908. 

Cheltenham Looker-On, 1833, bec. Looker-On, 1913. 

Chepstow Weekly Advertiser, 1855, inc. Chepstow 
Weekly Argus, 1916. 

Chesham Examiner and Rickmansworth Times, 1906, 
bec. Bucks Examiner, 1906. 

Chesham News, 1900, inc. West Herts Observer, 1901, 
bec. West Herts and Watford Observer, 1903. 

Cheshire Evening Echo, bec. Cheshire Daily Echo, 1895. 

Cheshunt Observer, 1899, inc. Herts and Essex 
Observer, 1902. 

Chester Record, Jan. 3, 1857, inc. Chester Guardian 

and Record. 

Children of the Church Magazine, 1894, bec. King’s 
Messenger’s Magazine, 1109 

Children’s Missionary Magazine of the United Presby- 
terian Church, 1880, bec. Children’s Missionary Maga- 
zine of the New Free Church of Scotland, 1901, bec. 
Children’s Missionary Magazine of the United Free 
Church of Scotland, 1903, bec. Greatheart, 1912. 

Children’s Prize, 1864, bec. The Prize, 1875. 

Children’s Tidings, bec. African Tidings. 

Children’s Treasury, 1868, bec. Our Darlings, 1881. 

Chislehurst and Mottingham Chronicle, 1893, ine. 
Bromley andWest Kent Telegraph, 1901, inc. Bromley. 
Chronicle, 1914. 

Chislehurst and Sidcup Times, 1881, bec. Chislehurst 
and District Times, 1885. 

Chorley Standard and District Advertiser, 1864, bec. 
Chorley and District Weekly News, 1908. 

Christchurch Guardian, 1883, ic. Southern Guardian 
and Dorset and Hampshire Advertiser, 1887. 

Christian Advocate, inc. Bible Advocate, 1890. 

Christian Ambassador, 1863, beč. Primitive Methodist 
Quarterly Review, 1879, bec. Holborn Review, 1910. 

Christian Banner, 1906, inc. Christian Herald, 1907. 

Christian Budget, 1898, snc. Christian Herald, 1902. 

Christian Chronicle, 1881, tc. Christian Common- 
wealth, 1887. 

Christian News, 1845, inc. British Congregationalist 
and Examiner 1906 inc. Ghristian World, 1916. 
A Pathway of Power, 1874, inc. Lite of Faith, 

Church Bells, 1871, bec. Church Bells and lll 
Church News, 1901, inc. Guardian, 1906. a 

Church of England Scripture Readers’ Association Quar- 
terly Reccrd, 1910, bec. Lighten our Darkness, 


Church Standard, 1895, inc. Church Gazette, 1907, 
Church Work, 1886, bec. Guildsman, 1882,’ 7h 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

[& Amalgamations. 

Church Worker, 1882, inc. Church Sunday School 
Magazine, and Church Worker, 1905. 

Churchwoman, 1895, nc. Guardian, 1903. 

Cigar and Tobacco World and Tobacconist, 1889, 
bec. Cigar and Tobacco World, 1898. 

Cinderford Meréury, 1881, inc. Dean Forest Mercury 
and West Gloucester Gazette. 7% 

Cinematograph Exhibitors’ Journal, 1912, inc. Cinema 
News and Property Gazette, 1914. 

Cirencester Times, 1856, inc. North Wilts Herald- 
Oct. 2, 1875. 

City Mission Magazine, 1836, bec. London City Mission 
Messenger, 1837. 

City of Westminster Mail, 1900, bec. Westminster 

Mail and West London Gazette, 1902. 

Clacton News, 1889, bec. East Essex Advertiser and 
Clacton News, 1893. 

Clarke’s New Law List, 1803, bec. Law List, 1841. 

Clark’s Civil Service Examiner and Guide, 1895, bec. 
Civil Service and Commercial Weekly 1890, bec. 
Clark's Weekly, 1910, bec. Clark's Educator, 1911, 
bec. Educator, 1913. 

Clark’s Educator, 1911, bec. Educator, 1913. 

Clark’s Weekly, 1910, bec. Clark’s Educator, 1911, bec. 
Educator, 1913. 

Cleckheaton Advertiser, 1853, inc. Spen Valley Times, 



Clerkenwell Chronicle, 1884, bec. Weekly News, 1886, 
bec. Finsbury Weekly News, 1900. 

Clerkenwell News, 1855, bec. Daily Chronicle, 1873. 

Clifton Directory, Nov. 13, 1850, bec. Clifton Chronicle, 
Jan. 7. 1852. N 

Coach Builders’ and Wheelwrights’ Art Journal, 1880, 
bec. Cooper’s Vehicle Journal, 1909. 

Coast Chronicle, 1907, inc. Fife News, and Coast 
Chronicle, 1910. 

Coffee Public House News, 1878, bec. Temperance 
Caterer, - 1887. 

Colburne’s United Service Magazine, 1842, bec. United 
Service Magazine, 1890. 

Colchester Mercury, 1867, inc. Essex Telegraph, 1902, 
bec. Essex County Telegraph, 1908. 
Coleraine Constitution and North Counties Adver- 

tiser, 1874, bec. Northern Constitution, 1908. 

Colne and Nelson Pioneer, 1882, bec. Nelson Chronicle, 
1890 inc. Nelson Leader, 1904. 

Colonial Mining News and Australian Mail, 1894, 
bec. Mining News and Financtal Record, 1907, bec. 
Mining News, 1908. 

Coltman’s Registration Cases, 1843, bec. Fox’s Regis- 
tration Cases, 1889. 

Colwyn Bay and Colwyn Visitor, 1885, inc. Weekly 
News and Visitors’ Chronicle, 1894, bec. Colwyn 
Bay Weekly News, 1899, bec. Colwyn Bay and North 
Wales Weekly News, 1905. 

Colwyn Bay Gazette, 1883, ¢nc. Abergele and Pensarn 
Times and Visitors’ Record, 1856. 

Colwyn Bay Visitor, 1883, bec. Colwyn Bay and Colwyn 
Visitor, 1885. i 

Colwyn Bay Weekly News and Visitors’ Chronicle, 
1889, bec. Colwyn Bay and North Wales Weekly 
News, 1905. 

Commercial Intelligence, 1899, inc. Export World 
and Commercial Intelligence, 1914. 

Commercial Record, 1898, bec. Scots Commercial 
Record, inc. Scottish Trader and Scots Commercial 
Record, 1908. 

Commercial Shipping, and General Advertiser for 
West Cornwall, 1867, bec. Penryn and Falmouth 
Advertiser, 1913. 

Commissioners of Patents Journal, 1854, bec. Offictal 
Journal of the Patent Office, 1884. 

Confectioners’, Bakers’, and Pastrycooks’ Union, 
1887, bec. Confectioners’ Union, 1898. 
Congleton and Macclesfield Mercury, 1885, nc. 

Congleton Chronicle, 1895. 

Constitutional, Sept. 15, 1836, bec. Public Ledger 
July 2, 1837. 

Consular Journal, 1897, inc. Commercial Intelligence, 
1899, înc. Export World and Commercial [ntelli- 
gence, 1914. 

Conway Weekly News and Visitors’ Chronicle, 1883, 
bec. Conway and North Wales Weekly News, 


Cook’s .(W,) Poultry Journal, 1886, bec. Poultry 
Journal, 1889. 

Cork Accent, 1910, fnec. Cork Fred Press, 1911. 

398] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Titular Changes] 

Cork Weekly News, 1883, bec. Cork Weekly News, and 
Cork County People, 1908. 

Corn Trade Journal, 1876, bec. Millers’ Gazette, 1881. 

Corner’s Wellington Weekly News, Oct., 1860, bec. 
Wellington Weekly News, 1880. 

Cornish Weekly News, 1858, înc. Royal Cornwall 
Gazette, 1877. 

Cosy Corner, 1905, bec. Lady’s Home Paper, 1909, 
inc. Home Companion, 1911. 

Cotswold Herald, ic. Oxfordshire Weekly News, 1865. 

Cottage Gardening, 1892, bec. Gardener, 1899. 

Councils’ Journal, 1899, inc. Local Government 
Review, 1909. 

Country, 1873, inc. Bazaar, Exchange and Mart, 1879. 

Country Brewers’ Gazette, 1877, bec. Brewers’ Gazette 
and Wine and Spirit Trades Chronicle, 1902. 

Country Gentleman’s Estate Magazine, 1901, bec. 
Estate Magazine, 1905, bec. Estate Magazine, 1906. 

County Council and Agricultural Record, 1906, bec. 
Agricultural Record, 1908, bec. Journal of the Central 
and Associated Chamber of Agriculture, 1912. 

County Council Times, 1889, bec. County Council 
and Agricultural Record, 1906, bec. Agricultural 
Record, 1908, bec. Journal of the Central and Asso- 
ciated Chamber of Agriculture, 1912. 

County Express, 1867, tnc. Stourbridge, Brierley Hill 
and County Express, 1885. 

County Gentleman, 1862, bec. County Gentleman and 
Land and Water, 1905. ; 
County Press, 1831, inc. Hertford Mercury, Nov. 24, 


County Press, 1895, bec. Hants and Sussex County 
Press, 1897. 

County Times, tnc. Surrey Advertiser. 

Coventry Mercury, July 20, 1741, bec. Jopson’s 
Coventry and Northampton Mercury, Feb. 21, 1743. 

Coventry Mercury, bec. Coventry Standard, Aug. 5, 

Coventry Observer, tnc. Coventry Herald and Free 
Press, Apr.'2, 1830. 

Coventry Reporter, 1899, inc. Coventry, &c., Graphic, 

coway Pe Monthly Advertiser, 1855, inc. Tottenham 
and Edmonton Advertiser, 1880. 

Cowal Watchman, 1876, bec. Dunoon Observer and 
Argyllshire Standard, 1886. 

Cowdenbeath and Kelty Echo, 1900, bec. West Fife 
Echo, 1905. 

Cowdenbeath, Lochgelly and Kelty News, 1892 bec. 
Lochgelly Times and Kelty News, 1916. 

Cox’s Monthly Legal Circular, 1858, bec. Cox’s Arlicled 
Clerk's and Solicitors’ Legal Cirtular, 1905, bec. 
Cox’s Legal Circular, 1910. 

Craven Pioneer, 1858, bec. West Yorkshire Pioneer, 1885 

Credit Drapers’ Gazette, 1882, bec. Credit Draper, 1906, 

Cresswell’s Nottingham Journal, 1756, sc. Leicester 
Journal, 1757. 

Croydon xpress, 1878, inc. Croydon Advertiser, 1916. 

Croydon Guardian, 1877, inc. Croydon Advertiser, 1916. 

Croydon’s Weekly Standard, 1859, bec. Bucks Standard, 

Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, 1788, bec. Botanical 
Magazine, 1912. 

Cutter and Electro-Plater, 1891, inc. Jewellers’ and 
Watchmakers’ Trade Advertiser, 1894. 

Cycle and Motor Cycle Trader and Review, 1895, bec. 
Motor Cycle and Cycle Trader, 1914. 

Cycle and Motor Trader, 1902, bec. Cycle and Motor 
Cycle Trader, 1905, bec. Cycle and Motor Trader 
and Review, 1911, bec. Motor Cycle and Cycle 
Trader, 1914. 

Cycle Referee, inc. Cycle Trader, bec. Cycle and Motor 
Trader, 1902, bec. Cycle and Motor Cycle Trader, 
1905, bec. Cycle and Motor Trader and Review, 1911, 
bec. Motor Cycle and Cycle Trader, 1914. 

Cycle Trader. 1895, bec. Cycle and Motor Trader, 
1902, bec. Cycle and Motor Cycle Trader, 1904, bet. 
Cycle and Motor Trader and Review, 1911, bec. 
Motor Cycle and Cycle Trader, 1914. 

Cyclist, 1879, bec. Cyclist Trade Review, 1904, bec. 
Cycle and Motor Trades Review, 1905, bec. Cycle 
and Motor Trader and Review, 1911, bec. Motor 

st hee and Cycle Trader, 1914. 

Cyclist Trade Review, 1904, bec. Cycle and Motor 
Trades Review, 1905, bec. Cycle and Motor Trader 
and Review, 1911, bec. Motor Cycle and Cycle 
Trader, 1914. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

[& Amaigamations. 

Daily Argus, 1891, inc. Evening Despatch (Birming- 
ham), 1902. 

Daily Bristol Times and Mirror, Jan. 1865, bec. Bristol 
Times and Mirror. 

Daily Herald, 1912, bec. The Herald, 1914. 

Daily Record (Glasgow), 1895, bec. Daily Record and 
Mail, 1901. 
Daily Universal Register, Jan. 1, 1785. bec. The 
Times, Jan. 1, 1788. f 
Darlington and Richmond Herald, 1873, bec. Rich- 
mond (Yorks) Herald, 1880. - 
Dartford Telegraph, 1886, bec. Dartford News, 1899. 
Dartford Times, 1885, inc. Dartford and West Kent 
Advertiser, 1887, bec. West Kent Advertiser, 1890. 
Daventry Spectator, 1866, inc, Nottinghamshire 
Guardian, 1875. 

Dawlish Western Guardian, 1882, bec. Buckfastleigh 
Western Guardian, 1901. 

Daybreak, 1896, inc. India’s Women, 1915. 

Deal, Walmer, Dover and Kentish Telegram, 1858, 
bec. Kentish Telegram, 1896. 

Dean Forest Examiner, 1872, inc. Dean Forest Mercury 

- and West Gloucester Gazette. 

Denbigh, Ruthin, and Vale of Clwyd Free Prses, 
1881, bec. Denbighshire Free Press, 1888 

Derby School Fasti, bec. Derbeian, 1875. 

Derbyshire Telephone and bevles Advocate, 1898, 
inc. Belper News and Derbyshire Telephone, 1901. 

Deutero-Canonica, 1905, bec. International Journal of 
Apocrypha, 1907. 

Dewsbury and Batley Chronicle, 1884, bec. Dewsbury 
Chronicle, 1885. 
Dewsbury and Batley Herald, Jan., 1854, bec. Dews- 
bury Chronicle, 1864. ee 
Dewsbury Chronicle, 1864, bec. Dewsbury District 
News, 1895. 

Dewsland and Kemes Guardian, 1861, bec. Pembroke 
County Guardian, Apr. 1883. 

Dietetic Reformer, 1861, bec. Vegetarian Messenger and 
Health Review, 1886. 

Doncaster, Nottingham, and Lincoln Gazette, bec. 
Doncaster Gazette. i 

Dorchester Telegram, 1855, bec. Dorchester Mail and 
South Dorset Express, 1904. 

Dornbusch’s Floating Cargoes List, 1854, snc. London 
Grain, Seed, and Oil Reporter, 1915. ; 
Dorset County Express, inc. Western Chronicle. 
Dover Chronicle, Jan. 4, 1835, bec. Dover and County 
Chronicle. , 
Dover College Magazine, 1878, bec. The Dovorian, 

Dover News, 1866, inc. Dover Express and East Kent- 
News, 1879. 

Draper, 1862, inc. Warehouseman and Draper, 1887, 
bec. Draper, 1902, bec. Draper and Drapery Times, 

Drapery Times, 1908, inc. Draper and Drapery Times, 

Drapery World, 1894, inc. Warehouseman and Draper, 
1897, bec. Draper, 1902, bec. Draper and Drapery 
Times, 1911. 

Dress Cutting and Making, 1898, bec. Tailoress and 
Dress Cutter , 1903, bec. Women’s Wear and Children’s 
Clothing, 1907. 

Drewry’s Derby Mercury, 1731, bec. Derby Mercury. 

Dudley Mercury, 1887, inc, County Express, 1896. 

Dumfries Courier, Dec. 6, 1809, bec. Dumfries and 
Galloway Courier and Herald. 

Dumfriesshire and Galloway Herald, 1835, tnc. 
Dumfries and Galloway Courier, Apr. 2, 1884. 
Dumfriesshire Herald, Apr. 24, 1835, bec. Dumfries- 

shire and Galloway Herald. 

Duncan’s Brewery Manual, 1890, bec. Manual of 
British and Foreign Brewing Companies, 1902. 
Dunstable Advertiser and Weekly Reporter, 1878, 
inc. Luton Reporter, 1905. 
Durham Advertiser, 1814, bec. Durham County 


Durham College of Science Calendar, 1884, bec. 
Armstrong College (Newcastle) Calendar, 1905. 
Eagle and County Cork Advertiser, 1857, bec. Cork 
County Eagle and Munster Advertiser, 1898. 
Ealing and Acton Register, 1868, snc. Hants and 
To Gazette and Middlesex and Surrey Journal, 


East Aberdeenshire Observer, 1875, bec. Buchan 

Observer and East Aberdeenshire Advertiser. 

Advertisements received for all the Swedish Journals. 



Titular Changes) 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

(& Amalgamations. 

East and South Devon Advertiser, 1863, bec. Mid- 
Devon Advertiser, 1909. 

East Berks Gazcttc, 1904, bec. Berkshire Gazette, 

East Cornwall Times, 1857, inc. Cornish and Devon 
Post, 1877. l 

East Cumberland News, 1883, inc. Cumberland News, 

East Essex and Halstead Times, 1861, bec. Essex 
-~ East and Halstead Times, 1893, bec. Essex and 
Halstead Times, 1900. ; 
East Herts and West Essex News, 1889, bec. Bishop 
Stortford Weekly News, 1899, inc. Saffron Walden 

Weekly News, 1901.. 
East India Register, 1803, bec. India Office List, 1877. 
East London Press, 1883, inc. Eastern Post, 1887, bec. 
East London Post, 1912. è 
East Riding Telegraph, 1898, inc. Beverley Guardian 
and East Riding Advertiser, 1903. 

Eastbourne Illustrated Visitors’ List and Guide, 1874, 
bec. The Visitor, 1914. 

Eastern Post and City Chronicle, 1868, bec. East 
London Post, 1912. ; 

Eco Cymraig, 1899, inc. Werin and Eco, 1915. 

Eddowe’s Journal, Feb. 1, 1843, bec. Eddowe’s Shrews- 
bury Journal, Nov. 9, 1853. 

Eddowe’s Shrewsbury Journal, Nov. 9, 1853, bec. 
Shrewsbury Journal, Mar. 21, 1883. ; 

Eddowe’s Shrewsbury Journal, 1853, inc. Wellington 
Journal and Shrewsbury News, 1891. 

Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, 1805, bec. 
Edinburgh Medical Journal, 1855. 

Electric Light, 1882, bec. Electrical Engineer, 1883, 
tne. Electrical Engineering, 1912. 

ae Engineer, 1883, inc. Electrical Engincering, 


Electrical Investments, 1901, bec. Electrical Industries 
and Investments, 1905. 

Electrical Power, 1903, inc. Light Railway and Tram- 
way Journal, 1906, bec. Electric Railway and Tram- 
way Journal, 1914. 

Elgin and Morayshire Courier, smc. Elgin Courant 
and Courier, 1874. 

Elgin Courier, Apr. 18, 1845, bec. Elgin and Moray- 
shire Courter. 

Eltradion, 1905, bec. Electrical Trades Journal, 1909. 

Empire, 1870, bec. South African Empire, Jan. 1, 
1890, bec. Empire, 1900, bec. Empire and South 
African Empire, 1901. 

po and South African Empire, 1886, inc. Rialto, 


Engineer-in-Charge and Works Manager, 1906, bec. 
Parks User, Engineer-in-Charge and Works Manager, 

Engineers’ Gazette, 1888, inc. Practical Engineer, 
Ma e Tool Engineer and Engineers’ Gazette, 

‘Enginemen and Firemen’s Journal, 1911, inc. Indus- 
trial Engineer, 1912. 

English Independent, 1867, inc. Nonconformist, 1880. 

‘Epping Gazette and West Essex Record, 1894, bec. 
West Essex Gazette, 1913. 

Epsom Observer and Mid-Surrey County Chronicle, 
1901, bec. Epsom Advertiser, 1908. 

Erith and Belvedere Reporter, 1885, inc. West Kent 
Advertiser, 1890 

Eryr, inc. Wythros a’r Eryr, 1899. 

Esperantist, 1903, snc. British Esperantist, 1906. 

ee and Herts Mercury, inc. Hertford Mercury, 

Essex Halfpenny Newsman, Feb. 5, 1870, bec. Essex 

Estate Management, 1905, bec. Estate Magazine, 19061 

Evangelical Alliance Quarterly, 1899, bec. Evangelica 
Christendom, 1906. 

Evangelical British Missionary, 1905, bec. British 
Missionary, 1910. 

’ Evangelical Magazine, 1793, bec. Evangelical British 
Missionary, 1905, bec. British Missionary, 1910. 

i rr a Monthly, 1882, inc. Church Standard, 

Evening Chronicle, 1824, tnc. The Globe. 

Evening Citizen, 1864, bec. Glasgow Citizen, 1914. 

Evening Mail, bec. The Mail, 1868. 

Evening News, Aug. 1, 1870, bec. Hull Express, 1876. 

Evening News (Portsmouth), 1877, inc. Evening News 
and Southern Daily Mail, 1905. 

Evening Post (Dundee), 1900, inc. Evening Telegraph 
and Post, 1905. 7 f . 
Evening Post, (Worcester), 1877, bec. Worcestershire 
Echo, 1883. 

Evening Post (London), 1887 inc. Evening News, 1889. 

Evening Press, 1882, bec. York Evening Press, 1896, 
bec. Evening Press (Leeds), bec. Yorkshire Evening 
Press, 1905. , : 

Evening Press (York), 1884, bec. Yorkshire Evening 
Press, 1905. l 

Evening Standard, 1827, inc. Evening Standard and 
St. James’s Gazette, 1905. , 

Evening Star (Glasgow), 1870, nc. Glasgow Evening 
News, 1875, bec. Glasgow News, 1905, bec. Evening 
News, 1916. i 

Evening Telegram, 1873, bec. Gloucestershire Echo, 
1882 - 

Evening Telegraph (Dundee), 1877, inc. Evening 
Telegraph and Post, 1905. i , 
Everybody’s Weekly, 1911, inc. Penny Pictorial, 


Examiner, 1900, bec. British Congregationalist and 
Examiner, 1906. 
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette, Jan. 6, 1865, bec. 
Devon and Exeter Daily Gazette, May 1, 1885. 
Exeter Flying Post, 1763, bec. Trewman’s Exeter 
Flying Post. 

Exeter Gazette, 1772, bec. Woolmers’s Exeter and 
Plymouth Gazette. i 

Exeter Journal, 1856, inc. Devon Weekly Times, 1861, 
inc. Western Times, Exeter, 1905. 

Exeter Weekly Times, Oct. 6, 1827, bec. Western 
Times, Jan. 3, 1829. - 

Exmouth Journal, bec. Freeman's Exmouth Journal, 
1852, bec. Exmouth Journal, 1907. 

Exmouth Mercury, 1856, inc. Freeman's Exmouth 
Journal, 1880, bec. Exmouth Journal, 1907. 

Export Drug and Chemical Circular, 1878, bec. British 
and Colonial Druggtst, 1884. - = 

Faithful Words, 1872, bec. Springing Well, 1897. 

Falmouth and Penryn Times, 1894, bec. Cornish Echo 
and Falmouth and Penryn Times, 1896. 

Falmouth and Penryn Weekly Times, 1861, bec. 
Falmouth and Penryn Times, 1887. 

Family Fiction Monthly, 1906, bec. Family Story 
Teller, 1907. 

Family Stories, 1910, inc. Weekly Friend, 1913. 

Fancier’s Gazette, 1874, bec. Pigeons and Poultry, 
1905, bec. Pigeons Illustrated, 1908. 

Fancier’s Gazette, Apr. 1874, bec. Live Stock Journal, 
Apr. 9, 1875. 

Fancier’s Gazette, 1886, bec. Vinton’s Gazette, 1887. 

Fancy Goods, Games, and Toy Trades Journal, 1902, 
inc. British Empire Paper and Trades Journal, 
1903, inc. Caxton’s Magazine, 1914. — 

Fannie Eden’s Stories, 1905, smc. Horner’s Penny 
Stories, 1913. 

Farley’s Bristol Journal, bec. Sarah Farley’s Bristol 

Farley’s Bristol News-Paper, May 8, 1725, bec. Farley’s 
Bristol Journal. 

Farmer, 1843, bec. Farmer and Stockbreeder, 1889. 

Farmer’s Journal (Kirkwall), 1876, bec. Orkney and 
Shelland Telegraph, 1878. 

Farnworth Journal, 1873, bec. Farnworth Weekly 
Journal and Observer, 1884. 

Farnworth Observer, May 5, 1860, tnc. Farnworth 
Journal, 1873. : 

Fashions for all Children, 1909, inc. Fashions for All, 

ee News, 1883, bec. North East Kent News, 
1895. . 

Felix Farley’s Bristol Journal, 1752, inc. Bristol 

Times, Apr. 2, 1853. 

Fenny Stratford Times, 1879, bec. North Bucks 

® Times and County Observer, 1886. 

Fermanagh Mail, 1808, inc. Impartial Reporter, 1893. 

Financial and Mining News, 1884, bec. Financial 
News, 1884. 

Finchley Free Press; 1893, bec. Free Press for Finchley, 
1901, bec. Finchley Press, &c., 1903. 

Fishguard, Goodwick and County Times and Dews- 
land and Kemes Advertiser, 1908, tac. County 
Echo, 1912. 

Flintshire Observer and News, 1855, inc. Welsh Coast 
Pioneer, 1916. 

Focus, 1903, inc. Photography and Focus, 1908. 

400] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 


Titular Changes] 

Folkestone, Hythe, &c., Reporter, 1899, bec. Hythe 
Reporter, 1900. 

Folkestone Visitors’ List and Society Journal, 1884, 
bec. Folkestone and Hythe, &c., Reporter, 1899. 

Food, 1884, tnc. Caterer, 1890. 

Football and Sports Special, 1907, inc. Week and 
Sports Special, 1911, inc. Sports Special, 1914. 

Football Mail (Hull), 1906, bec. Sports Mail, 1914. 

- Football News and Southern Sports, 1903, inc. Foot- 

- ball Mail (Portsmouth), 1905. 

Forest of Dean Examiner, 1872, inc. Dean Forest 
Mercury and West Gloucestershire Gazette. 

Forester, 1860, inc. Gloucester Journal, 1884. 

Formby Newspaper and West Lancashire Coast 
Chronicle, 1907, bec. West Lancashire Coast Chronicle 
and Formby Newspaper, 1908. 

Fountain, 1876, bec. Christian Chronicle, 1881. 

Fox’s Registration Cases, 1886, bec. Smith’s Registra- 
tion Cases, 1891. 

Free Church of Scotland Monthly Record, 1869, bec. 
Missionary Record of the United Free Church of 
Scotland, 1907. 

Free Church of Scotland Weekly Record, 1861, bec. 
Free Church of Scotland Monthly Record, 1862. 

Free Methodist, 1885, bec. United Methodist, 1908. 

Freeman, 1853, bec. Baptist Times and Freeman, 1899. 

Freeman’s Exmouth Journal, 1862, bec. Exmouth 

- Journal, 1907. 

Frome Times, 1859, inc. Somersef Standard, 1886. 

Fun and Fiction, 1912, bec. Firefly, 1914. 

Funny Wonder, 1893, bec. Jester and Wonder, 1902, 
bec. Jester, 1914. 

Turnisher, 1900, wc. Furniture Record, 1901. 

Furniture and Decoration and ‘The Furniture Gazette, 
1870, bec. Furniture Record and the Furnisher and 
the Hire Trade Review, 1899. 

Galloway Review, 1869, inc. Ayrshire Argus, 1872. 

Gardening World, 1884, inc. Garden Life, 1909. 

Garston and Woolton Observer, 1881, înc. Garston 
and Woolton Weekly News, 1888. 

Gas and Oil Engine Record, 1905, inc. Engineer-in- 
Charge and Works Manager, 1909, bec. Power User 
Engineer-in-Charge and Works Manager, 1912. 

Gas and Water, 1884, bec. Gas World, 1886. 

ae a 1876, bec. Gas Engineer's Magazine, 
1 °. 

Gentleman’s Magazine of Fashion, 1824, snc. London 
Tailor, 1903, inc. Sartorial Gazette, 1914. 

‘George Clark’s Magazine, 1914, bec. Ours, 1915. 

Gibson’s Law Notes, 1882, bec. Law Notes, 1883. 

Girls’ and Infants’ Mistress, 1893, bec. Infants’ and 
Girls’ Teacher, 1900, bec. Girls’ and Infants’ M ist, ess. 
1901, bec. ‘Teachers’ Times, 1902. 

Girls’ Home, 1910, tne. Our Girls, 1915. 

Girls’ Reader, 1908, inc. Our Girls, 1915. 

Glasgow Advertiser, 1782, bec. Herald and Advertiser, 
Nov. 1, 1802. 

Glasgow Evening News, 1878, bec. Glasgow News, 
1905, bec. Evening News, 1916. 

Glasgow Sabbath School Union Magazine, 1856, bec. 
Sabbath School Magazine, 1864. 

Glasgow Weekly Citizen, 1842, bec. Weekly Citizen, 
1892, bec. Saturday Weekly Citizen, 1896, bec. 
es eekly Citizen, 1906, inc. Evening Citizen (Glasgow). 


SS Mail, 1862, inc. Weekly Mail and Re- 
cor 915 

Glasgow Lia Record, 1899, bec. Sccttish Weekly 
Record, 190 

Glouian, 1899, a. Genedl, 1916. 

Glossop Times, 1869, tnc. Derbyshire Times, 1901. 

Gloucester and Bristol Diocesan Calendar, 1864, bec. 
Gloucester Diocesan Calendar, 1898. 

Gloucester Mercury, 1855, inc. Gloucester Journal. 

Go Forward, 1891, bec. Our Outlook, 1909. 

God-Speed, 1908, bec. Milestones, 1909. i 

Goldsmiths’, Silversmiths’, &c., Review, 1906, inc. 
sxport World and Commercial Intelligence, 1915. 

Golfing and Cycling Illustrated, 1896, bec. Golfing, 
1898, bec. Golfing and Ladies 'Golf 1916. 

Good News for Young and Old, 1885, bec. Scattered 
Seed, 1885. 

Good Words, 1860, ine. Sunday Companion, 1911. 

Goole and Marshland Weekly Times, Sept. 1863, 
bec. Goole Times, 1879. 

Goole Times, 1853, bec. Goole Times and Weckly 
Herald, 1901. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

es D 

[& Amalgamations. 

Goole Weekly Herald, 1891, inc. Goole Times and 
Weekly Herald, 1901. 

Grantown Supplement, 1881, bec. Strathspey News 
and Grantown Supplement, 1914. 

Gratis Tradesmen’s Whitehaven Advertiser, 1882, 
bec. Whitehaven Advertiser, 1885. 

Greenhithe and Swanscombe Reporter, 1885, inc. 
West Kent Advertiser, 1899. 

Greenwich and Deptford Chronicle, 1862, inc. Green- 
wich and Deptford Observer, 1885. 

Greenwich and Deptford Observer, 1884, bec. Kentish 
Mail and Greenwich and Deptford Observer, 1891, 
inc. Kentish. Independent and Mail, 1912. 

Greenwich Observer, 1879, bec. Greenwich and Dept- 
ford Observer, 1884. 

Greenwich, Woolwich, and Deptford Gazette, 1833, 
bec. Kentish and Surrey Mercury, Apr. 27, 1839. 
Grimsby Express, 1878, inc. Hull Daily News, 1891. 

Grocers’ Chronicle, inc. Grocers’ Journal, 1894. 

Guardian, 1838, hec. Banbury Guardian, July 6, 1843, 

Guardian, inc. Dudley Herald. 

Guardian’ and Public Ledger, 1832, bec. Constitu- 
tional, Sept. 15, 1836. 

Guildford and Godalming Free Press, 1900, bec. 
Surrey Weekly Press, 1913. 

Guild Life and Work, 1887, bec. Life and Work. 

Gwron, Y, 1838, inc. Aberdare Times, 1868, inc. 
Aberdare Leader, 1903. 

Hackney Argus, 1898, inc. Bethnal Green News, 1899. 

Halfpenny Comic, 1898, bec. Funny Cuts, 1907. 

Hallett’s Shorthand Gazette, 1906, tnc. Reporters’ 
Magazine, 1914. 

Hamilton Herald, 1889, bec. Lanarkshire, 1905. 

Handbook to the Upper Ten Thousand, 1875, bec. 
Kelly’s Handbook to the Titled, Landed, and 
Official Classes, 1881. 

Handy Library, 1901, bec. Forget-Me-Not, 1996. 

Harbutt’s Modelling "Monthly, 1911, bec. Modelling 
Monthly, 1914. 

Hardwareman, 1894, inc. Ironmongers’ Chronicle and 
Hardwareman, 1908, bec. Hardwareman and Iron- 
mongers Chronicle, 1912. 

Hardwarernan Year Book, 1896, inc. Ironmongers’ 
Chronicle Diary and the ’ Hardwareman Year Book, 
1908, bec. Hardwareman and Ironmongers’ Chronicle 
Diary and Year Book, 1912. 

Harrogate New Century, 1901, bec. Harrogate Star, 

Harrow Green Gazette, 1876, tnc. Leyton Express 
and Independent and Essex County Record. 

Hartlepool Free Press, 1856, bec. Hartlepool Weekly 

Hartlepool Weekly News, inc. South Durham ana 
Cleveland Mercury, 1873, inc South Durham and 

` Auckland Chronicle, 1907, bec. Auckland and 
County Chronicle, 1914. 

Harwich and Dovercourt Free Press, 1877, bec. 
Harwich ndd Dovercourt Standard, 1906. 

Hastings and St. Leonards Advertiser, 1855, bec. 
Hastings and St. Leonards Pictoria] Advertiser, 1908. 

Hastings and St. Leonards Herald, 1853, bec. Hast- 
ings and St. Leonards Observer. 

Hastings and St. Leonards Times, 1877 , inc. Hastings 
and St. Leonards Weekly Mail and Times, 1899, 
n irene: and St. Leonards Pictorial Advertiser, 

Hastings and St. Leonards Weekly Mail, 1898, inc. 
Hastings and St. Leonards’ Weekly Mail and Times, 
1899, tc. Hastings and St. Leonards Pictorial 
Advertiser, 1912. 

Hastings and St. Leonard’s Weekly Mail and Times, 
1877, tnc. Hastings and St. Leonards Pictorial 

Advertiser, 1912. 
1899, bec. New Hazell’s Annual 

Hazell’s Annnal, 
and Almanac 1916. 

Hazell’s Cyclopaedia, 1886, bec. Hazell’s Annual, 
1889, bec. New Hazell’s Annual and Almanac, 1916. 

Head Teacher, 1888, bec. Teacher, 1908, inc. Woman. 
Teachers W orld, 1911, bec. Teachers World, 1913. 

Hearth and Home, 1891, inc. Vanity Fair, 1914. 

Heartsease Library, 1898, bec. Cosy Corner, 1905. 
bed. Ladies’ Home Paper, 1909, tnc. with Home 
Companion, 1911. 

Hemel Hempstead Adver and West Herts Times, 
1895, inc. Herts Advertiser, 1901. 

Hemel Hempstead Gazette and West Herts Adver- 
tiser, 1858, bec. Hertfordshire, &c., Gazette. 

Advertisements received for all Colonial and Foreign Newspapers. [401 


Titular Changes] 

Henley Free Press, 1885, inc. Henley and South 
Oxfordshire Standard, 1892. 

Herald (Aberdeen), 1876, bec. Weekly Free Press and 
Aberdeen Herald. 

Herald and Advertiser, Nov. 1, 1802, bec. Glasgow 
Herald, Aug. 1805. . : 

Herald of Astrology, 1831, bec. Astrological Almanac, 
834 7 


Herald of Wales, 1882, inc. Swansea and Glamorgan 
Herald, 1891, bec. Herald of Wales. 1916. 
Herapath’s Railway Journal, 1835, înc. 

Times, 1904, inc. Railway Gazette, 1914. 
Hertford Mercury, Jan. 6, 1844, bec. Hertfordshire 
Mercury and. County Press, 1857. > 
Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire Journal, 1873, bec. 
North Herts, and South Beds. Journal, inc. North 
Herts Mail, 1913. 
Herts Guardian, 1851, inc. Herts and Essex Observer, 


High Peak Chronicle, inc. Glossop-dale Chronicle. 

High Peak Express, 1875, inc. North Cheshire and 
North Derbyshire Advertiser, 1877. ; 

Hinckley News, 1861, inc. Loughboro’ Monitor and 
News, 1895. 

Hoddesdon Observer, 1894, inc. Herts and Essex 
Observer, 1902. 

Holborn Guardian, 1869, bec. Holborn and Finsbury 
Guardian, 1890. 

Holyhead Weekly Mail, 1881, bec. Holyhead Mail 
and Anglesey Herald, 1884. ~ 

Home and Foreign Mission Record, 1843, bec. Home 
and Foreign Record of the Free Church, 1850. 

Home and Foreign Record of the Free Church, 1850. 
bec. Free Church of Scotland Weekly Record, 1861. 

Home Mission and Open-Air Worker, 1909, im. 
' Sword and Trowel, 1912. 

Home Tidjngs, 1878, bec. Polytechnic Magazine, 1888. 

Homely Friend, 1877, bec. Home Friend, 1880. 

Homeward Mail, 1856, inc. Indiaman, 1914.- 

Homing News and Pigeon Fanciers’ Journal, 1889, 
inc. Homing World, 1892, bec. Homing Pigeon and 
National Homing Union Members Gazette, 1905. 

Homing World, 1898, bec. Homing Pigeon, 1905. 

Horsham Advertiser, 1871, bec. West Sussex County 
Times, Horsham Advertiser and Sussex Standard. 

Horner’s Pansy Library, 1900, inc. Jeannie Mai-- 

. land's Stories, 1911, inc. Woman's Own 1913. 

ee Chronicle, 1888, snc. Dewsbury Chronicle, 

1889. - 

Hospital Gazette, 1885, bec. Medical Times, 1893. 
ounslow and Twickenham Independent, 1884, inc. 
County of Middlesex Independent, 1885. 

Householder, 1886, bec. Home, 1889. 

Hove Echo, 1897, inc. Hove Gazette and Sussex County 
Mirror, 1903. 

Hove Gazette and Sussex Recorder, 1896, bec. Hcve 
Gazette and Sussex County Mirror, 1898. 

Hoylake and West Kirkby Herald and Visitor, 1888, 
inc. Deeside Advertiser, 1914. 

Hue and Cry, 1790, bec. Police Gazette. 

Hull Advertiser, July 5, 1794, inc. Eastern Morning 


Hull Express, 1876, bec. Datly News and Express, 
1901, bec. Sports Express, 1903. 

Bol Morning Telegraph, 1855, inc. Hull Express, 

1 : 
Hull Packet, 1787, inc. Daily Mail (Hun), 1886. 
Humanity, 1895, bec. Humanitarian, 1903. 
Huntingdon, Bedford, and Peterborough Gazette, 
bec. Cambridge Independent Press, May 11, 1839. 
Huntingdonshire Herald, 1807, bec. Huntingaon, 
Bedford, and Peterborough Gaseite. 
Hunts and St. Neots Advertiser, 1885, bec. St. Neots 
Advertiser, 1886. 
Hubts and St. Neots Advertiser, 1890, bec. St. Neots 
Advertiser, Hunts and Beds News, 1891. 
Ilfracombe Observer and Visitors’ List, 1883, inc, 
Ilfracombe Gazette, Observer, and Arrival List. 


Illustrated Berwick Journal, June 16, 1855, bec. 
Berwick Journal, Dec. 29, 1855. 

Illustrated Bits, 1884, bec. Variety Life, 1911, bec. 
Illustrated Bits, 1912. 

Illustrated Cathclic Missions, 1886, bec. Catholic 
Missions, 1912. . 

M Christian News, 1896, inc..Christian Herald, 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

[& Amalgamations. 

Illustrated Church News, 1892, inc. Church Bells, 
1898, inc. Guardian, 1906. 

Illustrated Journal of Patented Inventions, 1884, 
bec. Illustrated Official Journal Patents, 1889. 

Illustrated Malvern Advertiser, June 23, 1855, bec. 
Malvern Advertiser, inc. Malvern News Advertiser 
and Visitors’ Directory, 1907. 

Illustrated North Wales Chronicle, bec. North Wales 

Illustrated Scientific News, 1902, inc. Knowledge, 

1904. ‘ 
Illustrated Shooting Times, 1884, bec. Shooting Times, 
British Sportsman, and Kennel News, 1884. 
Illustrated Times, June, 9, 1855, inc. Penny Illustrated 
Paper, 1872, bec. London Life, 1913. 
Illustrated Tit-Bits, 1884, bec. Illustrated Bits, 1884, 
bec. Variety Life, 1911, bec. Ilustrated Bits, 1912. 
Illustrated Weekly Telegraph, 1885, bec. Bradford 
Weekly. Telegraph, 1899. l 

Ilminster Leader, 1898, inc. Yeovil Lecder, 1901. 

Imperial and Asiatic Quarterly Review, 1891, bec. 
Asiatic Review, 1912. 

Implement Manufacturers Review, 1875, bec. Imple- 
ment and Machinery Review, 1878. 

In His Name, 1888, bec. Shaftesbury Magazine, 1908. 

Independent, 1885, bec. Marylebone Times and Inde- 
pendent, 1892 now Marylebone Times. 

Independent, 1890, bec. Examiner, 1900, inc. British 
Congregationalists and Examiner, 1906. 

Indian Female Evangelist, 1872, bec. Zenana or 
Women’s Work in India, 1893. 

Infants’ and Girls’ Teacher, 1900, bec. Girls’ and 
Infants’ Mistress, 1901, bec. Teachers’ Times, 1902. 

Ingeniero Espanol y Gaceta Sud Americana, 1885, 
tnc. South American Journal, 1906. 

Ingeniero y Ferretero, 1885, bec. Ingenero Espanol, 
anc. South American Journal, 1906. 

Insurance and Insurance Press, 1913, tnc. 
Journal, and Officials Gazette, 1914. 

Insurance Gazette of Ireland, 1879, bec. Insurance 
and Financial Gazette, 1889. 

Insurance Post, 1883, bec. Enterprise, 1902. 

Intellectual Repository, 1812, bec. New Church Maga- 
zine, 1881. ' 

International Arbitration and Peace Association 
Monthly Journal, 1884. bec. Concord, 1887. 

Into the Highways and Hedges, 1895, bec. Highway s 
and Hedges, 1904. 

aay as Football Times, 1885, bec. Football Times, 

Investor’s Chronicle, 1899, inc. Money Market Review 
and Investor’s Chronicle, 1914. 

Ipswich Express, Aug. 13, 1839, inc. East Anglian 
Daily Times, 1874. 

Irish Christian Advocate, 1883, bec. Christian Advo- 
cate 1886. - 

Irish Emerald, 1891, inc. Shamrock, 1914. 

e Evangelists 1859, inc. Irish Christian Advocate, 


E Evening Herald, 1891, bec. Evening Herald, 

1895. ` 

ra onnes Journal, inc. Leinster Express, May 

, 1873. 

Irish Grocer, Drug, Provision, and General Trades 
Journal, 1892,. bec. Irish Grocer and Wine Mer- 
chant, 1902, bec. Irish Grocer, 1903. 

Irish Insurance, Banking, and Finance Journal, 1881, 
bec. Finance Union, 1890. es 

Irish Insurance Journal, 1876, bec. Irish Insurance, 
Banking, and Finance Journal, 1881. 

Irish Railway Guide, 1852, bec. Baird’s Irish Railway 
and Steamboat Guide, 1861. 

Irish Sportsman, 1870, bec. Irish Field and Gentle- 
man’s- Gazette, 1894. 

pen Teaches, Journal, 1867, bec. Irish School Weekly, 
1904. ; 

Irish Temperance League Journal, 1863, bec. Every- 
body’s Monthly, 1907. 

Irish Textile Journal, 1886, bec. Linen Trade Circular, 


Irish Wheelman, 1890, inc. Irish Cyclist and Motor 
Cyclist, 1903. : 

Iron and Steel Trades Journal and Colliery Engineer, 
1887, inc. Iron and Steel Trades Journal and Iron 
Trade Circular, 1915. f 

Iron Trade Exchange, June, 1849, bec. Iron and Steel 
Trades Journal and Colliery Engineer, 1887. 


James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents,\125, Strand, London, 

Titular Changes) 

Ironmongers’ Chronicle 1882, inc. Ironmongers’ 
Chronicle and Hardwareman, 1908, bec. Hard- 
wareman and Ironmongers’ Chronicle, 1912. 

Ironmongers’ Chronicle Diary, 1883, inc. Ironmongers’ 
Chronicle Diary and Hardwareman Year Book, 
1908, bec. Hardwareman and Ironmongers’ Chronicle 
Diary and Year Book, 1912. l 

Ironmongers’ Chronicle and the Hardwareman, 1908, 
bec. Hardwareman and Ironmongers’ Chronicle, 1912. 

Ironmongers’ Chronicle Diary and Hardwaremau Year 
Book, 1908, bec. Hardwareman and lromnongers’ 
Diary and Year Book, 1912. 

Isle of Ely Gazette, 1872, bec. Cambridgeshire Times 
and March Gazette, 1878. 

Isle of Wight Express, 1870, inc. Isle of Wight County 
Press, 1903. 

Isle of Wight Mercury, 1855, bec. Ventnor Gaselte, 1884. 

Isobel’s Home Cookery, 1895, bec. Home Cookery 

Israel’s Watchman, 1877, bec. Prophetic News and 
Israel’s Watchman, 1879. 

Jackson’s Oxford Journal, 1753, bec. Oxford Journal 
Illustrated, 1909. 

Jackson’s Woolwich Journal, 1844, tc. Kentish 
Independent and Kentish Mail, 1901. 

Jeannie Maitland’s Stories, 1911, inc. Woman’s Own, 

Jersey Independent, inc. Jersey Weekly Press, inc. 
Jersey Weekly Post, 1910. 

Jersey Times and British Press, 1888, inc. Jersey 
Weekly Post, 1910. 

Jersey Weekly Press and Indcpendent, 1855, inc. 
Jersey Weekly Post, 1910. 

Jewish Missionary Advocate, 1893, bec. Bechive, 1910. 

Jopson’s Coventry and Northampton Mercury, Feb. 
21, 1743, bec. Jopson’s Coventry Mercury, July 4, 

Jopson’s Coventry Mercury, July 4, 1743, bec. Coventry 

Journal, 1887, bec. Carmarthen Journal, 1911. 

journal of Commerce, Oct., 1861, bec. Liverpool 
Journal of Commerce, 1880, bec. Journal of Com- 
merce, 1911. . 

Journal of Greengrocery, Fruit, and Flowers, 1895., 
n Fruit, Flower, and Vegetable Trades Journal, 

Journal of Preventive Medicine, 1892, bec. Journal 
of the Royal Institute of Public Health, 1907, bec. 
Journal of State Medicine, 1912. 

Journal of the Homoeopathic Journal, 1891, inc. 
British Homoeopathic Journal, 1911. 

Journal of the National Indian Association, 1871, 
bec. Indian Magazine and Review, 1887. 

Journal of the Royal Historical and Archaeological 
Association of Ireland, 1870, bec. Journal of the 
Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 1890. 

Journal of the Society of Telegraph Engineers, 1872, 
bec. Journal of the Institution of Electrical En- 
gineers, 1889. 

Juvenile, bec. News from Afar, 1894. 

Juvenile Magazine, 1842, bec. New Church Young 
People’s Magazine, 1901. 

Juvenile Missionary Herald, 1845, bec. Wonderlands, 

Juvenile Missionary Magazine, 1847, bec. Children’s 
Missionary Magazine of the United Presbylerian 
Church, 1880, Children’s Missionary ee o} 
New Free Church of Scotland, 1901, bee. Children’s 
Missionary Magazine of the United Free Church 
of Scotland, 1903, bec. Greatheart, 1912. 

Keble’s Margate, Ramsgate, and Isle of Thanet 
Gazette, 1870 bec. Margate, Ramsgate, and Isle 
of Thanet Gazette, 1909. 

Keene’s Bath Journal, inc. Bath Herald,1916. 

Kemp’s Liverpool Gazette, 1897, bec. Kemp’s Lan- 
cashire Gazette, 1907. 

Kendal Mercury and Times, 1864, bec. Westmorland 
Mercury and Times, 1913. 

Kendal Times, Jan. 1, 1864, înc. Kendal Mercury and 

- Times, Apr. 9, 1880, bec. Westmorland Mercury and 
Times, 1913. 

Kensington and Hammersmith Reporter, 1879, bec. 
West London Reporter, 1891. 

Kent and Sussex Times, 1875, bec. Kent Times and 
Chronicle and Maidstone Advertiser, 4886, inc. 
South Eastern Gazette, 1912. 

Kent County Examiner and Ashford Chrenicle, 1844. 
bec. Kent Messenger and Ashford Examiner, 1913. 

Advertisements received for alt Newspapers. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

[& Amalgamations. 


Kent County News, 1876, bec. Canterbury Press, 

Kent County Standard, 1885, inc. South Eastern 
Gazette, 1912. 

Kent Examiner, 1884, bec. Kent County Examiner and 
Ashford Chronicle, 1889, bec, Kent Messenger and 
Ashford Examiner, 1913. 

Kent Times and Chronicle and Maidstone Advertiser, 
1889, inc. South Eastern Gazette, 1912. 

Kentish and Surrey Mercury, Apr. 27, 1839, bec. 
Kentish Mercury. $ 

Kentish Chronicle, 1768, inc. Kent Herald, 1903. 

Kentish Herald, 1792, bec. Kent Herald. . 

Kentish Independent and County Advertiser, 1843, 
bec. Kentish Independent and Kentish Mail, 1901. 

Kentish Mail, 1882, inc. Greenwich and Deptford 
Observer, 1884. 

Kentish Mail and Greenwich and Deptford Observer, 
1862, inc. Kentish Independent and Kentish Mail, 

Kentish Post, Jan. 1717, inc. Kentish Gazette and 
Cauterbury Press, July 20, 1768. 

Kingston and Surbiton News, 1881, tnc. Surrey Comet 
(mid-weekly edition), 1901. 

Kirkcaldy Mail, 1885, bec. Mail, 1911. 

Kuaresboro’ Times, July, 1860, bec. Knaresborough 
News, 1878. 

Knight’s Official Advertiser, 1855, bec. Local Gevern- 
ment Chronicle, 1872. 

Knitters’ Circular, bec. Hosiery Trades Journal, 1899. 

Knowledge, 1881, tnc. Knowledge and Illustrated 
Scientific News, 1904, bec. Knowledge, 1911. 

Knutsford Advertiser, 1877, bec. Knutsford and 
Northwich Advertiser, 1884. 

Knutsford Gazette, 1875, bec. Knutsford Advertiser, 

Labour and Unity, 1868, bec. Unity, 1877. 

Labour Co-partnership, 1894, bec. Co-partnership, 

Labour-Gazetie, 1893, bec. Board of Trade Labour 
Gazette, 1905. 

Labour News, 1871, bec. Labour News and Employ- 
ment Advertiser, 1908. 

Ladies’ League Gazette, 1909, bec. Church of England 
League Gazette, 1904, bec. Church Gazette, 1907. 
Lady’s Home Paper, 1909, inc. Home Companion, 1911. 
Land and Labour, 1889, bec. Land Nationaliser, 1913. 
Land and Water, 1866, inc. County Gentleman and 

Land and Water, 1905. 

Langport Herald, July 7, 1885, bec. Langport and 
Somerton Herald. 

Larks, 1893, snc. World's Comic, 1907, inc. Funny 
Cuts, 1908. 

Laurencekirk Observer, 1902, inc. Kincardineshire 
Observer, 1907. 

Law Annual, 1905, bec. Law Manual, 1907, bec. 
Lawyer’s Manual of Reference, 1908. 

Law Reporter, 1843, bec. Bar Reports, 1865. 

Law Society’s Registry, 1888, bec. Law Society’s 
Gazette, 1903. 

Leader, 1907, bec. P.S.A. Brotherhood, 1908. 

League Journal (Glasgow), 1857, bec. Temperance 
Leader and League Journal, 1903. 

League Leaflet, 1911, bec. Labour Women, 1913. 

League of the Empire Monthly, 1904, bec. Federal 
Magazine and All Red Mail, 1907. 

Leamington Spa Couri: r and Warwickshire Standard, 
bec. Royal Leamington Spa Courier, 1916. 

Leamington, Warwickshire, and Centre of England 
Chronicle, 1865, bec. Royal Leamington, Warwick. - 
and County Chronicle, 1878 

Ledbury Free Press, 1869, inc. Ledbury Guardian 
and Herefordshire Advertiser, 1908. 

Leeds Daily News, 1872, bec. Yorkshire Evening 
News, 1905. 

Leeds Intelligencer, July 2, 1754, bec. Yorkshire Post, 
July 2, 1866. 

Leeds Mercury, 1718, bec. Leeds and Yorkshire Mercury, 
1901, bec. Leeds Mercury, 1908. 

Leek and Cheadle Post, 1885, bec. Leek Post, Cheadle 
Times, and Moorland Advertiser, 1887. 

Lejcester and Nottingham Journal, 1757, bec. Leicester 
Journal, 1761. 

Leicester Journal, 1753, bec. Leicester and Nottingham 
Journal, 1757, 

Leicestershire Echo, 1878, bec. Melton Mowbray Times 
and Vale of Belvoir Gazette; 1887. 


Titular Changes] 

Leicestershire Mercury, 1836, inc. Leicester Chronicle 
and Leicestershire Mercury, Oct. 1, 1864. bec. Illus- 
trated Leicester Chronicle, 1915. 

Leicestershire Times, 1868, înc. Rutland Echo, 1877. 

Leigh Times, 1871, inc. Leigh Journaland Times, 1875 

_ Leighton and Linsdale Times, inc. Bedford and County 

Record, 1877. : 
Lewisham and Blackheath Courier, 1884, bec. Lewis- 
ham, Blackheath and West Kent Courter, 1885. 
Lewisham and West Kent News, 1880, inc. Lewisham, 

Biackheath, and West Kent Courter, 1885. 
Lewisham, Blackheath, and “West Kent Couricr, 
1885, inc. Borough of Lewisham Gazette, 1888. 
Lewisham Chronicle, 1888, bec. Borough of Lewisham 
Herald, April, 1888. i i 
Lewisham Courier, 1885, inc. Borough of Lewisham 
Gazette, 1888. — 
Lewisham Free Press, 1890, bec. Lewisham Inde- 
pendent, 1893. 
Lewisham Gazette, 1870, inc. Lewisham Journal, 1914. 
Lewisham Independent, 1893, bec. Borough News, 
1900, bec. Lewisham Borough News, 1901. 
Lewisham Opinion, 1884, bec. Lewisham Free Press, 

Leyton and Leytonstone Independent, 1877, bec. 
Leyton Express, 1884. 
Lichfield Chronicle, 1877, bec. Lichfield Mercury, 1877. 

Licensed Trades Journal, 1909, inc. National Guardian - 

. and Licensed Trade Journal, 1913. 

Life Assurance Agents’ Journal, 1885, bec. Agents’ 
Journal and Officials’ Gazette, 1890. 

Light Railway and Tramway Journal, 1899, bec. 
Electric Railway and Tramway Journal, 1914. 

Light Railway and Tramway Journal Diary, 1899, bec. 
Electric Railway & Tramway Journal Diary, 1913. 

Lightning, 1891, bec. Electrical Times, 1901. 

Lindsey and Lincolnshire Star, 1889, bec. Lincolnshire 
Star, 1908. 

Linen Market, 1889, inc. Linen Trade Circular, 1913. 

Liskeard Weekly Mercury, 1888, înc. Western Weekly 
Mercury, 1912. 

Little Messenger, 1896, bec. Children’s Gospel Maga- 
zine, 1905. 

Little Soldier July 7, 1881, bec. Young Soldier, 1888. 

LI ranean News, 1890, inc. Littlehampton Gazette, 

Liverpool and Manchester Photographic Journal, 
1857, bec. Photographic Journal, 1859. P 

Liverpool Journal, 1830, inc. Liverpool Post, 1884. 

Liverpool Journal of Commerce, 1826, bec. Journal 
of Commerce; 1911. 

Liverpool Photographic Journal, 1854, bec. Liverpool 
and Manchester Photographic Journal, 1857. 

Liverpool Shipping Telegraph, 1826. inc. Liverpool 
Journal of Commerce, 1900, ber. Journal of Com- 
merce, 1911. l 

Liverpool Weekly Mercury, 1811, «tc. Liverpool 
Weekly Post and Mercury, 1916. 

Llais Llafur, 1898, bec. Labour Voice, 1916. 

Llandilo Gazette, 1874, inc. Llanelly and County 
Guardian and South Wales Advertiser, 1874. 

Lloyd’s Illustrated London News, Nov. 27, 1842, bec. 
Lloyd’s Weekly News, Jan. 15, 1843. ; 

Lloyd’s List, 1726, inc. Shipping and Mercantile 
Gazette, 1884. inc Lloyd’s List, 1916. 

Local Preachers’ Treasury, 1887, bec. Preachers; 
Magazine, 1890. 

Locomotive and Railway, 1900, inc. Locomotive 
Magazine and Railway Carriage and Waggon 
Review, 1903. i 

London, 1893, bec. Municipal Journal, 1899. 

London Academy of Music Magazine, 1904, bec. 
London Academy of Music Gazette, 1908. 

London and Provincial Music Trades Review, 1877, 
bec. Music Tiades Review, 1916. 

London Art Fashions Journal, 1898, inc. Tailor and 

London Devonians’ Year Book, 1909, bec. Devonian 
Year-Book, 1912. 

London Education Gazette, 1904, bec. London County 
Council Gazette, 1905. 

London Fashion Review, 1901, bec. Thornton’s Review 
of London Fashions, 1907. 

mes Financial Guide, 1888, inc. Financial ‘Times, 

London Journal, 1845, bec. New London Journal, 
ie bec. London Journal, 1910, inc. Spare Moments, 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

[& Amalgamations. 

ee S 

London Mercantile Gazette, 1888, bec. United Kingdom 
Gazette, 1909. 

London Morning, 1898, bec. Morning Herald, 1899. 

London Tailor, 1884, înc. Sartorial Gazette, 1914. 

Londonderry Journal, June 3, 1772, bec. Derry Journal. 

Londonderry Standard, 1836, bec. Derry Standard, 

Looking Glass, 1910, inc. Sporting Times, 1912. 

Loughborough Examiner, 1894, ine. Nottingham- 
shire Weekly Express, 1904. _ ; 

Loughborough News, inc. Loughborough Monitor and 
News, Nov. 1870. l 

Loughton Gazette, 1894, inc. West Essex Gazette, 1815. 

Loving Words, 1891, bec. Acceptable Words, bec. Words 
of Salvation, 1910. 

Lowestoft Weekly Journal, 1873, bec. Lowestoft 
Journal, 1877. 

Lurgan Times, 1873, suc. Lurgan Mail, 1916. _ 

Luton Times, 1855, bec. Bedfordshire Advertiser and 
Luton Times 1893 inc. Luton News and Bedford- 
shire Advertiser, 1916. 

Lytham and Kirkham Times, 1870, bec. Lytham 
Times, 1888. 

Macclesfield Chronicle, 1877, inc. Macclesfield Times 

Macclesfield Guardian, 1873, inc. Macclesfield Chrontcle, 

Macclesfield Times, 1898, inc. Macclesfield Times, 

Machinery and Engineering Materials Gazette, 1896, 
inc. Machinery Market. , 
Machinery Chronicle, 1907, inc. Ironmongers’ Chronicle 
and Hardwareman, 1908, bec. Hardwareman and 

Ironmongers’ Chronicle, 1912. ; 

Machinery Chronicle Diary, 1907, inc. Ironmongers’ 
Chronicle Diary and Hardwareman Year Book, 
1908, Vec. Hardwareman and Ironmongers’ Diary 
and Year Book, 1912. à 

Maidstone and Kent County Standard, 1873, bec. 
Kent County Standard, 1885, inc. South Eastern 
Gazette, 1912. i 

Maidstone and Kentish Journal, 1786, imc. South 
Eastern Gazette, 1912. j 

Maidstone Gazette, 4815, bec. South Eastern Gazette. 

Maidstone Journal, Jan., 1786, bec. Maidstone and 
Kentish Journal, inc. South Eastern Gazette, 1912. 

Maidstone Telegraph, Jan. 1, 1859, bec. Kent Messenger. 

Mail, 1868, bec. Southern Daily Mal, 1895, tnc. 
Evening News and Southern Daily Mail, 1905. 

Makerfield Examiner, 1885, nc. Wigan Examiner, 

Malton Gazette, 1854, inc. Yorkshire Gazette, 1905. 

Malvern Advertiser, 1855, inc. Malvern News Adver- 
tiser and Visitors’ Directory, 1907. 

Malvern Advertiser, June 16, 1855, bec. Illustrated 
Malvern Advertiser, June, 23, 1855. 

Man of the World, 1890, inc. Sporting Times, 1900. 

Manchester Guardian Society’s Gazette, 1826, bec. 
United Kingdom Gazette, 1909. 

Manchester Courier, 1825, inc. Manchester Week.y 
Times, 1916. 

Manchester Evening Mail, 1914, tnc. Manchester 
Weekly Times, 1916. 

Manufacturing Confectioner, inc. Confectioners’ Union. 

Manx Sun, 1821, inc. Isle of Man Times, 1907. 

Marconigraph, 1912, bec. Wireless World, 1913. 

Market Rasen Weekly Mail, 1856, bec. Market Rasen 
Mail, &c., 1885. 

Marlborough Times and Wilts and Berks County 
Paper, 1858, bec. Wilts, Berks, and Hants County 
Paper and Marlborough Times, 1910. 

Marriage Advertiser, 1882, bec. Matrimonial Post and 
Fashionable Marriage Advertiser, 1885 

Martineau and Smith’s Monthly Trade Circular, 1874, 
bec. Hardware Trade Journal, 1879. 

Martin’s Bath Chronicle, bec. Bath Chronicle before 

Masonic Illustrated, 1900, inc. Freemason, 1907. 

Masters’ Illustrated Monthly Magazine, 1888, bec. 
Hope, 1884, bec. Bluejacket and Coasiguards’ Gazette, 
1900, bec. Bluejacket and the Soldier, 1909. 

Mawson’s Sunderland Diary, 1892, bec. Sunderland 

Diary, 1902, bec. Reid’s Sunderland Diary, 1903. 

Mayo Telegraph, 1829, bec. Connaught Telegraph and 
Provincial Advertiser, 1875. 

May’s British and Irish Press Guide and Advertisers’ 
»Directory and Handbook, bec. Willine’s British and 
Irish Press Guide, now Willing’s Press Guide. 

404] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents,125, Strand, London. 



Titular Changes] 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

[& Amalgamations. 

Maon Mowbray Times, 1859, inc. Leicestershire Echo, 
Mercantile Diary, 1880, bec. London and County 
Trades Directory, 1887. 
bec. and 
hire Herald, 1883. 

Merionethshire Herald, 


Merrie Magpie, 1887, ane. Brixton Free Press, 1888. 

Messenger, 1883, bec. Covenant People, 1894. 

Messenger of Peace, 1882, bec. Gospel Magazine and 
Protestant Beacon, Jan., 1886. . 

Methodist Monthly, 1892, inc. United Methodist 

Magazine i 
Metropolitan, 1872, bec. Mdropolitan Official Adver- 

tiser, 1888. 

Metropolitan Local Government Journal, 1872, bec. 
Local Government Journal, 1892, bec. Local Govern- 
ment Journal and Official Gazette, 1905. 

Metropolitan Official Advertiser, 1888, bec. Metro- 
poltan Local Government Journal, 1891. 

Mid-Surrey Mirror, 1879, bec. Surrey Mirror, 1880. 

Middlesbrough News, 1855, North Eastern Weekly 
Gazette, 1884. i 

Middlesbrough Weekly Gazette, bec. North Eastern 
Weekly Gazetie, 1883. ; 

Middlesex and Surrey Express, 1886, inc. West M iddle- 
sex Herald, 1897, inc. Middlesex County Times and- 
West Middlesex Herald, 1909. 

Middlesex and Surrey Gazette, bec. Hants and Berks 
Gazette, 1878. 

Middlesex County Times and Ealing and Hanwell 
Post, 1863, bec. Middlesex County Times and West 
Middlesex Herald, 1909. 

Midland Express, 1901, inc. Birmingham Gazette, 1904. 

Midland Reporter, 1891, inc. Midland Reporter and 
` Westmeath Nationalist, 1905. 

Munay, 1911, bec. Ladies’ Wear Trade Journal, 

Milverton Mail, 1896, bec. Wiveliscombe Express, 1901, 
Minehead Mercury, 1896, inc. Wiveliscombe Express 

Mining News and Financial Record, 1907, bec. Mining 

News, 1908. 
Missing Link, 1865, bec. Bible Work at Home and 
Abroad, 1883. 
Missionary Echo, 1871, bec. Echoes of Service, 1885. 
Missionary Herald, 1819, bec. Herald, 1913. 
Missionary Record of the United Free Church of 
Scotland, 1901, bec. Record of the Home and 
Foreign Work of the United Free Church of Scot- 

land, 1914. 

Mitchell’s Maritime ‘ Register, 1856, bec. Shipping 
Gasette and Lloyd's List Weekly Summary, 1884, 
bec. Shipping Gazette Weekly Summary, 1914, inc. 
Lloyd’s List Weekly Summary, 1916. 

Modern Business, 1908, inc. System and Modern 
Business, 1909. 

Montbly [Illustrated Reporters’ Journal, 1884, bec. 
Reporters’ Journal, 1891. 

Mon Index to the Times, 1906, bec. Quarterly 
Index to the Times, 1914. 

Monthly Messenger of the Presbyterian Church of 
a rae 1843, bec. Presbyterian Messenger, 1908. 

Monthly News Letter 1835, bec. Bideford Weekly 
Gasetie, 1853, bec. Bideford and North Devon 
Weekly Gazette, 1909. 

Monthly Record and Animals’ Guardian, 1899, bec. 
Animals’ Guardian and Anti-Vivisectionist, 1902, 
bec. Animals’ Guardian, 1904. 

Monthly Record of the Protestant Churchman’s 
Alliance 1893, bec. Notes and News, 1895. 

Mocy Tidings, 1885, bec. Monthly Treasury, 1893, 
bec. Treasury, 1914. 

Monthly Treasury, 1900, bec. The Treasury, 1914. 

Moravian Missionary ‘Reporter, 1879, bec. Moravian 
Missions, 1903. 

Morgan’s British Trade Journal, 1863, bec. British 
Trade Journal, 1863. 

Morning, 1892, bec. London Morning, 1898. 

Morning Herald, 1899, inc. Daily Express, 1900. 

Morning Light, 1878, bec. New Church Weekly, 1915. 

Morong Leader, 1892, ine. Daily News and Leader, 

Morpeth Monthly Herald, 1854, bec. Morpeth Herald, 
July 14, 1855. X 

Morriss’s Trade Journal, 1881, bec. British Empire 
Paper, Stattonery, and Printing Trades Journal, 
1903, inc. Caxton’s Magazine, 1914. 


‘Nation, 1824, inc. The Globe. 

Moseley and Balsall Heath N@Ws, May 26, 1883, bce. 
Birmingham, Moseley, and Balsall Heath News, 1884. 

Motor Boat and Marine Oil and Gas Engine 1904. 
bec. Motor Ship and Motor Boat, 1913. 

Motor Cycling, 1902, bec. Motor, 1903, 

Motorist, 1913, bec. The Garage 1914. 

Municipal Record and Sanitary Journal (Glasgow), 

- 1902, bec. County and Municipal Record, 1903. 

Munro’s Scottish Licensed Trades Directory, 1898, 
inc. Scottish Licensed Trade Directory. , 

Nairnshire Mirror, Mar. 30, 1841, inc. Nairnsh ire 
Telegraph, Nov. 2, 1854. A 

National Deposit Friendly Society’s Magazine, 1896, 
bec. Depositor, 1908. 

Licensed Trade Journal, 1913. 

National Home Reading Union Magazine, 1890, inc. 
Home Reading Magazine, 1914. 

National Union Gleanings, 1893, bec. Gleanings and 
Memoranda, 1913. 

Nature Notes, 1890, bec. Selborne Magazine, 1908. 

evel and Military Gazette, 1833, inc. Broad Arrow, 

Naval Brigade News, 1878, bec. Miss Weston’s Ashore 
and Afloat, 1886. 

Naval Warrant Officers’ Journal, 1888, bec. Royal 
Naval Waarrant Officrs’ Journal, 1914. 

Neath Gazette, 1885, bec. Herald of Wales, 1916. 

Nelson Chronicle, 1890, sne. Nelson Leader, 1904. 

New Age, June, 1887, tnc. The Tatler, Aug. 1888. 

New Forest Guardian, 1885, ‘nc. Southern Guardian 
and Dorset and Hampshire Advertiser, 1887. 

New Kingswood and Woodhouse Grove Quarterly, 
1879, bec. Kingswood. Magazine, 1883. 

New Law List, 1704, bec. Clarke’s New Law List, 1803. 

Nee Penny Magazine, 1898, bec. Penny Magazine 
1903, , 

Newcastle Chronicle, March 24, 1764, bec. Newcastle 
Weekly Chronicle. i 

Aee e Daily Leader, 1885, énc. North Mail, 

Newman 2 Pntomnologii 1841, bec. The Entomolo- 

gist, 1877. 

Newmarket Monthly Illustrated Journal, 1872, bec. 
Newmarket Journal, 1882. 

Newness of Life, 1898, bec. Bible Witness, 1914. _ 

Newquay Guardian and North Cornwall Advertiserr 
1887, tnc. Newquay Express, &c., 1912. 

Newry Commercial Telegraph, Nov. 12, 1812, bec. 
N Telegraph, 1877. à 
Newry Examiner 1830, bec. Dundalk Examiner and 
Louth Advertiser, 1880. ; , 
News, 1869, bec. Littlehampton News, 1890, inc. Little- 

hampton Gazette, 1914. 

News 1884, bec. Faversham News, 1885. 

News of the Week, 1888, inc. Weekly Mail, 1895. 

Newsagent and Booksellers’ Review, 1888, bec. News- 
agent and Booksellers’ Review and Stationery 
Gazette, 1903. 

Newspaper Owner and Modern Printer, 1898, bec. 
Master Printer and Newspaper Owner, 1903, bec. 
Newspaper Owner and Modern Printer, 1905, bec. 
Migr Owner, 1906, bec. Newspaper World, 
1913. g 

Newspaper Owner, 1898, bec. Newspaper World, 1913. 

Newspaper Press, inc. Printers’ Register, July, 1872. 

Newtown and Welshpool Express, 1860, bec. Mont- 
gomeryshire Express and Radnor Times, 1877. 

Newtownards Independent, 1871, tc. North Down 
Herald and County Down I dent, 1880. 

Nonconformist, 1841, bec. Nonconformist and Inde- 
pendent, 1880. 

Nonconformist and Independent, 1880, bec. Inde- 
pendent and Nonconformist, 1890. : 
Norfolk Weekly Standard and Argus, 1863, inc. 
Norfolk Chronicle and Norwich Gazette, 1913. _ 
Normanton Gazette, 1905, inc. Wakefield Advertiser 
and Gazette, 1908. : 
North and South Shields Daily Gazette, bec. Shield s 
Daily Gazette and Shipping Toop 1883. 
North British Daily Mail, 1847, bec. Glasgow Daily 
Mail, 1901, inc. Daily Record and Mail, 1901. | 
ee Grocer, &c., 1888, inc. Grocers’ Chronicle 


1 » 
North Cork Herald, 1904, (int. Cork Weekly News 
and Cork County People, 1908. 

A duijnvtiehsaamta waranaeaand Tam all DrAlansse a) AV ces Pet 

uardian, 1881, bec. National Guardian and © 

Titular Changes] č 

® ; 
North East” Kent News, bec. Faversham and North 
East Kent News. 

North Eastern Advertiser, 1885, bec. Malton Gazelle, ; 

1887, inc. Yorkshire Gazette, 1905. 

North Eastern Weekly Gazette, bec. Northern Weekly 

North Herts and South Beds Journal, 1873, tnc. North 

_ Herts Mail, 1913. 

North Liverpool Times, 1903, bec. Walton and North 
Liverpool Times, 1907. 

North London Echo and Tottenham and Wood Green 
Chronicle; 1886, inc. North Middlesex Chronicle, 


North Londoner, 1869, bec. St. Pancras Guardian, 1874. 

North of England Advertiser, June 30, 1855, snc. 
Newcastle Weekly Chronicle, 1884. 

North Wales Express, 1877, bec. North Wales Obser- 
ver and Express, 1884. 

Northallerton, Thirsk, and Bedale Observer, 

Ripon Observer. . 
Northampton Mercury Daily Reporter, Feb., 1880, 
inc. Northamp- 


bec. Northampton Daily Echo, 1880. 
Northampton Weekly Reporter, 1881, 
tonshive Guardian, 1885 

_ Northamptonshire Guardian, 1876, inc. Northampton 


Mercury, 1890. 
Northern Counties Grocers’ Review, 1888, bec. Grocers’ 
Review and Provision Trades Journal, 1891. 
Northern Evangelist, 1872, bec. Herald of Salvation, 
Northern Grocer, 1885, bec. North British Grocer, 1888. 
‘Northern Leader, 1884, bec. Northern Weekly Leader, 

Northern Miller and Baker, 1885, bec. British Baker, 


‘Northern Notes and Queries, 1886, bec. Scottish 
Antiquary, 1899, bec. Scottish Historical Review, 

Northern Reporter, 1868, inc. Wetherby News and | 

Northern Reporter, 1916. 
Northern Times, 1877, inc. Oldham Daily Standard, 

1880. 4 

Northern Weekly (Dingwall), 1897, bec. Highland 
Leader and Northern Weekly, 1909. 

Northern Weekly Echo, 1904, inc. South Durham and 
Auckland Chronicle, 1907. , ‘ 

Northfleet and Swanscombe Chronicle, 1895, bec. 
Swanscombe Chronicle, 1903. 

Notes and News, 1895, bec. Church Standard, 1898, 

_ ine. Church Gazette, 1907. 

Nottingham and Leicester Journal, 1757, bec. Not- 
tingham Journal, Jan. 31, 1761.. 

Nottingham and Midland Counties Daily Express, 
1860, bec. Nottingham Daily Exprews, 1885. 

Nottingham Journal, 1765, inc. Nottinghamshire 
Weekly Express, Aug. 1887. . 

Nottingham Review 1808, inc. Nottingham and 
Midland Counties Daily Express, 1870. 

Nottingham Weekly Courant, Nov. 27, 1710, tc. 

Nottingham Journal 1765. 
Nuggets, 1892, bec. Lot o’ Fun, 1906. 
Nuneaton Star, 1911, bec. Warwickshire Star, 1912. 
Neon? Directory, 1886, bec. Endle’s Directory, 
- 1911. 
Nursing Record and Hospital World, 1888, bec..British 
Journal of Nursing, 1902. 
Observer Budget, 1869, bec. Bradford Observer Budget 
- 1878, bec. Yorkshire Observer Budget, 1912. 
Ocean Traveller and Floating Hotel, 1909, inc. Chief 
Steward, 1912. 
Official Journal of the Patent Office, 1884, inc. Illus- 
trated Official Journal Patents, 1889. 
Official Military Directory of the Curragh Camp and 
Newbridge, 1878, inc. Irish Military Guide, 1893. 
Old Moore’s Monthly Messenger, 1907, bec. British 
Journal of Astrology, 1915. 

Olde Norwood Presse, May, 1882, bec. Norwood Press 
and Dulwich Advertiser, May, 1883. . 

Open Air and Home Mission Worker, 1909, bec. Home 
Missions and Open Air Workers, 1910, tne. Sword 
and the Trowel, 1912. 

Optical and Photographic Trade Journal, 1904, inc. 
Optician and Photographical T yade Journal 1908 
ae Optician and Scientific Instrument Maker, 

1 : 
Optical Lantern and Kinematograph Journal, 1904. 

bec. Kinematograph and Lantern Weekly, 1908. 

—_——— Č 

Willing’s Press Guide. - | [& Amalgamations. 

Order of the Golden Age, 1896, bec. Herald of the 
Golden Age, and British Health Review 1910. 
Original Llandudno Directory, 1854, bec, Llandudno 
Directory and Visitor, 1904. : 
Orkney and Shetland Telegraph, 1878, inc. Shetland 
News, 1885. 

Oswestry Advertiser, 1849, bec. Oswestry and Border 
Counties Advertiser, 1888. 

Otley and Ilkley Guardian, 1871, bec. Wharfedale 
and Airedale Observer, 1880. - 

Oundle and Thrapstone Guardian, 1885, nc. North- 
amptonshire and Hunts Gazette, 1913. 

Our Home, Garden, and Poultry Yard, 1889, bec. 
Our Home, 1893. 
Our Little Ones Treasury, 1887, bec. Little Ones 

Treasury, 1905, bec. Our Little Ones Treasury, 1907. 
Our Paper, 1891, bec. English Churchwoman, 1912. 
Ours, bec. Green. Howard’s Gazette. 

Ours, 1907, bec. George Clarkes Magazine, 1914. 
Overland Mail, 1855, inc. Indiaman, 1914. 
Owen’s College Union Magazine, 1868, bec. Manchester 

University Magazine, 1905. 

Oxford Gazette, Nov. 16, 1665, bec. London Gazette, 

Feb. 5, 1665-6. 
1745, bec. Reading Mercury, July, 

wea Gazette, 
Oxford Journal, May 5, 1753, bec. Jackson's Oxford 
Journal, bec. Oxford Journal Illustrated, 1909. 
Paisley Herald, July 2, 1853, inc. Paisley and Ren- 
frewshire Gazette. 

Pall Mall Magazine, 1893, inc. Nash’s and Pall Mall 
Magazine, 1914. 

Paper and Pulp, 1896, nc. Paper Making, 1906. 

Parish Councils’ Journal, 1895, bec. Councsls’ Journal 
1899, inc. Local Government Review, 1909. 
en and Maryhill Press, 1881, inc. Govan Pres 

Patriot, inc. The Nonconformist. 

Payne’s Leicester and Midland Counties Advertiser, 
Jan. 1, 1842, bec. Leicester Advertiser. i 

Pendleton Reporter, 1878, bec. Pendleton, Salford, 
Brougkton Reporter, 1884. a z 

Pendleton, Salford, Broughton Reporter, 1878, be. 
Reporter for the County Borough of Salford, 1892. 

Penmaenmawr Weekly News and Visitors’ Chronicle, 
1883, bec. Penmaenmawr and North Wales Weekly 
News, 1905. 

Penny Illustrated Paper, 1861, bec. London Life, 1913. 

Penrith Herald, 1869, bec. Mid-Cumberland and North 
Westmorland Herald, 1891. 

People’s Bank Ggzette, 1907, bec. Farrow’s Bank 
Gazette, 1908. 

People’s Penny Stories, 1903, bec. My Weekly, 1910. 

Personal Rights, 1881, bec. Individualist, 1903. 

Potente Seay News, 1883, bec. Hants and @ussex 

ews, : 

| Petroleum, 1900, inc. Petroleum Review, 1904. 

Petroleum Industrial and Technical Review, bec. 
Petroleum Review, 1903. _ 

Philanthropist, 1881, inc. Charity Record, 1911. 

Philosophy of Advertising, 1881, bec. Sell’s Dtctsonary 
of rd World's Press, 1884, bec. Sell’s World’s Press, 

Phonographer and Commercial Student’s Magazine, 
1894, inc. Shorthand Gazette, 1910, snc. Hallett’: 
Shorthand Gazette, 1912. = 

Photographic Journal, 1859, bec. British Journal of 
Paotoprapiy; 1860. 

Photographic News, 1858, énc. Amateur Photography 
and Photographic News, 1908. 

Pictorial Missionary News, 1865, bec. Illustrated 
Missionary News, 1877, bec. South America, 1912. 
Pigeons and Poultry, 1905, bec. Pigeons Illustrated, 1908. 
Piren near 1908, inc. Pigeons and the Pigeon 

orld, . 
Pioneer, 1900, bec. Leicester Pioneer, 1914. 
Plumstead News, 1895, inc. Woolwich Gazette, 1909. 
Plymouth and Devonport Weekly Journal, 1817, 
inc. Western Daily Moy 1862. 
Poole and Dorsetshire Herald, Apr. 9, 1846, bec. 
Poole and South Western Herald, 1849. 
Poole and South Western Herald, 1849, bec. Poole, 
Parkstone, and East Dorset Herald, June, 1877. 
Poole Guardian, 1883, inc. Western Chronicle, 1887. 
Poole Telegram, 1879, inc. Western Chronicle, 1886. 
Portobello Advertiser, bec. Edinburgh Citizen and 
Portobello Advertiser, 1897. . 

106] _ James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Titular Changes] 

Post Office Directory of Carlisle, 1880, bec. Carlisle 
Directory, 1905. 

Postal and Shipping Guide, 1884, bec. Mercantile 
Guardian, 1888. 

Postal Clerks’ Herald, 1898, inc. Postal and Tele- 
graph Record, 1914. 

Potter and Cement, 1902, inc. Brick and Pottery 
Trades’ Journal, 1902. 

Potter’s Electric News, July, 1855, inc. Pembroke- 
shire Herald, Feb. 4, 1870. 

Press, May 7, 1853, bec. Press and St. James’ Chronicle 
Aug. 4, 1866. 

Press and St. James’s Chronicle, Aug. 4, 1866, inc. 
English Churchman, Nov. 27, 1884. 

Prestwick Express, 1907, inc. Ayr Observer, 1908. 

Preston Pilot, 1825, inc. Lytham Times, 1888. 

Primitive Methodist Juvenile Magazine, 1850, bec. 
Juvenile Magasine, 1878, bec. Morning, 1901. 

Primitive Methodist Quarterly Review, 1879, bec. 
Holborn Review, 1910. 

Primitive Methodist World, 1873, 
Methodist Leader, 1909. 

Printers’ Ink, 1909, bec. Selling and Advertising and 
Printers’ Ink, 1915. 

Process Photogram, 1895, bec. Process Engravers’ 
Monthly, 1906. . 

Process Year-Book, 1896, bee. Penrose’s Pictorial 
Annual, 1913. 

Pea Tans Churchman, 1827, bec. Work and Witness, 
1 ° . 
P.S. A. Leader, 1898, bec. Leader, 1907, bec. P.S A. 

, Brotherkood Journal, 1908. 
P. S. A. Brotherhood Journal, 1908, bee, Brotherhood 
Journal, 1914. 

Pere Enea peutie Journal, 1901, bec. Health Record, 

Public Ledger, Jan. 12, 1760, bec. Guardian and 
Public Ledger, 1832. 

Public Register, Sept. 10, 1763, bec. Freeman’s Journal. 

Putney and South-Western Chronicle, June, 1884, 
bec. Putney and Wandsworth Borough News, Jan. 
3, 1885, bec. Wandsworth Boro’ News, 1900. 

Quarterly Journal of Berks Archaeological Society, 
1889, dec. Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Archaeological 
Journal, 1895. 

Quarterly Journal of Conchology, 1874, bec. Journal 
of Conchology, 1879. 

Quarterly Token for Juvenile Subscribers, 1856, bec. 
Church Missionary Quarterly Token, 1879. 

Queen’s Park Advertiser, 1913, bec. Advertiser, 1914, 

uin's Metal Market Letters, 1913, inc. Metal Bulletin 

Rabbit Keeper, 1888, bec. Small Pets, 1889. 
oe Illustrated, 1894, bec. Country Life Illustrated, 

Radnorshire Standard and Llandrindod Wells Gazette, 
1898, bec. Central Wales News, Radnorshire Stan- 
dard, and Llandrindod Wells Gazette, 1903. 

Railway Carriage and Wagon Review, 1902, inc. 
Locomotive Magazine and Railway Carriage and 
Wagon Review, 1904. 

Railway Chariot, inc. Railway — 

ard Fly-Sheet, 1870, bec. Railway Official Gazette, 

Railway Magazine, 1835, bec. Herapath’s Railway 
Magazine, Jan. 2, 1841, inc. Railway Times, 1904, 
inc. Railway Gazette, 1914. 

Railway Official Gazette, 1882, inc. Railway News,1914. 

Railway Record, 1884, inc. Railway News, 1901. 

Railway Times, 1837, inc. Railway Gazette, 1914. 

Rawtenstall Free Press, Feb. 1883, bec. Rossendale 
Free Press, Oct. 3, 1885. 

Readers 1906, inc. Literary World and Reader, 

Reader and Lay Worker, 1904, bec. Lay Reader, 1908. 

Reading and Abingdon Herald, May 14, 1870, bec. 
Abingdon and Reading Herald, Aug. 20, 1870. 

Reading Herald, 1869, inc. Abingdon Herald, May 
14, 1870, bec. North Berks Herald, 1910. 

Reading Mercury, July 8, 1723, inc. Oxford Gazette. 

Record and Advertiser, 1902, bec. Rhyl Record and 
Advertiser, 1910, bec. Record and Advertiser, 1911 
bec. Rhyl Record and Advertiser, 1912. 

Record of Fashion, 1876, bec. London Tailor, 1884, 
inc. Sartorial Gazette, 1914. 

BA Por garine, 1908, bec. Harmsworth Red Magazine, 

inc. Primitive 


Willing’s Press Guide.  [& Amalgamations. 

Red Rail Guide and Hotel Directory, 1913, bec. London 
Time Table and Red Rail Guide, 1914. ` 

Red Rose Magazine, 1908, bec. Home Weekly, 1913. 

Redruth Times, Apr. 1863, bec. Cornubian and Corn- 
wall Mining Times, 1879. 

Reformer, 1834, bec. Hertford Mercury, Jan. 5, 1844. 

Reformer, 1885, bec. Scottish Reformer, 1892. 

Po ea News, 1888, inc. Temperance Caterer, 


Renfrewshire Independent, 1856, bec. Paisley and 
Renfrewshire Gazette, 1899. 

Reporter 1889, bec. Coventry Reporter 1890, inc. 
Coventry Herald and Free Press, 1911. 

Restaurant and Hotel Review, 1909, bec. Hotel 
Review, 1914. 

Retail Trader, 1910, inc. Export World, 1913, bec, 
Export World and Commercial Intelligence, 1914. 
Retailer and Associated Trader, 1913, bec. London 
and Suburban Tradérs Federation Quarterly, 1916. 
Retford, Worksop, and Gainsborough Mercury, 
1886, bec. Retford, Worksop, and Gatnsborough 

Herali 1889, bec. Retford and Worksop Herald. 

Revival, inc. The Christian. 

Rhyl Record and Advertiser, 1856, bec. Record and 
Advertiser, 1902, bec. Rhyl Record and Advertiser, 
1910, bec. Record and Advertiser, 1911, bec. Rhyl 
Record and Advertiser. 

Richmond (Surrey) Herald, 1885, bec. The Herald, 
1894, bec. Richmond Herald, 1899. 

Richmond (Yorks.) Herald, 1880, inc. Darlington 
and Stockton Times. 

Richmond Telegraph, 1869, inc. York Herald, 1876. 

Ridley’s Monthly Wine and Spirit Trade Circular, 
ne bec. Ridley’s Wine and Spirit Trade Circular, 

Ringwood Guardian, 1883, bec. New Forest Guardian, 

Ripley News, 1889, bec. Ripley and Heanor News and 
Ilkeston Division Free Press, 1890. 

Rochester, Chatham, and Gillingham Standard, 1889, 
inc. Rochester, Chatham, and Gillingham Journal 
and Chatham Standard, 1908. 

Rotherham and Masbro’ Advertiser, 1858, bec. Rother - 
ham Advertiser, 1885. 

Royal College of Science Magazine, &c., 1890, bec 

hoenix, 1905. 

Royal Leam‘ngton, Warwick, and County Chronicle 
1878, bec. Leamington, Warwick, and County 
Chronicle, 1888. 

Royston Crow, 1855, bec Herts and Cambs Reporter, 
and Royston Crow, 1877. 

Runcorn and Widnes Examiner, 1869, bec. Runcorn 
Examiner, 1879. 

Rushden Times, 1891, snc. Northamptonshire and 
Hunts Gazette, 1913. 

Ryde and Ventnor Times, 1857, inc. Isle of Wight 
Advertiser, and Undercliff Reporter. 

Sabbath School Magazine, 1864, bec. Scottish National 
S.S.M., 1899 

S.M., ; 
Saddlers’ Harness Makers’ and Carriage Builders’ 
Gazette, 1871, inc. Saddlery and Harness, 1907. 
St. ire Times, 1855, bec. Herts Advertiser, Jan. 

1, 1866. i 

St. Crispin, 1869, bec. Boot and Shoemaker, 1878. 

St. Helens Catholic Herald, 1905, inc. Liverpool 
Catholic Herald, 1908. 

St. Helens Intelligencer, 1853, inc. St. Helens News- 
paper and Advertiser, 1879. 

St. Helens Standard, 1865, inc. Prescot Reporter 
Sept., 1880, bec. St. Helens Reporter, 1888. 

St. Ives Times, 1896, inc. Hunts County News. 

St. James’s Chronicle, Mar. 14, 1761, inc. The Press, 
Aug. 4, 1866. 

St. James’s Gazette, 1880, înc. Evening Standard and 
St. James’s Gazette, 1905. 

St. John’s Wood and Hampstead Advertiser, 1883, 
bec. St. John’s Wood, Kilburn, and Hampstead 
Advertiser, 1890, bec. Hampstead and St. John’s 
Wood Advertiser. 

St. John’s Wood, Kilburn and Hampstead Adver- 
tiser, 1880, bec. Hampstead and St. John’s Wood 
Advertiser, 1907. 

St. Neots Advertiser, 1878, bec. Hunts and St. Neots 
Advertiser, 1885. 

Advertisements received for all the Canadian Papers. 


fitular Changes] 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

[& Amalgamations. 

St. Neots Advertiser, 1886, bec. Huntingdonshire and 
St. Neots Advertiser, 1892. 
St. Neots Chronicle, 1855, inc. Hunts County News, 


Salford Weekly News, 1859, inc. Manchester Weekly 
Times, 1889. ont 

Salisbury Advertiser, 1853, inc. Wiltshire County 
Mirror, inc. Wiltshire News, 1911. ; 

Salisbury and Wiltshire Herald, July, 1833, inc. 
wis tre Couniy Mirror, inc. Wiltshire News, 

Salisbury Examiner, inc. Salisbu 

Salisbury Journal, 1729, bec. 
chester Journal, Dec. 7, 1772. 

Salisbury Standard, 1869, inc. Wiltshire County 
‘Mirror, inc. Wiltshire News, 1911. 

Salvation of God, 1878, bec. Tidings of Light and 

Peace, 1888. s 

Salvationist, 1879, bec. War Cry, 1881. 

Sandown Free Press, 1883, inc. Shanklin and San- 
down Weekly News. 

Sanitary Inspectors’ Journal, 1883, bec. Sanitary 
Journal, 1902. : 

Sanitary Journal (Glasgow), 1894, bec. Municipal 
Record and Sanitary Journal, 1902, bec. County 
and Municipal Record, 1903. 

ee Farley’s Bristol Journal, inc. Bristol Mirror, 

alisbury and Win- 

Sanit Record and Municipal Engineering 1874, 
f ee unicipal Engineering and Sanitary Record, 
Sanitary Record and Municipal Engineering Year 
Book and Empire Directory of Municipal cials 
1882, bec. Empire Municipal Directory, &c., 1916. 
Saturday Falkirk Herald, 1846, inc. Falkirk Herald 
and Midland Counties Journal, 1891. 
Scarborough Daily Post and Scarborough Weekly 
Post, 1876, bec. Scarborough Weekly Post, 1887. 
aye Register, 1878, tnc. Journal of Education 

School Board Chronicle, 1871, bec. School Government 
Chronicle and Educational Authorities’ Gazette, 


School Board for London Gazette, 1896, bec. London 
Education Gazette, 1904, bec. London County Council 
Gazette, 1905. 

Science Schools’ Journal, 1886, dec. Royal College of 
Science Magazine and Journal of the Royal School 
of Mines, 1891, bec. Phoenix, 1904. 

Soe Siftings, 1891, bec. Popular Science Siftings, 

Scots Commercial Record, 1898, inc. Scottish Trader 
and Scots Commercial Record, 1908. 

sae ae Aug. 17, 1709, inc. Edinburgh Gazette, 

Scottish Antiquary, 1890, bec. Scottish Historical 
Review, 1903. 

eee Athletic Journal, 1883, bec. Scottish Sport, 

at Border Record, 1881, bec. Border Standard, 

Scottish Congregational Magazine, 1796, bec. Scottish 
TE i, shrine 1880. 

Scottish Fisherman’s Nautical Almanac, 1883, bec 
British Fisherman’s Nautical Almanac, 1911. 

Scottish Medical and Surgical Journal, 1907, ine. 
mea Medical Journal, 1908. 

Scottish Naturalist, 1871, inc. Annals of Scottish 
Natural History, 1882, bec. Scottish Naturalist, 1912. 

Scottish Sport, 1888, inc. Scottish Cyclist and Motor 

: a 1900. 
cotti mpire, 1884, inc. Scottish Sport, 1888. 

Scottish Weekly Record, 1903, tne. Weekly ‘Mail and 
Record (Glasgow), 1915. 

Scripture Reader's Journal, 1853, bec. Church of 
England Scripture Readers’ Association Quarterly, 
1910, bec. Lighten our Darkness, 1913. 

Sell’s Commercial Intelligence, 1898, bec. Commercial 
Intelligence, 1899, inc. Export World and Commercial 
Intelligence, 1914. 

Seven Sisters and Finsb Park Journal, 1879, bec. 

see? daa ye teat lt 

s Herald, , bec. en i 
s Kentish Advertiser, eg oaks Chronicle and 
ing Machine Gazette, 1874, bec. Journal of Domestic 
Appliances and Sewing and i i 
Pram Gazette 1881. 0 Washing Machines and 

PNAN GATENE 1903, śínc. Three Shires Adver- 

tiser, 1907. . 

Shanklin and Sandown Weekly News, 1886, ssc. 
Isle of Wight Express, 1887, inc. Isle of Wight County 

S, : 

Shanklin Free Press, inc. Shanklin Weekly News. 

Shanklin Weekly News, 1878, bec. Shanklin and 
Sandown Weekly News, 1886. 

Sheffield and Rotherham Independent, 1819, bes. 
Sheffield Independent, 1901. 

Sheffield Evening Telegraph, 1887, bec. Yorkshire 

bi Sip es and Star. : 

Sheffield Independent, Dec. 11, 1819, bec. Shelia 
and Rotherham Independent, bec. Sheffield Inde- 
pendent 1901. 

Sheffield Independent Budget, 1884, bee. Sheffield 
Weekly Independent, 1887. 

Sheffield Weekly Telegraph, 1862, bec. Weekly Tele- 

aph, 1888. l i 

Sherborne and Dorset Mercury, 1737. inc. Western 
ying Post, 1748. 

Sherborne, Dorchester, and Taunton Journal, 1764. 
bec. Sherborne Journal, 

Sherborne, Dorchester, and Taunton Journal, bec 
Western Chronicle, 1886. _# 

Sherborn e Gazette, 1885, inc. Three Shires Advertiser 


Sherborne Journal, bec. Sherborne, Dorchester, and 
Taunton Journal. 

Shields Daily Gazette, 1849, bes. North and South 
Shields Daily Gazette. 

Sheldrake’s Aldershot Military Gazette, 1900, bec. 
Aldershot Gazette and Military News, 1013. 

Shipley Express and Airedale News, 1894, inc. Shipley 

imes and Express, 1905. 

Shipping and Mercantile Gazette and Lloyd’s List 
1838, bec. Shipping and Mercantile Gazette and 
Daily Index, 1914 inc. Lloyd’s List, 1916. 

Shipping Gazette and Lloyd’s List Wetkly Summary 
1884, bec. Shipping Gazette Weekly Summary, 1914 
inc. Lloyd’s List Weekly Summary, 1916. 

Shipping Gazette, Jan. 4,° 1836, bec. Shipping and 
Mercantile Gazette and Lloyd’s List, Mar. 12, 1838, 
bec. Shipping and Mercantile Gazette and Daily 
Index, 1914, inc. Lloyd’s List, 1916. 

Shoe and Leather Trades’ Chronicle, 1877, tne. Shoe 
and Leather Record, 1887, 

Shoreham and Southwick Gazette, 1899, ine. Howe 
Gazette and Sussex County Mirror, 1907. 

Shorthand Gazette, 1906, nc. Hallett's Shorthand 
Gazette, 1912, snc. i 

Suo tand Teacher, 1896, snc. Commercial Education, 
1 - 

Shorthand Writer, 1893, inc. Commercial] Education1912 

Shrewsbury Free Press, Apr. 1865, inc. Shropshire 
Guardian, Aug. 1881. 

Shrewsbury Journal, Mar. 21, 1883, bee. Eddowes's 
Shrewsbury Journal, Oct., 1884. 

Shropshire Guardian, 1881, inc. Wellington Journal 
and Shrewsbury News, 1891. 

Shropshire News, Jan. 28, 1855, inc. Wellington 

ournal and Shrewsbury News, 1880. 

Sidcup and Chislehurst Times, 1881, bec. Sidcup and 

S ft eel 1891 eas 7 Sifi bec. Popular 
iftings, ; . Science ings, 

Science Siftings, 1905. 

Signs of Our Times, 1867, bec. Christian Herald, 1876. 

Simmin’s Weekly Advertiser, 1880, dec. Sussex and 
Surrey Courier, 1881. 

Single Tax 1894, bec. Land Values, 1902. 

Sleaford Advertiser, 1872, bec. Sleaford Journal, 
Mid and South Lincolnshire Advertiser, 1879. 

Small Pets, 1889, bec. Fur and Feather, 1890. 

Smart’s City of Gloucester Diary, 1882, bec. Gloucester 
Directory, 1902. 

Smiles, 1906, bec. Funny Cuts, 1908. 

Social Democratic Party News, 1910, bee. Socialist 
Record, 1912. = 

South Birmingham, Mosley, and Balsall Heath News, 
May 23, 1885, bec. South Birmingham News. 

South Birmingham News, 1880, 6s. Birmingham 
News, 1892. 

South Dutham and Auckland Chronicle, 1907, bec. 
Auckland and County Chronicle, 1914, 

South Durham and Cleveland Mercury, 1851, dne. 

408] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand; London. 

1 ym 


Titular Changes] 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

[& Amaigamations. 

South Durham Herald, 1866, ine. Northern Daily 
Mail, 1891. , 

South Essex Chronicle, 1881, inc. Essex County 
Chronicle, 1884. 

South Essex Independent, 1862, bec. Essex Inde- 

South Essex Mail, 1899, bec. Borough of West Ham 
and South Essex Matl, 1908, bec. West Ham and 
“South Essex Mail, 1912. 

South Hampstead Advertser, 1880, bec. St. John’s 

' Wood and South Hampstead Advertiser, 1883. 

South Somerset Leader, 1898, inc. Yeovil Leader, 1901. 

South Suburban Press, 1887, bec. Southern Press, 1892. 

South Sussex Herald, tnc. Sussex Coast Mercury, 
1870, bec. Worthing Mercury, 1904. 

South Wales Critic, 1878, inc. Swansea Gazette, 1888. 

South Wales Daily Telegraph, 1900, inc. South Wales 
Argus, 1903. 

South Wales Star, 1891, bec. Barry Dock News 1895. 

South Wales Times and Star of Gwent, 1829, ine. 
South Wales Weekly Argus, 1903. 

South Western Comet, 1898, tc. Surrey Comet 
(Wimbledon Edition), 1901. 

South Western Gazette, 1880, bec. South Western 
Railway Magazine, 1915. 
South Wilts Express, 1869, inc. Wiltshire County 

Mirror, 1887, bec. Wiltshire News, 1911. 

Southampton Herald, July 28, 1823, bec. Southampton 
Town and County Herald, 1825. 

Southampton Town and County Herald, 1825, bec. 
Hampshire Advertiser, Sept. 29, 1831. 

Southern Daily Mail, 1895, snc. Evening News and 
Southern Daily Mail, 1905. 

Sou aport Weekly News, 1905, inc. Southport Journal, 

Speaker, 1890, sne. Nation, 1907. 

‘Spennymoor Times, inc. Auckland Chronicle, inc. 
South Durham and Auckland Chronicle, 1907. 

Spen Valley Times, 1887, inc. Cleckheaton Adver- 
tiser and Spen Valley Times, 1895. 

” Sporting Gazette, 1862, bec. County Gentleman, 1880, 
bec. County Gentleman and Land and Water, 1905. 

Sporting News, 1888, bec. Midland Sporting Gazette, 

arte Chronicle 1877, bec. Staffordshire Chronicle, 
Stage Directory, 1880, inc. Stage, 1881. 

Stalybridge Herald, 1887, bec. Stalybridge and Ashton 
Herald, 1888, bec. Stalybridge Herald. 

Stamford and Rutland Guardian, 1878, inc. Stamford 
and Rutland News, 1916. . 

Stamford Mercury, 1713, bec. Lincoln, Rutland, and 
Stamford Mercury, 1784. 

Stanningley and District Weekly Advertiser Dec. 4. 
1884, bec. Pudsey Advertiser and Stanningley and 
Farsley Times, June 19, 1885. 

Star (Glasgow), Jan. 12, 1870, inc. Glasgow, Evening 
News, 1875, bec. Glasgow News, 1905, bec Evening 
N ews, 1916. 

R z the East, bec. Evening Star and Daily Herald, 
1 ; 

Statesman, énc. Globe. 

Stirling and Bridge of Allan Reporter, 1905, bec. 
Reporter (Stirling), 1911. 

Stockport Echo, 1883, bec. Cheshire Daily Echo, 1890. 

Stockton and Hartlepool Mercury, 1855, inc. South 
Durham and Cleveland Mercury, 1860, inc. South 
Durham and Auckland Chronicle, 1907. 

Stockton Examiner, Feb. 16, 1878, inc, Stockton and 
oe. Herald and Teeside Weekly Herald, 1880. 

Stockton Guardian, inc. South Durham and Cleveland 
Mercury, 1869, inc. South Durham and Auckland 
Chronicle, 1907. 

Stockton Journal, 1880, inc. South Durham Herald, 
Nov. 1884. 

Stone and Eccleshall Advertiser, &c., 1889, inc. 
Staffordshire Chronicle, 1911. 

Stourbridge, PITY Hill, and County Express, 
1885, bec. County Express, 1890. 

Stourbridge Observer, 1864, inc. Stourbridge, Brierley 
Hill, and County Express, 1888. 

Stratford Express, 1858, bec. Borough of West Ham 
and Stratford Express, 1887. 

Stratford Times, 1854, enc. Stratford Express. 

Student’s Journal, 1873, bec. Hospital Gazette, 1885. 

Sudbury and West Suffolk Advertiser, 1886, bec. 
Sudbury Post and Advertiser, 1907. 

A > ew DN PLC ESE! a fete 0 He bee ON ea E SEN gua hahae 

Suffolk Chronicle, 1810, inc. Suffolk Chronicle and 
Mercury, 1899. 

Suffolk Herald, snc. Bury and Norwich Post, 1850. 

Suffolk Mercury, June 2, 1854, bec. Suffolk Times and 
Mercury, 1876. 

Suffolk Times and Mercury, 1854, inc. Suffolk Chronicle 
and Mercury, 1899. 

Sun (Mill Hill), 1839, bec. Mill Hill Magazine, 1873 

oey Closing Reporter, 1874, inc. Sunday Guardian 

Sunday Pictures, 1911, înc. Christian Age, 1912. 

sunday School Journal, 1872, bec. Teacher and Preacher, 

Sunday School Worker and Bible Students’ Helper 
1885, txc. Christian Worker, 1912. 

Sunday Special, 1897, inc. Sunday Times and Sunday 
Special, 1904. 

Sugday Strand, 1899, inc. Woman at Home, 1910. 

Sunday Telegraph, 1896, bec. The Week, 1907, inc. 
on and Sports Special, 1911, now Sports Special. 

Sunday Times, 1822, inc. Sunday Times and Sunday 
Special, 1904. 

Sunderland News, 1851, inc. South Durham and Cleve- 
Iand Mercury, 1855, înc. South Durham and Auck- 
land Chronicle 1907. 

Surrey County Observer inc. Clapham Observer. 

Surrey Mercury, tnc. Kentish Mercury. 

Surrey News, 1844, inc. Surrey Advertiser, 1894. 

ery Coast Mercury, 1867, bec. Worthing Mercury, 

Sussex Chronicle, tac. Hampshire Telegraph, 1803. 

Sussex County Mail and Hove and Portslade Sun, 
1912, tnc. Hove Gazette, 1915. 

Sutton-in-Ashfield and Kirkby Stephen Independent. 
1906, înc. Mansfield Chronicle, 1907. 

aon Coldfield Mercury, 1892, inc. Lichfield Mercury, 

Swansea and Glamorgan Herald, 1847, inc. Swansea 
and Glamorgan Herald and Herald of Wales, 1894. 

Swansea and Glamorgan Herald and Herald of Wales. 
1894, bec. Swansea Herald of Wales and Mid- 
Glamorgan Herald, 1915, bec. Herald of Wales, 1916. 

Swansea Daily Shipping Register, 1877, bec. Swansea 
Gazette, 1888. - . 

Swansea Gazette, 1877, bec. Daily Shipping Register, 
1900, bec. Swansea Daily Shipping Register, 1904. 

Sydenham and Forest Hill News, 1908, nc. Penge, 
Anerley, and Norwood News, 1909. 

Tadcaster Post 1861, bec. Tadcaster News, 1878. 

Tatler, 1888, bec. The Pelican, 1889. 

Teacher and Preacher, 1908, bec. Primitive Methodist 
Sunday School Magazine, 1913. 

Teachers’ Assistant, 1872, bec. Sunday School Journal, 
1895, bec. Teacher and Preacher, 1908. 

eee Journal, 1872, hec. Electrical Review, 

Temperance Pioneer, 1903, bec. Pioneer, 1912. 

Temperance Quarterly, 1908, bec. National Tem- 
perance Quarterly. 

Temperance Record, 1870, bec. Temperance Quarterly, 

_ 1908, bec. National Temperance Quarterly. 

Tenby Telephone, 1879, bec. Pembrokeshire Times, 
Dec. 10, 1885. 

Territorial Cadet Magazine and Journal, 1912, inc. 
Imperial Cadet Magazine, 1913, 

Tidings, 1870, bec. Evening Tidings, 1886, bec, Cornish 
Evening Tidings, 1908. 

Tin and Copper World, 1912, inc. Rialto, 1914. 

Tipperary Nationalist, 1886, bec. Nationalist and 
Munster Advertiser, 1891. 

Tiverton News, inc. Devon and Somerset Weekly News. 

To-day, 1893, snc. London Opinion, 1905. 

Tonbridge and Sevenoaks Standard, 1889, inc. South 
Eastern Gazette, 1912. 

Tonbridge Free Press, 1869, bec. Tonbridge Free 
Press, Edenbridge, Hildenborough, Southborough, 
and Hadlow Chronicle, 1890. 

Tongues of Fire, 1891 inc, Spiritual Life, 1916. 

ee Sol-Fa Reporter, 1853, bec. Musical Herald, 

Tooting and Balham Times, bec. Clapham Observer. 

Torchbearer, 1901, înc. Homes of the East, 1915. 

Torquay and Tor Directory, 1839, bec. Torquay 
Directory and South Devon Journal, 1852. 

Torrington Gazette and Weekly; News, 1908, inc. 
Western) Express. 

AT .....4£ -2 . . 1? Si 7 = 



Titular Changes] 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

[& Amalgamations. 

Tottenham and Edmonton Advertiser, 1880, tc. | 
Tottenham and Edmonton Weekly Herald, 1883. | 
Tower Hamlets Independent, 1865, bec. East London 
Advertiser, 1885. 
T. P’s Weekly. 1902, bec. Today and T. P’s Weekly, 

Trade Protection Journal, 1903, bec. Commercial 
Review, 1912. 

Trarsactions of the Kilkenny Archaeological Society, 
1849, bec. Journal of the Royal Historical and 
Archaeological Association of Ireland, 1870. ; 

Transactions of the Royal Institute of British Archi- 
tecis, 1835, inc. Journal of the Royal Institute of 
British Architects, 1893. 

Transactions of the Sanitary Institute, 1880, bec. 
youn of the Royal Sanitary Institute of Great 

ritain, 1894. 

Transit, 1904, inc. Hull Trade and Transit, 1912. 

Transport, 1892, bec. Transpost and Railroad Gazette, 
1904, bec. Railway Gazette, 1905. j 

Transport and Railroad Gazette, 1904, bec. Railway 
Gazette, 1905. 

Traveller, snc. The Globe, Jan. 1, 1823. 

Tricyclist, 1882, tne. Bicycling News, Oct. 9, 1885. 

Tring Advertiser and West Herts Times, inc. Tring 
Gazeite and Advertiser. 

Tring Gazette and Advertiser, 1899, inc. Herts Adver- 
tiser, 1901. 

Tring and Berkhampstead Gazette, inc. Tring Gazette 
and Advertiser. 

Tring Telegraph, 1875, inc. West Herts Observer, 1901, 
bec. West Herts and Watford Observer, 1903. 

Trowbridge and North Wilts Advertiser, 1853, inc. 
Wiltshire Times and Trowbridge Advertiser, May 
1, 1880. 

True Briton, inc. The Globe. 

Tunbridge Wells Courier, 1872, inc. Tunbridge Wells 
Gazctte, 1903. 

Tunbridge Wells Standard, etc., 1866, inc. South 
Eastern Gazette, 1912. 

Turtcn and Entwistle Gazette, 1906, înc. Darwen 
Gazette, 1911. 

Tyrcgraphical Societies’ Monthly Circular, 1865, bec: 
Typegraphical Circular, 1877. 

Ulster Insurance Gazette, 1879, bec. Insurance Gasette 
cf Ircland, 1879. 

Uncencminationalist, 1911, inc. Bible Witness, 1916. 

Union Magazine, 1909, bec. Marine Caterer, 1911. 

vn, Otserver, 1895, bec Civil Service Observer, 

Unitarian Herald, 1861, inc. Christian Life and Uni- 
tarian Herald, 1889. 

United Service Journal, 1829, bec. Colburn’s United 
Service Magazine, 1842. 

Universa] Engineer, 1878, inc. The Ironmonger 1889. 
Universal Register of Shipping, 1886, inc. Lloyd’s 
Register of British and Forelen Shipping, 1890. 
Universal Standard Catalogue of Postage Stamps of 
the World, 1899, bec. Standard Catalogue of Postage 

Stamps, 1910. , 

University College School, Magazine, 1851, bec. Gower, 
hS 5. 7 

University of Birmingham Engineering and “inng ! 
Journal, 1902, bec. Birmingham Engineering an 
Mining Journal, 1910. 

University of Birmingham Magazine, 1883, bece 
Mermaid, 1904. 

Uttoxeter New Era, 1855, inc. Uttoxeter Advertiser 
and Ashbourne Times, 1882. 

Uxbridge Marvel, 1868, inc. Hants and Berks Gazette 
and Middlesex and Surrey Journal, 1878. 

Vanguard, 1885, bec. White Cross, 1894. EE 

Variety Life, 1911, bec. Illustrated Bits, 1912. 

vegetarian Messenger, 1851, bec. Dietetic Reformer, 

T Gazette, 1855, bec. Isle of Wight Mercury, 

Vim, 1902, inc. Health and Vim, 1907. 

Vinton’s Fanciers’ Gazette, 1887, bec. Fanciers’ 
Gazette, 1888. 

ae Gazette, 1887, bec. Vinion’s Fanciers’ Gazeite 

| 1887. 

Visitors’ List (Worthing), 1861, inc. Sussex Coast 
Mercury, 1869, inc. Worthing Mercury, 1905. 

Volunteer Service Gazette and Imperial Yeom 
ret apa 1859, bec. Territorial. Service Gazette, 

Wakefield and West Riding Examiner, 1849, sne. 
Wakefteld Journal, Jan. 24, 1852. 

Wakefield and West Riding Herald, 1801, inc. Wake- 
field Express and Barnsley, Normanton, Horbury 
and Dewsbury Advertiser, 1913. 

Wakefield Journal, 1801, inc. Wakefield and West 
Riding Herald, 1870, tnc. Wakefield Express and 
BarnsJey, Horbury and Dewsbury Advertiser, 1913. 

Wallingford Chronicle, inc. Abingdon Herald, 1870. 

Walsall Advertiser, 1857, inc. Walsall Pioneer, 1916. 

Walsall Free Press, 1856, inc. Walsall Observer and 

- South Staffordshire Chronicle, 1903. ; 

Waltham Abbey and Cheshunt Weekly Telegraph 
May, 1863, bec. Weekly Telegraph Apr. 24, 1885. 

Walthamstow Chronicle, 1870; înc. Walthamstow and 
Leyton Guardian. 

Walton Times, 1884, inc. North Liverpool Times, 
1903, bec. Walton and North Liverpool Times, 1907 

Wanstead Times, 1876, bec. Wanstead Express and 
Independent 1883. 

Warder (Belfast), 1907, bec. Irish Weekly Mail and 
Warder, 1909. 

Warwick and Leamington Times, 1861, bec. Warwick, 
‘Leamington, and Warwickshire Times. 

Watford Observer, 1863, inc. West Herts and Wat- 
ford’ Observer, 1903. 7 

Watford Post, 1895, bec. Watford and West Herty 
Post, 1886. ; 

Weald of Kent News, 1881, bec. Kent and Sussex 

- Post, 1886. 

W ednesbury Advertiser, 1875, inc. Midland Adver- 
tiser, 1916, ; 
Wednesbury and West Bromwich Advertiser, inc, 

Midland Advertiser. . 

Wednesbury Borough News, inc. Dudley Herald. 

Week, 1907, inc. Week and Sports Special, 1911. 

Wat and Sports Special, 1911, sc. Sports Special, 

Weekly Citizen. 1892, bec. Saturday Weekly Cits: 
1896, bec. Weekly Citizen, 1906, gic Evens Citizen 
Glasgow), 1912. : 

vee Citizen, 1906, inc. Evening Citizen (Glasgow), 

Weekly Courant, Nov. 27, 1710, snc. Cressw 
Nottingham Journal. f i a 

Weekly Free Press, inc. The Herald (Aberdeen), 1876. 

Weekly Freeman and Irish Agrculturalist, 1817, bec. 
Weekly Freeman and National Press, 1893, ' 

Weekly Herald, 1888, bec. Catholic Herald, 

ve Herald, 1901, bec. Ashton-under-Lyne Herald ; 

Weekly Mercury, 1879, bec. Western Weekl Mercury 
1888 Jj i 

Weekly News, 1886, bec. Finsbury Weekly News, 

Weekly News, 1899, bec. Sheffield Weekly News, 1907. 
Weekly News and Visitors’ Chronicle, 1894, š 
Colwyn Bay Weekly News, 1899. bec. Colwyn Bay 
and North Wales Weekly News, 1905. 
Weekly Official Intelligence, 1882, bec. Stock Ex- 
change Weekly Official Intelligence, 1899. 
Weekly Record, Glasgow, 1899, bec Glasgow Weekly 
ete hen , bec. epee Sone. Record, 1903. 
eekly Reporter, 1852, snc. Solicitors’ Journal 
Oa eporter, 1907. s ang 
eekly eporter, 1878, bec. Leighton Buzza 
Reporter, 1884. . 
Weekly Tale Teller, 1909, inc. Yes or No, 1916, 
Weekly Times, 1847, inc. Reynolds’ News aper, 1913. 
Weekly Worcester Journal, bec. Worcester Journal. 
Well-doer, 1907, ivc. Straight Talk, 1915. 
Wellingborough and Kettering News, 1861, bec. 
Gitano Pa aoe 
ellingboroug ost, 1 inc Northam hire 
and ‘oth Tra 1913. r erie 
Wellingborough News, 1882, bec. Welling. 
Kettering News, 1885. f EPET OMRIN ane 
Wellington Standard, 1886, inc. Wellin ourn 
ie somal ts News, 1891. ston J al 
Wellington Times, 1860, inc. Corner's ington 
witch News. i , = ? Wellin 
esleyan „Juvenile Offering, 1844, bec. At 
Abroad, 1877. i eme a 
Wesleyan Methodist Church Record, 1891, bec. Church 
a eantaern , ; 
esleyan Methodist Magazine, 1778, bec. Magazin 
the Wesleyan Methodist Church, 1914. pon 

410] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

aaa CP | 

Titular Changes] 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

[& Amalgamations. 

West African Mail, 1903, bec. African Mail, 1907. 

West Cork People, 1905, inc. Cork Weekly News and 
Cork County Pe rple, 1908. 

West Cumberland Guardian, 1831, inc. Whitehaven 
Free Press and Farmers’ Chronicle, 1880. 

West Ham Herald, 1888, bec. South Essex Mail, 1899, 
bec. Borough of West Ham and South Essex Mal, 
1908, bec. West Ham and South Essex Mail, 1912. 

West Herts Observer, 1900, bec. West Herts and 
Watford Observer, 1903. 

West Kent Courier, 1879, bec. Lewisham and Black- 
heath Courter, 1881. 

West Kent Gazette, 1879, bec. Kentish Maŭ, 1882. * 

West Kent Times, inc. Kentish Mail and Greenwich 
and Deptford Observer, inc. Kentish Independent and 
Mail, 1910. 

West London Advertiser, 1867, bec. Fulham Chronicle, 


West Middlesex Advertiser and Chelsea News, 1856, 
inc. West London Press, 1913. 

West Middlesex Herald, 1855, inc. Middlesex County 
Times and West Middlesex Herald, 1909. | 

West Middlesex Standard, 1889, inc. West Middlesex 
Herald, 1896, inc. Middlesex County Times and 
West Middlesex Herald, 1909. 

West Monmouth Guardian, 1896, bec. Monmouth 
Guardian. , 

West Surrey Times, 1855, bec. Surrey Times, 1891. 

West Sussex County Chronicle, 1877, inc. Portsmouth 
Times, 1880. 

Western Argus, 1865, inc. Ayrshire Argus, 1872. 

Western Counties Herald, Dec. 19, 1874, inc. Western 
Daily Mercury, July 3, 1875. 

Western Farmer, 1889, inc. Somerset County Herald, 

Western Flying Post, 1744, tnc. Western Gazette 
June 21, 1867. 
woe Weekly News, 1861, bec. Ill. Western Weekly, 
Westminster and Chelsea News, 1881, bec. West 
London Press and Chelsea News, 1885. 
Westmorland Advertiser, 1811, bec. Kendal Mercury 
and Times, May 17, 1834, bec. Westmorland Mercury 
and Times, 1913. 
Westonian, June, 1843, bec. Weston Mercury, June 

855. R 

Wharfedale and Airedale Standard and West Riding 
Advertiser, 1897, snc. Wharfedale and Airedale 
Observer, 1902. 

Wheel Life, 1884, inc. Bicycling News, Oct. 9, 1885. 

Whitehaven Guardian, 1875, bec. West Cumberland 
Guardian, 1878. 

Whitehaven Herald, Aug. 30, 1831, bec. West Cumber- 
land Guardian. 

Wi Courier, inc. Wigan Examiner. 

“Wildfowler’s” Illustrated Shooting Times, 1882, bec. 
Illustrated Shooting Times, 1884. 

Willesden and Kilburn Herald, 1885, bec. Willesden 
Chronicle and Herald, 1890. , 

Willesden Herald, 1884, bec. Willesden and Kilburn 
Herald, 1885. 

Wilmslow and Alderley Chronicle, 1887, bec. Alderley 
and Wilmslow Advertiser, 1910. 

Wilton Times 1891, inc. Salisbury Times 1907. 
Wilts Independent, 1836, inc. Wiltshire Times and 
Trowbridge Advertiser, May 1, 1880. : 
Wiltshire County Mirror and Express, 1833, tec. 
Wiltshire News, 1911. f 

1867, bec. British 

Wiltshire Protestant Beacon, 
Protestant, 1884. f , 
Wimborne Guardian, 1883, inc Western Chronicle, 

Maaa Observer, 1877, bec. Hampshire Observer, 

Windsor and Eton Journal, isc. Bucks Herald. 

Wisbech Times and Isle of Ely Gazette, 1910, inc. 
Wisbech Standard, 1911. 

Wishaw Advertiser 1869, bec. Wishaw Press and 
Advertiser, 1875. ; 

Witney Express, 1861, inc. Witney Gazette, 1888. 

WitneyTelegraph, inc. OxfordshireWeekly News,1859. 

Woburn and Woburn Sands Chronicle, tnc. Fenny 
Stratford Times, 1881. 

Wokingham and Bracknell Gazette, 1902, bec. East 
Berks Gazette, 1906, bec. Berkshire Gazette. 

Wollaston and Bozeat Echo, 1897, inc. Rushden 
Echo, 1901. 

ne ee ee 

Wolverton Express, 1901, bec. Bucks Weekly News 
and Wolverton Express, 1914 bec. Wolverton 
Express and Bucks Weekly News, 1°16. 

Woman Teachers’ World, 1911, bec. Teachers’ World, 

Woodford Observer, 1878, bec. Woodford Express 
and Independent, 1883, 

Wood Pulp Maker, 1895, hec. Paper and Pulp, 1901, 
inc. Paper Making, 1906. 

Woods and Forests, 1883, inc. Garden, 1885. 

Woodworker and Art Metal Worker, 1901 , bec. Wood- 
eat 1908, bec. Woodworker and Art Craftsman, 
1 ; 

Woolmer’s Exeter and Plymouth Gazette, bec. Exeter 
and Plymouth Gazette, Jan. 6, 1865. 

Woolwich Gazette, 1862, bec. Borough of Woolwich 
Gazette, 1905, bec. Woolwich Gazette, 1909. 

Woolwich Observer, 1879, inc. Woolwich Gazette, 
1885, bec. Borough of Woolwich Gazette, 1908, bec. 
Woolwich Gazette, 1909. 

Worcester Journal, bec. Berrow’s Worcester Journal, 
Oct. 11, 1753. 

Worcester Post, 1722, bec. Weekly Worcester Journal. 

Wore tee Postman, July 1, 1709, bec. Worcester Post, 

Word and the Worker, 1856, bec. Church and the 
Sailor, 1912. 

Workington Observer, 1887, inc. Whitehaven Adver- 
tiser, 1888. 

World’s Comic, 1892, inc. Funny Cuts, 1908. 

Worship and Work, inc. Regionas Beyond. — 
Worthing Intelligence, 1856, inc. Worthing Observer 

Wotton-under-Edge Times, 1904, inc. Stroud News 
and Gloucester County Advertiser, 1905. 

Wrexham and Denbigh Weekly Advertiser, March 

11, 1854, bec. Wrexham and Denbighshire Weekly 

Wrexham and Denbighshire Advertiser, Aug. 29, 
1857, bec. Wrexham Advertiser. 

Wrexham and Denbighshire Weekly Advertiser, bec 
tei and Denbighshire Advertiser, Aug. 29, 

ea Guardian, 1869, bec. North Wales Guardian, 

_ Wrexham Registrar, 1848, bec. Wrexham and Denbigh 

Weekly Advertiser, March 11, 1854. 

Yarmouth Advertiser and Gazette, 1868, inc. Yar- 
mouth Mercury, 1901. 

Yarmouth Gazette and Gorleston Weekly News, 
1858, bec. Yarmouth Advertiser and Gazette, 1896, 
snc. Yarmouth Mercury, 1901. 

Year Book of Photography and Amateurs’ Guide, 
Pete tnc. British Journal Photographic Almanac, 

Year Book of the Church of Scotland, 1886, bec 
Book of the Church of Scotland, 1888. 

Year Book of the Friendly Societies’ Registry Office, 
1886, bec. Guide Book of the Friendly Societies’ 
Registry Office. 

Yeovil and Somerset Times, 1851, inc. Western Flyin: 
Post, 1851. 

York Courant, Aug. 1725, inc. York Herald, 1848. 
York Herald, 1790, bec. Yorkshire Herald, 1890. 

Yorkshire Advertiser, 1866, inc. Yorkshire Telegraph, 
July, 1871 

Yorkshire Telegraph, 1869, inc. York Herald, 1874. 
Yorkshireman, Mar. 1834, inc. York Herald, May, 1859. 
Young Man, 1887, inc. Young Man and Woman, 1915, 

Xonog Woman, 1892, inc. Young Man and Woman, 

Young Templar, 1873, bec. Juvenile Templar, 1877. 

Young Women’s Christian Associat-on Journal, 1887 
bec. Go Forward, 1891, bec. Our Outlook, 1909. 

Y P. (Young People), 1906, bec. Warrior, 1911. 

Advertisements received for all Provincial Magazines. 



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Willing’s Press Guide. 


London Addresses of Colonial & Foreign Newspapers, 
&ce., &c. 

Adelaide Advertiser—160 Fleet St., E.C. 

Adelaide Evening Journal—10 Salisbury Square, E.C. 

Adelaide Observer—10 Salisbury Square, E.C. 

Age (Melbourne)—160 Fleet St., E.C. 

Agricultural News (Barbados)—-37 Soho Sq., W. 

American Journal of Veterinary Medicine (Chicago) — 
8, Henrietta St. W.C. 

American Machinist (New York)—6 Bouverie St., E.C. 

Argus (Melbourne) —10 Salisbury Square, E.C. 

Arts (Paris)—25 Bedford St., W.C. 

Auckland Star—134 Fleet St., E.C. 

Auckland Weekly News—85 Fleet St., E.C. 

Australasian Engineering and Machinery (Melbourne) 
—71 Queen St., E.C. 

Australasian Hardware and Machinery (Melbourne)— 
71 Queen St., E.C. , 

Australian Journal of Dentistry (Melbourne)—8 
Henrietta St., W.C. 

Australian Mining Standard (Melbourne) —26 Budge 

Row, E.C. 

Australasian (Melbourne)—10 Salisbury Square E.C. 

Automobile (Petrograd)—36-8 Southampton St., 
Strand, W.C. 

Baltimore American—16 Regent St., S.W. 

Bangkok Times—3 Whitefriars St., E.C. 

_ Bengalee (Calcutta)}—3 Whitefriars St., E.C. 

Bloemfontein Post—82-5 Fleet St., E.C. 

Bookseller & Stationer (Toronto)—88 Fleet St., E.C. 
Boston American—69 Fleet St., E.C. 
Boston Transcr ipt—16 Regent St, S.W. 

British South Africa Co.’s Government Gazette— 

82-5 Fleet St., E.C. 

British Whig (Kingston)—17 Cockspur St., S.W. 
Brooklyn Eagle—16 Regent St., S.W. 

Buenos Aires Herald—173 Fleet St., E.C. 

Buffalo gr IO Regent St., S.W. 

Building (Sydney)—3 Whitefriars St., E.C. 
Bulawayo Chronicle-—82-5 Fleet St., E.C. 

Calcutta Exchange Gazette—3 Whitefriars St., E.C. 
Calgary Albertan—17 Cockspur St., S.W. 

Calgary Herald—29 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

can n Countryman (Toronto)—17 Cockspur St., 

Canadian Finance—119 Fleet St., E.C. 

Canadian Foundryman (Toronto)—88 Fleet St., E.C. 

Canadian Grocer (Toronto)—88 Fleet St., E.C. 

Canadian Machinery (Toronto)—88 Fleet St., E.C. 

Canadian Magazine (Toronto)—16 Regent St., S.W. 

Canadian Motor Cycle (Toronto)—36-8 Southampton 
St., Strand, W.C. - 

eee Times (Christchurch), N.Z.)—134 Fleet 
St., E.C. 

Cape Argus—82-3 Fleet St., E.C. 

Cape Times—14 St. Mary Axe, E.C. 

Capital (Calcutta)—54 Parliament St., S.W. 

Ceylon Times—See Times of Ceylon. 

Chemist and Druggist of Australasia (Melbourne)— 
71 Queen St., E.C. 

Chicago American—69 Fleet St., E.C. 

Chicago Examiner—69 Fleet St., E.C. 

Chicago Mining World—121 Cannon St., E.C. 

Chicago Tribune—6 Henrietta St., W.C., and 16 
Regent St., S.W. 

Chinese Daily Press (Hongkong)—131 Fleet St., E.C. 

Christchurch Star—134 Fleet St., E.C. 

Christian Science Monitor (Boston)—Amberley House, 
Norfolk St., Strand, W.C. (An international, non- 
sectarian Daily Newspaper. Advt.) 

Cincinnati Enquirer—16 Regent St., S.W. 

S gat Military Gazette (Lahore)—14-16 Cockspur 

t., S.W. 
Cleveland Plain Dealer—16 Regent St., S.W. 
Coachbuilder (Melbourne)—1 Mitre Court, E.C. 


A Jarani A aa aaa Aaaa daa alk dLa Da wala naa 


Comerciante and. South American Markets (Buenos 
Aires).—31 Christopher St., E.C. 
ene Mexicano (Mexico)—31 Christopher St., 

Daily Mail (Paris)\—Carmelite House, E.C. 

Daily Telegraph (Sydney)—160 Fleet St., E.C. 

Darjeeling Visitor—3 Whitefriars St., E.C. 

Decorator and Painter (Sydney)—1 Mitre Court, E.C. 

Detroit Free Press—6 Henrietta St., W.C., and 16 
Regent St., S.W. 

Diamond Fields Advertiser (Kimberley)—14 St. Mary 
Axe, Leadenhall St., E.C. 

Directory and Chronicle for China, &c. (Hongkong)— 
131 Fleet St., E.C. 

ae of Australasia (Melbourne)—71 Queen St., 

Dry Goods Review (Toronto)—88 Fleet St., E.C. 

East African Standard (Mombosa)—35 Queen Vic- 
toria St., E.C. 

East London Dispatch—82-5 Fleet St, E.C. 

Eastern Province Herald, 82-5 Fleet St. E.C. 

Edmonton Journal—29 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

Education (Boston}—W. Dawson & Sons, Cannon 
House, Bream’s Buildings, E.C. 

Egyptian Gazette (Alexandria)—Egypt House, 36 New 

road St, E.C. (Advt. p. 412.) 

Electric Railway Journal (New York)—Hastings . 

House, Norfolk St., Strand, W.C. 
Electrical World (New York)—Hastings House, 
Norfolk St., Strand, W.C 
Empress (Calcutta)—2 Creed Lane, E.C. 
Emu (Melbourne)—326 High Holborn, W.C. 
Engineering and Mining Journal (New York)—6 
Bouverie St., E.C. 
Engineering Record (New York)—Hastings House, 
Norfolk St., Strand, W.C. 
Englishman (Calcutta)—199 Temple Chambers, E.C. 
Evening News (Christchurch)—85 Fleet St., E.C. 
Evening Post (Wellington)—85 Fleet St., E.C. 
Express and Telegraph (Adelaide)—160 Fleet St., E C. 

Farmers’ Advocate (Bloemfontein)— 82-5 Fleet St., E.C. - 

Farmers’ Advocate (London Ontario)—29 Ludgate. 
Hill, E.C. 

Farmers’ Advocate (Winnipeg) —29 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

Family Herald and Weekly Star (Montreal)—17 
Cockspur St., S.W. 

Farmers’ Magazine (Toronto)—88 Fleet St., E.C. 

Farmers’ Weekly (Bloemfontein) —82-5, Fleet St. E.C, 

Figaro, Le Soa Sah Shaftesbury Avenue, W. 

Film Fun (New York—Rolls House, Bream’s Build- 
ings, E.C. 

Financial Post of*Canada (Toronto)—88 Fleet St., E.C. 

Forum (New York)—36 St. Martin’s Court, W.C, 

Friend (Bloemfontein) 82-5, Fleet St. E.C. 

Friend of India (Calcutta)—23-8 Fleet St., E.C. 

Fruit World of Australia (Melbourne)—1 Mitre Court 

Gold Coast Leader—121 Cannon St., E.C. 

Gold Field News (Barberton)—82-5 Fleet St., E.C. 

Halifax Evening Mail—17 Cockspur St., S.W. 

Halifax Herald—17 Cockspur St., S.W. 

Halifax Weekly Mail—17 Cockspur St., S.W. 

Hamilton Herald—17 Cockspur St., S.W. 

Hardware and Metal (Toronto)—8S8 Fleet St., E.C. 

Hong Kong Daily Press—131 Fleet St., E.C. 

Illustrated Star (Johannesburg) —82-5 Fleet St., E.C, 

Indian Agriculturist (Calcutta)—23-8 Fleet St., E.C. 

Indian and Eastern Engineer (Calcutta)—50 Fen- 
church St., E.C. 

Indian Daily News (Calcutta)—119 Temple Chambers, 
Temple Avenue, E.C. ke 

rel Daily Telegraph (Lucknow)—3. Whitefriars St., 

T nasman ala Pawan 

Colonial, &c.] 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Indian Journal of Medical Research (Calcutta)—2 
Creed Lane, E.C. 

oe Medical Gazette (Calcutta)—2 Creed Lane, 

Indian Medical Record (Calcutta)—8, Henrietta St. 

Indian Patriot (Madras)—3 Whitefriars St., E.C. 

poan eae Gazette (Calcutta)—3 Whitefriars 
t., E.C. 

Indian Review (Madras)—121 Cannon St., E.C. 

Industries and Power,—54 New Oxford St., W.C. 

Mo ne. Nurseryman, &c. (Melbourne)—1 Mitre 


Journal d’ Agric ulture Tropicale (Paris)—Cannon House, 
Bream’s Buildings, E.C. 

Jcurna], Le—190 Fleet St., E.C. 

Journal of Abnormal Psychology (Boston)—8, Hen- 
rietta St., W.C. 

Journa? of the Military Service Institution of the 
United States (New York)-—Gilkert Wood Press, 
Norfolk House, Victoria Embankment, W.C. 

Journal of the United Service Institution of India 
(Simla)—Gilkert Wood Press, Norfolk House, 
Victoria Embankment, W.C. 

Journal of the United Service Institution of New 
South Wales (Sydney)—Gilbert Wood Press, 
Norfolk House, Victoria Embankment, W.C. 

Judge (New York)—Rolls House, Bream’s Buildings, 

karakas Cannon St., E.C. 

Kliksdorp Recoid—8&2-5 "Fleet St., E.C. 

Ladies’ Hcme Jcurnal (Philadelphia)—Rolls House, 
Bream’s Buildings W.C. 

Lady’s Pictorial (Cape Town)—82-5 Fleet St., E.C. 

Laryngcscore (St. Louis)}—8 Henrietta St., W.C. 

Latest (Durkan)— 82-5 Fleet St., E.C. 

Leader (Melbourne)—160 Fleet St., E.C. 

Leslie’s Weekly (New York)—Rolls House, Bream’s 
Buildings, E.C. 

Ene d (New ¥cik)—Rolls House, Bream’s Buildings, 

Loncon Advertiser—17 Cockspur St. SW. 
Lcndon-Ontario Advertiser—17 Cockspur St., S.W. 
Los Angeles Examiner—69 Fleet St, E.C. 
Louisville Ccurier—16 Regent St., S.W. 

Lourenco Marques Guardian—82- 5 Fleet St., E.C. 
ee Times (Christchurch, N.Z.)—134 Fleet St., 

Machinery (New York)— Rolls House, Bream's Build- 
ings, E.C. 

Machinery and Manufacturing News (Toronto)—88 
Fleet St., E.C. 

Naclean’s Magazine (Toronto)—8&8 Fleet St., E.C. 

Mail and Empire (Toronto)—29 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 
(lbe gıeat Conservative Daily. Acknowledged to 
have teen the most potent fcrce in the defeat of 
recifrccity and the return of the present Govern- 
ment. Largest morning circulation. Advt.) 

Marine Enginecring (Toronto)—&8 Fleet St., E.C. 

Matin, Le—1€0 Queen Victoria St., E.C. 

Medical Journal of Australia—8 Henrietta St., W.C. 

Men’s Wear Review (Toronto)—&8 Fleet St., E.C. 

Metallurgical and Chemical Engineering (New York) 
— Hastings Hcuse, Norfolk St., Strand, W.C. 

Methcdist Churchman—&2-5 Ficet St., E.C. 

Minneapolis Trikune—16 Regent St., S.W. 

Mode Illustre (Paris)—25 Bedford St., W.C. 

Mcncton Times—17 Cockspur St., SW. 

Montreal Daily Mail—16 Regent St, S.W. 

Mcntreal Gazette—Kingsway Hcucse, Kingsw ay, W.C. 

Mcntreal Herald—17 Ccckspur St., 

Mcntseal Fresse—19 Sicilhan Avenue, Southampton 
Kew, W.C. 

Mcntical Standard—17 Cockspur St., S.W. 

Mcntreal Star—17-19 Ccckspur St., S.W. 

Mcrgen Jcurnal (New York)—€9 Fleet St., E.C. 

Mcrnirg Leacer (Regina)—29 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

Mciniug Fest (Delbi)—3 Whitefriars St., E. 

Mctcr in Australia (Sydney)—36-8 Southampton St., 
Stiand, W.C. 

Metcr Magazine of Canada (Toronto)—36-8 South- 
au.pton St., Strand, W.C 

Mctcring in South Africa (Cape Town)— 36-8 South- 
ampton St., Strand, W.C. 

Munsey’s Magazine (New York)—125 Fleet St., E.C. 

Natal Advertiser (Durban)—82-5 Flect St., E.C. 

Natal Mercury (Durban)—82-5 Fleet St., É.C. 

Natal Witness (Fieteimarntzburg)— 82-5 Fleet St., E.C. 

New Orleans Times—6 Henrietta St., W.C. 

New York American—69 Fleet St., E.C. 

New York Evening Post—16 Regent St., S.W. 

New York Herald—130 Fleet St., E.C. 

New York Journal—69 Fleet St., E.C. 

New York Sun—Effingham House, Arundel St., 
Strand, W.C., and 16 Regent St., S.W. 

ne York T elegraph—9 Elm Walk, Gidea Park, 


New York Tribune—43 Aldwych, W.C. 

New Zealand Dental Surgeon ‘(Dunedin)}—8 Hen- 
rietta St., W.C. 

New Zealand Farmer (Auckland)—134 Fleet St., E.C. 

New Zealand Herald (Auckland)—85 Fleet St., E.C. 

New Zealand Medical Journal Dunedin)—®d ' Hen- 
rietta St., W.C. 

New Zealand Motor and Cycle (Auckland)—36-8 
Southampton St., Strand, W C 

New Zealand Times (Wellington) —134 Fleet St., E C. 

North oo Review (New i Bedford 
St., W.C 

Oamaru Mail—134 Fleet St., E.C. 

Otago Daily Times (Dunedin}—-85 Fleet Sta E.C. 

Otago Witness (Duned n)—85 Fleet St., 

Ottawa Free Press—17 Cockspur St., S. W. 

Outlook (New York)—16 Regent St., S.W. 

Parsi (Bombay)—3 Whitefriars St., E.C. 

Patrie (Montrealj—29 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

Penang Gazette (Malaya)—9 Rie St., E.C. 

Petit Parisien—176 Fleet St., E.C. 

Pekin and Tientsin Times-- 173-5 Fleet St., E.C. 

Perth Daily News—3 Park Villas, Long Lane, Church 
End, Finchley, N.W. 

Philadelphia Inquirer—16 Regent St., on: 

Pictorial (Durban)—82-5 Fleet St., 

Pieneer Saar kona ei -16 Cockspur Px, S.W. 
(Advt. p. 412.). 

Pioneer Mail (Allahabad)—14-16 ax a St., S.W. 

Pittsburg Dis onan Regent St., 

Plumber and Steamfitter (T ie Feet St., E.C. 

Potchefstroom Herald—82-5 Fleet St., E.C. 

Power House of Canada (Toronto) 88 1 Fleet St., E.C. 

Press (Christchurch)—85 Fleet TE 

Prince Rupert Weekly News—1 Cöckspur St., S.W. 

Printer and Publisher (Toronto)—88 Fleet St., E.C. 

gornsona Representative—82-5 Fleet St., E.C. 
ailway Age-Gazette (New York)— Queen Anne’s 
Chambers, S.W. 

Railway and Locomotive Engineering New York)— 
3 Amen Corner, E.C. 

Railway Gazette ’(Calcutta)—3 Amen Corner, E.C. 

Paay Magazine (Cape Town)—3 Amen Corner, 

RAAT Master Mechanic (Chicago)—3 Amen Corner, 

Railway Times (Tokio)—3 Amen Corner, E.C. 

Rangoon Times—3 Whitefriars St., E.C. . 

Razon (Buenos Avres)—9 Fleet St., E.C. 

Pene Prairie Farm and Home—29 Ludgate Hill, 

Ba ista Economica (Tegueigalpa)—121 Cannon St., 

Rhodesia Advertiser (Umtali)—82-5 Fleet St., E.C. 
ing e R Journal (Salisbury}—82/5 Fleet 

Rhodesia Herald (Salisbury)—82-5 Fleet St., E.C. 
DoE Mining Review (Bulawayo)—82- 5 Fleet 
t., EC. . 
Saturday Evening Post (Philadelphia)— Rolls House, 
Bream’s Buildings E.C. 
St. John’s Evening ‘Limes—17 Cockspur St., 
St. John’s Telegrapbh—29 Ludgate Hill EC. 
St. Louis Republic—16 Kegent St., S.W. 
San Francisco Chronicle—6 Henrietta St., W.C. 
San Francisco Examiner—69 Fleet Sr., E.C. 
Sierra Leone Weekly News (I‘reetown)—3 White- 
friars St., E.C. 
Sind Gazette (Karachi)—3 Whitefriars St., E.C. 
Sind Obseıver-(Karachi)—80,Fenchurch St., 'E. C. 
S fo Architect (Johannesburg)—82-5 Fleet 
South eee Commerce (Cape Town)—82-5 Fleet 


South African Farmers’ Advocate (Bloemfontein)— 
82-5 Fleet St., E.C. 

414) James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, dondon. 

[London Addresses. 

= oom . = p 


Colonial, &c.] 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

[London Addresses. 

South African Lady’s Pictorial and Home Journal 
(Cape Town)—82-5 Fleet St, E.C. 

South African Master Builders’ Journal (Johannes- 
burg)—82-5 Fleet St., E.C. 

South African Medical Record (Cape Town)—8 
Henrietta St., W.C. 

South African Mining Journal (Jfohannesburg)—82-5 
Fleet St, E.C. 

South African Nursing Record (East London) 8 Hen- 
rietta St., E.C. 

ay African Review (Cape Town)—82/5 Fleet St., 

South Australian Chronicle (Adelaide)—160 Fleet 
South Australian Register (Adelaide) —80 Fleet St, 

South of India Observer—$ Whitefriars St., E.C. 
Soun aad Daily News (Invercargill)—134 Fleet St., 

Southlander (Invercargill)—134 Fleet St., E.C. 

Sporting and Dramatic Review (Auckland)—36-8 
Southampton St., Strand, W.C. 

Sporting Star (Johannnesburg)—82-5 Fleet St., E.C. 

ee and Cinema (Johannesburg)—82-5 Fleet St., 

Star (Johannesburg)—82-5 Fleet St., E.C. 
Star and Herald (Panama)—121 Cannon St., E.C. 
Statesman (Calcutta)—23-8 Fleet St., E.C. 
(Advt. p. 412). 
Sudan Herald (Khartoum)—121 Cannon St., EC. 


Sydney Mail—58 Flect Street , E.C. 

Sydney Morning Herald—58 Fleet Street E.C. 

Times of Ceylon (Colombo)—27 Mincing Lane, E.C. 

Times of India (Bombay and Calcutta)—99 Shoe 
Lane, E.C. 

Toronto Canadian Engineer—17 Cockspur St., S.W. 

Toronto Daily News—29 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

Toronto Globe—17 Cockspur St., S.W. . 

Toronto Rod and Gun—17 Cockspur St., S.W. 

ve Chronicle (Johannesburg)—145 Fleet St., 

Vancouver News-Advertiser—17 Cockspur St., S.W. 
Vancouver World—29 Ludgate Hill, E.C. , 
er (New York)—Rolls House, Bream’s Buildings, 

Vrend des Volks (Bloemfontein) —82-5 Fleet St., E.C. 

Washington Evening Star—16 Regent St., S.W. 

Week End Argus (Cape Town)—82-5 Fleet St., E.C. 

Winnipeg Farmers’ Advocate—-29 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

Winnipeg Farmers’ Weekly Telegram—14 St. Mary 
Axe, E.C. 

Winnipeg Free Press—29 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

Winnipeg Telegram, 14 St. Mary Axe, E.C. 

Winnipeg Tribune—17 Cockspur St., S.W. 

World To-day (Chicago) —W. Dawson & Sons, Rolls 
House, Bream’s Buildings, E.C. 

World’s News (Sydney)—160 Fleet St., E.C. 

Year Book of Australia—15 St. Bride St., E.C. 

Yokohama Japan Advertiser—3 Whitefriars St., E.C. 



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Advertisements received for all the Provincial Newspapers. . [415 

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The following are the Rates for 
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Press Guide. 

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per inch - - - - 5 0 
Quarter Page - - - 20 0 
-© Half Page, or One Column 37 6 
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55 (next Matter) 105 | 


er a et 
416) James Willing, Tid, Advertising Agents,\125, Strand London. 

x Ý 

Willing’s Press Guide. 





&c., &c. 

The Time of Publication is denoted as under :—Twice a week (2); Three times a week 9; ; Weekly (w); 

tly (f); Monthly (m); Quarterly (q). 


Aberdeen. De Nieuwe Tyd (w). 

Adelaide. py ar 

. Ons Land (3). 
ec a (w). 

Cath ee 
Caboto Magazine ga Railway A oo. (m). 

Church Chronicle Service 

Church Monthly. South Aai Ironmon- 

Commerce (m). ger (m). 

Education News South African Medical 

ernment Gazette (2). | Record (m). 

ewish Advocate (w). uth African Mining 
erkbode (w). Journal (w). 

Lady’s Pictorial ag S. A. Trade Journal and 

Medical Record Shipping Gazette (m). 

Methodist Churchman (w). Times (d & 

w . 
Motoring in South Africa Week-End Argus (w). 

East London. Darti “South, 


et Diamond Field Advertiser (d & w). 
r (w). 
King Wiftilam’s Tewn. Cape Mercury. Imvo (Native) 

K Avatar (w). 

Pert Elizabeth. " Advertiser (2). Herald. Telegraph 

Prie North-West Press (w). ; 
resentative i 

West. Messenger 
Vrhure. Northern News p Het Noorden (w). 
rê. Karroo Nieuws (w). 

Pert Louis. Commercial and Planters’ Gazette. 

Dundee. Courier. 
Durban. Latest (w). Natal Advertiser. Natal Mer- 
auy (d). Pictorial (w). Presbyterian Magazine 

Gazette (w). 
ith. Casello (w). 
Advertiser w). 

All others are published D 

Pietermaritzburg. Natal Afrikander (2). Natal Wit- 
ness Times of Natal. Farmer (w). 
Phoenix. Ilunga Lase Natal (w). 

Bethlehem. Express (w). 
Bleemfontein. Friend. Post (w). Farmers’ Advo- 
cate (m). Farmers’ Weekly. Vriend des Volks (2), 
asst A Guardian (w). 
Chronicle (w). 
poten. Herald (w). 
reonstad, Times (2). 
rand. Courant (w). 

Bulawayo. A A (d & w). i 
ene Mail Sa 
imes (w 
Sallsbu ( 

Britia South African 
Co.’s Government 

Gazette (w). 
Umtali, Advertiser. 

Jamestown. St. Helena Guardian (w), 

Barberton. Gold Fields News (2). 
Boksburgh. Express (w)? 
Ermelo. Hoogevelder (w). 
Heidelbe News (w). 
Johannesburg— . 

Evening Chronicle. 
Illustrated Star (w). 
Journal of at Cane 
&c., Socy. o A. (m). 
Lady’s Pictonal (m). 
Rand Mail (d & 

Herald (d & w). 
Rhodesian Agricul- 
tural Journal (q). 

South African Jewish 
Chronicle (w). 

South African Master 
Builders’ Journal 

Term Star (w). 

l w). Stage & Cinema (w). 
South aaan Mining Star. 

Journal (w). Sunday Times (w). 
South African Architect(m). 

Klerksderp. Record. (w). 

Potchetstreom. Poal ees Het Volksblad (w). 

Preteria, Chronicle. Die Brandwag (m). News. Ons 
Vaderland (2). South African Agriculturist - ay 
Times (w). Transvaal Governmen iGazette (w 
Volkstem (2). 

Volksrust. Recorder (w). 

Waterberg. Advertiser (w). 

Zeerust, Marico Chronicle (w). 


Nalrobl and Mombasa. Leader (d & w). Standard 
(d & w). 

Lourenco Marques. Diario de Noticias (w). Guardian Rh 


ZANZIBAR. bal dusa 
Zanzibar. Gazette (w). Bi fore 


Accra. Advocate (w). 

Lagos. Ni Fran Chronicle (w). Record (w). Pioneer 
w). Standard (w). Times (w). 
Sierra-Leone. News (w)> Times (w). 

Government Gazette (w). 

Advertisements received for all the American Newspapers. [417 

Wiiling’s Press Guide. 

y å m ———————— 
Al Ahram. Omonia. 
Bulletin de Législation. Phare d’Alexandrie 
Egyptian Gazette (The (French) 

English Daily News- 
Ettehad Ulmasri (3). 

Messaggiere - Egyziano 


_ Hermés 

Al Abram. 

Bourse Egyptienne. 
aaron j” 
ournal Officiel (2) © 

Port Said. Phare. 

Réforme (French). 
Tachydromos (Greek). 
Telegraphos, i 

Mahroussa (w). 


Le Progres Revue 

Sphinx (w during winter 


Khartoum. Sudan Herald (w). 
Tangier. Al Moghreb-Al-Aksa (w). Cronica (2). 
Eco Mauritano (2). Marco (w). 


a. Advertiser (w). 

` Aligurh.. Institute Gazette (w). 

Allahabad. L 


Civil List. 

(m). Mysore Gazette 
Planters Chronicle (w). 


Advocate of India. 

Akhbar-i Soudagur. 

Bombay Budget (w). 

Briton (w). 


Government Gazette (w) 

Indian Electrical Me- 
chanical and Textile 
News (m). 

Indian Industries and 

Power (m). 


Capital (w). 

Commercial Gazette. _ 



Empress (f). 

English Mail (w). 


Englishman’s Overland 

WwW e 

Englishman’s Saturday 

vening Journal (w). 
Evening Mail (2) 
Exchange Gazette. 
Forester (m). 
Friend of India (w). 
Hitabadi (w) 
‘Hindoo Patriot (w). 
Indian and Eastern En- 

. _ gineer. 
' Indian Daily News. . 
Indian Daily News Over-| Telegraph (w). 

Calicut. West Coast Sp 

land Summary (w). 

Argus (w). 

Dacca. Bengal Times (2). 

eader. Pioneer Mail. 
p.412). Government Gazette (w). 

Amritsar. Punjab Gazette. 
Bangalore. Daily Post. 

Government Gazette. . B 
Bulletin. Economic 
(w). Kasim-ul-Akhbar (2). 

Pioneer (Advt. 
Indian People 



Bihar-Bandhu (m). 
Benares. Bharat-Jivan (w). 

Indian Textile Journal 


arsi (w). 

Sporting Times (w). 

Student’s Friend (m). 

Times of India (d & w). 
Times of 

India, Mail 

edition (w). 

Indian Engineering (w). 
Indian Freemason (m). 
Indian Industries and 
Power (m). 
Indian Journal of Medi- 
cal Research (q). 
Indian Lancet (w). 
Indian Medical Record 
m). - 
Indian Mirror _ 
Indian Nation (w). 
Indian Planters’ Gazette 
and Sporting News (w). 
Indian Public Health & 
Municipal Journal (m). 
Indian Military Record. 
Indian Witness (w). 
Planter (w). 

Ferke Gazette (f). 

tatesman. (Advt. p. 


ectator (2). 
The Malayali (w). 

India Medical Directory. Morning Post of 

India. Nusrat Advertiser (w). Practical Medi- 
cine (m). 
Hyde . Jam-e-Jamshed (w). Journal. 
Karachi. Sind Gazetie. Observer. 
Lahore— . 
Abya Gazette (w). | Mitra Vilasa (w). 
bar-i-M. Observer (2). 
Bulletin. Punjab Record (m). 
Civil and Military | Tribune. 

418] James Willing, Lid 


„A dvertising A gents, 125, Strand, 

[Newspapers, &e, 

Lucknow. Advocate (2). Bulletin. Daily Telegraph. 
Hindustani (w). Punch (w). 

| Madras— 

Catholic Watchman (w). | Journal of Education (m.) 
Christian College Maga- | Law Times. (w). 

zine (m). Law Journal (m). 
Education Journal (m). ail. 
Eastern Guardian (w). Muhammadan (2). 

Eastern Star (w). New India. 
Fort St. George Gazette | Patriot. 


Indian Patriot, 
Indian Review (m). 

War Cry {w). 
Weekly Mail (w). 

Madura. Mail. 
Nagpur. Government Gazetie. News (w). 
Ootacamund. South of India Observer (w). 
Popmily Telegraph. Law. Herald (m) 
aily Telegraph. aw. Herald (m). 
Dnyan Chaksbu (w). Mahratta (w). 
Dnyan Prakash (d & w). | Observer. 

Rawal Pindi. Punjab Times (2). 

Simla. Journal of the United Service Institution of 
India (q). Pioneer Daily Bulletin. Times- 
Advertiser (w). | 

Travancore (Kottagam). Western Star (3). 


Sandakan. Gazette gA Herald (f). 

URMA. - 

Akyab. Arakan News (2). 
Paume, Aa 

British Burma Adver- | Friend of Burma Gazette. 
tiser. Gazette Weekly Budget. 
Commercial Advertiser. | Mercantile Gazette (w). 
Critic (2). Times. 
Colombe. Catholic Messenger (2). Ceylon Govern- 
ment Gazette (w). Ceylon Observer (d & w). 

Ceylon Morning Leader. Independent. Times 
of oe (d & w). Tropical A (m). 
Jaffna. orning Star (w). 

tholié Guardian (w). 
.. CHINA. 
Amoy. Gazette and Shipping Report. 

Canton. Chung Sai Po. Pek Man Po. 

Foochow. Echo (d & w). 


China Mail. Morning Post (d & w). 

China Overland Trade | Overland China Mail (w). 
Report (w). elegraph. 

Chung Ngoi San Po. Wa Tsoze Yat Po, 

Daily Press. 

Shanghal— l 
Celestial Empire (w). North China Daily News. 
China Gazette. North China Herald (w), 
Hu Pao. Shun Pao. 

Mercury, Sinwan Pao. 

National Review, Times. 

New - ° Union. . 

Government Gazette (w) . 

Tientsin. Chih Pao. Peking and Tientsin Times 

(d & w). : 

Teheran. Edeb (w) otis la. (f) N 

e eb (w). Iran ela. ô Rouz (w). 
Tarbyat (w). ` (w) 

Seychelles Government an (w). 

Bangkok. Free Press. Observer. Times. 
Singapori. Free Press. Government Gazette (w), 
traits Budget (we Straits Times. 
Penang Gazette. Echo. s 
Perak. Times of Malay (d & w). Pioneer. Govern- 
ment Gazette (f). 
Selangor, (Kuala Lumpur). Malay Mail (d & w). 
vernment Gaz. (f). Grenier’s Rubber News (f). 


Kobe. Japan Chronicle, Herald. Mail (w). 
Tokio. Advertiser. Iidoshba (The Motor) (m). Japan 
Times. Jiji Shimpo. Mail. Mainichi Shimbun. 
Nichi-Nichi Shimbun. Railway Times (m). 

Boyeki-Shimpo, Japan Advertiser. 
Daily Herald. Japan Magazine (m). 
Daily Mail. imes, 

Gazette. Weekly Mail. 


Goioniai | Willing s Press Guide. Uli iii 

Nyn Observer (w). 
i AUSTRALASIA. Orana. Leader. Western Advocate. 
Parkes. Examiner (2). 
Fiji. Parramatta. Cumberland Argus (w). 
Levuka. - Polynesian Gazette (w). Penrith Nepean Times (w). 
Suva. FijiT Tines (d). Na Matu (m). Royal Gazette | Picton. Post (w).~ 

(ss necessty requires), Western Pacific Herald | Port Macquarie. News (w). 
3). beyan. Age (2). Observer (2). 

Snn. Advocate. (2). 
Apia. Samoanische Zeitung (w). 

ond Terrace. Gloucester Examiner (w). 
Ro rtson. Advocate (2). 
Scone. Advocate ge 

NEW SOUTH WALES. Shoalhaven. News (w). Telegraph (w). 
Adelong. Argus (2). Singleton. Argus (3). Budget (2). 
Albury. Banner cls ening News. Morning Mail. | Sydney— 
Arm Chronic 8 (2). Express (2). ABC Railway Guide (m). , Marrickville Review (w). 
Ballina. Times (2) . | Agriculturist (m). Medical Gazette (m). 
Baimain. Observer (w). Ashfield Advertiser (w). | Mining & Engineering 
Balranald. Riverine Recorder (w). Australian Journal (m Review (m). 
Bathurst. National Advocate. Times. Balmain Observer (w). | Mining Standard (w). 
Bega. Standard (2). Star (2). Brewers’ Journal (m). | Motor in Australia a 
paras Telegraph (w). Bulletin (w). Newtown Chronicle (w 
ayey. Advocate (w). Argus (w). Catholic Press (w). North Shore Times. 
Bonba Herald (w). Times (w). | Chemist & Druggist (w). | Redfern Times (w). 
Bourke. Western Herald (2). Christian World (w). Referee (w). 
Bowral. Press. Churchman (m). Rockdale Citizen (w). 
Braidwood. Pripara (w). Comic Australian (w). | Splashes Weekly (Society, 
Bulli. Bulli Clifton Times (w). ; Commercial News. Music, Drama). 
Burrowa. News (w). Times (w). Decorator & Painter | Sportsman (w). 
Camden. News (w). (m). Stock and Station Jour- 
ra rb Herald (w). Decorator and Plumber nal (2) 
Candele. Record (w). m). storekeeper (m). 
© Chronicle w). Evening News. S 
Casino. Richmond River Express (2). Field (f). S Times w). 
Cobar. Cobar and Louth Herald (2). Leader (3). Freeman’s Journal (w). | Sydney Daily erpi 
Condobolin. Argus (w). Freemasonry (m). Sydney Morning Herald 
Cooma. Express (2). Manaro Mercury (2). Government Gazette(w). Sydney Mail (w). 
Coonabarabran. Watchman (w). Insurance and Banking | Town and Country 
Coonambie. Independent (w). Times (w). Record (m). Journal (w). 
Cootamundra. Herald (2). Liberal (2). Journal of the United | Truth (w). 
Coraki. Herald (2). Service Institution of | War Cry (w). 
Corowa. Free Press (2). India G) Watchman (w). 
Cowra. Free Press (2). Leather Journal (m). Wesleyan Advocate (w). 
Crookwell. Gazette (2). ` Leichhardt Standard (w).| Woman’s Budget (w). 
Deniliquin. Independent (w). Pastoral Times (w). Lone Hand (Magazine | World’s News (w). 
Dubbe. Dispatch (2) Liberal (w). (m). 
Dungog. Chronicle (2). Tamworth. Observer (2). Times (2). 
Fernmount. Courier (w), Taree, Manning River Times (2). 
Forbes. Gazette (w). Times £) Temora. Independent (2), 
Gien Innes. ay i (2). uardian (2). Tenterfield. Star (2). 
Gosford. Times (w). Tumut. Tumut and Adelong Times (2). 
aos aura; Pern ro (3). Gh (3). Uralla. Uralla Tifnes (w). 
rafton. Argus on (3). Examiner. w agga. Advertiser (3). Express (3). 
Grenfell. Observer (w). Record (w). Wakena, Witness (w). ( p ( 
Quigeng. Advertiser (w). Spectator (w). 
Qun » Times (2). ake ie a 
Gunnedah. Advertiser (2). Namoi Independent (2). Vape: FA (w). 
Hay. Riverine Grazier (2). Wellington. Gazette (2). Times (2). 
Hiliston. Spectator (w). Wentworth. Standard (w). 
Inverell. Argus (2). Times (2). Wileannia. Western Grazier (w). 
veriiderie, Herald (w). Windsor. Windsor Gazette (w). 
Kangaros Valley. “Times (a). Wingham. Chronicle (2). 
. : 3). 
emer” eea Aes Bin pean A (w). Mo ibe ea Eain aS 6) 
empsey rgus (w) aclea onicle (w : icle (2), R 2). 
Lismore. Chroni e (2). Northern Star. (Yeung. Chronicle 14). Wituesa (2) 
Lithgow. Mercury (3). 
Liverpool. Herald Gn). NEW ZEALAND. 
Maclean. Clarence River Advocate (w). Akaroa. Mail (2). 
eco rete (d i - Arrowtown. Lake County Press. 
EN Ashburton. Guardian, Mail (3). 
miteeear Aale (2). Express (2) Auckland— 
elpe pr ` Auckland Directory. New Zealand Motor (m 
prea i a Bible Standard (m). | Observer (w). ia 
Moras Gw Fi; Aine (w). Church Gazette (m). Saturday Night (w). 
M E ami 2). EW Cycle Journal (w). Shailand’s Trade Journal 
Sraya. PA Illustrated Tit-Bits (w). m). 
Moss Vale. Record (3). pone (2). Magnet (w). Stage (w). 
Morena ci (2). ( t (2). New Zealand ABC (m). | Star. 
Murrurundl. Ti ma ). me New Zealand Farmer, | Weekly News (w). 
Murwillumbah. Tig egi Herald (w). Bee and Poultry | Sporting and Dramatic 
x ere Journal (m). Review (w). 
Muswellbrook. Chronicle (w). New Zealand Herald. 
ening ar a Balclutha, Clutha Leader (2). Free Press (2). 
Newcastle. Morning Herald, Blenheim. Marlborough Daily Express. 
Nowra. Colonist (w). Carterton. Daily News. Wairarapa Observer. 

Advertisements received for all the Fashion Journals. [419 

— — 

a Willing’s Press Guide. (Newspapers, &c. 
So’onial) ___________Willing’s Press Guide. = (Newspapers, &c. 

New Zeaiand—continued, 

Canterbury Times (w). | Press. i 
Evening News. Prohibitionist (f). 
Lyttelton Times. Railway Review (w). 
Mercantile Gazette (w). | Spectator (w). 
New Zealand Baptist | Star. 

ew Zealand Church 
News (m). 
Poultry-keeper (m). 
Clyde. Dunstan Times (w). ‘ 
Collingwood. Golden Bay Argus (w), 
Coromandel. News (3). ` o 
Cromweil. Argus (w). 

Wat Cry (w) 
ar Cry (w). 
Weekly Press (w). 

Budget (m). 

Evening Star. 

Farmers’ Gazette, 
Guardian (m). 

Journal of Education 

New Zeaiand Medical 
Journal (m). 

New Zealand Tablet (w). 

Otago Daily Times. 

Otago Witness iy 

m). Otago Workman (w). 
New Zealand Dental | Outlook, 
Journal (m). Schoolmaster, 
Fielding. Star. 

Foxton. Manawater Herald (3). 

Geraldine. Guardian (3). Mail (3). 

Gisborne. Gisborne Times. Poverty Bay Herald. 

Gore. Mataura Ensign. Southern Standard (2). 

Greymouth. Evening Star. Grey River Argus, 

Greytown. Mai Standard (3). 

Hamilton. Argus. aikato Times, 

Hawera. Egmont Star (w). Star. 

Hokitika. Guardian Leader (w). West Coast Times. 

Invercargill. Southern Cress (w): Southland Daily 
News Southland Daily Times, Southlander 
(w). Weekly Times (w). 

Kaikoura. Star (2). N 

Kawakawa. Luminary (w). 

Kumara. Times. 

Lawrence, ior aged Times (2), 

Levin. Chronicle. 

Manala. Waimate Witness (3). 

Marton. Advocate. 

Masterton. Wairarapa Times, 

Milton. Bruce Herald. (2). 

Mosgiel. Taieri Advocate (3). 

Napier. Daily Telegraph. Hawkes ay Herald. 

Naseby. Mount Ida Chronicle (w). 

Nelson. Colonist. Evening Mail, 

New Plymouth. Budget (w). Taranaki Herald. 
Taranaki News. 

Oamaru. Mail. Times. 

Opotiki. Herald (2). Guardian (2). 

Paeroa. Gazette. 

Pahiatua. Herald, 

Palmerston. Palmerston and Waikouaiti Times. 

Pomena North. Manawatu Standard, Manawatu 
im : 


Patea. County Press (3), 
Petone. Chronicle (3). 
Picten. Marlborough Press (3). 
Queenstown. Lake Wakatipu Mail (w). 

roe, ea Standard (2). 
Reefton. Inangahua Herald (3). Inangahua Times. 
Riverton. Western Star (2). 
Roxburgh. Mount Benger Mail (w). 
Southbridge. Guardian (2). 
Tapanui. Courier (w). 
Tau a. Bay of Plenty Times. 
Te Aroha. Mail (3). News (3). 
Temuka. Leader (3). 
Thames. Evening Star. 
Timaru. Herald. Post. ; 
Wa mate. Advertiser (3). Times (3), 
Waipawa. Mail (3). 
Wairoa. Guardian 3). 
Wanganul. Chronicle, 

Evening Herald, Weekly 

Welii : 
Church Chronicle (m). Evening Post. 
Commonweal] (w). Free Lance (w). 
Dairyman (m) Government Gazette. 
Dominion (w). Medical Journal (m). 

420] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agénts, 125, Strand, London. 

New Zealand Trade Truth” (w). 
Review (m). Weekly Herald (w). 

Westport. Buller Miner (w). Times. Westport News. 
Whangarail. Northern Advocate (d & w). 
Woodville. Examiner (3). 
Wyndham. Farmer (3). Herald (2). 


Allora. Guardian (2). 

Barealding. Western Champion (w). 
“ee a Logan Leader (w). 
Blackall. Barco Independent (w). 
Bowen. Port Denison Times (2). 

Age (w). Herald (w). 
Australian (w). Law Journal (w). 
Australian Pastoralists’ | Mercantile Gazette (w). 

Gazette (m). Moreton Mail (w). 

Church Chronicle (m). Ae grr a w). 

Country Life, orts (w). 
Couries, Telegra h. 
Daily Mail. Truth (w) 
Evening Observer . eek { 

Bundaberg. Mail. News (3). 
Cairns. Argus (w).. Post. 
Chariesviile. Times (w). 

Charters’ Towers. Evening Telegraph. Northern 

Laidley. Herald (w). 

Mackay. Mercury. Standard. Sugar Journal (m). 

Maryborough. Chronicle. Colonist (w). Wide Bay 
and Burnett News. 

Mount Morgan. Chronicle (w). Herald (w). 

Normanton. Chronicle (w). 

Ravenswood, Mining Journal (w). 

Bulletin. Critic (w). 
Capricornian (w) Record. 

Church Gazette (m). 
Roma. Maranoa Advertiser (3), Western Star (2). 
St. George’s. Standard (w). 
Southport. Bulletin (w), 
Stanthorpe. Border Post (w), 
Tambourine. Advocate (w). 
Thargomindah. Herald (w). 
Thursday Island. The Torres Straits Pilot (w). 
Toowoomba. Chronicle. Darlin Downs Gazette, 
Townsville. Bulletin. Evening Star. North Queens- 
` land Register (w). 
Warwick. Argus (3). Examiner (3). 
Winton Herald (w). \ 


Adelaide Observer (w). . Garden Field (m). 
Advertiser, Government Gazette (w), 
Bible Christian Monthly. | Herald. 
Christian Common- uet Standard (w). 
wealth (w). iz (w). 
Christian World (w). egister. 
Chronicle (w). Southern Baptist (w). 
Critic (w). Sporting Life (w), 
Evening Express and emper ance News (m). 
ý Telegraph. Eh cy 
veni ournal. ar ud 5 ; 
Free Lance Wool & uce Review, 

Ciare. Northern Argus (w). 

— ~ - -—— rm 

—— eee 

-= & 

Colonial) | 

’ South Austraiia—continued. 

Gawler. Bunyip (w). 

Gladstone, Areas Express (w). 

Jamestown. Agriculturist and Review (w). 

Kadina. Kadina and Wallaroo Times (2). 

Kapunda. : Herald (w). 

Laura. Standard (w). 

Moonta. York's Peninsular Advertiser (w). 

Mount Barker, Courier (w). 

mean a EOT Border Watch (2). South Eastern 

Marraceerte. Herald (2). 

Orroroo. Enterprise (w). 

Fe e a TEE I, p 
t w). 

Port Picts. Advertiser (w). Recorder. 

Strathalbyn. Southern Argus. (w). 

Burnie. Advocate. 
riba North West Post. 

Daily Post. Government Gazette (w). 

Mercury. People’s Friend (m). 

Church News, Tasmanian Mail. 

Clipper (2). Walch’s Literary Intelli- 

Critic. (w). gencer (m). ; 

Launceston. Church Messenger (m). Courier (w). Daily 
d clegrepm Examiner. Monitor (w). 

ard (w). 
Ararat. Advertiser (3), Chronicle (2). 
Aveca. Free Press (2). Mail (2). 
Bacchus Marsh. Express (w) 
Bairnsdale. i 

Advertiser (2). Every Week (w). 
Times (w). 
Ballarat. Courier. Star. Echo. 

Beaufort. Advocate (w). 

Beechworth. Ovens and Murray Advertiser (tri- 
i hae and weekly). Register (2). 

Benalla. North-Eastern Ensign (w). Standard (2). 
} Independent. Advertiser. 

Br Observer (w). 

oe (2). 
Mount Alexander Mail. 

Advertiser (w). Journal (w). 
Advocate (3). Herald (3). 
Banner (w). 

Donald, Mail (2). Times. (2). 

Drouin. Express (w). Independent (w). 
Dunolly. Express (2). 
Echuca. Advertiser (3). Riverine Herald. 
Edenhope. Kowreeshire Advertiser (w). 
Elmore. Standard (w). 

` Euroa. Advertiser (w). (Gazette (w). 

Advertiser. Stock and Station Jour- 
News of the Week (w). nal (w). 
Advertiser Times, 

Hamilton. Spectator. - 

Harrew. Ensign (w). 
Healesville. Chardin (w). 
Heathcote. McIvor Times (w). 
Horsham. Times (2). Wimmera Star (2). 
Ingieweed. Advertiser (2). 
Sanon: P okra bala í 
angaree Gro erver (w). 
Kerang. Observer (2). Times es . 
Kilmore. Advertiser (w). Free 
Koroit. Sentinel (w). 
Kerrumburra. Advocate (w), Times (2). 
Kyabram. Free Press (w). 
Kyneton., Guardian (3), Observer (3). 

M i 
Leongatha. Great al Star (2), Sun (w). 


Advertisements received for all the Societies’ Journals. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Express (2). 

Maftra. Spectator (2). 


-(Newspapers, &c. 

Maryborough. Advertiser (3). Standard (3). 


ABC Rail and Road 

Guide (m). 

Advocate (w). 
Age (d). 
Age nnua? (annually). 
Alliance Record (f). 
Austral Light (m). 
Australasian (w). 
Australasian Keystone 

Australian Brewers’ 

Maker (m). 
Australian Engineeering 
& Machinery (m). 
Australian inancia] 
Gazette and Insur- 
ance Chronicle (m). 
Australian Ironmonger 

Australian Journal (m). 
Australian Journal of 
Dentistry (m). 
Australian Journal of 

Pharmacy (m). 
Australian ather 
Journal, . 
Australian Medical 
Journal (m). 
Australian Mining Stan- 
dard (w). 
Australian School- 
master (m 
Australian Shipping 
Australian Sunday 
School Teacher (m) 
Australian Tobacco 

` Australian Typographi- 
- _ cal Journal (m). 
Bradshaw’s Guide (m). 
Brighton Southern 
Cross (w). 
Brunswick Medium (w). 
Brunswick Reformer 

Caulfield Times (w). 
Christian World (w). 
Church of England 

Messenger (m). ~. 
Coachbuilder (m). 
Coburg Leader (w). 
Coburg Advertiser (w). 
ae Observer 



Emu (m). | 
Essendon Gazette (w). 
Every Saturday (w). 
Farmer and Grazier (m). 
Financial Gazette (m). 
Fitzroy City Press (w). 
eee Spectator 


a Advertiser 

w s 

Mildura. Cultivator (2). 
Minyip. Guardian (w). 
ir-boo North. Times (w). 
Moc. Advocate (w). 


Mortlake. Dapaih (2) 

Murchison. A 

vertiser (w). 

Footscray Independent 
Friendly Societies’ Re. 
view s 
orld of Australia 

Garden Gazette (m). 
Government Gazette (2). 
Harbinger of Light (m). 
Hawthorn and Kew Ex. 
press (w). 
Hawthorn Citizen (w). 
Imperial Review (q). 
International Nursery- 
man, Seedsman and 
Florist (m). 
Herald. (f.) 
ournal of Commerce (f). 
Journal of Horticulture 

Journal of the Royal 
ce Society 
Kew Mercury (w). 
Law Times (f). 
Leader (w). 
Leather journal (m). 
Life (m). 
Malvern Argus (w). 
Malvern News (w). 
Nee ee (w) 
ewport Times (w). 
Northcote Leader (w). 
Pastoralists Review (m). 
Plumbing & Lighting (m).* 
Port Melbourne Standard 


Record (a) 

Review of Reviews (m). 
Richmond Australian Me 
Richmond Guardian (w). 
Saddler and Harness 
Maker (m). 
Scot at Home (m). 
Sons of Temperance (m). 
Southern Cross (w). 

| Spectator (w). 

Sporting and Dramatic 
News (w). 
Table Talk (w). 

‘Traveller (m). 

Truth (w). 

Vanity Fair. 

Victorian Churchman (f) 
Victorian Dairyman. 
Victorian Independent 


Victorian Railway Magae 

ea Racing Calendar 
mj. ` 

reopna. Goulburn Valley Yeoman (w). 


BS O ç O 
Willing’s Press Guide. 


Port Fairy. Gazette i 

Colonial | 

Murtea. Standard (w). 

Matha amble., ‘Times (w). 
alla. ie DO (w). 
NA Te Press 
Numurka. Standard (w). 

AN Observer (2). 
weenseliffe. Sentinel (w). 

R panyaş. S 
Rushwe ° kronici Hii 
Rutherglen. nal 2). un (2). 

Sale. Gippsland RA land Ti (2). 
and Mer S imes 
Seymour. "Express (w). £ ligar ippa 
Shepparton dvertiser crap (z): 

Stawell. ort Pleasant mer: jae (3). Times (3). 

ne oe (2). 

T ah. E d er J d 7 a 
ungaman. xpress ndependent (w 
‘Violet Town. res (n). 

Walhalla. Chronicle ay 
Wangaratta. atch 2). 
Warracknabeal, Herald (2). 
Warragul. Gazette (w). 
Warrnambool. Standard. 

Chronicle (2). 
uardian (2). 

Wycheproof. Ensign (w). A 

ard (2). 
Chronicle (w). 

arrawonga. Merc w). 
Yea, Chronicle (w). ary (w) 


Albany. Advertiser (2). 
Boulder . Star. 

Bunbury. Herald (3). Times (3). 
Ceolgardie. Miner (w). 

Freemantie. Herald (w). 

Geraldton. Express v- i (w). 
estern Argus (w 
Matora Chronicle (w). 


Calgary, Albertan (d & w). 
Edmonten Bulletin (d & = 

Lethbridge. Herald 
Medicine Hat. Ne Times. 

Journal (d & w), 


Ashcroft. Journa (w). 


Cumberiand. Enterprise (a (w). News (w). 

Golden. Star. (w). 

pee n vets (w). Sun (w). 

Kamloops. Inland l Sentinel Standard (w). 

Kasio. Kootenain (w). 

Nanaimo. Free Press. Herald. 

Nelson. News. 

per aaa Gazette | Mg 

Herald (d & w). News- 

[Newspapers, &c. 

Nsw Westminster. Columbian (d & w). 

Revelstoke. Mail (w). 

Rossland. Miner. 

Trail. News (w). 

Vancouver. News-Advertiser (d and w). 

Vernon. News (w). 

Victoria. Colonist (d & w). 
(d & w). 


Sansar (w). Times 


Birtle. Eye Witness (w). 

Boissevain. Recorder (w). 

Brandon. ‘Sun (d & w). 

Carberry. Express (w). 

Carman. Leader (w). Standard (w). 

Cypress River. Western Prairie (w). 
DÀ oraine. Times (w). 

anadian (w). 

Melita. Enterprise (w). Western. Progress (w). 
Minnedosa. Tribune (w). 

Morden. Times (w). 

Mapka. New Re A (w) 

eepawa. Press egister (w). 

Pilot Mound. Sentinel (w). 
Portage Fig Prairie. Graphic. Liberal (w) Review 


Rapid oliy. i evuiies (w). 
Russell. Banner (w). 
St. Boniface. Maniioba (w). 
Selkirk. Record (w). 
Souris. Plaindealer (w). 
Stonewall. Argus (w). 
Virden. Advance (w). 

Country Life (m). 

Farmers’ Advocate (w). 

pd Weekly Tele- 

: Nordwesten (w). 

Nor’ West Farmer (f). 
: Sameiningen (m). 
: Saturday ay Sok 
Laas Ky 

(w). Tribune ( 
Manitoba Free Press a Voice (w). 

& w). Western Home Monthly. 

Gin G Growers Guide 


Campbe liten. Graphic a 
Chatham. Commercial (w). World (3). 

Butler’s Journal (m). Mail. 

Gleaner (d & w). University Monthly. 
Moncton. Times (d & w). Transcript (d & w). 
Newcastle. Leader (w). Union Advocate (w). 
Sackviile. Argosy (m). Post (2). Tribune (w). 

St. Andrews. Beacon (w). 
8t. John— 

Education Review (m). ( Telegraph-Sun. 

Globe (d & w). Telegraph-News (2). 

Standard (d & w). Times-Star, 

St. Stephen’s. Courier (w). 

Shediac. Moniteur Acadian (w). 

Sussex. Maritime Farmer (f). Record (w). 
Woodstock. Dispatch (w). Press (w). Sentinel (w). 

St. John’s. Herald. News. Telegram. 

Twillingate. Sun (w). 

Amherst. News (d & 2). 

. Annapolis. Spectator (w)- 

Antigonish. Casket, (w 
Arichat. Recorder (w). 
Berwick. Registr (w). . 

422) James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 


Neva Scotia—continued. 

Acadian Recorder Herald. 
(d & w). Homestead (2). 
Chronicle. Maritime Merchant (f). 
Echo. Royal Gazette (w). 
Evening Mail. 
Kentville. Advertiser (w). Western Chronicle (w). 

pied de Advance (w). 
N : 

eines at e 

Herald (wh icle (2) nterprise (w). 


Port Hawksbury. Phat (w). 
Shelburne. Gazette (w). 
Stellarton. Record (f). 

ney. Post. Record. 

uro. Colchester Sun (w). News (d & w). 
Westville. Free Lance (w). 
Windsor. Hants Journal (w). Tribune (w). 
Weltville. Acadia Athenæum (m). Acadian (w: 
kiai aia Herald (w). Light (w). Post. Times 


Free Press (w). 
Ailsa Crag. Banner (w). 
Alexandria. News (w). 
Allisten. Herald (w). 
Alimente. Gazette (w). 
Alvinsten. Free Press (w 
Plier berg Echo E i 

Arnprior. Chronicle (w). Watchman (w). 
Arthur. E 

or (w). 


Advance 9. : 
Examiner (w). 

Gazette (w). 
Advance (w). 


ld (w). 
Bellevilie. Intelligencer (d & w). Ontario. 
Bertin. Erig rias Bote (m). Journal (w). News- 
Record ph. 
Blenheim. a). 
Biyth. Standard 
Beycaygoon. Independent (w). 
Enterprise (w). 
Bothwell. Times (w). 
Bowmanville. Canadian Statesman (w). 
Durham News (w). 

alates iy Free Grant Gazette (w). 
Herald (w). ( 

Bradford. Witness (w). 



a Conservator (w). Times (w). 

Courier (d & w). TORS (d & w). 
urgh. Review (w). 

Brighton. Ensign (w). 

B Recorder (d & i Times (aq & ult 

Brussels. Post. (w). 

` Burke’s Falis. Arrow (w). 

Caledonia. Grand River Sachem (w). 

Gampbeliford. Herald (w). 

Cannington. Gleaner (w). 

Carleton Place. Central Canadian (w). Herald (w). 
Cayuga. got (w). 
Ch News (d & w). Planet (d & w). 
News (w). 

(w). New. Era (w). 
Coburg. Post (w). Sentinel-Star (w). World (w). 

Adnertisements receined toy all the American Newsbabers. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

(Newspapers, &c. 

Colborne. Express (w). 
Coldwater. Planet (w). 
woe Bulletin (w). Enterprise (w). Messenger 

esar: Herald (w). 
Cook . Advocate (w). 
Cornwall, Freeholder (w). 

Standard (w). 
Creemore. Star (w). 

Drayton. Advocate (w). 

Dresden. Times (w). 

Dundalk. Herald (w). 

Dundas. Star (w). 

Dunnville. coke (w). 

Durham, Chronicle (w). 
Dutten. Advance (w). 
Eganville. Leader (w). 
Elmira. Signet (w). 
Elmvale. Lance (w). 

Grey Review (w). 

Gazette (w). 

Exeter. Advocate (w). T al (w). 

Fenelon Falis. Gazette (w). 

Fordwich. Record (w) 
Free Press (w). Standard (w). 
Fort William. Herald. Times-Journal. 
phe Reporter (d 8 w). R ' 
ananeque. Journal (w eporter (w 
Georgetown. Herald f v). ) 

Glencoe. Transcript (w). 
Goderich. Huron Signe (w). Star (w). 
Gore . Recorder 
Grand Valley. Star-Vidette (w). 
Orimb.. Tad Banner wh 


A w). 
l pe tee d & m: Mercury (d & o 

” Herald (w). 
gate. Monitor (w). 
a AA Beaver (w). 
Huntvi Forester (w). 
Ingersoll. Chronicle d & w). Oxford Tribune (w) 
Piekna Bll (w). 

Kempiville Advance (w). 
+ oe tees Advance fw ): Review (w). 

British Whig (d & w). 

Canadian Freeman YH 

| artardi (d & w). 

Leamington. News and Post (w ). 
Lindsay. Canadian Post (d & w). 
man-Warden (w). 
Listowel. Banner (w). Standard (w). 
Little Current. Expositor (w). 
Advertiser. Farmer’s eres (w) 
C arholje Record (w). Free Press (d & 

Advocate (w). 

Sun (w 

Sentinel (w). 
Madoc. North Hastings Review (w). 
Markdale. Standard (w). 
Economist and Sun (w). 
Marmora. Herald (w). 
Meaford. Mirror (w). Monitor (w). 
Merrickvilie. Post (w). 
Midiand. Argus (w). 
Mildmay. Gazette 

n Press (w). 
Millbrook. Mirror (n° Reporter \(w); 


Warder. Watch. 


— | 


- Colonial) 


Miiton. Canadian Champion (w). Reformer (w). 
Miiverton. Sun (w). 

Mitcheil. EAA (w). Recorder (w). 
orrisburg. Herald m. Lode (w). 

Bay. Dispatch and Tribune (2). Times (w). 
Norwich. Gazette (w). 

ty Banner (w). Dufferin Post (w). Sun 
Oriila, Canadian a oreman (m). News-Letter (w). 

oe Ontario Reformer (w). Vindicator (w). 
Canada ripest (w). Journ (d & w). 

Citizen (d & w). 
Daneborg N (w). United Canada (w). 
Times (2). 

Owen Sound. nave ues (2). Sun (2). 

Park Hill. Gazette (w). 

Sound. Canadian (w). North Star (w). 
Pembroke. Observer (w). ao (w). 
Penetanguishene. Henid (w). 

Perth. Courier (w). Expositor (w (w) 

Pote *, Examiner (d & w). Review (d & a 
Times (d & w). 

Petrolia. Advertiser (w). Topic (w). 

Pickering. News (w). 

Picton. Gazette ine Times (w). 

rthur. Chronicle. News. 

Port Colboine. Citizen (w). 

Port Dover. aapi Leaf (w). 

Pert Eigin. Times (w). 
Port Hope. Guide (d & Oe „Times (w). 
Port Perry. Observer (w). Star (w). 
Port Rowan. News (w). 
Prescott. Journal (w). Messenger (w). ` 
E ee i 

enrrew. ourna w W, 
Richmond Hill. Liberal (w). 
Ridgetown. Dominion (w). East Kent Plaindealer 

Rip Express (w). 
Redney. Mercury (w). 
St. verine’s. Journal (d & w). Stender (d & w). 
St. Mary’s. Argus (w). Journal 
“Municipal World 

St. Thomas. Journal (d & w). 
(m). Times (d & w). 
Sarnia. Canadian (w). Observer (d & v). Post (w). 
Sault Ste.-Marie. Express (w). Star 
Seaforth. Huron Expositor (w Y: News | (w). 
Shelburne. Economist (w). Free Press (w). 
Simcee. British Canadian (w). Norfolk Reformer (w). 
Smith’s Falis. News (w). Record (w). 
Southampton. Beacon (w ia 
Saing New yo (w) 
ng. News w). 
Stouffville. Tribune (w). 
Stratferd. Beacon (d & w). Herald (d & w). 
tardi e (w). Dispatch (w). 

Sudbury. Journal (w). News (w). 
Sundri Echo (w). 
Tara. der (w). 
Tavisteck. Gazette (w). 
Teeswater. News (w) 
Thamesville. Herald Ya. 
Thessaion. Advocate (w), 
Thornbury. Herald (w). 
Therold. Post (w). 
Hee care” 
nburg. Li w). Observer w 
Tiverten. Watchman dn. (w). 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

(Newspapers, &c. 

Terente— j 
Bookseller & Stationer Canadian Shoe and 
(m). Leather Journal A). 
Builder (m). Canadian Teacher 
Bulletin (m) Catholic Register (w). A 

Canada Lumberman (f). | Christian Guardian (w). 
Canadian Baptist Wi Congregationalist (w). 
Canadian Bookseller Dominion Dental Journal 
Consign Clee a Fy E = J 1 (m). 
ian Cigar an eering Journal (m 
Tobacco Trade Jour- | Freemason (m). 

nal (m). Globe. 

Canadian Countryman | Mail and Empire. 

(n). Machinery and Manufac- 
Canadian Druggist (m). turing News (m). 
Canadian Dry Goods | Marine Engineering (m). 

Review (f). Men’s Wear Review (m). 
Canadian Engineer (m). | Monetary Times (w). 
Canadian Farm (w). Motor M ine of 
Canadian Furniture Canada (m). 

World (m) Motong (m). 

Canadian Grocer (w). New 

Canadian Hardware (w). North-Ender (w). 
Canadian Journal of | Power House of Canada 


Canadian Kennel Gaz- brabyterian (w). 

ette (m). Printer and Publisher (mf. 
cano esas Law Times | Saturday Night (w). 

Sentinel (w). 

Canadian Magazine (m). | Star. 
Canadian Manufacturer | Sun (w). 

(f). Sunday School Banner 
Canadian Motor Cycle m). 

m). rá 
Canadian Pharmaceuti- | Trader ( (m). 
cal Journal (m). Trinity University Re- 
rey Poultry Re- view (m). 
ew (m). Varsity (w). 
Cannitan Practitioner | Westminster (m). 
World (d & w). 

Tottenham. Sentinel (w). 
Trenton. Advocate (w). Courier (w). 
Tweed. News (w). 
Uxbridge. Journal (w). aia Ontario Times (w). 

(w). Bruce Telescope (w). 

Walkerville. nar raki (m ° 
wW w). sews (w). 
Warkwerth. cecal 

Watertord. Star (w). 

Waterice. Sade Advoo eter (w). 
Watford. Guide-Advocate m: 

Welland. Telegraph (w), Tribune (w): 
Weston. Times (w). 

wW Mirror (w). 

Wheatley. Journal (w). 

Whitby. Gazette and Chronicle (w). 
Wiarton. i Echo (w). 

Winchester. (w). 
Windsor. Progres ogres (w). Record (d & w). 
Wingham. Advance (w). Times (w). 
oe a Express (d & w). Sentinel Review (a 
Wyoming. Enterprise (w). 


Examiner., Islander WS 
Herald cs Patriot ( w). j 
Island Guardian, Watchman (w). 
Island pane (w). Prince Edward Island 
Raabe ed Agriculturist (w). 

Impartial (w). 


Arthabaskaville. Union des Cantons de PEst 
Bedferd. News (w). (m. 
Chicoutlml. Propre T ii 

m rogres du w 
Coaticooke. Observer (w), ~ PARI: 
Cookshire. Chronicle (w). 
Fraservilie. Journal (w). St. Laurent (w). 
Granby. Leader-Mail (w). 

424) James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agentsp125,; Strand, London. 

n e me 2 
— uŘ————_— Eana 

2 Colonial] 

Hull. Advance (w). Spectateur (w). 
Huntingdon. Canadian Gleaner (w). 
Jollette. Etoile du Nord (w). 
Lachute. Watchman (w). 
Levis. Hebdomadaire (w). 
Magog. Enterprise (w). 


Montmagny. Courier (w). 
Aurore (w). Pharmaceutical Journal 
Canada (d & w). 
Daily Mail. Presbyterian Record (m). 
Gazette (d & w). Presse (d & w). 
Herald. Prix Courant (w). 
Journal d’ Agriculture | Revue SPOE e (m). 
Ilust Revue de Jurisprudence 
J Garaa. of Agriculture (m). 
Revue Tegal (m). 

Soar H 

Trade Bulletin (w) 
nion Medica du 

Canada (m). 
Witness (d & w). 

J ournal of Commerce 

Medical Journal (m). 
sh eas du Commerce 

Northern Messenger (w). 

Gimstews. Bulletin (w). 

Quebec. Chronicle. Evenement (d & w). Sanan, 
Commerciale (w). Soleil (d & w). ‘elegraph. 

Richmend. News (w). Times-Guardian (w). 
Reck Island. Journal (w). 

St Hyacinthe. Courrier de St. Hyacinthe (2). 
Tribune (w). 

St. Jerome. Avena du Nord (w). 

St. Johns. Canada Francais (w). News (w). 
Shawville. Equity (w). 
Sherbroeke. Progres de TEst (2). 
Serel. Courrier de Sorrel (2). 
Three Rivers. Courier (2). 
Valicyfield. Progres (w). 
Waterlee. Advertiser (w). 

Sorelois (w). 

Journal (w). 


Battieford. Press (w). Saskatchewan Herald, 
Grenfell. Sun (w). 

indian Head. News (w). 

Moose Jaw. News (d & w). Times. 
Moosomia. Spectator (w). World (w). 
Prince Albert. Herald (d & w). 

Qu’Appelie. Progress (w). 

Regina. Farm and Home (w). Leader. Province 
(d & w). 
Whitewood. Herald (w). 
Wolseley. News (w). 
Yorktən. Enterprise (w). 
Dawson. News (d & w). 

White Horse. Star. £ 
CYPRUS.—Lamaka. The Cyprus (w). Nicosia 

Journal of Cyprian Studies (m). 
MALTA.—Malta Government Gazette (2). Herald. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


(Newspapers, &c. 

St John’s. Antigua Sun. 

Nassau. Guardian (2). 


ocate. Agricultural Reporter. 

Globe 3) itso Gazette (2). 


Hamilten. Colonist (4). Royal Gazette (2). 

Roseau. Chronicle (w). Free Press (w). 

St. Geerge’s. Federalist. Government Gazette (f). 

Kingsten. Daily Gleaner. Daily Telegraph. Tri- 

Weekly Gleaner (3). Gleaner Pocket Edition (f) 
Mercantile Intelligence (f). Times. Governmen 

Gazette (w). 
Basse Terre. St. Christopher Gazette (w), 

| ST. LUCIA . 
Castries. Voice of St. Lucia (w). 


Tidende (2). 

Kingstown. Rambler (w). Sentry (w), Times (w) 


Pert of pg oo News (y). 

Gazette. Royal 
. Gaze 


Georgann: A osy (d & w). Daily Chronicle 
ficial Gazette (2). l 


Belize. Clarion (w). Independent (w). Government 
Gazette (w). 

Revista Economica (m). La Gaceta. 

pF eT a received for all the Conttnental Journals. 


Advertisements.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

Bakers’ National Association Review 

This journal, founded and carried on by over 
5,000 of the leading Bakers and Confectioners 
of the United Kingdom, is regarded as the 

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Tel. 7452 City. London Offices: 4, Mitre Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

426] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand,’ London 

ee ee eS 

Willing’s Press Guide. 





When the 
Week ; (w) 

Aberdeen. (South Dakota). American (d & w). Dakota 

a (f). Democrat (w). Freie Presse (w). 
Abilene (Kansas). Chronicle. Reflector. 

Adrian em © Telegram. 

Akron (Ohio). Beacon-Journal. Press. Times. 
Alameda (California). 
Albany (New York)— 


Albuquorque (New Mexico). 
Alexandria (Virgiuia). 
Alexandria gO iaa); 


Press (d & w). 
Telegram (w). 
Herald. Journal. 

Baptist Chronicle (w). 

Town Talk. 
Allentown (Pennsylvania). Call. Chronicle. City 
Item. Leader 

Alliance (Ohio). Leader. Review (d & w). 
A na (Michigan). Echo. News. 

(Illinois). Telegraph. Times 
Ateena (Pennsylvania). Mirror. Times. Tribune. 
Americus (Georgia). Times-Recorder (d & w). 
Amsterdam (New York). Recorder and Democrat. 

Recorder-Democrat (2). Sentinel. 

Anacenda (Montana), Standard (d & w). 
Anderson (Indiana). Bulletin. Herald (d & w). 
Ann Arbor (Michigan). Times-News. 
Annapelis. (Maryland). Capital. 
Anniston (Alabama). Star and Hot Blast, 
Ansonia (Connecticut). Sentinel. 

At tide mae Crescent. Post. 
Arkansas fpa News. Traveler. 

Asbury Park Ne: erse Press. 
Ashland Wisconsin) “News Press. 

Ashtabula (Ohio). 

ssa ti orth Cia) Citizen (d & w). Gazette- 

Asteria (Oregon). Astorian. Budget. 

Anaa (Kansas). Champion Sa & w). Globe 

Athons (Georgia). Banner. Herald. 
Atlanta (Georgia)— 
Christian Index (w). Jornal (d & w). 
Coun (d & w). uthern Fancier (m). 

Southern Ruralist (f). 
Atlant ity (New Jersey). 

Press. Review (d & w). 
Attiebere ™ (Massachusetts). Sun. 
Auburn (New York). Advertiser-Journal. Citizen. 

Augusta (Georgia). Chronicle (d & w). Herald (d & w). 

Augusta ane), A erican Woo (m). mfort 

- Aurora ( inois). Beacon News. 

Aman (Texas). Statesman (d & w). Tribune (d & 

Bakershosd (California). 
Baltimoro (Maryland)— 
American (d & w). eee Protestant (w). 
ee Correspondent abd (d & w). 

(d & w). 
e Record 
wcthodist (w). 

Bangor (Maine). Commercial (d & w). News (d & w) 
Batavia (rew York). News. 

Baton Rougo (Louisiana). States-Times. 
a: E w). Pe Enquirer (d & w). 

Bayonne (New 
Beardstown (i (1Ninois). 

Californian. Echo. 


Advertisements received for all Welsh Newspapers. 

od of Publication is not indicated in the Title, (2) signifies Twice a Week; (3) Three times a 
eekly ; (d & w) Daily and Weekly ; (f) Fortnightly ; (m) Monthly. All others are published daily. 

Beatrice (Nebraska). Express. 

Senaman i (Texas). Enterprise Pi & w). Journal 
Beaver Falis (Pennsylvania). Tribun 

Bellaire (Ohio). Herald-Tribune (d & w). Leader. 

Belleville (Illinois). Advocate. News-Democrat (d & w). 

Bellingham (Washington)— 

American and Reveille 
d & w). 

Beloit (Wisconsin). Free Press. News. 

Belvidere (Illinois). Republican. 

Berkeley (California). Californian. Gazette. 

Bessemer (Alabama). Bessemer Weekly. 

Beverley (Massachusetts). Times. 

Biddeford (Maine). Journal. Record 


Pining | (Montana, Gazette (d & w). Journal. Tri- 
Binghampton oew York). Press and Leader. Repub- 
lican Herald 

Birmingham (Alabama). Age-Herald (d & w). Ledger.. 
News. Progressive Farmer (w). 
Bisbee (Arizona). Review (d & w). 

mare ro aaa Bulletin (d & w). Pantagraph 
m a ae -Capital News (d & w). Statesman 

Boone flows News-Republican (d & w). 
Massachusetts) — 
payee ores 
American (d & 
American Cultivator (w). 
Atlantic Monthly. 
Boot and Shoe Recorder 
(w). Living Age (w). 

Christian Endeavour. Medical Journal (m). 
Christian Science Jour- | Missionary Herald (m). 


Journal of a 
Psyhilogy (m). 

Journal es Education 

nal. News Bureau. 
P a Science Moni-| Pilot (w). 

ost (d & w) 

n E (w). | Republic (w). 
Evening oe Transcript. 

Youth’s P Companion (w). 
Zion’s Herald (w). 
Herald and Traveller. 

Boulder (Colorado). Camera. Herald. 
Bowling Green (Kentucky). Messenger., News 
Democrat (w). Times and Journal. 
Bradford (Pennsylvania). Era. Star-Record. 
Brazil (Indiana). Enterprise (w). News. Times. 
Bridgeport (Connecticut)— 
Farmer (d & w). Standard 
Herald (w). Telegram. 
Post. Sole (w). 
Bridgeton (New Jersey). News. Pioneer 
Breckten (Massachusetts). Enterprise. Times. 
Brooklyn (New York)— 
Citizen (d & w). Nordiske-Tidende ( (w). 
Eagle (d & w). Standard-Union (d & w). 
Freie as (d & w). | Times. 
Life. (w). 
Brownsviile (Texas). Herald (d & w). 
Brunswick (Georgia). Banner. News, 

Buffalo (New York)— 

Aurora (w). Express (d & w). 
Catholic Union (w). „Hl. Sunday Magazine 
Commercial. (w). 

Courier (d & w). 
Demokrat (d & w). 

Times (d & w). 


American) Willing’s Press Guide. (Newspapers, &c. 

Cleveland (Ohio) continued— te 
Gazette (w). Ohio Farmer (a), 
Illustrated Times (w). | Plain Dealer (d & w). 
Iron Trade Review (d | Press. 

: | Sendbote (w). 

T *; Sznbadsbag. 

ews. f 
Clinton (Iowa). Advertiser. Herald. 
Clinton (Massachusetts). Item. ; 
Coatesville (Pennsylvania). Record. Times (w). 
Coffeyville (Kansas), Journal (d & w). Sun. 
Cohoes (New York). Dispatch. Republican. 
Colorado Springs (Colorado). Gazette (d & w). Tele- 


Columbia (Pennsylvania). News. Spy. 7 

— (South Carolina), Record (d & w). State 

Columbus (Georgia). Enquirer Sun. Ledger (d & w). 
Columbus (Indiana). Herald. Republican. Star. 
Columbus (Kansas). Advocate. Modern Light. 
Columbus (Ohio)— 
Catholic Columbian (w). ; Journal (d & w). 
Citizen. Ohio Waisenfreund (w). 
Dispatch (d & w). Reporter. 
Express (d & w). 
Concord (New Hampshire). Monitor. Patriot. 
Connellsville (Pennsylvania.) Courier. News. 
Cortland (New York). emocrat (w). Standard. 
Council Bluffs (Iowa). Nonpareil (d & w). 
Covington (Kentucky). Post. Union Journal (m). 
Crawfordsville (Indiana). Journal (d & w). Review. 
Cripple Creek (Colorado). Times. 
Cumberland (Maryland). News, Times. 

Dallas (Texas)— 
Baptist Standard (w). 
Christian Advocate (w). 

sake ae (Iowa), Gazette. Hawkeye (d & w). Post 

Burlingten (Kansas). Republican (d & w). 
Burlington (Vermont). Free Press (d & w). News. 
Butler (Pennsylvania), Citizen. Eagle. Times. 
Butie City (Montana). Miner (d & w). Post. 

Carson City (Nevada). Appeal. News. 
Vesar Rap (lowa). Gazette, Republican (d & w). 

R ey Spirit 
Cham (Illinois). Gazette é News (d & w). 

Cha (Tennessee). News. Times. 

Chelsea (Massachusetts). Record. 

Cherryvale (Kansas). Journal. Republican (d & w). 
Chester (Pennsylvania), Republican. Times. 
Cheyenne (Wyoming). Leader (d & w). Tribune. 

News (d & w). 
Texas Farm and Ranch 

Chicago (Illinois)\— Dispatch. (w). 
Abend Post. Grocer’s Criterion (w). Journal. ` Times-Herald (d & w). 
Abend Presse. Herald (d & w). Danbury jcounecticu®)- News (d & w). 
Advance (w). Horseman fe Danville (Illinois). Commercial-News. Press. 
American, Hotel World (w). Danville (Pennsylvania). News 

American Artisan (w), | Household Guest (m). 
American Contractor | Illinois Staats-Zeitung 

(w). (d & w). 
American Field (w). Inland Printer (m) 
Arh ournal 

erican Journa) of | J . 

Veterinary Medicine | Liver Stock World. 
(m). Medical Standard (m). 
Arbester Zeitung. National Hotel Reporter. 

Better Farming (m). New World (w). 
Calumet. North-Western Christian 
Canadian American (w).| Advocate (w). 

Danville (Virginia). Bee. Register (d & w). 
Davenport (lowa). Democrat (d & w). Deak 

m e 
Dayton (Ohio 
Weis = 
Herald of Gospel | News. 
Liberty (w). Religious Telescope (w). 
Decatur (Illinois). Herald (d & aD Review (d & w). 

De Kalb (Illinois). Chronicle. ‘ 
penan. (Texas). News and Advertiser. Herald 

Journal (d°& w). 

Cement (m). Orange Judd Farmer (w). Denver (Colorado)— 
Cement Era (m). Post. Express, Post (d & w). 
Cement World (m). | Railway Review (w). Field and Farm (w). | Record-Stockman (d & 

Herald (d & w). w). 
Mining Record (d & w). | Times (d & w). 
News (d & w). Outdoor} Westem Farm Life (m)- 

Domestic Engineering | Reform Advocate (w). 
(w). Saturday Blade (w). 
Dry Goods Reporter (w).| Skandinaven (d & w). 

Duch Casu (w). : Sports Afield (m). : 
Dziennik Narodowy. | Standard tw). Lite (m), 
Eagle (w). Svornost. Des Moines (Iowa)— 
Epworth Herald (w). | Tribune (d & w). Farm Sense (m). Register and Leader (d 
Evening News. Western British Ameri- | Grand Army Advocate |  & w). 
Examiner (d & w). can (w). m). Record. Successful Farm- 
Farmers’ Review (w). | Woman’s World (m). Homestead (w). _ ing. 
Gaseta Polska (w). Iowa Capital, .. _ | Times (w). Tribune, 
Chickasha (Oklahoma). Express. News (d & w). 
Ghice (California). Enterprise. Record. Tribune, Detroit (Michigan)— : 
Chillicethie (Ohio). Gazette. News Advertiser, Abend Post (d & w), Journal. 
Clentueges (Cuba). El Comercio. La Correspondencia. Christian Advocate (w). | Legal News (d & w). 
El Diario Cubano. í Courier (w). Michigan Farmer a 
Cincinnati (Ohio)— Evening News. News-Tribune (w). 
Abend Presse. Journal and Messenger Familien Blaetter (2 Times. 
Ameriean Israelite (w). (w). Free Press (d & w). 
Billboard (w) Lancet-Clinic (w), 

Dixon (Illinois). News. Telegraph (d-& w}. 

Dothan, (A llabama) Eagle. News. 

Douglas (Arizona). Dispatch. International. 

Dover (New Hampshire). Democrat (d & w). 

Dubuque (Iowa). Telegraph-Herald (d & w). Times- 
Journal (d & w). l 

Duluth (Minnesota). Herald. News-Tribune. 

Dunkirk (New York). Observer. 

Durham (North Carolina). Herald. Recorder. Sun. 

East Liverpeoi (Ohio). Review. Tribune. 
East Providence A eode Island). Rhode Islander (w). 
East St. Louis (Illinois), Journal (d & w). Sun. 

Catholic Telegraph (w). | Post. 
Chrisiliche Apologeie (w).| South-West (w). . 
Commercial Tribune, Sunday-School Journal 
Enquirer (d & w). m). 
Freie Presse (d & w). | Times-Star. 
Herald and Presbyte: | Western Christian Advo- 
(w). (Texas). Ent ae (w). 

Cleburne (Texas). Enterprise, eview, 

Cleveland (Ohio)— X 
Catholic Universe (w). ( Church Life m). 
sar eS aac Botschatter gh aaa essenger 

Ww L] wW e 

428] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

American] Willing’s Press Guide. (Newspapers, &c. 

Easten (Pennsylvania). Argus (d & w). Express. | Hartford (Connecticut)— 

Free Press. Catholic Tean (w). | Journal (w). " 
Eau Claire (Wisconsin). Leader (d & w). Tegan; Courant (d & w). ost (d & w) 
El Dorade (Kansas). Republican. Times. Globe (w). Times (d & w). 
Ei Pase (Texas). Herald. Times (d & w). Hastings (Nebraska). Republican. Tribune. 
Etgin (Illinois). Courier. News. , Havana (Cuba). Diaria de la Marina. El Comercio. 
Elkhart (Indiana). Review. Truth. El Mundo. La Discusin. La Lucha. Post. 

Elizabeth (New Jersey). Journal. Tim Havorhill (Massachusetts). Gazette. Record (2). 

Elmira (New York). Advertiser Herald. Star- | Hazleten (Pennsylvania). Plain Speaker, Sentinel. 

Gazette. Telegram (w). ; Standard. 
ewer Oe ae Cal]-Leader. Free Press (w). | Holena (Arkansas). World (d & w 
Helona (Montana). Independent q T w). . Record ce w) 

Eyrin Ohio). Chronicle (d & w). Telegram. Henderson (Kentucky). Gleaner (d & w). Journal(d&w). 
Emporia (Kansas), Gazette. Hoboken (New Jersey). Observer. 
En eweed (Illinois). Times (w). Holiand (Michigan). Sentinel. 
(Oklahoma). Eagle (d & w). Events (w). News. | Holyoke oaae Tel . Transcript. 
Erie (Pennsylvania). Dispatch (d & w). Herald | Homestead (Pennsylvania). essenger. 
(d & w). Tageblatt. Times. Honolulu (Hawaii)— 
igan). Mirror. Press. Bulletin (d & w). Shinpo. 
Eufaula (Alabama). Citizen. Times-News (w). Japanese Chronicle. Star (d & w). 
Eugene (Oregon). Guard. Register (d & w). Pacific Commercial 
Eureka (California). Standard. Times. Advertiser 
Evanston (Illinois). News-Index (w). iInsvilio (Kentuck ). New Era (d & w). 
Evansville (Indiana). Courier S Demokrat He ray (Arkansas on New Era. Sentinel-Record. 
- (d & w). Journal-News (d & w). Ts i nean EE Chronicle (d & w). Post (d & w). 
Fairbanks (Alaska). News. Times (d & w). r TE on 
. Fall si (Massachusetts). Globe. Herald. Inde- paden Die Yeay, Aan i ini (d & w). 
eni ews 
cag Dakota). Courier-News. Forum _ Hun n i ae Oi oe Advertiser. Herald- 
it A papel Journal (d & w). Republican Hutchinson (Kansas). Gazette. N 
F ctevitie (Arkansas). Democrat. News. 
Findley (Ohig). Courier. Republican. be apd aT ae fe Free Press, Reporter. Star. 
burg (Massachusetts). News. Sentinel. "i eea m (Indiana T slegraph. 
à Flint (Michigan). Journal. Leni vo oe we a graph. 
Florence (Alabama). Herald (w)., Times (w). ive Jour m 
Fond du (Wisconsin). Commonwealth. Reporter. News, Upo Da Farming (f). 
Star (d & w). tern Horseman (w). 

Feit Dodge (Lowa). Chronicle: Messenger. fowa City (Iowa). Citizen. Press. Republican. 
ee ee ©). Gem-City ironien (Ohi io). atana (d & w), Register (d & w). 
Fort Scott anaes): Republican. Tribune-Monitor. nce x ichigan) E Ore (w). Record (w). 

Fort „Smith pU kA ati American (d & w). jon seco York). Cornell Sun. Journal. News. 

Fort Wayne (Indiana). Freie Presse. Journal- ichigan). Citizen-Press. Patriot (d & w). 
Gazette (d & w). News. Sentinel. Jackson ( EPEN Clarion-Ledger (d & w). News: 
Fort Worth (Texas). Record (d & w). Star and 
Telegram (d & w). DETE jaksa aano. Sun (d & w). 
Frankfort (Indiana). Crescent. News. Times. Jacksonville (Florida). Sri Times. Union 
Frankfert (Kentucky). State-Journal. (d & w). 
Frederick (Maryland and). News (d & w). Post. Jacksonville (Illinois). Journ 
Freeport (Illinois). Bulletin. Journal-Standard. Jamestewn (New York). Journal d & & Si Post. 
Fresno (California). Herald. Republican. Janesville (Wisconsin). 
Gateten terra A Journal. Times-News. weesen y (ison. *Capital-News. Democrat- 
alena ois). Gazette. 
veston vening ribune. News. Jersey C ew Jersey). Evening Journal. 
comer {(assach achusetts), PAR o le Jamy Ciy ew York). eaan d 
lens Falis (New York z : Johnstown (Pennsylvania ; Democrat Tribune. 
e (New York). - Post-Star, Times, Joliet (Tilinois). Herald (i & w). News (d & w). 
Gloucester (Massachusetts). Times. n( uri). Globe. News-Herald (d & 
Gloversville (New York). Herald. Leader. Sepia (Do K Union (d & 
Grand Fors ers Dakota), etal fees ie) Geo S 
orks (Nor ota era ` 
Grand ria & a Free Press (w). Independ- |- . (d & w (Michigani; Gazette: Telegraph 
Grand Rapids (Michigan). Herald. Michigan Trades- Keun. {tins Cola ee 
Grass Valley (Califeenia). Union. names ity rose bea P 
Great Falis (Montana). Leader (d & w). Tribune Journal Geo.” Seed Ay tid ) 
(d & w os(t d & w). Times. 
Greentield (Massachusetts). Gazette and Courier (w). | Kenesha (Wisconsin). News. 
Greensboro’ (North Carolina). News. Record. Keokuk (Iowa). Constitution-Democrat. Gate City 
Greensburg (Pennsylvania), Tribune. x (d & w). 
Greann Stean a, del (d & w). Kowanee (Illinois). f Call. Star-Courier (d & w). 
arima (C: Se Carolina). ere (d & w). Piedmont. ney Packs LSet Averte Me Anaia 
n (Georgia ews un ; . 

Guthrie (0 ` = w). Kingston OTa o: Express. Freeman (a & w). 
Hackensack (New ey Knoxville (Tennessee). Journal-Tribune. Sentinel. 
Hagorstown (Maryland ) Pee "a & w). Herald . | Kokomo (Indiana). Dispatch. Tribune. 

Hamilton (Ohio). Journal. Republican-News. SF prose. Econs Eurona: Leader: -and 
ae (indiana). News- Dimes, La Salle (Illinois). Post. Tribune. 

Hannibali (Missouri). Courier-Post. Journal. Latayotte (Indiana). Courier. Journal. 

E, aes eos Patriot. Star. Independent | Cake charies (Louisiana). American-Press (d & w). 

Advertisements received for all the French Journals. [429 


Lancaster (Pennsylvania)— 
Examiner. New Era (d & w). 
Intelligencer (d & w) News. 

Lansing (Michigan). Press. States Journal. Topics (w) 

do (Texas). Progress. Times. 

Lawrence (Kansas). Gazette. Journal-World. 

Lawrence (Massachusetts)— 

Anzeiger (w). 

Leadville (Colorado). Herald-Democrat (d & w). 
Leavenworth (Kansas). Post. Times (d & w). 
Lebanon (Pennsylvania). News (d & w). Report. Times. 
Leominster (Massachusetts). Enterprise. 
Leweston (Idaho). Tribune (d & w). 
Lewiston (Maine). Sun. 

Herald. Leade (d & w). 

Lexington (Kentucky). ) 

Lima (Ohio). News (d & w). Republican-Gazette 
d & w). Times-Democrat. : 

Lincoln (Illinois). Courier-Herald (d & w.) Star. 

Lincoln (Nebraska). Journal. News. Star (d & w). 
Star (d & w). 
tchfield.-(Illinois). News-Herald. 


Little Falls (New York). Times. 

Little Rock (Arkansas), Democrat. Gazette (d & w). 

Lockport (New York). Journal. Union-Sun. 

‘Logansport (Indiana). Journal-Tribune Pharos 

Long Beach (California). Press. Telegram. 

Long Island City (New York). Star. 

Lernin (Ohio). News. Times-Herald. : 
Los Angeles (California). Examiner (d & w). Express. 
Herald. Record. Times (d & w). Tribune. 

Louisville (Kentucky)— 
American Baptist (w).{ Home and Farm (f). 
Anzeiger (d & w). Katholischer Glaubensbote 
Courier-Journal (d & w). (w). 
Farmers’ Home Journal | Post. 

w). Times. : 
Herald (d & w). Western Recorder (w). 
Lowell (Massachusetts). Courier.-Citizen. Etoile. 
Evening Sun. Telegram (w). 
Lynchburg (Virginia). Advance. News (d & w). 
Lynn (Massachusetts). Item (d. & w). News 
Telegram (d & w). 

Macomb (Illinois). By-Stander (d & w). Eagle (w). 
Journal (d & w). 

Macon (Georgia). News. Telegraph (d & w). 

Madison (Wisconsin). Democrat. Journal. 

oar vs (Pennsylvania). American. Record. 
aule (2). 

Mirror and 

Mason Olfy (lon Vigila) Herald (w). Journal. World. 
Mason Ci Times. i 

Maysville (Kentucky). ulletin. Independent. 
Public er. 

McAlister (Oklahoma). News-Capital. 

MeKeespo Ma Re News. Times. 

McPherson (Kansas). Republican : 

Meadville (Pennsylvania). Messenger. Tribune- 

Menominee (Michigan). Herald-Leader (d & w). 
Meriden (Connecticut). Pen Record. 
Meridian (Mississippi). Dispatch. Star (d & w). 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

[Newspapers, &c. 

Michigan (Indiana). Dispatch (d & w). News (d & w) 
Middletown (Connecticut). Penny Press. i 
Middletown (New York) Argus. 

(d & w). 
Milford (Massachusetts). Journal. News. 
Milville (New Jersey). Republican. 
Milwaukee (Wisconsin)— 
Catholic Citizen (w). | Journal (d & w). 
Columbia (w). Kuryer Polski (d & w.) 
Free Press (d & w). News. 
Germania-Herald (d & | See-Bote (2). 
Sentinel (d & w). 

Vorwaerts (w). 

Haus und Bauernfreund 


Minneapolis a 3 
Farmers’ Tribune (2). ; Svenska Amerikanska 
Freie Presse Herold (w). Posten (w). : 
Journal (d & w). Svenska Folkets Tidning 

Mississippi Valley Lum- w). 

berman (w). Tidende (d & ud 
News. Tribune (d & w). 
North Western Agricul- 

turist (w). 

Moberly (Missouri). Democrat (d & w). Monitor (d & w). 
Mobile (Alabama). Item. Register. 

Moline (Illinois). Dispatch. 
Monmouth (Illinois). Atlas. Review. 
Monroe (Louisiana). News-Star. 

Montgomery (Alabama). Advertiser (d & w). Journal, 
Times (d & w). 
Morristown (New Jersey). Record. 

Mount Carmel (Pennsylvania). Item. News. 
Mount Vernon (Illinois). Register. P 
Mount Vernon (New York). Argus. 

Muncie (Indiana). Press. Star (d & w). 
ia Sala (Illinois), Independent. Republican- 

News-Tribune (d & w). 
Chronicle. Times. 
Phoenix (d & w). 

Muscatine (Iowa). Journal. 

Muskegon (Michigan). 

Muskogee (Oklahoma). 

Napa (California). Journal Register 
Nashua (New Hampshire). Telegraph. 
Nashville (Tennessee)— 
Christian Advocate (w). 
Cumberland Presby- 
terian (w). 
Gospel Advocate (w). ? 
Natchez (Mississippi). Democrat. Courier (d & w). 

Naugatuck r ene} News. 

Nebraska Ci ae: News (d & w). 

New Albany (Indiana). Ledger. Tribune. 

New Bedford (Massachusetts). Independent (d & w). 
Mercury. Standard. Times (d & w). 

Newbern (North Carolina). Journa (d & w). 

New Britain (Connecticut). Herald. Record. 

New Brunswick (New Jersey). Home News. Times. 

New Haven (Connecticut)— 


Sunday School Magazine 

Tennessian and American 
d & w). 



Independente. Times-Leader. 
Journal-Courier. Union (d & w). 
Register (d & w). Yale News. 

New London (Connecticut). 

New Orieans (Louisiana)— 
Abetlle (d & w). 
Christian Advocate (w). 
Item (d & w). 

Day. Globe. Telegraph. 

Morning Star (w). 
States (d & w). 
Times-Picayune (d & w). 

New Rochelle (New York). Press (w). Standard. 
New York (New York)— 
American., Churchman (w). 
American Banker (w). CE (w). 
American Hebrew (w). | Coal Trade Journal (w). 

American Machinist (w). 
aroy & Navy Journal 

Bookman (m). ` 
Brewer’s Journal (m). 
Cassier’s Magazine (m). | Country Life (f). 
Catholic News (w). Courrier des Etats-U niz 
Century Magazine (w. (d & w). ` 

Commercial and Finan- 
cial World (w). 
Confectioners’? Gazette 

Cosmopolitan (m). 

Christian Advocate (w). | Critic and Guide (m). 
Christian Herald (w). | Delineator (m). 
Christian Intelligencer 

i Dramatic News (w). 
w . 
Christian Work (w). 

Dry Goods’ Economist 

430] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents,,125, Strand, London. 

oe ERE ee 


Rew York (New York—continued. 
Dun Review (m). Medical Journal (w). 
Electric Railway Journal] Medical “Record (w). 
(w). Metal Worker (w). 
Electrical World (w). Metallurgical & Chemi- 
Engineering and Minin cal Engineering (m). 
Journal (w). 

Motor (m). 
Engineering News (w). | Motor Boat (f). 
Engineering Record (w). 

Motor Cycle (m). 
Munsey’s Magazine (m). 

Evening Telegram. 

Family Story Paper (w).| Music Trades (w). 
Financial Age. Musical Courier (w). 
Financial World (w). f Nation (w). 

North American Review 

Outing (m). 

Outlook (w). 

People’s Home Journal 


Film Fun (w). 

Forest and Stream (m). 
Forum (m). 

Freeman’s Journal (w). 

Harpers’ Monthly.. 
Harpers’ Weekly. 
Hebrew Standard (w). 
Herald (d & w). 

Hotel Gazette (w). 
Independent (w). 

Irish American (w). 
Irish World (w). 

Iron Age (w). 

Jewish Daily Forward. 


Produce Review (w). 
Puck (w). f 
Railroad Age Gazette 

Rural New Yorker (w). 
School (w). 
Scientific American (w). 
Scottish American (w). 

ewish Journal. ~ Shipping Illustrated (w). 
ewish News (d & w).| Staats-Zettung (d & w). 
ournal, Sun (d & w). 

ournal of Commerce. | Telegraph (d & w). 
Journal of the Military| Times (d & w). 
Service Institution of} Town -Topics (w). 

the United States (alter.| Tribune (d & w). ’ 
m.). Truth-Seeker (w). 
Judge (w). U.S. Tobacco Journal (w). 
eslie’s Weekly Vogue (f). . 
Life (w). Volkszettung. 
Listy. Wall Street Journal. 
Machinery (m). Witness (w). 
Mail World (d & w) 

Newark (New Jersey). Erzlacher (w). Freie Zeitung. 
News. Star. Sunday Call (w). l 

Newark (Ohio). Advocate. American-Tribune. 

Newbu rt (Massachusetts). Herald. News. 

Newbu (New York). Journal. News. 

Now e (Pennsylvania). Herald. News. 

Newport (Rhode Island) Herald. News. 

Newport Nows (Virginia). Press. Times-Herald. 

Newton (Kansas). Kansan Republican. 

Newton (Massachusetts). Graphic (w). Journal {w). 

Niagara Falls (New York). Gazette. Journal (d & w). 

Nome (Alaska). Nuggett. eae 

Norfolk Nes a Ledger-Dispatch. Virginia-Pilot 

Norristown (Pennsylvania). Herald. Register. Times. 
North Adams (Massachusetts). Herald. Transcrip. 
North Yakima (Washington). Herald. Republic. 

Northampton (Massachusetts). Gazette erald. 
Norwalk (Connecticut). Hour. 

Norwich (Connecticut). Bulletin. Record. f 
Oakland (California). Enquirer. Times. Tribune 

(d & w). 
Oak Park (Illinois). Events (w). Oak Leaves (w). 
Ogden on Examiner (d & w). Standard. 
Ogdensburg (New York). Journal. News. . 
Oil City (Pennsylvania). Blizzard. Derrick. ‘ 
Oklahoma City (Oklahoma). News. Oklahofnam 
d & w). Times. 
Olean (New nana) Herald. Times. ; 
Omaha (Nebraska). Bee (d & w). Danske Pioneer 
News (d & w). World-Herald (d & w). ` 
Oshkesh (Wi North-Western. 

A (d & w). 
Ottawa Gin): Fairdealer (w). Free-Trader (d & 

Paris (Texas). Advocate (d & w). News. 
Parkersburg (West Virginia). News. 


Advertisements received for all the Italian Journals. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

(Newspapers, &c. 

Parsons (Kansas). Eclipse. 
Pasadena (California). News. Star. 
Passaic (New Jersey). Herald. News. 
Paterson (New Jersey) Call. Guardian. 

Pawtucket (Rhode Island). Times. 
Peekshill (New York). News. Union. 
Pekin (Illinois). Times. 
Pensacola (Florida). Journal (d & w). News. 
Peoria (Illinois). Demokrat. Journal (d & w). 
Sonne. Star (d & w). Transcript (d & w). 
Perth Amboy (New Jersey). News. 
Potersburg (Virginia). Index-Appeal. Progress. 
Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)— 
Baptist Teacher (m). į North American (d & 
Demokrat. w). 
Episcopal Recorder (w). | Practical Farmer (f). 
Evening Bulletin. Presbyterian (w). 


Evening Telegraph. |! Press (d & w). 
Gazelte (d & w). Public Ledger. > 
Inquirer (d & w). Record (d & w). 

Saturday Evening Post 

Sonntagsblait (w). 
Sporting Life (w). 
Sunday Dispatch (w). 
Suaday School Times (w). 

Keystone (m). 
Ladies’ Home Journal 

Lippincott’s Magazine 

Lutheran (w). 

Methodist (w). Tageblatt, 
News (2). 
Phillippsburg (New Jersey). P 

Phoenix (Arizona). Democrat. Gazette. Republican 
d & w). Southwestern Stockman-Farmer (w). 
Pine Bluff (Arkansas). Commercial. Graphic (d & w). 
Pittsburg (Kansas). Headlight (d & w). 

Pittsburg (Pennsylvania)— 
i National Stockman (w). 

Catholic (w). 
Post (d & w). 

Christian Advocate (w). 
Chronicle-Telegraph. Presbyterian Banner (w). 
Press (d & w). 

Dispatch (d & w). 
Gazette-Times (d & w). un. 

nited Presbyterian (w)* 
Volksbiatt (d & w). 

Leader (d & w). 
Methodist Recorder (w). 


Pittsfield (Massachusetts). Eagle (d & w). Journal. 
Pittston (Pennsylvania). Gazette. 
Plainfield (New Jersey). Courier-News, Press. 
Piattsburg (New York). Press. : 
Pocateilo (Idaho). Chronicle. Tribune. 
Pomona (California). Progress. Review. Times. 
Pontiac (Michigan). Press-Gazette. 
Port Chester (New York). Item. Record. 
Port Huron (Michigan). Times-Herald. 
Portiand (Maine)— l 
Argus (d & w). Press (d & w). 
Express. Telegram. 
Portland (Oregon)— 
Evening Telegram. North Pacific Rural 
Journal (d & w). Spirit a) 
Mercury (w). -| Oregonian (d & w). 

News. Pacific Christian Advo- 

cate (w). 
Portsmouth (New Hampshire). Chronicle. Herald, 

Times. ; 
Portsmouth (Ohio). Blade. Times. 
Pottsville Hr Chronicle. 
Poughkeepsie (New York). Courier (w). 
Enterprise. News-Press. Star. ` 
Providence (Rhode Island). Evening Bulletin. Journal 
(d & w). News. Tribune (d & w). 
ae (C olorädo), Chieftain (d & w). Star-Journal 

wW . 

Quincy (Illinois)— 
Enterprise (w). 
Germania (d & w). 


Quincy (Massachusetts). 

Racine (Wisconsin). Call. 

Raleigh (North Carolina). 

w). Times. . 
Reading (Pennsylvania). Eagle (d & w). Herald. 
Telegram. News-Times. 
Reno (Nevada). Gazette. Journal (d & w). 
Richmond (Indiana). Item. Palladium. 

Richmond (Virginia)— 
Christian Advocate (w). | Religious Herald (w). 
Southern Churchman (w). 

ews-Leader. Times Dispatch (d & w). 


Whig (d & w). 

Ledger. Telegram, 
ournal. Times. 
ews and Observer (d & 



Sonam ve lifornia), Ent 
Potaa A so World- 

Abend Post (d & w). 
Democrat and Chronicle 

rise. Press. 
ews. ‘Times. 


(d & w). Union and Advertiser. 
Herald G & w) 
eeckferd (Illinois). Register-Gazette (d S w). Re- 
Roek island (inon, Argus. Union (d & w). 
public. Star (d & w). 
Romo (Georgia). Tribune-Herald (d & w). 
Remo (New York). Sentinel (d & w). 
Rutiand (Vermont). Herald. News. 
Sacramento (California). Bee. Star. Union ee & w). 
Saginaw (Michigan). Sore Heak (d & w). News: 

St. pai a (Florida). 
st. Charie e (Missouri): bane News (d & w). 

St. cided Qi (Minnesota). Journal-Press (d & w). Times 
st. dasephi YMiissouri). Gazette (d & w). News Press. 


National Druggist (m). 
Post-Dispatch (d & w). 
Republic (d & w). 
Sporting News (w). 
Star (d & w). 

Westem Watchman (w). 
Westliche Post. 

Pioneer Press (d & w). 
Rural World (w). 

Christian Advocate (w). 
ChristianEvangelist (w). 
Colman’s Rural World 

Gisbe:Democrat (d & 

Habia des Glaubens (w). 
s Paul a SS 

Ripa (d & w). 
Northwestern Chronicle 

Salem (Massachusetts). 
Salom (Ohio). Herald. News 
Salem (Oregon). Capital Journal. Statesman (d & w). 
Salina K K Joumal. U 
Sait Lake City (Utah). Deseret News (d & w). Herald 
ae aa (d & w). Salt Lake Tribune (d & w). 

San Pei (Texas). Dako). (d & w). Frete Presse 
d & w). 

Sonani Peoia). Hida (d & w). News. 

San Diego (California). Sun. Tribune, Union (d & ae 
San Francisco (California)— 
Argonaut (w). California Christian 
Advocate (w). 

Breeder and PERE AS 

(w). California “Demokrat (d 
Bulletin. w). 

San echo (California) — 

Evening News. 

Monitor (w). 

Chronicle (d & w). News. 
Examiner i: & w). New World. 
Hebrew (w News Letter (w). 

ournal of Commer Voce del Popolo (d & w 
ining and Scientific | Wasp (w). 
Press (w). 

San Jose (California). Mercury-Herald. 

San Juan (Porto Rico). La Correspondencia. Progress 


Journal American. Pacific Rural Fress my. 

(Ohio). Register. Star-Journal 
STR Barana (California). News-Independent. Press 
Santa Cruz (California). News. Sentinel. Surf. 
Santa Monica (California). Outlook. 
Santa Rosa ca onn Press-Democrat (d & w). 
Republican (d & w). 
Santiage de Guba (Cuba). El Cubano Libre. La 
Sault Ste Marie (Michigan). News. 
arsan (Georgia). News (d & w). Press. 
(New rork). Gazette. Union Star. 

Scranton ( nnsylvania). Times. Tribune-Republican. 

Seattle | tAiaska), Business-Chronicle (w). 

Seattle (Washington). Post putelligences (d & w) 
Star. Sun. Times (d & w 

Sodaiia | (Missouri). Capital (d '& w). 
Sentinel (d & w). 

Selma (Alabama). Journal (d & w). 

Shagway (Alaska), Alaskan, 



Willing’s Press Guide. 

(Newspapers, &c- 

Shamokin, eye 
Sharon ( a Ivania). 
aein {Ok oma). News-Herald (d & w). 
Sheboygan (Wisconsin). Journal. Telegram. 
Shelbyville (Indiana). Democrat. News. Republican. 

pe Herald. News. 
erald. Telegraph. 

Shenandoah (Pennsylvania). Herald. 

Sherman a xas). Democrat (d & w). . 

S (Louisiana). Journal. ews (w). Times 

Sioux City ty (Lowa). Farmer and Breeder (w). Journal. 
(d & w). Live Stock Journal. News. Tribune. 

Sioux Falis (South Dakota). Argus Leader. Press. 

South Bend (Indiana). News. Tribune. 

South Omaha (Nebraska). Drover’s Journal 
Spartanburgh (South Carolina). Herald (a & w). 


Spokane (Washington). ‘Chronicle. Spokesman- 
Review (d & 

Springfield (Illinois). News-Record. State-Journal 

(d & w). State-Record (d & w). 
Springfield (Massachusetts)— 
Farm and Home (f). | epublica e & w). 
News. Union ( 
nee) (Missouri). Leader (d A i 

a “Republican 

ringfield (Ohio). News (d & w). Sun. 

Stamford on (New York). Advocate. News. 

Stapleton (New York) (w). 

Staunton (Virginia). ews. 

Steubenviile (Obio “Herald-Star, 
Gazette (d & 

Stillwater (Minnesota). v). 
one K alifornia). Independent (d & w). Mail. 
Free Press. 

Streator’ Minois). 
Monitor (d & w). 

Superlor (Wisconsin). Telegra 

Syracuse (New York). Herald (d & w). 
. Post-Standard. 

Tacoma (Washington). Ledger (d &w). News. Time 
Tribune (d & w 

Tampa (Florida). Times (d & w). Tribune (d & w). 

Taunton (Massachusetts). Gazette. Herald-News. 

Terro Taun (Indiana). Star (d-& w). Tribune 

(d & w) 
Toxarkana (Arkansas). Texarkanian. 
Thomasvillo (Georgia). Times-Enterprise (d & w). 
Tiffin (Ohio). Advertiser. Tribune and Herald 
"Teog | (Omio); Blade. Express (d & w). News-Bee. 

‘tems a (Kansas). Capital (d & rll Missourie’ Valley 
Farmer (m). State Journ 

Torringten (Connecticut). Register ( (d & w). 

Record Eagle. 

Traverse City (Michigan). 
Trenten Bee Jersey). Gazette. Sunday Advertiser 


` Independent-Ti imes, 


Troy New York)— 
orthern er (w). Sa 
Observer (w). Times a & w). 
Troy (Ohio). News. Reco 
Tucson (Arizona). Citizen. Star (d & w). 
Tuscaloosa (Alabama). News (d & w). Times-Gazette. 
Tulsa (Oklahoma). Democrat. World. 
Uniontewn (Penns roma Genius, Herald. News- 
Standard (d 
Utica. iNew York)— 
Drych Saturday Globe. 
Heald-Dispatch. Sunday Tribune. 
Observer (d & -w). Zeitung (3). 
Valdosta (Georgia). Times. 
- Vallejo (California). Chronicle. . News. Times. 

Vicksburg (Mississipi). Herald. Evening Post. 
Vincen n nes (Indiana). Capital. Commercial (d & w). 

se ‘Clty (Nevada). Chronicle. Enterprise. 
ash „n maa: Plaindealer (d & w). Times-Star 
Waos S etas). 

oe (d & w). 
Tribune ( 

Waxeteld (Hassach-ieetts). Item. 
Walla Walia (Washington). Bulletin. Union. 
Waltham (Massachusetts). Free Press-Tribune. News, 
Warren (Ohio). Chronicle. Tribune. 

Times-Herald (d & 

432] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

American) | Willing’s Press Guide. (Newspapers, &c. 

Warren (Pennsylvania). Mirror, Times. Wichita (Kar sas). Beacon. Eagle (d & w). 
Wash (Dist. Columbia : Witkesbarre (] nyiyani 
A Motorist (m). thfinder (w). News. Kecord (2). Times-Leader. 
Army and Navy Regis- | Post. Willlamsport (Pennsylvania). Gazette and Bulletin 
ter (w). SeatiOel (w). d & w). Sun (d & w). 
erald. Star. Willimantic (Connecticut). Chronicle (d & w). 
National Tribune (w). | Times Witmington (Delaware). Every Evening. Journal. 

Washington (Indiana). Democrat. Herald. News. Star (w). 

Washingten (Pennsylvania). Observer. Reporter. Witmi (North Carolina). Dispatch. Star. 

Waterbury (Connecticut). American (d & w). Dem- | Winflold (Kansas). Courier (d & w). Free Press. 
Winena (Minnesota). Independent, Republican- 

Herald. : 
Winstead (Connecticut). Citizen. Herald (w). Leader 

(New York). Standard. Times, (w). 
Waterville (Maine). Sentinel. Winston (North Carolina), Journal Sentinel, 
Waukegan (Illinois). Gazette. Sun. Weburn (Massachusetts). Times. 
Wausau (Wisconsin). Record-Herald. Weensecket Laode Island). Call. Tribune. 
(Georgia). Journal-Herald (d & w). Worcester (Massachusetts). Evening Gazette. Even- 
We "gien (Kansas). Journal. News. ing Post. Telegram (d & w). 
West Chester (Pennsylvania). Local News. Yenkers (New York). Herald. News. Statesman. 
Wheeling (West Virginia). York (Pennsylvania). Daily. Dispatch. Gazette. 
Intelligencer . Register (d & w). Youngstewn (Ohio). Telegram. Vindicator (d & w). 
News (d & w). | T h Zanesville (Ohio). Signal. Times-Recorder, 

p . 
Y : >. N ; 
Was Plaine (New fom). Argus we ews (w) 


å . 
MEXICO. Mexicano. Imparcial. Mexican Herald. Mexican 
Mining Journal (m). Pais. Tiempo. Tiempo 
Cullacan. Monitor. Ilustrado (w). 
Mazatian. Correo de la Trade. Vera Cruz. Diario Commercial. Ferro Carril, 
Mexies. Diario, Diario del Hogar.  Herado- Zacatecas. Rosa del Tepeyac. 


Barranquilla (Panama). Acontecimiento (w). Proe , New Guatemala (Guatemala). Guatemelteco, Diario 
motor (w). de Centro America, Republica. 
Belsize (Honduras). Colonial Guardian (w). Govern- Panama (Panama)— 

ment Gazette (w). Clarion (w). Cronista (3). Republica (3). 
Bluefields (Nicaragua). Recorder (w). Heraldo (w). Star and Herald and La 
(Panama). Corrio de Bolivar (w). Mercurio (3). Estrella. 
enir. San Jese (Costa Rica). La Gaceta. Correo Español 
Galan (ranima). Starlet (3). Telegram (3). | w). Heraldo. Republica. 
(Nicaragua). Diario (w). Centro Americano San Sa (San Salvador), Diario del Comercio, 
(w). Diario Oficial. Imparcial (w). Indice (w). 

Managua (Nicaragua). Diario. Gaceta Offcial (w), 


Chascomus. Argentino. Libertad (3). Razón (3). 

ARGENTINE. Chivileey. Democracia, Union. 
Arul. Imparcial Oriente, Oni iin; Liberta 
a . ° inion. d. 
Bahla Bianca. Comercio. Nueva Provincia. Doleres. Patria. 
Buenos Alres— La Plata. Boletin Judicial. Buenos Aires. Dia. 
Argentina. Nación. Orden. - 
entinisches Tage- | Pais. f Lomas. Paz (w). Union-Indipendente, 
blatt. Patria degli Italiani, Mendoza. Andes. Comercio. 
Boletin eg ) Portefio. ~rohieragi Poia 7S har . 
Campoy Sport (w). Prensa. Paran rgentino (w). ntre Rios. Razón (w 
Carasy Caretas (w). i SNe la Boca (w). Verdad (w). le (w). (w) 
Censor (w). Pueblo. Resario. Capital. Siglo. Mensajero. 
Comercial (w). Pulgarcito (w). Santa Fe. inion. 
Comerciante Argentino | Razón Tucuman. Orden. Provincia. 

m). Reforma Comercial (w). | Uruguay. Heraldo (w). U r ; 
Cone de la Capital (w). | Review of the Re (w). Uruguay (w) 

Esp ol. (w) 
Courrier de la Plata, Revista Argentia (w). 
evue Illus w 

Diário. Revue Illustrée (w). 
Diario del Comercio, Sarmiento. l BOLIVIA. 
Diario Nuevo. Southern Cross (w), : 
'Deutsche La Plata Sportsman (w). _| Cochabamba. Heraldo (2). Pueblo (2). 
Zeitung Standard, La Paz. Comercio. Diario. Estado (w). Mercurio. 

Gladiator (w). Tiempo. : Orure. Nacional (2). Tribuno (2). 
Handels Zeitung (w). Times of Argentina (w). | Santa Cruz. Estrella Del Oriento (2). Ley (2). 
Be eam Come | Fateh rage ah, REA oud © 
o Defensa er- : i s e Tarija : i 2), 
cial (w). Waki Herald (w). rabajo (2). ee ag aeons ey 

Advertisements. received for all the Dutch Journals. {433 


SOUTH AMERICA—continued. 



Angra dos Tiao. Gazeta. 

Bahia. Bahia. Diario de Bahia. Diario de Noticias. 
Echo do Norte. Jornal de Noticias. Tribuna. 

* Campinas. Correio de Campinas, Gazeta de Campinas, 

Rie de Janeiro. Capital. - Correio de Manha, 
Diario do Coen Etoile du Sud. Gazeta de 
Noticias. De do Brazil. Jornal do Comercio. 
Noticia. Paiz. Tribuna. Brazilian Review (w). 

Sao Paulo. Estado de S. Paulo. Commercio. Correio 


Chillan. Chillan, Discussion, 
Copi A io d I Pai Co tional. 
apo. Amigo del Pais. nstitu 
abe ae. Imparcial. Nacional. Patria. Tarapaca. 
os. Actualidad. Derecho. 
San Femnande. Autonomia. Justicia. 
santaa Chileno. Diario Oficial. Diario Ilustrado. 

Valparaiso. ‘Chileno. Deutsche Nachrichten (3). 

Heraldo. Mercurio. Union, 
Bogota— Gaceta— 
Campana (3). gool 
Comercio. iberal 
Conservador. Nuevo Tiempo. 
Corrio Nacional. Republicana, 
Criterio. Reuvacion. 
Crónica B): Heraldo. 
Diario de Cundinamarca | Honor (w). 
Diario Oficial. acion (w) 
Fio Juan (3). Orden (w). 
Fiempos (w). Registro Municipal. 
Gaceta— Republicano, 
de Cundinamarca. Revista Judicial. 
Gil Blas. Telegrama. 
Madelin. Aviso (w). Esfuerza (w). Expectador (w). 
nformacion Comercio. Justicia (w). Nacinnal 
(wr) Organisacion. Poliantea (w), Tiempos (w). 


Cuenca. Voz del Azuay 
Guayaquil. Andes (2). 

Tiempo. Telegrafo. 
Quite. El Comercio. Registro Oficial, 

Y (io de Avisos. Globo, 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

[Newspapers, &c. 


Asuncion. Civico. Democracia. Diario. Boletin Oficial 
Pais. Paraguay. Tarde. 
Villa Cencepeion. Municipio. 


Callao. Callao. Reaccion. 

Huaraz. Corrio de Ancahs (w). Eco de Huaraz (w). 
Federacion (w). Juventud de Ancahs (w). 

Lima. Bien Social. Clero (w). Comercio. 
Nacional. Tiempo. Prensa. 
(illustr. w). 


Colonia. Colonia (w). 

Doiores. Propaganda (w). 
Fray Boules. Cámpana ( i ae 
Mele. Deber Civico (w). Nacionalista (w). 
Mercedes. Diano (w). Teléfono (w). 
Bien. Razón. 
Dia. . Siglo. 
Diario del Plata. Telégrafo Maritimo . 
Diario Nuevo. iempo. 
Diario Oficial (w). Times. 
Italia. Tribuna Popular, 
Parani m P. du (w). Pueblo ( 
aysandu. Paysandu (w eblo (w). 
Saifo. Leos del Progreso (w). 


Caracas. Combate. Dominical (w). Gaceta Oficial" 

Heraldo . Industrial. Il Industry. Pregonero 
Revista (w). Religion. Tiempo. Universal. 
Voz de la Nacion. 

Maracaibo. Fonografo. 

Puerto Carelle, tras and Numeros, Boletin de 

Valencia. Dontimotes. Cronista. 


(Incorporating the Business of the Commercial and Educational Film Co., Ltd.), 

Photographs and Illustrations for Reproduction ; 

also Cinematography 

in all 

its Branches. 

10 & 11, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, London, E.C. 

Telephones : 
1833 Hethern; 8883 Central. 

434] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Telegrams: { Flin Department’ ) STOPICALITY, FLEET, LONDON.” 

Willing’s Press Guide. 






Alexandria. Ecyrrian Gazette (Daily Newspaper). 
1880. English and French. 8 pages, 21 by 16 
1 piastre per copy. R. Snelling. (Adut. p. 412). 

SpHInx, 1892. Sat., weekly during the Winter. 
3 piastres. 


Menten. Menton & Monte Carito News, 1896. 
8 to 20 pages. Saturdays weekly, Nov. to April. 
Monthly, June to October. 30 centimes. R. de 
Bourbel, 11 rue Prato. 

Mente Cario. Dairy TELEGRAM. 
December 15th April 20. M. P. Main, Villa 

Nice. Nice anD Swiss Times (general), 1870. 12 
pages, 22} by 18} (printed at Geneva in Summer 
as Swiss and Nice Times). Weekly. 15 centimes 
per copy. Frank Webb, 16 Rue Scaliero. 

Paris. American REGISTER. Sunday. 25 centimes. 
24 Boulevard des Capucines. 

DAILY Malt, 1905. (Continental Edition). 15 cen- 
times. 36 rue du Sentier. London: 2 & 4, 
Tudor Street. 

New York HERALD (general), 1887. 8 pages daily 
and 24 pages Sunday. 20} by 14. 15 centimes 
daily, 25 centimes Sunday, per copy. Avenue 
d lOpéra 49. 

Daily from - 


Daves-Platz. Courmr (local), 1894. Friday. 25 
centimes per copy. . Davos Public Interests 
Association, The Promenade. 

Geneva. Swiss AND Nice Tmmes (general), 1870, 
8 pages, 26 by 18}. Weekly. 10 centimes per 
copy. F. Webb, 10 Rue Alfred Vincent. (Printed 
at Nice during Winter as Nice Times). 

Montreux-Torritet. ENciish HERALD AND Swiss 
ILLUSTRATED (Anglo-Swiss Weekly), 1891. 
Saturday. 10 centimes per copy. English 
Herald Societe Anonyme, Montreux. 


Constantinople. Levant HERALD AND EASTERN 
ExPRESS (general), 1856. English and French, 
4 pages. Daily. 10 paras per copy. Dr. Lewis 
F. Mizzi, rue Asmali-Medjid 35, Péra. 

edition for abroad of the Levant Herald). 
pages, 13} by 8}. Monday afternoon. 8d. per 
copy. Dr. Lewis F. Mizzi, rue Asmali-Medj 
35, Péra. 

AFRICA. 2 - 
(general visitors’ paper), 1888. — English and 

French. 12 pages. Nov. to May. Saturday. 
5 francs the season. J. C. Hyam & Co,, Station 
Sanitaire, Mustapha. 

_._ Advertisements received for all the Swiss Journals.. 




Advertisements.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

Financial Opinion 

A weekly digest of the Financial News of the Day. 

Largest Circulation of any Financial Paper. 

With the Editor's Opinion on the Course of the Markets. 

Answers to Correspondents free of charge to‘Subscribers. 

= Hardwareman and u= 
Ironmongers’ Chronicle 



Subscription : 716 per Annum, including Handsome Desk Diary. 

139 and 140, Fleet Street, London, E.C. . 

Tel No. 5845 Central. Telegrams: “Irochron Fleet, London. » 

And 148: 149, Great Charles Street, Birmingham. 

Telegrams: ‘‘ Irochron, Birmingham.” 

36] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, ‘Shand London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 




The Time of Publication is denoted as under :— 

Twice a Week (2). Three times a Week (3). 

Weekly (w). 

We have omitted the Austrian newspapers from 
our list of publications for the 1916 issue. 

We have omitted the Belgian newspapers from our 
list of publications for the 1916 issue. 

Sofia— Dnevnik. 
Bolgarski Tirgovski Mir (Peace) Rabot. 
Westnik (Commer- Viestuik. 
cial Gazette). Retsch (The Speech). 
Den. Vetcherna Posta. 
- Aalborg. Amtstidende. 
Aarhus. Amtstidende: Jyllandsposten 
Assens. Amts-Avis. | 
Bogense. Avis. 
GCopenhagen— Köbenhavn. 
Aftenbladet. Motor (w) 
Berlingske Tidende. Nationaltidende. 
Dagbladet. Politiken. 
Dagens Nyheder. aport (w "a 
Illustreret Familie- eknisk Tidskrift (w). 
Journal (w x). Trafiken (f) 
Ihaa Tidende (ill.) | Verden og. vi. 
Klods Hans (comic). Vort Land 

Faaborg. Avis. Folketidende. 

Fredericia. Avis. Dagblad. 

Frederikshavn. Avis. 

Holsingor Avis. Dagblad. 

Horning. Folkeblad. 

Hjörring. Amtstidende. Vendsyssels Tidende. 
Holbik. Amts Avis. Posten. Dagblad. 
Holstebro. Avis. Dagblad. 

Horsens. Avis. Folkeblad. 
Hörshoim. Avis. 

K undoes. Dagblad. 

K logo. Avis. Folkeblad. 

Kolding. Avis. Folkeblad. 

Korsér. Avis. 

Tonan porten: 

Naestved. Avis Tidende. 
Nykjébing. Avis. Posten. 
Nyk6bing (Sj.) Avis. i 
Odense. Fyns Stiftstidende. Fyns Tidende. 
Randers. Amts Avis. Dagblad. 
Rik e Dagblad 

vis. . 
Rinse. we olkeblad. Avis. 
Rönne. Bornholms Tidende. ~ 
Röskildo. Avis. Dagblad. 
pel dae Dagb Langelands Avis. 
Silkebo Avis. Dagblad. 
Skande Amts Avis. Amts Tidende. 

Varde. Ribe Auntatuiende, 
Vejio. Amts Avis. Amts Folkeblad. 
Viborg. Stiftstidende. Stifts Folkeblad. 

Aix. Le Mémorial (2). Provence Nouvelle (w). 
Alx-les-Bains. L'Avenir (2). Le Progrès (w). 
Alencon. Avenir de Orne (3). Journal (3). 
Amiens. Mémorial. Froese e la Somme, 

. Advertisements received for all Periodicals. 

Four times a Week (4). 
t=" All others are published daily. 

Five times a Week (5). 

Angers. De l'Ouest. Le Patriote. Petit. Courier. 

eee La Charente. Le Matin. i 
Annecy. Les Alpes (2). 

Armentiéres. La Gazette. 

Arras. Courrier. L’Avenir. - 

Aurillac. Union Républicaine. 

Auxerre. Indépendant. Bourguignon. Lyenae 

Avesnes. L’Avenir (3). 

Avignon. Courrier (3). L'Echo (w). 

Bar-le-Duc. L'Echo. L’Indépendance. 

Bayonno. Courrier. Semaine (2). 

Beauvais. Moniteur. République. : 

Belfort. Frontiere (2). Journal (w). 

Besangon. L'Eclair Comtois. Petit Comtois. 

Biarritz. La Gazette (w). - 

Bordeaux. France. La Gironde. Le Nou- 
> velliste. Petite Gironde. 

Boulogne-sur-Mer. France du Nord. ane 

du Pas de Calais. 

Brest. La Dépéche. Courrier (w). 

- Bonhomme Normand. La 
Calais. L’Avenir. Petit Calaisien. 
Cannes. Courrier (w). Le Littoral. 
Charleville, Courrier des Ardennes. Dépêche. 

Chartres. Dépéche. Le Progrés (3). 
etit Cham oa 

Chaumont. | 
Cherbourg, Cherbourg lair (2), Dépéche. 
Clermont Ferrand. LY Aveni: oniteur. 
Cognac. Constitution (3). < L’Ere Nouvelle (2). 
Dieppe. Impartial (2). Journal (w), vee (2). 
Dijon. Bien Public. ès.. 

L'Echo (3). 

Douai. Journal (3). 
Dunkerque. Nord Maritime. Phare du Nord. 
D co (2). 



Elbeuf. L’Elbeuvien (2). 
Epernay. Champenois. 
Epinal. Mémorial des Vosges. 
Grenoble. Pt. Dauphinois. République, 
Havre. Journal. f 
Laon. Journal de Aisne. 
Le Mans. La Sarthe. Nouvelliste. 
Lille. Echo du Nord. Nouvelliste. Progrès. 
runan.. Eclaireur (2). 
yons. Erpe Lyon Républicafi. Moniteur. des 
Sry A ilk) (w). Progrès. Nouvelliste. Salut 

Marseilles” Gazette du Midi.’ Petit Marseillais 

Menton. Avenir (w). Journal (w) (winter only). 
ews. (w). Menton an dMonte Carlo News. 
Journal (2). 
L'Eclair. Petit Wares 
L'Est ak papan: 

American Register (w). 

Annales Politiques (w). Cycle oe auauonile (w). 

Architecture (w). Daily 

Auto (Motop Trade). XIXe Siècle. 
Autorité. Echo Agricole. 
Bulletin des Halles. Echo de Paris. - 
Bulletin International , | Eclair. 

de l’ Electricité (f). 
Bulletin Médical (w). 
Charivari (w). 

peanomniste (w) (finan- 
Electricien (w). 

Chaussure Moderne (m) | Estafette. 
Constructeur (w). Excelsior. 
Courrier (Commercial). | Evénement. 

Courrier des Halles (2); | Fermes et Châteaux (m) 



Paris—continued. ; 
Femina (f). Moniteur Officiel du 
Figaro. Commerce (w). 
France Moniteur Universel. 

France Chevaline (2). | Moniteur Vinicole (2). 

France Médicale (w). Musica (m). 
France Militaire. National. 
Gaulois. Nature (w). 
Gazette des Hôpitaux | New York Herald 
w). (Europ. Ed.) 
anys des Akire j oe Sport. 
Génie Civi (Engineering atrie. 
w). Petit Echo de la Mode 
Gil-Blas. w). 
Hygiene (m). Petit Journal. 
Iilustration (w). Petit Parisien. 
Industrie Electrique (w). | Petite République. 
Intramsigeant. Presse. 
ockey. Progrès Médical (w). 
ournal. Radical. 

Journal Amusant (w). 
ournal d’Agriculture 

as des Arts (2). 
ournal des Confiseurs 

Journal des Débats. 
ournal Officiel. 

République Française. 
Revue des deux Mondes 

Revue de la Mode (w). 
Revue des Produits Chi- 
miques (f). 
Revue Industrielle (w). 
Revue Pratique Auto- 
mobile (f). 
Rire (w) (comic). 

L'Information (Finan- | Semaine Médicale (w). 

) Semaine Religieuse (w). 
Matin. je p | Siècle. - 
Messager de Paris ir. 

financial) Soleil. 

Sport Universel Illustré 



Univers. > 

Vie à la Campagne (f). 

Vie au Grand Air (Sport- 
ing ill.) (w). 

( : 
Méltallurgie (w). 
Le Miroir. 
Mode Illustrée (w). 
Monde Diplomatique, 
Monde Illustré (w). 
Moniteur de la Bijou- 

terie et de lHorlo- 

gerie (w).. Vie Heureuse (m). 
Moniteur de la Mode | Yacht, Le (w). 


P Pree: Independant. Roussilon, 

. Poitiers. Journal de la Vienne. Progrès. 

Puy (Le). Avenir. Haute Loire. 

Rennes. Journal. L'Ouest-Eclair. Nouvelliste. 

Rheims. Courrier. L’Eclaireur. Voix du Peuple. 

Rochefert. Le Courrier. 

Roubaix. Journal. L'Avenir, 

Rouen. Dépêche. Journal. 

St. Dié. Gazette Vosgienne (2). 

St. Dizier, Ancre ia. La Liberté de a Haute- 
Marne (2). 

St. Etienne. Loire Républicaine. Mémorial de la 

Saumur. Courrier. Echo Saumurois. 
Sedan. Echo des Ardennes (w). 
Soissons. Argus. Démocrate (3). 
Toulon. Le Petit Var. Le Var Républicain. 
Touiouse. Dépêche. L’Express du Midi. Le 
Tourcoing. Courrier. L’Indicateur (w). 
Tours. Journal. La Dépêche. La Touraine Ré- 
Troyes. La Tribune. Petit Troyen. 
Valenciennes. L’Impartial. Valenciennois. 
Verdun. Courrier (3). Est (3). 
Versailies. Courrier (w). Echo (w). Journal (w). 
Vienne. Journal 2: 
Vouziers. Echo Vouzinois (3). 
Algiers. Dépêche Algérienne. Echo d’ Alger. Jeur- 
nal Général (3). Nouvelles. * 
Bene. Réveil Bônois. 
Constantine. Dépêche. Républicain. 
Gueima. Progrès de Guelma (w). Petit Guelma (w). 
— probes pag le er 
ostaganem. Indépendant (w). 
Oran. Echo d'Oran. Correo (w). 
Phillpeville. Union Républicaine (2). 
Setit. Progrès (2). Réveil de Sétif (2). 
Tiemeen. Avenir de Tlemcen (w). Courrier (w). 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

[Newspapers, &c. 


igon— : 
Advertiser (w). | Progrès Commercial de 
Courrier de Saigon (2). | Saigon (w). 

Journal Officiel (2). | Revue Saigonnaise (w). 

Tamatave. Dépéche—Journal du Commerce (w). 
Madagascar (w). 

Tananarive. Echo (w). Journal Officiel (3). Vao- 

Vao (w). 

Bourall. Bourall Illustré (w). 
Noumea. France Australe. 

St. Louis. Afrique Occidentale (3). Echo de la 
France (w). 
Pondicherry. Progrés (w). 
Saint-Denis. Journal Offficiel (2). Moniteur 
Salazien (w) Nouvelliste (3). Petit Journal. 

Railliement (w). Sport. 

St. Louis. Afrique Occdentale (3). Moniteur Officiel (w), 

Hanol. Avenir du Tonkin 

Haiphong. Courrier (3). I 

Indépendance (2). 

Bizerte. Courrier (w). 
Sfax. Dépêche Sfaxienne. 
Sousse. Avenir (w). 
Tunis. Dépêche. Hadira (w). Journal Officiel (w). 
Petite Tunisie (3). Tunisie Française. Unione (2). 

We have omitted the German newspapers from 
our list of publications for the 1916 issue. 


Athens. Acropolis. Astrapi. Chronos. Embros. 
Esperini. Hestia. Kairi. Messager d’Athenes 
(French) (w). Nea Imera. Nea Hellas. Neon 
Asty. Nouvelles de Grece (w). Patris. Progres 
(French). Scrip. 

Corfeu. Journal des Nouvelles. 

Larissa. Proia (w)._ 

Patras. Neologos. 

Piraeus. Spaira (Globe). 

Salonica. Indépendant (French). La Liberté 
(French). Embros (Greek). Nea Alithai (Greek). 
Yénd Assr. (Turk). El Avenir (Spanish Jewish). 

Syra. Patris (w). 

Volo. Thessalia (3). 


Alkmaar. Courant. 

Almelo. Twentsch Zondagsblad (2). 

Amersfoort. Amersfoort’sche Courant (3). 

and Advertentieblad (2). 

Amsterdam— | Het Leven. 
Algemeen Handelsblad. 4 Het Niewsblad. 
Amsterdammer (w). | Nederlandsche Sport (w). 
Bouwwereld (Building | Nieuws van den Dad. 

Trade) (w) | Polytechnisch Weekblad 
Courant. | (technical). 
De Beurs (Financial) (3). | Standaard. 


De Revue der Sporten. | Telegraaf. 
De Prins. Tyd. 
Echo. Zeepost. 

Apeldoorn. Courant (2). 

Arnheim. Courant. Advertentieblad. 

Assen. Provinciale Drentsche en Asser Courant. 
Breda. Courant. Dagblad. 

Delft. Courant. 

Deventer. Courant (w). Dagblad. 
Doetinchem. Graafschapsbode (2). 
Dordrecht. Courant. Nieuwsblad, 
Edam. Courant (2). 

Eindhoven. Courant (3). 

Enschede. Courant. 


438) James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents 124, StwandLondon. 



Continental] Willing’s Press Guide. (Newspapers, &c. 
Holiand— continued. Brescia, Cittadino. Provincia. Sentinella. 

Gees. Courant (3). Brinidisi. Indipendente (w). La Citta (w). 

Gouda. Courant. Dagblad. Cagliari. Unione Sarda. 

Groningen. Courant. Provinciale Groninger Unione. — 

Courant. Nieuwe Financier (3). Nieuwsblad. Catania. Azione. Corriere di Sicilia. La Sicilia. 
Haarlem. Courant. Dagblad. De Auto (w). Como. Corriere del Mattino. Ordine. Provincia. 
Hague. Avondpost. Haagsche Courant. Nieuwe Cremona. Provincia. l 

Courant. Pak me Mee. Staats Courant. Vaderland. Cuneo. Sentinella delle Alpi. Standardo. 

Hariingen. Courant (3). Forrara. Gazzetta. Provincia. 
Hoerenveen. Nieuwsblad. Nazione. Nuovo Giornale. 

Helder. Courant. 

Friesche Courant (w). 

urant (2). 

Maastricht. Limburger Koerier. 

M 1. Courant (2). 6 

Middelburg. Courant. 

Nijmegen. Gelderlander. Provinciale Geldersche en 
Nijmegsche Courant. 

Rotterdam. Dagblad. De Rotterdammer. De Week 
(illustr.) (w). Maasbode. Nieuwe Rotterdamsche 
Courant. Nieuwsblad. Wereldkroniek (illustr.) (w). 

Schovoningen. Courrier de Scheveningue. 

Schiodam. Nieuwe Sch. Courant. 

Tiel. Tielsche. Courant. 

Tilburg. Tipare che: Courant (3). 
burgsche Couran 

Utrecht. Courant. Dagblad. 

Veendam. Nieuwe oe Courant (3). 

Nieuwe Courant (2). 

Nieuwe Courant (3). 
Bommelsche Courant (2). 
Zehin. Courant. 

Zwolle. Provinciale Overysselsche en Zwolsch Courant. 

Nieuwe Til- 

LUXEMBURG— Volkszeitung (2) 
Indépendance Luxem- | Zeitung. 
bourgeoise. Wort. 


Bandoeng. Preanger Bode. 
Batavia. Java-Bode. Nieuws van den Dag. 
blàd Pemberita Betawi. Taman Sari. 
Cheribon. Tjerimai. Bin Tjirebon. 
Djokjakarta. Jogja Vooruit. Midden Java. 
Semarang. De Locomotief. Handelsvlad. 
Soerabaja. Algemeen Sportblad (w). Handelsblad. 
Nieuwsblad. Weekblad v. Indie. 
Nieuwe Vorstenlanden. Bromartanie. 


Medan. Sumatra Post. Deli Courant. 
Padang. Ladapo Sumatra Bode. Warta Hindia. 

Sinar Sum js 
Sibolga. Sinar Sibolga. 

Makassar. Makassasche Courant. Pemberita Makassar 

Bandjermasin. Borneo Advertentieblad . 


Alessandria. Avvisatore. Lega Liberale. Ordine. 

Ancona. Ordine. 

Arezze. Provincia. 

Bari. Corriere della Puglie. Gazzettino delle Puglie. 
Puglia Agricola e Commerciale (w). 

Bergamo. Eco di Bergamo. Gazetta di Bergamo. 
La Rassegna. 
Bielia. Il Biellese. Il Risveglio (Eco dell’ Industria) 

Bologna. Avvenire d’Italia. -Giornale del Mattino. 
1 Mulo (w). Resto del Carlino, 


Cettinje. Glas Crnogorza (w): 

Florence. Diana y 
Scena Illustrata (2 p.m.). Unita Cattolica. 

Genoa. Caffaro. Cittadino. Corriere Mercantile. 1] 
Successo (w). La Liguria del Popolo. Secolo XIX. 

Leghorn. Corriere Mercantile. Gazzetta. Telegrafo. 

Mantova. Cittadino. Gazzetta. Provincia. 

Messina. Gazzetta di Messina. 

Aedolon Moderna (w).| Lombardia. 
Avanti Margherita (bi-m). 

Avanti della Domania 

WwW . 

‘Corriere della Sera. 

Domenica del Corriere(w) 

Gazzetta Agricola (w). 

Gazzetta di Medicina 

Sociale (m). 


Illustrazione Italiana (w). 

Iilustrazione Popolare (w) 

Ingegneria Moderna (m). 

Industria (m). Teatro Illustrato (bi-m), 

La Leuia Varietas (m 

La Sera Villaggio (bi-w). 

` Gazzetta delf Emilia. Giornale di 
Modena. Panaro. Vecchia Provincia. 

Naples. Don Marzio. Il Giorno. Liberta. Mattino. 
Regina (bi-m). Roma Corriere di Napoli. 

Novara. Corriere. 

Padua. Liberta. Provincia. Veneto. 

Palermo. Corriere di Sicilia. Forbice. Gazzetta di 
Medicina & Chirurgia (m). Giornale di Sicilia, 

Moda Illustrata (w). 
MonitoreTecnico (3 & m). 
Motori, Cicli & Sports (w). 
Novita (m). 

Osservatore Cattolico. 

Secolo XX. 
Settimana Illustrata (w). 

Perugia. Democrazia. Unione Liberale. 
Piacenza. Libertà. Nuovo Giornale. Progresso. 
Pisa. Corriere Toscano. Giornale. Provincia. 
Ravenna. Corriere di Romagna. 
Reggio. La Provincia di Reggio. 
Asino (w). 
Corriere d’Italia. 
Esercito Italiano (3). 
Gazzetta Ufficiale.. 
Gli Sports (w). 
Giornale d’Italia. 


Osservatore Romano. 
Piccolo Giornale d’Italia, 
Popolo Romano. 
Preparazione (3). 

Roman Herald (w). 
Gran Mondo (bi-m). Roman World (w). 
IllustrazioneItaliana({w). | Tribuna Illustrata (w) 
LT anal Militaire(m)| Tribuna. 

8 Remo. Armonia. Parola Socialista, Pensiero, 
Sassari. Giornale. La Nuova Sardegna, 
Savona. Cittadino. 

Siena. Gazzetta. "Vedetta Senese, 
La Spezia. Corriere. Il Popolo (w). La Spezia (w) 
Siracusa. Rinnovamento (w). 

Treviso. Gazzetta Trevisana Provincia. 

Turin. Fischietto. Gazzetta. Gazzetta del Popolo, 
Industria Chimica oe “La Donna lier 
Luna (w) asquino (w). opolo 
della menica (ill. w). Stampa. Stampa 
Sportiva (w). 

Udine. Giornale di Udine. Il Paese. Patria del Friuli. 

Varese. Cronaca Prealpina 

Venice. Adriatico. 

Verona. Adige. Arena. 

Vicenza. Berico. Giornale. 

ifesa, Gazzetta di Venezia. 

Menace. Le Monte Carlo. Petit Monégasque. Daily 


Cettinski Viestnik (w) 

Advertisements veceived for all the Metropolitan Newspapers. 




Aalesund. Söndmörposten. 
Arendal. Agderposten. Vestlandske Tidende. 
Bergen. Aftenblad. Tidende. 

Brevig. Posten (3). 

Christiania. Aftenposten: Dagbladet. Morgen- 
bladet Morgenposten. Norske Intelligenssedler 
Social Democraten. Teknisk-Ukeblad (w). 
(Engineering). Tidens Tegn. Verdens-Gang. 

Christianssand. Tidende. 

Drammen. Drammens Blad. Tidende. 

Frederikshald. Halden (3). 

Frederiksstad. Dagblad. . 

Grimstad. Advesectidendé (3). 

Hammerfest. Fiomarksposten (2). 

Haugesund. Karmsundsposten (3). 

Holmestrand. Posten. 

Horten. Gjengangeren (4). 

Krageré. Vestmar (3). 

Larvik. Amstidende (4). 

Levanger. Nordenfjeldsk Tidende (3). 

Mandal. Lister Amstidende (3). r 

Moss. Tilskuer (3). Avis. 

Risoer. Folketanken (3). 

Sandefjord. Vestfold Blad. 

Stavenger. Vestlandet. Stavangeraftenbladet. 

Tronan jom ; ” Dagsposten. Folke- 
tidende. Ny Tid Folkeblad. Trönderen (3). 
Vardo. Posten (2). 


Coimbra. Gazeta. Resistencia (2). 

Capital. Os Ridiculos. 
Diario do Governo. Paiz 
Diario de Noticias. Portugal and Brazil. 
Illustracoa Portugesa Republica 

(w). Seculo. 
Intransigente. Seculo Agricolo. 
p do Commercio. Semlo Comics. 
ucta. Secolo Diario de 
Mundo. Noticias. 
Nacao. Teatro. 
O Jornal. Voz do Operario. 
O Mundo. , 
Oporto. Commercio do Porto. Jornal de Noticias. 

Primeiro de Janeiro. A Montanha. 


ŝan Paulo de Loanda. Boletin Official (w). Voz de: 
Loanda, : 
Angra do Heroisme. Angrense (w). Unias. 
Horta. Fayalense (w). 

Ponta Deigada. Acoriano Oriental (w). Diario dos 
Açores (3) 

Funchal. Diario de Notieias. Heraldo de Madeira. 

Boletin Official (w). 

so Africano (w) 

ig rao Gazette, O 


Willing’s Press Guide. 


(Newspapers, &c.. 


Bucharest. Adéverul. Conservatorul. Dimineata 
Epoca. Indépendance. Roumaine. La Roumanie. 
Minerva. La Politique (French). Rumänischer 
Lloyd. Tagblatt. Universul. Vointa Nationala. 

Crajowa. Gazeta (w). 

Galatz. Galatii. 

Jassy. Evenimentul (3). 

Abo. Turun Sanomat. Underrättelser. 
Archangel. Archangelsk. . 
Astrachan. Listok. 
Charkew. G. W iedomosiy: Jujni Krai. 
Cronstadt. Wjestnik 
Heisingfors. Hufvudstadsbladet. -` Dagens Press. 

HelSingin Sanomat. 

Kasan. Telegraf. Rietch. 

Kiew. Ingenieur (m). Kiewljanin. * Kiewskia Myssi. 

Kowno. Telegraf. 

Libau. Golos Libavi. 

Moscow. Kommersant. Listok. Outro Rossii. Rann- 
Outro. Rouskia Viedomosti. Technitschesky 
Sbérnik (Engineering) (m). Wjedomosti. Rouskoie 
Slowo. Golos Moskwy. 

Nijni-Novgerod. Listok. Volgar. 

Nowy Kurjer. Rozwoj. 

Odessa. Listok. Novosti. 

Automobile (f). ; Ogoniok (illustr.) (w). 

Birshewyja Wedomosti. | Pet. Gazeta. 
Ingenierny Journal Retch. ` 
a ngin). (m). Bove Russky Invalid. 
Journal de Petrograd Schut (w). 
(French). Swet. 
. Listok. Syna Otetsctwa. 
Nowoje Wrèmja. Wedomosti. 

Niwa (w) (ill.). 

Reval. Isvestia. 

Riga. Misle. Prıbaltiski Krai. 
Nowosti eget News) (m). 
ara. Golos Samari 


Tashkent. Kurier. 

Tiflis. Kawkas. Listok. 

Viina. Golos. Westnik. 

Wsemirnaja Panorama 


Warsaw— Kuryer Warszawski. 
Dnewnik. Nowa Gazeta. 
Gazeta Warszawa. Przeglad Techniczny 
Goniec. (Engineering) (bi-m). 
Kuryer Poranny. Slowo. 

Wiborg. Wiborgsnyheter. 

Belgrade— @ 
Mali Journal. | Serpske Novine (Servian 
Odjek (Echo). + | Gazette). 
Politika. Stampa. 
Trgovinski Glasnik. 

Algesiras. Reforma. 

Alicante. Noticiero. : 

Almeria. Crónica Meridional. Radical. 

Badajoz. Nuevo. Diario. Regjon. 

Barcelona. Diario de Barcelona. Diario rig ee 
Liberal Diluvio. Industria e Invenciones (w). Las 
Noticias Noticiero. Publicidad. Vanguardia. 

Bitbao. Liberal. Noticiero Bilbaino. 

Sertee rea 

ena. co. 

Ciudad-Real. Labriego. Tribuna. 

Cordoba. Defensor. Diario. 

Coruna. La Voz. Noroeste. 

Gerona. Diario. 

Granada. El Defensor. Diario Malagueño. 

Guadalajara.. Crónica. 

Huelva. Diario. Provincia. . 

Jerez. Guadalete. Mensagero. f 

440] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand) London. 

Blanco y Negro (w). Epoca. 
Correo Español. Espana Neuva. 
Correspondencia de Globo. 

Espafia. l Illustracion Española (w.) 
Dia. Imparcial. : 
Diario Universal. La Mafiana. 

Eco Aftistito. : Liberal. 

El Heraldo. Mundo Grafico (w). 

El Mundo. Nacional. 

El Pais. Nuevo Mundo (w). 
Ma Cronista. Diario. Union Mercantil. 
Murcia. Liberal. Verdad. 

Palma. Almudaina. Ultima Hora Correo. 

Pampelona. Diario de Navarra. Pensamiento. 

St. Sebastian. Voz de Guipúzcoa 

Santander. Cantabrico. La Atalaya. 

Segovia. Adelantado. 

Sevilla. Carreo de Andalucia. Noticiero. Liberal. 
Taragona. Diario. 

Vv Correspondencia. Mercantil. Provincias. 
Valladolid. Norte. Porvenir. - 
Zamora. Correo. 

Zaragoza. Diario de Avisos.. Heraldo. Noticiero. 


Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Memorandom (w). 
Anunciador. Diario de Las Palmas. 



Arboga. Tidning (2). 

Boras. Tidning. 

Cariskrona. Tidning. 

Garistad. Nya Wermlandstidning (3). 

Christianstad. Tidning. 

EkjeS}. Tidningen. 

Engelholm. Tidning. 

Enköping. Posten (2). Tidning (2). 

Falkenberg. Tidning (3). 

Falképing. Tidning (2). 

Gefle. Gefleposten. Norrlandsposten. : 

Gothenburg. Férposten (w). -~ Göteborgsposten. 
Goteborgs-tidningen. Handels-och-Sjöfarts- 
Tidning. Morgonpost Aftonblad. 

Halmstad. Halland. Hallandsposten. 

Helsingberg. Dagblad. Oresunds-posten. 

Hernésand. Posten. Westernorrlands Allehanda. 


Kalmar. Barometern (4). 

Karishamn. Allehanda (3). Karlshamn (3). 

Landskrona. Korrespondenten. 

Linköping. Ostgöta Correspondent. Ostgöten. 

Lund. Folkets Tidning. 

Malmö. Malmö Tidningen Skanska Aftonblad. 
Skanska Dagbladet. Sydsvenska Dagbladet. 

Motala. Posten (3). : 

Norrköping. Tidningar. _ 

Nyköping. Södermañńlands Lans Tidning (4). 

Oskarshamn. Posteù (2). Tidning (2). 

Sala. Allehanda (3). 

Sk6fde. Westgöta Korrespondenten (3 

Posten. Smalands Allehanda, 
Kalmar (4). 

Stockhoim— Post Tidningar. 
Aftonbladet. St. Tidningen. 
Dagblad. Social Dem. 

Dagens Nyheter. 


Nya Dag) Alleh. 
trémstad. Tidning (2). 
Sundsvall. Posten. Tidning. 
Uddevalla. Bohusläningen (4). 
Umea. Umeabladet (3). 
Upsala. Upsala. 
Vadstena. Läns Tidning (3). 

- Norra Hallands Tidning (3). 

rg. Annonsblad. i 

Svenska Dagbladet. 
Teknisk Tidskrift (En- 
gineering) (2)... 

het alae x a n Läns Tidning (3). 

exlé. Nya Vexidbladet (3). Smalandspost ‘ 
Visby. Gotlands Allehands. Eg 
Ystad. Allehanda. 

Advertisements received for all Australian Journals. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 




[Newspapers, &e. 

Aargauer Nachrichten. | 

Aargauer Volksfr ; 
Aargauer Tagblatt. 5 cee 

Aargauischer Anzei 
Affoltern. Anzeiger ( = oa k 

Aigle. Feuille d’Avis (3). Messager des A 
Altdorf. Gotthard 3) M 25 ae @) 
Appenzell. Volksfreund (3). 
Avenches. Feuille d’Avis (2). ao lan gi 
pekia rise Presse. Tagblatt, 
asle. zeiger. Nachrichten Nati i 
Volksblatt. PORSE, 
Bellinzona. Il Dovere. La Riforma (w). 
Berne. Anzeiger. Berner Tagblatt. Bund. Intelli 

Jura. Tagblatt. 

Biel. Express. Journal du 
Burgdorf. Tagblatt. ~ 

ana aeron $. Impartial. National Suisse. Feuille 

Chur. Bündner Tagblatt. Zeitung. Neue Bündner 
D “Pia te. Blat 
aves-Piatz. ätter (w). Courier (w). Zeitung, 
Delémont. Démocrate. Feuille Ofidee (2). me 
Diessenhofen. Anzeiger am Rhein (3). - 
Einsiedeln. Anzeiger (2). . 
Fleurier. Courrier du Val de Travers (3). 
Frauenteld. Thurgauer Zeitung. Wachter. 
Fribourg. ao du Peuple (3). Liberté. Indé- 

Geneva. Courrier. Feuille d’Avis Officielle. i 
je eae eai Suisse X Tribune. Paea a 
s. achrichten.. Neue Glarner Zeitung. 

Grindelwald. Echo (2). ones 


Herisau. Appenzeller Zeitung. 
engm. Aa Gi Ghee Horgen (3). 
erlaken. rlan . Oberlandisches 
Langenthal. Oberaargauer Tagblatt. ORDUTE O: 

Langnau. oe ara (3). 
Lausanne. ille d’Avis. Gazette. i 
Vaudois. Revue. Tribune. euveliote 
Leysin. Journal de Leysin (w). 
Locie rote d’Avis des Montagnes. 
rne. Eidgenosse (w). Tagblatt. 
cies Anzeige, (w) agblatt. Vaterland. 
ugano. Iriere. Gazzetta Ticinese, P . 
Montreux. Feuille d’Avis. Messager. Joina tite 
Neuchiitel. Express. Feuille d’Avis. Suisse Libérale 
Nyon. Courrier de la Céte (4). Journal (3). 
Olten. Tagblatt. Volksblatt vom Jura (3). 
Payerne. Démocrate (2). 
Le Peuple (2). 

Porrentruy. Jura (2). Pa 5). 
gran i J Aa de Rolle (3). 9 
- Ostschweiz. Stadtanzeiger. l 
ered Jura Bernois. aero Sasa: 
ausen. Intelligenzblatt. Tagblatt. 
gion, Gazette du Valais (3). Jourtal 3). 
urn. Anzeiger. Tagblatt. Zeitung. 
Tn Tagblatt. me 
rogen. Appenzeller Landeszeitung (2). 
Vallorbe. Feuille d’Avis (2). = 
vray. iL Alles Feuille d’ Avis. 
nswii. emeiner Anzeiger (3). N i 
Weintelden. Thurgauer Taghiatt vonage: : 
Winterthur. Landbote. Tagblatt. 
Yverdon. Journal d’Yverdon (3). Le Peuple (2). 
Zotingen. Tagblatt. Volksblatt (2). Volkszeitung (w). 
ane eae (3). Volksblatt (3). . 
ricn— bo 

Alpina (organ of the | Post. 

S. Alpine Club) (m). Schweizerische Handels 
Bau-Schweizerische zeitung (w). 
Bau-zeitung (Building- Tagblatt. 

Trade) (w). Tagesanzeiger. 
Nachrichten. Wochenzeitung (w). 

Nepe Zürcher Zeitung. 

Adrianople. Edirne (w). a 
Beyrouth. Al Ahwal. Réveil (French) (2). 
Constantinople. Moniteur Oriental. Sabah. Stam- 
boul (French), Jeune Ture (French). Ikdam 
Turk. Tanine (Turk). Puzantion (Armenian). 
Proodos (Greek). Tachydomos (Greek). 

Smyrna. Amatheia. Courrier de Smyrne. Impartial 
Journal,de_Smyrne (2). Nea Smyrni (Greek). 



The list following is confined to titles which found a place in the last issue of this Guide. 

Willing’s Press Guido. _ 


Many otuer, titles which 

have disappeared from the Alphabetical List will be found in the preceding list of Litular Changes and Amalganmia tons. 

Abingdon Free Press. 
Abroad. Academy. 
Adlington Chronicle. 
Agricultural IMconomist. 
Altreton Argus, 

A. S. T. E. Report. 
Amateur, Atom, f 
Amateur Printing. 

Ambulance and Mine 
Rescue Service. 
Anonyma. Antiquary. 

Appointments Gazette. 
Army Ordnance Gazette. 
Art News. 
Ashford Institute Journal, 
Assyrian Mission Quar- 
terly Paper. 
Astral Ladder. 
Atlantic Monthly. 
Badminton Gazette. 
Balham News Letter. 
Baptist Herald. 
Basingstoke News. 
Belgigue Nouvelle. 
Berwick Mercury. 
Birmingham Y.M 
Blackmore Catalogue of 
Boy Messenger. 
Boy’s Realm. : 
Bradshaw's Continent 
Railway Guide. 
Briercliffe Leader. 
Bright Words. 
Bristol and the War. 
British Archivist. 
BritishMachinery Gazette 
British Review. 
Briton’s Own Library. 
Brixton and Lambeth 
Buckingham Express. 
Bulletin of the Federa- 



tion of International 
Bulletin of the Inter- 

national Labour Office. 
Burrow’s Legal Calendar. 
Cap and Gown, Caravan. 
Cardiff Library Review. 
Cartoon. 7 
Castle Cary Visitor. 
Catering Worker. 
Catholic Magazine. 
Children's League 

Pity Paper. 
Child’s Friend. 
Child’s Guardian. | 
Child’s Own Magazine. 



College Maga- 

Stretton and 
Craven Arms Pare 
Church’s Year Calendar. 
City Oracle. Circulations. 

Civic Red Cross Maga- 
Civil Service Candidate. 
Class Teacher. 
Coming Events (Derby). 
Comment and Criticism. 
Congregational Almanac 
and Directory. 
Conservative & Unionist 
Women’s Franchise Re. 
Cookery Annual. 
Co-operation in 



Cri de Londres. Critic. 
Cruising Association 

Daily World. 
Dewdrop and Young 
Disestablishment Banner. 

Downham Market News. 

Eagle (Hammersmith). 

Eastern Football News. 

Echo and South Leinster 

Edinburgh Dental Stu- 

Edinburgh Y.M.C.A. 

Ends ot the Earth. 
Espelho. Ethical World. 
‘evening Post (White- 

Evening Times Footbali 

Exhibitors’ Guide. 
Facts. . 

Fashions for All Cata- 

Fertilisers. Film Censor. 
Film Flashes. Flash. 
Forget Me Not Library. 
Free Church of kngland 
Fee Russia. 
French for All. 
Fry’s Magazine. 
Athlete and 
Gale’s Special. 
Gale’s Week End Special. 
Golden Sunbeams. 
Gravesend and 
fleet Standard. 
Gravesend Magazine. 
Greenwood’s Weekly 
Diary, . 
Grocer’s Magazine. 
Gymnastic Year Book. 


Hammer and Crook. 

Hammersmith Hom 

Hampstead Braille 

Hartlepool Borough 

Hart’s Quarterly Army 

Hispania. Hockey. 

Horner’s Threepenny 

Horwick Chronicle. 

Huddersfield Chronicle. 

Hulton’s Christmas 

Hulton’s Holiday Maga- 

Ice and Cold Storage 

Trades Directory. 
Incorporated Law So- 

ciety’s Gazette. 

Industrial Daily. 

Insurance orrespon- 

International] Railway 

Congress Bulletin. 
Investors’ Blue Book. 
Invicta Magazine. 
Irish Architect. 

Irish Journalist. 

Irish Review. 

Ironworkers’ Journal. 

Jack Tar. 

Jepson’s Shorthand Com- 

Jeweller’s Journal. 

Jewish Review. — 
journal ot Horticulture. 

Journal of Periodical] 

Journal of the Ivernian 

Journal of the Water- 

ford, &c., Archzologi- 
cal Society. 

Kalendar ot the rrayert 

Kerry Advocate. 

Kerry Press. 

Khaki and Blue Home- 
land Magazine. 

Kinross-shire Courier. 

Lady’s Realm. 

Lake’s Herald. 

Leyton and Leytonstone 
District Advertiser. 

Liberal Monthly. 

Light of Home. 

Lighting Journal, 

Linotype Notes. 

Lock to Lock Times. 

Longford Journal. 

Loughborough ‘Times. 

Maldon Advertiser. 

Manchester Medical 
Student’s Gazette. 

Manufacturer’s Illus- 
trated Post. 

Medical Chronicle. 

Methodist Expositor. 

Mill and Works Practice 
and Engineering News. 

Mining Engineering. 

Modern Woman. 

Monthly Notes on 
Monthly Notes on Tariff 
Music Cover and Col- 
My Favourite Home 

Needle Worker. 

New Thought & Psychic 
Book Review. 

Newne’s Illustrated. 

Newport Pagnali 

Newton News and Direc- 

Nithsdale News, 

North London Guardian. 

Northern Freemason. 

Northfleet and Swans- 
combe Standard. 

Notes for Teachers on 
the International] 

One and All Gardening. 

Our Empire. Our Flag. 

Our Magazine. 


Overseas Trade 

Oxford Review. 

Oxfordshire Free Press. 

Parish Helper. 


Penarth Advertiser. 

Pitman’s Magazine 

Placard and Service Bill 

Pontypridd & Rhondda 


Potteries Sporting News. 

Prescot Weekly Times. 

Preston Weekly News. 



Printer’s Pocket “Guide. 

Pyblic School Winter 
Sports Club Year-buok. 
Publisher’s Maul. 
Pwllheli Chat. 
Reader’s Guide 
Red Cross 
lance News. 
Redcar and 
Rickmansworth News. 
Rochester Naturalist. 
Root and Branch. 
Rottingdean Chronicle. 
Russian Review. 

( Liver- 
for Paimer’s 
and Ambu- 



St. Alban’s Diocesan 
St. Andrew’s Gazette. 

St. Anne’s Visitor. 

St. Austell Star. 

Salford Chronicle. 

Scottish Review. 

Selkirk Advertiser. 

Sheerness Times. 

Shefheld Guardian. 

Shoreditch Echo. 

Shoreditch Observer. 

Socialist Record. 

Southwark Diocesan and 
South London Church 
Fund News. 

Sporting Mail (Birming- 

Sporting News (Swan- 
Sports Argus (Birming- 
Stamp and Coin Col- 

lector’s Miscellany. 


Standard House Hunter’s 


Stock Exchange. 

Stock Exchange Making- 
up Price List. 

Stocks and ~- Shares 
Review. . 

Student’s Companion. 

Sunday Companion 
Temperance Messenger. 

Temperance Witness. 
Things to Come. 

Town Crier. 

Traite des Blanches. 


Tuesday Express (Ash- 

Vanguard Almanac. 

Vanguard Crusader. 

Villa News and Record. 

Voice from India. 

Walkden Advertiser. 

Wallington, &c., Weekly 

Watch Tower. 

Wednesday Courier (Mac- 

West Bridgeford Echo. 

Woman’s Opinion. 

World’s Library. 

Young England. 

Young, Health Crusader. 

Yugend Strahlen. 

2| James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


For the supply, by telegraph, or other means, of Home and Foreign news, Leading 
articles and original descriptive matter, London letters, Parliamentary and Law reports, 
University intelligence, Market returns, City, Commercial, sporting, and general: news, 
&c., in manuscript, proof, stereotype, and partly printed sheets. : 

These Agencies also undertake, in some cases, the composition and machining of 
newspapers, and to provide Reporters for special and general purposes. Terms for the 
various services may be ascertained upon application. 

ABERYSTWYTH NEWS AGENCY.—(J. Denley Spencer) Highfield, Dinas Terrace, Aberyst- 
th. i 

EENE Motor Press AGENCY.—2 Whitefriars St., E.C. (Adut. p. 444.) 

ARMY News AGENcY.—(T. Munn) 176 Fleet St., E.C., 146 Harbord St., Fulham, S.W. 

well Place, E.C. 

ATHLETIC News AGENCY.—2 Whitefriars St., Fleet St., E.C. (Advi. p. 444.) 

ATTwoop’s REPORTING AGENCY.—8 New Bridge St., E.C. 

AUSTRALIAN PRESs. AssocIATION.—10 Salisbury Square, E.C. 

AVIATION News AGENcY.—C. E. Lane, 12 Somerton Road, Peckham Rye, S.E. 

Box1nc News AGENcY.—32 Temple Chambers, London, E.C. Established 1897. 

BRITISH Press AGENcY.—St. James Place, Edinburgh, and London, 173-5 Fleet St., 

9 Mill Road, Cambridge. 

CASSELL’S GENERAL Press.—Cassell and Co. Ltd., La Belle Sauvage, E.C. 

CENTRAL News, LimMITED.—5 New Bridge St., E.C. 

CENTRAL PreEss.—Guy L’Estrange, Palace Chambers, Westminster, S.W. 

CoLuMN PRINTING Company, LIMITED.—Head Office: 5 New Bridge St., E.C.; West 
End Office: 20 Orange St., W.C. (Telegraphic News Agency, News Services 
supplied by “Column ” Wide Page Tape Machines. The Company’s extensive 
system of covered wires renders instruments practically free from break- 
down. Advt.) . l 


COMTELBURO, LIMITED.—11 Tokenhouse Yard, E.C. 

DALZIEL’s News, LimitED.—15 Moorgate St., E.C. 

Dixon, J. E., and Co., ATHLETIC News AGENCY.—2 Whitefriars St., Fleet St., E.C. 
(Advt. p. 444.) l 

ENGINEERING AND GENERAL NEws AGENCY.—(A Webster) 204 Temple Chambers, E.C. 
(Articles and Reports of any length on engineering and technical subjects. Weekly 
service on these matters offered. Verbatim Reports. Telegrams : Circling, Fleet, 
London. Telephone: Holborn, 5509. Advt.) 

EXCHANGE TELEGRAPH COMPANY, LimITED.—(Wilfred King, Managing Director) 
17 Cornhill, E.C.; 14-15 Panton St., S.W. 

GENERAL Press AGENcY.—(A. N. Baker), 16 Great New St., E.C. 

GoLF News AGENCY.—2 Whitefriars St., Fleet St., E.C. (Advt. p. 444.) 

HOCKEY REPORTING AGENCY.—2 Whitefriars St., Fleet St., E.C. (Advt. p. 444.) 

INFORMATION BUREAU, Ltp.—140 Strand, W.C. (Representatives of Principal Papers 
at Companies’ Registry, Somerset House (Correspondents at Edinburgh, Dublin, 
and other Companies’ Registries), General Company Experts. Advt.) 

LIVERPOOL AND District.—Lee & Nightingale (established 1854) 15 North John 
St., Liverpool. ; 


-= Sole Proprietor), Est. 1860. 62 Mantilla Rd., Franciscan Rd., Tooting Common, S.W. 

LONDON News AGENCY, LIMITED, established in 1893. (Supplies a full service of the 
general news of the day in London and district to all the leading London and pro- 
vincial newspapers. It undertakes special reporting of all descriptions, and has a 
staff of verbatim shorthand writers for official note taking. Offices, 46 Fleet St., 
E.C. Telephones : 5966 Holborn (3 lines), 12,500 Central. Telegrams, “Elleniche, 
London.” Adrt.) 

Advertisements receiv.d for all Provincial Newspapers. [44° 

Reporting, &c.| Willing’ s Press Guide. - [Agencies. 


METROPOLITAN REPORTING AGENCY.—T. A. Reed & Co., 37 Cursitor St., Chancery 
Lane, E.C. 

NATIONAL PRESS AGENCY, LimitED.—Whitefriars House, Carmelite St., E.C. 

NEWSPAPER SocizTy.—(H. Whorlow, Sec.) Morning Post Buildings, Strand, W.C. 

43-45 Lumley Road, Skegness. 

NORTHERN NEWSPAPER SYNDICATE.—(C. W. Shepherd: Manager) Kendal. 

Porri’s News BurREAU.—Victoria St., Grimsby. 

PrEss AGENCY.—G. Moore & Co., 38 Parliament St., S.W. 

PRESS ASSOCIATION, LIMITED.—(E. Robbins. Manager) 14 New Bridge St., E.C. 

PROBATE Press AGENCY.—14, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C. 


ROWING AND SWIMMING AGENCY.—<A Sinclair, Twickenham.‘ 

' SCOTTISH PRESS AGENCY.—St. James Place, Edimburgh. 

SoutH Lonpon News AGENcy.—-C. E. Lane, 12 Somerton Rd., Peckham Rye, S.E. 

SPORTING NEws AGENCY.—40 Fleet St., E.C. 

SPORTS REPORTING AGENCY.—W. J. P. Stephens, 30 and 31 Temple Chambers, E.C. 

SWIMMING AND AQUATIC PRESS AGENCY.—32 Temple Chambers, London, E.C. 

THAMES VALLEY NEws AGENcy.—A Sinclair, Twickenham. Yachting, Rowing, Swim- 
ming, Water Polo, Boxing, Aviation, and all other sports. (See Rowing and 
Swimming Agency.) 

“ TOPICAL ”?” PRESS AGENCY (incorporating the business of The Commercial and Educa- 
_ tional Film Co. Ltd.)—(Photographs and aa ieee and Cinematography), 
10-11 Red Lion Court, Fleet St., London, E.C. (Advt. p. 434.) 

UNITED SERVICES Press AGENCY.—I16 Great New St., E.C. 

YORKSHIRE REPORTING AGENCY.—C. Ogden, 17-18 Thorpe Chambers, Bradford. 


| l 


J. E. DIXON & Co., Haha ter 

2, Whitefriars Street, London, E.C. 



(For Reports and Articles on Athletics, Cycling, Cricket, Football, Lawn Tennis, Bowls, Swimming, and other 
Sports. The Golf Reporting Branch "referred to below as the Golf News Ag ency was established in 1889.) 


(For the supply of Golf Notes and News.) 


(For all matters pertaining to Automobilism, including Marine Motoring and Aviation.) 
(Devoted solely to Hockey and Lacrosse.) 

| Special Reports, Notes, and Articles on any of the above subjects can be supplied, with or without 
Dasani, at tLe Shortest Notice. 

Each Branch is under the management of a Specialist. 

Far Terms, apply to:— 
J. E. DIXON & CO., 2, Whitefriars Street, London, E.C. 

444) James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 
B ~ 

TERE pye ati ed 

[Advertise nents, 

a The Modern Newspaper of 
e OSs pl a 5 Administrative Medicien and 
h Institutional Life. 

1d. WEEKLY. Published every THURSDAY for SATURDAY. 1d. WEEKLY. 
The Hospital devotes itself to the Organization, Administration, and Development of every Department 
of the Medical and Instituticnal World, as well as the all-important question of National Insurance and Health. 
It is the recognised Jou. nal of all Institutions, at home and abroad, having the care of disabled humanity in 
every phase of disease, accident and dependence, including all organizations charged with National Insurance, 
Public Health, and the Physical well-being of the people. ~ 

Scale of Charges for Trade Advertisements. Hospital and Poer Law Official Advertisements, 
{sa Including Contracts, Tenders, etc., are charged at 
One Page 500° the rate of 6/- per inch. 
Half Pa A eee eve eon ane eee 2 15 0 For Vacancies and mpleyment. 
BE sss sais ve S oe Vacant, Appointments and Situations, £ s. d. 
Quarter Page ue ane -- 110 0 Homes, Apartments, etc., 21 words 
? ? ’ *9 
Eighth Page eee er 8G} 015 0 and ander h a Wy 26 
Special Terms for Series, l Those wanting appointments or situa- 
. tions, 21 words and under... we 0 10 
Private Sale and Exchange Advertisements and Seaside and Holiday Apartments, 14 words and under, 18 ; 
every 7 words beyond, 6d. Size of page, 9 by 6, Two Columns. 

Advertisements should reach the Office by 12 NOON on Wednesday In each week. 



1d WEEKLY. Published every THURSDAY for SATURDAY. 1d. WEEKLY. 
| For' Vacancies and Employment. £ s. d. 
Scale of Charges ter Trade Advertisements. Vacant Appointments and Situations, 
One Fago: #9: Half Fage, S4 oe Made ee OO 
Quarter Page, 82 7s. 6d.; Eighth Page, $1 Ts. 6d.; N wanting appointments or situa- 
Special Terms for Series. tions, 21 words and under ase 01 6 
Private Sale and Exchange Advertisements and Seaside and Holiday Apartments, 14 words and under, 18. ; 
every 7 words beyond, 64. Size of page, 9 by 6, Two Columns. 

Advertisements should reach the Office by 12 NOON on Wednesday In each week. 

The Hospital Building, 28 and 29, Southampton Street, Strand, W.C. 

—— e a e aaaeeeaa 

Che Northern Whig. 


ELFAST is the COMMERCIAL CAPITAL of Ireland, and ULSTER is the most enterprising 
and flourishing of its provinces. The population of Belfast is now about 400,000. 
The population of Ulster is 1,581,696. 
he entire population of Belfast, and of every town and village in the province of 
Ulster, is embraced by the circulation of The Northern Whig, established in 1824, and 
long known as one of the leading newspapers in Ireland, and a strong supporter of 
Imperial and Unionist interests. The Northern Whig also commands a large circulation 
in Dublin, and has subscribers in every part of the South and West of Ireland. Itis, 
therefore, almost unnecessary to point out to Advertisers of all classes that no other 
journal in Ireland can offer superior advantages as an advertising medium. 

The Belfast and London Offices of The Northern Whig are connected by Private Wire. 

Che Weekly Northern Whig. 

The Best Irish Weekly Newspaper. Price One Penny. 
An elaborate résumé of all the News of the Week, with an enormous town and country 

Terms may be had from the Publishers— 

Advertisements received for all Periodicals. [445 

eras _ Willing’s Press Guide. 

N T SSS . 
8 N 
K à 
\ ` 
N à 
` 4 

Member of British Association of Trade and Technical Journals. 

Largest Circulation in the World. 

Y at r 
-London Wall, 200 


“Kamsin,” Barb, 


per annum post free 

in the United Kingdom. 

per annum post free. 

Foreign and 
_ Golisnial. 

Amonuvers or Clothing and Outfitting. 
Offices :—5 & 7, MOOR LANE, LONDON, EC. 




London’s Foremost E vening Paper. 

Latest War News. 

City. Finance. Commerce. 
Special Articles on Current Topics. 
Smartest Fashion Sketches. 

Best Bonk Reviews. 

Music and Theatre Notes. 
146] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

` Willing’s Press Guide. (Advertisements. 

The Railway Gazette. 

A Journal of Transportation, Engineering, Docks, Harbours, Contracts, and Railway News, with-which are 
incorporated Transpert, Herepath’s Rallway Journal, and tho Railway Times (Established 1837). 

Prepaid Annual Subscription : Inland, £1 1s.; Foreign, 81 12s. 

(Type Space on Advertisement Pages, 7 in. x 10 in.) 

READ CENNE Tare? A Gan mirs< 

ee o o n a m 


52 13 1 ee SRE CIPTA EL A TET 

l £ s. d. s.d. £ s.d. men m AMSAT ie 
Whole Page ~~ 515 7 614 4 10 0 0 
Half Page ... ~.. 3 26 3138 1 412 6 
Eighth Page - 018 2 1 1 3 115 0 3$ ina. ... 0 610 08 1 O12 6 
Special Positions by Arrangement and when vacant. 

Recognised as an authority by the railway and 
transporcation authorities of five continents, the 
RAILWAY GAZETTE has an unrivalled paid-for 
circulation amongst higher railway and dock officials, 
engineers, storekeepers, purchasing agents, and others 
who have authority to specify and buy in England 
and Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Japan, South A frica, 
Australasia, India, Canada, South America, France, 
Italy, Russia, &c. Booklet of Testimonials sent post 
free on application. 

Side & Interior Panelling— 
5 Mom to sed 2 Hath poins kaa 
D mimt n OFF 

Ina aene to ta 


a e ms tomes a eenn 
eae mene aromas 

OMT wesen toven dn ene 



727078, Cannon Strret, Leadon. 
inpotan arga mame se 


Best Medium for all Official Advertisements, such as ~a. DOCKER BROTHERS, LIMITED | a. 

Prospectuses, Tenders for Stores, &c., Situations 
Vacant, Notices of Meetings, Annual or Half-Yearly 
Reports, &c. 

All communications respecting Advertisements should be addressed to the Advertisement Manager, 
“* Raliway Gazette,” Queen Anne’s Chambers, Westminster, London, 8.W. 



A Journal of Shipbuilding, Marine Engineering, 
- Docks, Harbours, and Shipping. 
Prepaid Annual Subscription : Inland, £1 Ss. ; Foreign, 81 12s. 

PR oe ween n ome aa 


(Type Space on Advertisement Pages, 7 in. x 10 in.) 


52 13 1 
£sd £s d £s d ie e 
Whole Page 515.7 614 4 10 0 0 i — m 
Half Page... ... 326,313 1 412 6 en WORKS, See ee ee 
; , saatas APPLIANCES The "Stone-Lioyd System 
Eighth Page 018 2 11 3 #115 0 ASH, SCHACHT ese | | Tones cae see sm 
1 in. by 3} in. 0610 08 1 012 6 4EWAR IRON awo STEEL -iH STEAN Prp 
tet TUBES Sems 
Special Positions by Arrangement and when oust | HORNYCROF | +s = 
v t arse soe ITOR HOU WEETMWSTES LOSDON Ew So manees cart 
A link between builder and owner. Drawings and ANCHORS. HETHEATON IRON WORKS, CONLEY 
good illustrations a special feature. Practical articles 0 CTY 
by practical men. The week’s shipbuilding and adnate 

shipping news concisely told. Really useful to all 
engaged in or in any way connected with shipbuilding 
and shipping. Essentially the busy man’s paper, 

All communications respecting Advertisements should be addressed to the Advertisemient Manager, 
** Shipbuilding and Shipping Record,” Queen Anne’s Chambers, Westminster, London, S.W. 

Advertisements veceined tov all Prownrial Newehahers. eer 


Advertisements]. Willing’s piei Guide, 


The Representative Organ of the Shoe and Leather Industries. 

EVERY FRIDAY 2d. Of all Newsagents. 

Postal Subscription at Home and Abroad, 12/6 per annum, prepaid. 


Has the largest circulation of any Shoe and Leather Trade Paper in the world, and 
it is the only ‘trade paper which publishes its actual sales (certified by chartered 
accountant), which are at least double those of any similar -paper published in the 
United Kingdom. 

Circulation considered, the RECORD is, therefore, by 

far the cheapest advertising medium for those who wish > 

their announcements read by all sections of the Shoe and 
Leather industries. 

Head Office: | | 

Telegrams: ‘‘ Goloshes, Finsquare, London.” Telephone: 1235 London Wall. 



The Most Popular Illustrated Paperi in the World ? 

Because it Employs the 


| in the World. 
Because it is ` 


The Greatest Triumph of Modern Illustrated Journalism is 

% . ESTRAND,” ep : 


448] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents; 125, Strand;\London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. _[Advertisements. 

The Baker & Confectioner. 


gr has the largest ir has the Best T is the best medium 
PAID circulation Staff of technical for advertisers, for 
of any Baking Trade aw or tocnnica every subscriber isa 
Paper. contributors. probable customer. 
See re EEE) eee Mg MA NR EI ae eal 
Free by post for 12 months, 6s.; abroad, 10s. 

Advertisements for current issue should be received at the Office by noon on Thersdays. 


Court and Country Guide, 




Contains Street and Alphabetical arrangements of the Names and Places of Abode, in Town and Couatry, 
of the NoBILITY AND GENTRY. With Family Names of the Nobility ; Houses of Peers and Commons; the 
Foreign Ministers, Bankers, Army and Navy Agents, Government Offices, Public Societies and Institutions, 
Club Houses, Inns of Court, etc. 
Published at 10, Gough Square, Fleet Street, E.C., and 48, South Audley Street, W. 
Sold by all West End Booksellers. The Trade Supplied at 10, Gough Square, Fleet Street, E.C. 


Founded 1838. Cloth, 1s. 6d. net. 


THE CATHOLIC DIRECTORY is the Official Organ of the Catholic Archbishops and Bishops of England 
and Wales; it is edited at Archbishop’s House, Westminster, and its monopoly of information constitutes it the 
enly handbook in daily use by the Clergy and Laity of Great Britain throughout the year. it gives detalled 
particulars of Catholic Colieges, Convent and Private Schools, Religious and Charitable Institutions and Societies; 
an It is indispensable to all who require authentic details about the Remon Catholic Church, its Institutions and 

its works. 
Size of page, Crown 8vo, ; Space for Advertisements, 5} by 3} ins. 
Whole Page ... £2 10 0 | Half-Page ... £1 8 0 | Quarter-Page ... £0 16 0 

Published by BURNS & OATES, Ltd,, 28, ORCHARD STREET, LONDON, W. 

Channel Coast and Mediterranean Magazine. 


On Continental and English Life ; 
Finance and Politics of all Countries. 

Interesting information concerning all Seaside Resorts on the 
British, French and Mediterranean Coasts. 

Topical, Versatile, Interesting, Instructive, Useful and Amusing. 

Sea ee ee ES Oe ee Se ee ee ee EE ae i ee vik 
Adapowtsacoamomte woroanon taw all NDavortawscoe ama ClasrsnAve Paar 

Advertisements. ] Willing s Press Guide. Press Guide. 




The Paper that circulates in the four quarters of the globe. As an example 
of the purchasing power of the readers, a four-line Advertisement offering two 
debentures of £25 each, resulted in applications amounting to over £1,500. So 
get the “Christian Herald ” on to your list for a series contract NOW at the 
strategical moment. For Rates, apply to— 

The Advertisement Manager, ‘‘The Christian Herald,” 6, Tudor St., E.C. 

THURSDAY. Established 1857. ONE PENNY. 


(The Premier Religious Weekly Newspaper) 

SITUATIONS WANTED.—3 Lines 3/=, each additional line 6d, | One Penny per Line 

VACANT.—3 Lines 3/6. ij = » 6d. Reduction for Series of Six Á 

4 Lines 4/«, each additional line 9d. A line averages eight words 

Advertisements must be received by Two p.m. on Wednesday to appear the same week, accom- 
panied by Postal Order, payable to JAMES CLARKE & Co. Telephone No.: Holborn 4889. 

The ‘Christian World’ Office, 13 & 14, Fleet St., London, E.C, 



Largest Circulation of all Church of England Newsnaners: 

. Terms for Advertising. 
Houses, Apartments, S A 5 D Schools, ha & Trade, s. @. 
3 6 

&c., 20 words ... de 
Per Line after s. 0 6 

Clerical, Lay Work, Domestic, ʻ 4 
7 words after ... . 0 6 

c., 28 words or less 
8 words after sé ... O 6 

© Office not later than WEDNESDAY MORNING. 
Cheques & Post Office Orders should be made Payable to G. J. PALMER & SONS, & crossed “‘......... and Co.” 

Publishing Office: 7, PORTUGAL STREET, LONDON, W.C. 


Poultry, Game and Rabbit Trades Chronicle. 
Official Organ of the Natienal Sea Fisheries Protection Asseciation . 
TWOPENCE - EVERY SATURDAY. The only Paper of the kind in the World, 

Invaluable to all in the Home, Colonial and Foreign Fish, Poultry, Game 
and Rabbit Trades, and to Exporters of British and Irish Fish. 
Can ee a ane ee a neni) 

To insure insertien it Is necesar that the money be remitted with the Advertisement, which must be delivered. 

Special attention given to the Cold Storage and Ice Trades. 
unequalled Medium for ADVERTISEMENTS for all Branches of the Bushing Industry, and Allied Trades 
(Wholesale and Retail). 

12 months, 10/10; 6 months, 5/5; 3 months, eg cae p onma, Tin, 6 months, 7/7; 3 months, 3/9} 


Offices—Peninsular House, a Street, London, E.C. i 
Telegraphic Address: “ FINFISH, BILGATE, LONDON.” Telephone: AVENUE, 687. i 

50] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand; London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [Advertisements 

“THE FRUIT, rower sod vestae TRADES JOURNAL.” 

The only recognised organ of the industry in all its branches. Circulating 
widely amongst raisers and wholesale and retail distributors of fruit and market 


Advertising Tariff extremely moderate. Rates upon application. 
Td. Weekly. Through all Newsagents. 

Also Publishers ef the Fruit, Flower and Vegetable Trades Diary and Compendium, Price 2/6. 


The Grocers: Review & Provision Trades Journal 

The most powerful, effective, and inexpensive Trade Journal published in the NORTH OF ENGLAND. 

Efficient ! because it is PAID FOR and DILIGENTLY PERUSED by a large majority of the members of the 
Retail Provision Trade, in that enormous, populous and wealthy area containing over 15,000,000 inhabitants. 

These men of discernment realise the value of Publicity, and, as ACTUAL BUYERS, they find the advt. 
columns of the @.R. & P.TW. absorbingly interesting. 

If desired, arrangements can be made for your announcements to appear opposite literary matter. | 

ras first step you should take when extending your Business-Building operations is to write us for 

Our proposition is particularly attractve to firms possessing a‘highly-organised Sales-Service, because 
we “get right there "—not only amongst your own, but also your Competitors’ Customers. 

TUESDAY—PRICE ONE PENNY. Size of page: 12 x 7 inches. 
20, Bucklersbury, E.C. 1, Greenwood Street, Manchester 



The only Paper printed and FORE STREET. HERTFORD. 
*Phone 46. 

Published in the County Town. 
eee fe ae 


Most Widely-Circulated HERTFORDSHIRE Paper. 

Friday 4 o’clock. One Penny. 

Trade Advertisements, one insertion, 2s. 6d. per inch. 13 insertions, 1s. 6d. per inch. 

26 insertions, ls. 4d. per inch. 52 insertions, ls. 3d. per inch. Prepaid advts., 20 

words ls., and 4d. for every additional line of eight words. Three consecutive 
insertions for the cost of two. 

Chief Offices—Dagnall Street, ST. ALBANS. 
Telephone—63 St. Albans. l Established 1855. 
Proprietors :—A. E. GIBBS and J. BAMFORTH.` 

Advertisements received tor all the M etrobolitan Newsbabers. et- o 

Willing’s Press. Guide. 

(Incorporates the HULL PACKET). 
6-8 pages. Established 1787. Publishes Eight Editions Daily. 
The circulation of the Daily Mail is guaranteed to be far in excess of that of any other daily paper published 
in Hull, the East Riding of Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire. It is the organ for Government, municipal, public 
companies and official announcements. Special Editions for Grimsby. ,  . 
Guaranreed Net Sales over 50,000 copies daily. 
Head Offices: 22, WHITEFRIARGATE, HULL. London Office:. 92, FLEET STREET, E.C. 

Branch Offices at Grimsby, Goole, Driffield, Bridlington, and Gainsborough. 

Saturday. Eight Editions. Established 1857. 8-12 Pages. 

The largest, best, and most widely read family weekly Papers in Hull and the adjacent counties. Two 
distinct issues. Recognised organs for Auctioneers’, Board of Guardians, Legal and other public announce- 

ments. Advertisements appear in all Editions of both Weeklies for one inclusive charge. - 
In addition to the early Morning Editions, there are six other Editions published during the day up to 

Advertisements. | 

eight o'clock at night. Guaranteed Net Sales over 40,000 copies weekly. 
Head Offices : London Office: 92, FLEET STREET, E.C. 
22, WHITEFRIARGATE, Telephone No. 6670, CITY. 
HULL. Representattve—Mr. W. T. SMITH. 

In planning a campaign that includes Illustrated Weekly Papers, “* The Illus- 
trated London News” is always included : more than this, it always comes 
first on the list, by reason of the fact that advertisers and advertising agents 
regard ‘* The Illustrated London News” as the premier paper of its class. 

Che Illustrated Condon News. 

This feeling is not prompted by sentiment or old associations, but merely 
because “ The Illustrated London News” interests an enormous circle 
of readers every week, and pays those who advertise in its columns. 



Drug, Provision, and General Trades Journal. 

Published every Friday Night for ‘Saturday Morning. Advertising Rates on Application. 

This is the Oldest Trade Journal in Ireland, with the Largest Circulation, and the most infl i - 
nection amongst Wholesale and Retail Grecers, Druggists, Provision Merchants, and Allied Taan 


The Irish Grocer, Drug, Provision, and General Trades Journal, Ltd. 
. (Beside General Post Office), BELFASfF, 

TELEPHONE No. 2142. TELEGRAMS—‘‘ Grocery, Belfast.” 



(2.) THE MASTER BAKER, &c. Publications. 

Both Papers covcr the BEST Buyers and have the Best News Services. 

mer HH CCS NEEM H amaaa 
452] James Willing, Lid., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 


Willing’s Press Guide. (Advertisements. 



Has a circulation far exceeding that of any other penny daily newspaper in that country. It is the largest 
daily paper in Ireland, and possesses a telegraph wire of its own from London to Dublin. It has a large staff 
of London and Foreign Correspondents, also local representatives in every town in. Ireland. 


The best weekly newspaper in Ireland ; non-political and non-sectarian ; gives an excellent Summary of all 
the Events of the week, and is very largely read. 

CHIEF OFFICES—31, Westmoreland Street, Dublin; and 59 and 153, Fleet Street, 

Telephone—6651 CENTRAL. Telophone—12419 CENTRAL. , 

Islington Daily Gazette 

Published at 3 a.m. every week-day except Saturdays. 

THE ONLY Daily District Newspaper in the Metropolis circu- 
lating throughout an area in London and Middlesex comprising a 
population of upwards of one million inhabitants. 


Twenty words for 6d.; three consecutive Insertions for 18. Displayed Advertisements 
2s. 6d. per inch. 

Offices: 10, Gough Square, Fleet Street, E.C.; 10, High Street, islington, N. 
and 63, Seven Sisters Road, Holloway, N. 


Military Matl 



Circulates in all parts of the British Fmpire, and is read by everyone in, or 
connected with the British Army—Rezulars, Territorials, aad National Reserve. 

Telegrams: “ PICQUETS, LONDON.” - Telephone: 283 CENTRAL. 

Pub. Offices: 2, AMEN CORNER, LONDON, E.C. 
Advt. Offices: 118 119, NEWGATE STREET, LONDON, E.C. 


The Nursing Times 

and Journal of Midwifery. 




A daiovta conma omia PESE E faw nall Dorandannlo Pien 

me -= 


Advertisements. | Willing’s Press Guide. 

The Railway Hews 

(ESTABLISHED 1864), i 

The most authoritative Railway Paper for 50 Years past. 

Circulates among Locomotive and Carriage Superintendents, Railway Engineers, 
Contractors, Directors, and Consulting Engineers in all parts of the World. 
While dealing fully with Railway Engineering matters, special attention is also devoted to 
Railway Finance, 

PUBLISHED ON SATURDAY .. eer ose ne ove whi ove 6d. 

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION (payable in advance)— 

Six Months (INLAND) ... £0 13 6 Twelve N Months (INLAND) £1 7 O 
(FOREIGN) . O 18 O (FOREIGN) 116 O 

Office : 91, Temple dhimi eT Avenue, London, E.C. Tel. No.: Holborn, 2106. 


with which is incorporated 



Established over 45 years. Circulation and Influence Universal. 

Weekly, Price 2d.—Subscription Rate, 10/- per annum. 

Advertisement Tariff on Application. 

Offices: —74-77, TEMPLE CHAMBERS, LONDON, E.C. 


jE nex 


It is Published to Amuse, Not to Instruct. 

EVERY ADVERTISER may rest assured that no one announcement in “The 
Smart Set” is dead when the next issue appears. Being all stories THIS 
Magazine is read, re-read, borrowed and lent like a six-shilling novel. 

EVERY READER of ‘‘ The Smart Set” can afford to buy the goods advertised 
therein. It is THE Journal for high-class advertising. 


J. W. MILNE, Published on the 15th. 

Dane’s | H $ ; 
268, Strand, W.C. Advertisement Formes close on the Ist. 

If you wish to extend your connection amongst the wealthy and spending 
classes then advertise in 



The Authority of ‘‘The Statist” is Great. 

Rt. Hon. W. E. GLADSTONE. 


454] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Pn 725, Strand, London. 


Willing’s Press Guide. - (Advertisements. 



The Sussex Dally News is the Leading Journal and Best Advertising Medium in the South-Eastern Counties, 
circulating throughout Sussex and surrounding districts. It has a numerous staff of well-chosen Resident 
Reporters and Correspondents in these Counties, and is extensively read by all classes, and by none more 
regularly than by Professional and Commercial men. Accurate Reports are given of every Local Event. and 
Public Meeting, combined with the latest General, Parliamentary, Theatrical, Sporting, Literary, and Market 
Intelligence. Special attention is paid to Finance, the latest Share Quotations, and Company News. The 
Sussex Daily News contains the Advertisements of nearly all the Public Bodies in the District, and these, with 
announcements of the requirements of advertisers from an area even beyond the South-Eastern Counties, afford 
conclusive proof of its high positiou, wide circulation, and value as an Advertising medium. Serial Advertise- 
ments are inserted upon advantageous terms. . 

Head Office: 130, North Street, Brighton. Telephones—52 Nat., Post Office 1672, and private wire. 


Kemp Town: 12, Bristol Road. Teles. 52 Nat. Lewes: 180, High Street. 
Hove: 142 A, Church Road. and 1672 P.O. EasTBOURNE: 4, Terminus Place. (Tele. 185.) 
WORTHING ; 7, Bath Place. (Tele. 16.) Barre : 67, High Street. (Tele. 11.) 

CHICHESTER : 32, Southgate. (Tele. 16.) Hastincs:: 14, Castle Hill Road. (Tele. 39). 
LITTLEHAMPTON : 8, Terminus Road. (Tele. 14.) East GRINSTEAD : 1, West St. (Teles. P.O. 31 & 31x). 
TUNBRIDGE WELLS: Vale Hall, Vale Road. (Tele. ae Bocnor: Railway Approach. 

HorsHam : 60, West Street. (Tele. No. 4x P.O.) Lonpon : 69, Fleet Street, E.C. (Tele. 2268.) 
ESTABLISHED 1855. *"Phone—Hammersmith, 1451. 

(With Special Localised Editiens for FULHAM, CHISWICK and ACTON). 
CIRCULATE in Hammersmith, Fulham, Kensington, Walham Green, Brompton, West Kensington, 
Earls Court, Knightsbridge, Chelsea, Shepherd’s Bush, Notting Hill, Bayswater, Paddington, 

Kilburn, Willesden, Kensal Green, Brentford, Ealing, Acton Chiswick, Turnham Green, Bedford Park, 
Wandsworth, Putney, Wimbledon, Burnes, Mortlake, Kew and Richmond. 

Prepaid Rate.—Twenty Worps: Once, Is.; 3 times, 2s.; DISPLAYED ADVERTISMENT, (3 editions), 
Once, 3s.; 13 weeks, 2s.; 26 weeks, Is. 9d.; 52 weeks, 1s. 6d. per inch. 

Chief Office: 16, QUEEN ST., HAMMERSMITH, W. 
Fulham Office—Observer House, Effie Road, Walham Green. 


West Sussex Gazette & South of England Advertiser 

TWELVE Paces. One PENNY. Thursday’s Breakfast Paper in South-East England. 

Quite remarkable War Advertising is being done in this Business-Bringing Paper. 

Its War Special, appearing weekly, is the War Triumph of Provincial Journalism, It 
focusses, as no other column does, the historical, political, administrative, and 
executive aspects of each week’s work. 

Printed by Mitchell & Co., Arundel, Sussex, where the Chief Office is situate. The Chichester Publishing 

Office is in South Street; Brighton—55, East Street; Guildford—73, North Street; Horsham—Carfax. 
London—143, Fleet Street, E.C, 


Western Daily Press. "ars 

Several Editions 

Bristol Evening News. [ii 

Oldest Established Evening Paper in Bristel. 
(Ilustrated Weekly). 

Bristol Observer. “3% ma 

These Journals have an extensive circulation in the whole of the Western Counties and South Wales, 
Best Advertising Mediums, Best Newspapers, 

Chief Office: BALDWIN STREET, BRISTOL. London Office :( 59, \PLEET> STREET, E.C. 

Advertisements received toy all the Religious Journals. [ass 

ieee ie 

a ‘e H 

Advertisements. | 

(Proprietors of Bennett's Business Directories), 


Chapel Works, Granville Street, 




Latest News from all parts 
by Private Telegraph Wire 
from London. 

Grand Advertising Medium. 
Large Town & Country Circulation. 



Auctioneers’ Announcements a Speciality. 

Publishing Offices and Printing Works :— 
2; Albert Road, Bournemouth. 

Telephone 1363 Bournemouth: 
eS 2169 Helborn. 


Published Weekly—Thurs. for Sat. 
The only a ean Nursing Journal owned, controlled, 
dited by Trained Nurses. 

we IL Elephone 1712 Gerrard. hone 1712 Gerrard. 


Established 1865. With which is incorporatedA— 


Friday, 5 p.m. Price 1d. 
Every description of Printing executed on the premises 
with neatness and despatch. ’Phone, Batt. 465. 
€. BALDWIN, 83, High Street, Clapham, S.W. 

Fst blished 186 . Telephone 1354 Holborn. 

The Colliery Guardian 

And Journal of the Coal and Iron Trades. 
Published every Friday, price 5d. 
Annual Subscriptions, including Postage— 
(23s. “6d. it paid in advance.) 
28s. Od. 


(25s. if “Pata in advance.) 

(on thin p per) (27s. 6d. if raid in advance.) 

Special Reduced Rates zor Colliery Under-. 
Officials and Students. 

Advertisement Tariff on Application. 


30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. 

‘Telegrams: “ Colliery Guardian, Fleet, London.” 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


The Cornishman and Cornish 
Telegraph, Penzance. 

Cornish Tidings, Penzance. 




Cornish Fost and Redruth 
Effective Advertiser. Camborne. 

St. Ives Weekly Summary. 
The Helston Advertiser. 
The Hayle Mail. 

Read by every class of people in Cornwall. 

The Cornwall County N ews 

á Cornwall s County Paper.” 
The only paper printed and published in 
Truro on Wednesday, the Market day. 

Price td. 

Enfield Gazette & Observer, 

The best printed and most influential 

Weekly Paper in the North of London. - 

Offices: Lancaster Hall, Silver St., ENFIELD. 
Phone: Enfield 170. 


The Great County Paper of Essex. 152 Years Old. 
Published on Friday. Price One Penny. 
(Advertisements taken up to 6 p.m. Thursday.) 


117 Years Old. 
The Second Oldest Paper in the County. 
Published every Tuesday. 

Price One Penny. 
(Advertisements taken up to 6 p.m. Monday). 


. Published every Saturday. 
Price One Halfpenny. 
(Advertisements taken up to 10 a.m. Friday). 


Every Saturday. Price One Halfpenny. 

These papers are the oldest and most popular 
advertising mediums in Essex. 

Head Office—98, High-.Street, Chelmsford. 

456] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

= j . 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


County Conservative Weekly Paper. 

Published Saturdays. 
Established 1823. 96 Columns. Price One Penny. 


Patronised by the Nobility, Ciergy, and Gentry 

throughout Hampshire and Adjoining Counties, 
A splendid Advertising Medium. 


London Office: 69, Freet Street. 
Telephone 1700 Southampton. 2169 Holborn, 

Printers and Publis‘ers : 
Hampshire Advertiser County Newspaper 
and Printing and Publishing Co., Ltd. 

Telephone No. 370. Telegrams : Chronicle, Winchester | 

ESTAB. 1772. 


And General Advertiser for 
Published every Saturday Afterncon by— 
57, High Street. Winchester. 
Price: Unstamped, 2d., or 2s. 2d. per Quarter; by 
Post, 23d., or 2s 9d. per Quarter. 
Sa a a a I TEE OSD 
` stablished 1875 

Circulating in Hendon, Fin. hley, Hamps'ead, Garden Suburb, 
Child’s Hill, Cricklew od, M 11 Hill, Edgware, Kingsbury, Wiet- 
stone, F rtis Green, Stanmore 

P opriet rs—WARDEN x Co, Lti. 

Prepaid Classified Advertisements, 20 Words, 6d.; 3 inser- 
tions, 15. l 

t hief Office—Cturch Road, Hendon, London, N.W. Telephone, 
489, P.O. FINCH! EY, 

Branch Offce—11, Regent’ Par de, Finchley, N. Telephone, 
No. 1053. 

O e of the most independent and successful local Journals in 
the -ounty. 



The recognised Local Family Paper, being the 
leading Journal for the West of London, and the 
oldest established in Kensington. 
Published every Friday Afternoon. Price One Penny. 

Has the largest guaranteed circulation throughout 
Kensington, Notting Hill, Shepherd’s Bush, Bays- 
water, Paddington, Hammersmith, Brompton, Chelsea, 
Fulham, Walham Green, Bedford Park, Chiswick, 
Acton, and Ealing, and is the most influentiat news- 
paper in the western suburbs. 

It contains original articles by eminent writers, with 
all the local news up to the hour of going to press. 

The Kensington News is largely patronised by all 
classes of society, and is thus the most effective 
medium for Advertisements, being the largest paper 
circulated in the districts mentioned 

Proprietors—JAMES WAKEHAM & Co., Lrp. 
Head Office—i18, Church Street, Notting Hill Gate, W. 
Branch Office—Caxton Printing Works, 116, Uxbridge 

Road, W. 
Works: Rabbit Row, Church St., Notting Hill Gate. 

The Lincolnshire Standard. 



Largest Circulation in the County. 


The London Gazette is published every Tuesday and 


Friday Evening. : 
Advertisements should be addressed “Harrison & 
Sons, 45, St. Martin’s Lane, London, W.C.,” and 
must reach them not later than 1.30 p.m. on Mondays 
and Thursdays, as after that time late fees are charged. 
s*a Advertisements may be sent by post. 

(Sent to Messrs Harrigon & Sons, 
45, St. Martin’s Lane), 
Ordinary—6s. for every five lines. 
Parliamentary—ls. 6d. per line. 

Harrison and Sons, the Lendon Gazette Advertise- 
ma Agency, 45, St. Martin’s Lane, Charing Cross, 

The Marylebone Mercury 
; AND | 
West London Gazette. 
Offices: 65, Weymouth St., Marylebone, W. 

The best Local Medium for Advertisements in 
the West End. 

J. MOLLISON SALMOND, Manager and Editor. 
*Phone : 1188 WILLESDEN. 


Is the best Advertising Medium and the 
only Paper circulating in the district 
containing Full and Reliable Reports 
of all Local events. . 

Offices—159, SEYMOUR PLACE, W. 
*Phone.: Pad. 2236. 

M ASTE RY ls the Vibrant Monthly Magazine 
of the New Thought Movement. 
It is a virile and bright exponent of the Philosophy. 
of Optimism, Vim, Vigor, Efficiency and Opulence. 
Individual and Attractive in both the thought and the 
literary treatment of Vital Questions of the Day, its 
book reviews are marked by scholarly discrimination 
and breadth of view. 

An especially valuable medium for Pnblishers’ 
— Annoincem:nis Rates on applicaion — 

Publisher: MASTERY, Spring Grove House, Isleworth, W. 

Established Half a Century. 8—12 pages (7 columns), 

Wednesday & Saturday. One Penny. 


is the recognised Organ for Parliamentary, County 
Municipal, Parochial, Legal, and Professional Notice s 

Head Offices: 61, The Broadway, Ealing, W. 
Branch Publishing Offices: Acton,- Chiswick, 

HEAD OFFICE: BRANCHES: Southall, and Staines. 
Boston. f Horeeke, Telegrems—‘“‘Times, Ealing.” Telephone—7, Ealing 

Adverlisements received tor every Advertising Medium. 


Advertisements. J 

Having Farms in hand should advertise in 
The Midland Counties Herald. 


Seeking Fresh Holdings should consult 
The Midland Counties Herald. 

Throughout the country are regular readers of 
The Midland Counties Herald. 

Readily find Situations by Advert.sing in 
The Midland Ceunties Herald. 


Wanting change of Situation should Advertise in 

The Midland Counties Herald. 

Published at Birmingham every Thursday. 
Established 1836. Price 1d. 


{with which is incorporated the North Herts. and 
South Beds. Journal). . 


A Weekly Newspaper for Hertfordshire 
and Bedfordshire. 



Streatham Dews. 

= et are 

Dorwood Dews. 

Penge-Anerley § 

spdenbam D ews. 

Balbam and 
Cooting Dews. 


Tel.—Sydenham, 687. 

- NEVES & BISGOE, Ltd., Proprietors. 

Hote! and General press Abonnemont et 
Publicite Agence Circulats 

British and American pubiications to the 
principal Hotels of Europe. 


Willing’ s Press Guide. 

ee ee eee" 


Subscriptions to any a bleation speci salty: 

Unique service for dispatch of British papers to tke 
Continent. (Connection established 1870.) 


12, 13, 14, Red Lion Court, Fleet Sireet, 
London, E.G. 

‘The New & Latter House of Israel,’ 

BOOK DEPOT, 119, Camden Rd., London, N.W. 

Publishing Office of “ EXTRACTS FROM THE FLYING ROLL” 
(A series of Sermons adtre:sed to the Lost Tribes of Israel.) 
Sermons T., IL, and IIL, in cloth, giit, 1s. 6d., pott free, rs. 9d. each 
sermon ; in cloth, black lettering, Is,, post tree IS. 3d. each serm n. 
Vol. L ‘(containing the three sermons), roan, gilt lettering and 

edges, 5s. 6d., post free, 6S.. 

“ PIONEER OF WISDOM,” monthly, 14. 

The North-Western District Advertiser. 
Hampstead, Highgate, Holloway, and 



ESTABLISHED PAPER in the Borough. 

The Official Organ of St. Pancras. 

R. & J. WIDDICOMBE, Founders, Proprietors, 
80, High Street, Camden Town, N.W. 
Established 1866. Telephone : "Mayfair 2188. 
DISPLAY 'ADVTS.—52 insertions 1/- per Inch; 

26, 1/3; 13, 1/6; up to Thursday, first post. 
Other advts. (oale on application) up to Fricay, 10 a.m 

Che Salisbury Cimes 

Is the most Readatle and Popular Paper 
circulating in Salisbury. and South Wiltshire. 

Itis the only Liberal Paper in the District, in 
which it has a large and growing circulation ; and 
is, therefore, a splendid medium for advertisements 

| affecting the City, the numerous permanent Military 

Camps in the neighbourhood, and the County gen- 
erally. Salisbury is the shopping centre for a very 
wide district. 

Trade advts.: 9d. inch fer 52 insertions, or 200 
inches. Shorter peiiods in proportion; officiay 

advts. 4d. per line. 
Every Friday—id. Established 1860. 

Office : Dews Road, Salisbury. 

The Somerset County Express and 
Bridgwater Independent t Series, 

2+ nn = A RT | em 

County Town, the important Market Towns of 
Bridgwater, rand & Ball Street, Divine’ and 

Somerset County Express (Taunton), Saturday. . 
Bridgwater Independent & County Press, Saturday. 
Avaiea viaeen? dent, (G aba aS Fi 
valen independen ton and Street), Frida 
Wellington ag pews Wedn onbury )» 7 
Wiveliscombe Express, Wednesday. 

Advertisements inserted in one paper or iiss series. 
Moderate charges. Scale on application. 

Proprietor—Harry Law. 

Head Offices—The Parade, Taunton. 
George Street; Bridgwater. 

458] James Willing, Ltd., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 7 

—= u =—ere A a Fan 

a i 



Anglo-CGentinental Newspapers’ Representative. 

12, 13, 14, Red Lion Court, 
Fleet St., London, E.G. 


Price 1d. Established 81 Years. 
Printed at Taunton on Satutrday (Market Day). 
The recognised County Paper. 

It has the Largest Circulation between Bristol and 
Exeter, and is undoubtedly the best Medium for all 
Classes or Advertisements in that District, especially 
Situations and Servants Wanted. 
Compare its Local Advertisements with those in any 
other paper published within the area of its circulation. 

“The best edited and most influential Local 
Newspaper in South London.” . . . “Best of al ; 
lecal papers.”"—Vide Daily and Weekly Press. . 


A first-class family newspaper, and the recognised 
advertising medium for the South-Eastern and South- 
Western postal districts. Largely made use of for 
legal notices, advertisements of auction sales, announce- 
ments of new companies, and tradesmen’s addresses. 
Friday, One Penny. Editorial, Advt. & Publishing 
Offices, London Road, Elephant and Castle, S.E. 
Tel. Hop. 2662. 


Evening Journal for Hants, Wilts, Dorset, 
and the Isle of Wight. 

Principal Advertising Medium. Hundreds of Wanted 
l * Advertisements. 

ae S, 

Popular County Newspaper. Established 1835. 
96 Columns. Every Saturday. One Penny. 

45, Above Bar, Southampton. 
Offices { 69, Fleet Street, London. 

Telephone—2169 Holborn; 1700 Southampton. 


Monday and Wednesday, price Halfpenny. 
Saturday, One Penny. 

important to Advertisers. 
Che Surrey Advertiser 


SURREY, and circulates in every town and village 

in the County; it has also an extensive circulation 
throughout the Home Counties. 

Che Surrey Advertiser 

is guaranteed to have the largest circulation of any 

paper in Surrey, and is the selected organ for the 

Government, county, municipal, professional, agri- 
cultural, and mercantile notices. 

Scale of Advertisement charges can be had on 
. application. 
Head Office: Guildford. Telephone No. 
Kingston, 353 P.O. 
Faraham, 23. Woking, 63. 

Branch Offices: Kirfgston, Chertsey, Farnham, 
Surbiton, Richmond, Godalming, Woking, 
Dorking, and Camberley. 


_ Advertisements received for all the Trade Newspapers. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


Established 1878. Localised Editions :— 
For Epsom, Sutton, Wimbledon, Wailington and 
Carshalton, and Mitcham. 
Fridays (64 Cols.), Id. The best medium for all 
County Advertisements. 

is generally known in the County of Surrey to have 
and influence, and has maintained a steady and. 
regular growth since its establishment in 1878. Deal- 
ing with most matters of public interest in the interest 
of the public, it is pre-eminently a Family Newspaper, 
and circulating extensively throughout the County 
of Surrey, and in the most populous residential neigh- 
bourhoods in the suburbs of London, effers a splendid 
medium te Advertisers. 

Trade Advertisements :—1/6 Per Inch. 

Legal, 6d. per line. Auction, 4d. per line. : 
Central Office: 26, HIGH STREET, SUTTON, 

Tel.: 4 & 1095, Sutton. Telegrams: “Herald, Sutton.” 

— THE 


Handy Size. — Every Saturday, 4d. 

Ensures immense advantages to general advertisers, 

securing as it does a very large circulation in 

N.E. London, and in the two latter districts a 
distinct monopoly. 

Covers a Population of 260,C00. 
The only Newspaper printed in the above districts. 

Display Advts.—52 weeks, 1/+ per in. per week ; 
26, 1/6; 13. 1/9. 

Smalls (Wanteds)—20 words, 6d. ; 3 consecutive 
times, 1/-. 

W. STODDART & Co., 396a, Hoe Street, 

West Herts and Watford Observer. 

Neutral. Established 1863. 
Every Friday. One Penny. 

Has a circulation four times larger than any paper 
published in the district ; and is the recognised official 
medium for Advertisements. The Observer, besides 
being a County Paper, is the oldest and leading 
Weekly for Watford, West Herts, North-west Middlesex 
and part of Bucks. 


Offices: 101, High St., Watford.. Tel.: 
Circulates throughout the whole of the parishes 
amalgamated in the City of Westminster, and 

deals with the Municipal and Social Life of this 
large and wealthy Borough. 

Published Every Saturday. 
Price One Penny. 


Telephone: 1188 Willesden, 


Halfpenny Weekly. 
Published by the Workers’ Suffrage 
Federation at 

